IRC log for #asterisk on 20070924

00:01.51*** join/#asterisk t3rror (
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00:12.16*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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00:15.53*** join/#asterisk adeel (
00:18.15*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-3661c9ab2769afa7)
00:22.41adeelcan i register a group of phones to a single account in asterisk? that is, have multiple phones use the same sip username/secret combo on the same server
00:25.04Mavvieadeel: how will you call these individual phones then?
00:25.53adeelMavvie, i wanted them to function as a group at that point...any call to one phone, will ring all phones...i know you can do that with hunt groups and all
00:26.17Op3ru can just put it on queues
00:26.23Mavvieadeel: doesn't work that way.
00:26.51adeelyeah i didn't think it did either..but no harm in double checking
00:27.57adeelpolycom provisioning is highly agitating
00:29.10Strom_Madeel: why do you say that?
00:29.42adeelspent 3 days doing it so far, reading documentation, wiki's, etc and still haven't finished yet
00:30.37Strom_Madeel: there are only like three XML elements you need to modify
00:30.51adeelfor a basic configuration, yes
00:31.14adeelbut then, where's the fun in basic functionality?
00:31.37adeelif i wanted basic functionality, i'd use YATE or something =cp
00:31.51Strom_Muh, the fun is that it works and you can do everything else server-side? :)
00:32.09Strom_Mwhat are you trying to do exactly - get these phones to do the hokey pokey?
00:32.53adeelyep, i like watching the phones dance on command
00:32.56adeelbeats having a pet
00:34.51Strom_Mok, but seriously, what are you trying to get the phones to do?
00:34.59*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
00:35.37adeeljust the basics for now...boot, upgrade firmware/bootrom, register...i've gotten the first 2 done, just working on the 3rd
00:36.20Strom_Mthe first two are practically automatic, and the third is dead easy
00:39.37adeeli never said it was hard, just said it was agitating
00:40.38*** join/#asterisk brian (n=brian@unaffiliated/brian)
00:54.43*** join/#asterisk sferley (
01:04.45*** join/#asterisk grimsy (
01:07.26*** part/#asterisk sferley (
01:07.47*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
01:10.00*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
01:12.11*** join/#asterisk Gamercjm (
01:15.19rob0Can I set sip debugging only for a certain IP address?
01:15.44rob0sip set debug peer
01:20.12GamercjmIn an extensions, I have it using DIAL() with a timeout.. but when it actually times out the call just hangs up insteading of going to the timeout command, is that normal in DIAL?
01:20.46Strom_MGamercjm: when it times out, it tries to fall through to the next priority in the extension
01:21.07*** join/#asterisk |omni| (
01:21.31Gamercjmhmm ok, I thought I had tried that but ill try it out thanks
01:30.17*** join/#asterisk mangolian (
01:41.35blitzrageGamercjm: you can see the reason it fell through with ${DIALSTATUS}
01:47.08mxmassterwhat's the general opinion of 1.4.x, or better put is the 1.4 line stable?
01:47.16mxmassterI know asterisk keeps updating the 1.2.x series
01:47.34Strom_Mno, 1.2 is in security maintenance mode only
01:47.51Strom_Mand asterisk doesn't update itself; it's digium that does the updating ;)
01:48.25Strom_Mbut 1.4 is considered stable enough for production
01:48.28mxmassterStrom_M, thanks
01:50.38blitzrageya, I've been using 1.4 in production for a while now.
01:50.39*** join/#asterisk bintut (n=bintut@
01:50.45*** join/#asterisk tuxd00d (n=tuxinato@
01:58.57CCFL_Man2anyone know how to remove that silly banner at the bottom of minicom?>
01:59.42Strom_Mif you'd like to make a call, please hang up and try again.  if you need help, hang up and then dial your operator.
01:59.49Strom_Mhonk honk honk honk honk honk honk honk honk honk honk honk honk honk honk honk honk honk
02:02.31luke-jrmxmasster: I am trying to migrate to 1.4 and having nothing but problems
02:03.02luke-jrmxmasster: if you only use 1.0's featureset, but don't depend on 1.0's deprecated functionality, you might be safe
02:03.36luke-jrI, on the other hand, make extensive use of 1.2's featureset and am at migration attempting to make use of 1.4's new functionality
02:03.58mxmassterluke-jr, i am installing a fresh system from scratch
02:04.14mxmassterso all of the configuration will be brand new, not an upgrade so to speak
02:04.48CCFL_Man2Strom_M: my green imperial WE202 uses the 4H dial actually
02:05.01Strom_Mhonk honk honk
02:05.16CCFL_Man2thing is that the 4H dial seems to pulse too slowly
02:05.24Strom_Mspeed it up? :)
02:05.31CCFL_Man2or pulses are too long
02:05.54CCFL_Man2well, it's slower that newer WE dials
02:06.14luke-jrmxmasster: well, there's still 1.4 bugs to workaround, but if you're careful it should work
02:06.14CCFL_Man2like the one on my spacesaver or my trimlines
02:06.22luke-jrdon't use Jabber stuff if you require stability
02:06.43mxmassterluke-jr, hmm what about 1.2.x with jabber?
02:07.15*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
02:07.16luke-jrmxmasster: 1.2.x doesn't have jabber
02:07.50mxmassterhmm, doesn't matter
02:07.54mxmassterso what you are staying
02:07.56mxmasstererr saying
02:08.03mxmassteris that 1.4 is stable as long as you are careful
02:09.27*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
02:09.28mxmassterdigiums download site is all wacky for me
02:10.30CCFL_Man2Strom_M: you have any problems with your old WE dials?
02:10.33mxmassteris there a good download mirror?
02:10.42Strom_Mthe oldest one I have is ~1948
02:10.55Strom_Mmxmasster: wacky?  how so?
02:10.58CCFL_Man2Strom_M: that should be 4H
02:11.12Strom_MIIRC it works fine with my TDM cards
02:11.24*** join/#asterisk psiforce (
02:11.42mxmassterStrom_M, well first off, i cannot wget, and when I open the URL in lynx the asterisk source downloads, but i cannot get zaptel
02:12.37psiforcedoes anyone know how to run the g729 register command if you do not have a nic named eth0 (all my nics have custom names)
02:12.40Strom_Msee section entitled "MIRRORS"
02:13.34hmmhesaysugh i'm so sick of skype
02:13.38Strom_Mhmmhesays: duh
02:15.03hmmhesaysit works great and is easy to use, but trying to interface anything with it is just a nightmare
02:15.53CCFL_Man2Strom_M: you have a WE302?
02:16.14Strom_MCCFL_Man2: yes
02:18.13CCFL_Man2and that dials without trouble?
02:18.18*** join/#asterisk Lucky7 (
02:18.28Lucky7Anyone here use Asterisk CDR? the MySQL CDR thing?
02:19.29Strom_MCCFL_Man2: yes
02:19.38fujin_Lucky7: yes, I do
02:19.56Lucky7I pulled the logs for the last two weeks
02:20.03Lucky7and about 90% of it makes sense
02:20.14fujin_that's awesome
02:20.16Lucky7but the "lastapp" category confuses me
02:20.28fujin_that's the last app that was called by the dialplan
02:20.28Lucky7I've got things like "Lastapp = DBdel"
02:20.52psiforcedoes anyone know how to run the g729 register command if you do not have a nic named eth0 (all my nics have custom names)?
02:21.00*** join/#asterisk sferley (
02:21.15Lucky7fujin_ > Sorry, I'm still kinda new, Do you mean the last context that the system was in before the call?
02:22.43Lucky7Sometimes the lastApp will be "reset CDR"
02:22.52Lucky7what does that mean?
02:23.14Lucky7(if there is documentation somewhere that explains this, let me know, I couldn't find any, but i'm more then willing to try again.)
02:24.39Strom_Mpsiforce: apparently not
02:24.45Strom_Mpsiforce: wait till tomorrow and call digium
02:26.09*** join/#asterisk MaliutaWrk (
02:27.32fujin_Lucky7: no, the last application that the dialplan ran
02:27.41fujin_like Dial(..); Answer(); Ringing();\
02:28.27Lucky7Yea, the basic ones i understand... (dial, answer, ringing,) its the special ones that I dunno wtf mean
02:28.37Lucky7ie, reset CDR, r 'DBdel'
02:30.28fujin_well, what system are you using?
02:30.30[TK]D-FenderLucky7, because ResetCDR *is* an application.  Go look at your dialplan
02:30.35fujin_must be pretty complex if you're using DBdel etc.
02:30.39fujin_I bet you're using trixbox, right?
02:30.58CCFL_Man2minicom does suck
02:32.27[TK]D-Fendersame shit, different smell.
02:34.28fujin_my sentiments entirely
02:35.25CCFL_Man2so whats better? tip or cu?
02:40.20mxmassterhmm, okay just installed zaptel 1.4.5 on centos 5
02:40.37mxmassterhow do i get it to actually load ztdummy?
02:40.46mxmassterchanged /etc/sysconfig/zaptel
02:40.55mxmassterand then /etc/init.d/zaptel start
02:41.07mxmassterbut lsmod does not have ztdummy
02:42.40[TK]D-Fendermxmasster, you need to make sure that when you compile zaptel that that module is included.  then after compiling "modprobe ztdummy" , "modprobe zaptel", adn "ztcfg -vvvv"
02:44.22mxmasster[TK]D-Fender, okay - how do i ensure this will be loaded at start?
02:45.28tzafrir_laptop'modprobe zaptel' after 'modprobe ztdummy'? kind of useless
02:45.43tzafrir_laptopYou don't need to run ztcfg for ztdummy
02:46.03*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
02:47.14*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
02:48.38[TK]D-Fendermxmasster, modprobes should make sure they load... I typically like to run the Zaptel init script before running * just to be sure
02:49.38mxmassteris there a sample init script in the source
02:49.41mxmassteri cannot find it anywhere
02:50.29*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
02:51.41tzafrir_laptopmxmasster, of zaptel or asterisk?
02:52.20tzafrir_laptopFor asterisk: under contrib/
02:53.16*** join/#asterisk ltdwk (
03:07.46*** join/#asterisk tru_`z24 (n=truz_`
03:25.51*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
03:36.17*** join/#asterisk Yourname`` (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/yourname/x-837320)
03:36.54Yourname``This is so weird. I get this everytime i try to install 1.4,
03:48.37Yourname``Looks like everyone's gone to the con.
03:50.01outtoluncnot everyone
03:50.23*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=pepOSX@
03:52.27MaliutaWrkI wish
03:52.41*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (n=leon@
04:01.22Yourname``What can I do to NOT load .ael confs?
04:01.24Yourname``In 1.4
04:01.29*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
04:04.48MaliutaWrknot load ael
04:05.35outtoluncjust noload
04:05.38MaliutaWrklook at your modules.conf file (for asterisk not the OS)
04:05.50*** join/#asterisk BoostedSS (
04:06.04outtoluncor to unload while up, module unload pbx_ael
04:06.08*** part/#asterisk BoostedSS (
04:06.48Yourname``Oh, I did the modules.conf and forgot to restart it and wondering why it's loading, lol.. thanks outtolunc
04:14.59*** join/#asterisk mistermocha (
04:15.06Yourname``For AMD to work in 1.4, do we need to setup sound drivers and all that during OS installation?
04:16.10JerJerits so sad, i wana cry:
04:17.05QwellJerJer: dead?
04:17.33Qwellso, I guess they aren't gonna make that hardware afterall :P
04:17.53Strom_Mi don't even know what atacomm made
04:18.01QwellStrom_M: they didn't
04:18.11JerJerthey just stole things
04:18.14Qwellthey claimed they were going to make something though...  I forget what
04:18.14Strom_Malso, they fail.  it should say 6:00 PM CDT
04:18.31QwellTZ nazi++ :p
04:18.38Qwelland they didn't put a year
04:18.46Qwellfor all we know, they've been dead for 12 months
04:18.57Strom_Mthey've been dead since 1972, and you know it
04:19.11JerJerQwell: i saw pictures of some T-1/E-1 card that was supposed to be DSP powered with codec and everything on one board
04:19.27QwellJerJer: ahh, yeah, that's right
04:19.33mistermochawow... what happened to atacomm?
04:19.42Yourname``Someone disabled sound on the motherboard where Ast 1.4 is installed. Will it have much to contribute to a smooth and sound asterisk system working?
04:19.49Strom_Mmistermocha: they bit the wax tadpole
04:20.02Strom_MYourname``: no, the sound card is not important
04:20.18JerJermistermocha:  kicked the bucket
04:20.33Yourname``Strom_M: What about sound installation during OS installation?
04:20.58mistermochahow did they go? was it peaceful and quick or long and painful?
04:21.19Qwelllong and painful, I'm sure
04:21.27Qwellthat, or the owner just took the money and ran
04:21.31Qwellneither would surprise me
04:21.42Strom_MYourname``: ??
04:21.49*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
04:22.44Yourname``Strom_M: Basically, right now.. calls are not working fine. AMD is not detecting any words spoken, or when I try to bridge two calls neither party can hear each other. There is NO firewall, or any port blocking thing at all. No NAT or anything.
04:24.59Strom_Mwell that's not a sound card issue
04:25.15Yourname``Strom_M: What could it be you think?
04:25.43Strom_Mwhat channel type are the calls using?
04:25.49Strom_Mwhat kind of hardware do you have in the system?
04:26.12Yourname``Strom_M: Just a gigabit lan card and everything else is onboard. Channel type is SIP voip
04:26.46mistermochado we truly know that it's an AMD issue?
04:27.30Yourname``mistermocha: Have no idea. Tried to bridge two calls, didn't work. Tried AMD, and asterisk didn't hear me.
04:28.32Yourname``The only thing is using the amd.conf from 1.2 (the patch)
04:31.22CCFL_Man2Strom_M: i haven't seen rudholm in over two weeks
04:33.49Strom_MYourname``: what about just regular boring phone calls
04:36.36*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
04:41.01Yourname``Sorry for the false alarm guys. My dumb forgetful ass forgot that iptables was still running even though all hardware firewalls are shut off.
04:46.51*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
04:46.51*** mode/#asterisk [+o blitzrage] by ChanServ
04:49.20Strom_MYourname``: I have three words for yo
04:56.27*** join/#asterisk zeeesh (i=zeeesh@
05:08.51*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
05:16.15Yourname``Yeah Strom_M lol
05:21.19*** join/#asterisk sadmin (n=sadmin@
05:36.31CCFL_Man2there are 3 commercial skype gateways
05:37.11CCFL_Man2two use hacks to interface with skype, making a virtual audio driver to pipe between the skype client and the gateway software
05:37.46CCFL_Man2Do I need to install Skype in order to use ChanSkype?
05:37.48CCFL_Man2Yes, you must have an X server and the Skype binary installed, both of which should be configured and running properly.
05:40.47CCFL_Man2stupid worthless bullshit
05:44.12*** join/#asterisk jarod14 (
06:14.47*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
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06:24.51*** join/#asterisk jcaceres (i=deron@
06:26.50jcacereshello sirs, i have an xtrange trouble, i have succesfully conected my asterisk server to a nortel pbx by using a TE120 card, and this pbx at the same time is conected to pst
06:28.13jcacerespstn, when i make calls to any land fone i do not have any trouble, but when i call gsm phones from a phone logued in to asterisk server
06:29.04jcaceresi can hean the other side person, but the person with the gsm olny hear some noise when y speak
06:29.21jcaceresi supouse it's a problem with the codecs
06:31.15*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
06:31.16jcaceresand it's extrage because it only happens when i call gsm cellphones, but when i call cdm cellphones i do not have any trouble
06:31.31jcaceresany idea?
06:35.09[hC]jcaceres: oh i just ran into this EXACT problem!!!! the solution is to......
06:35.10[hC]oh he's gone.
06:35.14[hC]oh well.
06:42.32Strom_M[description of problem]
06:43.17*** join/#asterisk UD (n=Justin@unaffiliated/underdawg)
06:44.02UDare you waiting for me?
06:44.22rob0I was.
06:44.26[hC]Ok i was too.
06:44.43Strom_Mso was I
06:44.58rob0Well? Go ahead.
06:45.26UDHave either of you, or anyone heard of USB connected fx{o,s} hardware for sale?
06:45.51rob0That wasn't what *I* was waiting for.
06:45.59UDI want to set up a system, but I am out of town all week for work, and would like to test things on my laptop
06:46.06[hC]UD: you want to look into astribank
06:46.17[hC]By Xorcom
06:46.24[hC]they have USB attached FX[OS]
06:46.34rob0Another choice is an ATA like Linksys Sipura 3102.
06:46.59rob0(that one has both FXS and FXO)
06:47.01[hC]yep, that is SIP not USB, it connects via ethernet just like any ATA, but has an FXO port on it instead of just FXS (it also has FXS)
06:48.12[hC]no problem
06:49.51*** join/#asterisk ten_novals (
06:51.03*** join/#asterisk J4zen (
06:51.56J4zenIm having some odd issues, when i run BRIstuff and attempt to install asterisk+drivers it ends the ./ script with this :
06:51.56J4zenmake: *** [adsi] Error 127
06:51.56J4zenlinux:/usr/src/asterisk/asterisk #
06:52.21J4zenFollowed by an error stating it couldnt create an init script for my OS ( fedora 7 )
06:52.31J4zenmake: *** [adsi] Error 127
06:52.31J4zenlinux:/usr/src/asterisk/asterisk #
06:52.40J4zengah my bad. im pasting the wrong error
06:53.09J4zen./bin/sh: configs/asterisk.adsi: Permission denied
06:53.10J4zen./bin/sh: -m: command not found
06:53.10J4zen./bin/sh: configs/telcordia-1.adsi: Permission denied
06:53.10J4zen./bin/sh: -m: command not found
06:53.10J4zenmake: *** [adsi] Error 127
06:53.10J4zenlinux:/usr/src/asterisk/asterisk #
06:53.24J4zenDoes anyone have a clue what could be causing this?
