IRC log for #asterisk on 20071118

00:00.05[TK]D-Fenderasdx, On both ends?
00:00.10asdx[TK]D-Fender: yeh
00:00.20jeroHow can I tell asterisk to notify presence-enabled phones when one of them places an outgoing call ?
00:00.24[TK]D-Fenderasdx, then fix your headsets & soudcard gains.
00:00.33[TK]D-Fenderasdx, because thats accoustic feedback.
00:00.46asdx[TK]D-Fender: ok, thanks
00:00.49katsuodo[TK]D-Fender almost forgot will use tdm805 card for office with (2) company
00:01.05[TK]D-Fenderjero, make sure your phones are "type=peer", "call-limit=99"
00:01.27jero[TK]D-Fender: they are peers and call-limit=4
00:02.03jero[TK]D-Fender: and limitonpeers=yes
00:02.07[TK]D-Fenderjero, pastebin "show channels concise" and "show hints"
00:02.14[TK]D-Fenderjero, remove that last one
00:03.55jerolet me place an outgoing call
00:04.03[TK]D-Fenderjero, and up to 99 the other one
00:12.11katsuodo[TK]D-Fender simultaneous call = 20
00:14.00weazahlkatsuodo: can so few stations make so many calls.  you use 5 analogue lines.  so how many simultanious calls do you think you make now?
00:14.25[TK]D-Fenderjero, pastebin your dialplan....
00:14.30*** join/#asterisk techie (
00:14.50[TK]D-Fenderkatsuodo, that measn you expect everyone to be on the phone 100% of the time...
00:14.52weazahlunless you are doing predictive dialing.  you will probably never get close to thay
00:15.36weazahli have 32 stations and never say more than a load of 8
00:15.45[TK]D-Fenderjero, and your sip.conf entry
00:23.20*** join/#asterisk Giofe (
00:25.31jero[TK]D-Fender: here they are
00:25.50*** join/#asterisk kotyagin (
00:26.26asdxi'm using gsm now, can i increase the bitrate?
00:26.37[TK]D-Fenderasdx, nope
00:26.45[TK]D-Fenderasdx, pick another codec
00:27.21*** join/#asterisk implicit (n=implicit@
00:27.54weazahli switched ulaw to gsm without telling anyone.  then asked if anyone noticed any changes in voice quality a few days later.  nope.
00:28.43weazahlmost people are DEAF, point and case, stock car stereo systems.  people turn them up to like 80%THD and think that is cool.
00:29.52*** join/#asterisk MooingLemur (n=troy@unaffiliated/mooinglemur)
00:35.36*** join/#asterisk duki (
00:38.29kotyaginyou damn right !!!
00:39.25weazahli know.  that is why i have 1500W RMS in my car, it does go loud.  but at reasonable levels, it sounds unbelievable
00:39.35*** join/#asterisk angom (n=Angel@
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00:42.13*** join/#asterisk exothermic (
00:42.59kotyaginmost companies in Russia use g.729 in their VoIP networks... And they happy with quality...
00:43.31exothermicWe are having trouble with fonality boxes connecting to our asterisk server. The DTMF tones are not getting to fonality.  All of our other peers work fine though.
00:43.59exothermicIn turn the other peers on the fonality side work as well.
00:44.08exothermicEverything is set to use rfc2833
00:44.18exothermicAnyone have any idea what is going on?
00:44.33*** join/#asterisk Snake-eyes (
00:45.54kotyaginDid you try to use SIP INFO, to transmit DTMF ?
00:47.07exothermicNo I did not.
00:47.08*** join/#asterisk duki (
00:49.16exothermichow would you relay that with asterisk?
00:49.28kotyaginimo, this is the best way to send dtmf... try to use dtmf=info
00:49.43exothermicahh ok let me try that.
00:49.52kotyaginon both sides
00:50.08exothermicmost devices support this?
00:50.19exothermicand carriers?
00:51.42kotyaginnot all devices support this feature, but i think you should try
00:52.16*** part/#asterisk cyberpass2 (
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00:53.06exothermiclooks like it works
00:53.13exothermicWow that is the oddest thing
00:53.36exothermicwe have one version of asterisk that can send dtmf via 2833 to that fonality box and one that can't
00:53.56exothermic1.4.11 fails.
00:53.57Qwellexothermic: try calling Fonality.  We can't know what they did to butcher the configs
00:54.28Qwellif they even support it anymore
00:54.46Qwellthey change direction every year
00:54.48exothermicYa think they will support me since it isn't even my box  ;)?
00:55.02Qwellwho knows
00:55.07exothermic1.4.2 work with the dtmf.
00:55.38Qwellthey use something stupid like 1.0.9 on their boxes
00:55.44Qwellso, it doesn't surprise me that dtmf doesn't work
00:56.12kotyaginburn your fonality ^)
00:56.17exothermicWell it works on what seems to be everything except my 1.4.11 setup.
00:56.29Qwelltry 1.4.13 - 1.4.11 may have had a bug
00:56.34Qwellerm, 1.4.14
00:56.34exothermicya it is just a clients setup.
00:56.59exothermicWell I have no other peers that have dtmf issues with this 1.4.11 setup.
00:57.07exothermicwhich is why it is odd.
00:57.22exothermicLooking back through change logs to see if there is anything done to dtmf
00:57.30exothermicJust is odd all around.
00:57.30Qwellthere has been, iirc
00:57.34asdxG711 (alaw and ulaw)
00:57.37asdxare those codecs free
00:57.42exothermicasdx: yes
00:57.50*** join/#asterisk duki (
00:58.00Qwellasdx: everything supports at least one of those
00:58.23exothermicQwell: That statement might be a little broad.
00:58.34kotyaginasdx: most often both...
00:58.36Qwellnah, it's pretty true
00:58.37asdxzoiper says UNKNOWN when i try to use that
00:59.45asdxbut they say G.711 is supported
01:00.07exothermicu or a
01:00.28*** join/#asterisk b_d (n=brian@
01:00.42kotyaginasdx: try to dump sip trace\
01:01.05kotyaginasdx: especially SDP offer from invite from zoiper
01:01.22asdxkotyagin: i'm using iax2
01:02.15*** join/#asterisk mackes (
01:02.35kotyaginasdx: mmm, i think codec list will we same in both SIP and IAX, but SIP trace much more easer to read
01:02.49asdxkotyagin: ok, thanks :)
01:03.03mackeshow do you perform a SIP trace? sniff the wire?
01:03.50kotyaginmackes: something like tcpdump or wireshark at PBX side, or at switch with port mirroring
01:04.10mackesOK, thats what I thought
01:04.28mackesI wasnt sure if Asterisk had a tool that showed debug
01:04.39*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
01:04.44b_dyou will still have to have a protocol analyzer attached to the spanned port on the switch
01:04.53kotyaginmackes: sip set debug
01:05.56mackesSo, Wireshark installed on your Asterisk server
01:06.03mackessip debug?
01:06.14kotyaginb_d: wireshark works fine
01:06.46mackesAhh, thats the stuff
01:06.55mackesI forgot about that command
01:07.33mackesI know that Snom will show the same debug on the other side of the conversation, Will Polycom or Aastra?
01:08.11kotyaginmackes: dunno :(
01:09.32kotyaginmackes: defenetely the most powerful thing is wireshark at asterisk, then ssh -X and we don't need any port mirroring...
01:11.24b_dwireshark IS a protocol analyzer
01:11.52mackesssh -X, how does that help?
01:14.21kotyaginmackes: with ssh -X host you can run wireshark(and other X applications) from remote so it helps a lot :)
01:15.22*** part/#asterisk jero (
01:16.45mackesssh -X will allow you to excute an appication on a remote machine that is installed on your local machine-- right?
01:16.49*** join/#asterisk dlynes_home (
01:17.22b_dkotyagin, mackes: that is assuming you have X11 running on your pbx, in the absence of X11 you may just have to use something like tshark supplied with the proper arguments to filter out unwanted chatter
01:19.04mackesAhh... yep. I use poundkey.. no X
01:20.30*** join/#asterisk bintut (
01:20.36mackesI find an old laptop with a NIC, and a hub, and ethereal  placed infront of a machine does the trick
01:21.30b_dmackes: crude, but effective
01:22.36mackesOr a mirrored port on a good switch does nicely as well
01:22.36bintuti am trying to connect 2 asterisk server using iax2 but i can't make them connect. do i need to create ssl certificate for iax2 first in order for them to register each other?
01:22.56mackesJust an account on each for them to connect with
01:23.29mackesI have trouble getting my caller idea to carry correctly between systems with iax
01:25.39*** part/#asterisk b_d (n=brian@
01:35.57*** join/#asterisk macros73_ (
01:43.16*** join/#asterisk techie (
01:43.50mackesquiet all of the sudden
01:44.05mackesI think grandstream rockS!
01:44.23mackes(Chum in the water)
01:45.50bintutanyone here can point me to the right url where i can read the documentation about the iax.conf and if they are similar with the sip.conf configuration?
01:48.38BBHossbintut: i think there are some examples in the book
01:50.18bintutBBHoss: actually, i have a copy of the Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2/e already.. i followed the book on how to connect 2 asterisk servers but with no luck
01:50.34BBHosswith iax2?
01:50.58bintutBBHoss: my current connection with the remote asterisk box is within an openvpn tunnel
01:51.03bintutBBHoss: yes, using iax2
01:52.01bintutBBHoss: do you think that the iax.conf and the sip.conf have a similar directives?
01:52.14BBHossthe way i do it is setup a peer and a user on each box, then connect them together
01:52.36BBHossbintut: similar, but not really more than that
01:54.07bintutBBHoss: yeah, that's the same thing that was said in the book.. but, it doesn't say the externip directive
01:54.25BBHossbintut: so you've followed the guide starting on page 111 to a T
01:54.41bintutBBHoss: yes
01:55.11BBHossi don't believe externIP is required
01:55.13bintutBBHoss: although, i found that there's a typo error..
