IRC log for #asterisk on 20070919

00:01.31DrukenLPYi want fios.... :(
00:03.54CCFL_Man2i don't want it yet because i don't have a cisco 1841 router for it
00:05.34CCFL_Man2i can't afford it yet :P
00:07.34CCFL_Man2anyone got a cheap 1841? :P
00:08.20booray$510 on ebay
00:08.22booraythree hours left
00:11.57CCFL_Man2thats 75% of my paycheck :P
00:12.36*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-825859ff00ff60e7)
00:12.38boorayI guess you'll have to settle for a $38 buffalo and load dd-wrt?
00:12.57CCFL_Man2i use a 1721 right now
00:13.03CCFL_Man2$350 i paid used
00:14.22ManxPowerthe 1720s are well worth it
00:14.40CCFL_Man21721 has a max routing speed of around 12mbit
00:15.06ManxPowerCCFL_Man2: That does not matter in any environment I've ever used one in.
00:16.05CCFL_Man2ManxPower: ideally i want the most efficient and fastesr routing possible with nat
00:17.34ManxPowerCCFL_Man2: what is your uplink speed?
00:17.54ManxPowerwell up/down speed.
00:17.55jsidhu2where can i download the latest hud server? is it only a part of trixbox or what?
00:18.11ManxPowerjsidhu2: perhaps the trixbox channel can help you.
00:18.30jsidhu2perhaps someone might know here?
00:18.47ManxPowerjsidhu2: I doubt it, almost nobody here uses a GUI.
00:19.08jsidhu2Manx: then what do you guys use for the operator? Such as the front desk?
00:19.14ManxPowerThis is really #asterisk-nogui, but someone forgot to put in the -nogui part when the channel was created.
00:19.33ManxPowerjsidhu2: We use the Polycom sidecar.  Many people don't use a BLF with Asterisk.
00:19.56jsidhu2is it working well?
00:20.12ManxPowerjsidhu2: It seems to be, but users want to fuck over IT so don't report problems.
00:20.22CCFL_Man2ManxPower: with fios it's 1mit up
00:20.26ManxPowerthen they scream to their manager when something is broken.
00:20.44ManxPowerCCFL_Man2: If you have FIOS then perhaps a better router might be in order.
00:20.53jsidhu2i still think the hudlite solution might be better.. but thats for the input
00:20.58ManxPowerBut as far as we can tell the polycom sidecars work just fine with Asterisk
00:21.39ManxPowerjsidhu2: Go for it, but this is the wrong channel for HUD stuff.
00:22.49CCFL_Man2ManxPower: like an 1841?
00:25.23*** join/#asterisk iPod-nano (
00:25.33iPod-nanoThis is cool.
00:26.10iPod-nanoI have a text-based IRC client.
00:26.22iPod-nanoOn my Asterisk box.
00:28.36russellbthis text based IRC ... must be a new thing ...
00:28.41russellbsomeone submit it to slashdot!
00:29.49*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
00:30.17dasenjoHi everybody!
00:32.32dasenjoI don't like Xlite so much, but I was trying to configuring it .. SIP works well .. but there is a problem with the silence tx, in the previous version it could be solved just enabling it (silence tx), but now it isn't possible ..
00:32.33*** join/#asterisk rmayorga_ (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
00:33.20dasenjoxlite says that is actually "transmitting silence", but when I speak, I hear nothing, the received sounds cut off ..
00:33.44dasenjoI found ***7469 in the voip wiki as a menu to tweak the conf.
00:34.03dasenjobut did not find a parameter that helped me ..
00:34.15dasenjoso, someone has found it?
00:34.59*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
00:35.06dasenjoI'm gonna try the windows ekiga version ... but I'm curious and wanted to ask ..
00:38.43*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
00:41.41riddleboxif I install a TDM card, and do lspci what should I see?
00:45.37*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
00:45.52admin0hi guys .. when I take in a call from my zap e1 card and terminate it to a provider, the codec that goes is g711 .. i am looking for a way to make sure that all calls from the card goes as g723 or g729
00:46.03flenders~seen JT
00:46.06jbotjt is currently on #asterisk-dev (7d 6h 22m 8s) #asterisk (7d 6h 22m 8s) #slug (7d 6h 22m 8s). Has said a total of 522 messages. Is idling for 12h 23m 38s, last said: 'talking about appelza's issue'.
00:47.22flendersadmin0: you want to make calls through your E1 to use a different codec?
00:48.12admin0i am accepting calls through the e1  and want to terminate via IP .. when I check the logs of the terminating gateway, I see the codecs that sent was gsm/g711
00:48.29admin0while the server works with either g723.1 or g729
00:49.12*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-dig (i=red@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Corydon76-home)
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00:50.13admin0if it was a SIP,   i would just do disallow=all, allow=g723.1  allow=g729 .. but in case of this zap card, i am out of ideas
00:51.05*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
00:51.27Qwellwhere's strom?
00:52.17Qwellsomebody name this phone
00:52.26admin0i have the g723.1 as well as g729 codecs in the server
00:52.38mogits a black one Qwell
00:52.59Qwellmog: twilson gave a better answer..
00:53.07Qwell"black with buttons."
00:53.27mogi missed those
00:53.36elixerhad those at my last job
00:53.39elixerthey were beige though
00:53.47Qwellelixer: even uglier...  I like it
00:53.53elixersame button configuration though
00:53.57Qwellavaya, right?
00:54.02admin0flenders,  any hints on how I can do it ?
00:54.08twilsonqwell: I'm nothing if not precise.  :-p
00:54.26flendersadmin0: you can't use GSM on an E1
00:54.45admin0i am not using it .   it comes automatically and i am trying to find a way to block it
00:54.52flendersit'll use whatever codec the PSTN uses
00:54.59flenders711a or u
00:55.00*** join/#asterisk smace (n=chatzill@
00:55.35flendersyou can only change the codecs on ITSP connections
00:55.46flendersor internally, between your SIP phones, for example
00:56.57flendersadmin0: when you say you terminate the incoming call with a provider, you mean carrier?
01:00.20*** part/#asterisk smace (n=chatzill@
01:01.23*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
01:05.25flendersadmin0: yeah, so all calls coming into your E1 will use alaw or ulaw, whatever codec your country uses
01:06.10admin0is there a a way to transcode
01:07.35flenderswhere are these calls going to?
01:07.38flendersa SIP device?
01:18.35*** join/#asterisk fujin (n=aj@unaffiliated/fujin)
01:19.22wishes"ast_writestream: Unable to translate to format h263, source format unknown" however h263 format shows in up 'show codecs' and its allowed in sip.conf - what am i doing wrong ?
01:20.53*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
01:22.41*** join/#asterisk Shadowfire__ (
01:23.26*** join/#asterisk Delvar (n=Delvar@
01:26.05*** join/#asterisk |omni| (
01:31.34*** join/#asterisk |omni| (
01:36.43riddleboxwhat do I all need to do to get a digium tdm cardto work? I have the module loaded?
01:36.57jinglesthere's a few modules that have to be loaded.
01:37.01jingleszaptel, wctdm
01:37.05*** join/#asterisk dijungal (n=kdaniel@
01:37.16jinglesmake sure they're in your /etc/modules file.
01:37.19riddleboxjingles, I have all of them loaded, even ztdummy
01:37.31jinglesno need for ztdummy if you're using tdm cards.
01:37.36riddleboxjingles, do I need to edit a *.conf file? and put something in there?
01:37.41jinglesthe cards have the timing stuff built in.
01:37.49jinglesto allocate your channels.
01:37.54*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
01:38.00jinglesand zaptel.conf as well.
01:38.12dijungali have an IAX agent in a queue that gets all her calls dropped
01:38.15riddleboxwhat do I need to put in it though, I tried reading through it but I couldnt see what I should do
01:38.17jinglesmm... all good stuff, found in 'the book' or on
01:38.30dijungalall her calls hangup before she can even answer the call
01:38.41tengulregood morning everyone!
01:38.42jinglestengulre : thanks.
01:39.14*** join/#asterisk Delvar (n=Delvar@
01:39.16dijungaltengulre: morning???
01:39.42dijungalit's 21:39 here
01:40.37tengulreit's 9:40 here. Wed.
01:40.42tengulreI m in office.
01:41.13dijungalwhere r u ?????
01:41.17tengulremy company running asterisk box that have 20 lines(FXO)
01:41.50tengulrethat's very interesting.
01:42.11dijungalu'r on the other side of the planet ... interesting
01:42.26tengulreI developt a iax client running per client.
01:42.36*** part/#asterisk jingles (
01:42.50tengulrebut I still have a problem.
01:42.57tengulrewhen asterisk as a call center.
01:43.24tengulreagent could not transfer current calls to other agent, I don't know why?
01:44.37tengulrefor example, a calling incoming and an agent A pickup this call, but A could not answer this problem so A need transfer call to other agent B or Agent c.
01:44.53tengulrebut she don't know how to do?
01:45.13tengulreshe known press '*' to huangup current call,..
01:46.05dijungallook to see what code it is in features.conf
01:46.29dijungalwhat phone r u using?
01:46.54tengulreiax2 soft phone.
01:47.11tengulremyself developt one
01:47.20Nuggeti m using a cisco phone 2 b n a sip redct server with man e ga sjas ejs ekt through fom.
01:47.22tengulreuse iaxclient libaray.
01:48.31tengulredijungal: if u use hard phone, you can not got customer's info from exists OA & CRM .
01:49.11tengulredijungal: iax2 only need open one port, but sip not.
01:49.26tengulresip need open 10000-20000 ports for rtp protocol.
01:49.53tengulreif you agent distru different area,
01:50.18tengulreyour telecom will disabled your communication.
01:51.29tengulremy iax2 is very simple for that, provider gsm, g711,iLbc, speex codecs
01:51.49tengulredijungal: talking here.
01:52.11tengulredijungal: no , I don't use AgentCallBack()...
01:52.54tengulrein my agent application, not huangup function, only have dtmf funtion.
01:53.26tengulreso if an agent login in, he/she can not huangup self.
01:54.43*** join/#asterisk ez` (
01:55.28tengulredigungal: which server are you using ?
01:56.33*** join/#asterisk asdx (
01:57.08tengulredijungal: I point your hard server. like cpu: 3.0Ghz...
01:57.44tengulreme use Cou2 3.0Ghz. RAM 2GB , HD: 200GB
01:57.56tengulreI use ;)
01:58.07tengulrehaha.. sorry for my english.
01:58.25tengulrebecause my country language is not english. ;)
01:58.38dijungallol.. i figured
01:59.07tengulrewhere are u?
02:03.50tengulreI like <<caribbean pirates>> film. ;)
02:06.38*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
02:09.43riddleboxjingles, can you help me a sec on this tdm card?
02:12.08*** join/#asterisk ELBunce (n=erik@kde/developer/bunce)
02:14.11*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
02:14.30*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
02:15.26riddleboxcan someone help me get this TDM card working, when I run dmesg I see this, and my zap restart is below it?
02:15.53*** join/#asterisk |omni| (
02:16.16*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
02:17.41outtoluncyou should put the module in the first slot, and redo your config's for only 1 channel
02:18.04riddleboxouttolunc, I was wondering why it came to me in the last slot
02:22.18riddleboxouttolunc, where do I tell the config only 1 channel, in zapata.conf, or /etc/zaptel.conf
02:23.39riddleboxok I have only set both for channel=1
02:25.14outtoluncyou'll need to reload your drivers and check that it is seen
02:25.48*** join/#asterisk linagee (n=linagee@about/linux/staff/linagee)
02:29.29outtoluncand to answer your question, the reason they put the fxo in the forth slot is because of issue that device has with module loading (the fxs ones must be first)
02:30.06outtoluncso if you ever install any fxs modules you have to shift that fxo to the right
02:32.36riddleboxohh ok
02:36.26outtoluncso what do you have so far
02:40.16riddleboxhrmm hold on a sec
02:40.44outtoluncanyways, either put the modules to slot 1 and use fxsks=1 in zaptel and channel 1 in zapata, or move it back to slot 4 and use fxsks=4 in zaptel and channel 4 in zapata
02:41.09riddleboxI moved it to slot 1
02:41.20riddleboxif I ever get a fxs card, I will just move it over
02:42.21riddleboxshould I use fxs_ks for signalling? or fxs_ls?
02:42.36outtoluncyes, you 'talk' the reverse to the module type
02:43.07outtoluncsorry misread
02:43.13outtoluncue fxsks
02:43.15outtoluncer use
02:43.22riddleboxalways use fxsks?
02:43.41outtoluncfor an TDM400P FXO module, yes
02:44.11riddleboxI still get the message I am sorry that is not a valid extension please try again
02:44.16outtoluncfor a TDM400P FXS module you would use fxoks
02:44.26outtoluncwe aren't there yet
02:44.42outtoluncwhat do you have in zapata
02:45.20riddleboxchannel => 1
02:45.28riddleboxI followed "the book"
02:45.30outtoluncwhat else?
02:46.13outtoluncloadzone = us
02:46.28outtoluncyes.. signalling=fxs_ks
02:46.45outtolunconce you have that in, then rmmod wctdm
02:46.49outtoluncthen rmmod zaptel
02:46.55outtoluncthen modprobe zaptel
02:47.03outtoluncthen modprobe wctdm
02:47.07outtoluncthen ztcfg -vvv
02:47.12outtoluncand what does that say
02:47.47riddleboxI get module zaptel in use
02:48.02outtoluncthen not all modules using zaptel are unloaded
02:48.09riddleboxhehe asterisk was running
02:48.24*** join/#asterisk mordaunt (n=mordaunt@unaffiliated/mordaunt)
02:48.54riddlebox1 channel configured
02:49.04outtoluncok, now start asterisk
02:49.15outtoluncand do a dial(Zap/1/.....) test
02:49.48outtoluncmake sure you do a
02:49.54riddleboxcool it worked
02:49.55outtolunc'set verbose 3' on the CLI
02:50.39*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
02:50.45riddleboxhrmm came up on my cellphone as unknown though, thats odd, its a charter line, I shouldnt have to worry about callerid
02:51.13riddleboxthanks for the help outtolunc, I knew I was close, but couldnt quite figure it all the way out
02:51.17outtoluncwell it being a pstn device i doubt you are going to get that working
02:51.22outtoluncno prob
02:52.40outtoluncbut you can try setting zapata.conf to usecallerid=yes and set a callerid.... in zapata.conf for that channel (just above the channel => 1)
02:53.14*** join/#asterisk flenders (n=fserto@unaffiliated/flenders)
02:53.53riddleboxouttolunc, when an incoming call would come in, it would come as Zap/1 right?
02:54.56riddleboxyeah I just saw that
02:54.56outtoluncbut yes
02:56.53riddleboxhrmm exten => Zap/1-1,1,Goto(incoming,s,1)
02:57.04riddleboxthats what I have in my context default
02:57.28riddleboxbut I get this message when I call in,  pbx.c:2450 __ast_pbx_run: Channel 'Zap/1-1' sent into invalid extension 's' in context 'default', but no invalid handler
02:58.11outtoluncthat's not what you want
02:58.59outtoluncexten => _X.,1,Goto(incoming,s,1)      OR  exten => s,1,Goto(incoming,s,1)
02:59.56outtolunclater you will learn to set it differently in zapata.conf
03:00.37riddleboxso right now it is coming in as 's'?
03:01.11outtolunc's' is a fallback too default type exten
03:01.23outtolunc_X. means any length digit exten
03:01.41outtolunc(greater than 1 digit that is)
03:01.57outtoluncjust use 's' for now
03:02.06riddleboxI still got the same message
03:02.56outtoluncwhich is?
03:03.19outtoluncoh nevermind
03:03.20riddleboxbut I get this message when I call in,  pbx.c:2450 __ast_pbx_run: Channel 'Zap/1-1' sent into invalid extension 's' in context 'default', but no invalid handler
03:03.38outtoluncdid you do an 'extensions reload' after mod'ing your dialplan
03:03.55riddleboxI did just a whole reload of asterisk
03:04.40outtolunc[19:46] <riddlebox> context=internal
03:05.08outtoluncdid you add that exten => s,1... to both 'internal' and 'default'
03:05.11riddleboxin zapata.conf I have context=default
03:05.31outtoluncso <reinsert> 'default'
03:05.36*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
03:07.53riddleboxouttolunc, ok, it works great when I use _X
03:08.20*** join/#asterisk yidiyuehan (
03:08.22yidiyuehancan any one direct me a link to configure ISDN2 card with asterisk?
03:08.53outtoluncer k
03:09.08riddleboxouttolunc, where would I change it in zapata.conf so that I could have a number or something instead of _X?
03:09.42outtoluncnot sure i understand your question
03:09.49outtoluncif you have multiple DID's then
03:10.01CoaxDPOTS bad!#$
03:10.15outtoluncyou just do exten => 40844444444,1,Yadda()
03:10.22outtoluncwhatever your did is
03:10.38outtoluncthen leave the _X.,1,... below it as a catch all
03:11.05riddleboxyou wouldnt have to distinguish between say all four channels then?
03:11.34outtoluncno, if they all use the same context
03:12.17riddleboxok, thats less typing that I would have to do then :)
03:12.40*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (n=strom@
03:12.40*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (n=strom@
03:13.04riddleboxI need to take a class on configuring asterisk, I know some stuff but not enough
03:15.18outtoluncjust read the handbook at
03:15.22outtoluncit's older but useful
03:15.53*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
03:15.53riddleboxI have the O'reilly book, but I think thats pretty old too
03:16.05outtoluncstill useful
03:16.41outtoluncyou can't imagine the amount of material i've read over the years regarding asterisk <G>
03:16.46hypa7iariddlebox: the new edition will be out very soon
03:16.48riddleboxohh yeah, its helped
03:17.11riddleboxhypa7ia, I cant wait, I will get it right away,
03:19.38[hC]hypa7ia: coming to astricon again? :)
03:19.41*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
03:21.39hypa7ia[hC]: not this year :(
03:21.46hypa7iai'm writing my CISSP that weekend
03:21.52hypa7ianeed to study :/
03:21.54[hC]Awww, im gonna have to represent canada all by myself?
03:21.58[hC]well i guess with juggie and pike, too
03:22.14hypa7iai'm sure JunK-Y will be there, and Juggie
03:22.21[TK]D-Fender_X. <---- ICK
03:22.23[hC]good luck on your exam :)
03:22.40[hC][TK]D-Fender: do you have any wildcardish preferences, or are you icking because of it?
03:22.46hypa7iathanks [hC]
03:22.51outtolunc[TK]D-Fender: it was to get him up quickly
03:22.51hypa7iai'll need it, it's tough
03:23.13[TK]D-FenderDID's should be hardcoded, stubs put up for disabled DID's, everything explicit.
03:23.20[hC]i like vendor neutral certifications
03:23.32[hC][TK]D-Fender: I agree :)
03:23.45[TK]D-FenderYou don't set up multiple DID's tu use some ridiculous catch-all....
