IRC log for #asterisk on 20071112

00:01.57*** join/#asterisk coppice (
00:04.09drynishYou were right! :)
00:04.12drynishA big thanks to you! :)
00:04.48drynishI really like asterisk even if I'm still beginning with it ;)
00:04.55drynishKeep the good work everyone
00:04.57ghentoHi all - just curious, is there a way to change the default value of Read() from 0?
00:09.09*** join/#asterisk coppice_ (
00:14.53fujinghento: uh, why?
00:17.32*** join/#asterisk andylockran (
00:17.46andylockranhey guys - I was hoping you could solve a quick puzzle for me
00:18.04andylockranmy mobile phone has just broken and I want to set up an alarm on my asterisk phone to wake me in the morning
00:18.10andylockranwhat's the best way to do this?
00:20.08ghentofujin: i'm calling out and doing a confirmation call that mistakingly asks to press 1 to confirm, 0 to add to if the call gets disconnected or whatever they are automatically added to the do-not-call by mistake since Read() defaults to 0
00:21.05*** join/#asterisk Igbothom_3rd (
00:21.35*** join/#asterisk Steven_elvisda (n=Steven_E@
00:22.42ManxPowerWhoo!  Whoo!  My Slashdot comment was moderated as "Flamebate"!
00:23.24ManxPowerAt least the moderation was accurate. 8-)
00:29.55orkidprobably bait, not bate
00:31.34JTandylockran: cron and callfiles
00:33.45TJNIIno, bate is probably correct.  You know most internet trolls whack off to their posts.
00:36.20*** join/#asterisk dasKreech (n=chatzill@
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00:40.17dasKreechdoes anyone have any good recommendations for a headset?
00:40.50*** join/#asterisk __freedom__lover (
00:41.22__freedom__loverhi guys..
00:41.29__freedom__loveri have a doubt about stun
00:41.45dasKreechset it to kill
00:41.50__freedom__loveranother day, i was configuring a ATA behind a nat router...
00:42.03*** join/#asterisk mwalling (n=mwalling@unaffiliated/mwalling)
00:42.29__freedom__loveri set the ATA to use stun, but it did not connect...
00:42.51__freedom__loverwhen i disable stun in configuration, it connected!!!
00:43.06__freedom__loversomeone can explain me why?
00:44.08TJNIIWhose stun server did you use?
00:44.16*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-2786e0a0dda72d3b)
00:45.15__freedom__loveri used
00:45.59TJNIIDid you use sip debug to see which IP addresses it was using?
00:47.06*** join/#asterisk rob0 (
00:47.08__freedom__lovermy ata don't have debug option.. and in asterisk no messages or registration trying...
00:47.10BBHosswhats the equivalent to insecure=very on 1.4
00:48.37__freedom__loverBBHoss: insecure=invite,port
00:49.00BBHossok thanks
00:49.11__freedom__loverBBHoss, try
00:51.43*** join/#asterisk arcanine (n=saxon_m2@
00:59.54*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
01:00.50*** join/#asterisk basskozz (
01:02.13*** join/#asterisk macros73_ (
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01:16.52*** part/#asterisk dasKreech (n=chatzill@
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01:35.11*** join/#asterisk arcanine (n=saxon_m2@
01:39.12*** join/#asterisk |omni| (
01:44.28*** join/#asterisk Mackes (
01:45.04*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
01:47.54*** join/#asterisk Sunmoon__ (
01:48.01*** part/#asterisk Sunmoon__ (
02:11.40*** join/#asterisk LoF^[Lawbringer] (
02:23.20*** join/#asterisk CoffeeKid (
02:24.24*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
02:24.28*** join/#asterisk Dark_Rift (
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02:36.02*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
02:36.38*** part/#asterisk Mackes (
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02:43.59*** join/#asterisk SirThomas_Home (n=SirThoma@
02:51.06*** join/#asterisk codec ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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02:59.37*** join/#asterisk peanut- (n=tokarev@2001:470:1f01:337:aaaa:aaaa:aaaa:4)
03:03.49*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
03:05.52*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (n=chatzill@
03:13.09*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
03:15.27*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=pepOSX@
03:26.21*** join/#asterisk Dave_____ (
03:26.40Dave_____Hi * gurus!.
03:26.44*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
03:29.18DGonzalezhanyone could help me with a cdr problem.
03:29.35fujinyou'll have to be a bit more specific
03:29.42DGonzalezhI've installed * 1.4.13, and all new stuff but I can't get cdr_mysql to work.
03:29.52fujinusing odbc or the native mysql connector?
03:29.58fujinI run app_addon_cdr_mysql here, no problems.
03:30.05DGonzalezhwell native mysql
03:30.12fujincool. so what's the problem?
03:30.16*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
03:30.22fujinpastebin your cdr_mysql.conf, please, hashing out the password
03:30.22*** join/#asterisk cesar]cR (
03:30.23jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
03:30.34DGonzalezhIt'salways  XXX'ed when I run menuselect
03:30.39fujinoh. that's odd.
03:30.49fujinHave you got the mysql libraries installed?
03:30.55fujinI don't think I even recall having to enable it
03:31.00fujinasterisk-addons builds it by default, iirc.
03:31.03fujin(or, did for me, anyway)
03:31.07fujinproviding the libraries are there.
03:31.24DGonzalezhI run centos 5 and I yum but libmysqlclient returns a nothing to do, but I do havbe mmysql installed
03:31.38fujindo you have the -dev packages installed?
03:31.42fujinif not, you won't be able to buildem
03:32.51*** join/#asterisk hello- (
03:33.26DGonzalezhI'm in doubt, that'sa separate package on centos or it's inside MySQL default install?
03:33.54fujinI'm not familiar with centos sorry, but there should be a development package which will install the headers/objects to link against.
03:35.09DGonzalezhthough I don't like Debian due to it's lack of standar compliance issues
03:35.55DGonzalezhBut libmysqlclient it's contained into MySQL or it'sa separate lib?.
03:36.10fujinIt's a seperate package here.
03:36.34DGonzalezhhmmm?, gotta check it out
03:37.17hello-does anyone know of any softphone package or any method of getting several usb phones over 10 voip accounts(not worried about this part)
03:37.30DGonzalezhAnyone of you other guys familiar with RH style?
03:38.24DGonzalezhI'm installing the MySQL-devel pkg to see if it works
03:38.47kmhuntI've been looking and I can't find anything out that will do what I need it to do
03:39.50kmhuntA hotel is asking me if I can spread 120 usb phones on a rollover basis to 10 voip accounts
03:39.56DGonzalezhUSB phones are a complicated issue
03:40.22kmhunttheir pbx is ancient
03:40.45kmhuntand fxo channel banks seem like something they do not want to invest in
03:41.00kmhuntI did their ethernet and wireless at the hotel
03:41.04kmhuntas well as VOD services
03:41.19kmhuntbut this one is throwing me for a loop
03:41.44DGonzalezhHmmm so no way to use ATAs of Gateways?
03:41.54kmhuntbasically need to find a softphone package that allows unlimited devices
03:41.55DGonzalezhBTW mysql-devel was the issue.
03:42.06DGonzalezhfree i supose?
03:42.14kmhuntno they don't want to do ATA
03:42.20kmhuntnot necessarily
03:42.32kmhuntbut their budget limitations are kind of ridiculous
03:42.54WilliamKfujin: sorry I'm looking at this conversation a tad late;  CentOS v5.0 is Redhat Enterprise 4.1 for all intents and purposes
03:43.27kmhuntanything I can interface with Trixbox freepbx or asterisk I was thinking was going to be the most viable solution
03:43.41WilliamKsame commands accross the board; have yet to find one different cept for their up2date portion
03:44.28kmhuntthe issue is that they don't want to pay a large amount for the hardware then on top of that have to handle my labor which is very reasonable, but for this large of a job I need to be compensated
03:45.19kmhunt120 rooms is no joke.... I realized that when wiring cat6 at another hotel
03:45.39WilliamKkmhunt - I know exactly where you're coming from... had that pulled on me several times by clients who "tried"...
03:45.50*** join/#asterisk linxroute (n=linx@
03:45.53fujinWilliamK: unfortunately, I still don't follow it nor desire to use it
03:46.06fujindoes the mysql client have a library package to build against?
03:46.06kmhuntthat is why I haven't taken the job yet
03:46.12WilliamKfujin, that's fine - didn't say you had to :)
03:46.13fujinlibmysqlclient*-dev, ilkeeverything else?
03:46.22WilliamKyeah if you install it
03:46.24kmhuntI am looking for a solution that will work on the same basis on a small scale
03:46.33kmhuntthen scale it up
03:46.59kmhuntthe other particulars are not easy either but are manageable
03:47.09kmhuntthey seem dead set on skype
03:47.12WilliamKyou can always do the "yum search packagename" and then once you find what you want, type "yum install packagename"
03:47.30DGonzalezhWilliamK>: Thanx
03:47.36DGonzalezhWilliamK: Thanx
03:47.53DGonzalezhIf I remember how to IRC that was the waay?
03:48.09kmhuntskype can be managed if I can find software that can handle 120 usb devices
03:49.00*** part/#asterisk atomicd (
03:49.06DGonzalezhIt was the problem with my mysql_cdr. I didn't have mysql-devel, now I'm compiling the .so module....
03:49.31DGonzalezhafter that is there anything i have to do to get CDR working besides basic * configuration.
03:50.01*** join/#asterisk JayTee52 (
03:52.16*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (n=leon@
03:56.04*** join/#asterisk giggham (n=giggham@
03:56.56DGonzalezhcall datils are working....
03:56.59DGonzalezhThanks guys
03:57.13DGonzalezhwhat may I be helpful wityhh, now that I've been serverd?.
03:57.44WilliamKyou may need the * addons, but not quite sure
03:58.20DGonzalezhyup tehy're needed, recompiled it and now it's all working, the Records panel on FreePBX is showing data
03:58.45fujingah! freepbx? :|
03:58.49fujin= do not want
03:59.18DGonzalezhNote for all of those using RH like distros, when installing LAMPA+freepbx remind to install yum -y install mysql-devel
03:59.42fujinapt-get build-deps asterisk
03:59.47DGonzalezhhehe guys have a lot of enemies and I respect and undestand that.
04:00.07DGonzalezhgahhh not like lesnbian = Debian.
04:00.15fujinbit picky?
04:00.22fujinwhat, for using a not-shit distro?
04:00.43DGonzalezhwell noyt flame wrs, I do like Ubuntu,
04:00.45fujinalthough, that's unfair, centos is a far sight better than fc/rhel
04:00.55WilliamKfujin - too easy to ruffle feathers :)
04:01.23DGonzalezhyup that's rite, fc is crappy and rhel not used never.
04:02.01WilliamKfc = dies very quickly after install,   rhel is for corps who like paying redhat support monies
04:02.25fujinwe buy dell hardware, they try and sell us RHEL all the time
04:02.50fujinthe problem is some commercial software, like Propel accelerator only runs on RHEL (not my idea... I just had to build the damn thing)
04:03.02WilliamKfujin - yeah I know the feeling
04:03.06CoffeeKidfujin, every try centos?
04:03.15fujinno, I'm very happy with ubu/deb
04:03.20WilliamKhave 2 QuadCore servers sitting behind me right now using RHEL cuz the client wanted it
04:03.23fujinalthough, I prefer Gentoo personally ;]
04:03.29CoffeeKidfujin, same :)
04:03.52fujinI don't find it's as manageable for large, ISP/datacentre style operations as ubuntu or debian are
04:03.56fujinwe roll Ubuntu here, it's fine.
04:04.51*** join/#asterisk mwalling (n=mwalling@unaffiliated/mwalling)
04:05.17CoffeeKidfujin, we used RHEL forever, then decided centos was basically the same thing and did everything we needed it to do for free :)
04:07.56*** join/#asterisk snook3r (
04:14.55DGonzalezhI installed 24 servers using kickstart all of them with RHEL 4 and the client and us support company are very happy with them
04:15.44DGonzalezhperformance on dual quad-core servers is quite nice and 64-bit computing there for Informix DB abd Postgres is awesome
04:17.40DGonzalezhMy * server here at home runs on a shitty machine but I'm planning on scaling it to a hi-end server someday.
04:18.54*** join/#asterisk marc7 (
04:22.22JTeww, crackhat
04:22.43DGonzalezhwhat's that?
04:23.02DGonzalezhI'm not still very used to english sayings
04:23.10JTrpm based distros
04:23.37DGonzalezhaw I see but it eruns well, I've always said If it works or ain't broken why fix-it?
04:24.33JTbroken from my perspective, i don't use them
04:24.49DGonzalezhaw yeah but I don't think such as .deb ones, I  once on a Lesbian system tried to install snmp or something and it said 3 new packages will be installed and 89 will be removed including the kernel ..
04:25.11DGonzalezhcan you dig it?
04:26.21DGonzalezhit's absolutely weird and .deb systems won't follow standards, I mean I respect the users and admire those that turn it upside down and know their internals but I mean it's all Linux in the end or isn't it?
04:26.41DGonzalezhit's all free, and we're open-sorced open-minded people.
04:27.08DGonzalezhand that's all I have to say about that.
04:27.35JTyeah sure
04:27.38JTnot following standards
04:28.39*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (n=strom@
04:29.24DGonzalezhI finally got my cdr working and that's cool for me whatever works is good, I leave those obscure issues to designers and OS gurus. I'm just a user fanatic and user who uses whatever works fine.
04:29.59DGonzalezhtell me when in the world would be Ubu/Deb as nice and easy to use and compatible with hardware as SuSE which I also like a lot>
04:30.13JTin english?
04:30.33DGonzalezhin spanish!
04:31.11DGonzalezhHehe well let's get back to Asterisk....
04:31.44DGonzalezhAnyone ... needeing some help I'm craving for questions and willing to answer
04:32.00DGonzalezhbut I guess in all of your contries it's very late-night.
04:33.33DGonzalezhWell anyway, I will come back here so we can talk more bout Asterisk and help somepone needing help.
04:37.02*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
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04:57.08*** join/#asterisk mosty (
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05:01.43*** join/#asterisk Lawbringer (
05:04.29*** join/#asterisk [pyro] (n=Pyro@tor/regular/bracketed-pyro)
05:05.24[pyro]hey guys. Does anyone know the status of BLF & Direct Line Pickup (in one button) for Aastra 5xx range of phones? Ive been looking through the forums and it looks like asterisk 1.2 needs to be patched, but the patch wont apply. Seems code base of asterisk has changed too much since the experimental patch was written in 2005.
05:05.24mostyi have calls coming in on a pri line with callerid with presentation prohibited, and i am forwarding them on to an IAX user, but i need to make sure that the IAX user cannot see the callerid- how can i do this?
05:06.58mostyobviously, i can set ${CALLERID(num)}, but how do i check if the callerid presentation is prohibited? do i have to use bitmasks and ${CALLINGPRES} ?
05:08.31BBHoss[pyro]: i would suggest trying 1.4, as it has a lot of new features
05:12.07*** join/#asterisk J-5 (
05:13.28J-5im new to asterisk,i have both a freebsd and ubuntu server box. witch would be easier to get asterisk up and running on?
05:13.47TJNIIIs there a command for the CLI to show the number of active calls and the devices concerned?
05:14.00mostyTJNII, "show channels"
05:14.29TJNIICool.  Thanks
05:15.26TJNIIMy friends and I have created a standard numbering plan and declared all locations should support 611 (repair) service.
05:15.37TJNIII guess I need to set up a nasty IVR with bad hold music now.
05:16.14[pyro]BBHoss: does 1.4 do this? BLF and direct call pickup on the same button?
05:17.02[pyro]BBHoss: because i have BLF working, but when i try and pick up a call thats ringing on an extention by pressing its flashing BLF button, it just dials the extension
05:21.11*** join/#asterisk lemanal (n=lemanal@
05:22.26[TK]D-Fender[pyro], then make a NEW exten to watch that watches the same DEVICE but does something else.
