IRC log for #asterisk on 20071015

00:01.40*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
00:02.48halogen8can someone help me troubleshoot a no audio problem with my trixbox?
00:03.22halogen8my guess is that it has something to do with nat, but i've done all the steps to get it working through nat, yet still no audio
00:04.41halogen8bjweeks: trixbox runs asterisk, doesnt it?
00:05.17halogen8bjweeks: therefore the problem would be the same on either an all asterisk box, as well as a trixbox
00:05.18bjweeksnot really, it has a mess of scripts doing all the work
00:05.53HarryRStrom_C, re the length of caller id, is there any standard for either of them?
00:06.19Strom_CHarryR: let me see if ITU has anything to say on the matter
00:06.31HarryRah k, I did some searching but couldn't find anything
00:06.50HarryRand we've been using 20 as an arbitrary value for years and never noticed any problems
00:07.03halogen8i've setup sip_nat.conf with the extern ip, etc, also forwarded 5060-5080 udp and 10000-20000 udp
00:07.04Strom_CHarryR: this is North America, correct?
00:07.25HarryRbut whatever ITU has to say about anything would be helpful
00:08.12JT5060 to 5080?
00:08.23halogen8jt: sip ports
00:08.52halogen8JT: actually 5060-5082
00:08.55JTthere's only one sip port. 5060.
00:09.19halogen8ok, well regardless, 5060 is forwarded
00:09.36halogen8and the calls complete
00:09.39halogen8but no audio is passed
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00:13.56Strom_CHarryR: looks like it's in Q.731.3; i'm looking through that spec now
00:14.18HarryRStrom_C, I'm reading the XR-221 standard which says 2 to 10 characters but that's for PSTN and mostly obsolete here iirc
00:15.01Strom_Cwhose standard is that?
00:15.54HarryRno idea, not sure that's even the right standard name
00:16.23HarryRoh it's BT's standard
00:16.23Strom_Cif you're reading the standard, it has to say who published it
00:17.25Strom_CQ.731.3 doesn't specify any specific CLIP message length; it refers to E.164
00:19.20Strom_Meseentially, if the number is E.164 compliant, you are almost guaranteed that it will traverse the network correctly
00:19.29Strom_Mhere's what E.164 has to say about number length:
00:20.01Strom_M6.1 International E.164-number length
00:20.02Strom_MThe ITU-T recommends that the maximum number of digits for the international geographic, global services, Network and Groups of Countries applications should be 15 (excluding the international prefix). Administrations are invited to do their utmost to limit the digits to be dialled to the degree possible consistent with the service needs.
00:21.25Strom_Cis that what you were asking about, or were you asking about the standard for transmission between the class 5 and the CPE?
00:22.08HarryRah E.164 your a step ahead of me :)
00:22.42*** part/#asterisk HarryR (
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00:22.48*** join/#asterisk HarryR (
00:23.02Strom_Ci was just thinking "what an ungrateful sot"
00:23.33Strom_Canyway, i'll restate my question:
00:23.58HarryRuh, tbh i'm unsure
00:24.05Strom_Cwere you asking about CLIP transmission from the originating party to the terminating class 5 end office, or were you asking about transmission between the class 5 and the CPE?
00:24.19HarryRlet me skim E.164 so I can give you any sort of coherant answer
00:25.01Strom_CHarryR:  E.164 doesn't really have relevance to the question I'm asking you now
00:26.24HarryRclass 5 and the CPE
00:26.47Strom_Cover analog circuits, or over ISDN?
00:27.06HarryRover ISDN
00:28.04Strom_CAFAIK, the ISDN SETUP message includes a length descriptor for the CLIP data
00:28.12Strom_Clet me look at the ISDN SETUP message spec
00:30.14Strom_C"Calling Party Number"
00:30.17HarryR"With outbound calls, sending caller name is not an ISDN standard." (
00:30.26Strom_C"Length: 2-*"
00:30.32Strom_CHarryR: well, duh
00:30.36Strom_Cthe name is provided by the network
00:31.14HarryRso 2 to 255 :\
00:31.46Strom_Cyeah, it seems so
00:32.00Strom_C"The maximum length of this information element is network dependent"
00:32.43Strom_Chave a look at Q.931 4.5.10
00:35.22HarryRyah I found the documentation somewhere else for that
00:35.54Strom_Chey, i'm just trying to help by going on the wild ITU-T recommendation goose chase for you
00:35.55HarryRjust writing billing software, have to account for everything :\
00:36.10HarryRthanks for the pointers :) appreciate it
00:36.25Strom_CHarryR: so call it varchar(64) and be done with it
00:36.42Strom_Ci doubt you'll ever see a number 64 digits long :)
00:36.48Strom_Cer, not varchar
00:36.55Strom_Cinteger :)
00:39.52HarryRyou'd need a ~200 odd bit number to store that!
00:39.52Strom_Cbut yeah, as a pracitcal consideration, I'm pretty sure you can cap the number at 25digits and be reasonably certain you will never hit the upper limit of that field
00:40.05Strom_Choly crap
00:40.09Strom_Cmy typing is terrible today
00:40.11HarryRyeah, varchar would be more effecient
00:40.20HarryRI don't think i've ever hit the upper limit of 20 i'm using at the moment
00:40.33HarryRalthough I'll do a check tommorow and just make sure
00:40.57Strom_Cnote to self: do not IRC about telephony the day after DJing in the club and getting drunk
00:41.01HarryR206bit number (24 bytes) :\
00:41.18Strom_Coh come on, it's 24 lousy bytes
00:42.36HarryRit'd make everything take up 3x more space just for those rare occasions where you might get a 60+ digit telephone number passed to you
00:42.54HarryRwhich probably means something horribly wrong has happened at the other end
00:42.55Strom_Ccap it at 24 digits then
00:43.11HarryRyah too much squabble on my side over possibilities
00:48.18*** join/#asterisk d1mas (
00:49.08d1mashello. anyone using DUNDi in enterprise environment ?
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00:52.23bjweeksis there a question attached to that or are you doing a census?
00:53.57*** part/#asterisk HarryR (
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00:54.11HarryRdamn window manager focus bugs
00:54.28d1massure, there is a questiosn. It looks like  DUNDi switch only queries peers and never looks up localy. The question is - how am I supposed to select best route to e164 number selecting between my local options and remote peers
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00:56.27d1masI mean, if I create a stuff to all these HowTos, it will contain include for local stuff and DUNDi switch for the rest. But includes always win - switch won't get executed
00:56.48bjweeksahh yes
00:57.11d1mas(because include contains "catch-all" match pointing to VoIP provider)
00:57.17bjweekswhat goes first in the dialplan runs first. if that makes any sense
00:57.26bjweeksso include under the local code?
00:58.12d1masone sec, I will check something
00:59.50d1masvery strange... according to the code, switches are evaluated BEFORE includes... But when I add include, it stops checking DUNDi peers...
01:01.13bjweeksThis page may help
01:02.17d1maswill check it out, thanks
01:02.33bjweeksyeah, it doesn't help, I just read it
01:03.59d1masright, it is more about extensons within the same context
01:04.31bjweeksit needs to be extended with includes, I thought it said something about them
01:04.44Strom_Cd1mas: most specific match will match first
01:04.53Strom_Cwithin a context, anyway
01:06.22d1maswell, not really :) according to that article, _. will catch everything although _918. is the most specific :)
01:09.12Strom_C_. is the exception
01:09.22Strom_CI hope to god you're not using _. in production
01:10.18d1massure I do not. But the question is still a bit different :) What I want is to select between ALL available ways to dial out including both locals and remte and select the best one
01:10.46Strom_Cd1mas: give me a more concrete example
01:14.09d1massure, but 1 min, I'm testing something again
01:15.39d1massure. Site A has a rule _X. to dialout anywhere via VoIP provider (published using DUNDi) it also has inexpensive way to call _1212X. Site B has the same plus it has PSTN line allowing it to call _1212X. for free.
01:16.40d1masnow what I want is to make sure both sites use B's way to _1212X. Because A's way is kind of backup which A should use when B is unavailable
01:17.55d1masIf we were talking about some site C - that would be easier because I can specify different weights forthese routes and Asterisk would select the best. But if we talk only about A and B - that is a problem
01:19.01d1masbecause either inclusion or switch/DUNDi wins in both cases. If 'include' wins, site A will always be using its way to _1212X.
01:19.27d1masif 'switch' wins, site A will be using B's _1212X. but B will be using A's....
01:19.52Strom_Cperhaps the better option here is to have a tandem office
01:20.05d1mastandem office ?
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01:20.31Strom_Cdo you know the difference between end offices and tandem offices in the PSTN?
01:22.51Strom_Cend offices have subscriber circuits hanging off of them
01:22.59Strom_Ctandem offices only talk to end offices and other tandems
01:23.35d1masok. But it means extra equipment, right ?
01:24.13Strom_Cwell, either a tandem office or some sort of LCR algorith,
01:24.18Strom_Cbecause DUNDi is not LCR
01:24.49Strom_CDUNDi is designed around the concept that each number will go to exactly one location
01:25.18d1masnot really IMHO
01:25.35Strom_Cso perhaps 555-2368 goes to one box, 555-2370 goes to a different box, and 555-238X goes to a third machine
01:25.40d1masbecause there can be multiple responses - it tries them all
01:25.56Strom_Cyeah, but it certainly seems that you want LCR
01:26.21Strom_Cso don't use a tool which is not designed for LCR :)
01:26.51d1maschanging tools would be too much at that point. I think I can live without LCR :)
01:27.08Strom_Cyou're not changing tools
01:27.22Strom_Cyou'll write perhaps 10-20 lines of dialplan logic
01:27.30Strom_Ci fail to see how that would be "too much" work
01:27.54d1maswell, I just do not know how to put that logic into dialplan
01:28.18Strom_Cit's pretty simple
01:28.25d1masI kind of need "score" or "wight" for each "route"
01:28.39Strom_Cyou're way overthinking the problem
01:28.43d1masdundi provides a way of specifying them
01:28.55d1masok, what is your way ?
01:29.01*** join/#asterisk techie (n=techie@
01:29.07Strom_Cstep 1: try preferred route
01:29.16Strom_Cif it fails, try secondary route
01:29.22Strom_Cif it fails, try third route
01:29.25Strom_Cetc etc etc
01:29.40Strom_Cyou're not running a massively gigantic network of sixty servers
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01:29.48Strom_Cyou have two servers with like three ways out to the PSTN
01:29.57d1maswell, the key here is "preferred" I do not know which one is preffered - I need to compare weight of local routes with DUNDi ones
01:30.34Strom_Cwhat do you mean "weight"?
01:30.41d1mas4 servers :) and I do not know manually hardcoding routes everywhere
01:30.50d1mas"cost" in your terminology
01:31.29d1mas"weight" in DUNDi terminology
01:32.21Strom_Cgive me the specifics so I can stop guessing at what exactly your end goal is
01:34.00d1maswell, I tried :) both site A and site B have access to PSTN. Both can call each other cities as a longdistance call. What I want is make sure A calls B's city as inter-asterisk call, not longdistance
01:34.37Strom_Cright, but are these PBXes in a company?  CLEC switches?
01:35.03d1masthe problem (one of) is the fact that both boxes also know _X. "catch-all" route using VoIP provider
01:35.16Strom_C_X. is dumb
01:35.18d1masPBX boxes in my company, different offices
01:35.26Strom_Cwhich country are you in
01:35.51Strom_CI'm not familiar with the russian numbering plan
01:35.56Strom_Ccan you summarize it for me?
01:36.06d1mas7 XXX XXXXXXXX
01:36.22Strom_Cok, which part is the city/area code?  is it variable?
01:36.41d1mas7 is country code, then always 10 digits. usually 3 is area code. Much like USA
01:37.03Strom_Cbut is the area code static length, or is it variable length?
01:37.26d1maswell, I guess
01:37.50Strom_Cwhen you dial on PSTN lines, do you dial ten digits?  0 + ten digits?  1 + ten digits?
01:37.55d1maswe have tiny cities with less than 7 digit numbering in them. So Area code is more than 3...
01:38.20Strom_Cok...well we can ignore that for now, given that your PBXes are in known cities
01:38.55d1masno, we dial only local part (7 digits in large cities). When we want longdistance we dial 8+area+local, when we want international we dial 8+10+country+area+local
01:39.29d1masbut it is all unumportant :) You can talk about USA and all the same applies here
01:39.45Strom_Cwell I want to try and give you an example which is applicable to your specific situation
01:39.52Strom_Cotherwise I run the risk of wasting your time
01:40.17d1masdon't worry about my time, worry about yours :)
01:40.22Strom_Clet's do a simplified example and assume two PBXes, one in Moscow and one in Novosibirsk
01:40.36Strom_Cwhat are the city codes for those cities?
01:40.54d1masletit be mosciw and saint-petersburg, 495 and 812
01:41.12d1masyeah :)
01:41.24Strom_Cok, so, rules for PBX A:
01:42.53d1masIt is pretty clear, but there is no DUNDi :) pure hardcoding work :)
01:43.03Strom_Cthat's what I'm telling you
01:43.06Strom_Cyou don't need dundi for this
01:43.10tzangerskills based routing for queues?  my god there aren't enough agents as is
01:43.47d1masI have 4 offices. In different countries btw :) Only two of them in Russia. I will die coding all this :)
01:44.08Strom_Cd1mas: it's really not difficult
01:44.12Strom_Cbreak it down by location
01:44.41d1masI know. But DUNDi does it all for you. Just do it once and every new office is plugged at no cost
01:45.08d1masoh, shit. We have 5 :) forgot about latest one...
01:45.19Strom_Cwell, good luck with that, i suppose
01:47.09Strom_Cif you are going to use dundi, simplify your options as much as possible
01:47.52*** join/#asterisk twoshadetod (
01:49.01jksHope someone can help me with a IAX trunking problem... I get the error that it requires zaptel timing to work. I have installed zaptel and ztdummy, and tested it with zttest that it works. Anyone knows what asterisk looks for to determine if zaptel timing is available? (I tried adding just to check, but wasn't it)
01:49.31Strom_Cjks: is ztdummy loaded?
01:49.32d1masjks: which user asterisk runs under?
01:49.38jksStrom_C, yes
01:49.40jksd1mas, root
01:50.44d1masjks: check /var/log/asterisk/messages - if asterisk can't open device for some reason (like access denied) it says it pretty clear
01:50.46jksthe only special thing is that asterisk is inside an openvz VE, but according to the docs it should work... I have added access to the devices nodes, etc.
01:51.16jksd1mas, no messages of the sort there
01:51.40*** join/#asterisk karleeto (n=karl@
01:51.41jksI don't think asterisk tries to use zaptel timing at all... that is why I was wondering what "triggers" Asterisk to do so
01:51.55jksmust I write someting in zaptel.conf or similar to get asterisk to try using zaptel timing at all
01:52.48d1masjks: when exactly it says it needs zaptel timing?
01:53.09jksd1mas, [Oct 15 03:47:16] WARNING[26081]: chan_iax2.c:8990 build_peer: Unable to support trunking on peer without zaptel timing
01:53.13Strom_Cd1mas: what happens when you type "module load" at the asterisk CLI?
01:53.19d1masah. I see
01:53.44d1masUnable to support trunking on user '%s' without zaptel timing. This one?
01:53.46jkshmm, that's probably it ... I haven't got a
01:53.55jksonly got a hmm, why wasn't that built
01:53.57Strom_Cjks: let me guess - you compiled zaptel after asterisk
01:54.00jksd1mas, peer, but yes
01:54.10jksStrom_C, yes but I recompiled asterisk afterwards again
01:54.19Strom_Cjks: go reconfigure the asterisk build to build zaptel
01:54.42Strom_Cyou need to re-run ./configure and check that zaptel is selected when you run "make menuselect"
01:54.44jksStrom_C, I did that and enabled everything I could... but I cannot enable chan_zap.... there must be some prerequisite I'm missing if that module is important
01:55.11jksStrom_C, when you say "zaptel" - what exactly do you mean? (there are multiple things named zap)
01:55.18Strom_Cjks: do this
01:55.21jksI assume it is chan_zap that is the important one, as that is the one I'm missing
01:55.24Strom_Ccd /usr/src/asterisk-whatever
01:55.27Strom_Cmake distclean
01:55.33Strom_Cmake menuselect
01:55.35d1mashehe. HAVE_ZAPTEL is undefined
01:55.37Strom_Ccheck for zaptel
01:55.45jksStrom_C, yes, I have done that - there's nothing called zaptel
01:55.52jkschan_zap is there, but I cannot select it
01:55.53d1masjks: the problem is not in chan_zap
01:56.12d1masjks: the problem is that whole zaptel support is missing from your asterisk
01:56.13Strom_Cjks: you ran "make distclean"?
01:56.31jksd1mas, okay? - what do I then need to enable?
01:56.32jksStrom_C, yes
01:56.45d1masjks: is zaptel installed on VE or on host ?
01:56.54Strom_Cjks: i'm tempted to just ask for SSH access and fix it myself
01:56.54jksd1mas, the "whole" thing isn't missing... because I got codec_zap and app_meetme and stuff I didn't have before
01:56.59jksd1mas, host
01:57.19d1masjks: app meetme works without zap
01:57.26jksStrom_C, well, I would prefer to know how to do it myself
01:57.38d1masjks: and you building asterisk on VE ?
01:57.39jksd1mas, well, it wasn't compiled automatically before I installed zaptel, etc.
01:57.45jksd1mas, yes
01:58.01jksI guess chan_zap must be important then, and I need to figure out which of the 4 prerequisites for that I'm missing
01:58.11d1masjks: hm... can asterisk's configure script find you zapterl?
01:58.38jksd1mas, I'm not exactly sure what you mean, but it found zaptel.h, etc. just fine
01:58.44d1maschan_zap is just a channel driver
01:59.00jksd1mas, okay, do you know where the "timing" part is located in asterisk?
01:59.02d1masif you are not using zap channels, I see no reason why you need to have it
01:59.08jksI'm not
01:59.38d1masLook, chan_iax just opens zaptel device. And if it opened successfully, it enables trunking
02:00.05jkshmm, it checks an internal datastructure first afair ... I'll check again
02:00.07d1masthe problem is that the code which opens device is put under #ifded HAVE_ZAPTEL
02:00.55d1maswhich means if a the moment you compiled there were no zaptel - you can restart as many times as you like. The code to open device is NOT there
02:01.10jksI'm not trying to restart ;-)
02:01.33*** join/#asterisk Bensin (
02:01.42jksOkay, found the code now... so it just opens /dev/zap/timer and /dev/zap/pseudo... hmm
02:01.52d1masIf I were you, I would run ./configure script and checked its output looking for anything about zaptel
02:01.55jksgreat... one sec then :-)
02:02.20BensinHello! I need some help to make incoming calls work on my AsteriskNow. Outgoing calls works fine.
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02:04.27d1masbtw, is /dev/zap/pseudo available on your VE ?...
02:04.30jksd1mas, Strom_C, thanks guys - it's working now! :-)
02:05.10Strom_Ctranslation: "When I said 'yes' in response to 'did you run the following commands?' I really meant 'no'"
02:05.41jqlthe keys are, like, right next to each other
02:05.51jksStrom_C, well, I did actually run them
02:06.00jksStrom_C, I just didn't tell you that I didn't run make install afterwards
02:06.17jksbut I like to understand the system better, and it really helped me when d1mas said that it was inside
02:06.28jkswhich I should have figured out ofcourse, but I'm not familiar with the internals of asterisk
02:06.46d1masStorm: in a bad mood? :)
02:06.57Strom_Cwho is storm?
02:07.09d1massorry, Strom
02:07.15Strom_Cdear d1mas
02:07.19Strom_Clove, strom
02:07.28d1masLooks like I will get next phone hit :)
02:07.46BensinIs there a way to tell if Asterisk has registered OK with the Service Provider to receive incoming calls?
02:08.01Strom_CBensin: "show registry" at the CLI
02:08.02jksBensin, SIP or IAX? - for example sip show peers
02:08.03d1masStrom: oh common, who told you you know what IRC client I use ? :)
02:08.04MaliutaWrksip show registry
02:10.55BensinAhhh.. Doesn't look too good.
02:11.36Bensinone entry is trunk_1/<my phone number> and its status is "unmonitored"
02:12.27d1masunmonitored is ok
02:12.42d1masyou can specify qualify=yes and it will be monitored :)
02:13.19karleetois there any way for me to look at the status of an ongoing emerge (other than emerge -vp same app)
02:13.35d1masBensin: do you really need to register with you provider? My DID provider actually initiates call itself when it receives call to my number
02:13.58Bensind1mas: "trunk_1" is the default value for the variable "trunkname" under advanced settings in "List of service providers" in the web-GUI
02:14.21karleetowrong channel, sorry
02:14.25Bensind1mas: I think I do. Otherwise the SP won't know where to direct the call.
02:14.31bjweekskarleeto: I was going to say :P
02:15.01d1masBensin: usually you can specify SIP URL in account setting of your provider
02:15.18d1masSIP URL of your box I mean
02:15.48d1masanyway, if you need to register, have you specified "register" in peer settings ?
02:16.14bjweeksyou can put the register lines anywhere
02:16.26bjweeksI bunch mine under general
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02:16.54d1masbjweeks: I guess he is using some GUI
02:17.29Bensind1mas: I use the web-GUI and under Service Providers -> Options -> edit     the checkbox for "register" is checked.
02:17.30bjweekssome GUIs form their own register strings
02:18.09bjweeksBensin: this isn't the right channel...
02:18.32Bensinbjweeks: Is it in channel asterisknow?
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02:18.45bjweeks#asterisk-now or #asterisk-gui
02:19.27Bensinbjweeks: OK. Even if the question is about the functionality rather than the gui?
02:20.24Bensin(I asked the question in #asterisknow, but got no response.)
02:20.27bjweeksthat depends
02:21.54Bensinbjweeks: On what?
02:22.15bjweekswho you ask ;)
02:22.45BensinOr if I ask really nice? ;-)
02:23.38bjweeksI'm confused as to what your current problem is, trying to enable qualify to monitor?
02:24.50BensinMy problem is that I can make calls from a client registered to my Asterisk server and the server forwards it correctly...
02:25.37*** join/#asterisk Raky-2 (n=John@
02:26.09BensinBut when I place calls to the client registered OK to the asterisk server the call does not come through. And there is no sign on the Asterisk consol of an inbound call .
02:26.45[TK]D-FenderBensin, have you enabled SIP debug?
02:27.12Bensin[TK]D-Fender: Don't know. Where can I check that?
02:27.20bjweekssip set debug
02:27.44Bensinit's enabled
02:27.58[TK]D-FenderBensin, and you see nothing?
02:29.08*** join/#asterisk TJNII (n=TJNII@
02:32.09*** join/#asterisk keith4_ (
02:32.43keith4_the wikipedia article about asterisk says... "There are several GUI interfaces for Asterisk, one of the most popular being FreePBX." Any merit to that?
