IRC log for #asterisk on 20070928

00:00.29Titanousok, I've added the sample file to zapata.conf, but still no cigar...
00:04.30*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
00:04.35sandorp[TK]D-Fender: thanks for the help earlier;  you were right on the money
00:05.40*** join/#asterisk rogerz (
00:07.23Titanousany ideas??
00:08.05Yourname`Hi. Someone please come to my rescue. I have 10 dialers with NoOps.. I want to parse data from all those dialers, take those NoOps and give me an answer with the number of those noops, etc. What's the best way to do it? A) Using the manager API to connect to all the dialers and get those NoOps? B) Logging /var/log/asterisk/messages to a central logging and parsing server? C) Using some sort of AGI script (this idea remains sketchy)
00:08.08Yourname`How can I do it?
00:08.18ManxPoweryou must have a [channels] line before any config options
00:09.30*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (n=manxpowe@
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00:13.42kiscokidanyone know a good IP VOIP provider with good rates from the US to Europe especially London?
00:14.02riddleboxcan someone tell me what is happening when I call someone from my zap channel it rings one extra time after the called party picks up?
00:17.57CCFL_Man2son of a bitch
00:18.16CCFL_Man2i might not get the job because i said i can't work 3rd shif
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00:26.15Yourname`So no body
00:27.07riddleboxCCFL_Man2, if you dont mind, what kind of job is it
00:27.35*** part/#asterisk jingles (
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00:29.11riddleboxI figured out my extra ring problem, I had a smart switch infront of my phone system, and apparently that was the problem, I no go straight from my provider to asterisk and no extra ring
00:31.39tru_`z24If someone calls and then dials a menu item (extension) is there a variable that holds their phone number?
00:31.51tru_`z24because {EXTEN} is the last extension they dialed
00:32.05tru_`z24I want to repeat their number back to them if they press 1
00:32.37*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
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00:34.27tzafrir_homeTitanous, can you pastebin your current zapata.conf ?
00:35.01*** join/#asterisk knarfly (
00:35.22knarflyhelp...the GotoIf is not working for me
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00:36.16riddleboxis it better to use the TDM FXS cards for a fax machine and use fax detection?
00:37.05*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (n=manxpowe@
00:37.05ectospasmFaxing is troublesome at best
00:37.13knarflyexten => 206,1,GotoIf($["${CALLERIDNUM}" = "303"]?3)
00:37.13knarflyexten => s,1,GotoIf($["${CALLERIDNUM}" = "3132340099"]?blocking,s,1) doesn't send the caller to blocking,s,1
00:38.34riddleboxectospasm, well I have a fax detection smart switch but form some reason, it adds an extra ring when I call out
00:40.37CCFL_Man2riddlebox: it's an electronics tech job
00:41.04CCFL_Man2$12.50 an hour entry level, must work any shift
00:41.29CCFL_Man2but i don't want 3rd shift
00:41.47CCFL_Man2that fucks up your brain
00:41.55tru_`z24Is there an equivalent to ${CALLERIDNUM} that gives the 10 digit number instead of the 11 digit one?
00:43.30knarflytru_`z24, ${CALLERIDNUM} is giving me fits right now too!
00:43.58tru_`z24Why so?
00:44.09riddleboxCCFL_Man2, thats not bad for entry level
00:44.25knarflythe extension syntax I'm using above isn't working
00:44.55knarflyexten => s,1,GotoIf($["${CALLERIDNUM}" = "3132345678"]?blocking,s,1)
00:45.01tru_`z24put a 1 in front
00:45.22tru_`z24calleridnum should return "13132345678"
00:45.25tru_`z24not 3132345678
00:45.33knarflyit's a local call in a place where there is no 1 required
00:45.37tru_`z24i know
00:45.39tru_`z24do it
00:45.40tru_`z24try it
00:45.50tru_`z24same situation here
00:45.50knarflyall calls in my area must be 10 digit even local ones
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00:45.56tru_`z24i know
00:46.02tru_`z24just try that
00:46.07knarflylet me give it a whirl
00:46.27tru_`z24doesn't matter how you dial the number, its still going to come up in teh caller id as 13132345678
00:47.10Yourname`Hi. Someone please come to my rescue. I have 10 dialers with NoOps.. I want to parse data from all those dialers, take those NoOps and give me an answer with the number of those noops, etc. What's the best way to do it? A) Using the manager API to connect to all the dialers and get those NoOps? B) Logging /var/log/asterisk/messages to a central logging and parsing server? C) Using some sort of AGI script (this idea remains sketchy)
00:47.12ManxPowerCALLERID number should ALWAYS be 10 digits in the USA.
00:47.19ManxPowerthe leading 1 is not part of the phone number
00:47.26Strom_Cthe 1 is the country code :)
00:47.32ManxPowerYourname`: I'm pretty sure nobody has any idea what you are talking about.
00:47.54Yourname`ManxPower: I want to parse log information, but I want to do realtime and centrally. How?
00:48.34ManxPowerYourname`: you would not do it in asterisk
00:48.37knarflytru_`z24, it doesn't do the trick...ManxPower is right on spot...USA needs 10 digits even if you're calling into the same room
00:48.54Yourname`ManxPower: Then how could I do it?
00:49.07ManxPowerYourname`: write an application to read /var/log/asterisk/messages
00:49.11ManxPoweror the CDR
00:49.35ManxPowercallerid in the USA is 10 digits.  It has nothing to do with how you dial the number.
00:49.48Yourname`ManxPower: Yeah, that's what I'm doing.. but how do I do it centrally and in real time? I understand I can do tail -F /var/log/asterisk/messages. But to do that in 10 different servers?
00:50.04knarflyYourname`, reading the CDR is pretty simple...I wrote a sh script that reads/parses it into a much easier to read format
00:50.27ManxPowerYourname`: you would not tail -f you would WRITE AN APPLICATION
00:50.45ManxPowerYourname`: you seem to think that what you want to do is simple.  It is not simple.
00:50.49Yourname`knarfly: Don't need CDR, just need to read/parse a few NoOps. Across a few asterisk servers and all in real time.
00:51.08knarflyYourname`, gotcha...over my head I'm afraid
00:51.19Yourname`ManxPower: Well, I'm here asking about it, aren't I? I've been wondering how else I can do it. So you can help, or keep thinking I have it figured out, lol
00:51.53Yourname`Read my question again, I *dont* have it down. I was wondering what would I need to do in order to achieve what I need to achieve.
00:52.00knarflyMy attempts to filter an incoming call based on callerid number are all failing
00:52.09knarflydoes anyone have the correct syntax?
00:52.34knarflyI've tried eveything I can find in the docs and it just isn't working for me
00:53.04_ShrikEcentral syslog server?
00:53.07gremzoidYourname`, there are known knowns, unknowns knowns, knowns unkowns.... etc
00:53.39knarfly8-) but what about unknown unknowns
00:53.59Yourname`_ShrikE: That's kind of what I was thinking. But I stopped somewhere when it came to implementation. :S
00:54.29gremzoidYourname`, that would be a start... read the syslog manpages... syslog -r and -h i think
00:54.35*** join/#asterisk Qwell_ (n=north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell)
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00:54.51_ShrikEWe do something similar and dump to the fantastic syslog facility in solarwinds orion.
00:55.04gremzoidyou'll need to modify your init scripts, where syslogd is started from...
00:55.12ManxPowerPoor guy doesn't know about the ex-girlfriend option
00:55.12_ShrikEyou can query and alert on just about anything
00:55.30ManxPowerYourname`: most of what you want to know is linux/unix/system admin stuff, not asterisk
00:55.38Yourname`gremzoid: Thing is, I wondering how to do it over the network with the specific asterisk /messages files.
00:55.42Yourname`ManxPower: Yeah, I guess so.
00:55.58gremzoidgoogle and manpages are your freind
00:56.04Yourname`I was wondering if there's a better, easier way already employed in Asterisk, like  manager, AGI, etc?
00:57.03gremzoidmmmm agi rocks
00:57.23ManxPowerYourname`: no matter what you do, you'll end up writing code.
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00:58.33Yourname`I'm not trying to avoid writing code. Just trying to go in the right direction of writing code. :)
00:59.20tru_`z24ManxPower: so is the fact that my ${CALLERIDNUM} is returning 1 + the 10 digit phone a configuration item?
00:59.29tru_`z24and if so, how do i change it to 10 digit only ?
00:59.49gremzoid${CALLERIDNUM:1} ?
01:00.00CCFL_Man2it's not bad for entry level, but no extra money with 3rd shift
01:00.18CCFL_Man2i don't want to be a zombie
01:00.22riddleboxyeah that sucks
01:00.28ManxPowertru_`z24: I dunno.  Where is the call coming from?
01:00.33tru_`z24my cell
01:00.45riddleboxCCFL_Man2, is there a chance to move out of 3rd shift?
01:00.53ManxPowervia sip, zap, carrier pidgen, h323, or mind control rays?
01:00.58tru_`z24Don't get me wrong, I know it is simple to take the right 10 digits...
01:01.06CCFL_Man2riddlebox: possibly
01:01.06tru_`z24but I was just curious if its me or the Telco doing it
01:01.18gremzoidshouldn't the callerid contain the country code tho?
01:01.20CCFL_Man2but i don't want to do it at all
01:01.26tru_`z24yeah, 1 is the country code
01:01.29ManxPowerCell <-> ??? <-> Asterisk
01:01.30tru_`z24but i don't need it :_)
01:01.34ManxPowerI need to know what ??? is
01:01.37tru_`z24my bad
01:01.42tru_`z24cell -> vonage -> asterisk
01:01.46gremzoidwhat if i called you (i'm in au)
01:01.51ManxPowervonage is prolly adding the 1
01:01.52gremzoidthat 1 would become +61
01:02.02tru_`z24gremzoid: i'm only interested in same country phones for the DNC :-)
01:02.10CCFL_Man2tru_`z24: don't farking tell me you are using that shitty vonage adapter
01:02.14riddleboxhey I have a question, I use Charter telephone Service, and I need to know if they have disconnect supervision, when someone calls me it rings until voicemail answers everytime even when you hang up after 1 ring
01:02.21tru_`z24what shitty vonage adapter?
01:02.24ManxPoweryou only need the country code if the call comes from a different country
01:02.25tru_`z24this is just for testing
01:02.29tru_`z24i'll be hooking up to a T1
01:02.34tru_`z24i have a x100p for testing
01:02.53CCFL_Man2riddlebox: call them and ask
01:03.11CCFL_Man2tru_`z24: why do you even have shitty vonage?
01:03.22ManxPowertru_`z24: Set(CALLERID(num)=${CALLERID(num):1}) before anything else.  then just remove that line when you get a real telco line
01:03.23tru_`z24What else is there to get?
01:03.25riddleboxCCFL_Man2, the problem is I call and ask their stupid representatives and they saw whats disconnect supervision, I have never heard of that
01:03.50CCFL_Man2tru_`z24: packet 8, sunrocket, voipbuster, quantumvoice, etc
01:03.53tru_`z24ok, but is :1 just truncating one from the left?
01:03.59tru_`z24what if the country code WAS 61?
01:04.02ManxPowerI doubt vonage supports disconnect supervision.  You should call them and tell them that your ANSWERING machines does not detect when the caller hangs up
01:04.03tru_`z24then it would just drop the 6?
01:04.09CCFL_Man2riddlebox: ask for highest level tech
01:04.19gremzoidyou should use the country code
01:04.26gremzoidall other telephony equipment does
01:04.31gremzoidso why break the standard?
01:04.49ManxPowergremzoid: Huh?  in the USA the standard callerid for calls from NANPA countries do NOT include the leading 1
01:04.56riddleboxyeah I did but was on hold forever
01:05.06gremzoidtypical yanks doing things the opposite way
01:05.12gremzoidin AU and europe its the opposite
01:05.18riddleboxManxPower, I use charter cable telephone service
01:05.19CCFL_Man2riddlebox: well, thats the only way to find out
01:05.25ManxPowergremzoid: all calls come in with the country code for local calls?
01:05.25tru_`z24gremzoid: i agree with you
01:05.30tru_`z24but i'm working with a legacy system here
01:05.35tru_`z24and the dnc we have only holds 10 digits
01:05.53CCFL_Man2tru_`z24: either hack the vonage box and get the sip account, or go to quantumvoice
01:05.54gremzoidyep... it's up to the device to display it or not... we get country code plus area code
01:06.08gremzoidIE: +61732510000 is a brisbane number
01:06.32gremzoid+61 < AU ... 7 <  metro queensland
01:06.39tru_`z24Vonage is international right?
01:06.42ManxPowerThe thing about NANPA is that the LD code is the same as the country code
01:06.45tru_`z24Which is probably why they're showing the country cod
01:07.10CCFL_Man2tru_`z24: vonage has shitty international rates
01:07.10ManxPower+ means "dial whatever it is you dial for an international call"
01:07.25gremzoidyea, just a habit...
01:07.35Yourname`_ShrikE: That's what I'm trying to do. :)
01:07.39CCFL_Man2gremzoid: don't tell me you have vonage?
01:07.44gremzoidthe company i work for installs traditional pabx systems (siemens ones)
01:08.07gremzoidwe've been having heaps of fun with * and it's AGI
01:08.36CCFL_Man2gremzoid: link the systems up over the net or a dedicated circuit, it's cheaper
01:08.48ManxPower"over the net"?  HAHAHAHA!
01:09.10CCFL_Man2ManxPower: vpn of course
01:09.19ManxPowerLets see.  Do we want it to be reliable?  If so, use dedicated circuits.  If not, route the calls over the internet.
01:09.21CCFL_Man2or my personal favorite
01:09.36CCFL_Man2voice over frame relay
01:09.52ManxPowerCCFL_Man2: we send calls over frame relay every day.
01:09.54CCFL_Man2if it's just used for voice it should work great
01:09.55gremzoidCCFL_Man2, in our country is not actually cheaper
01:10.09gremzoiddamn monopoly over our comms/broadband
01:10.29CCFL_Man2ManxPower: what do you use to interface the frame relay to asterisk?
01:10.34gremzoidwell unless your a fairly decent sized business
01:10.36CCFL_Man2gremzoid: ahh
01:10.53ManxPowerAll our networking gear is Cisco
01:11.01gremzoid10GB 1024/1024kbps ADSL will set you back close to $200AUD a month here
01:11.07riddleboxwhat is another name for disconnect supervision?
01:11.22ManxPowerriddlebox: "my answering machine does not detect when the caller hangs up"
01:11.32CCFL_Man2gremzoid: i'm amazed you even have running water :P
01:11.34adeelwow, you can get a dedicated 10 mbit box unmetered for $140 per month
01:11.35ManxPowerthat is another word for "far end disconnect supervision"
01:12.00riddleboxok I will tell them that, ManxPower its a shame that I have to dumb my self down to get this to work
01:12.05gremzoidCCFL_Man2, for now... we've almost run out in every major city... all ours water supplies are below 15%
01:12.13CCFL_Man2ManxPower: you do voice over frame relay or an ip network over frame relay and voice over that?
01:12.14gremzoidso your almost correct!
01:12.16ManxPowerriddlebox: apparently you don't deal with the telco much
01:12.28CCFL_Man2gremzoid: sorry to hear that
01:12.29ManxPowerCCFL_Man2: IP network over frame
01:12.38riddleboxI just call tickets in to them, its all AA stuff now
01:12.54ManxPowerCCFL_Man2: It was NOT my idea and I fought it every step of the way.
01:12.59gremzoiddoes asterisk support callerID/addressbooks via LDAP?
01:13.16CCFL_Man2ManxPower: it'll work well if bandwidth is used properly
01:13.39ManxPowergremzoid: that is like asking if Linux supports callerid/addressbook via ldap.  The answer is "yes, if you write it"
01:14.02CCFL_Man2ManxPower: why didn't part of the frame be used for voice and the other part for ip?
01:14.06gremzoidahh bugger, i was hoping for somehting like CDR but oh well
01:14.08ManxPowerCCFL_Man2: Our frame relay network is 384k with high utilization
01:14.33CCFL_Man2ManxPower: you poor, poor soul
01:14.42ManxPowerCCFL_Man2: Hey, if you have a suggestion on how to divide 384k part for voice, part for data, I'm happy to listen
01:15.12ManxPowerWe are working on upgrading it to an amazing, blindingly fast 512K
01:15.17CCFL_Man2ManxPower: how much bandwidth of data you want?
01:15.39ManxPowerthat will require a 2nd T-1 for Frame traffic at HQ
01:16.06*** join/#asterisk delmar (
01:16.43CCFL_Man2with cisco you can use a variety of bandwidth saving codecsm but i'd stick with g711u
01:16.46ManxPowerCCFL_Man2: this company has 3 IT people and a consultant to handle 20+ offices, 400+ users, across 2 states.  They don't spend a lot of money on IT
01:16.50delmarI'm having some issues with an Asterisk box behind Nat.  When I set the externip in sip.conf the peers go unreachable.
01:17.07CCFL_Man2ManxPower: they need atleast
01:17.13CCFL_Man2ManxPower: 1M
01:17.45CCFL_Man2that'll cost them $10000 more a month though
01:17.50ManxPowerYou do understand that if you want QoS on a frame network you need the port speed to be the same as a CIR, right?
01:18.10CCFL_Man2oh, thats right
01:18.48ManxPowerso we can fit 3 remote offices at 512K going into the cloud if we have a full T-1 into the cloud at HQ
01:19.13CCFL_Man2if they are going to have two ds1 circuits comming in them why not use one for voice and one for data
01:19.19CCFL_Man2or is it cost?
01:19.25ManxPowerThe reason for CIR = Port speed is that by the time the router gets a congestion message from the frame cloud, audio has already gone to hell
01:19.38ManxPowerCCFL_Man2: It is always cost.
01:19.40CCFL_Man2i know
01:20.07ManxPowerAs it is the policy is "if it goes over the frame don't bother to call us if the call quality sucks"
01:20.08CCFL_Man2you can do voice over frame relay nicely if it's just used for voice
01:20.35ManxPowerwe have several point-to-point t-1s as well to various other offices.
01:21.14CCFL_Man2they spend money on that
01:21.33ManxPowerCCFL_Man2: Uh, these T-1s are like $400/month.  Frame is $350/month
01:21.47CCFL_Man2those T1s used as backups?
01:21.48ManxPowerIt all depends on WHERE the two end points are.
01:21.56CCFL_Man2ahh, thats right
01:22.05ManxPowerNo, if there is a T-1 from the remote office to HQ, then that office is not on the frame cloud.
01:22.20CCFL_Man2why can't they just put everything on the frame? no redundancy?
01:22.34CCFL_Man2or isn't there any redundancy in the first place?
01:22.48ManxPowerCCFL_Man2: because putting everything on the frame would be too expensive to get the same bandwidth
01:23.11CCFL_Man2they added all this up and made sure?
01:23.24ManxPowerHOW an office connects to HQ is determined by how much revenue that office generates, the location of the office, and the cost of Frame .vs. point to point T-1.
01:23.36CCFL_Man2oh dear
01:23.43CCFL_Man2i quit!
01:24.44ManxPowerSo we could have Mandeville Office connect to Covington using Frame Relay at 384K for $350/month and use 384K of the Covington Frame connection, OR we can put a full point to point T-1 between the Mandeville office and the Covington office for $400/month, since the offices are only like 10 miles apart.
01:24.44*** join/#asterisk Buhntz (
01:25.23ManxPowerwhich would you pick?
01:25.29CCFL_Man2so some offices will have only the frame relay link because it's the one that matches it's revenue?
01:26.01ManxPowerCCFL_Man2: most offices have a frame link because a point to point T-1 would be $1,200 or more for a connection to HQ
01:26.12CCFL_Man2ahh, yeah
01:26.15ManxPowerNot most, but many
01:26.32ManxPowerSo, point to point T-1 for $1,200 or 384K frame for $350
01:26.36CCFL_Man2well, i would too, mainly because i'd make little money
01:27.08ManxPowerThen there are the REALLY small offices with a Linksys VPN router connecting to HQ
01:27.12ManxPowerover the internet.
