IRC log for #asterisk on 20071110

00:00.08Mercestesby likely, I mean definately.
00:00.30Mercestesdefinitely even
00:02.30*** part/#asterisk TimGroe (n=LivedTyp@
00:02.31duxy786thanks for the help Mercester...I'll get in touch with Crona on #SER
00:02.47duxy786and I'll hopefully fill pi in here again later
00:02.51duxy786c ya!
00:03.08Mercestesgood luck.
00:03.12*** join/#asterisk Yourname`` (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/yourname/x-837320)
00:03.23killfill_how do i make agents join queues these days?..
00:05.00Mercesteskillfill_, I use tasers.
00:05.31`SauronI like scopalamine (sp?)
00:06.45Yourname``Someone somewhere told me that Asterisk cannot go over 300-400 channel, no matter what system config. An installation of asterisk on a quadcore cpu, 2 gig ram box was doing close to 800-1000 channels, and the provider said "yes, we're seeing about 600-800 channels that you guys are sending". Seemed about right. All of a sudden today, the performance isn't the best. AMD is slow, call connect time is slow even after a reboot. Any insigh
00:08.24*** join/#asterisk khronos (
00:09.27MercestesYourname``, if you *were* running 800-1000 channels on a quad-core with 2 gigs of RAM, I'm going to assume that you were doing no transcoding.
00:09.47MercestesYourname``, it is possible that you are now doing transcoding because of something silly either you or your provider changed.
00:10.15MercestesYou also could've lost one of yoru drives in yoru array and now your running off of restore mode, one of your memory chips could have gone bad...
00:10.22*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
00:10.37MercestesOr, someone finally told your asterisk box that it could only do 300-400 channels and it's suffering from self-doubt.
00:13.03Yourname``Mercestes: No transcoding, you're right.
00:13.06tzangerMercestes: hahaha
00:13.23*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
00:13.28Tebiinstall that viagra module ;)
00:13.44Mercestesbut if it functions for more than 4 hours, consult your physician.
00:14.55GreggBNow I've really upset her...
00:14.58MercestesSo, Chuck Norris goes into the doctor's office.
00:15.03Yourname``Ran IOstat on a few boxes, and "await" which is the avg wait time on this box was exceptionally high.
00:15.41MercestesHe says, "Doctor, I've been up for more than four hours..what do I do?"
00:15.50MercestesThe doctors says, "how long ago did you take the viagra?"
00:15.57MercestesAnd Chuck Norris says, "Viagara?  What's that?"
00:17.14MercestesYourname``, hrm.  I would definately check for transcoding.
00:17.19*** join/#asterisk kiscokid (n=ron@
00:18.18Yourname``All the files it's playing are in ulaw.
00:18.22Yourname``Provider uses ulaw.
00:18.49Mercesteshrm, a mystery it is then.
00:20.48*** join/#asterisk anthm (
00:20.48*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
00:21.36kiscokidIf I have a machine with a Sangoma A200 and replace it with a Sangoma A101 do I need to do anything besides running /usr/sbin/wancfg_zaptel?
00:23.57*** join/#asterisk WindBack (
00:24.05ManxPowerkiscokid: you should just be able to edit the configs by hand and remove the 2nd span.
00:24.16ManxPoweror is the A200 analog?
00:24.32kiscokidthe A200 is analog
00:24.39WindBackAre there a package with asterisk 1.4 for debain etch??
00:24.47ManxPowerah.  wancfg_zaptel is prolly where it's at.
00:25.06kiscokidok, I'll give it a try
00:25.11ManxPowerWindBack: I'm sure there is, but I would not recommend you use it.  Asterisk changes too fast for packages to be up to date.
00:25.55tzafrir_homeWindBack, at
00:26.06tzafrir_homeor at
00:27.23ManxPoweras tzafrir_home actually has his own debian based distro, he would be the one to believe.
00:29.23*** join/#asterisk WindBack (
00:29.55WindBacktzafrir_home, can You repeatme the page?
00:30.35ManxPowertzafrir_home: WindBack, at
00:30.35ManxPowertzafrir_home: or at
00:30.40ManxPowerManxPower: as tzafrir_home actually has his own debian based distro, he would be the one to believe.
00:30.51tzafrir_homedeb etch main
00:31.25WindBackManxPower, are there a good guide who tellme how to install * 1.4 from the sources well
00:31.29tzafrir_homedeb etch main
00:31.42tzafrir_homeThe former also has pre-compiled zaptel-modules...
00:31.44WindBacktzafrir_home, yes, thanks
00:32.15WindBackManxPower, on debian etch
00:32.28ManxPowerWindBack: seriously, if you don't know linux well enough to install asterisk from source, networking enough to set up your own router, telecom enough to know what "ESF/B8ZS" is, you might consider a turnkey PBX.
00:33.31WindBackManxPower, I know linux
00:33.49tzangerevery time I see "turnkey" I think "turkey"
00:34.22WindBackManxPower, I want a good guide who explainme how to conver asterisk in a daemon runing as asterisk user
00:34.31tzafrir_hometzanger, well, for me it means Turkey (the country)
00:34.47tzafrir_homeWindBack, install the debs :-)
00:35.06*** join/#asterisk groogs[h] (
00:35.24tzafrir_homeOr: tell asterisk to run as user, and look at the logs to see where it shouts for "permission denied"...
00:36.15WindBacktzafrir_home, yes, I did that
00:36.35tzangerI think my next home asterisk system is going to either be flash-based (USB) or running on a wrt.
00:36.42tzafrir_homeWindBack, my form of documentation is the debs...
00:37.16WindBackdebs.. the debian packages??
00:41.54tzangerwhat do y'all recommend for 2-4FXS, 1FXO T38 capable ATAs?
00:42.51ManxPowertzanger: you know my answer to that.
00:42.57tzangerI do?
00:43.27ManxPowerAn Adtran Total Access 750 from eBay.  Maybe two of them, which would still be cheaper than a single new one.
00:43.56tzangerif I want to do channel bank I'll use the Adit600 I have here
00:44.00tzangerI'm looking to get rid of asterisk
00:44.26ManxPowerHell, if you can get cheap local loops to your customers, you could just backhaul all the sites to a couple of channel banks.
00:44.36tzangerno no this is for my home
00:50.55killfill_hm.. my phones are not detecting the palm key.
00:51.01SiyaQwell: ?
00:51.01killfill_what could it be?..
00:52.28ManxPower"palm key"?
00:58.10*** join/#asterisk tiav (
01:00.01killfill_never mind.. :)
01:00.11*** part/#asterisk rnovotny22 (
01:02.10*** part/#asterisk atomicd (
01:02.52*** join/#asterisk bryanfe2 (
01:04.11*** join/#asterisk `Sean (
01:04.42bryanfe2hey all... I need to Park a user, and tell another running app which extension they were parked into (i.e. save it to a DB). I noticed that ParkAndAnnounce.c will set the environ variable "PARKEDAT" to the extension they were  parked into, but since the app blocks for the rest of the call, I don't see how I can possibly make use of the variable. (i.e. parkandannounce.c never exits). Am I...
01:04.44bryanfe2...missing something?
01:05.24killfill_guys.. in zap incomming calls, im doing Playback(/myfile).
01:05.28*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
01:05.51killfill_users need to let the sound finish to begin to dial the numbers (ie.. support, etc)
01:06.02killfill_how do i change this, and let them dial the number right away?
01:06.45killfill_im usign Playback() and then WaiExten(30)
01:07.25*** join/#asterisk __freedom__lover (
01:09.16killfill_oh damn. there is background()...
01:09.33bryanfe2from app_parkandannounce.c:  The variable ${PARKEDAT} will contain the parking extension into which the call was placed. Use with the Local channel to allow the dialplan to make use of this information.
01:09.50bryanfe2Can someone explain the 2nd sentence? I can't understand how to make use of the information, but I do need to.
01:12.37*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
01:18.18NivexI'm confused... does the PAP2T-NA not come with a power adapter?
01:20.58Strom_Mwhy would it not come with a power adapter?
01:21.41NivexStrom_M: good question, but when I added it to my cart at, they automatically added a power brick
01:21.51Nivexvoxilla does not do this
01:21.58Strom_Mperhaps because voipsupply is staffed by morons
01:22.04Nivexand neither site makes mention of needing an additional power source
01:22.07Strom_Mjust thinking out loud here
01:22.08[TK]D-Fenderand their prices suck
01:22.19QwellStrom_M: perhaps?
01:22.29Strom_MQwell: yes
01:22.44Strom_Mi don't know if that's the causal relationship, hence perhaps
01:23.35Nivex"Connect the included power adapter"
01:24.21Nivexdespite voxilla charging me more for shipping, I think I'll get it from them.  I've bought from them before anyway
01:24.38Strom_MNivex: try
01:25.26NivexStrom_M: looking
01:26.00Nivexnice.  $5 cheaper on product and the lower shipping rates
01:28.30*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
01:28.32Strom_Mi like telephonydepot :)
01:29.26*** join/#asterisk techie (
01:29.44[TK]D-Fenderconsiderably better and many happy clients
01:30.23NivexThanks for the tip
01:32.23*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
01:34.31MercestesSo, anyone hiring Asterisk techs?
01:35.00*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
01:35.44*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
01:37.42Mercestesguess not.
01:48.20MercestesIs it just me or does have no actual asterisk-jobs on their site?
01:50.37MercestesI am not a quir!
01:56.21MercestesI put in a resume at Digium but....I don't think I should've admitted to who I was on IRC.
01:57.25*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
01:58.21MercestesWelcome back, Joe.
01:59.41*** part/#asterisk Alowishus (
02:00.19*** join/#asterisk kiscokid (n=ron@
02:03.12kiscokidI tried changing Sangoma cards and reconfiguring but now none of the zap commands are available
02:08.41kiscokidmaybe I'll recompile everything
02:10.33*** part/#asterisk kiscokid (n=ron@
02:10.55*** join/#asterisk macros73_ (
02:11.11MercestesObviously recompile didn't work either.
02:17.53*** part/#asterisk techie (
02:19.59[TK]D-FenderMercestes, Anything but average ;)
02:20.23Mercestes[TK]D-Fender, ??
02:20.34[TK]D-FenderMercestes> Welcome back, Joe.
02:20.55[TK]D-FenderMercestes, its Colloquial Friday!
02:21.45JTyou guys are behind the times
02:21.48JTit's saturday!
02:22.18MercestesJT:  ....not in where I'm at.
02:23.49MercestesHey Fender, hook me up with a job.
02:24.38[TK]D-FenderMercestes, Hooking.... ask your doctor for a D&D cert first :p
02:24.49MercestesD&D cert?
02:24.54coppicefor most people its saturday
02:24.55[TK]D-FenderDrug & Disease
02:25.01MercestesOh, I'm good there.
02:25.17peanut-anyone knowhow long a grandstream holds its setting for after having power removed?
02:25.23peanut-they have a battery?
02:25.56coppicesettings held by battery is sooooo 1970s
02:26.10[TK]D-Fenderpeanut-, EEPROM FTW!
