IRC log for #asterisk on 20071113

00:05.36*** join/#asterisk EnigmaCurry (
00:07.48*** join/#asterisk coppice (
00:09.40obnauticusDe_Mon it says `wholesellers only' does that mean I can't sign up?
00:09.44obnauticusBecause they have pretty freaking good deals.
00:09.48obnauticusand i want to be able to use them for my own stuff.
00:13.25*** join/#asterisk felix_da_catz (
00:16.49*** join/#asterisk codeshah (
00:20.07luke-jrobnauticus: it means not to expect consume-level support, and you will need to pay a bit more
00:20.36luke-jrthere's a fee on deposits under $500, for example
00:20.42*** join/#asterisk Siya (
00:21.02*** join/#asterisk JayTee52 (
00:21.25*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (
00:23.09obnauticusluke-jr, well their deals make up for that right?
00:23.25luke-jrdefine "deals"
00:23.28luke-jrI've seen cheaper
00:24.03codeshahhmm hey guys I just installed asterisk on ubuntu with apt-get, but when I try to go to /etc/asterisk I get permission denied... I am trying to go as su ... anyone else use the ubuntu package/
00:25.23obnauticuslike-jr where can you suggest then :/
00:25.25obnauticusfor an enduser...
00:25.54obnauticuswell i don't need support but i just need good service, and an inbound as well as termination would be good too, but I can use ipkall because i'm in washington anyway.
00:26.06fujincodeshah: yes, you'll need to be root (sudo -i)
00:26.48obnauticusAlso, I'm currently using IpKall and it's not receiving my DTMF tones for some reason
00:26.51obnauticus <-- debug output
00:27.09*** join/#asterisk phix (
00:27.12codeshahfujin, thanks .
00:27.39phixDoes this look correct for dial plan 2 on PSTN line of a SPA3102? --> (S0<: 100@ :5060>)
00:27.50*** part/#asterisk bkw_ (
00:28.02phixdial plan 1 is used to incoming calls, I set dial plan 2 for outgoing calls on PSTN line
00:28.08phix(FXO port)
00:33.05*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-dcf7d3428e15469e)
00:35.42twistedhi file
00:36.04filehow goes?
00:36.23twistedrouting hell
00:36.42filemeh, packing up my laptop to send it in for repair
00:41.05obnauticushow do i get extreme debugging output in asterisk
00:41.06obnauticusi forgot...
00:41.11codeshahIm on the asterisk book, trying to setup a basic voip connection ... but I'm a bit confused about the whole DHCP server thingie and how to set that up
00:41.19obnauticusoh debug channel all
00:41.21codeshahare there other resources I should look at
00:42.06phixobnauticus: ummm 65535 ?
00:42.30obnauticus.phix, i just want to see all the stuff going on
00:42.42obnauticusbecause something isn't working
00:42.43phix-d 65535
00:42.47obnauticus <--
00:43.25obnauticusphix, it's still not saying anything
00:43.46phixit should be in /var/log/syslog
00:44.19phixlol oops
00:44.27phixuse -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
00:44.32obnauticusthat's what im doing
00:44.34obnauticusit's to the max
00:44.36obnauticusi need more than that.
00:44.37phixinstead of -d :) hehe
00:44.50obnauticusI'm using ipkall, and it's not seeing my dtmf tones
00:44.51obnauticusfor some reason
00:44.55obnauticusI can hear
00:44.59obnauticusbut i have a menu up
00:44.59phixstrace asterisk :)
00:45.18phixprints out all system functions called by asterisk
00:45.18TJNIIcodeshah: You mean setting up a DHCP server to provision your phones?
00:45.47phixobnauticus: That is very verbose :)
00:45.53obnauticusphix i saw one
00:46.01obnauticussome dude told me to do something and it spat out A LOT of stuff
00:46.06obnauticuslike too much to comprehend
00:46.18obnauticusit told me frames that it was sending
00:46.19obnauticusand stuff
00:46.22phixyeah, like 1/2 the source code worth of stuff
00:47.22jbotit has been said that vonage is a bunch of monkeys
00:47.30*** join/#asterisk ai-a (
00:48.07codeshahTJNIT, is that what it is? I need to read up a bit more ... I essentially have this x-lite softphone ... and going through the SIP config part of the asterisk book . I am new to telephony, so may have missed something?
00:48.29phixTJNII: yay
00:48.29codeshahand that part of the book mentions setting up a DHCP server under essential server components
00:49.03TJNIIcodeshah: Which section of the book? I'd like to take a look at it
00:49.17TJNIIBecause I didn't set up a DHCP server specifically for asterisk
00:49.23codeshahTJNIT, page 85 ... this is the 2nd edition rls .
00:49.31codeshah2007 . from Oreilly .
00:49.40codeshahdunno if the 1st free one has it lemme check
00:50.37TJNIIPage 85 of edition 1 doesn't mention DHCP
00:51.20TJNIIHmmmm... says "You have an error in your SQL syntax"
00:51.43codeshahTJNIT, hmm you are right ... the two books are very different on that part .
00:51.53codeshahTJNIT, maybe I should just go through the 1st edition ..
00:52.29TJNIIWell, you need a DHCP server (and probably already have one) to give your devices IPs behind the NAT.
00:52.57TJNIIIt is possible to make your phones auto-provision through DHCP, but that is a feature, not a necessity
00:53.27codeshahhmm k
00:54.19TJNIIAnd if you're using a softphone you really don't have to worry about it
00:54.45TJNIIBut don't try to run asterisk and the softphone on the same computer as they will both try to bind to port 5060 and it will not work
00:55.12TJNIIThere are ways around that, but for a newbie its easier to jut use another machine
00:55.28*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
00:57.43codeshahhmm /etc/asterisk/ has no config files ... weird .
00:58.09*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
00:58.44TJNIIcodeshah: You install from scratch?
00:58.59codeshahTJNIT, actually no, I installed the ubuntu package .
00:59.04*** part/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-dcf7d3428e15469e)
00:59.13*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
00:59.13*** mode/#asterisk [+o blitzrage] by ChanServ
00:59.51*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-4a358ff69005d88b)
00:59.53codeshahlet me purge and reinstall
01:00.24TJNIIcodeshah: There is a default config file build option in the source package, I don't know about ubuntu
01:00.32TJNIIAnd my nick is TJNII
01:00.33*** join/#asterisk PaulAviles (
01:00.50codeshahsorry about that :) . sure, let me go to the source package
01:01.16obnauticuswould anyone here know why I am not able to receive (on asterisk end) from a SIP trunk?
01:01.20obnauticusit's on ipkall
01:01.36obnauticus <-- that's what it looks like :/
01:02.43PaulAvileshey guys, I have a tricky question
01:03.31tzafrirhmmm, /etc/asterisk in debs may be is asterisk-config . But he has already left...
01:04.10PaulAvileshas anyone compared the quality of asterisk vs like Skype? I was actually very disapointed with asterisk
01:04.46obnauticusPaulAviles, with skypes quality and commerical codec, you loose felxability.
01:04.59obnauticusWhere with asterisk you make a compromise for quality to get a lot of flexibility.
01:05.19PaulAvilesfelxibility will never win over quality....
01:05.42PaulAvilesmakes no difference if you have 1000 buttons to press if you cannot hear the other side....
01:05.47obnauticusI'm not going to argue.
01:06.01tzafrirPaulAviles, g722 and other codecs of higher sample rate are making their way into Asterisk
01:06.15tzafrirnot sure about speex/wb, though
01:06.15obnauticustzafrfir how much bandwidth does g722 take?
01:06.19PaulAvilesis not an argument, i am not fighting.. is just an observation....
01:06.47obnauticusFlexability (ie. using existing phones as opposed to having a computer attached to a device which is logged into Skype)
01:07.24obnauticusIn the longrun it costs the enduser more to run skype as their primary voip solution (if they want PSTN hookups) than an asterisk box.
01:08.01PaulAvileswell yes and no.. in our case we were using on my end xlite on a pc and we tried to do the same with another remote location and had to switch to skype because of quality
01:08.38jbotSkype is the bastard child of telephony.  It uses a proprietary protocol for which only commercial channel drivers exist, all of which are DISGUSTING hacks at best.  Forget about using Skype with Asterisk...
01:08.56*** part/#asterisk atomicd (
01:09.40*** join/#asterisk BBHoss (n=hoss@
01:09.55PaulAvilesno, i am not trying to use it with asterisk, all I am saying and jbot you make an even worst point, if they are so bad how in the bloody hell is their quality better?
01:10.39PaulAvilesalso, I am not pushing for skype either..
01:10.40obnauticusya jbot
01:10.40obnauticusYour point makes no sense.
01:10.40obnauticusWhy did you even say that?
01:10.40jbotSkype is the bastard child of telephony.  It uses a proprietary protocol for which only commercial channel drivers exist, all of which are DISGUSTING hacks at best.  Forget about using Skype with Asterisk...
01:10.46obnauticusbut that makes sense
01:11.34PaulAvilesso, only commercial channel drivers are better than anything currently supported in asterisk?
01:11.43PaulAvilesyeah.. that makes sense.....
01:12.05obnauticusyou tell em PaulAviles
01:12.09obnauticusI don't think he's gonna argue
01:12.13obnauticushe's clearly incorrect.
01:12.40PaulAvilesagain, I am not arguing......maybe you want to and that is another story...
01:12.48obnauticusya you're right
01:12.51obnauticusI'm not gonna argue.
01:12.58JTPaulAviles: jbot doesn't make points
01:13.33obnauticusJT you spoiled it... you really did.
01:14.30PaulAvilesso, lets ask the questions in a different way.. how can you achieve better quality using asterisks that "resembles" commercial channel existing drivers that are DISGUSTING hacks without using the DISGUSTING hacks?
01:14.38PaulAvileshappy now?
01:14.47obnauticusask jbot.
01:14.51obnauticuswas that directed towards me?
01:14.58JTg.722 is higher quality than g.711
01:15.02JTis that what you meant
01:15.17PaulAvilesg722 is what skype?
01:15.24obnauticusskype isn't using an open codec.
01:15.56obnauticusThey took voip
01:15.59obnauticusand wiped poop allover it
01:16.02obnauticusand made the poop popular
01:16.04obnauticusit's disgusting.
01:16.20PaulAvilesok, pardon my ignorance in all the codecs, is there anything similar in quality then? I think xlite uses ulaw
01:16.22*** join/#asterisk codeshah (
01:16.39coppicesimilar to what?
01:16.50PaulAvilesthe quality of the DISGUSTING hacks...
01:17.10coppicewhy do you want something like skype?
01:17.17PaulAvilespoint is
01:17.23obnauticuswas jbot wrong PaulAviles?
01:17.28obnauticusWas what he said incorrect?
01:17.38PaulAvileslet me elaborate..
01:18.10*** join/#asterisk Hadi- (
01:18.11*** part/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-4a358ff69005d88b)
01:18.20Hadi-Hello... anyone here using A2Billing?
01:18.27obnauticusI'm not.
01:18.31Hadi-just had a quick question
01:18.43tzafrirhmmm, /etc/asterisk in debs may be is asterisk-config
01:18.53tzafrircodeshah, --^
01:18.57*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-a3c4e1aebbf1d426)
01:19.09PaulAvilestake an asterisk sys.. setup an internal phone cisco 7960. setup a remote extension overseas. Use xlite on pc. try talking.. bad quality. install DISGUTING hacks on both end points and woila... better bloody quality..
01:19.13codeshahtzafrir, hey . whats up . :)
01:19.30obnauticusPaulAviles, you have a cisco 7960?
01:19.37obnauticusBecause I just got one off'a ebay and it's in the mail
01:19.38obnauticushow is it?
01:20.02PaulAvileswell, is greyish, have buttons and a handset...
01:20.09obnauticusI know that much.
01:20.13obnauticushow does it work?
01:20.13Hadi-any other asterisk billing system you guys can recommand
01:20.17JTPaulAviles: being a sarcastic idiot towards the whole channel, not a good way to get help
01:20.22Hadi-for calling card and wholesale termination
01:20.32obnauticusJT, he's dissin our bot.
01:20.41PaulAvilesdiff on being sarcasting and having humor JT...
01:20.47obnauticusHow rude!
01:20.53JTsarcasting, interesting word
01:21.26PaulAvilesfat finger.. I think the phone is nice, but.. there are some features I don't like
01:21.44PaulAvilesthe boot process is a pain as you need every time a tftp
01:21.46obnauticusPaulAviles I think you changed jbot's opinion on the topic.
01:21.48obnauticuslet's see eh?
01:21.50jbotSkype is the bastard child of telephony.  It uses a proprietary protocol for which only commercial channel drivers exist, all of which are DISGUSTING hacks at best.  Forget about using Skype with Asterisk... wern't convincing enough.
01:22.21trippsPaulAviles: call john chambers and see if they'll rewrite the sip firmware
01:23.25PaulAvilesthe firmware on the phones does have a direct impact with quality. take the same phone on the same asterisk and switch the firmware to sccp and the sound is a lot better than sip
01:24.04trippsPaulAviles: sip is just a protocol. better codec if you want better sound
01:24.55*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-636ce60305150aee)
01:24.58PaulAvilesso what has the best quality and lower bandwidth requirements?
01:24.58JTPaulAviles: because cisco's implementation of sip is shit
01:25.04JTPaulAviles: avoid cisco :)
01:25.26PaulAvilesmaybe you are correct..
01:25.44PaulAvileswhat do you recommend?
01:25.51trippshowever the 7970's are great phones as well, though you need some earthmoving equipment to get them working with *
01:26.04jbotpolycom is, like, the manufacturer of one of the best IP phones in the market. - Note: Here is where you can get some downloads:,,pw-6812-12612,00.html
01:26.21PaulAvilesdoes it also need a tftp?
01:26.37JTpolycom can use tftp, ftp, http, https
01:26.48jbotcisco makes the routers that move the pr0n across the internet at a very high rate of exchange. a company full of patent protected punks!
01:26.50*** join/#asterisk TJNII (n=TJNII@
01:27.06PaulAvileswell, that is a way to put it...
01:27.16PaulAvilesyou forgot rich too...
01:27.30PaulAvilesor at least some of them are...
01:27.55BBHossanyone here have a AA50 firmware (Asterisk Appliance), or access to the support site?
01:31.56*** join/#asterisk Netgeeks (
01:34.08PaulAvilesjt so the polycoms need to boot on power on from a remote source like the ciscos?
01:34.30obnauticushey JT
01:34.34obnauticusNo application 'SetCallerId' for extension <-- what does that mean?
01:34.57Qwellobnauticus: means you're using something that's been deprecated for over 2 years
01:36.36obnauticusRight now i have: exten => _394.,1,SetCallerId,Name <Number>
01:36.43obnauticusbut obviously replace name with the name and # with the #
01:38.01*** join/#asterisk asdx (
01:38.48TJNIIDid any IAX port options change from 1.2 to 1.4
01:39.00TJNIIMy IAX port is closed and I con't understand why
01:39.20QwellTJNII: how are you checking if it's open?
01:39.34PaulAvilesare you loading it?
01:40.21TJNIIError loading module 'iax2': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
01:40.26TJNIIWell, that would do it....
01:40.41PaulAvilesth4e file does not exist you will not be able to use it
01:40.49PaulAvilesdid you manually compile it?
01:40.59JTobnauticus: well and truly deprecated syntax
01:41.34QwellTJNII: are you trying to load a module called "iax2"?
01:41.52TJNIIYea, that was wrong
01:41.55TJNIII got it now
01:42.04PaulAvilesif the files does not exist inside modules it will not load it ...
01:42.14TJNIIAnd to answer your earlier question I'm using nmap -sU
01:42.59TJNIII see "Binding IAX2 to default address"
01:44.31TJNIIHmmm. Well, a nmap -P0 -sU show it filtered
01:45.05TJNIIBut other asterisk servers cannot connect in.  They say "Cause 3 - No route to destination"
01:45.23BBHossqwell, do you know where i can get firmware for the aa50?
01:45.29fujinHave you established a route to that destination?
01:45.34fujin(i.e.; configured an iax friend)
01:45.44QwellABE portal I think
01:45.51QwellI don't know - I don't have access :p
01:45.58Qwellsupport can show you where
01:46.11BBHossim not registered with support though
01:46.16Qwellwell, register
01:46.22TJNIIfujin: I'm trying to transition servers from one box to another.  I copied the configs verbatim, and the other server has had nothing changed.  This all worked before.
01:46.33QwellBBHoss: I'm sure it's step 1 in the documentation
01:46.41fujinTJNII: Have the IP addresses changed?
01:46.52BBHosswell i obtained this in a sort of unorthodox way
01:47.01fujinan Illegal way?
01:47.07Qwellso, you pirated hardware? O.o
01:47.11fujinThat's fail.
01:47.25BBHossno, mark gave it to me
01:47.43Qwellahh, then you don't have an aa50, you have an aadk
01:47.52BBHossno its an aa50, i promise
01:48.03TJNIIfujin: No.  Currently port forwarded in the router.  I switched over the forwards, but lemme check them again
01:48.04Qwellno it's not
01:48.13Qwellif it was an aa50, you would have support
01:48.22Qwelland a license for EBE
01:48.39TJNIINo, the 4569 forward is there and UDP.
01:48.43*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
01:48.44BBHossAsterisk Business Edition autotag_for_sx00i-1.0.1
01:48.54QwellBBHoss: yeah, you'll need to get it from Mark
01:49.05Qwellotherwise, you're stuck with building from aadk sources
01:49.21BBHosshmm, im not going to attempt that
01:50.41BBHossanswer this for me, where do i adjust txgain and rxgain
01:50.54BBHossfor zaptel of course
01:50.57Qwellin the gui
01:51.24BBHossi haven't seen an option...
01:51.41BBHossi wish i could
01:54.44*** join/#asterisk btorrenga (
01:54.48tzafrirBBHoss, in zapata.conf ?
01:55.28phixoh nice
01:55.29obnauticusQwell can you help me with something really fast.
01:55.51obnauticusit's probably not that hard :/
01:55.52phixI found the issue with my SPA3102, the default PSTN-VoIP ring delay is 16 seconds, changing it to 0 works great :D
01:55.59phixshould add that to the forums :P
01:56.25obnauticuswell anyone then:
01:56.32obnauticus <-- I can hear on the phone I'm calling to my pbx
01:56.38obnauticusbut i cannot send to my pbx from my phone
01:57.02BBHossone way audio?
01:57.02phixalso, ending dialed numbers with a # makes the ATA dial the numbe straight away (oh yeah and putting in a correct dialplan for your country also helps :)).
01:57.58phixBBHoss: insecure=invite?
01:58.49*** join/#asterisk axscode (
01:58.55btorrengaanyone seen a situation with one-way audio (outbound works, inbound audio doesn't), and then get disconnected after a few seconds with " no reply to our critical packet"?
01:59.12obnauticusI'm uhh
01:59.13btorrengamaybe 20 seconds then disconnected
01:59.16phixNow to fix my last issue, callerid from PSTN -> asterisk, shows up as the PSTN SIP uername instead of the number calling from the PSTN line
01:59.18obnauticushaving that exact same problemn right now dude.
01:59.20obnauticus <--
01:59.25fujinbtorrenga: lag, nat?
01:59.31obnauticusI'm behind an NAT too
01:59.31btorrengalag is ok
01:59.35fujinNAT = the problem
01:59.37obnauticusWe have the same problem fujin
01:59.38BBHosshmm pastebin is not working on my end
01:59.42obnauticusWhat should we do ?
01:59.45phixbtorrenga: ummmm yeah :) port map
01:59.54obnauticusI have all the ports configured correctly for SIP and etc.
01:59.56phixport forward even
02:00.01fujindepends on the setup. Have you got phones -> asterisk -> NAT -> internet?
02:00.06obnauticusi have
02:00.10phixobnauticus: are you forwarding them to your asterisk box though from your routeR?
02:00.11fujinor phones -> NAT -> SIP provider
02:00.17obnauticusinternet -> NAT/Router/Firewall -> Asterisk/other clients
02:00.19btorrengaports are good
02:00.31obnauticusmy ports are fine too.
02:00.34btorrengaworks ok with TelIAX, I get the error with IPKall
02:00.42obnauticusme too
02:00.43BBHossyou don't have a telephony enabled modem do you?
02:00.45phixbtorrenga: they use a different set of ports?
02:00.46obnauticusi never got it about a month ago.
02:00.47btorrengastarted after I moved from a static to dynamic IP
02:01.03phixyou need to register
02:01.03fujincanreinvite=no, nat=yes?
02:01.12phixregister =>
02:01.23btorrengafujin, yup
02:01.34BBHossalso make sure you define your local network, externip, etc
02:01.40jbotfrom memory, nat is Network Address Translation  Usable in Asterisk sip.conf file with externip, localnet, and localmask setup properly.  See docs.
02:01.44btorrengaIve never seen the error befoe
02:02.01btorrengaI have localnet set, but externIP doesnt accept a hostname, only IP
02:02.08BBHossexternhost does
02:02.16btorrengathe CLI complains
02:02.16fujinspecify your IP, then?
02:02.22btorrengadynamic IP...
02:02.25fujinget a static?
02:02.26BBHossyou'll need dyndns
02:02.32obnauticusYa, I use dyndns for mine.
02:02.41btorrengayeah, I have it setup with afraid dns
02:03.05btorrengaI had a static for years, but am going back to school... poor now.
02:03.47fujinI have no issues here specify nat=yes on my upstream SIP provider, canreinvite=no,.
02:04.01fujinand it goes (LAN) phones -> asterisk -> NAT -> tubes -> SIP provider
02:04.25fujinI don't even need port forwards (I only use it for outgoing traffic)
02:04.54btorrengahere is the CLi when externip=hostname:
02:05.04btorrenga[Nov 12 20:05:22] WARNING[32528]: chan_sip.c:16757 reload_config: Invalid address for externip keyword: brent.hostname.whatever
02:05.13btorrengarunning 1.4.132
02:05.18btorrengaer, 1.4.13
02:05.20fujinThat's odd.
02:05.40obnauticusbtorrenga, can you tell me when you fix it
02:05.45Hadi-is there any other billing solutions for asterisk (similar to A2Billing) that you guys can recommand?
02:05.47obnauticusbecause we are having the same exact issue.
02:05.50obnauticusI'm not kidding.
02:05.51btorrengayou assume I will fix it?
02:05.53*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
02:05.57btorrengathanks for the confidence.
02:05.58fujinbtorrenga: use 'externhost' instead of 'externip'.
02:05.59obnauticuswell they are helping you :/
02:06.16TJNIIBah.  Everythings working but IAX
02:06.27PaulAvilesis it loaded?
02:06.39TJNIIWith no errors
02:06.46TJNIIAnd outgoing calls work
02:06.55TJNIIBut not incoming or registrations
02:07.00obnauticusI GOT IT
02:07.04obnauticusi figured it out
02:07.04btorrengano luck
02:07.09obnauticushold on
02:07.15btorrengasame error with externhost
02:07.24obnauticusupdate your externip =
02:07.33fujinbtorrenga: give me some PASTIES
02:07.33obnauticusunder sip.conf
02:07.36fujinI need to see sip.conf
02:07.41fujinof phones, and provider
02:07.47obnauticusif your ip changed you need to change that too
02:07.49obnauticusthat's what i just did
02:07.51obnauticusand it worked
02:07.59fujinobnauticus: externhost will solve that problem, if you use a dynamic dns
02:08.06PaulAvilesTJ does it work for sip incoming?
02:08.09fujin(not suggested for production environments, get a static, etc)
02:08.12obnauticuscan you specify a dnymaic one?
02:08.17obnauticuswell mine rarely changes.
02:08.26btorrengaheres the general section
02:08.27fujinasterisk will do dns lookups occasionally
02:08.30jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
02:08.32fujinDon't paste to the channel
02:08.34obnauticusholy shit!
02:08.48obnauticusbtorrenga change your externip=
02:08.52obnauticusEpic fail!
02:09.04btorrengasorry about that.
02:09.06btorrengawhats the proper way to paste?
02:09.13jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
02:09.14fujinlike I said :)
02:09.16btorrengaI havent used irc in about 10 years or so until tonight...
02:09.18fujinI prefer
02:09.43*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (
02:10.17btorrengaok, I "converted" it, if I paste that text, then it will not blow anything up?
02:10.28*** part/#asterisk JayTee52 (
02:10.35JTbtorrenga: ?
02:11.05fujinbtorrenga: if you pasted it to the pastebin, paste us the link to it
02:11.06btorrengawhat does do exactly?
02:11.08fujin"copy link" or whatever.
02:11.10TJNIIWhen I forward the port to the old 1.2 server (which shows the iax port as being open, not filtered) it works.
02:11.13btorrengaI see
02:11.18fujinbtorrenga: it lets you paste large amounts of text to it, and then provides you with a linkback to it
02:11.22fujinto save our poor eyes
02:11.31btorrengaok, I get it now. that is my general section
02:11.34*** join/#asterisk groogs[h] (
02:11.36btorrengaI'll get the ipkal stanza.
02:11.46fujinpaste em both in one pasty, makes it a bit easier
02:12.52btorrengaheres both
02:13.29fujinok, now we're getting somewhere.
02:14.23Hadi-Hello... anyone here using A2Billing?
02:14.59*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
02:15.04btorrengaobnauticus: you fixed your with externip?
02:15.42PaulAvilessorry hadi no..
02:16.52fujinbtorrenga: if there's anything I can suggest, it's strip your conf down to the bare minimal
02:16.53obnauticusi just updated externip= in my sip.conf
02:16.56obnauticusto my current one.
02:16.58obnauticusand it worked.
02:17.15obnauticusi changed nat=yes and the content handling hting to no
02:17.32btorrengaI cant go changing sip.conf/sip reload every time my IP changes
02:17.40obnauticusi know neither me :/
02:17.42obnauticusbut it works!
02:17.47obnauticusyou can have a uhh
02:17.51phixWhat is the point of using voicemailbox= under a sip user in sip.conf? isn't that what voicemail.conf does?
02:17.51obnauticuscrontab do it
02:17.53fujinbtorrenga: take a look at
02:17.53obnauticusand reload it every time
02:18.36btorrengaok, fujin, what am I seeing?
