IRC log for #asterisk on 20071005

00:00.04*** join/#asterisk denon (n=denon@
00:00.13*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by ChanServ
00:00.41*** join/#asterisk rkeels (
00:01.35rkeelsHey does anyone know of a function with asterisk that would off hook auto dial capabilities using a sip phone
00:02.48rkeelsAnd the beast slumbers
00:03.36rkeelsOh well I'll come back later... Thanks All... Sorry I didn't make it to AstriCon... I was in Turkey... Couldn't pass up the family reunion
00:06.00TJNIIHmmm... Perhaps I'm going about this the wrong way.
00:06.50TJNIII have a script, and when it executes I want it to make Asterisk call multiple phones.  When one is answered, I want the user to hear a recording and the other phones to stop ringing.
00:07.04TJNIII have this working using a call file, but that only rings one phone.
00:07.07*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
00:07.28TJNIII also have a queue that calls all the said phones, but I don't know if that can be used.  (I'm thinking no.)
00:11.41citatsTJNII: you could try to have your channel dialed by your call file be a Local channel that essentially does a Dial(Zap/g1/12345&Zap/g1/123456&Zap/g1/98765)
00:12.06citatsTJNII: or have the local channel go into your queue
00:13.07zil2Hi, I was wondering if there are any instructions on getting a cisco 7910 to connect to asterisk? Ive tried a few things I have seen online but it just aint working! I keep getting a message on the phone "registration rejected"
00:14.41[hC]Qwell: ping!
00:15.14[hC]I just registered a 7960+7914 and a 7970 to chan_skinny in 1.4.11 :)
00:16.04[hC]i did notice a couple things though, not sure if its chan_skinny or me doing something wrong... Pressing hold i dont believe puts the caller on hold (and doesnt give any indication that hold has been activated) and pushing transfer does nothing as well.  I do have the moh and transfer stuff enabled in skinny.conf
00:18.13TJNIIcitats: That worked!  Thanks!
00:18.26citatsTJNII: no problem
00:18.32TJNIIThough the queue doesn't, but that's OK as I understand why.
00:19.11TJNIINow my computer will call me when I need to change backup DVDs.  Awesome.
00:19.55*** part/#asterisk atomicd (
00:20.33*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (
00:20.37Qwell[hC]: neat, a 7914 was completely untested
00:20.45Qwellit should work just fine though
00:20.54Qwelldo you get all the lines?
00:21.43andresmujicahi, anyone knows which card should i use to connect an * box to a PBX with an E1 Channel?  i mean without PRI (no D-CHANNEL).??
00:21.55[hC]still have to test that. so far it just turns on :) baby steps... but i will find out tomorrow for sure
00:22.20[hC]know what might be up with the hold/transfer?
00:23.02*** join/#asterisk Lawbringer (n=Lawbring@
00:23.21Qwelltransfer needs trunk I think
00:23.24Qwellhold should work
00:23.39[hC]pushing hold/transfer both just do nothing
00:23.45[hC]im running 1.4.11 on there
00:23.57Qwellhold softkey?
00:24.04Qwellshould work fine in 1.4
00:24.30[hC]oh pardon me
00:24.38[hC]it put the caller on hold, but the phone showed no indication that you had done so
00:25.06[hC]is that expected?
00:25.11Qwellmight be :P
00:25.22QwellI don't have * source here..  give me a second
00:25.26[hC]I dont know how active you are in the development, but if you want, ill be your test monkey.
00:26.15[hC]hey also, for chan_mobile, to start by testing this out, attaching a BT dongle to an asterisk box, can i pair any phone that support bt headset? or should i specifically go find a certain model? I was gonna try with my blackberry, or my iphone first
00:26.27Qwellit should blink an icon
00:26.27[hC]yes thats right, i come out of the woodwork and pelt you with questions :)
00:26.41[hC]Qwell: yeah it wasnt doing anything.. on either the 7970 or the 7960
00:26.50QwellI'll have to try it out tomorrow
00:27.06[hC]anything youd like me to test, just say the word
00:27.13Qwelland any phone *should* work...
00:27.22Qwellof course, whether they actually do is an entirely different story :)
00:27.25[hC]kay :)
00:27.31QwellI think a blackberry has been tested though
00:27.33rpm[hC], just got home.. that was fun. :)
00:27.43rpmtow truck drivers are retardedly slow.
00:27.48[hC]Qwell: headset and sms?
00:28.03[hC]rpm: no kidding! your car gonna be alright? any idea what happened?
00:28.13Qwellyeah, blackberry is listed in the chan_mobile.txt doc
00:28.52[hC]neet. okay... so the machine that does the bluetooth connectivity, does it actually have to have asterisk on it, or can it be a client that just sends information back to a * server?
00:28.54Qwell[hC]: a "mobile show devices" will say whether SMS is supported
00:28.59rpm[hc], not sure. its a diesel so it could be anything.. the starter turns but doesn't grab the flywheel.. so the engine could be seized.
00:29.01Qwellhas to have asterisk
00:29.21QwellI don't know if there is any remote dongle support in bluez
00:29.27[hC]Qwell: ahh okay.. so this isnt really ready for an office deployment yet. I guess maybe the new event arch will help that?
00:29.37[hC]er yeah i guess it would have to be bluez
00:29.42[hC]or a helper app that can speak to *
00:29.52[hC]rpm: yikes. warranty?
00:30.07[hC]rpm: i guess insurance covers you at the very least
00:30.48rpmwell, it was good talking.. i gotta take off to p.g.
00:34.17*** join/#asterisk Road-rnnr (n=RoadPutz@
00:37.32CCFL_Man2yeah yeah yeah!, two 684A subset ringers on ebay
00:37.56*** part/#asterisk ecdpalma (
00:38.48*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
00:41.51hug1How do you guys feel about epygi?
00:44.27*** join/#asterisk pLr (n=acer@unaffiliated/plr)
00:44.58NuggetI think it looks hard to spell.  beyond that, I have no idea what epygi is.
00:46.18Qwelllooks like a proprietary pbx to me
00:46.21[hC]im not sure how to pronounce it either.
00:46.22Qwellwhat's to feel?
00:46.32[hC]i want to say e-piggle
00:46.44[hC]oh wait thats an i
00:46.48[hC]so e-piggy
00:46.54[hC]font makes it hard to tell :)
00:47.25Qwellwhere you getting the ea from?
00:49.04CCFL_Man2piggy piggy
00:51.04*** part/#asterisk andresmujica (
01:04.25*** join/#asterisk wglenncamp (
01:05.03wglenncampcan someone direct me to a place where I can find a way to load my modprobe commands automatically on boot?
01:06.11flenderswglenncamp: #linux
01:06.53flendersI run my modprobes on my startup scripts
01:07.24flendersload the modules and then start asterisk, but that's just me
01:07.45wglenncampokay, did you create a new script for your modprobe, or did you add them to an existing script?
01:08.20wglenncampyou are talking about in your init.d directory right?
01:10.37hug1right i just stepped out of a meeting
01:10.45hug1thank you for ripping them off
01:11.15hug1what i was looking for was... let me see
01:11.30hug1what would the response be if I had to say Grandstream
01:13.20hug1common ppl, u had a lot to say about "e-piggy"
01:14.09jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
01:15.01wglenncampThey are horrible quality wise...  And they can't ever get their firmware right..  I only use them in our lab, but that's as far as it gets
01:15.43hug1right, now, the same way the jbot dissed Grandstream because of past experience etc, is there anybody here who has worked with Epygi and have a opinion on whether they are good or bad?
01:16.18hug1all right
01:16.26hug1thank you wglenncamp
01:17.30wglenncampAnd support from Grandstream is hit and miss.  Example:  new firmware posted to their site one day?  Next day...  Gone poof!  FTP Server empty...
01:18.19wglenncampI would recommend Polycom, and possibly Aastra Phones..  But that's my opinion
01:18.31hug1right let me clarify, wglenncamp, u are speaking of grandstream right, not epygi
01:18.53hug1yeah im looking for a FXO gateway
01:19.02wglenncampGrandstream..  I have never dealt with epygi
01:19.05hug1with more than one FXO port
01:19.24hug1I proved the concept using a Grandstream
01:19.41hug1now Im looking for something that can handle more than just oneoutgoing line
01:19.52hug1one outgoing line* <sorry>
01:20.16hug1I have asterisk for sip, bit its sip only
01:20.27hug1so one sip phone can phone another
01:20.40hug1I now want to give them access to the outside
01:20.44hug1iow, PSTN
01:21.10wglenncampWhy not a card?
01:21.16hug1dont tell me to use cards coz Im running OBSD
01:21.21hug1and I know
01:21.30hug1I inherited it just before the comments come
01:21.44hug1and I cant change it
01:21.53wglenncampAh, I came in late on the conversation...  Didn't know
01:22.10hug1nah all good glenn
01:22.13wglenncampHow much are you looking to spend?
01:22.16hug1I didnt mention that before
01:22.26hug1money is not an object
01:22.31hug1functionality is
01:22.38hug1so i have lots
01:22.56hug1but of course i dont want to rip the chicken through its you know what
01:23.28hug1basically im looking for a fxo gateway that can deliver 6+ lines
01:23.34hug1PSTN lines that is
01:24.23[TK]D-Fenderhug1 : AudioCodes MP-114 4 FXO
01:24.47wglenncampI was getting ready to mention that one..
01:24.51wglenncampOr a Mediatrix
01:24.52hug1it must be reliable and fairly easy to configure, if nor well documented and supported
01:25.00[TK]D-Fenderhug1, Or if you're sure you're always going to treat your lines homogeneously : Linksys SPA-400
01:25.31wglenncampAudiocodes or Mediatrix from what I heard are good.
01:25.41wglenncampNever used one before..  And they are a little pricey
01:25.42[TK]D-FenderMediatrix high density FXS gateways are a breeze, haven't tried their FXO's yet though.
01:26.00wglenncampcompared to grandstream that is.
01:26.07hug1so is there an
01:26.13jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
01:26.41wglenncampWill cost you about $500 - $600 for the gateway (Audiocodes or Mediatrix)
01:26.58[TK]D-Fenderyup, thats what quality will do to you....
01:27.35hug1D-Fender: what do you mean by homogenously
01:29.36[TK]D-Fenderhug1, meaning you don't want to say "line 1 goes HERE, line 2-4 go THERE), etc
01:33.21*** join/#asterisk syzygyBSD (
01:39.09*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
01:46.37*** join/#asterisk mcquaid (
01:48.38mcquaidwhat is the term used to describe when asterisk just basically negotiates the handshake of the call and backs out vs asterisk staying in between the call (for onhold music or whatever)
01:49.06*** join/#asterisk ELINGE25 (n=pregunt@
01:49.18ELINGE25alguien que hable espa;ol
01:49.21*** join/#asterisk hug1 (
01:49.57ELINGE25i need help any body here speak spanish?
01:50.32hug1something strange is going on
01:50.35*** join/#asterisk red9012 (
01:50.55red9012anyone here?
01:50.58*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
01:51.20CCFL_Man2whats a good open sorce softphone?
01:51.39ELINGE25soy nuevo en asterisk y en mi trabajo me solicitaron crear un proyecto de un callcenter .net alguien que me ayude
01:51.57CCFL_Man2ELINGE25: engrish only plz
01:52.28ELINGE25sorry ccfl_man2 but my english is very little
01:52.56ELINGE25i need to create a callcenter whit C#.NET and i new in asterisk
01:53.04CCFL_Man2ELINGE25: i unfortunately cannot help you, i only know wnglish
01:53.15mcquaidCCFL_Man2, twinkle, ekiga.
01:53.18hug1D-Fender you there
01:53.31mcquaidlinphone is a little rough aroudn the edges but also has a console client
01:53.36CCFL_Man2mcquaid: twinkly build on osx?
01:53.42red9012I would like to do the following:  I want to be able to get a voice prompt before I accept a call.
01:53.51mcquaidoh. oh don't know.  it's a kde3 app
01:53.56*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
01:54.07mcquaidwell qt, i don't think it has kde deps
01:54.16CCFL_Man2it doesn't
01:54.35red9012for example, an incoming call is automatically forwarded to my cell using the dial cmd. I would to have a voice prompt telling me that this call is coming from my pbx,
01:55.02red9012anyone in here knows how I can accomplish this
01:55.06CCFL_Man2ELINGE25: as far as i know won't be of any help
01:55.20mcquaidwhat is the function to make asterisk bow out gracefully from calls and not sit inbetween the call for music on hold or whatever
01:55.41CCFL_Man2maybe i'll try limphone
01:56.11mcquaidand i found linphone the best at getting around nat issues
01:56.45mcquaidi have a box behind a nat where ekiga asterisk, and twinkle only receiving incoming calls with no audio but ilnphone works fine
01:58.17CCFL_Man2ahh, k
01:58.36ectospasmwhat protocol is linphone using?
02:03.20*** join/#asterisk Snake-eyes (
02:03.21ectospasmfunny... SIP doesn't handle NAT very well... you usually gotta jump through hoops to get it working
02:04.00hmmhesaysdepends on the nat really
02:09.35*** join/#asterisk puzzled_ (
02:09.52CrazyTuxELINGE25, babblefish english might help
02:11.53puzzledevening all
02:12.30*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
02:13.01puzzledI get a "No Authority" error on anonymous incoming iax2 connections. Anyone care to enlighten me why?
02:17.01ELINGE25any body here speak spanish
02:23.11CrazyTuxELINGE25, rather.
02:23.31*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
02:24.54*** join/#asterisk JerJer (n=PhatJ@pdpc/supporter/bronze/jerjer)
02:30.28*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (
02:30.28*** mode/#asterisk [+o Cresl1n] by ChanServ
02:33.17*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
02:33.37*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
02:34.14*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=pepOSX@
02:43.24*** join/#asterisk mcquaid (
02:46.37*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (
02:47.31mcquaidwhat is the name of the cmd/option so asterisk just does the 'handshaking' and is not in between through the duration of the call?
02:51.48Nuggetthat's the default behavior.
02:52.10mcquaidok... but what is it called to enable it then?
02:52.42Nuggetstart here:
02:52.55mcquaidor is it autoenabled when you use something like music on hold (which obviously needs it)
02:53.17mcquaidi remember reading there was a cfg option to force it (can't recall if it was to force it on or off)
02:53.23mcquaidbut it's been awhile
02:53.35Nuggetit's more complicated than that.
02:54.10mcquaidbut ah thx for the link, the term I was trying to think of was reinvite
02:54.21Nuggetactually it's canreinvite.
02:54.34Nuggetalthough you'll encounter many sample configs online that have it wrong
02:55.33mcquaidah, ya, just reading that at the site you provided. thx again
02:56.00mcquaidi've been investigating other pbxes like the online one ( and their free account limits calls to 60 minutes
02:56.23mcquaidand that made me think it's always sitting inbetween the call (potentially adding latency)
02:56.47*** join/#asterisk smgua (n=smelgar@
02:56.56mcquaidand I couldn't find any info on their site, tried to remember the asterisk cfg option for that
02:57.27smguaAnyone, is it safe to upgrade from 1.4.5 to 1.4.12 ¿?
02:58.46ELINGE25any body here speak spanish
03:00.27*** join/#asterisk hug1 (
03:06.02hmmhesaysdrupal sure seems like a pain in the ass
03:06.29*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
03:09.21*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
03:14.27*** part/#asterisk mitcheloc (
03:14.36*** join/#asterisk asdx (
03:14.56*** join/#asterisk stkn__ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
03:16.38smguaagain: anybody with 1.4.5 to 1.4.11,1.4.12 upgrade experience?
