IRC log for #asterisk on 20071016

00:15.07*** join/#asterisk Cyford (
00:30.40*** join/#asterisk Raky-2 (n=John@
00:32.27*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-9ca503e1fb459a47)
00:35.44*** join/#asterisk ScurvyDawg (
00:38.21jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
00:49.11*** join/#asterisk rummey (
00:49.33rummeyI have a digium question: If I get a Silver Subscription, am I required to renew it each year in order to keep using the software?
00:51.02rummeya stumper?
00:54.24*** join/#asterisk frocos11292 (
00:54.36frocos11292hey guys... got a problem
00:55.12frocos11292need to originate a call thru ast api, but i need to know the channel right away
00:55.15frocos11292any ideas?
00:55.46rummeyI think zombies ate them all
01:00.10*** join/#asterisk remmo (n=junk@
01:15.43*** part/#asterisk frocos11292 (
01:17.19*** join/#asterisk litage|w (
01:18.00*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-dig (i=silver@pdpc/supporter/bronze/Corydon76-home)
01:18.00*** mode/#asterisk [+o Corydon76-dig] by ChanServ
01:22.30khronosJust saw some messages a couple posted.
01:22.50khronosFrom my iaxy I had it configured for iax to talk to three different servers.
01:23.21khronosThese servers had conferences on each as well as had sip trunks out to Axvoice.
01:25.10*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
01:25.10*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
01:25.39*** join/#asterisk dmz (
01:25.46dmzhowdy, anyone use cisco IP phones?
01:26.59WilliamKquite a few do
01:27.37WilliamKdo you know Cisco has sold over 1 million of them?
01:28.07dan__tHrm... So this Polycom phone supposedly supports 802.1Q.  It also has a LAN port.  So I have inet -> polycom -> pc.  Wondering if the bridge on the phone is transparent, so I can VLAN the phone, but keep the PC behind it on a different VLAN.
01:28.19dan__tI think this one has your name all over it, [TK]D-Fender heh
01:31.28dan__tI don't even know if I can do 802.1Q on this router
01:34.33*** join/#asterisk Braxus (n=bhsieh@
01:44.17*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
01:44.42*** join/#asterisk Twister (
01:45.04Iamnachocan anyone tell me where to start troubleshooting this problem: i have no audio from any of my extensions. They are all on the same lan and no firewalls are running. I am at a total loss of what to check.
01:46.53*** join/#asterisk Zenith77 (
01:49.54*** join/#asterisk coppice (
01:53.35TJNIIIamnacho: No audio phone to phone, no audio on an echo test, no audio on playback(hello-world)?
01:53.37*** join/#asterisk TheCops (
01:54.19*** join/#asterisk IgorG (n=FeedomPa@
01:55.44Iamnachoim definantly a newbie. i have only tested phone to phone. i will test the others
01:56.08TJNIICreate an exten that plays back a sound file and try that.
01:56.20TJNIIAlso asterisk -rvvvvvv is your friend.
01:56.57Iamnachothanks for the tips
01:59.37Zenith77Does this channel only offer Linux Asterisk help?
01:59.44Zenith77Or Asterisk Win32 help as well?
02:00.08Zenith77However, it should be noted I don't think my problem has to do with my OS (although it does have a signficant impact)
02:00.34Zenith77When I make a test call to Asterisk, everything works through the dial plan okay
02:00.43Zenith77Just for some reason Playback() doesn't play back the sound file...
02:01.05Zenith77If he anyone is willing to look into this further, please say so (don't want to waste breath ^^)
02:01.37TwisterZenith77: paste the section of your dialplan that pertains to your playback to me in a pm
02:01.49Zenith77err hang on
02:01.51Zenith77on my other comp ^^
02:02.31TJNIIZenith77: I've found when playback doesn't work its a path problem
02:02.40Zenith77That's what I though.
02:02.50Zenith77I've tried both just the sound file name, and a relative path
02:03.03Zenith77but now that I come to think about it, would it help if I tried a direct path?
02:03.06TJNIIRemember, don't put the extension on the filename.
02:03.18TJNIIAsterisk uses the easiest codec and tacs on the extension.
02:03.38Zenith77there's my dial plan
02:03.49TheCopssuggestion for a good softphone on windows XP ? (other then eyebeam)
02:03.51Zenith77TJNII, nope no extension.
02:04.10Zenith77The_Ball, X-Lite or WengoPhone
02:04.17TJNIINo leading /, so it won't start from root
02:04.40Zenith77It doesn't have a leading /
02:04.43*** join/#asterisk phix (
02:05.01phixWARNING[14348]: chan_zap.c:3958 zt_handle_event: Didn't finish Caller-ID spill.  Cancelling.
02:05.03Zenith77exten => 77, n, Playback(var/lib/sounds/hello-world)
02:05.25*** join/#asterisk J4k3 (
02:05.31phixWhat do these messages mean and how do I resolve it?
02:05.58Zenith77Twister, okay I will try this. But I thought this makes it look from the root?
02:06.15Twisterwell where are you trying to make it..
02:06.30Zenith77here let me get you the exact path
02:06.32Twisterwhy dont you just put your sound file in the same directory as the default asterisk files
02:06.42Zenith77they are
02:06.49Zenith77I'm just trying to play a default sound file
02:07.03Zenith77(remember I'm using if Asterisk Win32 if that makes a difference)
02:07.06TJNIIHmmm.. And Playback(hello-world) doesn't work?
02:07.27TJNIIWhat does the console say?
02:07.36Twisterthen you need to do x:\dir\dir2\sound
02:08.27Zenith77okay will try, thank you Twister :)
02:09.29javbwhen i enter "wget"  i get an html file, any ideas?
02:10.10TJNIIThat command works for me
02:10.40*** join/#asterisk mordaunt (n=mordaunt@unaffiliated/mordaunt)
02:12.17javbIt works on my laptop but not on the server i `m installing
02:12.22javbweird, isnt it?
02:12.37Zenith77Twister, tried but to no avail :'(
02:12.50Zenith77Is there any setting that would prevent the user from receiving the media?
02:12.55TJNIIZenith77: Does the console give any clues?
02:12.56Raky-2javb, are you behind a proxy?
02:12.57Zenith77Perhaps reinvite or something of the sort?
02:13.05javbRaky-2 not at all
02:13.09Zenith77TJNII, yea, it prints everything, I just don't know what I'm looking for.
02:13.13Zenith77I have debug, etc enabled.
02:13.23Zenith77Would you like me to paste the logs?
02:13.29Raky-2try lynx --source > asterisk-1.4-current.tar.gz
02:13.46TJNIIZenith77: The last 15 or so lines might be handy
02:13.52Zenith77kk brb
02:13.58javbnow, i did ssh to the server, which is next to my, and from my laptop i did the SAME cmd, and walla
02:14.16TJNIIjavb: Any DNS issues?
02:14.38javbTJNII: none
02:18.46*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
02:19.08*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
02:20.13Zenith77Err, like I said before just realized something
02:20.19Zenith77Could this be caused by careinvite = no
02:20.49Zenith77in sip.conf
02:23.09riddleboxis it not considered proper to put a t at the end of exten => 522,1,Dial(SIP/522,20,t)?
02:25.59*** join/#asterisk blq (
02:26.02Zenith77TJNII, any ideas?
02:26.54clyrradI had some files recorded in GSM format which sound great on PC, but on asterisk they sound terrible, any idea how to convert them so they sound good in Asterisk?
02:27.17Zenith77clyrrad, perhaps the codec you're using?
02:27.41clyrradZenith77: channel is ULAW..... as far as I know - is that what you mean?
02:27.48Zenith77err no
02:28.00Zenith77I'm a bit to new to Asterisk myself, so I can't really explain it in detail.
02:28.14Zenith77I remember reading it in the manual somewhere, you can set a codec to use or something.
02:28.24TJNIIZenith77: I spotted "Cannot find extension context 'demo'"  Is that the entire extensions.conf
02:28.39Zenith77err TJNII, actually that's from the default sip friends
02:28.42Zenith77IT's unused.
02:28.45Zenith77in extension 77
02:28.52Zenith77in fact
02:28.59Zenith77I should probably change those just to get rid of that error
02:29.31*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
02:30.45Zenith77err oh wow
02:30.52Zenith77It's in the [general] section
02:30.55Zenith77That might not be good ^^
02:33.45*** join/#asterisk tax0n (
02:33.46*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
02:36.48clyrradany takers?
02:37.10clyrradthe GSM files sound very distorted, tried using SOX to convert but am having no luck
02:37.33clyrradI would like to convert the GSM to WAV or antying that will sound decent on Asterisk
02:37.44clyrradany takers?
02:37.44TJNIIZenith77: Context mistake? ;)
02:38.26Zenith77lol, Now WengoPhone is acting up :X
02:47.12*** part/#asterisk Alowishus (
02:48.15*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (n=tzafrir@
02:54.03*** join/#asterisk fnordus (n=dnall@
02:56.58*** join/#asterisk Flauto (n=zhao@
02:57.48Flautoi have a question on followme.conf. can i put it to use for sending calls to multi-people by config this file
02:58.46Flautolike calls to my extension send followme call to my cell, my wife's extension would send follow me call to her cell
02:58.47*** join/#asterisk JerJer (n=PhatJ@pdpc/supporter/bronze/jerjer)
02:59.39Flautohello all
03:00.11Qwellclyrrad: if your source format sounds bad, your destination format will to
03:00.31javbZup Flauto
03:00.50Flautojavb, how are you doing
03:01.26javbChill, looking for a Red Bull :p
03:02.27Flautojavb, i have never used followme.conf to send out followme calls, what i do is set a macro in dialplan to send calls out. what is the advantage by using followme.conf?
03:02.56clyrradQwell: my source format sounds great on my PC, only the Playback on Asterisk sounds bad
03:03.16clyrradQwell: its like the encoding is not correct for Asterisk
03:03.36clyrradQwell: I have tried using SOX to correct the encoding, but am having no luck
03:04.00*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
03:05.39FlautoQwell, for tdm 400 card with two fxs and two fxo posts, when i install zaptel, how do i modprobe them
03:06.03*** join/#asterisk blq (
03:06.33Flautomodprobe zaptel modprobe wcfxo modprobe wcfxs ztcfg?
03:06.47hmmhesaysoh my roomate is retarded
03:07.01hmmhesaysi love it when people as "what file extension do I need to play this file"
03:08.08Zenith77implode.exe >:)
03:09.48Zenith77okay I give up, everything all of a sudden stops working
03:09.52*** join/#asterisk JerJer (n=PhatJ@pdpc/supporter/bronze/jerjer)
03:09.56Zenith77thank you TJNII and Twister for your guys help :).
03:11.10TJNIIThat's not good
03:11.40Zenith77well asterisk is working
03:11.53Zenith77just WengoPhone, and X-Lite has never done anything for me anyways.
03:13.07Zenith77X-Lite that is...
03:15.01*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
03:17.41*** join/#asterisk ozus (n=ozus@
03:18.30Zenith77TJNII, I finally got to test it.
03:18.36Zenith77Nothing changed :S
03:18.52TJNIIZenith77: Which context is your phone in?
03:19.23Zenith77the one I pasted for you, but there is one thing that sticks out
03:20.13TJNIIOh wait
03:20.22TJNIIAre you running asterisk and the softphone on the same box?
03:20.28Zenith77yea :S
03:20.38Zenith77I have no choice atm...
03:20.44TJNIIThat may not work as they will both try to bind to port 5060 to listen for sip
03:21.03TJNIITry the softphone on another computer or changing the SIP port on the softphone
03:21.21TJNIIAssuming you're using SIP, of course....
03:21.45Zenith77I'll have to wait to try another box
03:21.48Zenith77I have two sitting here
03:21.55Zenith77just that the one I'm typing on right, something is wrong with it :S
03:22.02*** join/#asterisk circas (
03:22.06Zenith77I can ping it, but it can't ping the other machine (the one asterisk) is one back.
03:22.22TJNIIYou can try to muck with the ports, but if you have another machine that would be best for testing
03:22.31TJNIIAs changing ports adds another variable.
03:23.14Zenith77I'll wait till tomorrow
03:23.19Zenith77thanks for you help TJNII :)
03:25.21circashi fellow * users!
03:26.51*** join/#asterisk |omni| (
03:26.54circasanyone know queues a lot!
03:26.55*** join/#asterisk grimsy (
03:27.47TJNIII got one working.  Does that count?
03:28.10circasno it dosent
03:30.10TJNIIOut of curiosity, what are you trying to find out?
03:30.55*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=pepOSX@
03:32.02circaswell i think i'm trying to do strange stuff!
03:32.39circaslike inserting @ a specific pos in the que
03:33.04TJNIIDon't the call back scripts do that?
03:33.29circascall back scripts?
03:34.10TJNIIAah, never mind.  I was thinking of something else
03:34.33circasand i also wana like go back in the dialplan instead of distributing to an agent
03:35.20TJNIISo go to an extension instead of a phone?  How does it know how long to keep someone in the queue?
03:35.53circasone of the the things  i was thinking of doing is this
03:36.50circasi think it would make call centers a hole lot better...
03:37.26circasyou call and have the system call you back when its your turn to speak to an agent
03:37.39circasinstead of waiting
03:37.48TJNIIYea, I think there are some scripts that do that.
03:38.16TJNIII know I read about it somewhere, don't remember where.
03:38.24circaslike AGIs
03:38.44TJNIIThough I don't remember where I read about it, so it may not be for *
03:40.15circasthx, i'll check it out
03:40.33TJNIISorry to take the wind out of your sails. :)
03:42.31TJNIII should put my mpd control AGI up on voip-info....
03:42.59circasi dident read it yet lol
03:44.42*** join/#asterisk FireMac (
03:50.59circasdo you think its a good idea to modify app_queue.c directly
03:51.19circasand have it do what i want
03:51.36TJNIII don't really know.  If you do it right, I'd say no.
03:51.40*** part/#asterisk IgorG (n=FeedomPa@
03:51.56TJNIIHeck, you could make a new feature.
03:52.07TJNIIThen again I'm not a dev
03:52.13*** join/#asterisk vitaminmoo (n=vitaminm@
03:52.36*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (n=leon@
03:52.52circasim a dev but i dident look at the asterisk code yet
03:59.26*** join/#asterisk stkn__ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
04:00.18*** join/#asterisk Jeremy223 (
04:00.40*** join/#asterisk serpent-fly (n=serpent@
04:00.59Jeremy223anyone awake and care to help with a bizarro issue we're having?
04:01.37circasyeah if i can lol
04:02.23Jeremy223well we didn't make any changes recently, and all of a sudden our main phone # / menu works, but a lot of extensions are giving fast busy signals, and the few that don't do that, just ring and ring and never go to voicemail (comedian)
04:02.35Jeremy223Oct 15 23:00:21 DEBUG[7663]: chan_zap.c:1405 zt_enable_ec: Enabled echo cancellation on channel 1
04:02.35Jeremy223Oct 15 23:00:21 NOTICE[8313]: app_dial.c:1011 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
04:02.37Jeremy223Oct 15 23:00:21 DEBUG[8313]: app_dial.c:1587 dial_exec_full: Exiting with DIALSTATUS=CHANUNAVAIL.
04:03.48Jeremy223our asterisk guy who set up the server from scratch bailed on us and just left me with a guide on setting up new extensions (yay)... not really sure how to troubleshoot, already restarted asterisk / reloaded sip/extensions/etc / rebooted the server even
04:04.32circasit used to work before?
04:04.48TJNIIUnable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination): Anything happen to the network?
04:04.51Jeremy223yep randomly quit working a few hours ago, we have 50+ employees that had working extensions until then
04:05.10citatsJeremy223: you should use ${EXTEN} instead of BYEXTENSION.  did someone upgrade from a really old asterisk to something more recent?
04:05.11TJNIIThey're using SIP phones?
04:05.20*** join/#asterisk serpent-fly (n=serpent@
04:05.20circasthere all sip phones right
04:05.25Jeremy223yep all SIP phones
04:05.37TJNIIsip show peers shows them all ok?
04:05.43Jeremy223I'm not sure about the setup, we built this out maybe a year or so ago
04:05.57citatsJeremy223: what version of asterisk is it?
04:06.07Jeremy223I see a ton of them yep, all Unmonitored
04:06.18circasare u doing sip trunking with a sip provider?
04:06.32Jeremy223I believe so yeah, we have a whole block of lines 816-222-xxxx
04:06.57circasmaybee youre provider changed something?
04:07.03circasdid you call them?
04:07.20TJNIIJeremy223: Does internal calling work OK?
04:07.47Jeremy223internal gives fast busy too - can dial our main number and get our main menu ok but dialing extensions from there gives fast busy - and one or two extensions don't give a fast busy but just ring and ring - so I haven't tried talking to them yet
04:08.01citatswell i'll be, 1.2 still has BYEXTENSION in it.  i'd still change it over to use ${EXTEN}
04:08.25Jeremy223I grepped the configs for BYEXTENSION but its only on some weird lines I'm not familiar with  like
04:08.25Jeremy223extensions.conf:exten => _XXXX,1,Dial,SIP/BYEXTENSION
04:08.26Jeremy223extensions.conf:exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial,Zap/g0/BYEXTENSION
04:08.54circasyeah I'dd start by connecting a sip phone (entry in sip.conf) and then getting a dial to work
04:09.09TJNIIJeremy223: Can you dial out on the phones whose extens you can't dial?
04:09.21citatsthe Dial,SIP/BYEXTENSION must be what is being used to dial when you get an incoming call.  i assume your sip peers are all numbered the same as the DIDs
04:09.25Jeremy223one sec I'm at home, installing eyebeam
04:09.32*** join/#asterisk jsaunders (n=super@
04:09.39Jeremy223yep numbered the same
04:09.57TJNIIIf you're ssh'd in, since you reset the server, does it know the IPs of all the sip phones?
04:10.06Jeremy223most of our setup in our extensions config is like
04:10.06Jeremy223exten => 1213,hint,SIP/1213,Jeremy Martin               ; Jeremy Martin, 1213
04:10.06Jeremy223exten => 1213,1,Macro(gsiexten,1213,Jeremy Martin)      ;
04:10.37dmzyeah 7960 now has 6 lines active :) and local pbx is sending & receiving calls w/pbx in colo. life is good again.
04:10.46Jeremy223most of them
04:10.47Jeremy223phone2*CLI> sip show peers
04:10.47Jeremy223Name/username              Host            Dyn Nat ACL Port     Status
04:10.47Jeremy2231297/1297          D   N      4891     Unmonitored
04:10.47Jeremy2231228/1228          D   N      4845     Unmonitored
04:10.47Jeremy2231295/1295          D   N      1093     Unmonitored
04:10.49Jeremy2231270/1270          D   N      18042    Unmonitored
04:10.51Jeremy2232006                       (Unspecified)    D   N      0        Unmonitored
04:10.53Jeremy2232020                       (Unspecified)    D   N      0        Unmonitored
04:10.55Jeremy2232021                       (Unspecified)    D   N      0        Unmonitored
04:10.57Jeremy2232019                       (Unspecified)    D   N      0        Unmonitored
04:11.10jsaundersAlready tried asking in #asterisknow but now answer.  :(  Is there an easy cli network interface setup script or something for AsteriskNOW?
04:11.22TJNIII assume 2006,202, 2021, 2019, etc. don't work?
04:11.35citatswhat about extension 1213?  thats the one you pasted the error with.  does it have an IP in there?
04:12.00Jeremy223that's mine, I haven't fired up eyebeam for over a week though, one sec looking
04:12.24citatsdoes calling 1297, 1228, 1295, or 1270 work?
04:12.49TJNIIHow about 2006, 2020, 2021, 2019?  Do those yeild your problem?
04:12.53Jeremy223rings and no fast busy
04:13.09TJNIIJeremy223: Which ones?
04:13.35Jeremy2231297 works, trying others, the 2xxx ones do not have DID's so dialing menu to test those
04:14.08Jeremy2232006 fast busy, 1297 rings 1228 rings but never goes to voicemail
04:14.34serpent-flyhta, problem te410p card , work onli 1,4. other ports (2,3) all time get errors " PRI got event: HDLC Bad FCS (8) on Primary D-channel of span 2" and pri restart...
04:14.34Jeremy223my 1213 extension is "1213                       (Unspecified)    D   N      0        Unmonitored
04:14.56TJNIIJeremy223: You said 2006 isn't in the dialplan.  Is that supposed to work or is that something special?
04:15.00*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-4e70a4b71e74bf9f)
04:15.23TJNIIYea, your phones arn't connecting to the server.  Thus the (Unspecified) under the IP fiels
04:15.36TJNIICheck the network.
04:15.43Jeremy223the 2xxx extensions are for our support guys that are just in queues and don't need people dialing them direct
04:15.50[TK]D-Fenderserpent-fly, pastebin your "cat /proc/interrupts"
04:15.52jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
04:15.52TJNIIDo you do any centrailzed configing?
04:16.14Jeremy223ah thanks been about 4 years since I've been on IRC ;-)
04:16.46TJNIIJeremy223: Do you do centralized configs for your phones?
04:16.46Jeremy223we just have server mainly, just edit the config files manually usually
04:17.07Jeremy223not sure what centralized configs means, everyone manually configures their sip info in Eyebeam
04:17.29Jeremy223but even one of our queues is doing a fast busy x1232
04:17.58[TK]D-Fenderserpent-fly, ask your telco to run a check for frame slips/flips
04:18.17Jeremy223x1232 setup:
04:18.31[TK]D-Fenderserpent-fly, pastebin "dmesg"
04:18.33*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
04:18.40Jeremy223the server can ping its default gateway and google etc, what network connectivity would it need if its our only asterisk server?
04:19.44circaswell youll prob need to be able to connect to your sip provider no?
04:19.45TJNIII assumed you were using hardphones that would always be connected.  If you are using softphones I'm probably wrong.
04:20.27Jeremy223I'm not exactly sure what our setup is with our sip provider, how would our main line be working though and some extensions like 1200, but not others?
04:20.35Jeremy223yeah a few hardphones but mostly soft
04:21.05TJNIIAnd this just dies a few hours ago?  Nobody messed with it?
04:21.50Jeremy223TJNII: yep
04:22.13Jeremy223sip show subscriptions and channels shows 0 subscriptions/channels, how can I see if our connectivity to the sip provider is ok?
04:22.15TJNIIAnd voicemail fails too?  It's not something simple like a full disk, is it?
04:22.17[TK]D-Fenderserpent-fly, Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver - version 7.3.20-k2 <-- this is a known compatability item with Digium cards & zaptel
04:22.39[TK]D-Fenderserpent-fly, Try disabling the nic and removing its module completely.
04:22.45TJNIII may be way out in left field with that, but it is something to check.
04:22.49Jeremy223TJNII: yeah voicemail never kicks in, and the server has like 60 gigs free, we have 24/7 monitoring on it so it didn't fill up earlier either
04:22.56[TK]D-Fenderserpent-fly, Especaill as you're on a 1st gen TE series card
04:23.31Jeremy223watching the console I do see a bunch of stuff like this, if that means anything?
04:23.43Jeremy223the stopping retransmission / auto destroying lines
04:24.15circasweird that it worked before thought
04:25.05Jeremy223yep. we have had this fast busy issue come up maybe once in the past 6 months and a reboot fixed it then.. this is for a company of about 50 employees working 24/7 that use the phones heavily and no one reported any problems until a few hours ago
04:25.42Jeremy223we did add a couple new employees last week but I restored backup configs from before then and it made no difference
04:25.45serpent-fly[TK]D-Fender, thx
04:26.13circasdid you reload lol
04:26.13Jeremy223if I can dial our main menu though and try dialing an extension from there and get the same fast busy though, could that be a SIP provider issue or would that rule it out?