02:18.50fujinThat's a working phones -> asterisk -> NAT <- SIP
02:19.00btorrengahmm, ok
02:19.20fujinsee, I don't even specify localnet
02:19.23fujinexternhost or anything.
02:19.26btorrengaI appreciate that. I'll take it as a starting point, and build up
02:19.38fujinSpecifying externhost would be necessary for you, as I guess you're taking incoming calls over it
02:19.45fujinwhere I use wxc for strictly one-way outbound calls.
02:19.53fujinbut that's the *only* change I believe you'll need.
02:20.16btorrengauhuh. Its funny that this worked for two or three years with a static IP.
02:20.26fujinStatic IP makes lots of stuff happy.
02:20.31btorrengaI wish externhost= would accept a host instead of IP....
02:20.41fujinexternhost does, externip does not.
02:20.45fujinthey are different configuration values
02:20.55btorrengaI'll show you...
02:20.58fujinexternhost causes asterisk to poll the hostname specifiied, and pretty much sets externip=$HOST
02:21.08fujinYou pasted before,
02:21.17btorrenga[Nov 12 20:07:58] WARNING[32528]: chan_sip.c:16764 reload_config: Invalid address for externhost keyword:
02:21.28fujindoes resolve?
02:21.33btorrengait should
02:21.36btorrengacan you try it?
02:21.51fujinyes, it resolves here.
02:21.55fujindoes it resolve on your asterisk box
02:22.03btorrengathats a good question
02:22.05btorrengaNO it wont
02:22.10fujinvi /etc/resolv.conf
02:22.11btorrenga(dont ask why, its complicated)
02:22.16fujinIt needs to.
02:22.18TJNIIThe IAX pokes arn't getting through....
02:22.48btorrengahuh! thanks for your help. To fix this will take a bit of work, actually.
02:23.02fujinI don't see why? point it at a recursive nameserver, done?
02:23.06btorrengait has to do with VPN's and other crap...
02:23.24btorrengaand local DNS servers that fake certain IP's as being on the localnet.
02:23.32fujinoh god, split brain for the lose.
02:23.52fujinbtorrenga: if you specify the nameserver in you rresolv.conf, it'll query that directly
02:23.55fujinand ignore your localnet stuff.
02:23.57fujin=winwin situation
02:24.01fujinno more split brain, correct dns!
02:24.04btorrengayeah, good idea.
02:24.14btorrengaIm trying to think if it will break anything else...
02:24.14TJNIIIAX is also UDP, correct?
02:24.29btorrengaI dont think it will
02:24.38fujinTJNII: can be both, 4569/tcp,udp
02:25.09JTit does not use tcp
02:25.12JTthat would be illogical
02:25.31fujincan not, or does not?
02:25.34J4k3theres always fun stuff like icmp
02:25.36JTcan not
02:25.44JTit uses UDP 4569
02:25.46fujinsomeone should tell whoever maintains /etc/services this
02:25.54JTiax is combined signalling and media
02:26.01fujinIANA believes that IAX can run on TCP
02:26.05JTmedia cannot travel over tcp with reasonable performance
02:26.25JTheh, damn iana
02:26.38fujinthe RFC for IAX doesn't mention TCP, at all?
02:27.02fujinactually, I lie, debian may have added IAX to /etc/services
02:27.05fujinjust read the rest of the header
02:28.35BBHossis there any way i can see what dtmf asterisk is seeing on zaptel?
02:29.50*** join/#asterisk mordaunt (n=mordaunt@unaffiliated/mordaunt)
02:30.04TJNIIThe one machine is sending pokes, the other is not recieving.  The port is forwarded.  If I forward the port to the old asterisk install (which has the same configs) it works.
02:30.07TJNIII'm stumped
02:30.23fujinTJNII: nmap
02:30.47BBHosswhat kind of device are you using?
02:31.21TJNIIfujin: The IAX port shows open|filtered on all machines I've run it against
02:31.38TJNIIBBHoss: Two asterisk 1.4 servers on Debian
02:32.16BBHosswhat is doing the routing?
02:32.42TJNIIan Actiontek router
02:32.44BBHossyou have two separate boxes each running asterisk 1.4, behind a firewall/router.  correct?
02:32.52fujinTJNII: is the new asterisk binding IAX to
02:32.58fujini.e.; not just a specific IP address, or
02:33.05fujinnetstat -l|grep -v unix|grep iax
02:33.10BBHoss0.0.0.0 is all
02:33.18TJNIIfujin: Binding IAX2 to default address
02:33.34fujinI'm aware of that, just wanted to check it was binding to all addresses.
02:33.52TJNIIYea, that was one of the first things I checked. :)
02:34.54TJNIIfujin: netstat shows "udp        0      0 *:iax                   *:*"
02:35.33TJNIII'm trying to get the actiontek nat out of the picture.  When I get this server running it will sit on the public internet instead of port forwarding.
02:35.40fujinpublic internet, for the win.
02:35.43fujiniptables + public internet = fine.
02:35.50J4k3I'd bet a large quantity of pocket lint that your router sucks.  use one of the asterisk boxes as your router.
02:35.55TJNIIBut it doesn't seem to want to work
02:36.03BBHossactiontek sounds like one of those cheapo modems that qwest and others give out
02:36.12J4k3BBHoss: *ding ding*
02:36.16BBHossj4k3: i second that
02:36.19J4k3the best garbage china can deliver
02:36.24J4k3especially when it comes to the software, generally.
02:36.34TJNIIJ4k3: That is a bet I wouldn't take.  It is crap.  When I get this up it will just be a bridge.
02:38.12*** join/#asterisk Mackes (
02:38.38*** part/#asterisk Mackes (
02:38.51TJNIII don't know what else to check here/
02:42.48TJNIILet me try pointing the old server at the new server.....
02:43.41*** join/#asterisk icewater1an (
02:44.03fujinI'm not too familiar with IAX, otherwise I'd try help you out a little more
02:44.12fujins/not //
02:44.45btorrengait has a long ways to go, doesnt it?
02:45.04btorrengaIAX I mean
02:45.38fujinSIP has had more interest from the genral publiz
02:46.08obnauticusThey really should come up with a better standard
02:46.21obnauticusWhat's the highest quality codec?
02:46.23*** join/#asterisk techie (
02:46.23TJNIIWell, the kicker is I haven't changed the configs!
02:46.34JTof the 8kHz ones, G.711
02:46.46JTbtorrenga: yes, SIP is > IAX2
02:46.47TJNIII just put another * install on a second machine and cp -rvp
02:46.48brookshireg722 is nive
02:46.54btorrengaI've tried setting up IAX twice between a couple offices - each time it worked great in testing. It would blow up in production.
02:47.00brookshirenice also
02:47.18JTG.722 is wideband
02:48.00obnauticusIs g729 good?
02:48.14TJNIIWell, the 2 asterisk boxes behind NAT can talk to each other, so I wonder if it isn't something screwy with the router
02:48.24BBHossim sure it is
02:48.33TJNIIOdd, though
02:48.43TJNIIThat it would work for one machine and not the other
02:48.56JTobnauticus: not really
02:49.00JTobnauticus: it's low bandwidth
02:49.09obnauticusin compairison to ulaw :/
02:49.15*** join/#asterisk FireMac (
02:49.37obnauticusIt's better than ulaw though right
02:49.49*** join/#asterisk asteriskguy (
02:49.51JTno way
02:49.53JTare you on drugs?
02:50.03obnauticusim messin with you
02:50.03asteriskguysome would be nice
02:50.08asteriskguyhow's it going JT?
02:50.22obnauticushow is Cisco CM>?
02:50.22PaulAviles729 is supposed to be very good...
02:50.33PaulAvilesa real pain the the ...
02:50.45JTit's not that good
02:50.54asteriskguyasterisk & virtual server
02:51.06asteriskguyhow's that for an idea? VMWARE ESX
02:51.31fujinIt's a fine idea, works great here.
02:51.32BBHossTJNII: do a hard reset of the modem/router, then add the rules again for the NEW server, the actiontek may be having brainfarts
02:51.37PaulAvilescan have problems with zaptel for time sync
02:51.48asteriskguyfujin, how are you running it
02:51.56asteriskguywhat if you don't use zaptel
02:51.58fujinWith an init script.
02:52.03fujinI don't use zaptel, it's rubbish.
02:52.05asteriskguysip provider
02:52.10PaulAvileswhat about confenrecing like meetme?
02:52.18asteriskguyfujin, care to elaborate on the init script?
02:52.25PaulAvilesshould be ok then
02:52.27fujinIt comes with Ubuntu.
02:52.40fujinI grabbed the inits cript from it, nuked the rest and built from source.
02:52.59*** join/#asterisk grimsy (
02:53.02asteriskguyyes, I have a test box running * 1.4.13 along with ztdummy on vmware esx
02:53.13asteriskguywhat about multiple * running on esx?
02:53.20fujinyes, what's the problem with that?
02:53.27fujinI have two running, HA-style.
02:53.30asteriskguymaybe 20-30 * running on esx
02:53.37fujin20-30 would be a dumb idea
02:53.50fujinYou'd never need that many asterisk boxes.
02:53.53TJNIIBBHoss: I'm not going to bother.  My 2 asterisk boxes can talk and everything else works, so I'm going to say "good enough for now" and move on.  When I get my block of IPs and my network reconfigured I'll do more testing and a more gracefull transition.
02:54.00asteriskguyyes we do
02:54.13asteriskguy1/per branch office
02:54.18asteriskguy200+ offices
02:54.25asteriskguy16 phones / office
02:54.36fujinyes, I guess in that situation, you could
02:54.43btorrengaasteriskguy: SIP or IAX connecting those offices?
02:54.48asteriskguyiax for now
02:54.55asteriskguybut we'll need to put in a SIP proxy
02:54.55fujinalthough It might be smarter to have a centralised farm of asterisk servers, and run OpenSER or something in your offices
02:54.58fujinlet it handle the routing.
02:55.02PaulAvilesprobably will be better and cheaper to buy separate desktop computers than the total cost of esx and the server
02:55.05fujinand asterisk handle the backend, inter-office routing.
02:55.15btorrengajitter is ok with IAX in your setup???
02:55.17fujinbetter and cheaper? cheaper maybe, better no
02:55.42PaulAvilesno ha? what is your super hyper dupper esx server crashes?
02:55.54asteriskguyIAX is fine, we have 2 big offices running on IAX
02:55.58*** join/#asterisk red9012 (
02:55.58PaulAvileswith separate boxes you can have some failover
02:56.01asteriskguyover a DS3 though
02:56.11asteriskguyESX has HA
02:56.19asteriskguyas an option, probably cost more though
02:56.30fujinI don't do my HA on ESX.
02:56.37fujinI'm making use of the heartbeat packages
02:56.40asteriskguybut our budget can handle that if need to
02:56.42*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=pepOSX@
02:56.49fujinas it can do in-depth checks, and sharing a virtual IP
02:56.50PaulAvilesI think so. pretty familiar with vmwareb, but I still think is too risky
02:56.54red9012how does asterisk handle quad core processor? are all cores used?
02:57.09PaulAvilescan the kernel use them?
02:57.15asteriskguyi know it handles dual core fine
02:57.33red9012I mean is the load distributed across the cores?
02:57.36fujinred9012: Linux has no issue sharing processes among them.
02:57.38asteriskguyfujin we're interested in setting something like that up
02:57.40fujinon a SMP kernel, yes
02:57.41PaulAvilesit shoul...
02:57.52asteriskguydo you have information you can share?
02:58.21red9012as usual, not a clear answer is given -- and we will now proceed to harsh comments that I am about to get.
02:58.45fujinYou'll have to be a little more specific. I built the callcentre here, 50~ phones, two asterisk servers, HA, everythings happy
02:58.49fujinwhat do you want to know
02:59.00fujinred9012: yes. It does. all cores are used.
02:59.18asteriskguyok, 200 locations, 16 phones/loc, on esx
02:59.21fujinapt-get install htop && htop, do some testing. You'll see asterisk spawning children on each core/proc
02:59.23asteriskguyplus a sip proxy
02:59.45fujinESX at each location? that's a little silly, imo
02:59.46asteriskguyHA is a must
02:59.54asteriskguyno, not esx at each location
03:00.01fujinyes, well, I'm not going to design your system for you, not for free :)
03:00.08asteriskguyesx is running at a centralized location
03:00.21asteriskguythen each instance of * will handle each location
03:00.43asteriskguywould having 20-30 instance of * have any issue with ztdummy?
03:01.08fujin20-30 instances on one server?
03:01.11fujinor 20-30 virtual servers
03:01.29BBHossztdummy doesn't work right with xen sometimes
03:01.50red9012fukin -- only one asterisk is running - wondering if all cores will be used.
03:01.50fujinyes, I've heard issues with ztdummy on soem virtualisation software.
03:01.54asteriskguy20-30 virtual server
03:02.02fujinred9012: as I said before, yes
03:02.06asteriskguyrunning on 1 physical machine
03:02.08fujinit'll spawn children as load increases
03:02.14*** join/#asterisk FireMac (
03:02.20fujinwhich will head to each processor/core as necessary, on a SMP kernel
03:02.27BBHossred9012: asterisk doesn't scale well with multiple processors, too many mutex locks
03:02.34asteriskguythe server has (4) dual core CPUs with 32GB of RAM
03:02.48red9012fukin -- asterisk is monothread. I woul be surprised to see it use more than core
03:03.13asteriskguyred9012, we have * running on (2) dual core CPUs
03:03.15asteriskguyworks fine
03:03.16fujinI've seen it making use of both cores, here.
03:03.33asteriskguyon an SMP kernel ofcourse
03:03.39red9012works fine is not the issue.
03:03.53red9012I want to see all cores in use.
03:03.54asteriskguyfujin, how's that spec for 20-30 virtual server running asterisk?
03:04.12BBHossi know with asterisk, two separate boxes are nearly always better than 1 box with 2 cpus, twice the ram, etc
03:04.15fujinshould be fine, as I said though I think you're doing it wrong
03:04.18red9012fukin -- running 20-30 asterisk server on one host is not recommended.
03:04.46fujinI'd do it differently
03:04.55asteriskguyok, how should i do this then? did I miss something?
03:05.02obnauticus20-30 asterisk servers?
03:05.25red9012you must be out of your mind to run 20-30 asterisk servers on one host.
03:05.27BBHossi think he's running them in virtual instances
03:05.35obnauticuswe know.
03:05.37red9012and if you do queues, then it will crash./
03:05.37BBHosswell with 8 cores and 32gb of ram
03:05.49obnauticusi dunno then
03:05.52obnauticusit's worth a try
03:05.52asteriskguywell, no queues, no voicemail
03:05.54obnauticusi say go for it.
03:05.58asteriskguyjust direct calls and parking
03:05.59BBHossstill i recommend a rack of asterisk servers
03:06.17BBHossbut im sure you already have the hard ware :(
03:06.18red9012anyone here knows how many concurrent queues I can run on a single 3ghz server?
03:06.38asteriskguyit was bought for a MS project that of yanked
03:06.49asteriskguyso we're using it for * virtualization
03:07.03asteriskguyfujin, how would you do it then?
03:07.16fujinI'd have a central farm of asterisk servers to handle the backend
03:07.19BBHossjust dont expect to be able to do anything that requires ztdummy
03:07.20fujinand put openser proxies at each office
03:07.24*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=hardcore@
03:07.27red9012fukin -- what soft do you use for virtualization?
03:07.28BBHossfujin: i agree
03:08.34fujinred9012: depends on codecs, network, a number of things
03:08.37fujinnot just the speed of the processor
03:08.42asteriskguyhmm....kinda backward from what we envisioned. we envisioned SIP provider -> OpenSER -> *s
03:08.53fujinyou're doing it wrong
03:09.07fujinyou can connect your sip provider to asterisk, define all your openser offices
03:09.12red9012openser is needed as far as I can tell, only when you need loadbalancing
03:09.18fujinthen openser will bridge (reinvite) with your sip provider
03:09.24obnauticusCan someone tell me what is wrong with this
03:09.25obnauticusexten => #,2,MeetMe(1,i,2)
03:09.33obnauticusIt's saying it's not a valid conference number
03:09.41obnauticuswhile in meetme.conf it's configured
03:09.43fujinshow application meetme
03:10.07[hC]obnauticus: you must not have ztdummy loaded as a kernel module
03:10.15obnauticusNo active conferences.
03:10.16[hC]obnauticus: or, a full fledged zaptel timing source.
03:10.26asteriskguydoesn't MOH requires ztdummy?
03:10.26obnauticusit wokred before:"
03:10.32obnauticusWhat should i do then
03:10.36obnauticuskldload ztdummy ?
03:10.36red9012moh does not require ztdummy
03:10.37[hC]modprobe ztdummy
03:10.39fujinI don't think MOH requires ztdummy.
03:10.54red9012moh does have bugs though.
03:11.03obnauticusk it woked
03:11.05J4k3hmm, lack of ztdummy will screw up conf?  my confs go to shit at call #3
03:11.07fujinnative MOH works fine.
03:11.15J4k3but I've also got a toy of an asterisk box (P3-700)
03:11.36obnauticusIs there any reason why my PBX isn't accepting DTMF tones from ANYTHING?
03:11.41obnauticusI have no idea why it's not.
03:11.58fujinYou're sending them incorrectly?
03:12.07obnauticusby...pressing the button :/
03:12.17asteriskguyMP3 MOH plays garbled music sometimes, but after we switch to native everything was fine
03:12.25fujinnon-native MOH is dumb.
03:12.31*** join/#asterisk TJNII_ (n=TJNII@
03:12.33[hC]make sure you set dtmfmode on both sides to rfc2833
03:12.36fujintranscode all your MOH music to <native_codec_here>
03:12.46fujinobnauticus: what format DTMF is the PBX expecting?
03:12.46asteriskguyfujin, do you do consulting?
03:12.53fujinasteriskguy: I've not done it before, no.
03:13.06TJNII_GAAH!  Now IAX is working and SIP is failing!
03:13.07obnauticus[hC] it is.
03:13.31fujinare both devices able to send and receive rfc2833 DTMF?
03:13.37fujinI always had issues with it, and went with INBAND EVERYWHERE
03:13.40fujinMade lots of stuff easy.
03:13.50btorrengayou only use g711?
03:13.52*** join/#asterisk chode_ (
03:13.52obnauticusfujin, not sure, how do I tell?
03:13.59fujinbtorrenga: correct.
03:14.07J4k3inband + lossy codec = sketchy dtmf
03:14.17fujinobnauticus: well, what are the two devices, asterisk / sip phone?
03:14.25obnauticussip device..
03:14.26J4k3g729 usually gets dtmf ok, but others are sketchy
03:14.28obnauticusto meetme conference :/
03:14.37BBHossinband + codec!=*law = no dtmf :)
03:14.43[hC]you're trying to send dtmf into a meetme?
03:14.54btorrengaBBH: nice
03:15.31obnauticusk it works
03:15.32obnauticushold on
03:15.32BBHossactually it would be this: inband + (codec!=*law) = no dtmf
03:15.34fujinobnauticus: check dtmfmode in sip.conf, in the device configuration
03:15.41obnauticusi think i got it to work
03:16.13obnauticusIt's working on my outbound trunk...
03:16.37obnauticusk the one it's working on has dytmfmode as rfc2833
03:16.40obnauticusand so does the one it's not working on.
03:17.20*** join/#asterisk craigk (n=ckowald@
03:18.12BBHosswhat is the device/trunk its not working on?
03:18.26obnauticusit's a sip device :/
03:18.27obnauticushold on
03:18.29obnauticusi'll pastebin it
03:19.48BBHossuse this:
03:20.02BBHossfor some odd reason i can't get to
03:20.57*** join/#asterisk angom (n=Angel@
03:24.20obnauticusBBHoss, when i call into my PBX from my cell phone, it accepts the DTMF tones i send from my cell phone. But when I call to the conference directly from a softphone of mine using the same dtmfmode, it's not seeing it.
03:24.53BBHossthats odd, what softphone is it
03:25.04obnauticusit was called idefisk
03:25.06obnauticusbut they changed names
03:25.50BBHossis is an iax trunk or sip trunk
03:26.59BBHossit doesnt show support for RFC2833
03:27.11obnauticusthe uhh
03:27.19obnauticusZoIPer doesn't support RFC2833?
03:27.35BBHossit doesn't show support on the website faq
03:27.42BBHossRFC 3261, RFC 2045, RFC 2046, RFC 2181, RFC 2617, RFC 2782, RFC 2915, RFC 3263, RFC 3265, RFC 3515, RFC 4028, RFC 4566
03:27.49obnauticusWhat should I use?
03:28.01BBHosstry inband for the softphone
03:28.08obnauticusdtmfmode=inband ?
03:28.16fujinuse inband, or notify
03:28.18BBHossyes, for your softphone only
03:28.47obnauticusno workie.
03:29.31BBHosstry calling your cell with your softphone, then hit numbers and see if you hear sounds
03:29.40obnauticusalreqady did
03:29.41obnauticusit didn't.
03:29.54BBHosstry a different softphone then i guess
03:30.22fujinobnauticus: try notify
03:30.30fujindon't forget, you must configure the DEVICE to use that dtmf signaling
03:30.34fujinAND the sip.conf section
03:30.37fujinthey *must* match
03:30.44obnauticus[2007-11-12 11:10:09] WARNING[2364]: chan_sip.c:16386 handle_common_options: Unknown dtmf mode 'notify' on line 686, using rfc2833
03:30.49BBHossyeah there may be a setting in zoiper
03:30.56obnauticusi'll look
03:31.09BBHossi think fujjin means dtmfmode=info>
03:31.09fujinis it 'sip'? i forget
03:31.12fujinthat's it.
03:31.28BBHossleave off that > its supposed to be a ? :)
03:31.34obnauticusZoIPer has no options for DTMF
03:31.53BBHossi don't think it supports info either
03:32.01BBHossthat is rfc2976
03:32.09BBHosswhich is not shwon
03:32.10obnauticusinfo didn't work
03:32.16obnauticuswhat kind of dtmf does DOES it support.
03:32.22BBHossprobably nothing
03:32.25obnauticusthe only options it has for dtmf is `disable dtmf'
03:32.32BBHosstry iax
03:32.39obnauticusk :|
03:32.41BBHossthats the only reason i would use zoiper
03:32.56fujinuse um, the free eyebeam
03:33.01fujinyou can set the dtmf mode in that.
03:33.08obnauticusi'll get x-lite
03:33.11obnauticusnever liked ZoIPer anyway
03:33.53asteriskguyis there any training for OpenSER in the US
03:34.09asteriskguyother then the one that just passed this last Nov 1st at VON
03:35.52*** join/#asterisk TJNII_ (n=TJNII@
03:36.11TJNII_Yea, it's the asctiontek
03:37.02obnauticuskj it works
03:38.06*** join/#asterisk speekac (n=alwin@
03:38.11obnauticuswtf is eyebeam 1.5
03:38.30obnauticusI need the `transfer' feature
03:38.45BBHossuse zoiper with IAX2, it SHOULD work
03:38.47TJNII_Now my SIP doesn't work.....
03:39.03obnauticuswell for some reason BBHoss, my IAX2 isn't working :/
03:39.53BBHossTJNII_: trash that router
03:40.20BBHossdon't stuff it in a closet, or donate it to chairity
03:40.35*** join/#asterisk LakeSolon (
03:41.43TJNII_BBHoss: I got this one because their next better router had to be factory reset every week....
03:42.06BBHossare you on dsl or cable
03:42.11*** join/#asterisk speshak (n=speshak@
03:42.17fujinget a Linksys!
03:42.28BBHossscrew linksys
03:42.35BBHossget a pfSense :)
03:42.42fujinwhat the crap is that?
03:42.52fujinmust be crap
03:42.55BBHossfreebsd based router
03:42.56obnauticusokay BBHoss my ZoIPer isn't even trying to register with my server.
03:42.58obnauticusit's not doing ANYTHING
03:43.01fujinfreebsd! crap!
03:43.04obnauticusit says registering
03:43.10obnauticusbut i don't see any requests on asterisk
03:43.11BBHosslets not start that shit
03:43.18obnauticusi <3 freebsd
03:43.26fujinobnauticus: use x-lite
03:43.28obnauticusi say lol @ ubuntu.
03:43.34obnauticusI am using xlite, but I want to get iax working too.
03:43.57obnauticusaww F*ck it
03:43.57fujinoh, right.
03:43.59obnauticusi hate IAX2 anyway.
03:44.01BBHossit uses pf from openbsd, then ALTQ from freebsd i believe
03:44.05BBHossi LOVE iax2!
03:44.11obnauticusBBHoss pfsense?
03:44.20obnauticusI run pfsense.
03:44.27obnauticusPfSense is pretty good
03:44.30obnauticusit has multi-wan routing support.
03:44.32obnauticuswhich is nice.
03:44.42fujinoh, really?
03:44.42obnauticuswith load balancing and etc.
03:44.46obnauticusgood traffic shaping
03:44.55obnauticusyou can install 3rd party packages on it too
03:45.01obnauticus(eg. snort)
03:45.02*** join/#asterisk bintut (n=bintut@
03:45.06fujinso, I could route multiple /32's to it?
03:45.08bintuthello all..
03:45.08obnauticusI have a cisco catalyst
03:45.13obnauticusfujin, yes.
03:45.25obnauticusI have a cisco catalyst, and an Extreme Networks Alping 3808
03:45.33BBHossmultiwan is a bit like dundi if you know what i mean
03:45.39bintutanyone here ever implemented a fax over ip on asterisk? what do you suggest? :)
03:45.48obnauticusMultiwan is nice...if you know how to use it.
03:45.53asteriskguyyes obnauticus
03:45.57obnauticusmost people think it's like if oyu have two 30mbit lines it's 30+30
03:46.00fujinmultiwan could bypass many billing systems.
03:46.05obnauticuswhen it's actually 30&30
03:46.15fujincan pfSense do ADSL?
03:46.19asteriskguyworks ok, though I heard it's not reliable
03:46.31obnauticusMy Pfsense's box has been up for months
03:46.35asteriskguybut hylafax works ok in a test enviroment
03:46.44obnauticusPfSense is good.