06:53.36J4zenThere is one post on forums, but he wasn't running the script as Root.. i am.
06:55.27yangI am looking for asterisk billing software with preferably IRC support on channel, does anyone remember any project?
06:55.34*** join/#asterisk israr (
06:59.29UDCouldn't I use the asterisk machine as the SIP device sort of?
06:59.30*** join/#asterisk yidiyuehan (n=yidiyueh@
06:59.47UDto answer multiple calls on one phone line?
06:59.54UDand give them voicemail options
07:02.19yangUD: i think asterisk can do all this
07:03.38*** join/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
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07:03.59tzafrir_laptopJ4zen, to debug such a script: sh -x /path/to/script
07:04.07tzafrir_laptopAnd look at the trace
07:06.52J4zenWill do, thank you
07:15.12*** join/#asterisk gremzoid (n=gremzoid@
07:18.49*** join/#asterisk Pagautas (n=bigman@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
07:20.41*** join/#asterisk RypPn ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
07:25.14J4zenDoes anyone have any sample extension for incoming/outgoing calls thru ZAP channels?
07:25.21J4zenim fairly confused how to set them up
07:26.48Strom_MJ4k3: what kind of card?
07:26.54Strom_Mand what kind of circuit?
07:27.45J4zenQuadBRI ( Junghanns )
07:28.05Strom_Myou're using bristuff?
07:28.11mvanbaakJ4zen: the bristuff package comes with sample configuration
07:28.34J4zen.conf.sample ones?
07:28.55J4zenah a dutch one :)
07:29.05mvanbaakno, in a directory SAMPLES
07:29.15J4zenill take a look, thanks.
07:29.35*** join/#asterisk yassaccan (
07:34.44tzafrir_laptopgenzaptelconf will also generate a working config for them
07:35.42tzafrir_laptopbut not the dialplan part
07:36.11J4zenI noticed
07:36.22J4zenwhat im puzzled about is fairly easy, but before i dig into the dialplan part
07:36.31J4zeni want to ensure that my hardware is now properly working
07:36.41J4zenby having my Asterisk just answer the phone and echo or so
07:36.43J4zenthats all
07:36.56J4zenbut when i call the ISDN number i connected it to , i get this in debug:
07:37.18J4zenExtension '181619$$$' in context 'from-pstn' from '641735$$$' does not exist.  Rejecting call on channel 0/1, span 1
07:37.27J4zen$$$ censored out.
07:37.31J4zenby me
07:37.44mvanbaakwell, that one is indeed easy
07:37.50J4zenobviously :)
07:38.05mvanbaakopen extensions.conf in your editor, find the [from-pstn] part and add an extension there
07:38.21*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
07:38.28mvanbaakexten => 181619$$$,1,Answer()
07:38.31mvanbaakor something like that
07:39.11J4zenlets see
07:39.27J4zenAmen to that
07:39.30J4zenThanks mate.
07:39.43mvanbaakur welcome :)
07:40.33*** join/#asterisk tsurko (n=tsurko@
07:48.36*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
07:52.51*** join/#asterisk dikdust (
07:56.11adeelis there any information regarding what features of a polycom phone asterisk supports?
07:57.24J4zenHow would you rate the Visual Dialplan application?
07:57.45J4zenFound it a while ago, has a GUI allowing you with a so-to-call Drag&Drop dialplan
07:58.06J4zenallowing you to configure*
08:04.45tengulrewhy not receive fax with app_rxfax in my asterisk box?
08:04.59mvanbaakJ4zen: we prefer vim :)
08:05.03mvanbaakok, I'm off to work
08:13.19*** join/#asterisk admin0 (
08:14.02admin0hi guys .. a few days ago i found a asterisk+crm+samba + a lot of other things packed into a distribution .. i forgot its name now .. its supposed to be a office gateway + asterisk + all in 1 kinda distro
08:14.09J4zenVim :) ok
08:14.19J4zenmy fav for regular coding
08:15.25J4zenIs it just me, or is the users.conf file missing in my installation?
08:15.50J4zenprobably grabbed a wrong version?
08:17.24*** join/#asterisk qdk_ (n=qdk@
08:18.20Strom_Mthere is no users.conf in 1.2
08:18.27Strom_Mthat's a 1.4 thing
08:19.48J4zenWhat'd you reckon is best, just install asterisk 1.4 or simply reinstall fedora in whole?
08:19.55J4zenor fastest even
08:21.29J4zenIs there even a way to quickly remove a previous asterisk installation?'re actually considering reinstalling the entire operating system just to upgrade to a different asterisk version?
08:21.34J4zenand cleanly
08:21.41Strom_Mjust install 1.4 over 1.2
08:22.01Strom_Mclean out /var/lib/asterisk/modules/ first
08:22.16J4zenPardon my ignorence, i am by far no expert as you may have noticed lol
08:22.31*** join/#asterisk Comradin (
08:23.33hwtwe have a meetme server (1.4.11) with TDM400P for timing that suddenly starts to use a lot of CPU, which causes it to become unusable after a while
08:23.49hwtand it does not recover when users fall off.
08:23.55hwtany idea what this can be caused by?
08:24.06*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
08:26.04*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
08:27.30*** join/#asterisk WellMaluedo (
08:28.07*** join/#asterisk ShadowHntr (i=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr)
08:29.48WellMaluedohi all
08:30.05WellMaluedoI need an information about acocunt code with Asterisk
08:30.54WellMaluedoIt's possible to cofigure Asterisk so that every user have an account code that need to enter before make a call?
08:30.58tzafrirWellMaluedo, and I suppose you intend to be more specific
08:32.14WellMaluedotzafrir: I would that my user enter a personal pin before the call...the user should make call from any phone
08:32.27WellMaluedoin the farm
08:37.26JTyou should probably have a userid code as well as pin
08:37.33JTbut sure, you could implement that
08:43.54J4zenHm with the latest BRIstuff from xorcom i get this when running ./
08:43.55J4zen./bin/sh: line 2: configs/asterisk.adsi: Permission denied
08:43.55J4zen./bin/sh: line 2: -m: command not found
08:43.55J4zen./bin/sh: line 2: configs/telcordia-1.adsi: Permission denied
08:43.55J4zen./bin/sh: line 2: -m: command not found
08:43.55J4zen.make: *** [adsi] Error 127
08:43.57J4zen.We could not install init scripts for your operating system.
08:43.59J4zen.pci:0000:05:02.0        1397:08b4 []
08:44.17J4zenfollowed the guide step by step
08:44.31tzafrirJ4zen, when exactly do you get this? after running what?
08:44.35tzafrir./ ?
08:44.38WellMaluedowhat about
08:44.49J4zenafter it runs ./
08:45.15J4zenat the very end where it goes off to install libpri
08:45.27J4zenim running as root
08:45.32tzafrirall it runs is ./ ; ./
08:45.56J4zeni reckon its in
08:46.14J4zeni can paste you the entire debug if you wish ( from libpri ofcourse )
08:47.42jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
08:47.54tzafriroh, he's not back yet
08:48.02*** join/#asterisk Aurs (
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08:48.44Aursgood morning
08:51.53J4zenit appears to be ./ even.
08:52.02J4zenrunning that immedialty prompts me with that error
08:53.05JTJ4zen: do not flood
08:53.08jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
08:54.12J4zenYes sorry :) i am using pastebin atm.
08:54.20J4zenwasn't aware of the massive amount
08:57.57*** join/#asterisk psk (
08:58.42Aursare there any aastra experts here? having some problems with aastra 55i behind some sort of sonicwall firewall...
08:59.37*** join/#asterisk lokkju_wrk_ (n=lokkju@unaffiliated/lokkju)
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09:16.11zeeeshanybody there ?
09:23.21zeeeshtrying to use realtime asterisk .. all of my sip peer and users are easily configuring through database .. now working on extensions_tables... i need to know about "/" and "," like in this exmple what shud i use in my table "exten => 234566,1,Dial(SIP/23456,30)"  what shud i use at the place of /slash and at the place of ,comma coz .. i don't think so mysql support slash and commans      ?
09:24.04*** join/#asterisk duki (
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09:26.40hyphenexI've got major issues.  I've got a heap of Cisco 7931g phones, and I'm wondering if they should work with Chan_sccp driver (I've never set up anything like this before)?  It's not listed in the supported devices.  What are my chances?
09:30.01hwtzeeesh: |
09:30.43hyphenexYay!  An active person in the channel :D
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09:44.28shay|workhello folks
09:44.34zeeesh<hwt> : if my database name is  "one" extensions table name "two" then what shud i give switch statement ... at extensions.conf?
09:44.48*** join/#asterisk duki (
09:45.03shay|workis there any "user interface" project for asterisk? as in an application or a web based application for accesing voice mail or configuring "follows me" and such?
09:45.28zeeeshswitch => Realtime/mycontext@realtime_ext
09:45.41zeeeshcould not understand this statment will u pls ?
09:46.17harryrshay|work: you could try VoiceOne -
09:46.52shay|workharryr, thanks
09:47.19harryrofcourse if you fancy spending money on one I can point you in the right direction
09:49.34*** join/#asterisk duckz (n=duckz@
09:50.08shay|workharryr, give me pointers, maybe my boss might be interested
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09:56.47zumbushIm having som trouble with dtmf detection for certain incoming call. Anyone know if there is a way to record the sound of the incoming dtmf-tones. As to analyze them and see what the difference is between incoming calls that are correct and those that arnt.
09:58.03harryris there much interference on the line?
09:58.47hyphenexI've got major issues.  I've got a heap of Cisco 7931g phones, and I'm wondering if they should work with Chan_sccp driver (I've never set up anything like this before)?  It's not listed in the supported devices.  What are my chances?
09:58.55zumbushdunno.. maybee from the calling partys telefonlines.. when i talk to a person on that line the soundquality is ok
09:59.53harryrthere's a plugin in ableton which can do it, but I dont know about any VST plugins or apps that do it
09:59.54zumbushim running an PRI on an TE110p card
10:00.21zumbushok il google for ableton
10:00.31harryruh, it's an audio & midi sequencing suite
10:01.18harryryou'd load the two mono channels into a stereo wav and use the Utility->Difference plugin to get the difference between them
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10:02.00harryralthough you should be able to see the different fairly easily just running them through a spectral analyser
10:02.11zumbushive ran ctmonitor but this util only give the db values
10:03.15zumbushwanna see the Hz of the tones
10:03.16hyphenexWahhhh :'(
10:03.32harryrcapture the audio & run it through a spectral analyser
10:03.40zumbushil try that
10:04.02zumbushAs far as i know e.g. to send a digit "3" the telephone will generate both a 697Hz and a 1477Hz tone at the same time.
10:04.15zumbushthat way i can compare
10:04.17harryrthey should be two very distint peaks at (for example) 1477Hz and 697Hz for 3
10:04.27hyphenexHas nobody an answer for me?
10:05.33*** join/#asterisk thewiizle (n=nick@
10:05.34tzafrirzumbush, audacity has spectrum analisys
10:05.45zumbushohh.. that one ive already have installed
10:13.18*** join/#asterisk duki (
10:14.33hyphenexso nobody can answer my question?
10:14.37hyphenexMaybe I should not be using Skinny?
10:14.48hyphenexis the chan_sccp much better?
10:15.18*** join/#asterisk MaartenB (
10:15.23MaartenBhello everyone
10:15.40MaartenBI was trying out ChanSpy, but it does not work :(
10:15.53MaartenBI get a beep beep sound instead of a channel I can listen too
10:16.36MaartenBI have added "exten => 99,1,ChanSpy(scan))" to my extensions.conf
10:16.41MaartenBwhat am I missing here?
10:17.39*** join/#asterisk l0verb0y (n=l0verb0y@
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10:17.57jmlsanyone else having problems posting to asterisk-users ? I have tried to send emails all weekend, but nothing is coming through
10:18.23MaartenBahh :)
10:19.32jmlsthanks !
10:19.41jmlsthat got rid of the Monday blues ;)
10:19.42*** join/#asterisk yidiyuehan (n=yidiyueh@
10:20.08yidiyuehanhi, anybody has experience with insllation of ISDN card with bristuff driver?
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10:21.37l0verb0yhey hows everyone doing
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10:37.10hyphenexl0verb0y: Crappy.  Nobody can answer my question
10:43.17tzafrirhyphenex, be more specific and you'll get answers
10:43.23tzafrirSpecifically I have experince
10:43.40tzafrirBut I'm a bit biased
10:45.51hyphenexWell.  I've got a bunch of 7931g phones
10:45.55*** join/#asterisk duki (
10:46.05hyphenextzafrir:  Do you know if they will run with asterisk?
10:46.17tzafrirThey run well
10:46.26hyphenexIt does not have SIP
10:46.52hyphenexand I've not seen anybody get them to work, or any wiki documents say there supported :(
10:49.55JTserves you right for getting a cisco ;)
10:50.28thewiizleCiscos best trick so far
10:50.37thewiizleSelling SIP phones that arnt SIP :)
10:51.00hyphenexhehe, yeah.  I got a quote for the Cisco server, and it's about $4,000AU
10:51.24hyphenexthat's one expensive PBX unit
10:51.46harryryeah, but that's about £5.20p GBP
10:52.04JTAUD is worth almost as much as USD
10:52.39harryr1 usd = 1.15 aud, hmm
10:54.57hyphenexso yeah.  If I could get chan_SCCP2 working.  Does that mean my phone will probably work?
10:57.31J4zenin Asterisk 1.2 , how would you add SIP users ( users.conf in Asterisk 1.4 )
10:58.06harryrJ4zen: sip.conf
10:58.36hyphenexI'll take all your silence as a Yes!  Go for it!  Spend time on it!
10:58.40J4zenbut, in 1.4 you have both sip.conf AND users.conf? they are simply merged in 1.2 or ?
10:59.57JThyphenex: i'd just buy polycoms instead
11:03.13hyphenexWhat's polycoms?
11:05.47hyphenexbut my friend has already got about 4 of those nice expensive Cisco phones :P
11:06.17*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
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11:06.35J4zenHm, are there any additional steps that need to be taken in order to get my SIP phones registered on asterisk 1.2 , i remember in 1.4 they attempted to register immediatly and theyd show up in Debug
11:06.48J4zenon 1.2, theres no messages nor can i get my phones to connect/register
11:07.47J4zenDoes anyone have any documentation on 1.2?
11:07.47*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
11:09.10hyphenexnot I :P
11:11.31JThyphenex: cisco phones are not nice
11:11.41JTpolycoms are far better
11:12.09MaartenBanyone have any experience with ChanSpy?
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11:38.29J4zenHmm all the suddon my SIP phones are starting to send requests unknown to asterisk?
11:38.30J4zenchan_sip.c:11784 handle_request: Unknown SIP command 'PUBLISH' from ''
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11:46.45Dovidhi guys. I dont think asterisk supports this but can I use the voicemail app to send messages out to multiple users on the system ?
11:52.09styelzi'd setup an email account that emails a group of people. and use that email address as the voicemail email.
11:52.31J4zenEverytime i press a number on my SIP-phone it debugs this in asterisk console:
11:52.31J4zenchan_sip.c:11784 handle_request: Unknown SIP command 'PUBLISH' from ''
11:52.36J4zenvery odd =\
11:52.43J4zenpbx_extension_helper: Cannot find extension context 'default'
11:52.45J4zencomes after
11:52.51J4zendoes anyone have a clue?
11:52.58*** join/#asterisk MrMister2 (
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11:54.50J4zenit doesnt seem to be able to read my extensions.conf
11:56.58MrMister2I have a weird situation on Asterisk. I had a register= on sip.conf to register a trunk with a SIP provider. I deleted the register=, did a reload, did a service asterisk restart, reboot the server even but whenever I do a sip show registry the trunk is registered. To be sure I even did a grep on /etc/asterisk for that trunk number and nothing was found but Asterisk still registers the trunk.
11:57.13*** join/#asterisk michael-i (n=michael-@
11:57.13MrMister2Any ideas on this mistery?
11:57.45creativxdoes your sip.conf include other config files
11:57.56creativxin other locations than etcaster
11:58.07*** join/#asterisk fenlander (n=fenlande@
11:58.31styelzand #include lines.. are not commented out ... they need to be ;#include
11:59.45MrMister2I even deleted EVERYTHING but the [general] and below (no register= there :)) and it _still_ registers the trunk
12:00.04MrMister2if I just delete sip.conf and then do a reload it doesn't register anything
12:00.41styelzgrep register /etc/asterisk
12:00.49styelzgot to be there
12:01.11styelzgrep register /etc/asterisk/*
12:03.36MrMister2nope. nowhere
12:04.29creativxghost config eh
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12:04.42MrMister2I do a reload and the sip show registry shows as registered and the time as now
12:05.06MrMister2It's driving me bonkers..... :(
12:05.46styelzwhats the reg line ?
