IRC log for #asterisk on 20071029

00:00.27hmmhesaysor various other places
00:00.44*** join/#asterisk RypPn (i=TuMbL@
00:03.56*** part/#asterisk frenzy (i=user@unaffiliated/frenzy)
00:12.43*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
00:13.18*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-d557b6bf0cda5c84)
00:16.46*** join/#asterisk MontStuck (n=jtknapp@
00:28.01*** join/#asterisk remmo (n=junk@
00:31.23*** join/#asterisk franck (n=franck@tikiwiki/franck)
00:33.05franckHi, I have an extension which is busy, I do not know why, nor how can I check the status of the extension. Looking at packets, asterisk does not even try to send packets to the IP of this extension. What can I do?
00:35.56*** join/#asterisk ccaron (
00:42.17*** join/#asterisk rnovotny22 (
00:49.07*** join/#asterisk Snake-eyes (
00:54.54*** join/#asterisk RypPn (i=TuMbL@
01:05.40*** join/#asterisk LakeSolon (
01:09.36*** join/#asterisk Hoondie (
01:11.52Hoondiehey people.. i have a bit of a problem.. i have an asterisk server that is behind NAT, ports 5060 - 5070 and 10000-20000 are port forwarded to it, at another site I have a GrandStream BT100 that is configured to use the asterisk server, it seems to register fine, i get one way audio and a if i do a sip debug i get a whole heap of retransmitting messages..
01:12.10Hoondieany ideas?
01:12.21JTwhy forward 5060-5070?
01:12.39Hoondiei noticed somewhere something used 5070
01:12.49JTimaginary ;)
01:12.59Hoondielol.. maybe
01:13.10Hoondieit shouldn't hurt to add a few more ports though?
01:13.34JTit doesn't make much sense though
01:13.41JTand is it tcp or udp?
01:14.06Hoondie10000-20000 is UDP, 5060-5070 is both
01:18.18Hoondieany ideas?
01:23.45JT5060 is udp
01:23.47JTand only 5060
01:23.54jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
01:24.04JTalso, grandstream sucks
01:24.08Hoondieyea, i know
01:24.51Hoondiethe thing is, it seems to be sending SIP messages back and forth, but it seems to not work for one, maybe the grandstream is not sending it back?
01:26.32JTit's obviously an RTP problem, not sip
01:29.21Hoondiehmm, weird.. i changed the 5060 - 5060 UDP/TCP to just 5060 UDP, works fine now
01:30.40Hoondiethanks for your help
01:33.26JTthat is strange, but okay
01:49.09*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
02:01.59marlanyone tell me why the following dial command wont timeout? exten => 01415351234,n,dial(ZAP/2/1470w0123456,20,gr)
02:04.57*** join/#asterisk tru_`z24 (n=truz_`
02:12.57*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
02:17.55riddleboxcan somone tell me why when I call extension to extension I hear no ringing on either end? here is my extensions.conf
02:18.20*** join/#asterisk peanut- (
02:18.28jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
02:22.18flendersriddlebox: what extension are you trying to reach and which context?
02:22.36riddleboxinternal, and 525
02:23.19flendersis it dialing SIP/522?
02:23.24flendersis SIP/522 registered?
02:23.38flenderswhat error message do you get on the CLI?
02:24.05peanut-anyone sucessfully connect a SIP phone behind NAT to an asterisk box behind another NAT?
02:24.21riddleboxno errors, it just goes to voicemail
02:24.45flendersso SIP.522 registered?
02:24.55riddleboxyeah its registered
02:25.06*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
02:25.23riddleboxI am calling from SIP/522, I meant I am calling SIP/525
02:25.40flendersyour dial command is dialing SIP.522
02:26.42riddleboxohh crap
02:26.49flendersexten => 525,1,Dial(SIP/522,20)
02:26.52riddleboxI am a moron
02:28.00riddleboxother than that, does the dialplan look ok, I am redoing it to try to update it to the newer functions
02:28.17flenderswell, you don't need the Answer()
02:28.35flenderson the extensions, I mean
02:29.34*** join/#asterisk SirThomas_Home (n=SirThoma@
02:29.51Hoondiehmm.. why would something work before i left for lunch.. and after lunch it's now broken?
02:29.55Hoondiethis sucks
02:29.57riddleboxreally I need to read the new version of the book
02:30.27robin_szHoondie: wild guess here .. but, well, something has chnaged
02:30.27HoondieIs anyone else using DD-WRT?
02:30.49Hoondiei think it might be the router, the port forwards occationally screw up
02:31.21flendersriddlebox: what handsets are you using?
02:31.39*** join/#asterisk jsaunders (n=nevermin@
02:31.45riddleboxGrandstream GXP2000's and a sipura 2100
02:32.09*** join/#asterisk L2SHO (
02:32.32jsaundersSo I finally get my copy of Asterisk Business Edition and during installation I'm getting flippin' Python errors that are causing the install to abort.  Lovely.
02:32.40*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
02:32.50fujin_that's what you get
02:32.55fujin_for buying a sillysoft
02:33.29Hoondieanyone know why i'm getting unreachable on a peer when i do sip show peers?
02:33.45jsaundersSorry fujin_....  didn't realize you were such a broke ass that it's way out of your budget to help support a growing software company.  Your just one of those people who wants everything for free.
02:33.52riddleboxflenders, another thing I am trying to fix is that when I call someone and they answer, a couple seconds after they answer I hear an extra ring
02:34.00fujin_no need to rage
02:34.05jsaundersNo need to be a loser.
02:34.12fujin_ring Digium support
02:34.30jsaundersOh I will.  Just felt like venting in a public forum.  And now that that's done... I'm outtie.
02:34.46fujin_What a buttsecks
02:34.48riddleboxwhat the hell
02:35.10riddleboxyou can support digium by buying their hardware.....
02:36.03fujin_I'll support the devs that hang out in here
02:36.05fujin_^5 devs!
02:36.31jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
02:36.56*** join/#asterisk linxroute (n=VietPhon@
02:37.08*** join/#asterisk blq (
02:37.37linxroutehi there
02:37.38*** join/#asterisk axscode (
02:40.08Hoondieanyone know why i'm getting unreachable on a peer when i do sip show peers??
02:40.18*** join/#asterisk axscode (
02:40.43axscodehi, what gcc version will asterisk needs?
02:44.38*** join/#asterisk axscode (
02:48.11*** join/#asterisk axscode (
02:49.23axscodehi, what gcc version will asterisk needs? sorry i got disconnected
02:52.39JTaxscode: you got disconnected about 4 times
03:00.48[TK]D-FenderHoondie, because * tried to contact the other side and failed, or because the other side never registered in the first place and * has no clue where to send calls, or if you're using "qualify=yes" and it times out.
03:01.38Hoondieit registers fine, but then times out..
03:01.56Hoondieand it's only like 60ms round trip
03:06.28*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
03:07.16linxroutehi there
03:07.28linxroutei want to change incomming caller id
03:07.36linxroutecan anyone please help
03:07.48*** join/#asterisk axscode (
03:07.51[TK]D-FenderHoondie, Any NAT involved in thie path between the server & phone?
03:08.03linxrouteoh TK
03:08.06[TK]D-Fenderlinxroute, "show function CALLERID"
03:08.16linxroutei used your script
03:08.19[TK]D-Fenderlinxroute, I already COMPLETELY ANSWERED THIS last time...
03:08.46linxrouteexten => s,1,GotoIf($["${CALLERID(num):2}"!="04"]?3)
03:08.57linxroutesorry to bother you again
03:09.11Hoondie[TK]D-Fender: yea, NAT at both ends.. it worked before i went out to eat lunch.. i plugged the phone in again to test if it was still working and what do you know, it stopped working.. i was at lunch so it's not like i changed anything
03:09.21linxroutecould you please explain for me the "?" question mark site
03:09.30linxrouteis correct ?
03:09.32[TK]D-FenderHoondie, Read this, NOW :
03:09.38jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
03:09.47Hoondie[TK]D-Fender: i have, like 3 times
03:09.58[TK]D-Fenderlinxroute, the "?" is just a seperator ofr the GotoIf.
03:10.11[TK]D-FenderHoondie, then pastebin your sip.conf masing only passwords
03:10.13jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
03:10.15Hoondiei think it might actually be the router
03:10.20[TK]D-FenderHoondie, And we'll see what you missed
03:10.32[TK]D-FenderHoondie, That is possible.  What brands are they?
03:10.41Hoondie[TK]D-Fender: i'm going to try installing sipath..
03:10.51Hoondie[TK]D-Fender: it's a WRT54G with DD-WRT on it..
03:11.01[TK]D-FenderHoondie, And the other side?
03:11.14HoondieThe other end is a cisco 1800
03:11.35[TK]D-FenderHoondie, make sure it isn't doing ANY sip transform.
03:12.07Hoondieit worked about an hour ago.. made calls in both directions and it worked..
03:12.27[TK]D-FenderHoondie, Well pastebin your sip.conf as I asked and we'll see if you missed something.
03:12.29HoondieI'll give SipAtH a go on the DD-WRT, it's a sip/rtp proxy, that *should* fix it
03:13.11[TK]D-FenderHoondie, Avoid...
03:13.18[TK]D-FenderHoondie, Try to fix this within * first.
03:13.27[TK]D-FenderHoondie, PB up your configs and we'll see there first
03:13.37*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
03:14.33*** join/#asterisk axscode (
03:16.24linxrouteexten => s,1,GotoIf($["${CALLERID(num):2}"!="04"]?3)
03:16.24linxrouteexten => s,2,Set(CALLERID(num)=${CALLERID(num):2})
03:16.24linxrouteexten => s,3,Set(TIMEOUT(respose)=4)
03:16.24linxrouteexten => s,4,Background(introen)
03:16.24linxrouteexten => i,1,Playback(pbx-invalid)
03:16.24linxrouteexten => i,2,Goto(incomming,s,1)
03:16.26linxrouteexten => t,1,Dial(SCCP/4005&SIP/4000,30,Ww)
03:16.28linxrouteexten => t,2,Hangup
03:16.31[TK]D-FenderHoondie, Ok, that looks 100% fine if your DNS resolves properly.  Chech that.... then I'd first suspect the CISCO as being at fault before the Linksys.
03:16.33linxroutehere's script
03:16.38linxroutemy incomming
03:16.42[TK]D-Fenderlinxroute, do NOT spam like that in here again.
03:16.50HoondieDNS works fine, i use it to log into the box via ssh all the time
03:16.56*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
03:17.17Hoondie[TK]D-Fender: getting the same error on another external phone that's behind a WRT54G
03:17.24Hoondiewith DD-WRT on it again
03:17.24[TK]D-FenderHoondie, Ok, check the Cisco side.. they can be NASTY where NAT is concerned.  I unfortunately can't give you any of the specifics though.
03:17.35[TK]D-FenderHoondie, hrm
03:18.05[TK]D-Fenderlinxroute, So, what about it?
03:18.12Hoondie[TK]D-Fender: the cisco end did work before, i went to lunch and not working again :(
03:18.31linxroutesorry for bother you but still when there's imcomming call
03:18.45linxroutethe box does not remove
03:18.50linxroutethe are code
03:19.38[TK]D-Fenderlinxroute, PASTEBIN the CLI output of the failed call and do "NoOp(CallerID is -${CALLERID(num)}-) as "s,1" and bump up the jump in GotoIf.
03:19.53[TK]D-Fenderlinxroute, And then again rigth before you do yoru menu
03:20.07Hoondie[TK]D-Fender: check out this page, search the body for dd-wrt :
03:20.23Hoondie[TK]D-Fender: do you think that would have anything to do with it?
03:20.44Hoondiei have sp2, said it's not tested..
03:20.47[TK]D-FenderHoondie, thats a huge page :)
03:21.05Hoondiethe last bullet point in the workarounds section
03:21.08*** join/#asterisk axscode (
03:21.25[TK]D-Fender'different approaches for making sip devices work behind a dd-wrt router'
03:21.34[TK]D-Fenderwell... they recommend it :)
03:21.45[TK]D-FenderHoondie, Guess its SOMETHING to try, right? :)
03:21.57[TK]D-FenderHoondie, Trust those with experience...
03:22.14Hoondieyea, i have sp2, dun know if i want to downgrade..
03:22.32Hoondieit's weird... sometimes i'll reboot the router and something will change..
03:23.00[TK]D-FenderHoondie, You already have a full linux server... let go of letting a silly Linksys get delusions of grandeur :p
03:23.40*** join/#asterisk antlers (
03:24.59*** join/#asterisk axscode (
03:26.02Hoondie[TK]D-Fender: yea, i should just use it as an access point.. i have a cisco 800 series just acting as a DSL brigde that would probably the the job a bit better than the WRT
03:26.04linxrouteTK Fender, thanks for you help
03:26.12linxroute here's my paste bin
03:26.24linxrouteit does not show up any error
03:26.55[TK]D-Fenderlinxroute, You didn't add the NoOp's I told you to add.
03:27.35*** join/#asterisk axscode (
03:28.46linxroutethanks to you again
03:28.56linxroutereally sorry to bother you
03:29.04linxrouteit's work now
03:29.27linxrouteyou are really asterisk expert
03:30.17linxroutehow come you know so much
03:30.20*** join/#asterisk axscode (
03:30.56linxroutethanks alot
03:31.01[TK]D-Fenderlinxroute, np
03:31.08[TK]D-Fenderlinxroute, I've jsut done this for a while
03:32.15flendersHoondie: sorry to jump in... I never used dd-wrt voip firmware, and always had an asterisk server running behind my router
03:32.38flendersand also have phones behind other routers that work just fine
03:32.54Hoondieyou using dd-wrt?
03:33.15[TK]D-FenderOk, you two run with that a bit :)
03:33.26Hoondiewhat version you running now?
03:33.30linxrouteone site is linksys and another site with cisco ?
03:33.38linxroute1800 hoondie ?
03:33.48linxrouteadsl module ?
03:33.51flendersall I ever did on my router was forward ports TCP/5060, UDP/5060 and UDP/10000-20000 to my asterisk box
03:33.58linxroutebri ?
03:34.10HoondieDo i need TCP 5060?
03:34.26linxrouteasterisk is udp
03:34.27flendersHoondie: DD-WRT v23 SP2 vpn
03:34.39Hoondielinxroute: ethernet at the moment
03:35.28linxrouteremote site with ethernet
03:36.12Hoondiethe router is in one of our datacenters
03:36.20Hoondieit's connecting to a switch
03:36.43Hoondiethat goes to a 7100, that is connected to one of our upstream providers
03:37.44tzangerin sip show peer <foo>, what's defaddr->ip?  what's that map to in sip.conf?
03:38.04linxrouteand the sip server is behind the linksys router ?
03:38.08*** join/#asterisk axscode (
03:38.23linxroutethe phone does not register ? or register but with one way voice ?
03:38.29Hoondiewell, i'm at work now.. testing from work.. the * server is at home
03:38.48Hoondieit registers, it's marked as unreachable if i do sip show peers
03:38.56Hoondiei don't know if i have two way audio at the moment
03:39.17linxrouteso you are under two NAT
03:40.34linxroutedid you set in the sip.conf
03:40.42JTyou do not need TCP 5060
03:40.43linxroutefor the phone ?
03:40.52[TK]D-Fendertzanger, defaultip = Dotted.Quad.IP.Addr : Default IP address of client host= is specified as DYNAMIC. Used if client has not been registered at any other IP address. Valid only for type=peer.
03:41.00HoondieJT: it worked then stopped again :(
03:41.05Hoondieyea, nat=yes
03:41.14tzanger[TK]D-Fender: hmm
03:41.24linxrouteone moment
03:42.05[TK]D-Fenderlinxroute, He set everything right for *, I already checked.
03:43.15linxroutei had the same problem before with my cisco 7940 connect to my home * box
03:43.57linxroutebut when i added the "externhost=x.x.x.x/mask
03:44.09Hoondiegot that in there already
03:44.29linxrouteit's work okay
03:45.42linxroutewhat's your phone  ?
03:46.04HoondieGrandstream BT100
03:46.07Hoondiecrappy phone
03:46.26tzangerthis makes no fucking sense
03:46.31linxroutehard phone might get problems
03:46.35linxroutehave you try like
03:46.38linxrouteXLite ?
03:46.44tzanger[TK]D-Fender: * box a and b.  neither changed in months.  I upgraded a but did NOT change any configs
03:46.45HoondieXLite crashes on this system
03:46.59tzangernow B rejects calls from A (it isn't matching its peer on B now)
03:47.06tzangerIPs are static, no nat...
03:48.55[TK]D-Fendertzanger, IMO, defaultip = cop-out.  let things register, or set a fixed host.  Anything else = half-assed
03:49.09tzangerit is fixed host
03:49.09linxroutewith a softphone
03:49.21linxroutewe can get more debug informations
03:49.23tzangerI just tried defaultip as a last chance attempt to figure out wtf changed
03:50.21tzangerit's not matching the peer entry it matched before
03:52.42*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (n=leon@
03:53.05*** join/#asterisk polerin (
03:53.07tzangerdeny=, permit=a.b.c.d/32
03:57.13polerinfeh.  anyone have a good tutorial for setting up incoming/outgoing fax stuff?  Searched but 1/2 of the stuff is just forum posts or brief mentions of asterfax
03:57.34denonpolerin: sure, that's easy. Buy an AS5400.
03:57.35linxroutehave anyone here used PIKA cards before ?
03:57.42denon1-step tutorial
03:57.59*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
03:58.04linxroutePIKA cards have fax port
03:58.10linxroutewith on board DSP
03:58.31linxroutewith very good result, well that's what they said
03:59.02denonshrugs, Ive seen millions of faxes go through as5300s and as5400s with practically zero issues
03:59.08denonhard for me to argue with that
04:00.08polerinlet me rephrase.  Does anyone have a link to a tutorial on setting up asterisk with SpanDSP/what have you.  I've seen one or two, but most of them are a bit dated.  I don't have the resources to go buy cards, so even a slightly shakey solution would be good right now.
04:00.29denonpolerin: you won't be happy with it
04:00.38denonit's not slightly shakey, it's slightly functional
04:00.42*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
04:01.01denonI'm not just being a technical biggot, I'm trying to save you days of frustration
04:01.30polerinI understand and got the point. doesn't help i'm trying to do it over sip through broadvoice either.
04:01.34linxroutesorry denon, if i may ask you AS5300 use with asterisk ?
04:01.56denonbut you could pass off a PRI to it from *
04:02.25polerinmore of a "I have no choice" kinda thing, if there is any kind of possiblity of it even working in the slightet
04:02.35polerinslightest..  feh
04:03.16franckHow do you reset dynamically Hints?
04:03.23polerindenon: no tutorial == sad polerin, but I'll live ;p
04:04.35*** join/#asterisk ahattar (
04:05.15denonsomeday you'll thank me
04:06.19polerindenon: try "if I don't get faxing working my partner may loose a client and I may loose my house."   frustration is affordable at this point.
04:06.50denonpolerin: so having a fax solution that works on maybe 1 out of 10 faxes is better .. how?
04:06.55linxroutei tried all possible way
04:07.03linxroutebut like denon said
04:07.05denonif you can't provide a good solution in-house, sub it out, or use other equipment
04:07.09linxrouteit's very crappy result
04:07.14polerinif it meens I have to go with some crappy web fax service, fine, but I don't like the idea of HIPAA sensitive material hitting someone elses servers
04:07.50linxrouteno real dsp service
04:07.54linxroutevery bad result
04:07.57polerin(yeah I got that.  crappy result, 1 out of 10 faxes.  check.  Knew that before I joined :P)
04:07.57denonclients get extremely frustrated when faxes just disappear
04:08.06denonor when they get an error, and have to re-send over and over
04:08.28polerinI'm aware.  I'm human too :P
04:08.28denonwe've all been down this road
04:08.28linxroutePIKA card is affordable
04:08.30denonwe've all thought it'd be cool if * could natively do it
04:08.35linxroutewith good result for faxing
04:08.36denonbut at this point, it's just not there yet
04:08.43linxroutewell that's what they said
04:08.51linxrouteand asterisk compatible too
04:08.55polerinlinux: pika card is $50 bucks?  and do you ahve $50?
04:08.59denonyou can get as5300s pretty cheap on fleabay
04:09.01polerinbecause I don't :P
04:09.42tzangeryes as5300s are pretty decent
04:09.47tzangerat least as far as I am concerned
04:09.57tzangerI helped build a dialup empire with as5248s and now maxtnts
04:10.13polerindefine cheap, because what i'm seeing is like 1,699
04:10.26denonCisco AS5300 8 E1 240 Modems 128MB DRAM 2x AC PS 5300
04:10.30denon2 grand
04:10.37tzangerpolerin: compared to what I think is the part you're missing
04:10.38denonthat's a lotta simultaneous faxes for 2k
04:10.41polerindenon: if I had two grand I'd pay my house payment.
04:10.59denonpolerin: perhaps you should consider another line of work, if you can't invest in your business properly
04:11.17denonor simply sub it out to someone with the proper equipment
04:11.40denonyou could do so seamlessly, then get it back once you have a proper solution in place
04:11.42polerindenon: that would be nice, but for a small business that's running on $3k of equipment total, 2k for a fax machine is way WAY out of spec
04:11.57denonright, then providing fax service is beyond the scope of your business
04:12.51denonanyway, if you must do soft faxes, there are docs out there .. Ive seen em, but I dont know where they are .. a few googles should get you there
04:12.51*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
04:13.15polerini'm looking for a slightly glorified fax machine denon.
