IRC log for #asterisk on 20071031

00:08.14cspottrippss: have you looked through this?
00:10.45cspottrippss: check out nerd vitttles too
00:10.47trippsscspot: i have and made sure I'm following the instructions. i'll look through them again though. I think it may be my firmware version. trying to upgrade to 8.3.2SR1 now
00:11.13trippsscspot: yeah read that too. hilarious and my sentiments exactly :)
00:13.00*** join/#asterisk kenaeda (
00:15.17cspottrippss: kelly's video didn't help either :(
00:17.35*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-069d673682cbde3a)
00:22.12*** join/#asterisk rmayorga_ (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
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00:34.28*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
00:38.45*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
00:42.00*** join/#asterisk LakeSolon (
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00:50.54*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jtregunn@unaffiliated/jer)
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01:01.31*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
01:03.22*** join/#asterisk hohum_ (
01:04.48*** join/#asterisk Edwin_Quijada (n=macaruch@
01:05.17Edwin_Quijadai have installed asterisk but now i want to use cdr in postgres database
01:05.28fujin_so configure it and use it
01:05.39Edwin_Quijadai should recompile asteriks again to can use cdr in db?
01:06.45Edwin_Quijadai see the instructions in this page
01:07.02Edwin_Quijadabut it says that i should compile again
01:07.52fujin_only if necessary
01:08.07Edwin_Quijadafujin_: ??
01:08.15*** join/#asterisk techie (n=techie@
01:08.22fujin_well do you have the postgres functionality already?
01:08.25fujin_or are you missing it
01:08.38Edwin_Quijadai have postgres working fine
01:08.52Edwin_Quijadabut i installed postgres after asterisk
01:08.59fujin_that's not what I said
01:09.07fujin_do you have the postgres functionality (in asterisk)?
01:09.30Edwin_Quijadait is
01:10.18*** join/#asterisk TrentCreek (
01:10.33fujin_I personally use cdr_addon_mysql
01:10.38Edwin_Quijadano , i read in the page that is posible only if postgres had been installed before
01:10.47fujin_you do that then
01:10.49fujin_mr expert
01:11.28Edwin_Quijadai dont want recompile asterisk
01:11.36fujin_why not? recompiling is fun
01:12.36Edwin_Quijadai need just recompile asterisk
01:12.47Edwin_Quijadait doesnt write the conf files?
01:13.09Mavviethe wall has done nothing wrong!
01:13.46Edwin_Quijadai hope not for my fault!
01:13.53fujin_yes, it's your fault
01:14.08fujin_you're a stupid
01:14.18fujin_give up while you're ahead
01:25.39*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
01:29.19Mavviertp.c:2157 ast_rtp_senddigit_begin: Don't know how to represent 'f'
01:33.40*** join/#asterisk khronos (
01:39.54*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-6750cba0b8d93007)
01:45.33Mavvieme: it looks like the call manager playing up again
01:45.44*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
01:45.45Mavvieboss: can you check the asterisk servers?
01:45.55Mavvieme: done that, it looks like the CCM playing up.
01:46.03Mavvieboss: can you check the MTP routers?
01:46.10Mavvieme: done that, it looks like the CCM playing up.
01:46.23Mavvieboss: should we call Telstra for them to check the PRIs?
01:46.31Mavvieme: it's the CCM playing up.
01:46.45fujin_Your boss sounds awesome
01:46.55Mavvieboss: and what about the Alcatel 4400, could that be the problem?
01:47.05Mavvieme: ... I'll cal you back in half an hour.
01:47.23MavvieI made myself a cup of tea, and an now bother you guys for another 25 minutes.
01:50.49*** join/#asterisk ghento (n=ghento@
01:51.36*** join/#asterisk |omni| (
01:52.18rhombusHow do I route based on DNIS in Asterisk?
01:54.57*** join/#asterisk dlynes (
01:55.00rhombusI guess I don't ;)
01:55.30*** part/#asterisk rhombus (
01:55.50*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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01:58.01*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (i=dwayne@nat/digium/x-1402dd23bfd73270)
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02:03.20*** join/#asterisk spatulamaan (
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02:13.03*** part/#asterisk Alowishus (
02:17.32*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=pepOSX@
02:18.26*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
02:19.51*** join/#asterisk salviadud (n=noyb@
02:20.06salviadudyou guys know if iax2 is on osi layer 4 and 5?
02:20.13salviadudi'm not sure
02:20.30fujin_I'm going to go with layer4+.
02:20.32[TK]D-Fendersalviadud, Look at UDP and aim 1 layer higher :)
02:20.49fujin_layer5 then
02:20.54salviadudthanx Fender
02:20.59fujin_why *anyone* would ever want to know that
02:21.02fujin_is beyond me
02:21.19[TK]D-FenderTrivial Pursuit :p
02:21.26JTbecause it's useful to understand the protocol stack
02:21.49fujin_would it help in configuration or diagnostics, though?
02:21.51*** join/#asterisk MrTelephone (
02:22.01[TK]D-FenderJT : This was BEYOND silly though :P
02:22.21[TK]D-FenderJT : Even MY idiot math can figure this out without trying :)
02:22.24JTsure, it helps to know that iax2 runs on top of udp which runs on top of ip which runs over MAC, etc etc ;)
02:23.10[TK]D-FenderJT : the ease of figuring out UDP's layer makes this TOO easy to bother asking :)
02:23.47*** join/#asterisk Kobaz (
02:23.51[TK]D-FenderJT :
02:23.53fujin_wouldn't it by phone>server>iax2>udp>ip>ethernet>{copper,fibre}?
02:23.58fujin_aghr. Been too long
02:24.05fujin_the things you *never* need to know
02:24.11*** join/#asterisk |omni| (
02:24.13[TK]D-FenderJT : 3rd link on a blatantly obvious Google search + add one layer on 4 :)
02:24.14fujin_It's like quoting the RFC for SMTP to customers when they're doing it wrong.
02:24.26JTno, there is no phone or server layer
02:24.41*** join/#asterisk angler (i=angler@pdpc/sponsor/digium/angler)
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02:24.43fujin_I'm messing with you
02:24.59JTi'll have the last laugh ;)
02:25.10fujin_I'm going to invite a new layer thing
02:25.18fujin_and take over the intertrons
02:26.20*** join/#asterisk aidanna (
02:27.44aidannalooking for a source for the cmterm-7970_7971-sip.8-0-3XX firmware image, anyone who would have any info or could help point me in the right direction would be much appreciated
02:27.57Mavvieis there a way to find out (in the asterisk CLI) about which RTP stream belongs to a certain SIP channel?
02:28.12[TK]D-Fenderaidanna, :)
02:28.35Mavvieor which RTP stream a certain SIP channel uses?
02:30.18*** join/#asterisk snuff-work (n=bradl@
02:30.29aidannale sigh, love the smiley face on that
02:30.36snuff-workanyone used regexp in * much?
02:30.39aidannaobviously not CCO
02:31.03Kobazso hmm
02:31.08Kobazi'm compiling zaptel
02:31.14Kobazi did a ./configure && make
02:31.17Kobazmake: *** No rule to make target `menuselect/menuselect.c', needed by `menuselect/menuselect'.  Stop.
02:31.22[TK]D-Fenderaidanna, Getting your hands on CISCO source... now THATS funny :)
02:31.23Kobazany idea what i'm missing?
02:31.58*** join/#asterisk phix (
02:32.08snuff-workneed to break string and its like 4353453#sabaafs#afdfxcvx
02:32.27phixI am highly considering purcashing a Linksys 3102, any reason why I wouldn't? any gotchas or limitations?
02:32.34aidannaya, i didn't phrase that right, just looking for the firmware
02:32.43[TK]D-Fenderphix : depends why you are thinking of buying it.
02:32.54[TK]D-Fenderaidanna, OH... in that case....
02:32.55aidannajust trying to convert my 7970 over t *
02:32.56[TK]D-Fenderaidanna, .....
02:33.01[TK]D-Fenderaidanna, :)
02:33.12[TK]D-Fenderaidanna, All part of the service :)
02:33.27Defrazjust search the wikki you can found the firmware if you look long enough
02:33.32DefrazThat is how I got my hands on it.
02:33.36DefrazWorks like a charm.
02:33.52MrTelephonedoes asterisks regex support extended regex?
02:34.07aidannano issues for 7940/60, 7970 is being totally a pita to find, three days and running
02:34.21[TK]D-FenderMrTelephone, The fancier it sounds, the less likely it is.
02:36.02phix[TK]D-Fender: to link telcos PSTN line to asterisk box, and to connect PSTN phones to asterisk
02:36.46phixOne use, one phone line
02:36.49phixOne = Home
02:37.11[TK]D-Fenderphix, You should do jsut fine with it.
02:37.14MrTelephone${REGEX("^807(229|822|826|825)" ${CALLERID(num)})}
02:38.24fujin_That seems like a bad idea
02:38.30*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
02:39.36[TK]D-FenderMrTelephone, ... does is work? :)
02:39.50MrTelephoneit doesn't appear to work
02:40.20[TK]D-FenderMrTelephone, Then you may jsut have to to do a FEW steps...
02:40.29phix[TK]D-Fender: nice
02:41.12fujin_MrTelephone: why would callerid(num) ever eq 807229, 807822, 807826, 807825?
02:41.16snuff-workthe regex function.. says if its in there
02:41.17fujin_are those your local extensions?
02:42.10[TK]D-Fenderfujin_, 1st 6 of NPA-NXX
02:42.11fujin_they don't seem liek valid incoming clid
02:42.12snuff-workand... ${REGEX("^807[229,822,826,825])" ${CALLERID(num)})}
02:42.28fujin_learn2regex imho
02:43.08fujin_[TK]D-Fender: yes, but he's not doing a wildcard on the end of it, so unless it was exactly as I stated, it'd always return 0
02:43.28MrTelephonethey are local extensions
02:43.45fujin_what, are you protecting against someone spoofing an extension?
02:43.53fujin_You're doing it wrong.
02:44.00MrTelephonewe don't dial area code on local extensions
02:44.07MrTelephoneso I don't want callerid showing 807
02:44.51fujin_What's up with people doing stuff wrong?
02:46.10fujin_Sorry about that.
02:46.22fujin_Here's another one.
02:46.25fujin_What are you trying to do?
02:46.34fujin_in what situation should your silly code execute?
02:47.56MrTelephoneit's pretty important actually
02:48.38hohum_can someone here PLEASE help me with an AGI scripting problem?
02:48.40De_MonWhy does my ITSP require +1number for CID?
02:48.57KobazDe_Mon: ask your itsp
02:49.10De_Monhohum_ sorry but none of us have developed mindreading so we can't help you UNLESS YOU SHOW US
02:49.19hohum_good point
02:49.26hohum_that script gets to line uh
02:49.40hohum_line 35
02:49.43hohum_then hangs
02:49.46hohum_no audio
02:50.28MrTelephone[229,822,826,825] will math 226 829, 888
02:52.48MrTelephoneeveryone in a bad mood or what
02:53.03hohum_I'm in a horribly foul mood
02:53.15hohum_I'm stupid, I can't get the simplest AGI scripts to work
02:53.23MrTelephonei was earlier today until I turned on rtptimeout
02:53.54MrTelephonei havn't got into AGI scripting yet, maybe I should, everyone is doing it?
02:54.12De_Monhohum_ don't you need an exit; or something?
02:54.17MrTelephoneIm trying to steal some incoming call block based on caller number code
02:54.40hohum_demon: nah, once the end of main is reached exit is automatically called
02:55.18De_Mondemon is not me
02:55.26hohum_De_Mon: rather then
02:55.37hohum_I don't have nifty nick completion on my client like you do :P
02:55.38De_Monhe's usualy not paying attention ;)
02:55.53*** part/#asterisk snuff-work (n=bradl@
02:55.54De_Monyou should get some, it might fix your perl problem
02:56.08hohum_nick completion on my IRC client is going to fix my perl problem?
02:56.32De_Monyour mood is worse than I thought
02:56.43MrTelephonei think i wrote nick completion in 1993
02:56.46hohum_I'd paypal someone 50 bucks right now if they could tell me what the hell I'm doing wrong
02:56.52MrTelephoneoops wrong window
02:56.57fujin_you're doing it wrong
02:57.18hohum_fujin: thank you, captain obvious.. but why
02:57.34fujin_no but seriously
02:57.37fujin_what's the problem
02:57.41fujin_I'm somewhat of an asterisk expert profesesional
02:57.54hohum_fujin: it gets to line 35, then hangs, no audio
02:58.02De_Monhe has some stupid agi
02:58.17De_Monactualy hes the stupid one, and he has some agi
02:58.37fujin_it gets to 35, then hangs?
02:58.45fujin_That looks like what it's supposed to do.
02:58.51fujin_You've got checkresult($result) commented.
02:59.02fujin_how did you manage to not see that?
02:59.16fujin_uh indeed
02:59.23hohum_I have it commented because it doesn't do much to tell me why it hangs at line 35
02:59.34hohum_even if I uncommented checkresult it wouldn't resolve my problem
02:59.36fujin_what is passing it stdin?
02:59.43MrTelephonetry using an array instead
03:00.11fujin_Fuck AGI is awesome
03:00.13De_Monthe dialplan code around this agi script might be helpful (I don't know perl or agi so i'm just sayin')
03:00.23fujin_Aye, Paste the dialplan
03:00.28JerJerfujin_:  fast agi is acceptable.  AGI is not
03:00.44fujin_I'd rather not use either TBH
03:00.49fujin_AEL has always provided ample abstraction
03:01.00fujin_anything faster could be done in c
03:01.10De_MonYeah I'd go ael before I went for agi
03:01.30fujin_For logical dialplan hackery anyway, It's much easier to diagnose
03:01.37fujin_hohum_: can we see the dialplan around it?
03:01.43hohum_sure hold on
03:03.02fujin_Generally I'd start with a) is anything passing it stdin after line 34
03:03.03fujin_as it should be
03:03.46hohum_fukin: from what I understand of the documentation, my stdin is linked to some stream associated with the asterisk channel which asterisk passes me commands on
03:04.13hohum_get-customer.agi is the perl script
03:04.35fujin_yes indeed
03:04.45fujin_so, are any commands being passed after SAY DIGITS?
03:04.49fujin_console output is where
03:05.45hohum_here's the console output
03:07.00fujin_so can you hear asterisk say those digits on the active channel?
03:07.13hohum_I can't
03:08.51JerJerdoes anyone know if app_while cooperates with a gotoif  ?   (meaning if we do a gotoif will app_while know where/how to come back ?)
03:09.20De_MonJerJer gotoif will break out of the loop
03:09.28De_MonJerJer you might try gosubif
03:09.40JerJergosub - didn't even know it existed
03:10.00De_Mongosub is like a macro it does its thins and comes back with a result
03:10.09fujin_hohum_: where is 'qq' defined?
03:10.18hohum_qq is a built in perl function
03:10.25fujin_what does it do?
03:11.06hohum_it's a generalized tool for quoting strings
03:11.12hohum_IE it escapes my ""s for me
03:11.21hohum_perldoc -f qq
03:12.08fujin_Have you tried printing it withotu qq?
03:12.39hohum_no, but I don't see why that would make a difference
03:12.41hohum_I'll try it
03:12.43hohum_one sec
03:13.28fujin_print qq^SAY DIGITS 1919199191 ""^;
03:13.52hohum_that line now reads:         print "SAY DIGITS 19199199199 \"\"\n";
03:13.57hohum_is that more to your liking?
03:14.15hohum_okay let's try it out
03:14.26fujin_Just wanted to rule that out, that's all.
03:14.29Mavviethe command is "rtp debug off", not "debug rtp off"
03:14.40fujin_Mavvie: I thought both worked in 1.4
03:14.51Mavvietardis*CLI> debug rtp off
03:14.51MavvieNo such command 'debug rtp off' (type 'help' for help)
03:14.52fujin_oh, indeed it doesn't
03:14.57hohum_that's a big negatory
03:15.12hohum_same thing
03:15.15hohum_no difference
03:15.16Mavvieand if it scrolls by that fast you don't really see that message.
03:15.37fujin_hohum_: um, why are you answering the channel with asterisk
03:15.42fujin_instead of answering it with the AGI?
03:15.44Mavviethere should be a "no debug all" command.
03:15.58hohum_how do you answer with AGI?
03:16.01MavvieI could have used "logger mute" though.
03:16.04fujin_print "ANSWER\n";
03:16.09hohum_that's how I've always constructed my dial plans
03:16.16fujin_Just wondering
03:16.29fujin_as I mentioned, I wouldn't use AGI unless you paid me a substantial amount
03:16.33fujin_becaues it's shit
03:17.09MrTelephonefujin if you had to make a list of numbers for each accountcode that were blocked(incoming) what method would you use
03:17.20MrTelephonestandard dialplan?
03:17.20fujin_A database.
03:17.24hohum_this is so frustrating
03:17.28fujin_AEL, with app_addon_sql_mysql
03:17.28MrTelephoneagi to read the database?
03:17.36fujin_No, AGI is the devil, even moreso than AEL
03:17.40MrTelephonehow stable is sql
03:17.58MrTelephoneright now my master.csv is parsed using perl and long distance is written to mysql
03:17.59fujin_I prefer it over OBDC, but I'm crazy like that.
03:18.03JThow stable is sql? as in sql?
03:18.14JTor asterisk specifically
03:18.17MrTelephonebecause nothing is as good as text on a filesystem
03:18.20JerJercan one use !  (not)  when using ISNULL :    exten => s,n,Gosubif(!${ISNULL(${foo})}?true_result,1)
03:18.26MrTelephonemysql and asterisk
03:18.30JTwhat the hell
03:18.31MrTelephonewhat if mysql fails
03:18.37JTnothing as good as text on a filesystem wtf
03:18.42hohum_is there a way to debug AGI events?
03:18.50JTtell that to anyone with more than a meagre amount of tabular data
03:18.58MrTelephonewriting call records to csv is not optimal?
03:19.36MavvieMrTelephone: true.
03:19.43MrTelephoneI would cry if mysql core dumped and I lost a crapload of records because asterisk couldn't write to it
03:19.46MavvieMrTelephone: you end up with a fixed format without any extension possibilities.
03:19.55hohum_JT: that you john?
03:20.05MavvieMrTelephone: XML on the other hand....
03:20.17Mavvie(wait, there is an angry mob gathering at my front door, let me open it for them)
03:20.34MrTelephoneXML, i laugh when I hear it.. why is it just getting popular now
03:21.25MrTelephoneisn't html xml?
03:22.32MrTelephonejt, everything i do is mysql but i'd be scared to do that realtime..
03:23.05MavvieMrTelephone: but on the other hand, using it for inter-program data-exchange (exact that what it was designed for) it is the best thing you can come up with.
03:24.07MavvieI would love to get rid of the CVS files which I'm tail(1)ing now to process the data and get them into the database.
03:24.29MrTelephonei have a cron.daily that does that
03:24.38JerJerpersonally I like web services
03:25.04JerJerpost the necessary data to a web service and move on to the next task
03:25.13MrTelephoneweb servicee
03:25.28Mavviemrtelephone: I have realtime alerting for people when their call is finished. And while I was doing that, also the accounting stuff. Plus a daily one run on the same data for consistency checks.
03:26.36MrTelephonei like the consistency checks
03:26.47MrTelephonewhats with the alerting?
03:26.52*** join/#asterisk mog (
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03:27.16fujin_Damn, I can't even get simple AGI working
03:27.19fujin_hohum_: have you tried agi debug
03:27.31hohum_not producing useful info
03:27.32fujin_I've got a simple ass one,
03:27.35MrTelephonemavvie, why do you alert on call completion?
03:27.47fujin_while(<STDIN>) { chomp; last unless ($_); }
03:27.50fujin_print "ANSWER\n"
03:28.07fujin_print "SAY DIGITS 1234 \"\"\n";
03:28.08fujin_not even working
03:28.12*** join/#asterisk aptura (
03:28.12fujin_doesn't answer the channel
03:29.00fujin_what the shit
03:29.25hohum_you're having the same problem?
03:29.52fujin_well, I can't even get print "ANSWER\n" to work, I don' tknow what the hell is wrong with it.
03:29.56MrTelephoneyou guys should take that computer 101 course at dunkin dohnuts
03:30.08JerJerwhat is $|  set to ?
03:30.15JerJeri think its $|
03:30.22JerJerfujin_:   why not use Asterisk::AGI  ?
03:30.38fujin_Because I wanted to do the easiest example.
03:30.42*** join/#asterisk yxa (n=lonari@
03:30.51fujin_hrm, if I ./
03:30.51MavvieMrTelephone: time, duration and source/destination information about a call. It has an ical attachment so people can easily import the meeting/discussion/conference in their Outlook
03:30.54fujin_blah, blah
03:30.55MavvieMrTelephone: if it is a new number they got called to/from, it will attach a form in which they can put data and mail it back to the server so the caller id will next time show up on their telephone.
03:30.57JerJeri think the value of $| matters
03:30.57fujin_it works
03:31.11MrTelephonemavvie, a recording too?
03:31.15yxafor analog line, why cant asterisk let a caller ring twice and hangup w/o answering?
03:31.33fujin_hohum_: lol, have you got $|=1;?
03:31.36fujin_at the top?
03:31.36JerJeryxa:  you can
03:31.42MavvieMrTelephone: when else do you want to do the alerting?
03:31.43fujin_adding that fixed it for me.
03:31.49*** part/#asterisk salviadud (n=noyb@
03:31.56yxaJerJer i tried, wait(2) and hangup but it didnt work
03:32.03MrTelephonemavvie, sounds interesting, very cool
03:32.10JerJerfujin_:  i think thats buffered vs unbuffered output - can't remember
03:32.24fujin_yes, it is
03:32.26MavvieMrTelephone: no, recordings are not-done in our company. Too much confidental information (lawyers and atterneys here)
03:32.37fujin_need to have it unbuffered
03:32.44hohum_that's fucking gay dude
03:32.54*** join/#asterisk AJaymn (
03:33.11MrTelephonemavvie, but u have to account for all time ont he phone then
03:33.22MrTelephoneso asterisk is saving the lawyer a lot of time
03:33.25apturaI may be looking for some wifi coverage software as we are getting request to do the occational site survey. Has anyone tested or have experaince with industry recognized open or licenced wifi coverage software before?
03:33.27AJaymnI have a conference running with 3 people, after 15-20mins one of the participants cant talk, but can hear whats going on.. Anything I can check?
03:33.44JerJerAJaymn: via SIP?
03:33.53AJaymnya running X-lite
03:33.59*** join/#asterisk asdx (
03:33.59JerJerwas he muted for that time?
03:34.02MavvieMrTelephone: that's why they get the call-completion emails with the source/destination and duration.
03:34.03AJaymnall 3 are.. and its just 1 guy who "drops"
03:34.06AJaymnnot mute
03:34.14hohum_fujin: what's your paypal address?
03:34.39MrTelephoneajaymn, u should somehow check if rtp data is being sent to him
03:34.45MrTelephonedon't ask me how
03:35.04MrTelephoneif u have rtp to him then its his connection or software
03:35.06AJaymnlol thanks MrTelie ;)
03:35.23MrTelephonertp debug ip?
03:35.24hohum_you'll get your paypal shortly
03:35.28MrTelephonedos that work
03:35.28*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
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03:36.12AJaymnill check next time he drops/
03:36.21khronosAh, wrong window.
03:37.19MrTelephonefunny it works for 20 minutes and drops though
03:37.22JTyxa: because that would be magic
03:37.27JTyxa: and magic does not exist
03:37.43JTMrTelephone: you know, sql databases can be backed up, too
03:37.47JTand pgsql > mysql ;)
03:37.59JThohum_: wrong spelling...
03:38.01fujin_ha, it looked superior from my looks
03:38.15fujin_but Googles recent interest in mysql is interesting
03:38.15hohum_wrong spelling>?
03:38.15MrTelephoneeverything I make is perl+mysql->html
03:38.23fujin_apparently they're the largest mysql user in the world
03:38.24JTyxa: analogue lacks any ability to hang up calls without answering
03:38.28JThohum_: i'm not john
03:38.49hohum_so you're jon?
03:39.01JTbut google do sharding and massive clustering, so they're not a typical use case anyway
03:39.09JTand they could use anything with their resources
03:39.11JThohum_: right
03:39.22MrTelephonewhat does $|=1; do?
03:39.23hohum_okay, so you're not who I think you are :)
03:39.32*** join/#asterisk PirateHead (n=chatzill@
03:39.38JerJerMrTelephone:  perl for unbuffered output
03:39.45fujin_$|=1; disables buffered output
03:39.46JThohum_: i guess not
03:39.55fujin_and makes it happy to pass the stream to asterisk unbuffered
03:39.55MrTelephonewhere does the output get buffered
03:39.58fujin_which is how agi expects it
03:39.59fujin_in perl
03:40.07fujin_a magical buffer, somewhere
03:40.12fujin_generally I'd go with RAM.
03:40.31MrTelephonebuffer before stdout?
03:40.53fujin_$|=0; = buffer before stdout
03:40.58hohum_you know I forgot all about buffered IO in perl
03:41.00MrTelephonewhen you print it should go straight out god dammit
03:41.08fujin_no, it should buffer
03:41.11hohum_that's like one of the FIRST things I learned about the language, too
03:41.23MrTelephonefifo stdout buffer?
03:41.30fujin_mind you, you don't have to worry about it with any *other* language.
03:41.52MrTelephonewhy can't asterisk handle the buffer
03:41.59hohum_I've been doing too much obscure shit with perl :(
03:42.01hohum_back to the basics
03:42.35fujin_because that'd require having a buffer for input to be placed into
03:42.37fujin_which is obviously bad
03:43.03alpha232buffers are only good when the output device is down or dead
03:43.16alpha232buffers are are bad when you have urgent calls but SMDR is required
03:43.51fujin_solution: don't use perl
03:44.01hohum_don't hate on perl
03:44.13fujin_I hate inheriting perl solutions
03:44.26hohum_because you hate blindly
03:44.39alpha232is that what we're talking about?
03:44.43MrTelephoneperl is the best uncompiled language out there
03:44.43alpha232Perl buffering?
03:44.46MrTelephonephp is a joke
03:44.51alpha232$|++; done
03:45.11hohum_this is going to deteriorate into a religious war, isn't it?
03:45.16alpha232Ruby was dead before the hype even caught it
03:45.24hohum_we're getting slightly off topic here :)
03:45.33alpha232hohum_: ok fine. Mitel or Lucent
03:45.35fujin_no one cares
03:45.38fujin_this is #asterisk
03:45.42fujin_not #yourfavouritedistro
03:45.47fujin_80% of the day is offtopic
03:45.55hohum_good point
03:46.03alpha232lol gimme a card for a Mitel that runs asterisk ;)
03:46.05fujin_Puppet is the best piece of puppet I've ever seen. We use it extensively, and it's awesome.
