IRC log for #asterisk on 20071019

00:00.22*** join/#asterisk jameswf (
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00:23.26bradphonehmmhesays: I am so far :P
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00:34.44jbotWi-Fi SIP phones suck.  All of them.  HARD.  Some only slightly less than others...
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00:38.46peanut-good thing this is a soft phone then..
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00:39.14peanut-reading online that voicepulse's IAX2 is always choppy... is that accurate or just a bunch of people with poor configs?
00:39.24JTuse SIP
00:39.55peanut-I don't want to use SIP
00:41.02jbotsomething that should be drug out into the street and shot
00:41.24peanut-yes, there's someone that hates everything, I got it.
00:41.38*** join/#asterisk ectospasm (
00:41.39peanut-iax2 is bad, soft phones and 802.11 phones are horrible..
00:41.57[TK]D-Fenderpeanut-, Wow, you've learned so much... in one sentence!
00:43.12peanut-if I relently bash an obscure component of VoIP do I get ops?
00:43.26[TK]D-Fenderpeanut-, lol
00:45.29*** join/#asterisk ectospasm (
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00:52.24Iamnach0I installed the SVN version of asterisk and addons to play around with chan_mobile, does anyone know anything/had problems with sip calls in the SVN version of asterisk? I know that I can revert back to 1.4.13 and my sip calling is normal... just looking for a bit of info.
00:53.00Iamnach0should have said too: i have no audio on sip to sip calls with SVN. thats why i am wondering.
00:56.49Iamnach0echo tests with SVN fail, hello world passes, with reg astersik echo tests pass.
00:56.52*** join/#asterisk spatulamaan (n=ggilmore@
00:57.55Iamnach0with SVN i get these errors sometimes: WARNING[8063] chan_sip.c: Hanging up call (somelongstring). - no reply to our critical packet
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01:03.12JTpeanut-: or perhaps you should realise that these are actually fact and not just one person "hating everything"
01:03.16*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
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01:09.17JTpeanut-: so, in your infinite wisdom; why do you not want to use SIP?
01:09.35J4k3peanut's one of those typical dilusional white trash texans who think if they vote republican they'll get rich, or go to heaven.
01:09.49J4k3this should give you some idea of what you're working with.
01:10.35*** part/#asterisk Psykick (n=anon@
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01:16.55J4k3he's also a great fan of the US/Iraq war.
01:20.14peanut-no real reason not to use SIP at the moment, I just want to give iax it's fair chance since it is the native protocol
01:28.41*** join/#asterisk ReD-MaN (
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01:29.28JTpeanut-: that's not really true
01:29.42JTpeanut-: asterisk is NOT native VoIP
01:30.09JTand chan_sip is much more stable than chan_iax
01:31.27*** join/#asterisk mirco (
01:31.36ectospasmIAX doesn't have nearly the trouble that SIP has with NAT traversal
01:32.02JTectospasm: sip has no problem traversing NAT if configured right
01:32.15JTiax has major issues with scalability
01:32.24JTand it's not a widely supported protocol
01:32.25ectospasmRight, but a lot of users can't do that properly
01:32.38JTshould they be configuring PBXes?
01:32.39ectospasmOr, they try to traverse two NATs out of the box...
01:32.48[TK]D-FenderIAX "native", lol....
01:32.49ectospasmJT:  more and more are...
01:32.55[TK]D-FenderWhat will they come up with next!
01:33.09JT[TK]D-Fender: who knows
01:33.22[TK]D-FenderJT : We clearly aren't taking enough drugs....
01:33.25JTectospasm: idiots should not be configuring PBXes, that hasn't changed
01:33.51*** join/#asterisk kavelot (
01:34.04ectospasmWhat, with PBX Appliances appearing everywhere?  Idiots will buy them, nonetheless
01:35.09JTan applicance is already setup
01:35.14JTall the nitty gritty is done
01:35.21JTthey just need to answer simple questions
01:36.58*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
01:41.05kavelotI have a very simple dialplan on asterisk (like answer, wait 2s and hangup)... but when I call with SIP debug enabled, I see my calling number (so it recognizes my call) and then I hear the busy sound (with message "unavailable network")... any hints on what I should check?
01:44.45*** join/#asterisk CBU[^_^]M`` (n=love@
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01:55.05JTTrN: ?
01:56.59*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (
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01:57.29WilliamKgood evening JT
02:00.33*** join/#asterisk asdx (
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02:03.52JThello WilliamK
02:09.07mostywhen i use chan_local, the duration and billsec cdr values are wrong unless i use /n. will adding the /n part break anything? i don't quite understand what the page is saying when it describes this feature
02:09.43[TK]D-Fendermosty, its a good thing.
02:10.58mostyam i correct in thinking that the /n means the duration time is reset to start when the Dial(LOCAL/...) is executed?
02:11.27*** part/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-53bcfe2bb9ac0c66)
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02:15.09[TK]D-Fendermosty, somthieng like that... it sorta gives it exclusivity or something.... can't remember... I heard it only once...
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02:21.50*** join/#asterisk Edwin_Quijada (n=macaruch@
02:21.53peanut-heh. it's only choppy when sending to a caller when I originate the call
02:21.57peanut-otherwise, it's fine both ways
02:22.09Edwin_Quijadai have an error compiling asterisk from scratch
02:22.29peanut-anyone know a probable cause of that?
02:22.47Edwin_Quijadait cant have -lssl
02:22.53Edwin_Quijadaanybody knows?
02:22.59*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=GoD@
02:24.18peanut-um... maybe you should install ssl?
02:24.24peanut-or try #linux as it's not asterisk specific
02:24.57fujininstall the openssl development libraries for your distro
02:24.59fujinwhat distro?
02:25.04Edwin_Quijadapeanut- i can compile zaptel and libpri
02:25.08Edwin_Quijadabut not asters
02:25.13fujinthey're not dependant upon ssl
02:25.33fujinwhat distro?
02:26.05fujinapt-get install uh; should be apt-get install libssl0.9.8
02:26.12fujinapt-cache search openssl|grep lib
02:26.24fujinor even try apt-get build-deps asterisk
02:26.29fujinshould pull all the dependancies to build it
02:26.43Edwin_Quijadai dont know that aster needs ssl?
02:26.49fujinwelp, now ya do
02:27.21Edwin_Quijadai try apt-get build first
02:27.37[TK] <- read the damn prerequisites... its not Raw Cat science...
02:28.06JTpeanut-: problems compiling asterisk are problems that can be supported here
02:28.21JTpeanut-: re: choppy calls, did you try my earlier suggestion?
02:30.09Edwin_Quijada[TK]D-Fender: there is no prerequisites
02:30.16Edwin_Quijadain he site
02:30.27*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
02:31.14[TK]D-FenderEdwin_Quijada, Yeah... you looked REAL hard....
02:31.20[TK]D-Fenderopenssl, and associated -devel
02:31.21peanut-JT: sure they can be, but is this really the place for basic "how does linux work?" questions?
02:31.35[TK]D-FenderNEXT!@!!@ (c) BKW
02:31.57peanut-JT: and do you mean to ask me if I connect to voicepulse with SIP instead of IAX2?
02:35.13crudpuppypeanut-,  are you?  and if so why
02:40.32dan__twordup, [TK]D-Fender
02:41.21JTpeanut-: i said to make sure all silence supression/detection is disabled
02:41.28JTfor choppy voice
02:41.30dan__tI *will* get this Polycom working tonight.
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04:00.05TondHI is there a way that i cna listen to sip to sip call conversations live?  The same way ZapBarge works?
04:00.31TondI need to do this for quality and training purpuses for my agents taking calls
04:19.41*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (n=leon@
04:21.00peanut-JT: oh, yes, I made sure silence suppression was disabled, it didn't change anything. I added jitterbuffer between SIP softphone and asterisk and it cut down alot.
04:21.44peanut-must have been someone else that told me to do SIP instead of IAX2 to voicepulse..
04:22.37JTi did say to use sip instead of iax2
04:22.43JTespecially if it was iax2 trunking
04:23.20*** join/#asterisk marc7 (
04:24.33marc7i asked this question earlier today, but i'm not entirely sure this is working... in asterisk's sip.conf, is it possible to have a username as ""? it seems like that's a bad practice... you wouldn't want to have
04:27.17JTmarc7: doesn't sound like a very good idea
04:29.57marc7is there any articles on asterisk virtualization? eg... if joe@ connected, it would be different than joe@
04:30.08marc7or is that slated for a future branch
04:34.32marc7if we wanted to host asterisk for more than one business, and there was a and a it seems like we should either be running two completely different asterisk instances for both companies... because there's no easy way of having two 'steve' users in sip.conf
04:35.15marc7we should either be running two instances... or there's a feature set i just haven't heard of
04:35.48JTyou can use a database frontend
04:36.02JTand have all users on the one domain
04:45.39*** part/#asterisk timrit (
04:48.39*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
04:52.16gardoI'm having challenges with my te405p card.
04:53.35peanut-how do I log both ANI and CPN of incoming calls?
04:53.48gardocan anyone check
04:57.20gardoi can't seem to get a line to dialout
05:00.03JTpeanut-: record $(CALLERID(ani)}
05:00.53peanut-jt: thanks
05:02.43peanut-where exactly would that go? messages log?
05:03.01JTthat's the name of the function
05:03.08JThow you log it is up to you
05:08.54peanut-messages => record $(CALLERID(ani)}  or something of that sort?
05:09.26jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
05:10.16*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
05:10.21peanut-yea I've been looking through that
05:10.40peanut-oh I think I found it
05:10.44peanut-my search-fu is poor.
05:18.32i3inaryso um...any limitation as to how many files can sit in your monitor directory?
05:18.49i3inaryin /var/spool/asterisk/monitor
05:19.16JTnot to my knowledge
05:19.57i3inarycause my .call files seem to be really lagged and i just noticed i have over 11k files in the mon dir
05:20.54i3inaryanyone have any good scripts to tar up by date recordings?
05:22.03peanut-JT: is there something you can put in cdr_custom.con to get it to log ani?
05:22.10peanut-it's not covred in the book
05:22.46JTi'm sure cdr_custom.conf is documented somewhere
05:23.19peanut-you'd think so
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05:24.08kaldemarpeanut-: take a look at cdr_custom.conf.sample
05:25.37peanut-it's the same as my cdr_custom.conf
05:26.59kaldemardo you think you could try putting "$(CALLERID(ani)}" in there somewhere?
05:32.26peanut-I don't think it works that way.
05:32.42peanut-[Oct 19 05:32:44] WARNING[7983]: cdr_custom.c:97 load_config: Failed to reload configuration file.
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06:51.09McDouglasany suggestions about which wifi phone will work with asterisk?
06:52.04McDouglas(i'm aware of that " all wireless phones suck" quote, but still... i need wireless functionality for at least a few workstations)
06:54.36JTDECT phones + ATAs
06:55.08McDouglashow about wifi ones? we have APs in every room
06:55.20JTyeah but it's a poor solution...
06:55.49JTbecause the audio quality will be terrible and tempermental
06:56.03McDouglashmm, even if the wifi coverage is exvelent?
06:56.31McDouglaswe dont have too many foreign aps near either
06:56.33JTunless you can make your users stand perfectly still...
06:57.35McDouglascan't i just send back the phones if the voise quality doesnt meet the usability levels?
06:57.59JTi don't know
06:58.06McDouglasi was looking at this btw:
06:58.07JTwould seem hard if they weren't actually faulty
06:58.26JTyeah but the wifi protocol is unsuited to mobile voip
06:58.38McDouglasoh well
06:58.48McDouglasi guess we have to buy some ata then
06:58.55JTpacket loss
06:59.02JThalf duplex
07:00.09McDouglaswe have some pansonic dect phones
07:00.24McDouglaswill it support call id if we use ata to connect them to asterisk?
07:00.44JTif the phones and the ata supports it
07:03.59*** join/#asterisk synthetiq (
07:04.38synthetiqhello, i am trying to use the externnotify feature in voicemail, but my script is never being called...i wonder if anyone has any ideas what would casue this...i thought it was permissions but its not...
07:08.42peanut-McDouglas: I ordered that phone, it'll be here saturday
07:08.57peanut-I didn't buy the "all wifi phones suck" line
07:09.05McDouglaspeanut-: actually.. i have been reading reviews right now and they are dissapointing
07:09.59peanut-poor experiences are more likely to generate reviews than good
07:10.08JTpeanut-: more like you didn't check before buying
07:10.13coppicebut all wifi phones do suck. its their fundamental nature to suck
07:10.16JTand it's not just a product problem
07:10.19JTit's a technology issue
07:10.38peanut-so maybe it can be tweaked to be better
07:10.43coppicerun any phone over wifi and it sucks
07:10.58peanut-what's the cause of the suckage? doppler? radio latencyt?
07:11.06coppiceyou can polish a turd, but its still a turd
07:11.23coppicelatency, lack of QoS, and various other issues
07:11.35coppicewifi was never designed for streaming
07:12.10coppiceyou can set up great VoIP over wifi demos. day to day use is something completely different
07:12.53coppiceactually, wifi was never really designed to be in any way fair
07:13.41peanut-all these mooks that say the wip300 sucks with the wrt54g "filed complaints"... I mean WTF
07:14.00peanut-they didn't try to hack it with dd-wrt or openwrt or anything
07:14.04peanut-just "QoS is broken"
07:14.18coppicethere is *no* QoS over wifi
07:14.44coppicethere was work on a 802.11something to add QoS features, but it never went anywhere
07:17.20peanut-I'm pretty sure openwrt is making progress with 802.11e
07:18.46JTpeanut-: products are meant to work out of the box, they are not meant to require hacking with unsupported firmware.
07:19.06JTquite an unreasonable expectation
07:19.27coppice802.11e is useless unless everyone implements it. how aggressively is it being implemented?
07:20.01*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
07:20.48penguinFunk802.11n is out
07:20.52penguinFunkmight as well go for that
07:21.04coppiceit still has no QoS
07:21.14JTcoppice: and in any case, what does it have to do with the issue of wifi actually sucking *now*? ;)
07:22.01coppicea great deal. if 802.11e were a base station only thing, things could be sorted out very quickly
07:22.31JTbut people are just going to buy wifi phones and expect them to work on <insert-random-wlan>
07:22.40JTmost people don't upgrade firmware
07:22.53penguinFunkmust be very difficult to implement QoS on wifi standards
07:23.02coppicesure, but its the difference between fixable and not fixable
07:23.29coppicepenguinFunk: I think that would be why it stalled for so long
07:23.38penguinFunkyeah most definitely
07:24.05penguinFunki guess there is demand issue too?
07:24.16penguinFunkonly VOIP people usually require QoS
07:24.27penguinFunkmost other people want more bandwidth
07:24.31coppiceI think there is a lot of demand. many people want to stream video over wifi
07:24.46penguinFunkhence 802.11n = 300Mbps
07:24.48coppicevideo over wifi is a key driver for 802.11n
07:25.39penguinFunkanyone use voip/asterisk whatever for video calls yet?
07:25.46coppice"Business and consumer products using 802.11e are expected to become widely available in late 2004 or in 2005." - yeah, right :-)
07:25.58penguinFunkbit late aren't they
07:26.24*** join/#asterisk nonzen (n=user@
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07:26.35coppicesome things in a web search say 802.11e was ratified, but I don't think that's true.
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07:44.47McDouglasand what if voip is the only thing which would use the wifi connection? i wouldnt need QoS then, right?
07:47.57coppicedepends how many phones you have..... and how many freeloaders sending data :-)
07:48.18penguinFunkexactly McDouglas
07:48.40penguinFunksecured wifi = no freeloaders
07:48.58coppice:-) == don't take it literally :-)
07:49.28McDouglaswell, frankly we dont use our wifi network at all... it was built in case we have some guests :P
07:49.46coppiceah, a pro-freeloader network
07:49.56McDouglasand only 3-4 person would be required to have wifi phone
07:50.07McDouglasof course, its secured
07:50.22penguinFunkdefinitely worth testing McDouglas
07:50.37McDouglasi would test.. too bad noone gives us test phones :P
07:50.53penguinFunkstill think wifi would not be able to keep up for other reasons though
07:50.55McDouglasand its a bit expensive to buy them jsut to figure out they arent working well
07:51.12penguinFunkMcDouglas: just buy one for now?
