IRC log for #asterisk on 20071127

00:00.13Linxjust before that you see src=
00:00.20Linxwhich actually lists the path to the file
00:00.34Linxls /tmp/ZReqVsAH6qAeMx6ZUrGWDN==.wav
00:00.41Linx. /tmp/ZReqVsAH6qAeMx6ZUrGWDN==.wav
00:00.43sandorpyea, and I'm wondering if the == is part of the file name an causing a parse error
00:00.45Linxso the file exists
00:01.00Linxthey have always had == at the end
00:01.05Linxeven when it was working
00:01.11Linxeven when we used to use mp3 format
00:01.56sandorphmm, I guess I'm not being much help then  :(
00:02.18Linxjust my brian is fried and I am not sure where to look now for an answer
00:03.07sandorpdon't know but it looks like a problem opening the file and that usually means the file is not there or permissions are too restrictive
00:04.02sandorpand you've checked both so I'm not sure what else it could be ... I'd try dropping the == just for kicks
00:04.34_Sam--i've 'made install' zaptel1.4.6, but when i try to modprobe, i get not found:   root@phone:/usr/src/ast2/asterisk-1.4.14# modprobe zaptel
00:04.34_Sam--FATAL: Module zaptel not found.
00:04.42_Sam--any ideas?
00:04.49Linxthat unfortunatly is something thats put there by openvxi
00:04.53Linxthe vxml browser
00:04.59_Sam--ive even copied the zaptel.ko where its supposed to go, and same thing
00:05.06Linxnot sure how to override what its saved as
00:05.15Linxas its a cache
00:07.25Linxwhat should the sample rate be on wav files?
00:11.09*** join/#asterisk ectospasm (
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00:19.28De_Mondid I miss something?
00:20.07Linxhmmm seems to be wanting wav49 files
00:20.55[hC]anyone using polycom firmware 2.2.0 here with the new "ring" option instead of "beep" for call waiting?
00:32.30*** part/#asterisk csmiga (
00:34.34_Sam--[TK]D-Fender :  lemme know when you get back
00:37.02*** join/#asterisk tripppy (
00:39.54tripppyis it possible for asterisk to use a serial or PCI dial-up modem with or as a phone? (ATA adapter/PSTN)
00:45.35nestArit's possible as a FXO
00:45.40nestArjust not as a FXS
00:47.15tripppyso being possible and a FXO, this allows for what?
00:49.55NavionSo, I set up paging through the console audio port according to the WiKi but is still seems to not work. Anyone have any experience with this?
00:51.45NavionNo ringing generator in a modem...
00:51.45JTNavion: no, the simple answer is it's NOT possible
00:51.45JTnestAr: i meant
00:51.45NavionNo way to supply loop voltage either I guess
00:51.45JTnestAr: it's normally NOT possible to use a modem as an FXS or FXO port
00:51.47JTthere is one pci modem chipset that has a driver to use it as FXO
00:51.54nestAryeah, i have one
00:51.59nestArit works "fair"
00:52.05nestArhaven't used it in a few years.
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00:52.22JTnestAr: it's misleading to tell someone that "yes, you can use random modems"
00:52.32tripppywhats the type model?
00:52.37NavionI think that's the one that the O'Relly book says "Ya you can use it but don't..."
00:52.48tripppylol ok
00:53.11tripppyso i cant use a phone into a modem to call or receive SIP calls?
00:53.24nestArJT: well, i didn't really want to get into a semantic arguement. But ok.
00:54.36JTnestAr: well you were the one answering his question :)
00:54.37nestArtripppy: there is a certain motorola chipset that will work as a FXO, they are probably getting harder to find, and they do not work as well as the Digium FXO card, but they are dirt cheap, i paid $9 for mine.
00:54.46NavionNo way to ring the phone or supply loop voltage to it with the hardware that a modem contains. Forgetting all together that the firmware is all wrong.
00:56.10NavionAnyone have console audio port paging working?
00:56.26tripppyok then., would it be possible if i connected my dialup modem to a PSTN network, call out while using a SIP client on the network?
00:57.06jbotrumour has it, cheap is a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
00:57.17JTtripppy: no, just buy an ATA or PCI telephony card.
00:57.51tripppyyeah ok. just exploring my options i have, i own 10xdialup modems
00:58.08JTyeah, best to forget about them :)
00:58.21[hC]I dont suppose there is an option in asterisk 1.4 to timestamp each line on the CLI output?
00:58.26fujinchuck them out
00:58.33fujin[hC]: not as far as I know, you can log to a file with timestamps thouhg
00:58.40fujinthen obviously you don't get ANSI colour
00:58.55fujin[Nov 27 13:58:47] VERBOSE[10817] logger.c: == Spawn extension (macro-delivercall, sw-54-BUSY, 10) exited non-zero on 'Local/735@agents-651d,2'
00:59.55fujinmy CDR to mysql has mysteriously broken
01:00.36*** join/#asterisk UserReg_CL (
01:00.45Linxwhat should the bitrate and sample rate be for wav pcm files for asterisk?
01:00.53UserReg_CLHi !!! Helpme please :)
01:01.20jbotDon't Ask To Ask. Just ASK
01:01.21Qwellstupid bot
01:01.25Nivexjbot: wake up!
01:01.26jbotACTION throws a barrel-full of ice water on up! and shouts "GOOD MORNING!!!!"
01:01.30jbotrumour has it, lol is stands for Laughing Out Loud. It is grammatically incorrect to use LOL in the first person; use 'heh' or 'haha' instead. If you want to use LOL, do '/me lol' instead.
01:01.35Qwell<LinuxHOW2> help is probably best gained by asking specific questions and providing ALL relevant details about the distribution being used and the software involved and ALL pertinent errors messages!
01:01.48fujinwhat do I need to do to reload cdr_addon_mysql? I can't see it in reload ?
01:01.52UserReg_CLwhat distro linux    your recomend for install asterisk ?
01:01.55fujin[Nov 27 14:01:46] NOTICE[10702]: cdr.c:434 ast_cdr_free: CDR on channel 'Local/735@agents-75ea,1' not posted
01:02.03QwellUserReg_CL: whatever you're familiar with
01:02.07grimsyUserReg_CL: fedora/redhat/centos
01:02.17QwellUserReg_CL: most of the developers use Debian
01:02.18grimsybut yeah, what Qwell  said
01:02.18fujinthat's disgusting
01:02.24fujinplease don't ever suggest a RH derivative ever again
01:02.24Qwellor, a debian of some type
01:02.35Qwellfujin: I quite like suse
01:02.48grimsyi thought asterisk was originally developed on a rh system?
01:02.57UserReg_CLQwell what version debian ?
01:03.02Qwellgrimsy: rh was relevant 10 years ago :p
01:03.05fujintrixbox/a@h was developed on Centos, afaik
01:03.16UserReg_CLCentOS ?
01:03.21jbotcentos is a rebuild of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux RPMs by the community.  Check it out at, or
01:03.43fujinuse debian/ubuntu
01:03.48*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
01:04.27UserReg_CLQwell: your know about AGI ?
01:04.28Qwelljbot: no, centos is a rebuild of a predominant North American Linux vendors RPMs, by the community.  Check it out at, or
01:04.29jbotokay, Qwell
01:04.57Qwelljbot: no, centos is a rebuild of a prominent North American Linux vendors RPMs, by the community.  Check it out at, or
01:04.58jbotokay, Qwell
01:05.05JTjbot.,. centos also comes qith free spinlock kernel bugs
01:05.19Qwelljbot: no, centos is a rebuild of a prominent North American Enterprise Linux vendor's RPMs, by the community.  Check it out at, or
01:05.20jbotokay, Qwell
01:05.33UserReg_CLhave one problem with one very small agi
01:05.43Qwellscrew it, I might as well go marketing
01:05.57Qwelljbot: no, CentOS is an Enterprise-class Linux Distribution derived from sources freely provided to the public by a prominent North American Enterprise Linux vendor.
01:05.57jbotokay, Qwell
01:06.04Qwellstraight from :p
01:06.20Qwelljbot: no, CentOS is an Enterprise-class Linux Distribution derived from sources freely provided to the public by a prominent North American Enterprise Linux vendor.  Check it out at, or
01:06.20jbotQwell: okay
01:06.32Qwell</too much fun>
01:06.48JTcentos is a repackage of an "enterprise" linux distro without any of the support that enterprises want
01:06.59JTin other word, .rpm pain for no gain
01:07.01QwellThey're very careful to not say redhat
01:07.04_Sam--after successful 'make install' of zaptel 1.4.6, and after i rmmod zaptel, i am unable to load new module...root@phone:/var/log/asterisk# modprobe zaptel
01:07.04_Sam--FATAL: Module zaptel not found.
01:07.09jbotsomebody said agi was the Asterisk Gateway Interface...  similar to CGI for web applications AGI lets you script call control and access databases using your favorite language.  AGI wrappers are available for Python (pyst), Perl (astperl?) and other languages
01:07.09fujinJT: well played
01:07.24_Sam--any ideas?
01:07.34QwellJT: well, on the other side of things, you've got Ubuntu
01:07.39fujin_Sam--: it's not in the right place
01:07.43UserReg_CL_Sam: use debian or other distro ?
01:07.45_Sam--ive put it everywehere
01:07.50_Sam--debian (old sarge)
01:07.58fujinYou shouldn't be putting it anywhere by hand
01:08.03_Sam--i put the .ko's manually in the same place as my last ones, just to try.
01:08.15fujincan you 'insmod' the .ko?
01:08.23_Sam--lemme try that
01:08.36_Sam--root@phone:/var/log/asterisk# insmod zaptel
01:08.36_Sam--insmod: can't read 'zaptel': No such file or directory
01:08.42fujinman insmod
01:08.54fujinwhy would you put 'zaptel.ko' in /var/log/asterisk
01:09.02fujinand more importantly, why would you try and use insmod like modprobe
01:09.12fujinmodprobe relies on a local cache of where modules are
01:09.19_Sam--insmod worked.
01:09.20fujininsmod inserts .ko's directly
01:09.29_Sam--i didn tput it in /var/log/asterisk, either
01:09.31fujinso update your module cache
01:09.32_Sam--that was just the wd
01:09.39Qwellrun umm...what's that command?
01:09.46fujinI forget
01:09.51fujindepmod -a
01:10.05QwellI can never remember that one
01:10.11Qwellit should be moddep, imo
01:10.17fujinlol, yeah
01:10.21fujinat least then you could modtap
01:10.24QwellI always try to mod<tab>
01:10.33fujin^5 Qwell
01:10.40QwellI always think "modules-update?"
01:10.47fujinThat's for Gentoo, no?
01:11.01fujinyeah. thought so.
01:11.03fujinGentoo > *
01:11.13JTQwell: what about ubuntu?
01:11.18_Sam--thanks, both.
01:11.26fujinUbuntu is great
01:11.32QwellJT: repackaged debs for the sake of repackaging
01:11.44UserReg_CLHelpme AGI script:  .. Thank
01:11.47Qwell.deb pain for no gain
01:11.54JTQwell: no.
01:11.57fujinI find ubu to have less pain that debian sometimes
01:11.57JTit's not a repackage
01:11.59UserReg_CLis very easy
01:12.05Qwellmuch of it is
01:12.09JTubuntu is a deb based distro
01:12.21fujinJT: alot of it is based around upstream
01:12.27JTthey have put a lot of groundwork into user friendlyness
01:12.35fujinbut yes, alot of work is done in the ubu repositories
01:12.38Qwellgranted, there are a lot more changes than centos
01:12.39JTbut the aim is not to copy a distro and relicense it
01:12.49Qwellsame basic premise though :p
01:12.57JTeh sure, it's linux
01:13.06Qwellsomething like gentoo, however...
01:13.18fujinGENTOO WINS~
01:13.18Qwellcompletely rethought from the ground up
01:13.22*** join/#asterisk remmo (n=junk@
01:13.39fujinQwell: if rethought coutns as 'stole some ideas from bsd'
01:13.39fujinthen sure
01:13.50Qwellthe only thing I wish gentoo had, was official binary builds being available for common USE flags
01:13.53fujinbut I must say, the bsd-style init system of Gentoo is awesome
01:13.59fujinQwell: yeah, that'd be handy
01:14.03fujintime taken vs. time spent
01:14.19UserReg_CLhelpme: agi script no work
01:23.24*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
01:23.40obnauticusIs it possible to plug the pair of my headset port into my computer and use err
01:23.50obnauticusmy sound card and window's settings on it
01:28.29*** join/#asterisk radicall (n=Zynth@
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01:44.24UserReg_CLmmm Thank !!!
01:44.31UserReg_CLfor all ... good bye
01:48.53*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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02:14.10*** join/#asterisk Qb3rt (
02:14.15dijungalhi, i have polycom 430s that keeps restarting on me randomly
02:14.19dijungalany reason why?
02:16.10Qb3rtHi, iam working on an asterisk project for a bank and they want to record every asterisk conversation on a encrypted drive... Is that possible??? How do i encrypt a drive in linux? Is asterisk will be able to write on that encrypted drive??
02:17.07*** join/#asterisk bkruse_home (n=kruz@
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02:19.17simprixHow can I set the tos to 5 in asterisk 1.2
02:21.42dijungalsimprix: ??? huh??
02:21.59dijungalsimprix: tos =
02:23.17*** join/#asterisk csmiga (
02:23.45dijungalhi, i have polycom 430s that keeps restarting on me randomly. Should I update to the latest firmware?
02:26.15*** join/#asterisk Odie_flocon (
02:27.51Odie_floconhello all.
02:29.40*** join/#asterisk znoG (
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02:30.33znoGhey all
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02:32.15znoGin my dialplan, I'd like to allow all SIP/IAX extensions to dial out, only if they're coming from the local network. If the person connects to the Asterisk box remotely, then I don't want to allow outgoing local calls. I thought the way to go would be using AGI and looking at some of the channel variables to determine the IP of the incoming request ... am I on the right track?
02:32.55JTwhy not use a user account for each extension?
02:34.14znoGI have a user account for each extension, but I rather use the same account whether I'm connecting locally or remotely .. hence the AGI idea
02:34.54znoGyou're suggesting to use 2 user accounts per extensions and permit/allow statements, etc?
02:35.37_ShrikEznoG look at function sippeer
02:35.52_ShrikEpull the ip and see if its on your internal network
02:36.48znoGwhat about for IAX? is there something similar?
02:37.06_ShrikEfunction iaxpeer
02:37.37znoGthat was unexpected ;)
02:38.00znoGso to find out if its in my internal network, should I just use some php/perl/python/etc AGI script?
02:38.10JT2 seperate accounts would be ideal
02:38.21JTagi seems like excessive complication
02:38.42_ShrikEOr just gotoif on the results if sip/iaxpeer ip.
02:38.46*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey (
02:38.48znoGJT: yea, the thing is I already have 2 user accounts per extension (SIP/IAX) .. so I'd have to add a third account for connecting from outside ..
02:39.54*** join/#asterisk usam (n=aya@
02:40.16JTsip and iax don't have to have different account
02:40.23JTdon't usually have to have iax either ;)
02:40.52usamHello, i got an request from my consultee that an carrier will send their traffic via TDM, can asterisk handle this? I want to do iax trunking from 2 points
02:41.21usambetween 2 points i mean . .
02:41.30JTusam: you're not making much sense
02:41.32JTit's either TDM
02:41.35JTor IAX
02:41.58znoGJT: they don't? the idea is to use SIP internally and IAX when connecting from remote
02:42.14znoGdue to firewall restrictions, we wanted to use IAX to connect from remote
02:42.40znoGbut I don't understand what you mean by 'sip anx iax don't have to have different account'
02:42.44JTwell if that's the case you already have 2 accounts
02:42.52JTrealtime or users.conf
02:42.53znoGtrue, i was thinking that as I typed
02:43.06usamJT: lets sat carrier A send traffic til me via tdm, i trans-protocol to IAX to another point and trans-protocol tol sip
02:43.10znoGyes, so IAX will be used remotely .. and SIP locally
02:43.13JTwhy can't you allow sip through the firewall?