02:26.45Mercestespeanut-, Forever.  For the settings that you put into your grandstream resulted in it sucking, and the grandstream will always suck.  Therefore, the fruits of yoru labor are forever immortalized.
02:26.59coppicenah. you get 10 to 100 years, depending on the temperature
02:27.38[TK]D-Fendercoppice, I'll take it blue & seared ;)
02:31.02peanut-just want to make sure it won't erase on it's way to krautland
02:31.09coppiceFlash Gordon, saviour of the configuration data
02:31.25peanut-for something this cheap I found it possible that you might have to reset after a bit of no power
02:31.52coppiceflash is cheaper than a battery
02:35.34*** join/#asterisk linxroute (n=linx@
02:35.59*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
02:45.10*** join/#asterisk asdx (
02:45.37*** join/#asterisk pitbossy (
02:48.09*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
02:49.36pitbossyHello! I'm brand new to Asterisk.  My PRI was just turned on today.  I have a couple of questions if someone has the time to try to help.  Thanks in advance.  #1)  I have two test phones (Grandstream GXP-2000) running on a dedicated network (for the phones only).  Whenever I connect through the zaptel channels (Sangoma cards), if I speak very loudly the sound overloads on the phone and squeaks.
02:49.48pitbossyalmost like a microphone mixer that the levels are too high...
02:50.38pitbossyI thought maybe it was the phones so I got an astra 480ct.  It seems to have the same problem.  When I call SIP to SIP (no zaptel involved), I dont notice the same issue.
02:53.20jbotphones is probably  While personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows:  Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever. places ...
02:53.34Mercestespitbossy, also see rxgain/txgain under zaptel.conf
02:53.38*** join/#asterisk linagee (n=linagee@about/linux/staff/linagee)
02:53.55pitbossyI was looking today in zaptel.conf and the gains are both at 0.0
02:54.22pitbossyAs far as the phones go, I see a lot of people are puking on the grandstreams, and I am rapidly joining the consensus.. Thanks.
02:56.41[TK]D-Fenderpitbossy, test with another phone if you can.  GXP's are well known for flakey firmware and the revision you're running may be one of the particularly bad ones.
02:57.31[TK]D-Fenderpitbossy, try to grab the latest, but do a test with a soft-phone & headset as a sanity chech that your PRI isn't "running hot".
02:58.16pitbossyThe second issue I am having is with the console/dsp ....chan_alsa doesn't recognize the on board audio....chan_oss does....It says it is setting up the console....but I cannot get any sound from the sound card...I can dial the console from a sip phone, but the console is dead....I can play sound from linux through the sound card...
02:58.21[TK]D-Fenderpitbossy, So you think its only your PRI that is "high"?
02:59.12pitbossyWell, I am so new at this, I really dont know.  It only seems to be when a call goes from inside to the outside world (telco).  Internal to internal calls doesn't seem to suffer
03:00.29pitbossyAnd being new to this, it doesn't help that my data T1 won't be on for another week...Tends to make it tough to search for resolutions because I cant be near the asterisk box when Im reading...
03:01.58pitbossyI also have FXO card (Sangoma)...i ran fxotune, and then check the line as a wiki indicated....I am getting .11 for that acceptable?
03:02.39[TK]D-Fenderpitbossy, if the PRI is active, setup your dialplan to answer a DID and play one of the VM recording like 5 times or so in a loop to test and I'll tell you if it sounds high
03:03.03[TK]D-Fenderpitbossy, I also only buy cards with HWEC.  Wouldn't know on that point
03:03.24pitbossythat would be great except that I am at a different location right now.
03:03.39pitbossythere is a recording that will play if the system is called right now though....
03:03.51pitbossyi cant loop it right now though...
03:03.58pitbossysucks not being local to the machine...
03:04.01[TK]D-Fenderpitbossy, no net access I hear you...
03:04.18pitbossyi did buy my pri card with HWEC.
03:04.19[TK]D-Fenderpitbossy, if its a recording you did yourself I can't use it as a baseline.
03:04.30pitbossythe FXO card is really just an emergency route.
03:04.38pitbossyHardware Echo cancel
03:04.40[TK]D-FenderHardWare Echo Cancellation
03:04.43`Seanoh ok
03:04.54pitbossyI did do the recording my self
03:05.12[TK]D-Fenderpitbossy, Ok, then that test won't do much.  Lack of direct access blows.
03:06.01pitbossyHopefully I am not a fool....It is a car dealership that will be running behind the box....and naturally I have a lot of nay sayers
03:06.33*** join/#asterisk FireMac (
03:06.41pitbossyi got about 12 days to get the kinks out!
03:06.45MercestesI've noticed that about car dealerships and their phones.
03:07.03hescoafter a day of interruptions, I finally got around to installing my kernel headers and ztdummy.  Its now loaded into the kernel, but I'm still seeing periodically: "NOTICE[16486]: res_musiconhold.c:515 monmp3thread: Request to schedule in the past?!?!"  WHat have I missed in this?
03:07.26pitbossyThanks all for the help!
03:07.41Mercestespitbossy, Um, ....I hate to say it, but, have you considered a consultant?  >.>
03:07.52pitbossyyes...late next week
03:08.14pitbossybeing the geek, I cant help but try to get a jump though...
03:08.16MercestesJust wanted to point out the obvious flaw there.  12 days + new at asterisk.
03:08.51[TK]D-FenderMercestes, If you've heard what he's tested so far and his general awareness of * bits hes a damn fast learner.
03:10.23pitbossywell thank you...I have a little bit of a leg up though...I am a comp sci eng...and the web has a ton of info, if you just dig + all the nice folks such as yourself!
03:10.38Qwellpitbossy: Mercestes isn't nice.
03:10.49MercestesI'm really not.
03:10.57MercestesI'm a jerkface..
03:11.15MercestesSometimes I slip up and accidentally help someone tho.
03:11.53pitbossyWell you guys all certainly are helping me! ty
03:12.15QwellHey, what do you guys think of this UMA/GAN stuff?
03:12.22[TK]D-Fenderpitbossy, Ok, first thing to do is have access to a basic analog line (one of those backups) and pulg a normal phone to test from.  Call some regular outside places for a test.  Then dial into the PRI and answer looping a decent premade * recording or few a  few times with a pause so you can get a sense of the overall gain.  Start tweaking from there.
03:12.51pitbossycool...Will try that tomorrow...
03:12.56[TK]D-Fenderpitbossy, that is if the gain is constant to BOTH phone models you have already at around 1/2
03:13.46MercestesQwell, well, my first thought was, "what's uma/gan" stuff.
03:13.48[TK]D-Fenderpitbossy, and try to get your hands on the GXP firmwares (multiple revisions if you can) and prepare to field upgrade them
03:14.05MercestesQwell, hook me up with a job. =/
03:14.16QwellMercestes: we have a job listing on
03:14.20Qwellor...we did
03:14.39MercestesQwell, Yea, I put in my resume at but I made the mistake of admitting what my IRC nick is, so they deleted it.
03:14.48Qwellor, I thought we did, heh
03:15.47pitbossyI think Grandstream has released one newer version of firmware than I am running now...After reading all the nightmares about grandstream, I haven't upgraded to the newest one.  I've read that many of the firmware upgrades fix 1 problem and screw up 3 more..
03:16.06Qwellpitbossy: it's not really even the firmware that's the problem...
03:16.19pitbossyThe mic gain on the GXP-2000 seems really, really high.
03:16.41pitbossyQwell: is it the name Grandstream?  That is what I seem to be reading!
03:16.44MercestesIt's kinda like, if Walmart made a SIp phone it'd be alot like hte grandstream.
03:16.50[TK]D-Fenderpitbossy, firmwares have evened that stuff out off & on.
03:17.40hescoI've installed kernel headers and ztdummy.  lsmod says its there, but I'm still seeing periodically: "NOTICE[16486]: res_musiconhold.c:515 monmp3thread: Request to schedule in the past?!?!"  What have I missed in this?
03:18.01pitbossyWell, I need to buy about 25 handsets.  I got two GXP-2000 just to prove to the skeptics that * could work for us.  I also got the aastra 480ct to try something different....It sounds like polycom is the way to go.
03:19.27*** join/#asterisk heison (
03:19.30Mercesteshesco: DId your timestamps/date get messed up anywhere in the process?
03:19.49coppiceall IP phones are overpriced crap, some just more than others. compare them to the price and quality of an entry level cellphone and they look pretty sick
03:20.52pitbossyWell I think cellphones don't exactly fit the term "emerging technology".  The sell a few more of them than IP phones...Kind of unfair to compare their price points at this time...
03:21.07hescoMercestes: how would I know?  date seems to return something more or less correct, but three hours off.
03:21.22Mercesteshesco:  Therein lies your problem.
03:21.39Mercestespitbossy, coppice is the more optimistic of our group.
03:21.48coppicewhat is emerging about an IP phone? its all as mature as a cellphone, expect for a few minor bits of the software
03:22.48MercestesI've never had an IP phone randomly drop calls, the call waiting on my IP phone works, my IP phone doesn't hang out on a cal for an extra 10 minutes after I hang up randomly to bill me more minutes...
03:23.05hescoMercestes: I just updated the system date with the date command.
03:23.19hescoI'll watch for the error again.
03:23.21MercestesThe only thing my cellphone has over my IP phone is my cell phone as a camera, a MP3 player, an email client, a keyboard, a swiss army knife, and it vibrates in my pocket.
03:23.49[TK]D-FenderMercestes, yeah, like THAT'S where you keep it ;)
03:23.54coppicegrandstream makes more phones than some of the small GSM players
03:24.04Mercestes[TK]D-Fender, >.>
03:24.18[TK]D-FenderMercestes, <.<
03:24.52pitbossyAs I said earlier, I'm in the auto industry...I was just looking up some stats from a recent class...In the US there are 219 million cellphones active...72% of the population has one...8.4% dont even have a home telephone.....102 Billion Text messages were sent in the first half of 2007...
03:25.11Mercestesthat rumor isn't true...I to talk on my phone in the bathroom, that's all.
03:25.39Mercestespitbossy, don't listen to him.  He doesn't even use asterisk.
03:25.47pitbossylol...even better!
03:26.08Mercestesbut, that being said, there are perils to using VoIP.
03:26.11coppicethe small GSM players can be in the business because people like mediatek supply silicon packaged with a full complement of software. most IP phone people work the same way. grandstream is an exception. they develop everything from scratch
03:26.11[TK]D-Fenderpitbossy, 43.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot.....
03:26.14hescoMore with these errors: "Nov  9 22:24:28 NOTICE[16486]: res_musiconhold.c:515 monmp3thread: Request to schedule in the past?!?!"
03:26.18MercestesBut since I recall you saying "PRI" earlier, you are on pretty safe ground.
03:27.07Mercestescoppice, are you pro grandstream?
03:27.16pitbossyI agree 100% about can twist them however you want...The instructor may have made up the #s, but they were fed directly from Chrysler Corporation research....(Even more likely they are made up!)
03:27.18Mercestesthat sounded almost pro-grandstream.