03:26.10*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
03:26.24[TK]D-Fenderouttolunc, I opted for LASERS last yeear :p
03:26.36hypa7ia[hC]: it is in theory.  it's still crap.
03:26.46*** join/#asterisk [s]Animat (
03:26.53[hC]hypa7ia: hence why i am cert free.
03:27.18[TK]D-Fender[hC], You really have to do something about that halitosis though ;)
03:27.22hypa7iai will have CISSP, Sec+, some MS crap, and CCNA by the end of the year
03:27.31[s]Animathello :) Anybody know why after I answer an incomming call from external SIP provider, I can no longer receive calls after hanging up?
03:27.42*** join/#asterisk Shadowfire_ (
03:28.06[hC][TK]D-Fender: zzzzing! :P
03:28.32[TK]D-Fender[s]Animat, you'll have to show a call coming in with SIP debug enabled and channel dumps on both ends.
03:28.46[TK]D-Fender[s]Animat, PASTEBIN is your friend....
03:28.48jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
03:29.08[s]Animat[TK]D-Fender - Sure :)
03:30.17riddleboxouttolunc, what would be the preferred way of having an inbound call come into a context?
03:33.49*** join/#asterisk hijacked (i=JqkA@
03:35.38[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, umm... that was a completely broken thought.  Try sneaking up on it from a different angle :)
03:35.43[s]Animat[TK]D-Fender: I just tried it with a differnt softphone and it works fine ... cool.
03:35.57[s]AnimatI'll still get the log now though
03:36.20[TK]D-Fender[s]Animat, Easily 60% of the problems we hear about seem to quicly vansih when we ask for proof :)
03:36.28outtoluncsorry got other helping occuring in background..
03:36.42[s]Animat[TK]D-Fender: It's still a problem with the original softphone :P
03:36.49[s]Animat[TK]D-Fender: Which log?
03:37.22[TK]D-Fender[s]Animat, well if you've isolated an issue with a soft-phone, pick another...
03:38.17[s]Animat[TK]D-Fender: Which syntax should I use for PasteBin ?
03:38.26outtoluncriddlebox: just using the context=.. you use in zapata.conf with a list of DID to slice off those calls to send to another context to be processed should get you started
03:38.29[TK]D-Fender[s]Animat, NONE works for me...
03:39.35[s]Animat[TK]D-Fender: If you have time, please have a look at and possibly provide any criticisms :P
03:39.48[s]Animatanybody else want to criticize can too :P
03:40.11[TK]D-Fender[s]Animat, I was asking for CLI output with SIP debug enabled... not a debug log...
03:40.27[s]Animatoh :\
03:40.42[s]AnimatNot sure how to do that so thanks anyway :)
03:40.42[TK]D-Fender[s]Animat, Thats right, I want to see EXACTLY how this call was processed
03:40.50[TK]D-Fender[s]Animat, "asterisk -r"
03:41.00[TK]D-Fender[s]Animat, "*CLI> sip debug"
03:41.09[TK]D-Fender[s]Animat, Cut&Paste
03:41.21[s]Animatwhoa nice
03:42.19riddleboxouttolunc, but you would want everyone or most people in the same context, so how would I say zap channel 1 rings only on extension 522
03:42.33*** join/#asterisk rmayorga_ (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
03:43.53[s]Animatok it's still broken with the other softphone
03:44.01[s]Animatthat debug is great though
03:45.48*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
03:46.27outtoluncriddlebox: i actually am one to separate as much as you can .. and for me the only thing i usually have in [default] is a NoOp(what you doing here!)
03:47.04[s]Animat[TK]D-Fender: Any better?
03:47.20riddleboxso you would separate them by different contexts then
03:47.25[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, I would always send EACT channel into its own context, and if "all roads lead to Rome", then you do that with a single Goto in your dialplan
03:47.28[s]AnimatBy the end incommnin calls are not accepted.
03:49.07riddleboxI see, thanks its all clearing up for me, outtolunc like I said earlier, I just need to learn the correct way of doing things
03:49.19riddleboxanyways thanks for the help and goodnight
03:49.31outtoluncyep, but to be able to do that you first need a working ivr <G>
03:49.41outtoluncwhich was what i was helping you do
03:50.05[TK]D-Fender[s]Animat, Are you running a soft-phone on the same box as *?
03:50.18[s]Animat[TK]D-Fender: Yes
03:51.05[TK]D-Fender[s]Animat, I think thats it.  * and your soft-phone are FIGHTING over the SIP port.  Make sure your soft-phone uses 5061 (or ANYTHING except 5060) so that * is free to bind to 5060.
03:51.07riddleboxouttolunc, I have done a few things, but mostly with sip providers,  I have also written a few AGI scripts one to do custom recordings in mythtv
03:51.57[s]Animat[TK]D-Fender: That's a very valid point! Thank you so much. A question, did you read a book to learn *?
03:52.46*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (n=leon@
03:53.39[TK]D-Fender[s]Animat, No, I learned before there was a book of any kind.
03:54.00[s]Animat[s]Animat: Did you just use trial and error, forums, online resources, etc. ?
03:54.04[TK]D-Fender[s]Animat, But if makes you feel any better, I'm currently mirroring it while Asteriskdocs is down :)
03:54.16[s]AnimatOr by reading the source?
03:54.25[TK]D-Fender[s]Animat, trial and error, my natural instincts and
03:54.46[s]AnimatVoip instincts, eh? I do believe I lack those.
03:54.57[s]AnimatThanks for the help, mate :)
03:55.24[TK]D-Fender[s]Animat, I am by no means a coder.  Virtually everything was on the WIKI.  A complete app list.  I learned programming by picking apart every piece of syntac.  once you understand the bits its my nature to know where to use the bits to acheive my goals
03:55.51[TK]D-Fender[s]Animat, in sip.conf for your soft-phone on the * box do "port=5061" and set it as such in there.
03:56.08[TK]D-Fender[s]Animat, then restart * and make sure IT binds it properly.  Then start up your soft phone and test.
03:56.25[s]AnimatYeah, have done mate. Will restart and test momentarily.
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04:07.54[s]Animat[TK]D-Fender: Works like a charm :)
04:08.02[TK]D-Fender[s]Animat, Cheers
04:08.33[s]AnimatThanks :)
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04:33.18gaijinlahhello, i have digium TE120 PCI card for PRI, it works on some old (from around year 2002) dell machines
04:33.31gaijinlahdoes it work on PCI-X slots
04:33.43gaijinlahon SunFire servers for example?
04:33.56gaijinlahanyone has any idea?
04:34.41Strom_Mgaijinlah: if you have all the parts at your disposal, why not just try it?
04:35.32*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
04:52.42*** join/#asterisk TedNJ38 (
04:54.53TedNJ38Can someone help me please?  I live in USA, I have a trixbox server here and I have a SIP phone here as well.  I want to purchase a voip landline in a specific country (Colombia), I want to tie it to my trixbox server so when I dial 9 and the phone number, I am making the phone call as if it were a local call in Colombia and when someone dials the number of that phone line, I want it to ring it here.  What is that service called?
04:55.18gaijinlahStrom_M, in fact I tried
04:55.22gaijinlahand lspci shows the card
04:55.33gaijinlahbut the card's lamps were off
04:55.43gaijinlahso i wonder if anyone else has any experience
04:57.18tzafrir_laptopgaijinlah, lsmod | grep zaptel
04:57.18Strom_MTedNJ38: what, pray tell, is a "voip landline"?
04:57.48TedNJ38So, I should google for a voip landline in Peru?
04:58.23Strom_MTedNJ38: what is this "voip landline" thing you keep asking about?
04:58.35TedNJ38Storm:  I have no idea as of what it is called.
04:58.39Strom_Ma landline, by definition, is not voip
04:58.47TedNJ38I want to purchase a number in Colombia.
04:58.55Strom_Myou want a DID then
04:58.56TedNJ38I want to use it to make local phone calls within Colombia.
04:59.02TedNJ38So, it is called a DID?
04:59.10Strom_Mlook for a colombian ITSP
04:59.10TedNJ38I will google for DID then, thanks.
05:00.36Strom_Mno no no.
05:00.42Strom_Mlook for a colombian ITSP
05:02.37*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
05:05.35rob0Ahoy! Methinks a landline is fer landlubbers! Arrrr.
05:05.47*** part/#asterisk TedNJ38 (
05:09.14hypa7iarob0: ye be corrrrrrect in that assertion, me matey
05:24.31rpmin mexico, anyone know if there are any other dsl providers than telmex?
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05:50.42ironhead_webbyhi all can anyone help with a fairly simple problem, I am connected to freshtel and with a softphone and I would now like to connect to freshtel via an asterisk server that I have installed on my network. I have googled for examples and tried quite a few. I can get the softphone to register with my asterisk server but I can't get it to do an outgoing call ( I am not needing incoming) Can some one help with my iax.conf and
05:50.42ironhead_webbyextensions.conf ?
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06:09.58trippsscan anyone here recommend a) a sip to pstn gateway appliance, and b) pri pci card for use with *?
06:10.07*** join/#asterisk J4zen (
06:12.22J4zenHi there
06:12.33J4zenCould i bother you for one minute?
06:14.00J4zenIs there any guide explaining the basic installation of asterisk itself, i have tried AsteriskNOW and played around with it no problem. Now with Asterisk i have it running on a QuadBRI card, but i fear i did something wrong. Could anyone lend me a hand for 5 minutes?
06:14.10*** join/#asterisk unixdog (
06:14.53unixdoganyone got a zapata.conf for a tdm400 with 4 fxo ports
06:15.00unixdogthat I cn look at
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06:25.19unixdoganyone got a zapata.conf for a tdm400 with 4 fxo ports I can look at
06:25.44unixdogfor the us
06:27.40teolicyHello. I'm very new to Asterisk, but am proficient with Linux. I'd like to build a home IVR system as a hobby. I was unable at a glance to understand what kind of hardware should I buy, to make sure the costs are reasonable at all. Anyone can recommend a simple PCI card to use with a single (maximum dual) PSTN phone line?
06:28.31tzafrir_laptopunixdog, you, after running genzaptelconf
06:28.36tzafrir_laptop(or even zapconf)
06:30.51tzafrir_laptopJ4zen, I'm not sure how well AsteriskNOW supports misdn hardware. Or digital zaptel hardware
06:31.41awktzafrir well you on a roll do you mind answering my simple question
06:31.50*** join/#asterisk yassaccan (
06:33.31teolicyI'm thinking along the lines of a Digium TDM10B, but I'm not sure if even that is not an overkill, or if I should even look at a different manufacturer (not Digium).
06:33.51awkSangoma all the way...
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06:38.52unixdogI have to use what clients want
06:39.11unixdogsome want sangoma some want rhino some want digium
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06:41.47teolicyCheers folks. Later.
06:51.47tzafrirawk, what is your question?
06:59.07awkI posted it in #asterisk-dev
06:59.18awkok here is one for the charts
06:59.48awkanyone had this issue, cisco ip phone, 7912 series, and a hp procurve switch the phones wont turn on
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07:16.49JTawk: do the phones have power?
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07:27.34J4zenAnyone running asterisk / openPBX on fedora 7?
07:28.31J4zenor a Junghanns QuadBRI 2.0 PCI card?
07:35.29*** part/#asterisk modu (
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07:38.04awknever mind ive seen a review its an issue with cisco
07:38.12awkfuck waste of 150 phones
07:39.03awkok looks like I can swop 2 pairs around
07:42.44boorayhmm.. i could just nap in this
07:42.48boorayrather than work like i intended
07:48.09FlatFootmorning all
07:48.26FlatFootanyone used the Linksys SPA-941 at all ?
07:48.38FlatFootany reports on quality etc
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08:14.26awkswapping 4 with 7, and 5 with 8 you could use a standard
08:14.28awkPOE injector to power the phone
08:14.33awkpfft, cisco!
08:14.57awk<awk> hi, hmm, wondering in asterisk manager how can I get a start and end time logged
08:14.57awk<awk> I can see pretty much everything but no start/end times
08:15.16awk<awk> I know I could use something like getdate() or something to that affect at start and / end of an event
08:15.16awk<awk> but was hoping a raw data stream through the manager would show start/end times
08:19.26luke-jrawk: ice cream is good
08:20.15Uatec"ast_yyerror: If you have questions, please refer to doc/README.variables in the asterisk source."
08:20.24Uateci don't have the source you morans
08:20.31luke-jrso download it
08:27.12tzafrirUatec, so kindly ask it from the people who sold it to you
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08:27.56Uatecluke-jr, that's not the point
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08:28.12Uatectzafrir, i was going to, but i've figured out the problem
08:28.18Uatecbut no help to the error message
08:29.01tzafrirThat file does not really change that often
08:30.01tzafrirI think you should suggest them to include that documentation in the asterisk package, if it is not already included
08:30.32Uatecyeah, i might
08:37.35yanghrm, DTMF payload type on my phone is 101 , does that match the RFC2833 type ?
08:42.38*** join/#asterisk darviria (
08:43.14awkwhy is it nobody ever asnwerds my question
08:43.20ZeeekSomeone stole my CLI prompt!
08:43.25awksomebody must know a way to get start/end time through ami
08:43.52Zeeektzafrir why does my 1.4 prompt not come up after every dialplan action?
08:44.05Zeeeksomething ishorribly wrong
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09:03.32J4zenshould asterisk be running in /usr/src ( fedora 7 ) r should it actually be in /etc/asterisk/ ?
09:03.40act1v8What is Asterisk? I really don't understand
09:04.17tzafrirZeeek, hmm...
09:04.39tzafrirJ4zen, asterisk should be running from /usr/sbin/asterisk
09:04.53J4zenOk, thank you
09:05.12act1v8I really don't understand. is it software to create your own telephone company? or is it software for your phone on the computer?
09:05.21tzafrirasterisk.conf is by default /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf . And it lists the pathes asterisk uses. Otherwise its internal defaults are used
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09:06.23tzafriract1v8, , might be good starting points
09:06.55tzafrirGenerally: to create your own telephone company
09:07.04*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-01e94625a1ba77ee)
09:07.21tzafriror even your own little home PBX
09:07.57act1v8cool :)
09:08.05tzafrirZeeek, IIRC the prompt should be reprinted after each line of output
09:09.57*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (n=matt@
09:10.18ZX81is there a digium hardware support forum - or can anyone help me with a b410p problem?
09:10.35ZX81by forum I mean freenode
09:10.52ZX81I'm too dead to call 500
09:12.03ZX81I've got a real cool problem - if I call out a mISDN b410p line via SIP its fine (alaw/gsm) if I call via IAX2 it works with gsm but breaks up bad with alaw
09:12.09ZX81stock installs
09:12.37ZX81sounds like samples are going at a different rate
09:13.03ZX81meh, anyone know what the time is in digium land?
09:13.15gremzoidmy clock says 19:13
09:13.22gremzoidbut i'm in upside down land...
09:13.27ZX81ah mine says 9:13pm
09:13.51ZX81i.e. yeah
09:14.36ZX81I've managed to somewhat reduce the problems with the card by changing polling to 64 but its still not the same as the sip call
09:14.42gremzoid... is it normal to not get DTMF tones from a SIP trunk to an IAX exten?
09:14.53ZX81I'd look at the sip end!
09:15.00ZX81what format dtmf?
09:15.11gremzoidsip end is a siemens hg1500
09:15.18ZX81play around with the dtmfmode settings in sip.conf
09:15.20gremzoidit dosn't play nice or configure well :P
09:15.31ZX81so set it to ulaw/alaw and inband :)
09:15.42gremzoidtried that... and finally got some DTMF (IE SIP trunk to IVR menu works)
09:15.43ZX81in asterisk i mean
09:16.06ZX81but sometimes it detects multiple/no digits?
09:16.26gremzoidjust an incoming call over the SIP trunk won't send DTMF to an IAX exten on the asterisk box (works the other way tho in the same call)
09:16.47ZX81but sends to the ivr?
09:16.55gremzoidweird huh?
09:16.59ZX81I'd say impossible but
09:17.11ZX81no messages on remote site of iax connection?
09:17.18ZX81you sending to a box or a client?
09:17.39gremzoidin the same call, i can press buttons on the IAX phone and hear them on the digital phone that hangs off the HG1500
09:17.54gremzoidbut not back the other way...
09:18.07ZX81yeah, but the iax phone probably won't generate iax tones to the listener
09:18.13ZX81the tones are out of band for iax
09:18.22gremzoidis it some bug in asterisk, or something siemens have done (or not)
09:18.32ZX81I dunno, some phones might - but why would you want to hear dtmf tones in your ear
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09:18.48ZX81if the siemens gets it to the ivr then there is no prob there
09:18.53gremzoidwell what if i wanted an IAX trunk
09:19.01gremzoidwhich is a possibility soon...
09:19.03ZX81yeah that would use the dtmf
09:19.28gremzoidreckon i should submit it as a bug?
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09:19.47ZX81have you got another asterisk machine to test a trunk on?
09:19.55ZX81you can do a iax2 debug
09:20.07ZX81and you should see the dtmf being sent to the iax2 phone
09:20.19gremzoidhmmm thats a possibility
09:20.20ZX81oh except in 1.4 its now iax2 set debug
09:20.38gremzoidoh wait... i'm not at work... i can't actually _answer_ the phone :P
09:22.29ZX81the problem with the b410p that I was having is on a customer's site that uses a crappy VPN to access them - and I can't be connected to the regular net at the same time
09:22.38ZX81so I have to do one thing at a time
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09:41.45moduCan someone tell me why this kind of line is bad :  exten => _ZXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}, 20)
09:42.09*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
09:42.58moduyesterday someone say me that I should use one exten by phone
09:43.03JTspace before the 20 maybe
09:43.27moduit's not the syntax but the concept
09:43.59modusomeone say that if you have 100 phone you may add 100 lines in extensions with each phone
09:44.35modufor a administration pont of view it's crazy for me
09:44.43JTit's the way to do it
09:44.46JTyou use a database
09:44.50JTnot text configuration
09:44.52JTfor 100 users
09:45.26moduwhat way ? without _ZXX ??
09:46.07JTyour sip phone should not have the same id as the extension number
09:46.16JTit's not the best practice
09:46.21moduwhy not ?
09:46.24thewiizleanyone got astcc working?
09:46.40JTif you want multiple line appearances, or to easily reasign extensions to phones
09:46.45moduif I define each phone with a correct callerid in sip.conf ?
09:47.00JTif you have 100 phones, use a database
09:47.02JTas i said
09:47.32*** join/#asterisk tsurko (n=tsurko@
09:47.53moduI've not see database in /etc/asterisk/* (only for cdr)
09:48.21tzafrirmodu, so generate a portion of sip.conf from a database
09:48.34tzafrirpick your favorite database
09:48.44modumy exten is only for internal calls
09:48.54moduonly calls with 4 digits
09:49.22tzafrir(a plain text "table" file is also a database. Limited, but very trasparent)
09:50.08moduI don't understand why _ZXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN} is bad for internal calls
09:50.21moduit's simplier, so less errors
09:50.58tzafrirmodu, who said it's bad?
