IRC log for #asterisk on 20071010

00:01.45flendersknarfly: all tests I did with linksys phones were fine with speakerphones and all, but on production, we had lots of complaints, so changed the ones on boardrooms for polycoms IP430s and people are loving it
00:03.41*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
00:04.12nnyERROR[4320] chan_zap.c: Unable to open channel 3: No such device or address
00:04.12nnyhere = 0, tmp->channel = 3, channel = 3
00:04.16nnyis a better error
00:05.49knarflynny: that looks okay...and you should have to create're running Linux
00:06.00nnyyeah i thought so
00:06.22nnyknarfly: why the missing device errors in messages though??
00:06.23knarflyand you do have two lines into this machine?
00:07.07knarflyI run FreeBSD...different kind of animal...but still you shouldn't have parts of /var disappearing...that's beyond me
00:07.31knarflynny what happens when you run ztcfg?
00:07.39knarflyor zttool?
00:07.50nnysays 2 channels configured
00:08.08nny03 and 04
00:08.10knarflydid you try pissing on a spark plug yet...!
00:08.18nnythats after i am done
00:08.33knarflyit should work...but I'm not really an expert on zaptel yet
00:09.48mockersigh, my dialplan just got a ton more complicated because of damn softphones.
00:10.27*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
00:10.47knarflymocker: well we all have our little problems....what softphone, X-Lite?
00:11.26mockerThe software doesn't matter, the fact that people exit out of them matterse.
00:11.52mockerWhen they exit, my dundi setup doesn't see that as a valid extension anymore kills the call.
00:11.54knarflyyes, but remember if it weren't for users...they wouldn't need techs
00:12.02*** part/#asterisk atomicd (
00:16.08*** join/#asterisk grimsy (
00:21.16*** part/#asterisk nny (
00:30.09*** join/#asterisk nny (
00:30.39nnycan anyone tell me why /var/run/asterisk directory is not being created upon boot? (And why it is so &*@&#*( hard to secure asterisk)
00:32.34nny*in ubuntu at least*
00:33.37nnyinit script is apparenlty garbage
00:35.48wiljacketnyy: are you running feisty?
00:36.13wiljacketI remember having that problem with edgy
00:39.07nnynah 6.06
00:39.20nnyproblem is the init.d scripts make config installs
00:39.24nnythey suck big time
00:39.34nnyusing good ones from another server fixed a lot
00:39.43nnyincluding using init.d to unload zaptel
00:42.54drwelbyFor a users.conf User, can you have hassip=yes and hasiax=yes and have both a sip phone and and iax phone use the same username?
00:43.04drwelbyOr are the two mutually exclusive
00:43.09wiljackethehe, trouble with 6.06 is what turned me over to just compiling * from cvs/source to get rid of all of the crap in the configs.. but if you need to work in ubuntu and apt, I hear good things about feisty and asterisk
00:43.29wiljacketthat init script stuff is at least taken care of
00:43.58*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
00:44.43nnyi am using source on 6.06
00:44.46nnyit's a long story
00:45.33nnybeer time.. short version.. init.d scripts made with make config don't create /var/run/asterisk dir for running as non-root AND even the init.d scripts for zaptel break.. used some scripts from another server i have, all is wonderful
00:45.54nnyzaptel init.d script now even unloads modules
00:45.58nnytomorrow I post on wiki
00:46.03nnytonight I create
00:46.14nnylater all
00:46.20*** part/#asterisk nny (
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00:53.20*** join/#asterisk brut- (n=brut@
01:01.48*** join/#asterisk Raky-2 (n=John@
01:03.13*** join/#asterisk asdx (
01:19.43*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
01:20.11mockerAnyone know if there is a way to check if an extension exists?  Sorta like ChanIsAvail but for an extension?
01:23.06[TK]D-Fendermocker, ChanIsAvail <-
01:25.53mocker[TK]D-Fender: But sometimes an extension is not a channel..
01:26.03[TK]D-Fendermocker, And how is that?
01:26.04mockerif that makes sense..
01:27.00mocker[TK]D-Fender: If I have an extension that just goes to say an IVR.
01:27.16[TK]D-Fendermocker, And yes I understood right from the start exactly what you're looking for and I'm hoping that your thinking about what KIND fo channel can represent that for the purpose of using that app :)
01:27.51mockerI tried Local/${EXTEN}
01:27.55mockerThinking that might do it..
01:28.57[TK]D-Fendergetting warmer!
01:29.08[TK]D-FenderALMOST there!
01:30.38mockerI'm hitting a wall I guess.
01:32.25mockerWell, it wasn't Zap...
01:32.29mockerBut I didn't think it would be.
01:32.35mocker[TK]D-Fender: I'll get you for this. :)
01:33.37[TK]D-Fendermocker, here : ChanIsAvail(Local/12345@context/n) <---------- "/n" is literal.
01:34.33mockerOhh, damn contexts!
01:34.50Raky-2hey, that's a pretty cool feature.
01:36.03mocker[TK]D-Fender: Thanks, I'll try that.
01:36.05*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
01:37.43*** join/#asterisk techie (
01:37.46*** join/#asterisk Dalbaech (
01:37.54Dalbaechhas anyone played with alarmreceiver much?
01:38.12*** part/#asterisk |R (
01:38.15mocker[TK]D-Fender: That worked.
01:38.20mocker[TK]D-Fender: You're the man. :)
01:38.23[TK]D-Fendermocker, You're welcome :)
01:38.56mocker[TK]D-Fender: Do you ever read/post on asterisk-useres?
01:39.06[TK]D-Fendermocker, not usually
01:39.50mockerI talked to Jared Smith@digium about creating an asterisk-dcap list
01:40.02mockerSomething with a little less volume.
01:41.12[TK]D-Fendermocker, I'm sure it'll find some kind of following..
01:41.29*** join/#asterisk droops (
01:41.44mockerNever do major dialplan changes w/o regression testing.
01:41.50mockersaves my ass every time.
01:43.34*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
01:44.10Qwellmocker: feel free to write test scripts and submit them
01:44.19Qwellrussellb: see my email?
01:44.23russellbQwell: not yet, no
01:44.31mockerHah, I was at Astricon and it seemed to be a pretty hot topic. :-)
01:44.38mockerHence the j/k
01:44.41Qwelljust the mac address question earlier..  answer is yes, you do need it added
01:44.58russellbah ha, thanks
01:45.06Qwellhad to get mine added too, so did Kevin
01:45.09russellbmocker: hehe, yeah, it's all good
01:45.26russellbmocker: but seriously, i understand that it's something people want us to do
01:45.27Qwellrussellb: I'd like to get a PoE switch for our private LAN, so we can do all of that stuff there
01:45.29russellbi have been thinking about it a good bit
01:45.41*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
01:45.45russellbQwell: sounds like a good plan
01:45.49russellbQwell: would save us a lot of pain
01:46.04QwellI mean, we don't "need" PoE, but...yeah :D
01:46.39mockerrussellb: Has Jared's community project gotten much traction yet?
01:46.45mocker(I imagine he's been pretty busy)
01:46.56russellbmocker: not a lot yet, i think
01:47.03russellbi added a couple scripts to start it off :)
01:47.10russellband made it generate a pdf, too
01:48.11mocker[TK]D-Fender: I'm having to rewrite my dialplan because of softphones. :(
01:48.29[TK]D-Fendermocker, and why is that?
01:49.08mockerI had a great setup where sip registrations would be dynamically added to my dialplan by registering to a context.
01:49.16mockerWorks great w/ hardphones.
01:49.29[TK]D-Fendermocker, regexten.... BLEH
01:49.43mockerBecause the extension is always there..  Softphone laptop gets closed, and then that extension no longer exists!
01:50.15mockerIt was great until they started giving me telecommuters!
01:50.26symlinkI hate you Rogers, I really really hate you
01:50.40russellbmocker: it's ok, i really like regexten :)
01:51.15mockerI like it too, I just wasn't planning on extensions disappearing.
01:51.39mockerStrangely people want their voicemail box to pick up even if their laptop is off.
01:51.47russellboh, heh, oops
01:51.50russellbget it fixed?
01:52.05mockerrussellb: Yeah, but it's not as pretty as it used to be.
01:52.49russellbbut the cool thing is, it was possible, right?  ;)
01:52.54Raky-2hey guys
01:53.08russellbasterisk dialplan is a weird world.
01:53.12russellbRaky-2: greetings
01:53.18Raky-2any idea where the setting is, to always allow SIP traffic to go through the server.
01:53.39mockerrussellb: Yeah, love that it's possible. :)
01:54.15russellbRaky-2: sounds like you're looking for the "allowguest=yes" option in the [general] section of sip.conf
01:54.20mockerrussellb: Eventually I'll need to learn AEL so I can actually have indenting that makes sense!
01:54.57Raky-2well basically, what i mean is
01:55.15Raky-2currently when i make a direct call to someone, it will use the bandwidth at each user's connection
01:55.20Raky-2however, when i connect to a conference
01:55.28Raky-2it will use the server's bandwidth
01:55.37Raky-2i was wondering if there's a way to always route SIP traffic to use the server's bandwidth
01:55.40Raky-2if that makes any sense, haha.
01:56.00mockerRaky-2: canreinvite ?
01:57.00Raky-2i currently have canreinvite set to no, let me read up on it.
01:57.01Raky-2thanks heaps!
01:57.31*** join/#asterisk Freman (
01:57.41Fremanheyas, got my hands on a couple of polycom phones
01:57.49Fremanwhat firmware/bootrom should I be on?
01:58.08Fremanoh... and how in blazes to I get the latest if needed?
01:58.16Raky-2the problem which i'm having mocker
01:58.27mockerFreman: Polycom authorized reseller. :(
01:58.30Raky-2is that i have two * machined trunked together
01:58.35mockerFreman: They don't just let you download the latest firmware.
01:58.49Raky-2when i make local calls so let's say on Box.A to Box.B it works fine.
01:58.58Raky-2when i make calls from Box.A to Box.B it's scrambled.
01:59.10Raky-2however, if i connect from Box.A to Box.B-conference, the quality is fine?
01:59.29mockerRaky-2: Define scrambled?
01:59.49Raky-2i often tell them they sound like satan.
02:00.50mockerHave you unloaded
02:01.32mockerI guess what I would check is the codec being used across all the boxes to ensure you aren't transcoding 50 times.
02:01.45mockerdisallow=all, allow=gsm
02:01.49mockerOr something like that.
02:02.02mockerAlso look for any weird messages in your console.
02:02.03Raky-2yeah, the machines are connected over gsm.
02:02.15mockerAnd the endpoints?
02:02.22Raky-2Box.A uses alaw, Box.B uses ulaw
02:02.45Raky-2but even if i use gsm across the board, it still has that sound.
02:03.29*** part/#asterisk kiwoneka (
02:05.39mockerDo you have a hardware clock on both boxes?
02:05.44mockerOr are you using ztdummy?
02:07.27*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
02:07.42mockerRaky-2: 2.6 kernel?
02:08.36Raky-2one is 2.6.18, the other
02:09.09mockerAnd nothing strange comes across the console?
02:10.00*** join/#asterisk LakeSolon (
02:10.24Raky-2nothing at al
02:11.10mockerRaky-2: Try running zttest..
02:11.29*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
02:17.49*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (n=bjohnson@
02:23.40*** join/#asterisk blinky42 (
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02:48.11jbotrumour has it, grandstream is the Yugo of VoIP hardware.  Run.  Run away now.
02:51.21*** join/#asterisk sammy__98 (
02:51.39Dalbaechbut ugly.
02:54.07[TK]D-FenderGrandstream.... putting the "fun" back into Dysfunctional!
02:54.19*** join/#asterisk mihinomenest (n=argh@
02:54.36*** join/#asterisk waKKu (n=worth@unaffiliated/wakku)
03:00.32jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
03:00.40J4k3alas, my budgetone 101's work great
03:00.45mockerAnyone have a FWD account they can try to place a test call for me?
03:00.49J4k3just remember they're half the price of a good phone
03:00.52J4k3so expect half the performance
03:00.58J4k3if you do that, you'll be very happy with the bt101
03:01.11J4k3as for the more expensive units, dunno...  if I was spending real money, I'd buy a real phone.
03:01.29riddleboxJ4k3, that is true, the GXP-2000 works great, until you use the speaker phone
03:01.49J4k3you can get low end polycoms for the price of the 2000 (in the USA at least)
03:04.03*** join/#asterisk CaRb0n^ (n=Omer@
03:07.58*** join/#asterisk MdeP (n=mdep@
03:09.26Dalbaechyea mocker
03:09.27Dalbaechwhat's up?
03:11.10mockerDalbaech: Just testing my setup.
03:11.32mockerCan you try to call 720298?
03:13.45Dalbaechthat's the responses
03:13.50Dalbaechwhen calling
03:13.52Dalbaechtry calling
03:14.02mockerI can't, I'm not at home where the box is.:)
03:14.15Dalbaechok; I get a timeout when calling you
03:14.18*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=pepOSX@
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03:17.25Dalbaechok; calling a FWD test # works
03:17.28Dalbaechso it's something with your setuip
03:17.56mockerDalbaech: Oh, I was pretty sure of that. :)
03:18.04Dalbaechwell, I wasn't.
03:18.12DalbaechI hadn't been sending anything outbound to FWD in a LONG time
03:18.18DalbaechI had to add a new outgoing rule for it
03:18.25mockerheh, awesome.
03:18.36DalbaechI use SIPbroker to do most of the dialing, except the PAP2's truncate *XXXXX to *XX
03:19.58[TK]D-FenderDalbaech, go fix its dialplan then.
03:20.14Dalbaechnah; I live without it for now.
03:20.24DalbaechI mainly did it so I can use incoming to be sent (a sipbroker gateway)
03:24.25mockerDalbaech: Can you try one more time?
03:26.30*** join/#asterisk mordaunt (n=mordaunt@unaffiliated/mordaunt)
03:29.00*** join/#asterisk BBHoss (n=hoss@
03:29.26Dalbaechwell, if you could decode what the "fast beep", etc meant
03:29.39Dalbaechyou could jsut call it through one of my DIDs
03:29.51Dalbaechor a sipbroker #
03:30.15[TK]D-Fenderperhaps some sip debug on the INBOUND attempt would say something........
03:30.45mocker[TK]D-Fender: That's the problem, I'm not seeing any attempts.
03:30.57Dalbaechsilly question
03:31.11Dalbaechis your register line proper?
03:31.20Dalbaechand is it NAT'd?             720298             105 Registered
03:31.41Dalbaechset verbose 99
03:31.43[TK]D-Fendermocker, nothing with SIP debug enabled?
03:32.07[TK]D-Fendermocker, Indeed... any NAT involved?
03:32.16mockerYeah, NAT involved..
03:32.23mockerI set the externip and localnet though.
03:32.26[TK]D-Fendermocker, pastebin your sip.conf masking only passwords
03:32.35mockerI just see register attempts..
03:32.56DalbaechX-Asterisk-HangupCause: Unallocated (unassigned) number
03:33.28DalbaechSIP/2.0 404 Not Found
03:35.17DalbaechI get not found when calling ya man
03:35.27Dalbaechsomething's up with the NAT or with the registration
03:36.23[TK]D-Fendermocker, ....tsk tsk
03:37.25[TK]D-Fendermocker, your extenip & localnet are being IGNORED because you put them AFTER the register statement.  You have to do all your settings BEFORE your register statements.  You also forgot "canreinvite=no", and "nat=yes".
03:37.26mockercrap, that means it's obvious.
03:37.35[TK]D-FenderIndeed it is.
03:38.00Dalbaechflying monkeys.
03:38.42mockerHeh, that's what you're supposed to hear when you call me. :()
03:39.03mocker[TK]D-Fender: What's funny is, the example sip.conf has register before the nat settings.
03:39.48Dalbaech**** happens.
03:39.53Dalbaechjust try it
03:40.13jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
03:40.49mockerDalbaech: Oh, I'm sure he's right. :)
03:40.55mockerHe has an annoying habit of that.
03:42.51mockerDalbaech: Can you try again?
03:42.55mockerMade those changes.
03:43.11Dalbaechno dice
03:44.00Dalbaech<-- SIP read from
03:44.01DalbaechSIP/2.0 404 Not Found
03:44.40[TK]D-Fendermocker, you port forwarding?
03:44.47Dalbaechthis is when calling 720298
03:44.57mocker[TK]D-Fender: Yeah.
03:45.05[TK]D-Fendermocker, what exactly?
03:45.24mockerLemme install a text mode browser real quick. :)
03:45.27hmmhesaystranscoding a cell phone call into g729 sounds like chiat
03:48.08*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
03:48.29mocker[TK]D-Fender: sorry, text mode browsers aren't going to cut it.
03:48.41mocker[TK]D-Fender: I'll revisit it when I'm home, thanks for the ideas though.
03:48.52mockerSounds like NAT is my issue.
03:49.37[TK]D-Fendermocker, well * should be set up right if you followed my corrections.  the rest is up to your router
03:49.54mocker[TK]D-Fender: The weird thing is that I have another ITSP I use just fine w/ sip.
03:50.20mockerincoming call goes to tt-monkeys.
03:50.31hmmhesaysi use vitelity
03:50.45hmmhesaysgod today was crazy, rtp streams getting mixed up going to the wrong places
03:50.46hmmhesaysn shit
03:51.09mockerBut that's freaking awesome.
03:51.23mockerI read on the list about someone installing a SIP phone in a bank drive through window.
03:51.45mockerI cringed, hoping he knows that SIP isn't encrypted
03:52.15hmmhesaysthere are things you can do
03:52.23Raky-2sorry, what's zttest?
03:52.27*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (n=leon@
03:52.30mockerhmmhesays: Yeah, you just have to know to do them. :)
03:53.06mockerwireshark, or, how to scare a new asterisk admin.
03:53.34Raky-2i'm running it now, on both machines.
03:54.55hmmhesaysand it depends if it is a sip phone running across the internet, lan or p2p
03:57.50Raky-2mocker: what does zttest do?
03:58.00Raky-2it's just shooting out percentages of accuracy?
03:58.34mockerRaky-2: I have to head home, but basically it checks for IRQ misses on your machine.
03:59.05mockerIs it running clean?
03:59.19Raky-2yeah seems to be running clean
03:59.19*** join/#asterisk AJaymn (
03:59.31Raky-2started tih 99.98% averaging around 99.95%
03:59.53Raky-2Best: 100.000000 -- Worst: 99.902344 -- Average: 99.953306
04:00.01Raky-2Best: 99.975586 -- Worst: 99.792480 -- Average: 99.957579
04:00.04Raky-2those are the two machines.
04:00.37BBHossi hate freepbx
04:00.39mockerThose aren't great scores, but you might shoot your problem out again.
04:00.52mockerRaky-2: [TK]D-Fender is back. :)
04:01.04Raky-2yooo BBHoss
04:01.23*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
04:03.27*** join/#asterisk SexyKen (
04:03.37SexyKenAnyone know how to make the IP 600 connect to multiple SIP servers?
04:03.44Dalbaechanyone have a fax available?
04:04.17fujinoh god
04:04.25hmmhesaysyay faxes
04:04.34DalbaechI really haven't had problems
04:04.40hmmhesaysbetween like hardware running the same firmware releases its fine
04:04.44hmmhesaysany other time, hells no
04:04.44Dalbaechit's a box with a REALLY good connection
04:05.04hmmhesaysI fought for weeks with a shitty dsl connection
04:05.20Dalbaechwell, between the telco and my box.... there's....
04:05.58DalbaechI think i'm going to go do that sleep thing....
04:06.04Dalbaechfeel free to send me SPAM fax
04:09.07Dalbaechyay... fax.
04:14.58*** join/#asterisk craigk (n=ckowald@
04:16.36Dalbaechgood night all
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05:03.30TrentCreekanyone up for a question on extension.conf?
05:04.07*** part/#asterisk techie (
05:04.10pepsedon't ask to ask
05:04.34TrentCreekokay i set it up and it is functioning to make calls in the US
05:04.41*** join/#asterisk twoshadetod (
05:04.50TrentCreekbut I cannot dial the extra numbers and call out of the country
05:05.04TrentCreekwhat is the format?