01:27.22CCFL_Man2linksys vpn, sweet!
01:27.26ManxPowerCCFL_Man2: I don't sell hardware or telecom services.
01:27.35ManxPowerI consider it a conflict of interest.
01:28.10CCFL_Man2well, i understand the reasoning behind it, and with such a situation requires such a solution
01:28.26*** join/#asterisk ta^3 (n=tacvbo@
01:28.32CCFL_Man2how much bandwidth of data is needed to link the sites?
01:29.14ManxPowerCCFL_Man2: that depends on who you ask.  IT says 384K is enough for all company critical applications.  Users think 10Mbps is not fast enough.
01:29.28ManxPowerBut users thing watching Youtube and porn is "mission critical"
01:29.57ManxPowerThe offices send/receive e-mail, upload a few files, and use windows terminal server.
01:30.12CCFL_Man2why not have internet provided locally and company/voice provided over the frame?
01:30.33ManxPowerCCFL_Man2: because then we would have to manage 20 firewalls, rather than 1 firewall
01:30.42CCFL_Man2ahh, right
01:31.20CCFL_Man2so e-mail, small file transfer, winders terminal server, and voip?
01:31.26ManxPowerThe IT department handles all routers, switches, e-mail, servers, voice, data, and PC support for 400 people...with 3 full time staff (including the manager) and 1 consultant
01:31.52ManxPowerso if it makes more work for us, it is not going to happen
01:32.38CCFL_Man2how many calls max do they want going over the frame relay?
01:32.44ManxPowervoip is not a mission critical service
01:32.44delmarok this is wierd.  If I set the externip= in sip.conf my sip peers will go unreachable, but if it's not set, they are reachable but calls won't work.
01:33.24ManxPowerCCFL_Man2: Um, most of the offices get free long distance to all over offices using the standard telco lines.
01:33.30ManxPowervoip is not a major issue.
01:33.53ManxPowerVoIP lets users dial 4-digit extensions, it does not save money.
01:34.30ManxPoweron the point to point t-1 connections we use GSM as the codec and reserve 256k for VoIP
01:34.41ManxPowermaybe it is 384K on those links
01:34.48CCFL_Man2so dedicating X amount of bandwidth on the frame for VoFR won't be something they'll want to do?
01:34.58ManxPowerCCFL_Man2: nope.
01:35.47CCFL_Man2ManxPower: because when voice bandwidth is not in use data bandwidth will be limited and they don't want that?
01:36.15riddleboxManxPower, I got it to tier 2 and now they say that the "problem I have" is a setting that cannot apply without tier 2 doing it
01:36.20riddleboxI would have never thought to just act stupid and I will get my way, I guess ignorance is bliss
01:37.33ManxPowerCCFL_Man2: We are happy to reserve bandwidth for voice on links that are T-1s.  Not acceptable on 512K or 384K links
01:38.03ManxPowerand only 6 of the offices even have Asterisk
01:38.07CCFL_Man2ManxPower: then i don't think there is a solution
01:38.17ManxPowerwell  if you count that bastard Asterisk/Nortel beast we have at HQ
01:38.24ManxPowerCCFL_Man2: I wasn't looking for one.
01:38.51CCFL_Man2ManxPower: i know, but i wanted to be "the man" and find you one :P
01:38.58ManxPoweryou mentioned voice over frame relay and I said we do voice over ip over frame relay
01:39.13ManxPowerCCFL_Man2: I've been doing this stuff for over 12 years.
01:39.15CCFL_Man2which is just wrong
01:39.36ManxPowernot Asterisk, of course, but WAN and LAN stuff.
01:39.46ManxPowerAsterisk is a very small part of what I do.
01:39.57ManxPoweranyway I need to get home.
01:40.06CCFL_Man2i don't blame you
01:40.27CCFL_Man2shit, i need to call HR tomorrow to get told i won't get the job
01:41.47jsaundersYou could always.... not call?
01:42.00adeelwhen configuring polycom phones for failover, what should the 'reg.x.auth.optimizedInFailover' setting be? i've read the administrator's guide, and its still not clear to me
01:42.12CCFL_Man2jsaunders: they want me to call back
01:42.23CCFL_Man2i should be a consultant
01:42.55jsaundersOf course they do.  Certain people derive satisfaction from telling other people they didn't get the job.  It's sick I tell you, sick.
01:43.33jsaundersCourse, it's all about your confidence level.  Were you nervous?  That's a no-no.
01:43.47jsaundersGotta walk in there like you own the place.  :D
01:46.14delmarHere is my setup.  Asterisk-SIP ------> ST608WL(NAT) ------------>Multiple Providers.   rtp.conf has ports 10000to20000 set and the router is forwarding 5060 and 10000-20000 to the ASterisk box.  If I set externip= in my sip.conf the SIP peers all go unreachable. if I don't set externip= then calls don't go through.  Any ideas?
01:46.29delmarI really hate SIP & NAT :(
01:47.51*** join/#asterisk bkruse_home (
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01:48.10CCFL_Man2jsaunders: actually i was very confident, but i told the guy i don't want to work 3rd shift
01:48.30CCFL_Man2and they want availablity for all shifts
01:51.56*** join/#asterisk ShadowHntr (i=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr)
01:52.17CCFL_Man2sucks how dedicated links cost so much
01:57.34MaliutaWrkdelmar: you could run siproxd on the nat box
01:57.53delmarMaliuta, sure. whats that gonna do?
01:58.27delmarMaliutaWrk, ^
01:58.35MaliutaWrkdelmar: I was doing that until just recently ... I have added a some specific NAT rules for my asterisk box and changed the sip.conf files
01:58.38delmarMaliutaWrk, err. not on the router thats doing NAT
01:59.10delmarMaliutaWrk, I thought there were ways to make my above solution play nice with SIP ?
01:59.37delmarMaliutaWrk, like.. by just port forwarding those ports and setting the externip setting... but this is not so
01:59.38MaliutaWrkdelmar: you will need to have the externip set in the general section of sip.conf - you should also have set localnet
01:59.54*** part/#asterisk mog (
01:59.57delmarMaliutaWrk, done both yes
02:00.07MaliutaWrkdelmar: and you should have nat=yes for the external providers and nat=no for the local phones
02:00.16delmarMaliutaWrk, when I set externip to my public static... the SIP peers go unreachable
02:00.35delmarMaliutaWrk, ok lets go over it all. just a sec and I will check it all out
02:00.38MaliutaWrkdelmar: pastebin your sip.conf
02:01.27MaliutaWrkof course obscure anything incriminating like the passwords and IP's
02:02.21delmarMaliutaWrk, will see if we get that far.  ok so.. what  about the canreinvite= setting. can canreinvite be used in that situation?
02:02.35MaliutaWrkdelmar: and is the router DNATing incoming SIP and RTP?
02:02.36delmarwill set to no for no wanyway
02:02.46MaliutaWrkdelmar: simple answer is no
02:03.15delmarMaliutaWrk, 5060 and and 10000:20000 are forwarding to the Asterisk box.
02:03.34MaliutaWrkdelmar: I have it set to no for all my hosts (but I am keeping asterisk in the loop for other reasons)
02:04.00delmarMaliutaWrk, yep. pain in the butt when u are trying to record things and the call vanishes :P
02:04.37MaliutaWrkdelmar: pastebin the config so I can have something solid to work on :)
02:05.17delmarMaliutaWrk, ok. give me a minute to edit out passwds and such and ill PM u the link
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02:07.00kavelotwhat do I need to make and receive external calls (telephone system) using ASTERISK? Is it something like Skype (and examples?)?
02:07.03kavelotand = any
02:07.44MaliutaWrkkavelot: that is very general question
02:07.55kavelotyes, I didn't understand the concept exactly
02:08.12*** join/#asterisk techie (
02:08.19MaliutaWrkkavelot: you can recieve calls on an asterisk box that come over the PSTN
02:09.57MaliutaWrkkavelot: I for example use asterisk like an old iron PBX. At home I have a physical phone line coming into my asterisk box, I also have 2 seperate SIP providers (giving me separate "phone lines" in and out over the net)
02:10.12*** join/#asterisk MrTelephone (
02:10.19MrTelephonehas anyone tried vmux-110 by rad?
02:10.39kavelothm, how do you plug the physical phone lines in asterisk? something like a modem?
02:11.27MrTelephoneanalog fxo /fxs cards
02:11.37MrTelephonedigium or sangoma fxo cards
02:11.38MaliutaWrkI have an digium TMD400P card with on FXO and one FXS ... so the phone line plugs into that port like it would to a normal phone, and my handset plugs into the other port
02:11.59MrTelephonephone line to fxo and handset to fxs
02:12.25kavelotgot it
02:13.03kaveloti'm reading more, thanks for the start up
02:13.15kaveloti was lost :)
02:13.25MaliutaWrkkavelot: I have cordless handsets that could be plugged into a normal phone line. the connect to the asterisk box and I use it to direct the calls how I want (out over the physical phone line or to one of the VoIP providers depending on what I want to do)
02:14.23MaliutaWrkkavelot: I also have a Cisco IP phone that is attached to my network that I use in the same way, and I use "softphones" off of desktop and laptop computers
02:15.26MrTelephonewhat about faxing
02:15.36MrTelephonewhat kind of device can you use that supports t38
02:17.14gremzoidi'd be keen to know as well.. from what i've read asterisk (or more so VoIP in general) dosn't seem to handle faxing to well...
02:17.21MrTelephonethose ricoh fax machines seem towork good with asterisk
02:17.36MrTelephoneim trying to provide service and faxing is a hit and miss
02:17.56MrTelephonei was looking at rad vmux-110 to is t1 -> ethernet -> t1
02:18.24MrTelephonethey say it compresses t1 16:1 but they are talking about the difference between g711 and g729
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02:27.24rozellican some1 help me?Ive copied the g729 sound files to /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/a2billing but a2billing keeps saying file prepaid-enter-dest does not exist in any format
02:30.58bkruse_homerozelli: /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
02:31.00bkruse_homebut it there!
02:31.05bkruse_homeand try
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02:32.35rozellibkruse_home its already there
02:32.43rozelliall .g729 files
02:36.06gremzoidsounds like a stupid question... but i got a $450 urgent site visit last week which involved plugging a power pack back in :P
02:36.26d3waynebkruse_home: mooooooooo
02:36.44MrTelephonegremoid, why did you charge 450 for that?
02:36.49bkruse_homed3wayne: hows everything that side of the US?
02:37.07d3waynewhich side are you on ?
02:37.31d3wayneare you 'there' ?
02:38.09gremzoidMrTelephone, costs money to drop everything on other jobs... we don't sit around doing nothing all day :P
02:38.16MrTelephonecanadian pri's don't carry ANI II codes, how do you block collect calls?
02:39.00MrTelephoneemergency call out ofr me is 100 bucks
02:40.28bkruse_homed3wayne: no, are you 'there'?
02:40.53d3waynebkruse_home: no I'm  here
02:41.06bkruse_homed3wayne: well then nvm lol
02:41.35d3wayneoh, you meant 'that' side of the country.  I actually thought you meant this side, but that you were on that side
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03:39.08THX2000Anyone know what the charge (if any) is to forward on busy from an AT&T pots line to an ITSP?
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03:42.47CCFL_Man2skype is total shit
03:47.18Daejeo1what is default password polycom 501
03:47.47Daejeo1default username  polycom   password?
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03:51.40wunderkinthat's the ftp password.. admin is 456, its all in the admin manual :P
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03:55.17CCFL_Man2Strom_M: my F1 handset sounds  muffled, the speaker bad?
03:59.02*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=pepOSX@
04:02.19Daejeo1wunderkin: how can i reset the phone?
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04:11.21MaliutaWrkDoes anyone have an idea on why - when I have specifically set nat=yes on peers in the sip.conf file, and sip is behaving properly - a 'sip show peers' lists the NAT'd peers as N in the NAT field?
04:12.34CunningPikeMaliuta: Because asterisk has determined that NAT is not required
04:13.37*** join/#asterisk nate3472 (
04:14.11MaliutaWrkCunningPike: but it is still actually putting the externip into the SIP headers (otherwise all my SIP from my providers would be trying to go to a 10.x.x.x IP
04:14.43CunningPikeMaliuta: But your SIP peers are in the same network as your asterisk?
04:14.48nate3472anybox know how i can make # used as a 'send' key, so users can dial an extension like 303 and press # to speed it up? :D
04:15.03CunningPikenate3472: What phone?
04:15.18nate3472CunningPike: outside callers, calling into a menu
04:15.55nate3472CunningPike: all my phone's have send keys, and my linksys adapters already work with extension+'#'
04:16.40MaliutaWrkCunningPike: no, they are my DID providers on the real internets
04:16.57CunningPikeMaliuta: So, you're registering to them?
04:17.04*** join/#asterisk israr (
04:17.12CunningPikeWith register statements in your sip.conf?
04:17.16MaliutaWrkCunningPike: the registers are going out to them via the NAT box and coming back fine
04:17.33MaliutaWrkCunningPike: and incoming and outgoing calls are working fine
04:17.49CunningPikeMaliuta: If you're using register= and externip=, then that's not the same as nat=
04:18.15CunningPikeMaliuta: I take it that your asterisk is registering with them, rather than the other way around
04:18.38MaliutaWrkthe packets still have to traverse the DNAT on the way out
04:18.50MaliutaWrkand the SNAT on the way in
04:19.31CunningPikeOK - so the NAT column in sip show doesn't apply - it is a setting for sip peers/users that tells asterisk whether to trust the ip address sent by the UA (the ip address that the UA thinks it's at) or to trust the src ip as reported by the tcp headers
04:19.52*** join/#asterisk Teln1100A (
04:26.14nate3472CunningPike: I have people calling into my pbx, who try and dial my extension and then they press # ....but when they include # my asterisk box tries to connect them to 205# which is not a valid extension...
04:26.23nate3472can i just drop the #, or ignore it?
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05:03.49luke-jrCan AGI use functions?
05:03.55luke-jreg, CALLERID(num)
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05:06.38kaldemarnate3472: you can remove it with function CUT. exten => _X.#,1,Set(num=${CUT(EXTEN,#,1)}), exten => _X.#,2,Goto(${num},1) or something like that.
05:07.45*** join/#asterisk andrew` (
05:08.08metfan2007Hi all, I have a lot of problems installing zaptel in a new server with CentOS 4.4, it does not create /dev/zap and I'm using a TE120P card... any clue???
05:08.23*** join/#asterisk Keltus (i=Keltus@about/cooking/nakedchef/beefstew/Keltus)
05:15.30nate3472kaldemar: awesome, thanks
05:15.32kaldemarnate3472: actually just exten => _X.#,1,Goto(${EXTEN:0:$[${LEN(${EXTEN})} - 1]}) should also do. that removes the last digit.
05:15.53nate3472thats sweet
05:16.17[TK]D-Fenderno, there should be no # at all <-
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05:16.32[TK]D-Fenderand that pattern doesn't work.
05:16.33kaldemarthat one needs ",1" (the priority) in there too.
05:16.48[TK]D-Fenderit does NOT "# terminate" like you think
05:16.49nate3472i confused now
05:17.03[TK]D-Fendernate3472, pastebin your ACTUAL dialplan
05:17.05jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
05:18.29nate3472[TK]: its a real simple dialplan, its just that when i tell my sister to dial my extension when she calls into the pbx, she dial 205# instead of 205
05:18.52nate3472I'm just wanting it to either ignore it or work as a send key
05:18.56^JimmyRidge^dang why cant i call my pbx :(
05:19.07^JimmyRidge^this is driving me crazy
05:20.23[TK]D-Fendernate3472, stop TALKING about your dialplan and SHOW ME.  If she can even DIAL # and it gets accepted when you don't want it to, you've clearly done something wrong.
05:20.26kaldemaroh yes, that pattern will match all numbers, whether there is a # or not.
05:21.12kaldemarso the second one will remove the last digit from numbers that don't have # => not good.
05:21.54*** join/#asterisk Delmar (
05:22.13[TK]D-Fenderkaldemar, You gain wisdom child :)
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05:24.00kaldemar[TK]D-Fender: i'm not all stupid, i blame a sleepless night for that. :)
05:25.52metfan2007When you install a digium card like TE120P, linux detect the card and autocatically create /dev/zap right?? even if zaptel is not installed, right??
05:26.17Qwell_metfan2007: no
05:27.18yxaanyone have any ideas why would a digium PRI card with Octasic H/W EC I am still getting echo intermittently? any suggestions greatly appreciated
05:27.18metfan2007Qwell_:I can't get linux create /dev/zap with my new TE120P, any clue?
05:27.26Corydon76-digMmmm, crack.
05:27.26Qwell_metfan2007: install zaptel
05:27.54yxametfan2007 did zaptel load properly? sometimes it required a cold reboot
05:28.00metfan2007Qwell_:Zaptel is installed, no errors during make, make install
05:28.08Qwell_is it loaded?
05:28.16[TK]D-FenderMODPROBE <--------------
05:28.26kaldemaractually, linux will automatically install asterisk and create your custom dialplan upon the card detection.
05:28.30Qwell_[TK]D-Fender: You came up in conversations tonight at the astricon party :p
05:28.36Qwell_because you rock
05:28.41Qwell_for the reason above
05:28.58Qwell_juggie was giving you props, heh
05:29.04metfan2007lsmod shows zaptel and wcte12xp
05:29.24[TK]D-FenderQwell_, Like my unabashed love of capitalization for emphasis, and my rapier wit? ;)
05:29.41Qwell_yxa: I would highly recommend calling Digium support in the morning.  They'll be quite happy to give you installation support. :)
05:29.48Qwell_[TK]D-Fender: something like that ;)
05:30.17metfan2007Qwell_: when I start zaptel (service zaptel start) it does not show anything....
05:30.38Qwell_metfan2007: You could also call Digium support.
05:30.48Qwell_When you buy our hardware, we give you free install support
05:31.04metfan2007Qwell_: and when I try a ztcfg -vvv says that /dev/zap missing
05:31.30metfan2007Qwell_: 24/7?
05:31.39Qwell_no, like 5/9 or something
05:31.45Qwell_erm, 9/5?  whatever
05:32.05yxaQwell i did. just hoping for some suggestions
05:32.07Qwell_but, call during the day tomorrow, they'll be glad to help you
05:32.13Qwell_yxa: they weren't able to help?
05:32.52yxaQwell they have not replied yet :)
05:33.28Corydon76-digQwell_: you back yet?
05:33.38Corydon76-digOr tomorrow?
05:34.03Qwell_like 9pm
05:34.22Corydon76-digWow, that's pretty late for Digiumites and conferences...
05:34.49Corydon76-digWhen I've gone, I'm like the last one left
05:35.05Qwell_file usually ends up staying late...
05:35.25nate3472exten => s,n,WaitExten   <---- should this prompt not be taking # literally?
05:35.44Corydon76-digSo you've volunteered to spoon and otherwise keep him company?  ;-)
05:36.09[TK]D-Fendernate3472, I asked you pastebin you entire dialplan 20 minutes ago
05:36.23nate3472hmmm, what does that mean....
05:36.34nate3472i dont want to paste it, hehe
05:36.49yxasorry for repeat: anyone have any ideas why would a digium PRI card with Octasic H/W EC I am still getting echo intermittently? any suggestions greatly appreciated
05:37.16yxai'm using linksys SPA-942s
05:38.11[TK]D-Fendernate3472, If you keep hiding the problem we can't help you
05:38.59[TK]D-Fenderyxa, have you tried changing your firmware?
05:39.28yxa[TK]D-Fender you mean the card's firmware can be updated?
05:39.38nate3472[TK]: i'm gonna cut alotta junk outta this dialplan, if it dont work i'll paste it
05:39.41[TK]D-Fenderyxa, Yes
05:39.45*** join/#asterisk kiscokid (
05:40.26[TK]D-Fendernate3472, it should take very little time to find out where the error is.  So just go ahead an pastebin it or you're wasting our time
05:41.26yxa[TK]D-Fender where can i find such firmware?