01:55.20BBHossyou just have to make sure that 4569 is forwarded to the * box on both ends
01:55.46bintutBBHoss: remember that i am connecting to the remote asterisk box through openvpn
01:56.06BBHossis there a reason its going over VPN?
01:56.06bintutBBHoss: and with that, my ip address as well as on the other side is different already
01:56.27bintutBBHoss: just to tunnel it
01:56.41BBHosswhy not run it over the net? security?
01:56.55bintutBBHoss: i'll try adding an externip directive on my iax.conf first
01:57.05BBHossok w/e
01:57.35BBHosseven though its sip onlky
02:00.41*** join/#asterisk techie (
02:01.39BBHossbintut: look here also:
02:03.16*** join/#asterisk __freedom__lover (
02:03.30bintutBBHoss: thanks.. but that config is almost the same with mine
02:05.35*** join/#asterisk DarkDlx (
02:06.25*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
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02:06.29*** join/#asterisk asdx (
02:13.49DarkRiftI've seen once a websiet that had the asterisk soruce code online with the explanation of all it's functions and in what file they are, anyone know what I'm talking about ? I can't seem to find it anymore
02:15.15QwellDarkRift: asking the same question in multiple places is a bit rude
02:15.50QwellDarkRift: make progdoc, from the asterisk source dir
02:15.57DarkRiftI agree, but not everyone is on the same chan
02:16.08Qwellthat's exactly why it's rude
02:16.48DarkRiftJust trying to get information from most people I can
02:17.00DarkRiftHummm it was a website more than the progodocs, but let me check that out
02:18.10DarkRiftIt had all the function on the left side, and on the right side the commands, their parameters and a explanation of what they do
02:18.20DarkRiftgenerating the progdocs tho atm
02:25.55DarkRiftThere it is, doxygen trunk
02:30.48*** join/#asterisk UserReg_CL (
02:30.58UserReg_CLHI!!! Good day!!
02:34.02UserReg_CL(Hola, a todos)
02:34.18*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
02:34.40asdxUserReg_CL: hola
02:35.48UserReg_CLasdx: holas... mejor no hablamos en español pues algunos comienzan a "gruñir" jjajaj "lol"
02:37.35*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
02:46.19*** join/#asterisk angom_h (n=Angel@
02:46.26UserReg_CLHelpme !!!
02:46.35UserReg_CL"need asign x minutes a one user sip" ¿how?
02:47.06*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
02:49.29ManxPowerUserReg_CL: there is no easy way
02:51.08*** part/#asterisk lirakis (
02:56.47*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jtregunn@unaffiliated/jer)
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03:00.31*** join/#asterisk Buhntz (
03:01.04*** join/#asterisk dongs (
03:01.17dongswhat do i add in sip.conf to allow receive of calls to anything@mysipproxyip?
03:01.28dongslike incoming context or something.
03:03.06*** join/#asterisk [N00B] (
03:05.15katsuodo[TK]D-Fender and weazhl it is multinational fashion company and no I do not expect them all to be on phone all the time.  I asked about call volume and they can give no answer they do not know
03:06.24coppiceif I aska  fashion company about call volume I'd expect them to say "really really loud"
03:08.20*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
03:08.38*** join/#asterisk Raky-2 (
03:08.58Raky-2hi guys, i was wondering if it's possible to bind an m3u stream, like icecast to an extension?
03:09.09Raky-2so let's say, someone dials 100, they will hear the web stream.
03:09.13Raky-2is that possible?
03:10.28[N00B]i am in need of some help resolving an issue. I have been trying for nearly 6 weeks to resolve it. I could really use some help:
03:10.28[N00B]here is the error:
03:10.28[N00B]WARNING[11598] res_monitor.c: Execute of ( nice -n 19 soxmix "//dev/shm/1194888906.22392-in.wav" "//dev/shm/11948
03:10.35[N00B]I have verified that sox is installed
03:10.53[N00B]i ran:
03:10.55[N00B]which sox
03:11.05[N00B]so sox is there
03:11.12UserReg_CLhelpme: need asign x minutes a one user sip ¿?
03:12.39[N00B]here is the file details of where i am trying to send the file to:
03:12.40[N00B]lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root    9 Oct 30 15:36 monitor -> /dev/shm/
03:13.18[N00B]drwxrwxrwt  3 root root       80 Nov 17 20:10 shm
03:13.37*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (
03:14.14[N00B]could it possibly have to do with the "//dev" in the error message?
03:14.16katsuodocoppice I know understand
03:14.35[N00B]i dont know how that would have happened. my symlink is to /dev/shm
03:15.23[N00B]Raky-2: it is possible. There is a link somewhere on the wiki regarding how to do that.
03:16.19Raky-2i've only seem to have found links that say how to broadcast from an asterisk extension
03:16.40Raky-2i just want to be able to feed it an m3u, and have it play back to the user.
03:16.54[N00B]user= phone?
03:17.13Raky-2well, something like this
03:17.30Raky-2exten => 655,3,SetMusicOnHold(stream)
03:17.48Raky-2where stream in musiconhold.conf = stream => quietmp3:/var/lib/asterisk/moh/stream,
03:17.54[N00B]then look at the link i added. the instructions even include an example on how to do what you are looking for
03:18.40dongslol, ogg.
03:18.41*** part/#asterisk katsuodo (
03:18.42dongswhat the fuck.
03:18.55dongsi guess the only possible excuse is that since its 8khz mono it doesnt matter.
03:19.05*** join/#asterisk katsuodo (
03:19.26*** join/#asterisk Miamiman302 (
03:19.37*** part/#asterisk katsuodo (
03:20.08Raky-2thanks i'll give it a shot
03:33.39*** join/#asterisk Steven_elvisda_ (n=Steven_E@
03:37.09asdxif i want to make a call to a PSTN line i just do: extern => _test,1,Dial(SIP/NUMBER) right?
03:37.52phixhey, AMR NB is am audio codec right? and does asterisk support it?
03:38.49phixMy issue is I only have ulaw or alaw available on my SIP ip phone (Nokia E65).  It support AMR NB too but I have nfi what that codec is.
03:39.38phixBelieve it or not but the Nokia E65 doesn't use GSM for some reason, even though it is my preferred codec in asterisk
03:39.44coppiceAMR NB is the main codec used for 3G phones, and is growing in use for GSM
03:39.51UserReg_CLasdx: nop extern => _test,1,Dial(canal/${EXTEN})
03:39.52phixok thank you
03:40.02phixcoppice: :) I knew it had something to do with 3G
03:40.24phixcoppice: any advice? or havn't you played around with mobile SIP phones/
03:40.45coppicethe codec things like asterisk loosely call GSM is rarely used by GSM networks these days
03:40.57phixI mean ulaw works great in my house, I just figure if I used a compressed codec I could get a bit more range out of the phone
03:41.34phixcurrently I get about 20 Mtrs range
03:41.51coppicemost GSM phones that do VoIP are set up for UMA environments. AMR is the codec of choice there
03:41.52phix(not direct line of sight, through a brick wall :))
03:54.29*** join/#asterisk b_d (n=brian@
03:56.56mackesna,,, GSM wont help with range.
03:57.08mackesYour AP will not drop below 1Mb
03:57.31mackesSo, ULaw will be just fine
04:01.10*** part/#asterisk dongs (
04:04.18coppicea quick google says the E65 supports iLBC and G.729
04:04.49*** part/#asterisk stubert (
04:06.03asdxi'm trying to dial a pstn number and i get: == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1)
04:13.06*** join/#asterisk MooingLemur (n=troy@unaffiliated/mooinglemur)
04:13.07weazahldid anyone know that external hard disk are great for raising bread
04:15.29wothinnNeat idea.  I prefer to do a slow rise, though. :-)
04:22.16*** join/#asterisk lemanal (
04:23.09[N00B]asdx: did you have a question to go with that?
04:23.24asdx[N00B]: yeh it was a question
04:23.26UserReg_CLHI: what distro linux install for asterisk recommend ?
04:23.38[N00B]that was a statement
04:23.43[N00B]what is your question
04:23.52asdx[N00B]: yeah
04:24.00asdx[N00B]: well, i'm trying to dial a PSTN phone number...
04:24.06asdx[N00B]: and i get that, why?
04:24.20[N00B]you need to provide more information.
04:24.28asdxright, let me paste my configs
04:24.47[N00B]also describe your setup and how the call is being made
04:25.02[N00B]you using T1? PRI? POTS?
04:25.08[N00B]gotta give us the info
04:25.10*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@
04:25.17asdx[N00B]: i don't have special hardware, just a voip provider (Teliax)
04:25.33[N00B]voip=IAX2? SIP? what?
04:26.54asdx[N00B]: i have my linux desktop with a softphone (zoiper), my asterisk box is in another computer, and i'm trying to route my calls to the teliax server and then go out to PSTN, i'm using IAX2
04:26.55[N00B]asdx: asterisk version?
04:27.12UserReg_CLexten => s,1,... "s"? is for call in ??
04:27.17*** join/#asterisk _theHub (
04:27.33asdx[N00B]: latest
04:29.00UserReg_CLplease.. need one example for using GOTO command Dial
04:29.31[N00B]exten => blah,1,Goto(context|extension|priority)
04:29.52UserReg_CLwhen use Goto command ?
04:30.02[N00B]UserReg_CL: please refer to google or the asterisk wiki
04:30.27[N00B]you use it when you want your dialplan to "goto" something else
04:31.54UserReg_CLN0000: and assign one total time for one user SIP for example: for user SIP/1001 assign 100 minutes for one month
04:32.43[N00B]there is no one here by that username
04:32.48[N00B]what are you trying to ask?
04:33.25UserReg_CLneed assign for one user SIP one total time for call to pstn net
04:33.34UserReg_CL(sorry by bad english, I am talk spanish)
04:34.14[N00B]sounds like you are trying to do billing... if so please, once again, refer to google or the asterisk wiki on some sort of a howto. There are programs to do that for you and examples of dialplan options.