03:46.54obnauticusit has VPN support
03:46.58obnauticus802.11q vlan support
03:47.03obnauticuseverything you could want, im not kidding.
03:47.06obnauticusyou can install openvpn
03:47.12obnauticuswith a click of a button seriously.
03:47.15BBHossyou could put a supported card in there and it would probably work
03:47.15fujinpppoatm = adsl
03:47.19obnauticusi dunno.
03:47.20fujinah, needs a card.
03:47.31obnauticusIt supports pretty much anything, or so im told
03:47.43btorrengasangoma 518?
03:47.48TJNII_I hear that guy speshak is a guru on routing.  Perhaps we should ask him.
03:47.51obnauticuslol i right click in xlite, open diagnostics folder and it opens my temp folder
03:47.53obnauticuswhat a fail.
03:48.31obnauticusWhats an other good SIP phone
03:48.34obnauticusthat supports tranfering
03:48.35obnauticusand etc.
03:48.49*** join/#asterisk ai-a (
03:48.51fujinis the best free one
03:48.54obnauticusother than xlite
03:48.55*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
03:48.58obnauticusit won't let me transfer
03:48.59fujinwhat's wrong with xlite?
03:49.00obnauticusit's being a dickx.
03:49.05fujinyou fail
03:49.16obnauticusit's telling me to buy shit to `xfer'
03:49.21fujinoh, pwnt
03:49.25fujinwarez it
03:49.30obnauticusaltready tried
03:50.00btorrengai recall a VOIP outfit in the mideast had the pay versionon their site
03:50.19JTobnauticus: eyebeam
03:50.56jbotfrom memory, cheap is a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
03:50.56obnauticusI'm 15.
03:50.59obnauticusI don't pay for Sh*t
03:51.05fujinYou're doing it wrong.
03:51.11fujinGet a job at a petrol station, buy eyebeam
03:51.12fujingame over
03:51.20Nivexor, as I like to say "Free shit is still shit"
03:51.22btorrengajbot: true true true...
03:51.23obnauticusI have a cisco SIP Phone in the mail
03:51.26obnauticusthat's coming soon
03:51.29obnauticusso i'll kick your ass
03:51.47fujinO WOW A CISCO?
03:51.48fujinTHATS L##T
03:51.51obnauticusnot really
03:51.52obnauticusit are fail.
03:51.55obnauticusOr so im told.
03:52.01obnauticusI wanna try CCM too though.
03:52.06JTespecially if it has SCCP firmware
03:52.12fujinYou'll need a better job than petrol station.
03:52.20obnauticusJT I can get SCCP and SIP firmware for free.
03:52.23obnauticusSIP firmware :/
03:52.26btorrengafujn, where are you at?
03:52.26obnauticusAnd CCM supports SIP.
03:52.55*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (n=leon@
03:53.15fujinI'm in New Zealand.
03:53.33fujinPetrol, evidently, is short for petrolium
03:54.02btorrengais it 9am or so by you right now?
03:54.19fujin4:54pm, nzdt
03:55.02btorrengabtw, thanks for that resolv.conf idea.  I'm still waiting for IPkall to take my new settings, though.
04:00.39bintutanybody knows where can i find a good documentation on the best practices of implementing fax over ip on asterisk?
04:01.52BBHosswhat do you mean by over ip
04:02.13BBHosssip/iax trunks, or zaptel-->sip/iax2-->fax machine
04:02.42JTbtorrenga: what's wrong with the word petrol?
04:02.50btorrengahaha, nothing
04:02.59btorrengait just caught my eye
04:03.15bintutBBHoss: fax machine (sender) => asterisk => iax2 peering over internet => asterisk => fax machine (receiver)
04:03.20btorrengain Chicago we say "gas"
04:04.04J4k3I have the cheapest hardware sip phones on the market (that I know of) and I'm perfectly content with them (ok not really, but they're 100% functional as what they are...)
04:04.55fujinbtorrenga: don't you also say 'cawfee'?
04:04.57fujinor is that NY
04:04.59TJNIIAnd now, magically, sip is working again.
04:04.59J4k3I'd rather, say, go on a long-weekend vacation with my money, than say, dump it on something that I couldn't really give a rats ass less about
04:05.07BBHossyou really want t.38 support
04:05.27btorrengadepends if you're from the city. "Awwfice", too.
04:05.54bintutBBHoss: and i am talking about the usual way of sending fax from a typical fax machine not knowing the sender (person) is faxing it over ip.. that means, the sender (person) fax it the usual way of faxing a document
04:06.07BBHossand i think thats only on SIP right now, but i may be wrong
04:06.16fujinJ4k3: what about 'aint no'?
04:06.19fujindouble negative!
04:06.25J4k3and the most non-racist white person there still drops the n-bomb in every other sentence... good lord they're racist.
04:06.28*** join/#asterisk Law (
04:07.27J4k3I've been exposed to too many cultures to be racist, myself.  I find everyone sucks equally, in their own special way
04:08.06J4k3fujin: I didn't catch any of that.  just 'yall'
04:08.18J4k3which is just a southern version of 'youse guyz'
04:08.27btorrengadon't worry, itll wear off.
04:09.08btorrengayouse guyezes
04:09.08J4k3people from new joy-zee say 'youse guys', and it makes me cringe.
04:09.08btorrengasandwich = sangwich
04:09.16J4k3I'm ready to fight another civil war over the yall/youse guys situation.
04:09.25BBHossbintut, all you need is * 1.4, some ATAs that support t.38, some fax machines that work well with t.38, and some elbow grease
04:09.31*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
04:09.32BBHossbintut: yes i understand that
04:09.36BBHosstwo atas with t.38 support
04:09.38BBHossthen * 1.4 with t.38 passthrough enabled
04:10.02btorrengaBBH: can you recommend an ATA for T38?
04:10.33bintutBBHoss: you mean, t.38 is not in the current asterisk 1.4?
04:10.35fujinfax=bad idea
04:10.48J4k3fax = dead
04:10.57btorrengafax = callweaver?
04:11.35BBHossfax is not dead, believe me...
04:11.54fujinit's dead
04:11.59fujinby a copier than can do fax->emailo
04:12.01bintutfax will definitely cannot be dead at all
04:12.04fujinprovision an analogue line
04:12.07fujinbe done with the bloody thing
04:12.37Kobazat my last job i had to work on printing out forms from the accounting system so they could be faxed to a system that did ocr and then processed the forms
04:12.42BBHosssome people cant afford copiers that do fax
04:12.55Kobazinstead of uhh, submitting something to a simple web form
04:12.58bintutBBHoss: precisely
04:13.06*** join/#asterisk axscode (
04:13.25BBHoss1.4 has t.38 passthrough, but nothing else
04:13.36bintutBBHoss: you mean, t.38 is in the current asterisk 1.4?
04:14.00bintutBBHoss: so, what shall i need to make my faxing requirement work?
04:14.01BBHoss somewhat good info
04:14.05TJNIIHmmmm... It seems my system clock is off by about 5 hours..... despite the use of ntp...
04:14.30BBHossthe sipuras usually work good
04:14.46btorrenganow Lynksys, right?
04:16.01obnauticusEw Linksys
04:16.14fujinLinksys is fine.
04:16.17fujinThey're awesome, in fact
04:16.17bintutBBHoss: is it possible to make fax over ip work without the use of an ATA?
04:16.21obnauticusARe you serious?
04:16.25obnauticusother than being total crap you are right.
04:16.27fujinbetter than GS/Cisco/Mitel
04:16.34obnauticusLinksys > Cisco
04:16.38obnauticusthat is ...
04:16.42fujinThat's what I said.
04:17.01jboti guess phones is  While personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows:  Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever. places ...
04:17.02fujinspa9x2 series.
04:17.02obnauticusI thought you were tlaking about routersd.
04:17.08fujinNo. not routers. heh.
04:17.15fujinComparing cisco to linksys for routers
04:17.16fujinis like
04:17.18fujinyeah, no.
04:17.23fujinDOES NOT COMPUTE
04:17.48btorrengaAastra > Cisco?
04:18.07J4k3jbot, a service brought to you by Polycom (tm)
04:18.11*** join/#asterisk axisys_ (
04:18.12btorrengacisco is low on that list due to features, not quality, right?
04:18.18fujinno, quality
04:18.24fujinand manageability
04:18.31btorrengaI can see manageability
04:18.33fujinput a polycom and a cisco side by side
04:18.42btorrengabut Cisco's are pretty solid, so I thought.
04:18.53fujineh, in a CCM environment, maybe..
04:19.05BBHossthey are designed to work with CCM
04:19.10J4k3btorrenga: if you believe the people in here, your whole system will fall over dead on its face unless you buy polycom
04:19.21fujinthat's incorrect, and an exageration
04:19.25fujinalthough, we do suggest buying Polycom
04:19.27J4k3fujin: then prove otherwise.
04:19.29fujinas they're awesome(tm)
04:19.37fujinJ4k3: I run linksys phones, my system hasn't fallen over
04:19.41fujinnext question
04:19.52J4k3I run grandstream budgetone 101's, same result.
04:20.07fujineveryone knows grandstream is for cheap-asses, featureset wise
04:20.16fujinwasn't there just an exploit published for them, too?
04:20.18J4k3I pick up the phone, people talk, they hang up.
04:20.19fujinre: sip NOTIFY
04:20.26J4k3fujin: who gives a rats ass?
04:20.39fujinI do, as an engineer concerned about security.
04:20.58J4k3if you're worried about security you run much better hardware than this crappy SIP shit
04:20.59fujinConsidering you *chose* grandstream, I understand why you don't.
04:21.21J4k3and polycom has never had an exploit?
04:21.23J4k3lets see...
04:21.42fujinno idea, I wasn't making a point that they haven't
04:21.48fujinI was making a point that grandstream had one just recently
04:22.15J4k3but your point lacked sharpness
04:22.21J4k3try again.
04:22.47J4k3see, this channel basically pushes the 'you must spend a lot on phones to expect anything to work at all' which is quite simply incorrect.
04:23.00fujinspend a lot on PHONES AND HARDWARE
04:23.17J4k3most people need neither
04:23.24fujinmost people are happy with trixbox
04:24.23J4k3makes calls, takes calls, doesn't screw up.
04:26.19J4k3so exactly what is the problem?
04:26.19btorrengato get "under the hood" requires jumping through some hoops, doesnt it?
04:26.19J4k3who cares
04:26.19J4k3if I wanted more I wouldn't use trixbox :P
04:26.19J4k3if I wanted more from a phone, I wouldn't buy grandstream
04:26.19J4k3but quite simply the way this channel puts it, neither product ever works
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04:26.20J4k3and thats quite simply wrong, and shows a lot of ignorance on those who take part in it.
04:27.29fujinI'm heading home, seeyas.
04:27.45btorrengasee ya
04:27.48btorrengathanks again
04:28.11[TK]D-Fenderbtorrenga, So looking to get into * and wondering what to get?
04:28.12TJNIIIt's OK J4k3.  I run Grandstreams too.
04:28.34btorrengaas far as phones or * hardware?
04:28.38TJNIIIt's not that bad, I mean I can't her the echo on the speakerphone, after all
04:28.52[TK]D-Fenderbtorrenga, Yes, both.
04:29.17btorrengaI use Cisco 7940's and 7960's with the SIP firmware
04:29.27btorrengaand just a robust P4 with a gig or 2 of RAM
04:29.31[TK]D-Fenderbtorrenga, currently?
04:29.39*** join/#asterisk vnn (
04:29.44[TK]D-Fenderbtorrenga, And how are they?
04:29.54btorrengaand sangoma PSTN cards for analogue lines
04:30.00J4k3TJNII: I've never done anything with the speakerphone except check voicemail *Shrug*
04:30.14btorrengaI like them, though the Cisco's are outdated nowadays
04:30.21J4k3my cellphone has an excellent speakerphone, I've used it a couple times.
04:30.25btorrengapeople talk a lot about Polycom phones
04:30.38[TK]D-Fenderbtorrenga, I'm not sure I'd say outdated so much as not focused on SIP...
04:30.43J4k3you're going to spend a lot on phones and cards
04:30.46J4k3and plug fucking POTS into it?
04:30.51TJNIIJ4k3: Echoy speakerphone and numeric only caller ID.  Otherwise I have no complaints about bt100s.
04:31.12J4k3TJNII: yep, agreed.
04:31.21btorrengaonly 3 or four PSTN lines at the offices
04:31.39btorrengawe used TDM400P's for a few years
04:31.43JTbtorrenga: why use POTS :)
04:31.47btorrengaswitched to Sangoma
04:32.01*** part/#asterisk vnn (
04:32.01btorrengacant afford T1
04:32.14J4k3ISDN BRI is pretty solid around here
04:32.25[TK]D-Fenderbtorrenga, Sounds like a decent setup.  Typically Polycoms are a fair bit cheaper than Cisco, and offer better call handling, SIP support, at a noticably lower price.
04:32.26J4k3and cheap, at least compared to buying a lot of business POTS.
04:32.33J4k3a BRI costs about 85% of what two B1s runs.
04:32.44[TK]D-Fenderbtorrenga, But you could do far worse.
04:32.46btorrenganot by me
04:32.56De_Monarg _find-XXX anyone care to guess why this doesnt match Goto(mycontext,find-800,1)
04:33.01btorrengaBRI's were way expensive when I priced it a while back
04:33.15J4k3of course, I also live in a weird place where my T1+ITSP is more reliable than my friggin ILEC-delivered POTS line.
04:33.19[TK]D-Fenderbtorrenga, Where are you located?
04:33.32btorrengaChicagoland, northwest indiana actually.
04:33.43btorrengaone office is AT&T the other is Verizon
04:33.51[TK]D-Fenderbtorrenga, Yup... BRI = huh what?! ;)
04:33.58btorrengahaha, ya
04:33.59J4k3I was going to terminate it into my * box, then realized the crappy modem-turned-pots-adapter I had a ton of overhead
04:34.04[TK]D-Fenderbtorrenga, So its either partial PRI or analog...
04:34.07De_Mondoes anyone really use lowercase wildcards for pattern matching? nxxnxxx
04:34.32J4k3of course, terminating BRI is a whore in *
04:34.41J4k3there is *no* reasonably priced gear
04:34.42btorrengaas far as I was concerned, a partial PRI made sense at about 7 analogue lines as far as price goes
04:35.28J4k3PRI starts making sense if you're running a lot of traffic
04:35.45J4k3makes sense to get a better internet connection with a decent SLA, and an ITSP
04:36.24[TK]D-Fenderbtorrenga, cost effectiveness comes at one factor, and functionality if needed has its own judgement.
04:37.08btorrengafunctionality is fine, we have hunt groups on the analogue lines, and then forward-on-busy to a VOIP toll-free number
04:37.12De_Monhow do you excape wildcards in the dialplan I've tried both _fi\nd-XXX and _fi\\nd-XXX and it still cant find my extension
04:37.41btorrengaDe_>, I dont think you can. I think you need to use a regex function
04:37.54btorrenga(someone correct me if I am wrong)
04:38.03De_Monhuh? regex in an extension?
04:38.19*** join/#asterisk serpent-fly (n=serpent@
04:38.31btorrengayeah, like match to _. or _X., and then use a regex function to evaluate ${EXTEN}
04:38.50btorrenga(I think)
04:38.57obnauticusHey., what's that asterisk driver called where you can use a cell phone via USB
04:39.01obnauticusas a trunk.
04:39.05J4k3icagoland, northwest indiana actually.
04:39.06J4k322:33 < btorrenga> one icagoland, northwest indiana actually.
04:39.18J4k3sorry about that, mouse insanity
04:39.31De_Monoh, good grief that wouldn't work
04:39.50De_Monit would _work_ but its not the design I had in mind
04:40.03De_Monhaving to avoid n is annoying
04:40.13btorrengaI dont think you can escape matching
04:40.15obnauticusbtorrenga does it work via USB yet?
04:40.15J4k3I don't think, at least CDMA phones, you can do voice-over-usb
04:40.17*** join/#asterisk axscode (
04:40.34obnauticusDamn it.
04:40.41btorrengasomeone I spoke with had it working
04:40.41J4k3obnauticus: bluetooth is the only way to go, I *know* qualcomm cdma phones don't/won't push voice over the data cable.
04:40.51De_MonI'm pretty sure you could in 1.2, I just switched methods before figuring out the right way
04:40.53btorrengaover bluetooth
04:40.58De_Monand never implimented it after I did find it
04:40.58J4k3you *might* be able to do it via a sound card and the earphone plug, dialing/answering via usb and AT codes.
04:41.00obnauticusi can solder the mic to a twisted pair
04:41.04obnauticusand plug it into an FXO
04:41.07obnauticusand for the speaker
04:41.10obnauticusplug it into an FXS
04:41.11J4k3obnauticus: go to a sound card.
04:41.21obnauticuslike into FXO/FXS lol.
04:41.32J4k3that'd be expensive/worthless.
04:41.36obnauticusI know.
04:41.44J4k3just do it via bt, bt-equipped phones are cheap
04:41.54J4k3of course, you start running into a lot of shitty codecs chained together
04:41.59obnauticusWhere can i get a bluetooth adpter :/
04:42.01btorrengait made my box explode on incoming calls
04:42.03J4k3I have no idea how bad the end result sounds, I can't imagine dtmf'ing over it :)
04:42.22J4k3obnauticus: pretty much anybody that sells flash memory sells usb bt adapters.
04:42.22btorrengaoutbound calling seemed to work fine.
04:42.46J4k3at least around here...  office depot, staples, best buy, circuit city, radio shack, etc.
04:42.55J4k3or spend about 1/3rd as much and buy online
04:44.12obnauticusmoving x-lite around the screen on windows really fast reminds of me kidpix.
04:44.17obnauticusanyone here remember kidpix?
04:45.22obnauticus <-- our future.
04:45.53obnauticusProblem: How does blubber help whales?
04:45.59btorrengaI thought telephony was our future?
04:46.03obnauticusHypohtisis: I think blubber helps them stay warm in cold water!
04:46.21obnauticusbtorrenga that's a common misconception braught upon the american citizens by the United States government.
04:46.27obnauticusPrimarily Barack Obama.
04:46.39obnauticusThat page has the key to our future.
04:46.50obnauticusLook, the kids even drew the sperm whale!
04:47.34*** join/#asterisk IgorG (n=FeedomPa@
04:49.54TJNIIJ4k3: Echoy speakerphone and numeric only caller ID.  Otherwise I have no complaints about bt100s.
04:50.14J4k3TJNII: yep
04:50.41TJNIISorry, that up enter was ment for another window
04:51.04btorrengabed time.
04:51.08*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
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04:53.25*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=_freq@
05:04.12JTJ4k3: bri is cheap to terminate a single BRI in asterisk if it has ETSI signalling
05:06.04*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
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05:17.58phixWhat is the advantage of call groups?
05:18.28*** join/#asterisk IgI (n=FeedomPa@
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05:20.57[pyro]hmm does asterisk support BLA yet?
05:23.04*** join/#asterisk Hadi- (
05:23.10*** join/#asterisk BobbieG (n=bob@
05:23.15[TK]D-Fender[pyro], No.
05:23.32[TK]D-Fender[pyro], And from what I hear, not in 1.6 either
05:25.37FremWorkyou sure?
05:25.47FremWorkBLA is the busy lamp thing yeh?
05:26.35grimsybridged line appearance i thought
05:26.46ManxPowerDoesn't asterisk call that SLA?
05:26.58BobbieGhas anyone had an issue with the queues on 1.4.13?
05:27.05[TK]D-FenderManxPower, Same thing, equaly fictional.
05:27.14De_MonBobbieG no..
05:28.13*** join/#asterisk serpent-fly (n=serpent@
05:28.21FremWorkah, what I was thinking of was BLF
05:28.32BobbieGi know it is one setting i was using in an earlier version fine just not sure which one and using so many
05:28.42ManxPowerFremWork: And that is why it is important to get the words right.
05:28.58ManxPowerIf you just want BLF...well that is in 1.2+
05:29.29ManxPowerBecause of one letter, we have lost 5 mins of our lives, which we will never get back.
05:30.13FremWorkSLA BLF BLA SIP IAX CID DID... I need a break from the acronyms (and that's just some of the asterisk one's I deal with daily... don't get me started on ARS, TMS, etc
05:30.35grimsygood old TLA's
05:30.50FremWorkI concur
05:32.43hellopI should have concurred!
05:32.44*** join/#asterisk izaak (
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05:33.42[pyro][TK]D-Fender: i was just reading about SLA's here
05:34.17*** join/#asterisk moprilo (
05:34.31mopriloi did "modprobe ztdummy", but i need to undo it.. how do i do that?
05:35.11[TK]D-Fendermoprilo, "rmmod ztdummy"
05:35.40phixService Level Agreements?
05:35.56moprilomodprobe -r did it .. thanks
05:39.28*** join/#asterisk atomicd (
05:44.46[pyro]it looks like SLA is supported and should work (tm)
05:44.57[pyro]turn asterisk into a keying system :)
05:45.39[TK]D-Fender[pyro], that is a fugly 2-bit hack pretending to be SLA
05:46.13[pyro][TK]D-Fender: but does it work?
05:47.42[TK]D-Fender[pyro], in some limited capacity I suppose, but with vulnerabilities, and a requirement for a large number of BLF capable speed-dials
05:47.48[TK]D-Fender[pyro], And only for LINES.
05:48.03[TK]D-Fender[pyro], No comment about the unnaturalness of it all.
05:49.15*** join/#asterisk Steven_elvisda (n=Steven_E@
05:49.20[pyro][TK]D-Fender: yeah i dont think ill set it up here at work as i dont need it. But some people just wont look at asterisk as a solution unless it can do SLA
05:49.44[pyro]id rather just pick up the phone and dial, who cares what line it uses
05:49.45[TK]D-Fender[pyro], pathetic.  no need really.  Thats what parking is for.
05:50.37ManxPower[pyro]: Really Asterisk is not the solution if they need the features of a real Key System
05:51.35[TK]D-FenderManxPower, And there is virtually no need for key system style management.
05:51.59[pyro]hmm my aastra phones when paged dont beep
05:52.28[pyro]the page connects to the phone and you can hear whats going on at said phone. No beep warning for the paged party :)
05:53.49ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: My customers like BLF quite a but.
05:53.55ManxPowerbut they don't need shared lines, etc
05:54.14[TK]D-FenderManxPower, BLF hell yeah.. key system channel grabbing?  No.
05:57.28*** join/#asterisk IgorG (n=FeedomPa@
05:57.51[pyro]doesnt asterisk send a beep after *80 to page an extension?
05:58.12[TK]D-Fender[pyro], *80?  no such thing... what did YOU do there?
05:58.14ManxPowerMy clients want BLF just so the operator can tell the caller that Ms. Realestate Agent Asshole is on the phone.
05:58.30[pyro][TK]D-Fender: hehe
05:58.42[pyro][TK]D-Fender: yes i know my soul is forefit
05:58.47ManxPower[pyro]: it is up to the phone to auto answer the call and play a beep
05:58.50[pyro]i shall ask in the correct channel
05:58.56[TK]D-Fender[pyro], The first step is admitting you have a problem.
05:59.04[pyro]ManxPower: yeah i have the option setup in the phone to play the beep
05:59.12[pyro]ManxPower: .. and autoanswer
05:59.19ManxPower[pyro]: you realize we have a herd of aligators that have been specially trained to crave meat tainted with a GUI, right?
05:59.52[TK]D-FenderOi she's a beaut!
05:59.54[pyro]oh comon guys, whats wrong with a GUI? :) its nice and fast!!
06:00.01ManxPowerIt's the only thing that works to keep out the GUI people
06:00.11ManxPower[pyro]: it is also IMPOSSIBLE for us to troubleshoot.
06:00.54jbothmm... zeeek is someone who once said "learning asterisk using a GUI is like learning sex through masturbation. You'll never get to the good stuff."
06:00.54[pyro]ManxPower: yeah i can see how that would be a problem
06:00.59ManxPower[pyro]: it's like if you bought a totally customized ford car, custom engine, custom power windows, custom power train, etc.  Then you bring that car to a ford dealer and expect them to fix it.
06:01.02[TK]D-Fender[pyro], Basically you can't fine tune SHIT in there and noone wants to much around in their tunnel-visioned world.
06:01.42ManxPowerwell, Asterisk GUIs totally customize Asterisk with really bizarre stuff and designs...then people expect us to fix it.
06:02.16[pyro]yeah granted
06:02.51[TK]D-Fender*80?  Ask me how much I care about design flaws you can't even explain because you didn't make it.  Think we're going to track it down only to watch any effort get tossed the next time you commit a change?  No way in hell.
06:02.58ManxPowerWe say "ok, show us the CLI output of a failed call", expecting to see 5 lines or so of output.  If they are using a GUI it is a hundred lines (at least!) of custom AGI scripts, custom macros, and custom dialplan design.
06:02.59lowlevelyou need crippling social disorders to learn asterisk. :)
06:03.00[pyro]you guys are the only ones that answer questions too, thats whats frustrating. Not much convo happens in #freepbx
06:03.36ManxPower[pyro]: go ask about Redhat on a Debian channel.
06:03.40lowlevelwhat do you expect for free?
06:03.46tzangerManxPower: I need you and [TK]D-Fender to help me beat up the guy I'm currently contracting for
06:03.49tzangerhe doesn't get that
06:03.54[pyro][TK]D-Fender: yeah *80 comes from a freepbx module called Paging and Intercom
06:04.00[TK]D-Fender[pyro], They are equally clueless.  If you;re using a GUI you are typically not messing around with it
06:04.02lowlevelyou should just get northern telecom stuff from some telecom provider
06:04.03ManxPowertzanger: Those are what I call "former clients"
06:04.19tzangerI just keep telling him "I make magic happen with the drivers for your hardware. stop asking me to make the gui work, that's not what I'm good at"
06:04.19[TK]D-Fendertzanger, No news on my new blade :(
06:04.20lowlevelor cheaper... panasonic or somthing
06:04.28tzanger[TK]D-Fender: how long did they say it'd take?