04:26.21Jeremy223hehe yes extensions / sip / or whatever
04:26.43TJNIIJeremy223: If it does it internally too your VoIPSP is probably fine
04:26.53TJNIIOr not the root problem, anyways
04:27.05circasyeah thats true
04:27.12TJNIIJeremy223: Is there any pattern to the extensions that don'r work
04:27.52Jeremy223no, its weird. i.e. 1216 works but 1217 doesn't and they are set up exactly the same as far as I can tell
04:28.00Jeremy223its almost like we are getting DOS'd and all lines are full or something but I'm not sure how to tell.
04:28.07Jeremy223except the same ones don't work repeatedly
04:28.21Jeremy223one sec I'll pastebin some working/nonworking ones
04:28.37Jeremy223but none of them go to voicemail anymore even the non-fast-busy
04:28.52TJNIICall one and pastebin everything that comes up on the console
04:30.48Jeremy2231216: fast busy
04:30.48Jeremy2231217: rings but no voicemail, no fast busy though:
04:31.03Jeremy223ok calling 1216 one sec
04:31.46Jeremy2231216 console log
04:31.58*** part/#asterisk nickzxcv (
04:32.10circasI've solved some weird problems by looking at the sip debugging info!
04:32.20*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
04:32.55Jeremy2231217 console log (the one that rings and never goes to voicemail, but doesn't fast busy):
04:33.12Jeremy223ah also my boss said "we dont have a SIP provider.  We have a PRI (ISDN Line) as our inbound telco, but once it gets to the phone system it is all controled by asterisk"
04:33.41TJNIIIs 1216 a direct line?
04:34.04Jeremy223yeah they both are, I can call our main menu and just dial those extensions from there though if that would shed any light
04:36.20TJNIIIs whatever you're using as SIP/1216 on?
04:36.39Jeremy223both those employees are gone for the day, one sec though I'll set the sip show peers for both
04:36.42TJNIIBecause I see "Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)"
04:37.00Jeremy223yeah actually 1216 is an employee who got fired so it hasn't been on a while ;-) his extension is still set up though
04:37.14Jeremy223but still it should kick over to his voicemail I'd think since we haven't disabled it
04:37.33Jeremy223is that message normal if their soft phone is offline though?
04:38.00TJNIII think so.
04:38.11TJNIICan you post your dial macro?
04:38.29Jeremy223here is me reloading voicemail
04:39.22Jeremy223looking for it, would it be [dial] to grep for?
04:39.52TJNIIgrep for [Macro-gsiexten]
04:41.31Jeremy223here is it ... also some people use macro-stagingexten for optional call forwarding which is
04:43.03Jeremy223stagingexten guys have fast busy too though it seems not just gsiexten
04:46.01*** join/#asterisk ptblank (
04:46.45TJNIIhmmm... So 1216 fast busys with no voicemail, right?
04:47.07Jeremy223ahh shit my boss remembered what he did to break it :-( evidently last weekend and no one noticed the problem until a few hours ago, argh
04:47.15javbi get this when trying to make a call using zap.. "Unable to create channel of type 'ZAP' (cause 66 - Channel not implemented)
04:47.29Jeremy223in extensions.conf we had "#include "extensions/*.txt"
04:47.39Jeremy223well this weekend he removed the last *.txt file in there so that was not matching anything.
04:47.48Jeremy223I commented that line out and now I'm getting voicemail again after reloading, phew
04:48.09Jeremy223I restored backups of the configs we normally edit but not the entire /etc/asterisk folder
04:48.13[TK]D-Fenderjavb, "load"
04:48.36TJNIIJeremy223: I had a feeling it was something like that.  I was just about to ask you to bypass the macro as a test.
04:49.11javbnow getting :1111 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'ZAP' (cause 0 - Unknown)
04:49.11TJNIIWell, on that note, I'm on call for work in 5 hours so I need to get off the computer and into bed.
04:49.51*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
04:50.19[TK]D-Fenderjavb, pastebin "cat /proc/interrupts" zapata.conf, zaptel.conf, "dmesg"
04:50.57javbok, just a min
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04:54.19javbInstalled Asterisk 1.4, and CentOS 5, did on zaptel and asterisk make config as the last cmd.. but now, everytime i reboot, i get the card unconfigured on zttool, and if i use ztcfg, it gets configured right there..
04:55.00javbany ideas?
04:56.16[TK]D-Fenderjavb, "make config" install the startup scripts.. it doesn't ENABLE THEM.  Thats up to you.
04:56.42javbMmm, [TK]D-Fender, how do i do ENABLE THEM...
04:57.25[TK]D-Fenderjavb, welcome to RH 101.  "chkconfig zaptel on", "chkconfig asterisk on".  These should load up the two of them on all standard runlevels.
04:59.27javb[TK]D-Fender: Ok, so, make config, will create the scripts, chkconfig will enable them, and keep the config and loads them everytime ?
05:00.30[TK]D-Fenderjavb, chkconfig tells init what daemons to start and in what order at boot time.  This means on next boot they will start in the appropriate order.
05:00.52Jeremy223Ok one last question before bed: our /var/log/asterisk/event_log file is 0 bytes, is there any way to get the asterisk console log to save to a file normally?
05:01.13[TK]D-Fenderjavb, once the scripts are installed you can execute them manually as well "service zaptel [start|stop|etc.....]" and the same for *
05:01.52javb[TK]D-Fender: i understand, what u ment with "welcome to RH 101" is that this is new in latest verions of RH and derivants?
05:02.41[TK]D-Fenderjavb, No RH 101 is just a school joke that this is one of the basic things you should know as a Redhat Linux administrator.
05:03.33javb[TK]D-Fender: Hehehe, well, thanks for the joke, and explaining it too.
05:03.57javbI cant get zap calls now, with the SAME config files i was using on asterisk 1.2
05:04.11[TK]D-Fenderjavb, No please provide that pastebin I requested.
05:04.19javbthis is the output:
05:04.48citatsJeremy223: look at logger.conf, by default theres an entry for messages with what to log there.  anything besides console can be used and that will be the filename to log to
05:04.52[TK]D-Fenderjavb, not wat I asked for.....
05:05.03[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> javb, pastebin "cat /proc/interrupts" zapata.conf, zaptel.conf, "dmesg"
05:05.15[TK]D-Fenderjavb, and "ztcfg -vvvv" as well.
05:05.28javbcat /proc/interrups --->
05:06.22[TK]D-Fenderjavb,   9:     287624          XT-PIC  acpi, wctdm, Allegro <- your TDM400P is sharing an IRQ.  this is automatically a BAD thing.  But continue....
05:06.22javbzapata.conf -->
05:07.22javbzaptel -->
05:08.16javbdmesg -->
05:09.07javbztcfg -vvvv ---
05:11.22[TK]D-Fenderjavb, Look at your zapata : :  -- Executing [8092201212@power-ca:1] Dial("SIP/102-090bde78", "ZAP/g0/8092201212|30|") in new stack
05:11.29*** join/#asterisk bantu (
05:11.32[TK]D-Fenderjavb, You have no group 0!
05:11.49[TK]D-Fenderjavb, go get some coffee
05:12.28Jeremy223thanks for all your help everyone!
05:12.46*** join/#asterisk javb (n=javb@
05:13.00javb[TK]D-Fender: sorry, hot disconnected.
05:13.11[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> javb, You have no group 0!
05:13.11[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> javb, go get some coffee
05:13.22[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> javb, Look at your zapata : :  -- Executing [8092201212@power-ca:1] Dial("SIP/102-090bde78", "ZAP/g0/8092201212|30|") in new stack
05:13.47javbdidnt find the red bull i told later
05:14.10[TK]D-Fenderjavb, See... you are clearly suffering from caffeine withdrawl
05:15.10javbhow can we solve the IRQ sharing stuff?
05:17.22[TK]D-Fenderjavb, Check your BIOS and see if you can resever an IRQ for the slot its in.  If no start shiffting it around
05:18.04javbOk. Let me try that.
05:18.25javbAnother thing is, in asterisk 1.2 i used to have mpg123 for mp3 moh...
05:18.49javbnow i dont have mpg123, but installed moh in gsm format, in the menuselect of asterisk..
05:18.54javbbut, DONT have MOH
05:19.44[TK]D-Fenderjavb, go check your modes, and your files.
05:19.53[TK]D-Fenderjavb, but its late I've got to get some sleep
05:19.59[TK]D-FenderGL all.
05:20.03javbi het this warning:
05:20.05javb: /
05:22.01citatsjavb: pastebin your musiconhold.conf
05:24.13citatsi assume your just using the default moh class in whatever your calls are in?  (zaptel/sip/etc?)
05:25.09citatsif you just used the menuselect to pick gsm files change your default entry to:
05:25.29citatsthat should be it
05:25.59*** join/#asterisk atomicd (
05:26.56javblet me see
05:29.20serpent-flyhta, problem te410p card , work onli 1,4. other ports (2,3) all time get errors " PRI got event: HDLC Bad FCS (8) on Primary D-channel of span 2" and pri restart... im didsable my intel ethernet cards in bios and in kernel is dot work :( any idies?
05:29.42*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=pepOSX@
05:30.11javbcitats: same problem
05:30.23citatsjavb: did you restart?
05:30.50citatsjavb: the error message shouldnt be the same, since its trying to use files instead of mpg123
05:31.11javbwait wait
05:33.50javbcitats: here is ..
05:33.57javbSame, output on the cli
05:34.38citatsi doubt its compeltely the same output sinc e you've changed the directory.   you still have [default] up there?
05:35.17citatsdid you verify the files are under /var/lib/asterisk/moh ?
05:35.46javbthe files are there
05:35.57javband the output is play / stop inmidiately
05:36.55javbthis is the output:
05:37.32hmmhesaysbah that episode of earth final conflict was too good, now I have to watch another
05:38.03citatsjavb: how about pastebin'g the output of 'moh show classes' and 'moh show files'
05:39.10javbshould i restart the system, or just asterisk?
05:39.16citatsjavb: just asterisk
05:39.46javbthis is the out put
05:39.52javbSeems nothing has changed
05:40.34javbdont understand now.
05:40.53citatsjavb: and you definitely editted musiconhold.conf?
05:41.00citatsand restarted asterisk afterwards?
05:41.52javbOF COURSE
05:42.16*** join/#asterisk ugenka (n=ugenka@
05:43.31javblook at this
05:44.08citatsjavb: are you just doing a moh reload or have you tried a complete restart of asterisk?
05:44.24javbnow, i`m trying a complete system restart
05:46.53citatsas far as asterisk is concerned there is no difference between restarting asterisk and a complete system restart
05:47.31javbcitats: well, dont know if is the lack of coffee, but, now, after restarting system, evrything PERFECT :/
05:48.00citatsjavb: and you did a 'restart now' on asterisk before?  and not just a reload?
05:48.50citatsjavb: reload != restart
05:49.12citats<citats> and restarted asterisk afterwards?
05:49.12citats<javb> OF COURSE
05:49.15citatsnot true :)
05:49.19javbcitats: :/.. new to asterisk, learning. Sorry.
05:50.11*** join/#asterisk reber (
05:50.28citatsa restart is basically shutting down asterisk and restarting, so that will drop any active calls.  a reload just reloads config files up to the point it can do it safely (ie not everything will be able to change with a reload)
05:55.57*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
05:56.41javbcitats: thanks. Have another question.
05:57.22javbCalling one exten, putting it on hold, an trying to make a new call, i get an weird error: "[Oct 16 01:55:38] NOTICE[2242]: chan_sip.c:13605 handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate user "Joel Valdez" <sip:102@>;tag=8B4B7F1A-B15200D9
06:00.19*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
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06:06.57adeelis it possible to do group pickup on a zap channel from a sip phone?
06:08.08hmmhesaysassuming you are ringing sip phones from the incoming zap call
06:08.52adeelwell the call comes to one polycom phone (receptionist) and then i decide to pick it up directly from my phone instead of waiting for it transfer
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06:09.12hmmhesaysyou can do that
06:09.22adeelthrough *8?
06:09.29hmmhesaysthrough whatever you have configured
06:09.45adeelwell i haven't been able to find anything on how to do it, cross technology
06:10.25hmmhesaysput them in the same pickup group or whatever its called and make sure you have your features.conf configured properly
06:11.04adeelhmmhesays, interesting, i'll have to check  it out
06:22.49*** join/#asterisk syle (n=blah@unaffiliated/syle)
06:23.11serpent-flyhta, проблема Ñ ÐºÐ°Ñ€Ñ‚Ð¾Ð¹ te410p когда поток подключаетьÑÑ Ðº 1 или 4 каналу вÑе хорошо работет а к 2,3 поÑтоÑнно вбраÑывет ошику в конÑоль  PRI got event: HDLC Bad FCS (8) on Primary D-channel of span 2 и поток падает
06:23.28JTserpent-fly: can you please not do that
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06:29.17hmmhesaysoh I get my sangoma a200 tomorrow I hope all goes well
06:30.33hmmhesaysanyone run this with zaptel 1.4?
06:31.53*** join/#asterisk AJaymn (
06:34.09AJaymnAnyone use ISDN BRI?
06:37.47hmmhesayscrazy kids and their digital lines
06:38.20AJaymncan you spoof caller id on a BRI?
06:39.34AJaymncant find anything that says yes or no.. only on PRI (t1)
06:39.56*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jtregunn@unaffiliated/jer)
06:39.58hmmhesayscould always try it?
06:40.15hmmhesaysI know i'm not any help
06:42.39citatsAJaymn: i've used BRI in the past and it was never possible to set callerid other than one of the 2 numbers assigned.  of course it could be different depending on the telco
06:43.27JTit completely depends on the telco
06:43.32hmmhesayscentos 5 installed and running sweetly
06:43.44JTtelcos in north america let you set whatever rubbish you want with digital service
06:44.08JTAJaymn: a BRI is just a cutdown PRI
06:44.16JTsignalling is the same sort of stuff
06:44.42citatsJT: i've had BRI service from maybe 3-5 different LECs and none of them supported it, but on every PRI (except for one) it was possible
06:46.37*** join/#asterisk Alex465 (
06:47.16AJaymnWhat could I ask the telco?
06:49.22*** join/#asterisk Zipper_32 (
06:50.12citatsAJaymn: i suspect the only people at the telco that would know anything about it would be the switch techs.
06:50.27JTcitats: maybe the BRIs are setup properly :P
06:50.54citatsAJaymn: i suppose you could ask them something like, if i had multiple BRIs could I send calls out any of the b channels with a callerid from any of the others
06:51.10AJaymnthat works! :)
06:51.27JTyeah but not really
06:51.40*** join/#asterisk agx (
06:51.51JTsince they're under the one account
06:52.55AJaymni get my DIDs from my Voip carrier, but have alot of "local" calls and could use ISDN lines for local calls..
06:53.04AJaymnbut need caller id to be able to be set to any DID we have.
06:54.19Alex465how in asterisk to register the client using database
06:56.25*** join/#asterisk Schumie (
07:04.51*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
07:06.48Zipper_32What's the best way to have certain groups of phones use set groups of outbound lines to dial out? I have 3 groups using the same asterisk box, and they're all in the same context, but their analog lines have CID set by the telco, and I want them to use their telco designated lines.
07:09.38orakleput them in different contexts (include whatever internal extensions you have in each one), then write a different dial command for each context depending on which telco you're using
07:10.01orakleshould work even if it's the same telco, just specify the extension that you've put it under in sip.conf
07:11.13orakleyou might have to play with which context the telco accounts are in, i'm not sure
07:16.09Zipper_32orakle: Thanks.
07:30.59*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
07:38.18orakledoes it work?
07:43.02Zipper_32still working on it. Trying to make things a bit cleaner in my dialplan
07:47.30*** part/#asterisk kodomo (
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07:58.03*** part/#asterisk Raky-2 (n=John@
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08:13.17syleanyone run asterisk on freebsd
08:18.15Uateci'm getting loads of lines, similar to this: Oct 16 09:20:08 DEBUG[23049]: chan_sip.c:1411 __sip_ack: Stopping retransmission on '0f3bec5646b7681e7c246dc46c0126d1@' of Request 102: Match Found
08:18.19Uatecin my CLI
08:18.54Uateci don't care, frankly. How can i turn them off? I have console => notice,warning,error but they're still coming
08:22.26Uateci've reloaded
08:22.30Uatecand restarted the cli
08:22.58Uatecbut logger show channels still shows the console channel as notice,warning,error,debug,verbose
08:24.22agxUatec remove debug from the console line OR modify the source to add if(option_debug>value) before or it OR comment it out
08:27.18*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
08:28.48Uateci have removed the debug from the console line
08:28.54Uatecbut it's not reloading the logger.conf
08:30.48Uateca simple reload didn't work
08:30.52Uateci had to do "reload logger"
08:31.07*** join/#asterisk knarfly (
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08:52.18agxUatec, "reload" is an evil command :)
08:52.55knarflymodule reload
08:53.23knarflystop now is an evil command and my girlfriend keeps giving it to me... 8-)
08:54.09syleanyone run asterisk on freebsd?
08:54.43knarflyyep....but you already know that about me....
08:56.19*** join/#asterisk Zenton (n=vicente@
08:57.05Uatecagx, why?
09:00.44Zentonhi all
09:00.56Zentonis there any GUI available for asterisk?
09:05.18Zentonops sorry
09:10.35Uatecdo SIP and RTP use both TCP AND UDP or just the one?
09:10.39Uatecjust UDP?
09:14.29JTjust UDP
09:14.43JTthe sip protocol can use tcp, but asterisk does not support it
09:18.37*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
09:19.30*** join/#asterisk Pon`work (
09:21.13Pon`workIs there anyway, even hacky, to after a caller hangsup to send the callee somewhere else?
09:22.15JTyou could call them back, but i think that's about it
09:23.46JTrtp can never be over tcp btw, Uatec
09:23.58Pon`workI was thinking maybe doing something with a conferance, but not sure if it'll work or not
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09:32.43L|NUXHello every one
09:32.57L|NUXdoes any one used South Korea E1 ?
09:35.33UatecJT, ok, ty
09:35.33*** join/#asterisk syneus (
09:35.58Uatecwhen i turn on SIP debug, one of the lines i get looks like this: Retransmitting #3 (NAT) to XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:2051:
09:36.03Uatecwhat does the 2051 mean?
09:36.05Uatecis it the port?
09:36.23Uatecbecuase i was under the impression that sip used port 5060 and rtp use 10000-20000
09:36.26neaxPon`work: just so I understand what you're asking; when person A has called person B, said what they wanted to say, and person A has hung up, you want person B to be redirected somewhere
09:36.54neaxPon`work: I'm guessing person A is using an asterisk extension?
09:37.40Uatecdamn, the peer is using port 2051
09:37.46Uatecwhy would it do that?
09:39.00*** join/#asterisk kannan (n=kannan@
09:41.12JTUatec: do you understand TCP/IP?
09:41.14kannani am having trouble dialling on a E-1 line, it says "unable to ceate channel of type ZAP" in the * CLI. I have a digium sngle span card
09:42.02kannanzap status shows alarms blu/yell/red
09:42.15JTsip uses 5060 normally, and rtp can use any range, the default in asterisk is 10000 to 20000 udp
09:45.36neaxcat rtp.conf | grep rtpstart
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09:47.15sysadmin-lebhi all
09:47.31sysadmin-lebI have noticed that digium do provide codecs for around 10$
09:47.40sysadmin-lebhowever I have also found open source binaries for the same codec
09:47.51sysadmin-lebcan anyone tell me the difference between the two please ?
09:48.09JTyes, one is illegal to use, one is not
09:48.16JTalso, one is maintained
09:48.42sysadmin-lebso the open source one is illegal to use ..?
09:48.48neaxone also costs around $10
09:49.12defsworksysadmin-leb: all open source is illegal - source S. Ballmer
09:49.24sysadmin-lebdefswork ... yeah yeah :p
09:49.34neaxopen source is communism. pure and simple.
09:49.53JTsysadmin-leb: not paying patent royalties is illegal
09:50.19sysadmin-lebwell I need a pro solution
09:50.25sysadmin-lebwe have a class 5 swith
09:50.44sysadmin-lebthrough which we need to route calls done through soft voip phones on our LAN
09:50.51JTpaying $10 is obviously more professional
09:50.53sysadmin-lebthe LAN also has a trixbox
09:51.14sysadmin-leball voip phones register to the trixbox
09:51.25JTsort of the wrong channel
09:52.14Pon`workneax: person A is from PSTN, person B is SIP
09:52.33sysadmin-leband the trixbox in trun has a trunk to the C5 switch sends them to a carrier using codecs 729 and 723
09:52.50sysadmin-lebcan I conclude from the above that the free versions will not allow me to do that ..?
09:53.24JTit can transcode G.729 with appropriate licensing and cpu power
09:53.34JTasterisk cannot transcode G.723
09:53.40JTno codecs available
09:53.54sysadmin-lebnot even commerically ?
09:54.15*** join/#asterisk duckz (n=duckz@
09:54.26JTwell there's a TC400B card, but that's relatively untested
09:54.35JTwhat's the attraction? G.723 audio sounds like trash
09:54.42sysadmin-lebso you suggest purchasing the 729 codec ?
09:54.43agxJT, indeed! :)
09:56.12sysadmin-lebbut even if I wanted to test the open source version it wont work because the carrier wont accept it ? because it is unlicensed ?
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09:56.52JTyou could try
09:56.58JTbut seriously
09:57.27sysadmin-lebit is not about the money I have a scenario that I need to test first if it works I will purchase all necessary licenses
09:58.07neaxif it were myself implementing this, and it was a commercial solution (not just my mucking-around-at-home system), I wouldn't steer to the wrong side of the law
09:58.20JTit's clearly about the money
09:58.23JTit's 10 bucks.
09:58.51*** join/#asterisk ccesario (
09:58.57sysadmin-lebwell guys thanks for your help
09:59.02sysadmin-lebhave an nice day
09:59.51b1ch0hi i nned to handle from 5 to 8 external lines (fxo ports), wich is better, an internal PCI card with fxo modules, or an external gateway (ATA) like the AudioCodes ones (or from any other vendor) ?
10:00.04UatecJT, yes, i understand TCP/IP. The point is. Why would one phone randomly decide to use port 2051 (yes, udp) for SIP, instead of port 5060 like every other sip device i've ever heard of
10:01.29JTUatec: because your server is on 5060.
10:03.33penguinFunkb1ch0: stay well away from audicodes
10:03.56penguinFunkthe quality is hopeless and they are a nightmare to configure
10:04.28penguinFunkyour much better off going for a sangoma/digium card and using asterisk
10:04.55penguinFunkmake sure to get hardware echo cancelling if you can afford it
10:05.08agxb1ch0 OR if you find on ebay a channelbank you can use a PRI so you can expand it in future
10:05.31JTchannel banks don't work with PRIs
10:08.47agxJT, uhm that's new....
10:09.15JTagx: have you used a channel bank?
10:09.28b1ch0ok, thanks ... i have already an asterisk box running with TDM400P, but i was just asking to experts or someone that have already did it before wich is the diference between those 2 ways to interconnect * to tradicional pstn lines
10:09.53UatecJT, my server is on 5060, all my phones are on 5060
10:10.00Uatecexcept this single snom 190, which is on 2051
10:11.20JTUatec: symmetrical port usage as you've described is actually very rare in the tcp/ip world
10:11.43JTusually the client port is a random high numbered port, and the server port is the one that matters
10:15.11Uatecit's not the client port
10:15.14Uatecit's the server port
10:15.21Uateci'm trying to route data through a firewall
10:15.28Uatecbut if the port is something random, that gets rather hard
10:16.11b1ch0here i have tested an ATA (similar to Sipura 3000), but it is not a good solution, call the ata extension to recently have external line tone .... you cant register in the cdr the real external line called .... the better way i know until now is 9|. in the external trunk in * .... so this is why i was asking for if there are good ata that work similar ton TDM PCI cards
10:16.18JTUatec: that's strange, you said it was from a sip debug that you saw that
10:16.51*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
10:21.19agxUatec, what are you going to do? give access to the PBX to a phone outside the office or trying to use a VOIP provider account?
