IRC log for #asterisk on 20071003

00:05.32*** part/#asterisk atomicd (
00:08.14*** join/#asterisk apardo (
00:17.41*** join/#asterisk Teln1100A (
00:22.36*** join/#asterisk xezz (
00:24.30xezzhello, im trying to call Uk, i have a trunk g0 and outbound routes pattern set to 8|0044.  but i get the all circuits are buzy now message, any idea ?
00:29.58*** part/#asterisk renier (n=renier@
00:37.14*** join/#asterisk Qwell_ (n=north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell)
00:37.14*** mode/#asterisk [+o Qwell_] by ChanServ
00:45.57mistermochaxezz: what kind of outbound trunk are you using?
00:45.57mistermochaanalog? t1? voip?
00:46.44mistermochawhen you watch your call trace from the CLI, do you see "Dialing Zap/g0/0044xxxxxxxx
00:46.49mistermochareplace x's with your number
00:47.03wishesfinally i have my custom messag working :D , on a side note wengophone = shit
00:47.21mistermochaheh... with a name like wengophone
00:47.28MercestesDo you have a group 0?
00:48.31xezzits here man
00:49.26mistermochaprepend a w in your dialplan
00:49.53mistermochamaybe even a few w's
00:50.12xezzwhy is that man ?
00:50.15xezzwhy w ?
00:50.36mistermochaw is a half-second wait
00:51.04mistermochawhen switching analog lines, it can take a moment for a softswitch to connect and drop the voltage
00:51.45mistermochaif * starts sending digits before the voltage drops (gets a dial tone), then it won't send
00:51.55*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
00:52.26mistermochaChannel 0/1, span 1 got hangup request
00:52.32mistermochathat says a bit of it right there
00:53.19xezzim trying to insert this w
00:53.30xezzbut it says wrong pattern
00:53.42xezzit doesnt seem to understand the pattern
00:53.44xezzwith w
00:55.43xezzim able to call cell phones land lines perfectly with |.
00:55.53mistermochawhat does your dialplan context look like?
00:56.12xezzbut when im trying to make an international call i make an pattern like this 8|0044
00:57.59*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (n=manxpowe@
00:58.46mistermochaput your context into pastebin
00:59.07*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=pepOSX@
00:59.45*** join/#asterisk mltlnx (n=mltlnx@
01:02.04Fremanhey... is AEL2 included in 1.4?
01:03.41Qwell_Freman: yes
01:03.49Fremancool thanks
01:04.09xezzit doesnt work
01:08.35ManxPowerFreman: 1.4 is the first release with AEL2.
01:11.01FremanI must have a borked install at home then, cos some of the AEL2 stuff no good on it, but AEL works fine
01:12.27codefreezeFreman: give me samples; I've been doing AEL bugs the past week.
01:12.53FremanI havn't looked at it for ages codefreeze.
01:13.17FremanI've just convinced work to go with asterisk so I've been updating the internal wiki with information
01:13.35codefreezeI'd guess it'd be natural that AEL2 wouldn't go so well on 1.2; AEL2 has some new stuff AEL (1) didn't have.
01:15.26*** join/#asterisk syzygyBSD (
01:15.50syzygyBSDwhen upgrading from 1.2.X to 1.4.11, is there any reason why asterisk would hang on playing silence?
01:16.04Fremanmy home machine is 1.4.x
01:16.23FremanAsterisk 1.4.2
01:21.57ManxPowersyzygyBSD: nothing in the upgrade.txt to explain the problem
01:22.57ManxPowerFreman: did you try the most common solution to 1.4.x problems?
01:23.45syzygyBSDhmm, old silence files didn't work, had to upgrade them
01:24.06syzygyBSDmakes me wonder what other files are broken
01:24.48FremanManxPower, nah - it didn't bother me that much, 99% of my applciationw as done with perl on AGI.
01:25.08ManxPowerFreman: the most common solution to 1.4.x problems is "upgrade to the latest 1.4.x".
01:25.31ManxPower1.4.x was pretty rough at the beginning
01:26.16Fremanthat it was
01:26.41Fremanmy install is at the 'it works well enough, cbf doing more to it for now'
01:27.21ManxPowerReports of early 1.4 users seemed to indicate it would blow up if you looked at it wrong.  Much like a Fainting Goat
01:28.15*** join/#asterisk |omni| (
01:30.38Fremanit's on the "to upgrade" list of things... but there's a few dozen things in front, if it breaks in the mean time it'll happen faster
01:32.54*** join/#asterisk fujin (n=aj@unaffiliated/fujin)
01:35.29*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
01:37.03*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
01:38.46Fremanwow... just filled up the console with
01:38.47Freman <- rofl, patenting the checkbox... good on yah...
01:38.52Fremanbad c/p
01:38.56Freman[Oct  3 11:38:26] WARNING[22504]: chan_sip.c:3625 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 256, while native formats is 0x4 (ulaw)(4) read/write = 0x4 (ulaw)(4)/0x4 (ulaw)(4)
01:40.25*** join/#asterisk hunginday (n=hungtd@
01:40.27[TK]D-FenderFreman, 256 = G.729.  Good odds you don't have any licenses
01:40.48Fremanyeh, but I globally disallowed G.729
01:42.02[TK]D-FenderFreman, pastebin it all....
01:42.06[TK]D-Fender(less passwords)
01:43.26*** part/#asterisk mog (
01:44.03hungindayHelp me, I added a new module in asterisk-source\res folder. In this module I call some funtions in chan_sip.c. Asterisk is compiled successfully but when running it show error of missing funtion symbol, so that the funtions in chan_sip could not be called from my new module. So what i have to change Makefile or something to make it work???
01:44.25Fremannah it's ok, I've been playing with Asterisk-GUI, I must have unset it while testing something
01:44.26Fremanfixed now
01:45.10Fremanjust so happens that provider prefers G.729
01:46.46[TK] comment
01:48.12Fremanhehe (c:
01:48.36*** join/#asterisk syzygyBSD_ (
01:48.49FremanI've been tinkering with asterisk for quite some time now, it's just when it throws me new and strange errors I get the "WTF's"
01:49.10Freman(Started in the early 1.2's)
01:49.50Fremanwe'll get some G.729 lics before we swing into production, atm I'm fighting to prove it viable so they don't go and install some POS proprietary system in the new offices
01:52.12[TK]D-Fenderi suppose you have to start somewhere... don't cheap out on the hardware though....
01:52.18[TK]D-Fenderanyways... heading out for a bit...
01:54.27FremanI've talked bosses into getting PolyCom SoundPoint IP 430 phones, there's an 8 port digium card coming with 4 lines on it... and eventually the asterisk server will become a dual core system with 2 gigs of ram
01:55.21flendersFreman: which digium card?
01:55.52flendersget one with hardware echo canceller
01:56.04flendersTDM2400P with EC module
01:56.11FremanI couldn't convince them to go that far I'm afraid
01:56.17flendersor go for sangoma a200 with EC
01:56.28Fremanhowever they will pay for the $15 software echo canceller
01:56.30flendersFreman: from personal experience, get the hardware EC
01:56.34FremanI know
01:56.39FremanI got the old 4port digium at home
01:56.53flendersI have 6 POTS lines on TDM400s and it is a BITCH to get rid of echo
01:57.07FremanI've managed to clean it up alot tho with software and fxotune
01:57.27flendersyeah, with single calls, probably always to the same numbers while testing
01:57.30Qwell_Freman: which card do you have?
01:57.37flenderswait until you have the thing in production
01:57.41Fremanhopefully this will be a "I told you so" situation and they'll just go get a sangoma (they're cheaper from memory)
01:58.15Qwell_oh, tdm800p..  yea
01:58.17jbothpec is probably Digium's High Performance Echo Cancellation software - - Free for Digium cards under warranty; US$10 per channel otherwise.
01:58.37*** join/#asterisk AJaymn (
01:58.42Fremandidn't even know that existed
01:59.06AJaymnAnyone used the Linksys WIP300 wifi phone?
01:59.40Fremanhow's that sangoma card work with drivers?
02:00.13flendersinstalling a a101 was a lot easier than I thought
02:00.31flendersso my guess is that the a200 is not hard either
02:00.41Qwell_meh, closed source drivers, and a patch to zaptel
02:01.18*** join/#asterisk mltlnx (
02:01.43flendersQwell_: you work for digium, I wouldn't expect you to say sangomas are better
02:01.58Nugget<homer> stupid flenders! </homer>
02:02.45FremanQwell: How's that hpec stuff work when we purchase from a different supplier?
02:03.05Qwell_$10 per channel
02:03.14Qwell_it works if it uses zaptel, but...meh
02:03.43flendersQwell_: can you use HPEC on digium's PRI cards?
02:04.10Fremancos we only just purchased this card
02:05.05FremanIE: we just purchased the TDM800 through an aussie reseller, is it still going to cost us $10/chan or is it covered with the under warrenty statement?
02:05.12Qwell_flenders: You can, but it's not really recommended
02:05.26Qwell_Freman: You're covered
02:05.43Qwell_flenders: just because it's so many channels..  echo can can be quite CPU intensive
02:06.02Fremanheh, it says that right there on the page
02:06.16*** join/#asterisk mordaunt (n=mordaunt@unaffiliated/mordaunt)
02:06.52Freman8 chans - 3 ghz, 4 chans - 2.5, might get a lic for my single chan at home (tdm400)
02:10.15flendersQwell_: so, with HPEC is it the same as having an EC on the card?
02:10.33Qwell_well, no, a hwec isn't going to hit your cpu
02:10.41flendersapart from that
02:10.52flendersI mean, sound quality wise
02:11.23Qwell_yeah, it's the same software on the new hwecs
02:12.24FremanHPEC on a single channel on my duron 1gig should be ok yeh? (c:
02:12.48Qwell_duron?  heh
02:12.55Qwell_should be fine
02:15.03flenderswell, I guess it makes sense to use HPEC on small installs, like 4 FXOs
02:15.20flendersthe new server (even a dell SC440) will be the same price, anyway.
02:15.47flendersbut the card with no hwEC is half the price with 4 FXO modules
02:18.05flendersQwell_: noob question, do you need (or could have) EC on FXS channels?
02:18.31FremanAnother noob question: How long is the warrenty period on TDM400's? (c:
02:19.49Qwell_Freman: 2 years
02:20.00Qwell_flenders: umm...
02:20.07Qwell_I don't know, actually
02:20.40NuggetWwhhaatt  ddooeess  eecchhoo  ccaanncceellaattiioonn  ddoo??
02:20.51*** join/#asterisk lisandropm (
02:20.54flenderscause, in theory, you wouldn't have echo on FXS (internal) channels, as they won't be too far from the server, does taht make sense?
02:21.03Fremanhmmm LumenVox looks interesting... cept I run a Gentoo house
02:25.38lisandropmI am getting this in the CLI:
02:25.39lisandropm[Oct  2 22:47:49] WARNING[10473]: chan_zap.c:11117 process_zap: Ignoring
02:25.50lisandropmMore info in:
02:25.58lisandropm¿any ideas that may help me?
02:26.11FremanQwell_, is it permissable to point out a minor english glitch on the asterisk website?
02:26.48lisandropmah, one more question: ¿does anyone knows how can I know if a Siemnes DIUS2 board is using css and hdb3?
02:29.48ManxPowerlisandropm: all that means is that you cannot change the switch type on a reload and so it ignored any changes to that setting
02:30.20lisandropmManxPower: greta, so that does not shows a real problem
02:30.26*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@
02:30.49lisandropmok, then I do not why I do have that yellow alarm :-/
02:31.43ManxPowerlisandropm: that message has nothing to do with you yellow alarm
02:31.59lisandropmno, I will have to re-formule the question
02:32.04ManxPoweryellow alarm is usually an issue at the telco end.
02:32.23ManxPowerI would recommend you contact the telco and see what they say.
02:32.39lisandropmManxPower: the telco would be a Hicom 300 (not E nor H) with a DIUS2 board
02:32.48ManxPowerCable problems *usually" generate a RED alarm
02:33.13lisandropmI checked the cables form the DIUS2 to the asterisk
02:33.13ManxPowerlisandropm: never heard of it.
02:33.30lisandropmyes, that's one of my biggest problems :-)
02:33.57lisandropmI can't get _any_ information about the DIUS nor the Hicom that would explain me what I think I need
02:34.00ManxPowerI suspect it is a DIUS2 config issue.
02:35.52ManxPowerA yellow alarm basically means that the far end is not receiving any signal from you and that far end device is sending a yellow alarm, which you are receiving.
02:36.22ManxPowerlisandropm: What type of cable are you using.  I suspect you will need a T-1/E-1 crossover cable.
02:36.27*** join/#asterisk Qwell_ (n=north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell)
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02:36.48ManxPowerIf you are using an ethernet crossover cable, I can see how it might cause a yellow alarm, but I would have to look at the pinouts to be sure.
02:37.10lisandropmManxPower: the dius2 has two 3-layer coaxial cables. Those connect to a ballon that transforms them into a RJ45
02:37.12FremanQwell, Did you get my PM?
02:37.31lisandropmManxPower: I checked the ballon with a signal generator and an oscilloscope
02:37.32ManxPower"router2" would be asterisk in your situation:
02:37.44Fremancool (c:
02:38.07*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
02:39.14lisandropmManxPower: more than that, I checked that each coaxial turns out in one of the two pairs available at an E1 line
02:39.22ManxPowerlisandropm: Try either a standard ethernet cable between the ballan and Asterisk or try a crossover T-1 cable.  See
02:39.50ManxPowerfor RJ-45 ports, T-1 and E-1 would be wired the same.
02:40.17lisandropmManxPower: already did that. You only need to switch the coaxials in the baloon
02:40.32lisandropmThat's one of the things I checked with the oscilloscope
02:40.34AJaymnhas anyone created a "watchdog" or "heartbeat" monitor for asterisk? If it stops responding  it could generate an email to the admin?
02:40.45ManxPowerlisandropm: then it must be a config issue.
02:41.15lisandropmManxPower: you mean from the HiCom?
02:42.37*** join/#asterisk minkus (
02:50.46*** join/#asterisk andrew` (
02:52.23*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (
02:52.56lisandropmManxPower: than you _very_ much for your help and time :-)
02:54.03*** join/#asterisk Nic-I (
02:56.07Nic-Ihi .. is there a chatroom to ask question on digium cards?
02:56.25*** join/#asterisk IgorG (n=FeedomPa@
02:56.43fujinI doubt it
02:56.49fujinhere is probably your best bet
02:56.51fujinor digium support
02:57.12Nic-Iohh ok
02:57.46Nic-Ii am having a SIOCSIFFLAGS.. digium conflict with the built in eth0
02:57.53Nic-ITDM PCI Master abort
02:58.15fujinget a better motherboard
02:59.28lisandropmNic-I: have you tried disabling the on-board ethernet?
03:01.39Nic-Ilisandropm trying it now
03:02.19lisandropmNic-I: if it works, it may be cheaper to buy aanother ethernet card than  a motherboard ;-)
03:03.35Nic-Ilisandropm i need 2 ethernet cards.. this is box is a router and there is only 3 PCI slots
03:04.21*** join/#asterisk mltlnx (n=mltlnx@
03:06.23flendersNic-I: get a dual ethernet card
03:06.28flendersintels are good
03:06.51flendersyou can get dual ethernet cards on ebay very cheap these days
03:07.27*** join/#asterisk IgorG (n=FeedomPa@
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03:16.40Nic-Iflenders thanks but i already has this board and trying to get it work with the TDM
03:17.37flenderstry moving the tdm to a different slot
03:17.47Nic-Iwhat is the package in linux which auto detect hardware? kadzu?
03:21.58*** join/#asterisk _pepo_ (n=Pepo@
03:22.17_pepo_Hi friends
03:22.27*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
03:28.36*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
03:28.39*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
03:29.05tengulrewhy not have asterisk-1.2 version on
03:30.05Qwell_tengulre: because it isn
03:30.07Qwell_t supported
03:30.27tengulreQwell_: can not supported what?
03:30.44*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (n=matt@
03:31.08ZX81hi all - anyone know what the cause of "my_zt_write: Write returned -1" filling the console followed by a machine crash?
03:37.18*** join/#asterisk stkn__ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
03:40.19ZX81I know the message is normally associated with missing interrupts causing and/or the jb for zap being empty/too small but why did the machine crash?
03:41.02fujinfaulty hardwrae?
03:41.34ZX81hmmm maybe
03:41.48ZX81am taking another unit up there tomorrow
03:42.12ZX81but its a 4 hour drive and I've been up three times so far!
03:42.23ZX81just want to make sure I've covered everything :)
03:42.57ZX81have a new server, a new switch, a new ups, new phones, my test butt, krone tools etc
03:45.54*** join/#asterisk tim0123 (
03:47.44_pepo_Hi friends
03:47.50_pepo_I am working in a TELCO, we have a trouble with our very old Alcatel Voicemail system (and now we dont have support and worst this system was forgotten for Alcatel)
03:48.30_pepo_I've used Asterisk for just small jobs, but I've proposed use it and tomorrow begins with the tests :)  ... so
03:49.17_pepo_we have a lot of users, how do I have to configure my server Asterisk to works like voicemail system if some PSTN call is turned in SIP beacause it goes through a Softswitch?
03:54.57*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (n=leon@
04:10.16MooingLemurI just had someone sit in a conference bridge for more than 24 hours (probably left the phone off the hook).  The conference is recorded.  The monitor file reached 2 gigs.  asterisk got repeated SIGXFSZ and it responded by rotating the logs 15000 times. :P
04:16.03*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
04:35.47*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
04:38.18*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
04:39.24*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
04:51.07hungindayHelp me, I added a new module in asterisk-source\res folder. In this module I call some funtions in chan_sip.c. Asterisk is compiled successfully but when running it show error of missing funtion symbol, so that the funtions in chan_sip could not be called from my new module. So what i have to change Makefile or something to make it work???
04:52.54*** join/#asterisk ptblank (
04:55.37*** join/#asterisk jacq (n=jal@
05:03.53*** join/#asterisk apardo (
05:06.51*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (n=leon@
05:09.35*** join/#asterisk aod2 (
05:09.58aod2Hi. Anyone awake out there?
05:11.16*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
05:11.38*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
05:11.38aod2I will paypal $100 USD to anyone who can help me with an SCCP problem in Trixbox.
05:12.00aod2It should be fairly simple.
05:12.13WilliamK100 is like a cheap date :)
05:12.36WilliamKsorry - I just had to say it :)
05:13.07*** join/#asterisk aiksa[LV] (
05:13.43aod2Well, for this problem it is more than adequate, I think.
05:14.18WilliamKis thinking covered under the medical health plan?
05:14.52aod2I cannot get a Cisco 7970 to use the SEP(MAC).xml.conf file
05:15.03aod2no matter what I change in this file, it ignores it
05:15.34jacqhye you guys know if cluster of TLS/sRTP capable Asterisk's, with SER balancer has been done (or documented)?
05:17.28aod2$100 USD to anyone who can make this Trixbox give these 7970 phones the correct time, even after daylight saving time. And as a bonus, I'd like the services button to do something. The SEP file tells it where to go for the services, but it ignores it.