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12:06.18MrMister2styelz: That's the point, the _IS NO_ register= on sip.conf
12:06.26styelzsip show registry
12:06.29MrMister2but it still registers the trunk
12:06.31styelzwhats it say
12:06.33styelzi mean             351305501057       105 Registered           Mon, 24 Sep 2007 13:04:33
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12:07.23styelzoh sorry missed that bit
12:08.07MrMister2If I delete sip.conf it doesn't register anything. As soon as I restore sip.conf with the minimum conf that I put on the pastebin it registers the trunk
12:08.15MrMister2I'm totally lost on this one
12:08.55styelzdoes changeing registersip = yes in users.conf make any difference ?
12:09.47*** join/#asterisk lirakis (n=lirakis@
12:10.12MrMister2no, just changed it to no and did a reload and it's still registered
12:10.17styelzand do you hava a sip user setup for
12:10.35styelzbeats the crap out of me man
12:10.42MrMister2you can check the result of the grep I did
12:11.42MrMister2styelz: nope, nothing. I'm pulling my hair on this one. Some cache somewhere that I don't know?
12:11.49styelzis there any mention of in the configs ?
12:11.57MrMister2let me do a grep
12:12.13*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:12.43styelzonly thing i can think of, is in asterisk CLI, database show
12:12.52MrMister2Wait, wait....
12:13.09styelzthere's more?
12:13.38styelzafk, brb
12:13.41MrMister2no, just checking something
12:13.51*** join/#asterisk Kernel_Core (n=I@
12:13.55Kernel_Corehi all
12:15.07styelzmorning lirakis, hi Kernel_Core
12:15.11*** join/#asterisk waKKu (n=eurulo@unaffiliated/wakku)
12:16.19MrMister2Got It! I had a user created on users.conf that had a user, password and host the same as the SIP provider, no idea on how that got there
12:16.21lirakisim excited!
12:16.35MrMister2As soon as I removed it started working correctly.
12:16.39lirakisi just saw (and purchased) "ATFOT 2nd edition" yesterday
12:16.45MrMister2Thanks for the ideas :)
12:16.52lirakisive been waiting for a long time for its release
12:17.30styelzMrMister2: nw
12:19.26styelzlirakis: not a bad book
12:20.51*** join/#asterisk clandmeter (n=Carlo@
12:21.01Kernel_CoreI am looking for a solution to limit my ZAP Channels not to permit more than 8 hours our going call per day/ per channel ?
12:21.10Kernel_Coreis there any available solution ?
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12:21.49Kernel_Coresome guys in #freepbx channel suggested me a2billing ... but really it is not the solution...
12:22.29creativxcount seconds?
12:23.46styelzstore the time in a db variable every time the channel is used and prevent it from being used it the value exedes your limit
12:24.33Kernel_Coreand reset it every night , yea ?
12:24.59Kernel_Corestyelz: can you help me how to write it's script ?
12:25.05lirakisstyelz: i like the first one .. but it is kinda out dated
12:25.28lirakisstyelz: the material is totally relevant.. but im happy to see the new version with updated reference
12:25.51styelzyea i have the 2005 print.
12:26.28styelzneed to er. upgrade it
12:29.05styelzKernel_Cort: im no pro. but im sure it can be done that way
12:29.54[TK]D-FenderKernel_Core: Every time you use a channel, keep a counter of how much time was used and set an absolute limit on the next dial going out.  When that ends you increase the counter....
12:30.15styelzi think he needs help scripting it
12:30.40[TK]D-Fenderstyelz: its like 3 dialplan apps.......
12:31.16styelzso :P
12:31.16[TK]D-Fenderstyelz: DB, GotoIf, Set, and use the "h" Standard Extension, and 2 dial parameters.
12:31.27styelzkeep going
12:32.15[TK]D-FenderI'd say : Find a clue, or a consultant, whichever comes first :p
12:32.25styelzi know you would
12:32.46styelzim not going to write it.
12:33.17*** join/#asterisk javar (n=javar@
12:33.36styelzKernel_Core: do some reading on voip info about those functions [TK] mentioned
12:34.29styelzits not too hard
12:34.50Kernel_Corestyelz: I see
12:34.55Kernel_Coreand I am trying to handle it
12:35.51Kernel_Core[TK]D-Fender: thank you :) I was thinking about writing PHP script for this...
12:36.02Kernel_Corebut I think with dialplan I can handle it ....
12:36.12styelzyea no probs
12:36.31*** join/#asterisk drutlandxpt (n=drutland@
12:36.51[TK]D-FenderKernel_Core: PHP would let you do a bit more including beter backend storage but it depends how far you want to go with this.
12:37.10[TK]D-FenderKernel_Core: First, why 8 hrs/day/channel?
12:37.34drutlandxptdoes anyone have any information on using multiple pris? i have a digium card but i cannot get it to register my second set of pris
12:37.57DovidTK: I am having a problem using the H paramter in the dial string
12:38.27*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
12:38.36Kernel_Core[TK]D-Fender: I am going to do Termination in Teheran ( IRan ) It's illegal , and I found some solution which it is hard for them to trace ...
12:38.50Kernel_Coreone of the solution is limiting the outgoing calls ...
12:38.59Dovidwhen I make a call and press *  to hang up
12:39.01[TK]D-FenderKernel_Core: Never mind then.... the ninjas are already on their way....
12:39.02Dovidi get this in the CLI
12:39.03Dovid-- Attempting native bridge of SIP/XXX.XX.XX.XXX-08cb4290 and SIP/carrier_cool-08ce9d58
12:39.10styelzheh lol
12:39.39Dovideach time i press the * key that what shows up in the CLI
12:40.44Kernel_Core[TK]D-Fender: thank you for solution :) I will play with it and ...
12:41.11[TK]D-FenderKernel_Core: Leave behind a very messy stain... yes, I know....
12:42.37Kernel_Core[TK]D-Fender: I don't care about them ...
12:42.49DovidTK: See my question?
12:43.02Kernel_CoreI am thinking about my project ... and who knows ? :P maybe one day I become asterisk sponser :P
12:43.48Kernel_Coreyou pay 0.5 cent/minutes and you sell 5cents/minute :P
12:44.30Kernel_Corehave a nice time...
12:46.28[TK]D-FenderDovid: No, I've seen some statements however.
12:46.29disposabledoes anybody here use GXP2000? what's your experience with firmware? should i upgrade? to which one?
12:46.37cpmlose money on ever deal, but make it up in volume.
12:46.57zumbushHow do i record incoming calls as to capture dtmf audio. Can i just use Record()?
12:47.03[TK]D-Fenderdisposable: if what you have works (or well enough), leave well enough alone.
12:47.25[TK]D-Fenderzumbush: record won't do DTMF unless your channel is sending them inband.
12:47.38zumbushohh... how then any idea?
12:47.39disposable[TK]D-Fender, that's the thing. i've six of them and 1 changes volume in the middle of phonecall. or goes completely silent.
12:48.08jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
12:48.11jbotwell, grandstream is the Yugo of VoIP hardware.  Run.  Run away now.
12:48.21*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
12:48.31[TK]D-Fenderdisposable: Then jsut do it, how much WOSRE can it get? (Me watches Murphy do his magic)
12:48.43shido6watch for the mushroom cloud
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12:49.47[TK]D-Fendershido6: A mushroom cloud on the horizon, 17 empty missile slios...... NOW its "Miller Time" (tm) !
12:50.10DovidTK: here it is again
12:50.18DovidTK: I am having a problem using the H paramter in the dial string
12:50.24Dovidwhen I make a call and press *  to hang up
12:50.31Dovidi get this in the CLI
12:50.34Dovid-- Attempting native bridge of SIP/XXX.XX.XX.XXX-08cb4290 and SIP/carrier_cool-08ce9d58
12:51.26Dovidit keeps repeating that over and over
12:51.49[TK]D-FenderDovid: have you disabled reinvites between them?
12:53.21shido6hrmm :)
12:53.29shido6do u have anything in features.conf ? :)
12:53.44Dovidshido6: checking now
12:54.18Dovidshid6: I have the basics
12:54.41*** join/#asterisk robl^ (n=robl@pdpc/supporter/monthlybyte/robl)
12:54.57Dovidblinxfer, disconnect, automon atxer
12:55.35Dovidi am a retard
12:55.36Dovidhang o
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13:02.48J4zenHow well/easy is trixbox to install with BRIstuff?
13:02.53*** part/#asterisk jmls (n=jmls@
13:02.54J4zenDoes anyone have any expierence?
13:04.22jbottrixbox is, like, a full linux distro that includes FreePBX, and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox seriously painful to support and hence you will find little help here for it.  Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & WIKI at
13:04.36[TK]D-FenderJ4zen: you are in the wrong channel to be asking that...
13:06.03J4zenWhy is that?
13:06.40J4zenis trixbox the competition or so?
13:06.43QwellI'm leeeeeavin' on a jet plane...  don't know when I'll be in Carefree
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13:06.56QwellJ4zen: see above.
13:07.04Qwellwe can't support it, because we don't know what it's doing
13:07.38davevg-btwtechqwell: leaving already? :)
13:07.47Qwellin about 20 minutes here
13:08.02*** join/#asterisk Titanous (i=Titanous@unaffiliated/titanous)
13:08.12davevg-btwtechi have many more hours to wait
13:08.14Qwelljust felt like breaking out into song early
13:08.23Qwellthat's a pretty rare occurance
13:09.00[TK]D-FenderQwell: Al-aqaba, JIHAD!!!!!! I mean..... have a nice trip! :p
13:09.09TitanousI'm installing zaptel/asterisk, In some places I've seen it installed just by doing "./configure;make install" is this correct, or should I do a make before make install?
13:09.09Qwell[TK]D-Fender: not at the airport yet :p
13:09.25QwellTitanous: it's usually a good idea to run make first..  I never do though
13:09.40[TK]D-FenderTitanous: For * 1.4 you should do "make menuconfig" to make sure the bits your want compiled in get done
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13:12.43Qwellman, waking up - late - with a headache, is unfun
13:12.57Dovidany one know what this means ?
13:12.57DovidOooh, got something to jump out with ('1')!
13:14.49[TK]D-Fender1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
13:15.36*** join/#asterisk Katty (
13:15.42QwellKatty: !
13:15.52[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
13:15.55QwellKatty: going to astricon?
13:16.08Kattyif i'm gone for a day, everyone seems to think it's the end of the world.
13:16.17Katty[TK]D-Fender: mew (=
13:16.46Corydon76-digKatty: wearing a business suit to work and taking a long lunch also tends to upset people...
13:16.59DovidTK: can u please explain ?
13:17.14KattyCorydon76-dig: i uh, don't own many suits ;)
13:17.25QwellCorydon76-dig: flying somewhere for a week, telling them you're going to your moms, and not having any answers for how Oregon is...also upsets people
13:17.29KattyCorydon76-dig: and i always have a spare pair of bluejeans at work.
13:17.29Dovidis this correct or am i abusing asterisk by doing this ?
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13:17.35KattyCorydon76-dig: i am NOT running cable in a skirt!
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13:17.48QwellCorydon76-dig: that's what I did when I came to Huntsville for the first time :p
13:17.57Corydon76-digKatty: If you suddenly show up to work in nice clothes and take an early and long lunch, they think you have an interview to attend
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13:18.07KattyCorydon76-dig: oh?
13:18.12KattyCorydon76-dig: odd. my company never thinks that.
13:18.21KattyCorydon76-dig: but then again, i do like getting a bit dolled up in the morning (=
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13:18.37Kattyminus the war paint. not a big fan of that stuff.
13:18.41Corydon76-digSame as when admins who usually wear jeans suddenly show up in a suit and tie
13:18.54Kattyi guess our company is just weird.
13:18.58Kattyor at least the IT dept.
13:19.05Kattythe other it guy is metro... so, yeah.
13:19.10QwellCorydon76-dig: I wonder if Danny wore a t-shirt/bluejeans on the day of his interview
13:19.16Qwellrather than a suit/tie
13:19.29Qwell"My, you look especially casual today"
13:19.43Corydon76-digQwell: You have to admit, Danny in jeans looks rather odd
13:19.56Qwelldon't think I've ever seen it
13:20.06ManxPowerI always tried to wear a suit at least once a year to work, then take a long lunch.
13:20.09Kattythe office manager would get onto me a lot.. i'd wear blue jeans to work on a day that wasn't friday... because i had a job that required me getting into tight and icky areas to run cable (attic)
13:20.12DovidQwell: Is this abusing asterisk ?
13:20.13ManxPowerBest to keep management scared
13:20.13robl^I did that once.  Typically wear khakis and polo.  Showed up one day in a suit and tie...  and had a limo to pick me up for lunch. ;-)
13:20.31Kattyshe'd be all, "i didn't know it was casual friday!" and i'd say "well, you're livin in the past deary!"
13:20.43Kattyand just walk away. pissed her off so much that she couldn't do anything about it (=
13:21.03QwellKatty: yeah, good luck trying to enforce any type of dress-code on an admin
13:21.31KattyQwell: it won't work. geeks will be geeks.
13:21.44davevg-btwtechDovid: maybe rework that, by adding the g flag to the dial, and have the goto in _X.,2 ?
13:21.47KattyQwell: and our young emo telemarketers will be.. emo
13:22.11Kattyand whine to me over their break that their hair is messed up and their life sucks making phone calls.
13:22.45Doviddavevg-btwtech: I dont understand what u ,ean
13:23.55davevg-btwtechyou are calling exten 123, which goes to the wildcard exten, when it hangs up you want to prompt them for another number to dial
13:24.18davevg-btwtechuse the g flag in the dial app to continue on with the _X. exten
13:24.19Dovidthat works
13:24.29Dovidbut as soon as they hit in dtmf call drops
13:24.33Dovidlet me try g option
13:24.34davevg-btwtechand make the next priority the goto, not in the h extension
13:25.30Qwelland away I go
13:25.41Doviddavevg-btwtech: The issue is that the CALLER wants to hang up
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13:28.49ManxPowerIIRC, the "h
13:28.50ManxPower" option will do that.
13:28.55Doviddavevg-btwtech: any suggestions /
13:30.44[TK]D-FenderDovid: If you want the caller to hang up, just have them... HANGUP.
13:30.56DovidTK: sotrry
13:31.01ManxPowerdocelmo: Maybe you can read "show application dial" and see if anything jumps out at you.
13:31.02Dovidgoing 3 days on 5 hours of sleep
13:31.02[TK]D-FenderDovid: Thats what the "h" **** Standard Extensions **** is for
13:31.10[TK]D-FenderDovid: Approaching parity!
13:31.23Dovidlet me explain what I am trying to do
13:31.30[TK]D-FenderDovid: No need
13:31.41[TK]D-FenderDovid: You want to handle "X", and we just answered!
13:31.42DovidCaller Places a call, presses ## to end call and start a new one,
13:32.03[TK]D-FenderDovid: All withing the system"  then "h" dial option.
13:32.12Corydon76-digYou're trying to emulate TNT functionality
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13:33.07Dovidexactly. I am using H option (for the caller to disconnect the call) but I want them to be able to make a new call.
13:35.07ManxPowerDovid:  Too bad there's not special extension the dialplan will go to when one person in a call hangs up.
13:35.12ManxPowerOh, wait!  There IS!
13:36.03DovidManxPower: EXACTLY !!!!!!!!!
13:36.26Dovidthis is what I have
13:36.27ManxPowerOf course there is always the w/W option and features.conf
13:38.14adeelis there a speedial function in asterisk?
13:38.21DovidManxPower; H option in dial command allows caller to press * to hang up call (and send it to the h extension), then the h extension plays a message to enter the number to cal. At this point it is where it breaks. what am i not explaining you ? (I must be just be  missing a %$^$^& detail)
13:39.21Corydon76-digadeel: yes, it's called the dialplan
13:39.28[TK]D-Fenderadeel: Go create it.
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13:40.12ManxPowerDovid: you don't want to do anything other than a Goto out of the "h" extension
13:40.23ManxPowerExactly how does it break at that point?
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13:43.10DovidManxPower: that is exatly what I have in the h extension
13:43.11Dovida goto
13:43.21Dovidit then plays my file again asking for the number
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13:43.33Dovidas soon as i press any button the phone the phone call gets dumped.
13:43.37Dovidlet me get a debug
13:43.56ManxPowerbintut: Excellent question.  The only time I have experienced that issue is when the POTs line did not have disconnect supervision AND one leg of the call is not a human.
13:44.31ManxPoweri.e. incoming call from PSTN via POTS line and the call goes to an IVR or voicemail.
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13:45.34ManxPowerDovid: you might consider looking at calling card apps for Asterisk.  They need to do something similar to what you need to do.
13:45.52ManxPowerFortunatly I can tell my users "Get over it, hang up and dial your next call."
13:46.07HaMYaII connected Dialogic's FXO to Digium's FXS, when FXS side hangs up I just hear the hangup tones on FXO side
13:46.45HaMYaIbut it just doesn't hang up, is there a way I can modify hang up tones on asterisk?
