IRC log for #asterisk on 20071028

00:00.21WizBombI can call my IP500 from my Softphone
00:00.30WizBombbut cna not call from my IP500 to my Softphone
00:00.49WizBombUnable to Create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No Route to destination)
00:00.52WizBombis the error i get
00:00.53*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
00:01.12[TK]D-FenderWizBomb, pastebin the CLI output of a failed attempt with SIP DEBUG enabled.
00:01.13jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
00:01.43WizBombnevermind on that
00:01.47WizBombjust fixed it
00:01.49TrentCreek~deelete book
00:01.53TrentCreek~delete book
00:01.54jbotACTION glares at book and then takes every step necessary to completely delete book and destroy any and all evidence that book ever existed
00:01.59TrentCreek~destory book
00:02.10TrentCreek~destroy book
00:02.19*** join/#asterisk Schattenzorn (
00:02.20WizBombhad to add the Local SIP Port on the phone web interface
00:02.21TrentCreekyes dammit
00:02.28TrentCreek~destroy book
00:02.30*** kick/#asterisk [TrentCreek!i=north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell] by Qwell (Qwell)
00:02.45WizBombnow I just gotta figure out why
00:02.50*** join/#asterisk TrentCreek (
00:03.01WizBombwhen i call from IP500 to Softphone, my IP500 keeps playing the ringing noise
00:03.09WizBombeven though I can talk to the softphone from the IP500
00:03.56TrentCreekmaybe Asterisk or voice inititiation is creating the ringing?
00:04.25WizBombthat weird
00:04.29WizBombit doesnt happen evertime
00:04.46*** join/#asterisk neax (
00:04.55TrentCreekOn one of my DID services there is a option to "force ring"
00:05.12TrentCreekin case of detection problems
00:05.39WizBombi am using the Asterisk GUI if that helps
00:07.39jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
00:08.35[TK]D-FenderWizBomb, No, its doesn't
00:08.50[TK]D-FenderWizBomb, Where is your softphone relative to * and your IP 500?
00:09.08[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek, And WTF do you think you were trying to do there?
00:11.37WizBombbah, im gonna restart my asterisk server
00:11.58WizBombive lost ability for softphone to call my IP500 even though i didnt change anything
00:12.18*** join/#asterisk Edwin_Quijada (n=macaruch@
00:12.34*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/active/cpm)
00:12.47Edwin_Quijadai am trying to connect my asterisk to voicepulse but i am newbie in this
00:13.06WizBombif you use GUI they have settings already preconfigured
00:13.08*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
00:13.16WizBombI wish they had settings preconfigured for ViaTalk
00:13.45Edwin_Quijadai am using the files conf with asterisk
00:13.51[TK]D-FenderEdwin_Quijada, Good.
00:13.56*** join/#asterisk Ciber311 (
00:14.20Edwin_Quijadabut i dont know how start to get this
00:14.39Edwin_Quijadai used asterisk just internal
00:18.04Edwin_Quijadai want to do trunk with my iax
00:18.24*** join/#asterisk mihinomenest (i=3S2A@
00:18.25Edwin_Quijadabetween asterisk and voicepulse
00:18.49Edwin_Quijadawhen we do trunk the calls out using sip or iax?
00:23.40*** join/#asterisk davevg-btwtech (
00:28.16WizBombnow its acting weird, i'll gonna reinstall
00:28.43WizBombi lost the ability to control the config files in the GUI
00:31.44riddleboxwhen I run ztcfg -vvv I get this, which means that the card is setup right, right?
00:33.09[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, No, that does not prove that chan_zap was compiled with * or that Zapata.conf is anything resembling SANE.
00:33.28TrentCreek~delete book
00:33.29jbotACTION glares at book and then takes every step necessary to completely delete book and destroy any and all evidence that book ever existed
00:36.24[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek, ......
00:38.13Edwin_Quijadaif i do trunk with one voip provider my softphone should be iax or sip?
00:38.33Edwin_Quijadai am doing trunk with iax
00:38.49[TK]D-FenderEdwin_Quijada, Doesn't matter.  * will bridge the 2 sides togeter regardless of technologies involved.
00:40.20[TK]D-Fenderok, heading out.. later all
00:41.27TrentCreek~delete book
00:41.28jbotACTION glares at book and then takes every step necessary to completely delete book and destroy any and all evidence that book ever existed
00:42.03riddlebox[TK]D-Fender, I need to have zaptel loaded when I compile asterisk right so that chan_zap will be seen right?
00:42.46*** join/#asterisk katsuodo (
00:43.40k31thsweet got my voicemail working
00:43.54jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
00:44.01k31thGuggemand: ?
00:44.02Edwin_Quijada[TK]D-Fender: i dont understand
00:44.44katsuodowhy does parsing pick extconfig.conf?
00:45.21katsuodopardon manners everyone hello
00:46.11peanut-[TK]D-Fender: I configured it like it says in the doc, regarding NAT on both ends, forwarded 10000-20000, and I get no sound on either end
00:46.11peanut-establishes the call though
00:46.11peanut-any idea where to start for debuging?
00:46.52BBHossanybody know what packet loss sounds like on g729?
00:47.01k31thhell ?
00:47.56BBHossim having a problem where the outside party hears a whooshing sound and the sound cuts out for 2 seconds, this is happening every 25-45 seconds
00:48.17k31thwhooshing ?
00:48.25BBHossyeah it is certainly wierd
00:48.36BBHossthe internal party dosen't notice it either
00:48.37k31thhave you tried using ulaw or some thing
00:49.05MooingLemurIs there any documentation on how asterisk can interact with a channelized T1 in the US?  I've only had experience with full PRIs so far.
00:49.08k31thiv had 1 way audio after a few mins on the phone randomly
00:49.11k31thon 729
00:49.13BBHossyes, it cuts out every few seconds as well, but doesnt have the whooshing sound
00:49.27BBHossits quite odd
00:49.39k31thmaybe your getting a whoosh distorted audio sort of sound?
00:49.40BBHossi just noticed it after i updated my kernel and zaptel timers
00:49.53BBHossno its the same whoosh every time
00:50.00k31thhow odd
00:50.09BBHossquite odd indeed
00:50.14riddlebox[TK]D-Fender, I had everything working, then I upgraded ubuntu, and now it wouldnt work, so I figured I'd just download the newest version of asterisk and zaptel drivers, but now none of it works
00:50.38*** join/#asterisk jm|laptop (
00:50.45riddleboxwell asterisk works, but now my zap channel
00:50.52BBHosswell, i guess i'll have to reinstall the box, as this is happening on more than one provider
00:51.38BBHossare there any dumb-me guides for installing 1.4 on ubuntu or debian? (not from apt)
00:51.58*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jtregunn@unaffiliated/jer)
00:53.19k31thriddlebox: i run asterisk on debian / ubuntu
00:53.27k31thwat did you do exactly ?
00:54.00riddleboxk31th, everything is compiled, and asterisk is up but the zaptel isnt working for some reason
00:55.55*** join/#asterisk remmo (n=junk@
01:00.26riddleboxk31th,  nm I recompiled asterisk and now the zap channel is working again
01:01.23k31thprobably broke some thing durring an update
01:01.29k31that the src dep'd on
01:04.21docelmodon you just love compiling on linux?
01:05.14Edwin_Quijadamy asterisk work fine with my internal softphones
01:05.37Edwin_Quijadanow we need to call from internal to out
01:05.54Edwin_Quijadai want to do trunk with my provider
01:06.03Edwin_Quijadahow can i do that ?
01:06.13Edwin_Quijadasomething place to do this
01:06.15katsuodoQuestion anyone in my zapata.conf I have my fxo_ks (channel 1) and fxs_ks (channel 4) pointing to the same context for directions is this ideal?
01:09.18katsuodohello dlynes_
01:09.55dlynes_ohaya, katsuodo
01:11.01dlynes_erm ohayo, i mean
01:11.42MooingLemurSpringfiled, Oh, hi Maude!
01:12.54katsuododlynes_ is it okay to have both channel 1 & 4 pointing to the same context in my zapata.conf file?
01:13.01dlynes_katsuodo: yes
01:13.29dlynes_katsuodo: and in answer to your first question, you're using a japanese name, so i figured it was morning where you were, so I said good morning, in Japanese
01:14.15katsuodounderstood very much no pay attention, pardon
01:15.28k31thhum i cant seem to join a confrence i just created...
01:15.44k31thit plays confrence invalid and on the console i get this...
01:15.48k31th[Oct 28 02:14:10] WARNING[21809]: app_meetme.c:772 build_conf: Unable to open pseudo device
01:15.59katsuododlynes_ having problem serious with dialplan created
01:16.16katsuodopost may I
01:19.51*** join/#asterisk BiG^DoG (n=BiG^
01:24.13Aer0TeKsuch is the case most of the time in this channel.  I wish I knew what the problem is, sorry
01:24.48Nivexk31th: looks like /dev/zap/pseudo has a problem
01:25.02Nivexcheck perms and whether ztdummy is loaded
01:25.14remmoprobably does not have a reak zaptel device
01:25.37*** join/#asterisk CBU[^_^]M`` (n=love@
01:25.53k31thNivex: prob ztdummy thanks
01:27.41k31thremmo: this is a test box has no pstn card in
01:28.10k31thiax trunks
01:28.21*** join/#asterisk MrTelephone (
01:28.36katsuodohello MrTelephone
01:28.41MrTelephoneanyone know why some phones only display callerid for the first ring and some don't? this is using a cisco ata186
01:28.45MrTelephonehi katsuodo
01:28.59dlynes_katsuodo: if you want help, you must
01:29.18dlynes_MrTelephone: cid comes in between the 1st and 2nd ring
01:30.05katsuododlynes_ ?
01:30.20dlynes_you said 'post may I'
01:30.26*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@
01:30.57dlynes_k31th: you need a zaptel device installed and working, and loaded properly to be able to use meetme
01:31.11katsuodowhere post?
01:31.13*** join/#asterisk marcan (
01:31.14k31thdlynes_: can i not use ztdummy ?
01:31.16dlynes_k31th: do an 'lsmod | grep zaptel'
01:31.42k31thzaptel                183396  2 zttranscode,ztdummy
01:31.42k31thcrc_ccitt               2240  1 zaptel
01:31.46dlynes_k31th: it probably either didn't load properly, you don't have it installed, or you failed to do a ztcfg -vvvvvvvvvv after loading it, and before running asterisk
01:32.16dlynes_k31th: i suspect you probably didn't do ztcfg -vvvvvvvvvvv
01:32.33Strom_Mztcfg is good enough, you know
01:32.47Strom_Mactually, i dont think you even have to run ztcfg if you're just using ztdummy
01:32.47dlynes_Strom_M: yeah, but I like all those 'v's :)
01:32.56k31thok i just ddid that
01:33.00Strom_Mk31th: what user is asterisk running as?
01:33.03k31thand... it's still broken
01:33.13MrTelephonedlynes, what makes it go away then.. a phone deficiency?
01:33.16Strom_Mand does said user have permissions to write to /dev/zap/*?
01:33.31MrTelephoneone of my phones do it too
01:33.34dlynes_MrTelephone: don't answer the phone until the line's rung twice
01:33.37MrTelephoneshows once and then goes away
01:33.44dlynes_MrTelephone: that'll guarantee it'll work every single time
01:33.48MrTelephoneit shows up but it goes away after the 3rd ring
01:33.58dlynes_MrTelephone: oh...then that's a phone issue
01:34.09Strom_MMrTelephone: plug a buttset into the ATA186 and find out
01:34.28MrTelephonei bought a buttset without a digital readout :9
01:34.30MrTelephoneever dumb eh
01:34.35Strom_Myou dont need one
01:34.41Strom_Mjust put it in monitor mode and listen
01:34.46MrTelephonetest for polarity?
01:34.50Strom_Mis there an FSK burst between every ring cycle?
01:35.01MrTelephoneprobably not if its disappearing
01:35.08Strom_Mdon't "probably" me
01:35.33MrTelephoneIm trying to search what an FSK burst is
01:35.40Strom_Mit sounds like modem data
01:35.45Aer0TeKfrequency shift key?
01:35.48MrTelephoneshould be between every ring?
01:36.26Strom_Mjust listen and tell me what you hear, please
01:36.41MrTelephoneI'm going to test tomorrow and I'll get back to you on that
01:36.48Strom_M...why not now?
01:36.58MrTelephoneits at my sisters place and she is out for the night
01:37.26katsuododlynes_ posted on pastebin
01:37.26MrTelephonei have a motorola 2 piece cordless set.. one phone holds the callerid and one doesn't
01:37.28MrTelephonevery wierd stuff
01:37.46k31thStrom_M: yes that user has access to that dir.
01:37.49Strom_MMrTelephone: two phones on the same base station?
01:37.54MrTelephoneI lended out my butt phone too for christ sakes
01:38.05MrTelephone1 base station and a seperate charge station
01:38.08k31thi chown'd it when i installed asterisk
01:38.53Strom_MMrTelephone: it's a problem with the telephone set then
01:38.54MrTelephonemy dad has a corded phone hooked up to the same ata and it holds the number
01:39.19MrTelephonesucks becuase when shit like this happens people say "well it worked with the old telco"
01:39.20katsuododlynes_ no hear ring on analog phone channel 1 from someone dial from outside.\
01:39.37MrTelephoneI'll check the fsk though
01:39.51MrTelephoneim working with some ARRIS SIP cable modems.. very nice crap
01:39.54Strom_MMrTelephone: if both cordless handsets are connected to the same base station, and only one works, then it is quite definitely the telephone set and not the ATA
01:40.10MrTelephonethe base stations only charge
01:40.20Strom_Mnot the charge stations
01:40.21MrTelephoneso I can't see it not being a problem with the ata if one works
01:40.29Strom_Mthe actual unit which interfaces with the phone line
01:40.53MrTelephonethe phone sitting on the itnerface unit seems to hold the callerid
01:41.01MrTelephoneso I should switch phones and see what happens
01:41.12Strom_Msure, try it
01:41.26Strom_Mit's highly likely to be a problem with the handset
01:41.54MrTelephoneitermitten too
01:42.09Strom_Mwhat's "itermitten"?
01:42.17Strom_Mdo you mean "intermittent"?
01:42.25k31thStrom_M: asterisk user can write to that dir... yet i still get the same error
01:42.26MrTelephoneyeah I spelled it how I say it
01:42.38MrTelephoneyeah now its holding
01:42.47Strom_Mfucked-up phone handset then
01:42.55Strom_Mk31th: what about the group
01:42.56MrTelephoneim tired of these barely fcc certified pieces of crap cordless phones
01:43.07Strom_Mshow me the permissions for /dev/zap/pseudo
01:43.11MrTelephonemade in guam and put a fake cert sticker on it
01:43.11katsuododlynes_ any idea?
01:43.25Strom_MMrTelephone: so don't buy shit phones.
01:43.32MrTelephonemade in china sticker underneath a made in the usa sticker
01:43.40MrTelephonebut I knew it smelled like a sweat shop
01:43.52Strom_MMrTelephone: please shut up, for the benefit of everyone else in the channel
01:43.53k31thdrwxr-xr-x 2 asterisk asterisk       40 2007-10-26 17:24 pseudo
01:44.01Strom_Mk31th: odd
01:44.15Strom_Mtry setting 775 rather than 755
01:44.40MrTelephonedon't hitlerize the situation.. people must know the trutch
01:44.47MrTelephonethey are even motorola handsets
01:44.52Strom_Mgodwin's law says you lose
01:45.09MrTelephonemotorola doesn't seem to make good cordless phones
01:45.22k31thStrom_M: same error "that is not a valid confrence number"
01:45.33Strom_Mk31th: no no no, what does the CLI show
01:45.41k31th[Oct 28 02:44:37] WARNING[22024]: app_meetme.c:772 build_conf: Unable to open pseudo device
01:45.47MrTelephoneanyways strom take care thanks for the info
01:45.54Strom_Mk31th: type
01:45.58Strom_Mmodule load
01:46.21k31th[Oct 28 02:45:45] WARNING[21994]: loader.c:627 load_resource: Module '' already exists.
01:46.33Strom_Mzap restart
01:47.04Strom_Mtry restarting asterisk
01:47.10k31thtried that as well
01:47.13k31threstart now...
01:47.39Strom_Mwhat about the permissions for just /dev/zap
01:47.43k31thI think if i hear the asterisk lady again.
01:47.43Strom_Mwhat are those
01:47.59Strom_Mk31th: her name is Allison
01:47.59MrTelephonek31th, when you compiled asteirsk do you see the flags --ZAPTEL_OPTIMIZATION?
01:48.11k31thdrwxr-xr-x 3 asterisk asterisk       140 2007-10-28 02:26 zap
01:48.22Strom_Mk31th: change that to 775 also
01:48.26k31thMrTelephone: I don't recall
01:48.34Strom_Mthen restart zaptel
01:49.41k31thsame error
01:50.56Strom_Mare you doing anything weird like running virtual machines?
01:51.18Strom_Mwhich version of asterisk and zaptel?
01:51.20k31ththis is a standard install of 1.4 on debian etch
01:51.35Strom_Mmore specific, please
01:51.36katsuododlynes_ do you have suggestion?
01:52.53k31thStrom_M: its the latest version of libpri zaptel and asterisk
01:52.58k31thi compiled it friday.
01:53.10Strom_Mis it a tarball?  svn checkout?
01:53.44Strom_Mplease read me the version numbers :P
01:54.55k31thasterisk-1.4-current.tar.gz  libpri-1.4.2.tar.gz  zaptel-1.4.6.tar.gz
01:55.50*** join/#asterisk dlynes__ (
01:55.55*** join/#asterisk dlynes_home (
01:57.51k31ththis is lame
02:00.43katsuododlynes_ posted on pastebin
02:02.45k31thStrom_M: how anoyying is this
02:04.38Strom_Mmore annoying than your misspelling, that's for sure
02:05.36*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
02:11.51k31thStrom_M: ok
02:16.33*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
02:22.58Aer0TeKSomething is not right here.  I'm getting no ringback when asterisk dials an extension even when the dialplan looks like exten => 1234,1,Dial(SIP/exten,15,rto)  any clues?
