IRC log for #asterisk on 20071009

00:00.38livingtmIm definitely a noob... I cant figure out how to get a meetme conference working. in meetme.conf  i have  "conf => 1234" and in extenstions.conf I have "exten => 500,1,Meetme,1234". when i dial 500 i get "That is not a valid conference number"
00:03.13livingtmiCEBrkr, is that for me?
00:04.12livingtmok, ill google that a bit. dint realize i needed it with my little SIP only test setup
00:04.58iCEBrkrYou'll have to tinker with the zaptel drivers makefile
00:04.58*** join/#asterisk seele_ (
00:06.20livingtmiCEBrkr, hm, Im using the ubuntu packages. Do i still need to compile that?
00:06.22seele_some one can say me how can i make a video call with 2 tornados m20 and asterisk 1.4.10 ?
00:06.48iCEBrkrlivingtm: not sure, cuz typically the meetme thing needs a timing gimmick.. which typically uses zaptel hardware.
00:06.55ManxPowerhave you tried the weather channel
00:06.57iCEBrkrlivingtm: ztdummy is supposed to emulate the timer.
00:07.12iCEBrkrManxPower: hahah
00:07.28livingtmiCEBrkr, yeah i read something abou that in the pdf book from the digium website
00:07.35seele_I'm trying adding all video codecs but I don't know how to make a video call ... when I try with the phone option the call hangs
00:07.40iCEBrkrlivingtm: and ztdummy isn't compiled by default.
00:07.40livingtmi decided not to computer though, since the kernel updates so often
00:07.59livingtmcompile, not computer (im tired sorry )
00:08.01BockBilbocould any of you send me a copy of the cdr_mysql module for i686 and asterisk 1.4.11?
00:08.19*** join/#asterisk Op3r (n=Op3r@
00:08.24iCEBrkrBockBilbo: Won't work
00:08.46BockBilbowhy not iCEBrkr ?
00:09.09iCEBrkrBecause if you don't really have the mysqlclient libs installed it won't work
00:09.18iCEBrkrand it sounds like that's the case, since you can't seem to find the .so files
00:09.18*** join/#asterisk techie (
00:09.22BockBilbothey are alreado isntalled
00:09.35iCEBrkryou got the -dev ones?
00:09.44BockBilboii  libmysqlclient15-dev
00:09.55UnixDog[Oct  8 19:09:28] WARNING[18662]: channel.c:3232 ast_request: No channel type registered for ''
00:09.55UnixDog[Oct  8 19:09:28] WARNING[18662]: app_dial.c:1106 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type '' (cause 66 - Channel not implemented)
00:10.12BockBilbothats the one i need, right?
00:10.15Op3rfor centos yum install mysql-devel
00:10.36ManxPowerpaste the actual Dial line
00:11.07BockBilbothanks Op3r though i use ubuntu
00:11.15BockBilboand ther is no such package
00:11.46ManxPowerUnixDog: never ever put extra spaces in the dialplan that you do not see in the examples
00:12.07iCEBrkrBockBilbo: well, if you run make, you'll see the stuff build.
00:12.32iCEBrkrBockBilbo: and if you're sure it's building ok.. I want to see the pastebin of makes output :P
00:13.14BockBilboi was about to do that
00:13.28UnixDogok loking back threw
00:17.40BockBilboits wierd, when i was copying the log to pastebin, a new line appeared on sell
00:17.49BockBilbosaying: checking for asterisk.h... nochecking for asterisk.h... no
00:17.52ManxPowerUnixDog: you must have missed my response.
00:18.33UnixDogno I am looking in the dial plan
00:18.42UnixDogto make sure no spaces
00:19.01ManxPowerperhaps you missed the "paste the actual dial line" part.
00:19.01iCEBrkrBockBilbo: and you do a 'make install'
00:19.56ManxPowerI guess he thinks the people who help him enjoy waiting for a response from him.
00:20.06ManxPowerI think it is time to go watch television
00:20.09iCEBrkrManxPower: I'm enjoying it :P
00:22.51BockBilbono installed
00:23.49livingtmWhat might cause this: sudo modprobe ztdummy
00:23.49livingtmFATAL: Error inserting ztdummy (/lib/modules/2.6.17-12-generic/misc/ztdummy.ko): Device or resource busy
00:24.01BockBilboit must be a problem related to the missing asterisk.h header
00:24.19iCEBrkrBockBilbo: well after looking at it closer, it didn't compile anything
00:24.28iCEBrkrBockBilbo: did you attempt to use menuselect?
00:24.44BockBilboi just followed the steps on the wiki
00:25.49*** join/#asterisk mindCrime__ (
00:26.17BockBilboiCEBrkr, make menuselect ?
00:27.09BockBilboin menuselect, i get that the dependencies have not met for the cdr mysql addon
00:27.35Qwelldo you have the mysql client lib dev package installed?
00:28.26BockBilboii  libmysqlclient15-dev                  5.0.45-1ubuntu2         MySQL database development files
00:29.46BockBilbothe menuselect menu says that cdr_addon_mysql  depends on  mysqlclient(E), asterisk(E)
00:30.08BockBilbowhat does the E mean?
00:30.11Qwelldo any of the modules have their deps satisfied?
00:30.20BockBilboQwell no
00:30.30Qwellthen asterisk isn't installed
00:30.36BockBilbowell, it is installed
00:30.44BockBilboits running right now
00:30.52QwellHow did you install it?
00:30.54BockBilbothough its not installed from sources directly
00:30.59Qwellthen you need the -dev package
00:31.07BockBilbooh... my bad
00:32.53BockBilboive ust installed asterisk-dev, done a make clean;./configure; and make menuconfig on the addons directory, and still no module meet dependencies
00:33.43livingtmeverytime i try to modprobe ztdummy i get "device or resource busy"
00:35.40iCEBrkrCepstral keeps 'losing' my licensed voices..
00:35.55iCEBrkrand then it can't find the voice to use when I call..
00:36.02iCEBrkrall this was working prior to reboot
00:36.20drwelbyIn features.conf do I have put blindxfer and atxfer into a context called [featuremap] or can it just go in [general]?
00:36.32drwelbyCan't find a consistent reference on it
00:37.15ManxPowerdrwelby: all copies of the asterisk source code have sample config files.  Look at them
00:40.40drwelbyManxPower: should of thought of that an hour ago! Thanks!
00:41.08*** join/#asterisk hug1 (
00:41.17ManxPowerdrwelby: that is the first place to look with config questions.  not the wiki
00:41.27*** join/#asterisk moprilo (n=jjohn@
00:41.38hug1hey hey hey hey
00:41.58drwelbyManxPower: yeah, that's becoming painfully obvious.
00:42.16hug1ManxPower: sorry I cam in a bit late, where is the first place to look for config question
00:42.40iCEBrkrmake samples?
00:42.51moprilohi guys.. i wanted to send my sip debuging to a file, so i can parse it.  How can i do that?..
00:43.38ManxPowerhug1: in the sample config files included with the asterisk source code
00:46.05UnixDogexten => s,n(checkmax),GotoIf($[ ${GROUP_COUNT()} > ${OUTMAXCHANS_${DIAL_TRUNK}} ]?chanfull)
00:46.16UnixDogI think this line is wrong
00:46.20UnixDogbut not sure
00:47.09*** join/#asterisk rogerz (
00:47.50*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
00:48.34rogerztrying to setup my first asterisk box on centos. following and getting an error when I try to compile zaptel (amd 64 smp box) /root/asterisk/zaptel- error: storage size of `ztd_tlet' isn't known
00:48.36rogerzany ideas?
00:51.15drwelbyBack to blinxfer - I added it to features.conf following the sample code from the source. I also reloaded But it doesn't work yet. Is there something else that needs to be done to get blindxfer to work?
00:51.23*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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00:52.48BockBilbook, im installing asterisk from the svn
00:52.54BockBilbothat should fix any problem
00:52.59QwellBockBilbo: uninstall the package first
00:53.07BockBilboQwell done already
00:53.14BockBilboive just kept my config files
00:54.20BockBilboany of you know of a simple web application to check the cdr stored on mysql?
00:57.58BockBilbothanks hmmhesays. Does it work with php5, mysql5 and asterisk 1.4 ?
00:58.05hug1damn I forgot now, which switch in the Dial program do you use to pass a number for second stage dialing
00:58.13BockBilbodoesnt say anything about those versions on the web
00:59.39*** join/#asterisk duki (
01:01.16hmmhesaysyes it does
01:02.04BockBilboasterisk-stat-v2 is the initial version of a2billing, right?
01:02.08Qwellhug1: show application dial
01:02.20BockBilboseems to be made by the same author
01:04.23hug1Qwell: erm.... I knew that <blush>
01:05.56linageethe more features i read about with these polycom phones, the more it sort of empasizes the point that gs sucks
01:06.05*** join/#asterisk grimsy (
01:06.22hmmhesaysits not exactly a feature thing, i'd be more looking at consistent quality
01:13.36linageedoes anyone know how to use poe and polycom 320?
01:13.49*** part/#asterisk techie (
01:13.52linageeis there a certain injector i need, or just any? (ordering from telephony depot)
01:20.26linageeeww. it seems wifi-sip phones have too many bugs to call usable. eats battery life real fast. leave phone sitting on desk and it might just lose registration and not even ring when there's an incoming call..... (?)
01:23.14*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
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01:26.24*** join/#asterisk duki (
01:26.45hug1what does: "SIP Response 481 "Subscription does not exist"
01:29.40BockBilbook, ive installed asterisk from sources, it seens to be running on boot
01:29.44BockBilbobut cant connect to cli
01:29.59BockBilboi get: Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk.ctl exist?)
01:30.10BockBilboand that file exists
01:32.57*** join/#asterisk brut- (n=brut@
01:41.11*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:41.36fakhirBockBilbo, try "sudo asterisk -r"
01:48.02riddleboxis there a reason why my zap channel would ring one extra time when the called party answers?
01:48.29BockBilbofakhir im doing all of this as root
01:56.01riddleboxBockBilbo, try su -
01:56.04riddleboxthen asterisk -r
01:56.23iCEBrkrIf he's already root..
01:56.25BockBilbothats what im doing all the time
01:56.51riddleboxiCEBrkr, I have had problems on fedora systems when I just used su
01:56.56riddleboxI had to use su -
01:58.14iCEBrkrDoesn't mean you don't have root permissions. Just means you don't have roots environment.
01:59.56*** join/#asterisk brut- (n=brut@
02:07.33hmmhesayscan func odbc return multiple fields somehow?
02:08.28*** join/#asterisk saizai (n=saizai@
02:08.34iCEBrkrIt does.
02:08.49saizaiDoes anyone know if there is a public telephone number set up to run all callers through the telemarketer torture script?
02:09.28iCEBrkrexten => getquestion,n,Set(confirm=${CUT(results,\,,1)})
02:09.28iCEBrkrexten => getquestion,n,Set(question_id=${CUT(results,\,,2)})
02:09.28iCEBrkrexten => getquestion,n,Set(external_column=${CUT(results,\,,3)})
02:09.32iCEBrkrSomething like that
02:10.53hmmhesaysiCEBrkr: func_odbc returns comma delimited results?
02:10.57*** join/#asterisk theHub (
02:11.24iCEBrkrhmmhesays: it's been over a year since I've messed with it, but that's how I originally got it working
02:12.08hmmhesaysi'll just query for multiple results and see what it does
02:12.33BockBilbodoes the init.d script from the sources work ok on ubuntu?
02:13.08iCEBrkrI thought ubuntu went to startup or whatever they're calling it
02:13.16iCEBrkrie. no more POSIX init scripts
02:13.51BockBilbowhat do you mean by "startup"
02:14.05BockBilboas far as i know, ubuntu init script are saved at /etc/init.d/
02:15.05iCEBrkreh, I guess it hasn't happened yet
02:15.22*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
02:15.44BockBilboim talking about the next release..
02:16.10*** join/#asterisk docelmo (
02:17.04docelmoSay does anyone know is using the fromuser= directive in sip.conf will override setting the outbound callerid?
02:17.07iCEBrkrthere goes the neighborhood
02:17.38docelmopiss off and answer the question wanker..  :P
02:17.51iCEBrkrdocelmo: you're always so angry
02:18.05docelmonope.. Just trying to goto bed.. and this is one issue I need to solve before going to bed
02:18.54iCEBrkrI thought fromuser was only for peering or whatever.
02:19.14iCEBrkrCompletely separate from callerid
02:20.29iCEBrkrdocelmo: dude.. regan has been watchin scooby-doo for the past 2hrs
02:20.54docelmohaha..  I would
02:21.22docelmoit is but aparently it fucks up the callerid..
02:21.38*** join/#asterisk cygar (
02:21.56iCEBrkrI'm so far out of the loop on this shit anymore
02:22.52*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
02:23.36anonymouz666problems with DTMF and Ast 1.4.11
02:23.46*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-7b04e3fbb091ef3d)
02:24.24anonymouz666When I type too fast - only few digits are recognized
02:24.48anonymouz666should I change the values in channel.c?
02:24.51cygardoes anyone knows a script that parse my sip.conf, extensions.conf, etc (text files) and makes the inserts automatically to asteriskrealtime MySQL db ? [ since I need to migrate to realtime ]
02:24.55iCEBrkrwell you'd actually have to press the button long enough for asterisk to hear it
02:26.00anonymouz666or make the length smaller
02:26.27iCEBrkrI was thinking more along the lines of hitting the buttons like any normal person would.
02:27.07hmmhesaysoh 1.4 is driving me nuts today.  dial is not building the sdp according to my calling peers allowed codecs
02:28.52*** join/#asterisk g3qwsf (
02:29.34hmmhesaysI have 1 codec enabled in sip.conf for this phone, and when asterisk sends the sip invite it completely disregards that
02:31.00*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
02:32.21hmmhesaysis that wrong or am I losing my mind
02:33.14Nuggetmight be both.
02:33.19*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
02:34.32hmmhesaysWell I'm trying to dial an IP address, I have only g729 enabled on my peer, but when asterisk sends the invite it sends it with ulaw|alaw|gsm
02:34.37hmmhesayswhich are not enabled anywhere in sip.conf
02:36.05hmmhesaysmind boggling
02:39.32*** join/#asterisk bintut (n=bintut@
02:45.00*** join/#asterisk SwK (
02:46.15drwelbyDoes tacking on the T (for transfer) option to the end of this look right:
02:46.40drwelbythe trunkdial, trunk_1, EXTEN stuff all work
02:46.59*** join/#asterisk mocker (n=user@
02:47.11mockerWoo, Asterisk just accepted a call on my NSLU2. :)
02:56.31*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
02:58.25*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=pepOSX@
03:04.06anonymouz666how can I increase even more debug than verbose and debug I think the value is high enough
03:04.31anonymouz666[Oct  8 23:03:17] WARNING[1709]: res_features.c:1460 ast_bridge_call: Bridge failed on channels
03:04.37anonymouz666I can see why this is happening
03:04.45anonymouz666the channelredirect is suppose to work
03:05.27anonymouz666I can't even see the msg as feature map on CLI
03:13.50*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
03:13.54riddleboxmocker, are you using an ATA device? or are you getting dial tone from a sip provider
03:17.35anonymouz666the default timeout for feature is too short
03:17.45anonymouz666500ms only superman can type at that speed
03:18.39mockerriddlebox: Both. ;)
03:19.06mockerriddlebox: I have a SIP provider to hook to PSTN and an ATA to connect to home phones..
03:19.28riddleboxohhh, hehe I always assume everyone has sip phones
03:19.48hmmhesayswhat about the flash
03:20.59riddleboxI want a nlsu2, but I have asterisk and a mythtv backend both on my server, plus it has a tdm card in it
03:21.00mockerhmmhesays: If you're talking to me, I'm using a 1G USB thumb drive.
03:21.25hmmhesaysI was refering to the comment about superman typing fast
03:26.38*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
03:28.29*** join/#asterisk d00gster (
03:29.14JunK-Ydamn, my ipod is totally frozen!
03:29.18*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
03:32.40hmmhesaysreset it
03:33.47*** join/#asterisk l3jj (
03:33.57JunK-Yit doesnt want to reset.
03:34.11hmmhesaysyou running the original IPOD os on it?
03:34.40hmmhesaysthere is some fancy reset sequence you can do on it
03:34.51*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chendy@
03:35.09JunK-Yya, im on
03:36.17JunK-Yyay, after like 40 times, it worked!
03:36.35hmmhesaysnow stop watching them booby movies on your ipod
03:36.38BockBilbogood nite
03:36.41hmmhesaysor at least put a case on it
03:36.48JunK-Yhmmhesays: i pass it to my gf for the day.
03:37.06SwKanyone from digium around?
03:37.28SwKappears the forums db server is down
03:40.10hmmhesayspeople don't need to read on the forums
03:40.50SwKmatt and john are probably moving the server heh
03:40.56hmmhesayswahoo I think I finally have a working database definition
03:41.11hmmhesaysnow to get it off this sheet of paper
03:59.31*** join/#asterisk shidan (
04:00.35*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (n=strom@
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04:11.30osirisanyone here have a trixbox or asterisk working, registering to a broadsoft switch ?
04:11.57osirisi have outbound working on the trunk, but inbound doesnt work
04:14.24*** join/#asterisk my007ms (n=my007ms@
04:14.29my007mshello all
04:16.00my007msis there opetion in zapata.conf make asterisk put perfix for all outgoing call from this channel
04:16.07my007msi have pri line
04:16.18my007msit's work fine for incoming call
04:16.27JTyou mean a national numbering prefix or similar?
04:16.41my007msbut in outgoing i have to 2 b4 any number
04:16.54my007msso if i need call XXXXXXX
04:16.59JTdo it in the dial string
04:17.12my007msi have to call 2XXXXXXX
04:17.37JTthen make that occur in the dial string in the dialplan
04:17.39my007msJT, but is there some how from zapata.conf
04:18.04JTwhy would you do it there
04:18.09my007msif fact i can not understand why this 2
04:18.21*** part/#asterisk theHub (
04:18.25my007msit was work fine b4
04:18.33JTenglish please
04:19.10my007msJT, this is PRI line ok so u can all any XXXXXXXX
04:19.22my007msand this work if u but 2 before the number
04:19.39my007msbut in case i try to call 19XXX it's not work
04:20.04my007msso i think the problem in my PRI line  in mean in configration
04:20.22JTthis can be fixed in the dialplan
04:21.10my007msis there someting change in setting from 1.2 => 1.4
04:21.28my007msas this dialplan was work fine in my old server
04:22.28*** join/#asterisk sacitec (n=tobi@
04:22.30JTthere were a lot of changes between 1.2 and 1.4
04:23.12my007msJT, pridialplan ? is this can add number before every dail
04:26.38JTmy007ms: it can
04:26.56SwKmy007ms, if you need to prefix a call JT WAS VERY CLEAR you do that in the dialplan not in the zap configs
04:27.51SwKmy007ms, the pridialplan setting is setting that is passed in as an IE on the call set up messages that tells the telco switch what type of call you are sending such as local, national, or international
04:28.49my007msSwK, JT
04:29.04my007msthis is exact my problem
04:29.14JTthen follow it
04:29.17JTwhy ask here
04:29.27my007msit's not solve mine
04:29.41SwKmy007ms, enable overlap dialing
04:29.43SwKsee if that works
04:29.46JTdo it in the damn dialplan and be done with it
04:29.49JTit will fix it
04:29.50SwKprobably will solve the issue
04:29.59my007msand by luck i find when i add any dummy number
04:30.33my007msit's work and make out call
04:30.54SwK*yawn* you are not listening
04:31.16SwKif you need to prefix a specific digit on the outgoing number, you do that in the dialplan and NOT in the zap configs....
04:31.29mockerAny freeworlddialup users around that can make a test call for me?
04:31.30SwKthat is the fix for your problem...
04:31.30my007ms:) sorry but i can not expalin my point in clear english
04:31.34my007msthis is the probelm
04:33.16my007msSwK, i have one more q pleas away from PRI line probelm
04:33.26JTthe problem is you are ignoring the answers we're giving
04:33.43my007msis there way make me access server over sip :) like i dail modem
04:34.18mockermy007ms: ppp ;)
04:34.57my007ms:D don't say i ignoring ur answer too mocker but it's to short ;)
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04:35.20my007mscan u give some more info pleas :)
04:37.07hmmhesayshow do I go about making tcpdump name its capture files from the linux date command
04:38.53mockerhmmhesays: touch `date +%a`
04:38.58mockerThat should give you a good start.
04:39.56hmmhesaysyeah but I can't do that with -w  flag for tcpdump
04:41.34my007msmocker, ;)
04:42.11jacqhey.. any asterisk cluster code that is popular?
04:52.38*** join/#asterisk pc500 (
04:52.52pc500What is considered acceptable jitter (ms value0 for voip for a 80ms link?
04:52.54*** join/#asterisk BBHoss (n=hoss@
04:53.30BBHosscan anybody help me developing on snom phones, im trying to decompress the firmware file
04:54.04BBHossits jffs2 but when i try jffs2dump, it throws up errors
04:55.32*** join/#asterisk Daejeo1 (n=chatzill@
05:03.38pc500Once a phone call is set up, what source and destination ports are used for the media stream?
05:06.27BBHossit differs per call on sip
05:06.27BBHoss4569 UDP for iax
05:06.46BBHossnot sure if that would be the source port
05:07.35*** join/#asterisk jaike (n=a@
05:08.37pc500what is the typical packet size?
05:10.12*** join/#asterisk _pepo_ (n=Pepo@
05:10.15BBHossfor what
05:10.29_pepo_hi friends
05:13.28CCFL_Man2Strom_M: i am seeing things on ebay that make me sick
05:14.04CCFL_Man2this cracker jack is selling frankenphones made with WE and replacement parts
05:14.43CCFL_Man2BBHoss: you know what i'm talking about?