03:27.19*** join/#asterisk uski (n=uski@wap.ST.HMC.Edu)
03:27.48*** join/#asterisk kiscokid (
03:27.49coppiceI think people give grandstream a hard time, like they are the runt in the pack, when the whole industry is hardly any better
03:28.35Qwellhey coppice, mind a PM?
03:29.23coppiceI will say that when I debug a protocol problem with most VoIP stuff the other guy is at fault. when I debug with a grandstream it usually turns out to be me at fault
03:29.33coppiceQwell: go ahead
03:29.52Mercestesbut...Grandstream really is the runt of the pack though....
03:30.39pitbossyI would think at their cheap prices, some people (myself), would say...hell let me try....And then my Daddy reminds me....If it sounds to good to be true.....well you know the rest.
03:31.05*** join/#asterisk kiscokid (
03:31.51jbotwell, cheap is a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
03:32.07Qwellfor like $30 more, you can get a polycom
03:32.24pitbossyYeah...I'm figuring that out quickly...
03:32.29hescothat might could be generalized to address alll telephony applications.
03:32.47hescoI had a similar experinece with hylafax a couple of years ago.
03:32.58kiscokidHow do you debug a situation where the zap commands don't appear in the asterisk console?
03:33.24hescoare they getting to the server?  How?
03:35.49Mercesteshesco:  Hylafax is pretty ok.  Worked good for fax to email and email to fax applications.
03:36.11dijungali am using mixmonitor to record a call and it's ending the monitoring before the call starts
03:36.40dijungalit's ending the recording before the call connects to the agent
03:37.17dijungalany idea why?
03:38.13kiscokidI think I've heard of this symptom before but I don't remember what the solution is
03:38.32dijungalwhen i use monitor it works
03:39.12dijungali wonder if it has to do with the fact that i'm using group command to restrict one call at a time to the phone
03:40.00coppicedon't mention fax to email. J2 might be listening :-)
03:40.33kiscokidwhat happens if J2 hears it?
03:40.39Qwellthey sue you
03:41.01pitbossyPolycom IP 330 decent ??
03:41.06coppiceThey're gonna sue sue,
03:41.08coppiceThat's what they're gonna do
03:41.23Qwellpitbossy: very
03:41.35Qwellor 320
03:41.57kiscokiddoes J2 have a company that has something to do with faxing?
03:42.18coppicethey do
03:42.48coppicee for evil
03:42.59QwellBrand names marketed by j2 include eFax, jConnect, JFAX, eFax Corporate, UniFax, Onebox, Electric Mail, jBlast, eFax Broadcast, eVoice, PaperMaster, Consensus, M4 Internet, and Protofax.
03:43.00kiscokidthey're too expensive
03:43.02coppicethey are still patent trolls, though
03:43.03Qwellyeah, they do a little bit of fax
03:43.42coppicethe acquired all the failed unified messaging companies, but I think they are still small
03:44.05pitbossyHere comes a subjective question.....What do you guys recommend for an operator SIP Phone about 30-40 extensions?
03:44.21Qwellpitbossy: polycom with the expansion modules
03:44.34coppicethey have some really bogus "that's absolutely bloody obvious" patents which their team of lawyers do the Godfather act with
03:44.55Qwellcoppice: not to mention the insane amount of prior art
03:45.05pitbossylol...Qwell....Something earlier made me think you might work for Digium....But perhaps you are moonlighting for Polycom ?!?!
03:45.21Qwellpitbossy: no, they really are just that good
03:45.36coppicethey have shaken down a few users of spandsp
03:45.37Qwellthis is nothing though - you should see [TK]D-Fender evangelize.
03:45.52pitbossyI couldn't pass on the jab...sorry!
03:46.00Qwellpitbossy: I do work for Digium though :p
03:46.30pitbossyWell, my PRI went hot today, but the whole concept of * kicks ass.
03:46.37[TK]D-FenderAnd people swear I work for Polycom ;)
03:46.44Qwell[TK]D-Fender: no, but you should
03:46.48[TK]D-FenderQwell, Indeed....
03:47.06coppicepolycom really sucks in asia
03:47.07pitbossyI love it when the big phone vendors call me and ask about coming in to pitch their nortels etc, and I mention *...They just shut up and get off the line as quick as they can
03:47.28pitbossyTheir pricing models just dont compete...
03:47.36pitbossyNor their features...
03:47.42pitbossyNor their....well you get the idea!
03:47.44[TK]D-Fenderpitbossy, Usually they attack the stability & support factors...
03:48.13pitbossyThere are more people on IRC, blogs, wiki helping then they have in the support center....
03:48.15[TK]D-Fenderpitbossy, And for features, yeah they can compete, just not on the $.  But managers tend to want accoutnability & stability and don't care so much about $
03:48.19kiscokidhow much does it cost to buy and install a 50 phone commercial pbx these days?
03:48.25Qwellkiscokid: far too much
03:48.35Qwellanywhere from $20k to $250k
03:48.44pitbossyhang on...PACBELL just quoted me on a NORTEL BCM...Lemme look it up.
03:49.06Strom_M"pac bell" hasn't existed for six years now
03:49.19pitbossyyou get the idea...whoever they are today....
03:49.30pitbossySBC ...ATT...Cingular...Pacbell..MaBell
03:49.33kiscokidwell pac bell sounds better than sbc or att
03:50.03pitbossyBCM 400...Bare Bones...40 Extensions with handsets...$27,873.15
03:50.18pitbossyThats installed.
03:50.22kiscokidvoicemail included?
03:50.29pitbossy5 seats
03:50.34pitbossy5 seats of Voicemail
03:51.20Qwelland fifteen cents?
03:51.31pitbossydont cut the 15 cents off...they wont make the deal
03:51.59pitbossyget this...the installation charge is $13,019.61
03:52.13*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (n=leon@
03:52.14Qwellso, $41k?
03:52.21pitbossyno...$27 installed.
03:52.25kiscokidwonder what the 61 cents is for
03:52.38QwellI want to know what the $19 is for
03:52.56*** join/#asterisk angom (
03:52.58kiscokidthe manual?
03:53.24pitbossyWell...The equipment came out to $24,293.80 but they were kind enough to offer up a $10,268.10 discount... for a net of 14,664.70
03:53.25Qwellno, that's $1k
03:53.30dmzhowdy, anyone know why function SHA1 wouldn't be in the debian 1.2 version?
03:53.43coppicekiscokid: basic statistics. the less certain you are, the more digits you use to try to hide that
03:54.04pitbossySHA1 -- Perhaps export restrictions?
03:54.13dmzahh license then
03:54.24[TK]D-Fenderpitbossy, 39 x IP 330 =(39 x $85 = $3315), 1 x IP 650 & 3 Modules = ($276 + 187$x3 = $837).  Sangoma A101d PRI = $900.  Server = $2000 tops.  2 x 24 port PoE Switches (D-Link, Linksys, etc @400 ea = $800 Total $7854
03:54.26dmzi wonder how i can get around having to recompile everything
03:54.57pitbossyFender: I agree....Thats why I am taking the plunge...(Heaven save me!)
03:55.05pitbossyNot to mention the support costs..
03:55.16pitbossyupgrades / maint etc..
03:55.26coppicepitbossy: when people say the money is in service and not hardware, that $13,019.61 is the kind of thing they are talking about
03:56.01pitbossyi agree.  That just starts the rock rolling down the hill...Everytime you need a change, no problem they will reconfig...for a charge...
03:57.11pitbossywas just looking at the quote...$222.64 per month maint. svcs after the 1st year
03:57.25Qwellper month?  that's it?
03:57.44pitbossyBut wait also get this paring knife...
03:58.05[TK]D-Fenderpitbossy, so they can bleed the last from you...
03:58.15pitbossysomething like that...
03:58.40coppicethey will *not* give you a paring knife, or any other tool you might use on them when they piss you off
03:59.46pitbossyThey have done enough of that.....I ordered a PRI and a T1 data for our new location in August.....The PRI went hot today...the T1 data goes up next week....Unreal...I had to delay the opening of our business because of them...Remarkably they got the PRI in before the Data side....
03:59.58[TK]D-Fendercoppice, thats why I keep my old Bell Tactical Defense Rotary Phone handy during all "negociations" :D
04:00.34kiscokidpittbossy: who did you order that from?
04:00.58pitbossyThey are being pretty fair to me I think as far as pricing goes...
04:01.05nestArpitbossy: love telco's... it took mine over a month to reconfigure an existing circuit
04:01.22pitbossyPRI is $430 month. Full T1 is $343...Plus all the BS taxes of course
04:01.33pitbossynine months!? Ouch...
04:01.36nestArduring this time, they implied that they were waiting for a new circuit to be installed by the ilec
04:01.42kiscokidThey quoted me 28 days to get a T1 PRI
04:02.01kiscokidmaybe it depends on location
04:02.58pitbossyGet this....When I went Nuclear about their install dates, they got a satellite Data provider to call me....They suggested that I install a satellite Data path in the interim so I could get opened...It would only be a measley $299 for the equip, $80 / month svc, 1 year commit....
04:03.22pitbossyand I would have a backup route just in case the T went down.
04:03.42Qwell"At that price, why am I using you again?"
04:03.59*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
04:04.00kiscokidis this way out in the woods?
04:04.20hescoAm I getting this right?  A DID can somehow be redirected back to my IP address, permitting the PSTN to address the server?
04:04.33hescoAm I barking up the right tree?
04:04.44pitbossywell, the Satellite pulled off nearly 1.5 down, but the upstream rate was horrible, and dynamic IP's only...
04:05.02*** join/#asterisk ekimus_ (
04:05.16Mercesteshesco:  only via a gateway, which ITSPs offer.  So a DID can be redirected to an ITSP which can gateway from PSTN to IP for you.
04:05.19jbot[itsp] an Internet Telephony Service Provider, or a "VoIP Phone Company".
04:05.38MercestesAw...he used to list them all out and then make fun of them.
04:06.58hescoIs diamnondcard a gateway? a ITSP?
04:07.24dijungalwhy would mixmonitor stop recording a call right before it bridges
04:07.24*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
04:07.27*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
04:07.58dijungalso i execute mixmonitor right before the dial command but it does not record the call
04:09.39kiscokidhesco: diamondcard looks like an itsp
04:14.52[TK]D-Fenderdijungal, Never ask without already having your configs and CLI output in a pastebin waiting...
04:15.36dijungalawww man... hold
04:15.54hescoWill my server reach out identify itself to the ITSP?  Or do I need somehow to configure things at the ITSP to find my server at my IP?
04:16.22kiscokidhesco: you register with the itsp
04:16.40kiscokidin your iax.conf or sip.conf
04:17.14dijungalthere u go buddy..
04:19.54dijungalas you can see the mixmonitor command is called before the the dial command but yet it ends the recordings before the call is bridged -
04:20.10dijungalany idea why?
04:21.59[TK]D-Fenderdijungal, Sure looks like its recording it...
04:22.54[TK]D-Fenderdijungal, and that pastebin shows it ends the recording when the call is ended.