02:54.01WizBombthats pretty lol
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02:55.12WizBombanyone still alive after the servers split?
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02:58.23WizBombwow that was a nasty server split
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02:58.23q-at-homeis there any way to trim training spaces from a variable, notably callerid name? I'm trying to kill telemarketers and the guys keep adding spaces after their names... drives me crazy a function like trim($var)
02:58.23WizBombwho would like to provide me some help between an Polycom IP500 and Asterisk
02:58.24WizBombI can call from my IP500 (Ext 600) to my softphone (Ext 601)
02:58.24WizBombbut the softphone can not call my IP500
02:58.24q-at-homeare they in the same context?
02:58.25WizBombim sorry i do not understand what you mean
02:58.25q-at-homein your sip.conf theres a user and context setting
02:58.25q-at-homemine for example are in sip-exten
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02:58.25q-at-homeI'm having a hell of a time trying to strip training spaces from incoming caller id :)
02:58.25WizBombhere is what i use for the softphone
02:58.25k31thguys how do i make a specific extension use a certain outbout trunk.
02:58.26q-at-homedont paste it here
02:58.37k31thbasically i want to have say ext 1000 1001 1002 1003 all using IAX outbound 1 / and 1004 1005 1006 all using IAX oubound 2
02:58.38k31thfs works
02:58.38WizBomblet me look that up
02:59.07q-at-homeso I don't see a context for your phones, but they could be defined earlier in the conf...
02:59.38WizBombfirst part is my softphone
02:59.38WizBombsecond part is my IP500
02:59.58q-at-homedo a sip show peers
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03:02.05q-at-home600 doesnt seem registered
03:02.18q-at-homeso you can call 601 from 600, but not 600 from 601?
03:02.21WizBombthats what I though
03:02.38WizBombive followed the guide for configuring the IP500
03:03.33WizBombalthough i have Bootrom
03:03.45q-at-homeI've not used that phone before... but i suspect theres a config issue on the phone causing it not to register
03:03.46WizBomband SIP
03:05.11q-at-homesetting it to register=no just seems wrong to me... but like I said, i've never used it
03:05.23WizBombthey recommened it to no
03:05.25WizBomblet me try yes
03:06.01q-at-homeso does anyone here have any idea how to trim training spaces from incoming caller id?
03:06.33WizBombsorry I cant help you in return
03:06.37WizBomb<--- Linux Noob
03:07.03q-at-hometoss a qualify=yes in each of those configs in sip.conf
03:07.21q-at-homethis isnt a linux problem, its dialplan related... I just cant find the right function :)
03:07.27q-at-homeand I'm trying not to resort to an AGI
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03:09.08WizBombi noticed that Ext 601 is not monitored
03:09.10puzzledq-at-home: maybe look at the CUT function
03:09.15WizBombcan I forced Asterisk to monitor it
03:09.26puzzledWizBomb: qualify=yes
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03:10.32q-at-homepuz, yeah.. I was thinking of that... but it seems wrong.  theres gotta be a way to dump just the trailing ones
03:10.47k31thi am trying to setup a conf room i am gettint his error
03:10.49k31th[Oct 28 04:09:45] WARNING[22306]: app_meetme.c:772 build_conf: Unable to open pseudo device
03:10.53k31thany ideas?
03:11.15puzzledk31th: install a zaptel driver. if you don't have any cards load ztdummy before starting asterisk
03:11.49puzzledq-at-home: well with extensions you can say ${EXTEN:3} to chop of the first 3 digits. I don't think you can do that with clid but you can try
03:13.50k31thpuzzled: I have
03:13.58q-at-homeheres whats happening, I'm being bombarded with calls from "ONTARIO" then "ONTARIO  " then "ONTARIO       " etc
03:14.09q-at-homewith numerous numbers
03:14.27q-at-homeand my poor blacklist isnt taking
03:14.55q-at-homeso I'm trying to blacklist based on caller id name instead of number
03:15.06puzzledk31th: check /dev/zap if it contains files
03:15.07q-at-homeI think I'm going to need to resort to an AGI
03:15.14k31thpuzzled: it does
03:15.21k31thand the perms are right on that dir...
03:15.47puzzledk31th: ownership issue maybe? are you running asterisk as non-root and the devices in /dev/zap are owned by root?
03:16.07q-at-homeI havent been here in ages...
03:16.26q-at-homewhats new :)
03:16.26k31thpuzzled: im running as asterisk. and i have chown the dirs and set perms to 775
03:16.34k31thstill same error
03:16.52WizBombi think i see part of the problem
03:17.06WizBombthe IP500 is not keeping the RFC to "Yes"
03:18.02puzzledk31th: then your devices in /dev/zap must also be user asterisk
03:18.24puzzledq-at-home: what about the FILTER function?
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03:18.58q-at-homeonly in 1.4, I'm still 1.2 :)
03:19.13q-at-homeI'm gunna do the agi... faster than upgrading
03:19.57puzzledq-at-home: once you're done send em all to an exten with the monkey sound playing :)
03:20.04q-at-homethats what I do
03:20.19q-at-homeall incoming toll free calls, and all black listed go to the monkeys
03:20.32q-at-home"I'm sorry, they have been carried away by monkeys"
03:20.44q-at-homethe words get past the voice detection :)
03:20.56q-at-homeso the scum get an earfull of screaming primates
03:21.17puzzledexcellent :)
03:21.42q-at-homeits been working up till the point they started randomizing the CID
03:22.50q-at-homewonder how much of a pain it is to go from 1.2.18 to 1.4.x
03:23.38WizBombok this IP500 is kickin my butt
03:24.08jqlyour butt should be made of tougher... stuff
03:24.38WizBombi guess im not lol
03:24.42k31thpuzzled: dont get why this is not working tbh.
03:25.00WizBombim trying a second IP500 now
03:25.08WizBombupgrading bootrom and SIP
03:25.40q-at-homeonce it registers you're golden :)
03:25.52WizBombit worked once on the old bootrom/SIP
03:25.59WizBombbut then quit working and i could never get it back
03:26.06WizBombso i figured id upgrade the stuff
03:26.19WizBombthese IP500's are slow CPU's
03:26.34WizBombonce i get this working
03:26.36jqloh lord, even the 650s take forever to do anything
03:26.46WizBombonce i solve this problem
03:27.01WizBombthen i can solve why my SIP from Asterisk to ViaTalk isnt working
03:27.37jqlwhen I can plug in an SPA2102 ata and have it giving dial-tone in 4 seconds, it makes me feel sad for my polycoms. poor things. :)
03:28.41coppicethis is why we need faster processors - to cut boot times :-)
03:29.11q-at-homeI like my aastras.. slow boot but good phones
03:29.33jql(and uncannily euro-ugly... some of them)
03:29.33WizBombi may have to buy other IP phones
03:29.41WizBombif i cant get these IP500's to work
03:29.57puzzledk31th: paste the output of ls -lia /dev/zap to and show the url
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03:31.17WizBombthis thing is still updating
03:31.34WizBombanyone have their asterisk server running on a laptop?
03:32.31k31thWizBomb: lol?
03:32.35k31tha laptop ?
03:32.46WizBombenergy efficent
03:32.53puzzledk31th: what a mess :)
03:33.01k31thpuzzled: :D
03:33.06q-at-homeif you're 100% voip I suppose :)
03:33.21WizBombim trying too be
03:33.24k31thWizBomb: why not just build a mini itx
03:33.42puzzledk31th: if you run asterisk as user asterisk than the devices in /dev/zap *all* need to be owned by user asterisk & group asterisk. usually this is arranged automatically by udev. what distro do you use?
03:33.43jqlbuiltin UPS...
03:33.45WizBombbut i suspect i'll have issues getting SIP between my Asterisk and Viatalk (my VOIP provider)
03:33.55k31thpuzzled: debian
03:33.59q-at-homestick to big honkin commodity "servers" that you csn replace in minute if something fails
03:34.04jqlI'd be paranoid about turning the frequency stepping OFF on the laptop
03:34.08jqlbut otherwise...
03:34.26WizBombi could run it as a VMWare instance
03:34.31WizBombon my PowerEdge 2550
03:34.38puzzledk31th: can't help you with that but tzafrir builds packages for debian that work. how did you install asterisk?
03:34.40WizBombthat runs Win2k3
03:34.42q-at-homeI'v never tried that yey
03:34.42k31thill chown -R the dir puzzled
03:34.46q-at-homeerr yet
03:35.01k31thpuzzled: from source.
03:35.02q-at-homeoddly, I make my living installing vmware :P)
03:35.09WizBomblol q-at-home
03:35.25puzzledk31th: that's only a stopgap. one you unload the zaptel module and reload them, udev will automagically assign them the user/group it is configured with. which usually is root:root
03:35.33WizBombonly problem i have with that for me is
03:35.34puzzledso you need to fix the udev rules
03:35.42WizBombmy PowerEdge is DC with Exchange 2003
03:35.51WizBomband running very short on memory (only 512MB)
03:36.04WizBombi wouldnt have the RAM to put VM on it with Asterisk
03:36.09q-at-homesmallest I've put in is 14gb :)
03:36.15k31thpuzzled: was going to say im sure iv done this
03:36.23jqldell will let one of those out of the factory with 512? or is it old?
03:36.49k31th512mb wtf
03:37.05q-at-homeyou running esx on the metal, or going vmware server under win2k
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03:37.23k31th512 running exchange ! bet thats swapping out ?
03:37.35q-at-homek31th: could be 1 mailbox :)
03:37.44puzzledok, 90% swapping
03:37.44WizBombyea sorta
03:37.49jqland only one month of calendering
03:37.53WizBombbut i only have 5 mailboxes running
03:37.54WizBombon it
03:37.58puzzledwith no appointments
03:37.58k31th2003 whores memory
03:37.58q-at-homeone week :)
03:38.07q-at-homeexchange in general
03:38.09k31thsitting there doing sod all would swap
03:38.28q-at-homepoor server
03:38.39WizBombdonate some memory lol
03:38.42q-at-homeit never knew what WizBomb had in store for it
03:38.56q-at-homeram is cheap now
03:39.03WizBombnot PC133 ECC
03:39.17k31thcheaper than replacing broken HD due excessive swap :p
03:39.21q-at-homehah! just threw some of that away :)
03:39.23jqlyou need something better than a 1ghz processor and 512mb of ram? *scoops out $100*
03:39.23WizBombits a PowerEdge 2550 with Dual P3 1.0 Ghz
03:39.27coppicethe slower the memory, the higher the price
03:39.36jqlahh, at least it's 2 processors
03:40.01WizBombcpu wise, it not bogged
03:40.04WizBombjust needs memory
03:40.18Aer0TeKSomething is not right here.  I'm getting no ringback when asterisk dials an extension even when the dialplan looks like exten => 1234,1,Dial(SIP/exten,15,rto)  any clues?
03:40.18k31thpuzzled: any idea how i can fix this?
03:40.25q-at-homeit'll just consume more, withthe more you put in it :)
03:40.53WizBombq-at-home: true
03:41.25jqlAer0TeK: perhaps you need to Answer() and then Dial() ?
03:41.28q-at-homeeven though I'm a linux guy... I gotta admit - echange works
03:42.19*** join/#asterisk L2SHO (
03:42.23*** join/#asterisk HarryR (
03:42.34coppiceeven most MS lovers seem to have the opposite opinion of exchange
03:42.34Aer0TeKjql: the first step is answering.  I just gave an example of how it dials
03:42.49Aer0TeKjql: it goes answer, dial exten
03:42.54HarryRexchange sucks?
03:42.54jqlI misunderstood, since it was priority 1 that you pasted
03:42.59L2SHOok, so I installed zaptel to try to fix musiconhold notices on my console, now I'm getting even more notices
03:43.02jqlI assumed there was no Answer() preceding it
03:43.03k31thI hate exchange
03:43.06L2SHOany idea?
03:43.29WizBombwell this second IP500 is doing the same thing
03:43.32WizBombshows up in peers
03:43.33q-at-homeI never said it works well
03:43.34WizBombbut doesnt register
03:43.44q-at-homekick it
03:43.52WizBombwanna come do it for me
03:44.22jqlWizBomb: does it try to register?
03:44.30WizBombit does once
03:44.31WizBombthen stops
03:44.41q-at-homeoh really
03:44.46jqldefine "stops"
03:44.49jqldid it receive an OK?
03:44.52WizBombit never retrys
03:44.53jqlor what
03:44.55WizBombafter it fails
03:45.00L2SHOOct 27 19:44:58 NOTICE[17976]: res_musiconhold.c:533 monmp3thread: Request to schedule in the past?!?!
03:45.03jqlfails with what code?
03:45.13jql403? 500? I missed that part
03:45.14WizBombcrap it ran off the screen
03:46.57WizBomblet me try to get that for ya jql
03:47.15puzzledL2SHO: load the ztdummy kernel driver
03:47.22q-at-homeL2SHO: bogged cpu?
03:47.50q-at-homerunning exchange on the same server? :P
03:48.36L2SHOok, ztdummy is loaded, asterisk is restarted
03:48.42L2SHOlets see what happens
03:49.29puzzledL2SHO: and if you want asterisk to keep running don't use mp3s. use something similar to the codec like wav, gsm, etc
03:49.38WizBombrebooting my Asterisk box
03:49.40WizBombresovled the issue
03:49.48puzzledthat's evil
03:50.01L2SHOpuzzled: right now I'm just using whatever it came with
03:50.15puzzledL2SHO: ok, just so you know. asterisk can crash on bad mp3s
03:50.42q-at-homeWizBomb: what was it
03:50.57WizBombi rebooted the phone
03:51.06WizBombthen the asterisk server
03:51.14WizBomband now i can call from softphone to ip500
03:51.18q-at-homegotta hate it when that fixes it
03:51.20L2SHOok, now I'm not getting any more notices, but the music sounds terrible
03:51.34puzzledWizBomb: basically, if you have to, first restart asterisk then the phone
03:51.40L2SHOlike it's cutting in and out
03:52.08q-at-homewhat kind of hardware are you running on L2SHO
03:52.14jqlWizBomb: good!
03:52.39L2SHOeh, I think I found it, according to top, mpg123 is maxing out my cpu
03:52.46WizBombi just gotta figure out
03:52.57WizBombhow to get SIP between Asterisk and ViaTalk working
03:53.03q-at-homeget rid of any vbr files
03:53.03*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
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03:53.50WizBombanyone wanna help me with that lol
03:54.15puzzledgoogle :)
03:54.26WizBombgoogle is wore out for that
03:54.33WizBombviatalk even tells you how
03:54.42jqlgood people copy; great people steal
03:54.43WizBomband it shows it as "registred"
03:54.48jqlsteal a working viatalk config. :)
03:54.51q-at-homethe provider should have some kind of info
03:54.57WizBombthey provide it here
03:55.07L2SHOq-at-home: should I just convert the mp3's in /var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3 into GSM's or something and put them in the same dir?  then erase the mp3's?  or will I have to make config changes as well?
03:55.17jqlwell then, how do you know it doesn't work?
03:55.46WizBombhere is the other factor i have
03:55.47q-at-homecouldnt tell you... I have one vanilla mp3 in my moh folder
03:55.49WizBombim using GUI
03:56.18WizBombso i wonder if i should not touch the GUI Service Provider
03:56.20q-at-homeinband dtmf! ick.
03:57.19WizBombi have installed Asterisk GUI
03:57.49q-at-homeI *have* been gone a long time
03:58.17WizBombi guess you could call it Asterisk NOW
03:58.25WizBombis what its normally called by
03:58.52q-at-homeyou only need the register portion, and the [outbound] to make calls
03:58.57mmlj4i used to run asterisk HEN
03:59.04q-at-homegraft it into your default context
03:59.33WizBombi wouldnt need trunk configuration?
03:59.43WizBombif i use the Service Provider part in the GUI?
04:00.39q-at-homeI've never used the gui, sorry
04:00.54q-at-homeI think the service provider would be the part that does the register
04:00.55jqlGUIs are hard. :(
04:00.56mmlj4gr... s/HEN/THEN/  # joke ruined
04:00.59q-at-homebut I'm just guessing
04:01.13q-at-homethe sed reference was the funniest part!
04:02.00mmlj4irc works better when intelligence is used
04:02.19q-at-homeirc was designed to be used while drinking though...
04:02.33jqlwait, this works better with beer?
04:02.41q-at-home~I'm not drinking alone... I've with you guys!!!~
04:02.47q-at-homeive = I'm
04:03.20*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
04:04.18q-at-homebrrr its cold out
04:05.17knarflyq-at-home: try Miami
04:05.35q-at-homethat would be cheating
04:05.45q-at-homeI love the great white north...
04:05.57knarflyselect all from Miami where women = topless
04:06.22knarflythat should be stored procedure
04:06.24q-at-homeeven without the quotes I hope that it would return something :)
04:07.04WizBombincomming calls are now working sorta
04:07.07WizBomboutgoing is not
04:07.14puzzledI don't recall seeing any non-fake boobs in miami
04:07.31q-at-homedoes is really matter if they are real, or real expensive? :)
04:07.32puzzledevery other word works
04:08.26puzzledhush, back to your config you
04:08.57q-at-homeits -5C right now here
04:10.08q-at-homeincoming might just need the right context set
04:10.31WizBombjust saved the backup
04:11.00q-at-homeunder trunk config, instead of defining it globally, you can put a context= there
04:11.25WizBomblet me look
04:11.41WizBomblet me focus on getting the incomming calls workign right
04:13.04q-at-homewell, I think its time to jump in the hot tub... bbiab
04:13.06puzzledholy crap I actually got chan_h323 to build
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04:13.46WizBombhot tub
04:14.59coppiceq-at-home: -5C? is that a class number? :-)
04:15.12WizBombu wont wanna get out at that temp
04:17.19WizBombu still here q-at-home?