09:51.25tzafrirIt's good because it's simple
09:51.30moduJT no ?
09:52.01tzafrirYou may run into some limitations of it, because it's a bit too simplistic
09:52.20modund yesterday [TK]D-Fender
09:52.35moduyes I must add Voicemail
09:52.59modubut what other limitation ?
09:53.49tzafrirmodu, if you like that simplistic approach, consider just uisng users.conf
09:54.21moduwhat limitation ? why simplistic ?
09:55.01tzafrirsometimes one device per extension just doesn't fit
09:55.30moduYes but I can add specific numbers for pools
09:55.31tzafrirmodu, another handy tool that might help you with automation is configuration templates
09:55.50moduautomation is bad
09:55.50tzafrirsome configu items
09:56.31moduI'm looking for a clean config file, and edit it with vi
09:56.44tzafrir"automation" is good - it saves work. Automation that limits you is bad
09:57.03tzafrirRight. So with templates you can write less
09:57.09ZeeekITAD ROCKS!!!!
09:57.24moduI don't agree, because automation will generate a hudge  config file
09:57.48tzafrirsome config values
09:58.19moduperhaps I don't understand
09:58.59moduwhat does this line means ?
09:59.51tzafrir(works just as well in 1.2)
10:00.37tzafrirThink of inheritence of classes, if you have some programming background
10:01.00moduthis is for sip.conf ? not extension ?
10:01.23tzafrirjust the same. This works for every asterisk config file
10:01.51moduyes but I want to have one line per phone in sip.conf (not a problem for me)
10:02.02modubut a simple config in extension.cnf
10:02.20moduI just don't want to have dupplicate config
10:02.34J4zenDoes anyone have any guides that show the basic outline on how to setup a new asterisk installation with BRI cards ( or even without ! )
10:02.41modulike phone n°1 define in sip.conf and in extension.conf
10:03.22tzafrirJ4zen, for startes:
10:03.49modulunch time, see you
10:04.45tzafriranything there is not clear, or needs fixing?
10:05.10JTmodu: you talk a lot of crap
10:05.14JT"automation is bad" ...
10:05.23JTautomation is SMART
10:05.40thewiizleany ideas
10:05.47JTthewiizle: so no-one knows, ok
10:06.10thewiizlesmoneone must
10:06.18thewiizleits in the cvs surely someone must have an idea
10:06.37JTyes surely everyone on irc knows everything about ever bit of asterisk
10:06.43thewiizleyes surely thats right
10:06.58JTyou are deluded
10:07.00moduJT: automation is goof, but no for generate a config file that can be done whiht macro
10:07.05thewiizleand you are nieve
10:07.14thewiizlenice to meet you
10:07.16JTthewiizle: please speak english in here.
10:07.25thewiizleJT, instead of what?
10:07.40thewiizlewas that not english?
10:07.53JTthat last word wasn't
10:08.09thewiizleare you sure about that?
10:09.05thewiizleah my bad, typo
10:09.15JTstill wrong
10:09.16moduThe only thing i'm looking for is to use generic macro in extension
10:09.32modubut everyone one seems to prefer have one line per phone
10:09.50thewiizles/a/i, /si/a
10:10.00thewiizleConcept and principle remain
10:10.04moduI want a config file that can be easily check by an admin
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10:12.28moduno one agree with that ?
10:12.49thewiizlemodu to do what?
10:13.15moduuse a simple extension.conf file with macro
10:13.24moduand not define one phone per line
10:13.30thewiizleto call extensions?
10:13.40thewiizlesip users
10:13.41moduto link phone <-> extension
10:13.50thewiizleso, 101 --> 102 for example
10:14.01modunon 101 = SIP/101
10:14.33thewiizleexten => _XXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}) ?
10:14.39moduand not have to define "exten 101,Dial(SIP/101)"
10:14.48thewiizlethatll match three digits and dial it
10:15.07moduyes but if I have 100 phone (1..100)
10:15.25thewiizlethat line will dial them all
10:15.27moduI don't want to have 100 lines
10:15.47thewiizleput that in your extensions.conf under from-internal
10:16.01moduyes it's exactly what I ask
10:16.01Zeeekgood heavens
10:16.08tzafrirmodu, sure. Clarity is always good
10:16.15thewiizlei had the same problem
10:16.16modu(with my poor english :-)
10:16.20thewiizlethat line seems to work for me
10:16.47moduok, really lunch now :-)
10:17.27Zeeekwell, 1.4.11 seems to be working
10:21.08JTthewiizle: astcc isn't even part of base asterisk
10:23.54*** join/#asterisk IvanV3835 (
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10:30.08axscodehow to configure all my ZAP channels will use g729?
10:31.35*** part/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-01e94625a1ba77ee)
10:33.14ai-aaxscode: isdn is either ulaw or alaw comming in from your provider.
10:33.58JTie G.711
10:35.23santibioticothe zap channel is g711, if u want, u can have your stations using g729 and use transcoding...
10:38.05axscodeoh.. so if my SIP phones will use g729 calling the ZAP, meaning it will use transcoding? thast why i need the license?
10:38.25axscodethats why it will use the g729 i mean.
10:39.35axscodewhat file to configure to allow video calls? even if its pass through?
10:40.25JTaxscode: yes you will need to transcode.
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11:05.53ai-aWhy not use g711 thoughout the phone system ?
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12:11.34mohsenhmmm. i have problems using g729 (registered) with asterisk.
12:11.36mohsen[Sep 19 00:54:35] WARNING[3367]: codec_g729.c:420 load_module: Failed to initialize G.729 copy protection!
12:11.47mohsenanyone knows the problem?
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12:17.38s0cktopic #astricon! is pointing at the wrong channel
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12:26.20pznHi! is it possible to use an externa program to control asterisk in this way? 1- it makes phones at sip:123@ip and sip:456@ip to ring; 2-when the first phone answers, it plays an .wav file; 3- when the secons phone answers, it stops .wav file and connect both lines. is this possible? will I have to hack inside asterisk?
12:27.45pznthe reason for this is like an "alarm system", when the external program detects an alarm situation, it rings the operator and the person at alarm location at both time and connect each other automatically.
12:28.33[TK]D-Fenderpzn: lookup "call files", "asterisk auto answer", and "ami originate" on the WIKI
12:28.35jbotwikis is probably
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12:46.52pzn[TK]D-Fender, thanks!
12:47.37VijayGi need to configure calling cards in my asterisk
12:48.10VijayGanyway, i can set that in system, so that it can automatically dial access number and pin number
12:48.19VijayGor anybody knows of similar software
12:50.18VijayGanybody there?
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12:51.43mohsenVijayG: google for asterisk2billing and astpp
12:53.57VijayGi need to make calls using calling cards
12:54.00VijayGbut i want a auto system
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12:54.18VijayGit shouldn't be like i have to dial the access number and pin number again and again
12:55.03VijayGyou think asterisk2billing or astpp will support this?
12:55.05Siyado I need SRV dns record in place or can I test with ?
12:55.17mohsenVijayG: asterisk2billing can authenticate using callerid
12:55.30lirakisVijayG: use send dtmf
12:56.03lirakisVijayG: are you saying you want a calling card system? .. or you want to automate calls and you have to use a calling card?
12:56.54VijayGi want to use calling card
12:57.02VijayGi want to configure that on my asterisk system
12:57.23VijayGso that anyone dialing through asterisk server, need not to dial access number or pin number
12:57.25mohsenthen take lirakis advise. I misunderstood you
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12:59.03[TK]D-FenderVijayG: "show application dial" <--------------
12:59.25thewiizleA2Billing does it based on CLI
12:59.48thewiizleYou can manually add CLis to a Card or after first auth it remembers it
13:00.52[TK]D-Fenderthewiizle: You're on the wrong track for his needs.....
13:02.33McDouglashmm, for some reason i cant send fax from our external fax machine
13:03.03[TK]D-FenderMcDouglas: Try asking in #radioshack
13:03.17McDouglasobviously, with asterisk
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13:04.08McDouglasmachine is plugged into an fxs port on a digium card
13:04.31McDouglasand the outgoing channel is provided by a digium b410p
13:04.33Siyado I need SRV dns record in place or can I test with ?
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13:14.00JTMcDouglas: misdn, good luck with that
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13:15.50_x86_that's awesome
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13:16.06_x86_jesus christ
13:16.18McDouglasJT: actually, i narroved the problem down: i plugged a phone into the fax's extension, and if i dial the other zap extension i get a busy tone
13:16.23[TK]D-FenderSiya: Dial(SIP/
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13:16.35_x86_AT&T sucks for CAS T1 service
13:16.38McDouglasso it has something to do with my analog card
13:17.01[TK]D-FenderMcDouglas: gee maybe you should PASTEBIN the call attempt so we have something worth commenting on :p
13:17.06jbothmm... pm is project manager, or private message, or perl mongers, or pathetic moron: when you see someone say pm, they're asking if you think that they're a pathetic moron, or something you don't do without asking permission
13:17.16jbottypo is, like, when someone tries to type really fast without knowing what he is actually doing.... so he makes typing mistakes, or rm -rf /
13:17.32[TK]D-FenderMcDouglas: Oh... and NO we don't trust your dialplan and that last comment has already been struck from the record...
13:17.57McDouglas[TK]D-Fender: i dont need pastebin for it, its only 2 lines
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13:18.19McDouglasthats all i see in the console when i try dialing the other phone connected to the other fxo port
13:18.28[TK]D-FenderMcDouglas: pastebin the full call attempt so we can see what-s dialed where, and your zapatal.conf & zaptel.con
13:18.49[TK]D-FenderMcDouglas: And your dialplan.
13:19.01JTMcDouglas: that is NOT a dialplan
13:19.03McDouglas[TK]D-Fender: that was the FULL call attempt
13:19.04JTetc :)
13:19.22JTMcDouglas: extensions.conf zapata.conf zaptel.conf
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13:21.07thewiizleremotely provisioned my first 7960
13:21.23[TK]D-FenderMcDouglas: So like.... WHERE'S context=Internal ; Uses the [internal] context in extensions.conf  <-----------------
13:21.27thewiizleall with details dynamically created from my users database :)
13:21.42[TK]D-FenderMcDouglas: your Zap/1 & Zap/2 have NOWHERE TO GO!
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13:22.01McDouglas[TK]D-Fender: oh damn.. forgot about that when i was palying with the sip restriction :(
13:22.10[TK]D-FenderMcDouglas: .... schmuck :p
13:22.28[TK]D-FenderNEXT@!@@@!@ (c) BKW
13:25.21tzangergavels hahahaha
13:30.26lirakisi am trying to restart asterisk and i am getting "load module failed"
13:30.49lirakiswhat package is that part of?? .. i have tried recompiling and isntalling asterisk-addons
13:31.12ManxPowerlirakis: do you need Postgress CDR logging?
13:31.29lirakisManxPower: yes .. stupid queuestats program requires it
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13:33.19[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: part of Astrisk main...
13:33.24ManxPowerI can tell you how to disable it, but not how to fix it.
13:33.25lirakisyeah i just saw that..
13:33.31lirakisyeah i know how to disable it
13:33.36lirakis.. i just need to recompile asterisk
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13:39.30ai-aany fax audio experts here ? we have fax over asterisk on local lan, and its failing.. recorded the audio... well, how am i suppost to know what failed from that :)
13:40.09[TK]D-Fenderai-a: Fax over VoIP.... lol
13:40.12*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
13:40.35Winkiehey guys, we're trying to set the callerid with SIP but it only seems to like being set to what's in the sip.conf file, we can't set it to anything else!
13:40.40Winkieis this a common symptom or is it just me?
13:40.56[TK]D-FenderWinkie: Show us what you're doing and we'll see...
13:41.03[TK]D-FenderWinkie: PASTEBIN is your friend...
13:41.06jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
13:41.14Winkie[TK]D-Fender: one second, i'll get my workmate to do it
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13:42.11tzafrirai-a, faxing over IP? good luck
13:42.15ai-a[TK]D-Fender: i know...  we have 6 faxes, 1 modem and 1 franking machine on our voip and they are moaning they are not working good enough... we've plugged the modem / franking onto a analogue line for now. however its not cost effective to now buy in 8 analogue lines ontop of a isdn line.
13:42.49JTai-a: yeah, don't do them over voip.
13:42.55ai-atzafrir: the company (IP Cortex) that supplied the system install a Softfax at the same time, and say they shouldnt have a problem... We have switches thoughout the buildings.
13:43.07JTthey are mistaken
13:43.16ai-aSo we have found.
13:43.32Winkiethe system i'm planning on using by the way is iaxmodem w/hylafax over a pri
13:43.37tzafrirai-a, for starters make sure you use g711
13:44.15ai-aWinkie: all points to VoIP is for VOICE not DATA.
13:44.25JTV is for Voice
13:44.47Winkiewe're simply going to use alaw (europe) and a seperate box via a crossover i think
13:44.48ai-atzafrir: i turned off all fax.38 / echo cancellation/ jitter,, turned gains up / down.. and so on.. nothing makes them really work.
13:45.13ai-aWinkie: eh,,, we use ATA with aLaw.. it doesnt work.
13:45.30lirakisAsterisk as just started giving me all these crazy errors... like "cannot find extension context 'internal' " ... internal is definitely there
13:45.48[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: You know what to do...
13:46.16lirakisone moment
13:46.40solar_anthi all
13:46.47[TK]D-FenderWinkie: you have to consider that maybe BUFFALO doesn't want you messing with your callerID and *IT* its overriding whatever * sends...
13:47.00solar_anthow can i connect huge number of pstn lines to 1 machine ?
13:47.02Winkie[TK]D-Fender: that's a fair point, one moment
13:47.11solar_anthuge number as in 50+
13:47.13Winkiesolar_ant: get an ISDN PRI
13:47.21JTsolar_ant: couple of PRIs
13:47.22solar_antWinkie:  thanks
13:47.23[TK]D-Fendersolar_ant: 2 in fact.
13:47.24Winkieunless you mean a huge number of strictly non isdn lines
13:47.29lirakishere is a pastebin from starting asterisk  with 'asterisk -c'
13:47.35Winkiesolar_ant: in that case get a couple of FXO banks
13:47.47JTin that case kill yourself ;)
13:47.53[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: And the rest?
13:48.03Winkieagreeing with JT here
13:48.15[TK]D-FenderScrew Channel banks, jsut get 2x SIP gateways.
13:48.19lirakisah .. i think i see some thing "ig.c:501 process_text_line: parse error: No category context for line 1 of /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf"
13:48.21Winkie[TK]D-Fender: buffalo is our other asterisk server but i'm getting him to check it ou
13:48.26Winkiehuh they do FXO sip gateways?
13:48.33JTsure they do
13:48.35[TK]D-FenderWinkie: All kinds.
13:49.10Winkiewell you learn something new every day
13:49.15Winkiei knew of 1 port ones like the IAXy
13:49.18Winkieincidentally jesus IAX sucks!
13:49.38ManxPowerWinkie: IAX is cool, the IAXy sucks.
13:49.42lirakissome how my [general] line got deleted
13:49.43WinkieManxPower: nah IAX sucks also
13:49.48JTiax is a toy
13:49.52Winkieit really is
13:49.53ManxPowerWinkie: why do you say that?
13:50.05WinkieManxPower: because we've been debugging for 2 weeks bizarre audio bugs which occur with IAX
13:50.13Winkiejitterbuffer resets / out of order frames etc
13:50.26Winkiewe switched to SIP yesterday and except for this callerid issue it's just fine
13:50.28ManxPowerWinkie: there were major IAX fixes in 1.4.x recently
13:50.38WinkieManxPower: we're running SVN on one side, 1.4.11 on the other
13:50.47lirakisthank god..
13:50.48ManxPowerWinkie: we had only a few issues with IAX, we moved away from it for several reasons.
13:50.56JTiax is only good for edge cases
13:51.07ManxPowerWinkie: I think you would need 1.4.x SVN on both sides.
13:51.29WinkieManxPower: hehe, that crashes on the other side because of zaptel (not sure why, didn't debug)
13:51.33ManxPowerIn any case, we use SIP w/reinvites.
13:51.43Winkieyeah that's exactly what we're moving to
13:51.47Winkiejust having an issue with callerid
13:51.49ManxPowercan't do IAX between servers and have the SIP phones reinvite.
13:51.54Winkiewe can do about 110 calls in 8mbit
13:52.01Winkiewhich isn't bad with g726
13:52.18Winkieiax should be able to bring that down nearly 2mbit
13:52.30[TK]D-FenderWinkie: Far more...
13:52.41Winkie[TK]D-Fender: well ideally yes down to 3mbit
13:52.48Winkieuh, 3.6
13:52.48_x86_ewwww... g726?
13:53.01ManxPower_x86_: G726 is a perfectly fine codec.
13:53.02JTiax would change it from 8Mbit/s to 2Mbit/s, what?
13:53.03Winkiewe switched back to g711, just tested a 32k codec :)
13:53.09JTG.726 is fine
13:53.15ManxPowergreat audio quality, less bandwidth than ulaw, no patent issues.
13:53.17WinkieJT: not 2mbit, an E1 is only 30 64k channels
13:53.24_x86_i like GSM
13:53.32JTWinkie: i know what an E1 is
13:53.33_x86_or speex
13:53.38_x86_speex is great
13:53.42WinkieJT: but then how would it get to 2mbit?
13:53.54JTg.726 has superior audio to gsm
13:53.58JTWinkie: what's the question?
13:54.18WinkieJT: ah you misread what i said :)
13:54.27Winkiei said bring it down by about 2mbit or more
13:54.30Winkienot to :)
13:54.55[TK]D-FenderWinkie: Except... just imagine how fragile that trunk would be though :)
13:55.00Winkiealso [TK]D-Fender there's nothing at the buffalo side screwing with things that i can see:
13:55.11JTanyway, iax trunking is unreliable at any real volume
13:55.12Winkie[TK]D-Fender: we grouped it into 4 trunks automatically and still had audio issues :(
13:55.17Winkieyeah agreed entirely
13:55.27JTiax is a joke really for real purposes
13:55.43Winkiethat's such a shame
13:55.47[TK]D-FenderWinkie: show BOTH sides sperately please.  SIP on EACH
13:57.14Winkie[TK]D-Fender: they're identical, that is the remote side i think
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13:57.40jk|47hey ppl
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13:57.45[TK]D-FenderWinkie: "Think" doesn't give me any warm & fuzzy feeling.... go check both ends.
13:57.46Winkiealways ends up being 'Unknown': Executing [11158588@incoming-isher:5] NoOp("SIP/buffalo-082d2978", "Num=Unknown| Name=Unknown| ANI=Unknown| DNID=11158588| RDNIS=") in new
13:57.51Winkie[TK]D-Fender: haha fair enough
13:58.08jk|47can anyone tell me does asterisk support ccxml and is it the engine for ccxml or ?