04:34.43[N00B]asdx: you still alive?
04:35.28[N00B]UserReg_CL: I would refer you also to the asterisk cdr and cdr_mysql
04:38.24*** join/#asterisk macros73_ (
04:38.29UserReg_CLmmm not.. in cdr look total time for user... need assign one time (x minutes) for all call to pstn for month
04:39.18*** join/#asterisk Steven_elvisda (n=Steven_E@
04:39.40[N00B]you need to know your total minutes to the pstn?
04:40.16[N00B]then i havent got a clue what you are asking
04:40.44UserReg_CLneed what one user, example john, have x minutes for month for all call to pstn (example: john 100 minutes for month for call to pstn)
04:40.49asdx[N00B]: yeah
04:41.36[N00B]UserReg_CL: anyone here speak spanish? otherwise, sorry, I cant help you. it still sounds to me like you need cdr data
04:41.38asdx[N00B]: i'm trying to dial 59521201964...
04:42.08[N00B]asdx: first of all, do an IAX2 show registry at the cli>
04:43.57jameswf-homejbot: newbe
04:44.03jameswf-homejbot: newb
04:44.04jbotDon't bother telling us you're a "newb" or a "n00b".  We can tell.
04:45.03[N00B]jameswf-home: sorry, have i done something to offend you? that seems kinda out of the blue
04:45.50jameswf-homelol I am only offended by orange skittles
04:45.58coppicewhat do you expect when you walk around with a "KICK ME" sign on your back :-)
04:46.43[N00B]asdx: can you give me the cli output from start to finish when you place that call?
04:46.53asdx[N00B]: ok
04:47.01[N00B]need to see more than just the error... need to see what is happening before hand.
04:47.13jameswf-homejbot: dropdatabase;
04:47.13jbotSo you think you could kill me, did you. You thought you could come in here, in my own home, and take me down without a fight. I would have given you a chance, really. But now, you have unleashed hell. May god have mercy on your soul.
04:47.23jameswf-homeI love that
04:48.20coppiceI love that cartoon where the kid that has a weird name containing punctuation marks that wrecks the databases they enter it into.
04:50.02jameswf-homemy wife wouldnt let me name any of our kids that
04:50.26jameswf-homeshould have married a geek lol
04:50.31asdx[N00B]: interesting, when i dial "test" i get a incoming call
04:51.01jameswf-homeI probably couldbnt share the bandwith though
04:51.03asdx[N00B]: i guess is because i'm doing Dial(IAX2/user)
04:51.26asdx[N00B]: but i want to do a incoming call trough that pstn phone number
04:51.48coppiceyeah, that's the one
04:51.48[N00B]that is your inbound number? or you are trying to dial it outbound from asterisk?
04:52.07asdx[N00B]: i'm trying to do a outbound call
04:52.25[N00B]ok... your cli looks like it worked. i did not see your error
04:52.40jameswf-homeI like
04:53.09jameswf-homeits been a running joke @ work
04:53.45asdx[N00B]: but in my softphone i see "Incoming call, waiting for answer"
04:53.52asdx[N00B]: shouldnt be the other way around?
04:54.00[N00B]is that your inbound number also?
04:54.05jameswf-homewe also have a 3 month running gaim of where's waldo, a 6'' waldo gets hidden in strange places
04:54.39asdx[N00B]: no
04:54.50[N00B]send me your whole extensions.conf
04:55.19coppiceI think this one really gets to the heart of his humour
04:55.44asdx[N00B]: that's my whole extensions.conf, it starts in line 14
04:55.52UserReg_CLgood night all
04:56.01jameswf-homeasdx: my wife didnt like that one lol
04:56.21jameswf-homeshe liked the cuddle bed with the robots
04:56.22asdxjameswf-home: ?
04:57.43jameswf-homemythbusters did bus behind jet ... neat
05:00.58*** join/#asterisk techie (
05:04.07alephcom_this is annoying,  my agi script is totally messed up. :-(
05:04.24alephcom_I guess I should either keep others hands out of it or else comment more.
05:04.52ectospasmdocumentation is only bemoaned when it's too late (-;
05:14.33*** join/#asterisk Steven_elvisda (n=Steven_E@
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05:34.25jameswf-homeits an mmrprpg you r tard
05:34.36jameswf-homejbot: rtard
05:35.43jameswf-homejbot: wow
05:35.44jbotI have no life | Lets go raid!
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05:47.40Zuchmircan i use a dialogic card with asterisk
05:48.44Zuchmiris there any editing software for GSM?
05:49.44alephcom_Zechmir: I usually use wavepad for gsm files
05:50.39*** join/#asterisk echosyp (
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05:52.44Zuchmiralephcom_: thanks
05:52.46tzafrir_homeZuchmir, what sort of editing?
05:53.12Zuchmirsound editor
05:53.23tzafrir_homeZuchmir, sox has quite a few capabilities for automated editing
05:57.22mackesOk, Everyones thoughts SER vs OpenSER
05:58.22tzafrir_homeOpenSER has extra four letters
05:59.00echosypi need help with a project of mine
05:59.08echosypi want to offer free phone service to my tenants
05:59.23echosyp14 units per building
06:00.22echosypi was thinking of using the existing phone lines
06:01.21echosypi don't know where to start, there are alot of options/services to check out
06:04.00echosypsomeone help me out here
06:04.15jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
06:05.46*** join/#asterisk [zender] (n=ender@
06:10.27Zuchmirtzafrir_home: thanks, i know about sox, i was looking for manual editing
06:12.57Zuchmirlooks like wavepad does what i need
06:19.50*** join/#asterisk tc3driver (
06:27.17echosypany other reference suggestions?
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06:43.04[TK]D-Fenderechosyp, that should do it
06:44.31echosypwill an 8mb isp pipe support 48 phones
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06:46.13fakhirechosyp, depends on how many concurrent calls, codecs, ...
06:49.20echosypdoubt there will be htat many concurrent calls
06:49.21[TK]D-Fenderechosyp, easily
06:55.30*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (n=leon@
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06:57.50BBHossok, back now
06:59.21echosypi will be talking to you guys more soon
06:59.27echosypim gonna read up and go to sleep
07:02.00BBHossdoes asterisk still support aes128 encryption on iax2?
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07:25.25obnauticusWhere's the default AGI directory again?
07:25.33obnauticusand BBHoss I got it all 100% working :)
07:26.19obnauticusNevermind I found itL /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/
07:26.58*** join/#asterisk Steven_elvisda_ (n=Steven_E@
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07:47.04timothywcrane_I want to use asterisk to set up a telephone order taking system. How does it recognize touchtone signals for recording them in the case of cc #s?
07:47.13timothywcrane_so I can write them to file
07:47.28timothywcrane_or am I way off base?
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07:47.38luke-jryeah, you should use HTTPS for that
07:47.48timothywcrane_thank you
07:47.51*** join/#asterisk Steven_elvisda (n=Steven_E@
07:48.40timothywcrane_not a secure server for inline, but for people to call in to a IVR system and enter cc # to order products
07:49.03timothywcrane_^$#^ must be tired
07:49.31tzafrirtimothywcrane_, that's really the basic IVR  Asterisk can do
07:49.40tzafrirdo you have an Asterisk system running?
07:49.59luke-jrtimothywcrane_: phones are insecure
07:50.08timothywcrane_no not yet, I was looking at it and Yate. I am on my desktop doing research for my server projects
07:50.43phixso does asterisk support the AMR NB codec? or is it a commerical codec?
07:50.59timothywcrane_I know this , but for some reason, some of my customers would rather cost me lots of money than enter it into a secure site.
07:51.02phixprioritery even
07:51.05tzafrirIf you look at the "demo" sample in the sample configuration that comes with asterisk,
07:51.38tzafrirthen just add an option with '#' instead of '1' , '2', or '3' as there are lready there
07:52.01tzafrirphix, AMR has patent issues
07:52.46tzafrirtimothywcrane_, order by phone? or order through the web?
07:53.40timothywcrane_order by phone, trying to integrate with skype and crm
07:53.41phixtzafrir: aawww :(
07:53.53phixI guess I will use ulaw on my mobile phone then
07:54.09phixhmmm it supports iblc
07:54.19phixisn't that a terriable codec?
07:54.32tzafrirphix, what about g726, gsm, ilbc, speex? none of them supported?
07:55.17phixsuprisenly gsm isn't, I thought it would support it as it is a mobile phone
07:55.54phixummm g729 I think it does as well, but I dont really want to buy a licence, although they are only $15AU
07:56.19tzafrir(per channel)
07:56.44tzafrirWhat I really don't like about such licenses is the licensing overhead:
07:56.50phixI only need one channel to my phone
07:57.10phixditto, and the fact yuo need to pay $15 AU again if you change your hardware too often
07:57.55tzafriror call Digium (not sure of the exact procedure), but still a headache
07:58.42*** join/#asterisk izaak (
07:58.52phixCapabilities: us - 0x1e (gsm|ulaw|alaw|g726), peer - audio=0x50c (ulaw|alaw|g729|ilbc)
07:58.57phixtzafrir: agreed
07:59.40tzafririlbc is nice
07:59.54coppiceilbc is brain dead
08:00.02phixdoesn't it sound like your speaking to a robot?
08:00.02izaakanyone wanna shout their recommended OS for asterisk?  i'm leaning towards debian, but i'm worried about running testing/unstable
08:00.14phixizaak: I use Debian Etch
08:00.21BBHossizaak: im on etch right now
08:00.21phixizaak: run stable
08:00.29BBHossno problems here
08:00.31tzafrirah, I knew there was a reason you missed ilbc
08:00.35phixizaak: Asterisk 1.4 is on Etch
08:00.47izaakphix: hm?  really?
08:00.51phixizaak: yes
08:00.58tzafririlbc's license is a bit to shoddy for Debian
08:00.58coppiceilbc sounds comparable to G.729, but it takes twive the bit rate to achieve that
08:01.10izaakphix, what method did you use?