07:51.41McDouglaswe are a small company.. even one would cost a lot of money to waste :\
07:51.53McDouglasso they wouldnt approve it
07:52.11McDouglasexisting dec+ata is cheaper solution
07:52.12penguinFunkcant you use wired phones?
07:52.26penguinFunkthat dont have jitter/latency problems
07:52.41McDouglasnah, these people are running around in a storage facility
07:53.06*** join/#asterisk mordaunt (n=mordaunt@unaffiliated/mordaunt)
08:05.08McDouglasif installed x-lite on my pda that would actualy simulate a wifi voip phone :P
08:09.12peanut-JT: yes, they are supposed to work out of the box, but you don't discount an entire line of devices because they don't work as expected, you make them work..
08:10.11*** join/#asterisk epaulin (n=epaulin@
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08:11.18epaulinHow to dialing to a IAXTal without a asterisk server?
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08:43.18mvanbaakepaulin: look at their website. I think there are some access numbers
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08:46.03epaulinmvanbaak: access numbers? you mean IAXTal number like 234.567.6000?
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08:52.28mvanbaakI have a context that I use with the manager originate command.
08:52.39mvanbaakAll my local phones are there, and also the routes to outbound
08:52.53mvanbaaknow I want 1 local sip device to be routed out using a different iax trunk
08:53.02mvanbaakbut I have no idea how to do that
08:53.09mvanbaakanyone any suggestions I can try ?
08:53.20mvanbaakI dont want to alter the script I use to connect to the manager
08:53.32mvanbaakso I'd like some dialplan magic to do this
08:53.36mvanbaakis it at all possible ?
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08:57.00*** join/#asterisk Draevyn (n=Draevyn@
08:58.43DraevynThis might be a real newbie question, but if I were to upgrade the existing Asterisk 1.0.0 system here at work to the latest version, what potential issues could I have ?
08:59.12DraevynI've only recently had to get to grips with extensions.conf... the rest was set up years before I joined this company.
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09:10.31DraevynMornin' :)
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09:51.05ToTohai all
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09:52.39DraevynThis might be a real newbie question, but if I were to upgrade the existing Asterisk 1.0.0 system here at work to the latest version, what potential issues could I have ?
09:52.43DraevynI've only recently had to get to grips with extensions.conf... the rest was set up years before I joined this company.
09:53.25tzafrir_homeDraevyn, hmm... you should probably go over both and
09:53.27stmaherMan this room is quite without [TK]-Fender.. LOL
09:53.55Draevyntzafrir : Thanks :)
09:55.58bofh666Anyone with experience, connecting an Avaya Definity G3 v11 with Asterisk (TE410p)? We can route calls over our link, but it looks like the Avaya isn't sending number information (always: Accepting call from '' to '1235' on channel 0/1, span 4)
09:58.31Uateci'm trying to use the asterisk manager interface to dial a number
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09:58.42Uateci've used telnet to dial manually
09:58.52Uatecbut when i write my app to do it. i just get this message: Connect attempt from '' unable to authenticate
09:59.12Uatecthe text sent is exactly the same except maybe the newline characters
09:59.28Uateci've tried \r\n \012\015
09:59.42Uateci'm using c# so i've also tried Environment.Newline
09:59.52Uatecbut i always get that same message when i eventually disconnect
10:00.11Uateci've connected to netcat, and netcat sees the newlines when i use \r\n and \012\015
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10:11.05Dr-Linuxthere is a kinda AMI program with asterisk, i forgot the name, something like "adhrorten" or what
10:11.11Dr-Linuxcan someone remind me?
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10:29.34MACscrIs there a * code to get the current time of the system?
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10:35.29fbntshi. Just wondered if anyone had any experience with Cisco SIP phones?  I have 3 which were all working fine until I moved Asterisk to an external internet host
10:35.53fbntsnow when they try to register, asterisk logs a new registration every 2 seconds or so
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10:37.14fbntsafter doing TCP Dump on my local lan, it shows that the phone is sending register, Asterisk is then replying with "trying" then "ok" but the phone then sends an ICMP port unreachable
10:37.19fbntsany ideas?
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10:56.46tzafrir_homebofh666, if "it seems" then you may need a "lower level debugging. The equivalent of "sip debug" is "pri debug span NNN"
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11:02.22bofh666tzafrir_home: been there, done that. Some of the debugging info: Q.931 / 3.1Khz Audio, 64Kbps circuit mode uLaw. IntID: Implicit PRI, Coding: 0 Number Specified Channel Type 3 Coding CCITT standard, Location: Private network, Progress Descr: Calling equipment is non-isdn TON: National number, NPI: ISDN/Telephony (E.164/E.163)
11:03.27bofh666tzafrir_home: the 3 other spans are E1 lines to a local telco. The definity is connected using a 'cross cable'.
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11:21.35tzafrir_homebofh666, maybe pastebin hte trace and hope for the best...
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11:34.24Dovidhello ev1. anyone here know ss7
11:35.02DovidI am trying to understand SS7, how it works with asterisk etc. (I have been on google and i understand the concept of what it does etc.) but I do not have a clear picture
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11:36.41coppiceSS7? Why a four year old child counld understand it. Just find yourself a four year old child.
11:38.36DovidSteve: I am new to it :( i am going through google and I don't fully get it. from what I understand it is a signalling system on the call, call route etc. correct ?
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11:48.51coppicedoes ISDN make sense to you?
11:50.36Dovidnot at all
11:50.41Dovidno idea how it works
11:51.10Dovidall the docs online i have seen are basic in explaining it.
11:52.19coppicewell, they are kinda like SIP, except SS7 and ISDN were throught out properly :-)
11:53.07Dovidok. so like with SIP you have an invite message, over a PRI ss7 would handle such a message ?
11:53.36tzafrir_homeDovid, and then again there are several ss7 stacks at the moment for Asterisk
11:53.47Dovidtzafrir: may I pm ?
11:53.59tzafrir_homeDovid, not sure it would help
11:54.41coppiceessentially, yes. there is a data network like IP, except with SS7 its called MTP. this lets nodes exchange messages about the calls they are handling on all the various audio paths. the messages they exchange are conceptually similar to SIP messages
11:57.15DovidStaeve: Thanks.
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11:59.55DovidSteve: does sip work well with ss7. Meaning as of now we are only using SIP. we need to support ss7 for a specific client (who wants us to connect to them in another country) if my carrier has ss7 support will it work or if we want to exchange mssages with them I would need a PRI coming in to my asterisk box?
12:02.07HarryR`WorkDovid, you'd need an E1 or similar directly into your asterisk box
12:02.42HarryR`Workand a zaptel compatible card
12:02.49Dovidand i would have to send the voice traffic over the E1 correct (i cant say over ss7 hey the call will come over ip)
12:03.42HarryR`Workyup, you're effectively bridging from your external IP/SIP provider to them over SS7
12:04.18dan__tOk, I do believe my Polycom nightmares are almost complete...
12:04.38DovidHarryR: can u explain tha last one. i can send over ss7 that i want the call to go over SIP or are you saying that i can send the call to my carrier over sip and let their ss7 handle it?
12:05.40HarryR`Workno, I'm saying that you have to bridge/transcode the calls that come in from the ss7 channel, setup a call on your sip channel and send the voice/whatever over it
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12:05.52HarryR`Workand the same in the other direction
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12:06.24HarryR`Workotherwise why not just use sip if you could do that!
12:07.08DovidHarryR: OK. So I would have Client <--ss7--> Carrier <--SIP--> Me and that will work ?
12:08.15Dovidok. thanks
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12:15.58bofh666tzafrir_home: Debug output of a single call from Avaya to Asterisk:
12:18.20codefreezepeanut-: saw your Q. last night-- ani is given priority when you store CDR(clid)
12:21.02codefreezepeanut-: also, the CDR(src)
12:25.26dan__tOk, got the polycom phone to boot it's app and stuff via https
12:25.29dan__tthat's pretty rad.
12:29.38JTpeanut-: people discount whole lines of products because they are actually stuffed and faulty. stop making up insane excuses.
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12:30.49[TK]D-FenderJT : What'd I miss? :)
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12:31.13dan__tAlright, having trouble getting this Polycom phone to register with * this time.
12:31.26dan__tThe Polycom phone is behind NAT, but would that matter?
12:32.15JT[TK]D-Fender: peanut saying that people on review websites shouldn't discount linksys wifi phones until they've installed openWRT or dd-WRT etc and fiddled with a thousand options
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12:33.16[TK]D-FenderJT : I like lower prices for no reason whatsoever personally :p
12:33.41JT[TK]D-Fender: eh?
12:34.10[TK]D-FenderJT : Ah, OTHER definition of "discount" (dismiss, discredit, etc)?
12:34.52[TK]D-FenderJT : Clearer :)  Yeah, I tend to discount all sorts of products because they're SHIT <-
12:35.04jbotWi-Fi SIP phones suck.  All of them.  HARD.  Some only slightly less than others...
12:35.04mohsenI am writing an AGI script (in python) which is supposed to do many business logical things as well as billing. The problem is that when the *caller* hangs up, the channel hangs up too and the agi script can not continue. What's the solution?
12:35.33JT[TK]D-Fender: but you didn't try 10000 unsupported firmwares first???
12:35.36[TK]D-Fendermohsen: "g" <-----
12:36.21[TK]D-FenderJT : There's a fine line between "desperately seeking validation" and "outright stupidity".
12:36.26mohsen[TK]D-Fender: "g" keeps the channel if the *callee* hangs up. But does not work for the caller hang up as far as I see.
12:36.33JT[TK]D-Fender: very true
12:36.38[TK]D-Fendermohsen: "h" <---
12:37.01bofh666JT / [TK]D-Fender: just spend a couple of hunderd euros on several Linksys WRT54g to create a nice mesh, just to find out a CellPhone with SIP client doesn't roam nicely.
12:37.06mohsen[TK]D-Fender: from the help of dial: h    - Allow the called party to hang up by sending the '*' DTMF digit.
12:37.08[TK]D-FenderJT : Both categories are patheitcally delusional.
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12:37.44JTbofh666: you did this?
12:37.48[TK]D-Fendermohsen: I didn't say I was talking about a DIAL parameter, did I? :)  Go re-read your Asterisk Standard Extensions.
12:38.20bofh666JT / [TK]D-Fender: Cheap hardware isn't always a solution. I'm waiting for some test hardware from Netgear, to have SE P1i and Nokia N95 roam using SIP connections.
12:38.50JTwifi doesn't roam properly, especially with realtime applications
12:39.00JTnetgear is still cheap hardware
12:39.17bofh666Yep, but not as cheap as the WRT54g stuff.
12:39.20mohsen[TK]D-Fender: No, you did not say that and did not say that you are talking about "h" extension :), but that does not help again. I want to stay in my agi script and do the billing. I do not want to leave it to "h" extension
12:39.37[TK]D-Fenderbofh666: Netgear is statistically crappier than most.
12:40.04bofh666JT: We will be testing with Netgear WFS709TP and APs. Perhaps this will adjust the statistics ;-)
12:40.18coppicenetgear is the same price as linksys, but is offered with extra problems free of charge
12:40.28bofh666coppice: ;-)
12:40.39[TK]D-Fendermohsen: You start in an AGI in normal channel and then upon hangup it aborts your script?
12:41.47[TK]D-Fenderbofh666: "failure is NOT an options.... it comes..bundled with the firmware"
12:42.18coppiceits the one feature nobody *ever* disables in their firmware
12:42.27bofh666[TK]D-Fender: will keep you posted. When it works better than our previous setup, I'll let you all know.
12:42.43mohsen[TK]D-Fender: well, not exactly like that. Upon caller hangup, it raises a python exception. If I catch the exception and continue I will get other exceptions when I try to read channel variables (e.g. ANSWEREDTIME) (probably because the channel is hang up.)
12:43.23[TK]D-Fendermohsen: Run your own timer and load all vars prior to dial where possible
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12:44.21mohsen[TK]D-Fender: for some vars it might work. But for billing it does not work. You need answeredtime after the dial is finished.
12:44.42JTasterisk has a cdr module
12:45.19[TK]D-Fendermohsen: go dissect a2billing for some "inspiration" :)
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12:45.59mohsen[TK]D-Fender: okay :)
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13:00.59mohsen[TK]D-Fender: FYI: The main difference is that the AGI application may terminate if the line is hung up during execution and DeadAGI will not terminate even if the call is hung up during execution, however, the call leg will not automatically enter a "down" state until execution is completed if executed on a live line. As such, commands and applications designed to return the call state will...
13:01.01mohsen...inaccurately return an "up" status
13:01.49[TK]D-Fendermohsen: Well then again, you KNOW if you pass your DIAL call that its ended...
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13:01.56zdruliohello all
13:02.10zdrulioi have a question about fax sending with asterisk
13:02.33zdrulioi have HP fax how is connected to asterisk via pap2t ATA device
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13:02.37dan__tUnder what situations would a SIP proxy be necessary?
13:03.02zdruliocan i send a fax with this scenario
13:03.37mohsen[TK]D-Fender: yes, using deadagi asterisk does not close the pipe when the call hangs up.
13:03.55mohsenso I can continue read the channel vars and do the stuff :D
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13:05.56[TK]D-Fenderdan__t: large scale / redundant installations
13:06.40dan__tLIke, what, same way a traditional proxy would be used?
13:07.10[TK]D-Fenderdan__t: what is "traditional" implying?
13:07.21dan__tSay an http proxy, whatever.
13:07.41zdrulioanyone have a experience with fax over asterisk ?
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13:08.05keith4zdrulio: just bad experiences
13:08.13dan__tI think NAT is eating me alive.
13:08.25Kattyi ...
13:08.39Katty <- just. go look. i can't stop giggling.
13:08.45Kattymishehu: ^- go see bird.
13:08.56[TK]D-Fenderdan__t: Gee you might think that a SIP proxy is just like an HTTP proxy but for a different protocol or something!
13:09.03jstewIs the asterisk version that's in the ubuntu 7.10 repos pretty decent? I remember trying to use it on 6.10 and it sucked so I had to compile it myself.
13:09.23dan__tNo, actually, I wouldn't think that.  Actually.  But thanks.
13:09.47JTjstew: generally it's best just to compile
13:10.01jstewyeah, that's what I figured :|
13:10.06dan__tShould I wait for some more 12 year old responses?
13:10.15zdruliokeith4:  and waht happens ? are u send a fax over asterisk ?
13:10.16JTdan__t: maybe you should stop being so emo
13:10.20dan__tGive me a break.  It was a simple question that deserved a simple answer.
13:10.24dan__tThat hurts, JT :<
13:10.29jstewI'm trying to think of things 3 years down the road when I might not be here... lol
13:10.40dan__tMy wrists are perfectly fine, thanks.
13:10.40[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
13:10.49[TK]D-FenderKatty: Damn that was cute... its a saver...
13:11.08JTdan__t: you use a sip proxy, a comparison to say, running squid or a load balancer as a front end to apache
13:11.20Katty[TK]D-Fender: ^_^
13:11.23JTdan__t: you don't need to slash wrists to be emotional ;)
13:11.30dan__tI did not want to wrongly assume, JT.
13:11.35Katty[TK]D-Fender: i wonder what ryan would say to getting a bird :>
13:11.43dan__tBut thank you.
13:11.52JTdan__t: almost exclusively used from a server standpoint
13:12.17JTsip proxies can be used for a number of reasons
13:12.59jbotAbout assumptions :
13:13.21JTload balance, security, simplicity
13:13.45dan__tI know what a proxy is, just didn't know if it was used in the same context as any other proxy, when applying it to SIP.
13:13.57[TK]D-Fenderdan__t: Here, ready up :
13:14.00jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
13:14.19dan__tYeah, hey, it's almost my homepage.