02:34.12bjweeksIt is popular...
02:34.17Qwellpopular doesn't mean it's any good
02:34.21bjweeksSo is American Idol ;)
02:34.56keith4_i wouldn't have said FreePBX is a GUI for asterisk...
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02:35.02Bensin[TK]D-Fender: Nothing seems to come up when I place a call to Asterisk anyway.
02:35.22bjweekskeith4_: then what is it a gui for?
02:35.39[TK]D-FenderBensin, if you see nothing its a networking issue.
02:37.45Bensin[TK]D-Fender: Well, someting comes up (looping maybe every minute or so). "Scheduling destruction of SIP dialogue."
02:38.19[TK]D-FenderBensin, is your server behind NAT?
02:39.27keith4_bjweeks: is that all it is?
02:39.58Bensin[TK]D-Fender: I want to say no, because I have a public IP (not 192.x.x.x or 172.x.x.x or 10.x.x.x).
02:40.25bjweekskeith4_: Yes... It adds some other web interfaces for voicemail and such but that is it
02:40.27*** join/#asterisk ELBunce (n=erik@kde/developer/bunce)
02:40.46[TK]D-Fenderkeith4_, Its a flaming piece of shit that builds your configs for you in true cookie cutter fashion.  The point of Asterisk is CONTROL and thats exactly what you give up when you use a config generator like FreePBX to run things for you.
02:40.52jboti heard zeeek is someone who once said "learning asterisk using a GUI is like learning sex through masturbation. You'll never get to the good stuff."
02:41.18bjweeksBut that is how I learned :(
02:41.21[TK]D-FenderBensin, check your firewalls, etc
02:41.39hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: you wouldn't happen to have some config files for the ip-601 I can start off with do you?
02:41.46[TK]D-Fenderbjweeks, You don't learn anythign from FreePBX except for alll the things NOT to do.
02:41.58[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, I could work soemthing up for you.
02:42.10bjweeksI was talking about masturbation :P
02:42.22hmmhesaysfreepbx has a couple goods apps I tore out of their dialplan and use
02:42.38hmmhesaysas a whole though I would stay away
02:42.40Bensin[TK]D-Fender: I have no firewall. Also I got the SIP-account to work with a Linksys PAP2-adapter connected to the same network socket as I'm connected to now.
02:43.12keith4_maybe i'll take a look at it. any chance of it slurping a working asterisk conf?
02:43.21keith4_eh, it's not packaged in debian. forget it
02:43.25[TK]D-FenderBensin, ok, this makes no sense not to see ANYTHING with SIP DEBUG enabled.....
02:43.37bjweekskeith4_: you can have mine, it suck though :P
02:44.06TrentCreekI saw some startup errors in Asterisk on system boot, but looking in /var/log  Asterisk and boot.log files are emtpy...suggestions??
02:44.11Bensin[TK]D-Fender: Sorry :-) (You do mead at the exact time when the call is placed, right?)
02:44.54keith4_bjweeks: huh
02:45.06hmmhesaysor maybe a link to some config files
02:45.27[TK]D-FenderBensin, enable sip debug and reload SIP. That'll cause * to re-register.  then do "sip show registry" and PASTEBIN the whole thing.
02:45.28jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
02:45.46[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, there is a rather comprehensive guide on the WIKI
02:46.09[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, You'll want to have tyour firmware ready and you'll just mod the blanks it comes with
02:46.19bjweekskeith4_: "any chance of it slurping a working asterisk conf?" I might have misinterpreted that :/
02:50.03keith4_just wondering if freePBX would read current asterisk conf, instead of having to start fresh
02:50.09keith4_seems unlikely
02:50.14bjweeksit doesn't
02:50.17hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: ok
02:50.39[TK]D-Fenderkeith4_, No.  Once you go FreePBX, it OWNS your ass.
02:51.04bjweeksI started with FreePBX then got annoyed and wrote my own dialplans
02:51.07bjweeksnever looked back :)
02:54.56*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
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02:56.20keith4_once you go FreePBX, you never go back? :-)
02:57.35keith4_[TK]D-Fender: surely you could start with FreePBX, and then just remove it and manually edit the conf files that it creates?
02:57.56bjweeksit has backing AGIs and other things you don't want
02:59.08[TK]D-Fenderkeith4_, whats the pointof having ti then ripping it out?  You've just suggested follow a path that is a complete waste of time...
02:59.28[TK]D-Fenderkeith4_, And no, that stuff pulls all sorts of crap from DB's, etc.
02:59.42[TK]D-Fenderkeith4_, it is in comprehensible MESS
03:00.19bjweeksit works fine for SOHO but I love the people that get paid to install FreePBX
03:00.34bjweeks"Look I make money using a GUI made for noobs"
03:03.19hmmhesaysbjweeks: i'm doing a replacement install for a moron this week
03:03.31hmmhesaysused freepbx, but thats not the problem, he did everything wrong
03:05.27[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, sad isn't it?  Incompetant schmucks can't even fill in a few blanks right.  Pathetic really.
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03:12.03TrentCreekI saw some startup errors in Asterisk on system boot, but looking in /var/log  Asterisk and boot.log files are emtpy...suggestions??
03:12.16bjweeksrestart asterisk?
03:12.23hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender; yeah
03:12.40[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek, Yeah... show us the errors... we aren't PSYCHIC
03:13.40jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
03:14.27TrentCreekthat is what I am saying...where do I find them?
03:14.55TrentCreekLOok at my message :-)
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03:15.34TrentCreeklet me go try
03:16.01[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek, you said you saw the errors on boot, well go monitor it doign that again and pastebin it.  If you can see it, you can PASTEBIN it.
03:18.35*** join/#asterisk MaliutaWrk (
03:18.52TrentCreekisnt there a boot log? It's empt in /var/log/boot.log
03:20.18TrentCreeklooked there too...its not boot messages
03:21.21[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek, No. Just stop asterisk manually and restart it manually and WATCH
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03:21.52[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek, Because you're either going to have to show us the problem or sit around waiting for a mircale.
03:23.13TrentCreeki dont care about anyone fixing or seeing..I just want to know how I can finx those errors/
03:24.23[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek, If we can't see, then we can't tell you how to fix.
03:24.26TrentCreekthanks...i will give it a try
03:24.47[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek, and I told you what to do.
03:24.51TrentCreekat this point I am just trying to get the message..does not do me or anyone else if I cannot find
03:25.01TrentCreeki did that and no messages
03:27.12[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek, so you tried to start * and didn't see an error message?
03:29.24TrentCreeklet me try again
03:30.43TrentCreekwait messages
03:33.08[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek, So no problems to report?
03:35.03TrentCreekyes, the ones I saw while booting..
03:36.03*** join/#asterisk Defraz (n=t0tal@
03:37.12[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek, I'm talking about your attempt to start it manually NOW.
03:37.21[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek, Don't start going in circles....
03:37.23TrentCreekno..reported none
03:38.00TrentCreeki guess I just have to restart and take a picture
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03:40.45[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek, Guess so.
03:41.46TrentCreekokay got it
03:43.50TrentCreekit mentioned daemon could not find some files
03:44.16TrentCreeknow where woul dit keep such error messages for that?
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03:46.50[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek, /var/log/messages/asterisk
03:47.49TrentCreekits empty
03:48.14[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek, Well nothing to say then....
03:48.40[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek, /var/log/asterisk/messages
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03:55.41TrentCreekgot it
03:55.50TrentCreekits in /var/log/messages
03:56.24[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek, Well don't keep us in suspense
03:58.00TrentCreeki stand corrected
03:58.10TrentCreekthose were old messages from 24 hours ago
03:58.19TrentCreekthe picture cam ou blury also
03:58.52TrentCreekit is a start up daemon for an asterisk application that could not find some files
03:59.24fujin_bit offtopic, anyone here run/work in a datacentre and know what kind of environmental monitoring stuff you use?
03:59.31fujin_looking at replacing my shitty old temp/humid sensors
03:59.54Bensin[TK]D-Fender: Is Asterisk configured to respond to an external ping-request?
04:00.15[TK]D-FenderBensin, what kind of ping?
04:00.37[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek, pic?  What happened to CUT&PASTE?
04:01.22Bensin[TK]D-Fender: ICMP echo
04:01.35[TK]D-FenderBensin, * is NOT a TCP stack.
04:01.49TrentCreekit was blurry
04:02.08[TK]D-FenderBensin, That's like asking if your stereo system can make POPCORN.
04:02.08TrentCreeki cant cut n paste what I dont have
04:02.19[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek, You said you just found stuff.....
04:02.24Bensin[TK]D-Fender: Sorry. This is all new to me.
04:03.23TrentCreekyou did not read my previous message
04:03.41TrentCreek<TrentCreek> those were old messages from 24 hours ago
04:03.41TrentCreek<TrentCreek> the picture cam ou blury also
04:03.41TrentCreek<TrentCreek> it is a start up daemon for an asterisk application that could not find some files
04:04.17[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek, what is an "asterisk application"?
04:04.53[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek, And are the errors that occured this 24 hours ago DIFFERENT from the latest ones you say you saw?
04:04.53TrentCreekAn application that uses asterisk as its base..just like Asterisk uses Linux as its base
04:05.20TrentCreekyes they are was when I had made a change then changed it back
04:05.21[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek, Well that app isn't our problem here.
04:05.40TrentCreekyes, but my question wa snot aboutthat
04:05.44[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek, Which of course remains suspiciously un-named
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04:06.07[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek, Yup... it its got issues, thats not a topic for here...
04:06.34Bensin[TK]D-Fender: If "sip show registry" shows "state: registered". Does that mean it's not a firewall problem?
04:06.50Bensin(or network problem)
04:07.18[TK]D-FenderBensin, not necessarily.
04:07.23TrentCreekAnd i never asked about that..I only asked how I could find asterisk error messages
04:07.38TrentCreekseems some others here kept asking about that
04:08.06[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> Bensin, enable sip debug and reload SIP. That'll cause * to re-register.  then do "sip show registry" and PASTEBIN the whole thing. <--- I asked for this a long time ago
04:08.29[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek, Well now you know where the folder is.
04:09.02watchy2i think tk is made up of radiated hampsters like a voltron, but made out of hampsters
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04:10.39[TK]D-FenderGo Hamster Force!
04:11.38watchy2pretty much
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04:13.03TrentCreekyes and thanks a lot for that info
04:14.01hmmhesayshow many calls can each of these line keys handle on an ip 601?
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04:14.25[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, 8 I believe.
04:14.42[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, so 24 calls on a maxxed out base w/ 1 reg
04:15.07[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, Or subdivided to 8 x 6 as you wish
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04:16.46watchy2whats the max calls you can have on a 501?
04:17.20[TK]D-Fenderwatchy2, 3x8
04:17.36[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, bad math earlier....
04:17.52watchy2jesus 8 per linekey?
04:18.04watchy2thats quite a few
04:19.50[TK]D-FenderSorry.. seems to say 1-24 for IP 6XX, and 1-8 for everything else.....
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05:06.05wundaboydoes anyone use 'voxee' ... I am trying to set it up and it isn't working
05:06.26wundaboy66.246.246.52:4569    890         <Unregistered>             60  Request Sent
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05:17.23bjweekswundaboy: they were dead last time I checked
05:17.46wundaboybjweeks, i can still login to my account (although i havent used it in over a year)
05:18.09bjweeksSame here, but their servers don't accept calls
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05:23.04wundaboywhen did they die?
05:23.32bjweeksnot sure, I stopped using them for a few months and when I tried again a month ago they were down
05:25.24bjweeksTheir phone number is 480, Phoenix...
05:25.31bjweeksI should pay them a visit
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05:27.09wundaboyi have another question, this one about voipjet
05:27.23wundaboyi signed up for an account and put $5 on it (leaving me with $4.55 on my account)
05:27.25sheppardanyone run asterisk on a non x86 machine? like a sparc?
05:27.28wundaboyhowever, there is no secret
05:27.48bjweekssheppard: it should compile, I see no reason it shouldn't
05:28.01wundaboyand i dont have access to a windows computer to use 'internet explorer' like it reccomends
05:28.42bjweekssheppard: and Debian agrees...
05:28.59bjweekswundaboy: I use their site with Firefox just fine
05:29.22wundaboybjweeks, in the secret field on the how to setup my PBX, it is just blank
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05:29.35sheppardbjweeks: cool, thanks
05:30.17peanut-anyone know what voip providers still let you set your CPN?
05:31.11bjweekswundaboy: I just tested Firefox and Safari, problem is on their side. try to contact them then pray to the support gods
05:31.24wundaboyive sent like 3 emails
05:32.04bjweeksI think the support gods demand a sacrifice ;)
05:32.46*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
05:32.49wundaboyyeah, like they care about a $5 residential user like me...
05:34.17bjweeksthey could take the 5$ and fix their site
05:34.30bjweeksand get a new design
05:34.33wundaboyi wouldnt mind, im currently getting RAPED by junction networks
05:34.54wundaboylike bend over and take our $.029/minute ridiculous prices
05:35.20bjweeksjust drop them?
05:35.31wundaboy<3 my DID and dont know where to go?
05:36.03bjweeksI kinda like voipstreet, still kinda iffy but their support kicks ASS
05:36.23wundaboya guy from i think it was pm'ed me on here and told me he would do my origination for $3.99/month unlimited minutes 2 concurrent calls
05:36.41bjweeksthat is the cheapest I have ever seen, ever
05:36.53wundaboyyeah i know
05:37.48bjweeksvoipjet with voipstreet as backup for outbound and voipstreet inbound has worked good so far
05:38.39wundaboyhow often does voipjet go down?
05:39.05bjweeksI wouldn't know, voipjet picks up if the call fails
05:39.29wundaboydo you have the $9.95 unlimited monthly at voipstreet?
05:40.05bjweeksI do the per minute, as with cell phones the phone number doesn't get called more than 500 minutes (the break even point)
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05:40.55wundaboyInbound DID delivered over either SIP or IAX protocols with G.711u and G.729a codecs supported. No per minute charges and 2 concurrent calls. Additional concurrent calls are available in allotments of 2 for $3.99.
05:41.20wundaboyright off of's website ... although i dunno ... when google searching: xpance they are not the first link.......
05:41.35bjweeksthat would scare me off right there
05:41.43bjweeksI might trust google too much but that is me
05:42.00wundaboyi know, thats why i havent done anything about it yet
05:42.34bjweeksI think their is a real market for home asterisk users with a cheap service with good support
05:42.54wundaboyyeah this voipstreet seems like a good place to switch to, how long have they been around?
05:43.06bjweeksNufone, voipjet and (or whatever their new names) all failed hard at providing support Record created on 20-Oct-2004.
05:44.01wundaboyjunction networks support is pretty good, during the east coast (i am west) business hours i can usually get through to someone on the phone (i like TALKING TO SOMEONE about my problems)
05:44.55wundaboycan voipstreet port my awesome did? (xxx3341400)
05:45.05bjweeksI never tried calling them, so I can't say
05:45.30bjweeksTheir online support is really quick, even at odd hours
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05:46.04MACscrHas anyone tried this out for skype2sip?
05:46.44bjweekswhat does that have to do with skype?
05:47.03bjweekswundaboy: not sure on the DID, you would have to ask them. they don't list any restrictions though
05:47.43wundaboybjweeks, thanks for the tip on this provider, ive been asking around here with no luck (a cheap service with a good review from someone here)
05:47.48MACscrBjweeks : what do you mean? Its a solution for allowing a person to receive skype calls on an asterisk system
05:48.04bjweeksI didn't scroll down sorry, I just say the digium card
05:48.15wundaboyisnt there a bounty for that on voip-info?
05:48.38MACscrWundaboy : its probably for a open source solution
05:48.52wundaboywhen skype was free (2006 right?) i really wanted that....
05:48.53bjweeksyes, hacking Skype has turned out to be hard
05:49.35hmmhesaysyeah no shiat
05:49.50hmmhesaysits like an onion, where they have only peeled back one layer
05:51.10MACscrThat yeastar solution is only $55 according to the rep i spoke with. Pretty cheap
05:51.17MACscrI still hate how it works though
05:51.31bjweeksHow is this legal though? Unless they pay Ebay
05:51.58MACscrI dont like the idea of going from windows to get to my asterisk box
05:52.05MACscrEbay owns skype?
05:59.00hmmhesaysI'm having a hard time with the polycom directory.xml file
05:59.45MACscrI hate my grandstream gxp 2000, the call quality is inconsistent. Any recommendations for a new phone under $150?
06:00.33bjweeksPolycom seems to be the favorite
06:00.54MACscrThey suck to config though, but i think you right. Any particular one?
06:01.14bjweeksThe cheap one? Not too many under 150$  ;)
06:01.29hmmhesaysMACscr, polycom IP330
06:01.31hmmhesaysgreat phone
06:01.42hmmhesays130 bucks at telephony depot
06:01.55hmmhesaysor you can get the ip 320 for 90 bucks+ 0 for psu
06:01.59hmmhesays*20 for psu
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06:03.39hmmhesaysalso the sipura/linksys phones are pretty consistent
06:03.41tomcontr3Im getting some errors while compiling zaptel
06:03.55tomcontr3/root/zaptel- error: âstruct sk_buffâ has no member named ânhâ
06:03.55tomcontr3/root/zaptel- In function âztdeth_transmitâ:
06:03.55tomcontr3/root/zaptel- error: âstruct sk_buffâ has no member named ânhâ
06:03.59hmmhesaysI'm trying to get my sidecar working with my poly 601, without much luck
06:03.59tomcontr3any idea?
06:04.20hmmhesaysseems zaptel doesn't like your kernel revision
06:04.37tomcontr3hmmm, Im using Fedora 6
06:04.45hmmhesayswhat kernel version?
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06:05.08hmmhesaysI have problems with 2.6.22 also
06:05.22tomcontr3any sugestion?
06:05.34hmmhesaysI moved back to 2.6.20
06:06.10bjweeksBUT THE TICKLESS!
06:06.55tomcontr3and how can I do that?
06:08.29hmmhesaysdownload kernel, cp the config from the current and compile
06:08.34hmmhesaysfedora has a great tutorial on it
06:09.10hmmhesaysanyhoo, this directory.xml I can't find a reference to all the parameters in it
06:10.12tomcontr3I found this>:
06:10.20tomcontr3but how do I apply that patch?
06:11.10bjweeksman patch
06:11.58tomcontr3Is it to hard to say how...
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06:13.46hmmhesaysyou could just not compile ztd_eth
06:14.19tomcontr3never mind,  I fixed the problem..
06:16.19hmmhesaysi'm curious
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06:20.10tomcontr3now asterisk is saying this: chan_phone.c:41:29: error: linux/compiler.h: No such file or directory
06:20.20tomcontr3what package am I missing?
06:31.47MaliutaWrkdo you have kernel headers installed at all?
06:32.58JTtomcontr3: don't compile that
06:33.22JTchan_phone.c is _WELL AND TRULY_ deprecated now
06:43.55hmmhesaysthis polycom directory file is giving me hell
06:43.55hmmhesaysi'm trying to get presence to work, but only half my directory entries are showing up as buddies
06:44.44hmmhesaysit seems the only buddies that are showing up are ones without the <ln></ln> field filled in
06:50.21hmmhesaysthats freaking weird isn't it?
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07:00.22hmmhesayswhat up kilo g
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07:14.13hmmhesaysjust being stupid
07:14.13hmmhesaysthis soundpoint 601 is driving me insane
07:14.13emrahwhat's happening hmmhesays ?
07:14.13hmmhesayswell, if I have a <ln>buddy lastname</ln> in my directory.xml, it doesn't show up on my buddy list
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07:14.13jqlI can see how that'd suck
07:22.47hmmhesaysI upgraded my sip.ld and now I'm getting a config file error
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07:22.47jqlwhich one?
07:22.47hmmhesaysno 0x20
07:22.48hmmhesaysI think I may have found my problem
07:22.48hmmhesaystrying again
07:26.20*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (
07:26.21[T]ankis there a way to disable the  "== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Found" message every time something runs against the manager on the on the CLI> ?
07:26.21[T]anki found where to do the connection messages, I have those turned off... but I dont see how to make it stop displaying the parses too.
07:26.21[T]anki have a lot of them and it makes it hard to see my dialplan debug.
07:26.48hmmhesaysok a firmware upgrade fixed that
07:30.40hmmhesaysare all the core 2 duo processors 64 bit?
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07:46.08hmmhesaysthat said does asterisk build ok in a 64 bit environment
07:46.39BBHossit should
07:47.25BBHossthere are a few bugs indigenous to 64 bit though
07:47.36hmmhesaysi'm thinking of running centos 5 x86_64 release
07:48.05BBHossits really w/e you want i like ubuntu server
07:48.45hmmhesaysyeah I don't bother with ubuntu
07:48.53hmmhesaysif I want gui'fied I go with fedora core
07:49.00BBHosslike i said, its up yo you
07:49.14BBHosswhat are you talking about, ubuntu server dosen't have a gui?
07:49.43hmmhesaysoh, i've never touched ubuntu server
07:49.54hmmhesayshow is it different than a regular debian setup
07:49.57BBHossok course don't run it on desktop :)
07:50.09BBHossim not sure i haven't used debian much
07:50.23BBHossthey just have a release schedule and other advantages
07:50.30BBHosssuch as LTS releases, etc
07:50.30hmmhesaysI see
07:50.53BBHossand i totally love apt, which i guess debian would work just as well
07:51.01hmmhesaysyeah apt rocks compared to yum
07:51.10BBHossi hate yum
07:51.20hmmhesaysand it hates you, and everyone else
07:51.24BBHossit tastes !yum
07:51.36*** join/#asterisk Schumie (
07:51.55BBHossalso ubuntu server has a one-touch LAMP install
07:52.03hmmhesaysnow back to my question, are all core 2 duo processors 64bit?
07:52.11BBHossyeah im pretty sure
07:52.17hmmhesaysI don't use mysql much
07:52.20BBHosseverything since the P4E cores i think are
07:52.36BBHosswith the EMT64 instructions
07:53.40BBHossheh, if its not, youll find out REALLY quick :)
07:54.09BBHossthey also include NX bit
07:54.45BBHossVirtualization Tech. (except for the cheapies, ie T5500 + E4x00)
07:54.57BBHosslots of info on wikipedia
07:55.03hmmhesaysyeah I just looked, they are
07:55.10*** join/#asterisk qdk (n=qdk@
07:55.22BBHossman im glad intel finally woke up
07:55.26hmmhesaysnot really any advantages on a 8 phone box to running 64 bit
07:55.35BBHossthey were asleep at the wheel for so long
07:56.05BBHossi wouldnt run 64 bit even with a 1000 phone box
07:56.11hmmhesayswhy not?