04:17.34WizBombim curious what he ment by context=
04:17.46coppiceits 29C here, which totally removes any possibility of skiing down the hills behind our home :-)
04:18.39WizBomb59F here
04:18.55WizBombor 15C
04:19.29coppice15C is good. it saves on aircon bills
04:19.40WizBombi havent ran my air or heat in few days
04:21.18WizBombonce i get all this up and running
04:21.23WizBombthe next thing im gonna do is
04:21.27WizBombvlan my voice traffic
04:22.01WizBombi gotta change that onhold music
04:22.02coppiceisn't vlan voiceless LAN, like wlan is wireless LAN? :-)
04:24.04WizBomblets see
04:24.08WizBombhow do i change this music
04:26.25Aer0TeKWizBomb, I finally had to turn the heat on, and I have no regrets.  I can feel my hands now
04:27.00WizBombi will in few weeks i bet
04:27.33Aer0TeKthsi morning, I was working on my asterisk box and couldn't type in my password, because my hands were too cold
04:28.08coppiceI have the heat on - I'm using a dual P4 based Xeon machine
04:28.09Aer0TeKand I live in the southern US.  It was about 40s or 50s this morning
04:28.27WizBombNC here
04:28.45coppice40s sounds bloody hot :-)
04:28.51Aer0TeKAL here.  I didn't have to run the A/C much at all
04:28.59WizBombok guys
04:29.02WizBombhow do i change the music file
04:29.04Aer0TeKcoppice: fine, try about 10C
04:29.44coppiceno thanks. I've tried that, and I didn't like it
04:29.55Aer0TeKneither did I lol
04:30.37Aer0TeKI need to make it a point to just give all measurements in SI units.  My god, we're the only country that used imperial
04:30.47coppicemaybe texas shouldn't export so much heat to the UK
04:31.10Aer0TeKI work on and ride bikes, so everything is metric anyway
04:31.44WizBombi work on PC's and Servers
04:31.53WizBombeverything is turning into Hex
04:31.57Aer0TeKso everything's just bullshit?
04:32.03Aer0TeKhahaha yeah
04:32.28WizBombno more philips
04:32.32WizBombhex now
04:32.48Aer0TeKI'm sorry, but the only thing more bullshit than dealing with computers is dealing with people
04:33.16Aer0TeKalthough I'll throw cars somewhere in the middle of there, though I can usually kick the shit out of a car and it still be OK
04:33.56*** join/#asterisk L2SHO (
04:34.15Aer0TeKOiNK going down makes me sad.  I was wondering why my torrents weren't uploading anymore.  Interpol is probably looking for me
04:35.31*** join/#asterisk JonR800 (
04:35.56Aer0TeKjust signed up to and I'm already uploading
04:38.51WizBombtrying to find the perfect on hold music
04:39.30HarryRanything by Venetian Snares
04:39.36Aer0TeKdepends.  home or business machine?
04:39.50Aer0TeKyou can never go wrong with The Who
04:40.03*** join/#asterisk J_5 (
04:40.17HarryRdoes asterisk work well on Linux/PPC?
04:40.24coppiceso, which of the many Dr Whos is "The" Who?
04:40.44Aer0TeKmy on hold music consists of Van Morrison, The Who, The Rolling Stones, and a few others
04:40.47WizBombwhich song would you recommend
04:40.57Aer0TeKBaba O'Riley
04:41.12Aer0TeKor Paint it Black from the Rolling Stones
04:41.18J_5I'm tryng to set up asterisk for a small home/test up. what operating system works dest?
04:41.27HarryRJ_5, Linux, on x86
04:41.36Aer0TeKJ_5: linux.  I use Debian for mine
04:41.45HarryRGentoo here :)
04:41.49Aer0TeKgood stuff
04:41.53L2SHOI'm running gentoo
04:42.07L2SHOit's kind of annoying though when I have to recompile something
04:42.09Aer0TeKemerge asterisk w00t
04:42.15J4k3emerge pants
04:42.20Aer0TeKemerge pie
04:42.30J4k3emerge poo
04:42.36Aer0TeKapt-get install waffles
04:42.58Aer0TeKapt-get install is embedded in my muscle memory
04:43.08J4k3cd /usr/ports/misc/roflcopter;make install clean
04:43.14luke-jrGentoo is behind on Asterisk
04:43.25Aer0TeKI used to use FreeBSD
04:43.35J4k3I'm getting kinda tired of FreeBSD
04:43.41HarryRgentoo on freebsd :)
04:43.47J4k3some things work great, some things piss me off
04:43.47Aer0TeKI get tired of having to fix the ports database
04:43.47J_5free bsd had to set up? never used it
04:43.56L2SHOluke-jr: it's pretty up to date in the overlay
04:44.02luke-jrJ4k3: that sounds like Gentoo ☺
04:44.13luke-jrL2SHO: overlay isn't official
04:44.14J_5hard*. i promise i can type :)
04:44.23Aer0TeKfreebsd is easy to set up and it's great to run for a server, but yeah... what I said about the ports database
04:44.25luke-jrL2SHO: layman -a luke-jr also has some useful fix patches
04:45.16Aer0TeKL2SHO: I haven't run BSD since 5.0  Do I remember this right?  cvsup -g -L 2 something
04:45.34L2SHOI've never run BSD, I wouldn't know
04:45.45Aer0TeKoops wrong guy
04:45.52Aer0TeKI meant J4k3
04:46.06luke-jrdoes Asterisk even work on BSD?
04:46.19Aer0TeKI know of at least one person using it
04:46.34Nuggetasterisk works just great on bsd.
04:46.37Nuggetzaptel, not so much
04:47.04coppiceemerge pi? OK.
04:47.06coppice4 * (1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 + 1/9 - 1/11..........
04:47.07J4k3yeah, if you're pure IP theres really no reason for zaptel
04:47.17WizBombi hate to be stupid
04:47.19luke-jrJ4k3: meetme?
04:47.30J4k3luke-jr: hrm, ok, good point
04:47.31WizBombbut how do i get this MP3 over to the asterisk server
04:47.45L2SHOJ4k3: I just had to install zaptel to get musiconhold working properly
04:47.48Aer0TeKyep.  I just have a VOIP provider.
04:48.08Aer0TeKL2SHO? Mine works.  I don't think i've configured zaptel at all
04:48.46L2SHOAer0TeK: it kept throwing notices at me, someone in here told me to install zaptel and load the ztdummy module, that seemed to fix things
04:49.08L2SHOAer0TeK: it worked, just showing notices on the console and music was breaking up
04:49.13q-at-homeahhhh thats better
04:49.35WizBombis there a network share i access?
04:49.37q-at-homeWizBomb: winscp is free, and can be used
04:49.39Aer0TeKL2SHO: I'm not sure.  Gettin MoH working was one of the first things I did.  I installed mpg123 and alsa-oss and that's what did it for me
04:49.53luke-jrI thought mpg123 was no longer used?
04:50.05luke-jrwhat would alsa-oss do for it?
04:50.27Aer0TeKthe pure also.conf and alsa settings would not work
04:50.41Aer0TeKso I told it to use oss and installed alsa-oss and bingo
04:50.49L2SHOmine is still using mpg123, and it was maxing out my CPU, so now I'm recompiling sox so I can transcode the audio, hopefully that fixes things
04:51.03Aer0TeKthat was more of a problem with making calls from the console though
04:51.40Aer0TeKlooks like the version in the apt repository is 1.2.13
04:54.08L2SHOI'm thinking about just compiling from source and installing into /usr/local, I'm kinda tired of outdated packages, I don't really see much of a downside
04:54.08Aer0TeKprobably isn't one
04:54.08Aer0TeKI've got mine all set up and it'll update with apt, I'm lazy, and it's all working, so I'm good to go here
04:54.15L2SHOit just makes upgrading a little more painful, thats about it
04:55.07WizBombit has to be a wav file?
04:55.08q-at-homel8r all
04:55.46Aer0TeKis there a way to record the .gsm files through asterisk to make custom menus, or do I need another program?
04:56.36L2SHOAer0TeK: you should be able to record them anywhere and transcode them to GSM
04:57.11Aer0TeKerm, how is that done?  or can I also just make wavs and use them directly?
04:57.36L2SHOis what you'd want to use for transcoding
04:57.40Aer0TeKmmk, I'll look it up.  My comp here is a windows computer
04:57.41jqlsox is the swiss army transcoder
04:58.03L2SHOI think asterisk should convert the wav's automagically, it'll use up CPU tho
04:58.11WizBombive connect to asterisk with winscp
04:58.21WizBombbut when i try to save a wav to the moh folder
04:58.22WizBombi get denied
04:58.39L2SHOare you logging in as root?
04:59.03WizBombit wont let me
04:59.08WizBombeven though its the same password as admin
04:59.24L2SHOso copy it to your users home dir
04:59.26NuggetIt's normal for sshd to deny root logins by default (which is a good thing)
04:59.38jqlyeah, well then, you will need to work a wee bit harder to get it in there...
04:59.40L2SHOthen ssh in and switch to root and copy it over
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04:59.48WizBombi was using sftp to connect
04:59.56Nuggetsftp uses sshd, of course.
05:00.12jqlkeep doing that, but just upload it to your home directory
05:00.25Aer0TeKsave them in the home directory, then ssh in, su, and copy them over
05:00.43Aer0TeKyou got me
05:02.28*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
05:05.28WizBombok i moved the file over to the home directory
05:05.39WizBomband i have ssh'ed into the box with admin account
05:05.40Aer0TeKI still can't believe OiNK got pinched.  There were OiNK t-shirts.  I regret not getting one.
05:05.54WizBombnow do su root?
05:06.27WizBombthats weird
05:06.30WizBombsays password incorrect
05:06.48Aer0TeKyou're logged in under ssh as a user and you do su
05:07.06WizBombdont log in as admin first time?
05:07.08NuggetNot to be rude, but this is #asterisk, not #teach-you-how-to-use-your-godamn-operating-system
05:07.35WizBombthanks nugget
05:08.01jqlfile a bug on your asterisk gui provider's bug tracking system to allow moh uploads?
05:09.10Aer0TeKwhat is an asterisk gui? :P
05:09.30WizBombi better be quiet
05:09.39WizBombas id hate to upset nugget
05:10.20Falkon_MX-5I figured most people setting up asterisk were linux vets
05:10.46WizBombim windows server guy
05:10.55Falkon_MX-5nah, it's not a closed community.
05:11.00HarryRahah! heathen!
05:11.15HarryRdamn tab complete
05:11.18WizBombcan us windows and linux guys get alone
05:11.35jqlsure we can: OSX
05:11.45Falkon_MX-5I'm running on my XP machine right now, though many times I've considerd putting Debian or a hacked OSX86 on it
05:11.49HarryRjql, :\ I tried OSX for a week and ditched it
05:11.57jqlboo hoo. no like BSD?
05:12.05HarryRno, I don't like their silly GUI
05:12.11HarryRit's unproductive
05:12.17jqltheir terminal window does go full-screen. :P
05:12.29HarryRand runs like a dog on my iMac
05:12.31Falkon_MX-5BSD is awesome and rock solid, but I'm lazy and apt-get holds my hand and whispers sweet nothings in my ear
05:12.54HarryRFalkon_MX-5, and Linux isn't?
05:13.06HarryRLinux != Debian
05:13.08NuggetNo, Linux is not rock solid.
05:13.09J_5astersk runs on os x?
05:13.44jqlOSX pretends to be BSD, and asterisk likes that
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05:13.47Falkon_MX-5When I think security, I dunno about you, but I think OpenBSD
05:14.04HarryRFalkon_MX-5, I think of Linux +PaX + GrSecurity
05:14.25J4k3I think of an abacus protected by a nuclear warhead.
05:14.42HarryRor a small kitten wrapped in razor wire
05:14.58HarryRI like these analogies
05:15.38jqli can haz securty?
05:15.53jqlcaturday isn't over yet, where I live, HarryR
05:16.08HarryRA cat a day keeps the doctor away
05:16.31Falkon_MX-5I don't think my polycom has a VM button
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05:16.47HarryRthe budgetone on my desk is... basic :)
05:16.51jqlFalkon_MX-5: no button labelled "Messages"?
05:17.17J4k3people hate on grandstream, but if it wasn't for the $37 phone, I'd be using a softphone
05:17.24J4k3and softphones are generally wack, especially on this laptop
05:17.27WizBombthe IP500 does have one
05:17.27L2SHOMy spa941 has a button with an envelope on it
05:17.29J4k3(irq sharing issues galore)
05:17.35HarryRI'm trying to get my snom 200 upgraded to a snom 320 at work
05:17.40HarryRthe 320's are nice :D
05:17.59jqlsomeone at work stole my 320
05:18.08HarryRvery solid phone, could be used easily as a "blunt object"
05:18.08jqlno clue where it is, now
05:18.14L2SHOJ4k3: x-lite works great on my macbook
05:18.19J4k3jql: got the mac?
05:18.21J4k3search for it1
05:18.23J4k3err !
05:18.23HarryRjql, you should've had it's mac address written down
05:18.47HarryRjql, then you can scower the network for it and hunt down the person that took your beloved phone
05:18.54jqlhmm... I probably have the original invoice on file, which would have the mac
05:18.57Falkon_MX-5I got this Polycom 501 for a good price from a friend.  He has a cisco 7690 for me as well, but I'm po' :(
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05:19.28WizBombthats a nice cisco
05:19.36WizBombi'll buy it
05:19.41HarryRI thought all cisco phones were a bit crap
05:19.52HarryRatleast thats the impression I get back from our testing crew
05:20.47Falkon_MX-5I like my polycom so far
05:20.56Falkon_MX-5the only other thing I've used is a nortel phone
05:21.06J4k3I bought an xv6700 last night
05:21.09J4k3for sip use
05:21.13J4k3on wifi
05:21.15J4k3and evdo
05:21.20WizBombive got a XV6700
05:21.29J4k3WizBomb: like it?
05:21.33HarryRphone porn :D
05:21.34WizBombit eats batteries
05:21.44J4k3WizBomb: they all do
05:21.50WizBombwith wifi connected
05:21.53WizBombyour looking at 30 minutes
05:22.23J4k3hell, my crappy little vx9800 (regular lg keyboard/camera phone, not a pda) requires daily recharges
05:22.28J4k3and its not even a year old
05:22.48J4k3wow, thats pretty harsh
05:22.52J4k3is yours OC'd?
05:23.20WizBombalthough i hacked the bluetooth
05:23.41Falkon_MX-5I have no idea how to upload sampled sounds to the polycom or how to set up the voicemail button
05:23.55HarryRFalkon_MX-5, read the manuals :D
05:23.56WizBombim trying to follow this
05:24.01HarryRor rather, RTFM
05:24.04J4k3I'm considering not activating it on cellular itself, keeping the cdma/evdo radio off, and just bt'ing to the vx9800 instead
05:24.28WizBombJ4k3: i see
05:24.31J4k3often I am in crappy signal areas, I've found with my laptop that Im far better off using bt with the phone in a windowsil than being teathered in a 3' cord to wherever I can sit
05:24.53Falkon_MX-5HarryR: I didn't get one, and all I can find online are the user guides which don't tell you anything
05:25.23HarryRoh hmm, what's the model number i'll have a poke around
05:26.09Falkon_MX-5it's a 501
05:26.16Falkon_MX-5...this can't be legit...
05:26.31J4k3... attach my vx9800 to the roof-rack of my car, use the xv6700 inside over voip via bt
05:26.54WizBombthat someone's phone?
05:27.22Falkon_MX-5I just tried to change their GMT offset to -12, too bad it asked for a password
05:28.37HarryRFalkon_MX-5, hmm other than the IP501 userguide I cant' find anything
05:28.46Falkon_MX-5that's my problem.
05:28.56HarryRremind me on monday
05:29.38jqlit really does claim to be a polycom httpd
05:30.32HarryRstop sending me phone porn
05:30.44L2SHOHarryR: it's the polycom admin guide
05:30.48HarryRsame thing
05:31.04HarryRuh, might be better to send it to Falkon_MX-5
05:31.18L2SHOoh, I thought you were looking, sorry
05:31.45WizBombmy head hurts
05:31.49WizBombit too me all day
05:31.56WizBombbut i got everything working except outbound calls
05:32.01Falkon_MX-5my polycom's httpd sure as hell doesn't get forwarded
05:32.12*** join/#asterisk corpcomp (
05:32.32Falkon_MX-5Ima try the default polycom login on it
05:33.43Falkon_MX-5HOLY CRAP
05:33.45jqlWizBomb: even funnier, the polycom httpd actually reports itself as being a public IP, not DMZ-natted
05:33.57Falkon_MX-5they didn't change the password on that polycom phone
05:34.11Falkon_MX-5His caller ID will now be "Bob Dole"
05:34.35jqlBob Dole doesn't appreciate his phone being hacked. Bob Dole will come for you. Don't mess with Bob Dole
05:34.50Falkon_MX-5His name is Art Ferrier, I should give him a call
05:35.08jqlwell, you certainly know his phone number
05:35.30Falkon_MX-5and he's using onvoip as his voip provider
05:35.34jqli am in ur phone, settin ur caller id
05:36.28Falkon_MX-5let me make sure it's not ridiculously late there.  I'm going to call him instead of being malicious.
05:37.11Falkon_MX-5I wonder how many other polycom phones have their httpd forwarded with the default password.  I changed mine, and it sure as hell isn't forwarded
05:37.23jqlthat's not really httpd forwarded
05:37.31jqlPolycom SoundPoint IP Telephone HTTPd Server at Port 80
05:37.35jqlnot an internal IP
05:38.02Falkon_MX-5what time is it in GMT -*
05:38.06Falkon_MX-5-8 that is
05:38.20Falkon_MX-5it's would it be 10:38?