05:05.24pepse011 + country code + city code + number
05:07.02TrentCreekcurently it is setup like exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,SetCallerID(1234567890)
05:07.06twoshadetodi read a very good looking guide that talks about using a cd to reformat the system and install it's own sort of os.  But I also see asterisk in my synaptic list in ubuntu.  I much rather have a system I'm used to , is the ubuntu way just as good?
05:07.12TrentCreekexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,2,Dial,IAX2/
05:08.24pepseyou could do exten => _011.,2,Dialetc
05:09.09pepseor if you know the countries/cities you'll be dialing to you can get more specific
05:09.20pepseN is 2-9, X is anything, etc etc
05:09.26pepseat least i think N is 2-9.
05:10.45TrentCreekyou mean add an additional exten => to that phone?
05:11.43TrentCreekor change what i got?
05:14.31*** join/#asterisk karleeto (n=karl@
05:21.54TrentCreeki see a third one : exten => _011.,1,SetCallerID(1234567890)
05:23.13TrentCreeki think I got it
05:25.55TrentCreekAnyone, anyone?
05:25.56TrentCreekexten => _011.,1,SetCallerID(1234567890)
05:25.57TrentCreekexten => _011.,2,2,Dial,IAX2/
05:26.22TrentCreekstill can't call international
05:29.34Strom_MTrentCreek: which version of asterisk are you using?
05:30.13TrentCreekwas that extension done right?
05:31.39*** join/#asterisk jarod14 (
05:35.18Strom_Mthere is no 1.14
05:35.35Strom_Mbut if you're using 1.4, you shouldn't be reading examples that use 1.0 syntax
05:36.42AJaymnAnyone know of a good DID provider thats less then $4 per DID?
05:36.52AJaymnfor unlimited invbound
05:36.54TrentCreeki di
05:36.56TrentCreeki do
05:36.59jqlI presume you mean not in bulk
05:37.06TrentCreekbu tyou have to buy them in bulk
05:37.14jqlheh, yeah. bulk is easy
05:37.32AJaymnwell lets say 25 at a time :P
05:37.32jqlyou want 500 numbers? I got the hookup. heh
05:37.54jql(no, not really)
05:43.38*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
05:47.31TrentCreeki did get me international calling to function
05:47.46TrentCreekI had a typo in the exentions.conf file
05:53.39TrentCreekanyway to monitor the call quality?
05:53.56jqlrtcp debug and stuff
05:55.18TrentCreekRTCP (Real-time Control Protocol)
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06:02.18JTTrentCreek: what was the point of that flood?
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06:07.54TrentCreekCame from a great Speech tonight
06:08.06TrentCreekfilmed the whole thing
06:08.18TrentCreekol' Gorby
06:09.06JTi see
06:09.53TrentCreeknyet ;-)
06:14.21Fremanwhoot, found the firmware 2.2 for the polycom's
06:14.27Freman(raided the trixbox repo (c: )
06:15.38jqlI'm pretty happy with 2.2, so far
06:15.48jqlI even dared to upgrade the bootrom
06:15.50jqlscary stuff
06:16.43awkhow do you lower music on hold vulume?
06:17.59awki'm using madplay
06:18.04BBHossjql: anything different or any good features
06:18.36jqlBBHoss: various bugfixes, and it was the first release I've used with nat ping
06:18.44jqlwhich I eagerly turned on
06:19.41jqland it supports the 550, which is a kickass phone. damn
06:20.34jqlalso, it fixed the microbrowser to not look all bizzare, which tempts me to use it for stuff
06:20.39BBHossbasically a keepalive
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06:25.47Fremanthat's why I'm looking at it
06:26.02Freman2.1 introduces microbrowser for the 430, 2.2 fixes it (c:
06:26.45jqllol, sounds right
06:27.13Fremanholey hell.. the version I found of it is has a 13.8 meg sip.ld
06:30.39Fremannow to work out that template stuff...
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06:36.19psy65535ok so I'm attached to a sip trunk, inbound calls work fine. testing my outbound dialplan I can get the record app to record voice but functions like WaitForSilence and AMD are reporting that they are not hearing anything. I've been up and down the firewall config, any ideas?
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06:41.37TrentCreekhave you tried a WAOT before starting the call to allow the network to settle down first?
06:41.42TrentCreekoops.. WAIT
06:42.02psy65535there really isn't a lot of traffic right now.. I'm doing testing with one channel
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06:42.58psy65535what is most strange is that I'm seeing all sorts of traffic but the udp stuff from the box I care about doesn't even show up in the firewall log
06:43.20psy65535but I am registered and the phone does ring...
06:43.35jqlasterisk sees the incoming rtp packets, though?
06:43.38TrentCreekyeah but
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06:44.03psy65535hard to say. I do have that port range natted over to the asterisk host.
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06:44.10TrentCreeksometimes conections happen faster than what the rets of the system can repsond to
06:44.16jqlrtp debug gives good info
06:46.09psy65535nice flood
06:46.24psy65535rtp definitely getting stuff
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06:47.00jqlwell, that's good at least
06:47.01psy65535can I paste a line from the output?
06:47.07jqla line is fine
06:47.10psy65535app_waitforsilence.c:102 do_waiting: No audio available on SIP/
06:47.24jqlwas that the entire line?
06:47.44psy65535channel name and date time truncated
06:47.51jqlbecause that line no channel
06:48.08psy655351 more time. :)
06:48.10psy65535Oct  9 23:45:11 WARNING[30170]: app_waitforsilence.c:102 do_waiting: No audio available on SIP/telasip-gw-0826b6b8??
06:49.17jqlwell, that generally means 4 seconds have passed without audio
06:49.27jqlwhich is weird, considering you're seeing packets fly in
06:49.30jqlnat problem?
06:51.07psy65535well there is definitely natting going on but I've got the entire rtp range forwarding
06:51.37psy65535what else should I be looking for; or is the waitforsilence app using the channel differently?
06:51.56jqlit seems like asterisk is not recognizing the incoming packets as belonging to *that* channel, which is weird if "rtp debug" displays the incoming packets
06:52.06jqlthat would tend to indicate that asterisk is listening on that port
06:52.13jqlI dunno
06:52.50psy65535I'm thinking about checking the code difference between channel use between the two applications (waitforsilence and record)
06:53.57psy65535what is most curious is that AMD was working a couple weeks ago -- all of a sudden it stopped. Nothing changed in the fw config, in fact due to this I've started getting more involved with the firewall config and nat translation
06:54.07psy65535I shrug too
06:55.23jqlI had to do some funky nat stuff to get asterisk to talk on two networks at once. very annoying
06:55.33jqlI really wish support was a bit better
06:56.21jqlmy iptables config is scary, even for me
06:56.28psy65535kinda why we have each other
06:56.33psy65535and open code
06:56.50*** part/#asterisk kiscokid (
06:58.40psy65535any suggestions working asterisk with ddd?
06:58.53psy65535flags, options, caveats, tips?
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06:59.13TrentCreeki got a quicky...Looking at the call progresses, I see no call total can I see how much time per call?
06:59.45psy65535I'm database driven but I believe that is in the CDR information
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07:04.03TrentCreeki am too...but...SIP calls from the internal connection is not
07:05.01psy65535they should all go into the cdr table then, internal or external
07:06.06TrentCreekokay..thanks for that info
07:07.07TrentCreekits only 1 or 2 people using inside...I am just curious
07:07.30TrentCreekcan the aserisk box detect answer ?
07:07.48jqldefine detect and define answer
07:08.10psy65535careful you don't end up like me
07:08.22psy65535reliant on AMD plugin and it no workie!
07:08.23jqlasterisk knows when the call is answered. it's with a 200 OK message through SIP
07:08.50TrentCreekgroovy///because I just noticed my privder is charging me even if I get a message saying "phone Not in Service"
07:09.20jqlyou shouldn't be. that's gimp
07:09.36jqlmessages like that should be part of the early audio
07:09.41TrentCreekno..i looked at the calls I made today
07:10.11TrentCreekonly 1 cent, but when i get 100+ callers going, that will add up
07:10.40TrentCreekgimp? the Linux version of Photoshop? ;-)
07:10.52TrentCreekoh..thats THEgimp
07:10.59awk*Sigh* whenm will parking be fixed in asterisk
07:10.59jqlno, more like the gimp from pulp fiction. :)
07:11.02awk[Oct 10 09:09:24] WARNING[28870]: chan_sip.c:12532 handle_response: Remote host can't match request BYE to call '08a33d2a6ac34fa03816aac86753e9e7@'. Giving up.
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07:11.23awkive wrote my own patches, ive tried it all, parking is just crap
07:11.32jqlbleh. parking
07:11.43TrentCreekor Gunp
07:11.59jqlI'm at the point of just "escorting" people into a random conference via ami, at this point
07:12.12jqland that sucks
07:19.33pifhi, I'm trying to upgrade a thomson st2030's firmware but it keeps rebooting after loading the fw file through tftp, any idea?
07:21.52karleetoyou guys think that a G3 iMac with Gentoo Linux that is built ONLY to need would serve well for my home system?? maybe just like 2 or 3 phones??
07:23.20karleetonice, i like jbot
07:23.50TrentCreekonly 2-3 phones? You would be better just getting a 2 line SIP device
07:24.44TrentCreekand with the cost of energy going up..would save mor emoney
07:29.21karleetoTrentCreek: maybe, but ive had the imac in the garage for 2 years; i'm installing BASE gentoo linux on it now, and i was looking at it as a learning experience; i've always used trixbox beofre lately, so i'm actually tryinh yo learn asterisk ALONE and not trixbox to take over all my configs for me
07:29.48J4k3karleeto: just make sure to power-save the CRT fully, and put a real fan in it.
07:29.59J4k3imacs, especially 1st gens, like to overheat.
07:30.09J4k3also make sure it doesn't have any blown capacitors
07:31.11TrentCreekI have a first gen with a 500Mhz Harmoni card in it and OX X 10.3.9
07:32.11TrentCreekFlash video plays very bad on it, but strangly Final Cut Pro 4 runs finr
07:33.22TrentCreekthose PwerPC are a "double edged sword"
07:34.00karleetoit just killed my ssh that i was installing gentoo in cause it didnt have enough mem\
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07:35.10karleetois there any way i can tell if that finished? it was # tar xvjf /mnt/gentoo/portage-latest.tar.bz2 -C /mnt/gentoo/usr
07:35.17TrentCreekthey are RISC based, which means they can perform instructions faster, however if the instructions do not exist on the CPU, thye must be done in software which means slower operations
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07:35.42TrentCreekyeah..when the USER PROMPT reapperars
07:35.44jqlif the command itself finished?
07:35.48karleetoor should i just rm -rf usr/portage and rerun that extraction>
07:35.51jqlyeah, what TrentCreek said
07:36.11karleetojql: is was over a sshd, and it got killed
07:36.37jqlthen it probably got pipe stalled and SIGPIPEd
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07:36.50jqlwhich is usually fatal
07:37.32jqlI run screen, because I ssh over wifi
07:37.36jqldamn thing's always going down
07:38.11TrentCreekyou could sell that iMac and buy a newer Intel Based system for the money
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07:39.05TrentCreekProb a PIII Coppermine running at 1Ghz
07:39.33jqldamn, the dawn of the ghz race
07:40.09jqland to think, we're still only at 2.x ghz all these years later
07:40.13TrentCreekthe PII and original Athalon was at 1GHz
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07:40.51awkI think i found the parking issue
07:40.57TrentCreekbecause speed is no longer an issue because of technology limitation, thus they are turning to other ways to get more speed
07:40.57awkit looks like a snom issue with park orbit
07:41.01awkanyone experienced it
07:41.06TrentCreekI mean performance
07:41.21TrentCreekno..never heard of it
07:41.24jqlI don't support the snom, and I don't try very hard with parking
07:41.31jqlsorry. :(
07:41.47jqlalthough I do like my 360
07:42.03jqlany phone running linux is fine by me
07:42.13karleetobbiaf, ivestigation the installation of linux on my NEW laptop!
07:43.58TrentCreekLinux on an IBM 360? ;-)
07:46.57BBHossive been trying to get into the snom 320
07:47.09BBHossbut the source on their site is outdated
07:47.34BBHossim trying to write an LTP and IAX driver for the snom
07:47.55BBHossthey are just using an INCA-IP from infineon
07:55.38J4zenYou still working on that BBHoss ?
07:55.58BBHossnext step is tearing into my snom 300
07:56.07J4zenscary hehe
07:56.08BBHosssee if i can find the serial port
07:56.13J4zenyeah i wonder
07:56.14*** join/#asterisk rati (n=rati@
07:56.15BBHossit was free
07:56.16J4zeni have one on my desk right now
07:56.26J4zenplease, do tell me if you find it
07:56.26BBHossif you do decide to dive in
07:56.40BBHosstest the voltage on the serial port on the board
07:56.51J4zenfor the rs232 ?
07:56.51BBHossbecause its rumored to be 3.3v
07:56.57BBHossand RS232 is 12v
07:57.01J4zenyeah i read that too
07:57.07BBHossso we'd need a MAX3232
07:57.24J4zeni think it stated that voltage in the manual even
07:57.28J4zenlimited as it may be ..
07:57.41J4zenone of the readme's in the dev pack
07:57.43BBHossvoltage for a serial port?
07:57.56J4zeni might be mistaking tho, it was quite a maze
07:58.02BBHossthat dev pack is totally or mostly bogus i think
07:58.06J4zendid you ever find some proper documentation
07:58.47BBHosssome info here
07:59.05BBHossand i found a tool that decompresses firmware, not sure if it recompresses
07:59.12J4zengood ol' archives
07:59.45BBHosslooks like we could just setup a toolchain for the r4k MIPS processor
07:59.49BBHossand compile and go
07:59.55BBHossfor at least ssh and stuff
08:00.13BBHossbut from what ive seen
08:00.28BBHossthey package their whole device software into a binary file
08:00.36BBHossso we probably will have to rip that out
08:00.41BBHossand do a total rewrite
08:01.07BBHosswe would also have to learn how to address the hardware, since LCSserver usually did that
08:01.42J4zenwish i had time for it :(
08:02.12BBHosslooks like its going to be a huge task if snom doesnt want to help
08:02.23BBHossmaybe they'll throw us a bone
08:02.35BBHossgive us the source to their app
08:02.43J4zendoubt it, but worth a shot
08:02.55J4zenthey're rather greedy, so i hear anyway
08:02.58BBHossthen all we would have to do is change out the sip stuff with iax stuff
08:03.14BBHossi have some connections, at least with the american side of things
08:03.29J4zenyeah that'd be awesome
08:04.08J4zenWARNING: Never connect the serial interface directly to a RS232 interface! The serial interface of the phone uses 3.3V and a RS232 uses 12V!
08:05.13BBHossis that off of the archive
08:05.27J4zenlet me check that tar
08:06.26J4zenWas it around 300 megs?
08:06.43J4zennm, got it
08:06.48*** join/#asterisk duskot (n=dsk-o@
08:11.36Guggemandanyone know of any poblic available danish sounds for asterisk ?
08:12.44J4zenor now that we're on that topic, Dutch. Possibly paid even
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08:29.13tengulreanybody successful running SS7 with asterisk ?
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09:00.25*** join/#asterisk Polis_ttt (
09:01.17_pepo_hi friends
09:03.13Polis_ttti do got a litle problem. My asterisk-server, 1.2.17, do try to send some signals to offline phones, lite "keep alive" asterisk-cli doesn't print anything about it, but when i killed asterisk the signals stopped. What can i do to stop this? the phones are not registred, and show peers, tells me that they are unknown, just like i should do when they are offline
09:04.21Polis_tttwhen i kill asterisk-server, the signals stops, so it is asterisk that send those signals, app. it uses 20kb/s bandwith/sip-account for those signals
09:04.36Polis_tttand only udp traffic
09:05.12BBHossyouve got some problem there
09:05.36BBHossi've never seen this with asterisk though
09:05.51BBHossand asterisk dosent send anything out to extensions that aren't registered
09:06.06BBHossand even if they are registered it rarely does
09:06.19BBHossthe phones initiate all conversations
09:08.33Polis_ttti think it's very strange to, none of my other servers do send this signals, sometimes this server transmit around 300kb/s when theres no sip-account registred or unreachable on it, when stop asterisk, signals stop :(
09:09.03BBHosswhere are you getting these kb/s values from?
09:09.11Polis_tttit's also strange that it only sends udp-signals for this, no tcp signals on port 5060-5061 is even trying to connect
09:09.23BBHossnothing goes over tcp
09:09.30BBHosseverything is udp
09:09.40BBHosssip, iax, RTP, rtcp, etc
09:10.54BBHossive never seen this before
09:11.29BBHossits most likely a bug with your exact setup, or a rootkit, or you misunderstanding a graph
09:12.15Polis_tttBBHoss: using netstat or tshark, with grep on ip-number to coustumer, so only that traffic
09:13.00BBHosswhat kind of packets is it sending
09:13.06BBHossdo you have a pcap file i can look at?
09:13.32Polis_ttti don't missunderstand the traffic-log, iv'e used cacti log to, when server is totaly inactive, only those signals, server sends those signals 24/7 and my coustumers do only use server 9-21
09:14.00BBHossare you using a voip provider?
09:14.25BBHossor POTS/T1,E1,J1 etc
09:15.00_pepo_hi friends
09:15.51_pepo_I have problems, when I call to another extension the call is good but I cant hear the tones (DTMF) in any hear
09:15.54Polis_tttBBHoss: there you got a log-file, from tshark, using command tshark -V dst host ***.***.***.***
09:16.30_pepo_Do I have to use some especial codec?
09:17.20Polis_ttt_pepo_: strange, are you using sip och iax, and what voip-client do you use?
09:18.04BBHossare you using inband DTMF signaling
09:18.16_pepo_I am using SIP and it is the same with soft-phones and hard-phones
09:18.48_pepo_yes I was using dtmf=inband
09:18.49_pepo_dtmfmode=inband on [general] in my sip.conf
09:19.07_pepo_do I have to use rfc2833 ?
09:19.53Polis_ttt_pepo_: try to ;-out that string, and se if it's any diffrence
09:20.49BBHossif you're not using alaw/ulaw then inbadn wont work
09:21.12BBHossrfc2833 is usually much better than inband
09:22.51*** join/#asterisk munmun (n=mun_mun@
09:28.39Fluor_is it? i have been told inband was the-standard-way :)
09:30.15BBHossi hate inband
09:30.25BBHossan you have to use a fullrate codec
09:30.25J4k3death to inband
09:30.29J4k3(doesn't inband eat cpu?)
09:31.03BBHossim sure it uses more than rfc2833
09:31.06[hC]rfc2833 is "the standard way" as far as asterisk goes.
09:31.21BBHoss'rfc2833 is cool'
09:31.34Chris-NBanyone using queues in an asterisk system?
09:31.43BBHosslots of people do :)
09:32.39Chris-NBBBHoss, do you use them?
09:32.52Chris-NBmy * crashed from time to time when using queues
09:32.57BBHossi haven't used them on Asterisk
09:33.06Chris-NBand I've no clue why
09:33.07BBHosshow many channels are you running
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09:35.00JTFluor_: inband is not the standard way with VoIP
09:35.16JTdoes not work unless you use G.711
09:35.20JTuse RFC2833
09:35.29*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
09:36.19JTPolis_ttt: what's weird about there being no TCP. asterisk does not do VoIP over TCP.
09:37.34Chris-NBBBHoss, between 10 and 30
09:37.44BBHosswhat kind of proc
09:37.47*** join/#asterisk bird_of_Luck (
09:37.52Chris-NBBBHoss, overall, but only 1 -3 on queue
09:38.06Chris-NBBBHoss, a DL380-G5 (oversized) : D
09:38.32JTthat's not the processor type
09:38.38JTbut it would be some sort of xeon
09:38.45BBHossshould be enough
09:38.50Chris-NBshould be ...
09:38.51BBHossso it just crashes out of the blue
09:39.09BBHossany certain load or anything, or is it totally random
09:39.10J4k3xeon... with Pentium Pro 133/256's installed on slockets.
09:44.53parag0nwait, dual pentium pros arent enought o run asterisk?
09:45.19parag0nwhy would someone sell em this server for ?10000 then!
09:47.20Chris-NBBBHoss, totaly random.