04:22.55dijungalnotice the "  == End MixMonitor Recording Local/2025@agents-2f78,2"
04:23.23dijungali ended the call when i noticed it was doing the same thing
04:23.48dijungalbut notice it ends the recording, but it goes on to play queue-less-than and so forth
04:23.53dijungaltelling the agent the hold time
04:24.27dijungalpoint is.. the call would continue had i not hungup, but the monitoring had ended long before that
04:25.28dijungalalso notice... it ends the monitoring but the caller has not even reached the agent, "Stopped music on hold Zap/25-1" comes after the end recording
04:26.07[TK]D-Fenderdijungal, No.  Look : 26 Dial. 28 start recording. 24 ANSWERED.  39. Call terminated.  40. Recording terminated
04:27.44[TK]D-Fenderdijungal, I think I see a flaw...
04:27.47dijungalok then why are call my calls the same lenght and empty?
04:28.12[TK]D-Fenderexten => _2xxx,n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},10)); <- you should not be putting a TIME LIMIT on your dial.  Perhaps its being answered on the threshhold....
04:28.44[TK]D-Fenderdijungal, Your queue agent dial timout should deal with that...
04:28.49[TK]D-Fenderdijungal, the **10**
04:28.57dijungalhold let me take it out and try
04:29.07*** join/#asterisk blq (
04:29.07[TK]D-Fenderdijungal, You should not be doing a limit on your dial.  The QUEUE will terminate the overall channel if needed.
04:31.14dijungalqueue timeout is set on the queue cmd?
04:31.18*** join/#asterisk luke-jr (n=luke-jr@2002:440d:6de2:0:20e:a6ff:fec4:4e5d)
04:31.28[TK]D-Fenderdijungal, no, in queues.conf.
04:31.32luke-jrI heard GrandCentral allows to call arbitrary SIP addresses… anyone know how?
04:35.24dijungal[TK]D-Fender: same problem
04:35.38dijungaleven without the dial timeout
04:37.10dijungaloooh well i gotta head out.. i'll have to continue, testing this another time
04:37.16dijungal[TK]D-Fender: any more ideas
04:37.20killfill_if in zapata.conf i have group=1, then calling throught g1 should be ok, no?..
04:38.18killfill_why would i get Channel 0/1, span 1 got hangup request, cause 1?..
04:38.29kiscokidanyone know why the zap commands suddenly don't work in the CLI?
04:39.03killfill_kiscokid: becouse you dont have zaptel drivers or card configured before runnign asterisk
04:39.27[TK]D-Fenderdijungal, not ATM
04:40.42[TK]D-Fenderkiscokid, because Zaptel isn't initialized maybe.  or chan_zap just failed to load
04:42.22kiscokidhow can I tell if zaptel isn't initialized?
04:43.22*** join/#asterisk ghento (n=ghento@
04:45.19[TK]D-Fenderkiscokid, try loading the module
04:45.43killfill_ztcfg -v'it..
04:48.06kiscokidas in modprobe zaptel?
04:49.34kiscokidztcfg -vvvvv doesn't produce anything worrying
04:51.01[TK]D-Fenderkiscokid, restart * then
04:51.55*** join/#asterisk emist (n=emist@unaffiliated/emist)
04:52.37kiscokidstill no joy
04:54.04kiscokidThis happened after I replaced my Sangoma A200 (analog) card with a A101d (T1/E1)
04:54.27kiscokiddid a wancfg_zaptel
04:54.53killfill_oh.. im configured that exactly card too.. :P
04:55.54emisthey guys, are there any known issues with asterisk dying on the demo- playback?
04:57.58[TK]D-Fenderkiscokid, Would be nice to see all the configs and "wanrouter status" , "ztcfg -vvvv" you know....
04:59.33*** join/#asterisk stkn__ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
05:03.50pitbossyhey guys.....I'm back, but got to go!  Thanks for all the helpful info and comments!  C ya soon!
05:08.27[TK]D-Fenderwanpipe1    | AFT HDLC | N/A     | Connecting    |
05:08.32[TK]D-Fendernot CONNECTED
05:08.36[TK]D-Fendernot good.
05:08.41killfill_whats a nice code for use for wifi phones?..
05:08.59kiscokidyeah, its not plugged into the T1 yet
05:09.24[TK]D-Fenderkillfill_, code?
05:09.37killfill_codec.. sorry.. :P
05:09.49[TK]D-Fenderkillfill_, G.711
05:09.59kiscokidzaptel won't come up without plugging it into the T1?
05:10.26[TK]D-Fenderkiscokid, What happened when you tried to reload zaptel at * CLI?
05:11.05killfill_G.711 is  one of the *-law?
05:11.35kiscokidFender: can you tell me how to do that?
05:12.22kiscokidreload ?
05:16.13Maliutakillfill_: both
05:16.54kiscokid[Nov  9 22:09:22] WARNING[5777]: chan_zap.c:11090 process_zap: Ignoring switchtype
05:16.54kiscokid[Nov  9 22:09:22] WARNING[5777]: chan_zap.c:11090 process_zap: Ignoring signalling
05:16.54kiscokid[Nov  9 22:09:22] ERROR[5777]: chan_zap.c:10442 build_channels: Unable to reconfigure channel '1-23'
05:16.55kiscokid[Nov  9 22:09:22] WARNING[5777]: chan_zap.c:11406 reload: Reload of is unsuccessful!
05:16.57killfill_with thouse, the sound is choppy.. we got some nokias n95/e65
05:16.59MaliutaG711 is good, depend on how much bandwidth you have
05:17.12Maliutaand if the phones do something like G729
05:17.15killfill_maybe the bottle is on the router/net..
05:17.57Maliutaif it's wifi then you could be getting radio interference from any number of other devices
05:18.15hescoRecord() generates a .wav file, but Playback()'s folder seems filled with .gsm files.  Is there a command line tool for converting one to another?
05:18.41Maliutait's almost cheaper and better quality to get standard DECT sets in the 1.9Ghz or 5.8Ghz ranges and an ATA
05:18.55kiscokidplayback will play a wav file
05:18.55Maliutahesco: sox
05:19.05hescoMailuta: thanks.
05:19.40killfill_jitter could help?
05:20.29Maliutajitter is caused when packets arrive out of order
05:20.41Maliutaor with latency delays
05:20.43kiscokidmaybe I need a newer version of wanpipe
05:20.53Maliutahow could jitter actually help?
05:22.25killfill_well.. 802.11 can alwais have some latency...
05:22.26*** join/#asterisk [phl4k-x] (n=saludos@
05:22.45hescoMailuta: wow!  sox looks sweet, from a quick scan of the man page.  Like a convert command for audio.  Thanks again.
05:23.10Maliutais the sound loss between phones that are on the local network? or only on things being routed out over the net?
05:23.52Maliutaeven if you can only QoS one side of the link (i.e. packets leaving your network) it may still be worth doing
05:24.17killfill_oh yah.. but the sound loss is on the internal net.. :)
05:24.52killfill_some guys does some nice traffic frecuently..
05:25.07Maliutahave you done a wireless survey to see who else may be interfering with your transmission?
05:25.15killfill_maybe i should test it with an isolated wifi...
05:25.18Maliutasounds like your WAP can't handle it
05:25.20[phl4k-x]<[phl4k-x]> holas
05:25.20[phl4k-x]<[phl4k-x]> hi for all
05:25.20[phl4k-x]<[phl4k-x]> I have a X100P with FXO connect to PSTN
05:25.20[phl4k-x]<[phl4k-x]> also I have another X100P with FXO conecc to to PBXAnalog Panasonic
05:25.22[phl4k-x]<[phl4k-x]> When I recived call from PSTN with 1 X100P I pass it to PBX Analogic panasonic extension
05:25.24[phl4k-x]<[phl4k-x]> but when both Hangup
05:25.26[phl4k-x]<[phl4k-x]> The 2 Channels FXO continues Busy
05:25.28[phl4k-x]<[phl4k-x]> How I can solutionated this problem?
05:25.32Maliuta[phl4k-x]: don't paste in here
05:25.39[phl4k-x]Maliuta sorry
05:25.49[phl4k-x]this is my problem
05:25.53[phl4k-x]Anyone can hel pe?
05:25.58[phl4k-x]help me?
05:26.03Maliutayes pasting in here is your problem
05:26.19[phl4k-x]Maliuta I have problems with FXO interfaces
05:26.40Maliutais "solutionated" even a real word?
05:26.56[phl4k-x]Maliuta I speak spanish
05:27.04Maliutagood for you
05:27.04[phl4k-x]my english is not very well
05:27.08pepsethat depends on your definition of 'is'
05:27.18[phl4k-x]pepse of is?
05:27.27[phl4k-x]in zapata.conf?
05:28.31[phl4k-x]pepse, in is???
05:28.32Maliutapepse: wow, I have never looked a dictionary definition of "is" before ... interesting
05:28.52[phl4k-x]Maliuta please, do you know something about it?
05:29.19Maliutayou don't have enough details to even start looking at it
05:29.43[phl4k-x]what do you need?
05:30.23Maliutadetails on how the fxo lines are configured and how you are bridging them in the dialplan might be a good start
05:30.33[phl4k-x]is posible to configure a X100P to clean the channels when the Calls Hungup???
05:30.49Maliutahow are you detecting the hangup?
05:30.59[phl4k-x]with KS
05:31.02Maliutathat will be part of how the lines are configured
05:31.12killfill_[phl4k-x]: do you happend to found good spanish sounds?...
05:31.19killfill_(for asterisk...)
05:32.05Maliuta[phl4k-x]: so pastebin some of your config details if you want us to look at them
05:32.38kiscokidFender, any ideas?
05:32.46[phl4k-x]When I transfer the call from PSTN Chanel 1 to a Analogic Extension in Channel 2 (PBX Panasonic), when both hungup the phones
05:32.57[phl4k-x]asterisk dont clean the channels
05:33.05[phl4k-x]and the channels continues busy
05:33.27[phl4k-x]I have to clean the channels with command:  soft hanguo ZAP/1-1
05:33.46[phl4k-x]Is posible to asterisk clean the channels automatic???
05:34.07[TK]D-Fender[phl4k-x], Your PBX is not sending a disconnect indication to your card so it doesn't know the call has ended
05:34.51[phl4k-x]but not only my PBX, also mi PSTN Provider
05:35.02[phl4k-x]my PSTN Provider is Telefonica
05:35.18[phl4k-x]How I can resolution this problem?
05:35.29killfill_telefonica.. chile?..
05:35.51Maliutaare you sure using ks is the right signalling?
05:35.54[phl4k-x]Is any metod to resolve this problem?
05:35.55*** part/#asterisk unixdog (
05:36.19[phl4k-x]Maliuta KS, is the best detecting Disconnect indication
05:36.33Maliutanot on all PSTN systems
05:37.16[phl4k-x]Reconfigured channel 1, FXS Kewlstart signalling
05:37.31kiscokidwell, I'm going to make a frozen pizza and try a new version of the sangoma stuff
05:37.33[phl4k-x]that is when I put >> reload
05:38.07[phl4k-x]Maliuta If I tried with LoopStar, this can resolve my problem?