05:14.48BBHossno but i want to
05:14.58CCFL_Man2i sent the bastard a nasty email
05:15.16CCFL_Man2a 51AL with a 685A subset
05:15.22CCFL_Man2thats a fucking sun
05:15.27*** join/#asterisk ta^3 (n=tacvbo@
05:15.49CCFL_Man2a 202 with a modern network
05:16.47BBHossahh oldskool payphones
05:16.59pc500Anyone have iperf loaded on a box that they know deliever decent voip quality to the internet?  I need something tested (you need to run a command).
05:17.05pc500Anyone willing to help?
05:17.55BBHossare you trying to measure how much bandwidth something is going to use?
05:18.01pc500BBHoss - Or fine a problem.
05:18.05BBHosslike IAX2 with 711u or something?
05:18.11CCFL_Man2BBHoss: no, just vintage western electric phones
05:18.12pc500I need someone to run iperf -u -c -b 30k -p 5060 -l 180
05:18.19pc500But tell me first :P
05:18.22CCFL_Man251AL was a candlestick phone
05:18.32pc500It will stream 64kbit udp 180 byte packets to that ip and let me measure jitter/latency.
05:19.35BBHossi dont have that command on any of my boxes
05:19.38*** part/#asterisk jaike (n=a@
05:19.42BBHosshow do you add it to centos
05:19.44pc500Whoever that was
05:19.51pc500high jitter though.
05:20.08BBHossi can test it from a datacenter
05:20.19pc500BBHoss - download and install:
05:20.25pc500download, configure, make, make install, done.
05:20.34pc500who is 189.136.x.x?
05:21.02pc500ta^3 - Yeah, I get the same results on my side too :P
05:21.19pc500your have high jitter
05:22.20pc500ta^3 - Do you run voip over that circuit?
05:22.56ta^3No, I don't.
05:23.12pc500Are you uploading, downloading, or otherwise know about jitter issues?
05:23.41*** join/#asterisk Road-rnnr (
05:23.53pc500[ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth       Jitter   Lost/Total Datagrams
05:23.54pc500[  3]  0.0-10.2 sec  36.9 KBytes  29.7 Kbits/sec  41.393 ms    0/  210 (0%)
05:24.00BBHossok im about to go
05:24.09pc500whoever that was has no jittery
05:24.42pc500whoever 200.56.x.x is:
05:24.43pc500[ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth       Jitter   Lost/Total Datagrams
05:24.43pc500[  5]  0.0-10.1 sec  36.9 KBytes  30.0 Kbits/sec  0.479 ms    0/  210 (0%)
05:24.49pc500.5 ms, that's a clean circuit
05:24.52BBHossim coming from
05:25.10[hC]what tool is that output from?
05:25.12BBHoss0.0-10.1 sec  36.9 KBytes  30.0 Kbits/sec  0.457 ms    0/  210 (0%)
05:25.12BBHossis what my side says
05:25.30BBHossso you think that circuit would be good for voip? :)
05:25.35[hC]what command line options are you passing on each side?
05:25.48pc500I need someone to run iperf -u -c -b 30k -p 5060 -l 180
05:25.53pc500that's what I said
05:26.05pc500so, 30k stream, 180 byte udp datagram
05:26.11pc500Is that pretty accurate of voip traffic?
05:26.15BBHossyoure 13 hops away from me
05:26.31pc500BBHoss - your results never came in on my side.  but yes that's very good.
05:26.38BBHosslemme try again
05:26.51_pepo_please, in which file do I have to configure a forward by time and how do that?
05:26.55CCFL_Man2a key system is kind of a selector box which tells you who is on the line?
05:27.12pc500Let's bump it to a 56k stream (g711u).  iperf -u -c -b 56k -p 5060 -l 180
05:27.26BBHosslemme see what my university connection does :)
05:27.27*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
05:27.51[hC]does iperf require a listening server on the other side? or can you just point it at asterisk on 5060?
05:27.52pc500ta^3 - whatever 200.x server that was from, for being 60ms away, has really good jitter figures.
05:28.04pc500[hC] - nope, listener.  iperf -s -u -p 5060
05:28.12pc500You can use a different port.
05:28.20BBHosshaha 26ms
05:28.23[hC]of course.
05:28.35pc500And 5060 isn't really the media streaming port.
05:28.52ta^3pc500: was mine too.
05:29.01pc500Yeah, that university connection was terrible.
05:29.09pc500ta^3 - I'm suprised at how good it was.
05:29.16pc500ta^3 - for that much latency, anyways.
05:29.32BBHossanything about 10001
05:29.47BBHoss4569 is though
05:29.57*** join/#asterisk techie (
05:30.09[hC]Are there documented allowable limits for jitter/packet loss on voip that I can use to benchmark my iperf results against?
05:30.21*** part/#asterisk techie (
05:31.29BBHossport 4569 is iax2
05:32.24[hC]i may just have to hack jitter support from iperf into smokeping
05:32.32*** join/#asterisk munmun (n=mun_mun@
05:32.50BBHossand the codec matters too
05:32.55BBHossespecially with iax
05:33.08BBHossulaw uses 1 byte per sample
05:33.52pc500[hC] - All I could find was this:
05:34.01pc500I would like to know about jitter though and what's permitable.
05:34.14BBHoss30ms is max imho
05:34.26pc500smokeping is that mrtg ping grapher thing, right?
05:34.27[hC]jitter is the most important to be able to understand where to draw the line between good and bad
05:34.43BBHoss30ms is where most jitterbuffers stop
05:34.43[hC]packet loss makes sense, latency makes sense... latency is not as important as jitter or packet loss
05:34.56BBHossmany people dont understand
05:35.34pc500[hC] - They really need to make a java iperf client for a iperf server... kind of a speed test for voip thing.
05:35.39pc500Put it on a web page :P.
05:36.05[hC]yeah exactly.
05:36.31*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
05:38.14pc500For some reason my ISP's can't push more than 400 packets per seconds :P.
05:38.35BBHossoverloaded routers
05:38.47pc500It's 390-410, steady.
05:38.51pc500I would expect it to jump more.
05:38.59BBHosswho knows
05:39.00pc500I try a 200kbit stream:
05:39.02pc500I get this: [  3]  0.0-10.3 sec  71.7 KBytes  57.3 Kbits/sec  31.425 ms  983/ 1391 (71%)
05:39.18pc500I try a 64 kbit stream:
05:39.20pc500I get this: [  3]  0.0-1058.2 sec    127 KBytes    980 bits/sec  13.068 ms   51/  447 (11%)
05:39.49pc500I try a 60kbit stream (just shy of 400 packets per second):
05:39.51pc500I get this: [  3]  0.0-10.1 sec  61.2 KBytes  49.8 Kbits/sec  5.346 ms    2/  350 (0.57%)
05:39.56pc500They all get there.  Amazing.
05:40.18pc500Except 2... but that's likely due to other reasons.
05:40.23BBHoss[  3] WARNING: did not receive ack of last datagram after 10 tries.
05:40.29BBHosswtf does that mean
05:40.40pc500no clue.
05:40.51BBHossi tried testing it with 2m
05:42.07BBHosssup dawg
05:42.30pc500BBHoss - you  better raise your datagram size if you do that.
05:42.58pc500Otherwise yo udo the math (PPS).
05:43.06pc500It ain't gonna work, or it will kill a router.
05:43.11BBHossheh lets test these univ routers :)
05:43.33arcaninewhen i used fromm cmd : asterisk -vvr = unable to connect to remote asterisk
05:43.40[hC]pc500: how are you measuring pps? I dont see it in the output.
05:43.55BBHossarcanine: try it as root
05:43.59arcaninebut when i used asterisk -gvc comand, the system loads
05:44.15pc500[hC] - You don't.  But you can figure it out.  Bitrate specified / length variable.
05:44.29JTarcanine: it means asterisk wasn't running
05:44.41pc500[hC] - so at 32k - 32,000/180 packet length = 177 packets per second.
05:44.48BBHossg just dumps the core
05:44.51pc500roughly.  I didn't count overhead, but it's close enough.
05:44.53[hC]pc500: oh, yeah of course... i just thought you were getting the output from somewhere. :)
05:45.06arcanineasterisk doesnt load at boot
05:45.10pc500[hC] - You could.  Take the total packets (last output from iperf) divided by the time (first value).
05:45.24BBHossare you using trixbox or freepbx?
05:45.39[hC]pc500: curious, why did you pick 180 byte packet length? is that common for a particular codec? I guess the bytelimit would be best left fairly big to get a prolonged test of a lot of data
05:46.23pc500[hC] - a review of an old ethereal cpature shows me the inbound media stream udp packet size was 180 and the outbound was something like 160.
05:46.46[hC]pc500: using iax or sip? and which codec?
05:46.48pc500[hC] - A rough guess of real world conditions.  I do not know if it is tunable from device to device or if the inbound was any larger due to overhead.
05:47.14BBHossiax2 is totally different than sip, the packet sizes are alot smaller
05:47.22[hC]pc500: hm.. I should test using iax2 and g729.. I guess it would make a difference on how smaller packets (if they are) impact routers along the way
05:47.39BBHossusually it adds some jitter
05:47.52BBHossread the iax2 whitepaper
05:47.59BBHossit gives the specs for each code
05:48.15osirisanyone know of a place to get an inbound DID on an IAX trunk for free ?
05:48.41osirisall i need is a working inbound route
05:48.51BBHosstry FWD or something then
05:49.07osirisdo they offer us or canadian did's ?
05:49.16pc500[hC] - smaller the packet the more stress on the router.  It's more of a concern for corporate offices and cisco 1700s with full voip traffic than your ISPs problem.
05:49.43BBHosswhy do you need a did if you just want an inbound route
05:49.54CCFL_Man2pc500: i got a 1721
05:50.02osirisso i can forward another sip did to it
05:50.23[hC]pc500: well, it still applies to some of the install sites i am responsible for, because they use 1700s, etc :)
05:50.29osirisi want a trunk through someone inbound, and i have my outbound already
05:50.50BBHosstheres nothing worthwile thats free and gives you direct access to a did
05:50.58pc500[hC] - Which are what, 15kpps routers?  Do the math and you won't get full t1 rate
05:51.08CCFL_Man2nothing wrong with a 1721, i use it as my main router, it has an adsl wic, does the job just fine
05:51.39BBHossosiris: you can get some very cheap though
05:51.44BBHossjust not totally free
05:51.53osiristhen i need to get this friggin thing setup right.
05:51.54[hC]it looks like g729 takes about 40 bytes payload
05:51.54pc500CCFL_Man2 - Yeah, the talk is the 15kpps limit of the box.  basically, I'm not doing the math, but roughly 600-700kbit max if pure oip streams.
05:51.59pc500CCFL_Man2 - due to cpu load.
05:52.00BBHossor if you just need it to test something there is a free one i know of
05:52.10osirisi should have in/out from the provider, but i cant get it setup right
05:52.27BBHosswell lets start with the problem
05:52.38osirisi cant get broadvoice registerd right
05:52.40BBHossif youre using freepbx, we need to move there
05:52.53osirisso, you tell me
05:52.55BBHossgo to #freepbx
05:53.01pc500I remember the packets per second problem in the mid-late 90s with quake2/3 arena servers.  a cisco 2500 would dump ~ 700kbit or so for my game server.
05:53.12pc500Thank god routers have come a long way.
05:53.58[hC]so it looks like a budget of 40bytes for the udp/rtp header, then another 40bytes of g729 payload
05:54.06[hC]so 80byte packets, rougly.. say 85.
05:54.13pc500haha... someone was really bored.  Looks like a PHd analyzed half life (the game) packets here:
05:54.14[hC]im not sure what iax adds to that
05:54.24pc500[hC] - wireshark and make a phone call, that's what I did.
05:54.41[hC]yeah, thats probably easier than interpreting peoples whitepapers/online explanations
05:55.20pc500And quicker too :P
05:58.20pc500[hC] - some data for voip nad 802.11b
05:59.04*** join/#asterisk jarod14 (
06:02.41CCFL_Man2pc500: i just have two sip gateways in the net i use, one from quantumvoice i use with my 7912, and one toll free only gateway i use with an mc3810 and channel bank, i usually have no problems
06:03.22pc500[hC] - Ahh, some more useful pps figures
06:03.39CCFL_Man2a 2500 would kill your quake2/3 servers?
06:03.48pc500the quake 3 packets per second would kill it.
06:04.07pc500a 1500 is an old PoS router.
06:04.29pc500CCFL_Man2 - Yeah, you'll hit our upstream limit first with adsl probably.
06:04.43CCFL_Man2think my 1721 would crap out with that kind of stuff?
06:04.44pc500CCFL_Man2 - but try show proc cpu when loaded.  You may be suprised.  PPPoA definately has some overhead.
06:04.53[hC]pc500: oh thats some cool data.. th anks!
06:05.00CCFL_Man2oh i use PPPoE :P
06:05.00pc500CCFL_Man2 - No, quake 3 is even less intensive that SIP
06:05.09pc500CCFL_Man2 - Go get a wic-adslt
06:05.31CCFL_Man2i use a wic-1adsl
06:05.42pc500then you use pppoa
06:05.58CCFL_Man2no, pppoe, i set it up
06:06.14pc500Hmm?  show int.  It's an ATM interface isn't it?
06:06.22CCFL_Man2ethernet does go over ATM though
06:06.33[hC]i really need to get into learning more about pps rates to help tune networks, packet size, measuring mos, etc..
06:07.02pc500CCFL_Man2 - Never heard that done, but it is technically possible.  PPPoE sucks compared to oA due to mtu issues.  1492 max.
06:07.10pc50099% of the time it's pppoa.
06:07.28pc500It's E when they need a way to bridge to your crappy router and your pc... hehe
06:07.34pc500like the typical home user.
06:07.55CCFL_Man2pc500: i use it with verizon adsl, there is the physical ATM interface, the virtual circuit layer, the ethernet layer, then PPP is run over that
06:08.08CCFL_Man2i am a home user with residential adsl
06:08.36pc500pastebin your config :P
06:08.39pc500sanatize it first.
06:08.47CCFL_Man2pc500: it's quite craptacular
06:09.00pc500I'm curious, because technically it can be done, I've just yet to see someone go ATM > Ethernet over ATM > PPPoE.
06:09.38CCFL_Man2oh, i got some ATM errors that botched my connection too since i turned on that debugging
06:09.41pc500the 1721 is the better of the 1700s.  good for 12kpps.
06:09.47*** join/#asterisk Lawbringer (n=Lawbring@
06:10.06CCFL_Man2my adsl is now fast path, so i get ATM errors more frequently
06:10.22[hC]ive had capability issues on 1811's even
06:10.33[hC]may be the way the guy configured it.
06:10.51pc500CCFL_Man2 - But that figure is pure routing.  PPP, compresion, complex routing... all eat overhead.
06:11.05pc500A healthy router has 60-70% cpu or less so you'd think 7k pps is max.
06:11.20CCFL_Man2pc500: right, as i said it's quite craptacular
06:12.21CCFL_Man2pc500: here are my ATM errors -->
06:12.47CCFL_Man2i get them every now and then since i had vzn switch my adsl to fast path
06:13.24pc500not a big deal :P
06:13.38*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
06:13.43pc500I got a 17xx router here
06:13.49pc500maybe I need to stress test the thing.
06:13.54pc500See where it dies.
06:14.12CCFL_Man2if i bitch to vzn about it they'll say "you wanted it switched to fast path, asshole"
06:14.47BBHosswhat is fast path
06:14.50pc500Some errors are normal for the tech, really.
06:15.16pc500BBHoss - well documented on  decreases dsl latency at the cost of no error checking (and some crc errors and adsl retransmits on the ATM layer).
06:16.45[hC]i wonder, for voip, whats better... atm layer error correction, with higher latency, or no error correction with lower latency
06:17.12[hC]with some wireless radio's ive used, turning on or off error correction and retransmits can kill voip due to the nature of how it deals with udp
06:18.32CCFL_Man2pc500: my config --->
06:18.52pc500[hC] - atm loss is mimimal, 1 error a minute.  .5% loss is voip tolerable.  I'd rather hav eit off.
06:18.59CCFL_Man2when power was lost i lost the config that did qos on the incomming for rtp
06:19.02pc500there are no retransmits.  it drops.
06:19.02BBHossso you just asked them and they changed it?
06:19.27CCFL_Man2i did, yes
06:19.31CCFL_Man2better latency
06:19.33pc500BBHoss - depends on your provider.  google is your friend.  If your first hop is under 15ms latency, it's probably not already enabled.
06:19.42pc500err, fastpath is already on.
06:19.50pc500google "fastpath interleave dsl"
06:20.14pc50012.3 :)
06:20.18pc500.4 will run on dat.
06:20.24pc500Probably doesn't do you any good though
06:20.28CCFL_Man2i had vzn change me to fast path, and as soon as they did my ATM) interface when up and down
06:20.40CCFL_Man2pc500: i need more ram
06:21.13pc500CCFL_Man2 - $15 on ebay.
06:21.21*** join/#asterisk Raky-2 (n=John@
06:21.22CCFL_Man212.3-18a is the latest version the mc3810 will run, thats all thats available
06:21.25CCFL_Man2i know
06:21.56Raky-2Hey guys, got a quick question. Say i have two asterisk machines connected to each other. A and B.
06:22.03pc500It wasn't until pretty late in 12.3 train that adsl wic support cam ein anyways.
06:22.07pc500Seriously?  Send me a show version.
06:22.12Raky-2I want to be able to have all local calls that happen from A->A to be alaw.
06:22.19Raky-2then all calls that happen from A->B to use ilbc.
06:22.21Raky-2is taht possible?
06:22.38BBHossin iax.conf
06:22.43BBHossjust do disallow=all
06:22.45CCFL_Man2pc500: it's 12.3-18a i have on the 1721 too
06:22.48BBHossthen allow=ilbc
06:22.50[hC]Raky-2: on your peer config for B disallow=all allow=ilbc and on your peer config for A do disallow=all allow=ulaw
06:23.01BBHossand the same for the other box
06:23.13CCFL_Man2pc500: C1700-K9O3SY7-M
06:23.27Raky-2this is what i have at the moment guys, one second.
06:23.33Raky-2box A has exactly thjat.
06:23.36pc500paste the line, with model # and all
06:23.51BBHosswhenever youre on the same pbx, the calls will do whatever is in the individual extensions config
06:23.55pc500I could swear it runs later.
06:23.59BBHossusually alaw or ulaw
06:24.19Raky-2ohhhh i see.
06:24.23Raky-2ok, i think i get it.
06:24.27BBHossjust make sure that the setting for each box are ilbc ONLY, whenever they talk to eachother
06:24.34Raky-2that's what i have at the moment
06:24.48BBHosspastebin the iax.conf for box and and box b
06:24.58BBHosssanitized for your safety
06:25.10Raky-2great, thanks.
06:25.30pc500there's 12.3 for that
06:25.37pc500and 12.4
06:25.47pc500err 12.24
06:25.59pc500blah I can't type... whatever.  12.3(23) and 12.4
06:26.10Raky-2they both have
06:26.15CCFL_Man2they require 96mb ram though
06:26.29Raky-2however, for the user let's say 503
06:26.40Raky-2in his extension configuration, he has:
06:26.54Raky-2so it's trying to use alaw
06:27.08CCFL_Man2pc500: i might need a prom upgrade to upgrade to 12.4 too
06:27.22pc500CCFL_Man2 - 64 meg here: c1700-sy7-mz.124-17.bin  64 16 10-SEP-2007
06:27.24*** join/#asterisk bird_of_Luck (
06:27.28BBHossyou dont need allow=ilbc in each extension
06:27.31Raky-2however, if i change the order around, and put allow=ilbc before alaw, then it uses ilbc - but then it also uses that for local calls.
06:27.36BBHossasterisk will translate that
06:27.38pc500CCFL_Man2 - do you need ipsec support?
06:27.44CCFL_Man2i do
06:27.55BBHossusually most ip phones wont do ilbc
06:28.39pc500CCFL_Man2 - Didn't see it in your config.  ahh.
06:28.54BBHossif an alaw only route tries to connect with a ilbc only route, then asterisk translates
06:29.07BBHossit will add to latency, not sure how much
06:29.10pc500CCFL_Man2 - Drop ipsec and 64 meg will fit.
06:29.10CCFL_Man2i never configed it yet
06:29.38BBHosslooks like 8ms
06:29.51CCFL_Man2k9o3sy7-m is what i want though
06:30.02CCFL_Man2and in 12.4 it requires 96mb ram
06:30.04pc500But since that image is being discontinued, advanced security is the recommended replacement image.  Wait it runs with 64mb
06:30.07BBHossif you paste your two iax.conf's ill try and help more
06:30.25CCFL_Man2oh, hmm..
06:30.25Raky-2sure, boss.
06:30.25pc500CCFL_Man2 - the recommended migration path for you (image wise) in 12.4 only requires 64mb.  and ha sipsec.
06:30.31[hC]man, i hate cisco's never ending confusion of IOS versioning
06:30.36pc500CCFL_Man2 - c1700-advsecurityk9-mz.124-17.bin  64 16 10-SEP-2007
06:30.36[hC]it drives me mental.
06:30.38Raky-2i just tried what you said and it's still using alaw - i'm going to paste that stuff now buddy sec.
06:30.55CCFL_Man2pc500: no adsl support though
06:31.04BBHossdo a sip show channels
06:31.09pc500CCFL_Man2 - I'm alost positive that in 12.4 ADSL was migrated into mainline ip base.
06:31.10BBHossthen a iax2 show channels
06:31.21BBHosssee what codec they are using
06:31.37CCFL_Man2pc500: i don't remember seeing that, but i could be wrong
06:32.11*** join/#asterisk techie (
06:32.22CCFL_Man2pc500: how do i get timestamped events to match my timezone?
06:32.43CCFL_Man2pc500: those atm errors you say, they are timestamped with GMT time
06:32.48CCFL_Man2say = saw
06:33.04pc500CCFL_Man2 - yup, "ADSL - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line Support "
06:33.22Raky-2eer, sorry -
06:33.29Raky-2that's the info BBHoss
06:33.35CCFL_Man2pc500: i think i'll download it with my $8 smartnet contract :P
06:34.00CCFL_Man2c1700-advsecurityk9-mz.124-17.bin ?
