IRC log for #asterisk on 20071109

00:01.06beekIf I plug in an analog phone instead of the * box to the VM port I can easily do the transfer.  Asterisk does pick the call up and play the greeting.
00:01.13fujin_dijungal: tshark
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00:04.21jim9119Packet sniffer:
00:04.21chadI'm reading through the internals trying to figure out how Asterisk knows when an incoming AGI command is done since it doesn't seem to be terminated in any way.  Any pointers to where in the code to look for that?
00:06.19jim9119or if you want overkill setup
00:06.35*** join/#asterisk mindCrime_ (i=chatzill@nat/redhat/x-6ed25639506a4d40)
00:07.50CrazyTuxHey guys say I want to match: Host:, I could also do just Host: * ?
00:09.48*** join/#asterisk craigk (n=ckowald@
00:10.29jim9119does anyone here have a cluster setup with UltraMonkey or Linux-HA?
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00:20.05MacWinneris there a standard way that I can configure a phone number on my cellphone that automatically includes sending DTMF after the call is connected?  ie, like dialing 5551212##1234
00:20.40beekMy cell phone accepts commas (,) as a pause.  So I'd use:   5551212,,,,1234
00:20.59*** join/#asterisk jmesquita (
00:23.37MacWinnerbeek, cool, is that normal across cellphones?
00:24.14MacWinnerbeek: and does the pause including the time the phone is ringing? or do the pauses only take effect if the phone is picked up
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00:39.09*** join/#asterisk tristanbob (n=tristan@oalug/member/tristanbob)
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00:41.03ThazzaHey all.
00:41.53saint_does anyonw know how the DIGITMAP on Polycom works ?
00:42.15beekMacWinner: It has been that way on my Nokia and Motorola phones.  The "," was used in modem dialing strings and I think that the cell phone mfgs simply copied that standard.
00:43.49J4k3, means a half second pause iirc.
00:43.51J4k3or 1 second
00:43.52J4k3thats it
00:44.05ThazzaIs is possible to cause to sip channels to ring and bridge from the CLI?
00:46.03MacWinnerbeek:  cool.. another question, if I call my PBX from my cellphone and then the PBX initiates a call to a 3rd party, can i make my PBX spoof the outgoing call's CID to look like my cell phone's CID?
00:51.00*** join/#asterisk tristanbob (n=tristan@oalug/member/tristanbob)
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00:55.25beekMacWinner:  That depends on your phone company.
00:59.20*** join/#asterisk BiG^DoG (n=BiG^
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00:59.36BiG^DoGanyone successfully gotten call waiting to work with asterisk and an SPA-3102?
00:59.52BiG^DoGI've read every page I can find about passing hook flash to the PSTN but I just can't get it to work
01:01.59*** join/#asterisk Mercestes (
01:11.20phixoh there are problems with the SPA 3102? I am about to buy one :)
01:12.48phixI hate waiting in queues when ringing up tech support, etc, I would like to transfer a call to some extension which will repeat a message saying "Press 1 when I am no longer in the queue", and get it to ring my extension back and pass the call to me
01:16.56*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:20.18J4k3phix: I wish they'd just take your number and *really* call you back
01:21.05phixJ4k3: true, some places do that no
01:21.27phixif the queue is uber they say they will ring back, but most dont do that so I need to transfer them
01:21.33phixtransfering I don't have a problem with
01:21.59phixgetting asterisk to ring my extension again I do have a problem with, how would this be done? using a queue or something?
01:22.07phixis it even possible?
01:22.16phixor do I need to do some AGI stuff
01:22.48JTphix: i wouldn't call it a problem
01:23.12JTBiG^DoG: don't expect hook flash to work over sip
01:24.45*** join/#asterisk |omni| (
01:25.07phixJT: awww
01:25.30phixJT: that is good
01:25.34phixJT: any suggestsions/.
01:28.11*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
01:29.22phixJT: !
01:29.35*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
01:35.11phixpuzzled: hi
01:37.13BiG^DoGJT: Are you saying I can't transfer a hook flash from a FXS port on the SPA3102 to the FXO port?
01:38.49MercestesBiG^DoG, I think the SPA intercepts that hookflash and does it's own magic.  Is there a setting for "hook flash" under the web admin?
01:39.21BiG^DoGthere is a setting but I'll be damned if I can get it to do anything
01:41.53MercestesMight want to try app Flash()
01:42.03JTBiG^DoG: probably not
01:42.07JTMercestes: isn't that zap only?
01:42.23MercestesHe's on an FXO.
01:42.32MercestesI guess if he's trying to answer call waiting it won't help him much.
01:42.41MercestesBut if he wants to hookflash a call out he can use Flash to do a transfer.
01:42.50BiG^DoGno, it was for call waiting
01:42.55BiG^DoGI'm trying to handle call waiting on my analog line
01:42.56MercestesOH, then flash wont' help you.
01:43.53MercestesI think "call waiting" should be one of the options under hookflash tho.
01:44.05Mercestesbut it's kind of up to the SPA to handle that correctly.
01:44.45*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
01:44.59BiG^DoGshould I attempt linksys support?
01:46.44*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
01:47.06xpotanyone know if IAXtel is down for good or what?
01:48.00*** join/#asterisk pcooper (
01:55.03JTMercestes: he's on an SPA
01:55.06JTwhich is SIP
01:55.11JTNot zap
01:55.15JTto asterisk
01:55.35Mercestes<BiG^DoG> JT: Are you saying I can't transfer a hook flash from a FXS port on the SPA3102 to the FXO port?
01:55.49Mercestessorry, I thought he was running from FXS -> FXO.
02:02.36phixIs it possible to handle incomming calls differently based on caller id?
02:02.53phixactually, nm, I think I remember reading that in "The Book"
02:03.38puzzledphix, sure. in english: if callerid is 12345 do something
02:04.18phixexten => 123,1,GotoIf($[${CALLERIDNUM} = 8885551212]?20:10)
02:04.21phixI meant that :)
02:04.37phixstupid windows, not copying things to clipboard when I highlight them
02:04.56*** part/#asterisk Alowishus (
02:05.54JTphix: that's the dumb way to do it :)
02:06.03JTuse callerid extension matches
02:06.40*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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02:07.10tzangerI want my ztdeth spans positioned before my wctdm span
02:07.25tzangerbut I can't run ztcfg because it will bomb out my rc.local script before I can load wctdm
02:09.00*** join/#asterisk VJFROMGT (
02:09.00VJFROMGTclient is trying to dial a number but gest a busy
02:09.00VJFROMGTcan anyone tell me hwat is goign
02:10.38[hC]anyone have any thoughts why an IAX2 based call would sound bad, whereas simply changing it over to SIP makes the call sound perfectly fine?
02:10.57VJFROMGTiax2 between what?
02:11.01puzzled[hC], maybe no ztdummy or other zaptel driver loaded
02:11.13[hC]VJFROMGT: two asterisk boxes?
02:11.18[hC]puzzled: what does that have to do with it?
02:11.22MercestesVJFROMGT, busy, or reorder?
02:11.38VJFROMGTmerce,, beep, beep , beep
02:11.48puzzled[hC], for some iax stuff you need to have a zaptel driver loaded for it to work properly
02:11.58[hC]puzzled: i dont think that is correct.
02:12.06puzzled[hC], iirc with trunking or meetme
02:12.09VJFROMGThc,, i use iax2 to link boxes all the time, no zaptel involved
02:12.35puzzledobviously meetme has nothing to do with iax but does not a zaptel driver for timing
02:12.38[hC]puzzled: not using trunking, and thats because meetme transodes to slin, im not talking about meetme though, im talking a point to point call, simply traversing IAX as opposed to SIP
02:12.39VJFROMGThc, in ure iax trunk, what codec is specified
02:13.03[hC]g729, for both
02:13.06puzzled[hC], maybe your jitterbuffer is going nuts?
02:13.19VJFROMGThow about iax.conf file, is codec enabled?
02:13.29[hC]guys thanks for the effort but im looking for some more lower level reason as to how IAX transmits packets different than SIP, specifically in relation to say, latency spikes or packet loss
02:13.46[hC]VJFROMGT: what does that mean, is codec enabled? of course there's a codec.
02:14.07phixJT: really? where is that?
02:14.10puzzled[hC], maybe your router has sip QoS built-in and not for iax?
02:14.25VJFROMGTwhat i mean is sometimes you get cases where users enable a codec in sip.conf but not iax.conf
02:14.26phixJT: in "The Book" still ?
02:14.49puzzledphix, or <exten> => do something
02:14.52[hC]okay we're way beyond all of this stuff.
02:15.10phixpuzzled: ?
02:15.47phixcallerif extension matches, where is that documentated?
02:15.51puzzledphix, let me rephrase: <callerid> => 1,bla
02:16.26*** part/#asterisk dijungal (n=kdaniel@
02:16.29phixpuzzled: umm I replace <callerid> with something? or I type that in as you typed it?
02:16.37phixpuzzled: I need documentation :)
02:16.44*** join/#asterisk gerphimum (n=trekkie@
02:16.59puzzledreplace with the number that you want to do special stuff for
02:17.56phixI need <> around it?
02:18.34phixcan you give me a better example with number sd:)
02:18.57JTphix: it's in the book
02:19.00puzzledphix, 12345678 => 1,Answer
02:19.14JT1234567/7373489 =>
02:19.28phixoh, so the number instead of exten?
02:19.39phixJT: ok :) what chapter? :)
02:19.41phixI have the book
02:19.54JTthe ones about extension matching
02:19.58puzzledsearch the index for extensions I guess
02:20.38simondis there some way to enable a module without going through 'make menuconfig'?
02:21.57puzzledsimond, iirc you can enable it in (?) menuselect.opts and do make
02:22.07*** part/#asterisk beek (n=klinebl@
02:22.31phixcan't find it
02:22.34phixpage number?
02:22.47puzzledsimond, but that's only after make menu... has already been done
02:23.03phixchapter at least
02:23.40*** join/#asterisk sahafeez (
02:24.29puzzledphix, search for ex-girlfriend in the page
02:24.34VJFROMGTuser is getting a fast busy when he dials
02:24.43sahafeezquestion. i have a box with a digum pri card and a 4 port analog card. i am trying the asterisknow b6 on it. it only seems to see the 4 port and misses the t1 all together.
02:24.47sahafeezknow issues?
02:24.52phixpuzzled:  thank you
02:25.04JTphix: damn you're lazy
02:25.46puzzledsahafeez, try loading the modules for the T1 card first, then for the analog card
02:26.05sahafeezhum, it does it automagicly on boot.
02:26.21puzzledthen unautomagic it and do it yourself :)
02:26.22sahafeezi will have to find out how. however lsmod does not even seem to be on the system :)
02:27.08phixok I undertand now
02:27.18phixJT: no, just impatient :)
02:27.22VJFROMGTuser is getting a fast busy when he dials  18686243211
02:28.17*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (
02:28.32JTphix: same thing
02:28.42obnauticushey JT
02:28.50obnauticusIs a cisco 7940 any good>
02:28.51sahafeezthere is no lsmod on this!!!
02:29.37puzzledobnauticus, I have Cisco & Polycom phones. prefer the Polycoms
02:29.47puzzledsahafeez, you have been hax0red
02:29.48obnauticusWhy is that?
02:29.51obnauticusThe screens look awesome.
02:30.03JTobnauticus: polycoms are far better
02:30.04sahafeezit is a new install that is 30 secs old so no
02:30.05puzzledobnauticus, the polycom screens are even more leet
02:30.08JTciscos are overpriced junk
02:30.15JTtheir sip firmware sucks too
02:30.33puzzledindeed, their SIP sucks in capitals, including donkey balls
02:30.44sahafeezah, bad pathing.
02:31.27sahafeezgod, it has been so long since i did the 1st box. what is the mod for the t1 called
02:32.15puzzleddepends on the card but I don' recall
02:32.33sahafeezzaptel                177956  19 zttranscode,wcusb,wctdm,wcfxo,wctdm24xxp,wcte11xp,wct1xxp,wct4xxp,tor2
02:33.24puzzledI guess one of wctdm or wcte11xp ot wct1xxp
02:33.39sahafeezhum so it is loaded but asterisk does not think it is there
02:34.42sahafeezhum...just do it man. i guess
02:40.33sahafeezhum, reboot and it undoes my changes. nice.
02:41.29*** join/#asterisk puzzled_ (
02:45.08sahafeezAsterisk Now currently does not support digital cards, only analog. You will need to manually configure zaptel.conf and zapata.conf and probably disable the 'zapscan' utility from running on boot up a ...
02:45.12sahafeezokay..the you go..
02:57.27*** join/#asterisk macros73_ (
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02:58.59BillBinkohello everyone
02:59.24BillBinkoI am having odd performance issues and was wondering if anyone could help
03:01.43*** join/#asterisk speekac (n=alwin@
03:01.59speekacanyone familiar with gs config generator ?
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03:27.35*** join/#asterisk Thazza (
03:28.00ThazzaHey All.. Is it possible to join to sip channels via the CLI?
03:30.11*** join/#asterisk mindCrime__ (
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03:42.40*** join/#asterisk JRsup1 (
03:43.49JRsup1HALP...I haven't used asterisk in ages and I am setting up a system.  I have a trunk set up and 1 extension so far.  I can make oubound calls but inbound calls are just being picked up and getting a "goodbye" from the system and hanging up
03:50.20fujin_have you defined a context for incoming calls to be placed into
03:50.30fujin_have you defined an extension that matchines calls to that incoming context
03:51.04ThazzaIs it possible to join to sip channels via the CLI?
03:54.02JRsup1context is...let me look that up
03:54.26Strom_MThazza: not that i'm  aware of
03:55.07*** join/#asterisk |omni| (
03:55.11JRsup1I don't know how to define an extension to match a context
03:55.27Strom_MJRsup1: pastebin your incoming-mobile context
03:56.52ThazzaStrom_M, Is it possible instead to create a new called between 2 SIP extentions, via the CLI?
03:57.22JRsup1:) um...well, I just have that line in the mobile.conf file.  last time I tried asterisk I don't remember dealing with contexts.  Where would I set that up...maybe that's my problem.
03:58.26*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
04:01.52Strom_MJRsup1: when was the last time you used asterisk?
04:01.56Strom_MThazza: generally, no
04:03.37JRsup1um...sometime back when asterisk@home was asterisk@home not freepbx.  Early/mid 2006?
04:03.50Strom_Mthat's not asterisk, you realize
04:04.01JRsup1well, yeah...that's just the interface
04:04.09JRsup1and technically it would be trixbox
04:04.09Strom_Mare you using plain vanilla asterisk, or are you using a gui on top of it?
04:05.03JRsup1I do have freepbx installed and I'm using it to add extensions and trunks (which has worked except incoming apparently)
04:05.14JRsup1but I can access the .configs too....
04:05.35Strom_Mfreepbx takes over the dialplan and makes it incredibly difficult to debug
04:05.56JRsup1infact I'll probably skip out on using freepbx since it isn't quite working right.
04:06.00jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
04:06.04Strom_Mi recommend you either start with vanilla asterisk on a linux distro of your choice, or go to #freepbx and inquire there
04:06.26ThazzaStrom_M: Yeah i know, i just wanted to freak out a couple of friends plugged into my astisk install, by causing the system to call them both, and then bridge the connection.
04:06.36*** join/#asterisk implicit (
04:06.38Strom_MThazza: that's doable,  but not from the CLI
04:07.00JRsup1ok, will check that out, thx
04:07.55ThazzaStrom_M: Call files?
04:07.56Strom_MThazza: yes
04:08.31ThazzaStrom_M: Thats pretty much the only way right?
04:08.44*** join/#asterisk hesco (
04:08.49Strom_Mwell, you could write an AMI program to do it also
04:08.56Strom_Mbut call files are a bit simpler
04:10.20hescoAny clues where I might start looking?
04:10.26*** part/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-ea6b33ae92da3b0d)
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04:22.58[TK]D-Fenderhesco, Where is your phone relative to your * server?
04:23.25*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
04:27.58hescoits in an adjacent machine.  different IP on the same subnet
04:28.47[TK]D-Fenderhesco, and what do you mean playback is not getting YOUR audio?
04:29.32hescoEcho() works as expected.  I say 'test' into the dialed local phone, I hear 'test' from my soft phone's speakers.
04:30.29hescoBut this: exten => 600,3,Playback(demo-echotest) never gets played back through the softphone.
04:31.09[TK]D-Fenderhesco, pastebin a call attempt
04:31.18hescoI'm wonderin if that is a path issue? or if something else might be at play.
04:31.21[TK]D-Fenderhesco, along with your dialplan
04:31.25jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
04:32.51hescohow would I observe a call attempt?  I have a console running at -vvvc, is that where I need to look?
04:33.21[TK]D-Fenderyes.  Do "set verbose 10" and pastebin the complete call attempt and your associated dialplan
04:37.43hescowell I seem to have messed things up in my tinkering.  Now I can't even raise an answer.  I'll be back with you on this, hopefully in a moment.  Thanks.
04:40.37hescoThat's weird.  The softphone at .105 is ringing, but its not getting an answer from .106, now.  My first line of this extension reads: exten => 600,1,Answer()
04:41.09[TK]D-Fenderhesco, pastebin the whole mess.
04:43.21hesco[TK]D-Fender: Is this whole mess enough?  Or do you want to see all of extensions.conf?
04:45.04[TK]D-Fenderhesco, whats at the other end of this? : exten => 600,2,Dial(IAX2/diamondcard/17707551543)
04:45.20hescoSo I see now that Echo() was in fact commented out.  Do I need to restart my server every time I change the dialplan?
04:45.28hescothat's my landline
04:45.43[TK]D-Fenderhesco, for dialplan changes a simple "reload" or "extensions reload" would do
04:46.19[TK]D-Fenderhesco, So far nothing I see in there loks liek it dials a "phone" per se (discounting that IAX provider dial)
04:48.04hescoI just reloaded and then updated the pastebin.
04:48.39hescodoesn't this pass off the incoming call to my landline?
04:49.18[TK]D-Fenderhesco, pastebin the call attempt
04:49.40[TK]D-Fenderhesco, user please
04:49.51[TK]D-Fenderconsiderably better & faster
04:51.31hescoI just updated the, but I'll switch if you'd prefer.
04:53.43hescoOK, here you go:
04:55.19*** join/#asterisk groogs[h] (
04:59.41[TK]D-Fenderhesco, ok, what are you dialing, and what seems to be happening?
05:03.04hescoI just restored the default sample extensions.conf, and started testing it and its working fine, now.
05:04.00hescoThanks for your helpfulness.  I think I'm going to start over and hack on what works, instead of trying to figure out what that was about.
05:04.49hescoAfter a week of interruptions frustrating successful tests, the possibilities I'm seeing here with a few successful tests are pretty exciting.
05:05.32hescoThanks to all who helped build this.
05:05.32*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (
05:05.32*** join/#asterisk Kirko (
05:05.55[T]ankall of my phones are configured exactly the same. However I am getting an error on just one phone: [Nov  8 22:03:04] NOTICE[4388]: chan_sip.c:14474 handle_request_subscribe: Received SIP subscribe for peer without mailbox: 1204. What causes this?
05:06.17Kirkoi keep getting this error on my asterisk system:
05:06.19Kirko[Nov  8 20:40:07] WARNING[4088] res_monitor.c: Execute of ( nice -n 19 soxmix "//dev/shm/1194579607.38441-in.wav" "//dev/shm/1194579607.38441-out.wav" "//dev/shm/1194579607.38441.wav"  && rm -f "//dev/shm/1194579607.38441-"* ) & failed.
05:06.28Kirkoanyone know why?
05:08.26ManxPower[T]ank: does [1204] in sip.conf have a mailbox= line?
05:08.44[T]ankyeah, that would do it ;-) duh
05:09.52*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (n=leon@
05:10.28[TK]D-FenderManxPower, Doctor, Doctor... it hurts when I raise my arm like this!
05:10.58[TK]D-FenderKirko, Go confirm that you have "nice" and "soxmix" installed.
05:15.01*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
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05:19.02Kirko[TK]D-Fender, both are installed
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05:19.30Kirko[TK]D-Fender, the commmand is executed successfully, but i always get that error back.
05:28.26Freman <- jesus... that complicates my dial plan )c:
05:30.45*** join/#asterisk hillct (
05:31.06hillctGood evening all
05:31.48hillcthas anyone here worked with the PBXpress switch? From what I can tell, it's an asterisk fork but it's not clear from the documentation
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06:12.31*** part/#asterisk [T]ank (
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06:13.14*** part/#asterisk jim9119 (
06:14.13[T]anksetting up a new set of t1s and getting an error on the cli when i start asterisk. I have added all of the configs and the error to pastebin: I could use some help identifying what I have done wrong.