05:27.36*** join/#asterisk MrTelephone (
05:27.38*** join/#asterisk LoF^[Lawbringer] (
05:27.54MrTelephoneHey I have  tiny issue with recording..
05:27.56MrTelephoneexten => 12345,1,Record(/etc/asterisk/prhc-greeting:wav|5|20|skip)
05:28.10MrTelephonereturns failure status 'UNKNOWN'
05:28.34[pyro][TK]D-Fender: sorry, i dont follow :\
05:28.42*** join/#asterisk obitux (
05:29.06obituxnecesito una pequeña ayuda en la conf de asterisk me podrian ayudar
05:29.41flendersobitux: si, pero no mucho!
05:29.44[TK]D-Fender[pyro] : you are the one who set up the hint at that #, and the actual extren with real priorities that cause it to dial the SIP device you associate with that exten.  Instead make ANOTHER completely different exten that does the directed pickup, and who's hint looks at the SAME device as the other one did.
05:30.22obituxi need hel caso es que necesito hacer tres grupos diferentes pero que se intercomuniquen
05:30.31obituxalguna idea
05:30.39flendersobitux: mate, sorry, it was a joke
05:30.49*** join/#asterisk marc7 (
05:30.50flendersyou need to speak english in here
05:31.08jbot[~asteriskspanish] Asterisk Community in Spanish, just visit -=- IRC channel #asterisk-es
05:31.08obituxthe room is
05:31.22*** part/#asterisk obitux (
05:31.53[pyro][TK]D-Fender: so ill have 2 buttons. one for BLF and another one to pickup calls from the same monitored extension?
05:32.44[TK]D-Fender[pyro], you are not paying attention.  Re-read it AGAIN till you get your head on straight
05:34.00[pyro][TK]D-Fender: hm ok, thanks for the help
05:34.47[TK]D-Fender[pyro], Do you actually get it now?
05:34.57*** join/#asterisk lemanal (n=lemanal@
05:35.13mostyhow can i check the value of a particular bit of ${CALLINGPRES} in my dialplan?
05:35.40[pyro][TK]D-Fender: no, but im off to do some more reading. If it can be done ill figure it out eventually.
05:36.22[TK]D-Fender[pyro], Hrere... you have something like this : exten => 100,hint,SIP/100   exten => 100,1,Dial(SIP/100)
05:37.11[TK]D-Fender[pyro], INSTEAD do something like : exten => fred,hint,SIP/100   exten => fred,1,DirectedPickupThingy(however thats supposed to work)
05:37.23[TK]D-Fender[pyro], And do your BLF key to FRED instead
05:37.38[TK]D-Fender[pyro], calling something "100" doesnt' eman ANYTHING.  its just an exten.
05:38.04MrTelephoneSIP/2.0 603 Declined
05:38.09MrTelephonewhat is that message all about?
05:38.14[pyro][TK]D-Fender: ok let me have a look
05:38.19[TK]D-Fender[pyro], So make a 2nd set of extens for the purpose of pickup+BLF.  You can have non-pickup watch the original hint on 100 if you want to dial instead of pickup.
05:39.12[pyro][TK]D-Fender: ok
05:40.16*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
05:40.39[TK]D-Fender[pyro], best to have the pickup ones to include alpha chars as well so they can't be dialed normally, unless you want to make things like : exten => #100,hint etc so as to have a normally dialable prefix.
05:40.54[TK]D-Fender[pyro], Remember to * its all jsut numbers...
05:41.31[pyro][TK]D-Fender: yep gotcha ok ill have a play and see if i can set it up
05:43.06*** join/#asterisk alpha232 (
05:44.48*** join/#asterisk lemanal_ (n=lemanal@
05:47.17MrTelephonecan't record shit since I upgraded here
05:47.41*** join/#asterisk Cyon (n=cyon@
05:48.30[pyro][TK]D-Fender: I setup asterisk with freepbx so i think ill just have to add a new exten to the file by hand
05:48.54*** join/#asterisk metabsd (
05:48.55MrTelephoneexten => 12345,1,Record(/etc/asterisk/prhcgreet:wav|5|20|skip) whats wrong with that line?
05:48.59[TK]D-Fender[pyro], Oh in that case you're immortal soul is already forfeit and you are in the wrong channel...
05:49.17TJNIIDoes callerid support non-numeric symbold like dashes in the number portion?  Like callerid="blah" <2-1112>
05:49.24*** part/#asterisk J_5 (
05:49.58[TK]D-FenderMrTelephone, read this and you tell ME.... :  Record(filename.format|silence[|maxduration][|options])
05:49.58[pyro][TK]D-Fender: haha ok :)
05:50.58MrTelephoneno kiddin
05:51.04MrTelephonewonder why its crappin out then
05:51.32MrTelephoneif there is an extensions 501-510 and you have an invalid handler in the dialplan as soon as you press the first digit it says invalid
05:52.55*** join/#asterisk implicit_ (
05:55.27[pyro][TK]D-Fender: even if i set it up with 2 exten's one BLF+pickup and the other normal one, i still need 2 buttons, one blf+pickup(fred) and another one if i want to dial that exten. There is no way to BLF+Pickup and Dial that exten if its just idle all from one button?
05:55.54*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
05:56.27[TK]D-Fender[pyro], Depends on how this directed pickup works.  If its only for ringing channels, then you'd need 1.4 for this.
05:56.46[pyro]ah ok
05:56.48[TK]D-Fender[pyro], Because you could make an exten that does a status check on the device then choose what do do based on that.
05:57.06[TK]D-Fender[pyro], But please refer to the "immortal soul" clause as you check out....
05:57.25[pyro]yeah im not using 1.4 anyways
05:57.45MrTelephonewhy the hell is invalid being called on first digit when there are three digit extensions?
05:59.36MrTelephonebecause im not in the right context
06:05.34MrTelephoneshouldn't gosub change the context you are in
06:05.37MrTelephoneI mean goto
06:06.26[TK]D-FenderMrTelephone, You are talking a lot, saying little, and showing nothing.
06:07.04*** join/#asterisk techie (
06:07.19MrTelephoneI'm a little frustrated here
06:08.05MrTelephoneon incoming call for extension 1836 I have it sent to another context and asterisk isn't recognizing the extensions in that context
06:08.10[TK]D-FenderMrTelephone, and doing absolutely nothing to help yourself.  Or perhaps you just came here to vent your frustrations rather than solve your problems...
06:08.17mostypaste your extensions.conf (and sip.conf if that's what you're using) on a paste site
06:08.17*** join/#asterisk enTer (n=Genco@
06:08.32[TK]D-Fendermosty, I was waiting to say that.... and there you go just rushing off....
06:10.11jbot[pastebin] a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or is usually painfully too slow and unresponsive to use, use one of the other pastebin sites, or is a very nice pastebin as well
06:10.14*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
06:12.04[pyro][TK]D-Fender: has what you suggested been done before? in asterisk 1.4 setting up an exten that monitors a device's status and then chooses what to do based on that?
06:12.52[TK]D-Fender[pyro], yes, I'm sure it has.  I've done it based on "in-use", but full-mode status can be done ion 1.4
06:13.40[TK]D-FenderMrTelephone, awefully long for half the story...
06:14.00MrTelephoneI was double checking some stuff
06:14.19[TK]D-FenderMrTelephone, thens till doing nothing here to solve anything....
06:15.40phixhey, I am setting up a Linksys SPA3102 ATA, any one here done that before? :)
06:15.58[TK]D-Fenderphix, <- go check out the forums
06:18.04mostyphix: yeah, it was pretty easy if you follow the manual
06:19.30MrTelephonemy dialplan jumps aroudn too much
06:20.07MrTelephoneit goes from [office] -> [office-outgoing] -> [pstn-out] -> [pstn-in] -> [office-incoming]
06:20.11MrTelephonebecause I'm calling myself
06:20.19phixThe main issue I am having is my VoIP provider has preconfigured it, and it looks like they still have alot of internal stuff enabled that they used to test it :/ hmmm I guess I could always factory reset it
06:20.21MrTelephonemaybe thats why its not working
06:21.02mostyphix: is it locked?
06:23.16mostywhat are you stuck trying to do?
06:23.17phixAnother thing I find weird is a standard POTS / PSTN handset can detect the other end has hung up and it stops ringing, but TDM2400 cards and this ATA keeps the handsets ringing for another 2 secs either though the other end has hang up
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06:23.34phixmosty: PSTN -> asterisk
06:23.52phixin the dial plan I told it to dial s@myInternalHostname
06:24.21mostyand is asterisk setup correctly? ie do you know that the problem is on the ata?
06:24.28phixalso, voip provider has set custom stuff under the Provisioning menu, do I even need provisioning enabled?
06:24.54mostyonly if you want to use their provisioning
06:24.59phixIt just isn't contacting my asterisk server, no errors are appearing in asterisk console, it doesn't pick up the call
06:25.16phixWhat is provisioning? :)
06:25.31mostyprovisioning is automatic setup/firmware upgrade
06:25.38phixoh ok :)  nah I don't want that shit
06:26.25mostycan you run a packet logger on your asterisk box to confirm that the phone isn't trying to contact asterisk?
06:26.52phixone step ahead of you :)
06:27.44mostyso you're sure that's not happening then?
06:28.50phixI will find out soon
06:29.23phixI was just confirming settings, going to try and dial it now :)
06:31.25[TK]D-FenderWell its checkout time.  LAter all
06:31.38[pyro][TK]D-Fender: This page (section Directed Call Pickup) is what got me thinking BLF / Direct Call Pickup on the same key was just a patch away. Your the first person ive heard suggest setting up a 2nd set of extensions.
06:33.26[pyro]ah crap, didnt see he'd quit
06:35.41phixmosty: POTS Handset -> ATA -> asterisk -> internal SIP users or via VoIP provider works
06:36.12phixmosty: internal SIP users or via VoIP provider -> asterisk -> ATA -> POTS Handset works
06:37.26phixPSTN -> POTS Handset works, but PSTN -> asterisk -> internal SIP users (and back to ATA so it can ring POTS Handsets) does not work
06:37.44phixThe ATA doesn't even try to contact asterisk, so I guess it is a dial plan problem
06:37.52mostysounds like it
06:37.53phix(on ATA)
06:38.04mostydoes the 3102 have a debug or log page?
06:38.19phixI will check out that forum and see what I did wrong
06:38.46phixit logs to syslog :) although I need to configure /etc/syslog.conf on my server first
06:40.22phixhmmmm, this is annoying also, everytime I dial a number on the POTS handset it re-registers with asterisk, causing a 2 sec or more delay in dialing :/
06:41.13JTthat sounds silly
06:41.22JTsure it's not an ata dialplan issue?
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06:56.20phixJT: that is what I said
06:57.01JTphix: you sure the delay is due to registration then?
06:58.31phixhmmmm, sip debug tells me it registers at every call, hmmm but come to think of it it just sits there for a bit first with no debugg messages appearing
06:58.43phixso yes that does sound dumb :)
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07:07.18marc7if i'm trying to compile zaptel and it's telling me I'm missing the installed kernel source, is there any way to have it look in an alternate directory?
07:08.46marc7ah, i see.. make KSRC=<dir>, thanks
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07:27.43ZefkHi, does anyone know if asterisk can be interconnected with skype with opensource software ? thx
07:28.16Strom_Mall the available solutions are complete kludges anyway
07:28.21Strom_Mdon't waste your time :)
07:28.59ZefkStrom_M:  but any projects in progress or this way is closed for the moment ?
07:29.30marc7Zefk: Skype just doesn't want to play along, and they go to great lengths to make sure things aren't interoperable.
07:29.30BBHossskype for asterisk is like cutting off your nose to spite your face!
07:29.46Strom_MZefk: skype is closed proprietary crap.  I wouldn't hold your breath.
07:31.23ZefkI believe you, my problem is that there are a lot of requests from skype users to access SIP services.
07:31.50ZefkI supposed that these users are addicted to Skype.
07:32.07marc7the problem is that there are really no other awesome SIP softphones out there
07:32.40marc7skype invests a lot of money in making sure the user interface is easy
07:33.35ZefkI see the only solution for the moment is to switch to x-lite. :)
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08:03.45FlatFootmorning all
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08:11.32BeeBuuhow can i record my .gsm files?
08:12.52Strom_Mthat makes no sense
08:13.00Strom_M.gsm files are, by definition, recordings
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08:14.55BeeBuui want to play my voice :-P want to make your own recordings
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08:21.13J4zenDoes anyone know any freeware(-ish, small fee?) to convert WAV to GSM files? Preferably in batch?
08:21.33J4zenWindows based
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08:22.31Strom_Mwhy would you want to convert them /to/ gsm?
08:22.35Strom_Masterisk can read wav files...
08:23.08Strom_M8khz 16-bit mono pcm
08:23.15tzafrirJ4zen, sox should be able to build on cygwin, I guess :-)
08:24.14J4zeni see, are there any steps needed in order to make asterisk read the wav files?
08:24.14tzafrirwell, you may want to down-sample wav files with higher quality
08:24.28tzafrirfile file.wav
08:24.33tzafrirwhat is the output?
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08:24.45J4zeni can't test it atm, the server is being transferred to our datacenter
08:25.41Strom_MJ4zen: nope
08:25.45Strom_Mno steps necessary
08:26.08J4zenalright, thanks Strom_M and tzafrir :)
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08:31.01marc7hey guys, I'm having a real mess of a time with zaptel, I've compiled it on Debian etch (4.0) after I've given it my kernel sources and all... but "make install" doesn't seem to be putting the modules anywhere.... so nothing's getting sorted out on boot. I can `insmod zaptel.ko` directly, but that's about it. suggestions?
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08:37.05tzafrirmarc7, for starters ./install_prereq test
08:37.35tzafrirhmm... actually...
08:37.47marc7tzafrir: just found out that our kernel compile dosen't have USB support, and so the make install-modules process which tries to get xpp_usb.ko going causes the whole thing to bail out
08:37.49tzafrirdo you get any output from:   modinfo zaptel ?
08:38.04tzafrirmarc7, a custom kernel?
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08:38.42marc7tzafrir: yeah. and while I didn't get any love from `modinfo zaptel` a moment ago because the make install process was failing, it's certainly working now
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08:39.03tzafrirhmm... right....
08:39.22tzafrirworkaround: disable support for xpp
08:39.26tzafririn menuselect
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08:39.40tzafrirThough this should have been done automatically
08:40.11marc7oh nice, hmm... if I only needed ztdummy, could I disable practically everything else here?
08:40.30tzafriryes, anything besides ztdummy and zaptel
08:40.58tzafrirand of the utilities you only actually need zttest
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08:41.25tzafrirand just add ztdummy to /etc/modules
08:42.00tzafrirBTW: m-a a-i zaptel
08:42.23marc7awesome. thanks tzafrir!  yeah, i really should be using module-assistant... and I really shouldn't be rolling up my own kernel builds ;)
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08:43.24tzafrirthough you'll probably need one extra symlink /usr/include/zaptel/zaptel.h >/usr/include/linux/zaptel.h   to make asterisk feel OK with this
08:43.54tzafrirm-a should work fine with custom kernels
08:44.24marc7should I be able to even use m-a from the zaptel directory i check out of subversion?
08:44.45harpalI have installed asterisk 1.4.13. now how to test that?
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08:46.51marc7ah, silly question. yeah... it's definitely pulling zaptel-source from apt
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08:49.09marc7tzafrir: what I really need is a way to roll-up asterisk builds I've put together on one server over to a different box entirely. I don't think there's any elegant solution I can think of to debianize the process, as `make install` does a lot of last minute wget / installs that I'm having trouble sorting out
08:50.39tzafrirmarc7, use a repo from starters :-( . anyway, there are several make-install wrappers, but you have to use them when you run 'make install'
08:52.50marc7sorry, I misunderstand... when you say use a repo, you're suggesting I install asterisk from debian's repository?
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08:55.08tzafrirmarc7, I always suggest that. I must say most others in this channel disagree with me
08:55.21tzafrirIndeed the version of Asterisk in Etch is a bit date
08:55.56marc7not thrilled about that
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09:33.13JakobsenI have some trouble with my asterisk server, but I don't know how to troubleshoot it. The service stopped a few days ago, and I started it again. Now some of the users are disconnected when they've been in a call for a few minutes
09:37.47BBHosswhat 'service' stopped? asterisk?
