IRC log for #asterisk on 20070911

00:00.32Trionnisanyone around that can help with a sip authentication problem?  sip.conf and the sip debugs are here:
00:01.37TrionnisI have autocreatepeer=yes and allowguest=yes in the top of sip.conf, however it still won't let the other system send a call out through asterisk
00:04.13*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
00:07.08*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
00:07.31drwelbyFor Zoiper as an IZX client to asterisk, what should dtmfmode in iax.conf be set to?
00:07.59drwelbyI have it =auto, but I can't seem to send DTMF to Asterisk
00:08.56drwelbyiz iax for hizzoes
00:08.58TrionnisInter Zoiper Exchange?
00:09.01Trionnishehe :)
00:09.06*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
00:11.19*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
00:14.14*** join/#asterisk drwelby (
00:15.05drwelbyDamn, iy must be monday if my chat client crashes right when I ask a question
00:15.17drwelbyand I can't spell "it"
00:15.32*** join/#asterisk AirCoder (
00:16.10AirCoderany one using inphonex with asterisk have a quick q...
00:18.42threathello, I am still having DMTF problems, I cannot use the key pad on automated menus
00:19.24threatI use g729 codec, my phone provider used a payload type of 96 which I have added to a file in the asterisk source code and recompiled
00:19.30threatis there anything else I need to do to get it working?
00:20.17threatI am using dtmfmode=rfc2833
00:21.13*** join/#asterisk Poehali (n=actionma@
00:21.26Poehalihey TK I followed ur guide
00:21.37Poehalihere's the problem though
00:21.53PoehaliI don't know for sure that asterisk is seeing SPA3102 because there's no way I can test it
00:22.23threatI have added in [96] = {0, AST_RTP_DTMF}
00:22.27*** join/#asterisk thermalwetland (
00:23.16thermalwetlandanyone try to apply this patch to 1.4.9 -
00:23.23thermalwetlandit allows SIP over TCP
00:23.27threatAny ideas?
00:25.40*** join/#asterisk kuku5 (
00:25.52kuku5Got SIP response 481 "Call Leg/Transaction Does Not Exist" back from 75.57.175   << What does that mean ?
00:25.57AirCoderpoehali you tring to see if an adapter is comunicating with asterisk?
00:26.17_ShrikEkuku5: didnt happen to get that from an audiocodes did you?
00:27.09_ShrikEits a brand of voip gateway.  I have seen that before but only with them.
00:27.15_ShrikEme too.
00:27.16kuku5_ShrikE: what do you mean ?
00:27.34threatWhat is the asterisk mailing list? I am not getting any answers here
00:27.38Trionnislike saying "oh, yeah we support TBCT transfers!"
00:27.44Trionnisthen finding out that they don't
00:27.58Trionnisafter 2 months of fighting with our pri providers about it not working...
00:28.09threatJT: I hate you
00:28.14outtolunc2 months <G>
00:28.25JTthreat: ?
00:28.43threatJT: You have always been far from helpful
00:28.53JT"asterisk mailing list" > second result
00:28.57JThighly helpful
00:29.00Trionniswelcome to IRC
00:29.03JTyou must just be highly lazy
00:29.12TrionnisRTFM then come back and ask :)
00:29.22PoehaliI knew it
00:29.23Trionnis(yes, I'm being sarcastic)
00:29.33outtoluncthe second link on google:asterisk mailing lists is not hard to guess either :)
00:29.54JTouttolunc: some people are just tools who want to double click on links in their irc client
00:30.02AirCoderany one farmiliar with the inphonex network i got a intresting question.
00:30.04threatWhat the hell, this is an asterisk channel and nobody knows the mailing list without going to google?
00:30.14AirCoderand i researched the question for a good 4 hours.
00:30.14*** join/#asterisk Barmal (
00:30.17puzzledthreat: I do:
00:30.23Trionnisouttolunc: yes, 2 months, after no less than 10 requests to their support people wanting help with the debugs in AC
00:30.28JTthreat: yes, it's because we don't remember moronic information that can be googled like
00:30.33threatpuzzled: yay
00:30.38outtoluncsome of us have been subscribed for going on 5ish years
00:30.42TrionnisAudioCodes is a very crappy company when it comes to supporting their overpriced hardware
00:30.52outtoluncforgive us for not remembering offhand <G>
00:30.53JTit's the sort of url you need to go to VERY RARELY
00:30.56Poehalianyone know how I can navigate to https://asterisk/static/config/setup/install.html from https://asterisk?