07:56.15BBHosswell, maybe if just to access the ram
07:56.27BBHossasterisk is more testes on 32 bit
07:56.32BBHosstested :)
07:57.28BBHossplus, you may find bugs that aren't on the bugtracker because so few people use 64 bit
07:59.08BBHossmany of the 64 bit bugs are closed though
07:59.15BBHossjust 2-3 still active
07:59.31hmmhesaysyeah I'll make the decision tomorrow when I do the install
07:59.47hmmhesaysright now I'm going to go make a sammich and what the last episode of earth final conflict
07:59.52hmmhesays*last season 1 episode
08:00.07BBHosshave fun
08:00.18hmmhesaysjql: it was a good show
08:00.32jqlhow many seasons did that eventually go? That and Andromeda both petered out for me after 3 seasons
08:00.41jqlI fear BSG will, too
08:01.04hmmhesays4 seasons
08:01.09*** join/#asterisk rati (n=rati@
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08:11.11agalloIs there any application for Linux desktop (gnommmme or KeGheBe) that display the caller id of incoming calls ?
08:14.31*** join/#asterisk bauser (
08:14.42bauseranyone around?
08:15.54BBHossnope, sorry
08:16.06bauseroh. poo
08:16.13bauserwell, in case someone is...
08:16.21*** join/#asterisk psk (
08:16.33bauserAnyone have any experience in asterisk on os x?
08:16.54BBHosstry #asterisk-bsd
08:17.20bausercool, thanks
08:27.36*** join/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
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08:53.24*** join/#asterisk kmchen (
08:54.13kmchenbonjour. J'ai réussi à installer un server asterisk sur Debian mais la qualité du son e
08:54.48kmchenbonjour. J'ai réussi à installer un server asterisk sur Debian mais la qualité du son n'ets pas au rendez-vous. qq peut-il m'orienter sur la marche à suivre ?
09:00.55BBHossessayez le g729 ou des codecs de gsm, je ne parle pas français, désolé si le babelfish suce :)
09:01.09kmchenj'utilise le softphone ekiga. Le son semble correct en local mais lorsque je communique avec un ordinareur de mon réseau le son est saturé
09:02.15BBHossoui vous devez employer un codec différent pour les raccordements extérieurs
09:04.35BBHossdésolé pour la mauvaise traduction, peut-être quelqu'un qui est un naturel aidera plus tard.
09:05.05tzafrirhmmm, English, please
09:05.35BBHosssorry for bad translation, maybe someone that is a native speaker will help later.
09:05.35BBHossim using babelfish :)
09:05.55BBHosshe's getting packet loss/jitter with his connection
09:12.30*** join/#asterisk basty (n=basty123@
09:12.56bastyanyone is familar with connecting a Nortel CS1000 to an Asterisk PBX ?
09:13.45BBHosswith what
09:13.55BBHossPOTS or digital
09:14.10bastyactually i would like to connect them via SIP
09:14.45BBHossim guessing the CS1000 has sip then
09:15.10bastywell...the nortel can allready call the asterisk extensions.....when I try to call from the Asterisk to the Nortel....i am getting "503 - Service Unavailable" back :-(
09:15.35BBHosssounds like it may be in your nortel config
09:16.41bastyhrm...yeah...but i guess I will have to fix the there a way to setup a sip-uri with Asterisk? Nortel wants a sip:1234@;phone-context=blah.udp,blah.tcp;user=phone
09:16.55bastyso i have to add a "phone-context" into the SIP-Uri....
09:18.55BBHossprobably, im not really sure
09:19.07bastyhrm...okay thanks anyway
09:19.56BBHossits 4am right now here, mainly people from america are on here, although we do get many europeans
09:20.27BBHosstry in about 6-8 hours, someone might be on
09:20.39BBHossif not then wait another 5 hours
09:20.50BBHossgood luck
09:21.00kmchensorry I forgot we were speaking English here. So I successfuly installed an Asterisk/Ekiga on Debian. It works but sound is awfull. Could somebody tell me what to do ?
09:21.14bastyokay thanks bbhoss :-)
09:21.25BBHossyes you need to use a codec like gsm
09:21.35BBHossor if you can get it, g729
09:23.15BBHossim assuming you're using g711 ulaw/alaw right now though
09:23.21*** join/#asterisk Dandre (
09:23.36kmchenBBHoss: thanks. Is it done by allow=gsm ?
09:24.02BBHossyes make sure that you disallow=all first and remove allow=ulaw
09:24.03DandreHwo should I trace all manager commands and results ?
09:24.18BBHossdandre: wireshark
09:24.58kmchenBBHoss: I'll try. Could you lead me to some documentation about that ?
09:25.05BBHosswhich part?
09:25.25kmchenBBHoss: sound in my configuration
09:25.39BBHosstheres not really good docs for it
09:25.47BBHossi mean
09:25.54DandreBBHoss: ok but there must be some debug tool in asterisk console, I haven't found
09:26.11BBHossyou basically have certain codecs you can use, and you can allow them or disallow them
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09:26.26BBHossthey all have their different advantages/disadvantages
09:26.40cfhhi all, i m searching SIP voip Phone with 802.1x auth
09:27.04cfhwhere can i find this particular hw ?
09:27.11agxkmchen, carefull that some softphone and phone (notably Grandstream) has a crappy GSM implementation and you're going to have a very poor audio quality (or problems).
09:27.14BBHossDandre: try manager debug on
09:27.19kmchenBBHoss: A list of those codecs with their particularities ?
09:27.27BBHosslemme see
09:27.34BBHossi could tell you quicker
09:27.54BBHossbut hang on
09:28.02kmchenagx: Is eliga in that case ?
09:28.11Dandreno such command 'manager debug'
09:28.23BBHosshmm youre on 1.2 then probably
09:29.26BBHosssome respond better to jitter than others, some are higher latency, there are many different properties to consider
09:30.00kmchenBBHoss: thanks a lot. I go there
09:30.03BBHoss711 sounds the best on a perfect network (excluding wideband codecs like g722 etc, maybe Speex, theora etc)
09:30.47BBHossg729 is probably the best for jitter-prone networks, or low bandwidth apps (but not ultra-low bandwidth), but it is encumbered by patents
09:32.23BBHossfor ULTRA low bandwidth, LPC10 rules the roost
09:32.43BBHossbut the qualtity is shitty
09:33.03BBHossyou can understand the other party(s) though
09:34.27DandreBBHoss: I am on 1.4.11
09:34.40BBHossok try manager debug then
09:35.12kmchenBBHoss: when you say perfect network, do you mean local lan ? mine is a classical ethernet connected through adsl
09:35.20BBHossyes i mean local lan
09:35.39BBHosswhen you venture outside the network, you need a different codec USUALLY
09:36.00BBHossalso using IAX WITH jitterbuffer helps alot too
09:36.22DandreI can only do manager show ...
09:36.25BBHossmake sure that you have trunking turned off if you;re using iax
09:36.35BBHossmaybe manager debug is only in trunk
09:36.37*** part/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-bc56776d2a098174)
09:36.51BBHossyou can do a tail -f /var/log/asterisk/full
09:36.56kmchenBBHoss: is a classical ethernet connected through adsl to be a perfect lan ?
09:37.10BBHosswell, for your size yes
09:37.30BBHossuntil you start saturating the switch
09:37.45BBHosslike transferring stuff between two computers inside the network
09:37.54BBHosscan clog up the switch
09:38.17BBHossthats why you would use something that supports 802.1p
09:38.34BBHosswhich is QoS
09:38.52DandreI don't hav full in /var/log/asterisk. Maybe a configuration option?
09:38.57kmchenBBHoss: ok shoujd I try allow alaw allow=gsm allow=711 then ?
09:39.29BBHossis your softphone on the same network as the computer with ekiga?
09:39.40BBHossLAN wise
09:39.59BBHossdandre: dunno whats up then
09:40.05kmchenBBHoss: the Ekiga I'm testing is on the asterisk server
09:40.52BBHossmaybe because its on the same system
09:41.08BBHossyoud be surprised
09:41.41kmchenBBHoss: I don't think so. I use an xlite on another computer of the lan and get same problem
09:42.05BBHossalso asterisk should NEVER run on a machine that has or any other desktop utils installed
09:42.19BBHossi guess just testing would be alright though
09:42.33BBHosswhat are you trying to call
09:42.51BBHossa POTS line or do you have an ITSP
09:43.16kmchenBBHoss: for the moment I call from one computer on the LAN to the other. I have X11 on both.
09:43.17BBHossor maybe ISDN
09:43.49BBHossdont get me wrong, X11 isnt a buzzkill, its just bloat and a bigger attack/risk vector for a server
09:43.58kmchenBBHoss: I have freephonie / SIP as ITSP to call out
09:43.59BBHossthat is very wierd
09:44.30BBHossso even if you unplugged your DSL modem, you would still have this problem?
09:45.19kmchenBBHoss: Did not try to unplug the modem. Just called throug LAN.
09:45.30BBHossthats very odd
09:45.46BBHosswhat kind of system are you running, distro, cpu, etc
09:47.06kmchenBBHoss: Debian / Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU         T5500  @ 1.66GHz
09:47.51BBHossthe other machine you're calling dosen't have asterisk on it does it?
09:48.13kmchenBBHoss: 1Gb memory
09:48.22BBHosssounds solid
09:49.33kmchenBBHoss: I can watch video stream so voip should be ok. No ?
09:50.10kmchenBBHoss: So coud you propose me a SIP configuration to try ?
09:50.27BBHossdelete all of the allows
09:50.36BBHossand try ONLY allow=gsm
09:50.48BBHossif its still bad, try allow=speex
09:50.53BBHossor allow=lpc10
09:51.52kmchenok I try with just gsm and come back later. Thanks a lot.
09:52.21BBHossim about to head to sleep, so if im not here im zzzzzzzzing
09:52.38*** join/#asterisk stkn|work (n=stkn|wor@gentoo/developer/
09:57.04DandreWhy doesn't the getconfig manager command return international characters?
09:58.00BBHossprobably because asterisk is written mostly in english
09:58.22BBHossand they forgot to make the manager more than utf8
09:58.47Dandresure but the updateconfig Handles them correctly
09:58.58BBHossmaybe its in that one command then
09:59.06BBHossthats asterisk for you :)
10:00.22tzafrirDandre, which characters specifically?
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10:03.04DandreI must go,
10:03.09Dandresee you later
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10:36.39kmchenBBHoss: I tried disallow=all
10:37.53BBHossne luck
10:38.04*** join/#asterisk MrMister2 (
10:38.42MrMister2Hi. Has anyone used a "Grandstream Handy Tone 503" as a FXO? Any problems or success stories?
10:38.55jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
10:39.15kmchenor allow=speex. No changes. But in fact sounds seems to be  jerky, not really distortionned
10:39.43MrMister2LOL. It's on the bot? Must be bad :)
10:40.21kmchenBBHoss: first : a SIP reload is enough to take account of changes. (no need to recall)
10:40.50MrMister2And for a FXS? What's the opinion on the "LINKSYS PAP2" ?
10:41.15agxMrMister2 its ok, shitloads of config options and *no* T.38 support
10:41.18MrMister2I need to connect 3 analog phones to a Asterisk box
10:41.27MrMister2and a analog line
10:41.39BBHossget a TDM400
10:41.43MrMister2agx: thanks. So the PAP2 it is for FXS.
10:41.48BBHossor that
10:42.06MrMister2BBHoss: I have a TDM400 and the problem is that it _seems_ a bit flaky :(
10:42.17BBHossok get a sangoma
10:42.22BBHossor get new drivers
10:42.28BBHossthey fix shit every hour
10:42.45*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
10:42.57MrMister2for example whenever I get a power outage and the server goes down (Yes, I do have a UPS but it only lasts so long) I keep having to do a genzaptelconf to re-register it with Asterisk
10:43.09BBHosswhat OS?
10:43.18Strom_MMrMister2: sounds like perhaps you didnt build the drivers right
10:43.41BBHossor something else
10:43.46tzafrirActually a sangoma card would require you here to get 2 FXO module (2 ports) and 2 FXS module (4 ports)
10:45.52MrMister2Strom_M: actually what happens is that kudzu removes and redetects the card at boot. it's _very_ weird
10:46.14BBHossyeah that is wierd
10:46.15Strom_Myou're supposed to tell kudzu to just ignore the card IIRC
10:46.18MrMister2problem with motherboard? with the card? with the OS? no idea...
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10:46.36MrMister2Strom_M: really? any hints on how to do it?
10:46.43Strom_Mthen modify your init.d so that zaptel loads after kudzu has done its thing
10:46.49Strom_Mbeats me, i'm a debian guy
10:46.49BBHossyeah kudzu shouldnt be playing with zaptel when you are loading the modules manually
10:46.59BBHossuse debian then?
10:47.02billybongoin SIP language can I dial a user at a sip trunk at another sip trunk?
10:47.18billybongoe.g. sip:someone@trunk1@trunk2 ?
10:47.22billybongoobviously that doesn't work
10:47.32MrMister2should I just disable kudzu altogether?
10:47.40MrMister2I'm a Linuz newbie :)
10:47.54BBHossi'm out got to sleep sometime :) ttyl
10:48.08MrMister2BBHoss: bye and thanks
10:48.09Strom_MMrMister2: you have free install support from digium
10:48.20Strom_MMrMister2: call them in the morning
10:48.51MrMister2mmm.... Haven't seen the contact info yet. Have to search for it then. thanks
10:49.00Strom_Mare you in the US?
10:49.11MrMister2Strom_M: nope. Portugal
10:49.18Strom_M+1 256 428 6000
10:49.22MrMister2Europe for the geografically challenged ;)
10:49.29Strom_MI know where portugal is
10:50.03MrMister2Strom_M: LOL. I get a lot of ppl that don't know :) no offense meant to you
10:50.19Strom_Mthey're morons
10:51.59BBHossNow Laos or something might be a challenge
10:52.10MrMister2wellllllllll, We did get a couple of VIP's a couple of years ago that started their speech thanking the warm _spanish_ ppl for their welcome. Saying that Portugal is part of Spain is the same has saying to a Canadian that they are Americans
10:52.14BBHossor Uraguay
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10:53.35MrMister2still reagarding the linksys PAP2, I see that it has 2 FXS connections. They work fully independntly, right? I can transfer calls between them or from them to another extension, correct?
10:53.47MrMister2They don't work just one _or_ the other?
10:53.58MrMister2can work both at the same time I mean.
10:54.48MrMister2Since I need to hook up 3 analog phones I should only need 2 PAP2 and not 3 in that case.
10:54.57*** join/#asterisk voipnet-tech (n=voipnet-@
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10:56.00defsworkany idea how I can find out what my "Got SIP response 405 "Method Not Allowed" back" are about ?
10:56.25voipnet-techcan anyone explain the 407 Proxy Authentication Required Error here:
11:07.22kaldemarvoipnet-tech: that's not an error. the server is just telling the client to authenticate. it sends the client a nonce that you can find in the Proxy-Authenticate -header and the client should respond with a new INVITE including an authentication challenge response.
11:07.39*** join/#asterisk waKKu (n=eurulo@unaffiliated/wakku)
11:08.00kaldemardefswork: take a look at the SIP trace and to what message the 405 was an answer to.
11:11.56cfhwhere can i find SIP voip Phone with 802.1x auth ?
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11:12.21TrentCreekall ovr the planet
11:12.25Strom_MMrMister2: get your tdm working before you go wasting more money
11:13.54tzafrirright. You never actually mentioned what your problems with it were
11:19.43jerwe've got a setup here that has calls going out a pri if they're local to the pstn or toll free, and the rest of the calls go out an interconnect to another provider. we're using a mysql backend for cdr; is there any way i can do a count of how many calls are going over the pri as opposed to which calls are going out over the interconnect? i can see inbound/outbound but that doesn't really help me out a lot.
11:20.17*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
11:25.42billybongoI've got an avaya ip office which registers as a user on asterisk, and I can place a call in to the account it registers on, and it answer - so far so good. What I'd like is to be able to direct a call to any phone on the system - any ideas?
11:25.59billybongodo I need multiple sip registrations and then map those inside the avaya ?
11:27.57billybongoor is there a way to send extra info to the system from another sip client
11:28.10billybongoI realise asterisk can call it with xxx@avaya
11:28.18billybongobut that doesn't seem to work from another client
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11:28.54MrMister2Strom_M: no, no, I do have the TDM400 working, this is for another server
11:29.07MrMister2I need to do a server for another office
11:32.54defsworkkaldemar: I've done that  - but don't understand the trace :)
11:35.06kaldemarwell there you go. the system doesn't allow SIP NOTIFY messages.
11:37.34defsworkI suspect it's some samsung dect boxes
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11:41.02agxdefswork, i'm n00b i think it does not allow the MWI signals
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12:13.11lirakisokay.. so sunday night  I picked up my phone to make a call .. it dials out fine but i get no audio.   I try calling in from my cell phone, asterisk takes the call (i can hear the ivr menu) and routes it properly, but it can not contact the extension im trying to ring so it goes to VM.
12:13.55lirakisI am at my office now (my pbx is in a colo facility on public ip)  and i can place calls, but asterisk isnt detecting my dtmf digits
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12:14.53lirakiswhen i check VM from my office phone i get audio (i can hear the menu), When i call into my office from my cell, asterisk routes the call properly and my desk phone rings, but I get no audio on my cell or on my desk phone
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12:15.27slavon_nethello all... why if i use Background - i lesten strange sound at begin of sound? like ccik (noise)
12:15.31lirakis.. all this happened out of the blue.. on sunday night.. and i have no idea what happened.. any help is appreciated... this is my day to day phone system.. not one i tweak with .. so i need to get it up again
12:15.43slavon_netin others players all normal
12:15.46slavon_netformat ulaw
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12:24.08roxluI'm thinking about taking a voip account, though I'm totally new in this world.... Are voip calls send over my ADSL connection (and so limiting my speed) ?
12:25.05agxroxlu, well its viceversa, its you that have to limit the speed to avoid voice call using QOS on ADSL router, or you getting bad quality audio
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12:25.51lirakisblitzrage: hey
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12:26.09roxluok, what kind of speed does voip need?
12:26.37blitzrageVoIP calls using ulaw use about 90kb/s
12:27.39blitzragekilobit - not kilobyte FYI
12:28.00roxluso why should I need a 'vop' provider ? (really only 90kbits?)
12:28.04agxCan i create a loopback cable with a single BRI pci port? how is the connection? 3->4 and 5-6 ??
12:28.12blitzrageroxlu: to terminate the call to the PSTN for you
12:28.23roxluah ofcourse :D
12:28.44roxluso only 8.8kbytes ?? (thats really not much)
12:28.46agxroxlu, or for making outgoing calls. You need to ask for a MCR (minimum bandwith guarntee) onto the DSL
12:29.02pifhi,  using 1.4.13, my voicemail.conf is no longer read by asterisk, the  command "voicemail show users" returns "There are no voicemail users currently defined"
12:29.09blitzrageroxlu: 1 call doesn't use that much bandwidth -- it's when you start trying to do like 30 calls or osmething that it starts to add up
12:29.19pifshould I add a entry in modules.conf ?
12:29.20agxroxlu, upload is usually 128 or 256 kbps, so you can make 2 or 4 calls but you need MCR + QOS
12:30.08roxlu.. I'm working together with a fried who lives in another city, could I 'connect' a phone call which arrives at my phone to him?
12:30.18lirakisokay.. im having a serious issue with my system the hit me out of the blue.  All of a sudden I get no audio (inlcuding no ringback) when dialing out.  Asterisk doesnt recognize my DTMF digits and some other strange things.   This really did just happen.. i didnt mess with my system.   Please i need to get my phones working.. a more thorough description of the situation is here   I am really confused since things are being q
12:32.23lirakishere is a pastebin with some cli output from a VM attempt.
12:32.34lirakisit is saying stuff about no responce to a critical packet etc.
12:32.54pifok, found, wrong perms on voicemail.conf ...
12:35.24lirakisim really at a loss.. ive been checking logs  and i dont see any errors..
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12:38.13DaFreshhi all, i have a TDL2400 with hardware echo cancelation, the documentation about that is very poor ... does i need to load a firmware (like TEXXX), in this case where can i download it ?
12:38.31DaFreshsry, s/TDL2400/TDM2400
12:39.36[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: PASTEBIN : show a call with SIP debug enabled.  "iptables --list", and your sip.conf masking ONLY passwords
12:39.56[TK]D-FenderDaFresh: Just Zaptel.
12:40.19[TK]D-FenderDaFresh: There is nothing special to do with that card for *.
12:41.02DaFresh[TK]D-Fender, ok, so just zaptel with echocancel=yes ?
12:41.50*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@
12:42.22[TK]D-FenderDaFresh: Correct
12:42.47[TK]D-FenderDaFresh: Zaptel will know to use your hardware's EC, and not use the software EC routines
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12:48.11dandreIs there any difference between var = foo and var => foo in asterisk config files?
12:48.38DaFresh[TK]D-Fender, okay thx, and is there some informations about that after the "ztcfg" in dmesg ?!
12:48.54[TK]D-FenderDaFresh: ?
12:52.27DaFresh[TK]D-Fender, with TEXXX and Hard. echo cancelation, dmesg show that the firmware is loaded :
12:52.37lirakis[TK]D-Fender: fixed it .. ha ha! ... i had externhost set and the dns server the colo's dns server apparently crapped out... i changed it to externip instead since i have a static ip
12:52.46DaFreshVPM400: Not Present
12:52.46DaFreshVPM450: echo cancellation for 64 channels
12:52.46DaFreshVPM450: hardware DTMF disabled.
12:52.46DaFreshVPM450: Present and operational servicing 2 span(s)
12:53.01DaFresh[TK]D-Fender, is there the same thing for TDM2400 ?
12:53.16nexilusis it possible to make a "dial" with agi ? so that for example i call the extension 99 from my SIP phone, and the agi does some magic and thus knows what number i actually want to call, and places the call?
12:53.44nexilusi would like this to have the effect that if i dial 99 it infact calls ZAP/X/XXXXXXXXX
12:53.49DaFreshnexilus, of course yes
12:53.50lirakisnexilus: yes .. but it would be foolish to use agi for that
12:54.12orakleyou can just put a line for that in your dialplan
12:54.18lirakisnexilus: exten 99 => Dial(ZAP/X/123567890)
12:54.25nexiluslirakis: actually AGI is my only way since i need to enter information in a DB, look up info on a DB, and transform the callerid according to a DB table :)
12:54.35oraklei see
12:54.35slavon_nethello all... in 1.4.13 have very bad sound quality in playback... mplayer play sounds normal....
12:54.47orakleyou're running real time asterisk hehehe
12:54.48DaFreshlirakis, use variables
12:55.15DaFreshlinagee, Dial(TECH/X/${MY_NUMBER})
12:55.40nexilusso can i just echo Dial(....) to make the call or what? with agi
12:55.42lirakisDaFresh: i think you mean t nexilus
12:56.00DaFreshlirakis, yep sry
12:56.08*** join/#asterisk blq (
12:56.13lirakisnexilus: .. look at agi on voip-info... you can do "EXEC DIAL"
12:56.31nexilusaight, thanx, ill look into it :)
12:56.53lirakisnexilus: depending on the language you choose.. there are different interfaces/classes etc to "simplify" agi development... i use php+phpagi and its very quick
12:57.24tru_`z24So if I have a 4 port t1 card, how can i use one of the ports to simulate a telco?
