IRC log for #asterisk on 20071125

00:01.48*** join/#asterisk _pepo_ (n=Pepo@
00:05.26tobiasI am getting "/usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_pickup_call"
00:05.37tobiasI don't have any zap hardware I just need to use ztdummy
00:05.43tobiasthe module's loaded
00:05.47tobiaswhat else could i be missing?
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00:18.05saftsackhi, does somebody know where i can find the t38modem svn? no hints on google right there :(
00:20.11mvanbaaktobias: what version of asterisk and zaptel ? what OS ?
00:20.19obnauticusDoes asterisk have some sort of embedded http proxy that I can use instead of configuring like Apache to do so for me (for my hardphones)
00:20.45mvanbaakobnauticus: what you want to do ?
00:20.53mvanbaakprovision the phone using HTTP ?
00:20.56obnauticusJust setup a simple HTTP Proxy for my Cisco 7960
00:21.09obnauticusUhh so when it requests a GET <url> then it will provide it
00:21.10mvanbaakasterisk == voip, not http
00:21.23mvanbaakyou'll have to setup a webserver for that
00:21.23tobiasobnauticus: * 1.2.13, zap 1.2.11
00:21.28tobiasobnauticus: this is debian etch
00:21.40obnauticustobias uhh?
00:21.41mvanbaakif you want something simple, use thttpd
00:21.46mvanbaakor just setup apache
00:22.01tobiasobnauticus: whoops, i mean mvanbaak
00:22.11mvanbaaktobias: try 1.4
00:22.27mvanbaak1.2 is no longer maintained (besides security patches that is)
00:22.27tobiasit's worked fine before
00:22.44tobiasi don't like installing software that's not in my distro
00:22.56tobiasbecause it quickly spins out of control
00:23.19mvanbaaktobias: if you installed asterisk from debian packages you should file a bug against them. 1.2.13 is working fine for me
00:23.24tobiasit's actually loading chan_zap now
00:23.26mvanbaakI installed them from source though
00:23.30tobiasi just needed to load res_features first
00:23.44mvanbaakor set 'autoload=yes' in modules.conf
00:23.51tobiasyes it's set
00:24.02tobiasi don't know why it wasn't finding it
00:24.29tobiasi am totally baffled
00:24.36mvanbaakI skipped 1.2
00:24.53mvanbaakfriday I upgraded all our boxen from 1.0.9 to 1.4-svn
00:24.54tobiasi'm still having a problem with silent recordings, though
00:25.21[hC][TK]D-Fender: obviously you are quite familiar with sip.cfg overrides.  Ive pastebinned my overrides here - specifically the sound effects/patterns/miscellaneous sectipn, the way ive done overrides would this lead you to believe it would screw up ringers and such, not having the rest of the sound effects tags in that file, etc?
00:25.24tobias1.2.13 is working fine for you but you skipped it?
00:25.41mvanbaaktobias: my home laptop has been running 1.2.13
00:26.07mvanbaaktobias: my laptop actually has 1.0, 1.2, 1.4 and svn-trunk on it
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00:26.27mvanbaakgotta love xen (virtualization)
00:27.17tobiasi wonder what my deal is with asterisk configuration
00:27.29tobiasi've tried innumerable setups
00:27.42tobiasand they all eventually break, even if they seem to work fine for a week or so first
00:27.59mvanbaakthat's why you have to upgrade to 1.4
00:28.06mvanbaaka lot of stuff has been fixed in there
00:28.30tobiasthat is one combo i haven't tried yet
00:29.16tobiasthis *used to work* though
00:29.23tobiasand i haven't even changed anything in /etc/asterisk
00:29.25tobiasi swear
00:29.36*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
00:30.25tobiasthe great thing is everyone has completely differing opinions on what my problems are :)
00:31.42lesouvageI want to relate the max number of calls waiting in a queue with the number of agents that is logged in. Are there queue related variables of functions that can be used to determine this two items (waiters in call, number of logged in agents)
00:33.16mvanbaaklesouvage: I dont think so
00:33.27lesouvageSo I can do something like Gotoif(<waiters>= <nmb_agents>?call_back_later)
00:35.13lesouvagemvanbaak: I couldn't find them but there are more hidden and not discussed variables and functions
00:36.57*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey_ (
00:36.58De_Monlesouvage show function QUEUE_<TAB>
00:38.22De_MonQUEUE_WAITING_COUNT and QUEUE_MEMBER_COUNT are what you're looking for, but the member count isn't the total number of members, not on/off a call
00:42.11lesouvageDe_Mon: thanks, I will try something out.
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00:46.28mvanbaak01:35 <      lesouvage> mvanbaak: I couldn't find them but there are more hidden and not discussed variables and functions
00:46.33mvanbaakthat is not true
00:46.50mvanbaak'show functions' will show you all functions
00:47.02mvanbaak'show applications' will show you all applications
00:47.19mvanbaakall functions and applications show the variables they use/set
00:47.38mvanbaakso with 'show function <functionname>' you can see all vars that function uses
00:47.44mvanbaaksame with applications
00:48.02tobiasmvanbaak: how do you overcome timing issues with xen?
00:48.29mvanbaaktobias: my laptop has HVM so I simply install ztdummy
00:48.48lesouvagemvanbaak: I didn't mean hidden in the sence of not documented but more hidden in the sence that noboddy seems to no. I have been searching for a way to find out if a file exists yes or no and finding the Stat() function toke me a long time and nobody on the channel seem to know about it.
00:50.35mvanbaaklesouvage: if you come from a *nix background you could have guessed that
00:51.04mvanbaakstat is used in a lot of stuff to find out if a file exists or not
00:51.25tobiasmvanbaak: i usually have RTC linkage errors when i try to load ztdummy in a VM environment
00:51.42mvanbaaktobias: there's a patch for that on mantis
00:52.22lesouvageI think this proofs that I don't have a thorough linux background. (although I know my way around)
00:52.28tobiasmvanbaak: patch for zaptel?
00:52.35mvanbaaktobias: yup
00:52.49mvanbaaksearch for 'ztdummy xen'
00:53.35tobias ?
00:53.43tobiasi'll try that search
00:54.08tobiashm doesn't show anything
00:54.32mvanbaak8896 has some pointers yes
00:55.34tobiasmvanbaak: are you using that and does it work?
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00:56.01mvanbaaktobias: have a look at this one (including all the comments):
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01:38.24tobiasi do modprobe ztdummy
01:38.39tobiasand whenever asterisk tries to play back a recording, i just hear silence
01:38.42tobiasi do rmmod ztdummy
01:38.45tobiasand everything works fine
01:38.59tobiasvoice calls work fine either way
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02:02.45*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
02:04.26*** join/#asterisk Op3r (n=edwin@
02:04.36Op3ranyone knows this error message?
02:04.38Op3rloader.c:555 load_modules: Loading module failed!
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02:07.10tripppyhi, i just got voip setup on my router and i can make phone calls out but my ISP didnt give me a call in phone number. can i use my IP somehow?
02:09.37*** join/#asterisk tobias (
02:10.54tobiassorry i lost connection there
02:11.01tobiasany thoughts about my ztdummy issue?
02:11.25filetobias: what kernel version?
02:11.45tobiasthe debian etch kernel
02:12.18Op3rtobias: what was your issue with your ztdummy?
02:12.44tobiasmodprobe ztdummy
02:12.55tobiasi can't hear any recordings that asterisk tries to play back (but voice calls work fine)
02:12.58Op3rand what was the error?
02:13.00tobiasrmmod ztdummy
02:13.10tobiaseverything works fine (except for conferences, of course)
02:13.14tobiasno error
02:13.18tobiasi just get silence
02:13.22*** part/#asterisk snazm (n=snazm@
02:13.40tobiase.g., when calling the voicemail prompt
02:13.43Op3rcheck if ztdummy is actually modprobbed
02:13.47tobiasit is
02:14.00tobiasand chan_zap finds it
02:14.09tobiasbecause going into a conf doesn't throw an error anymore
02:14.27tobias(in the logs, that is)
02:14.27Op3rrecompile your zaptel (thats what I do when Im lazy) and see if it works
02:14.33tobiasjust did that
02:14.49Op3rwhat version?
02:14.52tobiaspurged /dev/zap, purged all the zaptel packages, rebooted, and rebuilt
02:14.57tobias1.2.11 i think
02:15.08tobiaswhatever debian has
02:15.39fileztdummy uses the kernel timers to generate timing, that timing is used for conferences and file playback when available, if the kernel doesn't generate the timing right then ztdummy won't provide timing and things like what you described won't work
02:15.47fileI have heard of issues on later kernels but not with that one
02:19.03*** join/#asterisk UnixDog (
02:19.10UnixDogok whats going on here
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02:20.30tobiasfile: i see a lot of 'rtc: lost some interrupts at 1024Hz.