10:24.10*** join/#asterisk psk (
10:25.27b1ch0well, any good tip over my "problem" ?
10:25.53b1ch0does anyone had experience on that before?
10:26.28stmaherHello everyone.. I need some help with a transfer problem.. I have a third party external IVR that I want to link with an asterisk box, cisco VOIP gateway and a sip phone..
10:26.57stmaherCall flow.. Xlite -> * -> IVR -> * -> CiscoVG
10:27.19stmaherWhen I try getting the IVR to do a blind transfer i get a 603 declined.
10:27.53stmaherNo wait.. Think i just fixed it
10:30.53DRTHMkannan: run zttool, ztcfg -vv check the errors you get
10:31.11agxb1ch0, i never found a decent FXO ATA so far
10:38.05*** join/#asterisk _ys (i=ys@
10:41.21*** join/#asterisk syneus (
10:41.52*** join/#asterisk CBU[^_^]M`` (n=love@
10:42.36CBU[^_^]M``i am behind a router...  do i only need to forward port 5060 to my asterisk pbx?
10:42.45JTto do what
10:42.51JTto connect to a sip server outside
10:43.01JTor to act as a sip server to people on the Internet?
10:43.21CBU[^_^]M``connect my someone via internet to my asterisk server
10:43.34CBU[^_^]M``<JT> or to act as a sip server to people on the Internet? <= this one :)
10:43.59JTwell you'll need to forward rtp as well
10:44.28CBU[^_^]M``how do i do that?
10:44.45CBU[^_^]M``what port number do i need to forward?
10:45.34JT10000 to 20000 udp by default
10:49.07*** join/#asterisk i3inary (
10:50.01ai-aCBU[^_^]M``: If you are only doing this for yourself and work colleague's then it might be more secure to use vpn.
10:50.14i3inarywow if anyone wants to see why video cards were put on this planet go try out sabayon live cd
10:51.05ai-ai3inary: gfx card's are for games.
10:52.03i3inarylol no should not cost you more than your computers processor to play....there is no reason you shouldnt benefit from a 3d card all the time
10:52.21*** part/#asterisk munmun (n=mun_mun@
10:52.35ai-adoes 3d gfx increase your productivity ?
10:52.42i3inaryfuck yes
10:53.15ai-aunless your drawing, 3d gfx is not going to write your c code faster.
10:53.25ai-awhat language required 3d rendering ?
10:53.38stmaherHello everyone.. I have a problem with Consultation transfers.. Blind transfers work perfectly.. The error that is shown on the CLI #
10:53.38stmaherOct 16 13:03:25 NOTICE[12737]: chan_sip.c:6932 get_refer_info: Supervised transfer requested, but unable to find callid '2a9da68-0-13c4-372238-6e04d88e-372238@'.  Both legs must reside on Asterisk box to transfer at this time.
10:53.49orakleit depends what you do
10:53.52i3inaryheh..then dont use wont hurt my feelings party pooper
10:53.53stmaherCould someone please explain this to me
10:54.00orakleif you're a 3d designer then it helps your productivity to have a fast video card
10:54.19oraklelike CATIA for example is an amazingly powerful 3d app, but it needs a beastly computer otherwise it doesn't run that fast
10:54.31stmahermy call flow is Xlite -> * -> IVR -> * -> CiscoVG
10:54.32i3inarysince when does the virtual world you work in have to be 3d...thats just stale thinking ai-a
10:54.59ai-ai3inary: do you have a 'wow' video of this sabayon ?
10:55.08i3inarykramer said it best ~"level jerry levels"
10:55.23ai-aas is the worse website ive seen since the 80s.
10:55.26stmaherMy full config with CLI debug output  thanks
10:55.38i3inarythere are plenty of wow videos on the boobtube
10:56.00i3inaryi tried it for myself...and i can tell you that you dont know what your talking about
10:56.13i3inarybut you keep thinking like that and ill keep thinking like i do
10:56.16ai-aI have never used it. I never claimed i did.
10:56.35i3inaryyou think you cant benefit from it...cause you write C
10:56.45ai-aAll im saying is how does the gfx card increase your brain / typing / designing?
10:57.32ai-aand as you seem to know 'boobtube' i can imagine your brain decreasing.
10:57.42b1ch0hey can anyone kick 131nary please ?, this is a serious asterisk channel, no zabbaione or 3dfx shit ... please
10:57.56*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
10:58.29i3inaryi just made a comment and ai-a wanted to spit his dutch about it..
10:58.38i3inaryi dont need to say anything else about it
11:00.00*** join/#asterisk nicox (
11:00.00i3inarysince when does a lower case i look like a 1
11:03.11k31thGuys, I have my pbx setup like this ---   Internet -> NAT -> PBX (on a public IP) the NAT router also routes public IP and private 192.168.2.* range.
11:04.49orakleso the PBX has a routable ip?
11:05.50k31thorakle: yeah
11:05.56k31thyou could ping it directly from there
11:06.41orakleso your gateway is acting as a nat for the people on 192.168.2.x, but a regular router for the public ips
11:06.49oraklei understand. what's wrong?
11:07.52k31thof corse if i ping it from a private ip the router wont route it out and back in again.
11:08.06k31thso i wont have to deal with nat hell ofr portfowarding
11:08.24k31thdoes each handset have to have a different sip port ?
11:08.30k31thor all on 5060 ?
11:08.34orakleusually 5060
11:08.39oraklelets take this to pm
11:09.36*** join/#asterisk s0ck (n=m@unaffiliated/s0ck)
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11:11.02CBU[^_^]M``JT.. is still now working :(
11:12.39*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=pepOSX@
11:14.38jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
11:18.35*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
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11:29.41*** join/#asterisk mLx (n=mlx@
11:29.51mLxHello. Does anybody can help me with call transfer, please?
11:32.40stmaherHi guys.. is there anyway in asterisk that in the event of a busy or missing SIP end that the user isnt waiting 10 seconds for a engaged tone?
11:33.16Uatechey, i have two groups of phones
11:33.26Uatecsip phones on the lan, which connect to the internal IP
11:33.33JTstmaher: qualify=yes
11:33.42Uatecand sip phones over the internet, which connect to the external IP
11:34.02Uateci've taken a sip trace on the phone itself
11:34.11Uatecand the SIP packets coming from asterisk contain the internal IP
11:34.19mLxI see that nobody doesn't know about call transferring
11:34.44UatecmLx, nobody Doesn't know about call transferring? surely that means everybody does?
11:34.54*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
11:35.13Uatechow can i persuade asterisk to send a different IP to the different sip phones?
11:35.19stmaherJT, thanks :-).
11:35.29*** join/#asterisk basty (n=basty123@
11:36.06bastyanyone familar with connecting a nortel cs1k with asterisk pbx ? (over SIP)
11:36.12stmaherJT, Herm.. that didnt work.
11:36.21JTUatec: what's wrong with the ip?
11:36.25JTstmaher: what did you do?
11:36.52stmaheradded qualify to the relavent sip phone in sip.conf ?
11:37.25JTthen what did you do?
11:37.33stmaherrestarted asterisk
11:37.36stmahermade a test call. .
11:37.41Alex465HELP asterisk + h323
11:37.42stmaherstill takes 10-30 seconds
11:37.52JTand this sip phone was the one that's offline?
11:37.56stmaherim trying to get it down to two
11:38.14JTAlex465: that's got to be the laziest help request i've ever seen
11:38.18stmaherthere is nothing listening on 5060 on the IP of the sip phone
11:38.37JTtry setting it in the general section, stmaher
11:38.46stmaherOK.. thanks JT
11:39.04JTand waiting half a minute after reloading sip
11:39.07JTor more
11:39.27stmaherI kill the asterisk server completely and restart it
11:39.33JTpointless really
11:39.36JTsip reload is fine
11:39.42stmahermkay :-)
11:39.52Alex465with AquaGK on h323 goes bell on àñòåðèñê and occurs unset
11:40.08Alex465on asterisk
11:40.28JTAlex465: no-one's going to be able to understand that
11:41.44Alex465who speaks in russian
11:42.36stmaherjt,WARNING[12948]: pbx.c:2415 __ast_pbx_run: Timeout, but no rule 't' in context 'default'
11:42.37stmaherScheduling destruction of call 'MWUxMDEwNDRjOGZhMDlmNDMwYjU2NGU0ZWI0ZjBjMTk.' in 32000 ms
11:43.11*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
11:43.14stmaherhow can i get that destruction down to 2000ms
11:44.19JTmake a t extension
11:44.49UatecJT, what's wrong? well you can't access the internal IP from outside, and there's no point accessing the external IP from inside
11:45.14Uatecbut i found the externip and localnet variables in sip.conf
11:47.08Alex4652stmaher set in extension.conf exten => t, prority, action
11:47.28JTUatec: yes, as stated in
11:47.30jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
11:47.33stmaherexten => t,4,Busy(10)
11:47.54stmaherAlex465, didnt work.. still ~10-30 seconds
11:48.01JTstmaher: well of course it didn't
11:48.12JTall extensions must start at 1 unless you're priority jumping
11:48.45stmaherchanged it to 1
11:48.45Alex4652stmaher show text
11:49.07Alex465from context 'default'
11:52.41*** join/#asterisk dijungal (n=kdaniel@
11:53.04dijungalhello... how do i move a recording after the call has completed?
11:53.13Alex4652stmaher this exactly used code
11:55.13Alex4652stmaher try use timeout in "dial(sip,TIMEOUT,opt)
11:56.54stmaherAlex465, Ill give that a go.. Does asterisk have any built in Load Balancing Capabilities or Failover without external tools?
11:57.11stmaherSo i have 2 external IVRS..
11:57.19stmaherCan asterisk load between the two and possibly failover
11:58.14*** join/#asterisk guillote_GNU (
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12:01.38Alex4652stmaher what meaning exten => t,1,Busy(10) in your context "default" , delete it line )))
12:02.19blitzrage't' is a built in extension for a timeout
12:02.28blitzrageset with the TIMEOUT() dialplan function
12:02.48stmaherblitzrage, can you be a little more verbose please?
12:03.19blitzrage'show function TIMEOUT' on the asterisk console, and it should make sense
12:04.12blitzragemost commonly used in an auto-attendant situation
12:04.30blitzrageI just woke up 2 mins ago... so I'm not very verbose yet :)
12:04.38stmaherblitzrage, LOL :-)
12:05.26slimahi, I have a problem with TIMEOUT(digit) when I typing '100' asterisk dont wait for and search a '1' exten my config: (sorry for my english)
12:05.44slimawhats wrong?
12:06.15*** join/#asterisk lirakis (n=lirakis@
12:06.15blitzrageslima: you need WaitExten() after Background()
12:06.32blitzragelooks like you've got autofallthrough=yes turned on at the top of the file (on by default in 1.4)
12:06.39blitzragewhich is a good thing
12:07.58slimahm, thx i try
12:09.55sysadmin-lebHey All I am trying to create an inbound route for asterisk I have assigned the DID, and the call is reaching asterisk but I am getting an error "Proxy Authentication Required"
12:10.47*** join/#asterisk Cyorxamp (n=Cyorxamp@
12:12.47blitzragesysadmin-leb: that is normal. With SIP, you get the INVITE coming in, then Asterisk sense a 407 Proxy Authentication Required, which includes some things the other end needs to generate authentication parameters. Then the other end should send another INVITE, this time with authentication information, and Asterisk will either reply with a 200 OK if alright, or 401 Unauthorized if not alright
12:13.38*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:13.39blitzrageif the other end isn't trying to send another INVITE, then it's probably not getting the 407
12:13.53blitzrageoh [TK]D-Fender is in the house... I can leave now
12:15.16sysadmin-lebWhere can I set the authenication info
12:15.23blitzragein sip.conf for the peer
12:15.37sysadmin-lebI have done this before but the only authenicatino info I used to set was for the end point
12:15.55sysadmin-lebfor example a linksys device would take username password domain etc and a DID and that is it
12:16.05sysadmin-lebI did the same for asterisk and could dial towards any phone
12:16.17blitzrageare you connecting to an ITSP or a phone?
12:16.18sysadmin-lebbut I am facing probs when I try to dial the DID from a normal phone
12:16.29blitzrageyou still have to authenticate the ITSP
12:16.44sysadmin-lebI am calling a phone
12:16.52blitzrageyou said you are calling a DID
12:17.02blitzragethe DID and the phone are two separate channels
12:17.10blitzrageincoming from the ITSP, and out to the phone
12:17.15blitzrageentirely separate connections
12:17.24Alex465why through oh323 is not sent dtmf
12:18.13slimablitzrage: I added WaitExten() after Background() and set autofallthrough to 'no' but stil dont works ;(
12:18.25sysadmin-lebI do outgoing calls from Asterisk to phones and I am trying to receive calls on Asterisk from a phone using the DID as the number that I dial on the phone
12:18.29blitzrageyou shouldn't have changed the autofallthrough -- it was already right
12:18.56blitzrageslima: are you dialing fast enough?
12:19.03blitzragethere is nothing else wrong in the dialplan
12:19.24blitzrageother than maybe DTMF not getting through -- add 'dtmf' to the 'console =>' line of logger.conf and do 'logger reload' at the CLI
12:19.32blitzragemake sure you're seeing the DTMF
12:19.38blitzrageother than that -- I'm out -- going to the gym.
12:21.52[TK]D-Fenderslima ; pastebin your dialplan and the CLI output of your failed call at verbose 10
12:21.54jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
12:22.04blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: he already did
12:22.07blitzragebut you weren't here
12:22.43[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage: Fat load of good that does me NOW eh?
12:22.55blitzragewell... I was mostly commenting on the auto ~pb
12:23.03BBHossanyone know any per minute speex outbound only providers?
12:23.51*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
12:25.20[TK]D-Fenderslima:  :now the output of "dialplan show mainmenu"
12:27.20*** join/#asterisk STeven_elvisda (n=Steven_E@
12:28.05[TK]D-Fenderslima:  [Oct 16 13:57:25] WARNING[28929]: pbx.c:2494 __ast_pbx_run: Invalid extension '1', but no rule 'i' in context 'mainmenu'
12:28.30[TK]D-Fenderslima: this means you dialed a "1" but not the rest of 100 or 101 in time
12:28.56[TK]D-Fenderslima: And because you have no "i" (Invalid) handler you don't get to try again and it hangs up
12:29.17slima[14:03] slima >> hi, I have a problem with TIMEOUT(digit) when I typing '100' asterisk dont wait for and search a '1' exten my config: (sorry for my english)
12:30.03[TK]D-Fenderslimyou need to type faster
12:31.18[TK]D-Fenderslima: And because you have no "i" your caller had better get his choice right the first time.
12:32.20sysadmin-lebI am trying to make a call to my TuxBox from a normal phone I am getting a 401 Unauthorized error...I did go to sip.conf in the tuxbox
12:32.44sysadmin-leband changed context=from-trunk but that did not change anything
12:32.53sysadmin-lebcan anyone guide me into the right directin please ?
12:33.49[TK]D-Fendersysadmin-leb: 401 isn't a context issue, its user/pass <--
12:35.03sysadmin-lebbut the thing is that I have syslink device on which I can accept calls on the smae DID without settingt a user /pass
12:35.13sysadmin-lebwell I do set a user/pass but I thought that was to make outgoing calls
12:35.22sysadmin-leband I set the same user/pass on the trixbox
12:35.32sysadmin-leband I can make outgoing calls
12:36.11*** join/#asterisk bintut (
12:36.43BBHossyou shoulndt have said trixbox :)
12:36.53jbothmm... trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX, and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox seriously painful to support and hence you will find little help here for it.  Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & WIKI at
12:37.19[TK]D-Fendersysadmin-leb: GUI's are not supported here.
12:37.41[TK]D-Fendersysadmin-leb: So I've explained what the 401 is.  Go fix it.
12:38.12sysadmin-lebI already knew what it was ..I needed a hint in the right dir..thx for the help
12:40.42BBHossstart your day off great
12:41.02[TK]D-FenderBBHoss: OLD.....
12:41.29stmaherblitzrage, timeout didnt work :-( exten => 1234,1,Dial(SIP/1961@fester,TIMEOUT,2000)
12:41.51blitzrageyou're using it totally wrong
12:42.03blitzrageTIMEOUT is a dialplan function
12:42.07blitzrageyou'd use it like:
12:42.17blitzrageexten => s,n,Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=2)
12:42.42*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
12:43.07[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: What do you THINK you're doing in that Dial line?
12:43.19slima[TK]D-Fender: why Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=5) don`t wait 5secs when I dialing '1' '0' '0'?
12:44.10stmaher[TK]D-Fender, in the event of a busy or unavailable recipient to cut the timeout down from 10-30 seconds to 2 seconds
12:45.02[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: If they are busy or unavailable, Dial with quit IMMEDIATELY
12:45.13[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: exten => 1234,1,Dial(SIP/1961@fester)
12:45.41[TK]D-Fenderslima: enable core & dtmf debug and let me see shent he event is registered.
12:46.32[TK]D-Fenders/shent th/when the
12:46.33stmaher[TK]D-Fender, call flow xlite dials 1234@* -> *(1234@sipivr) -> third party sipIVR
12:47.04stmaher[TK]D-Fender, if the sipIVR is unavailable.. i need it to play a busy tone to the xlite user
12:47.07stmaherwithin 2 seconds
12:47.30[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: Yeah I rememebmber your setup... only had *1* exten when we left but I understood you were expanding and you wanted to be able to transfer to other agents
12:47.45stmaher[TK]D-Fender,  you have a good memory :_))
12:47.48[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: show me what its doing NOW.
12:48.50*** join/#asterisk frenzy (n=frenzy@unaffiliated/frenzy)
12:49.09Uateclol, i just had to explain the weighted companion cube to my MD
12:49.11*** part/#asterisk frenzy (n=frenzy@unaffiliated/frenzy)
12:49.23blitzrageUatec: eh?
12:52.00[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: if the other side is "busy" dialplan will continue on priority 2.  if they may not ANSWER then you'll want to set the maximum timout in seconds in your Dial line as a limit.  That is the SECOND parameter.
12:52.31stmaher[TK]D-Fender, can you please give me an example?
12:52.34[TK]D-Fenderslima: What DTMFMODE is your channel using?
12:53.03[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: exten => 1234,1,Dial(SIP/1961@fester,10) <- after 10s withoutanswer go on to do other stuff
12:53.11[TK]D-Fenderslima: What codec?
12:55.02[TK]D-Fenderslima: Is this what your provider forces you to use?  They should offer rfc2833.... I'm not sure if this parameter is applicable there (I think so), but you may be able to add "relaxdtmf=yes" to your sip.conf entry to have it ease up on DTMF detection.
12:55.56*** join/#asterisk billybongo (
12:56.01[TK]D-Fenderslima: I can see you trying to dial 100 pretty fast there and I think its dropping the "00" for coming in to unsteady
12:56.30stmaher[TK]D-Fender, Hi tk.. made that change and its still taking 10 seconds.. when i set it to 2
12:57.17[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: Show me.
12:57.52*** part/#asterisk BBHoss (n=hoss@
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12:58.11stmaher[TK]D-Fender, config is the same as the last pastbin.. except with exten => 1234,1,Dial(SIP/1961@fester,2) ..
12:58.25stmaher[TK]D-Fender, would you like to see the SIP Debug from the CLI?
12:58.27[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: pastebin the CALL showing me whats happening.
12:58.38*** part/#asterisk BBHoss (n=hoss@
12:58.39[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: CLI + sip debug.
12:59.01_x86_when an analog station hangs up on a bridged call, and then tries to pick up the phone to dial someone, it gives a stutter tone, and they can hang up and pick up again and get the original bridged call back
12:59.18_x86_how can i tell asterisk that when they hang up, actually hang up the call?
12:59.47[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: Complete waste.
13:00.04[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: Forget sip debug.  You didn't even have your CALL in there.
13:00.25stmaher[TK]D-Fender, the call is being made from an external xlite phone
13:00.30[TK]D-Fender_x86_: What phone?
13:00.44[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: Well I don't see it REACHING * at all, do YOU?
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13:01.10stmaher[TK]D-Fender, yeah i do #
13:01.11stmaherTo: <sip:>
13:01.11stmaherContact: <sip:asterisk@>
13:01.34[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: those aren't CALLS
13:01.46[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: Thats friggen QUALIFY=YES junk
13:01.57[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: No INVITE, and no DIALPLAN EXECUTION.
13:02.21stmaher[TK]D-Fender, can you please specify the debug command you wish me to use for the CLI
13:02.55[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: in the time frame that that pastebin covers, no call landed on * and nothing happened at all.
13:02.57*** join/#asterisk Schumie (
13:03.37stmaher[TK]D-Fender, the External IVR is unavailable.. ie nothign running on 5060 on the External IVR
13:03.59stmaher[TK]D-Fender, again call flow is xlite -> * -> IVR
13:03.59_x86_[TK]D-Fender: some crappy analog VXi headset phone
13:04.12_x86_[TK]D-Fender: basically just a dial pad and a headset
13:04.14[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: That isn't our problem.  ASTERISK is not getting called PERIOD,
13:04.23stmaher[TK]D-Fender, Yes it is..
13:04.31[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: Sip debug begs to differ
13:05.00stmaher[TK]D-Fender,  With xlite i call 1234@ (which is the Asterisk box)
13:05.16[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: So either you have some nasty networking issues or what you are showing me isn't everything.
13:05.23[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: because there is no invite in there.
13:05.25*** join/#asterisk vargran (n=naquad@oman.Te.NeT.UA)
13:05.33[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: thats jsut how it is.
13:05.34vargranhi everyone!
13:05.47_x86_[TK]D-Fender: busydetect perhaps? right now it's off
13:06.05_x86_or what's that other one... callprogress? but that's for PRI's only eh?
13:06.11vargranI want to set up some voip server for me & 10 my friends. where should I start? are there any ready solutions?
13:06.27[TK]D-Fender_x86_: lost your issues with my accidental disconnect
13:06.28_x86_vargran: AsteriskNOW
13:06.39[TK]D-Fendervargran: here :
13:06.42jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
13:06.45[TK]D-Fender_x86_: EW!
13:07.01_x86_07:59 < _x86_> when an analog station hangs up on a bridged call, and then tries to pick up the phone to dial someone, it  gives a stutter tone, and they can hang up and pick up again and get the original bridged call back
13:07.02Pon`workQuestion: after the caller has hungup - how would I take control of the callee and transfer him somewhere else (caller comes from PSTN, callee is SIP) ?
13:07.05_x86_07:59 < _x86_> how can i tell asterisk that when they hang up, actually hang up the call?
13:07.08sysadmin-lebJust one note I was able to fix the problem using the Asterisk Book from Oreilly by setting the correct paramters in sip.conf...the idea is that it does not matter if I have a GUI or not in the end Trixbox provides Asterisk with a web interface with a page where I can overview all of my .conf files to edit
13:07.09_x86_08:00 < [TK]D-Fender> _x86_: What phone?
13:07.12sysadmin-lebanyhow I am glad it worked
13:07.15_x86_08:03 < _x86_> [TK]D-Fender: some crappy analog VXi headset phone
13:07.19sysadmin-lebthanks for your help folks
13:07.30_x86_[TK]D-Fender: eh?
13:07.38_x86_Katty: mornin
13:07.38vargranoh christ... I want simple functionality and I need to read a book and a lots of docs? is there any simpler way?
13:07.51_x86_vargran: AsteriskNOW (2nd time)
13:07.59[TK]D-Fendersysadmin-leb: And the second you hit "commit changes" on your GUI next those changes get blown to BITS
13:07.59Katty_x86_: morning
13:08.05javbI`m getting this weird error: [Oct 16 09:06:33] NOTICE[2242]: chan_sip.c:13605 handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate user "Recepcion" <sip:105@>;tag=D481078B-4E22DF54
13:08.07vargranasteriskNOW helped thnx [TK]D-Fender :)
13:08.10javbAny ideas?
