IRC log for #asterisk on 20071111

00:00.28ymonsalvezif somebody knows something I can help
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00:05.53tzafrir_homehow is your gateway connected to Asterisk?
00:08.15*** join/#asterisk justdave (n=dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
00:08.55justdaveit's annoying that I get booted off this channel every time there's a netsplit just because the netsplt is between me and channel services on the network :|
00:09.34Nivexjustdave: you're just lucky I guess
00:13.45ymonsalveztzafrir_home: i have gateway gsm startgate 2n connect sangoma dual for pri
00:14.23ymonsalvezand i have gateway gsm connect for sip protocol
00:15.58tzafrir_homeBoth PRI and SIP should give you disconnect supervision
00:16.12tzafrir_homeMaybe this specific gateway is the problem?
00:17.53*** join/#asterisk flujan (
00:18.40ymonsalvezTraffic my asterisk is thirty thousand calls per day and when asterisk hangs need to cut all these calls for the tarifiquen
00:19.54ymonsalvezAnd with soft hangup delayed me a lot of slashing calls are a total of 58 channels
00:20.28ymonsalvezI need to cut those calls by groups
00:20.52ymonsalvezno for only channel
00:22.52killfill_is it possible to make a "blacklist" somehow?.. i change office, a bug number of the calls, are trying to call the old guys that owned the line...
00:23.14[TK]D-Fenderymonsalvez, then make a script that cycles through the channels you want like 'asterisk -rx "show channels concise"' and kill each one you feel like.
00:23.43[TK]D-Fenderkillfill_, "show function DB"  , "show function CALLERID"
00:23.44tzafrir_homekillfill_, look for "ex-girlfriend" syntax
00:24.16*** join/#asterisk codeshah (
00:24.56codeshahHi guys, I am on ubuntu, and just wanted to play with asterisk to do some VOIP stuff. Do I need a dedicated box with a modem card? Or can I just use my dev machine to play around?
00:25.18tzafrir_homeA dedicated box is generally preferred
00:25.40tzafrir_homeThough you can't just use "a modem card"
00:25.46killfill_heh.. ex-grilfriend?..
00:26.01JTkillfill_: google it
00:26.09killfill_doing it.. :P
00:26.10codeshahtzafrir_home, what do you mean?
00:26.37tzafrir_homeIf you're just toying, you can use your current development box (tzafrir_laptop's laptop and this box run small-time asterisk installs)
00:26.46[TK]D-Fendercodeshah, Means you "crappy old modem" is worthless to * and if you want to interface with physical lines you're going to have to buy real hardware
00:27.04codeshah[TK], yeah, thats what I figured .
00:27.16codeshah[TK], preferred hardware?
00:27.37codeshahtzafrir, ok, maybe I will have to setup another box then .
00:27.59tzafrir_homeOTOH, you can use a SIP soft-phone. ekiga is included with ubuntu. Though I prefer twinkle if it's in the universe - much more tweakable
00:28.25tzafrir_homecodeshah, for a toy installation? doesn't really matter
00:28.41codeshahtzafrir, k . what about the modem though?
00:30.13tzafrir_homeDo you happen to have ISDN around?
00:30.13codeshahtzafrir, if I want to interface with phone lines . should I be going out & buying some extra hardware? That part confused me slightly in the book .
00:30.13codeshahtzafrir, unfortunately not . I use broadband cable... and of course have a built in modem in this dell
00:30.14JTcodeshah: yes you need to buy the hardware
00:30.14[TK]D-Fendercodeshah, Yes, you will need to buy special hardware to interface with your lines, etc.
00:30.59codeshah[TK], cool . is there a list of preferred hardware somewhere? I just want to head to the store & get something ... this is all for toy install, so want toget up and running fast .
00:31.11tzafrir_homeThere are crappy X100P cards for around 10-20$ . Nice for a toy install but both they and their drivers need some real work
00:31.55tzafrir_homestrangely enough now say they only charge 15$ for their cards (rather than the outragous 35$)
00:32.09JTcodeshah: you can't just go to the corner store
00:32.12tzafrir_homeNaturally they clame to be "the only genuine" and such crap
00:32.13ymonsalvez[TK]D-Fender: why have tested with this many thanks, he had not thought
00:32.20JTcodeshah: most stores don't stock the gear
00:32.31codeshahJT, i guess online purchase eh?
00:33.09codeshahtzafrir, what are you using for your production system?
00:33.19tzafrir_homeI wonder why no student took up to the task of providing drivers to any other modem...
00:33.20codeshahI see you can purchase total hardware packages .
00:33.37tzafrir_homesuch as?
00:35.37codeshahi thought I saw some setup somewhere... essentially sells the computer, setup everything for some price . but that's a packaged solution I believe .
00:36.26codeshahit may have been a consulting company though, that would essentially go to businesses, sellt he hardware, setup system on asterisk and so forth
00:36.58killfill_ok.. i could check if the caller ID is in the blacklist database.. but when i recieve a call, and take it, how cna i add it to the BD?
00:37.36[TK]D-Fenderkillfill_, you can do something like update the "last caller" into a specific DB entry and when you dial a special exten, take that and add a blacklist entry for it
00:38.51killfill_oh you mean like after the call finishes, call extension "88" and then take the last recieved call from the extension that is calling into the DB?
00:38.59killfill_how do i check the last revieced call for extension X?
00:39.25[TK]D-Fenderkillfill_, everything time you CALL extension X, have it put a DB entry for itself
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00:39.55[TK]D-Fenderkillfill_, YOU have to do EVERYTHING.  There is nothing "built-in" about Asterisk.  You write your dialplan 100%
00:40.18killfill_oh sure.. im trying to feel what your telling .. :)
00:40.46killfill_but the thing is how to mark that the last call was bad or not...
00:40.57[TK]D-Fenderkillfill_, Should be apparent now.  You have to add a TON of DB checks around your dialplan to make this large amount of blacklisting you are planning on doing easier.
00:41.26[TK]D-FenderYou make an exten that takes the already stored "last caller" and add it to a DB entry that you can check when calls come in.
00:41.39[TK]D-Fenderkillfill_, Basically, a few dozen lines of dialplan...
00:42.08killfill_Aah.. i think i got you..
00:42.18kopkesetting codec g711a, it seems to works! but quite all my calls cann't connect! I will see tommorow
00:42.35killfill_or i could just use CDR (already using it...) to get the last call, the put that on the "blacklist" bd
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00:54.24Sunmoon__hello there
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00:57.36tzafrir_homecodeshah, I tohught you were talking about a toy system. A production would be a separate system
00:58.07tzafrir_homeIf you're stressed in time, a consultant may be not such a bad idea
00:58.07*** join/#asterisk flyman01 (n=fly@
00:59.06flyman01hi all
00:59.25Sunmoon__helo flyman how are u doing
00:59.33Sunmoon__I am new to this chat session
00:59.56flyman01i m working
01:00.02Sunmoon__where are u at
01:00.07Sunmoon__and what are u working omn
01:00.27flyman01billing platform
01:00.35Sunmoon__have u checked a2billing ?
01:01.47Sunmoon__u should chck that
01:02.16flyman01how is the performans?
01:02.48Sunmoon__I have heard some good reviews about it
01:03.15flyman01installation is easy or hard?
01:04.52*** join/#asterisk duki (
01:05.11flyman01i m looking now
01:05.43flyman01a2biling for asterisk + openser or only asterisk
01:05.55Sunmoon__dont know
01:06.01Sunmoon__thats for asterisk for sure
01:06.57flyman01yes only asterisk
01:08.46flyman01CDRTOOL for openser but some hard
01:08.55Sunmoon__what do u mean
01:10.09*** join/#asterisk Sunmoon__ (
01:10.57*** join/#asterisk huun (n=ertere@
01:11.06huungood evening channel
01:11.15Sunmoon__good evening huun
01:11.25flyman01good evening
01:11.48stybbagood evening
01:12.03flyman01huun is my friend :)
01:12.05Sunmoon__good evening
01:12.42flyman01sunmoon i can a litle speak english
01:12.56Sunmoon__dont worry flyman same here
01:13.07huunaye im a noob linux user who is trying to help flyman to write i sip server ^^
01:14.37flyman01or we try openser and asterisk
01:15.58*** join/#asterisk duki (
01:16.03flyman01but we have a problem for billing to openser
01:16.22flyman01there is a few interface for asterisk
01:21.45*** part/#asterisk Sunmoon__ (
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01:33.15BBHossTJNII:that sounds like a very good idea
01:34.31tzafrir_homeTJNII, why? What problems have you run into?
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01:40.08De_Monapget and from scratch don't belong in the same sentance
01:44.39*** join/#asterisk coppice (
01:46.10*** join/#asterisk atomicd (
01:56.14killfill_im seen ruby AGI scripts.. and it contains things like "say_text"
01:56.51killfill_say_text is something that returns to asterisk and somehow is asterisk that render the string to voice?
01:58.59killfill_the only say to render text->voice is via festival.. isnit?
02:03.54*** join/#asterisk techie (
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02:50.25*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=GoD@
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03:31.02*** join/#asterisk MrTelephone (
03:31.14MrTelephoneanyone here going to italy for the openser training?
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03:53.53*** join/#asterisk pitbossy (
03:57.54MrTelephonecan you get x-lite for windows
03:57.57MrTelephoneor is that for windows
03:59.54orkiddid you read what you said about xlite?
04:02.15*** join/#asterisk stybba (n=stybba@
04:02.23MrTelephoneexcuse me
04:02.25MrTelephonepardon me
04:02.42MrTelephonei thought x-lite was a unix client
04:02.44MrTelephonei have to chekc
04:02.48MrTelephoneeyebeam keeps crashing on me
04:03.09Nivexx-lite was originally windows, then mac, then Linux was an afterthought iirc
04:03.17MrTelephonethey have some code i bet... if(ondiffcomputers > 15) {crash}
04:04.23NivexI thought most Windows code was if ( random() ) { crash(); }
04:05.12*** join/#asterisk Mackes (
04:05.53MrTelephonethat too
04:06.07MrTelephonetheres a whole case list of if statements that fail on a regular basis
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04:12.07coppiceif (crash) {normal_termination();}
04:13.51coppicethere are a lot of development tools for windows where this is actually true. almost every time they terminate you get the windows XP "shall I send a bug report" thing pop up
04:15.02atomicdMaybe you should try Vista?
04:17.57atomicdI'm running Asterisk on Vista right now...
04:18.17MrTelephoneim selling asterisk for 5 thousnad bucks and going to buy an as5350
04:18.39MrTelephoneyeah they have to stop making dll's
04:18.43MrTelephonestop with the dll updating
04:18.53MrTelephoneatomicd, your full of shit
04:20.02atomicdI'll prove it to you...
04:20.13MrTelephonehaha ok i beleive you then
04:20.49MrTelephonei need another gig of ram in this piece of crap
04:22.33orkidi've never had more than 512
04:23.30*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
04:25.43[TK]D-Fenderatomicd, No, you're running a parallel process that is no no real way linked to vista.
04:26.04[TK]D-Fenderatomicd, A sad lie which won't support Zaptel
04:26.53MrTelephoneis that t38 in callweaver finished?
04:26.58coppiceparallel process? he's running it in a multiverse? :-)
04:27.10coppiceT.38 is working pretty well
04:27.35MrTelephoneif its sitll using rtp g711 why does it work? is there lots of buffering?
04:27.58coppicewhat is using RTP G.711?
04:28.09MrTelephonet38 fax transmissions?
04:28.27coppiceT.38 doesn't use RTP or G.711
04:28.48coppicewell, it could use RTP, but nobody ever does
04:28.55*** join/#asterisk sehh (
04:29.42pitbossyAnother newbie question:  When using wancfg_zaptel, configing a sangoma T1 card, it asks a question about clocking.  The choices are normal and master.  What do the different choices mean?
