IRC log for #asterisk on 20070918

00:00.00JTi don't get that at all if my server is on the lan
00:00.04perdanalog works fine
00:00.04nDufffujin: if you transfer the file to your workstation and play it back locally, do you have the same issue?
00:00.24fujinit's fine
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00:01.15fujinimpossible to diagnose what's causing it
00:01.25fujinand it only happens some times
00:01.27fujinlike packet loss
00:01.38perdyou're the only other person i know who has had this issue
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00:03.54fujinhere's the nipper
00:03.57fujinwhat phones do you use?
00:04.08fujinI haven't got around to testing softp[hones yet
00:04.18perdi get it with x-lite (or any other sip client) and cisco phones (7960, 7902)
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00:04.36perdwhen i use the analog phones, it doesnt happen
00:04.45perdeverything is crystal clear
00:04.54perdi've tried it on multiple servers
00:05.00fujinit's a shame cause my system is flawless otherwise
00:05.05perdwith directly connected phones, using switches, hubs, etc
00:05.13JThubs, lol
00:05.17perdhaha dude i tried everythin
00:05.40JTwet string?
00:05.53perdeven with a completely fresh install, ulaw or slin audio files, gsm, whatever
00:06.01perdit still does that shit.
00:06.24perdno i didnt try the wet string, i did attempt a fishing line connection though
00:06.48WilliamKhey perd, couple ideas... where's your box located? offsite at another hosting facility, etc?
00:07.00perdwilliamk i tested it locally
00:07.05fujinmy box is local
00:07.07fujinacross a lan
00:07.14perdwith new installs, the only thing set up on it is 1 sip client and a voicemail box
00:07.18WilliamKany routers involved?
00:07.20perdon its own network
00:07.27perdwith or without routers, same damn thing!
00:07.33fujinthe router is where the vlan is defined here, but that's it
00:07.42perdi've already gone through hours of troubleshooting though, i dont care at this point.  i cant take it any more :)
00:08.06WilliamKperd, fine with me, only tossing out ideas
00:08.09fujinperd: do you occasionally get ridiculous call distortion?
00:08.14fujinclicks and pops etc
00:08.32perdnot pops or clicks so much as a weird oscillation in the voice, almost makes the voicemail chick sound like a robot for a second
00:08.40perdthen it's fine for a while, then it will happen again randomly
00:08.49perdi can record a wav file if you want
00:09.04fujinnah it's cool
00:09.08fujinsounds exactly like mine
00:09.53perdwilliamk yeah man, i appreciate the ideas :) but at the moment i cant handle troubleshooting that damn problem :P
00:10.08JTonly within the voicemail subsystem, or any voice prompts?
00:10.29perdi've only really noticed it in voicemail
00:10.46perdlet me try some other menus and see
00:11.02perdof course the only asterisk setup i have in house at the moment is asterisknow
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00:26.16perdyeah it appears to happen with any menu
00:26.20perdeasiest to duplicate with vm though
00:26.32perdand it happens much less frequently with gsm files as opposed to ulaw
00:29.44perdand yeah now that i listen to the issue again, fujin, there is a lot of popping
00:29.59fujinI dunno what causes it
00:30.02fujinwhat distro are you using?
00:30.04perdpopping and oscillation and weird choppiness
00:30.13perdi have tried it with debian and centos
00:30.18perdand now asterisknow
00:30.19JTwhat's the network setup?
00:30.21perdwhatever distro that's based on
00:30.34perdthis network setup is server -> switch -> sip client
00:30.45perdi can set it up with a direct connection to the server too
00:30.49JTsip client being?
00:30.50perdlet me make a crossover cable
00:31.00perdit also does it with cisco phones though
00:31.00JTtry something that sucks less
00:31.02JTlike a polycom
00:31.23perdi've tried with a bunch of clients, unfortunately the only hardphones i have are cisco 7960 and 7902
00:31.37perdand yes, they do such hugely
00:31.41perderr, suck
00:32.11JTit's still a very strange problem, and maybe the crossover cable will help
00:32.18JTwhat ethernet adapter does the server have?
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00:32.40perdthis server has an onboard intel 82801BA
00:32.46perdother servers have had netgears or 3coms
00:32.50perdand experienced the same issue
00:33.18perdthis particular box im trying it on is running asterisknow, i've also duplicated the problem using 1.4 and 1.2 on centos and debian distros with a fresh install
00:33.25JTwith the same swtich?
00:33.32perdthe same switch and different switches
00:33.45perddirectly connected, with its own switch and even a hub
00:33.52perdthe problem haunts me still
00:33.52fujinit's impossible to work out what's causing it
00:34.18perdif i use gsm audio files though the problem happens rarely.. i just like the clear audio from ulaw
00:34.28perdi've also tried alaw and slin and have the same issues
00:35.00JTok, really looking at root causes here, but is your power feed clean?
00:35.11perdthat i cant say for sure
00:35.17perdi have it on an ups... but who knows
00:35.17fujinmine definitely is
00:35.23perdi dont have any power filter
00:35.43JTwhat type of ups?
00:35.55perdsome crappy netlite 2000
00:36.04perdit's not a nice apc or anything like that
00:36.11JTheh ok
00:36.22perdcould the power really cause that much of an issue?
00:36.25JTi'm guessing it's not a double conversion online ups then
00:36.25perdthat's crazy...
00:36.30perdno it definitely is not
00:36.45perdthese are just little pos ups'
00:36.47JTbut you never know, seeing you said you've tried totally different servers
00:36.54perdthe office im in now is small, doesnt require much
00:37.01JTdid you try different ethernet cables?
00:37.14perdyeah this is the fourth system i've had asterisk on, with different dists and whatnot, even in different areas of this building
00:37.21perdall get the same problem. yeah different ethernet cables also
00:37.33perdit's bizzare.
00:37.35JTmaybe you have a variable time diallation field in your office
00:37.46perdthat is the only thing that makes sense to me
00:37.52fujinI've got one here then, too
00:37.52perdwhere is data when you need him
00:38.04perdCommander Data, that is.
00:38.05fujinJT: NOT having ztdummy wouldn't cause this, would it?
00:38.14fujinI haven't built ztdummy at all, doing a pure sip, no meet-me setup
00:38.20fujinperd: do you have ztdummy?
00:38.31perdi have in older servers
00:38.36perdthe one i'm using now has zaptel devices in it
00:38.43perda tdm2400
00:38.47fujincan't be that then.
00:39.10JTzap timing needs show up in funny places
00:39.16fujinI thought it may have been a latency issue, so I set up expedited forwarding on all of my devices
00:39.18JTbut doesn't sound like a zap timing issue
00:39.31fujinnah, if we were missing a timing source one would expect that somethign wouldn't work entirely
00:39.36fujinlike, wouldn't be able to get any sip up at all
00:39.51JTnew idea, run asterisk vm prompts from ramdisk
00:40.18fujinnot sure if I have the spare ram for that
00:40.24fujingimme a sec
00:40.33JTheh, nothing urgent
00:40.47fujinoh, it's only 6.5m
00:40.48JTbut it seems like nothing has worked (or will work...)
00:40.58perdit's something i havent tried yet
00:41.00perdworth a shot
00:41.29JTit's possible asterisk is borked and you're the only people noticing
00:42.42perdnah it still does it
00:42.50fujinI had noticed a bit of chop when my queue call delivery macro executes
00:42.52fujincause it hammers the cpu
00:42.54fujininstant spike
00:43.06fujinI just tried it on a tmpfs and it didn't help :\
00:43.07perd./dev/ram0              16M  7.6M  8.0M  49% /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
00:43.11perdno go.
00:43.25fujinmount -t tmpfs tmpfs /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
00:43.31fujintmpfs 506M 6.5M 500M 2% /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
00:52.57JTif your cpu spikes, maybe that's it
00:53.08perdmine doesnt spike :(
00:53.28perdgonna try a crossover cable again though
00:53.31perdsee what happens
00:53.38perdserver to client, direct connect ooh yeah
00:54.36fujinthat's not ideal
00:54.50perdwell i dont have any switches around atm
00:54.54perdbest i can do
00:55.14fujini initially had all my staff reporting when ti happened
00:55.19fujinjust came too hard to monitor
00:55.33perdif you swap to GSM it happens a lot less
00:55.41perdbut you lose that nice crystal clear sexy voice
00:57.22fujinhardly ideal either - I should be able to have everything transcoded to it's natural format
00:57.30fujinhell, I did that to overcome transcoder overhead
00:57.37fujinall of my MOH is the same
01:08.19perdyeah so crossover cable.. same deal
01:08.23perdlike you expected anything else!
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01:37.24axscodeis Tiger Jet Network Inc the TDM400?>
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02:00.33slakwareI am trying to use voicemail odbc storage. however i cant run make menuconfig (sshed in). is there any particular config setting that i can apply to set odbc_storage?
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02:13.09RyushinI'm tired.  Can someone help me understand this message that I'm getting when I have a call incoming from Teliax:  Rejected connect attempt from, request '8177171820@default' does not exist
02:13.22RyushinI set up my iax.conf file for it.
02:13.33RyushinMy context is from-pstn
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02:19.09hmmhesaysits looking for that in default
02:19.51axscodewhat happend if asterisk is installed then zaptel..
02:20.04axscodeor it must be.. zaptel then asterisk?
02:20.32JTif you want asterisk to use zaptel, zaptel must be installed first
02:21.33*** join/#asterisk ironhead_webby (
02:21.40axscodewhat if.. asterisk, zaptel, asterisk ? is that fine?
02:22.28outtoluncwhat if, chicken, egg, chicken?  <G>
02:22.43axscodeouttolunc: hmmm irrelevant..
02:23.06outtolunche just told you zaptel MUST be done before asterisk IF you expect asterisk to use zaptel
02:23.10axscodeJT: coz i already have my asterisk installed.. then i bought my TDM card... then i guess i have to install zaptel, then asterisk again.
02:23.10Ryushinhmmhesays:  That's what I thought.  I told it though that the context is from-pstn.  It just doesn't seem to be picking it up.
02:23.15flendersaxscode: asterisk > zaptel > asterisk will work
02:23.21flendersyou're just reinstalling asterisk
02:23.22axscodeflenders: thanks. :)
02:23.25flenderswaste of time
02:23.28flendersthat's all
02:24.55JTaxscode: irrelevant? he was just having a chuckle at the question
02:25.01axscodeflenders: do i have to make clean with asterisk? or can i just make install?
02:25.13flendersmake clean is always good
02:25.33axscodeok thank you... :)
02:25.36JTif it's 1.4, you should do make menuconfig too i believe
02:25.57axscodeso make clean; make menuconfig; and make; make install;
02:26.00outtoluncand if he had 1.2 before a new install of 1.4 he should do 'make distclean' <G>
02:26.07axscodeok got ya all. thanks.. im having 1.4
02:28.01hmmhesaysJT: only if you want to unselect somethings
02:28.13axscodeok.. which comes first? ./configure or make menuconfig ?
02:28.25hmmhesaysand its make menuselect I believe
02:28.41JThmmhesays: no, if you want to make absolutely sure than chan_zap is being compiled
02:28.55hmmhesaysJT you can see it in the configure mang
02:29.16hmmhesayshaha sorry doing a little tony montana there
02:29.49JTheh, not sure who that is, but okay :)
02:30.03axscodeoh.. so what comes first again?
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02:30.51flenderstony montana... haha
02:31.08flendersthat sounded very cuban to me
02:31.13outtoluncwhos on second?
02:31.19axscodei have installed zaptel, all in menuconfig of zaptel is selected.. and there is no XXX on it.. so i guess its good.
02:31.41axscodethen.. i made make clean and make menuconfig on asterisk.. the zap_ is XXX...
02:31.47axscodeand it says.. it need zaptel
02:32.08axscodei mean the description says.. dependencies: zaptel
02:32.27flendersaxscode: you done ./configure ; make ; make install on zaptel yet?
02:32.41axscodei did flenders...
02:32.46axscodebut im doing it again to make sure..
02:33.37axscodedo i have to modprobe already before installing asterisk?
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02:35.34flendersno need to modprobe before installing asterisk
02:36.14axscodemenuselect shows zapchan already. thanks flenders
02:36.33flendersI never do menuselect
02:36.44flendersI just ./configure ; make ; make install
02:37.00flendersI guess on yours make clean ; ./configure ; make ; make install
02:38.03axscodeyups works well too i guess. i believe menuselect is for the ./configure for the Makefile for whatever you select in the menu
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02:38.32axscodebut all in all, great support.. thank you.. :)
02:40.58dijungalcya fellas
02:40.59dijungalnext day
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02:41.46teknoprephey all
03:05.54teknoprepman am i having a problem
03:06.18teknoprepi have a sip trunk and it seems to be working but it keeps throwing me to the "this number is not in service"
03:06.29teknopreptoo bad i use asterisk with freepbx tho
03:06.46fujindie in a fire
03:06.49fujinyou don't have a sip trunk
03:06.53fujinyou have a sip connection
03:07.04fujinwell, really, you have the definition for a sip connection
03:07.09fujinbeing that it's stateful
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03:24.26teknoprepty for you symantecs
03:29.27*** join/#asterisk Lucky7 (
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03:29.58Lucky7I'm trying to find some good choices for CDR
03:30.06Lucky7I've installed MySQL CDR in my box
03:30.16fujinmysql cdr seems to be great
03:30.21Lucky7Are there any pre-written PHP CDR tools that will hook to that?
03:30.22fujinafter you turn on the uniqueid field
03:30.27fujinI haven't found any
03:30.40Lucky7so i've gotta write my own?  suck
03:30.43fujinshould be relatively to write it, though
03:30.54fujinthe date time fields are all unix epoch so you can strtime them
03:31.00fujini believe
03:31.00Lucky7Yea, i just dont wanna fux with gd to make them all pretty and shit for my managers
03:31.05fujinah, yes
03:31.12fujingdinating it would be suck
03:31.18Lucky7maybe i can steal trixbox's
03:31.50Lucky7for as much as i dont like trixbox, they did a pretty good job with CDR
03:32.33fujinI haven't seen it
03:32.37fujinthey probably stole it from somewhere else
03:32.44Lucky7most likely
03:33.05fujinI must take a look at that, possibly steal it myself
03:33.20Lucky7Found what they stole ^.^
03:33.47Lucky7i guess its not technically stolen, but ... borrowed without siting.
03:34.03fujinwell, there we go
03:34.06fujineasy enough
03:34.49Lucky7its a pretty slick lil tool
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03:47.29fujinLucky7: heh, that's pretty odd, it needs mysql_pconnect
03:48.49Mavvieis there a way to get a return value from an AGI script and use that?
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03:50.03SplasPoodanyone played with the new polycom firmware?
03:50.14SplasPoodseems to drop registration after...  a bit..
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04:10.23[TK]D-FenderSplasPood, not that I've seen
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04:13.49rpmanyone here a sip protocol guru? i have a single question to ask because i don't want to read the rfc again.
04:14.02fujinlearn to ctrl+f
04:16.22osirisill take a stab
04:16.39osirisim no guru, but i work for a provider
04:16.41rpmHow is the Digest response calculated when being a 407 is being ACK'd? Is it urp = MD5(username:realm:password), response = MD5(urp, nonce) ?
04:17.25osirisfrom what i understand, it is standard digest.  i dont know if that helps
04:18.19SplasPood[TK]D-Fender: hrm..   Happened to my personal 500, and an associate who tried it reports the same behavior
04:18.25rpmi'll just open up the rfc and take a look.. rtfm to me.
04:18.41SplasPood[TK]D-Fender: are you setting any type of nat keepalive?
04:18.53[TK]D-FenderSplasPood, the basics said the 300 & 500 are supposed to be dropped with 2.2.0
04:18.56SplasPood[TK]D-Fender: I haven't bothered to debug it yet, just noticed it earlier
04:18.58[TK]D-FenderSplasPood, no NAT
04:19.13SplasPoodMaybe that has something to do with it then
04:19.26osirisim trying to figure why/how i can get the inbound proxy to deliver the calls without having to force inbound proxy on incoming
04:19.31SplasPoodYea, I don't have any 300s or 500s to contend with
04:19.57SplasPoodIn this case it's happened to both a 501 and 601, both behind NAT
04:20.11osirisfor some reason, this versioon of broadsoft wont let you force inbund proxy on a registering device
04:20.23[TK]D-FenderSplasPood, Ok, doesn't occur in my setups yet...
04:20.43[TK]D-FenderSplasPood, just threw me off because you said 500....
04:21.00osirisanyone have trunks through speakeasy ?
04:21.02rpmosiris, r13?
04:21.35osiris13 has been givin me fits with outbound/inbound proxies
04:21.38SplasPood[TK]D-Fender: ahh didn't even notice, misfire
04:21.55rpmi manage a distributed broadsoft r13 platform
04:22.12osirisrpm, then your my guy
04:22.13fujinI wish we had have went to broadsoft
04:22.14fujinit looks awesome
04:22.19osirismind if i pm for  sec ?
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07:03.48axscodeChanging signalling on channel 1 from Unused to FXS Kewlstart
07:03.57axscodemeaning channel 1 is for PSTN or Phone?
07:04.16Strom_CFXS signaling is used on FXO ports
07:04.28McDouglas[Sep 18 08:58:30] WARNING[20500]: channel.c:2612 ast_indicate_data: Unable to handle indication 5 for 'mISDN/3-u39'
07:04.34McDouglaswhat does this message mean?
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07:04.52axscodeStrom_C: meaning..? my channel1 is for?
07:05.00axscodePSTN or PHONE?
07:05.03jbotfxofxs is probably An FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage, you plug a phone LINE into this.  An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage, you plug a PHONE into this.
07:05.22axscodeso FXS signalling is for PHONE!
07:05.31Strom_Cyou didnt read what I said
07:05.38Strom_Cthe FXS signaling is for the FXO port
07:05.48Strom_Cso the phone line plugs into the port
07:06.31axscodeMy CHANNEL1 = Phone Line (POTS/PSTN) ?
07:06.50Strom_Ci dont know; what hardware do you have?
07:07.04axscodei have TDM400P
07:07.23Strom_Cwhich modules do you have on the card?
07:07.47axscodetwo RED and two green
07:07.57axscodeChannel 01: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 01)  <-- this is what ztcfg said
07:08.02Strom_Cthe red ones are for your phone lines
07:08.10Strom_Cthe green ones are for your telephone sets
07:08.23axscodeok.. problem is.. i dont know where it is
07:08.29axscodeits inside the CPU already
07:08.42Strom_Cwell, open it back up and take a look
07:08.50grimsyor lots of trial and error ;)
07:09.16axscodehow about the ztcfg ?
07:09.28boorayQuick question for any interested; If I'm getting "Crypto support not loaded!" when attempting to receive an IAX2 call and a subsequent failure to find a key (it's there, I promise), does this mean a recompile?  Google isn't much help here.  Asterisk 1.4.11
07:09.31Corydon76-digonly problem is if you connect an FXS to a trunk, you could end up destroying your card
07:09.59zeeeshhow to compile  "asterisk-addons-1.4.2 " i did .configure what shud be the second and third step .. make and then make clean and then make install ?
07:10.22Corydon76-digbooray: load
07:10.23boorayCorydon76-vcch: only if someone calls you, right?  :-P
07:10.31axscodeits |RED RED GREEN GREEN
07:11.08Corydon76-digzeeesh: you should not 'make clean' between 'make' and 'make install'
07:11.20Corydon76-digotherwise you're just undoing your 'make'
07:11.38axscodeok.. its        |RED RED GREEN GREEN
07:11.54zeeesh<Corydon76-dig>: then just  ./configure and then make and then make install ?