04:13.16tzangerI've done spandsp with asterisk.  it isn't stable
04:13.29tzangeryour best bet is iaxmodem + hylafax
04:13.32denontzanger: that's what we've all been trying to explain
04:13.49denonpolerin: I understand .. so run hylafax with an analog modem, and pipe it to email
04:13.49tzangersometimes people need to do it the hard way. I'm generally one of those people
04:13.57polerinno analog line.
04:14.05denonhave asterisk give you an analog line
04:14.11tzangerpolerin: use an ATA then
04:14.13denonoh, you're getting it via sip?
04:14.17tzangeryou'll get T38 for under $100
04:14.22denonyour upstream won't do t.38 properly anyway
04:14.26denonif they say they will, they're lying
04:14.35polerinand no hard output as of this second.
04:14.56denontzanger: we're told the budget for this project is less than 1 dollar
04:14.59polerinfeh.  I needed to give it a try before going to a hardline with a per min charge or something.
04:15.21polerinthat is the aim,  reality.. well.. you get what you pay for.
04:15.26tzangerpolerin: you will *not* have success with spandsp (or ANY soft fax without t38) and VOIP.  Period.  Full-stop.
04:15.29polerintrust me, I understand that concept very well.
04:15.46Corydon76-digpolerin: go with efax or another online provider
04:16.02Corydon76-digunless you're going to get a hardline for faxes
04:16.15tzangerthat's just the reality of things
04:16.22polerinI prolly will end up having to :/
04:16.27tzangerI've heard that callweaver can do proper t38 faxing, but I've not tested it myself
04:16.58polerinCorydon76 knows I'm a bit hard headed and need to bang it out myself :P
04:16.58alrstzanger: I was going to test that, but discovered instead that Callweaver is an effective OpenVZ DOS tool
04:17.21Corydon76-digpolerin: how's business, btw?
04:17.27tzangeralrs: you're trying ot run a realtime application on virtualized hardware?
04:17.40tzangerhas everyone been taking crazy pills?
04:17.45denonuh huh.
04:17.58denonit's sunday night, apparently the crazy pills get delivered slightly before monday
04:17.58alrstzanger: I run my personal Asterisk server on an OpenVZ VPS.  Works.
04:18.09polerineach client is paying more than anticipated, but therapists are hard to get to actually listen.  all three of her clients right now are absolutly blown away with the actuall service ;)
04:18.12tzangeralrs: ah okay
04:18.16denonI guess it's so they're in full effect monday morning
04:18.39tzangerhome server for experimentation and testing the limits of the wife acceptance ratio.  Been there, doing that.  :-)
04:18.40Corydon76-digGood... that's what an investor likes to hear
04:18.50polerindenon: I don't take my crazy pills, the giant purple elephant told me they were poison.  AND HE WAS RIGHT
04:21.04polerinwow apparently THAT killed the channel again :P
04:21.11Corydon76-digAs all of the men in this channel know, the crazy pills are estrogen...
04:21.29polerindon't get me started on 'crazy' corydon.
04:21.53polerintell you some stories from this past couple months :P
04:22.11Corydon76-digYes, I'm the only one crazy enough to do the accounting for a small charity...
04:22.29*** join/#asterisk axscode (
04:23.01Corydon76-dig'sokay, I'm about to start doing the accounting for a small chapter of a trade union
04:23.18JTcharity, haha
04:23.26JTas if trade unions are charities
04:23.36Corydon76-digJT: two different sets of books
04:23.47polerinsee, estrogen has Nothing to do with the crazy.
04:23.48Corydon76-digThe charity is a real 501(c)(3)
04:24.00tzangerpolerin: who said it did?
04:24.14Corydon76-digtrade union is completely separate
04:24.28polerintzanger: corydon did :P
04:24.48Corydon76-digpolerin: I never said anything about lacking estrogen
04:25.40Corydon76-digpolerin: granted, I have less estrogen than you...
04:25.56denonI leave the channel window for 10 seconds. .
04:25.59denonand this is what happens
04:26.08Corydon76-digWhat happens?
04:26.13denonthat giant purple elephant is looking normal now
04:26.19denonestrogen wars
04:27.03*** join/#asterisk axscode (
04:27.39polerindenon: no, he has way less estrogen than I.  trust me.
04:28.37*** join/#asterisk axscode (
04:28.54Corydon76-digYeah, I have no tits...
04:29.33Corydon76-digYou have to admit, though... you have a nice rack...
04:31.00denonyeah, the HP racks are pretty nice
04:31.05denonthe APC ones feel a little cheap
04:31.20denonand the telco frames aren't worth using at all
04:31.57Corydon76-digdenon: I dunno, I kinda like the shelves of a telco rack
04:32.40*** join/#asterisk axscode (
04:32.58JThow do apc racks feel cheap?
04:33.57MaliutaWrkcan't say I've seen an apc rack
04:34.41denonJT: they cost less than HP ones. so they feel cheaper. ;)
04:35.10Corydon76-digMy rack was free for the taking
04:35.19denonMaliutaWrk: you have now:
04:35.20Corydon76-digJust had to go pick it up
04:36.03JTapc 1070mm racks are pretty nice
04:36.16denonCorydon76-dig: yeah, friend of mine got a *really* nice rack that way. someone needed to clean the garage
04:36.25polerini'm taking my ass to bed.
04:36.38denonlike a $5k rack
04:36.48polerinwork in the morning and I have to get up early to figure out what to do with this craptastic haircut I got today
04:36.59denonreturn it
04:37.04denonhope you kept the receipt
04:37.08polerinyeah that's a great idea.
04:37.20denonif they don't take it back, just charge it back on your CC
04:37.26denonthat's what everyone does these days, stupid consumers
04:37.31polerin:P  cute... anyway
04:37.46Corydon76-digWhat's wrong with the haircut?
04:37.56Corydon76-digOh, and BTW, we all missed you at PN
04:38.11tzangerlooks like the sip nat handling in svn trunk has changed enough to break things between today and 8000 revs ago
04:38.34denontalk to file
04:38.36tzangernat=no isn't good enough anymore for an asterisk box sitting directly on the 'net
04:38.38denonhe's always to blame
04:38.47tzangernat=never isn't fucking up the rport now
04:38.55tzangerbut the far end isn't responding right just yet
04:38.59tzangerbut at least it's not failing
04:41.12polerinCorydon76-dig: yeah...  I decided I didn't need the stress at that point, plus it was cheeper to go help a comic friend
04:41.45polerinand the hair cut?  it's like half way between a bob and a mullet.  which is really bizzare.   short bangs don't do well on my face I've discovered
04:42.34Corydon76-digpolerin: why stress?
04:43.20Corydon76-digPN this year you would have just been an attendee
04:44.05polerin"hey this customer's mousepad is frozen.. push the modem for me!"  "hey this screen has a lot of emphasis push my modem for me"  "hey I can't find my ass with both hands, even if someone else IS holding the flashlight for me.. push my modem?"
04:44.33polerinCorydon76-dig: since when have I ever been able to just attend anything?   (push my modem for me?)
04:45.39Corydon76-digSome things always go wrong every year
04:46.03Corydon76-digeven this year
04:46.23polerinno comment :)
04:46.26Corydon76-digbut the video recordings were highly redundant
04:46.49poleringood.  bout fucking time.  You realize why they wern't last year right?
04:47.12Corydon76-digWeren't redundant?
04:47.28Corydon76-digBecause we hadn't had a catastrophic failure at that point
04:47.37polerinphsst.  we had one the year before.
04:47.55Corydon76-dignot one where we lost all the videos from one day
04:48.02polerinI was told that equipment would be brought.  equipment was NOT brought.  by 2 different people :P
04:48.10polerinand yeah, it was :)
04:48.18polerinor most of one day
04:48.27Corydon76-digWell, AV was responsible for 2 different recording media this year
04:48.31*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
04:48.44Corydon76-digand at least 2 other recordings were made, that we know of
04:49.06Corydon76-digSo yes, massively redundant
04:49.27Corydon76-dig'night... Me too, I'm in HSV in the am
04:55.58*** join/#asterisk Ng (
04:56.06Ngany Junction Networks users in the house?
04:56.29Ngif so, is their IAX termination service broken at the moment?
04:59.23*** part/#asterisk franck (n=franck@tikiwiki/franck)
05:00.24*** join/#asterisk mikex- (
05:01.17*** join/#asterisk MoonlightTaxi (
05:02.02MoonlightTaxineed help configuring BYOD trunk.
05:02.29MoonlightTaxiProvider only provides proxy,username and password.
05:43.12*** join/#asterisk J_5 (
05:47.22*** join/#asterisk Flauto (n=zhao@
05:47.28Flauto[Oct 29 00:46:12] WARNING[2814]: chan_sip.c:1938 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on transmission 581b6de0-4f84-dc11-9a60-000347bf9f6e@encorenetwork for seqno 1 (Critical Response)
05:47.32Flautowhat is this for
05:47.43Flautoi tried to config ipkall to work with my asterisk
05:47.47Flautothis is what i got
05:48.22*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
05:48.27L|NUXhello every one
05:52.12Flauto[Oct 29 00:46:12] WARNING[2814]: chan_sip.c:1938 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on transmission 581b6de0-4f84-dc11-9a60-000347bf9f6e@encorenetwork for seqno 1 (Critical Response)
05:53.29*** join/#asterisk craigk (n=ckowald@
05:56.06L|NUXFlauto: nating
06:04.54*** join/#asterisk blq (
06:08.30*** join/#asterisk katsuodo (
06:10.51*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
06:11.02jqlperhaps the GAIN is too high?
06:11.21katsuodoone moment let me check
06:12.04katsuodorxgain=0.0 txgain=0.0
06:13.05katsuodojql: the rx/tx gain are set to zero
06:14.19linxroutewhat's your card katsoudo
06:14.50katsuodotdm400p (1) FXO and (1) FXS
06:15.13linxroutehave you connected the power cable
06:15.18linxroutefor the FXS ?
06:15.31katsuodoyes reseat twice
06:15.54linxroutewhen you take the phone offhook
06:16.00katsuodoJt not follow
06:16.04linxroutedo you get any dialtone
06:16.30katsuodoI am able to make outbound call
06:16.47linxroutebut inbound call
06:16.54linxrouteit's does not ring ?
06:17.05katsuodonot ring
06:17.12JTkatsuodo: ALL CAPS
06:17.12*** join/#asterisk munmun (n=mun_mun@
06:17.26linxroutei think you have miss config in the extensions
06:18.24katsuodothe actual exten => instruction
06:18.47katsuodoJT understand
06:21.35katsuodoexten=> s,1,Answer()
06:21.36katsuodoexten=> s,2,Background(enter-ext-of-person) exten=> 1238,1,Dial(${CHU},20) exten=> 1238,2,Playback(vm-nobodyavail) exten=> 1238,3,Hangup
06:22.50katsuodoThis for incoming under context default as listed in zapata.conf
06:23.03katsuodolinxroute no difficult
06:26.19linxroutecan you pastebin me
06:26.26linxroutethe CLI of the call ?
06:28.35*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
06:29.03katsuodoyes one moment
06:33.05Chris-NBanyone using a thomson ST2030S phone?
06:36.06katsuodolinxroute posted log from CLI on pastebin
06:36.41linxroutesend me the link
06:37.16katsuodothe link
06:38.57*** join/#asterisk shtoom (n=godson@
06:40.51linxrouteyou dont have that file
06:41.27linxroutei mean like
06:41.32linxroutehold on
06:41.46linxroutein the zapata.conf
06:41.56linxroutewhat's your default context  ?
06:42.27katsuodoshould I list at pastebin
06:43.08linxroutethe best way is you send me the configuration of your, extensions.conf sip.conf and zapata.conf
06:43.15linxrouteso i can edit it for you
06:44.08katsuodohow to send?
06:44.24linxrouteopen it
06:44.42linxrouteand copy and paste it to paste bin
06:44.57katsuodoone moment
06:45.36linxrouteare you japanese ?
06:50.03katsuodono change to sip only analog phone
06:51.38katsuodolinxroute list link
06:51.46*** join/#asterisk bantu (
06:55.06*** join/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
06:55.10linxroutezap4 is fxs ?
06:58.37*** part/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
07:01.15linxroutetry this
07:01.20linxrouteit's extensions.conf
07:02.43katsuodoone moment
07:09.56katsuodolinuxroute made change to server remotely someone in office answer phone which mean it rings.  What is difference?
07:11.33linxrouteyou have miss config it
07:12.09linxroutetake your time and reading about asterisk
07:12.14linxrouteand extensions configuration
07:12.22*** join/#asterisk Keltus (i=Keltus@about/cooking/nakedchef/beefstew/Keltus)
07:13.04katsuodolinuxroute thank you
07:13.51linxrouteno problem
07:13.55linxrouteyou r welcome
07:17.06katsuodolinuxroute besides OReiley book suggest other reading about asterisk and extensions.conf
07:17.31linxroutethere's alot of asterisk book
07:17.38linxrouteyou can find it on emule
07:18.10katsuodowhat this emule
07:18.22linxrouteit's a peer to peer program
07:18.33linxrouteallows you to download and exchange files
07:18.47linxroutenot sure if it's legal in your country
07:19.01katsuodowill check
07:19.56katsuodothis is very serious file share program no
07:21.07linxrouteyes it is
07:21.27linxrouteor you can find alot of infor about asterisk
07:21.38linxroutewith " asterisk  turtorial" on google
07:22.31katsuodolinuxroute you have most helpful
07:23.15linxrouteu r welcome
07:23.45*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
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07:28.02katsuodolinuxroute must leave it is 4:30 PM here
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07:54.02DavieyHey.. looking for a way to get 4 pstn lines into *... a Bank or a PCI card i don't know of?
07:56.05*** join/#asterisk TrentCreek (
07:57.37TrentCreekwake up
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08:16.48*** join/#asterisk FlatFoot (n=bigflatf@
08:23.50*** join/#asterisk ronr (
08:32.41ronrhi, could anyone please advise on the following configuration for a production asterisk server? (do the mentioned ISDN cards have echo cancellation?)
08:35.04*** join/#asterisk BBHoss (n=hoss@
08:35.53TrentCreekISDN cards are for digital communications not analog to digital conversion
08:39.45ronrTrentCreek: meaning echo cancellation is not an issue with an ISDN line and card?
08:40.21*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
08:40.23TrentCreekit could be if there is latency and jitter issues
08:40.46TrentCreekmeaning ISDN is really not all that fast
08:41.00TrentCreekbut should be able to hold, what 2 calls?
08:41.21ronrand if it is the solution is in cancellation in software, not hardware?
08:41.51ronrwhat do you mean with hold 2 calls? it'll be a E1 line giving me 15 ISDN channels for incoming and outgoing calls
08:42.06TrentCreekit is hardware issue if you use hardware for you AD/DA conversion
08:43.06TrentCreekokay then I see no problem...why would you have ISDN card? Why not E1 termination?
08:43.35ronrmy plan is to ISDN -> Asterisk -> VoIP for most phones and ISDN -> Asterisk -> VoIP -> ATA -> Analog (dect) for some phones we already have laying around
08:43.50ronrwhat's E1 termination?
08:44.09TrentCreeka box that terminates the E1 so you can plug your network into
08:44.23ronr(I'm new to asterisk, just read the first 7 chapters of the o'reailly book last weekend, so that's my current state of knowledge)
08:44.24TrentCreekonly makes sense
08:44.53TrentCreekThat has nothing to do with Astrisk. It has to do with typical network communication
08:45.28TrentCreeknobody with E1 would connect to it using 15 IDSN cards
08:45.42peanut-yarg. anyone use the xten client? trying to get it to work from behind nat, but asterisk box is still trying to send data to it's private IP instead of public one
08:45.43peanut-03:41:32.321948 IP > UDP, length 172
08:45.59peanut- being asterisk, being the SIP client on another NAT'd network
08:46.09peanut-nat=yes for the client in sip.conf
08:46.26ronrTrentCreek: that's not what I intented, I mentioned ISDN cards that connect to the E1
08:46.50linxrouteISDN cards connect to E1 ?
08:46.53linxroutestrange huh
08:46.58peanut-and 192.168 isn't in a localnet definition
08:47.03TrentCreekyes, but true
08:47.17peanut-and it damn well knows its public ip: Received Address:
08:47.27peanut-anyone know why it's trying to send to its private?
08:47.50TrentCreekJust terminate with E1 termination and plug your LAN up to it via a single cable. Don;t make it more difficult thanit is
08:48.17ronrTrentCreek: sounds good, what kind of device would that require?
08:48.40linxroutedigium T102P
08:48.44linxroutesingle E1
08:49.17TrentCreekYou need to ask your ISP about getting a E1 DSU
08:49.23TrentCreekor try eBay
08:49.24ronr102P doesn't exist (at least according to google)
08:51.07linxroute30B+D for you
08:52.02TrentCreekDSu would be a lot cheaper than that digium styff
08:53.01ronrah, TE120, that was the one I was considering, but now I'm also going to read up on the DSU stuff (I want to know what it is / does before making the decision)
08:53.33TrentCreekLook here. One on eBay only $79 US
08:53.54*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
08:54.25linxroutehow do you connect it
08:54.27linxrouteto asterisk ?
08:54.31linxrouteby LAN ?
08:54.33TrentCreekoops..its too old..who uses 10base T?
08:55.45ronryou happen to know a site with basic info on those devices / technology?
08:56.20linxrouteyeap that would be nice
08:56.34linxroutebecause i dont see any way i can connect a lan to that device
08:56.43TrentCreekgoogle would probably list a could of billion
08:56.52TrentCreekcouple of billion
08:58.23ronrDSU = data service unit?
08:59.49*** join/#asterisk psk (
09:00.56linxroutesorry if i may ask you TrentCreek
09:01.00linxrouteif i buy this
09:01.06linxroutehow can i let say
09:01.07TrentCreekbut broadband is becoming so cheap, who wants to pay for high priced Dinos of T1/E1?
09:01.18linxrouteregister this device
09:01.18*** join/#asterisk blq (
09:01.21linxroutewith asterisk
09:01.34TrentCreekyou don't.
09:01.58linxrouteso what's this device use for
09:02.13TrentCreekYou just plug it into your LAN card which Asterisj should use
09:02.31TrentCreekthat is how I got my connected
09:03.08linxroutelike this E1 connection -> DSU device LAN -> Asterisk
09:03.40TrentCreekin other words, just like anybody else connects to the internet
09:03.51linxrouteoh you mean for the net
09:03.55ronrand how do you handle calls? does the DSU speak some voip protocol or something?
09:03.59TrentCreekit's the same thing
09:04.07linxroutei thougt this use to hande voice
09:04.09TrentCreekits TCP/IP
09:04.14TrentCreekit does
09:04.49TrentCreekIf you are asking these questions...sounds like you need to go study computing 101
09:05.23TrentCreekALL voice traffic in the telephone system is carried via digial network
09:05.46linxroutestill not getting it
09:06.02linxroutei use cisco connect to my * box
09:06.12linxroutethe cisco ack as trunk device
09:06.16linxrouteso i can dial out
09:06.28TrentCreekit dont matter if you use a string and tin can.
09:06.43linxroutei mean
09:06.46TrentCreekall voice traffic is converted to digial
09:06.58linxrouteyes i know that
09:07.30TrentCreekokay then how else would voice traffic be getting out of * Box?
09:07.44linxroutei said cisco because some how i need to config the cisco gateway to register
09:07.52linxroutewith the * box
09:08.02linxrouteif the IOS support SIP
09:08.24TrentCreekis it a ATA Box?
09:08.41linxroutei mean i connect my asterisk server
09:08.46linxrouteto a cisco 1700 router
09:09.00linxroutewith a bri card installed
09:09.31linxroutefor this device from what you said
09:09.35linxrouteit would be very nice
09:09.45linxroutebecause it's much cheaper
09:09.55TrentCreekthen get one
09:09.58linxroutecompare to those cisco gear
09:10.21linxroutebut i dont know how to config it
09:10.26TrentCreekjust plug them in. If Linux box has drivers for cards then * should be able to use them to communicate
09:10.52*** join/#asterisk stimpie (
09:11.10linxroutedoes asterisk need any E1/T1 card ?
09:11.39TrentCreekif you have a E1/T1 then yes
09:11.43Maliutahow the heck to you intend to get a cisco 1700 BRI to handle phonelines for asterisk?
09:11.57linxroutejust for lab
09:12.19linxroutewith VIC-FXO as well
09:12.28TrentCreekyou just plug it in and off you go
09:12.30MaliutaI don't think you'll get any VoIP functionality out of the 1700 series
09:13.49*** join/#asterisk jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
09:13.49*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source Telephony Application Platform -=- Asterisk 1.4.13 (Oct. 10, 2007) Addons 1.2.8, 1.4.4 (Oct. 16, 2007) -=- Join #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW and Asterisk-GUI info -=- Join #asterisk-commits to monitor svn changes -=- Join #freepbx for freepbx/#trixbox for trixbox support. -=-
09:13.58linxroutea sample configuration of cisco 1700 connect to asterisk
09:13.59*** join/#asterisk LH-euhost (
09:14.06linxroutewith VIc-2FXo
09:14.14linxroutemaliuta ?
09:14.20TrentCreekanything that can be converted to digital signal can be sent over any digital medium
09:14.48*** join/#asterisk penguinFunk (n=penguin@unaffiliated/penguinfunk)
09:15.38linxroutejust plug in ? how does * understand and direct the voice trafic to the LAN card ?
09:15.45linxroutei meant the DSU device
09:16.17TrentCreekit does is between the LAN card and the DSU
09:16.37TrentCreek* just simply communicated with a software socket to the LAN cards
09:17.39linxrouteexten => _88.,1,Dial,sip/${EXTEN}@
09:17.43linxroutejust like that
09:17.47linxroutefor example ?