00:31.00threatJT: perhaps this channel needs a bot to hold this type of info
00:31.10jbotwell, google is a search engine found at
00:31.13threator maybe it should be put into the topic
00:31.24Trionnisthreat, you just got served
00:31.27Trionnisbig time
00:31.33threatJT: so add in mailing list now
00:31.41*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-5e92c359db2dfa8c)
00:31.43jbotone warez list being sent
00:31.56Trionnis~mailing list
00:31.59watchysuper warez
00:32.01JTjbot: lists is at
00:32.05threatJT: and you should use another bot for your warez related activities :)
00:32.28Barmalwhere can be the problem that asterisk answers incomming call but after about 10sec call hangs up? sip debug show that invite is still keeps going after answered call, and I can talk for those 10secs... what can be wrong?
00:32.51threatJT: thank you, you have now redeamed your self
00:33.24Trionnisanyone ever messed around with VoiceGenie?
00:33.33Trionnisand managed to get it to play well with * ?
00:33.51threatTrionnis: nope :(
00:34.12threatTrionnis: have you ever got DTMF working at payload type 96?
00:34.31TrionnisI think VG is probably the only company I've ever worked with that's *worse* at support than AudioCodes
00:34.39Trionnisnope, can't say I have
00:34.47Barmalwhere should I look for the problem? call comes from voiceeclipse
00:35.03_ShrikEaudiocodes is an absolute nightmare
00:35.48Trionnis"here, try this new firmware"
00:36.10Trionnis"oops, we destroyed your $4000 Mediant 3000... we'll ship you an RMA from Israel in about a month"
00:36.47TrionnisI'll be so happy to get rid of those damned things and go native sip
00:37.14Trionnisjust have to get Level 3 to stop trying to bend us over on the monthly commitment
00:37.33Trionnis$10k a month is a bit of a chunk to commit to for sip termination
00:37.44_ShrikElord I guess.
00:38.08Trionniswell, we're not far from it right now
00:38.16Trionnisdoing about 750k min a month
00:38.20Trionnisbut still...
00:38.36_ShrikE10k is still a whole lot for 750k
00:38.54Trionnisbut they're the only "big" players right now that are willing to give us a direct handoff
00:38.55*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (n=strom@
00:39.18TrionnisQwest, Gblx, XO, and such won't even talk to me until I hit at least 2 mil min a month
00:39.36Trionnisand none of the other smaller guys will do lata/ocn rates
00:40.03TrionnisI'm not paying 2c a minute when I can get sub 1c through Level3
00:40.34Trionnishell, I've got 1.8 on PSTN pri right now, it's just that the loop is killing me
00:40.44Trionnisfarking AT&T... $8k/mo for a ds3 loop, ugh
00:41.44*** join/#asterisk dlynes (n=dlynes@
00:42.36AirCoderany one farmiliar with the inphonex network i got a intresting question.
00:42.51Trionniscan't say I am
00:44.02dlynesAnyone know what might be causing the error, 'chan_sip.c: Remote host can't match request BYE to call ''. Giving up.?
00:44.24dlynesAnother thing manifesting itself on this system is that trying to transfer a call results in a dropped call on all ends
00:44.31dlynesThis is all on asterisk 1.4.11
00:47.42Barmalwhat does mean udp cheksum offload?
00:49.04wothinnBarmal: Means your network card checks to make sure the UDP packet is well-formed and your operating system doesn't need to make your CPU do it.
00:50.29Barmalwothinn: what needs to be changed on asterisk config files?
00:51.26*** join/#asterisk heartones (n=heartone@
00:51.52heartoneshi any one awake
00:52.05Barmaltshark showes every packet comming from me with that error... Can it be the reason why the call is beeing dropped?
00:52.13wothinnI'm far from an asterisk expet, Barmal, but I don't think Asterisk can turn it on and off... it's purely a network card driver thing.