06:14.50*** join/#asterisk MrTelephone (
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06:20.35Strom_M[T]ank: channels 48 and 96 are also d-channels
06:20.46Strom_Myou miiiight want to not assign those at the bottom of zapata.conf...
06:21.08[T]ankthat is where i got confused. this is how the guys at digium told me to do it.
06:21.16Strom_Mwell, what does your telco say?
06:21.18[T]ankthe d chans are 24 and 72.
06:21.29Strom_Mok, so it's a single NFAS group?
06:21.40[T]ankthe guy at digium said that the t1s without dchans would be backup.
06:21.48[T]ankthat did not make sense to me.
06:21.50Strom_Mugh, no no no .
06:21.53Strom_Mwho told you that?
06:22.00[T]anki thought a back up dchan would have to be exactly that... a dchan
06:22.20Strom_Mi will have to yell at patrick
06:22.32[T]ankthats right... you are there to, right?
06:23.04Strom_Mi'm in california
06:23.25[T]ankoh, ok
06:23.31[T]anklet me update and have you double check me.
06:24.19[T]ankso if i have 4 pri with dchan on 24 and 72 would this be correct?
06:25.16Strom_Mis it a single NFAS group?
06:25.22Strom_Mor is it two NFAS groups?
06:26.34[T]ankwell... all i really want is 4 t1s as one group, but they only have 2 dchannels
06:26.43Strom_Mthats not what i'm asking
06:26.49Strom_Mhow has the telco configured the PRIs?
06:26.59Strom_Mis it a single NFAS group with a primary and backup d-channel?
06:27.25[T]ankwell... I have to guess at that until I can talk to them in the morning. I would assume that it is a single with a backup. that case, you want to set up a single trunkgroup
06:28.55*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (n=chatzill@
06:30.34Strom_Mtrunkgroup => 1,24,72
06:31.50Strom_Mbut make sure your logical spans match up with what your telco has too
06:31.55Strom_Mtry 1,2,3,4
06:32.41[T]ankshould i be concerned about this when i restart asterisk:
06:32.42[T]ank[Nov  8 23:31:51] WARNING[10691]: chan_zap.c:8550 pri_dchannel: Restart requested on odd/unavailable channel number 3/24 on span 1
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06:33.31Strom_Mi would suspect it means that your settings and the telco's settings don't match up
06:33.38[T]ankmakes sense.
06:34.23*** join/#asterisk ozus (
06:34.35Strom_Mdon't you have a copy of the order?
06:35.58[T]ankno... i am calling them now to see if i can get anything.
06:36.19Strom_Mwho is the telco?
06:36.29[T]ankI think I understand now how this is supposed to work now.
06:36.32[T]ankglobal crossing
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06:43.27J4k3they're sending you 23Ds and 1 B per PRI :D
06:46.07Strom_MJ4k3: nope
06:46.12Strom_Mit's an NFAS group
06:48.34J4k3I'm talking noise anyways
06:49.25J4k3also, does anyone know of a chan_bluetooth, chan_mobile whatever to connect to a CDMA phone that will do automated dialouts?
06:49.30J4k3I only need to dial one number
06:50.57J4k3hmm, I guess I could use the voicedial capabilities of the phone
06:51.25J4k3have * click the bluetooth, then say "dial someone [pause] jackass [pause] yes [connect call]"
07:01.58[T]ankStrom_M: reading over these freaking orders from the phone company... It has one trunk group number. Would that mean that it is a single nfas group?
07:06.08[T]ankok, so that is how i have it set up i think now...
07:06.18[T]anki did a ztcfg -vv and restarted asterisk...
07:06.56[T]ankseemed to go ok. however checking pri show spans it shows:
07:06.56[T]ankslc-gbx-01*CLI> pri show spans
07:06.56[T]ankPRI span 1/0: Provisioned, Up, Active
07:06.56[T]ankPRI span 1/1: Provisioned, Down, Standby
07:06.56*** join/#asterisk CtRiX (
07:07.16[T]ankif i had it configured correctly, would both of those show as up and active?
07:10.22*** join/#asterisk syneus (
07:15.29Strom_Mi'm not sure
07:16.01[T]ankok.. i am getting no errors anymore, but calling in i am not getting any audio. errrrr. i hate pstn
07:16.25Strom_Mthe PSTN is easy
07:16.35Strom_Mare you sure the circuit is supervising?
07:17.36[T]ankI dont know what that means.
07:18.26Strom_Mis the call being "answered" by the called party?
07:18.56[T]ankyes it is
07:19.02Strom_Mhow can you tell?
07:19.53Strom_Malso, what are you callig from, and what specifically is answering the call?
07:19.53*** join/#asterisk dlynes_laptop (
07:20.12[T]ankok.. here is the setup.
07:20.32[T]ankthe pstn goes into server 1. where it routes the call to server 2. This is where the dialplan answers the call.
07:20.48[T]ankspecifically calling and Answer() in the dialplan for this number.
07:20.51Strom_Mthe entire PSTN goes into your server? :)
07:20.52[T]ankcli output verifies.
07:20.59[T]ankyou know what i mean
07:21.03[T]anki have 4 pri
07:21.08[T]ankgoing into the server 1
07:21.10Strom_Myou have one PRI
07:21.23Strom_Mwhich consists of four spans
07:21.52Strom_Mwhy two servers?
07:22.02Strom_Mand how do the two connect to each other?
07:23.33[T]ankthe two servers because server 1 is at the datacenter plugged into the pstn. these calls are routed to multiple locations based on dialed number. connected via point to point ds3 using iax2
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07:23.59Strom_Myou're plugged into the PRI, not into the PSTN
07:24.08Strom_Mlet's try this
07:24.25[T]ankbtw... thanks for taking this time to teach me
07:24.28Strom_Mhave the datacenter server answer the call, play a sound file of reasonable length, and then hang up
07:24.43[T]ankok. and not send it to the other server... right?
07:26.41[T]ankok, done, reloaded, called and did not hear anything.,
07:26.49[T]anki played the demo-congrats.
07:27.12Strom_Mshow me the relevant part of the dialplan
07:27.18Strom_Mand also tell me what you're calling /from/
07:27.42[T]ankmay have had a stray keystroke... hang on...
07:28.15[T]anknope... ok copying the info
07:29.04*** join/#asterisk jarod14 (
07:30.56Strom_Mand also tell me what you're calling /from/
07:31.06[T]ankmy nmber?
07:31.35[T]anksalt lake city, utah
07:31.37Strom_Mwhat kind of phone equipment
07:31.39[T]ankcell phone
07:32.12Strom_Mis that XXXX masking yours?
07:32.21Strom_Mor is that what it actually looks like in the dialplan
07:32.32[T]ankit has the actual number
07:33.00Strom_Mtry throwing a Progress() in there before you Answer()
07:33.07[T]ankok... hang tight
07:33.42Strom_Min that example call, did you hang the call up from your cell phone?
07:34.41Strom_Myou did answer() after that, right?
07:34.51Strom_Mand it still doesnt work?
07:35.31Strom_Myour cellphone does show the call as having answered, right?
07:35.49[T]anki hear that the call connects.
07:35.52Strom_Mlet the call stay up and see if the disconnect works properly
07:35.56Strom_Myou "hear" it?
07:35.58[T]anki just do not ever hear the playback
07:36.03[T]anklight static...
07:36.13Strom_Mdon't listen for it
07:36.16Strom_Mlook on your display
07:36.21[T]ankdoing that also.
07:36.23Strom_Mdoes the call timer start going?
07:36.33[T]ankon my cell?
07:36.46Strom_Mlet the asterisk box hang up the call
07:36.51Strom_Msee if that works properly
07:37.34[T]anklet me pm you my output so i dont have to edit it
07:37.54Strom_Mpastebin it
07:37.59Strom_Mand pm me the url
07:38.33Strom_Mnice pastebinning :/
07:38.43[T]anksorry... did that before i saw your post here ;-)
07:39.30Strom_Mi'm not sure.  I /think/ what's probably going on is a mistake in the NFAS configuration where both switches think they're supposed to be using different b-channels
07:39.54Strom_Mso i'd call global crossing and confirm exactly how the circuits are supposed to be set up
07:39.56[T]anki think you are right.
07:40.09[T]anki have a call into them. should hear from them in the next hour.
07:40.20[T]ankyou gonna be 'round? or you going to bed?
07:40.24Strom_Mi'll be here
07:40.57[T]ankok... questions I should ask? single group? single dchan with backup? or two dchan? anything else?
07:41.13Strom_Mget all the details you can
07:41.29Strom_Mspan numbering, span assignments, switchtype, etc etc etc etc etc etc
07:41.36[T]ankok... will do
07:41.48Strom_Msee if they can e-mail it to you
07:41.59[T]anki appreciate your help
07:42.16[T]ankI am learning a ton, just not fast enought ;-)
07:42.35[T]ankgotta have this back up and running before the office opens in the morning. sigh
07:43.27[T]ankwell... been having errors, so patrick was helping me get that resolved.
07:43.44[T]ankunfortunatly i cant make changes till after 10pm.
07:44.28Strom_Mstill...for any mission-critical system, there must always be a maintenance window and a way to take part of the system out of service while leaving the other part up
07:45.12[T]ankyeah... I agree. I wish I had the ability to make that happen. I would sleep more
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08:11.51FlatFootmorning all
08:22.14[T]ankStrom_M: with dchans on span 1 and 3 do i specify a dchan on span 2 and 4 in the /etc/zaptel.conf? Or do i leave it blank? trying to fix this still while i wait for the telco. Here is my /etc/zaptel.conf. I know that it does not match my setup. That is what I still need to do. This is my starting point
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08:24.32Strom_M[T]ank: no, you don't specify d-channels on the other spans, because spans 2 and 4 are all b-channels.
08:24.41[T]ankjust making sure.
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08:24.47Strom_M[T]ank: just sit tight until you talk to the telco
08:24.52Strom_Mrelax, have some tea
08:27.14FlatFootTEA good thinking Strom_M
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08:37.55obnauticusWhat hardphone do you guys suggest?
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08:40.16slowshutthow does music on hold work?
08:40.28obnauticusit plays music through a media player
08:40.38obnauticusand sets the output device as a zaptel device.
08:40.40obnauticusi think
08:40.45obnauticusor something of the sort.
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08:42.07obnauticusslowshutt does that answer your question?
08:46.30*** join/#asterisk Dirk- (
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08:47.41Dirk-help!  My Asterisk installation seems to have no zaptel support.  Zaptel is installed and asterisk is compiled to support it, but 'core show channeltypes' does not show Zap and the help command does not show anything related to zaptel either
08:48.01Dirk-I've tried recompiling everything and I'm at something of a loss here
08:49.40kaldemarhave you loaded zaptel modules?
08:50.14Dirk-as far as I know, yes.  lsmod shows an entry for zaptel and typing module load chan_zap in the console does nothing
08:50.18tzafrir_home[T]ank, next time just use genzaptelconf / zapconf
08:50.51[T]anknot familiar with that
08:51.52tzafrir_homeDirk-, do you have any zaptel hardware?
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08:53.01Dirk-yes, two Sangoma cards, A200 8 port analogue and A101 PRI
08:53.26Dirk-I have a standard phone here connected to one of the FXS ports, there is power to it but no dial tone
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08:59.25obnauticusJT, are you there?
09:00.32obnauticusWhat polycom phones do you run?
09:00.47obnauticusI'm looking for a good hardphone solution to my problem that includes a lack of hardphnes.
09:00.47*** join/#asterisk _ys (
09:01.34JTDirk-: is wanpipe installed and running?
09:01.34JTobnauticus: i have a few, what are your needs?
09:01.34obnauticusi dunno
09:01.37obnauticusI just want a hardphone, because I don't have one
09:01.47obnauticusI'm only 16 and I mess with asterisk in my free time and i've been using soft phones.
09:01.52Dirk-JT, it is, I've just ran the uninstall and I'm going to reboot and reinstall zaptel-libpri-asterisk-wanpipe and see what happens
09:03.51JTobnauticus: i guess the cheapest option is the IP320, probably is it's PoE only
09:03.57JTotherwise there's the IP430
09:03.59obnauticusI got PoE, and money.
09:03.59JTand up
09:04.07Strom_MJT: no, the 320 also has a DC IN jack
09:04.21obnauticusJT, what kinds of features does it have?
09:04.22Strom_Mit just doesnt ship with an adapter; you have to buy it separately
09:04.37JTStrom_M: well, that too
09:04.37obnauticusthe good ones (ie. >=IP430 )
09:05.04Strom_Mobnauticus: they're all equally good; the difference comes down to footprint, screen real estate, and number of line appearances
09:05.26obnauticusThat brings me to a funny point, i liked the cisco ones because they have a bigass screen.,
09:05.42obnauticusWhich i know is irrelevant to the functionallity, but hell, i think it looks cool.
09:05.50Strom_Mthen get a 650
09:05.55Strom_Mbigass BACKLIT screen!
09:06.15obnauticusI'll take 5
09:06.41obnauticusWhat is so bad about the cisco phones, other than having to pay for firmware which is retarded imo.
09:07.01Strom_Mobnauticus: my cisco phones have proven to be a touch on the flaky side
09:07.17obnauticusEverything on my net is flakey :/
09:07.25tzafrir_homeDirk-, chan_zap probably failed to load due to mismatch between its configuration and the actual configured Zaptel channels
09:08.26Dirk-I tailed /var/log/asterisk/full during an asterisk -c and it seems you are right, there was an issue loading chan_zap that looks isdn related, I'm looking into it now
09:08.34Dirk-this thing has been driving me crazy!
09:09.31obnauticusCan anyone here tell me why uhh
09:09.51obnauticusI'm not receiving DTMF tones, or anything for that matter on my server via ipkall..
09:09.58obnauticusi know IpKall's total crap, but im cheap you see.
09:10.15Strom_Myou just said you had money
09:10.24obnauticusfor a hardphone.
09:10.30obnauticusWell you got a point
09:10.33obnauticusi should get my priorites right.
09:10.35*** join/#asterisk IgorG (n=FeedomPa@
09:11.12obnauticus <-- there's what i got :/
09:12.45J4zenAt present time, what would be 'the' best (price vs. quality) SIP-phone available?
09:13.43Strom_MJ4zen: polycom ip320 is cheap and well-built and reliable
09:13.45J4zenI currently have 2 SNOM320 SIP phones, but they show some instability when left powered-on for longer periodes of time
09:14.06J4zenthe whole thing will just stall
09:14.16J4zenpolycom ip320? Thanks, ill look into that one
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09:15.03J4zenWould the polycom 320 be superior to the snom320 or similar?
09:15.09J4zenit is fairly low-budget
09:15.30Dirk-both are good, snom is more 'high class'
09:15.55FlatFootJ4zen: i only use snom's never had a prob with them , what firmware are you using ?
09:16.40FlatFootJ4zen: and what version of phone ?
09:16.53*** join/#asterisk linxroute (n=linxrout@
09:22.42J4zenLet me see
09:23.07J4zenah my phones aren't connected atm due to some testing, so i can't check exactly
09:23.23J4zenstraight out of the box firmware, phones ordered about 2 months ago
09:24.05J4zenOccasionally when i get back to my office the following day, my SNOM320 will be frozen. Not accepting any interaction what so ever
09:24.09J4zenonly fix is restart it
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09:24.51J4zenIt could be just that specific phones hardware or so, as i havn't been able to test out the other SNOM320 yet
09:25.06FlatFootJ4zen: if your phone is Version 7 which at it's age i suspect it is make sure that you use snom320-7.1.19-SIP-f.bin
09:25.16FlatFoot.24 does not work correctly
09:25.21J4zeni see
09:25.41J4zenwill do :), so in general you could say the 320's are actually rather stable ?
09:25.43FlatFootBLF and all manner of other stuff seems broke
09:26.05FlatFootyeah we have just upgraded from 190's to 320' and they perform fine for us
09:26.25FlatFooteach phone has 6 dept's and 2 direct dial numbers working perfectly
09:27.01FlatFooti get my firmaware from
09:27.13J4zendid you configure them to retrieve their config from tftp?
09:27.38FlatFootNO as we only have 12 phones i do them by hand at the web gui
09:27.58J4zendid you ever look into it? I had some issues configuring them for such a job :\
09:28.09J4zenthe settings seemed fine, on both client and server side
09:28.19J4zenbut they refused to "see" the update on the server
09:28.37FlatFootno but my provider provu will set them up for me so they connect t the net then download config per MAC
09:28.48*** part/#asterisk [T]ank (
09:28.59J4zenyeah so did mine
09:29.05J4zenbut i'd rather have them stored on my local server
09:29.09FlatFootthis will be handy for whn we do the next install of 380 snom's
09:29.26J4zenprovisioning.snom or so i believe it was
09:29.33FlatFootthats due for the summer break of a school we are dealing with
09:29.49J4zenthats quite far away :p
09:30.14FlatFootyeah well it's a private school that will only perform major upgrades etc through summer
09:30.41J4zeni see, well. Thanks for your input FlatFoot :)
09:30.50FlatFootnp J4zen
09:30.56J4zenill check into that new firmware, hopefully that fixes the instability
09:31.04J4zenoh yeah
09:31.23J4zenyou wouldn't happen to have any expierence with Outlook integration of asterisk right?
09:31.42J4zenor anyone in the channel for that matter
09:31.46FlatFootno sorry not looked at that yet
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09:32.22UatecHi there
09:34.35UatecHas anybody had any experience with VoiceMail() simply not recording messages?
09:35.25*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
09:36.40UatecI have a customer who called up and left a message, but the message was never received by email and it's not stored on disk.
09:36.56Uatecbut I have a MixMonitor recording of the message being left
09:37.19UatecI also have a CDR entry in my DB of the call being as long as the recording i have and ending up in VoiceMail()
09:39.30BeeBuuwhen i set waitexten(10),how can i get the caller input and dial what caller input?
09:46.50tzafrir_homeDirk-, pastebin cat /proc/zaptel/* and /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
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10:01.21eserrahi all
10:02.04*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (
10:02.23eserraI'm having a problem with SIP registration
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10:03.10eserraasterisk stopped registering to my sip provider after a reboot
10:03.38eserraI see asterisk is not matching their "proxy auth required" with the REGISTER it just sent
10:03.41[T]ankseems like it never ends. i figured out my nfas issue and everything was working perfectly. Well... I felt like it was time to upgrade from 1.4.10 to 1.4.13 to resolve an iax2 bug. Well, after the upgrade I cannot even get my zap stuff to start. I am seeing an error: Unable to get span status: Inappropriate ioctl for device then it says it is unable to register my channels 1-23 and so on.... is there something that has changed betwee
10:04.37yidiyuehanhi, any one knows is it possible to reduce the bandwidth used further for remote phone calls?
10:04.43eserraI have my sip debug full of
10:04.44eserraNov  9 10:57:09 DEBUG[3558]: chan_sip.c:3244 find_call: = No match Their Call ID: 77d54e84165dfda103b12ac343482bf8@ Their Tag  Our tag: as0c6051e2
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10:11.33oejSomeone is sending SIP messages that your Asterisk doesn't recognize
10:11.56oejMight be stuff to clear up calls that happened before a reboot
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10:19.34MacWinnerhave any of you used voipjet?  is the quality good?
10:19.56MacWinnerand reliability
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10:26.33[T]ankhas anyone else run into this:
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10:31.52awkplease can somebody please shed some light on this
10:32.17MacWinnercould someone point me to a good document on implement High availability with asterisk?  ie, i want to have a 2 servers (maybe in different datacenters) that back each other up on the fly
10:32.28*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
10:33.12awkback each other up? just rsync each other
10:33.24awkif you want fail over use, something like mysql realtime
10:36.59[T]ankanyone here using the svn trunk of asterisk?
10:37.13[T]ankany issues to be aware of?
10:41.40awkanyone writing billing software that can aid in my quest?
10:41.59awkI really need to understand how u bill for this..
10:42.23slowshutthi there i dont understand how the music on hold ties into your dial plan.
10:43.34slowshuttif i have a incoming call and the user is busy how do i play the music to him?
10:43.53slowshuttto the caller that is?
10:45.58MacWinnerawk: i was thinking more like if one box was hosting a DID, is there a config option to have a backup box take over automatically if the first one fails
10:46.37MacWinneror maybe the question should be, how do you load balance 1 DID across multiple asterisk boxes
10:49.27slowshutthow many users do you have MacWinner?
10:49.34sergeeawk: is this call generated with callfiles?
10:49.37awkwell you could use a quintum or something nad have 2 voip accounts, so the pri comes into the quintum and if the 1 box isn't up it goes to fall over trust
10:49.50MacWinnerslowshutt: about 1000 pretty soon
10:50.01awkMacWinner read what i said
10:50.07MacWinnerslowshutt: just closing a deal and doing architecture planning
10:50.20awksergee: /var/log/asterisk/cdr/Master.csv
10:51.03awkI don't want to get events from the manager as if my software drops for a second I lose cal data, this way I lose nothing it just quiries the last entry in the cdr (csv)
10:54.21dandreI have put this:
10:54.21dandremember = Local/6014
10:54.21dandrein my queue.conf to ring a user extension from a queue.