02:43.15znoGSIP I can restrict internally
02:43.36JTusam: asterisk can connect to PRI
02:43.42znoGJT: well the asterisk box is behind NAT .. and the clients will most likely be behind NAT too .. which, as I understand it, causes firewall hell
02:43.51JTznoG: not if setup correctly.
02:43.54jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
02:44.07usamJT: ok lemme chekc out the PRI stuff then
02:44.16usamthx for the info
02:44.26JTyou portforward sip and rtp to the asterisk box, set externip= and localnet= and nat=yes
02:44.46JTand use qualify=yes and make sure clients register, and they should usually work
02:45.05JTno port forwarding on the client end
02:50.02znoGand the client can be behind NAT without any firewall mods?
02:50.20znoGinteresting ..
02:50.31JTwell obviously there can't be deny rules blocking the traffic
02:50.42JTbut this is how hundreds of ITSPs operate
02:50.54JTthe ATAs they give customers speak SIP not IAX
02:51.02znoGso basically i could bring it down to 1 SIP account .. with some GotoIf magic and SIPPEER to determine where the connection came from
02:51.23znoGso that I can allow/deny outbound local calls
02:55.17*** part/#asterisk simprix (
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03:00.21BlackSlikII have this on my sip.conf
03:00.22BlackSlikNote: If your SIP devices are behind a NAT and your Asterisk
03:00.22BlackSlik;  server isn't, try adding "nat=1" to each peer definition to
03:00.22BlackSlik;  solve translation problems.
03:00.23BlackSlikbindport=5060 ; UDP Port to bind to (SIP standard port is 5060)
03:00.25BlackSlikbindaddr= ; IP address to bind to ( binds to all)
03:00.35BlackSlikbindaddr= ; IP address to bind to ( binds to all)
03:00.36BlackSlikcontext = from-sip-external ; Send unknown SIP callers to this context
03:00.37BlackSlikcallerid = Unknown
03:00.39BlackSlik#include sip_nat.conf
03:00.41BlackSlik#include sip_custom.conf
03:00.43BlackSlik#include sip_additional.conf
03:00.45BlackSlik#include additional_a2billing_sip.conf
03:00.47BlackSlikwhere do i add my sip account details
03:02.11JTBlackSlik: STOP
03:02.16JTstop flooding us
03:02.25jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
03:03.01JTBlackSlik: trixbox/freepbx is not supported here
03:03.09jbot[~trixbox] Trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at
03:03.34znoGJT: am I right with what I'm saying? GotoIf magic and SIPPEER to determine if the outbound call request should be allowed or not?
03:04.16JTyou could, seems like a complete hack though
03:04.27JTmuch better for extensions to be determined via context
03:06.39znoGso one SIP user with permit/deny (internal) and another SIP user with a more restricted context?
03:10.39JTdon't forget you can include contexts
03:12.38*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
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03:13.37the007killerhi everyone
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03:15.26BlackSlikJT sorry for the long paste, Actually this is what i am trying to archive, i have want to install asterisk and Be able to add a sip account to it (Mean while i have no sip device So i want it 2 be kind of vitrual) , and be able to make 10000 outbond calls from the asterisk box with a wav which calls the pstn number at same time
03:16.13the007killerdoes anyone here have experience with compiling mysql with asterisk addons?
03:16.57JunK-Ythe007killer: just make sure you have mysql lib and there you go for compiling ur addon.
03:21.19JTBlackSlik: then delete and reinstall asterisk without trixbox/freepbx
03:21.25JTand take a look at ~thebook
03:21.57JTand i doubt you'll have a provider that can send 10000 outbound calls at once, let alone machine(s) powerful enough
03:22.02jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
03:22.39BlackSlikJT i have a voip account to handle such calls
03:25.36the007killerit seemd to break at the configure part of the asterisk addons
03:25.37the007killerchecking for mysql_config... /usr/bin/mysql_config
03:25.37the007killerchecking for mysql_init in -lmysqlclient... no
03:25.52BlackSlikJT are there anyother tools to use in configuring asterisk on an explorer
03:26.35JunK-Ythe007killer: you need to install mysql lib.
03:27.28the007killerhow do i install that? (im not familiar with centos)
03:27.38JTBlackSlik: how much outbound bandwidth do you have?
03:30.38the007killerwoooooooooooooooo it works
03:30.49the007killersorry been trying to get this to work for 2 weeks now
03:34.25BlackSlikJT is about 500Mb
03:34.29*** join/#asterisk florz (n=florz@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
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03:35.51JTBlackSlik: be more specfic, 500Mbit/s or 500MByte/s?
03:36.02JTBlackSlik: and what cluster do you have to send the calls?
03:37.57BlackSlikJT i am not to technical on the asterisk, all i am lookin at is archiving that either i get someone 2 handle it or i get some who i can pay to tell me step by step
03:38.48JTBlackSlik: it is a massive engineering project
03:38.58JT10000CPS is at the telco level
03:39.11JTand probably an unreasonable request that your customer has made
03:39.30JTwhy do they need so many concurrent calls?
03:39.37BlackSlikwell not 10000 at same time maybe like 100calls to be made like voice broadcasting
03:39.56BlackSlikin a particular time frame
03:39.58JThow many concurrent calls, how many new calls per second?
03:40.28JTthey are different numbers
03:40.33JTwhich question did you answer?
03:41.01BlackSliki answered the concurrent calls
03:41.13BlackSlikthey are different pstn american numbers
03:41.15JTand CPS?
03:41.50BlackSlikCPS means
03:42.06outtolunccalls per second
03:42.27*** join/#asterisk usam (n=aya@
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03:42.41JTi already mentioned it
03:42.47JTbut yes, calls per seconds
03:43.48JTthat sir, is illogical
03:44.01JTyou will have 100 concurrent calls, but 1000 CPS?
03:44.15JTthat means the average call length is 0.1 second
03:44.19BlackSlikyes 100
03:44.22etfonhomeyI'm enjoying this conversation...
03:45.03JTconcurrent calls is usually > CPS
03:45.21BlackSlik100 concurrent calls would be made out with a wav file to each pstn numbers
03:45.41JTconcurrent calls means number of channels used
03:45.49JTat an instant
03:45.53BlackSlikthe wav file size is about 850kbs
03:46.04JTCPS means the amount of new calls commissioned in a seconfd
03:46.52BlackSlikyesi do understand sir
03:47.31JTif your calls have any real material length i suggest you check your figures of 100 concurrent and 1000 CPS
03:48.10BlackSlikokay, what about the script that makes this calls which my major problem
03:48.35JTthe problem is that the figures you gave made no sense
03:48.41*** part/#asterisk Linx (
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03:49.28BlackSliklike what figure u think could be a perfect ideal
03:49.42*** part/#asterisk honeybeebuzz (
03:50.38JTwell the CPS rate needs to be less than the amount of channels used, and exactly how much less depends on the length of calls
03:50.49JTi thought you knew what the requirement was
03:53.14BlackSlikthe length of the call is about to be made is about 49 seconds
03:55.56*** part/#asterisk dijungal (n=kdaniel@
03:56.05fujinhey, quick question
03:56.16fujinI'm using a crontab to pull a dial number out of a db, and goign to store it in a file
03:56.24fujinwhat's thd best way to pull that into a $VARIABLE for asterisk?
03:56.49JTi don't understand the question
03:57.13fujinfile "blah" contents are "1021921741"
03:57.22fujinI want 1021921741 into ${dialout}
03:57.32outtolunc'store it in a file' assumes a 'call file', if so, read (Variable:)
03:57.40fujinno, not a call file
03:58.10fujinjust a flat text file so that if the db is down, calls will still work
03:58.16fujincalls to this variable anyway
03:59.03fujinany ideas?
03:59.05outtoluncthat is 2 different questions
03:59.22DarkRiftI'd put it as a global variable in the extension rather than reading a file for 1 line
03:59.37outtoluncif you just want to write info you gleened from a db to a flatfile, that has nothing to do with asterisk
03:59.38fujinThat's also not what I want.
03:59.44fujinYes, it does.
03:59.50fujinI want asterisk to be able to read the file which contains the information
04:00.06fujinI guess I can use func system, but that's dirty.
04:00.23outtoluncwhy not just use the asterisk DBget/put support?
04:00.29fujinThat doesn't do what I want either.
04:00.32*** join/#asterisk LakeSolon (
04:00.39JTfujin: use csv
04:00.39fujinJesus, way to complicate what i'm trying to do. Read a string from a text file into a variable
04:00.51fujinJT: it's just a single string
04:01.09fujincomma seperating a single value doesn't seem right
04:01.41JTSystem maybe
04:01.52fujinI guess system will do it cleanly enough.
04:02.42*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
04:02.49fujincan I set the output of system to a variable
04:03.08DarkRiftI was looking at it
04:03.11DarkRiftExample 4
04:03.20DarkRiftAfter example 4 rather
04:04.01fujinWhat, security?
04:04.08DarkRiftThe example under that
04:04.16DarkRiftexten => 200,1,Set(CALLERID(NAME)=PG&/bin/echo BADIDEA > /ROOTED.txt)
04:04.39fujinYes, and?
04:04.42fujinThat doesn't do what I need.
04:04.54fujinI need to read the contents of a file as a string into a ${variable}
04:05.05fujinnot set a variable to attempt to exploit System()
04:07.23DarkRiftWell as I don't know much on if you can store the content of System to a var, looks like agi doesn't look like a bad idea or ODBC text driver might be able to do it (but that one I have no idea how to make read calls for it)
04:08.32fujinNevermind, I'll use my script to generate some content to #include and then 'ael reload'
04:20.14*** join/#asterisk alephcom (
04:21.45*** join/#asterisk perf3kt (
04:22.27perf3ktdo the hardcore asterisk guy recommend the digium training?
04:23.55fujinAh. The joys of bash.
04:23.58fujinperf3kt: no
04:24.18grimsyfujin: he said hardcore ;)
04:24.48fujinI'm pretty hardcore.
04:25.09grimsythe hardest
04:25.32perf3ktso, the alternative
04:25.33fujinUp there, anyway.
04:25.44perf3ktI mean I wanna get into reselling
04:25.44fujinperf3kt: read the documentation that accompanies the source tarball, idle here
04:25.50perf3ktand eventaully support
04:25.55fujinlearn2asterisk then
04:27.16perf3ktyou guys are tons of help
04:27.32Nuggetthe documentation is even more helpful.
04:27.45jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
04:27.50perf3kti got the book
04:27.54perf3ktI've read the book
04:27.59fujinYou haven't stumbled upon a gold-mine of telling you how to make money
04:27.59perf3ktthanks though
04:28.13fujinlearn2asterisk , get good at it, sell it
04:28.17fujinreselling what by the way?
04:28.23perf3ktwell I'll tell ya like this
04:28.27fujinreselling something you got for free? (doesn't that just make it selling?)
04:28.33perf3ktnot everyone is hardcore, linux
04:28.40fujinThen they're doing it wrong.
04:29.09*** join/#asterisk usam (n=aya@
04:29.14perf3ktguess i'm wasting my breath here
04:29.34fujintry #trixbox
04:29.36fujinor uh
04:29.37fujinthat other one
04:29.59perf3ktI know them all I wouldn't come here if I didnt' want to ask the asterisk comman line guys
04:30.11fujinso, what's the problem?
04:30.14fujinyou're asking the wrong questions?
04:30.20fujinasterisk training = build a system
04:30.35fujinGood day. I'm off home.
04:31.39perf3ktis the new edition of the book out?
04:31.54[TK]D-Fenderperf3kt, that is the 2nd edition
04:32.01alephcomfujin: that's the easy part.  The tough stuff starts when something breaks badly
04:32.14jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF
04:35.41*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
04:35.45perf3ktI think you all just hate n00bs
04:36.04*** join/#asterisk fnordus (n=dnall@
04:39.52[TK]D-Fenderperf3kt, You just need to put a hold on this line of questioning, and just go and get your hands dirty with Asterisk.
04:40.20perf3ktwell my hands have been dirty, honestly
04:40.21[TK]D-Fenderperf3kt, We promise that by the time certain individuals around here are through with you, you'll never feel "clean" again ;)
04:40.43perf3ktit jsut is frustrating to run into hurdles of learngin abotu the dependencies, and builds and linux to get to astersisk
04:41.02perf3ktnot to mention distro's
04:41.04[TK]D-Fenderperf3kt, ..... thats layed out in the first chapter of the BOOK :)
04:41.18[TK]D-Fenderperf3kt, and falls rather firmly under the category of "oh please!"
04:41.34perf3ktbefore ever getting to a asterisk build, well it may be better in the 2nd, but it wasn't in the 1st
04:42.10[TK]D-Fendernow that link was for 1.2, but its not terribly different.
04:42.39Nuggetseems like a nutty complaint, to be honest.  as far as software goes, asterisk has very few dependencies.
04:42.53[TK]D-FenderAND its all in the book so anyone who is still "wondering", quite frankly hasn't gotten off their ass to profit from the free distributed works of others :)
04:43.07perf3ktwell everyone isn't use to linux and dependenceis and yums and tarballs
04:43.14perf3ktbut hey guess that is the nature of the beast
04:43.23perf3ktnot complaining just was asking about training that is all
04:43.26[TK]D-FenderNugget, and has strangly brought us such a wealth of co-dependant people ;)
04:43.37perf3ktI think that is a legtimate request being not very knoledgable and all
04:43.38Nuggetif you had trouble with "./configure && make" then what exactly do you expect will be your "V" in your hypothetical "VAR" selling asterisk?
04:43.48[TK]D-Fenderperf3kt, If you don't know linux at all well... sorry, there is no mercy for you...
04:44.14[TK]D-FenderNugget, Vallium!
04:44.25Nugget"R"s don't do very well in the marketplace.  The "VA" part is pretty crucial.
04:44.57[TK]D-FenderNugget, VA implies deeper telecom & linux knowledge for real specialization.
04:45.41NuggetLook, nobody denies that asterisk can be confusing and complicated and nearly all of us are in here because at some point we ran into a roadblock we couldn't sort out on our own.
04:45.51CunningPikeperf3kt: Clearly, you have never built something like sguil from source, if you think asterisk is hard
04:46.00Nuggetare you SERIOUSLY telling us that for you that roadblock was compiling the freakin' program?
04:46.07Nuggetthat's documented about twenty ways to sunday
04:46.23Nuggeton dozens of websites and in a really great book
04:46.57perf3kti'll just got get the book and crawl into a corner
04:46.57Nuggetthe only logical explanation is that you've spent no actual effort to get it working, so why the heck should we (helping you get started)?
04:47.12perf3ktthat isn't logical
04:47.17Nuggetof course it is.
04:47.25Nuggeteither that or you're a total moron, which is unlikely.
04:47.32Nuggetsince you're articulate and managed to get an irc client working
04:47.42Nuggetso we're left with "lazy" as the probably explanation
04:47.49Nuggeter, "probable"
04:47.56perf3ktno, I'll tell you the situation
04:48.05perf3ktabout 6monyths ago I started into this
04:48.11perf3kthad the first edition
04:48.14perf3ktdid alot of reading
04:48.18perf3ktstarted looking online
04:48.34perf3ktstarted into the base asterisk from source, got it going
04:49.02perf3ktthen I saw that the gui based did all of that in one cd, one step, I said why am I busting my balls
04:49.25perf3ktspending countless hours on yums that weren't working
04:49.29perf3ktand etc
04:49.47[TK]D-Fenderperf3kt, because those cookie-cutter distros make you do things in its tiny limited little way.