13:58.20Winkieok yes it's exactly the same, no mention of callerid anywhere
13:58.54[TK]D-FenderWinkie: go pastebin up a call with SIP debug enabled, and while you're at it tell me what you DO see exactly on the other end.
13:59.03[TK]D-FenderWinkie: for CID whent he call is received.
13:59.20Winkie[TK]D-Fender: see above, it comes through as Unknown, debugging more now
14:01.40[TK]D-FenderWinkie: Try this : exten   => _11158588.,n,Dial(SIP/buffalo/${EXTEN:0:8})
14:03.19Winkieinstead of @?
14:03.37Winkiealso i have a rather large sip debug for both sides, want me to pb it all?
14:04.35[TK]D-FenderWinkie: Change as I suggested and test.  PB the failure if any.
14:04.43[TK]D-FenderWinkie: And yeah, the whole mess.
14:05.34Winkie[TK]D-Fender: changed, no success
14:05.44[TK]D-FenderWinkie: ok, PB it up.
14:05.47Winkieyou'll have to give me a bit to pastebin this, i'm working through two sshs + screens :)
14:08.59Winkie[TK]D-Fender: ok this is local to remote, let me know if you want me to add the remote one too:
14:11.46[TK]D-FenderWinkie: Looks like what I'd guess was a PRI.  Check your calling presentation.  It may have a "blocked" flag thats carrying over.  Also NoOp the CID values BEFORE the "Set" and again before placing the dial
14:11.51*** part/#asterisk deeperror (
14:12.30Winkie[TK]D-Fender: it is a PRI, do you mind telling me how i can check calling presentation? I'll get the NoOps done now
14:12.42[TK]D-FenderWinkie: In your zapata.conf
14:13.16[TK]D-FenderWinkie: I believe there's a way to change that within your dialplan, but I don't recall exactly where.
14:14.26Winkie[TK]D-Fender: the only thing i can find in the examples is usecallingpres=yes which is not set at all in our production config, the description for this is somewhat vauge though
14:14.39Winkiealso sorry if i'm afk for a few seconds, keeping my eyes on some new kittens
14:15.14[TK]D-FenderWinkie: Check the new NoOp's, and WIKI up the callingpres info.  I'm not an expert in this, but I think its a very probably lead for you.
14:16.11Winkie[TK]D-Fender: the NoOps are being done for me now, i'll check out the callingpres stuff now
14:16.15Winkieyeah it looks pretty interesting
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14:18.58Winkie[TK]D-Fender: NoOps were no use, it is certainly set before the dial
14:19.22[TK]D-FenderWinkie: Ok, onto "Plan B" then....
14:19.38[TK]D-FenderWinkie: Wish you luck...
14:20.36*** join/#asterisk NOT_guru (
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14:23.23Winkie[TK]D-Fender: and no luck so far :(
14:24.04[TK]D-FenderWinkie: tip : enable PRI debug and see exactly whats coming in.
14:24.29Winkie[TK]D-Fender: i'm not sure it's a zaptel issue, unless there's some major difference in handling between IAX and SIP, CID worked fine with IAX
14:24.37Winkiei'm still checking out callingpres now in more detail
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14:24.47ManxPowerWinkie: what IS your CID issue?
14:25.00WinkieManxPower: we used to have an IAX trunk between two machines, callerid worked fine
14:25.05[TK]D-FenderWinkie: Just to see if a block flag si being carried over, check the PRI call as it comes in.
14:25.11Winkiewe switched to quick SIP friends at both sides, callerid comes across as 'Unknown'
14:27.36_ShrikEIve seen you guys talk about this before.  With Cisco PIX, is it sip fixup you recommend turning off?
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14:29.28Winkie[TK]D-Fender: i would like to present you with a gold star
14:29.33Winkieyour initial suspicions were correct
14:30.31tzangerWinkie: [TK]D-Fender's assumptions are generally bang-on
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14:31.35Winkieindeed it would seem so!
14:32.56defsworkAre there any simple/small windows utils to monitor lines and display inobstrusively on screen ?
14:33.50lirakisdefswork: .. asterisk cli
14:33.52lirakisha ha
14:34.32lirakisdefswork: the only purpose built app i know of is hud / hudlite
14:34.33defsworkthanks for that
14:34.57defsworkI've struggled to get hud working on some systems
14:35.00lirakisdefswork: .. but it does more than monitor a line.. and it cost $$
14:35.12lirakisdefswork: asterisk flash operator panel
14:35.39defsworkfop is a little bug
14:36.10ManxPower_ShrikE: sip fixup should be called "break sip stuff you stupid cisco"
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14:36.45_ShrikEManxPower:  haha.. Thanks.
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14:49.25lirakisi have a few sip peers that show up as "unmonitored" in sip show peers
14:49.32lirakishow can i change them to be monitored
14:49.35Winkiedo they have qualify statements?
14:49.40Winkie(in their peer definition in sip.conf)
14:49.46lirakishmm.. no..
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14:49.49Winkiethen add them :)
14:50.15lirakisWinkie: okay... i am actually using FOP .. and i want to see calls coming in on them.. i am not sure if doing this will enable that..
14:50.24lirakisWinkie: i guess i will find out
14:50.34lirakisWinkie: flash operator panel
14:50.36Winkieare you looking to see state changes?
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14:51.31lirakisWinkie: yes
14:52.50lirakisWinkie: right now.. the sip peers ( for my providors ) .. do not show any state change.. just .. that they are there.. .. i would like to see the call information on them.. but .. nothing..
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14:53.01lirakisWinkie: even with qualify=yes and a reload
14:53.29Winkielirakis: there is a way to do this but I can't for the life of me remember how
14:53.38Winkiei'm not sure if you still can, so i'd wait and ask someone more experienced :)
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14:56.23trippscan anyone here recommend a) a sip to pstn gateway appliance, and b) pri pci card for use with *?
14:57.55_ShrikElirakis: Do you have manager.conf set properly for FOP?
14:57.57[TK]D-Fendertripps: Sangoma A101d
14:58.00*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
14:58.36[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: PB it up...
14:58.52[TK]D-FenderWinkie: Were you able to override the presentation restriction ofrom your inbound channel?
15:00.05*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
15:00.17tripps[TK]D-Fender: is that the pri card?
15:00.24[TK]D-Fendertripps: Yes
15:00.34trippsgood support in * I presume
15:00.36[TK]D-Fendertripps: 1-port with Hardware Echo Cancellation.
15:00.46[TK]D-Fendertripps: Works very well
15:01.35Winkie[TK]D-Fender: indeed we were, it worked just fine thank you
15:02.17tripps[TK]D-Fender: excellent thanks! do you have any recommendations for a sip to pstn gateway?
15:02.23*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@
15:03.25[TK]D-Fendertripps: SIP/PRI gateways are very expensive per-port and you lose some control when you leave it external.  I usually only recommend those when you're looking at a higher density highly redundent scenario
15:03.34[TK]D-FenderWinkie: Quite welcome
15:06.30billybongoanyone using a mysql cluster: how many boxen do you use?
15:06.32[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: ping
15:06.43billybongoand why
15:07.17tripps[TK]D-Fender: roger that. thx again!
15:07.19etfonhomeyWhat's up
15:07.41etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender Getting ready to head to a meeting.
15:08.09tripps[TK]D-Fender: assuming of course that I am looking at such a scenario and understand the costs, what would be your recommendations or perhaps a site to direct me to?
15:08.42[TK]D-Fendertripps: AudioCodes Mediant 1000 , Patton (ask others for their opinion on these).
15:14.45tripps[TK]D-Fender: very cool. thx.
15:15.09*** join/#asterisk ShadowHntr (i=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr)
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15:17.29tripps[TK]D-Fender: looks like the mediant 1000 allows you to actually install * on the box?
15:17.57[TK]D-Fendertripps: Not that I'm aware.
15:18.15[TK]D-Fendertripps: And I really wouldn't want to TRY even if I could...
15:26.15tripps[TK]D-Fender: how in your opionion would * function as a SIP gateway?
15:26.52[TK]D-Fendertripps: I'd step back and look at that greater picture of what you want to do before answering something like that...
15:28.01billybongoso anyone using mysql with an asterisk cluster?
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15:28.18billybongowith or without openser
15:28.22tripps[TK]D-Fender: how do you mean exactly?
15:28.34billybongoor should I be looking to postgresql?
15:28.35[TK]D-Fendertripps: What exactly are you looking to do?
15:34.27*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey)
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15:39.24Siya[TK]D-Fender: outbound doesn't seem to be the problem
15:39.31Siyainbound is the issue
15:39.56Siyaasterisk doesn't show anything inbound happening so was curious whether I really need the SRV dns record etc
15:41.50[TK]D-FenderSiya: So you want to RECEIVE un-authed calls to your * box?
15:45.46*** join/#asterisk thansen|laptop (
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15:50.18seldon75hi, I had a problem where all I get when I make an O/G call is loud white noise; so Corydon76 recommended I reload the wctdm module with nativebridge=0.  Problem is, when I try to rmmod wctdm24xxp, it tells me "this module is in use"
15:50.59Strom_Mseldon75: you have to stop asterisk first
15:51.05seldon75thought so
15:51.23seldon75is it just "stop asterisk" and then afterwards "start asterisk"  ?
15:51.37Strom_Mat the console, "stop now"
15:51.49seldon75then to start..?
15:51.51Strom_Mthen later, start it however you started it last time
15:51.58seldon75by rebooting ;)
15:52.11Strom_M/etc/init.d/asterisk start perhaps
15:53.15*** join/#asterisk critch (
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15:53.43critchanyone experienced with colo-ing asterisk boxes in telco locations? need wiring answer
15:54.01Strom_Mwhat kind of wiring answer
15:54.05critchShould I need a crossover cable from their smart jack to my asterisk box?
15:54.18Strom_Mcritch: probably not
15:54.24tripps[TK]D-Fender: well the thought has been to mitigate call quality issues when using a sip provider over the internet. in our case, many of our customers we've put on with a particular ISP have experienced poor call quality (lots of jitter, etc.). Any recommendations for a national ISP that provides QoS or otherwise has a SIP-friendly network? Perhaps someone on Level3 so we can stay on net (layer 2 perhaps) all the way to sip provider for pstn handoff?
15:54.31Strom_Muse a straight-through cable
15:54.48Strom_Mif that doesn't work, make sure you use a T1 crossover cable and not an Ethernet crossover cable
15:55.02[TK]D-Fendertripps: QoS over the internet.... LOL
15:55.54critchThat is my opinion as well. They are telling me I do, but then I only get yellow alarm. If I use a straight through and they flip on their end we are good
15:56.05*** join/#asterisk fujin_ (n=aj@unaffiliated/fujin)
15:56.16Strom_Mcritch: are you sure you're using a T1-specific crossover cable?
15:56.35critchStrom_M: yes, one I crimped and one they just made as well
15:56.51critchSmart jack is seeing green and we are seeing yellow
15:57.03Strom_Mthat sounds like you made an ethernet crossover cable
15:57.13Strom_MT1 crossover cable swaps pairs 1 and 3
15:57.18Strom_Methernet swaps pairs 2 and 3
15:57.26critchcorrect, orange and blue swap
15:57.34critchplus their stripes
15:57.48Strom_Massuming you're using TIA-568-A and not TIA-568-B pinout
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15:58.21critchokay, either way. as you said pairs 1 and 3
15:58.37Strom_Mno, not "either way"
15:58.43Strom_Mthat pinout is crucial also
15:58.44*** join/#asterisk pigpen2 (n=pigpen@
15:59.04critchyes, I know. I was backing away from nitpicking just because we are in agreement
16:00.11pigpen2Hi all.  I updated to polycom sip 2.1.1, now when I have stupid users take the receiver off hook and dial, for example *98, it just automatically sends the "*".
16:00.13Strom_Mok, i just want to be sure you're clear on that - most people I talk to are "computer people" and don't know their TIA-568-A and their 25-pair color code from a hole in the ground
16:00.28pigpen2I cannot seem to find the new magical way to stop this from happening.  ideas?
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16:00.52critchStrom_M: well, I don't know the 25 pair color code either, but I don't get to touch it either
16:01.12tripps[TK]D-Fender: not exactly over the net - that's why i'm looking for an on net provider we can deploy at client locations where we install * appliances where they can have QoS all the way to the SIP provider by keeping traffic on-net (perhaps layer 2)
16:01.14Strom_Myeah, but you do know at least the first five pairs of it, right? :)
16:01.36[TK]D-Fendertripps: So where does PRi fit into this?
16:04.30Strom_Mcritch: i'd be sure you're making a T1 crossover cable before exploring other options - make sure that when you identify pairs 1 and 3, those are on pins 4-5 and 1-2 of the 8P8C plug, respectively
16:04.55critchThey just rewired their side.
16:05.03critchNow a straight through is happy
16:05.16Strom_MTIA-568-A pinout should look like     GR GR/W OR BL/W BL OR/W BR BR/W
16:05.19Strom_Mah ok
16:05.20outtoluncthat happens alot <G>
16:05.59critchthanks for the sanity check Strom_M
16:06.09Strom_Many time
16:09.13trippsfor lack of good provider that fits my description and putting out fires at existing installs :)
16:09.22tripps[TK]D-Fender: last msg for you
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16:19.33[TK]D-Fendertripps: Unless you're setting up a redundant system with SER/etc I wouldn't bother with a SIP/PRI gateway
16:21.54*** join/#asterisk jmls (n=jmls@
16:22.01jmlshey guys'ngals
16:22.20jmlsis there an opposite to the GROUP command ?
16:24.52jmlsI have a queue that I want to keep a count of the number of calls, so I add the channel to the XXX group
16:25.04jmlstrouble is, that group overflows into the YYY group.
16:25.28jmlsmore trouble is, the YYY group is a standalone group of it's own, so I need to maintain a group count on that as well
16:26.01jmlsbut if XXX goes into YYY, I still have a count on the XXX group as well as the YYY group
16:28.14[TK]D-Fenderjmls: Please restart your request... things are getting a bit blurry.  What are you looking to count exactly, and do what based on this?
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16:31.37jmls[TK]D-Fender: I want to maintain a count of all active calls in each of the queues that I have, either answered or waiting
16:31.51kink0any idea about this error : !! Unknown IE 124 (cs5, Unknown Information Element)
16:31.59jmlsso I use GROUP()=<QueueName>
16:32.26jmlshowever, queue XXX overflows to YYY if they are not answered within a period of time
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16:32.44jmlsso, a call is in group XXX and YYY.
16:32.47[TK]D-Fenderjmls: Parse out "show queues"
16:33.11jmlsyeah, that's what I was trying to avoid. Messy
16:33.33jmlsI don't understand why you can't "UNGROUP" for want of a better word
16:35.02[TK]D-Fenderjmls: then use Chan_local to call your agents and place the group count in there.
16:36.10jmlsI do use chan_local - but the count I want is the total number of calls waiting and talking in a queue. So I group before it goes into the queue_app
16:36.26jmlsand not when I go to call the agent
16:36.40[TK]D-Fenderjmls: If you want "waiting", then you're going to have to aprse.
16:37.12jmlsno, all I need is the _total_ number of waiting and talking
16:37.21jmlsnot separate totals
16:37.40jmlsit all works great except when a waiting call overflows
16:38.01jmlsand therefore need to remove that channel from the group
16:39.18*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
16:40.10thewiizlei am
16:40.39elixerthis is a family channel
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16:44.48iPod-nanoConsole-based IRC is so cool!
16:45.17candybanHi guys ... is it possible to use CISCO phones with asterisk? 7912 and 7940 series
16:45.43[TK]D-Fendercandyban: Yes, but they are not recommended
16:45.54iPod-nanoFrom what I've heard, they've been able to reverse-engineer Cisco's protocol.
16:45.55candyban[TK]D-Fender: why?
16:46.11*** join/#asterisk FCOJ (
16:46.12[TK]D-Fendercandyban: Licensed firmware, poor SIP implementation, higher cost.
16:47.26iPod-nanoI didn't install a GUI on my Asterisk box, so I'm running console-based IRC and AIM clients. :-P
16:47.31*** join/#asterisk Connor (
16:47.40candyban[TK]D-Fender: CISCO's appear to be the cheapest you can find (on ebay at least) ... I'd like to start experimenting so I would like 'cheap' stuff
16:48.18*** join/#asterisk maraq (
16:49.08[TK]D-Fendercandyban: Avoid the 7912.  The 7940 is more workable.  How much can you see them for?
16:49.36candyban[TK]D-Fender: between 30 and 69 euros
16:49.55candyban[TK]D-Fender: that's for the 7940 series (without power adapter though)
16:50.25candyban[TK]D-Fender: and that's quickly skimming (69 euros is with the "buy now" option)
16:50.26[TK]D-Fendercandyban: Keep in mind it had better come with a Cisco PoE injector because those 2 models don't support 802.3af and don't have a standard wall-wart
16:50.42[TK]D-Fendercandyban: Go for the 7940 only between those 2.
16:51.04maraqHi, i have a Newbie question: i'm using a sipura2100 at the moment supplied by my phone-supplier here in the netherlands, is my assumption correct that i can tie in asterisk to pickup the line, then use the sipura ( or any other program ) to connect to asterisk ?
16:51.17candyban[TK]D-Fender: hmmz ... so a regular PoE switch won't cut it?
16:51.41[TK]D-Fendercandyban: Nope, those are pre 802.3af standard running Cisco's proprietary standard
16:52.19*** join/#asterisk codazoda (
16:53.13candyban[TK]D-Fender: would a cisco PoE switch work or do they require the injectors?
16:53.39codazodaI've got a TDM404B.  It seems to be working fine in that I've got all 4 lights on the back and 3 of the 4 ports answer.  But, the first port always rings busy.  A few minutes before I got this all working, I had static discharge into that port from the end of a phone cord I touched with my hand.  Does a busy line likely indicate I fried the port?
16:53.44[TK]D-Fendercandyban: I would presume that a Cisco PoE Switch would support it.  Check the manuals to be sure
16:53.56*** join/#asterisk jm|laptop (n=jm|
16:54.11candyban[TK]D-Fender: thanks a lot :) ...
16:54.57russellbcodazoda: please contact
16:55.17[TK]D-Fendermaraq: If you can unlock the SPA from your service provider and they don't try to block * for connecting to them sure.
16:55.37codazoda'zap show channles' shows them all as 'inbound' in the 'default' context.
16:55.47codazodarussellb, you think they can help?
16:55.53russellbcodazoda: of course
16:56.03russellbthat is their job ...
16:56.22codazodaI doubt that shocking my card is covered under the warranty, if it turns out to be dead.  :-)
16:56.23candyban[TK]D-Fender: which phones would you recommend?