10:54.21dandreBut this doesn't work. What should I do?
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10:59.41slowshuttand you have only 1 did? MacWinner
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11:00.31slowshuttdo you need to do something special to get the moh to play wav files?
11:01.01sergeeawk: try to se NoCDR() or something like that in your dialplan, befor dialing backup route, or you can set userfield to some value that will indicate to your billing to skip that record...
11:01.09slowshuttmoves some wave files from one asterisk box to another works on the one but not the other any help welcome?
11:03.33sergeejbot: i love you!
11:03.36jbotYou love you!?
11:08.33DarkFlibjbot: I love aardvarks!
11:08.34jbotYou love aardvarks!?
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11:11.37awksergee I don't want to ignore the field I want that field
11:11.45awksergee as you can see the full call is split over 2 lines
11:11.54awkI want to bill that correctly, from start address to end ...
11:12.12awkso I have to bind those 2 records, why on earth would asterisk dev create 2 unique ids for 1 call?
11:12.19awkor else I could then match the unique id
11:13.10slowshuttanyone help me with music on hold please
11:14.33sergeeawk: i suppose you call DIAL 2 times, so that is 2 calls, not 1
11:14.44*** join/#asterisk Tebi (
11:15.02slowshuttusing MusicOnHold command after answering the channel, can see asterisk console says playing but can not hear anything
11:15.24slowshuttwhere does one start?
11:19.45*** join/#asterisk kkjoe (
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11:21.50kkjoeim having trouble while try dial on multible channels, how could i save the DIALEDPEERNUMBER Variable in Cdr, im currently try it with Dial(mISDN/3/20&mISDN/3/21,60,TtM(getpeernumber)) and set the cdr user file in these context but this isn`t working
11:22.33*** join/#asterisk MicW (
11:23.00slowshutttry Dial(mISDN/3/20&21,60,TtM(getpeernumber))
11:23.12*** join/#asterisk parag0n (
11:23.23MicWis there a way to group some sip extensions together (like an alias)? e.g. shen i have Dial(Sip/1&SIP/2...) i'd like to use Dial(GROUP1)
11:24.24kkjoeyou could use an variable called GROUP1 and set the DIal Parameter in these variable
11:25.52kkjoe These seems like the informations your looking for
11:28.31*** join/#asterisk thewiizle (n=nick@
11:28.41thewiizleif audio playback is erratically fast
11:28.44thewiizlethats kernel timing isnt it
11:28.49thewiizleor hardware sufferage
11:30.09*** part/#asterisk Dirk- (
11:37.22FlatFootok daft question cdr_mysql.conf ...  hostname= ...  can this be an IP address or does it have to be a hostname ????
11:37.44ai-a[afk]lookup of a ip returns the ip.
11:39.25FlatFootbasically trying to dump cdr across the network but the server its going to has ip only , just tried ip only did a reload and the * froze up
11:39.36Uatechey, does anybody know any way of getting asterisk to authenticate sip clients using radius other than portaone, the portaone thing looks like such a nasty hack... Why is it doing authenticaiton of SIP clients in extensions.conf for starters...?
11:39.43FlatFoothad to comment out the details in file and reboot server
11:39.51UatecFlatFoot, SQL server?
11:39.55*** join/#asterisk ekimus (
11:40.08FlatFootUatec: mysql server yes
11:40.21UatecFlatFoot, i log my CDR data to an MSSQL server and refer to that by IP.
11:40.33FlatFootMSSQL tell me more
11:40.47Uateci'm sure that using an IP wouldn't freeze asterisk
11:40.51Uatecthere must be somethign else wrong
11:40.58Uatectell you more?
11:41.18Uateci use odbc and freetds to log to a remote mssql database, it works very well
11:41.21FlatFootyeah could be a coincedence we have had some tunnel probs today
11:41.34Uatecexcept for the fact that asterisk mashes up cdr data
11:41.57FlatFootUatec: thats a bugger then
11:43.09Uatecyeah well
11:44.10*** part/#asterisk Derky (
11:46.49FlatFootUatec: can i be cheeky , have you got an example of your cdr setup anywhere ?
11:48.01Uateci basically followed the advice that i found on the wiki and googl
11:48.17FlatFootta just found some interesting stuff
11:50.45Uateccome on
11:51.00Uateci can't believe that nobody knows anything about radius stuff
11:53.21*** join/#asterisk wmurailbfinance (
11:54.12*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (n=chatzill@
11:54.29BeeBuuanyone here?
11:54.44FlatFootnobody here but us chickens
11:55.27BeeBuui had _333,1,waitexten(10)
11:56.14BeeBuuand user input some number,i want to dial that number
11:56.22BeeBuuwhat i need to do?
11:59.24*** join/#asterisk psk (
12:01.04jbotwell, lunch is a nightmare in the Mensa
12:01.57Uateci've looked in to it more
12:02.01Uatecportaone is no good
12:02.05Uatecit's all about billing via radius
12:02.07Uatecnot authentication
12:02.42FlatFootUatec: we use nttac on windoze for our radius ( PPPoE ) etc
12:03.44*** join/#asterisk ivanfm (
12:04.01FlatFootyou might i suppose be able to route radius requests through to it . we have used this in various guises for the last ten years
12:04.54*** part/#asterisk simond (n=simon@
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12:06.01simondah, at last, found it. you can create a file called ~/.asterisk.makeopts, or /etc/asterisk.makeopts to get around having to run 'make menuconfig'
12:06.04UatecFlatFoot, but you don't know how to persuade asterisk to use radius for sip authentication?
12:06.22Uateci'm not interested in the radius server software at this point
12:06.26Uatecjust the asterisk client side bit
12:06.37BeeBuuMavvie: are you still there?
12:06.41FlatFootahh sorry m8 misunderstood
12:07.30Uateci mean, sip is completely open to brute force attacks on asterisk
12:07.56Uatecradius would not only make usermanagement either, but it would protect against brute force
12:08.29Uatecand potentially even centralise authentication on a distributed asterisk implementation
12:14.20*** join/#asterisk casix (
12:14.46casixI'm having this error in my asterisk: chan_zap.c: Write returned -1 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on channel 53
12:15.02casixI've been looking for information but I didn't find it
12:15.10casixanyone knows what can it be?
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12:37.18tzafrir_homecasix, what is zap channel 53? what device?
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12:38.18casixt4xxp with a pri module
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13:01.16lirakisgood mornign
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13:12.48kkjoe@slowshutt: Dial(mISDN/3/20&21 istn`t working " Dial argument takes format"
13:20.12kkjoeis there a way to save the peer which accept the call in the cdr entry while using this command:Dial(mISDN/3/20&mISDN/3/21&Sip/23,60,Tt)  ?
13:25.47*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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13:34.05tzangerI get to figure out a way to deinterleave 256 bits
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13:36.06dijungalanyone knows of any good packet sniffer i can use to capture my raw rtp streams between myself and the asterisk server ?
13:36.19dijungalor a packet analyser
13:36.26[TK]D-Fenderdijungal: Wireshark
13:36.36dijungalconsole base
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13:37.12ai-a[afk]dijungal: easy :)
13:38.07dijungalmy service provider told me he uses some thing called usnif or something like that
13:38.21ai-a[afk]thats nice..
13:38.26ai-a[afk]and we want to know that why ?
13:38.42ai-a[afk]tcpdump -s2000 -w /var/tmp/capture.pcap 'host'
13:38.49dijungalhe uses wireshack to capture the packets and usniff or something like to analyse it
13:38.52ai-a[afk]capture your full audio call.
13:39.05dijungalok.. thanks
13:39.05ai-a[afk]wireshark (gui) can open the .pcap file and view it.
13:39.48dijungalai-a[afk]: i'm about to make a call i'll try that command
13:40.07dijungalcan i run it in the background????
13:40.16dijungallike use the & at the end or something
13:40.32ai-a[afk]man tcpdump
13:40.39ai-a[afk]ffs, get yourself a manual.
13:42.33thewiizleanyone tried internal_timing=yes over SIP?
13:45.49wmurailbfinanceI want to change the number menu of voicemail, are thay possible to change that with voicemail.conf ?
13:46.03wmurailbfinanceor i need to change source code asterisk 1.4 ?
13:46.25wmurailbfinancei want to select the same menu of orange telecom
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13:51.15docelmoSay does anyone know why a polycom 601 would show a SIP URI for the callerid number?
13:51.36MrTelephoneasterisk rewrties the From: header in the sip message with what you specify in callerid="". will remote party ID overrid the from header?
13:51.43docelmoand or how to make it show just the number?
13:52.03MrTelephonedocelmo, the new cisco 7960 firmware does the same
13:52.14docelmoMrTelephone yes if the accepting party trusts RPID
13:52.49docelmoactually let me rephrase.. yes if you decide to trust RPID
13:52.50MrTelephonebecase im having trust issues between asterisk and openser
13:53.13MrTelephonea use with eyebeam can change his username and display name to anything and asterisk will accept it
13:53.22docelmoya simple enough..  If you get RPID then tell your OpenSER Peer in asterisk to trustrpid
13:53.40wmurailbfinancehum, what's version firmware cisco 7960 ?
13:54.31thewiizle7.5 ftw!
13:55.44MrTelephoneim using 8.2
13:56.00*** join/#asterisk Faustov (n=faustov@unaffiliated/faustov)
13:56.12docelmoI would just like to know how to stop it.
13:56.17docelmoIts never done it before
13:56.23Faustovhi, i'm trying to get call recording on demand (*1), should i be able to see anything in the console log when someone wants to start recording?
13:56.31MrTelephonedocelmo, what has changed? did you do a sip image upgrade?
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13:56.38lirakisFaustov: yes.
13:57.01lirakisFaustov: you need to enable the feature code, AND you need to pass the Ww parameter to your Dial application
13:57.04docelmoI just set it up again and now it shows it.   So I am assuming my config is skewed somewhere..  yes..  I setup provisioning cause web configuration wasnt working
13:57.12lirakisFaustov: without the Ww it wont record
13:57.28docelmoand instead of getting number for my callerid I get sip:number@ip
13:59.00MrTelephonedocelmo, your best bet is to find out the sip version and download the administrators guide and search for call display
13:59.08Faustovlirakis: like this? :
13:59.11MrTelephonei havn't had that problem with my 501s yet
13:59.15Faustovexten => _9NXXXXXX,1,Dial(${GLOBAL(TRUNK)}/${EXTEN:${GLOBAL(TRUNKMSD)}},wW)
13:59.17MrTelephoneif I did I'd scream :(
13:59.21MrTelephonei don't like uri
13:59.59*** join/#asterisk freezey (
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14:00.38MrTelephoneim having a uri problem right now
14:00.55lirakisFaustov: uh ... yeah sure.. ha ha.. i mean the wW just enables you to record on demand... assuming the rest of that dial string works fine ;)
14:01.19MrTelephonedoes anyone use openser here?
14:01.39Faustovlirakis: well i can dial but nothing happens when i press *1
14:02.06Faustovlirakis: do i have to press *1 before the call?
14:02.29dandreIs there any way to change de default extension for local channels to something else than 'default' ?
14:02.46docelmoMrTelephone I have setup Asterisk and OpenSER many times
14:02.49dandreI have seen local.conf file in /etc/asterisk
14:03.15lirakisFaustov: no .. during the call
14:03.41Faustovlirakis: hmm nah, still doesn't start recording
14:04.02Faustovi've added wW to each Dial() function in extensions.conf...
14:04.19FaustovDYNAMIC_FEATURES => automon as well
14:04.30Faustovand uncommented the automon line in features.conf
14:04.36Faustovmaybe there's something else?
14:04.38wmurailbfinanceFaustov: Yes press quickly *1 for recording and re-press that when you whant to stop
14:05.12wmurailbfinanceFaustov: and your files wav are in /var/spool/asterisk/monitor
14:05.42MrTelephonedocelmo, im using append_rpid_hf() and it doesnt appear in the sip message? any idea?
14:06.04lirakisFaustov: you should see some thing like this " User hit '*7' to record call. filename: wav|auto-1194617139-6468625191-2034792949|m"
14:06.19lirakisFaustov: what does your features.conf look like?
14:06.24*** join/#asterisk zydrunas (
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14:09.31Faustovlirakis: i dont see that line and /var/spool/asterisk/monitor remains empty
14:10.03salzhhi, all.when i start asterisk, it reports that "Ouch ...error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe". how can i repair it?
14:10.56MrTelephonerewriting from: is supposedly forbidden
14:10.57MrTelephonewhat a joke
14:11.08Faustovlinagee: ^ is my features.conf
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14:11.57Faustovsorry, not linagee, lirakis :>
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14:14.25lirakisFaustov: features.conf looks "okay"
14:15.23Faustovlirakis: yeah, well, all i did there was uncomment that line for *1
14:15.47Faustovlirakis: there must be something more with the extensions.conf
14:15.52*** part/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
14:16.28MrTelephonehi beebuu
14:16.43BeeBuucould you help again?
14:17.20*** join/#asterisk iratik (
14:17.33iratikWhere can I get the non-beta version of asterisk now ?
14:17.35dmzhello, does anyone know how to turn manager debugging levels up? i'm trying to debug a script and all I get in the asterisk log is the login / logout, and the action command but not why it's erroring
14:17.43lirakisFaustov: .. you said you have DYNAMIC_FEATURES=>automon in extensions.conf right?
14:18.15BeeBuui want a extension: dial 333 to a menu,press 1 to dial local( need press another number),press 2 to dial outlines;( need press another number)
14:18.30BeeBuui don't know how to make that
14:19.04Faustovlirakis: yes
14:19.20Faustovlirakis: with spaces around => to be exact
14:20.05iratikThe current beta of asterisknow is completely broken ... it doesn't work in any browser -- it has javascript problems... where can i get the stable - non beta release?
14:21.01lirakisFaustov: also i think your dial string is wrong ... you need to pass a blank param ... exten => s,n,Dial(SIP/mytrunk/${EXTEN},,wW)
14:21.13lirakisFaustov: note 2 commas
14:21.19*** part/#asterisk MrTelephone (
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14:22.38lirakisFaustov: .. because right now you are passing wW as the timeout param... ;p
14:23.10Faustovlets see if it fixes my prob
14:23.16l0verb0ydoes anyone know how to use callforwarding in trixbox? I dial *72 and punch in the number i want to forward to?
14:23.34[TK]D-Fenderl0verb0y: You're in the wrong channel.  Please read the topic.
14:24.01*** join/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
14:24.15[TK]D-Fenderiratik: you too :p
14:24.23iratikI'm trying to get started with asterisk-now and the web interface doesn't work in any browser
14:24.35iratikis there a non beta version?
14:24.38iratikor more stable release?
14:24.40[TK]D-Fenderiratik: You're in the wrong channel.  Please read the topic.<--
14:25.22iratiksorry.. i was trying #asterisk-now
14:27.06BeeBuuplease check , what's the right extension?
14:27.08iratikoh welll... what other options are there besides asterisk now ?
14:27.15BeeBuuanyone help me please?
14:27.18*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
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14:28.35lirakisBeeBuu: wtf are you talking about.. lol
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14:29.39[TK]D-FenderBeeBuu: go read the BOOK, you're going to have to use mutlple CONTEXTS that contain the separate menus & extens you want to dial.
14:30.26*** join/#asterisk jetlagmk2 (n=jetlag@
14:30.43Faustovlirakis: <-- this is what i get in the log, no info about the recording tho... anyways based on this, can you tell in which part of extensions conf should i modify the Dial() functions?
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14:31.14kkjoehi there,  is there a way to save the peer which accept the call in the cdr entry while using this command:Dial(mISDN/3/20&mISDN/3/21&Sip/23,60,Tt)  ?
14:32.03[TK]D-FenderFaustov: Executing [0015@default:1] Dial("SIP/", "SIP/0015") in new stack <--- this has no wW!
14:32.18codefreezekkjoe: the cdr **should** record the src/dst info... why, are you having probs?
14:32.22[TK]D-FenderFaustov: You have to add it EVERYWHERE you want to be able to record
14:33.00BeeBuu[TK]D-Fender: i read the book,but it's beyond please help me,give me a sample
14:33.22BeeBuuif you get a free time...
14:34.02destructurehow about an expensive time
14:34.46lirakisFaustov: you need to modify ANY Dial() call that you want to be able to record from .. in that example .. the wW was not passed , so the recording wont work.
14:35.01kkjoecodefreeze: yes thats true but it do not save the entry who answered the call
14:35.34Faustovbut it is everywhere
14:35.39[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Could have sworn I jsut said that ;)
14:35.40Faustovor i'm blind and i need more coffee
14:35.44Faustovwhich i'm having now :>
14:35.47[TK]D-FenderFaustov: everywhere BUT there :p
14:36.03BeeBuuthanks again.
14:36.04lirakis[TK]D-Fender: yeah sorry didnt see it till i already posted
14:36.25[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Took you over 2 minutes to type yours? ;)
14:36.42lirakis[TK]D-Fender: i dont multi task as well as you :P
14:36.45BeeBuu[TK]D-Fender: if i press 1,and how to dial out a num?
14:36.58lirakissweet jeebus
14:37.01[TK]D-FenderBeeBuu: put other extens in those menu's contexts <-----
14:37.58BeeBuuput dial(${exten})? in [menu2]
14:38.13lirakisBeeBuu: this is covered in THE BOOK starting on page 121
14:38.15lirakis!the book
14:38.44lirakiserr.. whatever the jbot command is
14:38.59*** join/#asterisk icewaterman (
14:39.40Faustov[TK]D-Fender: ^
14:39.41[TK]D-FenderBeeBuu: if you don't know how to deal with the dialplan you are completely screwed.  Go read chapter 5 over and over again until you get it, or your eyes bleed, whichever comes first.
14:39.44Faustovit is everywhere...
14:39.44icewatermanhi, i have a problem with loading the misdn driver for my card:
14:39.46jboti heard osmosis is the act of beating yourself on the head repeatedly with THE BOOK, until some measure of absorption has occured ...  or at least until your unconsciousness restores peace to the channel ...
14:39.55_x86_Strom_M: ugh... that office that keeps getting reorder tones after dialing, they are threatening me of switching to a used (circa 1983) mitel switch, and pointing the incompetence finger at me... this sucks
14:40.32_x86_hahaha until your unconsciousness restores peace to the channel
14:40.48[TK]D-FenderFaustov: permanently remove EVERY comment that you did not personally write and all code that is not actively being used.
14:42.42[TK]D-FenderFaustov: Except in the place called by that line you pasted.  Maybe fixed now...
14:42.55*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (i=putnopvu@nat/digium/x-d429e46753ac8bcc)
14:43.22Faustovjust did reload and retried
14:43.25Faustovno good
14:43.39[TK]D-FenderFaustov: turn up the verbose and pastebin it.
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14:43.41lirakisFaustov: seriously .. that dialplan is a nightmare to read.. and .. maintain too probably
14:43.51[TK]D-FenderFaustov: and clean the crap out loike I asked :)
14:43.58ManxPower_x86_: I've found that most dialing problems that newbies have are issues with not checking the value of DIALSTATUS/HANGUPCAUSE after a Dial.
14:44.02Faustovyes i agree :>
14:44.17lirakis"Automatically generated configuration file"  .. ugh
14:44.24Faustov[TK]D-Fender: i'd love to clean it up but i'm afraid of removing something i actually use :>
14:44.29ManxPower_x86_: I thought you were using wwww to fix the reorder problem
14:44.41[TK]D-FenderFaustov: Start with EVERY commented out line :)
14:44.41Faustovlirakis: nevermind that line... :)
14:44.49Faustovok :)
14:45.17ManxPowerFaustov: just exactly how did you get auto-generated configs?
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14:46.20ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: based on the mailing lists, to day is going to be "one of those days"
14:46.54[TK]D-FenderManxPower: not generated, just the stock stuff lightly modded
14:47.06[TK]D-FenderManxPower: And how so for the "that kind of day" comment?
14:47.07ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: oh, yeah, THAT will work well.
14:47.27ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I already had to correct two totally wrong things people said on the -users
14:47.28[TK]D-FenderManxPower: it can.  al you have to do is not use an existing context ;)
14:47.41[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Yeah we've had some of that already today..
14:47.55ManxPowerSome moron said that if you don't specify a port number when you dial SIP by IP, then it will go to port 0
14:47.55FaustovManxPower: by the gui, which i swore never to use again! :)
14:48.06hescoWhat does this mean, and should I be concerned with it?
14:48.11hescoNOTICE[16486]: res_musiconhold.c:515 monmp3thread: Request to schedule in the past?!?!
