IRC log for #asterisk on 20071119

00:01.06*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=pepOSX@
00:01.34*** join/#asterisk techie (
00:05.01*** join/#asterisk BBHoss (n=hoss@
00:07.59*** join/#asterisk alephcom (
00:10.07ta^3I'm unable to success use a TC400B, even using file convert works. firmware and module are succesfully loaded and detected by asterisk (transcoder show)
00:10.46ta^3I'm trying to convert/bridge between IAX2/G711u and SIP/G.729a.
00:11.33mostywhat error do you get?
00:12.01ta^3mosty: no errors, just does not works.
00:12.33ta^3I mean, the files created (or the call) is no audio.
00:13.07ManxPowerta^3: does "show translations" show that G729 is active?
00:13.18ta^3ManxPower: yes, it is.
00:13.41ManxPowerta^3: what is your allow= and disallow= lines in sip.conf?
00:13.55mostyta^3, so there's nothing in the full log at all?
00:13.58ta^3disallow=all, allow=g729
00:14.14ManxPowerta^3: I recommend you contact Digium support.
00:15.06*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
00:15.26ta^3mosty: nothing useful nor related.
00:15.44ManxPowerGenerally only Digium support can help with G729 issues
00:16.17mostydo you have installed at the same time?
00:16.22ta^3I should wait for tomorrow morning, in order to call.
00:16.53ta^3mosty: there is no  codec_g729a.s
00:16.54JTTC400B, isn't that a TestCase400Board? ;)
00:17.03ta^3JT: seems to. ;-)
00:17.26*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
00:19.19ManxPowermosty: you should not need codec_g729a if you have the hardware transcoder board.  -- which is why I said that he should Call Digium Support
00:19.30*** join/#asterisk macros73_ (
00:19.48mostyManxPower, i know, but i think it's worth making sure it's not present
00:22.17mamepanyone can help me with oooh323 channel?
00:24.44BBHosswow that TC400B board is expensive
00:25.26ManxPowerBBHoss: That is to be expected.
00:25.35ta^3mosty: it isn't. BBHoss, that means that it should work :)
00:26.01mostyBBHoss, you have to factor in the cost of the g729 licences
00:26.24BBHossoh so you dont have to pay licensing fees
00:26.42ta^3BBHoss: well i think they are included in the price.
00:26.43ManxPowerBBHoss: the licensing fees are built into the cost of the board
00:26.58BBHosslicensing alone would be $960, not including g723.1
00:27.12ManxPowerBBHoss: you can't know what the licensing would be.
00:27.37mostyyou can compare to the cost of that many software licences
00:27.38ta^3also consider the non-cpu-power used.
00:27.44BBHossmamep: h323 support blows on *, i would suggest using chan_woomera and hook it up to OPAL
00:28.06BBHossthey ought to make one that does speex encoding
00:28.30ManxPowermosty: not really.  If you compared the cost to the same number of software licenses you would have to factor in the cost of having several more machines to run them
00:28.31*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-e4efe4ed22ee0f3d)
00:28.31BBHossor an other non-patent encumbered product
00:29.01mostyManxPower, obviously, but at least it gives you some idea
00:30.42ManxPowerThe only reason to use G729 and G723.1 is for interoperating with products that do not support any highly compressed codec other than G729 and G723.1
00:31.22mostyfujin, allow=preferred_codec does not work, asterisk complains that preferred_codec is an unknown format
00:31.33hmmhesayshaha I just watched a video of peter frampton playing "black hole sun"
00:31.33BBHossManxPower: so it doesn't reduce cpu usage?
00:32.07BBHossit might also decrease the time needed to transcode from speex to ulaw
00:32.23mamepsupports user/pass based authentication?
00:32.24BBHossyeah, anthm wrote it a while back
00:32.39BBHossOPAL handles that
00:33.05mamepand what's opal?
00:33.24BBHossan h323/SIP server
00:33.49ManxPowermosty: please put down the crack pipe and step away from the computer.
00:33.58BBHossOPAL is like a kind of gatekeeper, whereas Woomera links OPAL into asterisk
00:33.59bkw_chan_woomera doesn't work with OPAL Woomera
00:34.07bkw_the protocol has changed a little bit
00:34.11mostyManxPower, i was just trying something that fujin said would work
00:34.36mamepwell i want to connect to h323 cisco and route my calls through h323
00:34.39mamepis is possible?
00:34.47*** join/#asterisk d00gster (
00:34.52BBHossbkw_: when did this happen
00:34.56ManxPowermosty: then you are a moron, as any non-moron would realize that "allow=preferred_codec" means "allow=ulaw"
00:35.04bkw_BBHoss: when woomera was done in OPAL
00:35.12bkw_OpenH323 woomera the older version works with chan_woomera
00:35.14BBHosshmm too bad
00:35.27bkw_but to do OPAL woomera the channel driver will need an update
00:35.46mamepwhere can i find some guidance?
00:35.49ManxPowerbkw_: So, as usual H323 support is screwed up.
00:36.08bkw_ManxPower: no just use the older H323/Woomera
00:36.11bkw_and not the OPAL version
00:36.15BBHosswhy is h323 so neglected
00:36.15mostyManxPower, well then that's a very bad way of phrasing it, since it does not do what i said i was trying to do
00:36.21ManxPowerYou would think that with something like FIVE different H323 drivers for Asterisk, one of them would work well.
00:36.46bkw_BBHoss: we have the start of Mod_opan in FreeSWITCH
00:36.48ManxPowermosty: Did you tell fujin what codec you prefer to use?
00:36.55bkw_er mod_opal
00:37.19mostyManxPower, yes. i prefer to use whichever is the caller's highest preference that i support
00:37.30ManxPowermosty: you can't do that with Asterisk
00:37.37*** join/#asterisk MooingLemur (n=troy@unaffiliated/mooinglemur)
00:37.58ManxPowermamep: almost everyone that tries to use H323 with Asterisk gives up.
00:38.07BBHossonly problem is that OpenH323 apparently isnt being maintained anymore
00:38.27ManxPowermosty: Asterisk has no support for figuring out what codec the client prefers.
00:38.57mostyManxPower, iax has codecpriority=caller - what does that do then?
00:38.59bkw_BBHoss: i'm good friends with Craig
00:39.10bkw_mosty: that means we side with the caller
00:39.12bkw_anthm did that patch
00:39.18ManxPowermosty: I thought we were talking about SIP
00:39.25mamepManxPower : and what's your suggestion?
00:39.34ManxPowermamep: find a way to use SIP.
00:39.35mostymanxpower: i am trying to find the equivalent for sip
00:39.37bkw_BBHoss: OPAL is the replacement for OpenH323
00:39.54ManxPowermosty: do you have any indication that chan_sip supports that feature?
00:39.54mamepbkw_ : where can i find opal?
00:40.01mamepManxPower : no way
00:40.19mostyManxPower, that is what i'm trying to figure out
00:40.23ManxPowermamep: then expect to spend several weeks trying to get it to work, and don't expect and real help from people on this channel.,
00:40.29ManxPowermosty: I already told you.
00:40.39bkw_if I can get things lined out we'll have mod_opal done before the first FreeSWITCH release
00:41.19mostyok, so it's not possible with sip on asterisk, then i can stop working on this
00:42.30BBHossOPAL is going to be integrated in Afelio when we get a release
00:42.51bkw_Afelio you mean if you get a release?  I wasn't aware any code was written yet
00:43.15ManxPowermosty: chan_iax gets many features before chan_sip does.  qualify smoothing, and jitter buffer are both things chan_iax had years before chan_sip.
00:43.15BiG^DoGhey, if I'm getting a lot of dropped calls on my PSTN line, what log file would I check?  /var/log/asterisk/full?
00:43.18BBHossyeah its just not in the repos
00:43.45bkw_BBHoss: I just don't really get the whole Afelio stance
00:43.48ManxPowerBiG^DoG: set callprogress=no and busydetect=no in /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf  Those are just aliases for randomlydropmycalls=
00:44.00bkw_BBHoss: I guess once I see code then i'll understand and see the direciton
00:44.01bkw_er direction
00:44.05mostyManxPower, as long as i can say to my boss "it's not my fault, asterisk doesn't support that" then i am safe, heh
00:44.22BBHossyeah its taken a while for me to fully understand
00:44.30BiG^DoGManxPower: sarcasm?
00:44.41ManxPowerBiG^DoG: only the last part.
00:44.45bkw_BBHoss: I still don't get what was so wrong with FreeSWITCH :P
00:46.31ManxPowerBiG^DoG: the most common cause of dropped calls is having callprogress or busydetect set to yes.
00:46.46BiG^DoGbut I'm not using a zaptel interface... I'm using a SPA3102
00:47.10ManxPowerBiG^DoG: next time mention that in your original question.
00:47.21BiG^DoGmy original question was what log file to check
00:47.25ManxPowerBiG^DoG: I have no suiggestions now that I learned.
00:47.26mamepi have to connect to callmanager or gw?
00:47.51ManxPowerBiG^DoG: check whatever is specified in /etc/asterisk/logger.conf
00:48.42ManxPowerbut very seldom will you see the cause of a dropped call in the logs, unless it's a reinvite or similar NAT related issue, then you will get mas retransmittions /retrys messahges
00:49.51BiG^DoGI am getting lots of "stopping retransmission" errors
00:51.05BiG^DoGis that a symptom of my problem?
00:53.26BBHossanybody ever used a Zapmicro prodcut?
00:55.17ManxPowerBiG^DoG: it COULD be.  That would indicate a NAT, firewall, or reinvite issue.  Try setting canreinvite=no in sip.conf
00:55.43*** part/#asterisk snazm (n=snazm@
00:55.49BiG^DoGis that set per extension I assume
00:56.53ManxPowerBiG^DoG: no.  per device listed in sip.conf.  extensions are listed in extensions.conf
00:57.07BiG^DoGpoor word choice
00:57.20ManxPowercanreinvite= MIGHT be supported in sip.conf [general] but I would have to look at sip.conf.sample to know for sure.
00:58.53BiG^DoGdoesn't matter... didn't work... set canreinvite=no and nat=no and still getting
00:58.53ManxPowerBiG^DoG: in the telecom world, one wrong word can cost you tens of thousands of dollars.
00:58.53BiG^DoGsorry! :)
00:58.54BiG^DoGNov 18 19:58:20 DEBUG[11315] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '647d6ff070a382f941e9f17161581f8a@' of Request 102: Match Found
00:59.13ManxPowerBiG^DoG: the match found means it is not the cause of your issue.
01:01.22*** join/#asterisk salzh (n=salzh@
01:02.19*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
01:04.57ManxPowerturning on DEBUG will let you see many messages that look bad, but are normal
01:08.29BiG^DoGyeah .. and this is a stupid trixbox server... I'm so thinking about rebuilding it as a simple, plain * box... Too many things can change my .conf files without my knowledge ... a plain ol' * server will do what I tell it
01:11.45jbotfrom memory, zeeek is someone who once said "learning asterisk using a GUI is like learning sex through masturbation. You'll never get to the good stuff."
01:13.47hmmhesaysrock on
01:15.54blitzragerock lobster
01:17.31[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage, know what he leading cause of death in lobsters is?
01:17.42blitzragerocking out too hard?
01:17.45[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage, Festivals :)
01:18.18BiG^DoGthe wife is being surprisingly supportive of all these "screwed up" phone calls lately so I'm gonna keep pushing it! :)
01:19.12blitzragethank goodness I don't have to deal with a wife
01:19.22blitzrageI can do anything I want :)
01:19.28Corydon76-digor a husband
01:19.29*** join/#asterisk kclaussen (n=kclausse@
01:19.34blitzrageor that
01:19.40blitzrageCorydon76-dig: your FB status changed... ?
01:19.57Corydon76-digblitzrage: yes, I'm single now
01:20.03blitzragepure crazyness
01:20.09blitzragewelcome to the club
01:20.39Corydon76-digSo do you no longer feel safe?  ;-)
01:21.49blitzrageI never felt safe :)
01:22.38hmmhesaysbeing recently single sucks
01:22.42hmmhesaysbut after that its ok
01:22.56ManxPowerblitzrage: wait until you see my take on christmas 8-)
01:23.35Corydon76-dig"Happy Pagan Winterfest"?
01:23.35blitzragehmmhesays: ya... going from lots of sex to no sex sucks... but other that that... the space is nice :)
01:23.35blitzrageHappy Festivus
01:23.38Corydon76-digblitzrage: I can help you with the no sex part
01:23.43blitzrageManxPower: I don't like holidays in general
01:23.53blitzrageCorydon76-dig: actually, you can't -- you have the wrong parts
01:24.23Corydon76-digblitzrage: How can anything that feels so right be wrong?
01:24.26ManxPowerblitzrage: I think that depends on which side you are looking at.
01:24.51blitzrageummm.... I guess?
01:24.58[hC]is there any way to query the current time as displayed on a polycom (without having physical access to the phone of course)
01:25.35blitzragewell, I'm off to finish my detox on the couch for the rest of the night!
01:25.46[hC]detox? what th... oh i guess it is sunday
01:29.33fujin_Corydon76-dig: that's a little too homosexual for most
01:29.58mosty[hC], do the polycom's have a log page on their website? on snom phones i just look at their last log entry for a rought idea if the time is correct
01:30.01Corydon76-digfujin_: really?  ;-)
01:30.32[hC]mosty: yeah i can look at the log.. it looks right, but it seems weird that the time would have fixed itself on its own since i last looked on friday.. i dunno..
01:32.39mosty[hC], to a packet trace and watch for ntp traffic
01:33.51*** join/#asterisk dlynes (
01:50.32mostyfujin_, for most homophobes i guess yeah haha
01:50.55fujin_Not really.
01:51.07fujin_Just non-homosexuals.
01:51.18fujin_erm, what's the word? Hetero
01:53.32JThetro isn't it
01:53.44*** join/#asterisk oej (
01:54.47fujin_mosty: are you implying that disliking the thought of a homosexual blowjob makes me a homophobe?
01:54.53fujin_by definition, that'd also mean I'm afraid of the thought
01:55.17mostynot quite
01:55.24JTfujin_: well, it's not coincidental that homophobes are usually always the ones that feel the need to blurt out comments like their dislike of certain acts
01:55.31JTfujin_: subtle homophobia perhaps
01:55.32mostybut maybe
01:56.00fujin_see, I'm not afraid, I just dislike.
01:56.07fujin_People tell me this means I'm a homophobe.
01:56.18fujin_by definition, this does not compute
01:56.21JTfujin_: yes basically it's about not being rude
01:56.28fujin_was I?
01:56.37Corydon76-digHow can you dislike that which you've never experienced?
01:57.04fujin_Now, there's a question.
01:57.07JTfujin_: yes
01:57.42fujin_Face value of the thought, for what it's worth.
01:57.47fujin_It's not sexually appealing to me, at all.
01:57.51fujin_That's how.
01:57.55JTfujin_: there is no need to tell anyone
01:58.00JTit's subtle homophobia
01:58.06fujin_I'm sure, not disagreeing
01:58.58fujin_So, what's the opposite of homophobia?
01:59.02JTit's like saying "eww, black people having sex, how disgusting"
01:59.12Corydon76-digfujin_: homophile
01:59.24Corydon76-digor homophilia
01:59.29fujin_And what does that define?
01:59.36fujin_Liking homosexual people?
01:59.40fujin_or, not being afraid?
01:59.41bkw_you like them too much?
01:59.51bkw_doesn't that mean you're gay?
02:00.20fujin_I'm just not sure why homophile/homophiliacs can blurt out "homophobe" whenever a hetro makes a statement.
02:00.21Corydon76-digIt might, but I know women who are homophiles while not being homosexual
02:00.34fujin_That's very true. But women are women, that's a moot point
02:01.13Corydon76-digI've also met some very open minded straight men who tried it, just to be sure
02:01.15JTfujin_: only when it's a homophobic statement
02:01.29*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
02:01.50JTthere's a lot to be said for keeping ones mouth closed if what comes out will be a prejudiced comment
02:01.51fujin_sorry, missed the earlier question, does homophile/philia define "liking homosexual people", or "not being afraid of homosexual people"?
02:02.40mostyhomophilia just means love of the same
02:03.08fujin_I see.
02:04.53fujin_Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to offend or seem prejudiced. I'm not a homophile, nor homophobe.
02:08.27*** part/#asterisk bkw_ (
02:28.46lowlevelmmm tassimo
02:29.19*** join/#asterisk mtaht4 (
02:31.24rob0This may sound weird, but to me, to find out that someone's homosexual is a major factor in their favor. The reason being that homosexuals endure much adversity and hatred, and that sort of thing tends to build character.
02:31.38*** join/#asterisk macros73 (
02:33.26*** part/#asterisk mtaht4 (
02:33.39[TK]D-Fenderrob0, Or perhaps it merely mimics stereotypes of BDSM loving masochists ;)
02:43.02*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
02:50.21*** join/#asterisk mackes (
02:50.21mostyhmm, i just re-routed about 15 simultaneous g729 calls from one asterisk server to another, and the load dropped from about 30 down to 5. the machine has dual xeon 3.6Ghz cpu's, why would such a small change in g729 usage create a large drop in system load?
02:51.27mackesg729 requires transcoding
02:52.25fujin_mosty: what codec to<>from?
02:52.30fujin_is it all g729<>g729?
02:52.33mackesthat conversion from Ulaw to 729 takes some horsepower, especially with Asterisk
02:52.41mackesIt must be staying in the call
02:52.54*** join/#asterisk jetlagmk2 (
02:54.31*** join/#asterisk techie (
02:55.58mostyon this server, i did have about 40 simultaneous g729 calls, and the load ranged from 30 to 50. then i took some of those clients and made them register to another server, that took about 12 g729 calls off the original server, and the load dropped to under 5
02:57.00*** join/#asterisk TheDamn3d (
02:57.07[TK]D-Fendermosty, because it was passing the call off "as-is" without decoding the audio.
02:57.16*** part/#asterisk TheDamn3d (
02:58.09mostyi thought 12 g729 transcoded calls would take less system load than that
02:59.53[hC]mosty: depends what kind of server it is, but the load should not have been that high. unless by load you mean cpu usage percentage?
03:00.14[hC]oh i see the spec up there.
03:00.36[hC]i transcode 30+ channels on single xeon 2.4ghz machines and the cpu load only hits about 50%
03:00.38mostyperhaps i'm not using the optimal g729 module on that box, what should i be using for a 32bit dual xeon 3.6G?
03:00.52[hC]i686 module
03:01.20mostycpu load was very high. i've done more g729 calls in the past on this box, with a much lower cpu load. i'm not sure what has changed
03:01.20*** join/#asterisk salmander (
03:01.38salmanderDoes anyone know if IAX is trademarked?
03:01.57*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
03:10.56mostysalmander, why?
03:12.19salmanderpicking a name for a service need to know if I can use IAX as part of the name, do you know?
03:13.57mostyteliax use it as part of their name
03:14.17salmanderok, would you know where i
03:14.23salmanderer, where I could find out for sure?
03:14.49mostyask digium, or else i'm sure there's a registry that you can search in your state/country
03:15.45*** join/#asterisk Op3r (n=edwin@
03:17.02*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-37dd8364e044cc35)
03:20.34mackesHave any of you worked with FreeSwitch?
03:20.40mackesor OpenSER?
03:21.08salmander*wanted to look at freeswitch, but another time-consuming project poped up*
03:22.01mackesI was thinking about putting OpenSER or FreeSwitch in front of my asterisk installation
03:24.51*** join/#asterisk smurf (n=smurf@debian/developer/smurf)
03:29.12*** join/#asterisk Zuchmir (
03:29.35Zuchmirhow healthy is a 40,000+ line conf file for * ?
03:30.44mackesI'm sorry, I'm not comparing the two... I believe the freeswitch scales... I am attempting to understand who it is for?
03:31.02mackesOnly ITSP?
03:31.21mackesroadrunner, Verizon, FWD, SipPhone?
03:34.37*** join/#asterisk `Sauron (
03:38.02[TK]D-FenderZuchmir, my worst didn't pass 500...... and Iw as trying :)
03:41.46*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (n=leon@
03:44.41Zuchmir[TK]D-Fender: we have approx 10000 files, in multi-level menu system
03:45.14Zuchmir[TK]D-Fender: public lectures which we make available
03:48.09linageedoes asterisk use ICMP when you do sip to sip calls?
03:48.15linageesome sort of making sure things are alive?
03:51.22[TK]D-FenderZuchmir, I sincerely doubt you though about how to abstract that properly.
03:52.00[TK]D-Fenderlinagee, No, you have rtp timeout if not reinviting, and qualify
03:52.30linagee[TK]D-Fender: here is the tethereal dump. 216 asterisk friend is trying to call me.
03:52.51linagee[TK]D-Fender: "ICMP Destination unreachable (Host administratively prohibited)"
03:53.12JTlinagee: that's just a standard ICMP message
03:53.19[TK]D-Fenderlinagee, pleawse provide SIP debug... from *
03:53.29linagee[TK]D-Fender: we get ringing, but no audio
03:53.32linagee[TK]D-Fender: sec
03:54.08JTlinagee: if the host is firewalled, then yes, this is a problem
03:55.18linageeJT: hrm
03:56.40Zuchmir[TK]D-Fender: you are correct, however step 1 in implementation has to match old system 1-to-1 and as such the old structure with all it's problems must be adhered to
03:57.13[TK]D-FenderZuchmir, I still can't buy that you couldn't have shunk it considerably and still meet spec.
03:59.06[TK]D-FenderJunK-Y, I'm had a whole lot of moo these past weeks :)
04:00.16JunK-Yheres a new one: moooooooo ;)
04:12.55linageeshould rtpchecksums = yes or not?
04:13.07*** join/#asterisk groogs[h] (
04:13.50JTlinagee: if you are getting the ICMP message you said you got from one of your hosts on the SIP call, you have problems outside of asterisk
04:14.13linageeJT: i had a firewall problem on my side
04:14.26linageeJT: i had some "icmp prohibited" message blocked
04:14.40linageeJT: strange part is i unblocked that. now i can hear him but he still can't hear me
04:14.52JTlinagee: ok
04:15.24linageeJT: and we are getting some sort of [UDP CHECKSUM INCORRECT] errors
04:15.35JTfrom what?
04:15.58*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
04:16.07linageeJT: tethereal
04:16.20linageeJT: sec. we are both setting it to rtpchecksums=yes
04:16.42*** join/#asterisk acidfu (
04:17.49ManxPowerlinagee: why would you set that to yes?
04:18.59linageeManxPower: *shrug*
04:19.04linageeManxPower: just trying to get it to work
04:19.24linageeso that's strange. when i ring him, i can hear him but he can't hear me. when he rings me, we both can't hear each other. (but it rings)
04:19.44linageeSIP is sooooo fun. :-(
04:19.58JTlinagee: yeah perhaps give us a summary of your setup
04:20.08linageeJT: i am using freepbx, he is not
04:20.19linageeJT: i've had success calling and being called by another freepbx user
04:20.35JTwrong channel? ;)
04:20.43ManxPowerlinagee: almost all one-way audio issues are nat, firewall, or bindaddr issues.
04:20.52linageeJT: he has SIP phones that connect to him over the internet which is weird
04:21.03JTwhat's weird about that?