16:56.35[TK]D-Fendercandyban: ...
16:56.38jbotrumour has it, phones is  While personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows:  Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever.
16:56.58bkruse~lart candyban
16:56.58jbothooks into a hydrant and hoses candyban down
16:57.10bkrusesorry, I had to :D
16:57.15bkruse~punch bkruse
16:57.15jbotACTION hits bkruse like the hot kiss and the end of a wet fist
16:57.22russellbcodazoda: if you haven't already, try turning off the power to the box and powering it back up
16:57.28maraq[TK]D-Fender thanks :) i'm gonna try then ^^
16:57.31russellbcodazoda: you may have just got it in a bad state
16:57.44codazodaI did try to power off the box.
16:57.46bkrusejbot is nsfw
16:57.56[TK]D-Fendermaraq: Try with just * to your ITSP and use a soft-phone first before screwing with your ATA.  And don't get your hopes too high about unlocking it.
16:58.29russellbcodazoda: k ... well i'm not sure about the warranty question.  they can tell you, though.
16:58.35[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: indeed, that was more than a little nasty...
16:58.41candyban[TK]D-Fender: we have polycoms at work and they work nice, but they are so expensive :(
16:58.49[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: And news on MokoIAX?
16:59.10[TK]D-Fendercandyban: Indeed their EU pricing isn't as nice as inNorth America.... Dunno why...
16:59.11maraq[TK]D-Fender: I'll have to start reading into what all this means first, ATA, ITSP.. all gibberish at the moment, but i'm excited at what this stuff can do :)
16:59.25bkruse[TK]D-Fender: digium work > mokoiax :[
16:59.29[TK]D-Fendermaraq: SPA-2100 = ATA, your provider = ITSP
16:59.32bkrusebut I have started the gtk frontend
16:59.41[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: Thats a given, and still not an answer :p
16:59.45bkrusestill pretty active in the community, or trying to be
16:59.46maraq[TK]D-Fender: ah.. that was easy
16:59.59bkruse[TK]D-Fender: sean wants it to be released at the same time 02 is released
17:00.25[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: I was hoping more for the backend to integrate to the EXISTING dialer app.  It'd be a petty plugin to choose the dialout source.
17:00.39bkruse[TK]D-Fender: thats whats going to happen
17:00.48[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: EXCELLENT.
17:00.51bkrusewhen you configure it in the client, it will save in the mokodb and you can select it as a gateway
17:01.08bkrusegateways: gsm, cdma(but not), iax -> profile1, profile2
17:01.09bkruseetc etc
17:01.25[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: I've gone to a local 01 showing where the concensus seems to be that 02 wont be until mid Q1 08 with any realism attached.
17:01.31bkruseI have been reading up on the "proper" way to use the gtk wrappers they have (which are very minimal unfortunatly :/ )
17:01.44[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: What of CDMA?
17:01.52bkruse[TK]D-Fender: nothing of cdma
17:01.56bkrusecdma(but not) haha
17:02.04bkruse[TK]D-Fender: really? sean will be shipping me a couple for beta I hope
17:02.16[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: Had my hopes up... my current provider is CDMA, and switching will be nasty on my pricing
17:02.23bkruse[TK]D-Fender: who is it?
17:02.26[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: 02 beta?
17:02.32[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: Bell Canada.
17:02.34bkruse[TK]D-Fender: im sure they do gsm also, pretty sure.....
17:02.37bkrusemaybe not :]
17:02.52bkruse[TK]D-Fender: yes, when the 02s are actually running through before the "public" release of the phone
17:03.01[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: Nope, Bell & Telus = CDMA, Rogers & Fido = GSM..
17:03.06bkruseits going to be different than the 01 release, since 01 was purely for devs
17:03.14bkruse[TK]D-Fender: ya, I thought you meant in the states
17:03.19[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: Yeah, bigger CPU, Wifi, etc
17:03.33bkruseright right, and the images have come a LONG way since release also
17:03.41[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: I have to admit the screen is beautiful.  The onscreen keyboard is a flaming pile of &@#^%@ however
17:03.44bkrusewe will see, theres been talk of course, because they want to support everything...
17:04.08bkruse[TK]D-Fender: I know, someone did a python "proof of concept" multitouch keyboard, but did not realize the hardware just is not capable
17:04.08[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: I say the Aug release firmware on the )!'s at that meeting.
17:04.37bkruse[TK]D-Fender: thats not bad, its still 01 firmware, its just...there are svn commits everyday
17:04.47bkruseyou can download and even throw on the new image very easily
17:04.55[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: Multitouch isn't as important as KILLING that wasted space between the keys and trying to cram EVERYTHING into 1 screen worth of it.  I'm not opposed to paging for other keys
17:04.56bkruseprebuilt images, so you do not need the 2.2gig+ dev environment
17:05.15bkruse[TK]D-Fender: I believe they are, of course there has been talk for the hardware keyboard also
17:05.30bkruselike a slide out, but thats far out scope of 03 to be integrated, but possible clipon/addon
17:05.47[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: there are plenty of BT mini keyboards out there...
17:06.06[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: or usb if the split the mode on it
17:06.20[TK]D-Fenderthat'd be the most ccost effective.
17:06.23bkruse[TK]D-Fender: exactly
17:06.34bkrusewell, I think someone was planning on actually making them, outside of FIC/moko
17:06.36[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: Such promise.....
17:06.38bkruseto do a clickup to the USB
17:06.59bkrusewould be neat, if I use it as my text messaging device, ill need it
17:07.11bkruseI want to do some experimenting with iax2 and text messaging :X
17:07.37codazodaDropped in another TDM04B and that one answers on port one.  So, I fried something on the card.  I can hope that it's just the FXO.
17:08.01[TK]D-Fendercodazoda: Should be an easy test
17:09.09*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (n=ckwall@
17:09.17[T]anki need some advice on something.......
17:09.27Nuggetdown, not across.
17:09.33[T]anki am setting up some extensions that need to be recorded.
17:09.48[T]ankbut i also want my queued calls to be recorded.
17:10.02[T]ankso i have set the queue to monitor
17:10.15[T]ankbut if someone calls the extension directly i also have that set to monitor.
17:10.20[T]ankso i get two recordings.
17:10.48[T]ankis there any reason why I should record the queue instead of extension, or the other way around?
17:10.56[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: You should not be using the same extens for both purposes
17:11.24[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: Your queue should monitor itself and only dial out extens that ring the target devices and nothing more
17:11.47[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: Yes its a bit of duplication, but thats sanity for you....
17:12.08[T]anknot sure i understand
17:13.46[T]ankmaybe i do...
17:14.10[T]ankso i have the extensions set up in extensions.conf... but have been adding them dynamically to the queue as Local/exten@context/n
17:14.41[T]ankinstead, i should add them ass SIP/device_name so that it does not call the dialplan commands.
17:14.58[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: Don't use your main extens.  Make another set for Queue usage
17:15.44[T]ankso a hole second context for extensions?
17:15.52[T]ankone for direct dial, and one for queue dialed?
17:16.10funxionanyone familiar with this error -> channel.c: Didn't get a frame from channel
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17:17.19[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: yup
17:17.27[T]ankok... will try that. thanks
17:17.46codazodaA different FX0 doesn't solve the problem.  Moral of the story, don't grab the end of a cord plugged into your Digium card and walk across the carpet.
17:17.54*** part/#asterisk maraq (
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17:24.01pots_linereseller is being a butt
17:24.08pots_linecan't get firmware
17:24.33pots_lineneed Polycom 3.2.2 bootrom
17:24.53Yourname``Hi, so I want extension 100 to show callerid 9175555555 when he dials out. And extension 200 to show callerid 4195554444 when he dials out. I use the "callerid=<"Agent 100"> 9175555555" and it doesn't work. They will both be dialing the same number, but dependng on WHICH agent is calling, the callerid needs to show. How do I do it?
17:25.29pots_lineanyone have a reseller contact that is helpful in getting firmware
17:27.38*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
17:28.50pots_lineexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,2,Set(CALLERID(num)="##########")
17:28.53pots_linelike so
17:28.57pots_linethen dial
17:29.04*** join/#asterisk qdk (
17:29.06bkruse[TK]D-Fender: 02 is scheduled for end of october
17:29.12bkrusebut more likely januaray 08
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17:29.47Qwell02 what?
17:29.55pots_lineIf you set the caller id as a variable in the sip.conf or iax.conf you won't need to do the set
17:30.01pots_lineit will just inherit it
17:30.12luisavilain the zapata and zaptel
17:30.23bkruseGTA02 of the moko
17:30.31bkruseQwell: you will become friends with it.
17:30.31Qwellspeaking of which
17:30.34*** part/#asterisk mohsen (n=chatzill@
17:30.44Qwellbkruse: whatever happened with that?
17:30.56bkruseQwell: its still on, but the phone has not been released yet, haha
17:31.03[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: Schedules were made to be broken :)
17:31.04Qwellahh, they're doing 02
17:31.05bkruseI guess i can ask for some 01's
17:31.08bkruse[TK]D-Fender: true
17:31.16pots_lineBut why
17:31.22QwellI wonder how many 01s they've sold so far
17:31.34pots_lineunless you are all analog
17:31.38[TK]D-Fenderpots_line: no "" around your CID #
17:32.29pots_linewas answering the question
17:32.31bkruseQwell: way more than they thought
17:32.35Qwellno doubt
17:33.22[TK]D-FenderCanadian celluar data plans = garbage :(
17:33.33pots_lineuse it to adjust outbound callerid on sip and iax trunking to carrier
17:35.25pots_linecallerid in the sip and iax conf files is supposed to be callerid=NAME<NUM>
17:35.48pots_lineDepending on ver . . . quotes _will_ piss of *
17:35.59bkruseQwell: im excited, ill getcha one if i can, let me ping em actually
17:36.19funxionanyone familiar with this error -> channel.c: Didn't get a frame from channel
17:38.01*** part/#asterisk bluebeard (n=jmls@
17:38.48anthmisn't that when ast_read_frame gets null which is one of the many ways a bridge loop will break?
17:39.26funxionI have no clue thats why Im asking
17:39.37funxionit seems to be the source of a lot of dropped calls for me
17:39.52funxionover both zap and sip channels
17:40.02anthmusually that is the result not the symptom
17:40.23anthmso you should look for something sooner that also happens every time
17:43.05*** part/#asterisk luisavila (
17:44.31anthmyou might want to turn on the full debug log too cos some of the stuff hides in there
17:44.43anthmthere are a few gems that have no log at all associated with it
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17:46.01funxionI've left full debug on
17:46.11funxionuntil I resolve some of thse issues
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17:53.55Siya[TK]D-Fender: well from some hosts it would be nice
17:54.20Siyanot sure whether accepting unauthed calls from 'anyone' would be such a good idea
17:55.07SiyaI have family in the UK with a plustalk account so I can call them using a simple uri
17:55.12[TK]D-FenderSiya: no need for SRV, just a context and allowguest=yes
17:55.21Siyaand I'd like to provide the same to them
17:55.43Siyaa context? how do I match these calls to this context?
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17:59.20[TK]D-FenderSiya: if they come in with no auth and match an exten in that context.
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18:00.39Siyaic, so the context doesn't matter that much, just that extensions.conf knows the alphanumeric extension (the stuff before
18:01.40Siyathat's the weird thing though I assumed this and I can dial the extension (with or without doamin) internally but I've not succeeded to do this from X-lite yet
18:03.23Siya[TK]D-Fender: thank you for your help, confirming that I did well
18:03.51SiyaI was dialing <ext> and it should be <ext>
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18:11.42webtech_m33[TK]D-Fender: i got my TE405 to work... i move it from slot 2 to slot 1 and poof it started working
18:12.04[TK]D-Fenderwebtech_m33: Good to hear
18:14.08*** join/#asterisk FXOL (
18:14.09drwelbyThe "powers that be" have declared that we need to "upgrade" to an Asterix Appliance. Anyone made the transition from CLI to GUI and not regretted it?
18:14.12FXOLhello all
18:14.30FXOLCurious who might be able to help... haven't had any luck on the forums
18:15.23FXOLWhere might I find the documentation for doing custom callplans, AGI, etc.
18:15.33Qwelldrwelby: You could try out asterisknow, and see what you think of the gui.  It's mostly the same as the asterisk appliance
18:15.46FXOLI've fudged my way through doing some custom stuff... but I am not finding any good references
18:16.03QwellFXOL: check the wiki - there are a ton of examples there
18:16.06jbotwikis is, like,
18:16.17FXOLI have... but no reference
18:16.21FXOLjust random examples
18:16.42Qwellin asterisk try doing...umm...  agi dumphtml, I think it is
18:16.48[TK]D-Fenderdrwelby: UPgrade?  Ask them if they have any extra crack for resale....
18:17.05FXOLI can post a sample of what I've written
18:17.28JerJerhey now people can ride a SLUT and not get in trouble with the significant other
18:17.42[TK]D-FenderFXOL: The dialplan apps all have usage pages through CLI.  How you use them is up to you.
18:17.50FXOLbut I don't see a reference to commands used, such as Playback, Read, GotoIf, etc
18:18.05[TK]D-FenderFXOL: "show application playback" <- in * CLI
18:18.34[TK]D-FenderFXOL: You've clearly missed the BIG PRINT.  You may also want to download an read THE BOOK.
18:18.37jbot[book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at or Temporarily at
18:18.44QwellJerJer: somebody needs to put down the crackpipe
18:19.04JerJeror hit it harder  :D
18:19.06FXOL([TK]D-Fender): Forgive me... What Big Print? :P
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18:19.35[TK]D-FenderFXOL: in the book, the WIKI has plenty of references on app usage and the * CLI, etc.
18:19.47[TK]D-FenderFXOL: Just typing in "help" in CLI, etc
18:20.05[TK]D-FenderFXOL: But regardless I've just handed you the key resources you were looking for.
18:20.16FXOLperhaps I'm not up on acronym's, yet... CLI?   And I'll read that PDF :P
18:20.55*** join/#asterisk GreggB (n=GreggB@
18:21.43NuggetCLI refers to the asterisk console (command line interface)
18:22.21FXOLwhic is different from linux root login ;P
18:22.32FXOLand how do I get to the CLI?
18:22.33[TK]D-FenderFXOL: Command Line Interface.  As in what you get when you do "asterisk -r" to connect to *
18:22.40Nuggetrun "asterisk -r"
18:22.41FXOLaahhhh ;P
18:22.45FXOLlemme try it
18:22.53[TK]D-FenderFXOL: How on earth you could have used * and not known this is a mystery to me....
18:23.25FXOL([TK]D-Fender): only been playing with * about a week thus far... and doing minor dev for 2 days....
18:23.39FXOLI learn by getting dirty rather then reading sometime ;)
18:23.45[TK]D-FenderFXOL: Ok, fine, sure, welcome abord!
18:23.54FXOLnot a newbie to code... just * :P
18:24.11FXOL[root@asterisk1 asterisk]# asterisk -r
18:24.11FXOLUnable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exi
18:24.20Nuggetis asterisk running?
18:24.30GreggBGoogle isn't helping me much, so... Does anyone know of a way to detect red and yellow alarm states on my T1 (using zaptel w/ a Wildcard TE12xP Card). The log file /var/log/asterisk/messages doesn't consistently show when a circuit drops to an alarm state, and I'm seeking a way to auto-recover from such alarms (I'm getting red alarms about every 12-18 hours lately).
18:24.30Nuggetthe -r will try to attach to an already-running instance of asterisk.
18:24.37FXOLyup.. I'm on the phone ;P
18:24.42[TK]D-FenderFXOL: Start with this "show applications" and "show functions" and then drill each into detail to see how the bits work.  In the BOOK, focus on chapter 5 (Dialplan basics) and read up on "asterisk variables" on the WIKI
18:24.45Nuggetdid you run it as root?
18:24.55FXOLI did a amportal restart as root, yew
18:24.57Nuggetah, duh, I see.
18:25.03FXOLthat a problem?
18:25.08[TK]D-FenderNugget: Regardless if its running then root should be able to connect, no?
18:25.12FXOLokay.. in CLI now
18:25.14*** join/#asterisk Igbothom_3rd (
18:25.23jboti guess amp is NOT supported here!  People using it should join #freepbx (FreePBX is the new name of AMP)
18:25.28jbotfreepbx is probably unable to be supported here. It's a complex piece of dialplan and GUI, and can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
18:25.28Nugget[TK]D-Fender: no, not in my experience.
18:25.36[TK]D-FenderNugget: Ok...
18:25.37FXOL177 applications registered
18:26.13FXOL46 custom functions
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18:28.22Nugget[TK]D-Fender: I think I may have misunderstood your question.
18:28.38Nuggetroot should be able to connect to any running asterisk, no matter what uid it is using.
18:28.50[TK]D-FenderNugget: SHOULDN'T root be able to access "asterisk -r" regardless of the user its running under <-
18:28.58Nuggetyes, you're correct.
18:29.01[TK]D-FenderNugget: Better :)
18:29.07Corydon76-digNugget: unless
18:29.27FXOLis there examples on how to "use" the applications?
18:29.37FXOLlike the functions show
18:29.54[TK]D-FenderFXOL: As you're new here, know this : AMP/FreePBX/Trixbox/A@H are not supported here so your questions should not be regarding any configurations created or maintained by them.
18:29.54Corydon76-dig"core show application Foo"
18:30.08NuggetI was asking if FXOL was trying to run "asterisk -r" as non-root (I was blind and didn't notice that it was clear from his paste) and mis-read your question in that context.
18:30.14deeperrorI've got a sip peer setup to voicepulse and it uses a hostname   however they request that srvlookup=yes there is some kind of load balancing going on at their side.   The first time i dial out to them i get 407 Auth required as the call is going to    my dialplan trys to dial out the call again and this time it dials out and works to sip:1234567890@  the srvlookup seems to work only
18:30.22FXOL([TK]D-Fender): I don't think that applies... but ok
18:30.34[TK]D-FenderFXOL: "show application [appnamewithoutbraces]"
18:30.45[TK]D-FenderFXOL: "show function [functionnamewithoutbraces]"
18:30.55NuggetFXOL: extensions.conf is an "example" of how to "use" the applications.
18:31.05[TK]D-FenderFXOL: it certainal does as you've already referenced amportal...
18:31.08FXOLthank you
18:31.29FXOL([TK]D-Fender): I was indicating I restarted the server process
18:31.48[TK]D-FenderFXOL: Yes, but amportal brands you instantly.
18:31.56FXOL([TK]D-Fender): brands me? :P
18:32.08Nuggetamportal is not asterisk.
18:32.18FXOLI realize that ;P
18:32.26FXOLbut doesn't it restart asterisk ?
18:32.33NuggetI have no idea.  I've never used it.
18:32.38FXOLit does ;P
18:32.58Nuggethow did you manage to get amportal installed with absolutely no experience with asterisk at all?