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14:48.17ManxPowerFaustov: if you are still using the config files generated by the GUI, then you are still using the GUI.
14:48.44lirakishesco: possibly that your system time is wrong, and yes because it can cause other problems especially when you recompile a kernel.
14:48.44ManxPowerhesco: that should be a HARMLESS message, indicating that your system is a little slower than it needs to be to make everything happen that needs to happen when it needs to happen.
14:48.57ManxPowerlirakis: that has NOTHING to do with the system time.
14:49.10lirakisManxPower: okay.. thats why i said possibly
14:49.55ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: can you think of ANY issue with Asterisk that would be caused by an incorrect system time?
14:50.31ManxPowerI guess maybe the time read back by Voicemail when it tells you when the message was left.
14:50.58ManxPowerlirakis: for the most part, Asterisk does not depend on the system time for anything important.
14:51.03[TK]D-FenderNTP skew <-
14:51.10[TK]D-Fenderin RTP
14:51.22ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: Huh?
14:51.22Faustov[TK]D-Fender: can i remove the [demo] section? Or sections that i dont set anything in?
14:51.29robl^CDR logs would be wrong -- so that could cause billing issues ;-)
14:51.38ManxPowerrobl^: Ah!  Yes, that is correct.
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14:51.42[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Of course a clock that screwed would have other dire consequences no doubt
14:51.58ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: yeah, but not for asterisk.
14:52.10[TK]D-FenderFaustov: I love hearing my statements spat back as rearranged questions :)
14:52.14_x86_ManxPower: i tried that, and I also tried relaxdtmf=yes, but it still is not recognizing each DTMF digit correct every time (seems semi-random), and they're still getting reorder tones after dialing (and asterisk's CLI doesn't say anything except starting simple switch, and then hungup)
14:52.19*** join/#asterisk Tili (
14:52.35ManxPowerDo people really think that all clocks have to be syncronized across all devices talking on all RTP connections?
14:52.35_x86_ManxPower: also, I'm checking hangupcause, and it's always "normal clearing"
14:52.47Faustov[TK]D-Fender: heheh just making sure :>
14:53.16ManxPower_x86_: Huh?  relaxdtmf seldom solves anything, and frequently causes issues with repeated digits (like 504-551-2211)
14:53.36ManxPower_x86_: What specific issue are you having?
14:53.40_x86_ManxPower: Mr. Carlson told me to do that
14:53.55ManxPower_x86_: it's a suggestion of desperation
14:54.21tzangerI've never ever ever recommended relaxdtmf, it causes more problems than it solves
14:54.21_x86_ok, well i'm there ;)
14:54.35ManxPower_x86_: So, to ask again.  What specific issue are you having?
14:55.09ManxPower"reorder" is pretty generic.  I can thing of at least 3 totally different situations where you could get a reorder tone.  No, 4, I just thought of another one.
14:55.34_x86_DTMF sometimes being recognized incorrectly (for example, had a few reports of "847" being dialed to the PSTN as "815")
14:55.46Faustov[TK]D-Fender, lirakis: brand new version (still not working):
14:55.47*** join/#asterisk TheAndichrist (
14:55.57destructurelol andichrist
14:56.12[TK]D-FenderFaustov: and the CLI output of your failed call please....
14:56.15robl^maybe users are pressing the wrong buttons? ;-)
14:56.17_x86_also, after dialing a number, they get a reorder (fast "busy") tone 9 times out of 10
14:56.23ManxPowerOk, DTMF not being recognized when a call does into an IVR, when a call goes to VoicemailMain, when a call comes in from the PSTN, when a call goes out to the PSTN, when a call comes from a SIP devcice????
14:56.35FlatFootjust wanna check is 1.4.13 stable before i go ahead wiv dis new box
14:56.45_x86_ManxPower: everything here is Zap channels
14:57.09Faustovlooks exactly the same as before (yes i did 'reload')
14:57.11ManxPowerBased on the lack of virtually any information, I assume this:  Analog phone -> somerandomcard -> Asterisk -> somerandomcard -> PRI PSTN
14:57.32ManxPowernow, start providing some details.
14:57.36_x86_ManxPower: i've got all the stations terminated to a patch panel, that comes out RJ21 (amphenol 25-pair) to a rhino channel bank, rhino feeds into asterisk over a CAS T1 interface to a Sangoma A102D-x
14:58.06ManxPowerOK.  now we know how the phones are connected to Asterisk.  How is the PSTN connected to Asterisk?
14:58.09_x86_ManxPower: your assumption was damn close :)
14:58.14[TK]D-FenderFaustov: -- Executing [0015@default:1] Dial("SIP/", "SIP/0015") in new stack <-- see this?  no "wW"
14:58.48ManxPowerSp we have Analog Phone -> Rhino Channel Bank -> Sangoma T-1 card -> Asterisk -> ???? -> ????
14:58.50[TK]D-FenderFaustov: Now what you'll be noticing is that first you HAVE NO EXTEN FOR 0015!
14:58.55_x86_ManxPower: asterisk dials out to the PSTN over another CAS T1 interface on the same sangoma A102D-x, which goes into a rhino FXO channel bank with 18 CO lines
14:59.11[TK]D-FenderFaustov: That is autogenerated by the FLAMING PIECE OF SHIT known as "user.conf".
14:59.12*** part/#asterisk wwalker (n=wwalker@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/wwalker)
14:59.19ManxPower_x86_: Did you really design this system to make sure it fails?
14:59.29[TK]D-FenderFaustov: now TRASH that file and use sip.conf like a SANE person! :p
14:59.36_x86_ManxPower: I've got a PSTN T1 on order ;)
14:59.41ManxPower_x86_: now, you need to watch the CLI to see what the Dial line for going to the PSTN is.  Paste it.
14:59.59[TK]D-FenderFaustov: *-GUI & users.conf = GARBAGE
15:00.04_x86_ManxPower: when they get the reorder tone, there is never a dial in CLI
15:00.05ManxPowernot the CONFIGURED Dial() line, the ACTUAL dial line as shown on the CLI.
15:00.20*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
15:00.22_x86_ManxPower: the only thing CLI shows me is starting simple switch, and then when the user hangs up, "hungup"
15:00.26ManxPower_x86_: so it looks like the issue is NOT the PSTN.
15:00.28Faustov[TK]D-Fender: wow, you sound scary :P Now, if i understood you correctly, * picks some stuff from users.conf instead of extensions.conf?
15:00.33_x86_ManxPower: right
15:00.36ManxPower_x86_: what version of Asterisk?
15:00.57[TK]D-FenderFaustov: Yes... that config file gets "creative" with your dialplan, etc.  Hence its garbage :)
15:01.08[TK]D-FenderFaustov: I think the param was "hasexten" <--
15:01.33[TK]D-FenderFaustov: remake your accounts int he PROPER channel driver file and FLUSH users.conf.
15:01.50_x86_ManxPower: if you have any suggestions, i'd be more than happy to hear them :)
15:02.00ManxPower_x86_: We have eliminated several possible issues.  What are the rxgain / txgain settings in zapata.conf?
15:02.24ManxPower_x86_: what channels are analog phones and what channels are PSTN lines?
15:02.41*** join/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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15:02.54[TK]D-FenderFaustov: the problem became apparent as soon as I saw [voicemenu-custom-1] called and traced that there was no exten that could match 0015.
15:03.08_x86_1-24 are stations; 25-35,37,39,41 are PSTN
15:03.20Faustov[TK]D-Fender: so where should i define all my accounts?
15:03.26*** part/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
15:03.28fileturning on dtmf logging in logger.conf will show the DTMF being dialed on the analog phones so you know what Asterisk sees...
15:03.33_x86_ManxPower: 36, 38, and 40 are also PSTN, but we use those only for an inbound hunt group
15:03.38[TK]D-FenderFaustov: SIP in sip.onf, IAX2 in iax.conf
15:03.38Faustov[TK]D-Fender: if users.conf is not the right place?
15:03.45[TK]D-FenderFaustov: ...
15:03.50jbotosmosis is, like, the act of beating yourself on the head repeatedly with THE BOOK, until some measure of absorption has occured ...  or at least until your unconsciousness restores peace to the channel ...
15:03.57ManxPowerOK, BEFORE the channel => 1-24 line, put rxgain=2, then before the channel => 25-35 put rxgain=0.  reload and try dialing.
15:04.06Faustov[TK]D-Fender: plz dont hurt yourself :>
15:04.16[TK]D-FenderFaustov: thats for YOU ;)
15:04.26ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I think Faustov is beyond our help.
15:04.58Faustovno way, it's been very helpful so far
15:04.59[TK]D-FenderManxPower: No, not yet....
15:05.05_x86_file: but we already know what asterisk sees is not correct
15:05.05ManxPower_x86_: it is not well known, but sometimes DTMF issues are really audio gain issues.
15:05.15*** join/#asterisk tiav (
15:05.18Faustovi'm beginning to hate my boss for not letting me reinstall this from scratch without any gui
15:05.25[TK]D-FenderManxPower: I'm pounding through with heavy-hitting knowledge and the simple stuff :)
15:05.28ManxPowerFaustov: until he does, you are screwed.
15:05.28_x86_ManxPower: ah cool... so would you suggest i increase the gain or decrease it?
15:05.36*** join/#asterisk Seldon75 (n=chatzill@
15:05.44ManxPower_x86_: what did I tell you to set rxgain to?
15:05.59DarthclueFaustov, it would take less time to start over than it would to fix the existing system.
15:06.00_x86_ah right, sorry didnt see that
15:06.00ManxPowerManxPower: OK, BEFORE the channel => 1-24 line, put rxgain=2, then before the channel => 25-35 put rxgain=0.  reload and try dialing.
15:06.34Seldon75we are moving from Zap channels (on a Sangoma card) to using only IP connections from a Voip provider - can someone please tell me briefly what steps are involved to make this transition?
15:06.58ManxPowerSeldon75: now why would you want to make your system less reliable?
15:07.14Seldon75ManxPower: we've had so much trouble with Copper
15:07.21Seldon75you wouldnt believe
15:07.25_x86_ManxPower: also, i'm only dialing two 'ww's before the number, should i increase that to 4?
15:07.27[TK]D-FenderSeldon75: setup your peer and change all your dials.  The End.
15:07.35ManxPowerSeldon75: if you can't make copper work, you will have major issues with making voip work.
15:07.42[TK]D-Fender_x86_: 4 should do nicely
15:07.48[TK]D-Fender_x86_: at .5s/ea
15:07.50FaustovDarthclue: most probably, but if i strt from scratch the company wont have a working asterisk, which is not acceptable
15:07.51Seldon75ManxPower:  the copper issues were not under our control
15:07.54ManxPower_x86_: since the calls are not even getting to Asterisk, that would be pretty pointless at this time.
15:08.01_x86_ManxPower: true
15:08.06ManxPowerSeldon75: and the voip issues won't be under your control either.
15:08.32ManxPowerAt least with copper you can talk to your provider.  With Voip you would have to try to talk to every provider between you and your carrier.
15:08.42DarthclueFaustov, do they not have a backup system that could be used as a dev?  or downtime on the weekends?  (yeah i know, nobody likes to work on the weekends)
15:09.28Seldon75ManxPower: we've been having dropped calls due to attenuation on our copper lines; at least that's theoreticaly impossible with IP
15:09.46FaustovDarthclue: i do have to do stuff on the weekends :< Also, no, atm they're short in boxes
15:09.49ManxPowerSeldon75: dropped calls are not caused by attenuation.
15:10.05*** join/#asterisk ReD-MaN (
15:10.05FaustovDarthclue: as ManxPower said, i'm pretty much screwed :>
15:10.24DarthclueFaustov, yeah, pretty much.
15:10.45Seldon75ManxPower: regardless of the terminology; the copper lines were dropping calls
15:10.50ManxPowerSeldon75: dropped calls can be caused by many things, but not attenuation.
15:11.00ManxPowerSeldon75: well good luck with this.
15:11.06ManxPower_x86_: I'm waiting.
15:11.23Seldon75so maybe a little bit more detail: where is the peer setting done?
15:11.32ManxPowerSeldon75: sip.conf if you are using sip.
15:11.33Faustov[TK]D-Fender: good that you didn't see my sip.conf :D
15:11.45ManxPowerSeldon75: but you need to READ THE BOOK
15:11.48jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF
15:11.57Faustov[TK]D-Fender: it is 32kB for some reason :D
15:12.10Seldon75I read the book two years ago and have forgotten everything ;S
15:12.35Faustov[TK]D-Fender: in summary, i moved all sip accounts to sip.conf, in users.conf i only got extensions now. Should i modify them all to "hasextension = yes"?
15:13.15ManxPowerFaustov: how about mv /etc/asterisk/users.conf /tmp
15:13.20[TK]D-FenderFaustov: No, you should COMPLETELY flush that file and prevent its module from even LAODING
15:13.35*** join/#asterisk bcnx (
15:13.43ManxPowerFaustov: users.conf was designed mainly to make GUIs easier to write.
15:13.47robl^users.conf is... "icky"
15:14.28[TK]D-FenderWhen solar climate is simply too kind ;)
15:14.41robl^my users.conf is one line -- "  ; #Ignore this darn file!"
15:14.42bcnxHi all - hope you're doing fine ... I'm trying to get security added to the IAX channel, but as soon as I add the "secret" parameter to iax.conf, my softphone can't register anymore
15:15.04bcnxnot with md5, not with plaintext
15:15.12bcnxanyone experienced this before?
15:15.47Faustov[TK]D-Fender: but i think i need all the extension entries from users.conf somewhere?
15:16.17[TK]D-FenderFaustov: extensions = extensions.conf
15:16.29docelmo[TK]D-Fender any experience with the Polycom 601 displaying the From: SIP URI header and not just the number?
15:16.37ManxPowerFaustov: if it is not in extensions.conf then it is not an extension
15:16.39[TK]D-FenderFaustov: Time to write your ENTIRE dialplan yourself and stop depending on that junk to do it for you (poorly)
15:16.44robl^Faustov: users.conf stuff should be split up into iax.conf, sip.conf, extensions.conf, voicemail.conf...
15:16.50ManxPowerdocelmo: there is a SIP get header function.
15:17.02[TK]D-Fenderdocelmo: Think I saw ti ONCE, but that was long ago and I don't remember any of the circumstances.
15:17.20ManxPower"show function SIP_GETHEADER" I think.
15:17.43docelmoManxPower I know..   Im getting the From: SIP URI in the callerid number area of my Polycom 601
15:17.46docelmoNot sure why
15:18.07ManxPowerdocelmo: sip debug might help you.
15:18.08docelmoI have looked over the configs and such and nothing jumps out at me saying this is the problem
15:18.48docelmodid..  Debug looks normal.  I believe this to be localized to the polycom.  I know this is #asterisk but I figured someone might have seen this before and could point me in the right direction
15:19.04Faustov[TK]D-Fender: extensions moved to extensions.conf, sip data moved to sip.conf
15:19.13Faustov[TK]D-Fender: i did 'reload' and now i get this:
15:19.15Faustov[Nov  9 16:17:52] NOTICE[3265]: chan_sip.c:14758 handle_request_register: Registration from '<sip:0014@>' failed for '' - Device does not match ACL
15:19.19ManxPowerdocelmo: uh, why are you not setting callerid= in sip.conf for those things
15:19.27ManxPowerFaustov: don't use ACLs
15:19.38[TK]D-FenderFaustov: time to learn how to set up an account for a SIP phone PROPERLY.
15:20.11ManxPowerFaustov: you are the POSTER BOY for why you should not use GUIs
15:20.15*** join/#asterisk devel (
15:20.27Faustov[TK]D-Fender: pattern "acl" in extensions.conf not found
15:20.34docelmoManxPower cause in theory callerid= would still build a SIP URI for the From: header like this sip:0000000000@ip(host)   well the SIP URI is whats showing up. Not the 000000000
15:20.35ManxPowerEvery single issue I've seen you talk about was caused by the GUI fucking up your config files.
15:20.52ManxPowerdocelmo: screw theory.  try it.
15:20.59_x86_ManxPower: i've done the rxgain thing you recommended, and told the office that I'll check back in within an hour to see if the situation is better / worse
15:21.00FaustovManxPower: at first i thought ur just a hater, but i've begun to agree with your point :<
15:21.10docelmohehe GUI's suck
15:21.12develgreetings all.  if i'm not autoloading modules, which module(s) do i need to load to enable Playback() of *.ulaw files?
15:21.17docelmobrb kid screaming
15:21.18ManxPower_x86_: the problem is not happening often enough for you to test it?
15:21.23robl^Faustov: he's a GUI hater, but its a well justified hatred.
15:21.40_x86_ManxPower: *sigh* i'm roughly 100 miles away ;)
15:21.55[TK]D-FenderFaustov: those are not EXTENSIONS
15:22.04ManxPower_x86_:  Exactly how did you install a system and not see the issue before you left?
15:22.05_x86_ManxPower: i have to do stuff, have the office up there test it, and get a report back to check status
15:22.17[TK]D-FenderFaustov: strike that.  Scoll back error
15:22.24[TK]D-FenderFaustov: Here, read this a bit :
15:22.28jbot[~jerjerguide ] Jeremy McNamara's quick sample guide to setting up * :
15:22.36_x86_ManxPower: well, I only tried one number (the same number; my cell phone) from each station, and it worked fine
15:22.38*** join/#asterisk adrin_ (
15:22.45_x86_ManxPower: that was a 10-digit number
15:23.00PepOSXgoogle is down?
15:23.01ManxPower_x86_: increase the rxgain by 2 until the problem disappears, or until you get to 12.  Then start at -2 and keep going down to -12.
15:23.16[TK]D-FenderDarthclue: He's close enough right now... just need to tweak out the BS.
15:23.33FaustovDarthclue: i think this is a very good idea...
15:23.34adrin_I have a lame VoIP related question - can i make free calls between SIP accounts made by two different providers?
15:23.35_x86_ManxPower: now they are dialing a plethora of numbers, all 15 digit (6XXX6NXXNXXXXXX) and 16 digit (6XXX61NXXNXXXXXX)
15:23.46_x86_ManxPower: ah ok
15:23.47ManxPower_x86_: chances are you'll see results fairly quickly.
15:23.49adrin_like and
15:23.51Darthclueah, ok, well then, scratch that
15:24.07ManxPower_x86_: you also need to figure out how to turn on dtmf debugging to see what Asterisk is seeing.
15:24.21_x86_ManxPower: i did that in logger.conf
15:24.29Darthclueadrin_, not likely
15:24.40*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
15:24.42ManxPower_x86_: and set debug 5 or something like that in the CLI?
15:25.12*** join/#asterisk MicW (
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15:25.32robl^out of curiosity -- is there a simple way to dump an astdb "family" into a text file that can be easily re-imported?
15:25.45ManxPower_x86_: so where are digits being missed?
15:25.48*** part/#asterisk [T]ank (
15:26.00Zefkhi! what is the best solution to record all conversations over a trunk (asterisk 1.4.13) ? thx
15:26.05[TK]D-Fenderadrin_: calling through your providers costs whatever they charge you.
15:26.31adrin_ok thanks D-Fender
15:26.32[TK]D-FenderZefk: Putting Monitor or MixMonitor before every Dial that goes out it
15:26.34ManxPower_x86_: is the reorder (congestion) done heard before the user is done dialing, right when the user is done dialing, or is it delayed after the user is finished dialing?
15:26.35MicWis anyone here using terrasip? is it required to pre-pay even for free outbound calls?
15:26.42adrin_co nothing like free p2p
15:27.09_x86_ManxPower: sometimes it's right after they dial, sometimes it's up to 2 seconds after dialing
15:27.10[TK]D-Fenderadrin_: they are not P2P, they are companies that charge you for their use.
15:27.17ManxPoweradrin_: Sure, but you can't just force random voip calls flying across the internet to route to your box.
15:27.34[TK]D-Fenderadrin_: If you want to do VoIP between say you and family members who are all connected to the net, thats what FWD is for.
15:27.48dmzi use vitelity and think their rates are quite good and service has been extremely good
15:27.55adrin_D-Fender: ok, so what  is FWD?
15:27.59dmzand FWD for everyone who "knows" :)
15:28.06ManxPoweradrin_: but as [TK]D-Fender says, that is only ONE company, not TWO companies.
15:28.21*** join/#asterisk tobias (
15:28.29ManxPower_x86_: but never BEFORE they are done dialing?
15:28.37_x86_ManxPower: reportedly not
15:28.37dmzit's your pbx, use as many different companies as gets you the best calling rates for where you call to/from :)
15:28.53ManxPower_x86_: you owe me a big contribution to the Manx Power Beer Fund if this fixes the problem.  Paypal
15:29.58[TK]D-Fenderadrin_: here
15:30.01jbot[~fwd] Free World Dialup, created by Jeff Pulver, is a free SIP server for P2P style that does not involve the PSTN (there is a charged option for this as well though).