05:38.58*** part/#asterisk kiscokid (
05:41.34[phl4k-x]But Its possible to asterisk clean the channels automatic???
05:42.00[phl4k-x]only I have to tried different configurations???, Its posible???
05:42.13[TK]D-Fender[phl4k-x], KS will only work if your TELCO used CDS
05:43.10[phl4k-x][TK]D-Fender, lets, What I have to do?
05:43.22[phl4k-x]to asterisk clean the channels automatic?
05:45.52[TK]D-Fender[phl4k-x], I thought I was very clear.  CDS is a service your TELCO has to ooffer you.
05:47.38*** join/#asterisk Keltus (i=Keltus@about/cooking/nakedchef/beefstew/Keltus)
05:48.02[phl4k-x]what is CDS?, give me a URL please
05:48.24[phl4k-x]But the call I recived from my PBX Panasonic
05:48.47[phl4k-x]the PBX Panasonic needs CDS yes?
05:50.33Maliutaif you have an old iron PBX why are you using asterisk to link to fxo channels?
05:51.35[phl4k-x]Maliuta for use and IVR
05:51.41[phl4k-x]do you know the solution?
05:52.02*** join/#asterisk marl (n=marl@
05:53.05marlhi there, can anyone tell me if * can be compiled with its modules static, rather than having it opening up over 100 files for the modules when running?
05:57.07killfill_hey guys.
05:57.17killfill_is it me that i have CDR bad configured?
05:57.39killfill_im saving cdr's in pgsql
05:58.02killfill_and when i call in a queue
05:58.04*** join/#asterisk metfan2007 (n=metfan20@
05:58.22killfill_cdr data is only generating, when an agent hangsup or takes the phone.
05:58.29metfan2007Hi all!!! How can I specify the load of modules in zaptel??
05:58.44killfill_i wish to get a cdr data when the agent's phone is ringing
05:58.46killfill_is this possible?
05:58.58killfill_or i should look outside cdr
05:59.40metfan2007sorry for my question.... how can I specify the modules load order in zaptel... I need that my TE card loads before TDM card..
06:01.20killfill_Maliuta: any tips welcome.. :)
06:02.05MaliutaI think CDR is written out after a call terminates
06:02.46MaliutaIt's kinda like apache logging, only happens after a request has finished being processed
06:03.07killfill_yah.. thats my problem.. i got the support guys with a program that checks hes call, and get data out of our databases.. but they see the thing when the take the call.. :S
06:04.06killfill_i guess ill need to execute a program on every call, that saves to another databse...
06:04.45killfill_but not sure how to do it.. if i just execute a script.. it will open/close connection every time.. i bet performance wont be very good
06:05.28*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
06:05.55killfill_too bad cdr cannot do it.. :S
06:07.19*** join/#asterisk EnigmaCurry (n=user@
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06:59.18emistasterisk is remembering my old users/extensions even though i removed them, reloaded/restarted/restarted the whole box
06:59.26emistim stumped =[
06:59.44Mercestesare you sure it's asterisk and not....trixbox or something retarded like that?
06:59.59emistyeah, its asterisk from source on a ubuntu box
07:00.04MercestesI also got fooled once by copies of extensions.conf being in my home directory, and I was editting those insetad of hte ones in /etc/asterisk
07:00.57emistno, i reverted /etc/asterisk/sip.conf to the original sample
07:01.01emiststill nothing =|
07:01.56emisthold up...i think i got it
07:08.23emisti even uninstalled-all it now and still nothing
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07:14.42*** join/#asterisk unixdog (
07:14.52unixdogthis is just sick
07:19.02*** join/#asterisk ghento (n=ghento@
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07:21.52kaldemaremist: check your astetcdir in asterisk.conf, then for #include's in your configuration files. asterisk is reading them from some file, it doesn't just remember them. check also users.conf, extensions.ael etc.
07:22.20emistwill do kaldemar, thanks
07:30.23emistkaldemar, it seems asterisk is reading a completely different set of config files, i added a new extension to the extensions file and it doesn't seem to recognize it now
07:30.28emistany ideas as to how that could happen?
07:31.42kaldemarhow are you starting asterisk?
07:32.05emistfrom the terminal, asterisk &
07:33.42kaldemarand your asterisk.conf has /etc/asterisk as astetcdir and you're editing files in that directory?
07:34.20emistyes, if i understand you correctly
07:34.22emist/etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf:astetcdir => /etc/asterisk
07:35.19*** join/#asterisk techie (
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07:41.04kaldemarwhat if you start asterisk with asterisk -C /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf ?
07:41.37emistsame thing ='[
07:43.15kaldemarwould you pastebin your extensions.conf and sip.conf?
07:43.28emistsure, hold up a sec
07:45.41emistkaldemar, sip.conf
07:45.45emistand extensions.conf
07:46.04emistthey're basically the sample ones
07:47.41ai-a[afk]emist: you should.. as a start NOT use the samplese. they are bad idea. instead use the asterisk book and start with an empty /etc/asterisk folder
07:48.18emistai-a, will do ai-a, just kind of getting around to playing with asterisk for the first time
07:48.19ai-ayour new ext is 1342 ?
07:48.26ai-aand context hello?
07:48.30emistyeah 1342 is the one i just added
07:48.34emistwhich can't be found
07:48.43emistyet 1235 is one i added before
07:48.48emistand that one is still functional
07:48.50ai-awhat sip account name ?
07:49.14emist104 is the account name, which is a working account somehow, even though it doesn't exist anymore
07:49.25ai-asip.conf doesnt contain 104
07:49.28emistsomehow the previous extensions/sip accounts are still working on this system
07:49.33emistthats the problem ai-a
07:49.39ai-aemist: your must add sip.
07:49.45ai-aemist: your in a muddle.
07:49.56ai-aread the astrisk book, follow the examples in there..
07:49.59emistmaybe im explaining this wrong
07:50.07emisti have working extensions to accounts that don't exist
07:50.12emistand extensions that don't exist
07:50.12ai-ado this   cd /etc/asterisk; mkdir samples; mv *.* samples
07:50.25ai-ayour doing it wrong.
07:50.35ai-ause the sampleas as references to the conf files.
07:50.51ai-ause the book to make your sip / extentions / examples / context / zap.. system
07:50.57emisti set up some extensions and accounts that _worked_ fine, i removed them and they _still_ work fine
07:51.00ai-ayou will learn 500 times faster, and do it right.
07:51.00emistthat is my problem at the moment
07:51.06ai-aokay,, fine... bye
07:51.17emistalright, thanks for not even hearing what the problem is
07:52.04ai-a[afk]i will count the hours,, and i am betting within 3 hours, if people talk with you on here,, you will start with an empty folder.
07:52.18ai-a[afk]i dont have 3 hours to wait,, its saturday 8am here, im free.
07:52.19emisti did doesn't change the configs
07:52.26emisteverything still behaves the same
07:52.33emisti even uninstalled-all asterisk
07:52.47emiststuff that was working before with a previously configured asterisk is still working
07:52.51emistand nothing new that i add changes anything
07:53.24emistthats the problem im having but you can count the hours im sure its going to be more than 3
07:55.29kaldemartry removing all the files in /etc/asterisk then stop and start asterisk again, if it starts and works fine, you can be sure that it's not the place where it's reading the configs.
07:57.41Mercestesemist, what does it say in /etc/asterisk.conf?
07:57.55Mercestesbefore you umm...remove it.
07:58.21emistkaldemar, when i remove all the configs asterisk doesn't really respond after restart << which im guessing is whats supposed to happen
07:58.48kaldemaryes, it doesn't load any modules then.
08:00.09Mercestes1:  that doesn't look like asterisk.conf
08:00.14*** join/#asterisk hijacked (i=rTZ2@
08:00.18Mercestes2: couldn't have grepped -v ; that first?
08:00.38emistohh sorry, thats sip.conf
08:00.45MercestesYour testing me, aren't you?
08:00.53emistasterisk.conf is just the default sample
08:00.53MercestesYou don't think I use asterisk!
08:01.06emistmy shoulder is killing me =\
08:01.09MercestesDefault asterisk.conf points your configdir=/etc/asterisk
08:01.16emistsurgery =! good
08:01.34kaldemarMercestes: you're testing us too, with your /etc/asterisk.conf ;)
08:01.35Mercestes! surgery != good.
08:01.47Mercestesthere's an /etc/asterisk.conf.
08:02.05Mercestesis it in extconfig.conf?
08:02.14kaldemarnot in vanilla asterisk.
08:02.52*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
08:03.10kaldemarthere is no /etc/asterisk.conf in plain asterisk.
08:03.16Mercestesyea there is.....
08:03.44emistthere is a /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf
08:03.50emistif thats what you mean
08:04.04Mercestesoh...ok, yea, /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf ..
08:04.11Mercestessorry  >.>
08:04.32MercestesSorry, I'm working my way towards drunk tonight.
08:04.43Mercesteswife decided I was an evil bastard.
08:05.22kaldemari decided that my liver is an evil bastard and i have to punish him. but that was yesterday.
08:05.27emistMercestes, this is all there is in my asterisk.conf
08:05.40kaldemaruse pastebin.
08:06.00emistwrong paste
08:06.04emistyeah i had the wrong buffer
08:06.06emistsorry guys
08:06.33MercestesYour stuff should be in /etc/astersk
08:06.49emistthats where i got them
08:06.49Mercestesinstead of deleting it try chmod 000 * on /etc/asterisk and restart asterisk..assuming you have root access
08:06.51Mercestesotherwise, don't...
08:07.10*** join/#asterisk khronos (
08:07.15MercestesIt should massively spasm and die
08:07.39khronosIn 1.4.13 how do I run as user asterisk?
08:07.55emistnot quite, it works
08:08.05khronosIs there an option in the Makefile that tells what user to run as?
08:10.18Mercesteskhronos, You su asterisk
08:10.27Mercesteskhronos, google run asterisk non-root
08:12.16Mercestesinstalling asterisk on sabayon is a PITA
08:19.20Mercesteswhats a good win % in solitare?
08:35.32*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
08:46.24*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (n=chatzill@
08:47.20BeeBuucan i use  set(var=) to set the var to nothing?
08:49.29ai-a[afk]BeeBuu: can you determin if a variable is set or not set ?
08:50.20*** join/#asterisk khronos (
08:50.26BeeBuui just want to set one variable to nothing,how can i do that?
08:51.00ai-a[afk]why do that ? considering you cant do an if undefined.
08:51.19ai-a[afk]why not just consider "FooBarG" is undefined, and do set(var=FooBarG)
08:51.37ai-a[afk]then you can check if var is FooBarG and know its undefined.
08:51.42ai-a[afk]otherwise i dont see the point.
08:52.01ai-a[afk]on the other hand,  a) try it, b) read the manual
08:52.07BeeBuuso how can i know a variable be seted?
08:52.19ai-a[afk]you CANT.
08:52.22ai-a[afk]thats the point im saying.
08:52.23MercestesMost people do a If[${callerid(num)}"foo"="foo"]? to check for  null.
08:52.30ai-a[afk]If trying to zero out the CALLERID(name) do not use empty quotes, use Set(CALLERID(name)=)
08:52.47ai-a[afk]the manual cearly states it quite clearly.