04:21.16JTand btw, that's not really a description of the scenario at all
04:21.19linageeManxPower: it's using amazon EC2 so i don't doubt it's a firewall issue. :(
04:21.32asdxthis is very weird, i can hear sound from my softphone (zoiper) when i do test with ael-demo, etc, but when i call someone through my voip provider (teliax) i can't hear the other person, but he does receive/accept my calls
04:21.42asdxthat's the output when i dial
04:21.54ManxPowerlinagee: set canteinvite=no in sip.conf
04:21.58JTasdx: sounds like a standard nat related misconfiguration
04:22.01JTagain, not weird ;)
04:22.08jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
04:22.16asdxJT: it was working before, and i'm using iax2
04:22.23asdxJT: nat should be irrelevant with iax2 right?
04:22.39JTasdx: not necessarily
04:22.44JTiax2 is just downright unreliable
04:22.52JTi try to avoid it outside of softphone testing
04:22.58ManxPowerJT: It took me all of 10 mins to make NAT + SIP + Asterisk work, then another hour or so to make the SIP ATA I was using work without reconfiguraiton as it moved from behind nat, to not begind nat.
04:23.05ManxPowerwhat is so complicated about that
04:23.09*** join/#asterisk CBU[^_^]M`` (n=love@
04:25.37[TK]D-Fenderasdx, [Nov 19 01:19:18] WARNING[18817]: channel.c:3012 set_format: Unable to find a codec translation path from g729 to gsm <-- what part of "gee I guess you don't have G.729 licenses" is not blatantly obvious to you here?
04:31.21*** join/#asterisk techie (
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04:35.50asdx[TK]D-Fender: licenses?
04:36.29[TK]D-Fenderasdx, G.729 is a paid codec for * and must be ordered through Digium's site
04:37.05*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
04:37.12obnauticusFor holdmusic, what are the specifications do I need?
04:37.16obnauticuslike mono, stereo
04:37.30asdx[TK]D-Fender: but i could talk before, what do you think is using G.729?
04:37.50ManxPowerasdx: because the error message SAID G729
04:38.04[TK]D-Fenderasdx, Do you need a BIGGER giant flashing neon sign?
04:38.27asdx[TK]D-Fender: no
04:40.12asdxi understand that i need the codec
04:40.35asdxbut i don't understand why i could talk before with this person that i'm calling now, well... it worked with another provider
04:40.41asdxnot with teliax
04:40.48mostydoes "show g729" say you have used all your licences?
04:41.03*** join/#asterisk Buhntz (
04:41.31[TK]D-Fenderasdx, because odds are you set your codec improperly when you switched to using IAX2 and never looked
04:41.40ManxPowerasdx: when you do something like "allow=all" you will have random horroble codec issues.  don't use allow=all  use disallow=all and then allow= for the codec you want.
04:42.28asdxManxPower: i have disallow=all allow=gsm right now
04:43.18ManxPowerasdx: not for one leg of the call.
04:43.27ManxPowerall calls have two legs
04:43.43ManxPowerone leg is trying to use gsm, one leg is trying to use g729
04:51.17obnauticus[TK]D-Fender, Asterisk will re-encode my on hold music to whatever codec I have set for that preticular channel, correct?
04:51.40obnauticusautomatically to whatever i want as long as the player can read it?
04:51.50[TK]D-Fenderobnauticus, if ti can, yes
04:51.56obnauticusjust making sure.
04:52.48asdxso how can i find what leg is trying to use g729
04:53.35mostyasdx, how many g729 licences are free/in use when you do "show g729" ?
04:55.25[TK]D-Fenderjust so sad...
04:55.28ManxPowerasdx: Ok, so you are using a SIP phone to call thru asterisk to where?
04:55.42asdxManxPower: i'm using iax
04:55.48asdxmosty: "no such command"
04:55.48[TK]D-FenderManxPower, its BEYOND blatantly obvious in his pastebin.
04:56.13ManxPowerasdx: OK, so exactly what device to you personally speak into when trying to call this person?
04:56.45[TK]D-Fenderasdx, Get a set of eyes.  Call comes in GSM,  you dial Teliax (have to even LOOKED at your peer config?!?!) and Teliax says... G.729 please!
04:56.57[TK]D-FenderManxPower, Zoiper on the server itself
04:57.32ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: OH.  he's beyond my help then
04:57.59asdx[TK]D-Fender: i see
04:58.00[TK]D-FenderManxPower, Seriously.  I suggest extreme voltage.
04:59.04asdxi'm very new to this sorry
04:59.22asdxi'm trying to learn
04:59.23ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I can think of only one thing.  The dreaded /ignore.
05:00.03ManxPowerasdx: first, do not try to run a voip softphone on the same machine as your asterisk server.  It massively complicates things.
05:00.18[TK]D-Fenderasdx, this qualifies for the "z0mg can't see the giant flashing neon sign".
05:00.45[TK]D-FenderManxPower, but is completely unrelaetd to the fact he still hasn't gotten a clue and started loking at his >>>>>>>>>IAX2 PEER<<<<<<<
05:00.57[TK]D-Fenderasdx, ******HINT*******
05:01.08asdx[TK]D-Fender: i seen the message before, i was just wondering why it wanted that codec, since i been using teliax for some time and never seen that message before...
05:01.41[TK]D-Fenderasdx, who says IT wanted that codec?  the only reason they ACCEPTED with G.729 is because you are OFFERING IT.
05:02.10ManxPowerasdx: zoiper is trying to use that codec or teliax is trying to use that codec,  You can stand here and argue all night (I don't care), but it is not going to work until you fix it.
05:02.54ManxPowernow.  fix your iax.conf and make sure you are not doing a direct dial in the dialplan
05:03.38ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: the more I think about, the more I bet he's dialing by IP in Asterisk, hence bypassing iax.conf
05:03.56*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
05:04.12[TK]D-FenderManxPower, Executing [999@default:1] Dial("IAX2/100-2", "IAX2/puli2007@teliax/01161405378955") in new stack
05:04.22[TK]D-FenderManxPower, Not unless he modded his hosts file for it :)
05:04.36[TK]D-FenderManxPower, we;ve got ourselves another cut & paste coder.
05:04.42ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: don't tempt fate.  I could not pull up his pastebin.
05:04.44[TK]D-FenderManxPower, With 0 clue.
05:04.52[TK]D-FenderManxPower, expired?
05:05.10[TK]D-FenderManxPower, Here, I refreshed it for you :)
05:05.44ManxPower-- Unregistered IAX2 '100' (UNAUTHENTICATED)
05:06.47ManxPowerasdx: disallow=all and allow=gsm in iax.conf [general] and under each other [whatever] sections of iax.conf, issue an "reload" in the ASterisk CLI
05:06.54ManxPoweruntil you do that, we cannot help yo
05:07.01asdxthat's my config
05:07.12[TK]D-Fenderasdx, SET.  YOUR. CODECS.
05:07.19[TK]D-Fenderasdx, you've vonfigured next to nothing.
05:07.31ManxPowerasdx:  I do not see any disallow= or allow= lines in the [teliax] section.
05:07.49ManxPowerwhy do I not see any disallow= or allow= lines in the [teliax] section?
05:08.00asdxi thought the disallow/allow stuff was only for the softphone....
05:08.03ManxPowerAnd while you are at it put them in the [general] section now.
05:08.19asdxManxPower: ok
05:08.20ManxPowerasdx: there is nothing really different between teliax and a softphone
05:09.57ManxPowerasdx: I SAID earlier that all calls have two legs (in your case the softphone and teliax) and that each leg should have disallow=all and allow=gsm.  I don't care how new you are at this, I can't imagine any way to be any more clear.
05:10.38*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chendy@
05:10.43obnauticusasdx think of it like a bigass route to the caller :P
05:10.44[TK]D-Fenderasdx, thats like asking for someone to send you an e-mail and NOT telling them that you only speak 1 language and they decide " Hey, yeah!  Swahili ought to do just fine! .... and Swahili just isn't it!"
05:11.10asdxso if i set disallow=all allow=gsm in [general] that will apply to all the context or whatever is called right?
05:11.19asdxit will make global?
05:11.45asdxi see the point now
05:11.46asdxthx :)
05:12.03asdxi didn't specify the codecs in [teliax]
05:12.29[TK]D-Fenderasdx, the go DO IT
05:13.40ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I still think you, me, JT, and maybe one or two others should just take a break from #asterisk for a while
05:14.32asdxi hope i didn't bother with my n00b questions
05:14.55[TK]D-Fenderasdx, Se it in you PEER and stop relying on GLOBAL crap.
05:15.39JTManxPower: going batty?
05:16.21asdx[TK]D-Fender: peer is [teliax] [100] etc?
05:16.31[TK]D-Fenderasdx, BOTH
05:16.37asdx[TK]D-Fender: ok, thank you
05:16.48*** join/#asterisk booray (n=ray@
05:17.50ManxPowerJT: Mostly just curious what would happen.
05:18.30boorayI want to run Asterisk in a linux Virtual Machine with server 2003 as the host OS.  Is there a way to make a TDM400P work with this setup?  I don't think the VM can have direct access to the PCI bus...
05:18.55fujinno, and that's a dumb idea
05:19.10booraywell it works great in a VM when it's just voip
05:19.10JTManxPower: heh
05:19.51boorayfujin: why?
05:20.07[TK]D-Fenderbooray, Sure, try under load and wher you need timing :)
05:20.56booray[TK]D-Fender: I'm not talking any crappy workstation server... assuming the hardware was strong enough to handle the latency, is such a thing even possible?
05:21.14fujinno, sharing a pci device is not
05:21.21fujinmaybe in Xen, I've not had much experience with it.
05:21.35jboti heard wglwat is well, good luck with all that
05:21.45fujinI wouldn't do it
05:21.49fujinhell, I wouldn't use a TDM400P.
05:22.18boorayis there even a w32 driver that could turn a tdm400p into 4 com ports?  i.e. then throw the vm four serial ports and fool zaptel into something or other
05:22.29boorayfujin: this one was free.  :)
05:22.29fujinDONT DO IT
05:22.32fujinFOR THE LOVE OF GOD
05:22.45[TK]D-Fenderbooray, You clealy have no clue about this hardware...
05:22.45fujinInstall Linux on your 'strong hardware'
05:22.52fujinrun a win32 server in a vm if you must
05:23.04[TK]D-Fenderbooray, And Win32 drivers for Digium cards.... LOL
05:23.07boorayI'm a masochist, so what?
05:23.13fujinyou're an idiot, so what
05:23.22boorayI wouldn't go that far
05:23.27boorayI haven't done it yet, have I?
05:23.30[TK]D-Fenderbooray, ....
05:23.34jbothmm... wglwat is well, good luck with all that
05:23.34tzafrir_homebooray, 4 com ports? what good is that for?
05:23.34fujinno, but you're thinking of doing it
05:23.45[TK]D-Fenderbooray, You clearly have hardware and time to waste.  have fun!
05:23.47boorayThat's why I am here, to ask questions, etc, brainstorm
05:23.48tzafrir_homethere are dirt-cheap cards that can do that
05:24.19fujintzafrir: he wants to make the tdm400p into something that vmware (or equivalent) can virtualise to a guest
05:24.21boorayit's all theory at this point anyway
05:24.27fujinwow, vmware access to a PCI device.. that's just wrong
05:24.34[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_home, No, he's thinking of about virtualizing Digium cards :)
05:25.08tzafrir_homeI think it basically works with Xen on a Linux host
05:25.24linageedo jitterbuffers only exist for iax? or can you use jitterbuffer with sip too?
05:25.28fujinIt's probably not worth doing it, time vs. money.
05:25.44tzafrir_homeWith qemu on a linux host it works, but I'm not sure about the performance
05:26.36booraySo you'd just assume spend the extra money and put asterisk on it's own physical box on it's own special footprint than try and share it with additional hardware
05:27.00*** join/#asterisk SwK (
05:27.09tzafrir_homebooray, make that system e.g. a Xen host
05:27.17tzafrir_homeand run windows on it as well
05:27.28jbotfrom memory, cheap is a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
05:27.35fujinAsterisk is *very* hardware sensitive.
05:27.38tzafrir_homeThough if you plan a decent load on that system, you should consider a dedicated system
05:28.13boorayLook, I'm trying to not buy *two* multi-thousand dollar servers
05:28.22fujinthat's fine
05:28.29fujinwhy not?
05:28.32tzafrir_homebooray, this should work well on CPUs that support native virtuallization . e.g. all Intel CoreDuo II
05:28.39luke-jrbooray: so don't run Windows
05:28.55booraytzafrir_home: thanks, I'm looking into the Xen thing, just pulled up the site
05:29.20fujinbooray: virtualise asterisk, get some dedicated hardware to terminate your lines into SIP
05:29.22tzafrir_homefujin, surely not all Xeons. "Xeon" is a brand Intel has used for over 10 years
05:29.23fujinproblem solved
05:29.41tzafrir_homebooray, latest Linux distros support it quite natively
05:29.52boorayfujin: ata style?
05:29.59*** join/#asterisk mihinomenest (i=GjI0@
05:30.00fujinNo. Uh,
05:30.01SwKbooray, how many lines you have?
05:30.04fujinI'm talking pri<>SIP
05:30.07fujinE1/T1 etc.
05:30.12boorayluke-jr: I'm not even gonna argue. :)
05:30.19fujinI use a Cisco AS5400, with two e1 cards
05:30.21*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
05:30.29fujindual powersupplies, dual uplinks, redundant swithing fabric
05:30.30boorayI'll give it to you short.  let me type, one second
05:30.46SwKAS5300 for <= 4 T1/E1s are super cheap these days
05:30.58fujinTHe as5400 has ben very handy
05:31.08fujinSaves alot of hastle.
05:31.11tzafrir_homeYeah, but then again, it's SIP and not real TDM
05:31.13SwK5400s are a bit more expensive then the 5300...
05:31.22tzafrir_homesome things don't really work wel over it
05:31.27fujinthat's true
05:31.32fujin(i.e.; fax)
05:31.32SwKlike what?
05:31.41SwKfax works great w/ AS gateways
05:31.46SwKits called T38 or T37
05:31.46fujinI've not tried.
05:32.05luke-jrfax works fine w/ ulaw ☺
05:32.21SwKworks fine w/ ulaw on a LAN
05:32.24tzafrir_homeSwK, when have you last used T38 with Asterisk?
05:32.27luke-jrfujin: yep
05:32.29luke-jrdo it all the time
05:32.35tzafrir_homeWhen have you seen hardware implementing T37?
05:32.36luke-jractually, IAX2 not SIP
05:32.40SwKtzafrir, who said anything about allowing asterisk to handle by faxes :P
05:32.40boorayA business voip provider would be nice, but the DSL available doesn't allow for decent latency if any bandwidth is in use, QoS or not.  A T1 loop appears the only way to get a decent service level agreement with any voip provider.  That's $400/month for data only.  I have a free TDM400P card and some extra time to put into it, so I thought why not just do 2-4 analog lines for now?  It seems to be the most cost effective.  I can set it up quickly as I have severa
05:33.14booraySo going with a pri style anything just seems a little overkill for my current needs
05:33.21tzafrir_homebooray, makes sense
05:33.29SwKtzafrir_home, ALL cisco AS gateways support T37... and once you have it to t37 pretty much any moron w/ a copy of ${MTA} can use it
05:33.40tzafrir_homePRI is indeed more fun to work with, but analog will do for now
05:34.37SwKdoesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out that T37 is pretty much just SMTP w/ the fax attached as a tiff
05:34.52fujinThat's handy
05:34.56fujinwhy'd the choose tiff, I wonder
05:35.16SwKfujin, thats the format faxes are transmitted in :P
05:35.18luke-jrno problems bitmap has?
05:35.22fujinoh, I see.
05:35.25fujindidn't know that.
05:35.33luke-jrSwK: faxes aren't raw data?
05:35.37tzafrir_homebooray, start with a spare machine. Not a 1000$ / 2000$ one. Just your spare old server. Stick the card into it
05:35.40SwKluke-jr, nope...
05:35.45fujinI would've assumed fax was raw, yeas.
05:35.49mostytiff supports multiple pages
05:35.55tzafrir_homeHow many concurrent calls do you expect?
05:36.04luke-jrmosty: sortof
05:36.10booraytzafrir: thanks.  I'll either do that or investigate a multi-line ata or something, as I think that would be good too
05:36.21SwKnot its 1Bit tiff-g3 mostly..
05:36.32luke-jrSwK: colour faxes?
05:36.37SwKactually tiff does support multiple pages
05:36.55fujinbooray: a couple of pap2t's analogue<>SIP
05:37.06SwKluke-jr, TIFF supports colour... there's a specific spec for colour faxes but I cant remember which image encoding spec it uses
05:37.11tzafrir_homeIf you're thinking of up to 10 concurrent calls or so, even with compressed codec transcoding, then this is not too big a task for every P3 computer
05:37.32luke-jranyone know how to hack PAP2 firmware?
05:37.46mostyhassle your provider
05:38.18SwKif you are only going to have a few POTS lines you can use either  TDM400 (or the like) or if you want a hardware gateway look at something more like a AudioCodes MediaPack Gateway like a MP114 or MP118
05:38.18luke-jrI have no provider
05:38.19luke-jrit's -NA
05:38.27mostythen why do you need to hack it?
05:38.33SwKluke-jr, yeah what mosty just said
05:38.34luke-jrI want to add IPv6 support
05:38.43SwKcall cisco
05:39.12SwKor get one of those cheap ATAs that have the OSS Firmware and hack ipv6 into that
05:39.26mostybooray, actually, get a sangoma card with hardware echo cancellation instead of a tdm400
05:39.30luke-jrSwK: no such thing?
05:40.54SwKluke-jr, i think there is such a thing
05:41.19tzafrir_homemosty, he already has hte card
05:41.39luke-jrSwK: not that I've seen
05:41.43luke-jror else I'd have got it originally
05:42.01tzafrir_homeFor a small 4 ports system, a software echo can will do in most cases
05:43.53tzafrir_homeWhat's the state of ipv6 support in Asterisk?
05:44.15tzafrir_homeStill requires a special branch, right?
05:44.23*** join/#asterisk techie (
05:45.20*** join/#asterisk GuyOCanada (i=GuyOCana@
05:46.25GuyOCanadaI have created a dialplan for my inbound sip trunk (Is there a way to test it locally without the need of dialing my DID number)?
05:47.06[TK]D-FenderGuyOCanada, What are you expecting to get from this "test"?
05:47.43GuyOCanadaWell I want to make sure that all my IVR menus and stuff work
05:48.09[TK]D-FenderGuyOCanada, make another exten your phone can dial nad just goto your IVR.
05:49.46TJNIIAny opinions on the Lynksys SPA941?
05:50.24jbotfrom memory, spa941 is an affordable, feature rich IP business phone shown here:
05:50.39TJNIIChristmas present +1
05:50.48[TK]D-FenderTJNII, Where are you located?
05:51.32[TK]D-FenderTJNII, Linksys is OK, but Polycom is in the same ballpark and a better phone.
05:51.57*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
05:52.05[TK]D-FenderGuyOCanada, Just make an exten that leads to you menu for testing.
05:52.09*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
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05:53.08GuyOCanadausing GOTO?
05:53.19TJNII[TK]D-Fender: Would you say a Soundpoint 301 is comperable?
05:53.35[TK]D-FenderTJNII, forget the IP 301 unless you have a killer deal.
05:53.53[TK]D-FenderTJNII, If you have a port to spare on your switch, get an IP 320 + power brick
05:53.58[TK]D-FenderTJNII, no good.
05:54.19[TK]D-FenderIP 301 = char matrix display, no speakerphone.
05:54.30TJNIIOooh, I want speakerphone
05:54.34GuyOCanada[TK]D-Fender: can you give me an example please
05:54.34[TK]D-Fenderotherwise a great phone, but the IP320/330 are better choices.
05:55.02[TK]D-FenderGuyOCanada, Exten => 123,1,Goto(contextwithmyivr,whateverextenitson,1)
05:55.30TJNIIOh, there's the 320 on page 4
05:56.50GuyOCanadaso if i want to go to sip-incoming exten => s,1,Playback(welcome) i would do Goto(sip-incoming,s,1)?
05:57.11[hC]i am really liking the 320/330s
05:57.15[hC]the new standup style is great.
05:57.42[TK]D-FenderGuyOCanada, yes
05:58.12[TK]D-Fender[hC], IP320/330 is really hard to beat for typical enterprise use.
05:58.23[hC]you said it.
05:58.39TJNII[hC]: I'm thinking about giving it to my Dad.  I'm planning on setting up a * box for them for christmas since VoIP will save them money and give them features my Mom's buisness could really use.  Would you recommend it as a gift?  Would someone not familar with feature ritch phones figure it out?
05:58.59[hC]the only thing that could compare depending on what sort of a design pickiness you have is an aastra 480i/51i
05:59.15[hC]TJNII: yes. its a great phone for the average user.
05:59.30[TK]D-Fender[hC], Actually the Linksys is pretty decent.  I'd probably prefer it over the Aastra...
05:59.45mostyi prefer snom phones to linksys
05:59.46[TK]D-Fender[hC], I don't find the Aastra's handling very nice.
05:59.58TJNIIGood.  I'm looking for remote-configuration, good speakerphone, good call quality, and caller ID with name.
06:00.04[hC][TK]D-Fender: the spa9xx ? im not sure about that.. it would be a close call. I say aastra because of how you can flexibly extend it.. it depends on the circumstance
06:00.05mostythe only downside of the snom's is the snom headsets are worthless
06:00.18[hC]i really gotta try the new snom line
06:00.24TJNIII'll be there for initial set up, but afterwords it really needs to provision off the server.
06:00.48[TK]D-Fender[hC], Yeah the Aastra is WAY more configurable, and that IS nice, but I might choose to do without for the more comfortabl call handling and that applies to the button usage as well.
06:00.59JTway prefer linksys to snom
06:01.01[hC][TK]D-Fender: yep. agreed.
06:01.07JTsnom are incredibly ugly
06:01.11[TK]D-Fender[hC], In N/A Polycom just destroys Snom.
06:01.11mostysnom's are easy to autoprovision, polycom aren't much more trouble. but the snom web interface is much better, if you need to login remotely to change settings
06:01.12JTand the lcd screen design is godawful
06:01.31[hC]snom recenly changed their design enough to become more attractive to me
06:01.35mostyJT: i find the linksys phones ugly, personally
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06:01.52[TK]D-Fendermosty, That I would certainly think is reasonable given the few screenshots I've seen of it
06:01.52mostythe snom's with the large lcd look ok to me
06:03.25[TK]D-Fendermosty, Thing is for $200USD the screen my be large, but it looks like crap.
06:03.28*** join/#asterisk grimsy (
06:03.47jbotfrom memory, phones is  While personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows:  Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever. ...
06:03.57mostyfor my use, i never really needed a phone with a large lcd anyway
06:04.40[hC]aastra above cisco? hell no.
06:04.47[TK]D-Fendermosty, Sonm 360 = 128x64BL 3"x1.75".  Polycom IP 501 = 4" x 2" 160x180G
06:04.52[hC]again i guess it depends what you're using to rank that.
06:05.13*** join/#asterisk l0verb0y (n=l0verb0y@
06:05.16mosty[TK]D-Fender, what do you use the lcd for? callerid?
06:05.27*** part/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-37dd8364e044cc35)
06:05.34[TK]D-Fender[hC], Above Cisco because of cost, the fact Aastra support presence and has usable soft-keys and better call handling & PoS
06:05.40dlynesmosty: Aastra 57i and Aastra 480i has an even larger LCD
06:05.50[TK]D-Fendermosty, And Microbrowser, etc
06:05.53dlynesmosty: you can use LCD on those phones for interactive menus, ...