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13:19.09defsworkCould anuyone recommend a good online resource for understand dial plans ?  I've been using freepbx but need to add some customer stuff (simple stuff I hope) and need some pointers
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13:25.42jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
13:25.48keith4defswork: ^^^^^
13:25.54defsworkkeith4: I have the book - it's at home :)
13:26.18keith4lucky for you that they have a free PDF of it, then
13:26.45[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: ....LOL
13:26.53[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: Good luck with "simple"
13:27.28defswork[TK]D-Fender: shouldn't be too bad - just want to block some extensions from dialling out
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13:28.11[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: ..... There should be a GUI option for that already and if there isn't.... LOL you are so up a creek...
13:28.43defswork[TK]D-Fender: there isn't
13:28.57defswork[TK]D-Fender: you seem to have a low estimation of my abilities :(
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13:29.49defswork[TK]D-Fender: Unless I'm missing something I was just going to add some conditions to outbound-allroute-custom
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13:30.42Bladerunner05hello boy, there is a software (other than festival) to let asterisk play voice?
13:32.19[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: Sure you can probably mod your configs... and the second they get REBUILT by FreePBX your changes get ANNIHILATED <---
13:32.41[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: Cepstral
13:33.04defswork[TK]D-Fender: nah - thats why it has _custom contexts
13:33.09[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: And yes, running FreePBX alone is enough for me to shove you in a whole new category.
13:33.11Bladerunner05thanks <[TK]D-Fender> I chheck
13:33.17[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: but...
13:33.20jbotextra, extra, read all about it, wglwat is well, good luck with all that
13:34.21Bladerunner05<[TK]D-Fender> does Cepstral interact with asterisk?
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13:34.38Katty[TK]D-Fender: i've watched the birdie dance 30 times now.
13:34.43Sci_05morning all
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13:46.39defsworkwglwat ?
13:47.18JTdefswork: read the line under that.
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13:48.20JTdefswork: then try realism.
13:48.22dreamindHi folks :)
13:48.47Katty[TK]D-Fender: help, i can't stop watching snowball dance
13:49.06[TK]D-FenderJT : Realism is for people who can't handle drugs :D
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13:49.08dreamindI've some problems with asterisk and app_fax (asterisk 1.4.13 and the latest app_fax from debian sid) - I can receive faxes with rxfax, but depending on the sending fax it doesn't work :(
13:49.22dreamindif I send with capisuite from another linux pc, everything works fine.
13:49.40dreamindbut if I send from a (IMHO G3 fax) here, it fails.
13:50.02dreamindI now disabled ECM manually, by hacking the source, but now it seems the resolution is not send correctly :(
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13:50.40JTd   ,,     q,,dffgmfmllp;lmkplllkaassaaaaaq  f,gyujk.nklfoinklklipnkl;;nkl,./
13:51.21dreamindhuh, defect keyboard?
13:51.49bofh666he fell asleap I guess?
13:51.56bofh666^QA a/e
13:52.08JTproblems with XOFF
13:52.20dreamindoh I didn't thought of that - its afternoon here ;)
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13:54.02bofh666Over here: 2007-10-19T13:53:31.00Z at 53.199117 N  5.785016 E
13:57.40stimpiesomeone knows how to use multiple outboundproxies in asterisk?
13:58.02JTDNS SRV
13:59.27stimpiehmm thought about that one problems is that we dont run dns
14:01.57Dr-Linuxhi guys
14:02.21Dr-Linuxi'm looking for the phone that work for voip and for RJ11 as well
14:02.33Dr-Linuxany recommened phone?
14:02.59[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: SPA-3102
14:03.13Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: that will work for both?
14:03.32[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: Did you think I only read HALF of your question?
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14:03.44JTstimpie: then run it?
14:04.05Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: hehe i know you are kinda serious guy... but very nice :)
14:04.53stimpieJT, its again something extra to maintain
14:05.15JTstimpie: then why are you maintaining multiple sip proxies?
14:05.43Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: is it a sip device or phone? where is it's headset :S
14:05.48JTand you can't set up a simple DNS server....
14:05.55JTDr-Linux: it's an ATA
14:06.01[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: Use your imagination....
14:06.12Dr-Linuxyeah, it's an ATA
14:06.14[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: or at least GOOGLE <---
14:06.30defsworkDr-Linux: it's a little box with 2 analog ports and ethernet
14:06.34Dr-Linuxwell, i'm already using a number of ATA's Fender had suggested , working good
14:06.39Dr-LinuxSPA 2000
14:06.57stimpieJT, I can but I try too keep things minimal
14:07.19Dr-Linuxbut i want some phones that i can connect with ATA's RJ11 ports
14:07.23JTstimpie: ok, you're not making much logical sense, rethink your approach...
14:07.28Dr-Linuxalso if the same phone is voip phone that good
14:07.44stimpieJT, thats what iam doing right now ;-)
14:07.48[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: Go download a data sheet on this unit.
14:08.28sepen[TK]D-Fender, after compile the lastest wanpipe drivers, my sangoma 101/2 ATF card is working perfectly, 2many thanks!!
14:08.41JTDr-Linux: you mean like a normal analogue phone?
14:08.55[TK]D-Fendersepen: Glad to hear... that was damn odd that HWPROBE would see it but not init...
14:09.06[TK]D-Fendersepen: What Wanpipe were you using that failed?
14:09.12Dr-LinuxJT: that's correct, currently we are using plantronic phones
14:09.57Dr-LinuxJT: basically i've 5 MultiTech gateways which i configured with Asterisk .. super voice quality, so i need something like plantronic,
14:10.00sepen2.3 and now 3.2.1
14:10.24Dr-Linuxsince we bought thoese plantronic 3 years ago .. so i thought maybe you guys could give me better suggestion
14:10.36JTDr-Linux: how about... an IP Phone?
14:12.26Dr-LinuxJT: we have about 30 cisco 7930 that's working in our different office for internal PBX
14:12.47Dr-Linuxbut for our call centers we have integrated MultiTech voip gatways
14:13.13JTwhy not get ip phones
14:13.13Dr-Linuxwe wanna utillize our MT gateways since they have good voice quality
14:13.18Dr-Linuxwe had them before asterisk
14:13.22JTip phones have much better quality
14:14.33defswork[TK]D-Fender: despite my uslessness I did it ;)
14:15.05defswork[TK]D-Fender: I'm really useless - just very new to asterisk etc.. and not got time with real job to learn it as quick as I would like
14:15.13defsworknot really* :|
14:15.14Dr-LinuxJT: yes i'd agree but our servers located in US datacenters, but our callcenters/sip users are in Pakistani
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14:15.20Dr-Linuxwe have bad internet here
14:15.25Dr-Linuxso interenet is a problem
14:15.36JTDr-Linux: but you're using voip anyway...
14:15.38defsworkDr-Linux: I only the staff here access to the good internet
14:16.18Dr-Linuxdefswork: where?
14:16.26defsworkDr-Linux: in the office
14:16.33defsworkDr-Linux: the bad internet would corrupt them
14:16.34Dr-Linuxwhere is your office?
14:16.49defsworkDr-Linux: Birmingham, England
14:17.13Dr-Linuxman you guys have good and stable internet
14:17.27defsworkwe have both bad and good internets
14:17.37Dr-Linuxour best internet over here, often goes down .. i.e. 5 to 10 times daily
14:17.43Dr-Linuxand never stable
14:17.52defsworkWe don't have any horses
14:18.05defsworkso not need for the stable internets
14:18.17Dr-Linuxyou don't have callcenter
14:18.28defsworkDr-Linux: No - we moved them all to india
14:18.45Dr-Linuxactually we can't afford downtime
14:19.00defsworkOur downtime is free - we have to pay to be working
14:19.31Dr-Linuxi think cisco 7960 is the best voip phone and we have many, but we liked MultiTech gateways bcoz of bandwidth
14:19.43Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: how's your experience with MT gateways?
14:19.53Dr-Linuxi guess you were playing with them?
14:26.00JTcisco do not make that good voip phones
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14:30.45[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: Touched one ONCE.  I DESPISE them.  my head office has one and they are using an odd frame size and the unit is DUMB
14:31.46dhpeterson_i've just spent most of today putting cisco 7940's and 60's onto our internal asterisk
14:31.56dhpeterson_found it pretty straightforward
14:32.12dhpeterson_except for that stupid default where it looks to the DHCP server as the default TFTP server
14:32.13dhpeterson_yeah right
14:32.36dhpeterson_oh and for some reason i can't get it to read RINGLIST.DAT :)
14:32.47NuggetWelcome to the world of Cisco phones.  :)
14:32.52dhpeterson_but for the most part - dialing, hold, conf, transfer, all worked with asterisk out of the box
14:33.09dhpeterson_i have also used polycom ip500 and found them pretty good also
14:33.17dhpeterson_they all seem to have their little config vagaries tho :)
14:33.36dhpeterson_anyway #chan there's my $0.02 ;P
14:33.44dhpeterson_flame away :)
14:34.35*** join/#asterisk ThatKidKel (
14:35.11ThatKidKelDoes anyone have any suggestions for an IP Phone behind a firewall?  Something to keep the phone's port int he firewall open during idle times?
14:35.20*** join/#asterisk Dan0maN_Work (n=dschuh@
14:35.36syzygyBSDThatKidKel: just noop it every 30 seconds
14:35.36keith4ThatKidKel: NAT?
14:35.45keith4or an actual firewall?
14:35.50ThatKidKelkeith4.. both
14:36.19ThatKidKelwe use nat all over the place, but one of our employees has went to another location, and whiel he can initiate a call and it works, after about 2 minutes, if a call goes to him the invite is dropped at the firewall
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14:36.33ThatKidKelsyzygyBSD..  can you furhter elaborate?
14:36.35mockerDr-Linux: How hard was it to get BLF info on the 7960?
14:36.47keith4so make a firewall hole
14:36.58mockerI have a bunch of 7941s and I'm wondering if they can do presence.
14:36.59ThatKidKelkeith4..  we don't have control over the remote site's firewall
14:37.01mockerer, blf
14:37.29mockerThe voip-info page looks... daunting.
14:37.37[TK]D-FenderThatKidKel: "qualify=yes" for its sip.conf entry
14:38.00[TK]D-Fendermocker: Cisco does not support presence in SIP
14:38.08[TK]D-Fendermocker: only SCCP
14:38.24ThatKidKel[TK]D-Fender..  I've found with that, it will go to UNREACHABLE status after about 1 minute or so
14:38.37[TK]D-FenderThatKidKel: here :
14:38.39jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
14:38.39Dr-Linuxmocker: BLF info?
14:38.39mockerIt looks like it's possible, just verry hacky.
14:39.00*** join/#asterisk huey23 (n=huey23@
14:39.10mockerThings I won't do: "The Asterisk code needs to be patched to send the NOTIFY in the correct format."
14:39.14[TK]D-Fendermocker: Oh God.... NO COMMENT
14:39.37[TK]D-FenderCisco = mistake
14:39.48[TK]D-FenderMaybe just *1* comment :p
14:40.01mocker[TK]D-Fender: I recommended Polycom. ;)
14:40.37dhpeterson_ThatKidKel: this is a real problem - really with the SIP protocol
14:40.58huey23[TK]D-Fender: can you look at something for me please?
14:41.15JTdhpeterson_: not so, it's a problem with misconfiguration
14:41.41dhpeterson_is it a single phone or set of phones behind the fw?
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14:42.51huey23[TK]D-Fender:  that is one phone, i want to change the sntp config for all phones at once...and something is overriding my settings
14:43.49[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: Well thats clearly a PHONE LEVEL override and that takes precedence over the master.  Told you your approach to this was wrong from the beginning...
14:44.17huey23[TK]D-Fender: i have a hard time understanding's not my listening skills :)
14:44.20guyzmohi, I got a voip phone (the e65) and a sip account with my internet provider, and my phone can't register to the service given my lan configuration (and I can't figure why), would it be possible and useful to use asterisk as a sip proxy ? if yes, can anyone guide me on good docs to rtfm ? :)
14:44.56jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
14:44.59jbotfrom memory, b2bua is a back 2 back user agent
14:45.05[TK]D-FenderAsterisk --^^^
14:45.13huey23[TK]D-Fender:  therefore, if change the settings in the phone, it should work
14:45.44[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: Depending on a predictable set of variables....
14:46.06guyzmoso I take it as a yes :)
14:46.07guyzmonice then
14:46.22huey23[TK]D-Fender: from the pastebin...would you be able to point me in the right direction in to what's overriding my hard settings in the phone?
14:46.39[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: that IS your hard setting on the phone.
14:47.31ThatKidKel[TK]D-Fender..  So In that Asterisk NAT Solutions, I would be #9.  Asterisk on the public internet, and the client behind a firewall/NAT.  I set NAT=yes, qualify=100 ..  after a few sceonds, it went to UNREACHABLE..  now calls can't go through to it
14:47.37[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: Stop bastardizing your configs and trying to provision them only to override on the phone itself.
14:47.47[TK]D-FenderThatKidKel: the FIRST link....
14:48.05[TK]D-FenderThatKidKel: Qualify=100?  ICK. "yes" <------------
14:48.21[TK]D-FenderThatKidKel: yes = 2000 (if you know whats good for you)
14:48.58_x86_pop quiz... from the smart jack to the CSU... RJ48C or RJ48S?
14:49.16ManxPowerqualify=100 would screw up just about any system
14:49.44huey23[TK]D-Fender:  the phone is not DHCP, the network settings say, i input and the phone remains
14:49.48ManxPowerThatKidKel: also, to make sure it is not a case issue use nat=yes and not NAT=yes
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14:49.55stimpieI have an outboundproxy defined but message still to go the domain used in the dial command
14:49.56[TK]D-Fender_x86_: "X"
14:50.30Katty_x86_: rj48s is for data
14:50.48ManxPowersmartjack to csu/dsu would use a straight thru cable.  A standard ethernet cable would work
14:50.56ManxPowerstimpie: paste the Dial command
14:51.21stimpieexten => _X!,7,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@${SIPDOMAIN})
14:51.41ManxPowerstimpie: don't do that.  Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@sipconfentry)
14:51.53[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: Input it where?
14:52.10Katty_x86_: and i know that 48c is usually for 1.54MBPS, and 48s is for local stuffs...
14:52.11huey23on the phone
14:52.19ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I think huey23 is trying to con you into teaching him how to configure his phone.
14:52.40_x86_Katty: 48c and 48s are the same thing, one is straight-through, the other is crossed
14:52.46_x86_Katty: RJ45 is used for LAN
14:52.54huey23[TK]D-Fender: i know how to configure a phone...i just don't know what's overriding my settings when i input the settings in my phonew
14:53.16_x86_[TK]D-Fender: thanks
14:53.28stimpieManxPower, ${SIPDOMAIN} could be anything so I cant create an entry for it
14:54.06Katty_x86_: so i'm going to say RJ48s goes from the smart jack OSU card and the RJ48c goes from the wall-mount thing to the CSU/DSU
14:54.40[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: I asked you WHERE, don't jsut say "the phone".  what MENU?
14:54.51Katty_x86_: of course, i really have no idea.
14:55.05huey23[TK]D-Fender:  the network configuration menu on the phone
14:55.12[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: And yes.. you know how to configure a phone... thats why its working so well....
14:55.46huey23[TK]D-Fender: i can take that...but i didn't set these phones up...that's why i am asking for insight
14:56.01[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: </contradictions>
14:56.15[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: try setting your network params in the BootROM.
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14:56.56huey23[TK]D-Fender: if i change the config through the mac.cfg files it works fine...if i change it on the phones through the net config menu, it doesn't...i'll check the booROM file but could it be a permissions issue?
14:57.21[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: I didn't say FILE anywhere... I said in the BOOTROM.
14:57.44[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: not in the Application config menu, on the BOOTROM itself
14:57.46_x86_[TK]D-Fender: i need to make a new cable to go from the smart jack to my CSU... any ideas on where i can find information on how to do the pin-out?
14:58.09ManxPower_x86_: I guess you were not listening.