04:30.04MrTelephonemaster is your using a channel bank
04:30.10MrTelephonenormal if your connected to telco
04:30.11ManxPowerpitbossy: normal would be for a span connecting to the telco, master would be for connecting to PBXs, channel banks, etc.
04:30.16ManxPowerAt least GENERALLY.
04:30.23pitbossyI get it...Thanks
04:30.30ManxPowerfor T-1/E-1, one side has to be "master" and one end "normal".
04:30.42[TK]D-Fenderpitbossy, and fix yout span to 1,1,0 instead of 1,0,0 like you had it before
04:30.50pitbossyThe side generating the clock signal is the master...
04:31.24ManxPowerpitbossy: I prefer "sync signal", people confuse "clock" with "NTP" or "wall clock".  Poor things.
04:32.24Un1x_laptopcoppice you using sangoma cards with callweaver?
04:32.38Un1x_laptopwich one?
04:32.43*** join/#asterisk macros73_ (
04:32.45pitbossyFender:  Fixing span?  Are you referring to zaptel.conf?  wancfg generated the file..I used normal for clock based on a guess.
04:33.02coppicewhich cards? A200 and A104
04:33.05Un1x_laptopand are you running a fax machine aswell?
04:33.28coppiceI don't run fax machines. I make them :-)
04:33.40ManxPowercoppice WROTE spandsp and rxfax/txfax, I doubt he's using a "fax machine"
04:33.48Un1x_laptopi know he wrote them
04:33.55Un1x_laptopbut why wouldn't he use a fax machine :)?
04:34.03Un1x_laptopthats like saying mark doesn't use asterisk
04:34.05ManxPower*shrug*  I found a rock solid way of doing faxes.
04:34.08Un1x_laptopeven tho he didn't create all of it
04:34.13Un1x_laptopManxPower how?
04:34.19[TK]D-Fenderpitbossy, yeah if you set it to Normal in wancfg it should generate 1,1,0 instead... then again I never let 3rd party scripts mess with my configs...
04:34.27ManxPowerUn1x_laptop: no, that's like saying Mark doesn't use Cisco Call Manager.
04:34.40Un1x_laptophe uses cisco call manager?
04:34.42ManxPowerUn1x_laptop: don't run the line thru Asterisk 8-)
04:34.52ManxPowerno, he does not.
04:35.05Un1x_laptopanyhow ManxPower know any good t38 providers
04:35.14Un1x_laptoperr did providers that support t38 passthrough
04:35.22coppicesangoma has finally got its act together and provided the ability to run fax machines, but with restrictions. you can frequency lock an A104 with hardware EC to an A200, but you can't lock the one without EC. still, at least there is some progress
04:35.46pitbossyFender:  Got everything configed last nice...* is running like a champ on the PRI.
04:35.47ManxPowerUn1x_laptop: Every fax machine at every customer at every location has dedicated POTs lines direct from the telco.
04:35.56*** join/#asterisk Sunmoon__ (
04:36.06ManxPowerNow, we do have rxfax service on their DIDs, but again, those are on PRIs.
04:36.27Un1x_laptopyes, but for example if one wants a fax phone number in lets say Washington DC
04:36.27coppiceManxpower: this is a sad reflection of just how bad your PBXes are :-)
04:36.31Sunmoon__I am a novice to asterisk
04:36.33Un1x_laptopand he lived in fl it would be possible
04:36.41Un1x_laptoplol coppice
04:36.42pitbossyFender:  Thanks for your guys help last night!
04:37.02MrTelephonethats dumb that they had to make callweaver seperate just for t38
04:37.17Sunmoon__any help on getting started with asterisk would be greatly appreciated
04:37.48JTMrTelephone: you really think that's why callweaver was made?
04:37.50ManxPowercoppice: the locations that have hardware EC seem to work fairly well for faxes, but I'd get castrated if they can't send or receive a fax, so I make SURE even if the PBX is dead, they can still send/receive faxes to the main fax machine at the office.
04:37.57MrTelephonethats what one of the posts said
04:38.06JTMrTelephone: must be true then..
04:38.23MrTelephonei beleive it though because its too good of a feature not to include in asterisk
04:38.33MrTelephonemust be true then
04:38.38Un1x_laptopcoppice if i choose to get a sangoma card for fax line, i would need to disable EC wouldn't I? or would i need to get them to send me the version without EC if they offer it?
04:38.58MrTelephoneun1x, it detects fax and disabled ec
04:38.58ManxPowerANY decent EC should turn itself off when it detects a fas tone.
04:39.00JTMrTelephone: i think you'll find the actual reasons to be different
04:39.03ManxPoweranf a fax tone too.
04:39.24Un1x_laptophrmp i see
04:39.43[TK]D-Fenderpitbossy, good to hear.
04:39.48*** part/#asterisk Sunmoon__ (
04:41.04MrTelephonecoppice, your steve underwood?
04:41.18MrTelephoneyour famous
04:41.37MrTelephoneto me your like a bruce willis
04:41.57[TK]D-FenderYup, he sure waited long...
04:42.14MrTelephonemr spandsp
04:42.55Un1x_laptopwhats steve doing in taiwan tho
04:43.00Un1x_laptopwhats soo good about taiwan
04:43.10Un1x_laptopi never quite got that lol
04:44.33[TK]D-FenderUn1x_laptop, the food...
04:44.51*** join/#asterisk sehh (
04:45.04JTare you sure about the taiwan bit?
04:45.17Un1x_laptophe said he was in ttaipai last time i talked to him
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04:46.46[TK]D-Fendersunmoon = fast orbit
04:48.14*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
04:48.39Un1x_laptopmistake he was visiting
04:48.57JTUn1x_laptop: he was here before
04:49.03*** join/#asterisk felix_da_catz (
04:49.04MrTelephonecoppice is in hong kong, no wonder why he is into voip
04:49.27JTUn1x_laptop: thought you meant sunmoon_
04:49.34MrTelephonehe had to build spandsp just to fax the united states
04:50.56MrTelephonethe last of the jt's is on tv.. i mean mohicans :-/
04:51.17*** part/#asterisk Mackes (
04:51.34[TK]D-FenderYay, more traumatic distortions of history...
04:52.51MrTelephoneeverytime i make a spelling or grammar error he scalps me
04:55.47coppiceMrTelephone: wny should being in HK matter?
04:56.02MrTelephoneit doesn't
04:56.53coppiceI think your VoIP rates are stupid, because I just pick up the phone and dial the US by the incumbant telco for less than your VoIP rates
04:57.55MrTelephonehong kong is probably 3 bucks a minute
04:58.43coppicewhen I pick up the phone and use the telco to dial the US I pay about 1 cent per minute, for a high quality connection
04:59.08*** join/#asterisk chode (
05:02.44[TK]D-Fender...that cuts his internet connection just as fast ;)
05:05.01MrTelephonedoes everyone in hong kong pay 1 cent a minute?
05:06.29MrTelephoneyou pay more calling in between states
05:07.13ManxPowerMrTelephone: telecom in the rest of the world can be very different than that in the USA.
05:07.54MrTelephonehow many people have snow blowers here?
05:09.15MrTelephonecounterpaths website is down
05:09.20ManxPowerHistorically the USA has had pretty low calling rates and service rates, when the Bell companies were broken up, LD prices started to tumble, in the rest of the world more and more areas are deregulated in the telecom area and advances in technology allows more calls in the sam ebandwidth.
05:10.23ManxPowerIn the USA, prices are lower than they have ever been, but the local loop is usually the most expensive part of it and those prices, while they have fallen, are still fairly high in many places.
05:12.17MrTelephonemore people are chattin on the internet too
05:12.21MrTelephonemust be lower call volume
05:12.30MrTelephonesend me xlite 3.0 manx :P
05:12.37Kobazchattin on teh interwebs
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05:14.47Kobazmy parents had broadvoice for a while
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05:15.06Kobazterrible service, and it sounded like one guy ran the whole bit
05:15.28Kobazyou called the support number and this one guy would always pick up, no ivr, no call queue, no nothing, just that one guy
05:15.50MrTelephoneyeah it sounds like the guy is getting out of bed
05:16.54Kobazhmm, now goes to a scheduled maintenance page
05:16.59Kobazit was just going to broadvoice for a second there
05:17.17MrTelephoneyeah thats what i was sayin
05:17.50*** join/#asterisk basskozz (
05:19.18MrTelephonejust deleted the counterpatch folder under localsettings/app data
05:19.31MrTelephoneand now its loading
05:20.44basskozzJust unlocked my PAP2 v2 for use with my CentPBX, but my "Digit Map" is set for:
05:20.54basskozzis this ok, or should I change it?
05:21.21Kobazaww mrt went away
05:21.31Kobazi was going to paste a wiggity comparison page
05:22.21[TK]D-FenderKobaz, I dunno..... what does your ASTERISK dialplan look like?
05:22.38[TK]D-Fendersee above
05:23.12Kobazmy dialplan looks nice
05:24.24*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
05:24.50[TK]D-FenderKobaz, how incredibly non-descript.  I think you should look at the 2 and make sure they are appropriately matched.
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05:24.59Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: ?
05:25.14atomicdI think he's got you confused with basskozz...
05:25.19[TK]D-FenderKobaz, Sry, bad aim :)
05:25.38[TK]D-Fenderbasskozz, yeah, that was for you :)
05:25.55Kobazi was gonna say
05:26.07Kobazi was wondering why my dial plan had anything to do with poking fun at broadvoice
05:26.29[TK]D-FenderKobaz, No, thats a whole schtick by itself ;)
05:27.07basskozzohh... sorry, I got confused their too :p... What do you mean by Dial Plan ?
05:27.25Kobazyour extensions
05:27.50basskozzohh, ok.. I've got 2 internal extentions and thats it really (for now ;)
05:28.13[TK]D-Fenderbasskozz, and does your PAP2 dialplan accomodate them well?
05:31.07basskozzwell, I have to dial pound "#" after the extention to go thru, which i guess isn't that big of a deal
05:32.11basskozzbut I haven't setup any trunks yet, but once I do I was woundering if this Digit Map would be sufficient
05:32.18basskozzfor dialing out
05:32.53JTsounds like the dialplan isn't set up right if you need to press #
05:36.26basskozzJT: any suggestions?
05:41.07atomicdbasskozz, the Digit Map just helps you dial things more conviently.  Do you understand how it works?
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05:46.08basskozzatomicd: not really, I think I need to do some googling ;)
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05:54.07atomicddownload the ATA admin guide and check out Chapter 3, Configure a Dial Plan...
05:55.41basskozzThanks atomicd
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06:35.45CoffeeKidI need version 1.4.11 of asterisk, I don't want the latest version. Where can i find previous versions to download?
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06:37.08CoffeeKidn/m, i found it!
06:42.27CoffeeKidhow does asterisk deal with modules.  How does it know what to load?
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06:48.02tzafrir_homeCoffeeKid, modules.conf tells asterisk what to load
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07:04.50CoffeeKidtzafrir_home, what about modules like Those aren't defined in the modules.conf, so how is it loaded?
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07:16.13i3inaryAnyone ever have "[ERROR] /usr/libexec/mysqld: Table './mysql/user' happen to them?  I fixed it with "find
07:17.03i3inaryoops that got cut off "find /var/lib/mysql -name '*.MYI' -exec myisamchk -r {} \;" is what i used to fix the error
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07:17.38CoffeeKidsounds like your mysql.user table was corrupt
07:18.09i3inaryyeah...i couldnt start mysqld but after i ran that repair command it starts up no prob now
07:18.26i3inarybut now i cant add shit to what are my options
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07:20.43CoffeeKidcan't add anything to that table?
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07:22.19i3inarywhen I try to grant a user privileges i get "ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server during query"
07:23.21CoffeeKidcan you get into the mysql console?
07:23.39CoffeeKiddo: check table mysql.user
07:24.06CoffeeKidif it comes back with corrupt or any error messages at all, do: repair table mysql.user
07:24.36i3inaryahhh "Table upgrade required. Please do "REPAIR TABLE `user`" to fix it!" im guessing i should listen to it right?