09:18.08linxroute192.168.1.90 is the DSU device
09:18.19TrentCreekthat is not a SIP device
09:18.51linxrouteif i dont bother you then can you please explain more
09:19.01TrentCreek watch this video..2 years old and it explains the basics
09:19.20TrentCreekcan have you up and running in minutes
09:21.06TrentCreekeven can download sample configs
09:22.11linxrouteso what kind of hardware do i need to get to run with DSU unit ? Aterisk box without an E1 card and just LAN connection to the DSU device ?
09:22.53TrentCreekE1 card or E1 DSU is about the same thing
09:23.43TrentCreekdid you get the Second Edition book?
09:24.33*** join/#asterisk af_ (
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09:25.08linxrouteyes but E1 card has driver for it, so i can config it to provide dial in-out function, how do you dialout
09:25.14linxroutewith this device
09:25.40linxroutewould you be so kind such as to provide a sample configuration
09:26.16*** join/#asterisk carrello (
09:26.21TrentCreekyou dont dial out and there is no is a transport and communication between networks
09:26.42*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
09:26.55*** join/#asterisk phearless (
09:27.17TrentCreeksounds like you should ne studying network communcation before you dive into Asterisk
09:28.13linxroutewell i dont know much about telecom service stuff
09:29.11TrentCreekyes, I figured that out, but I am not refering to telecom stuff persay but a typical computer networking
09:29.15linxroutei just thought that, with this DSU device, i can rent a E1 line for 30 telephone number
09:29.21TrentCreekso do study that stuff.
09:30.12linxrouteconnect it to an asterisk box and provide telephone service
09:30.17TrentCreekyou are thinking old ways
09:31.03penguinFunkwhy use CSU/DSU ?
09:31.15TrentCreekthe E1 /30 telephone lines was just a way to describe the way it works in simple terms before computers were dominate and people were ignorant
09:31.24penguinFunkif you are planning to rent an E1 line, just get an E1 card
09:31.43linxroutefrom what Trent said
09:32.08linxroutei thought it could be cheaper so we can deploy it for one of our blind people call center
09:32.29linxroutei'm from vietnam so we dont have alot of money to do charity stuff
09:32.30*** join/#asterisk yxa (n=lonari@
09:32.38TrentCreekno matter what it is E1 card /E1 DSU simple translates from TCP/IP to another communicaton protocol to connect to the E1 network
09:32.58penguinFunkwell when you have a DSU on one end of a line you need a CSU on the other?
09:33.40linxroutethe how do you config stuff like DID number ?
09:33.49penguinFunkyxa, make sure your in the right directory
09:33.57TrentCreekthat is why the Internet exists. An internet brings different protocols together to communicate on the same network
09:34.20penguinFunklinxroute: in /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf
09:34.29linxrouteyes i know
09:34.30linxroutei mean
09:34.36linxroutewith DSU device
09:34.49TrentCreeki just told you
09:34.57TrentCreekgo read up on networking
09:35.06TrentCreekit has NOTHING to do with Asterisk
09:36.16TrentCreekand check out that video
09:37.37linxroutejust wonder how it's communicate with asterisk so i can set up an call center for those blind people since the price is very good
09:37.54TrentCreekI alredy mentioned
09:38.03penguinFunklinxroute: as far as i can see, asterisk doesn't support DSU
09:38.31TrentCreekcorrect, because Asterisk does not communicate with it
09:38.44penguinFunklinxroute: you will need an E1 card if your planning to get an E1 line
09:38.53penguinFunkand use asterisk
09:39.00TrentCreekit sends packets to a software socket which communicated with the interface
09:39.11TrentCreekthere are E1 DSUs
09:39.12linxroutei've been using * for 3 years
09:39.19linxroutehi K31th
09:42.05TrentCreekAnd you dont config DIDs in Asterisk
09:42.33TrentCreekyou setup with your provider to point it to your box
09:42.57TrentCreekhowever you can reroute that number within Asterisk
09:43.07*** join/#asterisk jeremy_g (
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09:43.25TrentCreekjust point it to the box and asterisk should answer
09:44.34linxrouteyeap neax
09:46.02neaxI can understand the desire of your organisation to spend as little as is earthly possible on its telephony infrastructure, but the reality is, telephony isn't cheap.. if they require 30 lines, their cheapest option is with an E1, however there is no avoiding the initial equipment cost which is quite high
09:46.16neaxbite the bullet and buy an E1 card
09:46.57TrentCreekTheir cheapest option is not E1..Broadband getting quite cheap
09:47.14linxroutewell i'm from vietnam
09:47.30linxrouteit's not the same in the us or major developed countries
09:47.48linxroutean E1 line here ( just voice ) cost 120$
09:47.52linxroutefor a month
09:48.03TrentCreekthat is cheap
09:48.11linxroutesure i can get an E1 card
09:48.16jeremy_gcan asterisk 1.2.10 route anonymous incoming calls to some other number
09:48.24linxroutefor as low as 300$
09:48.27neaxhell yes.. here in New Zealand, an E1 is around NZ$780 per month
09:49.07TrentCreekAnd in US major less than $250
09:49.22TrentCreekand we got T1, which is slower than E1
09:50.24TrentCreeki am sure you can
09:50.31ronrE1 (15 lines) in the netherlands is free, however they do require you to make calls worth at least 270 euro a month
09:50.50TrentCreekthat's not "free"
09:50.54neaxjeremy_g: pretty sure you can.. calls can be routed based on their CID; i don't see why you couldn't route calls without CID differently, however I have never tried it
09:51.48TrentCreekyou would have to look up in the book on how the scripting works
09:51.49neaxisn't it strange how the telcos in other countries handle their billing in such different manners, yet generally end up with the same amount of money
09:51.53ronrfeels free if you're coming from 3 ISDN BRI boxes (about 150 a month) + 500 euro worth of calls
09:51.55linxroutei meant 120 is just the rental cost , and when you call , pay on price per min
09:51.56BBHossheh a full t1 in north alabama will run you at least 1k a month
09:52.08neaxall the while convincing end users that they're getting an excellent deal :)
09:52.16TrentCreekthat's out in the sticks!
09:52.31BBHossstill bull though
09:52.38TrentCreekcheaper to run your own optical cable to the phone company
09:52.48BBHosswell thats funny
09:53.00BBHossthey have fiber in the ground, but won't sell it to you
09:53.32BBHossand the local cable company charges 10k+ a month for a simple 100mbit
09:53.55TrentCreekjust run one to their central office and you can get super fast internet for dirt cheap
09:54.19BBHossheh i wish it was that easy
09:54.26TrentCreekin Utah AT&T has fiber 10/10MB for $40 a month
09:54.45BBHossyou cant get fiber here for under 20k a month
09:54.59BBHossprobably because the cost of t1 is so high
09:55.00TrentCreeksure you can..i just told you
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09:55.24BBHossi spoke with the head of operations for the whole state and he said they couldnt do it
09:55.42BBHossor wouldnt do it i guess
09:56.08TrentCreekand full of shit
09:56.26TrentCreekwould not do it...cuts into profits
09:57.02BBHossthey haven't even lost the bellsouth branding yet
09:57.50TrentCreekWell...PacBell did not either before they changed again
09:57.56BBHoss§ AT&T Direct Internet Access is not available in all areas; requires UTOPIA fiber installed to customer's property line.
09:58.11BBHossi think the closest area this is avaliable is atlanta
09:58.14TrentCreekthat is an example..
09:58.29TrentCreekTHE phone company in Hawaii is doing it also
09:58.40TrentCreekall those mountains and rock?????
10:03.41Chris-NBanyone had this message on cli: The previous reload command didn't finish yet
10:07.09*** join/#asterisk HarryR`Work (n=harryr@
10:09.28jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
10:12.22jeremy_gTrentCreek:does this contain info on configuring asterisk for anonymous calls
10:16.49*** join/#asterisk qdk (n=qdk@
10:18.37marlanyone tell me why the following dial command wont timeout? exten => 01415351234,n,dial(ZAP/2/1470w0123456,20,gr) ? it never seems to timeout :(
10:20.50neaxgoodnight troops
10:21.02jeremy_ggood nigh ne[a]x
10:23.00*** join/#asterisk yannj_fr (
10:24.15marlcan anyone tell me were the template is for * sending voicemail emails?
10:24.25marlor is it hard coded into the voicemail app?
10:25.45tzafrirmarl, you asked this before and got no answer. Perhaps give more details, such as a trace?
10:26.06tzafrirsee the sample voicemail.conf
10:27.39marlthe trace apears to be normal, this is the strange thing, the dial command is not timeing out, everything else is working fine, but as far as i can tell that dial command should try the number its calling for 20 seconds, and if not answered in that time then should go onto the next command, but it doesnt time out
10:27.54marleven without the voicemail bit in it!
10:28.46tzafrirmarl, are you sure that the dial command was reached?
10:28.50marlwat would be the best info to pastebin? got in trouble last night for pasting a log with verb set at 2!
10:29.21tzafrirwhat problems?
10:31.12marlyup dial command executes, and dials the number (my mobile) but instead of cutting off after 20 seconds, it just keeps ringing until my mobile provider cuts it off with there is no one answering your call, which is about 50 seconds!
10:32.05marlif i answer my mobile the call i connected as normal, and works, its just the timeout part that is failing :(
10:35.55*** join/#asterisk Tourinho (
10:36.21Tourinhogood day guys, where can I find information about programign extensions to asterisk?
10:36.42Tourinhoby the way.. can I write programs in python and run it from asterisk? thanks
10:36.47tzafrirTourinho, start with the sample extensions.conf
10:37.08tzafrirTo use a different programming language, use AGI
10:37.14Tourinhotzafrir: I want to write ans external program
10:37.27Tourinhohumm AGI? Right thanks
10:37.55tzafrirBut generally try first using the internal dialplan logic. It's powerful enough for quite a few tasks. AGI has a performance penalty
10:38.48jboti guess pyasterisk is somewhat similar to res_perl. Allows you to call Asterisk API's from Python. See
10:38.51Tourinhotzafrir: but if I need something that is not in dialplan applications, in that case I need to use AGI only?
10:39.06*** join/#asterisk FreezeS (n=bla@
10:39.16HarryR`Workand FastAGI should be considerably less overhead than local AGI
10:39.19FreezeSI have an AGI problem
10:39.27tzafrirYou may also use the manager interface to have a remote program control Asterisk
10:39.33Tourinholink is donw :(
10:39.49FreezeSis there a way to send a SIP message through AGI ?
10:40.23HarryR`Workunless a dialplan application provides a way, no
10:40.28agxFreezeS, yes, you can invoke sipsak :)
10:40.32FreezeSI need to close the line without the BUSY signal, but to send a message that will close a cellphone gracefully
10:41.53agxFreezeS, i do not understand, but instead of Busy() you can use Congestion() i suppose
10:43.03FreezeSagx: thanls
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11:00.54FreezeSagx: seems Congestion is not exactly what I need, I still get the busy signal. Is there another command that will close the call transparently ? So the user wouldn't hear a busy tone and wouldn't need to press any buttons...
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11:07.07agxanyone has a daylight saving time rule for GXP2000 in europe?
11:08.37spaghettymm hi
11:09.02agxFreezeS, you want to transfer your user to another extension when you hungup?
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11:12.13loca|hostanyone can advise me a good Linux sipphone like Ekiga and supporting conference-calling ?
11:12.17spaghettyi'v some trouble into agi... when i call Dial from agi i got -1 in result even if the call is done
11:16.20spaghettyis -1 the code for error ?
11:17.20FreezeSagx: I have a call that is from a cellphone. I need to hangup that call, do some database queries, then call that number back. However, I want the hangup to be transparent for the user so he wouldn't hear the busy tone
11:19.38agxFreezeS, i think this is not possible if you're going to do a callback
11:21.35FreezeSthe callback will be from another platform, I will launch a http request for callback. However, if the user doesn't press the "Cancel" button fast enough, that callback could fail
11:23.04FreezeSalso, I just noticed something strange
11:23.46FreezeSalthough I removed all the "hangup" lines from my phpagi, the next priorities in the context are not executed after it exists
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12:17.00*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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12:23.00phixWeird errors, a client has issues (distorted quality) phoning ppl on landlines via VoIP provider except for me, etf
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12:25.27k31thphix: is there phone using the right codec, is there network congested?
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12:25.32disahi, all
12:26.07disavoip gateway register in * as 2222/2222              D   N      10848    Unmonitored
12:26.39disabut when i dialing from this, asterisk write me:
12:26.48disa[Oct 29 15:41:05] WARNING[44129]: chan_sip.c:2262 get_in_brackets: No closing bracket found in '"2222" <sip:2222@'
12:26.48disa[Oct 29 15:41:05] NOTICE[44129]: chan_sip.c:9026 check_user_full: From address missing 'sip:', using it anyway
12:26.48disa[Oct 29 15:41:05] WARNING[44129]: chan_sip.c:2262 get_in_brackets: No closing bracket found in '"2222" <sip:2222@'
12:26.54disawhat is problem ?
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12:27.50agxdisa, missing ">" i suppose
12:28.53disain sip.conf or in another place ?
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12:30.15agxdisa, into the sip message; i don't know who generate it
12:30.36disamy connection is: VoIPGW->adsl_modem(nat)->asterisk
12:31.11phixk31th: evening :)
12:32.18phixNAT is fun
12:32.42[TK]D-FenderYour gateway is sending mangled SIP headers.
12:33.00tzangersip's fucking fun even without nat
12:34.09agxdisa, if this is the problem: try to put your asterisk on 5062 port instead of 5060 or check you bugged-gateway for "SIP ALG" mangling option...
12:34.32tzangerfile: any idea why an ACL'd peer set (box a and box b) would owrk fine for months, then wehen I upgrade box a to svn trunk NOT CHANGING any sip.conf entries on either side, and not even reloading box b, they break?  box a is not maching its peer entry on box b anymore and I can't figure out why.
12:34.38tzangerno nat, static ips..  it's infuriating
12:35.37tzangersvn-79915 -> 86264
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12:37.53coppiceNat Traversal is public enemy number 1 :-)
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12:40.16tzangercoppice: I'm not traversing nat... that's the kicker
12:40.34tzangernow agx is... he may be in for more fun than i< am
12:40.45coppicesee how far his evil reaches
12:41.22*** join/#asterisk jakamo (
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12:42.09[TK]D-FenderLet the hate flow through you.....
12:42.23agxtzafrir uh?
12:43.14coppicefries [TK]D-Fender with courgettes and onions
12:43.17agxtzanger, do not understand :)
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13:10.27roxluI'm trying to add some verbose logging to my php-agi script. I wrtie to the stderr, but the messages arent shown in the CLI... ?
13:12.15FreezeSroxlu: $agi->verbose("text");
13:12.25roxluFreezeS: i'm nog using phpagi
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13:12.37roxluI do a write to stderr
13:13.03FreezeScore set verbose 32 ?
13:18.29destructureI'm trying to make an outbound call, and ask the callee to press 1 to accept the call before bridging
13:18.39destructureI know I can play a message with dial, but it doesn't seem to accept dtmf
13:21.51tzangerok svn upgrade mystery solved
13:21.55agxroxlu, i believe you see message sent to stderr only when you run asterisk as a non forking daemon "-f"
13:22.06tzangerolder svn trunk incorrectly handled nat=no both on transmission and reception
13:22.18tzangernew svn trunk doesn't, but breaks interaction with older trunk
13:22.24*** join/#asterisk Pazzo (
13:22.29tzangersolution: on older trunk, tell asterisk nat=yes so it accepts rport
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13:26.27_x86_how do i setup hook-switch transfers?
13:26.44[TK]D-Fendertzanger: So now your * can both "taste great" AND be "less filling" :p
13:26.48_x86_where an analog FXS station can hook flash and transfer to another extension?
13:27.02tzanger[TK]D-Fender: haha
13:29.10filetzanger: trying to talk to me that early doesn't work :D
13:29.23*** join/#asterisk Teeli (
13:29.45tzangerfile: no, I am actually thanking you for fixing the sip nat stuff
13:29.56roxluagx: thanks! I found out that the asterisk -r doesn't show output.. I need: asterisk -c
13:30.08[TK]D-Fender_x86_: "transfer=yes" in zapata.conf
13:30.13filerandom thanks? I'll accept that!
13:30.18tzangerfile: :-)
13:30.26_x86_[TK]D-Fender: then what do i have to setup in features.conf?
13:30.36tzangerI do not, however, thank you for making me learn about rport at 0130 :-p
13:30.47[TK]D-Fender_x86_: You don't.
13:30.47_x86_[TK]D-Fender: and do I have to put anything in the dialplan to activate that feature?
13:31.08[TK]D-Fender_x86_: features.conf is more for things like loser SIP phones and analog Zap LINES.
13:31.25_x86_nifty :)
13:31.35_x86_I'm so used to just using Polycom phones...
13:31.41[TK]D-Fender_x86_: Oh.. and Zaptel FXS = ASS :p
13:31.45_x86_crappy ass analog phones suck
13:32.08[TK]D-Fender_x86_: I'd rather have a decent analog + Linksys ATA than many IP phones...
13:32.09*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
13:32.32_x86_[TK]D-Fender: transfer = yes is set already on the T1 going to the channel bank in zapata.conf
13:32.41_x86_[TK]D-Fender: do i also need threewaycalling = yes?
13:32.49[TK]D-Fender_x86_: Probably a good idea.
13:33.23_x86_but then when they hang up and try to pick it up to dial, they freak out and claim it's "never hanging up calls"
13:34.00[TK]D-Fender_x86_: ell them to grow up and realize that a quick trip to the hook = FLASH.
13:34.27[TK]D-Fender_x86_: I mean its not like this isn't a HOME grade service as it is...
13:34.40*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
13:35.44puzzled_x86_: you can adjust a setting in the source so that a quick hangup (which normally is a hook flash) is seen as a hangup by asterisk resulting in a new call with dialtone
13:38.57blitzragetzanger: fixing the SIP NAT stuff?
13:39.08*** join/#asterisk tru_`z24 (n=truz_`
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13:39.48puzzled_x86_: in zaptel src play with SHORT_FLASH_TIME and ZT_DEFAULT_RXFLASHTIME
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13:49.41blitzragetzanger: you still in Toronto? Or back in the K-dub?
13:51.04*** part/#asterisk BBHoss (n=hoss@
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13:57.52Mimmushi, what is the scope of setting a var in sip.conf by setvar=VAR=value?
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13:58.31ManxPowerMimmus: channels for calls from that device will have that variable  set in the dialplan
13:58.38blitzrageMimmus: it's a channel variable
13:58.49blitzrage(what ManxPower said)
13:59.03anonymisshey, does anyone have a working patch or solution to the SLTA/SLTM chan_ss7 with siemens switch problem?
13:59.04[TK]D-Fender(what blitzrage  said about what ManxPower said)
13:59.17blitzrageit's not global, if that's what you're asking
13:59.30blitzrageit's associated to the channel created by the device
13:59.32Mimmusblitzrage: probably you understand what was my problem
13:59.41blitzrageI do? I doubt it
13:59.55blitzragemaybe if you explained the problem I might, but at this point in time, I doubt it :)
14:00.03[TK]D-FenderMimmus: You're hoping to lookup a value "about" a SIP peer that you wanted to DIAL I
14:00.07[TK]D-Fender'm guessing
14:00.24Mimmus[TK]D-Fender: yes, for instance device associated to its number
14:00.37Mimmus[TK]D-Fender: DEV_232=SIP/232
14:00.49[TK]D-FenderMimmus: Sorry, you'd use something like AstDB or another outside resource for that...
14:00.52*** join/#asterisk socken23 (
14:01.03anonymissi'm commenting out code but i don't think i'm smart enough to fool mtp.c in to thinking it got the response
14:01.08_x86_[TK]D-Fender: I've got three groups in zapata.conf, T1 to stations, T1 to PSTN, and (4) POTS lines
14:01.23*** join/#asterisk Darthclue (
14:01.41Mimmus[TK]D-Fender: ah, I still need my awful globals_additional.conf
14:01.52_x86_[TK]D-Fender: POTS lines are for inbound calls only... someone calls in on POTS, and talks to someone at an analog station... analog stations wants to transfer to SIP or to another analog station
14:01.52socken23hi all! I tried to install a ISDN card from junghanns and now I can't start asterisk anymore (pbx.c:2902 ast_register_application: Already have an application 'PickUp'). Any idea where I should start looking??
14:02.03puzzledanonymiss: don't know but you can ask on the asterisk ss7 list:
14:02.17_x86_[TK]D-Fender: do the POTS lines _and_ the station T1 groups both have to be transfer=yes and threewaycalling=yes?
14:02.23anonymisspuzzled sounds good
14:02.29[TK]D-Fender_x86_: only FXS.
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14:04.17puzzledsocken23: add noload => <the filename of the pickup app> to modules.conf. just cures the symptom not the cause: you seem to have 2 applications that overlap. that should be fixed
14:04.41socken23thanks! I'll try that!!
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14:06.16_x86_[TK]D-Fender: would the T option in my Dial command help? :)
14:06.36socken23puzzled: Thanks! That worked so far! Have to dig deeper into the problem later on..
14:06.42[TK]D-Fender_x86_: I don't think you should need it, but you could always try.