07:12.06Corydon76-digzeeesh: correct
07:12.08*** join/#asterisk sergee (
07:12.28Corydon76-digzeeesh: you could add a 'make menuselect' after ./configure, if you want to eliminate certain modules from the build
07:12.59JTaxscode: the CPU is the processor, not the computer case
07:13.05boorayCorydon76-vcch: okay.. I see res_crypto.c in my source tree, but no anywhere on the system.  I'll see if I can figure out why and then compile it individually.  Or.. maybe a make menuselect and redo the whole thing?  hmm
07:13.34boorayaha, make menuselect.  of course
07:13.49*** join/#asterisk MaliutaWrk (
07:14.55zeeesh<Corydon76-dig>: "The existing menuselect.makeopts file did not specify that 'app_addon_sql_mysql' should not be included.  However, either some dependencies for this module were not found or a conflict exists."?
07:15.29boorayI should not be working on this at this hour
07:16.46snk00sjwhat is the correct way to pause between 2 sound files when using Background(file1&file2) ?
07:16.55booraydude, I just called time, and it said "Good Morning"...
07:17.20Corydon76-digzeeesh: make menuselect
07:18.19*** join/#asterisk Delvar (n=Delvar@
07:18.28boorayCorydon76-vcch: thank you for the help
07:18.43boorayi meant corydon76-dig, but bitchx thought differently
07:18.56Corydon76-digsame person, different location
07:27.09*** part/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
07:31.37zeeeshgetting error by installing asterisk-addons-1.4.2  pls help" as"?
07:41.43*** join/#asterisk gremzoid (
07:48.08zeeesh<Corydon76-dig>: i did make menuselect .. and then press F8 after this do i need to "make install" or what next ?
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08:00.28mvanbaakthe TE110P rev B from 2004, is that card any good
08:02.38mvanbaakwe have echo issues and disconnected calls
08:02.52*** join/#asterisk MikHell (n=michel@
08:03.07McDouglaswhy is that if i call an extension and the called party picks it up, he has to wait for 1-2 sec before he can actually talk ?
08:04.12MikHellAnybody knows a VoIP provider with good quality and good rates that allows more than one simultaneous call out?
08:05.58*** join/#asterisk Mw3 (
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08:10.49slimawrong channel.
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08:20.32penguinFunkzeeesh, there is a small bug in two of the files
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08:21.49penguinFunkzeeesh, The 'make install'
08:21.49penguinFunkis looking for .libs/, but the compile
08:21.49penguinFunkproduced  .libs/libchan_h323.1.0.1
08:21.49penguinFunkYou can copy the file manually and it will work fine:
08:21.49penguinFunkcp .libs/libchan_h323.1.0.1 /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
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08:40.51DarKnesS_WolFmmm how to defive the operator exntesion in context ?
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08:47.52kaldemarDarKnesS_WolF: what is "the operator extension"?
08:54.53*** join/#asterisk axai (n=axai@
08:56.07axaiHey, quick question for you guys. I need to forward my internal extention out the PRI
08:56.31axaiaka 9500 -> 2509500 instead 2509572 (default)
08:57.00*** join/#asterisk tuzhila (i=tuzhila@
08:57.14tuzhilahi all
08:57.33tuzhilawhat fxo gates is better for use?
08:59.36kaldemaraxai: what is your question?
08:59.51tuzhilakaldemar: what fxo gates is better for use?
09:00.07axaiBasically, when dialing from an internal extension i want my number to be sent "out"
09:00.10tuzhilafor sip
09:00.18axaiso people can dial it back
09:00.19tuzhilawhat fxo gates is better for use for sip?
09:00.32*** join/#asterisk xnoudas (
09:01.25kaldemaraxai: so you want to change the CID. use function CALLERID for that.
09:01.46tuzhilawhat fxo gates is better for use for sip?
09:01.49axaicould you give me an example, i've tried it already
09:01.52axaituzhila: try a linksys
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09:02.03tuzhilaaxai: linksys
09:02.03Strom_Ctuzhila: your question makes little sense
09:02.22kaldemarthe whole person makes no sense.
09:03.57kaldemaraxai: exten => 9500,1,Set(${CALLERID(num)}=250${EXTEN})
09:04.19axaiBtw, this is coming out of the PRI line
09:04.29axaiso, i want people on the PSTN to see the whole number "2509500"
09:04.37axai250 = what my operater has given us
09:04.41axai500 =
09:04.50axaiand the 500 -572 is our range
09:04.59kaldemaraxai: oops, disregard the ${} around the function.
09:05.04axaioh okay
09:09.13axscodeUnable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 0 - Unknown) <-- any help with this please?
09:09.32axaikaldemar: im afraid ti doesnt work, i want to set the caller ID on a Zap channel
09:11.42tzafriraxscode, this is a very generic error message
09:11.54kaldemaraxai: how does it not work? is it not setting the callerid number? is the number not showing right in the callee's phone?
09:12.20axscodetzafrir: i dont know how to set-up the TDM
09:12.44tzafrirWhat Dial command have you used?
09:12.48axscodeChannel 01: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 01)
09:12.52axscode4 channels configured.
09:12.55DarKnesS_WolFkaldemar: o extension
09:12.56DarKnesS_WolFi'll try
09:13.08DarKnesS_WolFtzafrir: wow dude long time no seen :-) how are u ?
09:13.13axscodei have 01-04... with RED RED GREEN GREEN in the TDM
09:13.24axaikaldemar: Sorry, let me explain my situation more. I'm in india. We have the 9500-9572 extension range in sip.conf.  We have been given the "2509500-2509572" block by our telco. Whenever we make a call from an internal SIP phone to the outside line, the call always appears to be from 2509572. I want it too appear to be from the extension that was dialed
09:13.44JTtuzhila: what don't you understand about "your question does not make sense"? :
09:13.48axscodetzafrir: how will i know that the device is ready to use?
09:13.48tzafriraxscode, in your dialplan, what was the Dial() command that ended up with that error?
09:13.58tzafrirDarKnesS_WolF, hi :-)
09:14.19nohup-i finally managed to run my tdm400p 4 fxo card !
09:14.49JTaxscode: Set(CALLERID(num)=<something>)
09:14.55JTaxai: even
09:14.56tzafriraxscode, zap show channels
09:15.15tzafrircaller ID shouldn't matter
09:15.19axscodeonly two lines.
09:15.23JTaxscode: that is NOT the dial command
09:15.33JTextensions.conf, the dial command in question
09:15.34kaldemaraxai: ask your telco what the number should be like. for example here in finland they want the area code to be included in the id but without the leading zero in it.
09:16.04axscodeJT: tzafrir is asking about zap show channels.
09:16.13nohup-tzafrir: try doin modeprobe wcfxo
09:16.27nohup-then do genzaptelconf
09:16.43axaii see ><
09:17.00JTaxscode: pay more attention
09:17.10kaldemaraxai: if i'd be in 09 area, having a block 123 200-300, i'd have to set my number to 9123200 for outgoing for extension 200, or the telco changes it.
09:17.53axscodei already pasted it with tzafrir.. 4 lines.. im sorry
09:18.10axaikaldemar: Okay, ill try that
09:18.18axaiwhy does asterisk default to "572"?
09:19.16axaiah ha!
09:19.25axaikaldemar: it works! thankyou
09:19.45axscodemaybe i have to edit may zapata.conf..
09:20.05axaikaldemar: One last thing, how do i get the extension of the person making the call?
09:21.34kaldemaraxai: it's not asterisk that defaults it, it's the telco.
09:21.47axaikaldemar: Oh i see.. :)
09:22.14kaldemarif the number is something they don't allow you to send, they'll just overwrite it.
09:23.10kaldemaraxai: by the person, do you mean your local extensions?
09:23.17axaikaldemar: Yes :)
09:23.48kaldemar${CALLERID(num)} will show you the callerid number of the calling extension.
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09:25.30JTaxai: i already told you how to set outbound callerid
09:26.04axaiJT: I didnt want to set it
09:26.16axaiJT: I wanted to get it this time ;)
09:26.23*** join/#asterisk qdk (n=qdk@
09:26.29axaiJT and kaldemar: all works now, thankyou all very much!
09:27.12JTaxai: so what did you do?
09:28.27axaiexten => _9X.,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=8040649${CALLERID(num)})
09:28.27axaiexten => _9X.,2,Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN:1},190,o)
09:29.46*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (n=strom@
09:30.49awkhmm, anyone know what could be cause of this
09:30.49awkSep 18 11:28:09 WARNING[11899]: app.c:1232 ast_lock_path: Failed to lock path '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/9999/Old': File exists
09:31.00awkeverytime i try login to voicemail it kicks me out
09:31.48*** part/#asterisk xnoudas (
09:36.20yangWhich is a good supported billing solution which works with asterisk 1.2.13 and uses mysql ?
09:36.49yangawk: remove that file then
09:37.12yangand restart asterisk
09:37.17awkso I should remove Old
09:37.19awkI cant restart asterisk
09:37.24awkhave about 50 concurrent calls
09:38.36axscodetzafrir: can you help please.
09:39.15tzafriraxscode, so you have no zaptel channels
09:39.29tzafriraparantly, zapata.conf is misconfigured
09:40.04yanghm no searches found for "asterisk billing" in debian :(
09:41.51awktng is a very nice billing solution
09:42.00awkwe got them to port it to linux
09:45.21axscodetzafrir: i beleive tzafrir.. ill show you in private the zapata.conf
09:45.47jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
09:46.30*** join/#asterisk hank (
09:47.31hanki need a little help with dialplan logic. i have this line: exten => *1126,1,GotoIf( ${DB_EXISTS(/Agents/${CALLERID(num)})} )?*1100,1:*1000,1 ) but it always goes to *1100. is there anything wrong with my syntax?
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09:50.01tzafriraxscode, looks OK. maybe you need to restart asterisk ?
09:50.06tzafriror simpler:
09:50.16tzafrirzap restart
09:51.20kaldemarhank: try GotoIf($[${DB_EXISTS(Agents/${CALLERID(num)})}]?*1100,1:*1000,1)
09:52.38tzafrirThe error there is that you used fxols=3 in zaptel.conf
09:52.43hankkaldemar: nice, it works :) thanks a lot
09:52.58tzafririf so, use:  signalling=fxo_ls
09:53.02tzafririn zapata.conf
10:00.25tzafrirtry running it again
10:01.15axscodezap restart?
10:03.34*** part/#asterisk hank (
10:03.50axscodei did.
10:03.58axscodezap show cahnnels
10:04.02axscodei already have 4 channels
10:04.24axscodetzafrir: how to dialplan that my analog telephone will ring?
10:04.32axscodewhen i dial the number?
10:05.06tzafrirso it should work now
10:05.12tzafriryour dialplan looks OK
10:06.58*** join/#asterisk jacq (n=jal@
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10:09.31_mgfi'm looking for a french asterisk developper, is there any here ?
10:13.03michael-i_mgf, I would send a mail to asterisk-biz
10:13.12_mgfok thanks, i will
10:24.21*** join/#asterisk HaMYaI (
10:24.57HaMYaIHi, anyone using PAP2T and knows how I can transfer the call to another extension?
10:27.07*** join/#asterisk Delvar (n=Delvar@
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10:45.08yangHow do I enable recording calls for all users in asterisk?
10:45.24yangi was looking at
10:45.53yangBut do I have to enable exten - for every extension?
10:46.59McDouglasany idea what does this mean?
10:48.08*** join/#asterisk BockBilbo (
10:54.16*** join/#asterisk Daejeo1 (n=chatzill@
10:54.25Daejeo1hello guys
10:57.40Daejeo1anyone knows how to obtain FACTORY FRESH GPP_K value /  vonage adapter
11:10.56*** join/#asterisk Poincare (
11:19.10the_laleludid someone knows the differents between the digium TE212P and digium TE220B PRI Cards? Specialy the difference between the DSP Chips?
11:22.43*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=IceChat7@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
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11:49.08styelzbrown cow
11:49.13*** join/#asterisk appelza (
11:50.30appelzais there a way for asterisk to ignore (pass through) calls to certain numbers?
11:54.21appelzaasterisk is rejecting a number without a destination route, but i dont want to give it a route in asterisk
11:54.25styelzappelza: like that ?
11:54.54appelzathink so
11:55.56JTstill don't know what you mean by "pass through"
11:58.17*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
11:59.22styelzblacklist is to ignore calls from certain numbers though
11:59.33styelzyou want .. to
12:00.07styelzand which way? outgoing calls or incomming
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12:05.46thewiizlehey probably the wrong channel but has anyone set 'astcc' up?
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12:07.22McDouglasi'm having some trouble with attended call transfer: if i transfer a call to an extension which is busy, i get no notification or anything, but insted i get connected back to the caller on hold
12:07.24McDouglasis that normal?
12:08.35lsodigreetings, Is there way to ignore/block sip user who has tryed to register 10 times with server? registerattempts=10 doesnt help
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12:13.31JTstyelz: not ignore, process in a different manner
12:13.37JTasterisk doesn't "ignore" calls
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12:17.49ZeeekIt's up to the user to ignore them
12:19.13thewiizlehe's not trying to ignore calls
12:19.24thewiizlehe's trying to ban an IP after it has attempted registration >10
12:19.46thewiizlelsodi, i think registerattempts is for SIP Trunks only
12:21.38*** join/#asterisk tcseke (
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12:21.56JTno such thing as a sip trunk ;)
12:22.03JTand not talking about lsodi's issue
12:22.28JTtalking about appelza's issue
12:22.31thewiizleahh i see
12:22.32thewiizlejust saw
12:23.25*** join/#asterisk Delvar (n=Delvar@
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12:31.05Zeeekwhat is the desierd result of an "ignored" call? asterisk does nothing?
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12:31.42styelzlike > /dev/null i guess
12:32.22ZeeekThat result can be had by GoTo to a long wait()
12:32.29styelzor Wait(60)
12:33.53styelzsorry lag
12:34.40Zeeeknoch ein, bitte!
12:39.27styelzwhy would eveything work
12:39.32axscode<tzafrir> your dialplan looks OK  <-but the fone is not ringing.
12:39.48styelzexcept for music on hold, for incomming sip calls
12:40.22styelzthey get music on hold . if i place the call on hold after picking up the call
12:40.23tzafriraxscode, what do you expect to happen, and what happens?
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12:40.41axscodei expect that the analog telephone will ring.
12:40.47styelzbut if i send them direct to MOH or to a queue. i get no MOH
12:40.57axscodenot untill i pick-it-up
12:41.03tzafrirZap/1 is an FXO trunk (connects to a telco), right?
12:41.39styelzcould it be a bridge issue ?
12:42.05axscodewoo.. i thought its for telephone.
12:42.26*** join/#asterisk Delvar (n=Delvar@
12:42.42axscodethanks.. i got the wrong port.. :)
12:44.11axscodetzafrir: whats wrong if, im calling to the outside (telco), then it continues ringing even if the end user pick-up the phone already.. and keeps on ringing.
12:46.04tzafrirWhat number are you calling? You dialed an empty number
12:46.15*** join/#asterisk creativx (
12:46.25tzafrirTo dian 123456 through Zap/1 , use: Dial(Zap/1/123456)
12:47.23axscodetzafrir: ok thanks, how about, im using the zap/3 telephone... im going to dial to a connected sip user. is that automatically?
12:47.29axscodethey are at the same context
12:47.45[TK]D-Fenderaxscode: .....
12:47.48jbot[book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at or Temporarily at
12:48.00[TK]D-Fenderaxscode: and NO, there is no "automatic"
12:48.13axscodeok thanks. :)
12:48.16[TK]D-Fenderaxscode: Go read up on how to use the dialplan.
12:48.34rob0Book 'em, Danno.
12:48.38[TK]D-FendertzafrirIt will be officially released in PDF next week.
12:48.53[TK]D-Fendertzafrir : Following Astricon
12:49.16tzafrirhardcopies will be available in Astricon?
12:49.24thewiizlehas anyone got a Linksys 941 to remotely provision?
12:49.29ZeeekZeeek 2007 will be available in 1st quarter of 2008
12:49.55[TK]D-Fendertzafrir : To my awareness they're available NOW.  dCAP Montreal gave away several during the end meeting.
12:50.37[TK]D-FenderZeeek: You're ahead of your time, but behind on distribution :p
12:51.36ZeeekClosed beta took longer than I expected!
12:53.07xarmiexdoes anyone have experience with the linear patch for app_queue ?
12:54.13JunK-Ytzafrir: jsmith told me they will be available at astricon yeah.
12:55.22ZeeekJared is pretty good about telling the truth
12:57.28kajeis trixbox a debian based distro or red hat based?
12:58.02Zyl0newhich I think is based off redhat
12:58.12Zeeekredhat without the logo
12:58.25Zyl0nethere ya go
12:58.27Zyl0neI hate redhat
12:58.29Zyl0neso bloated
12:58.42Zeeekme too, after lunch
12:58.47kajehehe, thanks, what about asterisknow? deb or rpm?
12:59.10pHnzasterisknow ? it's not the place for sorry.
12:59.11ZeeekAsteriskNOW will be discussed this week on VOIP USers COnference
12:59.57[TK]D-Fenderkaje: rPath.
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13:13.12fjean5good morning community
13:14.16fjean5i was wondering if there is any known limit to the number of users defined in iax.conf ?
13:15.39yannj_frsure there is one?
13:18.35JunK-Yfjean5: not that I know.
13:20.14fjean5ok, i am asking because we are receiving cores on iax reloads sometimes and we have quite a few in there
13:20.48tzafrirkaje, asterisknow uses rpath packages (conary)
13:21.47JunK-Yfjean5: which * version?
13:21.53JunK-Yhow many do u have ?
13:23.40NivexQwell: you know you're supposed to take the spam out of the can before you eat it.
13:24.05QwellNivex: eh, the can tasted better
13:24.36fjean5Junk-Y: about 7300 on 1.2.14
13:25.39chris_1hi!there seems to be a problem with agentcallbacklogin / queue. suddenly * stopps. any hints?
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13:31.43[TK]D-Fenderchris_1: With the glorious detail you have provided... NO
13:38.20hypa7iaQwell: you fot that too eh :p
13:38.35chris_1before implemented the queue / agents all went well. now * suddenly stopps (from 2h - 1week); the agent phones are snom360, asterisk v.1.2.13; nothing in the logfiles.
13:39.24[TK]D-Fenderchris_1: Well so far you have no evidence to follow up on your problem with and that version is VERY old.
13:39.52[TK]D-Fenderchris_1: Go upgrade who knows if whatever problem you're actually facing has been fixed along the way....
13:40.13[TK]D-Fenderchris_1: And 1.2 isn't getting any more bug fixes.....
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13:46.40thewiizleim trying to get my dialplan remotely provisioned to my phone however my dialstring replacement is going haywire when i use <0:0044>xxxxxxxxxx.
13:46.45thewiizledoes anyone know of a replacement for <
13:46.48thewiizleand >
13:46.53damjan|workcan anybody tell me if Asterisk will use multiple CPU's?
13:46.54thewiizleor how to escape them
13:46.59coppice^ and v?
13:47.13damjan|workor better said, if I get a maxed cpu on my Astersik instance would a dual-core cpu help?
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13:48.08tzafrirdamjan|work, asterisk is multi-threaded, and thus will easily use multiple CPUs. At least for multiple=2
13:48.37damjan|worktzafrir: thanks, does this apply to 1.2 too?
13:48.47tzafrirdamjan|work, yes
13:48.56*** part/#asterisk fjean5 (
13:49.36damjan|worktzafrir: thanks, I've checked with 'ps -axm' but obviously that's different than 'ps axm'
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13:55.11Uatechey, has anyone here used andrews and arnold as a VOIP provider in the uk?
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14:05.01mattbolldoes anyone know something about asterisk when it isn't on the local network ? I can connect to it and call but not talk
14:05.14mattbolland I don't know where I should search (and what)
14:05.41mattbollmy be it an ekiga problem ?
14:06.23[TK]D-Fendermattboll: ....
14:06.27jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
14:06.41datachomperAsterisk is throwing "status NOANSWER" on calls to a specific number and dropping the call, yet my cell phone connects through. What would cause this?