13:46.54ManxPowerHaMYaI: *nod*  I don't believe that Digium FXS can provide the correct disconnect supervsion
13:47.03Corydon76-digHaMYaI: are you using FXOKS on the Asterisk side?
13:47.06DovidManxPower: that is what we do now and they arr nothappy ;)
13:47.14Dovidi am going to look at a2billing in a bit
13:47.20Corydon76-digManxPower: actually, Asterisk can and does, if you use kewlstart
13:47.27HaMYaICorydon76-dig: yes fxoks
13:47.32ManxPowerCorydon76-dig: When did that start?
13:47.35ManxPowerIt never worked for me.
13:47.46[TK]D-FenderManxPower: FXS doesn't NEED disconnect supervision...
13:47.51Corydon76-digHaMYaI: then your dialogic cards are not employing remote disconnect supervision
13:48.34[TK]D-FenderManxPower: When the circuit goes back to normal load there isn't an FXS device I've every heard of in any form that doesn't know the phones hung up.
13:48.37ManxPowerCorydon76-dig: come to think of it, an FXS port on hook should always be detected.  HaMYaI is VERY confused about something.
13:48.43HaMYaICorydon76-dig: I had to modify the tone's frequencies to make it work normally
13:49.06Corydon76-digHaMYaI: it has NOTHING to do with tones
13:49.21ManxPowerHaMYaI: if you unplug the Asterisk FXS from the Dialogic FXO, does the dialogic see the line hungup?
13:49.40Corydon76-digHaMYaI: it has to do with a temporary drop in battery
13:50.07HaMYaICorydon76-dig: revserse polarity right?
13:50.32HaMYaICorydon76-dig: but I normally use connection tones and that worked
13:50.34Corydon76-digHaMYaI: only if you configure it that way.  Some countries do things differently
13:51.05ManxPowerDovid: rename features.conf and try it again.
13:51.27Corydon76-digHaMYaI: the issue is probably that you haven't matched up modes between the two cards' drivers
13:52.10Corydon76-digIt's pretty easy to miss.  Many systems have disconnect supervision turned off by default
13:52.26Corydon76-digWHY, I have no idea
13:52.44DovidManxPower: please explain
13:53.07ManxPowerDovid: well the debug is showing that res_Features is handling something.
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13:53.21ManxPowerso disable it and see if it acts differently.
13:54.01ManxPoweralso, I must have missed the Dial line in the debug.
13:54.02HaMYaIManxPower: I unplugged the FXS and the FXO still doesn't recognise
13:54.26ManxPowerHaMYaI: What system is the FXO port on?
13:54.56HaMYaIManxPower: not astterisk, it's SCO UNIX + Dialogic cards
13:55.35ManxPowerHaMYaI: I really can't help you.
13:56.40HaMYaICorydon76-dig: but is there a way to modify disconnection tones in asterisk?
13:56.50bintutManxPower: how did you finally managed to fix the zap issue then?
13:57.32bintutManxPower: i'm talking about the fxo here..
13:57.33ManxPowerbintut: which specific zap issue?
13:57.52ManxPowerbintut: oh, I got a line that had far end disconnect supervision
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13:58.03Corydon76-digHaMYaI: let me be a little clearer.  THERE ARE NO TONES.
13:58.38ManxPowerCorydon76-dig: I suspect he has FXO/FXS confused.
13:58.38bintutManxPower: when fxo either receives or initiated a call from/to a telephone through pots
13:58.51HaMYaICorydon76-dig: i see
13:59.21Dovidah ok
13:59.21ManxPowerbintut: As I said, I got a line that did disconnect supervision.
13:59.22Dovidhang on
13:59.29ManxPowermost USA lines do, most PBX lines do not.
13:59.55bintutManxPower: it's been months already that this problem didn't occured on my setup until today when i found out that the fxo zap channel was not released
14:00.19ManxPowerso what changed?
14:00.27bintutManxPower: nothing
14:00.50ManxPowerYou must have an infestation of telecom gnomes.  There is no other explaination.
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14:01.14bintuti'm wondering if this is a problem with the asterisk that i have or it's my pstn provider
14:01.23ManxPowersomething changed.
14:03.19ManxPowerbintut: when the far end of the call hangs up (the end on the PSTN) the telco is supposed to remove power from the line for .5 second.  Asterisk will see this and hangup the port.
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14:03.57jcanfieldWoo! FedEx just dropped off TFOT2.
14:04.15bintut*CLI> core show channels
14:04.16bintutChannel              Location             State   Application(Data)
14:04.16bintutZap/4-1              s@trunkline:3        Up      Congestion()
14:04.41[TK]D-Fenderbintut: Yup, and you should NOT let it SIT in congestion like that
14:04.54[TK]D-Fenderbintut: Should do Congestion(5), and then HANGUP <-----
14:05.36[TK]D-Fenderbintut: Because Congestion() alone will NOT HANGUP THE LINE.  Meaning if you have poor disconnect supervision you're going to tie that line up FOREVER
14:05.46bintut[TK]D-Fender: what do you mean by "Congestion(5)"?  sounds like a manpage?
14:06.01anagoorhello. can someone help me with a particular configuration? I have a hunt group number setup with 5 numbers in the local context + 1 number that is reached through an IAX trunk. My problem is that the IAX trunk does not seem to pass the DIALSTATUS codes. As such if the "IAX user" has DND set, the number is automatically redirected to his voicemail even if the other numbers in the huntgroup...
14:06.02[TK]D-Fenderbintut: Congestion has a PARAMETER you8 know......
14:06.03anagoor...are reachable
14:06.15[TK]D-Fenderbintut: Next time read the INSTRUCTIONS for the apps you're using.
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14:07.31bintut[TK]D-Fender: thanks.. i missed it actually..
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14:15.55bintuti already set to 3 seconds and it works
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14:16.58Dovid[Laptop]Manx: i disabled it and get the same result
14:17.58bintutnow, when my analog phone which is connected to my fxs port hangs up the call from a mobile phone (3g) caller, the mobile phone just hear a busy tone but still connected somehow and after sometime, it hears nothing and still connected.. where's the problem for this issue?
14:19.39Dovid[Laptop]Pinging ManxPower:
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14:26.12nephflwhat is a good simple autodialer script for asterisk?
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14:29.03[TK]D-Fendernephfl: Clarify your definition o f"autodialer"
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14:30.05mvanbaak[TK]D-Fender: read the mail on asterisk-users list ?
14:30.10aikanaro79can I use a SIP SUBSCRIBE request so that I can be notified of other users logging in to the same asterisk server I'm logged in?
14:30.14[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: nope.
14:30.28mvanbaakmeh, they are talking about your sence of humor
14:30.36lirakisany one have the new ATFOT book yet?
14:30.42[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: Link me to the web archive :)
14:30.48mvanbaakhang on
14:31.04[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: I could use a good laugh....
14:31.10lirakisive already ordered it.. im just curious on others thoughts...
14:31.35[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: I has excellent ballistics properties while still in shrink-wrap!
14:33.16[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: I've had it for over a week now and haven't read any of it yet :)  I need to map it out so I know where to point people to now...
14:33.42nephflOk, i need to setup a system for political polling and broadcast messages with tranfer to another number, I can write a script myself, but i would rather have something simple to automate the whole process
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14:34.28nephfli have tried installing vicidial and didnt really get anywhere because it was more complicated than necessary so i started again
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14:34.43DovidPinging MansPower
14:34.43mvanbaakok, I'm going home
14:34.46mvanbaaklatero all
14:35.52[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: A rather insightful post actually and well grounded.
14:36.17[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: And I completely accept my classification for unique sense of humour.
14:36.57[TK]D-Fendernephfl: Go check the WIKI and be prepared to simply script up a bunch of .call files or something....
14:37.50[TK]D-Fendernephfl: I should join the users list....
14:37.55[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: rather
14:38.55aikanaro79is there a way for a sip client to ask for a list of registered users from an asterisk server? (programatically)
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14:41.09spqis it possible to connect to any voiceserver when a call comes in? (teamspeak,ventrilo,mumble,...)
14:42.49[TK]D-Fenderaikanaro79: SIP client, no
14:43.18[TK]D-Fenderspq: Go write the channel driver yourself.
14:43.53lirakis[TK]D-Fender: ha ha.. well i will try and pay attention when i read it so i know what you are referencing when i ask questiosn
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14:44.06jcanfieldlirakis: I just got the book today.  Vast improvement over ver 1  ...thick, many trees killed!
14:44.12aikanaro79[TK]D-Fender: by using sip SUBSCRIBE can't one achieve the same result?
14:44.54[TK]D-Fenderaikanaro79: It will tell you the status, but * won't notify on "regster".  SUBSCRIBES are supposed to indicate state, and "newly registered" isn't onwe of them
14:44.55lirakisjcanfield: yeah i saw it in the book store.. i picked it up and got to flip through it..   I am happy to have a more complete reference
14:46.04aikanaro79[TK]D-Fender: even if I leave the Event header empty? i've seen somewhere (on the web) that one could do it to be notified of everything (but asterisk probably won't work this way is that it?)
14:46.44[TK]D-Fenderaikanaro79: Correct.  there is no "Hi I'm here now" 1-shot notice for this.
14:46.50jcanfieldlirakis: Maybe we should just call it the "Phone Book"  ...TK wasn't kidding about ballistics properties.
14:47.18aikanaro79[TK]D-Fender: do you have any suggestions as to how I could solve this "problem"?
14:47.48[TK]D-Fenderaikanaro79: Currently for example if a phone is NOT reachable for inquiries on a Polycom phone it will FLASH as off-line.  Bet the EVENT of becoming available does not have an action associated with it.  Rememebr the "available" is a message receive when coming online or ANY OTHER change of status.
14:48.04[TK]D-Fenderaikanaro79: So if they're ont he phone, going back to "AVAILABLE" is the SAME MESSAGE
14:48.27lirakisjcanfield: lol ..
14:48.37[TK]D-Fenderjcanfield: Just look what Jason Bourne did with one!
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14:49.00lirakisjcanfield: when i was in college i used to practice air gun shooting against old books.. thick stacks of paper can stop lead
14:49.30[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Guns were designed to kill PEOPLE, not LUMBER
14:49.33lirakisjcanfield: i think .. i saw some where in Malaysia.. they make bulletproof vests out of silk and paper.. .. kind of interesting
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14:50.01lirakis[TK]D-Fender:.. i dont think airguns are designed to kill anything
14:50.15lirakis[TK]D-Fender: maybe rats
14:50.19aikanaro79[TK]D-Fender: so if I need to know all available users my client would prabably have to know them (and just change their status according to an event message such as AVAILABLE) is that it?
14:50.47aikanaro79I mean know them in advance as opposite to find them out by inquiring asterisk for them
14:50.53[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Peace of mind destroyer : a CZ-52 firing a .32 Tokarev round cuts through Class 3 kevlar like rice paper and can be had at a street value of 150$.
14:51.27[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: invest in ceramic plate body armor now...
14:51.45lirakis[TK]D-Fender: .. i dont invest in any kind of body armor
14:51.53[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Sleep lightly :p
14:52.15_x86_hmm... interesting... I have 18 POTS lines in a channel group for inbound calls. When someone calls in on one of the POTS lines, and the call is transferred from the main receptionist (SIP) to one of the salesmen (ZAP channels off of an FXS channel bank), no one can call in on the inbound POTS channel group
14:52.21[TK]D-Fenderaikanaro79: "available" **IS** the status.
14:52.27_x86_why would that be?
14:52.34[TK]D-Fenderaikanaro79: What exactly are you trying to do?
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14:53.56aikanaro79[TK]D-Fender: i need to build a sip client to make conference calls using an asterisk's supposed to work on a private lan...this way I'd need to know who is "online" so that I could know who can be called
14:53.57_x86_[TK]D-Fender: hey man :)
14:54.57_x86_aikanaro79: you could invite the SIP endpoints to a "phantom" extension, and see if they try to reach it
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14:55.13[TK]D-Fenderaikanaro79: Just presence board would do taht...
14:55.35aikanaro79[TK]D-Fender: sorry, what's that?
14:55.37[TK]D-Fenderaikanaro79: You don't need a WARNING when  someone comes online.  You jsut need to SEE that they are beefore transferring a call
14:56.04_x86_[TK]D-Fender: any ideas on my issue?
14:56.15Qwell[HSV][TK]D-Fender: Now you can
14:56.42[TK]D-Fender_x86_: Guess your telco isn't doing line hunting
14:57.11stimpiecould someone explain why the Dial command creates 1 cdr when it is succesfull and 2 when it fails?
14:57.24[TK]D-FenderQwell[HSV]: can what?
14:57.52codefreezestimpie: what version of asterisk?
14:57.59Qwell[HSV]codefreeze: !
14:58.04Qwell[HSV]codefreeze: when do you get in?
14:58.30codefreezeQwell[HSV]: around 3:30 in Phoenix
14:58.36Qwell[HSV]ahh, cool
14:58.41Qwell[HSV]you're pretty close, right?
14:58.44Qwell[HSV]I mean...relatively
14:59.06codefreezeI guess. I fly at 11:30 or so... to SLC, then phoenix
14:59.47codefreezestimpie: when the call fails, what are the two channnels in the cdrs reported?
15:00.06Qwell[HSV]SLC...that's an odd airport
15:00.48codefreezeQwell[HSV]: how so?
15:01.07Qwell[HSV]just is..  I wandered around it for a few minutes once
15:01.35Qwell[HSV]I'm sure the city itself is nice..  I wouldn't know - I didn't have a chance to go outside
15:04.10codefreezeQwell[HSV]: too bad! My favorite is the visitors centers at Temple Square.
15:04.14stimpiecodefreeze: there is one cdr with empty channels
15:04.26Qwell[HSV]I should go to SLC one day
15:04.38Qwell[HSV]thats like right on the Oregon/Utah border, right?
15:04.53Qwell[HSV](does Oregon share a border with Utah? O.o)
15:04.56stimpiecodefreeze: the other cdr has two sip channels
15:05.02putnopvutQwell no
15:05.08Qwell[HSV]I suck at the geography
15:05.09putnopvutQwell[HSV]: no rather.
15:05.33Qwell[HSV]what is it then, CA/Utah?
15:05.35codefreezeQwell[HSV]: SLC is in the middle of the state; well, a bit north of the center...
15:05.47putnopvutIt borders Colorado and Wyoming on the east, Nevada on the west, Arizona to the South, and I think Idaho to the north
15:06.00Qwell[HSV]oh, further east than I thought
15:06.05Qwell[HSV]oh, I see...
15:06.22Qwell[HSV]Idaho/WY on the north
15:06.39Qwell[HSV]codefreeze: So you're just a hop and a skip away from SLC then, eh?
15:08.46stimpiecoderfreeze: the channels are:
15:09.01codefreezeQwell[HSV]: yep, just an hour and half in a prop plane
15:09.27Qwell[HSV]heh, I once took a crop duster (not really) from Minneapolis to Appleton, WI
15:09.42Qwell[HSV]that flight was so scary, it isn't even funny
15:09.58codefreezeappleton, eh? I grew up in Wausau... not far off
15:10.38Qwell[HSV]I couldn't live in a place like that during the winter...
15:11.13Qwell[HSV] thank you
15:11.47holiday_42it's not normally that bad
15:11.54*** join/#asterisk ai-a (
15:11.54aikanaro79[TK]D-Fender: how can I enable presence board in asterisk and then access it from "the outside" (i.e. client application)?
15:11.56codefreezeQwell[HSV]: just dress up warm outside, and crank up the heat inside. You'd survive..!
15:11.57Qwell[HSV]no, but it's also not uncommon at all
15:12.14Qwell[HSV]-30f (plus windchill on top of that) is quite common in that area...
15:12.35holiday_42nah, what really sucks is the winters are so long
15:12.44Qwell[HSV]like 11 months?  heh
15:13.15jcanfieldcodefreeze: Not to mention you could have a few wives to keep you warm.  :P  JK, I grew up in UT.
15:13.25holiday_42oh boy
15:13.54codefreezestimpie: I'll be investigating that more next week; but its root cause comes from the fact that all channels now have a cdr created at birth... I've put in some code to prevent unanswered CDR's from being output, but there are folks that WANT those unanswered CDR's. Amazing.
15:14.25stimpieit could be interresting for statistics
15:14.46codefreezejcanfield: Well, personally, my one wife is just fine for me. We'll be 25 years together at the end of the year...
15:14.53*** part/#asterisk Qwell[HSV] (n=north@
15:15.14holiday_42one is quite enough for me too
15:15.42[TK]D-Fenderaikanaro79: AMI, etc...
15:15.46*** join/#asterisk qdk_ (
15:15.59[TK]D-Fenderaikanaro79: Go llookup FOP, etc...
15:17.09*** join/#asterisk hfb (
15:17.18jcanfieldcodefreeze: Congrats!
15:19.47codefreezejcanfield: many thanks. Sonya is in all ways by far my superior. I am lucky to have her.
15:20.12*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
15:20.18jcanfieldcodefreeze: u live in SLC?
15:21.50zumbushanyone know i Asterisk 1.4 is better when it comes to DTMF detection?