08:01.14phixizaak: oops, on it isn't
08:01.16phixii  asterisk                      1.2.13~dfsg-2etch1                  Open Source Private Branch Exchange (PBX)
08:01.28phixoh well :) what is wrong with 1.2?
08:01.33izaakno imap voicemail :P
08:01.43phiximap voicemail?
08:01.57tzafririzaak, you actually use imap voicemail?
08:02.04phixizaak: well use pinning then and set it up to only use testing for asterisk
08:02.17tzafrirThis is something that takes quite a bit of voodoo to set up, IIRC
08:02.21phixizaak: that way most of your system is running stable
08:02.40izaakno, but i like the idea.  a major annoyance of mine is that people love e-mail notification so much they often forget to clear out their messages.  then some people prefer checking their messages with their phones.  imap voicemail unites the two.
08:02.46phixizaak: you know about pinning right? /etc/apt/preferences ?
08:02.48tzafrirphix, Asterisk 1.4 is still not in testing . Some people are working hard on that:
08:03.05phixtzafrir: :O
08:03.08izaakphix: i've used it once before in ubuntu.
08:03.12izaakit should be there soon
08:03.15phixizaak: in that case use unstable for asterisk only ;)
08:03.47tzafrirThere are some backports at
08:03.55phixizaak: or just be like me and be comtempt with 1.2
08:04.07tzafrir(including imap support)
08:04.21izaakso, by pinning unstable asterisk, i'll end up with a handful of unstable dependencies right?  (no problem, just confirming...)
08:05.16tzafririzaak, one problem is the newer libc-client
08:05.47izaakmm yeah, i think i'll just stick with etch and wait :)
08:06.02izaakthanks for bouncing the idea
08:06.33tzafriranyway, right now Etch does get security updates. Be sure to update your package
08:12.43izaaki'm excited about this new system i have in mind - an Intel D201GLY2 w/ TDM400 connecting a couple telephone lines (IAX) to a WRAP 2C3, the main office PBX
08:12.47izaakdebian on 1GB CF on both
08:13.20coppiceis the Intel D201GLY2 the ITX board that takes too much power?
08:13.23izaaker, not a WRAP but the newer ALIX...
08:14.14izaakit's uATX, but yeah it's not quite as low as the VIA boards.  but it is fan-less.  i will still put it in a nice case with fans, though.
08:14.57coppiceintel has what looks like a nice ITX board at a low price. then you find it takes 30W
08:16.50izaakyeah but it performs way better than the via chipsets with a bigger cache and better FPU performance
08:17.32izaaki figure it will be nicer for driving a TDM400p, and i'll put the really important PBX functions on the ultra-low ALIX
08:17.50*** join/#asterisk qdk (
08:18.59coppicebut it won't go in any ITX box I ever saw
08:19.41coppicegive VIA several times the power budget and I expect they'll go faster too :-)
08:20.42izaakbut there are a good selection of micro atx cases, either mini tower or thin desktop.  for example antec boxes have better ventilation than most itx cases i've seen.
08:21.20coppicefew things run at a sane temperature without at least a little fanning
08:21.51coppicethe secret is to find things with big slow fans
08:22.21izaaki'm using this one - antec 2480 - two 120cm
08:22.51coppice120cm definitely classifies as big :-)
08:36.05*** part/#asterisk [N00B] (
08:37.56*** join/#asterisk marl (n=marl@
08:38.11marlgood morning folks :)
08:42.55marlcan anyone tell me if there is a way to set a varable within a context in extensions.conf that can be set once, and will hold for any extensions dial within that context? i have a setup like this :
08:43.49marlim just not sure how to do the SetVar line, so it sets the var but doesnt affect any of the extensions that follow
08:46.43*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=Greek-Bo@
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08:54.06timothywcrane_anyone familiar with FreePBX?
08:55.06marlwats the prob, not used it much, but will try :)
09:03.44timothywcrane_not a prob, just looking for a thumbs up or down .
09:03.55marlgo on
09:04.04marlu thinking of installing it?
09:04.23timothywcrane_loking to integrate pbx order by phone function and cms for e commerce
09:04.46timothywcrane_yeah but I want to get all the tools together that I want before I do an install
09:04.50BBHossfreepbx is harder to troubleshoot usually than asterisk
09:05.04timothywcrane_goods advice,
09:05.11marlfreepbx is good in some ways, as it has a good frontend, but if u want to add any code to it, its a BIG PAIN!
09:05.21jbotextra, extra, read all about it, trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox seriously painful to support, and thus you will find little help here for it.  Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at
09:05.43timothywcrane_is astericks really hard to set up for someone familiar with Linux
09:05.53marlnope, easy
09:06.01BBHossits all in what you want to do with it
09:06.05marlso long as u rmemeber to build the sample files as well :)
09:06.14timothywcrane_good off to find the perfect cms for my projec then
09:06.42timothywcrane_thanks marl, jbot
09:06.54marlis it cms or crm
09:07.01BBHosscrm probably
09:07.08marlthought so
09:07.16BBHosssugarcrm is commonly included, you could try that
09:07.19marlsugar_crm could be a good starting poiint
09:07.25timothywcrane_the crm is prob going to be Sugar, seems to integrate well, the CMS is for the website
09:07.40BBHossi like drupal
09:08.20timothywcrane_I'm used to Joomla, but I know Drupal is more extensive in developement and has less holes
09:08.42marlim sure i read an article on a basic http * front end available from * svn, but i cant find it now, anyone know were it is, or was i just dreaming?
09:08.45coppiceI like Gruyere for its holes
09:09.05timothywcrane_bye guys
09:26.46*** join/#asterisk reber (
09:36.51*** join/#asterisk GuyOCanada (i=GuyOCana@
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09:39.17tzafrirmarl, start with the svnbook
09:39.49GuyOCanadaI am building a dialplan and need some help with a scenario like this (the user calls in dials the vip support extension. is being asked for a numeric user id, after the userid is being asked for a numeric password and if the info is correct he will be redirected to another context. (I am clueless on how to do it) can anyone point me to any page that has a tutorial for stuff like that
09:40.50tzafrirGuyOCanada, there are a bunch of handy dialplan applications:
09:40.58tzafrirRead, Authenticate , and such
09:43.08marltzafrir, its not how to get the stuff from svn, i can do that bit, its that ive lost the link to the page about the application :(
09:45.07tzafrirmarl, it's a module for apache
09:46.11tzafrirOn Debian, it would be something of the sort of: apt-get install libapache2-svn
09:47.54marlits the asterisk http application that i cant find! i read an article about a new http frontend for * i can remember that it was available via svn, but i cant remember the name of the * applicaion :(
09:49.19tzafrirmarl, asterisk has a built-in httpd as of 1.4
09:49.56tzafrirThe asterisk-gui is technically mostly just a bunch of javascript pages served from that httpd
09:50.28tzafrirasterisk comes with e.g. a sample astmon.js to be used from that built-in httpd
09:50.38GuyOCanadaRead:Read a variable in the form for DTMF tones as pressed by the caller
09:50.39tzafrirbut you may be looking for the asterisk-gui:
09:50.50GuyOCanadacan anyone explain that?
09:51.10tzafrirsvn co asterisk-gui
09:51.48tzafrirGuyOCanada, are you familiar with shell scripts?
09:52.12tzafrirwell, this is esencially like the shell's read
09:52.29tzafrirwaits for the user to "type" in a value
09:52.46*** join/#asterisk salzh (n=salzh@
09:52.51tzafrirThat value then goes to a variable
09:54.08GuyOCanadaWell i dont get how it would help me authenticating a user
09:55.14tzafrirIt would help you get a value if you have other means of authentication that are better than the ones provided by Authenticate
09:55.19tzafriror VMAuthenticate
09:56.06marlok, im going to repost this question, just incase anyone has woken up who may be able to help me :)
09:56.08marlcan anyone tell me if there is a way to set a varable within a context in extensions.conf that can be set once, and will hold for any extensions dial within that context? i have a setup like this :
09:57.08marli originally posted it at 0830 my time, hopefully there may be some early risers, up now, hangovers permitting :)
09:57.34GuyOCanadawell That means for every user i have to set a diff. variable :) that would not be good
09:59.06*** join/#asterisk duki (
10:03.38GuyOCanadawhats the difference between a hangup and a softhangup
10:04.00tzafrirGuyOCanada, have you really looked at Authenticate?
10:06.29GuyOCanadai was reading
10:07.20tzafrirGuyOCanada, [core] show application Authenticate
10:07.43tzafrirAnd use tab completion
10:07.49tzafrir(from the asterisk CLI)
10:08.51GuyOCanadatzafrir: i read that its the same on the page
10:09.40tzafrirmarl, variables are local to the channel (except globals)
10:09.41GuyOCanadaMaybe I can use authenticate twice? first for the username and then for the password?
10:10.41tzafrirGuyOCanada,consider Read twice and doing your own custom authentication, then
10:11.14GuyOCanadaWell I wish there was an easy way to read from my mysql table :)
10:14.02GuyOCanadaA question about DISA
10:14.40marltzafrir, can a var not be local to a context ?
10:14.50tzafrirmarl, no
10:14.53GuyOCanadaI have mapped extension 9 to authenticate (authenticate has a 6 digit password) and authenticate is connected to DISA without a pasword
10:15.05GuyOCanadahow would i select which context it goes to?
10:16.09marlthanks :( will now go and write a couple of macros to do the job :(
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10:35.46marlim trying to find a good howto on creating your own functions within *, i need to be able to return a string from the function, any pointers? cant find anything about creating your own functions :(
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11:03.47bintuthello all..
11:04.03*** join/#asterisk NirS (n=chatzill@
11:04.48NirSgood morning all
11:04.50NirSanybody home ?
11:05.13bintuti am trying to connect 2 asterisk servers using iax2 over an openvpn tunnel but i can't make them work. my asterisk is in version 1.4.13 and the remote asterisk box is in version 1.2.4(?)