05:41.36nate3472wasting your time?
05:41.39[TK]D-Fenderyxa, <----------
05:41.53[TK]D-Fendernate3472, asking for our help and not showing us the problem.
05:41.56*** join/#asterisk Delmar (
05:42.07nate3472that doesnt fucking mean i'm wasting your time
05:42.17[TK]D-Fendernate3472, thats like driving to the mechanic, asking him to fix your car, and then not letting him LOOK AT IT.
05:42.29nate3472i asked a question
05:42.35nate3472didn't ASK you to look at it
05:42.36yxa[TK]D-Fender i have a digium card, not sangoma
05:42.47[TK]D-Fendernate3472, Yeah "whats wrong with my dialplan" and then not showing us.
05:42.50nate3472see what crack does?
05:43.02nate3472your quoting me wrong too
05:43.22metfan2007do you know how to debug or trace an init.d script??
05:43.27[TK]D-Fender<nate3472> [TK]: its a real simple dialplan, its just that when i tell my sister to dial my extension when she calls into the pbx, she dial 205# instead of 205
05:43.33[TK]D-Fender<nate3472> I'm just wanting it to either ignore it or work as a send key
05:43.48nate3472your wasting your own time man
05:44.37kaldemarnate3472: err... he is voluntarily trying to help you.
05:44.39kiscokidnate: you could have pastebined the thing already instead of wasting our time arguing about it
05:44.40[TK]D-Fendernate3472, Well I guess if you actually want help you'll come around to letting us.  You seem to think we're psychic and simply "know" whats wrong.  Sorry to disappoint.
05:46.07nate3472kaldemar: i know... but i'm not here wasting anyone's time. i'm just here chating
05:46.07[TK]D-Fenderanyways, guess I've more productive things to be doing....
05:56.25nate3472kiscokid: do you really feel like i wasted your time too?
05:57.18flendersnate3472: shut up mate... you aked for help.
05:58.38kiscokidnate: yes
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06:26.32^JimmyRidge^dang FX* cards are a bit pricey
06:27.14^JimmyRidge^know of any cards with just one FXO and one FXS?
06:29.09metfan2007just to let you know... the problem with zaptel is ok now, there is a bug in zaptel 1.2.19, make config create the zaptel file to load modules in /etc/default/zaptel, but the init script try to get it in /etc/sysconfig/zaptel
06:29.12bmg505must it be a card?
06:29.36bmg505sipura 3000 could do the job
06:30.42^JimmyRidge^nah i want it to go through asterisk
06:30.56^JimmyRidge^IVR from the outside line
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06:35.39Strom_M^JimmyRidge^: digium TDM11B
06:37.05^JimmyRidge^dang man thats like 200$
06:37.20Strom_Mwell, yeah
06:37.26Strom_Mthis stuff isn't cheap
06:37.32*** join/#asterisk keulin (
06:37.59styelzyou can get cheap x100p cards for around $10
06:38.42^JimmyRidge^whats with the red/green modules strom?
06:39.07^JimmyRidge^dif voltages?
06:39.45Strom_Mone is FXO, one is FXS
06:40.01Strom_Mstyelz: i'd rather stick my head in a bucket of hyaena offal
06:40.15styelzgreen if FXS red is FXO
06:40.58^JimmyRidge^oh so that card even though it has 4 ports... only 2 modules... but can upgrade to more lines!?
06:42.46styelzshit x100p works ok with hpec
06:45.42Strom_M^JimmyRidge^: yes
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06:59.10denonanyone awake from NZ?
07:01.35*** join/#asterisk Dandan (
07:02.10Dandanany1 alive? :)
07:03.03creativxyeah, the guy before you who asked if anyone was alive
07:03.49DarKnesS_WolFDandan: luck ya !
07:04.12Dandanhey DarKnesS_WolF :)
07:04.22DarKnesS_WolFi have a question now i'm using _01XX.,1,Dial(user:password@domain/${EXTEN})
07:04.39DarKnesS_WolFcan i have something like 011${EXTEN} ??
07:04.46DarKnesS_WolFDandan: how is everything there?
07:04.50DarKnesS_WolFDandan: and ?
07:04.53Dandanthere will be a free version of it
07:05.09DarKnesS_WolFDandan: i meet mark when he was in egypt and i meet schuler and some other guys in gitex from digim
07:05.13Dandanbut they will continue selling their product for the forseeable future
07:05.14DarKnesS_WolFDandan: sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet !
07:05.47DarKnesS_WolFDandan: ur orginaly from USA?
07:05.50Dandanthey are still rethinking how to integrate it with asterisknow/asterisk for busines
07:05.54DandanDarKnesS_WolF: indeed
07:06.09DarKnesS_WolFDandan: egypt !
07:06.40DarKnesS_WolFactually makr half egyptian and he is from same city alexandra and too close to my home :D
07:06.53Dandanoh sweet :)
07:07.04Dandanmeet him today at the party
07:07.15Dandantomorrow he is going to give his keynote speech
07:07.33Dandanbtw. I have a few mp3's of the presentations I was at
07:08.01DarKnesS_WolFDandan: pleasee upload :-)
07:08.01Dandanif anyne interested
07:08.13DarKnesS_WolFDandan: if u see him again tell him sherif from alexandria egypt sending his regards :-)
07:08.15Dandanwhen I get home, I will upload it somewhere...
07:08.24DarKnesS_WolFDandan: mmm okay ur always here ?
07:08.30Dandani will be
07:08.40DarKnesS_WolFsweet i can have 011${EXTEN}
07:08.45DandanI met many ppl from sangoma/digium etc...
07:09.04DarKnesS_WolFi meet david the CEO of sangoma when i was in cebit
07:09.09DarKnesS_WolFlast march hannover one
07:09.11DandanI will probably see him tomorrow I do not think I will have a chance to talk to him...
07:09.24awkhrm, tell me if anyone has experienced this, got a queue, setup, everyone falls to the queue, right.. this morning clients phones, they can see calls coming in, they cant pick them up
07:09.27awkalso they cant dial out
07:09.36awkthe only thing I can see from the cli when checking the outputs was this
07:09.43awkSIPPeer/SIP/8430-09c s@default-iquad:1    Down    (None)
07:09.43awkParking/Local/8430@d 8430@default-local-d Down    (None)
07:09.50awkany idea why the parking would be down?
07:10.12Dandanawk: eeew... what did you do?
07:10.26awkI wish it was something I did :P
07:10.35awkhad to restart asterisk for it to kick the queue back in
07:10.36Dandanno idea, after so many beers and colombian vodka, I really can't tell you
07:10.48awki just wish I was high
07:10.51Dandanbut it is strange indeed
07:10.53awkand today was not happening
07:11.00Dandani think bugs.digium is your friend
07:11.07Dandanjust give them lotsa debug info
07:11.10Dandanif you haved
07:11.15awkI wish I had
07:11.18awkno debug info
07:11.27awkso its a pointless post
07:11.31awkbut this client is so fucking touchy
07:11.41awkand the problems have to hapen with him :P
07:11.56awkthey a trading company they cant be down for a sec :)
07:12.09awkcant bame him for wanting to kill me
07:12.32*** part/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=sherif@unaffiliated/sherif)
07:12.33Dandanwell, gluck man
07:12.35*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=sherif@unaffiliated/sherif)
07:12.49Dandanc u all later 8)
07:16.57awkasterisk just died on thjis client
07:18.14creativxnice awk
07:18.19creativxlooks like you've got something to do this weekend then
07:24.13*** join/#asterisk Delmar (
07:27.03awkit looked like it caused asterisk to crash, the parking
07:27.14awklet me send a bug report
07:32.50*** join/#asterisk brc_ (n=brc__@pdpc/supporter/basic/brc)
07:33.53brc_I'm having a very strange issue with 7905's. If the phone is off the hook at dialtone it sends I believe a SIP 486 back immediately, which would be okay except the phones are queue members which means queue calls go to voicemail main.
07:34.03brc_anybody seen this behaivor?
07:34.13*** join/#asterisk Zefk (
07:44.55*** join/#asterisk ussrback (n=MAX@
07:44.59ussrbackHi all
07:45.19ussrbackwhats a difference between Asterisk are 1.2.24 and 1.4.11.
07:45.42^JimmyRidge^u could try the changelogs?
07:46.33^JimmyRidge^ussually in the source packages
07:47.09ussrbackin ore detail? they both have the same functions ?
07:47.17creativxussrback: read the changelog
07:47.20creativxlots of deprecated functions
07:47.31creativxread the readme too
07:47.46ussrbackXQz me im new in asterisk, and im askin stupid questions
07:48.06ussrbackbut such things is not noted in READMEs
07:48.33ussrbackso first of all i need info whats a difference between this two releases
07:48.34creativxsince you claim that i assume you have read the corresponding readmes
07:48.45awkbla bla bla jackidie smackidie
07:48.46creativxwhat you need is already been told
07:48.51creativx-- > changelog
07:48.57awkok anyone having issues in here anyone here right now? having issues with 1.4.11 parking?
07:49.03awki think its very broken
07:49.09creativxi dont use parking awk
07:49.14creativxi made my own ghetto parking
07:49.27creativxstrangely it works.. every time =)
07:51.56awkis this possible
07:51.59awkI have a pickup group
07:52.04awkbut it only works on extern numbers
07:52.12awklocal transfers wont allow pickup?
07:52.19awki dont want people picking up transfered calls
07:52.22awkponly exten numbers
07:53.21*** join/#asterisk nfi|ermes (n=ErMeS@
07:53.44brc_anybody know what the latest firmware version is for 7905g's?
07:56.33hmmhesaysgoogle might know
07:56.45hmmhesaysi have a 7940 on my desk and it pisses me off daily
07:57.42brc_google ain't helping much
07:57.52brc_my damn cisco login expired since I didn't log in in 6 months apparently
07:58.11brc_hate cisco...HATE
07:58.19`Seanget revence
07:58.27ussrbackanybody have good tutor for meetme with mysql?
07:58.30brc_can you make sense of the naming scheme here? I think it's datebased but I can't figure it out
07:59.42*** join/#asterisk Aurs (
08:00.40*** join/#asterisk qdk_ (n=qdk@
08:02.06hmmhesayslooks like phone model, protocol, version
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08:06.26*** join/#asterisk dongs (
08:06.37dongslol. it seems someone actually made a voip to ISDN adapter.
08:06.49dongstime to get some
08:08.01*** join/#asterisk delmar (
08:09.36brc_I could kill cisco
08:09.57brc_I can't believe nobody else has run into this problem. it makes callback queues totally useless
08:10.31awkwhat do yo u mean
08:10.35awkI have issues with queues and parking
08:10.38awktell me you have the same
08:10.46awkhrm, who had that BLF issue with asterisk 1.2?
08:11.04awktell me does asterisk paid support work on 1.2 asterisk?
08:11.12*** join/#asterisk mihinomenest (i=cE10@
08:13.39dongs woohoo, and 2 analog -> ISDN converter
08:13.43dongsgood shit.
08:16.50*** join/#asterisk duki (
08:17.26awksomebody answer me now
08:17.35dongsyou can pay me to answer you
08:17.57awkwhy dont you just stfu
08:19.36awkdoes digium do asterisk paid support?
08:19.48awkfor bugs?
08:19.49dongsbut lemme tell you something
08:19.54dongsby the time you require "paid support"
08:19.58dongsyou're better off looking elsewehre.
08:20.02dongs(than asterisk taht is)
08:20.04dongsyou mean fixing bugs?
08:20.25dongsthey might look into it.
08:20.34dongsI think I have a open bug in asterisk for > 3 years now
08:20.37dongsstill hasnt been fixed
08:20.44awkyes but I want this fixed today
08:20.46awkI wil pay
08:20.57awkI want a parking bug fixed
08:21.02awkits a bug in 1.2 and 1.4
08:21.05awk1.4 it crashed asterisk
08:21.16dongsyou're in the wrong timezone for "today", unless they've outsourced to india lately
08:21.21awkin 1.2 there is no BLF, so no parking lights, wel the lights are inverted
08:21.29awkwhat do u mean
08:21.31awkits 10am
08:21.37awkand in america they still sleeping
08:21.44dongsthats what I meant.
08:21.50awkgood, so can this be done
08:21.52awkand at what cost
08:22.05delmarwelll.....I think todays drama has proven to me that Asterisk behind a router (nat) using SIP for connecting to peers... is a bloody joke
08:22.22dongsassuming you find a developer familiar with the feature and can produce a test environment it can probably be done today.
08:22.23awkmake sure you have externhost and externip set
08:22.35awkalso dont use sip behing nat
08:22.35dongsdelmar: just dont do it.
08:22.37delmarawk, yup yup did ALL of that
08:22.40delmardongs, exactly
08:22.44awkiax works like a dream
08:22.48awkdelmar set your refresh time too
08:22.58*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
08:22.59awkalso set your internal address
08:23.02delmarI dropped an old DSL300 modem on the second interface... and SIP works mint right away now... since the linux box now has the public IP
08:23.31awkwell there we go
08:23.35delmarI dont want to use SIP at all... IAX  _was_ working mint
08:23.42delmarbut now IAX is screwed
08:23.42awkso why change
08:23.46dongscheck this awesome shit.
08:23.49dongs2 analog to 1U isdn interface.
08:23.53delmarawk, cuz IAX broke
08:23.59awkdelmar how so?
08:24.03awkwhat version of asterisk
08:24.25dongshow does iax break
08:24.32dongsi've had iax working since before asterisk was 1.0
08:24.34delmarawk, outgoing calls via IAX.. no problems.. but every time someone rings in, its all chopped up and really really bad
08:24.38delmarand this wasnt always the case
08:24.49delmarhere is the general call path...
08:24.53awkand you think thats due to iax?
08:24.59awkid very much doubtg it
08:25.11delmarawk, yes.. les me explain further...
08:25.25awkok while you explain how can I get to digium paid support
08:25.28awkI need to phone them now
08:25.53creativxhow about for starters
08:26.22dongs <
08:26.36delmarPolycom501 sip/g729 ==== Local Asterisk box ==== IAX/g729 ====> via ST608WL(nat router) =====> My Asterisk Colocation server ====SIP/ulaw====> DID provider
08:27.00delmarthe problem is the IAX connection between by local asterisk and my Colocation server..
08:27.08delmarif I change that to SIP/g729 there are no problems
08:27.21dongswhere the hell is it 10am
08:27.22delmarif I change it to IAX... incoming calls are great going out, but shit coming in
08:27.35delmardongs, UK its morning
08:27.40awksouth africa
08:27.47*** join/#asterisk marexz (
08:27.48awkand uk is an hour behingus
08:27.53awkor 2 hours is it winter there?
08:27.57awkye, 2 hours now
08:28.05delmarSo .. I have changed codecs and all sorts... my first thing to blame was the g729 so I got rid of it...
08:28.17delmarno matter what I do, incoming calls via IAX are just rubbish.
08:28.34delmarI gotta hangup and call the person back
08:29.12dongswell i dont think its iax
08:29.22delmardongs, ok. what are your thoughts?
08:29.26dongsrouting / you got capped / you got hacked / whatever, but not iax.
08:29.51delmardongs, yet when I switch to SIP it's ok ..
08:30.13delmarok well here is where I am at now....
08:30.26delmarthe ST608WL router... got replaced for an old faithful speedtouchpro
08:30.32delmarno change.
08:30.52delmarand no real way to diagnose it with either solution...
08:30.56delmarso lastly...
08:31.10delmarI ripped that out too.. and slapped a DSL300 modem on the second interface on the Linux box...
08:31.21delmarso now the Asterisk box has a public IP directly on the interface...
08:31.27delmarso if nothing else.. SIP now works mint.
08:31.35delmarIAX is still.. no better
08:31.45delmarso I can rule out my DSL hardware
08:31.48delmarat least
08:33.24*** join/#asterisk und3r (i=iwoop@
08:33.37delmarim not much of a guru at sniffing out packets and things but I figure having the Linux box where it is now .. will help
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08:36.19brc_I've got a list like 123 firstname lastname macaddress0000, My 7905 provision script takes in 4 cmd line args, I'm trying to write a bash script to iterate over my list of devices and feed it into the provision script but I'm not having any luck
08:36.58brc_using cat 7905maclist | while read COMMAND; do
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09:55.21luke-jrHow can you get out of a macro? ☺
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10:39.27appelzaLets say extention 100 is busy, but someone calls can I have it fall back to extention 110?
10:43.41Strom_Mif busy, goto 110
10:43.46Strom_Mor something along those lines
10:45.34*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (n=nighty@
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10:56.18Sinist3rAnyone know where I can get some info on starting up a CLEC?
10:57.51Strom_Mstep 1: obtain at least five million dollars
10:58.11Strom_Mstep 2: perform a paperwork dance with the california public utilities commission
10:58.30Strom_Mstep 3: perform a paperwork dance with the north american numbering plan administraton
10:58.43Strom_Mstep 4: buy a DMS-500
10:58.50Strom_Mstep 5: ???
10:58.55Strom_Mstep 6: bankruptcy
11:01.44Sinist3r5 million?
11:02.05Sinist3rI've heard of people running CLECs with a few computers from their own home.
11:02.11Sinist3rfor conferencing services
11:04.38*** join/#asterisk ussrback (n=MAX@
11:04.47Sinist3rWhats the 5 million for?
11:04.48*** join/#asterisk tomodachi (
11:05.18tomodachiim wondering if someone more experienced could give me their opinion on building asterisk from source vs using a disg (debian)
11:05.41tomodachiim planning to set up a asterisk pbx (still a noob) but would like to stick do the vesions in my distributions
11:05.49tomodachito get the updates /security fixes automatically
11:05.50ussrbackis it possible to call away someone in private room, with meetme?
11:06.11ussrbackfor example if in conference room there are 6 persons
11:06.33ussrbackand person 1 wants to call way person 2 in provate room
11:06.39ussrbackto talk tet-a -tet
11:06.48ussrbackis it possible?
11:07.12rob0tomodachi: not sure I qualify as "more experienced", but I have an opinion. I use Slackware, which does not package Asterisk. But I build it with all defaults (no special configuration arguments), and all is well. So ...
11:07.38rob0... I don't see how a distro-built package would be so bad, if likewise, it uses the defaults.
11:08.14rob0Upgrades via automated processes are very often a cause of disasters.
11:08.56tomodachiwhen using a stable distribution though
11:08.59rob0I hang out in #postfix, and we see on average several Debian people every who have borked things with an apt-get upgrade.
11:09.01tomodachiits usually quite tested
11:09.31rob0Okay, the next victim, I'll ask if they're using stable.
11:10.21rob0What YOU need to do is to look inside your .deb and find out how it was built.
11:10.22Sinist3rCan I get some practical CLEC info from someone?
11:11.05rob0Sinist3r: I think Strom_M's practical advice to you was "forget it".
11:11.26Sinist3rDoesn't sound practical at all.
11:13.03Sinist3rI hate when people discourage you.
11:13.24rob0Not everything should/can be encouraged.
11:13.30Sinist3rIt's almost as if they fail so they want everyone else to fail too.
11:13.50ussrbackis it possible to call away someone in private room, with meetme?
11:14.11Sinist3ryou can use sub confs
11:14.28Sinist3rbut you need 5 million dollars.
11:29.04juuvaanyone using h323?
11:29.26*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/active/cpm)
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11:51.47jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
11:51.47*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
11:53.03awkanyone have any idea why im getting that warning, about needing a function
11:55.59*** join/#asterisk penguinFunk (n=penguin@unaffiliated/penguinfunk)
11:57.49creativxawk: the warning is that the function is in need of an argument
11:58.03creativxset "group(myvar)="
11:58.10creativxyou cant set it to nothing it seems
12:00.46*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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12:04.22awkcreativx tell me hjas anyone experienced this before
12:06.19creativxI can only answer on behalf of myself, and I dont use that function.