15:22.06zumbushthan 1.2
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15:24.06[TK]D-Fenderzumbush: Yes, much
15:24.19zumbushoki thx... il have to update then :-P
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15:40.04codefreezejcanfield: nope, I'm north of Cody, WY
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15:45.32*** join/#asterisk soulfreshner (
15:46.10soulfreshneranybody here using asterisk compiled for windows?
15:46.21GoRKdoes that actually work
15:46.28soulfreshnerI can't seem to dial from the console
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15:46.35soulfreshnerGoRK, works very nicely
15:46.48soulfreshner'cept that windows can't use alsa or oss
15:47.10holiday_42last I seen it, it was old vers.  didn't work for me, i use vmware to run linux box w/*
15:47.15soulfreshnerso I was wondering if there is some other lib I can use
15:47.29*** join/#asterisk mangolian (
15:47.48soulfreshnerversion 1.2 seems to be working fine - not even stability issues... yet
15:48.09[TK]D-Fender* does not run on windows.  Having it running in a virtualized *NIX environment doesn't count.
15:48.28soulfreshnerwell - this one runs in windows
15:48.39soulfreshnercompile into an exe using cygwin
15:49.03[TK]D-Fendersoulfreshner: Congratualtions, embedding your virtualized environment INTO a binary... even MORE real... only NOT.
15:49.15blitzragecodefreeze: when do you arrive in PHX?
15:49.27codefreeze3:30 about.
15:49.29blitzragenice nice
15:49.37codefreezewhy nice?
15:49.56*** join/#asterisk afrosheen (n=cj@
15:50.13soulfreshnerI don't think it's embedded - it's just a unix-like environment, but it's not emmulated...
15:50.24afrosheenquick show of hands, Asterisk 1.2.x branch or 1.4.x branch
15:50.48holiday_421.4... but it doesn't count... i guess ;)
15:50.57blitzragecodefreeze: I have no tricks, I just want to meet you in person :)
15:51.15blitzragecodefreeze: and I might try and find a bug today for you to fix, hehehehe :)   (joking!)
15:51.40afrosheenok I need a tie breaker
15:51.44codefreezeblitzrage: it will truly be a pleasure to meet you at last. See ya there!
15:51.55blitzrageawesome... see ya soon!
15:51.57*** join/#asterisk snook3r (
15:52.23codefreezeOK, all, gtg, finish packing, and run to Cody to fly. Have fun!
15:52.24mvanbaak[TK]D-Fender: yeah, it was a very good post to the users list
15:52.34mvanbaakyou too codefreeze
15:53.17mvanbaakme too
15:53.24mvanbaaktoo expensive for me to fly there
15:53.30lirakisasterisk world will have to suffice.. but .. its not the same
15:54.39*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
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15:57.22*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
15:58.27disposablemy asterisk is behind a NAT (small netgear router/adsl modem). it has a static address i use an IAX trunk to connect to my ITSP. the router redirects all relevant ports to i set /etc/asterisk/sip_nat.conf to include externip = my_external_ip and localnet = my_network_ip/netmask. /etc/hosts includes loopback address with localhost, asterisk1.local and localhost.localdomain in it. yet i am still not able
15:58.27disposableto make a phonecall or be dialled in. is there a step i am forgetting?
15:58.32jcanfieldlirakis: What is the diff between atricon and ast world?
16:00.25lirakisjcanfield: a lot... asterisk world isnt .. as "hard core" if you will.. nor is it as good a time.. astrisk world is 2 days in boston.. a few presentations etc.
16:00.47afrosheenlirakis, what time of the year in Boston?
16:00.58lirakisafrosheen: oct 30-31
16:01.04[TK]D-Fenderdisposable: And what ports exactly did you forward to *?
16:01.10afrosheenlate october in boston, doesn't sound like a good time
16:01.32*** join/#asterisk EricL (
16:02.09EricLIf I have a context in extensions.conf and then try to use the same context in extensions.ael, does one clobber the other or will all extensions apply in that context (assuming no overlaps)?
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16:02.59disposable[TK]D-Fender, udp5060, udp5060-5082, tcp5060, udp10000-20000
16:03.18[TK]D-Fenderdisposable: WRONG PORTS <-------
16:03.37disposable[TK]D-Fender, thank God! i thought it was something else....
16:03.51holiday_42thats not iax, is it
16:04.05disposableaaaah it's sip
16:04.18disposable[TK]D-Fender, which ones are for iax?
16:04.30jcanfieldlirakis: Wish I would have known about astricon year perhaps.
16:04.31[TK]D-Fenderdisposable: 4569 UDP
16:04.37[TK]D-Fenderdisposable: its time to read the BIG PRINT
16:04.59disposable[TK]D-Fender, :) is that the only one?
16:05.23*** part/#asterisk neverblue (n=neverblu@unaffiliated/neverblue)
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16:07.11disposable[TK]D-Fender, thank you, i've already found an article about this on voip-info
16:08.36[TK]D-Fenderdisposable: Yes, it is the only port....
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16:17.35_x86_wow... did anyone know that Atacomm took a nose dive?
16:17.43_x86_didn't see that one coming
16:19.22Strom_Mold news is ooooooooooooooooooooold
16:19.32*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=hardcore@
16:19.35crimethinkerscox is up to 17 cents!
16:19.58holiday_42isn't that due to be delisted soon?
16:20.36crimethinkerThursday, iirc.
16:20.41coppicechapter 11 has done wonders for them
16:21.30[TK]D-FenderSCO : So long ass-hats...
16:22.01*** join/#asterisk variable_office (
16:22.26variable_officecan asterisk talk to postgresql directly now, or does it still need to do this through odbc, with asterisk 1.4
16:22.40putnopvutvariable_office: it can talk directly in 1.4
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16:23.40variable_officeputnopvut, so just use the same conf style as in res_odbc.conf?
16:23.43variable_officethats nifty!
16:25.56variable_officedoes anyone happen to know where i can get the schema that asterisk needs for pgsql to function with asterisk?
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16:29.24deeganIs anyone heter using queuestats from asterisk?
16:29.33Corydon76-digvariable_office: for what purpose?
16:29.49variable_officefor sip users and voicemail
16:30.04Corydon76-digvoicemail storage or configuration?
16:30.27Corydon76-digConfiguration is done through realtime
16:30.38variable_officeactually: sip users, voicemail conf, voicemail storage, and cdr
16:30.57*** join/#asterisk pirulo (n=andres_p@
16:31.36[TK]D-Fenderdeegan: Yes.
16:31.39Corydon76-digI recommend that you read doc/voicemail_odbc_postgresql.txt and doc/realtime.txt
16:33.15Corydon76-digI also recommend that you do NOT use realtime extensions
16:33.51deegan[TK]D-Fender: Oh nice, i'm having an issue with getting it to load my Did you have any problems with getting it working? I know i'm generalising very much here but bare with me, :)
16:33.51variable_officewhat is wrong with realtime extensions out of curiousity (i ran everything in odbc in ast1.2 so i am not too far out of the loop)
16:34.11deegan[TK]D-Fender: did you by any chance recompile the php that came with zend?
16:34.49[TK]D-Fenderdeegan: See first your asked a ridiculously vague question if anyone use Queue stats, not you're not only assuming I'm doing it via a DB, but now rather specifically PGSQL.
16:34.50Corydon76-digThere are better ways to integrate your dialplan with a database.  The whole configuration leaves a lot to be desired.  A good number of things simply don't work with realtime extensions
16:35.07[TK]D-Fenderdeegan: And now asking about Zend & PHP too?
16:35.20variable_officeya, i ended up dumping extensions in sql
16:35.39deegan[TK]D-Fender: Just say no if you dont know or if that's not the case. :)
16:35.43*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (n=ckwall@
16:35.48Corydon76-digvariable_office: func_odbc is the major new addition in 1.4 that allows better database integration without putting the whole dialplan in a database
16:36.41mxmassterconfiguration question, i want to have what is advertised as an extension 101 (business cards, voicemail directory, internal callerid, etc...)
16:36.51[T]ankwhen i am watching a call on the CLI>  I am seeing this when the call ends:
16:36.59deegan[TK]D-Fender: also i was not aware that the queue-stats from asteriskguru was running with anything else than postgresql.
16:37.04mxmassterbut in reality i want 101 to be a hunt group that forwards calls to two extensions at the same time
16:37.06[T]anki have verified sox is installed and such... what else would cause this?
16:37.16mxmassterwhat is the best way to configure this?
16:37.51mxmassteroh and the person who is supposed to be 101, should be able to see/check voicemail from their phone (extension 105) by pressing the messages button
16:38.17*** join/#asterisk Pazzo (
16:38.20[TK]D-Fenderdeegan: Oh, and now you're assuming I'm using some specific 3rd party's solution too!?!?!
16:38.52[TK]D-Fenderdeegan: Put. Down. The. Crack. Pipe. (c) JerJer
16:39.10JerJerpatent pending
16:41.57deegan[TK]D-Fender: So i take it you have no idea what this is then, could have just said that right away or asked a followup question like "it depends on what you mean by queue-stats." but i guess that's too much to ask for ey, you love the sarcasm i get it. :)
16:42.19JerJerthis is IRC yo
16:43.02styelzoh shit
16:43.09*** join/#asterisk Titanous (i=Titanous@unaffiliated/titanous)
16:43.21[T]ankstyelz: done
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16:53.11EricLIf I have a context in extensions.conf and then try to use the same context in extensions.ael, does one clobber the other or will all extensions apply in that context (assuming no overlaps)?
16:57.13*** part/#asterisk [T]ank (n=ckwall@
16:57.37tzafrir_homeEricL, I'm not sure that the result is well-defined.
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16:57.48JerJerEricL:  i presume it has to be globally unique, so whichever gets loaded first will be the one that works
16:58.04tzafrir_homeI suspect that reloading modules in a different order will give different results
16:58.12elriahOn Polycom 601 phones with 1 sidecar, how do I get my "buddies" to show up on the sidecar only?  The speed dials seem to want to start with my line buttons on the main phone ...
16:58.27EricLSo that means if
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16:58.43JerJerelriah:  hints ?  i have really no clue
16:58.50EricLI want to do something in AEL for a specific context, that I have to re-write everything in that context into AEL?
16:58.51[TK]D-FenderJerJer: Sorry, you can't really patent English words like that... You can trade-mark a special complete phrase or copyright a complete text though :p
16:59.04*** join/#asterisk hfb (
16:59.09[TK]D-Fenderelriah: You need to fill the 601 before it spills.
16:59.20elriah[TK]D-Fender: Thanks.
16:59.26[TK]D-Fenderelriah: So eith fill with line-keys or speedi-dials..
16:59.27coppicea database company tried to trademark "English" a few years ago
17:00.13rob03com has the numerals 3, 5 and 9.
17:01.31Corydon76-digrob0: are they trying to tell us they're the Borg/
17:02.57coppiceThe trademark is bought to you by the letters C, O, M and the number 3.
17:04.00*** join/#asterisk |omni| (
17:04.12variable_officedo you still have to do rtcachefriends=yes in ast1.4 to get MWI workig with realtime?
17:04.36EricLShould I submit that as a bug?
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17:05.17putnopvutEricL: that doesn't sound like a bug to me.
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17:07.42coppiceCorydon76-dig: database companies come and go, and I can't remember their name. Something beginning with R
17:09.51coppicethe total datbase was the first software package to reach $100M in sales, and who can remember the developer of that? :-\
17:10.28coppiceto prove myself wrong, I just did - cincom
17:10.34elriahWow.  Presense is really easy with Polycom and Asterisk.  I'm going to update the wiki.
17:10.34_x86_anyone know what the exact name is for the IEC power cords that come with HP rackmount servers?
17:10.42_x86_(Proliant DL380 G5)
17:10.54_x86_elriah: url me
17:11.18coppiceIEC22 power cord, I guess
17:11.23elriah_x86_: url you what?
17:13.11[TK]D-Fenderelriah: Whats to update?
17:14.11elriah[TK]D-Fender: It wasn't clear to me when I went to try it, it just needs some clarification... The 'hint' priority isn't all that clear and if your sip peer names are different than the dialed extension it's worth noting how that works...
17:14.48elriahFor example, our peers are all <customer_id>.<extension>
17:15.04_x86_elriah: not IEC 320 C13?
17:15.14_x86_elriah: and not IEC 320 C19?
17:15.24elriah_x86_: Huh?
17:15.46elriahIs there any type of Presence with the Cisco 7940?
17:15.53[TK]D-Fenderelriah: tahts not a Polycom thing at all... and how would you DIAL "fred"?  Who said your SIP peer names had to be NUMBERS?
17:16.39[TK]D-Fenderelriah: We assume a certain minimum of intelligence, and where you see "exten => 100,hint,SIP/100" use your imagination and realize the exten doesn't HAVE to match the device its LOOKING AT
17:16.41elriah[TK]D-Fender: Right, like I said, the wiki confused me a bit until I figured it out.  I'm not a genious, mind
17:17.13[TK]D-Fenderelriah: You most certainly are a "genious"
17:17.31elriah[TK]D-Fender: genious = genius
17:17.42elriahOk, I'm out before I get the TK wrath...
17:17.49elriahThanks all.
17:18.02Dan0maN_Workyou'll get it weather you're here or not ;)
17:18.10coppicea spelling dee-
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17:24.26GoRKAnyone have polycom's technical bulletin 25751 that details the SRTP settings in 2.2.0? Been trying to get it from Polycom for a week now.
17:26.06[TK]D-FenderGoRK: Have your reseller call them up for you
17:27.08GoRKyeah my reseller was atacomm -- i say was because they have been 100% impossible to reach for the last 2 months and I have not looked into others yet
17:27.48[TK]D-FenderGoRK: Trust me... thats more like 100% impossible now :)
17:28.01Corydon76-digOh, did they tank?
17:28.20[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: Like Exxon-Valdez
17:28.22*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
17:29.10Corydon76-digAny idea of why?
17:29.52mxmassterhow do i disable the ael files from loading?
17:31.03_x86_Corydon76-dig: you didn't see my message earlier about atacomm being DOA now? :)
17:31.26davevg-btwtechmxmasster: iirc you add noload => in modules.conf
17:31.26Corydon76-dig_x86_: I probably was off taking a shower
17:31.29[TK]D-Fendermxmasster: "noload =>"  in modules.conf
17:32.46GoRK[TK]D-Fender: well at any rate I no longer have my reseller to go to bat with polycom for me. Shame really; I am very eager to get SRTP working on these phones so I can deploy them outside of VPN's
17:33.12_x86_GoRK: Asterisk supports SRTP now?
17:33.15[TK]D-FenderGoRK: get another reseller...
17:33.24[TK]D-Fender_x86_: I heard in trunk, yes
17:33.57GoRK_x86: well there is a patch.. not applied to trunk yet afaik, but I'd put in some work on it if I knew how to set up the phones
17:34.17GoRK[TK]D-Fender: that is the plan
17:34.43[TK]D-FenderGoRK: So... go get another reseller!
17:35.26_x86_GoRK: is great
17:35.34GoRK[TK]D-Fender: yeah i mean getting another reseller is the plan. i am totally on top of it! heh
17:35.37_x86_GoRK: I can get you in touch with the director of sales over there
17:38.01*** part/#asterisk robl^ (n=robl@pdpc/supporter/monthlybyte/robl)
17:38.28disposablewhat's the bindaddr = in iax.conf for? do i need to change that if i'm behind nat?
17:38.48mxmassterI am going through the configuration and just noticied the users.conf in 1.4
17:39.14[TK]D-Fenderdisposable: No, thats fine
17:39.22Corydon76-digdisposable: No, you generally do not want to change that
17:39.25mxmassterwhat references users.conf? It looks like voicemail, does it include into the default dialplan or sip.conf?
17:39.29disposablethank you
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18:00.02tripps[TK]D-Fender: we've got the mediant box  (unpacking it now)
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18:07.35drutlandxptcan anyone help me with configuring more than one pri?
18:07.49JerJerperhaps, if you ask a specific question
18:08.54AndrewGearhartanybody done any work with combining asterisk and Drupal?
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18:10.12drutlandxptwell i have a digium 4 port t1 card. I am trying to get all four pris to take calls. the first one works ok, but I get pri_dchannel: Ring requested on unconfigured channel 2/18 span 3
18:10.50drutlandxptI've tried placing them in one group, but that didn't help either
18:11.36[TK]D-Fenderdrutlandxpt: Apparently you HAVEN'T configured span 3.
18:11.56[TK]D-Fenderdrutlandxpt: And its associated channels.   So how about pastebin-ing your zaptel.conf & zapata.conf
18:12.00jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
18:13.36giesenI've got an asterisk queue problem I wonder if anyone can help me with
18:13.48giesenI'm using aastra 480i CT phones (4 lines)
18:14.00giesenwith all four lines configured for the same extension
18:14.03giesenthe problem is
18:14.11giesenwhen an agent is on a queue call
18:14.15giesenand another queue call comes in
18:14.21giesentheir phone still rings
18:14.34giesenI thought asterisk was smart enough to realize that extension is on a queue call
18:14.40giesenand not bother ringing it
18:14.59giesenI could configure another single line for queue calls
18:15.03giesenbut that's not idea
18:15.10giesenbecause if the user is on another call
18:15.14giesenthat's not a queue call
18:15.28giesenqueue calls will still come in
18:15.32[TK]D-Fenderdrutlandxpt: interesting.  Have you completely restarted *?