18:33.01FXOLI'm just surprised that this references arent online
18:33.10FXOL(Nugget): quite easilly
18:33.45FXOLI've got a fully functional system w/ multiple phones and softphones...  and already have 2 custom IVR apps...
18:33.51FXOLwell.. semi custom
18:33.55Nuggetbut you've never heard of extensions.conf?
18:34.04FXOLthat's where I have most of my custom items
18:34.14Nuggetsomething just doesn't add up.
18:34.53Nuggetyour claim that you've written a custom dialplan without knowing what a dialplan is.
18:35.00FXOLno I didnt say that
18:35.06Nuggetyes, you sort of did.
18:35.15FXOLI said I don't have a reference to all commands availalble in a dialplan
18:35.27FXOLI've built and AGI that pulls data from a web site too
18:35.33[TK]D-FenderFXOL: And you do now!  Merry Christmas!
18:35.35*** join/#asterisk tsurko (n=tsurko@
18:35.37FXOLbut again... no reference to all functions available
18:35.46lirakisanyone know the pre recourded sound file that says essentially "no voicemail available for that extension" ?
18:35.47FXOL([TK]D-Fender): yup :P
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18:36.10[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Try to access one and watch the CLI :)
18:36.48FXOLsee... learned something already
18:36.55FXOLsimple enough.. but didnt have the refernce
18:38.17FXOLthanks again guys...
18:38.27FXOLthis is why I like IRC over forums :)
18:39.14Nuggetweb forums are the ghettos of the internet.
18:39.22deeperrorhow should a peer be setup that requires srvlookup=yes?
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18:40.09deeperrorhow should a peer be setup that requires srvlookup=yes if the lookup is not performed when referencing the peer name in the dial statement.
18:40.41FXOLone more question...
18:40.51FXOLare there references to available contexts?
18:41.14FXOLbah.. forget it ;P
18:44.09[TK]D-FenderFXOL: Indeed rather silly question, move along to reading the book :)
18:44.32Nuggetegrep '^\[' /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf
18:44.39Nugget^ reference to available contexts.  :)
18:45.36FXOL(Nugget): nice ;P
18:45.55syzygyBSDof course, that doesn't work with included files...
18:45.56[TK]D-FenderNugget: Yeah... and you know how much good THAT'LL do ;)
18:48.28*** join/#asterisk DougVOIP (n=Dougg@
18:48.35syzygyBSDNugget: asterisk -rx 'show dialplan'|egrep '^\['
18:49.27GreggBAnyone know how to read the alarm state off a Wildcard TE12xP Card (zaptel)
18:50.13syzygyBSDthat will just tell you what the state is, not why
18:50.15GreggBsyzygyBSD: in a way which could be automated?
18:51.02GreggBMy circuit keeps dropping to a red alarm, and all it's taken is running ztcfg -vvvv to bring it back online.
18:51.22GreggBSo I'm trying to find a way to automate alarm state detection, and correction.
18:51.27syzygyBSDcat /proc/zaptel/1 ?
18:51.39syzygyBSDnot sure if that would help, doesn't tell you red alarm
18:51.48GreggBTried that - it doesn't report anything intresting
18:51.56syzygyBSDif it is constantly dropping to red alarm, something is probably misconfigured
18:52.09tzafrirAutomated alarm correction?
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18:52.16deeperrorasterisk -rx "zap show status"
18:52.18GreggBHmm, it's been working for months, and just started dropping to a red alarm about every 12-18 hours these past few days
18:52.21tzafriralarms often report things beyond your control
18:52.54syzygyBSDlike 'you have to get up and go to work now'... ya, I hate alarms
18:53.18tzafrirGreggB, you can check how zttool checks for alarms
18:53.28GreggBsyzygyBSD:  yea - I hate those too, I killed mine a few months back and never looked back :-)
18:53.30tzafrirone ioctl, basically
18:53.54tzafrirGreggB, I already have that information available in my sysfs zaptel branch
18:54.36GreggBtzafrir: code in development then?
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18:55.16tzafrirGreggB, but zaptel already notifies Asterisk of alarms
18:55.20GreggBtzafrir: cool - that's a nice long-term plan. I guess I need to dig around the zaptel development source then
18:55.35tzafrirYou can have Asterisk report them in more meaningful ways
18:55.45GreggBtzafrir: I thought so too... I like deeperror's idea (dont know why I didnt think of that myself)
18:55.47tzafrire.g: through the manager interface
18:55.53_Sam--its been a while since i used meetme, and had a conference -- i have upgraded to 1.4 since the last time, but i dont know how to fix this...
18:55.56_Sam--[Sep 19 14:55:33] WARNING[19929]: pbx.c:1797 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'MeetMe' for extension (default, 900, 1)
18:56.18[TK]D-Fender_Sam--: You didn't ahve a zaptel timing source installed before compiling *.
18:56.33_Sam--i do have a zaptel timing source
18:56.37deeperrorGreggB: how about something like this?
18:56.47ManxPower_Sam--: not before installing Asterisk
18:56.47FXOLman... I may need a 3rd monitor... too much on my screens :P
18:56.51_Sam--wcte11xp               24480  0
18:56.51_Sam--zaptel                221344  1 wcte11xp
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18:57.00_Sam--ive had them since much before installing asterisk.
18:57.06[TK]D-Fender_Sam--: Not set up at that point in time. or its not ready NOW and * didn't load MeetMe because of it.
18:57.15ManxPower_Sam--: Well then Asterisk did not see zaptel installed and so did not build MeetMe
18:57.28[TK]D-Fender_Sam--: try "module load"
18:57.34ManxPowerPretty simple, really
18:58.09_Sam--it cant load, it doesnt exist.
18:58.17_Sam--[Sep 19 14:57:39] WARNING[31474]: loader.c:360 load_dynamic_module: Error loading module '': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
18:58.29ManxPower_Sam--: so what you need to figure out is why Asterisk did not find Zaptel when you built it.
18:58.33_Sam--what is the easiest way to fix?
18:58.42GreggBdeeperror: aww damn - you just saved me even more work. Thanks!
18:59.20deeperrorGreggB: just throw that command into a variable and check the variable for your alarm status in question if it validates run ztcfg haha
18:59.20ManxPower_Sam--: Well, since we don't know WHY the zaptel header and libraries were not found when you installed Asterisk, there may not be an "easy fix"
18:59.24_Sam--would an older from 1.2 asterisk work if i moved it to where it needs to be ?
18:59.30ManxPower_Sam--: no
18:59.48_Sam--ok.  i think i may know why.
18:59.55GreggBdeeperror: cool, now onto getting the telco to fix the circuit itself  :\
19:00.09ManxPower_Sam--: I would rerun ./configure and look at the meetme application in make menuconfig or whatever it is called in 1.4
19:00.10_Sam--when i made asterisk 1.4 i dont know if i updated zaptel because i dont use the zap card for telephony any longer (its an idle card in the machine)
19:00.11deeperrorgood luck with that one will need a truck load of luck there
19:00.21_Sam--maybe i need to make a new zaptel, before i make my new asterisk.
19:00.38ManxPower_Sam--: well that might be a reason.  NEVER run different major versions of asterisk and zaptel on the same system
19:01.00[TK]D-Fender_Sam--: thats a real big no-no
19:01.02_Sam--although in looking at my source directory, i do have the zaptel source extracted configured and installed (zaptel 1.4.4)
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19:01.22GreggBYea Integra has been pretty good about things (I can call their main number, and actually get an english speaking tech who knows what he's doing)
19:02.23_Sam--if older zaptel kernel modules are loaded do i have to rmmod or something to get the new ones loaded?
19:02.25deeperrorlive up to the name.   not att :)
19:03.12ManxPower_Sam--: of course you do, just like any other kernel module.
19:03.45_Sam--make install on zaptel exits with an error, i dont know if its benign, or means anything....
19:03.46_Sam--build_tools/genudevrules: line 1: udevinfo: command not found
19:03.47_Sam--make: *** [devices] Error 1
19:04.00_Sam--plain make worked fine
19:04.24ManxPoweryou need to install the udevinfo command or uninstall udev
19:04.39ManxPower_Sam--: I think you might want to try a general Linux channel, as that is where your issue is.
19:05.27ManxPowerI seem to recall the udevinfo command problem being discussed on the asterisk-users mailing list.  The problem was that udev was partially installed by the OS install, but not fully installed.
19:05.45_Sam--yeah, i dont use udev thats why im scratching my nads
19:06.06ManxPower_Sam--: well the make install is seeing some form of udev installed.
19:06.09ManxPowerrpm -qa | grep udem  rpm -qa | grep udev
19:06.25_Sam--or apt-get
19:06.46ManxPoweryou'll have to figure out your distro's way of listing installed packages
19:06.56_Sam--root@phone:/usr/src/ast2/zaptel-1.4.4# apt-get remove udev
19:06.56_Sam--Reading Package Lists... Done
19:06.56_Sam--Building Dependency Tree... Done
19:06.56_Sam--Package udev is not installed, so not removed
19:07.10*** join/#asterisk elixer (i=elixer@
19:07.15ManxPowergood, now install any package with the string udev anywhere in the package name. uninstall
19:07.25_Sam--there are none.
19:07.31_Sam--there are only 4 udev packages.
19:07.34_Sam--the main one is 'udev'
19:07.39ManxPowerwell, I guess it sucks to be you then.
19:07.40_Sam--and i dont got it, or any others on this machine.
19:08.05_Sam--this machine has been running asterisk for 3 years, same hardware....i dont understand why installing zaptel 1.4.4 is a problem
19:08.15_Sam--ive had 3 other versions of zaptel on here without this problem
19:08.25_Sam--actually, 4 or more.
19:08.45_Sam--no change to kernel, or machine.
19:09.22lirakiscan i roll (cascade) calls from one queue to another if all the agents in the first queue are busy?
19:10.01[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: yup.
19:10.27lirakisi guess.. i should ... maybe just set a time out
19:10.36[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Look at "show application queue" and the values for the QUEUESTATUS variable
19:10.40lirakisand then have the next queue be dialed?
19:10.41ManxPower_Sam--: how many versions of 1.4 zaptel have you installed?
19:10.51_Sam--found it.
19:10.51ManxPoweron this machine.
19:10.52lirakis[TK]D-Fender: okay
19:10.55_Sam--there was /etc/udev
19:11.00_Sam--i just mv'd it to udev.sav
19:11.02_Sam--make install fine
19:11.29_Sam--'locate udev' yielded only 3 results
19:11.31ManxPower_Sam--: on RPM distros I would do an rpm -qilf /etc/udev to see what package created that
19:11.57_Sam--i only have 2 RHEL boxes, and this isnt one unfortunately.  i dont know the same commands for debian / apt.
19:12.25ManxPowerI would NOT recommend running Asterisk on a distro you are not familiar with.
19:12.35ManxPowerThat's just asking for issues like this.
19:12.38_Sam--thank you, but i wasnt asking for any recommendations.
19:13.06ManxPowernow reinstall asterisk, starting with the ./configure
19:13.17ManxPowerthat should pick up and build meetme
19:13.19FXOLanother question for you smart guys ;P
19:13.54FXOLis there a way to playback a file, but also monitor for a specific keypress response?
19:14.09jsmithFXOL: The Background() application?
19:14.10Corydon76-digFXOL: Background
19:14.15_Sam--thank you for the help, Manx.
19:14.26FXOLI looked at that... does that look for an extension only?  or any keypress?
19:14.26Corydon76-digor Read(), for that matter
19:14.48ManxPowerFXOL: a key press is an extension in this case.
19:14.52Corydon76-digBackground is extension-only.  Read is arbitrary input
19:15.03FXOLwell.. I want to playback a file
19:15.10FXOLand not do anything special if no keypressed
19:15.21Corydon76-digWell, Read has a timeout
19:15.21FXOLbut if key is hit during it... branch off conditionally
19:15.39ManxPowerCorydon76-dig: you can use read to playback a file while waiting for a keypress?
19:15.46Corydon76-digManxPower: yes
19:15.53FXOLhrmm.. hows that work?
19:15.54Corydon76-digThe file is considered a prompt
19:16.00ManxPower"show application read"
19:16.00Corydon76-digshow application Read
19:16.08FXOLyea I know ;P
19:16.38ManxPowerthat must be the 1.4 read
19:16.42FXOLbut doesn't that way until AFTER reading to get digits?
19:16.52FXOLwait = way
19:17.06Corydon76-digNope, it's during
19:17.23Corydon76-digWhy don't you try it?
19:17.27*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
19:17.48FXOLwill do that ;P
19:18.00FXOLso just use play in place of background
19:18.11FXOLor playback for that matter
19:18.14Corydon76-digNo, use Read, in place of Background
19:18.32Corydon76-digSee the filename field?  That's the file to play back as a prompt
19:18.42[TK]D-FenderFXOL: [|filename] <-----------
19:18.44FXOLso example
19:18.46FXOLexten => s,n,Playback(custom/ClubGPID)
19:19.24FXOLRead(MYVAR, filename, 1) ?
19:19.49Corydon76-digand then you can check the value of ${gpid}
19:19.59*** join/#asterisk Lucky7 (n=Adam@
19:20.02FXOLsimple enough
19:20.11FXOLdidnt realize I could play bcak with read... thanks
19:21.01_Sam--!seen zoa
19:21.04FXOL_Sam--, I don't remember seeing zoa
19:22.44FXOL(Corydon76-dig): how can I jump back to the main IVR? similar to 7777?
19:23.05Corydon76-digUh, Goto
19:23.49FXOLGoto what tho?   main IVR callplan?
19:24.07Corydon76-digIf that's what the label is, yes
19:24.24FXOLnot sure.. will have to dig it up
19:24.28FXOLused the built in IVR
19:24.58Corydon76-digexten => s,n(main IVR dialplan),NoOp()... Goto(s,main IVR dialplan)
19:25.28[TK]D-FenderFXOL: Ok, seriously, go sit down with the book and READ.
19:25.40FXOLI read through that book.. no refernce to this
19:25.42Corydon76-digYou thought I was joking, didn't you?
19:25.57FXOLit had some decent basic exmaples...
19:26.07Corydon76-digYes, you can define a label with spaces...
19:26.21FXOLI didnt ask about that
19:27.13[TK]D-FenderFXOL:  The book shows all sorts of samples for IVR's, *'s standard extensions, usage of variables, etc.  Stop dodging.
19:27.51jsmithFXOL: I wrote the book.  Yes, it has examples.  The second edition (in stores now!) has even more examples.
19:27.57FXOLI didn't "all sorts"... it was quite basic
19:28.01FXOLbut ok
19:28.23anonymouz666jsmith: TFOT2 will be PDF available?
19:29.12jsmithanonymouz666: Of course... we're debuting it next week at AstriCon!
19:29.37jsmithBy the way, that was a subtle reminder... ASTRICON IS NEXT WEEK, PEOPLE!
19:29.40FXOLproblem seems to be that when I change the IVR setup from the FreePBX admin... it could rename the dialplan in the .conf file
19:29.55FXOLbut ok ;P
19:30.16[TK]D-FenderFXOL: FreePBX *owns your ass*.
19:30.22jsmithFXOL: That's one downside to the FreePBX gui...
19:30.33FXOL(jsmith): I see that ;P
19:30.38[TK]D-Fenderjsmith: Yeah... the other ... is the FreePBX GUI :)
19:31.01jsmithMakes me remember why I gave up on my own GUI and started writing docs instead
19:31.27*** part/#asterisk solar_ant (n=solar@
19:32.37FXOLso... this "should" work? :P
19:32.37FXOLGotoIf($["${SKIPID}" = "*"]?ivr-3,1)
19:33.07alrsjsmith: Is adhearsion the preferred AGI framework in the new book, or is it just one chapter of many?
19:33.16[TK]D-FenderFXOL: once execution gets there and that variable has any hope of containing the value you're looking for, sure
19:33.19deeperrorhow about asterisk world vs astricon?
19:33.20jsmithSure, as long as ivr-3 is an extension in the current context
19:33.26jsmithalrs: Just one chapter of many
19:33.42FXOLno.. it's in the extensions_additional.conf
19:33.51jsmithdeeperror: AstriCon is for Asterisk users.  Digium/Asterisk World is for future Asterisk users
19:34.12jsmithdeeperror: Digium/Asterisk World is more oriented at business-types investigating Asterisk
19:34.26jsmithdeeperror: AstriCon is the official users conference for Asterisk...
19:34.34deeperrorso would it be worthless to goto *world if i'm already implementing asterisk?
19:34.45jsmithdeeperror: Obviously there's some overlap, but hopefully that helps clarify things
19:34.59jsmithdeeperror: I'm not saying it's worthless... but you might get more out of AstriCon
19:35.07FXOLwhere is Astricon?
19:35.13jsmithPhoenix, AZ
19:35.20FXOLnot too bad.. when?
19:35.23russellbnext week!
19:35.31jsmith25th through the 28th
19:35.33FXOLgoing be tearing up the roads in AR
19:35.39jsmithrussellb: I'm excited too!
19:35.47FXOL(jsmith): they have a website?
19:35.55deeperrorwell i saw the talks at world are about callcenters and setting them up etc etc.  I'm going out there in october...probably should have went to az instead haha
19:36.10jsmithdeeperror: Well, I'll be at both... Be sure to say hi.
19:36.13Qwelldeeperror: it's not too late to go to astricon too
19:36.13FXOLDallas :P
19:36.18QwellFXOL: last year
19:36.23FXOLye a;P
19:36.24jsmithFXOL: That's the page for last year's show
19:36.25deeperrori know but it kinda is from work aspect haha
19:36.38Qwelldeeperror: try :D
19:36.45Qwellmore users going is a good thing
19:36.46deeperrorthey pay for it let me ask
19:36.47Strom_Mi may drop in for a day or two of astricon
19:36.51FXOLI'm a year late! :P
19:37.02QwellFXOL: are you?  or are you a week early? :)
19:37.06Strom_Mif i can figure out accomodation
19:37.07FXOLyear late ;P
19:37.11FXOLnot in Dallas  this year
19:37.20QwellStrom_M: I'm sure a bunch of people have couches
19:37.22FXOL(jsmith): How should I change that command to deal with other context?
19:37.35ManxPowerIf they had it near or in Atlanta again, I'd go to Astricon
19:37.46Strom_MQwell: surprisingly, i dont know anyone in phoenix
19:37.50FXOLs,1 I assume
19:37.52QwellStrom_M: I mean attendees
19:38.09jsmithFXOL: GotoIf($["${SKIPID}" = "*"]?some_context,some_extension,some_priority)
19:38.15Strom_MQwell: hey, do you have a sofa?
19:38.31Qwellno idea..  I'm with Kevin, russellb, and putnopvut
19:38.45FXOLso... ?ivr-3,s,1
19:39.09wishesare there any known major probs upgrading from 1.2 to 1.4?