00:52.14TrionnisI'm sleep-typing
00:52.37wothinnWell, in that case, I'd try replacing your NIC.
00:53.36Barmalno it works fine with other sip provider not with voiceeclipse... and voiceeclipse works fine connected to other asterisk server.... :(
00:55.40*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
00:56.16riddleboxcan someone give me a link to the O'reilly book?
00:57.37*** join/#asterisk kiscokid (
00:57.47jbot[book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at or Temporarily at
00:58.59Poehalithat book is so reader unfriendly though
00:59.10Poehalithere needs to be a asterisk for dummies version
00:59.15kiscokidI managed to read it
00:59.46kiscokidIf you follow through the examples you'll get a working * system
01:00.28PoehaliI need SPA3102 specific examples but they don't seem to have it
01:00.39kiscokidIf you can't read that book maybe you should consider hiring a consultant or buying the * appliance
01:03.03Poehaliyou are hired!
01:04.36kiscokidyou could look at this
01:06.16kiscokidand here
01:07.18Poehaliall I need to know is if sipura is communicating with asterisk
01:07.21Trionniscan someone give some advice on allowing an unauthenticated outbound call through asterisk v 1.4.11 ?
01:07.23Poehaliis there a command to check that?
01:07.33TrionnisI have allowguest set to yes, but it doesn't seem to be working
01:07.40kiscokidPoehali: try sip show peers
01:07.56kuku5Do I need a stun or ser server to work out nat issues
01:08.24Trionnisstun server can't hurt anything really, might as well enable it
01:09.34*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-0cbc44b0b19372e8)
01:09.42Poehalikiscokid: I get "1 sip peers [monitored: 0 online, 0 offline unmonitored: 0 1 offline
01:09.59Poehalithis is because I added the lines from TK's guide
01:10.10Poehalibut I don't think it's really seeing the device
01:10.29kiscokidmaybe its not registering
01:10.50Poehaliis there a registration thing I need to do on the sipura settings?
01:11.32*** join/#asterisk pruonckk (n=mike@
01:11.44kiscokidyeah, you have to tell it the ip address of the * server as well as put in the name and password for the sip.conf entry
01:11.58*** join/#asterisk vn (
01:12.22vnhi, is it true that its better to have a static WAN IP when having VoIP?
01:12.23kiscokidjust like any sip device
01:12.27pruonckksomebody here using hylafax iaxmodem and asterisk, im trying to do this work without successs
01:12.55Poehalikiscokid: which section would it be under? I see voice/info, voice/system, voice/user 1, voice/ PSTN user
01:13.08Trionnisuser 1
01:13.16pruonckkhow can i redirect a incoming call to iaxmodem device ttyIAX ?
01:13.20Trionnismost likely
01:14.20kiscokidPoehali: probably voice/system but I never configured one of those
01:14.39PoehaliTrionnis: under user one it has: call forward settings, selective call forward settings, dial settings, service settings
01:14.49Poehalinone of them are for inputting IP address
01:14.58*** join/#asterisk powerkill (n=powerkil@
01:15.14kiscokidPoehali: what is under service settings?
01:15.23powerkilldoes someones use a quadgsm from voismart ?
01:15.33*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (n=strom@
01:16.06Poehalikiscokid: cw setting yes/no, block ANC setting no, CID setting, dist ring setting, yes, message waiting ...
01:16.26*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
01:16.37kiscokidPoehali: do you have the manual for that device?
01:17.34Poehalikiscokid: yes but it doesn't describe asterisk
01:17.44jdgpruonckk: dial(IAX2/iaxmodem)
01:17.57pruonckki have try this without success
01:18.05pruonckki cant understund what is wrong
01:18.09kiscokidit should describe connecting to a sip server
01:19.15pruonckki dont have any log to help me, iax dont show anything, hylafax dont show anything
01:19.22pruonckki dont know
01:19.48jdgpruonckk: Does "iax2 show peers" show your iaxmodem ?
01:20.12Poehalikiscokid: is asterisk considered a sip server?
01:20.17pruonckkjdg, i can send fax
01:20.21pruonckkbut i can receive
01:20.30pruonckk(cant receive)
01:20.33kiscokidPoehali: yes
01:20.36hmmhesayscan anyone recommend an inexpensive up that that can be monitored so it will shut down properly when battery is low?