03:46.06hohum_my balls stink
03:46.09hohum_that's off topic too
03:46.16fujin_best piece of puppet
03:46.20fujin_best piece of Ruby.
03:46.47De_Monpython > perl
03:46.50JTat least we can all agree that php sucks
03:46.54PirateHeadHas anybody set up an Asterisk server to receive and respond to inbound text messages?
03:47.15alpha232PirateHead: that would require a GSM card, if you buy me one, i'll tell you
03:47.18hohum_you know what I think about python?
03:47.21De_Monhohum_ 50 pasos well spent, eh?
03:47.26dlynesPirateHead: you want to pair asterisk with Kannel
03:47.32hohum_De_Mon: yes actually
03:47.56hohum_De_Mon: that 50 bucks saved me hours of banging my head against the wall
03:47.59PirateHeaddlynes: Kannel definitely looks relevant.
03:48.04hohum_some times all you need is a fresh pair of eyes
03:48.19De_Monthats like more than $10 a character
03:48.30dlynesPirateHead: Kannel's been around for years, and is bullet proof stable
03:48.56PirateHeaddlynes: Cool. What does it not do that I need Asterisk to do?
03:49.01alpha232De_Mon: you sound like a phone sex operator
03:49.12dlynesPirateHead: it's not a phone system
03:49.13alpha232De_Mon: wanting to get $2 a moan, $20 for an orgasim
03:49.18dlynesPirateHead: it's just an sms/wap gateway
03:49.39De_Monalpha232 if you say so
03:49.40dlynesPirateHead: so you send your sms's into it
03:49.40MrTelephonewhere can a person read more about perl buffering
03:49.52dlynesPirateHead: but you'll need asterisk for sip and/or zap channels
03:50.07dlynesPirateHead: if you're planning on doing any calls, that is
03:50.24alpha232ok... US BRI Lines, U Interface... need card
03:50.35PirateHeaddlynes: Let's say I just want to receive a text message, store the relevant data in a database file, and send a "Thank you!" reply?
03:51.03PirateHeadDoes that fall inside the scope of Kannal?
03:51.12dlynesPirateHead: no idea...I've never done sms'ing
03:51.19JTalpha232: umm what?
03:51.25dlynesPirateHead: but I do know several people using it for sms gateway into asterisk
03:51.47yxaJT i need magic
03:51.49alpha232JT: i'm still trying to research a BRI card
03:51.59JTalpha232: why jt-- then
03:52.12*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
03:52.16JTyxa: yeah, magic exists, in the form of ISDN
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03:52.21alpha232JT: 23:46 < JT> at least we can all agree that php sucks
03:53.08JTalpha232: but it's the truth
03:53.20dlynesPirateHead: kannel used to have a freenode channel, but it looks like they don't any longer
03:53.23PirateHeaddlynes: I will definitely look into it. Do you know anybody who would be willing to answer questions about implementation of such a system? I'm a relative newbie to this field, so I don't feel particularly comfortable just reading through documentation and hoping that stuff works. :-)
03:53.41dlynesPirateHead: try joining the kannel mailing lists and asking them
03:56.28dlynesalpha232: don't feel bad...I'm still trying to get information about pricing and availability on bri's in canada :0
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03:56.44dlynesalpha232: none of the telcos seem to want to sell them
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03:57.20alpha232dlynes: no shit man
03:57.39alpha232dlynes: well I have one and I can't find a reasonably priced board for *
03:57.58alpha232dlynes: what gets me is that I have an ISDN modem that costs aroudn $75
03:58.05MrTelephonei always wondered why if my mysql failed i wouldn't get the print line before it.. cuz it was buffered
03:58.10alpha232it shouldn't cost me $400 for a BRI board with a single port
03:59.20alpha232dlynes: why do you need ISDN?
04:00.38MrTelephonegood article ->
04:01.05MrTelephone`I opened the connection all right, and I got the greeting from the server, but it isn't responding to my client's commands!''
04:01.12dlynesalpha232: i want to try to get phone lines down to a reasonable price for my customers...i figured a bri might be cheaper than two analog lines
04:01.24alpha232dlynes: usually only marginally
04:01.26dlynesalpha232: and then I could have the added bonus of dids
04:01.34alpha232dlynes: ehhh not always :)
04:01.52MrTelephonethe reacurring digital access fees for pri/bri is expensive
04:01.59PirateHeadCan anybody suggest a relatively inexpensive VoIP service for small business / nonprofit use?
04:02.07MrTelephoneyou'd need more than a couple lines to make it worth while
04:02.35alpha232dlynes: here in the US when the telcos were required to sell unbundled services they learned what the power companies did during deregulation
04:03.02MrTelephonemy 15 channel pri is 1000 a month
04:03.10alpha232MrTelephone: with or without dialtone?
04:03.39MrTelephone15 voice channels with tone
04:03.48TrentCreekPirateHead: If you pay Lingo $200 in advance you can get it for a year
04:03.57alpha232MrTelephone: that's a tad pricy
04:04.02JTMrTelephone: that's insane
04:04.15alpha232MrTelephone: what other features do you have?
04:04.20JTi can get 30ch pri for about USD$600/mo
04:04.30MrTelephonei have 60 dids
04:04.41alpha232thats why
04:04.45MrTelephonejt are u a clec?
04:04.48alpha232whats your unbundled price
04:04.52JTi'm australian
04:04.54JTeven better
04:05.02MrTelephone600 for the t1, 20 x 15 channels, 2 x 60 dids
04:05.11*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
04:05.18MrTelephonebells pricing
04:05.26JTPRIs are very cheap here
04:05.34JTand you can get them from 10-30ch per pri
04:05.34MrTelephonewe run off a dms100
04:05.41alpha232MrTelephone: ugh
04:05.54denonJT: you still haven't given me iax access to some of these cheap PRIs of yours :)
04:05.58*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
04:06.03alpha232the Demon Master satan 100
04:06.04JTdenon: was i meant to do that? :o
04:06.17JTthey even have DMS100s in australia
04:06.20JTdepends on telco
04:06.21MrTelephone1000 month is still cheaper than paying 800 a month at 3 offics
04:06.25denononly seems right, since I'm going to be over there in a few days
04:06.48MrTelephone60$ for a single analog buisness line
04:06.51alpha232MrTelephone: $20 on each channel is steep but you're saving money on the DID
04:06.53JTdenon: ah, i'm not in a position to do that yet though
04:07.09JTMrTelephone: how much are DIDs on the PRI?
04:07.11denonpsha ... make me pay retail
04:07.13denonwhat kinda friend are you
04:07.15alpha232MrTelephone: but you're paying $67/mo per line
04:07.20MrTelephoneif I was a non facility clec i get 15% off that but thats not a big enough savings for the headache
04:07.22alpha232JT: $2ea
04:07.30JTrip off :P
04:07.47MrTelephonebut i can handle 100 lines on 15 channels
04:07.55JTno, 100DIDs
04:07.57JTnot 100lines
04:08.06MrTelephonei charge business 45/line and residential 25 a line
04:08.25MrTelephone100 customers
04:08.27MrTelephone100 dids
04:08.41denonyou oversubscribe 100:15?
04:08.42JTDIDs are about AUD$0.35/ea
04:08.45MrTelephonenot yet
04:08.46JTin blocks of 100
04:08.57JTso USD$0.40/ea if you're lucky
04:08.58alpha232JT: thats cool
04:09.07MrTelephonei have 30 residential and 20 business lines
04:09.15denonJT: wrong way on the conversion
04:09.31denonabout 31USD
04:09.32JTah yeah
04:09.42denonthough it's really too dang close to matter :\
04:09.47MrTelephonebut i don't think I hit over 10 channels in use yet
04:09.49denonhorrible time to travel
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04:10.00JTin that case i can get 30ch PRIs for about USD$500 then
04:10.01MrTelephoneits not like a call center where everyone is on the phone
04:10.01alpha232MrTelephone: just wait til you do
04:10.10MrTelephonejt, i wish ours were that cheapa
04:10.13JTdenon: great time to travel ;)
04:10.14alpha232MrTelephone: you're not large enough to take on economy of scale
04:10.28denonMrTelephone: you can oversubscribe LD heavily, but don't oversubscribe residential dialtone too much
04:10.38denonnever underestimate aunt bertha or your teenage daughter
04:10.50MrTelephoneI have to keep my eye on it
04:10.51alpha232denon: you have an aunt bertha?
04:10.56denonno, but someone does
04:11.00denonand I bet she's on the phone all the time
04:11.04alpha232denon: mine just passed away at 104
04:11.05MrTelephonei forget what the optimal ratio is, 5 to 1?
04:11.13denonah, right bold age
04:11.29denonMrTelephone: optimal? 1:1
04:11.36MrTelephonei mean when they phone each other it doesn't use one.. I was going to use a voip provider for overflow
04:11.44denonunless you offer call waiting/conferencing .. then 2:1
04:11.45alpha232MrTelephone: 1:1 < 25, 2:1< 75, 3:1 < 150
04:12.05MrTelephonenice numbers alpha
04:12.06alpha232MrTelephone: yeah you should
04:12.22denonmake sure you keep good stats on the overflow
04:12.22JT1:1, that's excessive unless they're telemarketers
04:12.28denonif it ever hits, you want to know asap
04:12.40alpha232MrTelephone: JT at < 25 subscribers though, the risk is high
04:12.40denonpeople don't appreciate getting crappy service when they're paying for "regular dialtone"
04:12.56alpha232JT: because at < 25, more than likely your subscriber base is geocentric
04:12.56MrTelephonehow does asterisk handle overflow, do you have to program congestion ont he t1 in the dialplan?
04:13.11JTalpha232: i just doubt they'd all be using it at once
04:13.16MrTelephonemost people pay 50 a month for phone here
04:13.18denonjust +101 or however you do it
04:13.27denonor put it in a trunk group
04:13.51denontrunk group could be first, then your voip group next
04:14.24alpha232MrTelephone: or do some LCR stuff
04:14.30MrTelephonesucks being small because then u can't afford failover t1
04:14.48MrTelephonei stay away from voip if i can help it
04:14.54denonwise man.
04:15.01alpha232MrTelephone: but thats what you're offering as a service isn't it
04:15.09MrTelephonei tried a few times but your better off going out on a pri
04:15.28MrTelephonethe cable modems do qos and the pri is at the headnd
04:15.34MrTelephoneso the quality is good enough to fax
04:15.49denondream on :)
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04:16.15denonwithout t.38 end to end, you can have faxing issues running ulaw on a dedicated gig-e switch
04:16.19MrTelephonethe shitty part now is its hard to do maintenance.. when the cable gets ripped down by a truck you lose your phone, your internet, and your cable tv
04:16.35denonwifi mesh backup :)
04:16.42MrTelephonedenon, are you sure about that?
04:16.44alpha232denon: roffles
04:17.08MrTelephonefaxing on a lan should work good
04:17.16denonMrTelephone: it should
04:17.19denonbut does it :)
04:17.24denontest your solution .. a lot .. before offering it
04:17.30denonwith long faxes
04:18.15MrTelephoneright now i have a fax <- t1 - t1 -> telco and that works
04:18.22MrTelephonedual port t1 card
04:18.44MrTelephonetheres a channel bank for the fax
04:19.01denonulaw on the T1s you mean?
04:19.01tzangerMrTelephone: that's what I do
04:19.03MrTelephonethe faxing over the cable modems was hit and miss
04:19.26denonhanding off a channel of the T will work great
04:19.29MrTelephoneim buying those arris modems now with the battery and sipfirmware
04:19.29tzangeras it would be
04:20.09MrTelephonetzanger, what about    fax->ata->asterisk->sip->asterisk-gw->t1->telco
04:20.10denonhow long do the batts last?
04:20.18alpha232hmm anyone with experience using voice modems with Asterisk - just so i can get my little toe wet
04:20.18tzangeris SIP over the interweb?
04:20.19MrTelephone6 hours they say
04:20.25tzangerand are you sending T38 or ulaw?
04:20.44MrTelephonesame offic
04:20.50MrTelephoneinteroffice switching
04:21.09denondare I ask .. why not just eth?
04:21.16MrTelephonei wanted to change my seutp so there are 2 sip servers and 1 gw
04:21.20alpha232denon: how do you put it back on a telco wire :)
04:21.31denonalpha232: he says it's across the same office
04:21.34MrTelephonealpha, what voice modems?
04:21.35denonwhy do anything with the telco
04:21.54alpha232denon: Telco office
04:22.01denonoh, CO
04:22.21denonget a fiber cross connect then ;)
04:22.43alpha232MrTelephone: yeah... I got a couple of dell conexant modems here
04:22.52alpha232denon: you're sick in the head
04:23.04MrTelephonealpha, i don't think u can use modems with sterisk
04:23.53MrTelephonei'll let you know how the fax->ata->asterisk->sip->asterisk-gw->t1->telco works next week
04:24.15JTdon't forget the wet strong->
04:24.35MrTelephoneare you making fun of my flow chart jt
04:24.35tzangerJT: that's where the magic is
04:25.04MrTelephoneshouldn't u be filming tomorrows young and the wrestless? :P
04:25.37MrTelephoneflush your buffers before bed
04:25.56JTwhy would i watch daytime tv? :o
04:26.14MrTelephoneaustralia has its own soaps?
04:26.33MrTelephoneJT -> John Telephon
04:27.11MrTelephonehohum called you john earlier
04:27.34MrTelephoneI thought it was funny he assumed john because your name started with J
04:27.41JTand i said that was not correct :)
04:27.46JTbut not too far off
04:29.04JTi don't think anyone spells their name that way
04:29.40MrTelephonea month ago i read an article about vonage getting sued for routing patents?
04:29.58MrTelephoneam I going to get sued for selling glass jars because someone patented fish tanks?
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04:31.03denonMrTelephone: I believe IBM has patented glass
04:31.08denonso that'd get ya
04:31.29MrTelephoneits not worth havin a huge company.. as soon as you grow big everyone sues you
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04:31.56MrTelephonesolid state harddrives.. $300/gigabyte
04:32.15MrTelephonegood night ladies and gents
04:32.33TrentCreekusing it will cost you 1 mil per gi from lawsuits ;-)
04:33.13JTdenon: sure it wasn't just glass in hard drives for the purposes of causing early failure? ;)
04:33.18MrTelephoneim gonna dream about ways to sue pople
04:33.44TrentCreekwhy aren;t the makers of that equipment getting sued like CISCO?
04:33.45MrTelephonejt im sueing you because i patented the letters <JT>
04:33.54TrentCreekthey are the ones who made that routing possible
04:34.12MrTelephoneless cost routing patent
04:34.24MrTelephonecisco agreed to pay royalties to the patent holders
04:34.43MrTelephonei'd just pay to have the patent holders killed
04:34.53MrTelephonemob style
04:35.08TrentCreekso that would be like me paying royalties to Grahm Bell for using the telephoen when someone else made it
04:35.20denonJT: You know, IBM's never been proud of their desktop drivers (the deathstars)
04:35.22MrTelephoneyeah exactly
04:35.29denonbut their servers stuff, and their other R&D stuff is really impressive
04:35.43denona lot of it doesn't make it to market, but don't kid yourself, IBM is lightyears ahead of most hardware R&D companies
04:36.04MrTelephonewe should pay royalties to god because he invented everything (maybe thats why churches are so rich)?
04:36.19MrTelephoneim going to give russellb and qwell some royalties
04:36.25denonGod only asks for 10%, he doesn't bother to sue you
04:36.45denonnot too shabby, he lets you keep the other 90%
04:36.53denonmore than you can say for verizon
04:36.56TrentCreekAnd I have read that "patent." it is so generic it could decribe the entire world's telecom infrascructure
04:37.18MrTelephonetrentcreek, the one vonage got sued over?
04:37.27MrTelephoneits a joke
04:37.50MrTelephonemakes you wonder if working hard to build a good company is worth it
04:38.09TrentCreekno kidding..i wonder if the jury was plain stupid or paid off
04:38.10denonbuild a good company, just don't expect to be Edison
04:38.21MrTelephonetrent, i was just thinking that.. probably paid off
04:39.03MrTelephonei was so mad after I read that article i was cussin the usa because of everyone sueing each other
04:39.21TrentCreekits it was to shut out the competiton
04:39.51TrentCreekI figure they were angry because their over priced VOIP service was slammed by Vonage
04:40.10MrTelephoneshould have capitalized SLAMMED
04:40.23denonthe only thing vonage slams is their customer's tech support calls
04:40.30denonthey're really a worthless carrier
04:40.41MrTelephonethey are alright
04:40.55MrTelephoneas good as a voip carrier gets
04:41.10MrTelephoneyou have to remember its voip
04:41.11denonnah, vonage is the scum of the voip world
04:41.19denonthere are better voip carriers, especially on the wholesale side
04:41.21TrentCreekyeah you get someone who speaks English rather than a Kwik E Mart persom
04:41.22*** join/#asterisk _pepo_ (n=Pepo@
04:41.37_pepo_hi friends
04:41.52MrTelephonewell i'll talk to you guys tomorrow evening
04:42.08JTdenon: i don't doubt ibm server gear rocks
04:42.12MrTelephonei was on the phone with vonage for 3 hours trying to sell me wholesale minutes
04:42.13JTit's my first preference
04:42.22JTibm got out of the desktop market
04:42.37denonyeah, sold it to the chinese govt :)
04:42.48denonin for a penny, in for a pound
04:43.13JTchinese govt is lenovo?
04:43.50denonthey own 57% of it
04:43.54_pepo_Do anyone use Debian Testing with Asterisk 1.4.13? I am using CentOS-5 in my work but prefer Debian, do you think that I can change CentOS-5 for Debian Testing to use Asterisk with 70000 voicemail users?
04:44.17denonJT: well, they did own 57% at one point, not sure what their current position is
04:48.05De_MonPepOSX yes?
04:48.22De_Mon_pepo_ its the same asterisk
04:48.27JTdenon: heh ok
04:48.34denonJT: are you scared yet? :)
04:49.00denonthere was lots of speculation about the kinds of hardware-level spyware the chinese govt could embed
04:49.34denonseems like it'd be hard to go unnoticed .. but then again, maybe not .. some very careful encoding of network traffic could evade sniffers, and piggyback data
04:49.49De_Mon_pepo_ I wouldn't run debian testing on a production machine, but stable with a few packages from unstable is worth considering... Or build your own packages using the debian scripts
04:49.49denonor perhaps tie on to an existing wifi or bluetooth connection
04:49.56De_Monand keep everything stable
04:50.37denonyeah, it's about that time
04:50.48denong'nite JT and all
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05:00.33*** join/#asterisk iamthelostboy (
05:00.51alpha232Yay I got my serial console working
05:01.03JTto what
05:01.09alpha232to my linux box...
05:01.16iamthelostboyhi... question about a digium tdm400p
05:01.18alpha232just finished setting up grub to have a serial console
05:01.32JTah nice
05:01.55iamthelostboyis it absolutely imperative it gets the power supply from the external source, or could it pull enough for a single fxs module from the pci bus?
05:02.13alpha232JT: i want to install Asterisk and see if i can get my voice modem to work
05:03.06JTyeah it won't
05:03.18JTthere's not channel driver
05:03.19alpha232I thought it could with the ALSA drivers and such
05:03.26*** join/#asterisk dlynes_laptop (
05:04.20Qwelliamthelostboy: it's required
05:04.43iamthelostboyprobably shouldnt have got a ibm x-series server then...
05:05.06linxrouteto ring a phone
05:05.15alpha232supposedly you can run one or two
05:05.23linxroutei think require something like ~ 48v
05:05.25alpha232but i wouldn't recommend it
05:05.46iamthelostboyif i managed to get it working with an external powersupply, i take it the fxs module will send faxes to a fax machine plugged into it, and recieve them too ?
05:05.49Qwelliamthelostboy: there is an external power adapter you can use
05:05.58JTlinxroute: no, -48VDC is phone battery voltage
05:06.03JT90VAC is ring current
05:06.42iamthelostboywe have a few phoenix contact supplies with +12 and +5 i was going to wire in through the back of the server
05:06.45alpha232linxroute: it's low amperage
05:07.10JTiamthelostboy: which ibm xseries?
05:07.22JThow many ru
05:07.25iamthelostboyvery purdy 1u server
05:07.32JTah ok
05:07.34iamthelostboy2x 3.5" sata drives
05:07.37linxroutecos one of my friend got his tougn with line and suddenly it's ring
05:07.40JTyeah probably no molex too
05:07.47JTonly ones with space for backup drives
05:08.00alpha232linxroute: surprised he didn't piss himself
05:08.00iamthelostboyno backup drives either :P
05:08.05iamthelostboyonly fit 2 drives
05:08.08alpha232linxroute: battery is rough enough
05:08.17iamthelostboycan get them to take up to 4x 2.5" drives
05:09.06iamthelostboybut its dedicated to asterisk, so i decided to get it with 3.5" drives for more relibility.. or so i perceive
05:09.57*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
05:11.01alpha232happy halloween
05:15.35mistermochaboogy boo
05:16.11iamthelostboyQwell, is the a specific power supply you were thinking of, or would anything that supplies a good quality +12+5 do the job?
05:16.39linxrouteis there anyway to get around this ? we had set up an small call center, using asterisk ACD , we have 15 agents, so when people call in all the agents are busy,callee is placed MOH but when there's agent available,the call is not route to agent immediatly
05:17.17linxrouteit's still playing MOH until MOH is finish
05:17.20linxroutethen it start to route call
05:17.31*** join/#asterisk craigk (n=ckowald@
05:17.31[TK]D-Fenderlinxroute, No.  Invent your own Queuing method
05:17.56linxrouteis there anyway to route call immedialy and leaves MOH
05:17.58linxrouteno ?
05:18.23linxroutei tried to write some php agi
05:18.27linxroutebut still no luck
05:19.47linxroutehopes anyone have done this , shred some light for me
05:20.16linxroute:) still learning english
05:20.41JTiamthelostboy: better question, why the hell do you have analogue lines in such a good server anyway? ;)
05:22.12linxroutewith TDM400 , we only use dell PC
05:22.32linxroutevery stable , there's one still running for almost 3 years now
05:23.07iamthelostboyi havent used much voip, ive managed to talk the company into spending lots of money to teach me how to work with it..
05:23.24linxroutebut our cards are not really digium , they are chinese copy of tdm400
05:23.40iamthelostboyplus we are in NZ, and voip is only just really making its way down here
05:24.09linxroutejust a decent PC like P4 2.4Ghz 1G ram would be enough
05:24.29linxrouteeven with .. free g729 :)
05:24.33iamthelostboyill get a voip gateway lined up next week, and get that put in, but i wanted some redundancy in lines, so some cheap hardware lines
05:25.19iamthelostboyibm servers are so pretty :)
05:25.50iamthelostboyid like to move to sip completely at some point.. most of our phonecalls are international anyway...
05:27.48[TK]D-Fenderlinxroute, means you are both cheap.. AND clueless...
05:29.49linxrouteTK you r so fk rude
05:29.59linxroutewe dont have alot of money
05:30.06linxroutewe are a charity org
05:30.41linxroutehelping blind people is cheap ?
05:30.55linxroutehow "expensive" is yours
05:31.04WilliamKlinxroute... which org is this?
05:31.18linxroutein vietnam
05:31.28linxrouteblind asscocation
05:31.35TrentCreekthe Blind Viet Cong Vets org ;-)
05:31.46linxrouteain't no VC
05:31.53linxroutebut even with VCs
05:31.56linxrouteif they are blind
05:32.03linxroutewe are there to help
05:32.22WilliamKI was just wondering because I'm familiar with some of the orgs here in TX that do the computer assisted learning for the blind
05:32.44linxroutewe provide free call center service
05:32.47linxrouteso they can sell
05:32.51linxroutesome products
05:32.58linxroutethat made by blind people
05:33.13*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
05:33.21linxrouteand raise fund for a TTS to read vietnamese online news paper
05:33.23[hC]i love the chinese knockoff stuff... how can you possibly tell half the time.. and how the hell do those guys copy everything so easily... it doesnt seem like cloning a freakin BOARD would be a feasible task
05:33.46TrentCreekYou would think that since the government of Vietnam is claiming to be "Communists" they would be helping instead of a private non profit
05:34.28linxroutewe do have alot of NGOs here
05:34.36linxrouteeven the american NGOs
05:35.00linxrouteprivates and state owned
05:35.06dlynes_laptop[hC]: you are being facetious, right?
05:36.17[hC]dlynes_laptop: not really man.. i mean i know its likely produced there so they can just copy the plans and resell it... i guess that must be how most of it is done.
05:36.44linxrouteeven stuff like cisco gears
05:36.58linxrouteone third of the original price
05:37.00[hC]just copied from the manufacturer then, or quantities resold..
05:37.11[hC]even if it was made in the same freakin plant
05:37.16*** join/#asterisk asdx (
05:37.20linxroutethey are the same manufacture
05:37.33[hC]its just difficult for me to wrap my mind around how that can happen so easily, since it doesnt really happen here.
05:37.37linxroutemake for cisco.. and they also sell it out
05:40.23hmmhesaysso how do you not sound like an idiot when you go on a date with a math major
05:40.37[hC]you dont talk about math, thats how
05:40.54hmmhesaysyeah well she knows that I'm into coding n shit
05:41.29J4k3I dated a math major once
05:41.34J4k3she mostly wanted to talk about sex e.
05:41.36J4k3err sex e
05:41.38J4k3fucking d key
05:41.40J4k3sex ed.
05:41.52hmmhesaysyeah well this chick has a PHD but she seemed very interested in my band life
05:42.39hmmhesayshow do I tell her I don't remember how the fsck to solve a differential equation
05:42.52J4k3thats what she's for
05:43.04hmmhesaysyeah well I don't want to have to solve one to throw it in er
05:43.07J4k3you provide the lovin and the bad boy potential (you're in a band aye?)