12:06.23awkthis happens all the time
12:06.30awknot that, this :)
12:06.35creativxits called the internet
12:06.43awkthats a lan
12:06.49creativxthen your equipment is bad
12:06.49awkit happens every few minutes
12:07.01awk60k cisco switches
12:07.03awkI doubt that
12:07.09awkeverything is top of the range
12:07.10*** join/#asterisk michael-i (n=michael-@
12:07.16awkI have a feeling its a duplex problem
12:07.18creativxeverything except your latency
12:07.19awkset to auto duplex
12:07.29awkthink why creativx
12:07.37awkcalls are getting cut up too
12:07.40awkonce it reaches 2000ms
12:07.44awkit drops back to 15ms and its fine
12:08.16awkI have a feeling the phones are set to auto detect for what dduplex to use
12:08.19awkand I feel the switches are too
12:08.28awkso 1 wayaudio is a case of using half duplex
12:08.54awkso im wondering if its not dropping to half duplex for that second when it requires a pong with the ping sent, then switches back too full duplex
12:09.08awkno vlan, we running above the vlan
12:09.09*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
12:09.17awkso it can only be a switch issue in my opiniun
12:09.27awkbut somebody must have experienced this problem before
12:09.36awkits seen it at another site ive worked at too
12:09.44awkthey using hp switches there..
12:09.58creativxonly one way to find out
12:09.58creativxtest it
12:10.04creativxor force duplex mode on the port
12:10.12awkwsell I have set 10 extensions to full duplex
12:10.22awkand out of those 10 7 have not had that time out problem
12:10.27awknormally it happens every few minutes
12:10.30awkive run the test for 2 days now
12:10.35awkbut what about those other 3 phones?
12:10.59awkthats why im boiling it down to the duplex, but cant be 100% sure its that as why didn't those phones sort out?
12:11.10creativxi have my sturdy 3com switch which treats me well
12:11.14*** join/#asterisk lirakis (n=lirakis@
12:11.24awkcreativx unmanaged?
12:11.47awkcreativx hy this is an issue, they saying its our problem
12:11.51awkwe have swopped the server out 3 times
12:12.01awkits not the server.. i take that box back to our test env and it works
12:12.10awkbut to try and prove to them its their network config is difficult
12:12.13awkso I told them to use full duplex
12:12.20awkthing is they said they did for those 10 extensions
12:12.27awkbut I have a feeling they trying to trick us on the 3 that isn't working
12:12.32awkand we cant then say its their end
12:12.36awkthey ow allot f cash
12:12.41awkso maybe they doing this on purpose
12:13.51creativxawk: its a superstack
12:14.06creativxand you have no other network problems?
12:14.34awkno, their network works fine
12:14.52awkeven if they had issues on their tcp stack, it retransmits
12:14.53awknot like udp
12:15.02awkso that second its off we have break up calls
12:15.22*** join/#asterisk dijungal (n=kdaniel@
12:15.31awkI still dont understand why they set it just for those few extensions, why not just turn the whole switch to full duplex
12:15.37awkits not like we have any 10base devices in there
12:15.41dijungaldoes anyone know of any IAX voip provider i can terminate my calls to?
12:16.31awkdijungal what sort of volume
12:17.43*** join/#asterisk brian (n=brian@unaffiliated/brian)
12:17.52dijungaljust for testing for now...
12:18.05dijungallol.... awk ... u should try gawk :)
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12:22.37dijungali guess they aren't any
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12:23.06creativxwb [TK]D-Fender
12:24.17awkdijungal on massive volume I can help you
12:24.29Sinist3rAnyone know where I can get some info on starting up a CLEC?
12:26.19dijungalawk: ok tell me about what you would recommend for massive volume
12:26.25Sinist3rFCC has guides on how to setup CLECs?
12:26.27coppiceULECs seems more popular
12:26.36*** join/#asterisk minkus (
12:26.37Sinist3rwhats a ULEC?
12:27.01Sinist3rhow would that work?
12:27.11[TK]D-FenderUnbundled Local Exchange Carrier (FCC)
12:28.10[TK]D-FenderSinist3r: Go read up about what you're dealing with and hearing you just spout out questions like that gives me a solid impression you have no clue what you're doing....
12:28.50coppiceisn't having no clue what you're doing is a prerequisite for starting a CLEC?
12:28.54Sinist3rTK, I have somewhat of an understanding but I wish to know more before I actually do it, that's why I was asking for a resource.
12:29.08Sinist3rthank you coppice
12:29.42creativxSinist3r, it never occured to you to google for it?
12:29.52Sinist3rcreativx, I have been for hours.
12:30.01coppicewell, if you swim with the great whites, you might expect to be eaten
12:30.06Sinist3rI found one thing, and it wasn't very detailed.
12:30.53*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
12:30.54[TK]D-FenderSinist3r:     <----- #6 I had to look VERY far apparently
12:32.13Sinist3rTK, again, I'm not looking for what the acronym means, I was looking for a "guide" on how to start one up.
12:32.34Sinist3rlet's see how far you have to look to find that.
12:32.45[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Ever seen one breach while taking out a seal?  Scary shit....
12:32.56*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
12:33.17[TK]D-FenderSinist3r>whats a ULEC? <--- funny sure LOOKS like you were asking.  Perhaps we're not both actually speaking english...
12:33.46Sinist3rTK, <Sinist3r> Anyone know where I can get some info on starting up a CLEC?
12:33.50Sinist3rthat was my main question.
12:33.53coppiceI think anything to do with a great white looks like scary shit
12:33.56Sinist3rthe other was a side note.
12:34.10Sinist3rare you that stupid or are you just trying to act all big and bad?
12:34.15awkSep 28 14:32:30 ERROR[19808]: chan_sip.c:11691 sipsock_read: SIP MESSAGE JUST IGNORED: BYE
12:34.15awkSep 28 14:32:30 ERROR[19808]: chan_sip.c:11692 sipsock_read: BAD! BAD! BAD!
12:34.21awkwhat could be the reason for this?
12:35.47[TK]D-FenderSinist3r: Well I linked you to the answer for that one too, FIRST in fact.
12:36.32Sinist3rand I was just asking politely did the fcc have a setup guide or something?
12:37.11*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
12:37.36[TK]D-FenderSinist3r: Dunno... how long did you look?
12:37.55Sinist3ryou mean on the fcc site or on google?
12:38.27Sinist3ron google for hours
12:38.36Sinist3rfcc I just got on it after you told me
12:43.25*** join/#asterisk blinky42 (
12:46.33muh-die-kuhcan anyone of you recomend me an wireless voip phone, which can sync its phonebook with a server? if you know many of this kind, just tell me the cheapest ;)
12:48.18jbotWi-Fi SIP phones suck.  All of them.  HARD.  Some only slightly less than others...
12:48.27_x86_[TK]D-Fender: do you ever sleep? ;)
12:48.36[TK]D-Fender_x86_: Possibly ;)
12:49.02fenlandermuh-die-kuh: nokia N95 :)
12:49.22muh-die-kuh[TK]D-Fender: dect would be okay, too :P
12:49.45muh-die-kuhi said nothing
12:49.47[TK]D-Fendermuh-die-kuh: take a look at Seimens then.  They seem rather well regarded in that category
12:50.07_x86_what is dect?
12:50.24muh-die-kuh[TK]D-Fender: but i guess i wont be able to sync my phone book with dect
12:50.31[TK]D-Fender_x86_: Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications - Wikipedia, the free ...
12:50.54_x86_ass ;)
12:50.55[TK]D-FenderSeriously people!  Get a clue and do the freebie Google searches YOURSELVES!
12:51.23_x86_its much more fun having others do it for you though ;)
12:51.37[TK]D-Fendermuh-die-kuh: its possible, but you may be asking in the "would you l;ike fries with that, sir?" category...
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13:07.28lirakis[TK]D-Fender: lol
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13:09.10[TK]D-Fendermuh-die-kuh: And if you call in the next 30 minutes we'll even through in a lovely free gift from RonCo!
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13:09.35adeelis there a way to 'revive' an apparent bricked polycom 330?
13:11.13coppiceAnd if you call in the next 30 minutes you'll find the entire call centre is watching cricket
13:11.33adeelprobably watching the pakistan v india match
13:12.04lirakisadeel: ... probably not unless you are an electrical engineer
13:12.36lirakisadeel: but that depends what 'apparent bricked' means...
13:12.45ThoMewer da?
13:12.59dijungalawk: never got that answer
13:13.29adeellirakis, well it wasn't really turning on...but now it's turning on, but not moving pass the 'updating initial configuration' screen...nor does it ever find my dhcp server...i'm thinking there's a loose connection in the internal switch
13:13.51creativxgive it the well known fist of fury
13:14.01adeellirakis, is it possible to default the phone settings upon boot?
13:16.12lirakisadeel: sure... search the internet... ive found it before
13:16.27dijungalany suggested iax providers?
13:17.00adeellirakis, i came across a few different methods, but they all require actually being able to get to the menu's and might just be easier to RMA this phone
13:17.29lirakisadeel: .. ive seen several methods that allow you to do it before the phone boots up
13:17.51adeellirakis, interesting, i'll search some more
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13:32.39adeelso the phone's switch is broken...yay
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13:37.22[TK]D-Fenderadeel: Tried setting a fixed IP and browse to it?
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13:37.33flujanhi all...
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13:38.04flujanHi [TK]D-Fender ... I implement the socket to listen for events on the AMI and its is working well. Thanks for that tip. :D
13:38.13[TK]D-Fenderflujan: np
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13:41.32flujanGuys, prior to version 1.2 of asterisk I found two configuration options... incoming call limit and outgoing call-limit... 1.4 just have the call-limit option. is it possible to control the incoming and outgoing call-limits in 1.4?
13:42.48flujanThe problems is that I have two levels of technical support... the first level answers a the end users. Sometimes the first level needs to contact the second level to acquire some information...
13:43.17creativxflujan: it got another name
13:43.39creativxthere was this forever going bug tracker about the BLF problem and device states with call-limit
13:43.43creativxthat spurred some new config options
13:43.49creativxthat i cannot for the life of me remember right now.
13:44.12flujanSince the first level answers a call queue, i set up the call-limit to 1. This way, asterisk do not tries to deliver incoming calls from the queue to agents that already are on A call.
13:45.33flujanbut with this call-limit I lost the option to make then receive one call and make other call to acquire information... To solve this issue, or a call_queue should have a limit per agent. ( if the agent is on a call, does not include it on the deliver algorithm) or I need to set up incoming and outgoing call-limits...
13:45.47flujanwhat do you suggest to solve my issue?
13:46.10creativxfind the 1.4 setting that limits inbound and outbound separately :-)
13:47.14creativxflujan: more info there
13:52.12flujancreativx: appear that this bug is closed... they have solved the issue... I am currently running 1.4.11
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13:56.25cnet2hi, does anyone have had asterisk stoping service for no aparent reason something like once everyday..?
13:56.29elriah[TK]D-Fender: TK, did you have to change anything with your .cfg file ntp settings when going to the latest Polycom firmware?
13:58.51[TK]D-Fenderelriah: nope
13:59.13elriah[TK]D-Fender: Thanks.  Weird issue with a handful of phones not pulling the time from
14:00.06Kattysorry, i think outside the box.
14:00.07[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
14:00.08Kattythat just won't work.
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14:03.26voipnet-techhi all, I'm having a problem with No Audio from my freepbx setup, it's a new install (my first time setting up asterisk/, zaptel and freepbx (didn't use a trixbox ISO)   extension to extension calling/audio works fine.   When I call anything that plays a system recording like VM , IVR, *43 echotest etc, The system appears to play the recording, but I get no audio
14:03.37voipnet-techI also have no audio doing conferencing/paging
14:03.58voipnet-techi've asked in freepbx, but I don't think this is a freepbx problem, sounds like a problem with zaptel maybe?
14:04.03Kattyi also have no audio from my laptop
14:04.07Kattybut it's a driver issue :<
14:05.19creativxgod damn
14:05.23Kattycreativx: god's too busy to do your damning.
14:05.28Kattycreativx: do your own damning :P
14:05.29[TK]D-Fendervoipnet-tech: Sorry, but * works, you configuration and networking does not.
14:06.03creativxKatty: just lost 30 minutes of a changelog summary
14:06.10creativxnice way to start ze weekend
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14:07.39Kattycreativx: :<<<
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14:10.03creativxi will manage to fix it by stealing back my notes from the ceo
14:10.08creativxand be out of here by 16:30
14:10.11creativxand start drinking beer!
14:10.13AeudianI have several clients complaining about the volume output on the default music on hold by asterisk over VoIP.  Is there a way to quiet down the default moh audio from within asterisk without having to use Audacity or some other audio editing program
14:11.45Kattyalchamahols!!! :>
14:11.49Kattyoh man
14:11.53Kattyi want margaritas over lunch
14:12.12creativxKatty: oh yes
14:12.16creativxand the best part comes afterwards
14:12.21creativxwe're going out for dinner and more drinks
14:12.25Kattyoh :>
14:12.28creativxpaid by... the employer
14:12.30KattyYAY more drinks!!
14:12.35Kattyfree drinks
14:12.53Kattywe have an open bar at our company christmas party.
14:13.04Kattyalways much fun :>
14:13.22creativxhehe indeed
14:13.31creativxthe company mastercard tends to be red glowing
14:13.54Kattymy company is the owner's hobby
14:14.02Kattyhe's got plenty of monies (=
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14:15.13[TK]D-FenderAeudian: You referring to the FPM samples?
14:17.47flujansomeone here already used the URL option from the dial command? I am trying this:
14:18.30flujanexten => _XXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},20,tT,
14:18.33flujanwithout success.. :(
14:20.31[TK]D-Fenderflujan: On what phone?
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14:21.10flujan[TK]D-Fender: I know you hate softphones... But I have a boss that loves it... :D
14:21.24[TK]D-Fenderflujan: Only works on Ciscos......
14:21.41flujan[TK]D-Fender: :(
14:22.14Kattycreativx: you ever scooped most of a pineapple out, and filled it with vodka, and then freezed it?
14:22.35Kattycreativx: well, you don't really have to scoop most of it out
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14:23.36coppiceyou do if you want to fill it with fried rice
14:23.48Kattyi never thought about doing that
14:23.53Kattywhat an awesome centerpiece!!
14:24.03coppiceits OK. half the world did
14:24.06Kattycoppice: do you have a fried rice recipe?
14:24.28Kattycoppice: i don't actually buy whole pineapples often :P
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14:26.42creativxKatty: no
14:26.45creativxKatty: im more of a beer person
14:27.00creativxbut i do like super chilled vodka
14:27.02creativxvikingfjord is nice
14:30.03Kattyi still don't like beer.
14:30.12creativxim out :) have a nice weekend
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14:31.26Kattywow, bull mastiffs are /huge/
14:31.55syzygyBSDhow can you not like beer? that is like saying I don't like air
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14:32.31syzygyBSDit is a staple of life
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14:33.13KattysyzygyBSD: i dunno, i just like girly drinks and malt stuff
14:34.01syzygyBSDI have to admit I did have a couple gin n tonics last night too
14:34.32Kattygin :<
14:35.01syzygyBSDyou don't like gin either?
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14:35.50syzygyBSDgrr, firefox is taking up 500MB of ram.. gotta restart
14:39.05elriahmmmmm... gin
14:43.45Kattyoh boy!
14:43.57Kattyi've not had home-made anything in awhile :/
14:44.12Daejeo1anyone tried the service from
14:44.29rob0I think itsh as good as Bailey'sh, whaddaya think?
14:44.36`Sauronmoin moin
14:44.39Daejeo19.99$  is it good provider?
14:44.58`Sauronhome made generally > bailey's
14:46.10Kattyherro `Sauron (=
14:46.19Kattybailey's is good with milk
14:46.23Kattycan't drink it straight.
14:46.33Kattytastes too much like coffee to me.
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14:51.31Voicemeupis the reason the MOH plays on box 1 , in   phone -> AS 1 -> AS 2 -> out  scenario, because of canreinvites ?
14:51.38Voicemeupi mean it playes on box 2
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14:55.45karleetohas anyone used any of the cordless handset IP phones?? i've been looking around at some of them, this aastra 480i looks pretty nice, but i was hoping to get someone's opinion or reccomendations
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14:55.58[TK]D-FenderVoicemeup: So Phone puts "Out' on hold and AS2's MoH plays?
14:56.11karleetoi'm not going to use a wifi ip phone, so i'm looking for a cordless phone with an ip base station, i guess
14:56.22elriahThe 480i works great, stay away from wifi sip phones if you're using nat, most wireless access points drop the nat state and after a few minutes call's won't go through to your wifi phones.
14:56.40elriahOr re-register your wifi phones every 30 seconds.
14:56.45[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto: Aastra's are ok if you're planning on using only a single registration with them
14:56.54karleetoelriah: yeah, wasnt planning on using wifi phones
14:57.24voipnet-techI've got a ton of Aastra Phones all doing multiple registrations
14:57.48voipnet-techeven a 480iCT registered on 5 different SIP accounts for 4 handsets
14:57.48karleeto[TK]D-Fender: so you mean, having multiple handsets is not a good idea? it says it can support up to 3 additional handsets, does that mean they all would run off of one extension?
14:57.56voipnet-techthe Aastra SIP DECT system is nice too, but pricy
14:58.23karleetovoipnet-tech: hmm, so they work well for you?
14:58.26Voicemeupsorry was denying over 5000 in payments some hacker trying to put lol
14:58.35voipnet-techWifi phones work pretty good too if you have them on a good Wifi Access Point, and don't run any DATA on the wifi, just voice its OK
14:58.50voipnet-techkarleeto, Aastra phones work great for us
14:58.58karleetovoipnet-tech: wonderful
14:58.59voipnet-techbut we use them on broadsoft, not asterisk
14:59.06[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto: Sorta... the BASE will ring for all of them gauranteed
14:59.19karleeto[TK]D-Fender: hmm
14:59.33karleetovoipnet-tech: you've never tried them with asterisk?
15:00.11voipnet-techkarleeto, yes, but not in the same quantity, I've got about 8 aastra phones on asterisk, and 2500 on broadsoft
15:00.43karleetovoipnet-tech: ok, i'm only doing a 15 phone system, and only 3 or 4 would need to be cordless
15:01.01voipnet-techerm I have tried them* My aastra 57iCT on my desk now has 4 registrations to Broadsoft, 4 registrations to 1 asterisk server, and 1 registration to a 2nd asterisk server
15:01.01karleetovoipnet-tech: how is the range and quality with the aastra phones?
15:01.40voipnet-techI'd recommend you buy 3 or 4 480iCT's, and the rest 480i, or even 9133i
15:02.15voipnet-techthe range is pretty good, I don't know the specs, but I can go anywhere in our 7000 sq ft building with no problem, and works fine outside around the building
15:02.37voipnet-techtalking back to the base on my desk in the basement
15:02.57[TK]D-FenderAastra's only real selling point is the DECT handsets.  As phones themselves I would never choose them to deploy for anything else.
15:03.12[TK]D-FenderPolycom > All
15:03.27[TK]D-FenderI **LOATHED** my Aastra 57i CT <-
15:03.32voipnet-techI respectfully disgree though :-p
15:03.38[TK]D-FenderI'd have preferred my home bedside IP 310 to it.
15:04.25tzangercoppice: sir
15:04.28[TK]D-FenderSecond rate audio quality, finding the DECT I gave to my warehouse manager WASN'T independent of the base and his calls rang on MINE pissed me off.  5i's Rubbery-ass buttons too
15:04.36[TK]D-FenderIP 301 *
15:04.53tzangercoppice: - 6s clip of a congestion tone - can you help me identify the *type* of distortion you hear?
15:05.04karleeto[TK]D-Fender: yeah, we've ordered 10 polycom 501s, and i guess the other 4 people that want the cordlesses will get the aastra 480iCTs
15:05.06[TK]D-FenderAnd the 5i's have a new pixel based display but still using char-matrix firmware is BS.
15:05.07VoicemeupTK know anything about that ?