01:21.06Poehalikiscokid: manual has "connecting to voice gateway"
01:21.34jdgpruonckk: what does * console show for incoming calls ?
01:21.57kiscokidPoehli: looking at the manual
01:22.07pruonckkjdg, wait a second, i will configure again
01:23.11Poehalivoice gateway=sip server?
01:23.24pruonckkjdg, Executing Dial("IAX2/pabx-sp-2", "IAX2/iaxmodem")
01:23.38pruonckkbut saty calling, no answer from iaxmodem
01:24.00pruonckk(*saty -> stay)
01:24.11*** part/#asterisk vn (
01:25.23jdgdoes "faxstat -s" show ttyIAX running and idle  ?
01:25.45pruonckkall running and idle
01:25.56pruonckk( i have configured 3 IAX devices )
01:27.09*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chendy@
01:27.32TJNIISo if I have queue(queuename,n) how long is the timeout before going to the next step in the dialplan?
01:29.10TJNIIIs it (timeout * retry) from queue.conf?
01:29.29pruonckkjdg, anyother idea ?
01:29.36jdgpruonckk: sorry, no more idea
01:29.48pruonckkjdg, thanks man
01:31.32*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-108ef2dd7a6d499e)
01:32.46*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
01:34.24*** join/#asterisk strav (
01:35.51jdgpruonckk: faxgetty running ?
01:36.27pruonckk/usr/local/sbin/faxgetty ttyIAX2
01:36.31pruonckkone for each device
01:37.12pruonckkjdg, i need go now, i will try more tomorow
01:37.19pruonckkthanks for your help
01:37.26pruonckkgood night for all
01:37.29jdgok !
01:39.17stravI came few a little while ago about a problem I'm having with my current configuration. It seems asterisk dosen't receive the input when it's waiting for an extension (waitexten cmd).  Here is the relevant part of my extension.conf: . If anyone cares...
01:39.52strav(note, I tested this setup yesterday and it was working fine)
01:41.02strav(yes and in my extension copy/paste, I ommited the [start]  block title.)
01:42.19hmmhesaysyou guys have any suggestions for telephone line surge protection?
01:43.27*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
01:45.52*** join/#asterisk Egonis (n=root@
01:46.14strav... Yes it is a noob question. waitexten is most straightforward to use. Still, as my server answer and does process the command, I really can't know why entering an extension number has no effect (while in debugging mode of course)...
01:46.29EgonisI have compiled zaptel and asterisk (1.4.11) and isn't being automatically compiled. How do I force it to compile? Zaptel is loaded and found all FXS channels
01:47.52stravegonis: don't you have options to your .configure?
01:48.43Egonisstrav: it has 'XXX' over it, so I cannot enable or disable it
01:50.57stravanyone? could changing my config to autofallthrough=yes help my actual problem?
01:52.02jdgstrav: what does * exactly ?
01:53.08stravwhen pressing star, you'll loop the current block (with goto command), then having the menu told and executed again.
01:54.06jdgSorry, I mean what does asterisk do when call comes in menu_principal ?
01:54.06Poehalianyone here configured SPA3102 before?
01:55.41stravjdg, waits for an extension. Then given the right extension, it conditionally calls another block of instructions. If the user press *, the block is looped and if the user waits too long, it hangs up. (timeout).
01:56.53stravjdg: w8 there's perhaps something wrong in what I pasted due to the changes I've been trying.
01:57.38jdgstrav: I think I understand what you want to do, but what does actually happen. You say it doesn't work
01:59.08stravjdg: here is the whole thing as it is used to be:
01:59.40stravjdg: now, my problem actually is that  asterisk does not process the extension when given one (at the waitexten cmd)
02:02.12CCFL_Man2i can't get this western electric dial working
02:02.43TJNIIWhich adapter?
02:02.49*** join/#asterisk Toerkeium (i=oo@
02:03.53stravjdg: here is the exact output I get from the command line client (debug and verbose are normal):
02:05.26jdgSo it doesn't read your digits ? Could it be a DTMF configuration problem on the SIP channel ?