13:08.20javbThis is new after upgrading to 1.4
13:08.23JTvargran: do you have a good understanding of telephony, networking, and linux?
13:08.31vargran[TK]D-Fender distribution???
13:08.35vargranno f way
13:08.55_x86_vargran: Asterisk@home / FreePBX
13:08.56javbAnd not able to transfer.. :/
13:08.59stmaher[TK]D-Fender, sorry .. missed the sip debug and verbose command
13:09.00[TK]D-Fender_x86_: Memor is faded this morning and I have no scroll-back, refresh my memory....
13:09.04JTvargran: ?
13:09.14javb[TK]D-Fender: Zup..
13:09.44_x86_[TK]D-Fender: what did you miss?
13:09.49vargranI got setted up router and I don't want to install some another distribution.
13:10.01[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: -- Executing Dial("SIP/", "SIP/1961@fester") in new stack
13:10.03JTvargran: do you have an answer to my question?
13:10.07_x86_[TK]D-Fender: when a user hangs up a bridged call, it takes asterisk a while to actually tear the call down... why?
13:10.30stmaher[TK]D-Fender, OK........... so now what do you need?
13:10.32[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: Oct 16 15:20:06 NOTICE[13754]: app_dial.c:1056 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination
13:10.40vargranJT: linux, networking, not telephony
13:10.54JTvargran: then reading a book would help
13:11.12[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: You are not setting a timeout and your call is (bit itself) being rejected IMMEDIATLY, and you have no 2nd priority to continue processing in.  What are you expecting here?
13:11.16stmaher[TK]D-Fender, thats fine.. I just need to reduce the time now that it takes to give a busy signal
13:11.18javbUpgrade to Asterisk 1.4, now, get this notice: --> [Oct 16 09:06:33] NOTICE[2242]: chan_sip.c:13605 handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate user "Recepcion" <sip:105@>;tag=D481078B-4E22DF54
13:11.29javbCant tranfer
13:11.31vargranJT: hf*ck :( I had a hope that it wount take a week :(
13:11.37[TK]D-Fendervargran: Go download the BOOK, and install * and get learning
13:11.49stmaher[TK]D-Fender, ok where and how do i set the timeout
13:12.35[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: I just gave that to you like TWICE!!!!!!!
13:12.35[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: -- Executing Dial("SIP/", "SIP/1961@fester")  <--- wheres the timout?
13:12.35Kattyand the sploding begins...
13:12.35stmaher[TK]D-Fender, its in the config alright
13:12.36javb[TK]D-Fender: any idea ? :/
13:12.45[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: Dial(SIP/1961@fester,10) <-------- waits 10s if no answer
13:12.47stmaher[TK]D-Fender, SORRY IGNORE PASTEBIN!!
13:12.56stmaher[TK]D-Fender, exten => 1234,1,Dial(SIP/1961@fester,2) ; permit transfer
13:13.17[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: Where do you see the "," in that pastebin?
13:13.31[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: Where do you see the ",2" in that pastebin?
13:13.42stmaherSorry.. thats an old pastebin please ignore
13:13.54stmaherexten => 1234,1,Dial(SIP/1961@fester,2) ; permit transfer is in the config
13:14.19[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: and it wouldn't matter because the call FAILS.  That isn't "waited for the other side to answer", this was "I don't even know how to call them so I give up!"
13:14.39[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: Wake up and show me what you've been requested to provide.
13:15.00[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: because if thats in your config you may want to APPLY your changes.
13:15.49[TK]D-Fenderjavb: those little bits you show aren't enough to help with your problem.  pastebin entire calls please
13:16.02[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.....
13:16.12Katty[TK]D-Fender: morning sunshine.
13:16.20Katty[TK]D-Fender: you appear to be nicely caffeinated.
13:16.27stmaher[TK]D-Fender, I have restarted asterisk... and the problem still persists.. let me explain.. I have an external IVR that is not currently running.. IE NOTHING listening on 5060.. If i use xlite to call it.. i get an unavailable tone instantly.. with xlite -> asterisk -> IVR i get a 10 second delay before the unavailable tone
13:16.28[TK]D-FenderKatty: sunshine BURNS PEOPLE.
13:16.41Katty[TK]D-Fender: if the shoe fits.. ;)
13:17.11_x86_[TK]D-Fender: did you get disco again? :P
13:17.22_x86_[TK]D-Fender: or are you simply ignoring me hehehe
13:17.27[TK]D-Fenderjavb: I don't see sip debug for 105's attempted call...
13:17.58stmaher[TK]D-Fender, I am trying to reduce the time it takes for asterisk to realise the IVR is down and send an unavailble to the xlite in under 2 seconds
13:18.03*** join/#asterisk MrParity (
13:18.07MrParityhi ho :-)
13:18.08[TK]D-Fender_x86_: Yes, I'm missing everything.  Pastebin the whole deal & debug,e tc and I'll pick up on it.
13:18.23Katty_x86_: i get to kick everyone off the email this server this morning... all in the name of manual backups!
13:18.36[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: its already failing instantly and you call should end as fast.
13:18.56stmaher[TK]D-Fender, that sentence does not make sense!
13:18.57_x86_[TK]D-Fender: i don't have a debug of the event, and it's hard for me to re-produce, since i'm ~100 miles from the location
13:19.20stmaher[TK]D-Fender, why is it taking 10 seconds with asterisk
13:19.21[TK]D-Fender_x86_: that should account for a few ms of SSH :p
13:19.55[TK]D-Fenderstmaher:maybe, just MAYBE you should make the next pririty in your extens a HANGUP or a BUSY <----
13:19.57Kattyi gave at the office.
13:19.59_x86_[TK]D-Fender: right, but i don't have an analog phone to play with here, that's connected to that phone system
13:20.38javb  <--- 103 is talking, i wall 103, and does not have call waiting.. and IT USED to have.
13:22.00krdian_what ip phones can you recommend for  * ?
13:22.12stmaher[TK]D-Fender, i put a  exten => s,2,Busy and it still doesnt work.. is there something wrong with the busy line?
13:22.13_x86_krdian_: anything with the "Polycom" name on it ;)
13:22.19javbkrdian_: Polycom
13:22.40*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (
13:22.44krdian__x86_: you think they are better than grandstream?
13:22.59[TK]D-Fenderjavb: well it gets called for 20s without answer.  Guess your PHON has an issue
13:23.04Qwellanything is better than grandstream
13:23.10[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: Show said anything about "s"?!
13:23.13*** join/#asterisk jfitzgibbon (n=chatzill@
13:23.22[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: what >NUMBER< are you dialing?
13:23.39MrParityi have a problem with a voip account. i usually use internvoip and isdn to call outside. now i want to try to use voip outside to an voip provider, but someting doesnt work. " Executing Dial("SIP/gxp2000-0820bee0", "SIP/016334445334@arcor|30|tr") in new stack" is okay -i think, but then i get th following message: "Forbidden - wrong password on authentication for INVITE to '"Patrick" <sip:gxp2000@>;tag=as2bf550e2'"
13:23.44krdian_thank you :)
13:23.55[TK]D-Fenderkrdian_: Where are you located?
13:24.05krdian_[TK]D-Fender: Poland
13:24.07stmaher[TK]D-Fender, Thank you .. it works now :-)
13:24.16MrParitycan anyone push me into the right direction?
13:24.22*** join/#asterisk Sci_05 (
13:24.28[TK]D-Fenderkrdian_: Linksys is probably a good bet for you.
13:24.45Sci_05morning all
13:25.07javb[TK]D-Fender: <--- i called 105, told 105 5o transfer a call, this sounds busy...
13:25.16_x86_krdian_: anything is better than grandstream
13:25.20jbotgrandstream is, like, the Yugo of VoIP hardware.  Run.  Run away now.
13:25.26_x86_see ;)
13:25.28jfitzgibbonMrParity: do a 'sip debug peer <peername>' for your ITSP and double check that the password you're using is your auth PW, not your register PW (assuming your provider makes you register)
13:25.41*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
13:25.55jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
13:27.17javbThis is happening with all the 15 phones here, Polycom 330. and they were ok with Asterisk 1.2 lastnight! C
13:27.21Kattythey brought me a dirty windows 98 machine to fix.
13:27.30Kattyand by dirty, i mean it's been in a warehouse
13:27.44javb[TK]D-Fender: <--- i called 105, told 105 5o transfer a call, this sounds busy...
13:27.46javbThis is happening with all the 15 phones here, Polycom 330. and they were ok with Asterisk 1.2 lastnight! C
13:27.49Kattythis thing belongs in a dumpster :<
13:27.56javb(think i got disconnected)
13:28.13MrParityjfitzgibbon: itsp?
13:28.21jbotitsp is probably an Internet Telephony Service Provider, or a "VoIP Phone Company".
13:28.29jfitzgibbonno, there it is
13:28.41[TK]D-Fenderjavb: next one with sip debug please.
13:28.55MrParityjfitzgibbon: *g* ok :-)
13:29.36defsworkcan you monitor a ring group with blf
13:29.39krdian_[TK]D-Fender: i sse, so i have to exchange my gxp2000
13:29.45*** join/#asterisk mindCrime__ (
13:30.05MrParityjfitzgibbon:  [username]      1785 Registered
13:30.18MrParityjfitzgibbon: isn't i ok?
13:30.31jfitzgibbonMrParity: do the sip debug for the call with verbose set to at least 3 and pastebin it
13:30.33[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: you can monitor a group of DEVICES.  And NEVER use the term "ring group" again.  EVER
13:30.52jfitzgibbonMrParity: also include the dialplan you're using to call
13:31.03MrParityjfitzgibbon: ok, ill do it, thanks :-)
13:31.29*** join/#asterisk TrentCreek (
13:31.32defswork[TK]D-Fender: :o
13:32.45defswork[TK]D-Fender: I set a blf on an aastra 9133i to group 600 but doesn't show when it's ringing
13:32.57defsworkshould that work ?
13:34.00[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: Gee I dunno... did you se up the HINT for it properly?
13:36.26b1ch0hi everybody again, does anybody worked with stun server on the same asterisk machine before ? .... it is to avoid transversal nat problem (without VPN between remote branch)
13:36.54[TK]D-Fenderb1ch0: * doesn't currently support STUN, nor does it need it
13:37.01defswork[TK]D-Fender: you ask as if I have a clue what I am doing :)
13:37.17[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: * doesn't do anything that you don't configure it to do.
13:37.28[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: Go read up on setting up dialplan hints.
13:37.51defswork[TK]D-Fender: I'm using freepbx so have some constraints :)
13:38.11[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: Sorry... You're stuck with the IQ you've got, make the most of it :p
13:38.28[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: Oh... and GTFO ;)
13:38.43defsworkget the furry orange ?
13:38.44[TK]D-FenderMerci, salut la visite!
13:39.02[TK]D-FenderSuivent, NEXT!@!@!
13:39.26b1ch0<[TK]D-Fender>: i mean as externa aplication running on the same machine .... or any other solution that can help to avoid that problem
13:39.58[TK]D-Fenderb1ch0: You haven't actually DESCRIBED the problem and scenario.....
13:40.33javb[TK]D-Fender   :/
13:40.40sylewhat OS's you guys run?
13:41.01b1ch0i have and * with 50 IP phones on the same network , firewalled
13:41.09[TK]D-Fendersyle: Popular : CentOs, FC, Debian, Gentoo, Slackware, and jsut about everything else under the sun
13:41.15b1ch0and 6 remote branch offices
13:41.37b1ch0each one behin firewall
13:41.49*** join/#asterisk keith4 (n=keith@lust.CC.Lehigh.EDU)
13:41.58keith4how's asterisk's H323 support?
13:42.08[TK]D-Fenderb1ch0: Here :
13:42.10jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
13:42.18[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: Mew
13:42.21[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: Meh
13:42.30b1ch0like 192.x.x.x - FIREWALL - INTERNET - FIREWALL- 10..x.x.x
13:43.21[TK]D-Fenderb1ch0: please read the guide I linked for you
13:43.26badcfewhats the canonical way of allowing a user to access the asterisk cli?  (asterisk run as asterisk)
13:43.31[TK]D-Fenderb1ch0: it will tell you what you need to do.
13:43.47*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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13:44.13defswork[TK]D-Fender: just for bonus IQ points I think I got it working :)
13:44.20javbeverytime i want to transfer i get this : [Oct 16 09:43:40] NOTICE[2242]: chan_sip.c:13605 handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate user "Joel Valdez" <sip:102@>;tag=B14A7CA0-BEDDA39... where "102" is the exten wanting to DO the trasnfer.
13:44.38[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: Success doesn't make you smarter, but hopefully QUIETER :p
13:44.41*** join/#asterisk CBU[^_^]M`` (n=love@
13:44.47*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey (
13:45.07badcfewhats the canonical way of allowing a user to access the asterisk cli?
13:45.13[TK]D-Fenderjavb: When you feel like following what we ask you to do you might eventually get somewhere...
13:46.06javb[TK]D-Fender: Ok, i`m sorry, but, can you explain WHAT is what you want me to do?
13:46.23[TK]D-Fenderjavb: I asked for SIP DEBUG for your call.
13:46.31keith4javb: he's in a good mood today, you're lucky
13:46.41[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: No, decidedly not.
13:47.07javbhow can i use the SIP DEBUG cmd for an specific call
13:47.54[TK]D-Fenderjavb: Don't do it for a specific call, do ti in general so I can see everything.
13:51.10[TK]D-Fenderjavb: And where's the error in there?
13:51.34[TK]D-Fenderjavb: Calls a zap channel, looks fine...
13:53.44b1ch0<[TK]D-Fender> : Asterisk as a SIP server behind nat, clients on the same  network (always behind NAT), clients on the outside behind a second NAT connecting to Asterisk
13:53.46javbit is just when i need the phone to use two lines
13:54.06[TK]D-Fenderb1ch0: Thats fine, and this scenatio is described in there...
13:54.25[TK]D-Fenderjavb: Whatver problems you are having is not in that pastebin.
13:55.00sylesome sick people trolling channels today
13:55.01javbHere  <--- i make a call to voicemail, then, try to transfer it.
13:55.03*** join/#asterisk stimpie (
13:55.18syleone guy is describing what his cat looks like after every 30 sec its in the microwave
13:57.30[TK]D-Fendersyle: is it ON?
13:58.06syleyep, talking about its eyes melting and crap
13:58.12sylethankgod he got kicked out of channel
13:58.17stimpieI have a line 'exten => _X!,8,Set(CDR(userfield)=${CDR(userfield)} Hangupcause:${HANGUPCAUSE})'  which sometimes adds 'set, CDR(userfield)= Hangupcause:38' to the cdr
13:58.51CBU[^_^]M``X lite ===> Internet ===> My PABX.... error 404
13:59.22[TK]D-Fenderjavb: To: <sip:10@;user=phone>;tag=as25d62700 - SIP/2.0 484 Address Incomplete
13:59.34CBU[^_^]M``X lite soft phone ===> Internet ===> My PABX.... error 404 on the softphone
13:59.38[TK]D-Fenderjavb: Who is 10?  That number is no food.
14:00.03javband user "phone" does not exist.
14:00.12[TK]D-FenderCBU[^_^]M``: pastebin the call attempt with sip debug enabled
14:00.14jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
14:00.15javbi dont understand that.
14:00.32CBU[^_^]M``thanks ill try that
14:00.38[TK]D-Fenderjavb: You are dialing "10" and that exten is no good.
14:01.08*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@
14:01.50javbbut i am not dialing 10, and the dial plan y exact the same as inthe asterisk 1.2
14:02.25*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
14:02.39[TK]D-Fenderjavb: your phone begs to differ.
14:02.52[TK]D-Fenderjavb: [TK]D-Fender>javb: To: <sip:10@;user=phone>;tag=as25d62700 - SIP/2.0 484 Address Incomplete
14:03.31[TK]D-Fenderjavb: Something tells me you have not correctly configured your POLYCOM's dialplan <------
14:04.30b1ch0<[TK]D-Fender> : any other good site that can help to solve NAT problem ?  ... sorry about bothering you so much
14:05.09[TK]D-Fenderb1ch0: well you haven't SHOWN me what you've done so far, nor described the actual problem, so there really isn't anything to say for it.
14:05.20[TK]D-Fenderb1ch0: PASTEBIN is your friend.
14:05.23jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
14:05.34javb[TK]D-Fender: i havent touch the 10 polycoms dialplan, but, may that problem be noticed now in asterisk 1.4
14:05.59[TK]D-Fenderjavb: go look at its dialplan
14:06.12sysadmin-lebHi All i have running asterisk with multiple voip phones ...I have added a DID and I can accept incoming calls from a PSTN however the same softphone always rings how can I change the default phone that will ring when I receive an incomin call
14:07.20[TK]D-Fendersysadmin-leb: its your dialplan, it does whatever you TELL IT TO.
14:07.38CBU[^_^]M``X lite soft phone ===> Internet ===> My PABX.... error 404 on the softphone still
14:07.42*** join/#asterisk shido6 (n=shido6@
14:07.50[TK]D-FenderCBU[^_^]M``: And you've shown us exactly NOTHING.
14:09.30*** join/#asterisk darviria (
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14:19.59MrParityit works :-)
14:20.10MrParityjfitzgibbon: thanks :-)
14:21.13*** join/#asterisk ylon (
14:22.01ylonI've got an emergency, someone set up an asterisk adhearsion system for me and they are not available for help and I'm scratching around trying to figure out what is going on by the logs, etc.
14:22.24yloncan anyone help me with some basic troubleshooting to isolate the issue?
14:22.30jbotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there, just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
14:23.06peanut-whos here against their will?
14:23.44ylonso is that a no?  That is my question...
14:23.55[TK]D-Fender"you can check out anyt ime you like, but you can never leave..."
14:23.58ylonI need some basic steps to move forward here in isolating the issue
14:24.00*** join/#asterisk synthetiq (n=tampon@
14:24.14stimpieylon, you havent even told us what the issue is
14:24.20[TK]D-Fenderylon: thats a "ask a SPECIFIC question and maybe you'll get a SPECIFIC answer
14:24.26ylonthat's correct, I don't know the issue
14:24.30[TK]D-Fenderylon: PASTEBIN is your friend
14:24.33jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
14:24.41ylonthere is dialtone, but the calls don't go out
14:24.44ylonnor can it receive calls
14:24.50[TK]D-Fenderylon: You'd better know SOMTHING of use for us because we're not psychic
14:24.59ylonI'd like to know where to look in order to find answers in the logs
14:25.19synthetiqif i do a call to .... is there someway to prevent the striping of the "s" ? this happens when i use voicemail... exten => _[0-9a-zA-Z].,1,Voicemail(synthetic@context)
14:25.26ylonokay, lsof is my friend
14:25.34[TK]D-Fenderylon: what technologies are involved?  What is talking to what?  How far are calls getting?  What are the symptoms?
14:25.53synthetiqor i can see a problem with "u" too
14:26.29ylonOkay, thanks:  I have SIP phones connected to a poe switch which in turn is connected to a server with asterisk and adhearsion running (on a ruby web interface)
14:26.30MrParitywow. now i have an other problem. after 1:20 the call hangs up (SIP/2.0 487 Request Terminated)
14:26.42[TK]D-Fendersynthetiq: You should not be using NAMES at box #'s
14:26.46MrParitydoes anyone have an idea that could be wrong?
14:26.49*** join/#asterisk BBHoss (n=hoss@
14:26.51ylonCalls are not ringing into the building
14:27.02[TK]D-Fendersynthetiq: but you may be able to get around this by using the SECOND parameter for Voicemail explicitly.
14:27.08ylonNor can calls go out, there is a dial tone, however there is no outbound traffic from the server
14:27.29*** join/#asterisk felix_da_catz (
14:27.39[TK]D-Fenderylon: Phone is registered to * directly?
14:28.09ylonso, I don't know, the fellow set it up so that registration occurs through adhearsion via the web interface
14:28.21synthetiq"SECOND" parameter?
14:28.35[TK]D-Fendersynthetiq: "show application voicemail" <- RTFM :)
14:28.39ylon(whoops, "so" was a mistake, was going to type something else)
14:29.00ylonI'm peaking into the event_log right now
14:29.08ylonbut nothing really telling appears to be in there
14:29.09[TK]D-Fenderylon: pastebin a failed call attempt at * CLI with SIP DEBUG enabled
14:29.22yloncan you tell me how to do that?
14:29.23[TK]D-Fenderylon: and you likely won't see anything of sue in logs...
14:29.57stimpieylon, connect to asterisk cli by 'asterisk -r'
14:29.59[TK]D-Fenderylon: get to * CLI and type in "sip debug".  Then place a call and pastebin the complete CLI output.
14:30.42ylonhow do you place a call once there
14:30.49stimpieuse a phone
14:31.04ylonalright, I'm not onsite, doing this via ssh stimpie, sorry
14:31.07[TK]D-Fenderylon: use your phone like nomal and place a call
14:31.09ylonI need to do this virtually
14:31.13stimpiefor dialing from asterisk cli use the originate command
14:31.21[TK]D-Fenderylon: You need to SHOW us the problem.
14:31.40[TK]D-Fenderylon: So if you can't replicate it then you aren't going to be able to identify the problem and fix it.
14:31.58ylonsure, lets see if this does not show us the problem, right?
14:32.09[TK]D-Fenderstimpie: thats worthless if its an auth issue, bad contexts, etc... and he has NO clue about his system
14:32.11ylonI'm going to try to place a virtual sip call to myself
14:32.18*** part/#asterisk blitzrage (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
14:33.45*** join/#asterisk CBU[^_^]M`` (n=love@
14:35.07CBU[^_^]M``5030, 10000-20000 <= are these the only port that i need to set for the port forwarding?
14:35.28[TK]D-FenderCBU[^_^]M``: Here :
14:35.31jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
14:35.51CBU[^_^]M``hmmm.. thanks :)
14:37.23CBU[^_^]M``question again :)
14:37.37CBU[^_^]M``where can i find the NAT = yes in asterisk?
14:38.35De_MonCBU[^_^]M`` keep reading
14:38.45lirakisdoes anyone know how to correlate a entry from the queue_log file that asterisk generates, to a cdr?? ..
14:39.51CBU[^_^]M``De_Mon.. can it be accessed through the GUI or do i need to go to the CPU w/ the asterisk? my CPU with the asterisk dont have a monitor hehehe
14:40.12*** join/#asterisk southtel (
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14:41.00[TK]D-FenderCBU[^_^]M``: /etc/asterisk <- folder with your config files.
14:41.02*** join/#asterisk toot (n=toot@
14:41.04*** join/#asterisk southtel (
14:41.21[TK]D-FenderCBU if you don't even know where they are or how to get to them then we can't help you
14:42.06*** join/#asterisk Dan0maN_Work (n=dschuh@
14:42.10[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: before sending a call to queue, set the accountcode to the uniqueID.  That will map the the uniqueid in our queue log
14:42.19*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (i=putnopvu@nat/digium/x-6788265e7022a3ca)
14:42.41lirakis[TK]D-Fender: hmm .. okay
14:44.06ylonokay, chatted with someone for a moment and it turns out that I'm using an agi script to dial, can anyone help with that in terms of taking this a step further in figuring out how to properly troubleshoot this remotely?
14:44.41[TK]D-Fenderylon: You are in the territory of
14:44.43jboti heard hafc is hire a freaking consultant.  Look, if you're having difficulty understanding what you're doing and need a solution soon, you will be far better off hiring a competent consultant than continuing to pull your hair out.
14:45.05[TK]D-Fenderylon: You are no doubt running in a highly complex solution
14:45.54[TK]D-Fenderylon: <- go check out the consultants list
14:46.18orakleheh. hafc.
14:49.15*** join/#asterisk groogs (
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14:50.53javbif i have installed asterisk 1.4, how can i totally uninstall it... have my system clean, and install asterisk 1.2 ?
