IRC log for #asterisk on 20071023

00:14.11*** join/#asterisk coppice (
00:15.20*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-7bfd6b9fbd015550)
00:23.55*** join/#asterisk jsaunders (n=nevermin@
00:28.18jsaundersAnyone ever had an issue with their tdm2400 (or 400 for that matter) and having your fxo lines lose their ability to hear anything?  Example.  I call the ivr, Zap/13 picks up, I can hear the recording fine.  dtmf does not work though because the channel cannot hear anything.  ztmonitor 13 -vv shows tx changing variably which coincides with me being able to hear the recording.  But rx side is totally dead.  Keypresses or blowing in the mic, nothing.
00:29.03jsaundersIf I restart the whole server (not just asterisk) it fixes it for a short period of time but it the problem eventually comes back.  And this happens on all 8 of our fxo lines.
00:30.57*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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00:33.41*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
00:35.23litage|wjsaunders: can you try another TDM card?
00:36.15jsaundersUnfortunately no.  :(  Don't have one.  The only odd thing I've found is chan 16 has the rx side at full bore, so there's major noise on the line.  I'm guessing this must be the cause so I just pulled the line from the bix rail, restarted the box, and am now about to check the other lines for noise.
00:37.26J4k3shit or get off the POTS.
00:37.42*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
00:38.50trippsmaybe i'm doing something wrong, but i'm finding some discrepancies between the "book" and what my * box likes in the CLI. E.g., "core show functions" - what am I missing?
00:38.52JTjsaunders: how many POTS lines do you have?
00:39.15Sweeperoi, who's got a sip provider of decent price that will do LNPs?
00:40.00jsaundersJT: 8
00:40.13jsaundersI pulled chan 16 from the equation.  Will monitor and see if issue comes back.
00:40.30tripps"no such command 'core'" is what I get if I try that command
00:40.43TJNIIBah.  I don't have the tool I need to put the new intake manifold on my car.  I guess I'll work on my * box.
00:41.02J4k3TJNII: no torque wrench, aye?
00:41.04JTjsaunders: seems excessive
00:41.19[hC]anyone know of an issue sending alert info packets to polycom 2.2.x firmware?
00:41.27TJNIIJ4k3: Actually, a 9/16" socket with a build in universal joint.
00:41.44JTJ4k3: not my fault your telcos are retarded ;)
00:41.51J4k3TJNII: icky...  time to chase the snap-on truck
00:42.09J4k3JT: eh, at least my ITSP isn't retarded ;)
00:42.23J4k3my one POTS line left has been down since saturday..
00:42.24*** join/#asterisk Raky-2 (n=John@
00:42.40Sweeperso nobody knows a decent provider that does LNPs in the US? :3
00:43.04J4k3Sweeper: vitelity ported in an SBC/ATT number in about 2 weeks
00:43.06J4k3for me
00:43.11J4k3but they charge more than they used to for porting, which sucks
00:43.56*** join/#asterisk |Vulture| (
00:44.32|Vulture|Is ${CDR(duration)} accessible via the dialplan? Or is there any way to track a call duration via the dialplan?
00:45.14jsaundersTnx fer the banter gentleman.  Always appreciated.  Later.
00:45.22*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
00:45.37|Vulture|wow there is a name I haven't seen in forever.. sup Juggie
00:46.20*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
00:48.49TJNIIhmmmm.... Anyone know of a good FXO adapter (To connect a POTS line from the telco, in case I got my terminology wrong) that doesn't cost several hundred dollars?
00:49.19litage|wTJNII: get a Linksys ATA, or a Digium TDM card
00:49.49TJNIIDigium TDMs are pricy, though.  I don't have that kind of scratch.
00:52.06J4k3POTS costs entirely too much in every way imaginable.
00:52.18|Vulture|PRI is where its at
00:52.25*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
00:52.34J4k3PRI is where its at if you're terminating a few hundred extensions
00:52.34|Vulture|cept for the taxes they hurt
00:52.46J4k3theres this huge in-between market thats totally missed except by the itsp.
00:52.59J4k3but the i in itsp makes them suck mildly at best.
00:53.32|Vulture|yea but luckily there are a few semi reliable
00:53.54|Vulture|I am terminating a few toll frees from an itsp right now, until I can get them assigned by our PRI provider
00:54.19|Vulture|its truly a case of you get what you pay for though
00:54.37J4k3yep, and your internet connection needs to not suck in order to make it halfway reliably
00:55.21J4k3personally vitel used to be about 400 landline-network-miles from me, and a handful of hops
00:55.37J4k3now they're about 3500 network miles away, and 12-14 hops
00:56.49|Vulture|thats quite a change
00:57.11|Vulture|too bad they don't provide multiple proxies
00:57.48J4k3yeah, all their addresses follow the same route
01:00.42|Vulture|still trying to find out how to access the call duration via the dialplan but it doesn't look like it is possible :(
01:06.34*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
01:06.35*** mode/#asterisk [+o blitzrage] by ChanServ
01:07.03[hC]anyone using polycom sip firmware 2.2.0 notice anything wrong with sending "Ring Answer" in alert info?
01:07.26blitzragePoll to the channel: When you think of the absolute must have features in a PBX (SoHo type environment), what are they? i.e. what set of features can you not do without?
01:07.29peanut-is there a way to forward in incomming call out of the system and have it preserve the CPN easily?
01:07.51peanut-calling party number
01:08.12|Vulture|CID yes, PRI no
01:08.47[hC]blitzrage: QoS in some form or another.. and a link that is stable enough (jitter less than 30ms) to carry voice are my top two
01:08.48*** join/#asterisk ectospasm (
01:09.13peanut-when an external caller calls in now, and I do #NXXNXXXXXX to an external line, it forwards the caller as my CID, I want it to preserve the caller's
01:09.30blitzrageUse 'o' in Dial()
01:10.33|Vulture|[hC]: wow we are still using 1.6.5... unless you are talking bootrom I can check that
01:11.06peanut-ah, sweet.
01:11.17*** join/#asterisk grimsy (
01:11.30|Vulture|Is ${CDR(duration)} accessible via the dialplan? Or is there any way to track a call duration via the dialplan?
01:12.23*** join/#asterisk felix_da_catz (
01:12.24|Vulture|trying to read the call duration to have it insert into a mysql db, seperate from our CDR database
01:12.45[hC]|Vulture|: nope... 2.2.0 sip firmware:) its pretty new.. but 1.6.5 is also pretty damn old.
01:12.53grimsyDoes anyone know of a conference phone that does POE?
01:13.06|Vulture|[hC]: kinda going on the if its not broke approach
01:14.35|Vulture|any new features or is it all for the IP-501 series?
01:14.39[hC]|Vulture|: good approach :)
01:15.00[hC]theres tons of new features along the way... however, if you arent using them, and you dont know of them, you dont need them, so dont bother :)
01:15.02|Vulture|1.6.5 was the first firmware for 501
01:15.08|Vulture|I believe
01:15.22[hC]there are a bunch of microbrowser enhancements, blf, crashes, etc..
01:15.27[hC]id you dont have any issues with how it is now, id stay there.
01:15.54|Vulture|well we do get presence issues but I don't think they actually cause a problem.. only a notice
01:16.10*** part/#asterisk lowlevel (
01:16.30*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
01:18.20|Vulture|trying to find a logger error on it
01:18.32*** join/#asterisk ectospasm (
01:18.36[hC]|Vulture|: with the 500 server error?
01:18.36|Vulture|I do know before 1.6.5 we had some major issues with random reboots
01:18.41|Vulture|you got it
01:19.05[hC]|Vulture|: change these kind of occurances voIpProt.server.1.transport="DNSnaptr"
01:19.15[hC]change DNSnaptr to TCPpreferred
01:19.19[hC]thats the 'fix'
01:19.24[hC]but, it is just a warning
01:19.35|Vulture|[hC]: doing it now
01:20.08|Vulture|yup mine was ""
01:21.08Juggiewanna trace to my ip
01:21.18Juggietell me what you see
01:21.18Juggiedo a mtr
01:22.33[hC]what do you want to know about it?
01:22.47[hC]im getting 57% loss to you
01:22.48|Vulture|Juggie: I am seeing loss from Jacksonville, FL
01:23.06Juggiei'm seeing like 50% packet loss on my 3rd hop out
01:23.14[hC]17. 50.0%    43   85.2  83.5  72.0  90.5   4.5
01:23.15|Vulture|looks like rogers
01:23.21[hC]its that hop for me
01:23.43[hC]now there's 100% loss to you at the previos hop
01:23.52sevardErbert and Gerbert subs are _amazing_
01:23.58[hC]something in the last couple hops to you is screwed for sure jug
01:24.34*** join/#asterisk Onyxyte (
01:24.44Juggiehc, what hop is generating all the loss
01:24.45Juggieand consequentially you see me also w/ los @ hop 18 right?
01:24.45Juggieassuming my router responds to icmp and it should
01:26.03Juggieis it on my hop (the last one) or the hop before me?
01:26.48[hC]theres routing changes occurring right now
01:26.56[hC]they seem to be trying to re route around the problem
01:27.15[hC]I keep seeing path changes every few seconds
01:27.58[hC]the router at "" is the one with the problem
01:28.09[hC]there are multiple ports/paths on that router that mtr keeps taking
01:30.55*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
01:31.58Juggieya, still a problem in my area
01:31.58Juggietoday it was totally down and now i'm losing about 50% packets
01:32.12[hC]damn kids with their small udp packets and their "voip"
01:32.18[hC]GET OFF MY LAWN!!!
01:33.28*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
01:33.50[hC]ok, so if i let polycom discover what ntp server address to use (and ignore what i set in sip.cfg) from DHCP, what dhcp option does it poll?
01:34.20fujinI'm going to put money on the NTP SERVER DHCP OPTION
01:34.50*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=_freq@
01:34.54fujinthat's option 42, IIRC.
01:34.55[hC]you bastard fujin :)
01:35.02[hC]Thats what i was looking for :)
01:35.07[hC]me and google arent speaking right now
01:35.11[hC]it let me down all day.
01:35.22sevardfujin: you just made him flip in his grave
01:35.41sevardanyone, ford
01:36.02fujinI'm sorry; You've lost me.
01:36.21sevard:), maybe you made an hhgttg reference w/out knowing it.
01:37.01sevardwell, read hitch hikers guide to the galaxy
01:37.14fujinI'll work on it.
01:37.37[hC]I totally didnt get it until just now.
01:37.43[hC]How i didnt spot that earlier, i dont know
01:41.16fujinshit I'm having a bad day.
01:41.34*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
01:41.37[hC]youve never heard of the reference to '42' being the answer to the live, universe, and everything?
01:42.23[hC]google even has a calculator for it.
01:47.19fujinoh, yes indeed I have
01:47.20fujinI've seen the movie
01:47.43fujinyet wasn't aware that I made reference to it
01:51.11[hC]so.. im just getting my fingers into diigum's svn again.. is there a way to check out a 'trunk' version of 1.4? (or does that even exist)
01:51.51[hC]Im looking for the latest development changes in the 1.4 tree, but i dont want 1.6.. if i understand correctly trunk is just 'pre 1.6' - but current 1.4 releases are not built out of snapshots of trunk?
01:52.21*** join/#asterisk e1mer (n=elmer@unaffiliated/e1mer)
01:53.11[hC]ah, so branches is the 'trunk' version of 1.4 then?
01:53.29filethere is no trunk version of 1.4, trunk is a name presently given to the development tree
01:53.38file1.4 is not a development tree, it receives only bug and security fixes
01:53.51phixDo I need an external program / module to create a conference call?
01:53.56*** join/#asterisk mordaunt (n=mordaunt@unaffiliated/mordaunt)
01:53.59[hC]oh i see. so once it becomes stable, no features go into it.
01:54.16[hC]That makes a lot more sense now.
01:54.24filethat is the present way of things, it is in flux right now and will change
01:54.32file(for future versions)
01:54.41[hC]I guess i'll ask again soon? :) how do you think its going to change?
01:54.52[hC]by that i mean, what do you think it will change to..
01:54.54filethere was a document posted to the asterisk-dev mailing list detailing things
01:55.00[hC]ill check there.
01:55.08[hC]Thanks file
01:58.30*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
01:58.49*** join/#asterisk Ritzerisk (n=Ritztech@
01:59.32ZaVoidanyone know a decent iax load balancer?
02:04.07*** join/#asterisk ccaron (
02:05.22Ritzeriskanyone familar with amanda
02:05.49*** join/#asterisk docelmo (
02:06.33docelmohey Digium guys..  You might want to tell marketing tomorrow that they messed up the link on the Digium/Asterisk logo in the email they just sent for Digium Asterisk World
02:06.35[hC]so there appears to be an interesting issue with asterisk running as non-root and sending mail as the asterisk user on the system ,instead of the serveremail= address in voicemail.conf
02:09.14docelmoWow..  Dead channel
02:11.39Qwelldocelmo: eh?
02:16.53[hC]When running asterisk as non-root, is it asterisk's fault or the sendmail command's fault for not taking what was specified in serveremail in voicemail.conf? As root I had it set to, and now it goes out as, ignoring serveremail
02:17.11Juggie[hC], sendmail permissions perhaps?
02:17.47[hC]Juggie: well, it should just be text that goes out in the from:, i dont know what permissions would need to be changed... theoretically you should be able to pass anything there, regardless of who you are.
02:17.48*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-db56dc77376b8900)
02:19.46*** join/#asterisk FireMac (
02:21.57Juggie[hC], sendmail may be configured to reduce spam
02:22.36docelmoQwell PM me your email and I will send you the email I got and you can see whats wrong with it.
02:23.02phixis an external program / module required? or can it be done using stock asterisk?
02:23.17phixin the dialplan
02:23.20Qwelldocelmo: qwell@
02:23.37phixQwell: ?
02:23.45fujinphix: ?
02:24.11fujinYou haven't said anything in here for a while, you're going to have to repeat your initial question
02:24.12phixfujin: conference calls, joining at least 3 calls together
02:24.23fujinUse MeetMe?
02:24.33phixThat is an external program / module?
02:24.50phixIt is not in the core of Asterisk ?
02:24.53fujinNo, It's included.
02:24.54[hC]Juggie: postfix... id have to check... just dont know what to search for
02:25.18phixfujin: ok
02:25.21fujin[hC]: postfix will send mails from the logged-in-user, i.e.; if asterisk is running as the user 'asterisk' they'll appear to come from that.
02:25.23fujinthis is configurable, though
02:26.15phixfujin: how would I learn how to do it? I have googled it but can only find examples that use ZAP channels, I want to join at least three SIP channels together
02:27.02phixThank you
02:27.30*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
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02:31.03phixok so a meetme conference is a static number yuo call, enter in a pin to join it.  Are there other ways to do this? like call a number and specified the number you want to add to the conference?
02:31.57fujinuse dialplan
02:35.26fujinwhat are you trying to do
02:35.31phixok I would like to use the dialplan, I just don't seem to have that knowledge already.
02:35.33fujinmake a kind of invite conference?
02:35.55phixyeah, just an easy way for a user to add in another person to the call
02:36.14fujinI'm not sure that'd be easy, but definitely possible
02:36.17phixwithout needing to be a meetme admin or something like that
02:36.38phixlike dial *45 then number of person to add, something like that
02:36.45fujinI've given you the tools you require.
02:36.47ZaVoidcan i strip part of a number in the sip.conf entries and not ina  dialpan?
02:36.52phixfujin: ok
02:37.01phixfujin: I will RTFM and google
02:37.29phixI feel motivated today
02:37.41fujininstead of pissing about in irc, you could have scrolled down on the original link I gave you
02:38.13fujinalthough that looks messy
02:40.56phixMessy indeed
02:44.11*** join/#asterisk J_5 (
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02:55.27*** join/#asterisk blq (
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03:34.31phixOct 23 13:14:19 ERROR[1104]: chan_sip.c:11078 handle_request_subscribe: Got SUBSCRIBE for extension 105@default from, but there is no hint for that extension
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04:11.02[hC]fujin: any idea how to allow that to be overridden in postfix?
04:11.31fujinnot off the top of my head sorry
04:11.39[hC]no worries, i'll make friends with google
04:19.14*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (n=strom@
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04:29.34phixany ideas?
04:29.40phixIt is just annoying seeing that message
04:40.24*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (n=strom@
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05:15.51[TK]D-Fenderphix, you have a phone thats trying to look for the status of ext 105 and you don't have any HINTS set up in your dialplan for presence support
05:19.18*** join/#asterisk neax (
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05:35.32*** join/#asterisk ussrback (n=MAX@
05:35.37ussrbackhi alll
05:36.25ussrbackis there mysql-vm for * 1.4 ?
05:37.21Raky-2mysql voicemail?
05:37.34ussrbackfor 1.4 version
05:37.40Raky-21.4,.* or just 1.4 flat.