02:06.13*** join/#asterisk mordaunt (n=mordaunt@unaffiliated/mordaunt)
02:07.21stravperhaps. Though, if it's related, I didn't made any changes to my sip.conf since last time this config worked.
02:13.54stravjdg, if it's relevant, my account's dtmfmode in sip.conf is set to auto...
02:14.17*** join/#asterisk thermalwetland (
02:15.40*** join/#asterisk hacim (n=micah@debian/developer/micah)
02:15.49hacimwhat did 'set verbose' get turned into?
02:16.02JTcore set verbose, like a lot of stuff
02:16.13jdgI believe dtmfmode can only be set to: inband, rfc2833 or info
02:16.33hacimso: core set verbose 4
02:16.53kiscokidPoehali: can you see the Proxy and Registration items in your SPA3102 menus?
02:17.47hacimhmm, I did 'core set verbose 4' and now 'help' doesn't work
02:18.43Poehalikiscokid: yes
02:19.28stravjdg, I'll try those with a barebone setup just to test, thanks
02:19.44kiscokidPoehli: that's were you fill in the info about your server and sip peer
02:19.48*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
02:20.28kiscokidPoehli: for example, set Proxy and Outbound Proxy to the ip addr of your * server
02:20.38Poehaliso sip peer is [user]?
02:21.04kiscokidalso authid
02:21.16kiscokidpassword is secret
02:21.37kiscokidDisplay name is whatever you want
02:21.49hacimi just upgraded from 1.2 to SVN and ported my config files, but I am not able to register via sip now
02:21.57*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
02:22.10hacimand even with 'core set verbose 10' I'm not seeing anything
02:22.11JTwhich SVN?
02:23.00catch23Anyone here run asterisk under xen 3.1?
02:23.30Poehalikiscokid: okay I did that, sip show peers still show offline though
02:23.38*** join/#asterisk pepo-- (n=pepOSX@
02:23.57kiscokidyou may have to reboot the spa to get it to register
02:24.27kiscokidyou should look at the * console to see if it registers
02:25.22Poehalisip show peers still show offline
02:25.54Poehaliis there any other way I can check?
02:26.04*** join/#asterisk melbert (
02:26.06kiscokidtry making a call
02:26.33Poehalithat won't work
02:26.39Poehaliit always gives me busy signals
02:27.18melbertI am sure that this has been asked before but what does everyone do about redundancy?
02:27.39thermalwetlandAnyone try to apply a patch for this bug?
02:27.45thermalwetlandIt allows SIP over TCP
02:28.24melbertmore specifically what does everyone do for redundancy of your upstream provider?
02:29.12melbertwe have been having lots of trouble with Verizon and we need a "backup" if  there is such a thing
02:29.13kiscokidPoehali: guess I am stumped
02:29.32stravjdg, I tried all the dtmfmodes you suggested, digits aren't read so far.
02:29.54kiscokidPoehali: this article looks interesting:
02:30.02JTmelbert: how are calls delivered from the upstream?
02:30.21Poehalikiscokid: me too
02:30.50melbert6 PRIi's that have 3 toll free number in a hunt group
02:31.21JTsee if they can have lines connected to more than one CO?
02:31.40JTbut if the problems are upstream of that, that's really somerthing you need to solve with them
02:32.44jdghow is dtmf sent from the client ?
02:32.56melbertour last problem actually went beyond our local loop....We wanted incoming calls from Canda to be allowed on all of our numbers and they clobbered one of our toll free numbers in the process
02:33.25melbertit was down for about 7 hours before they resolved the issue
02:33.28stravjdg: I don't know. I gotta tell, this is the second time I play with asterisk.
02:34.15JTmelbert: yeah asterisk can't fix that.
02:34.27melbertJT is there anyway to "failover" a particular 800 number to an alternate provider?
02:34.35JTi doubt it
02:34.41JTunless you ask your provider to do so
02:34.51JTif you ask them to forward it during a failure
02:34.55*** part/#asterisk kiscokid (
02:35.04melbertI know asterisk cant fix it...I was just looking for some guidence to see if some is doing something like that
02:35.09jdgstrav: well, you need to match client and asterisk settings. Also inband dtmf only works with alaw or ulaw
02:36.01melbertJT so it should be possible for them to forward the numbers somewhere else while the issue is being worked on?