09:38.01Jakobsendaemon ;)
09:38.19BBHosshave you tried rebooting?
09:39.00JakobsenNot yet, I want to troubleshoot the problem before rebooting the server
09:39.09BBHossreboot the server
09:39.23BBHossif that doesn't fix it, then we can try to troubleshoot
09:39.41BBHossare you using telephony hardware, or pure sip/iax?
09:39.48JakobsenPure sip
09:40.15BBHossare you using a control panel?
09:40.25Jakobsenit has 100+ users, if I can avoid rebooting, it would be nice..
09:40.34BBHossyeah i understand
09:40.40JakobsenNo, just managing it over SSH
09:40.49BBHossok kool
09:41.00Jakobsenbut again; any log files that would tell me why the calls are stopped?
09:41.03BBHossnothing has changed?
09:41.15BBHossdepends on setup
09:41.27BBHossbut usually when it just crashes it wont tell you why
09:41.33JakobsenThat's nice..
09:41.39BBHossunless you feel like running it through gdb
09:41.45BBHosslemme check...
09:41.47JakobsenI don't
09:42.23BBHossyou can try looking in /var/log/asterisk
09:43.20BBHossare you using the ztdummy driver, or ANY zaptel?
09:43.38JakobsenI actually don't know
09:44.05BBHosssee if you have a /dev/zap
09:44.20JakobsenI do
09:44.52BBHossare you using meetme or any other channel bridging (ie conference)
09:45.20tzafrirJakobsen, please provide logs for the relevant parts
09:45.53tzafrirDo you see any errors in the logs for such a disconnect?
09:46.08JakobsenThe server was set up by another guy, I myself have never worked with asterisk before..
09:46.46tzafrirfor starters, /var/log/asterisk/messagtes , or full is the most common log file . See /etc/asterisk/logger.conf
09:46.54tzafriror 'logger show channels'
09:46.57tzafririn the CLI
09:46.59JakobsenThat's why I was asking about logfiles - I don't have any idea what I'm looking for :/
09:47.28tzafrirI asked if you see any errors that happen at a time of such a disconnect
09:47.32BBHossalso you may want to increase the debug levels
09:47.41tzafrirIf not, please pastebin a relevant part of the logs
09:47.59JakobsenI'm looking at a running "asterisk -rvvvvv"
09:48.13BBHossthats verbosity
09:48.22BBHossdebug is even MORE verbose :)
09:48.28BBHossto an insane level
09:48.39BBHossare you using 1.4 or 1.2?
09:49.33JakobsenIs this good? --> "Spawn extension (macro-CallLocalSubscriber, s, 5) exited non-zero"
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09:49.50BBHossthats the error?
09:50.31Jakobsenno, that's just a line I see a lot in the CLI..
09:50.44BBHossthats nothing
09:50.49Jakobsenthe error is, that users are randomly disconnected after a few minutes - but not every time..
09:50.56BBHossdo you have documented times of when this happens
09:51.05Jakobsenno, it happens all the time
09:51.20BBHossit sounds to me that something has gotten fishy with zaptel
09:51.35BBHossand its throwing a wrench in other things
09:51.46BBHosseither that or a component is going bad in the server
09:51.57BBHossif you're SURE nothing on the software side has changed
09:52.00JakobsenMaybe I should restart then..
09:52.21JakobsenNo changes were made, the only person to change it is me, and I didn't :)
09:52.40BBHossi've seen some people restarting their boxes every week or two, sometimes more
09:52.58Jakobsenokay, this have been running for months now
09:53.07JakobsenAsterisk 1.2.5
09:53.07tzafrirJakobsen, you may not know what to make of it. Others here might
09:53.17tzafrirjbot, tell Jakobsen about pasebin
09:53.25tzafrirjbot, tell Jakobsen about pastebin
09:53.55Jakobsentzafrir, I know what pastebin is, but I don't know what I should paste for you!
09:54.26tzafrirrelevant parts (by the wall clock) of the logs, or parts from the CLI
09:54.38BBHosspost /var/log/asterisk/debug if their is one
09:54.49tzafrirto show what happened when "a call has disconnected"
09:55.23tzafrirJakobsen, a basic fact you also seem to have left out: what type of call is it?
09:55.33BBHosssip apparently
09:55.51BBHossyou are using a SIP trunk from an ITSP i assume?
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09:56.29tzafrirJakobsen, a basic fact you also seem to have left out: what type of call is it?
09:56.36BBHosstry zap show channels
09:56.43BBHosswhats the output of that
09:57.02Jakobsenpseudo, default
09:57.22JakobsenExtension: pseudo, Context: default...
09:57.34BBHossso just ztdummy
09:57.53BBHosshave you tried restarting asterisk?
09:58.36BBHossbest thing i can tell you is have the users write down a time when their call gets dropped, then go back and check the logs
09:58.52BBHossuntil you know the times, you are looking for a needle in a haystack
09:59.33Jakobsenmessages look bad.....
09:59.50BBHossnetwork troubles
10:00.16Jakobsenyes, the provider has some trouble this weekend, but they should be fixed now..
10:00.33JakobsenYesterday (11th of November) asterisk just stopped..
10:00.41BBHosscrashed totally?
10:01.01BBHossdo you have a log of that?
10:01.12JakobsenNo, this is the only log I have
10:01.29JakobsenOtherwise, you have to tell me where the log should be? :)
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10:02.05JakobsenThe only file I can find, that looks like a log, is /var/log/asterisk/messages
10:02.26JakobsenI have a log of calls in a MySQL database too
10:02.54BBHosswhen did it crash on the 11th
10:03.22BBHossaround 1800?
10:03.39JakobsenI started it again around 1800
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10:04.08BBHossthere is nothing there indicating a crash
10:04.35BBHossit looks like the provider to screwing up to me
10:05.33JakobsenThat's my conclusion too :)
10:05.56BBHossis it a 2-way provider or outgoing only?
10:06.10Jakobsenoutgoing only
10:06.29BBHossyou might try another, see if the problems cease
10:07.01JakobsenYeah.. They had some problems this weekend, so maybe they still have some problems they haven't discovered
10:07.07BBHossalso your version of * is a bit old
10:07.50JakobsenI know, but haven't had the b*lls to upgrade..
10:08.07BBHossi don't blame you dude
10:09.00JakobsenI will try rebooting the server, then we'll see what happens.. But thank you for your time guys..
10:09.28BBHosswhen you need help after the upgrade, just ask ;-)
10:10.22Jakobsen"I'll be back" :D
10:10.24JakobsenSee you
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10:21.48hi365is there any way to specify a tech with extenspy?
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10:33.31dan__tJust out of curiosity, does Polycom make an idiot-proof GUI config file generator for provisioning?  What kind of goodies do they have, if any?
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10:33.58[pyro]has anyone else got BLF and Directed Call Pickup working with Aastra 5Xi phones?
10:34.07hi365dan__t: actuly, quite the opisite. but there goods are top stuff
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10:37.17dan__tThey get an A+ for complexity.
10:41.12phixhmmm, I am still having issues with Linksys SPA3102, I cannot get calls from PSTN line to contact asterisk.
10:41.48phixI have this as dial plan 1 (under PSTN lines in SPA3102 web config) (S0<: s@ :5060>)
10:42.21phixthe other dial plans are all (xx.)
10:45.42phixalso, calls made from asterisk to PSTN line (via ATA) gives me phone number error from land line carier
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11:24.13Psychobillyhello, in my extensions.conf can i have variables per context and not only global ones?
11:24.18Psychobillysomehting like this:
11:27.11tzafrirPsychobilly, no
11:27.43Psychobillyok thx tzafrir
11:28.11tzafrirPsychobilly, consider using something like ${VAR_${CONTEXT}} , but I'm not sure if such double expansion is supported
11:28.35Psychobillyyes thats what im thinking about
11:33.37Psychobillyim searching an easy way to add speed dial feature for the users, my plan was to store the nymbers as variables, different for each user
11:37.11tzafrirPsychobilly, alternatively, the astdb could be used to store such data
11:38.01Psychobillyits running in a very small system with limited resources, i want to keep is as simple as possible
11:38.15Psychobillyavoid loading many modules etc
11:40.42Strom_Mif you don't have enough resources to store speed dial information in astdb, you probably have far greater problems to worry about anyway :)
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11:49.53phixStill having ATA issues
11:50.24phixDo I get a prise? eg, some help
11:50.26Strom_Mwht hpnd t m vwls
11:50.45phixStrom_M: wtf
11:52.04phixgimme dial plan for linksys SPA3102
11:52.19Strom_Mi've never configured one
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12:06.47Bladerunner05does TDM400p receive a fax in tiff image?
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12:22.56hellopIs it harmless to plug a live POE cable into a non-POE device?  (Power Over Ethernet)
12:23.36FlatFoothey ho all
12:24.30hellopmaybe I should just try it and see what happens..
12:24.55rob0Purity Of Essence = Peace On Earth.  MajGen Jack D. Ripper, USAF, Burpelson AFB
12:25.04FlatFootgot a puzzeller using CDR getting full data recorded on sip to sip call but not on IAX2 ( v 1.4.11 ) what is bothering me is it's not recording my accountcode value . ANY ideas
12:25.41helloprob0, good one rob0
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12:28.00hellopAnyone have any experience with extending the Powered part of a Polycom 501 phone?  Any suggestied max length?
12:28.35hellopSo, what I've read on the web, is that plugging a PoE cable into a non-PoE device "may or may-not damage the device".
12:28.57hellopSo, I came here what you guys do about it.
12:29.39hellopDo you take any special steps to prevent people from plugging laptops into PoE wall-ports?
12:29.43FlatFoothellop: do you mean the PoE network cable ?
12:30.10hellopFlatFoot, yes like on a Polycom 501, where the power brick plugs into the Ethernet cable.
12:30.30FlatFootif so depending on the ampage of the PoE device , we normally would NOT use any more than 48 meters
12:31.30dan__tHrm, ok, so I'm using AsteriskNOW, and I got inbound calls to work perfectly.  I'm very happy about that.  However, any attempt to dial out results in a fast tone beep.  I don't see anything overly obvious in the logs, so I suspect a keymap on this Polycom phone that isn't exactly happy?
12:35.38dan__tnm, think I found it.
12:36.03*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (n=tzafrir@
12:38.02dan__tWasn't using the correct trunk.
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12:42.15dan__tOk.  Yea, same stuff, I can't see anything painfully obvious in the sip debug.
12:43.30dan__t - that's a sniplet of my sip debug, if it helps.
12:43.54hellopFlatFoot, thanks for the info about PoE cable length
12:44.02*** join/#asterisk TheDude (n=thedude@
12:44.21FlatFoothellop: np , we have powered up to 80meters but it stuggled
12:44.30FlatFoot* struglled
12:45.26TheDudeJust upgraded to latest version & now execution no longer jumps to exten => n+101 when dialed party is busy. New feature or am I missing something?
12:46.13hellopFlatFoot, still 80m seems pretty far to send 300ma 9V DC
12:46.45FlatFoothellop: .3A thats gonna make about 30m's max without having a burnout
12:47.06hellopFlatFoot, do you take any precautions to ensure people don't use the PoE ports?
12:47.39FlatFoothellop: normally PoE ports are labled RED for us
12:49.28hellopAnother question:  For 4 VOIP phones, communicating to an Asterisk Server located 80ms away, do you need to buy an expensive managed router?
12:49.43hellopOr, will that work fine on a WRT54G $80 wallmart router?
12:49.48*** join/#asterisk boodie_ (n=thedude@
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12:50.13hellop80ms away I mean, pinging the Asterisk server is 80ms
12:51.09*** part/#asterisk Sunmoon__ (
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12:51.43luke-jrhellop: 80ms is 80ms
12:52.06luke-jrand you haven't mentioned what you need a router for
12:52.16*** join/#asterisk Lawbringer (
12:53.13hi365how can you fo a if and if in gootoif? (i.e. gotoif(a=true and b=true)
12:53.33*** part/#asterisk boodie__ (n=thedude@
12:53.48rob0hellop: I think I'd try a $20 10/100 switch first.
12:53.55luke-jrhi365: … what?
12:53.59dan__t'morning, rob0.
12:54.07luke-jrif (a=true & b=true) { … }
12:54.22luke-jrrob0: what's wrong with the $10 switch?
12:55.06*** join/#asterisk lirakis (n=lirakis@
12:55.06hellopluke-jr,  My neighbor's use Asterisk, with 2 Polycom 501s.  They used to have an in-house IT guy that set-up Asterisk.  He's gone, so they hired a consulting company.
12:55.30FlatFoothello all is ${TIMESTAMP} still usable ??????
12:55.32hi365luke-jr: so how would you write this? exten => s,n,Gotoif($["${CALLERID(num)}" > 1000)]$["${CALLERID(num)}" < 2000)]?disa)
12:55.33luke-jrhellop: so what's a router for?
12:55.34hellopWith the 2 phones, they where on a WRT54G router, and a simple 8 port netgear switch.
12:56.19luke-jrhi365: if ("${CALLERID(num)" > 1000 & "${CALLERID(num)}" < 2000) wtfisdisa;
12:56.33luke-jrFlatFoot: no
12:56.39hellopSo, they are moving to 4 phones, and the consulting company wants them to buy a 24port Cisco Switch.  But, isn't that un-needed?
12:56.40luke-jrhellop: a switch is fine
12:56.44hi365luke-jr: gotchya, thanks
12:57.03hellopThe CISCO switch does POE
12:57.09luke-jrPoE is convenient
12:57.12FlatFootluke-jr: typical
12:57.19luke-jrCisco switches don't do standard PoE
12:57.27hellopReason given is: "give you a managed device, as well as giving
12:57.27hellop> you expansion capabilities.
12:57.32luke-jrmight be better to find a company that understands standards
12:57.51luke-jrnot to mention Cisco stuff being expensive and crappy
12:57.51hellopluke-jr, you don't think it will work on the Polycom's eh?
12:58.03luke-jrit would work on Cisco IP phones
12:58.50hellopAside from non-compatible POE, is there ANY benefit from a managed switch with 4 phones on DSL?
12:59.13*** join/#asterisk reber (
13:01.40phixis the dial plan syntax on SPA3102 the same as in asterisk
13:01.45FlatFootluke-jr: any idea what has replaced ${TIMESTAMP} ? can't seem to find the answer
13:02.33luke-jrI forget
13:02.46FlatFootk ta anyway
13:03.25hellopFound this neat site with router speed comparisons:,com_chart/Itemid,189/chart,121/
13:04.07dan__tSo, I'm using TelIAX as an IAX2 provider.  Works out pretty well.  However, I'm trying to make sure caller ID works properly.  I'm using AsteriskNOW, and I've set the Caller ID setting of the Advanced menu of the Service Provider tab, essentially I thought this is where it is set.
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13:12.15hellopluke-jr,  so what do you think bro, should I tell the company that the $4000 switch is a waste of money or, let them buy it?
13:12.28luke-jrdefinately a waste
13:14.57Bladerunner05does TDM400p receive a fax in tiff image?
13:16.43endreBladerunner05: it did for me
13:20.29Bladerunner05•endre• lucky boy|||| I can't
13:21.11Bladerunner05•endre• may U describe me extensions.conf exten to do that?
13:21.48*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
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13:23.51[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: Go lookup SpanDSP on the WIKI.  This is 1 line of dialplan, but a whole module to compile in.
13:24.46Bladerunner05<[TK]D-Fender>: thanks I'll do ti
13:24.51*** join/#asterisk bantu (
13:27.02Chris-NBI've a question about wanpipe/sangome
13:27.23Chris-NBare there two versions for asterisk 1.2 and asterisk 14?
13:27.39Chris-NBor is there one drivers working with both?
13:28.00[TK]D-FenderChris-NB: I believe their drivers can deal with a variety of versions in a single release
13:28.24Bladerunner05<[TK]D-Fender>: a lots of errors while making.....