06:06.03mostymenus of what?
06:06.10[TK]D-Fenderdlynes, Downside of Aastra LCD = char martrix!
06:06.21dlynes[TK]D-Fender: char matrix?
06:06.22[TK]D-Fendermosty, XHTML services of course
06:06.24[hC][TK]D-Fender: have you heard of anything about polycom 601's being eol'ed in favor of the 650? i cant seem to get ahold of any 601's from my distributor any more, bastards..
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06:06.31[TK]D-Fenderdlynes, Character matrix, not pixel based.
06:06.41*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-2abed33790964e0c)
06:06.43JTmosty: i have a snom 360 here
06:06.48mosty[TK]D-Fender, what kind of services?
06:06.48dlynes[TK]D-Fender: since when?
06:06.48[TK]D-Fender[hC], Nope, haven't heard that before, but it is believable.
06:06.57JTmosty: huge screen, worst design ever, looks terribl, ugly as all hell :)
06:06.57[TK]D-Fenderdlynes, Sice AFAICT always.
06:07.15dlynes[TK]D-Fender: the 57i can do graphics...don't know about the 480i
06:07.31JTi think the snom is char matrix
06:07.44[TK]D-Fenderdlynes, while the boot logo is graphical, look at the RUN-TIME. I ran a 57i as my primary phone for a few months
06:07.50[TK]D-Fenderdlynes, HATED it.
06:07.51mostyJT, i know some people hate the way they look. i'm not sure what exactly it is that's so offensive, i think they're more attractive than linksys
06:08.14[TK]D-Fenderdlynes, While the new dislplay IS pixel based, their FIRMWARE is still solidly 1980's :)
06:08.30mostyi'm curious to know what i'm missing out on not having a big lcd on my phone, what kind of "services" do people use them for?
06:08.38[TK]D-Fendermosty, Linksys ones ARE a little harder to read.
06:08.40JTmosty: have you seen the snom 360 lcd?
06:08.44[TK]D-Fendermosty, but the layout is sane.
06:08.50JTit looks like a children's toy
06:09.03dlynesmosty: the user interface on the snom's is horrible
06:09.11[hC]the new snom 370 looks alright
06:09.11[TK]D-Fendermosty, on my work phones I get live Queue stats, weather, etc.....
06:09.14dlynesmosty: it's the most user unfriendly one i've run across
06:09.26mostyJT: i used to have a snom360, or maybe it was a 370, i'm not sure
06:09.34l0verb0ydoes anyone know how to remove, or change the beep when using the record command?
06:09.46[hC]although the new 5xi series from aastra can do a ton, theres enough about them that drive me mental
06:09.49JTi have a linksys 941 and cisco 7905 here
06:09.50dlynesmosty: but the only ones I can base my experience on is the snom 100, snom 110 and the snom 360
06:10.01JTboth the linksys and cisco have 500% smarter LCD design
06:10.10dlynes[hC]: you mean like the phone just completely locking up for no apparent reason?
06:10.21[TK]D-Fenderdlynes, Yup, happened plenty of times with me...
06:10.30[hC]dlynes: ive had that, i am on beta firmware that has fixed it, primarily with BLF.
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06:10.41dlynes[hC]: where do you get the beta firmware from?
06:10.53[hC]dlynes: im more annoyed at the physical aspects... the soft shitty buttons, the crappy handset that slips and slides off your shoulder when trying to use it.
06:11.05[hC]dlynes: I am an aastra partner, and deal very closely with their engineers, t hey sent it to me.
06:11.11[TK]D-FenderAnd the 5i's rubber shit-for-all buttons, char matix'd pixel screen, non-independant DECT, awkrwad button placement
06:11.12[hC]let me check, it may have been released already
06:11.12mosty[TK]D-Fender, ahh well i do that stuff with web services or similar. most people have much better monitors on their computer
06:11.14dlynes[hC]: ah
06:11.32[TK]D-Fendermosty, Mines good "at a glance" so they don't have to switch screens.
06:11.36JTand the lcd on the snom320 looks about the same as a cisco 12SP+
06:11.39[hC]im going to have to hassle them
06:11.44[TK]D-Fendermosty, more user efficient.
06:11.49dlynes[hC]: is there a way to get the phone's handset speaker to go any louder?
06:11.49JTwhich is saying a lot since that phone is a decade old or more
06:11.59dlynes[hC]: I've got plenty of customers complaining it's not loud enough
06:12.10[hC]dlynes: i believe there are gain levels you can set in the aastra.cfg, but i havent had to
06:12.18dlynes[hC]: yeah...those don't do the trick
06:12.27dlynes[hC]: they're more for microphone gains
06:12.32[hC]dlynes: i just turn the volume up to max on the handset.
06:12.40[hC]dlynes: are you using this over zap channels?
06:12.44dlynes[hC]: yeah...that's not loud enough for these deaf mofos
06:12.46[hC]dlynes: maybe you need to look at your zap gains?
06:13.10dlynes[hC]: adjusting the zap gains up, just causes poorer call quality
06:13.26[hC]dlynes: what kind of card?
06:13.27[TK]D-Fenderdlynes, buy a better card :)
06:13.35dlynes[hC]: sangoma a400d
06:13.52dlynesthat shut [TK]D-Fender up :)
06:14.11[TK]D-Fenderdunno... maybe some build flaws.. never used a 400 series
06:14.22dlynes[TK]D-Fender: it's still the same remora board
06:14.23[hC]I use sangoma a200d's in some spots, but try with all my might to avoid ever using analog
06:14.37[hC]it begs to have people bitch and moan about shit and have weird crap happen.
06:14.48[TK]D-Fenderdlynes, tested other phones?
06:14.50dlynes[hC]: i don't have a choice...none of our customers have enough lines to warrant a pri
06:15.03[TK]D-Fenderdlynes, I found my 57i CT "iffy".
06:15.03mostydlynes, BRI?
06:15.08[hC]dlynes: and you dont have a clean enough network to deliver them IP trunks?
06:15.10[TK]D-Fendermosty, not in CANADA :p
06:15.18mostyfractional PRI?
06:15.31dlynes[hC]: we do, but even then, the call quality is shitty for ip
06:15.38dlynes[hC]: we're trying to determine why right now
06:15.38[hC]dlynes: whats your company name again?
06:15.41JTmosty: BRI is not an options with asterisk in the USA and Canada.
06:15.58dlynes[hC]: we're using skyway west for the ip
06:16.00JTNI2 BRI is not supported in Asterisk
06:16.08mostyoh ok
06:16.24JTonly ETSI BRI really is
06:16.24[hC]dlynes: heh. funny you should mention that. I use skyway too. and for the last 3 weeks ive had calls go to shit, and i already know why and I'm working with them to get it solved
06:16.54[hC]dlynes: if youve gotten as far as smokepinging or mtr'ing the link you probably see periodic packet loss at the dsl modem.
06:17.08[hC]dlynes: wait.. you dont work for galaxy do you?
06:17.12dlynes[hC]: well, we're working towards getting preferential routing set up iwth them, and to get them to put qos on their end
06:17.15dlynes[hC]: no
06:17.24[hC]dlynes: yeah thats what we're doing with them too :)
06:17.36[hC]dlynes: whats your company again?
06:17.41dlynes[hC]: 24/7 Communications
06:17.54[hC]ah yeah
06:18.06dlynes[hC]: I'm sure you probably know Gurpreet
06:18.42[TK]D-Fenderok, bed time...
06:18.44[TK]D-Fenderlater all
06:18.57[hC]dlynes: no, but im not surprised, im not a telco guy, im new in this sector here. i came from routing and network security
06:21.28dlynes[hC]: i came from system admin and programming, myself
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06:28.08obnauticusHow do I record a channel?
06:28.12obnauticusor enable recording
06:29.42JTMixMonitor or Monitor
06:29.53mostyor one-touch recording via features.conf
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06:35.45GuyOCanadaI somewhere read that you can use asterisk to record your IVR sounds and it would save it
06:37.01`Seanmosty one touch recording?
06:37.22*** join/#asterisk harpal (n=Harpal@
06:37.40mostyyes, it's one of the things you can enable in features.conf
06:38.31GuyOCanada;automon => *1; One Touch Record a.k.a. Touch Monitor
06:38.38GuyOCanadahow does it work?
06:38.51mostydial *1 during a call to start/stop recording
06:39.09`Seanso during call you just dail *1 while talking to someone and it starts recording?
06:39.16`Seanand how to stop other then hanging up?
06:39.27GuyOCanadaits a switch
06:39.28`Seanahh sorry didn't see your thing screen buffer is being gay
06:39.31GuyOCanadastart/stop same again :)
06:39.44`Seanhrmp quite interesting
06:42.35GuyOCanadaeverytime i pres # x-lite crashes
06:54.18GuyOCanadawhich is the hash key?
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06:57.17GuyOCanadaso hash and paund are the same?
06:57.39mostyyes. for some reason american's call it pound, i don't know why
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06:58.58Corydon76-digor octothorpe
06:59.09GuyOCanadai have heard people calling it the square key
06:59.33GuyOCanadaI got a question lets say i do Background(for-sales&press-1&for-billing&press-2&for&customer-relations&press-3&for&technical-support&press-4)
07:00.04GuyOCanadai have to use for and technical-support as there is no sound that says "for technical support" there is a delay between the for and the technical support
07:00.09GuyOCanadais there a way to remove that delay?
07:00.11Corydon76-digThe reason why it's called the pound key is that Shift-3 is that symbol on American keyboards and the English pound symbol on British keyboards
07:00.49mostyGuyOCanada, you can just record a single sound file
07:01.01mostyor merge them together with a sound program
07:01.47mostyCorydon76-dig, heh they should swap the names for y and z too, since they're swapped on german keyboards
07:02.26Corydon76-digWhat, yed and zed?
07:04.04GuyOCanadathe german keyboard is a qwerty keyboard but instead of the Z it has Y :)
07:04.34Corydon76-diganyway, I'm off to bed
07:04.45GuyOCanadacan you do decimals in Wait?
07:08.29obnauticusCan someone tell me why this sends me to busy
07:08.29obnauticusexten => 508,1,Dial(sip/*5&sip/*6,15)
07:08.33obnauticusexten => 508,2,Voicemail(911@default)
07:08.37obnauticusexten => 508,3,Hangup()
07:08.56obnauticusIt just sends all circuits busy to the caller.
07:09.29mostywhat are  those *'s in the dial command?
07:09.41obnauticusThose are the extensions it is dialing
07:09.44obnauticus*5 and *6
07:10.14mostyi would try using sip accounts that don't have *'s in them
07:10.24obnauticusIt works internally
07:10.31obnauticuslike when i call *5 directly
07:10.33obnauticusif it times out
07:11.38mostyset debug and verbose to 10, then paste the full log on a paste site from when it fails
07:12.01obnauticusk hold
07:13.04obnauticusI ignored the call on purpose
07:13.08obnauticuson the other computer
07:13.24*** join/#asterisk oej (
07:13.30obnauticusit doesn't matter wether or not I do, i always get cirecuity busy from *6 when dialing in from extension 508 just shows me a blank page
07:14.26mostyusing firefox, and also with wget :/
07:14.35obnauticusthat's weird.
07:14.56mostyit was happening to me the other day also, try another paste site
07:15.31*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-7213cf849999bbd0)
07:15.48mostywhich of the two extensions is at ?
07:16.26*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
07:16.27mosty*6 is in DND mode
07:16.36mostyturn that off
07:16.39obnauticusIt rings.
07:16.41obnauticusIt's a hardphone.
07:16.44obnauticusCisco 7960
07:18.05obnauticusi'll change dnd_conrol: "2" (off with no user control) to just off
07:19.33GuyOCanadaanyone using Cepstral voices?
07:21.45obnauticusmosty this is what happens
07:21.49obnauticusright when it says this:
07:22.08obnauticusIt plays busy :|
07:22.30mostyand when you dial *6 by itself?
07:22.57obnauticusI get voicemail after 1500ms of no pickup
07:23.17mostydoes it ring?
07:23.31mostywhat version of asterisk is this?
07:23.49obnauticusAsterisk SVN-branch-1.4-r71230 built by root @ asterisk on a i686 running Linux on 2007-06-23 00:39:02 UTC
07:24.03obnauticusis what it should be doing.
07:24.21mostyi would upgrade to a non-svn build of asterisk
07:24.33obnauticusI was told it was fine :|
07:24.47mostyby who?
07:24.56obnauticusI think it was D-Fender
07:25.02obnauticusin here that wsaid my SVN build was fine some time ago
07:25.13mostyi doubt they checked every line of code though
07:25.21obnauticusWho knows
07:25.22*** join/#asterisk duki (
07:25.41mosty1.4 has been released, you should probably use the latest 1.4 release
07:25.55obnauticusThis is 1.4
07:25.56obnauticusi think
07:26.02obnauticusjust the svn release
07:26.05obnauticus1.4 r71230
07:26.25mostysvn revisions aren't releases
07:26.37obnauticusoh :/
07:26.49obnauticusCould I just donwload the source extract it and recompile really fast?
07:26.54mostyget 1.4.13 or whatever the latest 1.4 release is
07:31.31tzafrir1.4.14, you mean
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07:32.08tzafrirmosty, check /topic once in a while...
07:33.00obnauticusmosty, what's the most current package version of asterisk-sounds
07:33.06obnauticusand where is the full .tar.gz for it :\
07:33.16mostyon the digium download site
07:33.31obnauticusIt doesn't have a whole asterisk-sounds-xx-xx.tar.gz
07:33.36obnauticusOr I can't find it :|
07:33.57obnauticusi think i got it
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07:48.51obnauticusmosty festival is included in this version?
07:49.23mostyi guess so
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07:56.42tzafrirobnauticus, no. This app only executes an external festival executable
08:00.07obnauticusmosty, thanks: Asterisk 1.4.14 built by root @ asterisk on a i686 running Linux on 2007-11-18 23:32:29 UTC
08:00.58mostytry it out now, see if you're lucky and the issue no longer occurs
08:01.34obnauticusstill does.
08:04.00*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
08:06.18tzafrirobnauticus, please pastebin:  dialplan show inbound
08:07.24obnauticusthat hangup application on priority 3 was just for debugging purposes.
08:09.14tzafrirobnauticus, I suspect an extra space somewhere
08:09.28tzafrircan you provide the full trace for that call?
08:10.32obnauticusthose are the only lines handling the 508 extension
08:10.45tzafrirHow exactly do you call it?
08:11.13obnauticusPSTN -> Ipkall -> Intarwebz -> NAT -> * server
08:11.28obnauticusbackwards the same way.
08:11.55tzafrirLet's try something simpler:
08:12.21*** join/#asterisk mildk (
08:12.23tzafriroriginate Local/508@inbound application Echo,
08:13.18obnauticusIt's not going to the voicemail like it's supposed to
08:13.20tzafrircore set verbose 3
08:13.23tzafrirand try again
08:13.25obnauticusit's set to the max
08:14.00tzafrirsip show peers
08:14.08tzafrirDo you really have '*5' and '*6'?
08:14.14obnauticus508                              5060     Unmonitored
08:14.16tzafrirthose are strange names for sip peers
08:14.30obnauticusI'm trying to keep peers on *[num]
08:14.35obnauticusservices on ##[num]##
08:15.10tzafrirbuy the peer name seems to be 508 (if the above is indeed th output from 'sip show peers')
08:16.00obnauticusit is.
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08:36.13alephcomOk, I'm baffled.  Here's my output from asterisk:
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08:36.46alephcomany ideas why I only hear the first one?
08:37.32alephcomI'm connected using SJphone and these are played from within an agi script.  It's trying to collect data from me but it doesn't seem to get what I enter on some of them.
08:38.45alephcomgreat, this time I didn't hear any of them.  lol
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09:02.33mostywhere does "make menuselect" in the asterisk source save it's settings?
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09:26.43SomebeeHi. I have 5 sip-softphones (xlite) connected to an asterisk server (using SIP). Is it best to use SIP or IAX from server to provider?
09:28.31agxi've just released 1.4.2 (fixed a deadlock in app_pickup2.c)
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09:31.37JTSomebee: sip
09:31.45mostyiax uses less bandwidth
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09:32.21JTunfortunately iax also sucks balls ;)
09:33.06SomebeeJT:  Why is that? My provider meant that Iax was better, and from searching voip-info I've got the same impression
09:33.06mostywhat don't you like about iax?
09:33.51JTit's non standard, asterisk proprietary, poorly implemented in asterisk, does not scale
09:34.12mostyit doesn't need to be "standard" if there's only a single implementation
09:34.26JTthere's not a single implementation
09:34.34mostyeffectively there is
09:34.34JTanyway, it's about interop, and iax doesn't have it
09:34.37JTand it's unreliable
09:34.53mostyiax's major downside is pretty much only asterisk supports it
09:34.57JTand most important for ITSPs, does not scale
09:35.05JTand callweaver, and yate, and freeswitch
09:35.25mostywhere does it break in terms of scalability?
09:35.35JTthe fact that it's implemented poorly
09:35.42JTit chokes after more than a few trunked calls
09:36.00JTand the combination of signalling and media does not scale from a provider viewpoint
09:36.09JTyou can't easily stick a proxy in front
09:36.30JTalso use of hardware timers for trunking is another bad point
09:36.59mostyi do wish there was something like openser for iax
09:37.31JTthe only thing i like about iax is that its call signalling seems closer to Q.931/H.323 than SIP ;)
09:37.49mostythe nat-traversability is handy
09:38.11JTyeah it's not foolproof though
09:38.22JTand sip can easily traverse most NAT devices
09:38.36mostysip breaks more easily that's for sure
09:38.55JTrarely if set up correctly though ;)
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09:43.48alephcomThat's interesting.  When I turn all debugging off on my agi script it suddenly works.
09:46.57agxalejandro, perhaps your sending something to STDIN by mistake :)
09:48.13*** join/#asterisk santoshr (i=1063@
09:49.37santoshrI have an ATA which can handle  three sip accounts. Two different sip accounts on an asterisk service register from the same IP. But when i try to call. It says  check_auth: username mismatch, have <24>, digest has <22>
09:50.57mostysounds like a bug in the ata
09:52.35santoshrNo but if i send the second SIp a/c to a different asterisk box. the call goes through.
09:53.04santoshri feel asterisk is getting confused since both a/c's have come from the id.
09:53.07santoshrip sorry
09:53.10mostyyes, it sounds like the ata has a bug with two accounts on the same server
09:53.33JTwhat is the ata?
09:53.51mostyhmm, can you choose local sip ports on the ata? maybe set different ports for each account
09:54.20JTthat's not an ata bug i think
09:54.40JTasterisk's chan_sip cracks the shits with multiple registrations to the one ip
09:54.44JTlast i checked
09:54.53JTit can't correctly identify them
09:55.13mostyi think it can if you choose different local ports for each sip client
09:55.17santoshrdifferent local sip ports not an option
09:55.29JTwhat ATA is it?
09:55.46santoshrits a welltech device
09:56.06JTah dodgy :P
09:57.09JTnot good, cheap
09:58.00santoshrIs this a device bug or asterisk
09:58.10JTnot sure
09:58.23oejAs long as each registration has a different user name (account) we should be fine
09:58.57santoshri checked the debug the invite was a/c specific.
09:59.16oejSo what kind of object do you have in sip.conf for them?
09:59.37oejyes, but what kind of object? peer, user, friend
09:59.46mostyis the ata behind nat?
10:00.28santoshrno .. ata not behind nat
10:00.40santoshrit has a public ip.
10:01.00santoshroej:  wht object is ti by default. because we have not mentioned it in the db
10:01.40oejThen it's a peer, and calls from peers are matched on IP. So you need a user for each device. Check the docs for realtime users
10:02.02oejIf you add a user for each account on the device, Asterisk will match on the username and separate them.
10:02.16oejRealtime is not a good starting point for learning basic Asterisk stuff. It's a kludge.
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11:32.40zeeeshstill i could not attached vicemail in email .. how to do it ?
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11:52.24J4zenAny dutch people know a good place for SNOM320's or other VOIP material(quality/price)?
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11:52.36masushi all, load balance 2 inet connections and use it for sip is someting like this possible ? Thanks
11:54.32harpalI have just one PC installed Linux and I want to set up PBX What should I need. I have installed asterisk on linux.
11:55.27masusharpal: you need to set up asterisk
11:55.40harpalDo I need Zaptel Drivers? I dont have that cards. Is it necessary to install card
11:56.26harpalmasus, ok. I have installed asterisk. now I have to configure it right?
11:57.06J4zenDoes anyone have any expierence regarding the SNOM320 vs. SNOM360? is the 360 an actual upgrade or?
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11:57.45harpalmasus, So I can connect it with softphone and use it? or I need some thing?
11:57.58masusharpal: thats enough ...
11:58.02Arkonekhello, if im getting timing source auto card 0!
11:58.07masusu can try it without cards
11:58.29masusfor example u can register 2 softphones, and speak with each other
11:58.35Arkonekhello, if im getting timing source auto card 0 does it mean that timing comes form my teleco or is generetad by my card?
11:59.25masusharpal: u have to config these files , sip.conf , extensions.conf
11:59.26tzafrirArkonek, what card?
11:59.40ArkonekTE210p after runing zaptel
12:00.21bobkareharpal: I think you need ztdummy for some timing or something
12:01.08harpalmasus, ok.
12:01.30harpalbobkare, Is it a packet to install?
12:01.46bobkarewhat distro?
12:02.06harpalI have debian
12:03.52Arkonekso? what with this timing?:)
12:04.54*** join/#asterisk Naeem (n=chatzill@
12:05.10harpalmasus, Do I need Asterisk-sound?
12:06.08bobkareharpal: yes, zaptel-source, then module-assistant a-i zaptel
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12:08.29DrukenLPYmorning everyone
12:08.51hi365im having a problem streaming MOH using the folowing comand: application=/usr/local/bin/mpg123 -q -s --mono -r 8000 -f 8192 -b 0
12:09.20hi365is it writen wrongly?
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12:10.28DrukenLPYwhat's it not doing?
12:13.59bobkareCan I use AMI to add phones to chan_mobile's mobile.conf?
12:15.02masusharpal: for test use not
12:15.17masusharpal: it's already installed with asterisk
12:15.25Arkonekhelp me please, when loading ztcfg and then watching /var/log/messages i can see timing source auto card 0! does it mean that something is wrong with synchro with my teleco company?
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12:16.50harpalmasus, thanks
12:18.07masusharpal: cd /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/
12:20.11harpalmasus, than?
12:20.21tzafrirArkonek, I think it is OK
12:22.21masusharpal: no i mean it's there
12:22.24masusasterisk sounds
12:23.45harpalmasus, ok I have that directory and some files there
12:24.06Arkonektzafrir, so it mean that card is working well with my operator?
12:24.18santoshroej: is it allowed for the type to come from the Db in relatime
12:24.48harpalmasus, I have installed asterisk so now I need to configure asterisk to test that, right?