02:36.21JT(as long as you speak to the right people)
02:36.34stravjdg: I mostly used the sip settings offered by the client. As for the codecs, I'm only using ulaw right now as other may not fully work.
02:37.10stravhmmm. May I ask again to "public attention", is there any reason why the entered digits aren't read by the waitexten?
02:37.54melbertJT HA...that is a good one when you deal with Verizon
02:38.12melbertthere is no "right" person at Verizon
02:38.55JTmelbert: i found it very hard to speak to any human from verizon sales australia
02:39.03JTthey don't seem very customer friendly :P
02:40.20melbertsame thing here in the US if we got a backup provider we could limp along until Verizon straightened themselves out.....hmmm
02:41.29JTyeah, it's a piece of piss for a telco to redirect a number
02:42.23melbertyeah...that it would be easy to add incoming calls from Canada as well...but they managed to bugger that up
02:42.56*** join/#asterisk n00dle (
02:49.31WilliamKhey melbert,  I know Verizon has a product called Disaster Routing as well as ATT does the same thing as well.... another option you could utilize is a provider that allows you to change where your 800# forwards to via a web interface
02:50.29melbertI guess we would need two providers giving us pri's / t1s and failover to the other when it goes down
02:50.43WilliamKI know a provider that's charging 2.9c/min for the 800# and has a web interface if you would like
02:50.48WilliamKno relation to me
02:51.03melbertdo they provide t1's or pri's?
02:51.24melbertor is it a voip connection over the the internet?
02:51.25WilliamKfor what area?
02:51.53n00dleAck! ztcfg-dude is giving me "ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: Inappropriate ioctl for device (25)". I've already cleaned and recompiled... what next?
02:51.55WilliamKthey actually do Long Distance, and 800# stuff nationwide, however they only do local access in select areas
02:52.09melbertwho is it?
02:52.19WilliamKthey resell Sprint and Global Crossing LD
02:52.23WilliamKPioneer Telephone
02:52.54WilliamKprepaid over the web, and you can get 800#s forwarded to any # you like
02:53.38*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe_blow@
02:54.10melbertyeah...we are renegotiating our contract after 8 monthes with Verizon since we have had 2 outages over 6 hours apiece.
02:54.31WilliamKouch, that hurts
02:56.02WilliamKI'm looking forward to the day already that I can get trunks to the tandems VS relying on the CLEC to carry all the traffic
02:56.05hacimI've got ztdummy module loaded, but asterisk isn't compiling meetme
02:58.16*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
03:00.45melbertit would not be possible to have 1 800 be shared by two different providers in a round robin/load balancing config would it?
03:02.06melbertthat way we could have two different providers and if one went down we would still have one .... just at half capacity
03:02.27melbertI think that is pipe dream....but worth an ask
03:03.14[TK]D-Fendermelbert: You're afraid of your PROVIDER going down?  thats a new paranoia record!  don't forget to claim your trophy on the way out!
03:03.32*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
03:03.42JTmelbert: only if you speak SS7, i would think
03:04.48melbert[TK]D-Fender, well they have gone 2 times in the past 8 monthes at over 6 hours in both of those incidents and few other time for an hour here or there....yes  I am paranoid but with experience to back it up
03:05.08melbertwhat is SS7?
03:05.14JTSignalling System 7
03:05.17[TK]D-Fendermelbert: Maybe you should just SWITCH
03:05.28melbertcant...have a 3 year contract
03:05.49*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (n=strom@
03:06.02JTthe signalling protocol that runs the majority of the global pstn :)
03:06.14melbertThat was in place when I started working there
03:06.18*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
03:06.30melbertJT is that possible to do with asterisk?
03:06.39melbertwhat kind of equipment is needed for it?
03:07.15JTthere are addons
03:07.18JTbut "not really"
03:07.23JTand you need to be a telco
03:07.32melbertha....the catch
03:07.39JTand have your ss7 setup certified before anyone will interconnect
03:07.46*** join/#asterisk jmesquita (
03:07.52JTsome countries use ISUP over SS7 to end users not possible for me to do
03:07.55JTbut that's rare
03:09.03hacimwhat do I need to do to get zaptel support detected so I can get asterisk to build the meetme application
03:09.22JTinstall zaptel?