14:06.59_x86_[TK]D-Fender: right now i just use "t"
14:07.25_x86_[TK]D-Fender: transfer=yes, threewaycalling=yes also... transfers no workie
14:07.27[TK]D-Fender_x86_: Depends.  if you're dialing TO your FXS, then "T", from = "t"
14:07.55puzzledsocken23: good. have fun
14:08.03_x86_yeah, from POTS to FSX channel bank station
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14:08.49[TK]D-Fender_x86_: and need I repeat... Zaptel FXS = ASS :p
14:10.41Mimmusto attach residual analog devices, do you suggest a channel-bank or a fxs/sip gateway?
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14:12.33javbWhat would the best sip phones out there? (branch?) ... I know it depends of individual expirience, but, there is always a generalize opinion
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14:13.03penguinFunkpolycom or snom
14:13.24[TK]D-FenderMimmus: ATA or gateway.
14:13.39[TK]D-Fenderjavb: Polycom, pretty much hands down.
14:13.48Mimmus[TK]D-Fender: even if I have fax devices?
14:14.08[TK]D-FenderMimmus: For those... stand-alone analog line kept as far away from * as humanly possible
14:14.32javbOk. How well does Fax Modules / Detection on Asterisk work?
14:14.43Mimmus[TK]D-Fender: :-) in a site, I have a Rhino channel-bank and it is OK
14:15.15Mimmus[TK]D-Fender: for this reason, I I'm scaried to use an ATA/gw
14:16.55[TK]D-FenderMimmus: Then you go on being scared, seems to work for you :)
14:17.23Mimmus[TK]D-Fender: for this, I need a channel-bank!
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14:21.21DarthclueAnybody have suggestions on where to begin with cleaning up tts using cepstral?  The voice quality is somewhat iffy.
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14:22.27ManxPowerDarthclue: start by using it outside of asterisk and see how the sound quality is then
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14:25.32Darthclueit sounds fine outside of asterisk.  it has various quality issues when used inside of the system that may be more related to the voip factor but it's something i would like to try and resolve even if it leads to a dead end
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14:27.45k31thHow do i go about setting up call recording for asterisk?
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14:28.13k31thI want to divert all marketing calls to the monkeys, and hear there reaction
14:28.25ai-ak31th: read up monitor
14:30.49tzafrirk31th, you know "tt" stands for "telmarketing torture" (or something similar)
14:31.13l2trace99anyone know if you can change call info via a stun server ?
14:31.25l2trace99like caller id
14:31.30k31thtzafrir: hahahaha no i didn't
14:32.28*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
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14:33.38[TK]D-Fenderl2trace99: No, all STUN does is help tell the client what kind of NAT they are behind.
14:34.13anonymouz666[TK]D-Fender: and sometimes tell you the wrong type.
14:34.30*** join/#asterisk wick2o (
14:34.37Davieyanonymouz666: O RLY
14:34.45Davieyanonymouz666: never found that myself
14:35.05[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666: Thats just a free bonus bundled with the software :p
14:35.22[TK]D-Fender(Failure is NOT an option) :p
14:35.22wick2oI've been reading Building telephony systems with asterisk and Asterisk the future of telephony, and about to start asterisk hacking
14:35.35[TK]D-Fenderwick2o: Yee-haw.  More power to you.
14:35.37jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
14:35.40[TK]D-Fender^^^ more for you then...
14:35.51wick2oI have a merlin lengend communications system 2.0 i want to expand using asterisk
14:42.52k31thmonitor files should go to /var/spool/asterisk/monitor ?
14:45.34*** join/#asterisk BadPacket (n=John@unaffiliated/badpacket)
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14:49.28ussrbackPlease, help me with realtime voicemail. I have configured it but i receive a lot of errors when executing it.
14:49.34ussrbackHow can i fix that?
14:49.52*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
14:51.06ai-aussrback: tried READING IT ?
14:51.07ai-aUnknown column 'dir' in 'where clause' (78)
14:51.31ussrbacki see this
14:51.37ussrbackso what u suggest?
14:51.38ai-aso.. fix your db.
14:51.45ai-ayou need a column called 'dir'
14:52.46ussrbackohhh common i know databases. but i dont need to store voicemail messages. i just need realtime voicemail. to store only context and mailbox number
14:53.19ussrbackread this
14:53.52ussrbackand this tooo
14:54.04ussrbackif you see they are quite different
14:54.14ussrbackso your answer is not help for me
14:54.58destructurehow about parked calls.  anyone work with callparking?  is it possible to continue in the dialplan after a parked call is answered and then hung up?
14:55.41Darthcluedestructure, explain what you mean cause once a call is hung up it no longer exists
14:56.27destructureDarthclue: scenario- call "a" was parked.  call "b" picks up, talks, hangs up, call "a" should then continue to the next step in the dialplan
14:56.45destructurein my testing, it "a" gets hung up
14:57.24Darthclueis b picking up and talking to a?
14:57.40destructureyes, b is retrieving the parked call
14:57.47destructureso, no timeout
14:58.46Darthclueok, so unless b transfers a back into the dialplan, as far as * is concerned, when b hangs up, the call is over, so it terminates a.  a would have to transfer b back into the dialplan
14:59.18destructureok, thanks.  That's too bad.  not what I would expect
14:59.18Darthclueer, i mean b would have transfer a back into the dialplan
14:59.22[TK]D-Fenderdestructure: There are ways.  You want to pick up a parked call... then when the call you picked up decides to hangup (not YOU), what would you want to do?
15:00.01destructure[TK]D-Fender: for example, a completes a survey about the call
15:00.31destructureif I wanted it to hangup, I would execute hangup after park ends
15:00.52[TK]D-Fenderdestructure: Ok, that would be fairly tricky to do and involve a lot of use of local channels and possibly call-files.
15:01.19[TK]D-Fenderdestructure: But I think its doable without excessive trickery
15:03.00k31thexten => 101,n,Monitor(wav,lol-monkeys,mb) should work right and mux the audio after the call ?
15:03.27k31thbut it doesnt seem to be doing it? if i dont us ,mb it records to different files one for in and one for out.
15:03.46destructureyeah, I already have some local channels before this, for whisper tones
15:04.06destructurethis is already part of a several thousand line ruby agi application
15:04.28destructurethe problem is that it's difficult with asterisk to break and rejoin bridged calls
15:04.34[TK]D-Fenderk31th: "show application mixmonitor"
15:06.06[TK]D-Fenderdestructure: To pickup a call I'd dial an exten that generates a call-file with a local channel that calls the pickup inside of a SECOND local channel.  When that pickup answers, it will dial the person who INITIATED the dial with "g" so that they can hang up and let the caller continue on.
15:06.23[TK]D-Fenderdestructure: So 2 Local channels, and 1 call-file.
15:06.53[TK]D-Fenderdestructure: BTW... tracking billing/ etc for that call would kinda SUCK :p
15:07.02destructureinteresting idea.  I'll check that out.  So when the first local channel hangs up, the wrapping channel goes to the next line in the dialplan
15:07.26*** join/#asterisk shido6 (n=shido6@
15:08.00destructureI have a separate asterisk server acting as a switch for that part
15:08.14destructurethat part being billing
15:10.24[TK]D-Fenderdestructure: At least now you know what the HARD part will be.
15:10.52[TK]D-Fenderdestructure: And yeah, if you pass all of that through a border * server, that might do it...
15:12.12destructurethis is looking good so far
15:16.02*** join/#asterisk irule (n=irule@
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15:21.40k31thwhen i try and dial into my server it errors with: [Oct 29 16:20:43] NOTICE[9866]: chan_sip.c:13669 handle_request_invite: Call from '' to extension '101' rejected because extension not found.
15:21.57k31thhowever this ext works fine internally
15:23.07[TK]D-Fenderk31th: O RLY.
15:23.22destructure[TK]D-Fender: I had to add /n to the local dial, but it worked.  Thanks, you really saved me some time.  I didn't need the call file, although that is happening earlier with the outbound portion
15:23.23[TK]D-Fenderk31th: pastebin another attempt with SIP DEBUG enabled then...
15:23.32[TK]D-Fenderdestructure: Oh yes,... thats almost a given.
15:23.45[TK]D-Fenderdestructure: "/n" = sanity
15:24.34destructurewhat's the mnemonic there?  "nsane" doesn't work, heh
15:24.43[TK]D-Fenderdestructure: I though the extra call filoe would be needed because the PARKED guy needs to be executing dialplan in order to continue.  How'd you work around that?
15:24.57*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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15:25.33destructurethe parked guy is already in a dialplan (technically, I will have to migrade this to agi).  So after the local call ends, it just goes to the next line
15:25.50destructurethe next priority that is
15:27.31[TK]D-Fenderk31th: Found no matching peer or user for ''
15:27.39[TK]D-Fenderk31th: Looking for 101 in default (domain
15:27.45[TK]D-Fenderk31th: SIP/2.0 404 Not Found
15:27.49[TK]D-Fenderk31th: hmmmmm <-----------
15:27.57*** join/#asterisk hfb (
15:28.09[TK]D-Fenderk31th: Gee I guess calls aren't landing in the context you THINK they should be <--
15:29.27*** join/#asterisk Tili (
15:30.38destructure[TK]D-Fender: here's the proof of concept if you are curious
15:31.03destructurereally it's not even too hard to follow
15:31.32destructureI am only recently discovering how useful local channels are.
15:32.08[TK]D-Fenderdestructure exten => 9685,1,ParkedCall(9684) <- Didin't know you could PICK a lot like that....
15:32.15s34nI have calls coming in from a SIP trunk that are ringing the correct extension, but...
15:32.31destructureyeah!  I'd be dead in the water if I hadn't found that
15:32.40destructureactually, I'd be using meetme, which I really want to avoid
15:32.50[TK]D-Fenderdestructure: Oh that would jsut be FUGLY...
15:32.50s34nWhen the SIP extension picks up, asterisk has an INVITE failure on the trunk
15:33.27[TK]D-Fenders34n: PASTEBIN the failed attempt with SIP DEBUG enabled and verbose 10
15:33.30destructureexactly.  I have a prototype which worked by kicking the person out of the meetme, playing audio, and then rejoining them.  it worked, but so convoluted
15:33.46[TK]D-Fenderdestructure: Well glad to hear its working out....
15:33.54destructureyeah, thanks again
15:34.54[TK]D-Fenderdestructure: NP
15:37.45mockerIs there a way to have asterisk play a sound file only after the user has picked up the phone?
15:37.53s34n[TK]D-Fender: their is too much to capture on my scrollback. How to I redirect it to a file?
15:37.56mockerRight now I'm just looping it, but was wondering if there's a better way.
15:38.09[TK]D-Fenders34n: Get a bigger scrollback and stop copping out.
15:42.34*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
15:46.06Yourname``Myth or fact: AMD detection is affected when the system uses more channels than it can handle, and also when the load averages are more than normal, like more than 1.0
15:46.27k31th[TK]D-Fender: it's in [internal]
15:46.38russellbisn't "AMD detection" redundant?  :-p
15:46.46tzafrirYourname``, single-cpu single core system?
15:47.05coppiceFact: AMD is just plain flaky, as it is so dependant on the behavour of the answering party
15:47.09*** join/#asterisk cpina (
15:47.18Yourname``tzafrir: Yes sir.
15:47.44Yourname``coppice: Wouldn't that be the flakiness of the varied human responses, rather than the flakiness of the app itself?
15:48.19coppicethe algorithm is flaky, and there is no existing algorithm which is not
15:48.25tzafririf load avarage > 1, chances are a channel is starved for CPU time. This may eventually affect the quality of audio
15:48.26[TK]D-Fenderk31th: I saw your pastebin.  Its coming in under [general] as un-authed.
15:48.39Yourname``tzafrir: But the performance of an app like amd?
15:48.56cpinaIs it possible to call to two extensions (Dial (ext1&ext2)) but, if one of both is busy, it jumps as busy? By default, if one is busy it rings other one
15:48.56tzafrirI don't really know AMD
15:49.01Yourname``True enough, coppice
15:49.07Yourname``russellb: It is? :P
15:49.56[TK]D-Fendercpina: Do a ChanIsAvail check on both before calling.
15:50.19cpinaok [TK]D-Fender, looks fine :-)
15:50.25k31thwhat does un-authed mean in this context? how an an un-authed call be coming in?
15:50.42*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
15:52.32[TK]D-Fenderk31th: .......
15:52.42*** join/#asterisk marc7 (
15:53.00marc7if the credentials in sip.conf are correct, what would be causing asterisk to return a SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized error?
15:53.09[TK]D-Fenderk31th: it mean WTF is this guy calling in?  I don't know who this is so just shove him wherever [general] says.
15:53.24[TK]D-Fendermarc7: The OTHER side si wrong then.
15:53.53[TK]D-Fendermarc7: The 2 sides don't agree.  Feel free to blame whichever side of this that you want, the fact is they don't match
15:54.36marc7[TK]D-Fender: let's go on the assumption that the credentials on both ends are correct, but that a change to the syntax of my sip.conf has now blown everything up
15:54.37marc7because several peers who have previously been connecting fine are now no longer able to
15:55.01[TK]D-Fendermarc7: Guess you should go examine what those changes were....
15:55.46Yourname``tzafrir: Thank you...
15:56.44marc7there's no command to validate sip.conf? if I `reload sip` from the console, it shows that it's parsing both files without error...
15:56.44marc7i don't know if it ever *would* error out
15:57.44[TK]D-Fenders34n: From: <>;tag=as04dc714b <--- ?
15:57.57*** join/#asterisk dandan (
15:58.02dandanhey :)
15:58.06dandanis down?
15:58.07[TK]D-Fendermarc7: No, there is little validation there...
15:58.21*** join/#asterisk Dan0maN_Work (n=dschuh@
15:58.30dandanor or ?
15:59.03*** join/#asterisk techie (
15:59.07wick2odandan: i was just at
15:59.12*** join/#asterisk tc3driver (
15:59.22wick2otring it again now
15:59.38dandani was trying to check the speakers at
15:59.43dandanand was unable to...
15:59.45wick2oweird, its not comming up
15:59.51russellbyeah ... digium is ... dows
15:59.53russellber, down.
15:59.55wick2oi was on there no less then 30 mins ago looking at hardware
15:59.58russellblike, all of it
16:00.16coppiceget it some counselling
16:00.18wick2oanyone have experience with merlin legend systems?
16:00.26russellbcoppice: :-p
16:00.36dandanhey russ :) prolly don't remember me, i spoke with you at the party in az :) re: ipv6 and srtp :)
16:00.38k31th[TK]D-Fender: nothing is in [general] apart from autofallthrough=yes
16:00.55[TK]D-Fenderk31th: I didn't say EXTENSIONS.CONF DID I?
16:01.09[TK]D-Fenderk31th: sip.conf silly...... calls aren't AUTHED by your DIALPLAN.
16:01.21k31thdamn, my bad
16:01.27russellbdandan: yeah, i remember, hey :)
16:01.27s34n[TK]D-Fender: line #?
16:01.27*** join/#asterisk Tourinho (
16:01.39[TK]D-Fenders34n: "Search" :)
16:01.40dandanruss: coming to Boston?
16:01.42russellbDarthclue: not me!
16:01.42Tourinhohi again, How can I execute a perl script from asterisk?
16:01.51russellbdandan: nope, wish i was though
16:01.53russellbi love boston
16:02.02dandanyeah, it was 26F today in CT
16:02.10dandanyou can freeze your a$$ off :)
16:02.11russellbTourinho: look at either the system application or AGI
16:02.36k31this it possible to create an extension on sip.conf that forwards to a dialplan app ?
16:02.39[TK]D-Fenders34n: Hrm.... actually... not all that sure right now...
16:02.49Tourinhorussellb I only found exec -> exec   Executes a given Application
16:02.52dandank31: you mean in extensions.conf?
16:03.02Tourinhobut can I treat a perl script as an application?
16:03.11russellbTourinho: exec is for executing asterisk applications
16:03.16[TK]D-Fenderk31th: No and your concept is totally cracked
16:03.20russellbTourinho: you probably want AGI
16:03.26k31th[TK]D-Fender: ?
16:03.29russellbsearch for "perl agi"
16:03.34[TK]D-Fenderk31th: EXTENSIONS have nothing to do with sip.conf.
16:03.49jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
16:03.58[TK]D-Fenderk31th: You seem to completely misunderstand how calls get processed.
16:04.00dandank31th: start ^^ there
16:04.02*** join/#asterisk Rawplayer (
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16:04.13dandanbtw. is v.2 downloadable yet?
16:04.25dandanfrom that link?
16:04.42dandan(i got mine in carefree anyway, but I prefer pdfs when searching
16:05.03s34n[TK]D-Fender: I'll admit that I am slow and stupid if you will give me a better hint.
16:05.06Tourinhorussellb thanks.. Ill take a look at it
16:05.29[TK]D-Fenders34n: I retracted my previous guess... not sure on this one.
16:05.35dandanyeah! v.2 downloaded :)
16:05.56dandanrussellb: so who's gonna be there?
16:06.08*** join/#asterisk MacDeath (
16:06.23russellbdandan: i have no idea ... a bunch of people, though
16:06.52dandanah, cool
16:06.58dandangotta go and say hi :)
16:08.39MacDeathif i have a diginum card in my asterisk box
16:08.50MacDeathand i want my out bound calls to cycle
16:09.14MacDeathusing the 4 channels in a random / round robin order
16:09.18MacDeathis this possible?
16:10.55s34n[TK]D-Fender: Is it normal for * to send an invite back to the trunk when the extension picks up?
16:11.15*** join/#asterisk MacWinner (
16:12.11s34n[TK]D-Fender: if so, that INVITE will need to be auth'ed. But I don't see a clean way to do that.
16:13.37s34n[TK]D-Fender: I don't know how to have incoming and outgoing calls on the trunk use different secrets
16:14.57*** join/#asterisk angler (i=angler@pdpc/sponsor/digium/angler)
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16:17.41k31th[TK]D-Fender: for example if i call a i would presume that asterisk would look at the sip.conf and see if the extension exist and route a call to that sip device? ?
16:18.46ManxPowerk31th: no, it looks at extensions.conf to see if the extension exists.
16:19.22ManxPowerit looks at sip.conf to see what extensions.conf [context] the destination extension is in as well as the auth info to decide if it even wants to accept the call.
16:21.16*** join/#asterisk atomicd (
16:26.11[TK]D-Fenderk31th: NO.
16:26.44[TK]D-Fenderk31th: Call comes in, * sees who its FROM, then routes the call to the appropriate CONTEXT in your DIALPLAN and THAT decides what happens.
16:26.58[TK]D-Fenderk31th: SIP devices are NOT extensions!
16:27.33*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
16:30.25k31thso basically i need to make a context for unknown calls ?
16:31.00ManxPowerk31th: You had better if you don't want zillion dollar phone bills.
16:31.23ManxPowerthe context= in [general] in sip.conf is used if the call is not authenticated.
16:31.31destructurethink of asterisk as a mux/demux.  sip.conf muxes inbound calls from a remote system, depositing them in a dialplan context.  the dialplan demuxes them based on extension called
16:31.59k31thManxPower: i am talking about incoming calls... into my * box
16:32.54[TK]D-Fenderk31th: Calls get processed auth'd by the channel driverf they arrive on and the processed by your dialplan.  If you cannot get a solid grasp on this, * is not for
16:33.59ManxPowerk31th: so am I
16:34.30ManxPowerincoming, unauthenticated SIP calls will use the context= in [general] in sip.conf
16:34.42ManxPowerwhat is that context?
16:34.58*** join/#asterisk qdk (
16:35.18destructurea part of the confusion here is the meaning of context I think.  [general] in sip.conf is not the same as [general] in extensions.conf
16:35.25ManxPowerobviously if you Dial(SIP/ then the call will NOT BE AUTHENTICATED
16:35.50*** join/#asterisk sevard (n=sev@
16:35.55sevarddid you guys notice that the google street view icon to click and drag is an animated witch on a broom?
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16:36.56ManxPowersip.conf: [general] context=fnords  extensions.conf [fnords].  When an unauth'd SIP call comes in the call will land in the extensions.conf section called [fnords] and look for the extension there.
16:37.20ManxPowerif you have some other kind of incoming calls, I'd love to hear about it.
16:37.36k31thManxPower: other kind?
16:37.49[TK]D-Fenderk31th: thats called SARCASM
16:38.08[TK]D-Fenderk31th: Call is either authed, nor NOT authed.
16:38.53Tourinhodoes asterisk support send REFER Method?
16:39.12k31thOk i can see my error here...
16:40.43k31thworks now, had the wrong context in [general] in sip.conf
16:41.31anonymouz666Tourinho: yes. it can handle refer requests.
16:43.02Tourinhoanonymouz666 but it can generate refer requests?
16:43.33*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
16:44.13anonymouz666Tourinho: generate?
16:44.36anonymouz666why asterisk should generate by itself a SIP Refer msg?
16:45.38*** part/#asterisk wwalker (n=wwalker@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/wwalker)
16:45.44*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@unaffiliated/assid)
16:46.18Assidanyone know whats up with asterlink?
16:46.34Tourinhoanonymouz666 to instruct caller to make another call
16:46.42Tourinhois that possible?
16:47.53ai-aAssid: explain your question.
16:50.06anonymouz666Tourinho: join the asteriskbrasil channel. I don't want to speak English anymore.
16:51.26*** join/#asterisk ghento (n=ghento@
16:51.42Tourinhoanonymouz666 Im sorry?
16:52.04MacWinnerif you have a VMware VM created, should it work on both windows and linux versions of the player?
16:52.25QwellMacWinner: wrong channel, but yes
16:52.41[TK]D-FenderMacWinner: PLAYER?  what "player"?