05:38.29Falkon_MX-5it's 12:38 in gmt -6
05:38.31jql-8? yeah, pacific time or so
05:38.37jqlit's 10:38 here in cali
05:39.25Falkon_MX-5I'm changing my caller ID before I call this guy, just in case
05:39.35corpcompI am attempting to find out why my new 1.2 install won't start properly.  There is nothing in the /var/log/asterisk/event_log to give me any clues.  Any comments welcome
05:40.09corpcompbuilt from SVN
05:40.15tzafrir_homecorpcomp, look at /var/log/asterisk/messages
05:40.40corpcompThat doesn't exist
05:40.56Falkon_MX-5what is the 805 area code cali peeps?
05:41.09jqlprobably LA
05:41.16jqlgoogle 805
05:43.18HarryRcorpcomp, start it up in foreground mode (no fork) with high verbose level
05:43.26HarryRand see what trails out on the console
05:44.16Falkon_MX-5ventura, santa barbara, LA county
05:46.53*** join/#asterisk ectospasm (
05:48.24luke-jrFalkon_MX-5: google
05:48.35luke-jrBakersfield, California
05:51.10Falkon_MX-5I left him a voicemail
05:51.33corpcompI have just run safe_asterisk and it "Asterisk died with code 1." and it wants to continually restart and I don't know how to stop it.
05:52.03corpcompI will rebuild it again for the 6th time
05:52.07HarryRcorpcomp, kill safe_asterisk..
05:52.12HarryRalso, try just running asterisk
05:54.04L2SHOcorpcomp:  asterisk -c
05:57.23corpcompwow, too many errors to list.  Time to rebuild again.  I may even read the docs properly
05:57.36Falkon_MX-5WizBomb: I feel like I should change this guy's phone password at least and leave him a VM saying what I changed it to, but I'm going to leave it up to him to do.
05:59.00WizBombwell he left it wide open
05:59.57HarryRwhy has he got it publicly available with a domain name!
06:00.11tzafrir_homecorpcomp, look for the first errors
06:00.22tzafrir_home(and get rid of safe_asterisk)
06:00.27Falkon_MX-5I don't know.  I decided to do another google, and I found two more wide open
06:00.36tzafrir_home'asterisk -c' runs asterisk as root
06:00.39Falkon_MX-5both in california as well
06:00.44Falkon_MX-5or at least pacific time
06:01.03jqldamnit, you're gonna make me change the default password on all my phones with this talk
06:01.12Falkon_MX-5hell, I did.
06:01.44*** join/#asterisk munmun (n=mun_mun@
06:01.47Falkon_MX-5this second one I found is even using hte default SIP login credentials to the server.  I could login to his asterisk with x-lite and make some calls.  Morons.
06:01.55WizBomblol jql
06:02.00corpcompOK, thanks for the advice, I am looking into why I have made such a bungle of things now.
06:03.09Falkon_MX-5Apparently these people are smart enough to set up a linux computer, create dialplans, and set up SIP phones, but not take the time to do basic security measures?
06:03.32jqlbut... but... NAT!
06:03.43jqlthat's my excuse, and I'm sticking to it
06:04.10jqlof course, using polycoms behind a nat is one of those more recent practical possibilities
06:05.20Falkon_MX-5I don't think I have NAT.  I'm just behind a linux firewall with nothing forwarded except bittorrent ports and an arbitrary port I set up for SSH
06:06.30HarryRbut you can make outbound connections? then you're going through some sort of NAT
06:06.38Falkon_MX-5oh okay
06:06.49Falkon_MX-5I guess I should go lookup what exactly a NAT is.
06:07.26L2SHOsweet, moh is now working perfectly
06:13.15*** join/#asterisk russellb (i=russellb@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
06:13.15*** mode/#asterisk [+o russellb] by ChanServ
06:21.20Falkon_MX-5for your viewing pleasure.  I'm just speechless
06:21.30WizBombwell im gonna hit the hay
06:21.36WizBombtime is 2:30am
06:21.59Falkon_MX-5yeah, I need to do the same.
06:25.10HarryRFalkon_MX-5, ahah
06:25.53HarryRcan you route all his calls through a pbx which plays "YOU ARE HACKED"
06:25.53*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
06:26.08Falkon_MX-5I might be able to, but I just logged into his asterisk through x-lite as "polycom"
06:26.27Falkon_MX-5and I'm now at his voicemail
06:26.31HarryR:Dcan you make outbound calls?
06:26.47Falkon_MX-5if he has a voip provider
06:26.54Falkon_MX-5but I'm not going to.
06:26.56Dovidooooh who is this ?
06:27.02Doviddont we all love free calls ;)
06:27.09HarryRdo you mind if I put like 3000 minutes through?
06:27.18Dovidgive me 100k
06:27.22HarryRmy 0900 number needs some love
06:27.27Dovidthat should take a drop outa the bucket for me
06:27.27J4k3I need two pair
06:27.29J4k3give me two pair
06:27.33Falkon_MX-5sorry, I'm just going to leave him a VM that says "your phone is wide open"
06:28.07DovidFalkon_MX-5: How about seeing the whois on his IP, or seeing what domain it is and do a look up on it.
06:28.11Falkon_MX-5I found his phone's web interface accidentally seaching google
06:28.20Falkon_MX-5hmm, good idea
06:28.37Dovidi do that when ever I find a volnerable server (like XM Sat. Radio back in the day)
06:28.40Falkon_MX-5seriously, I was trying to google how to upload ringtones to my polycom phone
06:28.52Dovidsent them an email and the box was fixed in about an hour
06:29.50Falkon_MX-5I've already left a VM on one guy's I found left open.  This guy's one is so wide open that I was able to log into his asterisk with X-lite.  That's just BAD
06:30.21Falkon_MX-5ahem that *MIGHT* be it
06:30.44Falkon_MX-5btw he's using the default VM extension of 8500
06:31.57*** join/#asterisk Dovid[Laptop] (
06:32.05Dovid[Laptop]my internet pooped out
06:32.30Falkon_MX-5This guy just left the keys in his benz with the car running in the middle of Berkley.
06:32.33Dovid[Laptop]JK43: I know of a "Service Provider" that uses TrixBox. want their IP ?
06:35.38Falkon_MX-5Let's see if my brother in China is awake
06:37.01Dovid[Laptop]I am gona head back to bed.
06:37.08Dovid[Laptop]It's SUuuuunnnnnnnndayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
06:37.44Falkon_MX-5Hei Communications Inc... oh they're a communications provider alright...
06:38.20*** join/#asterisk neax (
06:40.50coppiceFalkon_MX-5: Since its 2:40PM in China, he's probably awake :-)
06:48.27Falkon_MX-5found their number and left them a voicemail telling them to secure their stuff
06:51.21Dovid[Laptop]Falkon: What user name did u get in on again ? ;)
06:55.19Falkon_MX-5it's just polycom password polycom
06:56.19Falkon_MX-5I called his own business from his own PBX and left him a voicemail.  That's just sad
06:56.28Dovidand the IP is ?
06:56.48Falkon_MX-5You'll have to find that yourself.  It might be in the configuration somewhere
06:56.59Falkon_MX-5I am not liable for anything you do.
06:57.41Dovidit is amazing how many people in the early days of asterisk had Exten => _X., in their default context
06:57.41Falkon_MX-5some opinions expressed may not be the opinions of Falkon.  All rights reserved, etc
06:57.57Dovidsome times i just wanascan port 5060 and try to make calls, compile a list and email them
06:58.07Dovidand then give them the DumbA** award
06:58.19HarryRport 5060 probing is fun :D
06:58.29Falkon_MX-5well this guy gets it.  I mean default sip login credentials... come on people
06:58.37HarryRespecially when anonymous sip access gets dropped into the default context
06:59.08Falkon_MX-5all my sip/iax connections have to registe
06:59.09DovidHarryR: I have seen it more than once when helping out people here on IRC
06:59.09QwellI find it somewhat funny when people don't read the SECURITY.txt...
06:59.37Falkon_MX-5Qwell: lol, I didn't even know there was one.  I just used common sense
07:00.14DovidLets see there is voip-info, the list, Asterisk TFOT. how dumb can one get ???
07:03.08Falkon_MX-5any of you have a DID number?  I want to call lol
07:03.51HarryRuk :\
07:04.09Dovidyea. i am curious as to whom /she is using
07:04.48HarryRchina to uk = expensive
07:04.59Falkon_MX-5I'm not in UK
07:05.04Falkon_MX-5err china either
07:05.50Falkon_MX-5he doesn't have international calling.
07:06.00DovidFalkon: He is a US dial plan
07:06.23Falkon_MX-5I used 011441770808073
07:06.40Dovidah. i was able to call 18005551212
07:06.53Dovidi just had to tr it ;)
07:07.03Falkon_MX-5yeah, us works.  I called Digium in huntsville
07:07.05Dovid(didnt try to call any where that it would cost $$$)
07:07.19Falkon_MX-5I just called digium, confirmed it would work and hung up
07:07.42TJNIIOkay, quick question.  If I'm putting a dial commend for a dial out prefix to a friends asterisk box, and I don't want to specify a specific context, is * acceptable?  Right now I have Dial(IAX2/remotebox/${EXTEN:1}@ext-local,60) and I'm wondering if Dial(IAX2/remotebox/${EXTEN:1}@*,60) is valid.
07:08.38Falkon_MX-5why not just create a context real quick or put him in the local context?
07:09.22TJNIIWell, the context is on his end, not mine
07:10.08TJNIISo I can't control it.  It works now, but only for numbers in that context.  I was just wondering how you would allow extens in multiple contexts on the remote end via one prefix.
07:10.13Dovidhe has VNC on there on default port. this makes me laugh
07:10.19TJNIIIf that makes sense, which it probably doesn't.
07:10.53Falkon_MX-5very cool, any cuts in my sound?
07:11.02HarryRjust delay
07:11.04Falkon_MX-5good deal.
07:11.26*** join/#asterisk BadPacket (n=John@unaffiliated/badpacket)
07:12.20Falkon_MX-5well, I've made enough trouble for one night.  Hopefully, tomorrow or monday when they get those voice messages, they'll secure their phones.  I bet there's a bunch of open cisco and grandstream phones as well
07:12.25HarryRooh, budgetone 100
07:13.20TJNIIBudgetone 100s arn't bad, though the caller ID is numeric only and the people I call bitch about echo on the speakerphone.
07:13.38HarryRI got it for free, so i'm not complaining
07:13.46TJNIIFair enough
07:13.48JTthe budgetone 100s ARE bad
07:13.59HarryRthe numeric only display really annoys me though
07:14.03*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
07:14.23DovidI like my Snom's andPolycom
07:14.24HarryRboots a hell of a lot quicker than my snoms
07:14.33Falkon_MX-5I like my polycom
07:15.01JTsnoms are so ugly
07:15.03JTand boring
07:15.36J4k3snom sounds like a torture device
07:17.00J4k3or a disease
07:17.30DovidSNOM's are ok. a cheaper alt. to Polycom
07:17.40Dovidand I HATE the bott up time on Polycom's
07:18.33JTokay, just not tha great
07:18.54TJNIIDial(IAX2/remotebox/${EXTEN:1}@*,60) doesn't work.  I guess I'd better start reading up on dial()
07:20.30*** join/#asterisk kaldemar (
07:26.37*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
07:33.20*** join/#asterisk Netyciukas (
07:35.36coppiceI think tissue was invented to deal with snom
07:36.16J4k3one time I cought a cold and had to cough up a bunch of snom
07:38.43HarryRafter the orgy there was snom everywhere
07:41.11HarryRis it snom, or schnom?
07:41.20HarryRpronounciation wise
07:41.51TJNIIWhen I dial another asterisk box over iax2 I have to specify the context in the remote dialplan the number is in with the @ symbol.  That doesn't seem right.  Is there something obvious I am missing?
07:41.56coppiceor shhhhhhnom
07:43.04J4k3first rule of snom is you don't talk about snom
07:43.41HarryRbut you're breaking the second rule!
07:43.52HarryR2) Never break the first rule
07:44.58jqlTJNII: I wouldn't say required...
07:45.14TJNIINo, it is.  Otherwise I get a no context/extension error
07:45.14*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
07:45.20TJNIIThus my query.
07:45.21jqlthat's a server conf problem
07:45.27jqlcontext=foo in the iax conf
07:45.43TJNIII have that.  Doesn't seem to fly.
07:45.54jqlno, it flies
07:45.54TJNIIWell, on the remote end its set to context=*
07:46.01jqlwtf is *?
07:46.09TJNIII don't know, I didn't set that up
07:46.13jqlwell then fix it
07:46.40TJNIII assumed Scott knew what he was doing.  Judging by your response that isn't legal?
07:46.40jqlcontext=[whatever you were trying to use in that Dial()]
07:46.57TJNIIYea, that's what I have.  That's probably the problem then.
07:47.05TJNIILet me check something.
07:47.05jql* ain't no context I ever heard of
07:47.19jqldo they speak english in *?
07:47.35*** join/#asterisk bintut (
07:48.04bintuthello all..
07:48.23bintuti'm always getting this messages from my asterisk logs:
07:48.24JTTJNII: please read
07:48.27jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
07:48.27bintut[Oct 28 15:46:57] WARNING[31092]: chan_sip.c:4726 parse_request: Too many SIP headers. Ignoring.
07:48.28bintut[Oct 28 15:46:57] WARNING[31092]: chan_sip.c:14682 handle_request_subscribe: SUBSCRIBE failure: no Accept header: pvt: stateid: -1, laststate: 0, dialogver: 0, subscribecont: '', subscribeuri: ''
07:48.34JTbintut: please use
07:48.36jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
07:48.51bintutJT: yeah.. but i just pasted 2 lines
07:48.51jqlyou probably have too many SIP headers
07:49.02JTbintut: 5 and a half lines on a standard terminal
07:49.14TJNIIjql: I read that months ago.  It's not very good for troubleshooting
07:49.27TJNIISorry.  Not jtl.  JT
07:49.33jqlcredit the other guy for ~book
07:49.40TJNIIRight  Sorry.
07:49.53JTTJNII: it's good to get a grasp of asterisk configuration
07:50.07JTyou can't troubleshoot if you don't have a basic grasp of it
07:50.47bintutJT: anyway, i already pasted it.. any idea why i'm getting those problems?
07:50.51bintuti mean, logs?
07:51.58jqlthere's a max headers limit of 64
07:52.05TJNIIjql:  Yea, it was the context=*.  I assumed the other guy knew that would work because he had his * working a month before mine.  I guess I was wrong.
07:52.07jqlhaving more than 64 headers is... really damn impressive
07:52.25TJNIILet me just modify his configs for him, since he was nice enough to give me root access....
07:54.09*** join/#asterisk curtn (
07:55.38bintutanyway, i have to go now..
07:56.52curtndo someone use the Linksys SPA3102 ? no problem with Asterisk ?
07:57.02jqlyes, and yes
07:57.30curtnjql: good quality ?
07:57.41jqlmainly used it for testing faxing
07:57.48jqlso.... yes. good enough for faxing
07:59.55curtnjql: and does the pstn fallback work (loss of the IP) ?
08:00.13jqlI just unplug the power and test that
08:00.19TJNIIjql: I've been curious about faxing.  I know some people simply digitize the modem data as voice data, which I don't think is that hot.  Does yours decode the modem data and then send it as straight data?
08:00.34jqldon't recall testing the ethernet failure, but I may have tried that as well
08:00.51jqlTJNII: it works both ways
08:03.01TJNIIMy folks are talking about VoIP and they've been asking me about faxing, so I need to learn about it.
08:03.25jqlthe only bummer about sending the image data directly is it maxes out at 14.4k speed
08:03.40jqlplain audio goes all the way to 33.6
08:03.57jqlalthough I really only get 24k and speeds like that
08:06.08curtnand the IP phone Linksys WIP330.. is it a good device ? (someone has said that all wifi phones sucks..)
08:06.27jqlall wifi phones do suck
08:07.17curtnjql: for a 200 euros device it's a bad news..
08:07.45curtnit looks pretty
08:07.59jqlwell, the display makes the phone
08:08.03jqlas apple well knows...
08:09.02curtnwhat's the problem with wifi phones ?
08:09.26JTthe technology of wifi is inappropriate for voice
08:09.43jqlyeah, it's like running voip over a shared 10baseT hub, instead of a switch
08:09.46*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
08:09.53jqlhubs = wait; retry
08:09.59jqlwaiting is bad for voip
08:10.09JTand sometimes some randomly unplugs the hub, or lengthens your cable
08:10.16jqlso all wifi phones build in a huge buffer
08:10.23jqlwhich makes them like goddamn cell-phones
08:10.41JTcell phones work better
08:10.52jqltrue, cell towers don't expect confirmation
08:11.03JTit's a lot more than that, jql
08:11.15JTthey are designed for it, don't use ip, and can do handover properlly
08:11.17jqlI was referring to the network rather than the cdma itself
08:11.21J4k3everyone thinks wifi voip sucks automatically becuase all the wifi voip devices sold as such are complete and total underpowered shit
08:11.42JTdoesn't have to be cdma
08:12.01jqlJ4k3: so the thesis of your argument is that a softphone on a decent laptop over wifi would be fine?
08:12.13J4k3jql: it has been in my experience
08:12.19J4k3or a decent wifi bridge and a standard hard phone
08:12.28J4k3but, if your AP is some piece of crap ymmv
08:13.06jql<-- piece of crap ap victim on crowded residential airwaves
08:13.21*** part/#asterisk munmun (n=mun_mun@
08:13.30J4k3you're probably just using residential-grade hardware
08:13.41jqlwrt54g, baby
08:13.41J4k3unless your local 2.4 noise floor is totally insane
08:13.52J4k3underpowered, crappy radio, etc.
08:14.03J4k3now, I am speaking to you via one right now, but that doesn't mean they're good
08:14.24jqlubiquitous rarely means good anymore
08:14.57J4k3I'll be using an LS2 in here before the xv6700 arrives.