05:19.15aod2Noone, huh?
05:20.50WilliamKaod2, buying them beer or something might go farther
05:21.08aod2$100 should buy you a bit of beer, I'd think.
05:21.40WilliamKdepends on the kind and where you live
05:22.31*** join/#asterisk bjweeks (n=bjweeks@unaffiliated/bjweeks)
05:23.12*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
05:23.31aod2I suppose you are right, but I have $100 sitting in my Paypal account and I need to get this working. I think $100 is more than enough for something like this. It must be some stupid issue I am overlooking.
05:27.08aod2Wonderful. Yet another almost nice opensource project that I will have to ditch for proprietary bullshit because noone supports it. :(
05:28.11WilliamKnah, you're just asking at the wrong time of night
05:29.06aod2My problem is that I have a Cisco 7970 phone and I'm using SCCP with Trixbox and it works great. The only thing it doesn't do is accept it's SEP(MAC).xml.conf file. Whatever I put in there, it ignores it.
05:29.23aod2I cannot get the time right on the phone, and I cannot get the services button to go anywhere.
05:29.44aod2Again, I'll pay $100 USD via Paypal if someone can make this work.
05:31.34bjweeksI'd make a mailing list post the with bounty, I'm sure somebody will bite
05:31.39WilliamKoh and just a note, if I had trixbox and a 7970 I'd probably try and figure it out, but I lack those 2 resources
05:31.51outtolunci seem to remember hearing some of those phones wanting xml as XML
05:32.01jqlI see
05:32.18aod2Yeah, I was watching the tftp logs and I know every file it wants.
05:32.47outtoluncthen what error did it give when it didn't 'take' the SIPxxxxx.xml.cnf
05:33.15aod2It actually loads an SEPXXXX.xml.conf file, because it is SCCP.
05:34.11jqlI regret not having a 7970. I don't regret not using sccp
05:34.15aod2Everything in SEPXXXXX.xml.conf file is ignored, however.
05:34.20jqlbut the cisco phones really are nice
05:34.32aod2That's the problem. :(
05:34.57jqldoes it download your conf?
05:35.00outtoluncyou keep saying .conf  where for my stuff it is .cnf
05:35.29jqlyes, cnf
05:35.33aod2It seems to download it, but it doesn't seem to do anything with it.
05:35.46aod2Actually, it expects SEPXXXXXX.xml.conf
05:35.52*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
05:35.55outtoluncdo you have a SCCPDefault.cnf also
05:36.26aod2It expects XMLDefault.cnf.xml
05:36.26WilliamK  if that helps at all for the file formatting
05:36.42aod2Yeah, that is for SIP though, not SCCP.
05:36.43bjweeksDid they change the naming in a firmware update?
05:37.26outtoluncnotes: the sip ones wants the XMLDefault.conf.xml also
05:37.30WilliamKbjweeks, all the notes that I see show that formatting
05:37.36aod2I think so. I'm running 8.2.2SR4
05:37.42WilliamKaod2, might wanna use etherreal and see what it's asking for
05:37.57bjweeksWireshark now ;)
05:38.08WilliamKthey changed that too?!?!
05:38.25bjweeksThe main author left his company that owned the name
05:45.21aod2It gets all the files it needs from the tftp server, it just ignores any settings in the SEP(mac).xml.conf file though.
05:47.24outtoluncsounds to me like you have an invalid conf setting
05:48.32aod2I need help with finding that invalid setting then.
05:49.16outtoluncwell then you have to post it somewhere, as the batteries in my magic wand have expired
05:49.45bjweeksThey don't run on batteries silly
05:50.43*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
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05:52.07WilliamKouttolunc, sorry that think just barely moves with fresh batteries anyway
05:53.26*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-home (i=black@pdpc/supporter/bronze/Corydon76-home)
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05:55.14WilliamKwelcome home Corydon76 :)
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06:21.38*** join/#asterisk The_Ball (
06:22.22The_BallWhen one has multiple outgoing lines zap and sip and want to use them as a outgoing trunk, is this called trunking or grouping?
06:30.08litage|whow do you configure a voicemail entry in voicemail.conf to send an email to multiple email addresses?
06:33.50The_Balllitage|w, i have tried, i don't think it is supported
06:38.08litage|wThe_Ball: on the wiki, it's suggested to put a unix username rather than an email address, and then put the desired multiple email addresses in /etc/mail/aliases for the specified unix username
06:38.57The_Ballthat will depend on the mail setup on your host. if you run for example ssmtp which delivers directly to server, no local relay, it will not work
06:39.17litage|wThe_Ball: ah true
06:39.27litage|wThe_Ball: would it work if you use nullmailer?
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07:23.44ussrbackI have question
07:23.52ussrbackI have configures MusicOnHold
07:24.09ussrbackwhen im conectng to asterisk throught the Sip phone
07:24.15ussrbackits working perfectly
07:24.36ussrbackbut when im trying to connect it throught cisco AS 5350
07:24.46ussrbacki cant hear anything
07:25.02ussrbacki use g711 codects in cisco dial-peer
07:25.05ussrbackwith asterisk
07:25.13ussrbackwhat is a problem?
07:25.21ussrbackand how can i fix?
07:26.17*** part/#asterisk Deep_Dish (
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07:27.46tuzhilahi all
07:27.55tuzhilai've got a problem
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07:33.10tuzhilai have linksys spa3102 fxo-adapter, i want to make calls from voip  to pstn. i did: i registered linksys on asterisk for sip id 70444, then registered my softphone for sip id 70111. in linksys i have whrote:  (xxxxxx<:@gw0>). also ---my sip.conf and extensions.conf. So, this stuff is not work
07:33.16tuzhilaplease, help me
07:33.54DandreAres those two extensions fragment equivalent and valid:
07:40.21*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
07:41.43Chris-NBif i have a database entrie like: /something/nr = 1 where ${nr} is dynamic is it possible to check in dialplan if there is such an entry: /something/??
07:44.25*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
07:46.28*** join/#asterisk nexilus (
07:46.56nexilusIs it possible to, from the AMI, place a call between two parties so that the phone rings on both sides?
07:47.37nexilusi.e i want to automatically call for example SIP/999 and ZAP/129381928319283, so that the phone rings on both ends and they can start talking once they pickup the phone
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08:00.19DandreAre those two extensions fragments equivalent and valid: ?
08:10.35nexilusDandre: equivalent in a manner, yes, valid, kindof, but the prior example is prefered for simplicity
08:10.44nexilusand comprehensiveness
08:11.12nexilusor first example rather
08:13.21DandreYes I know that the first is more comprehensive. But I have asked this question because I intend to have my extensions.conf generated by some tool and if the order as any importance so that I had to take this into account in the design.
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08:37.43nexilusDandre: i would suggest you make the tool take the order into account for comprehensive manual debugging if needed
08:38.14nexilusAnd if you're indeed making the tool yourself, consider using comprehensive comments in the extensions.conf file aswell to clarify further
08:38.55nexiluslike:   ; Office phones      ; Last update 2007-10-22 18:00       ; Some other phones     ; Test phones
08:39.11nexilusive found such comments are simplifying debugging and manual configuration alot "when needed"
08:39.46*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
08:41.33nexilusAnd actually, i would also suggest you use some form of backup system that stores the old extensions.conf somewhere with a time date stamp so that you can easily revert to the old config just incase you mess up an update
08:42.16nexilusi could ramble about this all day :P
08:44.18nexilusI myself have taken a slightly different route to auto generation.. i use include statements to include files from directories which include the phonedata
08:44.31nexilusso i have directories containing small files about extensions
08:45.04nexilusthat way i only need to generate a new file in my directory which will automatically be loaded without the need of changing extensions.conf and risk it to get b0rked
08:45.56nexilus(same with sip.conf too btw)
08:49.25*** join/#asterisk kay2 (
08:53.02Dandreok thanks for the advise
09:01.21*** join/#asterisk ghenry (
09:06.34Dandrenexilus: can the #include statement be used to include all file in a particuliar directory?
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09:22.05Strom_Mi'm sorry sir...multiple asterisks all at the same time does not save the universe
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09:42.08agxUsing G.711 a/u and ISDN/Analog line if i connect a G3 FAX will it work in G3 or it will slowdown to 9600 baud? Also if i connect a Modem/POS 56K will it work at 56K or it will slow down to 9600 ?
09:42.55Maliuta56K requires a digital switch at one end of the line
09:43.38*** join/#asterisk tuzhila (i=tuzhila@
09:43.40Strom_Mmoreso than that, it requires digital entrance facilities to the modem you're connecting to
09:43.45agxMaliuta, Modem or G3 ---> Linksys ATA --- g711 --- asterisk --- analog or ISDN ---> Telco
09:44.03agxthis is the scenario
09:44.09tuzhilaplease, help me, who works with linksys spa 3102
09:44.11Strom_Magx: that's a recipe for failure
09:44.23agxStrom_M, so this will not work?
09:44.31Strom_Mfax over voice over IP
09:44.33tuzhilai cant configure voip to pstn gateway
09:44.34Strom_Mthink about it
09:44.39Strom_Mit's designed for voice, not fax
09:44.45Strom_Mlook into a T.38 gateway
09:45.10agxStrom_M, ok, what about Modem/POS? same problem as faxes?
09:45.35tuzhilaplease, help me, who works with linksys spa 3102
09:47.38Strom_Magx: it's still data calls rather than voice
09:47.50Strom_Mtuzhila: stop being annoying and just ask a question please
09:48.30tuzhilaStrom_M: how i can to create voip to pstn gateway with spa3102
09:49.23Strom_Mperhaps read the instruction manual?
09:49.43tuzhilai already created pstn to voip gateway
09:50.23tuzhilabut i can't to do reverse stuff
09:50.58tuzhilathis is my sip.conf and extensions.conf, and sip debug
09:53.05tuzhilathis is it:
09:54.20tuzhilawhat do you think?
09:54.23tuzhilaStrom_M: ?
09:54.34Strom_M<--- SIP read from --->
09:54.34Strom_MSIP/2.0 404 Not Found
09:54.35Strom_Mread the error message :)
09:54.46tuzhilai see, but why?
09:54.54tuzhilawhere is the problem?
09:55.17tuzhila192.168.5.24 - is linksys
09:55.41thewiizleits not found
09:55.44thewiizlethe number you are calling
09:55.49thewiizlecheck your in the right context
09:55.56tuzhilain linksys?
09:56.00tuzhilaor in asterisk?
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09:56.40tuzhilathewiizle: ?
09:58.24luke-jrStrom_M: as far as fax goes, I have had very few problems so long as I use ulaw ⁂
09:58.52luke-jrnow modems… never got them to work, but I'm not sure that was a VoIP issue ☺ ⁂
10:00.27Strom_Mluke-jr: the cute characters which terminate your sentences are beyond irritating :)
10:01.08Strom_Mstop that
10:02.06luke-jrwhat's your problem, seriously? -.-
10:03.29*** join/#asterisk vader-- (
10:04.01Strom_Mmy problem is that on my display (and i'm sure on many others' displays as well) the characters are too small to be of any real use
10:04.12Strom_Mthe emoticon, for example, is just a dot
10:04.26luke-jrwell, that's the fault of your fonts
10:04.37luke-jrthat character predates your OS
10:05.05Strom_Myes, this I know
10:05.31Strom_Mhowever, expecting people to change their typefaces just so they can read your silly nonstandard emotes is a little arrogant, don't you think? :)
10:06.11luke-jrI don't think any of my standard Unicode symbols are necessary to understanding what I say most of the time ;)
10:06.26luke-jrtbh, they're totally invisible to me
10:06.40aiksa[LV]i suppose :) :( and :P is enough for emotional gamma of an IT specialist
10:06.54luke-jraiksa[LV]: that's what I type to get ☺ ☹
10:07.54aiksa[LV]your irc client is doing replace magic?
10:09.03aiksa[LV]then trash it or look for ways to disbale that. Thos chatting from console will find that annoying.
10:09.14luke-jrI intentionally enabled it ;)
10:09.25luke-jrany modern console should work fine with Unicode
10:10.53aiksa[LV]disregarding wheather console should do that or not. Emotion icons IMHO are ugly
10:10.56tuzhilalinksys 3102
10:11.02tuzhilai cant to create voip->pstn gw
10:11.07aiksa[LV]:) is clean and simple
10:11.09tuzhilafrom asterisk i received this message: SIP/2.0 404 Not Found
10:11.16tuzhilawhen i dialing 421818@linksys
10:11.23tuzhilain linksys i have this dialplan
10:11.24luke-jraiksa[LV]: then find a nicer font ☺
10:11.40tuzhilathat is my problem
10:11.46tuzhilaplease, help me
10:11.52luke-jra font could always draw it as : )
10:12.25aiksa[LV]tuzhila: how have you defined that linksys in sip.conf ?
10:13.30*** join/#asterisk blinky42 (
10:13.44tuzhilaaiksa[LV]: what do you think?
10:13.52aiksa[LV]a second
10:14.20aiksa[LV]you have missmatching in [linksys] and username
10:14.38aiksa[LV]try giving username linksys or define sip entry as [222]
10:14.54tuzhilaaiksa[LV]: ok, now...
10:16.12tuzhilaaiksa[LV]: no, the same problem
10:16.22tuzhilait's not help
10:17.07tuzhila<--- SIP read from --->
10:17.07tuzhilaSIP/2.0 404 Not Found
10:38.33*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/active/cpm)
10:44.06aiksa[LV]ok, now you have both sip entry and username the same
10:44.31aiksa[LV]and are referencing router with that name.
10:44.49tuzhilayes, linksys is 111
10:45.18aiksa[LV]try calling to SIP/username:password@ipdaddress_of_the_linksys/${EXTEN}
10:45.31aiksa[LV]i guess that was the syntax
10:48.24aiksa[LV]btw I dont see from your extensions.conf where you are trying to access that linksys device.
10:50.18tuzhilaok, trying..
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10:52.03tuzhilaaiksa[LV]: this way? exten => 421818,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@sipuser:password@,20)
10:54.01tuzhilano, the same result
11:00.15*** join/#asterisk Bladerunner05 (
11:00.43Bladerunner05If I run asterisk with a non privileged user it return error wriiting pid file
11:01.53tuzhilaaiksa[LV]: ?
11:02.04harryrBladerunner05: remove the pid file it was trying to write to and make sure the directory is writable by the user you're running asterisk as
11:04.38*** join/#asterisk ai-a (
11:06.11ai-aWe've got an Asterisk PBX installed on our lan.  We're getting "TOO LAGGED! (3014ms / 2000ms)" on the ext.'s within the network.  We've got a switched network have a database on it, but the traffic isnt high.. any reason for getting these issues ?
11:14.06*** join/#asterisk CaRb0n^ (n=Omer@
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11:18.36CaRb0n^all my IAX trunks are down
11:18.45CaRb0n^after my Dynamic IP changed
11:18.51CaRb0n^SIp trunks are working fine
11:19.20thewiizleshoutcast MOH
11:19.34thewiizleai-a sounds like a shit NAT router
11:19.41aiksa[LV]tuzhila: sorry i was away from comp.
11:20.12aiksa[LV]tuzhila: just a second
11:21.34aiksa[LV]i guess thats IAX specific then
11:21.48tuzhilaaiksa[LV]: no, its sip
11:25.16tuzhilaaiksa[LV]: any ideas?
11:27.45*** join/#asterisk luke-jr (n=luke-jr@2002:440d:6de2:0:20e:a6ff:fec4:4e5d)
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11:30.19ai-athewiizle: the router is a linux box.
11:30.38thewiizleis the pbx on the LAN
11:32.14thewiizleAre the phones on the LAN also
11:32.18ai-aits all on the same lan,
11:32.24thewiizleok that is weird
11:32.36thewiizleyour not using some bullshit switch are you?
11:32.39thewiizleor a hub
11:33.23ai-aswitches are HP Procurve J4899A. each desk has a Netgear FS105 switch when required.
11:33.30ai-ano hubs are used.
11:33.43ai-anetworks fine.. pings.. db access. Normal office is working.
11:33.45thewiizleusing packet scheduling?
11:33.49thewiizleQoS etc
11:33.50Strom_Mai-a: why are you qualifying on-lan phones in the first place
11:34.13ai-aStrom_M: trying to increase the fax on ata device reliability.
11:34.33thewiizlenot sure tbh
11:34.44Strom_Mthat's much like tryig to make a car more fuel efficient by performing a ballet dance
11:34.57ai-awhy /
11:35.09Strom_Mwhat problem will qualify solve, exactly
11:35.36*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
11:36.02ai-awe get about 2sec lag on these phones.  A) this shouldnt happen anyway on a network.. B) its making the fax machines fail.  Just asking in here to see if anyone knows of a way to track this down on a network.
11:36.48Strom_Mwell apart from the latency problems, you should be using t.38, not fax over voice over ip
11:36.57Strom_Mbut regardless
11:37.06ai-at.38 requires new fax machines ?
11:37.08Strom_Mdescribe your network
11:37.30ai-athe ata devices say they support t.38.. does asterisk support that ?
11:37.54bjweeksyeah, passthrough should just let it go to the ata
11:38.14bjweeksnew to 1.4 IIRC
11:38.21ai-awe're using 1.2
11:38.26Strom_Mupgrade time
11:38.58Strom_Mturning cheese into a Howard Jones album is impossible
11:39.04Strom_Mupgrading is not.
11:39.09ai-anetwork is 60+ pcs on about 5 switches. we've added snom phones for everyone to replace existing phone system. and added ata boxes for dec phones and 6 fax machines.
11:39.25bjweeksyou have 60+ asterisk servers?
11:39.36ai-apcs != pbx
11:39.45bjweeksthen what is the problem?
11:39.57bjweeksoh, nevermind
11:40.02ai-a[12:05:21] <ai-a> We've got an Asterisk PBX installed on our lan.  We're getting "TOO LAGGED! (3014ms / 2000ms)" on the ext.'s within the network.  We've got a switched network have a database on it, but the traffic isnt high.. any reason for getting these issues ?
11:40.35*** join/#asterisk tsurko (n=tsurko@
11:40.39CaRb0n^check your pbx network card
11:40.53Strom_Mai-a: describe the entire network between the phone and the pbx
11:40.57ai-aThe asterisk pbx is build by a 3rd party company. they have considered 1.4 not being a viable update at the moment.  until they are sure its stable we are still using the one they initially installed.
11:40.59CaRb0n^and systems cars on the entire network
11:41.11*** join/#asterisk duki (
11:41.27Strom_Mai-a: i want whatever that third party company is smoking
11:41.32ai-aStrom_M:  (fax/phone) - [ata] - network - 1 or 2 switches -> [pbx]
11:41.33Strom_Mclearly it's great shit
11:41.39bjweekswell, then you can't do reliable fax
11:41.50*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
11:42.02ai-aCaRb0n^: right, that will take forever.
11:42.05agxai-a, use a separate server for just fax handling?
11:42.22ai-aagx: we're not.
11:42.25agxai-a, i plug directly voip account onto the ATA
11:42.28ai-aif that was a question.