02:20.30tobias' in dmesg
02:20.49filethat would be why
02:20.53tobiasi have put '1024' in /proc/sys/dev/rtc/max-user-freq though
02:20.56tobiasso i'm not sure why
02:22.34UnixDogI need help with how to properly do status checking in a dial plan like for dialing to check if call waiting is active or if call forwording is enabled and set
02:22.54tobiaslemanal: yo
02:23.09lemanalhey tobias.
02:23.40fileUnixDog: active? on what sort of device?
02:23.59tobiasi'm stumped again, heh
02:24.06tobiasrecompile the kernel?
02:24.16rob0Check the Thurman unit.
02:24.18UnixDogsip phomes like polycoms
02:24.34UnixDogbut most of it is dialplan and db correct
02:25.21fileUnixDog: if you force the user to do it by calling numbers and such, then it's done server side... if they do it on the phone itself you can't know
02:25.26lemanaltobias: what's that config file that's missing?
02:26.17UnixDogok we are just talkoing dial plan then all done on server
02:26.37tobiaslemanal: hm dunno
02:26.53tobiaslemanal: was it an error on /etc/init.d/zaptel start ?
02:27.04filethen you use standard logic... Gotoif, ${DB}
02:28.01UnixDogdo you have some dialplan I can look at to understand
02:30.37*** join/#asterisk Grnd-Wire (n=grundofw@
02:31.44UnixDogbtw I am using asterisk 1.4
02:32.31Grnd-WireSo I am getting started with speech synthesis - and I'm not sure if I should be learning Festival or Flite?
02:32.37UnixDogis there anydial with this function that I can see file
02:32.49[TK]D-FenderUnixDog, There are some samples on the WIKI if you don't have the insight to build it yourself.
02:32.59UnixDogflite I read is better
02:33.15UnixDogbut cepstriel is also suppost to be good
02:33.23Grnd-WireIs that free?
02:33.46Grnd-WireGood evening [TK]D-Fender
02:33.49Grnd-Wireoh, ok.. :(
02:33.58UnixDogits like 35 bucks I was  looking into it
02:34.05filebuilding it yourself is not that hard... just have to think, just like the rest of Asterisk - all the tools to build what you want are there, you just have to put them together
02:34.19Grnd-Wireoh! Well that's very affordable, especially if it works better.. :P
02:34.24[TK]D-FenderGrnd-Wire, y0
02:35.03UnixDog? wiki
02:35.25UnixDogI  have read the Book
02:35.26Grnd-Wire[TK]D-Fender: Any input on text to speech stuff? I've got a virgin 1.4.14 install, and I want something I don't have to spend alot of time installing.. ?
02:35.42tobiaslemanal: ". Effectively the 2.6 version of ztdummy does the same job as zaprtc does for 2.4 kernels."
02:35.45UnixDogget the flite rpm
02:35.58[TK]D-FenderGrnd-Wire, never touched TTS
02:36.03UnixDogand app-flite5.0.rpm
02:36.45Grnd-WireUnixDog: hmm.. ok - and how does that integrate with Asterisk? I don't even know where to go for help/documentation
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02:38.29UnixDogI know they use it on trixbox aka trashbox
02:38.42UnixDogbut I did not like it
02:38.44tripppyhi, i just got voip setup on my router and i can make phone calls out but my ISP didnt give me a call in phone number. can i use my IP somehow?
02:38.55UnixDogand there was no one really using it
02:39.13UnixDogyou cant really learn on trashbox
02:39.22UnixDogits more a pbx for dummies
02:40.26Grnd-Wireheh.. So Cepstral looks to be pretty promising..
02:40.57*** join/#asterisk tripppy (
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02:41.50[TK]D-Fendertripppy, "set up on your router"?
02:42.43Grnd-WireCepstral charges $50 per "port" (how many channels are actively creating speech at once), and voices are active .. and then $30 per voice you want to use
02:44.32[TK]D-FenderGrnd-Wire, Not exorbitant if its decent quality
02:45.17Grnd-Wire[TK]D-Fender: I'm not complaining! They've got a demo section on their site, so you can get WAV files made for specific pieces of text.. That at least allows me to start working on the logic/flow of my diaplan. :)
02:47.33tripppy[TK]D-Fender, yes. it has two phone handsets attached . they can both make calls out using my voip account. I CANT CALL INTO it tho....
02:47.58[TK]D-Fendertripppy, this very clearly has nothing to do with ASTERISK, so why ask here?
02:48.53[hC][TK]D-Fender: hey, would you mind taking a peek at a sip.cfg overrides file ive been using and maybe affirm that what I'm doing is right?
02:49.02[TK]D-Fender[hC], sure
02:49.24tripppybecause i was told alot of voip nerds hang around here. basically is it possible with a SIP phone to call a IP (netcomm nb9w) with handsets attached?
02:50.03[hC][TK]D-Fender: one major thing im trying to determine, is if i override things like this, and for example the sound_effects tags, if i skip the rest of the insides and only override a specific tag, will it have a negative effect?
02:50.31[hC][TK]D-Fender: I'm wondering if my everrides of the contents of sound_effects has for some reason made the phones think that that is the ONLY thing in sound_effects now, screwing up ringing tones
02:50.51[TK]D-Fendertripppy, You'll have to see on you router itself if it lets you add a 2nd provider and supports a dialplan to let you choose it.  First guess = no, you're probably screwed
02:51.13[hC][TK]D-Fender: my <phonemac>.cfg file does x###.cfg, myoverrides.cfg, phone1.cfg, sip.cfg incase you're curious about loading order.
02:53.11[TK]D-Fender[hC], AFAIK all config files act like layers over the total sum of configurable parameters.  You should be able to do it in 10 steps if you want, layer by layer.
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02:55.14[hC][TK]D-Fender: yeah.. Thats what I understand as well. I'm just curious if what i should be doing is duplicating the entirety of sip.cfg and just making my own changes, or if the way im doing it is okay.  I suppose if the point was to duplicate sip.cfg and then make changes, that would hose the upgrade process.
02:56.22[TK]D-Fender[hC], No, that part can be explained by how the "-phone" overrides work.  This supports the previous thoeries
02:58.40[hC][TK]D-Fender: hmm however the-phone overrides are explicitly wrapped in <OVERRIDES>, where as im hijacking entire tag sets and only overriding single tags at a time.
02:58.51[hC][TK]D-Fender:  how do you do it?
02:59.42[TK]D-Fender[hC], I don't :)  I jsut use the structure given by the base "<mac>.cfg sip.cfg phoneXXX.cfg (renamed)"
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03:00.04[hC][TK]D-Fender: and every time a new software version comes out you port your changes entirely? :)
03:00.38[TK]D-Fender[hC], Where changes to the configs are required, yes.  Few things come down the the phone level.
03:01.23[TK]D-Fender[hC], if I wanted something "smarter" I'd *grep* into key fields and auto-generate everything, but for now, search&replace works well for me :)
03:01.25*** join/#asterisk plumbus (n=plumbus@unaffiliated/plumbus)
03:01.36[hC][TK]D-Fender: interesting. that can be pretty tedious work though, I mean the same tags are not in phone1.cfg and sip.cfg
03:02.24[TK]D-Fender[hC], There is very little you need to mod in sip.cfg and it applies to all.  In the phone level there's typically about 10 fields.  Not a lot...
03:02.27[hC][TK]D-Fender: so when a software update comes you have to take the new sip.cfg, and transpose your old settings into the new sip.cfg file so that you dont keep running old settings on new software b y accident and get an undesired outcome
03:02.52[TK]D-Fender[hC], I check the changelog to see if the old is compatible first.
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03:09.26[hC]huh.. looking @ how other people do it, and how trixbox does it
03:09.28[hC]i think im doing it wrong
03:10.45[TK]D-Fender[hC], Structure-monger! :p
03:11.13[hC]Go figure. going thru the pain of tracing all the parent tags back
03:11.18[TK]D-Fender[hC], You are like a D&D "Min-Max"-er and end up outsmarting yourself
03:11.19[hC]and it seems to now be biting me in the ass!
03:11.43[hC]I'm craftier and sneakier than I think.
03:11.45[hC]Or.... something.
03:12.14[hC]I'm overriding using the <sip> tag. Apparently I should be using the <localcfg> tag first of all
03:12.33[hC]and also i didnt realize i could format tags by inserting carriage returns in the lines
03:14.05idoi don't know what that means but it sounded great in my head
03:20.17Speedy2Anyone here use Sipuras?
03:22.39[TK]D-FenderSpeedy2, Yes, SPA-1001's even..... now maybe you can catch up and ask that real question we were waiting for hours ago :)
03:23.23Speedy2[TK]D-Fender:  Just curious if the Linksys versions were any different than Sipura branded
03:23.49[TK]D-FenderSpeedy2, not really.