03:09.24melbertso for me it looks like the best thing to do is get some backup service and push the 800 number to it in case of a failure on the primary side
03:10.01osirisi have registratiom with my sip provider, but any idea why i still get there intercept when calling in ?
03:12.11n00dlehacim, make and install zaptel before making and installing asterisk.
03:12.31hacimn00dle: I did that...
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03:36.18hacimhmm if I do ./configure --with-zaptel=/usr/include/linux (because zaptel.h is there), it tries to add a /include at the end so its: -I/usr/include/linux/zaptel.h/include
03:37.58f00bar80i'm aksing about which requirements i need to setup a VOIP gateway on my hosting server , and if i need a SIP account/proxy and any extra software/hardware. \
03:38.54*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
03:44.51hacimthe problem is that asterisk is failing to find the zaptel source
03:48.35*** join/#asterisk brad[] (n=brad@gentoo/developer/brad)
03:49.23brad[]hi folks, I'm noticing that if I begin a call between two SIP phones (GXP-2000's in this case) and unexpectedly power off both phones mid-call, the call stays open indefinitely on the asterisk side until I intervene. Any workaround to this?
03:50.51*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
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03:56.53tzafrir_laptophacim, ./configure --with-zaptel=/usr
03:58.47JTbrad[]: rtp timeout
03:58.57JTbut how often do they power off?
03:59.37brad[]rarely if ever
03:59.43brad[]Just a corner case I don't want to hit
03:59.47brad[]JT: Great idea, thanks
04:00.02*** join/#asterisk stkn__ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
04:00.11hacimtzafrir_laptop: when I do anything I get this error:
04:00.12hacimchecking for ZT_TONE_DTMF_BASE in zaptel/zaptel.h... ./configure: line 32473: -I/usr/include: No such file or directory
04:00.53tzafrir_laptophacim, which version of asterisk is it? which version of zaptel?
04:00.59*** join/#asterisk justdave (n=dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
04:01.50tzafrir_laptopit was looking for tonezone.h , which should be in /usr/include/zaptel.h as well
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04:05.46hacimtzafrir_laptop: well the location is /usr/include/linux/zaptel
04:06.12hacimtzafrir_laptop: i'm using svn r61760, but trying on debian etch
04:14.51hacimtzafrir_laptop: thanks I got it
04:15.38tzafrir_laptopwhat was it?
04:21.34*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
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04:24.13Teln1100Ado I need zaptel if all I will be using asterisk for is voip internet stuff, no hardware interface cards?
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04:28.51jablkoTeln1100A: no, zaptel will not be required
04:29.52*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
04:35.10jablkoi have a zaptel fxo interface
04:35.47jablkowhen the zaptel channel rings, is it possible for asterisk to ring another channel (SIP)
04:36.11jablkowithout actually picking up the zaptel channel?
04:36.29jablkoand only pickup the zaptel channel if the SIP channel is picked up?
04:43.38DrAk0Teln1100A, only if you want make conferences
04:44.20DrAk0jablko, try not pussing Answer on the zaptel dialplan
04:44.25DrAk0jablko, just call
04:44.26[TK]D-Fenderjablko, Yes.  just go right ahead and start with Dial.
04:45.23jablkoDrAk0: [TK]D-Fender: awesome, much thanks!
04:46.26*** join/#asterisk watchy (
04:46.31watchyhey tk you there?
04:46.38[TK]D-Fenderwatchy, yup
04:46.44watchyyou sell phone systems right?
04:48.08watchydo you setup * boxes so customers can admin them themselves
04:48.15watchyweb gui etc?
04:50.26[TK]D-Fenderwatchy, I don't sell hardware, I merely advise on it.  I sell my SERVICES, which have never involved installing a GUI.  I set up custom fron scratch system that aid in their techs LEARNING *.
04:51.04watchyoh so most companies you sell * to have phone admins?
04:52.57jablkosorry: if i don't answer, just Dial, will asterisk automatically "Answer" the zaptel interface when the SIP channel is answered, or do i need to somehow do that manually?