11:42.40ai-aagx: please repeat that in english.
11:43.02Strom_Mai-a: forget qualify; what's the latency when you just ping the ata?
11:43.16agxai-a, sorry i'm not able to repeat in english
11:43.51ai-a0.7ms to 1.2ms latency.
11:43.57ai-aagx: thats okay.
11:44.18*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
11:44.24ai-ai gather you said something like you enter your account details directly into the ata device.
11:44.30Strom_Mai-a: well then latency is not the problem
11:44.44ai-athe system automatlic picks up the settings from the server when dhcp directs it.
11:44.53ai-aStrom_M: thats what i said.
11:44.59Strom_Mai-a: the problem is that fax over voice over IP is just a brain-dead idea, and you should be using T.38 instead
11:45.22Strom_Malteratively...bypass the PBX entirely
11:45.24*** join/#asterisk famicon (
11:45.31ai-a[Boss] <---> me <----> [Company]  - boss wont pay until fax works, i say fax doesnt work,, company say its our network issue.
11:45.43ai-aStrom_M: i know that... you want my bosses phone number ?
11:46.10Strom_Mdon't spaz out on me :)
11:46.33Strom_Malso, 1.4 is stable.
11:46.42Strom_Mi run it here and ive not had problems.
11:46.50Strom_Mdigium uses it on their production systems
11:47.11Strom_M1.2 is in "for the love of god won't you upgrade to 1.4 already before we completely abandon this version" mode
11:48.28aiksa[LV]tuzhila: sorry, gotta run.
11:48.45thewiizleai-a why not get Fax2Email
11:48.48thewiizlefuck the whole shit off
11:49.14tuzhilaaiksa[LV]: what do you think about my problem?
11:49.37ai-athewiizle: the system as a softfax that works well, however we have people needing to sign documents.
11:49.54thewiizlebefore they are sent out?
11:50.10thewiizleadobe creater :)
11:50.10ai-ai said give them a scanner ;)
11:50.19ai-alol.. get it to auto-sign HAHA.
11:50.23thewiizleuh huh
11:50.29ai-ai have a an Asterisk SVN-branch-1.4-r77571 on another box.. can i use that for the fax'es and then forward the data to the asterisk 1.2 box for calling outside ?
11:50.30thewiizlejust load all the signitures in
11:50.47*** part/#asterisk agx (
11:50.49thewiizleT.38 is ~
11:51.29Strom_Mno support for t.38 passthrough in 1.2
11:52.47ai-aWe are using ASterisk 1.2.24-BRIstuffed-0.3.0-PRE-1y-j
11:53.35*** join/#asterisk tsurko (n=tsurko@
11:55.16ThoMehow i can disabled auto-recording in a queue?
11:55.36ThoMei have tried: monitor-type = ""
11:55.57coppiceT.38 is a lightweight jet fighter
11:57.22coppicethe talon
11:59.22Spidacoppice: I wouldn't call it a "fighter", though
12:00.08thewiizleT.38 is a nice idea
12:02.16*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
12:02.56coppicewhy? it kills people, though its mostly a trainer
12:03.08coppiceT.38 is a terrible idea. T.37 is a nice idea
12:05.36Spidacoppice: everything kill people, if you throw enough of it at them.
12:05.46*** join/#asterisk DImGR_lap (n=DimGR_la@
12:06.42coppiceSpida: I don't think the US domestic model of the T.38 was armed. the export ones were, though, and the F5 was a more heavily armed derivative
12:09.34JTai-a: sounds like your network is defective
12:12.13*** join/#asterisk lirakis (n=lirakis@
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12:22.29stmaherHi guys. .
12:23.24stmaherI have a strange problem.. I make a sip call into asterisk and then it is being routed to a third party IMS.. If there is silence (about 14 seconds the call is dropped and rung again.. any ideas?
12:24.20[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: We suggest you pastebin the CLI output of the entire call at verbose 10 & SIP DEBUG enabled
12:24.28jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
12:25.20stmaherthanks fender.. Ill try and figure out how to up the logs..
12:26.09stmaherwould this be the full file log in /var/log/asterisk/ ?
12:26.14*** join/#asterisk clandmeter (n=Carlo@
12:26.30[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: No, I just asked for *CLI OUTPUT*
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12:39.13DImGR_lapanyone has the web-gui working good?
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12:43.51[TK]D-FenderDImGR_lap: Not the place to ask really...
12:46.24thewiizlehmm has IVR config changed from 1.2 to 1.4
12:46.48*** join/#asterisk penguinFunk (n=penguin@unaffiliated/penguinfunk)
12:48.32[TK]D-Fenderthewiizle: 1.0 deprecated stuff is gone, everything that was 1.2 standard is identical.
12:50.26*** join/#asterisk waKKu (n=eurulo@unaffiliated/wakku)
12:51.23thewiizlefancy taking a look at a ivr setup quick
12:51.30thewiizleseems standard but fails
12:52.02thewiizlefails when trying to set DigitTimeout,5
12:52.08*** join/#asterisk marexz (
12:52.10[TK]D-Fenderthewiizle: that app is 1.0 and is GONE
12:52.39thewiizlethats 1.0!
12:52.41thewiizlemy go
12:52.44[TK]D-Fenderthewiizle: Go read up on 1.2 FUNCTION s
12:52.57thewiizlei just got that voip-info
12:54.26[TK]D-Fenderthewiizle: Then again it'd be quickly apparent if you did "show applications" and "show functions".......
12:55.04[TK]D-Fenderthewiizle: The deprecated stuff si clearly gone ad rather obviously named replacements are clearly listed...
12:57.52thewiizleyeh fixed that now
12:58.21aiksa[LV]back to keyboard
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12:58.50aiksa[LV][TK]D-Fender: so far no answer from digium support reagrding that PRI problem. What are usual response times for them?
12:59.18[TK]D-Fenderaiksa[LV]: No clue... only needed them once 2 years ago...
12:59.19aiksa[LV]or should I better add this to bugtrack?
12:59.45[TK]D-Fenderaiksa[LV]: Its always best to approach these problems from all angles.  Work them all until you get what you want.
12:59.57aiksa[LV][TK]D-Fender: my last contact with them was some 3 years ago or so. When trying to intsall * BE on test machine
13:00.03*** join/#asterisk deeperror (
13:04.05thewiizle[TK]D-Fender what does sip prune realtime do?
13:05.16penguinFunkhas anyone else noticed that anything < G711 (alaw or ulaw) is completely hopeless?
13:05.33penguinFunkwe bought G729 codecs and the sound quality is pathetic
13:05.39penguinFunk:( what a waste of money
13:05.58coppiceG.729 shouldn't sound too bad
13:05.59cpmit also sux, but the price is right
13:06.15penguinFunkcoppice: very quiet and unclear is how i would describe it
13:06.20coppicespeex should also sound OK.
13:06.27coppiceyour setup is broken
13:06.36penguinFunkalaw sounds perfect!
13:06.46penguinFunkjust a bandwidth hungry monster thats all
13:06.49coppiceyes. G.729 is neither quiet nor unclear
13:07.08coppiceit just doesn't sound as good as alaw
13:07.09penguinFunki beg to differ. interesting you have different views
13:07.40[TK]D-FenderpenguinFunk: No... its just YOU.  In the battle of you vs the rest of the world... bet on the world.
13:07.48coppicewhatever you think of the quality. it is absolutely certainly definitely the same volume, unless something is broken
13:08.05[TK]D-FenderpenguinFunk: Look at the sum of your solution.
13:08.14penguinFunkeverything works perfect with alaw, but using G729 seems to be a bit variable. sometimes better than others (depending on handsets used i suppose) but it is so difficult to have a full conversation using G729
13:08.28cpmcoppice, yes, I like speex, and use it where ever I am able.
13:08.52[TK]D-FenderpenguinFunk: I did testing with G.729 on my Polycom's and found it OK.
13:08.55penguinFunkokay forget volume
13:09.02penguinFunkwe are talking quality
13:09.35penguinFunk[TK]D-Fender: and you could understand every word every person says using G729?
13:09.37coppicebefore you were talking volume as well, how did that suddenly improve?
13:09.52coppiceyou should have no problem understanding G.729
13:10.06coppiceits superior to 90% of cellphone calls
13:10.27[TK]D-FenderpenguinFunk: Yes.  The only difference was a tiny harmonic "warbling" if I concentrated or there was low music playing (music does not encode so well over g729)
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13:10.52[TK]D-FenderpenguinFunk: conversation itself was fine
13:10.56coppiceif there is music it sounds bloody awful, but a voice should sound fine
13:11.16[TK]D-FenderpenguinFunk: Remember this is almost the primary codec used by ITSP's etc...
13:11.18ai-aWhats wrong with using g711 ?
13:11.37penguinFunkG711 uses too much bandwidth
13:11.56penguinFunkperfect quality though
13:12.00ai-awell, less bandwidth usage almost always means less quality.
13:12.05penguinFunkof course
13:12.09coppiceG.711 is far from perfect quality
13:12.15penguinFunkbut i want to meet half way between G711 and G729
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13:12.19penguinFunkis there a codec that does this
13:12.24ai-ahow much bandwidth does 1 g711 conversation take ?
13:12.50ai-apenguinFunk: the g713 seems half way ;)
13:13.01ai-ageez, my maths suck.
13:13.04penguinFunkg729 sounds like shit, g711 too much bandwidth
13:13.19Strom_Myou people are too damn picky
13:13.22ai-apenguinFunk: stop gassing so much.
13:13.27coppiceyour setup is broken if it sounds that bad
13:13.30penguinFunki need one that will use a bit more b/w than g729 and has a bit more quality too
13:13.39Strom_Mhow about g726
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13:13.57penguinFunkcoppice: then how do you explain the fact that using the SAME setup but using Alaw. sounds lovely
13:14.03ai-apenguinFunk: if there was a pefect codec we wouldnt need to use the others.
13:14.07penguinFunkis it free
13:14.15coppiceits not the same setup. you changed codecs
13:14.29ai-amp3 codec....
13:14.32penguinFunkso you have just admitted there is a problem with the codec then coppice
13:14.50penguinFunk729 is shit
13:15.01coppiceare you this much of a dumbass in real life, or it is just a part you play on IRC?
13:15.24penguinFunk<coppice> its not the same setup. you changed codecs
13:15.37penguinFunkyou must be the stupid one
13:16.14penguinFunkthe only thing changing is the codec. codec1 = lovely, codec2 = shit. therefore codec2 is shit, and then you call me a dumbass
13:16.19*** part/#asterisk southtel (
13:16.21penguinFunkthat is pure logic
13:16.27penguinFunkyou fuckin tit
13:16.30coppicebroken logic
13:16.37penguinFunkplease explain
13:16.57coppiceto an idiot? you should I. bye
13:17.11bjweekshaha, I love this channel
13:17.12deeperrorbjweeks: indeed
13:17.22*** join/#asterisk nettie (
13:18.13[TK]D-FenderpenguinFunk: We're back to the "just you" side of things... look at your codec revisions and the exact hardware being used.  Details might help....
13:18.27[TK]D-FenderpenguinFunk: And please try to keep it civil....
13:18.33*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
13:18.46bjweeksin before "he started it"
13:18.58nettieHi guys, I'm running a bristuffed asterisk 1.2.17 + Junghanns DuoBRI card, on the console I keep seeing == Primary D-Channel on span 2 down messages -- Is it supposed to be normal? Thanx in advance
13:20.06ai-anettie: you have your isdn line plugged in ?
13:20.15nettieai-a of course I do
13:20.26ai-athen do a pri debug..
13:20.44ai-apastebin your ext / zaptel / zapata / debug / cli output....
13:20.59ai-ais any alarms happening on the isdn card?
13:21.01ai-awhat card is it ?
13:21.08ai-aoh i missed that bit ;)
13:21.11nettieJunghanns DUOBRI
13:21.11penguinFunkcoppice: and from what evidence are you suggesting that i am an idiot? you cant even explain yourself
13:21.15thewiizle[TK]D-Fender quick ones for you, rapid fire stylee
13:21.24thewiizlesip prune realtime
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13:21.27thewiizleand auth sent
13:21.34penguinFunkyou got no answer, so the nobs way out is to say that. you are pathetic
13:21.57ai-apenguinFunk: yer, hes pathetic.. convo over.. your codec still doesnt work.
13:22.18thewiizlepenguinFunk, your rich calling someone trying to help you out pathetic
13:22.28thewiizleJust ask yourself why your here
13:22.30ai-aif you think name calling fixes your codec problems then continue.
13:23.12bjweeksif name calling fixed things this channel would be empty ;)
13:23.34ai-apenguinFunk: logic states nobody will create a 'pay for' codec that sounds too quite and unclear.. so it wouldnt be the codec's issue.
13:23.57penguinFunkthewiizle: he was not helping me at all. i have a lot of respect for people on irc giving free help. I have done it myself in other channels so no need to say any of that.
13:24.07penguinFunkhe was simply giving me abuse for no reason
13:24.10penguinFunknot helping
13:24.20penguinFunkso i can call him what i like, just like he calls me what he likes
13:24.21ai-apenguinFunk: there is an /ignore command.
13:24.32bjweeksI still don't think it should cost anything, every codec is covered under some BS patent but we don't pay for them
13:24.35thewiizlepenguinFunk Rise above
13:24.53ai-athewiizle ;)
13:25.02thewiizlebjweeks run that theory by the people that develop it :)
13:26.01bjweeksthewiizle: the people that hold the patents? I'm sure I would get some shit about how their patents kick every other patent's ass
13:28.13creativxI will patent your ass.
13:28.57[TK]D-FenderpenguinFunk: Perhaps you can try to help our understanding and tell us exactly what hardware & software is involved.....
13:28.59bjweeksMicrosoft already owns it
13:29.23[TK]D-FenderpenguinFunk: Because they do put out new releases of even the G.729 codec for quality improvements now and then...
13:29.38penguinFunkthat's interesting
13:29.45penguinFunkwell we have 2 asterisk systems
13:29.52penguinFunka bunch of sip users either end
13:29.56penguinFunkan IAX2 trunk between them
13:30.02penguinFunksnom300's mostly
13:30.15penguinFunkthough some people in the other office have grandshit's
13:30.22[TK]D-FenderpenguinFunk: IAX2 ALONE has audio issues regardless of codec in my experience.... not sure why... broken and stuttery
13:30.59[TK]D-FenderpenguinFunk: Snom is second rate audio right from the get-go with G711, and I'll leave a giant "no comment" hanging over grandstream....
13:31.18penguinFunkwhen talking between the two asterisk boxes using alaw, quality is perfect. i briefly tried g729 and i could barely hear what my colleague was saying
13:31.37[TK]D-FenderpenguinFunk: You are using almost EVERYTHING I would advise against.  Congratulations, lemme gt you a door prize ;)
13:32.06penguinFunki am dead against the grandstreams myself
13:32.09bjweeksWell, so am I but I don't have problems ;)
13:32.09penguinFunkwhat else is bad then?
13:32.13[TK]D-FenderpenguinFunk: In this call with your colleage, what hardware, and protocols?
13:32.17ai-aWe're here to please.
13:32.38penguinFunksip, iax2, g729
13:32.49penguinFunksnom300 -> snom300
13:33.03[TK]D-FenderpenguinFunk: Polycom > all.  Linksys is "ok", and is Aastra, but are clearly 2nd place.  Cisco beats them both on audio quality, but their SIP stack sorta sucks and costs too much
13:33.32penguinFunkpolycom is really that much better than snom?
13:33.35[TK]D-FenderpenguinFunk: Snom's bottom of the line... I really wouldn't get my hopes up.... they've been known for flakey firmware...
13:33.44bjweeks[TK]D-Fender: cordless phones connected to a 5 year old D-link ATA, trunk is IAX2 over the internet. can't beat that for suck :P
13:33.45[TK]D-FenderpenguinFunk: Polycom kills jsut about everything out there.
13:34.05penguinFunkafter a year of using grandstream, we are well impressed with the snoms
13:34.08*** join/#asterisk luke-jr (n=luke-jr@2002:440d:6de2:0:20e:a6ff:fec4:4e5d)
13:34.11penguinFunkfor outside calls
13:34.13penguinFunkalaw calls
13:34.17penguinFunkwell chuffed
13:34.42penguinFunkso i guess the answer is use polycom is you want g729 to sound good
13:34.42[TK]D-FenderpenguinFunk: Quick way to understand that last comment of yours... "shit looks really good... when compared to CRAP" <-
13:34.57bjweeksare granstreans THAT bad? :(
13:35.05jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
13:35.05*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (i=putnopvu@nat/digium/x-aedda85069469ecb)
13:35.10jbotmethinks grandstream is the Yugo of VoIP hardware.  Run.  Run away now.
13:35.13bjweekshaha, point taken
13:35.16[TK]D-Fenderbjweeks: YES
13:35.40bjweeksI guess I will stick with Linksys when I get some IP phones
13:35.47penguinFunkthe only poor thing i have noticed about any of our setup is g729 calls
13:35.53penguinFunkwe are more than happy with everything else
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13:36.03[TK]D-Fenderbjweeks / penguinFunk : where are you each located?
13:36.24[TK]D-FenderpenguinFunk: Go try a linksys then.  They are very affordable in the UK
13:36.35penguinFunki will keep that in mind thanks
13:37.05[TK]D-Fenderbjweeks: For you three is NO reason to use anything except Polycom.  North American pricing is on par with Every other even remotely acceptable choice.  And thats for getting a BETTER product
13:37.36[TK]D-FenderpenguinFunk: I haven't tried G729 on them SPECIFICALLY, but I owned an SPA-941.  It is "acceptable".
13:38.00coppicethe linksys phones look really bad, though
13:38.19bjweeksoh, hey I didn't know Polycoms were that cheap :/ I always wrote them off as too expensive
13:38.25thewiizleheh snoms
13:38.34thewiizlewe have a load of polycoms here
13:38.41thewiizle50 each :)
13:38.43*** join/#asterisk FireMac (
13:38.51[TK]D-Fendercoppice: against the SPA's : tinny speakerphone, SLIGHTLY tinny handset, base is too light and poor rubber feet means it'll shift under handset cord tension, poor use of their LCD.
13:39.17coppicepainted like a 3 year old did it, and it wears off quickly
13:39.28[TK]D-Fenderbjweeks: $< $90 for a PoE + Speakerphone.
13:39.39[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Never heard that one... will add the the commentary.
13:39.45penguinFunkbye bye coppice
13:39.51bjweeks87$! dang, I might skip getting a new ATA and just get polycoms
13:40.18[TK]D-Fenderbjweeks: Don't forget to factor in the cost of either power bricks @ 17$ or PoE switch.
13:40.28thewiizlePolycom :(
13:40.52bjweeksanything is a step up from my dlink ata :((
13:40.58Qwellthewiizle: If you don't like polycom - you're doing something wrong
13:41.35thewiizleQwell, i hate polycom
13:41.41Qwellthen you're doing something wrong
13:41.47thewiizleno, nothing being done wrong
13:41.49thewiizlejust hate them
13:42.22[TK]D-FenderI had a top-of-the-line Aastra 57i CT as my desk phone here at the office.  I took that as an "upgrade?) to my Polycom IP 600.   Lets jsut say I'd have preferred my home bedsides's IP **301** to it hands down.