06:34.11pc500CCFL_Man2 -
06:34.15pc500That's what it has.
06:34.42pc500Yes, that's the right name.  It even has more features than that base ipsec image too.  rofl.  out of market ip phone support contract?
06:35.39*** join/#asterisk af_ (
06:36.18CCFL_Man2pc500: i was turned off to the advanced security image for some reason, i forget why
06:36.32pc500CCFL_Man2 - "clock timezone CST" for example should fix your timezone problem.
06:36.32CCFL_Man2yep, $8, mainly for my 7912 :P
06:37.10*** join/#asterisk J4zen (
06:37.15CCFL_Man2pc500: i set my timezone with clock timezone EST -5 and sh clock shows proper time, just not events
06:37.31CCFL_Man2see my config
06:38.53pc500service timestamps log datetime should do it.
06:39.13pc500service timestamps log datetime localtime should do it.
06:39.50[hC]Im really considering wether or not i should ditch my iax2 trunk setup, which terminates all calls from my clients via iax2 to my * box which sends calls out to pstn via t1 pci cards and sip trunks, in favor of an all SIP method, using SER and something like a cisco as5300
06:41.49CCFL_Man2pc500: i'm a home user, i can't afford expensive cisco contracts
06:43.02pc500CCFL_Man2 - google and the pirates bay are your friend.
06:43.20pc500At least you got a router that doesn't suck.  Many disagree with cisco IOS firmware policies.
06:43.23CCFL_Man2pc500: i saw the ios torrents
06:43.47CCFL_Man2i disagree with their shit licensing too
06:44.20CCFL_Man2.Oct  9 02:44:02.430: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
06:44.26CCFL_Man2yeah, proper time!
06:45.31CCFL_Man2i use a lantronix terminal server to access all my consoles
06:46.41pc500"home useR"...
06:46.45pc500that's a lot of consoles
06:47.12pc500What does the hold-queue 224 in do?
06:47.13CCFL_Man2i'm a dedicated geek, what can i say? :P
06:47.24CCFL_Man2not sure, it was there by default
06:47.37CCFL_Man2crisco docs said to leave it alone
06:48.04J4zenAny dutch members around?
06:48.26J4zenOr does anyone have any expierence with leased VOIP-trunks
06:48.46JT[hC]: iax2 trunking is a fad i tell you ;)
06:49.04*** join/#asterisk flying_Luck (
06:49.42[hC]JT: i dont even use trunk=yes, i just use it normally, instead of SIP.  I push about 30 concurrent calls via IAX connections from my clients to/from a PRI. I just have to wonder where the breaking point is
06:49.57[hC]JT: and everyone seems to rave about using SIP/SER/Cisco for PRI(g729, t38)
06:50.28[hC]JT: but since it doesnt fail me yet......
06:50.29CCFL_Man2JT knows what a dedicated geek i am
06:50.54JTwho raves about G.729...
06:51.14[hC]oh right, you are the g729 hater :)
06:51.27[hC]ok lets say.. if you DO use g729, cisco is good since it transcodes on a DSP with no licensing costs
06:52.02JTonly have to bend over for cisco
06:52.04JTno biggie ;)
06:52.19CCFL_Man2pc500: i use a mc3810 voice gateway too, to get fxs ports on a channel bank to access a sip gateway with it all i had to do was set the T1 config, set the ip stuff, set a voip dial peer and that was it
06:52.21citatsi'd argue that there are licensing costs, but you dont see them as an end user
06:52.37CCFL_Man2JT: i don't bend over, i buy cheap on ebay :P
06:53.46[hC]JT: what is your scalable approach to connecting to a bunch of voip clients (sip/iax) and then what youd use to bridge those to pstn (pri)?
06:53.49[hC]I guess you'd opt for ulaw too.
06:55.16JTalaw actually
06:55.25hmmhesaysis going half duplex a better way to go under high load?
06:56.28[hC]JT: okay, sure.. now what about the hardware/technology?
06:57.09JTthere are plenty of sip gateways that do not come from cisco
06:57.43[hC]JT: do you use any of them? I  know there are plenty out there... the fun is finding out what everyone else likes and why, so help eliminate having to dig through the 1000s of other products that arent so hot.
06:57.49awkanyone use systemimager?
06:57.58*** join/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
06:57.59[hC]Which is exactly why so many people come in here trying to use grandstream stuff still...
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07:05.57CCFL_Man2JT: i just needed something within my budget that would allow me to connect this channel bank to voip
07:06.32JTa pci card
07:06.44CCFL_Man2i said within my budget
07:07.09CCFL_Man2if i had the money you'd bet i'll buy a pci card
07:07.24JTdon't use a channel bank if you can't afford a damn pci card
07:07.45CCFL_Man2but this cisco voice gateway was $46
07:08.24CCFL_Man2but the channel bank provides fxs ports clostest to what you'd get on a class 5 switch
07:09.09JTnot when you connect it to a $46 gateway
07:09.15JTand this stuff isn't supported
07:10.16CCFL_Man2JT: meaning the electrical innterface, gain setting, etc
07:11.03CCFL_Man2and the $46 gateway with updated ios, ram, prom, T1 card, and dsp card it is pretty nice
07:11.20CCFL_Man2and just bridge to asterisk via sip
07:11.45CCFL_Man2c'mon man, get in the spirit :)
07:12.21JThow does this relate to scalable stuff for real businesses?
07:13.05pepsehey, i haven't set up an ivr/answering attendant before, can you do stuff like 'SendDTMF' or whatever to the caller?
07:13.33CCFL_Man2it doesn't, but it allows a peon like me to use his old WE phones in style
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07:13.56pepse(not asking for how, just asking yes/no can you do it)
07:14.30CCFL_Man2dammit why is my finger wheel getting caught on the stop
07:14.44JTi have a channel bank and pci card at home
07:14.47JTdidn't cost that much
07:14.57CCFL_Man2not $500?
07:15.28CCFL_Man2i thought those $150 cards were crap
07:16.29J4zenQuick question, I'm going to take a lease-contract from a telecom company in Holland. They will ofer me a voIP-trunk via IAX meaning i maintain my own Asterisk functionality and routing capabilities. If i want to run multiple customers on this server, with different telephone numbers..will i end up with one trunk per customer or can all customers use one trunk?
07:16.54J4zeni suppose it'd be one trunk per customer right?
07:17.10J4zenas one trunk is connected to one ( or a set ) telephone number
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07:17.28J4zenAm i right?
07:17.53citatsJ4zen: i suspect you would have one trunk between you both and all numbers would be routed to that
07:18.34J4zenI see
07:18.46JTCCFL_Man2: second hand T100P
07:18.56J4zenso one trunk which i register my Asterisk server at, and all phone numbers will be routed to that Trunk
07:19.06J4zenGot it, thanks.
07:19.22citatsJ4zen: i dont see why they would do it any other way, it would just make more work for them to do
07:19.27JTJ4zen: avoid using the term "trunk" in relation to VoIP generally, it causes mass connections
07:19.47CCFL_Man2JT: ahh
07:19.53J4zenlol damn
07:19.55JTvoip is just connections
07:20.28J4zeni think i had this discussion before :D
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07:39.29JTApEtc: how curteous, public away announces
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07:49.03ApEtcJT: Just did a reinstall and missed a few options. Should be gone for good now.
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08:01.22*** join/#asterisk Rahail (i=Oh-Ya@
08:01.50Rahailany one know how can i set diffrent call limit for each extionson for there incoming call
08:01.56Rahail? calllimit
08:02.01Rahail~call limit
08:02.02jbotACTION looks around and then screams out limit as loudly as possible
08:03.32tzafrir"extension" doesn't exactly exist for incoming calls
08:05.57Rahailtzafrir so what is the best way i can limit for incoming call
08:06.04Rahailif u have idea
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08:36.31stonydoes a documentation for the asterisk-database exist ?
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08:44.29Rahailany one can tell me please how can i set incoming call limit
08:44.41*** join/#asterisk beeew (
08:45.37beeewhi guys. i'm dealing with AGI, i'm not sure what function would help indicate how many callers are present during a session moment..
08:46.00beeewwould it be 'channel_status'?
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08:46.18Rahailsip show channels
08:47.17flenderscore show channels
08:50.23*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=Heh@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
08:50.59tzafrirfun with asterisk, #5942: put an analog phone off-hook, and issue "restart when convinient"
08:51.02ZeeekDTMF: can't live with it, can't live without it
08:52.05*** join/#asterisk ctaloi (
08:53.06beeewRahail, or flenders, it doesn't look like these functions are in the AGI..
08:53.18beeewi'm a complete newb, so if you're saying 'whaa'..forgive me..
08:53.48beeewi take it you can write a method that will call 'sip show channels'
08:54.18Rahailbeew when you type sip show channels on asterisk cli it will show many concurent channel running atm
08:54.25Rahailor iax2 show channels if you use iax2
08:55.07beeewcan this be implimented through the AGI?
08:56.13beeewwould it be possible to write some method in my programming language of choice that will say 'sip show channels' and then it'd give me the output..
08:56.19flendersbeeew: I'm sure it can be done through AGI, though, I'm not doing it
08:56.59mildki'm not sure you can capture output from executed commands in agi.. you would probably have to open a seperate manager connection in order to do that
08:57.27beeewbecause i was thinking the AGI was limited to this doc here:
08:57.46beeewand there's nothing close to sip show channels that i can see..
08:57.58Zeeekthe manager is the best way to do shit with CLI commans
08:58.18MaliutaCommand Line Interface
08:58.21beeewcommand line ..
08:58.25Maliutano clicky-clicky
08:58.31beeewkick my ass, i'm a newb
08:59.14beeewyeah i'm on it, but docs are this irc! : P
08:59.20beeeware = aren't
08:59.34Zeeekread that one about the manager and come back and ask
08:59.50beeewsorry if i was lonly and trying to make friends :(
09:00.04Zeeekhookers are there for that
09:00.25beeewhookers don't know asterisk..
09:00.32Zeeeksure they do
09:00.51Zeeekthey put their Ass to risk every day
09:01.04beeewdood. that's a classic there..
09:01.34*** join/#asterisk bintut (n=bintut@
09:01.43beeewi think you've just formulated the first asterisk joke there, just have to arrange it a certain way..
09:01.57Zeeekno that was far from the first
09:02.10jboti heard zeeek is someone who once said "learning asterisk using a GUI is like learning sex through masturbation. You'll never get to the good stuff."
09:02.42f00bar80what's the difference between VOIP gateway and VOIP server
09:03.45beeew: P
09:03.54Zeeekwhat's th difference between a Las Vega floor show and a circus magician?
09:04.30ZeeekThe magacian knows some cunning stunts
09:04.37*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
09:05.10f00bar80any advices on how to implement this USER1+(Egypt)+(DID)+(ethernet Hard phone)<-->USER2+(USA,Canada,UK...)+(DID)+(ethernet Hard phone)
09:05.44beeewi didn't get it : T
09:06.22Zeeekwhy are you not studying the doc?
09:07.02f00bar80Zeeek: i'm ready to do so , but a usefull doc related to what am i asking for
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09:07.12Zeeeknot you, beeew
09:07.35beeew(yeah zeek because i am reading right now! : P)
09:08.17ZeeekI'm afraid I have to put that person in /ignore
09:11.26Zeeek~seen oej
09:11.30jbotoej <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk-dev, 4d 16h 7m 45s ago, saying: 'jtodd: No, please provide me with your shipping number, and I'll track it down'.
09:14.11*** join/#asterisk stkn|work (n=stkn|wor@gentoo/developer/
09:17.15*** join/#asterisk Uatec (
09:17.23Uatechi there
09:18.32Uatecif i put 100 => 123,Uatec, in my voicemail.comf it should automatically start sending emails, right?
09:18.38Uateci mean i can leave the message
09:18.42Uatecand change that password
09:18.49Uatecbut it doesn't email me
09:19.33Zeeekdoes it look exactly like the examples? Isn't there two emails (one for pager?)
09:19.47Zeeekdo you have mail running on the * box?
09:19.48beeewwait a minute, am i thinking too hard? i was trying to find the number of users at the moment so i could write a script to limit that number..
09:20.03beeewis there something in asterisk that would help aid this though?
09:20.11beeewperhaps this call_queue?
09:20.39beeewor 'check group'
09:21.28beeewi think check group may be it..gonna go play around..
09:22.51ZeeekUatec is something running to send mail on that asterisk box?
09:24.19Uatecsendmail doesn't appear to work :\
09:25.37Zeeekyou may not need sendmail
09:29.19Zeeekyou will need some kind of queue runner I guess though. I just looked. I do have sendmail running
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09:51.52dj_instincthi all - not sure if anybody about - was wondering do I need a sound card to configure ztmonitor?
09:52.40Strom_Mdj_instinct: no
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09:54.05tzafriryou don't need. You can use
09:54.18dj_instinctI am having trouble with low volume?!? Not sure how I can improve this ? I have looked at the tx/rx gain but that seems to be for echo cancellation?
09:54.50tzafririf you have a problem with echo, playing with gain is the wrong way to fix it
09:54.54Strom_Mdj_instinct: no, that's for adjusting gain :)
09:55.17Strom_Mdj_instinct: call your local milliwatt test and then adjust ztmonitor accordingly
09:56.45dj_instinctlocal milliwatt? In the uk here
09:57.15dj_instinctand when I run ztmonitor I get Cannot open audio
09:57.31Strom_Mwhat is the exact command you're running
09:58.04dj_instinctztmontior 4
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09:58.31Maliutadj_instinct: have you tried turning up the gain on the channel?
10:00.02dj_instinctMaliua: In zapatel.conf yes ...
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10:01.20Strom_Mdj_instinct: zapata, or zaptel
10:01.24Strom_Mthere is no zapatel :)
10:01.53Maliutadj_instinct: and if you plug a handset into that line the sound level is alright? it's only when you plug it into the digium card?
10:02.51dj_instinctMailitua: Yeah seems to be fine - only through digium. Just found this
10:03.32dj_instinctSorry storm Storm_M: zapata.conf
10:03.56Strom_Mdj_instinct: it's Strom, not storm :)
10:04.02Strom_Mtab complete is your friend
10:04.08Strom_Mwhat is your rxgain set to now?
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10:06.37Strom_Mdj_instinct: hello?
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10:14.06ai-aHow reliable is softfax (spandsp) on Asterisk for accepting incomming faxes on an ext ?
10:15.59Zeeekai-a I was not able to get consistent fax reception on different machines with it
10:16.57billybongohow do I get the most out of asterisk on a dual processor / multi core machine?
10:17.09ai-abillybongo: add more extensions.
10:17.27billybongodoes it run on many cores?
10:17.59ai-ais the kernel correct for dual cpu ?
10:18.12ai-aThere you go then
10:18.21billybongoI'm thinking of getting dual quad core xeons
10:18.32billybongojust checking that that's not stupid
10:19.16ai-ado you require that amount of power ?  if so you should do some research.
10:21.11billybongoI don't need power so much as scalability, for which I'm building a cluster - these boxes aren't much more expensive than their boring counterparts
10:21.44ai-abillybongo: how big is your company?
10:22.10billybongoabout 10 people
10:22.22ai-alol. so get a 486 then.
10:22.34billybongothis has to do sip trunking for our customers
10:22.39ai-aZeeek: anyway to perform a fax into the asterisk from the console or another pc to test reliability ?
10:23.05ai-abillybongo: how BIG is your whole people + customer + whatever else you will suprise me with later.
10:23.54billybongowe just sold one voip customer base and we're starting from scratch
10:23.58billybongoso technically 0
10:24.33billybongobut it needs to scale up to 10,000 sip registrants or so
10:24.52billybongoand beyond really
10:25.05ai-aso your wanting to buy a pc that will support 1 or 10,000 + a million more... isnt that a big silly ?
10:25.30billybongono, I'm building a cluster involving openser and asterisk
10:25.44billybongoI just wanted to check that for the asterisk machines it's worth getting dual cpus
10:25.52billybongorather than single cpus and more of them
10:26.07ai-aget a 6 cray computers and cluster them together.
10:26.18billybongowell there are budgetary constraints
10:26.47billybongoI've got about £15-20k to spend
10:27.03billybongodoesn't quite get me a cray
10:27.10ai-awaste of time... im going back to work.
10:27.24billybongowhat's a waste of time?
10:27.32billybongoif you've got something to say then say it
10:28.26billybongoif you've got wise things to say you might get yourself some consultancy if you want it
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10:30.17ai-abillybongo: i still dont know what your asking.. are you asking what is the most powerful linux box i can get for £20k ? or are you asking if your silly for buying 20k worth of pc for 10 people.. which _might_ become more ?
10:31.26billybongoI'm happy with our business model. I'm just asking the technical question as to whether or not it's better to put your money into multiple cpus in boxes, or single cpus in more boxes
10:31.56billybongoclearly there comes a point when it gives up, and that's partly to do with how well asterisk can efficiently use multple cores
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10:43.09ratihi any body perchage the configuration guide for asterisk PBX book by  Flavio E Gonclaves
10:43.44*** join/#asterisk vpanayotov (n=kvirc@
10:44.04vpanayotovI have a question about automon
10:44.13Zeeekai-a test? Sure send yourself faxes. I did that and every fax sent from a PC worked. 3/5 received from customers fax machines did not work
10:44.44JTbillybongo: you'd want a few machines for redundancy
10:44.55JTand load balancing
10:44.59*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/active/cpm)
10:45.33vpanayotovyesterday I tried to use automon but it segfaults with the following message :
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10:47.08vpanayotov-- Executing [22@demo:1] Set("SIP/xlite1-08298568", "DYNAMIC_FEATURES=automon") in new stack
10:51.53*** join/#asterisk vpanayotov (n=kvirc@
10:53.00vpanayotovok I had a problem with my IRC client. Sorry! I will try again...
10:53.40vpanayotovhave a problem with automon feature. when tried to use it I got this error:
10:54.15Zeeeklooks like the feature part works
10:54.44Zeeekcheck file perms in directory
10:55.34vpanayotovZeeek: no I think that is not the problem
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10:55.45vpanayotovlook at the stack trace:
10:56.46vpanayotovI think that the problem is that for some reason the default automon parameters are separated with "|" separator
10:57.02vpanayotovand it seems that the asterisk expects ","
10:57.11vpanayotovIs this known problem?
10:59.02vpanayotovI made a trivial patch:
10:59.07vpanayotovand it seems to work
11:01.13*** join/#asterisk sehh (
11:01.17sehhhey people
11:02.47billybongojt - yeah currently I've got 3 asterisk boxen and 2 opensers on the front
11:04.50sehhq: at home, i've got a single ISDN line (with 2 MSN numbers). The tel. provider has given me an ISDN modem/device which has two analog RJ11 sockets, each socket is connected to an analog telephone. I'd like to convert all that into Asterisk-based system with digital telephones. Is this possible? what hardware do i need?
11:05.25sehh(i already have a linux box running Fedora just for this)
11:07.06sehhbased on the reading i've been doing, i need to use my ethernet network (i've got an 8-port switch) to connect the VoIP digital telephones, which sounds simple enough
11:07.27sehhbut i don't understand how the linux box connects to the ISDN line that comes from the telephone company
11:07.53sehh(is this the wrong channel to ask all this? if so please let me know)
11:09.37Zeeeksehhh there are hardwxare cards for ISDN I believe
11:12.40tzafrirsehh, you'd be better off with an ISDN (BRI) card than with two analog (FXO) ports
11:13.00tzafrirWith analog you can't pass any decent signalling
11:13.49tzafrirIf this is a simple home installation then get a simple Cologne HFC-s - based card or Fritz AVM ISDN card
11:14.10*** join/#asterisk mltlnx (
11:14.50sehhok so in other words, i need a PCI card that connects my ISDN line to my linux box, correct?
11:15.40sehhthen Asterisk will handle the communication with the VoIP phones over ethernet
11:15.43sehham i correct so far?
11:16.00*** part/#asterisk vpanayotov (n=kvirc@
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11:18.35tzafrirsehh, right
11:18.46sehhok so far so good
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11:20.01sehhnow the question is, which PCI ISDN card to get? (must be supported under Linux/Asterisk)
11:20.11*** part/#asterisk zbenjamin (
11:20.40sehhi've been googling and found this as a supported card:
11:20.49*** join/#asterisk EmleyMoor (
11:20.56sehhits rather expensive... :(
11:21.19EmleyMoorIs there a way I can find out the serial number of my TDM400P without physically looking at it?
11:26.11tzafrirsehh, dual and quad bri cards generally cost more. More than one card means it is generally "professional", and also produced at much smaller quantities  - not for home users
11:26.17tzafrirhence costs much more
11:26.58sehhso i need a single-port version of that card
11:27.17sehhthat site lists such a card but its "miniPCI" only :(
11:28.53EmleyMoorIs looking at the actual card the only way to get its serial number?
11:32.29ZeeekEmleyMoor I'm afraid that may be a fact
11:32.45EmleyMoorOh H[eu]ll!
11:32.57J4zenHas anyone heard of a company called gNtel? Or perhaps you are leasing some SIP~PRI connections from a telecom company?
11:39.28EmleyMoorIs it on the sticker on the "back" of the card or is it on the component side?
11:39.54Zeeeksince you have to take the card out, it doesn't matter
11:41.29EmleyMoorIf it's on the back, I don't
11:43.06Zeeekbut you do
11:46.40EmleyMoorZeeek: How come I do?
11:47.41*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
11:48.26Uatechey, asterisk isn't connecting to my sql database when type odbc connect MyDNS
11:48.32Uatecbut it's just failing silently
11:48.38Uatecwhere might i find logs of what is happening?