04:49.49perf3ktthen I went to those and got somethings working, calls, ivrs, etc
04:49.51[TK]D-Fenderperf3kt, thats why
04:50.10perf3ktbut realizing that I didn't have a full understanding I came back here
04:50.15[TK]D-Fenderperf3kt, If any chump can have their "miracle" setup with just a few clicks... who needs **YOU**?
04:50.26[TK]D-Fenderperf3kt, your "value" has just EVAPORATED
04:50.32perf3ktto ask for a definitive way from command to do it
04:51.06perf3ktwell its being sold at trixbox, at elastix
04:51.39[TK]D-Fenderperf3kt, yes... but who needs YOU then?  These are GUI'd dead-ends that have nothing to do with your skill and are locked to their way of thinking.
04:51.44perf3ktand they've even bought a couple of your command line buddies to make it work and support it
04:52.26[TK]D-Fenderperf3kt, Those that just want a cookie-cutter setup, sure, go enjoy Trixbox/etc.  For those who want real control and to do "intersting" stuff... THOSE are the ones that will learn to roll their own.
04:52.43perf3kthonestly that is what I'm trying to figure out, what is the difference, what is the value of the command line vs the gui
04:53.24perf3kti mean its no secret that the gui can be sold
04:53.42perf3ktcompanies and sellers find value in the gui
04:53.56[TK]D-Fenderperf3kt, Just look at the extremely limed call flow capabilities that FreePBX gives you.  There you have it.  Not even a multi-tennent capability.  How about call-back systems?  If I want to route calls based on time of day, weatcher in Istabul and divide by the score of the last Lakers game?
04:54.12[TK]D-Fenderperf3kt, Yes, gui can be sold, but it undervalues YOU.
04:54.45perf3ktbut there is a market for sellers and for supporters
04:54.51perf3ktand I thnk that is what the seperation is
04:55.02[TK]D-Fenderperf3kt, well, we've layed out the cards, pick your hand an live with it.
04:56.00[TK]D-Fenderperf3kt, buy if you have issues even satisfying *'s dependencies to install, then that might say something about what you should be considering.
04:59.14[TK]D-Fenderperf3kt,  Anyways enough diet-harsh reality for you....
05:00.13*** part/#asterisk tripppy (
05:00.30CrazyTuxWhats the special extension for invalid/timeout
05:00.34CrazyTuxi, and t?
05:00.40CrazyTuxversion 1.4
05:04.46[TK]D-FendercrazyTux : yes
05:04.59[TK]D-FendercrazyTux :hasn't changed.  Ever
05:05.18CunningPikeSomeone really should document those
05:05.24CunningPikeIn a wiki or something
05:05.28CunningPikeOr maybe a book
05:05.34[TK]D-FenderCunningPike, Or a book!  I bet that'd sell!
05:05.43CunningPike[TK]D-Fender: ;-)
05:06.39CrazyTuxYou guys think I don't RTFM?  I do, just when things don't work as expected, I just like to get a second opinion.
05:06.59CunningPikeCrazyTux: Yes, but then ask question related to it!
05:07.11CunningPikeThen folks can help
05:07.55CrazyTuxAlright Question A), TIMEOUT(response) --- does this include AFTER audio for "Background", etc has been played, during, etc?
05:08.14[TK]D-FendercrazyTux : following the END
05:08.28CrazyTuxQuestion B) -- why the hell is my TIMEOUT(response)=10 ... not hitting the t stdexten ?
05:08.43CrazyTuxI get auto failthrough channel, status unknown....
05:08.59[TK]D-FendercrazyTux : Guess you'd have to pastebin your whole IVR for us to validate.  You don't think we TRUST you do you? :p
05:09.15[TK]D-FendercrazyTux : Well tahts because you left autofallthrough =yes! :p
05:09.35[TK]D-FendercrazyTuxand the second your exten ran out your call DIES
05:09.48[TK]D-FendercrazyTux : welcome to 1.2 :)
05:09.52[TK]D-Fender(let alone MORE)
05:10.36[TK]D-FenderNEXT!@!@ (c) BKW
05:10.38JunK-Yi dont really see the need of still using 1.2
05:10.44CrazyTuxLets see here.... autofailthrough, what do you mean with the whole "trust" ? lol.  I have no problem pasting this 10 line IVR, pretty simple.
05:10.50[TK]D-FenderJunK-Y, just stating when this change came in
05:11.38[TK]D-FendercrazyTux : no need.  your fallthrough says that you did not set "autofallthrough=no" in [general]
05:12.18[TK]D-FendercrazyTux : So go change it and apply your changes.
05:15.24CrazyTux[TK]D-Fender, nothing changes
05:15.32CrazyTux[TK]D-Fender, same results
05:16.38CunningPikeCrazyTux: pastebin your dialplan
05:16.41jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
05:17.05*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
05:17.13[TK]D-FenderCunningPike, no need.  I've already pointed out the culprit immediately.
05:18.43CrazyTux[TK]D-Fender, actually, that was it :)
05:18.47CrazyTux[TK]D-Fender, thanks.
05:19.02CrazyTux[TK]D-Fender, I thought originally you meant set it TO yes.
05:19.42[TK]D-Fender[TK]D-Fender> crazyTux : Well tahts because you left autofallthrough =yes! :p <--- nope
05:19.59[TK]D-FenderI hide things... in the big print ;)
05:20.01CrazyTux[TK]D-Fender, yea, :) -- realized that.
05:20.38CunningPikeAll's well that ends well
05:22.32*** join/#asterisk the007killer (n=the007ki@
05:23.26[TK]D-Fenderalrighty... I'm off to get a decent nights sleep
05:23.32CrazyTux[TK]D-Fender, sleep tite.
05:23.40CrazyTux[TK]D-Fender, don't let the bed bugs bite.
05:23.54*** part/#asterisk Odie_flocon (
05:29.55*** join/#asterisk Knobber (
05:32.07KnobberHello, I have a problem, there is probably a very simple solution, but it is driving me crazy. I am writing an AGI script to rate calls when 'h' extension is called. The only thing I can't pass to the script is the number dialed prior to the h extension being called. Ideas?
05:45.48JunK-Yare you running DeadAGI?
05:46.12JunK-Yu need to ignore sighup
05:50.25KnobberYes I am running DeadAGI
05:51.04KnobberEverything works, but I am not sure what will pass the Dialled extension to the script.
05:51.23Knobber${EXTEN} results in 'h'
05:52.50KnobberSay I dial '1234567', then hangup, I can pass dialed seconds, etc etc to my script fine, but not that actual dialed number, being 1234567.
05:55.34JunK-Yi dont understand what you are trying to do.
05:56.34KnobberI am trying to rate a call on hangup based on the number dialed.
05:57.07KnobberI cannot work out how to pass the number dialed to my AGI script once the 'h' extension has been called.
05:57.58KnobberI can pass the source, dialedtime, answeredtime etc, I just cannot pass the dst.
05:58.08KnobberAs I am not sure how.
06:02.18*** join/#asterisk zeeesh (n=zeeesh@
06:10.47KnobberI have just figured a work around, but I don't like it, as I believe there would be an easier way
06:12.04KnobberWork around is to create an astdb key of: ${EXTEN}/UNIQUEID when call is being passed
06:12.46Knobberthen when h extension is called, to get the UniqueID from astdb, extract the destination number, then remove the key
06:18.52*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
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06:26.55alephcoman option is to not have it in the dialplan at all.
06:27.10alephcomWe use an asterisk module to call a script when a call is hungup.
06:27.27alephcomIt's entirely seperate from the dialplan but we can pass what we need for variables.
06:32.58*** join/#asterisk jarod14 (
06:38.52Knobberalephcom: Do you have any examples of this script I could look at?
06:39.21*** join/#asterisk rati (n=rati@
06:39.21Knobberalephcom: Module rather
06:42.27alephcomThe source code for the module is gpled.  I'm not sure who the original author is but there's an updated copy in the astpp sourcecode
06:42.49alephcomthe code is attributed there.
06:43.06alephcomI believe there's also a text doc outlining how to call it.
06:43.25*** join/#asterisk bintut (n=bintut@
06:45.58bintutanyone tried a fax passthrough over iax2?
06:46.28nestAri did it over SIP worked great
06:46.39nestArnever had a IAX device to try it with
06:49.33bintutnestAr: care to share how you did it?
06:49.55*** join/#asterisk oej (
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06:52.34nestArbintut: bought a sipura ATA, set it up, plugged a fax machine into it, pointed a DID to that sip channel and started faxin'
06:56.29*** join/#asterisk harpal (n=Harpal@
06:58.22bintutnestAr: ah, i see.. thanks. =)
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07:07.34alephcomKnobber: If you need a hand with it grab me sometime
07:14.06zeeeshi m unable to hear my voice msgs ... getting this msg "[Nov 27 11:57:33] WARNING[30321]: app.c:598 __ast_play_and_record: No audio available on SIP/702-09b67578??
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08:05.26CrazyTuxHey guys.
08:05.37CrazyTuxIs there a way to do fileexist, type command, then action if true / false in asterisk?
08:06.34*** join/#asterisk cjk (n=loic@
08:07.31cjkhi, how can i configure my routes in a way that pbx/asterisk/pbxconfigurations/getfiles users controller pbxconfigurations and action pbx_asterisk_getfiles?
08:07.37cjkups wrong channel
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08:32.48zeeeshvoicemail.conf ... still unable to attach wave file .. getting msg "Recipient names must be specified"? what does it mean
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08:36.35zeeesh"Recipient names must be specified" where shud i mention the recipient name ?
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08:39.37loompekhi ppl
08:39.42loompeki've got a little ol question
08:40.07loompekSayNumber() only works for integers... not for floating point numbers
08:40.15loompekSayNumber("SIP/7-08217ae8", "274.75")
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08:57.47badcfeis there a way of restraining allowed codecs for sip but without any preference order from asterisk?
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09:03.37mort_gibbadcfe > disallow=all, allow=ulaw
09:09.16*** join/#asterisk Grnd-Wire (n=grundofw@
09:09.40Grnd-Wiregood evening! Does anyone know anything about Swift, or app_swift?
09:11.09CrazyTuxHe guys --- need some help with manager.conf / AMI / originating a call.
09:12.26tzafrirCrazyTux, we need some help helping you without specific details
09:13.54*** join/#asterisk R1ck (
09:14.49Grnd-Wiretzafrir: heh - If I give you specific details, can you help me with swift?
09:16.16tzafrirIIRC swift is already packaged with some distributions
09:16.21tzafrire.g: with Debian
09:16.33tzafrirwith others you may need to install it yourself
09:16.47Grnd-Wiretzafrir: I'm just getting started.. I am running CentOS 5.. I just isntalled the voice from Cepstral's website..
09:17.09Grnd-WireWell that's my question - some of this information seems REALLY old, so I don't know what to believe, and what will even still work with * 1.4 ?
09:17.38CrazyTuxtzafrir, ok, I simply want to, originate a call to a local extension, and, connect the two.
09:17.40Grnd-WireThe app_swift instructions don't seem to make sense for 1.4 .. and it was written for Asterisk 1.0.x which makes me wonder.
09:17.57CrazyTuxtzafrir, i.e. exten => foobar,1,Playback(some-audo)
09:17.58tzafrirhmm... I must have confused Swift with another porgram
09:18.15Grnd-Wiretzafrir: Text to speech stuff?
09:18.34tzafrirthere's also another one
09:18.52Grnd-Wireyeah, Cepstral's product is infinitely better than Festival sounds..
09:19.11Grnd-Wirehmm - flite, but that is festival lite.. I would presume it sounds about as bad.. ?
09:19.19R1ckhello. I have a Siemens telephone system with about 20 stations, at what point in the telephone architecture should I place an Asterisk system if I want it to handle all my incoming/outgoing calls?
09:20.06R1ckcan it be hooked up like any other station or should it come before the Siemens device
09:20.35Grnd-WireR1ck: You would probably want to put it right in front of your Siemens.. interface to it with a T1 board..
09:20.57Grnd-WireThe siemens will see it like the phone company..
09:20.59R1ckGrnd-Wire: ehh, whats a T1 board? :)
09:21.34Grnd-WireR1ck: wow.. You're going to need to get a consultant to work with you, especially since it will probably involve installing hardware in the siemens switch as well.
09:22.05CrazyTuxtzafrir, i.e. I want to simply connect, an originated, end peer point, to an extension, all locally.
09:22.17R1ckGrnd-Wire: oh. I was hoping i could just install Asterisk on a server with a modem, and redirect all incoming calls to that modem's extension number
09:22.29CrazyTuxtzafrir, so, I would want to connect user Foobar-UserA, to channel that has opened exten => foobar,1,PlayBack()....
09:22.42mort_gibR1ck modems wont work....
09:23.08Grnd-WireR1ck yah, you're talking about specialized voice hardware.. How many lines do you have coming into your current switch?
09:23.28*** join/#asterisk Naeem (n=chatzill@
09:26.24mort_gibR1ck> You need special hardware to interface with your telco, if you want to handle all incoming outgoing calls, in which case the Asterisk server will have to sit in front of your Siemens PBX
09:26.57R1ckGrnd-Wire: about 5 i think
09:27.20mort_gibR1ck, you would then need special hardware to be able to pass calls from Asterisk to your Siemens box (Grnd-Wire is right) you might even need to change your Siemens setup
09:27.29Grnd-WireR1ck: Why are you even wanting to do this? What do you hope to gain? What are your expectations?
09:27.55mort_gibR1ck. I bet he wants to strat routing calls over VOIP :-)
09:28.11CrazyTuxAnyone have any test examples of manager.conf / AMI / etc.
09:28.19R1ckI want users to be able to call from their pc's, and to accept calls on their pc's, and to have a menu kind of thing that customers calling us, have to go thru before they reach the right department
09:28.21mort_gibMost commercial PBX's charges you an arm and a leg for that!
09:28.22Grnd-WireThat is certainly a legitimate configuration..
09:28.52Grnd-WireR1ck; I think it's going to be important to contact someone who can work with you to design a system that will do what you need.
09:29.34Grnd-WireR1ck: What you are asking for is certainly possible, reasonable, and sane.. but there's a lot of variables, and a lot of questions that need to handled by someone who is familiar with the specifics of your system, and the call flow in your office.
09:29.35R1ckGrnd-Wire: what would that person need to do? I want to learn how to work with Asterisk myself
09:30.06R1ckI can start with Asterisk handling just a single line
09:30.28R1ckcould that be done with one modem, or do I still need "special" hardware?
09:30.34Grnd-WireR1ck: Well, if you don't know what a T1 board is - I have doubts that you have a good handle on the technical portions.. PLUS - do you know how to change programming on your siemens?
09:30.44R1ckI do know a company I can call for the siemens related stuff
09:30.56mort_gibR1ck: there is a steep learning courve, selecting the right hardware is/can be uhm a challange
09:31.04Grnd-WireR1ck: Absolutely not.. You're looking at about $200 for a single port card.. but it won't pass any caller ID information..
09:31.27R1ckGrnd-Wire: so what is this T1 card? I'm dutch, maybe its called something else here
09:31.28Grnd-WireR1ck: You need to involve me from the START, because you'll be working around limitations in that switch..
09:31.43Grnd-WireR1ck: heh.. E1 card then..
09:31.54Grnd-Wireack.. Involve me.. I meant "em"
09:31.59R1ckwell what does it do?
09:32.31mort_gibCarefull, you need to know how your local telco offers lines...
09:32.51Grnd-WireR1ck: It lets you stick 29 (for an E1) conversations through a single little digital cable.. rather than needing a big bundle of cables (and ports) to do the same thing..