06:04.29[TK]D-Fendertzanger, But my old one is still nice & sharp :D
06:04.34s0lidhi anyone tried asterisk on macos?
06:04.37ManxPowertzanger: One of my customers occasionally whines bout lack of a GUI.  I say "OK, give me a list of design requirements for a GUI for you" and then he is silent for a few more months
06:04.45lowlevels0lid; I want to... but I need IP phones first :/
06:04.46s0lidim using mezzo packages currently and need some info about it?
06:04.46tzanger[TK]D-Fender: hahaha I needed a nice sharp blade to cut my roast beef tonight
06:04.47[TK]D-Fendertzanger, about 4 weeks, but I never heard owrd sine making payment....
06:05.02[TK]D-Fendertzanger, Then you're doing something very wrong :)
06:05.06s0lidlowlevel: you need it as in you need to buy one? what country you from?
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06:05.18[TK]D-Fendertzanger,  my fillet mignon has been cutting like butter all week :)
06:05.22tzangerManxPower: this guy has a decent list of requirements, but I keep telling him if he wants that he's gonna have to write it.  $2500 is too much for switchvox for 1500 channels and freepbx just isn't filling it
06:05.28[pyro][TK]D-Fender: ManxPower: no stress im not asking you to fix anyting or blaming you guys for anything. its good to be in here because at least you guys talk :)
06:05.37tzanger[TK]D-Fender: next time I'm gonna cook a roast at 300... this was 350 and it was good but not perfect
06:05.42lowlevelsolid: I mostly use macs at home, but I have to keep a linux box to run the phones cause I went with just using old analog phones on a digium card in linux.
06:05.47tzangerseared the outside with the hottest pan I could make
06:05.57tzangerlowlevel: use an ATA
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06:06.05[TK]D-Fendertzanger, mine is about 6min a side pre-heat to 500 and then set to broil.
06:06.06tzanger[TK]D-Fender: that's always worrying
06:06.09[pyro]k gtg talk later :)
06:06.14lowlevelsolid: so.. not only would I need asterisk to work.. I'de need a pci bus... or yeah... about 4 ata's
06:06.14*** part/#asterisk [pyro] (n=Pyro@tor/regular/bracketed-pyro)
06:06.18ManxPowerlowlevel: Even if you could get Asterisk to work on a Mac, the userbase would be so small you would get virtually no help from the community
06:06.21[TK]D-Fendertzanger, comes out blue/rare.
06:06.31tzanger[TK]D-Fender: I love it like that... wife likes it well done however :-(
06:06.33s0lidlowlevel: just get ATA it would be cheaper and faster to imlement
06:06.40ManxPowerMy first Asterisk install was on analog phones.  NEVER EVER AGAIN.
06:06.42s0lidlowlevel: what do you want to do anyway
06:06.51lowlevelmanx; uhm... when did I ask for support?
06:06.57tzangeranyway it's late... I gotta get ot bed :-(
06:07.19ManxPowerlowlevel: Just making sure you are not in the middle of a fit of insanity.
06:07.32lowlevelno. i've been using asterisk for over a year
06:07.38lowleveland.. I don't use any steenking GUI's
06:07.44obnauticussame here man
06:07.51obnauticusI'm 16 and i prefer CLI only with manual text files.
06:07.58obnauticus(abnormal for my age apperentally(
06:08.05lowleveljust.. I made a choice to use this PCI card from digium with old phones... so I'm stuck with a linux box I'de rather not have around
06:08.36lowlevelI dont want to spend money on ATA's , I'm just going to buy some nice ip phones.. i only really need 3 or 4
06:08.39lowleveljust putting it off
06:09.11[TK]D-FenderATA's are fine for most uses I find...
06:09.26lowlevelwell... I have a small place here.. and I find them to be clunky and annoying
06:09.52lowlevelplus.. my analog phones are getting old... I'de rather rid the phones now and skip the atas
06:10.09ManxPowerPolycoms are where it's at.
06:10.14*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
06:10.15lowlevelyeah, they just look gay
06:10.26[TK]D-Fenderlowlevel, as a matter of choice, hey why not, but there's little functionality you need that demands a hard-phone.
06:10.32ManxPowernot gay, "metrosexual"
06:10.44[TK]D-Fenderlowlevel, You get used to them fast actually...
06:10.45lowlevelno, gay. metrosexual.. is more like the cisco ones
06:10.53lowlevelwhich I dont mind
06:11.48lowlevelbut yeah.. I'm just using this to run my home phone system really , nothing commercial....
06:11.56obnauticuswhat is so fucking bad about a Cisco Hardphone?
06:12.02obnauticusI've never used one so I don't understand
06:12.30ManxPowerobnauticus: almost all the problems with Cisco phones are not techical or design, they are LICENSING
06:12.34obnauticusEveryone bitches about them, they look cool like they LOOK cooler than the polycom ones...which are better but they still look cooler.
06:12.47obnauticusManxPower, why?
06:12.55lowlevelyeah licensing cisco products has been difficult for me as well
06:12.58[TK]D-Fenderobnauticus, inferior call handling.  No presence support.  Licenced firmware.  Higher cost.  More like why would you ever consider them over Polycom?
06:13.06nestAri gotta a polycom ip550 and ip300 here in my basement, they both make calls quite well.
06:13.37obnauticus[TK]D-Fender, the cisco phones do look cooler I'm not gonna lie.
06:13.43lowlevelI'm purely looking at 'style' , and not really internals/design/function
06:13.44obnauticusBut the SIP firmware is free for the Cisco phones.
06:13.44ManxPowerTo LEGALLY run SIP on the phones you have to pay an extra $100 or so, on top of the cost of the phone.  If you do not want to run power over ethernet, you need to buy a power supply (also not included in the base price of the phone), an extra $45
06:13.51[TK]D-FenderIP550's only point if the guy who's too cheap to get the 650 and is desperate for a backlight
06:14.04obnauticusManxPower I have both of those, what else :/
06:14.06ManxPowerso really, the cost is sometimes as much as twice what a polycom would cost.
06:14.10lowlevelmaybe polycom will out some new modles
06:14.15[TK]D-Fenderobnauticus, I'm not taking away from your aestetics comment, but I buy a phone for how it WORKS.
06:14.29obnauticusI know, i was just being optimistic :P
06:14.50obnauticusAnyway, I got a polycom ip500 and it's fine...
06:14.52ManxPowerIf it was not for Cisco's licensing and power supply issues, we would be using Cisco for the 200 or so IP phones we have -- instead we are all Polycom
06:14.58[TK]D-Fenderfrankly they should have woken up and backlit ALL of their line.
06:15.00obnauticusbut I got a Cisco 7960 comming from ebay.
06:15.06obnauticusYa i know dude.
06:15.15obnauticusthere's a mod to put one in though, I'm gonna do that.
06:15.23ManxPowerobnauticus: so when it arrives you'll be here whining about having to buy the firmware.
06:15.30[TK]D-Fenderobnauticus, if it were a 501 you'd have a microbrowser...
06:15.35ManxPowerYou realize the the firmware that comes with the phone is NOT transferrable, right?
06:15.45lowlevelmanx: yeah, but its on there ;)
06:15.54ManxPowernow, you can pirate it pretty easy, but it's not LEGAL
06:16.28ManxPoweri.e. you might not care for your own use, but if your client is a $600mil/year company, they will care.
06:16.32lowlevel(I guess you guys know exactly why I'm still using the digium with old phones ;))
06:16.32obnauticusCan't you just change it via TFTP?
06:16.45ManxPowerobnauticus: you can't download the firmware
06:17.38ManxPowerIf you have a support contract you are ABLE to download the firmware, but you are not legally licensed to use it just because you have a support contract.
06:18.08lowlevelyeah... so, if its for business, don't buy any used ones.
06:18.17obnauticusThat's kinda gay.
06:18.20obnauticusI'll get it working though.
06:18.23lowlevelob: take it up with cisco
06:18.33obnauticusWell they have their methods of getting money too :P
06:18.44obnauticus <--
06:18.52obnauticusSIP Flash Image for 7940/7960 IP Phone v8.2(0)- Non-CallManager <--
06:18.59lowlevelI've only got one cisco 'licence' to deal with thankfully
06:18.59ManxPowersome of the cool features of using cisco phones with Cisco Call manager are not available on the SIP firmware
06:19.00obnauticusI'm not gonna be using Cisco CM primarily.
06:19.02lowlevelfor now...
06:19.12hellopYes, but can you put a picture of boobies on your polycom 501's LCD?
06:19.15lowleveland... a perpetual support agreement (ass rape)
06:19.23obnauticushellop you can on the Cisco one!
06:19.35ManxPowerSo you can see why Cisco is not a popular choice around here.
06:19.41obnauticusI'm not gonna lie though, Cisco releases some good stuff.
06:19.47[TK]D-Fenderhellop, yup
06:19.50obnauticusLike their networking hardware works the way it's supposed to.
06:20.07obnauticusbut much like microsoft they take advantage of their popularity and are dicks about it.
06:20.07nestAr[TK]D-Fender: Maybe, but they were a good price.. I didn't even look at the 650. I don't know what the difference is.
06:20.18lowlevelob: hmm, yeah.. pretty much
06:20.20ManxPowerobnauticus: um, try to ACTUALLY download that firmware
06:20.32obnauticusI have it
06:20.33obnauticuson my desktop.
06:20.41ManxPoweryou must have a CCO account
06:20.42obnauticusyou can login anonomyously
06:20.43nestArI bought the 550's so certain people could feel like they were more important. ;)
06:20.56lowlevelob; honestly.. I like that I dont' get called about 'the internet is down' ... so I always recommend the ass rape.
06:21.01[TK]D-FendernestAr, 2 more line keys, support the expansion modules & USB, and I believe come with PS as well.
06:21.17nestArthe 550's came with a PS
06:21.25nestArdidn't use it, have POE switch
06:21.37[TK]D-FendernestAr, ok, nix that then, the rest stands.  650 has a future, 550 is a dead end.
06:21.48ManxPowerlowlevel: my clients mostly use all Cisco routers  (2621/2621XM)  and all Cisco switches (Catalyst 550x)
06:21.55[TK]D-Fenderand a pricey one at that.
06:22.03nestArnot sure that i need the 2 extra line keys or a expansion module.
06:22.10ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: is the USB useful for anythin yet?
06:22.15[TK]D-FendernestAr, its about protecting your investment.
06:22.20lowlevelmanx; thats much bigger than what I deal with ;) (ASA 55xx's and such lately)
06:22.27[TK]D-FenderManxPower, not much that I've seen, but it opens doors.
06:23.09lowlevelbut.. previously the odd PIX
06:23.09ManxPowerlowlevel: the catalysts are so cheap on ebay, we can buy hot spares and still come out cheaper
06:23.09lowlevelor whatever
06:23.09nestAr:shrug: i have so little invested in the phones it doesn't really matter. they make and take calls, that's what's important to me.
06:23.09lowlevelmanx: yeah, they're solid
06:23.12[TK]D-FendernestAr, Suppose there's that...
06:23.19ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I suggest IP 501 for the operator, they can always redeploy that to "an important person" if they need BLF, etc
06:23.29obnauticusManxPower you don't need a CCO accoun.t
06:23.38[TK]D-FenderManxPower, 501 for presence?  ew.
06:23.38nestAri had 501's at my previous company, i figured the 550 was a s
06:23.40obnauticusRead the Note: section:
06:23.44[TK]D-FenderManxPower, no lit indicators
06:23.48ManxPowerobnauticus: so what did you provide as the userid, password?
06:23.48nestArset up from the 501
06:23.56obnauticusManxPower, read the Note section.
06:24.12[TK]D-FendernestAr, it is, but it costs the same as a 601 without the expansion capabilities.
06:24.14lowlevelhmm, wonder if I got my 30amp outlets while I was off
06:24.18nestAr;v r4
06:24.22ManxPowerobnauticus: my session is no longer valid
06:24.24obnauticusThe SIP Firmware is a free release.
06:24.30nestArsorry, weinerdog at the keyboard
06:24.59lowlevelah well, work in the morning :/ night guys
06:25.05obnauticusNow... Asterisk supports SCCP, correct?
06:25.12nestArwhat would i use the expansion moduel for? i honestly don't know.
06:25.16[TK]D-FenderI'm outta here too...
06:25.21[TK]D-Fenderg'night all
06:25.32*** part/#asterisk atomicd (
06:25.46[TK]D-FendernestAr, BLF / system functions like page, parking, etc
06:25.57obnauticusManxPower: there's this too refer pm
06:26.09*** join/#asterisk h3x (i=Justino@
06:30.12hellopPolycom Question:  You know the Soundpoint L phones?  They look nearly identical to the 501s except RJ11 not Ethernet.  Can someone point me on a search to figure out how to make the SoundPoint L buttons work?  Inet searches yeild little.
06:30.55hellopJust that the SoundPoint L is an Integrated analog feature telephone designed for systems like TeleVantage CTM and the Intel is touting the Intel Converged Communications Platform (ICCP) .
06:31.11hellopIOW best use = doorstop?
06:31.23linageehow do i make an iax uri call to another friend of mine?
06:31.54linageei add a custom extension with this in the dial line:   iax://1004@ip.ip.17.98/1004
06:32.11linageeit says all lines are busy/congested in the CLI debugging. :(
06:32.16*** join/#asterisk IgI (n=FeedomPa@
06:32.41ManxPowerlinagee: Asterisk does not support IAX IRLs
06:32.45ManxPoweror URLs
06:32.48linageeManxPower: hrm??
06:32.54linageeManxPower: only SIP URIs?
06:33.08ManxPowerIt doesn't support SIP URIs either.
06:33.25linageeManxPower: Dial("sipuri")   something like that?
06:33.38ManxPower"SIP/1235@thehost" and "IAX/thehost/2345" are not URIs
06:33.53linageeManxPower: hrm! so that's the correct format! :)
06:33.56linageeManxPower: thanks. :)
06:33.59*** join/#asterisk di||itante (
06:34.10Shaun2222with the iaxy s101 units how do you transfer calls
06:34.19Shaun2222if there a specific set of keys i need to press.
06:34.23ManxPowerlinagee: you would have known that if you had read even one page of documentation
06:34.29ManxPowerShaun2222: FLASH
06:34.48linageeManxPower: lol. ;)
06:34.56ManxPowerI don't recall if it's FLASH NUMBER HANGUP or FLASH NUMBER FLASH HANGUP
06:35.24hellopI guess analog feature phones where just dropped but the industry.
06:35.56Shaun2222ManxPower: weird but works thanks
06:36.18Shaun2222i did flash number flash
06:37.19*** join/#asterisk lemanal (
06:37.25linageeManxPower: i dialed SIP and his side rang. i dialed IAX and i got the busy/congested message. :-/
06:37.53ManxPowerShaun2222: not weird at all.  That has been the standard way for analog centrex for 20 years.
06:38.03ManxPowerlinagee: I'm sorry, but you just don't know enough.
06:38.08linageeManxPower: aw
06:38.17linageefor the lose
06:43.06*** join/#asterisk LoF^[Lawbringer] (
06:46.38linageeManxPower: is there a way to tell asterisk to always use an external IP instead of the IP on the interface? (i'd say externip if it was a trunk)
06:47.37J4k3I believe you can attach the asterisk daemon itself to an IP
06:47.39linagee(i looked at the log and i am getting his internal IP. he's got a 1:1 NAT set up)
06:48.15linageehis asterisk box is sending out what it thinks is it's IP, but it's really an internal IP. hrm
06:50.44*** join/#asterisk UnFred (
06:50.48helloplinagee, sounds like an easy .conf fix
06:51.52linageehellop: true. reading about it now
06:55.47*** join/#asterisk jeebusmobile (
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07:07.05helloplinagee, tell him to plug directly into the DSL modem and assign his PC the external IP.
07:07.55linageehellop: lol. i think he's got a cable modem and he wants to route it through a m0n0wall box or something dumb like that
07:09.02BBHossm0n0wall is certainly not dumb
07:09.13obnauticusM0n0wall is ok
07:09.17obnauticusi like pfsense better.
07:09.24BBHossthis is true
07:09.28BBHosswhat is he trying to do
07:09.34ManxPowerA properly managed system doesn't need a firewall.
07:09.43linageeBBHoss: right but trying to do a 1:1 NAT and such. ugh. :(
07:10.04BBHossyou can get by with forwarding ports
07:10.13[hC]a properly managed system can still need a firewall if you need services exposed to some people and not others, publically
07:10.28ManxPowerBBHoss: OK then.  How does a firewall protect ports that have nothing running on them and how does a firewall protect applications that ARE running on a port?
07:10.31linagee[hC]: do the firewall using iptables in the asterisk box itself. ;)
07:10.40ManxPower[hC]: that I can agree with.
07:10.42[hC]linagee: that is fine.
07:10.48[hC]i have nothing wrong with local iptables rules
07:11.16ManxPowerHowever, I do thing that is better handled at the application, rather than the network
07:11.21[hC]but if you are depending on a firewall to allow access to services, but protect you from exploits, say goodnight.
07:11.28[hC]that too.
07:12.04[hC]for example i run ssh on my servers but only allow connections from certain hosts, likewise with ftp and sometimes http, incase a new vulnerability is discovered and i am hit unknowingly
07:12.05ManxPowernow, on a system that is not properly managed (like my Windows laptop, which I am NOT qualified to properly manage) a firewall can be pretty handy.
07:12.11BBHossfirewalls are needed because of the human aspect
07:12.18BBHosshuman error
07:12.23*** join/#asterisk harpal (n=Harpal@
07:12.39[hC]firewalls act as a buffer between humans and keeping systems patched, configured and up to date
07:12.52BBHossthey are required
07:12.52[hC]also, when a machine does get rooted somehow, a firewall prevents it from becoming much worse.
07:12.55ManxPowerBBHoss: like accidentally running an FTP server?
07:12.57[hC]or.. can.
07:13.25BBHosslike forgetting to specify eth1 instead of the default which is all interfaces
07:13.25ManxPowerBBHoss: Oh, so like protecting your SMTP server from being exploited?
07:13.36*** join/#asterisk J4zen (
07:13.45ManxPowerSorry, I sometimes forget people run more than one interface.
07:13.57BBHossthats a limited example
07:14.08[hC]thats also a configuration problem
07:14.09ManxPowerand that they use the interfaces as a sort of security method
07:14.17[hC]all manx said was that you dont NEED a firewall if the system has been configured and maintained 'properly'
07:14.30BBHossim not saying thats false
07:14.43BBHossbut properly means perfectly in my book
07:15.00ManxPowerBBHoss: bullshit  <-- I assume that was for linagee
07:15.06[hC]which is why a lot of people have firewalls :)
07:16.01ManxPowerI have a firewall on my windows box, but not on the linux boxes I "manage"
07:16.01BBHossi am sorry, i didnt think that through
07:16.33[hC]in my opinion a firewall acts as a safety net for configuration error, and can help lock down services from trusted hosts so you dont run into accidental breach by means of "0 day exploits" of services, and such.
07:16.42BBHossfirewalls also help protect you if you get hacked from a zero-day exploit
07:16.43hellop[hC], well some firewalls offer nifty stuff like application monitoring("Notepad is trying to access the internet"), and detection/logging/notification of DoS, probing, and other attacks.  Without one, you won't know what the problem is during a DoS.
07:16.53ManxPower[hC]: *nod*
07:17.28ManxPowerBBHoss: How exactly does a firewall help protect you if you get hacked?
07:17.48BBHossdepending on configuration, it can help protect information going out
07:17.53ManxPowerOne might assume "hacked" means "root level access" and anyone with root level access can turn off the firewall
07:18.18BBHossi am speaking in reference to one that does nat
07:18.32[hC]well, not if the firewall is a separate device of course, so yes if you get hacked a standalone firewall can help prevent the opening of a new port that you didnt want open, or data leaving that you didnt want going out
07:18.38[hC]but you're pretty much already screwed anyways
07:18.40BBHossand external device thats not installed on the computer
07:18.41ManxPowerBBHoss: firewall and nat are not the same thing.
07:18.43*** join/#asterisk nibbler_de (
07:18.46BBHossno shit
07:18.54nibbler_dei have configured a callerid in sip.conf - is there any variable which i get the "real" callerid of the user from?
07:18.57linageeManxPower: we just got it working. he had to do some localnet option
07:18.58BBHossthey are commonly packged
07:19.11[hC]BBHoss: more than you'd realize, they are not commonly packaged.
07:19.13ManxPower[hC]: oh, I think there are many, many, many reasons to have a standalone firewall.  I was only referring to a host firewall
07:19.22[hC]BBHoss: unless you're strictly focusing on soho router firewalls.
07:20.06ManxPowerI also doubt you are going to be running NAT on a host that is not a router.
07:20.08BBHossif you were referring to host firewalls, then thats fine, i agree, but standalone firewalls are necessary
07:20.28[hC]i think you're wrong by saying necessary, again.
07:20.45ManxPowerWhen I said "system" I was referring to "host", sorry I was not more clear.
07:20.52BBHossfine by me
07:20.55ManxPowernot router.
07:22.13ManxPowerand not a network
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07:23.01linageea netnotwork
07:23.13BBHossheh, sure
07:24.53*** join/#asterisk IgI (n=FeedomPa@
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07:25.17hellopnibbler_de, you mean like exten => 4,2,SayDigits(${CALLERID(num)})
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07:25.40nibbler_debut calerid(num) gives me the configured callerid - not the real one
07:26.01ManxPowerno, like the variables listed in /path/to/src/asterisk/doc/README.variables (or channelvariables.txt if you are on 1.4)
07:26.17ManxPowernibbler_de: if you want the real one, then don't configure callerid.
07:26.32ManxPower"the real one" is whatever the device sends as it's callerid
07:26.39nibbler_deManxPower: i have already looked into the variables documentation - without success
07:26.44nibbler_dei have this config:
07:26.57hellopnibbler_de, Manx seems to have explained it for you.
07:27.39nibbler_dein my sip. conf - so you are trying to tell me that i can not get the information "2342" during the call? and all i'll ever get will be the callerid 9112753355?
07:28.02nibbler_dethat would make things rather complicated for me *sigh*
07:28.10ManxPowerwhy not setvar=CIDOVERRIDE=9112753355  then CALLERID(num) has the callerid it is sending, and you have the callerid yo would set.
07:28.38ManxPowernibbler_de: Um, 2342 is not the "real callerid", it is the SIP userid
07:29.03ManxPowerand you should be able to get lots of info about that.
07:29.03nibbler_deManxPower: hmm, i can define per-user setvar= entries in sip.conf?
07:29.14ManxPowernibbler_de: yes.
07:29.36nibbler_dethat would be a workaround i can live with - but - if i can get the sip userid i'd be much happier
07:30.22ManxPowerwhen you change your queestion from "how do I get the real callerid" to "how can I get the sip userid" both the question AND the answer change
07:31.01nibbler_dewell - i regard the sip userid as the "real callerid" but - yeah - what i meant was in deed the sip userid
07:31.31ManxPowerSIPURI might have the info, you would have to parse it out.  CHANNEL might also have that info and you would have to parse that out.
07:31.36*** join/#asterisk Putzz (
07:31.54*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (n=chatzill@
07:32.04BeeBuuhelp all
07:32.14hellopBeeBuu, yes please do.
07:32.34J4zenHi there
07:32.40BeeBuui men i need help please.
07:32.51J4zeni'm having some odd issues with my PBX, allow me to explain the situation
07:32.58jbotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there, just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
07:33.13BeeBuuis there any idea to check which channel is avaliable?
07:33.46ManxPowerBeeBuu: "show application chanisavail"  "show applications" is also your friend.  love it, hold it, buy it chocolates
07:34.02J4zenRecently we moved our (test)-PBX to our Datacenter, the PBX worked just fine in our local network. After moving it to the datacenter i am unable to register my SNOM320's at the PBX, i AM however able to register my X-lite softphones on it.
07:34.10J4zenI have generated two log files
07:34.18J4zenone from the SIP debug on the office IP
07:34.25J4zenand one from the SNOM320 on level 9
07:34.30ManxPowerJ4zen: make sure you do NOT have a bindaddr setting in Asterisk
07:34.48nibbler_deManxPower: great, thanks - works like a charm - i just have to cut the sip: and the @ip away - finally it made sense that i use strictly four-digit numbers everywhere ;-)
07:34.51J4zenThere shouldn't be, the PBX is not behind a NAT
07:35.00J4zenthe SNOM's are however behind a NAT
07:35.04BeeBuuManxPower: which application for me?
07:35.06J4zenand have the qualify=yes and nat=yes switch
07:35.09J4zenin their sip.conf
07:35.09BBHosshas the IP address changed?
07:35.30ManxPowerJ4zen: make SURE there are NO nat settings enabled on the SNOM
07:35.56J4zenWell not on the SNOM itself
07:36.02ManxPowerasterisk nat=yes precludes using the phone's nat support.  Also if you are using STUN, turn it off.
07:36.06J4zenbut in the sip.conf, their extension
07:36.18J4zenAm not using STUN
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07:36.36BeeBuuManxPower: which application for check channel?
07:37.03J4zenSo the sip.conf extensions for the SNOM320's shouldn't have the nat=yes and qualify=yes switches enabled?
07:37.05ManxPowerManxPower: BeeBuu: "show application chanisavail"  "show applications" is also your friend.  love it, hold it, buy it chocolates
07:37.18J4zenlol @ ManxPower
07:37.28BeeBuuManxPower: thanks
07:37.34ManxPowerJ4zen: yes, they should have nat=yes, qualify=yes, but the SNOMs them selves have NAT options as well.
07:37.47J4zeni see, i must have overlooked that
07:38.12J4zenThe NAT Identity Settings ?
07:38.23ManxPowerJ4zen: I've not used SNOMs so I can't say for sure, what I can say is that every brand of IP phone I've used has options for NAT stuff
07:38.44BBHossjust make sure offer ICE is off and the rest of the fields are blank
07:38.49*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
07:39.13BeeBuuManxPower: can i use this:  chanlsavail(zap/g0)?