13:42.51thewiizlei have one of those aastra phones
13:42.52lirakisQwell: i hate polycoms too...  they are excellent quality.. but thier interfaces are not logical.. they are not user friendly in any way
13:42.54coppicepenguinFunk: what a polite fellow you are, to abuse people in private messages :-)
13:42.55thewiizlewith teh wireless handset
13:43.21bjweeksdrama time again?
13:43.27bjweeksshould I get Dr.Phil?
13:43.34thewiizleGet Jerry in here
13:43.38[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Configuration I agree is not friendly (web gui blows and should be REMOVED :p) but the USER interface is the best I've even seen.
13:44.48lirakis[TK]D-Fender: i have one of the "HD" 550's .. it looks like unknown callers a lot because it runs off the screen... the interface menu's are stacked deep.. and i just dont like soft buttons.
13:45.24[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: What option do you actually have to go into menus for as a user?
13:45.39lirakis[TK]D-Fender: missed calls etc.
13:45.57[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: thats *1* button to see your missed calls... what are you talking about?
13:46.20[TK]D-Fenderlirakis:  1 button for : missed, placed,received, and speed-dials...
13:46.33Bladerunner05I run asterisk -u asterisk -G asterisk but it return error using /var/run/asterisk.ctl permission denied. May I specify to write pid file in another location ?
13:46.41*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (
13:46.55lirakis[TK]D-Fender: hmm.. maybe im confused.. (i dont have the phone on this desk)
13:47.15[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: clearly
13:47.30*** join/#asterisk oej (
13:48.05lirakis[TK]D-Fender: i thought i had to do menu-> directory->placed calls | missed calls
13:48.23[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: You thought wrong :)
13:48.49[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Step 1 : Down Arrow.  Step 2. NONE!
13:49.19bjweeks3. ...
13:49.23bjweeks4. PROFIT!
13:50.43[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: placed calls : Right Arrow.  Latest call is listed first.  Pressing Right Arrow again dials it.  so who needs a dedicated redial button?  Right-right.  End of story.
13:51.06*** join/#asterisk pardove (n=chatzill@
13:51.21[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: recall the last person who called you?  Left>right.
13:51.57Bladerunner05I run asterisk -u asterisk -G asterisk but it return error using /var/run/asterisk.ctl permission denied. May I specify to write pid file in another location ?
13:51.57[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Haven't seena  phone out there that can come even close to competing with Polycom on call handling.
13:52.12Bladerunner05any ideas?
13:52.21[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: You're skipping like my old record player... don't make me smack you :p
13:52.30coppiceI think [TK]D-Fender is a paid lobbyist for Polycom :-)
13:52.42[TK]D-Fendercoppice: No... but I SHOULD be :)
13:52.59[TK]D-Fendercoppice: As it stands I lobby for those WORTHY of it.
13:53.10[TK]D-Fenderbjweeks: lirakis is already here ;)
13:53.14pardoveis there any way to set the '#' key as dial key on fxs ports?
13:53.28[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: But you're reforming now, right?
13:53.38pardoveis there any way to set the '#' key as dial key on fxs ports? like most ATAs
13:53.38coppiceI used to hate Polycom's conferencing phones, but I've never used (never even seen) their IP ones
13:53.44[TK]D-Fenderpardove: what does "dial key" mean?
13:54.41keith4_what, your phone doesn't have a dial key? :-P
13:54.44tzafrirBladerunner05, asterisk -U asterisk
13:54.45pardove[TK]D-Fender:  as send key. to speed up the dialing.
13:55.13bjweeksthis must not be a US thing...
13:55.14tzafrirand - set varrundir in asterisk.conf
13:55.22[TK]D-Fenderpardove: You use variable length dialplan patterns?
13:55.25pardovekeith4_: now when using fxs ATAs you can hit # at the end of your dial number.
13:55.33pardove[TK]D-Fender: yes
13:56.20[TK]D-Fenderpardove: For Zaptel FXS the only way is to use "immediate=yes", and dump them into an IVR and start processing.
13:56.31[TK]D-Fenderpardove: less than convenient.
13:56.36keith4_like the check mark button on a snom?
13:56.41[TK]D-Fenderpardove: but it would technically work.
13:57.00*** join/#asterisk edwin_quijada (n=m@
13:57.06pardove[TK]D-Fender: is there any better way?
13:57.07[TK]D-Fenderkeith4_: We're talking about Zaptel FXS and an analog phone here...
13:57.15[TK]D-Fenderpardove: not on Zaptel FXS.
13:57.23[TK]D-Fenderpardove: ATA's support that however.
13:57.31[TK]D-Fenderpardove: Decent ones anyways.
13:58.16*** join/#asterisk syzygyBSD (
13:58.54pardovewhere in the code is responsible for this? i think hacking the code makes it possible. because the # key is not used as dial pattern any where
13:59.00anonymouz666${ANI} is only configured if I use the setcallerid(clid|a) ? Otherwise I can't just use the ${ANI}?
13:59.13keith4_[TK]D-Fender: don't yell at me, but I don't understand what he wants to do
13:59.40anonymouz666unless i set ${ANI} manually
13:59.41keith4_setting immediate=yes dumps you right into a context without a dial tone, doesn't it?
13:59.50[TK]D-Fenderkeith4_: I wasn't yelling at you.  He was quite clear in his request though...
13:59.59thewiizleabout this sip prune realtime that i cant find anything on google about
14:00.10keith4_[TK]D-Fender: it was a pre-emptive "don't yell at me" ;-)
14:00.14Bladerunner05<tzafrir> : I do but permission denied in /var/run
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14:00.30tzafrirright, bacause asterisk can't write there
14:00.44[TK]D-Fenderkeith4_: Want to blame me for WW3 while you're at it?  That hasn't happend yet either, but I'm clearly to blame!
14:00.52tzafrirso set the varrundir to /var/run/asterisk , create such a directory, and permit asterisk to write there
14:00.58syzygyBSD[TK]D-Fender: if he doesn't I will
14:01.03pardovekeith4_: if you have variable length dialplan, on zaptel fxs ports when you dial a number you should wait for some seconds to have your dialed number sent to *
14:01.11[TK]D-FendersyzygyBSD: feelin' the love...
14:01.25syzygyBSDit always starts cuz of love...
14:01.37[TK]D-Fenderpardove: This isn't something I would consider worthwhile to try to hack in....
14:01.49keith4_pardove: you have to wait, because it's not sure you're done entering digits?
14:02.05keith4_seems like you could maybe re-arrange the dialplan so there aren't such ambiguities, no?
14:02.06[TK]D-FendersyzygyBSD: Yup... GWB would *love* to have Iran glow in the dark....
14:02.25syzygyBSDlol.. you really think he is running the country?
14:02.35pardovekeith4_: so the # key in all ATAs means that i'm done with dialing and send it to the *
14:02.58pardovekeith4_: i want this behavior on zaptel fxs ports
14:03.03keith4_so it *is* like the checkmark on snoms
14:03.08keith4_...sort of
14:03.11[TK]D-Fenderkeith4_: issue is he has already confirmed that he has variable length pattern matches.  this precludes any kind of prediction of length for speedier processing.
14:04.04[TK]D-Fenderpardove: I'd say that in all practicality, this is not something to pursue with Zaptel.
14:04.26[TK]D-Fenderpardove: I have always recommended against Zaptel FXS for normal phone usage.
14:04.38pardoveno, it's something in chan_zap i think
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14:10.03stmaherhi guys.. how do i remove call limit counter from a sip trunk?
14:10.22*** join/#asterisk ussrback (n=MAX@
14:10.26ussrbackHi all
14:10.38[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: Tried reloading sip, or chan_sip?
14:11.53ussrbackthere is some module called confcall, but its released for Asterisk 1.2
14:11.58tzangerwhirred from the amd driver course
14:12.10ussrbackis it possible to use it for 1.4?
14:12.44stmaher[TK: The problem im having is it repeats calls when the IMS side has terminated the call ..
14:13.00ussrbackhi [TK]D-Fender
14:13.07[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: What is this "it" that is repeating calls?
14:13.24stmaherI should explain better..
14:13.30[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: indeed.
14:13.44stmaherI have a setup of sipphone -> asterisk -> IMS (VoiceXML interpreter)
14:13.54ussrback <-- Is it possible to install this application for Asterisk 1.4 ?
14:14.13stmaherwhen I make a SIP call to the asterisk box.. it routes it to the IMS
14:14.44stmaherThe problem is when the call finishes with the IMS asterisk keeps the sip phone session and makes another call to the IMS
14:15.19*** join/#asterisk tsurko (n=tsurko@
14:16.32[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: Remember that pastebin I asked you for... TWO HOURS AGO?  Now would be a good time....
14:16.41*** join/#asterisk clyrrad (
14:16.53stmaherOne sec :-)
14:17.02creativxmorning [TK]D-Fender
14:17.04[TK]D-Fenderussrback: I believe Anthm recoded it for 1.4 Ask him whenever he shows up here.
14:17.05jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
14:17.17penguinFunkcoppice: gone quiet?
14:17.36[TK]D-FenderpenguinFunk: I think you burnt him out.
14:17.36thewiizlepenguinFunk, bored?
14:17.54penguinFunkin more ways than one it seems
14:18.04penguinFunkthewiizle: not any more :]
14:18.09thewiizlegot any IVR exmaples i could leech over?
14:18.21syzygyBSDI need an upgraded server tested before I switch over to it if you are really bored...
14:18.30ReDNeQmy customer is complaining about not being able to make outbound calls. The calls are going out randomly over zap
14:18.46*** join/#asterisk Brixius (
14:18.47ReDNeQany idea  in what direction to look at
14:18.58syzygyBSDReDNeQ: does he have enough zap lines? are they in use when the calls fail?
14:18.59[TK]D-Fenderthewiizle: not much to say for IVR's that hasn't been put in print all over the place...
14:19.19[TK]D-FenderReDNeQ: Try looking in the direction of a PASTEBIN
14:19.20ReDNeQsyzygyBSD: they have 4 zap channels
14:19.21jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
14:19.41stmaher[TK]D-Fender thank you :l-)
14:19.58ReDNeQ[TK]D-Fender, i cant see the failure.. So ok, ill try this with someone elses esys
14:20.37[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: I asked for CLI output, not debug log file output...
14:20.52[TK]D-FenderReDNeQ: Cool... we can't see the failure either ;)
14:21.03stmaherOpps.. sorry.. I thought the CLI outputted to the log file..
14:21.32stmaherthe output seems to be the same for the CLI as the log file has
14:21.46thewiizlecant find anything on the web
14:21.52thewiizlenothing that works anyhow
14:21.57ReDNeQyeh yeh i got yah
14:21.58clyrradCan anyone recommend a good book for Asterisk 1.4?
14:22.01[TK]D-Fenderthewiizle: Somes in THE BOOK, and tons on the web....
14:22.06jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
14:22.06[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: the BOOK
14:22.14thewiizleim lookin
14:22.16Qwellooo, there's a pdf now?
14:22.26[TK]D-FenderQwell: Has been for semeral weeks...
14:22.41Corydon76-dig[TK]D-Fender: uh, one week
14:22.51ussrbackI have some .c file for module. How can i build new module?
14:22.53clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: thanks checking into that
14:22.59[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: No.. plural.  I never said "publicly annonced".
14:23.06ReDNeQ[TK]D-Fender, the biggest problem for me is the random times
14:23.23Corydon76-digI still prefer my dead tree edition
14:23.24ReDNeQthey have not maxed out their channels, but if they did what would the error say?
14:23.31[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: I've had it for nearly 3, and it was not particularly hidden on O'Reilly's either...
14:23.52clyrradhaha nice! I loved ATFOT first edition - nice to see there is a new one out - thanks guys, will be sure to buy this one
14:23.58[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: Just that we avoided making it "public knowledge" at jsmith's request
14:24.26Corydon76-digI'd still prefer that people show support for the authors by buying a dead tree copy
14:24.49[TK]D-Fenderussrback: I told you, anthm made a 1.4 version of this.  ask him when he's here
14:25.15[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: And why do you think thats the first link & reference in the jbot announcement ;)
14:25.54[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: And a lot of people like to buy the dead-tree version, and more power to them for doing so.
14:26.23clyrradI actually prefer a hard copy instead of a PDF, can sit at the couch and read in comfort :D
14:26.32ussrbackplease, help me when im trying to install addons i got errors ->
14:27.30thewiizletk gunna have a nice post for you in a sec
14:27.56thewiizledoes that look like it should work?
14:28.41ReDNeQhey [TK]D-Fender :
14:29.10[TK]D-Fenderthewiizle: Well you have no error handling in there, you can dial 6000 to go in circles.....
14:29.25[TK]D-Fenderthewiizle: You should avoide running IVR's on anything except "s"
14:29.41[TK]D-Fenderthewiizle: but "legal choices" should work.
14:29.44thewiizlewell its meant to be a quick IVR that will connect me to different hold music
14:29.54thewiizleit connects my call
14:29.59[TK]D-Fenderthewiizle: Dial something illegal = get hung up on.
14:30.04ussrbackplease, help me when im trying to install addons i got errors ->
14:30.09thewiizleplays (after-the-tone) but when i key press nothing happens..
14:30.13thewiizlecan i monitor for DTMF on the CLI ?
14:31.26*** join/#asterisk coppice (
14:31.37[TK]D-FenderReDNeQ: what kind of zap channel is that?
14:31.50[TK]D-FenderReDNeQ: Looks like it dialed, was answered, and then hung up....
14:31.53ReDNeQ[TK]D-Fender, its a tdm800
14:32.10ReDNeQ[TK]D-Fender, THATS EXACTLY MY POINT! ;)
14:32.15*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
14:32.24[TK]D-FenderReDNeQ: pastebin your zapata.conf
14:32.28ReDNeQthey say sometimes it takes up to 10-15 secs before they get answer
14:32.33ReDNeQthen it just hangs up
14:32.35ReDNeQok here it comes
14:33.09[TK]D-FenderReDNeQ: ALL of it...
14:33.50ReDNeQ; Zapata telephony interface
14:33.51ReDNeQ; Configuration file
14:33.58[TK]D-FenderReDNeQ: PASTEBIN!
14:33.59ReDNeQrxwink=300              ; Atlas seems to use long (250ms) winks
14:33.59clyrradoh no
14:34.05ReDNeQwrong paste
14:34.08De_Monthis is #asterisk not #pastebin!
14:34.09ReDNeQi have multi windows open
14:34.50[TK]D-FenderReDNeQ: Congratuations, Odds are you have 1 IRC channel window and 10 other possible windows that WOULDN'T have spammed us, and you beat the 10-to-1 odds!
14:35.07ReDNeQYep Im good like that
14:35.37[TK]D-FenderReDNeQ: and I said ALL OF IT.  Where's the INCLUDED file?
14:35.52ReDNeQall ok i will create one big pastebin
14:36.00ReDNeQi was putting it in another
14:37.21creativxwell i'll be damned
14:37.41creativx[TK]D-Fender: it seems i fixed my problem =) patched app_Queue to support call-limit for members.. and voilahhhhh
14:38.07[TK]D-Fendercreativx: Suppose thats one approach...
14:41.02thewiizletk man sorry to keep hassling u, ive changed this IVR to use, s,1, etc etc
14:41.19thewiizleis there any way to check and see if asterisk is receiving the DTMF key press ?
14:41.35*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
14:41.43thewiizlebecause its reaching WaitExten,15 and then doing nothing but hanging up as ive told it to
14:42.37mvanbaakheya all
14:42.50creativx[TK]D-Fender: indeed.. i'm not up to upgrading from 1.2 yet
14:42.51mvanbaakin asterisk 1.2, can you alter the sip payload size ?
14:43.04mvanbaakI thought that it was 20ms and not ajustable
14:43.06mvanbaakright ?
14:43.13*** join/#asterisk Aughey (n=jha@
14:43.22thewiizledepends on the codec doesnt it?
14:43.30[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: that'd be RTP, not SIP.  codecs.conf <-
14:43.41ReDNeQthere you go that is all of it
14:43.44ReDNeQall of them
14:44.02thewiizleit was DTMF
14:44.07thewiizlechanged to inband all is good
14:44.42ReDNeQi have 5 lines plugged into this 8 port card
14:44.57mvanbaak[TK]D-Fender: I'm using ulaw and alaw and gsm
14:45.06[TK]D-FenderReDNeQ: looks fine.  Test your ports with a line splitter & analog phone.
14:45.06mvanbaakI dont see anything I can set in codecs.conf
14:45.32ReDNeQ[TK]D-Fender,: when i use plain jane phone im able to make calls out just fine
14:45.53ReDNeQhow do i send diagnostics down card?
14:45.59ReDNeQmay card ports are bad?
14:46.02[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: What ver of *?
14:46.09mvanbaak[TK]D-Fender: 1.2.23
14:46.10[TK]D-FenderReDNeQ: Possibly
14:46.17[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: Read up ->
14:46.24[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: Bad news for you...
14:46.38mvanbaakI'm fired ?
14:46.40coppiceReDNeQ: if they are simple phone lines, why are you using _ks instead of _ls?
14:46.49[TK]D-Fender"Asterisk 1.2 and earlier only supports 20ms packetization in RTP-based protocols like SIP and MGCP"
14:47.06[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: upgrade time
14:47.10mvanbaaknot bad news for me, bad news for NEC-Philips
14:48.26*** join/#asterisk Trionnis (
14:48.56thewiizleoh this is too cool
14:49.05thewiizleive just built an Asterisk PBX Radio station
14:49.21Trionnisanyone here familiar with the limiting settings of Dial()?  I need a bit of direction since the wiki isn't all that clear
14:49.26drako[Oct  3 16:48:56] NOTICE[11562]: chan_iax2.c:2848 __auto_congest: Auto-congesting call due to slow response
14:49.33drakoneed to get rid of this
14:49.42drakothe qualify is set to NO
14:49.46drakokeep getting this...
14:50.01Trionnislittle more complex than that
14:50.24Trionnishave a look at the "L" parameter
14:50.26*** join/#asterisk saftsack (n=saftsack@
14:50.32Trionnisthat's the stuff I need a bit of pointer on :)
14:50.34[TK]D-FenderTrionnis: dated... CARBON DATED even... "show application dial"
14:50.39thewiizlelimit call to x
14:51.20TrionnisAndrew, that's the same thing in the wiki... what I don't get is how to set the variables
14:51.55Trionnisare those just supposed to be global variables?  e.g. Set()?
14:52.42AugheyI need some help.  I have a A200 card that has quit on me.  in dmesg I get "wanpipe1: No FXO/FXS modules are found!" (among other error messages and ztcfg reports "ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or address"  All of this has been working for over a year until this morning.  No changes.
14:53.18[TK]D-FenderTrionnis: Exactly
14:54.37tzafrirAughey, what changed this morning?