12:24.55oejno, but there's two different tables for peers and users, santoshr
12:25.18tzafrirArkonek, I don't think that this is a sign of a problem
12:26.00santoshrsippeers and sipusers
12:26.03Arkonekok, thx
12:26.39santoshrif i give sipusers in the extconfig.conf. it doesnt registr the device. I see the query happening on the DB but somehow it doent do anything with it
12:27.14santoshrquerying sippeers and type being in the result set as "user"   ... is this allowed
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12:33.05hi365im having a problem streaming MOH using the folowing comand: application=/usr/local/bin/mpg123 -q -s --mono -r 8000 -f 8192 -b 0 Its not playing. in the cli i get: started music on hold and imideatly stop music on hold
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12:39.04J4zenwelcome back
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12:40.41yangJ4zen: yes i noticed, that is why i am repeating the third time
12:40.48yangI am wondering if there is some GUI interface management for asterisk like HUD pro which works on trixbox?
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12:42.28J4zenAsterisk on exited on signal 11.  Might want to take a peek.
12:42.28yangthey keep dropping in
12:42.28J4zenoutdated clients probably
12:43.14hi365im having a problem streaming MOH using the folowing comand: application=/usr/local/bin/mpg123 -q -s --mono -r 8000 -f 8192 -b 0 Its not playing. in the cli i get: started music on hold and imideatly stop music on hold
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12:44.57santoshrit sippeers in extconfig.conf is made to sipusers. it doesnt query the table at all
12:45.02santoshri want some ata's to be peer and the others as users how can tht be done
12:45.10santoshrquerying sippeers and type being in the result set as "user" ... is this allowed
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12:46.44santoshrafter changing the extconfig.conf .. do we have to unload and load the dsn again ??
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12:53.07BeeBuuplease,any one teach me where can i download asterisk-addon?
12:53.42deeverBeeBuu: from the asterisk site? ;)
12:53.56BeeBuuany where you like
12:54.09BeeBuui know no one...
12:55.13BeeBuudeever: have you get one?
12:56.52deeverwhen i try to install asterisk into my homedir (./configure --prefix=/home/deever'), target 'datafiles' stops with error 1:
12:56.55deevermkdir -p /var/lib/asterisk/static-http
12:56.55deevermkdir: cannot create directory `/var/lib/asterisk': Permission denied
12:57.20deeverBeeBuu: ?
12:57.58rob0You just have to wonder about people who come in here and ask things like "where can i download ..." Like ... where did you LOOK?
12:58.46*** join/#asterisk chesty (
12:59.02rob0deever: asterisk.conf has paths. Change those to suit.
12:59.29deeverrob0: thx, i'll try it out! :)
12:59.53rob0deever: There's also a page on the wiki about running as nonroot.
13:00.29rob0Most of that probably applies to Zaptel device permissions, which might not be an issue if you are zaptelfree.
13:01.05rob0oh!! You had compile-time troubles.
13:01.46rob0No, I don't know how to fix that, except maybe with more ./configure --options.
13:03.39hi365can anyone help with streaming moh?
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13:05.56santoshrquerying realtime sippeers and type being in the result set as "user" ... is this allowed
13:06.38santoshroej: u around bro
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13:08.04coppicethere are huge numbers of Z80s being made. It wouldn't surprise me to find some running CP/M
13:09.06TelemacI've read oreilly book and asterisk guru tutorial about dynamic realtime. It works perfectly for sip and iax users but not for voicemail. I think there is trouble about table definition in PostgreSQL, could anyone who has successed in that points me to the proper table def ?
13:09.34cpmit's been on loan for a decade or so, but as far as I know, it's still around, and still works.
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13:16.25coppiceyou can get a loan, where the lender forgets about it for a decade? can you get the same deal with a mortgage?
13:18.15[TK]D-Fendercoppice: not by definition (or better yet, direct translation) of the word "mortgage"
13:20.07coppicein these days of credit crunch you gotta take what you can get
13:20.08rob0I actually did run across an apparently-forgotten mortgage. They tried to foreclose too late.
13:20.25rob0($DAYJOB is land title research.)
13:20.57coppicei think its only too late to foreclose when the land sinks beneath the waves
13:21.18rob0ha, no waves here.
13:21.52[TK]D-Fenderrob0: We'll see about that...
13:22.37rob0Raise the Atlantic a few hundred feet, and I'm in a swimming pool.
13:23.20coppiceI'll stick with the swimming pool I can see on the seafront, 50m below me
13:24.11cpmrob0, you do land abstracting work? where?
13:24.56coppicewe bought on a hill overlooking the sea, because we all know we can trust Al Gore. the man's a politician, after all
13:25.17hi365how long after a moh stream is the stream disconected?
13:25.31rob0Arkansas, and not exactly abstracting, but similar.
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13:26.03harpalI have installed asterisk and done make samples and make config. now When I try to start asterisk using /etc/init.d/asterisk start than nothing happen. asterisk not seems to run. Whats problem?
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13:27.30[TK]D-Fenderharpal: try via "asterisk -gvvvc" and if it fails, pastebin the complete output of your attempt
13:27.33jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
13:27.39cpmArkansas eh? figures
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13:28.51harpalIt shows me asterisk ready. and *CLI> prompt
13:29.45santoshrquerying realtime sippeers and type being in the result set as "user" ... is this allowed
13:30.34hi365anyone know how long after a moh stream is the stream disconected?
13:30.44[TK]D-Fenderharpal: and when you do "core show version"?
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13:31.03santoshr[TK]D-Fender:  can i have some set of sip a/c as users and others as peers. Using realtime asteirsk
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13:31.34[TK]D-Fendersantoshr: No idea, and please don't jsut target people with your questiosn repeating what we saw mere minutes ago
13:31.37harpal[TK]D-Fender, Asterisk 1.4.13 built by root @ debian on a i686 running Linux on 2007-11-07 15:48:42 UTC
13:31.52[TK]D-Fenderharpal: then * is fine and you just need a better init script.
13:32.05[TK]D-Fenderharpal: I'm not sure what that takes for Debian
13:32.26santoshrpoint duly noted. I just thought you would remember me. we have spoken alot of times. My bad apologies
13:33.14harpalWhen i do make config it has added startup script. That script are in config/init.d directory for each distro
13:33.32santoshrand yes the second question was different from the first one.
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13:34.30harpalhow to quit from that CLI> prompt? quit and exit not working
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13:34.47DarkDlxhi sorry for my bad english, im trying to set new audio files for asterisk, i'm connecting through ssh over lan, can i copy my gsm files from an another pc to asterisk pc? or i need to copy it to an usb pendrive, mount it and copy files?
13:35.15bobkareHas anybody used Asterisk::Manager? The way I read the AMI spec and the source the module has to be horribly broken
13:35.19[TK]D-Fenderharpal: "stop now"
13:35.26*** join/#asterisk rantsh (n=rantsh@
13:35.38rantshHi all
13:35.51[TK]D-Fenderharpal: I know that "make config" does RH scripts, not sure about Debian.  Go Google it, I'm sure you'll find the answer very fast.
13:36.28harpal[TK]D-Fender, ok. I am checking that on google
13:36.37[TK]D-FenderDarkDlx: pick whatever method you want so long as they end up in the right place with the right authority, and the right format.
13:37.03rantshI'd like to setup my asterisk box as a gateway, is there any way I can measure the QoS of a certain route or channel?
13:37.32DarkDlxD-Fender thanks, i ask google
13:39.03[TK]D-Fenderrantsh: Forget about QoS over the public internet.
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13:39.43rantsh[TK]D-Fender, mmm.... that bad, isn't it?
13:40.39harpal[TK]D-Fender, Its now running. actually I have done /etc/init.d/asterisk restart and restart doesnt do stopping and starting it again. it just reload that things. so Its not starting in restart. I have done /etc/init.d/asterisk start and it starts
13:40.58rantsh[TK]D-Fender, then is there a way I can setup a gateway software such as Quintum's where I can measure which route to send to which provider based on the QoS ? ? ?
13:41.14[TK]D-Fenderrantsh: no idea.
13:41.48harpal[TK]D-Fender, thanks a lot
13:41.52lirakisrantsh: ... its the public internet... if you save 2ms on your LAN b/c you implement qos thats fine.. but that same 2ms means very little on the public network.. b/c you have no control over where your packet travels.
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13:42.06rantsh[TK]D-Fender, :-p dead end!, thanks anyway though
13:43.05J4zenmy outbound SIP-Trunk all the suddon states "All circuits are busy  now"
13:43.07emkhi all. Is it an absolute must to buy a Digium card to setup an asterisk server (interfacing between a PSTN panasonic PBX and some Voip Phones)
13:43.09J4zen5 minutes ago it worked fine
13:43.11J4zenno active lines
13:43.15J4zenor connections
13:43.23J4zenrestart gracefully didn't do it
13:43.34J4zenDoes anyone have a clue what could caus this behaviour?
13:44.26santoshrthe realtime wiki says I can have a type column which will give the type "user" "peer" or "friend". But it does not say whether type=user is allowed from sippeers
13:49.31*** join/#asterisk jtexter3 (
13:57.35[TK]D-Fenderemk: If you want to interface you must have some sort of special hardware to allow * access to such things.  Not necessarily Digium's.
13:57.56*** join/#asterisk JayTee52 (
13:58.03[TK]D-FenderJ4zen: You've shown us nothing of value.  Pastebin a failed call with SIP debug enabled
13:58.06jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
13:58.45Greek-Boywhere is the best place in the dial plan to place macros? at the top?
13:59.46[TK]D-FenderGreek-Boy: Doesn't matter.  For the sake of creating some kind of structure I try to put mine above anything that will call them.
14:00.16JayTee52same here
14:01.51*** join/#asterisk orsonork (n=orsonork@
14:02.22orsonorki have an extension
14:02.28orsonorkthat dials a number
14:03.12orsonorkexten => 555,1,Dial(IAX2/account@something/02312323)
14:03.21orsonorkhow can i play a sound on that call?
14:03.24orsonorki tried
14:03.39orsonorkexten => 555,1,Playback(sound)
14:03.49[TK]D-Fenderorsonork: What exactly are you looking to do?
14:03.57orsonorkplay a sound
14:03.59orsonorkon a call
14:04.05destructurewhile the call is bridged?
14:04.13[TK]D-Fenderorsonork: automatically?  are you actually lookijng to TALK to them?
14:04.23orsonorki already ca TALK to them
14:04.27destructurehow far into the call?
14:04.34[TK]D-Fenderorsonork: ^^^^
14:04.43orsonorki can already talk "them"
14:04.46orsonorkit's working
14:04.49orsonorki tried using
14:04.51destructureor rather, how do you decide to play the message?
14:04.55orsonorkexten => 555,1,Playback/sound)
14:04.58[TK]D-Fenderorsonork: Answer his question
14:05.13[TK]D-Fenderorsonork: So you want it to play first, THEN continue talking normally?
14:05.26orsonorki already do that
14:05.28orsonorkbut it plays
14:05.31orsonork*it plays
14:05.33orsonorkfor me
14:05.56orsonorkbut the other call doesn't hear the sound
14:05.56destructurehow about taking a step back and describing the call scenario in non-asterisk terms
14:05.59[TK]D-Fenderorsonork: thats because you can't use Playback like that.  it has to be PART of the dial istself.  So go read its instructions again.
14:06.11[TK]D-Fenderorsonork: "core show application dial"
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14:06.30destructureyou are misunderstanding the concept of applications executing on a channel
14:06.33Greek-Boy[TK]D-Fender: thanks. your structure makes sense.
14:06.40destructurebackground is one application.  dial is another
14:07.13*** join/#asterisk captiancrash (n=jonmoore@
14:07.15[TK]D-FenderGreek-Boy: its only purpose is so I know ehere to look.  If you wanted you could split up your dialplan into multiple files depending on if you can find sensible bits to break off.
14:07.46[TK]D-FenderGreek-Boy: Just that whatever methos you use actually adds some productivity back, because it all just executes the same in the end
14:08.04*** join/#asterisk JackEStorm (
14:08.57destructureorsonork: the dialplan executes one app at a time, so if you have bridge a call with dial, no other apps can execute on that channel.  However, many tricks exist to work around this, but which you choose depends on your requirements
14:10.28J4zenA log on verbosity 20
14:10.28J4zenwhen trying to use the outbound trunk
14:10.56[TK]D-FenderJ4zen: I said *SIP DEBUG ENABLED*
14:11.10J4zenPardon, one moment please.
14:13.04Greek-Boygot it TK :)
14:13.15*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
14:14.01JackEStorm"Unable to handle return result on switchtype 1!"  ...thats bad right?
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14:15.45[TK]D-FenderJ4zen: Bad debug -- Executing Dial("SIP/104-0920a468", "SIP/gntel/0641735171|300|") in new stack <-  I see no output for this call attempt
14:16.11[TK]D-FenderJ4zen: Do not attempt to merely debug your PHONE
14:16.14*** join/#asterisk Darthclue (
14:16.26jtexter3I have had an issue 2 times now, wondering if anyone has any thoughts.  It's asterisk 1.4.13, Zaptel 1.4.6, two TE412 cards in.  Somewhere along the way, when a meetme room is created, it logs failed to open '/dev/zap/pseudo' : No such device or address.  A restart of Asterisk solved the issue for about 24 hours, and then it happened again.  The only thing that has to be done to resolve it is to restart Asterisk
14:16.37jtexter3Anyone seen anything like that before?
14:19.00*** join/#asterisk _x86_ (
14:19.39[TK]D-Fenderjtexter3: Make sure to remove ztdummy from your kernel modules "rmmod ztdummy", and redo "ztcfg -vvvv" then restart *.
14:20.12[TK]D-Fenderjtexter3: I've head cases where it can interfere.  You shouldn't need it because you have a hardware timing source.  Also ensue that each card is getting its own IRQQ
14:20.17jtexter3[TK]D-Fender: I have confirmed ztdummy is not running by doing lsmod | grep ztdummy.  Any other thoughts?
14:20.50tzafrirjtexter3, you use centos4, right?
14:20.50jtexter3[TK]D-Fender: Ah, good point, I shall check IRQ's.  I did run zttest last night, and it was hitting at 99.99
14:21.01jtexter3tzafrir: centos5
14:21.34J4zenMy final log :)
14:21.43J4zenThe last line shows that the trunk returns congestio
14:21.55tzafrirBecause the handler for /dev/zap/pseudo is the module zaptel itself
14:22.01J4zeneventhough its hard to believe, there are no active channels
14:22.59[TK]D-FenderJ4zen: I want to see the ENTIRE call.  Stop providing little bits & pieces.
14:23.13Greek-Boy[TK]D-Fender: I need your help with something pls. Can I paste three-liners here?
14:23.20[TK]D-FenderGreek-Boy: Sure
14:23.39Greek-Boyi have a macro like so
14:23.41Greek-Boyexten => s,1,Set(INTERNAL_REC_CALLFILENAME=internal-${CALLERIDNUM}to${EXTEN}-${TIMESTAMP})
14:23.41Greek-Boyexten => s,2,Monitor(wav,${INTERNAL_REC_CALLFILENAME},m)
14:23.41Greek-Boyexten => s,3,Dial(${ARG1},,r)
14:23.48*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (
14:23.48Greek-Boyoops, thats 4 lines. sorry
14:24.01J4zen[TK]D-Fender; That is all my debug-window can show. Is there any way to make "sip debug" output all the data to a log?
14:24.15[TK]D-FenderJ4zen: SSH in with a better client.
14:24.18Greek-Boyand I call the macro like so:
14:24.18Greek-Boyexten => 100,1,Macro(monitor,SIP/lg-reception01&SIP/lg-reception02&SIP/lg-reception03)
14:24.21J4zenIm using Putty
14:24.26J4zenwhat wuold you define as a better client?
14:24.32[TK]D-FenderGreek-Boy: Stop using 1.2 deprecated CID vars.
14:24.36jtexter3tzafrir: My only thought is maybe I had too many file handles open on that particular device, but don't have any evidence.  It last happened on Saturday, so saturday night I stopped asterisk, unloaded all zaptel modules, and then brought the system up clean
14:24.43J4zen? ssh
14:24.46[TK]D-FenderGreek-Boy: and "r" = EVIL.
14:24.59Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
14:25.00Greek-BoyI think i found my problem
14:25.09Greek-Boylet me read UPGRADE.TXT once again
14:25.11Greek-Boysorry TK
14:25.14[TK]D-FenderJ4zen: Screw your trixbox HTTP served up terminal window and connect to your box with a PROPER SSH client.
14:25.36[TK]D-FenderJ4zen: If you are incapable of doing this then go learn Linux.
14:26.43J4zen[TK]D-Fender: In stead of making assumptions, read what i said; Im connecting through PUTTY. nowhere did i mention a HTTP served up terminal window as u described
14:26.45Greek-Boy[TK]D-Fender what would you recommend I substitute r with then? for internal context
14:27.14*** join/#asterisk [pluto123] (n=cicici@
14:27.24[TK]D-FenderJ4zen: If you're using PuTTY, then use your SCROLL back.
14:27.28[pluto123]hello to all
14:27.34[TK]D-FenderJ4zen: And if you don't have enough, make it BIGGER
14:28.18[TK]D-FenderJ4zen: And your'e right it was an assumption.  My bad.  Then again... so is even asking about problems in here while using a GUI at all...
14:28.19tzafrirAnd if you don't have a proper terminal and still need a way to scroll back, install screen and use it
14:28.35[TK]D-Fendertzafrir : PuTTY has a very nice scroll-back
14:28.38J4zen[TK]D-Fender: You're right, it is. My bad ;)
14:28.39Greek-BoyUPGRADE.txt says that I should use the dialplan functions instead of variables. Now I gotta find which ones specifically
14:28.49tzafrirIIRC I used screen once or twice with ajaxterm...
14:29.02J4zenThe scrolback isn't sufficient for the output it provides
14:29.05J4zenbut ill log it
14:29.06[TK]D-FenderJ4zen: Good, so this is our last try.  Fix your scroll-back capture EVERYTHING and we'll see.
14:29.08J4zenand upload that
14:29.29[TK]D-FenderJ4zen: ENLARGE your scrollback.  I have mine set to 2000 lines.
14:30.22J4zenAh, i overlooked that functionality. Thanks
14:30.28DarkDlxwhere is the ftp folder?
14:30.42DarkDlxnot inside srv/ftp/pub/
14:31.51[TK]D-FenderDarkDlx: What "ftp folder"?  The one with the files that CONFIGURE an FTP server on your OS?  What OS?  What FTP server?  HUH!?!?
14:32.05[TK]D-Fender~cluebat DarkDlx
14:32.06jbotACTION pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps DarkDlx.
14:32.15DarkDlxthe default ftp
14:32.26[TK]D-FenderDarkDlx: Please read the channel topic.  That is not supported in this channel.
14:32.34DarkDlxok sorry again
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14:35.24Greek-Boyin 1.4 is the a record application that records both channels in mp3?
14:35.43deeperrormixmonitor + sox?
14:35.56J4zen[TK]D-Fender: Last but not least:
14:36.26[TK]D-FenderGreek-Boy: You can't.  * cannot ENCODE in MP3
14:37.19Greek-BoyI kinda like the script on the wiki /usr/local/bin/2wav2mp3
14:37.20deeperrorany clues why I would hear a beep come over a zaptel channel when another line is hanging up...the beep is louder when the channel is hearing DT but can still be heard when in a call?
14:37.38Greek-Boybut it has to be modified to work with 1.4
14:37.42[TK]D-FenderJ4zen: SIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required <-- looks like your peer isn't set up right and you failed the proxy auth.  Go ask them how it should be set up in TB
14:37.58Greek-BoyI like it because it puts each channel on its own side of the stereo recording
14:38.35[TK]D-FenderGreek-Boy: need a better mix option.
14:39.16[TK]D-FenderGreek-Boy: MP3 sucks anyways.  Its meant to compress alrge WAV's in stereo with an "averaged" center channel.  Inappropriate for telephony recordings.
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14:39.54tzafrirstkn|work, here?
14:41.24Greek-Boy[TK]D-Fender what do u recommend? GSM?
14:42.04[TK]D-FenderGreek-Boy: I like "wav" personally.  it is still pretty small (this is not CD quality wav you know...) and is commonly readable
14:42.16[TK]D-FenderGreek-Boy: MP3 adds complications.
14:43.45Greek-Boy[TK]D-Fender: so you only use mixmonitor and leave the recordings in its form as generated by *
14:44.26coppice[TK]D-Fender: of course. you can't do good compression without complex arithmetic :-)
14:45.15[TK]D-Fendercoppice: And I've only got so many fingers and toes!
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14:45.56coppicethat's OK. the other bits are imaginary anyway
14:46.40orsonorki didn't found any way
14:46.43orsonorkto do that
14:46.54*** join/#asterisk eserra (
14:47.12ronrwe're moving to an asterisk PBX, currently we have a bunch of siemens gigaset phones with some gigaset ISDN (BRI) centrals, how can we keep using those (ideally, I'd have a device that speaks some voip and where I can register those siemens dect phones with)
14:47.49orsonorki want to play a sound while briding multiple calls and that everyone listen the sound
14:48.17[TK]D-Fenderorsonork: option "M()" .  go READ.
14:48.41*** join/#asterisk e` (n=e@
14:49.05tzafrirronr, there are quite a few ways to connect ISDN BRI to Asterisk
14:49.19tzafrirIn fact, many of the simple ISDN PCI cards will do
14:50.22*** join/#asterisk grandpapadot (
14:50.42grandpapadotIs there a way to 'grab' a ringing extension from another phone in 1.2.x?
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14:51.09[TK]D-Fendergrandpapadot: Yes. "show applications" <- go find which one
14:51.39ronrtzafrir: I won't be using ISDN BRI, currently the gigasets are connected to three isdn bri pbx, but 1 asterisk server should replace that (with 1 E1 line)
14:51.43grandpapadotAhh.  Pickup. Duh.  Thanks.
14:52.18tzafrirronr, right. Do you need to connect BRI handsets?
14:53.08ronrI need to connect gigaset phone (like gigaset 4000)
14:53.42tzafrirThough 3 BRI lines may still be cheaper than 1 fractional E1. Really not sure of the costs at where you are (or anywhere else, actually)
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14:53.57ronrcurrently, they connect to a gigaset isdn pbx, I wouldn't mind tossing those pbx's out
14:54.06tzafrirA phone, or multiple phones?
14:54.23ronrthe e1 gives us 15 lines, the 3 bri 6 lines, we need more than 6 lines (and it's actually cheaper)
14:54.46ronrI guess about 10
14:57.53*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
14:59.38deeperrorany clues why I would hear a beep or tone on all channels when hanging up any of  the other zap channels?
15:01.41*** join/#asterisk harpal (n=Harpal@
15:04.30harpalDo I need Digium Dev-Lite Kit? I want to connect asterisk with softphones only.
15:04.46harpalbecaue I dont have any card to connect PSTN
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15:05.20[TK]D-Fenderharpal: Besides using softphones, what else do you want to do?
15:06.17harpalI just want to know working of asterisk. so I want to just connect two phones and than do talk in it.
15:06.53[TK]D-Fenderharpal: Then no, you have no need of any special hardware
15:07.33harpal[TK]D-Fender, Just configure asterisk and connect two softphone right?
15:07.40[TK]D-Fenderharpal: Correct
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15:09.44harpal[TK]D-Fender, Thanks again.
15:13.27Greek-Boy!/bin/bash is the interpreter for scripts in debian, right?
15:13.29*** join/#asterisk shawdog22 (
15:14.11tzafrirGreek-Boy, only if explicitly written as #!/bin/bash
15:14.14nestAror probably #!/bin/sh
15:14.38tzafrirGreek-Boy, if the interpeter is #!/bin/sh , you should not assume bash-specific features
15:14.41shawdog22I've got 3 people who check a 'shared'  voicemail box. Is there any clever ways of locking while someone is currently logged into it?