15:30.14develgreetings all.  if i'm not autoloading modules, which module(s) do i need to load to enable Playback() of *.ulaw files?  i'm trying to use logging/debugging, but it seems to have changed and i'm not seeing what i did in 1.2.x
15:30.23_x86_ManxPower: looks like it's cutting off the last 2 digits or so
15:30.42[TK]D-Fenderdevel: add them one by one till it stops complaining :)
15:30.48_x86_ManxPower: i'm tailing the dtmf log file, grepping for a specific channel (otherwise there's so much data it's impossible)
15:30.50Faustov[TK]D-Fender: ok, i've decided... another weekend goes for asterisk :<
15:30.57Faustovthanks for all the help guys
15:31.00adrin_ok and what if i want to call lets say directly from my pc?
15:31.06*** join/#asterisk fiXXXerMet (n=kjohnson@
15:31.08_x86_ManxPower: the last 2 calls this station has attempted, it's been 2 digits short
15:31.09adrin_is ist possible
15:31.16develoh, [TK]D-Fender, i was just trying to avoid that.  but if it's the only way...
15:31.17ManxPoweradrin_: then you would put that in the softphone you have on your PC.
15:31.19adrin_or directly from asterisk
15:31.31ManxPowerthen you would Dial( in Asterisk
15:31.32adrin_put that what do you mean?
15:31.51adrin_and how it routes it?
15:31.59adrin_connects to
15:32.04ManxPoweradrin_: to dial from the softphone on your pc you would tell the softphone to dial
15:32.04adrin_and calles numbers?
15:32.12adrin_ok guys thanks
15:32.21ManxPowerno asterisk required in that situation
15:32.57adrin_yeah i know but i have 3 hardphones
15:33.04adrin_using asterisk
15:33.05ManxPoweradrin_: Asterisk is a PBX toolkit.  expect to spend 1 - 4 weeks getting an Asterisk server setup and working OK.  If you are unusually dense, then expect 1 - 4 months.
15:33.11[TK]D-Fenderadrin_: Who are these people you are planning to talkwith?
15:33.27adrin_i have a working asterisk setup
15:33.37adrin_and i am using widevoip as my provider
15:33.44ManxPoweradrin_: then it should be pretty obvious what you need to do.
15:33.50adrin_i just wanted to know if i can call other sip accounts directly
15:33.57adrin_i am a noob rather in voip :-)
15:33.59ManxPoweradrin_: yes, but it is not recommended.
15:34.14adrin_ManxPower: not recommended why?
15:34.18ManxPowerIf you "dial by ip", which is what you are talking about then you have very little control over the call.
15:34.25iCEBrkrSomeone just send me a URL to an old .MOD file I made back in the day for a colleage hacker radio show.
15:34.31iCEBrkrI'm laughing my ass off
15:34.31ManxPowerif you dial by sip.conf entry, then you have full control over the call.
15:35.28develalso, i was under the impression that if my channels are all ulaw (sip) that using the ulaw audio files would be the lowest cpu usage option.  is that wrong thinking?
15:35.31[TK]D-Fenderadrin_: Please don't use generic terms like "sip accounts" ok?  EXACTLY who are these "accounts"?
15:35.40ManxPowerdevel: that is correct.
15:36.04develwell thank the gods i'm at least on the right track. :) thanks ManxPower
15:36.55ManxPowerdevel: show translation recalc 10 will give you a GENERAL idea of CPU costs for converting from one codec to another codec.
15:36.55[TK]D-Fenderdevel: Watch out for oncoming trains...
15:37.01Darthcluewhich is better voice quality, gsm or ulaw?
15:37.15ManxPowerDarthclue: ulaw is what the PSTN in USA and Canada uses.
15:37.29develyes, that's what i thought ManxPower, i just wanted to make sure that disk file translated to audio channel is the "same"
15:37.38*** part/#asterisk datachomper (n=russ@
15:37.47ManxPowerulaw and alaw are the BEST sounding codecs other than the newfangled "wide band" codecs and nobody supports those.
15:38.08ManxPowerdevel: actually it is more like, read from disk, stuff in a packet.
15:38.18adrin_[TK]D-Fender: a account, btw how do i make a call to using asterisk? ,exten => 791,1,Dial(SIP/,(...)) would work?
15:38.37ManxPoweradrin_: what happens when you try that?
15:38.57develyes, so no translation overhead, ManxPower.  that's what i likes.  now back to my original "which module to load to read ulaw files"
15:39.13Darthclueok, so if a call is purely voip, then what?  i ask because i've got a situation where a pure voip gsm connection sounds fine, but pstn -> voip provider -> pbx (all ulaw) sounds like crap (pops, static, crackles)
15:39.14[TK]D-Fenderadrin_: Ah, calling to an existing proxy service.  Yes, that will work. Dial(SIP/,15) for example
15:39.16ManxPoweradrin_: when you dial like that, you have no control over the codec used, the dtmf mode used, the NAT translation, etc.
15:39.28adrin_ManxPower: dunno didnt try yet, i thought that is incorrect
15:39.50[TK]D-Fenderadrin_: But you should set up a proper peer entry in sip.conf to use rather than using a full URL like that as ManxPower was suggesting.
15:39.51adrin_ManxPower: but i dont have to pay for the call?
15:40.04ManxPoweradrin_: that would be up to the company
15:40.05[TK]D-Fenderadrin_: Correct
15:40.14destructurewow, any idea how to grab the hostname that is running asterisk from inside the dialplan or agi?
15:40.18[TK]D-Fenderadrin_: If THEY are setup to allow you to call their members that way <---
15:40.19adrin_[TK]D-Fender: oooh a peer entry for
15:40.20ManxPowerif is not free, then you would have to pay for the call.
15:40.33ManxPowerdestructure: what version of asterisk
15:40.57_x86_ManxPower: did you say increment / decrement by 2 each time?
15:40.59De_MonTrySystem() could do it, not sure if theres another way
15:41.05[TK]D-Fenderadrin_: Yes.  in sip.conf something like [dialtofreefr] type=peer     disallow=all    allow=alaw , etc
15:41.06_x86_ManxPower: so if 2 doesnt work, go to 4, etc?
15:41.18ManxPowerdestructure: read /path/to/src/asterisk-1.4/doc/channelvariables.txt  pay special attention the the ${ENV()} variable.
15:41.19adrin_ManxPower: pay for incoming call in or for outgoing? i call someone who has account on but personally i dont have an accoiunt there so how can they charge me
15:41.30destructurehmm, I guess I could exec system from agi
15:41.32ManxPower_x86_: yes.
15:41.36[TK]D-Fenderadrin_: and then Dial(SIP/dialtofreefr/12345)
15:41.46destructurethe issue is of course that AGI is servicing a bunch of asterisks
15:41.49De_MonI'd go with channel variables
15:41.57_x86_ManxPower: and a simple reload from CLI will re-parse that?
15:41.58adrin_[TK]D-Fender: thanks! hmm not @dialtofreefr?
15:42.00ManxPoweradrin_: if you don't have an account with them they can't charge you, so if they charge for that call they would prolly reject the call.
15:42.04_x86_ManxPower: don't have to restart asterisk?
15:42.14[TK]D-Fenderadrin_: you seem to be ASSUMING that will allow you to call their memeber this way....
15:42.14destructurethat should be doable, thanks for the tip
15:42.17ManxPower_x86_: correct.  rxgain is something that can be changed on a reload
15:42.35ManxPoweradrin_: VoIP does not magically let you make free calls.
15:42.52ManxPowerWhoever you are connecting to must allow you to connect to them.
15:42.56adrin_[TK]D-Fender: hehe right i forgot that they may not like the idea of free calls
15:43.34[TK]D-Fenderadrin_: Since you haven't actually seen this option anywhree, the odds are REMARKABLY LOW that this is possible and you are coming up with crack-head ideas that jsut won't work.
15:44.00adrin_ManxPower: but there are no middlemen involved and i have two endpoins connected to a free worldwide compiuter network
15:44.12*** join/#asterisk IPetrov2 (
15:44.22adrin_ok i understand they charge fotr the fact that i have account on their server
15:44.23ManxPoweradrin_: which free world wide computer network?
15:44.35*** join/#asterisk seanbright (n=elixer@
15:44.45ManxPowerthat just transports data, it has nothing to do with phone calls and does not know what the data is.
15:45.04ManxPowerYou still have to get your data to a phone.
15:45.23adrin_but it is a computer that understands ip traffic
15:45.25ManxPowerand there ARE middlemen involved.  in your example that middleman would be
15:45.50[TK]D-Fenderadrin_: Ok, you clearly hae NO CLUE about how calls are authed or how your provider works.
15:45.53adrin_so why use providers :-) they just steal my money
15:46.11adrin_[TK]D-Fender: i am afraid you may be right
15:46.24ManxPoweradrin_: providers connect you to phones.
15:47.10develok, to read the ulaw files, was the "key"
15:47.26adrin_ManxPower: to PSTN
15:47.35ManxPoweradrin_: not just the PSTN.
15:47.59ManxPowerFor the most part people don't just have phones laying around waiting to accept calls from random people.
15:48.13ManxPowerThey have phones connected to a provider.
15:48.41ManxPowerNone of my customers accept random unauthenticated calls, even if the calls could get thru the NAT and firewall.
15:49.28ManxPoweradrin_: some of the peer-to-peer providers like FWD allow their users to call other providers for free, but they all have to be configured to do that.
15:49.41ManxPowerand the provider has to accept the call.
15:49.56destructureit wasn't in the environment, but I exported it.  hopefully I remember to do on additional boxes, heh
15:50.01adrin_ManxPower: hmm ok
15:50.21ManxPowerFor example, there is a "gateway" to allow IAXTel users and FWD users to call each other without having to have an account on both networks, but that is a fairly unusual thnig.
15:50.45ManxPowerdestructure: on my systems HOSTNAME is the ENV var, it would vary from distro to distro.
15:51.16*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
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15:52.06*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=IceChat7@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
15:52.16*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (
15:52.26ManxPowerBTW, such inter-provider gateways usually suck.
15:52.35[T]ankanyone else running 1.4.13 with cdr_mysql?
15:52.48[TK]D-Fenderadrin_: Va-t'ens!  Merci la visite! ;)
15:52.54[T]anki upgraded from 1.4.10 where cdr_mysql was running fine. now i cannot get it to run.
15:52.57jbotwell, zeeek is someone who once said "learning asterisk using a GUI is like learning sex through masturbation. You'll never get to the good stuff."
15:53.13Zeeekgood evening
15:53.17[T]ankwondering if anyone else is having issues with 1.4.13
15:53.49Zeeekanyone ever use Wengo? THey seem to be having issues. Like going out of business
15:54.57_x86_ManxPower: this is an example of someone getting a reorder... there were two 6's in the number next to each other, and it looks like it missed the second one
15:55.00[TK]D-FenderZeeek: Wengo-ing, going, GONE! :p
15:55.00ZeeekI hate when companie go out of business with my money
15:55.17ZeeekEBay is the devil: wish tey'd go out of business
15:55.30Zeeekwhere's my meds?
15:55.31*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
15:55.49ManxPower_x86_: that is a CLASSIC relaxdtmf symptom
15:55.53KattyZeeek: you took them 3 hours ago
15:55.59[TK]D-FenderZeeek: Hate to say that if you have to come up with your own retarded client and give yourself a faggoty name (cue Trixbox!) expect the impending demise :p
15:56.02_x86_ManxPower: i've disabled relaxdtmf though
15:56.06Zeeekdamn. I'll some more then
15:56.10_x86_ManxPower: took it completely out of zapata.conf
15:56.22_x86_ManxPower: unless that doesn't take affect on a reload
15:56.39ZeeekEbay is pretty lame, and they make millions
15:56.45ManxPower_x86_: It is also a symptom of gain issues.  chances are you actually need to do rxgain=-2
15:56.56Zeeekbut we dogress
15:57.01ManxPowerwhen the audio level is too high, asterisk can miss repeated digits.
15:57.29ManxPowerif it is too low, then it can just miss digits (not just repeated ones).
15:57.32_x86_ManxPower: are we sure that relaxdtmf takes affect on a reload
15:57.51*** join/#asterisk coppice (
15:58.05ManxPower_x86_: I would have to read the source, but when you do a reload the CLI will SHOW YOU what options were not changed.  (ignoring signalling), etc.
15:58.30Kattywhat's everyone's opinion of the polycom 301?
15:58.41_x86_ManxPower: yeah the only thing it showed me was the signalling
15:58.51_x86_Katty: it's only got half-duplex speakerphone
15:58.57Kattyis it okay, or something you start the weekend's bbq fire with?
15:59.00_x86_Katty: you'll be MUCH happier with the 501
15:59.01ManxPowerKatty: It's the worst polycom, there are Polycoms with a better screen and microphone for aonly a little more.
15:59.08Katty_x86_: oh yes, we use the 501s (=
15:59.15Kattyso the 320 is the..
15:59.18Kattymost resonable cheapy
15:59.19ZeeekDO NOT look for them on EBAY, please!
15:59.20ManxPowerthere are also the 320 and 340s as well
15:59.35billybongopolycom 301 - crap screen
15:59.40_x86_Katty: i've heard good things about 330's, 430's, and 650's... though i've not used them
16:00.07billybongo430s are OK
16:00.13_x86_I only have like (2) 301's in production, the rest are all 501's and 601's
16:00.15billybongo501 and 601 are cool
16:00.20Katty501s are nice.
16:00.23Kattyreal nice.
16:00.26_x86_i've got (3) 601's at my house :P
16:00.26ManxPower_x86_: ask the users if they think the audio levels are out of whack.  i.e. too soft, too loud, etc, and what DIRECTION the issue is.
16:00.35_x86_ManxPower: ok
16:00.43Kattyi think the 320 would do... we don't need the extra network jack.
16:00.46billybongo_x86_: trying to persuade my SO that we need such things here too
16:00.56ManxPoweri.e. if they say people they call say they are unusually loud or soft, that is a clue.
16:01.06ZeeekI know someone who watches West Wing reruns just to see th Cisco phones! Looks are everything
16:01.20billybongois there a way to crank up the volume on polycoms?
16:01.28billybongoI had one customer turn them down purely on that
16:01.38billybongothis is with them turned up full on the front panel
16:01.42Kattyany real advantage of the 550 over the 501?
16:01.44ManxPowerZeeek: After katrina I was in a feed and farm supply store in a tiny town in texas. they had a computer department and the tech was playing with cisco phones and asterisk.
16:01.51Kattypower options, mayhaps?
16:01.59_x86_billybongo: you turn the volume up during a call ;)
16:01.59ManxPowerI thought I was having an LSD trip and got out of there fast.
16:02.08ZeeekManxPower :)
16:02.19billybongo_x86_: yeah, they didn't like that ide
16:02.27billybongothey wanted it loud all the time
16:02.39_x86_ManxPower: yeah looks like i'm missing digits, not just repeated ones either
16:02.40billybongoalso they weren't impressed with its speakerphone capabilities
16:02.47ManxPowerbillybongo: It really depends on what calls are too soft.  polycom<->polycom or polycom<-> PSTN?
16:02.55billybongoI've yet to find a SIP phone that excels as a speakerphone
16:03.10billybongoManxPower: both
16:03.15robl^Polycom 650 is a GREAT speakerphone
16:03.16_x86_ManxPower: and I've got the rxgain at 4 now
16:03.24KattyManxPower: you know if the ip320s have a little microbrowser thing for logo display?
16:03.26ManxPowerbillybongo: *shrug*  Pretty easy to fix in the polycom configs.
16:03.31ZeeekThe Poly's are very good spkphns
16:03.43_x86_ManxPower: scratch that, rxgain was at 6 when that happened
16:03.44ManxPower_x86_: Didn't I just suggest you try rxgain=-2?
16:04.07*** join/#asterisk Beirdo (n=gjhurlbu@unaffiliated/beirdo)
16:04.09_x86_ManxPower: but you also said "too low and it will miss digits (not just repeated ones)"
16:04.13Katty[TK]D-Fender: i bet you'd know!
16:04.26ManxPowerbillybongo: in fact, low volume is a classic symptom of using config files for older phones with newer phones.
16:04.43ManxPower_x86_: yes.
16:04.50[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
16:04.58ManxPower_x86_: DTMF issues on zap are a bitch to fix.
16:04.59billybongoManxPower: ok, will look at that
16:05.00[TK]D-FenderKatty: 550 = waste of money
16:05.15[TK]D-FenderKatty: Price of a 601 with no expansion, and 2 less line-keys
16:05.19_x86_ManxPower: ok, set it at -2, and i was able to restart asterisk completely because it's break time and no one is on the phone
16:05.28*** part/#asterisk wmurailbfinance (
16:05.37[TK]D-FenderKatty: Basically paying for snazzy (to some) colourscheme and a backlit screen.
16:05.55ManxPower_x86_: Asterisk's DTMF detection has significant bugs.  I don't think there is a fix for 1.2, but I've not had major DTMF issues.
16:06.07[TK]D-FenderKatty: And yes, every phone except the 301 & 4000 can have an idle screen.
16:06.17_x86_[TK]D-Fender: i'd be tickled if I could get a backlit screen on the 501 for roughly the same price ;)
16:06.41[TK]D-FenderKatty: Oh, and the 550 is native PoE for which you need to buy the brick seperately.
16:06.43_x86_ManxPower: this weekend I was planning on upgrading to 1.4.12, like i've already done in other offices
16:06.53_x86_ManxPower: you think that will solve the issues perhaps?
16:07.22_x86_[TK]D-Fender: unless you have a PoE switch :)
16:07.22ManxPower_x86_: let me check a couple of things before I answer that.
16:07.22FlatFootZeeek: mines a guiness
16:07.45Katty[TK]D-Fender: uber.
16:07.49ZeeekFlatFoot he left
16:07.56Zeeekthis is the bot
16:08.09Katty[TK]D-Fender: so "idle screen" is what the logo thing is... it's not a microbrowser?
16:08.18Katty[TK]D-Fender: or is the microbrowser what displays idle screen
16:08.25[TK]D-FenderKatty: Yuo can have either.
16:08.29Katty[TK]D-Fender: nice.
16:08.32ZeeekWhat phone can you put Youtube vids on when it's not in use?
16:08.44[TK]D-FenderKatty: Static image or idel browser.  I prefer the latter as you can do nifty stuff on that.
16:08.44ZeeekiPhone for asterisk?
16:09.06KattyZeeek: i thought it was gphone
16:09.12KattyZeeek: i bet google will do something
16:09.37robl^is switchvox supposed to replace AsteriskNOW?
16:09.52Kattyrobl^: i think trixbox did already
16:09.56Kattyoh wait, no, that's asterisk@home
16:10.01_x86_ManxPower: oh man, -2 might have done the trick
16:10.09ZeeekYou could do worse than to join us :
16:10.18Zeeek^^^^^^^ to anyone ^^^^^^^^^^^
16:10.27robl^Katty: Switchvox and AsteriskNOW are official digium products
16:10.36ManxPower_x86_: don't count your raptors before they are hatched.
16:10.54Zeeekso AsteriskTHEN is depricated?
16:13.23Kattyrobl^: oh ah.
16:13.28unixdogcome over to 1.4
16:13.35Kattyrobl^: i can't say i've worked with them.
16:13.36unixdogcome over to the dark side
16:14.24casixI'm having this error in my asterisk: chan_zap.c: Write returned -1 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on channel 53
16:14.27casixI've been looking for information but I didn't find it
16:14.30casixanyone knows what can it be?
16:14.43robl^Katty: I haven't either -- I used the old fashioned Asterisk -- bust saw the switchvox advert on Digium's home page...
16:15.46QwellZeeek: As bmd puts it - if you want something to hack up, use AsteriskNOW.  Give switchvox to your grandmother.
16:17.47*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
16:17.50jameswfswitchvox is locked up tighter than an alter boy at a priest convention as far as hardware goes. so if you use it you either have to use pure voip or digium, AsteriskNow is a better bet if you need hardware support outside of digium products.
16:18.21*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
16:18.44_x86_ManxPower: well in the last 7 dial attempts, 6 have worked just fine
16:19.04_x86_ManxPower: which is a hell of a better ratio than the 15:1 they were claiming earlier
16:19.19jameswfits like mac before they gave you a shell
16:19.24_x86_[TK]D-Fender: where is that place you buy hardware from?
16:19.47tzangeris it simply not possible to have tdmoe spans installed BEFORE T1 spans?
16:19.53tzangerztcfg won't even bring htem up now
16:20.14jameswfagrees with tzanger
16:20.33ManxPower_x86_: is it better than when rxgain was 2, 4, or 6?
16:20.33_x86_anyone ever buy from telephony depot?