09:47.31Chris-NBnow it was 5 days up
09:47.46Chris-NBa week ago it happened 3 times during one day
09:47.54Chris-NBhere is my config:
09:48.39BBHosswhat version are you running
09:49.23Chris-NBbut had the same behavior on 1.2.13
09:49.55BBHosshave you tried 1.4
09:50.03BBHossmany bugs are fixed (and created)
09:50.29gremzoidis there a reason for 1.2 stable and 1.4 stable?
09:50.44BBHossits totally fuxxed
09:51.35BBHosslike that
09:51.51gremzoidhey! how'd it'd know i look like that?
09:52.10Chris-NBBBHoss, everything else is working fine. it's a production box and highly customized so I don't want to 'try' 1.4
09:52.38Chris-NB: /
09:53.07BBHossits not trashbox or freepbx is it?
09:53.18Chris-NBno its a plain asterisk
09:53.24Chris-NBfrom src
09:54.06BBHossare you running 64 bit?
09:54.21Chris-NBähm ... have to look : )
09:54.57BBHossthats wierd
09:55.21Chris-NBDualCore Xeon
09:55.27Chris-NBTOTALLY !!
09:55.28Chris-NB: /
09:55.42BBHosscould be a dual core problem, but i doubt it
09:56.08JTthat's a 64bit cpu btw
09:56.23BBHossyeah but if hes not running x86_64
09:56.31BBHossthen there shouldnt be a problem
09:56.56BBHossok, does asterisk dump core and all, or just stop responding when it 'crashes'
09:57.03JTbut then again, it is asterisk
09:57.23Chris-NBok I'm running linux-2.6.18-5-686
09:57.32Chris-NBno core dump
09:57.38Chris-NBjust stops
09:57.47BBHossit just basically stops responding to anything?
09:58.03Chris-NBno asterisk process any longer
09:58.09Chris-NBserver is responding fine
09:58.20Chris-NBbut nothing from asterisk
09:58.24BBHossso it is a total crash then
09:59.01BBHossim looking at bugs btw
09:59.03Chris-NBand the logs (full+sip+pri intense) print the last message and stops
09:59.10Chris-NBnothing more!
09:59.16Chris-NBno err, no oops ....
09:59.31BBHossis the last message significant?
09:59.58Chris-NBseems normal
10:00.21Chris-NBbefore i configured the queue the server was up for 1/2 a Year running just fine
10:02.06BBHossmaybe you ought to run it in gdb the do a bt full when it crashes
10:02.35Chris-NBbut for that I've to rebuild it without optimization, right?
10:02.46BBHossnot sure
10:02.56Chris-NBread something about that
10:03.01BBHossits my understanding you can run gdb on anything
10:03.10BBHossbut you might not get as much info
10:03.17parag0nwe are in the UK, and currently hae 6 BT lines into our building. this is costing us quite every month in line rental alone, so i'm looking at trying to replace it with a voip system
10:03.18Chris-NBhow can I do that?
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10:03.50BBHosspersonally ive not used gdb that much
10:04.17Chris-NBpersonally ive never used gdb : )
10:04.30parag0ncan anyone tell me if we could replace all the current phone lines with a single line (ISDN?) that could plug into an asterisk box
10:04.34BBHossim sure theres a tutorial
10:04.47BBHossa BRI is 2 voice paths
10:04.52Chris-NBthen I've to lookk at that : /
10:04.53BBHossso for 6 POTS
10:04.55JTparag0n: no, an isdn bri line would provide only 2 channels
10:05.02BBHossyou need 3 BRI
10:05.06parag0nwhat other options are there?
10:05.14BBHossnot much with digital
10:05.17BBHossyou could get a pri
10:05.21BBHossbut thats overkill
10:05.24Chris-NBis there another 'alternative' for queues?
10:05.37BBHossnot really
10:05.50BBHossi can only suggest trying a 1.4 version
10:05.58BBHossthey are mostly config compatible
10:05.59Chris-NB.... scared ...
10:06.09BBHossback your shit up :)
10:06.24Chris-NBI've never tried 1.4
10:06.39BBHossnot much different form 1.2
10:06.41Chris-NBand I don't wanna try it in a production environment : /
10:06.45BBHosscouple new features
10:06.53JTparag0n: 3 BRIs would be 6 channels
10:07.19parag0nwell, we'd need more channels, as we're expanding, probably 10-15 in the near term
10:07.26hwthm, i am using SayNumber to read up phone numbers, but when it's supposed to read 06 (oh-six), it only reads up 6.. how to i fix that?
10:07.27BBHossa PRI is 24
10:07.27JTget a PRI then
10:07.32hwti don't want to use SayDigits.
10:07.32JTyou can start at 10 channels
10:07.35BBHossor is it 23?
10:07.36JTBBHoss: nope, not in the UK
10:07.39Chris-NBBBHoss, pri is 30 in EU
10:07.39parag0nthat sounds good
10:07.40JTand most place in the world
10:07.42BBHossok yeah30
10:07.49JTit's 23B in the us
10:08.06parag0nso, we'd need a server, a PRI line, and an ISDN modem of some sort?
10:08.18BBHossyou need a server
10:08.18JTa pri card
10:08.19BBHossa pri
10:08.22BBHossand a pri card
10:08.26JTor a pri to sip gateway
10:08.28BBHossAKA t1/e1/j1 card
10:08.34BBHossi suggest a card
10:08.44BBHossdigium, sangoma, rhino
10:08.47JTgateways are more scalable
10:08.52JTlol @rhino
10:09.12JTgateways are overkill for most non-provider applications though
10:09.26BBHossfor a SMB you need a card
10:09.40BBHossor want
10:09.41BBHossi guess
10:12.43parag0nhmm, so probably about ?1000 for the card + server, plus line rental?
10:13.15BBHossnot quite $1000
10:13.36parag0nthe card is ?350
10:13.53parag0nprobably put it in a cheap dell rackmount
10:14.11parag0nso closer to ?700 or so for the server + card
10:14.12BBHossi suggest the sangoma A101
10:14.12JTget a card with hardware echo cancellation
10:14.19JTabout USD$900 for a single port
10:15.33BBHossthey also have Pci-express models too
10:17.03*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
10:17.14BBHossbasically a FPGA with a PRI PHY
10:17.58BBHossdunno why they want a g for it
10:18.07BBHossi guess for thier fpga deign
10:19.22BBHossfor a digium model\
10:20.50BBHossi dont think digium has echo cancel for their one port cards
10:20.57BBHossat least not hardware
10:20.57JTno they don't
10:21.09BBHossthey do offer the free octasic though
10:21.30JTnot for 30 channels
10:22.12*** join/#asterisk Ursa (
10:26.01UrsaCan anyone please remind me of the extensions.conf variable to get the source IP address of an inbound SIP call?
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10:44.36UrsaCan anyone tell me the difference between SIPCHANINFO(peerip) and SIPCHANINFO(recvip)?
10:44.52UrsaIs it due to possible NAT?
10:49.34UrsaWell, I've just done a test, and they seem to behave identically
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11:19.01SomebeeHi guys. I have a problem with incoming calls. It does not manage to find the extension that matches the incoming number. I need to use a 's'-extension, and cannot find a way to differentiate between the 10 incoming lines
11:19.05Somebeewhat might be the problem?
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11:27.01JTSomebee: ...what sort of lines...
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11:28.59ratiwhats meaning of inbondcall and outbond call
11:30.37SomebeeJT: SIP. Its a trunk-account with 10 siplines
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11:32.00SomebeeJT: One of the numbers are lets say 21000000, and it does not find the extension: exten => _NXXXXXXX,1,Answer()
11:32.28SomebeeJT: It's directed to the right context, and I have had it working with another provider
11:34.03JTso they probably transmit the number differently
11:34.22SomebeeJT: Yep. Seems like it
11:35.58ratii am from india , where i ahve to get voip provider
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12:00.11mepplso, i downloaded the  asterisk-source from from the asterisk-homepage
12:00.21meppland compiled and installed it
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12:00.39meppland after "make install" asterisk didnt create a init-script
12:00.48mepplis this the normal behaviour?
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12:02.47eserrahi all
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12:03.12eserraI'm having problem with ael syntax
12:03.33eserrahas recently changed some syntax rule ?
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12:03.54eserrafor example about double quotes usage
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12:04.31eserraI'm testing a script done with ast 1.4.4 with current trunk and I get a lot of related errors
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12:04.54DarkFlibhey, just a quickie... trying to match a * in an expression, but it always seems to read it as an operator that should be used not as a string to be compared as.... whats the correct way of escaping it?
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12:07.03mepplah,   in    asterisk-src/contrib/init.d/    is no init-script for fedora
12:07.17meppldo you think i just just use the redhat-init-script?
12:07.22harryrmeppl: yes
12:07.27DarkFlibmeppl: yup
12:07.44mepplthank you
12:08.02J4zenHm for some reason i am unable to simulate an incoming call using 7777
12:08.11J4zen( or any number for that matter )
12:08.41J4zenThis is where the problem lies , i think:
12:08.42J4zenExecuting NoOp("SIP/100-09de26b8", "No DID or CID Match") in new stack
12:09.31J4zenAs far as i know, it shouldn't require a DID or CID ?
12:11.17Fluor_Look up what triggers the NoOp(), as the NoOp() itself does not do anything.
12:11.56JTJ4zen: freepbx/trixbox?
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12:18.01J4zenJT: Yes
12:18.14J4zenFreepbx in trixbox actually
12:18.45J4zenThats it
12:18.50J4zenand it repeats that over and over again
12:19.02jbotextra, extra, read all about it, freepbx is unable to be supported here. It's a complex piece of dialplan and GUI, and can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
12:19.05jbothmm... trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX, and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox seriously painful to support and hence you will find little help here for it.  Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & WIKI at
12:19.23[TK]D-FenderJ4zen: You are in the wrong place for that.....
12:20.59J4zenDID/CID is 100% Asterisk, im merely asking if i need to setup a DID/CID for the functionality to work
12:21.10JTwe have no idea
12:21.17JTit's purely a freepbx support issue
12:21.24*** join/#asterisk penguinFunk (n=penguin@unaffiliated/penguinfunk)
12:21.31J4zenAlright, i'll ask there
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13:09.17rbdHi guys. I'm having a problem with asterisk 1.4.10 (ubuntu 7.10 tribe5) segfaulting after a AMI connection with the starpy AMI interface library (for python). I can make a straight AMI telnet connection and it works fine. however, this same lib version worked fine with a previous version of asterisk. I will try hitting another asterisk box with it, but I wonder if anyone has seen this problem?
13:09.18Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
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13:16.14wubblahi there!
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13:19.50Carlos_Ticoi give up with these spa3102
13:20.11Carlos_Ticois there any device better that can work to do pstn calls ?
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13:22.16_x86_hmm, zttool is reporting that both of my T1's going to my Sangoma A102D-x are internally clocked...
13:22.58_x86_but in zaptel.conf, i set one up as 1,0,0,esf,b8zs and the other as 2,1,0,esf,b8zs
13:23.19_x86_only span 2 should be internally clocked, as it goes to the PSTN
13:23.27_x86_span 1 goes to a channel bank
13:24.13_x86_is that normal? I don't have any IRQ misses or bipolar violations, yet seemingly randomly (and not terribly often), someone calling from the channel bank over to the PSTN gets a dropped call
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13:27.21[TK]D-FenderCarlos_Tico: Digium TDM400P, Sangoma A200d
13:30.05[TK]D-Fender_x86_: lol.... no thanks... PCI-X limits deployments and adds nothing of value.
13:30.30[TK]D-Fender_x86_: check your clocking in wanpipeX.conf <-----
13:31.55_x86_[TK]D-Fender: wanpipe1 is set to MASTER (which is the T1 going to the channel bank, should be correct)
13:32.03_x86_[TK]D-Fender: wanpipe2 is set to NORMAL
13:32.09_x86_wanpipe2 goes to the PSTN
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13:38.23_x86_[TK]D-Fender: any ideas?
13:38.51[TK]D-Fender_x86_: Only 1, and you know it already......
13:38.51_x86_[TK]D-Fender: also, wasn't talking about PCI-X at all... was talking about PCIe ;)
13:39.06_x86_A20002D-x is PCIe, not PCI-X :P
13:39.08[TK]D-Fenderalso.... *whatever* :p
13:39.42_x86_ok, now the guy is telling me it's not outbound calls dropping, it's inbound... on a A20002D-x
13:39.57_x86_gah, it'd be insanely helpful if people knew how to report a problem properly
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13:40.32jer_x86_, how do you expect people to think of you as a miracle worker?
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13:41.27[TK]D-FenderJerJer: Beam me up.... there's no intelligent life down here....
13:41.37[TK]D-Fenderjer : rather
13:41.47JerJerwhat who?!
13:41.55jer[TK]D-Fender, i was wondering how many people would get that reference
13:43.36*** join/#asterisk akaast47 (i=0ca5bc82@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
13:45.24akaast47I try to set up a now box with asterisk 1.4 and I don't know which linux distribution to choose. I need ztdummy because I don't have hardware.
13:45.56[TK]D-Fenderakaast47: Whichever you are most comfortable administering.
13:47.25akaast47[TK]D-Fender: I am not a linux guru so I am open for any sugestion.
13:48.27[TK]D-Fenderakaast47: You'll probably be well served with CentOS as its commonly used so lots of people can help you if there are issues
13:49.25*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (n=leon@
13:49.29akaast47[TK]D-Fender: ok. This would be my first choose too. Thanks.
13:50.16akaast47[TK]D-Fender: Last time I mentioned that I have adio issues with meetme. I get a tdm01b card and looks like the issue is solved
13:50.41[TK]D-Fenderakaast47: Glad to here.... this is ANOTHER server, right?
13:50.59akaast47[TK]D-Fender: yes
13:51.09*** join/#asterisk karlh626 (
13:51.35akaast47[TK]D-Fender: I have 44 calls limitation on the Asterisk BE what I don'
13:51.44akaast47[TK]D-Fender: I have 44 calls limitation on the Asterisk BE what I don't like
13:51.54ratiany one can help me
13:51.57[TK]D-Fenderakaast47: I don't get it... how are you limited on the # of calls?
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13:52.20akaast47[TK]D-Fender: because of the license
13:52.26[TK]D-Fenderrati: No, not just anyone... I suggest a trained psychologist...
13:52.27ratii have setup the asterisk@home in VMware ,
13:52.36[TK]D-Fenderakaast47: WTF?!?! show me where it tells you that...
13:52.43ratii want test is it working or not
13:52.46[TK]D-Fenderrati: Asterisk @ home is NOT supported here.
13:52.56jbotwell, freepbx is unable to be supported here. It's a complex piece of dialplan and GUI, and can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
13:53.37akaast47[TK]D-Fender: We get 1 license for Asterisk BE 1.3 and says I have only max 44 calls
13:54.07[TK]D-Fenderwhere does it say this?  Thats crazy
13:54.28*** join/#asterisk razu (
13:55.19rati[TK]D-Fender : then , where to i get help
13:55.37JTrati: i already said
13:56.14[TK]D-Fenderrati: A@H is very old and outdated now.  Trixbox replaced it a long time ago.  Go take a look at ' s forums and see if they have a topic for that.
13:56.21akaast47[TK]D-Fender:When we get the BE version I wasn't aware of this
13:56.50[TK]D-Fenderakaast47: I've never heard of that till now.... that's Proprietary Crack Edition......
13:57.41akaast47[TK]D-Fender:It looks like which bothers me because we spend $1000 for this
13:57.54[TK]D-Fenderakaast47: Poor you.....
13:58.05[TK]D-Fenderakaast47: and I don't see this limit written anywhere on their site...
13:58.18[TK]D-Fenderakaast47: I have to wonder if that has legal ramafications...
13:59.10[TK]D-Fenderakaast47: Probably not, but they've buried it so deep that you'll probably sign before getting to it..
13:59.18[TK]D-Fenderakaast47: Nasty nonetheless
13:59.49*** join/#asterisk theHub (n=theHub@
14:03.40rati<[TK]D-Fender> which one is stable version in trixbox , i open that sit
14:04.02*** join/#asterisk Somebee (n=sindre@
14:04.05[TK]D-Fenderrati: And TRIXBOX is not supported here either.
14:04.08jbotfrom memory, trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX, and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox seriously painful to support and hence you will find little help here for it.  Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & WIKI at
14:04.50*** join/#asterisk ccesario (
14:10.42akaast47[TK]D-Fender:So now I try to build a new Asterisk 1.4 box
14:11.49[TK]D-Fenderakaast47: Good idea....
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14:28.00jgalvin1I'm setting up an asterisk server on Debian Etch.  It seems to have installed fine, and I'm dialling in using XLite, and I can leave voice mails and that works... problem is I get no sound in playback, no 'welcome' message, no echo
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14:29.21alrsjgalvin1: Are you and the Debian machine behind the same NAT?  Do you have a Zaptel card of some sort in the machine/
14:29.38jgalvin1no NAT on the debian machine, yes on this client machine
14:29.42jgalvin1no zaptel, i'm using FWD
14:29.46jgalvin1just for testing
14:30.38alrsjgalvin1: I haven't used X-Lite, but I hear that it gets through firewalls pretty well.  Still, it might help if you use a STUN server.
14:31.28alrsjgalvin1: Do you have a Linux desktop that you could use with Ekiga?  Ekiga offers a public STUN server in the setup process.
14:31.48jgalvin1don't have it set up at the moment, am on my Mac laptop
14:32.22jgalvin1i never thought of the firewall here blocking the sounds
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14:32.31alrsDoes the Debian machine have ZTDUMMY loaded/
14:32.34jgalvin1that would be ok, as long as the server is working
14:32.40jgalvin1ya i loaded ztdummy
14:33.24[TK]D-Fenderjgalvin1: go read this, NOW :
14:33.27jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
14:33.27alrssometimes audio is lost because of transcoding problems, you might try forcing a different codec.
14:36.04jgalvin1great, that worked
14:36.12jgalvin1thanks alrs and d-fender
14:36.26jgalvin1now to change this annoying default voice... :)
14:38.03[TK]D-Fenderjgalvin1: np
14:43.46mockerSo what's everyone solution for telecommuters connecting to an office asterisk system?  Standard VPN w/ softphone?
14:44.34_x86_if you can get everything involved to support it
14:44.39mocker_x86_: That to me?
14:45.20[TK]D-Fender_x86_: And some of us like not running trunk and the instability that that brings :)
14:46.21mockerWow, yeah.  svn checkout headaches
14:46.33_x86_[TK]D-Fender: ;)
14:46.56_x86_[TK]D-Fender: hopefull by 1.10, asterisk natively supports sRTP ;)
14:47.23_x86_natively and _stable-y_
14:47.33[TK]D-Fender_x86_: Nah... will have made everything else defunct ;)
14:47.47*** part/#asterisk Joe_CoT (i=joe_cot@ubuntu/member/joeterranova)
14:49.09mockerIt'd be sweet if there was a hardphone that supported OpenVPN.
14:49.35_x86_a phone should not have to ever worry about implementing VPN
14:49.42*** join/#asterisk ApEtc (
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14:51.11Nuggetmy iPhone does it, but that's not quite what you want, I'm sure.
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14:54.47Carlos_Tico<[TK]D-Fender> Carlos_Tico: Digium TDM400P, Sangoma A200d --> i have a slimserver cannot connect any pci card i am looking something to put over the network
14:54.49_x86_Nugget: you have an iPhone or an iBrick?
14:54.57Nuggetan iPhone
14:55.17[TK]D-FenderCarlos_Tico: Whats wrong with your SPA-3102?
14:55.38Carlos_TicoThe Echo ...and the quality of PSTN calls Is horrible
14:56.34_x86_Carlos_Tico: Astribank
14:57.04_x86_Carlos_Tico: USB channel bank available in a number of different FXO/FXS configurations, up to 32 ports
14:57.22_x86_Carlos_Tico: vanilla zaptel drivers support it
14:58.13jameswfgood morning
14:59.19Carlos_Ticodont have ... usb
14:59.33_x86_your server is crap
14:59.43Carlos_Ticoits a slim server
14:59.48[TK]D-FenderCarlos_Tico: then prepare to spend REAL money...
14:59.49_x86_start over with a decent server
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15:02.15Kandinskyhello. anyone using BRI ISDN with asterisk?