05:43.20hmmhesaysI love jam nights too
05:43.29J4k3don't sweat it... smart chicks are just chicks that are smart
05:43.44hmmhesaysI guess chicks are still chicks no matter how many pieces of paper tell me she is smarter
05:43.59J4k3just because she can do math doesn't mean she's smart about everything
05:44.10hmmhesaystrue true
05:44.15[hC]quite the contrary usually
05:44.17J4k3and, theres nothing terribly wrong with that if the attitude isn't crappy
05:44.28hmmhesaysI love late night counseling in #asterisk
05:44.32hmmhesaysalways so helpful
05:45.55hmmhesaysi need a beer
05:46.18J4k3I got some in the fridge
05:46.21J4k3go get one
05:46.45hmmhesaysthe chick I was dating cheated on me and took a bunch of my money
05:47.07J4k3I try to avoid having money
05:47.12J4k3its usually a really easy thing to do
05:47.12[hC]so did you go break all the windows in her car so it didnt benefit her any? :)
05:47.34hmmhesaysI should show up with police and get my shit back
05:47.44hmmhesayswhat say you
05:47.52J4k3just don't do it the oj simpson way
05:47.53[hC]only if you can prove its yours
05:47.56*** join/#asterisk AJaymn (
05:48.00[hC]otherwise the cops wont bother
05:48.16J4k3tell the cops you'll give them half
05:48.19J4k3that works ;)
05:49.23hmmhesayscredit card receipts
05:49.30hmmhesayswith serial numbers
05:49.43hmmhesaysshe doesn't know I still have all the paper work leading to me
05:49.47*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (n=chatzill@
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05:52.21AJaymnanyone use ARI?
05:52.28alpha232hmmhesays: what you need to do is find out when she is "unaccounted for"
05:52.35alpha232stage a breakin at your house
05:52.55alpha232and then call the cops
05:53.12alpha232if it's going to be revenge, it should best be served cold
05:53.16J4k3be sure to leave a little proof leading to the dude/dude-ette she cheated with
05:53.23alpha232holy fuck batman... 01:0c.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 02)
05:53.33alpha232I never knew my NIC was GBIT
05:53.33hmmhesaysvery true
05:53.45hmmhesaysrock the female just texted me again
05:53.58J4k3rock the textbox
05:54.26alpha232J4k3: "Rock the cat's box" sounds like thats what got hmmhesays in trouble to begin with
05:58.07BeeBuuanyone installed asterisk-addons?
05:58.25BeeBuuhas anyone installed asterisk-addons?
05:59.11jbotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there, just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
06:00.22tzafrir_homeAJaymn, ARI is also part of FreePBX. The independent copy of it is not maitained, AFAIK
06:02.23hmmhesaysfreepbx has some good dialplan parts in it
06:02.29AJaymntzafrir_home  incorrect it is an independent program
06:03.03hmmhesaysdoes that look like a drupal site?
06:03.22JTgood, freepbx.. dunno about that
06:03.28hmmhesaysparts of the dialplan are
06:03.36tzafrir_homeAJaymn, and when was it last updated? And does the author answer emails?
06:03.54tzafrir_homeIs there an active mailing list?
06:03.57AJaymnhasnt been updated in awhile but yes he has replied :P
06:04.02JTalpha232: most new NICS are gigabit
06:04.08tzafrir_homeAJaymn, when?
06:04.24tzafrir_homeI sent him an email a month ago or so, and got no reply
06:04.35AJaymn2-3 weeks ago
06:05.23alpha232JT: this isn't new lol
06:05.38*** part/#asterisk AJaymn (
06:05.50JTalpha232: shrug
06:06.15alpha232it was born 4/27/04
06:06.17hmmhesaysafter first date texting... good thing
06:06.23alpha232A Dell OptiPlex GX270
06:06.33hmmhesaysi've been out of the game for awhile
06:06.42*** join/#asterisk munmun (n=mun_mun@
06:06.55dlynes_laptop[hC]: reverse engineering is not overly difficult
06:07.06dlynes_laptop[hC]: that's even how a lot of opensource projects are spawned
06:08.24alpha232JT: lspci shows that I have 5 USB hubs, 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 4.1, 4.2 are on the rear, 3.1 and 3.2 on the front, and it says 5 is USB2 but I can't find the damn port lol
06:08.42*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
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06:09.58hmmhesaysI have a really strange problem in asterisk 1.4 where its randomly hanging up when checking voicemail
06:10.20alpha232hmmhesays: how are you connecting to voicemail
06:10.47hmmhesaysanswer; wait(1); voicemailmain();
06:10.54hmmhesaysasterisk is generating the sip BYE message
06:11.04alpha232hmmhesays: ok so you're connecting via sip
06:11.09hmmhesaysoh yeah
06:11.20hmmhesaysyep sip phones randomly hanging up while checking messages
06:11.32hmmhesaysasterisk just freaks out and generates a bye message
06:12.07alpha232hmmhesays: dunno, i havn't even gotten to install asterisk yet... but the question did need to be asked :D
06:12.21hmmhesaysI can't figure it out
06:13.21asdxwhat dedicated server should i get for asterisk?
06:13.36asdxcan you recommend me one?
06:13.49alpha232whats a good free software SIP phone I can use to test with
06:15.39hmmhesaysdedicated server? I use superbhosting
06:15.40hmmhesaysworks well
06:15.46hmmhesayscheap as dirt
06:15.54hmmhesaysat a dirt store
06:16.05asdxlol thanks
06:16.34asdxhmmhesays: do you get root access with that?
06:17.37alpha232thats what someone needs to do, Asterisk hosting
06:17.52asdxhmmhesays: nice
06:17.56hmmhesays60 bucks a month 500 gig transfer
06:17.57BeeBuuwhat's h extension ?
06:18.04hmmhesaysroot access
06:18.14hmmhesays500 gig up and 500 gig down
06:19.16hmmhesaysso 1 terabyte of total transfer
06:20.04*** part/#asterisk munmun (n=mun_mun@
06:20.07hmmhesaysI got a 2.8ghz p4  at that price, and you have total control over it
06:33.29*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
06:35.28*** join/#asterisk qbitza (
06:35.41qbitzaHi Guys
06:36.22qbitzaI'm in need of some advice please
06:38.37alpha232is it me or since Digium started with the hardware, that support for voicemodems has all but gone in reverse
06:38.37tzafrir_homewell, why not ask for some advice, then?
06:38.56alpha232here's some advise, wash your ass
06:39.02tzafrir_homealpha232, was support for voice modems ever good?
06:39.30alpha232tzafrir_home: but it COULD have been
06:39.33qbitzaOk, cool - wasn't sure if anyone was awake
06:39.47tzafrir_homealpha232, anybody else actually bothered writing code to make it better?
06:40.02qbitzaI'm a complete newbie - so if there's any texts or anything I'd be grateful
06:40.18jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF
06:40.23alpha232tzafrir_home: i'll lay odds there was some backroom dealings
06:40.35qbitzaI want to setup a SOHO PABX
06:40.56qbitzaWhich cards would you recommend
06:41.02jbothmm... voip-info is the Voice Over IP wiki.  It is a community resource which will answer all of your questions, from Asterisk to ZTDummy.  You can find it over at - well worth bookmarking
06:41.11qbitzaI currently have 2 analogue lines, but I've read that ISDN works better
06:41.30tzafrir_homeqbitza, where are you at?
06:41.35qbitzaso, should I upgrade my lines to ISDN and go for an ISDNcard?
06:41.44qbitzatzafrir_home: South Africa
06:41.45alpha232qbitza: what country are you in?
06:41.54alpha232good luck
06:42.06qbitzaSo I have todeal with Telkom - sigh
06:42.11tzafrir_homeyeah, I know plenty of people using ISDN with Asterisk over there
06:42.24alpha232tzafrir_home: but doesn't SA use the same signaling as the US?
06:42.27tzafrir_homeNicer than analog indeed
06:42.37alpha232tzafrir_home: i'm trying to get my BRI working here
06:42.44tzafrir_homealpha232, RSA is probably closer to UK
06:42.46qbitzaalpha232: Uhmmmm....
06:43.01qbitzaOk, so upgrade to ISDN-check
06:43.13qbitzaWhich card?
06:43.14tzafrir_homeyou have a BRI line?
06:43.31qbitzatzafrir_home: What's a BRI line?
06:43.53tzafrir_homeThis is probably what you know as "ISDN"
06:44.01qbitzaOh, ok
06:44.07alpha232BRI - ISDN Basic Rate Interface  2b1q
06:44.23tzafrir_homeThis is ISDN Basic Rate Interface. As opposed to PRI (Primary Rate Interface) which is for a E1/T1 line
06:44.26alpha232vs an ISDN Primary Rate Interface
06:44.32alpha232bah beat me to it
06:44.45tzafrir_homealpha232, you have a BRI line right now?
06:45.02alpha232surprisingly, if the switch manufacturers did their job and the telco wasn't a monopoly, BRI could do 100% of what PRI does
06:45.06alpha232tzafrir_home: yes
06:45.15alpha232tzafrir_home: I use it for my POTS service
06:45.26tzafrir_homeand do you have any card?
06:45.32alpha232tzafrir_home: and now I want to remove my TA and move to *
06:45.38alpha232tzafrir_home: negative
06:45.39qbitzatzafrir_home: Nope
06:45.55*** join/#asterisk rati (n=rati@
06:46.13JThmmhesays: 1/2TB of oversold bandwidth, yay!
06:46.59qbitzaCan you recommend anything?
06:49.25*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-8f86bdc43643b4f3)
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06:55.41Mavviechecking for gtk-config... no
06:55.47Mavvieit's getting bigger and bigger....
06:59.42Mavviewhat does it need it for???
07:03.59*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
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07:09.47Mavvieconfigure: creating ./config.status
07:09.47Mavvieconfigure: error: could not make ./config.status
07:09.54Mavviewhat is it this time?
07:13.26*** join/#asterisk jarod14 (
07:13.35Mavviehad to update m4 on it.
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07:28.23qbitzaI was just recommended the Digium TE120P
07:28.37qbitzaAnybody have experience with card? Any good?
07:33.37*** join/#asterisk syneus (
07:36.38tzafrir_homeMavvie, it needs gtk for gtk console, of course
07:36.46tzafrir_homethere's also kde console, IIRC
07:37.11tzafrir_homethat card is an ISDN PRI card.
07:37.17tzafrir_homeqbitza, --^
07:37.29tzafrir_homeqbitza, a good one. But will not help you with BRI
07:39.32*** join/#asterisk Schumie (
07:41.46qbitzatzafrir_home: Damn
07:42.44qbitzatzafrir_home: Which is better BRI or PRI?
07:43.01*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-6e7fdda93e000e48)
07:43.20alpha232qbitza: no such thing as better
07:43.31alpha232qbitza: BRI has 2 voice channels
07:43.32tzafrir_homePRI is much more expensive
07:43.40alpha232qbitza: PRI has up to 30 depending
07:44.06qbitzaHmmm... Yes, the Telco guys were very keen on me going PRI
07:44.09tzafrir_homeIf you need some 8 lines and more, consider a (fractioanl) PRI
07:44.25tzafrir_homeIf you just need two, BRI sounds quite nice
07:44.28qbitzaNah, 2's fine to start with
07:44.38alpha232qbitza: well "to start with" is risky
07:44.50alpha232do you have to sign a contract for minimum length?
07:44.58alpha232do they charge you an arm and a leg to install
07:45.06alpha232do you have to wait months on months to get an install
07:45.08qbitzaI already have a contract, I'm upgrading an existing line
07:45.08tzafrir_homeThere are plenty of ISDN adapters supported by Asterisk.
07:45.24tzafrir_homeIn fact, I suspect most consumer-level PCI cards are
07:45.24alpha232tzafrir_home: s/ISDN/PRI
07:45.42alpha232tzafrir_home: i've had 0 luck finding a BRI card for < 200
07:46.36linxrouteFrizt card
07:46.44linxroutelest than 10$
07:46.58linxroutebut just with 1 2b+d
07:47.01alpha232linxroute: US with U?
07:47.17linxroutethey used it in canada
07:47.22linxroutenot sure same with us
07:47.28linxroutebut you can check out
07:47.33linxrouteAV Frizt card
07:47.34*** join/#asterisk Teln12100 (
07:47.34*** join/#asterisk ball (n=ball@
07:48.24alpha232linxroute: thats for EuroISDN :(
07:48.35*** join/#asterisk FlatFoot (n=bigflatf@
07:49.21linxrouteor something like that
07:49.25linxroutename of the card
07:49.40linxrouteit's for sure compatible with us standard
07:51.29alpha232looking now
07:51.44alpha232there is an Asus card but that needs an S/T interface
07:51.55alpha232which means I need to get an NT1 ugh
07:52.04alpha232linxroute: $600 or $800
07:52.15linxroutetry ebay
07:52.27linxroutei think you can find it for around 200 or less
07:56.28scooby2Is there anyway to check if an agent is available in another queue before transfering? IE: call comes into sales queue and sits for 2 minutes. Can it then check if someone is available in returns or credit queues? blindly transfering would not be cool especially since the sales queue is larger so someone would be available sooner.
07:58.07scooby2weighting wouldnt work since if i put them all in the sales queue the call would go immediately to one of the other people instead of waiting 2 minutes.
08:01.36alpha232nice dialogic 4 port lol
08:03.11tzafrir_homeFritz and HFC-S based card are the nice cheap ones
08:03.26alpha232tzafrir_home: i've heard comments about the asus and isdn4linux working so
08:03.49linxroutecan you tell me the name of the asus card ?
08:04.40alpha232Exact model number is Asuscom P-IN100-ST-D (Might also be known as Askey TAS106H-W)
08:05.02alpha232so we know it's an S/T interface,
08:07.22linxroutehow many port do you need ?
08:07.34alpha2321 port, single BRI - 2 channels
08:07.45*** join/#asterisk yassaccan (
08:08.14linxroutewith 300
08:08.18linxrouteyou can have 2
08:08.35alpha232linxroute: i guess asterisk isn't for me
08:08.49*** join/#asterisk duki (
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08:08.58linxroutewell, it's for everyone :)
08:09.12alpha232oh sure ;)
08:09.21alpha232just the hardware prices it out of my reach
08:09.35alpha232so whats a good software SIP phone
08:09.55alpha232for testing and what not, all the bells and whistles
08:09.57*** join/#asterisk ghento (n=ghento@
08:10.03linxroutei used xlite before
08:10.22linxrouteor eyebeam
08:10.35linxroutefor eyebeam you
08:10.45linxroutefor eyebeam you'd to pay
08:11.10linxroutesix lines
08:11.24linxrouteg729 codec
08:11.28linxroutesupport video
08:12.31alpha232tzafrir_home: the telco only provides a U interface, bring your own NT1, my current TA has a built in NT1
08:13.11*** join/#asterisk Woifi1988 (
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08:31.13alpha232i just installed asterisk......
08:32.36*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
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08:33.26qbitzaA local reseller wants to flog me a Duxbury ISDN card for < $50
08:33.45qbitzaANybody know anything about this card?
08:34.15alpha232never heard of it
08:36.23qbitzaIt's the only other BRI card they stock
08:44.18*** join/#asterisk pc500 (
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08:44.56pc500When you need 2-4 lines, is it best to use analog lines, or is BRI (ISDN) like are around the same cost is the benefits of the digital signaling preferable?
08:47.34*** join/#asterisk anujsingh (n=root@
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08:48.14anujsinghI am using astertest tool. i can see manager logged in to both my originating and test servers
08:48.41anujsinghbut tool astertest showing no calls, only showing cpu info.
08:49.20anujsinghwhat can be the reason, in cli i can not see any call working except manager logged in message.
08:50.07*** join/#asterisk DrCron (
08:50.29qbitzaIt seems Duxbury is essentially a passive modem with HFC chipset
08:54.41*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-e371ba615f787a77)
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08:56.22Bladerunner05qualcusa usa una tdm400 su linee analogiche di borchia isdn (nt1+) ?
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09:09.00anujsinghhow to simulate load to my asterisk server?
09:09.20anujsinghis there some tool / script to do so ?
09:11.20*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
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09:17.40Woifi1988anujsingh: Just use codec translation
09:27.39*** join/#asterisk qdk (n=qdk@
09:28.04anujsinghWoifi1988 can you give me link to the appropriate page
09:29.19anujsinghthanks, and astertest seems pretty much fulfilling all the work, but something wrong, if i manually dial threw Xlit to the test server i can see the changes in graph.
09:29.41JTanujsingh: SIPP
09:30.50JTpc500: what country?
09:31.08JTqbitza: never heard of that bri card, there are heaps of others
09:32.26qbitzaJT: Thanks, just looking for some experiences
09:32.51qbitzaJT: but asthese go, I'd rather fork out < $50 than $500
09:33.17qbitzaJT: until, at least I'm setup and know what I want :)
09:35.04anujsinghok , now astertest is showing graphs , i tried to call from one asterisk server to other asterisk server user, both in usage , but astertest showing no graph automatically ,
09:36.07anujsinghcli is not showing any progress on both the servers, except mamger.conf found and user logged in.
09:37.02Woifi1988i am unable to install zaptel. can someone help me with that?
09:37.07anujsinghhas anyone tried astertest , my asterisk versing is Asterisk SVN-branch-1.2-r82334M
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09:45.46pifhi, with 1.4.13 and iax trunking I am flooded with these messages: "iax2_trunk_queue: Maximum trunk data space exceeded to "
09:48.11*** join/#asterisk pif (
09:53.35Woifi1988JT: You talked about Sippp. Can you tell me how to use it? Should I just start the program as uac and give the ip to my server?
09:53.43Woifi1988JT: You talked about Sippp. Can you tell me how to use it? Should I just start the program as uac and give the ip from my server?
09:55.04*** part/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-e371ba615f787a77)
09:55.35pc500JT - USA
09:55.52roxluI just got me a atcom 230! but it receives incoming calls, but outgoing calls arent' working yet... Does someone knows what could be wrong? (using a softphone, I can make outbound calls)
09:56.36JTpc500: BRI is better than analogue, but there's basically no asterisk support for US BRI
09:57.01roxluah found it!
09:57.04*** join/#asterisk yannj_fr (
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09:57.44pc500JT - No National-ISDN 1 support?  Cards with built in NT1?
09:57.59pc500JT - Where's the main limiting factor?
09:58.00JTno ni1
09:58.03JTno ni2
09:58.22pc500Which signaling types are well supported?
09:58.42pc500In the 90s I occassionally was lucent 5ess, but pretty much everything is NI1 here.
09:59.52pc500JT - Is Pri support good?
09:59.55Woifi1988JT: You talked about Sippp. Can you tell me how to use it? Should I just start the program as uac and give the ip from my server?
10:00.05JTpc500: yes
10:00.14JTWoifi1988: can you stop repeating already?
10:00.30pc500I figured BRI would be more popular.  Most areas it's about the price of 2 analog lines anyways, and you digital call signaling.
10:01.15JTin the US? bri is almost non existant
10:01.48*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (n=tzafrir@
10:02.36pc500JT - Not used much, but it is realitvely available everywhere.
10:02.49JTpri is far more used in the US
10:03.00pc500Yeah, if you need 23 lines.
10:03.18JTor 8
10:03.45pc500It takes 16-20 circuits before a PRI is cost-competetive with analog in my area.
10:03.56Woifi1988JT: i thougth you didn't read it
10:04.24JTWoifi1988: there's plenty of documentation on sipp
10:05.19JTpc500: sucks to be in your area then ;)
10:06.41Woifi1988JT: yes but how can i tell the program that i want to use my aster server?
10:07.02JTWoifi1988: it is documented, and i don't want to go into a sipp tutorial
10:14.57*** join/#asterisk analyysi (
10:19.13Woifi1988okay but maybe you can help me with another probelm?
10:19.35Woifi1988my asterisk is unable to convert codecs!
10:19.46alpha232how do you mean, unable to convert codecs
10:19.56Woifi1988i tried to set up two users [10] and [20]
10:20.12Woifi198810 should phone with alaw und 20 with ulaw
10:20.37Woifi1988when 10 calls 20 it rings but immidately hangs up
10:20.45Woifi1988 <--sip debug
10:20.52Woifi1988 <-- sip.conf
10:23.46*** join/#asterisk CBU[^_^]M`` (n=love@
10:26.14Woifi1988any suggestions?
10:27.31alpha232Woifi1988: if you set both to alaw it works?
10:27.38alpha232and if you set both to ulaw it works as well?
10:27.47Woifi1988with ulaw it works
10:27.52Woifi1988just try it with alaw
10:29.03alpha232dunno what to tell you
10:30.02Woifi1988i'll try it! Just a momnt
10:31.24Woifi1988alaw works and ulaw also!
10:31.30*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
10:31.58Woifi1988and both codecs are enabled in x-lite
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10:36.06Woifi1988alpha232: Ok?
10:36.53Woifi1988alpha232: could the canreinvite statement cause this?
10:40.27*** join/#asterisk zapp-branigan (
10:40.30Woifi1988alpha232: Do you need more information?
10:40.55zapp-braniganhi i have this problem :  requested/capability 0x4/0x4 incompatible with our capability 0xe100.
10:41.14zapp-braniganwheta is the problem ?
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10:47.03Woifi1988no idea?
10:47.23*** join/#asterisk serpent-fly (n=serpent@
10:48.36zapp-braniganWoifi1988 you told me ?
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10:48.54Woifi1988zapp-branigan: no ;->
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10:51.59Woifi1988i have also a problem and no solution ! and i am new to asterisk!
10:52.12dukiune question sur .bash_profile quand il existe dans le home de l'utilisateur,
10:52.34dukiest-il automatiquement, une fois, la première fois .
10:52.57dukiest-il lu quelque soit la manière dont on se logue?
10:53.12dukicàd, startx gdm, kdm, slim ...
10:53.38dukiest-il lançé une fois et une fois seulement?
10:54.18dukiJe ne suis pas très à l'aise avec, c'est confus.
10:54.29*** join/#asterisk bantu (
10:57.10anujsinghi am to load test using sipp
10:57.19dukiIl y a trop de trop choses à la fois, X ou pas X, gestionnaire de logging ou pas, et si oui lequel le lit ou pas,  et je n'ajouterais meme pas un gestionnaire de logging à la sauce framebuffer (très belle fille d'ailleurs, heu! très beau gestionnaire d'ailleurs).
10:57.21anujsinghi am getting this error message
10:57.36anujsinghAborting call on unexpected message for Call-ID '8-25886@': while expecting '100' response, received 'SIP/2.0 484 Address Incomplete
10:57.57dukiSorry,  really  SORRY.
10:57.59anujsinghused sipp command is
10:58.01anujsinghsipp -r 1 -l 1 -d 5000  -s 8989 -p 5061 -sn uac node2
11:05.42zapp-branigansomeone can help me? y have this error :(  chan_iax2.c:7723 socket_process: Rejected connect attempt from, requested/capability 0x4/0x4 incompatible with our capability 0xe100.
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11:08.41Mw3does it somehow affect my zap cards if i use tickless kernel?
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11:09.28anujsinghsipp error 'SIP/2.0 404 Not Found'
11:09.55anujsinghusing sipp to load asterisk server
11:13.32*** join/#asterisk myiagy (n=myiagy@
11:14.07Woifi1988please help me!
11:15.50jboti heard hafc is hire a freaking consultant.  Look, if you're having difficulty understanding what you're doing and need a solution soon, you will be far better off hiring a competent consultant than continuing to pull your hair out.
11:16.11tzafrirMw3, zap cards make their own ticks. It shouldn't be a problem
11:16.54*** join/#asterisk Dandre (
11:17.12tzafrirWoifi1988, we may, if you actually ask a question
11:17.19Dandreis chancapi included in asterisk?
11:17.29tzafrirDandre, no
11:17.40jbotcapi is, like, Common ISDN Application Programming Interface.  See for more info.
11:17.57tzafrirneeds refreshing
11:18.19DandreI have found
11:19.38Woifi1988I have a problem with codec convertation. I have two users [10] and [20]. I wan thet one user uses alaw and the other ulaw. The problem that appears is, that the phone from the callee rings, but it hangs up imedeately when you want to answer. When bot users have the same codec, it works.
11:19.53Woifi1988 <--sip debug <-- sip.conf
11:20.12tzafrirjbot, chancapi is the Asterisk CAPI channel for CAPI-capable ISDN cards. See . Also known as chan_capi-cm.
11:20.12jbotokay, tzafrir
11:20.31Mavviehmmml... latest zaptel drivers don't like the alcatel 4400 PRIs
11:20.53tzafrirMavvie, can you be more specific?
11:21.14tzafrirgood version/bad version? What problem exactly?
11:21.21Mavvietzafrir: now investigating.
11:21.54Woifi1988tzafrir: can you help me with the problem desribed above?
11:21.57Mavviebut I just got an alert from the monitoring system
11:22.18Mavvievery funny since it was up in the beginning, but it's now down.
11:22.36Mavviethis might going to be a long night....
11:23.02MavvieI'll have "pri debug span 1" running for now.
11:23.11tzafrirWoifi1988, no. If I could I probably would. Seems like a trivial sip.conf codec settings at first glance, but I don't have time to look into that right now.
11:24.26Woifi1988i think the config is okay!
11:24.35Woifi1988it's a very simple config!
11:30.40Mavvietzafrir: the situation was as follows: I updated to the latest 1.4 version of zaptel/libpri and asterisk. When I started asterisk it said that the PRI with the A4400 was provisioned, up, active. Then after about ten minutes it went into Provisioned, In Alarm, Down, Active. I restarted asterisk and it came back in service, and now have PRI span debugging on for the time being.
11:30.47Mavviehaven't gotten it back yet.
11:31.33Mavvieback as in "gotten the error back"
11:33.23Mavvietzafrir: Alcatel 4400 PABX.
11:33.56Mavviemy gut feeling says I have to wait until asterisk resets the PRI channels.
11:34.07tzafrirwhat alarm do you see on the span?
11:34.26MavvieIt was Provisioned, In Alarm, Down, Active
11:34.41tzafriryeah, but what alarm?
11:34.44fs-locawebthe both users need a common codec. U just need use a-law or u-law in both users.
11:35.12tzafrirzttool should show you that. Or head -n 1 /proc/zaptel/NN
11:35.39tzafrirfs-locaweb, asterisk can transcode if there's no common codec
11:36.35Mavvietzafrir: I will get you that information it happens again.
11:37.19Mavvie[Oct 31 22:16:03] NOTICE[3141] chan_zap.c: PRI got event: Alarm (4) on Primary D-channel of span 1
11:37.19Mavvie[Oct 31 22:16:03] WARNING[3141] chan_zap.c: No D-channels available!  Using Primary channel 16 as D-channel anyway!
11:37.19fs-locawebtzafrir, canreinvite is enable
11:37.36Mavviethat happened according to the debug log
11:37.48agxIf someone is looking for working app_rxfax, txfax or some bristuff features i've just ported some from 1.2 to 1.4.
11:38.31*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
11:40.50Woifi1988tzafrir have you hust a minute?
11:41.51fs-locawebSituation: When I try to make an attended transfer and the Monitor application is activated for the call, the legs of audio loses sync at the recorded file. Does anybody know how to fix this issue?