12:57.27tru_`z24I didn't see this in the asterisk book
12:57.50*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
12:58.01ai-awe're using spandsp on asterisk for performing softfaxes to email addresses..  Is it easy to make it print the tiff files onto a network printer instead ?
12:59.50*** part/#asterisk [T]ank (
13:00.58slavon_nethello all... in 1.4.13 have very bad sound quality in playback... mplayer play sounds normal.... how to fix?
13:02.27DaFreshtru_`z24, you have to modify the signaling : pri_cpe / pri_net, and the group
13:02.51_x86_slavon_net: do you have a zaptel timing device?
13:03.06slavon_netonly sip
13:03.35dukiWhen I start asterisk I get this warning in the CLI:
13:03.38dukiregistration of xxxxxx rejected: 'Registration refused' from
13:03.42dukiThe command I use in iax2.conf to register with FWD
13:03.43puzzledslavon_net: load ztdummy before starting asterisk
13:03.46dukiEven I subscribed for a new account I still get this error/warning.
13:03.48dukiI am into a private lan behind a fi/router.
13:03.54dukiPorts SIP:5060 RTP:10000-20000 and IAX:4569 are all open/nated.
13:04.00dukiWhat could be wrong in my configuration?
13:04.02*** join/#asterisk Kigh (
13:04.22slavon_netpuzzled why?
13:04.23hi365ur password?
13:04.32slavon_netpuzzled i not use zaptel
13:04.50oraklehow do you have your iax.conf set up?
13:04.59puzzledslavon_net: you need a timing device or your sound will suck. ztdummy is the timing module to use if you don't use any zaptel cards
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13:05.16orakleyou should have something like register => under [general]
13:05.29slavon_netpuzzled but i not use zaptel and E1... timings need for sip?
13:05.33orakleand then you should have a section defining your account for fwd
13:05.34dukiorakle:  I can paste it if you accept.
13:05.39[TK]D-Fendernexilus: Yes, you can call DIAL in AGI and call it any way you want based on any programming choices you make.
13:05.45oraklelet's use pastebin
13:06.04dukiorakle: ok, one moment please.
13:06.13puzzledslavon_net: for things like meetme, (iirc) voicemail you need a timing device even if you are using sip only
13:06.36tru_`z24DaFresh: can you point me a link with some more details?
13:07.14orakleslavon_net, you always have to install zaptel and load the module
13:07.19[TK]D-Fenderduki: You put taht register into iax2.conf?
13:07.31puzzledslavon_net: you also need a timing device like ztdummy if you use iax
13:07.32orakleztdummy i mean
13:07.44slavon_netpuzzled i use only SIP
13:07.57slavon_netin previos version of asterisk all work fine
13:08.09puzzledslavon_net: whatever, then don't use it....
13:08.30[TK]D-Fenderpuzzled: No you don't.....
13:08.48slavon_netif i use GSM prompt - it all noised... if i use ULAW - noise in begin of file...
13:08.56tru_`z24DaFresh: thanks
13:09.05puzzled[TK]D-Fender: don't for what?
13:09.24*** join/#asterisk Katty (
13:09.33[TK]D-Fenderpuzzled: Don't need Zaptel for to use iax2
13:09.45hi365is there any way to start the idle timer on queue members (other than them reciving a call  from the  q)?
13:09.52[TK]D-Fenderpuzzled: Only if you do iax2 TRUNKING <----
13:10.10[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
13:10.15puzzled[TK]D-Fender: I only forgot the trunking word :)
13:10.26slavon_netasterisk use other libs to playback GSM and ULAW?
13:12.34duki[TK]D-Fender: Yes I do.
13:12.54[TK]D-Fenderslavon_net: No.  If your sound is staticy I'm betting you've got network jitter.
13:13.11[TK]D-Fenderduki: there IS NO iax2.conf....
13:13.36_x86_[TK]D-Fender: there most certainly could be, if he included it from iax.conf ;)
13:13.42slavon_net[TK]D-Fender how to fix?
13:14.29[TK]D-Fenderslavon_net: If you've got network jitter, this is a problem with your equipement, bandwidth, ISP, etc... Go lookup some jitter analysis methods and get testing.
13:14.30duki[TK]D-Fender: Sorry, I meant iax.conf :(
13:15.21[TK]D-Fenderduki: Go set up a soft phone to register DIRECTLY with FWD via IAX2 as per their instructions to prove that your account info is right and active.
13:16.02slavon_net[TK]D-Fender hmm... wrong... 100 mbs... sounds between phones is normal.... bug in PLAYBACK and BackGround
13:16.06oraklei have some slightly different stuff in my definition of the iax line
13:16.12oraklei'm not using FWD so i don't know how much this would help
13:16.33*** join/#asterisk GreyFoxx (
13:16.54[TK]D-Fenderslavon_net: No, otherwise we'd ALL have this pproblem, so its jsut you.  What "phones" are you using?
13:17.49duki[TK]D-Fender: orakle Ok thanks, I'll try it.
13:17.53slavon_net[TK]D-Fender linksys, cisco, dlink.... above 300 devices
13:18.49[TK]D-Fenderslavon_net: Whats your system load like?
13:20.58slavon_netload average: 0.01, 0.06, 0.07
13:21.08*** join/#asterisk tru_`z24 (n=truz_`
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13:24.14slavon_nethm... i need up today IVR system on asterisk... and i can becouse its very noise....
13:24.27[TK]D-Fenderslavon_net: Is this noise only at the start of a sound file?
13:24.38slavon_netin Ulaw - yes
13:24.42slavon_netin GSM - all file
13:25.19[TK]D-Fenderslavon_net: you get this is you call from a local LAN SIP hardphone just to * voicemail for example?  Like even VM's prompts are distorted?
13:25.22ratii have downloded trixbox2.2 VMware , whats the  root name and password
13:25.35[TK]D-Fenderrati: Trixbox is NOT supported here.
13:25.39jbothmm... trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX, and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox seriously painful to support and hence you will find little help here for it.  Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & WIKI at
13:26.17ratijbot: hey i am not heting anu soluation from theralso
13:26.18jbotit is my pleasure to meet you, not heting anu soluation from theralso
13:26.27ratithats wise i am asking
13:26.58[TK]D-Fenderrati: stop talking to the BOT.
13:27.14slavon_net[TK]D-Fender i not have local phone... asterisk its external server without X and voicemail
13:27.23Kattyjbot: i love jbot
13:27.23jbotYou love jbot?
13:27.25dandreI have found a bug with ascii char > 127 in config files
13:27.26Kattyjbot: yes.
13:27.27jbotYou don't say!
13:27.31[TK]D-Fenderrati: Trixbox has their own forums, IRC channels, & guides
13:27.32Kattyjbot: pester pester
13:27.32jbotpester: Are we there yet? .. Are we there yet? .. Are we there yet?  see
13:27.49*** join/#asterisk dez71 (i=dez@
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13:28.04rati<[TK]D-Fender> : ya i know, noe one helping
13:28.06[TK]D-Fenderdandre: Yes... you are indeed "a few bits short of a full byte".....
13:28.08slavon_net[TK]D-Fender i try to play many files with Playback(...)
13:28.17ratijust i want root name and password
13:28.17Kattyrati: would you like some advice?
13:28.22Kattyrati: patience is a virtue.
13:28.29Kattyrati: and so is google.
13:28.34_x86_[TK]D-Fender: someone's in a jolly mood this morning ;)
13:28.42crudpuppyanyone might know why my asteriskNow(Yes I know this isnt the right channel) is telling me autocongesting when trying to call out through voicepulse iax2
13:28.43[TK]D-Fenderslavon_net: so your phones are all spread across the internet?
13:29.06slavon_net[TK]D-Fender nop... we ISP...
13:29.07[TK]D-Fendercrudpuppy: No.
13:29.09dandrein strings.h, the function ast_trim_blanks doesn't properly handle those characters if they are at the last position. same for ast_skip_blanks and the first char
13:29.28slavon_net[TK]D-Fender have network
13:29.39*** join/#asterisk waKKu (n=eurulo@unaffiliated/wakku)
13:29.46dandreI should have put unsigned char * work instead of char*
13:29.48russellbdandre: you can bug people in #asterisk-dev / #asterisk-bugs, or report it on bugs.digium.como
13:30.00_x86_.como lol
13:30.01Kattyheh, i read that as #asterisk-hugs
13:30.09russellbheh, there too
13:30.28slavon_net[TK]D-Fender its not bug in phones and not in network... its bug in asterisk play.
13:30.30dandrehum I don't have an account on
13:30.41russellbit's easy to make one :)
13:30.48[TK]D-Fenderslavon_net: No, it isn't or we'd ALL have this problem.
13:31.07slavon_net[TK]D-Fender maybe asterisk use external libs?
13:31.16[TK]D-Fenderslavon_net: What version are you using?
13:31.34*** part/#asterisk crudpuppy (
13:31.39[TK]D-Fenderslavon_net: No, * has its own codec source and doesn't sue external libs for that.
13:31.51Kattyi'd sue.
13:31.55[TK]D-Fenderslavon_net: Sorry but something else fishy is going on with your setup...
13:32.16Katty[TK]D-Fender: are you having a nice monday morning?
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13:32.21dandre[TK]D-Fender: hi! you know I type very slowly so there might be one minute between tow lines ;-)
13:32.26Kattyanthm: :>
13:32.56Kattyanthm: how're you?
13:33.06Kattyanthm: despite the fact it's monday.
13:33.10anthmnot bad
13:33.16anthmi had 2 cups of coffee tho
13:33.20anthmso i hope nothing goes wrong
13:33.34*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:33.42Kattyi'm still downing tea.
13:33.49[TK]D-FenderKatty: What kind?
13:33.56Kattyconference call at 9, and i'm not looking forward to it
13:34.23blitzragei need tea too
13:34.29blitzragebut first, I'm gonna go running...
13:34.36blitzragefor some reason I've gotten ambitious lately
13:34.38Kattyblitzrage: i wanna go run too
13:34.39[TK]D-FenderKatty: And morning is ok.  I wasted a weekend trying to straighten out my best friends dysfunctional Ex.  If ever you were in doubt, you're perfectly normal.....
13:34.43Katty[TK]D-Fender: iced tea.
13:34.47Katty[TK]D-Fender: not black tea.
13:34.47blitzrageKatty: too bad you live so far away -- I love running partners
13:34.48[TK]D-FenderKatty: bleh
13:34.52Kattyblitzrage: :<
13:34.57blitzrageKatty: Chicago, right?
13:35.03Kattyblitzrage: i'd bring my german shephard too :>
13:35.07blitzrageKatty: me too!
13:35.12Kattyblitzrage: nah, 2hrs. south of STL
13:35.15blitzrageI love german shepherds
13:35.21Kattyblitzrage: mine's a cutie :>
13:35.22anthmKatty, you can make the most of conference calls
13:35.28anthmmute and tetris
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13:35.33blitzrageKatty: oh -- kinda close to Kansas City?
13:35.34Kattyanthm: >.<
13:35.37*** join/#asterisk rantsh (n=rantsh@
13:35.39blitzragewell... KC is still west
13:35.44blitzrageMO though?
13:35.44Kattyanthm: i wish. i'm going to have to lead the conference...
13:35.52rantshHi everyone
13:35.54anthmoh in that case you go gurl
13:35.57Kattyblitzrage: yes, missouri... southeastern missouri
13:36.03slavon_net[TK]D-Fender maybe decoder? i Disallow=all and allow=ulaw..... prompts in GSM...?
13:36.05Kattyblitzrage: the white trash area *sigh*
13:36.08anthmmake them give long reports
13:36.12blitzragecool, then I've been near your area kinda
13:36.20[TK]D-Fenderslavon_net: Nope... we all use GSM prompts with ULAW.....
13:36.21Kattyblitzrage: the actual name of the city is Cape Girardeau
13:36.22blitzrageKC is probably about 2 hrs away?
13:36.27anthmok smithers, I want a 20 minute description of the state of affairs
13:36.34[TK]D-Fenderslavon_net: Transcoding on that is fine...
13:36.40Kattyblitzrage: to get to KC, i'd drive 2 hours north to STL, and then north west for another 4 or 5 hours
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13:36.51blitzragefurther than I thought
13:37.03Kattyblitzrage: cape girardeau is right smack between STL and memphis
13:37.03blitzrageanyways, I'm off -- I gotta get back and write docs
13:37.06*** join/#asterisk agallo (
13:37.08blitzragesounds like a fun place :)
13:37.13rantshI have a problem with queue
13:37.14Kattyblitzrage: have a nice run (=
13:37.25blitzrageKatty: thx!  If you ever come to Toronto, stop by and say hi, ehh
13:37.26anthmKatty, yay all my mail was spam so far so good
13:37.35blitzrageheh... not ehh
13:37.40Kattyanthm: yes! :>
13:37.46rantshI can't get to monitor the calls (I want all of them to be recorded)
13:37.50Kattyanthm: i had 50 spam this morning, and a client with a backup issue :/
13:38.00rantshcan anyone PLEASE give me a hand here... PLZ!!!
13:38.33Kattyanthm: you're terrible.
13:38.41Kattyanthm: it got a smile out of me ^_^
13:39.30*** join/#asterisk LT (n=lt@unaffiliated/lt)
13:39.52tru_`z24Anyone know of a good board that supports 3.3v pci ?
13:40.29ai-adell ?
13:40.36tru_`z24dell sells motherboards ?
13:40.49ai-asell servers :) they contain motherboards.
13:40.56tru_`z24I don't need a server
13:40.59tru_`z24just the motherboard
13:41.16ai-aDell Blade servers.. 10 to 1they are 3.3v 64bit pci.
13:41.19rantshI've posted my config files here
13:41.57imesperHi all, since I upgrade to asterisk branch-1.4-85093 my nated endpoints can't register, anyone has a clue about it? I tried everything I could, I I take the secrets off the sip.conf, asterisk accept the register but the ip phone doesn't give me logged on, I keeps trying to connect
13:42.21mihinomenestso, I've got * configured for 6 sip "lines".  for some reason, no more than 3 are ever active.
13:42.45rantshaccording to the sample queues.conf, if I specify a Mixmonitor Format I'll be recording, but I don't see that happening
13:42.50mihinomenestwhen I run a sip debug and call my hunt group, I never see the call come from the provider.
13:43.52mihinomenestwhen i call each line individually, the just ring, unless it happens to be active.
13:44.06mihinomenestany possibility that this is my config?
13:44.25[TK]D-Fendermihinomenest: If you call it you don't see the call come in?
13:45.16mihinomenestmy provider says that * isn't "clearing" the lines properly.
13:45.22mihinomenestI scoffed at them.
13:45.33*** join/#asterisk bintut (
13:46.24_x86_is it normal to do BERT tests on a voice T1, like you would do on a data T1?
13:46.33_x86_(CAS T1, not PRI)
13:47.18_x86_or is there a different common practice for determining why a T1 is randomly bouncing up and down, and you're not sure if it's the LEC's fault or not?
13:47.26tru_`z24What is the difference between a PCI-E slot (Not pci-e x16) and a 3.3v pci slot ?
13:47.29tru_`z24they look the same
13:47.54JTif you think a pci slot and a pci-e slot look the same, you must be on drugs
13:48.24tru_`z24well i'm looking at an imagine
13:48.58JTthey look very very different
13:49.09tru_`z24i'm having a problem finding a motherboard with 3.3v pci
13:49.18ai-aexpress are black and small.
13:49.28JTalmost all motherboards make in the last half decade do 3.3V PCI
13:49.38JTai-a: colour is a bad way to define slots
13:49.43rantshany assistance would be very much appreciated
13:49.52tru_`z24link me one PLEASE :-)
13:49.55imesperAnyone had an issue with nated endpoint after asterisk 1.4.13?
13:49.58ai-aJT: ;) its to the left of the 32bit slots then.
13:50.13ai-atru_`z24:  "pci-e"
13:50.20JTtru_`z24: choose any motherboard that is new and has a pci slot
13:50.23tru_`z24ai-a i don't want pci-e
13:50.30tru_`z24there is a new one
13:50.33tru_`z24it doesn't have 3.3v pci
13:50.37tru_`z24those are all 5
13:50.39tru_`z24or pci-e
13:50.44tru_`z24and all the ones i'm looking at look like that
13:51.24tru_`z24and the fitting for the 3.3v card i have looks like it would possibly fit in that 3rd slot from the left
13:51.32tru_`z24but it's a PCI-e slot
13:51.38JTas if new boards have 5v pci and not 3.3v
13:51.41NuggetI had the same experience as tru_`z24
13:51.48JTyeah a lot of desktop boards only have pci-e now
13:51.56JTdesktop boards suck for servers anyway
13:52.02Nuggetevery new machine I encountered was a combination of PCIe and 5v PCI.
13:52.07Nuggetno 3.3V found anywhere
13:52.09tru_`z24all the pci slots i've ever had have been 5v
13:52.22*** join/#asterisk deeperror (
13:52.26tru_`z24i have an old p3 1.0 ghz and it has all 5v
13:52.28JTthere's a simple solution
13:52.36tru_`z24spend 5k on a server ?
13:52.38NuggetI don't think I've ever seen a 3.3V PCI slot in real life.
13:52.38JTdon't buy crap hardware fixed to one voltage
13:52.45JTtru_`z24: well it is a server
13:52.51tru_`z24JT this is a test box
13:53.10dandrerussellb: I have sent my bug to
13:53.10JTso don't buy crap cards
13:53.17tru_`z24crap cards?
13:53.27JTgood cards work on 3.3v and 5v
13:53.30tru_`z24this is a digium te410p
13:53.35JTsee above
13:53.51JTit's like a $2 component to make it autorange between voltages
13:54.04tru_`z24So now its my fault ;-)
13:54.07Nuggetsend it back and get a TE407
13:54.08tru_`z24Ok, I digress.
13:54.11tru_`z24No help from you.
13:54.28JTsend it back and buy a card that supports either voltage...
13:54.28tru_`z24Nugget: so you've never found a 3.3v board?
13:54.33slavon_net[TK]D-Fender strange... i fix it
13:54.41NuggetI gave up, sent my TE210 back, and got a TE207.
13:54.43tru_`z24Of course that's not an option.  I got this card used
13:54.58tru_`z24My luck of course
13:55.07tru_`z24I got a good deal tho
13:55.10slavon_net[TK]D-Fender i remove and comile with DONT OPTIMIZE and Detect locks
13:55.12tru_`z24700 bones instead of 1500
13:55.42[TK]D-Fenderslavon_net: Well MP3 shouldn't have any impact on this...
13:55.43JTyou need 4 ports?
13:55.43tru_`z24and in the production environment we'll have 3.3v slots... i just need a board for testing.
13:55.43slavon_net[TK]D-Fender gsm work fine.... but Ulaw have noise in begin
13:55.57JTthen get a second hand server
13:57.14*** join/#asterisk hfb (
13:57.42bintutdo i need at least 64kbps for using ulaw over the internet?
13:58.07imesperIs there anyone that could help me? Issue on nated endpoints
13:58.29bintutJT: 85kbit/s.. is that an absolute?
13:58.38agallobintut, 64kbps is the audio part when its packed on TCP/IP it uses 80Kbps. its like when you delivery stuff using a TIR :)
13:58.39JTbintut: approximately
13:59.21bintutJT: that means, if there are 2 connections through meetme, that would be 80kbps * 2 ?
13:59.22coppicethe 80k is only the RTP wrapper. IP adds some more
13:59.32JTwith sip it's about 85kbit/s each way
13:59.33slavon_net[TK]D-Fender i convert all ulaw to gsm and work fine... thanks
14:00.04[TK]D-Fenderbintut: Yes, every channel is its own call...
14:01.16bintutbad.. :(
14:01.23bintutthanks all for confirming.. :)
14:02.40agallobintut, using IAX you can save a little bandwith when connecting 2 PBX but VoIP provider all uses SIP
14:03.01awkhrm, no manager events being shown in manager, I have cdr_manager.conf set to enable what else do I need to do to enable the events?
14:03.09rantshHi [TK]D-Fender, sorry to bother you, but you've helped me so many times in the past...
14:03.28deeperrorimesper: ?
14:03.28bintutagallo: i just want to have a meetme.. i want to talk to my friends at the same time
14:03.34[TK]D-Fenderrantsh: If I had an answer for your queue recording problem, I'd have told you.
14:03.34rantsh[tk]d-fender, have you ever monitored queue calls?
14:03.41awk[TK]D-Fender and me?
14:03.51JTwhat is wrong with people
14:03.53[TK]D-Fenderawk: Ditto.
14:04.02JTstop harrassing specific people for answers
14:04.05[TK]D-FenderJT : unload
14:04.06JTit is really annoying
14:04.08awknow now JT
14:04.16JTlike we're keeping all the secrets away on purpose
14:04.43[TK]D-Fenderawk: No no.... don't take that the wrong way... what he's really trying to tell you is "fuck off" ;)
14:05.39imespersince I upgrade to asterisk branch-1.4-85093 my nated endpoints can't register, anyone has a clue about it? I tried everything I could, I I take the secrets off the sip.conf, asterisk accept the register but the ip phone doesn't give me logged on, I keeps trying to connect
14:06.16ai-aimesper: gone though the diff of the versions ?
14:06.22ai-awhat was your prev. version ?
14:06.30ai-aalso, is that a release version ?
14:06.40[TK]D-Fenderimesper: pastebin the attempt with SIP debug enabled.
14:06.55imesperOK, one minute
14:06.56*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
14:07.39jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
14:08.26tzafrirrantsh, this channel is a "queue": you ask, and whoever is available answers :-)
14:08.57*** join/#asterisk jsmith (
14:08.57*** mode/#asterisk [+o jsmith] by ChanServ
14:09.24[TK]D-Fenderleavewhenempty=yes :p
14:09.52*** join/#asterisk Maan (
14:09.58rantshtzafrir: I've already setted up my queue and it works good (it was VERY painless), but what I need to do is to record all calls an agent gets
14:10.23Maanhi all. is there a softphone i can use with which i can dial a SIP URI, but *without* configuring a sip account?
14:11.23*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-home (i=indigo@pdpc/supporter/bronze/Corydon76-home)
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14:12.47rantshtzafrir: thanks any way
14:16.20jsmithimesper: OK, that last pastebin you gave me doesn't show the phone trying to register with credentials.