15:14.49Greek-Boyi tried running this
15:14.50Greek-Boylg-asterisk01:/var/spool/asterisk/monitor# /usr/local/bin/2wav2mp3_suse internal-tos--in.wav internal-tos--out.wav try.mp3
15:14.50Greek-Boy-bash: /usr/local/bin/2wav2mp3_suse: /bin/sh^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
15:14.56tzafrirThis allows the admin to replace /bin/sh with a lighter shell
15:15.03Greek-Boyin the script it uses #!/bin/sh
15:15.07nestArshawdog22: you could use a setgroup routine
15:15.13bobkareif bash is run as #!/bin/sh it runs in a special retarded mode where it doesn't support all special bashisms
15:15.23tzafrirGreek-Boy, edit your shell scripts with an editor that knows what unix text files are
15:15.25[TK]D-Fendershawdog22: lock from reading basically?
15:15.40Greek-Boytzafrir i used vim
15:16.04tzafrirand in vim you see '[dos]' down below, right?
15:16.48tzafrirso in vim run %s/\r$//
15:16.52tzafriror something similar
15:17.17shawdog22[TK]D-Fender: Pretty much, if person 1 is logged listening to messages, persons 2 and 3 try and login they get a 'in-use' message, till 1 logs out.
15:18.05shawdog22[TK]D-Fender: Too many people logging in at the same time, and grabbing the same message. And poor communication on who already has been called back.
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15:19.05Greek-Boytzafrir i did not see [dos] in vim
15:19.17Greek-Boyand i tried to save the script with vi instead of vim but same result
15:19.50[TK]D-Fendershawdog22: use the GROUP method that nestAr was suggesting
15:20.01tzafrirand you don't see a ^M in the first line in vim?
15:20.15tzafriranyway, this is getting off-topic for this channel
15:20.29Zuchmiris there any simple way of creatng a menu system similar to (where not all menus have the same amount of submenus/items)?
15:20.54Zuchmir... where the depth of the menu can vary
15:21.08Greek-Boylol tzafrir; u right
15:21.35Greek-Boydont worry, i'll just rewrite the file in vi from scratch and see what happens
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15:23.26[TK]D-FenderZuchmir: each is in its own context.  You can make them as similar or as different as you want
15:24.17[TK]D-FenderZuchmir: And ControlPlayback doe NOT look lie a valid way to even implement a "menu".
15:24.31[TK]D-FenderZuchmir: Where do you even allow input?
15:24.35shawdog22[TK]D-Fender & nestAr: Thanks for the info.
15:25.10[TK]D-FenderZuchmir: And I've just noticed that it is mis-spelled "ControlPayback".  Is this some sort of custom made app?
15:25.45Kobaz[Nov 19 10:24:16] WARNING[21749]: app_meetme.c:772 build_conf: Unable to open pseudo device
15:25.51Kobazso is that bad?
15:26.00[TK]D-FenderKobaz: it is if you want Meetme to work
15:26.07nestArKobaz: yea, you need ztdummy
15:26.22[TK]D-FenderKobaz: You have a Zaptel card, or are you using ztdummy?  Either way, Zaptel was not loaded before starting *
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15:27.00mistik1hello everyone
15:27.06Kobazztdummy is loaded
15:27.21[TK]D-FenderKobaz: stop *, do "ztcfg -vvvv" and then restart * and tes
15:27.25Zuchmir[TK]D-Fender: that was not a copy/paste from an extensions.conf, that was simply a thoery, and yes you are right, Background() / ControlPlayback() were mixed up in that example
15:27.28mistik1Is there a comparison chart of the differences between asterisknow and something like FreePBX?
15:27.43[TK]D-FenderZuchmir: amongst other things.
15:27.57[TK]D-FenderZuchmir: Very incomplete sample.
15:28.35[TK]D-Fendermistik1: Go check on their sites and respective channels.  Niether are supported here.
15:29.27Zuchmir[TK]D-Fender: what i really want is very complex, and as far as i can see, * will not handle it, but i  assume that a simple multi-layered menu would be pretty standard
15:29.29Kobazi think i need firmware loading support
15:29.32*** part/#asterisk bobkare (
15:29.36Kobazline 0: Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'
15:30.04[TK]D-FenderZuchmir: How complex?  I haven't seen anything that * cannot handle....
15:30.33*** part/#asterisk mistik1 (
15:30.39[TK]D-FenderKobaz: not good.... that is an OS module load failure I'm betting.  Others can guide you better from here...
15:30.53Kobazyeah i just built the firmware module
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15:32.02De_Mon[TK]D-Fender he's after a dynamic dialplan that supports unlimited submenus and levels of submenus.
15:32.30[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon: There are ways to do that, and samples on the WIKI
15:33.14[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon: And "fairly simple".
15:33.15De_MonI haven't seen the wiki examples, you talking about the forbidden voip-info wiki?
15:33.32[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon: Yes the WIKI, and not "forbidden".
15:33.33De_Mon[TK]D-Fender couldn't agree more
15:33.42[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon: would be better worded as "with a grain of salt.
15:34.07[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon: Perhaps a small BAG of salt.... jsut remember which shoulder to toss it over :p
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15:35.10Kobazthat worked
15:35.21Kobazi had to mknod /dev/zap/ctl
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15:36.18MercestesOk, get this.  I stumbled into this trixbox box with some dialplan issues.  heh.  Imagine that.
15:36.34MercestesSo I deloused the server, yum remove trixbox, and downloaded all the source, recompled, etc. etc.
15:36.34[TK]D-FenderMercestes: load
15:37.10Mercestesand I copied some old configs over, sip.conf, etc, new extensions.conf though.  NOthing usable in that trixbox mess..
15:37.12[TK]D-Fender"To make an apple pie from scratch one must first create the Universe".
15:37.15*** join/#asterisk orsonork (n=orsonork@
15:37.50MercestesI have ${TRUNK}= defined as Zap/g1 in globals.  When I reboot, sometimes, it tries to dial out as Zap/g2  but if I do my dialplan reload (1.4 for me, yay!), it...fixes it.
15:38.04Mercestesg2 is not referenced anywhere else in my config files anywhere.  =/
15:38.05Mercesteswhat gives?
15:38.10[TK]D-FenderMercestes: PASTEBIN <-
15:38.33[TK]D-FenderMercestes: And of course you're wrong, its just a question of WHERE :)
15:39.12Mercestesgrep g2 *.conf :  a2billing.conf  and rpt.conf
15:39.22Mercesteswinnar = me.
15:39.34Zuchmir[TK]D-Fender: again this is not .conf code, but an idea of the complexity desired (which we currently have in our existing PBX)
15:41.02Kobazare there any other devices other than /dev/zap/ctl that meetme needs?
15:41.12Kobazit still says can't open pseudo device
15:42.23[TK]D-FenderZuchmir: Read this for some inspiration :
15:42.36[TK]D-FenderZuchmir: And it may be worth it for you to use Realtime for this.
15:43.16Kobazdo de do
15:43.22De_MonMercestes do dialplan show and pastebin that too
15:43.28Mercestes[TK]D-Fender, I agree tho, I probably have some 3rd party PITA that's installing some secondary configs or some nice statics or something.
15:43.45De_Monwhen its trying to dial g2 that is, not now when its working correctly
15:43.48Zuchmir[TK]D-Fender: I was thinking along those lines, but couldn't figure out how to do this (i'd prefer C)
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15:44.33*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
15:44.39[TK]D-FenderZuchmir: You could jsut do the whole thing in AGI and use some other structure to regulate your inputs.  And why would your structure change all the time?
15:44.47Mercestesgrep g2 *.ael
15:45.17Kobaz[pid  2423] open("/dev/zap/pseudo", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
15:45.27MercestesDe_Mon, ding ding ding ding, we have a winnar.
15:45.34Kobazthere is other devices
15:45.55De_MonMercestes good one. whos idea was it to use .ael for those config files! ;P
15:46.02MercestesDe_Mon:  It's the default.
15:46.15Kobazis there a script that's supposed to make the /dev/zap devices?
15:46.22De_Mondoesn't it "have" to be .ael though?
15:46.36MercestesIt's from make samples.
15:46.38Zuchmirthe structure doesn't change often, but has to have the ability to change
15:47.05De_MonZuchmir dialplans arn't written in stone you know
15:47.26Mercestesand the stock configs global trunk=Zap/g2 for some reason.  So I guess on a system reboot, ael takes presidence while a dialplan reload gives extensions.conf precidence.
15:47.31De_Monyou just don't want to be the one changing it do you
15:47.49De_MonMercestes sounds like a bug!
15:47.51Zuchmiralso, i don't want to lose the ff/rewind capability while adding prev/next
15:49.23[TK]D-FenderZuchmir: Still Doable.
15:49.38De_MonZuchmir how do you intent to make redable recording names, without writing them in by hand?
15:49.55*** join/#asterisk cjk (n=loic@
15:50.24cjkhi, is there a way to disable that asterisk answeres to qualify packages? in fact my box does not answer to them and i would like to enable it
15:51.04Mercestescjk:  qualfiy=yes    or qualify=no  or qualify=2000
15:51.31cjkMercestes, my box2 sends out the packages to box1, but box1 does not answer
15:51.38*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
15:52.03Mercestescjk:  Is box1 a sip peer of box2?
15:52.04ZuchmirDe_Mon: human readable in the sense that each "series" has it's own folder etc
15:52.19cjkMercestes, yes
15:53.36Kobazokay next question
15:53.43Kobazwhy would ${CALLERID} be empty
15:53.48De_Monoh brother. so you didn't like that recordingname${LEVEL} because there wasnt a ${LEVEL}/ in front of it? you just want to do this in C and nothing we tell you will change your mind will it.
15:54.03Kobazi'm dialing from an iax2 extension
15:54.37MercestesI hate to admit but D-Fender was right earlier so winnar != me, winnar = D-fender..:(
15:54.39tzafrirGreek-Boy, that ^M is just a character. You can delete it
15:54.43Mercestescjk:  same subnet?
15:54.51cjkMercestes, no
15:54.56tzafrirOr add another one (ctrl-v ctrl-m)
15:55.00cjkMercestes, but calls from box1 to box2 are working
15:55.37*** join/#asterisk mackes (
15:55.40Mercestescjk:  qualify=yes on both boxes?
15:55.58cjkMercestes, no, why should it?
15:56.01[TK]D-FenderKobaz: That var is deprecated in 1.2.  Go read UPGRADE.TXT and the rest of the documentation in your source DOCS folder
15:56.16Mercestescjk:  make them yes then.
15:56.34cjkMercestes, i did that too but didnt change anything....
15:56.53Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: ah
15:57.10Kobazyeah i was wondering... it used to work
15:57.17Mercestescjk:  make it yes on both boxes and sip reload
15:57.40cjkMercestes, i tried already
15:57.43mackesHey Hey Hye
15:58.32Mercestescjk:  I understand, but it's supposed to be yes, so do that, reload, and then verify breakage.
15:58.52ZuchmirDe_Mon: i am not bent on any technology, if dialpad can do it easier than C, i'm all for it, but i still can't see how to implement different size menus, ie one menu can have 4 subitems, another can have 53, how do i make sure on a subitem needing 4 the user can press 1 and immediatly get file, and yet in the 53 option menu all accessible
15:59.07cjkMercestes, thanks, i will try to figure out
15:59.40Zuchmir... i'm reading through that wiki page, see if that helps...
16:00.26MercestesZuchmir, You can do that through contexts, if I'm understanding you correctly.
16:00.36De_MonZuchmir with patern matching _XX will match any 2 digit number, and ${EXTEN} is the number they pressed.
16:01.50jameswfjbot, rose
16:01.57Zuchmiryeah, but _XX wants 2 digits, and will have to "timeout" on "1" vs "10"
16:02.41De_Monyes, digit timeout determins how long it will wait
16:02.44MercestesOnly like 3 seconds.
16:02.48*** join/#asterisk Klydal (
16:02.50Zuchmir...and when there's only 4 items, the user expect an instant response on a singal digit
16:02.50*** join/#asterisk shawdog22 (
16:02.54Mercestesor 1 second if you have fast dialers.
16:03.11De_Monthat problem exists no matter how you create the extensions
16:03.24MercestesUnless you use different contexts, one only matches one digit adn the other matches 2.
16:03.46Mercestesbut then youhave a "press 1 for 4 options, press 2 for 53 options." type of deal.
16:03.51De_Monif there is a 10 and a 1, how is asterisk supposed to know if the user plans to press another number. chan_telepathy isn't finished yet.
16:04.18Zuchmirif you have detailed extentions you can do _[0-4] ... vs _XX
16:04.22JayTee52ah, but when chan_telepathy is finished you'll never have to dial your phone again. It will call you.
16:04.42MercestesYes, but you still have the problem with 1 vs 10-19.
16:04.43De_Monoh that, true enough. AGI or realtime then.
16:04.54shawdog22[TK]D-Fender: I did some reading on the set GROUP, for my multiple user voicemail issue. And I'm a little confused on how to monitor which mailbox is being accessed.
16:05.25[TK]D-Fendershawdog22: Set the group based on the box#
16:05.39KlydalOk, I've come to ask the experts (hopefully you guys) which wifi phone I should get.  Im looking to buy some for my family as a christmas present.  Price is probably number 1 priority.  I am looking at Utstarcom F1000 and the Linksys wip300.  Any suggestions? Feel free to pm me if you like.
16:05.42De_Monspeaking of extensions, why does dialing 1# make * think I want to call extension '1#' I just wanted it to stop waiting for digits!
16:05.49jbotsomebody said wifi was see wireless or for a small compact non-port-blocking card, get one of these a) linksys wcf12 for only $65 shipped from b) netgear MA701NA for $65 shipped from c) socket LOW POWER wlan (amazing battery life) for $160 + shipping on, or better than nothing
16:06.12MercestesKlydal, none of them.  All wifi phones blow.
16:06.14Klydaloh wow
16:06.22De_Monyes sucky sucky
16:06.25jameswfwifi phones kinda suck a$$
16:06.27Klydalsucky how?
16:06.28MercestesGet a cordless phone with a sip base station or use an ATA on a cordless phone.
16:06.44Klydalthat is too much for my other family members
16:06.52jameswfwifi phones are like ummmm cingular....
16:07.05MercestesKlydal, sucky as in nervous asian with a teeth grinding tic sucky.
16:07.08Mercestesnot at all in a good way.
16:07.19shawdog22[TK]D-Fender: Will it work if people just dial 400, to access the VoiceMailMain()?
16:07.38MercestesIt works great....for about 10 feet away from your base station...and that's if you use the $200 "long range" antennae.
16:07.38[TK]D-Fendershawdog22: It'll work if you are TELLING VMM what box to enter FIRST.
16:07.55shawdog22[TK]D-Fender: Yeah, that is what I was afraid of.
16:08.45shawdog22[TK]D-Fender: People just log into VoiceMailMain and enter their extension. Old dogs new tricks...
16:09.00[TK]D-Fendershawdog22: Go change your dialplan.
16:09.30*** join/#asterisk myiagy (n=myiagy@
16:09.37Mercestesshawdog22, Could use a ton of voicemail contexts.  >.>
16:10.39shawdog22[TK]D-Fender: I'm one of those guys that is forced to try and replicate an old phone system, due to working with people who refuse to change.
16:11.45Mercestesshawdog22, offer to charge them the same rates that their old phonesystem cost them.
16:11.46nestAryeah, i had people like that, i told them they could just give up, or they could change..
16:11.48Darthclueshawdog22, convince them to the button that says messages or dial 400.  enter your pass when prompted.
16:11.54nestArthey changed.
16:12.31Mercestesthat's always my response..."My old phone system didn't work that way!"  "My system costs 1/10th of what yours did.  If you want to pay me that much, I'll make it work that way."
16:13.38shawdog22Ha.. I don't know if it's a unwillingness to change, or the fact of limited brain capacity.
16:13.52Mercestesnecessity is the mother of invention.
16:13.52nestArit's unwillingness
16:14.02Darthclueoffer a 'memory upgrade'
16:14.07nestArthey go to a different company, likely they'd be forced to change.
16:14.13Kobazdoing a VoiceMailMain(3000) should just ask for the password for the mailbox... right?
16:14.16Darthclueand don't forget to throw in the extra 'storage capacity'
16:14.29MercestesKobaz:  If 3000 exists in context default, then yes.
16:14.48shawdog22Heck, forget upgrades. I'll just buy newer models.
16:14.50Kobazyeah, it does
16:14.54Kobazit asks for a mailbox number
16:15.21nestArKobaz: check your console, should give you a notice of why 3000 wasn't loaded.
16:15.29De_MonMercestes I love that line, I'm gonna use it
16:16.05Zuchmirthanks for your help, i got to get some sleep
16:16.13Mercestesl8s, Zuchmir.
16:16.40shawdog22Alright, thanks for the info guys. I'll set those features up, and tell them they are available if people want them, and it's up to them to use it.
16:18.16*** part/#asterisk shawdog22 (
16:19.06KobaznestAr: the extension gets loaded just fine
16:19.18KobaznestAr: there's no errors when voicemailmain is running either
16:19.38[TK]D-FenderKobaz: less talk, more pastebin....
16:23.01Kobazexten => 3401,1,VoiceMailMain(3000)
16:23.07[TK]D-FenderKobaz: So it asked for that MB and they entered NOTHING for the pass.
16:23.19Kobazit's not supposed to ask for mailbox
16:23.25Kobazit's supposed to just ask for the password
16:23.34Kobazand yeah i did enter nothing since i've been testingf
16:23.35[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Its not asking for the box, its asking for the PASSWORD
16:23.55[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Nobody said thats how to bypass BOTH <----
16:24.03Kobazi'm not trying to bypass both
16:24.04*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
16:24.14Kobazi dial 3401... it asks "mailbox"
16:24.15[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Well you have to give it the PW...
16:24.16Kobazi enter "3000"
16:24.20Kobazand then it says "password"
16:24.23Kobazand then i type 1234
16:24.25Kobazand then it lets me in
16:25.02[TK]D-FenderKobaz: And pastebin your voicemail.conf as well.
16:25.21twistedKobaz: this sounds extremely fundamental, but have you issued an "extensions reload" since you updated your extensions.conf?
16:25.28Kobazit's been reloaded
16:25.32[TK]D-FenderKobaz: So far it should only be asking for the PW, which is exactly what it seems to be doing
16:25.33twistedok, just checking :P
16:25.42Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: it's not doing that though
16:26.05[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Nowhere in your PB do I see you entering the box #
16:26.40Kobazi didn't since i'm just calling and testing
16:26.45Kobazto see if it asks for a password
16:26.49Kobazi'll paste a whole attempt
16:27.19Kobazaughh, vpn is dieing... sec
16:27.19twisted[TK]D-Fender: in his PB it clearly shows voicemailmain being executed on box 3000, and the asking for login (which is the "mailbox?" prompt
16:27.39Kobazit asks for login, then password
16:27.54Kobazwhat i want to do after i get this going, is just use the callerid as the box#
16:27.59twistedKobaz: try putting the @context at the end of the 3000
16:28.05Kobazbut i threw 3000 in there for sanity
16:28.07[TK]D-Fendertwisted: Shouldn't we see the input result of the box?
16:28.12twistedso VoiceMailMain(3000@somecontext)
16:28.14Kobazyeah i tried that too
16:28.28Klydalso do you guys have any suggestions on a decent ATA?  Sipura SPA-1001?
16:28.35twisted[TK]D-Fender: in his PB it shoudl not have even asked for that
16:28.37[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Please pastebin a better attempt and your configs.  No more running in circles... file is already doing that...
16:28.51twistedwhen you specify a box # in voicemailmain() it should NOT ask you for the box # when you call it
16:28.53Kobazyeah, i'll do that when the vpn is back up
16:28.58Kobaztwisted: yeap, that's what i said
16:29.02twistedit should ONLY ask for the password.
16:29.05[TK]D-FenderKlydal: That'd me Linksys now, and sure, its decent.
16:29.07Kobazyeap, but it's not
16:29.08twistedKobaz: i know, i'm telling [TK]D-Fender
16:29.39twistedregardless if he's entering the box # when it asks for it, the dialplan logic dictates it should not be even asking for it
16:29.44Klydalyeah thats right.. I forgot about that.  I have a handytone atm.  But im just looking cheap if Im going to get that and a cordless phone
16:30.04jbothmm... cheap is a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
16:30.39Klydalyeah, I was cheap and put asterisk on my pc with vmware :P
16:30.51MercestesDidn't work, did it?
16:30.58Klydalit worked ok
16:31.07Klydalit was an older model ibm laptop
16:31.23MercestesUntil you tried to use meetme or MOH or load up ztdummy
16:31.35blitzragetwisted: unless the voicemail box # doesn't exist
16:31.46blitzragetwisted: and hi!
16:31.54mackesWiFi Phones Baby
16:32.07mackesThe Hitachi WiFi Rocks
16:32.14twistedblitzrage: sure, but if he enters the same box #, and then the password, and it logs in, then it obviously exists.
16:32.18twistedblitzrage: and hi!
16:32.27blitzragetwisted: oh ya -- then I agree :)
16:33.01MercestesKlydal, thats ok, I run asterisk on my Linksys wrt54gl wireless router.
16:33.37Klydaloh nice
16:33.58MercestesIf by "work" you mean  I get a green ok when I do an /etc/init.d/asterisk start, then, yea, it works fine
16:34.09Mercestesif by "work" you mean, I can do more than a single call on it then not so much.
16:34.25Klydalwell it was a cool idea
16:34.56MercestesWe used to use it for demos.  For some reason, people liked calling each other from 2 polycoms glued to a piece of plywood with a linksys router in the middle.
16:35.16MercestesIt's like, "WOOHOO!  I'm on voip!"
16:36.52*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
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16:43.20Kobazanyone use polycom 330's?
16:43.30Kobazif i dial a number outside the dialplan the phone locks up
16:43.40Kobazwell, outside the digit map
16:44.02Kobazand i fixed the voicemail
16:44.16Kobazi forgot asterisk needs a hard restart to load in the new voicemail stuff
16:44.33Klydalanyone know how the DECT voip phones are?
16:44.33*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
16:44.44MercestesKobaz, define "locks up"
16:45.03Kobazwell like a pc lockup... the interface completely freezes
16:45.06MercestesDo you mean "refuses to dial out"   or "refuses to accept further user input until I powercycle the thing?"
16:45.11Kobazand 30 seconds later it reboots
16:45.26MercestesSounds like a good time to call your supplier.
16:45.28Kobazthe 501's dont do that
16:45.32*** join/#asterisk fnordus (n=dnall@
16:45.54Kobazso if i do 123 and hit line 1
16:45.56Kobazphone dies
16:45.59*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
16:46.11Kobazor anything that's not in the digit map
16:46.13MercestesIs DigitMapPatternMatching=2 before yoru Digitmap designation?
16:47.02MercestesOh, that reminds me.  Fender!!!!!
16:47.07MercestesGuess who I had an interview with the other day....
16:47.12Kobaznope, i don't have that
16:47.29MercestesKobaz, Actually, I think it's called "ImpossibleMatchHandling" or something.
16:47.44MercestesKobaz, it's the line before yoru digitmap.  set it to 2 and rebootage and see if that's a work around.
16:47.51*** join/#asterisk drmessano (
16:48.16drmessanoAny reason why srvlookup defaults to no?