15:05.09_x86_so would yall recommend an IP330 or an IP501?
15:05.09tzangerI describe it as a periodic "metallic" or "flanger" type of noise
15:05.15tzangerit's most certainly not a frame slip
15:05.24karleeto_x86_: i LOVE my 501s
15:05.28_x86_I've only used the 301, 501, and 601's, never messed with the 320/330 or 430 phones
15:05.31_x86_karleeto: me too
15:05.32[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto: IP 501's are very nice, but very hard to find them to be the right choice...
15:05.58karleeto[TK]D-Fender: we use them almost exclusively
15:06.01VoicemeupMOH plays on box 2  when phone A puts someone in hold from a call to a cell phone  that passing trough OUT , in (  phone A -> BOX1 -> BOX 2 -> OUT )
15:06.01tzanger[TK]D-Fender: a clear case of want vs need?
15:06.03[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto: as a mid-range without native PoE its hard to justify
15:06.04voipnet-tech[TK]D-Fender, you could have made his calls not ring on your phone, just set his lineX ringtone: none and it would not have rang on the base
15:06.29karleeto[TK]D-Fender: well, we cant afforce PoE switches, so thats not an issue with us, lol
15:06.44[TK]D-Fendervoipnet-tech: That might be tone, but I could accidently hijack his call as it rings silently, no?
15:06.45voipnet-techi do admit we have about 10x more weird problems with the 5i series phones vs the 9133i and 480is'
15:07.08karleetovoipnet-tech: are you on any IM services?
15:07.18_x86_[TK]D-Fender: I need a Polycom phone with full duplex speakerphone -- the IP301 is out... what would you suggest?
15:07.23Kattysomeone set linksys on fire for treating me like a moron
15:07.25[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto: IP 320/330 w/ power brick is much cheaper, and the IP 430 (only place of value) fits right below it supporting both...
15:07.28_x86_I've been just buying IP501's
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15:07.48_x86_330 has full-duplex speakerphone?
15:07.49karleeto_x86_: me too..
15:07.52coppicetzanger: you have some DC offset, and substantial 100Hz noise on a 425Hz + 550Hz signal
15:07.54[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto: But the only place for IP 501 is in non-PoE Environments
15:07.59[TK]D-Fender_x86_: Yes.
15:08.06[TK]D-Fender_x86_: only the 301 has 1-way
15:08.07Voicemeuplet me know anyhow
15:08.07voipnet-tech[TK]D-Fender,  you can always hijack from the base as it's the master, but if you just use Line 5,6,7,8, or 9 for the cordless, you won't see it blink your Line keys either
15:08.22voipnet-techkarleeto, MSN
15:08.23tzangercoppice: what did you use to get that result so fast?
15:08.28_x86_[TK]D-Fender: should i buy a 330 or 501?
15:08.33coppiceby ear, of course
15:08.35[TK]D-Fendervoipnet-tech: True but if its ringing and I want to place a call I'll accedentally steal his...
15:08.44[TK]D-Fender_x86_: You need the pass-through?
15:08.52_x86_[TK]D-Fender: for a PC? yes
15:08.55karleetovoipnet-tech: may i get your associated email? i'd like to contact you when my aastras get in
15:08.59[TK]D-Fender_x86_: Got PoE?
15:09.08_x86_[TK]D-Fender: not yet, but planning on it someday
15:09.24[TK]D-Fender_x86_: Any ETA on "someday"?
15:09.30_x86_[TK]D-Fender: 3-6 months
15:09.39_x86_well within the life cycle of the phone ;)
15:09.49Katty[TK]D-Fender: i have an urge to look at rings.
15:09.57Katty[TK]D-Fender: what's coming over me :<
15:10.03tzangercoppice: but the distortion is not constant... it's got a low metallic noise and a high metallic nosie
15:10.13tzangerthe 425+550 is the congestion signal
15:10.54tzanger is another example of when I'm sending constant data and just receiving the background noise of whatever room the phone is in, but you can hear the distortion again about 2s and 16s in I think
15:10.57coppiceoh, it varies through the file. the DC and 100Hz is there all the time, the other components seem to change
15:11.01[TK]D-Fender_x86_: I would suggest the 330 + 1 PoE injector (more expensive than the brick, but RECYCLABLE).  That way when you go PoE you'll have an injector around that can be used with other PoE-needing devices.
15:11.18[TK]D-Fender_x86_: At which point make sure its Cisco compatible  as well.
15:11.56tzangercoppice: hmm, I wonder where teh DC's coming from, I recreated the wav from pulling the actual ulaw frame data out of the TDMoE frame and converting it
15:12.01[TK]D-FenderKatty: You're going way to giddy over those 3 word's you've been waiting so long for.  He isn't ready yet....
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15:13.28coppicetzanger the second file is DC + 100Hz + a bit of 50Hz and 200Hz
15:13.48coppicein the first file there seem to be some bursts of 1.1kHz
15:14.08Katty[TK]D-Fender: i know.
15:14.11Katty[TK]D-Fender: i'm not ready yet
15:14.16Katty[TK]D-Fender: but the shiny is so pretty :/
15:14.41tzangercoppice: it's clearly not frame slips, but I'm wondering if it's bits within the timestamps shifting
15:15.03Corydon76-digOoo, look, a bicycle!
15:15.08coppicenope. its just a damned ugly signal
15:15.09tzangerthere are some errata notes for the DSP that say if the rx clock is "too slow" you can get corruption like that
15:15.20tzangercoppice: haha, well I"ll have a hardware loop on it shortly I think
15:15.24tzangerI can then eliminate the analog bits and see
15:15.54Kattystupid linksys people
15:16.15Kattyi just /told/ you i'm doing a cascading wan...why are you asking me about usernames and passwords to my internet connection?!?!
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15:16.47KattyGET EM!
15:17.19tzangercoppice: where can I download your ears to analyse this on my own?
15:17.48coppicethere are lots of tools for looking at wave files
15:18.12[TK]D-FenderNotepad FTW!
15:18.24tzangerand your sliptest application only works when it's receiving audio from an unterminated line (strong untainted echo), correct?  auto-correlation doesn't work well otherwise?
15:18.37tzanger[TK]D-Fender: my MSN name is "IRC is multi-player notepad"
15:18.54coppiceyou nedd some echo. it doesn't need to be that strong
15:19.14[TK]D-Fendertzanger: My MSN client overrides people's silly nicknames and shoves their real names at all times :)
15:19.34tzangerok... sliptest didn't work at all with the echo I did get back, but again it's the echo from the ear to mic of a phone offhook in a noisy room :-)
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15:20.38coppiceah, well, that wouldn't help
15:21.18_x86_tzanger: haha
15:21.29_x86_multi-player notepad... that's teh awesomeness
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15:22.49[TK]D-Fender_x86_: wanna play a game of solitaire with me? :)
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15:23.25tzangercoppice: indeed.  the hardware loop will help figure this out I think
15:23.50tzangerI'm baffled though, but at least I think the elastic buffers and the driver are working correctly, this seems like data corruption
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15:26.01ivrcNeed some help with Zaptel - getting errors on 'make config' -- gives a batch of 'Unknown line at line' with line numbers of 5959 to 5970 - suggestions?
15:28.52Kattylinksys didn't know what a cascading wan was.
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15:29.28Kattyand these are who people consider the 'professionals' :/
15:33.03[TK]D-FenderKatty: umm.. I'm not quite clear with what you mean there...
15:33.43[TK]D-Fenderivrc: What version of Zaptel?
15:33.57Voicemeupivr now rorry
15:34.02Voicemeupits always does that
15:34.14Voicemeupjsut cant find those modules from config
15:34.20Voicemeupivrc no worry i said lol
15:34.25Voicemeupyou have a zap device ?
15:34.41Voicemeupuncomment it in the zap config.. then ztcfg -vvv
15:34.42ivrcno worry, but it doesn't seem to see the TDM400
15:35.07ivrcappreciate the help - please bear with the noob
15:35.10Katty[TK]D-Fender: then you're mental.
15:35.27[TK]D-FenderKatty: Or maybe your term isn't clear or appropriate :)
15:35.29Katty[TK]D-Fender: firewall hands out 192.168.0.x the router beneath it hands out 1.x
15:35.52[TK]D-FenderKatty: I've never seen a Linksys that didn't NAT across its WAN port....
15:36.06Kattyme either.
15:36.09[TK]D-FenderKatty: Except when OpenWRT'd :)
15:36.23[TK]D-FenderKatty: Guess what, it isn't supported natively :)
15:36.43[TK]D-FenderKatty: Linksys doesn't make routers, them make NAT Toasters :p
15:37.24Kattyyeah, but it's not like i can throw my clients router away
15:37.25[TK]D-FenderKatty: Go set up a Linux box as a gateway then.
15:37.41Kattyyeah yeah
15:37.42Kattysilly males
15:37.45Kattyalways with your solutions
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15:37.49[TK]D-FenderKatty: Correct, its THEIR job to dispose of waste products :)
15:38.34[TK]D-FenderKatty: Oh I'm sorry... "Yes I understand your pain and its OK.we still love you and you'll figure it out when you're ready"
15:38.37Katty[TK]D-Fender: don't you start annoying me too
15:38.48Kattythere you go!
15:38.49Kattymuch better.
15:39.26[TK]D-FenderKatty: I sometimes forget to flip that "doesn't actually want help, just wants someone to listen" switch.... I learn fast through :p
15:39.46Kattyyou need a wireless transmitter so i can use a remote
15:39.47xezzhello, is there an other opensource call center like trixbox ?
15:40.23ivrcvoicemeup: ztcfg shows the 4 channels - is there any easy way of testing without setting up extensions and trunks? (tried making an inbound call with verbosity set high, but nothing shows)
15:41.06[TK]D-Fenderxezz: No, employees don't tend to work for free....
15:41.56[TK]D-Fenderivrc: Yes you have to setup your channels or you'll get nothing.
15:42.25*** join/#asterisk blq (
15:43.02ThoMeiss dialstatus "DONTCALL" == DND ?
15:43.17ThoMei have a "dnd" button at my phone
15:43.37ThoMeis the dnd button / status == dontcall if i fetch the $DIALSTATUS ?
15:44.25*** join/#asterisk hrmphh (
15:44.27booraywhat would be the featd compliment of /etc/zaptel.conf?
15:44.48hrmphhwhat asterisk config steps need to be taken to add a sangoma a101d card? i currently am using a POS digium analog car
15:46.21hrmphhwanpipe: AFT-A101-SH T1/E1 card found (HDLC (DS) rev.31), cpu(s) 1, bus #3, slot #13, irq #10
15:46.27hrmphhits recognized as a "wanpipe"?
15:46.44rob0Put that in your wanpipe and smoke it!
15:47.04[TK]D-FenderThoMe: No.
15:47.12coppiceevidently not a wanpipe of peace
15:47.59[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: You setup your wanpipe drivers, start wanrouter and the rest is jusk like a Digium card
15:48.16ThoMe[TK]D-Fender: no? hmm?
15:48.20ThoMe[TK]D-Fender: what is DND ?
15:48.37[TK]D-FenderThoMe: DND = Do Not Disturb.
15:48.42hrmphhwhere do i add the asterisk config
15:48.45hrmphhim perusing sangoma site now
15:48.49coppicedungeons and dragons
15:48.54rob0Maybe it's a wannabepipe
15:49.11[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: What do you mean "add the asterisk config"?  You jsut make your zaptel.conf & zapata.conf like normal
15:49.23errrwith asterisk 1.2.x is it possible to speed up the rate that the voicemail info is read to you.. "You have one new message and one old message" that stuff.. and the envolope stuff
15:50.04errrId like it to sound more like talking and less like poor reading
15:50.46*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=Zeeek@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
15:50.53[TK]D-Fendererrr: Go re-record the prompts
15:51.30hrmphhwanpipe1    | AFT HDLC | N/A     | Connected     |
15:51.32hrmphhwoot :)
15:51.33errr[TK]D-Fender: you cant just speed up the rate?
15:51.58ZeeekOyé, oyé, the Voip Users Conference starts in 38 minutes: IRC: #voip-users-conference
15:52.00[TK]D-Fendererrr: Sure, grab an audio editing tool and have fun
15:52.17errr[TK]D-Fender: we dont mind it sounding like a computer, it just that the reading is done slowly
15:52.39*** join/#asterisk jprater (
15:52.41ZeeekI may have a $60 dollar phone bill from bridging two ZAP channels, hurray :(
15:52.43errr[TK]D-Fender: like in M$ you can speed up and slow down how fast Microsoft sam reads a line of text..
15:53.15hrmphhtk; yeah just wasnt sure how to set up the channels in zaptel, its just fxoks=1 and fxsks=2-4 right now for teh analog card
15:53.35[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: You set them up the same as you would for their Digium equivalent
15:54.08hrmphhas if they were fxs chans?
15:54.29[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: I've said it TWICE ALREADY.
15:56.03hrmphhyes yes
15:56.12hrmphhill rtfm :)
15:56.34hrmphhjust trying to figure out how to tell it which hardware/channel to use
15:56.48hrmphhbecause id like to keep both running
15:56.51hrmphhthe analog is simply a backup
15:57.40hrmphhnm i found this:
15:58.06jpraterI'm having some trouble with the basic install of a TE120P card. It looks as though it's failing to enumerate by the lsipci output. Does anyone know how to deal with that?
15:58.07[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh>tk; yeah just wasnt sure how to set up the channels in zaptel, its just fxoks=1 and fxsks=2-4 right now for teh analog card <- I can promise you this is wrong however
15:58.10*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
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15:58.55hrmphhyeah im saying thats how my analog is
15:59.08ivrcedited zapata.conf -- tried a module reload - that threw errors on reload - rebooted, and now I get "ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or address (6)"
15:59.12hrmphhsangoma has legit docs
15:59.13hrmphhim all set
15:59.14*** join/#asterisk Lawbringer (n=Lawbring@
15:59.19hrmphhthey even provide a script to create the files
16:00.06[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: Hold on... A101= with mixed FXO/FXS signalling?  You running a channel bank?
16:00.20hrmphhno no
16:00.22*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (n=manxpowe@
16:00.23hrmphhthats my old setup
16:00.29hrmphha digium analog card
16:00.33hrmphhonly used when T1 is down
16:00.47hrmphhim using PRI B8ZS ESF for the digital
16:00.52*** join/#asterisk pasquall (
16:00.53[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: Ok, your setup description was terribly spotty.
16:01.08[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: Start over and list the cards & modules you are using NOW.
16:01.35hrmphhlol ok
16:02.02hrmphhthe 3fxs, 1fxo card
16:02.15hrmphhfrom digium
16:02.24hrmphhused exclusively right now to run our system
16:02.30hrmphhadded a sangoma a101d-x card
16:02.46hrmphhwhich we're migrating to for our primary voice connection, the analog card will be kept for backup
16:03.34*** part/#asterisk pasquall (
16:04.36[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: Ok, then your Digium config should stay the smew and channel on the ned for your sangoma
16:06.40[TK]D-Fenderivrc: pastebin your zaptel.conf , zapata.conf, "ztcfg -vvvv", and "can /proc/interrupts"
16:06.43jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
16:07.20ivrcfender: will put it up in just a few
16:07.21hrmphhhave got that to add to my zaptel.conf
16:07.31[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: 1,1,0 <0
16:07.38[TK]D-Fender<- *
16:07.41*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
16:07.50[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: you want to take timing from the telco
16:08.03hrmphh1,1,0 instead of 1,0,0?
16:08.17hrmphhoh and this is an integrated T1 too, so we only have 12 channels
16:08.42hrmphhso ill prob need to bchan 1-11 and chan=12, will ask teh L3 tech today
16:09.11[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: You're going to be running Data over it as well?
16:09.21hrmphhbut thats already split off
16:09.27hrmphhethernet handoff for data
16:09.38[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: D is usually still 24. so: 1-11 + 24.  12-23 data
16:09.41hrmphhwhen no voice channels are in use, we've got full 1.5mb
16:10.19[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: Ph so you've got a T1 router to sit between * & telco already?
16:10.43hrmphhno they have an IAD
16:10.51[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: Oh let me guess a Cisco 2430 or so dynamic T1, right?
16:10.58hrmphhnah its adtran
16:11.05hrmphhive used cisco iads w/ctc before, but this is l3
16:11.09[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: Seen the same service offered by XO
16:11.16hrmphhthey ahve similar
16:11.22hrmphhits not bad, $400/mo
16:11.24ivrcfender: posted on under ivrc
16:12.00[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: Excellent deal if everything works out.  I can't get that kind of service here yet.  My telco tech is checking things out because its not a service that scales to the market around here.
16:12.02hrmphhhrm which switchtype keyword do i use for NI2?
16:12.06[TK]D-Fenderivrc: link please.
16:12.12*** join/#asterisk revcane (
16:12.25jpraterCan anyone offer some help with "insmod: error inserting 'wcte12xp.ko': -1 Unknown symbol in module"?
16:12.35[TK]D-Fenderivrc: And the are HUNDREDS of pastebin sites.  Do you really think we're going to go LOOKING for which one you used and hope to find your post?
16:13.27revcanedo any of you guys know of a good howto or tutorial on setting on a r1t1 card for data and voice ?
16:13.45[TK]D-Fenderivrc: TDM400P?
16:13.54ivrcfender: yes
16:14.23tzangercoppice: this is WEIRD
16:14.31[TK]D-Fenderivrc: "modprobe zaptel" , "modprobe wctdm", "ztcfg -vvvv" , "cat /proc/interrupts"
16:14.37tzangerI modified sliptest to send constant data (ulaw 0xaa) -- I get back ulaw 0xaa without fail
16:14.40tzangerno corruption
16:14.48tzangerI use unmodified sliptest to send awgn... I can't correlate
16:15.01tzangerI use asterisk and listen, and I send good audio but get that same weird corruption
16:16.42[TK]D-Fenderivrc: And you don't have your channels defines in zapata.conf unless the included file you DIDN'T provide has those settings.  At which poitn everything following the include is superfluous.
16:16.55ivrcfender: the modprobes showed nothing - posted the others
16:17.49ivrcfender: wouldn't the defines be group=0 and channel=1?
16:18.12ivrcfender lines 100-101 of
16:19.52hrmphhUsing a combination of Analog Cards and T1/E1 Cards Analog Cards register 24 channels, even if less ports are used, so the first T1/E1 channel will start at 25.
16:19.55hrmphhhmm interesting
16:19.56hrmphhhave you heard that before?
16:21.24ivrcfender: zapata_additional.conf is empty
16:21.29[TK]D-Fenderivrc: Ah, my mistake on the "channel" it was buried and not in the same format or spacing I might have expected.
16:22.26[TK]D-Fenderivrc: on redoing "ztfcg -vvvv" following the modprobes yous till dont see wctdm in there?
16:22.47[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: Yup
16:23.02[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: Depending on which modules load first
16:24.07ivrcfender: just reran the modprobes - now the ztcfg shows 4 channels configured
16:24.33ivrcfender: Channel 01: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 01) and so on...
16:25.09[TK]D-Fenderivrc: no errors out of ztcfg?  Do you see the module in your interrupts dump?
16:26.02ivrcfender: it shows in the interupt -- 169:     315555     310073   IO-APIC-level  wctdm
16:26.12*** join/#asterisk t3rror (
16:26.41[TK]D-Fenderivrc: Ok, looking good now.  Now try to start *
16:27.42ivrcfender: still nothing showing on the console when I make an incoming call
16:28.13tzangercoppice: I got it to corrupt on my terms
16:28.21tzangerif I send static data, it comes trhough fine
16:28.31tzangerso I send 3 specific values over and over
16:28.48tzangerand you can watch the auto-correlator find and lose it
16:29.07ivrcfender: want to pick up a few $$$ and remote in?
16:29.18*** join/#asterisk zydrunas (
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16:30.10kuku5Is voicepulse down for everyone else too ?
16:30.21hrmphhfender; any way to tell which module loads first?
16:31.21Zeeekdigium guys?