18:15.49sferleyIn asterisk 1.4.11 is there a problem with func_odbc being able to compile. it never shows as an option in menuconfig, even though cdr_odbc is there.. (unixodbc libs are installed)
18:15.52drutlandxpt[TK]D-Fender: multiple times
18:16.05[TK]D-Fenderdrutlandxpt: And one of those ports should be a SECONDARY timing source.  you skip from 1 to 3...
18:16.16[TK]D-Fenderdrutlandxpt: Actually... 3 TWICE
18:16.38[TK]D-Fenderdrutlandxpt: do "pri debug span 3", and prior do "zap show channels" as well.
18:16.50[TK]D-Fenderdrutlandxpt: And send in another call at verbose 10
18:16.59[TK]D-Fenderdrutlandxpt: pastebin EVERYTHING
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18:17.29drutlandxptok. give me a few minutes. i just changed the timing on it. I did have a 2 on the second span
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18:22.32giesenanyone with any ideas on how to achieve what I'm trying to do?
18:23.16jtexter3anyone here have experience using a TTY/TDD device going through asterisk ( TDD -> Rhino Channel Bank -> Zap card )?
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18:23.50jtexter3seems to dial too fast.  If I dial 914055551234, Asterisk only sees the 1, and says no match in my context
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18:36.40dijungaljtexter3: are you sure u'r not cutting out the number eg ${EXTEN:1}
18:38.30hmmhesayscan anyone recommend me some kind of managed switch that can act like a hub so I can take packet captures on my network?
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18:40.37syzygyBSDgood morning all
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18:47.00[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: A proper managed switch will let you SET your ports into promiscuuous mode.
18:47.24[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: I've seen that on my Linksys GBIT swithc, and my D-Link DES-1536 PoE Switch
18:48.40hmmhesayshrm, I'll have to check that out
18:48.48hmmhesaysI'd rather do that than put a hub in
18:48.51hmmhesayseven if it is a 100mbit hub
18:49.07twistedwe use 3COM Baseline 2824-SFP+
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18:49.22twistedgig switches
18:49.30twistedthey work great, and do what you're talking about as well
18:49.31gankhuuanyone here install asterisk on an Ubuntu distro?
18:49.50twistedgankhuu, yes
18:50.03gankhuuhow has it worked for you?
18:50.22gankhuuare you running server or desktop version?
18:51.05Corydon76-digServer, of course
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18:51.18Corydon76-digAsterisk does not need an X server getting in the way
18:51.46gankhuugreat. that is what I wanted to do
18:51.51[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: My * box probably has the biggest screen in the province... and yeah it needs X :p
18:52.10hmmhesaysI got a 22inch widescreen on mine
18:52.15gankhuuI have had it on Fedora for long time, but wanted to try something different
18:52.24twistedewww fedora
18:52.28hmmhesaysI love fedora for a desktop
18:52.35[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: thats a START I suppose, but doesn't hold a candle to mine ;)
18:52.52gankhuuI like Suse for desktop
18:53.05[TK]D-FenderI like OAK for a desktop.
18:53.09hmmhesaysfedora has gotten so much better in the last two releases
18:53.16hmmhesays6 was good, 7 is awesome
18:53.21coppiceI have rosewood for my desktop
18:53.25gankhuuhaven't messed with 7 yet
18:53.29twistedi'm running fc7 on this machine
18:53.38twistednot impressed.
18:53.58coppicefedora 6 only looks good because 3, 4 and 5 went so badly downhill
18:53.59hmmhesayswhat are you more impressed with?
18:54.20twistedlfs, gentoo, slackware, etc.
18:54.27hmmhesaysfor what purpose?
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18:55.00hmmhesaysmultimedia stuff is my main worry on a desktop machine
18:55.16hmmhesaysI want to be able to easily do all the multimedia stuff windows can do easily
18:55.32twistedin that case, you're fine with fedora :)
18:55.46afrosheendoes fedora strip mp3 support like rhel does?
18:55.48hmmhesaysthats my main concern for a desktop machine
18:55.51hmmhesaysyeah it does
18:56.02[TK]D-FenderI'm setting up a new iMac 20" 2ghz right now.....
18:56.18[TK]D-Fenderthe keyboard is maybe really nice/bad... I'm mixed
18:56.40hmmhesaysnothing you can't fix by adding a freshrpms repo
18:57.02afrosheenhmmhesays, oh I know all about working around RH's strictness, dag wieers saves me daily
18:57.43hmmhesaysif I had to recommend a linux distro to a windows user it would be fc7
18:58.01afrosheenhmmhesays, well then there's ubuntu with some tweaking that ends up being somewhat decent
18:58.37afrosheenI just can't maintain a ubuntu installation though...apt-get upgrade ends up breaking it all to hell eventually, I've tried 3 times over 3 years :(
18:58.37hmmhesaysmy roomate runs ubuntu and he is kind of a dumbass when it comes to anything computer so it must be good
18:59.19EricLafrosheen: I manage 19 KUbuntu installs, 1 debian and 21 Gentoo (not counting the virtualized stuff).
18:59.20[TK]D-FenderSlackware = super predictable.  CentOS has done rather well as well...
18:59.34EricLafrosheen: They are all pretty straightforward.
18:59.37afrosheenyeah I'm a big fan of RHEL and Centos
18:59.53afrosheenjust because I've yet to have an update leave them in a broken state
19:00.00hmmhesaysI use centos or debian, based on what time period I did the install
19:00.05[TK]D-Fenderafrosheen: Thats a fairly redundant statement ;P
19:00.12syzygyBSDanyone have any issues running asterisk on debian?
19:00.12afrosheenEricL, I'm not saying it's not possible, I just have bad luck with Ubuntu
19:01.03syzygyBSDcentos doesn't detect my hard drives or I would use that
19:01.12afrosheenI do have one debian box here that seems to hum along quite well though
19:01.22EricLsyzygyBSD: That's not CentOS, that's the installer and kernel versions.
19:01.22afrosheensyzygyBSD, some kind of crazy sata controller?
19:01.32[TK]D-FendersyzygyBSD: Runing * on Debian?  Hard to imagine.  The only thing that can go wrong is a kernel upgrade requiring Zaptel to be rebuilt, or a dependency being ripped out from underneath it.  But this can happen on any distro
19:01.36syzygyBSDna, adaptec I2O
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19:01.50afrosheensyzygyBSD, that's not the perc2/si controller is it
19:01.58EricLI run * on Gentoo and the failover is Debian.
19:02.02syzygyBSDnope, not a dell
19:02.30afrosheensyzygyBSD, right but that chip is used in a perc2/si backplane, subject of much horror in the linux world...I could be thinking about another chip though
19:02.46syzygyBSDperc = power edge raid controller
19:02.51syzygyBSDonly on dells :)
19:03.21hmmhesaysI can't remember if the last dell install I did was running perc or the other one
19:03.32hmmhesayswhat was the other backplane dell used?
19:03.35hmmhesayswithin the last year
19:03.54afrosheensyzygyBSD, I'm guessing your hardware is kinda...old?
19:03.56syzygyBSDperc 4/5 are both LSI, not adaptec I believe
19:04.06syzygyBSDafrosheen: 4 years or so...
19:04.22afrosheenyeah the lsilogic stuff tends to work properly for the most part
19:05.13hmmhesaysugh, just got an email with the worst message,  484 address incomplete
19:05.24hmmhesayswhich is almost completely useless in troubleshooting
19:05.39syzygyBSDwell, time to go try to net install debian.. will see if it works
19:06.00afrosheensyzygyBSD, I imagine it will
19:06.13syzygyBSDone can hope...
19:06.38syzygyBSDit took me half an hour to figure out how to get into bios on this server
19:06.45afrosheensyzygyBSD, what is it?
19:06.53syzygyBSDsupermicro 8042
19:07.05tru_`z24if zap show channels is showing "demo" as the context, is there another reason why the demo isn't picking up on the x100p?
19:07.07afrosheenoh..haha...yeah if del or f2 didn't work I'd be digging up a manual
19:07.37syzygyBSDsays to press delete during post... really have to hold delete during bootup.  the whole time, or at least pre-post
19:07.38CCFL_Man2anyone work with a aqdit 600 channel bank?
19:07.56afrosheenCCFL_Man2, never heard of it
19:08.18[TK]D-Fendertru_`z24: perhaps you should pastebin your related configs.....
19:08.28jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
19:08.38hmmhesaysis there a common cause for a 484 address incomplete message?
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19:09.30CCFL_Man2afrosheen: adit 600 i mean
19:10.24afrosheenevidently people have had success with it
19:10.42CCFL_Man2afrosheen: i know, but my question involves pulse dialing with it :P
19:10.45[TK]D-Fenderafrosheen: Yes, its one of the most popular channel banks to use with *.
19:11.10afrosheenpulse? /slowly backing away/
19:11.42CCFL_Man2afrosheen: i collect western electric phones
19:12.25syzygyBSDCCFL_Man2: what is your question then?
19:13.01*** join/#asterisk drutlandxpt (
19:13.36CCFL_Man2syzygyBSD: western electric 4H dials seem to pulse too slow or the pulses have to much duration for the 4G card to detect the pulses, does the 5G fxs card have the same issue?
19:14.00jtexter3is it possible to only set relaxdtmf=yes for a certain group of Zap channels?  Or is it a global setting?
19:15.40[TK]D-Fenderjtexter3: it is channel specific
19:15.52syzygyBSDCCFL_Man2: I am guessing you have already looked at
19:15.55CCFL_Man2syzygyBSD: were you networkjedi?
19:16.05syzygyBSDCCFL_Man2: no
19:16.35jtexter3[TD]D-Fender: Gracias.  I had to set that to allow a TDD device to dial out, but don't want it to affect the rest of the customers office
19:16.36CCFL_Man2syzygyBSD: no, i'll look now
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19:17.05[TK]D-Fenderjtexter3: I've always found that option to be goo in general...
19:18.57hmmhesaysok where do I find out what the o= means in the sip invite
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19:19.25NirShi all
19:20.22CCFL_Man2syzygyBSD: i can't change debounce settings on my channel bank, just upgrade to a newer version of the card
19:20.24drutlandxpt[TK]D-Fender: I have the debugs you asked for.
19:20.27NirSanyone with chan_gtalk experience ?
19:20.44hmmhesaysfor some reason I'm getting a private network ip in that field
19:21.15wishesin asterisk 1.2 , is there a way to say 'if file exists' ?
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19:22.27syzygyBSDCCFL_Man2: well, if the problem is in the driver (do you have a TDM400?) then upgrading the card won't help
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19:22.46drutlandxptIt sorta looks like my CIC codes are not matching up
19:23.15CCFL_Man2syzygyBSD: i'm using an adit 600 channelbank
19:23.42[TK]D-Fenderdrutlandxpt: What cards do you have in this system?
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19:23.58tiavdome body know where i can find french doc for asterisk ?
19:24.31syzygyBSDCCFL_Man2: and what is the card you are using? the channel bank doesn't matter I dont' think
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19:24.54CCFL_Man2syzygyBSD: the channel bank provides the fxs interface
19:25.21syzygyBSDCCFL_Man2: how is it plugged into your computer?
19:25.34CCFL_Man2syzygyBSD: T1 card
19:25.41syzygyBSDand the T1 card is?
19:25.45drutlandxpt[TK]D-Fender: DE410P.
19:26.12CCFL_Man2syzygyBSD: does that matter?
19:26.31syzygyBSDCCFL_Man2: yes,
19:26.38drutlandxpt[TK]D-Fender: I'm ultimatly trying to get these lines to act as one trunk group. I don't know if the way I have it configured is what is holding it back.
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19:29.10CCFL_Man2i don't see how that matters
19:29.25syzygyBSDwell, fxs is provided by that card, not the channel bank.... I haven't worked with it so I can't tell you what you need to do to fix it, although I don't think you may be able to if you can't change the debounce
19:29.41jmikeharveyI am here Daniel
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19:30.37CCFL_Man2syzygyBSD: but the fxs interface on the channel bank has nothing to do with asterisk's analog settings
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19:31.44syzygyBSDCCFL_Man2: It is my understanding (which may be incorrect) that a channel bank just aggregates the lines, all the signalling and control is handled by the card (and asterisk's analog settings)
19:31.59syzygyBSDI am sure if that is wrong someone will shortly correct me
19:32.51drutlandxpt[TK]D-Fender: do you have any ideas?
19:33.07lirakishmm .. i think ill go to the book store on the way home... i love bookstores :) ... so much to learn .. so little time
19:34.24CCFL_Man2syzygyBSD: i don't see how the analog settings can go over a CAS T1
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19:36.06[TK]D-Fenderdrutlandxpt: Not offhand....
19:36.28jmikeharveyI have a comment to add to drutlandxpt's question. In the switch I built one trunk group with span 1 CIC 1-24 span 2 CIC 25-48 span 3 49-72 and span 4 73-96. Is there a way for the asterisk system to put the T1's that way or do we have to put each span into it's own trunk group and each span starting with CIC 1?
19:36.46CCFL_Man2channel bank aggregates lines, yes, it takes the channels from a CAS T1 and and terminates them over FXS/FXO/etc lines
19:37.46drutlandxpt[TK]D-Fender: jmikeharvey is the guy over the switch I am attempting to connect through.
19:38.17[TK]D-Fenderumm.. CIC?
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19:40.08jmikeharveycircuit identification code
19:41.04GreyFoxxAnyone here using SER or OpenSER as a registration gateway?   Or know at what point you should start looking to get that traffic off of your asterisk box?   We are starting to notice some issues on one of our Asterisk setups where we here strange audio drops lately but the overall load on the box appears to be minimal
19:41.27jmikeharveyThe ISDN Services User Part (ISUP) Circuit Identification Code (CIC) in the Initial Address Message (IAM) consists of a range of 0 to 65,535. On the signalling path the CIC provides information about where the voice part of the call is carried - on which trunk and in which timeslot.
19:43.39syzygyBSDCCFL_Man2: think of it this way, the channel bank doesn't convert the pulses to dtmf tones, it just passes them inband over the t1 without any modification.  Then on the other end (the asterisk server) they must be correctly parsed and handled
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19:46.08CCFL_Man2syzygyBSD: ofcourse it converts the pulses
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19:46.26*** join/#asterisk Haris (i=Haris@unaffiliated/haris)
19:46.28HarisHello people
19:46.32Hariswhat's binphone's wbesite?
19:46.42CCFL_Man2it converts the pulses to numbers
19:46.58CCFL_Man2to whatever the CAS T1 uses for signalling
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19:47.44s34nwhen registering * to a proxy, I issue a register => user:password@myproxy in sip.conf, right?
19:47.47s34nThen I can add a [myproxy] section to provide username, password, etc., right?
19:48.28s34nHow much of the register=> ... command does the [myproxy] section override? username? password?
19:48.37NirShey all
19:48.45NirSanyone with chan_gtalk experience ?
19:48.47syzygyBSDCCFL_Man2: would you bet the 10 min recompile time to make sure?
19:49.20Harissecondly, how is AT&T's and AOL's voip service? Any ideas?
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19:53.36drutlandxpt[TK]D-Fender: do you know of someone that may be able to help guide me to fix this?
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19:56.49HarisI see no voip provider which I can choose without using their device, other than Teliax, that I was told of
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19:57.13HarisI'v tried vonage, at&T, aol, packet8, (can't find binphone's wbesite)
19:57.32HarisNeed an insight into providers
19:57.34trippss[TK]D-Fender: this mediant box is extremely powerful. we got it with the digital trunk module. almost seems as if, in terms of basic call capabilities, it supplants * for most of the core functionality needed
19:58.20trippsswhat would you say would be the best use of * along with a mediant box? I would presume we would let the mediant box talk directly to the PSTN and not proxy through *
19:58.57jimmysolisHello guys, is possible have PSTN==>>nortel(BCM)==>>Asterisk
19:58.59HarisTeliax is the only provider I can find that allows me to use my own device
19:59.28CCFL_Man2syzygyBSD: that recompile os for the fxs card driver, not the T1 card driver
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20:00.38[TK]D-Fenderdrutlandxpt: Noone specific....
20:00.57[TK]D-Fendertrippss: Depedsn how you want to deploy it.
20:01.08[TK]D-Fenderjimmysolis: Yes.
20:01.29HarisAre there any others, that allow us to use our own device?
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20:02.10jimmysolisi have some problems with the calls from cellphones i cant to listen but the caller can listen
20:02.34hmmhesayshmm is there any common cause for a 484 address incomplete?
20:02.38wishesthats not very good english
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20:03.16trippss[TK]D-Fender: we're thinking for basic soho environment - in some cases even using the FXO analog modules. i suppose it depends on the customer requirements, i.e., what level of features do they want. do you know out of hand (reading the 526 page manual now) what level of features the mediant box provides?
20:03.23drbrownI was wondering if anyone knew howto play multiple sound files with the playback command???
20:03.31wishesdrbrown: &
20:03.44drbrownI figgured it was easy.  Thanks.
20:03.47wishesexten => s,15,Playback(users/states/available&beep)
20:03.50wishesthats what i use
20:04.06[TK]D-Fendertrippss: your questions and entire approach to this have been too vague.