14:52.29orakleHeh, I did this once
14:52.30*** join/#asterisk flujan (
14:52.39javbis it posible?
14:52.57oraklei used locate and kept deleting until it couldn't find anything called asterisk anymore
14:53.18oraklei don't think there's a nice uninstall command sadly
14:53.19JTit's quite easy
14:53.25JTdeleted the modules binaries
14:53.30JTmaybe change some config files
14:54.20oraklewell yeah that takes care of the main stuff
14:54.31oraklebut if you want to make your system totally clean before goign to 1.2..
14:54.35orakleit's a bit more work
14:54.49JTwhat i said is sufficient
14:54.55JTwipe the configs if you want
14:54.57oraklei don't disagree
14:55.00orakleit'll work
14:55.08oraklehe was asking how to "clean" his system that's all
14:55.14javb[TK]D-Fender: i have the 501 here, working great, i have checked the digit map, and is THE SAME as the 330... NOTE: 330 were working normal 10 hours ago..  just when asterisk 1.2 was working
14:55.22javbThis is very very very weird.
14:55.32javbAnd no, i dont need coffee anymore
14:55.37oraklemmm coffee
14:55.44[TK]D-Fenderjavb: We both see that the phone is sending 10.  that is not *'s fault.  It is your PHONE or the user behind it
14:56.16javb[TK]D-Fender: ok.
14:56.28[TK]D-Fenderjavb: Pick one, because either way this is not *'s fault
14:59.23syleanyone recommend a good colocation? was with servepath for 1k a year and dudes after 4 years being there double the price on me
14:59.44JT$1k a year got you what?
14:59.45javb[TK]D-Fender: Do you know where can i trubleshoot this o Polycoms web based config
15:01.13sylei had 300GB a month and big ass pipe
15:02.17*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@debian/developer/santiago)
15:02.50JTsyle: how many RUs?
15:03.46sylei can;t even remember was a 2u or 5u
15:04.15sylebig ass dell server one of those 2650's i beleive
15:04.34JTwell do you own the server or not?
15:04.40JTand a 2650 is 2RU
15:04.44JTso not that big
15:05.02sylei like to think it is has 6 scsi drives lol
15:05.19Dan0maN_Workit has room for 5 scsi's
15:05.25Dan0maN_Work(got one in the other room)
15:05.30Dan0maN_Workbut that's not all that much space
15:05.32JT6 probably
15:05.51Dan0maN_Work(ours has 5 with a cd/floopy)
15:06.02sylei had 6 put in there, i have never seen it, ordered it in states and shipped it right to a colo
15:06.05oraklefloopy :)
15:06.23sylehas about 8 gigs of ram
15:06.31syledual cpus 3.2 ghz
15:06.35JTwhat did you need so many disks for?
15:06.36khronosI've used and before.
15:07.09sylei was increasing I/O efficiency for raid5
15:07.21sylemore drives faster disk speed
15:07.28JThigh drive failure rate
15:07.52sylehaven;t had one die yet
15:07.53JTalso with RAID5, faster speed with lots of drives really depends on having a very good RAID5 controller
15:08.08JTthat doesn't mean one won't
15:08.11syleits the megaraid2 driver
15:08.18syleacraid i beleive
15:08.29JTnot driver
15:08.36Dan0maN_Work04:08.1 RAID bus controller: Dell PowerEdge Expandable RAID Controller 3/Di (rev 01)
15:08.38tootis raid5 faster? i thought raid1 was faster :)
15:08.39[TK]D-Fenderjavb: You should only be configuring these phones via provisioning.
15:08.43sylei don;t remember i bought the server for about 10k 3 years ago
15:08.54[TK]D-Fenderjavb: And No, I am not certain which screen the dialplan is in.
15:08.58tootslower write, faster read
15:09.06JTtoot: RAID5 can be fast for reads, very slow to write
15:09.12javb[TK]D-Fender: what do you mean by "provisioning"?
15:09.23syleeither was i need a colo suggestion
15:09.52[TK]D-Fenderjavb: config files picked up via ftp/http/tftp, etc
15:10.05orakleyou write the config file on the server and the phone just goes and picks it up
15:10.10[TK]D-Fenderjavb: Go download the admin guide and get the firmware from your reseller
15:10.11oraklei do it with my ciscos
15:10.12syleany good spot in the US is fine
15:10.16sylegood backbone
15:10.20s0ckare you uk syle
15:10.28JTi'm guessing it's not for voip then
15:10.59sylenope, i do develop in asterisk tree time to time, but this server is for database only stuff
15:11.14*** join/#asterisk ai-a ( is fairly decent from what i can tell i was looking at the other day, seems alright
15:11.52tootcan i ask - are most people using asterisk for 1-5 or bigger installs? - reason being we are going to release a freeware version of tigercube shortly..
15:11.57syleyeah thats same backbone i have now, i think they probably doubling rates to if same area
15:12.23sylecalifornia can go to hell lol, i just want to move it
15:13.13sylei currently living in central canada, so central US prob be good
15:13.26JTsyle: yes, HE is one of the biggest players around
15:13.36JTlatency to australia is excellent :)
15:13.40orakleHE is awesome
15:13.44orakleused to have a box there
15:14.52JTsyle: you don't want california?
15:14.55[TK]D-Fendertoot: Yes, plenty of people.  Do you guys have a commercial license with Digium already?
15:14.58JTit's very well connected
15:15.27s0ckanyone running 6.5.12 on a snom360
15:15.55[TK]D-Fendertoot: And since you already seem to have made this solution, shouldn't you already know the answer to this?
15:16.16javbMmm, if my phone sends 10 with Asterisk 1.4 and sends 102 with asterisk 1.2 (both cases dialing 102) ... isnt this out of the question?
15:16.53syleit don;t matter to me where it is
15:17.00sylejust somewhere in US
15:17.19sylelow hop count preferably
15:17.24mildks0ck: yes
15:17.28tootheh - we have a good idea, but just wondered what people in the channel were mostly doing
15:17.57syleyeah he is like 1 hop from me right now
15:18.25[TK]D-Fendertoot: the answer is "not using or making GUI's and trying to sell their solutions".
15:18.47JTsyle: that puts them pretty close by, like in your building
15:19.07sylethink one of their rackspaces is a building away
15:19.10[TK]D-Fendertoot: For which I certainly hope you either abide the Digium commercial license or are providing the full source with your solution...
15:19.44JTsyle: you live in california?
15:19.45tootheh - we are in close and very friendly ongoing discussions with Digium
15:19.54tootwe are also good and active open source people :P
15:20.34ai-aPABX or PBX ?
15:20.40sylein canada, which is alright, US dollar sucks ass anyways
15:21.21*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
15:21.21ai-a"Private Automatic Branch eXchange" or "Private Bbranch eXchange" ?
15:21.36s0ckmildk: blf working fine?
15:21.43*** join/#asterisk jcmoore (n=jcmoore@unaffiliated/tgrman)
15:21.52sylewhich sucks for me, their president keeps spending millions a day on crap in iraq, dude has 50% shares in oil stocks not hard to see the scam hes pullin
15:22.09JTai-a: a matter of location really
15:22.13[TK]D-Fenderai-a: "All of the above" :p
15:22.21JTsyle: they have a datacentre in canada?
15:22.37[TK]D-Fenderai-a: the "A" is a WORTHLESS addition to "PBX"
15:22.47ai-aA as in Asterisk ?
15:22.48syleproblem is i cater to http requests for US people
15:22.54badcfei use the Read application and it only receives the first few (randomly) digits i type
15:23.13sylethats why its there and generally cheaper colos in the US then canada, they want an arm and a leg for bandwidth etc here
15:23.17JTsyle: the only datacentres i knew of were fremont, CA and San Jose, CA
15:24.27badcfeformulated as a question:  "i use the Read application and it only receives the first few (randomly) digits i type, anyone has a hint about why it doesnt get all the digits upto the # i type ?
15:24.52syletheres tons, people who own the US pipe line are from texas, nice pipes around there
15:25.23[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: pastebin the CLI output of your attempt at verbose 10 with DTMF debug
15:25.36mildks0ck: yes, but i think version 7 is better
15:25.44badcfe[TK]D-Fender: how do i enable dtmf debug?
15:25.45mildks0ck: it handles resubscriptions if asterisk is restarted
15:27.49*** join/#asterisk guomi (
15:27.51[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: "set debug 10" oughtta do
15:30.40*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
15:30.57badcfe[TK]D-Fender: history is ive tried rfc2833, info (ofcourse in the sender gw in parallell), and i monitor with wireshark, ngrep, asterisk cli and the gw log.  arg!  (thanks for helping, ill pastebin the cli output of an attempt now)
15:32.58khronosAnybody have suggestions for compnies I can call to customize a few servers?
15:34.05badcfe[TK]D-Fender: i dont get dtmf debug on the cli
15:34.51[TK]D-Fenderkhronos: , ,  Have fun!
15:35.14[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: pastebin what you DO get and make a small IVR to validate your DTMF.
15:37.55*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
15:39.10badcfe[TK]D-Fender: ok, here i have my extensions.conf sip.conf and the cli output with debug 10:
15:40.14*** join/#asterisk Agnt_0rnge (
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15:42.53badcfe[TK]D-Fender: hmm, i have an interesting log done with logger to get the dtmf
15:43.27badcfe[TK]D-Fender:  check this out ..
15:44.45*** join/#asterisk TrentCreek (
15:45.01dukihello,  I have just suscribed to and got my very new sip address.  Is there any test services like FWD?  How can I do some testing with iptel? My sip account is now configured in asterisk.
15:45.50TrentCreektry looking on their web site for a tets
15:47.30dukiTrentCreek:  Yes I were there but cannot find what I am looking for.  I go there once again ...
15:50.09[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: very interesting...
15:50.44[TK]D-Fenderduki: If you don't know how to test it, what are theys upposed to be doing for you in the first place?
15:51.21badcfe[TK]D-Fender: for info its asterisk 1.4.2
15:51.55[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: That already doesn't bode well for you... what version?
15:52.07[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: nvm...
15:52.19[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: Ok, well you might want to consider upgrading...
15:53.22badcfe[TK]D-Fender: hmm, but i think im doing something nasty.  i think i had the same problem with another version of asterisk.  with wireshark i see some RTP flowing there right before i tap numbers
15:53.32*** join/#asterisk CBU[^_^]M`` (n=love@
15:53.46[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: RTP will flow... taht jsut audio...
15:53.53[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: * doesn't stop that for read...
15:54.22duki[TK]D-Fender: I was there and found that it is possible to search for users online/offline, but nothing like echo test for example or time/weather service
15:54.39[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: So yuo can ChanSpy them and here them say "What's my friggen PIN again.. I think I'm gonna have to call the BOFH again dammit...."
15:56.02badcfe[TK]D-Fender: heh, yeah all this is just so i can collect social security pin
15:56.20*** join/#asterisk UnixDog (
15:56.58UnixDoganyone here know how to convert a mp3 to a wav
15:57.21badcfe[TK]D-Fender: thing is that on my production asterisk installations dtmf _relay_ works perfect (i can see all them security payments authentified actually).  this makes me think its the Read app that teases me badly
15:57.51badcfe[TK]D-Fender: Read works for half  the times i call it
15:58.36badcfe[TK]D-Fender: on my test computer here (for the Read app test) i have asterisk debian lenny package.  maybe its buggy
15:59.07nestArUnixDog: sox should do it
15:59.26UnixDogI will try
16:00.08_x86_what would cause asterisk to not hang up a bridged call when an analog user hangs up their leg of the call for over 15 seconds?
16:00.26_x86_callprogress? busydetect?
16:01.48_x86_PSTN --(sangoma A20002D-x / POTS line)--> asterisk --(sangoma A102D-x / T1)--> Rhino channel bank --> user
16:03.10*** join/#asterisk kmchen (
16:03.32kmchenhi everybody
16:04.12*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
16:05.44kmchenI have an Asterisk/Ekiga/Debian install. Works fine but the sound is jerky. Is it a pb of codecs ?
16:06.48kmchenanybody there ?
16:06.48*** join/#asterisk Kernel_Core (n=I@
16:06.55[TK]D-Fender_x86_: how exactly is hanging up?
16:07.57badcfekmchen: yeah.  ive tried that.  i dont know what it is.  what sound does ekiga give you when you try it towards something else
16:08.23_x86_[TK]D-Fender: analog user
16:08.37_x86_[TK]D-Fender: off the rhino channel bank
16:09.03badcfe[TK]D-Fender: hmm.  is there some workaround of Read.  like programming it by hand using extentions with goto and so?
16:09.16tzafrirkmchen, what codecs do you use?
16:09.16kmchenbadcfe: never tried to towards anything else
16:09.39tzafrirIt could also be an issue with the sound card (yeah, blame the hardware)
16:09.49badcfe[TK]D-Fender: WaitExten is ok for the purpose of receiving exactly 9 digits ?
16:10.23[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: No, you could make a small IVR for this however.
16:10.43*** join/#asterisk atomicd (
16:11.10badcfetzafrir, kmchen: i tried asterisk with good sound, then (on same computer) i used ekiga to do the call.  it was awfull!
16:11.14kmchentzafrir: I tried alaw, ulaw, speex, gsm and lpc10. Can it be hardware if sound looks good when play on local speekers
16:12.02badcfe[TK]D-Fender: can you give me an example.  it would spare me for some frustration -- if you have an example that is
16:12.34tzafrirkmchen, is it on the same LAN? if so: no reason to use any compressed codec (speex, gsm, lpc10)
16:13.13[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: Don't have one handy.  Initialize a var , collect each digit until a timeout is reached maxlen is reached, or a terminating char is reached.
16:13.33tzafrirkmchen, it does extra work and has lower sound quality
16:13.43tzafrirAsterisk and Ekiga are on the same system?
16:13.47*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
16:13.48kmchentzafrir: yes on same LAN but I call out
16:14.13UnixDogok I cant find a doc on how to convert from mp3 to wav with sox
16:14.17tzafrirwhat about a test call on your LAN? from ekiga to an echo test on asterisk?
16:14.18kmchentzafrir: and asterisk and ekiga on same system
16:14.22UnixDogand i am ok the sox site
16:15.05kmchentzafrir: did not test echo
16:15.31kmchentzafrir: gonna do it
16:15.45tzafriror any similar test call
16:19.59*** join/#asterisk MacReady (
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16:26.05UnixDoggot it
16:26.57*** part/#asterisk psy65535 (
16:27.51dijungalhow do I rename a recording after an agent is finished with the call?
16:29.24*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jtregunn@unaffiliated/jer)
16:30.43penguinFunkanyone care about this: ?
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16:33.02penguinFunkThis attack can be successful even if the remote SIP proxy server requires authentication of user registration, because the SIP messages are transmitted in the clear
16:34.55kmchentzafrir: do you have simple exemple cause I'm afraid to pass lot of time to make this work. (I'm a real newbie)
16:35.47tzafrirkmchen, there's an echo test extension in the example extensions.conf IVR
16:36.03tzafrirBasically, Echo() does the trick
16:36.44*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
16:37.06kmchentzafrir: tried that but nothing happens: exten => 12,1,echo() and compose 12
16:37.32jcanfieldDoes polycom support or have plans to support LLDP?
16:37.47*** join/#asterisk Remenic (
16:37.57Remenichi, I have an odd question
16:39.06CBU[^_^]M``hello... i have read some articles in the internet about connecting Skype to asterisk.. is it true?
16:39.30Remenicis it possible, in the dialplan, to add a short delay before sending the client "180 Ringing" ?
16:39.40RemenicI need to to catch a little bug in a softphone
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16:41.44[TK]D-Fenderjcanfield: LLDP?
16:41.50keith4Remenic: does Wait() not work?
16:43.02Remenicahhh now why the hell didn't I try that first :P
16:43.02[TK]D-FenderCBU[^_^]M``: All of the ways that exist are non-free and SHIT.  Skype is a proprietary protocol so don't expect to see much support for it
16:43.07Remenickeith4: thanks, it does :)
16:43.18*** join/#asterisk ajohnson (n=ajohnson@
16:44.22Qwellchan_skype is a joke, at best
16:44.22keith4CBU[^_^]M``: what [TK]D-Fender said still applies, however
16:44.30jcanfield[TK]D-Fender: Basicly, you plug in the phone, it tell the network what it is, based on that it is assigned VLAN, IP info.  (Layer 1 discovery)
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16:44.58GreggBpenguinFunk: yep, and the same thing can happen if someone taps an analog line... I personally wouldn't approach it from the perspective that VoIP is insecure, but more that the protocol could be improved - or maybe you should run your SIP traffic over a VPN.
16:45.06[TK]D-Fenderjcanfield: Well Polycom does support VLANs...
16:45.52jcanfield[TK]D-Fender: Yep, but that has to assigned/provisioned.
16:45.59*** join/#asterisk shido6 (n=shido6@
16:46.33[TK]D-Fenderjcanfield: Go download the bootrom admin guide and check it out
16:47.08jcanfield[TK]D-Fender: Doing it....LLDP will solve some security issues with bootrom.
16:47.26[TK]D-Fenderjcanfield: like?
16:47.50jcanfield[TK]D-Fender: Like anyone can easy get IP and MAC of phone and plug in.
16:48.07jcanfield[TK]D-Fender: As if they were the phone
16:48.41*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
16:49.15slimahello, it`s me again, I still have a problem with picking 3 digit interial number. Asterisk stops at the first digit and search for exten '1', the same configuration works well with other operator, but i`d really like it to work with this operator as well, my config and debug:  any suggestions?
16:49.49GreggBpenguinFunk: you might also check out RFC 3261 (basically SIP over TLS), I believe many of the LinkSys SIP devices support this.
16:52.29*** join/#asterisk ajohnson (n=ajohnson@
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16:55.18_x86_if I Read() or Authenticate() it sees the button i press twice
16:55.27_x86_why would it be doubling the DTMF?
16:56.23[TK]D-Fender_x86_: maybe * is picking up OOB & IB simultaneously.
16:57.37De_Monslima the phones are using different extension pattern matching
16:57.47*** join/#asterisk marcan (
16:57.50De_Monslima fix the phone
16:58.11GreggBpenguinFunk: Looks like SIP over TLS is under development in * right now too:
16:59.02_x86_[TK]D-Fender: hmm... i have dtmfmode=auto
16:59.12[TK]D-Fender_x86_: PICK ONE :p
16:59.25_x86_[TK]D-Fender: i want OOB
16:59.45_x86_[TK]D-Fender: 2833 it is? :P
16:59.47*** join/#asterisk mosty (
16:59.53[TK]D-Fender_x86_: I want a million dollars... nobody's leaving happy it seems.....
17:01.11_x86_[TK]D-Fender: dtmfmode=rfc2833 did not solve the issue...
17:01.21_x86_will try dtmfmode=inband
17:01.42slimaDe_Mon: what phone? i called mobile phone -> my sip number (sip operator) -> asterisk [mainmenu] and i try to dial '100'
17:01.49slimacalled by*
17:01.55linagee[TK]D-Fender: i want that too!
17:02.23mostyis it considered valid to want to be able to dial 1800-SOMEHUGELONGPIECEOFTEXT and expect a PBX to only use the first N digits?
17:02.32linagee[TK]D-Fender: although you have to admit, a million dollars in 2007 money is not much. it will just buy you a large, adequate house.
17:02.51De_Monslima ok, and under what conditions does it work as desired?
17:02.53[TK]D-Fenderlinagee : Only an idiot would go and buy a house with it....
17:03.04_x86_[TK]D-Fender: does not matter if i set dtmfmode=rfc2833 or dtmfmode=inband, same results as dtmfmode=auto
17:03.16_x86_[TK]D-Fender: i tried relaxdtmf=no as well as =yes, no difference
17:03.18hmmhesaysa million bucks, I could live on that for a long ass time
17:03.27_x86_[TK]D-Fender: progressinband is no
17:03.27[TK]D-Fender_x86_: verify where you are setting thi and that its in the appropriate place....
17:03.28linageehmmhesays: on ramen noodles? :)
17:03.40linageehmmhesays: buy like a million noodle cans
17:03.42_x86_[TK]D-Fender: iax.conf and sip.conf in [general]
17:03.45[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: I could make it last a lifetime.
17:04.14_x86_you could easily live off the interest of a million dollars
17:04.19jcanfieldhmmm...or forever if you are smart.
17:04.21[TK]D-Fender_x86_: exactly
17:04.24mostydo any businesses add unused digits to the end of their advertised numbers?
17:04.34_x86_standard savings account interest would be well over 50,000$/yr
17:05.00hmmhesaysI get 4% on my savings account
17:05.03[TK]D-Fender_x86_: wHAT SAVINGS ACCOUNT GIVE YOU 5%?
17:05.09_x86_but with that kind of money, you can do money market and all kinds of crazy shit, where you can get triple digit returns every year
17:05.15_x86_[TK]D-Fender: MINE DOES
17:05.17hmmhesayswell 3.8723423 something
17:05.22slimaDe_Mon: when I call: mobile phone -> *other* sip operator -> asterisk [mainmenu]
17:05.29[TK]D-Fender_x86_: good stuff...
17:05.39linagee[TK]D-Fender: i could make $160,000 last a lifetime
17:05.40mosty[TK]D-Fender, not everyday savings accounts. online banking accounts (from major banks) are often above 5%pa
17:05.50_x86_[TK]D-Fender: any ideas on my DTMF handling issue?
17:05.55[TK]D-Fender_x86_: nope
17:06.01linagee[TK]D-Fender: i could life off the interest of $160,000
17:06.18linageejbot: shh
17:06.44kmchentzafrir: Tested with xlite from another PC on LAN. Sounds ok. So it seems to be an Ekiga problem
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17:06.57linageemosty: try 22%, prosper. ;)
17:07.18mostylinagee, that's quite a bit riskier than a traditional bank
17:07.23linageemosty: true
17:07.48*** join/#asterisk captiancrash (n=jmoore@
17:07.51linageemosty: what if i just put money in there that i wouldn't mind losing anyway? like money that i might have otherwise taken to vegas and lost anyway?
17:09.14kmchenDoes anyone know how to get correct sound with Ekiga ?
17:09.15mostylinagee, you go to vegas for fun, not to make money. prosper isn't as fun
17:09.22linageemosty: it's fun to me. :)
17:09.30mostywell enjoy
17:09.37linageemosty: vegas is actually dumb fun
17:09.49hmmhesaysvegas is a lot more fun if you are winning
17:09.59linageemosty: put money into a computer, computer picks a random number, deposits money when random number hits other number
17:10.04hmmhesaysI get my A200 today
17:10.06mostylinagee, i don't find losing money fun
17:10.09hmmhesaysI dn't play computer games
17:10.14hmmhesayscards and dice only
17:10.24linageehmmhesays: every game at vegas is being replaced with a computer game
17:10.28mostypoker machines are just plain retarded
17:10.42hmmhesayslive dealers will never be replaced completely
17:10.58linageehmmhesays: depends on the cost/benefit ratio to the large business owner at the top. ;)
17:11.24*** join/#asterisk BrokenNoze (
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17:12.41BrokenNozeHi, I've hagin an issue with SIPGate, inbound calls seem to work fine, then for no apparent reason they stop working. the next time i get a SRV mapped to host, port 5060 event, they work again, anyone any ideas?
17:13.16UnixDogpolycoms rule
17:13.24linageeUnixDog: yes
17:13.41linageeUnixDog: just make 2.2.0 boot up faster and i will be even more happy. ;)
17:13.58UnixDogI have 501/601+sidecar and a 650 in route
17:14.35UnixDogI just wish they would have back light the units
17:14.39hmmhesaysI just provisioned my first 601 with a sidecar
17:14.44[TK]D-Fenderlinagee : Boots plenty fast for me, and since it doesn't NEED rebooting, I could not care less...