08:15.04J4k3I need to get some non-crappy firmware on mine
08:15.28HarryRiirc the most common problem with wifi setups is interference
08:15.32J4k3slightly lamer CPU but much better radio, the better radio has less cpu hit in my experience.
08:15.43HarryRpeople just think "lets buy a box that does wifi and put it in the shop" or something
08:15.48J4k3HarryR: depends on your environment
08:15.54jqlHarryR: hence why a powerful radio is good. you always win. :)
08:16.03jqlchannel 9 is MINE, BITCHES
08:16.16J4k3csma/ca doesn't quite work like that
08:16.21J4k3the channel is only yours when you're using it
08:16.37jqlyeah... bittorrent will take care of that
08:16.55J4k3and sitting on 9 the users on the normal channels 6 and 11 aren't hitting your ca, or their ca, so if you're both active you're just giving yourself a shitload of noise rather than properly sharing time.
08:17.15J4k3which might work better if you're moving very small packets with oodles of signal, but in most circumstances it doesn't work better
08:19.09J4k3I find the biggest problem with wifi is the human aspect
08:19.16J4k3the cheap human
08:19.42J4k3who buys a cheap radio, a cheapish "high gain" omni antenna, and thinks they're going to suddenly cover a 3 mile radius off thei rooftop
08:20.19J4k3or, even better, buys a high powered amplifier to add to the mix
08:20.31J4k3so their crap makes tons of noise yet stays locked up due to interference triggering ca.
08:20.36jqltoo bas Monster doesn't sell wifi equipment
08:20.47jqlthey could clean up
08:21.06J4k3monster?  as in the people who've cornered the market on overpriced lamp cord?
08:21.12*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (n=tzafrir@
08:21.32jqlthey could do the same for cantennas
08:21.33J4k3excuse me while I use their overpriced lamp cord to hook up some overpriced cheap paper bose speakers :P
08:22.46HarryRso I can play my 96k mp3s on it
08:22.59J4k3bose speakers are great for covering up mp3 artifacts
08:23.05J4k3with artifacts of their own!
08:23.30jqland CD artifacts. digital is teh devil
08:23.49coppiceI've never seen anyone buying a Monster cable. Maybe only monsters buy them
08:25.31HarryRjql, not really cd artifacts, but generally due to over-compression during mastering
08:25.51HarryRwhich can get translated it clipping when you convert from digital to analogue
08:26.19HarryRor just clipping all the time if it's really badly done
08:26.49J4k3theres a lot of magic that goes into studio recording
08:27.05*** join/#asterisk saint_ (
08:28.34J4k3of course, I've heard rather outstanding home-produced stuff these days, but at the same time I'll hear something some guy got paid a huge quantity to mix up and it sounds like cheese-grated-shit.
08:28.36*** join/#asterisk VoicePulse (n=contact@unaffiliated/voicepulse)
08:29.28HarryRif the music is cheese grated shit, it'll sound like cheese grated shit
08:29.45HarryRpouring money into mastering can only make a good track sound great
08:29.47J4k3yeah, but lousy production doesn't help
08:30.44J4k3and you've gotta have decent mics... theres just no way around it
08:30.50HarryRI hear too much shit today in the charts with outstanding production, shame it's just a bad track to begin with
08:31.16J4k3bring me one alan parsons, plz, thx
08:33.05HarryR + class as please
08:34.47J4k3looks like my bedroom when I was 12 or so, except my gear was all ghetto.
08:35.42HarryRI've seen much bigger :) 25-30k rigs and such
08:36.45HarryRanything bigger is just scary
08:45.55J4k3I just want an optimal room
08:46.18J4k3or something a little farther away from "acoustically screwed"
08:46.51HarryRget some bass traps in there and play around with the positioning of them & your monitors
08:47.02HarryRunless you're living in a tin can or something
08:47.05J4k3when I was a kid I had a nice simple 11x10x8 (ft) room...  so easy to figure out
08:47.22J4k3I'm living in an old pier and beam house
08:47.27J4k3with laminate wood flooring
08:47.29HarryRoh right
08:47.33J4k3and masonate walls
08:48.01HarryRonly thing I suffer from at the moment are standing waves and shit speakers, cant be bothered to fix either until I move house again
08:48.04J4k3and the rooms all have large doors to other rooms...  no good speaker placement options.  but its temporary ;)
08:48.24HarryRand im lacking like 20 plug sockets in this room :(
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08:48.52J4k3I got a pair of sennheiser hd280pro... they're about optimal for my current circumstance
08:49.20J4k3in-ear stuff gives me itchy ears
08:49.42J4k3the hd600's I had before this seemed louder on the outside than they were on the inside.
08:49.55HarryRB&W DM601s here :\
08:51.40HarryRall I need is some ducttape and some wire and I can get rid of all my problems
08:52.09J4k3all I need is a stack of small pieces of paper with pictures of dead presidents on them.
08:52.27J4k3unluckily these things don't grow on trees
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08:58.23coppicej4k3: I have AKG701s that wake the kids in the next room :-)
08:58.33J4k3haha damn
08:58.51J4k3all the best cans are open back, and thats a pita in a lot of sitiations :|
08:59.08J4k3of course, these things are like having two fat chicks sitting on your shoulders
08:59.13J4k3they're huge
09:00.16coppiceyeah. I have closed back AKGs and open backed sennheiser portables. the sennheisers sound far better and are more comfortable. I usually travel with the AKGs to keep the background noise out
09:00.43coppicethe AKG701s cover almost the entire sides of my 8 year old's head
09:02.20J4k3well, in my case I doubt anyone else wants to listen to the moody blues at high volume at 3am ;)
09:02.47coppicea moody wife maybe?
09:03.35J4k3not yet...  hell my girlfriend is currently 350 miles away :(
09:09.43coppicewell, turn up the volume then
09:11.19J4k3this house is otherwise occupied with folks that like modernish rock and rap.  they'd probably flip out
09:11.36J4k3of course maybe they deserve the shocker
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09:58.38brc_k, so what magic voodo has changed that would cause the zap command to not be present in 1.4?
09:58.50brc_was it depricated?
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10:01.26tzafrirbrc_, either was not built, or it has failed to load
10:01.38tzafrirtry:  module load
10:01.53tzafrirwhat do you get?
10:02.07tzafriralso: what zaptel hardware do you have?
10:02.24brc_hey tzafrir, how've you been?
10:02.39tzafrirat home, I guess :-)
10:02.46brc_long time no see :p
10:03.10brc_I'm working on a secondary machine to run stuff while I upgrade the main box, I threw a spare t100p into it
10:03.47brc_module load works like it should, but still no zap command at the cli
10:03.49HarryRwhoah, I've just found a horrible webpage
10:04.11HarryRwtf were these guys thinking when they hired a web designer
10:06.10tzafrirbrc_, no error at all?
10:07.07brc_well module show like
10:09.30tzafrirbut is not loaded automatically?
10:10.05brc_no it is -- automagically
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10:10.22brc_restarted asterisk to make sure
10:11.16tzafriregrep 'autoload|' /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
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10:12.16tzafrirthat is: is autoload enabled? and is there an explicit load/noload for
10:12.18brc_yeah, autoload is on
10:12.38brc_chan_zap isn't listed, but autoload is picking it up properly as far as I can tell
10:13.11tzafririf you load it manually, you see channels in 'zap show channels' ?
10:13.58brc_nope, I get no such command
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11:41.07coldeHi, im trying to originate a call via a call file, and im getting this error chan_sip.c:12009 handle_response_invite: Failed to authenticate on INVITE to '"46931432" <>;tag=as50cc7806'
11:41.12coldeThe extension works when dialing in on the SIP interface
11:41.14coldeAny ideas on what the reason for that is?
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12:20.30nroejgot a problem with app_meetme, ztdummy is loaded, but asterisk says it is unable to open the pseudo device :(
12:20.40nroejand zttest runs fine ...
12:24.42nroej.. any hints
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12:30.47tzafrirnroej, permission issues?
12:30.56nroejtried it as root
12:30.58tzafrirls -ld /dev/zap /dev/zap/pseudo
12:31.14nroejdrwxr-xr-x 2 root     root          140 2007-10-28 13:21 /dev/zapcrw-rw---- 1 asterisk asterisk 196, 255 2007-10-28 13:21 /dev/zap/pseudo
12:31.48nroejone issue might be that it is a sparc machine?
12:32.18tzafrirwell, if zttest runs fine then the kernel is working
12:32.43nroejyes it does
12:32.45nroejlagune:~# zttestOpened pseudo zap interface, measuring accuracy...99.998627% 99.990433% --- Results after 2 passes ---
12:33.09nroejstrange enough
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12:38.44tzafrirand asterisk runs as the user "asterisk" ?
12:41.34nroejthats what it says
12:43.43nroejbut it looks like some ioctls are not found
12:52.55k31thyo im having that same problem
12:53.17nroejstill, or resolved?
12:53.26k31thare you running debian ?
12:53.28nroejdamn ;)
12:53.45k31thyes it seems to reset the perms
12:53.49k31thto root
12:53.52k31thall the time
12:54.02k31thon /dev/zap
12:54.15k31thinfact i was told to speak to tzafrir about this issue :D
12:54.56nroejwhen i run asterisk as root i got the same ussue
12:56.00tzafrirOne possible reason is non-mathcing version of zaptel.h
12:56.28tzafrirthe one used in building zaptel (kernel) vs. the one used for building asterisk
12:56.38tzafrirthis might fail some ioctls
12:57.01nroeji see
12:57.04nroejhow to fix?
12:57.16nroejjust copy
12:57.21tzafrirDo you use asterisk from debs or from source? Zaptel?
12:57.34k31thtzafrir: I did from source
12:58.09nroejboth from source
12:58.16tzafrirIf both looked at the same zaptel.h, this is probably not the issue
12:58.17nroejasterisk 1.4.13 zaptel 1.4.6
12:59.17marlhi there, does asterisk have a trace function for the dialplan? i am wanting to see what is happening in the dial plan as a call is processed, i know i can add tons of noops, but was wandering if there was a dialplan debug option anyware, that just lists the lines in the dialplan as they are processed?
12:59.49nroejmarl: you could use asterisk -rvvvvvc
12:59.52nroeji guess
13:00.58nroejtzafrir: there is no zaptel.h in my asterisk src dir
13:01.29marlcan u filter the output in anyway? like using grep or something
13:02.00nroejredirectj to a file and then grep
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13:02.16nroeji am not sure about the logging....
13:02.19marlok thanks
13:02.27nroejmaybe that could help as well
13:02.38tzafrirtail -f /var/log/asterisk/messages
13:03.12k31th| grep exten ?
13:03.39marldoes the * log file display the dialplan lines as they are processed
13:05.09ai-acli outpu does.
13:05.49marlok thanks :)
13:05.58k31thtzafrir: out of interest wats yyour perms on your debian system for ls -lia /dev/zap
13:06.29k31thand you nroej
13:07.06nroejcrw-rw---- asterisk asterisk for all of them
13:07.13k31thid like to know why it's doing this as I would pref to using debian / ubuntu over centos
13:07.27k31thnroej: do your perms stay the same if you restart zaptel ?
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13:09.04k31thmine dont
13:09.13k31thbut i am not convinced this is the issue tbh
13:09.43tzafrirk31th, root,dialout, 660
13:09.52nroejk31th: grep for zap at /var/log/kern.log
13:10.09nroejare there lines complaining about ictls?
13:11.52k31thdoesnt look like it
13:12.02k31thtzafrir: same
13:12.14k31thtzafrir: did you install from src?
13:12.30tzafrirIf you see errors in kern.log about ioctls, then this is probably an issue with non-matching /usr/include/zaptel/zaptel.h asterisk was built with
13:12.39tzafrirk31th, me? from debs
13:12.55nroejtzafrir: how to fix that?
13:13.14nroejtzafrir: ahh
13:13.19nroejwait i know
13:13.39k31thtzafrir: I don't see errors there
13:13.53nroeji know now why the ioctls failed
13:14.12k31thtzafrir: did you add that repo you showed me the other day to your sources.conf?
13:14.22nroeji did build * with an older version of zaptel installed an then choose a new one
13:14.50k31thchose a new one?
13:15.04nroejlike builded and installed a new one
13:16.01*** join/#asterisk linxroute (n=dfsf@
13:16.06nroejk31th: does t
13:16.15nroejdoes ztcfg -vv give any errors
13:16.21k31thinfact "like building and installing a new one."
13:16.27linxroute:) hi there asterisk user from vietnam
13:16.37k31th0 channels to configure.
13:16.43k31thnroej: wat do you get
13:16.44linxrouteanyone here have used asterisk with GUI ?
13:17.03linxroutei have been using asterisk for 3 years now but never used any GUI
13:17.09nroejnothinioctl(ZT_LOADZONE) failed: Invalid argument
13:17.09nroejline 15: Unable to register tone zone 'us'
13:17.10nroejZT_DEFAULTZONE failed: Invalid argument (22)
13:17.23linxroutecan you guy suggest which one comes with the most features ?
13:17.39k31thwhy start using a gui if you are good at doing it by hand?
13:17.46linxrouteasteriskNow - Trixbox ?
13:18.16k31thasterisk-gui / freepbx on it's own if you must use a gui imo
13:18.39linxroutewhat about asterisk now ?
13:18.41jbotit has been said that trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX, and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox seriously painful to support and hence you will find little help here for it.  Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & WIKI at
13:19.10linxroutewell actualy i prefer orignal asterisk
13:19.30linxroutethat's why i have asking you guys out there
13:19.34k31thlinxroute: #asterisknow #asteriskgui
13:19.45linxroutewho might have experiences with those GUIs
13:20.06k31thasterisk-gui is far less agressive and edits the confs directly
13:20.18k31thfreepbx stores it in mysql db
13:20.44k31thlinxroute: I would stick to what you knew best, i can use a gui but am learning to do it by hand
13:21.22k31thnroej: no idea why im not working
13:21.55k31thnroej: when you try joining a confrence do you get "incorrect confrence number" error played?
13:22.05linxroutethanks alot K31
13:22.11shtoomI am writing API for building GUIs for asterisk configuration !
13:22.22linxroutewe are actually selling alot asterisk boxs
13:23.06linxroutesince we can get very cheap price on ip phone in my country like 35$ for a good ip phone
13:25.38k31thnroej: ok man, let me know if you get it fixed?
13:25.42k31thI will do the same.
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13:41.28tzafrirshtoom, what kind of API?
13:46.58linxrouteusing CLI is the best
13:47.12linxrouteGUI only to mess things up
13:50.20shtoomtzafrir: XML API which can be used to build GUIs of different tastes
13:51.45tzafrirWhat do you mean by "XML"? where will the config data be stored?
13:52.29*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
13:52.54shtoomthe programmer who is using the API sees every thing in xml  the actual config data is stored in normal conf files or in any DB
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13:55.45shtoomI found mxml provided by asterisk gui is a bit similar but it is very basic in which the web designer has to have to the knowledge of asterisk config
13:56.45shtoomI am writing the API to be more specific for each conf file with well defined xml schemas.
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14:38.06cl4shhi all
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14:59.40Greek-Boyhi BeeBuu
14:59.45Greek-Boyalways good to know there are new asterisk users :)
15:00.09BeeBuuhi,all,asterisk got "s","i" & "t" extension
15:00.35BeeBuuis there any else more?
15:02.45puzzledt = timeout, i = invalid, d= start
15:02.55BeeBuuh for what?
15:02.59puzzledd= should be s
15:03.06puzzlediirc hangup
15:04.00puzzledBeeBuu: buy or download the asterisk book. it has all this info
15:04.44Corydon76-digThere is also a "T" timeout, which different from "t" timeout
15:05.15BeeBuuwhy i can't found they in the book?
15:06.21jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
15:08.53Corydon76-digPage 130
15:11.15*** join/#asterisk hi365 (
15:11.38hi365has anyone managed to use touch to scedual a call in future (using call files)?
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15:12.20Corydon76-dighi365: they don't work that way
15:12.38hi365hmm, voip-info must be outdated then
15:12.45hi365is there another way?
15:13.04Corydon76-digIt's a nice thought, but the way it works (and has always worked) is that the directory is scanned for presence
15:13.43hi365Corydon76-dig: are you familiar with this? <---- last paragraph
15:14.02Corydon76-digYes, you'd use a cron job to place the file in the directory at the right time
15:14.30hi365am i reading wrong, or is it a mistake?
15:14.44hi365"Call files that have the time of the last modification in the future are ignored
15:14.49Corydon76-digIt is a mistake
15:16.04Corydon76-digWell, I'll be a monkey's uncle
15:16.16Corydon76-digI never saw that code in there before
15:18.08Corydon76-digAh... you have to specify alwaysdelete=no in the spool file to get that behavior
15:18.43hi365Corydon76-dig: interetsingly, if i MANUALY move a modified call file, asterisk just ignors it (presumably waiting for the r"ight" time)
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15:19.53Corydon76-digYou'd still need to create the file elsewhere and move it into place
15:20.25tzafrirbut asterisk constantly polls those files, so it's not a good idea to keep too many of them there, right?
15:20.25Corydon76-digThe scanning of the directory happens continuously, so if you create the file there, it could be recognized before you have a chance to change the mtime
15:21.27Corydon76-digYeah, and stat(2) is an expensive operation
15:21.52hi365Corydon76-dig: that yhy you have to change the time befor you move
15:22.07hi365tzafrir: i dint think ine mincha reminder will clog the system :)
15:24.02BeeBuuanother question:does asteriskNOW can setup a E1 card?
15:24.36Corydon76-dighi365: make sure that you create the file on the same physical partition
15:30.36*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=pepOSX@
15:43.54hi365can anyone sugest a reliable per minute itsp provider?
15:50.07nestAri have had good luck with vitelity
15:55.28xhelioxTeliax mostly doesn't suck.