05:37.46Raky-2i believe there is buddy, i've got it working.
05:37.53ussrbacki downloaded addons
05:37.56Raky-2give me a second, let me show you the link.
05:38.10ussrbackbut i cant find there
05:38.34Raky-2the addon you require is the
05:38.38kiscokidwhat's the advantage of putting vm on mysql?
05:38.38Raky-2i think that's what it is.
05:38.56Raky-2well, it allows for ease of use with web applications.
05:39.03Raky-2so as you can imagine, you'd be able to add users through PHP.
05:39.26ussrbackwhere can i find it
05:39.52ussrbackit says that i have to edit makefile USE_MYSQL_VM_INTERFACE=1
05:39.54*** join/#asterisk epaulin (n=epaulin@
05:39.58ussrbackand then make install
05:40.01Raky-2i gave you the incorrect lik
05:40.13kiscokidraky: thanks
05:41.01Raky-2you want to use this, and apply the same kind of theory for voicemail
05:42.31ussrbackok but what shoud i put in voicemailconf file?
05:44.30Raky-2look at section 3
05:44.35Raky-2that's what you put in the voicemail section
05:47.15*** join/#asterisk ptblank (
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05:47.49ussrbackwhat are the mandatory columns for voicemail database table?
05:51.36epaulinI got my digium card Wed at last week, then I applied hpec-licensing from Digium website, now has been a week, still got no response from Digium, what should I do, is here anyone from digium can help me?
05:52.35Sweeperepaulin: call them on the phone
05:52.46epaulinI also wrote a mail to Digium customer service, no response too, I just don't know how hard it could be.
05:53.01Sweeperwell, it IS 2 am in digiumland
05:53.09epaulinSweeper: I don't know how to call a IAXTel, and I;m not in us.
05:54.00Sweeperepaulin: it's pretty easy..get an iax softphone, and dial :v
05:54.23epaulinSweeper: OK, tnx, I'll do that.
05:55.41ussrbackhow can i get callerid variable and pass it ro perl AGI ?
05:56.00Sweeperussrback: see the FastAGI docs
05:56.04Sweeperyou can pass it in the url
05:56.20ussrbackwhy fastagi ?
05:56.26ussrbackand not  AGI
05:56.37Sweeperoh, you're using plain agi? :v
05:56.47Sweeperwell, plain agi is ok if performance isn't an issue
05:56.59SweeperI dunno how you'd do it, but I suspect it is easy
05:57.15*** join/#asterisk stkn__ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
05:57.23ussrbacku mean that fast agi is better that AGI ?
05:57.56Sweeperdepends on the application
05:58.06Sweeperfastagi needs its own server instance
05:58.13Sweeperand will thus take a bit more to configure
05:58.30Sweeperregular agi is slow, and spawns an interpreter for every call
05:58.31ussrbackyes sure.... i kno fastagi is good for sounds and such applications
05:58.48ussrbacki use agi for database interaction
05:59.14SweeperI really recommend fastagi
05:59.28*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
06:00.12Sweeperpersonally, I use adhearsion to serve my fastagi stuff, but I'm sure there are perl scripts that will do it
06:00.28ussrbackok. thanks for advice. i dont think that i shoud change my perl scripts if i jump to the fastAGI
06:00.48Sweeperit probably won't change much
06:01.20Sweeperthey'll just be run in a permanently-loaded interpreter, so that will cut down on processing time
06:01.49*** join/#asterisk ltd (n=z@
06:02.53ussrbackthats good, but what about load, should it decrease load on * server
06:03.52Sweeperwith fastagi, you could even move the perl scripts to a different server
06:04.01Sweeperso it scales much more nicely
06:04.35Sweeperand even if you don't, you only end up with a single instance of the perl interpreter running at any one time, so it cuts down on memory usage
06:04.56*** join/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
06:05.37ussrbackok greattt. is there more variables and commands for fastagi
06:05.45ussrbackor they are the same as in AGI
06:06.25*** join/#asterisk sehh (
06:07.31ussrbackill try my scripts with fastagi
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07:24.18harpalI am new to VOIP. from Where I start?
07:26.17jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
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07:39.59LukinoVoipHi all, i have troubles in connecting AST with a Philips PBX, i see in CLI duplicates Q931 messages...i would understand if is it possible that it depends of overlap dialing...Any ideas?
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08:17.27el_ektrohello, got a question about asterisk/asterisknow:
08:18.09el_ektroIs it possible to do some kind of CLIP routing, as in "I have a list of callers, who are forwarded to +491234567 when they call"
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08:18.27el_ektro"all other callers and callers without CLIP are forwarded to ext 85"
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08:23.23Sweeperel_ektro: yes
08:23.57el_ektroSweeper: got a tip how to do that?
08:24.51Sweeperel_ektro: if your list is static, you can do it with plain old dialplan
08:25.07*** part/#asterisk Raky-2 (n=John@
08:25.12Sweeperif you want to update the list fairly freuquently, use adhearsion+rails or some other AGI method
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08:38.29el_ektroah ok, thanks... gonna check that...
08:40.19el_ektroand another thing, I didn't find too much information about using an AVM Fritz!Card USB, is that similar to using a AVM Fritz!Card PCI or is it totally different?
08:47.59*** join/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
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09:34.08casixI'm having a lots of <<chan_sip.c: = No match Their Call ID: 37a4fa0a6bbce490523854d33ecb3d44@ Their Tag as196ef169 Our tag: as1bc08c19>> errors. Anybody knows what this error mean?? It is possible that asterisk is hanging up calls??
09:35.50jqlare those followed by a "Found Call ID" or whatnot?
09:37.13*** join/#asterisk bantu (
09:37.46jqlthen you may indeed have a problem
09:38.39jqlwhile that message alone is normal for a high debug/verbose level, receiving messages which don't "match" a known Call ID is often a problem
09:38.46*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_home (
09:39.04jqllet me rephrase: don't match *any* known Call ID
09:39.45casixwhich can of problems??
09:39.56casixestablishing a calls?
09:40.16casixwith established calls?? is possible that asterisk hang up a call?
09:40.43jqlsip messages are sent for every step in a call, from setup to teardown
09:40.54jqlany point could fail
09:41.12jqlso, that's a qualified "yes, I suppose"
09:42.29casixand do you know how can I see whats wrong?? have I to debug the sip messages?
09:52.30casixsometimes yes that I have a Found Their Call ID
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10:04.31*** join/#asterisk Phuntom (n=Phuntom@
10:04.35Phuntomhi ya!
10:05.35Phuntommy mISDN module not loaded. it is a big trouble?
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10:32.21BobocopHi all
10:32.39BobocopDo you know, how to increase wait time for entering number to dial  from analog phones? Is it zaptel's setting?
10:40.03*** join/#asterisk el_ektro (
10:40.25Bobocopkaldemar THX! you're great - I couldn't find it anywhere :) Now I need to figure out how to modify trixbox scripts to change it.... Any clues?
10:41.05el_ektroanyone in here with a clue how to get an AVM fritz!card usb v2.1 to work on asterisk? the big great google didn't help me that much, and rtfm neither...
10:42.21*** join/#asterisk Cyorxamp (n=Cyorxamp@
10:44.50el_ektroi am running trixbox CE 2.2.4 (asterisk 1.2.23 on CentOS 4)
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10:51.23kaldemarBobocop: yes, go and ask in #trixbox. i'm pretty sure no one will help you here.
10:52.20PhuntomI got: set_address_from_contact: '' is not a valid sip contact   in my log
10:52.27Phuntomwhat does it mean?
10:52.44kaldemarel_ektro: to you too, trixbox is not supported here. you'll probably have better luck in #trixbox.
10:52.58Phuntom( missing SIP ). Trying to use anyway...
10:55.04el_ektrokaldemar: mh ok, then I'll ask more generically: anyone have a clue how to get the avm fritz!card usb driver compiled on linux?
10:55.34roxlusomeone here who uses budgetphone?
10:56.39kaldemarPhuntom: what version of asterisk are you using? what were you doing when you got that? where did you get it? what is your setup like?
10:57.45Phuntomi use asterisknow
10:57.56kaldemarPhuntom: looking at chan_sip.c in 1.4.13, that line lets you know that a sip URI is missing the sip: part in the beginning. e.g. sip:123@domain vs 123@domain.
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10:59.50kaldemarPhuntom: what were you doing when you got the message? it looks like you're trying to dial with SIP, but with empty contact info.
11:00.02Phuntomi did nothing
11:00.18Phuntomit looks like, i can see
11:00.26kaldemarwhere did you dig up the message then?
11:00.46Phuntomin console and in log file
11:02.01kaldemarthere must have been some activity.
11:02.28Phuntomya, i have my sip app launched
11:02.40Phuntom2 sip apps
11:02.59Phuntom1 for calling, 2 - for receiving calls
11:04.18Bobocopkaldemar: thx again for help, I have to modify it manually, at #trixbox nobody knows how to change it :)
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11:07.30Phuntomhow can i log cli messages (while debug is on and verbose set to 5) ?
11:08.21Phuntomi`m trying to find out which packet make this shit
11:10.54phixhmmm, ok so I dont have any HINTS setup in my dial plan, ok, I guess I will read up on that then
11:11.21*** join/#asterisk clandmeter (n=Carlo@
11:11.29phixok another issue, I just signed up with a VoIP service, I can make outgoing calls but I cannot ring my asterisk box using the number allocated to me.
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11:24.36Arc^^Hi, anyone know how to get incoming calls on ISDN to work? I'm getting:
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11:24.44Arc^^and then a busy tone/error tone on the dialing side
11:25.08Arc^^I'm using MISDN 1.2, Asterisk 1.2 on a digium B410P
11:25.27Arc^^outgoing calls work fine
11:31.42phixSIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required
11:32.01phixI have a register => line though :/
11:32.05phixwhat else am I missing?
11:33.57phixDo I need to specify a realm for the sip proxy I am trying to register as?
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11:41.10Fl1phi all, is there any asterisk addon to let the sip clients change their extensions behavior ? Something like a Web Interface with Options DND, when away redirect to no. xxx ?
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11:55.39Arc^^Ok simpler question: I'm getting an EXTCANTMATCH from misdn
11:55.57Arc^^However it doesnt matter what direct DID i fill in for my extension i keep getting extcantmatch
11:56.08Arc^^I tried all the numbers i'm getting on the dad: list
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12:06.58toscabaneed help on making updatecdr property in agent.conf start working
12:07.02toscabaany help appreciated
12:07.37toscabathanks in advance
12:10.34blitzragephix: register does not mean the call will authenticate -- it simply is a method used to tell the far end where you exist on the network
12:11.00blitzragephix: you still need to setup the account and authorization in sip.conf -- the O'Reilly book tells you all this
12:12.28Arc^^how can i debug the list asterisk is trying to match an incoming call to?
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12:14.56Arc^^i'm starting to think its better to config asterisk using the config files
12:15.28phixblitzrage: I have a context for my sip provider
12:15.42blitzragephix: ok...
12:15.54phixblitzrage: it specifies the realm, fromdomain, fromuser, auth=md5, etc..
12:17.04*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
12:17.45blitzrage407 Proxy Auth. is normal after the INVITE comes in. That's because Asterisk sends some information the other end needs for authentication purposes (a nonce) -- then the other end should send another INVITE with the authentication information, and either Asterisk will accept the call, or possibly reject it again if you don't have your username/password right -- or -- your Asterisk will send a 404 Not Found if the requeste
12:17.45blitzraged extension does not exist in the context defined for that peer
12:18.01phixblitzrage: [myVoipContext] type=friend username=myUsername secret=myPassword auth=md5 reinvite=yes canreinvite=yes qualify=no nat=yes
12:18.08phixblitzrage: ok
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12:18.29blitzragephix: the 'sip debug' would be handier (and it should go into a pastebin -- not into this channel)
12:18.31phixblitzrage: I will tell you what the sip debug message tell me
12:18.38phixblitzrage: yep :) I wasdoing that
12:18.39jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
12:18.45phixblitzrage: ok
12:21.41Arc^^any way to debug asterisk extension matching?
12:23.04agxArc^^, "show dialplan" perhaps?
12:25.35*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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12:29.58phixblitzrage: I hope you help me :)
12:30.42blitzrageif that's all you got -- it looks like the other end didn't get the 407 back
12:31.28phixhmmmm, I am not blocking outgoing connections
12:31.49blitzragenot sure -- but the other end is not replying if thats all you got
12:32.16blitzrageis your asterisk box behind NAT?
12:32.21phixok it is working now, I need to add in insecure=very
12:32.34blitzragethat should be insecure=invite
12:32.51blitzrageinsecure=very is old syntax, meaning "invite,port"
12:32.59phixwhat does that mean? I don't like the word insecure
12:33.03*** part/#asterisk munmun (n=mun_mun@
12:33.53phixno my asterisk box has direct Internet access
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12:35.55blitzragephix: check the docs -- it'll explain what that option means
12:36.55mvanbaakheya all
12:37.09mvanbaakdoes anyone know if the polycom phones have extension keypads ?
12:37.33jbotextra, extra, read all about it, phones is  While personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows:  Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream ...
12:37.57phixblitzrage: is it good to have that option set?
12:38.00phixblitzrage: ok
12:38.36Arc^^hm is freepbx adding stuff that doesn't really exist in asterisk? such as 'routes'
12:38.43phixblitzrage: is it better to log CDR to a RDBMS or a csv file?
12:38.51blitzragephix: when you know what the option means, then you'll be able to come to your own conclusion as to whether that is good or bad :)
12:39.05blitzrageArc^^: not sure -- this isn't #freepbx
12:39.19blitzragephix: define: "better"
12:39.26phixblitzrage: hehe ok ok I get the hint.
12:40.06phixblitzrage: "better" as in if I do something else instead of having insecure=invite I won't get raped
12:40.25blitzragephix: the name is misleading -- it's not really that insecure
12:40.33phixok :)
12:40.46blitzrageyou mean "better" as in the CDRs are off the box? then I guess so
12:41.18phixblitzrage: oh, CDR question right, better as in more efficient?
12:41.19blitzragemany people think that putting something into a DB is "better" just because it's in the DB and don't really understand why they want it in a DB (that's why I was asking you to define "better")
12:41.44phixblitzrage: Efficient to store and to search I mean
12:41.46[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: Extensions keypads?
12:42.06blitzragephix: it'll have overhead because it's not writing to the filesystem, but yes, it can make it easier to search, etc...
12:42.23phixblitzrage: in other words, would I be better off using perl and regex or SQL statements and indexes in my RDMBS?
12:42.28phixRDBMS even
12:42.38blitzrageI don't know -- it depends what you're doing
12:42.44blitzrageboth answers are equally correct
12:42.51mvanbaak[TK]D-Fender: like for receptionists
12:43.16[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: You mean speedial/presence panel?
12:43.23[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: If so then yes
12:43.34[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: for the IP 601/650
12:43.36phixWell I guess I would like to create a statistics page with charts and stuff
12:43.58*** join/#asterisk nexilus (
12:44.18nexilushow would i manually reset all channels of Zap ?
12:44.33phixEither using perl, PHP or java servlet / jsp / some type of webapp framework
12:44.42phixnexilus: zap reload ?
12:44.50nexiluscause i have 31 channels, and 27 of them are in PRI-state "resetting"...
12:44.53blitzragephix: depending how you would like to implement it, then both could be correct -- but it almost sounds like that application would work better with SQL
12:45.05*** join/#asterisk mildk (
12:45.09phixblitzrage: yeah
12:45.23phixbut you wer every helpful!
12:45.25nexilusphix: is no command named zap reload
12:45.41phixasterisk -rx "zap reload"
12:45.48phixsudo asterisk -rx "zap reload"
12:45.50mildkdoes anyone know how to hide callerid in a pri line? hidecallerid=yes in zapata.conf does not do the trick
12:46.08nexilusphix: im in the asterisk cli, it says "no such command"
12:46.16phixummmm help zap? :)
12:46.29phix*shrugs* I am knew :)
12:46.33phixknew = new
12:47.09[TK]D-Fendernexilus: "module reload"
12:47.16nexilusive tried doing a full reload of zaptel, aswell as restarting asterisk, but the channels dont stop being in mode "resetting" unless i reboot so far
12:47.21nexilusill try that
12:48.19phixok, [TK]D-Fender knows all :)
12:48.21nexilus[TK]D-Fender: where exactly should i do that? tried in asterisk cli and in the shell, none had that command :s
12:48.31[TK]D-Fendernexilus: what ver of *?
12:48.35phix[TK]D-Fender: hey, how do I get rid of that HINT message?
12:48.56[TK]D-Fenderphix: Alrady told you, its your PHONE thats requesting the usage info from *.  Stop your PHONE.
12:49.02nexilusshould i get a newer one?