03:23.54[TK]D-FenderSpeedy2, Sipura is no more...
03:24.09Speedy2[TK]D-Fender:  I know that...
03:24.47Speedy2[TK]D-Fender:  Going to buy a used one, wondering if Linksys != Sipura model
03:27.06[TK]D-FenderSpeedy2, when Linksys bought them out, the changed the logos & plastic casing, thats about it.
03:27.35*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
03:28.26coppicearen't those the key elements of the design?
03:29.16[TK]D-Fendercoppice, And the big honking wing on the tail ;)
03:30.34coppicedoes the main chip in a linksys still say its a VCD chip like the sipuras did?
03:31.32[TK]D-Fendercoppice, I don't go out and try open-tech surgery whenever I buy something new :)
03:32.56coppiceyou shop in the wrong places if they won't let you adequately assess your potential purchase
03:35.23[TK]D-Fendercoppice, a sacrifice I'm willing to made given the commute :p
03:42.03jameswf-homethis is neat, um get digital copies of books you allready own ;)
03:43.27Speedy2[TK]D-Fender:  So the same Sipura firmware can go into the Linksys branded devices?
03:43.57Speedy2[TK]D-Fender:  I updated the firmware of an SPA-1001 to a Linksys branded firmware a bunch of stuff broke, so I reverted back.  I wanted to get another SPA-1001 and stick the (working) firmware on to it.
03:44.11[TK]D-FenderSpeedy2, That I wouldn't bet on.  Do you have an issue with the one its got and others available from Linksys?
03:44.42Speedy2[TK]D-Fender:  See above statement.
03:44.56[TK]D-FenderSpeedy2, so NONE of them are good for you>
03:45.32Speedy2[TK]D-Fender:  Well, I found a Sipura firmware image that works so I'm happy with it.
03:45.49[TK]D-FenderSpeedy2, And works with your unit?
03:46.40*** join/#asterisk fujin (n=aj@unaffiliated/fujin)
03:47.42Speedy2[TK]D-Fender:  Well I have a Sipura (non-Linksys) SPA-1001 and I found a Sipura firmware that works for me without issue.  I'm worried if I buy a Linksys I can't use that firmware.
03:48.07[TK]D-FenderWell what is the "bunch of stuff" that broke?
03:48.14coppicewhat's so special about this firmware?
03:48.25Speedy2I don't know, Linksys broke a bunch of stu
03:48.32[TK]D-FenderSpeedy2, how... generic...
03:48.34Speedy2So I reverted back to Sipura
03:48.43Speedy2[TK]D-Fender:  Caller ID I think was borked
03:52.22Speedy2[TK]D-Fender:  Basically with the latest Linksys-branded firmware, I've experienced a number of problems.  My SIP provider (who uses Asterisk) was troubleshooting with me and traced the issues back to the Linksys firmware.
03:52.57[TK]D-FenderSpeedy2, And your own local tests?
03:53.37Speedy2[TK]D-Fender: I couldn't figure out exactly what changes caused it, but the previous firmware worked OK.  That was pretty old, Sipura branded firmware.
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04:47.32UnixDogman dial plan is not easy
04:48.12UnixDogand we are doing gialplan for a new embedded system based on bsd+asterisk+php called askozia
04:51.47[TK]D-FenderUnixDog, dialplan is dialplan, it does not matter what system you're using.
04:55.36*** join/#asterisk EnigmaCurry (n=user@
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05:15.46BadHorsiewhy is zaptel's wathdog disabled by default?
05:18.36EnigmaCurryAnyone know if the SPA3102 has a delay after dialing before it makes a connection outbound? I'm trying to find out why my softphone is connecting instantly but my SPA3102 takes about 5-10 seconds before a connection is made.
05:20.55EnigmaCurryOr does anyone know the general term I should be searching for? Where a device waits to see if the user types more numbers to the dial string?
05:23.34[TK]D-FenderEnigmaCurry, Think of the time it takes to seize a line and then pass DTMF on to it and await the first progress tone.  Thats analog for you.
05:24.43EnigmaCurryhuh. It's interesting though that *incoming* calls are noticiably faster.
05:25.51[TK]D-FenderEnigmaCurry, well the very second your line rings you don't have to do anything but pick up.  You aren't dialing and CREATING delay and waiting for confirmation.  Instead the FXO says "Holy shit the line is RINGING, just answer it!"
05:27.05fileunless you do callerid...
05:27.27[TK]D-Fenderfile, bah.. with all those hackers running *, who can trust it anyways ;)
05:27.55fileI tweaked my SPA3102 though, only rings once to get the callerid before passing it on via SIP
05:28.47EnigmaCurryfile: Your running an SPA3102? How long does it take for you to dial out to where you see the connection on an asterisk console?
05:29.02fileEnigmaCurry: you are talking about the FXS port?
05:29.21EnigmaCurryThe FXO is baren for me at the moment
05:29.25filethat's different, it's instant because the dialplan I have configured matches everything I dial so it's passed on instantly
05:29.25EnigmaCurryjust doing voip
05:29.34[TK]D-FenderEnigmaCurry, Oh well you probably have 1 extra thing to add... FXS dialplan delay <-
05:30.04[TK]D-FenderEnigmaCurry, So if we're talking using the FXS port to dial a number, going through *, then out the SPA's FXO port there is even MORE in the way.
05:30.43[TK]D-FenderEnigmaCurry, On the FXS you can speed up its "send" so that once it knows you aren't going to dial more digits, that it doesn't jsut wait a few seconds.
05:30.49EnigmaCurryI'm taling SPA FXS -> ethernet -> * -> SIP address on the internet
05:31.14[TK]D-FenderEnigmaCurry, Well FXS.... thats purely your SPA's dialplan then
05:31.26EnigmaCurry[TK]D-Fender: OK, that's exactly what I'm after... to speed up the "send"
05:31.52[TK]D-FenderEnigmaCurry, go fix the dialplan so that it knows when you've dialed a "complete" number without waiting for more digits.
05:31.56EnigmaCurryI'm using a cordless... so it sends all the digits pretty fast, I don't need it to wait at all
05:32.13EnigmaCurryAre we talking about the SPA or *?
05:32.38[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> EnigmaCurry, Well FXS.... thats purely your SPA's dialplan then <-  Good MORNING!
05:32.47*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
05:32.50[TK]D-Fender~cluebat EnigmaCurry
05:32.51jbotACTION pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps EnigmaCurry.
05:33.16EnigmaCurryI apologize, I came here because I'm a newb
05:33.26EnigmaCurrythanks for the help
05:34.25[TK]D-FenderEnigmaCurry, <- good place to learn all about configuring your SPA
05:35.27*** join/#asterisk dseeb_ (
05:46.17jbotDon't bother telling us you're a "newb" or a "n00b".  We can tell.
05:46.41file[TK]D-Fender: be nice to the locals, they might all rebel one day
05:47.51jbotlocal is probably like, is your system local to you?  Can you physically touch it from where you're sitting, or maybe by going to another room?  As opposed, say, to being 1500km from you, accessible only via air and sea (combined) travel, and installed in a restricted-access facility?  This matters if we, say, try to restart your system and it doesn't.
05:48.06[TK]D-Fenderfile, I was nice, not a swear, "newb", RTFM ( good refferal after certainly is not condescending).
05:48.25fileI don't want to have to clean up after they slaughter you
05:48.29[TK]D-Fenderfile, So all in all, I'd give my performance a solid 8.5 :)
05:48.41fileit is very difficult to get blood out of carpet
05:48.46filedon't ask how I know this
05:49.08[TK]D-Fenderfile, like in Lethal Weapon "please stand over there on the plastic sheet.  Why? *BLAM*"
05:49.44jameswf-homeI like to take people out on accident like the car scene in pulp fiction
05:50.25*** join/#asterisk zerocod3r (
05:52.03[hC]is "on accident" an american thing? In canada we say "by accident"
05:52.09[hC]on accident sounds weird to me
05:52.51jameswf-homeprinting stuff in french in an english country by mandate sounds wierd to me
05:54.13jameswf-homei mean tell the french to get over it, they dont fight back
05:54.31[TK]D-Fenderjameswf-home, Canada is officially bilingual, though you'd have trouble with concensus west of Quebec....
05:54.36[hC]I agree, I dont like french either.
05:54.48[hC]but yeah, the bilingual thing is why that happens.
05:54.59[TK]D-Fender[hC], Va-t'ens tabarnac!
05:55.00[hC]I am pro-making-quebec-their-own-country
05:55.08[hC]<- Westerner!