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07:26.07CoffeeKidthen your grant statement should work fine.
07:26.35i3inarydamn it fixes it then i try the grant again and it does the same disconnection
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07:27.09i3inaryi run check again and i have some new errors
07:29.01i3inarymy query is    grant all privileges on table to blah_admin@"localhost" identified by 'blah123';
07:29.09i3inaryi think thats what crashing it
07:29.32i3inaryi run it and it crashes but since repairing it the 2nd time its coming back ok each time i check it
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07:29.55i3inaryso it looks like the query is just crashing the proc and not corrupting the table now
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07:37.55CoffeeKidhmm, somethings not right
07:38.01CoffeeKiddo you have the option of re-installing mysql?
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07:38.17i3inaryi suppose so...its production but its my stuff
07:38.32CoffeeKidwhen did this start happening? when you did a mysql upgrade?
07:39.03i3inaryyeah i did recently upgrade and this is prolly the first time since then that i tried to add a user
07:39.35CoffeeKidi'm not 100% sure, but some versions of mysql make you run mysql_install_db after your done
07:39.56i3inaryi see... i upgraded with yum since its centos
07:40.25CoffeeKidthere's another program that i sometimes there, called mysql_update_permissions or something like that
07:40.29CoffeeKidsee if thats in your path somewhere.
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07:41.35CoffeeKidyou could also check the #mysql channel, i'd hate to tell you to try something that could make things worse..
07:42.02i3inaryyeah im in there...i asked in there nothing one is talking at all
07:42.13i3inaryhalf hour went by already
07:42.39i3inaryi have a dump so if i have to rebuild i can hack it i think
07:43.17i3inaryi do have mysql_install_db
07:43.22i3inarynot the other
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08:30.06BBHosswhats the best way to dial a bunch of numbers from a sql db?
08:30.14BBHossi dont want code, just theory :)
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08:35.23BBHossAGI or manager interface?
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08:38.16i3inarycould use .call files
08:38.38i3inaryscript queries the db then writes the .call files and the calls will be made
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08:39.00JTmanager interface or call files
08:39.11JTagi deals with existing files? files?
08:40.51BBHossahh i see
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08:52.17CoffeeKidBBHoss, i've done something like this.  Let me know if you need some help.  Creating the .call files is very easy and you can do some powerful stuff.
08:52.19JTBBHoss: sorry
08:52.24JTAGI deals with existing CALLS
08:52.50CoffeeKidright, but you can use AGI within the .call file to control the call however you'd like to
08:53.37CoffeeKidvery cool actually :)
08:54.16BBHossCoffeeKid: im trying some examples on the wiki, and its telling me unknown keywork from the console
08:54.30CoffeeKidwhat does your call file look like?
08:54.47CoffeeKidand, what are you trying to do?
08:55.02BBHossexample 2 except with SIP instead of zap
08:56.01BBHossim on 1.4.13
08:56.15CoffeeKidare you using a Context: that exists in extensions.conf?
08:56.35BBHossi believe so, its what my hardphone has registered
08:56.47BBHossi can try default though
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08:57.02CoffeeKidk, give that a try
08:57.08BBHossits like its not understanding though
08:57.16BBHossUnknown Keyword ...
08:57.34BBHossapply_outgoing: At least one of app or extension must be specified, along with tech and dest in file /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/
08:57.40CoffeeKidlet me see exactly what your call file looks like (you can xxx out the user/pass stuff of course)... send it to me in a private message
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09:26.49mvanbaakI noticed :)
09:27.51tzafrirIt's a pain to try to get from them a simple reply for so long
09:34.19mvanbaaklucky me they are way more responsive when you contact support if you have a problem with one of their products
09:35.08mvanbaakhhmm, my house is a mess
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10:18.08tzafrirchalow looks like a nice tool for changelog rendering
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10:22.59tzafrirplayed with it a bit. I don't have time to upload the results now, but check
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10:25.52axscodehi, anyone can recommend a model of cisco sip gateway?
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11:03.24tzafriraxscode, any cisco rep can recommend you of one. Why do you insist on cisco?
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11:27.31Greek-Boyi wonder if Fring works ok with asterisk
11:27.44Greek-Boyand if it makes a direct connection or goes through fring servers
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12:53.23MavvieIn the dialplan, once in a macro, is it still possible to find out which context the call came in through?
12:56.24tzafrir${ORIG_CONTEXT} or something similar
12:57.00tzafrirthis is the context that called the macro. Not necessarily where the call came through, naturally
12:57.10tzafrirshow application macro?
12:59.02Mavviethis is going to be messy....
12:59.14Mavviebecause my macros are two or three calls deep.
12:59.24Mavvielet's see how I can fix this...
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13:04.31brainy_I have a problem with a cisco sipgateway and asterisk .. call comes in from the Cisco SIP Gateway (Line Carrier) ... our asterisk answers and plays MOH, but the MOH has outages (like packetloss) but when i answer the call i have no problems...
13:05.20brainy_i'm not sure what can cause this problem
13:11.30puzzledbrainy_, if you don't have a digium card in that box, load the ztdummy driver
13:12.25brainy_i have other SIP clients connected to that asterisk box .. they have no problems
13:12.35brainy_and the ztdummy is already loaded for conferencing
13:12.51puzzledbrainy_, afaik MoH needs a timing device to work ok, hence the ztdummy driver if you don't load any other zaptel drivers
13:13.17puzzledbrainy_, using mpg123?
13:13.22brainy_no, madplay
13:13.28JTbrainy_: ztdummy doesn't work as well as real zap timing
13:13.28brainy_mpg123 has caused to many problems on freebsd
13:13.45brainy_but why do i ONLY have this problem with the cisco sip gateway?
13:14.09brainy_i have Snom phones, AVM FritzBoxes, patton/inalp GW's connected to the asterisk.. everything is fine
13:14.12puzzledbrainy_, try using an MoH file converted to wav/gsm/ulaw/alaw or whatever the codec format that you use
13:14.57puzzledbrainy_, if the rest is ok I assume it's a funky setting on the cisco that causes it
13:15.01brainy_k, i will try that
13:17.31tzafrirzttest checks the zaptel timing source (regardless of its exact source
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13:19.45brainy_puzzled: i converted it to alaw and it's still the same problem
13:19.55MavvieWARNING[11173]: ast_expr2.y:742 op_minus: non-numeric argument
13:20.01Mavvienothing to see here.
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13:20.57brainy_Opened pseudo zap interface, measuring accuracy...
13:20.57brainy_99.987793% 99.987793% 99.987793% 99.987793% 99.987793% 99.987793% 99.987793%
13:20.57brainy_99.987793% 99.987793% 99.987793% 99.987793% 99.987793% 99.987793% 99.987793% 99.914551%
13:21.05brainy_i _think_ that this is ok?
13:21.11tzafriryes, it is
13:21.27simonkernI have a one-way audio problem between my asterisk and outgoing calls
13:21.40brainy_well.. i will blame the cisco SIP gateway on that issue since everything else is working fine
13:22.13brainy_simonkern: using NAT?
13:22.24simonkernbrainy_: yes
13:22.58brainy_simonkern: is the asterisk behind nat or your telephone?
13:23.08simonkerni've forwarded 5004-5080 tcp/udp and 10000-10100 tcp/udp
13:23.36simonkernthe asterisk is behind the nat and i'm trying to make a call trough my sip provider
13:23.57JTbrainy_: 99.914% is NOT okay
13:24.12JTsimonkern: why forward tcp?
13:24.17brainy_simonkern: did you change rtp.conf to that ports also?
13:24.24simonkernmy asterisk sends the rtp stream to the provider, but the called person sends the rtp directly to me
13:24.37simonkernyes, i've changed the rtp.conf
13:24.40brainy_simonkern: you will need 5060/udp and the udp RTP ports  (from rtp.conf)
13:24.46JTsimonkern: and why the hell did you forward all those useless ports near 5060?
13:25.10brainy_JT: it is NOT ok? ..
13:25.17brainy_--- Results after 27 passes ---
13:25.17brainy_Best: 99.987793 -- Worst: 96.887207 -- Average: 99.870244
13:25.17JTbrainy_: yes, too low
13:25.24JTanything <99.97% is NOT ok
13:25.35simonkernhmm... i didn't know what to do, so i forwarded nearly everything
13:25.38JTthat's an awful average
13:25.41JTand awful low score
13:25.45JTno wonder you have issues
13:25.55brainy_JT: i think that there were always problems with that ztdummy on a freebsd, at least i already had a lot of problems
13:26.18JTbrainy_: yeah, asterisk seems to be designed to only work properly on linux
13:26.22brainy_JT: but that doesn't explain why ONLY this cisco SIP gw causing problems
13:26.28JTsimonkern: well all the ports are very well documented
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13:27.02JTsimonkern: you haven't even filled us in on the call scenario
13:27.41puzzledbrainy_, dunno if that's an option but Fedora 7 and 8 have high resolution timer support in their kernel. Quite and improvement to non HRT kernels
13:28.29coppicehormone replacement therapy in a kernel? :-\
13:29.03simonkernok, here is the call scenario: A calls B through sip server S. S tells A that the phone is ringing. B is answering the call. B sends its rtp stream to A. A sends its rtp stream to S.
13:29.11puzzledcoppice: man I'm slow. Initially I had no clue what you were referring too :)
13:29.18simonkernA can hear B, but B can't hear A
13:29.20JTsimonkern: too many letters
13:29.23JTtry this
13:29.35JT"i am trying to use a SIP ITSP on the INTERNET from BEHIND NAT"
13:29.38JTor similar
13:29.40JTnot ab s
13:30.07JTi don't know if your asterisk is trying to act as sip server to the Internet or what
13:30.09coppicepuzzled: hey, its Sunday. you can be a little slower today :-)
13:30.51mvanbaakit's sunday, and you are on irc. you can get a life for almost nothing at k-mart
13:30.53puzzledyup, I'll take that one gladly
13:31.03JTit's monday
13:31.31puzzledmvanbaak, but we don't have a k-mart here. now what? :)
13:31.46mvanbaakalbert heijn ?
13:32.10puzzledheh too obvious
13:32.28mvanbaakdont buy one from lidl, those are cheap fakes
13:32.29puzzledI know, I'm going to upgrade my 7961. that should take care of the entire sunday
13:32.53mvanbaakpuzzled: sip or skinny ?
13:33.21puzzledfrom factory default sccp to sip
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13:33.39brainy_simonkern: huh, why does A send the rtp to S and not to B?
13:33.45mvanbaakah. I run my 7960 and 7905 with skinny
13:33.55puzzledI'll leave the other one at sccp so I can play with chan_skinny and chan_sccp
13:33.56simonkernbrainy_: i have no idea
13:34.06JTsimonkern: what is the scenario? i'm still waiting
13:34.08mvanbaakchan_sccp is dead
13:34.32puzzlednope, next week there will be a new release that compiles against 1.2 & 1.4
13:34.37simonkernmy ASTERISK is in my LOCAL NET its BEHIND NAT. SIP PHONE is in the LOCAL NET. ASTERISK connected via SIP to a PROVIDER. i want to call a person at the same provider with my SIP PHONE.
13:34.49puzzledI'm using the 20071004 release right now on 1.4
13:34.51mvanbaakpuzzled: where did you get that info ?
13:34.58JTsimonkern: there is no need to port forward then
13:36.20brainy_simonkern: do you have canreinvite=yes?
13:36.40simonkernbrainy_: no, i have canreinvite=no
13:36.46Hadi-hi everyone
13:36.48Hadi-just a quick question... we have a SIP PRI connected directly to our CISCO 2800 series router... we are sending some outgoing calls from asterisk to the Cisco 2800 series.. ans we are getting a lot of Got SIP response 486 "Busy here"
13:36.50brainy_simonkern: try setting it to yes
13:37.07JTsimonkern: port forwardning is only to make asterisk act as a sip server on the Internet from behind NAT
13:37.11JTbrainy_: wtf, why?