11:50.00hmmhesaysoh its fun listening to pcaps sometimes
11:50.10hmmhesaysand other times it is so terribly boring
11:52.51EmleyMoorZeeek: All I needed to do was shine a light in the case
11:53.14Zeeekfree advice is rarely worth what you pay for it!
11:54.44*** join/#asterisk bird_of_Luck (
12:04.41hmmhesaysso true
12:05.02hmmhesaysVatec, wherever you told odbc to log might be a good start
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12:07.27hmmhesayshmm why do some packets show up as rtp in wireshark and some as udp when they are both rtp
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12:20.20hmmhesaysthe companions are you friends
12:20.30hmmhesaysyour fates are intertwined
12:20.42defjam01i need help with the recievment of fax over ip...i recieve fax from another asterisk that forwards it to mine. but how can i check if the "call" is a regular call or a fax?
12:21.03hmmhesayshow are you receiving the call?
12:21.12defjam01via sip/rtp
12:21.17defjam01fax and phonecall
12:21.32defjam01but my * needs to check weather its a call or a fax
12:21.34hmmhesayswhat are you using to terminate the fax call?
12:21.55defjam01u mean on server1 that forwards the fax to my * ?
12:22.15*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
12:22.39hmmhesaysno on your asterisk box
12:22.50hmmhesayswhere does the fax go once it gets to your asterisk box
12:23.45defjam01iam trying to get it working with rx_fax and dx_fax
12:24.17defjam01my * is registered at the other as a sip-client. (btw)
12:24.29hmmhesays1.2 or 1.4?
12:25.24hmmhesaysis nvfaxdetect still around?
12:25.41defjam01never heard of it :(
12:26.25hmmhesaysgoogle it
12:26.33defjam01ok goin to do it thanks :)
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12:40.54Dandreif, in a macro I have Set(MyVar=...) is it exported to the context caller?
12:41.17Uatechmmhesays, i don't know where odbc is logging to
12:41.21Uatecwhere does it log to by default?
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12:50.49billybongodo I have to do something to enable * to run on multiple processors?
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12:53.41ai-abillybongo: what version ?
12:53.50ai-athen no.
12:54.08billybongousing the ubuntu gutsy packages ATM
12:54.11ai-asince 1.4.4 asterisk has channel threads. which will use your cpu's
12:55.38Qwellai-a: every version of asterisk is heavily multi-threaded...
12:55.50billybongowhen do new threads get created?
12:56.04billybongois it only when a call happens?
12:56.15Qwellbillybongo: no, there are many threads always running
12:56.16javbi`m configuring a Dual T1 Card on Asterisk/Zaptel/Zapata.. This is the scenario, one T1 trunk to a Nortel BCM, and one T1 Trunk to PSTN... This is the first time i`m configuring dual T1 so, the question is, in zaptel.conf, would this be well configured? --> .. NOTE: BCM is Master, giving sync clock. Both (PSTN and BCM) are "d4,ami"
12:56.43billybongoI only see one thread ATM
12:58.04javbAny idea guys?
12:58.56billybongojavb: sorry - I try to keep clear of those funny telephone line things
12:59.12Qwellyeah...damn phones
12:59.39javbbillibongo, hehe, why are those telephone line things "funny"
12:59.40*** join/#asterisk styelz (
13:00.01billybongobecause in my nirvana everything is IP
13:01.17billybongoQwell: I'm starting asterisk with -F -g -vvv -p  - I only seem to get one process
13:01.21billybongoahh ok I'm being stupid
13:01.29billybongoone process, loads of threads
13:01.51billybongohowever they do all seem to be on the same CPU
13:02.36sehhq: if i get an AVM Fritz PCI card (passive ISDN, p2mp only), can i then use Asterisk to make it behave like a full PBX system (redirect MSN numbers to specific telephone devices, etc)?
13:04.27tzafrirbillybongo, asterisk is alwaus one process, multiple threads
13:05.00billybongoshouldn't those threads spread across CPUs?
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13:07.44Qwellsehh: should be able to
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13:08.23sehhah nice
13:08.28*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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13:12.04ai-a[wrk]billybongo: ps -FAT | grep -i asterisk
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13:14.58Dandreif, in a macro I have Set(MyVar=...) is it exported to the context caller?
13:16.19dj_instinctStrom_M: apologies if you still around ...
13:17.58ai-a[wrk][13:24:09]*ci has entered the chat.
13:17.58ai-a[wrk][13:25:08]<ci>Andrew, i remebered to go to tesco to buy duck, dont worry about your dinner, haha. xxx
13:17.58ai-a[wrk][13:39:07]*ci has logged out.
13:17.59ai-a[wrk][13:51:38]*Andrew has entered the chat.
13:18.06ai-a[wrk]whops ;) wrong paste haha.
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13:19.54ai-a[wrk]Dandre: tried Set(MyVar=1,g)
13:20.36javbi`m configuring a Dual T1 Card on Asterisk/Zaptel/Zapata.. This is the scenario, one T1 trunk to a Nortel BCM, and one T1 Trunk to PSTN... This is the first time i`m configuring dual T1 so, the question is, in zaptel.conf, would this be well configured? --> .. NOTE: BCM is Master, giving sync clock. Both (PSTN and BCM) are "d4,ami"
13:20.54Uateci downloaded the stable tarball of freetds to try to get cdr_odbc working with mssql, but it's not making
13:20.54javb[TK]D-Fender: Any idea (Hi =) )
13:21.10Uatecwhich is no use on it'sown
13:21.36[TK]D-Fenderjavb: dOESN'T SOUND RIGHT
13:21.54EmleyMoorIs the HPEC good? I have just been in touch with Digium about enabling it
13:21.56[TK]D-Fenderjavb: you are putting * between BCM & telco?
13:22.08[TK]D-FenderEmleyMoor: For most people yes.
13:22.09QwellEmleyMoor: yes, very good
13:22.24javb[TK]D-Fender ... i had the trunk with the BCM before, i was just giving call to the BCM received via INTERNET...
13:22.30EmleyMoorOK - I shall wait to hear from them
13:22.40EmleyMoorPresumably it's easy enough to activate?
13:22.58javb[TK]D-Fender .. what i ` m trying to do know is to let the same scenario, but making the asterisk to manage a T1 comming from PSTN too.
13:23.23[TK]D-Fenderjavb: So the BCM is "CPE" to the telco, and * as well, correct?
13:23.36*** join/#asterisk TrentCreek (
13:23.50javbBCM is CPE to the Asterisk. And telco is CPE to the Asterisk.
13:25.10[TK]D-Fenderjavb: Your answer doesn't fit what I asked quite right.  not to confirm : A) Are you plugging BOTH * AND your telco into SEPARATE ports on your BCM?  or B) are you plugginf the telo into *, and then * into your BCM?
13:25.24[TK]D-Fenderb )
13:25.37[TK]D-Fender(not smilie if thats what you saw)
13:26.08javb[TK]D-Fender: Im plugging the telco into *, and the * into BCM
13:26.34javbBCM one port, to Asterisk. Telco To Asterisk.. Asterisk, two T1 Ports
13:27.01[TK]D-Fenderjavb: Better.  It is then sitting in BETWEEN.  For that lets say port 1 = telco, and port 2 = BCM : 1,1,0  and then 2,0,0 for timing.
13:27.32[TK]D-Fenderjavb: * will TAKE timing from the telco, and SET timing for your BCM
13:28.20*** part/#asterisk blitzrage (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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13:28.38javb[TK]D-Fender:   <---- ?
13:29.27[TK]D-Fenderjavb: I just wrote that what you did is NOT appropriate.
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13:31.04fbntshi, I am trying to configure a Cisco 7940 handset with Asterisk.  It had SIP on but I am trying to get it working using SCCP.
13:31.28javb[TK]D-Fender: I dont see the difference between your pastebin and mine..
13:31.37fbntsIt appears to just loop while asking the TFTP server for United_states/7960-font.xml
13:31.51javbI think i may no be understading you quiet well.
13:31.53[TK]D-Fenderjavb: Pay attention! 1,0,0 = BAD, 1,1,0 = GOOD
13:32.15[TK]D-Fenderjavb: now look at them 100 times after getting some coffee
13:32.20fbntsI have checked the Cisco site but don't seem to be able to find the Locale files.  does anyone know where to get them?
13:32.29Qwellfbnts: you don't need them
13:33.03javb[TK]D-Fender... :/ need to sleep, anyway, THANKS.. What if BCM is giving me clock?
13:33.22fbntsThats what I thought but the phone keeps looping
13:33.31javb* / Zaptel cant get clock from two ways ?
13:33.33Qwellfbnts: replace it with a polycom :p
13:33.53[TK]D-Fenderjavb: it REALLY shouldn't be.  It is not its job to act like the telco...... its made to be the CPE....
13:33.54Qwellcisco phones like sitting there doing nothing
13:34.19fbntsI have the 7910 which works perfect on SCCP
13:34.31fbntsits just these 7940's
13:34.32Qwellsccp or skinny?
13:34.47fbntsIm using the SCCP2 Module in Asterisk
13:34.55Qwellin asterisk?  no..
13:35.07Qwellchan_sccp == garbage
13:35.12javb[TK]D-Fender: so, 1,1,0 .. 1,0,0 .. what is the difference in the meaning?
13:35.15fbntsah right
13:35.22fbntsso should I stick with SIP?
13:35.25drakohow can i check if agents are logged on the system so i can skip the wait on the queue
13:35.42javbfbnts; 7940 works perfect with SIP.
13:35.46fbntsoh right, I thought that was the older stuff
13:36.10Qwellchan_sccp hasn't seen a release in 18 months
13:36.11fbntsyep, I now have the newer SIP firmware which actually works now!
13:36.50[TK]D-Fenderjavb: span = [port],[use as timing source? 0=GIVE timing on this port, 1 = use as primary SOURCE (take timing),2 = use as secondary, etc],[LBO],[FRAMING],[ENCODING]
13:38.21*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
13:39.03fbntsis there any advantages between SCCP and SIP Firmware with the 7940?
13:39.04javb[TK]D-Fender... if BCM is giving timming, i imagine i CANT modifie this.. may i  put telco "1" to use it as primary, and on BCM "2" to use as secondary?
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13:39.52[TK]D-Fenderjavb: Yes, that's what you'd do.  Bet this can cause problems because they are not synchronized with each other.  You want to avoid this, and its not the way the BCM should be operating by default.
13:40.25javb[TK]D-Fender: I understand. Thats right.. Well, thank you very much..
13:41.08[TK]D-Fenderjavb: Glad to hear
13:41.20javb[TK]D-Fender: ... by the way, by default telco gives timing.. ?
13:41.41javbwhen is just one T1 i always put "0" on that span.
13:41.44[TK]D-Fenderjavb: Yes, remember in their eyes, they are the center of the universe.
13:42.04[TK]D-Fenderjavb: And NO on your other comment.
13:42.05*** join/#asterisk clandmeter (n=Carlo@
13:42.34JTjavb: learn to read the documentation, putting 0 on the span is wrong if it's to the telco
13:43.01[TK]D-Fenderjavb: you put a "0" for timing when * NEEDS to set the clock for that channel.  This is where the device you are going to connect to it EXPECTS to receive a clock signal.  This is the case with most PBX's, channel banks, etc.
13:43.20*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
13:44.01javb... i have lots of T1 configured like this span=1,0,0,d4,ami
13:44.18javbWorking perfect... with "0" on timing
13:44.28[TK]D-Fenderjavb: taht can cause issues.... perhaps you're jsut lucky right now..
13:44.48javb[TK]D-Fender... I see. Well, THANKS AGAIN.
13:44.50[TK]D-Fenderjavb: and likely would if another T1 is brought into play
13:45.15JTjavb: it will cause hard to diagnose issues, bit slips mainly
13:45.33JTa PRI/T1 is a plesiochronous network
13:45.41javb[TK]D-Fender / JT: Thanks.
13:45.44billybongoai-a[wrk]: ahh that's cool, I'm assuming PSR is processor
13:45.44*** part/#asterisk fbnts (
13:45.48JTwhich means everthing should be approximately synchronised to the telco
13:46.10[TK]D-FenderJT : And I always though it was Jurrasichonous ! :p
13:47.28*** join/#asterisk stimpie (
13:48.36*** join/#asterisk Somebee (n=sindre@
13:49.01SomebeeHi. When I create a call via originate, does the origin not get set?
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13:49.56Somebeei mean the CALLERID(num)
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13:53.42syzygyBSDdepends on if you set it...
13:54.03syzygyBSDit worked for me.. but it has been a while, maybe they took that feature out
13:55.08[TK]D-FenderSomebee: pastebin your call-file
13:55.15SomebeeI have set it in the originate-call
13:55.23jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
13:56.22Somebeemaybe the CALLERID gets set (not (num))?
13:57.02*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (n=leon@
13:57.31[TK]D-FenderSomebee: Callerid: dev_63 <-------
13:57.58Somebeeof course, it used to be numeric, just changed it
13:58.09[TK]D-FenderSomebee: taht most certainly does not mean "take it from my sip.conf entry".
14:00.50Uatechey, is DTMF one fixed protocol and stuff or are there different DTMF frequencies in differentp laces?
14:01.05QwellUatec: there are probably a dozen ways to signal dtmf
14:01.25QwellIF it's done in-band, it's always the same set of freqs though
14:01.43JTaudibly, the frequencies are always the same
14:01.43Uatecis it possible that while my IVR might be working from most phones, there might be some phones which send DTMF tones differently and for whicht eh IVR wont work?
14:02.01QwellHow are the phones connected?
14:02.02JTdeepends what the phone is
14:03.17*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
14:04.23Uatecthe phones are connected to my asterisk box by ISDN (a b410p
14:04.36Uatecmy mobile (an xda exec works, and most other phones)
14:04.43Uatechowever some phones don't
14:04.51Uatecspecifically a BT cordless phone doesn't work
14:05.06JTdoes it work with anything else?
14:05.16Uatecmost phones work
14:05.22JTblame misdn?
14:05.29Uatecjt, that doesn't help
14:05.37Uatecbut obviously we can't control what phone a customer is using
14:05.38JTit has dtmf issues
14:05.57UatecJT, while blaming misdn might make you happy, it doesn't really solve many problems
14:06.12JTexpcept it's the only logical explanation
14:06.19JTfrom what you've said
14:06.30Uatecnot really
14:06.34Uatecsince misdn is constant
14:06.36Uatecbut the problem isn't
14:06.42JTmisdn has known dtmf recognition issues
14:06.43Uatecand the phones are variable as is the problem
14:06.45*** join/#asterisk deeperror (
14:06.49JTit's known to suck balls
14:06.50Uatechence the problem is caused by the phone
14:07.03JTso perhaps the bt phone isn't as perfect as others at creating dtmf
14:07.04Uatecmight it not be possible to tweak misdn's dtmf recognition?
14:07.11*** join/#asterisk Tili (
14:07.13JTthe fact is, it works with other systems
14:07.15Uatecnobody would use it at all if it wasn't fixable
14:07.22JTand it's just inband audio
14:07.27JTnot everyone needs and IVR.
14:09.20*** join/#asterisk jfitzgibbon (n=chatzill@
14:10.02Uatecyou can tweak the dtmfthreshold
14:10.10Uatecbut i don't know which way is up or down
14:10.20Uatecof what?
14:10.21Qwellwhat does the sample conf say?
14:10.39Uatecit says "Here you can tune the sensitivity of the dtmf tone recognizer."
14:10.47Uatecvalue 100
14:11.41JTincrease to prevent false recognition, decrease to try and recognise more
14:12.57Uatecis it like a minimum length of tone?
14:14.00jarrodis there a way to modify the asterisknow behavior with polycoms to support more than 2 phone calls at a time?
14:14.50alrsjarrod: Does *now have any capacity to provision the phones, or is that done all manually?
14:15.31jarrodyea, you enter the polycom serial and it handles the provisioning
14:15.39jarrodim hoping this isnt outside the box of their GUI
14:15.48EmleyMoorjbot is clever, I see
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14:16.01sehhq: does Asterisk support some kind of Music-On-Hold? like playing an MP3 file or a streamed mp3 (internet radio)
14:16.15alrsjarrod: I've not used it.  You can add a line appearance pretty easily to a Polycom phone by editing its .cfg file
14:16.23EmleyMoorsehh: It does... not that I've had any luck with it
14:16.47alrsjarrod: I don't have my notes with me, or I'd show you what you need to add or edit
14:18.05jarrodyea, its a template that i believe asterisk handles auto-generating at time of request by the polycom
14:18.22jarrodand only one phone needs this capability truthfully
14:18.29jarrodi dont wanna add it for each individual station
14:18.42EmleyMoorIf I could find a foolproof guide to setting up MoH I'd have a go
14:19.42alrsjarrod: The individual .cfg files usually just include the template, and any changes made in the phone's .cfg override whatever is in the site-wide sip.cfg
14:20.11alrsEmleyMoor: just don't bog down your system using .mp3
14:20.25codefreezedeeperror: progress! something's changed in 1.4 since I last made mods, and the 3-way is broke for CDR. Something in the hookflash code, maybe in the attempt_transfer routine. I'm looking at it.
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14:23.30seele_hello, some one can help me with tornado m20 phones video call ???
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14:25.57[TK]D-Fendersehh: Yes, * has MoH, and supports plenty of different means of supplying it.  Go download THE BOOK, and get reading.
14:26.00jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
14:26.21[TK]D-FenderEmleyMoor: Nothing is fool-proof because we all know how gosh-darned clever fools can be....
14:29.34EmleyMoorI couldn't get MoH to work at all when I tried it... but never mind
14:31.10[TK]D-FenderEmleyMoor: . When you're done sulking and are ready to work on your problems we might still be here for you :)
14:31.41*** join/#asterisk jtknapp (
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14:32.20EmleyMoorI never actually considered it that important TBH - might have a go at some stage :-)
14:34.00*** join/#asterisk grandpapadot (
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14:35.27grandpapadotHi all.  We just deployed a box with the new TDM800 card by Digium with 8 FXO ports.  There's a lot of echoing going on.  I have the echocancel=yes, echocancelwhenbridged=yes, and echotraining=yes in my zapata.conf and the latest zaptel drivers.  Asterisk 1.2.24.  Any suggestions?
14:35.32*** join/#asterisk jcmoore (n=jcmoore@unaffiliated/tgrman)
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14:36.13EmleyMoorgrandpapadot: Is your card under warranty? If so, you may be able to enable HPEC at no extra cost
14:36.27grandpapadotJust got it.
14:37.22EmleyMoorOK - no experience of this yet, but there is a form on which may allow you to request it
14:37.27grandpapadotOk, once I get my HPEC licence/key, how do i enable it?
14:37.39alrsgrandpapadot: what distribution are you using?
14:37.43[TK]D-Fendergrandpapadot: go read the docs that they give you on this
14:38.12*** join/#asterisk michael-i (n=michael-@
14:38.17grandpapadotalrs: from tarball
14:38.19[TK]D-Fendergrandpapadot: also Zaptel 1.4 had a LOT of improvements in the EC dept... you should upgrade.  1.2 is EOL
14:38.39grandpapadot[TK]D-Fender: Can I use Zaptel 1.4 with Asterisk 1.2.24?
14:38.42alrsgrandpapadot: OSLEC, afaik, is in Debian Unstable now
14:38.47[TK]D-Fendergrandpapadot: No.
14:39.03grandpapadot[TK]D-Fender: Thanks.
14:39.08alrsgrandpapadot: if you are just compiling all of your 1.4 stuff from source then recompile zaptel with the oslec patch
14:39.33alrsgrandpapadot: oslec works well and isn't a binary blob like the digium hpec stuff
14:39.45grandpapadotGot it.
14:40.07alrsgrandpapadot: and you don't have to deal with Digium support and get sales calls from their resellers
14:42.49*** join/#asterisk dave-speex (
14:43.39dave-speexany speex experts out there?
14:46.42*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
14:48.29ManxPowerHas zaptel (the version I'm trying is removed support for kernel 2.4?
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14:49.09Trionnisgoooooooooood morning! :D
14:50.22[TK]D-FenderIt's "O" 6-hundred, and what does the "O" stand for?  "O" my God it's early!
14:50.59Trionnisvery true
14:51.05*** join/#asterisk ajohnson (n=ajohnson@
14:51.31TrionnisI just found out today that we're going to have the 3rd mini-me on the way :D
14:51.47ManxPowerMy condolences.
14:52.06Trionnisnah, kids are great :)
14:52.12Trionnisthanks... I think :)
14:52.40ManxPowerThey are dirty, disease ridden, loud, expensive, troublesome, and unsocialized.
14:52.58Trionnishm... I can't argue with that
14:53.08seele_how can I make a video call with h263 and asterisk 1.4.xx?
14:53.21ManxPowerIf a dog was as much trouble as that many people would just put the dog to sleep.
14:53.26[TK]D-FenderManxPower : You shouldn't be so hard on yourself ;)
14:53.52grandpapadot[TK]D-Fender: Just out of pointint it out, this same system used to have TDM400P's with no echoing at all.  Any clue why the 800 would have echoing?
14:53.56[TK]D-Fenderseele_: Go lookup "asterisk video" on the WIKI.  It's all there.
14:54.03Trionnisok, so the real reason I'm here... anyone familiar with a good way to grab the current calls from a 1.4.x box with php and ami ?
14:54.31[TK]D-Fendergrandpapadot: Exact sames lines, OS, and server box?
14:54.37grandpapadot[TK]D-Fender: Yep.
14:54.44[TK]D-Fendergrandpapadot: And * & Zaptel versions (and EC routines)?
14:54.57grandpapadot[TK]D-Fender: Literally installed the new card, upgraded to CURRENT zaptel 1.2
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14:55.15[TK]D-Fendergrandpapadot: well you changed something... go change it BACk and retest.
14:55.26[TK]D-Fendergrandpapadot: Don't compare apples & oranges.
14:56.08grandpapadot[TK]D-Fender: I'm trying not to, which is why I asked.  It was Zaptel 1.2.18, now it's, no config files changed, same wires, etc.  I hate TDM installs.