15:56.18Greek-Boywho here works with call centers?
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16:04.22NuggetI do whenever my DSL is down, but otherwise rarely.  :)
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16:25.52alin`is there an ECHO CANCELLER for * that does not use the ZAPTEL driver?
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16:26.50blitzragethat statement would have been just as effective without the caps :)
16:26.59[TK]D-Fenderalin`, Yes... all external for T1 which.... will require you to use Zaptel to interface with anyways :)
16:27.49[TK]D-Fenderalin`, But to sut the other side off short, No, don't dream of EC-ing an ITSP connection.  If they suck, you're screwed
16:29.32alin`[TK]D-Fender: but where can I find an echo canceller written just in User Mode, using no module ?
16:29.43NuggetWwhhaatt  ddooeess  aann  eecchhoo  ccaanncceelleerr  ddoo??
16:29.45alin`OSLEC uses zaptel?
16:29.58[TK]D-Fenderalin`, So far I'd class that in the category of "things that don't exist"
16:30.19[TK]D-Fenderalin`, Yes, it compiles in just like HPEC
16:31.43alin`[TK]D-Fender: My problem is that I want to write an echo canceller without using a module in kernel.
16:31.51alin`That is what I need.
16:31.59[TK]D-Fenderalin`, then go right ahead and do that.
16:32.31alin`[TK]D-Fender: I wish to know an open source as starting point
16:32.33Qwellalin`: voip doesn't have echo, so..
16:32.47*** join/#asterisk tru_`z24 (n=truz_`
16:33.29[TK]D-Fenderalin`, go look at the existing stuff and see what it takes for it NOT to require a kernel module
16:33.44Qwelljust seems a bit futile
16:33.59hi365is there anyway to set the default language for the local chanel?
16:35.01[TK]D-Fenderhi365, Depending how you call it it may inherit a language (I suspect), or if through a call file can be set.
16:35.51alin`[TK]D-Fender: thank you.
16:37.09*** join/#asterisk Entr4nced (
16:38.09[TK]D-Fenderalin`, a tip : if you're looking to abstract this, you'll want to find a way to hook this right into something like channel.c so it can apply to all * resources.
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16:44.29alin`[TK]D-Fender: that is what I want
16:44.51alin`I made a transcodec for RTP packets
16:45.04[TK]D-Fenderalin`, Go research on how it works and see where you can get your hands on the voice frame in its most "raw" form.
16:45.15[TK]D-Fenderalin`, a what?
16:45.16alin`and when the voice is in linear, I want to apply an echo canceller too
16:45.27alin`[TK]D-Fender: I did so:
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16:45.37alin`I have the frame in codec X
16:45.48alin`I translate the frame in SLINEAR
16:45.58alin`then I translate in codec Y
16:46.06alin`that is what I did
16:46.29alin`Now the new problem is to apply echo canceller on SLINEAR frame
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16:47.01alin`I started with *' sources, and I made a transcodec of 200KB
16:47.21ManxPoweryou really can't echo cancel stuff except at the PSTN/VOIP gateway.
16:47.54alin`It works excellently
16:48.21alin`ManxPower: ???
16:48.49ManxPoweralin`: once the audio is in voip the latency is too high to do EC
16:49.56alin`ManxPower: I do not understand what you mean at all
16:50.12ManxPoweralin`: you will eventually.
16:52.12alin`ManxPower: what means "the audio is in voip" ? and what means "the latency is too high" ?
16:52.17ManxPoweralin`: that can do 16ms of echo canceling.
16:52.51ManxPowerEcho on Voip is generally more than 16ms.
16:53.16ManxPoweryou have network latency, codec conversion latency, phone latency, etc.
16:55.38alin`So every mobile phone has < than 16ms of latency. True?
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16:56.12ManxPoweralin`: no, the EC is not done at the mobile phone, it is done at the PSTN/CARRIER gateway.
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16:57.06ManxPowerI imagine most mobile phones with speakerphone mode can do some primitive EC when in speakerphone mode.
16:57.09alin`ManxPower: ah, by the company, not by the individual phone... I understand.
16:58.29alin`and how the mobile phone notifies the PBX of the company that I use HIGH voice?
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16:59.26ManxPowerDefine "high voice"?
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17:06.36alin`So when X uses high voice the PBX knows that, and in this situation when a packet leaves from X to Y , the PBX applies echo cancellation on that packet, keeping into a buffer last packets that came from Y. That is what happens in GSM telephony?
17:08.33ManxPoweralin`: ALL Mobile/PSTN calls are echocanceled.
17:13.56alin`ok, thank you all. I will see how I will do.
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17:19.29logicwrathFender are you there?
17:20.54robin_szso, what I am trying to do ... is wring various extensions in an office for incoming calls, first, phoen 1, then after 10 seconds, phone 1 & 2, then after another 10 seconds phones 1,2 & 3 etc ... various methods have been tried all problematic
17:22.11robin_szmy current version looks like:
17:22.20robin_szexten => 5102,1,Dial(LOCAL/900005000@public&LOCAL/900105002@public&LOCAL/900205001@public&LOCAL/900205004@public&LOCAL/900201000@private,60,t)
17:23.00robin_szwhere the 900 exten is 900<time delay><extension>
17:23.32robin_szwhich sort of works, but if one of the phoens is offline, well, it just drops out straight to voicemail
17:26.05Qwellor, use a queue with weights
17:26.17QwellOR, don't try to call them via a macro that calls vm
17:26.53robin_szim pretty sure im not using a macro
17:27.04Qwellif it's hitting voicemail, you obviously are
17:27.16robin_szoh. hmm
17:27.55robin_szshall i paste the bits to a pastebin?
17:30.13logicwrathWhat are some business grade voip carriers for 50-75 lines?
17:31.41Corydon76-digUh, business grade?
17:32.15Corydon76-digIf you want business grade, get your own PRI
17:32.27logicwratha PRI is just a T1 right?
17:32.41Corydon76-digvoip over the Internet is ALWAYS just best-effort
17:32.51WizBombPRI's are actual Voice Channels
17:32.54Corydon76-digwhich is not good enough for business grade
17:32.54ManxPowerlogicwrath: no.  A PRI is a T-1 with special signalling.
17:33.06alin`What means "sampling" ?
17:33.11ManxPoweror an E-1, of course.
17:33.15WizBomb24 Voice Channels with 1 "Data" channel
17:33.19WizBombi think right?
17:33.26ManxPowerWizBomb: 32 voice (B-channel)
17:33.30Corydon76-digalin`: the number of bits of audio per second 32
17:33.38ManxPowerapparently I had too much coffee.
17:33.42WizBomb1 too many
17:33.46WizBombim not in a happy mood right now
17:33.50*** part/#asterisk hi365 (
17:33.55Corydon76-digE1 is 30 voice channels
17:33.55WizBombgotta go complain to ATT/Cingular
17:34.11*** join/#asterisk curtn (
17:34.15WizBombmy 8525 Drops calls and only last 15 minutes in phone call
17:34.18logicwrathso the PRI routes to the voip carrier?
17:34.32Corydon76-digNo, a PRI routes to the PSTN
17:34.36alin`Corydon76-dig: thanks
17:35.05Corydon76-digalin`: for telephony, the rate is always 8000 samples per second
17:35.45alin`a, ok, thanks
17:36.05Corydon76-diglogicwrath: voip is fine for a private backbone, but it will NEVER be business grade over the public Internet
17:36.24alin`Corydon76-dig: for asterisk 8000 bits/sec too
17:36.33WizBombcan guarrentee that Comcrap wont "Delay" packets
17:36.42Corydon76-digalin`: for the time being, correct
17:36.51curtnCorydon76-dig: never say never :)
17:37.27Corydon76-digcurtn: for the current status of the Internet, a provider can NEVER claim that the Internet will provide business class service
17:37.53Corydon76-digWell, not truthfully, anyway
17:38.03alin`the OSLEC echo caneceller uses zaptel driver :(
17:38.19Qwellalin`: there's really not much point in trying to echo can voip...
17:38.47Qwellthe most common type of echo (hybrid) occurs when you transition from 2 wires to 4
17:38.54Corydon76-digalin`: the only place where voip echo is possible is at the two acoustic ends
17:39.02Greek-Boywhat special signalling does a PRI have? SS7?
17:39.09Corydon76-digbut that's acoustic echo, not transport echo
17:39.11Strom_MGreek-Boy: ISDN
17:39.17Strom_Maka Q.931
17:39.22Greek-Boyi c
17:39.38Greek-Boyi was looking for SS7 support in asterisk. its available but very expensive :(
17:39.44curtnCorydon76-dig: there is the skype solution... but i agree with you.. in the current status
17:40.07curtnCorydon76-dig: (QoS in skype)
17:40.31Strom_MGreek-Boy: if you don't even know the difference between ISDN and SS7, you probably shouldn't be touching SS7 with a ten foot pole
17:40.34alin`Corydon76-dig: I want to write a router of RTP packets from the phone A to B, and I want the router to do echo cancel
17:40.47Corydon76-digcurtn: skype can't guarantee that their QoS bits will be paid attention to at any point over the pipe, which is the fundamental issue
17:41.03ManxPowerPRI is as close as you can get to SS7 without actually doing SS7.
17:41.14Strom_MManxPower: indeed
17:41.20Corydon76-digalin`: That's pointless.  The only place where the echo can should be done is in the phone itself
17:41.24ManxPowerFor MOST people PRI is just fine.
17:41.28curtnCorydon76-dig: maybe RSVP could be the solution ?
17:41.40Qwellget a point to point link to your ITSP
17:41.44ManxPowercurtn: not over the current internet is it now.
17:41.48Corydon76-digcurtn: I'm not trying to engineer a solution
17:41.48Qwellthat's about the only way you're going to guarantee QoS
17:42.03Qwellbut if you're going to go that far, just get a PRI
17:42.21Greek-BoyStrom_M: i'm making the effort to learn all about SS7. I've just started though. Because my company is going to use a SS7 link to a carrier soon.
17:42.24Corydon76-digPrivate backbone is the only way you're going to assure QoS
17:42.24ManxPowerBellSouth DSL service actually REMOVES any QoS bits when a packet goes into of out of their network
17:42.57Qwellss7 provides no media, right?
17:43.09Strom_MSS7 is just for signaling
17:43.18Corydon76-digTechnically, PRI doesn't provide media, either
17:43.31Strom_MCorydon76-dig: the signaling part, no
17:43.36Strom_Mbut the B-channels do :)
17:43.43Corydon76-digIt just refers to an external channel
17:43.48Strom_MGreek-Boy: you should learn about SS7 from Telcordia documents
17:44.03Strom_MCorydon76-dig: also to clear bearer channels rather than RBS
17:44.11Greek-Boythanks Strom_M; and do u know of any solution to use SS7 in asterisk?
17:44.20Strom_MGreek-Boy: no
17:44.33alin`Corydon76-dig: but asterisk is not a phone, however it has implemented an echo cancel algorithm
17:44.37[TK]D-FenderGreek-Boy, lib_ss7.  Go WIKI it, and...
17:44.38Corydon76-digStrom_M: I don't think technically there's anything that would make PRI unable to control RBS channels, either
17:44.38jbotwell, wglwat is well, good luck with all that
17:44.46Qwellalin`: for zaptel
17:44.51*** join/#asterisk abaci (n=AB@
17:44.55Qwellthat's the only place echo can makes sense in asterisk
17:44.59Greek-Boythanks TK, u always have an answer
17:44.59Corydon76-digalin`: only for the physical phone interfaces
17:45.12Strom_MCorydon76-dig: true, but PRI is built around the expectation of 64kbps channels for voice
17:45.31Greek-Boydo call centers use SS7 or not really?
17:45.35robin_sz@Qwell: basically, if a phone is offline, it drops straight through to vm
17:45.40Strom_MGreek-Boy: probably not
17:45.45Corydon76-digStrom_M: it would be interesting, for sure, to enable PRI to control POTS lines
17:46.06Corydon76-dignot that any provider supports that, of course
17:46.10Strom_MGreek-Boy: call center should be fine with just ISDN
17:46.14QwellRTP signalled via PRI :p
17:46.29Strom_MQwell: well, thats sort of what H.323 is
17:46.58Qwellare you telling me that I just accidentally invented h323?
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17:47.18[TK]D-FenderGreek-Boy, You only want SS7 if you're looking to become a TELCO.
17:47.22Corydon76-digMajor benefit would be all the extra information you could get over the PRI signalling, including hangup and busy detection
17:47.30alin`Corydon76-dig: so I have no chance to start from the echo canceller from asterisk in order to write a router that makes echo cancel?
17:48.11Corydon76-dig[TK]D-Fender: my understanding is that for developing countries, they're now only provisioning POTS or SS7...
17:48.27[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig, wow
17:48.31Corydon76-digso if you want a digitally signalled line, it'll be SS7 only
17:48.35Strom_MCorydon76-dig: that sounds like nonsense to me
17:48.51Strom_MSS7 is not for CPE interconnects
17:48.56Corydon76-digStrom_M: if they have to have SS7 anyway, why bother with the cost of PRI, too?
17:49.13ManxPowerStrom_M: in some parts of the world the telco wants customers to have SS7 and not PRI.
17:49.25Strom_Mbecause you don't want untrusted CPE flooding the SS7 network with garbage
17:49.25Corydon76-digIf you're on a shoestring budget, but you have to have internationally routed calls, you'll go for the bare minimum
17:49.32Greek-BoyI thought PRI need SS7 to work?
17:49.38[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig, Makes perfect sense...
17:49.50ManxPowerGreek-Boy: it does, but only to the CO, not to the customer.
17:49.56[TK]D-FenderGreek-Boy, No, PRI is LOWER on the food chain than SS7
17:50.10alin`Corydon76-dig: it is possible
17:50.14*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
17:50.19Strom_M[TK]D-Fender: ISDN requires that part of the network have SS7 ;)
17:50.30Strom_Mat least in a PSTN context
17:50.34[TK]D-FenderStrom_M, I'll take that as a "yes" :)
17:50.44[TK]D-FenderStrom_M, Except... No :)
17:50.48Corydon76-digWell, PSTN certainly now implies SS7 links
17:51.07[TK]D-FenderStrom_M, I can run PRI between a pile of servers till the cows come home without SS7 :)
17:51.08Corydon76-digalthough you certainly can link two machines together with only PRI, and have no SS7 at all
17:51.16Greek-BoySS7, what a complex topic
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17:51.37Strom_M[TK]D-Fender: yes, hence why I qualified that with "in a PSTN context"
17:51.52[TK]D-FenderGreek-Boy, Indeed.  So if you CAN use PRI, the forget about SS7 and save yourself a lof of therapy.
17:52.21[TK]D-FenderStrom_M, Context?  We don't neeeddd no seeenking context!
17:52.30Corydon76-digI dunno, SS7 solves a fundamental problem with multiple D-channels
17:52.42Strom_MCorydon76-dig: oh?
17:52.46Greek-Boycan E1 be used for media and SS7 signalling?
17:52.50Strom_Mwhat fundamental problem is that?
17:53.15Corydon76-digYeah, each SS7 link can send call setup info independent of one another, without one being the master and another being only a backup
17:53.51Corydon76-digIn PRI, a backup D-channel can't send call setup info without becoming the master
17:54.37Corydon76-digGreek-Boy: you'll be waiting 20 years for telcos to hit anywhere near 90%
17:54.51Greek-Boyevery person in the world should have a unique SIP ID or similiar
17:55.07Corydon76-digGreek-Boy: consider that even as the telcos are converting their backbones, they still aren't provisioning lines as voip
17:55.11Strom_MCorydon76-dig: yeah, but when have you ever had a PRI with 2,000 B-channels? :)
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17:55.33Greek-BoyCorydon76-dig: how are they converting their backbones? with fiber?
17:55.38Corydon76-digrobin_sz: it'll happen, but on a much slower rate
17:55.56Corydon76-digGreek-Boy: I believe that's proprietary information
17:56.13Strom_MGreek-Boy: the backbones are already pretty much all fiber
17:56.16Strom_Mit's a switching and signaling change
17:56.27k31thStrom_M: still not fixed that probalme.
17:56.36Greek-Boyso they physical side, lets call it the first phase, is complete :P
17:56.40Strom_Mk31th: talk to corydon or qwell
17:56.43robin_szas a way of connecting phones together on a dedicated network, its fantastic, over the internet, it sucks, bigtime. if it was a separate net for phone traffic then maybe
17:56.43Corydon76-digThey're probably using H.323 internally, though
17:56.47Strom_MGreek-Boy: nope
17:57.03Corydon76-digA few might be using SIP
17:57.03Strom_MGreek-Boy: they have to replace their TDM switches with packet switches
17:57.07Strom_Mand that'
17:57.11Strom_Mthat's a tall order
17:57.37Corydon76-digH.323 represents no signalling translation, whereas SIP would require quite a bit to avoid possible loss of data
17:57.46robin_szatm and stm have served well
17:58.01Strom_Mrobin_sz: don't base your perceptions only on your experience with VoIP over the internet
17:58.10Strom_Mand crappy consumer-grade technology
17:58.19robin_szStrom_M: thats all I have to use as a model
17:58.25Corydon76-digvoip over private backbones is MUCH better controlled
17:58.37robin_szevery 'net based service I have used has been crap
17:58.53k31thok i have created a confrence room... when i call it i get this on the CLI
17:58.55k31th[Oct 28 18:57:44] WARNING[23651]: app_meetme.c:772 build_conf: Unable to open ps                      eudo device
17:59.07Strom_Mrobin_sz: that's a lot like only driving a Yugo and then declaring that every car ever manufactured is utter junk
17:59.09k31thI have ztdummy loaded.
17:59.11Qwellinstall zaptel, load ztdummy
17:59.22robin_szover a dedicated network, maybe it would be ok, but I oubt it will be as robust as tdm
17:59.28tzafrirk31th, still with that problem?