12:49.09[TK]D-Fendernexilus: OLD... "reload"
12:49.50phix[TK]D-Fender: ok, but can / should I allow my phone to get that information? or isn't that supported in Asterisk ?
12:50.11[TK]D-Fenderphix: And like I told you last night, sure, but you didn't set up the hint for it to do so.
12:50.26phixoh ok :) I probably dosed off
12:50.40phixok, so I need to setup a hint ay, what would that be under? :)
12:51.02[TK]D-Fenderphix: extensions.conf.  Fo look up "presence" on the WIKI
12:51.04jbotmethinks wikis is
12:51.54phixnow I know what I am looking for it will be alot easier then search randomly through wiki / forums
12:54.17phixnice found it
12:54.20phixthank you [TK]D-Fender!
12:56.07docelmophix there are a couple ways to setup presence in asterisk.  If you dont set the directive for presence context then it will use the context= direcrective.  So if your peer is setup to use default in extensions.conf you would put   exten => peer,hint,technology/peer  or however you choose under that same [default] context
12:57.30[TK]D-Fenderdocelmo:  "exten => peer,hint,technology/peer " <- ummm, almost :)
12:57.59docelmowhat did I miss?   its exten => 102,hint,sip/102 right?   or along those lines
12:58.14[TK]D-Fenderdocelmo:  "exten => extension,hint,technology/peer " <-more like it...
12:58.24[TK]D-Fenderdocelmo: What happens when my peer is named FRED <----
12:58.40docelmoput fred there?   :)
12:58.52docelmoI dont do named peers they are too much of a pain in the ass
12:59.04*** join/#asterisk ToTo (n=ToTo@
12:59.15[TK]D-Fenderdocelmo: Extens are typically numerical (except by softphone addict psycho's who think analog phones can DTMF alpha-numerically :p)
12:59.29ToToi all
12:59.40[TK]D-Fenderdocelmo: Well that would jsut be you..... a huge number of people do name them :)
13:00.25docelmoeh..   I find it simpler to do a exten => _1XXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})   than having to put EVERY single one in there
13:00.29ToTocan i force reinvite? i wold rtp streeming bypass asterisk...
13:00.41docelmototo yes canreinvite=no
13:00.50[TK]D-Fenderdocelmo: UGLY... unless you're guaranteed to be using all 1000 possibilities :)
13:01.02ToTodocelmo, tnx
13:01.16mvanbaak[TK]D-Fender: what do you recommend for a basic office setup with like 12 phones
13:01.17[TK]D-Fenderdocelmo: An ugly practice...
13:01.21mvanbaakthe 601 or the 650 ?
13:01.31docelmoerr bypass..  canreinvite=yes and make sure your codecs match and rtp shouldnt go thru asterisk unless you are recording or something
13:01.43mvanbaak1 or 2 of them need the speeddial/blf thingies
13:01.46[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: IP 650 for receptionist, IP320's for the rest
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13:02.02docelmoI like my 601 w/ sidecar
13:02.14mvanbaakgonna see if we can get the polycom stuff here in .nl
13:02.55docelmo[TK]D-Fender yes true.. no I havent actually setup 1000 extensions HOWEVER I have setup 100+ and its a bitch to have to write each and every one
13:02.57[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: You can, but the price is really high on import.  Thats why I usually suggest Linksys there....
13:03.18[TK]D-Fenderdocelmo: copy/paste FTW :)
13:03.35docelmostill have to change parts of the lines..   :)
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13:03.59nexilusfender, didnt see your reply after i said my version, care to repeat?
13:04.05docelmoI think I would if I did name them write a script or something to parse the number to a name or use the astdb functions
13:04.14phearless[TK]D-Fender : you were right, about the fact of using Dial instead of queues.conf
13:04.36phearless@everybody : listen to the great [TK]D-Fender he KNOWS
13:04.56docelmothere are quite a few of us in here who KNOW..   :)
13:05.02phixdocelmo: ok nice, yeah I have a context for my local sip user extensions, I put the hints in there.
13:05.08docelmoso TK when do you plan to make it to a astricon?
13:06.09[TK]D-Fendernexilus: Look 2 lines BELOW it.
13:06.19[TK]D-Fenderdocelmo: 2010!
13:06.29nexilus...i cant, my service providers switches hickuped and i got booted
13:06.36nexilusjust came back
13:06.59[TK]D-Fendernexilus: OLD... "reload" <-------
13:07.04nexilusaah aight
13:07.18ToTodocelmo, i use canreinvite= no but asterisk is always in the mediapath...
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13:07.24[TK]D-Fendernexilus: But if you're saying that restarting * didn't do it, I doubt this would...
13:07.34phearlessis it possible to dial (with the cmd Dial) the number of an autoresponder, and automatically press  the button [1] ?
13:07.42docelmototo yes
13:07.50nexilus[TK]D-Fender: yeah, didnt do the trick :(
13:08.16loca|hosthello all
13:08.16ToTodocelmo, i woldn't it in mediapath..
13:08.21nexilusonly "trick" ive found so far that works is restarting the whole dam machine...
13:08.26loca|hosti cant download cvs from
13:08.29nexilusand that seems like quite a bit of overkill..
13:08.30phearlessanybody understand my question, or I do have to reformulate ?
13:09.17loca|hostwhere can i checkout for asterisk, zaptel and libpri ?
13:09.23fileloca|host: we haven't used CVS in ... years
13:09.25[TK]D-Fenderphearless: Yes... "show application dial"
13:09.42phearlessthanks [TK]D-Fender
13:09.54[TK]D-Fenderloca|host: for more current instructions...
13:09.57loca|hostfile, am trying to install asterisk at home with my new TDM01B
13:10.08loca|hostand got this guide
13:10.33nexilusAnyone have any idea if Zap usage overall has improved notably from version 1.2 to 1.4 in asterisk?
13:10.42[TK]D-Fenderloca|host: BAD guide
13:11.00loca|hostis there any GOOD guide ?
13:11.09[TK]D-Fenderloca|host: Anything using RH 8.0 as a base tells you that you arre more than a few years off target
13:11.21[TK]D-Fenderloca|host: Go downlaod... THE BOOK
13:11.23jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
13:12.01[TK]D-Fenderloca|host: And here is a very basic sample you can start with :
13:12.34[TK]D-Fendernexilus: depends what you mean by "usage"
13:14.24loca|host[TK]D-Fender, :( same thing:
13:14.33loca|hosthost unreachable
13:15.38filethe FTP server no longer exists
13:15.44loca|hosti'll get from here
13:16.30*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
13:17.10[TK]D-Fender\o/ capslock
13:17.16loca|host[TK]D-Fender, i see
13:17.27loca|hostbut it started by "Download the latest 1.4 version of Asterisk from"
13:17.44*** join/#asterisk kkn088 (n=kikoun@
13:17.46loca|hostand i reads docs from the begin :)
13:17.48[TK]D-Fenderloca|host: [09:09]<[TK]D-Fender>loca|host: for more current instructions... <-----
13:17.56[TK]D-Fenderloca|host: Like I said first..
13:18.01loca|hostok dude :)
13:18.25loca|hostit's my very first hour with asterisk, be easy man :)
13:20.12*** join/#asterisk kkn088 (n=kikoun@
13:20.42loca|host[TK]D-Fender, will the 1.1 handle unobstrosive JS by default ? and adding an abstraction layer over JS frameworks and not to force to a given fwk ?
13:20.46*** join/#asterisk kkn088 (n=kikoun@
13:20.57loca|hostbecause proto+scriptaculous is a shit
13:21.07[TK]D-Fenderloca|host: ..... huh?
13:21.09*** join/#asterisk kkn088 (n=kikoun@
13:21.24loca|hostwhen having 70kb to download for these two framworks when just calling Javascript helper
13:21.36[TK]D-Fenderloca|host: What does * have to do with JS?
13:21.52loca|hostwas wrong on the channel
13:21.57*** join/#asterisk kkn088 (n=kikoun@
13:23.38*** join/#asterisk kkn088 (n=kikoun@
13:23.46phearless[TK]D-Fender: does not work, it send the [1] too early
13:23.51phearless[TK]D-Fender:     -- Sending DTMF '1' to the called party.
13:24.04*** join/#asterisk mavior (
13:24.17[TK]D-Fenderphearless: when DOES it send it?
13:24.29[TK]D-Fenderphearless: Because that paste doesn't say anything useful.
13:25.17[TK]D-Fenderphearless: And what techa re you using to place your call?
13:27.04*** join/#asterisk phearless (
13:27.26phearlesssorry I dot disconnected
13:28.26maviorhello...i'm going to buy an OpenVox A400 instead of a TDM4oop...any experience with that card? is there so many differences with the digium one in terms of quality?
13:30.30phearless[TK]D-Fender: did you get my CLI log ?
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13:31.52[TK]D-Fenderphearless: Yes... what card?  And whene xactly did it send the dtmf?
13:32.08[TK]D-Fendermavior: ...
13:32.10jbotwglwat is, like, well, good luck with all that
13:32.23[TK]D-Fendermavior: Few people here would touch it
13:32.41*** join/#asterisk klictel (
13:32.48[TK]D-Fendermavior: if you're lucky is exactly the same... which give the TDM400P ... isn't a GOOD thing.
13:33.01phearless[TK]D-Fender: I use a UK PRI to dial numbers, and I used : exten => 496,1,Dial(Zap/g1/0015166xxxxxx,20,D(1))
13:33.24*** join/#asterisk kkn088 (n=kikoun@
13:33.26phearless[TK]D-Fender: the card is a Sangoma
13:33.38mavior<[TK]D-Fender> : dunno understand...what is not a good idea?
13:33.41[TK]D-Fenderphearless: and when does it send?
13:33.48[TK]D-Fendermavior: That card.
13:33.57*** join/#asterisk kkn088 (n=kikoun@
13:34.09wwalkerWhen is ztdummy actually needed?  I know meetme uses it, but if you are not using meetme, when do you need ztdummy?
13:34.16*** join/#asterisk kkn088 (n=kikoun@
13:34.20wwalker(in a pure SIP RTP environment)
13:35.10[TK]D-Fenderwwalker: MeetMe & IAX2 Trunking
13:35.52mavior<[TK]D-Fender> i know..but is cheaper than the digium one (i own already a digium 400p) and i am doing a 'budget' consideration.....
13:36.05phearless[TK]D-Fender: here we go !
13:36.33keith4if I bought a digium card on ebay, any chance of unlocking the hw echo cancelling?
13:36.48[TK]D-Fenderphearless: So that's pretty instant from the time of answer...
13:37.01[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: There is no "locking"
13:37.01phearless[TK]D-Fender: yes... :(
13:37.10phearless[TK]D-Fender: i'd like to delay this during 1 second
13:37.12[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: LOL.. this isn't like a cell phone you know..
13:37.26[TK]D-Fenderphearless: Dunno, see if there is something in the isntructions for how to delay.
13:37.28*** join/#asterisk lsodi (n=lsodi@
13:37.30keith4right, but don't you need some key from digium?
13:37.47[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: for HPEC LICENSES, yes.
13:37.55keith4yah, that!
13:37.56phearless[TK]D-Fender: ok .... I think that i'm screwed
13:38.21*** join/#asterisk famicon (
13:38.45phearless[TK]D-Fender: the documentation say : D(digits): After the called party answers, send digits as a DTMF stream, then connect the call to the originating channel. (You can also use 'w' to produce .5 second pauses.)
13:38.56[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: it'd have to be under warranty, and then again, that'd be for SOFTWARE EC, not HWEC like you were jsut asking about.
13:38.58phearless[TK]D-Fender: where can I add this w ? i'm confused
13:39.10[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: HARDWARE EC doesn't need licensing.
13:39.21keith4[TK]D-Fender: oh. so why would i want software EC?
13:39.22phearless[TK]D-Fender: I will try wwwwD(1)
13:39.28[TK]D-Fenderphearless: D(wwwwwww12345)
13:39.36phearlessok [TK]D-Fender
13:39.40[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: You don't.
13:40.18keith4wait... so for the TDM400, why do they license a software EC, when it has hardware EC?
13:40.53JTit doesn't have hardware EC
13:40.54*** join/#asterisk flujan (
13:40.57JTnot an option
13:41.08[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: it DOESN'T have HWEC.
13:41.22keith4good reason!
13:41.23[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: You are clearly completely lost about the products your are researching...
13:42.01*** join/#asterisk errr (n=errr@fedora/errr)
13:42.56keith4so... digium cards on ebay, probably not under warranty. no way to use HPEC?
13:43.17[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: Sure, you can pay 10$ or so a channel on their site....
13:43.39*** join/#asterisk kkn088 (n=kikoun@
13:43.42[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: and I highly advise you to stop cheaping-out on your hardware purchases.
13:43.48jbotwell, ygwypf is You Get What You Pay For.  If the sole factor in your decision to purchase a product or service is that it's cheaper than everything else out there, don't be surprised if it's also worse in every other respect than everything else out there.
13:43.49jbotwell, cheap is a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
13:44.03[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: the TDM400P is a LOW target.
13:44.39keith4what's the next step up?
13:46.40[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: What exactly are you setting up?
13:46.56*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
13:47.04keith4home office system
13:47.07keith42 analog trunks
13:48.52lsodiCisco cme4.2 and Asterisk sip Trunk... has any one worked on that kind of solution?
13:49.51[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: I guess if you're willing to take your chances with it maybe not so bad.
13:50.12keith4i like to live on the edge
13:50.18[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: But go new so its warranteed
13:50.35[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: Be prepared to get cut
13:50.53keith4where is a good place to buy them new? (US)
13:51.39blitzrageTDM800P uses a different chipset than the TDM400P
13:52.04blitzragewhich all Digium hardware has switched to (other than the TDM400P)
13:53.07*** join/#asterisk bantu (
13:53.57keith4[TK]D-Fender: thanks
13:54.52*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
13:56.28phixHow to figure out how to transfer calls
13:56.43phixI just need to enable the featuremap or I need to define an exten as well?
13:57.34peanut-that aussie sounds like a durka.
13:57.43*** join/#asterisk Dabba (
13:58.09[TK]D-Fenderphix: depends on your phone.
13:58.31Dabbaanyone know of a wiki entry to get the cfwd button to work on a cisco or linksys
13:59.13phixpeanut-: wtf?
13:59.22[TK]D-FenderDabba: should "just work".  What's it doing?
13:59.24phix[TK]D-Fender: softphone
13:59.37[TK]D-Fenderphix: Which?
13:59.40jbotsomething that should be drug out into the street and shot
13:59.52JTdragged out?
14:00.01[TK]D-Fenderphix: "show application dial"
14:00.02JTpeanut-: what do you mean?
14:00.20[TK]D-Fenderphix: And go read up on features.conf
14:00.27DabbaD-Fender if you puch it and punch in a normal pstn number you get
14:01.19[TK]D-FenderDabba: PASTEBIN a failed attempt at verbose 10, SIP DEBUG enabled.
14:01.22jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
14:01.50JTpeanut-: what is a durka?
14:02.04*** join/#asterisk HarryR`Work (n=harryr@
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14:03.00[TK]D-FenderJT :
14:03.26Dabbawhere 11111 is the pstn number
14:03.41Dabbaits dumping the call into default :-(
14:03.47Dabbawhich of course has no pstn access
14:04.38[TK]D-FenderDabba: it transfers to the context that [1004] uses.
14:05.01[TK]D-FenderDabba: Which is apparently [default] and doesnt' have an exten to match.
14:05.36Dabbait isnt default
14:05.45Dabbaits defined as officeusers
14:05.49*** join/#asterisk Derky (n=derky@
14:06.11[TK]D-FenderDabba: Show me you phone's entry and do the next pastbin with the WHOLE call, and with sip debug enabled.
14:08.58*** join/#asterisk littleball (
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14:22.53agxAnyone connected * to an Innovaphone? i'm trying to register * to Innovaphone but he reply "404 NOT FOUND"
14:23.07*** join/#asterisk kkn088 (n=kikoun@
14:23.13[TK]D-FenderDabba: So far I don't see a valid exten for that forward to work...
14:24.00Dabbathe ip6netusers context contains pstn access
14:24.13badcfeis it somehow possible to use another dtmf digit than '*' for the H option of dial?  (like a work around?)
14:24.15[TK]D-FenderDabba: please show me something COMPLETE and useful...
14:24.29[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: You have the sourcecode.... get busy
14:24.40badcfe[TK]D-Fender: hehe
14:25.00*** join/#asterisk lirakis (n=eric@
14:25.10lirakishey everyone
14:25.28lirakis.. my queues dont seem to be taking the strategy that I am setting...
14:26.20Dabbathe point is why is it doing No such extension/context 01737822860@default
14:27.14putnopvutlirakis: what strategy are you setting, and what's happening wrong?
14:27.48lirakisputnopvut: i set "strategy=rrmemory"  in queues.conf.  When i do show queues from cli .. it says strategy is ringall
14:28.23putnopvutThat would be the problem.