20:04.25[TK]D-Fendertrippss: I would NEVER suggest this for a SOHO environment in the first place
20:04.47wishes[TK]D-Fender-guru: how can i disable video when recording (ie wanted to record custom messages etc)
20:05.12jimmysoliscellphone(GSM)>>PSTN>>NORTEL>>Asterisk dont work
20:05.15wishesi set it to record to :gsm or :wav and still it gives me an error about the video stream:/
20:05.16[TK]D-Fenderwishes: not sure where video gets in the way....
20:05.21jimmysoliscellphone(CMDA)>>PSTN>>NORTEL>>Asterisk work
20:05.49[TK]D-Fenderwishes: Sure thats an ERROR, and not jsut a WARNING?
20:06.22jimmysoliscellphone(CDMA)>>PSTN>>NORTEL>>Asterisk work
20:06.25wishesnah its an error, it says something about not being able to interpret the video
20:06.29trippss[TK]D-Fender: sorry not trying to be vague. It seems to be a good soho platform, a $1-2k box that provides all the capabilities through a SIP gateway in a NEBS 4 compliant appliance that virtually eliminates all the biggest pain points in voip - call quality, etc. what is wrong about that approach in your opinion?
20:06.29wisheshang on ill see if i can get the error
20:07.05[TK]D-Fendertrippss: What Mediant box costs that much all by ITSELF?
20:07.31trippssthe mediant 1000 with T1 digital module
20:08.30AndrewGearhartHaris: no experience with them... but also?
20:08.41wishesi lie, it is a warning
20:09.13wisheshowever, it doesnt let me record anything anyway, it automagicly skips straight to the next step of 'you said <message>'
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20:09.57HarisGuys, does vonage support polycom's phones?
20:10.25s34nHaris: polycom should support polycom phones
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20:11.13Hariss34n: THat would be obvious (are they voip providers?), but that's not what I asked
20:12.01wishesarg it scrolls to much and too far
20:12.46Shido6through asterisk
20:12.54Shido6add the vonage account to your ast box
20:13.00Shido6and connect your polycoms to ast
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20:13.21unixdoghey guys I need input on a projet
20:13.44unixdogI need to know how to take a call in and force it back out a trunk
20:13.57Shido6a specific trunk ?
20:13.57pjzyou need to read the manual
20:14.03unixdoglike being a sip passthrew
20:14.09unixdogI have
20:14.12Corydon76-digHire an elephant
20:14.15wishes[TK]D-Fender: ahh here goes Sep 25 08:10:45 WARNING[9040] file.c: Unable to translate to format h263, source format unknown
20:14.35s34nunixdog: s,1,Dial($Trunk/${EXTEN}....)
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20:14.43unixdogand I have been doing asterisk way to long but the answer I am not finding
20:15.00Shido6your anser has been giveth
20:15.12[TK]D-FenderHaris: Vonage uses SIP and so does Polycom, so YES.
20:15.50pjzanyone know how to make my new AA50 actually save its config?
20:16.00pjzright now it loses it when it reboots
20:16.03wishes[TK]D-Fender: - that thar is my problem, its trying to record as h263 even though its told to use .wav
20:16.04Haris[TK]D-Fender: Protocol seems to be the least, support for a device seems a bigger issue
20:16.20Harisvonage wants a mac address on signup against the device being used
20:16.35[TK]D-FenderHaris: so....?
20:16.37Harisif its not in its db, pow! its useless for vonage
20:17.03[TK]D-FenderHaris: there is a difference between can work, and what they will ALLOW you to do.
20:17.18[TK]D-FenderHaris: You're questions are dangerously worded and this is what you get for it..
20:17.27s34nHaris: don't you tell them your mac address, so they can add it to the db?
20:17.32hmmhesaysproblem solved
20:17.33[TK]D-FenderHaris: And why are you asking questions you ALREADY have the answer to?
20:17.39Hariss34n: We tried 3 times today
20:18.07s34nHaris: also, why are you using a provider that will only allow you to use one single handset in the universe?
20:18.07Haris[TK]D-Fender: I'm finding a provider that allows us to use any device with their service
20:18.24hmmhesaysvitelity works for me well
20:18.25[TK]D-FenderHaris: Good that precludes Vonage.
20:18.51Haris[TK]D-Fender: Any good ones out there?
20:19.03HarisEspecially for Pittsburg/PA
20:19.04[TK]D-FenderHaris: Teliax seems to suck less than most.
20:20.53hmmhesaysvitelity is reliable for me
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20:21.00hmmhesaysi've used them for my personal phone for over a year
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20:22.08delmarWhat is the cause of warning messages similar to translate.c:199 framein: blahblah did not update samples 640 etc blah. ?
20:22.20wishes[TK]D-Fender: in fact testing it - it works fine on the hardphones, just not the softphones with camera :/
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20:24.13[hC]is the voicemail externnotify script only run after a message is LEFT for someone, or is it also run after someone deletes messages from their voicemail box?
20:24.30[hC]nevermind, answered my own question
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20:28.21mrtelephonedoes anyone experience initial and brief crosstalk upon initialization of an rtp stream using a T1 card?
20:28.57mrtelephonefor example when asterisk initiates rtp stream sometimes you can briefly hear another conversation..
20:29.08jinxedis it possible to auto log an agent off who is using AgentLogin when their connection is abruptly terminated (power loss)
20:29.09hmmhesaysanyone use counterpaths bria?
20:29.21mrtelephonehmmhesays, i use eyebeam
20:29.23ElwellQ = Is there a potted history of the early days of * ?
20:30.02hmmhesayswith video?
20:30.04Yourname`Ladies and gents, I've successfully executed 2000 channels dialout using call files, from one box.
20:30.11[TK]D-Fenderjinxed: That should be completely automatic
20:30.16Yourname`No loss of quality, slowing down of applications, or anythang at all.
20:30.25hmmhesaysYourname`: how do you know none of those calls lost quality?
20:30.28mrtelephoneno video. if you want video i think you have to patch asterisk or enable video in the sdp part of the sip stack in sip.conf
20:30.33[TK]D-Fenderjinxed: As soon as the channel drops, thats the end of it
20:30.54Yourname`hmmhesays: How do we know none of the calls lose quality on a regular 300 channel dialout?
20:30.55jinxed[TK]D-Fender: not in the case of the sip client being killed
20:30.58Haris[TK]D-Fender: Just enquiring, dangerous in what sense?
20:30.59Yourname`There's always a few.
20:31.11jinxedasterisk thinks the channel is still open
20:31.29mrtelephoneasterisk is almost considered to have an AI engine
20:31.39wishes[TK]D-Fender: so any idea ?
20:31.39mrtelephonehow can it not know the channel is closed :-/
20:31.39hmmhesaysheh what?
20:31.46[TK]D-FenderHaris: You're going to get answers that can lead to tons of wasted time, both for yourself and those attempting to help you.
20:31.58wishesre the forcing it to record in a format without video :/
20:32.20mrtelephoneMy sangoma t1 card is mixing channels.. or asterisk is.. don't know how to test..
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20:32.58[TK]D-Fenderok, time to head home.  Later all
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20:36.13unixdogok it dod not work and I dont find a pass threw howto page on the wikis
20:36.27Harisvitelity's website makes it seem like they are a carrier more than a provider
20:36.36Harishmmhesays: pm?
20:37.02unixdogis there a page on how to pass thre calls from inbound to a trunk dial out
20:37.51unixdogI need to figure out whywhen I just added what was said and point the inbound match to point back out a trunk it did not go
20:37.58unixdogthey jeu get fast busy now
20:38.08*** part/#asterisk jmikeharvey (
20:38.22unixdogjeu just
20:38.30afrosheenmove your cat off the keyboard pls, kthx
20:38.58afrosheenso inbound calls are getting a busy signal but you can dial out?
20:39.30unixdogok I am tring to poing a inbound trunk back out another trunk
20:39.42unixdogbasicly acting like a pass threw server
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20:40.09afrosheenso inbound on trunk X sends a call out of trunk Y
20:40.26afrosheenany takers? I've never dealt with proxying
20:43.44hmmhesaysis there any other softphone out there that does video?
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20:46.26generalhanhey all !
20:47.13hmmhesaysi'm getting a could not start video in x-lite
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20:47.35afrosheenhmmhesays, I wonder what knoppmyth uses for their sip video module
20:47.47generalhananyone know if there is a way to disable Line 2 and Line 3 on an Aastra 9113i? i have a CHANISAVAIL in my dialplan as a way to disable call waiting on all the phones, but it doesnt work with the 9113i phones cause it sees the 2nd and 3rd lines as available. :(
20:48.33_ShrikEgeneralhan:  call-limit in sip.conf
20:48.40wishesin sip.conf you can set call-limit
20:49.15generalhan_ShrikE, wishes: thanks i will give that a shot 1
20:50.14trippssanyone know if * supports rtp noop packets?
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20:51.31generalhan_ShrikE: perfect ! worked like a charm !
20:52.02generalhanwow ... so really i could put that in for all these phones and eliminate the CHANISAVAIL lines from the dialplan
20:54.28generalhanwell ... thanks again
20:55.21unixdogI can not find a good page for setting asterisk up and a proxy passthrew
20:57.18*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
20:57.30unixdogno one willing to help or know how ?
20:57.53unixdogevrythign I have tried fails
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21:16.06kn0xhey guys
21:16.12kn0xquick question
21:16.16Strom_Mquick answer
21:16.24Strom_MADD MORE CHEESE
21:16.53kn0xi cant get meetme to compile (unsatisfied zaptel dep)
21:16.56gremzoidah! but what _kind_ of cheese?!
21:17.14[TK]D-Fenderkn0x, You need zaptel for meetme.  Period
21:17.17Strom_Mgremzoid: sharp cheddar
21:17.22kn0xi have the device files
21:17.26kn0xfrom the host machine
21:17.42kn0xim not loading the timer locally, but i still have access
21:18.42kn0xis tehre a way to do this?
21:18.56[TK]D-Fenderkn0x, ... HUH!?
21:19.21[TK]D-Fenderkn0x, Go compile Zaptel normally and use ZTDUMMY
21:19.25astrospec_i need some assistance with a minor issue.  for some reason, my call drops when in any sort of conference call.  not asterisk conference, but any dialing into a business conference call
21:19.31kn0xim using a openvz, ok.... the host machine has zaptel and ztdummy running
21:19.43astrospec_i thikn it has something to do with silence detection
21:20.10kn0xthe guest has access to the /dev/zap/*
21:20.23kn0xbut the modules are not loaded on the guest
21:20.26kn0xjust on the host
21:20.33kn0xso is there a way to do it this way?
21:21.43[TK]D-Fenderkn0x, FORGET about virtualizing Zaptel.  That is NOT going to happen./
21:21.50*** join/#asterisk jedaustin (
21:22.12kn0x[TK]D-Fender: it has to happen :)
21:22.15jcanfieldHas anyone taken the time to make Asterisk voice-mail reference cards I could download in PDF/SVG?
21:22.44kn0xsomebody said i could do it this way
21:23.10astrospec_does anyone know why my call gets dropped when i enter any sort of conference call setting?
21:23.33astrospec_or where i can configure silence detection
21:24.11[TK]D-Fenderkn0x, Thats why they call it "denial".  Its not just a river in Egypt.....
21:24.35trippsskn0x: I know there are people doing that - voipnow is an * implementation that works on vz from 4psa - i actually have a voipnow server running on a vz instance with zaptel on the host
21:24.43[TK]D-Fenderjcanfield, I've made them for my clients, but nothing public domain
21:24.51kn0xtrippss: ahah see
21:24.52[TK]D-Fenderjcanfield, Go make one yourself....
21:24.59trippssrunning ztdummy
21:25.10jedaustinI'm trying to figure out why a weird voicemail issue happens.  Anyone heard of this issue where a call comes in, they leave a message, it times out after 3 minutes, then somehow keeps leaving messages every 3 minutes until you restart asterisk?
21:25.12kn0xits something with just giving asterisk access to the devices
21:25.27kn0xbut i dont know how to get ztdummy to do that
21:26.12jcanfield[TK]D-Fender:  Found this...   ...but it might be a good project for me soon.
21:26.42[TK]D-Fenderjcanfield, Easy cut& paste from the WIKI....
21:28.07trippsskn0x: usually has something to do with kernel version mismatch when compiling
21:28.08jcanfield[TK]D-Fender: True,  I'll improve on it later, I just didn't want to duplicate somebody else's work.
21:28.47astrospec_anyone know why my calls get dropped in non-asterisk conference call settings?
21:28.52kn0xtrippss: no its wont compile at all because of the unsatisfied zaptel dependency
21:29.03jedaustinIs there a reference somewhere to help demystify the asterisk log?
21:32.57delmaromg 1.4.11 is buggy.
21:33.54Strom_Mhow so?
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21:34.19jedaustindelmar: do tell :)
21:35.28delmarwell.. I just upgraded a box from 1.2.24 to 1.4.11 and there is all kinds of buggyness now.. calls are loosing audio at random points.. few seconds.. couple of minutes...
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21:35.41gremzoidconf files...
21:35.49gremzoidlots of changes since 1.2
21:36.26delmaryeah i backed up my old configs.. blew it all away started again but copied.. iax/sip/extensions  back and have been debugging all the 'warnings' and such
21:36.33jedaustinWould have been nice if they kept the syntax the same
21:36.48delmarmaybe im jumping the gun...
21:36.51wishes[TK]D-Fender: looks like that problem i had was related to wengophone + an asterisk bug
21:37.04delmarmight be interweb
21:37.13wishesunfortunatly i dont think i can upgrade to 1.4 to fix it :/
21:37.33wisheswould take forever, and if it broke id be totally fucked
21:38.00trippsskn0x: take a look at 4psa's docs and kb. may give you something to run with:
21:40.10trippss[TK]D-Fender: i didn't hear any comments from you on why you're opposed to using media as a gw/* appliance in premise installs. what are your particular points where you think this is a flawed approach?
21:41.02delmarfixed one problem.. introduced another it seems
21:41.09[TK]D-Fendertrippss, more like completely not cost effective, and requires typically more complex server setup to manage.
21:41.29[TK]D-Fenderdelmar, Oh, you've programmed in COBOL have you?  Oh wait.. thats a 10-1 ratio against ;)
21:42.04*** join/#asterisk tristanbob (n=tristan@oalug/member/tristanbob)
21:42.25jedaustinCOBOL.. now that brings back memories
21:42.33gremzoidgee you must be old
21:42.41jedaustinNot that old ;)
21:43.54delmarcalls are getting dumped and after i hang up.. message like.. [Sep 25 09:44:17] WARNING[16478]: chan_sip.c:12528 handle_response: Remote host can't match request BYE to call '7e0341121b3efd254c787c831264bca9@ etc...
21:44.31delmarstill a few config changes to make yet tho so i will finish that up first i guess.
21:44.32trippss[TK]D-Fender: how else would you: provide 100% fax reliability from analog faxes, b) copmlete sip failover in case of * crash, c) aggregate several on-net * servers on the WAN to a single location where PRI's are aggregated, among others? It seems fairly cheap for what we're doing and not that complex. maybe I'm just very dense and missing something or else I'm not seeing the light. what would be your usual architectural recommendation?
21:45.27[TK]D-Fendertrippss, And where does ANY of that description fit the term SOHO/SMB?  I think you need to keep in mind the SCALE you set to have it judged by!
21:45.51[TK]D-Fendertrippss, multi-site redundant data center?  SURE!
21:46.12trippss[TK]D-Fender: right - maybe not soho then - smb though for sure which is typically 10-500 employees
21:46.27[TK]D-Fendertrippss, > 100 redundant only.
21:47.09[TK]D-Fendertrippss, because the mediant is pricy and the only way for calls to really stay up in the case of failure anyways is for you to be running a proxy/soft-switch with * being merely an APPLICATION server
21:47.11trippss[TK]D-Fender: believe me, my preference would be a simple * box with all ethernet sip handoff and not screw with a thing. problem is we're seeing too many call quality issues, etc. need to install 1.4 with jitter buffer capabilities and test
21:47.46[TK]D-Fendertrippss, Rally?  What hardware exactly?
21:49.12pjzor anyone with a working AA50 ?
21:49.23pjz(asterisk appliance)
21:49.46pjzor anyone who knows where those boxes are supposed to keep their network configs?
21:50.26trippss[TK]D-Fender: cisco 79xx sip phones and spa-942, etc., with tyan MB based * sevrer runnign opteron and centos 4.5 with 2GB RAM. i have a feeling though that our troubles are all with the ISP but we're going to lose some critical clients so to 100% guarantee call quality we're pulling in PRIs into customer premise and implementing mediant gateway. then we'll go back to testing with other isps and sip handoff
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21:53.28[TK]D-Fendertrippss, Problems tend to happen at the onset of the word "internet"
21:53.49[TK]D-Fendertrippss, You'd need to prove things LOCALLY first
21:54.27trippss[TK]D-Fender: sip to sip calls even over the internet are perfect
21:55.07trippss[TK]D-Fender: problem seems to be somewhere with SIP handoff, particularly with this ISP.
21:55.16[TK]D-Fendertrippss, And you didn't say what PRI cards you were using.
21:55.30[TK]D-Fendertrippss, etc
21:55.31trippss[TK]D-Fender: we're not - ethernet sip handoff using ztdummy
21:55.43[TK]D-Fendertrippss, ok, this is NOT adding up
21:56.16[TK]D-Fendertrippss, You are thinking that your mediant is going to improve jitter and audio quality over WHAT?