16:20.48_x86_ManxPower: this is by far the best it's been
16:20.55jameswfI control module loading in rc.local to ensure analogs load last
16:21.00ManxPowertry rxgain=-3 then
16:21.07_x86_ManxPower: keep in mind, i'm grepping for a single channel that i'm using as a test case
16:21.36tzangerjameswf: won't work
16:21.43_x86_where does everyone get their Sangoma hardware from?
16:21.51tzangerztcfg fails since the hardware module isn't installed
16:21.53_x86_looking for price comparisons to
16:21.55tzangerand that *ABORTS* rc.local
16:22.03tzanger_x86_: I buy it direct
16:22.58[TK]D-Fender_x86_: Recently :
16:22.58_x86_[TK]D-Fender: they seem to have the best price so far, it seems
16:23.01[TK]D-Fender_x86_: they average very well.  Not the best in any one thing, but a good overall value compared to the majority
16:23.24jameswftzanger, does work, blacklist modules, udev, modprobe, ztcfg
16:23.34jameswfdo it all the time
16:23.35tzangerjameswf: you're not understanding
16:23.41tzangerI have wctdm blacklisted
16:23.43tzangerso it does not load
16:23.51tzangerthat works
16:24.09tzangerztcfg fails because 4 channels aren't there (wctdm isn't loaded, which is what I want)
16:24.15tzangerthat failure causes rc.local to STOP
16:24.22tzangerso I can't, for example
16:24.25tzangermodprobe wctdm
16:24.31jameswfare you modprobing before ztcfg
16:24.36tzangerI can't
16:24.41tzangerotherwise wctdm has zap channels 1-4
16:24.47tzangerI want 1-576 to be the 4 tdmoe spans
16:24.54tzangerand 577-580 to be tdm400
16:25.01jameswfblack list your digital too
16:25.06tzangerjameswf: I have no digital in this setup
16:25.19tzangeryou don't understand, a failure of ztcfg ABORTS the rst of rc.local
16:25.58tzangerI'm listening to a country station
16:25.58jameswfso throw together a bash script that runs last...
16:25.58tzangerthis song is saying how he'd like to kiss this girl in the back stix, how he'd like to check her for ticks
16:26.57tzangerjameswf: fuck it
16:27.03tzangerI'm gonna hve two ztcfg scripts
16:27.05tzangerthis is ridiculous
16:27.10tzangerwhy is ztcfg aborting rc.local on failure
16:27.29*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
16:30.03fskrotzkiLooking for a way to hook asterisk so I know when it crashes and restarts.  Having a issue with the current trixbox distro and faxing.  sometimes when a fax is coming in it crashes when calling rxfax.  So I'd like to find a way that it can notify me it is happening.
16:30.22*** join/#asterisk hfb (
16:31.11ManxPower_x86_: see  You might have to apply the 1.2 version of the patch.
16:31.52*** join/#asterisk shido6 (n=shido6@
16:32.36tzangerztcfg -c /etc/
16:32.38tzangerlet's try that
16:38.58jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF
16:38.58ManxPowerQwell: I think jbot is having some quiet time with janebot
16:38.58Qwellsomebody link me to the pdf? :p
16:39.04*** part/#asterisk michael-i (n=michael-@
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16:39.18*** part/#asterisk neverblue (n=neverblu@unaffiliated/neverblue)
16:40.12ManxPowerfskrotzki: we cannot help you.
16:41.05fskrotzkiManxPower: thx
16:42.53ManxPowerfskrotzki: but I'll bet #trixbox can help you.
16:43.20jbotmethinks zeeek is someone who once said "learning asterisk using a GUI is like learning sex through masturbation. You'll never get to the good stuff."
16:43.34hescoSorry, I asked this earlier, but then got distracted by the boss, let me try this again, What does this mean, and should I be concerned with it?
16:43.36hescoNOTICE[16486]: res_musiconhold.c:515 monmp3thread: Request to schedule in the past?!?!
16:43.40_x86_ManxPower: is that patch committed to 1.4.12 already?
16:44.07_x86_hesco: you need a clock source, like real TDM hardware
16:44.12_x86_hesco: or, ztdummy
16:44.12ManxPower_x86_: I have no idea.  check the commit date, if it is before 1.4.12 was released......
16:44.18ManxPower_x86_: no he does not.
16:44.29ManxPowera clock source MIGHT help with that harmless message, but I doubt it.
16:44.47ManxPowerhesco: if you want help here, we expect you to pay attention.
16:44.48hesco_X86_: might that be available with apt-get?
16:44.51*** join/#asterisk FlatFoot (n=bigflatf@
16:45.13*** part/#asterisk [T]ank (
16:45.29ManxPowerhesco: that is a harmless message, indicating that your system is not quite fast enough to handle everything without some extra latency.
16:45.30hescoManxPower: understood.  My boss isn't pointed headed, but she's still the boss
16:46.09tzangerManxPower: I get hesco's message from time to time if something blocked the processor and caused it to not be able to send something out on time
16:46.23ManxPowerBTW, I prefer the term "sync source" rather than "clock source", because everyone seems to thing "clock" means "system clock" and this is not the case.
16:46.32ManxPowertzanger: exactly.
16:48.14hescoso where again can I find ztdummy?
16:48.47_x86_ManxPower: dude... EVERY CALL in my scrollback buffer on the tail -f terminal monitoring the dtmf debug for the test case channel, has worked just fine since changing rxgain to -3
16:49.19ManxPower_x86_: Damn I'm good.
16:49.46ManxPower_x86_: you MIGHT want to put a txgain=3 before the PSTN channels to compensate for the audio level on PSTN calls.
16:49.58*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
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16:50.54*** part/#asterisk fiXXXerMet (n=kjohnson@
16:52.16ZeeekIn about 30 minutes, the VOIP Users Conference goes live for your enjoyment, edification or just if you want to waste your employer's time and bandwidth listening.
16:52.16unixdogits time things be said
16:52.16*** join/#asterisk pepo-- (n=pepOSX@
16:52.22ZeeekIRC #voip-users-conference right here on Freenode
16:52.51_x86_ManxPower: 11 out of 11 calls went through just fine now!
16:52.59_x86_ManxPower: thanks SO MUCH :) :) :)
16:53.34ManxPower_x86_: You should send a large donation to the ManxPower Beer Fund PayPal
16:53.40_x86_Zeeek: you're anti-shy enough as it is... damn
16:53.48_x86_ManxPower: hehe
16:54.23ManxPowerFor some reason people always thing that's funny.
16:54.33unixdogwell I want to see some major clen up done
16:54.41unixdoglen/clean up
16:54.44unixdogin the code
16:54.45_x86_ManxPower: wait, 12th call went just fine, then 13th failed
16:54.54unixdogall the mutex issues need to go
16:54.58[TK]D-Fender_x86_: lucky #13 strikes again.
16:55.01unixdogand the color in the console
16:55.03_x86_ManxPower: 14th went ok, 15th failed
16:55.13[TK]D-Fender_x86_: Meatloaf said 2 out of 3 ain't bad, and you have 12/13!
16:55.23Zeeekmutex is the most obscene technical term after.... "intermittent"
16:55.37ManxPower_x86_: I think the dtmf fix is your real solution
16:56.14_x86_ManxPower: yeah, but this will get me off the hook while i do the migration to 1.4 this weekend
16:56.18unixdogand I think that the show users is a security hole
16:56.23ManxPower_x86_: download the 1.2 version of the patch.
16:57.50unixdogbecause it shows passwords
16:57.50ManxPowerunixdog: no, it is not.  If you are allowed to use the CLI, you are an admin.
16:58.08unixdogwell its a risk if you run any of the guis out there
16:58.10*** join/#asterisk c0rnflake (n=c0rnflak@
16:58.16unixdogand have access to it on the web
16:58.31unixdoglike the digium asterisk gui and thirdlane and freepbx
16:59.20ManxPowerIf you are using a GUI, you have much bigger problems than seeing the secrets
16:59.20unixdogit should not show passwords
16:59.20unixdogthis is not going to be a gui war
16:59.20ManxPowerunixdog: you poor naive thing.
16:59.32tzangerasterisk-gui is eventually being replaced with switchvox though isn't it?
16:59.38unixdog< far from niive
16:59.45[TK]D-Fenderunixdog: more of a GUI massacre really ;)
16:59.50unixdogand I look at all security issues
17:00.04unixdogand its a security hole
17:00.10ManxPowerunixdog: you would be better served by complaining about using plaintext passwords.
17:00.16unixdogit should never show the opasswords
17:00.39unixdogI yell about that all the time to providers but they wont listen
17:00.40ManxPowerWell, good luck with getting it changed.
17:00.58unixdogthey should be using md5 but they are to stupid
17:01.20unixdogand they say its just easier for us to do plain text
17:01.33coppicewhy are they stupid? do they stand to loose if something goes wrong?
17:01.37unixdogand letting the user choose a password and not encode it in md5
17:01.49unixdogyes they do
17:02.02unixdogplaintext passwords are stupid
17:02.07ManxPowerunixdog: Why do you think the password listed in the GUIs are taken from "sip show users" rather than directly from sip.conf???
17:02.09unixdogI agree 100000%
17:02.09*** join/#asterisk syzygyBSD (
17:02.12ZeeekIf everyone always had fixed ip addresses...
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17:02.15coppicelike what, for instance?
17:02.55ManxPowerunixdog: you are under the misconception that you can force users to act in a way that is good for security.
17:03.01ManxPowerYou can't.
17:03.27unixdogthen it come to the software to be more secure
17:03.39ManxPowerManxPower: unixdog: Why do you think the password listed in the GUIs are taken from "sip show users" rather than directly from sip.conf???
17:03.44unixdogwich means things like sip show users not showing password.
17:04.23unixdogthey may be pulled from sip.conf. but they should not be displayed
17:04.30unixdogyour missing the poing
17:05.30unixdogthe point is having a way to display what users are on the system is fine
17:05.38ManxPowerunixdog: no, you are missing the point.  It is up to the GUI to hide the password.  The GUI has admin privs, so the GUI is responsible for being secure and masking passwords.
17:05.41unixdogbut displaying the passwoerd is not secure
17:05.49coppiceno. i think you are missing the point. who has the potential to seriously loose by what they do today, who also has the competance to assess and fix it?
17:05.52*** join/#asterisk bantu (
17:06.47unixdogI am told its a sinple finx in chan_sip.c
17:06.55ManxPowerunixdog: and chan_h323.c and chan_mgcp.c, and chan_sccp.c and chan_skinny.c
17:07.41unixdogso its in all of them
17:07.41unixdogbut it should not be
17:07.41ManxPowerbut feel free to submit a patch to and you can argue with them about it.
17:07.41unixdogdisplaying all the other info is fine
17:07.41ManxPowerunixdog: well and manager.conf, of course too./
17:07.41unixdogbut it should never display passwords
17:07.43ManxPoweror complain on asterisk-dev
17:07.51unixdogthats a security hole
17:07.55ManxPower(which is the correct place to discuss code changes)
17:08.14unixdogevery time I have gone there no one responds
17:08.20unixdogso I come here
17:08.25ManxPowerthat is because nobody cares.
17:08.28*** join/#asterisk irule (n=irule@
17:08.33unixdogthats sad
17:08.44Zeeektoo many windows for one thing!
17:08.47ManxPowergo use a different PBX if it is so important to you.
17:09.10[TK]D-Fenderunixdog: Since when would someone with CLI access not have access to the raw config files anyways?
17:09.27unixdogasterisk is the only one I have working on bsd and I am active in keeping it ported
17:09.37ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: he does not want to listen.
17:09.46unixdogI am listening
17:09.48jennywhey everyone. I'm looking for a VoIP provider. I notice that a lot of them charge per phone number. Do any of them sell blocks of DIDs?
17:10.16ManxPowerjennyw: blocks of DIDs is more of a wholesale thing for most companies.
17:10.21unixdogbut even endusers for the most part can go look at the files if they have access to the box
17:10.42jennywManxPower: So is this something I'm not likely to get through a voip provider?
17:10.48ManxPowerunixdog: THAT sounds like a permissions problem to me.
17:11.18[TK]D-Fenderunixdog: there is a saying "Why worry about your hair when they are about to take your head?"
17:11.28ManxPowerjennyw: not likely to get from a VoIP provider than only sells retail type of accounts.  A VoIP provider that does wholesale or larger corporate type of accounts might have that service.
17:12.16[TK]D-Fenderunixdog: Anyone with CLI access can do far worse damage than just passwords anyways, so who cares?
17:12.18ManxPowerjennyw: most places that are large enough to need a block of DIDs is large enough to realize that betting the company's phone service on an internet connection is a bad idea.
17:12.20jennywManxPower: Is there a list of such providers somewhere? I looked at a few that offer business accounts (VoicePulse, but I didn't see any info on larger blocks of numbers.
17:12.44ManxPowerjennyw: e-mail them, I doubt they would have much info on their web sites.
17:13.22jennywManxPower: thanks. Yeah, I could see that most companies wouldn't want to depend on VoIP, but this is an experimental proof of concept type of project that they want to do cheaply (not for production).
17:15.07jbotmethinks ygwypf is You Get What You Pay For.  If the sole factor in your decision to purchase a product or service is that it's cheaper than everything else out there, don't be surprised if it's also worse in every other respect than everything else out there.
17:15.07ZeeekOh I thought you were there
17:15.07ManxPowerjennyw: for proof of concept you really don't need a block of DIDs
17:15.07c0rnflakehey guys, quick question. i recently upgraded to asterisk 1.4 and updated my polycoms to sip 2.2 (at the same time, silly i know)
17:15.10ManxPowerc0rnflake: did you read the UPGRADE.txt and CHANGES documents that are included in the 1.4 source code?
17:15.10c0rnflakeso now incoming calls show up as 2125555555@ instead of 2125555555, and when my users try to re-dial from missed calls, the call fails
17:15.10c0rnflakewell, i should say i inherited the administration of the box, i didnt install it. i'll go read those over now.
17:15.50dandresorry ;-)
17:17.14dandreis there any possibility to test from the manager interface weather an extension is present in on context?
17:18.30*** join/#asterisk Bladerunner05 (
17:18.46ZeeekPhone in your questions:
17:18.53Bladerunner05Hola; I need to know, how to setup gpx2000 to (pressing msg button) login into mailbox automatically
17:18.55davevg-btwtechdandre, yes
17:18.56[TK]D-Fenderdandre: Why would you?
17:19.07*** join/#asterisk pepo--- (n=pepOSX@
17:19.28De_MonManxPower what if that company IS an internet provider? if their internet goes down they are out of business anyways...
17:19.50dandreI want to know if an extension number is available before essigning it
17:20.39ManxPowerDe_Mon: the provider does not have to go down for your service to fail.
17:20.39dandredavevg-btwtech: how?
17:20.39ManxPoweryour ISP and any ISP between you and the provider could go down.
17:20.39De_Monoh, fine! be that way
17:20.47De_Monunixdog hey, what did you say about colors?
17:20.53De_Mondon't be messin with my CLI colors
17:21.07GreggBManxPower: my situation appears to be the inverse of jennyw - our T1 has failed so often in the past couple months, and the telco has been unable to resolve the issues, that we're considering a 100% migration to VoIP now (w/ 122 DIDs too).
17:21.15davevg-btwtechdandre: Command: dialplan show exten@context
17:21.17*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (n=IceChat7@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
17:21.37ManxPowerGreggB: Best of luck with that.
17:22.20De_Monits like anything else, its great, till it stops working.
17:22.48dandreok thanks
17:22.54coppicesome things are better when they stop working
17:22.59ManxPowerI trust T-1s over internet connections.
17:23.01unixdogconf time
17:23.06ManxPowercoppice: like Windows ME?
17:23.25coppiceor a phone bringing me complaints
17:23.27ManxPoweror Rev Phelps heart?
17:25.02GreggBManxPower: As do I...normally... though in this case, our internet connect has been rock-solid (as have our backup VoIP providers), while the T1 has been down for far more than 80-90% of the time for the past couple months. It's not like we're in a "bad" area either; a few blocks from the city square, in Portland OR...
17:25.54Bladerunner05Hola; I need to know, how to setup gpx2000 to (pressing msg button) login into mailbox automatically
17:26.07ManxPowerGreggB: sounds like time for a new T-1 provider.
17:26.19ManxPowerBladerunner05: nobody here uses grandstream for obvious reasons.
17:27.08GreggBYou'd think Integra would be good enough...I guess not.
17:27.59ManxPowerWe usually have less than 1 day of downtime per year on our T-1s
17:28.16ManxPowerand we have something like 20 T-1s in various places.
17:28.49ManxPowerI should have said "8 hours", not "day"
17:29.17GreggBIn my last job, I managed upwards of 15 T1 (or T1-like circuits - ie: E1), mostly US-based.... I rarely saw downtime.
17:31.08aiksa[LV]Good evening everybody
17:38.58*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=teknopre@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
17:39.10teknoprepdoes asterisk 1.4 have t.38 gateway or is it pass only?
17:40.27puzzledafaik it's pass only
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17:41.32DarthclueGreggB, have they given you any explanation as to why it is down?  When hurricane Ivan took out I10 it also took out some circuits that a t1 provider of ours (at the time) was using.  This caused mass failure on their entire network because they didn't have a redundancy in place.  The POTS system is notorious for this type of stuff.  A good provider will be honest and tell you about it.
17:42.07teknoprephmm switchvox looks nice
17:42.26_x86_GreggB: you do know that you can't get commercial E1 circuits in the US right?
17:42.40_x86_GreggB: E1 is NOT the same as T1 or J1
17:42.54*** join/#asterisk kv0s (
17:43.17kv0sI've a running asterisk, which works great. But one thing ...
17:43.44_x86_GreggB: E1 is a European standard with 32 channels, T1 is a US standard with 24 channels, and J1 is a Japanese standard that uses chicken scratches instead of channels ;)
17:43.56kv0s... my outgoing MSN on my HFC-ISDN Card isn't set corret on outgoing calls. Any where i must search? Zapata.conf?
17:45.16*** join/#asterisk |omni| (
17:45.55GreggB_x86_: yea, I'm aware of the technical differences... but they are "close enough" that I just slip into calling them "T1s" when talking to most folks...instead of explaining X number of T1s, X number of E1s, X number of... It's not like I called the T1s, an iDSL circuit :-)
17:47.10*** join/#asterisk Gunirus (n=Gunirus@unaffiliated/Gunirus)
17:48.00_x86_GreggB: it is exactly like you called a T1 an iDSL circuit
17:48.09_x86_GreggB: T1 != E1 != J1
17:48.21_x86_T1 == T1, E1 == E1, J1 == J1
17:48.23GreggB_x86_: alright...thanks
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17:49.52GreggBDarthclue: their original blame was a bridge tap (which had been in place at our DMARC for ~6 months prior), then it was 50-pair riser bundle, then it was the card at the CO, then the termination equipment in our basement...then it was the Adtran they provided (splitting 4 data channels out, leaving the rest for voice).
17:51.02_x86_is DSP-based EC better than octasic?
17:51.10_x86_nvm, dumb question
17:52.24[TK]D-Fender_x86_: First step is admitting you have a problem ;)
17:52.42_x86_tzanger: were you the one talking about the USB channel banks?
17:52.50_x86_tzanger: they any good with Asterisk?
17:52.56GreggBDarthclue: The issues are still randomly reoccurring. I've already run a hard-loop on our Digium card, and all VoIP calls go through the Asterisk box fine - so my attention keeps returning to the circuit itself.
17:52.58tzanger_x86_: you'd have to as tzafrir
17:53.11*** part/#asterisk dandre (
17:53.11_x86_ah, get yall confused
17:53.29*** join/#asterisk steve (
17:53.45stevehi all
17:53.53steveis there a difference between asterisk and asterisknow?
17:54.17[TK]D-Fender_x86_: yay, moving up from T1 CB's to something even LESS standard.  Why don't you just go Grandstream 100% end be done with it? ;)
17:54.32[TK]D-Fendersteve: AsteriskNOW is a distro including * and a shitty GUI
17:54.46steve[TK]D-Fender: including *?
17:54.53[TK]D-Fendersteve: Yes
17:54.57steve* = ?
17:55.54J4k3ps - [TK]D-Fender needs to get laid.  Unless its something he's configured or used previously its automagically "shit", and he'll be quite willing to stomp his foot repeatedly to ensure everyone around him knows it
17:56.05GreggBsteve: The * is an asterisk...think about the channel you're on...
17:56.18steveoh, LOL
17:56.24steveyes.. I get it
17:56.41[TK]D-Fendersteve: * = whats the name of that symbol again?  Star?  No wait, that wasn't it... Oh I know, ASTERISK <---
17:57.26[TK]D-FenderJ4k3: Nice try, but not quite.
17:57.44steveheh, I hadn't mentally linked the symbol and the name of the software
17:57.46stevemy bad :)
18:00.30stevewhat's the verdict on trixbox? is it easier to deploy than the asterisk tarballs on an existing system?