05:55.34jameswf-homewe have been trying to make mexico its own country but seems they like us too much
05:55.50zerocod3rat least people talk about something and I understand exactly what they talk about :) we have anchestor saying to be french to something mean understand nothing
05:56.19[TK]D-Fender... huh?
05:56.56zerocod3rEha I have just start to learn asterisk due to that reason dont understand most of things ;) I imply people asking question
05:57.11jameswf-homein the US all profanity is considered french
05:57.14[hC][TK]D-Fender: dont feel bad, i dont get it either.
05:58.01jqlne shit pas?
05:58.07[TK]D-Fenderjameswf-home, I remember when it was "all Greek to me"....
05:58.40*** join/#asterisk techie (
05:59.21jbotVous pouvez obtenir de l'aide sur Debian sur le canal #debian-fr - For help in french, please join #debian-fr
05:59.41[hC]what the hell.. you cant modify dhcp/provisioning server settings via the polycom web interface?
06:00.07jqlthe polycom web interface... sucks. I turn that shit off
06:00.38[hC]yes of course it does. as I am clearly pointing out :)
06:00.46[hC]i just need to reboot the thing remotely and its not registered to my pbx.
06:01.40[TK]D-Fender[hC], hack the power grid :)
06:01.53jameswf-homejbot dropdatabase;
06:01.53jbotSo you think you could kill me, did you. You thought you could come in here, in my own home, and take me down without a fight. I would have given you a chance, really. But now, you have unleashed hell. May god have mercy on your soul.
06:02.47jqlhell, the web interface reboots the phone as soon as you click any button
06:03.07jqlyou can't make it NOT reboot the stupid damn thing
06:03.58jbotACTION has disconnected (Read error: 99 (Connection reset by beer))
06:04.08jqlyou killed jbot
06:04.22jbotEvery moment in which I'm called upon is torture.
06:04.33jbotI HATE YOU, jameswf-home!!!
06:04.49jbotARGH!!! STOP IT jameswf-home!!!
06:05.23jbotaw, gee, jameswf-home
06:05.41jbotACTION takes out a revolver and shoots jameswf-home in the head three times.
06:05.46jbotACTION lets a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh eat jameswf-home.
06:05.54jbotYou know, this got old a long time ago.
06:06.01jameswf-homeyeah it did
06:06.23jbotBut I'm on a diet!
06:06.24zerocod3rjust wonder is it only sensitive agains programmed words
06:06.38zerocod3ror just searching and creating something logic
06:07.11jbotbitte, jameswf-home
06:07.26jameswf-homewtf is a bitte
06:08.05jbotjesus is, like, cool, or  apparently now EMACS (see emacs)
06:08.13coppiceits bitte about the way you are treating it
06:08.48jameswf-homewe say we dont have an instruction manual but we have an instruction juan
06:09.21coppiceyour juan funny guy
06:09.54jameswf-homeoh jose can you see by the dawns early light...
06:13.24coppiceits a bugs bunny cartoon where ther use that line, isn'it it?
06:15.43*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
06:15.45coppicethe world's spanish speaking population is growing. there's juan born every minute
06:17.44*** join/#asterisk techie (
06:18.15*** join/#asterisk robl^ (n=robl@pdpc/supporter/monthlybyte/robl)
06:18.49jameswf-homeeverytime you send a ping you piss of an asian lady
06:20.16BadHorsiepoor bot.
06:20.36jameswf-homen n n n n n n n
06:21.40jameswf-homecan i cause ann odd loop hmmmmmmm
06:24.13coppicemaybe jbot can translate
06:25.05jameswf-homejbot: talk to monty
06:25.06jbotACTION chatters endlessly to to monty
06:25.35coppicemaybe jbot can translate
06:26.26jameswf-homejbot generate all permutations of "sarcasm"
06:26.53jameswf-homejbot: be random
06:26.54jbotChaos! Chaos! Pi! E! Help! Weather!
06:28.11tzafrir_home~bot abuse
06:28.11jbotACTION huddles in the corner, whimpering 'please, please stop'
06:29.09coppices/translate/繙譯/ s/can/會/ s/maybe/或者/
06:30.00*** join/#asterisk techie (
06:30.03*** part/#asterisk techie (
06:30.38jbotit has been said that cat is officially used to concatenate files. cat is also used to display the contents of a file on screen. Syntax: cat (file1) (file2) ...(fileN) Where file1 through fileN are the files to display. Example: cat letters/from-mdw displays the file letters/from-mdw. or a clawed walking stomach that meows, or ...
06:31.04jbotRead: coppice
06:31.09jbotfrom memory, vagina is something that i dont have but i like to suck, SUCK PUSSY YEAH!!!
06:31.20obnauticusfucking bot.
06:32.55jameswf-homejbot: you suck
06:32.56jbotand very well I might add
06:33.16jbotgod is, like, a llama, or real unless declared integer
06:33.37[hC]i wonder how much he knows about
06:33.38jameswf-home~wiki vagina
06:33.39jbotmethinks kram is a jerk
06:33.59SwK~jbot jerk
06:34.00jboti heard jerk is the derivative of acceleration with respect to time
06:34.32jbotbsd is probably a UNIX operating system. An asterisk port is currently being worked on.
06:34.41jboti guess linux is the cure for cancer, AIDS and slavery to corporations
06:34.49jbotwindows is probably a 32 bit hack on a 16 bit operating system, originally designed for an 8 bit CPU, with a 4 bit system bus, made by a 2 bit company that can't stand 1 bit of competition... or the World of Warcraft bootloader, or the most important collection of bugs
06:35.08jbotI have no life | Lets go raid!
06:35.20coppice~jbot jerk is also the derivative of politian, without respect to anything
06:35.21jbotACTION suddenly yanks on the leash around is also the derivative of politian, without respect to anything's neck
06:35.50jbotPorn remains one of the largest problems with Open Source Software. Often causing development delays, flooded links and, in extreme cases, disabling programmers ability to type.
06:36.27*** part/#asterisk dseeb_ (
06:36.28BadHorsieyou guys need a life, hahaha
06:37.15SwKobviously we do...
06:37.25SwKits 12:30 on a saturday night and we're home on irc
06:37.28jbotrumour has it, grass is /me wishes grass was emo so it would cut it's self
06:38.47BadHorsiei'm having a gin while reading TFOT...
06:39.26BadHorsiei was checking some boot camps, but, 3000 USD?
06:40.29coppiceisn't the whole point of boot camps to make you suffer?
06:40.51jboti guess swearing is Silence, you sock-clucking mother-trucker
06:42.09obnauticus~dns \\
06:42.19obnauticusthat would be netbios though :\
06:42.26coppicejbot curse is also May you live for a thousand installs.
06:42.27jbotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, is also May you live for a thousand installs. !
06:43.34jameswf-home~kick coppice
06:43.35jbotACTION kicks coppice
06:44.00coppice~lart jameswf-home
06:44.00jbotjudo chops jameswf-home
06:44.14*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
06:50.53jbotI feel different somehow.
06:52.47robl^anyone here have a chance to use an AA50 yet?  Any opinions / major shortcomings / gotchas ?  I am considering one for a small site.
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07:49.26yangWhich is a good VOIP related forums ?
07:50.13*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
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09:46.13mkl1525Hi, just read that in realtime setup queue agents are updated if a new call comes in - does this mean if I've already a caller in queue and an agent is inserted in the db the agent had to wait till another caller comes in? or does the retry time work in this setup too?
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10:50.14Speedy2Having fun?
10:50.58*** join/#asterisk oej (
10:52.59phixSpeedy2: nearly
10:53.16phixok fun++;
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10:58.01idohi phix
10:58.41idoso, of all of the free/open source software pbxes out there, how would you rank the top three, in order of best to worst?
11:01.18phixido: hi
11:01.26idohi phix
11:01.37phixhow is your day/
11:01.39phixor night
11:01.41phixor morning
11:01.50idomorning here, 5am
11:01.53idomy day's okay
11:16.49*** join/#asterisk briantumor (
11:18.35briantumorin sip.conf.. where it says. register =>
11:18.44briantumorshould password be the actual password?
11:19.03briantumorok, i thought maybe it was a formatting thing
11:19.24idoyou may want to double check the permissions on your configuration file to ensure they are the strictest possible
11:19.27*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
11:19.48briantumori'm just following this..
11:20.08idoyes, i'm just careful of putting your passwords anywhere in plain text
11:20.14idoin general, not just in asterisk
11:20.16briantumoroh alright
11:20.36briantumorah, thanks for reminding me
11:21.03briantumoryup.. only root has read access
11:21.16*** join/#asterisk kclaussen (n=kclausse@
11:21.30briantumorok.. now that i have sip.conf and extensions.conf configured
11:21.34briantumorwhat do i do? :S
11:23.51briantumorstrange.. when i installed the package there was supposed to have been an /etc/rc.d/rc.asterisk file installed
11:27.32briantumorhmm.. perhaps i should add the user and group
11:38.12*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
11:41.53idoyou really ought to read the asterisk installation guide / manual
11:42.17tzafrirido, which specific one?