08:53.15BeeBuuo,so i can do this set(myvar=)
08:53.22ai-a[afk]BeeBuu: RTFM
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10:00.08kv0sI've some clients with x-lite at my asterisk and plantronics headsets ... but all headsets are to "silent". it is possible to adjust the incoming loudness at asterisk?
10:02.37dutchfishkv0s, cant you just cranck up the volume on your client?
10:03.31kv0sdutchfish: Mhm. X-Lite - yes. But the maximum volume isn't really "loud" ...
10:04.08dutchfishkv0s, is it outgoing volume (microphone) or incoming in respect to client?
10:04.20kv0sThe incoming ...
10:05.38dutchfishkv0s, so if speakers of clients headset at max i have no idee what can be done, i believe astrix, has something as autovolume as a setting, did you check that?
10:06.42kv0sThat is what i mean ... but in which configfile and which parameters?
10:07.22dutchfishkv0s, i have no idee but i read it somewhere. I am newb in respect to astrix and wrestling to set it up on a debian system
10:07.45kv0sOkies. Thanks.
10:07.56kv0sI'll give google some tries... ;-)
10:08.52dutchfishkv0s, can yo help me out with 1 question (if you can)?
10:08.59*** join/#asterisk duki (
10:10.04JTdutchfish: please stop saying astrix
10:10.15dutchfishsorry, astriks
10:10.27dutchfishsorry again oops
10:10.50kv0sdutchfish: don't ask to ask questions ... ask! ;-)
10:11.42dutchfishok, i having trouble with setting up a multiline sip trunk for astriks, are there any tutors?
10:13.07dutchfishok, i got it now, sorry for my dislexia?
10:13.59dutchfishI am having trouble with setting up a multiline sip trunk for astrisk, are there any tutors?
10:15.21kv0sMultiline? What do you mean? Many lines on only one trunk?
10:15.32dutchfishkv0s, yes
10:15.54JTno such thing as a sip trunk ;)
10:17.04kv0sU only need one sip trunk?
10:17.11dutchfishsorry being a total newby, but what about this ?
10:19.27JTdutchfish: a load of rubbish
10:19.39JTdutchfish: there is NO such thing as sip trunking
10:19.48JTregardless how much some try to insist there is
10:19.51kv0sIf u have a sip-provider u need nothing else than your account information. set up your sip-trunk in asterisk and call your friends and customers ... ,-)
10:19.53JTmostly marketing types
10:21.15dutchfishok, so how do i setup more then 1 simultanous line ( 50 par example) over just 1 IP adress on the other site?
10:21.29JTyou use sip.
10:21.40JTthe fact if it's one or 100 is irrelevant
10:21.47JTthey all are seperate connections anyway
10:21.57dutchfishJT, yes
10:22.03kv0sdutchfish: one sip trunk for all connections.
10:22.15JTkv0s: what are you talking about?
10:22.28kv0sasterisk made for each call via sip a new connection with same sip-provider-account ...
10:22.44JTbut they're seperate connections
10:22.49JTand they're not trunks
10:23.14kv0sJt: at asterisk it is named sip-trunk or not?
10:23.19JTsip trunk is a misnomer from free-pbx
10:23.24JTit is not
10:23.28JTfucking freepbx does
10:23.31JTasterisk does not
10:23.47kv0sjt: oh. okay. i've set up freepbx ... *ieeehhh*
10:24.02jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
10:24.04dutchfishok, i grasp the fact that the established connection goes an exclsuive path, and that i only need 1 endpoint for negatiation, but test for example with voipbuster allow me only 1 connection at a time, is this astriks related or provider related?
10:24.17JTdutchfish: provider
10:24.25JTdutchfish: and it's still called "asterisk"
10:25.04dutchfishJT, ok how do i find a good asterisk supported provider that supports more then 1 connection?
10:25.30JTdutchfish: i imagine google to be useful
10:25.56dutchfishJT, i googled my buts off to find one in earope that is affordable
10:26.43dutchfishJT, most of them only want to sell solutions and equipment, wich i do need but still
10:26.45JTdutchfish: i can't advise there
10:27.04dutchfishJT, ok, fair enough
10:27.24kv0sJT: I really now what freepbx is. I thought it is named "sip trunk". Sorry for the wrong naming .. ;-)
10:29.34dutchfishJT, let me rephrase, does astrisk support this what i explained and is there some howto or tutor on this subject?
10:31.34JTdutchfish: multiple sip calls is completely standard and normal
10:31.48JTdutchfish: not allowing multiple is something to do with the provider
10:33.47dutchfishJT, ok, being newb, forgive me my stupid questions, but what about rtsp, does asterisk suport that?
10:34.09JTi don't think so
10:34.31dutchfishJT, i mean this
10:36.07dutchfishJT, thank you for help so far
10:37.10JTno rtsp
10:37.16JTi don't think much uses rtsp
10:39.20dutchfishJT, i will try anyway, debian is flexable enough to chain it up, so my rtsp services can be used for asterisk too, think about a voice library of translated voice messages etc etc
10:40.46JTi'm not sure what your distro being debian has to do with anything
10:40.53JTasterisk does NOT support rtsp
10:40.59JTi'm not sure what you're hoping for
10:41.00dutchfishJT, this will also pull off the load from the asterisk box
10:41.13JTi have no idea what you're trying to do
10:41.26dutchfishJT, thats why i ask
10:41.43JTwhat are you talking about with rtsp
10:41.47JTwhat are you doing?
10:43.29dutchfishJT, i want to use rtsp as a huge sound library and connect to asterisk, the library contains ~1.3 TB sound
10:43.48jbotmethinks wglwat is well, good luck with all that
10:44.14dutchfishJT, the lib contains spoken instructions for disabled poeple
10:44.42JTwhat is so magical about this library? is it not just a collection of sound files?
10:44.53dutchfishJT, the lib is already in use for other purposes too
10:45.33dutchfishJT, the transport is done by rtsp
10:45.51dutchfishJT, i kow this is all offtopic
10:45.57JTi don't care about the lib
10:46.05dutchfishJT, ok sorry and thanks
10:46.21JTsip uses RTP
10:46.23JTnot rtsp
10:46.26JTsame for H.323
10:46.31JTand IAX2... let's not go there
10:47.09dutchfishback then rtsp was choosen because its almost echo-less
10:47.28JTwhat the hell
10:47.32JTrtp does not have echo
10:47.41JTecho is caused by analogue components
10:47.47JTnot by the transport layer
10:47.59JTin ip anyway
10:48.40JTecho only happens at analogue sections, like analogue phone lines and handsets/speakers/mics etc
11:17.23*** part/#asterisk dutchfish (
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11:34.01coppice*unwanted* echo only happens at analogue sections. we can add much loved reverb, for dramatic effect, in the digital sections :-)
11:34.18JTyes indeed ;)
11:34.59*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
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11:58.58dijungalback on the trail again...
11:59.32dijungalwhy would Mixmonitor stop recording before the call is bridged?
12:12.29tzafrir_homeJT, one of those "analog components" is the handset of a VoIP phone
12:13.10coppiceespecially if someone turns up the handset volume
12:23.01*** join/#asterisk duki (
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12:27.11loompekmorning 'yall
12:29.36loompekis it possible for asterisk to call back a user when he dials in?
12:30.42loompeki'd like asterisk to call me back and give me a 'free outgoing line'
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12:37.12Mw3does anybody know a replacement for soxmix? its no longer in sox 14.0
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12:42.55dijungalwhy would Mixmonitor stop recording before the call is bridged?
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13:26.23dijungaldoes anyone know why would Mixmonitor stop recording before the call is bridged?
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13:30.48moemoedoes anybody know why dijungal repeats himself every hour?
13:31.14dijungalmoemoe: hoping that a smart person would join the room
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13:32.05curtndoes it exist a rule which says if we have to Answer() on an exten.. or not ?
13:33.28curtnfor example : incoming calls need Answer()  (but it seems to works without..)
13:34.01curtnbefore Dial.. we do need Answer() in general ?
13:35.42curtnthis Answer () is a problem for me, if I have an analog phone in parallel with my FXO
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13:36.22curtn(on the same pstn line)
13:37.04agxcurtn, you only need Answer() before a Playback() or a Background() or wanna process a DTMF input
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13:38.47curtnagx: does it mean that if I don't Answer, I can't use the timeout on Dial to "Playback(vm-nobodyavail)" ?
13:39.24curtnagx: some "Answer" seems to be automatic.. I'm a bit confusing..
13:39.26agxyou can Answer() after Dial() fails before the Playback() :-)
13:40.12agxif you have immediate=yes in your audio card config file the channell driver will answer for you before the call hit the dialplan
13:40.16curtnagx: for example... before Record, I don't need Answer ! (but, of course, Asterisk answer..)
13:41.19agxcertain apps autoanswer the channel for you if i recall, make sure you have immediate=no in misdn.conf and zapata configs
13:41.55*** part/#asterisk rsd (n=chaos@
13:42.52curtnagx: I use a SPA3102
13:44.41agxcurtn, uhm never used such fxo gateways
13:46.02curtnagx: maybe it would be easier to control via MGCP instead of SIP..
13:46.25curtnagx: but SIP gives the gateway an "autonomy"...
13:55.49curtndoes it exist a simple application to keep every ${CALLERID} in a file ?
13:59.06curtn(answer or not)
14:01.16robl^CDR does that.  not an applicatio, but a feature.  read up on cdr_custom.
14:01.52loompekyep... /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/Master.csv
14:02.05loompekit seems all the numbers are here
14:02.49robl^you can also use cdr-custom to define exactly how the file is formatted
14:03.49robl^check out the file /etc/asterisk/cdr_custom.conf
14:05.57curtnok i see "${CDR(src)}", thanks
14:06.38curtnand why is ${CDR(clid)} empty ?
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15:00.43killfill_how do i see what codecs do i have enabled?..
15:01.35killfill_(not in the config file)
15:02.02agxkillfill_, sip debug of an INVITE message
15:02.33agxuhm, or maybe "show translations" and watch at column with "-" instead of numbers
15:03.27killfill_show translations?
15:03.46agxkillfill_, show codec translation, cannot remember the exact syntax
15:03.51*** part/#asterisk agx (
15:07.47killfill_what codec should i enable for granstream phones?.. i.e. gxp2000
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15:10.00codec"Available codecs are: G.711u, G.711A, G.722, G.723, G.726, G.728, G.729 and iLBC"
15:10.13killfill_wired.. when i call from these phones, out to zap (pstn). they cannot hear what people on the pstn talks....
15:10.28killfill_software sip works tho. (eyebeam)
15:10.30killfill_and iax too
15:12.52killfill_what could it be?..
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15:26.02icewatermanhi, i want to use asterisk as a voip -> isdn gateway - meaning i want to create several sip accounts for asterisk (for me to connect to that asterisk) and then have asterisk use a normal isdn line from there on in both directions (so that i can use my voip phone for calling normal telephones and also getting called by normal telephones).