13:37.43brainy_JT: his asterisk should send the rtp directly to the phone B and NOT to the Server S?
13:37.52JTbrainy_: Incorrect.
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13:38.04JTrtp should go from ITSP to asterisk to phone
13:38.25JThis phone and ITSP cannot communicate directly
13:38.30mvanbaakhhmm, they are forking chan_sccp again ?
13:38.36JTunless the phone registers direct to the ITSP
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13:39.29JTremember, his phone is behind nat
13:40.03simonkernthis is the sip config entry for the provider:
13:40.48tzafrirHadi-, SIP or PRI?
13:41.05JTsimonkern: where's the register entry?
13:41.29tzafrirSIP to a SIP/PRI gateway?
13:41.38simonkerni don't register me on the server, i only make outgoing calls
13:41.48JTsimonkern: you MUST register
13:41.53JTand set qualify=yes
13:41.56JTand type=friend
13:41.59JTyou are behind nat
13:42.09JTit needs to maintain a mapping on your nat device
13:42.15JTotherwise audio will not pass
13:42.19simonkernok, i'll try this!
13:45.08simonkernit's the same problem
13:45.24Hadi-tzafrir: its a SIP PRI
13:45.58JTsimonkern: which way is audio working?
13:46.03JTHadi-: hahahahahah haha
13:46.15JTand faeries exist too...
13:46.21simonkernfrom the called person to me
13:46.33JTsimonkern: is registration successful
13:46.36JTis it qualifying?
13:46.40JTwhat is your nat device?
13:46.56simonkernregistration is successful
13:47.04Hadi-JT: ?
13:47.14JTHadi-: there is no such thing as a SIP PRI.
13:47.25simonkernqualifying is also successful
13:47.54simonkerni use iptables
13:48.02JTsimonkern: also what phone do you have?
13:48.02Hadi-JT: you think so?
13:48.15JTsimonkern: get rid of all the port forwarding btw
13:48.19JTHadi-: i know so
13:48.26tzafrirHadi-, Is your Asterisk a SIP<->PRI gateway?
13:48.32JTsimonkern: just make sure there's not firewalling
13:48.43tzafrirOr do you connect to one (of Cisco, or whatever)
13:49.01Hadi-tzafrir: Asterisk -> Cisco 2811 -> Virtual SIP PRI
13:49.14JTin other words just SIP
13:49.28simonkerni use a fritzbox with connected analog phones
13:49.49JTsimonkern: have you deleted all the port forwards to the asterisk box?
13:50.16simonkernit's running on the same pc,
13:50.33JTso it has a public ip?
13:51.12JTsimonkern: why did you have port forwarding then?
13:52.04simonkernforwarding is the wrong word.. i have a rule, so that the asterisk ports are not firewallt
13:52.29JTtry this then for testing
13:52.42JTiptables -I INPUT 1 -j ACCEPT
13:52.46JTiptables -I FORWARD 1 -j ACCEPT
13:52.51JTiptables -I OUTPUT 1 -j ACCEPT
13:54.53Hadi-tzafrir: any suggestions as to why calls are being rejected
13:55.15simonkernstill the same problem
13:55.32JTsimonkern: please share sip.conf for the phone's entry and general
13:55.50tzafrirHadi-, no. But I guess you should pastebin some relevant information
13:55.52JTalso, perhaps try with a softphone instead
13:56.00JTit might be a problem with the fritzbox
13:56.15tzafrire.g: relevant sip.conf snippets . Maybe a trace of what happens there
13:57.38MavvieI believe that GotoIf(.... ? label,step) doesn't work.
13:59.25Hadi-is for the Cisco 2811
13:59.34Hadi-the V3 is the server sending the call
14:00.25brainy_simonkern: are you using the fritzbox as router?
14:00.35tzafrirBTW: are you sure about "dtmfmode=inband"?
14:00.35simonkernonly as ata
14:00.36Hadi-the call is coming from <customer - V3> -> <asterisk> -> <Cisco 2811 - IW001>
14:00.52brainy_simonkern: ok.. because you can't forward port 5060 via a fritzbox ;)
14:00.56Hadi-tzafrir: yes thats the only DTMF that works for me
14:02.01tzafrirSo what is the exact error you get?
14:02.26Hadi-lots of Got SIP response 486 "Busy here"
14:03.14tzafrirHadi-, maybe you send the wrong number?
14:03.55tzafrirnext thing would probably be to post a trace from a sip debug
14:04.01tzafrirsip set debug
14:04.12simonkernsorry, on the pastebin the qualify entry for the provider is still no
14:04.35JTsimonkern: is it yes or not?
14:04.41simonkernits yes
14:06.11JTsimonkern: interesting you're only allowing ulaw from the provider and you are in germany
14:06.49simonkerni can try alaw too, but ulaw is working
14:07.18JTwell alaw is the native codec in germany
14:07.26JTulaw is used in north america and japan
14:07.57coppiceand hong kong and taiwan
14:08.01simonkerni've added allow=alaw
14:08.38JTcoppice: weirdos :P
14:08.47tzafrirWhat about Japan?
14:09.21JTthey're just insane
14:09.26JTthey made a J1
14:09.27coppicewell, taiwan uses ulaw because japan uses it. how a british colony like HK came to use ulaw is more of a mystery
14:09.54simonkernwhen person b call me, everything is ok
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14:14.12simonkernOMG, i've used an other sip phone, and boom... it works
14:14.37JTdidn't i suggest that about half an hour ago? ;)
14:14.47simonkernJT: you're right, the fritzbox causes this problem
14:15.02JTsome devices are just defective :(
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14:16.02coppiceJ1 was not insane. it was a specific attempt at incompatibility to lock foreigners out before Japan was strong. Taiwan used J1 too, but called it T1M (T1 modified, or possibly mangled).
14:19.44simonkernok thanks for help!
14:30.47puzzledJT, how true. this morning I spent some time figuring out why sip was not working. Appears the "sip helper" module in a SpeedTouch 716 adsl modem is not helping at all. Fortunately disabling the "helper" module fixed the issue
14:31.11puzzledsorta like the smtp fixup thingy in Cisco
14:32.22JTand cisco's sip fixup
14:32.33JTmost fixups for sip seem to break it
14:32.40puzzledmakes you wonder if they actually test that crap
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14:33.05JTyes, but i think the test involves using complete nat unaware UAs and servers
14:36.21puzzledheh sure seems like it
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14:48.02Hadi-Can you guys recommand a good voip billing / accounting (termination and wholesale) software that supports both Asterisk and Cisco
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16:58.29riddleboxdo you need an Answer() before you have Voicemail() pick up?
16:59.03russellbVoicemail will answer for you
16:59.14russellbbut sometimes it is beneficial to Answer directly
16:59.20russellbAnswer() and then a Wait(1)
16:59.25russellbto ensure the audio path gets set up
16:59.36russellbotherwise, sometimes you get the initial audio prompts cut off at the beginning
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16:59.46[TK]D-FenderSHHH!!!! You'll disturb the crickets!
17:00.07russellbsorry :(
17:00.31riddleboxwell I have it setup right now to Answer, but I displayed my extensions.conf and someone said that I didnt need Answer in it?
17:01.12russellbwell like i said, it's not necessary, but it doesn't hurt.  and sometimes it's good to have.
17:01.14[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, Technically no, but you've just heard a reason for it.
17:02.02riddleboxas long as I am not doing anything that is looked at as wrong by having it in the dialplan
17:02.42riddleboxbtw have you guys seen this yet,
17:04.19russellbyet another gui?  how exciting, heh
17:04.43[TK]D-Fenderrussellb, You know what this means... time to update the topic ;)
17:05.23russellbcrap, you're right
17:05.23riddleboxI know, I sat in on a webinar on thursday, if you want to buy their version of asterisk on a usb key, $895
17:05.42russellbi'm sure asterisk itself is no different
17:06.39Nivexfunny, I've been running Asterisk for 3 years and haven't needed a GUI
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17:06.59riddleboxthey do add things in it to integrate to their portal system, and they will strip out the voicemail and put their voicemail in
17:07.42riddleboxNivex, I havent needed one and quite frankly the gui's dont seem to allow you to do half of the stuff you can do editing the conf files
17:08.23mtgllneed some help with a tdm400 card have two fxo modules not beeing seen two fxs are being seen fine where do i start never had a problem with the modules before?
17:08.28Corydon76-digand they never will...
17:08.39[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, Of course not.  Editing the files allows you to do ANYTHING.  Forget HALF, its not even a reasonable fraction.
17:08.43aiksa[LV]good evening everybody
17:09.08russellbof course, they don't intend to do everything ...
17:09.10Corydon76-digmtgll: please call Digium support tomorrow morning
17:09.25aiksa[LV]I wanted to know where could I have some additional reading on 'data' passed to originate command through ami?
17:09.35Corydon76-digmtgll: or if you bought from a reseller, please contact your reseller for support
17:09.42russellbthe whole point is to make a defined system ...
17:10.21mtgllcan do but thought i would ask here first have checked the conf files and all is good seems weird...
17:10.45[TK]D-Fenderrussellb, you and your silly definitions and borders!  Telecom fascist! :p
17:11.20aiksa[LV]is that 'data' available from dialplan afterwards?
17:11.25[TK]D-Fendermtgll, pastebin your configs, and the output of "ztcfg -vvvv" and "dmesg"
17:11.27jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
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17:11.55[TK]D-Fenderaiksa[LV], What kind of "data"?
17:12.27Corydon76-digYes, but the reason why the GUI doesn't do as much is also technical... it's very difficult to abstract all implementation details into a GUI in a way that is understandable to the end user.
17:12.47aiksa[LV]according to documentation of starpy (AMI interface for twisted matrix framework), originate command from AMI has an additional incomming parameter data
17:13.03Corydon76-digEven many of the GUIs that exist don't do a good job of the abstraction
17:13.23Corydon76-dig...for the concepts that they DO implement
17:13.51[TK]D-Fenderaiksa[LV], You can set channel variables in your originate, yes.
17:14.26aiksa[LV]ok. that what I wnated to find out
17:14.44aiksa[LV]what is the best source for ami documentation? asterisk source?
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17:18.21aiksa[LV][TK]D-Fender: although the documentation within starpy regarding that 'data' is as plain as possible. <cite>data -- data to pass to application</cite>
17:19.15[TK]D-Fenderaiksa[LV], Oh I think thats basically just the CLI parameters when you use originate to dump the other end into an APPLICATION, and not a channel.
17:20.21hi365anyone having a problem with chanspy? Im trying to only hear extensions that are on a call. using the folowing most extensions dont come on when i press * : Chanspy(SIP|b${w})
17:22.57aiksa[LV][TK]D-Fender: just understood. - thats data for the application (found it in manager documentation)
17:23.26[TK]D-Fenderaiksa[LV], so just think of it as a fully crafted single line of dialplan.
17:23.30mtgll[TK]D-Fender here is the pastebin
17:25.11aiksa[LV][TK]D-Fender: that was not what I was trying to achieve, though. Just digged deeper into the sources of starpy manager proxy, just to find out that their online class documentation is "slightly" outofdate
17:25.25[TK]D-Fendermtgll, where you you experience this "not being seen" bit?
17:25.54aiksa[LV]their Originate now takes at least twice the parameters as given in the API documenation
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17:26.51WindBackI have a doubt..
17:26.51mtgllwhen i load asterisk it only shows channel 3 and 4 under zap show channels
17:27.02WindBackI I have a client behind NAT
17:27.28mtglland as you can see they are defined in the conf files.
17:27.30[TK]D-Fendermtgll, pastebin a "reload"
17:28.14[TK]D-Fendermtgll, and "zap show channels before & after
17:28.37hi365nobody using chanspy in 1.4?
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17:29.07aiksa[LV]although on the whole I am pretty happy with starpy. Anyone else here using it?
17:29.30WindBackI don't undertand how can a client behind nat work, if in the firewall the any port is forwarded for that client??
17:29.33[TK]D-Fenderhi365, perhaps you you could pastebin something useful in showing your problem.