14:28.30putnopvutYou have to set the strategy inside the queue.
14:28.31lirakisputnopvut: has to be per queue?
14:28.38lirakisputnopvut: thanks
14:28.53*** join/#asterisk sehh (
14:29.32Dabbathats everything !
14:29.34lirakis.. now .. for some reason.. i went into cli "asterisk -vvvvvr"  .. and i issued a reload... nothing shows on the screen... so .. i wait still nothing .. i try again .. and it says "the previous reload has not finished" ... hrmm... this system has live calls.. so i cant really restart asterisk
14:31.08[TK]D-FenderDabba: please PB 1006 as well
14:31.53lirakisthe cli is also not responding to some commands ... like "show queues" .. just sits there... but "show channels" and "sip show peers" ..seem to work fine ... whats going on?
14:32.39Dabbano default in there either
14:33.02*** join/#asterisk jcmoore (n=jcmoore@unaffiliated/tgrman)
14:33.05Dabbalirakis: reboot needed
14:35.11*** part/#asterisk blitzrage (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
14:35.14lirakisDabba: reboot?  .. or restart of asterisk
14:35.21lirakisDabba: .. and what would cause this?
14:36.35Dabbai have no idea, i know ours does that sometimes and i have to do restart now
14:37.17[TK]D-FenderDabba: :/
14:38.01*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
14:38.02Dabbadoh wrong windy
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14:48.11socken23Hi all! I'm new to asterisk and trying to setup incoming fwdnet according to
14:48.37socken23But I always get a Registration refused .. any idea why!?
14:48.51socken23(user and password are correct, I checked that twice ;-) )
14:49.20*** part/#asterisk kraptv (
14:53.37[TK]D-Fendersocken23: apparently not
14:54.09socken23I tried to configure it directly in iax.conf and extensions.conf and via the freePBX webinterface
14:54.11socken23same effect
14:55.25jbotmethinks freepbx is unable to be supported here. It's a complex piece of dialplan and GUI, and can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
14:55.34*** join/#asterisk objective (
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14:56.40socken23Is there any way to increase verbosity so I can see what is actually failing??
14:58.20Dabba[TK]D-Fender: so any ideas
14:58.20*** join/#asterisk Dan0maN_Work (n=dschuh@
14:58.44[TK]D-FenderDabba: not offhand...
14:58.58[TK]D-Fendersocken23: iax2debug
14:59.04[TK]D-Fendersocken23: "iax2 debug"
15:00.21socken23ah, that's the configuration I tried by hand...
15:00.24socken23didn't work
15:00.41Dabbaanother unsolved asterisk caveat
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15:03.21*** part/#asterisk Dabba (
15:03.44[TK]D-Fendersocken23: Guess you missed something.
15:03.56[TK]D-Fendersocken23: go prove your account is right with a softphone login.
15:04.22*** join/#asterisk famicon (
15:05.08socken23OK, I'll try that
15:06.13socken23using FWD:Communicator works !? Strange..
15:06.19socken23Maybe there's a NAT problem..
15:07.06*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
15:08.57*** join/#asterisk loca|host (n=tux@
15:09.39loca|hostam allways getting this error when trying to subscribe a sipphone: Registration from '<sip:fourat.zouari@shark.tux>' failed for '' - No matching peer found
15:10.23loca|hostand i have in sip.conf username=fourat.zouari ...
15:10.27loca|hostthat seems correct
15:10.35*** join/#asterisk _foxfire_ (
15:11.09_foxfire_can any help with asterisk licensing
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15:15.24Ritzeriskhaha do you live here Fender ?
15:16.39naitramusing AMI send Hangup for sip channel, reply is no such channel. does Hangup work for sip channels?
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15:19.34creativxyes naitram
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15:20.59naitramcreativx: do you know if it works in v 1.2?
15:22.37naitramI call the hangup using the same string for the channel that I use to originate a call so the channel name is right, but it comes back with no such channel
15:23.57creativxyou need to use the channel name that asterisk gives it
15:23.58*** join/#asterisk ussrback (n=MAX@
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15:24.34Ritzeriskasterisk Licensing ?? isnt it all open source ?
15:24.50naitramcreativx: gives me when?
15:25.15[TK]D-Fender_foxfire_: Typicall we all run the OOS common release fo * which is well... GPL.... there IS no licensing..
15:25.26[TK]D-FenderRitzerisk: Mostly, yes
15:25.57[TK]D-Fendernaitram: the channel you dial is not your CALL'S channel.
15:26.14*** join/#asterisk qdk_ (
15:26.50c0rnflakehey guys, i have a question about attended transfers
15:27.26c0rnflakeis there a way to let the recipient know that a call was successfully transferred to them, like a beep or something?
15:27.44[TK]D-Fenderc0rnflake: Nope.
15:27.45naitram[TK]D-Fender: ok, so I need to do some more reading. Thanks All
15:29.09loca|hostanyine ?
15:29.11loca|hostanyone ?
15:29.14loca|hostam allways getting this error when trying to subscribe a sipphone: Registration from '<sip:fourat.zouari@shark.tux>' failed for '' - No matching peer found
15:29.18loca|hostand i have in sip.conf username=fourat.zouari ...
15:31.53fileloca|host: username is for when you are placing a call to a peer and they request authentication, it tells chan_sip what username to use for that authentication - it is NOT the username of devices registering to your Asterisk
15:32.55*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
15:33.09naitramlocal|host: Do you have the asterisk book?
15:33.16loca|hostfile, so how to fix the error: No matching peer found
15:38.01*** join/#asterisk felix_da_catz (
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15:38.27naitramlocal|host: go to or to and get the book Asterisk The future of telephony. It has a complete example of how to set up a sip softphone. without doing a lot of reading, you will not be able to set this up very easy. IMHO
15:38.44naitramoh, its a free download by the way
15:40.13*** join/#asterisk nybble (n=jhurley@about/apple/performa/nybble)
15:40.54nybblehey all, anyone have a method for turning down manager interface verbosity on the console?
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15:46.34spaghettyhi .. i just set up asterisk 1.2.16 on ubuntu box ... i get some message about "unsupported scheme" from my app
15:46.53spaghettyseems that asterisk loose the "sip" tag before the uri
15:46.59spaghettyin message 100
15:47.38spaghettyi know this behaveaur was patched but i need to applay the smallest change set on server
15:47.53spaghettysomeone can suggest me where to found the selective patch for this ?
15:48.22*** join/#asterisk SM0TVI (
15:52.00Ritzeriskhmm strange .. it says username mismatch but i can still dial
15:53.00*** part/#asterisk agx (
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15:57.33agxneed to replace 2 Grandstream 8xFXS gateway: any idea wich other product is nice?
15:59.44phixummm a few TDM cards in a core 2 duo
15:59.52phixThat would go down nice
16:00.02phixor perhaps a dual or quad xeon
16:02.17agxphix, no way i'm using TDM cards, need to use SIP/FXS gateway, they are placed in a different building then the PBX
16:03.07*** join/#asterisk punkgode (
16:03.08[TK]D-Fenderagx:  SPA-8000
16:05.25*** join/#asterisk ajohnson (n=ajohnson@
16:05.35punkgodewwalker, did call forward work?
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16:07.55jstewHey guys, I come seeking recommendations.
16:08.19jstewIs there a desktop app that I can use to manage the switchboard other than hudlite?
16:08.48nestAranyone got a second to look at a Set(GROUP) config and tell me why it doesn't work?
16:09.17Alan_HicksIs there an rc script for zaptel on Slackware, or should I just modify zaptel.init to suit my purposes?
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16:10.27jstewYou could roll your own and put it in rc.local or something Alan_Hicks. I haven't used slackware in years though :)
16:11.12*** part/#asterisk harpal (n=Harpal@
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16:12.52HarryR`WorkAlan_Hicks, just modify the zaptel.init one
16:13.04HarryR`Workit shouldn't be dependant on anything distribution specific iirc, perhaps just LSB
16:13.07nestAranyone got a second to look at a Set(GROUP) example that doesn't seem to work for me?
16:13.31Alan_HicksHarryR`Work: Thanks.  I figured that would be the case.  Google didn't turn up anything too promising.
16:13.35agxfunny :) Oct 23 17:57:23 GXW4008: [00:0B:82:0E:EA:AA] SIGSEGV raised
16:14.29HarryR`Workslackware's init system is pretty basic, so any shell script'll do :\
16:14.45*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
16:14.52Alan_HicksYeah.  That's one of the things I like about it.
16:14.59jsaundersAnyone ever had fxo chans on a zapata tdm card lose their ability to "hear" anything after awhile?  ie, doing a ztmonitor and rx is completely dead.  Was working and then suddenly stopped, on all 8 chans.  tx works fine however.
16:15.39*** join/#asterisk Blueneon (
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16:17.38Blueneonhi im trying to figure out why after upgrading to the latest version of asterisk when i hit the (R) button on my phone the caller doesnt get the on-hold music and is instead left with a silence, but if I do a transfer (R) Ext, then they will get the on-hold music... before hand all I had to do to place my callers "on hold" to hear music while i did something was to simply use the (R) button.
16:17.50ussrbackhi all
16:17.50BlueneonI'm using TDM400 and standard analog handsets
16:17.59ussrbackhow can i call chanspy using agi
16:18.01ussrback$AGI->ChanSpy("$channel"); ?
16:18.17ussrback$AGI->ChanSpy("$channel",wW); ?
16:18.27ussrbacki use perl
16:19.52ManxPowerussrback: I didn't know that asterisk-perl supported AGI->ChanSpy.  You will have to use AGI->exec
16:20.57*** part/#asterisk spaghetty (n=spaghett@lugbari/people/spaghetty)
16:21.38ussrbackbut how can i pass perl variable in chanppy command if ill use exec
16:21.51ManxPoweryou do not use perl exec
16:21.52TJNIIIs there a queue reload command or do I need to do a whole restart?
16:21.54ManxPoweryou use AGI exec
16:23.08ussrbackok ... the same with voicemail ?
16:23.33ManxPower$AGI->exec($app, $options)
16:23.42ManxPowerread the manpage, dude.
16:23.54*** part/#asterisk Dandre (
16:24.49ussrbackgime link
16:25.57ManxPowerA link?  The man pages are installed when you install asterisk-perl
16:26.01*** join/#asterisk el_critter (n=chatzill@
16:26.28ManxPowerbut if you can't figure out how to read the manpage then you can use the Place of Last Resort -- the Wiki --
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16:31.50corpcompI have just installed a test server as per "" when I goto http://myserver/admin and get mysql://asteriskuser:amp109@localhost/asterisk. Yes I used defaults but this is just to test asterisk.  Any comments would be helpful
16:35.28*** join/#asterisk TrentCreek (
16:35.52ussrbackanyone uses here perl for AGI ?
16:36.00ussrbackanyone uses perl for AGI ?
16:36.36outtoluncwhat now?  (meaning what in that agi i showed you didn't you understand)
16:36.50*** part/#asterisk nm2588 (i=user@
16:38.28outtolunchow about the link to that actual paste
16:38.42*** join/#asterisk atomicd (
16:38.54outtoluncclick 'submit' it will give you a link
16:39.17*** join/#asterisk hfb (
16:40.02ussrbacksorry they forged it
16:41.14[TK]D-Fendercorpcomp: .....
16:41.17jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
16:42.04*** join/#asterisk Buhntz (
16:42.35outtoluncVoicamail  hmm
16:42.52xhelioxFriggin Teliax, agian.
16:43.09*** join/#asterisk stunsch (
16:43.52stunschI'm trying to make an outbound call on a billion bri card
16:43.57ussrbackouttolunc: i changed it on voicemail .... but problem is, how to pass variables there
16:44.22stunschIt gives a cause 66 channel not implemented error
16:44.27outtoluncthe same way you do to other exec's
16:44.50outtoluncwhich there are a shitload of examples in that agiIVR.agi i showed you
16:46.00outtoluncmeaning exec("appname","appparams")
16:46.15*** join/#asterisk l0verb0y (n=l0verb0y@
16:46.24outtoluncwhereas you.. are still using it as a function with ()'s and all
16:46.25l0verb0yhey hows it going?
16:46.38l0verb0ydoes anyone know how i can have my ring group calls recorded?
16:46.49BlueneonI cannot figure out why my callers dont hear the onhold music when i press the (R) button, but when i transfer a call they get the music, any ideas?
16:47.07wwalkerpunkgode: haven't heard from him today.
16:47.09[TK]D-Fenderl0verb0y: "show application monitor" , " show application mixmonitor"
16:47.22punkgodewwalker, oh ok
16:48.55ussrbackouttolunc: $AGI->exec("ChanSpy", "$channel","wW");
16:48.58ussrbacklie this?
16:49.42ManxPowerwell, the example shows TWO options, but you are giving it THREE options.
16:49.46ManxPoweryou do the math
16:50.03ManxPowerYou've never programmed in perl before have you?
16:50.19outtoluncyou need to concat the params and feed it 2 like manx said
16:53.20*** join/#asterisk asdx (
16:53.55jbotwell, openpbx is something that started off as an asterisk fork, but is more of a rewrite of the internals and all good old GPL instead of the split licence stuff in asterisk.  see for more info, or join #openpbx
16:56.38stunschI'm trying to make an outbound call on a billion bri card but get a "cause 66 channel not implemented error". Any help?
16:56.54*** join/#asterisk jcmoore (n=jcmoore@unaffiliated/tgrman)
16:57.15ManxPowerstunsch: paste just the actual Dial line from the CLI output.
16:57.18*** join/#asterisk Schumie (
16:57.23jbotmethinks callweaver is something that started off as a fork of Asterisk (b the name of openpbx), but is more of a rewrite of the internals and all good old GPL instead of the split licence stuff in Asterisk.  see for more info, or join #callweaver
17:00.23jboti heard openpbx is a free software PBX written in PERL. Written by Voicetronix. Maybe you meant callweaver, which was once caller openpbx.
17:00.58*** join/#asterisk n00dle (n=ccraft@
17:03.59n00dleQuestion: Anyone using russell's func_devstate?
17:05.09*** join/#asterisk CoffeeIV_ (
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17:07.49CoffeeIV_I am passing a call from one asterisk to another using Dial() and IAX2.  I want the caller id information to accompany the call -- how can I do that ?
17:10.05n00dleCoffeeIV_, use the CALLERID() function to set it before sending the call. (see "core show function CALLERID" on CLI for help)
17:11.10CoffeeIV_n00dle: thanks, I was thinking of doing that -- I thought that there was some argument to Dial() that passed it on ?  maybe not
17:11.47*** join/#asterisk steve (
17:11.55n00dleNope, set it before the dial and it will be passed.
17:12.01jbotsomebody said iax was port 5036 for the original (deprecated) IAX protocol. Port 4569 is for the the current IAX2 protocol. IAX is pronounced "Eeks". stands for  Inter-Asterisk Exchange
17:12.06stevehi all
17:12.18n00dleHi steve
17:12.28stevecan a standard voice modem be used to transfer PSTN calls to voip?
17:12.31Blueneonwhy am i getting no music when starting a threewaycall ?
17:12.34stevehandled by asterisk
17:12.36trippsjbot: thanks!
17:12.36jbotmy pleasure, tripps
17:13.25n00dlesteve: it's not supported unless its a digium card, but some people have claimed to have made it work.
17:13.40steven00dle: so what kind of hardware do I need?
17:13.41flujanhi guys...
17:13.51flujanthe busy-limit option for sip.conf is working on 1.4.13?
17:14.34n00dlesteve, digium/sangoma/rhino or similar analog interface card. check out and/or
17:14.58CoffeeIV_steve: get one of those cheap-ass Wildcard x100p clones off of ebay (low quality), or an ATA module like the cisco one (better, more expensive)
17:15.27*** join/#asterisk Egonis (
17:15.27stevefor the better quality what kind of prices do you think?
17:16.18EgonisI have a tor2 T1 card, and a WCTDM2400P, and ran genzaptelconf, ztcfg -vvv, and ran asterisk -- but no channels appear. I noticed that there is a file called zapata-channels.conf in /etc/asterisk, but how do I make the channels appear when typing 'zap show channels'?
17:17.16n00dlesteve: I'm using a rhino 8-port card we paid about $500 for.  Single port clone should probably run about $35 for a decent one.
17:17.39steveand excuse my ignorance, but will a US version work in the UK?
17:18.20n00dlesteve, check the support site for each card to see the set of countries supported: most are configurable.
17:20.29tzafrirEgonis, echo '#include zapata-channels.conf' >>/etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
17:20.31sevardAnyone remember how dialplan strings in a sipura work?
17:20.34ManxPowerstunsch: I doubt "isdn/g:isdn/629411470||r" is a valid Dial line.