16:48.17MercestesYea, set it to 2 and see if that magically fixes it.
16:49.42Kobazwaiting for notworking to init
16:49.48*** join/#asterisk klictel (
16:49.51Kobazdo de do
16:50.58Mercestes[TK]D-Fender:  Guess who I had an interview with the other day.
16:51.13*** join/#asterisk krondorl (n=chatzill@
16:51.22krondorlGreetings all...
16:51.37Kobazdidn't fix it
16:51.48MercestesKobaz, nice.  Yea, refer to supplier.
16:52.06Kobaz10 seconds to reboot
16:52.31krondorlQuestion: How can one get app_amd.c into Asterisk with the gentoo distro that automatically compiles the code?
16:52.47krondorlVersion 1.2.17..
16:53.17[TK]D-FenderMercestes: Who?
16:53.28Mercestes[TK]D-Fender, Polycom! :D
16:53.35*** join/#asterisk oej (
16:53.41[TK]D-FenderMercestes: very cool
16:53.49[TK]D-FenderMercestes: What kind of position?
16:54.04Mercesteskrondorl, you can tar -zxvf the source under /usr/portage/sourcefiles or something and edit what you need to edit then manually recompile it.
16:54.09Mercestes[TK]D-Fender, field support for video conferencing.
16:54.14tzafrirkrondorl, you should start by finding app_amd for 1.2
16:54.39tzafrirkrondorl, I also hear there's some unofficial asterisk 1.4 for Gentoo
16:55.06Mercestesit's in the voip overlay under layman.
16:55.24Mercestesmaintained by the #gentoo-voip folks
16:57.03*** join/#asterisk codefreeze (n=steve_mu@
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16:58.18Mercestes[TK]D-Fender, lots of travel, but I get to work from home a lot too and I get to do video conferencing.  :D
16:59.02[TK]D-FenderMercestes: No more cheesy web-camming pr0n for you!  Big league!
16:59.21MercestesExactly!  NOw it's high class web-camming pr0n!
17:00.14jameswfwell tzafrir I made a post on the tb forums about fonality cripling genzaptelconf.... now I will sit back and wait for the "whacho talkin bout willis" emails
17:00.49Mercestesnow if I can just not screw up my interviews by randomly mentioning BDSM midget horseporn, I'll be ok...
17:01.28jameswfwe would probably hire you :)
17:01.38tzafrirjameswf, Understanding the behaviour of Fonality with Trixbox CE is now beyond me
17:02.13*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
17:02.18drmessanoIn order to make any product your own, you must break things familiar to others in a way only sensible to yourself
17:02.39*** join/#asterisk seba_soy (n=chatzill@
17:02.47Mercestesjameswf, If I mentioned the horseporn?  Heh, I like your company.
17:02.48drmessanoIf anyone uses that, I get $5 per use
17:03.03jameswfI was going to write a book then realized I am to smart to limit myself to a couple hundred pages
17:03.18seba_soyI have a question maybe someone can help me
17:03.40Mercestesseba_soy, out with it already.
17:04.00drmessanoYou could always write another Asterisk book
17:04.26seba_soywhen I place a call from my phone to a local extension, for example from 101 to 102 I see it uses Macro(stdexten) but I CAN'T FIND where is in extensions.conf this dialplan...
17:04.35jameswfI should do asterisk for dummies.
17:04.43Mercesteslitererotica:  Asterisk:  telephony gone wild.
17:05.06Mercestesseba_soy, grep macro-std-exten *.conf
17:05.10jameswfhow to make asterisk a 2 teribyte porn server ISBN:0000
17:05.17DarthclueWelcome to the Dark Side : The Truth about VOIP (Video Over IP)
17:05.21Mercestesseba_soy, I am certain it is either in extensions.conf, extensions_additional.conf, or in one of it's includes.
17:05.44drmessano"How I stuck it to the man (mom) and made $10000 in free phone calls with Asterisk" by Trey Jones
17:05.46jameswfhave festival read dirty stories
17:05.48coppicePorn Serving for Dummies
17:06.23MercestesToday's book, "Ranch of my dreams" as read by Steven Hawkings.
17:06.47[TK]D-FenderIDC : "Quantum Mechanics for Dummies" <----
17:07.13drmessano"Solving One-Way Audio problems in Asterisk" by Fiar Wall
17:07.30_x86_Fiar Wall omg roflmao
17:07.49coppiceand the one for new parents "Shopping for Dummies"
17:08.00_x86_coppice you lose
17:08.08seba_soyMercestes: nothing, there is nothing ... :(... I can't understand how it works...
17:08.21jameswfyou know i solved oneway audio by dumping sip for iax
17:08.32Mercestesseba_soy, oh, ya know what?  I screwed that one up.  lol
17:08.42Mercestesseba_soy, grep macro-stdexten *.conf  instead.
17:08.43[TK]D-Fenderseba_soy: go look in all of your configs, including AEL junk...
17:08.50drmessano"How I got my Asterisk based PBX out of my LAN" by Nat Conf
17:08.59Mercestesseba_soy, too many -'s there.  I always thought it should be std-exten
17:09.14jameswf"Let your kids eat paint chips and save the world" by natural selection
17:09.18seba_soythe Macro is there
17:09.22krondorltzafrir: Can't use 1.4 series..  Dialer not working well with it..
17:09.30seba_soyI cant find WHEN Asterisk call this macro
17:09.30Mercestesrob0, ...?
17:09.47seba_soysomething like _XXX,1,Macro(stdexten....
17:09.51jameswfjbot, dropdatabase;
17:09.52jbotSo you think you could kill me, did you. You thought you could come in here, in my own home, and take me down without a fight. I would have given you a chance, really. But now, you have unleashed hell. May god have mercy on your soul.
17:10.02Mercestesseba_soy, oh, when?  When you dial an extension.  Look in the context under extensions.conf, the context beign whatever context= in sip.conf.
17:10.10[TK]D-Fenderseba_soy: enable channel debug and you'll see exactly....
17:10.20seba_soythat's what I looking and I cant find...
17:10.21drmessano"How I would have done it this time, since I didn't do it last time, and not this time either" by OJ Simpson
17:10.34seba_soysome change using asterisk GUI?
17:10.39seba_soyI confiure all using the GUI
17:10.45jameswfproperty recovery by OJ simpson
17:10.49waKKujbot i know that phrase... where is it from ? :)
17:10.50jbotYou know that phrase... where is it from ? :)?
17:11.06Mercestesrob0, I wasn't aware Shakespeare wrote a play entitled "Gay Boys in Bondage."
17:11.23coppiceits the Bard's latest work
17:11.29jameswfjbot, porn
17:11.30jbotPorn remains one of the largest problems with Open Source Software. Often causing development delays, flooded links and, in extreme cases, disabling programmers ability to type.
17:11.45drmessano"How OJ got my Asterisk server back" by Stohlen Peebex
17:12.00*** join/#asterisk Jameno123 (n=james@
17:12.30Darthclue"ET Phone Home : Lowjack for your PBX"
17:12.35Jameno123Which module do you load for the TE120P
17:12.42*** join/#asterisk key2 (n=Ritual@
17:12.45Jameno123wct1xxp or wcte11xp
17:12.48cpmMercestes, Oh ...Gay Boys in Bondage' What, izzit- tragedy? Comedy?
17:12.49krondorlDANG..  No one is responding to my question in gentoo-voip...
17:12.56jameswfMicheal Jackson: How to build a small footprint asterisk PBX and mastering the touch command
17:12.59Mercestescpm:  I'm guessing tragedy.
17:13.15krondorlcpm: I'm guessing horror
17:13.16cpm'tis a story of a man's great love for his... fellow men.
17:13.33jameswfbrokeback Asterisk: a love story
17:13.37Mercestesno, Rob0 clearly specified boys.
17:13.47drmessano"Asterisktile Dysfunction: Why women really dislike your X100P"
17:13.58MercestesI'm thinking...that all the first born or second born (if the first ones are too old) get kidnapped...
17:14.05Mercestesand the hero goes to rescue them....
17:14.49coppicehasn't anyone heer ever studied the classics?
17:14.49Mercestesand then he finds them all tied up, and finds out, that he has a thing for bondage *and* gay sex all at the same time...
17:14.49Mercestesso he does them all, then is afraid that they will tell, so he kills them all.
17:14.49jameswfViagra Module: the secret to long server uptimes and quick server response
17:14.49coppicerob0: we seem to be amongst heathens
17:14.49Mercestesthen the guards show up, and see a bunch of raped massacred boys, so they kill the hero.
17:15.03jameswfjbot, Viagra
17:15.04jbot[viagra] the nickname for the Woody Tech Support Crew
17:15.07coppicerob0: we seem to be amongst *sicko* heathens
17:15.16cpmNow good wife, while I rest, read to me a while from Shakespeare's Gay boys in bondage
17:15.29Mercestesthen the french show up, and see the dead boys and the dead hero, and mistake the scene..and slaughter the guards.
17:15.31coppiceah, a cultured man
17:15.35drmessano"He never called me back *SOB*: a womans story of Zaptel issues"
17:15.39*** join/#asterisk |omni| (
17:15.40key2who is the dude that wrote idefisk/zoiper ?
17:15.53jameswfzoiper is kinda ass
17:16.20key2jameswf: what did you code ?
17:16.45_charly_which iax softphone would you recommend?
17:16.46MercestesHPEC for Dummies, by Wai Yu Echo.
17:16.51jameswfkey2, today?
17:17.00Jameno123TE120P == which module: wct1xxp or wcte11xp?
17:17.04jameswfI kinda like moxphone
17:17.27*** join/#asterisk sigmounte (n=sigmount@
17:17.32cpmDirty books, please.
17:17.34jameswfno fluff doesnt hog memory
17:17.35sigmountehello any guru about ztdummy ?
17:17.45jameswfdummy guru
17:17.47drmessano"How to create your own Asterisk PBX distro in 7237576 easy steps and profit"
17:18.02Mercestessigmounte, PRI or Analog?
17:18.17jameswfHybrid Hosted Solutions: The Future of Technology
17:18.41sigmountei don't have any zaptel card , so to use meetme i've read i have to load ztdummy , but i have no sound and rtc error filling my syslog :(
17:18.46drmessano"Where the hell is my server?: One mans hosted PBX story"
17:18.52Jameno123nm the sysconfig/zaptel seems out of date :(  i see wcte12xp -- nm.
17:19.09jameswfsigmounte, rtc is your board not asterisk
17:19.11Mercestessigmounte, did you modprobe ztdummy?
17:20.11sigmounteMercestes, i've use modconf to load ztdummy , same has modprobe , no ?   Jameno123 i know , ztdummy use the rtc of the board to provid timing for the meetme app instead of the zaptel card
17:20.33jameswfHow I removed a rootkit and killed a call center: the trixbox pro eeceecedredr story
17:20.47[TK]D-Fendercpm>Dirty books, please. <- "Hole in the Mattress", Mr. Completely.
17:21.47*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
17:22.24Maxxedhow do i go about booting linux from grub, but having it ignore loading a module?
17:22.38drmessanoNeed one for admins that upgrade to much
17:23.26drmessanoNever heard of someone being accused of upgrading too much, especially when the product has existing issues
17:23.44*** join/#asterisk macros73 (
17:23.45peanut-I have
17:23.59[TK]D-Fendercpm> "Chinese Child Pornography", Wii Fukem Yeoung
17:24.02peanut-IOS, you don't upgrade unless you absolutely need to
17:24.12*** join/#asterisk russellb (i=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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17:24.30drmessanoYes, but are there enough IOS issues to cause you to WANT to upgrade?
17:26.49coppicebeyond turbo - afterburners :-)
17:26.53*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (i=dwayne@nat/digium/x-574b9a75e6d08d56)
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17:27.24drmessanoMakes me want to rent "Top Gun"
17:30.59nestAri wish they still shot flames like that.
17:32.24nestArmy old car used to shoot fire balls
17:32.31nestArbut not continuous flames
17:34.51drmessanomy old car shot water out the back
17:35.07drmessanoTrick is to put the crack in the block in JUST the right place
17:41.46Mercestesmy go-kart used to shoot flames.
17:41.54*** join/#asterisk bantu (
17:41.55Mercestesbut that's far less impressive.  =/
17:42.40[TK]D-FenderMercestes: Just move it further up to the cabin ;)
17:42.50*** part/#asterisk dandre (
17:42.51[TK]D-FenderMercestes: Burning Man!@
17:43.22coppicenothing matches the sight and sound of a Saab Viggen on afterburners :-\
17:43.48*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
17:44.47outtoluncthat dude on youtube laying on the bed with a lighter is probably a close second <G>
17:47.53[TK]D-FenderMercestes: <-- skip to 2:00 :)
17:48.28*** join/#asterisk km- (
17:48.47km-I'm having a brainfart -- how can I tell which codec a particular sip call is using?  show call (sipid) doesn't seem to have it.
17:49.13[TK]D-Fenderkm-: "sip show channels"
17:49.21[TK]D-Fenderkm-: "sip show channel [channel]"
17:49.29km-ohhhh I have to preface with sip
17:49.30km-got it, thanks
17:50.03*** join/#asterisk galeras (n=galeras@
17:51.36drmessanoso, srvlookup defaulting to "no"  any reason for that?
17:51.57galerasDear Sirs, Which ring strategy do you recomend to assign an equitable quantity of calls to all agents ?
17:52.18galerasrandom, rrmemory?
17:52.36coppice[TK]D-Fender: what were those guys trying to achieve with the concrete mixer?
17:53.24*** join/#asterisk jmesquita (n=jmesquit@
17:53.47[TK]D-Fendercoppice: this was at the end of some other "is reality anything like the movies?" Myths, and that one wasn't  So in the end, they wanted a "big bang", so they MADE one.  This was to highlight the differences between Hollywood explosions and true high-explosives.
17:54.00[TK]D-Fendergaleras: rrmemory.
17:54.34coppicedunno. it looked absurd enough to be a hollywood job :-\
17:55.53outtoluncthey were just trying to get the dried concrete out <G>
17:56.06outtoluncsheesh <G>
17:56.22*** join/#asterisk waverly360 (
17:56.48coppicei don't think they were really trying
17:57.31coppiceI saw someone clean one the more conventional way, with a pneumatic drill. that's gotta be one of the nastiest jobs i've ever seen
17:58.00waverly360Hey guys, if I wanted to get someone up to speed on the basics of configuring and troubleshooting asterisk, are there any classes or training seminars any of you would suggest?  I'm looking at the asterisk bootcamp class currently, and I want to send a couple of people there.  I don't want to do it if it's not worthwhile though.
17:58.21*** join/#asterisk ghento (n=ghento@
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18:05.37[TK]D-Fenderwaverly360: probably about as good a place as you'll find
18:05.53*** join/#asterisk jmls (n=jmls@
18:05.58jmlsevening all
18:07.54jmlscan you get the queue information (show queue xxx) from the dialplan using an application or function ?
18:07.54drmessanoI only buy dummies books
18:08.06drmessanoI feel like they wrote them for me :(
18:08.34drmessanoEverytime I see "IAX" spelled out "I A X", I think "Dad?"
18:10.04[TK]D-Fenderjmls: nope, parsing time in AGI....
18:10.09waverly360[TK]D-Fender: Thanks.  You think the bootcamp session is overkill?
18:10.30[TK]D-Fenderwaverly360: I'm not sure of its full content VS what you need.
18:12.02jmls[TK]D-Fender: damn. AGI newbie. All I want is to post the queue info to a url :(
18:13.34[TK]D-Fenderjmls: By dialing an exten?
18:13.44[TK]D-Fenderjmls: Just make a web script that pulls it via AMI
18:14.00[TK]D-Fenderjmls: Thats how I get live queue stats on my Polycom phones.
18:14.45jmlsfood for thought
18:15.04*** join/#asterisk marl (n=marl@
18:15.30jmlsI was wanting to push the info as it was updated, rather than constantly pulling it. However, that may be the only way for me
18:15.51*** join/#asterisk rpm (n=russell@
18:16.35marlhi folks, anyone using the IAXy adapters? want to know if its posibly to program it without using linux, or if not, wat ports does it use for rporgramming so i can open them up on my router? (using IAXy on a windoz only network :( )
18:16.46[TK]D-Fenderjmls: Well it need only poll when you actually refresh the page.  That means it won't be polling constantly for nothing.
18:17.09[TK]D-Fendermarl: iaxy = bleh.
18:17.45jmlsthe url to post to is not actually a web page, but an application process. Thanks for the info and thoughts, though.
18:18.12marllol, ive not had meny probs with it, its one of the only ways of connecting analog to iax thow :(
18:21.04*** join/#asterisk JerJer (n=PhatJ@pdpc/supporter/bronze/jerjer)
18:21.24[TK]D-Fenderjmls: Depends what level of frequency you'd need as to how I'd advise doing it.
18:23.15waverly360[TK]D-Fender: Cool.  I'll probably end up calling them and getting a quick run-through of what they'll be covering.  I just have a couple of guys that I need to get up to speed in a hurry so that I don't have to field all of the troubleshooting issues myself.  Thanks :)
18:33.16*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
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18:38.08*** join/#asterisk BezNalogov (
18:38.45russellbmarl: you can use asterisk to provision the iaxy
18:38.54russellbmarl: using /etc/asterisk/iaxprov.conf i think
18:39.18marlyup, but i need to be able to forward the network to the iaxy device
18:39.40*** join/#asterisk _ys (n=yuri@
18:39.42shido6forward the network to the iaxy device?
18:39.44marlaserisk is on a public server, iaxy is on my frends home network , with only windoz machines :(
18:39.46shido6what do you mean by that?
18:40.06russellbi think someone made a windows provisioning utility
18:40.12shido6you could dmz the iaxy temporarily - then provision it..... then turn off the iaxy - and take the iaxy out of the dmz then turn on the iaxy
18:40.14marlto profision from asterisk server would require forwarding port on lan to iaxy device
18:40.15Qwellrussellb: that's scary
18:40.24BezNalogovI have installed asterisk on a server at a NOC. Because I have a very shitty firewall/router I installed openvpn on that server too, I made my device (grandstream 2000) connect through the VPN gateway, but somehow it will not connect to asterisk that way.. The address on the VPN of the asterisk server is If I use the public ip# then it does connect. The VPN itself functions perfect, I can access any service on the server, exc
18:40.28russellbor someone could port gtkiaxyprov to windows :)
18:40.45marlhave just found a windoz iaxy prof tool
18:40.57marlwill see if that will work
18:41.03shido6or use virtualbox on the windows system :)
18:41.17shido6and provision inside your lan
18:41.19marlshould be good if it does, would make setting up single users a LOT easier :)
18:44.43[TK]D-FenderBezNalogov: first suspicion : You need to add the other subnet to your localnet clause'
18:45.22shido6anyone want a pri?
18:45.54*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=email@
18:45.58nestArsure, i could use one at my house. ;)
18:49.32*** part/#asterisk deeperror (
18:49.41[TK]D-FenderBezNalogov: First, please do you repeat yourself incessantly just because noone has answered your question in 5 minutes.  Second... I DID.
18:49.43jameswfjbot, poop
18:49.44jbotACTION fertilizes the channel
18:51.44*** join/#asterisk CBU[^_^]M`` (n=love@
18:51.48fetcherwill an SPA-2102 handle two G729 calls at a time, or only one?
18:51.57fetcherI know the PAP2-NA is limited to just one
18:52.00*** join/#asterisk duki (
18:52.07[TK]D-Fenderfetcher: I think they increased the RAM and supports 2 now...
18:52.10BezNalogovNo, I repeated because I got some message from nickserv about identifying myself on this channel, so I thought my message was perhaps not posted
18:52.47BezNalogovI didn't see your answer, must have read over that
18:52.49[TK]D-FenderBezNalogov: If you were refused access you'd have been alone in an empty version of it.
18:52.57[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender>BezNalogov: first suspicion : You need to add the other subnet to your localnet clause'
18:56.30BezNalogovThat should be correct for the address I think
18:57.01[TK]D-FenderBezNalogov: Should be.  Check your firewall and what port & protocols can pass over your VPN.
18:57.11[TK]D-FenderBezNalogov: Then attempt some traces
18:57.20jameswfall my exes live in pbx's thats why I make my home....
18:57.44*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey)
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19:01.09nestArlol @ jameswf
19:01.34BezNalogovOn the firewall port 1194 is forwarded to the VPN gateway
19:01.40BezNalogovNAT forward
19:02.36[TK]D-FenderBezNalogov: Make sure you have a route (static or default) what ID's the other side
19:02.56[TK]D-FenderBezNalogov: Shouldn't be NAT'd for a VPN
19:07.19jameswfi see sineapps went bye bye
19:07.52*** join/#asterisk fernando (i=fernando@unaffiliated/musb)
19:07.53[TK]D-Fenderjameswf: long gone & ADN is on VentureVoip
19:08.10fernandohow to use md5 auth instead plain text in sip.conf?
19:08.24BezNalogovThe asterisk server is connected to a public ip#, it gets the local ip# through the tun device. Is that info useful perhaps?
19:08.24jameswfIm always the lastt to know...
19:08.44BezNalogovThe routing works fine, I can access any service on the server, just not asterisk
19:11.51[TK]D-FenderBezNalogov: Make sure the TUN is up before * starts so it binds to that IP.
19:19.12*** join/#asterisk xheliox (n=jeff@pdpc/supporter/active/xheliox)
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19:22.08[TK]D-FenderBezNalogov: Wow, positively sick pricing on Cisco's :
19:23.57[TK]D-Fender7961G @ 185$ USD
19:23.57*** join/#asterisk izaak (
19:23.57cfhhi all , i have a problem with asterisk manager with a script perl
19:23.57cfhif i try with telnet it works good
19:23.58*** join/#asterisk Darthclue (
19:23.58cfhwith perl and Net::Telnet it doesnt work
19:27.20lirakiscan you forcibly unregister a sip peer via cli
19:27.53De_Monwill Set(_CDR(userfield)=something get inherited like a normal channel variable?
19:28.39[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: not in any sane way
19:28.58lirakis[TK]D-Fender:  okay
19:30.59[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon: No, thats not a var, its a function.
19:31.27[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon: depending how you recurse yuo can copy it to a real var and post it back...
19:33.58*** join/#asterisk w3pog (
19:34.00blitzrageExecIf($[${EXISTS(${MY_CDR_USERFIELD})}]?Set(CDR(userfield)=${MY_CDR_USERFIELD}):NoOp(Nothing to do))})
19:34.10blitzragemaybe something like that... :)
19:34.24km-that's a pretty righteous if statement
19:34.26blitzrage(on the other channel to see that the field was set, and if so, to Set(CDR(userfield)=...)
19:34.37blitzragekm-: I've created much larger expressions...
19:35.07km-ok, so I've got a bit of a conundrum
19:35.19km-g711 is supposed to be 64kbps per call, right, 32kbps per audio direction.
19:35.28blitzrageI think that'll only work in trunk because the format for ExecIf() is slightly different in 1.4... so I'd have done it a slightly different way in 1.4
19:35.42blitzragekm-: no -- 64kb/s per direction I believe
19:35.49km-no shit.
19:35.54blitzrageI've actually never even thought about it that way... :D
19:36.19km-well, every B channel on a PRI is 64kbps, isnt it?