14:54.45Augheyabsolutely nothing
14:54.58mvanbaakAughey: I think it's time to slapin the sparepart
14:55.02tzafrirexcept the date, that is?
14:55.11Augheyit'd be nice if I had a spare part
14:55.17coppiceand the smoking PCI slot
14:56.08Augheyyou know, guys, that's not what I wanted to hear.  I want to hear, ahh, just run "ztjfoiew" and it'll all be fixed
14:56.14Trionnisoh... you can't let the magic smoke out... that's what makes it work!
14:56.23coppiceAughey: I guess you've tried obvious things like reseating the card?
14:56.52Augheythe computer has been reset.  I don't think we've removed power.  I don't have physical access to it at the moment
14:56.56[TK]D-FenderElectronic devices depend on their smoke... if it gets released, things stop working!
14:57.22coppicethe dumb thing with the A200 (other than using the wrong connector) is the cards push upwards. I always wonder about the effects of gravity and thermal cycling on anything like that
14:59.09coppicethough the fun one is when the edge connector completely wears away with vibration :-)
15:00.17*** join/#asterisk jingles (
15:02.30stmaher[TK]D-Fender: I will have to come back to that problem.. But maybe you could help me with tranfer problems.. I keep getting a 603 declined by the asterisk box when it tries to transfer the call..
15:02.55[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: .... pastebin....
15:03.09stmahercomeing right up
15:03.21[TK]D-Fendercoppice: You should never leave your server too close to your personal... "toys" ;)
15:04.31*** join/#asterisk tcseke (
15:05.15coppicethe "personal toy" I had wear through edge connectors was an airliner. real airborne equipment doesn't sue direct edge connectors, but we had test systems flying for a few months that wore through. strange things is they can wear while making perect contact, so you only know about it when they finally go right through
15:05.39stmaher[TK]D-Fender: thank you so much for looking into this!
15:05.49*** join/#asterisk qdk (
15:06.30[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: Found no matching peer or user for '' <- already not good... unauthed calls
15:06.51stmaherwe are just doing some interop tests.. so if its unauthed its ok
15:07.03*** join/#asterisk nfi|ermes (n=ErMeS@
15:07.52[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: To: "Stephen"<sip:stephen@>;tag=48182750 <- like talking to yourself?
15:08.09creativxaah god damn this is nice.. no more multiple calls to queue members.
15:08.34[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: Transfer to 1961 in default <- care to share the dialplan associated with this?
15:08.44TrionnisMy dad always says... "It's ok to talk to yourself... It's even ok to answer yourself.  If you have to ask yourself to repeat something, seek professional help."
15:08.52[TK]D-Fendercreativx: Easy fix in pure dialplan for that you know...
15:09.35*** join/#asterisk dlynes (
15:09.39coppice"Why do you think you are God?"
15:09.41coppice"I found that when I prayed I was talking to myself."
15:09.44thewiizlelol Trionnis
15:09.47thewiizlei like that
15:10.16creativx[TK]D-Fender: I dont know.. and i couldnt figure out how.. :)
15:10.29creativxsince I dont use queue agents but dyn members
15:10.40[TK]D-Fendercreativx: You should change your nick then... "LackOfCreativityX"
15:10.59Trionnisuh... here goes the creativity rant
15:11.32[TK]D-FenderGonna get me a shotgu and kill all the whiteys I seeeeeeeee!!!!
15:11.33stmaher[TK]D-Fender: thank you
15:11.54creativx[TK]D-Fender: hehe, I usually live up to my nick
15:12.10creativxnot saying I didnt _try_ to figure out how to do it with dialplan magic
15:12.18coppicenames are not chosen to illuminate, but to divert attention
15:12.19[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: Does that look like [defaul] to YOU?
15:12.35creativxindeed coppice ;)
15:12.52[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: And words cannot express how much I *DON'T* support FreePBX in here....
15:13.13stmaherOpps.. :-( my bad
15:13.56stmaherIm not using the Freepbx part..
15:13.56[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: You've collected at least 3 "bads" this morning... you're nearly ready to claim your door-prize on the way out ;)
15:14.19[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: And my faith in that comment would wane if it HAD any leeway with me to begin with...
15:14.41stmaherMy apologies..
15:15.03stmaherThank you for your time..
15:16.03[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: But I will accept your actually showing me the context that was being called for there...
15:16.12*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
15:17.27*** part/#asterisk Brixius (
15:17.42stmaher[TK]D-Fender: so there is no hope of asking you for further advice?
15:18.15[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: I have jsut asked you to provide the actual context that was being called by that redirect attempt....
15:18.32stmaherOh right sorry..
15:18.43stmaherCan you please rephrase that?
15:19.59[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: ......
15:20.03stmaheror what is it exactly you want to see ..
15:20.12stmahersorry.. Im not too firmiliar with the terminology
15:20.15[TK]D-Fender[TK]D-Fender>stmaher: Does that look like [default] to YOU?
15:20.19Trionnisyou don't support FreePBX... but you'll support TrixBox, right?
15:20.39[TK]D-Fender[TK]D-Fender>stmaher: Transfer to 1961 in default <- care to share the dialplan associated with this?
15:20.40syzygyBSDmeh, read the topic
15:20.56[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: And you gave me THIS : [ Context 'from-sip-external' created by 'pbx_config' ] <-----------
15:21.36stmaherAhhhhh.. I think i might know whats going on..
15:21.47stmaherI dont think i have a default entry that covers this problem
15:21.54[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: Yes, failure to read + unauthed calls.
15:22.51stmaherits just three lines..
15:23.13stmaherplayback vmgoodbye 2 macro(hangup) and include ext-local
15:23.48[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: And you think that actually says ANYTHING to me the way your wrote that?
15:24.27stmaherI didnt write that.. it was there by default :-)
15:24.30*** join/#asterisk aninoSAdilim (n=a@
15:24.44stmaherwant me to pastebin it?
15:25.04[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: funny.. with out "exten =>" and a whole bunch of CRUCIAL stuff what you just showed me is useless
15:25.17*** join/#asterisk jingles (
15:25.50stmaherLOL.. Im just learning Asterisk.. it was a miracle i got it to talk basic sip with a sip phone
15:26.11[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: Using FreePBX doesn't qualify as learning *.
15:26.37stmahertoo true.. but we needed it this interop done quickly and one of the guys suggested it in the office..
15:26.49stmaherIf i had the time.. I would sit down and do this from scratch..
15:26.58[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: Go shoot them now.  If there are any survivors, shoot AGAIN.
15:27.10[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: ....this is where you should consider :
15:27.11stmaherTrust me.. You think I like the guy who suggested this?
15:27.13jbotextra, extra, read all about it, hafc is hire a freaking consultant.  Look, if you're having difficulty understanding what you're doing and need a solution soon, you will be far better off hiring a competent consultant than continuing to pull your hair out.
15:27.25stmaher: I would shoot
15:27.43stmaheris there a shortcut to writing your name before text in irc?
15:28.14[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: "Who's the more foolish: The fool, or the fool who follows him?" - Obi-Wan Kenobi
15:28.40stmaherOld men dont use viagra cause their impotent its because old women are so very ugly - Jimmy Carr
15:28.48[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: depends on your client.  usually most autocomplete on <tab>
15:28.59stmaher[TK]D-Fender, nice one :-)
15:29.05stmahertab works :-)
15:29.10coppice[TK]D-Fender: if the fool is rich, the one following might be very smart :-)
15:29.34stmahercoppice, rich? you must be joking.. im fresh out of college..
15:29.38stmaherie broke for my next 3 lifetimes
15:30.10[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: Careful... China is regulating reincarnation...
15:31.25stmaherCan you please help me with the concept then.. ?
15:31.40stmaherIf i do a transfer.. I have to have an entry in the extensions.conf?
15:32.04stmaher[TK]D-Fender, sorry keep forgetting to use tab..
15:32.26coppice[TK]D-Fender: I haven't heard of anyone around here receiving government orders to remain dead after dying
15:32.37stmaher[TK]D-Fender, is there a way to get default to accept any sip connection and allow transfer?
15:33.14coppiceinsecurity might be, though
15:33.20[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: First your calls are coming in UNAUTHED.  Second I've asked you to PASTEBIN [default] **3 times now**
15:33.36stmaherComing right up sir..
15:33.51syzygyBSD[TK]D-Fender: it is a freepbx issue, have them support it...
15:34.13ai-aWe're here to serve and please.
15:34.32stmahersyzygyBSD, SHHHHHHHHHH.. besides.. after all we have been through in sure fender now likes :-) (kidding)
15:34.33[TK]D-FendersyzygyBSD: It is, and liekly the ultimate response, but I figured I'd bring all the incriminating evidence out into the open before I begin executing people....
15:36.09syzygyBSDI hope you drew blood before sheathing that
15:36.45[TK]D-FendersyzygyBSD: That's what chiburi is for....
15:37.02[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: and 'ext-local'  now....
15:37.07syzygyBSDnot like this guy though,
15:37.15stmahercant seem to find an entry like that
15:37.44*** join/#asterisk flujan (
15:37.55syzygyBSDstmaher: why not just pastebin your entire config?
15:38.01syzygyBSDit would save a lot of time
15:38.27*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
15:39.34stmahersyzygyBSD, My entire config
15:39.42stmaher[TK]D-Fender, My entire config..
15:40.05[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: Welcome to "dead end"
15:40.12stmaherthought that..
15:40.18stmaherso there is no ext-local..
15:40.24stmaherIm lernding :-)
15:40.52*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
15:40.58[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: your calls are landing in a useless context.  You should not be pioneering this sort of project if it has any kind of close dead-line attached to it.  I strongly suggest you get a consultant.
15:41.17[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: And FreePBX will have you fighting every step of the way.
15:41.18drako[Oct  3 16:48:56] NOTICE[11562]: chan_iax2.c:2848 __auto_congest: Auto-congesting call due to slow response <- Any idea how to make iax try longer?
15:41.21*** join/#asterisk Dan0maN_Work (n=dschuh@
15:42.10stmaher[TK]D-Fender, I just have these two to complete..
15:42.27stmaher[TK]D-Fender, Transfers and that weird other problem from earlier
15:43.04pardove[TK]D-Fender:  i done it! now hitting # sends the dial string on zaptel fxs
15:43.19[TK]D-Fenderpardove: How did you go about it?
15:43.33pardovejust a little hack on channel.c
15:43.50*** join/#asterisk wwalker (n=wwalker@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/wwalker)
15:44.22stmaher[TK]D-Fender, do i have to change the default to accept an incomming call to do a transfer?
15:44.46[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: your calls are coming in UNAUTHED.  thats the problem.
15:44.54pardove[TK]D-Fender: i'm going to optimize the code ;-0
15:45.12[TK]D-Fenderpardove: And its isolated to chan_zap on dial only?
15:45.48flujanHi guys, I need to implement this behavior on asterisk: if the queue agent is on a call do not try to place a second call to it. When I set the call-limit to 1 it works flawless... I had have the incoming calls delivered in less than one second.
15:45.53stmaher[TK]D-Fender, ok.. is there a way to make anything authed?
15:45.59pardoveno it also works on disa which i also had this problem on it
15:46.08stmaher[TK]D-Fender, or do i have to make an entry somewhere?
15:46.14flujanNow, I have a queue of two level. People from the first level, answers the call and tries to solve the problem. If then do not know how to solve the caller problem, they put the call on hold and call the second level for help. The issue is that if I set the call-limit to 1 I lost this behavior.
15:46.38*** join/#asterisk tsurko (n=tsurko@
15:46.42[TK]D-Fenderpardove: Test if it intereferes with IVR's and being able to use # as a CHAR <-
15:46.44stmaher[TK]D-Fender, If you have any plans to come to Ireland IOU several drinks at this stage!!
15:47.27flujanDoes asterisk 1.4.12 and the changes in app_queue.c solve this issue? Or how can I avoid this issue? I was checking the app_queue.c code and see some places where they change a bit of code... At least in the try_calling function. If it is not support in asterisk now, I can use some help to develop a patch and address this "issue" of mine.
15:47.32[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: My advise is ditch FreePBX and have a proper system built to meet your needs
15:47.38*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
15:47.39pardove[TK]D-Fender: ?
15:48.32[TK]D-Fenderpardove: go dial into an IVR in your dialplan and see that your stripping of "#" doesn't interfere
15:49.34coppicetristanbob: MS must be having real problems pushing response point. did you see the weak hardware page?
15:49.51tristanbobcoppice: no - where is it?
15:50.09coppiceclick on hardware at the left side
15:50.45stmaher[TK]D-Fender, I cant.. 90% of the testing has been done on this platform
15:50.47drako <- somethign to do in here to avoid the error?
15:50.49*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
15:50.55pardove[TK]D-Fender: OK
15:51.01drakois very random when it works and stopworking the iax trunk
15:51.11drakoand is only 250ms right now
15:52.12[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: "Can't" is a word abused by those of little imagination and less sense of what should be done.
15:52.39stmaherYour right..
15:52.39[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: Either way, this is way outside the scope of this channel .
15:53.03jbotsomebody said freepbx was unable to be supported here. It's a complex piece of dialplan and GUI, and can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
15:53.04stmaher[TK]D-Fender, ok.. ill give it a go..
15:53.17[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: Best of luck with whatever you try to do about this...
15:53.33pardove[TK]D-Fender: it works wonderful. even on IVRs. now zaptel fxs ports really act like a ATA port
15:53.35jbotextra, extra, read all about it, trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX, and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox seriously painful to support and hence you will find little help here for it.  Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & WIKI at
15:53.37[TK]D-FendersyzygyBSD: Just got to the end of that video....
15:53.58Trionnisah... I would have been a bit more... unfriendly... in my description :)
15:54.06[TK]D-Fenderpardove: see if you can have that based on a zapata.conf var... that's patch-worth
15:54.07syzygyBSDlol, ya
15:54.09[TK]D-Fenderpardove: see if you can have that based on a zapata.conf var... that's patch-worthy
15:54.27[TK]D-FendersyzygyBSD: You can deny my blade all you want... you'll be just as dead :)
15:54.54*** join/#asterisk AlienPenguin (n=Miranda@
15:54.59[TK]D-FendersyzygyBSD: And I've only cut myself with my blade once.  Trashed a shirt and the only other student there that day didn't even know it :)
15:55.15coppiceyou've been watching too many bad HK movies
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15:55.43AlienPenguinhi ppl, i am using asterisk-1.4.4 and i cannot hear the musicOnHold either using MusicOnHold or Queue() application
15:55.56[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Nope... Akira Kurosawa films more like :)
15:55.56AlienPenguincalls are managed ok
15:56.09AlienPenguini tried switching from wav and mp3
15:56.17syzygyBSDAlienPenguin: ever had moh working? any errors in your log?
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15:56.26ai-aAlienPenguin: dont use mp3. show cli log / errors
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15:56.56AlienPenguinsyzygyBSD: never tried moh before
15:57.02AlienPenguinai-a no errors on cli
15:57.06stmaher[TK]D-Fender, Thank you for your support.. even tho I know it was a nightmare :-)
15:57.15AlienPenguinit sys it is playing and the queue members are correctly dialed
15:57.23ai-aAlienPenguin: can you pastebin website your cli output of the call.
15:57.31coppice[TK]D-Fender: those are similar - remade even worse by Hollywood :-)
15:57.31ai-adont explain,, show.
15:57.36AlienPenguinai-a sure
15:57.43*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
15:57.45syzygyBSDalso pastebin your moh.conf
15:58.03[TK]D-Fendercoppice: I'm talking 1950's originals here....
15:58.15[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: I've had worse....
15:58.33stmaherYeah me too.. kinda goes by the name of my ex girlfriend :-)
16:01.20xezzhello, i have a siemens hipath 3700 call center, can i connect it to asterisk via isdn card ?
16:02.44pardovesetvar just works on sip.conf?
16:02.59AlienPenguinpasted: [moh|queues|extensions].conf too
16:03.14coppice[Tk[D-Fender: 黒澤明旳影好, or don't you deal with the true original? :-)
16:04.30AlienPenguinbtw the "Stopped music on hold" message appeared when i put down the phone after some seconds.
16:07.17flujanguys, which hardphone that supports g729 do you recommend?
16:07.28ai-aAlienPenguin: have files in /var/lib/asterisk/moh/techQ ?  and are they readable by asterisk ?
16:07.54AlienPenguinai-a yes indeed
16:08.00coppicesince most hard phones support G.729, you aren't really limited very much
16:08.18ai-aAlienPenguin: what file format are the wav files ?  tried gsm files instead ?
16:08.29AlienPenguinai-a: however i have the very same behaviour if i use the default moh files
16:08.34*** join/#asterisk elixer (i=elixer@
16:08.35AlienPenguinai-a: nottried the gms
16:09.00AlienPenguini'll try right now
16:09.04flujancoppice: does polycom ip 330 ad 320 support it?
16:09.15ai-ause sox to convert them,.
16:09.26AlienPenguini already do that :)
16:09.46AlienPenguinif i use Playback(mymohfile) it works
16:09.53coppiceyep. very few hard phones don't support it. the free soft phones don't support it, because it costs. most other things do
16:10.01tristanboblooks like the main benefit is the IVR
16:10.01tristanbob"Reach anyone in the company directory or your Microsoft Outlook address book by simply saying their name."
16:10.04ai-ai always say use the same alaw/ulaw your isdn calls are using.
16:10.30flujancoppice: thanks for the help. :D
16:11.01*** join/#asterisk mltlnx (
16:13.00AlienPenguinai-anope, gsm files are just the same
16:13.23AlienPenguini dont see any rtp packets so qasterisk is not streaming anything on the network
16:14.09*** join/#asterisk Kandinsky (
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16:15.40Kandinskyhi. anybody using BRI ISDN (with HFC-S chipset on a PCI cad) on Asterisk?
16:15.42KattyI have a horrible, horrible TERRIBLE problem.
16:15.51Kattyit's bugging me so much, i'm about about to splode For Real(tm)_
16:16.00Kattyi need help :<
16:16.40Kattyi decided i wanted to make turkey breast for dinner. and i think baby carrots..but i don't know if baby carrots really go with turkey breast.. or what a nice healthy way to make turkey breast is...or... what my carb should be.
16:16.43coppiceif you want to be helped badly, you've come to the right place
16:16.44Kattyi'm about to insane.
16:17.29Kattythere is my problem.
16:17.38Kattyi have nothing to pastebin, sorry.
16:17.56ai-aAlienPenguin: no idea ;)
16:18.03lirakiswtf is huggles? .. everything gets 'cutesey' when Katty enters ;P
16:18.23coppiceshe did say breast
16:18.24Katty_ShrikE: everything? what carb?
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16:18.37Katty_ShrikE: new potatoes?
16:18.43Kattycoppice: yes, yes i did. BREAST.
16:18.55Kattycoppice: boneless, skinless BREAST
16:18.57ai-aWhoooo... whos breasts ?
16:18.58coppicerice, turkey and carrots - make turkey congee
16:19.06Kattyooh rice.
16:19.08ai-askinless breasts sound sick.