19:39.42deeperrorwell its either one or the other hahaha and i've already got the tickets setup for october :(
19:39.49ManxPowerwishes: most of them would be in....upgrade.txt or whatever they call it in 1.4
19:39.51deeperrori guess next year will be at the con for sure
19:39.55ManxPoweryou should also look at the 1.2 upgrade.txt
19:40.04_Sam--ManxPower:  "locate udev" on machine yields nothing.  zaptel 1.4 configure, there is nothing there that shows anything about udev when i configure, and when i make, i checked the make output, there is nothing there referencing udev either.  however, anytime i make install zaptel, it creates /etc/udev with rules for zaptel in there, and modprobe zaptel fails.
19:40.22ManxPower_Sam--: ASTERISK ./configure
19:40.27FXOL(jsmith): ugh... I hit the * during playback... log shows the * hit... but doesn't exec. gotoif (at least not results I want) :P
19:40.38ManxPowernow that you have removed the fake udev directory everything should build and install correctly.
19:40.51_Sam--im not convinced my zaptel is correct, becaus i cant modprobe zaptel
19:40.56FXOLexten => s,n,Read(SKIPID,custom/ClubGPID,1)
19:40.56FXOLGotoIf($["${SKIPID}" = "*"]?ivr-3,s,1)
19:40.57_Sam--shouldnt i be able to?
19:40.57ManxPower_Sam--: *shrug*  Wait until the next zaptel release, the bug is supposed to be fixed there.
19:41.06wishesManxPower: i wasnt overly interested in the changelog, but more of a 'any majorish bugs that will stop the server working until i can fix it'
19:41.19ManxPowerwishes: Oh, I'm sure there are.
19:41.22wishesi might just make another server and test it
19:41.38wishesif i screw the phones over and cant get them back again ill be peeved :)
19:41.40ManxPowerNever, EVER trust a Digium release to be stable.
19:41.49_Sam--my 'make' of zaptel seems to make everything thing.  the make install seems to fail.
19:42.00wishesbut atm im having more problems because im on an older version and the docs dont work etc
19:42.10_x86_I've got an asterisk box with (2) T1's going into it, (1) CAS T1 to the PSTN, and another (1) CAS T1 to an FXS channel bank
19:42.11ManxPowerwishes: "docs don't work"?
19:42.25wishesi wasted like 4 hours just to figure out festival doesnt take ' or " like the examples and docs
19:42.27ManxPowermost of the docs out there are for 1.0 or 1.2
19:42.31jfitzgibbonif 1.4 was intended to be dropped in untested on top of 1.2.x, it would be called 1.2.something
19:42.42ManxPoweruh, "show application festival" would have told you.
19:42.42_x86_when the PSTN T1 goes down, and comes back up, one of my SIP phones gets 24 concurrent calls
19:42.47_x86_what would cause this?
19:43.06ManxPower_x86_:  A crappy dialplan.
19:43.22wishesManxPower: nah it doesnt
19:43.26ManxPowerbut without a pastebin of it happening......
19:43.32_x86_ManxPower: can i PB it and have you review it for me?
19:43.45ManxPower_x86_: if it is hard work I'm not interested.
19:44.17FXOL(jsmith): Are the " around the * not right?
19:44.43ManxPowerFXOL: if you have quotes on one side of the = you need them on the other side.
19:44.48FXOLexten => s,n,Read(SKIPID,custom/ClubGPID,1)
19:44.49FXOLGotoIf($["${SKIPID}" = "*"]?ivr-3,s,1)
19:44.51FXOLthat's what I have
19:44.52ManxPoweralso, you really should have a SPACE on either side of the =
19:44.58FXOLI do
19:45.23ManxPowerFXOL: as the priority AFTER the read do a Noop(SKIPID is ${SKIPID})
19:45.32FXOLit seems to skip that condition
19:45.39ManxPowerit should show you SKIPID is *
19:45.52FXOLnot "user entered" ?
19:46.20ManxPowerthe -- lines are what Asterisk generates.
19:46.35FXOLright.. that's what is in the log
19:46.40FXOLso it see I'm hitting *
19:46.43ManxPowerjust remember if you don't want to be fed to the aligators, use for pasts longer than a line or two.
19:46.56_x86_ManxPower: fwiw, SIP/7796 is the extension always getting slammed when the PSTN T1 bounces
19:46.59wishesmmm aligators
19:47.14ManxPower_x86_: and the CLI pastebin of this happening?
19:47.22_x86_ManxPower: 7796 is also the only extension in the inbound [receptionist] context
19:48.04ManxPowerI also don't see the zaptel.conf
19:48.16FXOL(ManxPower): see a problem with what I have there?
19:48.24_x86_ManxPower: Zap/25-49 dialing SIP/7796, 7796 is a polycom 501, and it can handle about 6 calls at a time, the rest all trigger voicemail, and end up leaving 4 second messages
19:48.41_x86_ManxPower: right now, 7796 has 916 messages (the PSTN T1 has been bouncing all day)
19:48.51ManxPower_x86_: a 4-second SILENT message?
19:49.06_x86_ManxPower: hmmm... no... dialtone
19:49.12_x86_forgot to mention that part
19:49.20_x86_4 seconds of dialtone per vm
19:49.23ManxPower_x86_: You are forgetting to mention a lot of stuff.
19:49.32ManxPowerwhat is the signaling for the PSTN T-1 channels?
19:50.43*** join/#asterisk elriah (
19:50.53ManxPower_x86_: when we had a CAS T-1, if the line bounced, it should show up as incoming calls on all the channels.
19:51.06elriahHi all.  Is it possible to SET the DNID variable in asterisk 1.2?
19:51.23ManxPowerelriah: I doubt it, but try it and see.
19:51.36elriahI did, no luck.  I figured as much, just thought I would ask.
19:51.42ManxPowerDNID is generally the same as EXTEN unless there was a call forward or something like that.
19:52.36elriahThanks, ManxPower.
19:53.20*** join/#asterisk bkruse (i=bkruse@nat/digium/x-36c5ec67c1c6f582)
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19:56.25FXOL(ManxPower): see a problem with what I had there? ... or am I annoying the crap outta you already? :P
19:57.09ManxPowerFXOL: without seeing the that part of the dialplan on pastebin......
19:57.18FXOLone sec
19:57.58ManxPowerand make it fast, I have some outside cable plant work to finish before I leave for  New Orleans
19:58.53atomicdStupid question:  When you turn on sip debugging, does it save the information to a file?  If so, where?  If not, how can you make it save to a file.
19:59.19FXOL(ManxPower): damnit.. screwd that up
19:59.20FXOLonce sec
19:59.21ManxPowerWell for one thing you forgot to put exten => whatver infront of the goto
19:59.33FXOLyea, so I did :P
19:59.38ManxPoweryou need to COPY AND PASTE
20:00.18ManxPowerFXOL:  you realise that you are going to hell for using a GUI, right?
20:00.20FXOLthat's what I was missing :P
20:00.31FXOLyou mean for the IVR?
20:00.50ManxPowerno, I mean the _additional.conf stuff is from GUIs that were installed.
20:00.58FXOLah... yes
20:00.59FXOLand? :P
20:01.05ManxPowerWe don't support GUIs here.
20:01.09FXOLthat's fine
20:01.23FXOLI'm not modifying them... just wanted to redirect to one
20:01.29ManxPowerWe also don't support their config files.
20:01.51FXOLokay.. I'll move the IVR into my .conf file.. then you will "support" it? :P
20:02.06FXOLI'll probably end up doing that anyhow
20:02.10FXOLand not use GU
20:02.13*** part/#asterisk deeperror (
20:02.39ManxPowerno, into extensions.conf
20:02.54ManxPoweranyway, you see the error
20:03.03FXOLyea, thanks... working now
20:03.05*** join/#asterisk lunaphyte (
20:08.17FXOLwhat dir are custom recordings stored in?
20:09.09*** join/#asterisk waKKu (n=eurulo@unaffiliated/wakku)
20:10.38_Sam--ManxPower: would you be willing to fix my zaptel for pay?  i'll pay 150 bucks to get it straight.
20:10.41*** join/#asterisk KpoH (
20:10.46_Sam--ive run out of knowledge, and time.
20:11.02_Sam--important conference call is coming up.
20:11.30*** join/#asterisk Boones (
20:12.06_Sam--at this point i think my biggest hurdle is the lack of specific knowledge.  zaptel seems to compile fine.  but i cant modprobe zaptel.
20:12.13_Sam--and make install seems to work fine.
20:12.17*** join/#asterisk h0 (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
20:12.23Echinos< ManxPower> and make it fast, I have some outside cable plant work to finish before I leave for  New Orleans
20:12.27Echinoshe might be busy...
20:12.29*** join/#asterisk weahzal (
20:14.01weahzalanyone have any sugestions on why i can never get port1 to ring on an ata.  even if port1 is the only one setup.  1 can dial out, just wont ring.  port2 works normal.  same problem on handytones and cisco 186
20:14.51Qwell_Sam--: Do you have a Digium card?
20:15.56_Sam--Qwell:  yes
20:15.56Qwellsave your money - call support
20:15.56_Sam--time is worth more than money at this point.
20:15.56QwellWe offer free installation support.
20:15.56Qwellthis would clearly be covered by that :)
20:17.57_Sam--someone was nice enough to offer a helping hand, and i'll see how that works out.  thank you for giving me that option.
20:18.16*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (n=matt@
20:21.01filemy extension is around in the documentation of Asterisk if you look...
20:21.45perdfor an end user who is not computer savvy but would like the option to be able to create voicemailboxes and possibly simple menus/recordings, would you recommend trixbox, asterisknow or freepbx, or just whip up a few simple php scripts to handle that portion?
20:22.09ZX81and allow=ulaw:30 doesn't seem to work
20:22.34ZX81sounds like its reading frames at the wrong speed
20:23.37ZX81I really want the digium card to work - but if it doesn't by the end of the day I'll have to ditch it and go with an Eicon Diva Server
20:24.13*** join/#asterisk UCFmethod (
20:24.19ZX81jitterbuffer on either end doesn't seem to help
20:25.16ZX81perd - I personally would whip up php scripts - but AsteriskNow looks to be making good progress
20:25.36perdyeah, i'm looking at trixbox right now.. man it has some pretty cool options
20:25.38*** join/#asterisk jsmith (
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20:25.42perdthe reporting and stuff looks really slick
20:25.49ZX81perd: yeah but thats all third party
20:25.57ZX81i.e. cdr is areski cdr stats
20:26.08ZX81operator panel is asternic flash operator panel
20:28.00ZX81here goes nothing
20:28.20perdgood luck sir
20:28.27ZX81:) ty
20:28.47*** join/#asterisk |omni| (
20:28.49*** join/#asterisk twisted (n=twisted@pdpc/supporter/active/twisted)
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20:28.56ZX81grrr - please press 1, please press 1
20:29.06ZX81dtmf not happening - PRI -> IAX -> Digium
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20:30.11ZX81getting there
20:30.13*** join/#asterisk Pazzo (
20:31.09ZX81I liked the pre freeplay music better
20:32.02_Sam--damn, TK-Fender left before i could show him he fixed it
20:32.02_Sam--[CC] app_meetme.c -> app_meetme.o
20:32.09ZX81yay got through
20:32.15_Sam--he fixed me up like a million bux.
20:32.24_x86_ManxPower: so what do you think?
20:35.44*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=hardcore@
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20:36.45riddleboxis there a way to tell a tdm card to detect when someone hangs up quicker?
20:37.25lirakisnight everyone
20:37.28*** part/#asterisk lirakis (n=lirakis@
20:38.15twistednow I get to integrate asterisk with a DMS10.
20:38.33Qwelltwisted: it'
20:38.37perdyeah im about to attempt one with a callmanager 3.3 system
20:38.44filewow... it's twisted
20:39.03Qwelltwisted: I'm probably gonna be bringing some family to Bumpers tomorrow night
20:39.08twistedperd: oh really? how so?
20:39.24perdso i can call to/from it
20:39.27twistedQwell tomorrow night is double jeapordy league night.. won't be a good night for visitation with you guys, unforutnately :/
20:39.38twistedperd: sounds sorta like what i'm going to be doing today
20:39.44Qwellthat's cool, they wanted to check it out anyways :D
20:39.50perdran out of licenses on the cm server, need something temporarily in place until i can switch over to asterisk all together
20:39.54twistedthe dms10 is going to happen tomorrow prob.
20:40.01*** join/#asterisk zx225 (
20:40.21Qwelltwisted: any idea what time that greek place over there closes?
20:40.51twistedQwell: dunno.. I want to say 6, but I know that's wrong...  8 maybe?
20:40.58Qwellahh, alright
20:41.34zx225anyone try the asterisk appliance
20:41.37*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
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20:44.52bkrusezx225: I have :D
20:45.12zx225we are having a hard time from digium
20:45.22zx225will not rma defectiitsve un
20:45.23riddleboxzx225, I hope I win one ;)
20:45.51zx225i have 3 installed 1 of which is doa
20:45.58Qwellzx225: howso?
20:46.03*** join/#asterisk jarrod (
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20:46.24zx225having power issues
20:46.25jarrodman these asterisk appliances are the worst
20:46.35jarrodis anyone else having problems?
20:46.56zx225it is hard to say but the support bites
20:47.24jarrodhave you talked to that greg guy?
20:47.27jarrodwhat an idiot
20:47.47Qwelljsmith: ping
20:47.48zx225i think he has been in the backwoods of alabama too long
20:48.18*** join/#asterisk pfn (
20:49.26_x86_ManxPower: ?
20:49.36twistedi live in alabama
20:49.50twistedplz don't knock it until you try it.
20:50.18jarrodive experienced it enough, kthx
20:50.21_Sam--ManxPower :  after i made the new zaptel, and configure and made a new asterisk, is all i really need the
20:50.38_Sam--or do i need the new asterisk binary
20:50.51_Sam--ive run into this error:
20:51.22Qwell_Sam--: You'll also need chan_zap
20:51.25Corydon76-dig<twisted> plz don't knock it until you try it.  <-- I think I've said that to you, before.  ;-)
20:51.31riddleboxis there a way to tell a tdm card to detect when someone hangs up quicker?
20:51.46_Sam--it didnt make chan_zap
20:51.48jarrodi would stick with the free software and not use any of the digium business class crap
20:52.09_Sam--it did make the though.
20:52.13zx225i am sorry about alabama... i know it is a grest state
20:52.22zx225but the guy at digium is bonehead
20:52.24twistedCorydon76-dig.... i knew it wouldn't be long before you popped in
20:53.05Corydon76-digtwisted: just got back from the bank... ;-)
20:53.52*** join/#asterisk apardo (
20:54.45twistedbits or gtfo
20:55.08*** join/#asterisk apardo (
20:55.48putnopvutHow you been twisted?
20:56.11jsmithQwell: Pong (latency=high)
20:56.22twistedpretty good MM, bout you/
20:56.28Qwelljsmith: hold that thought
20:56.38putnopvutDoing good myself.
20:56.42_Sam--Qwell:  all i need to fix it is chan_zap?
20:56.43putnopvutHeaded to Astricon?
20:56.51jsmithtwisted: Why not?
20:56.51twistedi don't get to go anymore
20:56.56twistedonly the sales people.
20:57.05_Sam--i just made a new asterisk, and i saw it make
20:57.07twistedyeah.  i'm still miffed.
20:58.22russellbtwisted: !!
20:58.32Juggieahh boo..
20:58.37rob0Christian is a cheapskate. ;)
20:58.57Qwelljsmith: see msg (if you haven't already)
20:59.15twistedis that peckerhead?
20:59.31*** join/#asterisk apardo (
21:00.05jsmithjarrod: Got a second?
21:01.09*** join/#asterisk apardo (
21:01.41bkrusetwisted: bowling?
21:02.29putnopvutI want to bowl too
21:02.35bkruseputnopvut: in hsv?
21:02.35putnopvutI'm inviting myself
21:02.38putnopvutI'm a leech
21:02.41bkrusetwisted: im thinking like saturday
21:02.42QwellI'll wii-bowl with you guys
21:02.45bkruselike the good ole days
21:02.45putnopvutbkruse, I'm Mark Michelson
21:02.48bkruseQwell: nice
21:02.49Qwellreal bowling is FTL
21:02.54bkruseputnopvut: well then in hsv :P
21:03.00bkruseQwell: pssh
21:03.03bkruse~punch Qwell
21:03.04jbotACTION hits Qwell like the hot kiss and the end of a wet fist
21:03.07putnopvutReal bowling ownz
21:03.09bkrusewho taught jbot that, geez...
21:03.22bkruseputnopvut: it does, were going, ima try to get a group, last time was hilarious
21:03.50putnopvutMy bowl-foo is strong
21:03.57putnopvutAnd weird looking
21:04.19bkruseputnopvut: look forward to watching and laughing
21:04.25bkruserussellb went last time also
21:04.37*** join/#asterisk apardo (
21:04.41twistedbkruse i'll prob be out of town
21:04.48bkrusetwisted: :[ where?
21:04.52bkrusewell, busy weekend for all
21:04.58bkrusei might try in a couple weeks, after *con
21:05.04twistedauburn vs. new mexico :)
21:05.14twistedif i'm in town, sure.
21:05.35twistedit'd be nice to go bowling again... it's been awhle.
21:05.36putnopvuttwisted: Seeing if they'll make it 3 straight?
21:05.53twistedputnopvut: heh.. something like that :P
21:06.24twistedzaptel FINALLY built...
21:06.30twistedback to work for me for a bit
21:07.51chemikkhellou friend
21:09.41*** join/#asterisk hmmhesays (
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21:11.17twistedanyone know off the top of their head which version of openh323 the h323 channel drvier in 1.4.11 is based on?
21:14.12*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
21:14.43*** join/#asterisk apardo (
21:18.08MindTheGapis there any way to do some sound recognition under asterisk? maybe spandsp? i need to hang up collect calls on a ISDN E1, for what I know zaptel cannot do this on its own, and out telco is not willing to block such calls
21:18.17kink0anyone knows what is this error: !! Unknown IE 124 (cs5, Unknown Information Element)
21:20.33perdhrm, h.225 is supported in ooh323?
21:22.23*** join/#asterisk Pids (
21:23.10PidsAnyone seen this before ? "NOTICE[12620]: chan_iax2.c:6521 socket_read: Out of idle IAX2 threads for I/O, pausing!"
21:23.47Pidsrepeats over and over. The asterisk server is not accepting calls while it happens.
21:23.58tzafrir_laptopMindTheGap, what sound is that exactly?
21:24.44tzafrir_laptopkink0, is that from Zaptel? From what connection?
21:34.11*** join/#asterisk Avero (n=Avero@
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21:37.53kink0tzafrir_laptop, yes, from zaptel. Is connected to E1's
21:38.26*** join/#asterisk iCEBrkr (
21:38.27kink0span=1,1,0,ccs,hdb3,crc4 and so
21:38.56twistedooh323 is also broken
21:39.27*** part/#asterisk [T]ank (n=ckwall@
21:39.57[hC]Can I not do something like this with extens:   _*67NXXNXXXXXX,1,NoOp    _*67.,1,Authenticate(something)
21:40.16[hC]so that if the NXXNXXXXXX was dialed, it does nothing, but if any other pattern was, it authenticates?