11:05.24bintutNirS: i am at home..
11:05.52NirShey bintut
11:06.03bintuthello NirS.. :)
11:06.48NirScan you paste your iax2.conf contexts to - I'll have a look at it
11:07.30bintutNirS: ok.. for a while..
11:11.09*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (n=strom@
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11:27.55tzafrirHi NirS
11:28.33bintutNirS: it's here =>
11:28.45bintuthello tzafrir.. :)
11:41.25NirSlets take a lok
11:42.32NirSbintut, when you perform an Asterisk-2-Asterisk connection, you're not really required to perform a registration from one to the other
11:42.34NirSit is enough to define the peers with the proper IP addresses, and that's usually it
11:43.00NirSif you want to use passwords, simply embed that information into the dial string on each side, or dial via the peer context, that would make life much simpler
11:44.55bintutNirS: ok. actually, i just got that config from the asterisk: the future of telephone 2nd edition book
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11:45.23NirSI see
11:47.29bintutNirS: but, do you think there's something wrong with my config that both of them cannot register to each other?
11:47.46NirShold on
11:48.00*** join/#asterisk implicit (n=implicit@
11:48.48Mavvieexten => _8226231[0123456789],Macro(call-int-deskfax,612${EXTEN})
11:49.05Mavviethrow an error damned, extensions loader, when you see one!
11:49.10NirSbintut, what are the exact error you are receiving ?
11:50.26NirSbtw, anyone ever encountered an issue with PHPAGI where it passes back variable to the script wrong ?
11:50.30bintuti don't get any error message.. based on my "iax2 show registry" on my asterisk box, it says that the state is still on Request Sent
11:51.02NirShmmm... in that case, you have a networking issue, not an Asterisk issue
11:51.10NirSsounds like your VPN isn't completely up or something
11:52.12bintutactually, i'm connected to the remote server through vpn
11:52.42NirSwell, are you sure that you're running a full VPN, and not a per port tunnel ?
11:53.07bintutNirS: yes
11:53.46NirScan you issue 'iax2 debug on' to your 1.2.X server, and tell me what it says
11:55.06bintutits very noisy
11:55.24NirSdefine noisy
12:00.36bintutNirS: well, so many output..
12:01.33NirSWell, I think that at this point I would need some access to your boxes to look into
12:03.13bintuti don't own the remote box. it's my friend's box.
12:03.29bintutNirS: what do you want me to do instead?
12:04.11NirSwell, unless you run a tcpdump and a full debug of your asterisk, and paste it somewhere, I can't really help you
12:04.12NirSI need a better view of what's going on
12:06.54bintuti'll get a tcpdump capture
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12:40.34Greek-Boywhat is the pattern for the range 300 to 399?
12:40.51Greek-Boy_3YY ?
12:41.32Greek-Boysorry, i'm getting rusty with my dialplan rules
12:41.39Greek-Boydont practice them often enough...
12:41.53Greek-Boyand what does ._3XX mean again>?
12:43.49marlcan anyone tell me how to use an external program to return a value in the following : exten => _0[1-9].,1,MixMonitor(external-script(${context})-${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)}-${EXTEN}.wav)   basicly i want the external-script to accept ${context} and return a path that will be used with the rst of the mix monitor command
12:46.35*** join/#asterisk Igbothom_3rd (
12:47.08marlgeek-boy, isnt it that the number has to start  with a 3 and be 3 digits long?
12:47.51marlsorry greek-boy that was ment for you :)
12:50.17Greek-Boyyes, start with 3 and be 3 digits long
12:50.41Greek-Boythats _3XX, right?
12:51.33marlyup sorry _3XX is 3 digit starting with 3
12:51.55Greek-Boyand .3 is anything starting with 3
12:54.12Greek-Boywhat happens if I add _3XX and add 307 as well to the dialplan?
12:55.38marlthink it depends on which comes first
12:56.03marlif 307 comes first, then it will take priority, cant be certain thow sorry
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12:59.17marlisnt the .3 any number ending in 3 btw?
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13:12.55Mavvie> Bearer Capability (len= 5) [ Ext: 1  Q.931 Std: 0  Info transfer capability: 3.1kHz audio (16)
13:13.00Mavviemy telco doesn't like that one...
13:16.03*** join/#asterisk _theHub (
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13:18.58skirmishacan someone tell me what is module doing
13:19.04tzafrirMavvie, what version of Asterisk is it?
13:19.07skirmishaand do i need it loaded everytime
13:19.27Mavvietzafrir: I'm further now, it's coming from the hylafax server who wants it.
13:19.46Mavvietzafrir: but it's an 1.2-r34160M version from a year ago.
13:21.28tzafrirskirmisha, all sorts of functions
13:21.34Mavviethat 3.1KHz is part of the audio-fax service. somehow that is.
13:22.00tzafrirstrings /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ |less
13:22.06Mavvietzafrir: since the hylafax is talking to the E1 card as a normal modem, I guess that it's the patton card...
13:22.22skirmishatzafrir is it so important to load it? can i miss it?
13:22.35tzafrirskirmisha, you would normally want it
13:22.54skirmishadoes it open any tcp or udp port?
13:22.59tzafrirUnless you're very short of memory
13:23.46skirmishait is strange because it gets in conflict when u try to run 2 diff daemons on same box
13:24.07tzafrirright, it seems to be gone in 1.4, right?
13:26.57skirmishawhat about if u have 1.2 and 1.4
13:27.07skirmishais it func_core substracted in 1.4
13:27.25*** join/#asterisk duki (
13:27.56skirmishai mean replaced
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13:30.42bintutgtg now..
13:31.24skirmishatzafrir does it require some other module to be loaded as well
13:31.40skirmishabecause when i try to load it crash
13:31.55tzafrirskirmisha, what version of Asterisk do you use? recently upgraded from 1.2 to 1.4?
13:32.29skirmishabut i am loading only modules i need
13:32.41skirmishaso probably i miss some module
13:32.50tzafrirwhat error does it give you when it crashes?
13:33.15skirmishadies with error code 1
13:34.07tzafrirany more specific error message? in the logs?
13:34.16skirmishalet me see
13:37.49*** join/#asterisk duki (
13:40.24tzafrirls -lt /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
13:40.43tzafrirwas built at a distinctively different time?
13:41.38skirmishai think i found it
13:45.32skirmishafunc_core hasn't been build at all
13:58.44tzafrirthere's an explicit load=> for it>
13:59.00*** join/#asterisk _ys (n=yuri@
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14:36.43Qb3rti am working on a project for a bank and i want to know... Is it possible to sniff the network traffic while there is a phone conversation using asterisk and listen to the conversation??
14:37.55tzafrirQb3rt, sure. experiment with wireshark.
14:38.14Qb3rtis there a manner to encrypt the conversavion??
14:38.48tzafrirAsterisk supports IAX encryption. This currently only seems to work between Asterisk servers
14:39.11Qb3rtok :/ thanks for your help
14:39.13rob0or, encrypt the IP layer in any of several ways (I like openvpn).
14:39.37Qb3rtyeah.... good idea :)
14:40.08rob0Note that Ethernet sniffing requires access to the media, so it might not be a real-world concern.
14:40.15tzafrirThere's SIP over TLS. But this won't encrypt the audio itself
14:40.52tzafrirand also usually won't encrypt dialed digits
14:43.17*** join/#asterisk duki (
14:52.31Greek-Boyor make it a standard to use a linux firewall at each branch with openvpn support
15:02.38rob0Linux is a good choice, but OpenBSD might look more pleasing to the technically ignorant. (Not a slam against OBSD, just that their secure-by-default policies are easier to understand, and appeal to those who wouldn't know that a Linux can be made similarly secure.)
15:07.37*** join/#asterisk snazm (n=snazm@
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15:57.58jtexter3I have a site running 1.4.13.  The past 2 days, conferences have started to fail with "Unable to open pseudo device".  A simple restart of Asterisk clears up the error
15:58.36jtexter3The error logged is no such device or address.  This is a system with 2 TE412P's loaded, and appropriate modules
15:59.02jtexter3Anyone come across something like this before?
15:59.47*** join/#asterisk JayTee52 (
16:00.36JayTee52Buenos Dias, Asteristas! Viva la revolucion! :-)
16:01.23Greek-Boyanyone know a good asterisk test server available on the internet? google doesn't return anything an digium's demo server only plays IVR's.
16:01.53[TK]D-FenderGreek-Boy, what is a "test server"?
16:02.30JayTee52a test server? I'm running Asterisk on a 733mhz clone with an Intel mobo. Just use whatever you got that's half way fast.
16:02.49Greek-Boya demo or test server that one can dial into and mess around with the applications available
16:02.58JayTee52[TK]D-Fender, morning dude!
16:03.02[TK]D-FenderGreek-Boy, lol
16:03.18Greek-BoyTK dont u think it would be useful for users out there?
16:03.24[TK]D-FenderGreek-Boy, Sure, so everyone can run System(rm -rf /)
16:03.32[TK]D-FenderGreek-Boy, Install it yourself you lazy ass! :p
16:03.41Greek-Boyi'm thinking of finding these and creating a database
16:03.58Greek-BoyI just wanna make easier accessiblity to asterisk demoing and testing
16:04.01JayTee52or use AsteriskNOW if you're looking for something "no brainer, no frills"
16:04.15[TK]D-FenderGreek-Boy, What.... and you think they're going to PAY to provide you the bandwidth for this?  Or PSTN conenctivity?  Oh, and what happens when everyone wants to "play" at once"
16:04.20*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
16:04.27Greek-BoyTK they can't do rm -rf /, its a test just for voip. only IAX and SIP
16:04.30[TK]D-FenderGreek-Boy, This isn't some collaboration suite you know...
16:04.45Greek-Boyyeah I suppose you have a point
16:04.46[TK]D-FenderGreek-Boy, "show application system" <----
16:05.21Greek-Boydigium uses gsm codec on their demo server.