16:19.23Kattycoppice: tell me more about this Turkey Congee
16:19.33outtoluncreminds me bodyworks II is in town <G>
16:19.35coppiceai-a: you must be playing too roughly
16:20.01Kattylirakis: a huggle is like a hug. except usually involve much picking up and twirling about.
16:20.25Kattylirakis: and i can't help the 'cutesey' - it just happens.
16:20.33coppicesounds too energetic. i'll go for a plain snuggle
16:20.37Kattylirakis: it's a common female trait.
16:21.34coppicecongee: a Hindi word adopted into English.
16:21.38Kandinskyanyone: how to use a PCI HFC-S BRI card on Asterisk?
16:22.22*** join/#asterisk fuzzbawl (
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16:23.13fuzzbawlhey all, got a question about checking Zap channels
16:23.54fuzzbawlsay my telco is acting retarded and I need to make a test call on each outbound Zap channel, individually, to test for issues. how do I do that? =]
16:24.03twistedomg katty
16:24.20twistedwhy you gotta come in here and talk about food?
16:24.46tzafrirKandinsky, zapbri/zaphfc from bristuff or misdn
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16:25.28Kattytwisted: sorry, deary.
16:25.30Kandinskytzafrir..installed asterisk bristuff on a kubuntu
16:25.39Kandinskybut how do i see the isdn card?
16:25.49Kattyrice, baby carrots, and turkey breast.
16:25.53WilliamKin an ofc or in a cubicle?
16:26.06Kattynow what do i do to the turkey breast?
16:26.09twistedwe dont' have offices here
16:26.12Kattyjust saute in tons and TONS of garlic
16:26.14twistednot even the bosses have offices
16:26.21Kattyi have an office, with a door.
16:26.23Kattywhich locks
16:26.27tzafrirKandinsky, you have sample configs in the zaphfc directory. or use genzaptelconf
16:26.29twistedgood for you :)
16:26.37Kattytwisted: you can come hang out in my office if ya want ;)
16:26.47twistedcan we lock the door? :P
16:26.51Kattyno :P
16:27.07Kandinskyzaphfc directory..where?
16:27.11tzafrirKandinsky, see
16:27.30tzafrirKandinsky, you asterisk and astrisk-bristuff deb ?
16:28.09Kandinskyand i don't seem to find any zaphfc stuff
16:28.33tzafrirgenzaptelconf should generate you a working config . Though the sample config files I mentioned should be under /usr/share/doc/zaptel/examples
16:28.46[TK]D-Fendercoppice: isn't congee a kind of chinese porridge?
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16:30.09coppiceyes, but the word is actually Hindi. We had to teach a chef in Rajastan how to make it once :-\
16:33.36[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Will commit that little nugget to memory...
16:35.17coppicein cantonese, congee is juk - 粥
16:36.25[TK]D-Fendercoppice: My friend speaks mandarin and used the word as-is.  Was it absorbed as such directly, or simply misappropriated?
16:37.30coppiceI think its something like juk in mandarin too. I can't remember, congee is always used as the english word
16:39.10[TK]D-Fendercoppice: If I ever see the guy again, I'll ask him....
16:39.36[TK]D-Fender(friend was a bit of a stretch for our frequency of contact)
16:39.44*** join/#asterisk jksM (n=jks@
16:39.55stmaher[TK]D-Fender, hhehehe.. now on vanilla asterisk :-)
16:40.41coppice[TK]D-Fender: well, I'm sure you can easily remember how the chinese is written
16:40.44[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: Congratulations.
16:40.58[TK]D-Fendercoppice: LOL... no dice :)
16:40.58*** join/#asterisk duki (
16:41.00stmaher[TK]D-Fender, thank you.. now do i get my lollypop?
16:41.07*** part/#asterisk mog (
16:41.08jksMcan anyone recommend books on setting up VoIP on a service provider scale? (or similar, i.e. more in-depth information on for example multi-server setups, than for example I can find in the O'reilly asterisk book)
16:41.31coppice[TK]D-Fender: 你冇用
16:41.39TrionnisjksM: you should have went to Astricon
16:41.50jksMTrionnis, oh :-|
16:42.02[TK]D-Fendercoppice: You don't say!
16:42.03Trionnisthere were 3 presentations on it
16:42.05jksMTrionnis, hmm, it wasn't taped and put online or something? - I'll go check it out
16:42.13Trionnisthey're supposed to be uploaded to
16:42.23Trionnisno idea when anyone is going to get around to doing that though
16:43.22jksMAstricon is just a bit far away for me... they have to do it in Scandinavia next year ;-)
16:43.24coppice[TK]D-Fender: insults don't look so bad, when you can't read them :-)
16:43.26coppice你 = you
16:43.27coppice冇 = not have
16:43.29coppice用 = use
16:43.53TrionnisI could handle that
16:44.06*** part/#asterisk atomicd (
16:44.34jksMTrionnis, can you recommend any books? - I've found a tonnes on amazon... but I'm afraid that they're not very good
16:44.56*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
16:45.07Trionnisnothing very comprehensive on large scale *
16:45.19Trionnisthere seems to be a few different camps for how to go about it
16:45.29jksManything on a medium scale? :-) (I'm looking to setup something for about 500 users)
16:45.41Trionnisblah, spam
16:46.07Trionnisnothing I've seen, sorry :(
16:46.18coppice[TK]D-Fender: I hope someone tattoos you with "gullible white boy"
16:46.19*** join/#asterisk duki (
16:46.27[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Loved that one too :)
16:46.48jksMTrionnis, okay, I wonder that all the knowledable people did... perhaps it's matter of trial and error or something ;-)
16:46.53*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
16:47.00Trionnispretty much
16:47.02coppiceah. but you couldn't read it, so you have to assume it didn't say something nastier :-)
16:47.31Trionnisthe guy from had a pretty good presentation about it
16:47.34[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Just because I can't read it doesn't mean I'm incapable of having it translated.  I am resourceful you know...
16:47.39Trionnislot of interesting concepts
16:47.42stmaher[TK]D-Fender, Ok.. what needs to be done to allow call transfer? <- my sip.conf and extensions.conf
16:48.12TrionnisI have his email address around here somewhere... you could email him and ask for a copy of the presentation I'd guess
16:48.13[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: You are so significantly far from having a clue I can't really help you right now...
16:48.14coppice[TK]D-Fender: someone else was resourceful like that. they asked me to translate. that's where I saw it :-)
16:48.17Trionnishold on
16:48.38[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Yeah, POSYHUMOUSLY doesn't help them very much :p
16:48.39stmaher[TK]D-Fender, ok thanks
16:48.48jksMTrionnis, I'm perhaps overdoing this... I have setup so far a front-end to handle the incoming trunks, a server for handling IVR and the actual calls, a server for handling CDR and blocked calls and a server for voicemail + webinterface
16:48.53[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: No minced words there....
16:49.05[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: you can't jsut take 5 lines and call it a config....
16:49.28[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: And clearly you either have a lot more in there you're not showing or its now completely broken.
16:49.29jksMTrionnis, but where I'm clueless is in stuff like combining SER with Asterisk, etc.
16:49.54stmaherI have a debian box i just apt-got it..
16:50.19TrionnisSER is it's own beast
16:50.22stmaher[TK]D-Fender, its a default installation .. I can paste the complete extensions.conf and sip.conf file
16:50.26*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
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16:50.57[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: You should seriously have a consultant get you set up to start and learn from there...
16:51.20Trionnisbut.. but.. but.. he's using freepbx.. isn't that enough? ;)
16:51.56ZaVoidhey guys
16:52.19ZaVoidis there a way to show registered sip devices to my asterisk box?  sip show registry: Show SIP registration status (when Asterisk registers as a client to a SIP Proxy)  <-- is the reverse of what i'm looking for
16:53.14ZaVoidand sip show peers isn't it either
16:53.14tzafrirstmaher, apt-got what exatly? Asterisk? FreePBX?
16:53.29*** part/#asterisk Dandre (
16:53.33stmahertzafrir, Asterisk
16:53.46tzafrirthe Etch package?
16:54.02Kandinskyanybody who uses ISDN with HFC-S chipset PCI cards on Asterisk?
16:54.46tzafrirKandinsky, modprobe zaphfc
16:55.05Kandinskynot found
16:55.33Kandinskyi ran genzaptelconf -sdMv
16:55.39Kandinskyand i got 1 error
16:56.01Kandinskyunable to open device /dev/zap/ctl
16:56.04tzafrirhave you run m-a a-i zaptel
16:56.31Kandinskyi am running it now
16:56.47Kandinskyit failed
16:56.56Kandinskyand i got a menu
16:56.56tzafriruname -r
16:57.06Kandinskyview continue or stop
16:57.15*** part/#asterisk wwalker (n=wwalker@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/wwalker)
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16:57.25Kandinskywhat should i choose?
16:57.31tzafrirhmm... stop
16:57.42tzafrirI prefer the text interface
16:57.59tzafrirm-a -t -i a-i zaptel
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17:00.00tzafrirWhat error?
17:00.09tzafrirCan you pasebin the last lines?
17:00.17Kandinskywait a minnute
17:00.34styelzKandinsky: apt-get install module-assistant
17:03.41tzafrirzaptel-source depends on m-a
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17:04.00tzafrirzaptel-source depends on m-a
17:04.01Kandinskyok back
17:04.09tzafrir(unless Ubuntu managed to mess something)
17:04.26Kandinskyfrom the start
17:04.33Kandinskyi have a kubuntu 7.04
17:04.42Kandinskyinstalled asterisk from the repo
17:04.52Kandinskyasterisk bristuff
17:06.25*** join/#asterisk tripps (n=ss@
17:06.26Kandinskychan-capi and chan-capi-misdn not installed
17:06.39Kandinskydo i need them?
17:06.46*** part/#asterisk tripps (n=ss@
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17:07.16tzafrir-dev: no. -config: asterisk depends on it
17:07.37tzafrir-doc - can help . -sounds-extra - nice . -web-vmail - you don't need
17:07.52Kandinskythen added zaptel
17:08.06Kandinskyand zaptel source
17:08.07styelzKad: i find it easier to just download asterisk/addons and zaptel from the digium ftp and compile form source
17:08.08tzafrirbut you got a specific error
17:08.12tzafrircan I see it?
17:08.34Kandinsky/usr/src/modules/zaptel/vzaphfc/vzaphfc_main.c:1684: warning: passing argument 2 of ‘request_irq’ from incompatible pointer type
17:08.38Kandinskymake[5]: *** [/usr/src/modules/zaptel/vzaphfc/vzaphfc_main.o] Error 1
17:08.42Kandinskymake[4]: *** [/usr/src/modules/zaptel/vzaphfc] Error 2
17:08.46Kandinskymake[3]: *** [_module_/usr/src/modules/zaptel] Error 2
17:08.50Kandinskymake[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.20-16-generic'
17:08.50Kandinskymake[2]: *** [linux26] Error 2
17:08.50Kandinskymake[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/modules/zaptel'
17:08.50Kandinskymake[1]: *** [binary-modules] Error 2
17:08.50Kandinskymake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/modules/zaptel'
17:08.50Kandinskymake: *** [kdist_build] Error 2
17:09.08*** join/#asterisk xidarian (
17:09.35Kandinskydo u see it?
17:09.45Kandinskyor was it to much text
17:11.02Kandinskytzafrir: ?
17:11.18Kandinskystylez do u use ISDN ?
17:11.30Kandinskystyelz sorry
17:11.55styelzjust fxo/fxs
17:12.40Kandinskytzafrir: u still there?
17:15.41styelzsee if that compiles
17:15.48Kandinskybut i have asterisk 1.2.16
17:15.51styelzor 1.2 ..
17:16.54styelzjust  extract and cd into the folder and do ./configure && make menuselect && make install
17:17.20*** join/#asterisk luisjose (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
17:17.37Kandinskyyeah..but i need the bristuff version
17:17.43Kandinskyi think
17:17.46*** join/#asterisk ljd (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
17:17.58Kandinskyeverybody said it would be the best for my isdn
17:18.15styelzthats asterisk dependant though.. i thought a patch for astersik
17:18.40Kandinskyit's >P
17:19.23styelzwhat hardware do you have
17:19.40Kandinskya server and 2 isdn pci cards
17:19.49Kandinskywith hfc-s chipset
17:19.58Kandinskyand 2 nt from the isdn provider
17:20.11Kandinskyand voip phones
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17:21.01Kandinskythe voip seems to the 2 phones up and running
17:21.12styelzso you have custom driver for zaptel ?
17:21.12Kandinskytalked from one to the other
17:21.25Kandinskywhat do you mean by that
17:21.35Kandinskyi got no cds with the pci cards
17:21.41Kandinskyif that's what u mean
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17:25.32styelzok i see in the source for 1.4 it says.
17:25.36styelzxpp/ChangeLog:  * genzaptelconf will detect vzaphfc.
17:26.20Kandinskythe problem is...that I don't think the zaptel package contains bristuff drivers
17:26.32Kandinskynot sure 100%
17:27.24styelzasterisk-bristuff - Open Source Private Branch Exchange (PBX) - BRIstuff-enabled version
17:28.00Kandinskypage 21
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17:28.41Kandinskythat's what i should do...but it isn't very detailed
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17:31.17Kandinskybut there they did use capi
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17:31.25krondorlIs there a channel for the (FOP) Front Operator Panel??
17:31.34deeperrordoes asterisk play well with dual/quad core systems?
17:31.48Kandinskyi have it on a dual core and it works
17:31.57krondorlOurs is on a dual.
17:32.07deeperrordoes it use them both?
17:32.48deeperrormaybe a better question.  is anyone familiar or know of anything online that would compare systems, results, load etc?
17:33.04krondorlcouldn't tell ya..
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17:33.26De_Monwhy sis there a genzaptelconf, zapconf AND an ztcfg?
17:35.32blitzrageztcfg loads the configuration into memory I believe
17:35.55blitzragelike ztcfg -vv will tell you if things are good or not
17:36.40styelzthere are "man" pages for each
17:38.16Kandinskyanybody using isdn with PCI hfc-s chipset cards?
17:39.29styelzecho echo echo...
17:39.33*** join/#asterisk TedNJ38 (
17:39.35TedNJ38How can I adjust the time in which my box logs events?  Everything in the log file seems to be a few hours off.
17:39.57*** join/#asterisk waKKu (n=eurulo@unaffiliated/wakku)
17:40.32styelzTedNJ38: set the correct time and timezone on your system
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17:44.04tru_`z24exten => s,n,Answer ... .what does the "s" stand for in that dialplan line?
17:44.22jbotfrom memory, stdextens is "s" Standard Extension : Where a call goes to when * does not know the destination of the call.  Ex : Calls coming in on FXO ports (no DID), a call coming in from an ITSP that doesn't specify or where it was not set in the REGISTER line, or FXS port goes off-hook and "immediate=yes" in zapata.conf.  "s" is also used to make IVRs & macros. ...
17:44.36[TK]D-Fendertru_`z24: time to read... THE BOOK
17:44.39jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
17:44.53tru_`z24thank you
17:45.14jbot:), [TK]D-Fender
17:45.21Kandinskyanybody using isdn with PCI hfc-s chipset cards?
17:47.16*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
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17:48.10SpidaKandinsky: barely.
17:49.08Spidaused barely. what I wanted DID work (I had a jabber bot that notified me about the caller-id when the phone rang)
17:49.28Spidathese cards should work, and can be used in NT-mode, afaik
17:49.39Kandinskyi'm interested on how to get the asterisk to see and use the isdn cards
17:52.18Kattyi bought turkey breast.
17:52.20Kattyand carrots.
17:52.21Kattyand brown rice.
17:53.13Kandinskyhurey :P
17:53.58_ShrikEKatty:  you going with the congee?
17:54.09*** join/#asterisk Mrchicken (n=dorphals@
17:54.37Katty_ShrikE: no,i don't think so.
17:54.48Katty_ShrikE: i think i'll just make something light and healthy (=
17:54.54MrchickenHello, I need to get speech synthesis into my *, which package would you recommend me?
17:55.16MrchickenFlite or Festival?
17:55.17_ShrikEKaty:  Well, I live in New Orleans so I dont know anything about that.
17:55.38Qwell_ShrikE: hmm...  I'm gonna be down that way this weekend, or early in the week.  Anywhere I *must* go?
17:55.55Qwellor anything I must see?  anything like that :D
17:55.57Katty_ShrikE: that's okay (=
17:56.37_ShrikERedfish Grill anytime.. Palace Cafe for lunch (get the bananas foster)..  If you wanna drop a few more bucks than usual you cant beat commanders palace.
17:57.12_ShrikETake a tour of the 9th ward and see the devastation.
17:58.02_ShrikEand the D-Day museum is very impressive
17:58.09Qwell_ShrikE: thanks
17:58.27Kandinskyanybody using isdn with PCI hfc-s chipset cards?
18:01.56*** join/#asterisk akx^ (
18:02.57akx^i'm having some major issues with voicemail could anyone please try to help me out i would really appreciate it
18:05.06jbotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there, just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
18:05.51jbotextra, extra, read all about it, question is If you have a question and want people to give useful answers, make sure you have read this first:
18:06.12wishesheh man that gts quotes all the time :D
18:06.18MrchickenHello, I need to get speech synthesis into my *, which package would you recommend me?
18:06.24wisheswonder how many hits he gets on url
18:06.36wishesMrchicken: Festival works easily enough - but i wouldnt try it on 1.2
18:06.55Corydon76-digakx^: that was directed to you.  Don't ask if somebody can help, just ask the questions
18:07.00wishesnor would i try and older version of festival
18:07.12Kandinskyanybody using isdn with PCI hfc-s chipset cards?
18:07.36coppiceyou are
18:10.02akx^sorry my internet keeps going up and down
18:10.12_x86_get better internets!
18:10.33Kattymmm, internets.
18:10.37akx^i have to stay on the phone network that's why it sucks
18:11.43_x86_i got teh internetz version 9.0
18:12.10akx^my voicemail used to work perfect and in time the voicemail for extentions kept going out one by one right now only one of them wrks it's really weird they're all set up the same way
18:13.12akx^i try to login i put in the password and once i put it in stays without doing anything for a couple seconds and the call gets hanged up
18:15.09wisheswhats the console output ?
18:15.58*** join/#asterisk duki (
18:16.04*** join/#asterisk Boones (
18:16.05J4k3I got INX
18:16.07J4k3InterNet X
18:16.56J4k3(oops, didn't mean to offend any mac weenies)
18:17.56akx^Executing VoiceMailMain("SIP/704-a566", "704") in new stack
18:18.23akx^and it stays like that the call doesn't even get hung up anymore
18:18.31*** join/#asterisk angler (i=angler@pdpc/sponsor/digium/angler)
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18:20.24wishesset debug higher
18:20.26wishesverbose more
18:22.17akx^my debug is 9999999 and that's all im getting
18:23.23akx^tried from a different extension same thing
18:24.21akx^this is how i have them set up
18:24.22akx^704 => 1111,****** *****,******@*****.com,,attach=yes|saycid=yes|envelope=yes|delete=no
18:25.26[TK]D-Fenderakx^: Sounds like DTMF simply isn't getting in.  What is your SIP device?