15:02.15darkfiresasterisk[31221]: rc_avpair_new: unknown attribute 1490026597
15:02.21darkfiresgetting those msgs like crazy...any ideas ?
15:03.47darkfiresi read that
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15:04.01darkfiresit doesn't really provide anything useful.
15:04.21[TK]D-Fenderdarkfires: Trace the thread's responses
15:04.51darkfiresI did, there is 1 response
15:06.29darkfiresif that response was of any help i would not have asked in the first place
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15:07.04[TK]D-Fenderdarkfires: Well I tried.....
15:07.09darkfiresthank you
15:09.47darkfiresalmost starting to wish i just got a nortel phone sys heh
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15:10.35[TK]D-Fenderdarkfires: What version?
15:11.06darkfiresof asterisk?
15:11.29darkfiresAsterisk SVN-branch-1.4-r85242.... but it happened on r81323 or whatever too
15:11.51[TK]D-Fenderdarkfires: Try using a "full release"
15:12.16_x86_darkfires: nortel sucks... at least get an inter-tel
15:12.17darkfiresthe reason i am using this is because the guy at digium couldn't figure out why zaptel was kernel panicking the system
15:12.48*** join/#asterisk Neel007 (n=Nitesh@
15:14.04_x86_darkfires: try a 1.2 release
15:14.21_x86_darkfires: it's less bleeding edge, and more stable in my experiences
15:14.53darkfiresi cant it kernel panics with hpec
15:15.09darkfiresi don't even want to use hpec but
15:15.23Neel007Hello All.... Can anyone please help me with RealTime SIP... I got everything setup for RealTime SIP and my SIP endpoints are also registering fine.... but after sometimes it will loose the registration. The endpoint will able to call out but wont able to receive the call until I have to restart the device.
15:15.37darkfirestdm400p doesn't have hardware echo cancellation
15:16.23mockerNeel007: Do you have qualify=yes for the devices?
15:16.26Neel007on the *CLI when I do "sip show peers" it shows my endpoint is UNREACHABLE but after sometimes it will show REACHABLE
15:16.47mockerAnd any NAT keepalive turned on on the phones?
15:17.00Neel007Yes.. but I changed it to NO... and still have the same problems
15:17.00*** join/#asterisk hfb (
15:18.14Neel007but why this problem when I only turn on RealTime SIP... using Flat-file config i dont have this problem
15:21.54Neel007on the Db i have: NAT=yes, QUALIFY=no, CANREINVITE=yes
15:22.08*** join/#asterisk nny (
15:22.54nnyso every time I boot I have to stop asterisk, and urn ztcfg -vvvv and start to get asterisk to recognize the card.. is this a software/asterisk issue or hardware/distro issue?
15:23.00Neel007and Yes NAT Keep Alive is enabled on the SIP Device.
15:23.01nnywell speculative issue
15:24.32Carlos_Ticoany one using a spa3102 with asterisk here ?
15:24.55[TK]D-FenderNeel007: you need "qualify=yes", "canreinvite=no", and "nat=yes"
15:25.15[TK]D-Fendernny: Distro.
15:25.24DeeJayTwoIs there a problem with 3 hops reinvites on asterisk?
15:25.29[TK]D-Fendernny: make sure you have a zaptel startup script.
15:25.37DeeJayTwoI mean.. 3 asterisk server inviting each other in serial to a remote UA.
15:25.40*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-home (i=five@pdpc/supporter/bronze/Corydon76-home)
15:25.40*** mode/#asterisk [+o Corydon76-home] by ChanServ
15:25.41DeeJayTwo3 middle server
15:25.46DeeJayTwowith SIP
15:25.52DeeJayTwoIt's working with 1 server
15:26.20DeeJayTwoas soon as we dial thru 2 or 3 servers... the phone ring...but answering closes the communication in the consoles..
15:26.24*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-dig (i=grey@pdpc/supporter/bronze/Corydon76-home)
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15:27.07*** join/#asterisk ajohnson (n=ajohnson@
15:27.38Neel007Ok, did that and restarted the device and reloaded sip.. lets ee
15:27.39nny[TK]D-Fender: ok thanks
15:28.06Carlos_Ticoany one using a spa3102 with asterisk here ?
15:28.12[TK]D-FenderNeel007: Should be restart SIP, THEn your device
15:28.31*** join/#asterisk Dan0maN_Work (n=dschuh@
15:28.49Kandinskyanyone using BRI ISDN with asterisk?
15:28.50nny[TK]D-Fender: had a LOT of issues with scripts made by make config.. asterisk init.d scrtip wouldn't create the /var/run/asterisk directory and zaptel script wouldn't unload the modules (not that I need it to, but I have other boxes that do it).. I ended up swapping scripts from a newer distro
15:29.11Neel007OK now it says Peer '2488881234' is now REACHABLE! (61ms / 2000ms)
15:29.24nny[TK]D-Fender: biggest problem is we are using 6.06 server ubuntu right now.. trying to decide if it's worth sticking with or switch to Debian server or newer ubuntu
15:29.32Neel007and now it says Peer '2488881234' is now UNREACHABLE!  Last qualify: 61
15:30.06[TK]D-Fendernny: Ubuntu doesn't use the standard boot process and its custom packages add some risk of their own...
15:30.11Neel007On the SIP device I do see its registered and I can make calls out... but I can not receive calls in while its UNREACHABLE
15:30.23nny[TK]D-Fender: compiling from source
15:30.28[TK]D-FenderNeel007: is your * behind NAT as well?
15:30.38Neel007NO its on Public IP
15:30.50[TK]D-Fendernny: Yeh, but * is expecting a SANE distro... and Ubuntu doesn't quite qualify
15:30.52Neel007only the SIP device is behind NAT
15:30.57Carlos_Tico<[TK]D-Fender> Carlos_Tico: --- >Thanks pal this echo is a nightmare
15:30.58nny[TK]D-Fender: lol agreed
15:31.04[TK]D-FenderNeel007: What router are they using?
15:31.11nnydoes anyone here use debian as a base o/s for *?
15:31.14*** join/#asterisk Katty (
15:31.24[TK]D-Fendernny: plenty of people
15:31.27mockernny: lots of people do
15:31.34nnybetter than ubuntu I imagine?
15:31.35[TK]D-FenderNeel007: Are you doing any port forwarding on it?
15:31.38mockeralthough I like CentOS for my *
15:31.42[TK]D-Fendernny: Naturally...
15:31.51mockerIf TrixBox uses it, it can't be bad!
15:31.58nnyany particular version recommended for Asterisk?
15:32.09Neel007No... I havent
15:32.19Kattyi have question anyone know about asterisk???????????
15:32.51mockerKatty: Hell no, we all just come here with questions!
15:33.08Kattyk, done being annoying.
15:33.14mockerblind leading the blind.
15:33.15Neel007[TK]D-Fender: do I need to forward 5060 ports
15:33.19Katty....for 5 minutes.
15:33.35[TK]D-FenderNeel007: Ok, what phone are you using?
15:34.06Neel007[TK]D-Fender: Phone?
15:34.24[TK]D-FenderNeel007: I presume you have a remote phone behind NAT... what is it?
15:35.10Neel007[TK]D-Fender: its a SPA-2102 connected with some analog telephone set Motorola
15:35.23Neel007[TK]D-Fender: with US DID on it
15:35.30Kattytwisted: ping?
15:36.21Kandinskyanyone using BRI ISDN with asterisk?
15:37.03[TK]D-FenderNeel007: Make sure to turn OFF any NAT settings on it.
15:38.16Neel007[TK]D-Fender: there is non... just NAT keep alive enabled
15:38.23[TK]D-FenderNeel007: DISABLE that
15:38.36Kattyanonymouz666: :>
15:38.40[TK]D-FenderNeel007: don't tell the SPA anything about its being behind NAT
15:38.57Kattyanonymouz666: how's the NY thing coming along? progress? :>
15:39.14Katty[TK]D-Fender: about time!
15:39.37anonymouz666Katty: yeeeessss!
15:39.40_x86_hmm... i've got asterisk installed now, but asterisk-addons-1.4 is not available on my distro
15:39.46_x86_( actually was)
15:39.59_x86_I need mysql support, do i still need asterisk-addons for that in 1.4?
15:40.30Neel007[TK]D-Fender: Ok now its showing Peer '2488881234' is now REACHABLE! (73ms / 2000ms)
15:40.35*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
15:40.52Neel007[TK]D-Fender: lets wait for couple mintues... and see
15:40.58[TK]D-Fender_x86_: ....DUH :p
15:41.06Kattyanonymouz666: yay!!
15:41.22Katty_x86_: how's your mysterious dropped calls problem? :<
15:41.30Neel007[TK]D-Fender: Peer '2488881234' is now UNREACHABLE!  Last qualify: 55
15:41.39Neel007[TK]D-Fender: Didnt help....
15:41.51[TK]D-FenderNeel007: Ok, unless some crazy firewalling is going on, I'm out of ideas
15:42.11Neel007[TK]D-Fender: firewall on the Asterisk side?
15:42.13_x86_[TK]D-Fender: didn't know if that got rolled into core or not... *shakes fist*
15:42.31_x86_why cant they roll in mysql support like they do postgres? *shakes fist more*
15:42.45_x86_Katty: still happening... mysteriously
15:43.05[TK]D-FenderNeel007: EITHER
15:43.30Kattyhow mysterious! :P
15:44.30*** join/#asterisk seele_ (
15:46.52*** join/#asterisk flujan (n=flujan@
15:47.28mockerGuh, telecommuting user losing audio 2-3 minutes into a call.
15:49.35seele_hello I'm trying to make a video call but the call hangs and the other terminal no rings ... my CLI show this with sip debug enabled, this is my sip.conf, I'm using two tornados M20 .... any suggest to make a success video call ??
15:49.46*** join/#asterisk dps (
15:49.59dpsHey dudes
15:50.19seele_the audio call works fine for me, the problem is the video call
15:51.30dpsAnyone knows a softphone that can be used on a command line?
15:52.24[TK]D-Fenderseele_: What codec did you set on your phones?
15:53.22*** join/#asterisk ted_brown (n=angel@
15:53.52mockerdps: linphonec I think?
15:54.05[TK]D-Fenderseele_: nos ure about this : maxcallbitrate=512
15:54.10dpsmocker: ty dude will chech
15:55.47seele_[TK]D-Fender, I have tryed with and without this parameter and the result is the same
15:55.47[TK]D-Fenderseele_: 403 = bad auth
15:57.41*** join/#asterisk blackgecko (n=blackgec@
15:57.51seele_[TK]D-Fender, I accept anonymous calls
15:58.03*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
15:58.20[TK]D-Fenderseele_: yes, but it recoginizes the user so its not coming IN as un-auth'd
15:59.11blackgeckoim having an issue with incoming calls been hanged up 10 minutes maximum, any idea where can i look ?
16:01.02[TK]D-Fenderblackgecko: Yeah... pastebin the CLI output of the entire call with channel debug enabled for every channel type involved.
16:01.06jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
16:01.12ManxPowerblackgecko: maximum or exactly?
16:01.21*** join/#asterisk arekm (i=arekm@pld-linux/arekm)
16:01.32arekmhello, is QUOTE() safe for use for file-names quoting?
16:01.34ManxPowerblackgecko: Are you setting any timeouts in the dialplan?
16:01.47arekmuhm, rather no
16:01.53ManxPowerblackgecko: then it must be a network or other issue like that.
16:02.28blackgeckommm network is coneccted via optical fiber
16:02.42Nuggetas opposed to what, acoustical fiber?  :)
16:02.58*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
16:03.15alrsours uses fiberglass
16:03.17*** join/#asterisk NigelS (
16:03.28alrsit's from an old speedboat
16:04.15[TK]D-FenderMine runs on Metamucil.
16:04.30blackgeckoill try to capture the CLI output but it is a time consumig task cause are over 30 simultaneous calls
16:05.08*** join/#asterisk Dandre (
16:08.02DandreI have a problem that I don't know how to solve:
16:08.03DandreI have 2 softphones ekiga on one pc and sjphone on another. Both are registered and as context set to the same value. If I call sjphone from ekiga, the call is established but from sjphone to ekiga I get 404 error. I have no log and nothing in the asterisk console
16:08.30[TK]D-FenderDandre: enable SIP DEBUG, and pastebin your failed call attempt
16:09.22jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
16:09.22[TK]D-FenderA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
16:12.03arekmit could be funny if setting callerid name to: ; rm -rf / ; would be possible ;/
16:14.56*** join/#asterisk Agnt_0rnge (
16:15.10Agnt_0rngeanyone know what this means?
16:15.25*** join/#asterisk atomicd (
16:15.36Kandinskyanyone using BRI ISDN with asterisk?
16:15.48Kandinskyor know who to set up isdn dialplans
16:17.55SexyKenHey ya'll
16:18.00*** join/#asterisk TrentCreek (
16:19.46SexyKenAnyone know of a good NAS device for 40TB+?
16:20.30*** join/#asterisk atomicd (
16:20.34harryrI can only really suggest Sun StorageTek systems, can't recommend them though - never used one
16:23.16harryralthough this one I'm looking at comes in at $130k for 44tb
16:23.32Dandre[TK]D-Fender: her is my pastebin :
16:24.41Agnt_0rngeAnyone know why a system might constantly go on and off line?
16:26.20SomebeeHi. When I have a trunk-account with 10 sip-lines, and call one of them.. Should I not be able to direct them all to the same inbound-context (the context in [general]) and then go right to the first extension that matches the number that was called?
16:26.24*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
16:27.00[TK]D-FenderDandre: looking for 6001 in kwdp-000000 (domain <--------- SIP/2.0 404 Not Found
16:27.07NigelShi guys; I have a volunteer organisation which I help out with - the committee are spread about geographically and face-to-face meetings are relatively rare or between just a few people at a time.  Now, I've used asterisk a bit before and was wondering if ppl felt that it would be a good way of trying to get better co-operation/information flow going on.  I was imagining giving them all their own acct on the server and holding conferences but also letting people
16:28.11[TK]D-FenderAgnt_0rnge: exactly what it says
16:28.29Dandreah ok!
16:29.33ManxPower44tb?  That could hold like all the porn in the world.
16:29.36*** join/#asterisk Toerkeium (i=oo@
16:29.50harryrManxPower: nowhere near that much, maybe all porn created in a week
16:30.31jbotcisco makes the routers that move the pr0n across the internet at a very high rate of exchange. a company full of patent protected punks!
16:30.53ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: you are such a jbot queen
16:31.55[TK]D-FenderManxPower: you just love the sound of your own voice (or typeface).  I'm EFFICIENT, and have other's do the menial shit for me :p
16:32.04jbotextra, extra, read all about it, jbot is a hack!, or known to have only said one useful thing. a tool, or dating the fembots, or  [TK]D-Fender's b*tch
16:32.25*** join/#asterisk grandpapa (
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16:32.30grandpapaGreets mighty baud warriors ...
16:34.19*** join/#asterisk mkl1525 (n=qwertz@
16:34.54dpsAny of you know any project regarding the log of failled calls?
16:35.06*** join/#asterisk drwelby (
16:35.18dpsLike... if a call failled, just write it to a file
16:35.28lirakisdoes any one know of good queue reporting software?   ive been talking to the people at AsteriskGuru but they arent very responsive
16:35.46[TK]D-Fenderdps: no such thing.
16:35.57*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
16:36.07[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: There's a big list on the WIKI
16:36.14lirakisQueueMetrics.. is really quite expensive...  â‚¬ 1000.00 for 20 users
16:37.03lirakis[TK]D-Fender:  ooo orderlystats looks new
16:37.16[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: quite old actually...
16:37.34mkl1525Hi, I'd like to install some (snom) phones on our asterisk, so that callers first enter their number + password and then * directs all calls to the phone - anyone know how to do this?
16:38.55[TK]D-Fendermkl1525: this is all dialplan..... how you do it is up to you.
16:39.23*** join/#asterisk GoRK (
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16:41.08lirakis[TK]D-Fender: "big list" .. ? .. there are only like 3 packages that are for queue stats on there .. :\
16:41.09dpsIs it possible to start call from asterisk directly, without using an user agent?
16:41.18lirakis[TK]D-Fender: this is on
16:41.37[TK]D-Fenderdps: Yes.  Lookup "call files" and "AMI Originate" on the WIKI
16:42.03mkl1525[TK]D-Fender, thanks, any keyword to google for? atm the sip accounts are configured on the snoms any I don't know how to put this on the dialplan
16:42.28GoRKHello; I'm having a problem where MixMonitor stops recording when an attended transfer is made. I have a test in my extension macro to start MixMonitor when certain extensions receive calls. So let's say extension 202 receives an incoming call and then begins an attended transfer to extension 201 which is an extension that triggers the MixMonitor recording .. the call announcement will be recorded but mixmonitor will stop when the original call is
16:42.38nnymeh so far debian is about the same as ubuntu-server
16:42.40thieumsanybody noticed a recent problem with fork application ?
16:42.46[TK]D-Fendermkl1525: Chicken & egg problem then.... this has nothign to do with what kind of PHONES you have.
16:42.46ManxPowerGoRK: attended or blind transfer?
16:42.47nnyshit i think they are practically the same software
16:42.55nnykernel is newer though
16:42.57GoRKmanxpower: attended. Blind transfers record fine
16:43.10[TK]D-Fendermkl1525: You'll have to put some checks in all appropriate extens to see where they should be sending calls to.
16:43.16ManxPowerGoRK: I would not expect attended transfers to be automagically recorded.
16:43.39ManxPoweras an attended transfer is really a three-way call where 1 person drops out of the call.
16:44.01lirakis[TK]D-Fender: thanks
16:44.08ManxPowerI can't think of an easy to do what you want to do, but I'm sure it is possible, just a matter of how much work is involved.
16:44.28[TK]D-Fendermkl1525: I would probably store that routing info using AstDB.  So things to read : "show function DB", "show application gotoif", etc
16:45.10deeperroranyone from in here?
16:45.43*** join/#asterisk DrLeech (
16:46.10DrLeechhi, anyone knows a good open source SIP software phone for Windows?
16:46.29grandpapaDrLeech: They all pretty much suck.  I prefer the suckiness of EzTalk above others.
16:46.40GoRKmanxpower: well I found which descirbes the problem but does not indicate that it was actually fixed or a workaround was discovered so I'm not sure what to do; the documentation on the Dial option 'n' is not helpful
16:47.17[TK]D-FenderDrLeech: Ekiga
16:47.22GoRKmanxpower: in my instance I'm not even using a LOCAL channel
16:47.44DrLeechgrandpapa: Yes, I know. But I need to create a custom for use internally in the company, between headquarters. And most of the users use Windows
16:47.56DrLeech[TK]D-Fender, ok, thanks I'll check this too
16:50.06grandpapaSomeone needs to release an FTP config based SIP "Batphone", red, preferrably.
16:50.35GoRKmanxpower: ah nevermind I think i figured it out; it will be tricky but it will work; the MixMonitor is getting put on the wrong channel.. it's put onto the originating channel instead of the receiving channel, so in reality i could use the local channel to force a mixmonitor to be attached to the channel which is receiving the call
16:50.38anonymouz666FTP must die
16:50.46ManxPowerGoRK: I think the issue is that nobody thinks it is a problem
16:50.53grandpapaOk, http then, either one.
16:51.24seele_ok some typo errors solved ... but noting happened this is my sip debug message in the CLI and this is my sip.conf any suggest to make a video call?
16:51.31GoRKmanxpower: yeah i actually agree now. It's not intuitive but I believe the current behavior is correct
16:52.36*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
16:52.38[TK]D-Fenderseele_: you don't even have a call ATTEMPT in there....
16:53.02GoRKmanxpower: however I think that the documentation for MixMonitor should be explicit about which channel is going to be monitored and have an option to change which leg the monitor is attached to; I guess I'll put it on my todo list as it would probably be a very straightforward patch
16:54.09nnyso debian users, is make config the ideal way to create the init.d scripts???
16:55.35[TK]D-Fendernny: "The solutions is to copy the init.d startup script from the contrib folder over to /etc/init.d. Then you’ll need to create the symbolic links by hand. I used the existing symbolic links for Apache2 as a template."