18:01.00[TK]D-Fendersteve: Sure, if you don't mind selling your soul to the lowest bidder :)
18:01.20J4k3do you have anything technically useful to add, [TK]D-Fender ?
18:01.26steveinteresting answer
18:01.28J4k3every fucking time I join here all I read is your bitching
18:01.31*** join/#asterisk atomicd (
18:01.37J4k3really, you need a new hobby
18:01.40J4k3that doesn't involve #asterisk
18:02.26NuggetHey. [TK]D-Fender contributes a lot more here than I do.  I'm just here to whinge about how awful mysql is.  :)
18:02.36J4k3steve: trixbox requires no clue to get working, thats its only real advantage.  its only disadvantage is listening to [TK]D-Fender piss and moan profusely about it.
18:02.45_x86_who would think that two people in some random IRC channel would have nicks starting with "tza"
18:02.46[TK]D-FenderJ4k3: And that's followed about your bitching about my bitching in greater proportions :)  He asked an opinion and he got one.  You just don't like them so ignore them and move on.
18:03.17_x86_[TK]D-Fender: you think USB channel banks are bad?
18:03.17_x86_[TK]D-Fender: you've used them?
18:03.51Seldon75J4k3: [TK]D-Fender is knowlegable, but jaded
18:04.10[TK]D-Fender_x86_: It may work, but here's the downside (I do VALIDATE my opinions at least) : 1st directly tied to your * server in terms of failure risk and wiring restrictions.  2 : ONLY works with *.  3 : Resale / reusability value?  Meh.
18:05.08Seldon75I'd probably be jaded to if I had a million people asking me things contained in a well-distributed book because they couldnt be bothered reading it
18:05.19_x86_[TK]D-Fender: ah, i was originally questioning it versus spending more money on another T1 card
18:05.40[TK]D-Fender_x86_: These factors make them a very dead end choice.  Also Zaptel places a heavier load on your system, requires timing (can cause issues), and forces you to use Zaptel FXS handling (ICK!!!!).  a SIP gateway takes all the load OFF of * and handles call feautres FOR YOU, can have phisical internal failover as well as extra routing options, somprehensive dialplan handling, etc.
18:05.50_x86_[TK]D-Fender: was thinking that the astribank 24-port FXS solution would be cheaper than another dual-port T1 card, which does not seem to be the case
18:07.03GreggBIt appears sRTP is under active development for * ( has anyone tried it out yet?
18:07.49[TK]D-FenderSeldon75: Jaded?  Not towards the few products I truely am (don't speak about in public here).  I warn off where the greater pool of experience agrees anyways.  Thing is that I am here constantly and AM the one you may see repeating it more often just because of my presence.
18:07.58[TK]D-FenderGreggB: Should end up in 1.6
18:08.20[TK]D-FenderGreggB: But few people would run trunk in production so your odds are somewhat low...
18:08.38[TK]D-FenderGreggB: This is worth following up via the mailing-list or -dev
18:08.52Seldon75fair enough
18:09.03GreggB[TK]D-Fender: great, thanks :-)
18:09.29[TK]D-FenderGreggB: Check the -dev channel and maybe you'll find someone to test with
18:11.51*** join/#asterisk alexhopper (
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18:14.42jameswfI would rather debug windows then boot bsd.....
18:19.04Kattyherro file
18:19.08Kattyand mister fender.
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18:21.03fileKatty: how are 'chu?
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18:24.11robl^hrmm.. are we on that oat bran muffin thing again?
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18:38.23jameswfwould like to reference pouncing as the reason females fear computer people....
18:39.17stevedoes asterisk come with a web GUI?
18:39.23steveor is that only asterisknow/trixbox
18:39.45Qwellsteve: nope, but there is the "Asterisk GUI" which can be downloaded separately.
18:39.53Qwell(which is what comes with asterisknow)
18:40.04Qwell(and trixbox, because they liked it so much)
18:40.41steveso if asterisk has this functionality available, and asterisknow is a distro in itself, what's the purpose of trixbox?
18:42.32Qwell[TK]D-Fender: ?
18:42.47stevelol, I guess you have a rather low opinion of it? :P
18:43.00Qwellthat would be an understatement
18:43.03jameswfsteve, trixbox has no purpose... download freepbx, or asterisk gui and avoid the fluff
18:43.33stevewhat does freepbx offer?
18:43.34jameswfand avoid the flame war in here lol
18:43.42Qwellsteve: freepbx is the standard gui trixbox uses
18:43.55jameswfsteve, frepbx is 95% of trixbox
18:43.56Qwellmy opinion of that is rather low too though :p
18:43.58[TK]D-Fendersteve: Trixbox used to be Asterisk@Home which was a distro like AsteriskNOW except that that project has been out for YEARS <--
18:44.07[TK]D-Fendersteve: AsteriskNOW is *new*
18:44.10stevedoes freepbx have any advantages over asterisk and asterisk GUI?
18:44.23Qwellsteve: despite the name, freepbx is just a gui - for asterisk
18:44.46steveah, is it a whole distro on its own? I'm not keen on that idea
18:44.56Qwellit's just a gui
18:44.59[TK]D-Fendersteve: FreePBX is a COMPLETE end-to-end solution, AsteriskGUI requires a little bit of hand made work.
18:45.00lirakissteve: asterisk qui is a framework for developing front ends to asterisk... it just happens to come with a pre built front end
18:45.04jameswfsteve, all guis are a down fall. asterisk is so much more powerfull than what you can fit in a gui, pick up a book and go linux style on it
18:45.26Qwelllirakis: yeah, that sums it up pretty well
18:45.32lirakissteve: freepbx .. is a steaming pile of.. errr .. he he
18:45.40Qwelllirakis: You must work in our marketing dept :P
18:45.50[TK]D-Fendersteve: You don't buy a professional painters kit to build a "Colour By Numbers" clidren's book :)
18:46.02lirakisQwell: no but i had lunch with jsmith at von/asteriskworld .. maybe its rubbing off
18:46.12Qwell[TK]D-Fender: You do when you're a hardcore color by numbers fanatic
18:46.17Qwelllirakis: that'd do it
18:46.49[TK]D-Fender<beavis> hehehe hard-core hehehe </beavis>
18:46.52jameswfi found a cook by numbers website, you enter your fridge and pantry contents, it spits out recipies
18:47.21lirakisok end sophomoric humor
18:48.00jameswfits sad kids now a days dont get to have quality wholesome cartoons like bevis & butthead
18:48.27jameswfor ren and stimpy
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18:48.54stybbathey have pokemon
18:49.00LivedTypeIf anyone wants to join our mini-conference we are holding about Asterisk (and maybe some off topic) you can call sip:999@
18:49.02stevedoes asterisk GUI require a webserver or is one built in?
18:49.14Qwellsteve: asterisk is the webserver
18:49.22stybbabuilt in
18:51.33*** join/#asterisk mrtelephone (
18:51.42mrtelephonecan I get asterisk to use Remote ID for caller name?
18:52.17fileyou mean remote party id?
18:52.22*** part/#asterisk Bladerunner05 (
18:52.28filelmadsen: backwards
18:52.38lmadsenI've forgotten :)
18:52.53lmadsenas well
18:53.06steve << is that asterisk gui?
18:53.57steveoh, got a download url? :)
18:54.02stevecan't seem to find it
18:55.20*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
18:56.31mrtelephoneits using the number from rpid but the name from the from header
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18:58.41mrtelephonein the log anyways
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19:05.00[TK]D-Fendersteve: This isn't event he channel to really be asking about such thing.  Read the channel topic fo links, and check out for links to AsteriskGUI/NOW
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19:08.12Eter4Is there a way to use Asterisk as a Long Distance server.   I would like to call into the PBX, punch in an ext and then get a dialtone to dial to call out to another number
19:08.23hmmhesaysshow application disa
19:08.44hmmhesaysdoes jbot know about it?
19:08.48jbotfrom memory, disa is direct inward system access.  show application disa
19:08.49NuggetAny question that begins "Is there a way to use Asterisk as..." has the answer "yes"
19:08.58Nuggetit's simply a matter of how much time and effort you're willing to expend
19:10.26hmmhesaysI need to get a compressor but i'm not sure which one
19:10.35hmmhesaysouch, d@mnit
19:10.43Eter4Nugget: I guess I should of asked if someone has already built something like this beforehand?
19:10.45Darthcluewhat kind of compressor?
19:10.52hmmhesaysfor guitar
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19:11.13DarthclueEter4, look at DISA
19:11.22Nuggetwhat's guitar?  some sort of x11 front end to tar?  ;)
19:11.36Darthclueyeah, I don't have guitar installed, can't help ya there.
19:12.22[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: Boss GT-8 ;)
19:12.55Eter4Darthclue: Thanks
19:13.02Eter4THat's exacly what I wanted!
19:14.54hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: overkill
19:15.00hmmhesaysI think i'm just going to get a dynacomp
19:15.21[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: "just enough kill" IMO and means I haven't needed a seperate amp or anything for years now :)
19:15.44hmmhesaysI like my pedals
19:15.53[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: While you fiddle around with a huge pedal rack batteries, retweaking settings between songs, etc...
19:16.10[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: Set once, use fast
19:18.43[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: Good sample :
19:18.48hmmhesaysI don't use batteries
19:20.20*** join/#asterisk Teln12100 (
19:20.44shido6neither do I
19:20.58shido6not until im at least 80
19:21.14shido6if i keep the ginseng going i might not need them then either
19:22.37hmmhesayseverything that guy played sounded very processed
19:23.27JerJerhas anyone seen / figured out a way to setup different languages for the in-queue announcements based on the queue itself  ?
19:24.39*** join/#asterisk Schumie (n=Steve@
19:25.11JerJeri see that various  ->lanquage elements getting passed around
19:26.12JerJerlooks like just set the language via dialplan
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19:27.42blitzrageya, I just think you set the language then have the /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/XX directory for the language...
19:27.53JerJeryeah - sounds logical now
19:28.03saciteci'm looking for opinions about SIP/IAX trunks to LA, what company do u recommend ?
19:28.31JerJerdidn't want to say yes we can do different language prompts without verifying   :)
19:28.53blitzrageJerJer: I wouldn't say it until you try it :D
19:29.28*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
19:29.30JerJeroh i will - just haven't done different languages at all within asterisk
19:29.53blitzrageya, me either
19:30.37blitzrageuntil I was wondering why my prompts weren't working with trunk after I upgraded a test box from 1.4 (they look in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/en/ for english files now, but I didn't install the prompts again, so they only existed in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/)
19:30.51mrtelephoneI'll sip trunk you one in the balls :P
19:33.36*** join/#asterisk Cherebrum (n=jgarland@pdpc/supporter/base/Cherebrum)
19:34.46CherebrumFreeSwitch just added mod_dialplan_asterisk if anyone is interested. It means you can now also have the stupidity of the asterisk dialplan on FreeSwitch. :)
19:34.53*** join/#asterisk nestAr (
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19:35.32nestAranyone mess with manager through Net::Telnet?
19:35.32Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
19:35.41*** part/#asterisk Cherebrum (n=jgarland@pdpc/supporter/base/Cherebrum)
19:35.58*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (
19:36.15tzafrir_homeNugget, telnet is used ot convert \n to \r\n
19:36.43*** join/#asterisk icewaterman (
19:37.03tzafrir_homenestAr, there's a Asterisk::Manager module as part of the Asterisk modules (which are now in CPAN)
19:37.04icewatermanoctvqe_linux.c:1: error: CPU you selected does not support x86-64 instruction set <-- why is that? and why the hell is it in line 1?
19:37.16icewatermani am crosscompiling on x86_64 for i386
19:37.22icewatermanthe rest of the kernel compiles fine
19:37.29*** join/#asterisk flujan (
19:37.33flujanhi all.
19:37.35destructurethe asterisk kernel? lol
19:37.42flujanI am having a problem with asterisk .
19:37.47tzafrir_homeicewaterman, what card do you have?
19:37.48nestArtzafrir_home: the one with no documentation? i played with it for a second, but the lack of docs scared me off.
19:37.57icewatermandestructure: hfcsusb
19:38.06flujanIt is restarting sometimes during the day. It looks like someone is logged in the cli and typed restart now.
19:38.08nestAri have the telnet thing working, except for the line breaks aren't what i'm expecting.
19:38.10icewatermantzafrir_home: but i suspect this to be card independent
19:38.11*** part/#asterisk [intra]lanman (
19:38.23flujanI enabled the full log but no hint about what is happening...
19:38.25JerJerI think Barry Bonds is having issues with Asterisk as well    :D
19:38.32JerJerwell 'an' Asterisk
19:38.35tzafrir_homehfcusb? with misdn? visdn?
19:38.50flujanI am using 1.4.13
19:38.52icewatermantzafrir_home: with misdn? what is visdn?
19:39.20tzafrir_homeicewaterman, where are you getting this error from? building what, exactly?
19:39.36*** join/#asterisk kambei (n=kambei@unaffiliated/kambei)
19:39.43icewatermantzafrir_home: i am building the misdn modules
19:39.44tzafrir_homethe kernel?
19:39.53icewatermantzafrir_home: yes, i used std2kern for that
19:40.32tzafrir_homewell, I don't know misdn well enough
19:40.34icewatermantzafrir_home: CONFIG_MISDN_DSP is the reason, if i skip that it works
19:40.34kambei[TK]D-Fender, I came back to thank you for the help yesterday.  I forget the name of the other guy that helped me.  It was regarding call files.  You pointed me to THE BOOK.  I wanted to express my appreciation.
19:40.50[TK]D-Fenderkambei: Glad to help
19:41.39*** join/#asterisk spatulamaan (n=ggilmore@
19:41.51kambei[TK]D-Fender: Alright.  I'll be back to thank the other guy.  Take care.
19:42.05icewatermantzafrir_home: maybe it is better i use a stable version and do not build misdn from git
19:42.39*** join/#asterisk moemoe (
19:43.01flujan[TK]D-Fender: do you have problems where asterisk 1.4.13 restarting?
19:43.22moemoehi guys. i want to use asterisk with my hfc on *bsd. can you tell me which *bsd has matching drivers for that card?
19:43.54*** part/#asterisk khronos (
19:46.17moemoeokay, just found - i think ill try freebsd
19:48.08icewatermanbtw, i want asterisk to behave as a voip -> isdn telephony gateway. i assume it can do that, can it?
19:48.23icewatermanto act would be more appropriate.
19:49.08stybbahi... what means this warnings???
19:50.54*** join/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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19:51.15tzafrir_homemoemoe, is that included in standard BSD ports?
19:51.24*** join/#asterisk xheliox (n=jeff@pdpc/supporter/active/xheliox)
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19:51.33tzafrir_homeFreeBSD ports, that is
19:51.36moemoetzafrir_home: Its also in the ports misc/zaptel (Check to download file.)
19:52.14tzafrir_homeI get 403 on that page
19:54.47moemoeoh, /me 2
19:55.10moemoebut i think freebsd is the better choice on a p90 than linux.
19:55.27moemoethis box just has to convert isdn to sip, without changing codecs or anything
19:55.32moemoemax. 2 lines
19:55.39[TK]D-FenderI think that a real computer is a better choice than a P90.
19:56.04moemoehey. this still is a real computer. only somewhat outdated ;)
19:56.07[TK]D-Fendermoemoe: Considering most cards REQUIRE PCI2.2 compliance
19:56.11moemoeand all my other boxes need too much powers
19:56.17[TK]D-Fendermoemoe: Like by a DECADE
19:56.47moemoe[TK]D-Fender: i know. but i also still like my nes and atari :)
19:57.08lirakismoemoe: nes 8 bit is the bomb
19:57.38[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: NES rocks on the Motorola Q :)
19:58.00hmmhesaysI was thinking about getting a Q
19:58.07hmmhesayswhat winmo version you have?
19:58.19tzafrir_homemoemoe, how much memory do you have?
19:58.26moemoelirakis: i went to last weekend, only hardware older than 10 years is allowed. playing nintendo world cup on a beamer at 3 a clock in the morning with big speakers and loud music rocks :D
19:58.45lirakismoemoe: he he..
19:59.21lirakis[TK]D-Fender: hrmm... not a fan of the Q really (kinda unrelated) ... it seems any time i touch one it freezes
20:00.07[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Bell is scheduled to release the HTC Touch (possibly Duo) mid month, and is rumoured to be going for a 7$ unlimited data plan.
20:00.19lirakis[TK]D-Fender: huzzah!?
20:00.31[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Indeed
20:00.40*** join/#asterisk JerJer (n=PhatJ@pdpc/supporter/bronze/jerjer)
20:00.44icewatermantzafrir_home: yes, stable version builds perfectly
20:00.45[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: Wait for the touch... it rocks.
20:00.48_x86_one of my analog phones somehow put his extension in DND mode
20:00.55icewatermanicewaterman: so i am going to stay with that
20:00.58lirakis[TK]D-Fender: im not a windows mobile fan.. frankly ...
20:01.00_x86_how do i disable DND completely?
20:01.01[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: Q = WM5 "smart phone", not "PDA"
20:01.09*** join/#asterisk _omer (i=omer@
20:01.13lirakis[TK]D-Fender: neo1973 here i come!
20:01.24lirakisim ill never crash that lol
20:01.33[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Palm, or iPhone?  We are rumoured to get that through our GSM carriers for Christmas at extortion pricing.
20:01.46*** part/#asterisk Voicemeup (
20:01.52[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Oh, MOW we're talking... but thats once they get it to a sane level of operation.
20:02.10*** join/#asterisk _ys (
20:02.28lirakis[TK]D-Fender: i have a BB now... i got funambol on it so i can sync finally
20:02.59lirakis[TK]D-Fender: i want to read the LJ interview.. it just came in the mail yesterday
20:03.57tobias_x86_: i'm having a problem where i none of my phones ring, they just go to voicemail straight away
20:04.05tobias_x86_: is that the same thing you're talking about?
20:04.20_x86_tobias: i'm having that problem with a single zap channel... user dialed something to put the channel in DND
20:04.22*** join/#asterisk JerJer (n=PhatJ@pdpc/supporter/bronze/jerjer)
20:04.49tobiashow annoying
20:05.06tzafrir_homeis this one of chan_zap's special "features"?
20:05.36Strom_M_x86_: so have them dial *79 to turn it off :)
20:06.20*** join/#asterisk implicit (
20:06.21tzafrir_home_x86_, make an extension *78 that does something else :-(
20:06.47tzafrir_homeAnd please file a bug report that thus this is a bad idea
20:07.23tzafrir_homeI have already suggested removeing this pointless code and got fried on asterisk-dev
20:07.23_x86_Strom_M: is there a way to remove that feature completely?
20:07.24_x86_features.conf does not explicitly enable it
20:07.28tzafrir_homepatch chan_zap.c and rebuild asterisk
20:07.50tzafrir_homelook for "*78" (with the quotes)
20:08.14_x86_i don't even have anything in my dialplan for *78 / *79
20:08.29tzafrir_homeRight. It is implemented inside chan_zap.c
20:08.35_x86_how is it that it's not explicitly defined in features.conf, nor in extensions.conf, and it's still able to work?
20:08.44_x86_oh man that's weak :(
20:09.12tzafrir_homeHence the workaround of having the extension *78 :-(
20:09.30[TK]D-Fender_x86_: Thats right, keep on ignoring me and using Zap FXS :p
20:09.47moemoeoh, it's even a k6-2 350mhz
20:10.46*** join/#asterisk cypherdelic (
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20:13.48_x86_Strom_M: had them dial *79, got this:
20:13.49_x86_[2007-11-09 14:12:59]     -- Starting simple switch on 'Zap/9-1'
20:13.50_x86_[2007-11-09 14:13:01]     -- Disabled DND on channel 9
20:14.21_x86_then, tried to call that extension, and got this:
20:14.22_x86_[2007-11-09 14:13:11]     -- Executing [s@macro-stdexten:1] Dial("IAX2/rpc-pbx-peo-02-711", "Zap/9|20|tT") in new stack
20:14.25_x86_[2007-11-09 14:13:11]   == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:1/0/0)
20:15.09_x86_i made sure he was off the phone when i tried calling that extension also
20:15.12lmadsen_x86_: in the future, please use pastebin
20:15.24_x86_lmadsen: oh man you use IRC? :)
20:15.31*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
20:15.32lmadsenof course not
20:15.43_x86_lmadsen: never seen you around here I guess
20:15.59_x86_you are leif right?
20:16.11blitzragethat's what the rumours say
20:16.18_x86_I've got you on my LinkedIn :)
20:16.53*** join/#asterisk implicit_ (n=implicit@
20:17.26_x86_so question for you... I've got a channel that I can't dial... I made sure the channel is NOT in DND by having the user dial *79, and getting "Disabled DND on channel 9" in CLI
20:17.49_x86_any ideas why asterisk would still be deflecting calls to that channel?