13:28.45Chris-NB[TK]D-Fender, ok. You believe? But don't know exactly?
13:29.04stimpieI have several cdr's with context 'default' this context does not exist
13:29.17stimpiewhere do these cdr's come from?
13:29.24[TK]D-FenderChris-NB: Grabbing the latest I've never had problems with either
13:29.39Chris-NB[TK]D-Fender, ok. I'll do that. Thanks!
13:29.46codefreezestimpie: prob. because when the channel was formed, it stuck 'default' in there, and never overrode it.
13:31.38*** join/#asterisk msetim (n=marcos@
13:32.19hi365when i dial *${EXTEN} the calls goes stright to voicemail. is that an asterisk thing (or a freepbx thing)?
13:33.19*** join/#asterisk killfill (
13:34.04[TK]D-Fenderhi365: Yes you are a complete schmuck and the dialplan does what you (or more like the GUI you sold your soul to) tells * to do.
13:34.31killfilli have alittle problem. Got a queue, with agents, and have to execute something (i.e. NoOP), while the agent's phone is ringing
13:34.41[TK]D-Fenderhi365: :p
13:34.42killfillwhere should i look for this?..
13:34.48[TK]D-FenderNEXT!@@!@ (c) BKW
13:35.04killfill[macro-stdexten] is not getting calld for queues.. :S
13:35.12[TK]D-Fenderkillfill: What makes them right now?
13:35.33killfillWhat makes them?.. what do you mean
13:35.53killfillthats all i can see
13:36.07killfillaah 24@default:1
13:36.26killfillso i should put my thing in [default]
13:36.45[TK]D-Fenderkillfill: Sort of says it all, doesn't it?
13:36.50hi365[TK]D-Fender: see this: (if im a shmuck what are you ;-} )
13:36.57hi365(about 5 min in)
13:38.23killfillif i have things there like "exten = 90,1,Queue(${EXTEN})"  i should replace all the '1' for '2' and write _XX!,1,NoOp(MyThinig) .. right?...
13:38.41[TK]D-Fenderhi365: Never watched the show.
13:39.05[TK]D-Fenderkillfill: Just ask yourself WHEN that will get called....
13:39.10killfillcannot i maybe include something or do a trick so i dont have to rewrite the proirity number? (and execute something before all)
13:39.16[TK]D-Fenderkillfill: These things are all extremely obvous....
13:39.20*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (
13:39.39[TK]D-Fenderkillfill: Yes, you have to deal with priorities, this is the DIALPLAN, it does stuff in ORDER.
13:40.32[TK]D-Fenderkillfill: Things that happen as the agents are dialed will repeat, things before you go into the queue jsut once, etc... this isn't Raw Cat scient...
13:40.47Bladerunner05making.... agx-ast-addons error for: app_rxfax.c: In function âphase_e_handlerâ:
13:44.12J4zenHi there, i'm having a weird issue. I'm trying to have my SNOM320 register with my PBX located in the datacenter ( all ports opened ).
13:45.32[TK]D-FenderJ4zen: SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized <-- user/pass is bad
13:46.20J4zenYeah that's what i thought
13:46.35J4zenbut theres just no way it can be wrong, i changed the password multiple times to make sure of that
13:46.56J4zendo the SNOM320's have some weird caching issue i need to work with?
13:47.44*** join/#asterisk shido6_ (n=shido6@
13:48.18[TK]D-FenderJ4zen: Nope.  its wrong somewhere.  * does not make this stuff up.
13:49.13*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (
13:49.32Bladerunner05making agx-ast-addons (app_rxfax) I got those errors:
13:49.37J4zenI'll attempt a firemware update of the SNOM320, i am 100% sure the passwords are correct
13:49.48J4zeni have tried passwords such as 12345 even
13:49.49Bladerunner05I install all required library and header files.....
13:51.36[TK]D-FenderJ4zen: Maybe you've screwed up the * SIDE....
13:51.52[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: Get googling.
13:51.52J4zenWell no, it works fine on my softphones
13:51.58J4zeneven when using the same SIP account
13:52.17J4zenwhat is this 403 error then?
13:52.41Bladerunner05<[TK]D-Fender> I do it, but google return 1 entry only...
13:52.59[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: then clearly you aren't asking the right sort of question.
13:56.50Chris-NBhas a Intel Xeon a Core 2 CPU?
13:57.20[TK]D-FenderChris-NB: Yes there are models with that.
13:57.47Chris-NB[TK]D-Fender, how can I check that? Is it listed in /proc/cpu ?
13:58.02[TK]D-FenderChris-NB: no idea.  Try asking in ##linux
13:58.13Chris-NB[TK]D-Fender, ok, thanks
14:05.21Bladerunner05<[TK]D-Fender> I know, pls help me to make the right question
14:06.58Bladerunner05<[TK]D-Fender> Thank you very much
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14:14.40cjkhi, is there a function in cakephp to generate and do calculations with dates in mysql format?
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14:14.48cjkups, wrong channel
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14:17.08morgeHi. I have a sipura SPA-2102 that I got from my ipphone provider, and I would like to make it possible to call out trough my asterisk using that number. Is there a guide to how I should set up asterisk from a sipura config? I have passwords and such, and got it working using twinkle SIP client.
14:17.51morgeI have added a trunk, but I get the "all circuits are busy now". I am using freepbx by the way.
14:18.37morge"sip show registry" tells me that it is registered.
14:18.44morgebut I cannot use it.
14:19.34morgeIt seems to me that I probably need some special settings, but I am unable to find them, so I was hoping that the sipura config could tell me what I need.
14:20.51*** join/#asterisk J4zen (
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14:23.02J4zenI have isolated the problem, appearently my SNOM320's are having issues sending their packets to the PBX. Every now and then it'll recieve an "OK" / "Not authorised" / "403" response. What could be causing this?
14:23.02J4zenThe PBX is located in a datacenter with all ports opened
14:23.42*** join/#asterisk JulHer (
14:23.43[TK]D-Fendermorge: You're in the wrong channel then...
14:23.46*** join/#asterisk Meaty (
14:24.02J4zenthe SNOM's are located in our office network behind a router, no filtering or firewall
14:24.20*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
14:24.30[TK]D-FenderJ4zen: Last time : the error means what it says. 401 = your auth is bad.  Not "maybe", it means "YES"
14:25.52morge[TK]D-Fender: Which channel should I go to? I am asking in the freepbx channel as well.
14:25.58*** join/#asterisk metabsd (
14:26.31[TK]D-Fendermorge: Thats it.
14:26.40J4zen[TK]D-Fender ; The problem is.. if my memory serves me well, The SIP-phone will first send a request "REGISTER" .. once that has been accepted by the PBX it'll send another request "SUBSCRIBE" , the results seem totally random
14:26.51J4zenit doesn't simply reject my register or subscribe. it responds random
14:26.55J4zenonce moment its a 401, then a 403
14:26.58J4zenthen it simply times out
14:27.08J4zenso no, i do not think this is an authentication issue
14:27.12J4zeni think this is a network problem
14:28.09morge[TK]D-Fender: Ok. Guess I just have to wait it out then, as I am getting no replies from there.
14:28.16[TK]D-FenderJ4zen: Or you're phone is just psychotic.
14:28.43[TK]D-Fendermorge: That, or get googling.
14:29.01ai-a[afk]J4zen: pastebin the snom log (level 9) and the pbx log please.
14:29.03mvanbaakhi all
14:29.07J4zenwill do
14:29.25mvanbaakhow can I capture all SIP traffic using tshark ?
14:29.35ai-amvanbaak: i use tcpdump
14:29.36mvanbaakI just cant get it to do what I want
14:29.45ai-athen wireshark to debug it
14:30.01ai-aJ4zen: do sip debug on the peer
14:30.05mvanbaakcan tcpdump output to multiple files ?
14:30.15mvanbaakI want a dump of roughly 4 hours of traffic
14:30.18*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
14:30.47ai-amvanbaak: nope, but wireshark can split up the sip conversations after.
14:31.09J4zenThe peer is not connected, so i cant sip-debug it thru asterisk
14:31.19mvanbaakai-a: care to share your tcpdump commandline to capture it ?
14:31.25J4zenthe above log doesn't show it connects, but i assure you.. it does every now and then ( i cleared the log after it happened before )
14:31.28ai-aJ4zen: this is over a lan?
14:31.32J4zenthis is over internet
14:31.55J4zenSIP-phones are in the office LAN ( no firewall/funky gateways ), the PBX is in a datacenter with all ports opened
14:32.03J4zenAlso, my soft-phones register just fine
14:32.14ai-amvanbaak: tcpdump -s2000 -w /var/tmp/output.pcap 'host'
14:32.22mvanbaakok, thanks
14:32.40ai-aJ4zen: ok, and the pbx log of the SAME area in time,, with sip debug on.
14:33.14ai-amvanbaak: then in wireshark use statistics -> VoIP Calls..
14:33.14J4zenai-a, i noticed a lot of action in my sip-phone log just now. let me update the pastebin for you
14:33.45ai-ais the ip correct J4zen ?
14:34.10ai-ayour phone isnt getting any register response.
14:34.20ai-ayou have some firewall on your router ? or your router doesnt like the nat ?
14:35.01J4zenNo firewall, there is no filtering on any outgoing traffic
14:35.07ai-aJ4zen: your asterisk pbx is directly on that ip ?
14:35.15ai-aincomming traffic.
14:35.22ai-aoutgoing is going,, nothing coming in.
14:35.36J4zenyes my asterisk pbx is directly on the ip in the logfile
14:35.37ai-aJ4zen: let me run my sip password cracker for a few minutes ;)
14:35.47J4zenhehe awesome <3 ;)
14:35.53ai-aJ4zen: get your saterisk secure.. use OpenSer or something.
14:36.08J4zenits a test server, nothing more :)
14:36.23ai-awell, show us the pbx log of the sip debug.
14:36.49J4zenI'm not sure i follow you, "SIP DEBUG PEER 104" ( 104 being the sip account im trying to register) ?
14:37.11mvanbaakai-a: just to let you know: with tcpdump you can log to multiple files
14:37.18ai-ayep.. or sip debug ip <the ip of your pc at home>   as it might not be sending valid register.
14:37.21mvanbaakwith the -C you can specify the max filesize of a dumpfile
14:37.24ai-amvanbaak: ok ;)
14:38.04J4zenOk i enabled SIP debugging on my IP
14:38.15ai-athen re-register the identity on the snom.
14:38.23ai-aand pastebin the pbx.
14:39.11*** join/#asterisk dijungal (n=kdaniel@
14:39.43J4zenLink in your PM :)
14:40.23*** join/#asterisk GromiTM (
14:40.32dijungalhow do i make ztdummy and zaptel to load automatically when i restart the server?
14:40.57ai-aJ4zen: Retransmitting #1 (NAT) to ... and so on.
14:41.04ai-aits failing to get to your ip. something is blocking it.
14:41.31ai-awhat is the iptables set like on the pbx server ?
14:41.33J4zenWould that be on my incoming end, or the datacenters outgoign end?
14:41.38[TK]D-Fenderdijungal: You should ahve a zaptel init script in your startup process
14:41.51ai-aeither your bpx cant send out over the net, or your router wont let your phone recieve over the net.
14:42.19J4zenDo i need to set up any port forwarding?
14:42.29GromiTMHi, I have some strange behavior in callqueue configuration. Sometime, under some circumstances I did not see at all, is it possible, that the caller in the at the first position never gets an agents while other callers in the queue after him get agents.
14:42.36ai-ayou need to allow outgoing of sip / rtp ports on your pbx.
14:42.40[TK]D-FenderJ4zen: describe the full path between * and your phone <-
14:43.03GromiTMDoes anyone see the same behavior under debian-lenny (asterisk 1.4.11)
14:43.34ai-aJ4zen: from your pastebin's your phone is sending, but not getting anything, and your pbx is receiving and trying to send.
14:43.45[TK]D-FenderJ4zen: Read up :
14:43.50jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
14:44.10J4zenso its a NAT translations error?
14:44.29[TK]D-FenderJ4zen: looks like thats 1 part of your problem.
14:44.42[TK]D-FenderJ4zen: So lets tackle that first
14:44.42ai-aJ4zen: cehck your iptables on the pbx, is it allowing outgoing udp on the sip/rtp ports ?
14:44.50J4zenI'll read through those documents, Thanks
14:44.50J4zenlet me check
14:45.45dijungal[TK]D-Fender: No zaptel init scripts
14:45.55J4zenai-a; By the way, if it wouldnt allow outgoing UDP on rtp ports.. would it still work if it was placed in my local LAN?
14:46.04dijungaldo i need to do a make config in the zaptel source dir?
14:46.14J4zencause up until yesterday the PBX was located in our office LAN, and communicated fine with my SNOM's
14:46.36ai-aJ4zen: iptables-save will tell you the rules for the firewall.
14:46.47[TK]D-Fender"iptables --list" <----
14:47.15J4zenall on ACCEPT
14:47.19J4zeninput, forward and output
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14:48.16ai-afender, hmm ;), never used --list HEh
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15:04.17teknoprephey all
15:04.21teknoprepdoes anyone have any suggestions
15:04.33teknoprepfor random breakup in calls with voip
15:04.48*** join/#asterisk geek_cl (n=lletelie@
15:04.50teknoprepi have QoS with pfsense... sip outbound to a voip provider
15:04.59teknoprepmost calls are perfect but some tend to break up
15:05.19ManxPowerteknoprep: You can't really do QoS unless it is setup on BOTH ends of the link.
15:05.24geek_cli can't compile cdr_odbc to write -> MS SQL
15:05.25[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep: QoS no longer exists once it hits the public internet.
15:05.32geek_cli can't compile cdr_odbc to write -> MS SQL
15:05.37bkw_geek_cl: STOP IT
15:05.38bkw_you dork
15:05.42bkw_ask once
15:05.55dijungalyea.. someone might beat u over the head with the a zaptel stick!
15:05.55geek_clok... bkw_
15:05.56bkw_and only once.. then wait.. you might also want to paste bin why it won't compile and paste the link
15:06.08bkw_no you're not sorry.. you just are impatient stupid i know
15:06.46bkw_I never said that.. now paste bin the info
15:06.48bkw_so we can help you
15:07.07geek_clOk thanks
15:07.07[TK]D-FenderNEXT!@!@ (c) BKW
15:07.23jameswfbeing beat over the head with a zaptel stick sounds dirty
15:07.24ManxPowergeek_cl: not many people use ODBC and MySQL with Asterisk.  So you will have a harder time finding answers.  If you are so impatient that you have to flood the channel, perhaps you should drop asterisk and use a commercial solution.
15:07.52bkw_geek_cl: I wrote cdr_odbc :P
15:07.54ManxPowerwe are here for free.  If you don't like the rules of the channel then you can go find a commercial consultant.
15:08.07bkw_geek_cl: so i'm not really the person to piss off
15:08.09geek_clManxPower is not MySQL its, "MS SQL"
15:08.27ManxPowergeek_cl: MS SQL?  That's too kinky even for me.
15:08.55ManxPowergeek_cl: your mailing list searches were not helpful?
15:09.00jbotSearch Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at or search through it at, or and there is also the Macintosh Asterisk mailing list at
15:09.05*** join/#asterisk J4zen (
15:09.28bkw_MSSQL can whip the piss out of MySQL
15:09.31*** join/#asterisk debiano777 (
15:09.40J4zenBack, got disconnected for some reason; Did you leave any messages?
15:09.42geek_clplease check
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15:10.09ManxPowerbkw_: and hitler whipped the piss out of the french.  That doesn't mean hitler was good.
15:10.12bkw_thats app_odbc dork
15:10.31J4zen[TK]D-Fender; Could you paste those two links about NAT/PBX ( The first one i read wasn't right on; The pbx isn't behind a NAT, the SIP-phones are)
15:10.32bkw_geek_cl: someone didn't update app_dbodbc for use with 1.4
15:10.32kombihow do kick a caller in a meetme conference from command line?