14:58.42ManxPowerstimpie: then you really can't do much to control the call if you are dialing by domain
14:59.03ManxPowerfor one thing you would need srvlookups enabled since you are dialing by domain rather than hostname.
14:59.11_x86_ManxPower: what did i miss?
14:59.32ManxPower_x86_: the fact that most any ethernet cable will for as a straight thru T-1 cable.
14:59.45[TK]D-Fender_x86_: RJ48 = RJ45 crimp head with specific PIN-OUT's
15:00.05[TK]D-Fender_x86_: For which you can use a standard CAT5 STRAIGHT CABLE
15:00.10_x86_[TK]D-Fender: yes, i know... hence why i was looking for the PIN OUTS
15:00.20_x86_hmm... negative
15:00.24[TK]D-Fender_x86_: And I've just gone and linked you
15:00.36ManxPower_x86_: you don't have an ethernet cable to look at the pinouts?
15:00.38jbot[TK]D-Fender is the Zen Master of the blatantly obvious, and #asterisk 's resident Google-proxy.
15:00.47_x86_i tried a standard straight-through LAN cable and it did not get a link (although the cable tested fine, and straight-through)
15:00.59ManxPowerOooohhhh!  a Google proxy.  I wonder if he has any open ports.
15:01.16[TK]D-FenderManxPower: EXIT ONLY <-
15:01.24ManxPower_x86_: then you have a problem other than a cable issue.
15:02.53tzafrir_homeManxPower, everything is being logged in the proxy as well
15:03.06tzafrir_homeEvery single request
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15:03.36keith4_x86_: ?
15:07.34*** join/#asterisk ajohnson (n=ajohnson@
15:09.03roxluI just got me a voip account with a provider.... I've done atest with "Talkin 2 Ya" and it works. I've installed Asterisk on my server, but what would be my next step if I want to start using asterisk?
15:09.32_x86_ah, aparantly, RJ48X has a "shorting bar"
15:09.45_x86_no wonder standard RJ45 doesn't work
15:09.53ManxPower_x86_: you are an idiot.
15:10.28ManxPowerI have at LEAST 10 T-1s with standard ethernet cables between the smartjack and csu/dsu
15:10.39ManxPower_x86_: Yes, and the shorting bar is for creating loopbacks.
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15:10.46ManxPoweryou don't need it.
15:11.41jstewHey, I wanted to install trixbox but centos does not support my mobo chipset, so I'm using ubuntu. What software can I install to get something equivalent to trixbox?
15:11.44ManxPowerBut if you want to waste time and money special ordering an RJ48X, more power to you.
15:11.57jstewI'm putting freePBX on. What else am I missing?
15:11.58_x86_I took the cable that came with a rhino channel bank, took it from the smart jack to the CSU on my asterisk box, and it works
15:12.06ManxPowerjstew: we don't know, as we don't use it or support it here.
15:12.28_x86_took a packaged CAT6 cable (straight-through) from the smart jack to the CSU, and it wouldn't even sync
15:12.32jstewAlright.. I guess I'll just roll my own then
15:12.59ManxPower_x86_: does the cable work as an ethernet cable?
15:13.13_x86_haven't tried that...
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15:13.19ManxPowermaybe you should.
15:13.35ajohnsonI can't tell you how many of those cables I have on my T1 circuits
15:13.36ManxPowerand does the "ethernet cable" have all 4 pairs connected?
15:14.03_x86_the only problem with the current cable, is that the boot is too big and I think it pushes against the aluminum on the case and causes the link to intermittenly bounce
15:14.21_x86_ManxPower: yeah it has to... to meet cat6 standards
15:14.46_x86_also, zttool is telling me the clock source on the T1 is "internal"
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15:14.51ManxPower_x86_: cat 6 is a cable spec, not a jack/plug spec
15:15.02ManxPower_x86_: zttool lies about that.
15:15.22ManxPowerI ask again, does that cable work as a standard ethernet cable?
15:15.46huey23[TK]D-Fender:  i can't figure it out what you mean by saying "look in the bootROM"...i will just have to change all the mac.cfg files
15:15.48_x86_i tell you again, i haven't tried... i'm 50+ miles away from it ;)
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15:16.14ManxPower_x86_: seems kind of silly yo try to diagnose a hardware issue from 50+ miles away, doesn't it.
15:16.16_x86_how can i verify the T1 is recieving timing from the LEC, and not trying to provide timing?
15:16.30_x86_ManxPower: not sure it's a hardware issue at this point
15:16.46ManxPowerhuey23: "bootrom".  Turn on phone, at the setup, start, whatever menu press setup BEFORE it says "loading application"
15:17.32huey23ManxPower: i'll give it a shot but I believe i have allready tried it...thanks
15:17.57ManxPowerhuey23: those options cannot be set in the web interface and cannot be set in the config files.
15:18.30ManxPowerit is pointless to have things like vlan settings, config file download settings and IP config settings be saved in a config file.
15:18.51[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: Mean reboot your darn phon and goi into SETUP <-
15:19.07huey23ManxPower: i see what you're saying but why would they do that if the "startup setup" is different than changing the settings in the menu?
15:19.27ManxPowerhuey23: what is "startup setup"?
15:19.37huey23that's what you just told me to do
15:19.48ManxPowerno, the bootrom setup.
15:20.00[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: BEFORE SIP loads
15:20.15ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: huey23 seems to be channeling _x86_
15:20.56huey23[TK]D-Fender: i got it...i've done it...and something is overriding it
15:21.16_x86_ManxPower: the problem is the T1 is randomly bouncing
15:22.08_x86_zaptel.conf shows the span is setup to receive timing, I've replaced the CSU, I've replaced the cable from the smart jack to the CSU, and the problem persists
15:22.11huey23[TK]D-Fender: just completed the setup before sip loads...and still the same issue
15:22.22ManxPowerhuey23: I think you are living in an alternate universe where the laws of physics are different.
15:22.31_x86_LEC is persistant that the problem is not on their end, and every time I call them, they run patterns to the smart jack clean
15:22.43ManxPower_x86_: what brand of CSU are you using?
15:22.50_x86_both times
15:22.57ManxPowerI didn't know Sandoma sold stand alone CSUs
15:23.10ManxPower_x86_: maybe you could start saying "sangoma" instead of CSU.
15:23.26huey23ManxPower: maybe...but something is still overriding the phone :P
15:23.33roxludoes someone knows an application like "Talkin 2 Ya" for the Mac?
15:23.41*** part/#asterisk bhrobinson (n=Flagg732@
15:23.45_x86_dude, in the telco world, the interface that connects to a smart jack is called the CSU... regardless of internal/external
15:23.46[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: Why aren't you using DHCP?
15:23.49ManxPowerhuey23: personally I think you are not saving the config
15:24.10ManxPower_x86_: correct. but most people here are not from the telcom world.
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15:24.47huey23[TK]D-Fender: i just work with it...i did't set it up...besides, what are the benefits?
15:24.53_x86_i've replaced the sangoma card that magically connects to the smart jack without an external CSU
15:24.56_x86_how's that? :)
15:24.59huey23ManxPower: i saved the config
15:25.52[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: You seem rather clueless about your phone.  Perhaps you should try and get some training materials, or hire a consultant.
15:26.34[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: Go call up Polycom and find a tech in your area
15:26.47huey23[TK]D-Fender:  i believe i am more clueless about the software that runs the phone system here because that's what is overriding the phone
15:27.42[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: Well unless somebody is actually going to sit down and dedicate a few hours video conferencing what you're doing, this will be even more painful....
15:29.23[TK]D-FenderKatty: The solution to your office woes!
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15:30.05huey23[TK]D-Fender:  ok...thanks for the help but, the phone setup is fine, something in the asterisk system is overriding my phone settings when i input them or the phone doesn't have proper permissions to change it's own configs
15:30.42[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: Sorry, but that is quite simply impossible.  * does not hand out IP addresses or configure your phone.
15:31.12[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: And permissions is up to you based on how you are provisioning them
15:31.35badcfehello. is there a way to continue dialplan navigation when the callee of the dial() application hangs up?  i want to keep the callers leg and continue ivr on that channel ..
15:32.21[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: "g"
15:32.40[TK]D-FenderNEXT!@!@! (c) BKW
15:32.41badcfe[TK]D-Fender: ah an option to dial i guess.  thanks!
15:32.48huey23the * box holds the config files...* may not hand them out...but it holds them and that is where i have to change them
15:33.09huey23[TK]D-Fender: because obviously the phone cannot change them
15:33.46[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: more appropriately "the server that just happens to have Asterisk installed on it too".
15:33.56ManxPowerhuey23: asterisk box != asterisk
15:34.16[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: And you cannot set network parameters in provisioning, only direct on the bootrom and through DHCP
15:34.20huey23[TK]D-Fender: very well
15:34.32ManxPowerthere is NOTHING you can do in the Asterisk config to configure your phones.
15:35.00huey23[TK]D-Fender: i can change the .cfg on the server...and that seems like what i am going to have to do
15:35.13[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: Not for IP address issues....
15:35.16keith4does huey23 have one box that's server dhcp, tftp, and running asterisk?
15:35.21[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: (the PHONE'S that is)
15:36.07huey23[TK]D-Fender: it's sntp issue...not ip
15:36.09[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: You know I don't recall even hearing about what METHOD was being used to provision the phones....
15:36.43keith4that's unusual... don't you usually demand all possible information before helping someone? ;-)
15:37.03badcfe[TK]D-Fender: when i do g then asterisk sends a CANCEL to the outbound gw.  hmm  what i meant was that i want to continue the dialplan _after_ the destination hups, not emidiately ..
15:37.53badcfe[TK]D-Fender: sorry, i forgot to tell that the outbound channel is SIP.  when i use g option in dial, it does CANCEL just after receiving trying
15:38.27[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: if the remote side cancels, dialplan continues on anyways REGARDLESS of "g"
15:38.57ManxPowerbadcfe: paste the ACTUAL Dial line you are having problems with.
15:39.47[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: Well is your DHCP server passing an NTP server address?
15:39.55ManxPowerboth from extensions.conf and when you see that line in the CLI.  only paste ONE like for each of the two places.
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15:43.09badcfeManxPower: its just the Dial(SIP/${TARGET}@peer_a|g) where having that "g" option maked the _local_ asterisk cancel the call once the remote sip proxy tells it 100 Tryin
15:44.08[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: pastebin your dialplan and CLI output of the failed attempt please...
15:44.39ManxPowerbadcfe: you are telling asterisk to timeout the call in "g" seconds
15:44.50ManxPoweras "g" is not a number....
15:45.00ManxPowertry Dial(SIP/${TARGET}@peer_a,,g)
15:45.02[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: And yes... it WOULD be nice if you put your parameters in the RIGHT order :p
15:45.05ManxPoweror || of course.
15:45.27ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I thought asterisk was supposed to spit out an error if the timeout is not a number.
15:45.43[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Expectations--
15:46.01ManxPowerI remember whining and yelling and complaining about that issue a year or two ago and the developers added that feature to make me stop bothering them
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15:48.50ManxPowerOct 19 10:48:35 WARNING[31822]: app_dial.c:1214 dial_exec_full: Invalid timeout specified: 'g'
15:49.01ManxPowerYup, it DOES generate a WARNING.
15:49.17[TK]D-FenderManxPower: \o/
15:49.32ManxPowerso either badcfe is an idiot or it was removed in 1.4
15:50.35Uatecin my CLI i'm getting: Oct 19 16:53:02 NOTICE[12466]: chan_misdn.c:4011 cb_events: Got Unknown Event
15:50.55Uatecevery 21 seconds past the minute and ever 2 seconds past the minute
15:51.07Uatechow can i find out what even it received/
15:51.18badcfeim an idiot if you like, the cancel was due to an error in the dialplan.  asterisk cancel the outbound call cause i had a shit here locally
15:51.31badcfeim at version 1.4.13
15:51.46ManxPowerbadcfe: Asterisk should have generated an error when you used "g" as a timeout.
15:52.06ManxPoweror more correctly a warning
15:52.35badcfeit did.  i was blind
15:52.49badcfecause i had sip debug enabled. ok no excuse
15:52.50[TK]D-FenderOr perhaps verbosity was not set to a level to display it.  Or... he is perhaps just a little out of focus...
15:53.02badcfeim out of focus
15:53.16ManxPowerbadcfe: the biggest problem with SIP debug is it makes non-sip errors hard to find.  That is why I only use sip debug as a last resort
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15:53.39ManxPowermost errors are not something that sip debug will help with.
15:53.46badcfewich leads us smoothly to my other question:  is there some way of continueing dialplan after _all parties_ have hung up
15:54.31badcfehehe.  i actually now calls a macro on a hangup extention and i see that only the first gets done and then whole the channel is gone before the rest is execed.
15:54.37ManxPowerbadcfe: no.  "g" will continue the dialplan if the called party hangs up.  exten => h will be run when the callER hangs up
15:54.38[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: "h" <-
15:54.42_x86_badcfe: use the h extension
15:54.43huey23[TK]D-Fender: what do you mean "passing" an address?
15:55.01ManxPowerand don't put the exten => h in an include =>  It won't work as you expect.
15:55.44badcfeyesyes.  the caller hangsup, and the h extention is in effect.  but i call a macro there, wich dies in the middle of excecution (wich does not happen for this macro when the caller is still there)
15:55.45*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
15:55.53k31thseems impossible to find a isdn bri card, only manufacture i can find is digium.
15:56.31badcfeManxPower: you mean i shouldnt put exten => in some file that i include from the dialplan?
15:56.44ManxPowerbadcfe: no, I said DO NOT do that.
15:56.57ManxPowerput the exten => h in the same context as the Dial
15:57.35*** join/#asterisk exvito (n=exvito@
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15:59.20badcfeno this problem i have with the macro is in a context where i sit in a waitexten and the caller hangsup
15:59.30*** join/#asterisk skirmisha (
15:59.44skirmishaanyone famialr with fax over ip
16:00.42[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: ... "h" <---
16:00.49badcfeyou see that the macro get interupted
16:01.03badcfewhy does it not complete execution this macro?
16:01.38jbotWell, apperantly the fax was concieved of by Napoleon Bonaparte. He commissioned a system of devices that could transmit a traced image electrically over telegraph lines to a remote device that would redraw the image identically.
16:02.04De_Monreally? heh
16:02.56De_Mon[TK]D-Fender where do you see "h" ?
16:03.02De_Monoh, nevermind I see it :)
16:04.21*** join/#asterisk famicon (
16:04.27skirmishaany idea how to detect fax on sip calls?
16:05.46jbotA telecommunication system for UNIX systems. URL:
16:06.00De_Monhrm oh well
16:06.12skirmishais it working without ISDN cards?
16:06.19skirmishai have pure ip to ip network
16:07.47skirmishacomon guys
16:07.53skirmishaany ideas and experience
16:08.43tzafrir_homek31th, there are plenty of cards
16:08.56*** join/#asterisk tripps (
16:09.00tzafrir_homedisclaimer: I work for a company that produces one
16:09.08k31thtzafrir_home: which is?
16:09.22tzafrir_homek31th, for instance, the openvox clone is a clone of the Junghanns one
16:09.32tzafrir_home(I work for xorcom)
16:10.36*** join/#asterisk blq (
16:11.41tzafrir_homeBasically you'll find cheaper single-port cards that are generally for the consumer market and more expensive multi-port cards which are priced for "proffessionals".
16:11.47badcfedoes someone understand whats going on in the snippet here?
16:12.27ManxPowerbadcfe: not until you paste the actual dialplan
16:12.46ManxPowerlike from extensions.conf
16:13.35*** join/#asterisk ToTo (n=ToTo@
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16:15.55ManxPowerskirmisha: don't expect FAX to work over SIP.  If you can still find the code app_nvfaxdetect.c would do it for you.