19:36.36km-so one phone call in g711 should technically fit in a single B channel (if we threw away ip overhead)
19:36.48blitzragehrmmm... I suppose that makes sense :)
19:37.12km-we need the yogi of voip to explain this one
19:37.29km-need some jerjer or jtodd action
19:37.44blitzrage1.4:  Exec(${IF($[${EXISTS(${MY_CDR_USERFIELD})}]?Set(CDR(userfield)=${MY_CDR_USERFIELD}):NoOp(Nothing to do))})
19:37.56blitzragemy brain is not working today very well, heh
19:38.00blitzrageneed a nap or something
19:38.11km-on a completely unrelated note, I have setup freenum and gotten an assignment, but yet to find anyone to call with it.
19:38.13[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage: And of course it'll only work if you have that tacked onto whatever exten you're calling.. hope you aren't aiming too "wide" :p
19:39.02blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: I don't understand what you mean. Of course it'll only work on the channel you are calling... that's the point of an inherited channel variable...
19:39.47[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage: I mean the ability to set it depdnds on his instering that code into every exten he MIGHT dial into thus making his diaplan look pretty cludgy potentially...
19:40.34blitzragewell, it'd just be part of a GoSub() or something, depending how he calls his extensions. What you just said could be true about every single suggestion.
19:41.03[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage: I never said there would be a cleaner way :)
19:41.18[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage: Just advertising that "life sucks"
19:41.28blitzrageI never said that you said there would be - just that your statement was kinda redundant
19:42.27[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage: Only to those who already knew the answer before you posted it :)
19:42.31*** join/#asterisk aikanaro79 (n={aikanar@
19:42.54[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage: Much like Jack Sparrow's compass.... only be found by someone who already knows where it is :)
19:43.02blitzragewell, he asked if he could create an inherited function -- I was showing how it would be done if you needed something inherited. However he implements it is not my issue :)
19:43.22aikanaro79hi everyone...does anyone know if there is any irc channel for voip/sip related questions?
19:43.27De_MonI watched Pirates 3 yesterday I loved that last scene where jack is tryin to find the way to.. somewhere and the compass points to his rum
19:43.49De_Monaikanaro79 there is none
19:44.04De_Monaikanaro79 we only talk about asterisk related questions in here, sorry
19:44.30aikanaro79thanks anyway De_Mon
19:44.36blitzrageouttolunc: if I used ISNULL(), you'd just switch the ?<true>:<false> stuff around, but it makes more sense to use EXISTS() in that situation (at least it seems to be easier to read in my mind)
19:45.24De_Monblitzrage does exists check for null? or will it return true on ""
19:45.38blitzrageDe_Mon: it returns TRUE if it EXISTS
19:46.01blitzrageaikanaro79: go ahead and ask -- just keep it generic and not specific to a piece of software or hardware, and you might get away with it :)
19:46.21lirakishow do i show channel detail again? .. im blanking and not seeing it in help
19:46.34De_Monexactly, so isnull would be "better" and by better I mean, checking that the variable actually has something meaningful in it to pass into CDR(userfield)
19:46.34lirakissip channel
19:46.34blitzrageDe_Mon: otherwise, it returns FALSE
19:46.35km-I wonder if anyone's considered using mp3 for voip compression in calls..  I bet it wouldn't be fast enough
19:46.36Darthcluelirakis, show channel
19:46.40blitzrage(well, it returns 1 or 0)
19:46.53Darthcluelirakis, sip show channel
19:47.05De_Monhow it would get set and then set to string null is beyond me but thats beside the point
19:47.17De_Monnot how so much as why
19:47.22blitzrageDe_Mon: if you look at the code, EXISTS() and ISNULL() are just opposites of each other -- it makes more sense to me to do something if it the value exists, otherwise, do No Operation
19:47.37De_Monreally? so ISNULL is more of a NOTEXISTS()
19:47.40aikanaro79well...I have this problem...I'm supposed to develop a client app for VoIP conference using SIP and it is supposed to interact with Asterisk...I got the dialplan right...However how can one dial a number and that number reach diferent people?
19:47.41nestArlove the cable company..
19:47.41blitzrageDe_Mon: if the variable is not set, then EXISTS() returns 0
19:47.45nestArtv just went out..
19:47.58nestArguess if i had cable internet, i wouldn't be talking.
19:48.03blitzragethat would return TRUE with ISNULL()
19:48.04lirakisi keep getting xXXXXXX is not a known channel when i try to do a soft hangup
19:48.10blitzrageISNULL() would also return TRUE if it wasn't set at all
19:48.14De_Monwhat about exists
19:48.30Darthclueaikanaro79, you can dial multiple people using the dial command
19:48.31*** part/#asterisk myiagy (n=myiagy@
19:48.34De_Moni've never really thought about unsetting a variable, is that how you do it?
19:48.43blitzrageEXISTS() returns TRUE if the variable is set and not null.  EXISTS() returns FALSE if the variable is not set, or set to null)
19:48.46De_MonDarthclue only one person will pickup tho
19:48.47blitzrageDe_Mon: yes
19:48.53km-I need to hack on lumenvox some more
19:48.58aikanaro79right...but how do you code the request?...a SIP request is supposed to have only one destination
19:49.10aikanaro79and I'm figuring that's what asterisk is expecting
19:49.21blitzrageaikanaro79: Asterisk would send multiple INVITEs out -- 1 to each destination
19:49.24De_MonI submit that the function ISNULL be renamed to NOTEXISTS!
19:49.35DarthclueDe_Mon, you're right...
19:49.44[TK]D-Fenderaikanaro79: How would you have USER of said app do it?
19:49.46blitzrageISNULL() is easier to type than NOTEXISTS()
19:49.48*** join/#asterisk analyysi (
19:49.54blitzrageand easier to read
19:50.00jameswfgreedy bastards wanna be bleeding edge and stable wtf
19:50.06De_MonISN is even easier to write and even less obvious
19:50.13aikanaro79TK that's my problem...that's where I'm user sees a list of registered users
19:50.17blitzrageEXISTS() and ISNULL() are quite obvious
19:50.30aikanaro79then...through point-and-click he chooses the ones he wants to talk to
19:50.42[TK]D-Fenderjameswf: My "cutting edge" :
19:50.58[TK]D-Fenderaikanaro79: Then have each choose the exten you want it to lead to.
19:51.17Darthclueaikanaro79, is this a one to one conversation or a one to many?
19:51.33*** join/#asterisk c3101 (
19:51.41lirakisi basically have a sip peer that i cant seem to unregister
19:51.44c3101hi ppl
19:51.45lirakisive tried restarting asterisk
19:51.47jameswfI saw one of those get f-d up on mythbusters
19:51.50blitzragein Asterisk you would have to do it with Local channels and drop the answered extensions into a MeetMe()
19:51.52De_Mon[TK]D-Fender does that cat live with you?
19:51.56c3101need some help pls
19:51.58analyysiHi, could someone help me find out where call waiting is defined?
19:52.06aikanaro79blitz I use app_conference
19:52.20[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon: Which cat?  Referring to my Katana, or the other photo album?
19:52.34aikanaro79but I can only get 2 people in the same room...other users have to dial the room explicitly
19:52.35De_Monthe other photo album
19:52.51[TK]D-Fenderjameswf: No idea exactly which makes they used, so naturally I don't trust them.
19:52.58blitzragethen in the [conferenced_call] you have it call the phones, then put them in a conference upon answer
19:53.19blitzrageI think that'd work -- I could be very wrong :)  My brain is off today.
19:53.25c3101trying to have * talk to an avaya (ugh) with sip, the avaya only seems to support tcp/tls, and * does quite the opposite, has anyone mannaged to get * to talk to avaya ?
19:53.26De_Monwhoa lotsa albums
19:53.28[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage: EW.
19:53.37blitzrageBetter way would be to write an application to do it via the AMI
19:53.44aikanaro79but blitz that's dialplan logic...that's not the problem for now...(unless I'm mistaken) do I reach asterisk with the request?
19:53.54blitzragewith an INVITE.... ?
19:53.58[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon: Ah, those are my sister's Servals.  African Wildcats.  Don't have them any more....
19:54.09blitzrageyou send multiple INVITEs -- 1 for each end point
19:54.28blitzrageyou don't send 1 INVITE for multiple end points
19:54.45aikanaro79ok...and how does asterisk know it's all the same conference and not diffente conferences?
19:55.01De_Mon[TK]D-Fender did the eat a neighors dog or something ;)
19:55.06*** join/#asterisk beasty (n=beasty@about/apple/macbook/beasty)
19:55.08blitzragethat would be dependent upon the dialplan logic
19:55.29beastyis it possible to run a command when some one is calling ?
19:55.32aikanaro79I could I mark a call so that later, inside the dialplan, I could use that idea?
19:55.47De_Monc3101  there is an experimental tcp/tls branch. Another option is to use a proxy such as openser to do the tls/tcp<->udp switch
19:55.53[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon: No, they were bought to breed and leave it to my sister to find the only 2 gay ones.... no interest in each other and as they "marked" their territory they wrecked their furniture and flooring.
19:56.02blitzrageaikanaro79: I don't understand what you mean -- you could mark the call with a channel variable or something I suppose
19:56.09De_Monawww dang
19:56.30aikanaro79blitz...asterisk could get that variable and know it's the same conference right?
19:56.38aikanaro79I mean inside the dialplan
19:56.40blitzrageaikanaro79: depending how you program your dialplan -- yes.
19:56.47*** part/#asterisk drmessano (
19:56.48[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon: She fed them raw drumsticks.... was really creepy when you heard the bones shatter.... they ate them WHOLE.
19:57.02aikanaro79is there any variable for this? I mean recommended for such uses
19:57.12blitzrageno -- you have to program the logic yourself
19:57.18c3101De_Mon, this must go into serious production environment, the svn dev branch isn 't an option.....  no way to get it going without a proxy ?  maybe somebody in here knows how to make avaya talk over plain udp ??
19:57.19Greek-Boyi did not find anything about chanspy in UPGRADE.txt in 1.4 so I'm assuming that it still works the same...
19:57.21De_Mon[TK]D-Fender I've got a golden retreiver, she eats whole chickens, raw -- bones and all
19:57.47aikanaro79blitzrage, I meant channel variables...any?
19:57.48[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon: Good = cat.  Better = Dog.  Best = Dog that eats cats :D
19:57.56blitzrageaikanaro79: you set channel variables with Set()
19:58.00De_Monturkey legs are a bit more of a clannenge
19:58.04aikanaro79I see
19:58.12blitzrageaikanaro79: you have to build the logic so Asterisk knows what you want to do with the channel
19:58.17De_Mon[TK]D-Fender agreed!
19:58.31blitzrageyou might even have the information living in a database external of Asterisk, and you could pull it from func_odbc... it just depends what you're trying to accomplish
19:58.37De_Monwtf s/clannenge/challenge
19:58.47*** join/#asterisk __freedom__lover (
19:58.57blitzragec3101: Asterisk won't support TCP/TLS without patches from the bug tracker
19:59.11aikanaro79blitzrage, so I send multiple invites but everyone has a variable that tags it as part of a conference...then asterisk has dialplan logic to connect all the invites and get a room for the conference
19:59.15De_MonI've got an extension that when dialed creates multiple call files that dial conference members and joins them to a conference. Easy peasy
19:59.17blitzragec3101: if the avaya will *only* let you use those -- then you're out of luck. Asterisk only supports UDP.
19:59.23aikanaro79is this kind of what you're telling me?
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20:00.17c3101this suck !  have a great opportunity to roll out 300 * pbx's, but must integrate into avaya
20:00.31blitzrageaikanaro79: ummm... kinda -- but the INVITE has nothing to do with what conference room to connect with unless you use something like SIPAddHeader, which adds a header and value you could parse on
20:01.23[TK]D-Fenderaikanaro79: make those "buttons" you were referring to each dial a different extensions.  1 for the conference simply leads to the conference.
20:01.24_x86_c3101: that's easy though...
20:01.37[N00B]i have a remote server connecting to my main asterisk server via SIP. I recently changed it from IAX2 to SIP. Now I am getting periodic errors like this one: anyone know how that is caused or where to even begin my troubleshooting?
20:01.40blitzragec3101:  and
20:01.41c3101i'm listening _x86_
20:01.53aikanaro79[TK]D-Fender, sorry...didn't quite get your idea
20:01.56_x86_c3101: most avaya systems support SIP, or can with an IP card... which makes it very easy to trunk between the two systems
20:02.18_x86_c3101: if you have an older avaya that can not support a SIP / IP card, you can trunk via T1 interfaces
20:02.32[TK]D-Fenderaikanaro79: You said your client will have buttons for individuals and for a conference, no?
20:03.06aikanaro79[TK]D-Fender, only has to support conference calls
20:03.09[TK]D-Fender[N00B]: First guess... * is behind NAT and wasn't set up properly for it.
20:03.13c3101so far only been able to make avaya talk sip over tcp/tls _x86_ ,  if you know howto make it talk plain udp, i'd give you a case of beer
20:03.26aikanaro79stupid I know...but those are not my rules
20:03.31[TK]D-Fenderaikanaro79: You mean as a client has to be able to bring someone into an existing call?
20:03.33[N00B][TK]D-Fender: ok. i will take a look there.
20:03.38_x86_c3101: call avaya and ask them how to disable sRTP
20:04.12aikanaro79[TK]D-Fender, you're a client that need to talk to 4 different choose them from the user list and get into a conference call with them
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20:04.22aikanaro79this is how it's supposed to work
20:04.40c3101that's like asking your gran'ma to change the alternator on your car m8 !
20:04.50[TK]D-Fenderaikanaro79: 3-way (2 others) = possible.  Anything else = comlpicated.
20:05.01[N00B][TK]D-Fender: no nat. all on private network
20:05.08[N00B]i have nat=no on my sip entry
20:05.14Darthclueaikanaro79, use call files.  Should be easy to do.
20:05.23aikanaro79[TK]D-Fender, unfortunately I got a similar question from asterisk developers...nevertheless it should be possible
20:05.32aikanaro79Darthclue, sorry...what are those?
20:05.42aikanaro79blitzrage, yes...I think that was what I was talking about...evengthough all INVITES have different destinations, dialplan logic calculates a conference room right?
20:06.11blitzrageaikanaro79: ya, I guess so
20:06.24[TK]D-Fenderaikanaro79: unless your client will force redirects of all the appropriate people to that room I don't see a way
20:07.06[TK]D-Fender[N00B]: check your firewall settings, etc then.
20:07.09*** join/#asterisk aikanaro79 (n={aikanar@
20:07.25krondorlQuestion: i would like to add a c program in the apps directory of 1.2.21 of asterisk, but when I compile it, the code does not get picked up.  Does it need to be defined somwhere in the makefile for it to be picked up?
20:07.47Greek-BoyI have a WIP330 phone on a wireless network behind a firewall. If I set it to register to asterisk do I still need firewall rules? outbound connections are all unfiltered on the firewall.
20:07.48[TK]D-Fenderkrondorl: Yes
20:07.51Darthclueaikanaro79, take a look at the book, Chapter 14
20:07.51aikanaro79[TK]D-Fender, not even with blitzrage's suggestion?
20:07.53jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF
20:08.12[TK]D-Fenderaikanaro79: Which was?
20:08.15krondorl[TK]D-Fender: :) ok where?  cus I cannot find it..
20:08.20blitzrageaikanaro79: see the G() option of the Dial() application
20:08.25De_Monaikanaro79 you just want to dial an extension lets say 500, and then have asterisk call a predefined set of devices and join them all to a random conference number
20:08.27[TK]D-Fenderkrondorl: MakeFile in your apps folder.
20:08.42krondorlDOH.. I only looked in the main folder..
20:08.44*** part/#asterisk cfh (n=luca@
20:08.51[TK]D-Fenderkrondorl: Same way you patch for SpanDSP's rxfax/txfax
20:08.56aikanaro79[TK]D-Fender, mark every INVITE of the same conference with a variable and later dialplan logic redirects every user to the same room
20:09.26krondorl[TK]D-Fender: :) Ummm, ok...  Sorry this is the first time I have ever done this...
20:09.36krondorlnever needed to before..
20:09.50blitzrageDial(SIP/some_phone,30,G(conference_calls,s,1)) might work
20:09.59aikanaro79De_Mon, not exactly...I want to dial several users and have them all in the same conference room....dialplan can't possibly know in advance which users are going to be called
20:10.02c3101damn, okay, tnx anyway
20:10.18[TK]D-Fenderaikanaro79: If your app is doing the invite, then IT will have to do a redirect to the conference.
20:10.32blitzrageexten => s,1,MeetMe(${SIP_HEADER(X-conference_room)})
20:10.43blitzrageexten => s,2,MeetMe(${SIP_HEADER(X-conference_room)})
20:10.47[TK]D-Fenderaikanaro79: Other option is to initiate a "call file" as Darthclue suggested that upon them annswering will throw them into a conference as it is
20:11.12blitzrageaikanaro79: I think the above will work assuming your INVITEs contain the X-conference_room header
20:11.17aikanaro79[TK]D-Fender, I have to look up call files
20:11.36blitzragethen you can use the above suggestion as I just outlined
20:11.38aikanaro79blitzrage, i'd prefer app_conference as it does not need an external timer
20:12.04aikanaro79but still...I have to look up that G() option
20:12.04blitzragewhatever!  Replace MeetMe() with whatever application you're using.
20:12.19*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jtregunn@unaffiliated/jer)
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20:12.22blitzrageMeetMe() could be SomeWeirdForeignApplicationFromSweden()
20:12.31blitzrageyou're looking too much into the specifics
20:12.48blitzrageas opposed to the overall logic
20:12.50geekrebelahoy folks!
20:12.55aikanaro79blitzrage, sorry...this is the only help I'm getting on this
20:13.02geekrebelblitzrage: :)
20:13.11De_Mongeekrebel hoi
20:13.34geekrebelquick question: (before I ask AsteriskNow specific questions) Is the Web interface for AsteriskNow and Asterisk the same? (more or less)
20:13.35*** join/#asterisk ZenBSDi (n=zenbsdi@unaffiliated/ZenBSDi)
20:13.42geekrebelDe_Mon: ahoy!
20:13.43blitzrageaikanaro79: I think what I outlined above will do what you expect assuming you can pass information into Asterisk somehow at all setup time -- like with an X header which you retrieve with the SIP_HEADER() function
20:14.13blitzragegah -- I should have left the / off the end
20:14.20[TK]D-Fendergeekrebel: It is only for AsteriskNOW.
20:14.31[TK]D-Fendergeekrebel: Or rather the GUI.
20:14.38De_MonI'd be less inclined to use sip-headers and more inclied toward channel variables
20:14.41[TK]D-Fendergeekrebel: And yes it is verboten here...
20:14.57blitzrageDe_Mon: where do you set the channel variables though if the call is coming from an external resource
20:14.58[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon: I'd be more inclined towards EXTENS <-
20:15.03geekrebel[TK]D-Fender: dang! ;-)
20:15.04aikanaro79why is it necessary a different context? G option redirects a call right?
20:15.10blitzrageaikanaro79: yes
20:15.20geekrebel[TK]D-Fender: the asterisknow channel is so small!
20:15.30blitzrageok -- I give up on this issue. I think everyone has given more than enough suggestions of how to approach it
20:15.52[TK]D-Fendergeekrebel: Wanna use a chump GUI and don't like the support?  Cry me a river.... so I can hold your head under....
20:15.55De_Monaikanaro79 G() redirects caller and calling party into a different context,exten,priority...
20:16.08*** join/#asterisk atomicd (
20:16.15aikanaro79De_Mon, I'm thinking...that's why I'm not answering
20:16.28aikanaro79but thanks nevertheless
20:16.40russellb[TK]D-Fender: be nice.
20:17.25russellbplz :)
20:17.30De_Monaikanaro79 you could just as easily dial an extension like _XXX where XXX is a conference *you pick* and sends whoever you called there using a call file, theres at least 5 distinct ways to acomplish this just pick the one you like best :)
20:18.26aikanaro79De_Mon, I have to understand them so I can choose one :) (I'm still quite a newbie regarding asterisk)
20:19.22aikanaro79blitzrage, I can't check my dialplan right now but I think it's similar to your logic...I lacked the variable idea
20:20.24JayTee52I'm getting the error: "Got SUBSCRIBE for extensions without hint. Please add  hint to XXXX in context default." Can anyone explain this one to me?
20:20.39aikanaro79thanks everyone for your input...I'll just dive right in
20:21.25[TK]D-FenderJayTee52: A device you reg'd to * is trying to get the "on the phone" status of an exten that does not have a HINT (watcher) set up
20:28.01De_Mon[Nov 19 15:30:28] NOTICE[6523]: app_meetme.c:1912 conf_run: Audio bytes: 80  Buffer size: 320
20:28.04De_Mon[Nov 19 15:30:30] NOTICE[6523]: app_meetme.c:1912 conf_run: Audio bytes: 320  Buffer size: 80
20:28.36De_Monmeetme somehow got mixed up and is off-by-one on the buffer size/audio bytes
20:28.46De_Monpoor conference
20:29.41*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
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20:39.51jameswfanyone use evolution for email
20:40.49geekrebelused to
20:41.02geekrebelfew years ago
20:41.12jameswftbird is poopin
20:41.17*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
20:41.50De_Monreplace the newspaper
20:42.21[TK]D-Fenderjameswf: Tbird not doing so good?  They jsut put out
20:42.56[TK]D-FenderIs there a decent free build of Evolution for Win32 yet?
20:43.03[TK]D-Fenderbeen a while since I looked.
20:43.28jameswfdont use win32
20:44.13[TK]D-Fenderjameswf: Wasn't targeted at you :)
20:46.54*** join/#asterisk Hemos\ (
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20:48.43[TK]D-FenderGoogle has seved me well :)
20:48.52krondorlIf I have a Wait() before a Playback() I should wait before anything is played right??
20:49.17[TK]D-Fenderkrondorl: Yes.
20:50.17*** join/#asterisk fnordus (n=dnall@
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20:53.19De_Monwhat does this mean Local/700@parkedcalls-30de,1<ZOMBIE>
20:53.44De_Monkrondorl It waits for x seconds such as Wait(x)
20:53.55De_MonI dont think Wait() will actually do anything
20:54.15De_Monyou can also use Wait(.5)
20:54.45krondorlDe_Mon: lol, I know how long it waits I was more worried that the playback ignores the wait.. I sometime get mixed up with background and playback on how they react..
20:55.15De_Monpriority doesnt leave wait till the time has elapsed
20:55.20krondorlI left the insides of () on purpose..
20:55.35krondorlThat's good to know..
20:56.55*** join/#asterisk jtknapp (
20:56.56De_Monkrondorl you could also do a Playback(silence/1&yourfile) I do believe.
20:57.31*** join/#asterisk mackes (
20:57.57krondorlinteresting idea...  Client is testing a wait(4) right now to see if that's enough..
21:07.12De_Monkrondorl what are they waiting for?
21:07.43krondorlAMD before the message is played back to the AM..
21:08.26krondorlpart of the beginning of the message is being cut off.
21:08.37[TK]D-Fenderkrondorl: at which point you want to make sure the channel is answered.  For that you'd probably want to use Playback(silence/4)
21:08.44*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
21:08.52[TK]D-Fenderkrondorl: to ensure the audio path is up.
21:09.04De_Monkrondorl you could also do a Playback(silence/4&yourfile) I do believe. !!!!
21:09.06[TK]D-Fenderkrondorl: Wait != answer.
21:09.08*** join/#asterisk ghento (n=ghento@
21:09.12[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon: Yes
21:09.27krondorlchannel is already active.. it's part of vicidial...