14:16.40jsmithIt simply tries to register, and Asterisk comes back and says "Hey, try again with a username and password next time"
14:17.30imesperI tried with 2 ip phones and x-lite, all with the same behavior
14:18.14[TK]D-Fenderimesper: SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized <--- bad user/pass.  End of story
14:18.43jsmithimesper: Either you're only giving me part of the SIP trace, or the device isn't sending it's username/password
14:18.58dandreI wonder if it i spossible to get the extension number of the caller in a dialplan. As I have understood, the calerid may be set in sip.conf to reflect th public phone number from outside. But I would like to change the callerid with the extension number from which the call is issued for internal calls. I hope it is clear enougth!
14:19.34*** part/#asterisk munmun (n=mun_mun@
14:19.51imesperI take aff secret in sip.conf, the asterisk accept the registration, but the phone doesn't receive the 200 ok, and keeps trying to register, and even when I can make a call there is no audio
14:20.06jsmithdandre: You can... you could simply inherit a variable across channels, and re-write the Caller-ID
14:20.23jsmithdandre: For example:
14:20.42jsmithexten => 123,1,Set(__testvar=Joe)
14:20.58jsmithexten => 123,2,Dial(Local/124@blah)
14:21.15jsmithexten => 124,1,Set(CALLERID(name)=${testvar})
14:21.34jsmithexten => 124,2,Dial(SIP/Bob)
14:21.49blitzrageimesper: sounds like a NAT issue
14:22.47imesperBut I didn't change anything in my nat, a just upgraded asterisk, did asterisk changed the nat behavior on chan_sip?
14:23.03blitzragenot sure... does it do the same thing if you downgrade?
14:23.32dandrejsmith: I don't really understand
14:24.12blitzragedandre: the __ means the variable is inherited across channels, and jsmith is using a Local channel to demonstrate that
14:24.13*** join/#asterisk e` (n=e@
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14:25.08blitzrage'blah' could be a context that you're calling
14:25.12blitzrage[blah] for example
14:25.17blitzragewhich would contain the extension 124
14:25.39blitzrageThe Local channel is basically "calling" a portion of the dialplan on a new channel (the Local channel)
14:25.41[TK]D-Fenderdandre>I wonder if it i spossible to get the extension number of the caller in a dialplan. <--- All you have is the callerid and the inbound channel name.  If neither of those are this "extension", where is * supposed to get this from?
14:25.47blitzragejust like SIP, IAX2, etc... is a channe
14:26.33blitzrageyou could also do a 'setvar' in sip.conf for the peer, and then when a channel is created with that peer, the variable would be automatically set for you
14:26.41[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage, jsmith : Who said anything about inherited vards, local channels and all that?  How did we end up on this tangent?
14:26.42blitzragesetvar=CUSTOM_CALLERID=Joe <124>
14:27.00[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage: THATS looking a bit more like it....
14:27.04*** join/#asterisk jcmoore (n=jcmoore@unaffiliated/tgrman)
14:27.21[TK]D-Fender(given the poor wording of the question)
14:27.47dandreblitzrage: setvar=CUSTOM_CALLERID=Joe <124>
14:27.47dandrethis is allowed in sip.conf?
14:27.59blitzrageif it wasn't, I wouldn't have suggested it :)
14:28.05blitzragecheck out the sample file -- it shows that format
14:28.12blitzragebut that is JUST setting a variable
14:28.16blitzrageyou still have to do something with it
14:28.25dandreI haven't seen it before !
14:28.28blitzragei.e. Set(CALLERID(all)=${CUSTOM_CALLERID})
14:29.43dandreok I know that. So I have to write something like
14:29.43dandresetvar=CUSTOM_CALLERID=Joe <124>
14:29.49dandrein my sip.conf
14:29.58agalloIs it possible to test ISDN with a single BRI port and a loopback cable?
14:30.13blitzragedandre: yep
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14:33.58aspinalli have a problem with compiling asterisk current release because after compiling it's not present chan_zap
14:34.15aspinalland so i can't use channel zap
14:34.17aspinallwhy ?
14:34.40jsmithaspinall: If Asterisk doesn't find the zaptel libraries installed, it won't compile chan_zap
14:34.44aspinallduring compiling i have this error checking for ZT_DIAL_OP_CANCEL in zaptel/zaptel.h... no
14:35.09aspinalli have a tdm400p, and it's works
14:35.17aspinallit's on
14:35.21awkaspinall if I was you i would re-compile zaptel
14:35.42*** join/#asterisk rati (n=rati@
14:35.42awkas i dont believe the problem is asterisk, asterisk wont have zap * if zaptel has issues
14:35.54aspinalli have just do it
14:36.03*** part/#asterisk deeperror (
14:36.08defsworkWhat decides the Zaptel reference ? g0/g1 etc.. ?
14:37.21aspinalli have compiled asterisk. i have lunched asterisk, and i'have wrote in console "zap show" or "zap help", and not output
14:37.22*** join/#asterisk Sci_05 (
14:37.26Sci_05morning all
14:37.57aspinallasterisk not create
14:39.39blitzragecd /zaptel-sources ; make install ; cd /asterisk-sources ; ./configure ; make install
14:39.44aspinalljsmith : i have compiled zaptel-1.2-current.tar.gz
14:39.50*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
14:39.50blitzrageoh -- 1.2
14:40.09[TK]D-Fenderaspinall: was version of * are you using?
14:40.28aspinallasterisk 1.4.13 and zaptel 1.2.20
14:40.35blitzrageyou need to match the major version numbers
14:40.37[TK]D-Fenderaspinall: You can't mix versions like that!
14:40.43blitzrage1.4 must be 1.4
14:41.05[TK]D-Fenderaspinall: Thats like trying to use 1957 chevy parts in a brand new Toyota Echo!
14:41.42[TK]D-Fenderaspinall: No, the transmission with NOT work, no matter how much duct take & crazy-glue you use.
14:41.57aspinalli test and i will back
14:42.30tzafrirah, because chan_zap won't find zaptel.h :-)
14:42.56aspinallzaptel.h is in /usr/include/linux/zaptel.h
14:43.06*** join/#asterisk andypace (
14:43.27andypacei'm having a problem with a PRI circuit...I can't dial into it, but outbound calls work fine
14:43.32andypace01:00.0 Communication controller: Digium, Inc. Wildcard TE205P dual-span T1/E1/J1 card 5.0V (rev 02)
14:43.39andypacedebug on the span shows NUTHIN
14:43.41andypaceany ideas?
14:44.45Sci_05hi365 that looks like it might work fine depending on how many people you put on it
14:45.10tzafrirhi365, do you know them?
14:45.16hi365seems rather sweet for home/soho use
14:45.25hi365tzafrir: no, do you?
14:45.33[TK]D-Fenderandypace: pastebin CLI output of an inbound call attempt at verbose 10, PRI DEBUG enabled
14:45.33hi365(there local though)
14:45.36jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
14:45.41tzafrirBut it's not the only one at that size
14:45.50*** join/#asterisk Katty (n=Katty@
14:46.09hi365tzafrir: havnt found much that size with that amount of power for that price (and that quite)
14:46.30hi365tzafrir: actualy the only thing that comes to mind is the dectop
14:46.58andypace[TK]D-Fender: that's just it...there is no output :(
14:47.10andypace[TK]D-Fender: ?
14:47.23*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
14:47.25[TK]D-Fenderandypace: Show me your attempt to set verbose levels, and debug. "pri show span 1", etc...
14:47.41[TK]D-Fenderandypace: "set verbose 10"
14:47.43*** join/#asterisk penguinFunk (n=penguin@unaffiliated/penguinfunk)
14:47.52andypacehld plz
14:48.00*** join/#asterisk Dan0maN_Work (n=dschuh@
14:48.05[TK]D-Fenderandypace: and then redo an inbound call attempt
14:48.38andypacecalled in, no dice
14:48.44andypacesounds like aproblem on the PRI end, no?
14:48.49andypaceoutbound CID's match the DID, however
14:49.00[TK]D-Fenderandypace: and you see NOTHING when trying to call in?  What do you on the phone you are testing with?
14:49.13andypacei'm testing with my cell..
14:49.18[TK]D-Fenderandypace: Could be a problem at the telco side....
14:49.19andypaceand i get 'all circuits busy now'
14:49.26dez71hello all
14:49.29andypacehrm, i've had them verify, they claim everything is fine
14:49.35[TK]D-Fenderandypace: that a telco prompt?
14:49.38agxdamn isdn loopback cable does not work... can i plug 2 Asterisk server to the 2 ISDN port of an NT1+ plug? will it work or 1 is going to eletrically exclude the other?
14:49.39andypace[TK]D-Fender: mind calling to see if it's an * recording, or a telco recording?
14:49.54[TK]D-Fenderandypace: why not....
14:50.18*** join/#asterisk Katty (
14:50.18andypaceit sounds like telco to me (as i've never heard that girl in an * recording before ;p)
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14:50.35dez71i've got a hiss issue that is giving me a challenge
14:50.37[TK]D-Fenderandypace: Thats a telco message with early media.  Call them now.
14:50.47andypace[TK]D-Fender: thank you sir :)
14:51.01[TK]D-Fenderandypace: And aim squarely at their nuts....
14:51.06andypacelol. yup
14:51.15andypacei've been banging my head against the wall all weekend onthis
14:51.25andypaceeven had muh buddy (anthony lamantia, used to work at digium) help me out
14:51.25*** part/#asterisk blitzrage (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
14:51.27andypaceto no avail!
14:51.42dez71i've set up IAX2 between an * box with a TDM400P via IAX2 to a second * box acting as a switch
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14:52.18[TK]D-Fenderandypace: You need to start banging your telco's head against the wall then...
14:52.38dez71Searching older posts indicate that IAX2 had a hiss - is that still a problem today?
14:53.00andypace[TK]D-Fender: already on the phone :)
14:53.38jsmithdez71: A "hiss" wouldn't be a problem with IAX2
14:53.46[TK]D-Fenderdez71: Do you see this his with a sip device registered directly to you box with the TDm card in it?
14:53.49jsmithdez71: IAX2 is just a protocol
14:54.02jsmithdez71: It doesn't modify the audio
14:54.29dez71no the hiss is not part of the RTP stream for sip devices directly registerd to the gateway
14:55.37[TK]D-Fenderdez71: can you answer my question directly please...
14:57.11[TK]D-Fenderdez71: or was that to say that "local SIP device = fine", "iax2 = bad"?
14:57.21dez71[TK]D-Fender: sry 'bout that
14:57.28[TK]D-Fender(didn't feel dead certain)
14:58.36dez71[TK]D-Fender: Yes that weas to say local SIP device = 'fine", "iax2 = bad" - i'm going th check on that before I commit to that statement data is a week old
14:58.54[TK]D-Fenderdez71: Good idea :)
14:59.00dez71[TK]D-Fender: I'll get back in a couple min
15:01.14hi365anyone familiar with a2billing?
15:04.28MACscrAny recommendations on a 4 line phone under $150?
15:06.22defsworkI'm getting CHANUNAVAIL on m outgoing calls - Sangoma A101 card - all seems ok
15:06.31defsworkincoming works fine
15:07.09[TK]D-Fenderhi365 : Yes, is a GUI billing configuration system for * that isn't supported here...
15:07.31[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: pastebin your counfigs and CLI output at verbose 10.
15:07.33jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
15:08.19defswork[TK]D-Fender: It might be simpler than that I vaguely remember having to set something to unknown for uk E1
15:08.32defswork[TK]D-Fender: can't remember what it was and where from my last install :o
15:10.32defsworkzapata.conf iirc
15:12.46defsworkpridialplan :)
15:13.23agxFunny, on a machine a voip register=> is not working while on another one the same one is ok... think router need a reboot...
15:17.08jsmithagx: Asterisk is pretty picky about where in sip.conf or iax.conf the register => line is... make sure it's before any user or peer or friend definitions
15:17.21dez71[TK]D-Fender: Hiss for SIP to Gateway and IAX to gateway is the same.
15:17.32*** join/#asterisk USSRBACK (n=MAX@
15:18.03[TK]D-Fenderdez71: therefor you problem is your card.
15:18.34dez71[TK]D-Fender: Looks like it.
15:20.43JunK-Yjsmith: so in general context :)
15:20.55*** join/#asterisk tristanbob (n=tristan@oalug/member/tristanbob)
15:21.38jsmithJunK-Y: It's not a context, but sure ;-)
15:21.43agxjsmith: it is :) same config :)
15:21.58agxjsmith: crappy Router imho: Draytek 2700
15:27.33*** join/#asterisk DRTHM (n=darthk@
15:27.47USSRBACKHow can i get context and extension of some defined CallerId?
15:28.18*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (i=matt@nat/digium/x-d085494070ea0527)
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15:28.26Kattyagx: /gasp
15:28.30Kattyagx: /point
15:28.31*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
15:28.51Kattyagx: /FD
15:29.23agxKatty: omg you damn hunter spamming FD! :-P
15:29.33Kattymy hunter's my alt.
15:30.17Kattyagx: my main would dragons breath you.
15:30.34Kattyagx: and you would sizzle.
15:30.52agxKatty: ROAR i'm feral dr00000d and will mangle you to death
15:31.08DRTHMhi everyone
15:31.08Kattyagx: that's what we have sheep for, deary
15:31.15Kattyagx: maaaaah.
15:31.26Kattyagx: aww, cute wittle sheep :>
15:32.24dandrerussellb: the setvar=... tip works like a charme! many thanks :-)
15:34.15[TK]D-FenderKatty: ...Rawr ;)
15:34.29Katty[TK]D-Fender: /kill (=
15:34.32MACscrIs the polycom 330 really that much better than the 301? The only major difference i see is speakerphone
15:35.53[TK]D-FenderMACscr: Speakerphone, built in PoE, cheaper, lit line-keys, smaller profile, 2.5mm headset (more economical), probably supported loner thant he 310 will be.... isn't that enough?
15:36.14[TK]D-FenderMACscr: And pixel based display.
15:36.19[TK]D-FenderLunch, BBIBAB
15:41.16*** part/#asterisk cfh (
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15:42.35hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: so I got this ip 601 running, after a crazy bug in my sip load last night
15:42.41DRTHMif i initiate a call to pstn from a SIP phone, does anyone know how/if asterisk can forward 404 errors received from the pstn end to the SIP phone
15:45.03DRTHM404 not found SIP messages that is
15:45.14*** join/#asterisk JerJer (n=PhatJ@pdpc/supporter/bronze/jerjer)
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15:47.13agxThere is anyway to loopback the BRI card on itself so i can test it without an ISDN connection?
15:48.00huey23does anyone have any insight to why a polycom is in a constant reboot loop?  it has the same software as every other phone in the office
15:49.37zerohalohuey23: config error? They do that if there's any error in the cfg files. Check for linefeeds/crs
15:49.47tzangeragx: not really, BRI is very much a two-way street (i.e. the concept of being able to talk to something is strongly embedded in the idea of BRI/PRI) -- not like CAS T1
15:51.37MACscrWell, i decided to buy the IP330
15:51.50MACscrFound it for $136 (included shipping and ac adapter)
15:52.10tzafriragx, which card is it? single port?
15:52.13andypace[TK]D-Fender:   dialparties.agi: Starting New Dialparties.agi
15:52.15andypacethx again
15:54.28twistedsomeone strangle me.
15:54.28GreyFoxxI didn't think texturedvideo was supported under Linux yet
15:55.47russellbjbot: strangle twisted
15:55.47jbotACTION strangles twisted with a mouse cord.
15:56.23Qwellrussellb: back in town?
15:56.31russellbQwell: no
15:56.34russellbQwell: tomorrow
15:58.00DRTHManyone know how to forward SIP 404 not found errors between the 2 legs of a call?
15:59.25twistedi need that today.
15:59.41*** join/#asterisk defswork (n=andy@
16:00.17huey23zerohalo: sorry for the late reply, i have other ip430s and they boot up just fine
16:00.56zerohalohuey23: Are they provisioned centrally?
16:01.11*** join/#asterisk Yourname`` (i=Miranda@unaffiliated/yourname/x-837320)
16:01.20huey23zerohalo:  yes, they all use the same configs
16:02.13Yourname``Hi. There are times when I have 'ghost calls' sitting in Asterisk, that do not get killed till a restart or something. What's going wrong in it? (This happens after the calls were disconnected long ago)
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16:04.05dez71katty: I greee! Lunch!
16:06.23DRTHMYourname snom phones?
16:08.24Yourname``DRTHM: Nah, Aastra 9133is.
16:08.33Yourname``I'm actually thinking it's probably Asterisk.
16:08.38Yourname``Something I'm doing wrong.
16:09.48*** join/#asterisk atomicd (
16:09.54tootthis is an issue i noticed recently also
16:09.59tootand we are also using snom phones
16:10.18zerohalohuey23: Same bootrom also? Unplugging for a bit and replugging help?
16:10.29dez71Yourname: You want to be sure with Aastra phones that you allow the phones to transfer calls - options tT
16:12.13huey23zerohalo: same bootrom, i have unplugged and plugged the power...also, i tried running the phone without the network cable, same problems exist
16:14.37*** join/#asterisk jfitzgibbon (n=chatzill@
16:16.00DRTHMtoot: snom 360's?
16:16.13zerohaloformat the phone and start again... Use the 'Reset to default', 'Format file system', start again.
16:16.25tootyes and 300's
16:16.38DRTHMi had that problem
16:16.44DRTHMproblem is with the phone
16:16.58DRTHMthey dont send SIP BYE messages
16:17.09DRTHMthey actually send rtcp byes instead
16:17.11huey23zerohalo: already completed :P
16:17.35DRTHMasterisk does not see any BYE's and does not hangup the channel
16:17.39zerohalohuey23: Past that, all I can suggest is a RMA to Polycom.
16:17.41*** join/#asterisk ixx (
16:18.05DRTHMyou need to update the firmware to the latest version
16:18.12DRTHM7. something
16:18.28DRTHMnot sure the exact version name, its still in beta though
16:18.32*** join/#asterisk tripps (
16:22.48dez71drthm: Is the SIP BYE issue specific to snom ?  I have the same problem as yourname but with Aastra phones
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16:28.40DRTHMhavent got it with aastra's yet
16:28.52tootahhh thanks DRTHM :)
16:28.59DRTHMit looks like it is specific to snom 360's/300
16:29.07*** join/#asterisk bkruse (i=bkruse@nat/digium/x-104ae83ff1efa368)
16:30.21trippsi've got another wierd situation with the mediant 1000 (one of these days all the bugs will be worked out!). inbound calls to * vm drop 21 seconds into the call or precisely 10 seconds after the "beep" otherwise calls inbound and answered or even follow me calls are fine. outbound calls are also fine
16:30.52trippsis there a difference to the session or call when it goes to voice mail?
16:32.12trippscli shows call was hung up
16:32.30huey23zerohalo: thanks
16:32.54ai-atripps: hd full ? too much load ? do you get any recording stored ?
16:33.37zerohalohuey23: No luck?
16:34.37*** join/#asterisk ectospasm (
16:35.17trippsai-a: no - just doing some more testing - for example, when i call into my vm to check messages, it is fine as long as it wants dtmf menu choices. but when i went just now into change my greeting (easily over a minute into call), and the "beep" indicated to start recording, it died 10 seconds after that
16:35.27*** part/#asterisk dandre (
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16:36.39trippsai-a: also calls left in other's vm works fine when coming from internal extension
16:38.24DRTHMtripps: so its just external into asterisk?
16:38.48trippsDRTHM: correct
16:39.01DRTHMtripps: does asterisk answer the channel?
16:40.47trippsDRTHM: the mediant does I believe and then bridges it with *
16:41.03trippsDRTHM: inbound calls otherwise work fine - just to vm does it do that
16:41.21ai-ais it possible its detecting some dtmf in the voice? is EC on?
16:41.41DRTHMweird, is dtmf mode rfc2833?
16:41.53trippsDRTHM: yes
16:42.04trippsDRTHM: also set on mediant that way as well
16:42.33*** join/#asterisk duckz (n=duckz@
16:43.07*** join/#asterisk Agnt_0rnge (
16:43.10trippsDRTHM: i'm using freepbx so lots of macros for vm use. what's a simple string i can insert into _custom.conf file for test ext to strip out macros to go to vm for debugging
16:43.14Agnt_0rngeI have a weird problem
16:43.39DRTHMnever used freepbx b4 :(
16:43.40Agnt_0rngeI came in this morning to find that the lines are crossed, at least thats what i think is going on
16:44.03Yourname``dez71: They do have tT with those Aaastras.
16:44.04DRTHMhave you tried forwarding to some dummy message that loops?
16:44.08trippsDRTHM: that's fine - what is * default macro for vm and I can test . . . i suppose I can look it up . . .
16:44.11DRTHMmaybe demo-congrats?
16:44.12Agnt_0rngeWhen I pick up the phone I can hear others converstaions on their calls.
16:45.16Agnt_0rngeits like everyone is connected to the same line
16:46.07*** join/#asterisk l2cache (n=ghansen@
16:46.17Agnt_0rngeanyone have any ideas?
16:46.36l2cacheDoes anyone have any good sources for running the dialplan out of a mysql database
16:47.22Nuggetmy recommendation is "don't"
16:47.37jksMNugget, why?
16:47.39Nuggetthe dialplan isn't well suited to be shoehorned into a database -- it's code, not data.
16:47.40DRTHMtripps: someone reported something similar that i will be testing tmr
16:47.41l2cacheAny reasoning?
16:48.02DRTHMwill prolly get back to you then if its not too late
16:48.14Nuggetall the "asterisk realtime" solutions I've encountered are awkward, obtuse attempts to turn code into data and they all come with their own particular shortcomings
16:48.33trippsDRTHM: ok great - hopefully i'll figure it out b4 then . . . ;) client is anxious!
16:48.35jksMI'm just using a setup where the "dialplan" is really just ruby code
16:48.36Nuggetputting more rigid data like sip peers into a database can make sense
16:48.48jksMthat reads from a database
16:49.50*** join/#asterisk Tili (
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16:55.53nestAroh yeah?
16:56.30GreggBThere's a bot on this channel which defines ITSP, and also provides a "recommendation". How do I call that up?
16:56.31*** join/#asterisk duki (
16:58.03jbotAn ITSP (Internet Telephony Service Provider.) is a "VoIP Phone Company". Example : Vonage, Broadvoice, Teliax, VoicePulse, etc. "All ITSPs suck. Some suck less than others. Teliax seems to suck less than most.." (tm) (c) 2007 ManxPower
16:58.16GreggBtheHub: Thanks!
17:02.02*** join/#asterisk reber (
17:02.58DRTHMdoes anyone know how i can forward SIP 404 errors with *
17:04.19Agnt_0rngeanyone know why the phones might cross over
17:04.46*** join/#asterisk Falle (n=falle@
17:04.49Agnt_0rngewhere I can hear other people dial as well as hear their converssations
17:06.20*** join/#asterisk bantu (
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17:14.09*** join/#asterisk javb (n=javb@
17:15.16Uatecwhat command can i use to start asterisk in daemon mode in verbose mode ("vvv"), preferably with colour?