21:56.16trippss[TK]D-Fender: ISP does BGP rescanning every 30 minutes and flushes full routing tables, for example
21:56.37[TK]D-Fendertrippss, Your thought's seem to be routing through
21:56.41trippss[TK]D-Fender: well the mediant will use PRIs through the mediant digital PRI module
21:57.37[TK]D-Fendertrippss, You are failing to show this solving a problem a significantly less expensive PCI solution would offer
21:57.37trippss[TK]D-Fender: we haven't been using PRI's thusfar. With these customers though we're implementing PRIs with the mediant so there won't be an issue
21:57.56[TK]D-Fendertrippss, or so you believe.....
21:58.20trippss[TK]D-Fender: the full blown mediant with PRI interface and server module to run * is under $2k which seems pretty reasonable for me and is a true NEBS 4 compliant telco device
21:58.37[TK]D-Fendertrippss, these thoeries of yours are all very seperate pieces you are hoping come together miraculously.  this is not a scientific way to breakdown the nature of your problem.
21:58.59trippss[TK]D-Fender: what platform would you choose and what would be the cost? are you referring to sangoma cards for example?
21:59.37[TK]D-FenderUmmm... can you link me to this Mediant that allows you to offer a < 2000$ SOLUTION?
21:59.48*** join/#asterisk jm|laptop (n=jm|
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22:03.31iPod-nanoCan I set timed events?
22:03.40jedaustinAnyone used an astribank?
22:04.20iPod-nanoLike, could I set it to give wake up calls?
22:04.56[TK]D-FenderiPod-nano, go lookup "call files" , and "ami originate" on the WIKI
22:05.43iPod-nanoI can time things?
22:06.15*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
22:06.23[TK]D-FenderiPod-nano, the "timing" is NOT *'s job, it is YOURS.
22:06.52[TK]D-FenderiPod-nano, but yes you can have * generate calls.  Go lookup the items I told you to.
22:07.02trippss[TK]D-Fender: yes you're right to a large degree; we're 99% sure the problem is with the ISP based on our pretty thorough analysis. we've just run out of time with this customer and by going with the mediant and PRIs we're eliminating most of the problems . . . like I said we'll go back to lab testing the sip handoff. the mediant is a good device to standardize on as a cpe appliance methinks.
22:07.12*** join/#asterisk Dawson64 (
22:07.14syzygyBSD[TK]D-Fender: what distro do you run * on?
22:07.43[TK]D-FendersyzygyBSD, Typically CentOS, Slackware , or Debian
22:07.45trippss[TK]D-Fender: is the distributor where we got good pricing for mediant. you need to become a reseller though to get it
22:08.18syzygyBSD:) thanks
22:08.24[TK]D-Fendertrippss, those guys are BOTTOM tier
22:12.16trippss[TK]D-Fender: how do you mean? we got really good pricing from them ;)
22:15.44[TK]D-Fendertrippss, hope you really shopped around...
22:16.15_ShrikEmediant is audiocodes right?
22:16.22[TK]D-Fender_ShrikE, Correct
22:17.16_ShrikECant say ive used the mediant, but the MP-1xx series have given me grief.
22:17.18trippss[TK]D-Fender: we did and got really good pricing from them. also customer support is good and they shipped same day even though it was after 4 their time
22:17.51syzygyBSDquick shipping, sign of few orders...
22:18.58trippsssyzygyBSD: it's the same box as anyone else is selling, so what do i care?
22:19.32trippsssyzygyBSD: probably better answer is they have a better handle on their business processes
22:19.36fujin_quick shipping is a sign of a good courier company, heh
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22:26.04kn0x[TK]D-Fender: is there a way to force meetme to build?
22:26.10kn0xw/o the zaptel dependency
22:26.12trippsswhat are your collective thoughts about how to interpret MOS scores? For example, what if you have several great scores, and then every so often consistently awful MOS scores?
22:29.32[TK]D-Fenderkn0x, try building it on a normal distro and porting to SO
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22:47.06unixdogok still no go with forcing a call from a inbound trunk back out a outbound trunkk
22:49.53trippsscan wireshark calculate MOS?
22:50.07hmmhesaysI wish you could set your h.264 bitrate with eyebeam
22:51.08[TK]D-Fenderunixdog, that says very little....
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22:52.44trippssanyone know the jitter buffer of cisco 7960 sip load phones?
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22:52.59unixdogok TK the object is this a call comes in on trunk a and has a dialed number of 52xxxxxxxxx this number needs to go back out trunk b
22:53.54[TK]D-Fenderunixdog, ok, fine, sure.  Still doesn't SHOW US your problem....
22:54.27unixdogi cant find any howto to do this
22:54.50unixdogfor asterisk
22:55.02[TK]D-Fenderunixdog, there is no miracl"How-to" for this.
22:55.17[TK]D-Fenderunixdog, Answer the call, dial out your other interface.  End of story.
22:55.48[TK]D-Fenderunixdog, If you can't figure out the minimal dialplan to do this then you probably should be hiring someone else to run your * setup for you.
22:56.16unixdogit fails and it does not say why no errors just fast busy
22:56.29[TK]D-Fenderunixdog, and you haven't SHOWN US THE PROBLEM.
22:56.37[TK]D-Fenderunixdog, PASTEBIN is your friend.
22:56.39jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
23:00.26unixdogok I have a friend sending traffic to me via ip only he is not registering with my box I have a trunk with host=hisip and and context=mexico. in [mexico] it has exten => s,1,Dial(VD-OUT,${EXTEN})
23:00.55unixdogbut its not dialing back out with what he dialed
23:01.06shido6because thats not what you told it to do
23:01.34shido6change "s" to a pattern
23:01.40shido6like _X. (muahaha)
23:02.07shido6and what is VD-OUT ?
23:02.45[TK]D-Fenderexten => s,1,Dial(VD-OUT,${EXTEN}) <- this sure isn't a VALID Dial call
23:02.54[TK]D-Fendershido6, 100% invalid.
23:03.53trippssgetting notices about needing to disable comfort noise in the * logs. what impact does the implementation in * have when it's generated?
23:03.55shido6if its not a macro, its invalid.
23:03.57[TK]D-Fenderunixdog, And ${EXTEN} = s!  Completely worthless
23:04.06__freedom__loverhe should use exten=>_X.,1,dial(sip/${EXTEN), ond't he?
23:04.14[TK]D-Fendershido6, No, its invalid for 3 reasons REGARDLESS
23:04.31[TK]D-FenderOh God where are they all coming from tonight.....
23:04.41shido6VD-OUT can equal a macro somewhere in [general]
23:05.40[TK]D-Fendershido6, not formatted like THAT it can't.
23:05.59[TK]D-Fendershido6, and that'd be a CONSTANT you're referring to, not a MACRO.
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23:06.34shido6what does VD-OUT equal, unixdog?
23:07.40hmmhesayshrm, does sip subscribe work behind nat?
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23:08.08shido6exten => _X.,1,Dial(VD-OUT/${EXTEN}) if VD-OUT = IAX2/bleh   or exten => _X.,1,Dial(${EXTEN}/VD-OUT} if VD-OUT = SIP/bleh
23:08.30shido6} = )    :)
23:08.33[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, Yes.  Any SIP = all SIP
23:09.01trippssnevermind - found good into
23:09.13[TK]D-Fendershido6, OMG just look at what you wrote there... horrifically wrong....
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23:10.30shido6[TK]D-Fender, OML, it works.
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23:11.06shido6there is an @ missing
23:11.11[TK]D-Fendershido6, ${EXTEN} isn't a TECH!  neither is VD-OUT like you have it!
23:11.29[TK]D-Fendershido6, you have no bloody channel type!  NEITHER OF YOU
23:11.40shido6there is a channel type there
23:11.55shido6but rather than guess, what does VD-OUT = , unixdog?
23:12.24unixdogvd =sip
23:12.46shido6just sip, eh?
23:12.56unixdoghols on
23:13.04unixdoghold on brb doorbell
23:13.13[TK]D-Fendershido6, no, there ISN'T!
23:13.15shido6its Clue
23:14.35*** join/#asterisk Ritzerisk (n=Ritztech@
23:14.41trippssanyone know if it's common for sip providers to generate comfort noise? we've got VAD turned off internally, but the full log notices about turning comfort noise off point to the ip of the sip provider
23:14.48[TK]D-Fendershido6,  exten => _X.,1,Dial(VD-OUT/${EXTEN}) <- VD-OUT *cannot* be a variable or constant worded this way and is NOT a channel type
23:15.00Ritzerisklota steps to get in here
23:15.29[TK]D-Fendershido6,  exten => _X.,1,Dial(${EXTEN}/VD-OUT}  <---- a NUMBER sure as hell isn't a channel type, and what kind of device is "VD-OUT"?
23:15.51[TK]D-FenderRitzerisk, The first is admitting you have a problem :)
23:16.00Ritzeriskya huh
23:16.02[TK]D-FenderRitzerisk, 11 to go!
23:16.08Ritzeriskhavent been on here in like ever
23:16.23Ritzeriskor irc that fact
23:16.45shido6 unixdog
23:16.51[TK]D-FenderRitzerisk, then start by reading the channel topic and :
23:16.52jbotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there, just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
23:17.08Ritzeriskso anyone into or know about predictive dialers
23:17.33Ritzeriskim trying to see if one is in the asterisk by default
23:17.38hmmhesaysasterisk is not properly hinting one of my extensions
23:17.42[TK]D-Fendershido6, At least your pastebin is jsut about right....
23:17.51[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, You know what to do...
23:18.01hmmhesaysget angry at it?
23:18.14[TK]D-FenderRitzerisk, No, there isn't  Several 3rd party ones can be found linked on the WIKI
23:18.16jbotwikis is, like,
23:18.34[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, No, show us so we can help you or stop whinig about it :p
23:19.03Ritzeriskwhat about the vicidial i saw that came embedded with it ... when i loaded it up didnt see any options
23:19.13hmmhesayswhen I call my peer never shows anything except idle when I show hints
23:19.29[TK]D-FenderRitzerisk, Vicidial is a SEPERATE program that was made FOR * but is not part OF it.
23:19.40[TK]D-FenderRitzerisk, Thats what "thrid party" MEANS.
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23:19.47[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, PASTEBIN!
23:19.57hmmhesaysexten => 301,hint,SIP/301 <-- there is my hint extension in the proper context
23:20.02hmmhesayspeer 301 is registered
23:20.10Ritzeriskahh ahh so i have to manually add it
23:20.24hmmhesaysyeah it is a pain in the @$$ russellb
23:20.28hmmhesayserrr Ritzerisk
23:20.33[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, pastebin the WORKS, you CAN have it in the wrong place, a lack of "subscribecontext", an IMPROPER peer setup, etc.
23:20.41Ritzeriskyuhh oh it wasnt me
23:20.42[TK]D-FenderRitzerisk, Yes.
23:21.03Ritzeriskhmm k
23:22.06Ritzeriskill have to look up later on how to do it.. eeek
23:22.24Ritzeriskanyone into sip trunking between PBXs
23:23.38[TK]D-FenderRitzerisk, plenty of people.
23:23.47hmmhesays300 works, 301 does not
23:24.08[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, what * ver?
23:24.23hmmhesays300 works fine which is odd
23:24.41[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, you should have "call-limit=99" or something like that on them....
23:24.46hmmhesaysbut if I call 301, it doesn't even send out a notify, even though I have a peer subscribed to it
23:25.02[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, Add that...
23:25.18hmmhesayswas does 300 work?
23:25.26hmmhesaysthey are the exact same version of eyebeam also
23:25.33Ritzeriskhaha i bet welp darn mitels i have to purchase a sip trunking license which is pricy.. but i was thinking if i could get away with the linksys sipura adapters sip or fxo -fxs  or maybe just one i have 2 units
23:25.39hmmhesaysidentical peer setup, identical software version
23:26.48hmmhesaysonly difference is 301 is behind remote nat
23:27.41[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, .... ADD IT.
23:27.56hmmhesaystell me why it should make one work
23:28.18[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, You can sit & debate or you can go & try...
23:28.22*** join/#asterisk logyati (
23:28.36shido6make me some pie, too
23:28.39logyatican i setup videoconference usinh asterisk and sip?
23:29.09hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: I want to know why that works
23:29.12*** join/#asterisk kieranmullen2 (n=kieranmu@
23:29.13[TK]D-Fenderlogyati, go lookup "video" on the WIKI and get 2 phones (soft or hard) that support it.
23:29.23hmmhesaysyes it works, but I don't understand why when 300 works without that
23:29.24[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, And does it?
23:29.32*** join/#asterisk VJFROMGT (
23:29.33logyatiekiga can
23:29.36kieranmullen2Anyone know why I cant leave the console? *CLI> exit
23:29.36kieranmullen2No such command 'exit' (type 'help' for help)
23:29.37[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, 1.4 screwed with SIP.  A lot.
23:29.39hmmhesaysyes that works, but why does that work when I have identical peer setup with identical endpoints
23:29.46logyatibut i want to know if asterisk supports it
23:30.02VJFROMGTbesides bandwidth, what else can cause choppy during peak hours?
23:30.07shido6go check out vmukti
23:30.24[TK]D-Fenderlogyati, So go read about the codecs you need to allow and oter SIP settings.
23:30.24[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, write it off and move on with your life....
23:30.24[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, ... and "you're welcome"
23:30.29VJFROMGT<kieranmullen2> cntrl + C
23:30.36logyati[TK]D-Fender, k ty :)
23:30.37[TK]D-Fenderkieranmullen2, because you started * DIRECTLY
23:30.58[TK]D-Fenderkieranmullen2, instead of as a daemon that you connected to.
23:32.13logyatiwhere is the wiki address? i thought it was at channel topic
23:32.35*** join/#asterisk pat2man (
23:33.15kieranmullen2gee thanks
23:33.18jbotwell, google is a search engine found at
23:35.11*** part/#asterisk Zipper_32 (
23:35.41Ritzeriskdo you know if i could do a e1 connection between asterisk and 3300
23:35.46Ritzeriskand mitel
23:36.01Ritzeriske1 European t1 30 channels
23:36.03[TK]D-FenderRitzerisk, Sure
23:36.17Ritzeriskasterisk supports a e1 connection
23:36.38[TK]D-FenderRitzerisk, Yes, provided you have a compatible card
23:36.56Ritzeriskoh so i would have to get an extra card..
23:36.57[TK]D-FenderRitzerisk, Those most popularly being Digium & Sangoma.
23:37.07*** join/#asterisk demiv (
23:37.08Ritzeriskwhat about sip trunking
23:37.13[TK]D-FenderRitzerisk, I don't know... can YOU plug an E1 into SOFTWARE?
23:37.53[TK]D-FenderRitzerisk, Yes, * does SIP as well.... perhaps you should go learn what * is all about from the bottome up...
23:37.56jbot[book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at or Temporarily at
23:37.56Ritzerisknot in the mitel
23:38.20Ritzeriskhaha its quite a nice and complex system
23:38.27[TK]D-FenderRitzerisk, Free book, get reading :)
23:38.45Ritzeriski work as a mitel dealer and its great to get into this type of pbx envirorment
23:39.22Ritzeriski was able to sip right in through a linksys sipura adapters and 4 digit dial off my cell phone anywhere because of the 3g connectivity
23:41.02pat2manquestion: in the queues-with-callback-members example file in asterisk 1.4 it has something like "Set(QUEUE_MAX_PENALTY=10), Queue(support), Set(QUEUE_MAX_PENALTY=0), Queue(support)" which gives you some nice functionality not available in normal queues, BUT I think it would show a bunch of unanswered calls, is this the case? does each Queue() command create another line in the queue log?
23:43.36Ritzeriskwhat about caller id are you able to change it whatever you want.
23:44.12Ritzeriskive got the program that can take caller id and stripe it and put whatever i wanted it to show. almost like caller id spoofing
23:44.26*** part/#asterisk jedaustin (
23:46.36__freedom__loverhey, is there any brazillian here?
23:47.06*** join/#asterisk Aeudian (n=Aeudian@
23:48.13AeudianAnyone use a nice guide explaining how to setup CDR with MYSQL, which possibly would lead into a web based interface?  I've done some searching and the guides on voip-info seem to be lacking for me
23:48.55*** join/#asterisk MaliutaWrk (
23:49.47Ritzeriskare all the commands fairly the same from 2 years ago becuase these pdfs are dated in 05
23:50.02[TK]D-FenderRitzerisk, depends if what * is calling OUT using allows you to set CID
23:50.51*** join/#asterisk jm|laptop (n=jm|
23:50.53[TK]D-FenderRitzerisk, if you place a SIP/IAX2/H323/ISDN call, then yes assuming the receiving end feels like allowing you to (telco usually)
23:51.23[TK]D-FenderRitzerisk, largely, yes and the NEW book is on shelves now
23:51.30Ritzeriskfrom the CO
23:51.39[TK]D-FenderRitzerisk, indeed
23:51.40Ritzeriskhaha snazzy
23:51.46[TK]D-Fenderok, time to head out, back later...
23:55.00*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
23:55.25*** join/#asterisk Entr4nced (

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