16:55.48GoRKnny: there is a debian init script in contrib/init.d/rc.debian.asterisk
16:55.59[TK]D-Fendernny: for the "make config" scripts that don't install for Debian
16:56.11seele_[TK]D-Fender, but the audio call works fine .... then the problem are the phones ?
16:56.38[TK]D-Fenderseele_: You showed NOTHING that we can comment on.
16:56.40*** topic/#asterisk by russellb -> Asterisk: The Open Source Telephony Application Platform -=- Asterisk 1.4.13 (Oct. 10, 2007) -=- Join #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW and Asterisk-GUI info -=- Join #asterisk-commits to monitor svn changes -=- Join #freepbx for freepbx/#trixbox for trixbox support. -=-
16:56.58alrsnny: check out "update-rc.d".  It's in /usr/sbin
16:57.59seele_someone used a tornado M20 phone ?
16:58.03hmmhesaysbah I can't figure out how to filter a single call with rtp in wireshark
16:58.59[TK]D-Fenderseele_: Nobody can help you until you provide a USEFUL pastebin.
16:59.32GoRKnny: copy that script to /etc/init.d/asterisk, edit it to suit your install, then install the symlinks with the command 'update-rc.d asterisk defaults'
16:59.38seele_[TK]D-Fender, what do you need in pastebin ?
17:00.32[TK]D-Fenderseele_: to see the entire CALL attempt from beginning to end with SIP debug and verbose 10.
17:00.32[TK]D-Fenderseele_: And the configs for all related devices
17:04.28seele_ok simple audio call
17:04.56nnyGoRK: thanks
17:05.02nny[TK]D-Fender: alrs thanks as well
17:05.29ManxPowerseele_: We can't help you with TrixBox/AMP/FreePBX
17:05.53ManxPowerand dialedparties.agi is like having a big sign on your back that says "Kick me, I use a GUI."
17:06.03ManxPowerWe point and laugh at people like that.
17:06.07[TK]D-Fenderseele_: are you completely deaf?  I said SIP DEBUG.  Youa re showing LESS every time.
17:07.19seele_[TK]D-Fender, yes sorry ... typo error
17:07.31[TK]D-Fenderseele_: And no verbose either...
17:09.40*** part/#asterisk Dandre (
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17:13.25[TK]D-Fenderseele_: and I said the ENTIRE call.........
17:13.54nnyso i have asterisk running as root, but safe_asterisk runs as user asterisk, is this normal?
17:15.43*** part/#asterisk DrLeech (
17:16.13[TK]D-Fendernny: Go look at who has RIGHTS to asterisk, and what the script is doing...
17:16.52seele_[TK]D-Fender, ENTIRE call
17:18.03[TK]D-Fenderseele_: And no verbose again.... I'm clearly wasting my time....
17:18.13*** join/#asterisk Kandinsky (
17:19.03seele_[TK]D-Fender, ok no verbose video call log
17:20.00[TK]D-Fenderseele_: Never mind, this process is just going in circles........
17:20.23[TK]D-Fenderseele_: Go ask on the forums at
17:21.37seele_Entire voice call with no vebose ....
17:21.54darkfireswhy the hell does NTP take hours and hours before it's ready to serve clients ?
17:22.45darkfiresguess ill have to rip that out of the code heh
17:22.53[TK]D-Fenderdarkfires: ?
17:23.02darkfiresmy sip phones use ntp servers for time
17:23.35darkfiresso if i have to reboot this machine, it takes 4-6 hours before ntp will give out time, otherwise says no servers suitable for synchronization
17:24.03[TK]D-Fenderdarkfires: NTP servers are supposed to REPSOND witht he time when asked, not jsut send it out blindly.
17:24.22darkfiresyes i know that
17:24.25darkfiresand responding it is not.
17:24.37[TK]D-Fenderdarkfires: So what exactly is polling what for NTP?
17:25.21darkfiresMy aastra 9133i phones poll ntp server XX.xx.xx.xx for the time on bootup, so instead because the box ntp is running on was rebooted it says Jan 1 1970 3:37am
17:25.34darkfiresOct 10 13:20:01 pbx ntpd[5724]: adjusting local clock by 2.242138s
17:25.34darkfiresOct 10 13:23:12 pbx ntpd[5724]: adjusting local clock by 2.178710s
17:25.43darkfireseventually it'll get down to 0.0000 and be ready
17:25.45darkfiresand respond
17:26.00[TK]D-FenderDarkFWell if your NTP box can't enev keep its own clock I guess you'[re screwed :|
17:26.29seele_how can I see if my codec h264 is present or enabled?
17:26.42darkfiresim going to shove a hayes 1200 up your ass
17:27.23[TK]D-Fenderdarkfires: I see your 1200 and raise you an accoustic-couple 75 baud + 1956 bellcore phone
17:27.35darkfiresfunny guy
17:28.00J4k3I'll raise you both with psk31 over a 80m shortwave rig.
17:29.14*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
17:29.57Kandinskyanyone whoknows how to configure ISDN on asterisk?
17:31.10*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
17:31.17nnylol fuck me
17:31.36nnywhole new system, whole new install, still need to do a ztcfg -vvvv before starting atserisk -_-
17:32.03darkfiresum nny
17:32.14darkfiresdo you have zAPTEL init script ?
17:32.19darkfiressorry caps
17:32.58darkfiresthe zaptel init script does that for you.
17:33.07nnydarkfires: yeah i have it
17:33.15darkfireswell you should see why it's not running ztcfg
17:33.18nnyused make config
17:33.22darkfiresis ZTCFG=
17:33.25darkfiresthe right path ?
17:33.38darkfiresZTCFG_CMD="$ZTCFG" # e.g: for a custom zaptel.conf location
17:33.42nnythats what it wrong
17:33.44nnyus of a!
17:33.55darkfiresexcuse me, bucko, canada just helped you
17:34.00darkfiresus of A couldn't do jack shit for ya.
17:35.16[TK]D-Fenderdarkfires: actually US of A did EXACTLY jack-shit for him :p
17:35.16nnywas being more facetious than anything else :)
17:35.27darkfireshahaha [TK]D-Fender
17:35.39deeperroris there a way to grep cli output?
17:35.48darkfirescmd | grep str
17:36.06darkfiresoh asterisk cli
17:36.13deeperrorlike as it is in action
17:36.25deeperrorlike lines with only zap/5-1 in them
17:36.33deeperroror something like that
17:36.41darkfiressetup console logging to a file
17:36.43darkfiresand grep taht
17:36.43nnydarkfires: actually yeah it is correct... woudn't auto complete the first time, but ztcfg is in /sbin/
17:36.59darkfiresnny what distro ?
17:37.06darkfiresdo you have mulitple ztcfg's ?
17:37.12nnydarkfires: debian
17:37.23nnydarkfires: fresh install no multiples
17:37.28darkfiresis your /etc/default/zaptel correct
17:37.44nnybtw it says "Changing signalling on channel 4 from Unused to FXS Kewlstart"
17:37.45darkfiresset DEBUG=yes in default/zaptel
17:37.51*** join/#asterisk khronos (
17:37.53nnyand likewise with channel 3
17:37.55darkfiresnny what hardware?
17:37.56nnywhen i run it
17:38.07darkfiresso tdm400p with 2 modules ?
17:38.15darkfiresthe 2 modules are in slots 3 & 4
17:38.22darkfiresyou have to move them into slots 1 & 2
17:38.27nnyi do>?
17:38.32darkfiresyep have the same card as you
17:38.34darkfireshad so many issues
17:38.38darkfiresuntil i moved them into 1  & 2
17:38.44nnyi have another card here where they are on 1 and 3 -_-
17:38.52nnythats kind of a bitch to predict
17:39.07darkfiresit may not be the cure to your problem but it caused me problems
17:39.42darkfiresthat is my /etc/default/zaptel
17:39.43nnythanks i'll check it out
17:40.02darkfiresmy /etc/zaptel.conf
17:40.07nnymine has them all commented out except for the tdm driver
17:40.39darkfireswhat ver of zaptel
17:41.26*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
17:42.46darkfiresu know is out right
17:42.56*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
17:42.59nnyyeah sry box is rebootingh
17:43.32nnyi have that i use wget to get the zaptel-1.4-current.tar.gz
17:43.57darkfiresi have these in my /etc/modules too crc_ccitt and wctdm
17:43.58nnyrebooted with zapata and zaptel.conf changed to 1&2, moved modules
17:44.11nnywhats crc_ccitt
17:44.19darkfireszaptel relies on crc_ccitt
17:44.22darkfireskernel module
17:44.43*** part/#asterisk arekm (i=arekm@pld-linux/arekm)
17:45.06nnyhmm don't have that first time I have seen it
17:45.17darkfireslsmod | grep crc
17:45.33darkfireszaptel                217328  10 zttranscode,wctdm
17:45.33darkfirescrc_ccitt               2112  1 zaptel
17:45.40nnyahh yeah it's running
17:45.45nnycrc_ccitt               2304  2 hisax,zaptel
17:46.01nnytesting now
17:46.13nnydidn't have "channels=1-2" in zaptel.conf either
17:46.19darkfiresya thats why i sent u my configs
17:46.23nnyonly zone info and fxsks
17:46.26nnyyeah reading them
17:46.27darkfiresjust use mine
17:46.32darkfiressame config as you
17:46.35darkfiresand mine works
17:47.38nnyhrrm no love yet
17:47.46nnyadded channels to conf and rebooted
17:49.16*** join/#asterisk VoipMasta (
17:49.51nnydarkfires: luck there
17:50.02VoipMastaany main advantages/disadvantages of using qualify=no in my sip users definition?
17:50.07darkfiresnny can u do md5sum /etc/init.d/zaptel
17:50.40[TK]D-FenderVoipMasta: if your remote client is behind NAT prepare for him to drop off the map....
17:51.08darkfiresalso nny   i have wctdm and crc_ccitt in /etc/modules, may help too (dont know i fi really need them there but its working)
17:51.09VoipMasta[TK]D-Fender: Most of my remote clients are behind NAT, so should I leave qualify=yes?
17:51.12darkfiresthat is my /etc/init.d/zaptel
17:51.19darkfiresnny you can do sh -x /etc/init.d/zaptel start
17:51.26darkfiresto debug it and find out whats going on
17:51.29nnydarkfires: k
17:53.47VoipMasta[TK]D-Fender: If I should leave qualify=yes... is there a way to increase the default value?  I'm asking because some of my customers have limited bandwidth and sometimes they get +1000ms lag
17:54.37[TK]D-FenderVoipMasta: "qualify=yes" = 2000
17:54.51VoipMastain RT? I thought it was 1000
17:58.15nnygod this sucks
17:58.17nnyno luck
17:58.23nnyneed to sacrifice chicken
17:59.03TrentCreekChicken-Man!!! He's everywher,eeverywhere!
17:59.09nnydarkfires: whats the command to start zap in debug?
17:59.18darkfiressh -x /etc/init.d/zaptel start
17:59.22darkfiresnny what is your default run level ?
17:59.23nnydarkfires: positive note your init.d script actually unloads the drivers
17:59.36darkfiresnny: your other one didnt ?
17:59.51TrentCreekSIP devices are so much cheaper and easier to setup
17:59.54nnyno they never do, on multuple installs with ubuntu and debian
18:00.03darkfiresnny maybe you need to try the svn of zaptel
18:00.12nnydarkfires: possibly
18:00.22nnyi just can't imagine why this works on every box but this one
18:00.35darkfiresmurphys law
18:00.39nnyi have an install here, on ubuntu desktop 6.06 for god sake, which works fine
18:00.44nnyhow do I check run level
18:00.47darkfirestype runlevel
18:00.52nnyN 2
18:00.56darkfiresls /etc/rc2.d
18:00.59darkfiresand paste to me in pm
18:01.08nnythat did it
18:01.16nnyi need to do an rc.update for zaptel
18:01.17darkfiresi think asterisk might be starting before zaptel
18:01.25nnynothing in rc.2 for zaptel
18:01.29GoRKOK if anyone was curious about my mixmonitor/attended transfer problem, I solved the issue by attaching the MixMonitor to the *called* channel via a macro run using the dial option M(macro^args) .. convoluted but works. if anyone needs the specific dialplan lines let me know
18:01.44darkfiresln -s /etc/init.d/zaptel /etc/rc2.d/S15zaptel
18:02.11*** join/#asterisk sexyman (n=davetroy@
18:02.50nnydarkfires thanks
18:02.56Kattyha hhahahahaha
18:03.13Kattyso, the office manager calls me up and says zomgangiei'mnotgettingemailsfromthephoneserveranymoreENDOFTHEWORLD
18:03.28Kattyand so i switched it over to my email, tested okay.
18:03.32nnyswear the sad thing is i am trying to write a debian/ubuntu 6.06 howto... the ones on the wiki are outdated,.... and I have mangled the shit out of it in the last two days
18:03.34Kattyswitched it back to hers and tested...
18:03.38Kattyshe marked the emails as junk mail.
18:03.46Kattyand then wonders why she's not getting her emails.
18:03.56Kattyand top it all off, she tries to blame ME for setting it as voicemail
18:04.00Kattysince, ya know, i setup the email server. heh
18:04.10tzafrirnny, what are the bugs you come accross that you have to document?
18:04.12nnyheh wow I would have brought a shotgun to work by now
18:05.03nnytzafrir proper linking/ updating init.d scripts.. etc. I have a step by step howto for installing on a clean system.. me and my biz partner have been hammering it out for the last couple of days for our company
18:05.04Kattynny: oh, i have better stories.
18:05.16Kattynny: like the time our furniture sales rep accused me of screwing up his machine.
18:05.25Kattynny: and hacking inot his personal info..
18:05.29Kattynny: by doing Defrag.
18:05.44J4k3why why why why why
18:06.01Kattymy personal favorite tho..
18:06.10Kattythe other IT guy that works here, who everything thinks is The Shit..
18:06.27J4k3Katty: let his followers find a pile of kiddie pr0n on his computer.
18:06.29Kattybecause he knows how to install a piece of software onto windows xp pro, put a card in a machine, and connect bnc cables to it...
18:06.37Kattybut anytime a computer doesn't work, or a client calls in...
18:06.42Kattyhe's too scared to go out and fix it
18:06.47Kattymuch less reboot any of our servers in the back room
18:06.55nnythere are people here who own companies like that
18:07.02J4k3why should he stop doing what he's doing (wanking to kiddie pr0n) and go fix it?
18:07.04nnywe are the only linux shop in the area
18:07.07nnywith good reason
18:07.09Kattyi was at the gas station getting a soda last week, and one of our servers needed rebooting... they asked him to do it and he said he didn't know how
18:07.34J4k3is he a mac weenie?
18:07.37nnywell it is a very uncommonly used feature
18:07.44Kattyhe worked in radio
18:07.50Kattyand did a few websites of a local company
18:07.53J4k3I hope you recorded the conversation
18:07.57Kattyhe needed a job, and he was a friend of mine, and i got him hired.
18:08.08Kattytaught him how to do the video systems.
18:08.22Kattyand now he walks aorund like he's hot stuff.
18:08.27hmmhesaysis he?
18:08.28*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
18:08.35Kattyhe's a fucking moron
18:08.57Kattyhe went to install a video system at a local daycare...
18:09.12*** join/#asterisk joetester (n=joeteste@
18:09.18nnyshould show him zoneminder
18:09.23nnylet him try and set that up
18:09.25Kattyand the girl wanted to be able to access a workstation at a nother location
18:09.29Kattyhe sent it to me.
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18:09.47Kattyi guess he couldn't just get into the firewall, do a port forward, and turn on remote desktop
18:09.54Kattytakes... 2minutes tops
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18:10.02Kattybut no, "Oh, you'll have to call Angie for that"
18:10.40Kattyhe's terrified of my phone server.
18:10.56Kattyi guess it has too much Importance for him to accidentally screw up ;)
18:11.18nnylol... i can see how you don't bring a shotgun, it must be highly amusing to watch them flounder
18:11.24nnythe bofh would be proud
18:11.26*** join/#asterisk apardo (
18:11.39[TK]D-Fenderguns are too impersonal......
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18:11.45Kattyi'm not sure what annoys me more.
18:11.57Kattyhim, or the fact the company just got him a company vehicle with a video surv. logo on the side.
18:12.21VoipMastaI have an issue here, I need to have a call transfered from a SIP phone to an external (PSTN) phone, which is pretty easy... however how can I transfer it back from the PSTN to another SIP extension?
18:12.23Kattyhe runs 1 xp pro machine as a server. i run 5 windows servers and a linux server.
18:12.32Kattynot to mention all the clients stuff
18:13.00[TK]D-FenderVoipMasta: Dial that PSTN call with the "T" option.
18:13.13*** join/#asterisk kkjoe (
18:13.23nnydarkfires: lol not it either
18:13.35nnydamn it all to hell.. why must these machines mess with my emotions
18:13.51VoipMasta[TK]D-Fender: But can the transfer be initiated by the callee at the PSTN phone?
18:14.05nnyKatty: sounds like he needs the blue screen wallpaper and hidden icons on his desktop
18:14.15[TK]D-FenderVoipMasta: When I just hand you the answer like that that its obviously a "YES"
18:14.31kkjoeis there an channel for libpri support ?
18:14.46[TK]D-Fenderkkjoe: what are you doing with it?
18:14.53VoipMasta[TK]D-Fender: What happens is that I tried it with no success, I guess the callee phone needs a "flash" key, however mobile phones don't have one
18:15.05[TK]D-FenderVoipMasta: no, they DON'T.
18:15.24[TK]D-FenderVoipMasta: because the flash is only used between them and their TELCO.
18:15.31VoipMasta[TK]D-Fender: so how does the callee start the transfer?
18:15.31[TK]D-FenderVoipMasta: It'd never make it across.
18:15.45[TK]D-FenderVoipMasta: "show application dial" <-----------
18:15.45Kattynny: hahaha. i was thinking more like rename
18:15.51[TK]D-FenderVoipMasta: Go read
18:15.54nnyso let me review.. init.d script doesn't run ztcfg for some reason, at least not properly.. stopping and starting it manually do the same thing, the only way to get it working is to stop asterisk, run ztcfg and restart asterisk.. all my conf files seem to be in order..
18:16.13nnyKatty: heh proxy the connection and flip all the images upside down
18:16.18nnysaw that somewhere
18:16.59Kattymaybe i'll just get him fired.
18:17.35nnylol that's effective
18:17.55nnycareful though he me get disgruntled and hack teh company internets
18:17.59[TK]D-FenderKatty: Would you like to know the 7 bytes of executable code it takes to wipe a HD clean in a few odd ms? ;)
18:18.07*** join/#asterisk rpm (n=russell@
18:18.13VoipMasta[TK]D-Fender: Ok thanks, I got it... I wasn't incuding the features.conf file. BTW I see you're not in your most patient mood today :)
18:18.25Kattynny: he wouldn't know how.
18:18.45nnyKatty: hehe my sarcasm thingy is switched off :)
18:18.48Kattynny: and i don't know who i'd replace him with....
18:18.55nnyyeah better to mess with him
18:18.58[TK]D-FenderVoipMasta: I'm plenty patient.  I passed up all sorts of chances to simply say "RTFM" and hope that you'd even FIND the relevant documentation yourself :p
18:19.04Kattynny: maybe i'll just quit.
18:19.06Kattyanyone hiring
18:19.17Kattyyes, i do wear skirts.
18:19.21Kattyno, i don't run cable in them.
18:19.48VoipMastaKatty: It all depends on the length of those skirts ;)
18:19.49Kattymoving to vegas could be fun!
18:20.03Kattyoook, not working for VoipMasta's company.
18:20.05nnylived there, suggest against it now a days
18:20.13nnythey have crammed homes into every inch of the valley
18:20.14J4k3I have ex-friends in vegas
18:20.26J4k3vegas sucks worse than they do.
18:20.29Kattynny: maybe outside of vegas?
18:20.34Kattynny: but still within driving distance.
18:20.42Kattygo hollow out a cactus maybe.
18:20.45J4k3you realize you get far out of vegas
18:20.48nnyKatty: now that'd be cool. other side of hoover dam would be nice
18:20.48J4k3YOU LIVE IN HELL
18:21.08Kattywell it's hell or misery
18:21.11Kattyi mean missouri.