03:19.28*** part/#asterisk smgua (n=smelgar@
03:20.10*** join/#asterisk gremzoid (
03:20.23*** join/#asterisk Dalbaech (
03:23.09*** join/#asterisk J4k3- (
03:27.44ELINGE25any body here speak spanish
03:34.00hug1hey does anybody know of any other FXO gateway other than SPA400 that will work with asterisk
03:34.29*** join/#asterisk nuonguy (
03:35.53gremzoidapart from sip and iax, can h323 peers/users be configured from mysql?
03:37.04dan__tHrm, looks like using a Polycom phone with a SIP provider is shoddy at best.
03:37.07dan__tAnyone ever done that before?
03:37.37hug1sorry dan nope
03:37.46hug1hey does anybody know of any other FXO gateway other than SPA400 that will work with asterisk
03:37.51*** join/#asterisk bintut (n=bintut@
03:41.09bintutanyone here able to make gtalk communication work on asterisk 1.4.11?
03:41.50*** part/#asterisk bfrance (
03:41.59gremzoidhug1, is that a response to me?
03:42.24dan__tI'm trying to get it to work with Teliax.
03:42.41dan__tI'm going to circumvent Asterisk for the time being, just for the sake of getting some connectivity here.
03:42.55DalbaechI haven't used it bintut.... but there's a howto, but it suggests using trunk
03:43.03*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
03:43.30Dalbaechso dunno
03:45.07Dalbaechdan: I've heard Polycom phones are generally evil.
03:45.27DalbaechI used a few, and NAT is a nightmare
03:45.34bintutDalbaech: i tried the latter site that you gave but doesn't work.. i mean, when i check if it's connected using the command "jabber show connected", it says it is
03:46.29hug1again: hey does anybody know of any other FXO gateway other than SPA400 that will work with asterisk
03:46.29Dalbaechnot sure bintut, I've never done it
03:46.35DalbaechI might on the next rebuild of my pbx
03:46.44Dalbaechbut for now, it works, so I'm not doing anything to it.
03:46.51Dalbaechsoon, I'm shutting it down and starting from scratch
03:49.04dan__tDalbaech, seems like the phones are solid, but very picky.
03:49.48dan__tLike there's two SIP configuration sections.
03:49.56dan__tI can't differentiate between the two, honestly.
03:50.13dan__tI found a few half-assed hacked together bits of information on forums and such, but that's it.
03:52.40*** join/#asterisk kclaussen (n=kclausse@
03:57.06*** join/#asterisk xezz (
04:00.22*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
04:04.27dan__tToo bad.
04:06.11*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
04:07.32AlcateLXperthey, I am at the very begining of configuring asterisk. I can register my sip user, and in the documentation, it says that I can call extension 100 or 611 to have an echo of myself.. my x-lite says that the number can't be reach.. is there anything to do for that to work ?
04:09.22flendersdo you have those extensions on the dialplan?
04:09.40flenderslike 'exten => 611,1,echo()'
04:11.29AlcateLXpertwhat file is this in  ?
04:11.43AlcateLXpertat the very begining in the doc, they talk about that, but not which file it s supposed to be in
04:11.48hug1again: hey does anybody know of any other FXO gateway other than SPA400 that will work with asterisk
04:12.01flendersAlcateLXpert: what doc?
04:12.16*** part/#asterisk hug1 (
04:13.21jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
04:14.14*** join/#asterisk hug1 (
04:14.17flendersAlcateLXpert: clearly you're missing something
04:14.28AlcateLXpertin thew doc ?
04:14.30flenderswhich chapters did you skip?
04:14.41AlcateLXpertbottom of page 71
04:15.12hug1lol, sorry guys got dc'd there, if you a message to my question please just post the question again.... the question was
04:15.22AlcateLXpertflenders, never mind
04:15.36hug1has anbody installed or worked with FXo gateway s other PSA400
04:15.39flendersAlcateLXpert: the thing is, it doesn't come pre-configured
04:15.48flendersmaybe if you did a make samples
04:16.33AlcateLXperti did
04:16.41AlcateLXperti ll try again tomorrow
04:16.44AlcateLXpertit s getting late
04:16.45flenderswhat the book explains very well is how the whole thing works, I'm sure it doesn't tell you to create a sip account on sip.conf and dial 611
04:17.01flendersmaybe that sip account is on a different context
04:17.39*** join/#asterisk arcanine (n=saxon_m2@
04:17.46flenderson extensions.conf you need to have the 'exten => 611,1,dosomething' on the same [context] as context= on sip.conf
04:18.11AlcateLXpertok, let me try to add an internal context
04:18.33flendersif you pastebin your dialplan and your sip.conf I can see where you made a mistake
04:18.47flendersdialplan, I mean extensions.conf
04:19.04flendersget used to calling that file as dialplan
04:20.42hug1so then i take it that everybody here has worked with the linksys SPA400 FXO gateway
04:20.47hug1and with nothing else
04:26.21AlcateLXpertflenders, the [internal] exten ... should i put that in the sip.conf, or extension.conf ?
04:26.28AlcateLXpertfrom the doc, it looks like sip.conf ?
04:26.57flenderson sip.conf, on your sip account details, you need to add 'context=internal'
04:27.12AlcateLXperti have that under my user
04:27.49AlcateLXpertworking now
04:27.54AlcateLXpertbut no echo on what i m saying
04:28.26flendersis the x-lite on the same network as asterisk?
04:29.59*** join/#asterisk FireMac (
04:30.05dan__tAll I want is to make SIP calls cha cha cha
04:30.15FireMachi where can i get mpg123?
04:30.55*** part/#asterisk gremzoid (
04:31.04AlcateLXpertflenders, must be my stupid windows, it s working on my mac.
04:31.44flendersmacs are great
04:32.36AlcateLXpertyeah. ok.. looks like it was a conflict with skype
04:32.38AlcateLXpertit s working no
04:32.54AlcateLXperti ll continue reading the doc, and see how cool is it to have a SIP trunk with my Alcatel LAB
04:32.55arcaninewat is the cpu requirement for asterisk
04:32.57AlcateLXpertThanks for the help
04:33.21Qwellarcanine: it depends
04:33.24Qwellat least a 486
04:33.51arcanineright now im using pentium 3
04:34.01Qwellthat's plenty, depending on what you want to do
04:34.11Qwellobviously you can't expect to send hundreds of calls at it
04:34.20Qwellbut a few dozen would probably be okay
04:34.35arcaninewith 256 memory, but when simultaneuous call of 20.. calls are dropped
04:35.41*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
04:35.55flendersso you mean, 20 simultaneous calls are fine, but it can't handle 21?
04:36.38arcanine19 simultanous calls are ok but 20 calls drop
04:37.22arcaninecant handle 20 calls and up
04:37.36flenderswell, there you go.
04:38.02arcaninedo i need to change cpu?
04:38.16flendershow's the system load while you have 19 calls?
04:38.55flendershow many users you have?
04:39.27flendersand what sort of CPU is it?
04:41.14dan__tAnyone ever been successful in setting up a PolyCom phone for use with an external SIP provider?  I'd like to use the phone with Teliax for a bit here until I get * working as I'd like it to.
04:42.00arcaninei hav 25 users, cpu is advantech pentium 3 1ghz, 256 mb sdram
04:42.51flenderswhen you say 19 simultaneous calls, are these calls to the outside world?
04:43.00flendersor even calls between users
04:44.10xezzhello, can i connect a Siemens HIPath 3700 with asterisk ? is this possible ?
04:45.44flendersdan__t: I'm sure it works
04:45.57flendersI've seen people doing it, though, haven't done it myself
04:47.32dan__tI never doubted that it does not work.
04:47.44dan__tIt just seems that the setup involved is tricky, one I've not managed to hammer out.  Yet.
04:49.24arcanine19 simultaneous calls to the outside world
04:49.46flendersarcanine: you have a PRI?
04:53.38J4k3arcanine: my P3-700/100 (1:1 internal cache version) asterisk box chokes really quick, suprisingly so
04:54.48flendersJ4k3: even with no transcoding?
04:56.44[TK]D-Fenderdan__t, I've done it once.
04:57.05dan__tRemember any of it?  heh
04:57.16arcaninedo i need to change box, from p3 1ghz to core2duo
04:57.58arcanineis it advisable to change box
04:58.20[TK]D-Fenderdan__t, Nothing to remember.  IP/host, user, pass.  End of story.
04:58.32dan__tok, there's a SIP settings dialog, and a per-line SIP dialog.
04:58.33AlcateLXpertanyone tried the Linksys SPA941 SIP Phone with sterisk ?
04:58.41flendersAlcateLXpert: I have a few
04:58.52AlcateLXpertflenders, r u happy with them ? or do you have anything better ?
04:59.12flendersAlcateLXpert: Polycoms are better
04:59.17AlcateLXpertwhich one ?
04:59.30flendersAlcateLXpert: but the SPA941s are the cheapest phones I would use in production
04:59.38flendersanything cheaper than that is shit
04:59.48flenderspolycoms 330s are good
04:59.59flendersI have a few 430s too
05:00.06lonekazooI'm very happy with polycom 601's.  a couple of quirks, but overall very nice.
05:00.24*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
05:00.26dan__tDo you remember which settings apply to which dialog, [TK]D-Fender?
05:00.29flenders601s are too expensive
05:00.40flendersmost people don't need that
05:00.57AlcateLXpertflenders, hey, do you have any idea if it s easy to create a sip trunk toward a real-world pbx ?
05:01.08flendersyou only need anything more than 430 if you have more than 2 simultaneous calls
05:01.13flenderswhich most users dont
05:01.16AlcateLXpertmy issue is that for every sip user on the asterisk, I need their extension to show up on the PBX that they are calling
05:01.27lonekazooi picked up a boatload of 601's on ebay for 159, new in the box.
05:01.36[TK]D-FenderAlcateLXpert, Being in North America there is virtuall no reason for you to consider anything other than Polycom...
05:01.41flenderslonekazoo: nice
05:01.41J4k3sexy phones are a must.
05:01.47flendersI probably missed that one
05:02.12J4k31, I'm switching to Cingular... 2, it should kick ass as a wifi sip handset
05:02.19[TK]D-Fenderdan__t, its just those 3, and by dialog its sounding like you are configurin your via the web interface.  That is a true poor choice...
05:02.36dan__tI'm sure it is a poor choice.  Good thing I'm not doing it.
05:02.44flendersAlcateLXpert: can you explain it?
05:02.55dan__tOk, SIP dialog and per-line dialogs.  That makes two.  Am I missing a third?
05:03.03AlcateLXpertwhere on the polycom website are those 330/440 ?
05:03.04[TK]D-Fenderflenders, And no, you don't need a bigger phone to handle more than 2 calls.  I had my IP 430 set to handle *10*
05:03.14dan__tWhich takes precedence, and which should contain my SIP provider's login info?
05:03.25flenders[TK]D-Fender: well done! and thanks for the info
05:04.04lonekazooon the 601's, you cant configure more than 1 sip server registration, you have to use the web interface or xml
05:04.15[TK]D-Fenderflenders, 2 registrations, each getting 1 line-key, each linekey set to accept up to 5 simultaneous calls.
05:04.34dan__tWas that for me, lonekazoo?
05:04.49dan__tGood to know regardless.
05:04.55flenders[TK]D-Fender: that's a lot of calls mate
05:06.24Qwell[TK]D-Fender: I once had a cisco doing 100+ :p
05:06.24Qwellthat was funny
05:06.24flenders[TK]D-Fender: I wonder how you would switch to different calls
05:06.27[TK]D-Fenderflenders, never HAD that many, but was configured for it.  Always look at how you span your regs', line-keys, and CALLS-PER line-key
05:06.45[TK]D-Fenderflenders, using the cursor keys... looks even NICER actually.
05:06.46AlcateLXpertflenders, I need to setup a solution for over 4,000 users
05:06.46Qwellciscos have a never-ending scrollable list
05:07.00*** join/#asterisk karleeto (
05:07.01AlcateLXpertAlcateLXpert, can't sspend too much money. so i was thinking about using Asterisk
05:07.13[TK]D-Fenderflenders, you kno when a CW beep call comes in you only see the name on the bottom>
05:07.15AlcateLXpertflenders, then connect the asterisk to an alcatel
05:07.26Qwell4,000 seats is going to be expensive..
05:07.30AlcateLXpertflenders, and have the alcatel send and receinve the calls to the PRI
05:07.35Qwellfigure $150+ per seat
05:07.44AlcateLXpertQwell, with alcatel, yeah.. so i need a cheaper solution
05:07.59Qwellwith anything.  asterisk will be less expensive, sure
05:08.12[TK]D-Fenderflenders, When you allow more than 1 call per key, you get BOTH in a "top half / bottom half" way and get to see it better.  You scroll to the call like Cisco's.
05:08.23Qwellbut don't expect to get away with only spending a few thousand dollars (if you include phones) :)
05:08.24AlcateLXpertso i was thinking about doing IP trunking
05:08.26AlcateLXpertor sip trunking
05:08.33AlcateLXpertor use the alcatel as a sip gateway
05:08.38flenders[TK]D-Fender: nice, I'll do it on mine!
05:08.49karleeto[TK]D-Fender: ever done an intercom type thing with the auto-answer function on polycoms?
05:08.54[TK]D-Fenderflenders, using the up/down keys.
05:08.58dan__tBah.  Forget it.
05:09.10[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto, Yup, I've done just about everything on them except VLAN's
05:10.13[TK]D-Fenderdan__t, in provisioning, just look at reg.1.(blah).  about 6 or so fields you'll want to fill in to set your account up and configure your linekey allocation.
05:11.06AlcateLXperti ll work on that tomorrow morning. gonig to bed tired. thanks flanders
05:11.23dan__tYea, I'm trying to do it all from the phone.  Like I said, the phone itself has two SIP-related dialogs, the "Main" configuration and one configuration per each line.  I will note that the "Main" configuration doesn't ask for authentication paramaters to be set etc etc, where as the per-line configurations do.
05:11.52flendersdan__t: I don't think you can set it up on the phone
05:12.52flendersAlcateLXpert: no worries
05:12.58[TK]D-Fenderdan__t, under "SIP" you set the server type / IP, etc.  under "LINES"  you pick one to configure and add the user, pass, and line-key setup.
05:13.26dan__tDon't I need to specify the local external IP address per NAT workarounds etc etc?
05:13.32[TK]D-Fenderdan__t, and yes you CAN set it up from the phone.  But just wait for 10 reboots as you putz your way through those screens :)
05:13.41[TK]D-Fenderdan__t, generally no.
05:13.47karleeto[TK]D-Fender: do you think that the polycom auto-answer page on voip-info is the way to go?
05:14.18[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto, pretty close.  Watch out for the new way to set the headers based on * version
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05:42.37karleeto[TK]D-Fender: i know _3XX would mean 3 and any two digits, but what would _3ZX mean?
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06:20.14Chris-NBanyone using a sangoma card with hwec running?
06:20.33Chris-NBi'm getting problems with digital calls (data calls) when the hwec is running
06:21.27karleetoThis is my site config:
06:22.23karleetowill this work for polycom auto-answer intercom? i wasnt fond of editing my sip.cfg, so i thought i'd just include it in my site.cfg, which should override anything from sip.cfg, right?