14:59.16Trionnisor better yet, anyone know of a good way to pull dundi queries with php?
15:00.44grandpapadot[TK]D-Fender: Based on what you know about the TDM hardware, should I proceed with the HPEC or downgrade to Zapteo 1.2.18?
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15:03.16SomebeeI have got a "trunk" account with 10 numbers from my provider. How does this work with asterisk? Do i register with username/password and just define the number in the fromuser field in sip.conf?
15:03.49grandpapadotSomebee: Most SIP providers I've delt with give you examples how to connect to their service with Asterisk.
15:03.52ManxPowerSomebee: there is no such thing as a "trunk account" or "sip trunk"
15:04.22SomebeeI have talked to them several times. They insist that all I need is 1 username/password for all 10 numbers
15:04.26ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: Zaptel does not build without modifications on a 2.4 system
15:04.29ManxPowerjust an FYI
15:04.35SomebeeI (obviously) cant get it to work
15:04.37ManxPowerSomebee: that is pretty common
15:04.54SomebeeOk. but how do I register to that provider?
15:04.58grandpapadotManxPower: Eh?  2.4 system?
15:05.12grandpapadotSomebee: Who is your provider?
15:05.52DandreWhy when I try to dial an extension a call to stdexten macro is done ? I don't have any reference to such a macro
15:05.53SomebeeIt's in Norway. Nextit. I thought I should register each number like: register => username:password@providerip/numbertouse
15:06.04Somebeebut I've tried many things, and can't get any of them to work
15:06.07grandpapadotSomebee: You using NAT or public IP?
15:06.16Somebeepublic (and tested with nat)
15:06.39grandpapadotSomebee: Your current Asterisk box, is it behind NAT or are you using a public IP?
15:06.43SomebeeI run two asterisk servers already, but with different providers that have given me individual logins
15:06.51ManxPowerSomebee: remove the /numbertouse
15:07.00ManxPowerthe carrier should send the correct dialed number by default
15:07.02SomebeeThe one I test at right now is behind nat. But can test at a public to
15:07.20grandpapadotSomebee: Ok, then  you'll want to use register => commands probably.
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15:07.47ManxPowerSomebee: also does "sip show registry" show you registered to the remote host?
15:07.53SomebeeBut if I make an outbound call, how do I tell it which outbound-number to use?
15:08.12Somebeeyep, I manage to register (atleast when I do not have /number behind)
15:08.18ManxPowerSomebee: you don't "use an outbound number"
15:08.27ManxPoweryou send a call to a SIP account with a destination.
15:08.30grandpapadotSomebee: Dial(SIP/whatevertheregisteredpeeris/1234556)
15:09.04[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Thanks, good to know.
15:09.41ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: it's pretty obvious nobody on #asterisk-dev has used a 2.4 system in a very long time.
15:10.02EmleyMoorIs there a list anywhere of what recent 1.4 considers deprecated, of which the replacement will work even in 1.2? I've found out about the voicemail flags - anything else?#
15:10.22ManxPowerEmleyMoor: upgrade.txt in 1.2 and 1.4
15:10.59[TK]D-FenderManxPower: You are quickly becoming our resident anachronism.  You aare so firmly seated in the "if it ain't broke / efar of new stuff" mode than you are going to start seeing even basic compatibility pass you by....
15:11.58ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: no, I'm firmly seated in the I don't want to spend a week to convince the customer that, although they ran their old PBX for 10 years without an upgrade, their new PBX is so buggy it needs upgrades every few months.
15:12.35[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Perhaps, but if they neex an upgrade NOW for some issue, you're fast becoming backup up against a wall.
15:13.37ManxPowerthey are running a pre-1.2.x release 1.2-SVN
15:13.42*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
15:13.48ManxPoweryes, there was a time when I ran SVN.
15:14.06ManxPowerI was just screwed without lube enough times by SVN that I learned my lesson.
15:14.55ManxPowerSomebee: actually use Dial(thepstnnumber@sipconfentry)
15:15.15[TK]D-FenderManxPower: ..... geting warmer :0
15:15.32SomebeeManxPower: I'll try that now
15:15.35ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: perhaps 1 cup of coffee this morning was not enough
15:15.50[TK]D-FenderManxPower: It is beginning to appear that way
15:15.52ManxPowerSomebee: sorry, of course it would be Dial(SIP/thepstnnumber@sipconfentry)
15:16.41[TK]D-FenderSomebee: And in some cases that latter format may not cooperte and you can use the form I use myself : Dial(SIP/sipconfentry/numbertodial)
15:16.42ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: the new admin at one of my customer finally managed to form enough words to babble all their outstanding issues to their CABLE GUY, who managed to e-mail me the list.
15:17.13[TK]D-FenderManxPower: I know all about needing interpreters to to gleen anything sensible out of troublesome "patients"
15:17.17[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
15:17.22Katty[TK]D-Fender: mew.
15:17.59ManxPowertheir PC guy has to go to that person's computer about once a week to fix something.  She deletes her e-mail account on the MUA, or manages to unplug the ethernet cable or managed to get a virus.
15:20.41Katty[TK]D-Fender: today is good :>
15:21.45[TK]D-FenderKatty: Good to hear..... I spent last night as a full-on shrink for my best friend's dysnfunctional ex.....  so knowing there is one less person in need of help around me is a good thing :)
15:23.37fileand tackles
15:24.22*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=teknopre@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
15:24.24teknoprephey all
15:25.31teknoprepdoes anyone know of an application that can dial from on screen phone number?
15:25.49teknoprepsay i have a phone number in an application and i want to be able to hi-light it and then right click and say dial
15:25.50[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep: Yea, MozIAX
15:25.53teknoprepis this possible?
15:25.56EmleyMoorteknoprep: What is the number on screen in?
15:26.04EmleyMoorMozIAX can do it at least from web pages
15:26.07teknoprepwell its inside Dentrix
15:26.14[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep: Where "screen" is read as "web-page"
15:26.31teknoprepyeah i thought that would be web only when i saw moz
15:26.50teknoprepis there an application that can recognize text on-screen? and maby have a pop-up for dialing it
15:26.51grandpapadotteknoprep: Look for AstTAPI on the wiki or just TAPI, that's as close as you're going to get.
15:29.10Dandrewhat is stdexten macro and why is it called?
15:29.11twistedI AM A LARGE PANCAKE
15:29.31Qwelltwisted: good to know
15:29.47EmleyMoortwisted: JFK was a donut
15:30.02ManxPowerI've spent 10 mins editing my response to the consultant and the nicest I've come up with is "I can talk to John if they need training on how to use e-mail."
15:30.15ManxPowerDandre: it is not called unless you call it.
15:30.31ManxPowerDandre: you are not using the sample config files, are you?
15:30.56SomebeeI guess I have done some stupid mistake (not an expert), but I still can't get it to work. This is how the conf looks right now:
15:31.02SomebeeWhen I try to make a call i get "Got SIP response 488 "Not acceptable here" back from"
15:31.02DandreI have grep stdexten /etc/asterisk and no result
15:31.30[TK]D-FenderSomebee: typically a codec mismatch <------
15:31.46DandreI have saved extensions.conf for latter reference and try to build my own
15:31.52ManxPowerSomebee: and the pastebin of the console output of a failed call?
15:32.05ManxPowerOh!  not acceptable here IS a codec issue
15:32.27billybongoyeah, that means it can't agree a codec
15:32.33Somebee updated with console
15:32.56ManxPowerSomebee: disallow=all and allow=ulaw in [general] in sip.conf
15:33.01Somebeehmm, ok. They said the server should work with asterisk / sip-phones, and I use xlite with standard config
15:33.27SomebeeManxPower: have both of the in general
15:33.30ManxPowerSomebee: i'm sure it will work, if you use a codec the far side supports and asterisk supports
15:33.41ManxPowerSomebee: try pastebining the general section too
15:33.52DandreManxPower: I am using users.conf . could it be the reason?
15:34.00ManxPowerin fact pastebin the entire file exactly as it is sans passwords
15:34.07ManxPowerDandre: nobody uses users.conf
15:34.22Somebee updated
15:34.27Dandrethe gui guys use it
15:34.44Dandrewhy should it no be used?
15:35.00*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
15:35.03ManxPowerDandre: because we don't use it and so you won't get any help on it.
15:35.08ManxPowerusers.conf is FOR guis.
15:35.10ManxPowernot people
15:35.26ManxPowerSomebee: that is not going to work.  you have externip with no localnet enttry
15:35.48ManxPowerDandre: you are not using a GUI are you?
15:35.56ai-a[wrk]users.conf is for lazy guis ;)
15:36.04ManxPowerDandre: you have not read The Book
15:36.08jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
15:36.26SomebeeManxPower: The server is public (thats where I'm testing now). Still need localnet?
15:36.54DandreI am building a gui and users.conf seemed convenient
15:37.05SomebeeManxPower: Thanks for the help btw, ten times the service I've got from the provider in 5-6 calls :-)
15:37.39ai-a[wrk]Dandre: convenient ;)
15:37.44ManxPowerSomebee: Feel free to send a paypal donation to
15:38.19[TK]D-FenderSomebee: "sip debug" <--- do this because you basic CLI output won't show you precisely what is failing.
15:38.41*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
15:38.45SomebeeManxPower:  I can call and get calls through the other provider with the same [general] in sip.conf and on same server, so it should not have to do with those things
15:39.20[TK]D-FenderSomebee: And the peer you are dialing out of does not speicif its own CODECS and is inheriting them from [general].  Not really a good idea
15:39.28ManxPowerSomebee: if your server is behind NAT you need externip and localnet.  If your server is not behind NAT then you should NOT have those options
15:39.46*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
15:40.22DandreManxPower: I have searched the book for stdexten -> no result
15:40.37SomebeeManxPower: Ok. server is not behind NAT. Sip debug seems to get many pages for a failed call, should I pastie all of it?
15:40.54ManxPowerDandre: stdexten is a macro included in the default extensions.conf config file.  Is that clear.
15:41.00*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
15:41.03ManxPowerSomebee: yes
15:42.27[TK]D-FenderDandre: that is jsut a name that was given to a macro in the SAMPLE extensions.conf.  I have a macro with the same name that is COMPLETELY different.  This is dialing and will be 100% unique to your setup unless you have no clue what you're doing and jsut cut & pastebin code samples you see and not looking at them.
15:43.03[TK]D-Fenderdarn line-lenght limit
15:43.07ManxPowerand if you just cut and paste without understanding -- well you have much more serious issues.
15:43.55Somebee <- I hope/think this is everything
15:45.13SomebeeManxPower: Yes I don't understand all this. I know basic asterisk-stuff, but when it comes to finding out what is wrong I'm relatively 'blank'
15:45.50ManxPowerSomebee: try alaw instead of ulaw, but that sip debug is confusing.
15:46.27Dandre[TK]D-Fender: ok I have seen the sample stdexten and I have understood it. But what I wanted to know i why this macro was called as I have no direct reference to it except that I use (for the moment but as I can understand it is a bad idea) users.conf.
15:46.36*** join/#asterisk ACiDV (
15:47.00ManxPowerSomebee: I assume 21971502 is your username at the provider?
15:47.19[TK]D-FenderDandre: yOU DON'T KNOW WHY THE MACRO IS BEING CALLEDYou don't know why the macro is being called?  Well its YOUR dialplan.  Why are YOU calling it?
15:47.22ManxPowerDandre: it is being called from somewhere in your config files.
15:47.25*** join/#asterisk rogerz (
15:47.31rogerzWe are having a problem with our asterisk setup where when a person is on a call, and they need to enter numbers over the phone (such as when they enter an extension or "push 1 to hear the directory") on a remote call, the number presses do not register. Any solutions to this?
15:48.00SomebeeManxPower: It worked :D
15:48.13SomebeeI'll send you a donation :p
15:48.15ACiDVHi, when I do a 'database get Queue/PersistentMembers queuename' from AMI, I only got first 255 characters in the Value: fields, but no problem when I do a 'database get' directly in CLI. This is a limitation of Manager interface ?
15:48.24ManxPowerSomebee: USA/Canada use ulaw, the rest of the world uses alaw, but most carriers support both.
15:48.35*** join/#asterisk andyGraybeal (
15:48.46andyGraybealwhat machines do yuo guys use for your asterisk server?
15:48.47SomebeeAh ok, so my other provider would probable still work if I switch to alaw
15:48.54*** join/#asterisk duki (
15:49.13ManxPowerSomebee: it should and there would be less conversion
15:49.37ManxPowerbut you might want try gsm or something like that.  alaw/ulaw use 80Kbps (8Kbps)
15:51.40[TK]D-FenderADDENDUM : alaw/ulaw take up 80kbps over **RTP**
15:52.16ACiDValso truncate to 255 chars when I use 'DBGet' Manager
15:52.23ACiDVany idea ?
15:52.24ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: what do they use with IAX2?  78kbps?
15:52.32*** join/#asterisk nny (
15:52.41SomebeeManxPower: Ok, will I get better quality with gsm or less bandwidth?
15:52.43nnyis make mpg123 in asterisk src depricated
15:52.47ManxPowerACiDV: make sure you are using the latest Asterisk and report as a bug on
15:53.02ManxPowerSomebee: lower quality, less bandwidth, low CPU requirements
15:53.03SomebeeManxPower: 30 bucks sent your way btw :-) Thanks for the help!
15:53.14[TK]D-FenderManxPower: a NON-TRUNKED IAX2 connection would be around that, but a trunked one averages out smaller :)
15:53.16ManxPowerSomebee: you are the first person to send a donation in almost a year.  Thank you.
15:53.21ACiDV1.4.12.1 is latest, will search in code but I'm asking if this is a normal behavior to truncate to 255 chars
15:53.44[TK]D-FenderManxPower: You should already know just how much smaller....
15:53.45ManxPowerACiDV: I suspect it is.  There are several places in Asterisk with static buffers sized smaller than some users require.
15:53.51nnymultiple howtos state using make mpg123 in /usr/src/asterisk-1.4.xx/ and I get no target when I try it
15:53.56ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I would have to calc it out. 8-)
15:54.08ManxPowernny: STOP READIN THE WIKI
15:54.10SomebeeManxPower: Ok, the server is very good, and there are only 6 people using it, so I guess they would have soundquality as highest priority
15:54.12[TK]D-FenderManxPower: or WIKI it like any sane person would ;)
15:54.17ManxPowernny: in 1.4 you do not use mpg123
15:54.21nnyManxPower: lol indeed
15:54.30nnyManxPower: ahh ok, do I need to do anything else?
15:54.39ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: a perfect example of why the Wiki is bad.
15:54.57ManxPowernny: if you want to use mp3 files for MoH you need asterisk-addons
15:55.23ManxPowerif you want most any other format (that asterisk supports) of MoH you should not need asterisk-addons
15:55.29[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Don't play the "A" is bad so I won't trust "B" game with me :)
15:56.20ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: the occasional error is expected, but the Wiki is a mismash of old information, wrong information, and information that does not specify what version of asterisk it applies to.
15:57.04[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Yeah but IAX2 BW spec hasn't really changed....
15:57.20ai-a[wrk]ManxPower: you can vote yourself to fix all out of date wiki information.
15:57.39ManxPowerai-a[wrk]: that would take YEARS
15:57.59[TK]D-FenderManxPower: A life-long sense of purpose!
15:58.01Qwellbetter start now...
16:00.11codefreezedeeperror: back yet?
16:00.30ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: but my purpose in life is good sex, good drugs, and a good income.
16:00.32nnyok nm on mp3
16:00.39nnynot worth it for the format
16:02.06[TK]D-FenderManxPower: None of those last very long (and I'll spare you the freebie jab you KNOW I've got on stand-by for that :p)
16:02.07nnyusing wav on my current setup anyways
16:02.13*** join/#asterisk jsmith (n=jsmith@
16:02.13*** mode/#asterisk [+o jsmith] by ChanServ
16:02.15nnyso I think I have finished my howto
16:02.20nnygonna test it on a clean box
16:02.30nnyshould I offer it to the gods of
16:02.48nnyit includes setting it up to run asterisk as non root
16:02.51jsmithOf course!
16:02.56jsmithDocumentation is a good thing :-)
16:02.59nnyok I wanna clear up one last thing
16:03.31nnywhen I do a ps -aux |grep asterisk, I have 1 running as root, and 1 as asterisk, which I assume is the init.d script dropping the process down to asterisk user
16:03.35ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: 8-)
16:03.41nnyis there a safer way t do this with the init.d script?
16:03.45[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Made in the shade.....
16:04.15*** join/#asterisk grandpapadot (
16:04.30grandpapadotWhat kernel module does the new TDM800P use from Zaptel?
16:05.04ManxPowernny: It is pretty standard for daemons to start as root, do stuff only root can do, then spawn a subprocess as a different user
16:05.17nnyManxPower: ok just making sure I had that part correct thanks!
16:05.22ManxPowergrandpapadot: that information is in a secret file called README in the Zaptel source.  Don't tell anyone
16:05.31grandpapadotlol, sh*t, sorry (tnx)
16:06.27seele_some one with video phones tornado m20 ???
16:09.12ManxPowertzafrir: is that URL always updated with the most recent info?
16:09.16SomebeeManxPower: When I try to call any of the 10 numbers (from my cell) i just get "number not in use" and see in the console that asterisk does not react at all. Do I need to register the numbers specifically? A number that I now (thanks to your help) can call out from easily, still gets "number not in use" when called
16:09.37tzafrirManxPower, daily , with a checkout from branches/1.4
16:09.43jsmithSomebee: Yes, you have to specify them
16:10.02ManxPowerSomebee: you don't register numbers, you register accounts.  1 account can easily have 500 numbers associated with it.
16:10.10ManxPowerSomebee: turn on sip debug and try an incoming call
16:10.44ManxPowermany of my SIP accounts support 100 numbers.
16:10.54tzafrirjsmith, any way to get that on like the doxygen docs? All it takes is asciidoc, which is a standard debian package with practically no extra dependencies
16:10.56SomebeeManxPower: That is the point, sip debug show _nothing_. I get the standard message that you get whenever you call any wrong number in norway
16:11.14*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
16:11.18ManxPowerSomebee: interesting.  you don't have a firewall or packet filtering on the box?
16:11.41ManxPowerSomebee: if the call came in and was rejected you would not see anything on console unless sip debug was active.
16:11.52SomebeeManxPower: nope. sip debug is active
16:12.10ManxPowerSomebee: does ANY of the numbers work?
16:12.40SomebeeManxPower: not with inbound calls (get the same "number is not in use" on all). All of them seem to work when calling out via asterisk
16:13.00ManxPowerSomebee: that's because when you call you you don't have a source number
16:14.22ManxPowerSomebee: the register => line should tell the remote server what IP is associated with your userid/password.  That is all it does.  If "sip show registry" shows everything is fine then, other than packet filtering, I don't have any more ideas.
16:14.59ManxPowerSomebee: the carrier should be sending SOMETHING to the IP of your asterisk server.
16:15.08ManxPowerSomebee: you said the server is NOT behind NAT?
16:15.23ManxPowerdoes the server have multiple IP addresses?
16:15.28ManxPoweroh, and don't use bindaddr
16:15.42SomebeeManxPower: not that I know of. Ok, i'll remove
16:15.50*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
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16:16.05ManxPowerpastebin the entire output of "lsmod"
16:17.18*** join/#asterisk tripps (n=ss@
16:17.25SomebeeManxPower: As I get nothing in console (with debug) it does not even seem to send anything to the server. Guess I'll have to ask the provider tomorrow
16:17.41ManxPowerpastebin the entire output of "lsmod"
16:18.09Somebeelsmod in shell on server?
16:18.31MaliutaManxPower: how will that help if the kernel is monolithic?
16:18.46Maliutathere is an order to ask these questions ;)
16:18.48SomebeeManxPower: lsmod -> nothing. "Module                  Size  Used by"
16:19.04ManxPowerMaliuta: I am a traditionalist, I hate upgrading and even I don't use monolithic kernels
16:19.16ManxPowerSomebee: "iptables -L INPUT -n"
16:19.21ManxPowerany output from that?
16:20.00*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
16:20.01SomebeeManxPower: iptables v1.3.6: can't initialize iptables table `filter': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?) Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded.
16:20.03MaliutaManxPower: most of mine are the next best thing to monolithic, I believe that if you are going to have something loaded from boot it might aswell be builtin
16:20.32ManxPowerSomebee: how is the server connected to the internet?
16:20.40MaliutaManxPower: there are some things that _have_ to be modules though ... my wireless driver for example has to load a binary blob on inclusion
16:20.57ManxPowerMaliuta: I use whatever the distro provides.
16:21.14ManxPowerMaliuta: lazy
16:21.27ManxPowerI enjoy consulting, not building kernels
16:21.48MaliutaManxPower: it's all part an parcel of doing the job properly :)
16:22.34SomebeeManxPower: It's a dedicated server in a datacenter. The company that delivered it delayed for over a month because debian did not support the network-card or something. Maybe they have set it up in some strange way
16:22.52*** join/#asterisk Jason99 (
16:22.56MaliutaSomebee: zgrep CONFIG_IP_NF_IPTABLES /proc/config.gz
16:23.16SomebeeMaliuta: returns nothing
16:23.28SomebeeIt's debian etch btw
16:23.35Maliutait should return _something_
16:23.42Jason99Does anyone know if Asterisk can do echo cancellation even if Zaptel isnt being used?
16:23.51grandpapadotIs there a way to check inside asterisk if the Zaptel HPEC is on/enabled?
16:23.57ManxPowerJason99: it cannot
16:24.02SomebeeSet up by the most messed up and worst company I have ever experienced...
16:24.10ManxPowerecho cancelation MUST be done where the PSTN it converted to VoIP
16:24.11Jason99ManxPower: Ok, thank you
16:24.16trippsi'm getting this mediant set up and i'm getting messages in the full log like chanel.c: no path to translate from SIP/mediant to SIP/8000 (8000 is local ext). Any ideas?