18:21.12J4k3then again, vegas is the center of hell
18:21.20J4k3personally you couldn't pay me enough to work in that shithole
18:21.28J4k3I'd work in LA or NYC first
18:21.34Kattynyc is scary.
18:21.40J4k3less crime, more money, more avoidable dumbshits
18:21.42Kattyla is just... weird.
18:21.44nnyi am fortunate enough to live on an island, and unfortunate enough to have it populated with complete idiots
18:21.49Dan0maN_Worktry austin ;)
18:21.49J4k3of course, less random tourists to hump
18:22.00Kattyi didn't want to read that.
18:22.05J4k3Austin has absolutely no redeeming qualities.
18:22.14J4k3well, except emos
18:22.20Kattyemos are everywhere now
18:22.22J4k3no no
18:22.27[TK]D-FenderKatty: Salvation awaits you above the 49th parallel!
18:22.30J4k3not Emos as in lamers
18:22.35J4k3Emos as in
18:22.44Kattyi'll go to alaska!
18:22.44Dan0maN_Work3 lakes, UT girls, over 350 bars in travis county alone.  need i say more?!?
18:23.06Kattyand hang out with the peinguins.
18:23.08J4k3UT girls aren't girls at all
18:23.10J4k3they just dress that way
18:23.17nnyis there a way to start the init.d zaptel script and watch what it does, like strace?
18:23.37J4k3I dunno, maybe I'm defective
18:23.44J4k3but I can have more fun in dinky little Lufkin, TX
18:23.44Dan0maN_Worknot for everyone
18:23.48J4k3than I ever have in Austin.
18:23.48[TK]D-FenderDan0maN_Work: Rednecks, Televangelists, wannabe cowboys, I can think of a few on the OTHER side all right...
18:24.25Dan0maN_Worknot many cowboys in austin.  that's more dallas.
18:24.28J4k3although I've driven faster in Austin than any other major city, of course you have to wait til 5am to do it because theres so goddamn much traffic.
18:24.31Dan0maN_Workbut you're forgetting lesly
18:24.41drwelbyAnybody run into the AA50 losing FXO channels, supposedly due to a memory leak in the firmware?
18:24.48VoipMasta[TK]D-Fender: I've already googled and tried to find the info myself... but I couldn't find any, so here's the question: Is there a way to use RealTime with features.conf? I mean to have "dynamic" features?
18:24.49*** join/#asterisk zapa (n=hzapa@
18:24.56Dan0maN_Workwhich is why i live right next door to work ;)
18:24.57J4k3cowboys...  sheeit, ever been to amarillo? :)
18:25.03*** part/#asterisk zapa (n=hzapa@
18:25.06J4k3the place even SMELLS like cowshit.
18:25.19[TK]D-FenderVoipMasta: This is a Dial PARAMETER.  there is nothing beyond that!
18:25.27*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
18:25.30[TK]D-FenderVoipMasta: Fix your DIAL line.
18:25.36*** join/#asterisk exvito (n=exvito@
18:25.41J4k3and dear lord don't try to use your cellphone there...  its CellularOne on A and some ghettoest of ghetto CDMA providers on B.
18:25.59J4k3the CDMA provider was so ghetto I couldn't even figure out who it was... kept eating 611 calls
18:26.00Dan0maN_Worklesly is the "homeless" guy that runs around downtown austin late at night in a thong that ran for mayor
18:26.01VoipMasta[TK]D-Fender: But if I want to change the DTMF sequences that trigger the call transfer (or other functions) dynamically?
18:26.25J4k3Dan0maN_Work: see, my problem is...  "Keep Austin Weird" turned into "Keep Austin Queer" which kinda sucks.
18:26.35*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
18:26.49[TK]D-FenderVoipMasta: AFAIK transfer is a fixed option.  ATTENDED transfer is something else.
18:26.51Dan0maN_Worki never was much for the wierd
18:27.09J4k3and there are just as many posers in Austin now as any other major city.
18:27.13[TK]D-FenderJ4k3: What was that comment about "qweers & steers"? ;)
18:27.41Dan0maN_Work(saw that work once.  dunno how to use it)
18:27.50[TK]D-FenderDan0maN_Work: no "~" in front
18:27.58[TK]D-FenderDan0maN_Work: Too late now :)
18:28.06nnyok so anyone got any bright ideas on how to figure out this zaptel issue
18:28.38J4k3[TK]D-Fender: not really... basic raw facts of life.
18:28.40exvitohi, does anyone have experience/feedback on Patton's SmartNode 4960 VoIP gateway + SmartLink M-ATAs for doing T.38 FAX over IP ?
18:32.51puzzledexvito: I know sells them. perhaps call or email them
18:33.25exvito...I'll have a look puzzled, thanks.
18:34.10_ShrikEexvito:  I have used several other patton products, and cant say I have been very pleased with their support.
18:35.49exvito_ShrikE: you've had a not so good support experience; what about the products themselves, would you classify them as below or above average ? (whatever that means)
18:37.07_ShrikEexvito:  Given our experiences, we try to stay away from Patton when possible.
18:37.41exvito_ShrikE: ok, thanks for the feedback.  :)
18:38.11_ShrikEexvito:  We ended up using Audiocodes mediant and MP gateways.  They have their own issues, but better than Patton.
18:38.38_ShrikEand are pretty friendly with other devices as far at T.38 goes.
18:38.59*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
18:43.20nnyi give up
18:43.25nnythis is a bitch
18:43.45nnyi fail to grasp what it preventing the init.d script to simply run ztcfg
18:44.12VoipMastaDoes anyone know any company offering worldwide t.38 termination?
18:46.55nnyheh at least by reading the init script I see that zaptel's script starts hpec -_-
18:47.57*** join/#asterisk nestAr (
18:49.13nestArOpinion Time.. Dual-Core Opteron 1.8ghz, more than enough for 20 phones, 8 lines (PRI) basic menus and voicemail?
18:49.35Strom_MnestAr: way more than enough
18:49.43nestAri figured as much
18:50.07nnywhy god!
18:50.20nnyok bout to put a bounty on this issue
18:51.50*** join/#asterisk duki (
18:52.14nnyif ANYONE has an idea why i have to manually run ztcfg before starting asterisk, please let me know... i am tired of fucking with this one issue
18:54.38[TK]D-Fendernny: You know you could simply CHEAP and be done with it,,,
18:55.30nny[TK]D-Fender: lol oh i have considered it :)
18:55.56[TK]D-Fendernny: Good... for everything else there's #drphil .  get packing! :p
18:56.05nny[TK]D-Fender: but this is going to be our method for many installs, and having this hack in it seems.. wrong i guess
18:56.09nnyis that a real channel
18:56.41[TK]D-FenderSure it is!
18:57.46[TK]D-Fendernny: uNF!
18:57.50Sci_05nny what os are you running?
18:58.11nnySci_05: debian
18:59.36Sci_05all you should have to do is toss a simple bash script into /etc/rc3.d/  Name it something like S99ztcfg and do a chmod u+x to that file and it should run when it boots up
18:59.52nnySci_05: I think it goes to run level 2
18:59.57*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=GoD@
19:00.17nnySci_05: yeah that was teh hack i was thinking of.. fuck it if it works, so be it
19:00.29nnyI can get back to drinking MD20/20 and smoking crack
19:00.39Sci_05I got mine in 3, After I run the ztcgf stuff I just asterisk -p next so it loads the zt stuff first then *
19:00.53Kandinskyanyone who knows how to configure bri isdn on asterisk?
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19:03.07nnySci_05: appears there are symlinks to asterisk and zaptel in rc0 through 5, is this normal?
19:03.36Sci_05nny did you install from debian sources or build from source?
19:03.44nnySci_05: build from source
19:03.53nnyused update-rc to add asterisk and zaptel
19:04.51nnynm I see how rc directories work
19:04.54nnyreading READMES
19:04.58tzafrirSci_05, "zt stuff first"? What exactly is zt stuff by your definition?
19:05.02nny0 is shutdown
19:05.06nny1 is single
19:05.10nny2 is run level on this box
19:05.17nnyK# is disabled, S# is start
19:05.21tzafrirnny, I prefer the init.d script in the debs (at least in the recent versions)
19:05.50nnytzafrir yeah considered downloading the package and picking through it
19:06.10nnygoing to to just have ztcfg run before asterisk and after zaptel in init for now
19:06.29*** join/#asterisk ectospasm (
19:06.37tzafrirThe zaptel init.d script should simply be run before the asterisk one
19:06.43Sci_05nny give me a sec and I will post mine for you
19:07.04nnyhmm they both are numbered 20
19:07.06Sci_05nny your right rc2.d
19:07.22nnybut even if i manually invoke both of them in order, it needs to have ztcfg run seperately
19:07.24tzafrirRecent versions of ubuntu should support dependencies between init.d scripts (as in SuSE for very long)
19:07.38nnywell this is debian now
19:07.51tzafrirnny, do you have any zaptel hardware of just ztdummy?
19:07.56nnyubuntu got thrown out this morning after trying to fix this error..
19:08.01nnyyes tdm400 with 2 modfules
19:08.38nnyshit even asterisk starts, but unless I run ztcfg, it never sees the call and logs say "ERROR[26006] chan_zap.c: Unable to open channel 4: No such device or $
19:08.38nnyhere = 0, tmp->channel = 4, channel = 4
19:08.55nnybut if i run ztcfg and restart asterisk, all is lovely and wonderful
19:09.40tzafrirnny, is the zaptel script being run before the asterisk script?
19:10.13tzafrirls /etc/rc2.d/*asterisk /etc/rc2.d/*zaptel
19:10.24nnytzafrir they both have s20 as their start.. but even if i manually start one than the other it fails
19:10.51tzafrirThey both have 20 . And "a" comes before "z" , so Asterisk is run first
19:10.56nnyso if i do an /etc/init.d/zaptel start and /etc/init.d/asterisk start i still have to run ztcfg in between there
19:11.11tzafrirSo either make Asterisk run later, or make Zaptel run earleier
19:11.12nnyi can symlink zaptel to start firts
19:11.25nnybut wouldn't manually running them fix the issue if this was the case???
19:11.49tzafriryour issue is at boot, right?
19:11.54nnyissue is regardless
19:12.30nnyin other words i can stop both after boot, and start zaptel, than asterisk, and still have no communication and that error
19:12.43nnybut if i run zaptel, do a ztcfg -vvv and then run asterisk, it works
19:13.04nnythis is on two different installs, one ubuntu 6.06 and one debian
19:13.15nnyi have even checked for IRQ conflicts and whatnot with lspci
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19:13.54nnyI have a feeling Sci_05's suggestion of running it manually between in the init sequence would fix it, and at this point i may just accept it
19:13.56TrentCreekUsing my termiantion service, internation extension rings are not occuring. Can asterisk do this?
19:13.57Sci_05nny look at my pastebin, that should take care of what your looking to do, just uncomment out what you want and it should be all good
19:14.30nnybut I am writing a howto for our company and to link to the wiki, and hate to spread the hack.. so i may just word it proper on the wiki and see if others respond
19:14.36nnySci_05: yeah working on that now
19:14.48tzafrirnny, Just run the zaptel one first. Or The Asterisk one later. What's so complicated abotu this?
19:15.04tzafrirWhy try complicated things?
19:15.04nnytzafrir that won't fix it though
19:15.12nnytzafrir ok i will try now
19:15.30nnytzafri becuase manually replicating that exact scenario still breaks things
19:16.41Normhas anyone used a D-Link DIV-140 to bridge with PSTN?
19:17.09nnytzafrir rebooting with asterisk set as S30
19:17.27nnyand then i will inject the ztcfg script at 25 (after S20zaptel) is it doesn't work
19:17.35nnywhich i have a feeling it won't
19:17.44nnyI am wondering if maybe HPEC is causing any shit
19:19.30nnytzafrir no worky
19:19.45nnytime for Sci_05's suggestion, slightly modified
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19:23.19tzafrirnny, ztcfg fails?
19:23.22SomebeeIf I have a "trunk-account" with 10 siplines from my provider, should I need to register more than once (register => ...) to get them all working with inbound calls?
19:24.06Somebeeonly one of the numbers gets routed to the server, the other 9 does not send one single package to server, even though asterisk says the account is registered ok
19:25.03nnynow i have no love at all
19:25.17nnytoo much fuzting with shit has only broadened the issue
19:25.21nnylet me check my confs
19:26.10tzafrirWhat error does ztcfg fail with?
19:26.19nnyno it works
19:26.36nnyasterisk never sees the call coming in
19:27.04tzafrirnny, if it works then you have no problem. But you said earlier that it fails
19:27.26nnyno it loads, but if I call the line, astrisk console shows nothing
19:27.40nnybefore, if i stopped asterisk, ran ztcfg -vvvv and restarted, it would work fine
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19:28.14nnybut i have been changing things trying to get to the issue, i just restored my config tarball and ran my handmade permissions script.. trying to get back tothat point
19:29.26nnyok still nothing now
19:29.54tzafrirzap show channels
19:29.58nnyno udev
19:30.03nnypermissions wrong
19:30.58nnygah udev rules are correct though -_-
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19:31.16nnyasterisk is running as non root btw
19:31.47tzafrirnny, what is the output of:  zap show channels
19:31.51tzafririn the asterisk CLI
19:32.24nnyNo such command 'zap show' (type 'help' for help)
19:32.50nnyasterisk messages says permission denied for opening channels, and the perms in /dev/zap are root
19:33.09nnyit appears that the install process doesn't drop the udev rules proper in for debian
19:34.13__freedom__loverhey, i have an intel celeron 2.6 with 256 of mem running freebsd 6.1. i want to know how many calls i can manage simultanely?
19:35.26RypPnI'd bet two before you start dropping handsets
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19:37.16tzafrirnny, Debian actually has proper zaptel udev rules
19:37.33tzafrirJust add asterisk to the group dialout
19:37.56[TK]D-Fendernny: I am thoroghly impressed.  You have turned this little init script issue into a fullday conniption!
19:38.08nny[TK]D-Fender: oh not half as impressed as I am
19:38.18nnyit would be fucking nice if I didn't have to chase down these issues
19:39.04nnytzafrir i see that dialout has group perms in that dev node.. just wondering why the zaptel.rules file in udev isn't getting read.. it seems it's name isn't what debian expects it to be
19:39.16nnywhich is a god dammed bug as far as I am concerned
19:39.31Strom_Cnny: odd; ive been running asterisk on debian for three years without a lick of trouble
19:39.57nnyStrom_C: so why do I have to fuck with udev rules from a stock install
19:40.01tzafrirnny, you just don't need it. It's unnecessary. I'm also not sure if it has any effect
19:40.09Strom_Cnny: I have no idea.
19:40.16nnyStrom_C I can send you our howto which line for line dictates the install process
19:40.17Strom_Cis this your first time installing asterisk?
19:40.18CCFL_Man2Strom_C: i figured how to put back together my 5H dial
19:40.24nnyStrom_C no, and what version are you running
19:40.28Strom_Cnny: sure
19:40.39Strom_Cnny: asterisk 1.4 svn branch on debian 4.0 stable
19:41.02CCFL_Man2Strom_C: now it returns faster than it did since i oiled it, is that a normal thing?
19:41.11Strom_CCCFL_Man2: I have no idea.
19:41.39nnyStrom_C well than you can look at our howto and point out the glaringly obvious mistake i am making that you in your year sof apparent glorious use have not run into
19:42.05Strom_Cnny: with an attitude like that, I'm apt to tell you to go fuck yourself rather than offer help
19:42.07*** part/#asterisk Fluor_ (
19:42.17Strom_Cnny: so chill the hell out
19:42.48nnytzafrir fwiw all /dev/zap/* files have group dialout EXCEPT for transcode.. which has the proper asterisk:asterisk
19:43.09nnybut i am adding asterisk to group dialout and adding it to our howto
19:43.42Strom_Cnny: please link me to your howto
19:44.19tzafrirnny, not that you need /dev/zap/transcode for anything...
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19:53.33nnyit may be missing some things I have been working on today, been too caught up in these last issues to update it today
19:54.13Strom_Cthis is not debian
19:54.15Strom_Cthis is ubuntu
19:54.20nnyit is debian
19:54.24nnythat was for ubuntu
19:54.54nnybut we switched, because ubuntu server wasn't up to par, at least that was suggested
19:55.45nnyand* the same exact issue was present in ubuntu fwiw
19:56.15nny(needing to run ztcfg after zaptel but before asterisk, otherise asterisk would say the channels didn't exist)
19:56.22nnygranted now i have permissions issues with udev
19:56.33Strom_Clet me wipe this box and try modifying your instructions
19:56.46nnywhich has been corrected by adding asterisk to group dialout
19:56.59nny(i should* add that on there at least)
19:58.21[hC]nny: how was ubuntu server not up to par? Ive been thinking of moving from debian to it
19:58.28[hC]since debian is getting so stale
19:58.39nny[hC]: dunno, i have two systems running it in production right now
19:58.44Strom_Cwhat the hell do you need bleeding-edge for on your production servers?
19:58.57nnyour office phones have had ubuntu 6.06 desktop (desktop for cryingout loud) running non stop since feburary
19:58.58[TK]D-Fender[hC]: GETTING stale?  It is by definition "stale"
19:58.59Strom_Cfor production servers, i value stability over zomgnew
19:59.15[hC]Strom_C: I dont, but when they include packages that have security holes in them and boxes get rooted, i kinda want out.
19:59.45Strom_C*shrug* i've never had that problem
19:59.54[hC]i hadnt either..
20:00.02nny[hC]: at this point, I haven't made a concrete decision on which to use, right now, I just am trying to formailize the install process so other monkeys can do what i have done
20:00.18Strom_Cand the stable release seems to be up on backporting the security fixes to the existing packages
20:00.26[hC]I mean dont get me wrong i love debian... im not about to try to throw some shiny zomgnew into the mix, but if they do a better job..
20:01.04blitzragebooooo debian
20:01.18[hC]wait wait.. let me guess..
20:01.20blitzrageya that's right -- I said it!
20:01.22[hC]Solaris, javaman? solaris?
20:01.33nnygentoo eh?
20:01.33blitzrageOSX! :D
20:01.40blitzragegentoo is worse than debian
20:01.48[hC]blitzrage: yeah! *hugs his osx boxes*
20:02.12[hC]i actually run 1.4 on my laptop in OSX...  it works :)
20:02.35tzafrirnny, apt-get install asterisk zaptel-source
20:02.40nnyhmm added asterisk to group dialout
20:02.45tzafrirnny, apt-get install asterisk zaptel-source build-essential
20:02.47nnyyeah not using 1.2
20:02.50tzafrirm-a a-i zaptel
20:02.55blitzrageI like Fedora for a desktop, and CentOS for a server... I mainly don't like debian because I don't understand it as well as RH based stuff
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20:03.06[hC]blitzrage: get this... chris and I freaked out the airline people, i fired up asteirsk 1.4 and was playing around with asterisk-gui on the plane... I associated a wifi sip phone to my laptop, and chris connected to me with a softphone/headset, and we were talking to each other -- so of course people dont 'get it' and think we're on cell phones/being terrorists
20:03.18tzafrirnny, this would be the same, but with different repos...
20:03.25blitzrage[hC]: lol... hawt :)
20:03.28[hC]on the way back from astricon of course.
20:03.37tzafrirMaintain your own repo
20:03.45[hC]i figured i should put it away when i had about 5 eyes STARING at me
20:04.03Strom_C[hC]: you know, they do tell you to turn off wifi and bluetooth on your laptops
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20:05.31[hC]Strom_C: oh.. i know that... but, who listens?
20:06.06Strom_Cyou, if you think it's important to comply with federal law
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20:06.31[hC]Well I guess its a good thing im not that concerned about federal law!
20:06.37flewidquick question, is there a simple way to setup an email alert or similar event, when a trunk registration fails?
20:06.46[hC]if i thought it was actually going to hurt anything...