16:20.21*** join/#asterisk UnixDog (
16:20.31UnixDogzeeek you here
16:20.40badcfeseems like that when a macro gets called from the h extention due to caller hangup, then sometimes just the first part of the macro gets executed.  the rest is not because the channel goes away.  however, it seem as tho the first application called in the macro does always get executed
16:22.07*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (
16:22.21ManxPowerbadcfe: I doubt you can call a macro from exten => h
16:23.16*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=IceChat7@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
16:23.40ZeeekVoip Users COnferenc e is about on
16:23.50Zeeek about asterisk
16:23.51badcfeManxPower: well i do a Goto from h right to a s,1,Macro(celcdr) and it goes like shown in
16:24.36Zeeekirc on #voip-users-conference
16:24.38*** join/#asterisk Dandre (
16:24.46Zeeekgive us a shout
16:25.12badcfemaybe i should embed the macro invokation into Dial.  hmm i should read thre that dial application doc.
16:25.22ManxPowerof course without seeing your actual dialplan this is pure speculation
16:26.04ManxPowerbadcfe: good.  Now I know what it looks like on the console.  show me what it looks like in extensions.conf.  I will NOT ask a 4th time.
16:27.00*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey)
16:27.20ManxPower"show dialplan" is not the same as "show me the info from extensions.conf.
16:30.01DandreI am trying to update a config file with the manager interface as stated here:
16:30.01DandreThe problem is that I want to update foo variable only if it is set to bar. So I have set Match-xxxxxx: bar in my update command but it doesn't seem to be taken into account
16:30.51Dandrecan the Match line be used elsewhere than for a delete command?
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16:34.02ManxPowerI give up.  badcfe, you are on your own
16:37.20*** join/#asterisk kv0s (
16:38.20kv0sIs it possible to use a special trunk only for calls to mobiles? So i can use a special SIP-Provider for my mobile calls ... and my normal isdn-line for use with flatcalls....?!?
16:38.44exvitohi... I googled for this but couldn't find a clear enough answer... I'm doing some initial tests with iaxmodem so as to integrate asterisk/PSTN with hylafax. However, the IAX registration period, between iaxmodem and asterisk over, seems to be forced to 60 seconds. Everything seems to work fine but I keep getting registration messages polluting my logs... Any ideas on how to change this behaviour ?
16:39.13DandreI am trying to update a config file with the manager interface as stated here:
16:39.13DandreThe problem is that I want to update foo variable only if it is set to bar. So I have set Match-xxxxxx: bar in my update command but it doesn't seem to be taken into account
16:39.13Dandrecan the Match line be used elsewhere than for a delete command?
16:44.31*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
16:45.19_x86_note how wanpipemon -i w2g1 -c Ta is showing all kinds of line code violations, bit errors, and OOF errors...
16:45.27_x86_what would this indicate to you guys?
16:51.22*** join/#asterisk techie (
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16:53.18exvito...answer to myself (for the sake of channel logs!): change minregexpire/maxregexpire in iax.conf
17:02.17*** part/#asterisk Dandre (
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17:16.30*** join/#asterisk Shaun222 (
17:16.41Shaun222how can i view if a sip extension is on a call?
17:17.15[TK]D-FenderShaun222: "show channels"
17:18.11*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
17:18.11tzafrir_homesip show channels
17:18.25r0d3ntviva toorcon.
17:21.15Strom_Mr0d3nt: you're at toorcon?
17:21.15Strom_Mawesome.  i'm coming in this afternoon
17:21.15r0d3ntin a seminar right now
17:21.17r0d3nti look forward to meeting you again =)
17:21.19Strom_Mplus i'm talking on sunday
17:21.23*** part/#asterisk guyzmo (
17:21.38r0d3nti'll be there =)
17:22.43keith4i suggested adding 'exten => _s-.,1,Goto(s-NOANSWER,1)' to the standard extension macro, to the asterisk admin at work... and he says it's not valid syntax
17:22.59keith4he's running 1.4.2... i have 1.2.13
17:23.10Strom_Mkeith4: that's valid
17:23.42keith4perhaps i mis-interpreted his email
17:24.02keith4maybe he meant that adding that line didn't resolve the problem
17:24.49*** join/#asterisk JerJer (n=PhatJ@pdpc/supporter/bronze/jerjer)
17:25.01[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: That could be true since we haven't seen what you're doing in its entirety
17:25.34keith4i'm not doing anything, i'm trying to get the damn asterisk admin to fix his setup
17:25.36De_Montell him to get his ass on irc
17:25.42keith4i just did ;-)
17:26.38keith4okay, here's the deal. we ahve some crap-tastic intecom pbx (at least, I have an intecom digital phone...), and he's grafted asterisk onto that
17:27.07[TK]D-FenderAll hail the FrankenPBX
17:27.21[TK]D-FenderNow with marshmallows!
17:27.26De_Monwhen tk said we haven't seen what you're doing in its entirety I do believe he was talking about your dialplan
17:27.27keith4i have my "real" pbx extension forwarded to my asterisk extension... if my SIP phone is unavailable, i would expect people to be dumped into asterisk voicemail
17:27.45lirakisI am trying to SET(CDR(userfield=blah)) but it is not showing up in mysql cdr's ...
17:28.02blitzragelirakis: wrong format
17:28.03[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: asterisk extension?  ASSUMED voicemail?
17:28.06jbotAbout assumptions :
17:28.08lirakismysql_custom.conf has userfield mapped .. and i see it setting
17:28.23De_Monhe said expect not assume ;)
17:28.39lirakisblitzrage: yeah .. sorry i do " Executing Set("Zap/23-1", "CDR(userfield)=balance") in new stack"
17:28.45*** join/#asterisk Teln1100A (
17:28.55[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon: Sad attempt to dodge whats coming :p
17:28.59*** join/#asterisk Keltus (i=Keltus@about/cooking/nakedchef/beefstew/Keltus)
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17:29.12keith4i have 2 phone numbers in the office... one on the proprietary pbx, one on asterisk
17:29.24De_Mon[TK]D-Fender I just know how much though went into AVOIDING that word :)
17:29.25keith4i hate the proprietary system, so i forwarded that number to my asterisk number
17:29.26lirakisblitzrage: but it is not showing up in MySQL cdr table... im not sure if its showing in the flat file.. its hard to dissect them
17:29.33[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: Stop describing and show us dialplan, CLI output, etc....
17:29.37blitzragenot sure -- I avoid MySQL like the plague
17:29.49[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage: I avoid cliches like the plague...
17:29.53keith4[TK]D-Fender: it's not my system! i have limited access... hold on
17:30.00blitzrage<-- cliche to the max
17:30.27[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: WHINEcryBITCHnagCUSSscreamSIGHwhimper
17:30.47[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: #drphil
17:31.10De_Monkeith4 you have two choices 1) stop caring or 2) just do it
17:31.17lirakisblitzrage: hrmm.. (shrug)
17:31.24[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: pwned
17:31.25blitzrageya, not too sure
17:31.27keith4damn! i tried to call TK's bluff... and he wasn't bluffing
17:31.34lirakisany one else have a tip for getting userfieild into the mysql cdr table?/
17:31.49keith4i'm trying to get the * admin in here... in the meantime, this is all I know:
17:31.52bkrusethis is off topic, but does anyone know how to determine what app is using your soud device?
17:32.09keith4bkruse: lsof
17:32.15De_Monlirakis you know whats going in the userfield right? so grep the flatfile for that and find out
17:32.21bkrusekeith4: thats what I thought, I must have been using the wrong /dev device
17:32.33De_Monbkruse alsa or oss?
17:32.40bkruseDe_Mon: alsa
17:32.52bkrusekeith4: lsof never seems to work with the /dev device :/
17:33.21keith4bkruse: lsof | grep /dev/snd ?
17:33.40De_Monbkruse lsof should tell you whats using /dev/snd
17:34.01bkrusekeith4: k, trying :]
17:34.09De_Monor /dev/dsp (Iirc)
17:34.16bkrusekeith4: perfect!
17:34.25bkruseDe_Mon, keith4: thank you :]
17:34.31*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (n=IceChat7@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
17:35.36De_Mongoogle also suggests fuser -v /dev/dsp
17:35.46bkrusethats the one I was tinking of..
17:35.47bkruseI have
17:35.58[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: -- Channel 0/1, span 1 got hangup <-- THEY. HUNG. UP.
17:36.34roxluI just bough a subscrbtion for a voip account... Can someone explain me  abit how  I can connect Asterisk to this account? or if this is even possible?
17:36.41[TK]D-Fenderbad aim :|
17:37.20De_Monroxlu um, ask your voip provider
17:37.37[TK]D-Fenderroxlu: ...
17:37.39jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
17:38.50ManxPowerThis is not #teach-me-to-use-asterisk
17:38.53*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
17:40.06[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: I think I see why.... pastebin your entire dialplan please.
17:40.14roxluDe_Mon: I'm just wondering how this works in gerenal? I'm using a softphone now and I login using my porviders account, but how can I put asterisk between is?
17:40.17*** join/#asterisk duki (
17:40.39[TK]D-Fenderroxlu: .....
17:40.42jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
17:40.49keith4[TK]D-Fender: i'll try to get it... could be a while
17:41.06roxluoke thanks
17:41.08De_Monroxlu download that book it explains the basics
17:41.26roxluOk I'll
17:41.30[TK]D-Fenderroxlu: * regs to your provider, your phone regs to *.  * takes calls from each however you choose and processes the calls however you choose
17:41.46*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
17:41.47mockerNeed to find some free time to finish my NSLU2 setup for the next user group meeting.
17:41.48*** join/#asterisk rmayorga_ (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
17:41.49keith4[TK]D-Fender: fwiw, it happens SIP to SIP, so zap channel isn't involved
17:42.24[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: Again I'm quite certain I know why... I just need the evidence :)
17:43.01keith4ok, stand by
17:43.03roxlu[TK]D-Fender: but is that also possible with a softphone?
17:43.24[TK]D-Fenderroxlu: Phone = spftphone for you.
18:01.48*** join/#asterisk jcanfield (n=jcanfiel@
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18:02.14naitramanyone used adhearsion?
18:02.42JerJernaitram:  i have one time
18:03.06JerJeri don't completely get it -  then again ruby is foreign to me
18:03.07naitramJerJer: what did you think? Ready for prime time?
18:03.26JerJerlast i knew Jay was doing a major overhaul, so i kinda don't think so
18:03.29JerJerbut its a guess
18:04.04JerJeri am currently experimenting with my own framework - Using Catalyst, which is Perl
18:05.04JerJerwhich I am having some of the same conceptual problems - so perhaps my problem isn't with ruby so much than it is with the MVC concept
18:05.19JerJerthen again i have always hated OO programing
18:07.24naitramJerJer: I am trying to control the dial plan (call, hangup etc..) from an external app (php scripting) but cant seem to get the AMI to work right. Thought a higher level approach might help
18:07.51[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: priorityjumping=yes <-----------GUILTY!
18:08.19[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: that = EVIL
18:08.19keith4don't axe-murder the messenger!
18:08.25keith4this isn't my setup
18:08.29keith4MY setup works fine
18:08.46keith4wtf is priorityjumping?
18:08.47[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: iautofallthrough=yes <- I also don't recommend
18:09.02[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: It jumps to n+101 on busy, etc...
18:09.10[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: 1.0 grade shit
18:09.26keith4will removing that break anything else in the dial plan?
18:09.33keith4same for autofallthrough?
18:09.40[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: nothing that doesn't deserver to be written properly :)
18:10.10Katty[TK]D-Fender: i found a headbanging, moshing, parrot.
18:10.16keith4for example.... look at [outbound-local]... isn't that going to break?
18:10.17[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: Oh, and your exten => _s-.,1 line WAS a good idea.
18:10.18Katty[TK]D-Fender: i r teh giggle.
18:10.21*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
18:10.28[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: For your macro
18:10.52[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: exten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,102,Congestion() <-----ICK!  Yes this guy is a schmuck
18:11.04keith4he's... new to this
18:11.33*** part/#asterisk naitram (n=chatzill@
18:11.54[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: Ok, go kick his ass for all the trouble and time this has taken.
18:12.02keith4that's why when all the channels from the * box to the crap-PBX are taken, i just get a busy signal
18:12.06[TK]D-FenderKatty: a NEW one?
18:12.38Katty[TK]D-Fender: `oh yes.
18:12.41[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: I wasn't saying Congestion was bad... look at the PRIORITY
18:12.44Katty[TK]D-Fender: and a beatboxing parrot.
18:12.48*** join/#asterisk famicon (
18:12.54[TK]D-FenderKatty: WAY too much free time...
18:13.14Katty[TK]D-Fender: just view. it's very short.
18:13.23Katty[TK]D-Fender: 26 seconds.
18:13.30keith4[TK]D-Fender: right. that's probably why he turned priorityjumping on
18:13.37keith4i'll set him straight, no worries
18:21.31Shaun222whats the best codec to use with polycom 5xx 6xx phones?
18:21.38QwellShaun222: what are the xx?
18:21.46Shaun222the default asterisk confs show ulaw
18:21.56Shaun222501's 550's 601's.. etc.
18:22.03QwellShaun222: if xx == 50, then g722
18:22.07Qwellotherwise g711
18:22.20Qwellfor the "best" codec - assuming "best" means "best sounding"
18:22.22Katty[TK]D-Fender: lol, found a bird that says 'got a beak! i gots a beakbeakBEAK'
18:23.31mockerQwell: Did the stuff about g722 in get resolved?
18:24.15De_MonKatty I am amazed at the number of beatboxing birds on utube
18:24.17Shaun222Qwell: best meaning.. being able to communicate with the other person with the least amount of problems.. clear sound, minimal breakups, noise, jitter, etc..
18:24.44KattyDe_Mon: indeed.
18:25.16*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
18:26.07Shaun222right now looks like the polycom's are using ulaw.
18:27.20KattyDe_Mon: i bet birds require a LOT of attention
18:27.52De_MonKatty did you hear about the watchdog -parrot that caught a home invader this week?
18:28.33gardoAnyone has experience using Adit 600 w/ TE405P card?
18:29.12KattyDe_Mon: no!
18:29.14KattyDe_Mon: link?
18:29.27De_MonI'll have to find it, gimme a few minuites it was on cnn
18:29.38NetgeeksBirds do require alot of attention, nearly as much as dogs
18:30.35_x86_Qwell: hey, you wouldnt happen to have any ideas on why i'm getting all these errors and sporadic T1 drops:
18:31.14Qwell_x86_: you're using Sangoma
18:32.14_x86_Qwell: that's a generic response ;)
18:32.24*** join/#asterisk Jason99 (
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18:33.54Jason99Is there a way to execute a context when a phone registers?  I'm trying to log in MySQL everytime a phone registers to the server
18:34.01mocker_x86_: Did you use a script to generate that pastebin? ;)
18:34.07QwellJason99: regexten/regcontext
18:34.14Qwellerm, wait, no
18:35.09Jason99so regexten doesn't do that?
18:35.49*** join/#asterisk luke-jr (n=luke-jr@2002:440d:6de2:0:20e:a6ff:fec4:4e5d)
18:36.19mocker_x86_: You're sure it's not the line?
18:36.21Katty[TK]D-Fender: my lovely afternoon of youtube birdie watching was ruined by a call from the telco :<
18:36.26Katty[TK]D-Fender: please burn them. kthx.
18:36.38mockerCan you have the telco loop and test clean to the demarc?
18:36.41hmmhesayswhat'd they have to say?
18:37.09Kattyhmmhesays: well, oddly ehough, they sounded like the birds... "squakkkkkkk squaaakkk silly bird silly bird"
18:37.37_x86_mocker: no script... Sangoma's tech support asked for a bunch of crap ;)
18:37.52luke-jrCisco 7660 refuses to use DHCP's TFTP and won't let me change it-- any ideas?
18:37.53_x86_mocker: LEC is running patterns to the smart jack clean
18:38.15mocker_x86_: Can they throw a loop signal to the card?
18:38.21mockerI know that some cards support that.
18:38.27mockerOr you could probably manually loop to them.
18:39.18[TK]D-Fenderluke-jr: Cisco & AEL?  load :p
18:39.59hmmhesayshmm how do I tell the clock on the polycoms to sync with a time server
18:40.04luke-jr[TK]D-Fender: without the TFTP working, it doesn't even hit Asterisk :þ
18:41.07mockerluke-jr: Did you set the option 66?