07:39.28mostyBeeBuu, try it
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07:40.16J4zenThe settings were as you described BBHoss, Offer ICE is off and all fields are blank(which they were by default)(
07:40.23obnauticushey my asterisk crashed and now it's being all weird.
07:40.46BBHossj4zen: have the phones always been on a separate nat-enabled network from the server
07:40.56*** join/#asterisk XTR-III (
07:40.57obnauticuslike when i type reload it only reprases some configuration files.
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07:41.29ManxPowerWhat do you expect it to do?  Sit up and recite a poem?
07:41.53J4zenBBHoss; No
07:41.57ManxPowerreload tells Asterisk to reparse it's config files.
07:42.01phixhey, is there any way to use pam or a database or LDAP etc.. for authentication of sip, mailboxes, etc.?
07:42.03mostyi'm trying to auto provision a polycom ip 550, do they support http for settings files, or does it have to be tftp or ftp?
07:42.08J4zenBBHoss; They used to be in our office LAN, all within the same NAT-enabled network
07:42.09phixI don't like putting plaintext passwords in files
07:42.09obnauticusManxPower it's not reparsing all of them
07:42.12obnauticusor the ones it was before.
07:42.20J4zenAnd they worked just fine
07:42.21BBHossthen you moved outside NAT?
07:42.23mostyphix, lookup asterisk realtime, but there are downsides. see the wiki
07:42.30J4zenwell the PBX moved outside the NAT
07:42.31phixmosty: thank you :)
07:42.32BBHosswelcome to hell
07:42.33J4zenthe SNOM's stayed
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07:42.43J4zenI have the vague impression
07:42.49J4zenthat SNOM's have some sort of cache i cannot seem to clear
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07:43.03ManxPowermosty: I beleive that ALL polycoms except for the original 300, 500, and 600 support http and https provisioning
07:43.41kiscokidobnauticus: what else is not working now?
07:43.48obnauticuswell i can't register on it
07:43.55obnauticusit doesn't have the commands im used to
07:43.59obnauticusliek iax and sip...
07:44.08obnauticusAsterisk SVN-branch-1.4-r71230 built by root @ asterisk on a i686 running Linux on 2007-06-23 00:39:02 UTC
07:44.12mostyManxPower, i set the server-name option to something like "http://my-host-here", but i do a packet log and the phone dhcp's etc, but never tries to connect to the web server
07:44.22jbothmm... nat is Network Address Translation  Usable in Asterisk sip.conf file with externip, localnet, and localmask setup properly.  See docs.
07:44.37kiscokidsounds like those modules are not getting loaded
07:44.38BBHosstry that j4zen
07:44.50obnauticusnow it keeps repeating
07:44.53J4zenWell, the PBX itself is not behind a nat
07:44.54obnauticusRemote Unix connection
07:44.56J4zenthe setup is as follows
07:44.58obnauticusremote UNIX connection disconnected
07:45.01BBHossoh yeah
07:45.10BBHossthis is gonna be great
07:45.13ManxPowerobnauticus: um, we don't really support SVN o this channel.
07:45.21J4zenSNOM > ROUTER/GW > INTERNET > PBX ( directly on an outside IP , at datacenter )
07:45.22mostysnom auto provisioning is so much easier than polycom :(
07:45.25BBHossyou'll need a true proxy
07:45.26obnauticuswell I don't know what to do it was working before :/
07:45.32J4zenBBHoss; Excuse me?
07:45.39ManxPowerobnauticus: "stop now" service asterisk start
07:45.40obnauticusbefore it crashed
07:45.42BBHosslike OpenSER
07:45.44linageeJ4k3: define PBX
07:45.46kiscokidobnauticus: remote unix connection means someone did asterisk -r
07:45.47BBHossor some SBC
07:45.52BBHosssession border controller
07:45.53J4zenlinagee; Asterisk.
07:46.01phixmosty: I mostly want a secure storage of passwords, like a hash with salt for example, instead of plaintext
07:46.12J4zenHmm, you
07:46.15J4zenare creeping me out
07:46.16mostyphix: you can do that in a sip.conf file
07:46.21ManxPowerphix: you mean like md5 passwords?
07:46.32BBHosswelcome to the world of sip!!
07:46.46J4zenBBHoss; Why would i need that in the first place? Asterisk cannot connect thru my NAT ?
07:46.48phixManxPower: like keeping the md5 hash in the config file instead of the plaintext version would also be good
07:47.01phixa hash + salt would be better
07:47.06ManxPowerJ4zen: you don't need any proxies or other crap like that.
07:47.07BBHossobnauticus: kill asterisk, then start up with asterisk -cvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
07:47.14ManxPowerphix: Asterisk can do that.
07:47.15linageephix: hash + salt + ketchup is EVEN better. :)
07:47.58jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF
07:47.59phixlinagee: yay
07:47.59linageeketchup goes great with has
07:47.59phixManxPower: where?
07:47.59phixManxPower: oh in the book, what chapter? I have that book :)
07:47.59ManxPowerphix: sip.conf.sample should provide several examples
07:48.09jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
07:48.09obnauticuswhat should I be looking for BBHoss?
07:48.10ManxPowerthat file is included in the asterisk source code, btw
07:48.10BBHosspastebin it
07:48.10obnauticusoh ok
07:48.21J4zenManxPower: What do i need , if not a proxy?
07:48.27phixManxPower: oh
07:48.36*** join/#asterisk MicW (
07:48.45ManxPowerJ4zen: to figure out what config option where is wrong.
07:49.04phixhmmmm, I should use the [authentication] sip.conf feature?
07:49.05ManxPowermake sure your hosting prover is not providing a helpful firewall.
07:49.05J4zenI was afraid you'd say that
07:49.17J4zenNo all ports are opened, no firewall
07:49.38phixusername#md5hash@hostname  interesting, does that work with register too?
07:49.52phixusing # instead of : to seperate username and password / hash ?
07:50.17MicWi'm running asterisk with external sip providers. that works fine until my ip changes. then the sip connnections get lost and I see a lot of "Registration for '...' timed out"
07:50.39MicWwhen i reload asterisk, they register again ind it works until the next ip change
07:51.15obnauticusSorry for the colors.
07:51.18mostymicw: reload sip when your ip changes
07:51.22obnauticusyou might want to cat that into a shell that supports colors
07:51.24obnauticusor soemthing
07:51.31mostymicw: or reload periodically, or just get a static ip
07:52.14MicWis it possible to change the configurtaion so that sip re-registers if the registration gets lost?
07:52.26BBHossapparently, non of your modules have descriptions, so they can't be loaded
07:52.34obnauticusIt was JUSt working lol.
07:53.05mostyMicW, the sip client doesn't know that the registration was lost, that's the problem
07:53.30obnauticusBBHoss what should I do?
07:53.54BBHossnot sure, could be a simple fix, or it might have corrupted everything
07:53.58BBHossi would reinstall
07:54.06phixManxPower: I can't find my salt!
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07:55.10J4zenManxPower: I dont see any misconfiguration in the SIP.conf file:
07:55.19J4zenCould you take a look please?
07:57.45mostycan anyone tell me what setting in need in dhcpd.conf i need to tell a polycom phone to get it's settings from a web server? nothing i've found on the web seems to work
07:58.14BBHossoption 66
07:58.39BBHossoh web server
07:58.52obnauticusk BBHoss
07:58.59obnauticusI just reinstsalled real fast
07:59.31mostybbhoss: do you know the name for option 66 in dhcpd v3?
08:00.05*** join/#asterisk Bilbolodz (
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08:02.04kiscokidmosty:  use:  option boot-server code 66 = string;
08:02.52mostykiscokid, /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf line 11: unknown option dhcp.boot-server
08:04.33obnauticusInternal RTCP NTP clock skew detected
08:04.38obnauticushow do i fi9x that?
08:05.44kiscokidmosty: is line 11 option boot-server code 66 = string;  ?
08:06.04*** join/#asterisk bintut (n=bintut@
08:06.18mostykiscokid, tftp-server-name seems to work now, strangely enough even if i put http://something
08:07.07bintuthello all.. anyone here have personally deployed fax over ip service on the asterisk?
08:07.36mostybintut, no, give up now is my advice
08:07.38*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
08:07.58obnauticusDoes anyone here know what the error `Device does not match ACL' means while doing a handle_request_register
08:08.46bintutmosty: why? is it because of a buggy software or something? i need to have a foip functionality on my box..
08:09.27mostybintut, asterisk only has pass-thru t.38 support
08:10.39bintutmosty: yeah, i read that from one of the pages i found on the internet.. but i am looking for a practical/actual deployment if there is..
08:11.18mostybintut, well you probably need something that supports t.38 well, and asterisk doesn't (yet)
08:11.24BBHossbased on the situation you described before, * can do it
08:11.26bintutactually, i found from the articles that asterisk+iaxmodem+hylafax will do the trick but i'm looking for your advice here in this community
08:11.42BBHossthe only problem i see is that you want to run it over an IAX trunk
08:11.54bintutBBHoss: what combinations you have in there without using a hardware ata?
08:12.02BBHosst.38 is sip<-sip-> only
08:12.04mostybintut, fax over voip will never work well
08:12.11BBHosst.38 can be great
08:12.36bintutBBHoss: regardless if iax or sip.. i want to have a reliable foip using t.38
08:12.47*** join/#asterisk J4zen|Ghost (
08:12.49BBHossyou have to have a sip ata that supports
08:13.05BBHossand pass it over sip, to another sip ata
08:13.28*** part/#asterisk kiscokid (
08:13.30BBHossnow if you want to dial someone using POTS and use t.38, then you'll need a provider that supports t.38
08:13.30bintutBBHoss: other than using an ata hardware, any other solution?
08:13.39BBHossyou can TRY callweaver
08:13.51BBHossthey seem to have origination/termination
08:14.05BBHossor you could use hylafax, but ive never tried it
08:14.26bintutBBHoss: yeah, i read from another article that callweaver has a full support for pass through and termination but their site is down
08:15.34bintutBBHoss: i actually have a digium card dev kit here and i believe i can fax to pots.. my problem is faxing through ip..
08:16.10*** join/#asterisk _ys (
08:16.16mostybintut, are you trying to get asterisk to send outgoing fax via sip or iax?
08:16.19BBHossthat is everyones problem
08:16.51bintutmosty: regardless of protocol, doesn't matter to me.. the important thing is i can send/receive fax over ip
08:17.10mostybintut, you cannot do it reliably with asterisk as an endpoint
08:17.22mostyunless you only use PSTN channels
08:18.08BBHoss* cant act as an endpoint, it can only pass t.38 through to an ATA
08:18.09bintutmosty: actually, i am peered with an asterisk box also but to cut off long distance fax bills, i'm looking for ways that both sides can send/receives fax over ip
08:18.36mostybintut, you can use a web interface to hylafax
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08:25.03obnauticushow do i fix this: Internal RTCP NTP clock skew detected
08:25.30nexilushow would i go about if i want any dialed extension to have the same ",1," functionality? to be frank, i want all calls to go through an AGI script first, and then use the apropriate dialplans
08:25.58BBHossthats probably just debug info
08:26.05BBHosstry installing from a tarball
08:26.18obnauticusYour name is traball.
08:26.48*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
08:27.44moduWhen I pickup a call I want my phone to show the real caller (not *9+exten) is there a way to do this ?
08:28.17jbotcisco makes the routers that move the pr0n across the internet at a very high rate of exchange. a company full of patent protected punks!
08:28.44*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-f6ae8512ed792744)
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08:36.31moduSomeone use pickup here ?
08:41.32bintutmosty: sorry, i left for a while..
08:41.41bintutBBHoss: sorry, i left for a while..
08:42.11mostybintut, you can use a web interface to hylafax
08:42.17mostyis the last thing i said
08:43.55nexilusif i use exten s,1,...... does that affect all calls ?
08:45.44*** join/#asterisk speekac (n=alwin@
08:46.03mostyonly calls sent to extension s, priority 1 in that context
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09:00.30nexilusmosty... but isnt s the start of any call...?
09:01.14nexilusthen ... either someone should update the wikipedia or im misreading terribly :S
09:01.50mostyyou must be misreading
09:02.12nexilusunder "predefined extensions"
09:02.16nexiluswhat do they mean by S then..?
09:02.23JTbintut: maybe you're not understanding
09:02.41JTbintut: you CANNOT fax over IP over WANs over VOICE codecs.
09:03.24bintutmosty: yeah.. thanks..  :)
09:04.03bintutJT: ok. thanks.
09:07.26mostycalls that come in on an analogue line are sent to extension s, priority 1, in whatever context you set in sip.conf
09:07.27jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
09:07.53JTmosty: analogue line... sip.conf?
09:08.07mostyer, zapata.conf sorry.
09:08.49*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
09:08.50nexilusim having trouble accepting mosty's answers since they contradict everything ive read so far...
09:09.15JTnexilus: then read something that isn't wrong
09:09.19JTnexilus: like the book
09:09.26JTand asterisk's internal documentation
09:09.59DovidJT: If i want asteirsk to call two people and then bridge the call what is the easiest way to do it ? file to the first party and then send the call to a context that calls the second party ?
09:10.37mostydovid: that would work
09:10.43nexilusi have read two books, and the online wikipedia.. both state as far as i remember that the predefined extension s is used for all calls within a context (usually tho when there is no predefined extensions in the context) but shouldnt that in theory work even if there is extensions in a context but theres a general "step 1" for each extension?
09:10.45mostyor use the originate cli command
09:11.10mostynexilus, you either misread (most likely), or you're reading something that's wrong
09:11.18*** join/#asterisk harpal (n=Harpal@
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09:11.52Dovidmosty: Any simpler way to accomplish that ?
09:12.05mostydovid: that is simple or originate ?
09:12.22mostythey are effectively the same thing
09:12.29mostypick whichever you prefer
09:12.59JTnexilus: that's not right
09:13.36JTDovid: AMI originate should be better for high call volumes
09:13.42JTno stuffing around with the FS
09:14.00J4k3linagee: the closest thing I'll ever get to owning my own switch? ;)
09:14.00Dovidbeen a while since I played with the AMI
09:14.42bintutthanks to all who tried to help me..
09:15.03*** join/#asterisk stkn|work (n=stkn|wor@gentoo/developer/
09:15.30Siyaanyone who can point me to a simple way to telling why cdr_mysql won't build?
09:15.46Siyamenuselect shows XXX so I've been looking at dependencies for ages
09:15.49mostyyou'll have to look at the error from the build
09:15.59mostydo you have mysql dev libs installed?
09:17.36SiyaI used to have it workin
09:17.55Siyamosty: yes
09:18.56Siyaheh, I lost some txt here
09:19.08moduSomeone have configured pickup ?
09:19.37*** join/#asterisk Schumie (
09:19.40SiyaI had to rebuild my machine after a HD crash had it working before the crash. now it won't build and I see no errors
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09:25.18BeeBuuany one know what kinds format can be record by mixmonitor()?
09:27.46*** join/#asterisk defswork (n=andy@
09:28.05defswork\o/ We've got a new phone system here
09:28.26defsworkI asked if we could install asterisk - no chance - we have some shitty LG system
09:28.33defsworkand it is /so/ bad
09:29.21Siyamosty: shouldn't there be some error file?
09:29.41Siyano errors  being spat at me on the cli
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09:33.32mostysiya: you're trying to build asterisk-addons right? and not asterisk?
09:37.13obnauticusHow does the music on hold module choose in which order to load music?
09:37.20obnauticusIs it alphabetically in the specified directory?
09:37.25Dovidanyone know the command to quit the AMI ?
09:37.32Dovidi dont see it any where on the wiki
09:38.11DovidAction: Quit did not work
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10:00.14tzafrirDovid? logoff? logout?
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10:01.12Siyapossibly it was only run the first time I tried installing and not after as I was trying to resolve the dependencies
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11:22.34last1anyone alive here ?
11:23.24last1how do I know ur not bots ? :)
11:23.49viperdudeukyou give me your phone number and i call you
11:24.36last1I have two accounts with a voip provider. each account gives me a separate phone #. I connect to them through SIP
11:25.00last1each account is defined in it's own context [in1] and [in2] in sip.conf ( each has different user, password, etc )
11:25.09last1each also calls a different context in extensions.conf
11:25.32last1the problem is that when a call comes in for the number defined in [in1] it gets picked up by [in2]
11:25.40last1not sure why
11:26.00ftugrulwhere can I find the dependency list for asterisk 1.4.13 please?
11:26.08ftugrulI'm trying to compile it.
11:26.09viperdudeuklast1: are you registering the SIP accounts?
11:26.13MicWhave you set "context=in1" and "context=in2" in sip.conf (different for both)?
11:26.29last1[in1] and [in2] are defined exactly alike except for differences in user/password and context they go in extensions.conf
11:26.37last1they do get registered yes
11:26.58last1both show up fine if I use: sip show registry
11:27.05viperdudeukset the extension to ring at the end of the register line
11:27.36viperdudeukregister => user:pass@myvoiprovider/myextentocall
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11:28.28last1le me try that
11:28.45viperdudeukJ4zen: SCP?
11:28.57J4zen"SCP" ?
11:29.04viperdudeuksecure copy
11:29.07viperdudeukworks over SSH
11:29.13J4zenoh it does? i had no idea
11:29.21viperdudeukif you can SSH in you should be able to SCP
11:29.31J4zenYeah i can ssh in
11:30.07viperdudeukget a scp client and use that then
11:30.17rob0pipe a tar zc through nc, nc -l piped to tar zx on the receiving side
11:30.27last1I made that change and now it shows: can not find [in1] in context [in2]
11:30.40last1I should have mentioned that when the number rings I want it to go to a context, not ring directly
11:31.20rob0"FTP account on Asterisk"?
11:31.31J4zenSorry, it wasn't on asterisk as it turned out
11:31.35J4zenim using a GUI to asterisk
11:31.38J4zenwhich came with an FTP
11:31.41last1not sure where it gets that [in2] is the default context, except for maybe that in2 is defined after in1 ?
11:32.25J4zenthat shouldnt mather right? as far as i know the context aren't linear scripted
11:33.11last1I'm even more confused as to why I need to specify user/password in the contexts if I already have them defined in the register lines
11:33.21last1can't I have a generic context without user/pass ?
11:33.51viperdudeuklast1: they are used if you use that SIP context to make outoging calls
11:34.18last1true, just realized that
11:35.08last1so now the message is as follows: Looking for c1 in c2
11:35.15last1after specify /c1 on the register line
11:35.16ftugrulwhere can I find software dependency list for asterisk 1.4.13 please?
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11:38.12last1ftugrul: did u try the website ?
11:38.26ftugrullast1, yes, I've checked but I can't find.
11:38.29last1I'm sure even in the README files that come with the package it will say
11:38.33ftugrulmy compilation gave error
11:39.30ftugrullast1, README doesn't contain such information :/
11:40.12last1more update: sip.conf does appear to be order specific
11:40.22last1puttin [in1] context after [in2] fixes the problem
11:40.35last1but makes incoming calls to in2 number impossible now
11:41.33UatecI have many phones int he office, some of which might be unattended. I can press *8 to pickup these calls. However if I press *8 i don't know who the call was coming from since I don't have the CLID on my screen.
11:42.01UatecDoes anybody know if there is anyway I can present the caller ID to myself when picking up someone elses call?
11:46.15rob0ftugrul: pastebin the last few lines of the error.
11:46.42last1for all those that couldn't find an answer to my problem... here it is
11:46.44last1The only benefit of type=user is when you _want_ to match on username
11:46.44last1regardless of IP the calls originate from. If the peer is registering to
11:46.44last1you, you don't need it. If they are on a fixed IP, you don't need it.
11:46.44last1'type=peer' is _never_ matched on username for incoming calls, only
11:46.44last1matched on IP address/port number (unless you use insecure=port or higher).
11:47.38last1both calls for both numbers were originating from the same IP so it was using the last defined context
11:49.33*** join/#asterisk blq (
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11:50.26rob0"Last few lines" = 1000, lol.
11:50.52ftugrulrob0, ^_^
11:51.01rob0I'd guess you don't have glibc maybe.
11:51.10rob0what OS is this?
11:51.39last1and what language is that
11:51.51ftugrulrob0, glibc 2.3.6
11:51.59ftugrulrob0, Pardus 2007.2
11:52.08last1Pardus ? wtf
11:52.12*** join/#asterisk duki (
11:52.50rob0Can you compile other things?
11:53.07ftugrulI've packaged ekiga for Pardus.
11:53.14ftugrulsame system, same installation
11:54.25rob0probably some include file is missing, related to libedit
11:54.40rob0but I'm only guessing
11:54.45rob0line 1008
11:54.55ftugrulis it a dependency or part of asterisk please?
11:56.52ftugrulrob0, there's no such file there
11:57.54*** join/#asterisk jeebusmo1ile (
11:58.19last1rob: that's a library that asterisk has to build, no ?
11:58.27ftugrulis it a dependency?
11:58.30last1if his compile fails, that file won't exist
11:58.51ftugrulfile is not in .tar.gz source
11:59.32last1even better
11:59.32last1Registering multiple SIP accounts with one SIP provider has been a nightmare in Asterisk. Or, rather, still is. The match-on-IP scheme for peers is a hack to handle registrations, but not a very good hack. If you register for multiple accounts, the incoming calls will all match the same peer. A poor solution.
12:00.32rob0ftugrul: Look in the directory. There's an INSTALL file.
12:00.51rob0Yes, libedit.a is the compiled object.
12:00.59ftugrulfound it
12:04.23ftugrulrob0, have you got any idea about how to fix it please?
12:05.09last1ftugrul: I don't have a solution, sorry. but I am interested to find out why you use this distribution
12:05.25*** join/#asterisk myiagy (n=myiagy@
12:05.36ftugrullast1, I'm a developer of Pardus, I'm packaging software for Pardus.
12:08.25rob0If it was me, I might try --disable-readline as per the INSTALL file.
12:10.04ftugrulrob0, already tried :)
12:10.33last1do a make clean in between
12:10.51last1might also help to remove config.cache / config.log etc
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12:13.30ftugrulok, let me try.
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12:20.03ftugrulhmm, it seems like there are dependencies:
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12:26.06ftugrulrob0, I'm still unable to find official/project page of libedit2
12:28.03Zuchmiri'm trying to settup my account with and i can't get it working (i installed a clean switchvox) :-(
12:28.32rob0I don't have libeditline or libedit, and * compiled for me.
12:29.01*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
12:29.13ftugrulhmm. same version rob0?
12:29.34rob0Asterisk 1.4.13?
12:31.26Zuchmirany ideas why following simple instructions don't work
12:34.06rob0Zuchmir, it has been at least a year since I looked at FWD, but I do remember discovering that their SIP service was broken. I think I got it working with IAX2. Or maybe the other way around. :)
12:35.52UatecI have many phones int he office, some of which might be unattended. I can press *8 to pickup these calls. However if I press *8 i don't know who the call was coming from since I don't have the CLID on my screen.
12:35.55UatecDoes anybody know if there is anyway I can present the caller ID to myself when picking up someone elses call?
12:36.00Zuchmirrob0: do i not use iax.conf for that? (I followed instructions from: )
12:36.52Zuchmirrob0: is there another easy to test (free) voip service that is easier to setup
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12:42.15ftugrulrob0, it's the same. asterisk includes source code of editline. it seems like.
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12:46.53ZuchmirI am getting: Host                  dnsmgr  Username    Perceived             Refresh  State
12:46.53Zuchmir192.246.69.186:4569   N       xxxxxx      <Unregistered>             60  Rejected
12:47.10Zuchmirwhen i type iax2 show peers
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12:53.10UserReg_CLhi.. helpme please.. need update mysql
12:55.30moduSomeone have experience with pickup ?
12:56.52tzafrirjbot, tell modu about ask
12:57.17*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
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12:59.06moduWhen I pickup a call I want my phone to show the real caller (not *9+exten) is there a way to do this ?
12:59.51moduThe Contact: header is not updated
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13:02.22moduno one use pickup ?
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13:04.43modutzafrir: with specifics questions there is no answers
13:05.41tzangermodu: perhaps nobody's run in to your particular problem
13:05.59tzangerI don't use directed pickup myself, but I am pretty sure *8 shows me incoming callerid
13:06.10moduHow can someone use asterisk without Pickup ?
13:06.24tzangermodu: phone rings, pick itup
13:06.47tzangerI ran systems with thousands of incoming calls a day without ever using *9
13:07.03Zuchmirany ideas why i get chan_iax2.c: Registration of 'xxxxxx' rejected: 'Registration Refused' from: ''
13:07.17moduhow do you intercept call ?
13:07.45tzangerI don't often have to do that, and whenI do it's *8 because my phones are in the same pickupgroup
13:08.38moduyes but *8 or *9 is the same things, I'm talking about the pikcup functionality
13:08.39*** join/#asterisk lirakis (n=lirakis@
13:09.10rob0-- Registered IAX2 to '', who sees us as my.ip.add.ress:4569 with no messages waiting
13:09.30rob0Zuchmir: that's my fwd
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13:13.55rob0Zuchmir: did you just sign up? Maybe it takes awhile to get your credentials to their server.
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13:20.09Zuchmirrob0: i setup the account yesterday, and did tests with FWD.communicator and it worked
13:22.15Zuchmirrob0: can you msg me the contents of your iax.conf (or can i send msg mine) to compare
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13:23.46Davee3Hey, would i need (open)SER for a setup with 250 extensions, infrequent calls?
13:23.52Zuchmirrob0: does your iax.conf match ?
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13:24.51viperdudeukDavee3: not neccesarily, if you dont have the phones registering too often then asterisk wll cope with 250 extrensions
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13:25.09NirShello everybody
13:25.11NirSanybody home ?
13:25.22viperdudeukI have asterisk boxes with 400+ extensions on them
13:25.41viperdudeukjust make sure plenty of RAM and fast CPU
13:26.18rob0Zuchmir, I have a context in my FWD peer section
13:26.22Davee3viperdudeuk, I was thinking 4Gb ram - that should be enough right?
13:26.49viperdudeukyep more than enough I have 400+ with 1Gb ram
13:27.27NirSanyone ever used regular expressions inside an Asterisk GotoIF statement ?