09:32.55R1ckwe just got this idea to want to do this, and I heard about Asterisk, so I'm just looking into the possibilities of doing this ourselves
09:33.12mort_gibE1's are fine but sometimes really expensive
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09:33.57Grnd-WireR1ck: Like I said, it's a great idea.. but you absolutely must talk to someone who knows the entire equation.. If you get into thise without ALL of the facts, you will end up in a bottomless hole of a project - it'll keep taking money, time, and equipment.. and still not work the way management expects it to
09:34.00mort_gibR1ck> not a bad idea, but a consultant can fast track you to a working system, If you have the time you will be fine
09:34.42Grnd-Wiremort_gib: The siemens would interface to Asterisk through an E1 card I would hope.. How Asterisk gets to the PSTN is indeed a consideration for the consultant to address..
09:34.51R1ckok. well I gotta go in a meeting but i'll be back later :)
09:34.58R1ckthanks already for the time
09:35.05R1ckmuch appreciated
09:38.25zeeeshvoicemail.conf ... still unable to attach wave file .. getting msg "Recipient names must be specified"? what does it mean
09:38.36zeeesh"Recipient names must be specified" where shud i mention the recipient name ?
09:38.44mort_gibGrnd-Wire: I'm not an expert on Siemens systems :-)
09:39.00mort_gibSounds right though, also sounds expensive!
09:40.08*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Nothing@
09:40.33Dr-Linuxhow can i send DTMF once call is bridged?
09:41.31Grnd-Wiremort_gib: Well you can get a dual T1 board for Asterisk for ~$600 or so.. The Siemens module could be two or three times that much after installation, and all of the configuration..
09:41.57Grnd-WireThe best thing he can hope for is find someone who can program his Siemens that knows how to configure an Asterisk dialplan, and knows how to configure Zaptel devices.. :0
09:42.09Dr-Linuxquestion: what option i can use in Dial command to senf info. Any option other than CallerID and extension?
09:42.31Dr-LinuxGrnd-Wire: any advice?
09:42.56mort_gibBut you are right! He needs help, only sometimes these project can only be sold if the local IT dept can do it all
09:43.17mort_gib-If we can control our PBX ourselves then we can...
09:43.24mort_gibBeen there!
09:43.40Grnd-Wiremort_gib: heh.. yeah - Well that's the sort of services I offer to my clients.. I do voice, data, WAN, and conventional phone systems.. :)
09:43.57Grnd-WireDr-Linux: I'm not even seeing your question.. Hit me again..
09:44.19mort_gibGrnd-Wire: Yeah? i do much the same, just started on Asterisk though....
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09:47.40Dr-LinuxGrnd-Wire: i wanna send different infos with Dial command to other end, AFAIK, i can send CallerID and extension, what else option i can use to send info?
09:48.35Grnd-WireDr-Linux: Who are you calling? When calling someone on the PSTN, caller ID is the only thing you can change - and even then, most providers don't let you change that.. Some do though, I know Voipstreet will let you.
09:48.42*** join/#asterisk Steven_elvisda (n=Steven_E@
09:49.06Dr-LinuxGrnd-Wire: i'm calling on SIP/host
09:49.52Grnd-WireDr-Linux: I'm still no tunderstanding you.. You're on a SIP device, and who are you calling? Is it another SIP device that is on  your local Asterisk server?
09:50.44Dr-LinuxGrnd-Wire: i've asterisk server and using sip i'm sending call to other SIP switch
09:51.15Dr-Linuxlemme give you example here:
09:52.13Dr-Linuxexten => 333,1,Dial(SIP/host/${EXTEN})
09:52.43Dr-Linuxso before this i can set callerid and as callerID i can send some info/digits
09:53.01Dr-Linuxthen other thing is ${EXTEN}
09:53.18Grnd-WireAre you asking if you CAN set other things, or are you TELLING me that you can?
09:53.20Dr-Linuxthat's what SIP switch will recieve
09:53.39Dr-LinuxGrnd-Wire: i'm asking you
09:53.53Grnd-WireDr-Linux; ok..
09:54.08Dr-LinuxGreggB: bcoz i wanna send 3 type of infos to SIP switch
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09:54.31Dr-LinuxGrnd-Wire: i'm not that bad with such things, but mybe you could suggest me some good things
09:54.42Grnd-WireDr-Linux: Go there - at the bottom of the page they give an example of how to change your outgoing CID before you initiate the dial command.
09:55.20Dr-LinuxGrnd-Wire: that's pretty easy to change - that's one option using what i can send info
09:56.12Dr-Linuxi wanna send 3 parameters to SIP switch
09:56.20Dr-Linuxcallerid can do one for me
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09:57.35Dr-LinuxGrnd-Wire: can i use callerid(num) and callerid(name) both with different options
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09:58.08mort_gibGrnd-Wire: Still here??
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10:00.54Grnd-WireDr-Linux: yes, that's the idea
10:01.08Grnd-Wireok guys - Gotta go.. Have a good night!
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10:22.17yangI experience the following problem when calling
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10:47.40E-bola2Can anybody help me with the OSS/dsp channel? Im trying to use pickup2 to pick it up, but the channel state is 0 even if its ringing
10:47.47E-bola2Doesnt channel states work for the console channel?
10:48.09E-bola2Shouldnt it be in state 5 when its ringing?
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10:56.41agxAnyone had experiences with mobotix camera M10 and voip? it seems that does not respond to options so i've to turn off qualify; anybody can confirm?
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11:01.14CrazyTuxHey guys
11:01.36CrazyTuxSay I dial one of my users extensions, how can I switch, what response happens i.e. busy unavailable, etc.
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11:08.26mostyuse the ${DIALSTATUS} or (ugh) priority jumping
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11:32.11E-bola2can anybody tell me how i use the mixer comamnds in oss.conf to increase volume of the console channel?
11:32.18E-bola2i cant find any examples or documentation on how to do that
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11:55.28BockBilboany of you know of any good voip provider wich outgoing callerid support?
11:56.21ai-aBockBilbo: eh, you might want to specify which country.
11:56.31ai-athen we can say we dont live in that country.
11:56.44ai-aand why not use google for researching this.. or your local telco / library for information
11:56.54BockBilboim using google
11:56.57smithjin soviet russia, contry specifies YOU
11:57.07BockBilboand i've just found one provider
11:57.10smithj(sorry, couldn't resist)
11:57.44smithjo rly?
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11:58.23smithjnot that i'm terribly concerned one way or the other, just a point of fact :)
11:58.45ai-aactaully it feels so cold here i could be in russia.
11:58.55smithjpft. you're talking to an alaskan
11:59.00ai-aim actually closer to BockBilbo. being in England
11:59.35ai-aBockBilbo: you can have free incomming landline numbers in uk / germany from
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11:59.52smithjBockBilbo: anyway. it being voip and all, another solution is to get a number in  another country
12:00.02BockBilboai-a i dont need a landline number
12:00.26ai-athen use their voip outgoing pay/as/you/go
12:00.50BockBilboright, but not all of the providers show  the caller id
12:00.51yangI can offer free calls in the testing period, is anyone interested?
12:01.15BockBilboi mean, when i call someone i want him to see on his phone that it's me who's calling
12:02.48smithjBockBilbo: thats why i was suggesting going with a non-spainish provider. your call will seem to be comming from, say, england or the united states but no one will care since to them it is an incomming call and "international
12:03.00smithj" voip calls are usually almost as cheap as "domestic"
12:03.22smithjer... spanish
12:03.22zerocod3ryang I need for testing purpose
12:04.22BockBilbosmithj see... i've found a provider called Carpo, which doesn't have cheap rates but offers the opportunity to show your real telephone number as the call origin when making phone calls with them
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12:04.36BockBilboi need something similar but cheaper if possible
12:04.43smithjoh, you want to spoof it so that it shows your cell or landline or something?
12:06.35smithji don't know how much carpo is, but it may be cheaper to get whatever the lowest-cost voip is and then use a third party to spoof the caller id... someone like
12:06.39BockBilboi want it to show my landline number even though the phone is being made from other origin
12:07.00smithj$0.10/minute or $24/month. and the way the us dollar is now, thats about 0.10 euro
12:07.09smithjor maybe a wee bit more
12:08.26BockBilbomm that's not exactly what i want...
12:08.30BockBilbobut thanks anyway
12:08.47smithjwell, i've go no other potentially useful advice
12:08.50smithjso i'll stfu :)
12:12.51hi365does anything need to be done to enable ajam at build time??
12:14.43hi365when i try to access my_ip/static-http/ajamdemo.html and click login i get error: 404: not found
12:14.53hi365(asterisk 1.4.11)
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12:17.22ai-ahi365: read the user comments -.
12:17.38ai-aalso,,, googling ajamdemo 404  found loads of hits.
12:27.30myiagyhi, i'm having trouble here with an Audiocodes MP202, it replies 400 Bad Request when asterisk tries to send mwi notify to it.. i checked
12:28.17myiagythen i removed the (0/0) in chan_sip.c, recompiled, did a debug, the notify is exactly like the bug report says it should be to work with cisco.. apparently, that's not enough for this audiocodes
12:28.54myiagymailbox= is set for all sip accounts
12:29.18myiagyany ideas?
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12:36.50Dr-Linuxhi guys
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12:52.36agxis there a way to have a different SipAddHeader for every forked call when using Dial or Page with "SIP/snom&SIP/grandstream&SIP/sipura&SIP/yuxin&SIP/mobotix" ? i wish to set a specific Ring Tone for every different branded model on calls incoming from external
13:02.38R1ckso, i'm back ;)
13:03.17tzafrircoppice, even with a simple sample A4 tiff fax, I get a fax (through a zaptel loopback) hung forever
13:03.33tzafriraudio keeps getting sent
13:03.49tzafrirI got a 12MB sound file from monitor
13:03.58tzafrirmostly in one direction
13:04.10tzafrirbefore I used soft hangup
13:08.21coppicethat's sad
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13:10.38mostyagx, you could do that with chan_local
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13:11.06agxmosty yes, wanted to avoid have a context for "intercom calls" and "external ring calls"
13:11.30zeeeshconfiguring voicemail still could not get success to send wave file as an attachment to somewhere@hotmail or ... right now getting this erro "[Nov 27 18:16:23] NOTICE[467]: cdr.c:434 ast_cdr_free: CDR on channel 'SIP/ivan-082805a8' not posted" and "[Nov 27 18:16:37] WARNING[467]: app.c:598 __ast_play_and_record: No audio available on SIP/test-b7d0a350??"?
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13:11.51mostyagx: normally you set the ringtone on the phone itself
13:12.27mostyzeeesh, what codec is the call?
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13:13.53zeeesh<mosty>: if u asking in sip.conf .. i think i did't specified there .. shud i specified alaw or gsm ?
13:14.11agxmosty, i already have distinctive ringtones but the syntax is different for every brand of phone :)
13:16.36mostyagx: if you want uniform behaviour with something that's non-standardised then i recommend you pick one brand/model/range of phone and stick to that
13:17.34agxmosty, hehehe, impossible, you should know
13:17.58mostythen you will need to have a messy dialplan, most likely
13:18.53agxmosty, n.p. i don't have a dialplan, just 3 AGI that handle all
13:19.20mostys/dialplan/agi/ then
13:23.11loompekis it possible for asterisk to connect with netcentrex?
13:23.31mostywhat is netcentrex?
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13:24.20loompekan AT&T of some sort...
13:24.20zeeeshvoicemail configuration: getting 1st error " WARNING[652]: chan_sip.c:2963 sip_call: No audio format found to offer. Cancelling call to ivan "?
13:24.45loompeki keep getting
13:24.48loompek[Nov 27 14:20:37] NOTICE[13543]: rtp.c:1279 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 96 received from [...]
13:26.59mostyloompek, what codec is it configured to use?
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13:28.57mostyzeeesh, which codecs do you allow for that sip account?
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13:29.15zeeesh<mosty>:ulaw gsm
13:30.37zeeesh<mosty>: sorry just "ulaw" and "alaw".
13:30.57mostyand what codecs does the sip client support?
13:32.49zeeesh<mosty>: using xlite and i think its supports both
13:33.41NirShey all
13:33.43NirSI'm having a really funky AGI problem
13:33.48NirSanyone with good AGI experience ?
13:35.18loompekmosty alaw
13:37.11[TK]D-Fenderzeeesh: by this point you shuold already have pastebined a failed call with SIP debug enabled so that we can see whats happening.
13:42.16zeeeshvoicemail configuration error: This content is stored as
13:46.31[TK]D-Fenderzeeesh: try AGAIN.
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13:48.53awkhmm, anyone had issues with sangoma card and pass through.. the ability to get a clean signal for fax to mail?
13:49.01awkI never get any delivery with pass through
13:49.33cjkhi, is it possible to make junghanns bri card run with the misdn channel driver?
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13:49.45awkyes why would u want to though?
13:49.49awkrather use bristuff
13:49.58VJFROMGTcan someone tell me what the "outisbusy" command does?
13:50.00awkor use a sangoma bri card then u dont need to use bristuff and can just use wanpipe
13:50.04cjkawk, bristuff just sucks. no honestly its a pain in the ass to get it compiled
13:50.15awkcjk i dont have that issue
13:50.16awki find it easy
13:50.19awkand use it all the time
13:50.29cjki used it on gentoo and worked great
13:50.54badcfeim doing more than one invokations of Dial() in my dialplan.  is it possible to get a CDR created for each of tham?
13:50.55cjkbut now on debian it causes problems
13:51.14awkon a polycom phone is there a way to see if somebody is logged in as an agent or not
13:51.25awkcjk wow on debian its a s simple as ever
13:51.30badcfei now have a cdr-custom but there is only one CDR per incoming call (access), not per invokation of Dial
13:51.33awkI build those boxes on a daily basis
13:51.38[TK]D-Fenderawk: A few hackish ways
13:51.55awk[TK]D-Fender oh? know of a site i can see these ways
13:52.01awkreally need to try find out...
13:52.35[TK]D-Fenderawk: 1. use the microbrowser.  2. Make a script that polls your agents and updates a Custom DeviceState flag watched by Presence.
13:52.53JThow rewarding it is to rebuild your laptop
13:53.12JTthat was at least 40 or 50 screws :/
13:53.48cjkawk, ok how do you do on debian
13:53.54cjkwhich kernel, which bristuff?
13:53.55loompekdoes asterisk support h323?
13:54.06awk[TK]D-Fender have you got a scipt that does this and can pickup the hints?
13:54.16awkcjk every kernel ive used
13:54.27[TK]D-Fenderawk: You use normal buddy watch to pick up hints.
13:54.37awkjust make sure you have the header files installed and sym link it to /usr/src/linux-2.6
13:54.55awk[TK]D-Fender so that will be able to pickup a hint if a agent is logged on or not
13:55.04cjkawk, you use 1.2 or 1.4?
13:55.10awkcjk both
13:55.19awkbut rather stick to 1.2 for now as bristuff are slow on updates
13:55.24awkand have a stable 1.2.24 release finally
13:55.36VJFROMGTwhere can i edit my macros?
13:55.41awkcjk in future use a sangoma bri card and u wont have that issue with using bristuff again
13:55.53cjkawk, sangoma has bri cards?
13:55.56awkVJFROMGT well in your extensions file
13:55.58awkcjk yes...
13:56.05awkthey new but work great
13:56.53cjkawk, what about the digium bri?
13:56.59awknever knew they had one
13:57.06badcfeapparently the CDR gets posted when the calling channel hangsup.  i want it generated once the Dial application finishes.  how may i accomplish that?
13:57.26NirShey all
13:57.37awkbadcfe why?
13:57.46NirSanyone encountered an issue with AGI not being able to run AGI commands?
13:57.47NirSin version 1.4.14 ?
13:58.03mostybadcfe, when the calling channel hangs up, the dial command does finish, doesn't it?
13:58.06badcfeawk: because i have one call into * that does more Dial
13:58.07awk1.4.14 is a fup of a release with a fup with rt not working properly
13:58.11VJFROMGTawk > I want to edit the macro itself, ie, i want the macro "outisbusy" act differently
13:58.31awkbadcfe huh?