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06:33.20arekmany chan_zap.c guru available?
06:33.24GrandfrereAnybody know anything about altering inbound call volume on a Sip channel?
06:33.57arekmchan_zap.c ignores pulsedial=no in zapata.conf and changes that to yes runtime, why is that?
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06:56.04kaldemararekm: pastebin your zapata.conf and tell what channels should have pulsedial=no
06:58.00arekmkaldemar: every channel should have pulsedial=no
06:58.15arekmkaldemar: anyway I've bugreported it
06:58.30arekmnow I'm waiting to see: closed won't fix or something ;)
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07:43.43tzafrir_homearekm, pulsedial=yes/no affects how you dial out (through FXO), not if you identify pulse tones
07:53.45*** join/#asterisk reaxion (n=reaxion@
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07:54.06Raky100that's a lot of users
07:54.18Raky100hey guys, i've been having a bit of an issue and was hoping someone could help
07:54.25Raky100I've trunked two machines, one in AU the other in the US
07:54.44Raky100calls between AU->AU are fine, and US->US are fine.
07:55.06Raky100However, when i make a direct call to a US extension, from the AU line the quality is bad for people on the AU side. However, people in the US can here me fine.
07:55.25Raky100I have to ask them to goto the conference line on the US side, and that works fine too, i can hear them perfectly then. It's only when i call them directly that is plays up.
07:55.31Raky100Any idea as to what could be going on?
07:56.49reaxionIf I put more .call files in /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing than I have channels, what will Asterisk do?  Will it queue the additional calls or ignore them?  I'm testing out a travel alerts service so would prefer if it queues
07:59.20tzafrir_homeRaky100, what type of call? PSTN? VoIP?
07:59.34Raky100They are VoIP calls.
07:59.41*** join/#asterisk tamp4x (
07:59.56tzafrir_homeAsterisk will retry them
08:00.01tzafrir_home(The call files)
08:00.14Raky100I just don't get how the quality sounds weird over a direct call. But then I goto the meetme line with them, and it works fine?
08:00.46reaxiontzafrir_home: Retry?  So they'll fail the first time because of no available channels?
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08:02.46tzafrir_homereaxion, but some of them succeed, right?
08:03.33reaxionAll that can fit will succeed, yes
08:04.12reaxionInteresting one.  Asterisk doesn't move/delete the call file until the call is complete?
08:04.34arekmtzafrir_home: why then pulsedial is changed to yes if pulse comes in?
08:05.38arekmis there a way to put additional (my own) field in zapata.conf/sip.conf for some channel like mymessage=abc and access it from dial plan later?
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08:08.44arekmOr is there a way to know which Zap is calling to me?
08:09.01arekmWell, the problem is actually that I need separate callerid for outgoing connections and separate for local calls
08:10.12arekmI was thinking about setting callerid=id_for_outgoing and adding mylocalcallerid=22 and then in dialplan do something like: if localcall then fetch(mylocalcallerid, for zap/22)
08:10.21arekmand set that as new callerid
08:13.11tzafrir_homearekm, you can set channel variables from sip.conf (and from zapata.conf in trunk)
08:13.38tzafrir_homeYou can also use accountcode
08:14.29*** join/#asterisk dimgr (n=btsadmin@
08:14.40dimgrdoes asterisk detects my card?
08:14.47dimgrcore show channels
08:14.48dimgrChannel              Location             State   Application(Data)
08:14.48dimgr0 active channels
08:14.49dimgr0 active calls
08:15.00dimgrcapi info
08:15.01dimgrContr1: 8 B channels total, 8 B channels free.
08:20.16arekmtzafrir_home: setvar=var=value? in extensions it's just ${var} then?
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08:20.44tzafrir_homearekm, yes
08:21.12stonyi can't get my spa
08:21.12stony901 from linksys to work
08:21.15stonyare there any howtos or something ?
08:21.36*** join/#asterisk appelza (
08:24.12arekmtzafrir_home: ok, trying exten => _XX,9,IF(LEN(${callerid_local} > 0)?SET(CALLERID(num)=${callerid_local}))
08:25.46arekmuh, bad
08:27.36sparqHoly crap! There is a VoIP application for the Nintendo DS!
08:28.07*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
08:28.38arekm[Oct  5 10:27:32] WARNING[8550]: pbx.c:1797 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'If' for extension (from-local, 41, 10)
08:30.35arekmok, seeing now, cannot be used directly :-/
08:32.09tzafrir_homeGotoIf ?
08:34.34appelzaHi guys, I have a wireless phone that rings when the number is dialed, but then asterisk female voice tells the caller that the number you have dialed is not in service..
08:34.35appelzaany ideas?
08:35.28Nuggetwhat's the asterisk console say?
08:36.16appelzaI'll paste
08:36.21appelza(I cant figure it out)
08:36.22Nuggetuse a pastebin
08:36.36jbotmethinks pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or is usually painfully too slow and unresponsive to use, use one of the other pastebin sites, or is a very nice pastebin as well
08:36.58dimgrhow do you know if asterisk really detects your card? core show channels says 0 active channels
08:37.36arekmtzafrir_home: is > or < supported at all?
08:39.27*** join/#asterisk xezz (
08:40.19tzafrir_homeGotoIf(Len(${callerid_local}) > 0?from-local,${EXTEN},19:from_local,${EXTEN},20)
08:40.35tzafrir_homefrom-local and from_local are two different names
08:40.47tzafrir_homearekm, ===^
08:40.56Nuggetgood eye, tzafrir
08:41.41Nuggetappelza: paste your dialplan too, I guess.  hard to tell from just the console log
08:42.14*** join/#asterisk blq (
08:42.32arekmtzafrir_home: ah, right, fixed that but still dials with prio 19
08:42.42Nugget might be meaningful.
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08:46.32xezzhello,i would like to connect asterisk(digium te110p) with siemens Hipath 3700(2 pri card), any idea ?
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08:55.00arekmtzafrir_home: setvar=callerid_local=999
08:55.28arekmtzafrir_home: exten => _XX,10,GotoIf(LEN(${callerid_local}) .... and  -- Executing [41@from-local:10] GotoIf("SIP/101-08239098", "LEN() > 0?from-local
08:55.37arekmtzafrir_home: so it even doesn't see this variable due to some reason
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09:19.24ai-ais it PBX or PABX ?
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09:24.24LeFallenI have a question if I may: When I get "ast_channel_bridge: Can't make SIP/XXX and SIP/YYY compatible", is that a codec issue?
09:28.59*** join/#asterisk Conductor (
09:29.14Conductori have a problem receiving calls from umts networks
09:29.20Conductorsometimes you can see the call on the CLI but sometimes you dont (the handset says: number unknown)
09:29.38Conductoris there a way to watch the incoming data on a zaptel device?
09:31.05ai-aLeFallen: are they on the same network ?
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09:31.48ai-aConductor: should all go via the pbx... is this ext -> internal calls or internal -> internal ? sure your not calling the sip device directly ?
09:32.48Conductorai-a, hmmm... what sip phone?
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09:33.25ai-aa sip phone is a sip device.
09:33.25Conductorai-a, but it's external-><whatever>
09:33.44ai-aConductor: ok, what debug level you got enabled ?
09:34.13Conductoryou mean core set verbose?
09:34.30ai-aasterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
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09:35.29Conductorasterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
09:35.41ZeeekLeFallen one way to see would be to set both ends to ulaw
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09:37.13Conductorai-a, good. i call but i cant see anything on the cli
09:37.33Conductori wonder if the call comes in on the zaptel card
09:37.45Conductormaybe asterisk just doesn't accept it...
09:37.59Conductorhow can i find out?
09:38.52ZeeekConductor you sau zaptel?
09:39.26Conductorzeedo, well... its a digium TE420. so it is zaptel right?
09:40.45Conductorhow can i make this zaptel channel more verbose?
09:41.01Zeeekwhat does CLI say when a call comes in now?
09:41.10Conductorthat's the problem
09:41.20Conductorfrom gsm it works
09:41.28Conductorfrom umts it only works sometimes
09:41.36Zeeekand from gsm what is on the CLI?
09:41.44LeFallenai-a: Sorry, thanks... Yes they are.
09:42.44Zeeekmy asterisk died last night. I ran to the office to see if it was on fire. In fact, it was the router that died. asterisk just basically froze with no internet connection.
09:43.10LeFallenZeeek: I have configured the server to only allow alaw/ulaw but it doesn't help any.
09:43.32ZeeekLeFallen then use sip debug to see what's happening
09:44.17ZeeekConductor if there's no "Starting simple sw" from CLI from utms, then it's something in the way the card is configured or the card itself. Call or email digium support
09:44.41Zeeekor wait until the US wakes up and more people are around
09:45.15ConductorZeeek, OK thanks...
09:45.50ConductorZeeek, i heard of some way to watch the whole zaptel traffic (with ethereal)... do you know anything about that?
09:46.26ZeeekNo, I don't because ethereal sees the LAN traffic, not the zap
09:46.40dj_instincthi all - do I _need_ a soundcard to monitor / increase the call volume on a digitum fxo card?
09:46.48LeFallenZeeek: I did that but I'm not so good at understanding what I'm seeing.  :(  Kinda got lumped with this.
09:47.16Zeeekdj_instinct you need the zaptel utility to set the gain
09:47.44LeFallenZeeek: All I get is some "codec translation path from g729 to alaw" errors, followed by a "no path to translate from SIP/XXX(256) to SIP/YYY(8)"
09:47.51ZeeekLeFallen post the appropriate debug stuff (cut trest out) to pastebin
09:48.20ConductorZeeek, so there is no way to find out what actually comes in on the digium card?
09:48.39ZeeekConductor I don't know, sorry
09:48.47Conductorok thanks
09:48.55ZeeekLeFallen so it IS a codec issue because that's what asterisk tells you
09:50.05Zeeekbtw do you have g729 installed?
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09:53.15LeFallenZeeek: That's what I figured.  I don't have g729 codec listed in "show translation" but I don't know how to stop it from trying to use it.  Could it be the hardphone @ the answer point requesting it?
09:53.20LeFallenZeeek: I set disable=all allow=alaw;ulaw but it still seems to request g729
09:53.35LeFallenZeeek: Thanks a lot for the help btw
09:53.37ZeeekLeFallen could be the phone indeed
09:54.00LeFallenZeeek: <
09:54.45BiG^DoGis there a good cordless SIP phone?
09:54.56ZeeekLeFallen that's a MESS!
09:56.02*** join/#asterisk sergee (
09:57.52LeFallenZeeek: Sorry :S
09:58.48Zeeekyou have to make the other end NOT use g729
10:02.21Conductorwhen setting DEBUG=YES in /etc/sysconfig/zaptel where do the debug messages go?
10:08.08LeFallenZeeek: So that is the problem then ... OK thanks heaps for your assistance :)
10:08.30ZeeekI hope it's worth the price :)
10:09.52*** join/#asterisk IvanV3835 (
10:19.49tzafrir_hometo answer his question: it sets the "debug" module parameter (and as a side effect - fails to loading of xpp modules...)
10:24.27Zeeekhi tzafrir_home
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10:55.17Zeeekso quiet
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11:01.33Maliutawell, I would go to bed (at 21:00 on a friday) and get my weekend started early, but I don't think I could cope with the disappointment
11:02.00Zeeekwhich disappointment is that?
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11:03.59Maliutamy weekend
11:04.02luke-jrCaller ID names from my live address book stored in IMAP ☺
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11:11.16gremzoidhmmm can anyone point me in the right direction, i'm trying to get asterisk to load it's configuration from SQL
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11:11.38gremzoidi've spent hours building a database and a pretty little php UI for it...
11:12.19gremzoidi start asterisk and get good signs:  Binding iaxusers to mysql/chps/asterisk_iax_conf
11:12.53gremzoidhowever it dosn't seem to work (read: what do i do now?)
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11:13.19JerJeris there some way to send something other than  489 Bad Event back when someone sends the standard notify nat ping?
11:15.30Zeeekhey JerJer
11:15.39Zeeekup late?
11:15.51Zeeekor awake early
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11:26.26JerJersleep is for the weak
11:27.01*** join/#asterisk zsilak (n=spam@
11:27.06zsilakhi all
11:27.50zsilakI have an issue with asterisk / PRI on a digium te110p card
11:28.12JerJerok and?
11:28.20JerJerlots of ppl have lots of issues
11:28.33JerJerthose that ask specific questions have a chance of solving their issues
11:28.43ZeeekJerJer welcome back! :)
11:28.48zsilakI'll pastebin the log-file so it's easier to explain
11:30.20zsilaki want to know if it is possible (and how) to change the pri setup message
11:30.24zsilakinterface implicitly identified
11:30.29zsilakand B-channel selection: exclusive
11:32.44zsilaki know it's somehow very deep into the material :D can anybody help?
11:32.48JerJerthat's over my head
11:33.00zsilaksame here :D
11:33.10ZeeekI don't have any head
11:33.24Zeeekat least not recently :(
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11:48.08zsilakfound it !
11:48.18Zeeekwhat was it
11:48.28zsilakif somebody asks in the future:
11:48.40zsilakif you comment out in zapata.conf
11:48.41zsilak;trunkgroup => 1,16
11:48.41zsilak;spanmap => 1,1
11:49.04zsilakit will do it not explicitly, but implicitly
11:49.49zsilak( i think i mean the channel association )
11:50.15zsilakcu (-:
11:50.33gremzoidwhat crap... i spent all afternoon setting up databases and cfg files... and all i get is: Realtime mapping for 'iaxpeers' found to engine 'mysql', but the engine is not available
11:51.02Zeeeka little like clicking on "contact us" and getting 404 page not found
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12:05.36thewiizleanyone know of an AGI script that can check a trunk is working
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12:11.59lirakismorning everyone
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12:21.55Aurscan i find hi-res asterisk logos somewhere?
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12:28.14key2someone knows how much HPEC uses the CPU ?
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12:41.37coppiceHits Processor's Every Cycle
12:41.57tzangergood morning coppice
12:42.15tzangerHPEC's supposed to be pretty "heavy" code in that regard
12:43.04tzangercoppice: have I told you lately how much I love that sliptest app?  I've done some mods to it to send arbitrary data for detection of corruption but all the same, I love that util, and I want to thank you for it
12:43.43coppicetzafrir keeps complaining it won't work for him
12:44.10_x86_tzanger: HPEC or HWEC?
12:44.30tzangercoppice: won't work as in what
12:44.47tzanger_x86_: HPEC runs on the host CPU.  HWEC (to me) is hardware echo can
12:44.48coppicehe says he never gets a stable lag value
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12:45.43_x86_tzanger: i guess i'm unclear to what HPEC is
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12:46.07tzangerHPEC is (IIRC) a g.168-compliant software echo can module for Asterisk
12:46.08DataCompBoyHi all! :)
12:47.12coppiceI find most cans pretty echoey
12:47.43DataCompBoyDoes anybody know issue, when calls from some (one!) operator via ZAP dies after 16 seconds? ISDN provider see no problem on his side, the only see that problem with only one block of phones...
12:48.26DataCompBoyDies not all calls... So, often he calls onece, was interrupted, redial and talk okay
12:48.45tzangercoppice: you need to open both ends
12:53.49coppicechilli does that for most people
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13:01.26smguaany issues to connsider before upgrading from 1.4.5 -> 1.4.12?