17:14.45hmmhesaysyeah backlights are the only thing I can see missing
17:14.59[TK]D-FenderIP 550/650 have backlight
17:15.08linagee[TK]D-Fender: boots slower than previous version though, which i find mysterious. (did they leave debugging symbols on or something?)
17:15.24UnixDogwell update the firm ware
17:15.24[TK]D-Fenderlinagee : my IP 501 takes 1:45 to boot SIP 2.2.0
17:15.28*** join/#asterisk docelmo (
17:15.30UnixDog2.2.0 is out
17:15.31slima[TK]D-Fender: its me agan..  I still have a problem with picking 3 digit interial number. Asterisk stops at the first digit and search for exten '1', the same configuration works well with other sip operator, but i`d really like it to work with this sip operator as well, my config and debug:
17:15.36linagee[TK]D-Fender: my 320 takes about 3-5 minutes
17:16.12[TK]D-Fenderslima: I have nothing more I can add on this.  Did you try "relaxdtmf=yes" for your channel's entry?
17:16.12UnixDog3.2.3 boot rom and 2.2.0 firmware works great
17:16.20UnixDogtakes less then a min to boot
17:16.32linagee[TK]D-Fender: maybe a 320 is a lower end model, but still, it booted 2.1.1 just plenty fast. like 1-2 minutes
17:16.42UnixDogI need a 330 next
17:16.51UnixDogI want 1 of each major model
17:16.57UnixDogto better support them
17:17.15linageeUnixDog: i have not upgraded the boot rom. maybe that's why it boots slow. (can't find a source)
17:17.30UnixDoghold on
17:17.41slima[TK]D-Fender: yes, and i`m changing dtmfmode= noting work...
17:17.46linageeUnixDog: i'm running 3.2.3 boot rom
17:17.51linageeUnixDog: there's a newer one out afaik
17:18.17slimanothing works*
17:18.53[TK]D-Fenderslima: Ok, then i'm out of ideas
17:18.58UnixDog3.2.3 rev b is the latest I know of
17:18.58jcanfield[TK]D-Fender: Just talked to polycom SE, LLDP is in beta should  be a firmware upgrade.
17:19.24[TK]D-FenderUnixDog: BootrROM 4.0 <-
17:19.37*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
17:19.40[TK]D-FenderUnixDog: Go ask your reseller for it
17:20.05UnixDoglol but all mine fall off the back of truks
17:20.08UnixDoglol joking
17:20.48linageeUnixDog: 4.0.0 is latest.
17:21.25linageeweird. the 4.0.0 release document is for 3.2.3
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17:28.42UnixDogok well now I know soomething is wrong for a week nowe i can not reach no one is answering the phones
17:28.49UnixDogI want the new bootrooom
17:28.55Qwellsure sounds like they died
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17:29.09Qwelland with such a great name like "ipphone-warehouse", I can't imagine why
17:29.17UnixDogI want the new bootrom and I want to see about a clients phone thats on order I have not recieved
17:29.33BrokenNozewhy would a vip provider work one minute, then fail the next for an Inbound call? I have quality=yes, shouldn't that fix the problem?
17:29.34UnixDogthey have been around for 3 years
17:29.47UnixDognat issues
17:29.53UnixDognetwork issues
17:29.53QwellUnixDog: 3 year old companies can't abandon their customers, and take your money and run?
17:30.14UnixDogno they cant its not permited
17:30.38BrokenNozeUnixDog: would putting in DMZ fix the problems then?
17:31.00UnixDogno that would make it more hacable
17:31.24*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
17:31.43UnixDogjust open the ports 5060 - 5066  and ports 10000-20000 udp
17:32.41UnixDogand set localnet=x.x.x.x/x.x.x.x extenip extenrnal ip and nat = yes ip sip.cfg
17:32.54UnixDogok just 5060
17:33.17BrokenNozemm, i have done that
17:33.38*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
17:34.13UnixDogok now I have to find where to get the bootrom since I cnat reah ipphone-warehouse
17:37.12*** join/#asterisk mikealeonetti (
17:38.00mikealeonettilet's say I want to set up Asterisk in my business environment, do I use analog lines or can I sign up with a Telephone company that will give me digital phone lines?  I'm not sure how it works.
17:38.29Qwellmikealeonetti: how many lines do you have?  what country are you in?
17:38.31mostymikealeonetti, you can do either, or both
17:38.34khronosIt would depend on the type of calls you'll be making.
17:38.54khronosIf you do primarily local calls land lines might be better.
17:39.05khronosLots of ld calling internet based would probably be better.
17:39.18mikealeonettiI have four lines and and I'm in north america
17:40.14UnixDogget a tdm400
17:40.18UnixDogplugh it in
17:40.31UnixDogand connect your phone lines to it
17:40.38mikealeonettiwhat if I wanted to expand into about 16 lines?
17:40.45UnixDogget 4 voip phones like polycoms
17:41.00UnixDogthen you get a pri card
17:41.07UnixDogand go that route
17:41.22khronosEither that or get a sip gay to plug the analog lines in to.
17:41.23mikealeonettiand who do I register with to get my phone numbers?
17:41.44khronosAh, anything over 8 you'll need a pri.
17:41.51UnixDogthere is alot you need to learn youn man
17:42.14UnixDogyou need the book
17:42.22mikealeonettithe book?
17:42.37jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
17:42.38UnixDogasterisk the future of telepohny
17:43.08UnixDogthere is alot you need to learn grasshoper
17:43.16mikealeonettiwell of cousre
17:43.37*** join/#asterisk duki (
17:45.27mikealeonettithis book will tell me everything I need to know?
17:45.41mikealeonettiit better, or I'll be back
17:46.05khronosEvne if you have questions you'll be in a much better position of what to askand you'll have a good understanding of how things work.
17:46.19mikealeonettiit's not a really long book is it?
17:46.42khronosDepends on what you classify as long.
17:46.57mikealeonetti~30 pages
17:47.07khronosWill you learn asterisk in a day? No, it does take some time to learn, but it is well worth learning about.
17:47.23khronosLonger than 30 yes.
17:47.35mikealeonettiman that's HUGE
17:49.28*** join/#asterisk iratik (
17:49.29[TK]D-Fendermikealeonetti: Here is a quick guide to help you start :
17:49.31iratikI'd like to setup the gizmo sipphone with AsteriskNow ... I have an account -- I'm at the asterisk setup in the add voip phone section ... what do I do?
17:49.44mikealeonetti[TK]D-Fender: thanks much
17:50.08[TK]D-Fenderiratik: You go to #asterisknow for support, because this isn't the channel for that.
17:50.22iratiki've been there for a while .. thanks tho
17:50.47[TK]D-Fendermikealeonetti: Not 100% applicable to you but gives you an idea how little it could take to set up a system.  You can then expand on it to let you do all sorts of other stuff as you go along.
17:51.21*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
17:56.18stimpiedoes someone have a method to store the ${HANGUPCAUSE} in a cdr?
17:57.15stimpieI use Set(CDR(hangupcause)=$HANGUPCAUSE) but this creates strange entries in the userfield
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17:59.09soulfreshnermy flash operator panel has all the lights flashing... the configs are ok as far as I can tell
17:59.17soulfreshnerwhat else do I need to check
18:00.41[TK]D-Fendersoulfreshner: Could your description and backup be any more vague?
18:01.37soulfreshner[TK]D-Fender, I'm sure it could - but I thought you'd like it as descriptive as possible :P
18:01.48[TK]D-Fendersoulfreshner: you = failure
18:02.03soulfreshnerthe FOP has all the lights flashing
18:02.12soulfreshnerthe little led thingies
18:02.24soulfreshnerTK - that's not very nice...
18:02.44[TK]D-Fendersoulfreshner: We can't see ANY of your configs so we have no idea what "all the lights flashing" represents exactly.
18:02.48[TK]D-Fendersoulfreshner: PASTEBIN it all.
18:02.51jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
18:02.54soulfreshnerthe configs are set like the defaults...
18:03.11[TK]D-Fendersoulfreshner: You know what... I'd bet that if everything was right... it would WORK.
18:03.20soulfreshneri didn't configure the layout yet - so the lights are the default ones
18:03.32[TK]D-Fendersoulfreshner: But clearly it isn't working and we should have absolutely no faith in their correctness.
18:04.36soulfreshnerpasting the stuff...
18:06.09*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
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18:11.09ACiDVnot sure if this is an asterisk-dev or not question, but if someone can help me =) Does exist a way to confirm that an Asterisk has been build w/ DEBUG_THREAD and DONT_OPTIMIZE ?
18:12.02hmmhesaysanyone know of a telnet client that will rotate log files once the file gets too big?
18:12.40Nugget"telnet client"?
18:12.44*** join/#asterisk kratzers (
18:12.46soulfreshnerhere is the paste :
18:13.00mostytelnet clients do telnet, not logging, generally
18:13.41Nuggetdo you mean "command line app" when you say "telnet client"?
18:13.46kratzersdumb problem... * stops playing MoH when the destination channel is ringing...
18:14.03[TK]D-Fendersoulfreshner: guess what... nothing of any valoue in there.
18:14.12*** join/#asterisk syneus (
18:15.24QwellNugget: where's your telnet trigger?
18:15.57[TK]D-FenderQwell: its on a 24h repeat timer
18:16.51kratzersany ideas?
18:18.51kratzerswe have MoH between calls to Dial(), but not when the destination is actually ringing
18:19.39[TK]D-Fenderkratzers: pastebin it at verbose 10
18:19.55jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
18:20.25kratzersheh, we've got so much crap that a 10 second pastebin would probably be a few hundred lines
18:23.31[TK]D-Fenderkratzers: thena  few hunderd lines it is...
18:23.37kratzerseesh, ~5 seconds of output is > 550 lines
18:23.39kratzershere goes
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18:26.30stimpiehow do make sure an extension is reached when the dial command finishes?
18:29.11[TK]D-Fenderstimpie: ....huh?!
18:29.20*** join/#asterisk pkwong (n=chatzill@
18:30.06pkwonghi all.. quick question.. is there a reason why the 7970s don't do call transfer?
18:30.20Qwellpkwong: chan_skinny?
18:30.26stimpiemight be me being stupid, lets say I have: exten => s,2,Dial(100@test)
18:30.31Qwellthen nope
18:30.41[TK]D-Fenderstimpie: You're right... that Dial IS completely stupid...
18:30.55stimpiejust an example
18:31.07kratzersprobably nothing relevant but the last two lines between which MoH stops
18:31.11[TK]D-Fenderstimpie: A bad one and a warning of things to come I'm sure... continue :p
18:31.42synthetiqare there any good sites on debug asterisk voicemail realtime? I dont think asterisk knows about using odbc
18:31.47stimpieI mean how do I make sure exten => s,3,set(CDR)  is reached always
18:32.00synthetiqerr well the odbc conenction is there but the statments are not being sent out
18:32.08[TK]D-Fenderkratzers: Waitasec.. are these Queue members?
18:32.22[TK]D-Fenderkratzers: you should let the QUEUE mange MoH...
18:33.20[TK]D-Fenderstimpie: It will unless the call is ANSWERED
18:33.49kratzers[TK]D-Fender: Why not? It seems to be designed to do so.
18:34.09[TK]D-Fenderstimpie: thent he call will only continue the next priority if you use the "g" option and the CALLEE hangs up.  For the other case, yuo'll need the "h" Standard Extension.
18:34.13kratzersgiven the configuration options available in queues.conf
18:34.26[TK]D-Fenderkratzers: For the exact reasons I wrote above, the answer is NO.
18:34.37[TK]D-Fenderkratzers: This has been the way * was designed from the start.
18:34.55[TK]D-Fenderkratzers: nix that, bad aim
18:35.04pkwongso the 7970 won't do call transfers with sip, huh? via the transfer button?
18:35.09kratzersoh, sorry... we Are letting the queues manage it
18:35.14pkwongit was working with 802SR1.
18:35.31[TK]D-Fenderkratzers: remove the "m" from your dials and let the Queue handle MoH.
18:35.43[TK]D-Fenderkratzers: they are probably fighting.
18:35.44kratzersno m in the dials
18:35.51kratzersM for Macro, not no m for music on hold
18:36.25[TK]D-Fenderkratzers: -- Executing [423@agents:21] Dial("Local/423@agents-53ce,2", "SIP/423||mM(setup_chaninfo^423)") in new stack
18:36.25[TK]D-FenderYES, BOTH
18:36.25pkwongdoes anyone know if there are plans to supportit?
18:36.27pkwongerrr.. make it work?
18:36.40kratzersI wonder when that snuck in
18:37.21kratzersah, it's the same both ways
18:37.32kratzersthat was just added 10 minutes ago to see if it changed anything
18:38.12kratzersI'm thinking it's an * bug since it worked before we upgraded to 2.4.11 and then 2.4.13
18:40.10tzafrir2.6.11, 2.6.13, right?
18:41.13kratzersyeah, sorry
18:41.32kratzersactually 1.4.11 and 1.4.13
18:41.36kratzersasterisk version, not Linux
18:43.03jarrodanyone know how to permit a polycom to receive more than 2 calls without giving busy when using asterisknow?
18:46.02s0ckbloody snom ;/
18:46.21kratzersjarrod: increase call-limit in sip.conf?
18:47.29pkwongso no plans to make the 7970 work with the transfer button?
18:47.52Kwakwajarrod: which polycom phone do u have?
18:47.56*** join/#asterisk Uatec (n=Uatec@
18:48.14Kwakwajarrod: also, have you set a call-limit?
18:48.25pkwonganyone wanna take on a bounty then?
18:48.37[TK]D-Fenderjarrod: You're in the wrong channel, please read the topic.
18:49.31Uatecwhen i try to dial a number from my sip phone i get: Unable to lookup host in c= line, 'IN IP4 xxx.241.176.3607'
18:49.33Uatecand nothign else happens
18:49.38Uatecwhy is it mangling my IP address?
18:49.59kratzerslooks like the whole A record
18:50.55kratzersor not
18:51.00Uatecyou talking to me?
18:51.04Uatecbecuase i'm not using DNS
18:51.45hmmhesayssorry, I meant a telnet client that can log the output of the telnet session
18:51.52kratzersyeah, I'm being stupid
18:52.27mostyhmmhesays, script
18:52.39*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
18:52.48kratzersUatec: what is the correct value for the final octet?
18:53.18[TK]D-FenderUatec: Guess your phone has a bug.  What is it exactly?
18:53.33Uateca snom 190
18:53.46Uateci've used the phone on a lan and it worked fine
18:53.47[TK]D-FenderUatec: You could say I'm less than surprised.
18:53.49Uatecearlier today
18:54.33Uatecnow, i'm using it on my home lan, connection across the internet
18:54.37Uatecthere IS nat involved
18:55.26Uatecbut this is just bizarre, beyond anything i know and have read about with nat
18:55.35[TK]D-FenderUatec: Any chance you told it your wan IP and typo'd?
18:56.49Uateci've not told it my wan ip
19:01.24soulfreshnerin /var/log/op-panel/error.log I get the error: Failed to open PID file /var/run/op-panel/ for writing. at /usr/sbin/op_server line 325.
19:01.32soulfreshnerand the server doesn't start
19:02.08soulfreshnerI'm starting the server as root - there shouldn't be permission problems, right?
19:02.18Uatecif i turn on sip debug and that shows the correct WAN IPs of the server and client
19:02.55*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
19:03.44kratzerssoulfreshner: maybe make sure /var/run/op-panel exists and has proper permissions
19:04.25soulfreshnerwouldn't it only exist if the server is running?
19:04.55*** join/#asterisk Mercestes (
19:04.56Uatecthe pid file would
19:05.02Uatecbut the directory might not
19:05.02soulfreshnerrunning the server should create the file, I think - and that's probably the problem - it can't
19:05.13hmmhesaysI guess I'll just split the file after I log everything
19:05.17*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
19:05.17kratzersit can't if the directory that it's trying to create it in doesn't exist
19:05.21kratzersor has the wrong permissions
19:05.55soulfreshnerthe directory doesn't exist...
19:06.00kratzersthat could be a problem
19:07.28MercestesIt is also helpful to temporarily setup the asterisk user to be able to access a shell and run asterisk -cvvvvvvv as asterisk to see exactly where your error is occuring.
19:08.07synthetiqAnyone know a reason why asterisk will not send out sql statements, such as querying a voicemail box?
19:08.13Mercestesasterisk *should* be able to create the /var/run/asterisk directory but if not, mkdir it, chown it to asterisk:asterisk and chmod the 660 permissions.
19:08.20synthetiqyes it says its connected via odbc
19:08.44*** join/#asterisk SparFux (
19:08.50SparFuxHi all!
19:08.56Mercestessynthetiq:  Is asterisk configured to use res_odbc for voicemail?
19:09.42synthetiqmercestes what do you mean? i have res_odbc.conf set right and extconfig.conf
19:10.26synthetiqyes i read that
19:10.28SparFuxI have a QUESTION. I use sipgate and on incoming dial it only gives me "everyone is busy / congested at the time" I try to dial out to a capi device. Nobody is hanging on any line. Nobody is busy! How can this be?
19:10.35soulfreshneri created the dir and set the permissions - now I get a new error:
19:10.36soulfreshnerFilehandle STDIN reopened as VARIABLES only for output at /usr/sbin/op_server line 1305.
19:10.49*** join/#asterisk grandpapa (
19:10.55synthetiqbut there are no debugging steps to find out why its not sending otu the sql even though i configured everythign properly (suppsoedly)
19:11.30Mercestessoulfreshner, I thought you were having problems with asterisk, not FOP.
19:11.38grandpapaAre hints context specific?  i.e., if I have a hint for extension 805 in context called MyContext, will only watchers in that context get the hint?
19:12.16Mercestesgrandpapa, I believe hints are sip user specific.
19:12.19soulfreshnernope - asterisk is running fine... this is the right place to ask, though - or not?
19:12.34Mercestessoulfreshner, What user are you running FOP as?
19:12.51grandpapahmm.. ok, thanks, Mercestes.
19:13.20soulfreshnerMercestes, I start it up as root
19:13.38Mercestessoulfreshner, Then my hypothesis is that it is not a permissions issue.
19:14.04MercestesThat's just a guess tho.
19:14.32kratzerssoulfreshner: did you create the directory?
19:14.50soulfreshnerMercestes, but I don't think it runs as root for some reason - after changing the permissions on the /var/run/op-panel directory to the asterisk group it moved on to the new error
19:14.56soulfreshnerkratzers, yep
19:15.06soulfreshnernow I have the new error
19:15.16kratzerssorry, missed that
19:15.38soulfreshnerFilehandle STDIN reopened as VARIABLES only for output at /usr/sbin/op_server line 1305.
19:15.40Mercesteshow are you executing the server?
19:16.08soulfreshner/etc/init.d/op-server restart
19:16.16kratzerssoulfreshner: that sounds like a software bug
19:17.21hmmhesaysinstalling wanpipe da, dad da dada
19:17.50soulfreshnerit looks like that error is not fatal - it seems to be running and connecting now
19:18.44SparFuxsipgate dialout Dial() causes this message: Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1)
19:18.52SparFuxWhat does the (1:0/0/1) mean?
19:20.00*** join/#asterisk dijungal (n=kdaniel@
19:20.11dijungalhow do I uninstall asterisk
19:20.29Mercesteslol.  Nice.
19:20.36dijungali'm on version 1.4 i want get rid of that and go to 1.2
19:20.43MercestesMuch better.
19:20.51Mercestestry a make clean in /usr/src/asterisk
19:20.58dijungalyea... i know i was scaring u guys for a moment there
19:21.06hmmhesaysthat was really easy
19:21.22MercestesNah, not at all.  I was just contemplating telling you to dd your /dev/urandom onto your root mount point.  That's all.
19:21.33dijungaldon't understand...
19:21.40MercestesOh good, it would've worked then.
19:22.11MercestesLet's just say feeding your harddrive to a rottweiler would have been less destructive.
19:22.18Mercestesbut it would have uninstalled asterisk.
19:22.33dijungalso what's the process to downgrade?
19:22.37Mercestessoulfreshner, where did you get a /dev/init.d/op-server script?
19:22.49Mercestesdijungal, make clean && make distclean in /usr/src/asterisk.
19:23.10soulfreshnerMercestes, it's part of the ubuntu package
19:23.37Mercestesand if your really wanna get in depth you can rm -dvfr /etc/asterisk /var/lib/asterisk /var/spool/asterisk /var/run/asterisk
19:23.47Mercestesand anywhere else a locate asterisk returns a directory.
19:23.54Mercestes*warning*  rm -dvfr is dangerous.  use catiously.
19:24.29Mercestessoulfreshner, Yea, I've had some experience with Ubuntu.
19:24.30dijungali'll use the make clean :)
19:24.40Mercestesdijungal, good man.
19:24.53*** join/#asterisk pat2man (
19:25.02Mercestessoulfreshner, well, since it's working we'll just...chalk it up as a victory and be happy.
19:25.03dijungalwhat about zaptel and lib pri?
19:25.20soulfreshnerMercestes, that's what I think too
19:25.29Mercestesdijungal, well, if you were in gentoo I would suggest a emerge -Ca asterisk libpri zaptel asterisk-addons asterisk-sounds.
19:25.47dijungali'm in fedora core 6
19:25.48Mercestesdijungal, but I'm rarely that lucky so, make clean in /usr/src/zaptel and /usr/src/libpri as well.
19:25.54MercestesI'm so sorry.
19:26.32soulfreshnerI'm not so sure I'll be using FOP - but I thought I'd try it out - didn't expect the package to be a bit wonky, though
19:27.12soulfreshnerI already spent more time on it than I really should have
19:27.28soulfreshneryou guys all use a graphical interface for clients?
19:28.04Mercestesonly custom ones.
19:28.10MercestesFOP is nice tho.
19:28.28dijungalok now i should be able to download the 1.2 and install from there
19:28.32MercestesIt's the ubuntu part that is wonky.
19:28.45dijungaland the order is.. zaptel, libpri then asterisk
19:28.46Mercestesdijungal, theoretically.
19:29.01Mercestesdijungal, Umm....yea.
19:29.25Mercestesdijungal, I would read the directions on that but it makes sense.
19:29.38*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
19:29.50soulfreshnerMercestes, you write your own manager?
19:30.08Mercestessoulfreshner, I could one's offered me enough $$$ to do it.
19:30.34soulfreshnerMercestes, hehe - but what did you mean by custom gui?
19:30.42MercestesI was referring to portals to configure phones, actually, find me/follow me, phone forwarding, etc. etc.  things of that nature.
19:30.58Mercestesmeh.  Not my thing.
19:31.04MercestesI just use fop
19:31.27soulfreshnerMercestes, how's customer feedback been on fop?
19:31.41soulfreshnerI'm still debating wether I even want to install it...
19:31.48Mercestespeople like it
19:32.08MercestesI think it could be done alot better.
19:32.39MercestesHell, * could kick CCM ass if someone would program the right interfaces for it.
19:32.49Mercestesthe things I could do with .net and some touch screens.  woohoo
19:33.11Mercestesbut, calls and I must stay the dream.
19:33.57*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey (
19:34.51soulfreshnerstay the dream... sad
19:34.52*** join/#asterisk vitaminmoo (n=vitaminm@
19:35.00soulfreshner...but true
19:35.26hmmhesaysso should I be using users.conf now to create peers?
19:36.05jarrodtk shuttup
19:36.53[TK]D-Fenderjarrod: You really should so something about that lag :)
19:36.58vitaminmooI'm getting Spawn extension (blah,s,2) exited non-zero on 'Zap/8-1', where blah,s,2 is a very simple Dial command
19:37.14jarrodi was eating lunch :(
19:37.17vitaminmooWhen this happens, it seems to give the caller a fast busy and drop them, but I can't reproduce it reliably
19:37.18rpmICBC is the Plague.
19:38.24vitaminmooIf a Dial() cmd has a goto directly after it with the 'n' priority, if the dial fails for any reason, it should hit the goto(), shouldn't it?