16:32.11[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: Not sure 100% how to tell myself.  I usually invert my config to test.
16:33.22*** join/#asterisk hypa7ia (
16:40.27cpmkuku5, my vp lines aren't connecting.
16:40.29*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
16:45.10kuku5cpm: their main number doesnt work either
16:45.39cpmmust be having issues today
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16:47.57cpmeverything's registered, and all that, but no calls going through.
16:48.27*** part/#asterisk horsesgofaster (
16:54.11CCFL_Man2this fxs card i got today
16:54.16CCFL_Man2it's dead
16:54.24CCFL_Man2it's for my channel bank
16:54.43rob0'E's not dead! 'E's stunned! You stunned 'im!!
16:55.10CCFL_Man2might have been stunned before hand by lightning
16:55.42coppicehow does and fxs card work with a channel bank? :-\
16:55.57[TK]D-Fendercoppice: its a card FOR the CB, not to USE the CB
16:56.10[TK]D-Fendercoppice: AKA modular CB
16:56.10CCFL_Man2coppice: because it's designed to plug right into the chassis? :P
16:56.13cpmThat is an EX-fxs card
16:56.27CCFL_Man2it is
16:56.39CCFL_Man2$40 down the drain
16:56.42rob0Look, is there anything you can do?
16:56.54CCFL_Man2nope, listed it as is
16:57.08rob0I know, a mixed Python reference, but I can't help myself.
16:57.13CCFL_Man2here i thought these cards don't die
16:57.30CCFL_Man2but they do
16:57.49cpmI know a dead fxs 'ard when I see one
16:58.03hmmhesaysbefore or after its been hit with a hammer
16:58.24rob0Old FXS cards never die; they only crumble away.
16:58.43CCFL_Man2rob0: none of the mights light up :P
16:58.48outtoluncusually it is the fxo card that gets hit by lightening
16:59.07CCFL_Man2outtolunc: not in a channel bank
16:59.13*** join/#asterisk jtknapp (
16:59.31outtoluncthink whatever you like <G>
17:00.30drakowhy mixmonitor on queues does not merge the in and out files?
17:01.17CCFL_Man2outtolunc: if this is put in a CO more than likely the loop has access to lightning
17:07.13*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
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17:07.22coppiceaccess to lightning will be a good selling point to Dr Frankenstein
17:07.43hmmhesaysthats funny
17:07.53tzangercoppice: I found the problem, but solving it's a bitch
17:07.56tzangerit's my elastic buffers
17:08.02tzangerbasically a variable-width ring buffer
17:08.34tzangerif my max buffer size is an integer multiple of the data repeat value, everything works
17:08.41tzangerso when I round the corner of the buffer, it misses
17:08.48tzangershould be easy to solve
17:11.37*** join/#asterisk deeperror (
17:14.37CCFL_Man2someone sell me an fxs card for an adit 600 cheap
17:16.49*** join/#asterisk techie (
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17:23.09[TK]D-FenderCCFL_Man2: ebay it
17:25.37*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
17:26.16Voicemeupwahts the flag to choose a music cals in a sip.conf def on 1.4.11
17:26.20Voicemeupclass i mean
17:26.51drakowhy mixmonitor on queues does not merge the in and out files?
17:29.25boorayI have a theory, and that is that the Verizon Flexgrow T1 service is incompatible with Asterisk.
17:29.45*** join/#asterisk Keltus (i=Keltus@about/cooking/nakedchef/beefstew/Keltus)
17:30.06hmmhesayswhat makes you come to this theory?
17:31.19*** join/#asterisk frenzy (n=frenzy@unaffiliated/frenzy)
17:31.33tzangerSanne: /last coppice
17:32.51boorayhmmhesays: two days on the phone with verizon and digium, and trying every single type of signalling remotely possible, getting just about nothing but rings at the cli.  verizon expecting 1's when we go off hook and a never changing state, but no alarms, etc etc
17:33.38booraythe closest I have gotten is a ring, but when asterisk answers, it doesn't _really_ answer, but thinks it does, and then complains about weird ring/off-hook states on the channel
17:35.55Jameno123Oh for those interested
17:36.03Jameno123I leave last night, issues galore
17:36.11Jameno123come back today, asterisk is operating perfectly fine :(
17:36.24Jameno123(for those following my issues over the past 2 days)
17:36.39Corydon76-digbooray: That sounds like Verizon set up a data T1, not a voice T1
17:36.43Jameno123Now to figure out what changed since i left last night :(
17:36.55rob0cpm cracked your root password, came in and fixed it for you.
17:37.24Corydon76-digbooray: A lot of the CLECs won't provision voice T1s anymore... they do their own proprietary voip over a T1 link
17:37.28rob0I tried to tell him it was a naughty thing to do.
17:37.45boorayCorydon76-dig: that would make sense, but why would they claim that I'm supposed to be getting six voice channels?
17:38.01Corydon76-digbooray: signalled how?
17:38.21boorayCorydon76-dig: the only stuff on their paperwork is esf/bz8s loop start
17:38.29*** part/#asterisk javar (n=javar@
17:38.48Corydon76-digbooray: are you plugged directly into the quickjack or into their channel bank?
17:39.00booraydirectly in.  they didn't provide a channel bank
17:39.22booraysome initial paperwork indicated a shark unit, which I believe is a channel bank, but it never ended up coming
17:39.36boorayand the people we talk to now indicate that we shouldn't have gotten one
17:40.10Corydon76-digI betcha they're supposed to have a channel bank in place that translates their voip back into voice for 6 channels
17:40.26*** part/#asterisk Voicemeup (
17:40.34Corydon76-digThe ones down here usually put in an Adtran of some sort, then break out the T1 with the 6 voice channels, and also hand you an Ethernet uplink
17:41.20Corydon76-digbooray: I bet they've proviisioned 100% as data and don't realize that they've misprovisioned
17:41.47Corydon76-digThe provisioning engineer saw the Shark unit and provisioned as if it was in place
17:42.10boorayCorydon76-dig: I think you're right
17:42.40boorayCorydon76-dig: there was enough confusion between individual verizon departments the other day that I would suspect that it was misprovisioned as you're suggesting
17:43.00CCFL_Man2[TK]D-Fender: i got screwed buying a fxs card on ebay
17:43.31Corydon76-digI've dealt with this at the telco level.  If you suggest that's the problem and ask them to get the switch engineer on the line, they can fix the provisioning in 5 minutes
17:43.57Corydon76-digThe two week "normal provisioning" is bullshit
17:44.01boorayCorydon76-dig: ha, well, we'll see if I can anyone on the phone
17:44.14boorayI'll report back soon
17:44.32Corydon76-digIt's 5 minutes to do the actual work and 2 weeks to dawdle around
17:45.26Corydon76-digbooray: and after they change the provisioning, make sure they do a "full restart" on the circuit
17:45.26Corydon76-digLots of stuff doesn't go into effect otherwise
17:46.42Corydon76-digI had to put a PRI in debugging once and tell the switch engineer what they turned off was bullshit, I was still seeing the packets come across the circuit
17:47.01Corydon76-digThey did a full restart and magically, everything worked
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17:47.44Corydon76-digAnd hey, that was the same company, too... MCI or "Verizon Business"
17:48.04De_Moncalls are now failing to yet another customer with this bloody Unsupported SDP t38 crap.
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17:53.24De_MonI see an update to zaptel around when this started happening, leme see what downgrading does
17:55.57De_Monok good, still happening. Didn't think zaptel had anything to do with this...
17:56.48boorayCorydon76-dig: and of course now I can't get ahold of anyone... :-/
18:01.23Aeudiani have multiple voip accounts coming inbound on my asterisk server and i want each to have their own sip port like 5060, 5061, 5062, 5063. under sip.conf how to i tell asterisk to bindport=5060 to do multiple ports or do i just repeat code 3x to match my ports
18:01.38ThoMespricht hiwer wer deutsch?
18:01.59ThoMewhat is the best alternative for a call-group? (without agents)
18:02.23*** join/#asterisk metfan2007 (n=metfan20@
18:02.27ThoMei would like check if busy or dnd .. per member
18:02.56metfan2007Anybody from Digium here?? I'm calling tu installation support service but nobody answer... and I nees urgent help.... :(
18:03.00[TK]D-FenderAeudian: you can't
18:03.15ThoMe[TK]D-Fender: do u have a idea for me? :-)
18:03.23De_MonThoMe dynamic queue members
18:03.32*** join/#asterisk deb_user (
18:03.40AeudianTK: so i need to make all sip invites go through 5060 on the same ip?
18:03.42ThoMeDe_Mon: how? do u have a docu?
18:03.45[TK]D-FenderThoMe: Your question is very vague
18:04.28deb_useranybody out there willing to peer with me and get our organization linked into the dundi network?
18:04.28De_MonThoMe yeah talks about dynamic queue members
18:04.28[TK]D-FenderAeudian: To a single port... as to IP, * will bid to each IP on your system if you use
18:04.48mvanbaakmetfan2007: did you try more then once ? it's 1 PM there so maybe they were out to lunch
18:04.54ThoMeDe_Mon: ok  :-)
18:06.32r3zon8whats the default password for admin account on the vmware image?
18:06.52r3zon8it said i would be allowed to set it, but i was never prompted?
18:06.52mvanbaakr3zon8: what vmware image ?
18:06.55De_Monthe vmware image?
18:07.01r3zon8sorry..asterisk now beta 6
18:07.03AeudianTK: i have 4 VoIP accounts inbound from the same carrier with 4 numbers, 1 per company.  under users.conf i could set the ports to 5060 (or whatever i want to) My carrier will not allow me to register the same ip/port to a different account.  Thats why i waanted to use 5060-5063.  How would i go about this
18:07.12[TK]D-Fenderr3zon8: wrong channel... it isn't supported here
18:07.26mvanbaakr3zon8: try #asterisknow
18:07.44r3zon8thanks :)
18:07.55deb_userdoes anybody here even use dundi?
18:08.02mvanbaakdeb_user: yup
18:08.15[TK]D-FenderAeudian: Go setup SER in front or something then
18:08.26r3zon8is there a big diff between using astNow, and asterisk?
18:08.28[TK]D-Fenderdeb_user: Realistically speaking?  Nearly irrelevent
18:08.41deb_userfender: do you think it will take off?
18:08.43[TK]D-Fenderr3zon8: thats like comparing a car to an ENGINE
18:08.53rob0deb_user: why would it?
18:09.04[TK]D-Fenderdeb_user: with enough high-explosives, sure :p
18:09.06mvanbaakwtf is wrong with dundi ?
18:09.08deb_userwell...does anybody here have a record in or an ISN number?
18:09.19rob0deb_user: termination services are very inexpensive.
18:09.27deb_usermvanbaak: i think dundi is sweet
18:09.38[TK]D-Fenderr3zon8: AsteriskNOW is a full distro CD for which Asterisk is only a PIECE.
18:09.40mvanbaakI think my stuff is in
18:09.50mvanbaakbut I dont care actually
18:09.58[TK]D-Fenderr3zon8: We don't support the other 95%
18:10.01deb_userrob0: true, but why wouldn't we want to move more towards pure voip?
18:10.24[TK]D-Fenderdeb_user: because the world at large does not give a shit about * and Dundi.
18:10.27deb_usermvanbaak: have you EVER actually observed a call that was routed to you via
18:10.45[TK]D-Fenderdeb_user: e164 is gaining in popularity naturally
18:10.47DarKnesS_WolFi have a problem with TDM400 it has 4 FXS modiles i do load wctdm and the leds are one
18:11.07deb_userfender: so you don't think dundi will ever amount to anything?
18:11.07mvanbaakdeb_user: I dont know. my number is in a couple of ENUM trees and I point them all to the same place inside my asterisk
18:11.11hmmhesaysI just found out i can get 7mbps DSL here
18:11.26mvanbaakso I dont know what calls come via, my srv records or other means
18:11.33hrmphhused for NI2?
18:11.37DarKnesS_WolFit configured in zaptel.cofnf with fxo_ks but when i do plug phones i don't hear any tomne
18:11.44DarKnesS_WolFtone * any idea why ?
18:11.50mvanbaakbut to answer your question: I get 8% of my calls directly via voip
18:11.52deb_usermvanbaak: how about dundi? do you route outgoing calls via dundi lookups?
18:12.05[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: Yeah, pray your central is on your street-corner
18:12.10deb_useror lookups?
18:12.12mvanbaakso 8% of the callers use enum or some other voip routing to me without going thru the PSTN
18:12.16r3zon8TK- ahh i see, im assuming now is a quicker way to get started, or at least experiment
18:12.33deb_usermvanbaak: that's not too bad, considering how young the technology is
18:12.35mvanbaakdeb_user: I use dundi between my own boxen. I dont connect to some public dundi cloud
18:12.44deb_usermvanbaak: why not?
18:12.55[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: because "fxo_ks" is not a valid mode for zaptel.conf
18:13.03mvanbaakdeb_user: because I dont meet the requirements for the dundi clouds
18:13.11[TK]D-Fenderr3zon8: Started with WHAT is the question...
18:13.18hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: anything is better than the cable i have now, they limit data transfer to 2gig a day
18:13.37deb_usermvanbaak: o really? what requirements are there?  I would have thought the barrier to entry would be low, because they would want as many people as possible participating
18:13.39DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: sorry in zaptel fsoks=1-4
18:13.44mvanbaakand all the numbers we terminate come from speakup. and speakup already participates in the dundi cloud where digium is in as well
18:13.55[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: is * started?
18:14.00mvanbaakdeb_user: I think you are mixing dundi and enum
18:14.17DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: yes it is
18:14.26DarKnesS_WolFand it can detect the zap channel open
18:14.44[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: well PB your configs
18:14.54jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
18:15.13deb_usermvanbaak: but dundi is a peering type of thing, can't I lookup voip routes when I dial a number using dundi?
18:15.18[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: I know he knows PB, I've beaten him over the head with it plenty of times :)
18:15.27deb_user(i am new to dundi, I admit)
18:15.32deb_useri don't even have it configured yet
18:15.41DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: ther eis something strange i just find
18:15.47mvanbaaklol [TK]D-Fender
18:15.55[TK]D-Fenderdeb_user: Learn to STAND before considering walking let alone running....
18:16.02DarKnesS_WolFwhen i did call one of the zaptel channel i can't hear it rining on the dialing one just noise
18:16.19[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: Did you plug in the molex power connector?
18:16.47deb_userfender: what's that supposed to mean? don't try learning about something new by talking to other people without reading all the technical specifications first??
18:17.24DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: sure i did
18:17.34DarKnesS_WolFi can hear the phones talking
18:17.46DarKnesS_WolFit just no dial tone when i pick up the phone
18:18.18[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: .... CONFIGS please
18:18.40deb_usermvanbaak: so what would you recommend to get started with dundi for a really small organization?
18:18.45*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
18:18.48DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: okay one min
18:19.14mvanbaakdeb_user: the question is wether you need dundi in a really small org.
18:19.27metfan2007have anybody experiment that zaptel startup script does not load zaptel and wcxxxx modules correctly??
18:19.46deb_usermvanbaak: i'm just an early adopter, I like to mess around with new stuff
18:20.22[TK]D-FenderAnyone got an HTC / UTSTARCOM PPC 6700 (cell phone) they could give me some opinions on?
18:20.38*** join/#asterisk neverblue2 (n=neverblu@unaffiliated/neverblue)
18:20.39mvanbaak[TK]D-Fender: the phone rox
18:20.53[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: You upgraded to WM6 on it?
18:20.58mvanbaakit's fast, 100000000+ times more stable then previous versions
18:21.07mvanbaak[TK]D-Fender: mine came with WM6
18:21.22mvanbaakWM5 is the worst WM release I've seen
18:21.29[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: Any caveats?
18:21.39mvanbaak[TK]D-Fender: as always: battery life
18:21.40neverblue2does anyone manage a call centre that uses VOIP, I want to compare setups/ask questions ?
18:21.58mvanbaakit's a phone, it should run at least a week on a battery with normal usage
18:22.17[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: lets say only 20-30 min voice per day, no PDA usage (slow week), how long would you estimate battery life?
18:22.19mvanbaakbut mine runs 3 days with 10 calls a day and 2 hours wireless internet usage
18:22.37neverblue2if you do, then please drop me a private message, thanks ! :)
18:22.45[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: ok, that one covers it pretty well I guess
18:22.53hmmhesaysno caps with qwest
18:23.05mvanbaak[TK]D-Fender: sjphone works pretty neat on it ;)
18:23.18mvanbaakI use this phone as portable at home with my asterisk setup
18:23.32[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: they are now discontinued on my carrier but I can get used and am considering it....
18:23.56[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: of the WM6 IE / WMP : anything better about those?
18:24.08[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: usable alternatives?
18:24.22mvanbaakI tried familiar linux, but that was no success
18:24.34DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: sorry for delay i'm just making sure that the power is connected to the card
18:24.43mvanbaakall the browsers I tried were slow or non-free
18:24.52mvanbaakthe opera one is nice, but not free
18:24.58hmmhesaysopera is not free?
18:25.09mvanbaakminimo is freaking slow, even on the tytn (new HTC model)
18:25.17mvanbaakhmmhesays: not the one for mobile devices
18:25.27mvanbaakthe one for mobile devices that uses opera's proxy is free
18:25.38[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: ok, last test i think I'll have to to up close & personal is a couple of PDF's
18:25.43mvanbaakbut the one that runs on the mobile device and goes directly to the webpage is not free
18:26.01mvanbaak[TK]D-Fender: I never looked at a pdf on the device
18:26.16mvanbaakI use it for making phonecalls and ssh sessions most of the time
18:26.22mvanbaakand sjphone of course
18:27.06[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: SSH would be nice too... PDF is because I'd insist on carrying some maps with me, and TFOT to boot :)
18:28.14mvanbaak[TK]D-Fender: I bought a thinkpad and a 12' ibook. I use those for that ;)
18:28.56*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
18:29.07r3zon8what handsets do most use with asterisk?
18:29.22mvanbaakcisco 7960
18:29.23[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: Mine is for making sure I don't get lost around town where I don't want to lug a briefcase with me for have a laptop :)
18:29.35[TK]D-FenderPolycom > All
18:29.40mvanbaak[TK]D-Fender: ah, I use tomtom for that on my HTC
18:29.49mvanbaakfood, brb
18:29.50kiscokidPolycom 430
18:30.52[TK]D-FenderPolycom IP430/501 are suggestable in rare scenarios.
18:31.06r3zon8rare meaning?
18:31.22[TK]D-Fenderr3zon8: very few cases.  Tell us what your needs are.
18:31.31r3zon8home office
18:31.33[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: you have no loadzone in zaptel....
18:31.37r3zon82 maybe 3 handsets
18:31.39[TK]D-Fenderr3zon8: single phone?
18:31.49r3zon82 line
18:32.13r3zon8im not sure whether to go with voicepulse/etc or buy my own hardware
18:32.16[TK]D-Fenderr3zon8: do you need to plug it in-lie with a PC or can each phone have its own jack to your switch?
18:32.30r3zon8it just seems those pots lines are more expensive from local carrier than these online places
18:32.37r3zon8each phone have jack
18:32.38frenzyis there an open source multi-tenat pbx manager available for asterisk?
18:33.12hmmhesayswhat a fantastically vague question
18:33.16[TK]D-Fenderr3zon8: Betting that you don't have PoE I'd suggest Polycom IP 320's + their Power Brick.
18:33.51r3zon8you guessed right, no PoE..thanks
18:34.02r3zon8what do you suggest i do about lines?
18:34.32frenzywhat i meant was a front end like freepbx but that which supposers multi-tenant
18:34.32*** join/#asterisk dug (
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18:34.39DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: damn it how can i forget it :-s
18:34.39DarKnesS_WolFthx dude
18:34.52[TK]D-Fenderr3zon8: 87.50 + 17.95 ea
18:34.59DarKnesS_WolFnow to the billing issue ;-)
18:35.12[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: I accept paypal :)
18:35.30coppiceI accept deeds to large properties
18:35.41hmmhesaysand for the ones coppice doesn't want...