13:58.33badcfeawk: and i need facturation for each of his Dial
13:58.39NirSawk, do you suggest downgrading ?
13:58.47awkbadcfe u mean a transfer call that initiates dial twice yes
13:59.13badcfeno transfer(), its dial()
13:59.22awkim talking about a transfer call
13:59.25awkit iniates dial twice
13:59.33awkif you want to view it realtime use asterisk manager
13:59.37awkand grab the cdr's from there..
13:59.40badcfehe does dial() and when the callee hups, he may initiate yet a dial() to another target
14:00.07mostybadcfe, that is two calls, not one, isn't it?
14:00.16awkNirS: not sure.. I had to on a few sites.. due to a number of issues
14:00.22badcfei need CDR generated for each one of his dial()
14:00.23cjkawk, do you know what this is ? /root/bristuff-0.4.0-test4/zaptel-1.4.4/wctdm24xxp.c: In function ‘wctdm_init_one’:
14:00.33NirSwell, lets try it out
14:00.58awkbadcfe use the manager then...
14:01.00awktelnet to it
14:01.04badcfemosty: thats what i think too, but as its only one incoming call navigating in the dialplan, only _one_ CDR is generated
14:01.29awkcjk I need to a bit more of the error than that...
14:01.33mostybadcfe, when the caller hangs up, that is the end of the call right?
14:01.50badcfebut i also want a CDR when dial() is done
14:02.07badcfethats is .. when the callee hangs up
14:02.18mostyfor what purpose?
14:02.25awkso ffs use the nocdr function then
14:02.36awkif you want to limit what u want
14:02.49badcfecause my dialplan is so that in one incoming call the caller may invoke more dial() sequentialy
14:03.07mostyawk, badcfe wants two cdr's for a single call, not zero
14:03.49cjkawk, ok, im trying to compile zaptel  can i query you?
14:03.52awkmosty so use 2 custom cdr's.. and pipe them..
14:03.52badcfeyes.  for one single incoming call yes.  cause the dialplan is surch that more dial() may be effectuated and must be facturated each of them
14:04.22badcfecuston-cdr is up and running, but the CDR pops up only when the caller hups.  not per dial() as i need
14:04.35awkbadcfe use the manager
14:04.41awkcjk dont fucking flood me
14:04.43awkuse pastebin
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14:18.22awkwhat does ls -al  /usr/src show?
14:18.30awkdoes it have a sym link to your kernel?
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14:27.28flujanguys, someone running 1.4.14 on slackware 12?
14:36.24awkdo people still use slackware?
14:36.54coppicepeople still use DOS
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14:38.52alrsI went to a job interview last month where they were deploying rails apps on slackware
14:39.02coppiceI have 8" floppies of that, if you need them
14:39.34coppiceI remember seeing rails applications on DOS. British Rail's applications
14:39.40alrsit was only semi-weird, since the rubygems people are semi-hostile to anyone's package management other than their own
14:39.41*** join/#asterisk techie (
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14:44.58sandorpcan someone help me figure out why call transfers are not working for me when I use x-lite to answer a call?  it looks like asterisk is not listening for the buttons pressed on x-lite;  I thought I'd made the changes necessary to make it listen to DTMF, but am obviously wrong:
14:47.13*** join/#asterisk stse (
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14:50.12[TK]D-Fendersandorp: go verfiy taht DTMF is picked up at all from your X-Lite.
14:50.20[TK]D-Fenderkjashwdsasd typing failure
14:51.23sandorp[TK]D-Fender: how would I check?  I know I can make outbound calls
14:51.28*** join/#asterisk freezey (
14:51.31codefreezezeeesh: you can ignore the not posted message. single-channel cdrs, unanswered, aren't posted. Just put in a fix involving an extra config file opt for this.
14:52.02[TK]D-Fendersandorp: Access voicemailmain or swomething.  Dialing a call doesn't mean anything.  your phone passes taht exten direct and has nothing to do with DTMF
14:52.09*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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14:53.24[TK]D-Fendersandorp: and please pastebin your features.conf
14:54.20sandorp[TK]D-Fender: I see entries when I dial login/password for voicemail
14:54.40[TK]D-Fendersandorp: So you can fully cruise the VMM menu?
14:54.48stseHi! I'm using Asterisk 1.4 and have snom IP phones (320 and 360). Hints are registered in extensions.conf. If I subscribe to a certain SIP number with my Snom, I see the light blinking, if someone calls the number, or a steady light, if this person is talking. What I would like now is, that I can see the number of the caller in the display and can pickup the call by pressing the blinking light. Any hints how I can do this?
14:55.04sandorpI can pick up voicemail, delete it, etc.
14:55.18*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
14:55.21[TK]D-Fendersandorp: Ok, please pastebin your features.conf now.
14:56.20[TK]D-Fenderstse: For that you'd have to modify your extens so taht it checks if the device is ringing first and then do a "pickup" of some sort (look this up on the WIKI).
14:56.54[TK]D-Fenderstse: 1 app that might help is "ChanIsAvail.  I know you can use this to see if its in use, but I'm not sure about other states.
14:57.02[TK]D-Fenderstse: Go take a look.
14:57.11[TK]D-Fenderstse: Especially under the presence pages.
14:57.43coppiceah, the Mystic Meg pages
14:59.38[TK]D-Fendersandorp: do "core set debug 10".  That should let you see DTMF being detected IIRC.
15:00.01[TK]D-Fendersandorp: Make  sure * sees it coming in.  Then you may have to check the speed at which you press the feature digits
15:00.49*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
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15:02.53stse[TK]D-Fender: as I said, the light at the Snom *is* blinking. Manual pickup via the pickup extensions is working.
15:03.22[TK]D-Fenderstse: the trick is to have * verify the ringing status when you dial their exten.
15:03.48[TK]D-Fenderstse: Because I doubt you can tell your phone what do dial based on that state.
15:04.01*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
15:04.26[TK]D-Fenderstse: this would be something actually do-able on an Aastra with a feature request I'd bet.
15:04.50stse[TK]D-Fender: I think there is something available in newer firmwares. For now I am more interested how I can display the caller id of the number in the display.
15:05.13[TK]D-Fenderstse: CID of the person calling that exten?
15:05.18[TK]D-Fender(device rather)
15:05.49sandorp[TK]D-Fender: * is not seeing anything I press on x-lite;  btw: the caller can hear the digits being dialed with x-lite
15:06.21[TK]D-Fendersandorp: Make sure * & x-lite are both on RFC2833
15:06.35*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
15:06.58stse[TK]D-Fender: yes. Let's say, Person A is calling Person B and I am subscribed to B's number. My snom light is now blinking, but I don't see who is calling Person B.
15:07.23[TK]D-Fenderstse: oh boy.... no sane way on the phone I can think of....
15:08.40[TK]D-Fenderstse: I can picture all o fthis through a web-based console (FOP does all this already IIRC), but there is no phone-based way for that.
15:10.57stse[TK]D-Fender: There was something like this in * 1.2.x. When I had the old version running, in my scenario above my snom showed "From B to B" which was quite useless, but * was capable of doing this without big magic.
15:11.13R1ckif I want an incoming call to be handled by Asterisk, what kind of device do I need in my computer for an isdn line, will a isdn modem work or do you need a card like the Digium TE120P ?
15:11.56*** join/#asterisk dijungal (n=kdaniel@
15:12.48dijungali have some polycom ip430s that keeps rebooting spontaneously, any reason why?
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15:15.38Mw3R1ck: TE120P is for PRI, do you need BRI or PRI ISDN ?
15:16.22*** join/#asterisk jstew (
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15:17.17R1ckMw3: ah. I guess I need BRI
15:17.55jstewI'm having major issues with my tdm400p and via chipset. I'm about to scrap this mobo and get a better one. Any recommendations (for socket AM2)?
15:18.21Mw3R1ck: where are you?
15:18.34R1ckMw3: Duiven, Netherlands
15:18.37jstewI'm kind of looking at mobos with the nforce 4 chipset. yea or nay?
15:19.03Mw3R1ck: for BRI you can use digiums 4 port BRI card
15:19.27Mw3R1ck: or you can get some cheap hfcpci or avm fritz 1 port card and try misdn
15:20.56R1ckMw3: so, after getting it, Asterisk can use it to accept/redirect calls to different clients?
15:22.12*** join/#asterisk techie (
15:22.50Mw3R1ck: yes. but if you have point-to-point BRI with more than 2 channels, then you will need a multiport card. you can find BRI cards on for example
15:23.14*** part/#asterisk jarod14 (
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15:23.39R1ckMw3: hmm, what exactly is meant by point-to-point?
15:25.08*** join/#asterisk nny (
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15:25.50sandorp[TK]D-Fender: I tried adding a sip peer in sip.conf to force dtmf mode to rfc2833 per the docs I found; not sure what to change/check on x-lite side;  still not working  though
15:26.41nnyIf i wanted 101 to ring as well, how would I do so with "exten => s,2,Goto(people,100,1)".. sorry such an easy question I know..
15:26.57nnyfeel stupid for having to ask
15:27.36[TK]D-Fendernny: "core show application dial"
15:28.15nny[TK]D-Fender: in console?
15:28.37[TK]D-Fendernny: yes
15:28.38nny[TK]D-Fender: nm ty
15:28.40[TK]D-Fendernny: * CLI
15:32.22*** join/#asterisk JayTee52 (
15:32.54nny[TK]D-Fender: i have the book with me as well. I thought there was something I could do to  exten => s,2,Goto(people,100,1)
15:32.54nnyto have it ring both "people" 100 and 101 at the same time
15:33.04*** join/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
15:33.07nnybut I can't find it atm
15:33.13[TK]D-Fendernny: that is not "simultaneous.  That is AFTER
15:33.16*** part/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
15:33.35[TK]D-Fendernny: go read DIAL's instructions for how to ring multiple DEVICES simultaneously.
15:33.35nnyso how do I make it simultaneous?
15:33.51*** part/#asterisk nny (
15:33.54sandorpnny: are you looking for Dial(people&100&101,,)
15:35.50sandorp[TK]D-Fender: I tried adding a sip peer in sip.conf to force dtmf mode to rfc2833 per the docs I found; not sure what to change/check on x-lite side;  still not working  though;  was adding a peer to sip.conf the right thing to do on the * side?
15:36.06[TK]D-Fendersandorp: and on "debug 10"?
15:36.25sandorpyes, I have debug set to 10
15:36.57*** join/#asterisk qdk (
15:37.05[TK]D-Fender(core debug)
15:38.52dijungalhi, is it a problem to connect 20 of my phones in the office to asterisk on the same 5060 port?
15:39.11dijungalwill this cause any audio issues or signaling issues?
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15:41.11__freedom__loverhey, someone knows how can i detect a calling that the callee pays the called?
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15:42.32sandorp[TK]D-Fender: * just isn't seeing anything I press with x-lite after x-lite answers;  my sip.conf snippet and log:
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15:48.55funkyhippyHi Guys, I've just installed Asterisk Business Edition. How do I go about updating the install? Can't see any info in the manual just mentions you get regular updates
15:49.40funkyhippyand there seems to be no package manager installed
15:50.21sandorpfunkyhippy: not sure this is the right forum for that question since that "package" is a digium product, if I recall correctly
15:50.24[TK]D-Fenderfunkyhippy: Something you should ask Digium support as thats a ditro question and you paid for it
15:51.39funkyhippyok its just that in the docs they list this channel as means of support! lol never mind I'll try digium cheers.
15:52.09*** join/#asterisk Trionnis (n=blah@
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16:06.03variable_officei tried recording and combining calls into one file, but the two different channels would always be off kilter
16:06.10variable_officeany ideas?
16:08.11*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
16:08.19[TK]D-Fendervariable_office: How are you doing it?
16:10.02variable_office[TK]D-Fender, Monitor(wav,/home/apsadmin/${TIMESTAMP}:${CALLERID(num)}:${EXTEN})
16:10.22variable_officethen i had the one flag to merge, but i turned it off
16:10.26[TK]D-Fendervariable_office: "show application mixmonitor" <-
16:10.41sandorp[TK]D-Fender: I tried using SJPhone softphone and it claims to be using RFC2388; caller can still hear every digit dialed on softphone; seems * is just not listening
16:11.16*** join/#asterisk quelo (
16:11.40[TK]D-Fendersandorp: Ok, I'm out of ideas for the moment...
16:11.44Trionniskinda like my wife
16:11.46Trionnisnever listens
16:11.58variable_office[TK]D-Fender, that doesnt even show the combination flag
16:12.01sandorp[TK]D-Fender: thanks for trying
16:12.16[TK]D-Fendervariable_office: this doesn't NEED one.
16:12.23[TK]D-Fendervariable_office: MIXmonitor
16:12.47variable_officeah, is mixmonitor new to 1.4?
16:13.05[TK]D-Fendervariable_office: No, 1.2 or perhaps earlier
16:14.17*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
16:14.19_Sam--1.0.9 and up
16:14.31variable_office[TK]D-Fender, does it work well? had any problems with it?
16:14.44[TK]D-Fendervariable_office: works fine, no issues to date
16:14.54*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
16:15.24variable_officewas the monitor combination flag known to have issues?
16:17.04[TK]D-Fendervariable_office: dunno... it does call Sox, so your version may be a factor...
16:18.04*** join/#asterisk nny (
16:19.03nny[TK]D-Fender: after further research, I have my DIAL defined in a seperate area, which basically reads exten => s,1,Dial(${ARG2},20) where ARG2 is defined in [people] under exten => 100,1,Macro(stdexten,100,SIP/100)
16:19.03nnyexten => 101,1,Macro(stdexten,101,SIP/101)
16:20.21*** join/#asterisk klictel (
16:20.59[TK]D-Fendernny: So look at your dial in CLI as it gets called, and read dials instructions again to see how to ring multiple devices
16:21.30*** part/#asterisk sandorp (
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16:22.32nnyk reading
16:23.33variable_office[TK]D-Fender, how come it wasnt added with ${TIMESTAMP}
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16:24.18[TK]D-Fendervariable_office: because maybe that variable is deprecated.....
16:24.27variable_officeappears to be
16:25.10variable_officeany idea on the replacement?
16:25.39nny[TK]D-Fender: if i read this right, the ability is built in as defined by  Dial(Technology/resource[&Tech2/resource2...][|timeout][|options][|URL]):
16:25.39nnyThis application will place calls to one or more specified channels.
16:26.00ManxPowervariable_office: There is a super secret document located in /path/to/src/asterisk-1.4/doc/channelvariables.txt  BUT DON'T TELL ANYONE!
16:26.15[TK]D-Fendernny:  Yes
16:26.45variable_officeManxPower, thanks for keeping me in the loop
16:27.14nnyso Dial(${ARG2},20&(${ARG4},20))?
16:27.21nnymeh thats not right
16:27.43*** join/#asterisk yangvnc (
16:27.48nnyobviously regardless I need to define both prior to
16:27.52ManxPowervariable_office: there are many secret documents there.  The Asterisk Secret System Horde Order Linking Everyone has lots of docs.
16:28.03*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
16:28.06nnyManxPower: lol
16:28.20ManxPowernny: Try to get it working WITHOUT macros and variables forst.
16:28.39Dovidhi. out of no where my asterisk box started rejecting all inbound calls. i restart of asterisk fixed it but I am trying to understand why. The error i got in the CLI was: Insufficient information for SDP (m = '', c = '')
16:28.55*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
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16:29.03ManxPowerDovid: what version of asterisk?
16:30.46DovidManxPower: It happend out of no where. I did not want to wait to see what the issue was so I restarted asterisk. I am trying to figure out what went wrong.
16:31.34*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
16:31.40ManxPowerDovid: upgrade to the latest 1.2.x before trying to diagnose the issue.
16:32.43DovidManxPower: I wish it was that simple. I dont have control over that (goto love corporate).