18:41.19Kattyhmmhesays: through their IP >> General
18:41.35Kattyhmmhesays: there's also a bit on the phone, but it's easier to paste it in (=
18:41.43Kattyhmmhesays: rather than going through the whole menu thingy
18:41.51[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: sntp <- sip.cfg
18:41.56Jason99Qwell, i just tried regexten/regcontext but doesnt appear to work
18:42.01mockerluke-jr: Something like 'option boot-server code 66 = string;' in your dhcpd.conf
18:42.06Kattyor that :P
18:42.13QwellJason99: yeah, I misread what you wanted
18:43.07[TK]D-FenderJason99: option : use regexten/regcontext, and scan that context periodically and trigger on change.
18:43.34[TK]D-FenderJason99: but no "live" way I can think of that doesn't involve source code
18:44.05luke-jrmocker: DHCP is working fine; this is one of many phones that just isn't taking it
18:44.19Jason99I dont really understand how regexten/regcontext works... I tried as per ( but it doesnt seem to work like they say
18:44.24luke-jrall the other phones get it from DHCP correctly and allow me to edit manually
18:44.28luke-jrthis phone won't do either
18:44.48mockerluke-jr: Same firmware versions?
18:45.04luke-jrmocker: not sure; how can I check?
18:45.31lirakishaha! i figured out setting the userfield in MySQL ... in cdr_mysql.conf you have to uncomment the userfield  setting (duh)
18:45.58codefreezelirakis: congrats!
18:46.34mockerluke-jr: POS, there's the problem.
18:47.00luke-jrthey're both that
18:47.11*** part/#asterisk moa_ (
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18:47.25mockerluke-jr: And you've swapped them to make sure it's not the port they're connected to?
18:47.30mockeri.e. switch working one with bad one
18:48.00mockerthat sucks then.  tcpdump to see if it's even trying then?
18:48.23luke-jrtcpdump where?
18:48.28luke-jrcan't get in the middle-- it's PoE
18:48.51peanut-[Oct 19 18:44:44] NOTICE[7983]: chan_sip.c:14848 handle_request_register: Registration from '200 <sip:200@>' failed for '' - No matching peer found             trying to setup hard phone, has user and pass which isn't 200, that's in the "phone number" field which sets itself to "2004" if left blank, why is it not connecting?
18:49.28mockerluke-jr: On the dhcp/tftp server.
18:49.28*** join/#asterisk knarfly (
18:49.46luke-jrtftp doesn't see anything
18:50.13*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (
18:50.20ManxPowerthe phone is trying to register as user "200".
18:51.17[T]anki dropped all calls in and out to my asterisk server. When looking at the CLI> I was getting this error message: what causes that and how is it resolved?
18:52.14ManxPower[T]ank: you are using IAX2 trunking, I assume.
18:52.33ManxPowerI believe there are some trunking options you can play with.
18:53.32*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
18:53.42[T]ankManxPower: where would that be?
18:54.13ManxPower[T]ank: I looked in /path/to/src/asterisk/configs/iax.conf  The same place I look at for getting option information
18:54.26ManxPower'also, for some reason, I thought that bug was fixed long ago.  what version of asterisk are you using?
18:54.47ManxPower[T]ank: BTW, just paste to the channel if it's just 1 or 2 lines.
18:55.12[T]anki never do the paste right, DAMMIT!!!
18:56.14hmmhesaysi'm having trouble finding where to set the sntp server address on the polycom ip 501
18:56.27ManxPowerhmmhesays: I always do it via DHCP.
18:56.37hmmhesaysnot an option here
18:56.40[T]ankits in the SIP.cfg file for the polycoms
18:56.53[T]ankand i think it is just labled ntp
18:56.58hmmhesaysyeah I see all the time settings, but nowhere to put the host
18:57.22[T]ankshould be something like ntp=''
18:57.28[T]ankand you fill in the ''
18:57.38hmmhesaysyeah found it
18:58.25*** join/#asterisk exarv (
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19:00.06exarvAnybody here, who knows a bit about generating CDR's in asterisk 1.4?
19:03.56codefreezeexarv: whats the prob?
19:04.12*** join/#asterisk djMax (
19:04.17exarvI've recently upgraded from 1.2 to 1.4
19:05.02exarvand we have a system, where you dial in, then in the ivr, you type another phonenumer, and through lcr the call is routed to outside
19:05.12exarvI used forkcdr and resetcdr in 1.2
19:05.23exarvbut in 1.4 it has a completly different behaviour
19:05.52exarvI need two cdr records. 1 with the dialin params, and the start/end time of the complete call
19:06.02exarvand ine cdr with only the dialout time
19:06.10Sci_05can anyone give me an idea what would cause this to come up when doing an iax2 reload "chan_iax2.c:9071 set_config: Ignoring bindport on reload" It never did it before just poped up one day.
19:06.26codefreezeexarv: how do you do the dial out?
19:06.26Sci_05I kow the bindport is in the iax.conf
19:06.29exarvbut mostly i get the dialin cdr with a duration of 0 seconds.
19:06.32knarflyCan someone help me with this
19:06.46exarvthrough a Dial command
19:06.51knarflyit doesn't redirect bitch's calls like I want
19:06.53exarvseveral channels (zap/sip/iax)
19:07.31hmmhesaysso the new followme app seems pretty cool
19:07.35[TK]D-Fender;exten => s/3152917411,n,Goto(blocking,s,1)     ; Block Certain Callers <--- you can't just through in a callid filtered exten with "n", you have to have a seperate "1" for it to start
19:07.37hmmhesaystoo bad you can't db it
19:08.02[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: nothing you can't do with a tiny bit of dialplan.... it was completely unnecessary
19:08.11hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: true
19:08.26knarfly[TK]D-Fender: can you explain a little more detail...I'm not sure I follow
19:08.34djMaxI'm trying to upgrade a pretty old installation of * to 1.4.13.  How would I go about finding out what types of things I need to watch out for?
19:08.47djMax(I see a bunch of "questionable" modules, first off)
19:08.55*** join/#asterisk Lisa696 (i=julian@
19:08.56codefreezeexarv: you do any authentification?
19:09.06Lisa696any person talk spanish
19:09.07codefreeze(just curious)
19:09.17[TK]D-Fenderknarfly: your exten with the CID filter on it is an "n" priority.  That means that you needed exten => s/3152917411,1 <- somewhere
19:09.18exarvcodefreeze :)
19:09.44exarvcodefreeze: no. we have 15 premium dialin numbers with several rates (from 0.03 euro /minute til 0.80 euro/minute.
19:09.51mockerdjMax: UPGRADE.txt
19:09.52[TK]D-Fenderknarfly: You can't just think that you can add the contidional stuff "between" the other extens priorities pysically because it LOOKS like its in "order"
19:10.03exarvand depending on the costs, you can dial to certain countries or not
19:10.04[TK]D-Fenderknarfly: order is, by & large, an illusion.
19:10.28knarfly[TK]D-Fender: let me try to correct is  based on this info. Thanks...I got this from an example on some site somewhere.
19:10.40djMaxI guess the first question for upgrade.txt is that I have an SVN revision number, not a version number.  How can I correlate the two?
19:10.42roxluCan I only add one SIP account in xlite softphone?
19:13.44[TK]D-Fenderroxlu: Yes
19:13.57codefreezeexarv: Well, the long and short of it, is that cdr's in 1.4 are being hacked on. Bug fixes only. Yes, they will be different than 1.2. No, they won't be perfect. When I 'finish', hopefully most of the big holes will be plugged. Can you pastebin the parts of your extensions.conf that answer the incoming call, and re-route it out with a dial, and do the forkcdr thing?
19:14.26roxlu[TK]D-Fender: is there an opensource softones which allows multiple sip?
19:14.27*** join/#asterisk deeperror (
19:14.48[TK]D-Fenderroxlu: Ekiga
19:15.01exarvcodefreeze: sure. how do you want the pieces of code? by mail?
19:15.17Shaun222anybody know why my polycom is downloading the phone.cfg and saying it's current when i just changed it..
19:15.29deeperrorI have 2x channel banks and I'm looking to get the second one setup.  How do i define the channels in zapata.conf for the second bank?  Or a link to some info on this?
19:15.32Shaun222my phone line configs are staying what they where in the previous config
19:15.38ManxPowerdjMax: and the output of "show version" is?
19:15.53codefreezewell, I guess the ideal right now will be pastebin. But hang onto it, we might want to turn this into a bug report
19:15.58jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
19:16.00knarfly[TK]D-Fender: so would this be more like what works
19:16.01roxlu[TK]D-Fender: .... and for the mac>
19:16.34roxluwengophone maybe?
19:16.49[TK]D-Fenderknarfly: Yes
19:16.55exarvcodefreeze: aha, pastbin.. (reading wikipedia right now about it..)
19:17.00[TK]D-Fenderroxlu: Dunno, go try
19:17.11roxluyes okay
19:17.29codefreezeexarv: see what jbot says above.... I suggest, I've had good luck with it
19:20.30*** join/#asterisk vyamba (n=chatzill@
19:20.53exarvcodefreeze: ok, busy copying / pasting the important parts of the code
19:21.11Shaun222anybody know why my sip line settings are not updating from the config the phone just downloaded?
19:21.53knarfly[TK]D-Fender: my grandpa used to say...that worked slicker than snot on a door knob.
19:22.13djMaxManxPower, SVN-trunk-r46489
19:22.28hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: have you ever seen a poly 501 not boot if it can't find the boot server?
19:22.32[TK]D-FenderShaun222: since we have no way of knowing what you TRIED stting it up like... NO
19:22.44ManxPowerdjMax: trunk really doesn't have a version
19:22.44[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: no.  they will boot with the last config they loaded
19:22.50hmmhesaysthis one doesn't
19:22.56Shaun222[TK]D-Fender: i'm using the standard phone.cfg and sip.cfg, they are downloaded via ftp on boot..
19:22.58hmmhesaysit hangs on "cannot find a boot server"
19:23.03Shaun222i make a change to the line in the phone.cfg
19:23.19Shaun222rebooted phone and it still is showing the old info..
19:23.24Shaun222the app.log downloads the config just fine.
19:23.28[TK]D-FenderShaun222: and untill I see all of your configs I won't be able to say much...
19:23.32ManxPowerShaun222: and you are watching the logs of your FTP server
19:23.40djMaxyeah, I figured, just not sure how to know whether my configs are going to explode or not
19:23.40ManxPowerto see the file being downloaded
19:23.54djMaxother than the hard way. :)
19:23.55[TK]D-FenderShaun222: and any settings made on the web interface or phone itself take precedence
19:24.19Shaun222these settings where always set by the config.
19:24.42[TK]D-FenderShaun222: Still not seeing anything....
19:25.11Shaun222what do you want to see and i'll show you
19:25.59*** join/#asterisk terrymr (n=terrymr@
19:26.01[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender>Shaun222: and untill I see all of your configs I won't be able to say much...
19:27.36terrymrI'm trying to get a PRI going here ... all my incoming calls appear to get hung up with a cause of 6 - channel unacceptable - anybody seen this before ?
19:27.58mcabhmmhesays: that'll happen if the phone is reformatted, then can't find its bootserver
19:28.31hmmhesaysbut after that it should boot fine right?
19:28.37Shaun222[TK]D-Fender: here's the phone.cfg
19:28.40hmmhesaysbah, not the system clock is 6 hours off
19:28.44[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: assuming your configs aren't screwed up
19:28.53Shaun222sip.cfg is the default one that comes with the polycom's nothing changed in that...
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19:29.01hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: it boots fine when it grabs the config off the server
19:29.52[TK]D-FenderShaun222: sip.conf please
19:29.53mcabhmmhesays: when you reformat the phone, it loses it's app and configs - if it can't contact the bootserver after that there's nothing much it can do except keep rebooting and retrying...
19:30.11hmmhesaysmcab, but it grabs the app, loads it and the phone works
19:30.20hmmhesaysthen upon reboot it freaks out again
19:30.39mcabhmmhesays: hmmm
19:30.43djMaxhow do I figure out if these modules in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules are ok?  There are about 30 of them
19:30.46exarvcodefreeze: also, when I dial to the IVR, and the php script is still running (so after the forkcdr, and resetcdr) and no dialout has happened yet. And I hangup the phone, I get no cdr's at all.
19:31.08mcabhmmhesays: can you pastebin a <mac>-boot.log and <mac>-app.log?
19:31.52peanut-if I have extensions 100 and 200, shouldn't I be able to call them directly from eachother? when I dial 100 from 200 it gives me a 404
19:32.24[TK]D-FenderShaun222: sip.conf please <---
19:32.53jfitzgibbonpeanut-: only if 200's context contains a 100 extension
19:32.55*** part/#asterisk exvito (n=exvito@
19:33.13Shaun222[TK]D-Fender: whats the sip.conf have to do with the phone settings?
19:33.40[TK]D-FenderShaun222: You have some inconsistencies in your phone setup I want to verify against it
19:33.55djMaxIt really looks like "" is gone, but not sure how to verify
19:34.38djMaxyes, I see that.  There are 30 of them.
19:34.57djMaxbut I have no idea what to DO about that, since I didn't put them there in the first place (I assume on old * did)
19:35.02ManxPowerdjMax: then remove all 30 unless you have some custom ones like G729 or other non-standard modules
19:35.03hmmhesaysok, any reason this 501 would be 6 hours off on the timeserver?
19:35.19ManxPowerhmmhesays: wrong timezone, of course.
19:35.45[TK]D-FenderShaun222: # allow=g722,ulaw <- only 1 per line, and G.722 only works in passthrough right now IIRC... I would advise ulaw
19:35.47hmmhesayshrm, on the poly?
19:36.01lirakisi set "createlink=no" in /etc/asterisk/agents.conf ... but my userfield keeps getting appended with the recording file name... i dont want it to. :(   i dont know where else it would be set to do this
19:36.09ManxPowerI have 3 non-standard modules on most of my systems,,, and
19:36.10Shaun222[TK]D-Fender: ok
19:36.16hmmhesaysyeah my gmt offset was not set
19:36.27[TK]D-FenderShaun222: Next, PB up an "ls -l" of your provisioning folder.
19:36.53peanut-jfitzgibbon: I can't even dial 100 from 100, it worked before, I borked something
19:37.01Shaun222so use ulaw only with the polycom 550's?
19:37.07mcabhmmhesays: got a <mac>-app.log too?
19:37.23lirakisdoes asterisk require a restart to take the "createlink" setting in agents.conf  into effect.. or is just a reload? ... it doesnt seem to have worked with a reload .. unless it is also set some where else
19:37.56hmmhesaysI do
19:38.08Shaun222[TK]D-Fender: my provisioning folder? the folder with my phone.cfg and stuff i'm assuming.
19:38.19jfitzgibbonpeanut-: pastebin your sip.conf and extensions.conf if you want any specific advice
19:38.27[TK]D-FenderShaun222: yes
19:38.30Shaun222[root@pbx1 extn222]# ls
19:38.30Shaun222000000000000.cfg  0004f213d61d-app.log  0004f213d61d-boot.log  phone.cfg  sip.cfg  sip.ld  sip.ver
19:38.34Shaun222there you go.
19:38.52[TK]D-FenderShaun222: should ahve a <mac>.cfg to point to your config files.
19:39.07Shaun222[TK]D-Fender: Fri Oct 19 12:17:50 2007 1 376 /home/extn222/000000000000.cfg b _ o r extn222 ftp 0 * c
19:39.12Shaun222it downloads the default one just fine
19:39.16[TK]D-FenderShaun222: copy 00000000.cfg to  0004f213d61d.cfg
19:39.39[TK]D-FenderShaun222: and PB its contents
19:39.50Shaun222i'll try it..
19:40.17codefreezeexarv: whats DIALPARAMS, 2, and 3?
19:41.22[TK]D-FenderShaun222: Looking...