17:29.45[TK]D-Fenderaiksa[LV], I'm here all the time and have never heard of it.
17:30.03aiksa[LV]that doesnt sound good :P
17:30.14[TK]D-FenderWindBack, you don't need to forward ports for any sane client behind NAT.  Read up :
17:30.16jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
17:30.23aiksa[LV]there is a framework for python: twisted matrix
17:30.50aiksa[LV]async, event based for writing internet apps
17:30.59WindBack[TK]D-Fender, but an UAS need the 5060 port to recive INVITE messages, or not?
17:31.12ManxPowerWindBack: you don't understand NAT.
17:31.33aiksa[LV]starpy is a lib for twisted matrix consisting of protocol factory for AMI and FastAGI
17:31.45[TK]D-FenderWindBack, No.  Read the guide, FOLLOW it and then come back and show us what you've done.
17:31.59ManxPowerWhen a NAT router has a packet coming from the inside, going to the outside, it translates all the inside address information in the packet to the outside IP, then has a table to keep track of that translation for all the response packets.
17:31.59tzafrirIf channel 3 is defined, then it can't be a matter of chan_zap breaking in the middle
17:32.07tzafrirNot with the current config file
17:32.23aiksa[LV]basicaly with it I have an high level access to the asterisk, from the env. where I can easily create xmlrpc and soap services and clients.
17:32.26hi365[TK]D-Fender: im not really sure what ot pastebin - show channles hsows sip channels being used, but chanspy doesnt cycle thru them when i press *
17:32.37ManxPowerIt really is pretty much the same as using a web browser behind NAT or DNS behind NAT.
17:32.40tzafrirmtgll, maybe you just reloaded? try 'zap restart' or just restart asterisk
17:33.00hi365with 30 users on the system, its kinda hard to find something useful to pastebin (unless you have a something specfic)
17:33.19[TK]D-Fenderhi365, go prove your DTMF is fine and pastebin SOMETHING to see...
17:33.50mtgll[TK]D-Fender here you go
17:34.42WindBackManxPower, yes, I understand that, but If I'm outside, and I want to create a new conection in the 5060 port of the client i can't, because the reouter/nat don't have the table created
17:34.59[TK]D-Fendermtgll, Ok, I completely don't get it...
17:35.27[TK]D-FenderWindBack, You don't need it.  Now go foolow the guide, try stuff out, adn then come back and show us your configs
17:35.48tzafrirmtgll, this doesn't make sense. Why is zapata_additional.conf parsed twice (that is: #include-d twice)
17:35.50WindBack[TK]D-Fender, ok, thanks
17:36.05tzafrirwe're looking at the wrong config file
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17:36.40ManxPowerWindBack: The existing connections on 5060 are used, not new ones.
17:36.48tzafrirgrep '#include' /etc/asterisk/zapata*.conf
17:36.51hi365[TK]D-Fender: doubt youll find this usefull, but then again who knows:
17:37.15ManxPowerWindBack: you can either argue or you can follow [TK]D-Fender's advice.  Only one of those two courses of action will get your problem fixed.  Can you guess which one?
17:37.41[TK]D-Fender&^@#%@&#% FreePBX
17:37.56[TK]D-Fenderhi365, And why show me 10x the crap I DON'T need?
17:37.57tzafrir[TK]D-Fender, surely not
17:38.06ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: Looks like the alligators will have a good meal today.
17:38.12mtgll[TK]D-Fender no that was a mistake i am taking it out now dont know how it got there  user error :)
17:38.13[TK]D-Fendertzafrir :that was for hi365
17:38.24tzafrir[TK]D-Fender, noticed that the FXS channels are not zapata_additional?
17:38.27aiksa[LV][TK]D-Fender: thanks, variables was the part of originate which I needed :)))
17:38.31hi365like i said, i doubt youl find anyhthing usefull there
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17:38.53tzafrirWhich means that if mtgll uses freepbx, he probably won't be able to dial from those devices
17:38.58[TK]D-Fendertzafrir : #
17:38.59[TK]D-Fender#include zapata-channels.conf <---
17:39.01aiksa[LV]now i can set this parameter wfrom originate, and then get back to it and find calling class from agi service
17:39.05ManxPowerhi365:  if you turned off degugging.....
17:39.05[TK]D-Fendertzafrir : seems fine there.
17:39.31[TK]D-Fenderhi365, turn down the verbose and debug and just show me that CAHNNELS are up and you executing chanspy.
17:39.52hi365thats easy, why dont you say so? ;-)
17:39.53tzafrirBut zapata.conf does not #include zapata_additional.conf before zapata-channels.conf
17:40.01ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: what issue is hi365 having other than having too much debugging turned on?
17:40.32ManxPowerhi365: for your future reference, the standard info to paste is verbose set to 3 and no debugging.
17:40.33[TK]D-FenderManxPower, Says he can't cycle through channels pressing "*".  First guess , DTMF issue.
17:40.51ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: Ah.  or an incorrect calling of ChanSpy.
17:41.13ManxPowerYou'd think he'd have IVR issues as well as voicemail issues if that was the case.
17:41.19[TK]D-FenderManxPower, possibly. would be nice if I didn't have to go crazy looking for it.
17:41.31tzafrirDTMF detection can also be traced using DTMF logging
17:41.31WindBackManxPower, My clients work well, I only want to understand that concepts
17:41.38hi365actualy i said "most extensions dont come on when i press *" some do - but not all. so abviously no dmtf issue here
17:41.48ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: *nod*  Also would be nice if he created an extension that ONLY does the MIN required to reproduce the problem.
17:41.49hi365and yes: ivr is fine vm is fine disa is fine
17:42.03mtgllthanks all that worked i beeter go get some glases :)
17:42.03tzafrirmtgll, any news?
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17:42.15ManxPowerhi365: DTMF issues are not always "works" or "doesn't work", many times it is "works 80% of the time"
17:42.21mtglland learn how to spell :)
17:42.22tzafrirwhat worked?
17:42.42ManxPowerWindBack: if you want to undetstand the concepts then you have MUCH reading to do.
17:43.11ManxPoweryou need to read the NAT RFCs first, pay special attention to UDP packets.
17:43.11hi365im not arguing, but it seems to me that dmtf is not the issue (near 100% acuracy). here is my chanspy call: Chanspy(SIP|b${w})
17:43.29mtglltzafrir removed out calling zapata_additional twice
17:43.43WindBackManxPower, okkk
17:43.57WindBackManxPower, I'll do
17:44.13tzafrirmtgll, huh? that should have been harmless
17:44.52ManxPowerhi365: remove the "b" and what is the value of the variable ${w}
17:45.26hi365usualy balnk, unless hte chanspy was called with a leading 0 (555 vs. 5550)
17:45.30mtglltzafrir i would have thought so also but removed it started and stopped asterisk and bingo it worked...
17:45.34hi365here is an example:
17:45.35ManxPowerhi365: also you would prolly have to set "canreinvite=no" in sip.conf or the phones could easily send audio directly between the phones, bypassing asterisk
17:45.49hi365i could only listen to SIP/212
17:47.32ManxPowerhi365: tjat os a TRAILING 0 and you did not say what ${w} is set to in that situation
17:48.01hi365its also anoying that chanspy kepps on restarting form the begining of the channels list
17:48.09hi365atm w is BLANK
17:48.24ManxPowerso what happens when you remove both options?
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17:48.43hi365[19:44:35] <hi365> usualy balnk, <-------- i knew i said something about it!
17:48.45hi365ill try
17:49.46ManxPowerhi365: as well as the canreinvite I told you
17:50.25hi365reinvites are all off
17:50.59ManxPowerhi365: using "reinvite=no" or using "canreinvite=no"?
17:51.37ManxPowerin [general] or or in each sip peer?
17:51.44hi365each peer
17:52.45ManxPowergood!  at least in 1.2, I don't think that works when in [general]
17:53.11hi365chanspy worked like a charpm in 1.2
17:53.19hi365s/p/ /
17:54.07ManxPowerhi365: welcome to the wonderful world of 1.4.x   I assume you read the UPGRADE.txt and the changes files for 1.4 before installing it?
17:54.21hi365of course
17:54.27ManxPowerhi365: many people don't.
17:54.55jbotAbout assumptions :
17:55.41ManxPowerhi365: have you tried ExtenSpy instead of ChanSpy?
17:55.57hi365ManxPower: wont i lose the incaoming (zap) calls then?
17:56.22ManxPowerhi365: that would really depend on what you need.
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17:56.33ManxPowerI would assume that all incoming zap calls end up on SOME extension
17:57.05hi365true. chansp (from what i understodd) will only listen in on OUTGOING calls
17:57.12hi365am i wrong?
17:57.17ManxPoweryou are wrong
17:57.49hi365thats good news. together with the fack that chanspy is "CURRENTLY" working, im going to thank you for your time and wish you all a good nigh
17:58.04hi365i will continue test this tommorow. thanks again
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18:01.39linageecan i replace an "ISDN modem" with any other isdn modem, or are there unique identifiers they will have to change at the other side?
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18:02.09ManxPowerlinagee: for the most part any "isdn modem" will work for data, but not for voice.
18:02.38linageeManxPower: this is one of those all in one isdn modems. it has a voice port on it as well
18:02.42ManxPowernow if you want to expand on the woefully small amount of information in your question, we might be able to expand the answer too.
18:02.53ManxPowerlinagee: having a "voice port" means NOTHING.
18:02.58linageeManxPower: unfortunately, the problem is that it has a USB adapter. i want internet over ethernet, not USB
18:03.37ManxPowerAny reason you are using an "isdn modem" instead of a "dsl modem"?
18:03.38linageeManxPower: maybe it would be easier to connect an access point with a USB host controller on it, but this is in a remote site (very remote) and would require fiddling... hrm
18:03.43ManxPowerhell, why are you using a modem at all?
18:03.51linageeManxPower: latin america. ;)
18:04.02linageeManxPower: no ADSL service yet. (supposed to be coming in december. argh)
18:04.25ManxPowerlinagee: your questions really don't make any sense.  How are you connecting the "isdn modem" to Asterisk?
18:04.26linageen/m. i guess i will have to wait. (it's been like that for years)
18:04.46linageeManxPower: not connected to asterisk at all.
18:04.54ManxPowerlinagee: then why are you asking here?
18:05.05linageeManxPower: except for the fact that i *want* to connect things to a hard phone which requires ethernet, not usb
18:05.38linageeManxPower: it sucks that they took so long to provide ADSL. (i don't really get it)
18:05.39ManxPowerA VoIP hardphone would require ethernet, an analog hardphone would not.
18:05.53linageeManxPower: analog hardphone? heh
18:05.57ManxPowerlinagee: not really any difference from a networking point of view.
18:06.28ManxPowerlinagee: you have been around long enough to formulate good questions.
18:08.08tzafrirlinagee, what's so wrong with USB? what rate is your internet connetion?
18:08.14tzafrirwhat computer is it?
18:08.26linageetzafrir: right now the USB connects right to the computer
18:08.41linageetzafrir: i suppose i could reshare it out using ethernet, but that's incredibly hokey
18:08.57tzafrirand what type of device is it?
18:09.13linageetzafrir: unsure. some sort of isdn modem
18:09.25linageePOS modem. ;)
18:09.56tzafrirwell, it's just like a PCI ISDN modem. With the rate of ISDN (I assume it is BRI), it really doesn't matter much either way
18:10.07linageetzafrir: yes. true. slow is slow
18:10.15linageebest off waiting till they get ADSL.
18:10.48tzafriranyway, at least you can use Asterisk with your ISDN line...
18:11.16linagee(this is in costa rica btw. beatiful country, horrible internet speeds. :)  )
18:11.40linageeoh yes, and i think voip is actually "illegal" (wtf?)
18:13.04ManxPowerYou know what Scott Adams says, right?  "When technology allows us to solve all crimes, all we will learn is that EVERYONE is a criminal."