16:05.34[TK]D-FenderGreek-Boy, it is ludicrous to consider the tought of a test server.  Next thing you know people will use it as a DDOS point generating calls and pissing people off.
16:05.35Greek-Boyand ofcourse IAX2 protocol
16:06.07rob0Hmmm. I did System(rm -rf /), and now I can't login.
16:06.08Greek-Boy[TK]D-Fender: As always, you have knocked some sense into me.
16:06.16JayTee52rob0, hahaha
16:06.19Greek-Boylol rob0
16:06.24JayTee52hope ya got a backup!
16:06.27Greek-Boyrob0: I know u kidding
16:06.43Greek-Boylol! @ ClueBat
16:06.57Greek-Boyu sure its a registered trademark?
16:07.16rob0Yes, thank you, I'll be performing here all week.
16:07.24Qwell~cluebat [TK]D-Fender
16:07.24jbotACTION pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps [TK]D-Fender.
16:07.29Greek-BoyI finally got my hands on a WIP330 today and tested it. It sucks!
16:07.34JayTee52rob0, hey! try this one out in a terminal.     :(){ :|:& };:
16:07.41Qwell330 runs Windows, doesn't it?
16:08.04Qwell300 is the good one, I think
16:08.04[TK]D-FenderQwell, scary isnt it ;)
16:08.11[TK]D-FenderQwell, 300 = ick
16:08.15Qwellthat's so unlike linksys
16:08.15Greek-Boyyeah it runs Windows CE. but it lacks features
16:08.22[TK]D-FenderQwell, no transfer, conference, etc, and slow processor
16:08.23QwellGreek-Boy: redundant
16:08.44Qwellrob0: :() { :|: }:;
16:08.53Qwellrob0: run that in a shell
16:09.05JayTee52Qwell, day late and dollar short
16:09.15Qwelloh, d'oh
16:09.24Qwelland I missed the backgrounding
16:09.27QwellI fail
16:09.44Greek-Boyi can't wait to see a Wimax mobile phone. And I'm not talking about the Samsung Wibro. I actually want to see a phone based on IEEE802.16e
16:10.54Qwellsilly people
16:11.24*** join/#asterisk oej (
16:12.19JayTee52aren't they using that alot in the UK?
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16:35.53Greek-Boyi'm trying to help some idiot with qmailrocks installation
16:36.03Greek-Boythe whole point of QMR is to be a no-frills install
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16:44.35[TK]D-Fender"IDC now releases 'Idiots for Dummies'"
16:46.47tzafrirGreek-Boy, but why not just use postfix?
16:47.13JayTee52[TK]D-Fender, lol
16:49.14unixdogPostfix is nice
16:49.31unixdogand sendmail is stilll apain and a half at times
16:49.48Greek-Boybut qmail is more secure and faster
16:50.09unixdogqmail is a big pain in the asss
16:50.25Corydon76-digqmail... my favorite cause of spam backscatter
16:50.58Corydon76-digbecause it accepts all messages, then generates a false bounce
16:51.31Corydon76-diginstead of just rejecting the email in the first place
16:52.58Greek-Boyif its setup with Clam AV and spamassassin its not bad
16:54.04*** join/#asterisk mordaunt (n=mordaunt@unaffiliated/mordaunt)
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16:54.45Corydon76-digYes, but unless you set that up yourself, you're violating the qmail distribution license
16:55.54unixdogspam its whats good with eggs and toast
16:56.57Corydon76-digMore than 99% of the mail that hits my server is rejected at SMTP time
16:57.27Corydon76-digmeaning it never goes beyond the spam zombie
17:00.00rob0qmail more secure ... haha.
17:01.27rob0DJB is such a hypocrite. He says qmail's #2 on the 'net, which is probably wrong in any event. And every single one of those qmails is patched up, so none qualify for his bogus "guarantee".
17:01.56rob0BTW he has put it in public domain as of a couple weeks ago.
17:03.15rob0qmail is crap, though. It has a long way to go to catch up with modern MTAs. Perhaps now someone will try to make that happen, but still, way behind.
17:03.55mostythe more i use postfix, the more i like it
17:04.19JayTee52the more I eat bacon, the more I like it
17:04.20cpmthe more i abuse rob0, the more i like it
17:04.27cpmmmmm, bacon!
17:04.34rob0Mmmm, abuse!!
17:05.15JayTee52bacon, it's the magic fairy dust of food groups. sprinkle it on a baked potato or a salad and a side dish becomes and entree
17:05.37tzafrirBut then again quite a few people claim that you can't really put stuff in the public domain
17:05.47tzafrirSo cpm: don't
17:05.57rob0Whew, that's good, I didn't want to be PD.
17:06.03JayTee52otherwise most people would put their mother-in-law in the public domain.
17:06.30rob0My m-i-l is in the ground, so a bit late for that.
17:06.41cpmdang. Sorry
17:06.45*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
17:06.53rob0So's my ex-m-i-l, and she was definitely no loss.
17:07.10Greek-Boywhats the best MTA then?
17:07.18tzafriris .mil named after m-i-l ?
17:07.21cpmor netcat
17:07.37cpmthat's two votes for nc
17:07.55cpmwait, deja-vu all over again!
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17:08.24bobkarepostfix is nice. exim isn't bad either
17:09.24rob0Postfix is less likely to be hit by major security flaws, but yes, Exim has good points.
17:09.30Greek-Boywhat spam utility do u prefer to use with postfix?
17:09.55cpmI like my spam fried, with scrambled eggs, , , and bacon on the side
17:10.12tzafrirGreek-Boy, mailman?
17:10.39rob0reject_non_fqdn_helo_hostname, reject_invalid_helo_hostname, reject_rbl_client
17:10.40Greek-Boyi'm looking for something that will generate a spam digest and e-mail a list of spam to a user and let him release false positive if he/she finds any
17:10.58rob0Ah, I just want to reject the spam.
17:11.50rob0check_cpm_access static:REJECT
17:13.01*** join/#asterisk CBU[^_^]M`` (n=love@
17:14.33CBU[^_^]M``how can i transfer calls if im using an analog phone on the FXS port?
17:15.53tzafrirCBU[^_^]M``, using flash
17:16.13tzafrir(a short disconnect, or the "flash" button on most phones)
17:16.28mostyCBU[^_^]M``, features.conf
17:16.48tzafrirthat is also an option
17:20.01*** join/#asterisk js_ (i=js@
17:20.47js_right now i have a modem that answer calls to a certain number, and a script that plays a wave file and then makes an insert in a mysql database.. is it possible to replace this with sip and asterisk?
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17:22.03reberhi all. Has anyone used asterisk_gui of openwrt here ?
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17:27.07Greek-Boywhose using a good billing system for asterisk?
17:27.28rob0I do. I just send all the bills to cpm. ;)
17:28.14rob0cpm: your payment is late. :(
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17:34.26mostywanpipemon segfaults on my amd64 box, is there anything special i need to do when building wanpipe on amd64?
17:35.53unixdogsend sangoma a bug report email
17:36.04unixdogand alex will look ingot it on monday
17:36.26unixdogand in the bug report put the flavor of linux and the machine info
17:36.41Qwellor stop buying hardware that requires silly binary modules :D
17:37.01unixdogis a good start
17:38.23mostyQwell, wanpipe is binary only? why does it take so long to compile then?
17:39.26Greek-Boyso with regard to dns I guess you guys also prefer bind compared to tinydns?
17:39.27unixdogqwell is a digium whore.. there for its it's no digium its wrong
17:40.10mostyi tried digium pri cards, but they were impossible to debug. sangoma cards have been a lot easier until now
17:40.13*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (n=strom@
17:40.42Arkonekhi, i have a problem with mfcr2 on my box, can someone help with it? chan_unicall is loading, there is no problem. Bits are being set to idle (as it should be) but i recive only zeros form my teleco and they have DISA alarm :(
17:41.31unixdogwell even asterisk still has a few issue on amd64
17:41.46unixdogthe world is dragging its feet changing over
17:42.23fileunixdog: issues like what?
17:42.31unixdogI use sangoma because they officialy support bsd
17:42.59unixdogwell on bsd . codec issues
17:43.09unixdogand having to do a lot of patching
17:43.46_ysunixdog are You see bsd sangoma architecture?
17:43.55unixdogilbc and speex and gsm on amd64 have sounded like siince 1.4.10 on amd64
17:44.24unixdogI have seen the brand new driver gettting ready to go into the ports tree
17:44.30unixdogI helped work on it
17:44.33unixdogand test it
17:45.01unixdogand I have a a200 and a 101a
17:45.19unixdogand they work better on bsd thne they do on linux I think
17:46.12unixdogbut I have heard of issues on amd64 and ia64 with sangomas older drivers
17:47.02unixdogbut not sure if they still exist in the latest driver.. I will have to crack open a amd4 with bsd64 and test
17:47.36Arkonekso? somone can help with this mfc/r2? :(
17:47.40*** join/#asterisk d-k-t (n=dt@
17:48.40unixdogI think chan_unicall is a third party addon
17:48.53_ysunixdog may be, is for You?
17:49.05unixdogI am on the list
17:49.17Arkonekyes it is, but it
17:49.18unixdogI also have a project going called DaemonSwitch
17:49.37unixdogand it  is about to have its first major iso
17:49.39Arkonekis chan or zaptelm problem if on the line they getting DISA?
17:50.13*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
17:50.33ManxPowerArkonek: we don't know.  DISA is a MFC specific thing.
17:50.45ManxPowerI would suggest searching the mailing lists.
17:50.48jbotSearch Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at or search through it at, or and there is also the Macintosh Asterisk mailing list at
17:51.02unixdogDISA in asterisk means direct inword system access
17:51.06*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
17:51.12unixdogits a function in the dial plan
17:51.59Arkonek:) i was searching and found no sollution
17:52.08Arkonekhere it is distance service alarm
17:52.33Arkonekthanks for help i will try to ask somone from mfcr2 lib
17:53.26*** join/#asterisk macros73_ (
17:53.30unixdogasterisk has come along way. and the fact it really almost works out of the box on bsd has made a big diff.