20:06.53flewid(we have multiple providers, and we'd like an email to be sent when one of them is un-registered or can't connect)
20:06.58[TK]D-Fenderflewid: No/
20:07.12flewidyeah i figured as much :/
20:07.24Strom_C[TK]D-Fender: those tags are legal for you, as the consumer, to remove :)
20:07.28flewidwithout doing some crazy middleman thing that'd give a status for the registration out to an email
20:07.29karleetoi have 10 polycom 501's, and i need to map my Directory key to a speeddial or something.. i've already mapped the company's 3rd line key to *51 (thier overhead paging key), but now i need to map the directory key to transfer->70 to make it easier for them to park calls. their freakin 80s pbx could park with 1 button push, and i dont want their new expensive system to be harder for them to use
20:08.01[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto: Not happening.
20:08.13karleeto[TK]D-Fender: why?
20:08.25[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto: because you can't map multiple actions like that.
20:08.32Katty[TK]D-Fender: linkedin?
20:08.42[hC]Strom_C: nah, I just dont see why anyone should get so worked up.. Its been proven time and time again that those devices dont interfere with anything, its just their way of blanketing the entier group of people and covering their own asses from a perception standpoint... how many people do you think leave that stuff on without even realizing it? or cell phones?  I would be 'good about it' and turn it off, like i said, if i thought i
20:08.42[hC]t even mattered.
20:08.53Strom_Ckarleeto: why are you using *51 for overhead paging?  that code is reserved for another use
20:08.57karleetoi couldnt make a function to transfer to 70, and make it *700, then map the key to speeddial *700??
20:09.05Strom_C[hC]: blah blah blah blah blah
20:09.08[hC]Strom_C: to me, that kind of rule is like being told to drive with your hands at 10 and 2. is it really that necessary? no.
20:09.12[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto: You'd have to make another linke-key for 700 and then do [transfer] [speed dial to 700] [transfer]
20:09.27[TK]D-FenderKatty: huh?
20:09.34dimmikhey everyone. I am trying to figure this out. When a sip phone is redirecting calls via 302 moved is there any way to restrict it to a specific content. I tried with __TRANSFER_CONTEXT with no luck.
20:09.48[TK]D-FenderStrom_C: Don't go all CLASS on his ass.....
20:09.48Katty[TK]D-Fender: are you on there?
20:10.07[TK]D-FenderKatty: nope.
20:10.10twistedi hate liknedin
20:10.19twistedit's like the social networking site that never could.
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20:11.04flewid[tk]: looks like we were wrong, i just found someone else doing the same thing via a cron script
20:11.30ChujiSay I wanted to busy out a zap channel for a bit. What's the easiest way to get it to join an empty meetme
20:11.40[TK]D-Fenderflewid: You haven't validated the EASY part :)
20:11.58trippshello all . . . i have a mediant 1000 sip gateway behind a FW on the same network as the * box and all the cisco 79xx sip endpoints. is there a reason i shouldn't or can't enable reinvite on all devices?
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20:12.35karleeto[TK]D-Fender: i could make an extension say *420, then make a little app in extensions.conf for *420 to transfer->70, then map directory key to speeddial *420, right?
20:12.37flewidtk: haha
20:12.49flewid[tk]: copying some script is easy imho :p
20:12.51flewidas long as she works
20:13.01[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto: No.
20:13.18Strom_Ckarleeto: read this please
20:13.20[TK]D-Fenderflewid: So more like "Was hard for THEM, but my stealing it is EASY!"
20:13.22jbot[vsc] Vertical Service Codes such as *67, *69, *72, and *82.  These codes are generally reserved for specific uses, and it's a bad idea to conflict with the official assignments.  A list of assigned VSCs for North America is at and
20:13.40flewid[tk]: it's not stealing if it's posted on voip-info to use :p
20:13.42flewidbut essentially, yes.
20:13.57[TK]D-Fenderflewid: Well more power to you then...
20:14.56karleeto[TK]D-Fender: OK, then a 420 app in extentions.conf to transfer->70,wait 7 seconds so they get the parking spot, then transfer again.. why wouldnt that work??
20:15.01[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto: Time to tell them TFB <-----
20:15.09Kattytwisted: oh :<
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20:15.15Kattytwisted: but, i just added you on linkedin :<
20:15.25[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto: NOTHING is going to make your PHONE tranfer that other call in progress.  Its a dead end.  Forget about it,
20:15.56tripps[hC]: heh funny about the phones . . . i'm a pilot and you're right about them not interfering. of course i hope they don't change the laws since i would hate to be on a plane and have everyone talking on their cell phones . . .
20:16.28karleetohmmmm. ok
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20:21.30Assidis there a way to hear gsm codec files on a symbian phone ? if anyoine has tried it
20:21.48[hC]tripps: i agree
20:21.55karleetoWTF is that about then?
20:22.35[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto: Since when does that let you INTEGRATE the transfer along WITH the number?
20:22.53[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto: You only get HALF the job done there....
20:23.12[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto: You keep looking for "one-touch" and are really jsut not getting it....
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20:24.19[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto: it would take a minimum of 3 presses to park a call.
20:24.41[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto: Doesn't matter which way you want to remap them, its still THREE.
20:25.09nestArbut 3 buttons, man, that's a lot!
20:25.22karleeto[TK]D-Fender: because i could make a macro where you dial *1000 in extensions.conf to transfer->70,wait few seconds,transfer,hangup; then make a speeddial to *1000
20:25.34karleetoi dont see why that wouldnt work?!!?!
20:25.42[TK]D-FendernestAr: Like I always say... "cry me a river..... so I can hold your HEAD UNDER"
20:26.14[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto: No, that doesn't work, because if its a speedi-dial, it will open a NEW channel!  that does not affect you CURRENT CALL.
20:26.35ChujiCan anyone think of a way to busy out a zap channel with making it dial an outside number?
20:27.06[TK]D-FenderChuji: You'd have to invent a way modding
20:27.21Chuji[TK]D-Fender : OK, that's not going to happen :)
20:27.42GoRKthe speed dial could call an AGI that parks the other call on that endpoint via the AMI; but it would be tricky
20:27.45[TK]D-FenderChuji: actually.... I think you COULD do "Dial(ZAP/1) raw like that... not sure if your telco would cause a disconnect on that though...
20:28.00[TK]D-FenderChuji: but that might very well do it..
20:28.15Chuji[TK]D-Fender : With = without
20:28.20ChujiI don't want it to dial out
20:28.31Chujilike have it go offhook directly to a meet me or something
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20:28.50[TK]D-FenderGoRK: Yeah, you COULD try to "guesstimate" the channel and do a hostile transfer on it.... but that is MORE than fugly (risky!) and then again... you don't get the parking lot!
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20:29.24[TK]D-FenderChuji: well that IS taking it off-hook, and NOT dialing a number... seems to do what you want...
20:29.45GoRK[TK]D-Fender: unless you have it call the phone back with a ring-answer or auto answer or something then read the number
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20:30.06GoRKit would carry a challenge though, yes
20:30.19karleeto[karl@asterisk1 ~]$ screen -r
20:30.21[TK]D-FenderGoRK: "terminally impractical" pretty much sums that up :)
20:30.23karleeto15:21 < karleeto> WTF is that about then?
20:30.25karleeto15:22 -!- anonymouz666 [n=anonymou@] has quit [Connection timed out]
20:30.28karleeto15:22 < [TK]D-Fender> karleeto: Since when does that let you INTEGRATE the transfer along WITH the number?
20:30.31karleeto15:22 < [TK]D-Fender> karleeto: You only get HALF the job done there....
20:30.33karleeto15:23 < [TK]D-Fender> karleeto: You keep looking for "one-touch" and are really jsut not getting it....
20:30.40Assidhey tkd! how goes it
20:31.28[TK]D-FenderPoor deluded schmuck :p
20:31.41[TK]D-FenderAssid: (not you) Getting by....
20:32.23[TK]D-FenderFailing to take my advise is typically a very bad thing... people should learn this!
20:32.31Assidhehe.. yep
20:32.46Assidwhen taking advice.. generally its best to play "leave your brains at home today"
20:33.46[TK]D-Fenderok, heading home.. BBIAB
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20:34.48_ShrikEkatty:  tomato and green onion reduction over bow tie pasta... mmmmm..
20:35.27AssidKatty: spinach
20:35.34Assidwith some salads
20:35.49Assidor just have a BBQ
20:35.57Katty_ShrikE: "reduction"?
20:36.36_ShrikEdice the tomato and cook it and the diced onions down in their own juices.. plus just a bit of olive oil
20:37.11_ShrikEits light but flavorful
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20:44.14Assid_ShrikE: you a chef?
20:44.52_ShrikEnot officially but I love cooking.
20:45.10Strom_Cnny: I'm building everything and documenting it carefully
20:45.48nnyStrom_C still getting permission denied when asterisk is trying to access /dev/zap even though asterisk user is in dialout group and group perms are rw
20:46.07Strom_Cnny: yeah, just sit tight
20:46.17Strom_Clet me concentrate on this :)
20:47.06PSU_Bossok, so i have asterisk set up, and i'm on a different network right now using a utstarcom f1000g connected to the asterisk box.  if i call other extensions, i hear it ring, and then when i talk, or voicemail answers.. i can't hear it.  it's using the u-law codec..
20:47.44PSU_Bossanyone have an idea as to why it's doing that?  also, the softphones i have connected to it work fine..
20:48.10Strom_CPSU_Boss: ringing is not rtp :)
20:48.18Strom_CPSU_Boss: i'm guessing a sip / nat issue
20:49.43hmmhesaysanyone know where I can get a ulaw *.pcap file for SIPP?
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20:52.39lesouvageDoes ${CALERIDNUM} contains the number of the one that starts the phone call or the one that is called?
20:53.15nestArfor a call originating in going out?
20:53.22nestAror for a inbound call
20:53.40nestArthe one that starts the call
20:53.52nestAr${EXTEN} would be the number they are dialing
20:54.28nestArex: Dial(IAX2/user@peer/${EXTEN})
20:54.38lesouvageOK, thanks. I have to change a setting without the change of testing it right now, but this should be the one to choose.
20:55.25Kattyi need a nap :<
20:57.44Strom_Clesouvage: ${CALLERID(num)}
20:59.49PSU_Boss<Strom_C> PSU_Boss: i'm guessing a sip / nat issue   <-- how can it be a nat issue if it connects to the asterisk server.  and i can call the utstarcom phone from one of my other phones and the utstarcom can answer it, but can't talk.
21:00.10Strom_CPSU_Boss: you said you were on a different network might be NAT
21:00.20nestAryeah, i'm still using old asterisk, so i'm behind on the variables.. :)
21:02.08PSU_BossStrom_C, any idea on how i can go about fixing that?
21:02.22PSU_Bossi forwarded the port 5060 on my router to my asterisk box
21:02.42Strom_CPSU_Boss: you also need to forward ports 10000-20000 for the RTP media
21:03.33Strom_C5060 is signaling only
21:05.20PSU_Bossis that udp or tcp?
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21:07.27nnywell got the system stable at least
21:08.19nny(by adding chown -R asterisk:asterisk /dev/zap* to my init scripts -_-)
21:08.29Strom_Cnny: I am about two steps away from having a workable solution for you
21:08.52nnyStrom_C: cool for what it's worth I am enjoying the education
21:10.45nnyso is real time for asterisk ideal or is there certain situations where it works better?
21:11.31nnymost of the systems we deploy are under 20 phones, using newer hardware (dual core) gig + of ram etc
21:13.14*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
21:14.50hmmhesaysoverkill for 20 phones
21:17.17blitzragenny: generally... the main purpose of realtime is to be able to update configurations from a web gui (in my experience)
21:17.27blitzrageor some other external application that configures the system
21:17.49nnyblitzrage: gotcha
21:17.55nnywill keep that in mind
21:18.06nnyi was just looking at the 550
21:18.16nnytypically sell 501s, but the 550 is pretty damn sharp
21:18.18blitzragefor systems like yours, you probably keep everything in a flat file, and for 20 sets, realtime would just add complexity without any advantages
21:19.03nnyhmmhesays: yeah overkill, but the pricing on those systems is 500-600 bucks... considering what people pay for mitel pbx or even old school systems
21:19.33*** join/#asterisk duckz (
21:20.03[TK]D-Fendernny, IP 550 is virtually un-suggestable.
21:20.09nnyworking on a quote right now for a client.. 8 501 phones, optional T1 card or 8 FXO (Leaving that up to them)
21:20.15nnybut it's so shinny
21:20.19nnyguess it's a bitch eh?
21:20.31nnyreally the only thing I liked most was the backlit lcd
21:20.40blitzrageit's HD voice I think
21:20.41blitzrage16 bit
21:20.43nnyer liked was
21:20.48blitzragethus... $$$$
21:20.50nnyjesus brain scrambled
21:20.51[TK]D-Fendernny, IP 501 is only suggestable for non PoE environments and those with more than basic needs that the IP 330 can't handle
21:21.15nnyyeah definitely non poe
21:21.19blitzrageya... 501 isn't really the best choice for a set anymore... 330 does everything for cheaper
21:21.23alrs[TK]D-Fender: does the 330 have the same echo can stuff that the 501 has?
21:21.49nestArwhat's wrong with the 550's?
21:22.02jcanfieldwould be nice to see g.722 on the 330.
21:22.10[TK]D-FendernestAr, simply not worth the money compared to otehr models.
21:22.26nestArstill in the box at this point...
21:22.31blitzrageG.722 doesn't make a lot of sense unless someone else has it :)
21:22.32[TK]D-FenderG.722 = only in-office, and we're talking about a bloody PHONE here...
21:22.52jcanfieldyup...but makes for nice in-office calls.
21:22.53PSU_BossStrom_C, i forwarded port 10010 to the asterisk box, which is the port that my softphone and the f1000g is using.  but when i make a call from the softphone, that port in iptables doesn't show any activity.
21:23.09GoRKg.722 goes on ISDN also
21:23.12[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage, I advocate the 320 over the 330.  Invest the difference in WIRING.
21:23.17jcanfield90% is calls here are inter-office.
21:23.24nnyso 330 is poe only?
21:23.30PSU_Bossi also forwarded the entire port range, and that shows a little bit of activity, but not at the moments when i make the calls
21:23.43blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: I think I meant the 320... not the 330 :)
21:23.45JTGoRK: since when?
21:23.46Dan0maN_Worknny:  you can buy an adapter for it
21:23.48[TK]D-Fendernny, no, it does PoE natively, and you can get a brick cheap for it
21:23.50jcanfieldnny: it has wall wart.
21:24.51nnyanyone get a chance to setup the Kirks yet?
21:24.58nnyhave a doctors office who wants em
21:25.02JTGoRK: ISDN is G.711
21:25.02*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-vcch (n=tilghman@pdpc/supporter/bronze/Corydon76-home)
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21:25.33[TK]D-FenderIP 301 = no point at all any more
21:26.33Strom_Ci have it working just fine on the box to my left
21:26.41nnyStrom_C i'll try it out, thanks, and I appreciate the help
21:26.42_charly_hi, is there a 64bit version of idefisk or zoiper somewhere? i tried the 32bit version, but after starting it i only get a "Floating point exception"
21:26.59Strom_Cnny: please let me know if it works
21:27.00_charly_a 64bit version for linux
21:27.07nnyStrom_C: will do
21:29.01GoRKJT: More importantly ISDN is 64kb. You can run other codecs over it if you want. I did some radio remote stuff 9 years ago and we could use L2 MPEG or G.722 with the unit we had
21:29.44GoRKJT: "normal" voice calls made over ISDN use uLaw though.. but a call between ISDN endpoints can do all kinds of stuff
21:30.23Strom_Cnny: also, "debian sarge" should be "debian 4"
21:30.33Strom_Cbrain was running on autopilot for that one :)
21:30.54jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
21:33.44nnyStrom_C: installing right now using debian-40r1 iso
21:33.51Strom_Cnny: great
21:33.53nnyStrom_C: we are also installing hpec
21:34.11nnyshould be able to tell you how it went in about 20 minutes
21:34.18Strom_Ci dont have hpec here, so you'll have to modify the instructions to work with that
21:34.49nnyStrom_C: no problem,.. if all works well I can put it on the wiki somewhere as well, i'll be sure to credit you
21:35.03BadHorsieso should i just go straight for that book? or would it be good to read first TFOT 1st edition?
21:35.12Qwell2nd edition
21:35.51Strom_Cnny: no, i'll take care of doing that
21:35.59Strom_Cbut thanks for the offer
21:36.55*** join/#asterisk |R (
21:37.41*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
21:40.18Agnt_0rngeis there a command to ping everyones phone so they will register?
21:41.24wisheswhy would their client not register?
21:41.33wishesor you mean re-register ?
21:42.16Agnt_0rngeso when the phones get disconnected you dont have to wait and or have them unplug and replug in the phone.
21:42.34wishesmost phones you can set to re-register at x amount seconds
21:42.48wishesor hangup/pickup a couple times makes it happen
21:42.59wishesor was it calling somebody? something like that
21:46.03Agnt_0rngeIt seems when changes are made in the system and you save them, some people loose their connection.
21:46.26*** join/#asterisk lunaphyte__ (
21:46.57Agnt_0rngeso instead of having them power cycle can I ping them and force the phone to re-register....not sure if register is the right term
21:50.00nnyStrom_C: wondering if using SVN will maigcally fix some of the issues i was having
21:50.42Strom_Cnny: i dont think it was asterisk's fault ;)
21:50.53Strom_Cnny: these directions should work fine with tarballs too
21:51.24nnyStrom_C: hmm I will use svn, although other than the part we had for editing the asterisk makefile to use /var/run/asterisk, the rest seems very similar
21:51.38*** join/#asterisk Tommy3 (n=Tommy2@
21:52.15PSU_BossStrom_C, i forwarded the ports required and it still doesn't work.
21:53.13PSU_Bossthe thing i don't understand is how a softphone connected to the same network that the utstarcom f1000g is, works when the f1000g doesn't
21:58.29*** join/#asterisk Flauto (n=zhao@
21:59.10nnyStrom_C: on make menuselect for zaptel.. I assume apart from the wctdm i need little else
21:59.15Flautohi all
21:59.16nnyor nothing else for that matter
21:59.24Strom_Cnny: that depends on what you have installed
21:59.33nnytdm02b (tdm400 with 2 fxo)
21:59.35Strom_Cyou probably want local channel support
21:59.52nnywhats pciradio?
22:00.24nnywhats local channel support module?
22:00.31*** join/#asterisk kgx (n=kgx@
22:00.32Strom_Cfor using the LOCAL channel type
22:00.37Strom_Ci'd recommend you compile that
22:00.38nnyno i mean which is it
22:00.44Strom_Cit's at the bottom
22:00.49Strom_Cit'll say "local"
22:00.57nnyztd-loc ?
22:01.03Strom_Cyeah, i think so
22:01.04nnynothing specifically says local
22:01.14Strom_Cthe description will say "local channel support"
22:01.15nnywhat about ztd-eth ? there not a description field at the bottom of the screen as you move the cursor to each of these?
22:01.38nnyin zaptel modules?
22:01.44nnyyes but nothing says local channel support
22:02.13Strom_CLocal Virtual Span
22:02.19Strom_Ci'd say that's pretty damned clear
22:02.25nnyheh Local Virtual Span ! local channel support
22:02.44nnyi mean i am sure they mean the same, i was taking you literally
22:03.02*** part/#asterisk Tommy3 (n=Tommy2@
22:03.09Flautodoes 1.4 come with some kind of call recording function?
22:03.17Strom_Cno, i do not have the zaptel menuselect screen memorized
22:03.19nnywhat about zttranscode
22:03.19Strom_CFlauto: yes
22:03.29Strom_Cnny: you dont need it unless you have a transcoder card
22:03.29Flautostrom, anything i can read on?
22:03.35Strom_CFlauto: MixMonitor()
22:03.45nnyi didn't think so, i was being cautious as to follow your instructions as precise as possible
22:04.39Strom_Cthen really all you need is wctdm, ztd-loc, and ztdynamic
22:04.44kgxhey. i need to call an agi script when someone picks up a phone from a que. also need to pass the sip_id of the person who pick up the call. anyone knows how i can do this? this doesnt work: Queue(support-queue|trn|||15|AGI(script.php|sip_id=${CHANNEL}))
22:04.51Flautothanks, i am searching for mixmonitor now. strom_c
22:05.17Strom_Ckgx: because ${CHANNEL} is the channel of the calling party, not the called party
22:05.49nnyStrom_C: processor is am2, which hpec module (nothing quite says K7) is best, they have i686, 586, 386 athlon, athlonxp
22:06.01nnycaution again to avoid any further issues
22:06.09Strom_Cnny: I have no idea; i've never used hpec
22:06.20kgxStrom_C: hmm, it did seem to work for my macros though. but thanks for letting me know. so how do i pass the sip id?