17:15.47Corydon76-vcchUse safe_asterisk
17:16.11Corydon76-vcchIt cannot be both a daemon and in color
17:17.03nestAri miss color
17:17.34UatecCorydon76-home, oh, lol, obviously
17:17.43UatecAutomatically restarting Asterisk.
17:17.44UatecAsterisk ended with exit status 1
17:17.44UatecAsterisk died with code 1.
17:17.44UatecAutomatically restarting Asterisk.
17:17.45Uatecoh dear
17:18.03Corydon76-vcchUatec: is asterisk already running?
17:18.31Corydon76-vcchThen there's something else wrong, probably in your config files
17:18.37Uatecit was
17:18.57Uatecin the foregroundon my bosses PC for some reason
17:24.48[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: Good to hear
17:25.54*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
17:26.51Agnt_0rngeD-Fender do you know why phone lines might cross over? When I dial a number I will interupt and hear someone else on the phone line.
17:27.45hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: can you make the directory reload without rebooting the phone?
17:28.12agxAgnt_0rnge, i suppose you have a phone center close to you that wired to everyone phone line to lower his intercontinental phone fares
17:28.37[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: nope
17:28.47hmmhesaysahh that sucks
17:29.11[TK]D-FenderAgnt_0rnge: Only thing like that is trying to dial out at the very same moment a call is scoming in but that the ring hasn't registered
17:29.32[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: Polycoms approach the directory as a USER thing, not a corporate thing
17:30.44hmmhesaysyeah thats stupid, they should add that feature, cause it would come in handy
17:31.01*** join/#asterisk techie (
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17:31.26hmmhesaysis it possible to change the color of the led's given different call scenarios?
17:31.41*** join/#asterisk svenna_ (
17:33.26agxhmmhesays, i suppose you can fill a patent request about this feature. Gxp 2000 has 3 state led: off, green and red but you cannot control the colors.
17:35.44[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: I THINK so... under indications I belive you can set the flash pattern...
17:35.53[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: I know you can do this with Linksys'
17:36.04Kattythe syntax for accounde code in sip.conf is just accountcode=23761923
17:39.21*** join/#asterisk CBU[^_^]M`` (n=love@
17:40.13Yourname``Hi. There are times when I have 'ghost calls' sitting in Asterisk, that do not get killed till a restart or something. What's going wrong in it? (This happens after the calls were disconnected long ago)
17:46.16*** join/#asterisk spatulamaan (n=ggilmore@
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17:48.44rene-i wonder can i use AMD over isdn/pri without answering first
17:49.08tzangerrene-: nope
17:49.09rene-the same way is possible to play an announcement without answering?
17:49.23tzangerISDN PRI allows early audio but only in one direction
17:49.33rene-so i cant listen
17:49.34rene-i see
17:49.36tzangerfrom the NT to the far end
17:49.58rene-you are right tzanger
17:51.17tzangerI'm always right :-)
17:51.27Kattytzanger: what did i have for lunch?
17:51.43tzanger... I have absolutely no idea... crickets?
17:52.04Kattytwas yummy
17:52.25QwellKatty: where's mine?
17:52.50KattyQwell: your what?
17:52.55Qwellmy sub
17:53.01Kattyi dunno.
17:53.03Kattyask subway.
17:53.06Qwelloh, I see how it is
17:55.43javbHi, i was googling about Digiums ` card quality.. so i come here to hear some recommendations because i have had some expirience with TDM400P (FXO modules are not so good), what would be the best?
17:58.36*** part/#asterisk l2cache (n=ghansen@
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18:01.46[TK]D-FenderKatty: Had Indian for lunch.....
18:01.57[TK]D-FenderKatty: I feel like a beached whale...
18:02.41Katty[TK]D-Fender: well that's better than a falling petuna then, eh?
18:03.42roxluWhen I've got a voip account can I 'dispatch' call to me, to other people that have a voip-phone?
18:03.54[TK]D-FenderKatty: Something tells me the petunia's fall will be a lot softer ;)
18:04.22*** join/#asterisk kkn088 (n=kikoun@
18:05.38*** join/#asterisk Carlos_Tico (
18:06.02Carlos_Ticohello i need help with my spa3000
18:06.12Carlos_Ticoanyone can help me please
18:07.46Carlos_Ticohello ?
18:08.06Dan0maN_Workthey're around.  just not their primary job.  be patient
18:09.40Dan0maN_Work(course, what the hell do i know.  i just stalk the channel, absorbing as much info as i can ;))
18:09.46[TK]D-FenderCarlos_Tico: Are you expecting all 100+ of us here to say "sorry can't help you" individually?
18:10.06matskIf you just say "help" without specifying what you need help with lower the probability that someone will help you
18:10.16[TK]D-FenderCarlos_Tico: <--- go read the forums.  Go show us your configs.  Show us CLI out with SIP debug, etc......
18:10.19Agnt_0rngeDan0man: same here, just absorbing as much as I can.
18:11.52Carlos_Ticohow can i do that
18:11.59Carlos_Ticoi already registered the stuff
18:12.17Carlos_Ticowhat i want to do is activate the gateway
18:12.24Carlos_Ticoso i can make calls from voip to pstn
18:12.26Carlos_Ticonothing else
18:12.34[TK]D-FenderCarlos_Tico: Go to Voxilla like I said and go read the guides.
18:13.09Carlos_TicoI already read them from up to down
18:13.12Carlos_Ticobut nothing
18:13.24Carlos_Ticoi already used their configuration tool and nothing
18:13.25[TK]D-FenderCarlos_Tico: Go show us what you've done then.
18:13.32Carlos_Ticohow ?
18:13.33jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
18:13.40Carlos_Ticohow can i see the log
18:13.44Carlos_Ticoof the spa3000
18:14.01[TK]D-FenderKatty: load!
18:14.40Kattytechnology was a bad idea!
18:14.49[TK]D-FenderCarlos_Tico: No, show us what you've done in ASTERISK so far.
18:16.35Carlos_Ticosorry totally lost with that device pal
18:17.02lirakishmm.. i want a new box so i can deploy/play with 1.4 ...
18:17.07[TK]D-FenderCarlos_Tico: Right now we don't care about your device.  Show us what you've done in ASTERISK to prepare for it.
18:17.35[TK]D-FenderNEXT!@!@! (c) BKW
18:17.45lirakis[TK]D-Fender: brilliant
18:17.50Kattyi hate phones.
18:17.53Kattylet's go get ice cream!
18:18.45Carlos_Ticoi am just setting up the device first alone .. to see if it works or not to get a refund ...
18:19.35[TK]D-FenderCarlos_Tico: You won't know until * is configured to DO something with it.  You are wasting your time right now.
18:19.45lirakis.. id just rather have parallel systems until the play/1.4 server is stable since i use it everyday
18:21.37[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: You should be able to get a suitable test box for under 100$ if you look around
18:22.52Carlos_Ticoi think that device can work with sip siphones
18:22.55Carlos_Ticostand alone right ?
18:23.01Carlos_Ticothats what i want to do
18:23.03Carlos_Ticothanks anyway
18:23.29huey23[TK]D-Fender: have you heard of any problems with entering long distance codes while on speakerphone?
18:23.29[TK]D-FenderCarlos_Tico: stop thinking... you're clearly not qualified :)
18:23.43Agnt_0rngeI'm about ready to shoot our phone system
18:23.57[TK]D-FenderCarlos_Tico: And this entire exercise IS a complete waste of time.
18:24.00Agnt_0rngeI'm going out to buy some string and tin cans
18:24.09Carlos_Ticodont make you a genius you are not pal
18:24.15Carlos_Ticotake it easy
18:25.15*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=hardcore@
18:25.43[TK]D-FenderCarlos_Tico: Seriously look at what you're doing.  There is no way to know that the device side is right without having the other side to LISTEN TO IT.  And of course you've got nothing to show us.  And all you've done is come in here with nothing to show use and whine about it.  What do you want?
18:25.50[TK]D-FenderCarlos_Tico: We'd LIKE to help...
18:26.13[TK]D-FenderCarlos_Tico: But you haven't even TOUCHED *'s side and you've shown us nothing.  Do you think we're psychic?
18:26.56[TK]D-FenderCarlos_Tico: Your approach has no foreseeable outcome of success....
18:27.05[TK]D-FenderCarlos_Tico: We wish you luck.
18:27.17huey23[TK]D-Fender: what about mine?
18:29.48huey23have you heard of any problems with entering long distance codes while on speakerphone?
18:30.24[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: What is a "long distance code"?
18:31.01zerohalohuey23: are you saying that when in speakerphone mode, DTMF is not detected correctly?
18:31.13huey23ok...when in an office setting you can protect and monitor who uses long distance calls
18:31.35huey23you dial the number, then enter your code to allow access for a long-distance call
18:31.40*** join/#asterisk UCFmethod (
18:32.46huey23zerohalo: possibly...but it would only be during speakerphone
18:33.39zerohalohuey23: same results every time or is it a 'sometimes' problem?
18:34.02ai-ais there an implementation of VM in callflow so its modifiable instead of only configurable?
18:34.07huey23same results everytime from speakerphone...not through the handset
18:34.19[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: Show me something useful.... your description has NO context...
18:34.33*** join/#asterisk Twister (
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18:34.49huey23hmm...zerohalo you mean it has no code or error?
18:34.51*** join/#asterisk e` (n=e@
18:34.53zerohaloon Polys? What sip revision?
18:35.45zerohalohuey23: and can you 'hear' the dtmf when entering? Are you using rfc/inband/?
18:36.14huey23first question: yes, second question: i'm not sure
18:36.28zerohaloActually, this is 100% polycom issue... Masking problems.
18:36.34huey23i'm sorry...rfc
18:36.40[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: you'd BETTER have dtmfmode=rfc2833 in your sip.conf entry for that phone....
18:36.54huey23yea we do...i'm sorry
18:38.23huey23zerohalo:  thanks, i put in a ticket with i'll be waiting about 30-60 days for them to ask me for more information
18:38.34zerohalohuey23: what ver *?
18:38.41*** join/#asterisk z0mb1 (
18:39.16zerohalocan you pastebin your sip.conf entry and your poly's config?
18:39.44huey23can you do that thing fender?
18:39.51jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
18:39.56[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: ~ <------
18:39.57Kattyjbot: mew?
18:39.58jbotA MIME mail reader for Emacs/XEmacs. URL:
18:40.05Kattyjbot: Katty?
18:40.05jbotit has been said that katty is the only girl in the channel, so be nice to her
18:40.23Kattyjbot: someone's telling you LIES
18:40.24jbot[TK]D-Fender is the Zen Master of the blatantly obvious, and #asterisk 's resident Google-proxy.
18:40.36Kattyjbot: love?
18:40.48jbotmethinks jbot is a hack!, or known to have only said one useful thing. a tool, or dating the fembots, or  [TK]D-Fender's b*tch
18:40.53[TK]D-Fender:D :D :D
18:41.31Kattythere needs to be more girls in IT
18:43.00*** join/#asterisk datachomper (n=russ@
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18:44.36huey23i am sure this is what you might be looking for
18:45.34datachomperHello Fellas. Any suggestions for DID providers based on personal experience?
18:45.50Kattydatachomper: NOT Big River Telephone.
18:45.59datachomperOh hey Katty
18:46.26datachomperWe are with right now, but their customer service, or lack thereof, is killing us.
18:46.41datachomperWe almost qualify for level3, but not quite.
18:47.08Kattyi think i should qualify for a cookie.
18:47.23Kattybut instead, all i got was a silly numa numa video in my email.
18:47.57[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: Don't show just the last few lines, and if you are having trouble dialing and its while on speaker then I'll bet your Polycom's dialplan isn't appropriate
18:49.32*** join/#asterisk drwelby (
18:49.33huey23[TK]D-Fender: you can have the whole thing if you want it
18:51.35datachomperKatty, do you live in Richmond?
18:51.51Kattydatachomper: missouri
18:51.51datachomperOh, that's River City, nevermind
18:52.06Kattydatachomper: ;)
18:56.27[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: Where's your PHONE's config in there?
18:56.38huey23:)  mySQL
18:56.39zerohalohuey23: If you could post the relavent lines from the peer in questions's sip.conf, PLUS your poly config, that would be helpful.
18:56.49[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: ..................................
18:57.04[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: "sip show peer [peername]"
18:57.55huey230 sip peers
18:59.31[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: wtf......
18:59.48[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: you'd better come up with something useful to show us....
18:59.59huey23lol...i am showing you everything you ask for
19:00.08[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: pastebin your * and Polycom dialplans
19:00.30[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: And I see no specific configuration of ryour phone.
19:00.48[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: So unless you are running a completely insane setup, then you're holding back on us
19:05.13huey23i believe this is the phone config you wanted...if not i'll try again
19:05.26*** join/#asterisk _charly_ (
19:06.46*** join/#asterisk Yourname` (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/yourname/x-837320)
19:07.15Yourname`Hi. So, what could be the reason when a call is done, yet it remains "active" between Asterisk and the carrier?
19:08.25zerohalohuey23: I think some of the confusion here is that there are very specific ways that Polycom's want their configs... There should be an unmodified config  and then overrides should be used on top of this. Tn the MAC.cfg files, you want to have a nested override scheme.
19:08.54[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: Well so far... you can DIAL ANYTHING
19:09.06huey23lol...i did that on purpose
19:09.10[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: and that is NOT your polycom dilaplan....
19:09.26huey23the first one is my dialplan
19:09.36huey23the second one is my polycom config file
19:09.42huey23that's what was asked for
19:09.49huey23let me get the mac.conf file
19:09.59[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: No, I asked to see your polycom's dialplan.  Tht is NOT it.
19:10.31zerohalomac.cfg should look like this for config files: phone000000000000-override.cfg, phone000000000000.cfg, sip-genoverride.cfg,
19:10.40[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: If all you're showing me is stuff you KNOW is broken, what do you want from us?
19:10.58huey23it's not broken hommie
19:11.10huey23i am showing you things that i thought you wanted
19:11.12[TK]D-Fenderexten => xxxxxxx,1,Answer() <-----this is....
19:11.28huey23yea because i took the numbers out
19:11.29zerohalohuey23: There's half a hundred places things could be brken, that's why we ask for complete configs
19:11.30*** join/#asterisk TrentCreek (
19:11.31mcabzerohalo: it's not really that polycom's need it that way, heck you could put all the config parameters into one gigantic file, if you really wanted to. However, it makes life much easier if you layer the configurations...
19:12.01[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: You alter stuff and don't tell us so we can't tell what we're seeing.  Right now it looks like you broke your pattern match and we'd waste time suspecting it...
19:12.04*** join/#asterisk GaryH (
19:12.10zerohalomcab: Yes. But from what I have seen, poly's defaults for a lot of settings are not there - anything could be wrong.
19:12.24[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: Your stealth approach to this is failing miserably
19:12.54mcabzerohalo: as long as you have everything from the phone1.cfg and sip.cfg, you should be good
19:13.20mcabzerohalo: however, I would definatley recommened the layerd approach :-)
19:13.24zerohalomcab: Right. So far, it's not looking good for huey23... All I see is overrides that shouldn't work in a general cfg.
19:13.29rpmman, automating provisioning of spa2102's on broadworks is nasty.
19:14.04zerohalomcab: If we hadn't used the layered approach, we'd never get things working when a new sip firmware came out. Nasty changes hidden everywhere.
19:14.35mcabzerohalo: yah. I've not had a config problem (well, due to upgrade...) since I moved to layering
19:16.01zerohalomcab: I have, but they've been easier to trace. Now we've got to deal with XML comments being correct to for v212+
19:16.57mcabzerohalo: really? hadn't hit that
19:18.01zerohaloYeah - $Revision: 1.12 $ is now RCSFile and it's relied on for a few features to work. A general comment about it was hidden in the firmware changelog. :)
19:18.11zerohaloNasty, huh?
19:18.37*** join/#asterisk bantu (
19:20.29mcabzerohalo: wierd, I get a couple lines in the log bitching about unknown versions, but haven't noticed anything other than that
19:20.34huey23  <---part of sip.cfg
19:21.23zerohalohuey23: Are those carriage returns in the actual files? If so, no wonder you're having problems.
19:23.08huey23they are...this is a file directly from polycom
19:23.25zerohaloalthough that looks like a stock cfg. What you posted earlier was the ONLY overrides you have to this?
19:23.55huey23there is a phone1.cfg
19:24.15zerohaloand your mac.cfg has your override AND this included?
19:25.15huey23sip.cfg is a default file...i dont believe it has any overrides
19:26.53*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
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19:30.45zerohaloYour config should override this config, not replace it unless you plan on including everything else from sip.cfg
19:33.59*** join/#asterisk denon (n=denon@
19:33.59*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by ChanServ
19:34.26huey23ok...apparently you are looking for phone1.cfg
19:36.15*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (i=dwayne@nat/digium/x-9854a1dd47bd17b2)
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19:38.01*** join/#asterisk agx (
19:38.29agxSnome phone sends INVITE for *1234 in UTF-8, there is a way to disable it without the need for pedantic=yes in sip.conf?
19:38.47*** join/#asterisk _charly_ (
19:40.04peanut-anyone know what voip providers still let you set your CPN?
19:41.06Yourname`Gafachi, Teliax.
19:41.38Qwellpeanut-: none (assuming you mean per call), for one simple reason...
19:41.56QwellCaller ID name is looked up at the receiving end - it is not passed through to the other carriers
19:42.24Qwellhowever, some providers DO let you set it per account, and they just send that to the company/companies that store that info
19:42.38BadPacketQwell, CPN is calling party NUMBER (not name)
19:42.52Qwellwell, that's a silly abbreviation then, don't ya think?
19:42.58peanut-not really
19:43.00[TK]D-Fenderagx: Nope.... its standard in my configs because of this...
19:44.05BadPacketpeanut-, they all pretty much do - voicepulse, gafachi, teliax
19:45.33Qwellpeanut-: it's ambiguous, at best...  earlier today, I heard "ATM network"...  and having worked at a bank for 5 years, I instantly think Automated Teller Machine, and not...the other one.  Both could be considered an "ATM network"
19:45.44peanut-yea I saw that page but it's years old
19:45.55peanut-figured it might not be accurate anymore
19:49.21russellbQwell: i was thinking the teller machine version as well.
19:49.30russellbQwell: still would have if i didn't see that comment
19:49.31Qwellrussellb: considering the context...
19:49.47Qwellwell, he said something a little later that cleared it up (sort of..)..  about DSL lines
19:49.56russellboh, right
19:50.01Qwellreplacing it with DSL lines, that is.  It actually took a second to parse, heh
19:50.02*** part/#asterisk doug (
19:50.11Qwell"wtf is DSL?  that some new kind of...OH"
19:50.11russellbit went over my head, heh
19:50.20russellbi must have been doing something else
19:50.20*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
19:50.43Qwellso yeah, ambiguity == bad
20:01.52*** join/#asterisk tr2x (
20:02.24*** part/#asterisk tr2x (
20:02.36trippsso is there a difference between NoOp() and Noop()? are dialplans/macros case sensitive?
20:02.45*** join/#asterisk shidan (
20:02.50[TK]D-Fendertripps: no difference
20:02.58tripps[TK]D-Fender: k thx
20:03.03[TK]D-Fendertripps: and no, diallpan apps are not case sensistive
20:08.08peanut-what's the quality like with voicepulse? I hear everywhere that they're horrible bastards
20:09.25*** join/#asterisk mvanbaak (
20:11.46*** join/#asterisk CBU[^_^]M`` (n=love@
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20:14.44*** join/#asterisk crudpuppy (
20:14.56crudpuppywhats a good base os to choose for an asterisk install
20:15.09crudpuppyor well what distro is best suited I mean
20:15.42*** join/#asterisk Alowishus (
20:15.50[TK]D-FendercridWhichever you are most confortable administering for which you can acquire all of *'s dependencies
20:16.07[TK]D-Fendercrudpuppy: Rather
20:16.17crudpuppygentoo an ok base?
20:16.30crudpuppyI know they have most the * stuff in portage
20:16.53Qwellcrudpuppy: just don't try to emerge asterisk
20:17.12crudpuppyqwell,  why is that?
20:17.24Qwellpackages of asterisk generally suck
20:17.52crudpuppyas I'm finding out trying *now
20:18.23QwellI would consider asterisk packages in asterisknow to not suck
20:18.48[TK]D-FenderI would consider AsteriskNOW as a *whole* to suck :p
20:19.21crudpuppyagreed with [TK]D-Fender....can't make stuff work in the gui and you mess with the configs it messes up the gui so whats the point
20:20.05[TK]D-Fendercrudpuppy: The point is to provide another avenue to let more idiots delude themselves into believing they can & should administer a PBX.
20:21.10[TK]D-FenderI have a book"-let" titled "AsteriskNOW!  For Dummies". What I want to know is.... isn't that REDUNDANT?!?  Thats like "Stupidity for Morons".
20:21.10peanut-damnit, everyone is really proud of their rates to germany..
20:21.29*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
20:24.23agxyup AsteriskNOW was really a surprise... i tought there are other 1 milion of things to do then another-crap-gui
20:28.34russellboh come on guys ... it makes perfect sense why such a thing is useful and needed
20:28.40russellbyou don't have to use it, obviously.
20:28.48Yourname`I concur with russellb.
20:28.50russellbbut there is a mass of people that do want such a thing
20:29.16russellbgeneric gui bashing is just plain silly
20:29.31russellband not welcome here.
20:29.47TrentCreekthose darned guis ;-p
20:30.01[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: Ok, I'll isolate the damage to users.conf :p
20:30.25*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
20:31.02[TK]D-Fenderok, BBIAB...
20:34.43Nuggetyour head a splode
20:35.23putnopvutback off baby!
20:35.46fileNugget: I accuse you of being a slacker
20:40.20peanut-what's the cheapest ip phone asterisk supports?
20:40.23Kattyhave fun with that.
20:40.32Kattypeanut-: two tin cans with string.
20:40.44lirakislater everyone
20:40.46*** part/#asterisk lirakis (n=lirakis@
20:40.48Kattypeanut-: attach screw to case, and case to string.
20:40.49peanut-I don't have a string interface on my box.
20:40.58peanut-seriously though.
20:41.04Nuggetpeanut-: polycom.  there are cheaper phones but you don't want to go down that road.
20:41.07Kattypeanut-: go to voipsupply.
20:41.20*** join/#asterisk Bl0w_M0nk (
20:41.25QwellNugget: actually, the polycom 330's are about as cheap as a grandstream
20:41.44Qwellthey're like, what, $85?  and a grandstream is...$75?
20:41.46Dan0maN_Workand sound awesome
20:41.51Qwelland don't suck
20:41.52Kattypeanut-: look at their phones under$ 100
20:41.55Dan0maN_Workand that too ;)
20:42.08hi365_mare there any know issues with chanspy in 1.4.11? It seems to be broken - i can only listen to calls if i call in via disa...
20:42.11hi365_many ideas?