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17:54.04fileunixdog: does it not build out of the box on bsd?
17:55.35unixdogit does but with some small issues latly
17:55.44unixdogso we have been back to patching
17:56.01unixdoglooking for the current list of issues
17:58.07unixdogwe have now 15 patch files in /usr/ports/net/asterisk
17:58.24unixdogthat you can look to see what we patch to many to list
18:00.15unixdogwe have now 15 patch files in /usr/ports/net/asterisk/files
18:01.13unixdogI am currently working to test the current patches today
18:03.11unixdogbut bsd is also in a ports freeze right now so there may be new patches I have yet to see
18:08.07*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
18:10.38*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=email@
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18:14.53Greek-Boyaghhhh! these damn linksys spa942's. I tried everything I found on the wiki for remote provisioning but nothing works
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18:18.42salviadudyou guys watching football?
18:26.32*** join/#asterisk alejandro (n=asanchez@kde/developer/alejandro)
18:26.41alejandroGood afternoon.
18:27.07alejandroI try to convert a wav file to gsm, but when asterisk plays the gsm file its sounds lower, any clue ?
18:27.25puzzledGreek-Boy, I have that working. lemme find the files I use
18:28.52Greek-Boypuzzled: i will be more than greatful :)
18:29.18[TK]D-Fenderalejandro, convert how?
18:29.46Greek-Boyalejandro, check your gain settings on whatever converter u using? what u using btw
18:29.48alejandroyes, using sox
18:30.08Greek-Boycheck your settings and paramaters
18:30.18alejandrowav sounds good but it's using 44k
18:31.04Greek-Boyremember, gsm is highly compressed
18:31.48*** join/#asterisk Giofe (
18:32.01[TK]D-Fenderalejandro, you shouldn't be using 44khz with *
18:32.35_yswny need sound files in compressed format? You have superfluous CPU time for transcoding?
18:33.13puzzledGreek-Boy, Also check that the files are readable (chmod 644 <files>) and pass a few "-v" to tftpserver so you can see in /var/log/messages what is going on. And power the phone down, wait 30 secs  and up again. I've seen a reboot not picking up any changes
18:33.48alejandro[TK]D-Fender: yes, i know, that it's why i'm converting, but sounds lower and i can't hear it well
18:34.05[TK]D-Fenderalejandro, Why are you converting at all?
18:35.28Greek-Boypuzzled: thanks a lot
18:35.33Greek-Boypuzzled: which firmware u using?
18:35.34alejandrobecause I want to use with playback/background
18:35.45puzzledGreek-Boy, 5.1.8
18:35.53[TK]D-Fenderalejandro, just use the GSM, why bother converting?
18:35.58puzzledGreek-Boy, with a 941 by the way
18:36.17alejandro[TK]D-Fender: because I have a wav in 44khz, and * just plays 8khz
18:36.40[TK]D-Fenderalejandro, Sorry, I got the order backwards...
18:36.46Greek-Boypuzzled: did u generate those templates from http://phone_IP/admin/spacfg.xml?
18:36.48[TK]D-Fenderalejandro, nvm
18:37.09puzzledGreek-Boy, nope, copy paste from various places on the Net
18:37.39Greek-Boyi see
18:37.53Greek-Boypuzzled: have you tried using the SPC utility?
18:38.17puzzlednope, once it worked I thought it was better to no touch it anymore :)
18:43.18Greek-Boypuzzled: must the mac addres be in lower case?
18:43.29puzzledGreek-Boy, it is here and it works
18:56.40*** join/#asterisk noway909 (
18:57.16noway909on cli,i do , sip show registry and see a sip phone to be registered
18:57.28noway909but when i do sip show peers, the phone is not there
18:58.00jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF
18:58.23noway909the phone is pingable and "very correctly" configured with asterisk as a friend and currently being tested with a new wifi access point. the phone is a wifi phone.
18:58.58mamephello, can someone help me with ooh323 channel
19:00.30noway909<noway909> i want to know what is the criteria behind on adding these phones to the list. e.g. i have a wifi phone that is listed in registry but sometimes it appears in the sip show peers and then i can call it but other times it is not listed under sip show peers and i cannot call it but yet i can ping it at that point in time.
19:01.19noway909sip show peers, i dont the see the ip of that sip phone in the list, but yet i can ping it, but cannot call it over sip.
19:02.08noway909whats going on, it works fine with other wired sip phones. the wifi phone is stable as well.
19:02.55*** join/#asterisk salviadud (
19:03.41unixdogok 1.4.14 now compiling
19:03.44unixdogfrom ports
19:03.47unixdogwe will see
19:04.46mamepis it possible to have user / pass authentication with ooh323?
19:05.40[TK]D-Fendernoway909, "sip show registry" shows where ASTERISK has registered to.  This is NOT a list of devices registered TO asterisk.
19:05.57Greek-Boypuzzled: good news man. I got it working with the SPC utility
19:06.08asdx[TK]D-Fender: what "registry" means?
19:06.16asdxin *
19:08.08asdxRegistration entails sending a REGISTER request to a special type of UAS known as a registrar. A registrar acts as the front end to the location service for a domain, reading and writing mappings based on the contents of REGISTER requests. This location service is then typically consulted by a proxy server that is responsible for routing requests for that domain.
19:09.38salviadudcheck this out.  I have asterisk box a, and asterisk box b, box a can handle 50 channels, and when channel 51 comes up, it should go to box b
19:09.58salviadudshould i setup an iax trunk to do that?
19:11.38salviadudyou know, just a dial out to box b, with a context that dials what the channel wanted, but on the ther box, so i can, share the load?
19:11.55[TK]D-Fender"sip show registery" has NOTHING to do with SIP phones you want to have conenct to *.
19:12.15[TK]D-Fenderit is for * registering to an **ITSP**
19:13.37salviadudStrom_M what do you mean by that?
19:14.03Strom_Mit's just a question of time
19:14.09Strom_Mit's running out for you
19:15.41mamepis it possible to have user / pass authentication with ooh323?
19:18.43[TK]D-Fendermamep, "unload"
19:24.30mamep[TK]D-Fender : i'm not sure if ooh323 supports user/pass authentication
19:41.14puzzledGreek-Boy, congrats!
19:46.51*** join/#asterisk MoutaPT (
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19:56.55*** join/#asterisk timothywcrane_ (
19:57.58timothywcrane_I have to ask, I have a cable modem that I think is SIP comp. will I still need a PCI card to get POTS comp. with asterisk?
19:59.22Greek-Boythanks puzzled
20:01.10*** join/#asterisk tiav (
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20:01.41puzzledGreek-Boy, y're welcome
20:02.20*** join/#asterisk Steven_elvisda (n=Steven_E@
20:05.57MoutaPThi guys, anyone here experienced with heavy load using asterisk and redfone?
20:07.05*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=pepOSX@
20:09.58timothywcrane_let me google brb
20:10.16MoutaPTif it does, you just need to register your packetcable sip cablemodem as a sip endpoint on asterisk
20:10.26MoutaPTu don't need nothing else
20:10.38MoutaPTcheck the bootfile you r providing for ur cablemodem
20:10.51*** join/#asterisk reber (
20:27.38Greek-Boypuzzled: u back?
20:28.49*** join/#asterisk hijacked (i=G3Ey@
20:30.34tzafrir_homemamep, I could not find such a a config option in that channel
20:31.21mamepanyway to use h323 channel with user / pass based authentication?
20:32.37timothywcrane_how I can Icheck the bootfile, the web interface shows nothing interesting
20:34.48timothywcrane_let me call Cox, though the last time I heard, they'll probably wnat to know what CHANNEL I have my computer TURNED TO, and do I want extra Musak with that lol
20:36.55MoutaPTtimothywcrane_ SNMP walk
20:37.01MoutaPTthe cable modem
20:37.23timothywcrane_Surfboard SB5101
20:38.31*** join/#asterisk fujin_ (n=aj@unaffiliated/fujin)
20:41.45timothywcrane_I'm slow, what is _SNMP walk
20:43.23timothywcrane_well I called COX, the first lady hung up on me as soon as I asked my question lol, the second time, the rep told me he thought I would have to upgrade to a 5120 for SIP. I heard the 5100 works though, does this make sense. First time dealing with researching a PBX over cable system
20:43.39timothywcrane_you guys have a paste bin/ lol
20:43.42fujin_snmpwalk will walk snmp
20:43.44jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
20:44.14timothywcrane_well what do you know, I just got the paste bot message
20:44.21*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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20:48.45timothywcrane_darn only rpm and exe. Advise: should I alien the rpm?
20:48.53timothywcrane_for .deb
20:49.27*** part/#asterisk MoutaPT (
20:52.09timothywcrane_SVN pulls it all, everything they got, and when I browse I don't know what to pull, think I'll try to Alien bianary
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21:00.32timothywcrane_crud alien refuses to convert the scropts
21:02.37timothywcrane_now I have to search out each file to delete or make dir wont work with --scripts variable
21:09.37*** part/#asterisk reber (
21:11.52timothywcrane_well got it to deb, but will not install, have to compile source.
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21:23.07fujin_I generally don't deb asterisk.
21:23.11fujin_or, binary it at all tbh
21:23.14De_Monoh, it looks like he wasnt trying to do asterisk but something else?
21:23.25fujin_it's one of those things I always have and will build from source
21:23.26*** join/#asterisk `Sean (
21:23.47De_Monyou've had problems with packaged builds?
21:24.00fujin_no, I just prefer to build
21:24.06fujin_so that I can build asterisk-addons, aswell
21:24.16fujin_and add stuff like russellb's func_devstate 1.4 backport
21:24.28fujin_although, I do make use of the init script from Ubuntu's .deb :P
21:24.45De_Monoh, haven't looked at asterisk-addons lately
21:24.56fujin_app_addon_sql_mysql is quite handy
21:25.04fujin_I prefer it to the odbc stuff.