16:52.47anonymouz666Tourinho: Entra no canal asterisk brasil e explica teu problema, talvez a gente possa te ajudar. :)
16:56.35MacWinner[TK]D-Fender:  that's what VMwayer calls the thing that "plays" the premade VMs
16:56.45MacWinnerat least that what i think they call it
16:57.19_x86_[TK]D-Fender: got analog FXS transfers working on one system
16:57.44_x86_[TK]D-Fender: on another system, not working... would busydetect=yes be interfering?
17:00.01*** join/#asterisk alrs (
17:00.08[TK]D-Fender_x86_: no clue
17:02.12tzafrirwow, just noticed Asterisk actually has multi-line comments
17:02.41*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
17:06.12*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (i=putnopvu@nat/digium/x-f4bec359df98ae33)
17:06.21hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: help me
17:06.31[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: #drphil
17:06.52hmmhesaysI can't figure out how to disable call waiting on this 501 in the config file
17:06.57hmmhesayscall-limit is asterisk is not working
17:06.58blitzragetzafrir: :D
17:07.21[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: callsPerLinekey="1" lineKeys="1"
17:07.40hmmhesaysbut then they can only make one total call right?
17:07.45*** join/#asterisk RypPn2 (
17:07.53hmmhesaysI want to disable call waiting but allow multiple outbound calls
17:09.15*** part/#asterisk Tourinho (
17:10.20[TK]D-FenderRawplayer: pwned
17:10.21MacWinneris there an easy way to configure a callback version of the meetme conference.  ie, if I call a conference and enter a PIN, the pbx will call me back and join me to the conference?
17:10.51[TK]D-FenderMacWinner: lookup "call files" and "AMI Originate" on the WIKI
17:10.54jboti guess wikis is
17:11.07MacWinnercool, thanks
17:12.33MacWinnerthis maybe a very dumb questions, by why does "terminate" and "originate" seem backwards in their definitions.. seems like when you call the PBX it should be terminating the call.. and when the PBX dials out, it should be originating them
17:12.51ussrbackis there any way to reply to the user who left voicemail message?
17:13.16destructureeverything is backwards in telephony.  ex: FXO and FXS
17:13.21[TK]D-Fenderussrback: go read the WIKI page on Voicemail
17:14.06ussrback[TK]D-Fender: give me the link plz
17:14.20[TK]D-Fenderussrback: look up about 5 lines
17:15.23ussrbackahh this wikis are old and i did not found any interesting thing for this
17:17.00[TK]D-Fenderussrback: it still has the answer for this because the feature is old.
17:17.07*** join/#asterisk marc7 (
17:18.12ussrbackmmmmmmmm more usefull info :) so it means this is possible to reply ? :)
17:18.38*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
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17:20.24c0rnflakeunf, i knew i should have waited before buying the 2nd edition book
17:23.07[TK]D-Fenderussrback: Yes, there are ways depending on a certain point of view.
17:23.18[TK]D-Fenderc0rnflake: And why is that?
17:23.29hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender is there any way to do what I described?
17:23.48*** join/#asterisk techie (
17:24.19[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: Closest option is to "conference" but never complete.
17:24.44[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: Only other option is to limit at the point where you dial the device in your dialplan.
17:25.01*** join/#asterisk flujan (
17:26.08jimmysolissomeone knows how to work adit 600 with asterisk ??
17:27.56hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: ok, I'll have to check in the dialplan if I can send a call to the device or not
17:28.06*** join/#asterisk generalhan (
17:28.25generalhanhey all !
17:28.30hmmhesaystheres trouble
17:30.16generalhananyone know of a way to specify the recording filename when using recordagentcalls in agents.conf ??
17:32.32*** join/#asterisk Tourinho (
17:33.20generalhanfor example, in extensions.conf i save my recorded calls in this format:  CALLFILENAME=/asterisk/monitor/${EXTEN}/${DATE}/incoming/${CALLERID(number)}-${TIMESTAMP}; Monitor(wav,${CALLFILENAME}) but i dont really have that syntax option in agents.conf
17:33.35TourinhoI just put exten => 123,12,AGI(agi-test.agi) but asterisk complain about extension that does not exists "rejected because extension not found."
17:33.49*** join/#asterisk methods (
17:34.07methodsanyone know of a client which supports recording ?
17:34.32[TK]D-FenderTourinho: PASTEBIn the failed call in its entirety
17:35.00Tourinho[TK]D-Fender where can I past it?
17:35.15jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
17:35.16Tourinhoits just one line
17:35.35[TK]D-FenderTourinho: not jsut 1 LINE, I want the whole call with SIP DEBUG if applicable/
17:36.18[TK]D-FenderTourinho: Or whatever debug is applicable to that channel as well as your full dialplan context.
17:36.27Tourinhoone second
17:36.29[TK]D-FenderRawplayer: Indeed I do :)
17:37.21*** join/#asterisk macros73 (
17:38.44[TK]D-FenderRawplayer: Thats for trying to call my bluff :p
17:39.05Yourname``Very nice, I now try to use ramfs for /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing and /var/lib/asterisk/sounds. May the force be with me.
17:39.34[TK]D-FenderYourname``: Getting a heavy hit on disk?
17:40.05Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: Quite a lot. Too many call files, and ofcourse when the sound files are being played at large. :(
17:40.30[TK]D-FenderYourname``: Thats what disk caching is disk caching is for
17:40.45Yourname``[TK]D-Fender : What do you mean?
17:41.42[TK]D-FenderYourname``: Yeah, um... good disk caching should spare you the hit on playback of the same files..
17:41.45Tourinho[TK]D-Fender there it is:
17:42.12[TK]D-FenderTourinho: And your full dialplan context please....
17:42.21Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: So you suggest I use disk caching rather than RAMfs?
17:42.28destructureafter a file is loaded in .../sounds it is cached in ram, unless you don't have enough ram, in which case, ramdisk won't help
17:42.39destructurespool file is different
17:42.54s34n[TK]D-Fender: any clues from that dump?
17:42.58destructurethat is, after you play it once
17:43.22[TK]D-Fenders34n: Didn't see it, and I don't do Core dumps
17:43.27Yourname``destructure: I do have enough ram though. And that file will be played way too many times..
17:43.40destructureplayed often means it should stay cached
17:43.45destructurewhat OS is this?
17:43.52Yourname``destructure: In the RAM? (CentOS5)
17:43.56s34n[TK]D-Fender: not a core dump. the log you asked for at verbosity=10
17:44.00Tourinho[TK]D-Fender : put extension together
17:44.01destructuretry running free
17:44.27[TK]D-FenderTourinho: Looking for 668 in default (domain XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX)
17:44.27destructuresee that buffers/cache: that's the OS trying to keep oft used files in ram
17:44.35[TK]D-FenderTourinho: SIP/2.0 404 Not Found
17:44.56[TK]D-FenderTourinho: Does "default" look like [sip_testing] to YOU?
17:45.33Yourname``destructure: Ok.. so if says 1866704 in free, and 143824 in used..  total mem 2010528
17:45.59MacDeathusing the 4 channels in a random / round robin order
17:46.04destructureYourname``: try running time cat /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/demo-instruct.gsm >/dev/null
17:46.07destructurethen run it again
17:46.12destructureyou'll see it's faster the second time
17:46.17methodsanybody ?
17:46.19destructureyou could run that test with any large file
17:46.24MacDeathis there a way to have outgoing calls use your trunks in a round robin order?
17:46.40ai-awhats a Trunk ?
17:46.45Tourinho[TK]D-Fender : no, but why its happening... if i have context=sip_testing in sip.conf
17:47.33[TK]D-FenderYourname``: Oh yeah?  Show me...
17:48.03xhelioxAGI Rx << EXEC Background female_birthday
17:48.03xheliox)   -- AGI Script Executing Application: (Background) Options: (female_birthday does not exist in any format19]: file.c:563 ast_openstream_full: File female_birthday
17:48.04Yourname``destructure: You'rr right! It's faster the next time. So you're saying that a sound file that's used on EVERY CALL by Asterisk is automatically put in RAM?
17:48.06*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
17:48.12xhelioxWhat is this directory_birthday stuff/
17:48.49xhelioxThe file female_birthday.ulaw and .gsm are both in the /var/lib/asterisk/sounds dir..    it's almost like asterisk is misreading my file name?
17:48.58[TK]D-FenderTourinho: Oh yeah? Show me... <- rather
17:48.58Tourinho[TK]D-Fender : now its right, but still doesnt worki
17:49.04TourinhoLooking for 668 in sip_testing (domain
17:49.19destructureYourname``: yes, if you have enough ram, it will stay there
17:49.30destructureYourname``:however, that doesn't help for dynamic files, such as callfiles
17:49.41[TK]D-FenderTourinho: exten => _668.,1,Wait(1) <-- guess you need to re-read the page on PATTERN MATCHING.
17:49.51destructurealthough they may be cached, still, there's work flushing to disk, etc.
17:49.59destructurethey're temporary anyway
17:50.03Yourname``destructure: So there really is no need for running RAMfs for these sound files then! phew!
17:50.15destructurenot for the static ones, definitely
17:50.51Yourname``destructure: But you think it'd make sense for ramfs for the callfiles?
17:50.57*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
17:51.08destructureI don't know.  Are you having a problem?  I'm inclined not to pre-optimized
17:51.16destructureit's easy enough to mount a ramdisk if you are having trouble
17:51.43Yourname``destructure: I don't know if I'm having a problem, just trying to minimize CPU usage when Asterisk is being used.
17:51.56Tourinho[TK]D-Fender Will do it, for sure... but for now, can u tell me what is the problem, please :)
17:51.59QwellYourname``: it's not so much CPU that you'd be saving - it's disk I/O
17:52.14destructurethe best way to minimize cpu usage would be to minimize transcoding.  for example, if you call is ulaw, transcode those gsm files
17:52.17destructurein advance
17:52.23Yourname``Qwell: Sorry, that's what I meant. :S
17:52.27destructureesp if it's g.729
17:52.35QwellYourname``: what some people do with a ramfs, is save things like voicemail/recordings there, and at night (off-peak), save to disk
17:52.40Yourname``destructure: Transcoded all sound files to ulaw as career uses ulaw.
17:52.54Yourname``Qwell: Ah..
17:53.27Yourname``destructure: Currently transcoding is cut off. All sound files are in ulaw..
17:53.40destructureYourname``:I suggest you run some tests.  Automate a few hundred calls to your server and see how it performs.  Call yourself during the test to see if the audio is ok
17:54.12[TK]D-FenderTourinho: "." = 1 or MORE extra digits.
17:54.31[TK]D-FenderTourinho: Go read THE BOOK.
17:54.34jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
17:54.45Yourname``destructure: Done those tests. Just that sometimes when load avg goes above 1.. the AMD starts slowing down.
17:55.17destructurehow many calls? how does it sound?  how many cpus?
17:55.22Tourinho[TK]D-Fender : damn, Im too dumm.. Im sorry that stupid question. It is OK now.. thanks for your time :)
17:55.27destructuredid you look at the voip-info dimensioning page?
17:55.46destructurealso, how did you automate?  I'm curious since I have to do that, soon, and I'm always looking for tools
17:55.56Yourname``destructure: Yes, that's where I branched out from.
17:55.59Yourname``Automate what?
17:56.04destructureyour load testing
17:56.17[TK]D-FenderTourinho: I think its more like "lazy" I tell you that your pattern is clearly wrong and you didn't just go look at it and what each of the symbols you used MEANT.  Instead you jsut asked me to TELL you.
17:56.26Yourname``Thankfully, so far every kind of load testing was manual. Except for calls, where I used SIPp
17:56.32[TK]D-FenderTourinho: So I'll write that off as sloppy AND lazy.
17:56.48destructureYourname``: ah.  I use sipp with rtp echo
17:57.41Yourname``destructure: Meanwhile, do you have any reference material on how CentOS does the disk caching? Or even if it does at all. As I didn't know about it, but I'd like to know more.
17:57.53destructureit's not really a centos thing, but a linux thing
17:57.57TourinhoAll right, I deserve it
17:58.19*** join/#asterisk denon (
17:58.19*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by ChanServ
17:58.46dandanhm, time to leave :)
17:58.49dandancu all :)
17:59.02dandanwednesday I am in Boston, gotta see what's going on there...
17:59.33hmmhesaysi'm running into the strangest problem with voicemailmain
17:59.42hmmhesayswhen it goes to play the old message it just hangs up
18:01.03Yourname``destructure: : Looking..
18:01.03destructureYourname``:  section 9.3 might give you a start
18:01.59destructureYourname``: notice that acronym LRU, "least recently used".  the kernel has algorithms for expiring stuff in ram to make room for new stuff
18:04.14*** join/#asterisk kkn088 (n=kikoun@
18:04.16destructureYourname``: another comment, load average (basically) means the number of processes waiting for CPU, not disk.  I'd run the sipp test again, and study it. find the bottlenecks. how many calls did you run at 1.0 load?
18:05.25Yourname``destructure: That's what I came to a conclusion on. Every call above 300 was causing it. As long as it's <= 300 it's fine..
18:05.52Yourname``destructure: On the other hand, thanks for your help in the RAMfs understanding.
18:06.07*** part/#asterisk methods (
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18:06.49*** join/#asterisk GreggB (n=GreggB@
18:07.11hmmhesaysyeah asterisk is just randomly hanging up
18:08.55destructure300 doesn't sound bad.  It might be easier to get another two boxes and load balance between them
18:09.03destructureplus you get redundancy out of it
18:09.09*** part/#asterisk Tourinho (
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18:11.33EgonisI am trying to place an outgoing call on a T1 PRI, and it is giving me Code 54 -- INCOMING_CALL_BARRED -- has anyone experienced this or know how to fix it?
18:12.44Yourname``Maybe linux caches it's spool dirs too. :D
18:14.08hmmhesaysDarthclue: how are you?
18:14.31Yourname``Someone should remove the reference to RAMfs on
18:15.19Darthcluemeh, lost in the southwest according to jbot.  I've been getting more and more calls from people who need help with asterisk systems so I figured it was time to start lurking and see what all has changed in 2 years.
18:16.29*** part/#asterisk Egonis (n=roman@
18:16.43destructureYourname``: I don't think so.  It might be relevant in certain contexts.  For example, the first time a file is loaded, it will take awhile, so if you are loading lots if different files, it is a relevant optimization
18:16.52destructuremaybe another bullet would be good
18:17.09Yourname``Makes sense.
18:18.39hmmhesayscan anyone look at that pastebin?
18:20.07xhelioxIf someone might be able to give me an idea on this AGI Playback problem..   it can't find the file name no matter how I present it...   And I don't get what "directoryind..." means ---
18:20.12*** join/#asterisk |omni| (
18:20.48*** join/#asterisk beasty (n=beasty@about/apple/macbook/beasty)
18:21.59beastyanyone knows how i can't connect to the office asterisk machine from my home ?
18:22.21ai-abeasty: as in console, or sip phone ?
18:22.33beastysip phones
18:22.54*** join/#asterisk mamep (
18:23.35mamephello, how can i connect my asterisk to cisco callmanager in order to route calls to callmanager
18:25.31[TK]D-Fendermamep: Setup SIP on CCM & dial it from your * server.
18:25.38[TK]D-Fendermamep: Oh, and go read THE BOOK
18:25.40jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
18:25.53ai-abeasty: try
18:26.22*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
18:27.29mamepi have callmanager version 3.x and doesnot support sip
18:27.33mameponly h323
18:27.34*** join/#asterisk callguy (
18:28.02ManxPowermamep: then your life will suck, as H323 is very difficult to make work with Asterisk
18:28.20[TK]D-Fendermamep: Then read up on how to se tup * with H.323, and good luck...
18:28.34mamepsomething to start?
18:28.46*** part/#asterisk s34n (
18:28.55hmmhesaysthis is just crazy
18:29.23iruleis there some place in the internets where I may find a clear and simple explanation on how to use dundi to make 2 * server act as one? Ive seen some examples but none are in my language
18:29.39Darthcluehmmhesays, i looked at the pastebin, but I couldn't tell ya what it really means.  I see where it disconnects, but unless it has something to do with the file locking I dunno.
18:29.45hmmhesayscan you adjust zaptel gains while you are on the phone?
18:29.59mamep[TK]D-Fender i have already an * running...but i can't find any usefull guide in order to get work with h323
18:30.15jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
18:31.05*** join/#asterisk s34n (
18:31.45hmmhesaysafter I change the gain I just ztcfg ?
18:32.03*** join/#asterisk s34n (
18:33.13GreggBShort of unloading the wcte12xp module and reloading it, does anyone know how to manually force the entry shown in /proc/zaptel/1 from "1 WCT1/0/1 Clear Master (In use)" to "1 WCT1/0/1 Clear (In use)"?
18:33.30hmmhesaysyes no maybe so?
18:33.44mamep[TK]D-Fender : something except the book?
18:33.45*** join/#asterisk Shaun2222 (
18:36.08*** join/#asterisk spatulamaan (n=ggilmore@
18:37.00marc7I've figured out that when I comment out 'bindaddr' in the [general] section of my sip.conf, so that I can listen on more than one IP address (all)... I'm getting a ton of "SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized" error messages... adding the line back in solves the problem. does this give you guys any ideas? I'm running 1.4.13
18:37.31marc7is there any syntax to bindaddr to have it listen specifically on two addresses?
18:37.57*** join/#asterisk techie (
18:38.00*** part/#asterisk techie (
18:39.21ManxPoweris there a way to have verbose=1 in the CLI, but verbose=3 for /var/log/asterisk/messages ?
18:39.37ManxPowermarc7: why do you want to specify the addresses?  It almost always screws things up.
18:40.12ManxPowerGreggB: no.  sync cannot be changed without dropping all calls.
18:40.26[TK]D-Fendermamep: Go read the sample docs with *, and the WIKI.
18:40.29jboti guess wikis is
18:40.30marc7ManxPower: I want to listen on every interface, but in so doing, sip peers that try to register get a 401 unauthorized error... so how do you suggest I listen on more than one IP if I don't specify anything
18:40.42tzangerhow does one override the desired codec for a specific call in the dialplan?
18:40.52hmmhesaysdo I have to do anything to change zaptel gain other than ztcfg after the config file change?
18:40.53tzangerI remember there was a way, I just don't remember what variable it is
18:40.54ManxPowermarc7: by default Asterisk will listen on all interfaces.
18:40.59GreggBManxPower: alright - could that explain why we'd hear noise (squealing, and random buzzing) on this channel, but not on others?
18:41.07ManxPowertzanger: __SIP_CODEC, I think
18:41.32ManxPowerGreggB: I doubt it.
18:42.03ManxPowermarc7: The Asterisk relies on the OS to route the packets out the correct interface.
18:42.13marc7ManxPower: okay... so I have a sip.conf that works fine if there is a 'bindaddr =' line in there, but if it's commented out with a semicolon... our peers can't register. I don't understand why that is.
18:42.38ManxPowermarc7: what address are your peers trying to register to?
18:42.45mamep[TK]D-Fender : ?
18:42.52ManxPowerand where are those peers, local network or remote?
18:43.04GreggBManxPower: we were getting all kinds of awful noise when dialing out via this channel, but the others seemed fine. The only change was to unload and reload this module, and things cleared up.
18:43.18ManxPowerGreggB: then you have some other issue.
18:43.23ManxPowerIRQ conflict would be my guess.
18:43.27[TK]D-Fendermamep: Yes
18:43.32ManxPoweralso that is a T-1 card, so you will have 24 channels
18:43.34marc7half of the peers are remote, connecting to an outbound interface. half of them are trying to connect to a 10-space IP address that's routing packets from a VPN concentrator in our network
18:43.42ManxPowerWell, T-1/E-1, of course.
18:43.49*** join/#asterisk Boones (
18:44.07marc7ManxPower: i could show you a sip debug log if you'd like
18:44.14ManxPowermarc7: the devices must connect to the correct address in the first place.  SIP packets have INSIDE the DATA part, the IP addresses specified
18:44.47ManxPowermarc7: so BOTH types of devices can't connect when you remove the bindaddr= option?
18:44.53GreggBManxPower: IRQ conflict? Strange...this box had been working great for ~6 months.
18:45.04ManxPowerGreggB: what changed?
18:45.48GreggBManxPower: telco removed a bridge-tap about a month back, and we've been keeping up with the asterisk/libpri/zaptel releases
18:46.21*** join/#asterisk Egonis (n=roman@
18:46.23GreggBManxPower: other than that, nothing
18:46.33generalhanis there a way that i can pass a varaible from extensions.conf to agents.conf ? i cannot figure out how to get the agent recordings to label properlly and if i can just set a variable before i call the queue then maybe i can get this to work somehow
18:46.55marc7ManxPower: correct, but hold on... something coming up
18:46.57EgonisWhen trying to dial via Zap/G1 (which is span 1 channels 1-23 in zapata.conf) I get the message: 'Channel 0/23, span 1 got hangup, cause 54' -- why would it try dialing channel 0?
18:47.39*** join/#asterisk jimmysolis (n=jimmy@
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18:48.13jimmysolissomeone know how to work asterisk with ADIT 600(CMG)?
18:50.28*** join/#asterisk anujsingh (n=anuj@
18:50.39anujsinghhello everyone
18:52.22anujsinghhow do i save all conversations in asterisk+vicidialer setup, At once it worked , now i made some changes and it is not working , files were recorded in /var/spool/asterisk/monitor directory
18:53.23anujsinghI recreated whole database of vicidial asterisk , dialplan ,
18:53.53anujsinghcan anyone help me where to look at , i am new with asterisk
18:53.58[TK]D-Fenderanujsingh: Its your dialplan, go shove Monitor & MixMonitor around however you like....