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13:03.33tru_`z24I heard wasn't ready for production?
13:03.59tru_`z24Does this myth need to be busted?
13:05.07coppiceWho ya gonna call?
13:05.08coppiceMyth busters.....
13:05.30deeperrorwould like to see that episode
13:06.05deeperrornothing could beat blowing up a cement mixer though
13:06.21coppicewill it blend?
13:06.23DataCompBoytru_`z24: i'm use in production, fine
13:06.56smguawich version?
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13:07.37DataCompBoytru_`z24: just you need some recompile and change in additional modules, in compare with 1.2
13:07.51tru_`z24Are channel banks outdated? I was going to order some, but I had a guy tell me that those are "old school"
13:08.05bkw_they are not outdated
13:08.12tru_`z24He says this because of how dialogic has a MSI board that comes with their cards...
13:08.20tru_`z24therefor saving "space"
13:08.27aiksa[LV]you mean rhino channel banks?
13:08.39coppicedialogic's MSI boards suck
13:08.49bkw_yo coppice
13:09.03tru_`z24Well, is there a comparative technology with digium ?
13:09.07DataCompBoytru_`z24: dunno what you mean, i'm use one zaptel TE card with 2*T1 :)
13:09.28tru_`z24What are you doing to break the digital lines into 24 analog ones?
13:09.30tru_`z24A channel bank?
13:09.44tru_`z24or are you voip only ? :-)
13:10.23*** part/#asterisk smgua (n=smelgar@
13:10.44deeperrorwe use rhino banks here
13:10.57DataCompBoytru_`z24: i have 2*T1 and VoIP, when ground lines ends :)
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13:11.14_x86_ugh, what's the username on polycom phones? isn't it just "Polycom" ?
13:11.15DataCompBoytru_`z24: 2*T1 via zaptel card.
13:11.30_x86_nvm, had the password wrong ;)
13:11.39tru_`z24DataCompBoy: yeah, but i'm more curious if anyone is using analog phones with anything other than a channel bank
13:11.58aiksa[LV]yes - atas
13:12.30_x86_is it possible to set the TFTP server from a polycom's web interface?
13:12.31aiksa[LV]if a company wants to preserve their phones in new location where there is only etehrnet available
13:12.46_x86_aiksa[LV]: sounds expensive
13:12.53deeperrordepends on the setup
13:13.04_x86_well, cheaper than SIP phones, I guess
13:13.27coppicepreserve? I've never heard of anyone pickling phones before
13:13.45aiksa[LV]coppice: I have :)
13:13.51_x86_where is TK when i need him? :P
13:13.59coppiceor phone jerky, maybe
13:14.04_x86_Qwell: you around?
13:14.27bkw_coppice, why do people confuse G.722 and G.722.1/G722.2?
13:14.45aiksa[LV]they told that they are used to the actual feeling of the phones ... (I didnt comment on that one - it aint a good practice to laugh about a customer during sales)
13:14.58_x86_bkw_: same reason people confuse g.723 and g.723.1 ;)
13:14.59coppicebkw_: why do people confuse faxing over VoIP with T.38?
13:15.47jcanfieldAnyone know the polycom <dialplan> settings(s) to prevent the phone from asking for more digits?
13:15.50aiksa[LV]coppice: as a guru of T.38, please enlight me: is T.38 sip specificf?
13:15.54_x86_why do people confuse "having AOL installed" with "having the Internet version 9.0"?
13:16.20coppiceT.38 was originally H.323 specific, but these days its specified for use with SIP and MGCP
13:16.21bkw_good point guys
13:16.29_x86_jcanfield: if you find out, let me know ;)
13:16.31bkw_MGCP ewwww
13:16.34aiksa[LV]coppice: thanks.
13:17.00jcanfield_x86_: Will's one of my goals today.
13:17.19coppiceMGCP is a really brain dead protocol, but the architecture it was designed for is very sane
13:17.27_x86_ugh, i want to tell this Polycom phone it's new TFTP server, but my choices are do it from the web interface, or walk an employee through it (giving them the password)
13:17.48Qwellcoppice: it looks like it was designed by brain dead people too :p
13:17.50aiksa[LV]coppice: is there a t.38 guide for dummies out there
13:18.01_x86_heya Qwell
13:18.06aiksa[LV]i mean less technical junk, but more overall concepts?
13:18.12michael-ii have a asterisk-users etiquette question. I've seen others announce Asterisk related software releases on -users (and have done it once myself). Is this frowned upon? Is another list more appropriate?
13:18.12jcanfieldbkw_: Aren't you a fellow okie?
13:18.26coppiceaiksa[LV]: like some kinda specially trained labrador, you mean?
13:18.50coppicehe's more of a dokie than an okie
13:19.13aiksa[LV]:)) in broad terms describing what is going on in T.38 session
13:19.31aiksa[LV]rather than referencing individual packets, checksuums etc.
13:20.12lirakis_x86_: you can do it via DHCP "option 66"
13:20.25coppicedunno really. I can't remember seeing one. "T.38 sucking dummies"
13:20.28bkw_jcanfield, yes
13:20.30_x86_lirakis: even if the phone is setup static and there is no DHCP server in that office? :P
13:21.03aiksa[LV]thats sad. Wanted to start reading by more general overall process description
13:21.12lirakis_x86_: setting up a dhcp server will probably be easier than telling X employees how to do it .. then going and fixing it for the 50%+ that did it wrong
13:21.32_x86_lirakis: we're only talking about a single remote phone
13:21.37jcanfieldbkw_: I thought so...haven't heard your name in quite a while.  I remember your dealing with the feds back when i worked for a tax software company. Guess you are quite the asterisk guru now.
13:21.53bkw_let me chat with you in private :)
13:21.59bkw_check your pm
13:22.01lirakis_x86_: oh.. it didnt sound like that... well in that case.. (shrug) .. it doesnt sound too painful at all
13:22.22_x86_lirakis: but the user (having the password) may fudge some stuff up later on...
13:22.27aiksa[LV]but the idea of T.38 is? If sending fax over t.38 from ata to PBX (which would terminate it on PSTN) what happens exactly?
13:22.36_x86_AFAIK, there is no way to provision the admin password to the phone, eh?
13:22.44gremzoid*sigh* such crap documentation
13:22.53Kattyleft side of nose works, right side no workith :<
13:23.00aiksa[LV]does PBX receive the whole fax (emulating) the receiving party and then transmits it over the PSTN
13:23.30aiksa[LV]or t.38 allows both actual devices to "see" each other during comunication?
13:23.37coppicethe modem signals are demodulated, the digital data sent across in packets, and the result remodulated at the outgoing end (unless, of course, one end is actually terminating the T.38 itself)
13:23.59lirakis_x86_: yeah
13:24.33aiksa[LV]coppice: so as far as faxing equipment at both endpoints is regarded they see each other over "transaprent" channel
13:25.09aiksa[LV]and the magic lies in demodulating/modulating signal during the transmission over IP network.
13:25.09Qwellcoppice: can a T.38 session be saved and "played back"?
13:25.16coppiceit tried to be as transparent as possible. it has to be. the timing of the fax protocol (T.30) doesn't allow much timing latitude
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13:25.44coppiceQwell: no more or less than any other FAX session can
13:26.35aiksa[LV]"it tried to be as transparent" - this means T.38 is as reliable as the ATA capability of demodulation and PSTN terminators :)) ability to modulate?
13:27.11coppicewell, any communication is only as reliable as the elements in the chain
13:27.21aiksa[LV]well, yes.
13:27.30aiksa[LV]i just wanted to make sure that i understand. ;)
13:28.59aiksa[LV]so first Fax Machine from visual image modulates the sound signal and within 3 feet from that another device tries to demodulate that?
13:30.24coppiceif the fax is plugged straight into an ATA, then yes. there are very few native T.38 machines that can do things directly
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13:32.14aiksa[LV]coppice: sounds like native t.38 fax machine should be a more obvious choice. (there is saying in russian - less figures/parties makes the game easier)
13:33.35coppiceI haven't seen a native T.37 or T.38 machine. there are internet capable fax machines, but they tend to send attachments to e-mails in a way that is not consistent with T.37
13:34.17aiksa[LV]Oki Fax 5950 T.38 ?
13:36.23coppicethere is a T.37 option card for some of the OKIs, but I think someone told me they lie, and it doesn't really follow T.37
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13:37.02coppiceoh, doing a google it looks like that have a separate T.38 option as well, now
13:37.04develgreetings all.  anybody here who uses realtime in the dialplan?
13:37.40aiksa[LV]coppice: looking for a price of that baby
13:38.53coppice$3290 + the options
13:39.14aiksa[LV]$2173. but it doesnt make it any better :(
13:39.31coppicehaving separate option kits for the two protocols is pretty sucky
13:40.03coppice$3290 was for the 5980. the 5950 is obsolete
13:40.23coppicestill two separate option kits, though
13:40.42aiksa[LV]the brice is ouch ouch ouch though
13:41.19aiksa[LV]heres another: SAGEM IP PhoneFax 49A (SIP)
13:41.24coppicea $50 thermal paper fax, and a granstream ATA will do just fine :-)
13:41.29aiksa[LV]EUR 300
13:41.51aiksa[LV]gs can t.38?
13:42.59coppiceyes, with the right firmware version
13:43.52coppiceoh, the sagem is a cordless VoIP phone with a fax machine built in. interesting
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13:44.40aiksa[LV]and with extremely usefull "SUDOKU FUNCTION" for those days when fax just dont work!
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13:44.56coppiceits one of those nasty ink film machines, though
13:46.05coppice229,99 EUR - some VoIP phones cost that much
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13:49.08deeperrorWould changing the dtmfmode setting in sip.conf change behavior of VLDTMF being played?
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13:49.25aiksa[LV]coppice: here is a nice niche for new fax machines the i suppose
13:50.23rantshanyone can give me a hint with some transcoding crap yet again?
13:51.11rantshI don't have control over my gateway, all I know is it only allows g729, alaw and ulaw
13:51.25rantshmy * box is using the b2bua perl script
13:52.16rantshand my sip.conf is set (as I learned from this wonderful channel) to allow ilbc and disallow g729
13:52.57rantshbut for some reason the call won't gp through and it won't say much on the console,
13:52.58bkw_doe syour gateway not do ilbc?
13:53.03bkw_sip debug
13:53.05bkw_check the SDP
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13:53.20bkw_what gateway you have?
13:53.33bkw_chances are it doesn't do anything but g729
13:53.52rantshmy gateway is a 3rd party equipment, I have no control over it, nor I know what it is, it's a black box for me
13:54.30bkw_ok check the SDP on the invite to the gateway
13:54.36bkw_and see what it says it supports that way
13:55.03rantshI might just be killing myself in some n00bie error, but I can't see where it is
13:55.17bkw_asterisk -r
13:55.18bkw_sip debug
13:55.20bkw_make a call
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13:55.27bkw_put the sip messages on pastebin
13:55.32rantsh'k, give me a sec
13:55.33rantshI will
13:55.46agxHi, with mISDN can i use master_clock on every TE port if i've a digium 4 bri ?
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13:57.32aiksa[LV]agx:  i somehow remember that master clock could be used on only 1 port
13:57.33bkw_well one don't just allow ilbc
13:57.46bkw_rantsh, try adding ulaw and alaw to that .. and g729
13:58.00bkw_if its quintum I know it doesn't support ilbc
13:58.36rantshyup, but I need my asterisk box to transcode the ilbc to g729
13:58.43Kattyanonymouz666: :>
13:58.51anonymouz666Katty !!!!!!
13:58.56Kattyanonymouz666: herro. :>
13:58.58bkw_ok you need allow=ilbc on the one facing the phoen and allow=g729 on the one facing the gateway
13:59.05bkw_so you'll need to setup a peer entry in sip.conf
13:59.07bkw_for the gateway
13:59.14bkw_then dial sip/number@peername
13:59.38bkw_Katty, hey girl
13:59.49Kattybkw_: hello!!
14:00.07anonymouz666Katty: how goes?
14:00.18Kattyanonymouz666: umm, that's a very complicated question :<
14:00.26Kattyanonymouz666: this morning i'm doing well :>
14:01.16ZeeekHi {{Katty}}
14:01.32Kattyhi Zeeek :>
14:01.36rantshthanks, so I'll need 2 contexts in sip.conf
14:02.22rantshbkw_: I'll try that
14:02.29rantshthanks for the help
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14:03.46Katty^- (tm)
14:03.58Katty:> (tm)
14:04.02Zeeekit was said tounge in...
14:04.21Zeeektongue in chic
14:04.42Kattyalso! jinx++
14:05.07Kattyi got a trixbox, rhino server in the other day.
14:05.13Kattyit's purrty red.
14:05.43Kattyceros thingy.
14:06.04coppicewouldn't rhinos usually be served by other rhinos
14:07.06Zeeekprejudice in the workplace?
14:10.26Kattyno, postjudice.
14:11.00rantshbwk_: btw, how did you know it didn't accept the call because of codec issues?
14:11.02coppiceooh, look. a see through throat
14:11.04Maliutapost-judice-purance? that's what the mortician does if you have the death penalty :)
14:11.15Maliutaprudance even
14:11.15rantshbwk_ : I mean on the debug output?
14:11.18anthmabout time
14:11.35coppicein what?
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14:11.42Qwellbatter, hopefully
14:11.45Kattypure sunshine, i hope ^_-
14:11.47bkw_rantsh, look at the full sip debug of the call going to the gatway
14:11.51Maliutacould be chocolate
14:11.52Kattyno additives please!
14:12.10MaliutaKatty: not even sugar? sugar.
14:12.12bkw_rantsh, this is one of those hard ones to solve without being on the machine to see it when it happens
14:12.22KattyMaliuta: pfft, sugar.
14:12.27KattyMaliuta: splenda :P
14:12.35QwellMaliuta: high fructose corn syrup?
14:12.40KattyMaliuta: nobody cooks with sugar anymore.
14:12.42MaliutaKatty: nah, I need that calories
14:12.48Kattyoh, i see.
14:12.55rantshbkw, I did... I see the decline but I can't see the reason why it didn't
14:13.09bkw_rantsh, that debug you posted didn't have the outbound invite in it
14:13.14rantshbkw_, I understand... althought I very much appreciate your help
14:13.14bkw_can you capture it again and pastebin it?
14:13.54Zeeek~seen russellb
14:13.56jbotrussellb is currently on #asterisk-dev (19h 30m 47s) #asterisk (19h 30m 47s) #asterisk-bugs (19h 30m 47s). Has said a total of 57 messages. Is idling for 7m 21s, last said: 'M10406'.
14:13.59rantshbkw_ sure give me a sec
14:14.33russellbZeeek: pong
14:14.50Kattybeer pong?
14:14.56Kattyi mean, malt beverage pong.
14:15.11rantshI know why it wasn't there, most the "magic" goes through an agi b2bua script my boss has
14:15.43Maliutabeer only pongs when it's been left out overnight
14:15.52Kattyi can't stand beer.
14:16.04Kattyespecially amberbock.
14:16.07anthmdid you try hacker pschorr ?
14:16.07Qwellrussellb: I found a very humorous orange sticker in the bathroom yesterday
14:16.07Maliutaand I think he meant ICMP: Echo-rely
14:16.19Qwellthey wrote on it "Clicking noise"
14:16.21anthmgrolsch ?