18:25.43akx^Polycom 430s
18:26.18wishesmm mines a little more simplistic 815 => 1234,Liz Quilty,
18:26.36[TK]D-Fenderakx^: Make sure in sip.conf you use "dtmfmode=rfc2833" for each phone's entry
18:26.52*** join/#asterisk GreggB (n=GreggB@
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18:29.53akx^just checked they're all good
18:30.45[TK]D-Fenderakx^: Where is the phone relative to your server?
18:31.19akx^callerid=***** ***** <704>
18:31.21akx^here's how i have the extensions set up
18:31.23akx^what do you mean by that?
18:31.29Kattyakx^: FYI, is fantastic (=
18:31.32jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
18:31.41Kattyakx^: it keeps my head from sloding (=
18:32.04[TK]D-Fenderakx^: Where is the phone relative to your server networking-wise?
18:32.17akx^on the same network
18:32.20FuriousGeorgeim noticing after a few weeks, asterisk starts getting hung channels if i dont restart it
18:32.24[TK]D-Fenderakx^: And as a warning FreePBX is *NOT* supported here.
18:32.46akx^not using freepbx
18:32.51FuriousGeorgei got a call today, all their trunk lines were busy (pots / sangoma a201), but no one was on the phone
18:32.52*** join/#asterisk oej (
18:33.04[TK]D-Fenderakx^: if you're typing in the box # and hitting "#" and * isn't seeing it, it should likely be a networking issue somewhere.  * setup looks fine.
18:33.17FuriousGeorgei logged in and sure enough all the zap channels were in use, i had to soft hangup all of them
18:33.24[TK]D-Fenderakx^: I recodgnize their configs anywhere..... been seeing it for years now...
18:33.43*** join/#asterisk atomicd (
18:34.10FuriousGeorgei cant seem to find anything on the bug reports about it.  i cant leave the system in that state when it happens to seek help for debugging, and this doesnt result in a crash or deadlock so there is no core dump
18:34.45akx^i didn't set up this box the person that worked here before me did it's running version 1.2.9
18:35.50[TK]D-Fenderakx^: Do "set debug 10
18:36.00[TK]D-Fenderakx^: and check the call as it goes through.
18:38.24akx^same exact thing
18:39.50[TK]D-Fenderakx^: enable SIP DEBUG and pastebin the entire call from beginning to end.
18:45.47*** join/#asterisk tim0123 (
18:46.14akx^if it would be a dtmf problem how could i try to fix that?
18:46.49tim0123I have a question about realtime static
18:47.30*** join/#asterisk monux (n=fsantiag@
18:48.00tim0123Anyone know about realtime static
18:48.15[TK]D-Fenderakx^: I jsut told you what I needed to see.  Please provide the pastebin.
18:48.17monuxinvolving yellow alarms
18:49.10*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
18:50.19tim0123[TK]D-Fender I had another question about realtime static
18:50.41[TK]D-Fendertim0123: just ask, and don't limit yourself to asking only me.
18:50.54[TK]D-Fendertim0123: So, go on...
18:52.38tim0123Can you use the mysql driver for realtime static ,I curious if the only difference between realtime and realtime static is the table layout
18:53.27[TK]D-Fendertim0123: ok, really couldn't say..
18:54.31akx^how do you make putty let you see more history
18:56.00tim0123well im using realtime with mysql ,im just wondering if i change the table layout will it go back to static
18:56.22monuxdoes any one know why yellow  alarms happen
18:56.52monuxthey happen randomly and takes exactly 5 seconds to clear
18:58.11[TK]D-Fenderakx^: in your connection setting, scroll-back <-
18:58.21[TK]D-Fenderakx^: I typically set to about 2000 likst
18:58.58fuzzbawlmonux, the tests are cisco specific, but it at least describes the various alarms
18:59.55*** join/#asterisk _pepo_ (n=Pepo@
19:00.46monuxfuzzbal: ok but, here is my set up , i have an asterisk server with a digium card, and they are hooked up to the telco
19:01.01monuxfuzzbawl: via fiber optics
19:01.41[TK]D-Fenderakx^: Hrm, you hear the prompts, right?
19:01.41fuzzbawlyou still have a T1 interface at some point, correct?
19:02.13fuzzbawlmonux: I would assume your telco is the time source?
19:02.22monuxfuzzbawl : yes
19:02.22[TK]D-Fendermonux: pastebin your zaptel.conf & zapata.conf.
19:02.25jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
19:02.58akx^i hear enter the password after that i don't hear anything
19:03.07*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
19:03.34[TK]D-Fenderakx^: :/
19:04.16akx^did u take a look at the sip output?
19:04.55monuxcopying them
19:05.16[TK]D-Fenderakx^: Yeah, I see nothing out of the ordinary...
19:06.29akx^its really weird because it was working before for some extensions and one by one kept getting mest up without any changes beeing made in the configuration of the box
19:08.43fetcherhas anyone tried these cheap SIP phones from China?
19:09.02fetcherboss wants to order some, and they sound OK on paper (even supporting IAX2).  What kind of problems might we expect?
19:09.29monux that is my zapata.conf
19:10.20*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey (n=chatzill@
19:10.48monux that is my zaptel
19:11.07[TK]D-Fenderfetcher: yup, look like cheap shit....
19:11.16monuxfuzzbawl, D-fender  tell me whta you make of them
19:11.57*** join/#asterisk HCEvan (
19:13.13monuxfetcher: Grandstream you say?
19:13.15[TK]D-Fendermonux: switchtype=national <- think that should be euroisdn <-
19:13.43[TK]D-Fendermonux: national = NI1
19:13.57[TK]D-Fenderor was that NI2?  Either way not for EU
19:14.26monuxD-Fender : i live in latin america , Guatemala exactly , so that was the one my boss used at the telco
19:15.22*** join/#asterisk trippss (n=ss@
19:15.42[TK]D-Fendermonux: Hrm... not sure of what the norms are there.... One would think that your telco would use a complete set of matching standards from one region...
19:17.13trippssis there any detriment (performance, etc.) to having qualify set to yes on SIP peers?
19:17.27monuxD-fender: telco's here don't tendo to give out this info...
19:17.29[TK]D-Fendertripps : generally no.
19:17.42monuxD-Fender: also i use vici-dial
19:18.14*** join/#asterisk klictel (n=klictel@
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19:21.54karlh626While at astricon there was mention of a location where we could download the presentations that were given at the various talks.  Is this available yet.
19:23.27GreggBAnyone using a cheap or pay-as-you-go PSTN to SIP/IAX provider they're happy with? Such as one you can port an existing number to and maintain services for just a couple $$/month plus ~$0.01 to $0.03 per-minute (US) rates.
19:25.46[TK]D-FenderGreggB: ...
19:25.50jbotAn ITSP (Internet Telephony Service Provider.) is a "VoIP Phone Company". Example : Vonage, Broadvoice, Teliax, VoicePulse, etc. "All ITSPs suck. Some suck less than others. Teliax seems to suck less than most.." (tm) (c) 2007 ManxPower
19:25.54karlh626GreggB The company I work for has a MetaSwitch which provides a SIP gateway.  I can ask about rates if you want to give me an email address
19:26.07lirakisfetcher: .. how cheap??  i mean.. it would have to be REALLY cheap for me to even think about buying a single phone.  I mean Grandstream is cheap.. but they do work ( and get the job done despite what others say) ... but a no name.. random chinese manufacturer... ehhhh...
19:26.27*** join/#asterisk akx^ (
19:26.35lirakisfetcher: by .. really cheap.. i mean .. like $10-20 handset depending on features.. lol
19:27.41*** join/#asterisk tristezo2k (n=seba@
19:27.44karlh626Is anyone on that attended Astricon?
19:28.08tristezo2khelo * :D
19:29.21tristezo2kI am using ast 1.4.11 and it works ok.
19:29.21tristezo2know, I am seeing
19:29.28tristezo2ksome errors like chan_sip.c:1938 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on transmission
19:29.34tristezo2kand it seems that the call is dropped.
19:30.00trippss[TK]D-Fender: i'm configuring this mediant box now that our PRI has been installed. I have it registered to *. Now I'm trying to figure out the best way to go: 1)register mediant with * and leave phones registered to * and set up * to route outbound calls to mediant and similarly config mediant to hand off phones to *, or 2) register phones directly with mediant and let mediant do the handing off. thoughts?
19:30.06tristezo2kI can not find what that error means, nor if it is fatal for the call..
19:31.05[TK]D-Fendertripps : *'s role is to control what you dial.  The Mediant is NOT a soft-switch
19:32.33trippss[TK]D-Fender: right. so the way i've got it now is the way to go then . . .
19:33.54*** join/#asterisk guillote_GNU (
19:34.08lirakistrippss: the mediant, as [TK] said, is not a soft switch... it is a media gateway.  You should use a sip proxy, or SBC to route traffic to the Mediant for conversion and send the converted on to another SBC .. it isnt designed to handle a crapload of endpoints.
19:35.23deeperrorAny clues why at random times in the middle of calls dtmf would start?   In messages I see....chan_zap.c: Started VLDTMF digit '8'
19:41.40watchylet cuddle
19:43.52*** join/#asterisk oej (
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19:45.40AugheyIf anyone was around from this morning, the problem with the Sangoma card was a blown FXO module.  Found the bad one and pulled it and the rest works fine.
19:46.58[TK]D-FenderAughey: See if you can RMA it
19:47.03*** join/#asterisk Alric (
19:48.17watchyhey mr tk
19:48.28watchyhows i fix this
19:48.28watchy-- Incoming call: Got SIP response 500 "Internal Server Error" back from
19:48.40watchymy polys always do that
19:49.06[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: Its just spam, ignore it
19:49.14watchywell i knew that
19:49.18watchyits just annoying :(
19:49.30[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: reboot your phones & restart * and it will disappear for a while.
19:50.35lirakisjeeze.. whats wrong with people
19:50.40[TK]D-Fender"AIDS dies of Herpies, news at 11"
19:51.20lirakisif no where else in this world... i thought IRC would be a safe haven where people could just "get along" ...
19:52.19AlricFound an interesting situation today with MixMonitor and Queue using the monitor-join option.  If I take a call recorded by MixMonitor directly and perform "sox recordedFile.wav -g -r 8000 -c1 recordedFileNew.wav" on it, I get a file that will play normally.  If I perform the same command on a call recorded by Queue with monitor-join, I get a file that is either 256 or 320 bytes large.  This seems to be happening 100% of the time.
19:52.48watchyi want a freakin icey
19:54.56AlricAny ideas what is causing that?  Queue seems to use the same functions MixMonitor does.
19:55.29*** join/#asterisk oej (
19:57.28*** part/#asterisk atomicd (
19:59.11monuxD-fender: suppose the switch is set to another type or it has been updated or whatever... right? zaptel and asterisk would give you some sort of warning? right?
20:04.49*** join/#asterisk fujin (n=aj@unaffiliated/fujin)
20:10.26rpmdoes asterisk support sip aliases? so i can make multiple aliases to a device/peer?
20:11.03rpmi guess that'd be dialplan specific exten =>,1,Dial(SIP/exten)
20:11.58fujinsip aliases
20:12.05fujinnow why would you want to do that?
20:12.45rpmbecause i like url dialing and don't like telling people to dial, i like doing like
20:14.35russellbrussell is the coolest name ever
20:14.37fujinI'm not sure I'm seeing the problem.
20:14.57rpmrussellb, you got that right :)
20:15.10[TK]D-Fenderrpm: thats just an exten, and no you don't get a domain in there.
20:15.48[TK]D-Fenderrpm: exten => dumbass,1,Dial(DIP/exten) <------
20:16.06rpmyeah i figured.
20:16.22rpmback to work for me. ttyl.
20:16.33*** join/#asterisk akx^ (
20:16.55krondorlIs there a channel for the (FOP) Front Operator Panel??
20:19.41krondorlOk, is there anyone that might be able to help me with the FOP?
20:30.10fetcherkrondorl: What trouble are you having?
20:31.45krondorlfetcher: I have the FOP on a web server looking at the * box on a different server and I know I have the configs correct, but the op is not getting any info from the looks of it..  No firewalls..
20:32.34fetcherkrondorl: all the icons are blinking?
20:32.44krondorlfetcher: nope.
20:32.53krondorlfetcher: solid green.
20:33.49krondorlfetcher: we are running the 1.4 * and the latest fop.
20:34.27J4k3prolly in a jail, to keep my own sanity.
20:34.42fetcherkrondorl: did you add an entry for FOP in your /etc/asterisk/manager.conf ?  I think * has to be restarted after changing that file, also
20:35.00Corydon76-digfetcher: it does not
20:35.10krondorlfetcher: I did, and I did a manager reload.
20:35.23Corydon76-digmanager.conf is re-read on each new connection
20:35.33fetcherCorydon76-dig: ah, good to know
20:35.55*** join/#asterisk duki (
20:36.03Corydon76-digHello, Katty
20:36.34krondorlfetcher:  the manager show connected but nothing there, but if i do a manager show users I see the managers.conf info.
20:36.44fetcherI think all green icons means the Flash applet is at least communicating with your
20:37.41krondorlfetcher: :) yup.  I have run this on the same machine before but this time we want the fop on a complete different system..
20:38.29fetcherkrondorl: in manager.conf, you may need to change a line under [general]  from "bindaddr =" to include the IP you want it to listen on (or for all)
20:39.02*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
20:39.03fetcherkrondorl: accepts manager connections only from clients local to the Asterisk machine itself
20:40.27krondorlfetcher: Isn't the bindaddr the address of the machine * is running on and the permit= the one it's listening for?
20:41.21trippssmmmm trying to get mediant to work - keeps telling me [ERROR] #0:TrunkGroup::AllocateEndPoint - can't find endpoint for number 8005551212  . . . . but the manual says endpoints are only for FXS and i'm using T1 digital interface . . . any ideas?
20:42.11fetcherkrondorl: yes.  listen= can be the local eth0 address.
20:43.23*** join/#asterisk t3rror (
20:43.41lirakisbye everyone
20:43.41fetcherkrondorl: which also needs to be specified in op_server.cfg  (
20:43.54*** join/#asterisk atomicd (
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20:44.40krondorlfetcher: and it is.  both are to port 5038 also.
20:45.28fetcherkrondorl: can you telnet to port 5038 (on * host) from the web server?
20:45.29Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
20:45.31*** join/#asterisk duki (
20:46.52krondorlfetcher: Hmmm,  I get Name or service not known.  IP:5038
20:47.55*** join/#asterisk ZackZ (
20:48.59krondorlHi Zack.
20:49.08ZackZi have a T1 PRI with 100 phone numbers, is there any way to force Asterisk to dial out on a specific number? It always dials out using the first number in the pool
20:49.14ZackZI have a Digium TE120P
20:49.29ZackZAsterisk 1.2
20:50.58outtoluncyou don't 'dial out' on a number, you dial out on a channel
20:51.03*** join/#asterisk duki (
20:51.15Strom_CZackZ: set your callerid number before you dial
20:51.21ZackZyes but is there a way to make it "pick" a number to show the callerID of the person you are calling?
20:51.32*** part/#asterisk deeperror (
20:51.34Strom_CZackZ: set your callerid number before you dial
20:51.40ZackZmeaning, we have 555-1000 through 555-1099
20:51.54ZackZit always shows 555-1000 when calling out
20:51.58Strom_Cclearly, I'm IRCing into /dev/null/
20:52.09outtoluncas strom is telling you, set the callerid(num) prior to Dial
20:52.32watchyive been poisioned
20:53.51watchyi wish i was britney spears
20:54.38ZackZso would it be Set(CALLERID(555-4525))?
20:55.41*** join/#asterisk wwalker (n=wwalker@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/wwalker)
20:55.46Strom_CZackZ: no
20:56.27fujinsome providers make it so you can only set the outgoing callerid to one of the numbers pointed at the PRI circuit
20:56.30*** join/#asterisk duki (
20:56.57ZackZi did have Set(CALLERID(all) = Name 5553435353) but that wasnt working
20:57.12fujinI usually set name/num seperately
20:57.17fujinjust so you know it's working
20:57.24ZackZill give it a try, thakns guys
20:58.21*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
20:59.57ZackZall of our numbers should be pointed at the PRI circuit
21:01.49*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=hardcore@
21:03.24*** join/#asterisk BockBilbo (
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21:04.53BockBilboive just configured my asterisk server to let my users call externa sip server's users
21:05.31BockBilboit works fine, but when the other servers user receive my call, instead of showing my domain it shows my IP
21:05.54BockBilbois there a way to fix this so my domain is showed there? Maybe using a key value on the database?
21:06.13aiksa[LV]Strom_C: didnt you know that freenode actually dumps everythin into /dev/null and any response we see is only a sign of being self deluded crackpot?
21:06.27Strom_CO RLY
21:08.03krondorlfetcher: I give up for today..  something is blocking it somewhere...    time to go home...
21:08.11aiksa[LV]nevermind, I am just tired and talking rubish
21:08.41aiksa[LV]have been talking to dev/null IRL for last 12 hrs.
21:16.17ZackZah, /dev/null, hillarious
21:16.18ZackZnot really
21:16.23*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
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21:18.46*** join/#asterisk tsurko (n=tsurko@
21:18.53edwin_quijadawe have a probelm compiling zaptel 1.20
21:19.18edwin_quijadawhere can I paste thsi error?
21:19.50jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
21:22.38edwin_quijadathis is the error that I get when I compiling zaptel
21:22.42*** part/#asterisk karlh626 (
21:23.09aiksa[LV]edwin_quijada: cant you get that in english?
21:23.52fujinthat'd be useful :)
21:24.15tristezo2kedwin_quijada: it seems you are having two different libc!
21:24.24tristezo2kor the linker is linking against the wrong one/
21:24.41tristezo2kwhat does configure tells you?
21:24.54edwin_quijadai dont run configure
21:25.25edwin_quijadahow can i see the libc
21:25.29aiksa[LV]i am not sure of zaptel. but running ./configure before the make is usually a good idea :)
21:25.51tristezo2ktry something like ldconfig -v|grep libc
21:26.21tristezo2ksee there is a nonshared version of libc
21:26.31edwin_quijadaaiksa[LV]: zaptel doesnt have configure
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21:27.12*** join/#asterisk duckz (
21:27.15tristezo2kWich linux distro are you using?
21:27.44edwin_quijadadebian 3.1
21:28.03aiksa[LV]edwin_quijada: okay; been awhile since i last compiled it
21:28.25tristezo2kI should tell you to use etch 4.0..
21:28.27tristezo2kbut anyway,
21:28.40tristezo2kit seems you have libc static installed
21:28.51edwin_quijadathsi is the output from command
21:30.06edwin_quijadatristezo2k: how can I get another
21:31.14anonymouz666disconnect a call is the same as Hangup ?
21:31.39tristezo2kmmmm I don´t really know.
21:33.19tristezo2kcan you afford to reinstall?
21:37.46edwin_quijadabut reinstall what?