14:06.49*** join/#asterisk funxion (n=nunya@
14:07.07mattbollthx :)
14:07.21[TK]D-Fenderdatachomper: PASTEBIN is your friend.....
14:07.23jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
14:07.25datachomperWe are dialing every other number just fine...
14:08.57k31thAfternoon guys.
14:09.18tzafrirsomeone in the proper time zone :-)
14:09.21*** join/#asterisk jcmoore (n=jcmoore@unaffiliated/tgrman)
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14:15.39McDouglas[TK]D-Fender: that first link about sip+nat says i have to forward the rtp port range to asterisk. Will it cause any problem if i shrink that range to .. say 100 ports inrtp.conf?
14:16.03[TK]D-FenderMcDouglas: only if you need more that you set for
14:16.20McDouglashow can i calcualte? one for each sip conversation?
14:16.32[TK]D-FenderMcDouglas: Exactly
14:17.06RypPnI was led to believe it was 4
14:17.14lirakisdoes any one here actually have a gxp-2020 ?
14:17.32jsmithRypPn: It depends on whether you get RTCP messages
14:17.36[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: There must be some sort of chump out there who thinks its a Csico ;)
14:17.52lirakis[TK]D-Fender: sure you dont have one hidden away in your closet ?? lol
14:18.06RypPnjsmith: so 4 would be a safer assumption?
14:18.35jsmithRypPn: Yeah, that's a fairly safe assumption
14:18.37[TK]D-Fenderjsmith: Still on the road?
14:18.45lirakis[TK]D-Fender: heh heh
14:18.51jsmith[TK]D-Fender: Nope... back home for a week, before I head off to AstriCon next week
14:19.02Qwellw00t, astricon
14:19.05datachomperwould zapateller on the destination asterisk box, cause my calls to be dropped?
14:19.07[TK]D-Fenderjsmith: Enjoy the breather.. the party never ends :)
14:19.11jsmith[TK]D-Fender: You know, no rest for the wicked...
14:19.30jsmithYeah, I'm looking forward to AstriCon... it's always my favorite time of the year
14:19.34xhelioxStrange question -- If both Asterisk and Zaptel are not started..  but the phone lines are plugged into a TDM400P, should the lines ring busy?
14:19.36[TK]D-Fenderjsmith: Insomniacs Anonymous... I know thee well
14:19.38Qwelljsmith: agreed
14:20.09*** join/#asterisk Yourname`` (n=IM@unaffiliated/yourname/x-837320)
14:20.13jsmithxheliox: No, they just won't be answered
14:20.19xhelioxYeah..  weird.
14:20.21jsmith[TK]D-Fender: Exactly...
14:20.22Qwell[TK]D-Fender: You should go.  You still have like 6 days to make arrangements
14:20.30Yourname``WARNING[24112]: chan_sip.c:12224 handle_response_register: Got 200 OK on REGISTER that isn't a register
14:20.31jsmith[TK]D-Fender: You're not going?
14:20.31xhelioxjsmith: That's not what's happening..
14:20.55xhelioxWhen I unplug the lines, it rings..
14:21.16jsmithxheliox: Well, I guess I'm wrong then :-)
14:21.27xhelioxjsmith: Are you? Or is something wrong? :p
14:21.33[TK]D-Fenderjsmith: I'm not a real coder, am not running a full-on VoIP business, and its a big trip  and I don't have a passport.....
14:21.34xhelioxBecause the card isn't working properly... that's why I ask.
14:21.36jsmithxheliox: Naw, I"m probably just wrong.
14:21.47Qwell[TK]D-Fender: it's not just for devs
14:21.49[TK]D-Fenderjsmith: So regrettably no.  No chance of my day-job sending me ANYWHERE
14:21.50jsmith[TK]D-Fender: So, so, and oh...
14:21.54xhelioxanyone else want to confirm jsmith's wrongness?
14:22.04jsmith[TK]D-Fender: The first two were lame excuses, but the third might be a problem
14:22.48[TK]D-Fenderjsmith: Hish-cost, low-return, and the mandatory DHS invasive cavity search is on my no-no list :p
14:23.28jsmith[TK]D-Fender: Hey, if blitzrage can get across, anyone can...
14:23.51[TK]D-Fenderjsmith: Yes, but he LIKES the DHS ICS!
14:24.04hypa7ia[TK]D-Fender: at least we don't need to get fingerprinted yet :(
14:24.24[TK]D-Fenderhypa7ia: YET.
14:24.35*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
14:24.47hypa7ia[TK]D-Fender: when they do, no more defcon for me :(
14:25.56[TK]D-Fenderhypa7ia: Terrist!!!!!!!!!!!
14:26.19kajeonce I install asterisk how do I configure it? the link on asterisk's webpage is broken...
14:26.41hypa7ia[TK]D-Fender: i just don't want anyone having my prints, is all :)
14:27.20hypa7iakaje: start by doing make samples, and have a look at what that puts in /etc/asterisk
14:27.28hypa7iakaje: there's a bit of a learning curve
14:27.47Sci_05hypa7ia: just do what the guy in the movie 7 did, cut them off ;-)
14:27.59kajedid that... well, I'm trying to get it to work with asterfax and asterfax asked for a username and password from manager.conf... but there isn't one in there
14:28.32hypa7iaSci_05: ouch
14:28.50hypa7iakaje: have you looked up asterfax on voip-info?
14:28.59*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
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14:29.22jsmithkaje: I'm working on the AsteriskDocs website... in the meantime, you can download the PDF from a mirror... I'll find you a link
14:29.33[TK]D-Fenderkaje: ...
14:29.35jbot[book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at or Temporarily at
14:30.51jsmithAh, thankis [TK]D-Fender
14:31.08kajenice, that book is in safari books online, thanks guys!!
14:31.19jsmithkaje: Yup :-)
14:31.38jsmithkaje: The second edition is in Safari now, and will be available as a free PDF next week
14:31.53kajeyeah, I saw that =)
14:34.03*** join/#asterisk Victor_Yure (
14:34.43Yourname``Yeah, right now there isn't any index.
14:34.48Yourname``Good luck, jsmith.
14:34.53Yourname``May the httpd force be with you.
14:35.09Yourname``WARNING[24112]: chan_sip.c:12224 handle_response_register: Got 200 OK on REGISTER that isn't a register  <= Why am I getting this?
14:37.08jsmithYourname``: Can you pastebin the SIP messaging... it seems that someone sent you a "200 OK" response that's fishy
14:39.36*** join/#asterisk Lucky7 (n=Adam@
14:45.00[TK]D-Fenderjsmith: Don't forget to advise me the moment I'm cleared to mirror TFOT 2nd Ed :)
14:45.53*** join/#asterisk bintut (
14:45.55jsmith[TK]D-Fender: For the second edition, O'Reilly is going to handle the mirroring, so that we can get more effective statistics
14:46.03thewiizlefucking yes
14:46.10thewiizleremote provisioning is COOL as fuck
14:46.17*** join/#asterisk pzn (
14:46.30[TK]D-Fenderjsmith: load
14:46.35jsmith[TK]D-Fender: One of the things Tim was unhappy about with the first edition is that he didn't really know how many times it had been downloaded
14:47.05jsmith[TK]D-Fender: And since this is somewhat of an experiment with them, we figured we'd humor them and give them a chance...
14:47.17[TK]D-Fenderjsmith: Don't think that I'm offering up my bandwodth like its nothing, this was a NECESSARY evil....
14:47.25*** join/#asterisk nfi|ermes (n=ErMeS@
14:47.26pznHi! Can you recommend a client for voip for using with asterisk (a free software version). I need a simple client, it can even be command line; however it must be good and stable... thanks!
14:47.28jsmith[TK]D-Fender: Please explain
14:47.44jsmithpzn: For which operating system?
14:47.45pznI mean a client for using speaker+mic of the PC
14:47.52pznjsmith, for linux
14:48.27[TK]D-Fenderjsmith: Astriskdocs was down and people come in here looking for help and resources, both of which I provide in large quantities.  As sson as they lost access to the book I ensured that no user would have to sit and wait.
14:48.54[TK]D-Fenderjsmith: Just doin my part....
14:49.29*** join/#asterisk Buhntz (
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14:49.37[TK]D-Fenderpzn: Ekiga, Twinkle, Zoiper, etc...
14:49.59cucobkruse: ping
14:50.39pzn[TK]D-Fender, I'll check this clients. thanks!
14:51.13[TK]D-Fenderpzn: Ekiga is the most featured of them, supporting video, transfers, conference, etc.
14:52.10*** part/#asterisk mog (
14:52.33jsmith[TK]D-Fender: I'm fine with you turning up a mirror if O'Reilly's goes down... no problems with that whatsoever.  We're trying to get it off of as well (as the site has been unstable)
14:52.58kippiis there any reason why when using ChanSpy, why i can't hear the other person, only when the person at my end is talking
14:53.21pzn[TK]D-Fender, what I really need is a sample code for building my own client (it will be command line). I just need simple call with G711u codec. do you have other suggestions?
14:53.54[TK]D-Fenderpzn: Google up SIP libraries, there are a number of them out there.
14:54.48coppicegood clients aren't simple
14:55.31jsmithkippi: You can also try the iaxclient library, if you prefer IAX instead of SIP
14:55.37jsmithcoppice: Amen to that!
14:55.58Uatecxlite has a crap front end
14:56.03Uatecbut the back end is published i believe
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14:57.27pzn[TK]D-Fender, nice, google pointed me to it seems to solve my problem. thanks!
14:58.13coppicewell, it might solve the SIP part. what are you going to do about the rest?
14:58.31*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (n=strom@
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15:02.16coppiceosip is not very good. sofia is the best SIP library out there
15:02.28Uatecwhat kind of device would i use to connect my asterisk box to an analogue POTS line?
15:02.58jsmithUatec: Something like a Digium TDM400P card (with at least one FXO port), or an ATA that has an FXO port
15:03.05*** join/#asterisk lsodi (
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15:03.15Strom_MUatec: a digium TDM card
15:03.26*** join/#asterisk beek (n=klinebl@
15:03.27funxionhas anyone in here ever gotten a quote from digium before for custom development?
15:04.03jsmithfunxion: No, but I've worked with them on a couple of projects... why?
15:04.25blackgeckodoes anyone knows a way to restrict who can call a specific extension ??
15:04.47funxionI aked for a quote for some custom development so I can get an approval and the salesman aked me to "buy an hour of time
15:04.57funxion" so he can derive a quote
15:05.02jsmithblackgecko: There are lots of ways... you could use the Authenticate() dialplan application to force them to enter a  PIN number
15:05.42funxionwhat kind of idiot would I look like to my employer to have a quote as an expense for a project
15:06.16blackgeckoi dont want to authenticate
15:06.43*** join/#asterisk Delvar (n=Delvar@
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15:06.50blackgeckoi tried doing somethign like exten => 500/100,1,dial(Sip/500)
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15:07.03elixerfunxion: is that a rhetorical question? ;-)
15:07.19nephflim having trouble with a system using a digium analog card...when it tries to dial aparently the first digit isnt getting accepted sometimes
15:07.30nephflanyone know how i can fix that?
15:07.38funxionIm just wondering if the guy had a bad day or if that is SOP for digium
15:07.40blackgeckonephf1: put a pause before the dial
15:07.46jsmithnephfl: You can add a "w" to the front of the number, which will tell Asterisk to wait a half-second before dialing
15:08.00nephfli see
15:08.27jsmithfunxion: Oh, the guy from Digium told you to buy an hour so that they could then generate the quote?
15:08.40blackgecko@jsmith: any other way to restrict the callers ?
15:08.40jsmithfunxion: That's interesting...
15:08.48funxionI thought so too
15:09.04funxionI'm a bit disapointed
15:09.07jsmithblackgecko: Sure, I can think of a bunch... give me more details on exactly what you're trying to do, and I can help more.
15:09.08outtoluncwas it a complex quote (big job)
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15:09.14[TK]D-Fenderblackgecko: Yeah, put your users in contexts that don't even OFFER the extens you don't want them to dial in the first place.
15:09.23lsodigreetings, somwhere is one misconfigured sip device witch tryes to register to asterisk, how can I ban that device for a while, or reregistering after failure is configured from device?
15:09.44blackgecko@jsmith: i have a voicing system hooked to a grandstream configured to auto answer
15:09.49funxionI asked for a patch that is currently in existance and working on * open source to be ported to business edition
15:09.54funxionhow hard is that
15:10.09Qwellfunxion: is it a feature?
15:10.16funxionprobably werx as is but I didnt get teh source with business edition so I dont knwo
15:10.17outtoluncdepending on the feature it could be very hard <G>
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15:10.27blackgecko@jsmith: but dont want that everyone can use without control
15:10.28funxionits a mod to chan_sip
15:10.40funxionto make an operator panel for thomson phones werk
15:11.00jsmithfunxion: Asterisk Business Edition is currently derived from the Asterisk 1.2 source.  The next version (coming soon!) will be based on Asterisk 1.4.
15:11.16funxioni know but what rev
15:11.19[TK]D-Fenderjsmith: Likely jsut after the 1.6 release party! ;)
15:11.23outtoluncmaybe it is due to it being the business version and they have to do all the retesting to cert it .. whatever
15:11.27jsmithblackgecko: OK, what determines who can and can't call it?
15:11.42blackgecko@jsmith: instead i want to be able to say wich extensions can dial the voicing one based on the CID
15:11.54jsmithfunxion: I don't know, to be honest.
15:11.57blackgecko@jsmith: my self jejeje
15:12.08outtoluncfunxion: call again <G>
15:12.18jsmithblackgecko: GotoIf($[${CALLERID(num) = 101]?voicing,s,1)
15:12.22jsmithblackgecko: GotoIf($[${CALLERID(num) = 102]?voicing,s,1)
15:12.22funxionI'm considering trying to compile with a couple different rev and trying to replace the chan_sip module
15:12.39[TK]D-Fenderblackgecko: Then add a pile of GotoIf's to check for CID's or a bunch of exten =>100/XXX,1, etc
15:12.43*** join/#asterisk masus (n=tet@
15:12.51blackgecko@jsmith: and a one like that for each cid i need to be able to call ?
15:12.58masushi all, is it possible to authenticate an agent with voice speaking
15:13.11outtoluncfunxion: that sounds extreme if you are gonna replace the whole module
15:13.12jsmithblackgecko: Yup, that's one way
15:13.15blackgecko@jsmith: i tried the second one without success
15:13.21funxionouttolunc apparently the guy I spoke with is the head of custom dev sales
15:13.34funxionouttolunc its like 4 lines of code addded to chan_sip.c
15:13.38jsmithmasus: No, not really... we don't have any kind of voice fingerprinting in Asterisk
15:13.40outtolunchehe <G>
15:13.42funxionjust needs to be recompiled
15:13.53masusjsmith: ok thanks
15:14.41blackgecko@jsmith: ill check with the gotos, thanks man
15:14.52[TK]D-Fenderblackgecko: PASTEBIN your coding attempts...
15:14.54jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
15:14.57yangcan someone tell me how to add proper monitor lines to this output (4 lines)
15:15.05[TK]D-Fenderblackgecko: And we'll tell you where the errors are
15:15.31[TK]D-Fenderyang: Monitor has to be set BEFORE your dial
15:15.37outtoluncfunxion: i thought the business version you got the source code with it
15:16.15funxionouttolunc nope
15:16.45blackgecko[TK]D-Fender: the problem was that only the first declaration wokrs
15:17.10outtolunchmm it reads 'source code for the drivers are included'
15:17.11blackgecko[TK]D-Fender: the second one gave me fast busy on the phone before getting to asterisk
15:17.28outtoluncchan_sip is a 'channel driver'
15:17.38[TK]D-Fenderyang: <- keep in mind I left your Macro based vars in there.
15:18.05[TK]D-Fenderblackgecko: PASTEBIN it so we can see what you're doing.
15:18.07blackgecko[TK]D-Fender:but ill check it again, maybe y typed something wrong, one las question, all the priorities has to be number 1 ?
15:18.28[TK]D-Fenderblackgecko: Depends who's idae you are following.
15:18.42[TK]D-Fenderblackgecko: PASTEBIN IT.
15:19.14*** join/#asterisk Delvar (n=Delvar@
15:19.21yang[TK]D-Fender: thank you ARG2=EXTEN and ARG1=CALLER ID....I dont really distiguish between these username is the same as callerid, so i keep both values the same?
15:20.59yang[TK]D-Fender: so the first line comes as exten => 200,1,Set(MONITOR_FILENAME=${REC_DIR}/${TIMESTAMP}-${200}-${200}-out)
15:21.13jsmith[TK]D-Fender: Don't forget, we've got now too :-)
15:21.17[TK]D-Fenderyang: Well the way I did your sample was as a fixed exten where ARGX doesn't exist.
15:21.41yang[TK]D-Fender: yeah i am wondering if i can replace ARG-1 and ARG-2 with number?
15:21.45[TK]D-Fenderyang: and last I checked ${200} wasn't a valid var name...
15:21.52funxionouttolunc I searched the server and the install cd's for it to no avail
15:22.13ai-awe have 6 fax machines on our network connected to Asterisk via LinkSys Sipura SPA-1001 devices,  With also about 40+ voice phones on the system.  2 of the fax machines just refuse to work.  Get CID but transmission fails. bandwidth usage over the network is low.  Connected a analogue phone shows 2 way audio works.  However faxing to/from these 2 fax machines to other fax machines on the PBX or external fail most of them time.  Any
15:22.18[TK]D-Fenderjsmith: <- Got my OWN
15:22.27yang[TK]D-Fender: Or do I put it like this
15:22.28outtoluncfunxion: well if they got the code, you are at their mercy
15:22.33*** join/#asterisk Tili (
15:22.44yang[TK]D-Fender: so the first line comes as exten => 200,1,Set(MONITOR_FILENAME=${REC_DIR}/${TIMESTAMP}-${CALLERID}-${EXTEN}-out)
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15:28.17[TK]D-Fenderjsmith: I've got my support bases covered..... everything except a mirror for the WIKI :p
15:28.36JerJerthe wiki is evil
15:28.43[TK]D-Fenderblackgecko: taht should allow only 3 callers to dial 790
15:29.04[TK]D-Fender..... telnet
15:29.04Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
15:29.18[TK]D-FenderMore "e"'s FTW!
15:29.37jsmithNo, what's more evil is writing a perl script with Net::Telnet to provision phones :-)
15:30.47*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey)
15:31.24Blackthornwhat does extensions.ael do?
15:31.26defsworkwhat was the command line to get an aastra phone to reload ?
15:32.27yang[TK]D-Fender: well, i did extensions reload ... but i dont get any loggin in /var/spool/asterisk/monitor...?
15:33.16*** join/#asterisk thx2000 (
15:33.37thx2000Does anyone know if it's possible to have at&t forward on busy to a voip DID?
15:33.47jsmithBlackthorn: You can write your dialplan in AEL (the Alternative Extension Language) if you prefer it to the regular dialplan language
15:34.09jsmithdefsdoor: Probably "sip notify [peer]"
15:34.51*** join/#asterisk admin0 (
15:34.57[TK]D-Fenderyang: pastebin a call attempt at verbose 10
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15:35.35Normhas there been any experience with avaya handsets on an asterisk server? i don't see them listed in the wiki
15:36.08admin0Hi. I am setting up a asterisk box ..  when I dial, even though I have disallow=all and allow=g723.1 , it always go out via as gsm . my linksys pap2 is sending the calls as g723.1 ..  shouldn't it be doing a passthru ?
15:36.30admin0i tried to put allow=first and disallow=all in line below, but that too does not help
15:36.46BlackthornI get alot of context not found or context is empty int he log file messsages. should that be of any concern?
15:36.49Strom_Masterisk calls it g723, not g723.1 IIRC
15:37.07jsmithBlackthorn: Yah, probably
15:37.24coppicewell, if you want to name it properly its G.723.1
15:37.53Blackthornjsmith: does that mean yes it should be a concern or no it should not be?