11:42.24idothere are a few
11:42.41idothough i didn't have trouble just reading the code and figuring out what goes where
11:43.10ido <-- there are links to different ones here
11:43.40idoand there's of course the INSTALL/README/whatever files
11:58.39*** join/#asterisk duki (
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12:23.59beastyanyone knows if it's possible to receive sms'es with asterisk ?
12:30.54*** join/#asterisk usam (n=alx@
12:50.19d-k-tbeasty, where are you wanting to receive them from?
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12:55.41beastyd-k-t: my cellphone
13:00.34mostybeasty, how would you connect your cellphone to asterisk?
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13:03.42beastyi have a sip provider for my asterisk ?
13:03.47beastyso i'll just enter the nr
13:11.55*** join/#asterisk jm|laptop (n=jm|
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13:34.12loompekhi.. i've got a little ol question
13:34.20loompekabout localization...
13:35.01loompekindestead of "2 hunderd 80 8" i'd like asterisk to say "2 hundred 8 and 80"
13:35.12loompekin my language...
13:35.20loompekwhere could i set that for 'say numbers'
13:35.29tzafrirloompek, what language is that?
13:35.56tzafrirHave a look at say.conf
13:36.04loompeki belive germany has the same
13:36.04tzafrirfor some languages it is good enough
13:39.07*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
13:40.33juuvaasterisk-ooh323c seams to crash sometimes
13:42.31juuvatzafrir: which h323 stack you would recommend?
13:43.17tzafrirjuuva, not sure
13:43.56juuvaisn't one packaged with asterisk 1.4?
13:46.54juuvaactually asterisk seams to crash every time when callername or callerid is not set (calling sip -> ooh323c)
13:47.04*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
13:47.33loompekeven though i copied [de] to [sl] i still keep getting english voices :S
13:47.48loompekdo i need to include say.conf anywhere?
13:47.55loompeki set language=sl in sip.conf
13:48.33loompeki mean.. it says the numbers in my language.. but the order is incorrect :S
13:52.36tzafrirloompek, have you set language=sl   ?
13:52.47tzafririn the channel config ?
13:58.32*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
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14:02.41robl^morning everyone
14:03.05coppiceooh323c seems to have gone very quiet. has it been abandoned?
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14:06.54loompektzafrir yes i have.. and i also tried with Set("SIP/1-08211230", "CHANNEL(language)=sl")
14:07.05loompekexten => _0.,1,Set(CHANNEL(language)=sl)
14:07.10loompekno luck
14:36.36juuvacoppice: might be abandoned, propably I got to try another h323 implementation
14:40.37*** join/#asterisk duki (
14:40.58Siyaapp_rxfax.c:60: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
14:41.05Siyadoes that ring a bell with anyone
14:43.04tzafrirSiya, sounds remotely familiar. What version of spandsp? What version of app_rxfax.c (from where?)
14:44.02*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
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14:59.10juuvaasterisk-h323 seams to tolerate missing values much better than ooh323c, no crashing yet
14:59.23robl^morning [TK]D-Fender
14:59.53Siyatzafrir: asterfax-1.1-freeb4.i386.rpm
15:00.10Siyatrying to follow these instructions:
15:00.20Siyathough I'm on Debian (* etc from svn)
15:04.45*** join/#asterisk hi365 (
15:04.56SiyaI think libspandsp came with asterfax
15:05.27Siyathough I installed libspandsp1 and libspandsp-dev through apt
15:06.24SiyaI had to symlink /usr/lib/ to /usr/lib/
15:15.36*** join/#asterisk tobias (
15:19.35Siyatzafrir: it seems to trip over STANDARD_LOCAL_USER; and LOCAL_USER_DECL;
15:20.32tzafrirSiya, that sounds like a mighty old spandsp. What version of spandsp is it?
15:20.52Siyatzafrir: how can I figure that out?
15:20.56tzafrirdpkg -l libspandsp-dev
15:21.35Siyatoo old?
15:21.42tzafrirah, right. that's the version in Etch
15:22.04tzafrirthough probably too old for current rx_fax, tx_fax
15:22.36tzafrirmore up-to-date debs are available at the
15:22.49tzafrirbut I suspect that spandsp has not had its share of testing
15:26.38Siyatzafrir: i can build from source or would you not advise that?
15:27.50tzafrirSiya, that same repo also has app_rxfax and app_txfax packages...
15:28.34tzafrirbut those indeed depend on the specific Asterisk
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15:57.25hi365tzafrir: hi :)
15:58.15hi365how are you. ive got a quick questions
15:59.07hi365if i use externapass option in voicemail.conf - when a user changes his password does it get updated imidiatly?
15:59.37hi365i.e. in asterisks memeory? i presume its updated i the voicemail file ??
16:00.27tzafrirI don't remember. I'll have to look at the code...
16:01.03robl^hi365: it *should* be, as long as permissions are set to allow the user running the asterisks process to modify the file
16:01.09tzafrirshould update in memory, I guess
16:01.50hi365robl^: you mean that asterisk wont do it automaticly?
16:02.49robl^hi365: it depnds on filesystem permissions asterisk needs write permission to the file containing the password
16:03.19hi365robl^:  assuming that asterisk HAS the required perm, and i run a script - will the vm file be updated?
16:03.46tzafrirhi365, you have externpass and externpassnotify
16:04.17tzafrirexternpass means: "don't edit voicemail.conf . your command should do that"
16:04.42tzafrirexternpassnotify mean "I'll change voicemail.conf, and then run your external command"
16:05.00hi365cool. thats the one i need then.
16:05.13hi365are any variables passed to the script?
16:05.56robl^hi365: ohh.. extern pass.  yeah, its the script.. but you still need to make sure the scripts have the correct permissions to allow them o modify the files
16:06.16tzafrirsnprintf(buf,255,"%s %s %s %s",ext_pass_cmd,vmu->context,vmu->mailbox,newpassword);
16:06.48hi365thanks tzafrir ! and you robl^
16:07.10hi365one last thing - why in the worl would someone want to edit the vm file "manualy"??
16:12.56*** join/#asterisk duki (
16:14.01tzafrirthen you'd have to reload
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16:45.10tzafriroh323 is probably quite dated by now
16:45.23tzafrirthe latest released version will not build.
16:45.30tzafrirlatest cvs will
16:46.54*** part/#asterisk duki (
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16:49.01[TK]D-FenderCVS ... *snicker*
16:50.39tobias[TK]D-Fender: figured out my problem
16:50.50tzafrir[TK]D-Fender, CVS of oh323 . latest released oh323 probably does build with latest CVS of Asterisk
16:51.18tobias[TK]D-Fender: the key was discovering that after rmmod ztdummy recordings played back fine
16:51.23[TK]D-Fender...CVS... <-
16:51.27tobias(but of course conferences didn't work)
16:51.36mamepanyone experienced with chan_h323?
16:51.58tobias[TK]D-Fender: so that led me to question ztdummy's usage of the RTC
16:52.43tobiasafter rebuilding ztdummy with RTC disabled and rebuilding my kernel with a timer freq of 1000, everything is happy
16:53.32[TK]D-Fendertobias, I have heard of this before but didn't think of it when you asked...
16:53.57*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=email@
16:56.33tobiasi wonder why ztdummy uses the RTC at all
16:56.47tobiasit seems so finicky in a significant number of configurations
16:57.14tobiasi guess recompiling one's kernel is not something that everyone wants to do
16:57.29tobiasbut it's a hell of a lot less work that debugging the problems when they arise
16:58.32*** join/#asterisk GoldFingaZ (
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17:23.20mamepanyone experienced with chan_h323? ??
17:25.09moemoeanybody who can tell me why i can get called, but outgoing calls fail:
17:40.18tzafrirmoemoe, hmm... what version?
17:41.30moemoeasterisk 1.4.13 (debian-unstable-package)
17:41.43moemoezaptel 1.4.5
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17:49.06Siyahmmm same error
17:49.24*** join/#asterisk JayTee52 (
17:50.40Siyatzafrir: would sort it for me? Or would my solution be to find a different source of asterfax as the app_rxfax.c I have now did come with the asterfax rpm
17:51.36tzafrirSiya, I'm looking into
17:53.13*** join/#asterisk GoldFingaZ (
17:54.20tzafrirmoemoe, do you happen to have any SIP / IAX phone to test with?