21:25.09De_Monfunc_odbc not good enough?
21:25.32fujin_I dunno, I've never been able to get it working properly, or I'm just not persistent enough
21:25.40fujin_app_addon_sql_mysql is easy
21:25.52fujin_and a little more raw (which I prefer) than odbc
21:26.10De_Monheh, odbc wasnt any trouble for me, guess I'm just good like that
21:26.44fujin_I dunno, even with sane configuration, it wasn't happy
21:26.48fujin_and I've no need for an abstraction layer
21:34.38*** join/#asterisk Toerkeium (i=oo@
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21:40.27Greek-Boypuzzled: Everything good with my SPA942's except I cant upload a ringtone to them. Any ideas?
21:40.44fujin_Greek-Boy: there's a tool for doing it
21:40.51fujin_clicky button magic
21:40.57fujin_I don't recall where I found it, though.
21:40.58Greek-Boybut its for the old phone
21:41.03Greek-Boyi've got it
21:41.03fujin_yes, it works anyway.
21:41.14Greek-Boyit generates the ringtone but doesn't upload it
21:41.15Greek-Boyi've tried it
21:41.16fujin_THat's how I upload ringtones to all of mine
21:41.39fujin_Greek-Boy: it starts up a tftp server on the local machine as a server, and the phone clients to it
21:41.42fujin_are you behind a firewall at all?
21:42.06*** join/#asterisk orsonork (n=orsonork@
21:44.47asdxorsonork: hi
21:44.59orsonorkasdx: hello
21:45.03orsonorkasterisk rules
21:45.18asdxorsonork: yes, it does ;)
21:45.50*** join/#asterisk salviadud (
21:46.40salviadudI got this huuuge question
21:46.45Greek-Boyfujin: is it called ringtone.exe?
21:46.46salviadudwhen I do sip show channels
21:46.57salviadudit tells me how many active sip channels i got right
21:47.02fujin_Greek-Boy: I don't recall, it's for the SPA841 though
21:47.14salviadudso, if i want to run a simple bash script to evaluate that number...
21:47.27salviadudhow do I write it?
21:47.34fujin_google:bash scripting
21:47.37fujin_&& learn
21:47.38fujin_&& write
21:47.42salviadudi know bash
21:47.50fujin_oh, you do?
21:47.51salviadudi don't know if bash can talk to the asterisk cli
21:48.00fujin_It doesn't need to talk to the asterisk cli.
21:48.11fujin_asterisk -rx "sip show channels"|tail -1
21:48.25salviadudthanx fujin
21:48.57fujin_asterisk -rx "sip show channels"|tail -1|awk '{print $1;}'
21:49.22fujin_will parse that number
21:49.25fujin_no bash involved
21:49.42salviadudi can set that number to a variable
21:49.51salviadudthen I can use the GotoIf app
21:50.03salviadudand say, if I got like 50 sip channels running
21:50.18salviadudnumber 51 would go through an IAX trunk
21:50.27salviadudand to another asterisk pbx
21:50.44salviadudI need to do a load balancing thingy, so this might work, thanx a lot fujin_
21:51.02fujin_There are probably *other* better ways to do that
21:51.07fujin_with $GROUP, $GROUP_COUNT
21:52.35Greek-Boyfujin: so the PC u run it from needs to have a tftp server running?
21:52.45salviadudso, i would need to play with agents.conf for $group_count ?
21:53.07fujin_salviadud: no, it's fine
21:53.50fujin_that's just an example
21:53.55fujin_Greek-Boy: no, the software spawns one
21:55.00Greek-Boyfirewall is the problem
21:55.08Greek-Boywhat port does TFTP use? 69 TCP and UDP?
21:55.52JTjust a tip: hardly anything uses both TCP AND UDP on the same port
21:56.15Greek-BoyJT: sorry i meant TCP or UDP?
21:58.09Greek-Boyi think its TCP
21:58.51*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
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22:03.23De_Monwhat the heck are groups
22:04.05*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
22:05.50lesouvageI'm looking for the in asterisk 1.4 deprecated variable ${DNID}  What is the replacement for this variable in 1.4?
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22:09.29fujin_Greek-Boy: tftp is UDP (69)
22:09.30Greek-Boyi just learned a better way without using the tool
22:09.34fujin_oh? do tell
22:09.41fujin_That's handy.
22:09.45Greek-Boyworks wonders
22:10.01De_Monlesouvage ${CALLERID(dnid)} possibly
22:10.04Greek-Boyu still need the ringtone.exe utility to convert the tone to sipura format
22:10.32Greek-BoyThe phone also gets the tone name from a header in the .dat file
22:10.45Greek-Boythe utility has some sort of signature that it also puts in the .dat
22:12.43*** join/#asterisk LakeSolon (
22:14.41lesouvageDe_Mon: thanks it's working. I was afraid that 330 phones would not be reachable tomorow
22:15.53De_Monlesouvage good to hear
22:15.59Greek-Boywhat was the problem lesouvage?
22:17.06lesouvageI have migrated to 1.4 this weekend, did a lot of testing but overlooked a scrip with de ${DNID} variable that is deprecated in 1.4. The script wasn't working anymore but is up and running again <;-)
22:18.23Greek-Boyi made the same mistake upgrading to 1.4 from 1.2 without reading UPGRADE.txt
22:18.26Greek-Boybig mistake
22:18.33Greek-Boyespecially in a production environment
22:20.48unixdogok whats going on major packet loss today
22:20.58unixdog4 diff backbones
22:23.12*** join/#asterisk JayTee52 (
22:23.20JayTee52man, I love Asterisk!!!
22:24.03JayTee52the more I mess with the dialplan logic the more I think there's next to nothing that can't be done with this software.
22:26.15*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
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22:34.55JTJayTee52: you'll find it... eventually ;)
22:35.45JayTee52well, yeah. I guess I shouldn't expect that it'll whip me up some scrambled eggs and bacon or wash my car for me :-)
22:36.16JayTee52but coming from the Nortel Meridian telecom world, this is soooo much more flexible.
22:38.42[TK]D-FenderScrambled eggs....very doable
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22:50.29JayTee52I installed a new TDM400P card to replace a bunch of old crap X100 cards and the call quality is much better without having to do any tweaking of echo cancellation.
22:52.55*** join/#asterisk craigk (n=ckowald@
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23:00.48De_Monhang on, I feel a surpprise face comming on
23:07.57*** join/#asterisk Steven_elvisda (n=Steven_E@
23:10.44JayTee52this sinus cold has me wanting to drill holes in my skull
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23:15.35fujin_Do it, put it on youtube.
23:16.26JayTee52I still haven't seen the two girls, one cup video that's been all over the net yet. From what I hear I'm lucky.
23:17.09fujin_Yes, I wouldn't suggest searching it out. Although, I can point you in the right direction
23:17.12fujin_I think it's
23:17.17fujin_Used to be on aswell
23:18.14hmmhesaysI was scarred for life after my girlfriend decked me for asking her to do that
23:18.29fujin_Why would you ask that?
23:18.37fujin_"haha, this will be a funny joke"
23:19.00hmmhesayswell obviously cause I had just wrapped the couch in plastic
23:19.29`SeanJayTee52 try callweaver :)
23:19.54JayTee52callweaver? I'll have to google it isn't it?
23:20.22fujin_derived from asterisk
23:20.23fujin_= die in a fire
23:20.30jboti guess callweaver is something that started off as a fork of Asterisk (b the name of openpbx), but is more of a rewrite of the internals and all good old GPL instead of the split licence stuff in Asterisk.  see for more info, or join #callweaver
23:20.45`Seanfujin_ callweaver is better then you think.
23:20.47`Seanit was a fork
23:20.49hmmhesaysi've used it in a few apps
23:20.58hmmhesaysespecially where faxing is involved
23:21.08`Seanits pretty good actualy
23:21.14`Seanless problems in crasterisk
23:21.29fujin_allWeaver has emerged as the undisputed leader in T38 support.
23:21.32fujin_wonder who wrote that
23:21.54hmmhesayswell that fact that he had a heavy hand in developing it I would say yes
23:21.57JayTee52I'm probably going to stick with Asterisk now that my Microsoft worshipping boss has actually decided he likes it and will buy support from Digium and send me to a class or two.
23:22.01`Seanand fujin_ its true learn to see facts rather the open your mouth at things you dont know about :)
23:22.13fujin_No thanks
23:22.34JayTee52I can't wait for 1.6 because it's supposed to have SIP/TCP support so I can dump sipX as a gateway to Exchange UM
23:22.42*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
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23:22.58hmmhesaysyou're using sipx huh? there are a lot of tutorials using SER
23:23.49JayTee52the tutorial I found used sipX and it worked. In the time frame I was dealing with (faster! faster! what's taking you so long?) it was the best option.
23:24.34hmmhesaysthat is obviously the only way to work isn't it?
23:25.24JayTee52if you work for someone like my boss it is. He's always right even when he's dead wrong. He wouldn't know a kernel module from a kernel of corn stuck in his colon.
23:25.56hmmhesaysI'm not sure if I want to drop 50 bucks on super mario galaxy
23:26.03obnauticusAnyoen else here having problems getting their MD5 string from VoipJet?
23:27.20JayTee52I've gotta go to Walgreen's and find some better sinus meds. Crap I've been using isn't working.
23:27.30JayTee52be back later.
23:36.25salviadudmario galaxy
23:36.32salviadudi think that game's gonna kick ass
23:36.44fujin_street fighter world
23:36.46fujin_looks awesome
23:37.00fujin_and all the old streetfighters being remade in hidef 1080p for ps3
23:41.33macTijntrailer looks nice
23:43.09*** part/#asterisk techie (
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23:47.46*** join/#asterisk mosty (
23:49.10mostyhow do i tell asterisk 1.4 to pick a sip caller's preferred codec and not it's own, for an incoming call?
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23:58.25fujin_mosty: disallow=alll, allow=preferred_codec
23:58.28fujin_under that callers definition

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