19:42.33[TK]D-FenderShaun222: What do you see on the first line-key currently?
19:43.00Shaun222well it says Line 1
19:43.14*** part/#asterisk [T]ank (
19:43.18mcabhmmhesays: I don't think that was the link you thought it was :-)
19:43.20Shaun222when i look in the phone's software under sip->line1 i see the old extention which was 302
19:43.22exarvaha, sorry.. that would ZAP/G1/0031... with the dialout number. of SIP/Supplier/dialoutnumber.
19:43.23Shaun222and not 222
19:43.26Shaun222which is what it should be
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19:44.13[TK]D-FenderShaun222: humour me and copy the <mac>.cfg as I requested and reboot...
19:44.26exarvcodefreeze: it's a value taken from the database.
19:44.32Shaun222[TK]D-Fender: doing that now actually
19:44.57Shaun222same.. shows the address as 302
19:45.11Shaun222oh wait
19:45.12exarvand those are three 'dial parameter' for one supplier. 1 main dialout, and 2 for fallback (didn't include the fallback stuff in the macro...
19:45.19Shaun222it downloaded 0000000000 again...
19:45.24Shaun222and didnt try the mac
19:45.31Shaun222let me move the 00000...
19:45.32[TK]D-FenderShaun222: flush the logs, reboot, and then pastebin the logs
19:45.36[TK]D-FenderShaun222: a HA
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19:46.43exarvcodefreeze: have to go now. i'll try to contact you later... ok?
19:47.03*** join/#asterisk DrNelly (
19:47.16codefreezeok-- right for now, I'll file this as a scenario in the stuff I'm doing...
19:47.44nybble(i know this isnt the asterisknow room)... But if someone knows, Is TFTP server enabled by default in asterisknow beta6?
19:47.48codefreezeI'm still working on a set of xfer scenarios that deeperror sent me a week ago
19:47.51exarvcodefreeze: thnx. if you need anymore info, just ask.. robert at
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19:48.06codefreezeexarv: will do
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19:48.21exarvcodefreeze: thnx.. see you later! bye
19:48.46DrNellyhi, can anybody help me setup a Grandstream 503 FXO port, I cant get the CalledID to be sent to asterisk.
19:50.33Shaun222[TK]D-Fender: same..
19:50.37Shaun222one sec getting the logs
19:50.42[TK]D-FenderShaun222: flush the logs, reboot, and then pastebin the logs <-
19:50.46peanut-can you not set your CPN with SIP?
19:50.50peanut-is that only an IAX2 thing?
19:51.32DrNellypeanut, it keeps on sending the ID from the sip.conf file and not the real caller id
19:51.48peanut-what id
19:52.19hmmhesaystcpIpApp.sntp.gmtOffset="-6" is there anything else I have to change in my config to get this thing to sync right
19:52.25hmmhesaysnow it is applying gmt only
19:53.14peanut-userid as cid?
19:53.38*** join/#asterisk msetim (n=marcos@
19:53.38djMaxok, so I took the leap.  I don't seem to have zap channels anymore?
19:53.39DrNellyno, I get [myuserid]
19:54.02*** part/#asterisk zerohalo (
19:55.33[TK]D-FenderShaun222: 1019194807|cfg  |3|02|Edit|Loaded local file: /ffs0/local/0004f213d61d-phone_cfg.zzz
19:55.50djMax"no channel type registered for Zap"?
19:55.52[TK]D-FenderShaun222: I think your phone has a local config but no auth to UPLOAD it to your provisioning folder.
19:56.06[TK]D-FenderShaun222: This may contain some overrides which would explain your problem.
19:56.12Shaun222how can i fix that
19:56.25Shaun222do i just need to reset to fact defaults?
19:56.27Shaun222cuz that sucks.
19:56.31[TK]D-FenderShaun222: one way to verify this is to add a directory entry on the phone and then soft-reboot it.  It should upload the directory file.
19:56.47peanut-why does IAX2 suck so much with voicepulse? SIP is flawless when I connect with that
19:56.59[TK]D-FenderShaun222: Factory defaults would probably not be a bad idea (regardless)
19:57.18[TK]D-FenderShaun222: Actually... I'm iffy on perms.... you DO have logs...
19:57.29[TK]D-FenderShaun222: Factory Reset them...
19:57.52[TK]D-Fenderpeanut-: Because
19:57.52Shaun222oh sweet this phone has a way better reset menu
19:57.56Shaun222i can reset the configs only
19:58.22Shaun222local configs anyway... hope it keeps my ftp settings.
19:58.27[TK]D-FenderShaun222: "local config"
19:58.35[TK]D-FenderShaun222: Yes, indeed Polycom = really nice
19:58.56peanut-[TK]D-Fender: do all iax2 providers suck or just voicepulse?
19:59.09Shaun222i dont remember that on the 601's
19:59.17[TK]D-Fenderpeanut-: IAX2 has potential "issues", but I'll START with VoicePulse
19:59.21Shaun222i've been buying 550's lately
19:59.42[TK]D-FenderShaun222: 550 = kinda waste unless you have no control over lighting....
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20:00.14*** part/#asterisk deeperror (
20:00.18Alowishusanyone dealt with the D-Link DIV-140 FXO gateway?
20:00.31DrNellypeanut, I have been using for uk IAX2 provider and no no issues.
20:00.37knarflyhow does one clear out the log files in asterisk...if I simply erase them will that do or is there a method for this?
20:00.46Shaun222[TK]D-Fender: voice quality seams better to me, when my buddy had sombody on speaker one day i walked in thinking the guy was actually in the room... Lighting was the big go getter with them though.
20:00.52Shaun222at night it's hard to see who's calling
20:00.57Shaun222or when dark i should say
20:01.11Shaun222for my night guys they like them much better.
20:01.22[TK]D-FenderShaun222: Well if its a MUST... its a nasty price premium though... sad really...
20:01.28knarfly'  /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/master.CSV can I just erase this and let * start over?
20:01.44Shaun222ok.. well resetting the configs looks to have fixed the problem... at least it pulled the new info... who's to say if i make a change if it will take it or if i'll have to reset it again
20:02.10codefreezeknarfly: should be able to... if you are scared do a cat /dev/null > /var/log/ast/cdr/mas... instead
20:02.10Shaun222[TK]D-Fender: cant remember what i paid for the other ones i got but i just bought two of them new for 400 total
20:02.51Shaun222ebay style though.
20:03.14[TK]D-FenderShaun222: EW
20:03.22[TK]D-FenderOH... 200$ each
20:03.28[TK]D-FenderShaun222: still :/ ebay
20:03.31djMaxso my main purpose in upgrading was imap vm storage.  Will this pull existing messages into the imap server?
20:03.40Shaun222for 2, still in plastic
20:04.08Shaun222but ya, not cheap phones
20:04.13Shaun222they do look nicer to me though
20:04.25Shaun222the older polycom's look like kid toys..
20:04.36Shaun222one thing i hated when i switched away from the cisco's.
20:04.40Shaun222cisco's looked so nice
20:05.01[TK]D-FenderShaun222: If you consider fake-silver/gray "adult", sure :)
20:05.11[TK]D-FenderShaun222: That aside its a 601 body still :)
20:05.15Shaun222hey... i said nicer... :)
20:05.22Shaun222ya it is.
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20:05.40Shaun222the silver must just give off some contrast or somthing.. dunno.
20:05.41[TK]D-FenderSo, hows the reboot?
20:05.52peanut-SIP quality on voicepulse is great though
20:05.55Shaun222it worked, pulled new info.
20:05.58peanut-and this WIP300 works well
20:06.04[TK]D-FenderShaun222: I think the newer LCD & backlight help bring it out.
20:06.19Shaun222i just dont know if it's going to accept a change in the future or if i'm going ot have to keep resetting them
20:06.26Shaun222i disabled the web interface in my config this time...
20:06.40Shaun222so nobody should be messin around with that
20:06.41[TK]D-FenderShaun222: Good.. they should have removed it ages ago
20:07.03Shaun222ya, or it should be disabled by default or somthing
20:07.04djMaxsounds like imap vm isn't really ready for primetime, is this accurate?
20:07.07Shaun222lock it down..
20:07.55Shaun222[TK]D-Fender: thanks for the help.  I'm going to to move on to my next task :)
20:10.18[TK]D-FenderShaun222: Is it all good now?
20:10.31[TK]D-FenderShaun222: Ah, I see.  Good to hear.
20:10.50Shaun222[TK]D-Fender: yes, it's good.
20:11.26[TK]D-FenderShaun222: you should remove the 000000000.cfg file, and rename phone.cfg to phone222.cfg and update <mac>.cfg to point to that
20:11.40[TK]D-FenderShaun222: Generic ass configs = mistake
20:12.15Shaun222well each phone logs into ftp as a seperate user, but i get what your saying.
20:12.35[TK]D-FenderShaun222: typically I like to load the server IP into sip.cfg as well and only override it on the phoneXXXX.cfg as needed for remote phones, etc
20:12.43[TK]D-FenderShaun222: I suppose...
20:13.01[TK]D-FenderShaun222: Kind of a mixed bag, but you seem to have a handle on most of this.
20:13.17[TK]D-FenderShaun222: rather refreshing to see actually...
20:13.33Shaun222thats not a bad idea, would make ip changes easy.
20:13.41[TK]D-FenderShaun222: too many complete numbskulls out there wasting quality phones :)
20:13.54Shaun222would probably be a better idea for me to hard code the ip in the configs rather than a name.. in case dns fails
20:14.37[TK]D-FenderShaun222: if your IP is fixed you're far better off...
20:15.07peanut-[TK]D-Fender: can you not set CPN in SIP like you can in IAX2?
20:15.32knarflyanyone else running * on FreeBSD ?
20:15.33[TK]D-Fenderpeanut-: CPN = CPID?
20:15.56Shaun222ya it's fixed.
20:16.38peanut-[TK]D-Fender: CPID?
20:16.46[TK]D-FenderShaun222: I'd say pull the host then unless you're planning on changing it any time soon.
20:17.19Shaun222ya, i'm going to do that... i dont plan on moving it, no need to i own the ip space so it moves with me :)
20:17.24[TK]D-Fenderpeanut-: Called Party ID.  AKA : you call someone, system looks up THEIR name and displays on your screen so you know what that exten represents.  Is this what you are referring to?
20:17.43peanut-exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=5555555555)
20:18.07Qwelllike I said...  CPN is incredibly ambiguous
20:18.23peanut-when I make calls with IAX2 it forwards CPN correctly, with SIP it comes up as unknown
20:18.36peanut-so it's probably sending nothing or something invalid
20:18.46Qwell[TK]D-Fender: apparently CPN == CID num
20:19.18peanut-Calling Party Number
20:21.23[TK]D-Fenderpeanut-: WHERE is it coming up unknown?
20:22.59*** join/#asterisk objective (
20:23.21peanut-when I call my cell, that previously reported whatever number I put in extensions.conf, comes up unknown when I call over the SIP trunk
20:24.01[TK]D-Fenderpeanut-: what "sip trunk"?
20:24.15peanut-teh sip connection to voicepulse
20:24.18peanut-instead of iax
20:24.39[TK]D-Fenderpeanut-: And have you seen anything confirming that they even permit you to set your CID?
20:25.00objectivethey do
20:25.08peanut-they do with IAX2
20:25.22objectivethey do with both
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20:25.32peanut-how do you do it with SIP?
20:25.51[TK]D-Fenderpeanut-: something else must be amiss.  pastebin your sip peer enty masking onlyt he password
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20:27.30peanut-why must something be amiss?
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20:27.42[TK]D-Fenderpeanut-: well its supposed to be working and it isn't.
20:27.55[TK]D-Fenderpeanut-: So lets see if something is wrong with your peer setup
20:28.27jcanfieldanyone else get an email from asterisk-users about excessive bounces?  I wonder if something is wrong with the list?
20:29.00champsterPrimary D-Channel on span 2 up???
20:29.00champsterI have an Panasonic DBS 576 that I am using like a mux for my fax machines.
20:29.00champsterIt is using a PRI cable.
20:29.00champsterIf the Panasonic goes down, Asterisk says Primary D-Channel on span 2 up / down, etc.
20:29.00champsterHow do I get the span to resync? shouldn't unpugging the cable give it a fresh start?
20:29.01champsterCurrently, to fix this, I have to stop asterisk and Zaptel, and restart them.
20:29.03champsterPlease advise if there is a way to recover 1 span.
20:29.29peanut-my sip peer config is just fine
20:29.37peanut-everything works except CID
20:29.48ManxPowerchampster: it should restart on it's own when the line to the panasonic comes back
20:29.58[TK]D-Fenderpeanut-: fine go and assume that nothing in there could possibly interfere....
20:30.00jbotAbout assumptions :
20:30.12peanut-for SIP clients in sip.conf, is callerid=<1232343456> supposed to set it?
20:30.13[TK]D-FenderAnyways, I've got to be off... back substantially later...
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20:30.25champsterIT doesn't and hasn't
20:30.26ManxPowerpeanut-: yes
20:30.30Shaun222[TK]D-Fender: later!
20:30.43[TK]D-Fenderpeanut-: and you did not set a NAME... perhaps thats part of it..
20:30.44ManxPowerchampster: then I suspect the panasonic is confuzing asterisk/zaptel so badly that it cannot recover
20:30.52[TK]D-FenderShaun222: You're welcome, and good luck.
20:31.17champsterIT would be nice if there was a command to down a line or span.
20:31.26peanut-ManxPower: just set to a 10-digit?
20:31.30objectivepeanut- : why don't you just call voicepulse?  they'll be happy to show you how to configure it
20:31.31ManxPowerchampster: people have been asking that for YEARS
20:31.46ManxPowerpeanut-: well "1" is not a valid leading callerid number
20:32.06l2trace99any one usings queues ?
20:32.12ManxPowerpeanut-: correct.
20:32.21champsterLuckily the rest of the system stays up when one span goes down.
20:32.23peanut-so assuming it's a valid number, it should work and forward through to outside phones you call
20:32.26roxluWhen I just want to test my fresh asterisk install with a softphone, do I need to read the part about zapata.conf in the asterisk book?
20:32.51ManxPowerpeanut-: assuming your carrier permits that, yes
20:32.54ManxPowerroxlu: no
20:33.33Shaun222voicepulse needs to add support for outgoing CIN
20:34.08Shaun222actually they need to add support for in and out..
20:35.03roxluWhen I do: dialplan reload, I see this:
20:35.58peanut-actually they need IAX2 to not suck balls.
20:36.13Shaun222whats wrong with there IAX2?
20:36.17Shaun222works fine for me..
20:36.26objectiveIAX2 is not their problem... IAX2 just doesn't scale at all for carriers
20:36.53Shaun222they could get some better bw
20:37.13Shaun222i'm tired of seeing problems with sprint..
20:38.26peanut-it does? when I use AIX2 to connect to them instead of SIP the voice cuts out alot
20:39.08objectiveif there isn't a compelling reason for you to use IAX, you should just use SIP
20:39.37*** join/#asterisk rantsh (n=rantsh@
20:39.43rantshhia all
20:40.04objectiveand send them an email about the callerid issue, they'll figure it out... they're one of the only itsp's that actually answer the phone and emails
20:40.15rantshI gotta quick question, I know this might not be the place to ask this but, I trust you guys, and no one else
20:40.37rantshanyone knows how I can make a ser server accept a call for *2?
20:40.38peanut-Shaun222: did you change anything in iax.conf from their template they provided?
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20:45.29rantshif not anyone knows where I can find people who knows about SER?
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20:49.26Shaun222peanut-: i didnt use there iax.conf
20:49.35Shaun222i stripped out the crap i needed.
20:49.52Shaun222so it's simular..
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20:54.23roxluI've read through chapter 4 of the book, ... but nowhere is described how to create the test call?? how can i test my config?