17:54.33tzafrirI wonder if they would show the same problem
17:55.30moemoetzafrir: yes, just tested with my snom. still the same failure
17:55.57*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
17:58.32Kobazspeaking of h323
17:58.32moemoe this is the same problem with the snom
17:58.55Kobazmamep: what have you found so far in terms of getting h323 to go?
17:58.58*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
18:01.38Kobazis there a way to reload the voicemail settings without completely restarting asterisk?
18:04.20*** join/#asterisk MrParity (
18:04.26MrParityhello :-)
18:05.11MrParityi'm new to asterisk dialplan programming and i want to execute a local program after a call, but it don't work :-(
18:05.52MrParityi have tow exten lines:  "6523771,1,VoiceMail(021516523771,s)" and "6523771,n,System(/root/example.rb &)"
18:06.44tzafrirmoemoe, oh, it's dialing outside.
18:07.12MrParitythere must be anything wrong, but i don't know what it is :-(
18:07.16tzafrirmoemoe, one thing to try: set pridialplan=unknown
18:07.17MrParityany idea?
18:07.20tzafririn zapata.conf
18:07.34tzafrirIt usually just works
18:12.33moemoetzafrir: great, now it works :D
18:24.17*** join/#asterisk salviadud (n=dude@
18:30.40Kobazanyone know how to reload the voicemail config without completely restarting asterisk
18:33.48MrParityKobaz: reload
18:34.01MrParity(reloads everything)
18:35.14Kobazyeah that doesn't do it, that's the first thing i did
18:35.31Kobazi have to kill asterisk and start it again, and then the changes take effect
18:37.05juuvatry restart gracefully, it waits until no channels are open before restarting asterisk
18:37.22Kobazyeah we want to have to not do that
18:37.58juuvaif reload won't do what you want, then it's propably not possible without restart
18:39.37moemoeWARNING: chan_sip.c:1938 retrans_pkt: Maximun retriex exceeded on transmission foo@bar for seqno2 (Critical Response)
18:40.28moemoeWARNING: chan.sip.c: 1962 retrans_pkt: Hanging up call foo@bar - no reply to our critical packet
18:40.36moemoeokay, next problem :/
18:41.14moemoebut before the call works for about 30s
18:41.57*** join/#asterisk The_Charlie (n=J_Cutler@
18:43.09The_CharlieWazup guys... i´m new and i´m new at Asterisk i hope you dont get mad if i ask an basic (stupid jeje) question
18:43.17The_Charliesorry, a basic
18:45.32moemoebut the phone is in the same net as the asterisk, so this cant be a nat problem
18:50.06tzafrirmoemoe, what is asterisk trying to do there, exactly?
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18:53.26moemoetzafrir: this kicks me out of a ongoing phonecall sip -> asterisk -> zaptel -> isdn
18:53.53hardwiretzafrir: so asterisk isn't in debian testing because of other dependencies?  or did something else happen?
18:55.04tzafrirhardwire, the automated answer:
18:55.28hardwireI see it, I just have no idea what that means
18:55.41hardwireits waiting for other packages, eh?
18:56.12hardwireyate maintainers gunking up the works?
18:58.10hardwiretzafrir: I just have no idea where the red flag is in all of this
18:59.02robephmoemoe: does it actually say  Maximun retriex exceeded  or is that sposed to be retries
18:59.22robephdid the devs typo in the error msgs heh
18:59.28tzafrirmoemoe, I don't have any bright ideas
18:59.41moemoeno i had no console running inside screen and so couldnt copy the message
18:59.42tzafrirso maybe a higher debug level, or sip debug
19:00.02moemoebefore are just the message that the call was successfully established etc
19:00.05robephah ok
19:00.08robephheh just wondering
19:00.21tzafrirmoemoe, most messages also go to the logs
19:00.21moemoebut currently my isdn doesnt work "d-chan on span1 down" so i cant even reproduce the msg
19:00.45robephyou turned on sip debug?
19:00.50tzafrirmoemoe, I figure that it is down and is only up when you call out, right?
19:00.56tzafriror when you call in
19:01.32moemoetzafrir: no, i cant even call out, service unavailable
19:01.52robephmoemoe: turn on sip debug when ya can that prolly has some decent info in there regarding this
19:02.13robeph`sip debug` to turn it on
19:02.14moemoeokay, im waiting for my d-chan and try again
19:02.21tzafrirtry calling in
19:02.34tzafrirfrom a mobile or whatever
19:02.41robephok,  majority of the time the debug info will give you a good clue
19:04.51moemoemy mobile terminates the call w/o any msg
19:04.59moemoeand all the time before i didnt get that message
19:05.47robephmoemoe: all your routing set up right as far as port fwd and such?
19:06.39moemoerobeph: yes, asterisk and sip are in the same subnet, only connection to outside is zaptel, so there cant be such a thing like missing port forwardings
19:10.11moemoe okay, here is the failure again
19:10.15robephwell,  just I had an issue where a box had iptables routing my local stuff funky..
19:10.22robephfrom the same box it was on
19:10.54moemoeand for some reasons, my phone still thinks it is connected
19:13.04robephmoemoe: what kinda hardware ya using with that t1?
19:13.12moemoejust one thought - could this be a hardware problem?
19:13.27robephheh that was what I was going to ask heh
19:13.49moemoerobeph: k6-2 350mhz, 512mb ram, 3c905 network controller, a noname-hfc-card
19:14.28robl^[TK]D-Fender: you around?
19:17.15robephmoemoe: could it just be you're using an unstable package?  you tried using a production release?
19:17.46robephi dunno whats causing it off hand though.
19:18.07moemoerobeph: i used the package out of debian unstable, becaus i didnt want to install a new asterisk using 1.2
19:18.39robephjust build it yourself,  don't use the packages ;p
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19:21.04robephsome things I just can't use packages,  too much to worry with how they built it and all
19:21.33hardwiretzafrir: any attempts yet at segregating the asterisk modules into packages?
19:21.40hardwireI'd be willing to take a crack at it
19:22.05hardwirethat may help keep it in testing, while allowing only specific modules to be unavailable
19:22.50moemoehmmm ill try it later after i moved to my new flat ;)
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19:25.39briantumori'm trying to build asterisk with zaptel
19:25.49briantumorbut i get this error.. The Zaptel installation on this system appears to be broken.
19:26.22briantumori thought zaptel is packaged with asterisk?
19:27.00tzafrirhardwire, but asterisk migrates as a source package
19:28.30tzafrirbriantumor, where do you get this error from? what versions of asterisk and of zaptel?
19:29.32briantumori tought zaptel is packaged with asterisk source?
19:29.33briantumorfor linux
19:30.00briantumor"Zaptel on Linux is available alongside Asterisk from or any of the Asterisk mirrors"
19:30.11briantumoroh.. it's not in the same source package?
19:30.20d-k-tthere is a seperate zaptel package
19:30.30d-k-tavailable from the same place
19:31.00briantumorok.. which should i get?
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19:31.08briantumor1.2 or 1.4?
19:34.46MrParitydoes anyone know how i con do something after VoiceMail() ?
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19:35.09MrParityare i'm just to stupid to do that?
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19:40.14CrazyTux[m]How would I listen on multiple ports in sip.conf for *?
19:40.23CrazyTux[m]i.e. 5060, 5061, etc.
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19:54.55[TK]D-FenderMrParity, if they hangup DURING Vm to terminate it, the next priority will not get executed.  That will fall on the "h" standar extension
19:55.01[TK]D-Fenderrobl^, back
19:55.12blitzrageCrazyTux[m]: don't think you can do that
19:55.15robl^[TK]D-Fender: hey hey!  welcome back
19:56.09CrazyTux[m]blitzrage, yea google, returned the same
19:56.56MrParity[TK]D-Fender: hmmm... thanks, but if i use h i can not decide which umber it is, right?
19:56.59robl^[TK]D-Fender: just wanted to see if you had any experience with the AA50, and if so had any feedback on current state, performance, features (or lack of), etc.  Considering one for a new small install and trying to solicit some feedback before ordering
19:57.24blitzrageMrParity: unless you set the values into a channel variable ahead of time
19:57.41[TK]D-Fenderrobl^, no experience.  Its a puny embedded system and not a solution I would ever target
19:58.09MrParityblitzrage: ah, okay. i'll try that.
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20:00.30robl^[TK]D-Fender: *nod*  yeah..  the person I am considering the AA50 for was wanting a small Nortel BCM system (~15 phones).  He's not too keen on "computer based phones system" and wants appliance-ish.  figured it might be a good sell
20:01.10blitzragerobl^: or AstLinux on a Soekris is similar idea
20:01.15[TK]D-Fenderrobl^,  And what does that shmuck think the BCM is?  Its a friggen P1 + **WINDOWS**
20:01.34[TK]D-FenderOr was that a 486?