17:59.35Corydon76-digk31th: run dmesg and look for errors with ztdummy
17:59.36tzafrirzttest works, right?
17:59.39k31thtzafrir: fraid so mate
18:00.00tzafriryou get errors for some ioctls?
18:00.05Qwellno udev rules, no doubt
18:00.05robin_szStrom_M: well, yes, but so far they are only making yugos
18:00.06Corydon76-digk31th: if /dev/zap/pseudo exists, then it's probably a permissions error
18:00.16Strom_Mrobin_sz: no, there's more :)
18:00.20k31thUnable to open zap interface: Is a directory
18:00.25k31thfor zttest
18:00.34robin_szStrom_M: not in these parts
18:00.42tzafrirls -ld /dev/zap /dev/zap/pseudo
18:00.43Strom_Mrobin_sz: *shrug*
18:00.44Corydon76-digk31th: check your udev settings
18:01.16k31thCorydon76-dig: I think this is udev every time i restart zaptel it resets the perms
18:01.26k31thdrwxrwxr-x 3 asterisk asterisk 140 2007-10-28 04:40 /dev/zap
18:01.27k31thdrwxrwxr-x 2 asterisk asterisk  40 2007-10-26 17:24 /dev/zap/pseudo
18:02.13Corydon76-digk31th: you can fix that in /etc/udev.d/
18:02.29k31thok so those perms are fine, the dir is there, ztdummy is loaded.
18:02.32tzafrirI suspect that /dev/zap/pseudo was generated statically
18:02.35Corydon76-digor /etc/udev/rules.d/
18:02.42k31thtzafrir: it was yes.
18:02.44tzafrirrmdir /dev/zap/pseudo
18:02.55k31this this wrong?
18:03.09*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
18:03.10tzafrirrmmod ztdummy zaptel; modprobe ztdummy
18:03.47k31thah shit.
18:04.29alin`Corydon76-dig: I expressed myself wrong. My problem is : I have a stream of RTP packets between 2 phones. These packets pass by a router. And I want that the router do Echo cancel.
18:04.53robin_sz@Qwell: would adding some sort of rule at the end of the 900XXextension help to catch the faield extension and stop it falling through?
18:05.02alin`Corydon76-dig: this is possible to do
18:05.13Corydon76-digalin`: no
18:05.18Corydon76-digalin`: it is not possible
18:05.49alin`it is not possible?
18:05.53Corydon76-digecho can relies on being able to know how much time between samples the echo occurs.
18:06.05Corydon76-digPacketized data arrives in variable amounts of time
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18:06.14Corydon76-digHence, you're screwed
18:06.15robin_szecho can has to be done at the end point
18:06.33k31thsame error.
18:06.45robin_szthe router is the wrong place to try and do this
18:06.48Corydon76-digYou cannot echo cancel packets that do not arrive in static intervals
18:07.32robin_szsigh ...
18:07.34Corydon76-digPlus any lost packets will screw you even worse
18:08.07alin`Corydon76-dig: So you say that not the PBX must do the echo cancel, but the mobile phone for a telephony company.
18:08.15Corydon76-digalin`: correct
18:08.29robin_szso ... any other bright ideas on how to ring several phones at once?
18:08.41Corydon76-digalin`: and if they don't do it, fail.
18:08.51ManxPowerCorydon76-dig: not correct.  The mobile/PSTN gateway does the echo cancel.
18:09.00ManxPowerthe mobile phone does not do the echo cancel
18:09.03alin`I understand
18:09.08Corydon76-digrobin_sz: yeah, I just added func_ringgroup to trunk this morning
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18:09.33ManxPowerrobin_sz: I bet you have analog FXO ports, right?
18:09.37Corydon76-digIt's a very simplified version of the calling interface in Queue
18:10.00robin_szCorydon76-dig: waht I need to do is: ring phone 1, after 10 seconds if not answered ring phone 1 and 2, after another 20 seconds if no answer, ring 1,2,3 and 4
18:10.15Corydon76-digrobin_sz: yeah, you can make it do that
18:10.21robin_szCorydon76-dig: a fairly common office scenarion for incoming calls
18:10.29Corydon76-digrobin_sz: with 3 ring groups
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18:10.40robin_szwith one phon in each group?
18:10.51ManxPowerrobin_sz: oh that.  I solved THAT problem months and months ago -- assuming all the destinations support answer supervision
18:10.55Corydon76-digNo, 1 phone in the first, 2 in the second, 4 in the third
18:11.15robin_szCorydon76-dig: yeah, err, no thansk I can see the problem with that
18:11.21ManxPowerrobin_sz: I'll whip up and example for you
18:11.43alin`Corydon76-dig: can you exaplain me the logic of Echo canceller implemented in *, please?
18:11.45alin`Corydon76-dig: breef
18:11.46Corydon76-digrobin_sz: the idea is to let people add themselves and remove themselves from the group
18:12.05*** join/#asterisk _pepo_ (n=Pepo@
18:12.07robin_sz@Corydon76-dig: yikes, then no thanks, thats not what I need
18:12.08alin`Corydon76-dig: brief
18:12.26Corydon76-digalin`: Do you understand Fast Fourier Transforms?
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18:12.46robin_szCorydon76-dig: the other problem will be that it presumably has to swtich from group 1 to group 2
18:13.04Corydon76-digrobin_sz: right, you have 3 Dial commands, each with a timeout
18:13.18_pepo_hi friends
18:13.21robin_szCorydon76-dig: presumably dropping a sip call, then re-initiating a second one
18:13.32Corydon76-digrobin_sz: correct
18:13.36alin`Corydon76-dig: say I do understand.
18:13.39robin_szCorydon76-dig: this I was doing ages ago, its disatorous
18:13.46Corydon76-digalin`: well, there you go
18:14.24robin_szCorydon76-dig: clue: some phoens take longer to drop a sip and set up to be ready for the next one than * does
18:14.43_pepo_when compile asterisk all is ok but which are the neccesary files to asterisk works (If try with make samples I get a lot of configuration that dont need)
18:14.44ManxPowermy solution does not require redialing the same destination
18:15.27robin_szManxPower: thats effectivley what I have now, it fails of one of the phones is offline
18:15.40ManxPowercorrected post:
18:15.51ManxPowerrobin_sz: it should NOT fail if one of the phones is offline
18:16.22robin_szor on DND?
18:16.23Corydon76-digrobin_sz: you're dialling Local channels?
18:16.29*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
18:16.35[TK]D-FenderCopy & paste errors in there
18:16.43Corydon76-digrobin_sz: dial special ones that DON'T end in Voicemail
18:16.46ManxPowerDND would forward the call somewhere.
18:16.50Corydon76-digrobin_sz: end them in Busy, instead
18:16.51alin`Corydon76-dig: I am not interested about the technical details.
18:17.06Corydon76-digalin`: technical details is all I have
18:17.13robin_szCorydon76-dig: they dont, have al ook at the pasetbin
18:17.22[TK]D-Fenderalin`, Go start Googleing
18:17.40alin`You said that a PBX need not have an echo cancel alg. Then what is good for that one from *?
18:17.50robin_szManxPower: one of the phones is offline it drops stright through the dial line
18:17.54Corydon76-digalin`: YOU AREN'T LISTENING
18:18.08Corydon76-digalin`: the one in Asterisk is ONLY for Zaptel
18:18.13Corydon76-digalin`: the one in Asterisk is ONLY for Zaptel
18:18.14Corydon76-digalin`: the one in Asterisk is ONLY for Zaptel
18:18.15ManxPowerbut you can do something like this...  which should solve the "phone offline" problem
18:18.19robin_sz@Corydon76-dig: YES PROBABLY GOT HIS ECHO CANCELLER ENGAGED ;)))
18:18.20*** join/#asterisk ghento (n=ghento@
18:18.37ManxPowerrobin_sz: my latest pastebin should fix that issue.
18:18.45alin`<<only for the physical phone interfaces>>
18:18.55robin_szManxPower: got it, understandy now
18:19.07Corydon76-digalin`: in fact, the echo canceller isn't even IN Asterisk... it's in the zaptel layer
18:19.23ManxPowerrobin_sz: those 100x Dial()s will be killed when the original Dial(Local/...) times out (if you have a timeout)
18:19.24Corydon76-dig(in the kernel driver)
18:19.40robin_szManxPower: ill add a n extension to my 900xxxx right, one moment
18:20.05ManxPowerrobin_sz: "n" just means "the previous priority + 1"
18:21.00robin_sz like that?
18:21.28alin`One supposes that the packet from the physical interface to zaptel arrives immediately. (there is not latency)
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18:22.11ManxPowerrobin_sz: no, you are overloading the Local/ stuff.  you need real seperate extens or it won't work
18:22.13alin`that is why echo canceller can be done in zaptel supposing true what you said.
18:22.15Corydon76-digWell, there is latency, but the key is that the latency is at consistent intervals
18:22.41alin`Corydon76-dig: ok, true
18:22.44alin`Corydon76-dig: ok, thanks a lot
18:22.48ManxPowerrobin_sz: take my example and use it as close to exact as you can.
18:23.16ManxPowerTHEN, when you have it working like you want, make a backup copy of your working config and then customize it into your dialplan, but get it working first.
18:23.34Corydon76-digIn fact, the intervals for zaptel are EXACTLY 1 ms apart
18:23.36robin_szManxPower: thats going to be very clumsy to maintain for any largeish number of extensions/times ...??
18:25.10Corydon76-dig(in that time, it collects 8 samples)
18:26.00ManxPowerrobin_sz: use macros
18:26.35robin_szim coming to the "just pay someone" conclusion
18:26.51robin_szthis all made sense a year agoo when I installed it
18:26.51ManxPowerbut yes, it is annoying to maintain.
18:27.08ManxPowerrobin_sz: I have hundreds of lines of macros.
18:27.17robin_szwell yes
18:27.34robin_szive got a better idea
18:28.01ManxPowerI'm actually, at this moment, when I'm not typing here, re-working my "dial-result" macro, which I run after many of my Dials to handle all the result codes.
18:28.15robin_szits going to need some chicken bones and goats blood.
18:28.29ManxPowerrobin_sz: make it work first, then work on making it better.
18:28.47ManxPowerand my example should do exactly what you want to do and it should work (barring typoes on my part)
18:28.52robin_szits going to be make it work, then leave it and forget about it I suspect
18:29.17ManxPoweryou can do that too 8-)
18:30.45ManxPowerUgh.  I hate macros that call themselves.
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18:42.14robin_szManxPower: so, would it not be possible to pass a delay variable to my stdexten macro, that it waits for before dialing?
18:45.49ManxPowerrobin_sz: yes, in theory.
18:46.07ManxPowerit would be possible in theory.
18:46.56robin_szthats probably than answer I guess
18:47.33robin_szmy actual dialstrings are :
18:48.05robin_szexten => s,1,Dial(${ARG2},60,tM(xrms^${CALLERID(num)}));
18:49.02robin_szwhere the xrms macro hooks back (via AGI) into the crm system
18:53.44robin_szsigh, the problem is the extensions to devices conversion, thats the root of it
18:55.25ManxPowerand that is why you should not assign a device the same SIP user ID as it's extension(s)
18:55.50ManxPowerdialplans are long, complex beasts.  If you try to make them simple and elegant you will fail.
18:56.06robin_szI dont ...
18:56.20robin_szsip user ids are always alpha for me
18:56.21*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
18:56.31robin_szextnesions numeric
18:56.43robin_szhelps keep it sorted in my tiny brain
18:56.47robin_szor tiny brian
18:57.40alin` -
18:58.09alin`this card has echo cancellation included in its DSP
18:59.01robin_szthe eicon cards are similar, as are the digium ones
18:59.04alin`3290 EUROS !
18:59.37robin_szremind me again, you dont like the echo canceller in zaptel because?
19:00.21robin_szlike living in a tunnel it was
19:00.43*** join/#asterisk atomicd (n=atomicd@
19:02.19alin`i wanted to write myself a router with echo cancellation for rtp packets, but I understand it is not possible.
19:05.09alin`i am sorry because the problem is not solvable
19:05.10robin_sza router would be halfway down the link, impossible to do echo cancel there
19:06.05alin`robin_sz: yes, it is not possible , because the delay of receiving a packet from the phone to the router is not constant
19:06.15robin_szso, what I dont understand is why you are not happy with the echo cancel we already have?
19:07.02alin`robin_sz: the actual echo cancel is used just for a phone connected to *, not for a conversation.
19:07.18alin`directly connected
19:08.28robin_szthere should be no need for echocnacelling digits to digits
19:08.52robin_szits only needed when you cross the analogue/digital boundary, AIUI
19:10.02alin`I can write a router with echo canceller included  for a conversation from X to Y, just if I know exactly the delay of a packet from X to router (and this delay is constant) , and identically for router <->\ Y
19:12.01robin_szeasy on processors equipped with a crystal-ball circuit
19:12.04*** part/#asterisk _Steve_ (i=khgpwef5@unaffiliated/steve/x-520345)
19:12.50alin`Today <ManxPower> said: << alin`: no, the EC is not done at the mobile phone, it is done at the PSTN/CARRIER gateway.  [03:43]>>
19:13.02alin`ManxPower: you were not right
19:13.31Strom_Malin`: mobile phones are not IP
19:13.48Strom_Mmobile phones are TDM
19:13.54Strom_Mand in TDM, the rules are different
19:14.01*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
19:14.07robin_szme nods
19:14.08alin`ah, ok
19:14.20robin_szpredicatbale delays
19:14.53alin`sor GSM telephony is different than IP/SIP
19:15.04robin_szok, which one of you keeps moving the keys about on my keyboard?
19:15.08robin_szcome on, own up ...
19:18.20robin_szhow do I put a conditional step in an extension based on a variable? sort of ..
19:18.41robin_szexten => blah
19:18.53*** join/#asterisk Ng (
19:18.56robin_szexten => otherBlah
19:19.12robin_szcan you do conditionals like that?
19:19.17robin_szin some way?
19:19.20Ngdoes anyone know of a working python library for making SIP calls? (not strictly asterisk related, but this seems like a good place for SIP knowledge ;)
19:19.36*** join/#asterisk red9012 (
19:22.48*** join/#asterisk CrossRoad (n=CrossRoa@
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19:23.57CrossRoadupgraded Asterisk to 1.4.11 and now our IVR messages are not heard on the client phone.. please help
19:24.16CrossRoadIVR recordings are not heard on the client phone
19:24.48*** part/#asterisk CrossRoad (n=CrossRoa@
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19:29.47ManxPowerCrossRoad: try upgrading to 1.4.13
19:30.36CrossRoadit was working fine.. something changed and all of a suddent.. our IVR recordings are not heard on the client phone..
19:31.05CrossRoadManxPower: any idea why this could happen?
19:36.20ManxPowerCrossRoad: a bug
19:36.40ManxPowerupgrading from 1.2 to 1.4 is a massive task.
19:36.42CrossRoadManXPower: thanks
19:36.49ManxPowerthings work different in 1.4
19:37.13ManxPowersince you read UPGRADE.txt (or whatever they call it in 1.4) you know this.
19:37.50ManxPowerif you are upgrading from an older 1.4.x to a newer 1.4.x, then use 1.4.13, which is the latest.
19:38.07CrossRoadoh ok thanks a lot
19:39.26k31thjust so long I have zaptel installed I should be able to use any zap based card right?
19:41.19*** join/#asterisk Schumie (
19:42.22tzafrirk31th, right
19:42.50tzafrirsolved your /dev/zap/pseudo problem?
19:43.20k31thtzafrir: no
19:43.25k31thim going to reinstall
19:43.32tzafrirwhy reinstall?
19:43.38k31thon another box i think i messed things up creating the dirs.
19:44.09tzafrirso rm -rf /dev/zap . It is generated by udev anyway
19:48.30*** join/#asterisk brc_ (n=brc__@pdpc/supporter/basic/brc)
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19:58.45WizBombthe Wiz is back
20:06.30*** part/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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20:21.07WizBombwhat did i tell you about flushin me down
20:22.53marlcould someone hav a quick look at the following and tell me wat ive done wrong? it wont goto voicemail when i reject the call from my iax softfone :( i know its something daft, but im lost :(
20:24.10ManxPowermarl: pastebin the cli output
20:25.44ManxPowerfor one thing you are recording them leaving a voicemail.
20:28.50*** join/#asterisk macros73_ (
20:29.39ManxPowerI'm going to be collecting social security by the time I get that pastebin.
20:30.31*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
20:31.31marllol, sorry had to change the numbers!
20:34.20WizBombu that old Mr. Powers
20:34.58marllol, wish i could use sed and awk, could have done it real time!
20:37.24*** join/#asterisk Splat (
20:40.06ManxPowermarl: now turn off all the debugging crap.
20:40.17ManxPowerit's going to take me 5 mins just to find what I'm looking for.
20:40.39marlok, u just want output from asterisk -r ?
20:42.11ManxPowerthe reason it is not going to voicemail is because of this:  -- IAX2/web-matt-3 answered IAX2/softiaxip:4569-1
20:44.43marlok, any idea wat would cause that? becasue i am hitting the reject button on the softphone :(
20:44.44ManxPoweryou realize it make it much harder when you change all that stuff to hide silly things like your ip and phone number.  ONLY change the secret.  if your system is secure then it won't matter.
20:44.55ManxPowermarl: I guess you will have to ask whoever wrote the softphone.
20:45.23marlok thanks will try another softfone :(
20:45.56marlanyone any good sujestions for a softfone that doesnt require installing under windoz? currently using DIAX :(
20:46.19marlidealy want to be able to run iax softfone from usb mem stick
20:50.23*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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20:57.12marlok, i think im missing something, is 'Reject' on softfones ment to answer and hangup the call?