18:13.44Maliutagovernment monopoly on telecoms? combined with "interesting" laws and regulations regaurding intercepts?
18:13.51linageeManxPower: it's weird though. i went into a small computer shop when we went to the large town and the computer guy was selling ATAs. when i asked him about the legality, he sort of shrugged it off. lol!
18:14.12linagee(vendor locked ATAs of course)
18:14.20ManxPowerlinagee: many times there are ways to work around those sorts of laws.
18:14.32Maliutabut hey, most people don't realise that the majority of T&C's from ISPs mean there net traffic can be intercepted anyway
18:14.38Maliutaand in many cases it is
18:14.41linageeMaliuta: can be? heh
18:14.43ManxPowerin some countries VoIP is legal, but connecting those calls to the PSTN is not legal.
18:15.08Maliutalinagee: basically they can do what they want with the packets
18:15.14ManxPowerin other places VoIP is legal if you are connecting offices of the same company, but not if you are selling the service.
18:15.23Maliutatransproxying would count as an interception
18:15.38linageeMaliuta: there was a news story a day or two ago about some coverup with the NSA basically monitoring ALL of AT&T's internet traffic
18:15.52Maliutabut I know of at least one company that does comercial stuff by intercepting http request
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18:16.31linageeMaliuta: how to "fix" the problem?
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18:16.50linageeMaliuta: encrypted connection between businesses and customers using some sort of "trust".. hrm
18:16.51Maliutalinagee: I _could_ name a number of ISP's with commercial arrangements to pass all http traffic through what is effectivley a packet sniffer, but I'd get my ass sued
18:16.59linageeMaliuta: lol! yup
18:17.01Maliutalinagee: yeah, VPN everything
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18:17.25Maliutaor go to IPv6 and use the IP level encryption
18:17.27linageeMaliuta: but how can i form trust relationships with each individual company's site i want to go to? heh
18:17.47Maliutalinagee: this is what the privacy stuff in v6 is for
18:18.04Maliutaand there are already "discussions" as to keying methodologies
18:18.23MaliutaI have made my thoughts on it known to the powers that be here in .au
18:18.24tzafrirTHat is fine and dandy, if you have ipv6
18:18.29linageetzafrir: true
18:18.32tzafririf not: use openvpn
18:18.45linageetzafrir: openvpn between people you know, sure. already doing that. :)
18:19.01linageetzafrir: oh shoot! they just monitored me saying that! :(
18:19.12Maliutatzafrir: rollout of v6 is coming sooner than you think, Japan and Korea have timetables for all the infrastructure to be v6 within a couple of years
18:19.39Maliutaopenvpn is one sollution, IPSec is another
18:19.53Maliutathere are multiple OSS vpn solutions
18:20.01linageeMaliuta: we "have" ipv6 here in california too. if you don't mind putting all your traffic through a tunnel that increases your latency by 100ms!
18:20.15tzafrirlinagee, huh, I mean what can possible happe
18:20.46Maliutalinagee: you can get v6 through a tunnel broker no matter where you are. I am talking about native v6 support from network providers
18:20.53linageeMaliuta: huh???
18:21.19linageeMaliuta: mbone was something cool like that and hasn't been implemented yet by any network providers. what makes you think they will do ipv6? heh
18:21.36tzafriranyway, tunneling affects quality of audio...
18:21.59MaliutaJapan and [South] Korea both have plans for the entire infrastuctures of those countries to be dedicated IPv6 ... and soon
18:22.10linageeMaliuta: i think we will have large deployments of mesh wifi *long* before we have network providers doing cool stuff like ipv6 routing or mbone
18:22.15Maliutait is only a matter of time
18:22.42linageeMaliuta: network providers will become antiquated because of their slowness to adopt new technologies
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18:23.14Maliutawifi is not really going to be viable for large scale mesh networks. There are just going to be more 3G and up connections for data only purposes
18:23.24linageeMaliuta: why is it not viable?
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18:23.50ManxPowerMaliuta: I agree.  I've use WiFi mesh networks before.  Utterly horrid.
18:24.01linageeManxPower: probably poorly implemented
18:24.05Maliutathink of the amount of saturation in the frequency range used
18:24.11ManxPowerlinagee: I don't think so.
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18:24.26linageeMaliuta: that's why you have to have mesh nodes that have three radios tuned to 1, 6, and 11. :)
18:24.40linageeMaliuta: just use ALL the bandwidth up. :)
18:24.50ManxPowerMaliuta: in non-tropical places, most of the trees lose their leaves in the fall, that TOTALLY changes the RF characteristics of the network twice a year.
18:24.55linageeMaliuta: and use an intelligent routing protocol like batman instead of olsr
18:25.27Maliutalinagee: that's in the 2.4GHz range, which is saturated with more than just WiFi ... corldless phones, microwaves , and pretty much any consumer device that is "wireless"
18:25.30ManxPowerlinagee: you seem to be under the mistaken impression that nobody but the mesh uses WiFi.
18:25.59linageeManxPower: if you have three radios tuned to every available channel, you can just use all the space
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18:26.08Maliutathere are so many people running WAPs that you get interference, and the range in 2.4GHz isn't sufficent for meshing anyhow
18:26.10linageemaybe a fourth for 802.11a
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18:26.27linageehave each node with all four radios. :)
18:26.30ManxPowerlinagee: yes, but then the radio has to act as a repeater on a half duplex technology.
18:26.49linageeManxPower: simplex? :)
18:27.14ManxPowerlinagee: I'm a serial guy, it's half duplex, not simplex. 8-)
18:27.31linageeManxPower: we have many simplex radio stations where i work at. :)
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18:27.48ManxPowerall radio is simplex if you are using only 1 channel.
18:27.48linageeManxPower: and like half a dozen duplex ones.
18:27.49MaliutaManxPower: trees aren't the only problems. most CBD's are radio black holes these days, a signal going in most likely won't come out the other side
18:28.04ManxPowerMaliuta: CBD?
18:28.13MaliutaCentral Business District
18:28.22linageeCBD's can screw themselves. :)
18:28.30ManxPowerMaliuta: Ah.  I never heard someone use that term before, except for in New Orleans.
18:28.33linageethey're close enough to run fiber next door anyway
18:28.36ManxPowermost of the usa calls them "downtown"
18:28.43MaliutaManxPower: think outside the US :)
18:29.02ManxPowerMaliuta: and most of the rest of the world seems to call them "City Centers"
18:29.32linageeManxPower: how about "cramped fscking expensive pieces of land" :)
18:29.32linageeManxPower: where you ALWAYS have to pay for parking
18:29.32MaliutaManxPower: city centre doesn't mean the same as CBD
18:29.48linageeMaliuta: what country are you in that has a term of "CBD"?
18:29.49Maliutathe CBD may not be where the city centre is
18:30.13Maliutait's also prevailant in the uk
18:30.14linageeMaliuta: what's the difference between a CBD and city centre?
18:30.25ManxPowerI hope WiMax eventually comes out with a specification for WiMax on 900Mhz.  That would rock.
18:30.34linageeManxPower: wimax is dumb
18:31.12linageeManxPower: unless the sender side is going to be available in consumer equipment, wimax will just be another highly priced 3G technology like that already sold by cell phone providers
18:31.17ManxPowerlinagee: Almost nobody seems to realize that to get the incredible range WiMax can offer, you need a LICENSED band, not an unlicensed band.
18:31.38linageeManxPower: and that too. licensed band. wtf.
18:31.39ManxPowerAt least 900Mhz's RF characterists means it won't be blocked by a tree very much.
18:31.44Maliutaone is the centre of business activity (office blocks, stock exchanges etc.). The other is the centre of a city where people congregate for purposes other than work (shopping, cultural events etc)
18:31.49linageeManxPower: just change the whole way spectrum is allocated already. :(
18:32.03linageeManxPower: dynamic spectrum allocations would be a nice start
18:32.06ManxPowerlinagee: um, most of the world 900Mhz is unlicensed.
18:32.35linageeManxPower: make a radio that uses every segment of unlicensed space. that would be nice. :)
18:32.35Maliutaand older cordless phones are in that range aswell
18:32.37ManxPowerWiMax at unlicensed 900Mhz would be great.
18:33.00ManxPowerMaliuta: you forget, not everyone lives in a place with the 900Mhz area crowded.
18:33.01linageeoh wait, that was called UWB and has somehow been stalled for quite a while now. :(
18:33.29MaliutaManxPower: it's just as polluted as the 2.4Ghz range
18:33.30ManxPowerWhere I live, even with a 14db antenna I can't find ANYTHING on 900Mhz, 2.4Mhz or 5.4Mhz.
18:33.39linageeManxPower: wow
18:33.50Greek-Boyso if 900mhz is unlicenced how do the gsm companies sleep at night?
18:33.50linageeManxPower: do you have a microwave oven at home? :)
18:33.59ManxPowerAt least in the usa 900Mhz is being vacated pretty fast by cordless phones.
18:33.59MaliutaManxPower: I like to live where there are people, not in the middle of nowhere
18:34.17linageeGreek-Boy: different part of 900mhz. they are sliced to tiny little slivers
18:34.19Maliutathey are moving into the 2.4 range more rapidly
18:34.20ManxPowerGreek-Boy: "900Mhz" is a generic term.
18:35.02MaliutaGSM is going away fairly quickly too
18:35.12ManxPowerMaliuta: it's starting to get hard to even buy a 900Mhz cordless phone where I live.
18:35.12linageeManxPower: it sucks to have a network that can be taken down by someone waving around a 2.4Ghz analog phone. heh
18:35.22Maliutaeven here where the cost of a rollout is massive
18:35.31Greek-BoyMaliuta: What is replacing gsm? CDMA?
18:35.37linageeGreek-Boy: voip. :)
18:35.43ManxPowerHeck, I HAVE two 900Mhz access points.
18:35.47ManxPowerThey are pre-Wifi
18:35.47Greek-Boylinagee :)
18:35.51Maliutathe CDMA is being shutdown
18:35.57linageeGreek-Boy: screw ma bell's network
18:36.09linageeGreek-Boy: fsck DIDs
18:36.24Greek-Boylinagee: I like the way you think :)
18:36.26ManxPowerI should pull those out of storage and see if I can deploy them sometime.
18:36.28linageeGreek-Boy: they monitor all your voice traffic across that network anyway. so why do people still use it? :)
18:36.38MaliutaGreek-Boy: personally I would prefer to go to 3G for a network connection the VoIP for all my voice needs
18:37.00linageeGreek-Boy: when you are given a form that says "Phone Number?" put your iax address. :)
18:37.01Greek-BoyHSDPA is 3.5G
18:37.04Greek-BoyWimax is 4G
18:37.12ManxPower"3G" seems to still have pretty high latency.
18:37.16linageeManxPower: yes
18:37.28linageeManxPower: and lots of jitter too
18:37.42linageeManxPower: and no 100% guarantee of packets getting through
18:37.45MaliutaManxPower: I have had limited experience with it. That is set to change in about 4 weeks time
18:38.15ManxPowerMaliuta: my primary internet connection is via EVDO Rev. A
18:38.16linageeManxPower: i've got an EVDO card and a dlink DIR evdo wireless router. :)
18:38.22Greek-Boytalking about all this wireless stuff. I'm in a bad situation with some mikrotik links. I have about 10 links on one tower and I'm using dual nstreme which mean I have 20 antennas. interference a big problem. the atheros wifi cards from mikrotik dont support a lot of frequencies.
18:38.28Maliutathe only way to "guarantee" packet deliver is with a physical connection end to end
18:38.47ManxPowerGreek-Boy: It sucks to be you.
18:38.52linageeMaliuta: or to do it in software and throw up alerts when packets can't be ackknowledged
18:38.56ManxPowerGreek-Boy: time to call in an RF Engineer
18:39.12Maliutalinagee: it's called TCP
18:39.16linageeMaliuta: true
18:39.22linageeMaliuta: tunnel everything through it then. :)
18:39.38Greek-Boylol ManxPower. no need for RF engineer. I have a few more things to try...