18:35.42[TK]D-Fenderr3zon8: Lines really depends on your needs & budget
18:35.56dugI have two extensions both show up in sip show peers as ok but when I call the extension it doesnt ring and goes straight to voicemail
18:36.02r3zon8feel that i need 2 lines, tight budget :)
18:36.09DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: paypal forbidding in egypt :P
18:36.22*** join/#asterisk waKKu (n=eurulo@unaffiliated/wakku)
18:36.32[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: Wire transfer it is :)  I did that with 1 internation client of mine....
18:36.58[TK]D-Fenderr3zon8: Ok, rethinking time maybe... have you considered ATA's ?
18:38.05DarKnesS_WolFdose a2billing supports zaptel :-s?
18:38.08jboti guess ata is Analogue Terminal Adapter which provides an FXS and/or FXO and ethernet, see
18:38.14r3zon8analog terminal adapters?
18:38.29*** join/#asterisk jm|laptop (n=jm|
18:38.30[TK]D-Fenderr3zon8: little box that'll let you use a normal analog phone as a SIP phone
18:38.40[TK]D-Fenderr3zon8: very cost effective.
18:38.48[TK]D-Fenderr3zon8: about $35/port
18:39.03[TK]D-Fenderr3zon8: provided you've got the phones to plug into them :)
18:39.03r3zon8i see, so i can use 'regular' analog phones
18:39.08[TK]D-Fenderr3zon8: yup
18:39.16r3zon8yea i got those
18:39.37[TK]D-Fenderr3zon8: SPA-2102 recommended
18:40.08[TK]D-Fenderr3zon8: Honestly I rarely need more than they offer
18:41.03jm|laptopnot that I need the router side of things
18:41.28r3zon8ok, this supports 2 handsets
18:41.29_Sam--[TK]D-Fender :  thanks again for your help.  just a quick status report:  System uptime: 1 week, 23 hours, 1 minute, 35 second
18:41.39_Sam--alls well.
18:41.44[TK]D-Fender_Sam--: Glad to hear....
18:41.44jm|laptop[TK]D-Fender: here's a nice vague question for you - with those Linksys SPAs, why might incoming calls be cut off (by the Linksys) when a DECT phone is connected to its FSO?
18:42.00jm|laptopI can't remember if it's exactly the same time - but I worry it might be 60 secs into a call
18:42.16jm|laptopand afaik I have turned off all silence detection
18:42.23[TK]D-Fenderjm|laptop: and the dect based uses analog?
18:42.28jm|laptopiirc all I have set is the disconnect /tone/
18:42.34jm|laptop[TK]D-Fender: yes, analogue
18:42.58[TK]D-Fenderjm|laptop: You want the dect to auto-hangup on reorder tone basically?
18:43.13jm|laptop[TK]D-Fender: er ... do I?
18:43.27[TK]D-Fenderjm|laptop: basically so whent he call ends the DECT will disconnect.  Correct?
18:43.29jm|laptop[TK]D-Fender: I want the Linksys to not hang me up mid-incoming-call !
18:43.45jm|laptop[TK]D-Fender: no; it's disconnecting when it shouldn't be
18:43.57[TK]D-Fenderjm|laptop: first prove that its the Linksys at fault.  Plug in a normal phone and test
18:44.02jm|laptopDetect CPC  [no]  Detect Polarity Reversal  [no]
18:44.20jm|laptop[TK]D-Fender: GF won't let me :(   heh under the thumb
18:44.34[TK]D-Fenderjm|laptop: sure ask for help then tie my hands.....
18:44.40jm|laptopDetect PSTN long silence  [no]   Detect VOIP long silence  [no]
18:44.49[TK]D-Fenderjm|laptop: you need relationship help more apparently :p
18:45.11[TK]D-Fenderjm|laptop: But I've had my "intervention of the week" already, so you'll have to take a number....
18:45.14jm|laptopI was going to say "If I turned on Long Silence detection I'd *always* get cut off to the GF"  ;)
18:45.29jm|laptopDetect Disconnect Tone  [yes]
18:45.42jm|laptopDisconnect tone 400@-30,400@-30;2(*/0/1+2)   wtf is that?!
18:45.53[TK]D-Fenderjm|laptop: My guess : trouble
18:46.40jm|laptop[TK]D-Fender: when it annoys GF enough she'll let me try with a non-DECT
18:46.46jm|laptopjust hoped you'd have heard of this before
18:46.51jm|laptop[TK]D-Fender === Google
18:48.10*** join/#asterisk elriah (
18:48.24elriahHi all.  Is in asterisk 1.2.24?  I've searched high and low and can't find it.
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18:50.00*** join/#asterisk afrosheen (n=cj@
18:50.14r3zon8what are other carriers besides Voicepulse/iaxtel..?
18:50.42elriahvoicepulse sux
18:50.43afrosheenanyone know why zap show channels isn't showing me all active PRI channels?
18:54.19*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
18:55.05elriahHi all.  Is in asterisk 1.2.24?  I've searched high and low and can't find it.
18:57.00*** join/#asterisk duki (
18:57.06afrosheenit's part of 1.4.11
18:57.27afrosheenof course there may be dependencies you didn't satisfy which caused it to skip building that..
18:57.29elriahIs 1.4.11 ready for prime time?  (high volume)
18:57.30ManxPowerelriah: why do you think it is part of 1.2.x?
18:57.46elriahafrosheen: I can't even find it in the 1.2.24 source tarball ...
18:57.48elriahor addons
18:58.11afrosheenelriah, it may not be a part of the 1.2.x branch
18:58.16dugI have am trying to test an extension,  it shows the extension in sip show peers as status ok but I cannot call the extension?  it goes straight to voice mail?
18:58.27elriahManxPower: I don't, I wan to implement lumenvox on 1.2 and I was reading through the docs, doing my due dillegence, and couldn't find the module.. hit google,, no luck...
18:58.39elriahSo I figured I'd ask because sometimes I miss the obvious...
18:59.07elriahApparently, it's a 1.4 only module then..
18:59.48ManxPowerdug: you do not call extensions.  You call devices
19:00.05ManxPowersip show peers shows devices, not extensions.
19:00.15ManxPowerdug: and what MESSAGES do you get on the console.
19:00.30[TK]D-Fenderdug: And your discription is worthless without seeing the CLI output at high verbose & SIP debug enabled.
19:00.34jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
19:00.43afrosheenelriah, if you're trying to do lumenvox on 1.2.x, I know it can be done because Digium sells the business edition with that setup
19:00.57r3zon8whats a good carrier to use for home/residential service?  heavylogic seems mid-large business..
19:01.29elriahafrosheen: Maybe it comes with the lumenvox tarball...
19:01.55elriahr3zon8: If you just want a sip trunk to play with, use, easy and pay as you go.  Quality is good.
19:02.23elriahafrosheen: Thanks, at least I know it's possible ...
19:03.33*** join/#asterisk Defraz (n=t0tal@
19:03.35dugWhen I call the device 100 from the device 101 I get
19:03.52blqhi, is it possible to connect a analog-phone via an analog-modem to a asterisk server?
19:04.00elriahblq: freepbx
19:04.17ManxPowerdug: We do not support trixbox here.
19:04.27elriahahh.. tribox
19:04.28blqelriah: freepbx? sry I don't know that :/
19:04.31ManxPowerwe cannot help you with your problem because the issue is with trixbox, not Asterisk
19:04.42elriahblq: try #tribox
19:04.43dugManxPower: I know... its not trixbox... its amp BTW
19:05.02duglike a extension isnt a device ;)
19:05.04elriahblq: oops, I meant dug
19:05.05ManxPowerdug: it's still a gui and we still can't help you and it is still a problem with the gui scripts
19:05.08afrosheenthere's a whole channel dedicated to freepbx/amp/trix
19:05.27*** join/#asterisk duki (
19:05.35ManxPowerdug: Asterisk is not even trying to call device 100 because the scripts you are using are refusing to even try dialing it.
19:05.49*** join/#asterisk saint_ (
19:05.52saint_hi all...
19:06.04saint_anyone connected an asterisk to an alcatel pbx, using sip or ip trunk ?
19:06.19dugManxPower: got it
19:06.40blq[21:03:40] <elriah> blq: freepbx << was this also for dug?
19:06.46ManxPowersaint_: Asteirsk does not support ip trunks
19:06.50elriahYep, sorry.
19:07.03saint_ok, i ll give it a shot at SIP trunks then ...
19:07.09elriahblq: Did you get what you needed answered?
19:07.13ManxPowerAsterisk also does not support SIP trunks.
19:07.13saint_i am trying to install it on a brand new centos 5
19:07.18saint_hu ?
19:07.23saint_r u kidding ?
19:07.26ManxPowerperhaps you mean "sip connection" or "sip peer" or "sip device"
19:07.35ixxHow do you detect when someone answers a call if you have been transferred.  Specifically I am wanting to dial a number... wait some period of time for the other end to give me their IVR menu.. Send DTMF for an extension..
19:07.46ManxPowersaint_: since there is no such thing as a "sip trunk" don't be suprized that astrerisk does not support it.
19:08.00ixxThen wait to send more audio until someone answers at the extension
19:08.27*** part/#asterisk dug (
19:08.33saint_ok.. well.. it says to install the GUI to run SVN. what's SVN ?
19:08.34elriahixx: A receptionist?
19:08.46elriahsaint_: source code repository
19:08.56elriahsaint_: svn = subversion
19:09.00*** part/#asterisk deeperror (
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19:09.59ManxPowerwhat says use a gui?
19:10.19hrmphhproduction system down :(
19:10.28saint_elriah, so i can install svn with yum install subversion then ?
19:10.31elriahhrmphh: Why you wasting time in here them?
19:10.38elriahThanks for letting us know, though.
19:10.42hrmphh[Sep 28 12:10:35] WARNING[2725]: app_dial.c:1099 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 66 - Channel not implemented)
19:10.47hrmphhneed help =]
19:10.55mvanbaakI'm off for today
19:10.56elriahhrmphh: Did you restart asterisk?
19:11.01hrmphhand the machine itself
19:11.11elriahhrmphh: Want me to take a look?
19:11.16blqelriah: not really - is it possible to connect a analog-phone via an analog-modem to a asterisk server?
19:11.33hrmphhhrm the fact that i cant 'show zap'
19:11.35hrmphhis prob not good
19:12.03afrosheenshow modules then see if zap is loaded
19:12.04elriahblq: No.
19:12.09ManxPowerhrmphh: you installed asterisk and asterisk did not detect zaptel installed and so did not build zap support
19:12.13afrosheenand lsmod | grep zap while you're at it
19:12.17ManxPowermeetme is prolly not there either
19:12.23elriahManxPower: He said it was running zap before ...
19:12.30ManxPowerelriah: he is confused.
19:12.48elriahManxPower: Ahh, then I bow-out to your expertise .
19:12.54ManxPowerhrmphh: can you "load"
19:13.01outtoluncthat or he's misconfig'd and it unloaded chan_zap
19:13.26elriahhrmphh: can you 'local' ?
19:13.31hrmphhok that works
19:13.33elriahlocal = locate
19:13.34hrmphhnow i can call
19:13.35hrmphhafter load
19:13.45ManxPowerhrmphh: look at /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
19:13.46hrmphhwhy wouldnt it load
19:13.48afrosheenso it's not loading the zap module
19:13.57afrosheenthat was easy TM
19:14.05hrmphhit says autoload
19:14.20boorayalright... so... patlooptest getting lots of errors could be a problem, right?
19:14.24afrosheencat /var/log/asterisk/full | grep error ?
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19:14.34afrosheenbooray, pri hardware?
19:14.47hrmphhthere is no full
19:14.51boorayafrosheen: loopback plug on a te120p
19:15.01elriahblq: Try a T100P, you can find them all day long on ebay for < $10.  I have a bunch of them just sitting here, they work great for learning asterisk and small home apps...
19:15.14afrosheenhrmphh, weird..well you should have a log somewhere on your server for asterisk
19:15.57afrosheenbooray, my sangoma a102d is kinda flaky too, I need to patlooptest it once I build a cable. Channel 1 was noisy, now channel 2 is, but only on the far side of the conversation
19:15.57blqelriah: thanks!
19:16.36elriahblq: If you send me a SASE I'll send you one of these cards.
19:17.09blqelriah: I think that won't be that easy since I'm from germany :(
19:17.19blqelriah: but thankyou !
19:17.21elriahAhh.. include lots of stamps ;)
19:18.18blqelriah: hm.. I could only find some "TE100P" fpr 189,99$ on ebay -but I'm still searching
19:18.38afrosheenany reason why on my PRI, I have a channel that is permanently "resetting"
19:18.41[TK]D-Fenderelriah: I believe you're thinking of the *X*100P...
19:18.51elriahI'm sure that's an OK card, but for your purposes, X100P.
19:19.02elriahWhat [TK]D-Fender said.
19:19.04hrmphhi do have a messages log afro
19:19.44De_MonI have compiled asterisk 1.4 with imap support but don't want to use it at this time.. Can I disable the IMAP parts?
19:20.12boorayah, forgot clear=1-24
19:20.55elriahWell, I've done enough damage to the Asterisk community today, time for the weekend, later all.
19:22.02blqelriah: looks like noone in Germany is using those cards - I found some from US some from Great Britain but none from Germany :/ is there a alternative card?
19:24.13blq[TK]D-Fender: looks like noone in Germany is using those cards - I found some from US some from Great Britain but none from Germany :/ is there a alternative card?
19:25.17hrmphhanyone know if you have a digium 4 port analog card AND a sangoma a101d card in the same box, which will take span1/2?
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19:25.47ixxelriah, yes... dropped directly into a receptionist (menu system)
19:25.48rob0Probably depends on PCI bus order.
19:26.25hrmphhso if the analog comes first
19:26.27hrmphhdoes it use all 24 chans?
19:26.36ixxelriah, need to wait a bit then send DTMF.. (Dial with D() option works)... then wait for final answer before playing any audio
19:27.17jm|laptopmy X100P scared me
19:27.36hrmphhtheres the cat /proc/zaptel/* output
19:27.43hrmphhso looks like span2 is the t1 card?
19:27.56*** join/#asterisk bkruse_home (n=bkruse@
19:27.57hrmphhwhich bchan should i start with?
19:29.18[TK]D-Fenderbchan=5-27 dchan=28
19:30.07hrmphhyeah i tried that
19:30.12hrmphhLevel-3 said go fuck yourself :)
19:31.00hrmphhwouldnt it be 5-28 and dchan=29?
19:31.28hrmphhthey said chan 1-12 is voice, 13-23 is data, and 24 is d
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19:31.37hrmphhdata portion is up, and handed off from iad
19:32.24hrmphhso voice should be bchan=5-16 dchan=28?
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19:33.46hrmphhdo i need to put a span statement for the analog or would this suffice:
19:35.03[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: Should be span 1 I believe
19:36.57hrmphhwhat should be?
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19:37.13hrmphhits span=2 because of the order in /proc/zaptel
19:37.16bkruse_homehrmphh: cat /proc/zap/chan_nu
19:37.33bkruse_homehrmphh: You will be able to see what is an analog/digital and what card
19:37.49hrmphhthere is no /proc/zap/chan_nu
19:37.58hrmphhthereis /proc/zaptel/1 and 2
19:38.03hrmphhsee my pastebin
19:38.24hrmphhhmm i have no 'pri' in asterisk
19:38.35hrmphhi added libpri from apt, but maybe i need to load?
19:38.53ThoMehow i can set in my "queue" without music ?
19:38.55[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: Screw packaging recompile everything from scratch
19:38.58ThoMeonly "kling"... and wait...
19:39.30[TK]D-FenderThoMe: Don't set a MoH class in you queue definition, or set it to a siltent one.
19:40.06outtoluncand don't forget to do the same with the agents.conf if using agentlogin/agentcallbacklogin
19:40.15hrmphh[Sep 28 12:39:54] ERROR[2977]: chan_zap.c:10789 process_zap: Unknown signalling method 'pri_cpe'
19:40.20hrmphhah hah!
19:40.28ThoMeouttolunc: hmm. have no agents. only members
19:40.36ThoMemember => SIP/8
19:40.36ThoMemember => SIP/9
19:40.37ThoMeetc.. ?
19:40.40outtolunckeyword: if
19:41.03ThoMeah :-)
19:41.07ThoMeouttolunc: hihi
19:41.12hrmphhdoes that indicate i dont have a correct module installed?
19:41.15hrmphhthe unknown signalling?
19:41.34[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: Means zaptel has no clue about PRI.  Go recompile everyhitng.
19:41.39ThoMe[TK]D-Fender: u mean musicclass = default ?
19:41.46[TK]D-FenderThoMe: duh
19:41.54hrmphhi need to get libpri
19:42.01hrmphhand compile in
19:42.04ThoMe[TK]D-Fender: hm?
19:42.09hrmphhi want libpri 1.4.1?
19:44.40*** join/#asterisk tsurko (n=tsurko@
19:44.44ixxcrap.. just noticed he left...
19:45.29ixxso anyone else have any idea on how to deal with a receptionist/menu on the callee end... sending DTMF for an extension.. then when is it answered again?
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19:47.42DeeJayTwowe're using polycom soundpoint ip phones with asterisk...
19:47.55DeeJayTwoit looks like the polycom doesn't send a ptime in the sdp part of the invite...
19:48.01*** join/#asterisk tc3driver-nii (
19:48.06FinboySlick[TK]D-Fender: Greetings.
19:48.09DeeJayTwoit appears in the web browser...and in the sip configuration file..
19:48.10hrmphhdo i compile libpri directly or as part of asterisk?
19:48.21hrmphhthere doesnt seem to be a ./config or anything
19:49.05hrmphhnm 'make clean && make'
19:49.10[TK]D-Fenderixx: .... huh?
19:49.27[TK]D-FenderFinboySlick: huh?
19:49.31FinboySlickI'm having problems with zaptel fax detection (not nvfaxdetect) on a Wildcard TDM800P.  Is it even possible?
19:50.01FinboySlick[TK]D-Fender: Heh, I've bugged you often enough, I figured I'd greet you first.
19:50.36[TK]D-FenderFinboySlick: Sorry, intended to write "y0" and was still in shock from other requests :)
19:50.53*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
19:55.08tc3driver-niiIs there a different use of 'SetVar' in asterisk 1.4?
19:55.31[TK]D-Fendertc3driver-nii: SetVar = GONE.  You should have been using Set since 1.2
19:57.01tc3driver-niiwell that would explain why it is complaining about setvar... thanks..
20:01.52saint_anyone installed the asterisk GUI ?
20:02.16FinboySlick[TK]D-Fender: With considerable thanks for helping me out in my Sangoma days.  You know if there are faxdetect issues on TDM800P cards?
20:02.30tc3driver-niinow if I can just figure out why my AA quit working I'll be good to go
20:07.03ThoMespricht hier wer deutsch?
20:07.28FinboySlicknein ;)
20:07.39ThoMeFinboySlick: schade :-) danke trotzdem :-)
20:08.01ThoMeFinboySlick: mit queues kennst du dich ned aus hm?
20:08.22FinboySlickThoMe: I was speaking the truth :P  I don't speak deutsch...
20:08.44[TK]D-FenderFinboySlick: nothing i'm aware of...
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20:09.20ThoMehow i can play "you are next.. " if i have a new call in my queue?
20:09.46FinboySlick[TK]D-Fender: Given that it appears just as deaf as my Sangoma, I'm guessing that something else may be the issue.  Outside of gain and relaxdtmf, I'm totally stumped :(
20:10.00*** join/#asterisk tomcontr3 (
20:10.05tomcontr3hi does anyone knows where can I find an IP-Phone for an Operator.... I want something like the Flash Operator but not in Software... I need hardware something for a Secretary
20:10.21[TK]D-FenderThoMe: Go read the sample configs
20:10.40[TK]D-Fendertomcontr3: How many phones withh this person have to watch?