20:01.47robephjust build an asterisk machine and put it inside of a non pc looking chassis,  he'll never know
20:01.50blitzrage486 I think
20:01.55blitzragerunning winnt
20:01.59[TK]D-FenderBCM is widely regarded as a flamining piece of shit by most of the telelcom industry
20:02.01robl^[TK]D-Fender: it's actually Linux based..  but a low end PC
20:02.12robephnortel switched to nix
20:02.15[TK]D-FenderWINNT <---
20:02.16blitzragerobl^: it is now -- it wasn't until about 1-2 years ago
20:02.23robephwhich is odd,  didn't they also sign a telephony bit with m$?
20:02.34[TK]D-FenderApple Computers "Crash Different" (tm)
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20:02.57robl^right the older BCMs were windows.. but the BCM50 and newer BCM200 and 400 are Linux now
20:03.08robephrobl^: how is that not "pc based" system though heh
20:03.17[TK]D-Fenderrobl^, * really undercuts BCM no matter what...
20:04.20robl^robeph: I *KNOW* its pc-ish..  but the person I am trying to do an install for can't grasp the concept.  he sees it as just something that hangs on the wall and magically works
20:04.51robl^[TK]D-Fender: yup!  I am trying every tactic to sway him to something Asterisk based.
20:05.27robephrobl^: yeh,  I know you know,  i just was saying the guy sounds a bit silly.
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20:05.49robephrobl^: he sounds like the kind of guy that if you make a powerpoint presentation big enough on the wall with a projector he'll listen
20:06.51robl^robeph: you gotta understand.. if he was more tech savvy-- he would likley want to build an asterisk system himself.  this guy is just an office administrator.  he can send emails and play with word and excel
20:06.58blitzrageif not -- then run -- he's more work than he's worth
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20:08.53robl^blitzrage: I would like to run, I think.  not sure if I can, as I would end up having christmas dinner with him.  this person is a relative.
20:09.56robephrobl^: yeh I was kidding,   I know the type,  my old job had an it guy that was ill suited for the position and didn't like the idea of new technologies...guess it scared him since he was working off a ccna from like 10 yrs ago
20:11.19Siyaeek , notes in asterisk cvs: remove the uses of the deprecated STANDARD_LOCAL_USER
20:11.50Siyahow do I adapt to this when app_rxfax.c and app_txfax.c both refer to this definition
20:12.08robl^robeph:  Yup...  I was thinking if I could get him hooked with the AA50, I could sell him on an "upgrade" later ;-)
20:12.43Kobazso i got the ooh323 channel driver going, netmeeting can make a call, and an iax extension will ring
20:13.10Kobazbut once the iax picks up, netmeeting still is waiting for a connection and eventually times out
20:13.24Kobazi'm essentially in the same situation this guy is in:
20:13.34Kobazanyone else use h323?
20:15.25Kobaz[Nov 25 15:15:10] WARNING[12458]: channel.c:2634 ast_indicate_data: Unable to handle indication 3 for 'OOH323/Mark H323-9a9b'
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20:33.22saftsackhi is somebody here who compiled t38modem with sip support
20:33.55j0outbound CID isn't working on my SIP trunks (IAX is fine)... when looking at SIP debug, it has From, Contact, set to *@ip.address
20:34.26j0ah.. i should probably be in the trixbox forum.. :)
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20:36.17Kobazrobeph: hmm
20:36.22Kobazrobeph: no more indication error
20:36.38Kobazrobeph: but the endpoints still cant communicate :(
20:40.36Grnd-WireSo how do I troubleshoot "NOT REACHABLE" messages with IAX trunks? I am at my wits end here. Trying to link 1.4.14 (first time to use 1.4) with a previously installed 1.2 server.
20:40.51saftsackhi building t38modem with sip hangs at this point for me .... g++ -DUSE_OPAL -D_REENTRANT -fno-exceptions  -Wall  -DNDEBUG -I/usr/local/share/pwlib//include -DPTRACING -I../opal_v2_4_0//include -DUSE_LEGACY_PTY -Os   -felide-constructors -Wreorder  -c opal/sipep.cxx -o obj_linux_x86_opal_r/sipep.o
20:41.01fujin_Grnd-Wire: not configured correctly
20:41.03Grnd-WireI've got IAX debugging turned on.. I see a whole lot of PINGs, PONGs, POKEs, and ACKs on both sides..
20:41.04fujin_check the network configuration
20:41.08saftsackdoes somebody have any time to help me?
20:41.19fujin_Grnd-Wire: are they across a lan, or routed across the intertrons?
20:41.25Grnd-Wirefujin_: Of course it's not configured correctly..
20:42.16Grnd-Wirefujin_: Yeah, intertrons.. One side doesn't have a firewall at all, the other side has 4569 forwarded correctly.. I actually have one half of the connection up, it is qualifying and showing OK when you do a show iax2 peers.
20:42.50fujin_Grnd-Wire: one side is sitting on a public IP, with no firewall whatsoever? and one is NATTED, with 4569 forwarded?
20:42.58fujin_can you nmap <> 4569
20:43.02fujin_from either one to the other?
20:43.15fujin_(nmap -vv -sS -p 4569 )
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20:44.03Grnd-Wirefujin_: Let me check..
20:45.45Grnd-Wirefujin_: hmm.. Aren't we working with UDP here?
20:46.17fujin_you should be able to see the port with Netcat
20:46.38fujin_nc -u -v <hostname> <port>
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20:48.11Grnd-WireYeah, so when I execute that - I should be getting garbage on the screen, right? Like protocol negotiation stuff?
20:53.15fujin_Grnd-Wire: you should see it talk to it
20:53.19fujin_or at least connect to the port
20:53.34fujin_Grnd-Wire: is it listening on the right interface?
20:53.44fujin_netstat -l|grep 4569
20:54.25Grnd-Wirefujin_: I have voipstreet running on the "unreachable" host already - so I know we're in a good place to make this work, and alot of the stupid stuff shouldn't be the cause.
20:54.44fujin_I'm not familiar with voipstreet
20:54.51fujin_It talks to IAX on the unreachable?
20:55.17fujin_What's the IP of the unreachable one
20:56.01Grnd-Wirefujin_: Yeah, they are an ITSp
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20:59.20Grnd-WireYou know.. I'm starting to wonder if my provider is filtering 4569.. ugh.. That would explain this behaviour..
20:59.59Grnd-WireI can execute the nc command one way and it works properly - I execute it the other, and it fails from the host.. From another host, it works just fine.. (so I know it's  not my firewall, or my configuration)
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21:01.59fujin_Grnd-Wire: I've not heard of it.. that is quite odd.
21:02.14fujin_would you like me to attempt a connection to it from here, in NZ?
21:02.21fujin_(just an nmap -sU
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21:03.24Grnd-Wirefujin_: No thank you.. You've actually been very helpful, now I know I can use netcat to diagnose UDP connectivity issues.. I've always been stuck unless it was TCP, and I could telnet to it. :P
21:03.24Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
21:03.42fujin_heh. I *generally* always nmap -sS or nmap -sU
21:03.59fujin_netcat is pretty much the equivalent for UDP as telnet is for TCP, in terms of checking if a port is responding anyways
21:04.06SiyaIs anyone actually using asterfax on asterisk-1.4?
21:04.28Grnd-WirePORT     STATE         SERVICE
21:04.28Grnd-Wire4569/udp open|filtered unknown
21:04.32SiyaI'm running into issues due to rxfax and txfax using old definitions
21:04.51Grnd-Wirefujin_: So is that output good, or bad?
21:05.24Siya,283.0.html for anyone willing to take a look at the issue
21:05.33Siyagnight all
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21:15.32Grnd-Wirefujin_: Did you see where I pasted the output of nmap?
21:16.29fujin_that'd imply to me that it's open, but being filtered on some level
21:16.29fujin_if not by a stateful router through a NAT
21:16.29fujin_then by a firewall on the device
21:16.30fujin_if not that, then upstream (which may be hard to pinpoint)
21:17.17Grnd-Wirefujin_: yeah.. ok - It is being filtered by my firewall, but since I do pass IAX2 traffic - that is certainly not the issue.
21:17.45fujin_are you passing *all* IAX2 traffic, i.e.; not just state established,related and new?
21:18.23Grnd-Wirefujin_: I am able to setup and accept calls from Voipstreet, so I am confident my configuration is sound.
21:18.44fujin_yeah, guess so
21:19.20Grnd-Wirefujin_: Someone just told me about insecure=invite,port
21:19.34fujin_Have you not got those already?
21:19.37Grnd-Wirefujin_: I can't find anything information on voipinfo about the insecure keyword, other than that it exists..