20:57.23marlthats the second iax spftfone and it is doing the same thing :(
20:58.25*** part/#asterisk beek (
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20:58.37WizBombawww i wanna have Beek's Internet connection
20:59.13WizBomb15/2 Internet
20:59.27WizBombcompared to my 5mbit/384kbit
20:59.59J4k3I'd want decent routing
21:00.01J4k3something verizon lacks
21:00.13ManxPowermarl: all phones I've seen do NOT answer.  But I only use hardphones, because as you see, softphones suck.
21:00.14WizBombive read and heard that Verizon is better than RR
21:00.15J4k3then again, whoever you get 5/384 from is prolly crappy too
21:00.33J4k3at least they're not comcrap
21:00.37*** join/#asterisk CrossRoad (n=CrossRoa@
21:00.37J4k3I'm craptastic!
21:00.47WizBombu haev "Delay" packets on your network
21:01.06J4k3if I had comcast, I'd be doing very evil things to my cable modem 24x7
21:01.10WizBombthanks to comcastic using that SandVine hardware
21:02.12*** join/#asterisk FireMac (
21:02.23CrossRoadManxPower: do you know if there is an alternate for BackGround application?.. now everything is working fine except BackGround application which plays the .wav file.. are not heard on the client side
21:02.31marlhow would i get the dialplan to go to voicemail on everything other than answer? do i just put the voicemail command strait after the dial command with next priority?
21:02.32WizBombi think I am in the slowest Road Runner area
21:02.42WizBombdarn Road Runner and ATT
21:02.53WizBombthey dont compete so they dont raise speeds
21:02.57WizBombthey just keep them the same
21:02.59WizBombfor years
21:05.02ManxPowerI can't even get real broadband where I live.
21:05.13ManxPowerso quit your whining.
21:05.13WizBombthat sux
21:05.24WizBombwhere ya live
21:06.04WizBombare u using Verizon EDVO
21:06.36J4k3vzw evdo is far from being broadband
21:06.41J4k3its broadband with a 15 second idle timeout
21:06.48J4k3and 28.8k-modem like latency
21:07.11WizBombits better than nothing though
21:07.14WizBombatleast for DL speed
21:07.20*** join/#asterisk dlynes (
21:07.42J4k3I need to get an antenna adapter for my phone to something I can actually connect to (rp-tnc?  N?)
21:08.02J4k3I've got some 8 dBi yagis here rated from like 800 to 960
21:08.18J4k3but out at my friend's house I can barely get text messages much less make the 0-1 bars of evdo move faster than a modem
21:08.42J4k3its better off on 1xRTT once its much below -95 dBm
21:08.58WizBomb1x is very slow
21:09.14J4k31x plenty fast enough for most mobile tasks
21:09.40WizBombI have a Sprint AirCard from work
21:09.45WizBombi hate working in a 1x network
21:09.48J4k3hell, I regularly get forced to ssh over 14.4k-over-cdma dialup due to being in alltel turf
21:09.49WizBombwhen i have too
21:09.53J4k3sprint never got 1xRTT right
21:09.56J4k3their settings are odd
21:10.05J4k3verizon hasn't gotten evdo right, sprint most definetly has
21:10.07WizBombnow sprint EDVO is actually faster
21:10.17J4k3vzw is doing ghetto-do
21:10.18fujin_It's all shit compared to HSUPA/HSDPA.
21:10.21fujin_<3 Vodafone NZ.
21:10.31J4k3fujin_: actually its about onpar with umts.
21:10.38WizBombi heard that 4G Vodafone and Verizon will use same technology
21:10.41J4k3which isn't saying much, but at least it kinda works when foliage is involved
21:10.44J4k3I can't say the same for wimax.
21:10.58J4k3WizBomb: yeah, I suspect vzw is going to abandon evdo for umts.
21:10.59fujin_wimax generally implies LOS though
21:11.08J4k3fujin_: yeah, which isn't realistic
21:11.15Sweeperwimax totally does not imly LOS
21:11.21fujin_totally does
21:11.25WizBombit would be good if they did that
21:11.31Sweeperwell, I'm using it on a modem indoors
21:11.35J4k3Sweeper: depends completely on the spectrum used.
21:11.35WizBombso VZ users could Roam in Voda's network
21:11.37Sweepertotally no LOS
21:11.57SweeperJ4k3: therefore, it does not imply LOS
21:11.59J4k3Sweeper: most of the wimax gear on the market right now is in the mmds (2.6-ish) or 3.5 ghz bands, which gets pwned by foliage or walls
21:12.14SweeperJ4k3: yea, that's what 900 mhz is for :)
21:12.18J4k3Sweeper: ok, wifi works through walls too... welcome to pounding signal through
21:12.33J4k3of course, I can't see really wanting any at this point
21:12.46WizBombi dont know if Wimax is gonna be a 3G killer
21:12.46Sweeperwimax in high freq range is dumb tho
21:12.58Sweeperlike, uh, we have this "wifi" stuff
21:12.59J4k3wimax = sprint ion all over again
21:13.06Sweeperworks at 2.4 and 5.8....
21:13.10WizBombSprint is gonna go bankrupt
21:13.11J4k3remember when sprint bought like 18 months of breezecom's production line
21:13.16J4k3and decided they were gonna grow up to be a wisp
21:13.25J4k3and deployed all this craptastic fhss gear on their cell towers
21:13.32J4k3just to shut it down about a year later?
21:13.52J4k3they did it in the houston area... had friends attempt to get on it and fail miserably.
21:15.28WizBombanyone heard of Sprint ION
21:16.14WizBombthat was another Sprint Failure
21:16.19J4k3Sprint is a failure
21:16.30J4k3at least in southeast texas
21:16.38J4k3if you never leave 6+ lane highways, you're alright
21:16.55WizBombnever understood why they sold their land line unit
21:17.00WizBombATT has their wired unit
21:17.04WizBombVerizon has their wired unit
21:17.08WizBombSprint doesnt
21:17.18J4k3sprint never had much for last mile that I knew of
21:17.23J4k3some crappy towns
21:17.29WizBombi see Embarq buying Sprint
21:17.40J4k3embarq is just a re-name
21:17.54WizBombbut sprint doesnt own them
21:18.33WizBombalso rumor that Comcrap would buy Sprint
21:19.23WizBombas Comcrap cant get much bigger
21:19.27J4k3heh, comcrap will go out of business sooner than later with their current company policies
21:19.30WizBombas they are limited by FCC
21:19.32*** part/#asterisk CrossRoad (n=CrossRoa@
21:19.50J4k3comcast is in a 100% competitive business now
21:19.51WizBombso they have to buy cell company to grow next
21:19.54J4k3and totally don't act like it
21:20.28J4k3pretty much every inch they cover, some telco covers with adsl
21:20.43J4k3and now telcos are in the TV game, and IMHO satellite is the only way to fly for TV.
21:20.47WizBombCablevision is getting hit hard by Verizon Fios
21:21.00J4k3when I had cable.... there could be a wreck halfway across the city and the fucking TV would go out
21:21.13J4k3you realize how much household access there is to fios?
21:21.21J4k3like 0.0003% or somesuch
21:21.34J4k3their coverage area is miniscule and the model doesn't work in anywhere but the most populated areas
21:22.10J4k3and in reality most cablecos are most of the way built out in the fios-like model.  most cablecos have fiber-to-the-neighborhood and often fiber-to-your-block
21:22.17J4k3all they have to do is fiber up your last mile and its done
21:22.24J4k3so verizon isn't like breaking way ahead
21:22.31J4k3what kills cable is shitty business plan
21:22.32WizBombone problem though
21:22.45WizBombverizon doesnt have to have big equitment out like cable companies do
21:22.52J4k3sure they do
21:23.06WizBombfiber can go soo far
21:23.14WizBombthat you can go to Central CO's
21:23.29J4k3yeah, but once you get soooo far out the houses start having more and more property each
21:23.31WizBombwithout that much equitment in between
21:23.41ManxPowerShould this work? Noop(${IF(($[${LEN(${ARG1})} != 0]?Remaining routes are ${ARG1}:No remaining routes)})
21:23.44J4k3therefore you've gotta bury a thousand foot of fiber for each potential customer, and that business model simply doesn't work
21:23.50WizBombcable companies have to have soo many cable nodes
21:23.56J4k3but I say in those markets the whole landline concept needs to die for everything except electricity
21:24.14J4k3yes, but they have *so* many more cable nodes, which means they have preexisting easements
21:24.24J4k3they can potentially build a much better network than verizon easier.
21:24.31J4k3"Will they do it" is the real question
21:24.38WizBombif they deploy 3.0
21:24.49riddleboxwhat would cause asterisk to ring one extra time after the person I called answers?
21:25.02J4k3heh, most cable plants are docsis 1 still
21:25.05ManxPowernevermind, I had an extra (
21:25.14J4k3I've got a friend mere inches outside pittsburg, pa
21:25.19WizBombriddle, i get that as well sometimes
21:25.22WizBombhavent figured it out yet
21:25.22J4k3he's on docsis 1, and his cable node is always maxed out
21:25.44WizBombJ4k3: his cable node needs to be "split"
21:25.44ManxPowerriddlebox: running two Dial()s in a row would do it.
21:25.47J4k3I need to get out of here, gonna go help a friend fix his clogged drain vents
21:25.53J4k3his house randomly filled up with septic gas last night
21:26.09J4k3I'ma take a gas mask
21:26.18WizBombdont lite a match
21:26.23J4k3haha yeah
21:26.27WizBombno smoking
21:26.42WizBombno static electric clothing
21:26.59WizBombsorry if i was freakin ya out
21:27.48*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
21:28.02WizBombawww a fellow NC buddy
21:28.20WizBombclose to raleigh i think
21:29.58WizBomb5 hops from me all in the Raleigh area
21:30.04WizBombcrappy RR routing
21:30.31slimaWaitExten() is no longer exist?
21:31.43*** join/#asterisk blq (
21:33.29ManxPowerslima: First I've heard of it.
21:33.44ManxPowerriddlebox: what verison of Asterisk?
21:34.26riddleboxManxPower, it has been doing that for a while now on different versions
21:34.30ManxPowerPriority jumping (n + 101) was deprecated in 1.2 and removed in 1.4.  Don't you read the upgrade notes?
21:35.06riddleboxI thought I did, but I guess I didnt realize I was using it
21:36.28ManxPowerDial now sets the variables DIALSTATUS and HANGUPCAUSE instead of using +101
21:36.53ManxPowersince +101 can only handle one result. the new way allows you to handle many different results of a dial
21:37.20riddleboxhrmm got some reading to do then
21:37.58ManxPowerlook at macro-stdexten in extensions.conf.sample
21:38.23ManxPowerwhile you are at it, look at all the sample configs that you might use.  Also do a "show applications" and "show functions" and get the new edition of ATFOT
21:38.27jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
21:39.29Greek-Boywhat is the best fax solution for asterisk? asterfax?
21:39.43ManxPowerGreek-Boy: the one you build yourself.
21:42.29ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, Corydon76-dig: would this work?  exten => 666,1,${IF($[${FOO} = 1])?Playback(tt-monkeys):Noop)}
21:43.52riddleboxManxPower, I think I need to redo my configs all together, its been so long, I will just clean them up and update them and see if the problem stays
21:47.17Sweeper <-- SPAM TIME
21:47.38wwalkerThere were only 9 levels of Hell before AEELLLLLLL.....
21:50.32wwalkerSweeper: congrats!
21:50.54Sweeperthanks :D
21:52.27QwellManxPower: that's a good question
21:52.36*** join/#asterisk ixx (
21:52.56QwellManxPower: execif
21:53.44ManxPowerQwell: I assumed that was the #exec stuff.  Thanks!
21:54.47ManxPower-= 280 extensions (1163 priorities) in 28 contexts. =-
21:54.58ManxPowerthat's the dialplan on one of my larger systems.
21:57.30*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
21:58.10*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (n=matt@
22:00.31fujin_-= 295 extensions (617 priorities) in 49 contexts. =-
22:11.02*** join/#asterisk el_critter (n=chatzill@
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22:19.15*** join/#asterisk viator (
22:19.20riddleboxManxPower, do you recomend to use the autofallthrough feature then?
22:20.05fujin_wwalker: and now theere's just one level; trying to convice people to use it
22:20.38viatorhello im using skpe as my home telephone now about 70 us for unlimited in and out calling would / could you guys recommend somthing else
22:21.28fujin_something else ;)
22:21.33viatori was wondering about setting up some kind of gateway or somthing to use the analog phones
22:23.24viatorwell what could i do to get a nice voip setup for home
22:23.30ManxPowerviator: if it works for you keep it.  Asterisk is a large complex system requiring the phone system administrator to be well versed in several tech areas like Linux, Networking, NAT, Routing, Telecom, SIP, and Asterisk itself.
22:23.57ManxPowerthink of building an Asterisk system like building a distro.  It ain't easy.
22:24.16fujin_requires a little bit of brain, moreso than your average skype user anyway
22:25.17viatorisnt there a live cd
22:25.17fujin_ha, yeah, a live cd
22:25.17fujin_not supported here
22:25.18fujin_try trixbox, or asterisknow
22:25.23fujin_both are relatively live iirc
22:25.56*** part/#asterisk viator (
22:28.17ManxPowerthe GUIs just allow you to get away without knowing Asterisk config files.  It does not help you in any of the other areas
22:30.13*** join/#asterisk abritton (
22:30.44WizBombthe gui doesnt half work very well
22:32.22*** part/#asterisk abaci (n=AB@
22:33.10fujin_He left
22:33.12fujin_I expected as much
22:33.32fujin_I find lots of people believe asterisk will be easy
22:33.39fujin_heh, have had to fix lots of trixbox/aah setups
22:35.43JackEStormManxPower: the only thing about Asterisk that makes it complex is the lack of sane clocking from Digium
22:36.06fujin_apt-get install zaptel && modprobe ztdummy && echo 1
22:36.11*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (n=strom@
22:36.11fujin_sane clocking game over
22:36.28*** join/#asterisk litage|w (
22:36.33ManxPowerI sometimes forget that people run Asterisk servers without any cards.
22:36.46fujin_I do, here
22:36.49fujin_100% sip
22:36.58fujin_I let other devices worry about E1's and timing, pleh.
22:36.59*** join/#asterisk viator (
22:37.31JackEStormfujin_: really? my tdm400p does not always keep sync with my pri
22:37.46*** part/#asterisk viator (
22:38.29fujin_using a tdm400p
22:38.33fujin_is just asking for bad trouble
22:38.50fujin_I've got a cisco as5400 here, which while it was a dog to configure initially, has been perfect so far
22:39.00fujin_apart from it obviously not doing active-call failover between the dual E1's
22:39.12fujin_I don't even want to think about that yet
22:39.48JackEStormas5400 would be nice here, and I could get that up and going in no time...but, got a tightwad on the wallet
22:40.19fujin_It's pretty nice. We've got 2hour onsite replacement, it's pretty redundant
22:40.23ManxPowerToo bad.  Telecom requires money.
22:41.13JackEStormManxPower: no shit, I know that, one other knows that, but what ya gonna do....
22:41.56jbotfrom memory, cheap is a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
22:42.11JackEStormI just wish I could clock the analog lines off the pri
22:42.53wwalkerfujin_: so any links convincing me to use AEL instead of an external controller written in a regular programming language for anything remotely complex?
22:43.11WizBombyou could run a home asterisk server like me on a Laptop
22:43.12fujin_use it or die?
22:43.39fujin_wwalker: how about it can do remotely complex without another regular programming language
22:43.48fujin_and is nearly word for word similar to PHP
22:44.15ManxPowerwwalker: AEL in 1.2 is broken.  Make sure you use 1.4 if you use AEL (AEL2)
22:44.18fujin_so, a) less requirements, b) native functionality, same abstraction layer
22:44.27fujin_yeah, I wouldn't bother with ael in 1.2
22:44.30fujin_it was less happy.
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22:45.44tzafrirWizBomb, sure you can
22:46.27tzafrirthough some of you may note tzafrir_laptop has not been here for quite some time
22:46.38marmsudoes anyone know if it's possible to use the "_X." extension to match something like "training_1193611397.36"?
22:47.06fujin_but why would someone dial that
22:47.12fujin_you should beat them up for dialing stuff stupidly
22:47.37marmsuhaha :) actually, it's a dynamically-created extension called in by another system, not a human
22:47.40ManxPowermarmsu: X is any digit, so it would not match.
22:47.53marmsuManxPower: i see, it's not working for me and that might explain it.
22:48.15marmsuI thought that "N" was a digit
22:48.20ManxPoweryou could use something like exten => _training_X.,1,Whatever
22:48.45ManxPowerX = 0-9, N=2-9, Z=1-9
22:49.27marmsutrue.  are there any wildcards which match any character?
22:50.11marmsuactually, _. would probably do it.
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22:50.22ManxPowerI believe . will, but using _. is a very bad thing to do.
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22:51.54marmsuis that because of the risk of recursive dialplans?
22:52.09ManxPowermarmsu: something like that.
22:52.29marmsuI see .. I just discovered that the hard way ;)
22:52.49marmsuI wish better documentation existed for this aspect of the dial plan
22:54.35krdian_anybody using digium d/300pci-e1 card ?
22:56.05krdian_sorry, dialogic ...
22:56.08JackEStormManxPower: you forgot P and A
22:57.01pabs3anyone know the syntax of the Grandstream GXP2000 daylight-savings field in the admin?
22:57.29JackEStormManxPower: and X can be A-Z as well
22:58.56ManxPowerJackEStorm: Oh?
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22:59.32JackEStormManxPower: in the US, yes
23:00.26JackEStormManxPower: my grandmothers phone number starts with LX
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23:10.55adam1I do I create a dialing pattern in Asterisk?
23:12.52JTread question before hitting entre
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23:14.15tzafrirIt seems everybody mast have typos
23:14.54adam1How do I create a dialing plan for Asterisk?
23:15.23adam1I have my sip phones registered with no where to call.
23:19.28_x86_adam1: check for extensions.conf
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23:51.40dlynesadam1: with a text editor
23:52.19dlynesadam1: there's plenty of examples on simple dial plans on both and
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