13:27.32viperdudeukit is on a hosted pbx service I run, although now I put openser in front as I have 1000's of subscribers
13:28.05viperdudeukplus openser allows white labelling
13:28.32Davee3viperdudeuk, well this will be on a local installation
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13:28.38rob0Zuchmir, and I don't have a type=user block for inbound ... but then ... I don't know for sure that inbound works. :)
13:28.47Zuchmirrob0: i'm behind NAT would that be causing trouble
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13:31.56Zuchmirrob0: i get "fwd-peer/xxxxxx  (S)  4569          OK (307 ms)", but when i dial the number i get busy signal
13:33.10[TK]D-FenderZuchmir: You should pastebin the complete call attempt with channel debug enabled.  You aren't showing anything useful.
13:33.20[TK]D-FenderZuchmir: Verbose 10
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13:35.56Zuchmirtkd-fender i'm calling from fwd.communicator
13:36.04ZuchmirTO asterisk
13:36.07asteriskguywe have about a 1000 handsets registered to our * server
13:36.19asteriskguy2 dual core cpus w/8GB of RAM
13:36.22brainspiralHey.  Has anyone used Cisco 79xx phones successfully with any version of asterisk?
13:37.40Zuchmir"iax2 show peers" shows status: ok, but the log shows: chan_iax2.c: Registration of 'xxxxxx' rejected: 'Registration Refused' from: ''
13:37.54[TK]D-FenderZuchmir: you have that on your same lan and are calling yourself through IAX?
13:38.24*** part/#asterisk bkw_ (
13:38.27[TK]D-Fenderbrainspiral: plenty of people
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13:39.17brainspiralThanks.  I've deployed, just can't seem to get the same kind of quality out of them (and the Linksys 94x) compared to a Polycom or Aastra.
13:39.30*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ- (
13:39.46Zuchmirtkd-fender: i'm trying to setup asterisk to take calls from my account @
13:40.43modubrainspiral : do you use pickup features  ?
13:41.10[TK]D-FenderZuchmir: And are trying to register the same account from both FWD-comm & * at the same time?
13:41.32[TK]D-Fenderbrainspiral: what kind of "quality"?
13:42.18brainspiralPickup features are available outside of  CallManager?
13:42.36rob0When using Polycom or Aastra, he hears John F. Kennedy. When using the Cisco 79xx he hears GW Bush.
13:42.45Zuchmirtkd-fender: i setup 2 accounts i am using uno w/FWD-comm and the other in *
13:42.53modubrainspiral: yes but I'm looking for someone that have successfully use it
13:43.30brainspiralSnap, Crackle, Pop & occasional echo.
13:43.45rob0Kellogg's will sue!
13:43.50[TK]D-FenderZuchmir: well looks like you got your auth wrong on the register so you are indeed dead in the water.
13:43.51ZefkI developed a small network of asterisk servers across Europe. I need some documentation about how to build a good dial plan. I use on each server contexts like from.trunk1, from.trunk2 ,,, from.trunkn, to.trunk1, to.trunk2 ,,, to.trunkn and a lot of includes like: context from.trunk2 =< { includes => { to.trunk1; to.trunk3;} }. Is this a good solution ? Thx
13:44.04brainspiralI was also a fan of RK.  With lots of sugar.
13:44.53Zuchmirtkd-fender: so why is the status: OK?
13:45.16[TK]D-FenderZuchmir: tahts only the result of a QUALIFY test, not an AUTH test.
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13:45.34Zuchmir1 iax2 peers [1 online, 0 offline, 0 unmonitored]
13:45.35[TK]D-FenderZuchmir: as in "Yes, the host I am pointing to is up".
13:45.56[TK]D-FenderZuchmir: Its just saying the other side is THERE.  It doesn't mean to want to listen to YOU
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13:46.18Zuchmiroh, ok
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13:46.35rob0Zuchmir: try swapping the accounts between * and FWD-comm ?
13:47.52[TK]D-Fenderrob0: no need
13:48.02[TK]D-Fenderrob0: let him configure the one he has right.
13:48.19rob0I was just thinking maybe the password was wrong
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13:50.35Zuchmir...actually when i swap accounts it "hangs up" immediately (the other way gave a busy signal)
13:50.53Zuchmiri can log into either account with FWD-comm
13:51.48ZuchmirDefaddr->IP  : Port 0
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13:55.16Zuchmirhow do i change verbose level
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13:55.48[TK]D-FenderZuchmir: "Thats nice", now go fix your Register statement.
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13:56.53Zuchmirtkd-fender: register =>
13:58.12Bladerunner05Hi all
13:59.01Zuchmir... where xxxxxx=myFWDnumber, password=mySecret
13:59.27Bladerunner05I compile asterisk 1.4.13 with spandsp (latest version), please see for notice. I get 3 errors for underined symbol and if I comment out that lines in app_rxfax.c I can receive a fax. But I notice that the fax is compressed (too small and too large)
14:01.01coppiceif you used the latest version of spandsp you wouldn't need to comment out those lines.
14:01.03coppiceI guess you don't use FAX much. the too small/too large thing is due to broken viewers
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14:04.41Bladerunner05•coppice• I used spandsp.0.0.4
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14:04.56coppicethen those functions exists
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14:05.38Bladerunner05•coppice• I understand but If I don't comment out that lines asterisk crash receving fax
14:06.11coppiceperhaps you have an older version of spandsp somewhere on your machine, and that is being picked up at runtime
14:06.23codefreezeSiya: what I do, is look thru the config.log file and try to see why the configure didn't catch your mysql stuff. You can correlate that with the configure script.
14:06.45Siyacodefreeze: thanks
14:07.25SiyaI googled loads but nowhere did I find the suggestion to run ./configure (ignorance was not bliss this time...)
14:07.40Siyacdr_mysql works fine now though :)
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14:14.52_x86_hey guys....
14:15.12_x86_I have a bunch of analog FXS stations going to a channel bank, then going over a T1 to Asterisk
14:15.33_x86_zapata.conf has usecallerid=yes, but no initial caller ID is set on the channels in zapata.conf
14:16.04_x86_when a call is dialed, I have an AGI that sets the caller ID, and it puts it into CDR properly
14:16.30_x86_but when one of the analog stations calls, say, a SIP phone, the only caller ID that comes up is the IP of the asterisk server
14:16.43_x86_how can i make it so that it sends the caller ID that the AGI sets?
14:18.05[TK]D-Fender_x86_: pastebin is your friend....
14:18.20[TK]D-Fender_x86_: include plenty of backup.
14:19.11Bladerunner05•coppice• U mean libspandsp ?
14:19.56_x86_[TK]D-Fender: what do you want me to pastebin?
14:21.14*** join/#asterisk raydogg`` (n=truz_`
14:21.52[TK]D-Fender_x86_: Think on it....
14:22.31*** join/#asterisk nfi|ermes (n=ErMeS@
14:23.16_x86_[TK]D-Fender: my sykick powars tell me you want zapata.conf?
14:23.20asanchez_is recomendable asterisk 1.4 for production ? or better using 1.2 ?
14:24.39*** join/#asterisk kv0s (
14:24.55[TK]D-Fender_x86_: Zapata, your dialplan, your scripts, EVERYTHING.  Trust = 0 :)
14:24.55_x86_alejandro: 1.2 is no longer supported
14:25.04_x86_[TK]D-Fender: trust++ buddy! ;)
14:25.23*** join/#asterisk af_ (
14:25.31badcfeis there a way of running asterisk as asterisk user and not doing chmod a+w /var/run
14:26.09badcfeit seems to be needed cause of creationg of the /var/run/asterisk/ctl
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14:26.09badcfebut i dont like doing /var/run world writeable
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14:27.24alejandro_x86_: I know, but for example, debian still uses 1.2 because they consider more stable.
14:27.25*** join/#asterisk Dabba (
14:27.33alejandroI wanted to know other opinions.
14:27.46_x86_alejandro: debian will use 1.2 for the next 10 years because debian is so slow it's pathetic ;)
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14:28.01_x86_[TK]D-Fender: <-- relevant section of zapata.conf
14:28.30Dabbahi all, fresh 1.4.13 asterisk RH9 installed ok, seg faults as soon as calls in/out any ideas :-)
14:28.56tzafrirDabba, RH9???
14:29.08tzafrirwhy would you inflict such a pain upon yourself?
14:29.19Dabbalegacy box was running 1.2 from ages ago, its on site and im not
14:29.40_x86_[TK]D-Fender: <-- muh script
14:30.25[TK]D-Fender_x86_: 1.4?
14:30.25tzafriralejandro, Debian stable has 1.2 . Debian Sid has 1.4 . Sadly Lenny still has 1.2 due to sad technical reasons
14:30.35dioeduhi, i get a thing in my asterisk when i was in a call, and i had any dtmf, asterisk manager always sent me a unlink and a link... this is a normal feature ?
14:30.58dioedusip <=> sip
14:31.36Dabbais a core dump any use as that is what asterisk says segmentation fault (core dumped)
14:31.58_x86_[TK]D-Fender: hmm... wait a sec....
14:32.25_x86_[TK]D-Fender: my dialplan is jacked.... it only sets caller ID after the SIP extension matches
14:34.17*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
14:35.29nexilusis there any common issue that results in some phones causing it not to ring on the "caller" side, but that the phone rings as it should on the callee side?
14:35.29_x86_[TK]D-Fender: ok, but when those same analog FXS stations call to a remote asterisk extension, the caller ID shows up as the IP of the original asterisk server
14:36.02[TK]D-Fender_x86_: why am I not seeing your dialplan and call execution?
14:36.26*** join/#asterisk debiano777 (
14:36.36debiano777hi all
14:37.01debiano777anyone can help me to setup asterisk CDR in mysqul?
14:37.20badcfeso is it _really_ the only way of running as asterisk user to make /var/run/ worls writeable?
14:38.08nexilusah.. found my error.. since i use "Answer" and pull the call through an agi first it gets answered directly, thus no "ringing" on the callee side
14:38.14nexilusis there a way to remedy that?
14:38.53JTdon't answer?
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14:39.30nexilusJT: if i remove Answer will the agi still run tho? suppose it does
14:39.36rob0badcfe: ??
14:39.46_x86_[TK]D-Fender: because it's jacked! i'm fixin it ;)
14:40.00*** join/#asterisk blq- (
14:40.05rob0badcfe, set appropriate paths in asterisk.conf (paths that your user can write.)
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14:41.45_x86_[TK]D-Fender: yeah it was my own dumbness... fixed the dialplan and it works perfectly now :)
14:43.00david_totalcomIs there any way to reorganize the sounds of the asterisk voicemail system? I try to change the language, but in hungarian the grammar differences don't make my life easier. I have to change the order of the number and other sounds.
14:43.24debiano777anyone can help me to setup cdr.conf for mysql database?
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14:48.52McDouglasanyone knows how can i check if asterisk makes a blind transfer or an attended transfer upon a transfer request?
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14:50.01tzafrirjbot, tell debiano777 about ask
14:50.02McDouglasi added atxfer => # to features.conf, but it loks like asterisk makes a blindtransfer when someone uses the # button to initiate a transfer
14:50.11[TK]D-FenderMcDouglas: Lookup the doc on variables and read it over a few times.
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14:53.16debiano777i intall asterisk-addon1.4, i create a mysql database, and configure cdr_mysql.conf with my database how can i do to put the asterisk cdr in mysql database without csv ?
14:53.47debiano777i must add some row in cdr.conf?
14:58.26codefreezedebiano777: did you install the .so (s) from the addons into your asterisk dist? Does it load? Can you see any console messages when asterisk starts about mysql?
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15:05.34dandreI have see on xorcom site some nice astribanks. Is there some alternative with less port? For instance I need a bank with 2 BRI, 4 FXO and 1 or 2 FXS.
15:06.43tzafrirdandre, hi (/me from Xorcom) I'm afraid that this combination is not really possible. You can have a 6+2 combination, though
15:08.52*** join/#asterisk coppice_ (
15:09.08dandreYes I have seen it but I target some small companies who may have needs for few FXS, FXO and BRI. All other stuff is VOIP SIP Phones. If I add to use these I would be 3 times the expected channel price
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15:14.34_x86_tzafrir: i was looking for you the other day... we already had a channel bank, but we were needing to purchase a T1 card to integrate it... was going to buy a 24 port astribank if it was cheaper than the T1 card (Sangoma A102D-x)
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15:15.31tzafrir_x86_, hmm... I don't think that it is cheaper than a single-span T1 card
15:16.25[TK]D-Fender_x86_: Add the CB cost in there too..... be fair
15:17.10jo_eduis the first time I use IRC. I study asterisk.
15:17.43jo_eduI like change knowloge
15:19.56_x86_tzafrir: we only buy dual and quad-port T1 cards, with HWEC
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15:20.24_x86_tzafrir: the sangoma A102D-x was about $1400, and your 24 port FXS astribank was a little higher
15:20.27[TK]D-Fender_x86_: You get CB's for free?  Can I have a few? :)
15:20.41_x86_[TK]D-Fender: we had one spare, in this case
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15:22.00ManxPower_x86_: we use all 2-port cards
15:22.50_x86_ManxPower: we only have 3 PCIe slots available per server (2U HP box), so we sometimes have to use 4 port cards to get the density we need
15:24.02*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
15:24.13ManxPowerThe last Adtran TA 750 I bought cost me $300 and that was with 8xFXO and the rest FXS.
15:24.20ManxPowereBay, of course.
15:26.25_x86_that TA750 looks nice
15:26.35*** part/#asterisk Dabba (
15:26.54ManxPowerit also included the battery pack.
15:27.20ManxPowerGranted, I did get an unusually good deal on it.  Most of the time the cost is closer to $500 - $600
15:28.58_x86_you can get one of those with 24 FXS ports for $500?
15:29.15ManxPowerI didn't say it was new.
15:29.54ManxPowerFor stuff from eBay my customers usually keep one spare device for each region they do business in.
15:33.14*** join/#asterisk mistik1 (
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15:34.16mistik1Is there any video conference software for asterisk out there?
15:34.58ManxPowermistik1: no, but most SIP software should work with Asterisk.  Asterisk's video support is not very complete, but people have used it.
15:35.46mistik1ManxPower: Yes, I've tried it with SIP and IAX2 protocols and it works great
15:36.02mistik1I heard about video support and was wondering how that is going
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15:43.54agxanyone is using a big FXS gateway (ports>20)? what do you suggest? Patton??
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15:48.39[TK]D-Fenderagx: Heard little about them, but that much has been somewhat positive
15:48.56[TK]D-Fenderagx: Mediatrix is pretty good, AudioCodes confusing, but also pretty decent
15:50.59coppice_mediatrix sucks. they have the buggiest protocols I have ever seen
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15:52.51dioeduHello, I'm using asterisk 1.2 and asterisk manager to receive the events. Today I see that when I am in a call (SIP <=> SIP) and press some key (DTMF) in the conversation, I receive a unlink event follow by link event. Is this normal ?
15:52.52*** join/#asterisk JackEStorm (
15:52.53[TK]D-Fendercoppice_: And specific items on your "offenders" list?
15:53.55coppice_I things only work with mediatrix boxes because people implement workarounds for them. Their T.38 some bizarre stuff. Their SIP is weird too
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16:05.16MicWis there a way to create an "initial hint" for phones which are offline after asterisk is startet (i see this snom-phones as "online" until they conencted at least once with asterisk)
16:06.43moduIs there new people here that have successfully used pickup functions ?
16:07.35*** join/#asterisk russell (n=russell@
16:08.19moduI desperately looking for info on pickup
16:09.26ManxPowermodu: We usually use parking, instead of Pickup.  What specific issue are you having?
16:10.07moduManxPower: when i pickup a call I want to see the initial caller on my phone : no *9+ext
16:11.01ManxPowermodu: you cannot do that with Asterisk
16:11.03modumy phone (aastra) support "sip udate callerid" based on the Contact header, but asterisk does not update it
16:11.15ManxPowerasterisk does not support that feature.
16:11.28Qwellthere is a patch on the bug tracker
16:11.35QwellI think
16:11.54Qwellmaybe that's something else..  called party id
16:12.18moduthanks very much I'm google it ...
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16:15.06moduQwell: do you know if that was usable for pickup or only manually updating callerid ?
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16:15.35[TK]D-Fenderlast I heard it was only manual
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16:21.00moduOk so the last chance is to get some light from #asterisk-dev :-)
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16:26.43coderAsthi everybody. I need some info about making an outgoing call with Asterisk::Outgoing perl module
16:28.41gpowersusually, you can just write a "call" file, info at:
16:28.47gpowerswhich perl mod are you refering to?
16:28.48*** join/#asterisk EnigmaCurry (
16:30.06coderAsti'm using Asterisk::Outgoing perl module. it generates the call file and place it inside /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing
16:30.23gpowerswhat happens next?
16:30.24coderAstbut i doesn't call
16:30.37coderAsti want to call to a local extension
16:31.05coderAstfor example i want to  call to ext 112 sip
16:31.17coderAstso i set on Channel: sip/112
16:31.23coderAstis this ok?
16:31.27gpowerswhat are the console messages?
16:31.39coderAstno messages about sip 112
16:32.07nestArfirst attempt at a microbrowser page and i crash the phone
16:32.11nestArdamn, i'm good.
16:32.54nestArwell, to be totally fair, i just threw a url at it
16:33.22nestArit did not like it.. it made me laugh though.. so i guess that can go on the pro side of the list
16:33.49coderAstgpowers what is supposed to appear inthe console wiht outbound console
16:34.10*** join/#asterisk e` (n=e@
16:34.37MicWseems that the initial hints are correct. but the snom's leds are off for hint "unavaiable"
16:34.43MicWcan i change this?
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16:35.59[TK]D-FenderMicW: Go read your admin guide.
16:36.22MicW[TK]D-Fender: is this an asterisk or a snom setting?
16:36.33[TK]D-FenderMicW: Snom clearly.
16:36.45[TK]D-FenderMicW: On a Polycom they'd be flashing.
16:36.56MicWok, sorry for non-topic
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16:41.15coderAsthas anyone worked with perl module Asterisk::Outgoing?
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16:46.19kaylinxhaving some issues with setting up trix
16:46.31MicW[TK]D-Fender: seems to be an saterisk issue:
16:46.32[TK]D-Fenderkaylinx: You're in the wrong channel.
16:46.36jbotrumour has it, trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox seriously painful to support, and thus you will find little help here for it.  Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at
16:46.54TomasuI'm wondering how I can make my asterisk setup allow calling into a certian extension that asks for a number, and then calls you back just before it starts rining the number you put in...
16:47.03*** part/#asterisk kaylinx (n=kaylinx@
16:47.34tzafrirTomasu, show application Read
16:47.49coderAsthey do you have info about a channel for developers with perl for astersik or something like that?
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16:48.04Tomasuok, but how about the part where it lets you hang up and calls two numbers (yours and the one you entered) and connects them?
16:48.26debiano777i try to compiling asterisk addons and i have this error': No such file or directory
16:48.28maxie9can anyone help me setting up asterisk flash operator panel
16:48.45debiano777someone cat day me why?
16:49.33tzafrirdebiano777, please pastebin a more complete trace
16:49.48[TK]D-FenderTomasu: Why would it hang up and call you back, or are you planning on providing *2* different numbers?
16:49.58MicWhow can i see if my running asterisk is bristuff+patched?
16:50.06*** join/#asterisk phearless (
16:50.23tzafrirMicW, normally: 'show version'
16:50.32tzafriralso: do you have the command 'bri'?
16:50.54Tomasu[TK]D-Fender: I'd like to beable to call my asterisk number from my cell phone, enter a phone number, hang up, and have it call me back and the other number, then connect the two.. so I can use some of the free incomming minutes on my cell ;)
16:50.59MicWNo such command 'bri'
16:51.05MicW(on the console)
16:51.16[TK]D-FenderTomasu: Ah.  Go lookup "call files" on the WIKI
16:51.35tzafrirMicW, you have 'zap' ?
16:51.58Tomasu[TK]D-Fender: hmm, willd o thanks
16:52.04*** part/#asterisk coderAst (n=root@
16:52.20MicWif i have bristuff, i installed only the patch, not the whole bristuff. don't know if this makes the difference
16:52.35maxie9help me please setup asterisk flash operator panel...
16:52.40tzafrirMicW, what patch do you refer to, exactly?
16:52.52debiano777for x in; do /usr/bin/install -c -m 755 $x /usr/lib/asterisk/modules ; done
16:52.54MicWthe asterisk-patch from the bristuff download
16:52.55[TK]D-Fendermaxie9: This is not a FOP support channel.
16:53.17tzafrirWhy do you want to use bristuff? What for, specifically?
16:53.36MicWmake my snom leds light when the phones are not registered
16:53.54tzafrirdebiano777, so that has failed to build for some reason, I guess
16:54.53MicWi have recompiled (and i'm sure that i have the bristuff patch) but show version shows nothing of it
16:55.08tzafrirMicW, So you don't really need patched zaptel, libpri and certainly not libgsmat
16:55.26tzafrirwhat you did should be fine
16:55.28MicWno. i simply installed asterisk.patch
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16:55.35MicWbut it is not working
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16:55.53debiano777for x in; do /usr/bin/install -c -m 755 $x /usr/lib/asterisk/modules ; done
16:55.57MicWthe leds blink when someone is called and lights when someone is calling
16:56.00debiano777- /usr/bin/install: impossibile fare stat di `': No such file or directory
16:56.07MicWbut are off when someone's phone is off
16:56.19debiano777this is the problem wen i do make install
16:56.22tzafrirjbot, tell debiano777 about pb
16:56.51[TK]D-FenderMicW: This seems to be rather exclusive behaviour with SNOM, and may be normal....
16:57.03jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
16:57.09MicW[TK]D-Fender: it was working with asterisk 1.2
16:57.25[TK]D-FenderMicW: And what version are you running exactly now?
16:57.34tzafrir[TK]D-Fender, actually that "tell" form works well
16:57.43MicW+bristuff patch
16:57.53lirakishow can i kill a channel on cli
16:57.55lirakisi always forget
16:58.11tzafrirsoft hangup <tab><tab>
16:58.24[TK]D-Fendertzafrir : but ~pb is gauranteed and we KNOW thet he reads it instead of missing some probably buried notive he'lll never see in his client.
16:59.15[TK]D-FenderMicW: And What does "core  show hint" tell you?
16:59.23[TK]D-FenderMicW: And What does "core show hints" tell you?
16:59.50debiano777i posted my problem in
16:59.56Tomasu[TK]D-Fender: heh, thanks, it seems it'll be easier than I expected. found a blog via the wiki that has a config that'll work (after some tweaks). :)
17:00.28MicWfor the phones which are off
17:00.53MicWi changed asterisk like mentioned in the mailing list and now it works
17:02.34nestArguess i'll need to read polycom's guidelines, it doesn't seem to love 100% legit XML
17:02.43nestArerr XHTML
17:04.40MicWwhat parameter is used to set the time after which a phone which is switched off gets "unavailable" in the hints?
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17:09.49reberwhat is the cheapest sip provider for french people ?
17:11.32docelmoreber check out google or some of the better known providers out there
17:11.36ManxPowerMicW: I don't know for sure, but I suspect that if qualify=X is used, then anytime the phone does not respond in X milliseconds then it will be unavailable.  If qualify is not used, then when the registration times out it will become unavailable.
17:11.46*** join/#asterisk dexteruk (n=charper@
17:12.10reberdocelmo, i have a list, but comparing each other is a work ...
17:12.20dexterukim compiling zaptel and i get this error
17:12.22MicWthe phones gets "unreachable" shortly after i switched them off
17:12.29MicWbut the hints remain "idle"
17:12.35dexteruk'/usr/src/zaptel/tor2.c:603: warning: asm operand 0 probably doesn’t match constraints'
17:12.37ManxPowerMicW: then I was wrong
17:14.00MicWok, i'll try again tomorow. bye and thanks a lot
17:14.57*** part/#asterisk dexteruk (n=charper@
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17:17.11dexterukim having problems compiling asterisk and zaptel this is my error can anyone help? '/usr/src/zaptel/tor2.c:603: warning: asm operand 0 probably doesn’t match constraints'
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17:17.32dexterukim runing fedora core 7
17:18.38viperdudeuki am having trouble transferring calls with linksys 942's * reports "both legs must reside on Asterisk box to transfer at this time", anyone know what is going on?
17:19.35viperdudeuki presume it is a linksys setting but my customer is non techie so i need to find out what
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17:23.40stevewhat dial rule do I need to match everything beginning with 0?
17:26.08dexterukim having problems compiling asterisk and zaptel this is my error can anyone help? '/usr/src/zaptel/tor2.c:603: warning: asm operand 0 probably doesn’t match constraints'
17:26.52Qwelldexteruk: If you don't use tor2, disable it in menuselect
17:27.29stevehmm... now my american friend is telling me "all circuits are busy now" .. but they aren't, nobody except me is using this system?
17:27.50stevethe system is meant to route outbound calls to my zaptel card
17:27.51Qwellsteve: using something silly like trixbox/freepbx?
17:27.53tzafrirtor2 has inline assmebly?
17:28.10Qwelltzafrir: no idea..
17:28.34*** join/#asterisk Marc29MQC (n=iluvjdmc@
17:28.40De_Monthis is odd.. I have an extension that parks calls, so I dial 7 and get parked. I open another line on the phone do the same thing, now I get a warning.
17:28.44De_Mon[Nov 13 12:29:02] WARNING[6585]: channel.c:2336 __ast_read: Exception flag set o
17:28.47De_Monn 'SIP/jon-0824b300', but no exception handler
17:29.02De_Monput that call on hold, dial 7 from a 3rd line on the same phone, now I get the same warning twice...
17:29.16tzafrirdexteruk, what version of Zaptel?
17:29.17steveQwell: yes :(
17:29.22jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
17:30.16*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
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17:31.59dexteruktzafrir: SVN-trunk-r3093M
17:32.08markithi, just noticed that monitoring calls, now I have an error: sox soxio: Failed reading `/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/20071113-171303-mycall.gsm': unknown file type `auto'. Any clue? maybe sox has changed and is not compatible with * 1.4.x?