11:43.03Woifi1988 is my sip.conf; is my extension.conf Why doensn't work this?
11:43.46Woifi1988there is a  Spawn extension (htl3r, 20, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/10-081d01e0'
11:43.58Woifi1988and then the phone hangs up
11:48.33Mavviechan_zap.c is only 11K lines....
11:49.18fs-locawebWoifi1988, try canreinvite=no at sip.conf
11:50.59*** join/#asterisk waKKu (n=eurulo@unaffiliated/wakku)
11:52.10Woifi1988fs-locaweb:thank you very much! It's a combination of two errs. The X-Lite has a problem with redirection and reinvite so with zoiper it works
11:54.47*** join/#asterisk Jurian (
11:55.32fs-locawebSituation: When I try to make an attended transfer and the Monitor application is activated for the call, the legs of audio loses sync at the recorded file. Does anybody know how to fix this issue?
11:56.23Jurianhey, question, I'm lost.. I have to change the "useragent=" setting in my sip.conf, cause my provider doesn't accept the default. However, when I change this, my (snom) phones can no longer call out, anyone have any idea how to fix that?
11:56.49*** join/#asterisk marl_ (n=marl@
11:56.52JurianI just get this: NOTICE[4167]: chan_sip.c:9709 handle_response_invite: Failed to authenticate on INVITE to ...
11:57.04Woifi1988Juggie: You have to write useragent=friend to place and receive calls
11:58.16JurianI have type=friend in the sip accounts
11:59.19marl_anyone use ARI with *? am trying to get it working and it keeps coming up with PHP PEAR needs to be installed, but pear apears to be installed! looking at the bootstrap.php file, it apears to be looking for DB.php in the path, and DB.php apears to be in that path :( anyone come accross this before?
12:00.06marl_my include path for php is : include_path       .:/usr/share/php/
12:03.19tzafrirmarl_, what linux distro?
12:03.28tzafriris it Debian?
12:03.36*** join/#asterisk MacWinner (
12:03.49tzafrirtry install php-db or php5-db .
12:03.53Woifi1988Jurian: show a sip debug
12:04.29tzafrirI think I saw that misleading error message a few times. DB.php is now in the package php-db.
12:05.08marl_tzafrir, thanks will try that, its debian based, just copied the DB.php into the ari folder, and got further, now getting a restriction error, so it may be that, back in a bit :)
12:05.18MacWinneri have my asterisk box behind NAT.. if I want it to have a DID and be able to initiate calls, is an IAX2 trunk all I need?  or is there some other protocol that i need to worry about not working through NAT?
12:08.13anujsinghhow to load test asterisk server?
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12:13.24Faustovhi, I have the following problem with asterisknow - i got 2 SIP service providers, one of them has to be redirected to conf bridge and the other to some other place - when i set that up via the web interface, either both numbers go to conf bridge or to the other option
12:13.58Faustovwhat could be the problem? from browsing the debug messages from the console it seems they use the same dialplan...
12:14.21MacWinneranujsingh: maybe setup a meetme conference and have a lot of people call it with soft phones? :)
12:14.55Faustovjust dont tell me the web interface is deprecated :>
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12:15.29MrChimpydammit AMI UserEvent call is driving me nuts!
12:18.25Faustovoh, sorry, there's a special channel for #asterisknow :P
12:18.30Jurianhmmm, as soon as I change asterisk's useragent string, I get this in sip debug: SIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required
12:20.31Woifi1988can i redirect the sip debug output to a file?
12:20.44Jurianheh, that's what I was wondering too
12:20.57Jurianscrolling around in screen at the moment, but redirecting to file would be far easier :)
12:22.10*** join/#asterisk frenzy (n=frenzy@unaffiliated/frenzy)
12:22.36anujsinghMacWinner i have limited machines,
12:22.46anujsinghi am trying to use astertest, or sipp
12:23.21anujsinghwhile using astertest grahs are generating only when i am dialing using a soft phone,
12:23.32anujsinghsecond tool in scene is sipp
12:23.42anujsinghbut sipp giving me error , Aborting call on unexpected message for Call-ID '1-32044@': while expecting '100' response, received 'SIP/2.0 404 Not Found^
12:24.24*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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12:25.21MacWinnerwhat is the default username for web meetme control?
12:25.30tzafrirmarl_, BTW: what version of ari do you use?
12:25.43*** join/#asterisk khronos (
12:41.20*** join/#asterisk sasch (
12:41.22saschhi all
12:41.50saschi buy a isdn card (hfc) to connect my asterisk on my Telecom's ISDN line ....
12:42.28saschi need a how to.....anyone can help me ...
12:42.49*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:43.02destructuregreetings, tkd
12:44.21destructurewhich timezone are you in?
12:45.30MacWinnerhow would you maintain a whitelist of phone numbers that can use the callback feature?
12:45.35[TK]D-FenderEST (GMT -5)
12:45.49[TK]D-FenderMacWinner: "show function DB" <----
12:45.55destructureinternationalized answer, heh
12:46.16[TK]D-Fenderdestructure: Quality answers :)
12:46.23destructureMacWinner: how is membership decided?
12:46.43MacWinnerdestructure: administrator
12:47.16destructurehow often does it change?  is there a pattern?
12:47.51MacWinnernot too often.  just when the pbx owner wants to add another trusted cellnumber.
12:48.02MacWinnermaybe 10-20 max enrties
12:48.10[TK]D-FenderMacWinner: See above.
12:48.25MacWinner[TK]D-Fender: thanks, will check it out
12:51.23anujsinghhello [TK]D-Fender. and everyone else.
12:51.40_x86_[TK]D-Fender: you have the same time as me and i'm in a different TZ :)
12:51.45anujsinghi am getting error during load test using sipp
12:52.10anujsinghCall-ID '2636-1397@': while expecting '100' response, received 'SIP/2.0 404 Not Found
12:52.43anujsinghtarget is to load test asterisk server.
12:52.56anujsinghstress test asterisk ,
12:56.08[TK]D-Fenderanujsingh: * is looking pretty stressed about your abuse, good work :)
12:56.21_x86_[TK]D-Fender: haha
12:59.09anujsinghactually i am trying to finish the task since 5 hours, sorry:)
12:59.32*** join/#asterisk af_ (
13:06.00anujsinghhas anyone tried sipp?
13:06.18agxanujsingh, its a mess, i prefer to have another asterisk box to register the test one and use script to generate calls
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13:09.56anujsinghok agx, but even using default sipp command giving me same error for
13:10.51anujsinghdo i need to use sipp on test as well as clitent machines?
13:12.49*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
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13:21.36lirakismorning from von/asterisk world! :P
13:22.33anujsinghinstalled sip on an another machine , same error i am getting, 404
13:23.33lirakisanujsingh: what error
13:24.21anujsinghwhile expecting '100' response, received 'SIP/2.0 404 Not Found
13:24.40anujsinghi used sipp command ./sipp -sn uac
13:25.04anujsinghi am trying to simulate stress test for asterisk
13:25.57lirakisanujsingh: yeah i got that much from using sipp :p ..  sipp is not properly configured
13:26.17*** join/#asterisk tru_`z24 (n=truz_`
13:26.24lirakisanujsingh: 404 indicates that the user you are trying to register with on * is not actually known to *
13:27.03anujsinghhow to confiure sipp then , sorry i am n00b , i dont see any conf file in source or rpm.
13:27.03lirakisanujsingh: check your sip.conf and your sipp configuration... sipp must register just like any other "peer" or endpoint on *
13:27.21lirakisanyone else here at asterisk world?
13:28.29anujsinghwhat entries should i make to sip.conf and where can i find conf file for sipp tool ?
13:29.35lirakisanujsingh: dude.. im not going to do your work for you.. i just answered your question... google for sipp tutorial .. or sipp load test .. i know there are at least 2 tutorial/howto's out there on the web b/c i have done exactly what you want to .. and i found the info online!
13:31.01Katty[TK]D-Fender: mew?
13:31.45anujsinghyes ,
13:32.23[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
13:33.02Katty[TK]D-Fender: for an office with 15 extensions... do you think they'd rather  use the directory application, or an FTP directory thingy?
13:33.26*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
13:33.33Kattymorning fskrotzki (=
13:34.19[TK]D-FenderKatty: I don't understand what you are meaning by "FTP Directory thingy"
13:35.02Katty[TK]D-Fender: point polycom phone to fpt directory, edit xml directory file based on the phone's mac address. reboot polycom phone, hit up arrow.
13:35.03anujsinghThanks a lot lirakis
13:35.05lirakisKatty: do you mean an xml directory available via tftp/ftp for auto downlod to the phones?
13:35.14lirakisanujsingh: np
13:35.15*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
13:35.20Kattylirakis: yesh, that one.
13:35.38anujsinghthank you:) all. specially lirakis
13:35.43Kattyi almost wanna kinda leave that alone..
13:35.52Kattyso each person can put whatever they want in there.
13:36.03*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
13:36.30lirakisgtg .. only 59 min. battery life remaining and must save some power for label.
13:36.46Kattybuhbye (=
13:36.50*** part/#asterisk lirakis (n=eric@
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13:37.34[TK]D-FenderKatty: Using the phones PERSONAL directory as a corporate directory = mistake.
13:37.43Katty[TK]D-Fender: why?
13:37.51[TK]D-FenderKatty: that messes with their ability to have personal speed-dials, etc and is fugly.
13:38.02Katty[TK]D-Fender: but they seem to like it real well.
13:38.26[TK]D-FenderKatty: Far better to run a MB directory page or better yet go the dead tree route
13:38.36Katty[TK]D-Fender: you do not parse, on either topic
13:39.27[TK]D-FenderKatty: "MicroBrowser Web Script" or "Print a damn extension list, it'll be faster to browse"
13:40.02[TK]D-FenderKatty: I *highly* recommend PAPER <-
13:40.04Kattyjbot: microbrowser web script?
13:40.10Kattyjbot: :<
13:40.11jbot< is probably redirection of stdin to a program
13:40.18Kattyjbot: still love you.
13:40.19jbotIf you love you. so much, why don't you marry it? (oooooh)
13:40.22[TK]D-FenderKatty: Know that pretty "Services" button?  Time to USE IT.
13:40.28Kattyoh boy!
13:41.00Kattymicrobrowser web script sounds slightly complicated.
13:41.11Kattypaper i can handle.
13:41.44*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@
13:42.27[TK]D-FenderKatty: May I recommend 3 CPI Crayola :p
13:42.47[TK]D-FenderKatty: in full rainbow fashion!
13:43.33Kattynothing but the best for my office!
13:44.08*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
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13:49.43destructureLaTeX directory
13:49.55socken23Hi all! I can't start asterisk anymore: 'chan_zap.c: Unknown signalling method 'bri_cpe' ??
13:49.58socken23any ideas?
13:50.50Corydon76-digtypo?  pri_cpe is the correct type
13:51.00socken23AHA! Let me check ;-)
13:51.33*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
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13:52.07socken23great, now something new: 'Unable to specify channel 1: No such device or address'
13:52.31Corydon76-digYou probably don't have your zaptel drivers loaded
13:52.46socken23mhh.. I thought I did, but I only get a dummy device...
13:52.48Corydon76-digor you've failed to run 'ztcfg' after loading them
13:53.11socken23if I run 'ztcfg -vv'  it tells me '0 channels configured'
13:53.14Corydon76-digDo you actually have any cards?
13:53.25socken23;-) Yes, a Junghanns card
13:53.25*** part/#asterisk putnopvut (i=putnopvu@nat/digium/x-1cce6607037b1858)
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13:53.48socken23I see it in 'lspci'...
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13:54.00Corydon76-digI suspect zaptel doesn't apply then.  Isn't that an misdn card?
13:54.11socken23no, BRIstuffed
13:54.25Corydon76-digOh, well, not supported here
13:54.36socken23what a pitty ;-)
13:54.44socken23is there a german channel then!?
13:55.02socken23guess I'll have more luck there
13:55.11Corydon76-digIt's not a matter of German or another language, it's a matter of that package
13:55.34socken23ah, thought BRIstuffed junghanns cards are more common in germany / switzerland
13:55.48Corydon76-digThey are
13:56.19ManxPowersocken23: we mostly support Asterisk here, not 3rd party software or cards.
13:56.36socken23ManxPower: OK, sorry for that then..
13:57.06ManxPowersocken23: The  junghanns are the most common non-zaptel cards.  Check their site for information, as well as the mailing list archives.
13:57.06socken23I just started with Asterisk last week. So I'm still trying to seperate all different aspects ;-)
13:57.09jbotSearch Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at or search through it at, or and there is also the Macintosh Asterisk mailing list at
13:57.28socken23will do that, thanks for your support
13:58.39ManxPowersocken23: #asterisk-drinkers seems to have mostly euro.people on it.  You can also try there.
13:59.40jbotfrom memory, docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
14:00.47jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF
14:01.05jboti guess trunk is a word with varying definitions.  In Asterisk, a trunk is a "stream of UDP packets containing IAX2 frames from more than 1 call"; in telecom, a trunk is a "single voice channel between two pieces of switching equipment."  There is no such thing as a "SIP Trunk" -- Don't use the term.
14:01.14De_Mon~lart manxpower
14:01.14jbotsends a legion of lawyers after manxpower's head
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14:02.36JTsocken23: look at the supplied example files
14:02.59socken23the thing is, I have the exact same server with the same card and everything and copied my examples from there...
14:03.17*** join/#asterisk munmun (n=mun_mun@
14:03.23JTsocken23: you must've copied badly
14:03.25ManxPowersocken23: then your build is different.
14:03.32JTas there's no such thing as bri_cpe
14:03.36JTor bri_net
14:04.16socken23ManxPower: yeah, bri_cpe is from before copying the files, my mistake
14:04.26*** join/#asterisk mog (i=mog@nat/digium/x-f2cf44cb5c8ae5f2)
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14:04.37JTsocken23: it's definitely wrong
14:08.27*** join/#asterisk mrchicken (n=administ@
14:08.52mrchickenI am trying to run an agi script made with php
14:08.57mrchickenhowever I cant seem to make it work...
14:09.01mrchickenI used phpAGI
14:09.07mrchickenperhaps anybody can help me out?
14:09.42ManxPowermrchicken: in the asterisk-perl library, you have to run a function to read the stuff Asterisk sends via stdin or your AGI won't work correctly.
14:09.59*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
14:09.59ManxPowerI imagine the same would apply to the PHP AGI library.
14:10.17mrchickenbut usually you would see php connecting ... right?
14:10.27mrchickenI mean like a manager interface opened or something
14:10.27ZeNNwhen i patch and compile asterisk-1.2.21 with visdn-0.18.3 i get the following error: asterisk.c:94: error: expected declaration specifiers or â...â before âcapgetâ
14:10.33ManxPowerum, not really.
14:10.34mrchickenin the cli
14:10.45ZeNNsomeone got a clue what's going on ?
14:11.05ManxPoweryou would see the AGI dialplan application running on the CLI, but not anything else unless you exec noop or do a verbose.
14:11.26De_Monwhats with the a with carrots
14:11.41ManxPowerZeNN: usually that is an issue with using the patch with a version of Asterisk not supported by the patch.
14:12.20ZeNNManxPower: thanks, know perhaps which version of asterisk is supported by visdn ?
14:12.53ManxPowerZeNN: I've never even heard of visdn.
14:13.09mrchickencuz I trying to make a noop but I cant see it happening
14:13.11ManxPowervisual isdn?  voice isdn?
14:13.13ZeNN;) need that for my asterisk GSM card
14:13.25ZeNNno it's a driver, much like misdn
14:13.35ManxPowermrchicken: you are using PHP because you know PHP better than perl?
14:13.57ManxPowermrchicken: reduce your application to the min needed to reproduce the issue, then put it on
14:14.20Faustovguys, can multiple incoming call rules be created for multiple service providers on asterisk 1.4.9 via the web interface?
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14:15.06ManxPowermrchicken: using phpagi v1.x or v2.x?
14:15.25ManxPowerFaustov: Asterisk does not have a web interface, so the answer would be "no!"
14:15.29De_Monjwhat is a call rule?
14:16.01[TK]D-Fenderwhat is a service provider?
14:16.18*** join/#asterisk galeras (n=Martin@
14:16.18ManxPowermrchicken: did you also read
14:16.24FaustovManxPower: so the web interface comes only with asterisknow?
14:16.44De_Mon[TK]D-Fender an entry in sip.conf or zaptel.conf
14:16.46ManxPowerFaustov: or asterisk-gui, I suppose.  GUIs are not supported here.
14:16.54De_Monso whats a call rule?
14:17.10jboti heard zeeek is someone who once said "learning asterisk using a GUI is like learning sex through masturbation. You'll never get to the good stuff."
14:17.39ManxPowerLearning Asterisk using a GUI is like learning programming using BASIC.  Both ruin you for life.
14:17.59Woifi1988what bandwidth is needed for gsm?
14:18.02Corydon76-digHey, now, I learned with BASIC
14:18.17FaustovManxPower: well i'd rather do it from commandline, i just started working here and they have asterisknow and configured it via gui, and ask me "why is it not working"
14:18.21ManxPowerWoifi1988: for the audio or the network overhead?
14:18.33galerasWhat about deploying *  without gui?
14:18.34ManxPowerFaustov: well we can't help you with audio.
14:18.59Woifi1988for the audio overhead
14:19.03ManxPowerFaustov: sorry, brain/finger error.  We can't help you with a GUI.
14:19.11jbotwell, codecs is  If you have audio/codec problems, first try to 'disallow=all' and 'allow=ulaw' and see if that works. Anyone that tells you to use 'allow=all' is an idiot as it usually causes audio problems, or  Number/Name: 1/g723, 2/gsm, 4/ulaw, 8/alaw, 16/g726, 32/adpcm, 64/slin, 128/lpc10, 256/g729, 512/speex, 1024/ilibc
14:19.29FaustovManxPower: no probs, maybe you could give me a hint for this problem without any gui
14:19.53ManxPowerFaustov: you have not asked a question that would apply when not using a GUI
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14:20.03Woifi1988i learned that gsm has a banwidth of 9,6kbit/s
14:20.15ManxPowerWoifi1988: that is wrong
14:20.44ManxPowerbut that wiki_codecs link tells you what you know.
14:20.56Woifi1988yes i read it
14:21.01Woifi1988but i wonder
14:21.07FaustovManxPower: what i'm trying to do here is to get 1 isp who assigned me 2 phone numbers to 2 incoming calling rules, so 1 number goes to one extension and the second to another
14:21.36FaustovManxPower: is there a good manual on this subject that you could point me to?
14:21.46Woifi1988oh i know the useable bandwith is 9,6kbit/s
14:21.47ManxPowerFaustov: that happens AUTOMATICALLY.  The provider passes the dialed number when the call is sent to you.  That incoming call will match an exten => line in extensions.conf that matches the dialed number.
14:22.07mrchickenManxPower, yeah I read that
14:22.15mrchickenActually no I didnt
14:22.26ManxPowerWoifi1988: that is also wrong.  there is no such concept of "usable bandwidth" for the GSM codec.  Now the GSM Mobile Network uses the GSM codec as well as other GSM stuff.
14:22.27[TK]D-FenderFaustov: Yes, of course * can handle your 20+ providers of choice any way you get off your ass and configure it to use :)
14:22.54[TK]D-FenderFaustov: Here :
14:22.56jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF
14:22.56ManxPowerperhaps you mean "data over GSM cell phone", which really does not apply to Asterisk.
14:23.13FaustovManxPower: so the place to look would be /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf i see
14:23.21ManxPowerFaustov: correct.
14:23.30[TK]D-FenderFaustov: And here is a super quick SAMPLE guide :
14:23.34ManxPowerthe problem is that guis make the config files to complex that we can't support it.
14:23.38jboti guess gui is (Graphical User Interface) Any system that uses graphics to represent the functions of a program. All Windows operating systems are GUI. or point-and-drool, double-click, drag-and-drop, ... or at  Of course Real Programmers use the command line interface.  See cli
14:23.45jbot[trixbox] a full linux distro that includes FreePBX, and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox seriously painful to support and hence you will find little help here for it.  Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & WIKI at
14:23.57Faustov[TK]D-Fender: yeah i asked about that because i configured it properly via the web interface and it didnt work the way it was showing it was configured
14:24.07Faustovso i wondered if its actually possible
14:24.11Woifi1988ManxPower: Yes that's what i mean, because I think you have to decode the codec for use with gsm
14:24.27[TK]D-FenderFaustov: Then either it wasn't "correct" or the GUI isn't building the configs they way it should (or you THINK it should)
14:24.27ManxPowerWoifi1988: Asterisk does not support data over GSM.
14:24.36Woifi1988it's the csd concept
14:24.46[TK]D-FenderFaustov: My home server is connected to over 1/2 dozen other systems.
14:24.47Woifi1988ManxPower okay thanks
14:24.48*** join/#asterisk dlynes_laptop (
14:25.02Faustov[TK]D-Fender: must be the second one, so i'm gonna investigate extensions.conf now
14:25.28[TK]D-FenderFaustov: Of course.. you couldn't POSSIBLY have filled things out wrong...
14:25.42[TK]D-FenderFaustov: And that isn't where you should be looking...
14:25.46ManxPowerFaustov: go join #asterisk-gui and #AsteriskNOW
14:26.44Faustov[TK]D-Fender: i didnt mean to boast, it is just a plain simple line - from provider a connect calls to extension x
14:26.48Faustovand another line for b and y
14:27.08*** join/#asterisk akaast47 (i=0ca5bc82@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
14:27.08Faustovproblem was, if i set a to x then it connects both to x
14:27.19Faustovthen if i set a to y it connects both to y
14:27.33FaustovManxPower: i'm idling there waiting for a reply :)
14:27.49ManxPowerFaustov: where do you "set to a x"
14:28.07ManxPowerin the config files, not the GUI.
14:28.23FaustovManxPower: isn't that in extensions.conf?
14:28.36ManxPowerFaustov: that would depend on what "it" is that you are setting.
14:29.00Faustovit = incoming call rule
14:29.15ManxPowerFaustov: We don't know what an incoming call rule is, as asterisk has no such term.
14:29.37ManxPowerthat is a GUI term.  We don't know what setting that item modifies, nor how it modifies it, nor anything else.
14:30.02ManxPowerFaustov: you are wasting our time.
14:30.08akaast47I try to build an asterisk box. I want to know which version of asterisk is stable and which is recommended (1.2 or 1.4)?
14:30.16ManxPowerakaast47: both.
14:30.41ManxPowerakaast47: but 1.2 only gets security related bug fixes, no other fixes.
14:30.47agxrunning fxotune i always get x,0,0,0,0,0 as result; is that correct? shouldn't i get random values for the other values?
14:30.51*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
14:31.26FaustovManxPower: sorry, well can i try to explain? when there is a call from one number, i want it to be redirected to one extension and the other one to another extension
14:31.39FaustovManxPower: does that sound better?
14:32.02ManxPowerFaustov: And I told you, Asterisk does that by default.
14:32.24[TK]D-FenderFaustov: first off, that "call rule" is an invented BS term that refers to a BUNCH of crap it creates based on a cookie-cutter "theory" of how that kind of "provider" is supposed to "work".  Thus the term is MEANINGLESS and can't be trusted for anything around here.
14:32.26ManxPowerFaustov: you don't even know enough about asterisk to ask good questions.
14:32.59Faustovbut i'm trying to learn
14:33.02[TK]D-FenderFaustov: Big tip : ditch AsteriskNOW, pick a decent distro, install * yourself, and set it up yourself.
14:33.03ManxPowerSince you insist on trying to get support for a GUI here, I am putting you on /ignore.
14:33.36Faustov[TK]D-Fender: good idea, i'll do that
14:33.49ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: he is coming in after some moron that installed AsteriskNow or AsteriskGUI as a production server.
14:33.50Faustov[TK]D-Fender: which distro would you suggest?
14:34.08FaustovManxPower: no need to be rude
14:34.10Bladerunner05Using latest *, tdm400p, when I receive a call, if I hangup is ok, but if the caller hang up I see on cli hang up but the zap channel remains busy for 60sec. May I resolve this ?
14:34.15ManxPowerI would advise Faustov to tell the client "I cannot help you" and be done with them.
14:34.24[TK]D-FenderFaustov: CentOS or Debian would probably be the most popular choices.
14:34.37ManxPowerBladerunner05: what country are you in?  What carrier are you using?
14:34.53Faustov[TK]D-Fender: how about gentoo? Or are there any known issues with it?
14:34.55*** join/#asterisk tripps (n=ss@
14:34.56[TK]D-FenderFaustov: and as the most "baseline" distros would mean that your odds of getting specific help are much better as well.
14:35.06Bladerunner05<ManxPower>: IT, Telecom Italia
14:35.07*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jtregunn@unaffiliated/jer)
14:35.10[TK]D-FenderFaustov: ANY distro can run just fine if you can set it up.
14:35.18[TK]D-FenderFaustov: And install the dependencies
14:35.33ManxPowerBladerunner05: because you are on analog lines, you may have to put up with the 60 second delay.
14:35.55Bladerunner05<ManxPower>: How can I do this ?
14:36.11ManxPowerBladerunner05: I don't think you can resolve this.
14:36.28[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: ask your telco to enable "Call Disconnect Supervision"
14:36.46ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: he's in europe, I doubt his telco supports that.
14:36.57[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Doesn't hurt to ask.
14:37.15Bladerunner05There is something else other ask them ?
14:37.16akaast47[TK]D-Fender: Can you recommend a asterisk version too? I am interested too to build a new server?
14:37.23[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: Nope.
14:37.28ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: there sure many users with hopeless issues today.
14:37.34Bladerunner05Ok, I'll do that thanks
14:37.35[TK]D-Fenderakaast47: Latest Release version
14:37.44*** join/#asterisk pigpen (
14:38.19akaast47I need something stable and not to many features.
14:38.42[TK]D-Fenderakaast47: Go buy a 10$ phone from a pharmacy and get an analog line from your telco then.
14:38.48pigpenanyone know what processor is in the Asterisk Appliance 50?
14:39.16pigpenknow what speed?
14:39.24[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Is that a breed of tuna?  Sounds fishy to me...
14:39.40coppiceits a shark
14:39.53[TK]D-Fenderpigpen: Careful.... you've been warned...
14:39.54coppicemost ADI DSPs have sharky names
14:40.09Bladerunner05So ..... I attach fxo to my ISDN (analog) port....
14:40.21mockerDoes anyone have any headsets they recommend for Polycom phones?
14:40.21Bladerunner05If I use isdn card I get no problem
14:40.23[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: ....NO
14:40.26pigpenI have a Soekris 5501-70, and was planning to roll asterisk on my custom gentoo image...