18:39.39linagee[TK]D-Fender: wouldn't do a thing if Maliuta had correct routes set up. :)
18:39.50linagee[TK]D-Fender: s/routes/routing protocols that autorouted/
18:39.57Maliuta[TK]D-Fender: hence the quotation marks
18:40.08Maliuta[TK]D-Fender: it's as close as you can get
18:40.17ManxPowerif you have 20 antennas on one tower, you need an RF Engineer.
18:40.49Maliutawireless is insecure aswell as unreliable :)
18:40.53linageeManxPower: naw! just lots of duct tape! :)
18:41.09Greek-BoyMaliuta; its just my backup links. primary links are fiber
18:41.22Maliutalinagee: why would you duct tape the engineer? unless he's into that kind of thing
18:41.31linageeMaliuta: maybe he is?
18:41.40Greek-BoyManxPower: why do I need the engineer? So he can take down 15 antennnas?
18:42.07linageeGreek-Boy: so he can stand by to plug in new parts when they fail. (radio transmitter fail every couple years)
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18:42.18MaliutaGreek-Boy: is it site to site? if so you might be able to get away with line of sight laser or microwave
18:42.39ManxPowerso he can DESIGN the setup on the tower, rather than just throw some stuff on the tower and try to make it work "good enough"
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18:43.29linageeManxPower: is there some sort of standard microwave link that the telcos deployed in the 80s/90s?
18:43.49linageeManxPower: we have microwave links to our radio towers
18:44.14Greek-BoyManxPower: The general rule of thumb on 5.8ghz band is keep the antennas atleast 1m apart. Keep frequencies 100mhz to 200mhz apart.
18:44.22ManxPowerlinagee: I doubt it.  I suspect pretty much anything in the licensed bands were all proprietary back then.
18:44.35ManxPowerGreek-Boy: what frequencies are you using?
18:45.00ManxPowerGreek-Boy: those numbers also depends on transmit power, as well as how good the radios are.
18:45.16linageeManxPower: true. how big are the harmonic frequencies?
18:45.26linagees/how big/how much power at the/
18:45.32ManxPoweryou might be able to get away with 100Mhz apart and 1m apart at X milliwatts, but not at Y watts.
18:45.56ManxPowerlinagee: no idea, hence my suggestion for an RF engineer.
18:45.58Maliutais Y large ebough to fry small birds?
18:46.31linageeMaliuta: or people
18:47.03ManxPowerI don't recall the correct term, but especially at higher frequencies the "clear space" required for "line of sight" is very (american) football shapped, not a straight line -- just one example.
18:47.20linageeManxPower: american foozball! :-D
18:49.24ManxPowerMost of my experience with RF has been in the Cable TV area, but I also had to research a long haul RF link as well.
18:50.14ManxPowerdidn't get to the stage of needing someone to DESIGN it, as the equipment was too expensive for the project.
18:50.14Greek-BoyManxPower: I use 5290mhz and 5760mhz on 5ghz-turbo wifi
18:50.28Greek-Boy350mw atheros cards
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18:51.15Greek-BoyManxPower: the term you're referring to is the clear freshnel zone
18:51.35ManxPowerthat's right, the freshnel zone.
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18:52.26Greek-BoyI think that is another problem I am experiencing.
18:52.34Greek-Boymy freshnel zone isn't too good
18:52.41Greek-Boygotta put a much taller tower
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18:53.22Greek-Boymaybe increase it from 24m to 50m
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18:57.04linageeGreek-Boy: from 6 inches to a full 8 inches. :-D
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18:59.18Greek-Boyanyone here test fring with asterisk?
19:07.41Greek-Boyapparantly not...
19:09.44nestArslow day, everyone must be playing WoW
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19:17.28ManxPowermaybe if we knew what "fring" is....
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19:22.07Greek-Boyfring is a free mobile service that comes with a sip client
19:22.13Greek-Boyit runs on most mobile phones I think
19:22.18Greek-Boyits a java app
19:25.05ManxPowerAs far as I can tell, anything that runs on "most mobile phones" does not run on the phone I have.
19:28.03[TK]D-FenderManxPower, put the tin cup down and walk away quietly and nobody'll get hurt!
19:28.29ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I keep meaning to replace it, but it's only 2 years old.
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19:29.10asteriskguyHi guys
19:29.25asteriskguyhas anyone ever got SLA to work?
19:30.03[TK]D-FenderManxPower, Mine is almost the same and was a few moths on the market firther still (Motorola E815).  Ma Bell here is supposed to be getting the HTC Touch (possibly the Duo), and an unlimited data plan (anything non-tethered) for $7
19:30.11[TK]D-Fenderasteriskguy, * does not support SLA
19:31.13asteriskguy1.4.13 have sla.conf
19:31.17asteriskguyhey TK
19:31.19asteriskguylong time no see
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19:31.50ManxPowerasteriskguy: Shared Line Appearances, or Service Level Agreement?
19:31.59[TK]D-Fenderasteriskguy, no fault of mine, and it may have an sla.conf but that sure as hell isn't SLA.  Its a fugly hack pretending to be SLA.
19:32.07[TK]D-FenderManxPower, SIP-B <-
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19:32.43asteriskguy:) It looks like it
19:32.50asteriskguySo I got the trunk and stations setup
19:33.02ManxPowerasteriskguy: which Digium card do you have?
19:33.04asteriskguybut somehow the hints aren't working right
19:33.09jbothmm... trunk is is a word with varying definitions.  In Asterisk, a trunk is a "stream of UDP packets containing IAX2 frames from more than 1 call"; in telecom, a trunk is a "single voice channel between two pieces of switching equipment."; in Ethernet a trunk carries more than one 802.1q VLAN.  There is no such thing as a "SIP Trunk" -- Don't use the term.
19:33.16jbotsiptrunk is, like, Asterisk does not support SIP Trunks.  Set trunk=no in sip.conf and then set up the device normally in sip.conf.
19:33.49mvanbaaktrunk is also a version of asterisk in the source control system subversion
19:34.07ManxPowerasteriskguy: you, of course, have calllimit set right?
19:34.13[TK]D-FenderManxPower, thats an ACTUAL term used by those apps & SLA.CONF.  no need to go postal on him :)
19:34.59asteriskguyManxPower: I'm using tdm400P
19:35.07ManxPowerWell if even Digium is using that horrid, inaccurate term, then I guess there is nothing left to do than to give up.
19:35.42asteriskguybut we're no longer using that card. It's still in the server but we're using a sip provider now
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19:35.46asteriskguyfor our services
19:35.59ManxPowerasteriskguy: then you have it set up as a PEER, not a TRUNK.
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19:36.20asteriskguyShared Lined Appearnaces?
19:36.38ManxPowerasteriskguy: yes.
19:36.43ManxPoweraka Busy Lamp Field
19:36.55asteriskguysorry I'm still lost
19:37.07ManxPowerasteriskguy: what exactly do you expect SLA to do for you?
19:37.13asteriskguyin sla.conf there's only trunk or station
19:37.41asteriskguyallows me to see if the "line" is in use or not at another station
19:37.54asteriskguyand also be able to put a call on hold and then pick it up else where
19:37.57ManxPowerasteriskguy: that would be a Shared Line Appearance or a Busy Lamp Field.
19:38.16ManxPowerwell, THAT would be Shared Line Appearance, not Busy Lamp Field.
19:38.30asteriskguyis there a place I can post my configs so you guys can take a look to see if I did anything wrong?
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19:38.34ManxPowerasteriskguy: so basically you are trying to emulate a 1980's Key System
19:38.52ManxPowerasteriskguy: your search of the mailing list archives and the Wiki was not helpful?
19:38.56asteriskguysince asterisk doesn't have multiple parking lot
19:39.10asteriskguyI found sla.pdf in /asterisk/source/docs
19:39.20asteriskguyfollowed it but it seems to be missing something
19:39.38ManxPowerasteriskguy: Really?  I have multiple parking lots working.  Took some hacking, but it works.
19:39.40jbotrumour has it, sla is service level agreement, or shared line appearances
19:39.48[TK]D-Fenderhrm... 1 sec
19:40.14ManxPowerasteriskguy: then I guess you should also check the mailing list archives and the Wiki.  Yes, the info in docs/ is the best place to start.
19:40.35asteriskguyManxPower, it would be nice. Do you have any docs on getting multiple park lots to work?
19:40.59ManxPowerasteriskguy: that would depend on how exactly you mean "multiple parking lots"
19:41.16ManxPowerdo you mean the same parking extension for multiple companies?
19:41.26ManxPoweror do you mean the ability to have more than one call parked at the same time.
19:41.42linageewow. heh. 1-800-GOOG-411  is so much better than 1-800-555-1212  :)
19:41.48linageei love the voice of google!
19:41.56ManxPowerOk, how about when the call times out, it goes to different extensions?
19:42.18ManxPowerAre you going to tell me what you mean by "multiple parking lots" or are we gong to continue this game of 20 questions?
19:42.22asteriskguyI would like to be able to allow certain locations to only park in certain range
19:42.38ManxPowerAn example would be nice.
19:42.57asteriskguyso our company have multiple branch offices
19:43.06asteriskguyall connected to the same * box
19:43.34asteriskguyproblem is when a guys in CA parked a call, the guys in NY can accidentally pick it up
19:43.51ManxPowerhow many offices?
19:44.02asteriskguyvery bad, especially when it's a sales call for that specific region
19:44.05asteriskguyright now 40
19:44.10asteriskguyeventually 200
19:44.49ManxPowerthat might take some dialplan magic to work right.
19:44.50asteriskguyof course we'll have to go into clustering asterisk when we get there but that's a future project. Right now we have about 1000 handsets from 41 locations total
19:45.16asteriskguyok, is there a way to determine is there is a call parked in a certain space?
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19:47.45asteriskguyManxPower, how do I get to the mailing list archives?
19:48.51linageecan i get valet parking?
19:49.01asteriskguynevermind, it's
19:49.11asteriskguyyeah, I saw something like valet parking
19:49.19linageeasteriskguy: but it costs. :-D
19:49.33asteriskguybut how do you incorporate it into ABE
19:49.39ManxPowerI would love to know why my 1.4 test box does not have the park or pickup applications or funcations
19:49.44asteriskguycost would not be an issue right now
19:49.46jbotSearch Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at or search through it at, or and there is also the Macintosh Asterisk mailing list at
19:49.53linageedon't tell me there's an actual metaphor for valet parking with asterisk. :)
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19:50.19linageeasteriskguy: cost is not an issue? cool. send the money over here then. :-)
19:50.38asteriskguyanyone know of any third party solution for * for SLA or Multiple parking lot or valet parking?
19:51.53linageeso "valet parking" allows user control when the call is parked?
19:52.12linageecan they take the call for a joy ride?
19:52.38ManxPowerasteriskguy: "show application park" and show application pickup".  There are notes in the CHANGES file about those as well
19:52.53ManxPowerwell, core show application park
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19:53.31asteriskguyI know in 1.4.13 you can park a call into a specific parking lot by Set(PARKINGEXTEN=parking#here) and then Park()
19:53.59asteriskguybut there's no way to tell if that spot has been taken or not
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19:54.15ManxPoweryes, there IS
19:54.54linageeasteriskguy: if it's been taken there will be a car there
19:54.54ManxPowerthen you can park on a different exten.
19:55.12[TK]D-Fendersmall matter to make a script to cycle through for the first spot.
19:55.24linagee[TK]D-Fender: it should be that easy in real life
19:56.50asteriskguyso there's no function nor variable you can use to find out if the call failed?
19:57.14ManxPowerasteriskguy: if the dialplan continues then the call failed.  If the dialplan does not continue, then the park succeeded.
19:57.28[TK]D-Fenderor use ChanIsAvail like the rest of us...