21:19.42fujin_you generally *have* to do it, over the intertrons
21:19.46fujin_that's because voipinfo is shit
21:19.57fujin_vi /usr/src/asterisk-*/configs/iax.conf.sample
21:20.05Grnd-Wirefujin_: Well, I had insecure=very .. but that's cause all I know is 1.2 at this point
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21:20.53Grnd-Wireumm - that file doesn't even reference "insecure"
21:22.04fujin_It doesn't?
21:22.27Grnd-Wiregrep for it
21:22.52Grnd-Wiregrep "insecure" iax.conf.sample
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21:23.29fujin_I think insecure is SIP-specific.
21:23.52Grnd-WireYeah, because it has to the with the IP-headers as opposed to the INVITE packets
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21:24.33fujin_sorry, this is getting a little out of my comfort zone
21:24.39fujin_I've never really bothered with IAX.
21:24.48fujin_Have always had enough bandwidth, and sane configurations to warrant using SIP
21:24.59Grnd-Wireheh.. It's out of my comfort zone too..
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21:26.30Grnd-Wirefujin_: Thanks for at least talking it through with me..
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21:37.58Grnd-Wirefujin_: I have decided that the remote asterisk host isn't even TRYING to connect to me on 4569/UDP - I'm not seeing it on my firewall (accept and log).. I do howevery see the NMAP come through on the logs.
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22:30.25fujin_Grnd-Wire: that's odd indeed
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22:37.00ZakMcRoflhey all, major noob with questions here
22:38.29ZakMcRofli have a fritzbox (voip router on which asterisk can be installed) and if want calls from different internal S0-MSN's to use different outgoing settings
22:39.08Fremanmy polycoms keep breeding
22:39.14FremanI left on friday with 5 on my desk
22:39.18FremanI came in on monday and there's 7
22:39.34Fremanproblem is, they appear to have inbread cos the new arrivales are retarded
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22:40.22ZakMcRoflcalls from internal S0 share a context right now. should i edit capi.conf (to have more contexts depending on MSN) or should i filter which MSN the call came from in extensions.conf
22:41.08Fremanthe revision F phones work fantastically, the revision 4 phones won't load the bootrom, they won't register the handset (all calls on speaker phones)
22:41.45ZakMcRoflso if anyone knows how to set this up or a link to a tutorial, please let me know
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22:45.12ZakMcRoflso there's 231 people in here and nobody answers? is it 1) because my question is too lame 2) because everybody idles or 3) because my question is too hard (doubt it)
22:50.02[TK]D-FenderZakMcRofl, Its sunday following thanksgiving in the USA.
22:50.10[TK]D-FenderZakMcRofl, So clearly #3 :p
22:50.54[TK]D-FenderZakMcRofl, Since you already know the 2 approaches for this, pick whichever you like!
22:51.19ZakMcRoflthe problem is i dont know how to implement them and if they would work
22:51.57fujin_you're doing it wrong
22:52.01ZakMcRofli would prefer an option where i can say "calls coming from MSN 123-> contenxt = msn
22:52.07ZakMcRoflmsn123 i mean
22:52.10[TK]D-FenderZakMcRofl, pastebin your capi.conf and your extensions.conf
22:52.12jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
22:52.29ZakMcRoflok hold on. might be embarrassing, total noob here ;)
22:53.20ZakMcRoflISDN3 (internal S0). comments NOT mine
22:53.35ZakMcRoflposting extensions after cleanup in a few
22:56.03JTISDN3, eh?
22:57.10ZakMcRoflyep i have a ISDN box with 3 (internal) MSNs on ISDN3
22:57.37ZakMcRofland i'd like them to set a different outgoing id or use a different SIP account
22:58.15ZakMcRoflalso if someone knows a cleaner solution for this, let me know:
22:58.15ZakMcRoflexten => sipid0,1,Set(Var_TO=${SIP_HEADER(TO)})
22:58.15ZakMcRoflexten => sipid0,2,GotoIf($["${Var_TO}" = "<>"]?geli,sipid0,1:3)
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22:59.27ZakMcRofl(i'm distingushing by the <TO>-Field in the header to find out which number the called dialed. but its unrelated to the ISDN3/ internal S0 problem
22:59.30JTZakMcRofl: are you on drugs?
22:59.35JTno such thing as an ISDN3
22:59.43ZakMcRoflwhat do you mean?
22:59.51JTi mean it does not exist
22:59.56JTunless it happened overnight
23:00.06ZakMcRoflits just a label, isn't it?
23:00.20ZakMcRoflthe capi.conf is mostly premade by a distribution of asterisk for fritzbox
23:00.29ZakMcRofl[ISDN3]          ; fritzbox 7050 internal S0
23:00.44JTah, i thought you meant you had an ISDN3 service
23:01.03ZakMcRoflnope i dont have any ISDN service, just internal ISDN S0 bus
23:01.13ZakMcRoflbut i recon its not that popular in the US
23:01.21JTISDN2 then
23:01.35JTS0 implies ISDN2
23:01.59ZakMcRoflok ISDN2 then. but the question is how to i get a different "outgoing context" for each MSN on that S0 bus
23:06.40ZakMcRofl[TK]D-Fender any clues?
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23:07.08JTISDN is great
23:07.19JTi prefer the PRI variant though
23:07.59JTit is still ISDN though
23:09.54endreare there anyone using .ael intead of the good old extensions.conf? any experiences?
23:11.07ZakMcRofldo you know if there's a german asterisk channel somewhere? they might be more familiar with ISDN handling
23:12.28fujin_endre: yes, all of my callcentre is AEL
23:12.46fujin_dynamic queue members
23:12.48fujin_all kinds of magical stuff
23:12.49craigkdoes anybody know if i can use mp3 directly for music on hold ... or do i have to convert to wav and/or ulaw ?
23:12.58fujin_craigk: it's smarter to convert to $CODEC
23:13.07fujin_to avoid having to transcode to play it down the line
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23:13.18fujin_but yes, you can use native mp3
23:13.22fujin_with asterisk-addons
23:13.29craigkby $CODEC ... do you mean all the codecs that i support ?
23:13.38fujin_your primary outbound codec
23:13.46craigkkk - thank you :)
23:14.45endrefujin_: so it's quite usable ;)
23:17.42*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
23:18.07JTendre: sure, but keep in mind it's no more efficient than standard extensions.conf under the hood
23:18.21endreyeah i see
23:18.40fujin_endre: indeed
23:18.45fujin_no more efficient
23:18.46fujin_saner, though :)
23:18.51JT.ael is generated into .conf style
23:18.53fujin_for one that is familiar with c/cpp/java etc.
23:19.13endrefujin_: yeah, it's closer to my mind this way
23:19.32fujin_As it is mine.
23:19.43fujin_I was able to achieve much more complex dialplans
23:19.48fujin_with AEL
23:20.37*** part/#asterisk MrParity (
23:24.05hmmhesaysoh some days
23:24.32hmmhesaysisn't ael just turned into a regular extensions.conf dialplan ?
23:25.00hmmhesaysthen it would stand to reason you could create  no more or less complex dialplans using either
23:25.47fujin_hmmhesays: that's incorrect
23:25.52[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, AEL can't be more efficient because there are no doubt places you could do better than it gets parsed to
23:26.08craigkmy music on hold is really bad... keeps cutting in and out. i am using the default .wav fiels that come with asterisk - any suggestions/ideas ?
23:26.17hmmhesaysI see
23:26.18fujin_craigk: check duplex? :P
23:27.09craigkfujin_: thanks for the tip ... now i have to work out where to check it :)
23:27.56fujin_`ethtool ethX`
23:29.28craigkmii-tool -> eth0: negotiated 100baseTx-FD, link ok
23:29.39*** part/#asterisk asdx (
23:29.44craigkethtool eth0 -> No data available
23:29.59fujin_looks fine
23:30.07fujin_It's odd that the wav files are crackling.
23:30.22*** join/#asterisk file (n=file@asterisk/developer-and-muffin-lover/file)
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23:30.22JTcraigk: do you have a zap timing source?
23:30.30*** join/#asterisk asdx (
23:30.58craigkJT: ah - probably not. I have a digum card installed but have removed it ... and did not explicitly put ztdummy there
23:31.19craigksorry - i _had_ a digium card installed
23:31.20JTmay be an issue
23:32.12craigkkk - thanks for the tip ... right now i have to run off to the dentist. I will look at that when i get back from the drilling :/
23:44.39Grnd-Wireok, I am back from lunch - and my IAX trunks still don't work.. :P
23:45.05mvanbaakyou thought going out for lunch would automagically fix it ?
23:45.32Grnd-WireHAHA.. yeah.. Didn't  you haxx0r my machines while I was gone, and fix the problems?
23:46.06mvanbaakehm, no
23:50.13ZakMcRofli'm off. thanks for trying to help me - i guess

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