14:40.35akaast47[TK]D-Fender: I didn't mean this kind of basic features... I just try to decide on what version of asterisk should I install
14:40.37Bladerunner05But the line is not analog..... is converted by nt1+ isdn adapter
14:40.44[TK]D-Fendermocker: Plantronics M22 + H261 Binaural.
14:41.30[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: Ok, so that BOX has to provide CDS.  Which basically says you're pretty screwed.  Get a BRI adapter instead.
14:41.40mocker[TK]D-Fender: Thans.
14:41.42mockerthanks even.
14:41.53akaast47[TK]D-Fender: I need to handle about 100  simultaneous calls
14:42.04Faustov[TK]D-Fender: i got another question, since i'm gonna have to learn voip/asterisk anyways - is there some good course ending with a certificate about voip and asterisk that you know?
14:42.11[TK]D-Fenderakaast47: plan x 100
14:42.44[TK]D-FenderFaustov: There is dCAP, but I don't know if it'd qualify as "good".  Cisco voice certs tend to lead to a lot of $$
14:43.06Bladerunner05<[TK]D-Fender>: So you think there is no way to allow tdm400 to hang up without delay ?
14:43.57Faustov[TK]D-Fender: oh, good, sounds great, but is it aimed at beginners like me?
14:43.59pigpen[TK]D-Fender, would you know why Asterisk Realtime (using postgres driver) would not work on asterisk 1.4.12 & 1.4.13 ?  (works fine on 1.4.11)
14:44.09pigpenThis bit me pretty hard the other day.
14:44.19[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: Not using some 2-bit ISDN > POTS adapter you have in your own place...
14:44.40[TK]D-FenderFaustov: Certs aren't AIMED at beginners :)  Thats what the BOOK is for.  Get reading...
14:44.53[TK]D-Fenderpigpen: nope....
14:45.13pigpenyeah..few people know much of anything about realtime..
14:45.22pigpenI will research a bit more...then open a bug if needed.
14:45.44Faustov[TK]D-Fender: you're wrong, cisco has a lots of courses for beginners, ending with certs. Question is, if the one you mentioned is like that as well
14:45.48Alan_HicksQuick question.  Anyone out there have a logrotate script for asterisk I might could borrow for my SlackBuild script?
14:45.57Faustov[TK]D-Fender: and no worries, the secretary is already ordering that book :)
14:46.11coppiceI've seen a number of beginners who should be certified
14:46.28akaast47[TK]D-Fender: Tell me which version of Asterisk I can use instead of ABE 1.2
14:46.33pigpenI seen several certified people that are beginners.  :)
14:46.42Faustovheh :>
14:46.50pigpenakaast47, 1.4.13 ?
14:46.53[TK]D-FenderFaustov: I'm not sure I'd qualify that as appropriate for "beginners.  Most cisco stuff tends to force you to know a lot more about networking in general that may be needed to be considered "beginner".  I've seen the forests they clear-cut for their printing press :)
14:47.10[TK]D-Fenderakaast47: How more times are you going to ask the EXACT SAME QUESTION?
14:47.26[TK]D-Fenderakaast47: Latest Release version <----------------
14:47.38*** join/#asterisk munmun (n=mun_mun@
14:47.52Faustov[TK]D-Fender: well i'll start off with the book then, thanks a lot for help!
14:48.03[TK]D-FenderFaustov: NP, and good luck.
14:49.27*** join/#asterisk ocgltd (
14:51.07ocgltdCan someone offer advise on an Asterisk - Meridian Option 61 connection setup?  I have a T1 connection (up and running), with PRI on top.  Although it communicates, protocol errors are causing calls to not setup.  I suspect I have something setup wrong on the Meridian.  (It is setup as a tie line, not trunk).  Anyone here setup a Meridian side of T1 for asterisk?
14:53.05*** join/#asterisk akaast47 (i=0ca5bc82@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
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14:53.36[TK]D-Fenderocgltd: make sure you are set right for CPE/NET and that your protocol matches.  then verify that your card is getting its own IRQ and not losing frames, etc.  From there place calls around with PRI debug enabled and see what you get.
14:54.39*** join/#asterisk MacWinner (
14:55.29MacWinnerany suggestion on a reliable IAX2 trunk peer?  i'm not looking for necessarily the cheapest rates.. cheap + reliable would be better
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14:55.56[TK]D-FenderMacWinner: Teliax , then VoicePulse Connect.
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14:56.07minteewhat is the most popular PRI protocol for asterisk?
14:56.12ocgltdI confirmed cpe-net is right, and framing ok etc.  An intense debug showed that the Meridian is trying to Invoke the Remote Operations Service Element (ROSE), which prilib can't seem to handle.
14:56.34ManxPowerocgltd: you already know what you need to do.
14:56.44[TK]D-Fenderocgltd: what signalling are you using?
14:57.02ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: he asked on -users and was answered.
14:57.10[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Oh.
14:58.05ManxPowerspecifically the Meridian he is connection Asterisk to has the port configured for ROSE, and Asterisk does not support ROSE.  He needs to turn off ROSE in the Meridian for that port.
14:58.13ocgltdNo actually...I posted a question on the usenet and got insight into the cause (as above)...but not the solution.  The bell tech tells me that he cannot disable and feature (eg: ROSE) on the PRI.  PRI is either on or off
14:58.29*** join/#asterisk jcmoore (n=jcmoore@unaffiliated/tgrman)
14:58.44ManxPowerocgltd: why is bell using a Meridian switch?
14:59.14ocgltdThe customer has a Meridian Option 61, and "Bell" maintains it.
14:59.17ManxPowerTelcos use DMS switches from Nortel, but never Meridian AFAIK
14:59.56ManxPowerocgltd: get someone that known Meridians to fix it for you.  you will NOT get Asterisk talking to a switch that expects ROSE no matter how many times you ask.
15:01.02ocgltdI'm early on the learning curve here - and can't find enough info on the wiki.  I'm hoping to better understand so that I can tell the Bell guy what to do....
15:01.47ManxPowerocgltd: Since Asterisk does not support ROSE, there won't be much information on it on the Asterisk related web sites.
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15:03.54ocgltdI suspect I'm approaching this the wrong way....I'm sure people have connected Asterisk to customer PBX's before.  In this case, the customer has a Meridian Option 61.  From my reading online, a T1 is the way to go.  But...does that mean the Meridian is using PRI commands that confuses Asterisk/prilib - so they will never talk?
15:04.39*** join/#asterisk lirakis (n=eric@
15:06.10*** part/#asterisk myiagy (n=myiagy@
15:06.31*** topic/#asterisk by russellb -> Asterisk: The Open Source Telephony Application Platform -=- Introducing Switchvox, Free Edition -=- Asterisk 1.4.13 (Oct. 10, 2007) Addons 1.2.8, 1.4.4 (Oct. 16, 2007) -=- Join #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW and Asterisk-GUI info -=- Join #asterisk-commits to monitor svn changes -=- Join #freepbx for freepbx/#trixbox for trixbox support.
15:08.28mintee4ESS, BRI, DMS100, EuroISDN (obviously not),  Lucent 5E (i'm going for that one because I'm a fan of lucent :P )   National ISDN2, or NFAS..
15:08.46[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: Comparison chart error : SOHO (Calling Methods) should be 4 of 4.  Pass it on.
15:08.47minteeI don't know what to choose..  CLEC is asking what we want
15:08.59minteeI'm located in South Jersey
15:09.01*** join/#asterisk khronos (
15:09.16russellb[TK]D-Fender: thanks, i'll take a look
15:11.24[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: "Online Tools" and "Switchboard" are somewhat redundant categories (double counting features)
15:11.37pigpenrussellb, do you have any knowledge or working with asterisk realtime, I seem to remember you nick
15:11.48russellbpigpen: i know nothing
15:11.53pigpensmart man.
15:12.05[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: Run Forrest, run!!!
15:12.06scooby2Is there anyway to check if an agent is available in another queue before transfering? IE: call comes into sales queue and sits for 2 minutes. Can it then check if someone is available in returns or credit queues? blindly transfering would not be cool especially since the sales queue is larger so someone would be available sooner.
15:12.27[TK]D-Fenderscooby2: No.
15:12.44scooby2didnt think so
15:13.35minteeanyone give me some insight on my PRI protocol question?
15:13.38scooby2so if a person goes sales, returns, credit, then back to sales they will be put at the back of the line correct?
15:14.12*** join/#asterisk irule (n=irule@
15:14.30pigpenmintee, NI2
15:14.45putnopvutscooby2: there's a way you can set a person's priority so that they'll not go to the back of the queue.
15:14.55putnopvutI just need to look up how :)
15:15.07Qwellumm, okay
15:15.08putnopvutirule: Hell yeah!
15:15.28putnopvutMy money's on "fell asleep on the keyboard"
15:15.32minteepigpen, eh...  ok.   got any kinda reason as to why you suggest that...    just curious?
15:15.53pigpenit is a very defined standard, and most people have no issues with it or supporting it.
15:15.55*** join/#asterisk wick2o (
15:16.04russellbputnopvut: or perhaps a small animal, such as a cat
15:16.12pigpenI am in San Antonio, TX...US standard....pretty much.
15:16.16Qwellor a large animal, such as a bear
15:16.16*** join/#asterisk hfb (
15:16.26minteepigpen, cool, doing a bit of research on it now.  thanks, that's all i needed was a start
15:16.39wick2oanyone have a recommeded place to buy phones that you know with work with asterisks's features?
15:17.03wick2othanks scooby2
15:17.14pigpenmintee, when in doubt, ask may take a few minutes...but there is allot of knowledge floating around here.
15:17.40wick2ospeaking of knowledge floating around, anyone familer with avaya merline systems?
15:17.48minteepigpen, yeah... that's why I'm here... just doing my best to not seem impatient;)
15:18.11pigpengood idea.
15:18.19[TK]D-Fenderwick2o: <- Polycom phones.  Far better pricing than VoIP Supply.
15:19.49QwellI told you it was a bear.
15:21.42*** join/#asterisk brent21 (
15:23.32brent21Hello all, I recently upgraded to the latest stable version of asterisk from 1.2 and noticed a minor/weird issue with voicemails being sent as e-mail.  Everything looks fine in the content of the email, however the email comes in 4 hours earlier than what it should be.  I have the time zone setup correclty in voicemail.conf
15:23.36badcfedoes a Transfer provide billing info like CDR(answer)
15:24.06badcfei talk about a call to the Transfer() app' in the dialplan ..
15:24.54[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: Well technically it throws the call OUT of *.  I would presume that iff the app clears, thent he call is "ended" and CDR should report that as the alst app and be done with it
15:26.11dukihello again,
15:26.13badcfe[TK]D-Fender: okay.  have you used the Transfer() app' ?
15:26.35[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: only a small handful of times, and never caring about CDR while doing so.
15:26.44*** join/#asterisk MacWinner (
15:26.57[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: That was a hypothetical analysis based on "common sense"
15:27.15dukiUnder linux and kernel 2.6.23, do I still nedd ztdummy for timer?
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15:27.37[TK]D-Fenderduki: If you don't have a Zaptel card, yes
15:27.59badcfe[TK]D-Fender: the thing im trying to do is to tranfer and when the transfered call ends, i want to be back with the transferee in dialplan executaion as before, eventually doing another transfer to yet another transfer target.
15:28.33[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: Where are you "transfering" with that?  And why on earth would it come BACK?
15:28.59[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: Sounds like you want to DIAL an outside resource and CONTINUE (option "g")
15:29.00badcfe[TK]D-Fender: well, when the tech is sip, is technically possible ..
15:29.03*** join/#asterisk galeras (n=Martin@
15:29.31[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: You should use Dial if you expect it back.  The point of "Transfer is to HAND OFF the call.
15:29.38MacWinnerso teliax charges $4.99/mnth to "receive faxes".. can i configure my asterisk box for this instead?  ie, shouldn't the faxes just look like regular voicecalls to teliax?
15:29.49badcfe[TK]D-Fender: yes, the problem with Dial is that i want a re-negotiation of the media between the caller and the ultimate target to take place.
15:30.13[TK]D-FenderMacWinner: No. Fax over VoIP = BLEH.  Prepare for failure & disappointment
15:30.34MacWinneroh, didn't realize that
15:30.34*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
15:30.36badcfe[TK]D-Fender: as far as i have experienced it is not good to have a back-to-back ua if you want sip nego' details to go well in cases like nifty g729 details for example.
15:30.36[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: What kind of renegotiation?  Reinvite?
15:31.05badcfe[TK]D-Fender: re-invite would be good, but with asterisk out of the way (sorry)
15:31.08MacWinner[TK]D-Fender: does it matter whether it's an incoming fax vs outgoing over VoIP?  or are both equally bad
15:31.22[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: Do you normall allow reinvites?
15:31.33[TK]D-FenderMacWinner: Of course not.
15:31.34duki[TK]D-Fender: Ok, I have not Zaptel, but there is something strange here,
15:31.46dukimoh works fine except
15:31.57[TK]D-Fenderduki: MoH does not REQUIRE Zaptel.
15:32.01dukiI have some warning in the CLI
15:32.03duki[Oct 31 16:23:22] NOTICE[8202]: res_musiconhold.c:531 monmp3thread: Request to schedule in the past?!?!
15:32.14*** join/#asterisk jsaunders (n=nevermin@
15:32.16[TK]D-Fenderduki: Because you're using MPG123.
15:32.29[TK]D-Fenderduki: That is a "safe to ignore" warning most of the time
15:32.30badcfe[TK]D-Fender: thing is that re-invite may well let the media go outside asterisk, but i want more.  i want the SDP nego' to be re-done _bypassing_ *
15:32.36russellbwell, if you install zaptel, that warning will go awayy
15:32.42coppiceMacWinner: if your VoIP uses something like G.729 it can never ever carry FAX. if it uses G.711 is can occassionally carry FAX, depending on wind direction, phase of the moon, etc
15:32.53[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: Ok, you're way outside my scope of understanding then.  Give it a shot :)
15:33.37MacWinnercoppice: so when can you use fax reliably with VoIP?
15:33.51anonymouz666never, I think
15:34.06coppice100% reliable - use T.37
15:34.07coppicemostly reliable - use T.38
15:34.52duki[TK]D-Fender: Okay, I'll ignore it, but each time this message is displayed, the music stops 2 fractions of seconds, still normal and I ignore it?
15:34.58[TK]D-FenderBetter reliable : Us a bloody dedicated analog line.
15:35.15[TK]D-Fenderduki: install Zaptel as advised and see if that helps.
15:35.23denonjust bring your fax PRIs into a as5300 and do t.37
15:35.25denoninsanely reliable
15:35.30coppiceT.37 will match the analogue line
15:35.52duki[TK]D-Fender: Okay,  thank you a lot.
15:36.11*** part/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@
15:37.08ai-acoppice: 100% reliable fax over VoIP ?
15:37.22coppiceT.37 is fax over e-mail
15:38.11coppicepeople don't like its because its "not real time", as if any other faxing is
15:38.15ai-aour idsn lines are a-law. but the normal fax machines are very reliable though that. however asterisk pukes. why would that be ?
15:38.44coppiceBRI or PRI?
15:39.01*** part/#asterisk lirakis (n=eric@
15:39.21coppicethat should be OK, if configured properly. the various forms of BRI support all suck, and give lots of trouble
15:39.25*** join/#asterisk ghento (n=ghento@
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15:40.03ai-awe were doing fax machine --> ata --> asterisk --> e1 card ---...  even ata to ata failed.
15:40.16ai-anow we've put in analogue lines for outgoing and useing spandsp for incomming -> printer
15:40.23coppiceATAs normally fail when faxing
15:40.28MacWinnercoppice: ahh.. so i would use asterisk confirgured with some fax gateway provider?
15:43.39brent21Does an asterisk server need to be set to UTC or does asterisk provide the time zone correction and recognize if a server is setup for a different zone?
15:49.10*** join/#asterisk agallo (
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15:51.45Corydon76-digbrent21: yes
15:54.02*** join/#asterisk asdx (
15:54.10*** join/#asterisk geminidomino (n=ciro@
15:55.17geminidominoCan anyone offer any insight on why an initial context might not register an entered extension?
15:55.23asdxcan you recommend me a hosting for asterisk?
15:55.38asdxa dedicated one
15:55.50*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
15:55.54Mw3ai-a: do you have irq loss on your zaptel card?
16:00.13[TK]D-Fendergeminidomino>Can anyone offer any insight on why an initial context might not register an entered extension? <--- makes no sense.  Please completely reword that...
16:00.58geminidominobasically, it's starting at 's' instead of at _X.
16:01.15geminidominoFrom what I've read, that behavior indicates no extension was entered
16:02.02*** join/#asterisk Toerkeium (i=oo@
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16:02.41s34ngeminidomino: do you mean to say that you specified an extension with the register command in sip.conf?
16:02.59s34ngeminidomino: but incoming calls are not using that extension?
16:03.25[TK]D-Fendergeminidomino: Where is this call coming in from?
16:03.56geminidominoThe other end of the zap channel.
16:04.49[TK]D-Fendergerphimum: huh?  What kind of interface?
16:04.51ai-aMw3: irq loss ? - even internal ata to ata fails.
16:05.15geminidominoThe basic setup is the zaptel channels are set as tie lines to our telrad. I dial a code into the telrad, get a "simple switch" on the zap, and dial the extension. The dialplan then executes as if the extension was blank
16:05.26*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
16:05.42[TK]D-Fendergeminidomino: Sounds like an ANALOG line to me.  That about right?
16:06.03[TK]D-Fendergeminidomino: What signalling?
16:06.11geminidominoe&m wink
16:06.14sylein 1.2.x ztdummy was needed as timing source, still needed in 1.4.x?
16:06.26_x86_or a real timing devize
16:06.29[TK]D-Fendergeminidomino: that doesn't do DIDs.  thats what PRI is for.
16:06.34*** join/#asterisk Op3r (n=edwin@
16:06.53[TK]D-Fendersyle: ZTDUMMY isn't needed as a timing source, but its usable as one...
16:08.00s34n[TK]D-Fender: you need a timing source for meetme and such, though, right?
16:08.10[TK]D-Fenders34n: Correct.
16:08.26*** join/#asterisk keith4 (n=keith@lust.CC.Lehigh.EDU)
16:08.43s34nsyle:  ^^^^^
16:08.45keith4can someone point me to a guide for enterprise-scale asterisk implementation?
16:09.50geminidominoargh. then why did he have me set it up that way... this makes no sense. It WAS working.
16:12.29DandreI want to upload a greeting message for an extension voicemial. What should be the filename for it?
16:14.17[TK]D-FenderDandre: go look in the voicemail folder and find out.
16:14.25asdxif i buy a dedicated server, can i attach fxs/fxo cards?
16:14.50asdxor is there a solution for doing this?
16:16.06*** part/#asterisk Edwin_Quijada (n=macaruch@
16:16.23jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF
16:16.51DandreI have /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/6000/[greet, INBOX, temp, tmp, unavail] but no file in greet
16:17.18[TK]D-Fenderasdx: What is a "dedicated server"?  Your terms are dangerously vague.
16:17.41coppicea nun
16:19.22keith4maybe a butler
16:19.34[TK]D-Fenderkeith4 : possibly
16:19.57coppicebutlers aren't dedicated. they are only in it for the money
16:20.13keith4be sure to duct-tape the mouth before adding fxs/fxo cards, though. they tend to be screamers
16:21.18*** join/#asterisk edwin_quijada (
16:21.39edwin_quijadaSomebody has problem using for cdr
16:23.34keith4edwin_quijada: do you have a question?
16:23.58edwin_quijadaYes! I had have problem trying to make this module
16:24.17edwin_quijadawhen asterisk start it doesnt load this module
16:24.39edwin_quijadaI followed the info en voipinfo
16:24.53edwin_quijadabut asterisk cant load the module
16:25.08[TK]D-FenderEdwin_Quijada: and when you try to load the module MANUALLY, what happens?
16:25.27edwin_quijada[TK]D-Fender: I didnt
16:25.30dukihi {
16:25.31*** join/#asterisk cpina (
16:25.36edwin_quijadaI dont know how to load manually
16:25.48[TK]D-FenderEdwin_Quijada: module load [module]
16:26.10edwin_quijadathis from cli or SO?
16:26.23[TK]D-FenderEdwin_Quijada: * CLI
16:26.32edwin_quijadalet me see
16:26.54cpinawe have a b410 card, and after install all leds are always blinking in red
16:27.19cpinaeven after plug the idsn cable
16:27.42[TK]D-Fenderduki: np
16:28.29edwin_quijada[TK]D-Fender: No such command 'module' (type 'help' for help)
16:28.48blitzrageedwin_quijada: if you're on 1.2, then just use "load <module>.so"
16:28.50[TK]D-FenderEdwin_Quijada: Do it again without "module in front"
16:29.38MacWinnercan every aspect of asterisk be configured with the CLI?
16:29.43Alan_HicksI'm trying to setup a simple voicemail system.  It apparently saves incoming voicemails properly, but I can't seem to login to my mailbox.  I keep getting an invalid login, even though I *know* I put in the correct password.  Here's my voicemail.conf:
16:30.07edwin_quijada[TK]D-Fender:  Oct 31 12:28:12 WARNING[25334]: loader.c:326 __load_resource: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
16:30.48[TK]D-FenderEdwin_Quijada: Looks like if you have PG instaled properly the .SO isn't in the right place.
16:30.56[TK]D-FenderEdwin_Quijada: make sure to run ldconfig
16:31.13edwin_quijada[TK]D-Fender: Ok
16:31.18edwin_quijadaI do it now
16:32.54*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
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16:33.19edwin_quijadaRun ldconfig and I get the same error
16:33.51keith4do you have postgres installed?'
16:33.57[TK]D-FenderEdwin_Quijada: Google up your distro and see about where its placing the PG SO
16:34.32Alan_HicksAny ideas guys?  This has got to be something simple and stupid that I'm doing wrong.
16:36.20blitzrageAlan_Hicks: did you reload the voicemail module?
16:36.21Alan_HicksThink I figured it out.
16:36.41blitzrageand I think the CLI command to see mailboxes is "voicemail show users"?
16:36.46Alan_Hicksblitzrage: Yeah.  VoiceMailMain() is looking in the [default] context, not my [main-vm] context.
16:36.50edwin_quijadakeith: yes I installed from source
16:36.57edwin_quijadai am using debian
16:37.00blitzragegotcha:  VoicemailMain(100@main-vm)
16:37.14keith4edwin_quijada: why not use the packaged version?
16:37.18blitzrageyou need to specify the VM context or else it uses default
16:37.20Alan_HicksIss the 100@ necessary?
16:37.24keith4that's the main selling point of debian...
16:37.31Alan_HicksYeah, I figured it was something stupid and simple.
16:37.33blitzrageno, you can just do VoicemailMain(@main-vm)
16:37.37agalloTo use g729 in passthru both peer and sip-providers need to have canreinvite=yes ?
16:37.42edwin_quijadakeith4: because it doesnt have the 8.2.5 version
16:38.14blitzrageagallo: not necessarily -- asterisk should be able to passthrough the media as long as it doesn't have to do anything with it (meaning audio can still go through asterisk)
16:39.02edwin_quijada[TK]D-Fender: Pg SO are in /usr/local/pgsql/lib
16:39.16*** join/#asterisk Katty (
16:39.41agalloblitzrage, so if i get "cannot translate from alaw to g729" means 1 of the sides does not support g729? (there is NAT between them :-P)
16:40.03blitzragemeans one side is negotiating to alaw, and asterisk is trying to transcode
16:40.05keith4edwin_quijada: 8.2.4 isn't good enough for you?
16:40.08blitzragewhich it can't do without a license
16:40.15blitzrageif both sides negotiated to g729, then it should work
16:40.16pifhi, how can I make a queue ignore "302 redirect" from sip devices ? (ie: not forward calls)
16:40.44*** part/#asterisk nny (
16:40.51edwin_quijadakeith4: really no
16:41.05keith4i find that hard to believe
16:41.12edwin_quijadakeith4: but i cant add this
16:41.39edwin_quijadakeith4: the problem is that i cant remove again by app that I have runninf
16:41.53keith48.2.4 is in testing. you're probably running stable. ask in #debian if you want more info
16:41.58edwin_quijadait is so difficult back
16:42.13keith4but, since you compiled it yourself, the module is probably not where asterisk expects it
16:42.25keith4which is what [TK]D-Fender is getting at, I beleive
16:42.45edwin_quijadaasterisk cant get from ldconfig?
16:47.13agalloblitzrage, damn you'll never believe the provider sends invites with different codecs inside!
16:48.00blitzrageyes, I do believe that -- providers could support more than 1 codec
16:48.31agalloblitzrage, i was getting crazy sometimes them send only alaw available sometimes ilbc,gsm sometimes whole list of codec :)
16:51.25[TK]D-FenderEdwin_Quijada: You may want to check your ldoconfig file to make sure that path in in there..
16:51.49*** join/#asterisk jlfs (
16:52.11jlfsanyone ever use * with gr-303 signalling, * as the network side of the gr-303 link, and not receive dialtone on the gr-303 CPE end?
16:52.14*** join/#asterisk asdx (
16:55.17asdxi have a computer running linux and i want to setup asterisk there, no problem with this, but is there a entity or some company that can offer me the interconnection to PSTN/POTS lines?
16:55.41asdxbecause im not sure if i will be able to install fxs/fxo cards in the server
16:56.10s34nasdx: have you considered atas?
16:56.53s34nasdx: less than USD100 per line
16:57.21asdxs34n: nice, i will see that, thanks
16:59.09s34nasdx: maybe not such a good solution for connecting to your service provider, though
16:59.36asdxs34n: is there another solutions?
16:59.55s34nasdx: how many lines to your provider?
17:00.13jlfsok, anyone ever done gr-303 with asterisk at all?
17:00.52asdxs34n: the idea is to basically make calls from the pbx to any part of the world...
17:01.21asdxs34n: i think i will need a lot of lines
17:01.39s34nasdx: 20? 100?
17:01.48asdxs34n: probably 20 or 100
17:01.57asdxs34n: 100
17:02.15s34nasdx: individual fxs/fxo cards are not the solution
17:02.24asdxs34n: yeah
17:02.30s34nasdx: a T-1 card is not the solution
17:02.42s34nasdx: quad T-1 card maybe
17:03.30s34nasdx: If you are in a situation where you want to connect 100 or so outside lines, but can't add a card to the pbx...
17:03.46asdxs34n: im in that situation
17:03.50s34nasdx: you seem doomed to failure, anyway
17:04.34asdxs34n: so i need to set up a server locally and install the card myself?
17:04.45[TK]D-Fenders34n: entirely not so.