20:55.50lirakislater all
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20:58.18peanut-Shaun222: yea I should have done that, I found the problem, it needed tos=ef
20:58.55peanut-apparently time warner recognizes RTP as realtime but not IAX2
20:59.18peanut-now it's crystal clear on IAX2
20:59.22ManxPowertos=ef should not be valid
20:59.45ManxPowerbecause of you want DSCP EF then the TOS would be 0xb8
21:00.42peanut-it's not set to 0xef it's set to ef
21:01.16ManxPowerI was not aware Asterisk's TOS supported anything except for hex and I was not aware that it supported DSCP, only IP TOS.
21:01.21ManxPowermaybe it is something added in 1.4
21:02.08ManxPowerAs far as I can tell  IP TOS 0xb8 is the same as DSCP EF
21:02.39ManxPowerremember, asterisk will NOT throw an error if you have invalid options in it's config files.
21:02.56ManxPowerso you could set screwmicrosoft=yes in sip.conf and it would not generate an error.
21:03.12Qwellit would warn you
21:04.25Shaun222whats regexten used for in the sip.conf?
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21:08.08hmmhesayshey microsoft has made a lot of people a lot of money
21:08.15hmmhesays(those of use that can fix things)
21:08.57mvanbaakShaun222: for sip peers registering with asterisk
21:09.13mvanbaakregcontext + regexten
21:09.25roxlucan someone help me please with this?
21:09.28mvanbaakfor example, set regcontext to [registered-sip]
21:09.41mvanbaakset it to: regcontext=registered-sip
21:09.51roxluI've created a basic config, like the book describes.. when I do show peers I see my softphone info
21:09.57mvanbaakfor every sip peer set: regexten=<peer number>
21:10.22mvanbaakas soon as a sip peer registeres it will automagically insert an exten in the context 'registered-sip'
21:10.32mvanbaakyou have a peer called 1000
21:10.41mvanbaakwith regexten set to 1000
21:10.54mvanbaakin global you set regcontext=registered-sip
21:10.54roxluthough when I call "1" I get a message "Nobody on the line.. (or something like that)"
21:11.10mvanbaakas soon as sip peer 1000 registeres with asterisk it will insert:
21:11.18roxlumvanbaak: are you talking to me?
21:11.26mvanbaakexten => 1000,1,NoOp()
21:11.34mvanbaakI'm talking to Shaun222
21:11.45roxluoh :D sorry (i had a 1000 as well)
21:11.53Shaun222i'm not really understanding either..
21:12.22mvanbaakShaun222: ok
21:12.24roxluif someone could have a look at my config.. please have a loot at
21:12.27mvanbaakyou start asterisk
21:12.35Shaun222sounds like it's for tracking which sip devices are alive?
21:12.52mvanbaakShaun222: it's for tracking which sip devices are registered
21:13.07Shaun222ok, right thats what i was saying.
21:13.31mvanbaakit handy specially in combination with dundi
21:13.50hmmhesaysuck dundi
21:14.00mvanbaakhmmhesays: I like dundi
21:14.48Shaun222hmm, voicepulse's configs now show connect 3 and then 2
21:14.52Shaun222i'm using 1 and 2
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21:16.05Shaun222whats with this tos in the iax.conf..
21:16.07Shaun222i dont have that.
21:19.59roxluWhen I type "sip reload" on the CLI, I see 3 lines, but it doens't return back to the CLI,..... I have to press [enter], is this correct?
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21:21.32mvanbaakroxlu: yeah, that can happen
21:21.37mvanbaakI have it too sometimes
21:22.16roxlubut... I see, I need to call 1000 to test it...
21:23.16roxluthe book definitely should add that in chapter 4...
21:23.16peanut-ManxPower: apparently it's new then, in iax.conf.sample it has ;tos=ef
21:23.30peanut-and listed all the other ToS, and they wren't in hex
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21:35.59roxluWhen I have this config
21:36.28Shaun222anybody know how the messages button on the polycom's is suppose to work... looks like it calls itself..
21:36.42roxluand I call to 1000 (using x-lite) I get a nice music... but how can I test the 1,2,3,4,5,6 extens I have defined??
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21:38.37mvanbaakI dont se where you have music defined roxlu
21:38.54roxlumvanbaak: me neither :(
21:39.09roxluonly the Playback weasels
21:39.10mvanbaakroxlu: must be more in your extensions.conf
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21:39.47roxlumvanbaak: that paste **is** from my extensions.conf ??
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21:40.41kavelotI have no phones connected (yet) to Asterisk... I'm just testing how it handles calls now... so far I tested, it's working, but I hear no sound... if I do Answer, Wait(5), Hangup I notice it waits 5s before the busy signal, but if I try to play something, logs show it's playing, but it doesn't play... any hints?
21:40.46kavelotdo I need zaptel for that?
21:40.56mvanbaakroxlu: then I'm lost
21:41.04mvanbaakyou need to paste cli output
21:41.32roxlui'll call again to 1000 (using th elogged in user 1000) and paste it
21:41.45mvanbaakkavelot: no, you dont need zaptel to do a playback
21:42.15l2cacheHow would I set a variable have the ${EXTEN} string in it?   I want the dst variable to have '${EXTEN}@example' in it
21:42.17kavelotweird, because that's a basic installation of Trixbox, I didn't change much except extensions.conf and sip.conf
21:43.32roxlumvanbaak:  I pasted it here: together with my config
21:44.11Shaun222when a sip phone dials another extension, is that extension stored somewhere i can call back.. like FROMEXTEN or somthing
21:44.39l2cacheanyone know how i could do a set command to put the STRING of ${EXTEN} in a variable?
21:44.41mvanbaakroxlu: are you sure you hear music
21:44.52roxlunot anymore..... with that pasted config
21:44.53mvanbaakor is it just the sound of a circular phone system
21:44.57l2cachenot the exten variable, just that specific text
21:45.04roxlubut I removed some thing
21:45.43roxlumvanbaak: but how does this generally work? .. I logged in with the user 1000, than I call 1000.. but what can I do than?
21:47.13roxlumvanbaak: ?
21:47.40mvanbaakwhat context has the sip peer 1000 have ?
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21:49.37roxlumvanbaak: this is my config
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21:50.27roxluis that one correct?
21:50.35mvanbaakso if you call 1000 from a softphone configured as 1000 you will call yourself
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21:50.55mvanbaaksounds pretty useless to me
21:51.03mvanbaakI can talk to myself even without a phone
21:51.12roxlubut thats just for testing purposes?
21:51.30roxluHow can I test it else?
21:51.48peanut-ok this WIP300 wifi phone isn't as horrible as everyone says
21:51.54peanut-sound quality is excellent
21:52.04jbotwell, wifi is see wireless or for a small compact non-port-blocking card, get one of these a) linksys wcf12 for only $65 shipped from b) netgear MA701NA for $65 shipped from c) socket LOW POWER wlan (amazing battery life) for $160 + shipping on, or better than nothing
21:52.42roxlumvanbaak: do I need to create another sip file?
21:52.43mvanbaakroxlu: use the echo app
21:52.47roxlusip entry..
21:52.54roxluoh where is that?  / how does that work
21:53.15mvanbaakin asterisk cli: show application Echo
21:53.58roxluokay done that (i see some nice purple lines)
21:54.03roxlu.. with green
21:57.44l2cacheanyone know how i could do a set command to put the STRING of ${EXTEN} in a variable?
22:00.29kimo_sabel2cache: a variable like ${EXTEN}?
22:00.40l2cachethe string of ${EXTEN} not its contents
22:00.47l2cacheinto a variable
22:01.18l2cachei basically need to put Set(dev=${EXTEN}@sippeer1)  but i need the exten to show up as text
22:01.26l2cacheso when I call it it functions
22:02.18l2cacheim putting that variable into the asterisk DB. So i want it to have the ${EXTEN} text when I call it
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22:07.48l2cacheNevermind,I needed to put the text "${EXTEN}" into the asterisk DB. But i will just execute a system command from the dialplan with a asterisk -rx 'database put blah blah blah'
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22:09.14kimo_sabel2cache: I'm curious, why are you trying to store a literal "${EXTEN}" in the asterisk db?
22:09.39l2cacheBecause I need to call it later for a call forwarding app
22:09.50l2cachethe app will do Set(dbdial=${DB(forward/${EXTEN})})
22:10.12l2cachethen the next priority will be Dial(SIP/${dbdial})
22:10.41kimo_sabel2cache: why can't the forwarding app just expand the ${EXTEN}, and you just store it's contents?
22:11.09l2cachethe three options in the DB for forwarding are  8002212452@provider......................${EXTEN}@sippeer and ${EXTEN}@sippeer
22:11.27l2cacheso i need to have the literal text "${EXTEN}" in the DB for the dial to work later on
22:11.33l2cachebecause all options are not the same formatting
22:12.26l2cachethe EXTEN for when you are setting up the forwarding, and the forwarding function itself are two separate values.   The value needs to be used when it is forwarding....that make sense?
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22:16.22Lisa696i have a problem with the default password of frepbx... any person help me.. plz..
22:17.27Alowishusis the problem that you don't know it? :)  /join #freepbx
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22:18.48l2cacheanyone know how to put a string as a variable....i want to have the contents of test  be "${EXTEN}" literally....
22:19.06kimo_sabel2cache: $$ or \$ don't work to escape the $?
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22:22.57l2cache$${EXTEN} returned just what I typed
22:24.34l2cache\${EXTEN} did not work
22:25.42kimo_sabe${${EXTEN}:1} ... eww
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22:28.30Lisa696[Oct 19 17:25:11] NOTICE[6668]: manager.c:1020 authenticate: tried to authenticate with nonexistent user 'user'
22:28.49Lisa696any person help. me???
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22:30.53metfan2007Hi all!! I'm receiving a lot of "chan_sip.c:4105 set_destination: Can't find address for host" messages for a few Aastra phones, any idea about what does it means?
22:31.42HarryRmetfan2007, it just means the ip address of your phone doesn't have any resolvable hostname associated
22:32.32metfan2007HarryR, mmmm, and how can I resolve it? :S
22:32.46HarryRsetup reverse dns for all your ip addresses
22:33.01HarryRor find some magic asterisk variable which disables dns checks
22:33.12HarryRbut... i'm just guessing based on past experience and the error message
22:33.34HarryReither way it's not a big issue
22:33.53HarryRLisa696, is the account setup properly?
22:33.57metfan2007but the funny thing is that the message appears only in 2 phones, the other phones are Ok
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22:34.11HarryRif you do a dns lookup on their ip addresses, what do you get?
22:34.25HarryRcompared to the other phones you get warnings for
22:37.02l2cachestill did not work
22:37.39l2cachedoes anyone know how to put the string of another variable name into another variable....For example - The text ${EXTEN} needs to be in the dest variable.
22:38.42Lisa696or do you understand which can be the solution before my 2 problems?
22:38.42Lisa696that of the key in the web .. that does not serve me.
22:38.42Lisa696or for that this message goes out in my shell?
22:40.04Lisa696do not I have great idea?
22:40.05Lisa696how can I check the configuration?
22:40.16l2cachePlease help
22:44.05Shaun222i have both SIP and IAX extensions, i want to check to see which extension exists and then call it
22:44.15Shaun222what would be the best way to do that?
22:47.36Lisa696I NO HAVE IDEA.
22:47.58Lisa696shaun222 you have freepbx?
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22:59.33ggrossmanhi, trying to set up an asterisk appliance to connect to junction networks which requires rsa auth. but the appliance seems to be missing /usr/lib/asterisk/
23:01.32HarryRggrossman, re-compile asterisk and make sure you have crypto support enabled?
23:02.02ggrossmanhi harry, this is an asterisk appliance from digium. it comes with a precompiled asterisk for blackfin processor. I might be able to cross-compile it myself...
23:03.20Qwellggrossman: hmm, interesting
23:03.58HarryRI'm presuming they didn't include it because it's underpowered?
23:04.16ggrossmanentirely possible. emailed support but was hoping someone from digium was hanging out here
23:04.41QwellI don't actually even remember why we don't include it
23:05.27ggrossmanso I have this appliance dialing calls out successfully to, but they use RSA for authentication, so incoming calls aren't working due to the missing crypto support
23:05.50Qwellggrossman: yeah, I see how that would be a problem :)
23:06.19Lisa696    i have this problem... any person help me plz
23:07.49Qwellggrossman: I'll try to remember on Monday, and I'll have to look into that.  Do keep going with the support route though, so it can be properly reported and such
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23:08.02ggrossmanqwell: cool, thanks!
23:09.43ectospasmtoday I had a guy call in and try to get his IAXy to talk to his AT&T VoIP directly.  He seemed very confused at the mention of Linux...
23:09.56Qwellectospasm == ?
23:10.47ectospasmI'm a tech support monkey at Digium
23:10.55Qwellyeah, I figured that much :p
23:11.13ectospasmI'm Trey
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23:14.13mostyi have two asterisk servers, each has local sip extensions, and the two servers trunk via iax. i have setup my the sip phones to show line presences for other extensions registered to the same server, is it possible to show line presences for a sip extension on the other server?
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23:22.01_Sam--jbot:  seen [tk]-fender
23:22.04jboti haven't seen '[tk]-fender', _Sam--
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23:22.28_Sam--jbot:  seen [TK]D-Fender
23:22.29jbot[tk]d-fender <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 2h 51m 37s ago, saying: 'Shaun222: You're welcome, and good luck.'.
23:23.02Shaun222_Sam--: he left, he said he wouldnt be back for a while.
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23:28.31el_critterI have a VoIP provider, does my asterisk connect to theirs or it works the other way?
23:29.36BiG^DoGanyone here familiar with the SPA3102 configuration?
23:30.35mostyBiG^DoG, the basics, yes
23:31.16BiG^DoGAll I've done is insert it in line ... not hooked it into asterisk yet
23:31.26BiG^DoGso PSTN line rings and it goes through to analog phone
23:31.49BiG^DoGnormally, when someone would call and get the answering machine
23:31.59BiG^DoGthe answering machine would disconnect if they hung up in the middle of it
23:32.11_Sam--BiG^DoG :  where in delaware are ya?
23:32.27BiG^DoGnow that the SPA3102 is in line, the answering machine doesn't hang up
23:32.46BiG^DoGif someone hangs up during the message, the message continues and I get the loud busy signal on the machine
23:32.57BiG^DoGI'm sure it's some kind of line disconnect time setting I need to tweak
23:33.25mostyBiG^DoG, does the answering machine have a pass-through connection?
23:33.58BiG^DoGyes... it's telephone company to 3102 to answering machine to telephone
23:34.59mostywould it work putting the answering machine in front of the spa3102?
23:35.29BiG^DoGprobably because then the PSTN would go straight to the answering machine but that's not the goal
23:35.56TJNIIOh... Is there an option you can throw in into sip.conf to diable call waiting?  I think I saw it somewhere.
23:36.02BiG^DoGi'm trying to find the setting in the 3102 that I need to tweak that says if you detect a drop in line voltage of this length of time, disconnect the call
23:36.30mostyBiG^DoG, but the answering machine will only "pick up" if the phone doesn't, right?
23:37.02mostyand when the 3102/phone hangs up after leaving a message, then the answering machine should stop recording
23:37.51BiG^DoGbut our wonderful telemarketers hang up as soon as they hear the answering machine and then we get an annoying beep beep beep message
23:38.22Shaun222i'm dialing extension to extension and for some reason i dont hear a ringing if the other extension is not availible.
23:42.38mostyBiG^DoG, then get a better answering machine
23:42.49BiG^DoGok thanks
23:42.59wiljacketBiG^DoG: looks like there should be a PSTN Disconnect Detection config that lets you tweak a bunch of options on the spa3102
23:43.05JTdon't use an answering machine
23:43.14JTuse voicemail if you're hooking it to asterisk
23:43.32BiG^DoGI haven't hooked it into asterisk yet
23:43.42BiG^DoGI'm easing into it
23:44.01wiljacketJT is right, you could also play the telemarketer-killing tone on your setup then too
23:44.06BiG^DoGright now I just have to get the phones to work as normal with the SPA3102 inserted inline
23:44.28JTdoesn't work that way
23:44.49JTyou don't share lines incoming to a pbx
23:46.41Lisa696i have a problem... any person help me. plz
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