16:24.26ManxPowerthat is not asterisk specific, it is voip specific
16:24.32MaliutaSomebee: what does uname -a tell you?
16:24.36grandpapadotManxPower: k, so no.  Thanks. ;)
16:24.42ManxPowertripps: that is the ENTIRE message.
16:24.50ManxPowernothing in ()?
16:24.51Jason99ManxPower: We're using AudioCodes Mediant 2000 as our PSTN gateway, echo cancellation is turned on but we have customers that still get echo
16:24.58SomebeeManxPower: Linux identu2 2.6.19-gentoo-r5 #2 SMP Wed Feb 21 02:50:31 CET 2007 i686 GNU/Linux
16:25.07trippsManxPower: i'll pastebin
16:25.07ManxPowerJason99: then you need to fix the EC o the Mediant
16:25.19MaliutaSomebee: that's not a debian kernel
16:25.48grandpapadotDoes the zaphpec_enable utility need to run every boot before asterisk or do the Zaptel modules load it?
16:25.48jbotfrom memory, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or is usually painfully too slow and unresponsive to use, use one of the other pastebin sites, or is a very nice pastebin as well
16:25.53grandpapadotOn the HPEC
16:26.12SomebeeMaliuta: Haha, what a technician.. I remember he said something that he patched the debian with another thing to get the networkdrivers to work or something
16:26.29nnywhats the best way to add this howto to
16:26.45nnyI want to make  a new page, not sure if this is right
16:27.06MaliutaSomebee: that sounds like a load of crap to me
16:27.09nnybasically howto install asterisk on ubuntu 6.06 LTS with non-root or something to that effect
16:27.50nnyI *could* just link it to my blog/website/etc. but rather not try and drive traffic to my server
16:27.59MaliutaSomebee: you are sure the data center (or your network provider) isn't filtering any of the ports on your IP?
16:28.12SomebeeMaliuta: Yep. We ordered two dedicated servers, and it toook 5 months(!) before they were up running. But I see now that on the other dedicated I get the same uname-output, but I know it is a debian etch, using apt-get etc
16:28.35tzafrirgrandpapadot, it is run by the zaptel init.d script after the zaptel modules load, and aparantly before asterisk starts
16:28.52MaliutaSomebee: what is the hardware? (just out of interest)
16:28.57SomebeeMaliuta: I'm not sure, but I do not think so. Also, I manage to run asterisk-accounts from two other providers on the exact same server (if there is a standardport or something for incoming calls)
16:29.20grandpapadottzafrir: So I don't need to do anything if Zaptel is loading by the init.d script?
16:29.28MaliutaSomebee: it's all UDP for SIP, and it's configurable.
16:29.29ManxPowertripps: We can't help you with GUI setups
16:29.33SomebeeMaliuta: 2Gb ram, Pentium D 3,4Ghz I think
16:29.52tzafrirgrandpapadot, yes. Though I remember fixing that init.d script at around zaptel 1.4.5
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16:30.01grandpapadottzafrir: How do I 'verify' the HPEC is loaded? (And thanks for the help)
16:30.15tzafrirgrandpapadot, no eye dear
16:30.31MaliutaSomebee: is it only one inbound that isn't working? i.e. you have another 1 or more up and receiving inbounds?
16:30.43trippsManxPower: ok - i'll try and put manual configs in custom conf files and strip everything out of TB to see if I can get something that way
16:30.45[TK]D-Fendergrandpapadot: "ztcfg -vvvv" will tell you
16:30.54MaliutaSomebee: what is the network hardware that it's "not supported"?
16:31.07SomebeeMaliuta: Yes, Inbound works flawlessly with other providers
16:31.23*** join/#asterisk atomicd (
16:31.27ManxPowertripps: see the (256)  and (4)?  Those are codec numbers.  "show formats" to see what codecs those numbers are for
16:31.42nnyanyone here involved with the voip-info wiki?
16:31.47nnymay just link to an outside page for now
16:31.48SomebeeMaliuta: I have no idea, the technician said that the built-in networkchip was too new or something. He was probable talking shit
16:31.55MaliutaSomebee: and it's not simply that this other provider isn't coming into a non-existant context or extension?
16:31.59ManxPowersorry, it is  "show codecs" not show formats
16:32.27MaliutaSomebee: you should probably run lspci and dmidecode on those boxen to figure out what the hardware is
16:32.37MaliutaSomebee: it always helps to know
16:32.39ManxPower256 is G729 and Asterisk does not support G729 in a way most people need it unless you have purchased the codec.
16:33.01ManxPowerMaliuta: there is no actual sip traffic at all for that provider for incoming calls
16:33.10*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
16:33.25trippsManxPower: right 4 is ulaw g711
16:33.38trippsManxPower: i'll disable g729 then and see what happens
16:34.57*** part/#asterisk Dandre (
16:35.14MaliutaSomebee: if there is no incoming SIP at all then it is being filtered somewhere
16:35.16ManxPowertripps: best practice says "disallow=all and allow= only the codecs you want for the connection
16:35.25trippsManxPower: added disallow=all; allow=alaw,ulaw and removed 729 from mediant coders section
16:35.31MaliutaSomebee: sounds odd that it's only one provider failing though
16:36.06SomebeeMaliuta: Or it might be an error from the provider?
16:36.11ManxPoweri don't recomment allowing both alaw and ulaw
16:36.33MaliutaSomebee: or in your SIP configuration for that provider
16:36.48trippsManxPower: which do you think is preferable?
16:36.55trippsManxPower: that did the trick btw ;)
16:36.57ManxPowertripps: where is the provider located?
16:37.14trippsManxPower: houston, tx - xo comm
16:37.14ManxPower(what country)
16:37.17MaliutaSomebee: the failing provider shows in a sip show registry?
16:37.20trippsManxPower: us
16:37.24ManxPowerthen ulaw would be the best choice
16:37.30Somebeeit shows as 105 registered
16:37.33trippsManxPower: roger
16:38.10[TK]D-FenderManxPower: = evil
16:38.10MaliutaSomebee: I am assuming the 105 is the refresh period
16:38.23SomebeeMaliuta: ah probable
16:39.14MaliutaSomebee: the hostname and port are right? and the username? and the provider has only given you one account?
16:39.22ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: if the pick option 1 (if you know the extension you wish to dial) then they can press 0
16:39.34SomebeeMaliuta: Yep
16:40.09[TK]D-FenderManxPower: thats against IVR's version of "HIG rules"
16:40.20MaliutaSomebee: I would try talking to the provider then
16:40.24[TK]D-FenderManxPower: And inefficient
16:40.31SomebeeMaliuta: Mm, I will tomorrow
16:40.32ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: massive numbers ot drug company reps call and annoy the front desk
16:40.46MaliutaSomebee: it sounds as though there is somethign "interesting" on their end of the registration
16:40.54ManxPowerthey press 0 to bypass the IVR
16:42.43ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: one of the front desk receptionists almost kissed me when I put in that feature.
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16:43.27[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Like I said earlier... one of your items was all too short ;)
16:43.45*** join/#asterisk felix_da_catz (
16:44.02[TK]D-FenderManxPower: And it does deserve to be examined if that was the best way to deal with the situation....
16:44.35ManxPowerI have enough trouble with the new admin people.
16:44.49ManxPowerI'm thinking of firing them even if they do start to pay me on time.
16:45.14ManxPowerI can refer them to the other local company that does Asterisk consulting (that is any good at it)
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16:47.29adorahHi any recommandation of retail voip provider with presence in Europe but charges in US$?
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16:53.59MaliutaManxPower: how have you implimented your IVR? with some form of AGI or as some fun loop in extensions.conf?
16:53.59Maliutadid you _want_ her to kiss you though?
16:54.56ManxPowerMaliuta: I'm not really into girls
16:55.00mopriloare all PCI Express slots, PCI 2.2 compliant?
16:55.06ManxPowerMaliuta: the IVR is dialplan stuff
16:55.42moprilohave any installed a digium inside a poweredge rack server
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16:56.25Maliutamoprilo: ewww Dell
16:56.44Maliutamoprilo: I work in a shop that is all Dell, I hate OMSA
16:57.38TrentCreekadorah: Most of them do
16:58.44adorah<TrentCreek>any suggestion? I used for my customers a local one but his QOS lately is not enough..
16:59.29TrentCreekyes..there is one who has 3 rate plans...dirt cheap but no QOS
16:59.48TrentCreekand really High priced and great quality guranteed
17:00.12TrentCreekaand one plan inbetween
17:00.20TrentCreeklet me find the URL
17:00.21sehhq: is it possible to use Asterisk as just an answering machine?
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17:02.25[TK]D-Fendersehh: Yes, but its remarkably stupid and not cost-effective.
17:03.27TrentCreeksure, but they do not support IAX
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17:04.45p1pAnyone familiar with Cisco AS5300's?
17:05.30sehhi thought it would be overkill
17:06.15sehhbut it should be cost-effective, i don't see any real costs appart from a simple device to connect to the phone line (PCI or USB)
17:06.20[TK]D-Fendersehh: it is.  You want a dumb answering machine, go buy one, it'll work out a lot beter & simpler for you.
17:06.32sehhheh indeed thats true
17:07.18ManxPowersehh: you need the PSTN interface (expect to pay about $150 for that), you need a PC, you need several weeks to learn enough to configure it as a simple answering machine.  Also don't expect call waiting to work without additional setup
17:07.26[TK]D-Fendersehh: At the price of digital answering machines, you have to factor the time to learn & configure *, the cost the card you'll need to buy, the cost of the PC, the cost of the ELECTIRICY to power it and account for the possibility of power failures, etc (most answering machines I've heard of have 9V backup)
17:07.29[TK]D-Fendersehh: etc...
17:08.03*** join/#asterisk gazza1019 (
17:08.26gazza1019hello all
17:08.28adorah<TrentCreek>I think voip trading is a wholesale provider..I need a retail or it is the same with them?
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17:09.09gazza1019i have a question if someone has some time to explore it with me let me know
17:09.22gazza1019not the meaning of life either
17:09.53pifhi, I'm trying to upgrade a thomson st2030's firmware but it keeps rebooting after loading the fw file through tftp, any idea?
17:10.54gazza1019so anyone out there get random dropped calls with only a hangup given from asterisk?
17:11.25deeperrorcodefreeze: i'm back in action!
17:11.31gazza1019seems to drop a call when another incoming call comes in and the current call is going on
17:11.43gazza1019doesn't steal the channel though
17:11.49deeperrorgazza1019: what type of internet connection are you on?
17:12.25gazza1019on the client side dsl 512 up 1 down
17:12.38gazza1019on the asterisk side burstable up to 6
17:12.44gazza1019at a colo
17:12.58codefreezedeeperror: filed bug 10927 in your behalf; you may want to hit the "Monitor Issue" button....
17:13.49deeperroron it thanks!
17:14.53deeperrormonitored will keep an eye out
17:19.50trippsManxPower: successfully stripped everything out - now just have context test with exten => _X.,Dial(SIP/mediant/${EXTEN}) - calls don't seem to be making to mediant at all. mediant peer set up under mediant context of course
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17:22.58Kattythere was this news article on The Daily Telegraph about right brain vs. left brain...
17:23.20Kattyhas a little flash animation of this chick turning in a circle, and based on which way it turns, it's supposed to give you a better idea of which side of your brain you use more.
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17:23.40Kattyit's almost kinda creepy after you stare at it for awhile, cause i can just 'will' it to go the other way and it does ^_-
17:24.07ManxPowertripps: pastebin the cli output now that we can read it.  Good work, BTW.
17:25.01p1pIm having a problem where my Cisco AS5350 will accept and forward inbound SIP calls properly but it isnt functioning properly as a trunk for outbound calls, anyone have any insights?
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17:25.58SomebeeIf I have an inbound call, and dial several sip-channels at once, does a variable get set on answer that tells which sip-channel answered?
17:26.09nnyso if you HAVE to use software echo cancel, is HPEC the best option?
17:26.30USSRBACKHi all
17:26.36grandpapadotI definitely solved our problem 100% from this morning.
17:26.38USSRBACKI want to record file using AGI
17:26.45USSRBACKim using perl
17:27.02grandpapadotIn Mother Russia, Asterisk tells YOU how to use AGI.
17:27.04USSRBACKbut it doesnot create any file
17:27.08USSRBACKand record it
17:27.32nnygrandpapadot: HPEC solverd you issue?
17:27.38grandpapadotnny: Yep, 100%.
17:27.58nnygrandpapadot: yeah use it here, just trying to streamline the install process
17:28.23nnygrandpapadot: I have a script that do everything, except that part... as you have to register the modules, etc.
17:28.46nnygrandpapadot: not that I think a script is a good thing (TM) just making one
17:29.02grandpapadotIn 1.4, I believe, there is an open source answer to high speed echo cancellation in the form of a Zaptel patch.
17:29.54nnygrandpapadot: hmm have to look into that.. test to see if it is as good as HPEC
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17:30.04trippsManxPower: thanks -
17:30.23alrsgrandpapadot: oslec works with 1.2 or 1.4
17:30.33alrsgrandpapadot: and it works well
17:30.34nnyhows it fare against hpec?
17:31.08alrsnny: I've not sat down and had a shootout between the two, but oslec works well
17:31.19alrsnny: It might even be better, as it filters hum
17:31.29nnyalrs: so it is a patch?
17:31.31nnylet me look into it
17:31.41nnyi like HPEC, but getting the keys for it, etc. is a PIA
17:31.48trippsManxPower: sip.conf and extensions.conf are
17:32.00SomebeeIs there any variable that show which sip-channel/account that answered an inbound call?
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17:32.18gazza1019anyone have good luck with blf's in 1.4
17:32.29gazza1019i had some real problems with it in 1.4.11
17:32.32alrsnny: just be sure you have dialog installed if you want to use the oslec control panel script
17:32.33jsmithSomebee: Have a look at the CHANNEL dialplan function
17:32.52jsmithgazza1019: I've got it working fine on several phones
17:33.01gazza1019with 1.4.12
17:33.07ManxPowertripps: do it WITHOUT sip debug.
17:33.09gazza1019i just havent' tried on that yet
17:33.18gazza1019jsmith: with realtime?
17:33.25trippsManxPower: roger
17:33.28jsmithgazza1019: No, I don't use realtime
17:33.55gazza1019jsmith: any reason y you don't use realtime?
17:33.58trippsManxPower: notice,warning,error,verbose then?
17:34.05ManxPowertripps: Dial(SIP/number@sipconentry) not SIP/sipconfentry/number)  See if that makes any difference.  both SHOULD work, but in my experience they don't
17:34.26trippsManxPower: i'll give it a shot
17:34.31jsmithgazza1019: I don't like the database overhead... I'd rather use a "push" paradigm (using AMI) than a "pull" paridigm (using realtime).
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17:34.49jsmithgazza1019: The fact that realtime contstantly polls the database really bugs me ;-)
17:35.04gazza1019jsmith: that makes sense
17:35.43gazza1019how is the new * frontend....saw it at astericon for a few minutes
17:35.47gazza1019didn't get to play though
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17:36.56ZefkHi. Anyone can help with b410p on asterisk 1.4 ?
17:37.06nnygah someone shoot my biz partner.. swears that a script is better for doing an install than just following a howto.. yeah. until something shits the bed, and you can't figure out where -_-
17:37.26nnyfor this I thank HPEC.. as it forces user intervention during an install
17:37.51grandpapadotnny: What about g729?
17:38.00trippsManxPower: mmmm with sip no debug and verbose to 10 i don't get a think on the cli . . . wierd
17:38.18trippsManxPower: oh wait
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17:38.26gazza1019i have another quesiton to toss out there
17:38.28nnygrandpapadot: not using it atm
17:38.51gazza1019does g729 need less latency
17:38.58gazza1019that g7ll
17:39.00ManxPowergazza1019: no
17:39.17gazza1019that's what i thought, can't remember the speaker that said it did at astricon
17:40.01nnygrandpapadot: these systems are for 5-10 phones.. basic 4-8 port fx0.. if we do a ginormous system everything changes
17:40.43trippsManxPower: - ain't much :)
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17:41.10grandpapadotnny: Why don't you just make a disk image instead of wiring a script?
17:41.26nnygrandpapadot: indeed... actually I do now
17:41.30ManxPowertripps: it is enough.  try it with the format I gave you.
17:41.56nnygrandpapadot: used to know of a way to repackage ubuntu as an installer disk, but I can't find it on the interwebs anywhere
17:42.26ManxPowertripps: you might want to add an line to that exten as the priority after Dial that says Noop(DIALSTATUS is ${DIALSTATUS} and HANGUPCAUSE is ${HANGUPCAUSE})
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17:45.02trippsManxPower: as in exten => _X.,2,Noop(DIALSTATUS=${DIALSTATUS}) ?
17:45.11grandpapadotWe have an appliance, we just use a ghost image to image new ones as we sell.
17:45.29ManxPowerexten => _X.,2,Noop(DIALSTATUS=${DIALSTATUS}  HANGUPCAUSE is ${HANGUPCAUSE})
17:46.27gazza1019anyone out there get an rtp.c read to short error back from the grandstreams even on their new firmware?
17:47.41grandpapadotGranPapaDot's 3-step guide to solving all GrandStream problems: 1) Disconnect GradStream, 2) Throw GrandStream Away, 3) Order Polycom Phones
17:48.10gazza1019that's no doubt!!!!
17:49.01ManxPowertripps: that gives you more info in the CLI
17:49.31ManxPowertripps: you are STILL using SIP/gateway/number instead of SIP/number@gateway)
17:49.43trippsManxPower: thought I changed that . . lemme check
17:49.47nnyso... is there a way to offload ntp to a standard ntp server when building smaller systems?
17:49.58ManxPowerI have not had to bitchslap anyone yet today and I'm getting antsy.
17:50.32ManxPowerwe let our routers do NTP for us, but we use Cisco
17:50.37nnyManxPower: yeah but can I setup a phone (polycom for example) to just relay that from the server?
17:50.45nnyManxPower: talking smaller networks here
17:50.47nnysmall business
17:50.53trippsManxPower: you don't see the @ sign there?
17:51.38Kattynuma numa.
17:51.45Kattyis my theme song today.
17:51.53nnyi guess what i mean is.. right now we run NTP on our * server, and the phone uses the * server to get it's time.. AFAIK setting up NTP can be a PIA, and I want to find a way to relieve the * server of that duty
17:51.54trippsManxPower: I changed it as you said and it looks like it in the cli too . . . let me know if i'm missing something
17:52.10nnyany suggestions comments or poop flinging welcome
17:52.48ManxPowernotice the swapping of the number and the gateway
17:53.15ManxPowernny: the phone's ntp config is totally independent of any server
17:53.20ManxPowerof any sip server or pbx
17:53.42trippsman: ah - sorry about that. changing that now
17:54.10ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: if people don't start donating to me I may have to go on strike.
17:54.44grandpapadotManxPower: PP?
17:55.27[TK]D-FenderManxPower: BOFH + Hermitism.... yup, you're setting up a lonely road to walk...
17:55.41ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I have plenty of other things to do 8-)
17:56.10ManxPowergranted, nobody seems to miss me when I'm traveling 8-|
17:56.10Katty[TK]D-Fender: !
17:56.12Katty[TK]D-Fender: hi!
17:56.32trippsManxPower: ok - definitely talking to mediant now.
17:56.42[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
17:56.56ManxPowertripps: NOW do the sip debug 8-)
17:57.13ManxPowertripps: you are making progress.  slow progress, but still progress.
17:57.28ManxPowergrandpapadot: paypal address
17:57.43Katty[TK]D-Fender: i'm in such a wonderful mood today!!
17:57.50*** join/#asterisk VJFROMGT (
17:57.56trippsManxPower: thanks - will definitely make a donation once this crap is working :)
17:58.20VJFROMGTi want to limit a specific group of ip to use an extension, is tehre a way to limit by subnet?
17:58.52grandpapadotManxPower: Done.  Enjoy the beers.
17:58.59deeperrorVJFROMGT: agi script?
17:59.34VJFROMGTin sip.conf i have host= [ip]
17:59.41VJFROMGTi want to allow a block of ips
18:00.37ManxPowergrandpapadot: thank you.
18:00.51ManxPowerVJFROMGT: host= is for OUTGOING connections.
18:00.54ManxPoweryou want allow/deny
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18:01.45VJFROMGTok, how can i allow an entire block?
18:02.20trippsManxPower: crap there is a lot of stuff here - should i specifically sip debug peer (mediant and/or xlite) or just leave sip debug on generally?
18:02.21ManxPowerVJFROMGT: did you look at the example in sip.conf.sample?
18:02.39ManxPowertripps: yeah, sip debug ip xxxxxxx
18:02.42VJFROMGThmm,, let me check,, didnt ntoice any
18:05.20ManxPowersorry, it is permit/deny IIRC
18:05.27VJFROMGTmy sample file does not have blocks
18:06.07ManxPowerdisallow= and allow= should do it.
18:06.22ManxPowerwe ALWAYS auth on userid/password so have not needed that sort of stuff
18:07.20VJFROMGTi have a client who does not aut by user/pass
18:07.47moprilodoes digium cards work on 5V PCI's?
18:07.56ManxPowerVJFROMGT: poor thing.
18:08.11ManxPowermoprilo: it depends on the card model
18:08.20VJFROMGTso if they come from
18:08.37VJFROMGTthen i do ?
18:09.10trippsManxPower: - tried to only keep salient stuff up until hangup
18:09.11ManxPoweryou can use classical netmask notation like
18:09.59ManxPower192 is a block of 64, 64 is 1/4 of 128, so the mask would be something like /21  But I would have to double check.
18:11.51VJFROMGTso would be correct?
18:12.47ManxPowertripps: the audicodes is at, right.  <-- SIP read from SIP/2.0 404 Not Found
18:12.56trippsManxPower: correct
18:13.01ManxPowerVJFROMGT: yes that is one of the correct ways
18:13.08VJFROMGTthanks manx
18:13.14ManxPowertripps: the gateway does not consider the number to be correct.