15:10.35bkw_post a bug report
15:10.38bkw_kombi: stop now
15:10.42J4zenand the SIP phones are setup exactly like the config in the example
15:10.59geek_clbkw_ its asterisk-1.4.11 version
15:11.05bkw_well open a bug
15:11.06kombithnks bkw_! stop now [phone #], correct?
15:11.15bkw_kombi: no just stop now
15:11.17[TK]D-FenderJ4zen: the first accounts for BOTH, you only ahve to follow the parts that apply
15:11.20ManxPowerJ4zen: What is the issue you are having?
15:11.28bkw_geek_cl: remove app_dbodbc from the list of apps to compile you don't need it
15:11.33bkw_infact that is based on my code too
15:11.44kombibkw_: ok, but to kick one caller and keep the others?
15:11.45bkw_geek_cl: if you're not a coder your using the wrong software
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15:11.58bkw_kombi: no.. it stops asterisk .. why not um read the docs :P
15:11.59J4zen[TK]D-Fender : I have :) My settings are correct, NAT=yes and WAN ip set correctly
15:12.06bkw_Qwell: app_dbodbc in 1.4 is broken
15:12.13Qwellit isn't in 1.4
15:12.21[TK]D-FenderJ4zen: PASTEBIN  is your friend
15:12.51Qwellbkw_: that isn't in-tree
15:13.07bkw_oh that could be why
15:13.20debiano777any news about asterisk 1.6?
15:13.21Qwellbkw_: isn't that something you host?
15:13.27bkw_Qwell: nope
15:13.37bkw_its based on my code
15:13.43bkw_but I don't know where he got it from
15:13.44Qwellno idea where it comes from then
15:13.58kombibkw_: sigh..
15:14.02ManxPowerdebiano777: other than the fact there is no 1.6 yet?
15:14.07Qwellgeek_cl: use func_odbc
15:14.14Qwellunless the db means astdb...
15:14.24bkw_Qwell: its an astdb like interface for ODBC
15:14.34geek_clmm Ok Qwell
15:14.56Qwellspeaking of astdb...
15:15.01kombibkw_: how do I stop asterisk from cli? (trick question;)
15:15.07bkw_"stop now"
15:15.38kombibkw_: you're not behaving logically, you should have answered my first question now
15:15.50kombiyou must be human..
15:16.20bkw_kombi: if you are at this stage and you don't know how to work the software.. why not type HELP
15:16.27bkw_and start digging thru the meetme command line options
15:16.30bkw_that could help
15:16.43J4zenMy SIP.conf
15:17.12bkw_switch-01*CLI> help meetme
15:17.13bkw_Usage: meetme  (un)lock|(un)mute|kick|list <confno> <usernumber>
15:17.25kombibkw_: I know those inside out, you didn't understand me, that's all
15:17.25bkw_kombi: lets see does that help you?
15:17.35bkw_kombi: I totally understood you
15:17.41bkw_you wanna kick someone out of a meetme conference
15:18.01bkw_the bigger question is why is it so hard to understand such a simple option?
15:18.06bkw_help meetme
15:18.07bkw_at the cli
15:18.09bkw_should explain this
15:18.13debiano777<ManxPower> i read something about 1.6 in artcle but i s'nt understand when the release is out
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15:18.41ManxPowerdebiano777: Asterisk does not have specific dates for releases.  They happen when the developers thinks it's ready.
15:18.55debiano777ok thanks
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15:19.35kombibkw_: why did you give a wrong answer then, I even believed you
15:21.55J4zenai-a: Is this correct for my SIP.conf ?
15:22.01ManxPowerJ4zen: your localnet= and externip= settings do NOT make sense.
15:22.10J4zenThey don't?
15:22.12ManxPowerlocalnet should be your INTERNAL NATTED NETWORK
15:22.27J4zenWell there is no internal network lol
15:22.33ManxPowerAlso you seem to have some form of GUI installed.
15:22.38J4zenits located in a datacenter
15:22.48J4zenits connected directly to its outside adress
15:22.51ManxPowerJ4zen: if there is no internal network, then you have no NAT involved, do you?
15:23.13J4zenNope, i read a document last week or so stating this would be nesecary?
15:23.14ManxPowerlocalnet and externip are for when ASTERISK is behind NAT.
15:23.18J4zenI see
15:23.39ManxPowerwhen the SIP clients are behind nat, then just nat=yes for that sip.conf entry is what is required.
15:24.25J4zenAlright, i removed the references localnet and externip
15:24.26J4zenlets see if that helps :)
15:24.57ManxPowerJ4zen: chances are you have other issues, but at least we have removed ONE of the things that might cause you issues.
15:25.20J4zenTrue indeed. Thanks
15:26.27[TK]D-FenderJ4zen: waht model of router is taht phone behind?
15:26.32J4zenStill not getting any replies from the server
15:26.38J4zenWell its actually a modem/router combination
15:26.40J4zenalcatel modem
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15:26.59J4zenone of those simple 4 port boxes
15:27.08J4zenattached to a 24 port switch though
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15:27.35J4zenWell, i think i'll leave it at this for today
15:27.45J4zeni'll be back tommorow :) Thanks for all the assistance
15:28.02flujan_hi all.
15:28.06ManxPowerpoor guy
15:28.14flujan_guys, I am trying to originate two simultaneos calls using the ami.
15:28.48flujan_I am connected to asterisk using a socket and I am writing the commands to it... Asterisk dials to the first originate call but not to the second one...
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15:39.30heisonmorning... i'm having problem with chan_sip.c after a recent upgrade to latest 1.4 via SVN, I'm now getting  --  [Nov 12 10:39:00] NOTICE[3613]: chan_sip.c:7349 sip_reg_timeout:    -- Registration for 'heison@' timed out, trying again (Attempt #25)
15:41.47bkw_heison: you clearly do not have SRVlookups on
15:41.53bkw_because .100 is our web loadbalancer and not our sip proxy
15:42.09bkw_you are required to have the SRV lookup on
15:42.11bkw_and use the hostname
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15:42.59heisoni have tried both...  let me check the syntax of SRVlookups
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15:45.08ManxPowerheison: syntax?  you just set the option in sip.conf
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15:45.35heisonyeah, that's what i meant
15:45.42heisonthe right keyword
15:48.17bkw_is srvlookup still off by default in Asterisk?
15:48.24ManxPowerI guess I should stop procrastinating and start packing.
15:48.49ManxPowerbkw_: I believe it defaults to off if not set, but the sample configs set it on
15:49.10bkw_nope its on by default in trunk
15:49.20bkw_its a violation of the SIP spec to have it off
15:49.28bkw_heison: srvlookup=yes
15:49.29heisoni have srvlookup=yes in both [general] and [asterlink]; dig -t SRV works from the shell, yet registration fails
15:49.39ManxPowerI've always found it to be a violation of a working dialplan to have it on.
15:50.06bkw_ManxPower: SIP is more than just asterisk.. there is this whole wold outside of asterisk that uses SIP in the RIGHT way
15:50.13ManxPowerheison: does your register line have an IP or a hostname?
15:50.14bkw_heison: did you restart asterisk?
15:50.33heisonyes, i have restarted asterisk and rebooted the box
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15:50.50bkw_do you still have the hostname in the register line?
15:51.14heisoni have: register =>
15:51.37bkw_what does sip debug say?
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15:52.34ManxPowerbkw_: I assume SRV should be pointing at
15:52.46bkw_yes as it does
15:53.21ManxPowerbkw_: you know how broken srv lookups are in Asterisk
15:53.28bkw_they work for me
15:53.30bkw_and every one else
15:53.35bkw_unless they broke them in 1.4
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15:53.55bkw_heison: the only way to fix this is put in /etc/hosts and point it at
15:54.00ManxPowerbkw_: they broke many things in 1.4, I don't know about SRV support
15:54.02bkw_or find software that isn't broken to accomplish your tasks
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15:54.43bkw_Asterisk has the worst sip stack on the globe
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15:56.20anonymouz666lol that's too much.
15:57.31ManxPowerbkw_: even worse than Grandstream?
15:57.52bkw_the grandstream one actually works correctly.
15:58.09nestArman, the hate is strong today
15:59.09[TK]D-FenderGrandstream sucks for numerous other reasons :)
16:00.25coppicegrandstream make a valiant attempt to comply with standards, which others could learn from. sadly, grandstream needs to learn something about software QA
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16:01.09ManxPowercoppice: Digium needs to learn something about QA as well.
16:01.47coppicebut they need to learn about basic design, too
16:02.36ManxPowerIt compiles!  Lets release it!
16:07.47FlatFootusing cdr_odbc.conf has anyone managed to make * use a different table per context for recording data ?
16:08.03twistedyou know, asterisk is still open source...  if you want to complain about it's code, you can always write it and contribute it back
16:09.02axscodeReleased! I will use it!
16:10.29ManxPoweraxscode: the fact that so many people are still using 1.2 shows THAT doesn't happen quite as often as it used to.
16:10.38Un1x_laptopi still use 1.2
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16:15.41bkw_twisted: the care for the Open Source Asterisk isn't as extensive as ABE
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16:19.20dasbrowHi everyone
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16:19.47dasbrowCould someone help me out with dealing with + in front of the caller id?
16:20.23ai-adealing with it in what way ?
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16:21.23dasbrowI can't seem to validate incoming calls if they have the + in the number. I would like to strip it out.
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16:31.32[TK]D-Fenderdasbrow: Cahnge your dialplan to include them.
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16:33.08dasbrowhow would I do that? They show up in the caller id, but when I add the plus in the database I get a syntax error.
16:33.45[TK]D-Fenderdasbrow: "database"?
16:34.11[TK]D-Fenderdasbrow: As for callerid, "show function CALLERID" <- you should be able to strip them pretty easily.
16:34.18ai-athey have +nnn as the number being called ?
16:34.32ai-aor the callerid call from ?
16:36.32dasbrowthe database gives access to our employees to use the internal phone system. Using caller id as the auth method.
16:36.45dasbrowai-a: callerid from
16:37.10nestAri am running 1.4, is there something i should know. ;)
16:38.14ai-aif your using a db for callerid lookup to map their name,,, write a sql function that removes all spaces, replaces +nn with 00NN and so on.. so you have, in uk,   00441212929222 numbers.
16:40.41dasbrowbut the problem is really with the incoming caller id. I can't change the incoming id with an sql function.
16:41.08ai-awhy cant you ?
16:41.27dasbrowIf I could just drop the + when the caller calls in that would best. Maybe a regex would work.
16:42.02dasbrowMaybe I missunderstood the first time, your saying grab the incoming callerid, use an sql function to strip the plus and then compare it to the database?
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16:58.59ManxPowergood god, how complicated are you going to make this???  Set(CALLERID(num)=00${CALLERID(num):1})
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17:00.12mrgobyi'm having a crazy issue with a box where when someone leaves a voicemail and you try to attach it to an email, asterisk segfaults  ... version 1.4.12
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17:00.49mrgobyrunning on dual xeon
17:01.07mrgobyanyone seen anything like this before ?   there are no logs, just faults and dumps
17:01.12ManxPowermrgoby: you mean when Asterisk tries to hand the message to sendmail as an e-mail with attachment?
17:01.28mrgobyhard to say exactly, but yes, right around there
17:01.36ManxPoweryou need a local smtp server running on the asterisk box.
17:01.45mrgobyi can use sendmail fine from the cli
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17:02.00ManxPowermrgoby: anything in the sendmail logs?
17:02.17mrgobyroot      2244  0.0  0.2  69536  2324 ?        Ss   11:00   0:00 sendmail: accepting connections
17:02.17mrgobysmmsp     2251  0.0  0.1  56056  1776 ?        Ss   11:00   0:00 sendmail: Queue runner@01:00:00 for /var/spool/clientmqueue
17:02.20mrgobylemme look
17:02.49ManxPowerif all else fails, read the backtrace document in /path/to/src/asterisk/doc and submit a bug report.
17:03.17ManxPoweralso there is NO reason for sendmail to listen on a socket unless you want to run a full smtp server.
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17:04.25mrgobyokay, so there is a new behavior
17:04.29mrgobythis has been ongoing for a while
17:04.30dasbrowManxPower: Thanks, I've changed it to Set(CALLERID(num)=${CALLERID(num):-10}) so that it can compare a 10 digit number. Makes a lot more sense to me.
17:04.48mrgobyi thought this had maybe something to do with my non-updated fedora core 7 install
17:05.04mrgobyso i just updated and rebuilt asterisk and the modules against the newly installed headers, etc
17:05.19mrgobyso... now it is still segfaulting, but the email is actually going out
17:05.26mrgobyit was not before
17:05.39ManxPowersounds like you need to submnit a bugreport with a backtrace
17:06.44mrgobyyeah...  something is going on super funky...  i'll go over my sendmail conf... but I overrode the mailer command in the voicemail.conf to just cat the email before and it was still segfaulting, though it did succeed in cat-ing the message
17:10.32mrgobyanyway, thanks
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17:35.32sevardis there some reason I have to reboot this damned sipura daily to get it to stay connected to FWD even though i have nat mapping and nat keepalive enabled
17:37.00sevardjameswf-home: I don't think that's the sollution ;)
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17:42.46Maxxedi wanan move my pbx to the colo and use some sip/iax provider for my inbound/outbound calls. about what is the going rate for 3 standard lines?
17:43.01Maxxed20/month per line or some such?
17:43.01*** join/#asterisk ApolloDS (
17:43.06Maxxeder, did rather
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17:43.17ManxPowerMaxxed: less than 2/cents/min
17:43.17EnigmaCurryCan I make Asterisk translate Alpha numbers to Digit numbers? .. eg, if I dial 1800GOOG411 in my softphone, can I make Asterisk dial 18004664411?
17:43.44MaxxedManxPower, the price per min is fine, but how much monthly if i dont make a single phone call
17:43.53ManxPowerEnigmaCurry: "show applications" did not show something obvious?
17:43.53Maxxedi know thats loose, but ball park
17:44.02marlhi there, anyone know if its posible to compile asterisk with all its modules static? ie compiled into * rather than being opened after * starts?
17:44.03[TK]D-FenderEnigmaCurry: Yes, its your dialplan, you can do whatever you want with it,
17:44.03ManxPowerMaxxed: usually under $9/month
17:44.18Maxxedno lie, 9 bucks a month per did, thats a sweet price
17:44.27ManxPowerMaxxed: plus usage, of course.
17:44.38ManxPowerI think vitelity and teliax are well below that.
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17:44.53ManxPowerof course, don't expect it to be as reliable as the PSTN.
17:44.55EnigmaCurryMaxxed: I'll check there, thanks
17:44.57Maxxedi can ditch these old analog lines and move over to a sip/iax provider :D
17:45.13Maxxedits not as reliable? how so?
17:45.27ManxPoweryou are sending the calls over the internet.  That's not very reliable, now is it?
17:45.39Maxxedwhy wouldnt it be?
17:45.47ManxPowerbecause the internet is not very reliable.
17:46.03ManxPowerthere is no
17:46.17Maxxedi have a bitchin colo, havent lost conectivity since i moved in
17:46.23ManxPowerThere is no Quality of Service, if a carrier between you and your ITSP goes down, there's nothing you can do abou tit.
17:46.23Maxxedpacket loss, hardly ever
17:46.36ManxPowerWell, best of luck with that.
17:46.37Maxxedright right
17:46.45Maxxedwell i was also thinking fractional pri
17:47.02Maxxedbut i cant find anybody that wants to break one down to anything less than 12 chanels
17:47.21Maxxedif i could get like a 5 channel fractional pri that would be sweet
17:47.36ManxPoweryou could even have internet service on the unused channels.
17:47.57Maxxedyeah, but i have gobs of bandwidth allready
17:48.15Maxxed1mbit, i wouldnt even notice
17:50.45Maxxedseems to cost is just to high for a pri
17:50.51Maxxedim just to small
17:51.14ManxPowerexactly how are your IP phones going to get the colo?
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17:51.59ManxPowerheck, why would you even want to colo the server?