19:38.58soulfreshnervitaminmoo, sounds about right
19:39.18vitaminmoosoulfreshner: Any known reason why it would error out and drop the call instead?
19:39.34Mercestesvitaminmoo, what version of asterisk are you running and do you have priority jumping enabled?
19:39.34*** part/#asterisk reber (
19:39.58vitaminmoo1.4.12.1, and I do not have priority jumping enabled
19:39.58Mercesteswith priorityjumping=yes, then your next priority would be n+101, not n+1.
19:40.19Mercestesvitaminmoo, I would pastebin a copy of your dialplan and the cli output of your error on verbosity 37.
19:40.44Mercestescore set verbose 37
19:40.45vitaminmooverbosity is inclusive so 999 will work, yes?
19:41.01MercestesI don't want that much output, 37 will be fine.
19:41.04hmmhesaysusers.conf anyone is there any documentation on it?
19:41.13[TK]D-FenderMercestes: because 38 would be SILLY :p
19:41.23Mercestes[TK]D-Fender, Precisely.
19:41.25soulfreshnerMercestes, why 37? I thought it only made a difference up to 10?
19:41.27vitaminmooMercestes: This has been very difficult to reproduce, and I've got saved output from 999
19:41.39Mercestesvitaminmoo, ok ok, you can pastebin that then.
19:41.41[TK]D-Fendersoulfreshner: Careful... I'm sensing some synapses firing ;P
19:41.48Mercestessoulfreshner, actually, it only makes a difference up to 3.
19:41.56vitaminmooOne moment
19:42.10MercestesIt's documented up to 10 but......people only used 1, 2, and 3.
19:42.42soulfreshner[TK]D-Fender, be gentle - I know not what I donot know yet. It's still early days with asteris for me
19:42.43Mercestessoulfreshner, same reason I tell people to use $callerid(numanumadance)
19:43.09MercestesIt works.....and only a few people know why.
19:44.34hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: can you make the poly's monitor more than one mailbox?
19:45.41[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: yup
19:45.51soulfreshnerMercestes, that's just cruel (:
19:46.04Mercestessoulfreshner, I'm well known for that.
19:46.27hmmhesayshow do you do that?
19:48.21MercestesI'm pretty sure it's at the bottom of phone.cfg
19:48.35MercestesIt's got like six entries for mailbox.  Just.....make them different.
19:49.46MercestesI think you have to have your lines 2-6 configured for your mailboxes 2-6 to work tho.
19:51.55Mercestescouldn't you grep -v ; that before you posted it?
19:52.39vitaminmooDidn't to avoid just mashing it all together, I will next time.
19:52.58*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
19:53.12*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
19:53.50MercestesMorning ZaVoid.
19:54.02ZaVoidhey Mercestes wassap
19:54.04Mercestesvitaminmoo, I think sip/23 is  broken.  Zap/8-1 appears to be working just fine.
19:54.48vitaminmooHmm, that's just an unused Polycom, should just be ringing for 12 seconds
19:54.50Mercestesvitaminmoo, You might want to sip debug it to see if it's a transcoding issue.
19:55.21ZaVoidi think rtptimeout is broken
19:55.31MercestesZaVoid:  only on cisco phones.
19:55.43jeranybody know of some nice * accounting packages?
19:55.45ZaVoidi'm testing with a pap2
19:55.50Mercestesyou mute a cisco...and the cisco stops putting out rtp.
19:55.53ZaVoidi can't get the call to disconnect
19:56.01ZaVoidi pull the ethernet cable from the pap2
19:56.09ZaVoidand the pap2 account in iasterisk is a peer type
19:56.38Mercestesvitaminmoo, what are your disallow/allows on zap and sip?
19:56.41vitaminmooDon't ciscos only stop sending rtp if CNG is off, or is that only a PBX option with skinny?
19:56.51*** part/#asterisk synthetiq (
19:57.13ZaVoidthis looks different
19:57.13MercestesI dunno.  I hit mute and the call hangs up after hte rtptimeout on ciscos but not polycoms
19:57.21ZaVoidrtptimeout = seconds : Terminate call if x seconds of no RTP activity when we're not on hold. Valid only in [general] section and type=peer.
19:57.28ZaVoidiot never used to say in [general] only
19:58.00*** join/#asterisk _charly_ (
19:58.02MercestesI think you have to define rtptimeout= under [general
19:59.09ZaVoidand it would apply to others as well?
19:59.22MercestesZaVoid:  in theory.
19:59.23ZaVoidi got it set to 30 there
19:59.28ZaVoidbut its not killing calls
19:59.33ZaVoidi use realtime too
19:59.44ZaVoidbut my entrys in the db are set to peer
20:00.00nestArhahah.. motherfuckin colin
20:00.01Mercestessounds like rtptimeout is broken then.
20:00.12MercestesnestAr:  wishing you'd gone straight?
20:00.48nestAronce you go black, you never go back.
20:01.12Mercestesyea, but i'm not the one bitching about my colon in #asterisk either.
20:01.26nestArexcept i didn't say colon.
20:01.37Mercestestechnically, you didn't say anything....
20:01.41Mercestesunless you self-narrate.
20:01.59Mercestesor you have one of those voice-text deals because your a quardiparalegic.
20:02.02*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
20:02.15*** join/#asterisk el_critter (n=chatzill@
20:02.16[hC]So... 1.2 isnt available for download off the website anymore? :)
20:02.28nestArfreud was right?
20:02.49Mercestesthat you have penis envy?  yea, I think so.
20:03.22Mercestessorry, that was just unnecessary.  >.>
20:03.26vitaminmooEep, I've got to work on other things, thanks for the help Mercestes
20:03.31MercestesSo what about Colin?
20:03.41Mercestesvitaminmoo, laters.  :D
20:04.17*** join/#asterisk macog (n=dklima@
20:04.44*** join/#asterisk Bl0w_M0nk (
20:06.02[hC]Digium guys:  you know the ftp site is handing out connection refused?
20:06.25*** join/#asterisk Zenith77 (
20:07.32Zenith77Is any available for help, I don't understand what the following means:
20:07.49_x86_[hC]: i think that's desired, as they are moving to
20:07.50MercestesZenith77, it's a colon.
20:07.54file[hC]: the FTP site was taken down a few months ago
20:07.59Zenith77ha Mercestes =p
20:08.02Zenith77Here's the url
20:08.08Zenith77sorry had to grab it real quick ^^
20:08.26ZaVoidanyone else use rtptimeout successfuly?
20:08.43MercestesYea, I don't know what it means either.
20:08.49Mercestesis there something broken about it?
20:09.02MercestesZaVoid:  I only got it to drop my calls when I muted a cisco.  That was all the luck I had with it.
20:09.34[hC]the problem with the site is that the url's are not direct, they are all reference links which (presumably) track downloads.  This makes it difficult to download to a server using something like wget
20:10.00ZaVoidyeah i'm trying ot make it workoutside mute though
20:10.14file[hC]: you should be able to wget
20:10.27_x86_[hC]: quote it... the only plausible issue with using wget is the ? in the URL getting expanded by the shll
20:10.49[hC]_x86 not true, wget downloads this:
20:10.50[hC]13:10:37 (50.93 MB/s) - `elqRedir.htm?' saved [2403/2403]
20:10.51_x86_[hC]: throw quotes on the whole URL, and you wont have any problems
20:10.54[hC]and it is quoted.
20:11.02fujin_man wget
20:11.05Zenith77Don't mean to be a push over, but is there anyone here that could just point me in the right direction for my error?
20:11.06fujin_you can tell it what to save the file to
20:11.21[hC]fujin_: thats not hte real file, its html containing a redirect.
20:11.29fujin_then use the ftp directory like everyone else
20:12.21[hC]fujin_: so that would be the logical step... especially since its listed on that ftp is available. but all the ftp sites have been shut down. :)
20:12.33[hC]which is how i started this conversation.
20:12.33Dan0maN_Worki always follow that link in my web browser, and right click the "if you are having difficulty downloading this file, please click here" link
20:12.38MercestesZenith77, what's broken?
20:12.53Zenith77I...I don't know lol
20:13.02Zenith77I'm using X-Lite as a softphone
20:13.09Zenith77I have two computers, both connected through an ethernet hub
20:13.10MercestesZenith77, is it doing something you don't wish it to do or not doing something you want it to do?
20:13.22Zenith77Mercestes, did you read the link up there?
20:13.30[hC]I'll just hand-edit the url to take out the referring page. just a pain in the ass.
20:13.42MercestesZenith77, yes........
20:13.53Mercesteswhat's broken?
20:14.03Zenith77Err, Asterisk Win32?
20:14.23MercestesZenith77, how does behavior deviate from expectations?
20:14.35Zenith77I place a call on ext 77
20:14.37Zenith77This works
20:14.41Zenith77it calls, then it gives that in the console
20:14.43Zenith77and hangs up
20:14.49Zenith77And X-Lite gives me "call failed"
20:15.02MercestesDo you have sip call limits set?
20:15.17Zenith77err, don't know what that is...
20:15.34Zenith77I'm only about half way through the manual atm, so...
20:15.48*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
20:16.18MercestesZenith77, well, first, I would suggest running asterisk in linux.
20:16.26Zenith77not an option
20:16.33Dovid${CALLERID(ani)} should show me the ANI on  the line ? I am running it how ever I get  nothing andmy carrier says they are sending it over SIP. does asterisk s upport this ?
20:16.39Zenith77Our boxes will be running WinXP SP2
20:16.49MercestesZenith77, Then your screwed.
20:16.52fujin_asterisk on windows, well, that's a stupid idea
20:17.05fujin_isn't that entirely unsupported?
20:17.05Zenith77Not my choice :)
20:17.08DovidZenith77: LEARN LINUX !!!!!
20:17.09Zenith77I don't know.
20:17.11fujin_your choicemaker is stupid
20:17.14Zenith77Dovid, I know it.
20:17.15fujin_fire them
20:17.32Zenith77lol we didn't have an option I believe
20:17.51[TK]D-FenderZenSure you did... Sedition :)
20:17.57DovidZenith77: There is a windows option.  It is not the most reliable option
20:18.12fujin_I didn't even know that, it's so far fetched and silly
20:18.27oraklethere's asterisk for windows
20:18.36[TK]D-FenderNo, not really
20:19.08[TK]D-Fenderthere is on that runs under cygwin which emulates a *nix environment under windows, but I wouldn't count that.
20:19.09*** join/#asterisk mvanbaak (
20:19.25[TK]D-FenderPathetic illusions for pathetic admins.
20:20.02MercestesWindows Vista unixtools > cygwin
20:20.33MercestesZenith77, Just setup one silly linux box.  how hard is that?
20:20.52MercestesThat's like demanding a manual transmission and proclaiming that using hte clutch is not an option.
20:21.06DovidTK: Is there ANI support over SIP in asterisk ?
20:21.22nestArwhich is a viable option if you're driving a Ferrari
20:21.49MercestesnestAr:  You've obviously never driven a ferrari.
20:22.22nestAri haven't, but i have driven a maserati
20:22.29nestArwith a ferrari engine and transmission
20:22.51[TK]D-FenderDovid: Dunno
20:23.05DovidTK: ARgh !!!!! thanks
20:24.33orakleanyone good with cisco phones? i have a CP-7912G
20:24.44orakleyou plug it in, it lights up for a second and then the lights turn off and it just sits there
20:24.48oraklenothing on the display
20:25.09orakleif you press the "world" button though, the green LED turns on, and if you press it again it turns off
20:25.40oraklei'm thinking it's like a corrupt flash but i don't know how to fix it
20:25.54[TK]D-Fenderok, BBIAB
20:26.35Zenith77sigh Mercestes, nm.
20:26.56MercestesZenith77, surely you have a spare machine somewhere...
20:31.53Mercesteswhy do ppl make it difficult?
20:32.37*** join/#asterisk Alan_Hicks (
20:33.28*** join/#asterisk Alowishus (
20:34.04Alan_HicksHowdy folks.  I may have a project in installing Asterisk for a small business with four incoming PSTN lines, six or seven stations, and a remote telecommuting user.
20:34.43MercestesAlan_Hicks, Congratz.
20:34.45Alan_HicksI'm trying to keep costs to a minimum.  Can anyone recommend inexpensive phones (preferably with a good warranty) that don't have to be packed with all the latest and greatest features?
20:35.00MercestesAlan_Hicks, Polycom 501s.
20:35.07jbotphones is probably  While personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows:  Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever. places ...
20:35.42Alan_HicksOh, the bot talks.  Excellent.  Thanks.
20:35.49MercestesNo problem.  good luck.
20:36.05*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
20:36.11SparFuxOn an incoming sipgate call I try to immediately dial to a capi line and get "Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1)". But no line is busy! What could cause this problem?
20:36.27Zenith77TJNII, you there?
20:37.28nestArlol. Grandstream.. BudgetTel, or as I like to call them GhettoTels
20:37.38jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
20:37.42nestAri gotta couple of them, they are sweet.
20:37.58DovidnestAr: I would have to disagree
20:39.12nestArand I quote Tommy Boy "I'm picking up on your sarcasm", "Well, I should hope so, because I'm laying it on pretty thick"
20:40.21Alan_HicksPerhaps a dumb question, but I'm reading up on those Polycom 501 phones, and it says they support 3 lines.  Does this mean 3 PSTN lines?
20:40.38Alan_HicksWhat does it mean then?
20:40.43Strom_MAlan_Hicks: three line appearances
20:40.46*** join/#asterisk eldon (i=eldon@nat/digium/x-71acd1282bfda836)
20:40.56Alan_HicksFor the LCD screen.
20:41.04DovidAlan_Hicks:  as strom said or 3 sip accounts
20:41.05Alan_HicksThank you.
20:41.22Strom_Myou have to realize that the number of line appearances behind your pbx bears little relation to the number of circuits you have in front of your PBX
20:41.41Alan_HicksIs there any particular merchant that the channel recommends for voip hardware?
20:41.59Strom_MAlan_Hicks: are you in the US?
20:42.13Alan_HicksStrom_M: Yes I understand, but I was thinking that it might have three buttons to specify an outbound number when making a call outside the service set.
20:42.21DovidAlan_Hikcs: In the US I like and
20:42.31Strom_Mi'm not fond of seems to have lower prices
20:42.46Alan_HicksThanks.  I'm window shopping right now.  I'll check the other.
20:42.47DovidStrom_C: Why now?
20:43.05Strom_MAlan_Hicks: no, the logic for determining a circuit for outbound calls happens in the PBX, not in the phone
20:43.13Strom_Mthat's why it's a PBX and not a key system
20:43.25Alan_HicksStrom_M: That's what I thought, which is why I was confused. :^)
20:43.49Strom_MDovid: obviously used hardware when I ordered new, missing pieces of orders, weird policies for credit cards
20:44.16nestArvoipsupply did alright by me, in that they didn't go out of business mid-order on me, like atacomm
20:44.42eldonI guess that's always a plus
20:45.07nestAri only ordered a single span t1 card from voipsupply... i will keep your comments in mind next time i order a bunch of stuff.
20:45.10eldonquestion:  did they go out of business %Uafter%U they took your money?
20:45.22eldonthat sucks
20:45.25nestArbut i got it back from the CC company.
20:45.35Alan_HicksnestAr: That's fortunate.
20:45.47nestAri had a really good track record with atacomm, i had done over 15k in business with them..
20:45.49DovidStrom_C: good to know. i bounce between the two. recently been using more
20:46.04DovidnestAr: Too bad that they went down
20:46.09nestArthey said that card was on backorder, i wasn't in a rush.. i called a week later to check on it, and they were out of business.
20:46.39nestArwith no one there to contact, i advised our accountant to file a chargeback.
20:46.45eldonbusinesses shut down all the time at the drop of a hat
20:46.47nestArwe got lucky and got the money back.
20:46.59nestAryes, i know. i've been on the employee side of that
20:47.18Alan_HicksUsually they'll get bought out by another company if they have any assets worth having though.
20:47.19nestArwith customers who didn't get their money back. actually, they owe me money still too.
20:47.39Alan_HicksOf course, simple merchants like say rarely have anything worth having beyond their current inventory.
20:47.42*** join/#asterisk Mercestes (
20:48.01nestAra lot of these companies don't even have any inventory
20:48.04nestArit's all drop ships
20:48.18nestAri do a lot of drop shipping from my basement.
20:48.20Dovidyea. I needed a phone once
20:48.31Dovid3 companies had the same excuse
20:48.36Dovidit was on back order ;)
20:48.40nestArbut i try to only deal in shit that's actually in stock for shipping.
20:48.41eldonwith Amazon though they have brand recognition...
20:49.00Alan_HicksAnd the idiotic 1-Click patent.
20:49.02nestArthe name is worth something there, a lot, i'd say..
20:49.05Dovidi had an issue with voip supply and they said that it was shipped "from their other whare house"
20:49.26eldonum... whore house?
20:49.26*** join/#asterisk VJFROMGT (n=vjfromgt@
20:49.33nestArjust like the company i work for now, they have offers from companies that just want their domain name.
20:49.44VJFROMGTdoes myone know if i can add wildcards in host= ?
20:49.54*** join/#asterisk __deg__ (n=deg@
20:52.16*** join/#asterisk DMeloUK (n=info@
20:52.22lirakislater all
20:52.28*** part/#asterisk lirakis (n=lirakis@
20:53.05Alan_HicksAre all the instructions here still valid for the Polycom 501 and Asterisk?  The page appears to be over a year old.
20:53.15DMeloUKcan I get support on the asterisk appliance here
20:54.02oraklewell, if it runs asterisk someone here probably knows what's going on with it
20:54.10oraklewhat's the trouble DMeloUK?
20:55.15__deg__Is this possible to tell a queue to ring the agents through a macro instead of dial them directly(like SIP/101)?
20:55.48__deg__What i need is to do some checks before send the call to an agent(SIP agent)
20:55.54*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
20:57.37*** join/#asterisk mercestes (
20:58.42hmmhesaysok what the hell
20:58.49hmmhesaysmy a200 sangoma I only found 2 channels
20:58.59hmmhesaysI have 2 fxo modules, that should be 4 channels
21:00.27russellbyou're using the wrong card, man :-p
21:00.41DMeloUKI cannot seem to get eyebeam to connect to the asterisk appliance
21:00.52DMeloUKI have an s800i
21:00.52hmmhesayssay what?
21:01.07twistedhey russellb, you back in town?
21:01.15russellbtwisted: just got in, yes
21:01.15DMeloUKit says 503 service unavailable
21:01.28*** join/#asterisk joat (
21:01.41twistedrussellb, cool
21:01.43hmmhesaysthe a200 card should hand for 4 fxo channels
21:02.28hmmhesays*handle even
21:02.41joatanyone know of a better streaming interface to asterisk than ices?  getting the thing configured properly is giving me fits
21:03.51*** part/#asterisk zerohalo (
21:04.20*** join/#asterisk duki (
21:05.45SparFuxFor some reason I get busy tone when Dial()ing from my sipgate context to other devices.
21:08.28*** join/#asterisk tiav (
21:08.34pat2man__deg__:  when an agent loggs in (if you are using agentcallbacklogin) they log in with an extension and a context, just have that context dial however you want, I wanted mine to dial longer than our usual length so I could specify the timeout in queues.conf so:
21:08.36pat2manexten => _X.,1,Dial(sip/${EXTEN},60,twW) ; Dial for as long as we need
21:09.16pat2manand agents log in with AgentCallbackLogin(${CALLERID(num)}||${CALLERID(num)}@from-queues)
21:09.37pat2manyeah yeah yeah
21:10.00AlowishusIs running Asterisk on VMware ESX server advisable?
21:10.16mercestesAlowishus, no.
21:10.29mercestesAlowishus, Vmware ruins the timing sources required for the queues and zap.
21:10.33peanut-why would you ever do that?
21:10.36Zenith77mercestes, just out of curiosity, why would I need the linux version?
21:10.46pat2manfujin_: I assume __deg__  is using callbacklogin, otherwise it would not be an issue
21:10.48mercestesUh, high availability, fail over, intelligence.
21:11.01mercestesZenith77, because it works.
21:11.06AlowishusMercestes: afraid of that... was thinking it could be done if using external media gateways nad then I get the benefit of all the redundancy already built into the cluster
21:11.30AlowishusMercestes: but I'll still have timing issues?  I would be using ztdummy for conferencing
21:11.43mercestesAlowishus, Yea, it blocks access to the rtc.
21:11.56hmmhesaysok this damn thing is only finding ports 3 and 4
21:11.57mercestesAlowishus, Callweaver *claims* to work in Vmware but....I've never seen it work.
21:12.25mercestesVmWare and asterisk would be sweet.
21:12.51Alowishusok then so I'll have to build redundancy externally... which is doable... given the need for a pair of T1 interfaces, are there external gateway options for that or should I be using internal cards?
21:12.54fujin_asterisk tends to be more reliant upon direct access to hardware from what I've seen
21:13.01mercestesAlowishus, use SER and asterisk.
21:13.06hmmhesaysanyone running a sangoma a200?
21:13.10fujin_although I've heard cases of it running most happily within Xen
21:13.13fujin_although xen isn't that super anyway
21:13.15mercestesAlowishus, and there are t1 fail over devices.
21:13.15[TK]D-FenderZenith77, It isn't so much a "Linux version".  You missed the point that Asterisk was coded for *nix.  There is no WINDOWS VERSION.  Nothing compiles for Windows.  What you have is a FAKE Unix envirnment running under Win32.  Configuing * will be EXACTLY the same, only more limited and don't bet on newer versions working to well, and FORWGET hardware support
21:13.24AlowishusMercestes: any pointers?
21:13.32[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, "wanrouter hwprobe"
21:13.43Zenith77[TK]D-Fender, hmmm
21:13.49mercestesAlowishus, google asterisk high availability
21:13.54fujin_I'm still loling @ asterisk on windows
21:13.56mercestesI'm not a SER administrator.
21:13.57Zenith77Was Asterisk ported by a 3rd part or something?
21:13.58fujin_seriously, why would someone port it
21:14.03Alowishusfujin_: well with paravirtualization under Xen, the guest would still have access to rtc
21:14.08Alowishusfujin_: so that would explain
21:14.30[TK]D-FenderZenith77, There is no Windows Click&Go BS version of *.  Stop wasting your time.  Denial won't get you far in life.
21:14.34*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
21:14.34Zenith77fujin_, because from what I see, it opens up a lot more doors ofr asterisk
21:14.47[TK]D-FenderZenith77, NOT PORTED.  What aren't you understanding?
21:15.10fujin_you mean, it closing down half of the open doors?
21:15.19fujin_what are these doors you're referring to
21:15.22[TK]D-FenderZenith77, it runs under Cygwin with mean to * its still on *nix!  It is living one big LIE.
21:15.23fujin_and uh, don't you mean windows? :P
21:15.40Zenith77[TK]D-Fender, ah.
21:15.47Zenith77lol fujin_
21:15.57fujin_yuck, asterisk incide cygwin?
21:15.59fujin_thats' even worse
21:16.03fujin_I thought it might have been a native port
21:16.22[TK]D-FenderHoly crap what's it take to drill this into people's heads?!
21:16.48Zenith77Sorry, I'm an asterisk noob ^^.
21:17.09[TK]D-FenderZenith77, No, if you couldn't follow what I've said all this time, you're just blind :)
21:17.35fujin_wow, 99999 downloads
21:18.13Zenith77so, it's not even a port eh?
21:18.25fujin_they're not even compliant to the GPL
21:18.31fujin_(don't provide source)
21:18.32Zenith77Just runs under an emulator?
21:18.37fujin_piss that, you wouldn't catch me dead running it
21:18.47mercestesfujin_, lmao
21:18.58Zenith77fujin_, source is available for download O.o
21:19.08[TK]D-FenderCygwin1.dll application conflict <----------
21:19.17hmmhesaysthis is giving me hell
21:19.32Zenith77Can you at least tell me if my problem is related to Windows.