21:37.52aiksa[LV]btw. zaptel has active versions of 1.2 and 1.4 so does *
21:38.03aiksa[LV]does they cross mix?
21:38.20edwin_quijadaaiksa[LV]: yes
21:38.25aiksa[LV]I mean 1.2 ast with 1.4 zaptel and vice versa
21:38.28edwin_quijadathis is the last version for 1.2
21:38.39aiksa[LV]edwin_quijada: i know
21:38.41edwin_quijadacant I
21:39.02edwin_quijadacan i use zaptel 1.4 with aster 1.2
21:39.15aiksa[LV]that was my question :)
21:40.26anonymouz666I wouldn't
21:43.46*** join/#asterisk frest (
21:44.58frestis there a special channel for asking asterisk-related questions?
21:45.10*** part/#asterisk Alric (
21:45.40zerohaloother than this one?
21:46.04frestgreat :)
21:46.31Strom_Cno,i'm sorry sir, this is the channel for asking questions related to the asterisk key on your numeric keypad
21:46.46Strom_Chow hard to press it, when to use it, what to give it for Christmas
21:47.17zerohaloI've found the best way to ask * related questions is to just ask.... You'll get flames, whining, and a lot of nothing, but eventually, someone may answer.
21:47.32frestIve just installed asterisk, and when I connect I just hear the first split second of the test message
21:47.51aiksa[LV]and the the asterisk crashes to the halt?
21:47.51frestthen it is quiet, but no hangup
21:48.28aiksa[LV]set verbose 4 and paste cli output in pastebin
21:48.41zerohaloThat's a little vague. Connecting using what? What are you seeing on the CLI when you test call?
21:48.46aiksa[LV]btw did they remove callbackagentlogin in 1.4
21:49.11zerohaloaiksa: No. It's being deprecated, but it's still there and usable.
21:50.00hmmhesaysINVITE sip:6783094161;rn=17702009999;npdi=yes@;user=phone SIP/2.0
21:50.00aiksa[LV]zerohalo: the point of it being depricitaed is? That users should try to achieve that with dsimple ialplan comand?
21:50.07hmmhesaysyou guys ever see an invite like that
21:50.11hmmhesayswhat is the rn=?
21:52.09zerohaloaiksa: not sure of the why... I have a bit of dialplan I'm putting off working on which uses it.
21:52.26filehmmhesays: routing number
21:53.02hmmhesaysthats what I thought, it doesn't make sense to me why you would use something like that
21:53.10hmmhesaysinstead of routing based on the to: field
21:54.06fileit's for number portability stuff... sending the info along
21:55.02aiksa[LV]zerohalo: sad. I have a large AMI connected server doing a lot of stuff with those commands. when i am imagining the amount of redo for that (brrr - scary)
21:55.05hmmhesayscan you explain that a little more in depth?
21:55.08hmmhesaysor should I google
21:55.15*** part/#asterisk tristezo2k (n=seba@
21:55.15Kattyhmmhesays: herro (=
21:55.33*** join/#asterisk LeddyHM (n=NONE@
21:55.36hmmhesayshey Katty
21:55.36filehmmhesays: Google can tell you more than I can
21:56.10frestthe CLI just says "Playing 'demo-congrats' (language 'en')", but I only hear the first half second or so
21:56.18aiksa[LV]file: dont underestimate your abilities
21:56.43frestthen there is no sound, but the call isnt ended
21:56.44aiksa[LV]frest: no warnings, errors , anything?
21:57.13frestwell, I start asterisk using "asterisk -c", and it displays a few warnings
21:57.23aiksa[LV]what are you using to dial in into that number? softphone?
21:57.40aiksa[LV]frest: i mean during and upon termination of the call
21:58.29frestno, no warnings
21:58.35frestaiksa[LV]: yes, a softphone
21:58.43frestSIP Communicator for Mac OS X
21:58.53frestdo you recommend something else?
21:58.57aiksa[LV]i have seen this ages ago with ast BE
21:59.13aiksa[LV]cant remember the cause right now
21:59.32aiksa[LV]frest: sorry, i am win32 and linux user
21:59.43aiksa[LV]cant recomend on softphones for macos
22:00.35frestok. seems there isnt much to choose from on mac os x
22:02.43*** part/#asterisk rudholm (i=rudholmm@nat/yahoo/x-5c3b210caae55255)
22:03.49aiksa[LV]anyone with rather deep understanding of zaptel and PRI here?
22:04.05*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
22:05.32aiksa[LV]nevertheless I'll give this a shot:
22:05.51aiksa[LV]i have E1 line
22:06.07aiksa[LV]incomming calls have worked perfectly for about 3 years
22:06.58aiksa[LV]now hen trying to make and outgoing calls , on 10-40% of those calls the receiving party gets a loud noise on their telephones
22:07.23aiksa[LV]and asterisk spits out 'unable to set linear on ...'
22:08.03hmmhesaysso it would be unusual to see disconnected numbers in the rn= field
22:09.20aiksa[LV]more details:
22:12.17aiksa[LV]what seems strange to me is the naming of those channels
22:12.41*** join/#asterisk TUplink_ (
22:12.53aiksa[LV]while a normal outgoing call (no noise) would have something like Zap/3-1
22:12.58TUplink_is there a way to download AMP to run on a standalone install of asterisk?
22:13.10aiksa[LV]the failing calls would have Zap/1:3-1
22:13.17outtoluncaiksa, few issues i noticed were you are using callerid but not sending any<G>, then you have the it 'moving' the active channel from 15 to 3 (first pastebin), then you have Facility (len=20, codeset=0) [ 0x91, 0xa1, 0x0f, 0x02, 0x02, 'qm', 0x02, 0x01, 0x0f, '0', 0x06, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01, 0x0a, 0x01, 0x01 ]      notice the 'qm' and '0'
22:14.03aiksa[LV]okaym who is moving that channel?
22:14.09aiksa[LV]remote party?
22:14.11outtoluncOct  2 17:06:32 WARNING[26197]: chan_zap.c:4950 zt_write: Unable to set linear mode on channel 3
22:14.25aiksa[LV]i have seen that
22:14.39aiksa[LV]and googled my ass off trying to find some clues
22:14.46outtolunclooks like asterisk (chan_zap/libpri/zaptel) or whatever else you got in there
22:15.22outtoluncwhat version you using?
22:15.44[TK]D-FenderTUplink_, AMP = FreePBX now.  goto to find out about, but understand we do NOT support it here.
22:15.59aiksa[LV]sorry about that
22:16.03TUplink_i jsut want the webportal
22:16.13TUplink_just want to see what it is all about
22:16.14aiksa[LV]the system has Asterisk 1.2.20 installed with zaptel 1.2.18 & libpri 1.2.5. The kernel version is
22:16.23[TK]D-FenderTUplink_, that IS all that FreePBX is.
22:16.44TUplink_oh... i thought freepbx was asterisk and all
22:16.46outtoluncdid you apply that last user-user mod? to q931.c?
22:16.48[TK]D-FenderTUplink_, and there is no "just" about it.  Once you install it, it owns you.
22:17.03TUplink_ok... forget that then
22:17.14aiksa[LV]outtolunc: no, its installed as is
22:17.17TUplink_maybe ill install it on another box
22:17.21aiksa[LV]no patches applied
22:17.23[TK]D-FenderTUplink_, TRIXBOX is a distro that includes *, FreePBX, and some other bits, and it is EQUALLY unsupported here.
22:17.43TUplink_any of you all used it,,,,  is it a live distro?
22:17.55[TK]D-FenderTUplink_, No, it formats & installs.
22:17.59TUplink_like do you have to install it
22:18.35aiksa[LV]outtolunc: 'last user-user mod? to q931.c' - its a patch?
22:18.56outtoluncaiksa[LV], i would try applying the user-user mod, and/or either set usecallerid to no, and or send it and see if it changes
22:19.15outtoluncyeah the user-user and another ie were switched
22:19.39*** part/#asterisk TUplink_ (
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22:19.44aiksa[LV]I should grab them from bugtrack / digium? - where to find it?
22:19.51outtoluncjust a sec
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22:22.08aiksa[LV]my dialplan has Set(CALLERID(num)=26200000) before dialing through that interface. Will I have to to diable that?
22:22.21outtoluncthat is for libpri/q931.c
22:22.49aiksa[LV]many thanks.
22:23.08aiksa[LV]I will try that tomorrow when there are persons in the office who can call me
22:24.00aiksa[LV]outtolunc: another strange thing was - that it has irregular nature
22:24.18aiksa[LV]under seemingly smae conditions one call would work and the next would fail
22:24.35aiksa[LV]made from same inner extension
22:24.47outtoluncare you sure you aren't overloading the facilities in the path
22:25.25aiksa[LV]overloading - like restarting the channels?
22:26.04outtoluncoverloading as in 'overrunning' the switches in the call path with too many calls (aren't you the one that mentioned vici-dial?)
22:26.26aiksa[LV]outtolunc: no its not me
22:26.39aiksa[LV]must be somenone else here
22:26.51aiksa[LV]the physical path is rather simple
22:27.13aiksa[LV][telco1] --- (leased line from another telco) --- my pbx
22:27.24outtoluncso even single calls on otherwise idle system are 'irratic'?
22:28.13outtoluncwhat changed
22:28.41aiksa[LV]and there might be situation where active incoming call is completly fine while at the same time outbound fails
22:29.08aiksa[LV]nothing: that line was never used for outgoing calls for 3 years
22:29.22outtoluncbut now you are starting to use outbound
22:29.29aiksa[LV]oh yes :)
22:29.35aiksa[LV]and here the goodness starts
22:29.58*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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22:30.15aiksa[LV]could it be related to me having dchan on the first timeframe?
22:31.21aiksa[LV]like some hardcoded things very deep inside zap which are trying to use 1st timefarme as a carrier for voice?
22:32.14outtoluncthe only issues i seen, were the ones i mentioned
22:32.21outtolunci'd focus on them first
22:32.55outtoluncso make sure you are sending callerid (set in zapata.conf a generic one for your server/site), or disable it
22:33.19outtoluncthen make sure you aren't attempting any channel to channel tranfers
22:33.39outtolunc(because iirc, those do not work in 1.2)
22:34.01aiksa[LV]outtolunc: how could I accomplish those transfers?
22:34.10outtoluncand make sure you test fixing the setup_ies
22:34.35aiksa[LV]perhaps i am doing it and not being aware of it
22:34.48hmmhesaysok number portability is making my head hurt
22:35.22outtoluncmeaning, for the 'test' do not pickup one channel in a 'group' as outbound and have it dial a inbound DID in the same group <G>
22:36.21*** join/#asterisk frocos11292 (
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22:36.33outtoluncdial someone elsewhere just to get a clean pri debug
22:36.37aiksa[LV]outtolunc: many thanks for the help nevertheless - been asking about this prob. for last few days snd this is first answering giving at least some clues
22:36.46*** join/#asterisk astraeis (
22:36.48frocos11292anyone can help me with callerid on supervised call transfers??
22:36.54outtoluncno prob
22:37.41frocos11292asterisk sends the transferer callerid instead of the original...
22:38.02aiksa[LV]guess - most of the problems discussed here arent that hard to solve
22:38.03outtoluncadd o to dial string iirc
22:38.10outtoluncer /o
22:38.43aiksa[LV]sorry for stupid question - /o means what? and what iirc stands for?
22:38.47frocos11292outtolunc-> that works for blind transfers
22:38.49[TK]D-Fenderfrocos11292, thats not a problem, that what is EXPECTED for behavior
22:39.11[TK]D-Fenderfrocos11292, If you want the original CID passed you must do a blind transfer.
22:39.12frocos11292TK]D-Fender-> any possible workaround?
22:39.19[TK]D-Fenderfrocos11292, BLIND <-------
22:39.43astraeisHey all.  Got an AGI question.  I'm trying to run a Tetris game on the monitors in our lobby with an Asterisk interface.  It works pretty well, but the AGI that catches keypresses and sends them to the game doesn't exit cleanly when the user hangs up.  As a result a socket and a lockfile don't get deleted, and I have to manually reset the system after each call.  When hangup occurs the script is in a pretty simple loop consisting
22:39.50astraeisany perl AGI folks with ideas?
22:40.09frocos11292TK]D-Fender-> client doesn't want blind wants supervised
22:40.24[TK]D-Fenderfrocos11292, tell them "too bad".  This is the way it is.
22:40.39frocos11292[TK]D-Fender-> lol, i wish
22:40.50Corydon76-digastraeis: do you have a signal handler for $SIG{HUP} ?
22:41.05[TK]D-Fenderfrocos11292, fine then lie to them and tell them it'll take you more programming that they can budget for.
22:41.16astraeisno I don't -- didn't realize that the AGI package made that available
22:41.27Corydon76-digIt doesn't.  Perl does.
22:41.31hmmhesaysI need to find a dumbed down guide on how local number portability works
22:42.08astraeisaha... sorry about that.  this project has demanded more Perl skills than I first thought it would.  Let me try dropping that in.
22:42.11frocos11292[TK]D-Fender, hum... anyway this is a normal feature in tradicional pbx.. like alcatel or siemens, and it makes sense...
22:42.30WilliamKhmmhesays: from the consumer perspective or service provider perspective?
22:42.30[TK]D-Fenderfrocos11292, Doesn't match most that I've seen.
22:43.06[TK]D-Fenderfrocos11292, the point of an attended transfer is so they can see that YOU are calling them so maybe they don't ignore the caller you want to pass off.  If they saw the CID themselves they might otherwise ignore it
22:43.11frocos11292[TK]D-Fender-> i receive a transfered call from the outside, maybe i want to call back that person, but my phone keeps the extension that passed the call in the logs instead of the original
22:43.54[TK]D-Fenderfrocos11292, why are you bothering with "attended" in this case?
22:44.10frocos11292[TK]D-Fender->i see ur point, but in here this is a normal expectable feature
22:44.36[TK]D-Fenderfrocos11292, there are going to be differences between any set of systems, THAT is to be expected.
22:44.54hmmhesaysWilliamK: service provider perspective, this rfc is confusing as sh1t
22:45.11frocos11292[TK]D-Fender-> ok.. suppose it would be nice to have this feature, any ideas how could we do it?
22:45.22*** join/#asterisk saint_ (
22:45.30[TK]D-Fenderfrocos11292, serious reprogramming of chan_sip at a minimum.
22:45.49frocos11292[TK]D-Fender-> that's what i thought
22:45.53astraeisCorydon76: you're my hero.  looks like that did it.
22:46.12saint_hi all.. anyone ever configured a sip trunk with asterisk, going to an Alcatel PBX ?
22:49.31[TK]D-Fendersaint_, have YOU tried?
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22:50.04saint_[TK]D-Fender, yes.. and i have some issues with the voicemail ..
22:50.20[TK]D-Fendersaint_, which sides?  And what "issues"?
22:50.44*** join/#asterisk pfn (
22:50.53saint_when a sip user from the asterisk calls the user on the alcatel, instead of gonig to the personal  alcatel voicemail, it goes to the main voicemail
22:52.44[TK]D-Fendersaint_, also on the alcatel?
22:52.48*** part/#asterisk frocos11292 (
22:52.59saint_[TK]D-Fender, no, everything works fine from alcatel to alcatel
22:53.14saint_it s just when my asterisk sip user dials the alcatel through the siup trunk
22:53.23[TK]D-Fendersaint_, I mean this "main" voicemail that it lands on.  Thats on the ALcotel as well?  Just not the CALLEE's VM?
22:53.36saint_i can see the re-invite message for the voicemail , with the extention number, but it does not go to the destination user's voicemail
22:54.06[TK]D-Fendersaint_, pastebin it up with SIP debug enabled.
22:54.08jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
22:54.16saint_it goes to the main VM on the alcatel "Welcome to the VM, if you have a voicemail on this system, press xxx"
22:54.40saint_[TK]D-Fender, you have an alcatel  ?
22:55.04[TK]D-Fendersaint_, No but may have some insight from what your PB will show
22:56.09saint_let me play with it some more before i pastebin. if you don t have an alcatel, it s going to be hard to troubleshot. i  m sure there is an issue on the alcatel somewhere. i ll try with another sip client on the asterisk .. we ll see
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22:57.01[hC]Is it in any way possible on a polycom phone, when doing a blind xfer using the softkeys, to have asterisk show the original caller id to the transfer recipient?
22:57.06[hC]fender, you might know this out of anyone..
22:57.14[hC]I dont think its possible without using asterisk's transfer function itself..
22:57.22[TK]D-Fendersaint_, jsut a note that it should cause a redirect from 1 exten on the Alcatel to another just for VM.  the call should be maintained end-to-end on the INSIDE.  no reason for a re-invite that I can see.
22:57.40[TK]D-Fendersaint_, unless there are multiple SIP servers implemented in its archetecture.
22:57.54*** part/#asterisk atomicd (
22:58.08[TK]D-Fender[hC], A blind transfer DOES this already
22:58.56[TK]D-Fender[hC], so 123 calls YOU.  YOU see 123.  you then [Transfer] [Blind] 456 [Send]. 456 sees 123 calling, not YOU.
22:59.22[hC][TK]D-Fender: Well then, classic case of trusting what someone came to me with as true before checking myself
22:59.25[hC]I'll take my whippings.
23:00.08[TK]D-Fender[hC], The customer is always right?  Hell no!  You do this for a LIVING!
23:00.27[TK]D-Fender[hC], You'd swear they break it for FUN!
23:01.22[hC]I will send trolls with flaming arrows........ NOW
23:02.06*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=hardcore@
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23:07.26blitzragebut those colourful haired creatures are so cute!
23:07.47blitzrageI bet they'd make a great molitov cocktail with that built in wick though :)
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23:10.37crispierhello, can someone help me provision an iaxy?
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23:30.27riddleboxhrmm I wonder why when I dial out of my zap channel, when the called party answers, there is one more ring in my ear?
23:30.37*** join/#asterisk TimothyP (
23:31.44TimothyPHello, I have a working 1.2 installation with b410p card connected to the telco and some SIP clients. I would like to upgrade to 1.4. The system is ubuntu server. Is it safe to update, what should I look out for ? Do first?
23:35.07*** part/#asterisk atomicd (
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23:35.46luke-jrTimothyP: why do you want to upgrade?
23:35.55TimothyPI want to get AsteriskGUI working
23:35.59TimothyPand it said you need 1.4 for that?
23:36.08*** join/#asterisk atomicd (
23:36.26TimothyPhoping it will easy the management
23:36.43TimothyPWe implemented asterisk some time ago, but the company we work for isn't to impressed :(
23:37.06TimothyPmost of the time IAX uplinks to FWD aren't working and they complain there is no managebility except for when we edit the config files manually
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23:38.34TimothyPwhat do you think?
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23:41.05TimothyPluke-jr ?
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23:43.48tzangergood evening coppice
23:43.59coppicegood morning
23:44.52[TK]D-Fendergood grief
23:45.26chemikkgood morning (1:45 AM) :)
23:46.01coppicethat's so "old world"
23:47.33*** join/#asterisk blinky42 (
23:54.27blitzragegood afternoon!
23:59.11*** part/#asterisk atomicd (

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