17:05.05[TK]D-Fenderasdx: If you can't add a card, get a SIP>PRI gateway like an AudioCodes Mediant series
17:05.46asdx[TK]D-Fender: ok
17:05.47s34n[TK]D-Fender: I'm not concerned about the tecnology
17:05.48asdx[TK]D-Fender: thanks
17:06.25[TK]D-Fenders34n: You said he was screwed without being able to add a card for the # of PSTN connections he wants.  That jsut isn't the case.
17:07.04[TK]D-Fenders34n: And his question is ENTIRELY about technology.
17:07.04s34n[TK]D-Fender: I'm concerned about the lack of ability to control the project
17:07.04[TK]D-Fenders34n: Not having the ability to add a card isn't the end of the world.
17:08.19edwin_quijada[TK]D-Fender: i did ldconfig -v -n /usr/pgsql/lib
17:08.34[TK]D-Fendertristanbob: Upends... LOL... Doesn't look like anything more than you get with Trixbox...
17:08.44[TK]D-Fendertristanbob: marketing_hype++
17:09.24[TK]D-FenderEdwin_Quijada: I have given as much advise as I am able to with my experience.  If that was not enough then you'll have to continue elsewhere.
17:11.33keith4edwin_quijada: make your life easier, you the package managment features of debian. don't build postgresql yourself
17:12.31badcfe[TK]D-Fender: hello again.  im into this Transfer() business.
17:12.31keith4wow, put "should use" in there somewhere... don't know what happened there
17:13.01[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: s/you/use
17:13.15keith4that works, too
17:13.23keith4but why use 1 word, when 3 will do?
17:16.52pifhi, how can I make a queue ignore "302 redirect" from sip devices ? (ie: not forward calls)
17:17.16pifit used to be that way in 1.2, didn't it?
17:17.17Strom_Mpif: "i" flag
17:17.27Strom_Mpif: "core show application queue"
17:17.27pifthe i flag?
17:17.57pifahhhh, thanks!
17:17.59badcfewhen i do Transfer() then asterisk takes the channel into some "monitor" mode apparently.  the sip gateway where the incoming call (from transferee) comes keeps the call-leg that continues walking in the dialplan, but it also accomplishes the transfer.  the result is that i have two media streams coming into this transferees gateway.  it gets confused and tries to mix it, but the problem is that its not a good DJ.
17:19.09*** join/#asterisk stimpie (
17:19.39ai-aHave Asterisk connected to an E1 line via a Sangoma A101c card.  Works fine. However, we wanted the echo cancellation card (A101D).  Upgraded the card but its failing to work on the E1 line.  Sangoma guy has checked the versions and are now saying they will do development on our box to try and work out the problem.
17:21.35*** join/#asterisk moonlighter (
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17:21.50Strom_Mai-a: that's....unsettling.
17:22.22Strom_Mthey want to do dev work on your production system?
17:22.44ai-anar, we got a spare machine they will play with.
17:22.56Strom_Mah, ok
17:23.42Strom_Mbut but but but
17:23.43ai-alive system has the a101c, a101d is in another box they can do what they want with.. when its 'fixed' we'll swap the cards and test the new wan version i guess.
17:23.53Strom_MI thought Nothing Ever Goes Wrong With Sangoma(tm)
17:24.07ai-aHeh, then we shoudl always be on v1.0 :)
17:24.37ai-avery strange bug. guy said it usually works, something 'different' with our lines. However, should still work.
17:24.49ai-aIf th 101 works, the 101d should.
17:24.56Strom_ME1 is E1 is E1
17:27.18asdxin case if you use any hosting service for asterisk: what is a good one?
17:27.47*** join/#asterisk adeel (
17:28.06asdxi would like to get one with the choice for installing the distro i want from scratch
17:28.35ai-aasdx: china or russian seem best.. right.
17:30.26asdxai-a: you mean servers from china or russia?
17:30.39moonlighterswitchbox is pretty cool. had never head of it
17:30.46ai-aasdx: i was hinting that a local service to you might be best.
17:30.56moonlighteris it a complete replacement of freepbx plus a lot more
17:31.22mvanbaakit's a virus
17:31.49moonlighterswitchvox i meant ;)
17:32.24Qwellmoonlighter: switchvox is a Linux distro which includes a very robust GUI
17:32.52*** join/#asterisk joe-f (n=joef@
17:32.58joe-fhow do you disconnect from the daemon?
17:33.02Strom_Mit is robust and gooey
17:33.09Strom_Mand delicious
17:33.13joe-fie - the opposite of "asterisk -r"
17:33.20Strom_Mjoe-f: "exit"?
17:33.21Qwelljoe-f: exit?
17:33.26Qwellor quit
17:33.28joe-fi wasnt sure if that kills it
17:33.35moonlighterQwell: thanks! is there going to be some merging between switchvox and trixbox?
17:33.35Strom_M"stop now" kills it
17:33.45joe-fk didnt want to screw it up - thx
17:34.12*** join/#asterisk soulfreshner (
17:34.33Strom_Mmoonlighter: considering that trixbox is not a digium product, I doubt it
17:34.36moonlighterStrom_M hahah
17:34.53moonlighteroh.. they just bought switchvox
17:35.05Strom_Mnot trixbox
17:36.28moonlighteroh right! sorry
17:36.36tristanbobswitchvox is digiurm's answer to trixbox (a competitor)
17:37.10tzangerI thought that was *now
17:37.12soulfreshneranybody know why I have this annoying click sound about every .5 seconds or so on when I phone out on my x100p clone card
17:37.19tristanbob*now has a basic GUI
17:37.19*** join/#asterisk techie (
17:37.23soulfreshneraside from the fact that it's a crappy card
17:37.25moonlightertristanbob: just what i was going to ask.. so it's more of a competition as opposed to a complementing piece
17:37.26tristanbobswitchvox has a rich GUI
17:37.52moonlightertristanbob: i'm impressed by the screenshots
17:37.53tristanbobI expect they will merge asteriskNOW with switchvox eventually
17:38.01tristanbobtoo many similarities confuses customers
17:38.16Strom_Mi'm going to play with switchvox...considering that switchvox has been a polished commercial product developed in-house while trixbox is "lol let's put the kitchen sink on a CD," I expect switchvox to be far nicer :)
17:38.24bmdtristanbob: the difference beween AsteriskNOW and Switchvox is the target customer
17:38.38bmdAsteriskNOW is for people who want something they can hack on and modify
17:38.49bmdSwitchvox's primary goal is usability
17:39.07moonlighterseems like the free switchvox is a bit of a "trial" product
17:39.13bmdUse AsteriskNOW for yourself, give Switchvox to your grandma
17:39.34tristanbobfree switchvox is proprietary, but free for 15 lines
17:40.15tristanbobbmd: you are probably right about that
17:40.30tzangeris switchvox full of mysql+astdb+conffiles mish-mashed about everywhere
17:40.35SweeperHELLO FROM DUBAI
17:40.49tristanbobtzafrir: not sure
17:40.52adeeli have a polycom 601 that is acting erraticly...i've tried using the restoring to factory defaults, but i wasn't able to get it there any way to remotely restore to factory defaults?
17:40.56*** join/#asterisk agx (
17:41.09Sweeperdamnit my sleep schedule is gonna be screwed
17:41.16KattySweeper: that sucks!
17:41.20KattySweeper: why's it screwed?
17:41.55Sweeperbecause I just flew from EST to GMT+3 :v
17:42.38orkidHOT PANTS!
17:42.53*** join/#asterisk tripps (
17:43.47KattySweeper: meesha.
17:43.49J4k3biker shorts!
17:44.07moonlighterSweeper: asterisk configuration job in dubai?
17:44.25dukiI downloaded an official frech voice zip file, and unzipped it in /var/lib/asterisk/fr (contains also digits directory),  but when I get a voicemail, the person speaks in french except for digits. I put in [general] section of sip.conf language=fr.
17:44.37Sweepermoonlighter: no, in baghdad ;)
17:44.45dukiwhy the digits are still in english?
17:46.56Corydon76-digduki: do you have languageprefix=yes in asterisk.conf?
17:47.18moonlighterSweeper: ouch! watch yourself!
17:47.37soulfreshneranybody here ever experience the problem?
17:47.38dukiCorydon76-dig: I'll check it, one moment please.
17:48.43*** join/#asterisk Ritzerisk (n=Ritztech@
17:49.25jlfsanyone use gr-303?
17:50.14*** join/#asterisk flujan (
17:50.41flujanhi guys, can I use asterisk to place and receive encrypted calls?
17:50.49flujanfrom the softphone to the pbx?
17:51.08DrAk0[Oct 31 13:50:42] WARNING[66144]: chan_iax2.c:7372 socket_process: Call rejected by No authority found
17:51.17dukiCorydon76-dig: I added languageprefix=yes in /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf, restarted asterisk, but no success, still the numbers are in english while the normal text is in french.
17:51.36DrAk0duki, check folders
17:52.02dukiDrAk0: don't understand :(
17:52.22DrAk0duki, check in sounds folder that fr/ is where it is meant to be
17:53.36dukiDrAk0: the defautl path (installed by asterisk) is:
17:53.41agxblitzrage, i'm trying to have the device avoid transcoding; after invite i've "combined - 0x108 (alaw|g729)" while during the call progress i'm getting spammed by a lot of "chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type 8, while native formats is 256 (read/write = 256/256)" (asterisk 1.2)
17:53.48dukiand there I added fr
17:54.10dukiin fr I put the sounds with their proper directories,
17:54.18twistednice... asterisk is blocking on playback
17:54.19DrAk0duki, yes but check that /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/digits/fr
17:54.19dukiexample digits, silence, and so on
17:54.22blitzrageagx: right -- that means it's trying to transcode when it can't
17:54.33blitzrageagx: the order of "allow" in sip.conf matters
17:54.42dukiDrAk0: Ol on moment
17:54.48blitzragethe top one is going to be preferred over the ones below it, so put g729 at the top of the list
17:57.59agxblitzrage, yes indeed its: disallow=all, allow=g729, allow=alaw .. could be the SIP provider that is bugged?
17:58.13blitzrageanything is possible
17:58.37Kattyi don't suppose there's a way to tell a polycom phone their call-info bit without setting up ftp/tftp is there?
17:59.00[TK]D-FenderKatty: That does not parse...
17:59.07*** join/#asterisk nightrid3r (
17:59.24Katty[TK]D-Fender: <alertInfo voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.1.value="Ring Answer" voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.1.class="4"/> <- i want to do THAT without ftp/tftp
17:59.30Katty[TK]D-Fender: no go?
18:00.03[TK]D-FenderKatty: Yes, you MUST have that configured for the phone.
18:00.13[TK]D-FenderKatty: And it is not ready by default.
18:00.31Katty[TK]D-Fender: and i have to use tftp or ftp to do that?
18:00.48[TK]D-FenderKatty: Any format that your model supports.
18:00.54*** join/#asterisk c0rnflake (n=c0rnflak@
18:01.01*** join/#asterisk bantu (
18:01.22Katty[TK]D-Fender: then i guess the question is, is there anyway to edit a 501 without setting up ftp. (=
18:01.32Katty[TK]D-Fender: cause i can't see any option like that via its ip.
18:01.58[TK]D-FenderKatty: you can't do it any other way than through provisioning.
18:02.10agxblitzrage, full sip log + debug :)
18:02.20blitzrageagx: sorry, someone else will have to look at it
18:02.30*** join/#asterisk duki (
18:02.32*** part/#asterisk Dandre (
18:02.42ai-aasterisk just stopped.  asterisk -r fails to connect,, asterisk restart failed to stop some as its stopped.. see ( what logs should i view to find reasons for the quitting of the service ?
18:03.10agxblitzrage, n.p.
18:03.19edwin_quijadahow can I restrict a dial for an area code numbers?
18:03.45edwin_quijadaexample: I dont wanna dial 973 numbers?
18:04.05[TK]D-FenderEdwin_Quijada: Make sure your extens don't MATCH that pattern then.
18:04.11[TK]D-FenderEdwin_Quijada: Chapter 5 <---
18:04.12agxedwin_quijada, exten => _973.,1,Playback(pbx-invalid)
18:04.14jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF
18:04.36edwin_quijadathks! That just I needed
18:05.25agxedwin_quijada yw :)
18:05.45edwin_quijadaagx: Thks!
18:07.01*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (n=tzafrir@
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18:18.36dukiThanks for the person helpt me for the french voices.  It works now. Just don't remeber it because I was disconnected.
18:19.53[TK]D-Fenderduki: That'd be DrAk0
18:21.05Kattyjbot: ftp?
18:21.06jbot$1: ftp is File Transfer Protocol. RFC-[too-lazy-to-look-FIXME]. Also, <greycat> FTP MUST DIE.
18:21.14Kattyjbot: provisioning?
18:21.26Kattyjbot: how do i setup an ftp server for my polycoms!!! :< link!
18:21.36Kattydestructure: thanks :>
18:21.57Alan_HicksWhat do I need to read up on to impliment a paging system with asterisk assuming all my phones are SIP and have speakerphones?
18:22.09Alan_HicksWould this best be done with Meetme()?
18:23.21KattyAlan_Hicks: we use meetme, and auto answer.
18:23.21*** join/#asterisk generalhan (
18:23.34generalhanhey all !
18:23.45Kattyhi han!
18:23.48Kattydid you bring me a cookie?
18:23.51duki[TK]D-Fender: Yes it was.
18:23.58dukithanks DrAk0.
18:23.59Kattyjbot: firmware?
18:24.00jboti heard firmware is hardware that is beginning to melt  Firmware for GrandStream phones is at
18:24.10Kattyjbot: polycom firmware?
18:24.10jbotrumour has it, polycom firmware is
18:24.12generalhanits halloween, dont you get candy today, not cookies?
18:24.18Alan_HicksIs auto answer part of Asterisk?  I'm not finding it anywhere in the book.  Could this be a property of the phones?
18:24.18Kattythere we go!
18:24.39KattyAlan_Hicks: you set call-info to auto answer or ring answer.
18:24.58KattyAlan_Hicks: not sure about /all/ the phones, but the polycoms you provision via ftp/tftp and set the info in sip.cfg
18:24.59[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks: Depends if your phone supports AutoAnswer.  If so, then that + "show application page" <----
18:25.06generalhani need a little help with logging into the manager API. i wrote a little script to connect and its spitting errors at me saying that the remote computer is "actively refusing" the connection ??? anyone seen this ?
18:25.19dukiDrAk0, the completion doesn't work with your name (alias), I get destructure .
18:25.49[TK]D-Fenderduki: try matching with more than 1 char then :p
18:26.01Kattyjbot: there's a lot of files in there, which one do i need :<
18:26.11duki[TK]D-Fender: Yes, perfect.
18:26.14Alan_HicksKatty, [TK]D-Fender: Thanks.  I'm using Polycom 320s.
18:26.33[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks: Then read any of the dozen guides out the showing how to set this up on the WIKI.
18:26.50Alan_HicksWill do, just wasn't sure what to look for specifically.
18:27.03destructuregeneralhan: is your asterisk server binding to a particular addr?  can you telnet to the port?
18:27.03Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
18:27.10KattyNugget: Nugget is evvvvvillllll
18:27.17Kattybut pleasantly nice.
18:27.24destructureor netcat
18:27.31KattyNugget: help!
18:29.41*** join/#asterisk genz (
18:29.43generalhanno i cannot telnet to it ... and i replaced the bind address from to the private IP of the server and still the same results
18:30.13genzIs there a way to trigger an email when a red alert occurs in chan_zap?
18:30.16generalhana lot of violence going on in here today !
18:30.24Qwell~lart generalhan
18:30.24jbotkeeps mailing generalhan free America Online CDs until he drowns
18:30.43generalhanjbot: no
18:30.54generalhanLOVE that thing !
18:31.04QwellI had no cookies
18:31.11Kattywell now you certainly don't have any, do you
18:31.28QwellI had negative cookies.
18:31.48twistedcookie theif!
18:32.00Kattytwisted: just wait till i thief YOU
18:32.05twistedi wish you would
18:32.20Katty[TK]D-Fender: so, erm. i need the Bootrom right?
18:32.31Katty[TK]D-Fender: soundpoin tIP bootrom thingy.
18:32.32[TK]D-FenderKatty: No, just the SIP firmware
18:33.04Katty[TK]D-Fender: version 1.6.2 sound about right?
18:33.12twistedi have cookies
18:33.18[TK]D-FenderKatty: EW!
18:33.19Kattytwisted: i wan cookies :<
18:33.24[TK]D-FenderKatty: ANCIENT
18:33.34Katty[TK]D-Fender: i don't see any newer ones in this directory!
18:34.10jlfsanyone run gr-303?
18:34.14tzafrirgenz, hmmm... not right now. But I'm sure you can add a patch to trigger a manager event from there
18:34.19Kattytwisted: we're getting rid of jager )=
18:34.30Kattytwisted: either this thursday or friday.
18:34.32Kattytwisted: teh pup.
18:35.32Kattytwisted: mew?
18:35.36asdxok im getting the asterisk tar.gz file for compile/install on slackware, where should i look next for configuration stuff?
18:35.40Kattytwisted: i like mews :>
18:35.58asdxany recommendations?
18:36.18Kattytwisted: fuzzies?
18:36.31twistedi suck at jbot
18:37.26*** join/#asterisk spatulamaan (n=ggilmore@
18:37.30asdxok, i'll take a look at the wiki, thanks twisted
18:37.52twistedholy crap
18:37.58[TK]D-FenderKatty: Why are you getting rid of your dog?
18:37.58twisted78.1g of 250g remaining
18:38.02twistedi should clean up my filesystem
18:38.07[TK]D-FenderKatty: And go ask your reseller for the current firmware.
18:38.35Katty[TK]D-Fender: k.
18:38.44Katty[TK]D-Fender: also, ryans sister wants him for their two kids.
18:39.02*** join/#asterisk atomicd (
18:39.23genzAny Digium folk in the room? does a 404-error when you click "Asterisk Support Forum" on the Support page.
18:40.01Qwellgenz: thanks, I'll pass it along
18:40.07[TK]D-FenderKatty: The automatic answer is F-OFF and get your own!
18:40.48twistedyay...i injured myself.
18:41.03Katty[TK]D-Fender: eh...
18:41.08Katty[TK]D-Fender: i was getting tired of him anywya.
18:41.13Katty[TK]D-Fender: he's hyper and chews things >.<
18:41.15[TK]D-FenderKatty: *gasp*!
18:41.22twistedno you can't have a puppy... not. yours.
18:41.24Katty[TK]D-Fender: like a DOG
18:41.44[TK]D-FenderKatty: z0mg!
18:41.55Katty[TK]D-Fender: i KNOW
18:41.58Katty[TK]D-Fender: what /was/ i thinking
18:42.01Katty[TK]D-Fender: oh WAIT
18:42.09Katty[TK]D-Fender: i wasn't the one who WANTED IT in the FIRST PLACE
18:42.19[TK]D-FenderKatty: You psychologist told me to call him if you tried going back there...
18:42.34Kattywho? what?
18:42.40[TK]D-FenderKatty: So he's the "dog guy"?
18:42.48Katty[TK]D-Fender: mew? ^_-
18:42.57[TK]D-FenderKatty: indeed
18:43.10Katty<bkw> NEXT!!!
18:43.57twistedmusic on hold whilst i watch the leopard install bar
18:44.27[TK]D-Fendertwisted: Overhead music while I load up at the open bar ;)
18:45.09Qwellopen bar, and you're on IRC?
18:45.21[TK]D-FenderQwell: WHEE!!!!!
18:47.12destructuretwisted: good luck.  I hope it's not an upgrade
18:47.27Kattyi wnat an open bar
18:47.28twisteddestructure: it is... i've been through one already, but it only took like 45 minutes
18:47.32twistedand that was on a g4 powerbook
18:47.33Katty[TK]D-Fender: adopt me.
18:47.34Katty[TK]D-Fender: NOW
18:47.39twistedthis is dual g5 2.7g
18:47.52destructurethe neat next to me went 0 for 3 on successful installs
18:47.56destructureneat? team
18:48.04Qwelluser error
18:48.11[TK]D-FenderKatty: Canuckianship awaits you!
18:48.12destructureI'm 0/0
18:48.13twisteddyxlexia AND spelling issues.
18:48.15destructureoh shi-
18:48.21twistedi'm 1/1 right now
18:48.25QwellI'm 1/0
18:48.30twistederr eait
18:48.40twisted1 for 1 == all successful
18:48.46QwellI mean I've done 1 install successfully, out of 0 tries
18:48.59twistedyou can't do it without trying!  logic error!
18:49.05QwellWatch me!
18:50.12twistedsomeone got null routed...
18:50.48*** join/#asterisk inv_arp[work] (
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18:52.53*** join/#asterisk GreggB (n=GreggB@
18:54.21_x86_null routes lolz
18:54.48twistedthe ultimate bannination
18:55.57destructurenullroute, the banninator!
18:58.27twistedquick, it's a flood, everyone get out!
19:00.42*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
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19:04.28twistedETR: ~3hrs
19:04.37twistedbut on a MUCH SLOWER machine, it was less than an hour
19:04.47Qwellwelcome to Apple.
19:04.58twistedmuch slower, with less ram even
19:05.12*** join/#asterisk harryv (
19:05.53harryvhello. first i tried to set language with Set(LANGUAGE()=da), then i got this:
19:05.54harryv[Oct 31 19:58:06] WARNING[430]: func_language.c:61 language_write: LANGUAGE() is deprecated; use CHANNEL(language) instead.
19:06.14harryvso now my dialplan got a exten => _XXX,1,Set(CHANNEL(language()=audioguiden))
19:06.18harryvwhich gives this:
19:06.22twistedso do Set(CHANNEL(language)=blah)
19:06.27harryv[Oct 31 20:04:05] WARNING[430]: func_channel.c:138 func_channel_write: Unknown or unavailable item requested: 'language('
19:06.32twistedright, see above.
19:06.51twistedyou have too many parens, and in the wrong places
19:07.24harryvah, yeah.
19:07.26*** join/#asterisk Shaun2222 (
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19:07.41twistedahh much better
19:07.46Shaun2222whats another good iax trunk provider, other than voicepulse?
19:07.48twistedETR ~30m
19:08.05*** part/#asterisk lirakis (n=eric@
19:08.42*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
19:09.42De_Monhow do you get from use CHANNEL(language) to CHANNEL(language()=foo)
19:10.05harryvno friggin idea.
19:10.44harryvbut it's rather stupid.
19:11.04twistedstupid mistakes are what makes youtube fun sometimes
19:12.22Shaun2222De_Mon: in 1.4 it's Set(CHANNEL(language)=<lang>) according to a wiki..
19:12.42twistedlevel3 floodin by inbox
19:12.44*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
19:12.52[TK]D-Fenderharryv: Get me the name of your supplier.. thats some good stuff you're on ;)
19:12.52Shaun2222with what?
19:12.58*** join/#asterisk willmore (
19:14.12De_MonShaun2222 whats your point?
19:14.33*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
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19:15.37Shaun2222De_Mon: nothing really, it's somewhat back to CHANNEL(language)
19:16.00De_MonYes, CHANNEL(language) is correct see my oringinal response -- how do you get from use CHANNEL(language) to CHANNEL(language()=foo)
19:20.23hmmhesayswhere does exim get the from domain it uses when you send an email with asterisk voicemail
19:20.45De_Monwhy are you asking #exim questions in #asterisk?
19:21.10Shaun2222hmmhesays: by default it's the hostname of the machine usually.
19:21.29hmmhesaysI'm trying to figure out how to change that
19:21.57twistedlook in voicemail.conf
19:21.58Shaun2222hmmhesays: your just trying to change the from address?
19:22.14Shaun2222hmmhesays: if so that can be changed in the voicemail.conf serveremail = ''
19:23.58*** join/#asterisk af_ (
19:27.10[TK]D-FenderI always read that as Severe Mail and think that I am doing something wrong :)
19:27.40willmoreAre there any suggestions as to an inexpensive USB device that acts as an FXS which can be used with Asterisk?
19:28.26*** part/#asterisk techie (
19:28.37[TK]D-Fenderwillmore: lNONE.
19:28.39willmoreWonder how hard it would be to design one with a USB PIC.
19:28.58[TK]D-Fenderwillmore: Just buy an ATA and be done with it.
19:29.02willmoreGuess the ring voltage generation, etc. would be the hard part.
19:29.25willmoreATA, I'n new to Asterisk and I don't know acronym in this context.
19:29.45jlfsanyone ever seen this: ioctl(ZT_LOADZONE) failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
19:29.51jlfsin the context of PRI termination?
19:30.03willmoreThanks.  I'll go educate myself.
19:30.36[TK]D-Fenderwillmore: Plugs into your LAN and lets you use 2 analog phones as distinct SIP devices.
19:31.06willmoreyep, that's the way to do it.
19:31.17*** part/#asterisk galeras (n=Martin@
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19:32.06willmore[TK]D-Fender, thanks.
19:33.56*** join/#asterisk iamthelostboy (
19:36.20mockerIs there a way w/ automon to get some type of 'Recording' message played to the person who does *1 ?
19:37.40[TK]D-Fendermocker: I think it sends off an AMI message which you could capture and use to Originate a call with a local channel + ChanSpy
19:37.46[TK]D-Fendermocker: hac++ :p
19:42.10willmore[TK]D-Fender, am I reading this right, the SPA2102 has two RJ11 jacks, but they're bridged and only represent one line?
19:42.30dukiIn mailbox:  the voice of the woman  is perfect, but the messages I leave myself for an other user (all in LAN) or very bad.  If I record my voice with arecord and listen to it with aplay, it is really clear even with mono and 8k.  What could wrond in my config?  codecs?  I tried both twinkle and ekiga, without any change of quality.
19:43.05[TK]D-Fenderwillmore: No, they are fully independant
19:43.11willmoreRoger.  Thanks.
19:43.30[TK]D-Fenderwillmore: So 33$ per distinct port.
19:43.33willmoreGuess the admin guide from Linksys is incorrect.
19:44.36willmoreThe Linksys ATA administrators guide says the device has one 'configurable voice line'.
19:45.07Kobazanyone have any info on getting polycom 400 phones working with asterisk?
19:45.08willmoreAnd that the RTP300 (which I have the Vonage branded version of) has two--which I know are independent.
19:45.14willmoreSo, I was confused. :)
19:46.57*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
19:47.17willmoreI'm moving into a new house, soon, and I'm looking into going with an Asterisk PBX--as I've wanted to do so for some time.  So this move is sort of a kick in the pants to actually do it.
19:47.36[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Polycom IP 400 is ANCIENT, and I think the last sip it supports is 1.4.2 or so.