14:16.35russellbQwell: ha ... as if that noise is easy to ignore
14:16.53QwellI think somebody is trapped in the wall, and sending morse code SOS
14:17.35Kattyi don't think i want to know...
14:17.54Maliutaanthm: it's not Kriek or Duval
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14:18.41russellbQwell: lol
14:19.14anthmbeer is like linux they all work but not as potent as the real stuff
14:19.22QwellI'm gonna get an orange sticker, and stick it on of of the other ones...
14:19.28Qwelland write "orange stickers everywhere"
14:19.36Kattyanthm: way to be the first person i've ever seen to compare linux and beer.
14:19.39Maliutaanthm: and the real stuff is?
14:19.42Kattyanthm: /clapclap
14:19.43ZeeekOrange is now my favorite color
14:19.51Zeeeksince I went to IP Convergence
14:20.02anthmdunno whiskey rum vodka
14:20.14ZeeekOrange was giving away free coffee and they had the drop dead beautiful hostesses servibng it
14:20.15QwellKatty: I've seen purple
14:20.26Kattyanthm: well then what's the rum of the computer world then if linux is beer?
14:20.33Zeeekand they had on little tight t-shirts that said "Hello"
14:20.37Zeeekin orange
14:20.41rantshbwk, my new sip file is here
14:20.42MaliutaKatty: sure, but it's not as cool as black, with black buttons and black lights
14:20.52harryrZeeek: I just bought a bright orange rackmount server
14:20.52Kattywho said.
14:21.08*** join/#asterisk duki (
14:21.10Kattyi think purple in the dark with lots of pink fans and things looks wonderful :P
14:21.16Zeeeknice, orange server
14:21.18bkw_rantsh, I need the full sip debug of a call going out the gateway
14:21.22Kattymaybe a cute little dragon imoogi etched in the side :>
14:21.22bkw_can you paste bin that for me
14:21.30rantshbkw, it still doesn't work, I'm pretty sure is because I have a newbie mistake somewhere
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14:21.36MaliutaKatty: isn't purple the colour of sexual frustration? ;P
14:21.44KattyMaliuta: ^_-
14:21.49bkw_rantsh, get me the sip invite that hits the gateway and its response
14:21.51KattyMaliuta: i have no idea.
14:21.52rantshbwk_, ooops sorry I forgot, give me a sec
14:22.14MaliutaKatty: if you say so :)
14:22.22bkw_rantsh, let me give you a hint
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14:22.28bkw_[GATEWAY_IP] <-- do not use IP address for peer names
14:22.30anthmKatty, you should have tried that asssie rum nix had at my house that one time you were there
14:22.34bkw_use names NOT IP's
14:22.35KattyMaliuta: what are you getting at? :P
14:22.41anthmi still have the rest
14:22.50bkw_doesn't need to be a valid dns name either.. just something to specify it
14:22.51Kattyanthm: you still have the rest?!
14:22.56Kattyanthm: that stuff is OLD!
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14:23.05Kattyanthm: damn, i wasn't even 21 back then >.<
14:23.13Kattyanthm: i turn 23 on sunday
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14:23.17AeudianDoes anyone have the link or mirror for hudlite 1.4.5? It says its on trixbox's site but i searched all over it and google and can only find older version.  I am trying to intergrate hudlite with a standalone asterisk system
14:23.18rantshbkw, ok
14:23.26Kattyanthm: 4 YEAR OLD RUM MIX!
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14:23.50develgreetings all.  anybody here who uses realtime in the dialplan?
14:24.01MaliutaKatty: at the moment? not much.
14:24.19Maliutaanthm: did you mean aussie rum? like Bundaberg?
14:24.38MaliutaKatty: pfft 23 is young
14:24.42Maliutaanthm: ewww
14:24.52anthmKatty, happy bday
14:24.52Maliutaanthm: have you _been_ to Bundy?
14:25.05anthmnext time you come to chicago we'll get you properly smashed
14:25.13Maliutait tastes like crap and it comes from a hole
14:25.14anthmfirst week of aug
14:25.19Kattyanthm: thanks :>
14:25.25KattyMaliuta: yes yes it is...
14:25.35rantshbkw_, so it should be a context and then modify the agi script to dial SIP/###@sip_context ? ? ?
14:25.41KattyMaliuta: but i was /so/ young when i met anthm, they had to take me to a strip joint that didn't serve alchahol. >.<
14:25.53bkw_rantsh, yes
14:26.00bkw_but they aren't called context's in sip .conf
14:26.05bkw_they are users or peer entries
14:26.09MaliutaKatty: in the US that's only like 21
14:26.23MaliutaKatty: here in .au you can drink legally at 18
14:26.33Kattyanthm: wait. you didn't go to the stripper place with us, did you?
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14:27.04Kattywhat a snob. :>
14:27.04anthmmy wife was not too keen on the idea
14:27.14Kattyoh, that's right. she went with you.
14:27.17Kattyi remember now.
14:27.26anthmnobody got her drunk enuf to pass out so i could
14:27.38bkw_darn /me adds that to his task list for next year
14:27.47coppiceanthm: you were too lazy to?
14:27.49Kattyleave her at home next year :P
14:28.16Maliutacoppice: well he could always be under the thumb ;)
14:28.55anthmi try
14:29.28anthmcoppice, it was also 5am
14:29.41anthmand i am supposed to be running the place
14:30.12anthmso we compromised and put half barrels in the classroom
14:30.19bkw_that was great
14:30.33bkw_I don't drink beer but damn rolling those out at noon the next day was fun
14:30.38anthmpaid for by digium, how sweet of them to make such a nice gesture
14:31.00*** join/#asterisk tmccrary (n=tmccrary@
14:31.03Maliutathey can make that kind of gesture in my direction if they like :)
14:31.16tmccraryCan anyone recommend a good IAX call termination provider?
14:31.40Zeeekvoicepulse connect
14:32.03bkw_tmccrary, honestly IAX on a ITSP isn't very good... if you try to use it in that env it'll fall over
14:32.11MaliutaI swear my cisco IP phone just blinked a light at me
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14:32.53tmccrarybkw_: So are you recommending SIP then? I've used a few
14:32.58bkw_tmccrary, yes
14:33.04tmccraryRegardless, does anyone have a favorite SIP provider?
14:33.13bkw_I hightly recommend SIP.. we do sip at Asterlink
14:33.31bkw_I had to really discontinue IAX due to quality of audio...
14:33.48coppiceif you are seriously dehydrated I suggesting doing more than SIP
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14:34.04tmccrarybkw_: Ah, I have never used IAX before, only SIP. I was just interested in seeing what the difference was
14:34.08bkw_mixing media and signalling is ok for small scale is ok.. but when you start to do it on larger scales it starts to fall over
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14:34.16pepseiax works great for me
14:34.27Maliutatmccrary: depends on where you are and what you want. I use pennytel for my SIP DID
14:34.30bkw_pepse, small scale its fine.. but if you do it on high scale it doesn't work well
14:35.03bkw_you have 150 calls from 150 differnt IP's all hitting the same port
14:35.04tmccraryI'm in Michigan, US
14:35.20bkw_the iax stack has to sort the signalling from the media and do it quickly
14:35.25pepseah, possibly. but anywhere from 1 to 20 it's been fine
14:35.37bkw_pepse, yah i'm talking higher scale than that
14:35.39Maliutatmccrary: that's along way from me, but I think pennytel has a presence in the states
14:35.51tmccraryMaliuta: I think pennytel would be a little expensive for me, but thanks for the link and reminding me to specify where I'm at :)
14:36.21deeperrortmccrary: voicepulse?
14:36.48tmccrarydeeperror: Thanks, I will check them out
14:37.00pepseany of you guys have a favorite Windows Mobile 6 or Palm voip client?
14:37.07pepseerr softphone
14:37.15Maliutatmccrary: well at $0.08c untimed to any fixed line in .au, .ca, .uk and the US I'm not complaining
14:37.51Maliutatmccrary: and that's $0.08AU (not that the US dollar is worth much these days)
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14:38.28tmccraryvoicepulse doesn't look bad, the online reviews seem okay
14:38.55ZeeekI've used VP COnnect for three years, works well, good price (outbound)
14:39.20deeperrori've got a callcenter running some voip testing over them right now
14:39.21coppicewhat does 0.08 untimed mean? :-\
14:39.28pepsetmccrary: Where are you located?
14:39.38pepsecoppice: the call is 8 cents no matter how long you talk
14:39.41tmccrarypepse: Michigan, US
14:39.51deeperrortroy mi here
14:40.00pepsetmccrary: Have you ever checked out Voipjet, Broadvoice,, or
14:40.13tmccrarydeeperror: Same here ;)
14:40.29tmccrarypepse: I've used Broadvoice and they have strange problems with their service
14:40.36pepsecoppice: It's not so weird. Most countries that charge per min have an evening rate where after 8pm or 9pm or midnight or whatever, all calls (no matter how long) are one flat rate
14:40.40Maliutait's late-ish
14:40.48deeperrortmccrary: we should get the users group going haha
14:41.02pepsetmcrary: yeah, but they are cheap and have unlimited. voipjet and jnctn are pretty good tho.
14:41.09coppicepepse: well, I used to make 30 day calls, back when I used modems
14:41.47pepseyeah, we're spoiled in the US
14:42.00coppiceI'm not in the US
14:42.14bkw_voipjet is just a reseller of other people
14:42.24pepseah, sorry, got confused :)
14:42.35pepsebkw: Really? well they resell some good quality voip :)
14:42.58*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
14:43.07pepsei like how they give you 25 cents for free when you sign up
14:43.09bkw_pepse, yah never know anything about his quality
14:43.11pepsei still haven't used it
14:43.22ZeeekJnctn is good, too
14:43.24pepseerr still haven't used it up
14:43.38pepseI use jnctn for my 800 number. Also very good.
14:43.50pepsejust expensive for outgoing calls
14:43.55ZeeekIf you need mission critical stuff, go to Asterlink
14:43.57tmccrarydeeperror: is there an asterisk user group around?
14:44.13deeperrornot according to voip-info
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14:45.14deeperrorthere is a local linux users group but it's more down in the city
14:46.06pepsewhen the lights.. go down... in the citeh...
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14:55.36JerJeris there any way to send a 'better' response than 'Bad Event' on the standard notify nat pings ?
14:57.45*** join/#asterisk mpruett (
15:10.10iCEBrkrThey don't even have a 'Forgot password' link and they're trying to bill a CC I no longer have and I keep getting invoices instead of just cancelling the account.
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15:13.40bkw_iCEBrkr, lets take care of you
15:14.17bkw_iCEBrkr, check our PM
15:14.31bkw_er your
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15:15.53bkw_iCEBrkr, you there?
15:17.23iCEBrkrI'm here
15:17.36shido6where can I buy a 4gb iphone?
15:17.39iCEBrkrbkw_: damn brian, you're still slumming?
15:18.40bkw_slumming? haha
15:18.50bkw_shido6, try the apple clearance page on
15:19.34iCEBrkrbkw_: Yeah, didn't you take your ball and go home? LOL  It's ok, I know you still love #asterisk :)
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15:21.11rantshbkw_, can I bother you on
15:21.18pigpenHi all:
15:21.24pigpenI am getting:  chan_iax2.c:6521 socket_read: Out of idle IAX2 threads for I/O, pausing!
15:21.25rantshbkw_ once more, sorry...
15:21.33russellbpigpen: what version?
15:21.38pigpenwith my iaxthreadcount=500 and iaxmaxthreadcount=2000
15:21.38russellbpigpen: if not 1.4.12, try that.
15:21.40iCEBrkrrantsh: He'll bother you back.
15:21.59russellbpigpen: also, build with DEBUG_THREADS enabled, and when it happens, get the output of the CLI command "core show locks"
15:22.27russellbrantsh: ... ?
15:22.32pigpenk.  were there some fixes for this in 1.4.12?
15:22.37Zeeekanyone here in charge of
15:22.39russellbpigpen: a lot of them ..
15:22.51pigpentks again...and again...and again.
15:23.24rantshwell he had helped me a lot this morning with some transcoding issues on my b2bua asterisk
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15:24.57bkw_twisted, yes?
15:26.16Zeeekwow, the wayback machine is on
15:26.29russellbtwisted: don't have _too_ much fun ...
15:26.39twistedoh, i've made her say the things she wouldn't say
15:26.48iCEBrkrtwisted: pervert :)
15:27.02russellbsomeone told allison at astricon something like that
15:27.04rantshI'm trying to do transcoding a b2bua asterisk box, I got to the part where I can make the asterisk transcode
15:27.15twistedwell, the only thing *I* know of she wouldn't say is the c-bomb
15:27.15russellbthey told her that they made her say "oooh" and would listen to it on a loop
15:27.17rantshbut there's no audio on the call
15:27.29russellbcreeped her out
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15:27.39iCEBrkrI'm sure it did
15:27.53twistedthat's funny, considering the conversations we've had with her
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15:28.23iCEBrkrbkw has a nice collection of odd things he's made her say. :)
15:28.27russellbtwisted: welcome back to #asterisk, btw :)
15:28.44twistedrussellb : i'm slumming :P
15:28.50russellbheh, sweet
15:29.25twistedhow's the new building?
15:29.36russellbit's awesome
15:29.41twistedyou in it now?
15:29.42russellbexcept for not being able to see my screens from glare
15:29.49russellbi'm wearing sunglasses
15:29.54twistedi should be
15:30.01twisted4 1/2 pitchers of beer last night
15:30.02russellbcool, feel free to come on by and check it out
15:30.04bkw_twisted, I have too.. the allison voice.. she says that one word really well
15:30.17twistedbkw_: yeah, almost like she recorded that word specifically...
15:30.38Qwellbkw_: ha, I didn't even think to try that
15:30.47Qwellshe would be *pissed* if you sent that to her :p
15:30.49bkw_its the first thing I had her say
15:30.59bkw_told her that at astricon too
15:31.02bkw_she cracked up
15:31.04twistedbkw_: lol... me 2
15:31.19Qwellrussellb: that word Allison doesn't say :p
15:31.23russellbQwell: oh, ha
15:31.24Qwellthe cepstral voice says it
15:31.32twistedit says it PERFECTLY
15:32.10twistedher cepstral voice is one of the best cepstral voices i've heard
15:32.24twistednot a lot of breakage in pronounciation like most ot the others
15:32.27iCEBrkrAllison has a cepstral voice?
15:32.36twistedHi, welcome to 2007
15:32.40iCEBrkrtwisted: haha
15:32.58iCEBrkrI haven't touched cepstral in, nearly a year.
15:33.16iCEBrkrI got the sdk/dev kit deal.. Tinkered with it.. and forgot about it
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15:33.59twistedcepstral is fun
15:34.16rantshany help on my transcoding b2bua would be very much appreciated
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15:36.42twistedwho tries to recruit through myspace
15:39.01Zeeektry recruting through "second wife"
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15:42.45iCEBrkrI got 2nd life, cuz I don't have a 1st life.
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15:44.34schueAny thoughts on where I should RTFM for routing multiple inbound DIDs to different extensions on an IAX connection to Asterisk.
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15:44.46Bladerunner05hi all I'm looking for a good agi script to check if a password is valid or not
15:44.47schueIAX2, actually, I think.,
15:44.52Bladerunner05any suggestion ?
15:44.59Trionnisschue: what tech is the incoming channel?
15:45.10schueTrionnis: IAX2?