20:42.13Qwell(understatement, I know)
20:42.28Kattypeanut-: the cheapest one  i see is a grandstream GS-101, for 45ish
20:42.29Dan0maN_Workif ya don't need the extra switchport, 320's even
20:42.32Kattypeanut-: but you'd probably hate your life.
20:42.39Kattypeanut-: to not hate your life, go with a polycom 320
20:42.44*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
20:42.44QwellKatty: s/probably //
20:42.48jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
20:43.58Bl0w_M0nkthey have a few of the grandstream on ebay forcheap   GS101-102
20:43.58Bl0w_M0nk$38 an up
20:44.08NuggetThere's a reason they're $38.
20:44.17Bl0w_M0nki hate to ask  Y?
20:44.33NuggetIt's so you have enough money left over to buy the razor blades you'll use to slit your wrists over having to use them.
20:44.35agxQwell, does this has P300 has BLF? i can't see any from the photo
20:44.57Bl0w_M0nki like u nugget :-))
20:45.03Kattythey're cheap cause it takes more than peanuts and glue to build a nice phone :P
20:46.12agxBl0w_M0nk, really avoid BT-100 serie
20:46.21*** join/#asterisk tiav (
20:46.38Kattyi like nugget too.
20:46.39Kattyhe's uber.
20:46.43Kattyuber nuggety.
20:47.32Bl0w_M0nki  havent used them actuall i have a pansonic kx-tc2234  it doesnt sound that bad
20:47.42Bl0w_M0nkbut it wrks until i get a better one
20:47.54Bl0w_M0nksometimes im in the airmans cave  lol
20:48.49agxQwell, polycom 330 has the BFL keys?
20:49.24Bl0w_M0nkhow much are they?
20:49.40Kattyi like file too.
20:49.48Kattydespite the fact he wouldn't share his orange juice with me :<
20:49.56mrdigitaljbot katty
20:49.57jbotkatty is, like, the only girl in the channel, so be nice to her
20:50.05fileKatty: :(
20:51.37jbotextra, extra, read all about it, sangoma is a company that makes PRI cards
20:51.58trippswhat's the best recommended sangoma pri card right now?
20:52.01filesomeone should expand that!
20:52.22filejbot: forget sangoma
20:52.50filejbot: no sangoma is a Canadian based company that makes PRI and Analog cards. See their site at
20:52.50jbotfile: okay
20:53.07BensinI need some help. I can make outgoing calls from a client registerd to Asterisk, but the Incoming calls are not forwarded to the client properly.
20:53.41agxfile: you forgotting that Sangoma was 1st famouse for their fantastic HDSL cards :)
20:54.03TrentCreeksounds like an extenions problem
20:54.08BensinHowever, the incoming call registers with Asterisk.  If a use the command  console dial <extension> it rings on the client.
20:54.41filejbot: digium?
20:54.42jbotsomebody said digium was reachable at
20:54.42peanut-does IAX respond to NAT well?
20:54.59russellbtripps: you should buy a digium card, obviously :)
20:55.01russellb(i work there ...)
20:55.53trippsrussellb: :) do most of the cards have hardware echo cancelation?
20:56.03jbotit has been said that nat is Network Address Translation  Usable in Asterisk sip.conf file with externip, localnet, and localmask setup properly.  See docs.
20:56.27Dan0maN_Work(well, i tried to get one in there.  failed miserably.)
20:56.30russellbtripps: yes, all of them do, except the 4 port analog card, which has a free high performance software ec available
20:56.33filejbot: no digium is a company that produces PRI/BRI/Analog/Transcoder codes. They also devote many resources (people) to furthering Asterisk and fixing your bugs. Check them out at
20:56.34jbotokay, file
20:56.42filejbot: no digium is a company that produces PRI/BRI/Analog/Transcoder cards. They also devote many resources (people) to furthering Asterisk and fixing your bugs. Check them out at
20:56.42jbotfile: okay
20:56.44russellbfile: s/codes/cards/
20:57.01hi365_mare there any know issues with chanspy in 1.4.11? It seems to be broken - many times i can only listen to calls if i call in via disa from my cell phone...
20:58.42*** join/#asterisk CBU[^_^]M`` (n=love@
20:59.57CBU[^_^]M``what does DID mean?
21:00.06Corydon76-vcchDirect Inward Dial
21:00.40CBU[^_^]M``thanks :)
21:02.09*** join/#asterisk codestr0m (
21:02.38agxtripps: digium BRI card has echo canceller while beronet and junghas does not AFAIK
21:03.09mrdigitalanyone looking for work?
21:03.38Qwellmrdigital: nope, I've got enough already, thanks :p
21:03.43KattyCorydon76-vcch: hi!
21:03.50trippsagx: what about sangoma?
21:03.54agxwell if someone is in Italy i'm recruiting
21:04.29mrdigitalheyyyyy its Qwell! whats up buddy!
21:04.38agxtripps: don't know about their BRI card, never tested; the analog card is expensive but has an additional hardware EC on board; the PRI card should have EC hardware plugged in by default
21:05.09trippsagx: roger
21:06.04TrentCreekque rico
21:06.11codestr0mwhen I call 00316266999999  and it goes out over foo it works fine, but from my extensions.conf when I try to have exten => 442070999999,4,DIAL(${ME})  it requires the callerid to be passed and provider fails the call with a 500..   ME=SIP/foo1-1&SIP/foo1-4&SIP/foo/00316266999999 going to look at what I'm doing wrong unless someone can advise
21:06.27rpmhas anyone ever had a problem with SRV records being too close together and a device hopping between hosts?
21:06.35*** join/#asterisk prudhvi (n=prudhvi@pdpc/student/Prudhvi)
21:07.24prudhviHi, can some one tell me a way to convert a Wav file to G723 thanks
21:07.33agxtripps: well result really depends upon your media and telco
21:07.58*** join/#asterisk disa-help (
21:08.08agxprudhvi, "sox"
21:08.08disa-helpi'm having DISA problems with freepbx :(
21:08.16*** join/#asterisk afrosheen (n=cj@
21:08.24disa-helpi dial to it via the IVR, then it drops me to a dial tone..fine. but i can't make outbound calls
21:08.29disa-helpit just times out and goes to fast busy
21:08.40disa-helpi've read that freepbx has problems with the password file
21:08.48agxprudhvi, uhm sorry not sox but there are 2 links here:
21:08.54disa-helpright now it's "PIN|from-internal|CID"
21:09.03disa-helpshould it be PIN|from-internetl|CID| ?
21:09.08TrentCreekdias: everyone is saying FreePX us having problems with Asterisk
21:09.33afrosheenanyone ever have problems with noisy channels on a PRI?
21:09.44disa-helpafrosheen: yeah, check your gain settings
21:09.53afrosheendisa-help, it's only 2 specific channels
21:10.02disa-helphrm interesting
21:10.08prudhviagx the online tool ?
21:10.11disa-helpTrentCreek: what now? everyone in the US is having problems with freepbx?
21:10.25disa-helpi'm not sure what you mean
21:10.38afrosheendisa-help, yeah, if it was every channel, I'd fix it :)
21:11.07disa-helpit asks for pin, then goes STRAIGHT to dialtone
21:11.12disa-helpnot even acknowleding it
21:11.47afrosheenmrdigital, you starting a business?
21:11.52mrdigitalafrosheen: yes
21:12.00afrosheenmrdigital, good luck with that :)
21:12.22*** join/#asterisk Netgeeks (
21:13.15KattyNetgeeks: have you come to fix my problem?!
21:13.21*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
21:13.49NetgeeksI came because I was sitting in an empty channel wondering why asterisk was so quiet, then I noticed I was in astersik...
21:13.49Katty[TK]D-Fender: were you speeding on the way home?
21:13.59KattyNetgeeks: nice ;)
21:14.11Netgeeksbut I can take a shot at your problem.  What is it?
21:14.11disa-helpyay TK :)
21:14.19[TK]D-FenderKatty, No, I should have been home over 20 minutes ago :)
21:14.32KattyNetgeeks: oh...well..
21:14.32disa-help[TK]D-Fender: got a sec?
21:14.36KattyNetgeeks: i don't know what to make for dinner.
21:14.37disa-helpyou solved my problem last time lickity split
21:14.46[TK]D-Fenderdisa-help, ask away
21:14.53NetgeeksKatty: hrm, what are the available resources?
21:14.56disa-help[TK]D-Fender: having problems with DISA...i set it up via freebpx, setup a pin
21:15.03KattyNetgeeks: chicken...
21:15.10disa-help[TK]D-Fender: but when i get to it via the IVR, it asks for the pin, then skips it, goes to the dialtone
21:15.20disa-helpi've heard of improper setups in the disa-1.conf
21:15.24jbotfrom memory, freepbx is unable to be supported here. It's a complex piece of dialplan and GUI, and can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
21:15.24KattyNetgeeks: actually, i think i'll do a stirfry
21:15.25disa-helpnot adding a trailing |
21:15.29disa-helpso iadded -- still nothing
21:15.33disa-helpyes, i know. freepbx :(
21:15.46NetgeeksKatty: you got veggies for the stir fry too?
21:15.50disa-helpand even after iget to a dial tone, i'll dial 9+ number, but it just times out -> Fast busy
21:16.01disa-helpweird eh
21:16.05KattyNetgeeks: of course!
21:16.09KattyNetgeeks: just...sauce issues..
21:16.26disa-help[TK]D-Fender: k, thx anyways
21:16.39[TK]D-Fenderdisa-help, No, there is nothing wierd about it.  Its not using the right parameters or pass, and probably not the right contexts either.
21:16.40NetgeeksKatty: ah, I've made my own stiir fry sauce before, but it never turned out as good as the purchased in a jar kind
21:16.57disa-helpfrom-internal :shrug:
21:17.03disa-helpshould i use from-pstn?
21:17.08KattyNetgeeks: stuff from the jar isn't too healthy tho
21:17.11*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
21:17.33Netgeeksyou could make fajita style chicken instead...  fajita sauce is easier
21:18.36KattyNetgeeks: what's in fajita sauce?
21:18.36[TK]D-Fenderdisa-help, go ask in a FreePBX channel, forum, mailing-list, etc.
21:19.12NetgeeksKatty: I use Worcestershire, Cumin, and either chili pepper oil or chili /cayenne peppre
21:20.00disa-help[TK]D-Fender: got any examples of how the asterisk panel provisions those?
21:23.00[TK]D-Fenderdisa-help, what "Asterisk panel"?
21:23.03KattyNetgeeks: that sounds yum.
21:23.17disa-help[TK]D-Fender: meh, no biggy. thx.
21:23.22disa-helpi was referring to the panel out in 1.45
21:23.32NetgeeksKatty: that ssumes you have Worcestershire sause lying about
21:23.36Qwellwhat panel in 1.4?
21:23.38[TK]D-Fenderdisa-help, what "panel"?!
21:23.49[TK]D-Fenderdisa-help, and Qwell WORKS for Digium!
21:24.04bjweeksand this is why you don't ask for FreePBX support in here...
21:24.08NetgeeksQwell works?
21:24.10disa-helpfair enough
21:24.13QwellNetgeeks: sometimes
21:24.20afrosheenwood paneling? eew
21:24.26KattyNetgeeks: yep, i do
21:24.32Netgeekswhew, I thought the world was coming to an and!
21:24.35disa-helpi know plenty of peeps that 'work' for digium
21:24.43[TK]D-Fenderafrosheen, for the bitchin-est station-wagon on the block y0!
21:24.45disa-helpben is not responding :(
21:24.49TrentCreekyeah Steve Spencer
21:24.58TrentCreekhe's looking for donations for GIMP
21:25.03disa-helpand i coulda SWORN, asterisk had a web interface with 1.4
21:25.04NetgeeksKatty, Glad to have been an input to your solution
21:25.21KattyNetgeeks: thanks :>
21:25.30bjweeksdisa-help: it does, not freepbx
21:25.44Bl0w_M0nkWorcestershire sauce??
21:25.55NetgeeksKatty: Welcome!
21:26.14bjweekseven that has its own channel
21:26.44afrosheenbjweeks, complete with cobwebs and cricket sound effects
21:27.12bjweeksyeah, not sure why asterisk-gui didn't take off
21:27.14[TK]D-Fenderdisa-help, Yeah... just another stupid GUI.  Nobody out there wants to support ANY of that junk.  Sorry to say you're really in the wrong place...
21:27.36disa-helpi just wanna dial in and get a dial tone that worx :(
21:27.41disa-helpi shall troubleshoot further
21:27.42[TK]D-Fenderdisa-help, TOPIC : Asterisk: The Open Source Telephony Application Platform -=- Asterisk 1.4.13 (Oct. 10, 2007) -=- Join #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW and Asterisk-GUI info -=- Join #asterisk-commits to monitor svn changes -=- Join #freepbx for freepbx/#trixbox for trixbox support. -=-
21:27.58afrosheenanyone using the paid-for ABE from Digium?
21:28.44Kattyif everything has its own channel, then why is there'a dinner-help channel?!
21:28.58QwellKatty: You're looking on the wrong network.
21:29.00QwellTry dalnet
21:29.20afrosheenor foodnet
21:29.26disa-helphow is digium doing anyways?
21:29.35disa-helpcouple of their minions came over to my place a week ago
21:29.37Qwelldisa-help: in what regard?
21:29.37denonworld domination is coming along nicely
21:29.43KattyQwell: you're still being mean about me not sharing my subway.
21:29.44Qwelldenon: shh
21:29.48disa-helpthat new building coming up?
21:30.00QwellKatty: no, seriously...  dalnet usually has random stuff like that :p
21:30.11afrosheendisa-help, maybe they can buy that swastika building in san diego and change it into an asterisk
21:30.11Kattyi don't wanna go to dalnet!
21:30.12Qwellbut yes, I agree, dalnet sucks.  That may be why it sucks though...
21:30.20disa-helpafrosheen: lol, perhaps
21:30.24Kattyslashnet's pretty good.
21:30.29disa-helpbut the plans for the new 'digium' building looked REALLY nice
21:30.30afrosheenfreenode ftw
21:30.33disa-helpeven if it is in alabama
21:30.33Kattythey help me with dinner problems all the time.
21:30.39Qwelldisa-help: it's built, and we're already in it
21:30.41Qwellkeep up :p
21:30.44denonyou know, I think a network is only as good as the users ..
21:30.44disa-helphaha, score
21:30.47afrosheenQwell, pictures?
21:30.49denonand if we're not ther e..
21:30.51denonhow great could it be?
21:30.54disa-helpQwell: how long have you worked there?
21:30.59Qwellafrosheen: see topic in #asterisk-dev
21:31.06Qwelldisa-help: 15 months?  something like that
21:31.09disa-helpah word
21:31.16disa-helpso i dont think you know my good buddy..anthony lamantia
21:31.18disa-helpah! there he is
21:31.20disa-helpaaron lee
21:31.21disa-helpthat's who imet
21:31.27disa-helpand james
21:31.33*** part/#asterisk codestr0m (
21:31.50Kattyaaron lee?
21:32.02Kattyi know an aaron lee
21:32.10afrosheenQwell, wow, that buidling is nice, was it commissioned or already pre-built?
21:32.11Kattyprobably not the same one tho ;)
21:32.11hmmhesaysI know a tony lee
21:32.19Kattywell i know a matt!
21:32.22Qwelldisa-help: of course I do
21:32.24disa-helpme in the green
21:32.28Corydon76-vcch"Aaron Lee was a good friend of mine, and you, sir, are no Aaron Lee"
21:32.28disa-helpanthony far right
21:32.29hmmhesaysI know an angela!
21:32.30disa-helpon my ROOF
21:32.41Qwellafrosheen: commissioned, I guess?
21:32.46afrosheendoes anyone here know anyone named Roger?
21:32.56disa-helpQwell: heh, cool
21:32.58Kattyyes, if he was married to Jessica.
21:33.06afrosheenmy friend and I were discussing this the other day, and while there appear to be many rogers, neither one of us know even one
21:33.11hmmhesaysI have this pstn gateway that was doing the strangest thing, just for few ms it was combining rtp streams before the call setup
21:33.31Qwellmust be logged in...silliness
21:33.43disa-helpwhat about now?
21:33.50hmmhesaysoh facebook
21:33.51disa-helphah, patrick is inthat pic too
21:33.56hmmhesaysso much better than myspace
21:34.03Qwelldisa-help: bad angle
21:34.03afrosheendisa-help, emo party?
21:34.07*** part/#asterisk hi365_m (i=HydraIRC@
21:34.18disa-helpemo party?
21:34.27disa-helpQwell: every angle is a bad angle for me..
21:34.33disa-helpjames took that pic
21:34.47disa-helphe was actually hanging off the side of my buildling trying to get a good shot
21:34.48disa-helphe's nuts
21:35.15peanut-so when you sign up for voicepulse and select Asterisk as your PBX, it assumes it'll be IAX and not SIP, right?
21:35.23disa-helpyes, it's IAX
21:35.35Qwelldisa-help: for some reason, that doesn't surprise me much :p
21:35.38denondisa-help: James Golovich?
21:35.54QwellJames is kinda a good way
21:36.09disa-helphuntsville '09 baby!
21:36.16*** join/#asterisk remmo (n=junk@
21:36.51Kattyi only know one person from huntsville.
21:37.15hmmhesaysonly sexy space cap
21:37.19hmmhesayswith chicks
21:37.23hmmhesayssexy chicks
21:37.48peanut-print and fax shit back to voicepulse? that's some crap.
21:38.04prudhviagx ping
21:38.13disa-helppeanut-: mhmmm
21:38.16disa-helpgotta copy your CC too
21:38.21disa-helpwe use 2 trunks for them for strictly outbound
21:38.38aitdude...what's up with this Cisco 7940 phone...the confg is locked and I cannot unlock it with the default "**#" option.
21:38.48disa-helpthe Cisco part.
21:39.11aitpeanut-, takes a min. to fax it back to big deal
21:39.13peanut-disa-help: those bastards.
21:39.34hmmhesaysait: on some of them the password is cisco
21:39.45peanut-ait: I have to pay a whole dollar to fax it from the grocery store
21:40.03hmmhesaysI like the grocery store
21:41.50peanut-yea, I mean I Am out of caffeine.
21:44.21nestAryou could sign up for vitelity and use their email to fax service to sign up for voicepulse.. ;)
21:45.28*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
21:46.42hmmhesaysi've had good luck termininating faxes to vitelity over g711
21:46.49*** join/#asterisk VonGuard (n=fleamarc@
21:47.03*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
21:47.09VonGuardi just found out my wife is going to be working from home, and we'll need a fax machine.
21:47.19VonGuardI want to use Asterisk for this
21:47.26VonGuardwhere should I start?
21:47.31hmmhesaysasterisk is not a fax machine
21:47.35VonGuardi know
21:47.36hmmhesaysyou need to be more specific
21:47.39VonGuardi want to set
21:47.45*** join/#asterisk rnovotny22 (
21:47.47VonGuardi want to set up an asterisk box in my house to act as a PBX
21:47.52agxVonGuard, VoIP is for voice...
21:47.52VonGuardspecific enough?
21:48.03hmmhesaysincoming pstn lines, or from an ITSP?
21:48.16VonGuarduhm... if i set up an asterisk box and have it host a phone number, does it matter what goes out over the line?
21:48.33VonGuardsorry hmm... i am not sure what either of those achjronyms mean
21:48.47VonGuardis there a good linux distro targeted at making a box into an asterisk box?
21:48.50hmmhesayspstn line is a telephone line like you would plug your phone into
21:48.52agxVonGuard, yes a lot 'cause voip is for voice not for data; if you use PSTN just plug the fax to pstn; if you wanna use a voip provider you need T.38 support
21:48.57hmmhesayswhatever distro you are comfortable with
21:49.17hmmhesaysyou don't NEED t38 support
21:49.19VonGuardok, i getcha
21:49.27VonGuardi don't?
21:49.34VonGuardok.... maybe we should back up here
21:50.01VonGuardso, to make my own PBX i need  a PC, a network connection, that PCI phone card, and some sort of phone-like device to plug in and make the calls
21:50.02hmmhesaysis recommended, however I've had good results faxing over g711 across the net
21:50.21agxhmmhesays, ROLFMAO! 1 page probably
21:50.22hmmhesayswill you have regular telephone lines coming into your house?
21:50.23VonGuardi mean, fax, though data, is still just audio
21:50.34VonGuardwell i got a dsl line
21:50.36VonGuardbut that's it
21:50.52hmmhesaysyeah it is but fax machines are stupid,  you can't error correct a fax like your brain can error correct voice
21:51.08VonGuardok, yeah i getcha. cause voip does all that compression
21:51.25VonGuardso, i guess since i got a dsl line, i should just split the line and use the fax over it?
21:51.31VonGuardforget about asterisk entirely?
21:51.41hmmhesaysfax is timing dependent
21:51.42disa-helpgot DISA working :)
21:52.11hmmhesaysusually if you can avoid fax over IP, especially if you're a n00b you should do that
21:52.18hmmhesayswait until you learn some and have time to tinker and test
21:52.53agxVonGuard: that the bible about it
21:53.10hmmhesaysif you have regular incoming pstn lines you can terminate faxes to a regular fax machine through asterisk and be fine
21:53.17VonGuardah, thanks
21:53.31hmmhesaysyou can have a little IVR that says "if this is a fax press 1" or something like that
21:54.16Netgeeksfax over voip is picky as all hell......
21:54.25VonGuardah, so that still requires asterisk though
21:54.37hmmhesaysfax over a lan is pretty reliable
21:54.57hmmhesaysif your lan doesn't suck
21:55.07Netgeeksmake sure the lan supports qos and tag your voip packets as top of the heap, else spikey traffic on the lan can break fax
21:55.27hmmhesaysdidn't I just say that?
21:55.51NetgeeksI just expanded your 'doesn't suck' statement
21:56.06*** part/#asterisk zerohalo (
21:56.20VonGuardwell then
21:56.49Netgeeksi don't know if hmm already said this, but you could get a 4 port analog card with 2 fxs and two fxo and just hang your fax off the card
21:57.17Netgeeksthen just pop ffax calls back out over the card (if it came in on the card)
21:57.23VonGuardbut it'd still be voip, right?
21:57.28VonGuardwhich is bad, mmmkay?
21:57.33agxhmmhesays,Netgeeks this will work for 1 or 2 pages... lawyers send 30 pages and more and if the fax doest not arrive they lawsuit you :-P
21:57.52VonGuardyeah i need regular fax capabilities
21:57.55VonGuardlarge reports coming and going
21:58.05VonGuardi'm thinking just splitting the dsl line is the best bet
21:58.15VonGuardcause you can do phone calls over working dsl these days
21:58.19Netgeeksthe in-analog, out-analog should work just fine if your server running asterisk isn't resource starved
21:58.37Netgeeksoh, you are receiving fax over voip?