16:32.52ManxPowerDovid: it sucks to be you.
16:32.54Dovidi want to know why all of a sudden it happend. what caused it et.
16:33.02ManxPowerI try not to manage a system I can't change.
16:33.17ManxPowerbecause then it's not management, it's just suicide.
16:33.37*** join/#asterisk nohup_ (
16:33.40nohup_hello! :)
16:34.21DovidManxPower: I agree. Do you know of any issue in 1.2.18 ?
16:34.31nohup_i'm looking for a way to call 2 lines, and then connect the two together... (it's supposed to become a site on which you can enter your own number, and a destination number... )
16:34.47nohup_and it'll be using SIP, connecting to my local asterisk server...
16:34.54[TK]D-Fendernohup_: lookup "call files" and "AMI originate" on the WIKI
16:34.56ManxPowerDovid: You would have to check the detailed changelog in 1.2.x latest to know if anything is obvious.
16:34.57jbot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
16:35.31nohup_okay, i'
16:35.34nohup_ll check that
16:36.00Trionnissounds familiar :)
16:37.52[TK]D-FenderTrionnis: shh ;)
16:39.15Trionnishi russell
16:39.18Trionnishow goes it
16:40.16Trionnissince you're here, are there any docs on the http interface to AMI?
16:40.18*** join/#asterisk ZPertee (
16:40.27Trionnisusage hints, etc?
16:40.46russellbheh, um ...
16:40.48jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF
16:40.57Trionnisnot in there, it's sitting on the desk behind me
16:41.02russellbthat's the best overall asterisk documentation that exists IMO
16:41.26Trionnisas usual, voip-info is wrong to
16:41.32russellbi can't in good conscience recommend anything other than that, and the stuff that is in asterisk itself
16:41.47Trionnisthey're saying "show http" will give info, and it doesn't exist
16:41.47russellbas you said, the wiki is quite often misleading and just plain wrong
16:41.58ZPerteeI have been surfing the web and I stil haven't been able to figure out how to route incoming pstn calls through different contexts.  I know how to do this with voip but not with pstn
16:42.28russellbManxPower: lol ..
16:42.29nestArthe wiki is typically just right enough to point you in the direction you need to be..
16:42.33Dovidrussellb: What would cause asterisk to all of a sudden reject incoming calls and displays in the CLI: Insufficient information for SDP (m = '', c = '')
16:42.36ManxPowerThe Wiki is a useful resource as are the mailing list archives, but both of those tend to have much outdated and outright wrong information.  You really need a good grounding in Asterisk before you use those resources.
16:42.48DovidManxPower: I am going through the change logs now
16:42.55*** part/#asterisk csmiga (
16:43.06jameswfjbot: book
16:43.07jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF
16:43.43ManxPowerThere have been days where I've sent 5 messages to the mailing lists, all correcting some major wrong information someone said.
16:43.45jameswfanyone have a free no windows needed ebook reader for blackberry?
16:43.48nestAri think part of the problem of the wiki is just maintenance, due to constant changes in asterisk.. this is depreciated, this is is new, etc. etc..
16:44.09russellbnestAr: yeah, it's tough to document a moving target
16:44.43ManxPowerrussellb: and yet the docs in asterisk-1.4/doc is amazingly up to date.
16:44.56e`how can I try to being troubleshooting poor voice quality? some users have been reporting crackling and poor voice quality on inbound/outbound calls
16:45.13jboti heard qos is Quality of Service, a great source of information is located @
16:45.32Dovidrussellb: Sorry to be a pest. did  u see my question to u ?
16:45.46*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
16:45.57Trionniswow, codec isn't in there?
16:46.04*** join/#asterisk arpunk (n=0xc0ff33@
16:46.08jameswfyeah that sucks lol
16:46.09arpunkhi all
16:46.11arpunkhow can I match a number that the local users can call (*9000 and also external users as 8099239000) ?
16:46.46[TK]D-FenderTrionnis: I'll get around to it :)  I've done almost all of the others!
16:47.01Trionnisthat's why I'm suprised
16:47.02russellbDovid: don't know
16:47.09TrionnisI figured that would be one of the first ones you did
16:47.30[TK]D-FenderTrionnis: No, its extremely rare anyone asks about that.
16:47.45russellbjbot: codec is muahahaha ... no useful information here!
16:47.46jbot...but codec is already something else...
16:47.49Dovidrussellb: I am trying to track it down. I dont fully understand that error. Any way you can explain it to me ?
16:48.05russellbDovid: no, especially since you're not using a supported version
16:48.16Trionnisit's broken now
16:48.23Trionnisgood job Russell
16:48.28Trionnisyou killed it!!
16:49.01[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: I'll get around to that one shortly :)
16:49.20*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
16:49.29Dovidrussellb: supported as in 1.4.X and up ?
16:49.35jameswfjbots dead?
16:49.46russellbDovid: correct
16:49.51jbotEvery moment in which I'm called upon is torture.
16:50.11jbotit has been said that audio is usually a codec issue. start with trying to set 'disallow=all' and 'allow=alaw' in sip.conf or the channel's config file if not using sip
16:50.11russellb~thwack [TK]D-Fender
16:50.13jbotACTION beats [TK]D-Fender on the eye with a UNIX Manual
16:50.29Trionnisby a machine, no less
16:50.29jameswfjbot: kill
16:50.35russellb~hug [TK]D-Fender
16:50.36jbotACTION jumps into [TK]D-Fender's lap and huggles and *hugs* [TK]D-Fender
16:50.55[TK]D-Fenderjbot: ~areyouadog ?
16:51.05[TK]D-Fenderjbot: areyouadog
16:51.06jbotBark! Bark!
16:51.18*** join/#asterisk duki (
16:51.29jameswfjbot: kill newb
16:51.30jbotACTION shoots a charged quark gun at newb
16:51.48jameswfjbot: eat poo
16:51.49jbotACTION slurps up all the poo available
16:52.42nnyso  exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/100,20&SIP/101,20)
16:52.42nnyShould call 100 and 101 right?
16:52.56[TK]D-Fendernny: Nope, read the formating again...
16:53.06Qwellit'll call SIP/100 for 20&SIP/101 seconds
16:53.20nny<--- shoot me
16:53.26Trionnisjbot: kill nny
16:53.26jbotACTION shoots a ionized pseudomeson gun at nny
16:53.26Qwelljbot: shoot nny
16:53.27jbotACTION shoots nny in the foot with a phase pistol!
16:53.31[TK]D-Fendernny: Sorry... don't do guns any more :)
16:53.34TrionnisI was faster ;)
16:53.38nnylol yeah taze me
16:53.40Qwell[TK]D-Fender: jbot does
16:53.54*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
16:55.50*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
16:56.10Dovidjbot: kill jbot
16:56.10jbotACTION shoots a super-inverse fluxpositrino gun at jbot
16:56.33Dovidlooks like suicide
16:58.20nnyexten => s,1,Dial(${ARG2}[&SIP/101],20)
16:58.26nnythat look any better?
16:58.35nnyexten => s,1,Dial(${SIP/100[&SIP/101],20)
16:58.58nnynaop damn
16:59.09nnyexten => s,1,Dial(SIP/100[&SIP/101],20)
16:59.51*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
17:00.18[TK]D-Fendernny: no [].  Those shoulw you the order of optional parameters...
17:00.20nnyspaces damnit
17:00.39nnyjbot: kill nny
17:00.39jbotACTION shoots a inverse positrino gun at nny
17:00.48[TK]D-Fendernny: Ok, lets speed this u.. you're trying at least. exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/100&SIP/101,20)
17:01.06nnyheheh ty, i was so close
17:02.06nohup_i'm confused... do i need to tell asterisk to accept those files in /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing
17:03.53nohup_oh wait, it was a permissions thing :)
17:05.38ZPerteeany suggestions for free/cheap sip DID
17:08.16nohup_thanks, [TK]D-Fender.. wiki has been really helpfull :)
17:08.26nohup_and now it's dinnertime! :)
17:08.45*** part/#asterisk arpunk (n=0xc0ff33@
17:10.43[TK]D-FenderZPertee: ...
17:10.46jbotfrom memory, cheap is a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
17:11.01jbothmm... ygwypf is You Get What You Pay For.  If the sole factor in your decision to purchase a product or service is that it's cheaper than everything else out there, don't be surprised if it's also worse in every other respect than everything else out there.
17:11.13Dr-Linuxi've two question about caller ID. 1, how many digits i can set as callerID, is there any limit?
17:11.33Dr-Linux2, can i use callerid(num) and callerid(name) both with different options
17:11.36[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: on PST there is a limit.  12 or 16 I think
17:11.42mort_gibHow good is FreePBX
17:11.54jameswfmort_gib: depends
17:11.56[TK]D-Fendermort_gib: good at WHAT is the question...
17:12.07Dr-Linuxi see
17:12.10Corydon76-dig15 chars on PSTN
17:12.21Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: can you help with my 2nd question?
17:12.38yangvncThese USA-TOOL FREE numbers are they reachable from all usa phones for free ? But is it also possible to call them from outside of USA '
17:12.41[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: your 2nd question made no sense
17:13.00[TK]D-Fenderyangvnc: You can never escape those tools...
17:13.03mort_gibDoes it provide any functions that are really hard to get to work with Asterisk??
17:13.19[TK]D-Fenderyangdepends on your telco
17:13.25mort_gibIn an easy way??
17:13.31Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: lemme explain
17:13.36[TK]D-Fenderyangvnc: And yes free in USA & usually North America
17:13.46*** join/#asterisk Schumie (
17:13.50[TK]D-Fendermort_gib: Some bits sure.
17:13.51jameswfmort_gib: hard is relitive, freepbx has limits but can be easier than doing all it does do by hand
17:13.58nny[TK]D-Fender: thanks for the help. I learn by trial by fire :) bbl, have a good day
17:14.01Navion~security code
17:14.03yangvnc[TK]D-Fender: so its better to have one of those, the caller doesnt have to pay when calling
17:14.06*** part/#asterisk stse (
17:14.15macTijnoh! :(
17:14.27macTijnhm wait
17:14.45Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: i wanna send you two things with dial command on your SIP host i.e. billing number and callerid
17:14.51mort_gibSome of the functions that allows users to see what other users are doing seems to be a bit difficult (on call/DND)
17:14.55[TK]D-Fenderyangvnc: Depending on a certain point of view
17:15.10jameswfif Your not an asterisk guy freepbx is good BUT is NO substitution for Learning, its like math you can use a calculator but you should know what to do without one
17:15.27[TK]D-Fenderjameswf: not even so generous.
17:15.47_x86_what does the (1:0/1/0) mean?
17:16.00[TK]D-Fendermort_gib: FreePBX implement * along a very simple logic.  If you want more than it does in terms of flexibility you could be screwed.
17:16.10Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: so i set callerid in first priority like 1,Set callerid (billing-number) and then in 2nd priority they callerid (name)
17:16.11yangvnc[TK]D-Fender: do you know which interface (manual) I could follow to be able to do something like when i call my asterisk extension (number) that it lets me enter an international number and establish a call to it - interlink ?
17:16.30[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: You can obviously set the name & number seperately.
17:17.03[TK]D-Fenderyangvnc: go read... THE BOOK
17:17.05jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF
17:17.27[TK]D-Fenderyangvnc: You want to know how * works and what dialplan apps you have at your disposal, there's the book
17:17.28Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: great, and callerid(ani) as well?
17:17.28yangvncyeah i got it, its only 650 pages
17:17.31_Sam--sup Dr-L
17:17.41[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: All the same idea.
17:18.01_x86_[TK]D-Fender: any ideas?
17:18.33Dr-Linuxactually i wanna send 3 paramters with dial command, so this was an idea came in my mind, i just wanted to confirm
17:18.39[TK]D-Fender_x86_: I ignore little messages like that.  I like seeing the line that CAUSED it, and debug to match.
17:18.45mort_gibI had a look at Trixbox, and didn't much like it...
17:19.05jameswfsee mort_gib your allready fitting in
17:19.09[TK]D-Fendermort_gib: I think you missed the poitn... Trixbox = FreePBX + even more extra stuff
17:19.22Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: and i hope it will be easy to to parse at recieving end? if i'm not wrong
17:19.26[TK]D-Fendermort_gib: FreePBX is what is "bad " here.
17:19.39[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: parse?  Parse with WHAT?
17:19.54mort_gibYes, but keeping an open mind was what got me here in the first place...
17:20.30Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: like if i send you all these 3 info with different callerid options, will you be able to recive/handle all at your sip server?
17:20.52jameswffonality has changed their slogan : "The art of exploitation, all the M$ stuff at half the price + monthly fees"
17:21.08russellbjameswf: lol!
17:21.11mort_gibSome features I haven't looked at yet, but I got most of the stuff that I normally hear people asking for working pretty fast...
17:21.19[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: give COMPLETE samples of whats on EACH END of the call.  You keep talking about HALF of the story and asking me if everything will work the way you want.
17:21.22Qwelljameswf: may I quote you?
17:21.34jameswffor royalties :)
17:21.42*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
17:21.42QwellHow about free software?
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17:22.00russellbQwell: you should quit smoking
17:22.06QwellI totally should
17:22.08russellbQwell: it will help the cough
17:22.13bkruseis there a dialplan function to do space trimming?
17:22.14Qwellactually, it'll make it worse
17:22.18Qwellfor a short time, anyhow
17:22.18jameswfI think we should all get pattents on other folks stuff..
17:22.26russellbbkruse: maybe CUT()
17:22.29*** join/#asterisk apocn (n=htejeda@unaffiliated/apocn)
17:22.40Qwellrussellb: I got a free trial of this gum stuff...  it kinda sucks :p
17:22.41bkruserussellb: hmm, i will check, ty
17:22.44Qwellthe instructions were faulty
17:22.51filethe user was faulty
17:22.59Qwellyeah, maybe..  so, get this
17:23.02russellbbkruse: it might not do it ... would be a good one to write though ;)
17:23.09russellbbkruse: ast_strip() ftw
17:23.22Qwellthe instructions say to chew it, until you "feel a slight tingle", then you're supposed to put it between your gums/cheek
17:23.25bkruserussellb: will do :]
17:23.29Qwellproblem's cinnamon
17:23.48Qwellso it always tingles :p
17:23.49apocnHello, I have an extension that users can dial in two ways (internal users dial to it using *9000 and external users 8299239000), how can I make it to match both without making 2 different extensions?
17:24.00jameswfif you have no teeth how do you quit smoking :)
17:24.26Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: i roughtly wrote 4 lines in notepad, i gonna paste 2 and then 2 lines here thats what i want
17:24.28QwellI know a guy who quit smoking...triggered some genetic disease he had.
17:24.39Qwellthere are only about 8 known cases of it O.o
17:25.28Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: let's say i wanna dial long distance calls through your server, and you want me to send 2 infos along the call
17:25.31Dr-Linuxi'm sending you here
17:25.35[TK]D-Fenderapocn: You can't.  Those are 2 distinct numbers.
17:25.37jameswfsadly most people get lung cancer after they quit, so if you have smoked $25 years dont quit because prolonged smoking prevents cancer
17:25.39Dr-Linuxexten => xx.,1,set callerid (num)
17:25.39Dr-Linuxexten => xx.,2,set callerid (name)
17:25.46Dr-Linuxtwo more...
17:25.54Dr-Linuxexten => xx.,3,set callerid (ani)
17:25.54Dr-Linuxexten => xx.,4,dial(SIP/${EXTEN})
17:25.59[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: Go for it, the CODE isn't the issue
17:26.14Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: ignore errors
17:26.21[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: I asked what was on the OTHER END <------
17:26.35Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: SIP
17:26.49[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: SIP is a PROTOCAL, not SOFTWARE!
17:26.56Dr-Linuxthis is sip to sip communication,
17:27.00Dr-Linuxgood question
17:27.14Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: other end has SIP switch
17:27.24[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: how terminally vague.