18:54.27[TK]D-Fenderanujsingh: "show application monitor" , "show application mixmonitor"
18:54.37*** part/#asterisk ai-a (
18:54.43_x86_[TK]D-Fender: trying to do a hook-flash transfer, and getting dialtone upon flash, but when i enter the extension to transfer to, it returns me to the first leg of the call, and puts this in the CLI: Dumping incomplete call on Zap/16-1
18:54.50hmmhesayssounds like a routing issue
18:54.53anujsinghyes, last time i followed scratch install,
18:55.05[TK]D-Fender_x86_: Sorry, can't help from there... don't use Zaptel FXS...
18:55.17anujsinghit means i have to make proper changes in dialplan ?
18:55.25marc7ManxPower: the problem is that when bindaddr is set, the handshake/negotiation never completes successfully. Typically, there's a SIP REGISTER sent by the phones, the asterisk server says "Unauthorized" and provides the realm for credentials to be passed back... the phone passes the credentials, and everybody's happy..... when we remove that last bindaddr, that last step (of the phones passing back credentials) never happens
18:55.41marc7if you want, take a look at these error logs:
18:55.51hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: can I make the ip 501 save its handset volume position somehow?
18:56.04[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: Lookup "persist" in sip.cfg
18:56.16ManxPowermarc7: sounds like the phones are behind NAT or a firewall
18:57.11marc7ManxPower: well, the phones connecting to the "outside" interface *are*.. but NAT is setup correctly. again, everything works fine when the 'bindaddr' is in the sip.conf file
18:57.37*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
18:57.39marc7ManxPower: and the phones connecting on the "internal" interface are *not* using NAT/firewall... there's a router here that's passing traffic as if they were on localnet
18:57.42*** join/#asterisk VijayG (i=VijayG@
18:57.46_x86_anyone ever get "Dropping incomplete call on on Zap/16-1" or similar, when trying to do a hook-flash transfer?
18:57.59_x86_[TK]D-Fender: is there a way i can do a blind transfer without attempting a 3-way?
18:58.22[TK]D-Fender_x86_: short of DTMF, no clue.
18:58.52*** part/#asterisk doug (
18:59.13VijayGhow can i clear the logs of asterisk
18:59.15VijayGwhere does it maintain the logs
18:59.33[TK]D-FenderVijayG: /var/log/asterisk
18:59.37marc7[TK]D-Fender: any thoughts on this issue that I've been talking to ManxPower about? it's as if the phones do a completely new register... it doesn't respond to the 401 unauthorized response
18:59.58[TK]D-Fendermarc7: no clue
19:00.52VijayGcan i delete everything over there?
19:00.54VijayGor few files?
19:01.14[TK]D-FenderVijayG: You can delete them all if you want.
19:04.35*** join/#asterisk dlynes_laptop (n=dlynes@
19:06.58s34nI need a better understanding of how * connects a trunk call to an extension
19:07.33s34nOnce the extension picks up the incoming call, it looks like * sends an INVITE back to the trunk
19:08.28s34nin my case, that INVITE fails for some reason (could be auth)
19:11.27ManxPowers34n: Sorry, but I don't help people that use the wrong terms.  There is no such thing as a "SIP Trunk" in Asterisk.
19:12.17*** join/#asterisk duki (
19:15.03[TK]D-Fenders34n: When its a 401 it isn't "maybe" the auth, it IS the auth
19:16.43*** join/#asterisk mountainm2k (n=mountain@
19:16.56s34n[TK]D-Fender: Well, I'm a bit confused on how to fix it. I'm registered fine. The call is incoming. But the auth seems to be my * server failing auth against the provider.
19:17.06k31th[TK]D-Fender: cheers for you help today
19:17.21[TK]D-Fenders34n: register has nothing to do with authing incoming calls.
19:17.39[TK]D-Fenderk31th: Np, and grab the book, sit down, and get your head ouut of your ass :)
19:17.58k31thI can see your frustration looking back.
19:18.36s34n[TK]D-Fender: ok. but registration should be the only time the * server has to auth to the provider
19:18.38[TK]D-Fenderk31th: well.... you seem to aspire to offering services yet fail to grasp the simplest and most important concepts of * for ANY kind of use.  Scary stuff....
19:18.49[TK]D-Fenders34n: LOL, no :)
19:18.51jbot[~sipregister] SIP Registration is to tell your provider as to what IP address & EXTEN to send INCOMING calls to. Some ITSP's let you use a fixed IP or host rather that register.  Registration is NOT normally needed to PLACE a call, as those are typically auth'd independently.  Others accept UN-AUTH'D calls once you are registered (saves on negotiation BW)
19:19.17k31th[TK]D-Fender: It's not just me who works here :p
19:19.28[TK]D-Fenders34n: It only informs them WHERE to send calls, not HOW
19:19.45[TK]D-Fenderk31th: time for a roster change :p
19:20.35k31thlol, i have only been playing with asterisk for a few days, untill then i used freepbx...
19:21.12Strom_Mfreepbx: it rots the mind
19:21.18mountainm2kQ: How can I change Caller-ID for calls being *transferred*?  Today the caller-ID shows that of the person doing the transfer, rather than (preferrably) that of the call they are transferring
19:21.35Strom_Mmountainm2k: do a blind transfer rather than an attended transfer
19:21.43s34n[TK]D-Fender: calls from the ITSP are unauthed. If I'm reading it correctly, the failure is happening when * sends an INVITE back to the ITSP.
19:22.01s34n(not sure why * is sending an INVITE to the ITSP)
19:22.01mountainm2kHrrrm, need to RTFM for Polycom phones on that then I'm guessing
19:22.06mountainm2konly one transfer key
19:22.13Strom_Mmountainm2k: which phone?
19:22.25[TK]D-Fenderk31th: s/days/weeks/ <- I've seen you here longer than I'd use "days" to represent....
19:22.36s34n[TK]D-Fender: I'm unclear on how to configure incoming auth vs outgoing auth
19:22.44[TK]D-Fendermountainm2k: Do a BLIND transfer instead of an ATTENDED transfer
19:22.47Strom_Mmountainm2k: yeah, id have to drag mine out and dust it off
19:22.52Strom_M[TK]D-Fender: thats what I just said
19:22.54[TK]D-Fenders34n: thats in your peer.
19:22.57s34n[TK]D-Fender: but this is incoming, so it should be unath'd
19:23.17[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: Did read for it, seemed faster to type that search.
19:23.24mountainm2k[tk]: on Polycom, is there a setting for that?  Or is it a different feature key, etc?
19:23.30k31th[TK]D-Fender: been here yes, but not really attempted to learn * untill about a week ago.
19:23.34s34n[TK]D-Fender: 'm unclear on how to configure incoming auth vs outgoing auth in the peer
19:23.54wick2oanyone familer with spanning from a merlin legend system?
19:24.05[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: Yes, you are, but I'm used to your whining... go on some more about the raging hard-on VSC evangelizing gives you ;)
19:24.10k31thBut im sure i'v been here asking stupid questions alot longer than that :D
19:24.32*** join/#asterisk dioedu (n=dioedu@
19:24.34Strom_M[TK]D-Fender: go play with a nut
19:24.59dioeduhello, i have a gateway that use the protocol h248.
19:25.03[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: This channel is full of them as it is...
19:25.35dioeduThis protocol is known as megaco, that is a implementation of MGCP protocol.
19:25.55s34ndioedu: true
19:26.05dioeduchan_mgcp works with this protocol ?
19:26.05[TK]D-Fenderdioedu: * supports MGCP only to support PHONES IIRC
19:26.15[TK]D-Fenderdioedu: Yes as stated above
19:26.28_x86_i cant figure out how to make this transfer work
19:26.52anujsingh[TK]D-Fender is it possible to record all conversation by vicidial web admin interface without altering dialplan?
19:27.12[TK]D-Fenderanujsingh: I wouldn't know and this isn't the place to ask.  GUI's are NOT supported here.
19:27.33dioedu[TK]D-Fender, ok, than is more easy give up of this implementation with this gateway...
19:27.35dioeduright ?
19:27.46[TK]D-Fenderdioedu: Pretty much...
19:28.02anujsinghGUI's can I have the address for GUI's?
19:28.05[TK]D-Fenderdioedu: time to decide on "Plan B"
19:28.21[TK]D-Fenderanujsingh: HUH?
19:28.41NuggetI think that translates to "what irc channel can I join to sk about my GUI"
19:28.44anujsinghI mean any other channel ?
19:28.46Nuggeter, ask
19:29.13*** part/#asterisk mountainm2k (n=mountain@
19:29.17anujsinghNugget is right, sorry i asked wrong .
19:30.03anujsinghwhat irc channel can i join to ask about GUI's?
19:30.10[TK]D-Fenderanujsingh: No idea if they HAVE a channel.  Go check hteir home-page to see what resources they offer
19:30.32s34n[TK]D-Fender: for instance, |secret| in the peer config will be used for incoming and outgoing auth?
19:31.00[TK]D-Fenders34n: if that peer gets CALLED for incoming & outgoing, yes.
19:31.41*** join/#asterisk kaigoh (n=kaigoh@
19:31.50kaigohhi guys, need some advice
19:31.54*** join/#asterisk rantsh (n=rantsh@
19:32.03rantshhello everyone
19:32.06dioedudoes nobody needs a megaco implementation ?
19:32.27kaigohnot sure if it can be done, but I am creating a web interface for voicemail and one of the features I want to implement is a call back facility
19:32.33rantshhey anyone knows where I can get the latest (final) change history for asterisk 1.2 branch?
19:32.37[TK]D-Fenderdioedu: MGCP is pretty much DEAD as far as * is concerned.
19:32.42[TK]D-Fenderdioedu: You should avoid it.
19:33.04[TK]D-Fenderkaigoh: Yes, its possible
19:33.34kaigohi.e. you click a link on the webpage and your extension will ring and connect you to the person who called you. Any solutions?
19:33.54dioedu[TK]D-Fender, agree, but here in my country, telcos wanna use this to their implementations....
19:34.00[TK]D-Fenderkaigoh: Nothing "pre-build" that I know of, you'd have to design it yourself.
19:34.25[TK]D-Fenderdioedu: You may be screwed then.  Go find an MGCP gateway that can convert to something usable.
19:34.28kaigohyeah, thats not an issue, I'm just not quite sure of the dial plan commands to use?
19:35.09tzangerCDR registered backend: Adaptive ODBC
19:35.14tzangerhow do I disable that?
19:35.17tzangercdr.conf has no mention of it
19:35.20tzangerres_odbc has no mention of it
19:35.48[TK]D-Fenderkaigoh: Get reading :
19:35.51jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
19:37.26J4k3my trixbox either got semi-owned, or owned itself
19:37.50J4k3of course, its trixbox, who'dathunkit
19:37.54peanut-maybe it's because you're a filthy socialist.
19:38.12J4k3oh really, I'm not the one that sits in here begging for help
19:38.41peanut-oh speaking of, I think I hate xten's soft phone
19:38.44kaigohthanks for that D-Fender, thats the first route I always take, but i'm not to sure on the correct termiology, is it called call bridging?
19:38.59J4k3its a softphone, theres a lot to hate.
19:39.22peanut-one-way audio, it's munging up RP ports it uses
19:39.51J4k3eh, I just dislike softphones because Dell sucks at the IRQ
19:39.58[TK]D-FenderAnd my caps-lock NEVER gets stuck...
19:40.15J4k3everything in this laptop is stuck on irq 11... usb, minipci wifi, ethernet, internal sound chip
19:40.26*** join/#asterisk kaigoh (n=kaigoh@
19:40.28J4k3all on 11, on an apic-capable laptop...  dell rides the dumbass bus.
19:40.37kaigohsorry d-fender, please repeat
19:40.42mocker[TK]D-Fender: Removed Trixbox *and* 10 Cisco phones from a site over the weekend. :P
19:40.43[TK]D-Fenderpeanut-: 1-way audio is a networking issue I've never pinned to the soft-phone before, and I use X-Lite / eyeBeam.
19:40.50mockerReplaced w/ Polycom and straight asterisk.
19:40.55[TK]D-Fendermocker: And then.....? :)
19:41.00[TK]D-Fendermocker:  heh
19:41.09peanut-[TK]D-Fender: well I'm blaming the softphone, because all networking is good thus far.
19:41.17mockerSoon to replace TDM400P w/ A200D
19:41.43peanut-actually I haven't sniffed the client side yet, it's time consuming and I have work to do, but bitching is easy
19:42.11[TK]D-Fenderpeanut-: Yes, you mastered that part very quickly.
19:42.25[TK]D-Fendermocker: Wow, talk about doing everything wrong in sequence.
19:42.36mocker[TK]D-Fender: ?
19:42.46mockerAll dependent on when things arrive from the shipping place.
19:42.51[TK]D-Fendermocker: Trixbox, Cisco phones, TDM400....
19:43.03mockerOh, Trixbox/Cisco/TDM400 was before me.
19:43.11mockerThat's what I walked into.
19:43.11peanut-[TK]D-Fender: initially stun wasn't working on it, I didn't change anything and restarted the client a few times and it started working, hence my initial blame to the softphone
19:43.24[TK]D-Fendermocker: they should win a plushie or something for hitting a "consecutive mistake quota" in 1-shot
19:43.29peanut-not that just one restarting didn't do anything
19:43.31mockerI said, "You know, that has an IRC server on it?"
19:43.40[TK]D-Fenderpeanut-: don't NEED stun for a softphone behind NAT with *
19:43.55generalhanok, i have been trying to get my queue calls to record into a certain directory for ease of labeling and i cant seem to get it to work. what i would like to do is specify that calls be placed into a directory reflecting the Agent that answers the queue. can anyone think of a way to make this happen ? apparently i cannot use variables like ${Agent} or ${EXTEN} in agents.conf
19:44.13kaigohD-Fender, is the thing I am looking for called "call bridging"?
19:44.18peanut-[TK]D-Fender: until I enabled stun, asterisk server was sending RTP to instead of its public IP.
19:44.33peanut-[TK]D-Fender: and nat=yes in it's sip.conf declaration
19:44.43[TK]D-Fenderkaigoh: You are throwing dangerously vague terms around.  Stop now, and get reading.
19:45.21[TK]D-Fenderpeanut-: "thats nice", you need to set a number of things.  you'd have to show your full setup for proper commentary.
19:45.52peanut-[TK]D-Fender: ok, what configs do you want to see?
19:46.15[TK]D-Fenderpeanut-: sip.conf. [general] and [your-phone] masking only passwords
19:46.17jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
19:46.27peanut-I know pastebin
19:46.45Darthcluegeneralhan, if you are using chan_agent, i don't think you can do that.
19:46.57[TK]D-Fenderpeanut-: I also know you're lazy so I figured give you a link you could likely click on would save one last bit of whining :p
19:47.22*** join/#asterisk shtoom (n=godson@
19:47.39[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: If you aren't on "ringall" then when you call an agent, you are inthe dialplan, you should be able to pick it up there.
19:47.48[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: ${exten} that is.
19:49.03*** part/#asterisk Egonis (n=roman@
19:49.06generalhan[TK]D-Fender: i AM using ringall ! how does that affect the logic ?
19:49.18*** join/#asterisk Alowishus (
19:49.22*** part/#asterisk Alowishus (
19:49.32[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: well... hrm... actually... I suppose it really WOULDN'T affect... as long as ALL your members are using chan_agent.
19:50.07generalhanthis is what i am working with currently
19:50.58generalhani read several forum posts that said just by sepcifying the MONITOR_FILENAME before i enter the queue that, that would set the recording file name ... but it doesnt. The CLI shows the variable being set, but the calls do not go there
19:51.18peanut-[TK]D-Fender: messaged you link
19:51.26*** join/#asterisk Alowishus (
19:51.37[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: -- agent_call, call to agent '7050' call on 'SIP/7010-9e820330' <- do the monitor inside your AGENT dialing dialplan.
19:52.48[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: Don't do monitoring on the QUEUE, do it in the local call to the agent.
19:53.03*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
19:53.47generalhan[TK]D-Fender: i appologize for my ignorance ... where is that handeled ? i thought that the Agent dialing was handled in the queues.conf file ?!
19:53.48[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: Should look at the call as it comes in.
19:54.03[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: strike that..
19:54.11[TK]D-Fenderblarg, window cross-over errors
19:54.25[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: Agents get called through the DIALPLAN.
19:54.46[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: Thats why you LOG IN <---- you should already know exactly where this is done in your setup...
19:55.40generalhanexten => 5557050,1,AgentLogin(7050) <-- thats is the only line in my entire dialplan that has any mention of an Agent
19:56.17generalhanso how would i tell the dial plan that whenever a call is answered by Agent 7050 that it should monitor ?
19:56.46generalhanright now i have it working without agents using a MASSIVE ammount of code in the dial plan ... i was hoping to get away from that using Agents !
19:57.37[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: OMG EW!
19:57.48[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: You must be like the 2nd only person to do that.
19:58.07generalhan[TK]D-Fender: lol "ew" ? 2nd person to do what ?
19:58.41ManxPowergeneralhan: most people want their agents to be called by asterisk, not be forced to stay on the line to accept calls.
19:58.48[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: "AgentLogin" <- this method of running queues
19:59.00[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: as ManxPower said
19:59.19generalhanwell yes, after i get this all worked out i want to change to agentcallback
19:59.39ManxPowerHell, we have enough trouble just keeping the damn receptionist at her desk instead of running around the office doing non-phone stuff.
19:59.43[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: I'm guessing you WON'T get this to work without changin it NOW.
20:00.00[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Time to "whip" out the BDSM gear :p
20:00.07generalhanok !
20:00.11ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: don't tempt me.
20:00.30ManxPowerI have a pair of handcuffs that would work just fine to chain her leg to the desk.
20:00.35generalhanok i will switch it over using the agentcallback first then !
20:00.53ManxPowerThe better solution would be to fire her sorry ass, but that is not politically possible at tis time.
20:01.16J4k3handcuffs at the desk?  kinky
20:01.19generalhanthe code that im using now to make this work is pretty crazy and i would really like to do this a different way !
20:01.30J4k3I've never used handcuffs, I'm more a rope or ribbon man
20:01.58[TK]D-FenderJ4k3: silk ties, les friction burn :)
20:03.50*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (
20:07.10mockerManxPower: Get her a DECT phone.
20:07.49*** join/#asterisk trippss (
20:09.22*** join/#asterisk dlynes_ (n=dlynes@
20:09.39_x86_mmm  handcuffs
20:09.59_x86_[TK]D-Fender: got it to work... helps if i use the correct feature code ;)
20:10.13_x86_[TK]D-Fender: *2 did the trick, no hook flash trickery involved
20:10.28J4k3DECT is hot.
20:10.34[TK]D-Fender_x86_: Well DTMF is a LAME way to do a transfer.
20:10.46[TK]D-Fender_x86_: Stop using channel-banks!
20:10.53_x86_[TK]D-Fender: no! :)
20:11.00J4k3ugh, channel banks
20:11.02_x86_i agree it's ugly...
20:11.11_x86_but the company i work for is fucking cheap
20:11.15ManxPowerOnly non-cool people use DTMF transfers
20:11.21[TK]D-Fender_x86_: CB + T1 card = PRICEY.
20:11.22_x86_the sales people dont even have computers at their desks
20:11.40[TK]D-Fender_x86_: SIP ATA's & gateways are far cheaper
20:11.48[TK]D-Fender_x86_: And would spare you this BS
20:12.17_x86_24 port ATA cheaper than Rhino CB24-FXS?
20:12.50ManxPower_x86_: I think he means that 12 2-port adapters is cheaper than a CB + T-1 card for it.
20:13.39_x86_but then you need a bigger data switch
20:13.59[TK]D-Fender_x86_: $1400 for 24 port Audiocodes / Mediatrix
20:14.20[TK]D-Fender_x86_: Cheaper if you use 3 X SPA-8000
20:14.33ManxPower+ $10,000 worth of time to try to figure out how to configure it.
20:15.15_x86_ManxPower: that's like a whole month of my pay almost... i clearly didn't spend that much time on this ;)
20:15.19generalhan[TK]D-Fender: ok trying to setup AgentCallbackLogin but i need to beable to have the Agent dial the new extension but it will look to ${EXTEN}@default how can i have them dial the new extension and have it look to a different context ? cause i cant use ${CALLERID(number)} because that puts in an actual local phone number
20:15.20[TK]D-Fender_x86_: 780$ for the SPA solution.  And far more versatile
20:15.22_x86_perhaps.... 3 hours off and on?
20:15.38_x86_[TK]D-Fender: how does it mount in a rack? doesn't have any spa-8000
20:16.50*** join/#asterisk jfitzgibbon (n=chatzill@
20:16.56[TK]D-Fender_x86_: plenty of other places offering it
20:17.24[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: Read the instructions for that app....
20:17.56_x86_[TK]D-Fender: doesnt look like it mounts in a rack easily
20:17.58mockerSo w/ that, does each port show up as a SIP user?
20:18.21[TK]D-Fender_x86_: Nope, for that you'd spend a few odd bucks on a TRAY
20:18.33[TK]D-Fendermocker: Yup
20:18.39mocker[TK]D-Fender: hot.
20:18.47_x86_[TK]D-Fender: ugly, not a solution...
20:19.02mocker_x86_: It's a solution, but maybe not for you. :)
20:19.03[TK]D-Fendermocker: VERY.  Its a real winner in the "economic deployement" category
20:19.21k31thcheap ass solution?
20:19.34[TK]D-Fender_x86_: Then $1400 it is.  how much is a CB-24-FXS for you?