21:40.19tzafrir_laptopIs there such an IE?
21:40.19[hC]it does not seem to work.
21:40.40kink0tzafrir_laptop,  I don't know
21:43.31*** join/#asterisk kolian123 (n=kvirc@
21:43.49kolian123Hello everybody
21:44.27kolian123I have a talk off on generic Tormenta T1 card...RelaxDtmf set to no
21:44.54riddleboxis there a way to tell a tdm card to detect when someone hangs up quicker?
21:45.07kolian123Can anyone point me to the code for DTMF receiver to change a variable to tighten a DTMF detection a bit
21:45.18kolian123Is it possible
21:45.37clive-kolian change you features.conf to look for double **
21:45.51tzafrir_laptopkolian123, main/dsp.c
21:46.25kolian123tzafrir_laptop, thanks would you happen to know which variable can be adjusted up/down?
21:49.03kolian123tzafrir_laptop thanks for pointing this...seems like Steven Underwood is the author of original
21:49.11kolian123I will try emailing him...
21:49.46kolian123Russellb, hi are you around?
21:50.45russellbsort of ..
21:50.54russellbwhat's up
21:51.03*** join/#asterisk holiday_42 (
21:51.04tzafrir_laptopkolian123, Steve Underwood has developed that code even further, in spandsp
21:51.28tzafrir_laptopNo point in trying to get that commited back into Asterisk
21:51.32kolian123Russellb, was wondering if you know if there is a variable in dsp.c to tweak to tighten DTMF a bit
21:51.38russellbi have no idea
21:51.58russellblook at what relaxdtmf does and do the opposite, heh
21:52.00kolian123Would you know who maintaining the code and can help?
21:52.02tzafrir_laptopThere was a recent thread in asterisk-dev (?) about dtmf detection improvements
21:52.11russellbthe best thing to do is email the asterisk-dev list
21:52.17kolian123russellb, hehe good point i will try it out
21:52.36kink0tzafrir_laptop, the problem with this IE have started today when I move E1's to other Telco. These E1's have been fine for long time with prior telco company
21:52.57fujin_russellb: what's the url for func_devstate?
21:52.59kolian123I think it just doing | relaxdtmf when passing this detection routing
21:53.14russellbfujin_: i think
21:53.25kolian123tzafrir_laptop, was there a thread let me check
21:53.34fujin_ta dude
21:53.48kolian123Thanks tzafrir!
21:55.00kolian123a lot of threads where DTMF is not received...i guess i have an opposite problem:)
21:55.12fujin_change your dtmf signaling
21:56.42gremzoidi have a weird DTMF problem regarding digital phones on a Siemens HiPath 3000 / HG 1500 to asterisk IAX extensions
21:57.19gremzoidi don't get any DTMF from phone to IAX but it works the other way around in the same call
21:57.46gremzoidIE i can send DTMF from the IAX phone to the digital one hanging off the hipath
21:58.36gremzoidyet it works in IVR menus...
22:00.13*** join/#asterisk ltd (
22:00.13gremzoidthe HG 1500 and asterisk are connected via a SIP trunk... (have also tried ooh323 as well to no avail)
22:02.58*** join/#asterisk lindi- (
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22:03.42sandorpcan someone point me to the docs that describe what buttons to push on a regular phone to have asterisk transfer a call, put someone on hold, etc?
22:14.44*** part/#asterisk famicon (
22:15.43wishesanyone had the grandstream phones registering a button press 5 as a 2?
22:16.22Qwellwishes: wouldn't much surprise me
22:16.32Nuggetthat's a funny problem
22:17.04wishesjust wondering if its hardware/software/firmware
22:17.09Qwellall of the above
22:17.16jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
22:17.57Corydon76-digDitto for Sucksco phones
22:18.14perdshe's a grand  old suck she's a high flying suck?
22:18.30denonyou know ..
22:18.31kolian123there was a patch for dtmf code, it went to 1.4 but not into 1.2
22:18.32Corydon76-digPolycom, however, makes good phones
22:18.35denonpeople whineabout cisco
22:18.37*** join/#asterisk marmsu (n=42cfdde2@
22:18.43denonbut my 7960s work just fine
22:18.43perdcisco phones are junk
22:18.48denonand have worked great for years
22:18.50Qwelldenon: the hardware is great
22:18.51denontons of em
22:18.54perdyou cant even program the buttons to do cool shit
22:18.56*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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22:18.57Qwellthe sip software however...not so much
22:19.00Qwellerm, firmware
22:19.01wishesyeah well we are a cheap company
22:19.05Qwellskinny firmware rocks
22:19.07jbotit has been said that cheap is a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
22:19.10wishesgrandstream was what bought
22:19.17denonperd: just because you can't make the buttons do "cool shit", doesn't make it a bad phone
22:19.18wishesi cant  change it now
22:19.22Qwellwishes: there are other inexpensive phones that don't suck
22:19.25perdoh yes it does, sir.
22:19.30Corydon76-digwishes: you can get Polycom phones for the same price as GS phones
22:19.30wishesand can i get them in NZ ?
22:19.32Qwellpolycom 320/330
22:19.33marmsuis it possible with Asterisk to initiate a 2-way call between 2 parties?
22:19.35denonperd: no, it makes it a less flexible phone ..
22:19.41Corydon76-digwishes: so that's no excuse
22:19.54wishesit is when i have to convince the powers that be to fork out for it
22:19.55denonbut sound quality, for example, is excellent, and they go for months and months never needing to be reboot
22:19.55Qwellmarmsu: rephrase the question?
22:19.56perdif i cdont have complete control over the soft buttons ... i call that horrible.
22:20.01denonwhih makes it robust
22:20.10Qwelldenon: you can thank polycom for the audio quality
22:20.11marmsuQwell: I need to somehow trigger Asterisk to connect two numbers
22:20.15denonQwell: yes, I know ..
22:20.20Qwellmarmsu: trigger how?
22:20.20denonQwell: and polycom can thank TI
22:20.25Qwelldenon: heh
22:20.39denonand TI can thank a good silicon supplier, and probably indian devs
22:20.49denonpoint is, the 7960 on my desk is made by cisco, and it works well
22:20.53marmsuQwell: I believe you can open a connection to asterisk and pipe it commands, no?
22:21.05Qwellmarmsu: sure, via the manager interface
22:21.06Corydon76-digCisco made good phones when they allowed Polycom to write their firmware for them
22:21.10perdi have a7960 on my desk that works well too.. but i cant program the soft buttons to do whatever i want
22:21.13mcabdenon: TI is doing DSP code now? :-)
22:21.18QwellCorydon76-dig: polycom used to write cisco firmware?
22:21.30perdand there's no templating engine so i cant change the layout or anything but the stupid 200x200 graphic
22:21.32perdthat's just lame.
22:21.36Corydon76-digQwell: the original Cisco phones were Polycom rebrands
22:21.37Qwellperd: You could if it was running skinny
22:21.38marmsuQwell: so, I'm wondering if I can send it the commands required to connect two people and sit in the middle ..
22:21.41QwellCorydon76-dig: which?
22:21.43Qwelllike 7910?
22:21.51Corydon76-digQwell: something like that
22:21.53Qwell(and obviously 7935)
22:21.54mcabCorydon76-dig: not really - they used Polycom DSP, but the s/w was Cisco
22:21.57perdwell it's on CCM at the moment, but even with skinny you cant change the soft button functionality to my knowledge
22:22.08perdam i completely friggen wrong here?
22:22.10Qwellperd: yes
22:22.19Qwellasterisk controls the softkeys in skinny
22:22.22perdcan you make them say something other than 'new call', 'redial' 'cfwdall'
22:22.28perdno shit...
22:22.33Qwellyou have to code, but yeah
22:22.37perdi gotta get asterisk running in here
22:22.46Corydon76-digSkinny is a completely different protocol, though
22:22.51Qwellof course, there is still a bit of functionality that it's lacking
22:23.10perdgotta give a little to get a little?
22:23.22Corydon76-digSkinny phones are essentially implemented as dumb terminals
22:23.30Qwelland that's why they rock so hard
22:23.43denonperd: so it turns out the phones are fine, it's just your knowledge that was lacking
22:23.58perdi never said i'm not ignorant.
22:23.58Corydon76-digAll of the intelligence is in the core switch, not in the phones
22:24.26marmsuI suppose, to rephrase my question, is it possible to use the Manager API to initiate a call between 2 parties?
22:24.39Qwellmarmsu: yes, via the originate action
22:24.43jboti guess thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
22:24.53jbot[book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at or Temporarily at
22:24.56Qwellhas a mirror
22:25.04denonOnly two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
22:25.49Deeewaynecan the universe be infinite if it is always expanding ?
22:26.03marmsuQwell: awesome, thanks for the tips.
22:26.08marmsuI appreciate it.
22:26.13Corydon76-digDeeewayne: infinite means uncountable...
22:26.19putnopvutDeeewayne: isn't that what infinite means?
22:26.22wishesyou guys lie, grandstream are $155 NZ and polycom are $455
22:26.39Qwellwishes: which polycom?  There are many different models
22:26.42Qwelllook at the 320/330
22:26.44Corydon76-digwishes: Try the Polycom 320, not the 650
22:26.48Deeewayneok...I was thinking that if you somehow reached the edge of the universe, it would not be infinite
22:26.50wishesPolycom SoundPoint IP301 was all i could find
22:27.05Corydon76-digYou're comparing apples and oranges, even then
22:27.05Qwell301 is pretty much useless now
22:27.55wishesCorydon76-dig: ahh k
22:28.02Corydon76-digThe 320 has 2 line appearances, while the GS only has a single line appearance
22:28.23Corydon76-dig650 has 6 line appearances and wideband codec support
22:29.31wisheshmm cant see them for sale here
22:29.53wishesyeah i can find them, just not in NZ
22:29.56wisheshow much are they USD?
22:30.25wishesthats not to bad
22:30.36Corydon76-digSame price as GS phones
22:30.42syzygyBSD:) I'll be going to NZ in a little over a month
22:31.42Nuggetyay NZ
22:31.48twistedubuntu, rather.
22:32.06Nugget  <-- NZ
22:32.27Corydon76-digtwisted: butt pirates, unite?
22:34.59wishesNZ is a cool place to be
22:35.09wishesexcept for the lack of cool imports :D
22:36.24wisheswe have no major deserts, no  extreme weather (apart from the odd occasion) tons of bush, no major poisonous spiders or snake .. in fact ive never seen a snake at all outside a zoo, no wild animals other than birds and pigs (never seen a wild pig either)
22:37.01wishesthe most you have to worry about is the crap bandwidth which is improving, and otara (the south side where all the bums druggies and crims hang out)
22:37.13NuggetPlus lots of meat pies and the best driving roads in the known universe.
22:37.18Nuggetwhat's not to love?
22:37.21wishesmeat pies?
22:37.31wishestheres lots of meat pies?!
22:37.43wisheshaha whos been telling you that :)
22:37.49Nuggetthey're everywhere.
22:37.57wishesno more than most things
22:38.00NuggetI ate a kazillion of them when I was there.
22:38.17wishesand the roads are so-so. nice views
22:38.27wishesi love Big Ben pies, they are soo yum :O~~~
22:38.34mcabNZ is awesome
22:38.53NuggetI think you are underestimating the abject meat pie shortage that exists elsewhere on the planet.  :)
22:39.18RypPnI think you've never been to scotland then ;)
22:39.42wishesNugget: possibly
22:39.45NuggetI have, but I stayed drunk on Guinness the whole time and had no appetite for pies.
22:39.45wishesmeat is good
22:41.41*** join/#asterisk BigMac (
22:42.08BigMacHey, how can I tell if my telephone is supported
22:42.19BigMacor how does it work exactly
22:43.15*** join/#asterisk pepse (
22:43.25DeeewayneBigMac: did you try using it ?
22:43.35pepseis that brian igmac?
22:43.43pepseoh, probably not
22:43.55BigMacDeeewayne: I am not sure on how to use it exactly is the problem
22:43.59BigMaclike ho does it work
22:44.05BigMacis it some sort of firmware
22:44.09pepseanyway, hey guys. how would i keep an extension from dialing parts of a dialplan?
22:44.15pepse(while allowing other extensions)
22:44.29Nuggetpepse: contain it in a safe context.
22:44.31DeeewayneBigMac: what type of phone is it?
22:45.03BigMacDeeewayne: Let me check
22:45.36pepseNugget: got an example or can you elaborate?
22:45.44*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=pepOSX@
22:46.03Nuggeta peer can only dial extensions that exist in the context you put it in.
22:46.22Nuggetso put the peer inside a context that only contains (or includes) the extensions you want it to be able to dial
22:46.39Nuggetthe example extensions.conf has examples of that
22:46.50BigMacDeeewayne: Uniden
22:46.50pepsei see, so my main dialplan is in the general context?
22:47.11pepseerr default
22:47.11Nuggetpepse: it's however you set it up
22:47.20Nuggetyes, probably default
22:47.31pepsehah, duh :)
22:47.44pepsethanks, dunno why i needed to ask
22:47.57*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
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22:48.42pepsesilly fingers.
22:49.03*** part/#asterisk clive- (
22:49.44*** join/#asterisk Kirko (
22:50.08KirkoI have a question about automatic voicmail detector (AMD).. when i use it my asterisk server crashes...
22:50.33Kirkoanyone know why that might happen?
22:50.57BigMacDeeewayne: will it work
22:51.17pepsei wonder if getting latest svn/cvs/whatever will stop these annoying "WARNING: chan_sip.c:11708 handle_response_register: Got 200 OK on REGISTER that isn't a register"
22:52.02Deeewayneprobably, but I've never used one.  A quick google search of "uniden asterisk" has a lot of hits.  Did you try configuring /etc/asterisk/sip.conf ?
22:53.38pepseoh i guess it's my stupid ata's fault.
22:59.27BigMacDeeewayne: I haven't installed it yet, I am trying to figure out if it will work first
22:59.57*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (n=strom@
23:00.55BigMacAre there any guides for setting it up and what I should buy and such
23:01.06BigMacI saw sme video, but the guy talked way to fast
23:08.11wishesis there a way to flush the cache of which ips to which users?
23:10.53Kirkoanyone have any experence with app_amd ?
23:15.57davevg-btwtechKirko: I may be able to help, whats up?
23:22.19wishesarg, i changed the username on a sip phone but asterisk has cached it, now when it logs in it registeres 2 different people logging in on the same ip and sends user x  calls to user y
23:23.59*** join/#asterisk jm|laptop (n=jm|
23:24.05*** join/#asterisk dijungal (n=kdaniel@
23:24.45saftsackwith which settings diff files are created with diff?
23:25.12*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
23:25.28russellbsaftsack: well, "svn diff" can be used and uses good default settings
23:25.36*** join/#asterisk Yourname`` (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/yourname/x-837320)
23:25.36russellbat a minimum, use "-u"
23:25.43russellbif using diff directly
23:25.52dijungalis there anyway in the Asterisk CLI to monitor only one agent?
23:26.22Yourname``I'm running a dialing application at 300 channels on a box. What should I be looking at on the server to see if it's overloading the box and if channels need to be decreased? Like top or something?
23:26.36kink0I get sometimes: Unknown IE 124 , even I am not ussing IAX2, I saw this error is in source code in iax2, any idea ?
23:26.49saftsackthx worked
23:27.10*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
23:27.51dijungaland i isolate all that text in the CLI to only one sip channel?
23:31.00[TK]D-Fenderdijungal, you can enable sip deub for a single channel, but the rest of verbose output, no.
23:31.41*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
23:38.51dijungalany good IAX softphone recommendation?
23:39.06dijungali'm using zoiper right now and it has too much issues
23:39.09denonor whatever it's called now
23:39.21dijungali can't get the audio working on linux (ubuntu)
23:39.29*** join/#asterisk blinky42 (
23:39.32denonoh, I dunno - Ive just used it on win32
23:39.34denonworks great
23:39.42dijungalevery call that comes through to the agent that's using it drops
23:39.45drwelbyidefisk = zopier
23:39.49*** join/#asterisk |omni| (
23:39.50denonyeah, I know
23:40.21denondrwelby: and that's "idefisk == zopier", you're in C land :)
23:41.42dijungalany other softphones?
23:41.43drwelbyif idefisk = zoiper then (you already have it). Ok?
23:41.56dijungalyes i've been using zoiper
23:43.15*** part/#asterisk Siya (
23:44.04drwelbyHow about Kiax?
23:45.02*** join/#asterisk Keltus (i=Keltus@about/cooking/nakedchef/beefstew/Keltus)
23:51.05*** join/#asterisk slakware (n=slak@
23:52.04dijungalhow so i enable debugging on one iax channel?
23:52.45slakwarehas anyone used the g726 codec? I've tried it and the sound quality is horrible, running SVN-branch-1.4-r81832. ulaw is wonderfull. i understand g726 is half the bit rate of ulaw, however the quality is horrible. i can hardly make out the voicemail prompts...
23:53.00fujin_so use ulaw?
23:53.09JTslakware: lan?
23:53.12Yourname``There was a document that said how to use sox for asterisk.. can someone point me to it please?
23:53.35fujin_sox for what in particular?
23:53.47slakwareits over the internet. when i set to ulaw all is great. i'm using a linksys WRTP54G
23:54.07JTslakware: packet loss, jitter?
23:54.13slakwareulaw is great, however i'd like g726 because of bw
23:54.41JTG.726 is a poor choice over poor bandwidth
23:54.45fujin_It's worrying to me that you don't have the spare bandwidth for ulaw
23:54.48slakwarei've tried setting a jitter buffer, and all. i dont think its packet loss, decent ping rates... 120ms
23:55.07slakwarethe linksys i have doesnt support gsm
23:55.23gremzoidbugger... it works well for low bandwidth
23:55.39slakwarethe quality sounds really noisey. however, again ulaq is crystal clear
23:55.45gremzoidnot to great audio quality, but at least it dosn't jitter
23:56.21slakwareits not that the bw is poor. its that i'm conserving bw, its 1,000mbps upload
23:56.35JT120ms is hardly "decent"
23:56.46dijungalis there anyway to set iax debugging on one iax channels?
23:56.49JTG.726 requires very consistant network connectivity
23:56.52slakware120ms is decent enough for a crystal clean ulaw connection. so thats decent
23:57.06*** join/#asterisk AJaymn (
23:57.09JTG.726 is a delta codec
23:57.20JT120ms isn't decent though
23:57.24JT"mildly ok"
23:57.32JTthat's not the issue anyway
23:59.17waltjIs there any way for an AGI script to find out (without unparking it) whether a parked call still exists or hung up?

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