21:58.40Netgeekswell then
21:58.44VonGuardi'm not
21:58.55VonGuardi was considering it
21:59.11VonGuardbasically, my problem is i have 1 phone line and it's tied up with dsl. i have to have a fax machine somewhere in this house
21:59.18VonGuardthat's the entirety of the problem
21:59.31Netgeeksah, I wouldn't do it if it's not under your control 100% (i.e. LAN, T1, pstn phone line)
22:00.15VonGuarddo what?
22:00.21Netgeeksso use the phone line the dsl is on as your fax line, and get a voip carrier for your voice line
22:00.24VonGuardall those are under my control
22:00.32VonGuardlan, phone line, dsl
22:00.42VonGuardthis is just my house. the wife is gonna work from home now
22:00.45VonGuardand she needs a fax machine
22:01.22Netgeeksthe dsl really isn't under your control. it's under the carrier's control
22:01.30VonGuardwell, yeah
22:01.34wwalkerdo inbound calls come from a user or from a peer?
22:01.42VonGuardcovad and speakeasy, neither of which can find their own ass with a flashlight
22:01.52VonGuardinbound comes from outside
22:01.58VonGuardnot on the lan
22:02.11VonGuardor on the dsl or anything. just straight up faxes from the outside world
22:02.18VonGuardi just don't want to have to get another phone line
22:02.29VonGuardcause it'd be in another room away from the fax machine
22:02.40Netgeeksif it was me, id try for the simple solution... I'd use the local phone line as my fax line, dsl for internet and then get a number or two from a voip carrier for use as voice
22:02.43VonGuardplus the $30 amonth they charge
22:02.55VonGuardno need for voice at all
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22:02.59Netgeeksvoice tolerates the network issues alot better than fax
22:03.04VonGuardso, you suggets getting another phone line
22:03.10hmmhesaysso you only need fax?
22:03.14hmmhesaysjust buy a fax line
22:03.15VonGuardall i need here
22:03.17VonGuardyeah ok
22:03.19hmmhesayskeep your sanity
22:03.22Netgeeksright now you have dsl and a phone number right?
22:03.29VonGuardright now i have dsl
22:03.29Netgeeksonly dsl
22:03.30JTor buy a fax to email service
22:03.31VonGuardand a cell phone
22:03.42Netgeeksjust get a fax number on the same wires the dsl is on
22:03.47VonGuardthat's it. one two-pair
22:03.53Netgeeksyep, you can do both
22:04.00VonGuardok, that's what i kiinda thought
22:04.11VonGuardi can do incoming wihtout distrupting the network service?
22:04.15VonGuardwith a filter, right?
22:04.40Netgeeksthey both work at the same time, there is a filter that strips off the dsl signalling for the phone portion
22:05.04VonGuardok, that's what i kinda figured
22:05.07afrosheenyeah the dsl signal is way above what most people can hear and therefore above what a fax machine can hear
22:05.08VonGuardthanks for the advice
22:06.06VonGuardnow the really fun part
22:06.20VonGuardcalling covad and asking "How can i change my dry pair to a live pair?"
22:06.38afrosheencovad? get the vaseline, they're expensive as hell
22:07.03Netgeekscovad buys the rights to send dsl over your pair from a real carrier
22:07.08Netgeekslike SBC or verizon
22:07.13Netgeeksthey are the ones you want to call
22:07.14hmmhesayscovad voice! grrr
22:07.24VonGuardcall who?
22:07.38Netgeeksyes, pac bell aka SBC now
22:07.39VonGuarder AT&T
22:07.43*** part/#asterisk GreyFoxx (
22:07.44VonGuardyeah thanks
22:08.03Netgeeksmake sure you let them know covad is supplying dsl over the line as well
22:08.10Netgeeksso they don't smoke your dsl
22:08.39Netgeeksif it's sbc, I'd even hang around and try to be there when the tech comes out to hook up the phone line just to make sure
22:08.56VonGuardof course!
22:09.01VonGuardshit, covad fucked the install up 3 times
22:09.10QwellVonGuard: is that all?
22:09.14Qwellthey're getting good
22:09.17VonGuardsent me some 500 pound teenager who screwed it all up and disconnected the whole building
22:09.20Qwellbetter than the competition
22:09.30VonGuardhis supervisor came the next day, and he fucked it up too
22:09.46VonGuardi thought the first guy was gonna die of a heart attack coming up my stairs
22:09.53VonGuardhe barely fit through the door
22:12.18afrosheenhahah phone fatty
22:12.31*** join/#asterisk Somebee (n=sindre@
22:12.52afrosheenI had a pizza guy like that once, 3 flights of stairs = where's my medicine
22:12.55SomebeeHi. Do I need to set a special option to get the asterisk manager interface (telnet) to work from remote servers?
22:13.08SomebeeI get 'connection refused' now
22:13.31afrosheentelnet? I always leave ssh open and connect, su to root, then run asterisk -r
22:14.03Somebeemanager interface, not the console
22:14.15afrosheenoh, right, oops
22:15.26NetgeeksI'm in the bay area and I went with Sonic over SBC copper and they did a bang-up job, worked right off the bat
22:15.47[TK]D-FenderSomebee, look at what hosts you are permitting, what interface it is binding on, and what routing is in between.
22:16.17afrosheenasterisk manager is supposed to be port 5038 right
22:16.53Somebeeis it possible to permit all hosts just to test? I do permit the ip's that I try to connect from, with bindaddr and port 5038
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22:20.38lesouvageSorry, just checking my client
22:21.47Somebee[TK]D-Fender: On netstat -l it shows "tcp        0      0 localhost:5038          *:*                     LISTEN", while many other listeners are *:portnr instead of localhost:portnr
22:22.12SomebeeHow do I set it up in manager.conf to listen on all inbound channels and not just from localhost?
22:22.24[TK]D-FenderSomebee, look at your manager.conf
22:22.54SomebeeI have enabled = yes and bindaddr= I have also tried bindaddr external ip
22:23.02SomebeeIt is a dedicated asterisk-server btw
22:23.13[TK]D-FenderSomebee, could just be the representation of it.
22:23.28[TK]D-FenderSomebee, now check your firewall.
22:23.30Somebee[TK]D-Fender: what do you mean?
22:23.46Somebeehmm, how do I check if a port is open on a debianserver?
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22:27.44Somebee[TK]D-Fender: Ran 'knocker' and port 5038 does not seem to be open.
22:28.15[TK]D-FenderSomebee, "iptables --list
22:28.27SomebeeI don't think I have a firewall running so it sounds strange that the port is blocked in any way
22:28.57tzafrirSomebee, your ISP?
22:29.09SomebeeIt's in norway, a datacenter (DataGuard)
22:29.13[TK]D-FenderSomebee, "I don't think" really doesn't say much for your awareness of a machine you are supposed to be administering
22:30.00*** join/#asterisk rummey (
22:30.56Somebee[TK]D-Fender: Nope, this is an 'unadministered' server that I use for testing asterisk integration with a crm-system. I don't have much knowledge about it. It's only installed with debian etch, but patched in some twisted way to get some networkdrivers to work (the company that deployed the server did that)
22:30.57Somebeeiptables v1.3.6: can't initialize iptables table `filter': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?)
22:31.31rummeyI run a small business with 3 POTS lines, but I need to support up to 8 employees so I want to start using an asterisk solution.  Where can I ask some basic questions?
22:31.40[TK]D-FenderSomebee, Oh God I don't want to imagine what state your networking is in now...
22:31.50jboti guess wglwat is well, good luck with all that
22:31.55FremanYou probably havn't got all the required iptables modules loaded
22:31.59blitzragerummey: first thing to do is read several of the books available...
22:32.09blitzragerummey: but you can ask specific questions in here
22:32.53rummeyblitzrage: I understand how the system works, but I don't have a good handle on when you need a VOIP provider and when you can use POTS lines
22:33.16FremanWell, it depends on how you want life to be
22:33.26blitzragerummey: you can always use POTS lines as long as you have some hardware to plug them into (either a PCI card that goes into the machine, or an external adapter that converts the analog line to SIP)
22:33.48blitzragerummey: Asterisk is not magical -- if you have 3 phone lines, you will only get 3 simultaneous calls on those lines
22:34.03blitzragerummey: (and I only say that because I was at a BoF the other day, and someone didn't understand that)
22:34.06FremanI configure my trixboxes with voip as primary outgoing, if for any reason the voip fails, I let the user know and transfer the call to pots, I also use pots for toll free numbers and have an override number to enable direct dialing on the pots
22:34.07rummeyblitzrage: That's ok, I don't need to support more than 3 simul calls
22:34.16fileblitzrage: oh! how did it go?
22:34.42blitzragerummey: so you can use an ITSP to lower the long distance if you don't want to use the analog lines for long distance... or you can use the ITSP if you want the analog lines dedicated to inbound, etc...
22:35.01blitzragethe ITSP would be a good choice if you make long distance calls and want to provide LCR in the system (Least Cost Routing)
22:35.17blitzragefile: it went ok -- was very loud where we were.... it's amazing how many people know absolutely nothing about Asterisk :)
22:35.37rummeyOk, can you recommend a device that will allow me to plug in my three pots lines and allow many (> 8) IP phones to be used?
22:35.39mvanbaakwhat is asterisk ?
22:35.52JTFreman: wrong channel?
22:36.02Freman*, a cartoon, or a PBX
22:36.07FremanJT, eigh?
22:36.14Fremanwhich comment makes you think that?
22:36.48mvanbaakClamAV detected a virus: Asterisk:trixbox
22:37.00Fremannah, it's to early in the morning, I use trixbox to save typing (I know I sholdn't) I've never used a prefab box in my life (I'm a Gentooer after all)
22:37.02rummeyblitzrage: so an call made from in the office will grab any available POTS line for outgoing... how do incoming calls work?
22:37.02blitzrageJT: I think that is reasonably on topic
22:37.07Fremanlet me rephrase
22:37.20FremanI configure my asterisk boxes with voip as primary outgoing, if for any reason the voip fails, I let the user know and transfer the call to pots, I also use pots for toll free numbers and have an override number to enable direct dialing on the pots
22:37.26blitzragerummey: basically same way -- call comes in... triggers the line to be answered, then the call is controlled via a context in the dialplan
22:37.34JTblitzrage: sure, like cars and aeroplanes
22:37.52mvanbaakthe only time I use POTS for outgoing calls is 112 (911 in us I believe)
22:37.53rummeyso in that case you wouldn't want the incoming line to be one of the outgoing lines?
22:37.55blitzrageanalog lines would hit the 's' extension in the context if it were coming in on a PCI card
22:38.05Fremanalrs, that's good for you... but most aussie providers either don't provide rates, or provide them without prefixes
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22:38.10blitzrageJT: I disagree with that statement
22:38.35JTblitzrage: this isn't a trixbox channel
22:38.36Fremaneither way JT, I was answering in context of using pots vs voip
22:39.07mvanbaakI hate POTS
22:39.21mvanbaakalways a pain to setup
22:39.30Fremanmine wasn't
22:39.35blitzrageJT: I was talking about the LCR being on topic... not trixbox :)
22:39.46JTblitzrage: ah ok
22:39.53blitzrageour wires got crossed
22:40.02JTpots is junk compared to isdn though :)
22:40.04Fremanjeze, I wish my itsp/vsps would provide that format (c:
22:40.15mvanbaakJT: I see ISDN as POTS too
22:40.24Fremanno-one wants to pay for isdn tho
22:40.36blitzragetoo bad no BRI in North America
22:40.43mvanbaakwe have BRI here
22:40.49Dan0maN_Workhere too
22:40.55blitzrageya... wish we had it here
22:41.01mvanbaakbut dont be excited about it, it's digital ok, you have 2 lines ok
22:41.05Dan0maN_Workquite expensive tho
22:41.06mvanbaakbut besides that, it's crap
22:41.17mvanbaakI never use it anymore
22:41.22*** join/#asterisk duki (
22:41.30SomebeeIf i set bindaddr = *externalip* in manager.conf, should it stil show listening localhost:5038 in netstat -l?
22:41.35mvanbaakbandwidth is way cheaper then lines in an ISDN bundle
22:41.56mvanbaakand it's easier to debug
22:42.03mvanbaakno weird cryptic stuff
22:42.04JTmvanbaak: ISDN is completely different to POTS
22:42.11citatsSomebee: are you reloading after changing manager.conf or restarting?
22:42.20mvanbaakJT: I know. but it's still phonelines
22:42.23JTmvanbaak: also, PRIs are also ISDN
22:42.29mvanbaakI prefer voip
22:42.34Somebeereloading in asterisk console
22:42.37Somebeeshould I restart?
22:42.41citatsSomebee: yes
22:42.46mvanbaakJT: eh ?
22:42.50JTisdn is hardly cryptic
22:42.51mvanbaakyou prefer PRI ?
22:42.55JTof course
22:42.58JTit's far superior
22:42.59citatsSomebee: just set it to and restart and it will be on localhost and your external
22:43.09mvanbaaknot in my opinion
22:43.27mvanbaakip traffic is so much easier to handle
22:43.29JTwell from a reliability standpoint it's measured fact, not personal opinion
22:43.34JTand inefficient
22:43.35*** join/#asterisk dan__t (
22:43.42dan__t'evening, doods.
22:43.43JTand not designed for low latency voice
22:43.49JTor faxes
22:43.52JTor modem calls
22:43.55JTetc etc
22:44.12blitzragedan__t: evening d00deronomy
22:44.18*** join/#asterisk javb (n=javb@
22:44.20Somebeecitats: Thanks :D It worked perfectly
22:44.39mvanbaakJT: probably, but it works great
22:44.40dan__tSo as I understand it, I can have a phone behind NAT via SIP, so long as the Asterisk server is NOT behind NAT, correct?
22:44.43*** join/#asterisk Carlos_Tico (
22:45.05blitzragedan__t: that would be the ideal... you can make it work... but it's more difficult
22:45.06mvanbaakdan__t: that way it will work best indeed
22:45.25blitzrageif Asterisk is behind NAT... look at externip and localhost parameters in sip.conf
22:45.37[TK]D-Fenderdan__t, HERE :
22:45.39jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
22:45.43mvanbaakand make sure you redirect the correct ports
22:45.47dan__tYeah, been reading up on those.
22:45.57blitzrageQwell: oops... typo :)
22:46.00blitzrageend of day typo
22:46.03JTmvanbaak: sure, so long as every part of your voip network to the provider works great, and you're only trying to do voice, and you don't care about bandwidth wasteage
22:46.07blitzrageI even say localnet in my head, hehehe
22:46.20Qwellblitzrage: I do that *all* the time.  I end up with some interesting typos
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22:46.32QwellI don't pay attention to what I type, I just think and assume all is okay
22:46.35blitzrageQwell: yep... it's because I'm thinking ahead of what I'm typing :)
22:46.39mvanbaakJT: indeed. but that's all one needs right ?
22:46.41blitzragehahaha... totally
22:46.43dan__tI'll have this workin' tonight
22:46.47dan__tWITH these goddam polycoms.
22:46.49blitzrageI pay more attention when I write docs... but not a LOT more :)
22:46.57Qwellthat was my next question :)
22:47.03JTmvanbaak: not really
22:47.06Qwellwhen I'm writing things that matter, I pay *close* attention
22:47.08JTalso sip is a terrible mess
22:47.12JTand lacking in features
22:47.16mvanbaakJT: there I agree
22:47.25JTthey're trying to redress the problem with sip-t
22:47.25Qwellit usually takes me like 5 minutes to write a 2 sentence email :P
22:47.30mvanbaakthat's why we dont use it if we can avoid it (most of the time)
22:47.37JTbut i wonder when they will scrap sip for a better protocol
22:47.48blitzrageMGCP yo :)
22:47.49mvanbaakthere are some better protocols
22:47.55mvanbaakIAX2 and Skinny :)
22:47.56QwellI've been called out for that one too many times in a past life...
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22:49.14javbim installgin CentOS for my asterisk, but it is not detecting my disk.. which is detected by Ubuntu Server... Installer took a lot of time loading scsi driver, i know this chan is not about CentOS but, as this is the mostly distro used for asterisk, and i want it for asterisk, tought i could find some idea around here.
22:49.32Qwelljavb: CentOS has an IRC channel too, you know.
22:49.45Qwelland no, CentOS is not "the mostly distro used"
22:49.52mvanbaakjavb: asterisk runs fine on ubuntu
22:49.56Dan0maN_Workheh.  flame war coming ;)
22:50.14Qwellno flame
22:50.16JTmvanbaak: IAX2 is trash, as if it qualifies as "betteR"
22:50.34javbQwell, thanks.
22:50.38mvanbaakJT: anything in asterisk actually is good ?
22:50.42javbmvanbaak: Thanks.
22:51.00JTmvanbaak: good, from a telco perspective, not really, but a lot of things are workable
22:51.07JTbut voip protocols aren't asterisk specific
22:51.42QwellIAX2 has one good thing going for it.  It was written BEFORE the specifications.
22:51.56JTmvanbaak: just don't try and push too many calls
22:52.12QwellJT: people have load tested the crap out of iax2, and had little to no problems
22:52.22Qwellthe wimba folks, for example..
22:52.23mvanbaakJT: 10000 calls a day has not been a problem for our 2node cluster
22:53.27JTmvanbaak: how many concurrent calls? how many on the one trunk?
22:53.46mvanbaakwe only have 1 trunk
22:53.52JTQwell: most people who've done any volume of iax2 trunking testing know it's terribly unstables
22:53.57mvanbaakand max is something like 200 concurrent calls
22:54.23JTand if the "trunk" dies, boom, there go all your calls
22:54.40mvanbaakif the trunk dies we are blackedout
22:55.10*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
22:55.15mvanbaakit's on redundant fiber to a cluster of boxen that do the termination to phonenet for us
22:55.29JTthey must love you
22:55.42dan__tiax2 trunking is unstable/
22:55.58mvanbaakthey better, considered the ammount of pennies we pay them every month
22:56.15JTmvanbaak: technically they probably hate you though
22:56.41JTiax2 is terrible for provider side load balancing
22:56.41mvanbaakJT: actually they do
22:56.48mvanbaakthey want us to switch to SIP
22:56.50JTit's quite a mess compared to sip
22:57.05JTyes it's a massive waste of resources and inefficient to administer
22:57.19JTyou can't proxy it easy
22:57.27JTand combined signalling and media doesn't help
22:57.32mvanbaakbut because our setup is behind loadbalanced openbsd nat cluster we prefer iax
22:57.59JTi'm not sure how the openbsd bit is relevant :)
22:58.00mvanbaakwith sip stuff just wont work correctly
22:58.11JTit does if setup right
22:58.22mvanbaakwell, it makes our boxen work on a privat net
22:58.47mvanbaaktheirs is behind nat
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22:58.54mvanbaakand our customers use sip phones behind nat
22:59.00mvanbaakthat's not really helping
22:59.44JTit's not that hard to make work
23:01.01mvanbaakwell, it wouldn't in our case
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23:03.19JTyou must've been doing something wrong :)
23:03.22[TK]D-FenderI run double-NAT'd scenarios all over just fine.
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23:05.53GreggBDoes anyone use Digium's IAXy (ATA)? How do you like it?
23:06.16khronosHate mine, has bad echo problems.
23:06.42GreggBkhronos: Hmm... I'm looking for an ATA which uses IAX2 - any suggestions?
23:06.57Qwellecho?  on voip?
23:07.07khronosLook at a company called Soyo I think it is.
23:07.20khronosCosts less than Digium's device and does both sip and iax.
23:07.50khronosYep, hear my voice com back at me a second or so later or some calls.
23:08.01Strom_Ckhronos: that's not the iaxy's fault
23:08.05Strom_Ckhronos: that's far-end echo
23:08.43GreggBkhronos: alright, I'll google around for soyo - thanks
23:08.46khronosOk, if so, why does this only happen when i use the iaxy.
23:08.57khronosAny other type of connection things work fine.
23:09.39JTto the same phone numbers?
23:09.44JTsame provider
23:09.44khronosAlso things echo on the remote side from time to time as well.
23:09.51riddleboxman I am pissed, I signed up for Charter cable Telephone service, they told me that their lines are exactly like SBC(att) lines, I get it installed and find out that disconnect supervision is only provided to business customers
23:10.05JTif you understood echo you'd realise it's completely from the remote end or your handset
23:10.15Qwellriddlebox: sbc usually only gives disconnect supervision to biz customers too
23:10.25[TK]D-FenderGreggB, All ATA & hardphones suporting IAX2 *SUCK*
23:10.25QwellStrom_C: see msg :P
23:10.27Strom_CQwell: o rly?
23:10.43Strom_CQwell: i've always had disconnect supervision on residential lines in california from sbc
23:10.48riddleboxQwell, really? I thought they provided it to everyone
23:11.25khronosOk, mayube there's something I don't understand about echo.
23:11.44khronosThe only thing I can really say is that no matter what phone I use on my iaxy I get this echo problem.
23:11.52khronosI use any phone on the linksys things just work.
23:11.54GreggB[TK]D-Fender: Alright, so I suppose my better bet is to run with a SIP device such as the LinkSys SPA2002
23:12.09[TK]D-FenderGreggB, SPA-2102 now, yes
23:12.13Qwellkhronos: how are the calls getting to the other end?
23:12.55peanut-how lond goes it take voicepulse to activate your account after you fax their crap back to them?
23:13.00khronosI was accessing conferences on different Asterisk servers.
23:13.28khronosLast time I hooked up with Voicepulse what I did was call them after I sent in my faxes.
23:13.45GreggB[TK]D-Fender: Alright - thanks. We're happily using a couple of SPA2002's, so I suppose the SPA2102's are just a bit better :-)
23:14.04[TK]D-FenderGreggB, loads better.
23:14.38khronosAsterisk versions 1.2.13, 1.2.20 and 1.2.24
23:14.50khronosAll have same problem.
23:15.18[TK]D-Fenderkhronos, Asterisk doesn't have anything to do with Echo.
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23:15.47khronosSo this is in my hand sets then?
23:16.02[TK]D-Fenderkhronos, Evidently.
23:16.03khronosI tried four different ones.
23:16.17Qwellsounds like you need to upgrade to 1.4
23:16.39[TK]D-Fenderkhronos, Near end echo.  basically the gains are wonky on your ATA and it either has a sucky AEC routine, or none at all
23:17.20Strom_C1-2 second delay isn't near end echo
23:17.24[TK]D-Fenderkhronos, hrm, may have mixed a small thing up.
23:17.42[TK]D-Fenderkhronos, what interface is you call coming in over?
23:18.51[hC]anyone here played with (and succeeded) at configuring polycom VLAN id via DHCP options?
23:20.11blitzrage[hC]: never tried... sorry
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23:21.44khronosiax trunk.
23:24.25[TK]D-Fenderkhronos, I have seen an iax2 client or two that literally lagged on and completely unencumbered local LAN.  switch to sip = no lag... but this is not "echo"
23:24.43[TK]D-Fenderkhronos, what exactly is on the EACH side of the IAX2 link?
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23:35.12JTkhronos: was it actually in trunking mode?
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