17:21.06ManxPowerstunsch: now paste just the 1 Dial line from extensions.conf
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17:25.17*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
17:26.41roxlucan someone help me with this message:
17:26.52roxluAs far as I can see this is correct
17:27.59ManxPowerroxlu: you forgot the leading _ in your pattern match
17:28.01*** join/#asterisk Quintana (n=sylvain@
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17:28.12putnopvutYou also misspelled "incomingcalls" in your goto
17:28.29ManxPowerALSO you CANNOT Goto() a pattern match.
17:28.34ManxPoweryou have to goto a real number
17:28.43roxlupff sorry... you are right :$ gonna fix it
17:29.14ManxPowerexten => _3171XXXXXX,1,Goto(incomincalls,${EXTEN},1)  shold do it.
17:29.30ManxPowerof course you have to spell "incomming" correctly
17:29.41ManxPowerroxlu: are you drunk?
17:29.43*** join/#asterisk EmleyMoor (
17:29.50roxluThanks a lot it is working now :D
17:30.07roxlu(next step is outgoing calls :-)
17:30.07EmleyMoorHave FWD withdrawn free access to US 800 numbers?
17:30.16*** join/#asterisk jcmoore (n=jcmoore@unaffiliated/tgrman)
17:30.20ManxPower*grumple*  I have 3 T-1s down
17:30.21*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey (n=chatzill@
17:30.41WilliamKManxPower, that bytes
17:30.45roxluManxPower: for incoming calls, is it necessary to have a default extension ?
17:31.00ManxPowerroxlu: that depends on how the calls come into the system
17:31.33roxluOkay. At the end of the register I have /[number] (which is used on line 7)
17:31.38ManxPowerif the call is coming in on a FXO port then Asterisk does NOT know the numbered dialed.  When Asterisk does not know the number dialed, it sets the number to "s" and exten => s,1,whatever will be matched.
17:32.00ManxPowerif asterisk DOES know the dialed number then an exten => line matching the dialed number will be matched and NOT the "s" extension.
17:32.02*** join/#asterisk mugawuki (
17:32.15roxluok great (I think I understand a bit more how Asterisk works now :)
17:32.22*** join/#asterisk deadkode (
17:32.47ManxPowerthe /number at the end of the register => line tells Asterisk to REQUEST the remote server send calls to that extension on Asterisk when a call comes in.  The provider is not required to accept the request.
17:32.50*** join/#asterisk dlynes_laptop (n=dlynes@
17:33.08ManxPower(I think most providers to accept it)
17:33.25roxluit's working now, so it looks like my provider accepts it
17:33.36dlynes_laptopParkAndAnnounce should allow you to come back to a specified context, priority and extension, right?
17:34.04ManxPowerdlynes_laptop: it is documented that way, but it has never worked as documented for me.
17:34.35dlynes_laptopManxPower: ah, ok...I've been shaking my head at it for the better part of 2 weeks now, and can't seem to get anywhere with it
17:34.38dlynes_laptopManxPower: thanks
17:34.40*** join/#asterisk deadkode (
17:37.06ManxPowerwatch the console, it will tell you where it is trying to timeout to
17:37.26ManxPowerthen create an exten and context that is referenced in the error message.
17:38.53EmleyMoorHas anyone got a toll-free number in the Netherlands, Norway or Germany I could try?
17:39.02roxluManxPower: when I try an outbound call asterisk goed to my incoming channel:
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17:39.38ManxPowerroxlu: then you have a dialplan design problem.
17:40.05ManxPoweryour incoming calls from untrusted sources should land in one context, your actual phones should be in a different context.
17:41.42ManxPowerOn MY systems, I have calls from untrusted sources (like the PSTN or VoIP provider) land in the context [incoming] then route the call in the dialplan from there.
17:42.03ManxPowerroxlu: if you wait, I'll see if I can find an example for you
17:42.26roxluManxPower: so using Goto to route your incoming (from the default) to [incoming] ?
17:43.34ManxPowerroxlu: no, calls land in [incoming] automatically because I have context=incoming on zapata.conf or sip.conf for those channels/providers
17:43.53roxluah like that okay
17:43.59ManxPowerroxlu: give me about 15 mins to write up an example I can post.
17:44.05roxluManxPower: strangely that didn't work for me
17:44.18roxluI had to put the /##### at the end of the register, and route it in default
17:44.19*** join/#asterisk jtknapp (
17:45.08anonymouz666_432423[0-4][0-9],1,someapp_here - pattern should work or not?
17:48.30EmleyMoorHas anyone got an interesting US/CA tollfree number other than 1-800-555-TELL?
17:48.50roxluManxPower: thanks
17:48.56keith4EmleyMoor: 1 800 938 8487
17:49.07ManxPoweranonymouz666: yes, "432423", followed by a single digit between 0 and 4, followed by a single digit 0-9 (which is "X", BTW)
17:49.29ManxPowerso that could be _432423[0-4]X,1,Whatever
17:49.36EmleyMoorkeith4: Getting a reject on that
17:49.41roxluManxPower: The line for toll-access, that's for outgoing right?
17:49.41anonymouz666that way works
17:49.49anonymouz666using [0-9] doesn't.
17:49.52ManxPowerroxlu: we may have to customize it for your system
17:50.06keith4EmleyMoor: booooo, they took it down
17:50.15ManxPowerroxlu: toll-access is the context that allows dialing out, that is why the sip.conf sets the SIP devices to be in that context.
17:50.31ManxPowerthen I use include => to give access to the exten lines for dialing the actual device.
17:50.42ManxPowerthis allows us to segment what is permitted my who/what
17:50.45roxluyes, so can I use anything for the Dial(Zap/G1), like: Dial(SIP/1002/${EXTEN:1}) okay
17:51.05ManxPowerroxlu: you mean in the [toll-access] context>
17:51.23*** join/#asterisk clyrrad (
17:51.43ManxPowerthe only exten lines you want in toll-access are exten lines that dial outside the PBX to the PSTN
17:51.59keith4EmleyMoor: 1 800 938 2548
17:52.06*** join/#asterisk ciphercast (
17:52.12roxlubut how do I know which ones those are? (I've got a SIP account at
17:52.26sevardDoes anyone use FWD for 1-800 termination?
17:52.43sevardI'm trying to program a good dialplan for my sipura 2100
17:52.52EmleyMoorsevard: I do
17:53.15ManxPowerroxlu: paste a Dial line that you use to dial to the PSTN via your provider.
17:53.23sevardEmleyMoor: Can you paste me your dial plan in your line?
17:53.38roxluManxPower: I don't know how that line must look like
17:53.54ManxPowerroxlu: nobody knows except you and your provider.
17:54.06ManxPowerroxlu: you've never been able to send calls to your provider before?
17:54.18roxluah, well... my provider doesn't give me the line (we don't offer support for asterisk)
17:54.33roxluManxPower: not using asterisk, with only x-lite it works
17:54.49ManxPowerThose bastards.  put a copy of your sip.conf on, change ONLY the passwords.
17:55.26EmleyMoorsevard: What exactly do you want to know about it? I use a one-liner to do it
17:55.38[TK]D-Fendersevard: (x.T|#.T|*.T)
17:55.45sevardEmleyMoor: i'm trying to write a one-liner.  My 1800 PSTN termination dosn't work
17:55.57ManxPowerroxlu: Remember Asterisk is not really a PBX, it is a PBX toolkit that lets you design your PBX.  There are a million ways to do most things in Asterisk.  I am teaching you the way *I* do it and I've been using Asterisk for a long time.
17:56.01flujanguys, it is possible to use pickup command with asterisk?
17:56.09flujanwhere can i specify the groups to use with it?
17:56.10sevardi tried writing them myselves, but maybe their 1800 termination is just broken
17:56.19roxluI'm really glad you are helping me out
17:56.29*** part/#asterisk myiagy (n=myiagy@
17:56.38Shaun222anybody have any experience with other providers (using voicepulse connect) that support in/out callerID name support? also looking for one that supports more than 4 concurrent calls.
17:57.05EmleyMoorsevard: OK - well, you need to catch 1800 etc. ahead of where you catch 1anythingelse... I catch it in my default context as it's free to call...
17:57.25ManxPowerroxlu: you don't make me wait very long for answers to my questions, you do not argue with me, you know enough linux to make changes quickly.  All that helps me help you.
17:57.33sevardEmleyMoor: I'm used to doing this in asterisk aswell
17:57.41sevardEmleyMoor: but I don't have an * box available
17:57.46EmleyMoorI only know how to do it in asterisk
17:57.51ManxPowerroxlu: what is your native language?
17:58.23sevard[TK]D-Fender: that's not working ;\
17:58.39*** join/#asterisk SirWhit (
17:58.54roxluManxPower: one sec... have a phonecall :-)
17:59.02SirWhitanyone familiar with the TC400B here?
17:59.20ManxPowerroxlu: OK
17:59.31sevard[TK]D-Fender: I plug in that dialplan, try dialing 18004664411 (goog 411), i prepend it with *, or **, or nothing, and I get a busy signal every time
17:59.34QwellSirWhit: what would you like to know?
18:00.23SirWhitQuell: Just wondering if its possible to put more then one card into a computer.. so instead of 96 G729 lines.. it can handle 184
18:00.55ManxPowerSirWhit: I suspect that is a question for Digium sales.
18:01.01flujanaccording to the documentation, asterisk can pick up extensions, not channels...
18:01.12flujanit is possible to pickup a SIP extension?
18:01.16QwellSirWhit: it should be fine, yes, but please do ask Sales for the "official" answer.
18:01.24SirWhitwill do .. thanks though...
18:02.30ManxPowerflujan: what documentation?
18:02.36[TK]D-Fendersevard: (x.T|#x.T|*x.T)
18:03.34sevard[TK]D-Fender: that's exactly what I put in
18:03.35ManxPowerflujan: that is NOT documentation!!!!!!!!!
18:03.46[TK]D-Fendersevard: I just added "x"'s
18:03.47ManxPower"show application pickup" in the Asterisk CLI.
18:03.50sevard[TK]D-Fender: is this ATA munched if it doesn't understand it?
18:03.58flujanManxPower: already did it...
18:03.59ManxPoweryou do not have ANY idea what version of Pickup the wiki is talking about.
18:04.11[TK]D-Fendersevard: Possibly.. I THINK it was right.. one of the 2 should work...
18:04.43flujanManxPower: it is also saing extension... not the specific sipchannel...
18:05.02ManxPowercorrect, it says extension so it means extension, not channe
18:05.59sevard[TK]D-Fender: that's not working for me either.
18:06.07ManxPowerso you can do an exten => _*XXX,1,Pickup(${EXTEN:1}) but you cannot do Pickup(SIP/1234)
18:06.17Shaun222[TK]D-Fender: whats the .T for in the dialplan on the polycoms
18:06.53[TK]D-FenderShaun222: any # of extra digits + timeout
18:07.19*** join/#asterisk Agnt_0rnge (
18:07.27Shaun222ah, that would explain why i have that on 9,011xxx.T
18:07.34[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Strom_M would have a complete shit-fit if he saw that...
18:09.26ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: why is that?
18:09.40[TK]D-FenderManxPower: You know he's the VSC-Nazi here...
18:09.50jbot[vsc] Vertical Service Codes such as *67, *69, *72, and *82.  These codes are generally reserved for specific uses, and it's a bad idea to conflict with the official assignments.  A list of assigned VSCs for North America is at and
18:10.08ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: Ah!  There isn't a VSC for pickup.
18:10.22ManxPowerbut you and he are right.
18:10.26[TK]D-FenderManxPower: No, but your "sample" violates all others :)
18:10.39ManxPowerIIRC *9X is reserved for local stuff
18:10.43[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Oh no.. just HIM... I think of them as "suggestions" personally :)
18:11.05ManxPoweron production boxes I try very hard to stick to using good VSCs
18:11.31ManxPowerWe do things like paging using a leading #
18:11.42ManxPowerwe never require a trailing # for anything, BTW.
18:12.32Shaun222whats with this one.. [0-1][2-9]xxxxxxxxx\
18:12.45roxluManxPower: sorry, I'm back
18:12.53roxluI'll read up ..
18:13.20roxluManxPower: I'm dutch
18:13.42*** join/#asterisk bkruse (i=bkruse@nat/digium/x-7a51d5484c32834e)
18:14.00ManxPowerroxlu: where were we?
18:14.04stevewill FXO products branded as "trixbox compatible" still work on asterisk?
18:14.13ManxPoweroh, your sip.conf sans passwords
18:14.17roxluhmm I was reading your dialplan at:
18:14.24ManxPowersteve: should be.
18:14.42[TK]D-Fendersteve: ...
18:14.45jbotsomebody said trixbox was a full linux distro that includes FreePBX, and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox seriously painful to support and hence you will find little help here for it.  Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & WIKI at
18:14.53roxluI'm not sure if I need nat=yes for my extension in sip.conf, i've got a install like this: [test-pc]--->[router/asterisk]--->inet
18:15.02*** join/#asterisk Shaun2222 (
18:15.05[TK]D-Fendersteve: And the way you're shopping and comparing is sounding cheap & dangerous.
18:15.16ManxPowerroxlu: you do not need it at this point.
18:15.25ManxPowerwe may have to add it latter if we have issues.
18:15.27Shaun2222got kicked off..
18:15.32Shaun2222whats with this one.. [0-1][2-9]xxxxxxxxx
18:15.36Shaun2222i guess that makes it work if they use 0 or 1 infront of a area+number?
18:16.04roxluManxPower: what is that qualify=no flag
18:16.39ManxPowerroxlu: just trust me on that.
18:16.49roxluI'll :D
18:17.32ManxPowernow put your sip.conf on
18:18.39ManxPowerwithout passwords.
18:19.11alrsanyone have any tips for manually editing astdb outside of Asterisk?
18:19.27roxlu <--- there
18:19.48ManxPowerthis paste is either expired or it never existed at all!
18:20.21ManxPoweralrs: I believe it is just a Berkely DB1 file.
18:21.26alrsManxPower: I've never had to edit a Berkeley DB1 file.  Is there a commandline utility to do that?
18:21.55ManxPowerroxlu: you would want to try something like exten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@31717113433) to call outside the PBX.
18:22.06ManxPowerthat would be in the [incoming] context
18:22.16roxluin the incoming?
18:22.20ManxPoweralrs: Google is your friend.
18:22.27roxluManxPower: not in outgoing_calls ?
18:22.32alrsManxPower: not really, it takes me to a shitbox oracle page
18:22.32ManxPowerroxlu: VERY sorry, I meant the toll-access context.
18:22.54roxluyes so for that is in one of the [phones] context?
18:23.06roxluManxPower: line 39
18:23.50ManxPowerthat context is terribly named.
18:24.01ManxPowerbut yes, in your setup it would be in the phones context
18:24.08roxluI know :$ (though didn't make it up myself :-) )
18:24.13ManxPowerI still recommend you use my naming of contexts.
18:24.21roxluokay I'll
18:24.22roxluone second
18:24.49ManxPowerroxlu: just make a backup copy of all your .conf files for asterisk
18:28.26dlynes_laptopIs there a way, whereby I can automatically transfer an incoming call into the parking lot say using ValetParkCall?
18:28.27roxluManxPower: is the [extensions] block a 'special' predefined one?
18:28.53*** join/#asterisk circas (
18:28.55ManxPowerroxlu: no, but I still recommend it, because all my examples assume that is the context name.
18:29.14ManxPowerroxlu: once you get it working with my names, feel free to adapt them to whatever you want them to be.
18:29.17*** join/#asterisk jordanb (
18:29.24ManxPowerbut at least you will have a working system to start with.
18:29.26roxlu'm rename now
18:29.33jordanbIs there a way to make asterisk accept collect calls?
18:29.42ManxPowerjordanb: it will do so by default.
18:30.00ManxPowerwell, it will at least accept the call, a human would have to accept the charges, of course.
18:30.13Shaun2222other than saving numbers with a 9 infront of them is there a simple way to have my directory get around the pressing 9 before dialing a outside number?
18:30.15jordanbThat's what I mean.
18:30.24jordanbEspecially through some sort of authentication.
18:30.39*** join/#asterisk tripps (
18:30.39ManxPowerplay an audio file saying that you accept the charges.
18:30.42roxluManxPower: I'll paste them again
18:30.43jordanbLike when she asks to state your name, if you could type in a code, and then have that validate with asterisk.
18:31.05stevewill FXO products branded as "trixbox compatible" still work on asterisk?
18:31.36ManxPowersteve: they should since trixbox is just Asterisk with the most bizarre config files you will EVER see.
18:32.15roxluManxPower: this is what I have now
18:33.06*** part/#asterisk jtknapp (
18:33.07ManxPowerroxlu: any context=whatever line in sip.conf MUST match a [whatever] section of extensions.conf
18:33.32ManxPoweryou have context=incomingcalls in sip.conf with no [incomingcalls] context in extensions.conf
18:33.35roxluah.. so the incoming .....