19:57.41ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: that still has a race condition
19:57.57[TK]D-FenderManxPower, I'm in no hurry ;)
19:58.21ManxPowercheck with ChanIsAvail, comes back OK, before the user can park a call, someone else parked a call on that slot
19:58.58[TK]D-FenderManxPower, you know with odds that low I'm in the "don't care" category :)
19:59.40ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: a dropped call can cost thousands of dollars in lost revenue.
20:00.18asteriskguyso I'm assuming Technology = Local?
20:00.20ManxPoweranyway, I think it's time for lunch
20:00.52[TK]D-Fenderasteriskguy, I think you're developing a clue!  z0mg!
20:01.18asteriskguy:) great....thanks guys...this will solve my headaches
20:04.03Hadi-any excel experts here :)
20:04.23Hadi-I have 2 questions :)
20:05.34ManxPowerWe excel at killing people asking off topic questions
20:06.44Hadi-3 colums (A B and C) all have numbers in them... such as 1 905 415
20:06.56Hadi-I want to combine all 3 to 1905415
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20:11.29[TK]D-FenderHadi-, Concatenate(A2,B2,C2)
20:12.00[TK]D-FenderHadi-, and learn to press "F1" and look up "string functions"
20:13.29Hadi-thanks :)
20:14.27Nivexand now you must cut down the largest tree in the forest with... a herring!
20:15.27[TK]D-FenderNivex, and I want ... a shrubbery!
20:15.38[TK]D-FenderNivex, And a nice one this time!
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21:06.00BBHosscan anyone help me with dialing with iax from .call files
21:06.16BBHossi need an example dial string
21:06.43BBHosswith SIP im doing SIP/6001
21:06.57BBHossbut i need do dial through a trunk
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21:16.27[TK]D-FenderBBHoss, here
21:16.34jbot[~jerjerguide ] Jeremy McNamara's quick sample guide to setting up * :
21:17.04[TK]D-FenderBBHoss, in there you'll see a sample dial using a peer set up of an ITSP.  Do the math.
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21:33.28javbi need the app "extenspy" .. to listen on a specific exten, but i CANT find that app on my asterisk..
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21:38.51obnauticusso is there any good Skype to asterisk solution out yet?
21:39.26jbotSkype is the bastard child of telephony.  It uses a proprietary protocol for which only commercial channel drivers exist, all of which are DISGUSTING hacks at best.  Forget about using Skype with Asterisk...
21:39.50obnauticusi knew 95% of that already :/
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21:48.25obnauticus[TK]D-Fender, couldn't I just get a windows computer and have it run skype 24/7 (this is a joke btw) get a USB to regular phone adapter, plug it into one of my asteris's FXO ports, and create a channel for it?
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21:49.11[TK]D-Fenderobnauticus, that would fall under the category of "ugly hack at best" <- :p
21:49.22obnauticusit would work though!
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21:50.26TJNIII want an extension like "exten => _2XXX,1,Goto(public,${EXTEN:1},1)" and I would like it to goto any extension within any context the caller is allowed.  What is the best way to go about that?
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21:52.24basskozzIf I signup for a IAX Trunk for use with my CentPBX box, can I still us an extention that leads out to a PAP2 (sip) device? or must I use a SIP trunk?
21:53.59BBHossyes asterisk handles that for you
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21:54.17BBHossiax trunks can  talk to sip users/peers
21:54.20BBHossand vice versa
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21:54.33basskozzThanks for clearing that up... and generally speaking IAX is better
21:55.58[TK]D-FenderTJNII, "INCLUDE" <-
21:56.37[TK]D-Fenderbasskozz, generally no, in specific cases yes.
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21:57.08[TK]D-Fenderbasskozz, only if you need to save on bandwidth having multiple simultaneous calls going through that connection.
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21:58.08basskozzWell I am using this at home, and will probably only have 2 calls (at most) going at the same time.  So I should go sip ?
21:59.22[TK]D-Fenderbasskozz, probably
21:59.40[TK]D-Fenderbasskozz, its more stable and will require less work for yoursystem
22:00.06basskozzroger, thanks [TK]D-Fender :)
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22:16.05MackesQuite in here
22:16.42MackesQuite Quiet
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22:20.17TJNIISo goto will jump to the specified extension/context if the caller is normally not allowed to call that exten via context= in the conf files, correct?
22:20.22JTMackes: and repeating echo helps how?
22:21.27JTobnauticus: don't joke, that's roughly how most "skype solutions" work
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22:28.16ManxPowerTJNII: correct.
22:30.28TJNIIRats.  That's exactly what I don't want.
22:30.32TJNIIOh well.
22:30.39mvanbaak[TK]D-Fender: I think generally IAX actually _IS_ better then sip
22:31.16[TK]D-FenderTJNII, forget Gogo, you should be INCLUDING contexts
22:31.30[TK]D-FenderTJNII, Go read chapter 5 over and over again till your eyes blled
22:31.57JTmvanbaak: well that's not true
22:32.13mvanbaakJT: notice the "I think"
22:32.18mvanbaakit's an opinion
22:32.48mvanbaakfor endstations I almost always use SIP
22:32.57TJNII[TK]D-Fender: I'm trying to implement something akin to an area code where (code)(number) calls the same extension as just number).  Include won't do what I want.  Read my previous posts till your eyes bleed.
22:33.08mvanbaakbut for connections to ITSP's or connections between asterisk boxen I do prefer IAX
22:33.32JTmvanbaak: and the ITSPs hate you for it ;)
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22:33.41mvanbaakI know
22:33.44mvanbaaktoo bad
22:33.46mvanbaakthey offer it
22:33.47[TK]D-FenderTJNII, then Dial into those other contexts.
22:33.51JTit's complete unscalable
22:34.25mvanbaakI hear great stories about OpenSer when it comes to scalability
22:34.45JTbut OpenSER doesn't go IAX
22:34.46mvanbaaknever looked into it though
22:34.50mvanbaakI know
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22:36.02mvanbaakbut for some reason there's always a fight between phones, asterisk and nat setups
22:36.09mvanbaakyou get one right, the other breaks
22:36.10ManxPowerTJNII: you almost never need Gotos to go between contexts.  include => does everything most people need.
22:36.16mvanbaakand that's so freaking annoying
22:36.42JTi find if the settings are set right, sip just works
22:36.59TJNIIManxPower: Well, I'm trying to implement that area code in one line with a pattern match.  That's why the context jump.
22:37.59mvanbaakJT: most of my setups are: OpenBSD nat firewall protecting asterisk
22:38.10mvanbaakand NAT at customer site we cannot control
22:38.36mvanbaakfor some reason this gives trouble 60% of the time
22:39.08mvanbaakwe forward sip and rtp ports to the asterisk box
22:39.22mvanbaakif the asterisk calls the phone, all goes well
22:39.37mvanbaakbut phone calling asterisk ends up with the one-way-audio
22:40.07JTthe phone is where with respect to *?
22:40.24mvanbaakout there, behind customer nat
22:40.44mvanbaakphone -- nat firewall -- internet -- nat firewall -- asterisk
22:40.56ManxPowercanreinvite=no can fix many one-way audio problems
22:41.02ManxPowermvanbaak: why have Asterisk behind NAT?
22:41.04[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak, I do those all the time
22:41.16mvanbaakManxPower: because it's on our virtual platform
22:41.25[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak, get real :p
22:41.39mvanbaakdefended by a bunch of loadbalancing openbsd boxen
22:41.50ManxPowermvanbaak: just remember that turning on NAT support on the phone, or SIP NAT fixup support on the NAT box frequently causes problems with Asterisk's nat=yes
22:42.13JTmvanbaak: remember to set externip= on the asterisk behind nat
22:42.31mvanbaak[TK]D-Fender: yeah yeah. some ppl actually like virtualization and stuff
22:42.39mvanbaakJT: we do that
22:42.44ManxPowerThis damn printer I just bought did not come with a USB cable.  *whine*
22:42.50mvanbaaklike I said, it works perfect 40% of the time
22:42.57JTmvanbaak: set qualify=yes
22:43.03mvanbaakset as well
22:43.08JTand make sure they register, and bring down the register times
22:43.27[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak, And anyone who knows the complications and does ti anyways gets what they deserve.
22:43.28ManxPowerqualify=yes causes many more problems than it solves, in my experience, at least until Asterisk has sip qualify smoothing.
22:43.46[TK]D-FenderManxPower, they never do come with cables.
22:44.07ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: Ah.  The last printer I bought a dot matrix.
22:44.20ManxPowerEpson, IIRC.
22:44.37ManxPowertop of the line 24 pin 8-)
22:44.45mvanbaak[TK]D-Fender: we have the same setup with dedicated boxen. same trouble there
22:44.55mvanbaak[TK]D-Fender: it has nothing to do with virtualization
22:45.42ManxPowermvanbaak: sip debug would be helpful to you
22:46.26mvanbaakhhmm, I can try to get some extra ip space and dedicate one for asterisk and simply forward everything to the asterisk box
22:47.12ManxPowerare IPs really that hard to get?
22:47.20JTjust give it a real ip
22:47.27mvanbaakJT: public ip is on the firewall
22:47.32JTbut it sounds like your openbsd boxes may be screwing things up
22:47.34JTget more :)
22:47.50mvanbaakManxPower: depends on where the box is
22:48.15mvanbaaksome locations are not really friendly when it comes to ip space
22:49.57mvanbaakI'll put some time in it again later this week
22:50.04mvanbaaktime to get some sleep now
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23:27.34brainy_JT: finally i fixed my problem with that cisco sip gateway and the problems within MOH
23:28.03brainy_the cisco gateway has silence supression.. resulting in stopped rtp... so asterisk didnt have a timing source
23:28.14brainy_adding internal_timing=yes in asterisk.conf fixed it
23:28.27brainy_and thats why i only had problems with that cisco sip gw
23:28.34brainy_just because of the silence supression...
23:28.38fujinwhat model cisco?
23:28.47brainy_fujin: i dont know.. its from the line carrier
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23:29.40brainy_JT: this report is kinda old, but describes why there is a problem
23:29.51brainy_JT: now with internal timing everything is perfecrt
23:31.54brainy_i spent the last days for patching asterisk, making a nice dialplan etc...
23:32.03brainy_but now i'm really happy:)
23:32.52brainy_looks like a cisco output ;)
23:33.03JTi was thinking it had something to do with silence supression
23:33.05koszikyes it is, and i somehow managed to paste it from screen
23:33.08JTi just didn't think of that angle
23:33.16JTso didn't mention it
23:33.28JTi forget MoH sometimes clocks off rtp packets
23:33.33JTwhich is weird as hell
23:35.48brainy_ok, i just wanted to let you know how i fixed it :)
23:35.53brainy_byebye and thanks anyway
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23:46.57NukemizerAre there any examples of for creating a dialer/reminder dial ou to call customers and remind them of an appointment they have, and then prompt them to press one to confirm the appointment ?
23:49.37fujinno, there aren't.
23:51.48ManxPowerthere might be some wakeup call examples on the Wiki
23:54.04Corydon76-digI've done one to remind people that they have voicemail
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23:54.24drynishsalut :)
23:54.31drynishsorry forgot it was in english :)
23:54.33drynishHow are you?
23:54.43jbotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there, just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
23:56.19drynishMy question is simple. I have a PAP2 from Linksys and I have the two lines plugged onto my asterisk server. the first line is sipura, the other one is sipura2. I would like to know if I should be able to make both of them ring at the same time through my dialplan: Dial(SIP/sipura&SIP/sipura2, r, 30)
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23:56.53ManxPowerdrynish: other than reversing the option and the timeout and using the "r", yes.
23:57.15ManxPoweralso do not put in extra spaces
23:57.31drynishok let me see what I've put
23:57.58drynishSo it should work
23:58.07ManxPowerwhy did you not try it before asking here?
23:58.24drynishBecause it's not working!
23:58.33drynishSo I'm wondering if there's any limitation to what I'm doing
23:58.46ManxPowerdrynish: no.  that is a standard thing many, many, many people do every day.
23:58.53ManxPowerso you problem is not there, it is somewhere els.e
23:59.11drynishAt least I know :)

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