15:26.45icewatermani have one hfcsusb device, will asterisk be able to do that?
15:28.28killfill_what could be happening...
15:29.06icewatermanwill i need the bristuff?
15:29.11icewatermani guess so
15:33.58killfill_ <-- is there something wired in there?..
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15:35.18icewatermankillfill_: looks weired to me, but i'm new here :)
15:36.02killfill_why the heck does the sip phone not hear what ppl say in the pstn..
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15:39.40killfill_why could this happend..  im not using nat.. they are on the same net..
15:39.42icewatermanis there a howto for creating local sip accounts with asterisk?
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15:39.59icewatermankillfill_: there might be a packetfilter involved anyway
15:40.12killfill_icewaterman: there are plenty... or you could try to use asterisk-gui..
15:40.17killfill_nope.. no firewall
15:40.36icewatermankillfill_: asterisk gui? is that a webinterface?
15:41.05icewatermankillfill_: my router does not have X11 installed
15:41.16killfill_yah. not much people like to use guis in here.. but you could see how it writed configs and stuff
15:41.46killfill_you dont need X
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15:41.55icewatermanah ok
15:43.20icewatermankillfill_: X would also be a huge problem, as the box does not have screen/keyboard or mouse (only ssh and serial)
15:43.53tzafrir_homeicewaterman, what's the status of the FreeBSD asterisk port? IIRC they had bristuff support. But I also recall it was aufully dated
15:44.10icewatermantzafrir_home: how would i know?
15:44.42tzafrir_homeyou were using FreeBSD, right? Or do I confuse you with someone else?
15:44.47killfill_i use * with a sangoma card on freebsd.... i have a problem tho. but i think its a configuration thingy
15:44.52icewatermantzafrir_home: yes you do, i am using debian :)
15:45.11tzafrir_homewell, the official debs are bristuffed as well
15:45.21icewatermantzafrir_home: i always wanted to switch to freebsd but couldn't due to lack of hardware support for my isdn card
15:45.38tzafrir_homebut I don't think anybody wrote zaptel drivers for hfcusb
15:45.52tzafrir_homewould be interesting
15:45.53icewatermantzafrir_home: would i need zaptel drivers?
15:46.05tzafrir_homeeither that or misdn
15:46.15icewatermani have those misdn drivers working right now (not with asterisk though)
15:46.28icewatermantzafrir_home: misdn drivers work
15:46.28tzafrir_homeso you don't need bristuff
15:46.55coppice"misdn drivers work" is a very original comment :-)
15:47.27tzafrir_homeyeah. They work much better htan the zaptel driver for this device
15:47.44icewatermantzafrir_home: seems like debian packages will have bri-stuff enabled anyway, cant do much about it but it should not do much harm
15:48.07tzafrir_homeIt shouldn't do any harm, right
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15:49.06icewatermanuhm btw. will asterisk also work with the isdn4linux driver?
15:49.33tzafrir_homethere's some obsolete support. Not recommended
15:49.48icewatermanok, then i have to stay with misdn.
15:50.13icewatermanapt-cache search chan_modem
15:50.18icewatermanooops wrong window
15:50.24tzafrir_homeor chan_capi . or chan_visdn ...
15:50.32killfill_hey tzafrir_home would you know why would granstream phones not hear anything when zalling throught ZAP?  over SIP it does work..  softSIP phones works and IAX ones too...
15:50.47tzafrir_homeno, you really shouldn't waste time on chan_modem
15:51.00icewatermantzafrir_home: chan_capi is there but i guess that one requires a capi driver like misdn
15:51.00killfill_"over SIP it does work" i mean calling to another SIP phone...
15:51.27tzafrir_homeIIRC you can use misdn as a capi driver, but I'm not sure
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15:52.11tzafrir_homekillfill_, for starters, check if you "see" audio in the relevant channel with ztmonitor NN -v
15:54.36icewatermantzafrir_home: the website for chan_capi says: This module (often declared as 'driver', but it isn't) provides the connection between the PBX software and ISDN Hardware which provides a CAPI 2.0 compatible interface.
15:54.58icewatermanlooks to me as if it required capi support from the isdn-driver in the first place
15:55.25*** join/#asterisk puga (
15:55.39tzafrir_homeicewaterman, again, I know less about misdn and capi, sorry
15:56.01tzafrir_homelatest debs should support misdn, IIRC
15:56.06killfill_tzafrir_home: i can see the the levels ok in both directions...
15:56.06icewatermantzafrir_home: but you have a howto for creating sip accounts with asterisk? ;-)
15:56.07pugaanyone here knows how to configure zaptel for MFC/R2 signalling??
15:56.11killfill_letms get the generated audio file
15:56.34tzafrir_homekillfill_, use -v . you can easily see if there is or isn't audio
15:56.36killfill_oh well.. its lenght 0..  but i saw the levelsok
15:56.46*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
15:57.06killfill_yup. RX was up when peer at ZAP talked
15:57.07tzafrir_home"tx" is audio sent from asterisk, "rx" is audio recieved by Asterisk
15:57.16killfill_yup. its recieving
15:57.22killfill_so its asterisk/sip part
15:58.34killfill_wired tho.. when i "-f output" output is 0 bytes.
15:59.28omarc55Hi all, I am trying to get IAX transfer to work between 2 IAX servers using trunking but I see that the server stays in the media path. what can I check so I can get this to work?
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15:59.53killfill_tzafrir_home: what else can i test?..
16:00.37tzafrir_homekillfill_, what exactly is the problem? Asterisk doesn't send audio?
16:00.55tzafrir_homepuga, you need chan_unicall
16:01.22killfill_when calling from hardphone SIP to an external ZAP phone, the sip phone cannot hear what the person on zap is.
16:01.26killfill_but the zap does hear sip
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16:02.10killfill_with softphones it works tho.  (and i just change the asterisk server.. no modification on the hard phones)
16:03.13tzafrir_homeThere used to be a page  , but I have no idea where it went
16:03.44BBHossdoes an echo test work?
16:04.22killfill_BBHoss: between sip's it works okey  (and IAX's too)
16:04.59killfill_and the wired thing, is that when an incoming call comes from the zap, and get connected to the sip hardphone. everything works fine
16:05.12mattbolldoes anyone know if it is possible to talk to the person when we transfer a call ?
16:05.29killfill_its just when calling to the pstn.... outgoing calls.
16:05.41BBHossmattboll:which person, the person you're transferring to?
16:05.56mattboll"can I talk to X ? sure, wait... mister X someone for you... and then they talk together
16:06.07BBHossyou want attended xfer
16:06.17BBHossyou on zaptel or sip/iax?
16:06.31BBHosswhat kind of phone
16:07.23mattbollsoftphone (ekiga) or some other but don't know which yet
16:08.06BBHossim not sure how attended works or even IF it is supported by ekiga
16:08.18BBHossyou can use the built-in xfer though
16:08.24BBHossas if you were on an analog phone
16:09.00BBHossyou just have to set up features.conf, then make sure your dial options allow for xfers
16:10.05BBHossyou need the t and T dial options
16:10.31jameswf-home! google
16:10.32mattbollok, thanks a lot, now that I know the name (attended xfer) it should be more easy ;)
16:10.37mattbolleasier sorry
16:10.55tzafrir_homejameswf-home, you left out a space
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16:24.41killfill_tzafrir_home: what else can i try?.. i can hear all okey with ztmonitor...
16:24.48killfill_bu the damn phone doesn get any sound..
16:28.19atomicdHow can I pause the screen per page in the CLI to prevent the output of a command from scrolling off the screen?  For commands at the system prompt, I can use the "more" command.  Anything like that in Asterisk's CLI?
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16:31.23killfill_the echo test works ok and all...
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17:40.11unixdogok your all fired
17:44.37*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
17:46.18ManxPowerYou can't fire us!  We quit!
17:46.40BBHossanyone here use Oreill'y Safari?
17:47.10*** join/#asterisk Hekt0r (
17:47.45ManxPowerI used to.
17:50.03Hekt0rHi. I'm asstempting to upgrade to 1.4.13. After I disk make install I get warnings that a variety of modules were not installed by this version of asterisk and might be incompatible. They are,, ..., ..., I reran menuselect and didn't see these as options. What am I doing wrong?
17:50.46ManxPowerHekt0r: nothing.  those are modules YOU added after you installed 1.2.x, and they are not included in 1.4.x
17:51.11ManxPoweri.e. 1.4.x does not include MySQL support, because of licensing issues, but those modules are available in asterisk-addons, if you need them.
17:52.01ManxPowerrm those files in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
17:52.33ManxPowerSome of those modules may have been in 1.2.x but are not in 1.4.x, for example was removed and replaced with a func_app_cut
17:52.39BBHoss! book
17:52.46jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF
17:53.36Hekt0rAre pbx_functions and replaced? How do I know which ones are replaced and which ones I need find and compile?
17:54.01ManxPowerHekt0r: no real way if you don't remember which modules you added before.
17:54.08Qwellall of the ones that it complains about
17:54.14Qwellremove them all
17:54.32ManxPowerfrom the list, it looks like the mysql things is the only thing you added that you MIGHT be needing now.  Do you use the MySQL stuff in Asterisk?
17:54.43Qwellstill need to rebuild it
17:55.23Hekt0rI'm not sure if mysql is used. I'd assume it would be fore some sort of reporting?
17:55.40ManxPowerHekt0r: You did not install this Asterisk did you?
17:56.02Hekt0rNope. It was three guys ago.
17:56.23ManxPowerHekt0r: we really can't help you much if you don't know anything about the system.
17:56.44Qwell3 people in less than 2 years?
17:56.48Qwellsounds like a crappy place to work
17:56.51ManxPowerAnd really, if you know so little about the system, you're screwed anyway when you upgrade from 1.2.x to 1.4.x
17:57.11Hekt0rWhy am I screwed?
17:57.47ManxPowerHekt0r: because there is a large chance the upgrade won't work out of the box and you don't know enough about the system to fix the problems.  I assume you read UPGRADE.txt and the changelog for 1.4.x?
17:58.24Hekt0rOk. thanks for the help.
17:58.33ManxPowerPoor guy.
17:58.43QwellI have no sympathy
17:59.05Qwellhe's gonna get fired like the other 3 anyways :p
17:59.11ManxPowerI wonder if the previous admins knew as much about Asterisk.
17:59.45ManxPowerQwell: People don't understand just how incredibly complex and technical a VoIP PBX is.
18:00.01Qwellyou're preaching to the choir
18:00.11ManxPowerI know.
18:02.17ManxPowerI'll be back later, I need to VPN into a client and can't get to IRC from there.
18:03.11robl^But.. but.. PBX are simple!  Just use a GUI
18:07.41TJNIIOkay, this just confises me:
18:07.42TJNIIFailed to execute '/var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/wakeup.php': No such file or directory
18:07.50TJNIIRanchNet:/etc/asterisk# ls -l /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/wakeup.php
18:07.50TJNII-rwxrwx--- 1 asterisk asterisk 20887 2007-09-25 20:39 /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/wakeup.php
18:09.17Mw3head -1 /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/wakeup.php
18:10.50TJNIIAah.  I know
18:11.00TJNIINew server.  PHP isn't installed yet
18:11.35TJNIIMw3: Thanks.  If you hadn't told me to look at the shebang line I would have kept pounding at permissions.