21:19.42[TK]D-FenderBy default AsteriskWin32 is installed in a directory named cygroot on your system. It will create four subdirs asterisk, bin, lib, tmp. AsteriskWin32 executables are located in bin directory.
21:19.42[TK]D-FenderIf you have already cygwin installed on your system you must install AsteriskWin32 inside cygwin root directory, so change the default cygroot: install directory to your cygwin directory.
21:19.44mercestesNo, your problem is your retarded.
21:19.47Zenith77Because if it isn't, and I install Linux, I'm going to be pissed.
21:19.50[TK]D-Fenderso DUH, Cygwin.
21:20.08fujin_asterisk inside cygwin is stupid and not recommended
21:20.12fujin_you're not goign to find any help here
21:20.18Zenith77I did yesterday.
21:20.20mercestesNot tryign to be mean, but,'s not going to work
21:20.28fujin_They were probably pretending to help.
21:20.33[TK]D-FenderZenith77, this is the point where I tell you to "cry me a river" so we can hold your head under :p
21:20.34mercestesIt's broken, unsupported, and hopeless.
21:20.36*** join/#asterisk smultron (
21:20.38Zenith77yay, rivers
21:20.50smultrondoes the asterisk appliance support ISDN PRI lines?
21:20.54mercestesJust grab one of yoru cheap throw away PCs, install linux, and be done with it.
21:21.02Zenith77I would just like closure, my error is caused by AsteriskWin32 correct?
21:21.11Zenith77and it SHOULD work running on Linux.
21:21.38fujin_it is DEVELOPED, DESIGNED FOR and RUNS ON Linux primarily
21:21.47Zenith77Ubuntu okay?
21:21.51Zenith77(don't laugh)
21:21.53fujin_That's what I run.
21:22.04fujin_50~ phone callcentre, 2k~ calls/day
21:22.05Qwellor debian, or centos, or doesn't really  matter
21:22.18Zenith77time to email meh employer :D
21:22.20[TK]D-FenderMost people on FreeBSD are fanatical enough to beat it into relatively fully functionality, OpenBSD and the rest not so lucky on the zaptel side
21:22.45Zenith77So which distro would you guys recomend?
21:22.46mercestesBut OpenBSD is so perfect otherwise.  >.>
21:22.52[TK]D-FenderZenith77, Ubuntu won't make your * any better.....
21:23.07Zenith77So, OpenBSD?
21:23.07mercestesZenith77, Gentoo is pure asterisk numminess.
21:23.18mercestesDo you *read* what we type?
21:23.26lemanalIs there any video conferencing support for asterisk? Something like a meetme conference with video?
21:23.36[TK]D-FenderZenith77, Best choices in terms of getting support : CentOS, Debian, Gentoo (in roughly that order).
21:23.37mercestes[TK]D-Fender:   OpenBSD and the rest not so lucky on the zaptel side
21:23.53Zenith77[TK]D-Fender, did you look at my logs?
21:23.58[TK]D-Fendermercestes, BSD's that is
21:24.05mercestesI know.
21:24.05[TK]D-FenderZenith77, No, I didn't
21:24.09Zenith77Are you sure it's caused by running under windows
21:24.12mercestesI honestly wouldn't vote for FreeBSD either.
21:24.32Zenith77^----- [TK]D-Fender
21:24.39mercestesWhat part of unsupported escaped you, Zenith?
21:24.40lemanalI've seen one solution but it looks windows only. and I hear windows is not so good for a asterisk server.
21:24.45[TK]D-FenderZenith77, that doesnt' actually say anything meaningfull all by itself.
21:24.46*** join/#asterisk southtel (
21:24.51mercestess/unsupported/we don't care if it works or not it's not our problem/
21:25.19Zenith77So, somehow by magically swithcing to Linux I get help?
21:25.29mercestesNot magically, but yes.
21:25.54[TK]D-FenderZenith77, That is running an OLD version whose LATEST incarnation isn't even supported.  That is 1.2 series.
21:25.55Zenith77I just wanted people to confirm before I switch to Linux...
21:26.14Zenith77Because we also have another program that needs to run on the boxes
21:26.17[TK]D-FenderZenith77, And being under Win32... LOL <- Trust me, poeple couldn't care less.
21:26.39Zenith77It's being remade atm so it will be cross-platform compatiable.
21:26.40[TK]D-FenderZenith77, Good then keep that box for those purposed and buy ANOTHER.
21:26.47*** part/#asterisk southtel (
21:26.56Zenith77poo on you!
21:26.59mercestesdon't even buy another.....just use an old 486.
21:27.11[TK]D-FenderZenith77, Get over this childhood trauma of yours and splurge 100$ on a friggen PC for * and stop whining.
21:27.16mercesteshell, dig out an old Wrt54gl and install openwrt on that and install asterisk and use that.
21:27.27Zenith77Umm, I'm not whining.
21:27.35Zenith77It it were my actually computer, I would go ahead and do it.
21:27.50Zenith77I would just like to figure out the error, I don't care if it's fixed, I just want to know at least what's causing it.
21:27.58Zenith77In fact, that's all I really wanted to know in the first place :)
21:28.07[TK]D-FenderZenith77, Sure you are ; "Oh PLEASE tell me what I want to hear, I'm afraid of Linux and I can't live outside my Windows box.  If you have to, just LIE and tell me I can!"
21:28.18Zenith77The box
21:28.24mercestesThe fact that your running out of date, unsupported, unwanted, and abandoned software in windows that was originally written for linux wrapped up in the world's worst linux emulator.
21:28.38[TK]D-Fendermercestes, With a cherry-on-top!
21:28.44Zenith77I can take that as a satisfactory answer :)
21:31.06[hC]Who's the chan_zap master?
21:32.29*** join/#asterisk _matt (n=matt@2001:770:168:1:220:edff:feb4:7c9d)
21:32.34hmmhesaysfirst sangoma card ever and the damn thing is bad
21:32.48[hC]there seems to be an issue with zap not waiting long enough after hanging up before considering a line usable again, and it causes problems where lines will be picked back up before they're 'ready' from the telco, resulting in dead air, etc..
21:33.02[hC]Is there any way to configure how long that process is?
21:33.33*** join/#asterisk syneus (
21:33.52mercestes[hC], how many lines are available?
21:34.15mercesteshmmhesays, Might just need firmware updates, honestly.  Sangomas have been flakey for me.
21:34.20[hC]mercestes: 4. I already accept incoming on 1-4 and dial out from 4-1, but with so few lines it doesnt help enough.
21:34.25mercesteshmmhesays, they have great technical support though.
21:34.34hmmhesaysyeah I just called and they told me to rma it
21:34.37hmmhesayshow do I upgrade the firmware?
21:34.58mercesteshmmhesays, it's under /etc/wanpipe/firmwares   I'm not 100% on the exact procedure.  If Sangoma said RMA it I would.
21:35.15mercestes[hC], what card?
21:36.09[hC]mercestes: sangoma a200d.
21:36.32[hC]mercestes: i dont think its a sangoma thing thouh, it would seem like zaptel has to be told to delay before considering a channel usable again.
21:37.19mercestes[hC], could be the telco, honestly.  I think * is pretty quick about clearing up a channel.  THere is a variable somewhere that specifies a tiemout to allow for call teardown to fix *other* issues, such as...dead air.
21:37.36mercestesso your problem could be the opposite, asterisk is not waiting long enough to flag a channel as usuable.
21:38.40[hC]mercestes: thats is exactly the problem. thats what im asking. how do i instruct asterisk to wait longer to deal with -whomevers- problem it is
21:38.43*** join/#asterisk TrentCreek (
21:38.50[hC]mercestes: the problem is asterisk is not waiting long enough, and i dont know how to make it wait longer.
21:38.50*** join/#asterisk Katty (
21:39.08TrentCreekwith the wait command?
21:39.53*** join/#asterisk Katty (
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21:40.04fujin_I don't think the wait command is quite what he's looking for
21:40.37TrentCreekcan't use WAIT 2, <next command>?
21:40.54*** join/#asterisk matt_ (n=matt@2001:770:168:1:220:edff:feb4:7c9d)
21:40.59fujin_no, the issue he's having is relating to a channel reporting that is ready, when it is not
21:41.41[hC]mercestes: do you know of a configurable option to force chan_zap to wait a little longer between teardown/availability?
21:41.54mercestesI think it's tehre under timing parameters.
21:42.07NetgeeksKatty: How was your chicken dinner last night?  Did you do fajitas?
21:42.34[hC]. thats what the wink stuff is for. :)
21:42.41[hC]It made no sense since i didnt know what 'wink' meant.
21:42.46mercestesStrom_c is probably a better resource for that.
21:42.57peanut-I love going into a mexican restaruant and mispronouncing the food horribly while ordering
21:43.35mercestesI love going into a mexican restaurant and ordering the "vagina con queso" and looking innocent.
21:43.41peanut-yes I will have one FAH-gee-tah and some extra tor-till-ye-ahs
21:44.15peanut-mercestes: I don't believe that you possess the ability to look innocent.
21:44.16*** join/#asterisk moprilo (n=jjohn@
21:44.29mercestesTrue...but I try
21:44.35peanut-it doesn't work.
21:44.38peanut-everyone knows it
21:44.46Kattymercestes: mew!
21:44.55mercestesKatty, did ya miss me?
21:44.56KattyNetgeeks: i got lazy and ended up eating left overs
21:45.06NetgeeksKatty: bah!  no fun
21:45.07KattyNetgeeks: feelin pretty tired again tonight :/
21:45.11KattyNetgeeks:  i know :<
21:45.35KattyNetgeeks: i will try it tho! :>
21:45.37mercestesI'm *SICK*
21:45.41mopriloguys.. I have a calls moving through 3 asterisk boxes ending up in a zap, but sometimes it takes up to 3 seconds so that the channel is completely up.
21:45.44mercestesI have a nasty cold...
21:45.45Kattymercestes: really?
21:45.47Kattymercestes: eww
21:45.54Kattymercestes: stay on your side of the continent
21:45.57mercestesso I'm taking cold medicine
21:46.04mercestess/taking cold medicine/drinking melon balls/
21:46.08NetgeeksKatty: you need one of these!
21:46.12moprilolike someone will answer and say.. hello.., but it will take up to 3 seconds to get the first response from the other user (sip0
21:46.27*** join/#asterisk ccaron (
21:46.33mopriloand is no lag..
21:46.53mercestesmoprilo, Sounds like a networking issue.
21:47.16KattyNetgeeks: !
21:47.19KattyNetgeeks: izzocute :>>>>>>>>
21:47.59mercestesand lag means nothing to me.
21:49.00mercestesThis concept of "ping times" needs to be removed from your mind.  Your in voip territory now.  The only thing useful ping gives you is assurance that your target responded to an ICMP echo so most likely it is online, or looped back to you.
21:49.33Kattyvoip is udp
21:50.10[TK]D-FenderKatty, Not entirely true
21:50.26Katty[TK]D-Fender: neither are YOU
21:50.59[TK]D-FenderKatty, No, I am an absolute :)
21:51.52Kattythere's no such thing as an absolute smiley.
21:51.57[hC]hmm. zaptel is telling me that its ignoring my wink and flash timer settings.
21:52.11Katty[hC]: don't you hate it when zaptel talks back?
21:52.21[hC]Katty: haha :)
21:53.26*** part/#asterisk joat (
21:54.05SparFuxYeah, now works. What the hell, I hate testing. I think it was all about I added insecure=yes to the wrong section, not [sipgate], but [sipphone] accidentally :-(
21:56.40[hC]Grr. of course, there is no clear explanation why asterisk claims to ignore wink settings.
21:56.52hmmhesaysyeah that sucks
21:56.57hmmhesaysI have to rma a card right away
21:57.27[hC]annnnd i got it.
21:57.32[hC]hmmhesays: what isnt working?
21:57.49[hC]i thought i had a dead sangoma card once, and it turned out it wasnt...
21:59.15*** join/#asterisk BBHoss (n=hoss@
22:00.50*** join/#asterisk StevenElvisda_ (n=Steven_E@
22:02.58[hC]I wish there was a cli command to refuse incoming calls (IAX/SIP/ZAP) for a time period, so when it comes time to do a restart, i dont have to wait so long for people to 'get off the phone' what with incoming calls and all
22:03.07[hC](and i know about 'when convenient' - it still takes a long time)
22:03.11BBHossjust do restart NOW
22:03.17BBHossinstead of just restart
22:03.59[hC]oh if it were that easy..
22:04.41BBHossoh so you want to wait until people are finished, but don't want any new calls so they dont start on another call
22:06.46Nuggetthat wouldn't be too tough to accomplish via the dialplan
22:09.56mercestesexten => _x.,1,Playback(tt-monkeys)   exten => _x.,2,Hangup()
22:10.43fujin_I would have assumed that when convenient should do such a thing, like, reject incoming calls via sip peers
22:10.51fujin_or another option to do precisely that
22:12.07mercestesNothing that useful.
22:12.12ajohnsonrestart gracefully
22:12.23ajohnsondoesn't accept new calls until the restart goes through
22:14.52CBU[^_^]M``hello... i have sipura 3102 ... do i set it as SIP or ZAP for the FXO port
22:16.20*** join/#asterisk Op3r (n=Op3r@
22:21.58*** join/#asterisk RageMax (
22:23.15RageMaxhas anyone had experience with the asterisk appliance?
22:23.38BBHossIMHO it sucks
22:23.59[hC]BBHoss: why do you think so?  I am looking into using them and would love to hear your feedback
22:24.24BBHossthey dont work with all ITSPs, the DTMF detection didnt work on mine
22:24.27RageMaxBBHoss: basically, I told a guy a custom solution would be better, since I tried the digium GUI and I hated it
22:24.41BBHossyes the digium gui is not all that good
22:24.44RageMaxI'm trying to convince him not to go with it until it's been proven in the field
22:24.51QwellBBHoss: You can add a custom voip provider
22:24.52BBHossplus, there is near ZERO support for it online
22:25.04[hC]i didnt mind the gui at all. what didnt it do for you?
22:25.09BBHossyes, but it didnt work with my IAX proivder
22:25.16[hC]I guess im also not afraid to get into the code and make it do what i want... heh
22:25.18RageMaxit broke quite a bit in firefox when I used it
22:25.33[hC]its been updated quite a bit recently
22:25.48RageMaxand the options aren't there, I spent more time using the GUI than just editing a couple config files
22:25.59BBHossthe main problem with mine was the DTMF detection, and the sound levels on the FXO/FXS ports
22:26.00[hC]Qwell: that reminds me, i added some more functionality into the voice menus section in asterisk-gui, how could I go about getting svn access to resubmit patches?
22:26.22fujin_be nice to people in here after creating an account
22:26.28Qwell[hC]: bug tracker - at least for now
22:26.34fujin_ah doh
22:26.36fujin_wrong project
22:26.39[hC]Qwell: fair enough.
22:26.47BBHossfor the proeconfigured itsps, it works good
22:27.01BBHossbut i couldnt get IAX2 to work with mine
22:27.02[hC]fujin_: when wasnt i nice?
22:27.03RageMaxBBHoss: DTMF detection on the FXO ports?
22:27.15BBHossi think it would have worked correctly
22:27.16RageMaxhrm, how bad?
22:27.17QwellBBHoss: Did you call Digium support?
22:27.28BBHossbut i had to jack up the gain to be able to hear people
22:27.28[hC]well, under the hood its still all asterisk. i dont see why it would behave any differently.
22:27.35*** join/#asterisk sb_mx (n=sb_mx@
22:27.42[hC]BBHoss: have you used fxo ports in other installs where you DIDNT have to adjust gains?
22:28.00BBHossnot really, but i've never had this much trouble with DTMF
22:28.03[hC]BBHoss: ive had to mess with gains substantially in every install ive ever done with FXO. Digium, Sangoma, or otherwise.
22:28.04RageMaxwhat happens in the GUI if you start making manual changes to the config to get thigns to work?
22:28.12BBHossive gotta run right now
22:28.18[hC]RageMax: as long as you make them properly, the gui should pick them up.
22:28.18BBHossill be back in a few hour
22:28.23[hC]RageMax: it depends what you do
22:28.46*** join/#asterisk javb (n=javb@
22:28.56RageMaxI'm definitely going to have teliax in my config, and I never saw them as a provider in the gui
22:29.14[hC]RageMax: so just set up a custom voip provider.
22:29.32[hC]there is an option to do so when you add an iax service provider.
22:29.35RageMaxI could never get that working correctly with AsteriskNow (essentially the same right?)
22:29.50[hC]I believe its quite similar, i cant say its the same.
22:29.56[hC]ive never used either of them,r eally.. i do use asterisk-gui though.
22:30.28mercestesguis are for windows.
22:30.38RageMaxI also heard that it doesn't do DISA for some odd reason
22:30.54[hC]guis are for people who dont want to be in charge of making stupid decisions and want to hire customer support people to take care of dumb changes. :)
22:31.16[hC]it does disa, i used it just yesterday... however again, i updated the gui from SVN yesterday too
22:31.27*** join/#asterisk Toerkeium (i=oo@
22:31.28RageMaxI mean the appliance
22:31.45[hC]why would it not? again - its just asterisk under the hood of it all
22:33.32*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (n=matt@
22:34.08JT[hC]: asteriskNow uses asterisk-gui
22:35.02RageMaxthe appliance uses asterisk business edition, not asterisknow
22:35.22[hC]JT: I know, i just dont know what elese goes into it, compared  to the appliance.
22:35.35[hC]but at the end of the day we're talking about small bolt ons
22:35.41mercestesbusiness addition is still 1.2 isn't it?
22:35.46[hC]ALL of these things use "plain old asterisk" under the hood
22:35.48ZX81hi all, I have a nortel system which is failing at a customer's and needs replacing.  It speaks with a server running tapi, and then there is a CRM package which screen pops etc based on tapi.  Most of the asterisk tapi things seem to be for one user - anyone have any ideas what to use?
22:35.51[hC]the only thing that may change is the version number.
22:36.10mercestesZX81, google asttapi
22:36.43ZX81it is just for a single person, sitting on the same machine as the tapi program no?
22:36.57ZX81and for only one extension
22:37.03mercestesthat's how I used it.
22:37.15ZX81for a single person?
22:39.05*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
22:39.57jbotsomebody said jbot was a hack!, or known to have only said one useful thing. a tool, or dating the fembots, or  [TK]D-Fender's b*tch
22:40.49jbot[TK]D-Fender is the Zen Master of the blatantly obvious, and #asterisk 's resident Google-proxy.
22:40.59jbotgoatse is at, or (E@3), or, or, or
22:41.48jbotyou are probably not really here...
22:41.49mercestesno jbot, lemonparty is at
22:42.20mercestesAnyways, I'm out.  l8s
22:43.25[hC]I dont think i want to open that url, do i.
22:43.31QwellNo you do not.
22:43.53Strom_Mit's .org
22:43.56Strom_Mnot .com
22:44.12putnopvutCan someone summarize what's at that URL?
22:44.19putnopvutI'm guessing old person nudity.
22:44.22Qwellputnopvut: You'd rather not know.
22:44.27JTare you really that scared to look
22:44.27putnopvutAm I close?
22:44.43putnopvutJT: I'm at work. I'm guessing I shouldn't look at work.
22:45.02fujin_That's hot. is hotter.
22:45.54hmmhesaysomfg that was awful
22:46.43hmmhesayscan anyone recommend me a decent ethernet bridge?
22:46.53hmmhesayswifi to ethernet
22:47.12J4k3hmmhesays: one unit or lots of units behind the 'client' end of the bridge?
22:47.22J4k3and will this be a dedicated p2p bridge, or will it be connecting to an existing AP?
22:47.38hmmhesaysI want it to connect to an existing access point
22:48.16J4k3one MAC or lots of MACs behind the client bridge?
22:48.51J4k3ok, the funky part with standard 802.11 stuff is a standard 'station' adapter should only represent one MAC
22:49.56denonin steps wds
22:50.03denonthe standard everyone loves to hate
22:50.11hmmhesaysi see
22:50.16hmmhesayswell what if I wanted more macs than 1
22:50.26denonhmmhesays: wds :)
22:50.34J4k3WDS makes this easiest
22:50.43*** part/#asterisk sb_mx (n=sb_mx@
22:50.48J4k3if your AP can't support WDS, it gets interesting
22:51.01DovidI need sleep. Good Night ev1
22:51.11J4k3you can either route or nat, but unless its straight IP that can be a pain in the arse
22:51.51hmmhesaysso what bridge should I be looking for?
22:56.47*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
23:00.56hmmhesaysthis buffalo wireless one seems to have gotten good reviews
23:03.16hmmhesaysalthough I can't find the radio power on it
23:04.28pkwonganyone here have a 7970?
23:05.13oraklethose are hot phones
23:05.19oraklecolour screen.. mm
23:05.23pkwongheh.. i love mine..
23:05.32pkwonghave the whole house wired up with em.
23:05.40oraklei have a lowly 7940 on my desk.
23:05.47pkwongone little issue just popped up though..
23:06.15pkwongI finally upgraded to 1.4.13 and 8-0-4.SR3A then to 8-3-2SR1
23:06.26pkwongand the transfer button stopped working on them.
23:06.43orakleCan you downgrade the firmware?
23:06.43pkwongi was hoping there was a fix i didn't know about..
23:06.57pkwongyeah.. i can.. the only one that works is 8-0-2SR1..
23:07.13pkwongbut that throws caller id like "xxxxxxxxxx@asterisk"
23:07.14orakleis there any big disadvantage to rolling back to that revision?
23:07.24pkwongyeah.. pretty crappy, huh?
23:07.43pkwongheh.. it's either no MWI or no transfer.. lol.
23:07.56pkwongi'd put up a bounty to have that fixed..
23:08.21pkwonghell.. i'd give someone a 7970 if they fixed it for me.. lol.
23:08.26pkwong(I'm not kidding)
23:08.47pkwongI have 3 extra laying around..
23:09.02pkwongI got em for a steal.. $180 a piece.
23:09.42pkwongthere is one incredibly annoying thing about 7970s though..
23:09.53pkwongcan't turn off the display on demand.
23:10.02pkwonglights up my whole bedroom at night.
23:12.21pkwongat least the transfer button works on the 7940!
23:13.08tzangerhmm... is there a C library for asterisk manager interface?  I see many languages up on the wiki but no C
23:13.19smultrondoes the asterisk appliance support ISDN PRI lines?
23:14.09pkwongyes, but you'll need a T1 card
23:14.12*** join/#asterisk GreggB (n=GreggB@
23:14.51Bl0w_M0nkpkwong  what are those?
23:15.02pkwongit's a card that hooks up to PRIs
23:15.05tzangerpkwong: the appliance has a PCI port?
23:15.56*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
23:16.37khronosAre ther any tools out there I can use to stress test my Asterisk server?
23:17.06pkwonghold on.. on phone
23:17.44khronosI'm interested in finding out how many calls my box can handle cpu wise doing ulaw based calls, ulaw to gsm conversions and gsm to gsm calls over sip.
23:19.31hmmhesaysanother asterisk box
23:19.53*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
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23:34.49*** join/#asterisk STeven_elvisda (n=Steven_E@
23:36.53tzangerI can't get CDR manager events to work
23:36.59tzangerI log in, the user has read for cdr
23:37.03tzangerbut yet no cdr events get emitted
23:48.25*** join/#asterisk felix_da_catz (
23:49.36*** topic/#asterisk by russellb -> Asterisk: The Open Source Telephony Application Platform -=- Asterisk 1.4.13 (Oct. 10, 2007) Addons 1.2.8, 1.4.4 (Oct. 16, 2007) -=- Join #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW and Asterisk-GUI info -=- Join #asterisk-commits to monitor svn changes -=- Join #freepbx for freepbx/#trixbox for trixbox support. -=-
23:59.49*** join/#asterisk drwelby (

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