19:47.51[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Are you already stuck with these or are you considering buying them?
19:48.19willmoreOkay, off to do more reading.  Thanks, again, [TK]D-Fender.
19:48.27[TK]D-Fenderwillmore: np
19:49.41[TK]D-Fenderduki: What codec are your calls using?
19:50.29duki[TK]D-Fender:   in asterisk or in soft phones?
19:51.27*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
19:51.45Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: we have a few, and it would be nice to get them going
19:52.01[TK]D-Fenderduki: they are the SAME.
19:53.15[TK]D-FenderKobaz: My condolences.  I don't even HAVE a 1.4 guide anywhere...
19:53.30[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Earliest is 1.5.2 and that doesn't support the 400
19:55.03brookshire   <--- digg it :)
19:56.17QwellJ4k3: feel free to rewrite it all
19:57.47*** join/#asterisk mrtelephone (
19:57.47GreggBKobaz: you're not talking about the Polycom IP 4000 are you?
19:57.55mrtelephoneanyone get dns srv lookups working on a cisco ata186?
19:58.31mrtelephonehey alpha
19:58.53alpha232l/wii mrtelephone
19:58.57alpha232er mornin
19:59.02alpha232can't type for crap today
19:59.24twistedfa;lskdjfa;lkwhi4v; oqui2222222222222222222ruk.d/`1
19:59.28J4k3Qwell: I suspect I'm just not 'getting' something...  I'll have some hardware here later today to begin learning on.
19:59.30alpha232yep pretty darn close
19:59.30mrtelephonecisco says _sip._udp.<domain> and ata186 will do srv lookups
19:59.55fujin_What's switchvox?
20:00.22alpha232So since there are more people here,   BRI card for NI1 that works with Asterisk and doesn't cost me an arm or leg
20:00.25dukiin ekiga, I have list of codecs in this order: gsm, speex, ilbc  and son on ...,  and
20:00.49Strom_Malpha232: NI1 BRI on asterisk doesn't exist as far as I can tell.
20:00.58dukinow I just added
20:00.58alpha232Strom_M: well there is a Diva card
20:01.08generalhanbah, this manager API stuff is not much fun
20:01.15dukiand it is really strange now,
20:01.24alpha232Strom_M: which does NI1 with a U interface but is like 700-800
20:01.28dukiThe woman voice is not very clear
20:01.53[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Ok, I've gone as low as SIP 1.2 and can't find a version that supports the IP 400....
20:01.55dukiand the message I leave in the voicemail is very clear.
20:01.55Strom_Malpha232: and that works with asterisk?
20:02.01alpha232Strom_M: supposedly
20:02.11Strom_Malpha232: says who?
20:03.03generalhananyone here that has written an app to interface with the manager API, wanna lend me some expertise ??
20:03.17alpha232  4. BRI cards known to work with asterisk   -
20:04.16outtoluncgeneralhan: as always, ask your question, if someone knows the answer and has time, they will answer
20:04.27florzgeneralhan: my best advice: Look for an alternative.
20:04.53*** join/#asterisk allankardec (
20:05.02Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: hmm
20:05.05Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: :(
20:05.15KobazGreggB: nope, the 400
20:05.33[TK]D-FenderKobaz: How'd you end up with them?
20:05.43Strom_Malpha232: that likely refers to the euro version; i don't know if you can get asterisk to talk the necessary protocols for NI1
20:05.50generalhanouttolunc: its not really a question, more of "how did you get it done to do XYZ" i used the C# example and that works just fine for connecting to the API, but then when i try to send another command like Action: Originate the console does nothing. i get no response back from the server and no error
20:06.05Kobazour sales guy knows someone who has a bunch laying around, we picked up a few... if we can get them working we can get a bunch more for free
20:06.23[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Ask for your money back :p
20:06.30Kobazwhat money, heh
20:06.33Kobazthey were all free
20:06.36alpha232Strom_M: hmm... supposedly the "magic" of the diva series is that presentation is 100% uniform across all card/port types
20:06.41jbothmm... cheap is a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
20:06.42generalhanAll i want to do is figure out HOW to send the commands, then i will start working on making it do what i want it to
20:06.45alpha232Strom_M: oh well i'm fscked
20:06.48[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Sorry, forgot the closing tag </sarcasm>
20:07.05Strom_Malpha232: it might be worth a look
20:07.07alpha232Strom_M: I need cheap, can't afford anything else
20:07.24outtoluncsounds like you didn't grab the response from the first command
20:07.38alpha232Strom_M: I just love having ISDN quality at home... though if testing out across my lan is any suggestion - i might not like voip
20:07.44Kobazis that the only problem though, that they use a ungodly old version of sip?
20:08.15generalhanouttolunc: yea, i did ... and i just realized why it wasnt working ... i missed the double return at the end of the command ... so now i AM getting a response but its a permission denied response. im just trying to Originate a call for now
20:08.16outtoluncthe best way to learn manager interface interaction is to just telnet to it and run the commands manually
20:08.23alpha232Strom_M: I was using the installed demo and it was muddled and slightly distorted but i'm connected over 100mb to the server
20:08.39Strom_Malpha232: that's the GSM codec talking
20:08.46generalhanouttolunc: so now at least i know WHY its not working ... i just need to figure out how to correct the permissions issue
20:09.02alpha232Strom_M: ahh
20:09.07Strom_Malpha232: you should spend a few dollars on an ITSP account before you go spending $1000 on an ISDN solution
20:09.21KobazISDN = I still don't need
20:09.26alpha232Strom_M: lol   well this is just for my home
20:09.39alpha232Kobaz: you ever used ISDN for voice?
20:09.49Kobazyeah, it's okay
20:09.57alpha232Kobaz: when talking end to end digital, you could hear an angel fart
20:10.00[TK]D-FenderKobaz: 1.5 is ungodly old.... and 1.2 doesn't support the IP 400....
20:10.04Kobazyou're better off with something fatter though
20:10.09[TK]D-FenderKobaz: You're odds just plain suck.
20:10.44Teln12100ISDN = It Still Does Nothing
20:10.54alpha232Teln12100: lol it does for me
20:11.13Teln12100but is it worth it :-)
20:11.25alpha232well i save about $15 a month
20:11.33Braxusanyone know off hand what's the max entries (or KB) a polycom 501 can handle?
20:11.50alpha2321S0 is slightly cheeper than 2DS0
20:11.50[TK]D-FenderBraxus: in terms of the directory?
20:12.03[TK]D-FenderBraxus: Umm... WHY? :)
20:12.16alpha232Teln12100: plus call setup/breakdown time are lightning fast
20:12.22Braxusjust curious... think I read somewhere that there is a limit.
20:12.27alpha232Teln12100: and answer/disconnect supervision is flawless
20:12.42alpha232Teln12100: all things you need for a good IVR/AA
20:12.42Braxuswhich you can somewhat extend if you allow the phones to store it in volatile RAM.
20:13.00*** join/#asterisk thx2000 (
20:13.51JTTeln12100: ISDN does a lot actually
20:13.59JTa lot more than analogue
20:15.10[TK]D-FenderBraxus: its kludgy and should only be used for USER directory purposes, not CORPORATE
20:15.39*** join/#asterisk el_critter (n=chatzill@
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20:17.09el_critterI'm running asterisk 1.4.11 (compiled) on a debian machine, I just installed spandsp on .deb to be able to use app_rxfax and app_txfax but "make configure" shows a dependency problem on spandsp, as if it wasn't installed. Can anyone help me with that?
20:18.38*** part/#asterisk mrtelephone (
20:20.49agxel_critter, plz use my version and use spandsp 0.0.4pre10
20:21.17alpha232Strom_M: you were right about the GSM encoding
20:21.49mcabKobaz: what BootROM are the IP400s running?
20:22.26alpha232Strom_M: what's interesting... is if i tell it GSM only, i get the error Oct 31 16:21:54 NOTICE[7164]: chan_sip.c:3708 process_sdp: No compatible codecs!
20:22.34Kattyjbot: firmware?
20:22.34jbotmethinks firmware is hardware that is beginning to melt  Firmware for GrandStream phones is at
20:22.40Kattyjbot: polycom firmware?
20:22.41jbotrumour has it, polycom firmware is
20:22.46Strom_Malpha232: perhaps your phone doesn't support GSM
20:22.52Kattyjbot: why don't they have the current version :<
20:22.52jbotwhy not?
20:23.08el_critterai-a: ok, give me a moment
20:23.17el_critteragx: let me check
20:23.23alpha232Strom_M: mayb,e  it's xlite so who knows
20:23.35alpha232Strom_M: it's hard to find a free - full featured sip soft phone
20:23.42ai-ael_critter: not just for me, i have no idea. just error messages are useful for somethings.
20:24.05MavvieI totally missed this option in cdr.conf: usegmtime=yes ;log date/time in GMT
20:24.23Kattyalpha232: you tried zopier yet?
20:24.32Kattyalpha232: sorry, coming out of the wood work here, dunno what you're talking about :P
20:25.25[hC]So, i know polycom takes a long ass time to upgrade and boot... however in my office it takes up to 8 or 9 minutes. I have one site where the things (every one of them) take about 30 minutes.   What can severely slow that process down?
20:25.31[TK]D-FenderKatty: Go get SIP 2.2.0 from your vendor
20:25.38disa-helpso i have a pretty interseting problem
20:25.43disa-helpthat i've ran into a couple times now
20:25.51disa-helpcalls getting into the queue, but not going out to extensions
20:26.02disa-helpusing any sort of ring strategy
20:26.13disa-helpprettttty annoying
20:26.25Kobazmcab: don't know at the moment, the phones are with the sales guy
20:26.30agxel_critter, send me a PM i'm wathching Rome vs Lazio :-P
20:26.37*** join/#asterisk Tagor (
20:27.29mcabKobaz: if it's 2.x or better, you *can* actually run 4.0 and 2.1.2 on them (although Polycom will laugh at you if you want support). I would *strongly* discourage trying that with a production phone though...
20:27.31TagorIs there a way to call 2 persons and connect the first person that picks up the phone to a meetme conference
20:27.46*** join/#asterisk af_ (
20:28.03alpha232Tagor: so you want an outbound meet me call?
20:28.09*** join/#asterisk mrtelephone (
20:28.17[TK]D-FenderTagor: Go lookup "call files" and "AMI Originate" on the WIKI
20:28.19mrtelephonedid I get booted?
20:28.20jbotwell, wikis is
20:28.24Tagoralpha232 >> Yes. Actually the meetme conference is just a number
20:28.29mrtelephoneCisco ATA186 DNS SRV lookups anyone?
20:28.30Katty[TK]D-Fender: i will i will, just let me complain
20:28.31Katty[TK]D-Fender: kthx.
20:28.39alpha232Tagor: well meetme is more than just a number
20:28.53TagorI know about the call files, but how do I drop the second call if one pick ups the phone?
20:29.21alpha232Tagor: it sounds like you are trying to impliment a "ring group"
20:29.24[TK]D-FenderKatty: Don't forget to nag, bitch, whine, whimper, and cry too.... you don't win Emmys for poor drama :p
20:29.32Tagoralpha232 >> I know, but actually what I want is call two outbound numbers and dial an internal number when one of the two picks up the phone
20:29.53Katty[TK]D-Fender: oh, right.
20:30.06[TK]D-FenderKatty: NO!!!!!
20:30.14[TK]D-FenderKatty: It needs to sound NATURAL!
20:30.15*** join/#asterisk moa_ (
20:30.23alpha232Tagor: on the outbound side ?
20:30.24*** join/#asterisk oej (n=olle@
20:30.34alpha232Tagor: what kind of channels?
20:30.56*** join/#asterisk NW1234 (
20:31.04NW1234hello all
20:31.11alpha232Tagor: is this 2 outbound SIP's or 2 outbound POTS?
20:31.25moa_Anyone have any suggestions for CDR management software?
20:31.31Tagoralpha232 >> The outbound side is a SIP provider
20:31.42Tagoralpha232 >> Yes, two outbound SIP's
20:31.51[TK]D-Fendermoa_: Notepad
20:32.09alpha232Tagor: hrrm dunno it does pose an interesting idea though, maybe you could use somthing like  that
20:32.16[TK]D-Fenderok, heading home, later all
20:32.22mockermoa_: asterisk-stat
20:32.36alpha232Tagor: in reality dial() is dial() be it an extension or sip provider
20:32.49alpha232yes no?
20:32.56*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
20:33.10moa_Thanks mocker, I'll take a look at it
20:33.57Tagoralpha232 >> sorry, I do not understand, what do you mean?
20:34.18Tagoralpha232 >> I just read the forum thread but they actually just call several numbers
20:34.46Tagoralpha232 >> What I want is call 2 or 3 numbers and connect that person to an internal number. The other calls should be dropped imidiately
20:34.46alpha232Tagor: without describing a single feature in Asterisk, tell us in plain english what you're trying to do
20:35.04Tagoralpha232 >> Ok, let me explain what I want to do:
20:35.16NW1234I am new here, and I would love if one of you guys out there could help me out a bit. I'm looking for a device to connect two phone lines together, so that I will be able to call in to line number 1 from anywhere and get a dial tone on line number 2 after entering a password. Why I need it? I have a Voip line at home which gives me international calls for a fixed monthly rate. Now, I would... to take advantage from this even when I'm not home by calling in to my regular line and get a dial tone on my voip line. I'm not sure what I'm even lookin for, so please be so kind and give me a lead. Please note: I can have an adater for the voip line so that it should look like a regular pstn line to the device (I guess)
20:36.13Tagoralpha232 >> I want to call a few thousand numbers. All these numbers have to be called. But we do not want to wait while the phone rings. So when a person is not talking it should call 3 numbers and connect the first one that answers the phone to that person
20:36.46alpha232uhh huh
20:36.50alpha232thats what I thought...
20:37.06mockerTagor: Predictive dialer?
20:37.09mockerTagor: vicidial
20:37.46Tagormocker >> I searched for predictive dialer. But there only seem to be commercial options for Asterisk. I prefer a solution with asterisk instead of buying third party software
20:37.48alpha232or build a custom app to "capture" the agent side
20:37.57mockerTagor: Vicidial.
20:38.12mockerTagor: Open source, built on asterisk.
20:39.17alpha232mocker: that looks like CTI
20:39.21*** join/#asterisk CBU[^_^]M`` (n=love@
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20:39.29mockeralpha232: CTI?
20:39.29Tagormocker >> I just see it's indeed open source. But I prefer to make a custom app. Though I would like what options I can use to build this app
20:39.43disa-helphow do i reload the dialplan in asterisk 1.2 cli?
20:39.50alpha232mocker: computer telephony intergration
20:39.57mockerTagor: Prepare to spend a long time then, predictive dialers aren't easy.l
20:40.10alpha232mocker: the ability to control your phone from a computer
20:40.16mockerYou have to deal w/ answering machine detection, an agent interface, etc..
20:40.36Tagormocker >> Well actually it should be easy. It should just check wether one of the persons answered and then hangup all other calls
20:40.55mockerTagor: Actually you need to look at the laws on this.
20:41.05alpha232mocker: he smells like a telemarketer and hasn't even mentioned do-not-call lists so most likely either doesn't know the business or is intentionally fly by night
20:41.06mockerBecause it's required that you stay on the line until a greeting is finished.
20:41.11mockerYou can't just drop calls.
20:41.13mockerIt's illegal.
20:41.13Tagormocker >> Answering machines don't have to be detected. The agent can hangup manually with pressing a key
20:41.27NW1234would anyone here please help me, pleae
20:41.49jbotmethinks question is If you have a question and want people to give useful answers, make sure you have read this first:
20:41.58Tagormocker >> Why would it be illegal?
20:42.12mockerTagor: There are laws on telemarketing.
20:42.19Tagormocker >> The two persons that don't pickup on time will be called the next day
20:42.39Tagormocker >> Then we have strange laws in the Netherlands as a lot of companies use that :P
20:43.04mockerTagor: Good luck.
20:43.08Tagormocker >> So I am not allowed to call a person and hangup the phone if the person doesn't answer after the phone rang 2 times?
20:43.13mrtelephonehow do you test DNS SRV entries
20:43.15mockerTagor: Nope.
20:43.34alpha232Tagor: not with an automated dialer
20:43.42Tagormocker >> So if I now call you. Let your phone ring 2 times then hang up the phone then I get in jail? :P
20:43.52Tagoralpha232 >> How does one know it's an automated dialer?
20:44.33alpha232Tagor: just wait for someone to report your phone number for crank calls
20:44.48alpha232Tagor: your SIP provider will shut you down in a heartbeat and send the law after you
20:44.54TagorWe don't ring the person ten times a day. Just 1 time on day
20:45.07Tagoralpha232 >> Actually in our country this isn't permitted
20:45.40TagorBut ok, I was actually asking how to do this with asterisk and not how about the laws
20:45.48alpha232Tagor: if I got 3 hangups from the same number, no matter if its across 1 day or 1 week
20:46.18alpha232Tagor: you would need a custom built app because you want to be ignorant of the laws
20:46.25mockerTagor: Anyway, vicidial is built for this.  There are also commercial products (spitfire, aspect, etc..)
20:46.27NW1234after searching the web, reading manuals and trying to get an answer from many site, I come to you folks for a real answer to my question... Please, don't let me down
20:46.35alpha232mocker: aspect ROFFFLES
20:46.36mockerIf you write your own, good luck!
20:46.44*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
20:46.45alpha232mocker: their ACD/IVR rox
20:46.55alpha232mocker: but their outbound telemarketing is pendantic
20:46.56k31thwhat is oslec like compared to hardware ec ?
20:46.56mockeralpha232: You've used it?
20:47.13alpha232mocker: i've built out and run an aspect call center system yes
20:47.20mockeralpha232: I'm about to go through that.
20:47.24TagorActually I was asking for some tips to make this
20:47.24mockerWish me luck. :)
20:47.36TagorSo does anyone know how to make a custom app for this?
20:47.41alpha232mocker: how many seats, and how many BHC
20:47.51TagorI don't ask for a script, just some commands that might help me further
20:48.16alpha232Tagor: as i said before,  dial() is as dial() does
20:48.22outtoluncTagor, by taking the time to look at the existing OS ones you can see 'how they do it'
20:49.16mockeralpha232: Depends, we have ACD and outbound agents, etc..
20:49.31mockeralpha232: But I'm looking forward to learning more about aspect.
20:49.37alpha232mocker: one of the perks of aspect is that it treats outbound like inbound
20:49.37mockerIt *sounds* nice. ;)
20:49.50alpha232mocker: the hardware is flawless but expensive
20:50.13mockerThat's good to hear.
20:50.19alpha232mocker: i don't like their softphones, the wedges arn't bad but the old hardware phones couldn't be beat
20:50.20mockerHow's it integrate w/ asterisk?
20:50.28alpha232mocker: never did it :)
20:50.41alpha232mocker: I was back before VOIP was commercially viable
20:51.00alpha232mocker: we had T1's back to back running across the floor to cross connect some legacy switches :D
20:51.31mockeralpha232: Did you go to their training course?
20:52.14alpha232mocker: yes, down in virginia
20:52.28alpha232mocker: there is a PF Changs right around the corner, great food
20:52.41Qwellalpha232: we're about to have one right around the corner here :D
20:52.45Qwellthat's going to be awesome
20:53.43alpha232it's not cheep but it's good stuff
20:54.17Qwellit's not really expensive either
20:54.28Tagoralpha232 >> Ah, I first didn't understand what you meant with using dial(). But if I understand correctly and you ring 3 numbers using dial then the other calls got dropped when one asnwers, right?
20:54.51Qwellstill trying to figure out when they're going to open..  probably a few months still
20:54.51alpha232I guess, why don't you read up on it...
20:54.54NW1234PLEASE DONT FLAME ME FOR MY NEWBIE QUESTION :-) - I am new here, and I would love if one of you guys out there could help me out a bit. I'm looking for a device to connect two phone lines together, so that I will be able to call in to line number 1 from anywhere and get a dial tone on line number 2 after entering a password. Why I need it? I have a Voip line at home which gives me international ca
20:54.55NW1234lls for a fixed monthly rate. Now, I would love to take advantage from this even when I'm not home by calling in to my regular line and get a dial tone on my voip line. I'm not sure what I'm even lookin for, so please be so kind and give me a lead. Please note: I can have an adater for the voip line so that it should look like a regular pstn line to the device (I guess)
20:56.01mockerNW1234: The device could just be asterisk.
20:56.20codefreezeNW1234: easy stuff with an asterisk server, I agree.
20:56.31NW1234but that would mean running a dedicated computer for the task, right?
20:56.36mockerYou should check w/ your provider if they will give you a SIP login, then you could just register Asterisk and throw up an IVR that lets you dial out from it.
20:56.52codefreezeNW1234: yep
20:56.55NW1234and a huge box for a simple task, isnt it?
20:57.13codefreezeGrab an old tottering pc and use that.
20:57.15*** join/#asterisk javb (n=javb@
20:57.46NW1234but i would love it to be a small device that will go in my closet with my router and modem, is that even possibe?
20:57.47mockerNW1234: Or look at embedded devices, but that nills the cost savings on long distance pretty quickly.
20:57.52*** join/#asterisk blq (
20:58.49mockerNW1234: If you're feeling really adventurous you could look at something like
20:58.51*** part/#asterisk myiagy (n=myiagy@
20:59.27*** join/#asterisk variable_office (
20:59.50variable_officehow can i record a call?
21:00.00mockervariable_office: *1
21:00.04NW1234as i mentioned im totally new to pbx stuff. what am i looking for? a pbx or an ip pbx?
21:00.13mockervariable_office: features.conf
21:00.32mockerNW1234: You should probably start out with the book.
21:00.34jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF
21:00.44mockerwalk before run, etc..
21:00.51NW1234i thank you so much
21:00.54NW1234you are the best
21:01.02mockergood luck, and welcome to the community. :)
21:01.08NW1234thank you so much
21:01.17NW1234it was a nice welcome indeed :-)
21:02.48*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
21:03.25TagorIn my call files I have this: Channel SIP/0123456789@sipprovider
21:03.32TagorIs there a way to call more than one number?
21:03.44TagorLike using a & in the dial() command
21:04.16TagorSo for example; Channel: SIP/0123456789@sipprovider&SIP/00000000@sipprovider
21:04.28TagorKatty >> I wasn't asking about the dial command
21:04.32TagorI was asking about call files
21:04.33[TK]D-FenderTagor, No, you originate more than 1 CALL.
21:04.58alpha232is there a public asterisk server where I can try a remote echo?
21:05.08[TK]D-Fenderalpha232, try FWD
21:05.29TagorOk, thanks [TK]D-Fender, then I guess I have to search a way to pass this info to a dial command
21:05.55*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jtregunn@unaffiliated/jer)
21:06.12[TK]D-FenderTagor, you DON'T.  Multi-dial to PSTn = ICK.  Progress detection, etc will screw stuff up.  What exactly are you trying to do with that?
21:06.33outtolunche wants to reinvent the wheel <G>
21:06.57*** join/#asterisk grandpapadot (
21:06.58fujin_MAKING IT MORE ROUND??
21:07.05Tagor[TK]D-Fender >> Creating a predictive dialer
21:07.33Tagor[TK]D-Fender >> In other words; call 3 numbers, hangup two numbers when one answers the phone
21:07.33grandpapadotIf qualify is turned of on a sip peer behind NAT, what keeps the connection 'alive'?
21:07.41*** join/#asterisk dijungal (n=kdaniel@
21:07.43[TK]D-FenderTagor, Oh, in that case, BURN IN HELL TELEMARKETING SCUM! :p
21:08.03Tagor[TK]D-Fender >> Pfff, thanks mate! :P
21:08.23[TK]D-FenderTagor, You're welcome!
21:08.31J4k3hell, thats half the reason why I run asterisk...
21:08.37dijungali'm a telemarketer
21:08.39TagorI will add your number 1000 times in the database ;)
21:09.08J4k3robot dialers...
21:09.08J4k3now, with asterisk, robot dialers sit and talk to my IVR and eventually hang up.
21:09.08dijungali use asterisk to take inbound calls.. and also to run the office phones between two centers in two countries.. so blaaa: P
21:09.56TagorI use asterisk to make money :P ... I think I am the most honest person here :P
21:10.39dijungalok guys my how do i send a beep to my agents before they get the call?
21:11.21JerJerhey peeps, lets get the word out...  please digg:
21:11.36grandpapadotI have a location that for some reasons the 12 sip peers (polycom 501's) randomly go UNREACHABLE.  My sip.conf qulify=3000.  The network ping times are < 100ms consistently.  I have over 100 peers on this asterisk server with no other peers experiencing this behavior.  We've eliminated the firewall by putting them behind simple NAT on a device that we know works well.  It could be the ISP I guess somehow, but I'm looking for other opinions.  Than
21:11.39Tagordijungal >> Depends on what you are doing, you might use meetme which beeps before a call is connected
21:12.19mockerIs it different than the free version switchvox had?
21:12.42dijungali'm using Queues -> agents setup
21:12.49dijungalqueue.conf agent.conf
21:13.52variable_officeinstead of hitting *1 can you just make it record automatically?
21:14.17tzangerwhat's the name of hte gui conf software digium bought not oto long ago?
21:14.35bmdtzanger: yes
21:14.54mrtelephonecan you guys help me out
21:15.00mrtelephoneI have a hex string and I need the 29th bit to be 1
21:15.14mrtelephonethe string is 0x00060400
21:15.35JerJermy brain hurts
21:17.42mrtelephone4294967296 32 bit integer max value?
21:17.59J4k3err warms = worms
21:19.05JerJerprolly more like a thud for my big head
21:19.36tzangerJerJer: werd
21:22.34tzangerwell fine fuck you too jerjer.  :-)
21:23.10mrtelephone00010000000001100000010000000000 whats that in hex?
21:23.39tzangermrtelephone: little or big endian?
21:23.48mrtelephonethe one that starts from the right
21:23.50*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
21:24.01[TK]D-Fendermrtelephone, Depends... whats THAT figure in? :)
21:24.01mrtelephoneboth would be cool
21:24.24tzangerwell take it in nybbles
21:24.27mrtelephone0000000000001100000010000000000 is suposed to equal 00060400
21:24.39tzanger0001 0000 0000 0110 0000 0100 0000 0000
21:24.40mrtelephoneand I need a 1 at the 29th bit
21:25.08grandpapadotI have a location that for some reasons the 12 sip peers (polycom 501's) randomly go UNREACHABLE.  My sip.conf qualify=3000.  The network ping times are < 100ms consistently.  I have over 100 peers on this asterisk server with no other peers experiencing this behavior.  We've eliminated the firewall by putting them behind simple NAT on a device that we know works well.  It could be the ISP I guess somehow, but I'm looking for other opinions.  Tha
21:25.59tzangergrandpapadot: you got cut off after "other options"
21:26.04tzangergrandpapadot: but honestly... packet dumps
21:27.50alpha232how long should it take for FWD to show me as registered
21:28.42mrtelephonetzanger, what if it was going the other way?