17:52.26tzangerManxPower: I prefer my server colocated
17:52.44ManxPowertzanger: how do you get your IP phones talking to the server at the colo?
17:52.57Maxxedim looking to do something like that my self
17:53.00Maxxedi was thinking vpn
17:53.14Maxxedif i could do vlans over vpn that would be sweet
17:53.19tzangerManxPower: vpn, yeah, or just over-the-air
17:53.21jameswfso it was just forewarded to me that trixbox "pro" is like tivo,
17:53.30jameswfhands off or they get cut off
17:53.41ManxPoweryou still need internet service for a VPN.  If you don't have internet service, your phones are not going anywhere.
17:54.01ManxPowerjameswf: trixbox here is like the plague.
17:54.12jameswfjust here :)
17:54.12tzangerManxPower: yep, but when your numbers are coming in over IP anyway, it's beter to at least be able to play an ivr and pretend everyone' sbusy
17:54.33ManxPowerI can't imagine why anyone would want to move and asterisk server OFF of the lan where all the phones are.
17:54.52Qwelljameswf: no, everywhere
17:54.56ManxPowerjameswf: well, here and asterisk-dev
17:55.08Maxxedwell look at all th hosted pbx soultions out their
17:55.09ManxPowerwe don't really care what the rest of the world thinks about trixbox.
17:55.34ManxPowerIP Phones <-> Local LAN <-> Asterisk <-> PRI
17:56.09ManxPower.vs.  IP Phones <-> Local Lan <-> gawd knows how many ISPs <-> Asterisk Server <-> PRI or ITSP.
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17:56.16jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
17:56.34Maxxedyou know how many isps, tracert :p
17:56.39tzangerManxPower: I'm a special case I guess, all my DSL lines end up in the same rack as my asterisk server
17:56.50Maxxedif your ITSP is a 4-5 hops away, no worries
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17:57.04ManxPowertzanger: yes, you are a special case.
17:57.12tzangerso it's ip phones <--> local lan <--> DSL <--> asterisk server <--> PRI/ITSP
17:57.27alphanethello. If I issue a new call through the manager interface, how can I track it?  I have tried to specify a Uniqueid:, but it is not used by Asterisk.
17:57.29tzangerManxPower: besides, jitter buffering is FAR better on the polycoms than in asterisk itself, sadly
17:57.29Maxxedi have level3 bandwith, iv tracerted to a few level3 itsp's ad it looksgoood
17:57.47ManxPowerAs I said, good luck.
17:58.29Maxxedmmm.. im gona try it
17:58.39Maxxedim small enough, if it dont work well, il revert back
17:58.43ManxPowerBut if you come back here in a couple of months complaining about a 2 day outage, I'll bitch slap you into next week.
17:58.47Maxxedno millions in lost revenu
17:59.23Maxxedi think if i go with a itsp that uses the same backbone i do, i wont have many probs
17:59.51Maxxedlike i said my carrier hasnt gone down since i moved over, thats been a good 5+ years now
18:00.28[TK]D-Fenderalphanet: What do you want to do as far as "tracking" is concerned?
18:00.35alphanetok, ActionID :)
18:00.59alphanet[TK]D-Fender: I am issuing a few calls in parallel and I need to know which one succeeds and fail
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18:01.28[TK]D-FenderThats what CDR is for.  Or change how is dials to add a way to report back.
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18:02.14alphanet[TK]D-Fender: I did it once by going through a dialplan then calling an external notification command, but I find this ugly
18:02.38[TK]D-Fenderalphanet: Welcome to Asterisk :)  Thats all you've got...
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18:08.45flujanhi guys, asterisk is dying with a segmentation fault on my box...
18:09.04flujansafe_asterisk immediately restarts it and it keep working.
18:09.14flujanI enable the full log with debug but no tip about the problem.
18:09.21flujanhow can I debug it?
18:11.11[TK]D-Fenderflujan: Stop running it through the script and run it manually and see what its crashing...
18:11.36flujanhi [TK]D-Fender ...
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18:11.42flujanYou mean kill the safe_asterisk ?
18:11.51[TK]D-Fenderflujan: Yes
18:12.09flujanok, I will check this out... :d
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18:12.41alphanet[TK]D-Fender: apparently it works. I just need to add ActionID and it will be sent to me at the Response; along with the Uniqueid for the call, so I can track it easily.
18:13.08[TK]D-Fenderalphanet: Ok, more power to you then...
18:13.19*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
18:13.37alphanet[TK]D-Fender: I am porting an old ISDN call forwarding application to Asterisk
18:13.51*** join/#asterisk kombi (
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18:31.37twoshadetodanyone using a SIP phone standalone?
18:32.01hmmhesaysyou can if you have some SIP service provider
18:32.03twoshadetodyeah like directly going to a sip provider
18:32.20hmmhesaysI know people who use xlite with broadvoice and vitelity
18:32.23twoshadetodyeah i got it up like that
18:32.34twoshadetodbut it's only outgoing i wanted to see what people were doing for incoming
18:32.54hmmhesaysif you have a sip service provider that gives you a DID then it should be fine
18:33.24twoshadetodi have just outgoing with them , i sort of want to use a diff provider for DIDs
18:33.24moemoeyes, i do so. i connected my snom105 to sipgate, but only use it incoming
18:33.31twoshadetodeven if i could get it through them(
18:33.41hmmhesaysyou should be able to register more than one account
18:33.51twoshadetodnice, this is a pcom 501
18:34.00hmmhesaysjust register multiple accounts
18:34.22twoshadetodsipgate for incoming/DID moemoe?
18:34.53moemoeno, w/o
18:34.58twoshadetodI'll check that out how does the phone handle that "account"? does it take a line? lke my phone has 3 lines, would i program the incoming on one of those lines
18:35.02twoshadetodahh sorry
18:36.00[TK]D-Fendertwoshadetod: Yes, you can support up to 3 seperate accounts on your phone.
18:37.09twoshadetod[TK]D-Fender, cool, how does it associate my outgoing calls (going throguh with the CID number? I don't see anyway to put the CID number in now (you would think I could tell it to disiplay CID even if i dont really have a DID/any number truly associated)
18:37.23*** join/#asterisk _ys (
18:37.50[TK]D-Fendertwoshadetod: When you pick which account to use (by pressing its line-key" it'll go out the associated account.
18:38.16[TK]D-Fendertwoshadetod: If you have multiple DID's associated with a single account, then you will not be able to choose it this way directly from your phone.
18:40.12twoshadetod[TK]D-Fender, thing is my outbound provider doesn't give me a number, but if i go with a diff company for a incoming number, how would my outgoing provider know to display that number on peoples caller id when they look at it?
18:40.43*** join/#asterisk basskozz (
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18:41.24[TK]D-Fendertwoshadetod: they wouldn't.  Also it would depend if they even LET you set the CID #.
18:41.43[TK]D-Fendertwoshadetod: Either way you're asking too much of your phone.  This is where you would wwant to have * in the middle
18:41.53twoshadetodok, the isn't done on my phone, it's on their server (outgoing)
18:42.10*** part/#asterisk EnigmaCurry (
18:42.56hmmhesaysor at least some external sip based software
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18:43.11[TK]D-Fendertwoshadetod: "their server"?
18:45.27*** join/#asterisk avp (n=wow@
18:45.54AliOzaltinHello, which adapter can i receive external call to the asteriks ?
18:46.03AliOzaltinCan i use an 56k modem for this ?
18:46.13hmmhesayssome fxo card
18:46.33AliOzaltinvia internal or external 56k modem ?
18:46.56AliOzaltinwhen anybody call my phone asteriks opening phone and a robot speaking?
18:48.09[TK]D-FenderAliOzaltin: No, you can't use jsut any old crappy modem as an FXO interface, you'll need to buy REAL telecom hardware
18:48.32[TK]D-FenderAliOzaltin: And if by "robot" you mean an auto-attendant, then yes, Asterisk can do this rather easily
18:49.01AliOzaltinhmm okey thank you.. i will only need fxo yeah ?
18:49.42AliOzaltinshould i need fxs ?
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18:53.12jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF
18:53.38*** join/#asterisk tiav (
18:53.52[TK]D-FenderAliOzaltin: FXO is for using PSTN LINES.  If you want to use analog PHONES with your system as well you'll need FXS.  Stop now and read the BOOK.  You clearly do not have the basic knowledge of telecom you should have before getting into things.
18:53.56jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF
18:59.04lirakislol 56k modem
19:00.17AliOzaltinI will only use my external analog lines for receiving call. for internal users i will use ip phone.. so should i order an fxo card or fxs ?
19:01.06*** join/#asterisk dm_ (
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19:04.08vltHello. I'm running Asterisk behind a NAT router. When I make a call and the callee answers I can't hear his first 300-600 ms. I forwarded all the RTP ports to the asterisk machine. Any idea what still could be missing here?
19:05.01*** join/#asterisk axscode (
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19:10.34[TK]D-Fendervlt: Read up :
19:10.36jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
19:10.37*** join/#asterisk Tourinho (
19:11.23Tourinhogood morning people, how can I monitore a DTMF code entered after the Dial application was executed? Is there a way to control this?
19:13.57*** join/#asterisk ghento (n=ghento@
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19:14.16[TK]D-FenderTourinho: There is no normal means for doing that.
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19:16.10Tourinho[TK]D-Fender even using AGI? Im trying to write an application that control DTMF after dial to a certain place
19:16.35Tourinholast week i thougth that u guys was talking about it
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19:17.08[TK]D-FenderTourinho: You can have dial pass on some dtmf, but not an interactive thing.
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19:19.52Tourinho[TK]D-Fender how can I do that? I just want to know if the caller dialled #
19:20.29[TK]D-FenderTourinho: You won't  Forget about that unless you feel like ripping apart the cahnnel driver code.
19:20.57halconnenHi guys! Quick question:  I'm using Trixbox (2.2.4) and the HUDLite client. When I right click on the extention and select intercom, the Ring-Answer alert info doesnt get passed to the first extention (meaning I have to answer my phone before the intercom works). Any tips on where to change that?
19:21.25[TK]D-Fenderhalconnen: Trixbox is NOT supported here
19:21.27jbotrumour has it, trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox seriously painful to support, and thus you will find little help here for it.  Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at
19:21.28*** join/#asterisk lemanal (
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19:21.53masusdoes anyone know a free softphone for debian
19:22.12[TK]D-Fendermasus: Ekiga, Twinkle, kphone.
19:22.19[TK]D-Fendermasus: To name a few
19:23.16Tourinho[TK]D-Fender so, there is no way to do that? :(
19:23.36*** join/#asterisk jtexter3 (
19:23.53[TK]D-FenderTourinho: What part of "no" wasn't clear there?
19:24.53jtexter3anyone here know how to force a core dump to be created when running on a Mac?  I'm trying to debug a segfault, but no core dump is created
19:25.46Tourinho[TK]D-Fender ok, but I can set the Dial application to allow caller to transfer, right?
19:26.18*** join/#asterisk Seldon75 (n=chatzill@
19:26.19[TK]D-FenderTourinho: "show application dial" <- Oh yeah... and read the INSTRUCTIONS.
19:27.11tzafrirmasus, twinkle, ekiga, kiax
19:27.27Tourinho[TK]D-Fender oks thanks
19:27.52tzafriroops, missed TK's answer. I don't recommend kphone, though
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19:31.46masuswill that work with xfce4
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19:32.03sheldonhwhat do these mean? "channel.c: No path to translate from SIP/bokone-nat-08b9afa0(256) to IAX2/aggr2-jnb-22(1)"
19:32.41sheldonhstarted seeing them about 5 days ago, which coincides with network changes (new ip routes over fatter pipes)
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19:34.46[TK]D-Fendersheldonh: Means "Gee I wish I bought G.729 licenses"
19:38.37sheldonh[TK]D-Fender: but we're not transcoding. i thought you onlt needed licenses if you transcoded?
19:38.52[TK]D-Fendersheldonh: You are transcoding there.  256 -> 1
19:39.02[TK]D-Fendersheldonh: and 256 = G.729
19:39.21sheldonhexcellent. not my #@$%#$ fault, then :)
19:39.34file1 = G723, 256 = G729
19:39.46[TK]D-Fendersheldonh: yeah.  Ok.  Fine.  Sure.  Whatever.
19:39.54[TK]D-FenderG.723?!  Even BETTER!
19:40.08*** join/#asterisk axscode (
19:40.11[TK]D-FenderNot just screwed, now you're fucked as well ;)
19:41.19sheldonhlicenses is a problem that can be solved.  i've just burned days getting the multilink ppp stuff working, and was convinced my network changes were somehow crapping on asterisk
19:43.49sheldonhhmmm, interesting...  svk log shows -disallow=all
19:44.14sheldonhmy guess is someone allowed the peer to throw g723 at us, and now we're transcoding
19:45.10*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
19:46.15[TK]D-Fendersheldonh: Good use of namesless pronouns... you'll need that at the hearing ;)
19:47.13sheldonh*shrug* you've obviously made your mind up :)
19:48.58*** join/#asterisk callguy (n=callguy@
19:49.15jbot[~whee] Weeeeeeeee!
19:49.47*** join/#asterisk TrentCreek (
19:49.54[TK]D-Fendersheldonh: the jury's about as stacked as Christina Aguilera these days ;)
19:50.12sheldonhi noticed unpackaged files installed for asterisk a couple of weeks ago, did some reading spoke to the guy who installed them, who said licenses were only required for transcoding.  did more reading, agreed, left it at that.  3 days ago (coinciding with major network changes), the same dude allowed g723 from the client, thus enabling transcoding.  such is life
19:50.23sheldonh[TK]D-Fender: she's... she's not natural? *gasp*
19:50.35sheldonhoh wait, you said stacked, not rigged
19:50.51[TK]D-Fendersheldonh: I believe she is, but lactating in prep for her new "bun"
19:51.25[TK]D-Fendersheldonh: And its called a "synonym".  You should look it up... but it'd probably jsut give you another word meaning the same thing ;)
19:51.46sheldonhno more sweets for that man :)
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20:00.40souzha57803Hey guys, I'm trying to setup a polycom 4000, and I'm monitoring the aftfpd.log,and its just looping through fetching of the setup files, I have installed the necessary firmware and it seems that the tftp server is crapping out (but all my other phones boot and load config files fine)
20:01.01souzha578030101004032|copy |3|00|tftpLib error: tftp transfer failed: error 0x4b0008
20:01.18souzha57803thats the error being thrown in the boot.log
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20:02.08fujinatftpd? that's like, the best one, I've never had any issues with it
20:02.16fujinalthough I prefer not to transfer firmware with tftp
20:02.18fujinwhere possible.
20:02.28fujinas it is just dumb udp, no retransmit or anything
20:03.08fujinare you not able to use HTTP/FTP on the polycom 4k?
20:03.18fujinI generally just provision XML with tftp
20:03.30souzha57803and use ftp for the binaries?
20:03.34fujinbut then again, the firmware for these Linksys (50~) I have here is all done by atftp and works fine
20:03.46fujinHad some issues with a set of Mitel phones a while back, the only way I could get them to upgrade was to use http
20:03.59souzha57803very quirky
20:04.34souzha57803ah and check this out, so once it finishes it says this
20:04.36souzha578030101003456|app1 |4|00|Loaded application sip.ld successfully, errors 0x20.
20:04.59souzha57803any idea what that errors is?
20:05.01fujinhrm, I'm not familiar with that error code, either ;()
20:05.19fujinis the phone <-> tftp network just a simple lan?
20:05.20souzha57803and google does nothing for me really
20:05.35fujinThat's very odd.
20:05.54souzha57803I have a feeling its some sort of version issue with sip
20:05.59fujinand you're using atftpd, on the server?
20:06.07souzha57803sip 2.2
20:07.51souzha57803maybe I'll just try different versions of the bootrom
20:08.11*** join/#asterisk Buhntz (
20:09.03fujinsouzha57803: where are you getting the firmware from?
20:09.17souzha57803I got it from my asterisk installation (trixbox)
20:09.32souzha57803I'll grab the new ones from the polycom site
20:09.33fujintrixbox includes Polycom firmware?