20:10.46FinboySlicktomcontr3: If you want to go the cheap way, there's an add-on for GrandStream GXP2000 that seems to do that.
20:10.52jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
20:10.57jbotgrandstream is probably the Yugo of VoIP hardware.  Run.  Run away now.
20:11.17jbotsomebody said cheap was a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
20:11.25[TK]D-FenderFinboySlick:  .... pwned
20:12.07[TK]D-Fendertomcontr3: Guess its the Aastra 57i + LCD console
20:12.14tc3driver-niiI like the Aastra series of phones personally, they do have consol extensions
20:12.15tomcontr3it can bee less too,  first I need to find out if this exist for Ip telephony
20:12.42FinboySlickPff, we have six here and it seems that it's only the shiny awesome hardware giving us trouble.  Those cheap bastards worked without a problem from the get go.
20:12.57tomcontr3mm it looks nice...
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20:21.36afrosheenFinboySlick, for us, it's polycom or nothing, and they haven't failed us yet
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20:27.44*** join/#asterisk RipeR-81 (n=ircap8@
20:28.12RipeR-81good afternoon anyone
20:28.29RipeR-81im having problem setting a conexion between an asterisk server 1.2 and a cisco 2801
20:28.45RipeR-81the call is droppign when we pickup our cisco ip phone 7941
20:29.23*** join/#asterisk jozu (i=torrent@
20:29.32tc3driver-niiI am ready to pull my hair out... I'll start with this... where is the place you can post code snippets?
20:30.09jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
20:31.01tc3driver-niithank you.
20:32.34tc3driver-niiok, now I have pasted a portion of my extensions.conf file, the problem is that it is not registering key presses for IVR.
20:34.09Strom_Mtc3driver-nii: let me guess: you're usig SIP
20:34.33Strom_Mcan you talk both ways across that connection?
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20:35.20Strom_Mtc3driver: check your dtmfmode settings in sip.conf for that peer
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20:36.23tc3driver-niino setting.
20:37.07jozusomeone can helpme, please?
20:37.28Strom_Mwell, now would be a good time to figure out what your provider is expecting you to set that to
20:37.29ixxtkd-fender, i need to call a number which goes to a menu system where you enter a extension to reach someone.. then I send DTMF for that extension...
20:37.48*** join/#asterisk blackhole (n=Mishu@unaffiliated/blackhole)
20:37.51ixxthen i need to wait until someone picks up at that extension before playing audio...
20:37.57jozui have a gsm gateway in a sip extension (300), the asterisk server as registered into voip sip provider
20:38.27blackholeIs there some way i can configure  sip to talk to Skype   Or Asterisk to talk to skype using sip
20:38.41Strom_Mblackhole: no
20:38.43jozui want to put a IVR into the 300 sip extension (idea gsm call --> ivr --> 1 (office) --> 2 (DISA?)
20:38.50jozuits possible?
20:38.59jbotwell, skype is stupid worthless junk.
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20:39.11blackholeStrom_M, Why its not possible?
20:39.39_x86_blackhole: it is possible, but you have to pay for a channel driver... google for chan_skype
20:39.55Strom_Mand those channel drivers are all horrendous kludges
20:40.26blackhole_x86_, Okay Thanks But will i need to configure them with asterisk in some manner or just get them and install?
20:41.08_x86_blackhole: RTFM ;)
20:41.43_x86_blackhole: i've never had to buy it, so i have no idea the quality and/or installation procedure
20:41.50_x86_blackhole: they do have a trial
20:41.54blackholeHmm, Okay Thanks.
20:42.11rob0Were they found guilty?
20:42.16jozui put and inbound call route with the DID number of the mobile sim
20:42.27jozudestination IvR but, nothing
20:42.45jozuonly hear the second tone dial
20:43.04jozuany idea?
20:45.21lirakislater everyone
20:46.00*** part/#asterisk lirakis (n=lirakis@
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20:46.55blackhole_x86_, & Strom_C, What exactly would channel driver do internally any idea? Also any idea about any limit of calls that can be made on spot
20:48.39afrosheenanyone here have trouble with sangoma cards?
20:48.44_x86_blackhole: dude, seriously, read the documentation kplzthx
20:49.00_x86_afrosheen: i use sangoma cards exclusively
20:49.24afrosheen_x86_, we're seeing weirdness, like channels on our PRI going "bad" one by one, DID calls not hitting the phone system, etc.
20:49.32afrosheenI guess it's time to patlooptest it
20:51.34_x86_afrosheen: I've got (7) asterisk boxes in my organization, (5) of them have an A20002D-x + A102D-x, (2) of them have an A104D-x + A102D-x, for a total of (7) A102D-x's, (2) A104D-x's, and (5) A20002D-x's
20:51.59_x86_afrosheen: I've spent a _lot_ of money on sangoma cards ;)
20:53.20denonyou have our condolences
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20:56.03RipeR-81have anyone had problems connecting asterisk to cisco ip phones thru cisco routers?
20:58.56tzafrir_homeafrosheen, sorry for the silly question, but what exactly is patlooptest for?
20:59.24tzafrir_home(I know that there's a patlooptest.c in zaptel, but not sure what it is there for)
20:59.48coppiceits a rather dumb loopback pattern test
21:00.00Corydon76-digtzafrir_home: it's essentially testing whether your T1 loop is clean
21:00.04coppiceinstread of something sensible, like a BERT test
21:00.16tzafrir_homewhat type of loopback? to where?
21:00.56Corydon76-digAnywhere, really
21:01.04CCFL_Man2tzafrir_home: thanks again for the help setting up asterisk on my sun netra
21:01.19Corydon76-digTo whatever initiates the loopback
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21:06.57afrosheentzafrir_home, it's an internal loopback test for the card in my case
21:07.23afrosheentzafrir_home, I contacted Sangoma support before because channel 1 went static-y on us, he suggested I run that test and report back
21:07.55tzafrir_homecoppice, speaking of smarter tests, I am still unable to get anything useful from sliptest
21:07.57afrosheen_x86_, ever had any fail, or specific channels on them fail?
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21:08.10_x86_afrosheen: never
21:08.23_x86_afrosheen: i have seen channels fail on a crappy channel bank before
21:08.33_x86_afrosheen: but you're doing PRI to the PSTN right?
21:09.12afrosheen_x86_, yeah, PRI from TWTC to the pstn
21:09.39_x86_it's a carrier, iirc
21:09.52CCFL_Man2not time warner i hope
21:10.07_x86_afrosheen: might also contact the carrier to see if they can loop to the smartjack and run patterns
21:10.13Corydon76-digYes, that's Time Warner Tele Com
21:10.29CCFL_Man2Corydon76-dig: they are Bell as well?
21:10.30afrosheentwtc has been great until this happened
21:10.37_x86_heh... get your Animaniacs and PRI from the same company!
21:10.49tc3driver-niiIs there anything in the extensions.conf file that would be suppressing dtmf?  When I call in asterisk from my Cell It doesn't respond to any key presses (or from a standard phone) if I call out to my cell phone, I cannot hear key presses from my cell phone or land line...
21:10.55CCFL_Man2what more do you need
21:11.00afrosheenwell actually TWTC isn't Time Warner, some kind of separate division
21:11.12_x86_tc3driver-nii: it's not extensions.conf that has anything to do with that, it's sip.conf and/or iax.conf
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21:11.24Corydon76-digCCFL_Man2: well, a CLEC
21:11.25_x86_tc3driver-nii: your dtmf signalling method is out of whack
21:11.40CCFL_Man2like the cable companies, do they charge the ass out of you?
21:11.43CCFL_Man2Corydon76-dig: ahh
21:11.44_x86_tc3driver-nii: progressinband=yes, dtmfmode=auto will usually fix it
21:11.55afrosheenCCFL_Man2, actually their rates are reasonable
21:12.34CCFL_Man2afrosheen: they give you a full PRI? are they DIDs?
21:13.07afrosheenCCFL_Man2, yeah we have a full 23 channel pri with x200-x399 for our DIDs
21:13.19afrosheenso everyone here gets a direct line
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21:13.56afrosheen_x86_, the card in my server is an a102d but I'm only using port 1, what would it take for me to switch everything to port 2?
21:14.37afrosheenCCFL_Man2, like I said, we've been happy with them so far, service has been great but tech support could be faster
21:14.49*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
21:15.04_x86_afrosheen: not a lot
21:15.29CCFL_Man2afrosheen: did it go down?
21:15.34CCFL_Man2loss of frame?
21:15.36_x86_afrosheen: just delete wanpipe1.conf from /etc/wanpipe, and run wancfg again
21:15.43afrosheen_x86_, gotcha, thanks
21:16.00_x86_afrosheen: if you set it up as the first channel group, you dont even have to touch zaptel.conf, zapata.conf, or extensions.conf for asterisk
21:16.05afrosheenluckily we just bought a new a101x to use for development, I can swap that in if worst comes to worst
21:16.17_x86_hmm wait, you may still have to fudge with zaptel.conf
21:16.19afrosheen_x86_, yeah that's how I did it
21:17.06afrosheenCCFL_Man2, not loss of frame, just really, really bizarre stuff, like DIDs getting answered then receiving a hangup from TWTC, meanwhile the caller's phone shows "connecting"
21:17.26afrosheenthat and noisy channels, but it's only noisy for the caller
21:18.02CCFL_Man2afrosheen: they using hdsl?
21:18.21afrosheenCCFL_Man2, no clue, what's HDSL
21:18.21CCFL_Man2the line is basically, just screwed up on their end?
21:18.29afrosheenI don't know at this point
21:18.45CCFL_Man2modulation scheme to send the DS1 signal to you
21:18.47afrosheenit appears that way but they see nothing wrong
21:19.00afrosheenI've had this setup for months and never had trouble like this
21:19.05CCFL_Man2have you checked your smart kack?
21:19.17afrosheennope, guess it wouldn't hurt
21:19.29tzafrir_homecoppice, all I can see is that the ZT_IOMUX ioctl retuns "no events". Which is probably understandable, as nobody actually writes to the channel.
21:19.32afrosheenalthough the pri isn't throwing any kind of alarms
21:19.33CCFL_Man2see if there are any alarms
21:19.42afrosheenat least not on the asterisk box
21:19.44tzafrir_homeI'm at lost at how this program should do something
21:21.17tzafrir_homeUnless I'm supposed to run sliptest /dev/zap/pseudo
21:22.30afrosheensmartjack is happy
21:22.38CCFL_Man2i need a 684A subset ringer box
21:22.56CCFL_Man2afrosheen: they bitch at them until the problem is fixed
21:23.09afrosheenCCFL_Man2, I still gotta run patlooptest on this card
21:23.10CCFL_Man2you checked your logs on the asterisk box?
21:23.32afrosheenCCFL_Man2, yeah, been pri debugging it also, it looks happy as far as I can see
21:23.44coppicetzafrir_home: you run sliptest with a channel device
21:24.19tzafrir_homeIf the channel is used by Asterisk, sliptest cannot open it. If it is unused, then I see no output
21:24.20tc3driver-niimy sip porvider says dtmf should be inband
21:24.25CCFL_Man2afrosheen: you have other equipment to test the line? say a cisco router with a T1 WIC and fxs VWIC?
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21:24.44afrosheenCCFL_Man2, nope
21:24.52WilliamKis there a way I can add a queuemember from the console of *?
21:24.53afrosheenI just gotta craft a cable and patlooptest both ports
21:25.06afrosheenthen swap in our new card, see what happens
21:25.09CCFL_Man2oh, T1 crossover?
21:25.13afrosheenif all that fails, TWTC is getting an ass chewing
21:25.20coppicethe port needs to be an unused one. it should be written and read
21:25.43afrosheencoppice, you referring to the patlooptest?
21:26.05tzafrir_homesliptest, from
21:26.28tzafrir_homeThe port *is* unused
21:26.49tzafrir_homeIs it supposed to work with analog channels?
21:28.22coppiceit works with analogue channels
21:28.22afrosheenwell thanks for your advice guys, gonna tackle this tomorrow (ugh)
21:28.28CCFL_Man2afrosheen: since i'm a home user, i would get an old cisco voice gateway, update it's ios with my $8 smart net cco login, and terminate the PRI with SIP
21:28.34tzafrir_homeWilliamK, using '!' and a call to sed should do the trick :-(
21:28.53CCFL_Man2but also being a home user, i really couldn't afford a PRI
21:29.45coppicetzafrir_home: the port looks very much used to me
21:30.13tzafrir_homeIf anybody uses it, it is not asterisk
21:30.30tzafrir_homesliptest managed to open it. So how can it be used?
21:31.32coppicesliptest opens the file name you give on the command line, and reads and writes it
21:32.57coppiceit writes AWGN, and reads back the echo of that. if there more than a very little, and not too much sound from the far end, sliptest will work out the loop delay
21:35.22tzafrir_homeRight. And Astribank drivers will not send over PCM when the line is not off-hook...
21:36.38coppicetake it off hook, then. just put a resistor across, to loop the line
21:36.57jozusomeone speak spanish?
21:37.00jozualguien habla español?
21:38.35CCFL_Man2jozu: engrish plz
21:39.03jozucan anyone helme with a gsm-gateway?
21:39.15jozui call to them and y ear the second tone
21:39.35tzafrir_homeThis is why it worked with channel 1 and not the others
21:39.47jozubut i want a ivr into gsmgateway sip extension
21:40.25tzafrir_homewe have such "devices" at work, but not here
21:40.31jozui made a inbound call route but nothing (destination ivr), only second tone
21:40.32coppicetzafrir_home: why doesn't audio work on hook? that is gonna kill CLID
21:40.59*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
21:41.09tzafrir_homethere is also audio when CLID is sent
21:41.28tzafrir_homesee /proc/xpp/XBUS-*/XPD-*/summary
21:41.42tzafrir_homeIt saves a whole lot of traffic
21:41.49tzafrir_homeand CPU time
21:43.03*** join/#asterisk sacitec (n=tobi@
21:43.07tzafrir_homejozu, what specific gsm-gateway are you talking about? Which vendor? What model?
21:43.28sacitechello, anyone using aastra 9133i with TFTP + asterisk ?
21:43.29tzafrir_homeHow do you connect it to Asterisk?
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21:45.03jozui register the gsm-gateway in a sip extension in the server
21:45.23jozuand the server have a sip trunk to the voip provider
21:46.43jozui want a ivr when gsm call arrive to the gsm gateway
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21:47.24jozuexample --- 1 call office, 2 second tone for external number (DISA?)
21:48.34jozuany idea?
21:54.17WilliamKanyone know why when you reload from the console it knocks everyone out of the queues?
21:55.47sacitecaastra 9133i and TFTP ?
21:56.54tc3driver-niiwho do you guys recommend for a good sip/voip provider?
21:57.29hmmhesaysdepends on what you need
21:57.44hmmhesaysI use vitelity for my home/personal use
21:57.53kiscokidtc3: voicepulse
21:59.31tc3driver-niifor use with asterisk, and for business use (166 phones)
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22:01.54moprilohi,.. in my newly install asterisk i don't have the zap show .. even though I have my zaptel drivers good to go (ztcfg) any ideas
22:03.37jbot[thebook] a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
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22:06.21tzafrir_homemoprilo, what is the output of:  cat /proc/zaptel/*
22:06.39tzafrir_homemoprilo, see also (look for PROCFS)
22:08.07tzafrir_homesacitec, probably someone does. Though I suspect Asterisk tends to communicate with that phone through SIP/RTP ;-)
22:08.13tzafrir_homeJust ask your question
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22:12.45saciteci'm unable to work with FTP, i have xinetd/tftp running on my * server, on the directory /tftpboot i have both files, aastra.cfg and mac.cfg, both of them with -rw-r--r--, and root.root
22:12.59sacitecphones freezes when triying to download config
22:13.14sacitecon the screen apears "retriying config downlad"
22:13.17sacitecand that's all
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22:33.21elriah[TK]D-Fender: Ever seen a polycom phone display "application is not present" after an attempted firmware update?  This is a 500.
22:34.17*** part/#asterisk kiscokid (n=ron@
22:34.40[TK]D-Fenderelriah, what ver?
22:34.56elriahLatest.  4.0/2.2
22:35.04elriahFrom unknown firmware version
22:35.15[TK]D-Fenderelriah, Hope you noted the change in support for 500/300......
22:35.31[TK]D-Fenderelriah, now's a good time to read your release notes...
22:35.45elriah[TK]D-Fender: Apparently not...
22:36.05elriahOh crud.
22:36.33ManxPowerActually, a good time to read the release notes would have been BEFORE you tried upgrading the firmware.
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22:40.02mcabelriah: it's ok, you haven't pooched the 500 - I think there's a tech bulletin on how to have 500/300s coexist peacefully with 4.0.0 & 2.2.0
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22:50.18tzafrir_homesacitec, I really don't know those phones, but you can check if you actually get requiests to that port
22:50.26tzafrir_home(in e.g. the logs)
22:50.46tzafrir_homeYou can also try to connect with an independent tftp client to check it's possible
22:52.01elriahYea, found it, scrambling... thanks, mcab
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22:56.12CCFL_Man2best way to interface fxs and fxo lines to asterisk is with a channel bank
22:58.46*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
22:59.43lesouvageI need an ata with poe and vpn support. Is there an ata on the market that fits this requirements?
23:00.46[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage, PoE ATA w/ VPN?  lol
23:01.38schattengolferwould someone be so kind as to explain what the "Act" item means on a T1 connected to a Digium TE110P?
23:01.59schattengolferwhen viewing the interface in zttool
23:02.08lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: is that a no?
23:02.45[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage, I honestly haven't even seen a PoE ATA period, let alone one with VPN
23:03.54*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
23:04.21lesouvageI tried to connect a fax today on a vpn for voip with a sipura ata but that was a disaster. I couldn't even get the webenebled configuration page on the screen.
23:05.05[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage, Oh, and now your adding FAXING to the mix?
23:05.18lesouvageI can't imagine that I'm the first one having this problem.
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23:05.40coppiceevery good system *must* do fax
23:06.26lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: Otherwise they have to bike to the headoffice 1 km away to send a fax.
23:07.41lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: Any suggestion to get faxing working on a location with only glassfiber and no isdn or pstn?
23:13.45*** join/#asterisk Mw3 (
23:15.37ectospasmlesouvage:  good luck with that.  You'd probably be better off with issuing digital signature pads and pass documents via e-mail, or ftp et al...
23:24.29lesouvageectospasm: maybe a scanner that sends the scan to something that can send the fax from the headoffice.
23:25.37ectospasmOnly reason why I can see faxing being an issue in this day and age is to trade signatures... but that suggestion could work
23:26.19coppicewhether is makes sense is irrelevant. its heavily used anyway
23:26.19ectospasmactually, you could probably talk to a Xerox document management salesperson to get ideas from...
23:27.12ectospasmipp was supposed to make faxing irrelevant, hasn't really done so...
23:28.12coppiceit hasn't really gone anywhere
23:30.04ectospasmOh, well.  An analog phone line used strictly for faxing is fairly cheap anyway
23:30.34ectospasmjust slap a basic long distance plan on it, and you should fit 90% of business needs...
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23:32.37lesouvagelesouvage: but it is kind of strange that there aren't any ata's with vpn support. The poe is just for not having powersupplies everywhere but the vpn is simply there.
23:33.09coppicean ata with vpn doesn't make much sense
23:34.21[TK]D-FenderAn ATA with VPN & PoE considerably less so.
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23:38.42aninoSAdilimcan asterisk send a faxtone?
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23:42.58lesouvagecoppice: why not, there is a vpn dedicated to all the voip traffic  (will be 400 phones in short time) and fax traffic is part of that. btw: might be the solution.
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23:45.14coppiceits probably a good solution if you like trouble
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23:46.30lesouvagecoppice: what do you mean?
23:47.20coppicewell, that box uses a myson century CS6220 chip, and all the boxes using that use the same software, and the software sucks
23:48.00coppicea lot of those boxes advertise functions they don't even have
23:48.48lesouvagecoppice: thanks
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