15:38.29*** join/#asterisk Delvar (n=Delvar@
15:38.31[TK]D-Fenderadmin0: If you outbound channel is GSM then coming from G.723.1 is NOT passthrough, you need to transcode it, and there is no legal codec available for * for that except the TC100 transocder card
15:39.25admin0my outbound gateway supports g723.1 as well as g729
15:39.33[TK]D-Fenderyang: All I see is a DIAL, no call to monitor BEFORE dialing...
15:40.01yang[TK]D-Fender: extensions reload is enough or do i need to restart asterisk
15:40.30admin0so put disallow=all and allow=G.723.1 in the outbound peer ?
15:40.43jsmithBlackthorn: Yes, that should be a concern
15:40.54[TK]D-Fenderadmin0: Should be "allow=g723.1", no uppercase
15:41.11*** join/#asterisk AndrewGearhart (
15:41.16[TK]D-Fenderyang: Yes, extensions reload is enough...
15:41.20admin0ditto for inbound user also ?
15:41.34Blackthornjsmith: i actually removed everything int he file and let it be blank but that too created all sorts of messages.
15:41.51[TK]D-Fenderyang: Of course I just gave you an EXAMPLE, I have no idea how you implemented it, what context you put it into, etc, so there are a million things you could have done wrong...
15:41.57jsmithBlackthorn: Oh, from the extensions.ael... just delete it!
15:42.09AndrewGearhartgood morning folks. Anybody have suggestions on a PC or motherboard/processor combination to use for an Asterisk PBX?
15:42.20yang[TK]D-Fender: and I dont know why it says SIP-200 If my username is 600...
15:42.20russellbeveryone vote to brand it with an asterisk!
15:42.42[TK]D-FenderNorm: Few people use Avaya handsets with *.  It is ill-advised unless you're already stuck with them.
15:42.58Norm[TK] - thanks
15:43.49[TK]D-FenderAndrewGearhart: Just about anything I guess.... maybe a nice supermicro Zeon rackmount server...
15:44.13[TK]D-Fenderadmin0: if it doesn't match it will try to transcode and fail.
15:44.38AndrewGearhart[TK]D-Fender: not sure a supermicro Xeon rackmount server is in the budget. ;-)
15:44.46admin0thanks all
15:44.47admin0its working now
15:45.04[TK]D-FenderAndrewGearhart: Then go with "whatever".
15:45.18AndrewGearhart[TK]D-Fender: plus, will your sangoma 200d cards fit in a supermicro rackmount? ;-)
15:45.49[TK]D-FenderAndrewGearhart: Yup.  They come in LP bracket sizes, and many of their servers have PCI risers as well
15:47.23the_laleluCan someone tell me the differents between the digium TE212P and digium TE220B PRI Cards? Especialy the difference between the DSP Crap?
15:48.54yang[TK]D-Fender: basically i only wanted a MONITOR to record my calls, my friend gave me those 2 strings, but they dont seem working
15:49.42*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=teknopre@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
15:49.43[TK]D-Fenderyang: Show me what you've done because clearly the last bit of CLI you showed me wasn't even CALLING monitor.  So you dialplan or devices settings are screwed up
15:49.50teknoprephow do i add a + to all outbound calls?
15:50.02teknoprepi have NXXNXXXXXXX
15:50.16teknoprepwell NXXNXXXXXX
15:50.19Strom_Mthe_lalelu: the 212 is for a 5v PCI slot, while the 220 is for a PCI Express slot
15:50.24teknoprepi want to add a + to the front of that...
15:50.31teknoprepfor outbound calls
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15:50.51yang[TK]D-Fender: shall i paste you the whole extension.conf?
15:51.16[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep: +${EXTEN}
15:52.13[TK]D-Fenderyang: just look at from-local-users, 0038641710598, 1 yourself.  Why is step 1 DIAL?
15:52.13jsmithteknoprep: Find the extension that actually calls Dial(), and add the + before the ${EXTEN}
15:54.19[TK]D-Fenderyang: you are only monitoring your INTERNAL extension, not what you use to dial out your ITSP <-----------
15:55.00[TK]D-Fenderyang: and in a lot of places you are still calling monitor AFTER YOUR DIAL.
15:55.26admin0it helped
15:55.38yang[TK]D-Fender: yes, but i am testing just 600 extension now
15:55.49yang[TK]D-Fender: do i need to change all the lines?
15:55.56the_laleluStrom_M: ok - except that the 212 is for a 3,3V pci slot. but why is the TE220 (even if bundled to TE220B) cheaper? is this because of an older dsp chip? for me it looks like the TE212P and the TE220B are almost similar ...
15:56.08*** join/#asterisk arekm (i=arekm@pld-linux/arekm)
15:56.43[TK]D-Fenderyang: First of all, your pastbin was for a call placed by SIP/200-b5d10858 . and you were calling SIP/0038641710598@e1|60|t.  Wake up and realize what you're doing here....
15:57.26arekmwhat could be the reason?
15:57.27the_laleluStrom_M: i mean from the point of features almost similar.
15:58.10[TK]D-Fenderarekm: because the exten you showed is 36677 and its looking for 3667741 <----------
15:58.19[TK]D-Fenderarekm: 36677 != 3667741
15:59.06arekm[TK]D-Fender: ok but wasn't there some "as you dial" thing?
15:59.37[TK]D-Fenderthe_lalelu: 3.3V PCI is for servers and has lower production QTY's, thus the card would cost more to produce
15:59.40*** join/#asterisk eldon (i=eldon@nat/digium/x-8e44654f0ba1e680)
15:59.40arekm[TK]D-Fender: I should ask directly what I'm trying to archieve. the goal is to strip 36677 from beginnig and use short 2 digi numbers in dial plan
15:59.51Blackthornis it common to log messages such as "[Sep 18 11:56:18] WARNING[4450] chan_iax2.c: Call rejected by No such context/extension
16:00.09[TK]D-Fenderarekm: * is trying to find a match for the incoming call and there ISN'T ANY.
16:00.14yang[TK]D-Fender: that was another user coming from 200 i think...mine was 600....well sorry to disturb you so much, i modified my extensions.conf now tell me if it looks proper...
16:00.15Blackthornwhen that ip is known to not be a user of your * box?
16:00.22the_lalelu[TK]D-Fender: aaaah, ok. that could be an answer. thx.
16:00.33[TK]D-Fenderarekm: Once you create a match for the incoming call pattern you can THEN mangle it up any way you feel like.
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16:00.54arekm[TK]D-Fender: how to strip it then?
16:01.08blackgeckodoes anynone know of some issue between a te410 and a dell poweredge 1900, im having kernel panics since we installed this card
16:01.20arekmI know how to strip in Dial() only ;(
16:01.32alrsblackgecko: Dell motherboards and Digium cards have known issues
16:02.02alrsblackgecko: which ones exactly I dunno, but I've read an article on the subject on
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16:02.33blackgeckoyeah thats what i tougth, do you think that changing it for a sangoma sould solve the problem ?
16:02.55yang[TK]D-Fender: if its related I am trying to call outside numbers through a SIP trunk
16:03.40*** join/#asterisk modu (
16:03.56Uatecdoes the switch directive only work with IAX?
16:04.36moduI've a question for asterisk administrators
16:05.02moduAll the docs does not seems to help me ...
16:05.21moduwhen you want to connect 100 phones on a asterisk
16:05.33moduyou need to create account in sip.conf
16:06.03modubut in the extension.conf did everyone put one line for each phones ?
16:06.19Buhntznot for outgoing
16:06.27Nuggetif the extensions match a particular pattern, and you've chosen your sip peer names properly, it's not necessary.
16:06.37Uatecif your sip accounts are just numbers 001, 002, 003, etc
16:06.44Uatecand are the same as your extensions
16:06.46Uatecyou could just have
16:06.50Nuggetyou can do a single line like "exten => 7XXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})
16:07.05Uatecexten => XXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})
16:07.16moduok, seems logic for me but never see that ..
16:07.26jsmithUatec: Yes, it only works for IAX2
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16:07.41Uatecthat's a shame
16:07.48Uatecty for a definitive answer
16:07.49Buhntzor internal calls
16:08.02jsmithUatec: There's no way to do it across SIP because the SIP protocol doesn't allow for querying a remote dialplan
16:08.16Buhntzbut you can do exten => <numberhere><extensionhere>,1,Dial... etc.
16:08.58lsodiI have one device somwhere in network witch tryes to register with sip server with false username and password, and asterisk prints out  "... Device does not match ACL" notice. Can I block/ignore that device fore some time? or is there option to set how meny times user can try to register?
16:09.04*** join/#asterisk tsurko (n=tsurko@
16:10.06[TK]D-Fenderyang go look at what you're doing....
16:10.21[TK]D-Fenderarekm: You need to match the number that comes in, what you do AFTER is up to you.
16:10.28*** join/#asterisk superpop02 (
16:10.34superpop02hello all
16:11.06Buhntzlsodi: you can block the ip with iptables, so you're asterisk won't bothered anymore
16:11.22superpop02I have a question about asterisk internal: How asterisk handle rate adaptation between per example a ISDN and a analog call ?
16:11.38[TK]D-Fendersuperpop02: ....huh?
16:11.55admin0guys .. thanks ..
16:12.01arekm[TK]D-Fender: I have a match now but don't know *how* to strip leading digits so next rule will check only 2 last digits in dialplan
16:12.04superpop02I know V.110 is a ITU recommandation about rate adaptation on ISDN
16:12.04lsodiBuhntz: there is no way to control it with asterisk?
16:12.13superpop02Does asterisk support V.110 ?
16:12.39admin0one question..   if the incoming gateway is  g723.1  the default  IVR does not work ... where can I find the info to load the ivr in g723?
16:12.51[TK]D-Fenderarekm: what "next rule"?  You have already made your match... trying showing me exactly what you want to do...
16:13.02Buhntzlsodi i don't know anyone you can't delete extensions out of extensions.conf per automatic
16:13.19[TK]D-Fenderadmin0: If your prompts aren't in G.723.1 then you're DOA
16:13.28admin0DOA = ?
16:13.32[TK]D-Fenderadmin0: And there is no legal codec for it in *.
16:13.38Buhntzsuperpop02 afaik yes
16:13.39[TK]D-Fenderadmin0: Dead On Arrival <-
16:13.53yang[TK]D-Fender: well, I dont know what I am doing wrong, that is why I am here
16:14.06ai-awe have 6 fax machines on our network connected to Asterisk via LinkSys Sipura SPA-1001 devices,  With also about 40+ voice phones on the system.  2 of the fax machines just refuse to work.  Get CID but transmission fails. bandwidth usage over the network is low.  Connected a analogue phone shows 2 way audio works.  However faxing to/from these 2 fax machines to other fax machines on the PBX or external fail most of them time.  Any
16:14.14[TK]D-Fenderyang: Look at the exten that is getting dialed.  Are you calling monitor FIRST?
16:14.26Buhntzsuperpop02 there is a protocol handler
16:14.28admin0isn't there any  software that will allow me to make the prompts in g723.1 ?
16:14.33yang[TK]D-Fender: well it doesnt enable MONITOR at all...
16:14.33superpop02buhntz ? some precisions ,
16:14.34admin0whats the codecs that all use ?
16:14.36admin0g729 ?
16:14.44ai-aadmin0: sox convert them.
16:14.51[TK]D-Fenderai-a: because the tiniest little flaw will KILL a fax, and faxing analog over SIP is suicidal.
16:15.06superpop02because in code I don't find any v.110 reference
16:15.06[TK]D-Fenderadmin0: G.729 & G.711 are the most popular.
16:15.15ai-a[TK]D-Fender: yes, i agree with this. however 4 fax machines seem to work perfectly.
16:15.17[TK]D-Fenderadmin0: G.711 is free, G.729 is not.
16:15.33admin0where do I find the prompts for the g729 ?
16:15.34[TK]D-Fenderai-a: Tried swapping ATA's to see of those 2 suck?
16:15.47[TK]D-Fenderadmin0: You don't FIND them, you MAKE PROMPTS.
16:15.47ai-aalso, what alternatives are their to fax over ip?  What is the point of IP Phone network if we need analogue phone lines anyway ?
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16:16.11admin0mp3 -> g729 :D
16:16.21admin0ok .. how do people make prompts ?
16:16.32[TK]D-Fenderai-a: IP for PHONES is great because you don't need special telephony equipemnt to add 100 new phones to your office.  Jut the phones, and a SWITCH.
16:16.38ai-aadmin0: microphone, computer, audio software.
16:16.43lsodiBuhntz: I can control with asterisk how many times server tryes to register before giving up and I cant control users/devices who are trying to register, only with iptables?
16:16.51admin0ai-a, which software :)
16:16.52[TK]D-Fenderadmin0: Record them on a PC, record them with * using "show application record", etc.
16:17.13arekm[TK]D-Fender: something like
16:17.25Buhntzlsodi its a client setting
16:17.48yang[TK]D-Fender: it refuses to start MONITOR
16:17.53Buhntzlsodi you can handle how often your browser tries to reach but google can't control how often YOU try
16:17.53AndrewGearhart[TK]D-Fender: so, returning to the hardware issue, we're talking 10 lines, VoIP phones (internally) and analog lines to the POTS. Other than the requirements of the PCI slot for the sangoma card, any hardware recommendations?
16:17.56lsodiBuhntz: ok. thank you!
16:18.08[TK]D-Fenderarekm: exten => _36677XX,1,Goto(local,${EXTEN:5},1)
16:18.11admin0i can directly connect and record in this asterisk box itself :) ?
16:18.46arekm[TK]D-Fender: thanks!
16:18.54[TK]D-FenderAndrewGearhart: 1 GIG RAM should be plenty comfortable, and enough HD for your OS, logging, redcording, etc.  Basically, my ANALOG WATCH could do this....
16:19.24AndrewGearhart[TK]D-Fender: lol. the catch is finding the right hardware to build your analog watch! ;-)
16:19.26moduif I use the "exten => XXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})" macro, Can I use the ChanIsAvail() to see if the (internal) account exist, or is there another way ?
16:19.57[TK]D-Fendermodu: There is no easy way.... patterns like that are messy and should be avoided....
16:20.31modu[TK]D-Fender: pattern like exten... ?
16:20.36yang[TK]D-Fender: as you said, it will only monitor internal connections...this worked now....but how do i make it that it monitors the outside ones too?
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16:20.45modueh like {EXTEN}
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16:21.20[TK]D-Fendermodu: like _XXX for a pile of SIP phones.  jsut hard-code them and do the job right
16:21.37[TK]D-Fenderyang: ..... put a MONITOR IN FRONT.
16:21.46[TK]D-Fenderyang: A call is a call is a call.
16:22.04[TK]D-Fenderyang: You want it to record?  Shove the monitor app in front!
16:23.44yang[TK]D-Fender: I am not following you
16:23.54yangIn front where?
16:24.40yangexten => 100,1,Set(MONITOR_FILENAME=${REC_DIR}/${TIMESTAMP}-${EXTEN}-${CALLERID}-out)
16:24.42modu[TK]D-Fender: yes but if I have 100+ phones it should be more expensive for asterisk that a regexp like XXX
16:24.43yangexten => 100,2,Monitor(wav,${MONITOR_FILENAME},mb)
16:24.52yangthe Monitor line before the SET line,m changins order?
16:25.01[TK]D-Fenderyang: That. Isn't. Where. You. Dial. OUT
16:25.47[TK]D-Fendermodu: You are going to waste a lot of processing on EVERY CALL trying to code up something to see if what you want to do is legitimate
16:26.40[TK]D-Fendermodu: And assumes you want to treat every SIP device in the exact same way.
16:26.40[TK]D-Fenderyang : go pastebin another failed attempt and your dialpln.
16:27.22yang it worked, but i just dont see any files in /var/spool/asterisk/monitor
16:28.10moduPasting sames lines for each phone isn't really relable, there is no way to do something like that ? a clean way
16:28.12yangBut I think that you are trying to tell me to put the Monitor line , before the Set line
16:29.03yang[TK]D-Fender: And I am not quite following you
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16:29.43[TK]D-Fenderyang: Look at your call to monitor.  you have a "/" in front.  thats an ABSOLUTE PATH....
16:29.59ramindiacan some one tell me.. how can unlock sunrocket SPA-2102-R, any iirc channel for this
16:30.07[TK]D-Fendermodu: its as reliable as the person doing the job.
16:30.37[TK]D-Fenderramindia: Nope.  Go check out 's forums and say a prayer
16:30.51yang[TK]D-Fender: I cannot follow you well, becouse I am not a coder...please keep it simple
16:31.17yang[TK]D-Fender: Which line do I have to change and to what?
16:31.26*** part/#asterisk ramindia (n=ramindia@
16:31.49[TK]D-Fenderyang: Executing Monitor("SIP/600-b5d063f8", "wav|/20070918-181943-100-"Jan Prunk" <600>-out|mb") in new stack <- you put a "/" in front of 20070918........ it isn't GOING into /var/spool..... and so on because you gave monitor an ABSOLUTE PATH for where to put the recording.
16:32.19[TK]D-Fenderyang: Go caffeinate.  Now.
16:33.59hmmhesaysgrand idea
16:34.10*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (n=ckwall@
16:34.16yang[TK]D-Fender: I appologise about my non-coding skills - So I need to change exten => 600,2,Monitor(wav,${MONITOR_FILENAME},mb) to exten => 600,2,Monitor(wav,${/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/MONITOR_FILENAME},mb)
16:34.26*** join/#asterisk Mw3 (
16:34.34[T]ankwhat does this mean when I am dialing an 800 number from a polycom 501 phone? PROGRESS with cause code 127 received
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16:35.08[T]ankthe linksys phones get it as well, but the call still goes through. When dialing from the polycom it hangs up
16:36.02[TK]D-Fenderyang if you jsut removed your leading "/" it would go into the normal folder .....
16:37.06yang[TK]D-Fender: but there is no / set in extensions.conf , why are you joking ?
16:37.49yangor did you mean this line ${REC_DIR}/
16:38.02[TK]D-Fender[TK]D-Fender>yang: Executing Monitor("SIP/600-b5d063f8", "wav|/20070918-181943-100-"Jan Prunk" <600>-out|mb") in new stack <- you put a "/" in front of 20070918........ it isn't GOING into /var/spool..... and so on because you gave monitor an ABSOLUTE PATH for where to put the recording.
16:38.03yangto replace with ${REC_DIR}
16:38.06dlynesI'm just curious....I've got a sip peer set to using a certain dialplan context, and looking at sip debug, it seems to be looking in that context, but then it dials out on a totally different context
16:38.12[TK]D-Fenderyang: See this?  This is the CLI output of your call attempt
16:38.13dlynesWhat could be causing this?
16:38.23dlynesA corrupted dialplan, or something?
16:38.31[TK]D-Fenderyang: see the "wav|/2007"?  thats YOU!
16:38.39yang[TK]D-Fender: yeah but something places it to / directory instead of default
16:38.51[TK]D-Fenderyang: * did not invent that "/" and shove it in there.
16:39.06[TK]D-Fenderyang: And that something is YOUR extension.conf.
16:39.14[TK]D-Fenderyang: Go fix your typos!
16:39.27[TK]D-Fenderok, lunch time, back in a few...
16:39.39yang[TK]D-Fender: well, ok, it was my friends line...what do I know about the coding...:(
16:42.46yang[TK]D-Fender: well I give up .... I removed the / from extensions.conf and its still getting there
16:43.11yangexten => 600,1,Set(MONITOR_FILENAME=${REC_DIR}${TIMESTAMP}-${EXTEN}-${CALLERID}-out)
16:43.14yangexten => 600,2,Monitor(wav,${MONITOR_FILENAME},mb)
16:44.16yangI am probably the hardest case that appeared on this channel
16:46.01thewiizledoesnt work in 1.4 is that correct?
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16:48.30ManxPowerthewiizle: no, it is not.
16:48.34*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
16:48.41ManxPowerthewiizle: you did not read the upgrade.txt for 1.2 and 1.4, did you.