15:45.12iCEBrkrBladerunner05: I'd use func_odbc in place of AGI
15:45.28Trionnisok, wasn't clear if incoming was iax, or the extensions were iax :)
15:45.43schueTrionnis: its a Junction Networks connection.
15:45.50tzafrir_homeBladerunner05, what do you eman by "valid"? test it vs. what? How do you get the password?
15:46.16Trionnishm, not sure right offhand how to do it with iax... sip is pretty easy
15:46.18schueTrionnis: who, amusingly, gave me someone else's phone number.
15:46.22iCEBrkrI want a AGI script to come into work for me and do my work.
15:46.47schueTrionnis: hmmm.
15:47.18schueso... when you have your inbounds....
15:47.29schueexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Goto(mainextension|s|1)
15:47.34Trionniswith sip, the header "To" is the DNIS
15:47.44TrionnisI'm looking at iax to see if there's anything similar
15:47.50schuethat _1NXXNXXXXXX pattern matches the inbound number... right?
15:48.26schueTrionnis:  yeah. i saw some stuff about that.
15:48.56Bladerunner05<iCEBrkr>: so using a php script query it into db, I need only example for exchangin variables
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15:50.35TrionnisI suppose you could just use an extension for it
15:51.02Trionnisbut it wouldn't really let you do different things based on the number, 'cause I don't *think* that's set in a variable anywhere
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15:52.19schueTrionnis: using a different pattern didn't seem to work.
15:52.48schueIf that pattern does match the inbound number then I don't really understand why that is useful.
15:53.04schueOr, more useful than the callee would be...
15:53.16schuebut I guess most people run an asterisk server for a single business.
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15:54.09Trionniswell, I do something very similar to what you're doing for separate menus for different companies
15:54.17Trionnisthing is, my incoming trunks are all sip, so it's easy :)
15:55.01TrionnisI'm not really seeing anything in IAX that can easily do the same thing though... likely someone else here that's a bit more familiar with it would have better luck
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15:56.38schueTrionnis: it surprises me that this isn't easily done with IAX.
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15:56.46Trionnisit very well might be
15:56.52TrionnisI'm just an IAX noob :)
15:57.23iCEBrkrBladerunner05: I'd still use func_odbc and throw the query into the .conf file.
15:57.35iCEBrkrBladerunner05: It's faster, it's less overhead and easier to maintain
15:58.32mockerHaving a problem w/ sip regcontext w/ softphones.  When the softphone is running, it works fine, but if the softphone exits, it's no longer in regcontext so calls don't go to voicemail they just die.
15:58.44mockerAnyone worked around that before?
15:59.03iCEBrkrmocker: You have the dialplan setup correctly?
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15:59.42mockeriCEBrkr: Well, it isn't working like I want it to, so now. :)
15:59.47mockerer, so no.
15:59.47iCEBrkrmocker: hehe..
15:59.51thewiizlehi, how do i call the agi_extension into a php script
16:00.09thewiizleim trying to define it but its warning
16:00.19schueTrionnis: I think it may be ${EXTEN}
16:00.22iCEBrkrmocker: well dial() returns a status, just cover your bases and have it all dump to vmail
16:00.46mockeriCEBrkr: But it doesn't see that as a valid extension to even go to dial.
16:00.57mockerBecause it sees w/ regcontext where the extension is.
16:01.03iCEBrkrmocker: You saying it doesn't get to dial()?
16:01.16iCEBrkrI dunno what regcontext is..
16:01.33mockeriCEBrkr: right, because regcontext NoOps the priority(1) so I can do a dundi lookup for where the phone lives.
16:01.35mpruettHowdy everyone! I am having trouble getting xlite to work with asterisk on video calls.
16:01.45hmmhesayswhy is that?
16:01.48Trionnisanyone able to tell me if it's possible to statically set the bulk of the sip/iax options for connections in a config file, and have just the username and password pulled in with realtime?
16:02.01mpruettI can only get video in one direction to work correctly.
16:02.39Trionnisto explain a bit, I'd like to pull the user and password data from another unrelated table instead of having to keep tables in sync all the time
16:02.47iCEBrkrmocker: welp, that's out of my realm of knowledge.. I haven't touched dundi nor anything outside of a simple extension.conf :P
16:04.13mockeriCEBrkr: Thanks for trying. :)
16:06.55mpruettAnyone have any ideas why I can only get video to work in one direction using xlite?
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16:09.42mpruettI have nat=yes and regular calls work fine. We are able to connect and get audio to work fine but only one person can send video - It is a coin flip on who can actually send video correctly, usually it is the calling party
16:10.31deeperrormpruett: 10000-20000 port forwarding?
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16:10.46ZeeekVoip Users Conference is in 15 minutes in the Havana Room, folks
16:10.49mpruettNo - I can try that
16:11.07develgreetings all.  anybody here who uses realtime in the dialplan?
16:11.32deeperrorZeeek: where?
16:11.35mpruettThanks guys
16:11.49Zeeek for details
16:11.51Zeeekbring your cigars and whiskey glasses
16:13.05*** part/#asterisk Ebola (
16:13.34UnixDogzeek you around
16:14.17UnixDoghey what the irc channel again and why on the site does it not show us schedualed for today
16:14.30UnixDogit says th 12th
16:14.32Zeeekit does
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16:15.18Mimmusgood evening, does someone use this channel-bank: ?
16:15.44MimmusIt converts FXS/FXO to TDMoE instead of T1/E1
16:15.51Mimmusand this seems a good idea
16:16.00*** join/#asterisk ibob63_ (
16:16.05UnixDogok and the irc channel ?
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16:17.24UnixDogzeek whats the irc chanel
16:17.48[TK]D-FenderMimmus, YUCK
16:18.32Mimmus[TK]D-Fender: I already have a Rhino channel-bank but I'd like to save a T1 port on my Digium card!
16:19.12*** part/#asterisk jengelh (
16:20.01ibob63_can anyone recommend a European PSTN gateway provider who use IAX?
16:21.21ibob63_Mimmus: have you used them before?
16:21.42Mimmusibob63_: only 50 Euro of pre-paid credit!
16:21.46[TK]D-FenderMimmus, then buy a SIP gateway
16:21.56Mimmus[TK]D-Fender: tell me more...
16:22.21[TK]D-FenderMimmus, AudioCodes MP-124 , Mediatrix 1124, etc
16:23.03[TK]D-FenderMimmus, That Spidermux unit doesn't scale and is directly restricted to * an its uptime.
16:23.20[TK]D-FenderMimmus, it is a dead-end non-recyclable mistake.
16:23.52Mimmus[TK]D-Fender: ahhhh. I don't understand well but I will meditate on your words
16:25.15syzygyBSDcareful a samurai doesn't sneak up behind you while you meditate
16:25.23[TK]D-FenderMimmus, TDMoE requires a direct ehternet link to *.  If * dies, IT dies.  Also if you stop liking * your unit becomes worthless
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16:25.44[TK]D-FenderMimmus, It also means it has to be physically close to *.
16:26.27Mimmus[TK]D-Fender: same consideration for a traditional channel-bank?
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16:28.11[TK]D-FenderMimmus, No, at least a channel bank can be used in any T1 scenario.  That means dozens of other solutions.  it has the same proximity problem, but is reusable.  SIP gateways can be used by most solutions and don't require T1 at all thus saving wiring and cost.
16:28.22[TK]D-FenderMimmus, that is the best way to handle voice FXS
16:28.44Mimmus[TK]D-Fender: OK, I'm thinking to a media gateway also for PRI
16:28.54[TK]D-FenderMimmus, SIP gateways can have redundant links to failover servers and those 2 models have analog failover options BUILT-IN
16:29.25Mimmus[TK]D-Fender: now I'm using internal digium/sangoma cards but I'd like to have no hw on * servers
16:29.31rantshhey I got the transcoding up with softphones
16:29.35rantshthanks guys
16:30.38rantshanyways, I get this error message when I try to use my granstream box WARNING[14479]: codec_ilbc.c:175 ilbctolin_framein: Huh?  An ilbc frame that isn't a multiple of 50 bytes long from RTP (38), any pointers?????
16:32.43Mimmus[TK]D-Fender: both of AudioCodes and Mediatrix products work with Asterisk?
16:32.59[TK]D-FenderMimmus, yes.
16:33.54hmmhesaysi've used mediatrix extensively with asterisk
16:35.07Mimmusdoes Asterisk see analog channels as Zap devices, like with channelbanks?
16:35.49[TK]D-FenderMimmus, No... perhaps you didn't hear me say this the first 10 times .. **SIP**
16:36.21Mimmus[TK]D-Fender: OK, sorry
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16:37.28[TK]D-FenderMimmus, And naturally this means you have no need of special hardware
16:38.38Mimmus[TK]D-Fender: this is useful during Asterisk upgrades! I don't need to upgrade drivers, etc
16:39.37MimmusI'm looking for resellers
16:39.41Mimmusin Italy
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16:40.11xhelioxanyone had a problem with persistent queue members disappears since upgrading to 1.4.12?
16:40.22xhelioxdisappearing too.
16:43.14*** part/#asterisk ibob63_ (
16:47.16Mimmus[TK]D-Fender: now a suggestion for SIP-PRI gateways...
16:48.22[TK]D-FenderMimmus, No personaly experience with them.  I suggest you visit some forums and do a bit of research first.  AudioCodes is a little complex but very powerful, and Mediatrix is dead-easy.
16:48.39[TK]D-Fender(Sorry, was talking analog there)
16:48.54[TK]D-FenderMimmus, I've only worked with AudioCodes PRI gateways once.
16:49.01thewiizleTk what are you like on AGI scripting?
16:49.08[TK]D-FenderMimmus, but I suggest you take this as a start to your research
16:49.20[TK]D-Fenderthewiizle, /dev/null ;)
16:49.21Mimmus[TK]D-Fender: ok, but why 'complex'? what do you can expect from a product like these?
16:49.51thewiizleim smashing my head into the wall here
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16:50.16[TK]D-FenderMimmus, Some are easier to configure than others, better documented, etc.  That can be a starting factor in your choice, but in the end go with quality, flexibilty...
16:50.27[TK]D-Fenderthewiizle, pastebin it and someone will have an idea.
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16:50.51thewiizleheh i dont have an idea myself :P
16:51.59[TK]D-Fenderthewiizle, hence why you should PASTEBIN it so others can see and help...
16:52.09Mimmus[TK]D-Fender: now I have 3 Asterisk servers in 3 sites of the company, everyone of these has PRI/BRI cards for local PSTN access, 1 Rhino channelbank to accomodate residual analog devices, ...
16:52.32Mimmusand now another site with analog devices to slowly migrate...
16:52.54Mimmusuff... I'm looking for manageability
16:53.00[TK]D-FenderMimmus, For lower density analog FXS I suggest the Linksys SPA-8000.  8 ports @ < $300 USD
16:53.24Mimmusno, more ports...
16:53.57[TK]D-FenderMimmus, I've already told you the 2 models I see most used and have worked with
16:54.25Mimmusyes, I already asked for an offer to my local resellers! I believe you!
16:54.49*** join/#asterisk GreggB (n=GreggB@
16:56.53Mimmusin the future, I hope to have one site with one PRI AND 1 FXS gateway, now I seems a VoIP shop
16:56.59Mimmus(sorry for chatting...)
16:58.41[TK]D-FenderMimmus, PRI gateways are very pricey but certain redundant setups depend on them (like SER multi-homed).
16:59.07GreggBI've got a PRI which goes down (according to the "Status" line from "pri show span 1") at roughly the same time just about every day (20:06-20:09 US/Pacific), though I have no cron processes which could be doing something at that time. Is there any possibility * could be doing something itself?
16:59.56[TK]D-FenderMimmus, You can get an 4-port HWEC card & server for the price of a 1 port Patton PRI gateway
17:01.05*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey)
17:04.42Mimmus[TK]D-Fender: OK, price is important but sometime, especially at enterprise level, manageability is more important
17:05.03Mimmusnow I'm not upgrading Asterisk because I down't want to upgrade Sangoma drivers
17:05.22*** join/#asterisk famicon (
17:05.37[TK]D-FenderMimmus, in larger scenarios most end up running SER as their core routing service, and * as a back-end application server
17:07.07Mimmus[TK]D-Fender: I understand... I have 350-400 users, I don't think to need SER
17:08.08[TK]D-FenderMimmus, Actually you're not too far off.  it depends how independant each site is capable of being from the collective
17:08.47[TK]D-FenderMimmus, if you are heavily linked with roaming employees, things start to look very different.  These are all points to be thought over in "the big picture"
17:08.52Mimmus[TK]D-Fender: where is the limit? now I have 5-15 contemporary calls, load is 0.05!
17:10.57*** join/#asterisk |omni| (
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17:11.27[TK]D-FenderMimmus, then in your case I wouldn't even consider a PRI gateway or SER.
17:11.45[TK]D-FenderMimmus, local PTS/PRI card in a * per site.
17:12.18[TK]D-FenderMimmus, but if you're using FXS for phones, go for high-density SIP gateways.
17:12.29Mimmus[TK]D-Fender: i.e my setup... but in the near future we'll have ONE site with all employees
17:13.48[TK]D-FenderMimmus, then 1 4-port HWEC PRI card & server (duplicate server for backup).
17:14.12*** join/#asterisk killfill (
17:14.48Mimmus[TK]D-Fender: ok, this is my setup in every site. thank you for your suggestions
17:14.53killfilli need that when an incomming call comes in, people popups the clients info, taken from the callerId.
17:14.59Mimmusnow I'm going home, it's 19:15 in Italy
17:15.06killfillany recomendations for this setup?
17:15.39*** join/#asterisk mjgraves (n=mgraves@
17:16.00killfillits for a callcenter
17:16.56[TK]D-Fenderkillfill, make a server app polling for AMI queue call messages and have it push to a local client on their PC.
17:17.26killfill[TK]D-Fender: AMI?
17:18.45killfillah.. :P manager
17:18.58killfill[TK]D-Fender: how would i put that into to the clients?..
17:19.30killfillactually we plan to save all in sugarcrm. i could just see whats the phone. map it to an url, and send that url to the clients.
17:19.32jcanfieldAnyone aware of an operator panel that would work well with a touch screen?
17:19.42killfillbut how could one do that?.. send something to the client.
17:19.48*** join/#asterisk StevenElvisda_ (n=Steven_E@
17:20.16[TK]D-Fenderkillfill, write an app to run on the client and push from the server to the client and have that pop the URL
17:21.14*** join/#asterisk _Krieger_ (n=warsword@
17:21.27killfilli would need to map the phone number to a user/pass or something like that.
17:21.45killfillso the client application, can have user/pass...
17:21.49killfillto diferenciate..
17:22.08_Krieger_if asterisk box is behind NAT relatively to users, what workaround is enough?
17:22.34[TK]D-Fender_Krieger_, ....
17:22.37jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
17:22.56_Krieger_thx :)
17:24.01[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr, y0
17:24.19iCEBrkr[TK]D-Fender: Did ya go to Astricon?
17:24.48[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr, Nope... no passport yet, too far, and too expensive, with little net return on investment for me :)
17:24.49iCEBrkrI really need to make it to one of those.
17:25.40*** join/#asterisk telamon (
17:26.28telamonAnyone know where I can find the GXP-2000 firmware?  It doesn't seem to be on the Grandstream site, and I need it in order to upgrade to newer firmwares.