18:13.45trippsManxPower: mmmm
18:13.48[TK]D-Fendertripps: You need to verify your Mediant's dialplan.. this is a trick item actually...
18:14.03ManxPowertripps: I suspect it is a gateway config issue.  But you ARE sending the number without the leading 1
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18:15.09trippsright - i suspect that may be the case
18:15.17VJFROMGTmanxm if i want to do a sup debug ip, what do u put ast ip?
18:15.35tripps[TK]D-Fender: yes the config is a tad obfuscated methinks
18:15.54Katty[TK]D-Fender: this rhino server has a freepbx config wizard thingy where you can add phones via the IP gui thingy of the server.
18:16.03Katty[TK]D-Fender: think i should use it, or just keep editing the pretty config files?
18:16.17Katty[TK]D-Fender: it's trixbox ce, so i presume asterisk@home *gag*
18:16.27tripps[TK]D-Fender: i have the prefer routing table set to no but not sure if that's only applicable to incoming calls or both
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18:16.49trippsManxPower: i'll change the dial to keep the 1 and see what happens
18:16.50ManxPowertripps: once the call gets to the gateway I have no idea where to go from there.
18:17.07trippsManxPower: but it appears we're at least doing that now ;)
18:17.15ManxPowerPersonally I think SIP/PSTN gateways are silly to use with Asterisk. 8-)
18:17.53trippsManxPower: i agree - we kind of had our hands tied with this install . . .
18:18.03ManxPowerI figured that.
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18:18.35trippsManxPower: what do you think is the best way to go in terms of flexibility, scalability, etc. with PRI installs? sangoma or something?
18:19.02ManxPowerjust FYI, the standard design of the systems I put in is:  Asterisk 1.2.x, 1 Ghz CPU, 1 GB Ram, 120 GB HD, Sangoma 2-Port T-1/E-1 card, PRI from the telco, SIP to a provider if the PRI is down.
18:19.32ManxPowerthe PC specs are pretty much whatever our hardware sends when we say "standard cheap server class machine"
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18:19.49ManxPoweroh, we also put in Tellabs Echo canceler.
18:19.53J4k3pstn to sip is silly?
18:19.56trippsManxPower: sounds like a good config - one of the things the mediant has that we needed was the lifeline analog for life safety systems, etc. how would i replicate that capability?
18:20.12ManxPowerJ4k3: no, just having a dedicated gateway for SIP/PSTN is silly
18:20.20J4k3ahh ok ;)
18:20.21ManxPowerwe also use all Polycom phones
18:21.16[TK]D-FenderKatty: this is your call....
18:21.17ManxPowertripps: most sites don't need lifeline service.  for the ones that do we take the fax line, patch it into a couple of bright red phones scattered around the office.  We do not run fax thru Asterisk or the PRI.  We use dedicated analog line for that
18:21.58trippsManxPower: yeah this is to failover for stuff like security, elevator, fire, etc. it's a 40 story building so kind of important ;)
18:22.13ManxPowertripps: ah, we use dedicated POTS lines for that stuff.
18:22.34trippsManxPower: i see . . . . is there a good situation where a sip gateway would be useful?
18:22.34ManxPowerit is not efficient, but it IS reliable.
18:22.41ManxPowertripps: I can't think of one. 8-)
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18:23.10ManxPowerah!  Yes, I can.  If you have VERY high call volume you might want something like a MaxTNT w/SIP.
18:23.43trippsManxPower: what about when the mediant has the built in OSN module running *? i suppose the two are still separate even though they're in the box. one of the other positives was up to 16 T1s in a 1U chassis with redundant everything
18:23.44ManxPowervery high == more than 3 t-1s + transcoding
18:24.22ManxPowertripps: *shrug*  You'll have more issues with the fact you are using analog.
18:24.24trippsManxPower: right - used to use the maxTNT to terminate ISDN, T1 and analog in one box . . . cool device
18:24.46Agnt_0rngeI am very new to this system and am just getting the hang of it, still learning the codes, it seems a change ahs been made and now the main number just rings.
18:27.32Kattygood luck.
18:27.51J4k3well, especially not the bozo ILEC I have.
18:28.00Agnt_0rngenm fixed
18:28.06Kattyi should have owned a bakery.
18:28.08Kattyor been a vet.
18:28.09J4k3Katty: haha.  you just want a free cookie hookup.
18:28.22Kattyi know how to make cookies.
18:28.28J4k3yeah but that takes effort.
18:29.31ManxPowermost cookies are easy to make
18:30.38Agnt_0rngeis hungry now
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18:34.54joe-fDoes anyone know where the enter/leave conference call tones are located?
18:35.06joe-fThey are so short and hardly noticable..
18:35.16ManxPowerjoe-f: should be the same place as every other asterisk sound file.
18:36.43ManxPowerusually /var/lib/asterisk/sounds unless you changed it
18:37.46joe-fManxPower: it seems like its hardcoded into meetme or something.. i've looked in the /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
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18:40.03drakohow can i check if agents are logged on the system so i can skip the wait on the queue
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18:40.51ManxPowerjoe-f: it is possible.
18:41.08ManxPowerPlayback(conf-onlyperson) and see if you hear the beepbeep at the end of it
18:43.08SexyKenHey there -- anyone have any PolyCom IP 600/601's?
18:43.57ManxPowerSexyKen: that would be half the channel
18:44.16*** part/#asterisk Road-rnnr (
18:44.35SexyKenFor some reason, When I use the LCD to configure the phone for a SIP server & account, it doesn't work
18:44.48SexyKenBut when I configure it through the config files/ftp boot server, it works fine.
18:45.09ManxPowerSexyKen: what about when using the web server
18:46.04*** join/#asterisk rvhi (n=chatzill@
18:46.19SexyKenI haven't tried with the web interface
18:46.52rvhiis there a way to find out the status of an extension, e.g. is it calling in or calling out and the number calling/called?
18:46.53[TK]D-FenderSexyKen: You shouldn't do it through the LCD OR WEB interfaces.
18:47.02*** join/#asterisk duckz (
18:47.04SexyKenWhy not, TKD-Fender?
18:47.35[TK]D-FenderSexyKen: Because you'll find little bits all over the place that make up your final running config and not be able to manage it from one spot.
18:48.25[TK]D-FenderSexyKen: And the web & lcd methods offer a pathetic level of control vs the provisioning files.  for instance on LCD you can't conifgure multiple SIP servers, only multiple accounts on the SAME server.
18:48.31*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
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18:51.43Agnt_0rngewhats the best way to configure the time/date?
18:52.07ManxPowerAgnt_0rnge: ntp
18:52.42SexyKenTK:  I'm going to have clients who want to setup Polycoms with my service, and they should be able to set it up through the interface, why wouldn't the interface actually work?
18:53.30*** join/#asterisk |R (
18:54.38|Rhi there :), anyone familiar with the rtcomm softphone on nokia's n800? i can register and call with it but i can't get it to ring, -rvvvvv gives me this messsage: -- Got SIP response 405 "Method Not Allowed" back from
18:54.50ManxPowerSexyKen: define "doesn't work".  Does that mean "config doesn't get saved" or "config gets saved, but doesn't work"
18:55.51ManxPowerSexyKen: what they should do is set the FTP server in the boot config then let the phone pull the rest of the config from your server.
18:56.34ManxPowerset the FTP server via the phone LCD that is
18:57.22SexyKenIt gets saved, but the config doesn't work.
18:59.23[TK]D-Fender|R: pastebin the full CLI output with sip debug
18:59.25jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
18:59.31*** join/#asterisk sammy__98 (
18:59.53trippsManxPower: you said you use POTS for fax? have you played with T.38?
19:00.07|R[TK]D-Fender : ok
19:01.05Agnt_0rngehow do you diagnose calls if you can call out on POTS but unable to receive calls?
19:03.14Agnt_0rngeIts also seems intermittent, sometimes a call with reach the welcome menu and other times in wont.
19:04.58nnywhich hpec module is better for AM2 i686 or athlon.xp ??
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19:18.20tristanbobdirectory: do you do that for giggles?
19:18.35Kattyanyone know what the default number of digits the polycoms look for?
19:18.38directoryI haven't used this nickname in awhile
19:18.40sammy__98AGNT_Ornge: Im having a similar problem i am only able to intermittently dial in and get my IVR.
19:18.44[TK]D-Fender|R: for all the time it took you to provide that you STILL have not enabled SIP debug!
19:19.00|R[TK]D-Fender how come ? :(
19:19.20|Ri thought -vvv was it , sorry, /me looking at sip's options...
19:19.27*** join/#asterisk Guggemand (i=Guggeman@
19:19.37[TK]D-Fender|R: what do you mean "how come"?  I asked you to provide the cli output with sip debug enabled and you DIDN'T.  Go type "sip debug" and do it again.
19:19.55|Ri'm doing it right now sorry, missed it... didn't sleep enough ;)
19:20.41*** join/#asterisk drwelby (
19:21.42_x86_what would cause an xlite --(sip)--> asterisk --(iax2)--> asterisk --(sip)--> polycom IP501 call to drop randomly?
19:21.49Agnt_0rngeSammy_98: I tried power cycling the system and now its giving me a fast busy
19:23.12Katty_x86_: bittorrents? :P
19:23.22Guggemandis it possible to make a dnd extension that sets the hint state to busy or something else that makes it visible to subscribers that the phone is dnd ?
19:23.28Kattyhmmhesays: ping?
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19:25.29Agnt_0rngehas anyone else had this issue?
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19:26.30krisphey guys - I'm new to this.  I've been asked to investigate whether we could get a PC to have 2 standard UK telephone  lines coming in to it which could then be shared out to an existing set of BT Diverse handsets.  I was just wondering if I was in teh right place being here?
19:26.44|RI'll have to come back later, thanks [TK]D-Fender, i'll read the longer log first :)
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19:30.06freezeyok when i try and run a script
19:30.14freezeyi tell it to send output to my mail.
19:30.36freezeyi keep gettin vm_byname.conf BuildError and it says there is an issue with the filesize
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19:36.50[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: And where does this script come from?
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19:39.40hmmhesaysbah trying to find a single call within hundreds sucks
19:41.16nnyso that's what it is like to admin an asterisk server for hundreds of users :)
19:41.24freezeywrote it myself
19:41.42*** join/#asterisk doug (
19:41.54douganyone up for hacking on my asterisk server?
19:41.58dougi figure it's about a 10 minute jb
19:42.13dougoughta be worth us$20 in paypal to someone...
19:42.38hmmhesaysnny: not asterisk
19:42.47hmmhesaysthe gateway isn't anyway
19:43.22[hC]Im curious to hold a poll, what does everyone use for their PSTN gateway? Most specifically for connecting to (multiple) PRI?
19:43.36dougspecialy if you can decipher the tcdpdump at at that i just put upt
19:43.39[TK]D-Fender[hC]: Typically Digium or Sangoma cards.
19:43.39dougusing bria on my side
19:44.01[hC][TK]D-Fender: with what running it? (Asterisk, SER, Freeswitch, etc)
19:44.25dougused to use PM3's for PRI connectivity
19:44.28doughad about 30
19:44.40hmmhesaysnow why would you not tcpdump to a file and just open it with wireshark
19:44.41[TK]D-Fenderdoug: your register's are getting 401'd
19:44.43[hC]I use Sangoma/Asterisk 1.2 for a voice gateway. Im surprised how many people say it cant handle many simultaneous calls, but i seem to get by okay.
19:44.55[TK]D-Fenderdoug: And next time use * CLI SIP debug.
19:44.58dougfender: yeah, that much i could figure out for myself.
19:45.34dougi'm used to reading tcpdump raw, but i can make a file for you if you want to use wireshark.
19:45.45[TK]D-Fenderdoug: So how about telling us what you're expecting?
19:46.01[hC]hmmhesays: what setup do you use for a gateway?
19:46.52krispany thoughts on my problem ?
19:47.11hmmhesaysdough, you're getting a 401 when you send an invite
19:47.13hmmhesaysit seems
19:47.22hmmhesayser.. Register even
19:48.04dougi got the sip debug up there now
19:49.33[TK]D-Fenderdoug: So your Bria is not registering with the right user/pass and is 401'ing.  What more is there to say?
19:50.30[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: And those aren't invites....
19:50.38*** join/#asterisk soulfreshner (
19:52.06*** join/#asterisk BBHoss (n=hoss@
19:52.30Katty[TK]D-Fender: you know anything about polycom phones not liking 3 digit extensions?
19:52.58Katty[TK]D-Fender: i seem to remember changing something in the ftp settings so they wouldn't act dumb when i hit send and it was a 3 digit number.
19:53.04BBHossmine work fine with 3
19:53.05[TK]D-FenderKatty: Yeah, either * 404's them, or you need to tweak your polycom dialplan.
19:53.33Katty[TK]D-Fender: that does not parse.
19:53.37Katty[TK]D-Fender: reword. i do not follow.
19:53.48Katty[TK]D-Fender: i thought it was a polycom issue...
19:54.12Katty[TK]D-Fender: you're telling me it wasn't a polycom issue?
19:54.22[TK]D-FenderKatty: if your dialplan is busted you might THINK your polycom's are at fault.
19:54.32Katty[TK]D-Fender: i seem to recall putting in a 3 digit extension at the polycom phone, hitting send, and the phone would just go DERRR and not send it
19:54.34[TK]D-FenderKatty: I don't actually know if thats the case yet naturally.
19:54.41Katty[TK]D-Fender: nono, i remember asterisk being fine.
19:54.49Katty[TK]D-Fender: i had to go back and change some ftp config file for the phones
19:54.53[TK]D-FenderKatty: Memory FAILS :P  Go check it
19:55.06[TK]D-FenderKatty: And then pastebin your phone's dialplan
19:55.14Kattyi'm not having the problem right now
19:55.18freezeyMy problem is when you dial by name 1 person is going to the incorrect number... and its only that number now i do not get a build error but its still dialing incorrectly
19:55.22Kattyi already made the change.
19:55.51dougok, also got my sip config part and my bria config screen
19:55.52[TK]D-FenderKatty: Ok, let me know when there is something to see then :)
19:55.58dougand i'll swear the pw's are the same.
19:56.15dougunless there's some encryption going on
19:56.15[TK]D-Fenderdoug: Swearing at it won't make it right :)
19:56.30hmmhesaysdoug, what is your nat scenario?
19:56.35[TK]D-Fenderdoug: And of course you've screwed at least one side up..... otherwise it'd be WORKING
19:56.40dougno nat.
19:56.43[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: NOT NAT PROBLEM.
19:57.04douggot a public addy on this box, reports back the same on remote boxes.
19:57.04hmmhesaysI haven't been keeping up with the conversation
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19:57.18doug> doug: And of course you've screwed at least one side up..... otherwise it'd be WORKING
19:57.23hmmhesaysI just know I've had some nat auth weirdness in 1.4
19:57.24trippsso let me get this straight - when an outbound call is inititated, i.e., you see a SIP message like INVITE sip:5555551212@device, etc., and you get back from the device <-- SIP read from <ip>: SIP/2.0 404 Not Found that the device has a problem with the phone number dialed? hangupcause is 1 as well
19:57.27dougthat's a given.  the question is, where's the screwup?
19:57.46[TK]D-Fendertripps: Your mediant's dialplan cannot accept that PATTERN.
19:57.56ManxPowertripps: correct
19:58.11[TK]D-Fenderdoug: Dunno... you've gone all this time without showing us your CONFIGS.
19:58.17soulfreshnerwhat is a good switchboard application? doesn't *have* to be free, but it should be something very usable... preferably something that can autosetup extensions from the config files (if there is still some magic left in the world)
19:58.19dougdid you reload the web site?
19:58.22dougi put a section on there
19:58.27dougif you need more, let me know which parts.
19:58.37Katty[TK]D-Fender: found it.
19:58.41trippscan i manually initiate SIP invite commands from the CLI to test and see what gets spat back to me?
19:58.41Katty[TK]D-Fender: it was a digitmap issue
19:59.37[TK]D-Fenderdoug: remove "username=15", reload, retest
19:59.41hmmhesaysyou can manually execute the dialplan
19:59.48[TK]D-Fenderdoug: from there I'd doubt your BRIA's setup
20:00.09dougwhat's removing that supposed to do?
20:00.15[TK]D-Fenderdoug: jsut try it..
20:00.32dougi assume ;username=15 will work
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20:01.36dougno difference.
20:01.59_x86_Katty: doubt it, don't use them
20:02.07_x86_Katty: dedicated data T1 between two offices
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20:02.17_x86_Katty: ~10ms average latency
20:02.20Katty_x86_: oh, i was joking about (=
20:02.22[TK]D-Fenderdoug: fine, now we're left not trusting the other side...
20:02.22trippshmmhesays: is there a site you can point me to that tells me more about how to do that . . .
20:02.23_x86_Katty: 0% packet loss
20:02.30_x86_Katty: random dropped calls
20:02.43_x86_any ideas?
20:02.44[TK]D-Fendertripps: that isn't a path to a solution....
20:02.48hmmhesaysI don't remember the exact command,  just google dial cli asterisk
20:02.56trippshmmhesays: ok thanks
20:02.57dougwhat's trust other than u/p ?
20:03.04dougsome ip mask?
20:03.21tripps[TK]D-Fender: agreed - I suppose i'll always get 404s unless i miraculously find it . . .
20:03.26_x86_[TK]D-Fender: ever seen asterisk randomly drop SIP --> IAX2 --> SIP calls before?
20:03.47[TK]D-Fendertripps: no miracle.  Drill you way through your Mediant configs.... this is the core thing that'll screw you over.
20:03.57_x86_[TK]D-Fender: both sides are
20:04.16[TK]D-Fender_x86_: Never ask about stuff like that without comprehensive sip/iax debug output to show us.
20:04.28tripps[TK]D-Fender: i am completely numb from poring through the 502 page manual that is the mediant user's guide ;)
20:04.43_x86_that's the thing, it's only been reported to me by a single user, and it's never happened to me
20:04.46trippswas hoping the voip gods would help me now :)
20:04.55[TK]D-Fender_x86_: "show me the money"
20:04.55_x86_so i've no IAX/SIP debugs
20:05.03_x86_[TK]D-Fender: yeah i hear ya
20:05.23_x86_[TK]D-Fender: i'm transcoding from ulaw to speex to ulaw, if that matters
20:05.30hmmhesaysI think I just found my errant call
20:05.31douggotta sip client you can use to connect?
20:05.45[TK]D-Fender_x86_: Can't know.... no output :)
20:05.54_x86_i wonder if i keep the entire voice path ulaw, if it would help
20:06.12_x86_although what's translation from ulaw to speex cost in terms of CPU?
20:06.18_x86_can't be rediculous
20:06.32_x86_not like ulaw to g729
20:06.58[TK]D-Fender_x86_: Go look it up.
20:07.42doug[TK]D-Fender: gotta sip client you can use to connect?
20:07.56[TK]D-Fenderdoug: will in 53 minutes
20:08.20[TK]D-Fenderdoug: actually.... I think I can do it quick NOW..
20:08.25[TK]D-Fenderdoug: PM me the IP
20:13.42SexyKenWhere can I download the latest firmware
20:13.48SexyKenPolycom only offers outdated firmware
20:13.50_x86_speex <--> ulaw translation is one of the most expensive translation paths
20:16.24Katty[TK]D-Fender: these new polycoms want to auto dial after i put in 2 digits... rather than waiting for me to complete the number.
20:16.39Katty[TK]D-Fender: it makes me all sad inside :<
20:16.42[TK]D-FenderKatty: then fix their dialplan.
20:17.11*** join/#asterisk roe_ (
20:17.15[TK]D-FenderKatty: ther, there... its OK, and YOU'RE OK..... you'll figure it all out in good time
20:17.19SexyKenTK:  YOu know where to get the latest firmware baby?
20:17.33Katty[TK]D-Fender: yes i know i'll figure it out.
20:17.36Katty[TK]D-Fender:  just let me complain!
20:19.22[TK]D-FenderSexyKen: Yse.... your reseller
20:19.42SexyKenI bought them on ebay okay.
20:22.57_x86_Katty: actually, if you provision them properly you can disable early dial
20:23.16hmmhesaysok either the wireshark graph is messed up or something very strange is going on
20:23.17_x86_Katty: check out the polycom admin guide
20:23.43twistedwhat's up?
20:24.09Agnt_0rngemarc you here?
20:26.14[TK]D-Fendertwisted: and what does that title mean?
20:26.42_x86_[TK]D-Fender: he gets 1% off list and sounds cool!
20:26.44twisted[TK]D-Fender: that polycom certified me on my technical knowledge
20:26.53twistedand what x86 said :P
20:27.03twistedbut it's a bit more than 1%
20:27.11[TK]D-Fendertwisted: What do the test you on, and what does that give you beyond the title?
20:27.14_x86_[TK]D-Fender: and every 1 million phones he sells, he gets 1 free NFR product ;)
20:27.20*** join/#asterisk duki (
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20:27.47twisted[TK]D-Fender are you feeling threatened or something?  Geez... why the inquisition?
20:27.59fujinhiya, I'm seeing a number of remote unix connections; can't see the ip address of what is connecting
20:28.08[TK]D-Fendertwisted: Seeing if its something I would pursue :)
20:28.10fujinany ideas how I can drill down to *what* is connecting?
20:28.11Kattytwisted: oh? you are?
20:28.11twistedbasically they test my technical knowledge about the phones, setup, config, etc?
20:28.16Kattytwisted: you sell them??
20:28.20twistedKatty, yes
20:28.24Kattytwisted: oooh
20:28.30Kattytwisted: you need to call me.
20:28.39twistedactually, you need to call my sales rep :)
20:28.47Kattyi don't wanna talk to your sales reps.
20:29.34Kattyso why would I want to talk to sales people :P
20:29.44twistedi just assumed since you asked if we sell them
20:29.57*** join/#asterisk UCFmethod (
20:30.12twistedi keep my hands out of the sales pot.  i just install/configure them once they've been sold ;)
20:30.24[TK]D-Fenderok, time to head home...