16:48.48*** part/#asterisk thx2000 (
16:48.59thewiizleyeh i did
16:49.05thewiizleand i didnt upgrade
16:49.07thewiizlefresh install
16:49.15ManxPowerthen you saw the info about CALLERIDNUM being removed and what it is replaced with.
16:49.18thewiizlei can see they are depreciated, i just cant get my head around the replacement
16:49.35ManxPowerthewiizle: the extensions.conf.sample was not helpful?
16:49.59ManxPower|NexT|: Build a man a fire and keep him warm for the night, set a man on fire and keep him warm the rest of his life.
16:50.12ManxPowerWe give free support -- at least make them work for it.
16:50.52|NexT|ManxPower, I need help, my problem is this:
16:51.06|NexT|WARNING[1806]: rtp.c:2157 ast_rtp_senddigit_begin: Don't know how to represent 'f'
16:51.28|NexT|Google does not helpme ;-(
16:51.37*** join/#asterisk SgtDitt (n=SgtDitt@
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16:51.57|NexT|I use Asterisk 1.4, zaptel an libpri form SVN
16:52.04*** join/#asterisk Mw3 (
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16:52.31[TK]D-Fenderyang : thats 600!! exten => 600,1,Set(MONITOR_FILENAME=${REC_DIR}${TIMESTAMP}-${EXTEN}-${CALLERID}-out)
16:52.31|NexT|all dtmf are in auto
16:52.38ManxPower|NexT|: your sip device is sending the DTMF digit "f" (there is no such DTMF digit) and asterisk does not know how to deal with it.
16:53.09[TK]D-Fenderyang your problem is wth the monito that gets called for Spawn extension (from-local-users, 100, 3)
16:53.21mockerGuh, /me sends a book long message to asterisk-users
16:53.22|NexT|yes, but this problem is in tdm in call
16:54.02|NexT|I recive a call, aand speak normally, but in aleatory moment, asterisk show this message
16:54.51ManxPower|NexT|: I hate to break it to you, but TDM calls don't use RTP.  One leg of that call MUST be SIP for you to get that message.
16:54.57thewiizleriiiight i get it i get it
16:54.59arekm[TK]D-Fender: one more problem -
16:55.17ManxPower|NexT|: now, what actual SIP device are you using?
16:55.50thewiizlewould that work
16:55.58|NexT|ManxPower: I Know, but only the problem is reproduced when i recive the call form TDM
16:56.09ManxPowerthewiizle: that would set the callerid number to be the same as the currently executing exten => line
16:56.28thewiizleWhich is correct in theory
16:56.38thewiizleeg, i call from 101 my CallerId = 101
16:56.45ManxPower|NexT|: chances are if you are not using TDM the RTP may be going direct between the two end points.
16:56.45|NexT|PAP2 --> Asterisk 1.4 --> Asterisk 1.4 with TE420 --> Normal Phone
16:56.54ManxPowerput canreinvite=no in each device section of sip.conf
16:57.19ManxPowerthewiizle: that is not correct.
16:57.21*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (
16:57.24|NexT|but the problem is in the middle of the conversation, no in hte negotiation
16:57.45yang[TK]D-Fender: So do I have to remove context=from-local-user line from sip.conf for user 600 ?
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16:57.50fugitivois any way to "destroy" a global variable in 1.2?
16:57.51ManxPowerthewiizle: ${EXTEN} is the DIALED number.  So it will set your callerid to be the same as the currently executing exten => line, which is the number you dialed.
16:58.02fugitivosetting the variable to "" doesn't destroy it
16:58.22ManxPowerfugitivo: how do you know that?
16:58.38[TK]D-Fenderarekm: watch out for INCLUDE prioritization.  You have put 2 possible matches into one area.  And you wonder why they are getting mixed up?
16:58.42ManxPowerwell, technically setting a variable to "" sets the variable to "", set it to
16:59.03[TK]D-Fenderyang: Make a brand new call attempt and pastebin it.  Then pastebin your whole dialplan again.
16:59.22ManxPoweri.e. Set(FNORD=) rather than Set(FNORD="") since the second one sets the variable FNORD to contain two double quotes
16:59.28yang[TK]D-Fender: i see this line == Spawn extension (from-local-users, 100, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/600-b5d063f8'....but I dont know the meaning of it..
16:59.31fugitivoManxPower: I'm using AgentMonitorOutgoing(c) which looks for a variable called AGENTBYCALLERID_xxx
16:59.31arekm[TK]D-Fender: so order of entries doesn't matter at all?
16:59.56thewiizleah shite
16:59.59yang[TK]D-Fender: I dont know where does that 100, 3 come from for user 600
17:00.01ManxPowerarekm: order matters very, very little.
17:00.03fugitivoManxPower: If I set that variable to nothing, AgentMonitorOutgoing keeps finding it
17:00.09[TK]D-Fenderyang: Means you keep talking about  EXTEN => 600......and youare not even DIALING that exten.
17:00.17arekmManxPower: ok, rewriting
17:00.20[TK]D-Fenderyang: You were in 100 <---------
17:00.22ManxPoweryang: that is extension 100, priority 3 in context from-local-users
17:00.30trippsin my old asterisk box, my sip trunk peers showed the latency figure in the status column during sip show peers command. in my new box it simply displays "Unmonitored" - what setting must I change to get the latency number back?
17:00.35fugitivoManxPower: I know that "" sets the variable to "", but I don't find a function to destroy the variable
17:00.45ManxPowerfugitivo: You can't test the existance for a variable.
17:00.49jwhtripps: qualify=yes as per sample configs
17:01.04trippsjwh: thanks - I'll check that out
17:01.22yang[TK]D-Fender: No I am calling with username 600 !
17:01.53[TK]D-Fenderyang it doesnt' matter where you're calling FROM, it matters where you're calling TO.
17:01.56ManxPoweryang: username and extension are two totally different things
17:02.17[TK]D-Fenderyang: You are dialing an EXTENSION.  That extension is 100.  Thet is what's oging to get executed.
17:02.38ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: do people seem unusually dense today?
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17:03.06[TK]D-Fenderyang: exten = 600,1,...... is not a set of rules applied when your SIP/600 places ANY CALL, its when a call call comes in DIALING that number!
17:03.14yangThat is correct I was calling 100
17:03.15yangfrom 600
17:03.53[TK]D-Fenderyang: Forget "from 600".  That doesn't mean ANYTHING.  You keep talking about an EXTENSION numbered "600" which is IRRELEVANT.
17:03.57[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Agreed
17:04.50yang[TK]D-Fender: Ok I will make another call
17:04.54*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey)
17:04.54yangand paste the log
17:05.05fugitivoManxPower: setting the variable to nothing doesn't work, AgentMonitorOutgoing still find the variable
17:06.01yang[TK]D-Fender: If I call any other number than 100 I dont get my monitor started at all
17:06.23[TK]D-Fenderyang: I'm waiting for your pastebin's......
17:06.25*** join/#asterisk errr_ (n=errr@fedora/errr)
17:06.29fugitivoManxPower: I'm wondering why using AgentCallbackLogin from manager doesn't set the global variable AGENTBYCALLERID_xxx like the cmd does
17:06.51lsodianyone here using Elion broadband internet connection?
17:07.19[TK]D-Fenderfugitivo: Because as its coming from the manager... THERE IS NO CALLERID!
17:08.42fugitivo[TK]D-Fender: shouldn't the variable be set with the Exten parameter?
17:09.22[TK]D-Fenderyang: First you still have a stupid "/" in front of your filename, and 2nd you call is never getting ANSWERED, so there is nothing to record!
17:09.49yang[TK]D-Fender: I dont know how to get rid of the stupid / string in front...
17:09.59[TK]D-Fenderfugitivo: By callerID.  As in "gets its from callerid", as in "If you don't HAVE a callerid, WTF are you expecting?"
17:10.19[TK]D-Fenderyang: -- Executing Set("SIP/600-b5d063f8", "MONITOR_FILENAME=/20070918-190721-100-"Jan Prunk" <600>-out") in new stack <- look at your set.........
17:10.53yang[TK]D-Fender: And why is it trying to record only internal calls, not international? you said earlier that a call is a call...but seems that asterisk knows which are internal
17:11.05fugitivo[TK]D-Fender: i believe the variable is called like that for later use, i think the name doesn't means from where it gets its value from at login time
17:11.07*** join/#asterisk magic_hat (
17:11.30magic_hathey all. anyone know if it's possible to set up conference calling without using meetme?
17:11.31[TK]D-Fenderyang: Get your head out of your ass and focus on your obvious bugs.
17:11.47thewiizleanyone got astcc going on 1.4?
17:11.47[TK]D-Fenderfugitivo: I dunno....
17:12.00*** join/#asterisk t3rror (
17:12.02[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: app_conference . Go look it up
17:12.05fugitivo[TK]D-Fender: that's nonsense, you can't login an agent from manager and then use AgentMonitorOutgoing because you don't have that variable set
17:12.08[TK]D-Fenderyang: apstebin yuor dialplan.
17:12.27[TK]D-Fenderfugitivo: I may have missed something in there...
17:12.30*** part/#asterisk [T]ank (n=ckwall@
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17:12.44[TK]D-Fenderblarg... complete left-right desync in my typing today...
17:12.55teknoprephow do i setup keepalive for a sip connection to my VoIP provider?
17:13.04teknoprepi have sip working fine behind nat.. but only for about 10 min
17:13.07teknoprepthen it goes dead
17:13.15yang[TK]D-Fender: in which file is the dialplan, you mean sip.conf....damnit you got me all confused with these strings
17:13.17fugitivowell, if it's a bug i suppose nobody is going to fix it for 1.2 :)
17:13.23teknoprepfor inbound calls only
17:13.32[TK]D-Fenderyang: extensions.conf <-------------
17:13.58[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep: You don't need a keep alive to your provider........
17:14.03*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
17:14.16[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep: you need your routings setup properly.
17:14.28jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
17:14.41magic_hatTKD: eay to install?
17:14.42[hC]any of you guys done any iax2 packet analysis with wireshark (ethereal)? Im getting audio frames that sound choppy, and wireshark comes back claiming incorrect checksum on a bunch of them
17:14.51[hC]not sure what would be screwing up checksums, though.
17:15.54*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
17:16.08yang[TK]D-Fender: if you help me solve this, I will send you some paypal money for the beer :)
17:16.21[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: Never tried it personally... MeetMe fworks fine for me.
17:17.05[TK]D-Fenderyang: exten => 100,1,Set(MONITOR_FILENAME=${REC_DIR}/${TIMESTAMP}-${EXTEN}-${CALLERID}-out)
17:17.12yang[TK]D-Fender: I removed / from the first line in 600 exten
17:17.15fugitivowell, if anyone knows how to destroy a variable so AgentMonitorOutgoing can't find it anymore, that'll be enough for me
17:17.52[TK]D-Fenderyang: I see it.  You are referencing what SHOULD be a CONSTANT set under [globals] for ${REC_DIR} that you DID NOT SET
17:18.03ManxPowerfugitivo: AgentMonitorOutgoing is an Asterisk app?
17:18.14[TK]D-Fenderyang: because that value is null, it CONTINUES with the "/" before the timestamp.
17:18.30yang[TK]D-Fender: so tell me which line do I got to change, please
17:18.35[TK]D-Fenderyang: You tried yanking someone elses code in pieces at it was NOT adapted to your dialplan.
17:18.49[TK]D-Fenderyang: Where do you want them going?
17:19.03yang[TK]D-Fender: yeah into /var/spool/asterisk/monitor
17:19.09fugitivoManxPower: yes, it's a command, i suppose it's deprecated in 1.4 but i still need to use it
17:19.29ManxPowerfugitivo: Asterisk will happily work if a variable does not exist, for example Noop(HAPPYVAR is ${HAPPYVAR}) and HAPPYVAR does not exist, asterisk will just continue on and act like the variable exists, but is empty.
17:19.40yang[TK]D-Fender: it was a string made by a freind of mine, but it only gave me troubles
17:20.45*** join/#asterisk Delvar (n=Delvar@
17:20.49yang[TK]D-Fender: its hard to understand these strings if you arent a born coder
17:21.25ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: Asterisk really should complain if you try to reference a non-existent variable.
17:25.46fugitivoManxPower: the problem AgentMonitorOutgoing is that it checks the existance of the variable and not it's content, I need to destroy the variable like when logging out an agent with AgentCallbackLogin
17:25.46fugitivoso AgentMonitorOutgoing will return false
17:25.46ManxPowerfugitivo: I don't think you can.
17:25.46*** join/#asterisk holiday_42 (
17:25.46fugitivooh that sucks
17:25.46ManxPowerfugitivo: In asterisk there is not supposed to be any difference in operation between a variable that does not exist and a variable that has no value.
17:25.47ManxPowerfugitivo: show me your Set line where you try to clear the contents of the variable
17:25.47Corydon76-digfugitivo: you cannot destroy a variable from the dialplan.  You can only set it to blank
17:25.47Corydon76-digIf you want something like that, use the ASTDB
17:25.54[TK]D-FenderManxPower: And * dialplans shold really be done in a FULL OOP programming language with explicit datat types, syntax checking, and a built in thesaurus!
17:26.04ManxPowerCorydon76-dig: he is having a problem with AgentMonitorOutgoing picking up old variables
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17:26.24Corydon76-digThen set them to blank
17:26.30ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: yeah, but that is much more complicated than 4 lines of code to throw an error when a variable does not exist.
17:26.36ManxPowerCorydon76-dig: that is what I've been telling him.
17:26.37yang[TK]D-Fender: have you figoured the right extensions.conf strings?
17:26.43Corydon76-digThere is no difference from the dialplan between a nonexistant and a blank variable
17:26.56ManxPowerthen fugitivo must be using Set wrong.
17:27.01[TK]D-Fenderyang: Unfortunately for you * was made so that you can do whatever you want with it and is susceptable to user error all over the place.  There are things you need to learn to do things right or you'll be looking for help constantly.
17:27.10ManxPowerfugitivo: SHOW us the Set line where you try to clear the contents of the variable.
17:27.15[TK]D-Fenderyang which usually leads to :
17:27.19jbotwell, hafc is hire a freaking consultant.  Look, if you're having difficulty understanding what you're doing and need a solution soon, you will be far better off hiring a competent consultant than continuing to pull your hair out.
17:28.30fugitivoManxPower: exten => 2552,1,SetVar(AGENTBYCALLERID_305=)
17:28.46yang[TK]D-Fender: instead of my friend helping me with original astrerisk config files, he uploaded some of his you know, and we let the things run
17:28.56ManxPowerfugitivo: that should cause the AgentOutgoingMonitoring to not see the variable.
17:28.58[TK]D-Fenderfugitivo: SetVar = deprecated in 1.2, gone in 1.4
17:29.10ManxPowerand he is using 1.4, I think.
17:29.10yang[TK]D-Fender: so is there a way that you could addopt extensions.conf to the right plan?
17:29.15fugitivoi'm using 1.2
17:29.30ManxPowerso much for that idea.
17:29.32[TK]D-Fenderyang: Thats like taking the transmission out of your 57' Chevy and dropping it into a Hummer.... don't get your hopes up...
17:29.53fugitivoAgentMonitorOutgoing keeps seeing the variable
17:29.55[TK]D-Fenderyang: Yes, of course I could completely build your entire setup for you.  Thats what consulting is for :)
17:29.58lsodinat and asterisk, in work I'm sitting behind nat, sip client connects to asterisk and I can make calls and recive calls, in home I'm behind nat I can make calls always and sometimes recive calls
17:30.09[TK]D-Fenderlsodi: ....
17:30.12jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
17:30.16yang[TK]D-Fender: you dont work for beer I suppose :)?
17:30.24lsodiasterisk cli prints out -- Called ..and
17:30.24[TK]D-Fenderyang: Nop, don't drink!
17:30.40lsodiI have looked those but no help
17:30.48yang[TK]D-Fender: Beer or coffe or Soda if you like that better
17:31.04*** join/#asterisk Tili (
17:31.09[TK]D-Fenderlsodi: Pastebin your CLI output with SIP debug enabled as well as your sip.conf masking only passwords
17:31.29yang[TK]D-Fender: For me it would be much easier to navigate through a working configuration, so I could have a good look at things
17:31.46ManxPoweryang: you would think so, but that is not normally true.
17:31.57fugitivoCorydon76-dig: my problem is that using Agent login from manager doesn't set the global variable AGENTBYCALLERID, then I need to set it and destroy it manually
17:31.58*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
17:32.15fugitivoin 1.2
17:32.25[TK]D-Fenderyang: Thats the catch.... see since * is incedibly personal, the odds of you being able to find something you can 100% rip out... in PIECES is pretty low.  It takes some understandaing about whats actually going on.
17:33.42yang[TK]D-Fender: so you are saying that extensions.conf should be totally re-made
17:34.54[TK]D-Fenderyang: I'm saying you should learn how * variables, constants, the dialplan and everythihng else works... or pay someone to set it up for you.
17:35.13[TK]D-Fenderyang: you know there is even a ...
17:35.15jbot[book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at or Temporarily at
17:35.25[TK]D-Fenderyang : and more :p
17:35.46lsodi output from CLI with sip debug
17:35.53arekmManxPower, [TK]D-Fender: I'm still in a forest. Now I have: but with this dialling 90 will never ge met to _XX,2,Dial(${TRUNK_ALC}/7${EXTEN})
17:36.12arekmsome Goto(2) is needed or other idea?
17:36.45[TK]D-Fenderarekm: Go read up on how contexts included get prioritized on the WIKI....
17:37.04*** join/#asterisk Mw3 (
17:37.05jbotfrom memory, wikis is
17:37.33ManxPowerarekm: you never want to split priorities and pattern matches across contexts.
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17:39.46ManxPowerarekm: also you are trying to send just 2 digits out when you are Dialing
17:40.05arekmManxPower: the case is that any XX is valid via TRUNK_ALC but some are intercepted and redirected to sip or zap/33
17:40.26arekmManxPower: 7 + 2 digits, yes, it's local alcatel PBX
17:40.36arekmI've placed asterisk between telco and alcatel
17:40.55ManxPowerjust making sure you understand what you are dialing.  BTW, there is no 7 digits anywhere in that pastebin
17:40.57*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
17:41.05[TK]D-Fenderarekm: Why are you mixing those fixed extens with a pattern match that can ALSO match the same #'s?
17:41.06ManxPowersorry, you meant a literal 7
17:41.51arekm[TK]D-Fender: all 2 digit numbers are correct and should go via TRUNK_ALC but I'm trying to intercept some and redirect into other place like SIP
17:42.00ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I think he is making the classic newbie mistake of thinking that a dialplan can be simple and elegant.  Poor thing will be crushed if he ever realizes that all dialplans are big, bulky, and very, very ugly.
17:42.13[TK]D-Fenderarekm: pastebini your entire dialplan again.
17:42.31[TK]D-FenderManxPower: His can be truncated very easily from what I saw.
17:42.54ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: maybe so, but something in production is never simple
17:42.58arekmfrom-wold is the incoming context and I'm calling 3667790 for example
17:43.13[TK]D-FenderManxPower: This spicific thing... sure it is.
17:43.23[TK]D-Fenderarekm: Ok, describe where calls are coming FROM, and TO
17:43.35ManxPowernotice how he tries to avoid duplicate exten lines
17:44.22arekmFROM from-wold TO 3667790 and the call should go via Dial(${TRUNK_ALC}/7${EXTEN})
17:44.36lsodiand I have sip accounts in mysql database. short print from mysql
17:44.44[TK]D-Fenderarekm: Ok, I think I've figured it out.
17:44.47arekmor FROM from-world TO 3667720 and the call should go via Dial(Zap/33,30)
17:46.37*** join/#asterisk hmmhesays (
17:50.04[TK]D-Fenderarekm: if the incoming call exists in that other context it'll go there, otherwsie it'll pipe out the other end.