21:28.57tzangermrtelephone: well then work it out backward
21:29.04alpha232i'm getting NOTICE[7268]: chan_iax2.c:7520 socket_read: Registration of '872868' rejected: 'Registration Refused' from: ''
21:29.19tzangerif they're endian backward again
21:29.37mrtelephone0000 0000 0000 0110 0000 0100 0000 1000
21:29.42tzangeryou aren't giving us anywhere near enough data
21:29.58mrtelephonecisco isn't giving me much either
21:30.59*** join/#asterisk remmo (n=junk@
21:32.15mrtelephonethey are saying connect mode is 0x0060400 and change the 29th bit to 1 to enable srv lookups
21:33.25mrtelephonebits 8-12 default is 4 which is 0100
21:34.30alpha232hrrrm anyone here using FWD?
21:35.26*** part/#asterisk fskrotzki (
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21:46.19mrtelephonei said piss on it and set everything to 1
21:46.32mrtelephonewhat a super piss off
21:48.16*** part/#asterisk Bladerunner05 (
21:48.24alpha232mrtelephone: aww come on it's easy
21:48.34mrtelephoneno its documented wrong guaranteed
21:48.39Qwellcisco is middle-endian
21:49.04*** join/#asterisk drwelby (
21:49.13alpha232Qwell: not many understand that term
21:49.48alpha232Can you say EBCDIC
21:49.53fujin_lol, middle endian.
21:50.11fujin_thank god for `netmask -i <mask>`.
21:50.20drwelbyIs there a setting to have a sound prompt played to the transferring party on a blind transfer that indicates that the transfer has been made?
21:51.03putnopvutdrwelby: just tell the person who answers to say "hello"
21:51.05Qwelldrwelby: by the very definition - no
21:51.26drwelbyblind really means it, eh?
21:51.26alpha232putnopvut: thats too difficult
21:51.36mockerThere needs to be a warmfuzzyfeeling module that plays confirmation sounds after everything.
21:51.38Qwellbesides, you usually finish a blind transfer by...hanging up
21:51.47TagorIs there a way to go to the next line when the other party hangs up?
21:51.52TagorThat seems to be not working
21:51.56QwellI don't know how much good it would be to play a prompt to somebody who...hung up
21:52.04TagorOnce 0000000 or 111111111 hangsup it drops my line too
21:52.04mrtelephoneits in the first octets of 1's
21:52.06drwelbyQwell:  the problem is hanging up to soon
21:52.13Qwellthen it isn't a blind transfer
21:52.18putnopvutTagor: there is a 'g' option for Dial which should do what you want.
21:52.20mockerQwell: Needs to have autoanswer enabled on the phone to speaker.
21:52.23Qwellif you wait until the call is answered, that's attended
21:52.31TagorThanks putnopvut :)
21:52.38mockerThen it can call back and say the transfer succeeded.
21:52.47mrtelephone32 bit how come there are only 31 values
21:52.53mrtelephonethats probably why
21:53.03drwelbyQwell: then things are getting lost somewhere between parking the caller and ringing the new extension
21:53.06alpha232Qwell: what's needed is a blind transfer option, so even if the remote side is on Autoanswer, you don't have to hurry to hit hangup
21:53.26alpha232Better yet, a *8 transfer connect feature
21:53.59drwelbyIf you go ##101(hangup) too quickly, the caller gets dropped
21:54.36mrtelephonethe 29th bit is 0010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
21:54.39drwelbyI can tell users, hit ## then extension, then count to 3 before you hangup, but that won't be too popular
21:54.41mrtelephonewhere is 32?
21:54.52alpha232drwelby: what about an destination that uses the trailing digits...
21:54.55Qwelldrwelby: then your phones aren't doing blind transfers properly
21:55.04mrtelephonewhen you exhaust 32 bits then it rolls over
21:55.25drwelbyQwell: Cisco 7905s in SIP mode, if it means anything
21:55.59mrtelephonecya later lil indians
21:56.01*** part/#asterisk mrtelephone (
21:56.27agxi think i've a problem to understand how codec negotation work :) if in peer section i've allow=all and in global i've disallow=all,allow=alaw seems that global section override peer config, always alaw is choosed
22:00.42drwelbyQwell:  99% of the time the blind xfer works. It's just if you're too quick to hang up it never connects to the new extension
22:02.08drwelbyWould this be related to transferdigittimeout? It's waiting 3 seconds for the next transfer digit?
22:05.49variable_officemonitor with the m flag doesnt yield anything, not even a error
22:06.01*** join/#asterisk cspot (
22:17.15drwelbyUsing blind xfer built into the cisco 7905 it works perfectly because it knows the extension has been entered and you've hit the "dial" button
22:18.07*** join/#asterisk irule (n=irule@
22:18.10drwelbyIs there a way to emulate this in Asterisk - hit ## for blind xfer, then extension, then * to proceed?
22:18.37variable_officehow can i make the filename change for the monitor app so it doesnt overwrite
22:20.32*** join/#asterisk duki (
22:20.51rantshhi all
22:21.13rantshI'm having problems with codec translation in meetme
22:21.17rantshany clies?
22:21.42iruleplease someone type tilde book, thanks
22:22.02*** join/#asterisk rantsh (n=rantsh@
22:22.17*** join/#asterisk nibbler_de (
22:22.41rantshhi all
22:22.48jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF
22:23.02rantshI'm having problems with codec translation on meetme
22:23.08nibbler_dewhat would you recommend for termination of calls via gsm networks?
22:23.28rantshcan anyone give me a hand?
22:23.43[TK]D-Fenderrantsh, Show something USEFUL and maybe we can help
22:26.38*** join/#asterisk jsoftw (n=Administ@
22:27.21jsoftwAnyone had dramas with udp connections and firewalls before? Im having some really stupid problems with port forwarding in udp stuff, specifically audio connections, to internal servers, because of some crazy ass state issue.
22:27.29jsoftwAnd it appears to only be with this one particular host.
22:27.35jsoftwRunning something on solaris.
22:29.49jsoftwWhat is this channel. Idle central?
22:30.34stimpiesomebody knows how to force all sip calls to use a proxy?
22:30.43rantsh[TK]D-Fender in meetme machine it says theres no translation path from g729 to slin nor from g729 to ulaw ....
22:31.14[TK]D-Fenderrantsh, And to you have G.729 licenses installed?
22:31.25rantshshow translation says there is
22:31.46[TK]D-Fenderrantsh, pastebin your codec status before a call, and with the call coming in.
22:34.47*** part/#asterisk atomicd (
22:36.31rantsh[TK]D-Fender no one else is using those boxes
22:36.49rantshso 1 g729 showuld be enough right?
22:37.15*** join/#asterisk keith4_ (
22:37.38keith4_are the built-in switches in the sip phones considered reliable enough for enterprise use?
22:37.53keith4_i don't feel like running another ethernet cable to 100 offices
22:38.12*** join/#asterisk bryanfe2 (
22:38.13[TK]D-Fenderrantsh, Not sure about that.
22:38.14keith4_but i'd like to move to SIP phones instead of wasting money rewiring for phones
22:38.27rantsh[TK]D-Fender bump!
22:38.45bryanfe2hey all -- if I initiate an outbound call with a .call file, and then invoke an extension in my own dialplan, then, is there a macro I can use, to find out which phone number was called in the original .call file?
22:39.00bryanfe2i.e. my dialplan needs to know which phone number my .call file dialed.
22:39.34bryanfe2it's not contained in ${CHANNEL}, and ${DIALEDPEERNUM} is empty
22:40.35outtoluncjust set a variable in the call file
22:40.45[TK]D-Fenderkeith4_, What phones are you conisdering?
22:40.49bryanfe2yeah I could do that, but I figured it must already be present.
22:40.51bryanfe2But I guess not.
22:41.54rantsh[TK]D-Fender there was one call only running there, do you think I migth need 1 license to encode and 1 to decode???
22:42.11[TK]D-Fenderbryanfe2, in 1.4 ${CHANNEL()} is a function, not a var IIRC.
22:42.25[TK]D-Fenderrantsh, just said I wasn't sure....
22:42.50rantsh[TK]D-Fender sorry missed that
22:42.50keith4_[TK]D-Fender: I'm open to suggestions. probably the not-quite-cheapest polycom for most people
22:43.10keith4_need some fancy, big-display ones for the "coordinators" or whatever we're calling them this week
22:43.40[TK]D-Fenderkeith4_, the money you'd save on an IP 320 vs IP 330 would pretty much pay for your wiring upgrade and provide a more versatile installation.
22:44.31[TK]D-Fenderkeith4_, $25 less per phone....
22:45.50keith4_yah, but then I'd need 2 or 3 more 48-port switches, too
22:46.02J4k3but, alas, for $25 I can buy an 8 port gig-e switch.
22:47.34[TK]D-Fenderkeith4_, Are your switches PoE?
22:47.45keith4_of course not, that'd be too easy
22:48.09keith4_actually, if they were mine, they would be PoE
22:48.10keith4_but clients never listen
22:48.15[TK]D-Fenderkeith4_, Then you can add the cost of a POWER BRICK for each phone to your cost.  Guess what... that pays for your new PoE Switches ANYWAYS :)
22:48.50[TK]D-Fenderkeith4_ : Snom is 2nd rate and costs more anyways....
22:48.51J4k3keith4_: it seems like polycom's customers are mostly dilusional.  *shrug*
22:49.35jbotmethinks phones is  While personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows:  Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever. places ...
22:50.15keith4_now much is a 48 port PoE injecter...?
22:50.21*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=pepOSX@
22:50.39J4k3about 45 minutes of effort, some solder, and a soldering iron
22:50.51JTnot for 802.3af
22:50.54JTwhich most phones want
22:50.59J4k3thats just too damned bad.
22:51.13keith4_amd I looking for a "midspan"?
22:51.25J4k3802.3af has no place anywhere unless the wiring was done like shit (ie - 2 pairs per jack) or your phone magically needs gig-e
22:51.35J4k3ulaw likes its bandwidth, but it doesn't need more than 10mbit of it.
22:52.01keith4_ooh there's an idea... take the existing cat 5 and double-head them all
22:52.11keith4_then get one of these:
22:52.48J4k3considering the price polycom wants for a fairly unimpressive phone, you'd think a power jack wouldn't be an unreasonable expectation
22:53.01J4k3except, its polycom
22:53.08J4k3brand of the voip hard-sale.
22:53.30JTUSD$85 is an unreasonable price?
22:53.40J4k3for the features, yes.
22:54.02s34nOutside calls over a sip peer are not receiving ringback. Is there a setting for that?
22:54.06J4k3my expectations might be higher than yours...
22:54.23J4k3but if you're asking for nearly 2.5x the price of a shitty grandstream phone, you should at least deliver 2.5x the product.
22:54.24JTJ4k3: umm, compare it to a GXP2000 which is only a few dollars cheaper
22:54.36JTgxp2000s are about $70
22:54.42J4k3I'm talking straight bt101.
22:54.46J4k3the $31.95 special.
22:54.52JTabsolute ratshit
22:54.59J4k3I dunno....
22:55.18jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
22:55.23jbotit has been said that grandstream is the Yugo of VoIP hardware.  Run.  Run away now.
22:55.33J4k3I bought my phones, plugged them in, configured them, watched them both lock up, rebooted them, and never had to worry about shit again except for damaged ethernet switches (which existed before the phones were purchased, just nobody noticed/cared)
22:55.45J4k3so once you boys quit jerking the bot off
22:55.46[TK]D-FenderJ4k3, Special.... like the kids riding the "little bus"
22:56.03s34nI should have written "Calls coming in over a sip peer"
22:56.20keith4_[TK]D-Fender probably wrote those factoids
22:56.28J4k3all I said is the people that insist nothing else on earth works except polycom, which seems to be about half the people in this channel, are completely and totally dilusional
22:56.39J4k3keith4_: he's got help.
22:56.54*** join/#asterisk duki (
22:57.11*** join/#asterisk atomicd (
22:57.11JTworks well...
22:57.17JTand there are other decent brands
22:57.24J4k3if you plug it in and it works, it works well
22:57.25JTgrandstream is definitely not one of them
22:57.34[TK]D-FenderJ4k3, Oh ys, Grandstream "works".... but has considerably more issues with firmware, shoddy manufacturing, etc.  It feels like cheap junk and its firmware is well known for its flakeyness.
22:57.35keith4_we've got a bunch of different crap at work
22:57.35JTyou have very low expectations then
22:57.42J4k3obviously you don't know what you're talking about, jt.
22:57.50keith4_i use a snom, we have a few linksys phones, a few astras
22:57.55JThow so?
22:57.58J4k3as I said, I plugged 'em in, turned 'em on, configured 'em, rebooted 'em, walked away
22:58.04[TK]D-FenderJ4k3, Would you as a corporate user install a large setup with them to see employee backlash?
22:58.06JTwould you put a BT101 on a manager's desk?
22:58.08J4k3which is exactly what I expected from any phone.
22:58.17J4k3JT: no, would I put one on yours?  likely.
22:58.19JTgreat if only you will use them
22:58.30JTi would tell you to get rid of it then
22:58.42s34nJ4k3: my first experience with granstream was the same.
22:58.44J4k3JT: then I'd get rid of you.
22:58.56JTJ4k3: what's wrong with you?
22:59.02s34nJ4k3: plugged em in. they worked. walked away..... for a week
22:59.02J4k3JT: the problem wouldn't be the phone, it'd be the employee...  we'll ship you the contents of your desk, leave now.
22:59.21s34nJ4k3: then it needed rebooting
22:59.23J4k3s34n: I haven't done anything to any of them except fiddle with settings for shits and giggles.
22:59.27JTgiving business users bt101s, ok insane
22:59.44J4k3JT: I wouldn't give a business user a polycom after what I've read in here.
22:59.46s34nJ4k3: then, it needed rebooting again.... and again...
22:59.52JTJ4k3: why's that?
22:59.54J4k3s34n: neat, sounds like you have a problem.
23:00.15s34nJ4k3: not after I ditched the gs
23:00.32[TK]D-FenderJ4k3, What have you rad in here thats bad about Polycom?  The only hurdle anyones had is in configuring them, and of course we know how many in here can't RTFM.
23:00.32J4k3s34n: so, instead of figuring out the problem you trashed the phone... congrats, you're a genius.
23:00.36J4k3and somehow thats the phone's fault?
23:00.59J4k3[TK]D-Fender: exactly, which is 100% of the same problem I've read about any phone that wasn't wifi.
23:01.06variable_officeis there a way to get the calling user's sip username from asterisk?
23:01.22J4k3[TK]D-Fender: once you get any of these phones happy they work 'forever or until they fail, whichever comes first'
23:01.46[TK]D-FenderJ4k3, So thats it?  The big point of comparison is how quick you can configure it for the bare minimum?  Just want to be sure what I'm supposed to be evaluating here...
23:02.13*** join/#asterisk ajohnson (n=ajohnson@
23:02.33J4k3[TK]D-Fender: no, theres lots more to phone quality than that, but it wouldn't appear polycom makes the most badass phones either.
23:02.47J4k3it'd appear cisco wins the bling war... too bad half the crap is proprietary.
23:02.50*** join/#asterisk duki (
23:03.14JTcisco does not win
23:03.25JTtheir sip firmware isn't as good as polycom
23:03.29JTthe audio quality is lower
23:03.40[TK]D-FenderJ4k3, most bad-ass?  In a way I'd give kudos to Aastra for their UBER soft-keys.  State-based multi-function, w/ LED's, new-call & in-call DTMF.
23:04.08J4k3[TK]D-Fender: bah, like a manager needs any of that stuff...  a manager wants a tight looking touchscreen.
23:04.22[TK]D-FenderJ4k3, Yes, Cisco's physical finish wins.  I'll grant them that, so its really the sum of the parts that I valuate on.
23:04.49J4k3yeah...  you wouldn't actually want to use it
23:04.51J4k3but it looks good
23:04.54JTi hate silver plastic
23:05.01J4k3(hence why you see cisco voip phones in movies...)
23:05.19[TK]D-FenderJ4k3, However Cisco's SIP is regularly flakey, lacks presence, inferior call handling, comes at a LARGE price premium, etc.
23:05.23*** join/#asterisk felix_da_catz (
23:05.31J4k3[TK]D-Fender: yeah... its Cisco.
23:05.42JTJ4k3: and you see polycom conference bridges...
23:05.43[TK]D-FenderJ4k3, Again you can go fanatic for either end of the scale but you are missing the bigger target.
23:05.44J4k3Cisco always lives up to their reputation on price and quality.
23:05.52J4k3(big price, mediocre quality)
23:07.23[TK]D-FenderJ4k3, as for seeing in movies... thats called MARKETING :p  Why do you think Dell & Cisco make SURE their products are massively pimped on "24"?
23:08.15Qwellbecause nobody would buy them otherwise?
23:08.30[TK]D-FenderJ4k3, Just look at the previous seasons "prelude" 15 - minute mini episode.... the whole thing was a TOYOTA AD from start to finish.  See how long they got you to start at 1 stupid truck with a name or logo visible at all times?
23:08.35hmmhesayshaha you used the word "pimped" in reference to dell
23:08.38J4k3[TK]D-Fender: yep...
23:08.48J4k3[TK]D-Fender: Transformers was nothing but a big long General Motors advertisement
23:08.59J4k3it made me laugh, then I wondered why I paid to watch this advertising
23:09.01[TK]D-FenderJ4k3, Agreed.
23:09.21Qwellwhat, were the transformers real cars?
23:09.22[TK]D-FenderJ4k3, however... the new Camaro *IS* the shiznit y0! ;)
23:09.43J4k3[TK]D-Fender: I'm from east texas, I prefer the oldschool
23:09.49[TK]D-FenderQwell, Yes, and the Easter Bunny & Santa Clause are real too....
23:10.16J4k3of course, growing up those mid-late 70s camaros were the default "badass" car
23:10.29J4k3dad had a '72, it was a friggin aircraft carrier.
23:10.33J4k3with a 307
23:10.41J4k3which meant it was a really boring aircraft carrier :|
23:10.58J4k3I was like 3 years old and could tell this car was *not* cool.
23:11.23[TK]D-FenderJ4k3, So in minor conclusion, is Polycom a supreme king amongst IP phones?  No, but at their price point the do better on about 90% of everything they do vs every other competitor out there to date.
23:11.27J4k3I'll take a pontiac solstice gxp, tho :)
23:12.09[TK]D-FenderOn the topic of cars, as shit as Ford has gotten, I like the lok of the new Fusion and Mustangs....
23:12.11J4k3[TK]D-Fender: yeah, but the general attitude in here is completely negative toward everything else (ie - #asterisk is a long polycom advertisment)
23:12.52J4k3I've always prefered fords from a looks and drivability aspect... unluckily they just break too damned much unless you can afford to buy new and trade early.
23:13.08J4k3I'm a buy-new-and-drive-it-til-the-wheels-fall-off kind of person
23:13.19[TK]D-FenderJ4k3, I'll leave that be with the thought that so far the only REAL gripe I've heard is from people who are rabid against the learning curve.  You have to admit you hear very little negative besides that.
23:13.49[TK]D-FenderJ4k3, I'm a buy it USED because I drive so little that new would devalue far too fast for my usage.
23:14.11*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
23:14.34flenderspolycoms are the best phones I've seen/used/tested
23:15.07flenderswe have lots of linksys here, and a couple of polycoms... everyone here loves the polycoms
23:15.17[TK]D-FenderJ4k3, I had really high hopes for my Aastra 58i CT (their flagship model) and was left wishing for the LOWEST Polycom in place of it...
23:15.21flendersspeakerphone is the best I've seen on a phone
23:15.44[TK]D-Fenderflenders, Linksys is OK, a few analog-like quirks, but not "bad"
23:16.11flendersI don't think linksys are bad... just think polycoms are better
23:16.17dan__tI love the phones.  I'm being eaten alive by NAT problems.
23:16.18[TK]D-FenderAastra has REAL potential that their dev team could do wonders with.
23:16.37J4k3speaking of, technically, my xv6700 should be here tomorrow.
23:16.45[TK]D-Fenderthey need to clamp down on the physical build materials and then take advantage of their new pixel displays
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23:16.59[TK]D-FenderJ4k3, Do you have the WM6 ROM ready for it?
23:17.31J4k3[TK]D-Fender: nope... I'ma give wm6 a few more months :)
23:18.00[TK]D-FenderJ4k3, I helped a few friends of mine convert theirs over they say its night&day for it....
23:18.10J4k3really?  hmm awesome
23:18.11[TK]D-FenderJ4k3, MUCH faster and more features.
23:18.27J4k3all I'm planning to do with this one, so far, is voip via wifi
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23:19.28[hC]what is the deal with asterisk sometimes leaving stray .txt files around in voicemail, with the actual message deleted? I have to deal with it probably once a month on random clients machines
23:20.27[TK]D-Fender[hC], any chance these are on boxes accessed by multiple people?  Like a loking clash?
23:20.44[hC][TK]D-Fender: in the case i just found i suppose its possible, but i dont believe so.
23:21.53J4k3of course, I say the same thing just about every day when I look at the massive quantity of maildir directories...
23:22.15[hC]Little johnny tables..
23:22.23[hC]er bobby tables
23:22.29[hC]i didnt even have to look to know..
23:23.15J4k3thats great
23:23.32MacWinnerhow do all these termination providers like teliax do their call termination in foreign countries?  do they make deals with local exchange carriers in each country?  or is teliax using larger providers?
23:23.47J4k3MacWinner: a mix of everything most likely.
23:25.04J4k3MacWinner: the nice part is you're not dedicated to using just one carrier for termination... if say, you make a lot of calls to china but your standard, say, US carrier charges too much for china, you can just route chinese calls automatically to your cheap china carrier.
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23:25.49MacWinneri guess maybe they use a different "trunk" provider for each country and maybe phase them out as they make direct relationships
23:27.04J4k3yeah, its all a matter of quantity and local laws and such
23:27.39J4k3you don't drop $50k worth of hardware and labor into a place you terminate 10k minutes/month.
23:27.46[hC][TK]D-Fender: dont suppose youve ever done the call park+BLF on polycoms have you?
23:28.42[TK]D-Fender[hC], not yet...
23:29.11[hC][TK]D-Fender: im about to give it a go to shut a client up about thinking they NEED sla.
23:29.22[TK]D-Fender[hC], does the hint for that come standard with 1.4?
23:30.08[TK]D-Fender[hC], You don't NEED SLA, and you don't need presence on parking... thats just ugly and assumes the lot you need will even be visible on the phone...
23:31.36[hC][TK]D-Fender: i think it will satisfy these people.. and im using 1.2 on their box... I think it can stil be done, but i guess im about to find out!
23:31.52[TK]D-Fender[hC], Ummm... nope.
23:32.13[TK]D-Fender[hC], well... they is *1* way I can think of.  What are they using for lines?
23:32.28[hC][TK]D-Fender: what do you mean, Zap or SIP, or IAX, or..?
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23:32.38[TK]D-Fender[hC], EXACTLY what interface?
23:33.38[hC][TK]D-Fender: for their incoming lines? IAX2 from me, and will be doing this on ip601 + sidecars.. its a group of receptionists that want to be able to park a call and have all the other receps see it, and be able to retrieve it from a one key press on the sidecar
23:34.07[hC][TK]D-Fender: so as long as I can make the button speed dial parking slots 1-10, say.. (which is easy), the only thing i have to work out is how to set hints on each of those parking spots
23:34.35[TK]D-Fender[hC], ok, then you can grab briStuff as it had the first implementation of a virtual DeviceState driver for presence.  you'd them make a polling app to check for parked calls and toggle them on/off as needed.
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23:35.05[hC]THAT is what it takes in 1.2?
23:35.18[TK]D-Fender[hC], for a means of using PRESENCE for this, yes
23:35.41[hC][TK]D-Fender: and 1.4 has it built in, in the devstate function? (or do they have native hints for parking slots)
23:35.56[hC]I mean christ, i'll just upgrade them to 1.4
23:36.06[hC]That seems like a waste of time, doing the bristuff devstate hack
23:36.08[TK]D-Fender[hC], parking is Native I think, Devstate is a better more global patch.
23:36.28[TK]D-Fender[hC], bristuff is NOT compatable with PRI which is why I was being specific.
23:37.06[hC]Ahh I see.
23:37.08[hC]I just found this, too
23:37.09[hC]Patch/bug 5779 added hint support for the Local channel construct which allows for monitoring of the parking lot/ parked calls (by checking for existence of a dialplan extension).
23:37.25[hC]then you can do something like hint,Local/701@ParkedCalls
23:37.40[hC]1.4 does it native like hint,park:701@parkedcalls
23:38.00[hC]f it, i'll just upgrade them to 1.4
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23:43.29TagorIs there a way to execute a command (for example an AGI script) when dial() is answered?
23:44.33[TK]D-FenderTagor, "show application dial" <-
23:48.10Tagor[TK]D-Fender >> I looked there
23:48.23Tagor[TK]D-Fender >> But I can't find the right command. Would I have to do this with a macro?
23:49.59[TK]D-FenderTagor, gee, maybe you could do it IN a macro....
23:50.51Tagor[TK]D-Fender >> You don't help me anymore since you know I am telemarketeer? :P
23:51.09TagorI think I will have to login with another name next time :P
23:51.37[TK]D-FenderTagor, I tend to not hand out answers to people who won't go through a blatantly obvious instruction page even when its shoved in their face :)
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23:54.34Tagor[TK]D-Fender >> I searched on In the commands there is another person with this problem
23:54.42TagorAnd I seem to be not able to find any info on this
23:55.05[TK]D-FenderTagor, "show application dial" <- --------------
23:55.25blitzrageTagor: like [TK]D-Fender said... execute it inside a Macro() using the M() flag in Dial()
23:55.27[TK]D-FenderTagor, you are BLIND when I hand you what you need to read and FAIL to do so.
23:55.50blitzragehe gave you the answer 6 mins ago
23:55.59[TK]D-FenderYou can lead a horse to the water.... but the SPCA won't let you hold its head under!
23:56.25[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage, thats the problem with French immersion you know ;)
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23:58.48TagorSorry, I misunderstood that
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23:59.07TokyoJimuIf I start using cdr_mysql under 1.2, do I have to worry that asterisk might hang if the MySQL server is unreachable?

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