20:19.49[TK]D-Fenderk31th: No... this isn't GRANDSTREAM :p
20:19.57_x86_[TK]D-Fender: less than $1400 ;)
20:20.10[TK]D-Fender_x86_: how MUCH?  Add the T1 costs on top....
20:20.20_x86_[TK]D-Fender: my cost was somewhere around $1100 each
20:20.59_x86_I bought 20 of them (well, about 16 FXS, bought a couple FXO banks as well)
20:21.03[TK]D-Fender_x86_: And I''m sure you could get one of those 2 gateways for that easily as well in wholesale.  I quoted RETAIL.  Lets keep the apples away from the oranges, ok?
20:21.10_x86_the cards were next to nothing too, because i bought bulk
20:21.13generalhan[TK]D-Fender: it doesnt specify how to change the context, without having a variable there. if the CID was setup that way in sip.conf i could use ${CALLERID(number)}@whatever_i_Want  but without it i cannot put in (7050| @whatever_i_want so that they are prompted and then it goes to that context
20:21.29_x86_[TK]D-Fender: dont attack my working solution, ok? :)
20:21.35[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: yes, you CAN put the context into your app...
20:21.54generalhanwith nothing in front of it so that it needs to be entered by the agent >
20:22.01[TK]D-Fender_x86_: Sure, you keep scraping the bottom of that barrel, and will cram you in with a pile of monkeys too...
20:23.47ManxPowergeneralhan: you will need to search the mailing list archives and the wiki for example of what you want to do
20:24.08generalhanive already read up and down the wiki, so ... to the archives i go !
20:24.55ManxPowerwe gave up on queues.
20:25.11generalhanlol, why's that ?
20:25.33*** join/#asterisk bakermd (n=none@
20:25.40ManxPowerfar, far, far too complicated to make work the way we wanted.
20:25.41*** join/#asterisk theron (n=theron@
20:25.56bakermdI am trying to get an * box going with realtime through odbc, but when I use isql to test my connection I am getting [unixODBC][TCX][MyODBC]Lost connection to MySQL server during query  - any ideas
20:26.01mocker[TK]D-Fender: Sent the link to my boss.
20:26.07mockerHere's hoping I get a new toy to play w/!
20:26.32[TK]D-Fendermocker: Fun toys.  impressive price point given SPA's WORK.
20:26.49mockerYeah, I do wish they were rack mountable though.
20:26.53mockerBut for the $$$
20:26.54[TK]D-Fendermocker: Cost is on par with almost their cheapest ATA / port
20:27.09[TK]D-Fendermocker: Its a question of market segment... can't blame them...
20:27.10Yourname``Holy crap! In the Aastra 480i, where do I put the Asterisk server's IP? Outbound proxy? Registrar proxy? or which one!
20:27.17[TK]D-Fenderanyways... checkout time here, later all...
20:27.19Yourname``So hard to even understand their UI.
20:27.21mockerlater [TK]D-Fender
20:27.31ManxPowerYourname``: Yes!
20:28.03Yourname``ManxPower: There is Proxy Server, then Backup proxy server, then outbound proxy server, and then registrar server!! lol
20:28.12generalhanwell all my phones are defined in [extensions] i guess i could just use an include => default and move them all there ! lol  then i wouldnt have to deal with this anymore !
20:28.39ManxPowerYourname``: what happens when you put the ip address of your asterisk in all of them?
20:28.45ManxPowerthen what happens if you remove it from one of them?
20:29.06ManxPowerYourname``: You are empowered to try these things for yourself.
20:29.34Yourname``ManxPower: I tried it, and nothing happened! :(
20:30.39*** join/#asterisk geparkt (
20:33.31*** join/#asterisk shawdog22 (
20:33.55*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
20:35.10shawdog22Was wondering if anyone had a couple minutes for a question about changing the configs for a different ISDN?
20:35.29jbotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there, just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
20:36.08*** join/#asterisk Geijin (
20:36.30bakermdanyone had issues with isql to test the unixodbc?  Getting [unixODBC][TCX][MyODBC]Lost connection to MySQL server during query
20:36.49shawdog22I'm looking at moving from a NON-IDSN line to an ISDN line, to get ANI. I'm not sure what all I need to change to get the new T1 working.
20:37.10Qwellshawdog22: what was it before, regular old T1?
20:37.13Strom_Mshawdog22: i assume you mean 'get caller ID on inbound calls' right?
20:37.37ManxPowerANI and Callerid are not the same
20:37.52Strom_Mshawdog22: its generally just a matter of changing a few settings in zaptel and zapata.conf
20:38.00ManxPowershawdog22: callerid number arrives automatically normally.
20:38.52Geijin<---New to the asterisk thing and waiting for it to finish with compile to start using it
20:39.14jbotIt's great to be here!
20:39.37Geijinthanx Qwell
20:39.44jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
20:39.45jbotwikis is, like,
20:39.57QwellGeijin: ^^ for you
20:40.14Rawplayeris ldap documented in that book?
20:40.18Geijinthe last one i use on a daily basis but thanx :)
20:40.21shawdog22I've got the general info on the new ISDN line, such as framing, encoding. But a little confused on the switch type and the signaling.
20:40.35ManxPowerRawplayer: since asterisk does not support LDAP, I suspect it is not in the Asterisk Book
20:40.38Qwelljbot: no, book is <reply> Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF
20:40.39jbotokay, Qwell
20:40.45QwellFree == good
20:40.47RawplayerManxPower: excuse me?
20:40.48shawdog22Info I have on the new line says NI2 Protocol and and 5E switch.
20:40.52RawplayerManxPower: its supported
20:41.00ManxPowerRawplayer: cite your source.
20:41.03Rawplayeror is it third party?:)
20:41.26ManxPowershawdog22: switchtype=national
20:41.37jfitzgibbonRawplayer: it's not part of core or CVS - you have to download / compile / install it as a module
20:41.41generalhanok SWEET ! got the recordings to work with the AgentCallbackLogin cmd. but this presented ANOTHER issue ... you think there is a way to set up my dialplan so that if an agent has logged into an extension and someone directly dials that extension that it wont ring?
20:42.06shawdog22ManxPower: Do I need to change anything dealing with the 5E switch?
20:42.13ManxPowergeneralhan: um, that is usually a phone issue.
20:42.16generalhannot that this would ever happen, but lets say an agent logs into the bosses phone for a bit, we dont want that agent getting the bosses calls while he is on that phone
20:42.19Strom_Mshawdog22: no, NI2 is NI2
20:42.29ManxPowershawdog22: NI2 means you don't have to worry about the switch type.
20:43.00jfitzgibbongeneralhan: stick a hint in ASTdb when AgentCallbackLogin returns, then check that hint before dialing the boss's phone?
20:43.07Rawplayerthe word "ldap" is mentioned one time in the book
20:43.15shawdog22ManxPower: How do I know what needs to be set for the signaling?
20:43.28Strom_Mshawdog22: we told you already... switchtype=national
20:43.34generalhanhmm, seems a bit complicated for this application, but if thats the best anyone can come up with !
20:43.57shawdog22Sorry didn't see it.
20:44.19*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jtregunn@unaffiliated/jer)
20:44.28jfitzgibbongeneralhan: well, any simpler way of doing it would involve chan_agents sticking it's dirty hands into the guts of Dial(), which doesn't sound any less complex to me
20:44.51generalhaninteresting way to put that ! lol
20:45.16jfitzgibbongeneralhan: it just moves the complexity inside of the * code instead of the dialplan, which is not the direction things seem to be going (and this is a good thing)
20:46.14*** join/#asterisk dlynes_laptop (n=dlynes@
20:46.31generalhanjfitzgibbon: show agents displays the extensions that agents are logged into ... it just seems to me like this should be stored somewhere already that i can reference before doing a DIAL command
20:46.31ManxPowerignore the info about sangoma.  The PRI in these configs is 8 channels
20:46.47ManxPowerthese are direct copies of the 2 config files of a production PBX
20:47.13peanut-anyone capable ot looking at my sip debug output and telling me why I only have one-way audio?
20:48.08jfitzgibbongeneralhan: well, if does stick it somewhere - chan_agent puts stuff in ASTdb as well if you have persistent agents enabled.  But then you're parsing someone else's data which could (though probably won't, given the deprecation of AgentCallbackLogin) change
20:48.09*** join/#asterisk docelmo (
20:48.39generalhanwhy is it being depreciated anyway ?
20:48.47shawdog22ManxPower: Okay, thanks. Mine looks like that, just using channels 1-23.
20:48.53generalhanim just starting to see the bennefits
20:49.14ManxPowerpeanut-: audio is RTP
20:49.32*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
20:49.40jfitzgibbongeneralhan: it seems that the direction * is taking is to move away from large apps that encapsulate lots of logic inside them and moving to lots of small apps that you glue together using the dialplan
20:49.59ManxPowerpeanut-: looks like a NAT issue.  [Oct 29 15:28:40] VERBOSE[66027] logger.c: Peer audio RTP is at port
20:50.13ManxPowerand most everything else in there is public routable IP addresses
20:50.16shawdog22ManxPower: Is the timing source on the span variable usually set to 1?
20:50.38ManxPowershawdog22: you must have at least 1 span with a timing (sync) source set to 1
20:50.40peanut-WIP300 is on, asterisk is on
20:50.42jfitzgibbongeneralhan: however, the migration from AgentCallbackLogin to dynamic queue members has been difficult for some because the documented example of how to do it was a) done in AEL and b) only one queue model, so other situations had to figure out how to translate their systems over
20:50.59peanut-and I have sip debug up there because it sets up RTP
20:51.09Shaun2222can the microbrowser on the polycom 550's load images?
20:51.13shawdog22ManxPower: Thanks for your help
20:51.14ManxPowerpeanut-: then were are all this and coming from?
20:51.22generalhanjfitzgibbon: well thats true too, i assume when they all together get rid of agentcallbacklogin that there will be more extensive documentation on the other forms !
20:51.38peanut-the 70 address is outside NAT for asterisk/. the 69 address is client casey
20:51.44peanut-casey can only hear and not speak
20:52.05jbotwell, grandstream is the Yugo of VoIP hardware.  Run.  Run away now.
20:52.07jfitzgibbongeneralhan: for all intents and purposes, they have gotten rid of it.  The replacement is in the release version and the old code will just not be in 1.6
20:52.16mockerAnyone have any web review of grandstreams?
20:52.18ManxPowerpeanut-: so exactly what device is not working?  I suspect you used bindaddr=  that usually screws up audio
20:52.33jfitzgibbongeneralhan: so I wouldn't do a new deployment using it, nor would I hold my breath waiting for someone to come up with more docs
20:52.35peanut-bindaddr= I think
20:52.47[hC]peanut-: asterisk box natted?
20:52.50ManxPoweryou have debug from multiple devices.
20:52.59ManxPowerSorry, but *you* are supposed to do the work, not me.
20:53.01peanut-[hC]: yes, both asterisk and client are NAT'd
20:53.15[hC]peanut-: have you specified in sip.conf externip= and localnet= ?
20:53.37generalhanjfitzgibbon: well i cant ditch the queues, and i need to find better ways to keep tabs on them, so i really need this. i dont have much of a choice
20:54.05jfitzgibbonif this is a new part of your system, why don't you just do it with the non-deprecated bits?
20:54.13ManxPowerpeanut-: internal phones should connect to the internal address, external phones should connect to the external address.
20:54.18jfitzgibbongeneralhan: why invest in something that limits your upgrade path?
20:54.22peanut-ManxPower: it does
20:54.22generalhanlike what ?
20:54.34*** part/#asterisk shawdog22 (
20:54.35peanut-ManxPower: internal phone connects to, external to the 70. address
20:54.39ManxPowerpeanut-: as I said, your pastebin is so confusing it is too much work.
20:54.42jfitzgibbongeneralhan: dynamic queues using AddQueueMember / RemoveQueueMember.  They didn't just say "queues are gone
20:54.47[hC]peanut-: have you specified externip and localnet in sip.conf? if you havent, this is your problem
20:55.05mockerAnyone recognize this phone?
20:55.20jfitzgibbongeneralhan: they provided modular replacements with (too little) docs and now you can make queues do all sorts of interesting things, though it's more work on the designer's end than the old way
20:55.35Kwakwamocker, looks grandstreamy
20:55.42generalhanjfitzgibbon: actually if i dont go for a cig right now, i may start setting things on fire in here ! lol. if you have the time when i get back (3 min) i would love to hear your insights about dynamic queues.
20:56.03peanut-[hC]: I have specified it
20:56.06jfitzgibbongeneralhan: if by insights, you mean "wild rants about how they suck", sure
20:56.16jfitzgibbongeneralhan: not that I'm not using them mind you - it was just painful
20:56.23peanut-ManxPower: it's not confusing, there's the sip.conf and the sip debug
20:56.23[hC]peanut-: both, though? it wont work if you do only one.
20:56.29generalhanjfitzgibbon: any insight is better than no insight ! brb
20:56.55peanut-[hC]: and debug1.txt
20:56.58ManxPowerpeanut-: you have sip debug for two totally different phones
20:57.10peanut-it's the NAT phone calling the non-nat phone
20:57.25peanut-it is
20:57.26ManxPowerthat should solve the issue
20:57.33peanut-in [general] and client
20:57.44*** join/#asterisk blq (
20:57.58ManxPowerIs your Asterisk box also your NAT box?
20:58.05*** join/#asterisk RailsAddict (n=scottbau@
20:58.07[hC]peanut-: pretty sure you just gave us your voicepulse username and pass... not that anyone cares.
20:58.07peanut-ports are forwarded
20:58.09ManxPowerThen your asterisk box is not "behind nat"
20:58.18ManxPowerdon't forward the ports.
20:58.19peanut-[hC]: I commented it out
20:58.26ManxPoweralso, what ports are forwarded?
20:58.53[hC]doesnt look like it to me
20:58.53[hC]register =>
20:59.04ManxPower[hC]: it does to me
20:59.07[hC]anyhow, do nat=yes on all the clients
20:59.14peanut-thanks for pasting that in the channel as well.
20:59.26ManxPower[hC]:  is always helpful
20:59.28[hC]just change your password, you did it already by giving everyone the url.
20:59.52peanut-it should be a goddamn variable there...
20:59.54*** join/#asterisk agile (n=mike@
20:59.58peanut-why is it even hard coded
21:00.38[hC]all ive ever had to do with people behind nat is nat=yes, externip, localnet
21:00.53[hC]and of course if a client is behind nat, make sure their phone/client supports nat properly
21:00.56Qwellpeanut-: next time, play it as though that isn't your password, and quietly change it :)
21:01.49*** join/#asterisk punkgode (
21:01.58ManxPower[hC]: and forward ports, of course.
21:02.13ManxPowerassuming your asterisk and your NAT box are NOT the same.
21:02.46ManxPowerI can see how forwarding ports and using localnet= and externip= when the asterisk box is also the NAT router could cause all sorts of audio issues.
21:02.53[hC]and the ports to forward are not limited to UDP 5060, you need UDP 10000-20000 as well
21:03.01[hC]it can, yeah.
21:03.21ManxPower[hC]: you need what ever is in /etc/asterisk/rtp.conf.  If you don't have an rtp.conf, then asterisk defaults to 10000-20000
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21:03.42[hC]ManxPower, with the more specific answer ftw :)
21:04.02ManxPowerin the case of Asterisk = NAT Box, then Asterisk is not actually "behind nat"
21:04.28peanut-Qwell: oh no, someone is gonna run up my long distance!
21:04.50RailsAddictAy idea why files in /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing wounldn't get picked up?  This was working before a reboot.
21:05.04ManxPowerpeanut-: don't worry too much.  There are too many unsecure Asterisk boxes for you to worry about being targeted.
21:05.20ManxPowerRailsAddict: a timestamp in the future would do it.
21:05.24peanut-I'm not concerned.
21:05.29*** join/#asterisk IOscanner (
21:05.40peanut-how long does it take for voicepulse to sync the new passwords across their servers?
21:05.43ManxPowerif you rebooted and your box sync'd with NTP and the date/time was set back...
21:05.53IOscanneranyone else having problems with Cisco phones jacking up DST.
21:06.35ManxPowerRailsAddict: date && ls -l /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/* && daye
21:06.38Shaun2222with the polycoms the microbrowser, how can it make it display a page while the phone is being used on a call?
21:06.38ManxPowerdate too
21:08.07RailsAddictManxPower: ya, an hour off...
21:09.58Darthclueanyone use iprimus?  good, bad, awful?
21:10.10IOscannerIs there a new image to fix it.
21:11.44QwellIOscanner: move to AZ
21:11.59IOscannersure packing now
21:12.44generalhaneveryone should move to AZ !!! best state EVER !
21:14.24*** join/#asterisk duckz (
21:14.31bakermdI have installed Asterisk --with-odbc and configured the ODBC driver - I want to run realtime over odbc (1.4.4) - but I cant find the script to create the db tables
21:15.50*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
21:16.13Qwellbakermd: there isn't one.  look for examples on the wiki
21:16.16jboti guess wikis is
21:16.30bakermdcool - thx
21:16.40WilliamKwhois mmichelson (nickname) ?
21:16.48QwellWilliamK: putnopvut
21:17.07Qwellputnopvut: You should register that nick btw
21:17.10Qwellyou can link it to yours
21:17.38WilliamKah okie - I have a question... if removing this is really needed (Removing a completely unnecessary quota check from IMAP code.
21:17.46WilliamK), what happens if the mbox is full?
21:18.05WilliamKand how does * handle it or does it cause bad affects?
21:20.38putnopvutAs far as I can tell, the quota is checked elsewhere. That one spot was just a "test" according to the comment above it.
21:20.47JTpeanut- is hilarious
21:20.47JT"i'm not concerned"
21:20.59JT"how long until voicepulse sync their password... guys?!?"
21:21.04putnopvutAnd if the mbox is full, then Asterisk will play the "vm-full" file and not allow messages to be left.
21:22.49*** part/#asterisk fskrotzki (
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21:26.06Ponsguys, i compiled trunk and installed chan_mobile.. I successfully received a call from the phone but when I make a call from a SIP softphone through the mobile phone i don't hear anything in both sides, but the call is successfuly connected. I also tried the softphone by making a call to a demo extension i made for this, and it works. I've also tried 2 different cellphones, no success. Any suggestions or advices on this?
21:26.10nroejtzafrir: hey
21:26.26nroejtzafrir: you remember my problem yesterday
21:26.39tzafrirnot really
21:26.44nroejregarding meetme with ztdummy loaded
21:26.56tzafriron sparc?
21:27.42nroejread the docs carefully again, the problem might be that my kernel is compiled with a 250hz rtc
21:28.06nroejhopefully it works then
21:28.27tzafrirrtc works on sparc?
21:28.42nroejit has the kernel option
21:28.49tzafrirkernel was built with 250Hz, and there's no RTC (probably)
21:29.23tzafrir1000 should work anyway
21:29.32marlcan someone tell me which var would contain the called number within the dialplan outbound route?
21:30.01nroejcrw-rw---- 1 root audio 10, 135 2007-10-27 21:47 /dev/rtc
21:30.10nroejthe device is there...
21:30.12JTnroej: bit unreasonable to expect people here to remember what everyone else's problem was
21:30.18JTgive up
21:30.20JTit's sparc
21:30.34JTasterisk was designed to work properly on linux x86, that is all
21:30.42nroejJT: :P
21:31.18nroejJT: hey, come on he remembered after some hints
21:33.09marli have an outbound dial command of : exten => _0[1-9].,n,Dial(IAX2/7875324@web-voip/44${EXTEN:1}), which works fine, but i cant seem to find a varable that contains just the outbound number
21:34.12ManxPowermarl: in the example above what would the outbound number me?
21:34.53*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
21:35.04_x86_re [TK]D-Fender
21:35.39marlwhen i initate a call via a softfone, say dialing 07432675475, the call goes through correctly (dial via web-voip as 447432675475)
21:36.05ManxPowerbecause you are building the actual number INSIDE the Dial like 44${EXTEN:1} there is no variable that holds it.
21:36.23marlwat about the original number that was dialed?
21:36.24[Blacky]any1 knows how to enable the MESSAGE method to work in asterisk ?
21:36.27ManxPower${EXTEN} is what was dialed to get the call into Asterisk.
21:36.33ManxPowerthe original number is ${EXTEN}
21:36.40[Blacky]to be used with sip softphones like eyebeam/x-lite ?
21:37.00ManxPower[Blacky]: thousands of people use X-lite without special "MESSAGE" configuration
21:40.18[Blacky]there's a built-in message you can send between your contacts in x-lite/eyebeam
21:40.36[Blacky]when i try to send such a message while connecting to an asterisk server, it gives an error
21:40.42[Blacky]did you try this before ?
21:41.08marlthanks ManxPower, was missreading the noop output from the * log :(
21:41.08[Blacky]"Instant Message" option, when you right click on a contact
21:41.22JTno, most people use instant messaging programs to send instant messages
21:41.22ManxPowerAh.  I don't believe Asterisk supports that.
21:41.38[Blacky]i get "Error: Method Not Allowed." in the message box when i try to send a message
21:41.41[TK]D-Fender[Blacky], * does not support SIP IM's
21:41.52ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: not even in TRUNK?
21:42.29[TK]D-FenderManxPower, maybe at most... maybe as a forward.
21:42.30[Blacky]ain't SMS messages works with the same method ?
21:42.46ManxPower[Blacky]: SMS and SIP IM are totally different.
21:43.07ManxPowerthat is like saying Saturn and Earth are the same.  They are both planets, afterall.
21:43.27[Blacky]well, i tought i might be using the same method from the softphone client to the asterisk server
21:43.37[Blacky]but i understand it isn't now..