17:50.15arekm[TK]D-Fender: oh, thanks again
17:50.50*** join/#asterisk Delvar (n=Delvar@
17:51.03[TK]D-Fenderlsodi: if your remote phone is behind NAT you should have qualify=yes.
17:51.15ManxPowerMaybe I should call verizon wireless customer service and transfer THEM to an IVR.  Bastards.
17:51.34ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I'm sure he already has that since he did read the docs.
17:52.00[TK]D-FenderManxPower: <-  NOPE.
17:52.06[TK]D-Fenderlsodi: ......
17:52.14jboti heard osmosis is the act of beating yourself on the head repeatedly with THE BOOK, until some measure of absorption has occured ...  or at least until your unconsciousness restores peace to the channel ...
17:52.18ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: then he is a moron since he said he read the docs
17:52.43[TK]D-FenderI haven't used that little jewel in far too long!
17:52.50lsodieven with qualify it doesnot work, it too random,
17:53.13[TK]D-Fenderlsodi: is your * behind NAT as well?
17:53.57[TK]D-Fenderlsodi: describe your full networking path and any forwarding, etc thats going on.
17:57.28lsodiasterisk listens on poet 5060 and all unprivileged ports are open, no nat, server has FQDN. in home I have dsl modem with dynamic IP, modem is nat/router, no port forwarding to client
17:59.19[TK]D-Fenderlsodi: what SIP device?
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18:00.06[TK]D-Fenderlsodi: Ok, there is another setting you forgot in the guide, read it again .
18:00.09jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
18:00.19[TK]D-Fenderlsodi: I'll be back in a few to see if you've realized what it is.
18:00.48hmmhesayssipnat, funnat
18:01.03*** join/#asterisk diclophis-work (n=jbardin@
18:01.17diclophis-workhello all
18:01.31hmmhesaystheres a few ways you can deal with clients behind nat
18:01.31diclophis-worki am wondering how "feature keys" of the polycom phones work with asterisk
18:01.45lsodiin work I'm behind nat and every thing works fine
18:01.53[TK]D-Fenderdiclophis-work: Not a clear term this "feature-keys"... clarify
18:01.55hmmhesaysxlite has a few features
18:02.04hmmhesaysstun, statically setting the public ip
18:02.17diclophis-work[TK]D-Fender: for instance, this phone:
18:02.17*** part/#asterisk fugitivo (
18:02.25diclophis-workper the description has:
18:02.31diclophis-workCombination of 9 dedicated feature keys and 4 context-sensitive soft keys
18:02.43diclophis-workthat says to me, that these keys are "programmable"
18:02.57diclophis-worki am wondering how that is accomplished with aasterisk
18:03.04[TK]D-Fenderdiclophis-work: well they would be "transfer", "conference", "directories", "Services", etc..
18:03.08diclophis-worki would imagine some sort of special extension
18:03.15[TK]D-Fenderdiclophis-work: And they are.. in a sense
18:03.31diclophis-workso, its not like, customizable keys
18:03.39diclophis-workthat i can make do whatever i want
18:03.47[TK]D-Fenderdiclophis-work: as in you can have certain PHONE functions mapped to overrid the defaults which also correspnd to the key-caps that come on them by default.
18:03.56[TK]D-Fenderdiclophis-work: Indedd they are not.
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18:05.05[TK]D-Fenderdiclophis-work: What exactly were you looking to do?
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18:05.21diclophis-worki want a button that can change my call routing from going to my desk phone, to going to my cell phone
18:05.24diclophis-workand then change it back
18:05.27diclophis-workwith one press
18:09.17ManxPowerdiclophis-work: and I want a billion dollars
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18:09.41admin0does anyone here use a2billing ?
18:10.20admin0i configured it as per the documentation.. when I call in, it says playing the file in the asterisk cli, but in actual, no sound is heard
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18:12.56[TK]D-Fenderdiclophis-work: There's a single SOFT-KEY for that already... its call FORWARD <----
18:13.21[TK]D-Fenderdiclophis-work: But unfortunately you'll have to pres it TWICE!  Oh noes!!!!@!@!!@
18:13.47diclophis-workand why press it twice?
18:13.48[TK]D-Fenderdiclophis-work: Yes
18:14.02[TK]D-Fenderdiclophis-work: Go buy the phone and learn how it works.
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18:14.44[TK]D-Fenderdiclophis-work: First goes into the menu asking you where to forward calls to.  This would be filled in which whatever was last filled in there.  You would then jsut press it again to accept that value and *poof*, you're done
18:14.54*** join/#asterisk qdk (
18:15.12diclophis-workthat seems workable
18:15.22diclophis-workin fact my phone might all ready do that,
18:15.29diclophis-worki have an "autoanswer" button
18:15.33diclophis-workbut it doesnt do anything when i push it
18:15.36Daejeo1i am trying to register pap2 adapter loaded with supra firmware 2.0.9  .
18:16.06Daejeo127673180.355523192.168.0.207203.247.211.227SIPRequest: REGISTER sip:x.x.214.224:5066
18:16.31Daejeo127723240.388483x.x.211.227192.168.0.207ICMPDestination unreachable (Port unreachable)
18:17.22trippsi'm trying to enable can reinvite feature on my sip cisco 79xx phones. the * and handsets are on a LAN behind a router/fw. nat is enabled on the handsets and in the config files for the 79xx endpoints. on some calls, however the internal party can hear the caller but the caller cannot here them. any ideas?
18:18.07*** part/#asterisk Victor_Yure (
18:18.27hmmhesaystripps, look at the o= in the reinvite, I bet it is trying to reinvite to the public ip addy's
18:19.20trippshmmhesays: i'm using freepbx to config this feature - where would i find the setting?
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18:19.32trippshmmhesays: or is it something i should find in the logs
18:20.46Daejeo1oh i got it
18:20.56Daejeo1: 5066   typo
18:21.07Daejeo1registered now
18:22.08hmmhesayssip debug on the cli mang
18:22.19hmmhesaysor put a hub on your network and user ethereal
18:22.28*** join/#asterisk webtech_m33 (
18:22.40hmmhesaysI carry one in my service bag just for that purpose
18:22.50webtech_m33asterisk1:/var/log/asterisk# asterisk -r
18:22.50webtech_m33Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk.ctl exist?)
18:22.57hmmhesaysasterisk is not running
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18:23.26diclophis-workthanks for the help
18:23.33webtech_m33asterisk1:/var/run/asterisk# ps aux | grep asterisk
18:23.39webtech_m33root      2313  0.0  0.1   3644   700 ?        S    10:06   0:00 /bin/sh /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk -U asterisk -G asterisk
18:23.40webtech_m33it is .. but i moved
18:23.47Daejeo1[TK]D-Fender: you are not fending anything today
18:23.55webtech_m33asterisk.conf to use the /var/run/asterisk
18:24.05webtech_m33i made and change rights to that folder
18:24.13webtech_m33for asterisk user
18:24.21webtech_m33but when i do a asterisk -r
18:24.26[TK]D-FenderDaejeo1: I've avoided YOUR questions, haven't I? :p
18:24.32webtech_m33no worky
18:24.54Daejeo1i know it was silly
18:25.03Daejeo1some typo
18:25.15[TK]D-Fenderwebtech_m33: Thats jsut ehe SCRIPT.  that means its probably trying to launch asterisk and it keeps FAILING
18:25.44[TK]D-Fenderwebtech_m33: Kill safe_asterisk and start * manually to see what the error is.
18:26.20trippshmmhesays: i have wireshark on a workstation here with a spanned switch port - i can renable that. i enabled sip debug on the internal peer and am looking through the messages. where should i look? i'm doing things like putting the internal peer on hold so i can look for reinvitations after music on hold, etc.
18:26.37*** join/#asterisk pruonckk (n=mike@
18:27.28hmmhesayswell tripps, you look for the initial invites between the phone, then you look for asterisk to issue another invite to the calling party when the called party picks up the phone, it is in that invite you should look for the ip address it is directing the rtp to
18:27.45trippshmmhesays: ah found the o= messages
18:28.15hmmhesaystripps should be part if the sip invite
18:28.40hmmhesaysif it is reinviting with the rtp on the localnet then it should indicate that
18:28.43webtech_m33asterisk -U asterisk -G asterisk -cvv
18:28.47webtech_m33and it works
18:28.57webtech_m33something in my startup script ?
18:29.08hmmhesayswebtech: bash -X asterisk start
18:29.39hmmhesaysbash -x asterisk start
18:29.52hmmhesaysthat'll execute your script and output each line
18:30.01hmmhesaysgranted you have bash installed
18:30.14trippshmmhesays: is this what i'm looking for? o=root 757 762 IN IP4
18:30.23webtech_m33... /usr/sbin/asterisk: /usr/sbin/asterisk: cannot execute binary file
18:30.28hmmhesaystripps bingo
18:30.30[TK]D-Fenderwebtech_m33: I didn't say that.  I'm currently suspecting that * is bombing out, not a script error.
18:30.42[TK]D-Fenderwebtech_m33: Usually happens with things like chan_zap fail to load, etc
18:30.45hmmhesaysassuming is the phone you are calling to?
18:30.57trippsit does look like internal IP - however on the current call i can hear - it could the router which remembers the previous call
18:31.06trippsthat's the * server on the lan
18:31.07webtech_m33[TK]D-Fender : it's the default config
18:31.19[TK]D-Fenderwebtech_m33: That means LESS than nothing.
18:31.40[TK]D-Fenderwebtech_m33: Start * manually as the appropriate user and see what happens.
18:31.45webtech_m33just comp it on to a debain box
18:32.04webtech_m33from source
18:32.15trippshmmhesays: now i've got o=Cisco-SIPUA 27009 0 IN IP4
18:32.30trippswhich is the internal phone
18:32.35hmmhesaystripps you need to know the ip scheme of your phones mang
18:33.06hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: i'm going to saliva tonight
18:33.22*** join/#asterisk pots_line (
18:33.35[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: You really don't have to give me the play-by-play for your bodily fluid flow you know....
18:33.42[TK]D-FenderTMI <--------
18:33.44trippshmmhesays: i do know the ip scheme of the network - what do you mean exactly? (sorry for being dense; i catch on quicky though :))
18:34.03hmmhesaystripps explain your problem again
18:35.44trippswhen using the canreinvite feature, it appears on calls that the internal party can hear the external party ok, but not the other way aroud. nat is enabled in * and on the phones
18:36.15ManxPowertripps:  reinvites are not compatible with NAT
18:36.16trippsbut it's sporadic - not every call. very hard to troubleshoot
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18:36.38trippsManxPower: i suppose I'm coming to that conclusion :(
18:36.39ManxPowertripps: set canreinvite=no
18:36.46ManxPoweror don't use NAT.
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18:37.46trippsManxPower: i was hoping that it would solve some call quality problems we appear to be suffering. how is canreinvite separate or different than native bridging (i.e., setting up rtp media stream between endpoints)? i suppose you need one for the other for musiconhold, etc., to work?
18:37.58*** part/#asterisk pots_line (
18:38.03ManxPowernative bridging still goes thru asterisk.
18:38.31ManxPowerit just basically shortcuts the path between the two endpoints to run thru as little asterisk code as possible.
18:39.01trippsManxPower: right i know signalling is still there obviously but i thought the rtp stream could be set up beetween the endpoints directly, kind of like call manager
18:39.05ManxPowerreinvites set up a direct RTP stream between the two endpoints, bypassing asterisk for audio (signalling still goes thru Asterisk)
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18:39.06trippsor cilantro
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18:39.22trippsManxPower right :)
18:39.30ManxPowertripps: if you are not using NAT you can have the audio go direct between the two endpoints.
18:40.06trippsManxPower: do you think disabling nat and doing canreinvite and rearchitecting the network would be worthwhile, i.e., it would improve call quality issues and potential problems?
18:40.18ManxPowerchances are if you do clever port forwarding on the client router you might be able to make NAT and reinvites work.
18:40.44trippsManxPower: perhaps setting up dedicated port mappings, etc.?
18:40.54ManxPowertripps: might help, it really depends on many factors.  Since you don't actually know WHAT and WHERE the audio quality issue are happening, anything you do will be a shot in the dark.
18:40.54*** join/#asterisk bkruse (i=bkruse@nat/digium/x-1c04bfa2b599c2c1)
18:41.52ManxPowertripps: when reinvites enabled there is no pre-existing NAT translation in the router for BOTH endpoints so the call will fail.
18:42.32trippsManxPower: we've been troubleshooting this for weeks, running wireshark and capturing data and streams and the whole nine yards. We're on net to SIP provider layer 2 all the way and only one layer 3 hop to them and the pstn. network is squeaky clean, bandwidth is abundant, * server isn't breathing, everything appears perfect but they still get garbled calls and cutting in and out
18:43.26*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
18:43.27AndrewGearhartanybody here using calling cards via asterisk to reduce the cost of long distance (and if you are, which one)?
18:43.35jsmithtripps: When you do the RTP analysis in Wireshark, do you see dropped packets?  Out-of-order packets?  Jitter?
18:44.11ManxPowertripps: how are you doing QoS on the link to the provider?
18:44.21trippsthere is jitter when we do the analysis - pretty bad in some cases (using default 50ms jitter buffer in wireshark). other times it's perfect, 0 jitter, 0 out of order packets
18:44.34ManxPowertripps: just remember Asterisk 1.2 and earlier did NOT have an RTP jitterbuffer.
18:44.47trippsManxPower: right - does 1.4 with SIP?
18:45.19ManxPowertripps: SIP is a signalling protocol, it does not care about jitter.  Asterisk 1.4 has an RTP jitterbuffer.  You may have to explicitly enable it, I don't know, I don't use 1.4
18:45.42ManxPowertripps: if you are getting jitter on your calls then your QoS is not set up correctly.
18:46.42ManxPowerrussellb: that's just twisted.
18:46.45[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: OMGZ hillarious!
18:46.57jsmithrussellb: That's awesome, but you forgot to photoshop the pills themselves
18:47.09russellbheh, i didn't do it
18:47.15russellbsomeone else in digium pasted the link
18:47.24russellbjust passing it on because i found it amusing :)
18:47.32bkruserussellb: hehe
18:47.41*** join/#asterisk admin0 (
18:47.56ManxPowerbkruse: you mean #asterisk-dev
18:47.57admin0hi .. how do i find out what codec is used when the demo is played
18:47.58trippsManxPower: only qos is 802.1p on the internal switch. provider says that with 100 mbps we don't need to enable it on router (managed by isp). what should we have them enable?
18:48.12bkruseManxPower: It depends on what time of day it is :]
18:48.18admin0if 1 call the pbx via cisco ata, it does not hear any sound .. if I use via x-lite, it plays the demo
18:48.20[TK]D-Fenderadmin0: Enable SIP debug and watch the call come in.
18:48.21ManxPowertripps: enable some form of QoS on the router.
18:48.25bkruseManxPower: and whos talking :P
18:48.40[TK]D-Fenderadmin0: This the ATA using G.723.1 we were talking about earlier?
18:48.49ManxPowertripps: just show them your jitter stats
18:49.23*** join/#asterisk famicon (
18:50.20s34nif 'core show applications' doesn't display Meetme, does that mean it wasn't compiled in?
18:50.27admin0[TK]D-Fender, it does not actually show me the codec being used
18:50.38ManxPowers34n: that would be a safe assumption.  You forgot to install zaptel before installing Asterisk
18:50.51trippsManxPower: they will install any config on the router we want however. what should we enable? they're using cisco asa5505 routers
18:50.57ManxPoweradmin0: "sip show channels" will tell you the codec.
18:51.02bkruses34n: you need a timing source, of course
18:51.04s34nManxPower: zaptel is installed and running at time of compile
18:51.06bkrusemodprobe ztdummy
18:51.10trippsManxPower: they use basic ios commands, etc., for qos
18:51.11ManxPowertripps: Cisco has like 20 different ways to do QoS.
18:51.12bkruses34n: lsmod | grep zap
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18:51.19[TK]D-Fenderadmin0: you TELL * what codecs it can use.  You should already know the answer to this.  If not look at your configs, and if yuo want to see for sure, enable SIP debug and watch the call come in.
18:51.22s34nbkruse: it is there
18:51.24ManxPowerI would be happy to deisgn a QoS setup for you, but it won't be cheap.
18:51.25bkruseManxPower: yes, and some of them are RETARDED
18:51.35bkruses34n: compiled asterisk AFTER zaptel install?
18:51.50bkruseManxPower: not retarded, but rather not friendly
18:51.52s34njust recompiled 5 minutes ago to make sure
18:51.54bkruses34n: man menuselect
18:51.58[TK]D-Fenders34n: Zaptel has to be ready BEFORE * is compiled.
18:51.59bkrusemake menuselect*
18:52.10ManxPowerI think there was an issue in 1.4 where if you built asterisk, then built zaptel, asterisk won't see the newly installed zaptel when you try to build it again
18:52.11webtech_m33I got it to start
18:52.27webtech_m33some one didn't save the asterisk.conf
18:52.42s34nbkruse: k?
18:53.05bkruses34n: Go to applications -> meetme
18:53.17bkrusedo you see a [XXX] app_meetme or w/e?
18:53.54s34nbkruse: [XXX]
18:54.02ManxPower*grumble* I had to fire a client today.
18:54.04s34nshows a dependency of zaptel
18:54.55Qwellrerun configure
18:55.02s34nI did
18:55.03bkruses34n: sh configure
18:55.12s34nI did
18:55.17Qwellthen zaptel either isn't installed, or you have the wrong version
18:56.11trippsManxPower: what do you mean by "not cheap"? it may very well be worth it for what we're doing going forward
18:57.08Qwells34n: and what version of asterisk?
18:57.16s34nlsmod shows zaptel used by ztdummy
18:57.32s34nasterisk is 1.4.11
18:57.36ManxPowertripps: QoS is a complex thing to set up.  I don't do it for free.
18:57.39*** join/#asterisk pots_line (
18:57.47Qwellyou need the same minor version of each...
18:58.48s34nQwell: that is the latest stable of each.
18:58.53Qwellno it isn't
18:59.17s34nQwell: uh. *blush*
18:59.28*** join/#asterisk syzygyBSD (
18:59.37pots_linePolycom IP601 . . . rebooting issues . . .
18:59.48trippsManxPower: that's fine - let me know your rate
18:59.51ManxPowerpots_line: doesn't happen with my polycoms
19:00.00*** join/#asterisk Trionnis (
19:00.27Trionnisanyone know if there are any known issues with "usereqphone" in 1.4.11 ?
19:00.31ManxPowertripps: $250/hr would be my rate for that project.
19:00.33pots_line40 lines BW for BLF . . . on 1.4.11 . . . reboots when intercom paging
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19:00.46ManxPowerI'm pretty sure you provider can do it faster and cheaper.
19:00.55pots_linethe 40 lines are ip 430s
19:01.05ManxPowerpots_line: what version of the firmware for the phones?
19:01.27elriahHi all.  We just picked up a customer tha thas over 500 locations, 1 phone each.  We're going to migrate them to our hosted solution onthe quick.  Will asterisk handle that may registrations easily?  (quade core, 4 gb)
19:01.27pots_line3.1.3.0151 bootrom . . . sip
19:01.40pots_linedocs say they are compat
19:01.44elriahAsterisk 1.2.24
19:03.09trippsManxPower: what do you think qos has to do with availability of bandwidth and other factors? i.e., we've got a network with huge amounts of available bandwidth and layer 2 most of the way to pstn with massive core router, etc.
19:03.42ManxPowertripps: I don't care WHAT you have, if you have large amounts of jitter something is seriously wrong.
19:04.07ManxPowerjitter w/o jitter buffer = bad call quality
19:04.18ManxPowerif you were not getting jitter I would not recommend QoS.
19:04.45ManxPowerThe first thing you need to do is figure out WHERE jitter is happening.
19:05.22ManxPowerI suggest doing a traceroute from the LAN the phones are on to the SIP provider's SIP gateway, then do a "ping -c 100 ip.of.each.hop"
19:05.33ManxPowerthen you can start to get an idea of where the jitter is happening.