17:33.41*** part/#asterisk dandre (
17:33.58tzafrirdexteruk, svn switch #please don't use zaptel trunk
17:34.25Qwelltzafrir: the trunk url isn't needed there
17:34.53nestArtip, polycom microbrowser hate <pre>
17:34.54tzafrirright. I didn't really test that line...
17:35.06nestArprobably why it's in the unsupported list.
17:35.25[TK]D-FendernestAr: U R SMRT
17:35.45Qwellwhy the heck is <pre/> not supported?
17:36.01moemoeanyone here who has asterisk with hfc running on netbsd? i can only find, but this is really outdated. and the pkgsrc asterisk comes neither with zaptel nor with chan_capi
17:36.05Qwelland what's up with the non-conforming syntax it requires?
17:36.16*** join/#asterisk atomicd (
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17:38.20nestArwell, <br /> is also in the unsupported list, but it works.. so who knows.
17:38.51Qwellprobably can't count on the behavior of it then
17:38.59Qwelllike in certain elements maybe
17:39.46nestArdunno, the page was simple enough that pre was perfect, i don't have a whole lot of elements.
17:39.54*** join/#asterisk axscode (
17:39.54nestArjust wanted to spit out some text, more or less.
17:40.41*** join/#asterisk crichardson (n=crichard@
17:41.56crichardsonhi guys i have a question i dont know much about t1s but i was woundering what kind of hardware do i need for a mixed t offering both data and voice? and how do i break out the data back to the network ?
17:44.21nestArmy phone company does it for, not really sure how they do it..
17:44.32nestAri think the newer digium cards support what you want
17:44.45Bladerunner05I compile asterisk 1.4.13 with spandsp (latest version), when I receive a fax after: Executing [fax@default:2] RxFAX("Zap/1-1","xxxx") in new stack appears: Segmentation fault (core dumped) and asterisk crash
17:44.47nestArthrows the internet channels to the kernel
17:44.51ManxPowercrichardson: any one of a number of devices.  We use an Adtran TSU 120 for that sort of thing, but you can do it all in zaptel or use some form of IAD like a VINA or a channel bank
17:45.25ManxPoweras nestAr said, the telco can do it for you too
17:46.13crichardsonif the telco did it would they just supply 2 ether drops from the dmarc that were broken out to data and voice?
17:46.47*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (
17:46.52nestArthat's how mine did it.. i plug my network and the digium card into the same adtran box
17:47.14ManxPowercrichardson: no, they would supply one network connection (ethernet or V.35) for data and a DXS-1 (T-1) port for voice.
17:47.31nestArManxPower is correct
17:47.35ManxPowernestAr: your telco handed you voice over ethernet?? 8-)
17:47.57nestAri think he was saying ether, speaking of the cable, not the transport
17:48.02ManxPoweractually the network connection could be DSX-1 or ethernet or V.35
17:48.22ManxPowernestAr: if he's calling twisted pair "ethernet" he is far, far beyond our help.
17:48.49*** join/#asterisk s1d (n=s1d_@
17:49.09s1dhe damn it, is there is agi error still showing up on rather then content
17:49.11crichardsonsorry i have only dealt with fiber i didnt think people still used ts anymore :o
17:49.19*** join/#asterisk theo_ (
17:49.43ManxPowerPersonally I like the voice to be DXS-1 (channelizecd T-1) and the data to be either DSX-1 or V.35.  If they hand you data as ethernet then your router has no idea when the line goes down,. as the ethernet link will still be present regardless of the status of the T-1.
17:50.09*** join/#asterisk muiro (
17:50.24nestArManxPower: true. actually, my telco is handing me the voice portion as a PRI, data as ethernet
17:50.26*** part/#asterisk agx (
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17:51.07s1danyone test the i'm stuck at a D.C.
17:51.12ManxPowernestAr: *nod*  so you have no idea when the data goes down except for the fact your packets are not getting to/from where they are supposed to be.
17:51.57*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
17:53.42Bladerunner05I compile asterisk 1.4.13 with spandsp (latest version), when I receive a fax after: Executing [fax@default:2] RxFAX("Zap/1-1","xxxx") in new stack appears: Segmentation fault (core dumped) and asterisk crash
17:53.51Bladerunner05how can I check what cause that error '
17:53.57nestAri considered going the zaptel route, but i didn't want to bite off more than i could chew.
17:54.01ManxPowernestAr: I'm a big fan of Adtran TSU 120s, as they are modular and so you can hand off the different pieces in any format you want to.
17:54.18ManxPowernestAr: I'm a rebel -- PCs are not routers.  routers are routers.
17:54.35ManxPowers1d: exactly how does this apply to Asterisk?
17:54.44nestAri think s1d is a spammer
17:54.52s1dit's my asterisk gateway
17:54.56ManxPowerare you needing asterisk help or are you just cluttering up the channel with off topic crap?
17:55.05nestArtastes like spam. yum.
17:55.20*** part/#asterisk s1d (n=s1d_@
17:55.48nestAryay, penis. man, it was hard to guess what that was going to be.
17:59.05tzangerso where's that kb when you need one
18:00.24lirakisi have an agent who is "stuck" on a call... and cant log in or out.  They are not actually on a call, but asterisk shows them as busy... which is why i think i cant log them off in any way
18:00.48ManxPowerlirakis: did they recently TRANSFER a call?
18:00.51lirakisany one know how to resolve this... i have tried hanging up the channels that are associated with the agents exten.
18:01.01lirakisManxPower: i dont know...
18:01.11De_MonI just parked someone on a parking extension already in use, and * just hung up on them.
18:01.28lirakisManxPower: ive been trying to get them logged out for like 10 min though
18:01.50ManxPowerat least at one point there was an issue where queue would consider the agent "on a call" if they accepted a call, then transfered the call.  the agent would become abvailable when the original call/channel ended
18:02.17ManxPowerDe_Mon: huh?  parking does not allow you to select where the call gets parked at
18:02.34*** join/#asterisk s1d (n=s1d_@
18:02.42De_MonManxPower Set(PARKINGEXTEN=anumber)
18:03.08ManxPowerDe_Mon: Ah.  an you also noticed that you have to handle parking failures in your dialplan.
18:03.21lirakis.. so no other suggestions
18:03.38De_MonManxPower I tried adding h,1 that redirects the call, but its too late they are already hungup with h is processed
18:03.43lirakison how to "kill" this call and or get the agent logged of... i think it is a "phantom" call really
18:03.53De_Monand adding another extension after Park wasn't processed either!
18:04.24ManxPowerDe_Mon: no, you handle it as the next priority in your dialplan,  Did you read "core show application park"?
18:04.31*** join/#asterisk duki (
18:04.51De_Monsee the line right above yours, I'll try it again though...
18:05.24De_MonI do see that last line of the description this time, maybe I found a bug ;)
18:05.42ManxPower(1.4 only) If you set the PARKINGEXTEN variable to an extension in your parking context, park() will park the call on that extension, unless it already exists. In that case, execution will continue at next priority.
18:05.54*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (n=ckwall@
18:06.00ManxPowerin 1.2 you can't fo PARKINGEXTEN
18:06.01*** mode/#asterisk [+b *!*n=s1d_@62.244.178.*] by Qwell
18:06.02*** kick/#asterisk [LOLdongs!i=north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell] by Qwell (Qwell)
18:06.53De_MonManxPower this is 1.4.13, and park hangs up instead of continuing if the extension is in use
18:07.07De_Monlol dongs
18:07.07ManxPowerDe_Mon: sounds like it is time to report a bug.
18:07.22ManxPowerthank you, Qwell
18:07.36*** join/#asterisk Blackthorn (i=blacktho@
18:07.38muirooh man, I love asterisk. I've just started learning and I love it.
18:07.55[T]ankhaving issues installing fglrx. I have all of the packages installed except for one dependency which is giving me grief. Could anyone assist? Here are a few details:
18:07.57BlackthornHow do you set a cron job in ubuntu to reobot the asterisk server at 3 A.M. every day?
18:08.07[T]ankoops. wrong channel
18:08.11lirakisBlackthorn: dude wrong chan.
18:08.21ManxPowerBlackthorn: you are on the wrong channel
18:08.37[T]ankso is [T]ank
18:08.46[T]ankhabit :-D
18:08.50ManxPowerwhois s1d
18:09.39Qwelloh, right
18:09.40*** mode/#asterisk [+r] by Qwell
18:10.53*** join/#asterisk dswillia (n=me2@
18:12.48dswilliahey all I have a sangoma 2 port pri card installed in my asterisk box, I have it configured and the pri plugged in with no alarms.  When I place a incomming call to the box, I get a regular busy (no fast) is there a way I can watch and see if the call is comming into the asterisk server via the cli?
18:13.00De_Monmuiro welcome to the club
18:13.14[TK]D-Fenderdswillia: "pri debug span 1"
18:13.24jbotrumour has it, reorder is what's commonly (and mistakenly) called "fast busy."  Reorder tone indicates a problem with call completion; it doesn't indicate that the called party is busy.
18:14.28*** join/#asterisk reber (
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18:16.23nestAris there a key combo to reboot the ip550? the one for the 500 doesn't work.
18:16.36Strom_Mmenu 3 2 456 enter 3 yes
18:17.13Strom_Mi've done that way too many times :)
18:17.41dswilliaI cannot issue that from the CLI says its unknown
18:19.12*** join/#asterisk hmmhesays (
18:19.18nestArlol, i yeah, i know that
18:19.40nestAri was just looking for the key combo so i didn't have to explain all that to the users. ;)
18:20.42*** join/#asterisk davidcsi (
18:20.57davidcsihello all, i'm trying to compile asterisk-oh323
18:21.15davidcsiand get lots of error, although openh323 and pwlib compiled fine
18:21.34davidcsiseems like the compiler can't find any file
18:22.37ManxPoweror hold down 468* wait for prompt and beep (2 - 3 seconds), enter password 456, select enter
18:23.05*** join/#asterisk jsmith (n=jsmith@
18:23.05*** mode/#asterisk [+o jsmith] by ChanServ
18:25.02davidcsiopenh323flags.mak:2: /openh323u.mak: No such file or directory
18:25.28[TK]D-FendernestAr: Pull the plug :)
18:26.21*** join/#asterisk Aughey (n=jha@
18:30.19AugheyI'm having issues with incoming DTMF on a sangoma FXO card.  Most of the time it work, but several times a day we either get double DTMF digits recognized (press 2 receives 2 2) or missed DTMF digits
18:30.32AugheyI've tried the relaxdtmf=ye value, and that doesn't seem to help
18:30.58*** part/#asterisk atomicd (
18:31.21ManxPowerAughey: remove relaxdtmf and use rxgain for those channels.  some value between 4 and -4 should work.  try 4, 2, -2, and -4 and see which one improves the issue
18:31.47ManxPowerrelaxdtmf can CAUSE the issue you are seeing.  other things can also cause it.
18:32.08*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
18:32.20coppiceif you are using crappy phones, a recent fix the the DTMF code may be important for you
18:32.40ManxPowercoppice: the calls are coming from the MSTN
18:32.43ManxPowerandPSTN too
18:32.46AugheyI'm getting reports from many people using may different phones
18:32.52Augheyexternal dial-in
18:32.59ManxPoweror I assume they are, as he has the issue on an analog FXO port.
18:33.39ManxPowerAughey: I know of at least one other person that experienced the same issue.  He solved it by using rxgain=-2 for the problem channels
18:33.53coppicewell, if the calls are coming from a crappy source, a recent fix to DTMF might be important. I don't know how far the propagated that fix
18:34.09*** join/#asterisk atomicd (
18:34.22AugheyOk, I'll give rxgain=-2 a try and see
18:34.33Augheywhere can I get the DTMF fix?
18:34.39*** part/#asterisk blitzrage (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
18:34.51coppiceif the gain makes much difference something is horribly broken
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18:53.36*** join/#asterisk Tourinho (
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18:54.15flujanhi guys... hi [TK]D-Fender
18:54.30flujanyesterday I pasted a problem with segmentation faults and asterisk.
18:54.41Tourinhogood morning guys, me again :)
18:54.43flujantoday I started asterisk from a shell and here it is
18:54.47flujanglibc detected *** corrupted double-linked list
18:54.49[TK]D-Fenderflujan: try to get * to crash in one piece, ok?
18:55.08flujan[TK]D-Fender: ehehe I have the core dumped... but todays it only shows this
18:55.26*** join/#asterisk Kandinsky (
18:57.45flujan[TK]D-Fender: any ideas?
18:58.27[TK]D-Fenderflujan: no clue.  I know nothing about * coding.
19:01.45flujanok [TK]D-Fender thanks
19:04.11ManxPowercoppice: I've found that if the audio level is too low, asterisk can miss DTMF digits or duplicate DTMF digits, same if it's too high.
19:04.58ManxPower(too high causing problems is uncommon in my experience, but it happened to me on at least 2 analog PSTN lines connected into Asterisk
19:05.02coppicethe DTMF receiver should have a wide dynamic range. it should take a very quiet or overloaded signal to be outside the range.
19:05.17ManxPowerfujin: that pastebin is NOT a backtrace
19:05.33ManxPowercoppice: yes, but this is Asterisk we are talking about.
19:05.33coppicea lot of people run their asterisk systems in alsmost continuous clipped, with the gain at maximum
19:06.21ManxPowercoppice: I think what happened was that the gain was so loud Asterisk took the dtmf echo (analog on both ends) to be actual dtmf
19:06.57ManxPowerbut that is a guess, all I know was playing with the gains fixed it (this was in pre-1.0 days)
19:09.54ManxPowerit was really bizarre
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19:12.17coppiceyeah. the crappy V.23/Bell 202 modem in * doesn't have a problem with decoding echo, but my one is spandsp does. it requires some extra logic in things like land line SMS handling to avoid problems :-)
19:18.55jameswfanyone have anything good or bad to say about a dell pe 2950 or the intel x5000 chipset ?
19:19.04*** join/#asterisk _ys (n=yuri@
19:19.11jsmithjameswf: The Dell PE2950 is a great box
19:23.02*** join/#asterisk angom (
19:23.12Bladerunner05I compile asterisk 1.4.13 with spandsp (latest version), when I receive a fax after: Executing [fax@default:2] RxFAX("Zap/1-1","xxxx") in new stack appears: Segmentation fault (core dumped) and asterisk crash
19:23.16*** join/#asterisk doodoodoo (
19:23.26doodoodoohelp please
19:24.40doodoodooi have installed a new asterisk box to replace old one, using the exact configs as on old system, everything works but i have no sound when dialing voicemail
19:25.17ManxPowerdoodoodoo: common problem with ztdummy.  don't load ztdummy
19:25.29*** join/#asterisk TJNII (n=TJNII@
19:25.30ManxPowerdoodoodoo: if you were on the asterisk-users mailing list you would know this is a current topic.
19:25.44*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (n=ckwall@
19:26.05De_MonWhy on earth would I use gosubif instead of gotoif?
19:26.32jsmithdoodoodoo: That would also happen if you had a T1 card in the system, but didn't have it configured.
19:26.37ManxPowerDe_Mon: goto does not save it's pplace in the dialplan and return to it
19:26.38doodoodooManxPower what do you mean by mailing list?
19:26.45jbotSearch Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at or search through it at, or and there is also the Macintosh Asterisk mailing list at
19:27.03De_Mongosubif goes to a label, not context,priority,extension
19:27.08[T]anki am noticing something strange on my system. maybe i do not have a flag set correctly or something. In the dialing of a telephone number from my cell phone, i hear "you have reached a non working number".  However from asterisk I do not hear anything at all. It just shows ringing. All other calls come through just fine. Any ideas?
19:27.30*** join/#asterisk agx (
19:27.40De_Monso, im stuck in the same extension might as well hardcode the entire subroutine
19:27.43De_Monand use gotoif!
19:28.38ManxPowerDe_Mon: um, it can use either
19:28.45ManxPowera label is just a textual priority
19:29.55*** join/#asterisk angom_h (
19:30.12*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@unaffiliated/assid)
19:30.27Assidanyone here have much experience with a linksys 3102?
19:30.46De_Moneeh? a 'label' isn't something you define for a priority?
19:30.48ManxPowerDe_Mon: you might be right, but if you are, you can easily combine ExecIf with a Gosub
19:30.52doodoodoo@jsmith : using tdm 24xxp
19:31.11Assidim thinking of upgrading my firmware to start with. however site says to check version, but the damn device doesnt have a verison there
19:31.16ManxPowerDe_Mon: I SUSPECT the show application GosubIf is wrong.
19:31.17De_MonManxPower it it is jsut a label, I can gosubif to a label that does a real gosub, I'll try it I suppose
19:31.46De_MonDoes gotoif support jumping contexts and extensions?
19:31.55doodoodooi can see in the cosole its playing the sounds but nothing comes trough on the hanset
19:32.05De_MonI've always used it to jump to labels in the same extension
19:32.16De_Monenuf talking time to get some answers
19:32.51Kandinskyanybody knows how to assign an MSN to a specific extension?
19:33.00Kandinskyan ISDN MSN
19:34.03Tourinhoguys, is there a way to debug and discover why my agi script does not continue running after I execute (DIAL)? Sometime it does continue, sometimes doest
19:34.21*** join/#asterisk angom (
19:35.10ManxPowerKandinsky: you really can't do that, and there really is no need to do that.
19:35.25ManxPowerTourinho: execing Dial from an AGI is generally not a good idea.
19:35.47Kandinskyi have an asterisk server with 2 isdn BRI pci cards using hfc-s chipsets
19:36.07Kandinskyand i want to assign a MSN number to a specific sip account
19:36.39tzafrirKandinsky, incoming calls from ISDN go to the extension number of the MSN
19:36.57ManxPowerKandinsky: Asterisk can't do that directly.  When a sip phone makes a call to the PSTN via the BRI, there are actually TWO calls, SIP Phone -> Asterisk and another call Asterisk -> PSTN via a Zaptel channel
19:37.09tzafrire.g: if the MSN is 1234567, then you can have extension 1234567
19:37.14tzafrirdo there whatever you want
19:37.16ManxPowerBut you CAN make a specific phone dial out on a specific zap channel
19:37.25*** part/#asterisk agx (
19:37.36TourinhoManxPower: is there another way to originate a call from AGI? Im trying to write an application since last week.. but seens that AGI is not powerfull enougth :S
19:37.36Kandinskybut how do i specify a msn in the zaptel channel
19:38.04[TK]D-FenderTourinho: What would make the decisions about placing this call?  And why do you feel its too complex?
19:38.08ManxPowerKandinsky: that would be specified in wherever you put the MSN in a config file.
19:38.10tzafririn zapata.conf you just specifiy to where calls will go (to which dialplan context)
19:38.21Kandinskywhich config file?
19:38.32ManxPowertzafrir: I think he wants the opposite of what you are saying.
19:38.36tzafririn extensions.conf (or whatever way you use to write your dialplan) you set that
19:38.39ManxPowerKandinsky: what config file do you specify the MSNs in?
19:38.45tzafrirset MSNs?
19:38.54Kandinskynone..right now..that's what i want top find out
19:38.56ManxPowermisdn.conf,. visdn.conf, zapata.conf?
19:39.12Tourinho[TK]D-Fender: Im trying to write a simple callingcard application, so I need to know the number that the caller wants to call.
19:39.31Kandinskyexten => _97.,1,Dial(Zap/g2/${EXTEN:1})    would always dial the first msn allocated to that zap channel
19:39.32ManxPowerTourinho: your question implies that you have incoming and outgoing calls working on your BRI.
19:39.35Kandinskyif u understand
19:39.42[TK]D-FenderTourinho: "show application read" <- this is DIALPLAN stuff...
19:39.55ManxPowerKandinsky: your question implies that you have incoming and outgoing calls working on your BRI.
19:39.57Kandinskyi want something like exten => _97.,1,Dial(Zap/g2-MSNnumberX /${EXTEN:1})
19:40.04doodoodoosorted ztcfg -vv not loaded on start up
19:40.09ManxPowerKandinsky: and I said you cannot do that.
19:40.09Kandinskyindeed i do
19:40.16*** join/#asterisk Sweeper (
19:40.18ManxPowerKandinsky: ok, where did you configure your PBI?
19:40.21doodoodooManxPower how does one join the mailing list?
19:40.34*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@unaffiliated/assid)
19:40.35Kandinsky2 pci cards in the asterisk server
19:40.38ManxPowerdoodoodoo: the instructions are on lists.digium.conf
19:40.57ManxPowerKandinsky: what actual file did you set the MSN in to make your BRI work?????????????????????????????????????????????????
19:41.07Kandinskyasterisk is my pbi ... and i have 2 ISDN NT
19:41.09doodoodoothx ManxPower
19:41.12De_MonManxPower you were right, goto, gotoif and gosubif all use label to mean [[context,]extension,]priority
19:41.21Sweeperhey, what's voip provider that's really good at LNP?
19:41.26ManxPowerDe_Mon: make a bug report
19:41.45*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
19:41.54Tourinho[TK]D-Fender: Im able to read DTMF input from user.. and dial to destination. The problem is that sometimes, after my agi calls DIAL, it doesnt returns to AGI.
19:41.58ManxPowerok, now what channel in zapata.conf is associated with which MSN?
19:42.01Kandinskyzapata.conf   for the channels
19:42.23ManxPowerchannel 1 or channel 2?
19:42.26Kandinskythat's what I want to do!!! ..I don't have any msn associated to anything
19:42.39Tourinho[TK]D-Fender: Im just trying to findout a way to debug this situation and learn when it could happens
19:42.44Kandinskyi just use g1 or g2 in dial
19:43.01ManxPowerKandinsky: you could also use 1 or 2 in Dial
19:43.02Kandinskyand it will use my first ISDN NT or the other
19:43.16*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (n=leon@
19:43.17Kandinskybut an NT has an s0 bus
19:43.20Kandinskywith 7 MSN
19:43.21ManxPowerKandinsky: what are your two MSNs?>
19:43.49ManxPowerKandinsky: not really, but you will have to talk to an Asterisk + BRI expert and there are none of those in the USA.
19:44.07Kandinskyon each ISDN NT conected to a pci card through a s0 bus i can use 7 msns
19:44.28Kandinskybut how do i specify which msn within the bus to use?
19:44.30ManxPowerKandinsky: I suspect you cannot do what you want to do.
19:44.42ManxPowerKandinsky: you do that by taking to an expert in BRI
19:45.04tzafririsn't setting the MSN is done by setting the caller ID or something? or am I totally confusing things?
19:45.07ManxPowerKandinsky: your extensive search of the asterisk mailinglists was not helpful?
19:45.28Kandinskywait a minute
19:45.53*** join/#asterisk Falle (
19:46.05ManxPowertzafrir: what I don't understand is WHY he wants to do that.  It doesn't accomplish anything useful as far as I can tell.
19:46.11Kandinskyi know i can override and give a specific ID number (the msn i would like) but will that work good?
19:46.32ManxPowerKandinsky: do you want to force the MSN or do you want to force the Caller*ID?
19:46.32Kandinskywhen i make an outgoing call
19:46.42Kandinskyi would like to force the msn
19:47.00ManxPowerKandinsky: then you will have to talk to someone that is an expert in ISDN BRI.
19:47.06Kandinskybut i think the caller id works for the purpose
19:47.10tzafrirfor proper billing with the telco and such?
19:47.14ManxPowerAs that is a BRI specific thing.
19:47.19Kandinskythat was the plan
19:47.27Assidhrm... anyone here played witha  linksys 3102 ?
19:47.31ManxPowerIt's EASY to set the callerid, if your carrier permits that.
19:47.35Assidi need some helpgetting this pstn section
19:47.55Kandinskyok...i'll make some tests to see if it works
19:48.06Kandinskyi found an example using capi.conf
19:48.07ManxPowerjust remember that +, 0 and 00 are NOT part of the callerid
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19:48.18Kandinskymsn = 435253
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19:48.32Kandinskyand i thought i could do that in zaptel.conf or something
19:48.38Kandinskybut i don't use capi
19:48.42Kandinskyjust the ideea
19:48.51Kandinskyto specify the msn directly
19:48.55ManxPowerKandinsky: CAPI and Zaptel are utterly and totally different.
19:48.58Kandinskyin a user context
19:49.06Kandinskydidn't know that :)
19:49.11ManxPowernow, since you refuse to follow my advice, I will have to put you on /ignore.
19:49.29Kandinskylol....i don't refuse your advice
19:49.40Kandinskyjust trying toexplain more
19:49.48Kandinskyi am a novice
19:49.56ManxPowerYes, you did.  You have not tried to find a BRI expert, you have not even tried searching the mailing list archives.
19:50.04jbotSearch Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at or search through it at, or and there is also the Macintosh Asterisk mailing list at
19:50.14Tourinhowhere can I found docs about agi? besides the book?
19:50.17ManxPowermuch better
19:50.20*** join/#asterisk duki (
19:50.27ManxPowerTourinho: what version of asterisk?
19:51.42TourinhoAsterisk 1.4.13
19:51.47ManxPowerTourinho: Dial will jump out of your AGI and go to the "h" extension when one of the legs of the call hangs up.  (I don't recall if it's the calling leg or the callee leg)
19:52.02ManxPowerWhich is why I said it is not a good idea to exec Dial from an AGI
19:52.57TourinhoManxPower: thanks.. but it is weird that sometime AGI continues
19:53.16ManxPowerTourinho: it would depend on which side hangs up firsty.
19:54.23Aces1upi know this may be off topic, but i'm in the need of a 1-800 number, preferrably with virtual pbx functionality, the only thing i am concerned about is getting a number from just anyone as i have had problems in the past with not all calling parties being able to get a hold of me.
19:54.40Aces1upjust wondering what i should look for in a provider to make sure my calls are reliable.
19:55.00Aces1upas well as what a reasonable rate i should be paying per-minute for a toll-free number.
19:55.22TourinhoManxPower: what about asterisk manager?
19:55.22Bladerunner05I compile asterisk 1.4.13 with spandsp (latest version), when I receive a fax after: Executing [fax@default:2] RxFAX("Zap/1-1","xxxx") in new stack appears: Segmentation fault (core dumped) and asterisk crash. any ideas?