17:27.31Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: i think other end dont have *
17:28.50Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: all i know about other end is "SIP Switch"
17:29.12[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: then "good luck".  Looks fine from *'s point of view.
17:29.48Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: but this is good info i got from you that asterisk can send different callerID options in same call
17:30.09[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: those are all parts of every call, of COURSE you can set them all.
17:30.27Dr-Linuxbut i wanted to make sure digit limit in callerID, if it's 12 or 16 :S
17:30.39Dr-Linuxbcoz card have 16 digits
17:30.54[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: well I said on the **PSTN**  You aren't even paying full attention to the answer.
17:31.58Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: i'm sorry i didn't understand PST
17:31.59Dr-Linux<[TK]D-Fender> Dr-Linux: on PST there is a limit.  12 or 16 I think
17:32.07*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
17:33.07*** join/#asterisk coolfreecode (n=jimmy@
17:33.15coolfreecodehello :D
17:33.27[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: PSTN <-
17:33.56Dr-Linuxso no limit on SIP?
17:34.38[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: less of a limit anyways.  I'm sure each system has their own limit, but I don't know of a standard.
17:35.00Dr-Linuxok great, thanks !
17:35.34Dr-LinuxQwell: cisco 7935 with asterisk? :P
17:36.24[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: First you're talking about *, then a "sip swith", and now a specific phone?  Maybe it'll accept ALL the digits but only show you a limited amount.  Who knows.  How about you actuall go TRY something...
17:37.26Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: :) phone one is different question to Qwell and thanking you :)
17:37.45Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: since laster year i always buzz him with cisco 7935 phone
17:39.07*** join/#asterisk atisss (n=atisss@
17:39.41coolfreecodehey guy That means:
17:39.44coolfreecode[Nov 27 06:36:29] NOTICE[5066]: chan_iax2.c:5258 register_verify: No registration for peer 'esclavo' (from
17:39.44coolfreecode[Nov 27 06:37:02] NOTICE[5062]: chan_iax2.c:7951 socket_process: Registration of 'maestro' rejected: 'Registration Refused' from: ''
17:40.06apocnHello, I have an extension that users can dial in two ways (internal users dial to it using *9000 and external users 8299239000), how can I make it to match both without making 2 different extensions?
17:40.34[TK]D-Fenderapocn: You can't.  Those are 2 distinct numbers.
17:40.39[TK]D-Fenderapocn: Already answered.
17:41.07apocnsorry, didnt see it
17:41.48apocnanother question, when I use Agent/@1 (and of course I have defined group=1) it says invalid and doesnt work.
17:43.22ManxPower@1 is not a group
17:44.31apocnwhy not if I have defined it on the agents.conf file?
17:45.27apocnand on queues.conf I've done member => Agent/@1
17:46.44*** part/#asterisk nny (
17:46.49NavionAnyone know how to unforward an extension that was forwarded with *72 and won't unforward with *73? Asterisk CLI "database show" shows it CF'd.
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17:56.02ManxPowerNavion: that is more of a GUI question
17:56.39ManxPowerFor SIP phones, the phone can do the forwarding, for Zaptel Zap can do the forwarding, for everything else you have to write it in your dialplan
17:57.24*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
17:57.59coolfreecodehey guys is possible do calls   client(SIP)--Asterisk--Trunk_IAX--Asterisk--client(SIP)
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18:01.05NavionManxPower: The database is aterisk. I just read it with the CLI. What I need to know it how to fix the database if the station can't *73 and make it unforward.
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18:07.01[TK]D-FenderNavion: "help database" from * CLI
18:11.43errrI have a problem with the builtin call monitor stuff from res_features.c in asterisk 1.2.24 When I get a call xfered to me and then I try to record the call the filename represents that who ever xfered me the call is who recorded it instead of me, is there any way to change this?
18:11.47*** join/#asterisk masus (n=ethemc@
18:12.10masushiaa , does anyone know how to change the port on audio codes ?
18:12.26masusi cant find the configuration from where to change it
18:14.42*** join/#asterisk [N00B] (n=ckwall@
18:14.55[N00B]suddenly getting a lot of errors. can anyone possibly tell me what is going on?
18:15.07[N00B]pasting errors right now
18:18.53*** part/#asterisk masus (n=ethemc@
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18:20.45[TK]D-Fender[N00B]: 1st guess, you're using a wav in an unsupported format
18:21.53nohup_what's that little tool which with you can 'listen' to your analog phone line on a ZAP interface again ?
18:22.47[TK]D-Fendernohup_: ZapBarge or ZhanSpy
18:23.34nohup_okay :)
18:23.42nohup_i know i have one installed, but it's neither of those 2...
18:24.02[TK]D-Fendernohup_: feel free to tell us what it is when you find it.
18:24.15[TK]D-Fendernohup_: Oh, and there is ExtenSpy as well I gues
18:24.17nohup_i'm searching :)
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18:26.24Navion[TK]D-Fender: Can I use database del CF/<ext no>
18:27.16[TK]D-FenderNavion: No, I strictly forbid it.
18:27.25*** join/#asterisk |omni| (
18:27.53Navion<== I'm not worthy...
18:28.47[TK]D-FenderNavion: First step is admitting you have a problem...
18:28.55*** join/#asterisk macros73 (
18:28.57NavionI just hate to manually manipulate database entries not knowing how good the locks are and what else is trying to manipulate the db at the same time
18:29.08NavionDone that...
18:29.58[hC]If i send a NOTIFY to a polycom phone for it to check its config (and reboot if there is new config available) - what happens if i send this to a phone while someone is on a call?
18:30.11[hC]will it wait til they are off and then do it? or reboot mid-call?
18:30.32Qwell[hC]: it'll pierce the users temple, and reboot
18:30.39Qwell(no, I have no idea)
18:30.44errrwhen you post a question to the asterisk-users mailing list how long does it normally take before you question shows up on the list?
18:30.45[N00B][TK]D-Fender: is there anywhere I can see what is being called by format_wav? I cannot for the life of me figure out what is being called. here is the other thing... the issue just started happening in the last few minutes. We have not made a change to the system since the 21st of the month. which was just a name change. and from then it has been working all year.
18:30.56rpm[hC], it will wait until the user is off the phone. it does a graceful restart.
18:30.56[hC]Qwell:  damn, i was abotu to hit enter too. for this user, i would be thrilled.
18:31.07[hC]rpm: great. thanks :)
18:32.13*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
18:32.29[hC]rpm: you use 2.2.0... have you set anyones callwaiting type to "ring" instead of "beep" in the config? Seems my vanishing ringer volume is related to that
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18:33.36rpm[hC], nope. and actually i was wrong.. we are still running 2.0.2 :)
18:33.44rpmmisplaced the digits.
18:34.36ManxPowererrr: from 5 mins to 48 hours
18:35.02errrManxPower: ah, so I guess Ill just sit back and wait longer :) thanks
18:36.44*** part/#asterisk [N00B] (n=ckwall@
18:37.49ManxPowererrr: most of the time it is less than 2 hours, but don't count on it.  The mailing list gets blasted with spam frequently and that causes the machines that do the spam filtering to slow down
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18:41.23coolfreecodehey guys who knows a tutorial to create a trunk iax
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18:42.09jbot[~jerjerguide ] Jeremy McNamara's quick sample guide to setting up * :
18:42.30[TK]D-Fendernope... sip only
18:42.38[TK]D-Fendercoolfreecode: your ITSP should have a sample
18:43.57coolfreecodei want join 2 asterisk with a trunk iax
18:45.37_Sam--do it
18:46.13_Sam--set them both up, then have one machine register via IAX to the other.
18:46.18_Sam--not that much to it
18:46.21coolfreecodehow to connect Asterisk to Asterisk using IAX2 Trunk
18:46.35_Sam--iax.conf ?
18:47.12*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (
18:47.48coolfreecodeiax.conf server B:
18:48.06_Sam--; We can register with another IAX server to let him know where we are
18:48.06_Sam--; in case we have a dynamic IP address for example
18:48.22_Sam--the contexts are important, but you need to register one machine, to another.
18:49.10_Sam--maybe you dont have to, depending on what you want to do i guess.  i think, you will probably want one to register to another.
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18:52.30jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
18:59.38*** join/#asterisk Darthclue (
19:01.02polerinfeh, I'm feeing retarded, but why is Dial(${USER}) not playing audio to the calling party?
19:01.29polerinI thought that you'd hear ringing unless r was specified
19:04.29_Sam--[TK]D-Fender :  you here?
19:04.39*** join/#asterisk ajohnson (n=ajohnson@
19:04.40_Sam--our outgoing dtmf no work anymore
19:05.05[TK]D-Fender_Sam--: ?
19:05.25_Sam--when our employees make outgoing calls that require dtmf input, it doesnt work.
19:05.25[TK]D-Fender_Sam--: Should have nothingt o do with...
19:05.39_Sam--like if they need to dial '100' for osmeone's extension...when they dial 100, theother side doesnt hear it.
19:05.54_Sam--i just confirmed.
19:06.11_Sam--nothing in our settings has changed.
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19:07.10[TK]D-Fender_Sam--: PM
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19:26.49coolfreecodewhat that mean :  chan_iax2.c:1968 iax2_destroy: Avoiding IAX destroy deadlock
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19:32.32coolfreecodehey guy's what that mean :  chan_iax2.c:1968 iax2_destroy: Avoiding IAX destroy deadlock
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19:38.03bkrusecoolfreecode: you using queues?
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19:38.34coolfreecodeno queue yes trunk iax
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19:42.29jsaundersAnyone have an idea when the Switchvox/Asterisk Business Edition integration will be finalized and available to public?
19:46.24russellbjsaunders: i'm not exactly sure where you got that from, but there isn't an answer to the question
19:46.42russellbi can say that you can expect the same quality level of support for switchvox as a digium product, as you would for be
19:48.47*** join/#asterisk jsaunders (n=nevermin@
19:49.31Strom_Mrussellb: apparently someone has been turning the official digium rumor crank again
19:49.38jsaundersrussellb: I was told my customer service that in the new year I will be able to upgrade our Business Edition copy to one based off Switchvox.
19:49.49jsaundersFor free, based off our current license.
19:50.07Qwelljsaunders: that's quite different from being integrated
19:50.22*** join/#asterisk Arno[Slack] (
19:50.52jsaundersTrue.  I would think the company would use both for one super product, thus my use of the word integrate.
19:51.52russellbbusiness edition and switchvox are _very_ different products
19:52.21russellbit may be the case that your situation would be better suited to switchvox, but that's not necessarily the case
19:52.56[TK]D-Fenderyup, tahts yeah, thats like comparing apples to... crabapples
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19:53.57hmmhesayswell I think I found the answer to my m22 problem
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19:55.45Nuggetso, I'm overdue for a nice overhaul of my dialplan.  the company's grown quite a bit since I wrote it and there's a lot of cruft and vestigial code in it.
19:56.01Nuggetis it time to look at ael or whatever, or should I just stick with the old-and-busted syntax?
19:56.40Nuggethold tight for lua in 1.6?  :)
19:58.42Nuggeta great move for asterisk for anyone who values code portability between their pbx and their world of warcraft addons.
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20:03.21Nivexneat little language.  were you joking about lua in 1.6, or is that on the timeline?
20:03.54Nuggetsomeone wrote it.  dunno if the community will embrace it
20:04.16Nugget  <-- some guy named russell blogged about it here  :)
20:06.29MrChimpyso has ael been deemed as crap as dialplan?
20:06.43russellbno, it has not
20:06.49Nuggetael or ael2?  :)
20:06.53russellbit is being very widely used, and still actively developed
20:06.57russellbael in 1.4, that is
20:07.07NuggetI really don't grok the implications and I'm hesitant to use it for no reason I can adequately articulate
20:07.09MrChimpyok, so it's just chucking another language at the problem
20:07.37MrChimpyI await the javascript, java, perl, C etc dialplan interfaces with interest :)
20:07.39russellbNugget: friendlier syntax .... much easier to write complex logic
20:07.45russellbhaving loops and conditional statements and stuff
20:07.58russellb[TK]D-Fender: lies
20:08.06Nuggethold out for INTERCAL-DIALPLAN
20:08.15russellb[TK]D-Fender: *shrugs*
20:08.30russellbi can haz callerid(num) ?
20:08.47Corydon76-digI think it's been widely tried, but I don't know what the extent is for its usage
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20:09.59j0wbl4ckhello guys
20:10.39j0wbl4cki need help, you are know any providers SIP, or providers reseller plains in voip?
20:10.39MrChimpycan we call extensions buckits?
20:10.46j0wbl4ck[Corydon76-dig]: SIP for Asterisk?
20:11.01j0wbl4ckSIP for asterisk?
20:13.13j0wbl4ckanybody know?
20:15.09*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
20:16.19[TK]D-Fenderj0wbl4ck: Try putting that question into an other that actually makes sense.
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20:34.48NavionAnyone help with speaker paging. console/dsp device debugging and such?
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20:46.37_Sam--[TK]D-Fender :  another sitchu.   im sure you have an answer, as always.   our incoming call queues are not listening to the ring "strategy"
20:46.42*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
20:46.48_Sam--my strategy is "ring all"
20:46.57_Sam--but the employees are saying only one phone at a time is ringing
20:47.07_Sam--im not seeing that, on this queue, though
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20:55.05Violateranyone good with openser and asterisk please msg me quick question
20:56.07jbotopenser is, like, an open source GPL project that aims to develop a robust and scalable SIP server. It is spawned from FhG FOKUS SIP Express Router (SER) and it promotes a development strategy open for contributors and contributions. From project's website
20:56.47Violatera technical question
20:57.30jameswfjbot: tell Violater ask
20:57.50*** join/#asterisk barhom (
20:57.50jameswfjbot: ask | Violater
20:57.56jameswfstupid bot
20:58.35jbotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there, just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
20:58.47barhomHi, I have a question about changing the language=en to language=se, whatever I do I keep hearing english stuff, what am I doing wrong? If I use Set(LANGUAGE()=se) in extentions this is working fine
20:59.44barhomI am editing the language=se in sip.conf
20:59.58Violaterok i have openser running on a linksys wrt54gl with 2 aastra 55i phones behind it with their outbound proxy set to the router ip and registrar and proxy ip set to my external asterisk 1.4.14 server, both phones set to canrevite=yes and the provider for my did as well.. everything works perfect except when i put a call on hold and take it off there's one way audio
21:01.46jameswfsounds like a poop in the natting
21:03.20Violateri'm pretty sure its a rtpproxy/openser configuration issue i just don't know what
21:03.46Violaterbecause internal calls and transfers and inbound outbound all work perfect audio wise
21:07.26barhomwhere is the correct place to put wide-use language=xx for my sip configuration?
21:09.14nohup_is it very unusual to have "Channel: SIP/some_number@some_provider" in a call-file ?
21:10.02nohup_cause... it did work as long as i put a local SIP phone there... but when it's an external one... it _sometimes_ does ring it... (1 out of 10 times, or something), but there's no audio
21:10.36nohup_(while calling that number through SIP directly works fine)
21:12.12JTViolater: canreinvite=no
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21:21.54philthI have a sip # call an extention. Once it is there I want it to wait for another number. Then dial out to whatever number is dialed. This should be easy, but I cant seem to get it.
21:23.29*** join/#asterisk mascool (
21:23.58mascooldoes anyone why a polycom ip501 would have the mwi led blinking while there's no message in the mailbox ?
21:24.27_Sam--philth :  background / digit time out / response timeout / dial ext
21:24.31nestArmascool: it's checking the wrong mailbox
21:25.13mascooli triple checked sip.conf and it's not checking the wrong mailbox
21:25.24nestAri guess it just hates you.
21:25.30mascoolno shit
21:25.34CrazyTuxPolycoms are simply evil.
21:25.50mascoolbut all 4 of them ?