18:33.47ManxPowerTHAT is what links the two files and that is the only thing that links the two files.
18:34.00roxluso like [from-budgetphone] ?
18:34.41*** join/#asterisk Boones (
18:34.46ManxPowerroxlu: why limit yourself by calling the context budgetphone?  Just a nice generic name so when you get sick of that provider you can change with out everything being very confusing.
18:34.52*** join/#asterisk dmangot (
18:34.57ManxPowerjust use my context names and dialplan design.  We are wasting time.
18:35.06roxluso like [from-outside] ?
18:35.12ManxPowerI am trying to get your configs into a state that we can try making some calls.
18:35.31ManxPoweras I said, use my names now you can change them when I am done helping you.
18:35.40roxluyou didnt' add a sip account for your provider
18:35.56roxluyou only had 100 and 101?
18:35.59ManxPowerroxlu: no, but you can use the one you have
18:36.05roxlulike 101 ?
18:36.16roxluor incoming?
18:36.52*** join/#asterisk HCEvan (
18:36.52ManxPowerI used generic stuff in my example config.
18:36.52roxluokay I'm using incoming as context for my provider now
18:36.56ManxPowergood, you have the exten => line I gave you on the channel for dialig out?
18:37.04ManxPowerdialing out, that is.
18:37.24roxluI'll replac eit now
18:37.41ManxPowerthe design of the context relationships is CRITICAL.
18:37.50roxluManxPower: this one: exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(Zap/G1/${EXTEN}) ?
18:38.11roxluI've put it exactly like yours
18:38.29roxlubut that wan't work of course as I don't have a Zap/G1
18:38.39ManxPowerManxPower: roxlu: you would want to try something like exten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@31717113433) to call outside the PBX.
18:39.13roxluah sorry
18:39.38roxluI've used that one
18:39.42roxlubut still the same erorr
18:39.56roxluI'll paste my confs
18:40.16ManxPoweryes, paste your confs and the CLI output of the failed call.
18:42.10clyrradanyone have any tips may steer me in the right direction?
18:42.55dmangotclyrrad, is it choppy with the asterisk supplied prompts, or are these custom?
18:43.02ManxPowerroxlu: I really cannot edit your configs on
18:43.09clyrraddmangot: both
18:43.21roxludo you know another one?
18:43.31clyrraddmangot: but not with music on hold
18:43.35jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
18:43.35dmangotclyrrad: the load on the server is pretty low?
18:43.46clyrraddmangot: yes 4 active channels
18:43.58roxluManxPower: there you go:
18:44.00dmangotclyrrad: what is your cpu?
18:44.04_x86_are there any decent CDR reporting tools besides areski / asterisk-stat?
18:44.18clyrraddmangot: its a Xeon, and its stilling at about 3 percent used
18:45.03dmangotclyrrad: should be plenty, nothing on the * console?
18:45.04[TK]D-Fender_x86_: Notepad
18:45.16clyrraddmangot: negative, console looks good
18:45.44roxluManxPower: I'll paste my log
18:45.50Shaun2222[TK]D-Fender: come on now.. notepad... vim :)
18:45.57clyrraddmangot: its even sound files recording using Asterisks Record() function have the same choppy sound to them
18:46.57roxluManxPower: this is one with the CLI log:
18:46.58clyrraddmangot: the best adivse I found on Google was to check if the NIC is in Full Duplex which I have verified it is
18:47.11dmangotclyrrad: well it's probably not the network if the MoH files are ok, and the CPU doesn't seem bound, I've only had bad sound when my MoH files weren't in the perfect encoding format, which wouldn't be the case here with system sounds...
18:47.42clyrraddmangot: right, this was my thought process so far too, I am at a loss
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18:47.45ManxPowerroxlu: MANY changes:
18:47.54dmangotdmangot clyrrad: I doubt it's the client having trouble if MoH sounds ok
18:48.08ManxPowerroxlu: the order of general and globals is important on some versions of asterisk
18:48.25clyrraddmangot: yes, you can call in from the PSTN and hear the choppyness
18:48.26ManxPowerand you should not generally allow=alaw AND allow=ulaw
18:48.59ManxPowerclyrrad: PSTN calls are Zap or SIP or IAX?
18:49.15roxluI'll replace your paste
18:49.16dmangotclyrrad; do you head the choppiness on the local network over SIP or IAX?
18:49.24dmangoterr, hear
18:49.25ManxPoweronce you make the changes see if you can dial a number and the CLI output
18:49.30clyrradManxPower: PSTN calls are from a regular Land Line to IAX DID
18:49.53ManxPowerclyrrad: that eliminates the possibility of a zaptel IRQ issue
18:50.11clyrraddmangot: no there are no sound issues when your call is going, and extension to extension talking is fine.  Its just when it plays back the IVR promps
18:50.17roxluManxPower: do you route an incoming phonecall to sip/1002?
18:50.24clyrradManxPower: yup....... im confused what could be the issue
18:50.24roxluah.. of course
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18:51.43dmangotI am having the same problem as this guy:    But of course, the registration on is broken so I can't post on the forums about it
18:52.20Qwelldmangot: how is it broken?
18:52.33dmangotI register but I never get the email with my password
18:52.43roxluManxPower: where is the 1002 extension? in extensions.conf (you use Goto(1002) there?
18:53.02Qwelldmangot: interesting - on both counts
18:53.06dmangotQwell: I've waited over 12 hours but still no show
18:53.37ManxPowerroxlu: you can Goto 1002 because we include => extensions
18:53.46ManxPowerHOWEVER, I did make a mistake in the example goto.
18:53.59dmangotQuell: yeah sux. I upgraded to 1.4.13 from 1.2 and the problem showed up, same configuration.  I tried setting TZ in the init.d script but no love
18:54.13Qwellit worked with 1.2?
18:54.25ManxPowerroxlu:  notice the ,1 added to the Goto.  you MUST always have a priority when using a goto.
18:54.30dmangotQwell: yeah, worked no problem in 1.2
18:55.15*** join/#asterisk LeRat (n=danoshky@
18:55.20dlynes_laptopcan you do presence detection on valetpark?
18:55.27dmangotQwell: looks like from the forum post that it was fine in 1.4.12!
18:55.34ManxPowerroxlu: fully understanding contexts is required to be able to understand Asterisk.  And contexts are one of the most difficult things to learn,
18:56.03*** join/#asterisk hsoj (n=josh@
18:56.13LeRatHi ALL ... anyone knows a good low rates CAN & US trunk provider ??????????????
18:56.15roxluyou didn't change much for the [1000] extension and [1002] in sip.conf right?
18:56.18ManxPowerroxlu: contexts are also the key to Asterisk security.  Did you notice the context=INVALID in [general] section of sip.conf?
18:56.20hsojcan anybody provide a worthy term/orig that is tier2?
18:56.31hsojcompany that is
18:56.36Qwelldmangot: that's odd, it doesn't look like asterisk adds the time header
18:56.38ManxPowerroxlu: only removed allow=ulaw, for those devices, I think.
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18:57.02ManxPowerroxlu: the only time you might want to allow ulaw is if you are using a provider in USA/Canada.
18:57.17Qwellor, maybe it does
18:57.19roxluManxPower: I didn't see context=INVALID in sip.conf??
18:57.23ManxPowernot calling numbers in usa/canada, only if you are using a provider located there.
18:57.27EgonisI am trying to dial out via a T1 PRI configured via genzaptelconf, and it automatically creates 96 channels as a result -- when I try to dial out via 'Dial (Zap/1/#####) I get 'Unable to create channel of type: Zap'
18:57.45Egonisobviously I'm doing something wrong, but no clue as to what
18:57.46ManxPowerroxlu: sorry, I did not include that.  don't worry about it for now.
18:57.47roxluManxPower: pff.. still the same error here :(
18:57.55ManxPowerroxlu: but we ARE making progress
18:57.55dmangotQwell: the funny thing is in the body of the message, it has the right time for the incoming VM.  But all the timestamps in my postfix logs are correct
18:57.59dlynes_laptopLeRat: try
18:58.00ManxPowernow pastebin the CLI output.
18:58.29LeRatdlynes_laptop : thanks !
18:58.35ManxPowerEgonis: you did not have zaptel installed when you built asterisk, therefore asterisk dis not build support for Zap channels.
18:58.40QwellCorydon76-dig: any idea about why the TZ would be off?
18:58.55ManxPowerdon't ask me how to fix that.  it has something to do with rerunning configure or removing some file.
18:58.56EgonisManxPower: but zap show channels shows all 96 channels, and their contexts
18:59.22ManxPowerEgonis: then channel 1 is in use.
18:59.26roxluManxPower: Corydon76-dig: any idea about why the TZ would be off?
18:59.35ManxPoweror your telco refused the call
18:59.57EgonisManxPower: It's a brand new T1, is it possible that it's not connected to the correct port?
19:00.56objectivedoes srvlookup=yes seriously break anything?
19:00.59EgonisManxPower: i.e. I have 4 ports on my tor2, and if I'm trying to dial Zap/1 when it should be Zap/72, would this cause the issue?
19:01.09ManxPowerroxlu: that is strange.  change _X. to _0XXXX
19:01.14ManxPowerthen issue a RELOAD in the CLI and try again
19:01.27ManxPowernotice the . at the end
19:01.28roxluManxPower: like: diaplan reload
19:01.31roxluand sip reload?
19:01.35ManxPowerEgonis: I really can't help you.
19:01.44ManxPowerroxlu: for now just do a "reload"
19:01.52EgonisManxPower: Okay, thank you anyway for trying
19:02.06ManxPowerroxlu: once you have things working then you can issue a reload for just the part you have changed.
19:02.27[TK]D-FenderEgonis: Pastebin your failed calls CLI output.
19:02.30roxludid it, but again .....
19:02.36ManxPowerroxlu: if it still fails, put the new extensions.conf and the CLI output of the failed call on
19:03.18ManxPowerroxlu: I *think* you may have a problem with your provider, but I need to test more before being sure.
19:03.28_x86_[TK]D-Fender: you crazy bastard... notepad is not a viable solution to ~120,000 CDR records in a database ;-)
19:03.31QwellDamin: ping?
19:03.44[TK]D-Fender_x86_: You're right... its too big... Wordpad then :p
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19:04.35ManxPowerroxlu: building a PBX with Asterisk is a very complex task, do not worry.
19:05.12roxluyes, though, incoming is already working :-)
19:06.11roxluI didn't remove the bindaddr in sip.conf
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19:06.21roxlubut I don't think that could cause this?
19:06.42ManxPowerroxlu: it could.
19:07.00ManxPowerI am going to try something you may think is strange.  standby for a pastebin
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19:09.05dmangotQwell: could it be related to this?  2007-09-17 20:16 +0000 [r82594-82676]  Russell Bryant <>
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19:12.52ManxPowerroxlu: changes to sip.conf.  I split the budgetphone entry into a type=peer and type=user
19:13.06ManxPoweralso extensions.conf dial line change
19:13.28ManxPowerIt is normal practice to split provider entries into type=peer and type=user
19:14.01ManxPowerroxlu: for some reason the call IS going to the provider and the provider is sending the call BACK to you.
19:14.21roxluwhere do you see that? (i mean where in hte CLI output)
19:15.09ManxPowerroxlu: I don't have it on my screen, but the got nnn back from..... is the line
19:15.15ManxPowerthe 1st or 2nd line after the Dial
19:15.19roxluah okay
19:15.24roxlui'm now changing my config
19:15.39EgonisI am suddenly receiving a device or resource busy message when doing a 'module load' -- how do I find out what is hooking it?
19:15.49ManxPowerroxlu: we should test outgoing first, once we get that working, we can fix any new issues with incoming calls
19:15.59ManxPowerEgonis: "show channels"
19:16.41roxluManxPower: okay, did you change something with the [1000] or [1002] ?
19:16.47ManxPowerroxlu: no.
19:17.44dmangotrussellb: I am having the same problem after upgrading to 1.4.13 as this guy:
19:17.50dlynes_laptopIs there a way to blf parked calls that have been parked using valetparkcall?
19:18.06roxluStill the same :(
19:18.22ManxPowershow me the cli output on a pastebin.
19:18.23roxluThoug I see: Back from ?
19:18.33ManxPowerroxlu: yes.
19:19.08ManxPowerI think I may see the issue.
19:19.15ManxPowerI'll look at the CLI output
19:21.26EgonisHow do I dial out through a PRI? e.g. I have 96 channels over 4 spans, and have one T1 cable plugged in -- what do I do to test it? (yes, slap me for being an idiot)
19:22.11[TK]D-FenderEgonis: Have you considering trying to place a call with it/to it?
19:22.12alrs[TK]D-Fender: that's a bit over-the-top
19:22.18ManxPowerroxlu: in sip.conf change svrloookup=yes to svrloookup=no and to
19:22.34Egonis[TK]D-Fender: I want to call through it, not into it from the outside world. It's intended to be outbound only
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19:22.50krondorlnice bitch slap [TK]D-Fender
19:22.51trippswhat is the general meaning of cause "no authority found" cause code: 50 in terms of iax2 debug messages?
19:22.53[TK]D-FenderEgonis: Then by all means dial :)
19:23.07Egonis[TK]D-Fender: I am trying Dial(Zap/G2/thenumber) -- G2 is channels 1-23
19:23.21roxluManxPower: ahh a bit more now....
19:23.22[TK]D-FenderEgonis: Sounds like a decent start....
19:23.32Egonis[TK]D-Fender: The resulting message is: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 0 - Unknown)
19:23.32ManxPowerroxlu: pastebin the CLI output.
19:23.38[TK]D-FenderEgonis: so  <drphil> Hows that working out for you?
19:23.48alrsEgonis: what does pri debug span 1 say?
19:23.53Egonis[TK]D-Fender: However, zap show channels shows 96 channels
19:24.00Egonisalrs: how do I do that? this is new to me
19:24.04alrsEgonis: up, active, etc?
19:24.06[TK]D-FenderEgonis: pastebin your zaptel & zapata
19:24.20alrsEgonis: better yet, just pri show span 1
19:24.21[TK]D-FenderEgonis: And the full CLI oputput of the failed call.
19:24.56Egonis[TK]D-Fender: Doing so now, and alrs, I have ran pri debug span 1, and it is repeating the messages 'Sending Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode Extended'
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19:25.58ManxPowerroxlu: that looks like a password/secret problem
19:26.17Egonisalrs: what should the usual output be from a pri debug span 1?
19:26.34ManxPowerif your secret= line is correct in sip.conf, then put a full copy of your sip.conf on pastebin to make sure you have all the changes I gave you
19:27.10Egonisalrs: pri show spans results in 'PRI span 1/0: Provisioned, In Alarm, Down, Active -- for all four
19:27.34ManxPowerEgonis: in alarm means "line not working"
19:28.01EgonisManxPower: so the fact that all four are 'In Alarm' means that there's an issue with the carrier?
19:28.23ManxPowerEgonis: or a cable issue
19:28.27alrsEgonis: If it's in Alarm it should show as RED or YEL in zttool
19:29.22Egonisalrs: How do I compile zttool? When I make menuconfig zaptel-1.4.5 zttool has 'XXX' beside it
19:30.05ManxPowerEgonis:  do "cat /proc/zaptel/1" at the command prompt (not asterisk CLI)
19:30.10alrsEgonis: I've never had any need to compile Zaptel.
19:30.14ManxPowerthat will give you the info zttool would give you.
19:30.28ManxPowerSpan 1: WCT1/0 "Digium Wildcard TE110P T1/E1 Card 0" B8ZS/ESF
19:30.33ManxPowerthat would show red or yellow, I think
19:31.59roxluManxPower: when I change the host from sip.bu... to only I get the loop error again.
19:32.06roxluManxPower: the passwords are correct
19:32.29trippsi have 2 * servers connected and registered to each other via IAX2. Let's call them office and remote. I have SIP phones registered with office. I wish to have dialplan such that _X555 from SIP phones call SIP phones registered with remote all over IAX2 trunk. can someone tell me what i'm doing wrong? ultimately I want to actually dial _X. through the IAX2 trunk and out the other side
19:32.35ManxPowerroxlu: they have something weird in their setup.  that is why I specified to try to work around that issue
19:33.02roxlumaybe I need to add budgetphone in my /etc/hosts
19:33.18ManxPowerroxlu: I doubt that will fix it.
19:33.29ManxPowerroxlu: paste the output of "sip show peers"
19:33.51ManxPowerand the output of "sip show registry"
19:34.07ManxPowerroxlu: now we are moving beyond configuration into real troubleshooting.
19:34.11trippsi have a dialplan for office so exten -> _5XXX,n,Dial(
19:34.28trippsi have a dialplan for office so exten -> _5XXX,n,Dial(IAX2/remote/${EXTEN})
19:34.35tripps=> i mean
19:34.52trippsdo I need to set up a dialplan on the remote site?