19:05.58trippsManxPower: what does the latency indicated in the cli on the peers even with the * and the peers on the same LAN indicate? we're getting 100ms on each peer internally. does that indicate anything?
19:05.59jsmithYeah, mtr is the bomb
19:06.06ManxPowerping is NOT the best tool, but it is a good start.
19:06.12jsmithtripps: Yeah, that's not good.
19:06.19ManxPowertripps: the sip show peers latency is NOT network latency.
19:07.12ManxPowerthe latency shown my "sip show peers" shows the latency for a response to a SIP OPTIONS packet.  Most of the latency you see there is the phone responding, not network latency.
19:07.34jsmithManxPower: Still, if he's getting 100ms response to a SIP options packet on the same lan, that's awfully slow
19:07.45ManxPowerjsmith: it is terrible slow.
19:08.11*** join/#asterisk RipeR-81 (n=ircap8@
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19:08.14trippsjsmith & ManxPower: only on 79xx with SIP load, ata and linksys phones get single digits. weird
19:08.17ManxPowerpersonally I think enabling the RTP jitter buffer in 1.4 would be the first step, chances are that will help
19:08.32jsmithtripps: Check the CDP and VLAN settings on your phone.
19:08.33s34nbkruse, Qwell, et al: thx. I feel dummer now, but at least it works.
19:08.49Trionnisirony at its finest
19:08.59jsmithWhat?  CDP causing problems?
19:09.16trippsManxPower: sip gateway doesn't respond to icmp so I only get all the hops until that point. i'll still try the ping you mentioned
19:09.19Trionnis"I feel dummer now"
19:10.29ManxPowerjsmith: at least polycom phones can stop working for a few seconds in some situations where the phone is confgured for CDP, but you are not using CDP on your network.
19:10.51ManxPowerIf you ARE using CDP on your network it can be totally awesome.
19:10.57pots_lineManxPower:  What kinds of things can cause Polycoms to reboot
19:11.16ManxPowerwe use CDP to make the polycom phones find their voice VLAN
19:11.25ManxPowerpots_line: I've never had a polycom reboot.
19:11.31jsmithpots_line: Bad firmware.
19:11.38ManxPowernope., never.
19:11.45jsmithpots_line: 9 times out of 10 the phone just needs a newer firmware
19:11.48pots_linewhat do you recommend
19:11.58ManxPowerwe use 2.1.mumble, IIRC
19:12.08jsmithIf it's current, then call your Polycom rep
19:12.15pots_line2.1.2 . . . .
19:12.20pots_lineis what we are using
19:12.22RipeR-81anybody now how to use the chanspy option in asterisk ?
19:12.23[TK]D-Fenderpots_line: upgrade your firmware
19:12.44[TK]D-FenderRipeR-81: "show application chanspy"  <---------
19:13.00jsmithpots_line: I think 2.2 is out now
19:13.04RipeR-81[TK]D-Fender thanks
19:13.15ManxPowerpots_line: we DID have a problem with some phones with the sip.cfg and phone1.cfg being older than the SIP firmware we were using.
19:13.21trippsno CDP here on network and vlan config doesn't appear to have anything either
19:13.24[TK]D-FenderIndeed 2.2.0 is out.
19:13.27ManxPowerpots_line: uh, polycom firmware is FREE.
19:13.36[TK]D-FenderHUGE improvements....
19:13.41pots_linenot 2.2
19:13.43ManxPowertripps: CDP is enabled by default on most polycom phones.
19:14.03[TK]D-Fenderpots_line: Yes, the firmware is FREE.  Its just the Polycom won't hand it to YOU personally.
19:14.12[TK]D-Fenderpots_line: Contact your reseller
19:14.19pots_linelooking up reseller phone number now
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19:15.06ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: you like sip.ld 2.2.x?
19:15.09ManxPowerIf so, why?
19:15.32pots_lineQuick Q?
19:15.33[TK]D-FenderManxPower: No need to use the super composite one, but it works...
19:15.36pots_linecdp vlan
19:15.48pots_linehow does that work?
19:16.06ManxPower"super composite one"?
19:16.13[TK]D-FenderManxPower: they broke it up by model...
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19:16.19ManxPowerpots_line: set it to off or disabled
19:16.26pots_lineSetting the vlan via CDP
19:16.29ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: Oh!  I guess that is handy
19:16.34Dovidis there any way in a sip trace to see what type of DTMF is being sent to my server ?
19:16.42ManxPowerDovid: "sip debug"
19:16.47[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Much smaller by piece....
19:16.53trippsManxPower: doing what you suggested with pings, interesting thing is it's the first hop (external interface of premise managed router) is highly variable! it cruises along for a while with < 1ms and then 3 pings over 100ms and back down again. i would say that could be the source of our trouble? the rest of the pings along the hops are consistent
19:17.10ManxPowerif you see INFO packets, then it is INFO, if you see rtp 101 packets that is rfc2833, if you see nothing it is INBAND
19:17.14DovidManxPower: I am doing a SIP debug
19:17.24Dovidi just dont understand most of it and I am trying to now ;)
19:17.45pots_lineNevermind . . . I should read a bit before asking  . . .
19:17.45ManxPowertripps: it MAY be significant.  Most routers treat ICMP as a very low priority.
19:18.03trippsManxPower: right -  weird though
19:18.50yang[TK]D-Fender: ok, I am learning asterisk commands slowly, but you think tha the whole extensions.conf should be rewritten just for MONITOR to work?
19:19.06ManxPowertripps: it is something to talk to your provider about.
19:19.17trippsManxPower: shooting off an email as we speak ;)
19:19.18*** join/#asterisk blackhole (n=mishu@unaffiliated/blackhole)
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19:19.36ManxPowertripps: a type of UDP ping would be better.  RTP and SIP are both UDP.
19:19.48ManxPowerI don't know of a UDP ping program for linux.
19:20.19ManxPowertripps: one other thing to check is to make sure that your switch port and the port in the router are set to the same speed/duplex.  What you are seeing COULD be caused by a duplex mismatch
19:20.28hmmhesayscan't you specify protocol when  you ping?
19:20.34denonManxPower: like udp ping logger?
19:21.04DovidManxPower: Can you have a look at this ?
19:21.08ManxPowerdenon: no idea.  Does it do a ping type of thing using UDP instead of ICMP?
19:21.19denonmore or less
19:21.52blackholeI need to write a script which takes one parameter i.e. SourceNumber and Makes Asterisk Call SourceNumber and provide dial tone to use and use can enter the destination number and there call is connected. As user disconnects the call and presses * or # he again gets dialtone and he can again dial a number. Is that possible can someone guide me the way on how should i be thinking to achieve it
19:21.52ManxPowerDovid: see the one that is working is using rtp 101, that is rfc2833 DTMF
19:22.08Dovidthat i understood
19:22.21Dovidand the other one does not have 101 or INFO so it must be sending it to me via inband  ?
19:22.23ManxPoweryou must set both sides to use the same DTMF mode.
19:22.29jsmithblackhole: Use call files or AMI to make the first call, and drop the call into the dialplan.  From the dialplan, call the DISA() application
19:22.45ManxPowerDovid: that would be my assumption and of course INBAND ONLY works on ulaw and alaw
19:22.46Dovidthese are calls from two seperate carriers. I was trying to compare the working one to the non working one
19:23.07blackholejsmith, Will that keep providing Dial Tone again and again if user keep pressing *
19:23.14Dovidand the carrier is trying to send the call over g729 with INBAND
19:23.24blackholejsmith, And allow user to enter destination number and have call connected ?
19:23.25ManxPowerDovid: that will never work.
19:23.26Qwellinband dtmf over g729?
19:23.34jsmithblackhole: Not 100% sure, but wouldn't be too hard to figure out
19:23.34trippschecking out uplog now
19:23.36QwellDovid: switch providers immediately.  yours is clearly stupid
19:23.44ManxPowerwell, maybe 20% of the DTMF will work - but to me that is "not work"
19:23.49webtech_m33how do i install the genzaptelconf, or is it include in the zaptel?
19:23.49blackholejsmith, How would you do, do what you said and check?
19:23.58jsmithblackhole: DISA() takes care of allowing the user to enter the destination number and having the call connected
19:24.17blackholejsmith, Alright but once its disconnected then?
19:24.19ManxPowerblackhole: have you even read "show application DISA"?
19:24.21DovidmanxPower: Based on what you see that is what is happening ?
19:24.22jsmithblackhole: Not sure on the * to hangup and try again... you might have to get creative with the dialplan (specifically the 'g' option and Local channels)
19:24.35blackholeHmm, Okay
19:24.57*** join/#asterisk Buhntz (
19:25.01s34nThe wiki page for the Page command shows a macro-page. Is paging a command or a macro?
19:25.15jsmithPage() is an application.
19:25.21[TK]D-Fenderyang: its not a big fix for basic monitor, but no doubt you'll have a bunch of things to do to get your whole setup working like you want it to.  To answer that I'd need a better picture of whatever else you have in mind.
19:25.31pots_linestill looking for jitter tools
19:25.42s34njsmith: does it require or sepend on the macro-page?
19:25.44ManxPowers34n: you should NEVER EVER look at the wiki for application docs.  Use "show application X" or "show applications"
19:25.50[TK]D-Fenders34n: The WIKI page uses that word in the macro, the context, EVERYWHERE.  Its very poor for your ability to follow...
19:26.10yang[TK]D-Fender: well I would just like the monitor string to be correct for now, I am studying the configurations daily....
19:26.35[TK]D-Fenders34n: App_page is the application.  the sample dialed LOCAL channels for its ability to set device-specific auto-answer headers,e tc.
19:26.40ManxPoweryang: expect to totally rewrite your dialplan many times as you learn Asterisk
19:27.12yangManxPower: I did that 3 times allready in 2 days
19:27.21[TK]D-Fenderyang: remove "${REC_DIR}/" from all of your monitor lines, and add a Monitor call before : exten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@e1,60,t)
19:27.23ManxPoweryang: that is about average
19:27.38yang[TK]D-Fender: nice
19:27.58yangIts quite difficult to understand all the strings
19:28.11blackholeManxPower, Yes i read that but i wanted to be sure that DISA would make it work or do i have to do something extra to have call again if user presses *
19:28.12trippsManxPower: performing udp ping now
19:28.15yangrequires some advanced coding skills
19:28.19ManxPoweryang: that is why it is a bad idea to use too many variables when learning asterisk
19:28.26pots_line  might help a bit.
19:28.40pots_linefinding jitter
19:28.44*** part/#asterisk lirakis (n=lirakis@
19:28.44ManxPowerblackhole: does "show application DISA" say you can exit out with * ?
19:29.05blackholeManxPower, No ...
19:29.09ManxPowertripps: why don't you enable Asterisk's jitter buffer before you go thru all that work.
19:29.19ManxPowerblackhole: then it prolly does not support it.
19:29.26jsmithManxPower: He may have to use a Dial(Local/123@foo/n,hH)
19:29.34blackholeManxPower, But if call ended then pressing * would provide dial tone or not?
19:29.37ManxPowerjsmith: *nod*
19:29.47ManxPowerblackhole: why would you think that?
19:29.48DovidManxPower: once I have you here. A client's server throws this message from time to time
19:29.49DovidSep 18 11:05:31 ERROR[10495]: cdr_csv.c:237 csv_log: Unable to re-open master file /var/log/asterisk//cdr-csv//Master.csv : Read-only file system
19:30.03DovidI thought it was a permission error but it does not happen all the time. It happens on and off
19:30.08ManxPowerDovid: that has NOTHING to do with anything we have been talking about today.
19:30.22blackholeManxPower, Hmm, I think it wouldn't provide but then how should i go if i want to provide
19:30.35blackholeManxPower, And allow user to enter another number to be called
19:30.47yang[TK]D-Fender: lines marked with ; can be used as comments in extensions.conf (these arent read)?
19:30.50ManxPowerblackhole: you would have to code it in app_disa.c or have someone do that for you.  Or you can do the Local/ hack as talked about by jsmith
19:30.50DovidManxPower: I know. its a new issue ;)
19:30.59Dovidthe old issue is the carriers fault
19:31.07blackholeHmm, Okay... Thanks ManxPower
19:31.07ManxPowerDovid: it is not an issue I'm interested in helping someone fix.
19:31.41DovidManxPower: is it a bug in asterisk ?
19:31.47[TK]D-Fenderyang: Correct
19:33.43trippsManxPower: take a look at that udp page - it says out of sequence udp packets are labeled with a colon. EVERY packet in my UDP ping to the first hop is a colon!
19:34.03*** join/#asterisk lirakis (n=lirakis@
19:34.14trippsManxPower: we're using 1.2 so we don't have a jitter buffer (right?)
19:34.17styelzif my asterisk box is behind a NAT box, what should i set the externip to ? The NAT box's external IP or the NAT boxes internal IP.
19:34.34*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
19:34.35trippsit seems to me that there is something seriously awry with the premise router
19:34.41[TK]D-Fenderjsmith: Whats the "/n" on the end of that local channel for?  Its something I've never used or seem to have needed and never saw documented....
19:34.47Dovidstyelz: The Public IP
19:34.55Nuggetstyelz: which makes more sense for "externip"?
19:34.56styelzhmm. ok
19:34.57jsmith[TK]D-Fender: It's magic
19:34.58[TK]D-Fenderstyelz: ....
19:35.01jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
19:35.20[TK]D-Fenderjsmith: how.... informative :p
19:35.36jsmith[TK]D-Fender: Actually, it tells the Local channel not to optimize itself away... ordinarily if you had something like SIP -> Local -> SIP, the Local would try to get out of the way and make it go SIP -> SIP
19:35.51styelzif i set it to the nat external IP, i cant make outgoing sip calls. but i can if i dont set the localnet
19:35.56jsmith[TK]D-Fender: With the /n on the end, it makes the Local channel stay in the middle
19:35.59styelzdo i need to set localnet ?
19:36.02jsmith[TK]D-Fender: Which is often a useful thing to do
19:36.08[TK]D-Fenderstyelz: Yes.  Read the guide
19:36.12Dovidstyelz: YES
19:36.15jboti heard rtfm is Read The F*cking Manual (TM). It is a suggestion to do your homework before posting a question. Sometimes used as RTFM $SPECIFIC_MANUAL to refer to a specific source of information. See also
19:36.15*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
19:36.18jsmith[TK]D-Fender: (especially for the tThH options to dial)
19:36.20RoyK~seen royk
19:36.23jbotroyk is currently on #asterisk (7s). Has said a total of 1 messages. Is idling for 3s, last said: '~seen royk'.
19:36.23[TK]D-Fenderjsmith: Yup...
19:36.24RoyK~seen xming
19:36.25jbotxming <n=xming@gentoo/user/xming> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 343d 1h 1m 19s ago, saying: 'sipura2k?'.
19:36.28*** part/#asterisk RoyK (
19:36.37styelzyea but it stops working if i set localnet
19:36.40[TK]D-Fenderjsmith: I have cheated with Can_local for exactly that purpose before...
19:36.56jsmith[TK]D-Fender: As have I, many a time
19:36.57[TK]D-Fenderjsmith: Or mor precisely advised such strategies.
19:37.22[TK]D-Fenderstyelz: pastebin your sip.conf masking only passwords
19:37.32blackholejsmith, Can u explain a bit on how dialplan can help?
19:38.05jsmithblackhole: Not without you understanding how chan_local works.  It's pure speculation on my part that it will actually work, and I don't have time right now to actually try it in the lab
19:38.22blackholejsmith, Okay....
19:39.12jsmithblackhole: I wish I could do more, but I'm swamped
19:39.13trippsManxPower: udp pings to internal hosts are responding correctly, udp pings to external hosts along sip gateway traceroute all respond out of sequence. I'm firing up wireshark to get empirical data
19:39.21blackholejsmith, No probs
19:39.33jsmithtripps: Out-of-order packets would definitely cause grief.
19:39.39blackholejsmith, Let me play if i would have any issues i can ask you and you can give your thoughts
19:39.43jsmithtripps: Does "iax2 show netstats" show out-of-order packets?
19:40.01arekmdoes anyone know where I could get free music (for music-on-hold) ? (not sure if anyone gives such thing for free)
19:40.09jsmithblackhole: I'm always happy to give my thoughts -- I just don't always have time to do a lot with them
19:40.15trippsjsmith: not using iax - using sip
19:40.32jsmithtripps: Oh, that's right... confusing two conversations in two different channels
19:40.43Dovidtripps: Do you mind explaining what Out-of-order packets is ?
19:40.44jsmithtripps: Does the RTP analysis in Wireshark show OOO packets?
19:41.06trippsjsmith: but i think it's definitely a problem. i'm about to find that out now
19:41.07Dovidoops. let me guess. the packets are not coming in, in the correct order ?
19:41.09jsmithDovid: Packets come along out of order (usually due to jitter or from packets taking different routes)
19:41.20Dovidjsmith: thanks
19:41.28yang[TK]D-Fender: OK, I guess the logging is working now, but only for the Intranet connections...   you wrote to me ==> add a Monitor call before : exten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@e1,60,t)  - I add like this exten => _X.,1,Monitor    ?
19:41.51[TK]D-Fenderyang: Just like any other call......
19:43.39*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey (
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19:44.02yang[TK]D-Fender: I guess i am all set for a "extensions reload now"
19:44.27[TK]D-Fenderyang: If at first you don't succeed.... thats why they call it "failure".
19:44.58*** join/#asterisk nerdygirl_ellie (n=ellie@
19:45.10yang[TK]D-Fender:I wonder how much does asterisk support costs, and who offers it?
19:45.32[TK]D-Fenderyang: Depends who you're paying to support it and how much support you need :)
19:46.00nerdygirl_ellieHi!  Is offline permanently or just temporarily?
19:46.05yangNot much support, but I don't dare to touch the running gateways with my skills...
19:46.08[TK]D-Fendernerdygirl_ellie: Temporarily
19:46.33[TK]D-Fenderyang: My rates are very accessable :)
19:46.45yang[TK]D-Fender: ok tell me into query
19:47.48Dovidnerdygirl_ellie: have you tried ?
19:48.40nerdygirl_ellieDovid: Yes, and it's great for "what does this command do" queries, but not so great for I am setting up box number 3 and want to do it "right" this time type stuff.
19:49.07[TK]D-Fenderstyelz: in reading my guide you forgot "canreinvite=no" which should appear under [general] and pretty much EVERYWHERE.
19:49.27Dovidnerdygirl_ellie: then just post all your questions here.  TK is real good at answering them ;)
19:49.36styelzah ok, i thought NAT forced that.. will try
19:49.38[TK]D-Fenderstyelz: and I smell FreePBX... or at least leftovers....
19:49.56[TK]D-Fenderstyelz: No, it doesn't and the guide made explicit warning about that...
19:49.57styelzcause problems ?
19:49.58jsmithnerdygirl_ellie: Just temporarily... I"m working on fixing it
19:50.13jsmithnerdygirl_ellie: I'm sitting here staring at the old server as I type this
19:50.19nerdygirl_elliejsmith: Thanks!
19:50.21styelzah ok
19:50.38nerdygirl_elliejsmith: Anything I can do to help?
19:50.41jsmithnerdygirl_ellie: Expect big changes in the next week, including the second edition
19:50.55*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
19:51.01jsmithnerdygirl_ellie: Hmmmn... not that I can think of
19:51.21jsmithnerdygirl_ellie: I've had a new server donated (should show up any day), and in the meantime a friend is letting me use his box
19:51.22trippsjsmith: doing RTP stream analysis now - what am i looking for?
19:51.36jsmithtripps: Jitter and out-of-order packets and dropped packets
19:51.36elriahlol, anyone notice on the new polycom firmware on the 550 at least the phone icon is covering up part of the line label text, kind of like a transparent gif without the transparency turned on...