18:26.21BBHossanyone here ever use PIKA boards?
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18:28.36TJNIIWhere is the default sounds directory specified?
18:28.49unixdogyou where stepping on my paw
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18:30.02unixdoganyone here ever use sipfoundry sipx in conjunction with asterisk
18:33.16TJNIIThe debian build has the sound directory pointed to /usr/share/asterisk and I want it pointed to /var/lib/asterisk/sounds....
18:33.24TJNIIWell, a symlink will work for now....
18:33.57unixdogthats because you did not use the emerge to install
18:34.05unixdogand to update
18:34.06TJNIIemerge is gentoo
18:34.28unixdogbut deb does not use the standard layout
18:34.52TJNIIAs I've noticed.  Is that compiled in?  Where is that directory specified?
18:35.07Strom_MTJNII: asterisk.conf
18:35.14unixdogyou have to use the deb pkg system to install
18:35.15Strom_MI believe it's /etc/asterisk.conf
18:35.42Strom_Mdisclaimer: i've just woken up
18:35.48unixdogbut then again I work on freebsd and asterisk
18:35.59unixdogand i love it
18:36.18TJNIIHmmmm... I don't have an entry for it.  Would it default to a specified directory?
18:36.39unixdoguse locate
18:36.42Strom_MTJNII: run updatedb and then type "locate asterisk.conf"
18:36.44unixdoguse find
18:36.44TJNIII copied all the confs off a system that works with /var/lib/asterisk, to this strikes me as a bit odd
18:37.01unixdogthats why
18:37.58TJNIIAlso a grep for /usr/share/asterisk in /etc yeilds nothing
18:38.56TJNIIunixdog: what do you mean by "thats why"
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18:44.17killfill_what could this mean? chan_sip.c:3625 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 4, while native formats is 0x1 (g723)(1) read/write = 0x8 (alaw)(8)/0x4 (ulaw)(4)?
18:44.53*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
18:46.07killfill_channel.c:2991 set_format: Unable to find a codec translation path from g723 to alaw
18:47.25killfill_how do i fix this?...
18:48.25unixdogdo you have g723 installed
18:49.18Strom_Mkillfill_: for g723 you have to install the digium transcoder card
18:49.29Strom_Motherwise you can only do g723 in passthrough mode
18:50.00killfill_hm.. in the practice what does this mean?..
18:50.22killfill_how do check if i have g723 working fine?
18:50.33unixdogg723 to g723
18:50.57unixdogother then that no real way
18:51.10killfill_ i see that
18:51.12Strom_Mpassthrough is exactly what you'd expect it to be
18:51.22unixdogunless you get the opensource g723 software
18:51.38Strom_Mopensource my ass
18:51.40Strom_Mit's patented
18:51.55Strom_Myou don't go running around violating patents :)
18:52.14unixdogif its used for testing and or non profit its not
18:52.17killfill_but wait. my problem begins when i take this granstream phone, and make a call.
18:52.26Strom_Mkillfill_: read your own messages
18:52.28Strom_MDisclaimer: this command is for informational purposes only.
18:52.32killfill_should i better make the phone choose a different codeco or something?
18:52.39Strom_Mkillfill_: yes
18:54.01TJNIII hate it when you're tinkering with something, and something else breaks in what you're tinkering with, but the two are unrelated.
18:54.18TJNIIThen you're pounding the dirt going "What did I do!"
18:54.30TJNIIEspecially when the breakage isn't your fault
18:55.36De_MonStrom_M maybe YOU dont...
18:57.04killfill_yeah. the codec selection of the phone is 1: PCMU 2: PCMA 3: G724, 4: etc etc.
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18:57.19killfill_when i change G724 for GSM, then it selects GSM and it works..
18:57.35killfill_but.. gsm is like the worst quelity.. right?...
18:57.54killfill_why doesnt pcmu/a get selected?.. thats u/a law right?..
18:58.59killfill_unixdog, oh.. the list of codecs you writed, are like orderen by quality of sound?..
19:08.10*** join/#asterisk Hadi- (
19:08.14Hadi-hi everyone
19:08.37TJNIIhmmmm.... my iax port isn't open, even though it should be.....
19:09.23Hadi-just a quick question... we have a SIP PRI connected directly to our CISCO 2800 series router... we are sending some outgoing calls from asterisk to the Cisco 2800 series.. ans we are getting a lot of Got SIP response 486 "Busy here"
19:11.45Hadi-any ideas why
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19:19.18JTkillfill_: wow what a surprise, getting rid of G.724 works...
19:20.00killfill_does people not like 724?...
19:20.30JTi have never heard of anyone using it, ever
19:20.45JTand most importantly... it is NOT supported by asterisk
19:22.26Hadi-do you guys recommand any good voip radios billing software?
19:22.37Hadi-that word with Cisco
19:23.02JTradios billing software?
19:24.27Hadi-calling card application as well as wholesale would be nice
19:31.09*** join/#asterisk EclecticRob (
19:34.57EclecticRobHi all, I am experiencing a strange problem that I have not been able to solve.  I have an asterisk server in a data-center and two computers at home behind a NAT DSL connection.  One is an Ubuntu box and the other is a Mac.  I can call out from both systems perfectly fine and everything works great.  I can call the Mac box via a local extension from the Ubuntu box without any problems.  When I call from the Mac to the Ubuntu box vi
19:36.02JTEclecticRob: try not to make so long questions
19:36.53TJNIIRTP traffic is all UDP, correct?
19:37.05JTthe ircd cuts of lines after about a billion characters
19:37.45EclecticRobheh, sorry
19:38.01Strom_MTJNII: yes
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19:38.45TJNIIOkay.  That's probably why my SIP straffic wasn't working.  I just discovered I set the RTP port forwarding to TCP instead of UDP
19:38.59killfill_SIP/19-087b6000 recieved frame with invalid timing info: has_timing_info=0, len=0, ts=0, src=g729tolin_frameout
19:39.05killfill_what means this?
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19:45.28endreoh hi
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19:48.40katsuodoreceive error 3 no route destination for sip phone
19:49.54TJNIIkatsuodo: NAT?
19:50.53katsuodolinksys router
19:51.05katsuodowould this cause a problem
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19:54.51TJNIISo phone -> (Nat) -> * server?
19:55.05*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
19:58.17katsuodoTNJII yes the sip phone is plugged into linksys connected to the server
20:00.30katsuodomade change to sip.conf to allow nat=yes
20:00.35katsuodoone moment
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20:06.03katsuodoTJNII the message is as follows warning [4521]: app_dial.c:1106 dial_exec_full : Unable to create channel of type SIP (cause 3 no route to destination)
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20:15.01[TK]D-Fenderkatsuodo, Read this, now :
20:15.04jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
20:16.57katsuodohey jbot
20:17.04katsuodohow you doing
20:17.32*** part/#asterisk jebba (n=jebba@unaffiliated/jebba)
20:17.47curtnfor g.729a... there is no free solution ?
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20:20.32curtnmp3 is not free... but the licensing terms on G.729a seems to be a little bit "agressive"
20:24.07hescoI would have thought that ${CDR(dst)} would have given me the destination phone number.  But instead I'm getting the number I put in the CID setting.  How is it I log the numbers of the outgoing calls I'm making?
20:24.34*** part/#asterisk rsd (n=chaos@
20:25.56[TK]D-Fenderkatsuodo, don;'t talk to the bot... its too late for that much humour :)
20:30.07jboti heard g729 is an ITU-standard voice codec which operates at 8kbps and offers quality very similar to GSM. G.729 is patent-encumbered; those wishing to use it with Asterisk must buy a license from Digium.
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21:15.58MrTelephonefor you guys using openser don't you lose the * codes in chan_sip?
21:16.38MrTelephonelike *69
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21:21.13Strom_Mchan_sip has vertical service codes?
21:21.29becks`hi, somebody ever used the protos sip test with an asterisk server? i wonder if asterisk would forward messages with corrupt headers to the device under test
21:23.52MrTelephonestrom, is that what you call them?
21:24.02jbotextra, extra, read all about it, vsc is Vertical Service Codes such as *67, *69, *72, and *82.  These codes are generally reserved for specific uses, and it's a bad idea to conflict with the official assignments.  A list of assigned VSCs for North America is at and ...
21:25.50[TK]D-FenderMrTelephone, No such thing unless you've coded your dialplan that way
21:27.24MrTelephoneif you do the sdp properly and contact info properly for two nat clients.. do you necessarily have to proxy the rtp too?
21:29.38MrTelephonethe more i read about it the more i don't think you need to proxy the rtp
21:37.35Strom_Mwho stood on the internet hose again
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21:47.49killfill_how do i check if a sip or iax user is connected?.. this way i could route: "IF the user is connected, ring him. If not, goto Recepcionist"
21:57.41*** mode/#asterisk [-r] by Qwell
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22:04.28Strom_Myou could also use qualify=yes
22:05.30MrTelephonei dunno i like asterisk better than openser
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23:11.53killfill_is there a way to define, that when a call get into a queue, and is there for 20 minutes, to refirect the call to another queue?
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23:19.05Sunmoon__hello there
23:19.10Sunmoon__anyone home
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23:20.52[TK]D-Fenderkillfill_, yes. "show application queue"
23:21.54lvl-killfill_, if a call isn't answered by the queue, the dialplan simply continues at the next priority
23:22.44killfill_hm... you mean i could set a timeout there..
23:22.54killfill_(where i go to the queue)
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23:43.55kopkehi all, I'm new user of Asterisk. I've got a problem with VAD! I have a local asterisk, with 2 clients, a Cisco 7960 and a softphone. I set up MOH, I put enablevad=0 to my Cisco, and MOH works well between the two one. But when I use a VSP, to make call to french mobile operator, my MOH plays only when I speak or make noise, so I want to know if I can set up a global novad to asterisk? I tried silencesuppresion to yes or no, nothing changed, and trie
23:43.55kopkes some codecs but nothing better :( Anyone has an idea?
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23:49.54[TK]D-Fenderkopke, * doesn
23:50.08[TK]D-Fenderkopke, * doesn's SUPPORT VAD.  You have to tell your PROVIDER to stop
23:50.51kopkeOK, that what I was worry, so should'nt be possible!
23:52.01kopkeI read that problem is that asterisk takes timer from the other side, to play the MOH, and read one time an option like internal_timer that should force asterisk to play it, but no precision?
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23:52.55ymonsalvezi need help
23:53.20ymonsalvezsorry but english is bad
23:53.54J4k3english is an awful language anyways
23:54.00J4k3too much flow control, not enough content.
23:55.11ymonsalvezI have server asterisk with gateway gsm voiceblue 2n
23:56.10ymonsalvezfor finished cell calls
23:57.14ymonsalvezhow can hangup calls for a group of channels
23:58.51ymonsalvezwith soft hangup can just hang a call from a specific channel
23:59.30ymonsalvezbut for more than one channel there is something about that

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