21:26.01jeranybody have any experience with asterisk on freebsd? just wondering how well it works before i set up my new box
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21:26.22yangvncI have the following line in extensions exten => 2968,1,Dial(SIP/2968&SIP/2931) it rings on 2 numbers. Now I am wondering how I could ring 2968 and a telephone number 00<countrycode><number> ?
21:27.04barhomIs it an fxs card I need if Im looking to do this, SIP Provider->asterix->my normal phones @ home ?
21:27.30JTnot asterix
21:27.44[TK]D-Fenderbarhom: it would be, but I highly advise using an ATA like the Linksys SPA-2102 for things like that instead.  Far cheaper and more flexible
21:27.44barhomasterisk* I keep getting that wrong, but focus on the question please
21:28.01barhomI have an UTSTARCOM ian-02ex ata box
21:28.10barhomthough I dont have the login/pass to it cuz my old provider locked it
21:28.27[TK]D-Fenderbarhom: then forget about it
21:28.34JTdon't tell us to focus on the question if you can't even focus on getting the name right :)
21:29.02barhom[TK]D-Fender: forget about it as, there is no way to come in to the box ?
21:29.13_Sam--the utstarcomm default passwords are 8888 i think
21:29.17_Sam--for the f1000 anyway
21:29.22[TK]D-Fenderbarhom: I'm saying forget about your locked ATA.  Locked is locked
21:29.25JTyes you need an fxs port
21:29.48[TK]D-Fenderbarhom: So go buy a normal unlocked one like the Linksys I referred you to.
21:29.57barhomIll look into it fender
21:30.12barhomdoes callerid work with ata box?
21:30.20_Sam--i bought a locked utstarcomm wifi phone, and unlocked it fine.
21:30.22CrazyTux[TK]D-Fender, have much experience with AMI / Manager.conf stuff?
21:30.30[TK]D-FenderCrazyTux: A little
21:30.36[TK]D-Fenderbarhom: Yup
21:30.55*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (n=matt@
21:31.03ZX81~seen critch
21:31.06jbotcritch <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 50d 11m 21s ago, saying: 'isn't the 1-4 branch essentially a release that I just happened to use svn to download?'.
21:31.48barhomalright thanks a lot for the help guys, I guess Ill try to unlock my utstarcom before I go buy another ata box, but anyone that can help with the "language=se" problem I have? Ive tried putting language=se like everywhere in all the files even if I dont use them, it just simply aint working
21:31.52jameswf~seen jameswf-HOME
21:31.53jbotjameswf-home <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 2d 14h 40m 32s ago, saying: '~bye'.
21:32.02barhomSet(LANGUAGE()=se) works though, but I dont want to put that for every extension
21:32.03_Sam--what is the utstarcomm model number you have
21:32.12barhom_Sam--: it is utstarcom ian-02ex
21:33.07JTbarhom: what nationalisation do you actually need?
21:33.13barhomse JT
21:33.18barhomI have all the sounds
21:33.24_Sam--barhom :  your ATA DOES have a default password.
21:33.29_Sam--if you can find out what it is, you can get it.
21:33.38JTso it's the prompts you are worries about, barhom ?
21:33.51barhomjt: Im not really understanding what you mean
21:34.01barhomI want when I Playback(invalid) it plays from se/invalid.gsm
21:34.13JTbarhom: only a few things are affected by setting a language
21:34.13barhomI read in the docu that you set "language=se" in [general] for this
21:34.18JTthat's a prompt
21:34.23JTan audio prompt
21:34.24barhomokay, then a prompt yes
21:34.26_Sam--barhom:  this will help you get into the ATA, i think:
21:34.33barhomthanks sam
21:34.36JThave you set up indications.conf?
21:34.44barhomno, I havent
21:34.47ZX81anyone know if there is an irc room for misdn?
21:34.51JTthen you might want to do that
21:35.05barhomcountry=us              ; default location
21:35.08JTZX81: #pain-and-suffering ;)
21:35.09barhomchange to to se?
21:35.16nohup_does anyone know of a command-line SIP client ?
21:35.16JTbarhom: yes
21:35.17ZX81JT: not wrong! :)
21:35.27JTZX81: what problems are you having?
21:35.41JTnohup_: sipp is cli based for testing sip
21:35.44nohup_i setup call files, but it won't let me use a channel that dais out on SIP
21:35.49nohup_so i need an alternative :)
21:35.57nohup_sipp... okay...
21:36.01ZX81trying to get octasic echo can working with misdn but it complains I need to recompile Asterisk because I have 1.4+
21:36.04ZX81so I do
21:36.07ZX81but it says the same again
21:36.13ZX81will pastebin it
21:36.29JTi just try and avoid misdn
21:36.33JTit's renamed isdn4linux hell
21:37.11ZX81I was trying to support digium - little did I know its basically a beronet thingy
21:38.44*** join/#asterisk deeperror (
21:38.57barhomdidnt work JT, I have set the indictions, country=se.. and also language=se under [general] in sip.conf it still plays the english audio files this is disturbing because Ive read so many docs on how to change language on google but none of them work
21:39.15ZX81where are your se files?
21:39.32*** join/#asterisk atisss (n=atisss@
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21:40.14barhom/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/se/ and /usr/share/asterisk/sounds/se/
21:40.20barhomthey are symlinked
21:40.20JTbarhom: did you restart asterisk?
21:40.24barhomyes JT
21:40.33deeperroris there a way for inbound call to goto a queue then be answered by an agent that dials a specified feature code?  Like feature code directs first in queue to station dialing code?
21:40.45barhomI know the files for se are working because if I do "Set(LANGUAGE()=se" it works
21:41.03deeperroror what would something like this be called if it has a name
21:42.02ZX81deeperror sounds like you just want to ring somewhere and then do a pickup(bla)
21:42.31ZX81type show application Pickup
21:42.44ZX81or core show application pickup
21:42.51deeperroron it
21:43.46ZX81kinda weird
21:43.50deeperrorso the channel would have to stay in state ringing?  Wouldn't this prevent the inbound from hold music etc?
21:43.55ZX81cos it will need to be ringing somewhere
21:44.06ZX81nah you can have hold music
21:44.09ZX81on a ringing call
21:44.32ZX81might want to dial some local thingy
21:44.53deeperrormy setup is agents that do inbound and outbound dialing...they have analog phones for the moment and we need to use those so I was going to setup an extension that just is indicator lights when the lights are blinking they could dial an extension and connect with the first person in line in the queue
21:45.26ZX81yeah if you had it calling some indicator extension
21:45.29ZX81that doesn't answer
21:45.36ZX81they could dial 123 or whatever
21:45.38ZX81to run pickup
21:45.48deeperrorthen logic in the context the agents default to have the pickup application in there to grab them off the call
21:46.06deeperrorok i'll check into this more
21:46.09ZX81you need to set pickupmark thing
21:46.17ZX81depends on which version of asterisk you're using
21:46.42deeperrorseems like an option for sure its just our limitations here i'm trying to work around and 25 bucks for a light indicator is cheaper than new phones for everyone haha
21:46.59ZX81heh always the way
21:47.49deeperroralso the ringing is heard in recordings and call waiting beeps are picked up on the oldschool recording they use here so it's always a hack ha
21:49.20jameswfanyone woh knows of a did provider for iraq/afganistan or the general area contact wvroger
21:51.03*** part/#asterisk JayTee52 (
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21:56.48*** join/#asterisk MACscr (
21:57.24MACscrAnyone know where i can get a DID for istanbul, turkey?
21:58.07MACscrI thought voxbone had them (which they list on their site), but when you go to to order them, they dont have them. =(
21:58.37*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
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22:03.10jozuWhen purchasing a DID voxbone, howto setup in asterisk?
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22:08.57Dovidwhat codec/protocl does HD Voice use (for instance on the Polycom 650)
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22:11.24mcabDovid: G722, IIRC
22:13.02*** part/#asterisk dijungal (n=kdaniel@
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22:14.17Dovidmcab: is that OpenSource or closed ?
22:14.26Dovidwill gogole
22:15.27JTopen source
22:16.08*** part/#asterisk deeperror (
22:18.00DovidJT: And i assume asterisk supports it ?
22:18.35JTin trunk i think
22:18.56JTthe asterisk core was only designed for 8kHz audio
22:19.18JTso it was a bit of work to get stuff like this working
22:19.45russellb1.4 supports g722 as well, to some degree
22:19.51russellbpassthrough, playback, and recording
22:20.08russellbthough it is trivial to backport codec_g722 from trunk for transcoding
22:21.08*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
22:22.19Dovidrusselb: what do u mean by to a degree i it supports playbak, recording and passthrough ?
22:24.59russellbit supports those in 1.4 natively
22:25.02russellbit does not transcode in 1.4 natively
22:25.05*** join/#asterisk BadHorsie (
22:26.57Dovidrussellb: So if the phones want to use g722 in 1.4 it will only work if the phone it is calling supports g722
22:28.16[TK]D-FenderG.722 = whatever
22:28.25Qwell= whatever?
22:28.28russellbyou're ... whatever
22:30.48barhomanyone know any freeware that can record in .gsm codec to make new playback files?
22:30.51barhomfor windows.
22:31.10twistedbarhom: you can use wav files too
22:31.19twisted8khz mono
22:31.23barhomk thanks twisted
22:31.44*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
22:32.55philthAre WaitExten and Background interchangeable
22:33.17philthI use Background and it works, but WaitExten doesn't do Anything, just times out.
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22:37.29*** join/#asterisk Belgarath (
22:38.15Belgarathdoes anybody have a linksys WRTP54G ?
22:38.25Belgarathi have a strange problem with it
22:38.40Belgarathit is connected to my asterisk box
22:38.54Belgarathand all calls going outside and echo on my asterisk box are ok
22:39.31Belgarathbvut when i call any other number siting on my asterisk box (doing anything else than echo or ringing) there is no voice in my  headphone
22:49.17*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (
22:50.50*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=pepOSX@
23:01.51NavionAnyone have loud speaker paging through the PC audio port working?
23:02.13[TK]D-FenderNavion, Dial(OSS/dsp) <-
23:02.49*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
23:03.26NavionOSS/dsp not console/dsp?
23:04.31[TK]D-FenderNavion, correct
23:04.39NavionI have the following in extensions_custom.conf
23:04.45Navionexten => *51,1,Dial(console/dsp)
23:04.46Navionexten => *51,2,Playback(custom/bosun)
23:04.46Navionexten => *51,3,Hangup()
23:05.08NavionShould be OSS?
23:05.43NavionIs it OSS/bosun for the playback of the alert tone too?
23:06.16jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
23:06.45NavionOSS in caps or lower case? The channel was set up as chan_oss
23:07.02*** part/#asterisk csmiga (
23:08.38iamthelostboyif i want any user to be able to pickup an incoming call on another phone, what do i need to setup?  "answer groups" is in my head.. but doesn't sound right, and google didnt do well by me when searching for it
23:08.53barhomit this the correct way to add "08" infront of all numbers that does not start with 0, "exten => _[123456789].,1,Dial(SIP/08${EXTEN}@digisip)
23:09.16*** part/#asterisk Freman (
23:09.37Navion~ring group
23:09.38jbotbefore group dies, they see the ring
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23:10.37Navioniamthelostboy: Do you want all the extensions to ring? If so, set up a ring group and include all the extensions then anyone can pick it up.
23:11.25Navion~call pickup
23:11.26jbotACTION looks around and then screams out pickup as loudly as possible
23:11.43*** join/#asterisk ZenBSDi (n=zenbsdi@unaffiliated/ZenBSDi)
23:12.48iamthelostboyno, i just want a single extension to ring, and then other phones to be able to pick it up... callgroup= and then *8# or *8 sounds like it is what im after
23:13.41*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
23:19.18iamthelostboyeep! that didnt go well
23:20.02*** part/#asterisk zerohalo (
23:20.11jozui have a dude, voxbone can giveme a DID number for incoming calls.. example 9XXXXX.. but howto configure the external calls from my sips with the same DID 9XXXXX?????
23:21.57*** join/#asterisk remmo (n=junk@
23:25.05jozuBut if my provider voip not let me?
23:25.51nestArthen you need a better provider
23:26.40jozuThanks for the answers
23:27.31nestArmost voip providers will let you set your caller id to at least the numbers they've assigned you
23:27.42nestArsome of them will let you set your caller id to whatever you want.
23:27.57barhomhow do I parse this dial command correctly to put "08" infront of the number dialed: Dial(SIP/08${EXTEN}@digisip)
23:28.06barhomthat there isnt working atm
23:28.52nestArthat should work.
23:28.52_ShrikEbarhorn: get rid if the SIP/
23:28.56nestArexten => _NXXXXXX,4,Dial(SIP/1502${EXTEN}@vitel-outbound) ; 7 digit dialing hack
23:29.10nestAris what i use
23:29.11_ShrikEmaybe not
23:29.12*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
23:29.39barhomhmm, I dont need the SIP/ ?
23:29.49nestAryes, if you're dialing SIP
23:29.51jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF
23:29.51_ShrikEsorry.  you do
23:33.20jozunestAr in this line  exten=s,1,Dial(${ARG1}) can use 9XXXX,1,Dial(${ARG1}) ?
23:33.53nestArjozu: i am not sure what you're asking.
23:34.44nestArARG1 would be from a macro
23:34.55nestArso that syntax isn't 100%
23:35.22nestArsomething like "exten => _9XXXX,1,Dial(${EXTEN}) would work though.
23:35.49jozuI will try
23:36.15blitzragenestAr: you forgot to supply a technology
23:36.17nestAryou'll probably need something else in the Dial command
23:36.28nestArSip, IAX, etc
23:37.15*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
23:39.13barhom${EXTEN} isnt that only the number that you dialed? for example if I change this; Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@digisip)
23:39.19barhomto Dial(SIP/0856166300@digisip)
23:39.38barhomshouldnt that always dial that 0856166300 number, whatever I type (aslong as it matches it ofcourse)
23:40.00barhomhmm, yeh, I thought so as well but its not dialing it..
23:40.11nestArdepending on what the exten => X, is
23:40.17nestArwhere X is your patern
23:40.21barhomyeh ofcourse nestAr
23:40.29barhomexten => _[123456789].,1,Dial(SIP/0856166300@digisip)
23:40.38barhomand I type in "5616630"
23:40.45barhomit should call 0856166300
23:40.48Strom_Cyou know, you can just use Z to match digits 1-9
23:40.59barhomgreat Strom_C ;)
23:41.11barhomso _Z., ?
23:41.43*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
23:43.23jozui have this:
23:43.27jozuin my dialplan
23:44.00jozuin macro-trunkdial
23:44.13jozufirst line
23:44.29JTand if not Z
23:44.35JTat least [1-9]
23:45.24jozuhowto put my DID number 9xxxx?
23:46.01JTi don't understand the question
23:49.25jozuJT, i need a setcallerid in external calls, With the same number that my DID from voxbone (9xxx)
23:50.20*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
23:51.04Nuggetsetcallerid is setcallerid is setcallerid.
23:51.13Nuggeteither it works or it doesn't, but that's not something you can control.
23:51.28Nuggetset it and either it works or ot.
23:51.30Nuggeter, not.
23:52.00SwKNugget, dont forget they have that new function...
23:52.47SwKand make sure you dont have spaces around the = sign or you'll create a cariable w/ a space and have a leading space in your number
23:53.29Nuggetright, but jozu appears to be asking for a "special" set callerid function for "external" calls.
23:53.37Nuggetas if the function knows or cares about "external"
23:53.41Nugget(which it does not)
23:53.54iamthelostboyi cant get callgroup working.. i have callgroup=1 under each sip user, ive got pickupexten = *8 in features.conf, ive restarted asterisk, and when i try to pickup, i get a call failed.. any ideas?
23:57.08*** join/#asterisk UserReg_CL (
23:58.19*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (

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