21:09.28De_MonI sense you are not a fan of multiple files in one playback command
21:09.33[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon: eash has their advantages
21:09.52De_Mon[TK]D-Fender any advantages besides astetics?
21:10.53De_Monaestitic ones
21:10.53[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon: being split reads a little easier as its sequential visually.  easier to grpe for changes, etc.
21:11.01[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon: Very rare for a truly solid case one way or the other.
21:11.27De_Monthats because the reasons are mostly emotinal or personal taste reasons
21:11.47De_Monrawr my keyboard is purposefully misspelling words on me its posessed!
21:12.41*** join/#asterisk asdx (
21:12.51asdxi'm getting this:     -- Channel 'IAX2/teliax-9' unable to transfer
21:12.51De_Monhes back quick everyone hide
21:13.34De_Monmy asterisk dialplan creates zombies pheer me
21:13.43De_Monzombie channels that is
21:14.50asdxi can call to my pstn line...
21:16.08[TK]D-Fenderasdx: enable iax2 debug and pastebin another complete call and transfer attempt
21:16.18[TK]D-Fenderasdx: and enough core debug to see DTMF as well.
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21:17.18asdx[TK]D-Fender: ok
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21:20.03marlhi, im having a problem with my IAXy adapter, i can dial an internal 4 digit extension with no problems, but when i try and dial an outside line (11 digits) and the only thing * apears to register is the first 2 digits of the dialed number :(  iax debug, for both 4 digit and 11 digit numbers and my iax.conf file, anyone any pointers?
21:22.28*** join/#asterisk galeras (n=Martin@
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21:24.06galerasDear Sirs, Someone knows if is possible to integrate call manager 4.1with asterisk trough h323?
21:24.14marlwhen dialing the 11 digit number, it only apears to accet the first 2 digits :( but when dialing the 4 digit number it accepts all 4 digits
21:26.27[TK]D-Fenderasdx: You are trying to transfer the call on your softphone?
21:26.59asdx[TK]D-Fender: no, i'm trying to call to spain
21:27.28[TK]D-Fenderasdx: what is this "transfer" that is happening then?
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21:28.10asdxi'm not aware of that
21:28.49k0sm|k0anyone italian heree ?
21:28.52Greek-Boywhat "dialplan function" compensates for the loss of ${CALLERIDNUM} in 1.4?
21:29.00[TK]D-Fenderasdx>i'm getting this: -- Channel 'IAX2/teliax-9' unable to transfer
21:29.13[TK]D-FenderGreek-Boy: "core show function CALLERID"
21:29.21asdx[TK]D-Fender: yes thats what the log says
21:29.31[TK]D-Fenderasdx: looks like the call starts and is transferred mid-way
21:30.07asdxthis is what i have in my dialplan: [default] exten => 999,1,Dial(IAX2/puli2007@teliax/01134649840773)
21:30.27*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=pepOSX@
21:30.51[TK]D-Fenderasdx: Ok, I don't know if thats formatted right and the clock has run out for me here.  Keep that pastebin around and maybe somebody else can pick up the ball on this one.
21:31.10[TK]D-FenderOk, gtg, back later all....
21:32.06Greek-Boy[TK]D-Fender: so now how would I use these functions to put data into a file name I want to generate with mixmonitor. In 1.2 I used to use variables ${CALLERIDNUM} and ${TIMESTAMP} directly on the filename... Do I now have to set each variable first?
21:34.11De_Monis there a 19 character limit on accountcode or is it just my imagination?
21:35.37De_MonGreek-Boy ${CALLERIDNUM} is now ${CALLERID(num)}
21:40.52De_MonI grok not the new CDR mess I have created. Fudge!
21:41.16sigmounteanyone have experience with ztdummy and 2.6 kernel ?
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21:45.00[Outcast]has anyone every seen the queue module just deside to die with out any sort for warning?
21:49.29De_Monnot in 1.4
21:51.14[Outcast]what about 1.2
21:52.05De_Mondidnt use em much in 1.2
21:52.54*** part/#asterisk [N00B] (n=ckwall@
21:53.13*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
21:53.52nestArbeen using queues since 1.0, never really had a problem with them crashing.
21:54.40[Outcast]you using call back agents?
21:55.38blitzrage[Outcast]: what version of Asterisk?
21:55.55De_Monouttolunc agents? I've had all sorts of problems with agents in 1.2
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21:56.20De_Monwell, not all sorts, mostly the crashing kind :)
21:56.20*** join/#asterisk blq (
21:56.21blitzragethere was a bug fixed in 1.4.14 with app_queue causing asterisk to hang (but not crash)
21:56.44*** part/#asterisk blq (
21:57.09De_Mon1.4.14 is out? how did I miss that annoucement!
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21:57.19blitzrageI don't know... you're a nub? :)
21:57.29De_Monthat hurts man
21:57.40*** part/#asterisk cfh (n=luca@
21:57.42De_Mon<scout voice from tf2>
21:57.55De_MonI need some asterisk tf2 players to beat up on
21:58.24JTteam fortress 2 i assume
21:58.36blitzrageweird... that doesn't help me any :)
21:59.18blitzrageweird. I haven't used 1.2 in over a year
22:00.02blitzrageI bet the bug fixed in 1.4 is in 1.2, but wasn't backported because 1.2 is in security maintenance mode only
22:00.18blitzragebut that's only a guess (that it is the same bug as was fixed in 1.4)
22:00.47De_Monpoint being, its not queues but agents that are the problem
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22:02.44ariel_hello everyone
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22:04.01De_MonSee those CDR records? The total call time was 60 seconds. There was a hold time of 46 seconds.
22:04.14krondorlNight all..
22:04.29De_Monhow the hell am I supposed to determine the amount of time there was an actual agent on the call!
22:04.58De_Monfor each call!
22:05.01krondorlstick a timer up his butt??
22:05.57De_Monnormally i would expect 46+31=60 but it doesnt
22:06.28De_Monand 13+12+3 doesn't = 60-31 either. so none of these numbers add up
22:06.37krondorlhuh, isn't that 77??
22:07.11De_Monactually 13+12+3 does come pretty close to 28, but close doesn't count
22:07.31krondorlOh well, time to go home..  bye..
22:09.08*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
22:09.55De_Mon46-60=total time with agent
22:10.57De_Monoh oh, See as soon as I talk it out with my imaginary friends on IRC it all starts to make sense
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22:20.58cfhhi, i have a problem with manager . If i try with telnet and " Action: Originate " i can generate a successful  outcall , if i use a perl script  with Net::Telenet cpan module and i send the same paramters like the session telnet i get this error :  "Unable to request channel"
22:21.08waverly360Hey it possible to restart a single zap device without doing a total asterisk restart?
22:21.10*** join/#asterisk BiG^DoG (n=BiG^
22:21.17waverly360I have a pri, and an analog card
22:21.19cfhwhat can i do ?
22:21.26waverly360I just want to change zapata info for the...well..
22:21.31waverly360guess that's not gonna work
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22:23.51ariel_sometimes if you do from the prompt ztcfg -vvvv it will take some minor updates like caller ID info on the conf files.
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22:25.16De_Monwaverly360 module unload/reload will do it without restarting *
22:25.26De_Monerr reload or unload/load
22:25.37waverly360but will it kill calls in progress?
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22:25.46De_Mononly the ones over zaptel :)
22:25.52ariel_yes it will kill calls on zap
22:26.04waverly360that's the problem :)..but thanks
22:26.15ariel_what changes did you do?
22:26.41De_Moni thought so, but didn't want to guess.
22:27.24*** part/#asterisk galeras (n=Martin@
22:28.53blitzrageif you change signalling, then you definitely need to restart asterisk
22:29.03blitzragejust an FYI
22:29.34ariel_blitzrage, how are you doing? Long time, for me being here.
22:29.42blitzrageoh not too shabby I suppose :)
22:29.49blitzrageya, I haven't seen you online in quite some time
22:30.08ariel_been busy with a job I took 1.5 years ago
22:30.20De_Monwhy doesn't signaling update with a module reload?
22:30.26ariel_large 5 location call center all on asterisks systems
22:30.28*** join/#asterisk craigk (n=ckowald@
22:30.51ariel_signalling is setup on zaptel service load
22:31.02ariel_which is done before loading asterisk
22:31.20De_Monkernel module level eh
22:32.06Greek-BoyTK is not around
22:32.08ariel_blitzrage, have any ideas on mass recording of using Asterisk as Gateways with each one havign over 350 channels of sip calls?
22:32.13Greek-Boyanyhone know if this will work in a macro?
22:32.15Greek-Boyexten = > s,n,MixMonitor(internal-${CALLERID(number)}to${EXTEN}-${STRFTIME(${EPOCH}%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)})
22:33.16*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
22:33.24Greek-Boybasically i want to record a wave file with the filename containing the value of those variables
22:35.55ManxPowerexten => 666,1,Record(/the/path/you/want/recording-${MYVARIABLE}.wav)
22:36.00JTDe_Mon: you need to restart asterisk for changes in zapata singalling
22:37.11ariel_hello ManxPower, long time since I been around. Hope all is going well.
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22:42.35blitzrageariel_: that sounds like mostly a problem with the HD write speed -- it might help to run Asterisk in a ramdrive and sending the data over the network to another drive... ?
22:42.50De_MonGreek-Boy ${CALLERID(number)} is not correct
22:42.54blitzrageDe_Mon: yes it is
22:43.08blitzrage${CALLERID(num)} and ${CALLERID(num)} are both correct
22:43.09De_Monoh? /me looks again
22:43.25Qwelldoes nam work?
22:43.35blitzragedon't think so :)
22:44.36De_MonThe allowable datatypes
22:44.36De_Monare "all", "name", "num", "ANI", "DNID", "RDNIS".
22:44.46De_Monshow function CALLERID lies!
22:44.49blitzrageDe_Mon: if you actually look at the code, num and number both work
22:45.06De_Monthat, or you are... i trust you more than this outdated documentation :)
22:45.28blitzrageit's not outdated... it'd just be confusing to list both 'number' and 'num' in the docs
22:45.47blitzragethe code is just forgiving to non-standard usage
22:45.49De_Monwhy are they both allowed besides
22:45.56De_Monthen its still wrong to use number
22:46.00blitzrageno it's not
22:46.09De_Monnon-standard == WRONG
22:46.10blitzragejust 'non-standard'
22:46.17De_Monbad bad bad
22:46.22blitzragethe joy of standards, is there are so many to choose from
22:46.47marc7I'm invoking a call queue with exten => 2,2,Queue(Test|t|||45) -- if it isn't super visible from what i've typed in, the only options there are 't' to allow the call to be transferred, and have someone sit in the queue for 45 seconds... /// the queue has an rrmemory strategy, what I'm trying to figure out is how to have it go in a round-robin format... so each member has a penalty (member => SIP/john,1 / member => SIP/steve,2)... if john doesn't pi
22:46.50*** part/#asterisk zerohalo (
22:46.51BiG^DoGok... just had a phone call and it was really scratchy sounding... is that more likely CPU or network?
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22:47.04De_Mon* should raise a warning saying its non-standard and number should get depriciated by 1.8
22:47.06marc7oh right, and the timeout in the queue is 15
22:47.18De_Monmy 2 cents
22:47.37Grizzydecremented : o )
22:48.39blitzrageDe_Mon: patches accepted
22:49.38*** part/#asterisk cfh (n=luca@
22:50.15marc7any ideas guys? I don't want to have to defer to using Agents instead of Members in the queue
22:52.38BiG^DoGsays here jitter can cause scratchy voice calls
22:52.43BiG^DoGhow do I tell if I have a jitter problem?
22:54.07Greek-BoyManxPower: u saying record() is better than mixmonitor() ?
22:55.07JTthey do totally different things
22:55.17JTrecord is not interchangeable with mixmonitor
22:56.34Greek-Boydoes record give u two channels already mixed?
22:56.44blitzrageopposite of that
22:56.51blitzrageit actually just records a single channel
22:57.02Greek-Boyi thought monitor does that
22:57.12Greek-Boyanyway my mixmonitor is not working
22:57.14blitzrageMixMonitor() will take the two separate channels and mixes them together after call completion
22:57.22blitzrageMonitor() doesn't mix them and leaves them as two separate files
22:57.26Greek-Boyin the CLI it works fine with the variables but no .wav's are actually produced
22:57.43*** join/#asterisk mog (
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22:59.00blitzragewow... 6pm and still nothing on TV
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23:00.11Greek-Boyaccording to TFOT 2nd edition if i dont specify a path but just a .wav with mixmonitor it will use the "monitor" directory set in asterisk.conf. do they mean the spool directory set in asterisk.conf?
23:00.23*** part/#asterisk waverly360 (
23:00.51blitzrage/var/spool/asterisk/monitor I believe
23:00.58blitzrageor recordings... I forget
23:01.22marc7hey guys, sorry to impose, but I'm certain this is an easy answer that I just can't find in any online documentation. How do you configure an "rrmemory" queue to ring the second member if the first member doesn't pick up?
23:01.23blitzrageya -- monitor
23:01.44blitzragemarc7: it automatically falls through when the first member timeout expires
23:02.09blitzragethe timeout in Queue() is an absolute timeout I believe -- not per agent
23:02.44marc7blitzrage: perfect! I had figured the Queue() timeout is absolute... so the first member timeout is defined by the "timeout" option in the [Test] section of queues.conf, right?
23:02.55blitzragesomething like that
23:03.51marc7OH! maybe in rrmemory I shouldn't be putting penalties on the other users
23:04.15blitzragekeep it simple at first -- then add features
23:04.21Greek-Boyblitzrage: so I have to set a monitor dir in asterisk.conf or will the spool dir setting take care of it?
23:04.29marc7right, well I'm trying to make sure that the first person in the queue *always* gets called first
23:04.42blitzrageif you don't specify a directory, it'll use /var/spool/asterisk/monitor (by default)
23:04.43marc7and I'm not entirely sure that's the behavior of rrmemory
23:04.53blitzragemarc7: that's not rrmemory
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23:05.02marc7blitzrage: what *is* that then?
23:05.04blitzragerrmemory remembers the last position
23:05.15blitzrageso if person 3 answers, then the next call starts at person 4
23:05.22marc7has roundrobin been completely deprecated?
23:05.23blitzrageyou want "roundrobin" to start at the top of the same list each time
23:05.27blitzrageand yes -- it has been
23:05.51marc7so what the hell :D
23:06.15marc7what can I use instead?
23:06.41blitzrageusing 1.4? roundrobin still works
23:07.55marc7but hasn't it been deprecated? what's taking its place?
23:08.09Qwellmarc7: rrmemory
23:08.45blitzrageQwell: I still don't understand why roundrobin was removed -- rrmemory and roundrobin act differently
23:08.55blitzragemarc7: deprecated doesn't mean it doesn't work
23:08.55marc7Qwell: but how do I get the behavior of roundrobin in rrmemory? this is one thing that is completely beyond me... why deprecate that feature when it's obviously something people use
23:08.57Qwelldunno, Kevin did it
23:09.00QwellI think
23:09.24blitzrageQwell: ya, I think so -- I'm still not sure I agree with the decision, but if I really don't like it, I'll bring it up on the mailing list :)
23:09.26marc7I can use penalties to have rrmemory target specific people first... but it keeps calling the same person even if they don't pick up
23:09.36marc7blitzrage: asterisk-users?
23:09.46*** join/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/unconfirmed/bhaal)
23:10.12blitzragethat'd probably be most appropriate after you verify it actually was removed in trunk -- there might be documentation of how to make rrmemory work the way you expect -- I've not looked
23:10.25blitzrageI don't subscribe to asterisk-users, which is probably why I haven't posted anything there
23:11.20QwellThe holiday month of November shall henceforth be called "Thanksgivemepresents".
23:15.09*** join/#asterisk mamep (
23:15.21putnopvutmarc7: the penalty for a queue member is only invoked if the queue member is determined to be unreachable. Not answering doesn't satisfy that criteria.
23:15.23*** join/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/unconfirmed/bhaal)
23:16.06Qwellugh, not again
23:16.13mamepcan someone help me with ooh323?
23:16.27marc7putnopvut: I just figured that out through trial and error. anything you could suggest for me to accomplish the same task? has stated flatly that circular call distribution has gone the way of the dinosaurs
23:16.52putnopvutmarc7, yeah unfortunately without some dialplan magic, you won't be able to do it in 1.4
23:17.15putnopvutIn trunk, however, there is a "linear" strategy which should do what you want (call members in the order they're listed in queues.conf)
23:17.34marc7awesome. I'm glad to hear that's coming.
23:18.56blitzrageputnopvut: aha -- good to know
23:19.08JTmamep: didn't you get the message last time? :)
23:19.19mamepjt : nah
23:19.36mamepthey said me to get another solution
23:19.42JTmamep: it is very unlikely there will ever be anyone in here to help you
23:19.47mamepbut i've managed to work with ooh323
23:19.51mamepto get incoming calls
23:19.58mamepbut having some problem with outgoin
23:20.01JTmamep: and chan_woomera seems to be the best H.323 option
23:20.07JTand we can help you how? :)
23:20.27mamepjt : first of all chan_woomera is not building for me..
23:20.38mamepit tries to connect to a cvs which is down..
23:21.03mamepthat's why i tried to solve it with ooh323
23:21.46JTand we can help you with it how?
23:22.09mamepmaybe someone which has buiild chan_woomera
23:22.35mamepand i think is a problem with the audio codecs
23:23.09mamepcause i've managed to call using ooh323 but when i answer the call tha caller cant see it..
23:23.14mamepand i get a wired message
23:25.04mamepmaybe you can help me with this
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23:29.56jameswfjbot, common sense
23:29.57jbotcommon sense is, like, applying simple logic and everyday reasoning to a problem. Doing so prevents you from asking stupid questions.
23:30.01hmmhesaysseriously the croc pot is an awesome cooking tool
23:30.17jameswfjbot, moron
23:30.18jbotmoron is, like, someone that types long lines starting with "jbot"
23:30.20coppiceand croc is delicious
23:30.31jameswfjbot, botsnack
23:30.31jbotthanks, jameswf
23:30.34hmmhesaysI just sampled some soup I made last night
23:31.04coppicecroc soup is pretty good. its a very traditional chinese medicine
23:31.23Qwellreptile?  no thanks
23:31.24hmmhesaysI may try chicken next time though, I used roast this time
23:31.32Qwell(crocs are reptiles, right?)
23:31.47coppicefrog tastes very much like chinese. try that for a change
23:31.58coppices/chinese/chicken  - oops
23:32.00hmmhesaysi don't know where to get that around here
23:32.05Qwellcoppice: I was gonna say...
23:32.11hmmhesaysI can get camel for sure
23:32.15coppicewe get it from the supermarket
23:32.29hmmhesaysI live in fargo
23:32.30Qwellcoppice: chinese, or frog?
23:33.08coppiceI keep several chinese at home, so I only need to go to the supermarket for frogs and crocodiles
23:33.12mamepJT :
23:33.14mamepcheck this
23:33.21mamepi have a strange problem with cdr
23:33.45mamepalso when i call a number it ring and if the calle answer the caller continues ringing..
23:34.50coppiceQwell: you seem to have a reptile prejudice. if someone served you fron without saying, you probably wouldn't realise it was not chicken
23:35.14Qwellcoppice: taste isn't the only thing I'm concerned about
23:35.37Qwellin fact - I was once offered chicken feet.  CLEARLY, it would have tasted like chicken.
23:35.49lowlevelyou must eat chicken feet
23:35.54coppicechickens feet are good
23:35.55JTQwell: crocodile is really nice
23:35.59Qwellno, really, I mustn't
23:36.11JTmamep: maybe you don't get it.. we can't help you with it
23:36.15lowlevelthis guy I used to work with used to say that to me all the time ... ' you must eat chicken feet'
23:36.23lowlevelapparently his father made him eat it often.
23:36.30Qwelllowlevel: the people I was with loved it
23:36.45Qwellthey also got a few other "bizarre" foods
23:36.46lowlevelheh ;)
23:36.56Qwellblood pudding, for example
23:37.04hmmhesaysyou can watch mike rowe eat all kinds of nasty sh1t on dirty jobs
23:37.09coppicechickens feet sounds odd, but if you try them you'll probably find them rather yummy. I like the chillied
23:37.16QwellI actually tried that - it wasn't good at all
23:37.27Qwellcoppice: I'm sure they are good - I just don't really see the point
23:37.48coppicebecause they taste good. what other point would there be?
23:37.59Qwellthere are things that taste far better ;)
23:38.12Qwelland don't require me sucking on a chickens foot
23:38.27lowlevelatleast it comes with a toothpick
23:38.34lowlevelor.. some toothpicks
23:39.00coppiceblood pudding is more of an acquired taste. blood sausage is pretty common in europe, and blood pudding does exist. for some reason most people ignore that, and think its very asian
23:39.21Qwellcoppice: it seemed pretty tasteless to me
23:39.36Qwellthe blood pudding, that is
23:39.46coppiceyeah, but the texture is not well liked by a lot who try it
23:39.51Qwelland I'd be cool with blood sausage - at least that
23:39.59Qwellblood pudding, on the other hand, is just...blood
23:40.35coppicechickens feet are food. not especially healthy food, as they are mostly fat, but food nonetheless
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23:40.53Qwelldepends on your definition of "food" though :)
23:41.08Qwellcow tongue is "food" too, but I'm not gonna eat that either :D
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23:43.02Qwellcoppice: It seems like just a cultural thing.  I'm sure there are things we eat that would be considered "bad" to others
23:43.28coppiceI think most of what americans eat is considered bad by others
23:44.06QwellI'm sure chicken feet are a heck of a lot better for you than most of the stuff you get from mcdonalds
23:44.18coppiceyou guys make sure the fat content of most meals exceeds chicken's feet. we don't make every meal from that stuff
23:44.34moyQwell: cow tongue is delicious
23:44.43Qwellmoy: I'm not disputing that :)
23:44.44rob0If those feet were so good, why didn't the poor chicken use them to get away?
23:44.57moy:P you should give it a try
23:45.42coppicerob0: it sounds like the old genetically engineered 3 legged chicken joke is coming up
23:46.00Qwell3 legged chicken?  So, you've been to KFC?
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23:46.37coppiceQwell: you're not a vegetarian, are you?
23:46.43Qwellnot at all
23:47.04rob0I'm a humanitarian, myself.
23:47.06kanatuCan anyone help me with getting blind transfer to work on asterisk
23:47.33coppicenot at all might be an overstatement considering this conversation
23:47.35Qwellcoppice: though, I've been to a vegetarian chinese was pretty awesome
23:47.53coppiceyou mean the fake meat places?
23:48.08Qwellis that common over there at all?
23:48.38coppiceI think that is a cop out. if you don't want to eat meat, why not eat veggie that actually looks like veggie.
23:48.46Qwellcoppice: no idea
23:48.59Qwellbut, every time I went, there were Buddhists and such there
23:49.01NavionHelp setting up Sangoma A200 FXO cards?
23:49.15Qwellerm, like
23:49.18Qwellyou know
23:49.37Qwellmonks, I guess?
23:50.17coppicethere are a number of buddist restaurants that serve that kind of food, and the monsatery here serves that to many tourists each day
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23:57.43coppiceQwell: you sound like the sort of person who'd be real fun at a chinese banquet :-)
23:59.21Qwellcoppice: yeah...
23:59.39QwellI went to a dimsum(sp) place with coworkers one time.  They weren't very happy with me :p

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