20:09.36fujinthat's, err.
20:09.40souzha57803part of a package
20:09.41*** join/#asterisk generalhan (
20:09.44generalhanhey all !
20:09.49hmmhesaystheres trouble
20:10.22souzha57803they have a nice module wrapper, yeah, it seemed they were the most recent, but thats a good point
20:10.26generalhannah, lol
20:10.53fujinsouzha57803: that sounds like a dumb idea, tbh
20:11.00fujinI'd install firmware *only* from the vendor.
20:11.27generalhani was hoping someone could point out my stupidity with this IAX2 "authority not found" issue im having here.  i thought i had the aix.conf setup properlly on both servers, but apparently i do not,
20:12.01souzha57803yeah I had a good experience with the cisco phones I installed
20:12.04souzha57803guess I got lazy
20:12.14souzha57803(and I assumed cisco would be much worse)
20:12.16generalhani can pass calls from ServerB to ServerA but trying from ServerA to ServerB is when i get the authority not found
20:12.34[TK]D-Fendersouzha57803: A Trixbox user lazy?  NEVER.
20:12.41*** part/#asterisk jtexter3 (
20:13.04[TK]D-Fenderexten => _7XXX,1,Dial(IAX2/ServerB/${EXTEN}@putyourremoteendscontexthere)
20:13.09*** join/#asterisk axscode (
20:13.16[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan:  ^^^
20:13.34generalhan[TK]D-Fender: i thought that was what peercontext= was for
20:13.40generalhanlet me give it a try anyway !
20:14.20generalhan[TK]D-Fender: nope ... still "No Authority Found"
20:14.28[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: hrm
20:14.54generalhanim just all-star confused as to how they are both setup the same way, and i can get to the local server from the remote, but not the otherway around
20:15.01_x86_i have a bunch of FXS stations dialing out FXO PSTN lines
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20:15.16_x86_today it seems that some times they are randomly getting dropped mid-conversation
20:15.49hmmhesaysI had that problem when I had callprogress=yes
20:16.02_x86_hangupcause is seemingly always "16" (normal clearing), but I'm not sure if that's entirely reliable, as these are FXO lines riding across a CAS T1 to a channel bank
20:16.15[TK]D-FenderAh yes... "disconnectmycallswheninconvenientorleastexpected=yes"
20:16.40*** join/#asterisk flujan (
20:16.45flujan[TK]D-Fender: are you here?
20:16.48hmmhesaysI believe I have obvserved a new level of geek
20:16.53flujanasterisk stopped with a core dump again...
20:16.54hmmhesays*observed even
20:17.06[TK]D-Fenderflujan: ummm.. no?
20:17.06*** join/#asterisk keulin (
20:17.07_x86_hmmhesays: callprogress is not enabled
20:17.20flujanI will paste the log
20:17.23_x86_[TK]D-Fender: you think the FXO lines are faulty?
20:17.37[TK]D-Fender_x86_: I'll start with your logic, but we've been over this ;)
20:17.56[TK]D-Fender_x86_: You'd have to try and test the lines completely seperate from *
20:18.16_x86_[TK]D-Fender: yeah i know, but there is nothing I can do about 1) switching to a PRI, nor 2) putting SIP ATA's in to replace the channel banks
20:18.29flujan[TK]D-Fender : ://
20:18.45flujancould you please take a look?
20:19.24*** join/#asterisk GreggB_ (n=GreggB@
20:19.25[TK]D-Fenderflujan: I hate debug crap.  WTF am I supposed to be loking for in there?
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20:21.06mvanbaakit's easy
20:21.12mvanbaakyou ran out of file descriptors
20:21.13flujan[TK]D-Fender: the segmentation fault...
20:21.18mvanbaakToo many open files
20:21.20flujanI have this before asterisk stops...
20:21.22mvanbaakthere's your hint
20:21.25flujanI dunno what is causing it
20:21.45flujanmvanbaak: file descritors?
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20:22.03mvanbaaktry: man ulimit
20:22.04flujantoo many connections with asterisk?
20:22.22_x86_[TK]D-Fender: there is no other way to debugger this?
20:22.31mvanbaakno, to many file descriptors used by applications in your login class
20:23.03[TK]D-Fender_x86_: I jsut gave you a rock solid test to do...
20:23.29mvanbaak[TK]D-Fender: you handing out fireaxes again ?
20:24.00flujanyou are saying that asterisk is opening a lot of files? is that?
20:24.18flujanmvanbaak: I am reading the man page... but how can I avoid this on my machine?
20:24.23_x86_[TK]D-Fender: i blinked and missed it?
20:24.26mvanbaakflujan: it could be asterisk, but it can also be some other program
20:24.43mvanbaakflujan: what OS are you running this on ?
20:24.50flujanmvanbaak: Linux
20:24.53flujanSlackware 11.0
20:25.42mvanbaakflujan: can you do: ulimit -n
20:25.47*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
20:26.35flujanand ulimit -n returns 1024
20:26.54_x86_[TK]D-Fender: ?
20:27.00_x86_where is your rock-solid test?
20:28.12mvanbaakflujan: how soon will asterisk die ?
20:28.36flujan10 times during a day...
20:28.40flujanit is not constant...
20:28.50flujanI could be a large number of sockets on the same machine?
20:28.57mvanbaakdo you run AGI scripts or anything ?
20:29.00flujanand I can double the limit to 2048 for instance..
20:29.06flujanmvanbaak: yeap. a lot of agi.
20:29.14orkidare there free voip(sip)-to-pstn gateways?
20:29.25mvanbaakflujan: then maybe there's the problem
20:29.33generalhan[TK]D-Fender: well i got it to work by putting another context in iax.conf using type=user. even though voip-info says i should be able to do it with type=friend.
20:29.37flujanmvanbaak: what do you suggest?
20:29.44generalhanweird stuff !
20:29.45mvanbaakare you sure the agi's stop and close all files when a call terminates ?
20:29.54flujanmvanbaak: I hope so...
20:29.59mvanbaakI think not
20:30.03[TK]D-Fender_x86_: [15:17]<[TK]D-Fender>_x86_: You'd have to try and test the lines completely seperate from * <-----------
20:30.12mvanbaakyou can try to double the open file limit
20:30.38mvanbaakbut if the agi is not terminating correctly that will only make asterisk live some longer before it cores again
20:30.57_x86_[TK]D-Fender: that's what i was responding to when i said this: 14:22 < _x86_> [TK]D-Fender: there is no other way to debugger this?
20:31.35[TK]D-Fender_x86_: you want to know if the line if fine, don't test with 10 different pieces that could each be broken.
20:32.09mvanbaakflujan: when asterisk is running for some time, you should check with 'ps afx' if everything is fine
20:32.32mvanbaakmy first guess is some trouble with the agi scripts
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20:34.34flujanmvanbaak: ok I will check this out...
20:34.45flujanmvanbaak: thanks so much for the help.
20:34.49mvanbaakno problem
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20:39.21Aces1uphey all
20:39.33Aces1upanyone know a good place to get a 1-800 number from?
20:42.24[TK]D-FenderKobaz: ...... so... did you get your money back ;)
20:43.39*** join/#asterisk Lady (n=MaTRoX@
20:44.30Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: i'll mail you some cookies if you lead me to something that can make these h323 phones work
20:45.29[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Lol.... sorry... notmuch I can do for those decrip bastards.
20:45.55Kobazchocolate chip
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20:53.41killfillim using CURL() to send the callerid name to an url.
20:53.58fujinYou're doing it wrong.
20:53.59killfillthe problm is that the caller id may be "Name Second_name"
20:54.09killfillhow would i urlencode a string in asterisk?..
20:54.14killfillfujin: yes?.. why
20:54.36fujinWhy not just use exec, to wget --post?
20:54.43fujinSystem, or whatever.
20:54.57*** join/#asterisk cypherdelic (
20:55.18mvanbaakfujin: are you using fopen in your agi script ?
20:55.26fujinI don't even *use* agi.
20:55.36fujinEverything is AEL here.
20:55.59mvanbaakoh wait
20:56.00killfillfujin: is CURL mainly a Execute(curl)?.
20:56.04mvanbaakit was flujan
20:56.13fujinkillfill: I don't know, sorry
20:56.24killfillim afraid of Exec... dont know why
20:56.38De_Monoh right agi
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20:59.44flujanmvanbaak: No I am using ragi.
20:59.56mvanbaakso no fopen ?
21:00.15flujanmvanbaak: I think that now... sometimes to record a voicemail and stufff.
21:00.31mvanbaakwhat's the name of the agi script ?
21:00.49mvanbaakoh wait
21:00.51mvanbaaknot important
21:01.00mvanbaakin the dir with your agi scripts use this:
21:01.28mvanbaakgrep "fopen" * | wc -l > ding; grep "fclose" * | wc -l > foo; if [ '`cat foo`' -ne 'cat `ding`' ]; echo "Buugggg"; fi;
21:04.15sheldonhsafe_asterisk is great for dealing with filedescriptors :)
21:05.14mvanbaaksheldonh: that's evil
21:05.53sheldonhi try to keep our debian hosts pristine, and if i use safe_asterisk, i don't need to touch init scripts
21:05.53mvanbaakit's way better to fix the bugs in your agi scripts instead of masking them by starting asterisk the moment it coredumps
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21:06.05sheldonhoh, fair enough
21:06.28sheldonhi meant more that safe_asterisk bumps maxfds
21:06.51sheldonhthe conversation's moved on a bit since file descriptors came up
21:06.52mvanbaakit sets it to unlimited right ?
21:09.06*** join/#asterisk axscode (
21:10.22dan__tSo, * complains about congestion with my iax2 peer, and then finally gives up saying all circuits are busy.
21:10.28dan__tDoes that mean my iax2 provider is having issues?
21:10.58mvanbaakdan__t: did it ever work ?
21:11.07dan__tYep, was working last night just fine.
21:11.31mvanbaakdo you have 'qualify=yes' on them ?
21:12.11halconnenI just glanced at chat and thought qualify said girlfriend
21:12.15halconnensometimes I amuse myself
21:12.25dan__tI do, per AsteriskNOW's configuration.
21:12.45mvanbaakdan__t: on the cli type: iax2 show peers
21:13.13dan__tYeah, I see it listed
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21:13.23mvanbaakare they reachable ?
21:14.47dan__tEr, it doesn't say otherwise
21:16.43dan__tSAys the peer is Unmonitored
21:17.55dan__tSo what do ya think?
21:18.05mvanbaakso there's no 'qualify=yes' for it
21:19.22dan__tEr, sorry, there is no qualify=yes.
21:19.26dan__tI'm using AsteriskNOW.
21:19.28*** join/#asterisk alejandro (n=asanchez@kde/developer/alejandro)
21:19.58alejandroI'm configuring an IVR but i dont understand why WaitExten or settimeout response/digit is not working..
21:20.05alejandrosomeone sees something wrong in this dial plan ?
21:20.10sheldonhmvanbaak: no, to half the system max
21:20.40*** join/#asterisk callguy (
21:20.43sheldonhif you want to understand asterisk, start with girlfriend=no
21:20.45fujinWhat are you expecting it to do?
21:21.08alejandrofujin: I'm using an SPA 3108 (FXO and FXS)
21:21.16fujinThat's not what I asked.
21:21.19alejandroand the dial plan in the FXO jumps to 123 extension in Asterisk
21:21.27alejandrowell, there i've an IVR
21:21.44alejandroand i want to goto demo-galp if i press '1' digit
21:21.45fujinyes, I can see the beginnings of an IVR, although it won't do much
21:21.47alejandrobut it's not working
21:22.10fujin;exten => s,8,WaitExten(9)
21:22.15fujinare you aware you've got that commented?
21:22.19alejandroyes, i made a lot of tests :)
21:22.25alejandrobut uncommented it doenst work..
21:22.41fujinI see.
21:22.46fujinHave you checked your DTMF support?
21:22.52fujin(does voicemail work?)
21:22.52dan__tmvanbaak, what else might I be able to look at?
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21:23.12mvanbaakdan__t: iax2 debug
21:23.34dan__tYeah, I have that on, just complains about the peer.  Let me do a full cycle and pastebin it.
21:25.38ApolloDSanyone here knows the future of dundi?
21:26.15dan__tmvanbaak,, if you would be so kind as to take a peek.
21:26.29[TK]D-Fender~8all Does dundi have a future?
21:26.34[TK]D-Fender~8ball Does dundi have a future?
21:26.35jbotSure. Yeah, exactly.
21:26.49[TK]D-FenderCompletely credibly reference!
21:26.52dan__tA few MTR's show nothing out of the ordinary to my iax2 peer.
21:28.53*** join/#asterisk blq (
21:29.53alejandrofujin: how i can check DTMF support ?
21:30.06fujintry voicemail, like I said
21:30.16mvanbaakdan__t: well, I would start with adding qualify=yes to your peer
21:32.50*** join/#asterisk [1]hi365 (
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21:37.42jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF
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21:42.52dan__tmvanbaak, not sure how far I can go with that, this being AsteriskNOW and all.
21:42.56dan__tI'll check it out.
21:43.07*** join/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (n=philip@
21:43.30JTdan__t: this isn't the asterisknow support channel
21:44.22dan__tOh, sorry, didn't realize I said it was.
21:45.22*** join/#asterisk MtJB (
21:45.47MtJBdidn't digium used to offer a little pci card for sip to pots stuff?
21:47.16QwellMtJB: sip to pots?
21:47.38MtJBQwell   where asterisk can answer your pots line
21:47.46MtJBand dial out on it
21:48.01MtJBthank you, sir
21:48.21*** join/#asterisk blq (
21:49.10JTdan__t: you are implying that it is, by asking questions in here whilst using asterisknow
21:49.30JTMtJB: it's not sip to pots
21:49.30fujinlol @ asterisknow
21:49.37JTMtJB: it's pots to asterisk
21:49.47dan__tI was asking an Asterisk question, which happened to resolve to possibly being an AsteriskNOW issue.  I haven't asked further than that.
21:49.50MtJBJT  i am very stupid about all of this, sorry
21:49.51fujinwell, pots to zapata, really
21:50.21fujindan__t: generally trixbox/freepbx/asterisknow users are rattled a little in here.
21:50.29fujinYou're generally getting more problems than you bargain for, with one of those.
21:50.30MtJBare there other cards, or is that the best only choice for me?
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21:51.05halconnendan__t: if you cant write asterisk from scratch, you dont deserve help like the rest of us
21:51.07dan__tI understand, fujin.   Didn't expect anything less :)
21:51.37dan__tThanks for the starting point, mvanbaak.
21:52.40fujinI'd very much recommend spending a few hours reading the book and building an asterisk system from scratch
21:52.46fujinYou'll learn lots more, and get support when you're stuck :)
21:53.12dan__tYea, I've got the book.  Need to dust it off.
22:01.09alejandrofujin: voicemail works
22:01.31fujinand is dtmf from your pstn -> asterisk working?
22:02.33alejandroi'm testing directly from analogic phone -> asterisk with 600 extension
22:03.03halconnenI'm trying to blind transfer calls using asterisk's builtin # code, but I always have to press the # key multiple times before it recognizes it. Its a Polycom SP 501.
22:03.36fujinalejandro: yes, but pstn -> asterisk is different
22:03.42fujinare you running over a zap chan or sip?
22:03.55alejandrosip, it's a SPA 3102
22:04.17fujinok, and when you call the pstn number that the spa3102 is plugged into
22:04.18fujindoes dmtf work?
22:04.31alejandroi've made a test, and yes, it seems to work
22:04.41alejandroat least it transfers to demo-galp with 1111
22:05.27_x86_ok, got a fun little problem....
22:05.53*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
22:06.31fujinsounds like it's not interpreting DTMF correctly.