20:07.07*** join/#asterisk macros73_ (
20:07.11ManxPowerBladerunner05: asking over and over won't get you an answer.  What it will get you is 303 pissed off people,
20:07.47Bladerunner05•ManxPower• sure
20:08.48*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@unaffiliated/assid)
20:08.55Assidstupid 3102
20:09.03Assidi cant do squat with the fxo port
20:09.04ManxPowerGoogle: Results 1 - 10 of about 45 from for rxfax segfault spandsp AND "too lazy to use google"
20:10.25Bladerunner05MaxPower: I do that and look around it without finding a way
20:10.29muirolikelihood of getting an outboard 33.3k baud us robotics sportser to play nicely with asterisk to do a one time demo IVR for a customer?
20:10.51dukisudo reboot
20:14.38ManxPowermuiro: the chances are NONE AT ALL
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20:14.43TourinhoManxPower: another weired thing just happened now.. * run AGI a little bit longer after DIAL ends :S
20:15.19macei'd like to monitor calls that are held in a queue via a BLF; is this possible?
20:15.35TourinhoI was able to get variables values from asterisk, and issue an acc request, but it stops right after
20:15.40ManxPowermuiro: Asterisk does not support modems as a voice interface.
20:16.00muiroManxPower: thanks
20:16.02ManxPowerTourinho: Asterisk kills everything having to do with the call when the call ends.  What do I have to say to make you listen
20:17.33*** join/#asterisk Potato663 (n=[hpcw]ni@
20:17.36Potato663WRAARRRR!!! I'm the Tomato Monstahhhhh! WRAARRRR!!!
20:17.41Potato663WRAARRRR!!! I has the Cookies Tooo! WRAARRRR!!!
20:17.49Potato663WRAARRRR!!! I'm the Tomato Monstahhhhh! WRAARRRR!!!
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20:19.13outtolunche stole my tomato! stop him
20:19.31outtoluncis it friday yet?
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20:19.52muiroit's still basically tuesday
20:19.54rob0Every day is Friday for the True Believers.
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20:22.32nestArhow can i change where a parked call goes when it times out?
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20:25.55DaneMHello, all.  Does "Set(TIMEOUT(response)=15)" set it so that it will wait 15 seconds AFTER a subsequent Background command, or do you have to set it so that it's the length of the Background message PLUS 15 seconds?
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20:27.11TourinhoManxPower: sorry, Im a bit desperated :)
20:27.24nestArDaneM: just the length you want the timeout to be.
20:27.28De_MonnestAr features.conf
20:27.42DaneMnestAr: after the message completes?
20:28.11nestArDaneM: I think you're using it incorrectly.
20:28.17nestArwhen the message ends, it ends..
20:28.31nestArif you want to exten, play some silence
20:28.41ManxPowerDaneM: it has nothing to do with Background, it has to do with WaitExen
20:29.15DaneMhmmmm...basically what I'm trying to do is give the caller 15 seconds after the Background message completes to enter an extension.
20:29.23DaneMwhich command should I use for that?
20:29.32ManxPowerDaneM: you would put a WaitExten after the Background
20:29.47DaneMOK.  thanks...I'll try that.
20:30.25DaneMbtw, what is the Set(TIMEOUT(response)=x) used for then?  I found the wiki page a bit confusing.
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20:31.11[TK]D-FenderDaneM: that is how I would do it...
20:31.32DaneMok.  I was just wondering.
20:33.35Bladerunner05how can I do to download asterisk via svn
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20:34.31nestArDe_Mon: i don't see anything in features.conf that gives me a option to change that.. can you give me a hint?
20:34.35Assid[Nov 13 15:33:44] WARNING[18517]: chan_sip.c:6460 determine_firstline_parts: Bad request protocol 22042420@ip.address.of.the.server:5060 SIP/2.0
20:34.40Assidcan someone help me with this?
20:34.51Assidim trying to use my spa 3102
20:36.32lirakisBladerunner05: google.. it will take < 30 to find
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20:39.13fetcherIs there a way to have Asterisk log SIP registration & expiration events (only) to a file?
20:39.50fetchertrying to troubleshoot some connectivity problems, dropped calls etc. that aren't reported until after the fact
20:42.37Assidanyone here using a spa3102 for pstn-voip gateway ?
20:47.10DaneMThanks for your help with WaitExten(), all.  That seems to have fixed my problem.  :-)
20:47.17muirofetcher: can't you just grep the registration events out of the normal log?
20:47.48*** part/#asterisk DaneM (
20:54.30Assidokay seriously? anyone here got a spa3000 or spa3102
20:54.37Assidthe one with an fxo and fxs port
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21:24.12PC_Clonehi everyone....I was wondering if anyone has experienced the "Bridge stops bridging channels" and why * does that
21:28.01fujinto confuse you
21:28.37PC_Clonefujin: it's workign
21:28.54PC_Clonebut the users have audio dropouts one way when that happens
21:28.55fujinI haven't experienced it personally
21:29.03fujinhave you got canreinvite=yes?
21:29.32[TK]D-Fenderheading home, BBIAB
21:29.50fujinthen there's no reason for it to try bridging
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21:30.32PC_Clonethis is from Zap to SIP
21:31.10PC_Cloneand it only happens on the WAN (Point to point)
21:31.35PC_Clonewhile the routers are telling me that bandwith isn't the problem
21:34.58*** part/#asterisk lirakis (n=lirakis@
21:36.24J4k3PC_Clone: I had a similar problem, the ethernet interface on the router was not nway-handshaking with my cheapish switch
21:36.48J4k3so the router was at 100/hdx, the switch was at 100/fdx, or vice versa, I forget
21:36.58J4k3packets were lost and only in one direction
21:38.12J4k3does it 100% drop out/stop/quit or is this a 'sound quality' issue?
21:38.21J4k3mine was SQ, not a 100% failure.
21:38.23PC_Clonewouldn't I see errors on the routers ethernet interface?
21:38.30J4k3I didn't, thankyoucisco.
21:38.44PC_Clonethey say they hear "dead silence"
21:38.54J4k3hrm, thats not going to be random packet loss then
21:38.57PC_Clonefor a few seconds
21:39.15J4k3ahh, dead silence but it returns?
21:39.36PC_Cloneand it's only audio TO them
21:39.42PC_Cloneaudio FROM them is still heard
21:39.59J4k3hrm... that could be so much... I'd vote network issues but I also had the ghettoest of internal networks before I fixed (replaced switches, rewired bad/old cables, etc) it
21:40.15J4k3yeah SIP is UDP, traffic in/out is pretty well seperate
21:40.33J4k3its not like tcp where loss in one way will cause a 'stop' of the other direction's traffic.
21:40.37PC_Clonewell, this is a remote office
21:40.43PC_Cloneand they have a pretty bad network
21:40.46PC_Clonebut the router
21:40.54PC_Cloneand switch are new
21:41.00nestArJ4k3: that HDX/FDX thing happens a lot, esp with Sun systems and Cisco switches
21:41.12nestArused to have that problem all the time at my old job
21:41.15PC_Cloneand this happens on phones plugged directly into the switch
21:41.31J4k3nestAr: yep, and its darned annoying when it happens :)
21:41.52J4k3PC_Clone: hrm...  what kind of phones are these, and what kind of interfaces do they have?
21:42.00PC_ClonePolycom 550
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21:42.09PC_Clone100 fdx
21:42.46funxiondoes anyone have any experience with xtradius and quintum?
21:43.20J4k3powered by 803.3af?
21:43.32PC_Clonemost, not all
21:43.40PC_Cloneactually, most aren't
21:43.49PC_Clone2 yes, 3 no
21:44.16J4k3well if its consistant across both ways, that isn't it
21:44.19*** part/#asterisk zerohalo (
21:44.33J4k3I just wonder if their negotiating properly with your switch
21:44.46J4k3are there any PCs on the same switch?
21:45.01J4k3I'd try setting up some pings to see if anything goes goofy
21:45.07J4k3have the PC ping the phone and the router
21:45.27PC_CloneI've been pinging from the other side of the wan with no issues
21:45.48PC_Cloneexcept when I saturate the link and QoS drops me to hell
21:45.58J4k3yeah, data circuits usually have decent error notification/sensing
21:46.16J4k3ethernet stuff got too cheap, and therefore it got kinda cheezy
21:47.00J4k3now a cheap switch is 5% of the price of a decent switch.
21:47.09PC_Clonewell, I can ping from that router
21:47.29J4k3ahh, set up a pretty rapid ping, if possible
21:47.34J4k3at least 10 requests/second
21:47.47J4k3thats how I finally got my problem to show its head
21:47.58J4k3lots of pinging while talking on the phones
21:48.09PC_Cloneone sec
21:49.07PC_Clonerapid ping on cisco?
21:49.23nestArincreasing packet size will often show a network problem as well
21:49.50PC_Clonehow do i rapid ping
21:49.50J4k3PC_Clone: hrm...  cisco routers piss me off these days :)
21:50.14PC_ClonenestAr: When I increase the size, the pings actually become more uniform in timing
21:50.24PC_Clone.1 ms  dev
21:51.40*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
21:52.03J4k3thats pretty stable then.
21:52.17J4k3maybe [TK]D-Fender knows, he's the self-decreed official mouthpiece of polycom
21:53.01[TK]D-FenderJ4k3, Now who's sounding bitter? :)
21:53.29[TK]D-FenderJ4k3, and I've made no such claim either.  Any more words you'd care to put in my mouth?
21:54.13fujin[TK]D-Fender: he can't afford Polycom, and insults everyone in here for recommending them
21:54.17fujinfail is fail, i guess.
21:54.28J4k3I dunno, my phones work *shrug*
21:54.31PC_Cloneinteresting....just pinged a phone 200 times
21:54.37J4k3PC_Clone's don't.
21:54.54J4k3maybe I should tell him what you tell people to do... throw his phones away and buy something that works?
21:55.23[TK]D-FenderPC_Clone, what model, what issue?
21:55.46PC_Clone550....random dropped audio but only on the point to point
21:55.53PC_Cloneand only to the phone
21:56.03fujindoes phone<->phone across the LAN work fine?
21:56.10fujinand you've got canreinvite=no applied globally, yes?
21:56.21fujinfirewalls between phones and asterisk?
21:56.28[TK]D-FenderPC_Clone, clarify "point to poit", codec used, and whats on the other end of the call, as well as the networking in between.
21:56.38fujinPC_Clone: tried it with reinvite=yes?
21:57.03PC_Clone[TK]D-Fender: codec is ulaw, zap (PRI) on the other end
21:57.29[TK]D-FenderPC_Clone, Ok, netowk path between the phone and * please.
21:57.30J4k3PC_Clone: does the problem occur when talking to voicemail and other local * services?
21:57.34PC_Cloneor  even another polycom 550 but at the other end of the point to point (private t1)
21:58.31PC_CloneJ4k3: afaik just extentsion calls
21:59.36PC_Clone[TK]D-Fender: *= gw -> -> phones
22:00.27[TK]D-FenderPC_Clone, got a route added to you * server for that?  Also pastebin your route table, iptables, and sip.conf masking only passwords.
22:01.07fujinwhy have the phones and asterisk on different networks?
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22:01.09fujindoes not compute
22:01.34fujinseperate vlans or?
22:01.42PC_Clonefujin: the phones are on a private t1 to another office
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22:01.56fujinthat doesn't make sense
22:02.01J4k3woah, still exists?!?!
22:02.08fujinso how do they communicate with asterisk?
22:02.09J4k3tenet was my first internet experience evar.
22:02.12fujinthrough thte t1 router?
22:02.31fujinany ACL's stopping traffic?
22:02.40fujinis it a one-to-one nat, or just routed?
22:03.22PC_Clone[TK]D-Fender: route
22:03.57fujini dunno, try canreinvite=yes
22:03.58*** join/#asterisk _pepo_ (n=c9eea608@
22:03.58Darthclueis transcoding from gsm to ulaw bad or just overhead?
22:04.00fujinsee if happy stuff happens.
22:04.06fujinDarthclue: overhead, uneccesarry
22:04.08_pepo_hi friends
22:04.15fujinif everything is ulaw, pre-transcode all your recorded stuff to ulaw
22:04.22fujin(all my moh, voicemail = alaw)
22:04.25[TK]D-FenderPC_Clone, what traffic do you pump over this link besides *?
22:04.54Darthclueis there a command to force ulaw encoding in cepstral?
22:04.55_pepo_Do I can use the authentification of my extensions with LDAP?
22:05.02fujinwhat the crap is cepstral?
22:05.11fujin_pepo_: no
22:05.12De_MonnestAr remind me what you're looking for
22:05.12jsmithfujin: Text to speech
22:05.13[TK]D-FenderPC_Clone, well its entirely probable that some random browsing cuts into your VoIP traffic...
22:05.27PC_Clone[TK]D-Fender: I'm running QoS on the cisco's
22:05.43fujinPC_Clone: I generally don't route voip traffic, unless entirely necessary. shortest path to and from asterisk to the phones
22:05.47fujinalways works best
22:05.54fujinand you can always do cos/tos on that switch fabric
22:06.08[TK]D-FenderPC_Clone, Ok, is your call dropped completely or does it just "wink" during a conversation?
22:06.12Darthclueand if not in cepstral, then in sox?
22:06.15PC_Clonefujin: these offices are 45 miles apart....I didn't have enough ethernet cable
22:06.24fujinwow, that's a dumb idea.
22:06.50PC_Clone[TK]D-Fender: I guess wink.....drops audio for a sec or two or 5
22:06.59PC_Clonebut comes back
22:07.09fujinand this 45 miles, it's carried by the intertrons?
22:07.12fujinor like, ipsec
22:07.18[TK]D-FenderPC_Clone, Ok, then I'll leave it as a "neworking issue" with regards to QoS / your uplink.
22:07.27fujinDarthclue: yes, you can transcode from anything to ulaw with sox
22:07.40[TK]D-FenderPC_Clone, hate to say... if you want that solved I'll be you'll need a Cisco tech in...
22:07.58PC_Clone[TK]D-Fender: Weird, b/c the ciscos look fine (no drops)
22:07.58[TK]D-FenderPC_Clone, that kind of dropout can be attributed to packet loss or jitter compensation.
22:08.35PC_Clonefujin: it's not ipsec or's a private t1 line
22:08.42PC_Clonethink frame relay without the cloud
22:08.59[TK]D-Fenderfujin, P2P T1.  Just bridged through the telco
22:09.07[TK]D-Fenderfujin, direct synch
22:09.07fujindo not want.
22:09.22[TK]D-Fenderfujin, Yeah, you WOULD (if E10 wasn't available)
22:09.49[TK]D-FenderPC_Clone, what do they charge you for it?
22:10.19PC_Cloneabout 700/mo
22:10.29[TK]D-FenderPC_Clone, for BOTH sides I hope....
22:10.45[TK]D-FenderPC_Clone, not "terrible"..... but meh...
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22:10.46PC_Clonenot 1400 total also provides inet to the remote
22:11.24PC_Cloneso that's about 400 a month oof
22:11.52PC_Cloneso for an extra 300 you get a vpn without all the hassles and a full t1 for internal traffic
22:12.21*** join/#asterisk stybba (n=stybba@
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22:18.35grandpapadotHi all.  Are dialplan "hints" context sensitive? i.e., if I have a hint for 810 in one context, and another context have a hint for 810, will the phone watching 810 in the first context see hints from the second?
22:22.06ManxPowergrandpapadot: the hint should either be in the same context as context=whatever is specified in sip.conf for that device, you can also have subscribecontext=whatever to override the contrext where the hint is.
22:22.53ManxPowerso if your phone is in the bob context and the hint is in the tom context, then you would need sibscribecontext=tom, without subscribecontext, the hint would have to be in the bob context.
22:27.59[TK]D-FenderManxPower, little too late for his impatience...
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22:34.41Assid[TK]D-Fender: you ever played with a spa3102 ?
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23:02.36CrashHDHello everyoen
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23:21.26corpcompI have a 1.2 server setup.  I have setup a SIP trunk to my provider but itseems to be having a problem.  In the CLI I get the following message "-- parse_srv: SRVmapped to host, port 5060" and I am not entirely sure why or what it means. Verbose is set to 6
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23:26.18jbot[siptrunk] Asterisk does not support SIP Trunks.  Set trunk=no in sip.conf and then set up the device normally in sip.conf.
23:26.33fujinhuh, what's trunk=? do
23:26.53fujin/usr/src/asterisk-1.4.11/configs# grep trunk sip.conf.sample
23:26.56fujinthat's not even an option??
23:27.12ManxPowerfujin: don't worry about it.
23:28.40CrashHDwhat is a sip trunk?
23:28.49jbotsiptrunk is probably Asterisk does not support SIP Trunks.  Set trunk=no in sip.conf and then set up the device normally in sip.conf.
23:29.03ManxPowerI set that to keep people from whining about "sip trunks"
23:29.05CrashHDit is something asterisk does not support
23:29.07jbotmethinks trunk is is a word with varying definitions.  In Asterisk, a trunk is a "stream of UDP packets containing IAX2 frames from more than 1 call"; in telecom, a trunk is a "single voice channel between two pieces of switching equipment."; in Ethernet a trunk carries more than one 802.1q VLAN.  There is no such thing as a "SIP Trunk" -- Don't use the term.
23:29.11ManxPowerthat is the real one
23:29.30fujinIt's a marketing buzzword.
23:29.41fujinI've heard lots of "sip trunk" from salesmen.
23:29.41ManxPowersince there is no such thing as a sip trunk, asterisk can't support sip trunks
23:29.41CrashHDtoo funny
23:29.54ManxPowerinvalid config options are silently ignored.
23:30.01CrashHDgot my laugh for the day
23:30.13corpcompTY for your help.
23:30.15*** part/#asterisk corpcomp (
23:30.18ManxPowerso you could put mymotherisacrackwhore=yes in sip.conf and asterisk would not complain about it
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23:31.07pigpenanyone know if anyone has integrated OnQ with Asterisk?
23:31.10nestArDe_Mon: how to control where parked calls go when they time out. The documentation says that it'll call back the exten that it came from, but it tries to dial the Zap channel the parked call is on..
23:31.18pigpenI have a hotel that is needing this as a requirement.
23:31.47JTManxPower: probably due to asterisk not parsing config files properly
23:31.56ManxPowernestAr: the docs are totally wrong about parking timeouts
23:32.14nestArManxPower: i am jack's utter suprise
23:32.34ManxPowerJT: It's a good thing actually.  I have several options in voicemail.conf that an AGI script parses for voicemail notification phone numbes
23:32.37nestArsorry fight club is on
23:32.55*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
23:33.19ManxPowernotify=5551512 for example on the user's voicemail.conf entry
23:33.55De_Monhow do I use Set: in a callfile?  Set: var=FOO works for 1 variable, what about more than 1 variable?
23:34.17De_Monmultiple Set:'s ?
23:34.28QwellDe_Mon: what happened when you tried that?
23:34.39mostyis it possible to reload g729 from the manager interface? if so then what privilege do i need?
23:34.40De_MonI haven't tried anything yet I'm looking at wiki
23:34.58De_Monit doesn't really give any examples
23:36.22De_Monman, using all these cool featuers is a great way to find improvements in the documentation :)
23:36.33De_Mon*ways to improve*
23:36.55De_MonQwell whats the story with Park? Is it supposed to continue to the next priority or not?
23:37.06Qwellif you use PARKINGEXTEN, yes
23:38.08fujinDe_Mon: the wiki is a REALLy bad source of information
23:38.27ManxPowermosty: there is no reason to "reload" g729 because g729 has no config options
23:38.52fujinmosty: reload
23:38.55mostymanxpower: it's not loaded, i just want to load it without restarting asterisk
23:38.57ManxPowerDe_Mon: there was a bug fix with regards to parking made today
23:39.07ManxPowermosty: load
23:39.25ManxPoweryou want to LOAD it not RELOAD it.
23:39.26JTManxPower: although the "surprise screwup" side of things isn't such a good thing ;)
23:39.32*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
23:39.36mostyit says "Unable to load module"
23:39.47ManxPowermosty: then I guess you have not purchased it from Digium.
23:40.24mostyManxPower, we have several licences, that have been in use for a couple of years
23:40.31Qwellon that machine?
23:40.31mostyall on this box
23:40.41Qwellmosty: call support
23:40.41fujinso why's it unloaded?
23:40.44ManxPowerIf you DID download the codec and bought the license then it is either not installed or the filename is slightly different (maybe
23:41.00mostyit's unloaded because asterisk crashed, and we tracked it back to a problem with g729
23:41.14fujinsounds terrible
23:41.15ManxPowerit should be pretty obvious what the filename is by looking in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
23:41.56De_Monfujin do you have a BETTER source of information? show application doesn't always tell me everything I need to know (for example on call files?)
23:42.21fujinDe_Mon: the documentation that comes with the source packages? (configs/*.sample, docs/*)
23:42.34fujingenerally provides pretty reasonable examples
23:42.49fujinlike the AEL hotdesking dynamic queue member system, I adapted mine from that one
23:42.52mostyManxPower, the file is there, /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
23:43.11fujinmosty: got it configured in modules.conf?
23:43.24fujinshouldn't need it in there
23:43.29mostyfujin, yes. is there a way to force a reload of modules.conf just in case?
23:43.50fujindon't think so, no
23:43.55fujinwhy not just punt asterisk?
23:43.57Qwelldude..  call support
23:43.59De_Monasterisk-1.4/doc$ vi callfiles.txt
23:43.59fujinstand up your other HA box, kill that one
23:44.13fujin^^ De_Mon :P
23:44.15De_Monasterisk-1.4/doc/callfiles.txt says to use setvar
23:44.21mostyfujin, because we have lots of active calls, who are already pissed enough, heh
23:44.40fujinblame it on sola flares
23:45.26De_MonHappily enough that document did mention that multiple setvar's can be used.  So is it Setvar: or Set: for 1.4+
23:45.42ManxPowermosty: FIRST, find the name of the actual file.  look in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules.  What is the file name?
23:45.44QwellDe_Mon: both work
23:45.54fujinsetvar is just deprecated, is it not, Qwell?
23:45.57De_MonQwell neither is being depriciated?
23:46.00Qwelldon't think so
23:46.03Qwellnot sure
23:46.17fujinah. I've used setvar happily throughout dialplan, but changed them all to Set cause it's prettier.
23:46.22mostyManxPower, it's /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
23:46.28QwellSet is a lot prettier, heh
23:46.31De_Monconsidering the SetVar() Application is depriciated I thought it was maybe setvar isn't depriciated either
23:46.43Qwellmosty: just call support, and be done with it
23:46.55ManxPowermosty: then you can do a load in the asterisk CLI
23:46.59JTDe_Mon: there is a included too
23:47.10ManxPowerif that does not work, put down the keyboard and call digium support.
23:47.29mostyi don't have access to the CLI, just AMI
23:47.34mostyhmm ok
23:47.45De_Monomg, you have made me feel like a noob! I HOPE YOUR HAPPY!!!
23:47.48ManxPowermosty: you have to have access to the CLI if you want to load or unload a module.
23:48.11ManxPoweronly a moron would come here asking for help and not have access to the CLI or a shell on the asterisk box
23:48.12mostyManxPower, hmm ok, i'll try to get into the cli then
23:48.31*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
23:48.42ManxPowerthat's like bringing your car to a mechanic and taking the keys with you when you leave.
23:48.48mostyi have a shell on the asterisk box, but asterisk -r does not work, the asterisk.ctl file does not exist
23:49.10ManxPowermosty: if asterisk.ctl does not exist then asterisk is not running
23:49.18ManxPowerand you have a seriously fucked up box
23:49.30fujinor permissions are wrong on /var/run/asterisk
23:49.36fujin(generally the latter.. :P)
23:49.47ManxPowerfujin: or asterisk.conf points it somewhere else
23:49.53mostyManxPower, it is definitely running. another admin ran asterisk as root (i have a root) shell, but i don't think they used the init script, so i'm not sure where it created the asterisk.ctl file
23:49.56Qwellwhich means it's running as asterisk, which means the perms on the module may be wrong also
23:50.11ManxPowerfujin: it seems like he's set up the system to fail, doesn't it?
23:50.15fujinsoudns like it
23:50.48mostybelieve me, i did not put the box in this state, i'm just trying to recover from it
23:51.03ManxPowermosty: stop worrying about g279, you have way more serious issues.
23:51.15De_MonThats odd, I didn't get an email when the case was closed, just when it was assigned
23:51.23mostyasterisk is running as root, according to ps
23:51.29mostyi am also root
23:51.42mostythe g729 module is world readable and executable
23:51.52ManxPowermosty: if you can't access the CLI, your asterisk box is screwed up, regardless of if it's running or not.
23:52.11ManxPowermosty: the only way to load the codec is from the CLI or on startup.
23:52.19mostyManxPower, i have AMI access, can't i use the AMI "Command" command?
23:52.22ManxPowerif you can't get to the CLI then you can't load the codec.
23:52.28Qwellmosty: do what?
23:52.37Qwellasterisk -rx "load module"?
23:52.40ManxPowermosty: no you cannot.
23:52.56De_MonQwell When I blindxfer a call to parking with PARKINGEXTEN, the parked person gets to hear where they were parked. Is a flag the right way to park them silently, or checking if PARKINGEXTEN exists be just as good?
23:53.02mostyQwell, do load or reload
23:54.23De_Monwhoops that wasnt the right substitution... ah well english not first words
23:55.23ManxPowerfujin:  when 1.6 comes out I believe | will be officially considered deprecated
23:55.34Qwell! != |
23:55.56jameswf| != !
23:56.01fujin! just breaks my brain
23:56.09ManxPower!= != =
23:56.25ManxPowerbang equal is not equal to equal
23:56.43Qwell!= == =
23:58.11jameswf|| != !! ! .=! == !!
23:58.26De_Monfujin how about s@this@that?
23:58.50fujinuse a slash
23:59.17De_Monif I uses slashes jbot will correct me!
23:59.29ManxPowerI use ^ because that's what things like the M() option to dial uses to separate options.
23:59.30fujinjbot: don't do sed autocorrection aymore! dirty bot
23:59.36jameswfpreg_replace ....

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