22:06.44Strom_Ckgx: beats me
22:07.13anonymouz666Oct 10 19:05:26 DEBUG[25388]: chan_sip.c:11539 sipsock_read: SIP message could not be handled
22:07.32anonymouz666asterisk can't just handle REFER SIP Messages
22:10.27*** join/#asterisk adorah (
22:17.05BadHorsiei wonder if this channel have some cheat sheet for asterisk, say, for the sake of space and the lack of paper for printing
22:17.19BadHorsiesome sort of objective view of asterisk i meant.
22:17.30jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
22:17.44fujincheat sheet = your brain
22:18.58jameswfgoogle = my cheatsheet
22:20.08Flautois there a way that i can turn on/off mixmonitor in the middle of a conversation?
22:20.49nnyStrom_C: rebooting
22:21.11*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
22:21.13nnyStrom_C: followed it pretty much to a t
22:21.19nnydidn't even use asterisk addons
22:21.25nny(no need really)
22:21.30*** join/#asterisk flujan (
22:21.41flujanhi guys... anyone seeing this  error:
22:21.50flujanI am having the same problem here!!!
22:22.32Strom_Cflujan: its telling you that it doesn't need to write an unnecessary CDR entry
22:22.48flujanhum... so it now problem using it?
22:23.06flujanI also noticed that my connection with the pgsql is consuming 100% of the CPU.
22:23.07*** join/#asterisk metfan2007 (n=metfan20@
22:23.26flujan5480 postgres  25   0 77944  68m  67m R  100  1.8   7:06.49 postgres
22:23.33nnyStrom_C: perm errors in asterisk messages for /dev/zap
22:23.42metfan2007hey, there's a bug in the last zaptel 1.4.5 version... do you know it??
22:23.45nnyStrom_C: same problem i was experiencing before :)
22:23.53metfan2007it does not create the /etc/zaptel.conf file!!
22:23.56flujanpostgres  5480 99.5  1.7  77944 70476 ?        Rs   19:16   7:19  \_ postgres: totalip totalipdb INSERT
22:24.03metfan2007I mean, zaptel
22:24.08Strom_Cnny: odd; what did you do differently than my instructions?
22:24.14flujanStrom_C: this behavior appear after 1.4.12 upgrade
22:24.37nnyand i checked, asterisk is member of dialout, and dialout has group perms on /dev/zap
22:26.23Strom_Cnny: I sent you a PM
22:26.43nnyStrom_C: got it.. answered, pidign sucks
22:27.28nnyStrom_C: Stand by, I loaded my stock premade configs, but haven't changed zapata.conf yet, someone suggested i had to have modules in 1 and 2 in order to work, old premades still have 3,4
22:28.08nnyso not same issue
22:28.17Strom_Cnny: well yeah, the instructions do kind of assume you have zapata and zaptel configured correctly :)
22:28.23nnyhopefully all is well now, and your howto works.. personally I wanna move forward myself
22:28.23[TK]D-Fendermetfan2007, And why would it be creating /etc/zaptel.conf?
22:28.42nnyStrom_C: heh they were before reinstall, but i have a tarball here with dialplans, etc already setup
22:29.04nnyStrom_C: and by default, the tdm02b comes on channel 3,4 from digium
22:29.24nnybut someone earlier stated that wouldn't work (i tried, in spit of my instinct and the fact i have other boxes on 3,4)
22:29.43Strom_Cnny: whoever said it wouldn't work is a moron
22:30.01anonymouz666ok, I was wrong.
22:30.02anonymouz666* can handle incoming refer requests
22:30.06nnylol i think they were just trying to help, but yeah our office * box has 1 and 3 (don't ask why)
22:30.06anonymouz666not sure about outgoing.
22:30.26nnyStrom_C: ok still permission denied
22:30.46nnyhere = 0, tmp->channel = 1, channel = 1
22:30.57Strom_Cnny: ok, give me ssh access
22:31.12nnycrw-rw----  1 root     dialout  196,   1 2007-10-10 18:28 1
22:31.25nnystand by, ddwrt firewall was giving me shit the other day
22:31.46nnyasterisk : asterisk dialout
22:32.08nnyfor some reason I can't PM in pidign.. let me install xchat
22:33.29*** join/#asterisk Kunnis (
22:34.36KunnisHey, I'm just wondering rough numbers here, but how do most telco's bill for 1-800 numbers?
22:34.59KunnisAnd waht's the monthly fees like
22:35.33KunnisOr know any good sites that would explain it
22:35.36nnybrb switching to xchat
22:36.35Sci_05Kunnis: usually 800 numbers get billed to the Long Distance account
22:36.47TrentCreekit varies
22:37.17GoRKKunnis: 800 numbers are a little bit complicated but normally they just have a small monthly fee to add the number to your regular LD account and then a per minute rate.. there are special circumstances where you would have PRI's or something for only the 800 number but if this is what you need you probably wouldnt be asking us :)
22:37.23TrentCreekSome do not and just charge unlimted fee, unless call originated from payphone
22:37.34*** join/#asterisk nny (
22:37.45*** part/#asterisk popvoxdave (n=popvoxda@
22:37.54GoRKKunnis: you will have different rates for different origination such as pay phones or canada.. or you can disallow origination from these or other areas also
22:38.37*** join/#asterisk blq (
22:39.28Guggemandanyone having trouble using "sip notify snom-check-cfg" in 1.4.11?
22:39.45wishesok i have a queues/AGI query, I have a queue(.....AGI script) the script should trigger on answer (according to the docs), what im trying to pass to the AGI is the extention or username of the person who answers it - any ideas?
22:39.47Guggemandafter issuing the command once nothing else works until i reconnect to the console and run a reload
22:42.21hmmhesayshey guys have any of you used one of these d945GCNL boards with zaptel hardware?
22:44.57*** join/#asterisk pots_line (
22:46.02hmmhesaysI'm also curious if it matters what voltage pci slot you plug an a200 card into
22:46.08[TK]D-Fenderwishes, it doesn't take parameters.  All it can do is access channel variables.
22:46.17[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, 3.3v / 5v
22:46.35*** join/#asterisk jetlagmk2 (
22:46.38[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, All Sangoma PCI cards are 3.3/5 copatible
22:46.47KunnisGoRK  That's bascailly what I was wondering.  I worked on asterisk a long time ago, and figured this would be a good place to ask.
22:46.56*** join/#asterisk nny (
22:47.03KunnisI actually got sphix+asterisk == voice recogition working.
22:47.28wishes[TK]D-Fender: yeah you can call it like ..
22:47.29wishesexten => 2,n,Queue(support-queue|trn|||15|AGI(/var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/csr_call_logger.php|sip_id=${EXTEN}|callerid=${CALLERIDNUM}))
22:47.51wishesit does work, i just cant find the correct sip_id var to give it the user extention that picked up
22:48.05wishesKunnis: nice
22:48.09wisheswas it hard?
22:48.14KunnisBut I hit a wall on getting recogition decent.
22:48.28wishesbut it does basic 'yes' and 'no' etc ?
22:48.35KunnisI spent 2 weeks paid work on it.  look up the jasterisk project on
22:48.42Kunnisso with my code it's easy... but it's a fork of asterisk
22:48.55hmmhesaysi'm wondering if I can run a 4 fxo port card on a mini pci board
22:49.14KunnisSomeone started Jasterisk, and I just cleaned it up.
22:49.34KunnisI'd rate it as hard because of the java<->C bridge
22:49.44JTGoRK: right, normal voice calls over ISDN.
22:49.52JTwhat else would people be talking about?
22:49.57JTcalls to the telco
22:50.10JTGoRK: it's G.711, not necessarily Mu-Law
22:50.36*** part/#asterisk pots_line (
22:50.44[TK]D-Fenderwishes, you should really try reading up a bit more... "New in Asterisk 1.4: The MEMBERINTERFACE channel variable holds information about which queue member received the call. "
22:51.36KunnisBut bascially it's now just download and build jasterisk, and download and build sphinx, and it magically works.
22:51.49*** join/#asterisk nny (
22:51.58wishes[TK]D-Fender: using 1.2 still
22:52.13KunnisI started pulling jasterisk back into a module, but I got pulled off the project, so I didn't do any more development.
22:52.15wishesupgrading would requrie working for a weekend whilst nobody is using it
22:52.46wishesthough ive serious been tempted - but atm im moving house because i burnt the last one half down so im kinda busy on the weekend cleaning up the old place :)
22:53.12NovceGuruWeird, absolutely no config changes and I'm getting WARNING[47194]: app_dial.c:1106 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
22:53.30NovceGuruout of the blue
22:53.49[TK]D-Fenderwishes,   Queue(queuename[|options[|URL][|announceoverride][|timeout]]):
22:53.55JTcheck that the network connection is working properly, NovceGuru
22:54.09wishes[TK]D-Fender: nasty nasty nasty hacked/patched 1.2
22:54.44[TK]D-Fenderwishes, Sorry.... your warranty is completely DEAD with us now :)
22:54.45wisheshence why i want to upgrade it fully and get rid of all the crap out of here :/
22:55.16wishesim dealing with the previous legacy network managers - one who had a clue but left a couple eyars ago, the other who just like to fuck shit up and left me to deal with it
22:55.16[TK]D-Fenderwishes, Hey, go hack it in yourself then while you're at it....
22:55.19NovceGuruJT: seems fine, *checks again*
22:55.27hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: I ordered the h261 with m22
22:55.28NovceGurutry hacking
22:55.36PSU_Bossdo you have to actually forward the ports 10000-20000 on the router to the box that has asterisk on it?  or just open the ports on the firewall on the asterisk box?
22:55.56wishesnaw, i want to reinstall from scratch etc - but i know that the configs will change a fair bit :D
22:55.59[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, They'll be happy with it.  Binaural really helps you concentrate on your caller.
22:56.10PSU_Bossbecause i did a tcpdump on the asterisk box and port 10010 is being accessed, and there are no hits to the port forward on the router
22:56.20wishesi never knew i looked so angry all the time until i got a webcamera up
22:56.23*** join/#asterisk jm|laptop (
22:56.30hmmhesaysi'm hoping that I can use a sangoma card with this mini atx board
22:56.40jm|laptopanyone got a Cisco 7905/7912 ?
22:57.18jm|laptopwith SIP firmware
22:59.20hmmhesaysoops its a micro atx
22:59.39hmmhesaysanyone used any sangoma hardware with a micro atx board?
22:59.52[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, My server does
22:59.58[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, works fine
23:00.03hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: what board?
23:00.29[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, A7V8X-MX
23:01.27hmmhesaysI have an intel d945gcnl
23:01.28[TK]D-Fenderjm|laptop, What about them?
23:01.53jm|laptopI was wondering if new firmware allows dial alphabetical sip uri stuff
23:01.57jm|laptopI no longer have CCO
23:02.30[TK]D-Fenderjm|laptop, no clue.  Cisco.... bleh
23:02.47jm|laptopCisco schmisco
23:02.50jm|laptopCisco are good :/
23:03.06[TK]D-Fendermore like "could do worse"
23:03.23*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
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23:06.31hmmhesaysif I only have 2 ip 501's I'd rather just get an ac adapter for them
23:06.35hmmhesaysbut I can't seem to find any
23:06.48JTcisco are shite
23:06.55jm|laptopthanks JT
23:07.55*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
23:09.21[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, they came with the PoE-only cable?
23:09.56hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: i'm trying to figure out what the 501's come with
23:09.59hmmhesaysfor power
23:10.06hmmhesaysI have to order some tomorrow
23:10.29jm|laptopmy 7912 came with PoE only
23:10.29[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, I'm not talking about "the" IP 501's, I'm talking about "YOUR" IP 501's.
23:10.42hmmhesaysI don't have any
23:10.49*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
23:11.14hmmhesayswhy do you think i'm always asking questions about them
23:11.25hmmhesaysI finally get to order some tomorrow
23:11.57[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, They come with either a ) a cable with a PoE "nugget" in-line circuit , or b ) a special cable that you plug the wall wart (which comes with the cable) into the MIDDLE of.
23:12.22hmmhesaysit doesn't say on voipsupply
23:12.35[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, odds are if it doesn't say "PoE cable bundle" then you are going to get "B"
23:12.52[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, link it.  Oh, and Voipsupply's prices suck on Polycom.
23:12.52*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
23:13.24hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender where do you recommend?
23:13.43hmmhesaysthey US?
23:14.49[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, yup
23:15.34*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
23:15.50[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, fast shipping to Canada and they were nice to deal with on the phone (I don't order direct from sites if at all possible)
23:16.29blitzrageI hate ordering from the US... custom duties always make it cheaper to order from Canada
23:16.31hmmhesaysgotcha, so what are my power possibilities on here, either power bundle,  is there a regular ac adapter?
23:16.46blitzrageand with the Canadian dollar stronger than the USD, it makes sense even less so :)
23:17.16rpmgo canada!
23:17.18[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, "B" 's cable comes with a brick you plug INTO the cable mid-way through
23:17.29[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, kind of like an IV drip at the hospital
23:17.40jm|laptopA vodka one?
23:18.05hmmhesaysit doesn't say on telephony depot
23:18.29[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage, tip : Canadian prices aren't synching to match the USD exchange rate.  Therefor US goods are becoming CHEAPER and MORE worthwhile to import.  Check your math :p
23:18.40_x86_i never thought i would see the day when a republican ran the US dollar into the dirt so bad
23:19.03jm|laptop"I love you long time for top Euro!"
23:19.15hmmhesaysjust not as funny
23:19.18[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, look on page 2 of "polycom phones".  You'll see 2 x IP 501's 1 with PoE bundle, 1 without
23:19.21jm|laptop"just one Eulo!"
23:19.45BBHossyeah i love 'conservatism' :) more like 'spendatism'
23:19.53[TK]D-Fender_x86_, He isn't a republican, he's a FASCIST <------
23:19.56hmmhesaysso the one with the poe bundle has everything I need to power it
23:20.55[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, No.  it doesn't come with the "Power+ethernet" cable, it comes with the "cable with PoE support nugget" ONLY
23:21.08JTthe australian dollar is expected to equal the US dollar some time next year :D
23:21.13[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, it SUBSTITUTES the cable, not ADDING.
23:21.26NovceGuruJT: that extension can dial me, but I can't dial them, he calls me, can't hear either way, but we both can call a conference
23:22.02[TK]D-FenderJT : From what little news of AU passes my eyes its looking like your gov't is becoming much more "1984"-like all the time.  Is that a fair assessment?
23:22.15*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-vcch (n=tilghman@pdpc/supporter/bronze/Corydon76-home)
23:22.15*** mode/#asterisk [+o Corydon76-vcch] by ChanServ
23:22.21NovceGurualso, that extension doesn't show up in sip show peers,
23:22.28[TK]D-FenderNovceGuru, "canreinvite=no" <--------------
23:22.28NovceGuruerm, its ping doesn't show up
23:22.31blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: actually... ya... I guess that's true since that's the reason I bought my MacBook in the US while I was there
23:22.35[TK]D-FenderNovceGuru, classic NAT issue
23:22.49NovceGurufender, they are both set to no :|
23:22.52JT[TK]D-Fender: not really, nothing like the US
23:22.58[TK]D-FenderNovceGuru, here :
23:23.00jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
23:23.07hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: so I have to get a poe hub or injector to power it right?
23:23.18[TK]D-FenderJT : Never said it had to be as bad, just that its a continuing trend.
23:23.37[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, I've tried to be painfully clear on this... you jsut don't seem to be getting it :/
23:23.52*** join/#asterisk Teln1100A (
23:23.56*** join/#asterisk luke-jr (n=luke-jr@2002:440d:6de2:0:20e:a6ff:fec4:4e5d)
23:24.08luke-jrAny ideas on why faxing is suddenly not working? :/
23:24.18luke-jrdoes RTP packet size and such matter?
23:24.36NovceGuru[TK]D-Fender: both behind a basic nat and the server isn't natted
23:24.37twistedhmmhesays: quick tip:  the polycom 501's w/PoE already have the poe injecters
23:24.44luke-jrfax machine -> PAP2 -> LAN -> Asterisk
23:24.45twistedhmmhesays the ones that don't say w/PoE do NOT
23:25.21*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (n=strom@
23:25.44JT[TK]D-Fender: nothing really that worrying yet
23:25.48twistedalso, you could look at pricepoint.  generally, unless there's a special, the ones that cost more have everything you need
23:25.52*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
23:26.10rpmcan asterisk 1.4 do t.38 passthrough?
23:28.36BBHossyes i think so
23:31.17blitzragerpm: yes
23:31.31BBHossits not perfect though
23:33.46NovceGuruif I sip client can connect, and register, then it should show a ping with qualify=yes?
23:34.02*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
23:34.05BBHossnot always
23:34.37blitzragetwisted: omg you're alive
23:34.42riddleboxwohoo charter is going to replace my modem tomorow, because it isnt doing disconnect supervision, now I wont get text messages all the time when there is a hangup
23:35.12*** join/#asterisk Qapf (
23:36.48twistedblitzrage, yeah, i live.
23:37.12QapfHey, I have a branch server connected to my main one, and on my main server i have an ivr where people can direct dial an extension number and get there. extensions on the branch office are not on the extensions list of the main server and as a result the ivr says invalid extension, is there any way to make the ivr aware of the branch office so those extensions can be dialed directly?
23:38.02*** join/#asterisk ectospasm (
23:38.28BBHosshang on qapf ill get you an example
23:39.25BBHossits as simple as adding a line to extensions.conf
23:39.25*** join/#asterisk drwelby (
23:40.56riddleboxwhat is a different name for disconnect supervision?
23:41.17*** join/#asterisk Itiliti (
23:41.52QapfBBHoss, thanks
23:42.03ItilitiHow can I compile res_bonjour into asterisk?
23:43.27BBHossexten => _5XXX.,1,Dial(IAX2/yourpeer1/${EXTEN})
23:43.57BBHossreplace 5XXX with whatever pattern you use to call down there
23:44.11BBHossjust put that line in the context that handles normal calls
23:48.38NovceGuruso with ekiga it's working better, the peer shows a ping, and I can call and we can hear each other (stupid echo or loop inside the soundcard) but its tellin him invalid pin
23:48.41NovceGuruin a conference
23:49.14[TK]D-FenderNovceGuru, pastebin it.
23:49.38NovceGurulet me get a fresh attempt
23:50.10Qapfand i assume replace yourpeer1 with the real name of the iax2 trunk
23:50.27Qapfok, ill give it a go
23:50.39BBHossanything that has a 5 and 3 following 0-9 numbers will go through that trunk
23:51.54NovceGurufender, asterisk -vvvvvc should be enough output?
23:52.32[TK]D-FenderNovceGuru,  to start
23:55.27[TK]D-FenderBBHoss, ... ALMOST ;)
23:55.42NovceGurublah, if I login with his account it works fine, must be something in ekiga
23:56.07[TK]D-FenderBBHoss> anything that has a 5 and 3 following 0-9 numbers will go through that trunk <--- ALMOST right :)
23:56.25BBHosswhat did i miss
23:56.50[TK]D-FenderBBHoss> exten => _5XXX.,1,Dial(IAX2/yourpeer1/${EXTEN}) <----- read this carefully, and you tell ME what you missed :)
23:57.12BBHossthe dot on the end
23:57.29fujinDOT ON THE END INDEED
23:57.36BBHossthat will fuck things up :)
23:57.43[TK]D-Fenderonly a littl!
23:58.12rpmwhich option do i need to turn on in zapata.conf so asterisk will accept digits to be dialed? i can call my analog phone connected to my wctdm fxs module, but can't dial i immediately get a congestion tone.
23:59.00VoipMastarpm: set a context that holds a valid extension for the digits you're trying to dial
23:59.01[TK]D-Fenderrpm, usually this is doing something silly like pointing it to a context that doesn't exist or have anything that's sane to match against <--
23:59.41rpmit doesn't wait for a timeout period before matching against a number/extension? it starts matching immediately?

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