17:27.46*** join/#asterisk bkruse (i=bkruse@nat/digium/x-3b5b9e7d3a062c2b)
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17:29.31iCEBrkrI ate too much at lunch
17:30.32*** join/#asterisk blaylock (
17:34.41*** join/#asterisk JerJer (n=PhatJ@pdpc/supporter/bronze/jerjer)
17:39.05hmmhesaysthats no good
17:39.09hmmhesaysi'm playing with drupal
17:41.58thewiizlethis shit aint even fun
17:42.04telamonAnyone know where I can find the GXP-2000 firmware?  It doesn't seem to be on the Grandstream site, and I need it in order to upgrade to newer firmwares.
17:42.05thewiizlenot like the rest of asterisk
17:42.09thewiizleasterisk was fun
17:42.11thewiizleagi is not
17:43.00*** join/#asterisk IP_FIX (
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17:43.43*** join/#asterisk Lithium_Ion (
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17:45.16Lithium_IonCan someone help me troubleshoot fax. Most of my faxes go through but certain machines on outgoing faxes respond with a short beep that sounds like a handshake then nothing.
17:45.20*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
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18:10.32hmmhesaysoh voip problems today
18:17.28Kattyvoip problems everyday
18:18.28jinglesbroadvoice is having some itchews.
18:18.38jinglessaw an error today I'd never seen before. 409 *conflicts*
18:18.58hmmhesaysI can't push this gateway past 150 calls before I start getting dead air on some calls
18:23.16*** join/#asterisk kay2 (
18:23.44kay2is there any way to decrease the volume of a SIP channel ?
18:26.43*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
18:27.02[TK]D-Fenderkay2, not currently.  1.6 will have ways
18:27.26*** join/#asterisk captiancrash (n=thejonmo@
18:28.05kay2[TK]D-Fender: so I guess I need to create a pseudochannel and do it myself ?
18:29.06[TK]D-Fenderkay2, right now there is no live way except to pass it through ZAP.
18:30.03kay2[TK]D-Fender: you mean to put a cross cable, and make it go through it ?
18:30.04[TK]D-FenderTE120P + loopback = 12 channels of volume rigging goodness!
18:30.35[TK]D-Fenderactually... I'm not sure that'd work... Would for sure on a 2 port card...
18:32.25*** join/#asterisk BiG^DoG (n=BiG^
18:33.32[TK]D-FenderKatty, Mew.
18:35.41syzygyBSDisn't Voip kind of a misnomer?  I mean, it isn't over ip.... it is over a network
18:36.09bkw_yes its over the ip protocol
18:36.30citatssyzygyBSD: so call it voipon then :)
18:37.17syzygyBSDbkw_: it uses IP, but I wouldn't say it is over it
18:37.36bkw_what ever
18:37.44citatssyzygyBSD: i think your a few years to late for this argument
18:37.46bkw_you're just being pedantic
18:39.01syzygyBSDbkw_: an easy argument for anything you don't want to think about
18:39.26bkw_its a layer on top of the IP stack
18:39.34bkw_so in the iso model its OVER ip
18:40.43syzygyBSDthanks, a very good explination
18:41.09coppiceits a part of the 7-layer burrito
18:41.15iCEBrkrDid someone say burrito?
18:41.52iCEBrkr[TK]D-Fender: hey hey
18:42.12iCEBrkrmmm good. func_odbc built.
18:42.22iCEBrkrNow I can let the phone-spam begin!
18:42.27*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
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18:42.31syzygyBSDhmm, I have never heard the burrito way of remembering the stack? what do the letters stand for? there are seven...
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18:44.55tzafrir_home - claiming eBay is blocking competitors of Skype
18:45.15Qwelldon't forget sneezy
18:45.19Qwellor sleezy
18:45.24[TK]D-Fenderbehold... the 7 deadly dwarves!
18:45.30iCEBrkr[TK]D-Fender: you'd know sleezy.. eh?
18:45.38Qwell[TK]D-Fender: nice
18:47.36deeperrorwhat would CDR on channel lacks start indicate?
18:48.25codefreezedeeperror: it indicates strangeness. your asterisk version?
18:48.53codefreezedeeperror: ok, and in what situation is this happening?
18:49.13deeperrori'm not 100% sure i'm unable to reproduce myself and no one is complaining so hard for me to really see what is causing it
18:49.24deeperrori just see it in the logs quite often
18:49.27*** join/#asterisk ctooley (n=ctooley@
18:50.30codefreezedeeperror: at first, I thought, some reset might do it, but a reset usually sets the start time... if you can find a pattern, let me know.
18:50.57deeperrori've got heavy logging enable, still looking for patterns
18:51.08deeperrori actually get 2 warnings and a notice at the same time
18:51.39codefreezedeeperror: all from the cdr subsystem, no doubt
18:52.37*** join/#asterisk felix_da_catz (
18:55.28deeperrorhere is what cli is showing
18:57.01codefreezedeeperror: you need to start the snippet when zap/5 was picked up, till when it hung up and issued those messages.
18:57.26deeperrorcodefreeze: could this be caused by having very verbose logging enabled and several calls being performed at the same time?
18:57.45deeperrormaybe messages file is locked or can't be written
18:58.37codefreezedeeperror: no, I've tried to break the logging on purpose. couldn't do it. it locks, etc. and works pretty good.
18:59.05deeperrorlet me get the full call log
18:59.08*** part/#asterisk captiancrash (n=thejonmo@
18:59.21deeperrori think its occuring on 3way calls mainly but not 100%
19:00.42*** join/#asterisk ekiczek (
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19:14.26*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
19:14.26*** mode/#asterisk [+o blitzrage] by ChanServ
19:16.03blitzrageHigh C!
19:17.07Corydon76-digSpoo- oh, wait, you didn't...
19:17.09[hC]I decided that since it was friday and i am comfy, im just going to work from home today in a super comfy chair in the living room
19:17.43Corydon76-digGET... the COMFY CHAIR!!!
19:18.09[hC]I guess THIS is one of those benefits they talk about with regard to "being your own boss"
19:18.31iCEBrkruh huh.
19:18.39Corydon76-dig[hC]: I dunno, I'm in a padded chair in my house...
19:18.53iCEBrkrCorydon76-dig: Sure that's not a padded room?
19:19.26blitzrageI'm in my home office
19:19.28*** join/#asterisk sjobeck (
19:19.30Corydon76-digiCEBrkr: even if it was, it wouldn't help.  The server cabinet next to me has sharp edges
19:19.59iCEBrkryeah, no good.
19:20.14Corydon76-digWell, sharp corners anyway
19:20.28[hC]blitzrage: how are you liking your mac?
19:20.39blitzragepretty cool so far
19:20.43blitzragei actually do like OSX
19:20.45Corydon76-digHe likes it better than gay sex
19:20.57blitzrageI like pretty much everything more than gay sex
19:21.03sjobeckhi all, how are things? It has been so long since I updated Zaptel on this one server of mine that today, just now, when I did, I'm getting this error:     ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or address (6)     and I cant remember how we resolved it last time. not sharing interupt, power cable, tried calibrate=off, to no effect. ideas?
19:21.18[hC]yeah, <3 osx. I got a powerbook in like... late 2003 early 2004, i forget.. i opened it up and abandoned my linux desktop that day, and havent used anything since
19:21.19Corydon76-digblitzrage: see?  I was right
19:21.19karleetois there a way to do a mass reboot on polycom phones?
19:21.37blitzrageCorydon76-dig: yes... you were right, heh
19:21.46[hC]karleeto: issue the command 'sip notify polycom-check-cfg <exten number>' in the asterisk console for each phone
19:21.51sjobeckkarleeto, you can write a script to send sip reboot command to each of them & then run that script to automate sending it to every device
19:22.10karleetook, thanks
19:22.10[hC]karleeto: depending on your sip.cfg you may need to enable the option which makes it so they always reboot when you send a check config, otherwise they will only reboot if their config files have changed
19:22.11*** join/#asterisk _pepo_ (n=Pepo@
19:22.24_pepo_hi friends
19:22.33*** join/#asterisk elixer (i=elixer@
19:22.47sjobeckpolycoms dont reboot automatically on config file change, they dont know about that change
19:22.48[hC]I found the coolest thing the other day... a Free .Mac replacement, that uses your servers instead of apples.. exactly what i wanted, integrates as though it were .mac precisely
19:23.00_pepo_How do I can forwarding a call to any extension in system A (running Asterisk) if it did not answear to the voice mail in the system B (other Asterisk)? so later users of system A can check the remote messages
19:23.12sjobeckany one have any ideas for me on that ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or address (6) error
19:23.18[hC]sjobeck: i never said they did. I said if you issue a sip notify polycom-check-cfg from inside asterisk, it will check the files, and by default they will reboot if they had changed.
19:23.32sjobeckhC: ahh, I see, thx
19:24.04sjobeckhC: and that is basically what his bash script needs to do, call asterisk -rx, and then send that to each device.
19:24.19[hC]yeah, i use this line
19:24.26sjobeckrussellb    ?
19:24.39sjobeckfile ?
19:25.02sjobeckshould I call Digium Support about this TDM card being a bugger for me today?
19:25.40sjobecki know I got it to compile & ztcfg -vvvvvvvvvvvvd last time but cant dont know what we did to get it to do so, something about this card that didnt like the default compile options.
19:27.16[TK]D-Fendersjobeck, modprobe your card(s)' module(s) and verify with "cat /proc/interrupts" then "ztcfg -vvvv".  Then start * manually.
19:27.43sjobeckthx, did that
19:28.18*** join/#asterisk wiljacket (
19:28.26russellbsjobeck: yes, call them
19:29.37sjobeckall: I am so embarassed, totally my fault, I was running my own start script which was supposed to modprobe
19:29.48sjobeckit didnt, I did, and it worked
19:30.02sjobeckthx so much! it was just the process of talking out loud that kicked my brain over
19:30.04sjobeckthx all!
19:30.18*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
19:33.16Corydon76-digStrom_C: do you normally explore reasons?
19:34.08jameswfI am fat I dont explore anything :)
19:34.28Strom_CCorydon76-dig: perhapssibly
19:39.54*** join/#asterisk Servergod (n=Maverick@
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19:52.14*** join/#asterisk iPod-nano (
19:52.34iPod-nanoWhen I get an incoming call, if I hit a number it hangs up.
19:52.49iPod-nanoCan I change that?
19:53.03lirakishmm .. using FOP .. i get "Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /var/www/html/panel/ line 7396." when i try to conference
19:53.55iPod-nanoI just got GrandCentral and I love having it call me, but I have to press 1 to accept the call, which causes my connection to hang up.
19:59.27putnopvutIs "ringing" a valid option for the Playtones() application?
19:59.45putnopvutassuming a default indications.conf built from make samples?
20:00.39putnopvutHmm, I think it may actually be "ring"
20:02.28putnopvutYup, it's "ring"
20:04.07iPod-nanoWhy does it hang up if I press a number?
20:04.35deeperrorwhat hangs up?
20:05.59[TK]D-FenderiPod-nano, show us the CLI output of a call where this is happening with SIP debug enabled
20:06.56iPod-nanoCould you remind me how to enable it?
20:08.10*** part/#asterisk tmccrary (n=tmccrary@
20:08.46iPod-nanoI got it, OK hold on.
20:08.56*** part/#asterisk javar (n=javar@
20:13.37deeperrorcodefreeze: still around?
20:13.44iPod-nanoThere's so much output I don't even know where to start copying.
20:15.47[TK]D-FenderiPod-nano, try... the BEGINNING
20:16.47*** join/#asterisk |omni| (
20:18.32Servergodtail +f /var/log/asterisk/full > call.txt
20:18.36Servergodand make the call
20:18.50[TK]D-FenderOct  5 16:15:42 WARNING[2498]: channel.c:2380 set_format: Unable to find a codec translation path from ilbc to ulaw
20:18.56[TK]D-FenderiPod-nano, Codec mismatch......
20:19.28iPod-nanoThe call connected and I heard the automated voice.
20:19.32iPod-nanoI pressed 1.
20:19.38iPod-nanoCall disconnected.
20:19.54[TK]D-FenderiPod-nano, And why do I not see your phone being dialed or answered?
20:20.54iPod-nanoCouldn't tell you.  That's everything that happened from the point I called to the point it hung up.
20:21.19Kattytonight is my birthday dinner :>
20:21.27Kattyeta 3 hours!
20:21.30twistednice :)
20:21.43Netgeekshappy birthday, Katty
20:21.50mishehuKatty: happy bday
20:21.55Kattythank you thank you :>
20:22.00Kattyi'm all grown up :>
20:22.02mishehuwith a kandle on it.
20:22.03Kattyagain :>
20:22.29Kattysounds spektakular.
20:22.37mishehuKatty: being grown up is a lot of work!
20:22.43Kattymishehu: i know :/
20:23.09[TK]D-FenderiPod-nano, no, we are missing the first part of the invite we see onscreen, and clearly cannot see a single dialplan app being called.
20:24.09[TK]D-FenderiPod-nano, Crank up your verbose, and show EVERYTHING.
20:25.45Kattymishehu: how is your birdie? :>
20:25.51Kattymishehu: taking off the visitors arms i hope :>
20:28.07*** join/#asterisk NirS (n=chatzill@
20:30.30mishehuKatty: nah, she's been good.
20:30.43mishehuKatty: I've not been taking her out a lot the past two months though, been WAY too busy.
20:30.55mishehubut she's in the living room so at least she sees people.
20:32.11*** part/#asterisk Cresl1n (i=matt@nat/digium/x-a339e02d74e16ce4)
20:32.30Kattymishehu: :>
20:37.42*** join/#asterisk dexpdx (
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20:55.54Kattyi wanna go home!!! >.<
20:57.53*** join/#asterisk ussrback (n=MAX@
20:57.58ussrbackHi all
20:58.05ussrbackI have Asterisk 1.4
20:58.17ussrbackhow can i unload modules
20:59.11ussrbacki add noload =>
20:59.15ussrbackin modules.conf
20:59.23ussrbackbit it still loads this module
21:01.15*** join/#asterisk duki (
21:01.45ussrbackhello motooooo
21:01.55ussrbackanybodyyy alive?
21:02.25sheppardthey're dead Jim
21:03.22Kattyi was turning in my grave.
21:03.45ussrbackLike a Gogol
21:03.55Kattyno, like a murloc.
21:04.11Katty...from louisiana.
21:04.20ussrbackso hows under ground :)
21:04.41Kattyno one is ever in Undercity.
21:04.48KattyThey're always in Orgrimmar.
21:06.15ussrbackill put my * there now
21:06.37KattyThey don't need your asterisk box.
21:06.49KattyNo one makes phone calls there. They either get a port or a summon to their party.
21:07.41ussrbackyes but i put it there cause its dead
21:11.13KattyThe dead go to the spirit healer.
21:11.17KattyThe undead go to undercity.
21:11.22Kattysilly rabbit.
21:11.27Kattyclearly you've never ran an instance or raid.
21:11.51Kattyapparently my World of Warcraft humor is going unappreciated :<
21:14.46Kattyanthm: ping.
21:16.48ussrbacknick XQZME
21:18.22*** join/#asterisk funxion (n=nunya@
21:20.16funxionanyone know if using immediate=yes in zapata.conf on a E&M T1 would cause outbound billsec to include the time from the inbound portion of the call
21:21.19XQZMEprobably they kno, but they r dead
21:21.41funxionnobody's here huh
21:21.58tzafrir_homeWhy would you use immediate=yes?