22:07.18alejandrowell, now 1111 is the demo-galp extension
22:07.25alejandroso it's working fine from pstn
22:07.34alejandrobut not inside sip->asterisk
22:07.45fujincheck your dtmf
22:07.59_x86_i have 18 phone lines going into a rhino FXO channel bank, which comes in via CAS T1 to a sangoma A102D-x card on my asterisk box
22:08.20_x86_when people try to dial out, it seems like asterisk is happy in trying to use one of those lines, even though all 18 may be busy
22:08.47_x86_i've got about 20 people and 18 lines
22:09.16_x86_although the T1 is capable of carrying 24 voice channels (as it is CAS and not PRI), zapata.conf is only setup to use 18 of them
22:09.30_x86_why does asterisk think it has a spare line when it does not?
22:10.08Netgeeksyour using zap groups to dial?  Zap/g1 or so?
22:10.29dan__tGot it working, btw.
22:10.44dan__tDNS failed last night, guess that messed up more things than I thought.
22:10.59halconnenits always dns
22:11.23*** join/#asterisk marc7 (
22:11.25dan__tDNS is the bastard child of all things unholy.
22:11.28_x86_Netgeeks: that's correct
22:11.44halconnenI can't wait for Internet 2.0
22:11.48halconnenno dns
22:12.07jameswfI have internet 3.0 on a floppy disk in the drawer
22:12.09_x86_halconnen: don't know where you got that impression ;)
22:12.13*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
22:12.14halconnencan I get a copy?
22:12.35halconnenanyone remember that song, dont copy that floppy?
22:12.53jameswfyou can only send internet 3.0 to others with internet 3.0 or greater
22:13.03_x86_halconnen: i used to work for a company that was the internet2 hub for the entire metro area (10gig uplink to chicago, ~20 1gig connections to various research organizations around the city)
22:13.16halconnendarn backwards compatibility
22:13.22Netgeeks_x86_ I don't know why asterisk is having problems counting your channels.  I'd try using group functions to check to see if a channel is free
22:13.36_x86_Netgeeks: what do you mean?
22:13.42*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
22:14.04NetgeeksI'd use Set(GROUP()=something)
22:14.16_x86_what's that do?
22:14.39Netgeeksand then ExecIf(GROUP(something) > 18)....
22:14.51*** join/#asterisk stybba (n=stybba@
22:14.58stybbahi all
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22:15.52Netgeeksoops that would be ExecIF(${GROUP(something)}>18)...
22:16.58JT_x86_: sounds similar to the speed of connections most carriers already have in place for Internet traffic
22:18.07NetgeeksJT: yeah, but internet2 was set up in the late 90s
22:18.15Netgeeksthat kind of bandwidth was HUGE back then
22:18.51Netgeeksheck, MCI's major midwest hub was a bunch of cisco 7500 series routers in a FDDI ring
22:19.15Netgeekswillow springs... if anyone recalls the name in reverse dns traceroute lookups
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22:20.21_x86_JT: they use advanced multicasting / anycasting to get network utilization on the uplinks to be the lowest possible, which speeds up site to site traffic significantly
22:21.16_x86_Netgeeks: *CLI> show function group
22:21.26_x86_Netgeeks: no function by that name registered
22:21.36Netgeeksyou using 1.2?
22:21.49_x86_ah wait, it's case sensitive
22:22.04_x86_yeah, one of my last sites on 1.2
22:23.04Netgeeksokay, I don't know if in 1.2 it's a function or an application, the functions are GROUP, GROUP_COUNT.. the applications are SetGroup and Check
22:23.10outtoluncit is 'show function GROUP' btw
22:23.11Netgeeksbad keyboard
22:23.25_x86_outtolunc: figured that out :)
22:23.48Netgeeksnot saying group is going to get you anywhere, tho, asterisk might actually think one of the channels is free and using group is just going to verify that if thats the case
22:23.58Netgeeksif group works, then there is a BUG running around somewhere
22:23.59_x86_Netgeeks: hmm, well analog phones are on one group, outbound T1 to the FXO channel bank is another group.... how do i tell it which group i want a count for?
22:24.32fujinI always use func_devstate
22:24.38fujinnot sure if it'll support checking the state of your zap channels
22:24.43NetgeeksSet(GROUP()=g1)  Set(GROUP()=g2)  you can use any group name you want it's just a tag to
22:24.43fujinor if it'll just report it incorrectly
22:25.15Netgeekstag to.... I lost my thought there...  it's just a tag
22:25.17_x86_Netgeeks: and that will tell asterisk which group to count on?
22:25.30_x86_ok cool
22:25.59NetgeeksVerbose(1, Group g1 has ${GROUP_COUNT(g1)} current active channels)
22:26.18NetgeeksVerbose might not be in 1.2 tho... not sure
22:26.46Netgeekswould work too
22:31.51_x86_group show channels :)
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22:35.25De_MonHmm, using Park() announces to the caller where they were parked, how do I stop that?
22:36.54[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon, Why would you not want to know that?
22:38.27nestArseems kinda important to know.
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22:39.11De_Mon[TK]D-Fender remember our conversation from a day or two ago, where I am parking a call and then picking it back up thru a local extension
22:39.38[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon, how were you targeting who to pick up again?
22:40.52De_Monastdb is keeping track of parking spots in use and picks a number, then the local extension calls and picks up that extension
22:41.40[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon, Oh yeah... some sort of insanity... dunno how to bypass, but you could jsut blind transfer to it you know...
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22:42.32De_Monblind transfer to a parking extension?(Transfer app right)
22:44.04[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon, blind instead of attended.
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22:48.14asteriskmonkeyanyone intamite with asterisk voicemail behaviour
22:49.03asteriskmonkeyi want to centralize voicemail using nfs mounts but affraid it will kack out the system if the nfs mount fails. any pointers, proof of concepts?
22:49.25De_Monasteriskmonkey use imap or odbc instead
22:50.07asteriskmonkeyodbc is a nightmare large setups have had issues with it.
22:50.19asteriskmonkeyis there a good imap/voicemail refference I could read?
22:53.00*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
22:55.38De_Mon[TK]D-Fender the only transfer app I see is Transfer
22:56.01[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon, I'm referring to you transferring the call to park from your PHONE.
22:56.36De_Monthats no good, this is from IVR
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22:59.24jameswfenter any 9 digit prime palindrome to continue...
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23:04.44JayTee52has anyone here successfully setup a working SIP trunk between Asterisk and a sipX server?
23:06.32fujinThere's no such thing as a sip trunk. Next question.
23:10.24JayTee52ok, well I was using a "walkthrough" to setup asterisk to Exchange 2007 Unified Messaging and it uses sipX as a gateway since asterisk doesn't support SIP/TCP and they refer to it as a trunk although it's setup in the extensions.conf file
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23:11.07fujinWhat's sipX?
23:11.14fujinThat sounds like a horrid solution.
23:11.19*** join/#asterisk axscode (
23:11.22fujinWhat does exchange 2007 unified messaging do?
23:11.28Qwellit unified messaging.
23:11.39Qwellunifies too.  I fail.
23:12.40De_Monfujin it hooks into exchange and will let you read email, cerate appointments, reschedule appointments etc
23:12.53De_Monyou can also use it as a voicemail server
23:13.11De_Monneed sipTCP workin to do all that though, which has been slow going
23:13.11*** join/#asterisk asanchez_ (
23:13.25Qwelltell MS to add support for UDP.
23:13.35*** join/#asterisk jarod14 (
23:13.36QwellThey're violating the RFCs by not doing so.  (yes, I realize that we are also)
23:13.55De_MonI've got a better chance of getting asterisk TCP support than getting MS to do anything
23:14.27De_MonsipX and openser both advertise being able to convert from sipUDP to sip TCP, but i've not been very successful
23:15.40De_MonuccgI've got a cheezy windows based tcp/udp proxy from but they stopped development and disappeared on me
23:16.00Qwellopenser should do udp>tcp just fine
23:16.30fujin12:12:40) (De_Mon) fujin it hooks into exchange and will let you read email, cerate appointments, reschedule appointments etc <- isn't that what exchange does, out of the box?
23:16.42De_MonIm sure it will work, but getting a working config requires rocket science or something!
23:16.55De_Monfujin not over a phone, no
23:17.01fujinoh, a phone. right.
23:17.04JayTee52sipX supports both TCP and UDP and the walkthrough I used from uses it as a gateway to do the transform from UDP to TCP.
23:17.06Qwellit's not rocket surgery
23:17.24[TK]D-FenderQwell, I love playing doctor!
23:17.57JayTee52rocket surgery? LOL, "I'm sorry doctor but this Atlas 5 needs an appendectomy STAT!"
23:18.00De_MonJayTee52 I didn't try sipX
23:18.46De_MonI think my biggest problem with openser was trying to run * and openser on the same box, it made a complicated problem more complicated
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23:19.29De_Monit was half working, dont remember why I gave up on it ;)
23:19.30JayTee52our previous network engineer who was great at both Windows Server, Exchange and Linux in general setup our Asterisk PBX to route calls to Exchange using the same walkthrough. The sipX server was running as a VM in VMWare and everything worked. Then he quit and when we went to try it again for a demo it wouldn't work. The VM was hosed.
23:19.39QwellDe_Mon: when are users every going to need to call in to schedule an appointment?
23:20.02Qwelland you can already save voicemail to imap
23:20.03fujinputting exchange anywhere near asterisk sounds like a stupid idea
23:20.06JayTee52I recreated a new VM using the same walkthrough he did but now it won't communicate. Nothing's changed in the Asterisk configs as near as I can tell since he left.
23:20.20De_MonQwell airplane is late you've got a meeting and no digital service on your blackberry/windowsmobile device
23:20.25Qwellfujin: s/near asterisk //
23:20.37fujinheh. I believe it has its uses.
23:20.37De_Monor, you're in traffic and dont want to type on your mobile device to say you'll be 15min late
23:20.46De_Monthose are the two examples they gave in the UM demo
23:20.52fujinin an office environment, with pocketpc devices / office 2007
23:20.53fujinit's hadny.
23:20.58Qwellokay, and how does this help that situation?
23:21.03fujinexchange over the air to my pocketpc = awesome
23:21.38De_Moninstead you say 'call um' open appointment, next, I'll be late, 15 minuites, done
23:22.01De_Moninstead of getting out the laptop, finding wifi, etc
23:22.08Qwellexchange has no method of saying you will be at a meeting at a certain time - just yes or no you will not be there
23:22.52De_Monif you're the meeting um owner, you can reschedule, or just send out a general email to all attendees i think, duno really.
23:23.16De_MonI don't use the stuff just responsible for making it work ;)
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23:23.22Qwellyeah, that sounds pretty pointless
23:23.45De_MonI'd be more interested in using it as my voicemail server
23:23.49fujinpick up phone -> call receptionist
23:23.50Qwellyou can do that today
23:23.58Qwellwithout any extra crap
23:24.03fujinHeh, our windows weeny yelled at me for using Exchange as the voicemail storage.
23:24.06De_Monright now * just emails voicemails to the mailbox
23:24.08JayTee52Unified Messaging works with Communications Server which allows integrating Instant Messaging, Voicemail, E-Mail, VOIP or TDM phones (through a TDM/VOIP gateway) and cell phones. The presence function lets people keep in touch no matter where they are and the current prefered method of communications.
23:24.10fujin"big wav files will slow thd b right down!"
23:24.12QwellDe_Mon: imap storage
23:24.27Qwellfujin: yeah...
23:24.35Qwellask them how big a single MS word doc is.
23:24.43Qwellno images.  Just an empty word doc
23:24.45fujinJayTee52: I'm not sure anyone here will even slightly support you.
23:24.58fujinQwell: office 2007 msword docs (.docx) are very small, as they're XML.
23:25.01Qwellit'll be about 10x the size of a 1 minute VM
23:25.09Qwellthey are *HUGE* because they're XML.
23:25.16De_MonQwell I'm not giving * admin access thru imap to exchange
23:25.30Qwellthere is SO much redundancy in them, it isn't even funny.  I've gone through them
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23:25.32JayTee52wasn't looking for support for Exchange or sipX. Just was curious if anyone else had tried it and if they'd had problems with the Asterisk to sipX communications.
23:25.35fujin12.0 KB (12,288 bytes)
23:25.40QwellI took one, spent 2 days trimming the BS from it.  35k
23:25.40fujinempty .docx
23:26.06Qwellmake a simple formatting change and save it
23:26.08Qwelleasy 1k
23:26.27JayTee52fujin, I hate MS's .docx implementation.
23:26.27Qwellit's so bloated it isn't even funny.  BUT, that's beside the point :p
23:26.37fujinwhat's wrong with it? It's better than .doc
23:27.21De_MonJayTee52 we're just talking, not to you!
23:27.23JayTee52it's not truly "open" just like .doc but it also is just another way for MS to make people upgrade to Office 2007
23:27.52[hC]and to tack something like "XML" on to the mix to make people think its open and shareable
23:28.06QwellDe_Mon: you don't need to, afaik
23:28.15Qwelljust an account that can read/write to a certain directory in users mailboxes
23:28.22Qwell(doesn't even need to be in INBOX)
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23:28.36De_Monno, but it has to read/write to everyones mailbox
23:28.41Qwellnot inbox
23:28.54Qwellto a directory in the mailbox
23:29.00De_Monexchange doesnt do permissions like that afaik
23:29.02Qwellit doesn't need access to do anything else
23:29.05Qwellthen exchange is retarded
23:29.06De_Moneither you can access the mailbox or you cant
23:29.12Qwelland yes, it can
23:29.23nestArWhen a parked call times out, Asterisk attempts to dial the Zap channel the call is on, not the extension it was transfered from
23:29.24Qwellbecause I can share a specific folder with another user
23:29.25JayTee52I'm curious about one thing regarding MS. If Linux violates over 235 patents Microsoft holds then why doesn't this Ubuntu system crash a lot like some Windows systems I have?
23:29.27nestAranyone know how to correct that?
23:29.41QwellJayTee52: because one of the patents isn't the random crash feature
23:29.50JayTee52Qwell, :-)
23:29.57fujin235 patents?
23:30.01fujinthat's just shit.
23:30.01De_MonQwell and that other user can access your shared folder using imap?
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23:30.05Qwellfujin: so Ballmer claims
23:30.09fujinballmer can suck a cock
23:30.17JayTee52fujin, hey! I'm just saying what Ballmer claims
23:30.19QwellDe_Mon: oh, dunno
23:30.26Qwellprobably though :p
23:30.33De_Monlet me know if you figure out how
23:30.39JayTee52Ballmer is a fat sweaty balding troll with permanent pit stains on all his shirts.
23:30.42Qwelldon't hold your breath.
23:30.55De_Monno problem
23:31.03Qwellpretty sure it can though
23:31.30De_MonI'd be concerned about some stupid bug that deletes random email when access thru imap
23:31.46Qwellagain - you don't need to use INBOX
23:32.02Qwelland do you *really* trust Exchange not to randomly delete emails in the first place?
23:32.10Qwellof course not - that's why you have hourly backups
23:32.13[hC]this seems like a moot point
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23:49.20obnauticusWhat is a good SIP/IAX(2) termination service where I am not tied to a contract
23:49.26obnauticusit is `pay as you go' if you will.
23:49.32obnauticusis voipjet that way? Like if i run out does it automatically credit?
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23:50.04*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
23:52.25*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
23:54.10De_Moniirc voipjet stopped routing calls when the balance ran out, that may just be the plan we had selected though
23:54.31obnauticusIs there any other good termination service that you know of?
23:54.38obnauticusIs VoipJet good?
23:54.46xhelioxobnauticus: "good" is a relative term.
23:54.50De_Monit was okay for us, your milage will vary
23:54.59obnauticusThe quality to price ratio
23:55.03xhelioxobnauticus: I rate my itsp's on a scale of "shit to tolerable" :)
23:55.03obnauticusis it balanced...
23:55.18obnauticusI won't use it very often.
23:55.21obnauticusOnly for myself.
23:55.28obnauticusBut i want to pay as I go.
23:55.33*** join/#asterisk Belgarath (
23:55.58fujinWXC in NZ has been very good, but we have dedicated fibre to them
23:56.09obnauticus>: |
23:56.11obnauticusI need a trunk
23:56.19*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
23:56.22obnauticusI don't have what you call `extreme' bandwidth.

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