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19:35.14ManxPowertripps: yes.
19:37.10krondorl[TK]D-Fender and alrs: the pastebin for egonis is at:
19:37.33trippsManxPower: ok great - what would that dialplan look like?
19:38.04ManxPowertripps: I'm already helping someone, you are on your own for complicated stuff like that.
19:39.07roxluManxPower: i'm pasting it now
19:39.11trippsManxPower: ok - tell me if it's an easy Dial() type deal or if I have to dig deeper to bridge the IAX2 trunk with the SIP outbound
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19:40.16ManxPowertripps: you need to set the remote side to accept the call (sip.conf) then handle the call (extensions.conf)
19:40.29trippsManxPower: k thanks!
19:40.34[TK]D-FenderEgonis: pastebin "zap show channels" , " pri show span1" , and confirm that you are indeed using NI2 (national) signalling for your PRI with your provider.  I also highly doubt you need any LBO settings in your zaptel.conf
19:41.16ManxPowerroxlu: that looks good "         31717111111@       105 Registered           Tue, 23 Oct 2007 21:35:16"
19:42.00ManxPowerroxlu: OK, in the CLI do a "sip debug peer budgetphone" and try a call and paste the CLI output.  there will be much CLI output.
19:42.31roxluoh it's deprecated
19:42.34CoffeeIV_my asterisk is not setting the callerid correctly on outbound calls.  If I print out CALLERID(num) right before the Dial command, it is correct, but when the call is received the number shows up incorrectly.  The call is coming in from another asterisk via IAX2, and it is leaving on a PRI line.   Any ideas of how I can make the caller id go through correctly ?
19:43.50*** join/#asterisk blq (
19:44.01roxluManxPower: chan_sip.c:12298 handle_response_register: Outbound Registration: Expiry for is 120 sec (Scheduling reregistration in 105 s)
19:46.25roxluManxPower: here is a piece of the CLI:
19:49.32ManxPowerroxlu: add "" back into the [budgetphone] section of sip.conf.  and reload and retry the call.
19:51.21nestAranyone got a second to look at a Set(GROUP) example that doesn't seem to work for me?
19:51.30QwellStrom_M: ping
19:51.44Strom_MQwell: pong
19:52.00roxluManxPower: YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!
19:52.10QwellStrom_M: on jabber?
19:52.21Strom_MQwell: not at the moment
19:52.27ManxPowerroxlu: now test incoming calls
19:52.49roxluManxPower: yep!!!
19:52.59ManxPowerroxlu: Goot!
19:53.00roxluManxPower: you rule!! you made me and a lot of other people happy!
19:53.12roxluThe company couldn't get it to work either :$
19:53.16ManxPowerroxlu: now MAKE A BACKUP COPY OF extensions.conf, sip.conf
19:53.25roxluI WILL definitely!!
19:53.45ManxPoweryou WILL break it and it will be good to have working examples to refer to as you make changes to Asterisk
19:53.55roxluI'll gonna make an howto for all other useres tomorrow, are you still there tomorrow?
19:54.14*** join/#asterisk blq (
19:54.27ManxPowerroxlu: You are welcome to send a donation to me via paypal.  I should be online tomorrow, but I cannot guarantee.
19:55.01ManxPowerroxlu: There are many ways we could have setup your sip.conf, other users may be confused by the way I did it.  But it IS working. 8-)
19:55.10*** join/#asterisk clive-- (
19:55.30roxluthough the hard part was the [budgetphone] separation
19:55.39roxluwny was that btw?
19:55.45clive--~seen waverly360
19:56.12jbotwaverly360 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 36d 5h 47m 50s ago, saying: 'JerJer: Hmm...I don't have one...might have something else..will look around.'.
19:56.13ManxPowerJust remember that in sip.conf your phones should be in a context that ONLY has exten lines for dialing outside the PBX and an include => the context the exten lines for the phones are in.
19:56.43ManxPowerroxlu: I'm sure we could have used type=friend, but I don't like doing that for gateways -- it always seems to cause me problems eventually.
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19:57.14ManxPowerroxlu: none of the providers I have used required a fromdomain= set
19:57.20roxluManxPower: ... and one thing which you probably know ... how can I directly start incoming/outgoing calls?
19:57.36roxluManxPower: I heard budgetphone is very difficult to configure
19:57.40ManxPowerwhat do you mean by "directly start"
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19:58.07roxluwell, I want to record my phonecalls
19:59.11ManxPowerroxlu: I don't record phone calls so I cannot give you much help with it.  Check the wiki for examples, but remember the Wiki has much incorrect information
19:59.29ManxPowerthe extensions.conf application is "monitor" or "mixmonitor".
19:59.45roxlubut really again, thanks a lot!
19:59.53ManxPowerI would suggest you fully set up your pbx before you try something like recording.
19:59.53roxluI've been working/testing for the last 5days
19:59.55ManxPoweryou are welcome
20:02.45trippsManxPower: when you say that the remote server needs entries in sip.conf and extensions.conf, note I have those entries as it relates to the existing sip endpoints on the remote end which work just fine. would those suffice or do i need to add extra entries to handle the incoming iax2 --> sip hand off other than whats already there and the new stuff in iax2.conf files?
20:04.16roxluManxPower: when I want to make a friend of my part of the 'phone network' (or how you call it), is that possible? (he is not on the same network though)
20:04.20Alan_HicksWhoa!  "make samples" installs a LOT of configuration files.
20:04.46ManxPowerroxlu: if you see me tomorrow we can talk about it.  I must go do errands now.
20:05.03roxlucu later than!
20:06.13clive--Hi, can anyone give me some pointers regarding fastagi ?
20:06.23DoodluvWe have a fully functional 80+ phone * system in use at our healthcare facility. One complaint I have been receiving (mainly from grouchy docs who hate learning new things like dialing phone numbers) is that when we press 9 to get an outside line you hear no dailtone. Is there a way to make * give you a dial tone when you press 9? If so, could somebody direct me to a tutorial or documentation that may hint as to how this is done?
20:07.40Shaun2222any of you logo'd up your polycom phones?
20:08.08[TK]D-FenderDoodluv: Not cleanly.  You could always remove that silly prefix from your dilaplan entirely and save yourself the trouble
20:08.45Doodluvhmm ok...I was afraid that may be the answer.
20:08.59[TK]D-FenderDoodluv: One factor is the phones you're using... what are they?
20:09.20trippsDoodluv: ignorepat => 9 if you're not using voip phones
20:09.21Doodluvpolycom phones
20:09.47clive--seems like fastAGI is not well used .... oh well
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20:09.54trippspolycoms allow you do have the secondary tone in the internal dialplan I think but not sure
20:09.56[TK]D-FenderDoodluv: Ok, then we CAN fix that.... go download SIP 2.2.0 and upgrade all your phones.  After this you'll be able to mod the Polycom dialplan to continue dialtone internally.
20:10.08Doodluvahhhhhhh sweet
20:10.42Doodluv[TK]D-Fender great, thanks I will give that a shot.
20:12.59*** join/#asterisk irule (n=irule@
20:13.16irulehi, where may I get the second edition book?
20:14.12iruleI thought it was a creative commons license
20:14.40*** join/#asterisk Shmattie (
20:15.14styelzthere is a free pdf version
20:15.27styelzbooks cost money though
20:15.35jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
20:16.02*** join/#asterisk whist (
20:16.20Doodluvarrrgh gotta be a reseller to download the sip 2.2.0!
20:16.32peanut-to downwhatnow?
20:17.07Doodluvwell....loooking at the polycom site....since I have polycom phones....
20:17.08roxluDoes someone know if there is a way to keep a central phonebook?
20:17.14Doodluvmaybe going about this the wrong way.
20:17.17*** part/#asterisk Strom_M (n=strom@
20:18.39[TK]D-FenderDoodluv: Correct, you should be contacting YOUR reseller
20:21.05ShmattieAnyone know how to restrict a max of only 1 inbound call to a sip phone?
20:22.09nestArShmattie: you doing call queues?
20:23.11ShmattienestAr: Not in this application.
20:23.51nestArOh, well, I am trying to basically do the same thing in a call queue, but it's not working for me either..
20:23.58ShmattieNestAr: Perhaps I should rephase my goal.  If the person is on the phone, I don't want another call to ring at there phone.  They should be able to make outbound calls or transfers
20:24.03etfonhomeyI'm a reseller.
20:24.24*** join/#asterisk guillote_GNU (
20:25.00jcanfieldumm...getting the firmware is quite easy if you modify the d/l link.   Shhh.
20:25.53nestArShmattie: basically, i want to do the same thing, i used an example found on voip-info, but it didn't seem to work the way i thought it should.
20:26.09*** join/#asterisk nny (
20:26.19roxluis it possible (maybe a bit strange) to just ring a phone only once and than hangup ?
20:26.21ShmattieNestAr: Did you try it with Group_count?
20:26.22nnyanyone here good with aastra hardware?
20:26.26nnyin particular the 480i CT
20:26.43nestArShmattie: yes, i will pastebin it, hold on.
20:26.54ShmattieNestAr: I have used that.
20:27.10nnytrying to see if there is a way to have the base station ring on a 480i CT when the handset is in use
20:27.12dlynes_laptopI've got a locked mutex, and I'm wondering how to clear it, short of 'killall -9 asterisk'?  I've got a pastebin at
20:27.43ShmattieNestAr: I don't really like that solution because later if I use queues or other applications, I don't think it will respect the group_count.
20:28.07roxlumvanbaak: are you there?
20:28.40nestArShmattie: well, the example was for queues, according to the page..
20:32.00ShmattieNestAr: That is similar to how I have tried it.  I also tried it using the new dev_state function but it seems to only work with IAX phones.
20:32.06CoffeeIV_I'm updating some old dialplans to work on newer asterisk, and the newer stuff doesn't have SetGroup -- what replaced that application ?
20:32.27nestArShmattie: that sucks.
20:32.34CoffeeIV_sorry, it's actually CheckGroup I need -- I figured out Set(GROUP= )
20:32.37nestArI need to figure out something to work.
20:33.12ShmattienestAr: Why doesn't the normal operation for queues work for you?
20:33.22dlynes_laptopCoffeeIV_: Not in 1.2.x: The CheckGroup application has been deprecated, please use a combination of the GotoIf application and the GROUP_COUNT() function, example:
20:33.26*** join/#asterisk dlynes_home (
20:33.32dlynes_laptopCoffeeIV_: that's straight from the wiki
20:33.48CoffeeIV_yeah, I found it
20:33.58*** join/#asterisk spatulamaan (n=ggilmore@
20:35.21nestArShmattie: I get call waiting in the ear
20:36.12dlynes_laptopnny: I'm somewhat good with Aastra...but never used the 480i's or the 480iCT's
20:36.27dlynes_laptopnny: only the 9112i, 9133i, and the 57i/560M
20:36.40ShmattienestAr: You get call waiting for an agent that is currently on the phone with a customer and then an internal employee calls that agent?
20:37.01dlynes_laptopnny: but the handsets and the 480i CT's all act like the same phone?
20:37.44nestArwell, i'm doing AddQueueMember, if the agent takes one call, and then another caller comes in, it beeps callwaiting, so i want to limit the calls only for queue calls.
20:40.13ShmattienestAr: I didn't realize it would beep for callwaiting in that situation.  I don't use queues so I didn't know that is the standard behavior.
20:41.03Shaun2222any of you logo'd up your polycom phones?
20:41.38mvanbaakroxlu: I'm here now
20:42.02nestArShmattie: it's a real pain in the as
20:43.04ShmattieNestAr: What type of phones are you using and what version of Asterisk?
20:43.34nestArPolycom Ip550 and 1.4.x
20:43.48nestArAsterisk 1.4.13 built by root @ mecca on a x86_64 running Linux on 2007-10-19 11:11:33 UTC
20:44.11Alan_HicksAnyone know of any good MOH tunes, preferably Creative Commons or similar licensing?
20:44.43dlynes_laptopI've got a locked mutex, and I'm wondering how to clear it, short of 'killall -9 asterisk safe_asterisk'?  I've got a pastebin at
20:45.01dlynes_laptopIt happened when I had no calls, and I issued the 'stop when convenient' command
20:45.26dlynes_laptopIt's basically preventing asterisk from exiting to a command prompt
20:45.29Shaun2222nestAr: i've going tohave that same problem here soon, i figured i would probably have to have a seperate context for queued calls which checked the channel to see if it was in use before sending the call
20:46.03dlynes_laptopOr maybe some way of preventing it from happening in the future?
20:46.04nestArShaun2222: i have that, but i'm too stupid to make it work.
20:46.12nestAri must be missing something.
20:46.45Shaun2222sound be fairly simple with ChanIsAvail() and check checking the status variable that gets set i would think...
20:46.48Shaun2222i havnt tackled it yet
20:47.31Shaun2222right now i've moved onto more important things... like trying to load a bitmap on my display on the 550 phones... figured it would be fun and easy... what was i thinking...
20:49.45*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
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20:51.36ShmattieNestAr: I agree with Shaun2222, that ChanIsAvail() should do the trick.  I will write up some code now and try to test it.
20:51.57nestAri will be happy to test it out.
20:55.37*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
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20:58.19DovidHi room. i have a client that complained that he is not getting the number dialed in the from header in the sip invite.
20:58.36Dovidis this the solution: ?
20:58.44*** join/#asterisk mugawuki (
21:02.32ShmattieNestAr: Here is some info from the wiki
21:02.41ShmattieNestar: "So: If you want to use ChanIsAvail to determine whether the SIP peer is known and registered, it will work fine. If you want to use it for limiting simultaneous calls to the peer, it will not work reliably for you. "
21:03.43ShmattienestAr: I am still going to test it out more to see how reliable it is or isn't
21:05.46*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (n=strom@
21:07.45ShmattienestAr: Using an Aastra 55i, call I get is a status of 0 which means unknown.  I get this when the phone is in use and when it is not in use.
21:07.56*** join/#asterisk marc7 (
21:10.25roxluwhere can I define my default language and check if there are any sounds for that?
21:10.29Shaun2222i think if you specify the s option it chanisavail will always show the status as unavailible if the phone is in use
21:10.47*** join/#asterisk Speedy2 (
21:11.21Speedy2Has anyone used Asterisk + PC sound card in full-duplex as an "FXS"?
21:11.30marc7has anybody here had any success flashing a 7970 to SIP firmware?
21:12.19nestArShmattie: that sucks
21:12.53Shaun2222marc7: cisco phone? think i used to use 7960's
21:12.58Shaun2222while ago... though
21:13.33marc7Shaun2222: yeah, the 7970's are drastically different... java-based platform with an XML configuration file... and I've been having trouble getting it to recognize the new firmware...
21:13.50marc7the wiki article is a bunch of garbage
21:14.30[TK]D-Fendermarc7, Poor choice of phone.
21:14.48tzafrirSpeedy2, you can. It's just not so convinient an interface
21:15.06[TK]D-FenderSpeedy2, no, FX involves powering a PHONE.  What you're describing sounds more like a SOFTPHONE.
21:16.00marc7[TK]D-Fender: come on now... you trashed our choice of getting the linksys SPA-962's so we halted our order and sent them all back... this is one I can't send back, and we need a good color phone that works. telling me i bought a shitty phone isn't super helpful
21:16.00Speedy2[TK]D-Fender:  You're correct, I should have said "soft phone"
21:16.42Shaun2222marc7: java based... no wonder :)
21:17.01[TK]D-Fendermarc7, I never said you could be helped, and the SPA would have been a better choice in all likelyhood.
21:17.03Speedy2tzafrir:  Is it possible to get Asterisk to do DTMF recognition on the incoming sound?  I guess normally a Zaptel device does the DTMF encoding/decoding, etc.
21:17.05[TK]D-Fendermarc7, Oh well.
21:17.21[TK]D-FenderSpeedy2, Huh?
21:17.25marc7the SPA was a pretty lousy phone, we did manage to try them out
21:18.06[TK]D-Fendermarc7, lousy in what way, and why this race for colour?
21:18.07tzafrirSpeedy2, how exactly do you expect to connect to the PSTN?
21:18.13fujinHaven't had any issue with the spa962/942's here..
21:18.14jordanbI'm wanting to get a SIP phone.
21:18.19Speedy2tzafrir:  No PSTN, just need to hook to a real telephone
21:18.20fujinProbably better than the Cisco ones
21:18.25jordanbWell, I'm thinking a PDA with a SIP client.
21:18.27jordanbOr something.
21:18.33nnydlynes_laptop: sorry was on phone
21:18.34tzafriryou can dial to the sound card channel directly (with the "dial" command)
21:18.36Speedy2tzafrir:  I can build the hybrid to go to/from soundcard to the phone
21:18.36jordanbI don't want cellphone service
21:18.45jordanbBut I want to be able to SSH from it as well as use SIP.