20:30.26Kattyso you won't just sell me the phones huh?
20:30.34Kattyi see how it is!
20:30.36twistedi'm sure we would, but i can't do it.
20:30.44Kattyfine fine.
20:30.47Kattygive me the number...
20:31.01Kattyi'll talk to the sales reps... )_=
20:31.42*** join/#asterisk tomcontr3 (
20:32.16tomcontr3does anyone here does developmets for asterisk using PHPAGI?  I neet to develop a system, and Im wiling to pay for it
20:33.33soulfreshnertomcontr3, well - that would depend on how much you pay and what the system needs to do...
20:34.04soulfreshnertomcontr3, and I suppose how much you trust strangers on the internet :P
20:35.54tomcontr3do you know any other place where I can find someone that can develop something for asterisk?
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20:36.33hmmhesaysWhat is SSRC: in regards to an rtp packet?
20:37.04twistedssrc == stream source IIRC
20:37.06symlinksynchronization source ID
20:37.30soulfreshnertomcontr3, what do you want to do?
20:37.30twistedsync src? d'oh
20:38.01trippswhoever is interested finally got outbound calling working on the mediant! hooray! :)
20:38.12tomcontr3I need to make some changes to web meetme
20:39.13trippsManxPower: appreciate your help - pls send paypal donate email :)
20:39.19tru_`z24has anyone used an inter-tel 8662 phone with asterisk?
20:40.14soulfreshnertomcontr3, this is the right place to ask, but you might want to try the forums and newsgroup as well :/
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20:40.51Carlos_Ticohow can i eliminate the echo of the spa3102 ??????????? its driving me crazy ... pals
20:41.20soulfreshnerCarlos_Tico, fxotune?
20:42.15Carlos_Ticoit seems imposible
20:42.21Carlos_Ticoi tried everything
20:42.26hmmhesaysso SSRC for the inbound rtp stream and the outbound should be the same right?
20:42.59soulfreshnerCarlos_Tico, dunno - echo is always a bitch... I don't know that card, but you might need to fork out for something with hw echo cancellation
20:43.09symlinkthe best question is, why are you asking?
20:43.13Carlos_Ticoit has echo cancellation ...
20:43.19Carlos_Ticoit has echo adapt too
20:43.28Carlos_Ticois the same as the sipura3000
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20:43.30RypPnIts an ATA with pstn fxo
20:43.55Carlos_TicoYeah its an ATA with PSTN FXO
20:43.58Carlos_Ticothats right
20:44.19RypPnmine echoes like mad too, saving for a decent card with hardware EC myself
20:44.22Carlos_Ticothis echo is a nightmare
20:44.37Carlos_Ticothis suppose to be the best on the market !!!!
20:45.10tomcontr3well,  what I need to do,  is modify the Web meetme, in orther that would allow me have serveral numbers of Conference Rooms for 15 people maximum, and have a phone number so people can call,  and when the first room reaches the maximu number, automatically will forward people to the second number
20:45.15RypPnreflect on what you paid and compare it to the costs of rhino/sangoma/digium cards, that what my gimme
20:45.34tomcontr3also I need to be able to kick people out... and move then beetween the rooms
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20:48.24soulfreshnertomcontr3, but can't Flash Operator Panel already do that?
20:49.13tomcontr3maybe it can allow me to move people,  but how do I make the calls go automatically to the second room if the room1 is full
20:49.16soulfreshnertomcontr3, for automatic forwarding you can do that in the dialplan
20:49.46tomcontr3mmm how could I do that?  to much programing?
20:49.57tvjunkyis there any known bug or problem with asterisk 1.4 and linksys pap2t ATAs? I updated Asterisk yesterday (I installed a new Trixbox version actually) and now my other peoples voices when i'm calling from a phone attached to the pap2t. other people hear me fine, though. and there is no problem with a native sip phone. any ideas? :)
20:50.36russellbtvjunky: trixbox is not supported here
20:51.50soulfreshnertomcontr3, I'm not too sure about the details, but you can set the number of people in meetme.conf and just forward to a different extension if meetme() fails
20:52.00jbotwell, trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX, and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox seriously painful to support and hence you will find little help here for it.  Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & WIKI at
20:52.04*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
20:52.11Kattyoh noes.
20:52.16Kattyeveryone run!
20:52.48tvjunkymkay, i got it :)
20:53.42*** join/#asterisk Dan0maN_Work (n=dschuh@
20:54.03soulfreshnertomcontr3, ...if meetme() fails in extentions.conf that is ....
20:56.44Carlos_Ticowhat can i do with the echo !!!!!!!!!!!!!! can take it any more
20:56.46bkrusein zaptel.conf, the sync/clock source. 0 is master, and 1 is slave?
20:57.12tomcontr3I ll see what I can do,  thanks for the advise
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20:59.28[TK]D-Fenderbkruse, 0=* sets timing for the other side. (usually channel-banks, other pBX's, etc)   1+ = take timing from the other side (usually telco)
21:00.02bkruseGotcha, perfect, thanks :]
21:03.05*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
21:03.23Dovidcan anyone tell me what this error means  ?
21:03.24Dovidpbx.c:5939 pbx_builtin_serialize_variables: Data Buffer Size Exceeded!
21:03.29*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
21:03.55Corydon76-digDovid: don't worry about it
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21:04.23moprilohi, in extensions.conf, can I make so that if asterisk finds congestion, it does a wait(2) and tries again?
21:04.31Corydon76-digDovid: when you dumped the channel, there were more variables set than you had room for in the static buffer that is used for output
21:05.35Dovidok so in laymens terms i used more room than there was ?
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21:08.28*** join/#asterisk sambalbij (
21:09.02sambalbijHi, did anyone ever use setvar on the manager interface? Or is there a known bug why it's not working? can't find it in the bug db
21:09.11*** part/#asterisk stimpie (
21:10.56outtoluncsambalbij: what is the prob?
21:11.02sambalbijit doesn't set the var ;)
21:11.17outtoluncif you do
21:11.22outtoluncaction: SetVar
21:11.26outtoluncchannel: ....
21:11.26sambalbijno problems if i use other commands
21:11.30sambalbijlike transfer
21:11.32outtoluncVariable: var
21:11.32i3inaryi remember reading something about an upcoming version of asterisk almost doubling channel capacity has this been achieved? does anyone know?
21:11.42sambalbiji have (sorry for spamming)
21:11.55sambalbij(php script)
21:11.58sambalbijother commands are working fine
21:12.08outtoluncit is Variable: var=value
21:12.18outtolunc(at least in 1.2)
21:12.29sambalbijlet me try ;)
21:13.55dukihello all, I have 2 softphones in the private Lan, phone1 can call phone2 , but phone1 cannot call phone1, in the CLI: *Got SIP response 480 "Temporarily Not Available" back from* ,  phone{1,2} are configured exactly the same.  I am running both phone1 and phone 2 from my laptop, phone2 via ssh, phone2 is installed on the remote machine.  the network works fine. ping works.
21:15.22[TK]D-Fenderduki, 1 phone has DND enabled.
21:16.06outtoluncsambalbij: what asterisk version?
21:16.09p1pIm having a problem where my Cisco AS5350 will accept and forward inbound SIP calls properly but it isnt functioning properly as a trunk for outbound calls, anyone have any insights?
21:16.52duki[TK]D-Fender: I am using twinkle for the phones, Sorry but what is DND?
21:17.04Kattyis there an asterisk console command to show you all the channels and what group their in?
21:17.07Kattyg1, g2, etc
21:17.07sambalbijAsterisk 1.4.11
21:17.12TrentCreekDungeons n Dragons ;-)
21:17.13[TK]D-Fenderduki, "Do Not Disturb"
21:18.00duki[TK]D-Fender: Ok, I check...
21:18.04[TK]D-FenderKatty, "zap show channels" , "zap show channel [channel]"
21:18.19Katty[TK]D-Fender: hrmm.
21:18.27Katty[TK]D-Fender: yeah it doesn't show me the group tho.
21:18.36Katty[TK]D-Fender: just has psuedo, context, language, and musiconhold
21:20.00[TK]D-FenderKatty, hmmmm...
21:20.12duki[TK]D-Fender:   1000 thanks, it was DTD on the second phone, I waste 2 hours looking in *.conf
21:23.27*** part/#asterisk deeperror (
21:24.12nnysetting up a test phone here following polycom provision methods, getting an error. I have setup vsftpd with userlist_enable=YES and created a file for the user list in /etc, yet it fails at boot... any sure way to test vsftp access?
21:24.43UCFmethodanyone know if there are any RSS feeds for asterisk related news?
21:25.00mcabnny: try a regular FTP client?
21:25.02jfitzgibbonnny: just log into your FTP server using the credentials you told the polycom to use
21:25.27nnytried ftp user@ and enter the password, it just says "Session closed"
21:25.48jfitzgibbonnny: then check your FTP server logs, you've probably got something silly related to filesystem perms going on
21:26.05[TK]D-Fendernny, "ftp" <-----------
21:26.07mcabnny: is that the user you've configured the Polycoms to log in as?
21:26.23nnywell polycom@
21:26.28nnysftp actually
21:26.29Carlos_Ticoanyone knows about the sipura3000 ?
21:26.33Carlos_Ticoando the configuration
21:27.11[TK]D-FenderCarlos_Tico, <--- go check out their forums.  They have complete setup guides for it.
21:27.18jfitzgibbonnny: you're attempting to log into VSFTP using the 'sftp' command line client?
21:27.26nny530 This FTP server is anonymous only.
21:27.33*** join/#asterisk implicit (
21:27.33nnywell both actually
21:27.36nnysorry shot gun blast info
21:27.45jfitzgibbonnny: well, then your userlist stuff isn't set up properly
21:28.04nnyjfitzgibbon: hmm followed a howto from the wiki (go figure)
21:28.56nnythink pebkac let me recheck
21:29.47*** join/#asterisk jozu (i=torrent@
21:29.53jozuhi to all
21:31.29jfitzgibbonnny: look at
21:31.42jozui have a problem with outgoing calls
21:31.42jfitzgibbonnny: that's my vsftpd config that I use for polycom
21:32.02jfitzgibbonnny: if that doesn't work, then yeah, go for the meatware upgrade
21:32.06Carlos_Tico<[TK]D-Fender> Carlos_Tico, <--- go check out their forums.  They have complete setup guides for it. -- > i have checked the forums and use the configuration tool but it sucks pal
21:32.17jozuthe error say: handle_respones_invite: Recived respones "forbidden" from "xxx"
21:32.34jozui already registered in my sip provider
21:33.12[TK]D-FenderCarlos_Tico, Keep reading.
21:33.51jozui put ALLOW_SIP_ANON=yes in GLOBALS at extensions.conf, but nothing
21:34.10RypPnCarlos_Tico:  Read the Notes/Quirks section
21:36.17[TK]D-Fenderjozu, that means absolutely nothing......
21:36.54nnyok getting closer.. says login failed, although I have set the user password via passwd
21:37.27[TK]D-Fenderjozu, <-- look at the options for [general] ...........
21:37.46*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
21:38.31[TK]D-Fendernny, did you set what KIND of list you were providing... is it sn ALLOW list... or a DENY list?
21:42.36nny[TK]D-Fender: copied this verbatim for vsftpd.conf
21:42.57nnyhave set my perms to match that (although polycom home dir is /home/polycom and not opt
21:43.25nnyand my vsftpd.user_list and vsftpd.chroot_list vs what is in that pastebin
21:43.45nnylet my pipe out what he did one sec
21:44.09*** join/#asterisk duskot (n=dsk-o@
21:44.29duskothello all.. i have a problem with newly acquired TE120P
21:44.47duskotand.. it's getting close to midnight here ...
21:46.07nnythat is my current setup
21:47.26outtoluncduskot, ask your question, if someone knows the answer (and has time) they will answer
21:49.49nny[TK]D-Fender: the answer to the type of list is (i belive) an allow list, as I have userlist_deny=NO is my .conf
21:52.09jozu[TK]D-Fender i follow the wiki steps, and all its ok, same configuration (sip registration) in trixbox it works perfectly
21:53.26duskotaha.. thanks..
21:53.28jozuthe difference is that in trixbox it does not send to the supplier the name of sip
21:53.48duskotHello all: i get message unable to create zap channel
21:54.26jameswfduskot: what are you doing when this message arrives
21:57.08duskotjameswf: i am trying to use E1 through TE120P card
21:58.48jameswfis the card set for E1
21:58.50*** join/#asterisk Toerkeium (i=oo@
21:59.05*** join/#asterisk Lann (
21:59.12duskotjameswf: Yes.. i had a lot of problems, but now i see it configured and up and running.. zttool reports no problems
21:59.13*** join/#asterisk tvjunky (
21:59.38Lannis asterisk capable of sending multiple audio streams to a voip client simultaneously?
21:59.51Lannsound files, for example
22:01.08duskotjameswf: zap show status channels shows Wildcard TE12xP Card 0                   OK         26         0          0
22:02.32jameswfdo you see your channels in zap show channels
22:04.06jameswfyou may want to scan /var/log/asterisk/ful
22:04.36[TK]D-FenderLann, not simultaneously.
22:09.23*** join/#asterisk Wonka (i=produzie@madwifi/support/wonka)
22:09.27*** join/#asterisk EzMoney2001 (
22:10.25EzMoney2001Can anyone assist me with a AA50
22:12.20duskotjameswf: i can receive calls
22:12.27*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
22:12.29duskoti think my trunk definition is wrong
22:19.50EzMoney2001anyone using digium aa50?
22:20.13*** join/#asterisk De_Mon (
22:20.50*** join/#asterisk Carlos_Tico (
22:21.01EzMoney2001hardware appliance running asterisk
22:21.02*** join/#asterisk BockBilbo (
22:21.17EzMoney2001made by digium
22:21.39EzMoney2001the thing has a router built in that is causing me problems
22:23.46JTEzMoney2001: i think you'll find almost no-one using those
22:23.49JTespecially here
22:30.23*** part/#asterisk nny (
22:30.29trippsManxPower: you around?
22:30.44jbotextra, extra, read all about it, manxpower is someone you should hire for a job in BelgiumNetherlands
22:31.52jeris anybody using asterisk as an sms gateway? or have any pointers on receiving sms messages to * ?
22:35.26jameswfround? is that a fat joke?
22:38.17*** join/#asterisk blq (
22:43.14JTasterisk is not an sms gateway
22:43.37fujinthat sounds like a silly idea
22:43.51fujinhow the shit would that work
22:44.17jerJT, my question was a little weird i know...
22:44.38*** join/#asterisk whywhywhywhy (n=d@
22:44.43JTkannel is an sms gateway
22:44.57whywhywhywhyhi there
22:45.06*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (
22:46.54whywhywhywhydoes anyone know how i can setup a hyperlink to my webserver i made for my asterisk voicemail users, i need to add this to voicemail.conf  in the body where it says the following:" you just received a voicemail from user 3435344344 please folloe the following link to check your voicemail when you get a chance"
22:47.41*** join/#asterisk karleeto (n=root@
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22:57.54duskotanyone can help me how to define trunk group with asterisk te120P?
22:59.52duskotthanks, and then, what do i need to define in extensions.conf ?
23:01.57*** join/#asterisk knarfly (
23:02.24jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
23:04.14mvanbaakwhen did this version get released ?
23:05.19JTin the last few weeks
23:05.25putnopvutI think around the beginning of September.
23:05.53JTi don't think the pdf was out then
23:05.53knarflythank goodness...because 1.4.11 is just different enough from 1.2 that this was needed.
23:06.48*** join/#asterisk Joe_CoT (i=joe_cot@ubuntu/member/joeterranova)
23:07.47Joe_CoThey, so I don't know if this is the right place to ask, but I'm looking for a good sip provider. I want either monthly fee or per minute, but i need it to support multiple (at least 2) calls. Any suggestions?
23:10.21knarflycan someone take a look at this
23:10.21knarflyand tell me why the first few lines don't seem to work like I want
23:11.05knarflyJoe_CoT: Try have worked great for me...tell them User #49 sent you.
23:12.00Joe_CoTknarfly, ? Site doesn't exist
23:12.43*** join/#asterisk adeel (
23:13.06knarflyJoe_CoT: hangon...I'm using them even as we speak....
23:14.17knarflyJoe_CoT: Try this one
23:14.33knarflyThey've updated their site quite a bit
23:14.54Joe_CoTyeah, found it. doesn't really give much info, though -- rates, tos, etc
23:15.06adeelany recommendations on what software echo canceller routine to use for zaptel?
23:17.36knarflyJoe_CoT: I think it says they have a $19.95 per month package...I'm paying $0.019 per minute and they offer 800 #'s
23:17.42*** join/#asterisk jetlagmk2 (
23:18.09knarflyplus no long term contract required....I've been using them for about a year and it works great.
23:18.22Joe_CoTwhere are you located? US?
23:18.31knarflyyep, Miami
23:19.08*** join/#asterisk Netgeeks (
23:19.12*** part/#asterisk zerohalo (
23:22.37knarflyanyone else tried out the new Grandstream 2000GPX? I know most think GS is a POS but this new phone rocks for a budget minded user
23:23.01JTsure it does ;)
23:24.06knarflyJT: Have you tried it yet...?
23:27.07JTknarfly: why would i?
23:28.03*** join/#asterisk Somebee (n=sindre@
23:28.56knarflyJT: that wasn't the point.... since fujin has moved me to /dev/null...I know all I need about the two of you. Don't bother with me then....
23:29.14fujinseriously how budget is budget?
23:29.17fujinare they like 20$?
23:30.11alrsknarfly: I'm using a Polycom 330 for testing right now.  It sounds good, and costs just a bit over $100
23:30.21alrsknarfly: same can be said for the Aastra 9133i
23:30.22knarflyI gave around $100 including shipping for this one
23:30.51fujinpwned ^
23:31.56fujinI paid $250nzd for these Linksys spa942's
23:32.21fujinby google
23:32.26fujinmeh, that's pretty expensive
23:32.33fujinthey're probably shitloads chepear in the united states of america
23:32.54alrsfujin: Do you like it?  I've not been very impressed by the SPA942 but I've only administered them remotely, I've never talked on one
23:33.14alrsfujin: for remote admin the Aastras are my favorite
23:33.16fujinI rolled out 50 here. We do have occasional issues, but I haven't been able to fully point the finger at the phones
23:33.28fujinI provision all the spa942's automatically, little runtime administration is required
23:33.31fujinfactory reset->ready
23:33.50fujinanyway gotta dash, bai
23:34.28knarfly2000GPX has four lines...I configured this one at my office yesterday to hook up to a local * server as well as my home * server...worked great. I giving my friends a chance to just call my house and reach me at work is a nice perk
23:35.38*** join/#asterisk angom_h (n=angom@
23:42.34wiljacketmy 2000 GPX has issues with BLF still, freezups, firmware issues left and right (problems keep getting reintroduced thru revisions) and a horrible sounding speaker phone.. there is active development on the handset but it's still a total POS compared to Aastra
23:46.38knarflywiljacket: that's speaker phone sounds much better than the BT200 I bought about a year ago...and so far I've had no problems with the 2000 updated the firmware on the first boot and it's been perfect thus far.
23:47.39wiljacketknarfly: I have several clients that would be really pleased if they could buy up cheap handsets like those.. please keep the channel posted on any problems or lack of problems you end up having
23:47.58*** join/#asterisk nny (
23:48.14nnygetting chan_zap.c: Unable to register channel when I start asterisk, can anyone help?
23:48.16wiljacketfor us, the freezups were a killer.. they couldnt tell the handsets were dead, and then the volume started abitrarily raising and lowering and it was just a no-go in my last productio test
23:49.48knarflywiljacket: you bet....I'm biased because I'm such a cheapskate
23:50.13knarflywiljacket: how long ago was that?
23:50.38wiljacketknarfly: all my clients are too, but they also couldnt deal with bad phone quality.. the Aastra 480is and Cisco 7940 on SIP firmware have worked best for me
23:50.43knarflynny: can you post your zaptel.conf and zapata.conf
23:50.46wiljacketthis was about 2 mos ago
23:51.22nnyknarfly: yeah
23:51.32*** join/#asterisk kiwoneka (
23:51.36knarflyI just got my 2000 GPX last week...I've been testing it every which way but loose and so far not a single failure
23:51.36JTknarfly: wait, so the speaker phone is good when compared to utter rat shit?
23:51.44JTknarfly: try a good speaker phone first
23:51.56kiwonekagood evening to all
23:52.03JThow much are the 2000GXPs?
23:52.33knarflyJT when you get to be my age, almost 1/2 a century now...quality of speakers doesn't matter that much...and yes this speaker phone is pretty good.
23:52.49kiwonekai am hoping to get some direction on callid
23:53.04knarflyJT I gave about $100 including shipping
23:53.15atomicdQuestion:  Asterisk behind a NAT in location A, caller behind NAT in location B, and another caller behind a NAT in location C.  Is there a way to allow revites so location B and Cs RTP is communicating directly without going through Asterisk?
23:53.17kiwonekai have callerid but when people hit my ivr i lose callid
23:53.18knarflyoh yes...and sales tax
23:53.21JTa Polycom IP320 is only USD$85
23:53.23kiwonekato the extensions
23:53.33*** join/#asterisk codefreeze (n=steve_mu@
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23:53.52JTthe quality of speakerphone always matters if you use it, it's very hard to make a good one that doesn't echo or pick up excess noise
23:54.34knarflyJT this one doesn't echo and I've not had problems with background noise...
23:54.40knarflynny stand by
23:55.03JTknarfly: the IP320 would still kick its arse i'm thinking
23:55.28*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (n=strom@
23:56.06*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
23:58.56nnyalso, when the system first boots I have to create /var/run/asterisk... it disappears after every reboot -_-
23:59.09nnypulling my fricking hair out :)

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