21:22.29funxionI have 2 different trunk groups on 1 incoming t1
21:22.55funxionits also the termination point using the same 2 trunk groups for different COS
21:23.44funxionsince I dont need callerid I use immediate-yes and s,1 to save a second or 2 on call setup
21:23.54funxioncall setup takes a while its going over a satellite
21:24.04funxionso every little bit helps
21:24.53funxiontzafrir_home do you know if it would cause outbound billsec to include the time from the inbound portion of the call
21:26.09tzafrir_homewhy not just callerid=no
21:26.16tzafrir_home(or sothing similar)
21:26.39*** join/#asterisk ekiczek (
21:27.01funxionbut I need to just go of hook and start playing prompts when a call comes in I dont want to wait for digits I identify cos by the channel #asterisk
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21:36.16*** join/#asterisk rkeels (
21:37.01Strom_Cdan__t: ?
21:37.08rkeelscan anyone here help me to create an automatic ring down hotline. ie go off hook and the phone automatically calls a preprogramed number
21:37.30Strom_Crkeels: easy depending on your hardware
21:37.47rkeelsPolycom phones and Asterisk 1.4
21:37.49dan__tI'm trying to configure this phone to be used with a SIP provider, namely Teliax.
21:37.58rkeelsPoly 430 to be exact
21:38.11dan__tI'd like to configure it through the phone itself, and not have to boot a config file.
21:41.20dan__tIs this something you might have experience in, Strom_C?
21:41.24_x86_"Good health" is merely the slowest rate at which one can die.
21:41.28_x86_fortune cracks me up
21:41.42*** join/#asterisk hmmhesays (
21:41.56Strom_Cdan__t: I tend to configure the phones using config files; they're really designed for deployments moreso than individual installs
21:42.04dan__tI understand.
21:42.15Strom_Cusing the config files is a breeze
21:42.21[TK]D-Fender_x86_, This is clearly for you then :
21:43.43[TK]D-Fenderrkeels, Yes you can set your PHONE to auto-dial a number on going off-hook.  Go grab the latest firmware & admin guide.  Its all in there.
21:43.54gremzoiddo i need odbc support to use res_config_mysql and extconfig ?
21:43.58rkeelsNot Really
21:44.58bkw_is name calling really needed? :P
21:45.13_x86_There are two kinds of pedestrians... the quick and the dead.
21:45.29bkw_tranlsation smart and the stupid
21:46.28[TK]D-Fenderbkw_, No, but it comes bundled with the package ;)
21:46.36gremzoidso can anyone tell me why i can't get asterisk/mysql to work?
21:46.57gremzoidie followed this to every dotted I and crossed T:
21:47.22gremzoidand all i get is: Realtime mapping for 'iaxpeers' found to engine 'mysql', but the engine is not available
21:48.24_x86_I wish there was a knob on the TV to turn up the intelligence.  There's a
21:48.26_x86_knob called "brightness", but it doesn't seem to work. -- Gallagher
21:48.35_x86_so true ;)
21:49.55funxionanyone have a clue why my billsec would = my duration in my cdr?
21:51.12Corydon76-digfunxion: if the first thing that happened was an Answer, it's possible
21:51.32_x86_The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard.
21:52.24Kattyis that the metallicy tasting icky stuff people like to put into mexican dishes?
21:52.25[TK]D-Fenderfunxion, I think your dilaplan issuing "Answer" + "immediate=yes" sums it up <-
21:52.37funxionI do have immediate=yes
21:52.42funxionthere we go
21:52.46funxionbut only on one side
21:52.50funxionthat sux
21:52.52Kattyhi JunK-Y (=
21:53.07[TK]D-Fenderfunxion, remove the "answer" and see if letting it "ring through while still technically processing helps
21:53.27[TK]D-FenderJunK-Y, don't hurt me bebe! ;)
21:53.28JunK-Ywhats up?
21:53.31funxionI need the channel to forward to s1 when it goes off hoook
21:53.39KattyJunK-Y: trying to figure out what 'cilantro' is.
21:53.49[TK]D-FenderJunK-Y, mom's coming in town gearing up for thanksgiving... the usuall..
21:53.53JunK-Y[TK]D-Fender: stop hurting me baby!
21:53.57[TK]D-FenderKatty, a herb
21:54.00funxionthats why I was immediate=yes
21:54.07Katty[TK]D-Fender: what /kind/ of herb.
21:54.15Katty[TK]D-Fender: is it a parsley herb.
21:54.19JunK-YKatty: not something you can smoke!
21:54.20Katty[TK]D-Fender: or a sage/thyme herb.
21:54.24_x86_[TK]D-Fender: thanksgiving already?
21:54.40Corydon76-digWould you consider cloves an herb?
21:54.42_x86_she's like... more than a month early ;)
21:54.53_x86_Corydon76-dig: smokeable herb ;)
21:54.59*** join/#asterisk angom (n=angom@
21:55.04[TK]D-FenderKatty, its another name for coriander
21:55.05Kattyi can smoke anything.... in an oven.
21:55.06Corydon76-digHow about banana peels?
21:55.07_x86_Corydon76-dig: just like some other nice herbs...
21:55.14Katty[TK]D-Fender: uhmmm, coriander is brown.
21:55.18funxionother than immediate=yes how can I get * to forward the channel to s,1 without disturbing my billsec
21:55.24Corydon76-digKatty: the smoke alarm is NOT a cooking timer
21:55.27putnopvutKatty: Cilantro is the mature coriander seed.
21:55.28Katty[TK]D-Fender: a very fine powder. NOT an herb :P
21:55.29[TK]D-FenderKatty, <-------
21:55.39putnopvutThe plant it grows into.
21:55.40Kattybut how does it taste!
21:55.47Kattyor is it just decoration :P
21:55.49putnopvutKatty: god awful!
21:55.50_x86_like chicken, of course
21:55.56putnopvutI HATE cilantro
21:55.59Katty_x86_: /bonk
21:56.06[TK]D-FenderKatty, its all in there...
21:56.17_x86_omgwtfbbq i just got bonked by a chick... i gotta tell my wife!
21:56.27Kattyis it that metallicy herb they put into mexican stuff?
21:56.29[TK]D-FenderKatty, coriander is a key component of curry.  Rather musky
21:56.33Katty[TK]D-Fender: yes, but wiki is not interactive enough.
21:56.34putnopvutKatty: bingo!
21:56.39Kattyeww :<
21:56.43Kattyi think i'm allergic to that stuff.
21:56.59[TK]D-FenderKatty, your digenstion-fu is weak!
21:57.07gremzoidis there a descent asterisk manual anywhere? or do i have to configure things at best guesstimate based on the crap outdated documentation i've read from 6 different websites?
21:57.18jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
21:57.23[TK]D-Fendergremzoid, there
21:57.24gremzoid... and i thought siemens manuals where crap
21:58.47_x86_Hollerith, v.: What thou doest when thy phone is on the fritzeth.
21:58.55blitzrageyay... someone updated the ~book link
21:59.02jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
21:59.18_x86_omg i just bought 1st edition like 3 months ago!
21:59.47gremzoidyey! downloading a 20mb pdf on 33.3k!
21:59.47[TK]D-Fender_x86_, Procrastination : The art of keeping up with yesterday
22:00.31[TK]D-Fendergremzoid, cry me a river.... so I can hold your head under :D
22:00.34_x86_interesting, ORA has a T1 Survival Guide
22:01.47carrarI am sure a T1 cable could come in handy in a servival type situation
22:02.42_x86_that sentance was all kinds of lame
22:03.07_x86_there is no such thing as a "T1 cable" heh
22:03.17gremzoid[TK]D-Fender, lets just say my exp with * documentation over the last 2 days is starting to piss me off
22:03.30carrarWe there certainly is not a DS1 cable
22:03.31_x86_gremzoid: read Teh Book
22:03.42carrarT1 there is
22:03.45_x86_carrar: DS1 == T1
22:03.52carrarbetter read that book
22:04.11_x86_carrar: Digital Signalling level 1 == T1 with digital signalling
22:04.25blitzragegremzoid: if that's the case, then you better toughen up if you want to use Asterisk :)
22:04.32funxionwithout using immediate yes on a cas t1 how can I get asterisk to just pick up and forward call to s,1 in the groups context without giving dialtone
22:04.33Servergodanyone gotten far with drbd and heartbeat with
22:04.45[TK]D-Fendergremzoid, Decent minimalistic quicky-setup
22:04.46_x86_carrar: a T1 can ride over a lot of different types of cable, from cat3 all the way to cat7, i've even see T1's run on fiber [sic]
22:04.52gremzoid[TK]D-Fender, i know how to configure... it's just the lack of documentation on more advanced things
22:04.56_x86_Servergod: wrong channel
22:04.59gremzoidlike configuring from sql...
22:05.09Servergodwhoops srry
22:05.10[TK]D-Fenderfunxion, I didn't say to remove that... I said knock off the ANSWER as step 1.....
22:05.19carrarlike I said
22:05.24*** part/#asterisk Servergod (n=Maverick@
22:05.31[TK]D-Fendergremzoid, that is advanced stuff.... walk before you run
22:05.44_x86_carrar: like i said, there is no definitive "T1 cable"
22:05.55carrarDid I say cat5?
22:06.06funxionTK I dont have answer
22:06.13_x86_carrar: you lose ;)
22:06.16funxionjust immediate yes in zapata
22:06.22carrarYou miss interpided
22:06.35_x86_you misspeelded
22:06.40funxionits padding my billsec by like a minute per call
22:06.57[TK]D-Fenderfunxion, pastebin it
22:07.08funxionwhat default context of zap
22:07.18gremzoid[TK]D-Fender, errr it would still be nice to have documentation for it
22:07.19[TK]D-Fenderfunxion, the one thats used
22:07.27[TK]D-Fendergremzoid, BOOK <------
22:08.47gremzoid[TK]D-Fender, slowly wgeting.... :P
22:10.26*** part/#asterisk Braxus (n=bhsieh@
22:12.05[TK]D-Fenderfunxion, Ah, funny lookin' script you got there! ;)
22:12.21[TK]D-Fenderfunxion, Lemme guess.... the system dialing in passes that in-line, doesn't it?
22:12.43[TK]D-Fenderfunxion, the pin+*, right?
22:13.47[TK]D-Fenderfunxion, 1,2,4 are wasted priorities....
22:14.08funxionI realize that
22:14.18Qwelluse n
22:14.30Qwelland don't use the MYSQL function.  Use func_odbc
22:14.36Qwellit's far better
22:14.47[TK]D-Fenderfunxion, but keep in mind that yoru input script answers the call pretty much immediately... so passing the PIN = answered call...
22:14.49funxionthis is really old code
22:14.55[TK]D-FenderQwell, he's on **1.0**
22:15.07funxionI'm jsut trying to adapt it to an analog environment
22:15.14funxionI plan to
22:15.20funxionbut havent had the chance
22:15.27funxiongoing to start next week
22:15.36[TK]D-Fenderfunxion, but the issue is that the call is answered by that script... we'd need to manipulate the billing CDR
22:16.00[TK]D-Fenderfunxion, starinput = answer :/
22:16.16[TK]D-Fenderfunxion, not sure how to reset CDR billsec in 1.0
22:16.32funxionwhats weird is I use this same context with a pri and I get the correct billsec
22:17.00[TK]D-Fenderfunxion, billsec should = duration - 1s (the wait) pretty much...
22:17.53funxionI need billsec to = the time from when * passes the call out and is answered to hang up
22:18.15funxionnot the begining portion where authentication is processed
22:19.34*** join/#asterisk bmd (n=bmd@
22:21.26funxionthe call flows from channel bank => * => carrier
22:21.40funxionneed billsec to be the answered duration between * and carrier
22:22.00funxionthis works with PRI
22:22.06funxionbut not with cas t1
22:22.10funxionI dont get it
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22:23.46[TK]D-Fenderfunxion, I think the issue is that with E&M + that script, the answer counts as a channel answer as opposed to an offset by using Dial before having answered in *
22:27.15funxionknow of any work aournd?
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22:28.42[TK]D-Fenderfunxion, with it having to dial in like that you can either calculate the time it takes to process, and back that out, or perhaps upon completion dial a Local channel which will set an account code and use THAT call for billing.
22:29.05[TK]D-Fenderfunxion, I suspect the latter would be more accurate and usable.
22:29.22[TK]D-Fenderfunxion, exten => s,34,Goto(${EXTEN},4) <-- replacing this
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22:37.47dan__tI would whore myself out for a week straight if I could find a dumbed up Polycom GUI config tool.
22:37.53dan__tThat sounds like a project...
22:39.37develgreetings all.  anybody here who uses realtime in the dialplan?
22:44.25CrazyTuxAnyone here done polycom provisioning before?
22:44.29CrazyTuxHTTP preferably
22:45.35Strom_CcrazyTux: I do it all the time
22:45.57CrazyTuxStrom_C, any TIPS?
22:46.08Strom_Ccrazytux: any specific questions?
22:47.02[TK]D-Fenderdan__t, There is a plenty-good guide on the WIKI actually...
22:47.33dan__tJust started going through that one again.
22:47.45CrazyTuxStrom_C, I want to keep it simple like linksys/sipura, simply point to a URL i.e. http://somehost/$MAC, or some what, and then that way I can auto (parse/create) a file for the polycom to dl and provision, is this possible?
22:48.06Strom_Ci'm sure it is
22:49.11[TK]D-Fenderdan__t, my rates are very acccessable ;)
22:49.21dan__tI'm sure they are.
22:49.33dan__tI won't learn anything if I don't do it myself.
22:49.35dan__tI'm sure you understand.
22:52.48[TK]D-Fenderdan__t, I do.... you don't want help, aren't "getting it", and are merely here to vent your spleen on us ;)
22:54.38CrazyTuxStrom_C, what method do you use all the time?
22:54.47Strom_Ccrazytux: tftp
22:58.58[TK]D-FendercrazyTux : there are Polycom auto config creators & GUI's out there already.  You can use them to provision a number of ways
22:59.14*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
22:59.17[TK]D-FendercrazyTux: ftp, ftps, tftp, http, https
22:59.22CrazyTux[TK]D-Fender, mind recommending one?
22:59.27CrazyTux[TK]D-Fender, I just want something quick and dirty
22:59.35CrazyTuxThus I don't deal with polycoms much.
23:00.38[TK]D-FendercrazyTux : I think trixbox comes with one, check that out.  SIPX does as well.  I've never used ANY of them personally.
23:00.52[TK]D-FendercrazyTux: I do all mind from scratch
23:01.19CrazyTux[TK]D-Fender, I think its easier from scratch, but want simple, HTTP provisioning.
23:01.35CrazyTuxTrixbox has one, but not really my cup of tea.
23:01.46CrazyTuxI think I'm just going to end up doing the research and making something quick
23:02.09[TK]D-FendercrazyTux: sorry, can't offer more there...  how many do you have to prepare?
23:02.55CrazyTux[TK]D-Fender, not even alot, just 25 or so
23:04.31[TK]D-FendercrazyTux, not a huge task....
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23:28.59d4rkf1br? If all i need is a purely voip config of asterisk then I wouldn't need to install the libpri or zaptel packages right ?
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23:31.46develcorrect, d4rkf1br
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23:33.58d4rkf1brthx devel
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23:47.32tzafrir_homed4rkf1br, libpri: sure. Zaptel might be useful as a timing source
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