21:18.45[TK]D-FenderSpeedy2, Go but an SPA-2102 then
21:19.07fujinjordanb: My TyTN has a sip client, and there's a cab available for pocketputty
21:19.12fujinwhich has been working super
21:19.12Speedy2[TK]D-Fender:  Since Linksys bought Sipura, the support has been terrible.  I have friends with SPA-1001 and latest firmware breaks things, Linksys hasn't been responsive.
21:19.21nnydlynes_laptop: yeah the handset and basestation are essentially the same phone, just you can use line 1 on the handset and line 2 on the phone
21:19.23fujinalthough sip over UMTS probably isn't such a great idea;
21:19.38jordanbfujin, I'd like to avoid putty if possible. I've been looking at the Nokia E61 as it has SIP and Putty.
21:19.42[TK]D-FenderSpeedy2, downgrade.
21:19.49Shaun2222fujin: does the sip client work that well over the cell phones shitty internet?
21:19.50jordanbI might wait for the openmoko but it doesn't have a keyboard.
21:19.53[TK]D-FenderSpeedy2, I've never seen a need to upgrade personally.
21:20.07fujinShaun2222: in HSDPA areas, yes, it works fine
21:20.08Shaun2222i have the cingular 8125 and seen sip clients for it but i cant imagine it would work all that good
21:20.09Speedy2[TK]D-Fender:  Which Sipura do you personal use?
21:20.30jordanbCingular doesn't make phones.
21:20.33[TK]D-FenderSpeedy2, I've have 2000,3000, 3201, 1001
21:20.46Shaun2222hell ssh sucks over it when it comes to it being responsive..
21:20.49jordanbI have a Sipura 3102 that I couldn't get the FXO port to work on.
21:20.50fujinjordanb: I'm not sure what SIP/SSH software the E61 has, although you wouldn't catch me dead running a Symbian fun.
21:20.54jordanbPeice of shit.
21:21.01jordanbI eventually bought a TDM400P.
21:21.02Speedy2[TK]D-Fender:  Do you have a prefernece on which device works best?
21:21.24jordanbjbot, Yeah that's the problem.
21:21.30[TK]D-FenderSpeedy2, All seemed the same to me.
21:21.38jordanbI've thought about a Zaurus 6000.
21:21.53jordanbBut I don't know if its sound setup would be any good for using it as a phone.
21:22.00jordanbAlso it's still pretty expensive.
21:22.02Shaun2222man this polycom takes a year to boot with the
21:22.14roxluWhat is the difference with Record() and "One touch recording" ?
21:22.39[TK]D-FenderShaun2222, Then you're doing something very wrong.
21:22.59[TK]D-Fenderroxlu, go READ.  Its night & day between them.  Completely different purposes
21:23.03Shaun2222[TK]D-Fender: how long should it take?
21:23.21roxluoh okay
21:23.39[TK]D-FenderShaun2222, 1:45 on an IP 501
21:24.14Shaun2222550 took about 247 seconds from the looks of the app log
21:24.29Shaun2222actaully wait
21:27.00Shaun2222some of this might have to do with spanning tree...
21:27.18Shaun2222should only be another 30 seconds though.
21:27.22mcabShaun2222: change your "DHCP Menu\DHCP <mumble>" setting from "Option 66/Custom" to Static
21:28.47*** join/#asterisk Egonis (
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21:28.55jozuhi to all
21:29.03mcabShaun2222: BR 4.0/SIP 2.2.0 added support for DHCP INFORM. If the phone doesn't get a Boot server from DHCP, it will try DHCP INFORM, then fall back on the information you programmed in by hand
21:29.31EgonisI just found out that my customer really ordered a T1 DAL, and not a T1 PRI -- what's the difference, is this a simple configuration change?
21:29.32Shaun2222i want it to use dhcp to pull network info...
21:29.33mcabShaun2222: unfortunately DHCP INFORM takes a sod of a long time to timout :-p
21:29.38Shaun2222i dont use bootp, use ftp
21:30.06Shaun2222would use sftp is the polycom's wernt broken
21:30.25mcabShaun2222: you can use DHCP, but either provide the boot server address in the OFFER, or explicitly tell the phone to use the static BootServer host
21:30.56Shaun2222i want somthing with some authentication... not tftp.
21:30.57alrsEgonis: I've never heard of a T1 DAL.  If it means something like "direct analog lines" have them switch to a PRI
21:31.34mcabShaun2222: the setting I'm talking about doesn't disable DHCP entirely, just tells the phone to not expect to get a bootserver from the DHCP offer (sorry, that probably wasn't clear, and If I had a Polycom handy I'd've checked what the actual name was :-) )
21:31.49Shaun2222i see what your saying.
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21:34.34Shaun2222guess i'm not understanding the app log's timestamp..
21:34.56*** join/#asterisk J4k3 (
21:35.09roxlu[TK]D-Fender: I can't find anything about recording calls in the Asterisk book? I searched for record
21:35.56[TK]D-Fenderroxlu, Go read the WIKI
21:36.26mcabShaun2222: what's wrong?
21:36.39*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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21:36.58Shaun2222was just trying to figure out why sip.ld was taking so long to load... not really that big of a issue...
21:37.07Shaun2222i was trying to figure out the idle logo on this though
21:37.10Shaun2222havnt had much luck.
21:38.07*** join/#asterisk devonmeyers (
21:39.05J4k3roxlu: welcome to the fun of asterisk :)
21:39.24roxluhaha indeed
21:39.29roxluit's really great!
21:40.05devonmeyersoh joy, i actually have a few Q's if there is anyone in here with experience with abe and the new appliance
21:40.33jbotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there, just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
21:41.46devonmeyersok then, well I am using ABE on the new asterisk appliance, and I need to be able to edit the config file that is provisioned to the phone handsets
21:42.41Shaun2222mcab: looks like that fixed it
21:42.53*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
21:42.59Shaun2222shit only took about 30 seconds at the most to load sip.ld
21:43.31Shaun2222mcab: you have any experience with loading idle bitmaps now :)
21:44.13mcabmcab: hah, glad it worked, and nope none at all. Sorry :-)
21:44.42devonmeyersjbot any thoughts?
21:45.20[TK]D-Fenderdevonmeyers, may as well ask a wall :)
21:45.23jbothmm... jbot is a hack!, or known to have only said one useful thing. a tool, or dating the fembots, or  [TK]D-Fender's b*tch
21:46.14devonmeyersdoes anyone else have any idea how I can get to editing those files? are there any digium moderators in here?
21:46.43jbot[TK]D-Fender is the Zen Master of the blatantly obvious, and #asterisk 's resident Google-proxy.
21:46.56[TK]D-Fenderdevonmeyers, Call support... witht he price I'm sure you paid for it, you deserve it.
21:47.13devonmeyersonly email support offered, and I asked them already
21:47.23[TK]D-Fenderdevonmeyers, And what'd they have to say?
21:47.45devonmeyersthey havent replied back yet
21:48.19[TK]D-Fenderdevonmeyers, welcome to toaster-ville.
21:48.56*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
21:49.26devonmeyersso thats a no then? does anyone know the root where those files are kept at least?
21:49.30devonmeyersthe folder?
21:49.49HarryRthe  config those phones are provisioned with?
21:50.04[TK]D-Fenderdevonmeyers, Realize for a moment how few people have bought that appliance or run ABE here...
21:50.17dmangotShaun2222: I've got a logo going on my Polycom phones
21:50.24Shaun2222fuckin a...
21:50.31devonmeyersi dont, thats why i was asking if anyone has any experience with ABE and noone replied
21:50.32Shaun2222550 doesnt use the 500 configuration....
21:50.36Shaun2222it uses the 600 config...
21:50.39Shaun2222go polycom...
21:50.55devonmeyersbut im getting the impression that right now there is noone that knows ABE, so i will probably go back to searching the web
21:50.55[TK]D-FenderShaun2222, You'd think it might be in the admin guide ;)
21:50.59Shaun2222figured 500 would be general for all 5xx devices since there wasnt anything seperate for 550
21:51.04Shaun2222haha ya...
21:51.14[TK]D-FenderShaun2222, considering Oh I don't know.. maybe the fact the 550 = 600 scree-res ;)
21:51.17Shaun2222i had to find it on some wiki
21:51.37[TK]D-FenderShaun2222, So um... kinda opbvious that 500 specs don't match.
21:52.05Shaun2222well, i just assumed 500 would be for 500 series
21:52.11mcabShaun2222: heh, one would think... However, the 550 is a 650 that's missing a few line keys and EM support. I agree that it's not terribly obvious though...
21:52.30[TK]D-FenderShaun2222, ....
21:52.32jbotAbout assumptions :
21:52.40Shaun2222well it's working..
21:52.41Shaun2222looks like shit
21:53.08[TK]D-FenderShaun2222, fix your colour & res
21:54.03Shaun2222ya.. need to, the logo is all faded looking
21:54.08roxluI want to create create a voicemail message, but I want to make the unavailable messages dynamic to the time.. like: Goodmorning, Goodeveneing.. is that possible?
21:54.46[TK]D-Fenderroxlu, its already generic if you don't HAVE a recording made.
21:55.03roxluwhat do you mean generic?
21:55.58[TK]D-Fenderroxlu, "the person at box XXX is (busy / on the phone)," etc
21:57.22roxluyes generic like "busy" or "not available" but is it possible to play a message when someone calls between 9-12 in the morning and record the message to the voicemail? and when someone calls between 12-18 another sound/message
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21:57.48[TK]D-Fenderroxlu, that'd be much more complex
21:57.56Nuggetthe answer to just about any "is it possible to..." question is invariably "yes"
21:58.04Nuggetthe only question is how much effort you're willing to put in
21:58.14TrentCreekFender geeeetar is always on here
21:58.22TrentCreekSure this is not you?
21:58.24[TK]D-Fenderroxlu, You've have to check in the dialplan if they HAD a recording and if not do a time check, then play back the appropriate recording OUTSIDE of VM and then dump them in with NO recording playback
21:58.37objectiveis it possible to run asterisk on the iphone?
21:58.51[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek, death can't stop me!
21:58.52objectivei'd like to make even more money off of AAPL
21:59.06dmangotQwell or russellb, any more thoughts on why my Voicemail emails have the wrong timestamp?  It's not even like it's sending them in GMT, it's like it's doing GMT -7 -7 (aka -14) and we are in PST
21:59.07Dovidobjective: start hacking......
21:59.54TrentCreekTyping your fingers to the bone literally
22:00.10*** part/#asterisk nny (
22:01.15TrentCreekNo hacking..iPhone should be a cut down version of OS X ;-)
22:02.08*** join/#asterisk jetlagmk2 (
22:03.19dmangotokay, since no one knows about my timestamp problem, anyone know when the registration will be fixed on Asterisk.Org?  It never sends me the email
22:04.32TrentCreekcheck system time and OS time?
22:06.58dmangotall the log files have the correct time
22:07.07dmangotdate returns the correct time
22:07.21*** join/#asterisk dexpdx (
22:07.34TrentCreekisn;t there a confile file that indicates the time zone you are in?
22:07.36dexpdxAnyone seen this error before:
22:07.40dexpdxAnyone seen this error before
22:07.43dexpdxwan_add_timer:993 Warning: WAN Timer add error: pending or func=f8c4895b
22:07.59dmangotTrentCreek: which one?  I've even set TZ in the init.d script
22:08.09dexpdxI'm assuming it has something todo with timing source for zaptel?
22:08.10TrentCreekthe asterisk ones
22:08.20TrentCreekjust speclating
22:08.32dmangotI'm having the same problem as this guy:
22:09.19dmangotit worked perfectly on 1.2, I just upgraded to 1.4.13 when the problem appeared
22:09.50dmangotI would be surprised if I had to include the timezone in my config files just from upgrading, it's not mentioned anywhere
22:10.06*** part/#asterisk Egonis (
22:10.38TrentCreekwhat about callerID? Is the correct date/time being sent?
22:11.58dmangotcallerid date/time?
22:12.15dmangotthe email message itself has everything correct, the callerid even the time!
22:12.26dmangotit's the headers that have the wrong timestamp
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22:13.21TrentCreekthat's a tough one there. Sounds like it is coming from the code itself
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22:13.40dmangotif I type: echo blah | mail myemailaddress it shows up with the correct time, so it's obviously being munged within asterisk
22:14.17TrentCreekgo through the source and find the bug ;-)
22:14.36dmangotyeah, I guess I need to find the time to do that  :(
22:15.10TrentCreekits in C or C++?
22:16.44TrentCreekwell that's not too bad then. It would be nightmaree in C+ tryng to find your way throught that maze of objects and NAMES
22:17.15russellbC can be just as much of a nightmare :)
22:17.36dexpdxasterisk is screwing the timestamp?
22:17.37russellbapp_voicemail is large, but not hard to follow, IMO ...
22:18.12dmangotdexpdx: in the email headers
22:18.19TrentCreekyeah but it's just a bunch of functions. Try going through different classes and inheritence
22:18.47dmangotit appears to be doing the time offset twice (haven't even looked at the code yet)
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22:31.18thansen|laptopcan I dynamically get the mailbox number on a given sip extension?
22:34.42TrentCreekdial the box or exten number?
22:37.09thansen|laptopTrentCreek: I want to know what the mailbox= value is for the given sip extension
22:37.14trippsanyone know if there is an errata out for the "book"? there are serious typos and errors in there . . .
22:37.28trippsjust spent an entire afternoon wrestling with that.  . . ;)
22:42.37*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
22:42.45roxluI'm trying to fix my voicemail. internally it's working
22:43.07roxlubut when I could from outside, my internal phone rings, but it never gets to the voicemail... what could be wrong?
22:43.29*** join/#asterisk adorah (
22:44.07TrentCreekisn;t there a different dial plan for calls coming in?
22:44.21roxluyes but I route it to my extensions.
22:44.59roxluwelll.. tommorow another day :-)
22:45.06TrentCreekhave you looked at examples of see how others are doing it?
22:45.15roxluyes thanks
22:45.33roxlubye bye!
22:49.24lirakislater all
22:49.26*** part/#asterisk lirakis (n=eric@
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23:13.56jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
23:15.18TrentCreek~delete book
23:15.19jbotACTION glares at book and then takes every step necessary to completely delete book and destroy any and all evidence that book ever existed
23:16.19*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
23:16.53jboti guess itsp is an Internet Telephony Service Provider, or a "VoIP Phone Company".
23:17.05jboti heard itsp is an Internet Telephony Service Provider, or a "VoIP Phone Company".
23:21.54*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (n=strom@
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23:40.49ManxPowerYay!  The T-1s are back up!  Only took 7 damn hours.
23:41.53HarryRthe janitor pull the cable again by accident?
23:41.58*** join/#asterisk cygar (n=cygar@
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23:42.20ManxPowerHarryR: VERY bad storms in New Orleans.
23:42.26HarryRat the office they close the door to the makeshift server room
23:42.36ManxPowerThere was isolated severe flooding.
23:42.39HarryRwithout realizing that 50 servers in a room with no aircon and a closed door = bad
23:42.43HarryRooh :\ that sucks
23:42.58ManxPowerHarryR: I REMOVE the actual door.
23:43.05HarryRor get aircon
23:43.10[T]anki am issuing a exten => XXXXXXX,n,Busy(). Asterisk calls it, but I cannot hear it. I have restarted asterisk. Did not fix it. I can make it work on other servers. Any ideas?
23:43.19ManxPowerEither the room has AC or it has no door.  The customer's option.
23:43.31cygarI got a problem, i am working on an old "trixbox" where extensions used to be created using FreePBX, now I am have changed it to realtime and I am facing the following problem when trying to dial to the extension I create manually in the db:  recordingcheck|20071023-203957|1193182797.4428: No AMPUSER db entry for 211. Not recording
23:43.46cygarthe extension is well registered and working properly to make outbound calls
23:43.48ManxPowercygar: make sure you have /etc/asterisk/indications.conf (the default one is fine).
23:44.31cygarManxPower: I am calling from SIP to SIP, what does indications.conf has to be with this?
23:44.52cygarI am willing there's a DB [ where it tries to find this AMPUSER ] somewhere, but I can not find it...
23:45.08cygarsince this happens to me when I create the users "manually" and not through freepbx
23:46.44cygarManxPower: as far as I know indications.conf is where you configure local stuff for different signalling/tones, etc used in differents countries ( related to ZAP and not IP like here)
23:47.54Trevor_bAnyone use polycom 501's and 320/330 series in the same office?
23:49.18Trevor_bAND/OR anyone have 301's displays go blank after loading up once the sip application has loaded?
23:53.24*** join/#asterisk grandpapadot (
23:54.12grandpapadotHi all.
23:56.43*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
23:56.56[T]ankCLI> Shows:    -- Executing Playback("SIP/3594-09cdc348", "busy") in new stack. But I hear nothing. Other files I hear just fine.

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