21:43.41ManxPowerSMS uses FSK modem tones to connect to the SMS Control Center to deliver the message.
21:43.46*** join/#asterisk perd (i=[U2FsdGV@
21:43.59JTmodem to sms gateway might do that
21:44.01JTnothing else does
21:44.20ManxPowerJT: um, what about the SMS application in Asterisk?
21:44.24perdanyone know the name of the log analyzer that makes pretty graphs and stuff for asterisk.. i forgot the name
21:44.38JTyes, that's modem to sms as far as i'm aware
21:44.46[Blacky]if i look at the OpenSER platform, they mention their a support for SMS, is it through a sip trunk?
21:44.48JTcertainly not how the majority of smses are sent
21:44.57JTsip is not a trunk
21:45.18[Blacky]perd: Munin ?
21:45.47ManxPower[Blacky]: cite your source
21:45.57perdthat's not the one im thinking of... but i'll check it out.  need something flashy for the boss to look at heh
21:46.06JTmost smses are sent with digital messages
21:46.07ManxPowerI see an SMS module for OpenSER, but I didn't see a conversion module to convert SIP MESSAGE into SMS.
21:46.17ManxPowerit requires a modem, of course.
21:46.28[Blacky]ok, i get it all connected now
21:46.32[Blacky]thanks for the info.
21:47.15[Blacky]EFnet ?
21:47.15ManxPowerFrom OpenSER: This module provides a way of communication between SIP network (via SIP MESSAGE) and GSM networks  (via ShortMessageService). Communication is possible from SIP to SMS and vice versa.
21:47.29ManxPowerseems like a silly thing for a "PROXY" to do, but.
21:47.40k31thare you the same blacky i know from #debian ?
21:48.00[Blacky]hmm, nope..
21:48.07[Blacky]but i know your nickname from somewhere as well
21:48.08[Blacky]so dunno
21:48.23[Blacky]basicbeats maybe
21:48.27k31thefnet is possible
21:48.44k31thbasicbeat dj / music related?
21:48.48*** part/#asterisk agile (n=mike@
21:48.51[Blacky]i was running it
21:49.04k31thmost likely then
21:49.09[Blacky]the radio station
21:49.18[Blacky]small world ;)
21:49.54k31thi'm interested, why the nick ?
21:50.12[Blacky]ManxPower: with their state, looks like it's possible to link between those two technics
21:50.22[Blacky]dunno, from BBS times
21:50.46JT[Blacky]: technics? too much djing for you
21:50.47ManxPower[Blacky]: correct.  Asterisk does not do this for SIP MESSAGE
21:51.00k31ththats what i was thinking JT
21:51.23peanut-does asterisk cache passwords anywhere? changed my iax2 and sip passwords for voicepulse and I'm getting 'no authority' still
21:51.26peanut-can't login with them
21:51.36k31thlink two CDJ's via SIP ?
21:51.47dlynes_laptoppeanut-: did you do a sip reload and an iax2 reload?
21:51.47marlanyone know how i can get more info on the followme command and followme.conf files? only thing i can find so far is :
21:51.50[Blacky]rofl :D
21:52.06peanut-dlynes_laptop: yes
21:52.13k31th"show current djs"
21:52.29[Blacky]sip play cdj1
21:54.41dlynes_laptoppeanut-: are you in control of both endpoints?
21:55.07s34nasterisk is sending a 407 out with To and From headers that seem reversed to me. From: Caller; To: *
21:55.13peanut-dlynes_laptop: it's a connection to voicepulse
21:55.17ManxPowermarl: You did not check the CLI first!
21:55.25ManxPowermarl: "show application followme"
21:55.33ManxPowerTHAT is how you should find application docs.
21:55.37s34nAren't those headers backwards?
21:55.46dlynes_laptoppeanut-: are you using the 'switch =>' statement to send calls?
21:55.52*** join/#asterisk Bob_LobLaw (
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21:59.35peanut-dlynes_laptop: no
22:00.48ManxPowerpeanut-: removing the port forwarding and the localnet= and externip= did not help?
22:02.33dlynes_laptoppeanut-: make sure that the extension you're sending it into is correct
22:03.08dlynes_laptoppeanut-: what your understanding of voicepulse's dialplan is, and what reality is, might not match
22:03.09peanut-ManxPower: I'm trying to get my calls to work again after changing passwords..
22:07.48*** join/#asterisk PaulAviles (
22:08.10PaulAvilescan anyone assist compiling meetme?
22:08.53ManxPowerPaulAviles: there is no assistance needed.  MeetMe will compile when you build Asterisk -- IF -- it sees Zaptel already installed.
22:09.38ManxPowerpeanut-: try your old password.
22:10.02PaulAvilesMax: that is the think., I guess I did not have it. so.. downloaded, did a make and make install and still nothing when I recompile asterisk
22:10.22PaulAvilesI get no errors when I compile zaptel at all
22:10.35ManxPowerand what about when you install zaptel?
22:10.37ManxPower"make install"
22:11.11ManxPowerif you built asterisk before zaptel was installed and you now have zaptel installed and ./configure does not find it, then you need to talk to a 1.4 person.
22:11.46ManxPowerIIRC the configure script or the menuconfig does not pick up the new zaptel.
22:12.06ManxPowerPaulAviles: what version of zaptel and what version of asterisk?
22:12.59PaulAvilesI know why.. it recompiled zaptel but not in smp mode, let me try that
22:13.12rantshHi people
22:13.54rantshI'm trying to monitor (record) agent calls using mixmonitor on asterisk 1.2.24, for some reason it's producing 2 files as if it was monitor
22:14.25*** join/#asterisk techie (n=techie@
22:14.27marlok, anyone used the followme app? i cant find a way to make it use a context other than Local for dialing outbound numbers, have found a couple of posts on it, but no solutions
22:14.38rantshany clues on why could this be happening?
22:14.51bakermdif I do 'odbc show' I see 'Connected: yes' and I have an extensions table that it sees apparently 'Binding extensions to odbc/MySQL-asterisk/extensions' however it cannot find my extensions - ideas?
22:15.11*** join/#asterisk doug (
22:15.17[TK]D-Fenderrantsh, first guess is a lack of SOX
22:15.42douganyone know of a liveCD as a standalone voip client?
22:16.15dougbarring that, what's the best Linux or BSD voip client?
22:16.19dougdoesn't have to be graphical
22:16.20rantsh[TK]D-Fender: yup, there's no sox installed in this machine... didn't know mixmonitor used sox though
22:16.50rantsh[TK]D-Fender, very well, that explains it... I'll have to install it, thanks
22:17.52[TK]D-Fenderdoug, I think Ubuntu comes with Ekiga.
22:18.28dougis that highly rated?
22:18.44douglike on xubuntu?  which i'm told has the best livecd's..
22:20.15shtoomHi iam trying to compile zaptel 1.2.17 on ubuntu7.10 i am getting the following error
22:20.16shtoom/usr/share/vicidial_final/zaptel-1.2.16/ztd-eth.c: In function ‘ztdeth_rcv’:
22:20.16shtoom/usr/share/vicidial_final/zaptel-1.2.16/ztd-eth.c:95: error: ‘struct sk_buff’ has no member named ‘nh’
22:20.16shtoom/usr/share/vicidial_final/zaptel-1.2.16/ztd-eth.c: In function ‘ztdeth_transmit’:
22:20.16shtoom/usr/share/vicidial_final/zaptel-1.2.16/ztd-eth.c:174: error: ‘struct sk_buff’ has no member named ‘nh’
22:20.18shtoommake[2]: *** [/usr/share/vicidial_final/zaptel-1.2.16/ztd-eth.o] Error 1
22:20.20shtoommake[1]: *** [_module_/usr/share/vicidial_final/zaptel-1.2.16] Error 2
22:20.22shtoommake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.22-14-server'
22:20.24jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
22:20.24[TK]D-Fenderdoug, this is that magical time where you get off your ass and TRY THEM :p
22:20.24shtoommake: *** [all] Error 2
22:20.26shtoomany ideas?
22:20.32fujin_here's an idea
22:20.33fujin_die in a fire
22:20.37[TK]D-Fendershtoom, Yeah, NEVER spam like that in here again
22:20.47shtoomI am sorry guys
22:20.58douguse pastebin shtoom
22:21.03shtoomaccidently pasted more lines
22:21.11[TK]D-Fendershtoom, And that sure doesn't LOOK like 1.2.17 to me.
22:21.54shtoomoh 1.2.17 is the version of asterisk I am going to install
22:22.45*** join/#asterisk techie (n=techie@
22:23.29[TK]D-Fendershtoom> Hi iam trying to compile zaptel 1.2.17 on ubuntu7.10 i am getting the following error
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22:24.14Edwin_QuijadaI am a newbie with asterisk i have 4 ip phone working with *
22:24.28Edwin_Quijadainternaly and 4 softphone
22:24.49Edwin_Quijadanow we want add to go out calls to PSTN
22:24.51marlok, sorry folks system crash :( did anyone reply to my followme dialing context question? sorry to ask again, but didnt see if there was any replys!
22:25.04*** join/#asterisk mohsen (n=chatzill@
22:25.10shtoomD-Fender:ya that was a typo :(  i am using combination of asterisk 1.2.17 and zaptel 1.2.16
22:25.26Edwin_Quijadai have a voicepulse accouunt for this but i dont know how to do a trunk with it
22:26.17[TK]D-Fendershtoom, Well vicidial isn't supported here, and Ubuntu is going to make things that extra bit more difficult.  Your odds are shinking by the minute
22:26.57[TK]D-FenderEdwin_Quijada, They have guide on their site.  Go read them.  They are one of the most popular providers for which tons of people have made guides.  Google is your friend
22:28.37shtoomoh what a bad day for me :( #vicidial says asterisk 1.4 is not supported thats y I am in a process of replacing 1.4 with 1.2 im not a perl hacker other wise i would have modified vicidial files which #vicidial guys are reluctant to do
22:28.57*** join/#asterisk marc7 (
22:29.49Edwin_Quijada[TK]D-Fender: i downloaded the files from voicepulse but i dont know
22:30.05ManxPowerIt just sounds like a porn line.  Talk to Vici for only $1.99/min.  Call 1-800-VICI-DIAL
22:30.06Edwin_Quijadahow to setup the trunk
22:30.24[TK]D-FenderEdwin_Quijada, they give you samples, TRY THEM.
22:30.28ManxPowerEdwin_Quijada: we do not use the term "trunk" around here./
22:30.41Edwin_QuijadaManxPower: why not?
22:30.47Edwin_Quijadait is wrong?
22:30.58ManxPowerA trunk is a multiplexed UDP stream containing IAX2 packets from more than 1 call.
22:31.16ManxPowerIn telco terms "trunk" is "a single voice channel"
22:31.37mohsenHow can one get the calling party peername and/or ip address?
22:31.37Edwin_Quijadaso how is the correct term?
22:31.37ManxPowerIn #asterisk "trunk" means "I'm a retard."  So we don't use that term around here.
22:32.02ManxPowerIf you are talking about sip.conf entries, the term is usually "SIP peer".
22:32.08ManxPoweror SIP device
22:32.29trippssanyone successfully config a mediant to mediant T38 fax relay?
22:32.45Edwin_Quijadaand if i want stream containing iax2 packets from more than 1 channel?
22:32.53ManxPower"IAX2 trunking"
22:32.58Edwin_Quijadahow must i say?
22:33.24rantsh[TK]D-Fender do I need to get soxmix too?
22:33.30ManxPowerEdwin_Quijada: Voicepulse's sample configs for Asterisk are reported to work.
22:33.44*** part/#asterisk RailsAddict (n=scottbau@
22:33.44ManxPowerI would assume you would get them from Voicepulse's website.
22:33.50*** part/#asterisk Bob_LobLaw (
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22:38.03mohsenI am working on a project which involves wring an AGI script for billing. I wonder how can I know the username of the calling party in the script. Any hint?
22:38.53mohsenin the prototype I am using ${CALLERID(num)}, but that must not be the right one
22:39.19[TK]D-Fendermohsen, perhaps you should look at the CHANNEL name...
22:39.36Edwin_QuijadaManxPower: maybe i dont know how
22:39.44mohsen[TK]D-Fender: but channel name differs from username (e.g. the sip username)
22:39.58mohsenor do you mean I should extract it from there?
22:40.06jboti heard trunk is In Asterisk a trunk is a "stream of UDP packets containing IAX2 frames from more than 1 call", in telecom a trunk is a "single voice channel connecting to the CO."  There is no such thing as a "SIP Trunk".  Don't use the term.
22:40.06[TK]D-Fendermohsen, Do the math :)
22:40.27ManxPowernow it is there for future reference, Qwell [TK]D-Fender
22:40.49mohsen[TK]D-Fender: Doing the math to get the user id does not feel like a genuine solution to me :)
22:41.45ManxPowermohsen: read README.variables (or whatever they call it in 1.4)
22:42.01[TK]D-Fendermohsen, sorry, I'm not here to support your illusions of "genuine" :)
22:42.30mohsen[TK]D-Fender: So take your time on anything you like :)
22:43.17mohsenManxPower: I have checked them here and could not find a good candidate
22:43.28ManxPowermohsen: the Wiki is always very out of date.
22:43.34*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
22:43.51ManxPowermohsen: in fact, I believe that page is for Asterisk 1.0
22:44.43ManxPowermohsen: they may have named the file something else, but it should be fairly obvious.
22:45.17Edwin_Quijadai need a card with 2 analog lines
22:45.19*** join/#asterisk russellb_ (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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22:45.31Edwin_Quijadawhich card do you recommend me?
22:45.34*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jtregunn@unaffiliated/jer)
22:46.17ManxPowermohsen: also "show applications like sip" in the Asterisk CLI
22:47.46[TK]D-FenderManxPower, getting warmer ;)
22:48.04ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: it should whine and tell him the correct command.
22:48.28[TK]D-FenderManxPower, lol.... * nowhere near so kind :)
22:48.47ManxPowerit does for some of them
22:49.27[TK]D-Fendermohsen, "show functions like SIP
22:49.28[TK]D-Fender" <---- welcome to 1.2+
22:50.52ManxPowerthat matches all 39 functions in 1.2.latest
22:51.13[TK]D-FenderManxPower, matches 4 in 1.4
22:51.48[TK]D-Fenderof course "show function CHANNEL" might be a hint as well :)
22:53.38ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: are the sorted in 1.4 too?
22:53.43mohsenAlright, there is SIPCHANINFO function which does it
22:54.33mohsenanother solution is ${ACCOUNTCODE} which I guess is technology independent
22:54.52mohsenThank you :)
22:58.05*** join/#asterisk felix_da_catz (
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23:07.18marlcan anyone tell me, if i have 2 contexts listed in extensions.conf that are named the same, will * combine them together? am combining conf files together, and wanted to know if this would work?
23:07.37PaulAvileshey guys, when  I compile zaptel it creates the zaptel.ko inside /lib/modules/2.6.9-55.0.9.EL/extra
23:08.10PaulAvilesand it is supposed to be inside 2.6.9-55.9.9.ELsmp
23:08.29QwellPaulAviles: Did you install the correct kernel sources package?
23:09.32PaulAvilesstock centos so I did a yum install kernel-devel
23:10.03Qwellcentos/rh likes to mess up a lot with that
23:10.11[hC]marl: im not sure, but you can try then do a show dialplan and see what asterisk interpreted
23:10.24*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
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23:12.10grandpapadotHi all, for the HPEC, how does /usr/sbin/zaphpec_enable initially get called by zaptel?  On module load?  What kind of permissions does that file need?  Owned by root or my asterisk user/group?
23:12.13*** join/#asterisk craigk (n=ckowald@
23:13.05mohsenh323, the asterisk's stock one, seems to only support plain text secrets. Is that correct?
23:13.56*** join/#asterisk Freman (
23:14.03peanut-[TK]D-Fender: you around?
23:14.24Fremanhey guys, how do I for a call placed on a zap channel to use a different codec?
23:17.33[TK]D-Fenderpeanut-, barely
23:17.47[TK]D-FenderFreman, Zap doesn't use codecs.  it isn't voip.
23:18.03peanut-[TK]D-Fender: if you have a chance,
23:18.31Fremanyes, but I've got a phone plugged into a zap interface, and when I dial out over it it sends to my provider as ulaw I want gsm
23:19.37[TK]D-FenderFreman, you need to fix your SIP PEER <----
23:20.18*** join/#asterisk rhombus (
23:20.26rhombusAny Aastra users out there?
23:20.35Fremanbut that effects the other phones doesn't it?
23:20.37rhombusI can't get my 480i to register.
23:20.42grandpapadotrhombus: Some, what's ur q?
23:20.56grandpapadotrhombus: pastebin your sip.conf
23:21.50rhombusgrandpapadot: how about sip debug output instead?
23:22.04rhombussure, okay
23:23.16[TK]D-FenderFreman, Your peer determines how you call your provider.
23:23.17*** join/#asterisk knarfly (
23:24.17grandpapadotFreman: SIP or IAX?
23:24.45FremanI want the zap to make calls in gsm, I want all my other phones to use g729
23:24.48marl[hc] it would appear that it does combine the contexts :) thanks
23:24.50Fremanpeer is iax
23:24.54[hC]marl: good to know :)
23:25.09grandpapadotpastebin your iax.conf
23:25.10JTFreman: most ITSPs don't support GSM
23:25.20Fremanmost don't
23:25.22Fremanmine does
23:25.25grandpapadotAnd does your provider support gsm?
23:25.29*** join/#asterisk Darthclue (
23:25.31grandpapadotOh, what JT said.
23:26.08JTFreman: what do your allow= and disallow= lines say in iax.conf?
23:26.26s34nwhen a peer is set with a username and secret, any calls coming from it must be authenticated, right?
23:26.44Fremandisallow=all allow=g729,gsm,ulaw,alaw
23:26.46s34nso * sends it a 407 in response to an INVITE, right?
23:27.07JTFreman: disallow=all
23:27.44rhombusgrandpapadot: here's my sip.conf
23:28.04Fremanbut doesn't that stop my ip headsets from using g729?
23:28.05rhombusand here's my sip debug ip output:
23:28.38s34nManxPower: (is 'peer' a better word than 'trunk'?)
23:28.51[TK]D-FenderFreman, ok, last time : Zap has NOTHING to do with chosing the CODEC of your VoIP call!
23:29.12[TK]D-FenderFreman, That is determined by your IAX or SIP peer as appropriate.
23:29.47peanut-peer 'casey' doesn't have the address, but instead it's, why does it show this way on 'sip show channels'?         WIP300      0d136b240bd  00102/00000  ulaw  No       Tx: ACK
23:29.48[TK]D-Fenders34n, Not as complete a definition.
23:29.48peanut-   casey       NzMxZGZiMGQ  00101/00002  ulaw  No       Rx: ACK
23:30.20peanut-is it the NAT my asterisk box is behind breaking?
23:30.45grandpapadotrhombus: Anything in between the phone and the asterisk server?  firewall, proxy, etc?
23:30.46s34n[TK]D-Fender: I've simplified my problem for now to 3 SIP messages
23:31.12Fremanthe zap is doing the dialing, the asterisk is converting that call to voip and sending it to my vsp, I want my digital handsets to use g729 (because they can and the vsp supports it, so passthru works) and my analog to have it's calls through asterisk passed as gsm
23:31.13rhombusgrandpapadot: no, these are on the same LAN.
23:31.14s34n[TK]D-Fender: An INVITE, a 407, and an ACK     <--- that is the complete session
23:31.51grandpapadotrhombus: Looks like a simple auth issue to me.
23:32.07grandpapadotPastebin your <mac>.cfg for that phone.
23:32.38s34n[TK]D-Fender: So my problem has to be in the 407, or in the ITSP handling of the 407
23:32.42[TK]D-FenderFreman, "converting" BLAH!  You just don't get it.  If your provider uses G.729 as a  preference that peer will ONLY choose G.729 and you're SCREWED because thats your FIRST CHOICE.
23:33.04peanut-shouldn't Theoretical address and Reported address be the same?
23:33.10[TK]D-FenderFreman, Make. Another. PEER <---------------------
23:33.22grandpapadotrhombus: or are you manually configuring?
23:33.54rhombusgrandpapadot: yeah, first via the web UI then via the phone UI
23:34.03rhombusI normally use Polycom sets
23:34.08rhombusthis is my first Aastra
23:34.41grandpapadot.cfg files are braindead simple on the aastra, much easier than on polycom (I still prefer polycom, though)
23:34.46s34n[TK]D-Fender: the 407 looks strange to me
23:34.58grandpapadotrhombus: Check your phone config, looks like an auth issue.
23:35.15s34n[TK]D-Fender: the headers say it is From: itsp; To: *
23:35.22rhombusmaybe I should use a name without an underscore?
23:36.01grandpapadotI don't think that would matter, I use something.ext, i.e., foo.801 as my peer names.
23:37.13grandpapadotDid you configure through the aastra http server or through the phone menu directly?
23:39.30grandpapadotAnyone know of a 1.2.24 patch that will update voicemail passwords in static real-time before I go hacking up the source with my shitty C skills?
23:39.50rhombusgrandpapadot: through the http server
23:40.07grandpapadotrhombus: open me up a port to that phone's http server and let me take a look
23:40.17rhombusgrandpapadot: okay
23:42.06*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
23:44.40peanut-anyone know what the "Theoretical Address" in "sip show channel xxxx" is for?
23:46.15[TK]D-Fenderok, stepping out for a while.
23:47.08*** part/#asterisk Pons (n=pons@unaffiliated/pons)
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23:52.30rhombusoh damn.
23:52.44rhombusAny other Aastra users out there? I just got the port opened.

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