20:18.43*** join/#asterisk mercutioviz (
20:21.02tzafrir_home_x86_, any chance it is simply busy?
20:21.12tzafrir_homezap show channel 9
20:21.24tzafrir_homeSee if it is off-hook
20:22.27*** join/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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20:23.01*** join/#asterisk JerJer (n=PhatJ@pdpc/supporter/bronze/jerjer)
20:23.50Kattyfile: am goodly. howsre you?
20:26.44*** part/#asterisk agx (
20:26.58_x86_Hookstate (FXS only): Onhook
20:27.53_x86_tzafrir_home: no, it's hung up
20:29.29tzafrir_home_x86_, plese enable debug, and pastebin what you see in debug / full log when you try to call
20:29.56Seldon75hi, can I reset an individual Zap channel without affecting the others, which are tied up with calls?
20:30.03Seldon75help zap
20:30.30[TK]D-FenderSeldon75: "soft hangup [channel]"
20:30.34*** join/#asterisk Alowishus (
20:30.36Seldon75i tried: zap destroy channel 7 bu it killed _all_ the channels
20:30.52hescoI'm trying to get the * server to record a prompt, and the console comes up saying: Incoming call: Got SIP response 400 "BadRequest" back from  And I get a pop-up messages from my soft phone on the desktop saying my audio is not full duplex.  What does it mean and what must I do to address this?
20:31.26*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
20:32.26*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=Greek-Bo@
20:33.07tzafrir_homeSeldon75, 'zap destroy channel' kills a "phisical" channel for Asterisk. Asterisk cannot re-add it without restarting
20:33.30tzafrir_home(or 'zap restart or whatever if you have just analog channels)
20:33.51Seldon75i see, that was my mistake
20:34.52*** join/#asterisk techie (
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20:35.23hescoHere are my full set of errors:
20:35.54jstewGreetings. Anyone know what the best firmware to use for polycom ip501 phones and asterisk 1.4.13 is?
20:37.23[TK]D-FenderSeldon75: Zap destroy really wrecks your system.  You may as well restart * cold.
20:37.44Seldon75ok, gotcha
20:37.56[TK]D-Fender_x86_: "show channels" please...
20:38.14_x86_hold on, i did zap destroy channel 9
20:38.23_x86_reload didn't bring it back hehe
20:38.35_x86_so i have to get everyone off the phone to do a zap restart
20:39.44[TK]D-Fender_x86_: Don't you just LOVE Zaptel FXS? ;)
20:40.06*** join/#asterisk Rhinoo_ah (
20:40.30_x86_the only thing i dont like is the forced use of DND
20:41.45Kobazanyone know any good docs on getting h323 phones going
20:42.12_x86_interestingly, restarting asterisk fixed the DND issue ;)
20:42.18_x86_now i can call that channel again
20:45.31[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Like I told you before... go ask for your money back ;)
20:47.00_x86_Kobaz: dont waste your money on h323 phones, they are crap
20:47.21*** join/#asterisk fiXXXerMet (n=kjohnson@
20:48.17fiXXXerMetAre there any soft phones that can act as a front-desk device (where the receptionist would normally sit)?
20:48.45fiXXXerMetWould be neat to use a large touchscreen lcd with a soft phone for the front desk.
20:49.13Greek-BoyI want to configure my IP phones via web interface but I'm running my voice network on a seperate network so I'm trying to configure my asterisk box which is running debian to route traffic between two interfaces. no luck :(
20:50.58[TK]D-FenderGreek-Boy: try ##linux
20:51.14[TK]D-FenderGreek-Boy: this is Linux Networking 101 to setup forwarding.
20:52.33robl^That is like asking:  My asterisk box has a keyboard where the "z" key sticks.  How do I clean it?
20:54.04tzafrir_home_x86_, have you set debug to a decent value?
20:54.13tzafrir_homee.g: 5 or so?
20:54.41[TK]D-Fenderrobl^: Run it throught the dishwasher
20:54.49*** part/#asterisk mercutioviz (
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20:54.49tzafrir_home#debian , rather
20:55.39*** join/#asterisk grantm (
20:55.46robl^[TK]D-Fender: ahh!  I tried a pressure washer and sand blasting, followed a sulfuric acid dip
20:56.22[TK]D-Fenderrobl^: "John was here but is no more, for what he thought was H2O was H2SO4" :D
20:56.36Greek-Boyi did all the stuff
20:56.45Greek-Boythere's something wrong on the routers
20:56.59Greek-Boymost importantly, I did echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
20:57.00tzafrir_homewhat? the dishwasher?
20:57.09tzafrir_homeor /etc/network/options?
20:57.23Greek-Boythats only for boot time :
20:58.56Greek-Boytcpdump shows 23:56:08.205078 IP > S 2424727961:2424727961(0) win 65535 <mss 1460,nop,nop,sackOK>
20:59.05Greek-Boythats when I try to browse to the phone
20:59.21*** join/#asterisk tiav (
20:59.55tzafrir_homeand you have set up the routing properly on both sides, right?
21:00.42tzafrir_homethat system is the default router for the phone?
21:01.43tzafrir_homecan you ping the phone from the router?
21:01.53Greek-Boyyes I can
21:03.50tzafrir_homeobviously the phone can't route back packets to
21:06.48De_Monwhy not?
21:06.57[TK]D-Fenderquestion is is the * system the default gteway on BOTH ends, or linked as a gatway to each end's respective subnets?
21:12.09Greek-Boyhow would I force dhcpd to renew leases?
21:19.54Katty[TK]D-Fender: which one is it that you plug an analog line into...
21:19.56Katty[TK]D-Fender: fxo?
21:20.23Katty[TK]D-Fender: and if it is fxo, then what do they use fxs for?
21:22.20[TK]D-FenderKatty: FXO is for plugging in telco lines.  FXS is for plugging in regular PHONES.
21:22.35[TK]D-FenderKatty: as opposed to using SIP phones like you Polycoms
21:22.36Katty[TK]D-Fender: analog phones?
21:22.44[TK]D-FenderKatty: Yes
21:22.55Katty<bkw> NEXT!
21:23.02Katty[TK]D-Fender: also, thank you
21:23.27[TK]D-FenderKatty: np
21:24.37Mw3what is this annoying spam on
21:24.56*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (
21:25.29Mw3oh its gone. i just needed a reload :)
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21:34.51metfan2007hi all
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21:46.50_x86_Mw3: it's called "information"
21:47.18_x86_people "read" it
21:48.43_x86_as a result of such "reading," people become "knowledgeable"
21:49.08*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
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21:50.54stevehmm, are X100P cards recognised automatically by generic kernels or are special modules needed?
21:51.12steveI'm using a generic centos kernel, kudzu found it during boot but asterisk can't find it
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21:57.09*** join/#asterisk WindBack (
21:57.28tzafrir_homeIt's called "spam". As a result of rading it, people remove it from
21:57.50tzafrir_homesteve, you need Zaptel
21:58.02tzafrir_homeIt's not in mainline kernel
21:58.07WindBackI have a TDM400p How I can avoid to run ztcf every time I restart my server??
21:58.39tzafrir_homeWilliamK, use /etc/init.d/zaptel at startup before asterisk is started
21:58.45*** join/#asterisk rantsh (n=rantsh@
21:58.53rantshhi everyone
21:58.58tzafrir_homeHow is asterisk started?
21:59.00tzafrir_homewhat distro is it?
21:59.22Rhinoo_ahgenerally anyways
21:59.45WindBacktzafrir_home, Debian
21:59.51WindBacktzafrir_home, ETCH
22:00.19rantshanyone ever implemented some sort of secure VoIP
22:00.22Rhinoo_ahis asterisk in your sbin?
22:00.35WindBacktzafrir_home, * is started with the script from the sources
22:00.41rantshnot only TLS-ing SIP messages but encrypting voice too?
22:00.42*** part/#asterisk zerohalo (
22:00.45dmzif i don't have SHA1 function, where would i find it to build/install?
22:00.49Rhinoo_ahusually its in /etc/init.d/asterisk start
22:01.04dmzrantish, closed network (router based vpn)
22:01.05WindBackRhinoo_ah, yes, it is
22:01.18tzafrir_homeWindBack, ls /etc/rc2.d # do you have both Asterisk and Zaptel there? Zaptel before Asterisk?
22:02.01tzafrir_homerantsh, I think you can do that on IAX between two Asterisk servers
22:02.24WindBacktzafrir_home, and where is the zaptel script?
22:02.45WindBacktzafrir_home, in the sources?
22:02.58rantshtzafrir_home, how about phone - Asterisk???
22:03.32tzafrir_homerantsh, are you limited to using a specific phone?
22:04.25rantshtzafrir_home, not really
22:07.50dmzshow function SHA1....nothing shown :(
22:08.27*** join/#asterisk asdx (
22:09.23jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF
22:11.42*** join/#asterisk WindBack (
22:12.19WindBacktzafrir_home, sorry, I lost the conection
22:12.26WindBacktzafrir_home, tzafrir_home, For the asterisk daemon I use the script from /astriskSources/contrib/init.d/rc.debian.asterisk, but Where is the script for zaptel??
22:13.17tzafrir_homezaptel.init in the zaptel sources
22:13.48tzafrir_homechmod +x zaptel.init
22:14.10WindBacktzafrir_home, I have to copy it to /etc/init.d and the update-rc.d
22:15.13WindBacktzafrir_home, update-rc.d is the command used in debian to add services to init.d
22:15.41tzafrir_homeWilliamK, make sure it is run before asterisk . You know z > a
22:16.04tzafrir_homeyes, use updat-erc.d
22:16.09tzafrir_homeyes, use update-rc.d
22:17.15*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
22:18.31*** join/#asterisk Windback (
22:19.02Windbacktzafrir_home, Does this script work well in debian??
22:19.10*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe_blow@
22:19.37[hC]love how cisco 7940's seem to like to ignore the factory reset key sequence whenever i try.
22:20.26Windbacktzafrir_home, I saw that the function restart from the script asterisk doesn't work well in debian
22:21.31*** join/#asterisk macros73_ (
22:21.38tzafrir_homeWhat do you mean?
22:21.52tzafrir_homewhat did you expect? what happened?
22:27.00*** join/#asterisk techie (
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22:30.17*** join/#asterisk Windback (
22:30.41Windbacktzafrir_home, sorry, my connection is not working well
22:31.17tzafrir_homeso again: what do you mean by "not working"? what did you expect? what happened?
22:32.40Windbacktzafrir_home, for example, if I made changes in sip.conf, if I use /etc/init.d/asterisk restart, the changes dont take effect
22:32.55hmmhesaysdoes the moto q have wifi capabilities?
22:33.22Windbacktzafrir_home, so, I have to do /etc/init.d/asterisk stop and then start
22:33.25tzafrir_homeWilliamK, this is not related to Zaptel
22:33.41Windbacktzafrir_home, of course
22:33.48tzafrir_homeWindback, not WilliamK , sorry
22:33.59yannj_frhello, as anyone a dsp ccard from Digium?
22:34.16tzafrir_homea transcoder card?
22:35.17tzafrir_homeWindback, it seems to use safe_asterisk by default, which I don't really like
22:35.29tzafrir_homeThe debian debs have a more polished script
22:36.02yannj_fra transcoder
22:36.13yannj_frI bougth one
22:36.27Windbacktzafrir_home, ok
22:36.30yannj_frbut when booting, loading the driver take a really long time
22:37.46Windbacktzafrir_home, coming back to the zaptel theme. I put the scrip in init.d before the asterisk script, but it does't start the zap interface when I restart the server :(
22:38.32yannj_frand I have the same pb with my E1 card
22:38.52Siyawhich is best to follow from svn for *?
22:38.57Siyabranch or trunk?
22:39.24tzafrir_homeif you don't explicitly run ztcfg or anything, what do you get in /proc/zaptel/* ?
22:40.28yannj_frSiya : branch is stable version
22:41.01tzafrir_homeSiya, branches/1.4 if you don't follow development closely
22:41.29Siyacool thanks
22:43.40yannj_frtzafrir : do you have any idea about my problem when loading module?
22:47.29Rhinoo_ahin /proc/zaptel/* that reads the info from the zaptel card...the channels that are provisioned by zaptel
22:47.42tzafrir_homeWindback, so it's indeed not configured
22:48.11tzafrir_homegone again...
22:48.13Rhinoo_ahwhen it is configured it will say the signalling and then (in use)
22:48.42tzafrir_homeRhinoo_ah, Windback has some connectivity problems...
22:49.17Rhinoo_ahim noticin...
22:49.42Rhinoo_ahis it connectivity or configuration?
22:50.12*** join/#asterisk BillBinko (n=BillBink@
22:50.13tzafrir_homeAnd generally he complained that he needed to explicitly run ztcfg at boot time
22:50.27*** join/#asterisk tiav (
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22:51.42BillBinkoHi everyone, having choppy sound on SIP connections now that I've switched to a new multi-processor server... am I missing something obvious?
22:51.57BillBinkodisabled acpi/apic for testing (no change)
22:52.16KattyWooohoo 5pm!!!!
22:54.42BillBinkoAny pointers to timing/ztdummy issues?
22:55.24BillBinko(I have tried to post this to asterisk-users but my posts have not appeared -- I have a request in with the list admin for help)
22:55.25*** part/#asterisk robl^ (n=robl@pdpc/supporter/monthlybyte/robl)
22:56.20*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=GoD@
22:57.01jameswfI just installed a viagra module on my server, now it ha fast reaction and long up times
22:57.28Mavviesee what happens when it dumps it core.
22:57.43gicodeHello, I bought a x100p fxo card and got the asterisk call-in demo working, but now it is holding the line off-hook all the time.  Since then I have tried the card in two other machines and both just hold the line off-hook.  Anyone know what might be up?
22:58.30BillBinkoCalls that last longer than 4 hours are *not normal*
22:58.37BillBinko(sorry, running gag)
22:59.01jameswfgicode,  does your telco have far end disconnect supervision
23:01.34TimGroeoh damn, BillBinko, I have a call that is reaching 4:00:00 now
23:01.55BillBinkoOk, perhaps something more specific:  I am getting these zttest results with ztdummy loaded
23:01.56BillBinko--- Results after 15 passes ---
23:01.56BillBinkobest: 99.963379 -- Worst: 99.938965 -- Average: 99.953613
23:02.43gicodejameswf: not really sure.  I am in a US College dorm room.  It was disconnecting alright last night, but even after a machine restart it won't accept even one call.
23:03.44gicodeWhat I mean is, last night I was able to call multiple times.  Now I can't call once, even after a reboot.
23:07.08*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey)
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23:08.10gicodeIs there a way to manually tell the channel to hang up the line?
23:08.20gicodelike, in the console
23:08.39Strom_Mgicode: soft hangup
23:09.03Strom_Mgicode: check for disconnect supervision on the phone line
23:10.46*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
23:13.08gicodeStrom_M: soft hangup claims that Zap/1 is not a known channel, but zap show channels shows a channel 1.
23:13.23gicodeStrom_M: what is the proper way to check for disconnect supervision on the phone line?
23:13.46*** join/#asterisk Mercestes (
23:14.08jameswfa telco disconnect in most cases is a battery pull, simply unplug the wire for 1/2 second
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23:15.40Strom_Mwell, it's called a "battery drop", not a battery pull
23:15.49Strom_Mgicode: tab-complete is your friend
23:16.36gicodejameswf: unplugging the wire resets the line on the telco side, but the x100p doesn't hang-up
23:16.58Strom_Mgicode: no no no.
23:16.59jameswfso you have a hardware issue
23:17.15Strom_Mgicode: what kind of signaling did you put the card in?
23:17.27gicodeStrom_M: fxs_ks
23:17.55Strom_Mnow plug a regular phone directly into that phone line and check for disconnect supervision
23:17.57jameswfgicode, check your firmware
23:18.28jameswfStrom_M, if the card doesnt hang up on battery removal it doesnt ,matter
23:19.18Strom_Mjameswf: i understand that, but knowing whether the telco is also working properly is important too
23:19.23jameswfgicode, you may also look in zttool and see if zaptel is signalling the hangup, if so then asterisk is pooched
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23:23.33gicodeIf I had asterisk in the wrong signalling mode for a bit would that kill the hardware?
23:24.26gicodejameswf: I am not sure if this card has firmware...  It was only $20
23:25.37ManxPowerjameswf: X100Ps and clones do not have user modifiable firmware (if they even have firmware at all)
23:25.50ManxPowergicode: what country are you in?
23:26.03gicodeManxPower: US
23:26.30ManxPowergicode: chances are you have ha compatibility issue between the card and the motherboard.  It's not that uncommon with that card.
23:27.01ManxPowergicode: I assume you are DIRECTLY connected to the telco and that telco is one of the original Bell companies (even if their name changed)?
23:27.20ManxPowergicode: has anyone told you to check the IRQs?
23:28.14gicodeManxPower: I am in a College Dormitory; I figure there is probably a pbx in the building here as we have to dial 9 to get out
23:28.36gicodeManxPower: I ran lspci and I didn't see any IRQ sharing
23:28.37ManxPowergicode: *nod*  Most PBXs do not provide battery drop on their analog lines.
23:28.52ManxPowergicode: lspci shows you BEFORE the IRQ reassignment the kernel does.
23:29.12gicodeManxPower: hmm
23:29.31ManxPowercat /proc/interrupts is what you want
23:29.55ManxPowergicode: if unplugging the phone line does not make asterisk hangup the call, then the problem is almost certinally hardware.
23:30.08ManxPowerthe X100P is the only analog card that actually looks for voltage on the port.
23:30.17ManxPower(from Digium, at least)
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23:32.07gicodeManxPower: doesn't look like it is sharing IRQ's; plus I have tried it in 3 different machines with different equipment
23:33.04gicodeManxPower: probably a hardware issue
23:33.22gicodeI guess I should just pay some real cash for something that will work
23:33.33ManxPower*nod*  Those X100P clones can have "issues".
23:34.58ManxPowergicode: your best bet is a SIPura SPA-3000.  They are a bitch to get the FXO port working well with Asterisk, but they are the cheapest solution.
23:35.55ManxPowerI would not use them in a production business enviroment, but they are fine for playing around with.
23:36.49ManxPowergicode: I assume the "three different machines" were different models/brands?
23:37.52gicodeManxPower: Yea, two custom built 8 years apart and one dell poweredge 1400
23:39.22ManxPowerOh!  Wait!  I hate the copyright police!  Nevermind.
23:39.41gicodeThanks everyone for your help
23:40.25gicodeProbably the most responsive irc channel I have been on
23:41.26*** part/#asterisk gicode (
23:41.54ai-a[afk]my girlfriend is responsive, but not in the way i would like.
23:43.16Mercestesyour girlfriend is an irc channel?
23:43.37tzangerI was just going to ask the same thing
23:43.40Mercestesascii porn anyone?
23:45.57*** join/#asterisk macros73_ (
23:46.07ai-a[afk]she might as well be.
23:46.49*** part/#asterisk lirakis (n=lirakis@
23:46.59[TK]D-Fenderai-a[afk]: Does she split like 20 times a day like #asterisk does? ;)
23:47.15[TK]D-Fenderok, that was bad.....even for me...
23:48.24Mercestesyea, it's pretty bad when you say something that even I don't have a response to.
23:48.32ai-a[afk]but she gets a slitting headache every night.. so i end up sleeping on the sofa, while the cat gets to share the bed instead.
23:48.35*** join/#asterisk duxy786 (
23:48.39duxy786hi all
23:49.04duxy786Anyone used Asterisk in conjuction with OpenSER
23:49.19Mercestesai-a[afk], so she disses you for another kitty?
23:49.26ai-a[afk]duxy786: Operser is a port forwardingin.
23:49.29ai-a[afk]and asterisk is a service.
23:50.11Mercestesduxy786, see if Clona is around in #ser
23:50.36MercestesI think google asterisk-ha might have some tips too but, I'm not even close to proficient in SER.
23:51.03MercestesOr asterisk really, if you believe half of what D-Fender says about me.  >.>
23:52.26[TK]D-FenderAll of it is true... ESPECIALLY the lies ;)
23:54.26*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
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23:56.38duxy786basiacally, I have now set up 4 production servers with * which have 4 E1 circuits each
23:58.28duxy786The problem I have is now when somene comes in to server 2 to join a conferenece on server 1 it causes grief for me!
23:59.16Mercestesyou would likely need a dedicated conference server with all the other servers pointing the meetme extensions back to yoru conferencing server.
23:59.18duxy786am having to put each conferecne deails on to a DA and pull that off, its releven server and thenn place a sip call and DTMF in to the conference
23:59.59duxy786if I could find a resolve for this, I'd be over the moon, but I duabt it will be a simple straight forward thing

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