19:52.05Dovidjsmith: I have a few box's up if u need to host for now or the future
19:52.58jsmithDovid: Thanks, but that's the problem I ran into last time... I need something *I* control and have physical access to
19:53.06jsmithDovid: But I appreciate the offer.
19:53.24styelzgot a link to this guide ?
19:55.08trippsjsmith: i saw quite a bit of that with previous captures
19:56.01mcabelriah: you're probably using the wrong config files with the new firmware then
19:56.08nerdygirl_ellieI have about 10 cisco spa942's connecting to an asterisk gateway/switch in a reasonably fast server with a digium 24 port analog card ( 2 4 port daughter boards)  and they are griping about echo.   The network is switched, and I'm at a bit of a loss to explain the echo.
19:56.17elriahmcab: eh?  How would they affect the line label icon?
19:56.29elriah(I'm not btw, but just curious)
19:57.04*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
19:57.15drakoanalog lines sucks.
19:57.22nerdygirl_ellienerdygirl_ellie: the current zaptel on the box is 1.2.12, and I'm going to bring that and asterisk up to the current releases.  Any other suggestions?
19:57.36mcabelriah: common side effect of using the wrong configs with polycom firmware, and I don't see that issue with my 550 :-)
19:57.51elriahhrm.. I'm using bootrom 4.0, sip.ld 2.2. you?
19:58.13elriahinteresting.. maybe i missed something, wouldn't be the first time, lol
19:58.21[TK]D-Fenderelriah: and you rebuilt all of your configs based ont he new sample configs right? :)
19:58.41elriah[TK]D-Fender: Uhm, yea... lol, hell no.. I just kind of went through them..
19:58.56*** join/#asterisk el_critter (n=chatzill@
19:59.04el_critterhi there
19:59.07jsmithnerdygirl_ellie: You can use fxotune to tune the FXO ports on your Digium card.  Or, call Digium support and they'll send you some free licenses for their HPEC software echo cancellation stuff
19:59.13[TK]D-Fenderelriah: I'll let you go punish yourself some more... you're far more efficient than I am :)
19:59.14jsmithhello el_critter
19:59.49*** join/#asterisk mishkiz (n=lincolnz@
20:00.30styelzcanreinvite=yes breaks incomming sip calls
20:00.47el_critterI'm going to buy a P3 800Mhz for asterisk, 512MB-RAM, how many concurrent calls can that server handle?
20:00.51styelzi mean =no
20:00.56hmmhesaysmedia or no media?
20:01.11mcabelriah: I'd recommend having a read of this, and seeing if you can incorperate some of the ideas into your configuration :-)
20:01.11hmmhesaysif you're not handling media, at least 50
20:01.33el_critterhmmhesays: are you talking to me?
20:01.54hmmhesays0 media though
20:02.02el_critterhmmhesays: Oh thanks... no, no media, just voice
20:02.26hmmhesaysby no media, I mean have asterisk reinvite the calls so the voice path doesn't go through the box
20:02.33elriahmcab: Thanks.
20:02.47*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
20:02.50lirakiscan you set up a sip peer from asterisk to send media and signaling to different ip's?
20:03.22jsmithel_critter: Probably 10 to 12 concurrent calls
20:03.32hmmhesaysyou can make asterisk reinvite the call so the media goes directly between endpoints
20:03.41hmmhesaysyeah handling media would drop that number drastically
20:03.47mishkizhello using here a asterisk 1.4...I imported a extensions.conf from a console, the asterisk tells me "No such application 'DBget'"...anybody know what is the new name of this application ?
20:03.54elriahmcab: First try... It was sip.cfg
20:04.00hmmhesaysthats cause DBget is gone
20:04.19elriahmcab: I have everything broken out so just replacing my old sip.cfg should work great.
20:04.32mishkizhmmhesays, what replaces it ?
20:04.35el_critterhmmhesays: No, I want all calls through the server
20:04.45hmmhesaysthe el_critter: probably no more than 20
20:04.54styelzrtfm .. pfttt
20:05.06el_critterhmmhesays, jsmith: thanks a lot!!!
20:05.36hmmhesayswhat can you pick a p3 up for these days?
20:05.38mcabelriah: yeah, that's the way I do it - way less of a PITA
20:06.47styelzalready read this
20:06.54*** join/#asterisk elixer (i=elixer@
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20:09.29el_critterhmmhesays: Its used, dirt cheap :)
20:09.41[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: I can get a P3-1000 w/ 256 in a mini desktop for about $90
20:09.58hmmhesaysthats plenty to run a few phones on
20:10.25el_critterbrb, thanks again for your help
20:13.02[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: indeed
20:13.03nerdygirl_elliestyelz: The M is down right now. :D
20:13.14[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: I'm constantly eyeing it... I like small desktops like those
20:14.03ManxPowerstyelz: so you know that you can't really do reinvites and NAT.
20:14.17*** join/#asterisk zcionn_ (n=a@
20:15.11styelzeverything works fine without externip / localnet and nat
20:15.54styelzexcept.... an external SIP call from outside NAT.. cant hear MOH or RING when i direct it to a Queue
20:16.19[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Common MicroATX-like size from HP/Compaq/etc
20:16.25styelzbut.. it can hear MOH if i answer the call. and place it on hold
20:16.33styelzits got me frigged
20:16.49trippsManxPower: we've sent off an email to the premise ISP with log files asking what is up . . the problem has to be there somewhere
20:16.56lirakis[TK]D-Fender: hmm.. i had one of these ebox 4800's .. but the cf slot was doa .. had to return it...
20:17.04lirakis[TK]D-Fender: it was so cool too
20:17.21*** part/#asterisk nerdygirl_ellie (n=ellie@
20:17.36styelzbugger me
20:17.51webtech_m33ZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: Invalid argument (22)
20:18.00[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Oh no... those are not just SFF's, those are "mini PC's", industrial computers, etc..
20:18.12[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: this chassis takes standard drives, and has slots :)
20:18.14jbot[book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at or Temporarily at
20:18.40styelzgot that one too
20:19.43styelzmeh, suns rising.. bed time
20:20.15Blackthornyou know the book your refering too "the future of telephony" has a lot to be desired since a lot of things have chanced from that book.
20:21.05Blackthorner. simply put it's outdated inmho
20:21.08wishesanyone here done recording?
20:21.51wishesim getting this when i try to record
20:22.05wishes(ie answerphone messages etc)
20:23.26wishesactually i think i know what it is - its the camera
20:27.23trippsjsmith, ManxPower: according to ISP pings that jump every 30 seconds are due to BGP scanning routes
20:28.25wishesnow to figure out how to disable it
20:30.30*** join/#asterisk gremzoid (n=gremzoid@
20:34.13ManxPowertripps: It really doesn't matter WHAT is causing it, it is adding massive jitter to your voip calls.
20:34.27trippsManxPower: agreed
20:34.42ManxPowertripps: what happened when you enabled Asterisk's jitter buffer?
20:35.06ManxPoweranswer fast, as I have to go install a satellite dish
20:35.25trippsManxPower: remember we're running 1.2
20:35.33ManxPowertripps: ah.  you're screwed.
20:36.15trippsManxPower: would qos help? or would it be smart to upgrade? the other option is just getting T1 to SIP provider from another ISP
20:37.29trippsManxPower: also, how do i check cisco 79xx phones (sip load) to disable cdp? can't find the config anywhere
20:38.48lirakiswishes: .. ythere is no translator to write the file in a known audio format
20:39.05*** join/#asterisk keulin (
20:41.07pots_lineManxPower: The Polycom we have that is rebooting is a  601 with three sidecars . . . Monitored the POE switch during an overhead page . . . It asked for more power and the switch gave it . . . But, the phone rebooted
20:41.42wishesso it seems anyway :)
20:41.56pots_lineIs there a way to tell it to request 12 W by default instead of 11 W and not need to request additional power on page>
20:42.01*** join/#asterisk duki (
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20:49.51pots_linemaxed out the POE settings on the switch to 15.4 W . . . and the reboot problem didn't happen.
20:50.20pots_lineCDP auto config POE settings . . . seemed to be causing the problem
20:52.10*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
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20:58.02DrukenLPYanyone know is streets and trips 2008 is out yet?
21:00.33[TK]D-FenderAnd now for something completely different!
21:03.44DrukenLPYi figured out of 300+ people, someone would know :)
21:03.50rob0Google Maps is out, and doesn't require Windows. :)
21:04.29DrukenLPYbut does require an internet connection
21:08.02[TK]D-FenderDrukenLPY, Blame Rogers & Bell.
21:09.21*** join/#asterisk Delvar (n=Delvar@
21:12.15*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
21:15.10*** join/#asterisk kiscokid (n=ron@
21:15.45Daejeo1useragent= anything
21:15.51Daejeo1will it work?
21:16.21Daejeo1my provider is blocking call from asterisk
21:18.18[TK]D-FenderDaejeo1, Oh I don't know... have you considered..  umm... TRYING?!?!
21:19.03Daejeo1i am trying
21:19.05styelzits speak like a pirate day today
21:19.40wishesarrr me hearties :)
21:19.44wishesYa landlubber whut deserves the black spot!
21:19.50wishesWhat else ye got? An' be quick about it, I be shippin' out soon!
21:19.57styelzshiver me timbers
21:19.59Daejeo1why providers hate asterisk?
21:20.00wishesArrr, so ye be wantin' t' go to sea an' ye don't be wantin' t' end up in Davy Jones' Locker. Then ye best be learnin' t' be talkin' like a buccaneer.
21:20.40Qwellstyelz: not yet it isn't
21:20.47Qwellnot if you go by GMT anyhow
21:20.56styelzit is if you live in Australia.. with me
21:21.04QwellAustralia doesn't have pirates
21:21.50styelzoh ok
21:22.39[TK]D-FenderDaejeo1, because they don't want their asses sued when you blame them for not being able to dial 911 because you screwed your configs up.
21:23.16wishesQwell: lies! australia was made up of convicts - some of which im sure were pirates :D
21:23.26wishesheck, just look at politictions
21:24.08*** join/#asterisk GreggB (n=GreggB@
21:25.23wishes[TK]D-Fender: you never told me you were into kinky stuff o_O
21:25.28[TK]D-Fenderwebtech_m33, by itself a completely MEANINGLESS error.  Pastebint he ENTIRE call attempt
21:25.30Daejeo1>[TK]D-Fender: this guy is telling about useragent spoofing
21:26.17[TK]D-Fender"Trixbox without tears"?  PATHETIC.  Thats like "Stupidity for Morons".
21:26.23webtech_m33trying to get my quad T1/pri digiam card to load
21:26.43Daejeo1>[TK]D-Fender:  do you know this guy/
21:26.50[TK]D-Fenderwebtech_m33, pastebin a COMPLETE call attempt and your configs if you expect any help.
21:26.53jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
21:26.53webtech_m33that's when i start asterisk like this asterisk -U asterisk -G asterisk -cvv
21:27.06[TK]D-FenderDaejeo1, Maybe, maybe not, but I'm sure I know his KIND.
21:29.14webtech_m33the last few lines is were it dies
21:29.29webtech_m33i don't think my card drivers are install right
21:30.50webtech_m33    ztcfg -vvvv
21:31.11[TK]D-Fenderwebtech_m33,kill your script, and pastebin "cat /proc/interrupts" and "ztcfg -vvvv"
21:31.43[TK]D-Fenderwebtech_m33, pastebin your zaptel & zapata
21:32.51webtech_m33this has it all
21:32.54[TK]D-Fenderwebtech_m33, zaptel & zapata please
21:33.01webtech_m33i added it
21:33.04webtech_m33to the
21:33.47webtech_m33my card is still T1 lights are still runing
21:34.03webtech_m33they should be solid
21:34.13webtech_m33it's at the very bottom
21:34.21*** join/#asterisk blinky42 (
21:34.40webtech_m33line 320
21:35.07Daejeo1[TK]D-Fender: is there wild card dial plan for sipura?
21:35.18Daejeo1dial anything
21:35.53[TK]D-FenderDaejeo1, sorta
21:36.09[TK]D-Fenderwebtech_m33, ok, just start * manually, not through the script.
21:36.31webtech_m33asterisk or the card>
21:37.35*** join/#asterisk AJaymn (
21:38.03[TK]D-Fenderwebtech_m33, "asterisk -gvvvvvc" as the user you run it as
21:38.15AJaymnwhen I do a sip show channels   im getting (None) a6095f3c-86  00101/17530  unkn  No       Rx: REGISTER
21:38.29AJaymnand its constitly there.. do i have a phone not registering right?
21:38.40[TK]D-FenderAJaymn, no, thats fine & normal.
21:38.45webtech_m33[TK]D-Fender same thing as the pastebin
21:39.00webtech_m33i have to run
21:39.05webtech_m33i will be back tommorrow
21:39.15webtech_m33i will hunt google some
21:39.18webtech_m33take are all
21:39.18AJaymn[TK]D-Fender well i would see it sometimes before.. but this is constitly there everytime i issue the command..
21:39.48[TK]D-FenderAJaymn, because maybe some phons register more frequently.  This is NOT a means of seeing actual channels in use
21:41.16*** join/#asterisk xphat (n=Rhon@
21:42.06xphatIm having a problem here with asterisk not connecting calls immediately when calls are answered over zap lines... w
21:42.55jsidhu2where can I download HUD Server? Is it only available as part of trixbox?
21:44.44AJaymnwas looking in the debug  ----  chan_sip.c: stale nonce received from ....   What does that mean?
21:45.10*** join/#asterisk n0n4m3 (
21:46.52[TK]D-FenderAJaymn, sounds like a slow response.
21:47.14n0n4m3any ideas why asterisk wouldn't register to a sip peer?
21:47.31n0n4m3i have the register => and the [server] in sip.conf
21:47.57n0n4m3i'm kinda clueless
21:50.04[TK]D-Fendern0n4m3, PASTEEBIN <--------
21:53.33lsodi[TK]D-Fender> n0n4m3, PASTEEBIN <--------
21:53.33lsodi[00:51] *** |omni| quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
21:53.33lsodi[00:51] *** superpop
21:54.51n0n4m3lsodi i did paste it
21:55.57lsodimy mistace I copied some text from window and pasted with ctrl+v
21:58.11lsodi[TK]D-Fender: X-lite is acting strangely in home basically after every 60 seconds it registers in sip server, if caller tryes to call me when x-lite has just registered in asterisk, then call goes through
21:59.34lsodibut with Zoiper I dont have such problems
22:00.37AJaymnwhats the best Softphone for Asterisk?
22:00.56styelza fluffy one
22:01.04lsodievery thing works fine, tryed to change settings in X-lite but registring intervall is still after every 60 s
22:03.23*** join/#asterisk hi365_m (n=hi365@
22:04.09hi365_mcan i run a system command and set the results as a variable?
22:05.21hi365_m(from the dialplan)
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22:49.32wishesAJaymn: wengaphone does video, but it tends to be unstabled as hell :)
22:50.10wishesthere used to be one called x10 or something or x ten ? i forget
22:51.55wishesis there a way to disable video for just one macro/routine in the extensions.conf ?
22:52.07*** join/#asterisk jedaustin (
22:52.14wisheswe use video for general calls, but i want to record, but only record the sound
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23:17.39*** join/#asterisk amarzouk (n=chatzill@
23:21.30amarzoukHi, I am having problems compiling asterisk 1.4.11 on centos, my problem is with the chan_vpb has anybody face similar problems?
23:22.44*** join/#asterisk jingles (
23:27.27CCFL_Man2strom_m isn't here yet
23:30.16boorayQuick question for anyone bored: I'm getting a T1 installed next week from Verizon, which they claim is "Line formatting:B8ZS/ESF" and loop start signalling.  I'm not sure which channel driver to use; pri_cpe or one of the other strange ones?
23:31.15*** join/#asterisk elixer (
23:33.10booraywait, I think I may have answered my own question
23:33.20CCFL_Man2booray: pri_cpe
23:33.43boorayI found the appropriate doc on asteriskguru, I think.
23:33.45booraythanks ccfl
23:33.49CCFL_Man2booray: i bet vzn is raping your wallet for that T1
23:34.01macequestion; i've set up call parking, and dialing the park extension correctly parks the call, and everything seems to be working.. except the announce of which park extension: asterisk console thinks it's announcing the number (701) but no audio is heard - any ideas?
23:34.35boorayCCFL_Man2: well, it's not _my_ T1
23:35.36CCFL_Man2booray: no, but vzn is definately overcharging
23:35.46CCFL_Man2vzn ftl
23:36.32boorayI'm sure they are... but some people like the comfort of a large corporation backing their channels
23:37.49CCFL_Man2thats the thing, vzn probably won't provide the best support
23:38.14*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
23:38.22CCFL_Man2but maybe they will
23:38.33CCFL_Man2are they the rboc?
23:39.03*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
23:39.36AJaymnwhats a good price for T1 for asterisk?
23:40.24CCFL_Man2you looking for a pri?
23:40.43boorayCCFL_Man2: and by rboc you mean, they own the lines coming to the building?
23:40.48boorayin that case, yes
23:41.04CCFL_Man2booray: regional bell operating company
23:41.08boorayother T1 providers (like telepacific) in the area have to run their stuff on verizon's lines
23:41.17boorayyes, I googled and started to read the wikipedia article
23:41.22AJaymnCCFL_Man2 pri is what is needed for voice right?
23:41.42CCFL_Man2AJaymn: it's one option and usually the most common
23:41.42booraybut this chunk of the US on the wikipedia graphic shows at&t...
23:42.27CCFL_Man2booray: unfortunately
23:43.08CCFL_Man2the Ma'Bell breakup was suppose to end the telco dictatorship
23:43.35CCFL_Man2and all it really did was bring in more telcos
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23:43.47AJaymnCCFL_Man2 whats the average charge for T1 pri then?
23:44.07CCFL_Man2the rules have stayed the same
23:44.20boorayCCFL_Man2: I see.  I've read about it in the past but didn't know the full history and things
23:44.23CCFL_Man2AJaymn: i'm honestly not sure, i'm a home user :P
23:44.51CCFL_Man2booray: overcharging is the main thing that never changed
23:45.12boorayhere in socal, at&t (formerly here sbc/pacific bell) and verizon (all gte here) kinda have the area cut in half, it seems
23:45.27CCFL_Man2ahh, yeah
23:46.23CCFL_Man2what bothers me is that if i don't want pots but my line brought over a T1 PRI, i got to pay thousands per month
23:47.05boorayverizon is rolling out fios like mad here, while at&t seems to be just sitting with its head up its ass and not doing anything.
23:47.10booraywhere are you that it would be that expensive?
23:47.31CCFL_Man2and since they use hdsl it uses the same pair for pots, why can't they give me a T1 PRI at a decent price
23:47.33NuggetI'm 10 miles too far north to get verizon FIOS, which is a real bummer.
23:47.42CCFL_Man2booray: i'm a residence
23:48.04boorayWhen I was getting T1 loops for customers through MPower (now telepacific) a data only line was around $350 or $400/month
23:48.10CCFL_Man2Nugget: which means they don't feel like spending the cash to run the fiber
23:48.12boorayah, gotcha
23:50.11CCFL_Man2booray: granted, the residence might not know anything about a T1 PRI, but if i want it i should be able to get it for a reasonable price
23:50.36boorayFIOS seems to be available everywhere here except where I live.  I've been seeing the trucks everywhere running lines over the past few months
23:50.41CCFL_Man2i'll even supply my own smart jack :P
23:51.15boorayCCFL_Man2: It seems as though you'll just have to move into a business park
23:51.35CCFL_Man2booray: no, just pay the business price
23:52.53CCFL_Man2booray: with FIOS, voice is brought over ATM
23:54.32boorayI figured I would just ditch local phone service at that point; I don't know if they'll let you disclude it from your plan however
23:56.05CCFL_Man2you need to bitch to make them keep your pots if you install fios
23:56.24boorayI thought that wasn't an option, that they would just cut the pots?
23:59.11CCFL_Man2i hear if you bitch loud enough they'll do it

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