04:53.33[TK]D-Fenderjablko, Yes, its automatic
04:53.41jablko[TK]D-Fender: awesome, thanks
04:53.43[TK]D-Fenderwatchy, yes
04:56.42*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (n=strom@
04:58.07J4k3watchy: remote admin for * isn't that hard if you're using server-configurable hardware
04:58.53J4k3"we're adding a new desk to accounting, the new phone's mac is xx...
04:59.34watchywell the co i work for wants to setup trixbox and allow them to admin everything
04:59.42*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
04:59.42watchyi kinda think to a point its a bad idea
04:59.47watchyno residual income you know?
05:00.06watchyhow do you feel about my theory?
05:00.13JTif you charge per hour after that
05:00.15JTit's a good idea
05:00.22JTas long as you have a strict agreement
05:00.34JTas they will surely screw things up futzing about in trixbox
05:00.34watchyyea. JT do you setup gui's for customers?
05:00.39JTand you will need to fix it
05:01.06[TK]D-Fenderwatchy, I'm not about "residual income" personally.  I set my systems up with the INTENT that they will take the reigns.
05:01.13JTnah, but i'm thinking of making a custom one with very limited things to control
05:01.24[TK]D-Fenderwatchy, And on bigger things I get called back, hardware maintenance, etc
05:01.36watchytk: yea  but your systems have REAL admins, not fucking retards in SALES or Billing
05:01.58watchy"hey bob in accounting, wanna try to admin our phone system"
05:02.03watchythats the idiots i'd be dealing with
05:02.08[TK]D-Fenderwatchy, I do have a client or two who remains rather ignorant of * and I do the changes for.
05:02.17JT"numbers, i LIKE numbers!"
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05:06.04watchywhat sucks to a point though is one of the techs i work with at work is dependant on trixbox
05:07.22watchyi know i aint no * jedi
05:07.40watchybut i have setup a complete * setup at a decently sized install manually
05:07.45watchyi didn't find it that hard myself
05:08.10watchyi had to ask TK some things but i learned alot by doing it all in .confs
05:08.25watchyyou sure aint gonna learn shit about * haxoring a gui
05:10.47J4k3very true
05:10.55J4k3it depends on what your goal is
05:11.10J4k3when I set up the phone system here, I needed something to work immediately
05:11.34watchyi never setup trixbox but i'm sure you could have it working in an hour
05:11.48J4k3I had no way to wait...  I was able to get an instant-activated local DID and my line forwarded (programmed by the telco directly, as all my POTS lines were out)
05:12.04J4k3so I could get my business back online
05:12.15J4k3the next day I canceled all but the first pots #
05:12.25J4k3left the CF programmed, and never looked back.
05:12.36[TK]D-FenderJ4k3, And how long does it take to build an * system from a decent template?
05:12.49J4k3no idea
05:13.14J4k3I got trixbox up in about 4 hours...  I need to actively learn * so I can migrate away from it
05:13.21watchyi think i could build a * box in a few hours from scratch
05:13.25watchywithout gui now
05:13.28J4k3now, I spent the next 2 months getting everything to work right, mostly due to damaged lan switches
05:13.30watchyfresh configs etc
05:13.46J4k3thats what I'm working toward
05:14.04watchybut I had to learn asterisk without a gui myself because i told this co i'd setup a system and they were ok with it
05:14.17watchyso i installed it over the weekend and had incoming calls working monday
05:14.18*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
05:14.37watchynow i've learned enough this company has hired me to start doing * installs and maintains
05:15.16watchyjake: i think our wimax is in the 4ghz range if im correct?
05:15.26J4k3watchy: 3.5?
05:15.27watchyi just remembered that
05:15.30J4k34ghz is usually satellite
05:15.32watchyyea i think so
05:15.43watchyis that good or bad
05:15.52J4k3its gonna need LOS
05:15.58watchyoh that sucks
05:16.09J4k3anything about 1.2 ghz or so
05:16.16J4k3is pretty sketchy when it comes to NLOS
05:16.32watchyso whats the use of wimax at 3.5
05:17.21J4k3my interpretation of it is basically "802.11g with hard timeslots"
05:17.43J4k3of course, its still faith-based.  you have to assume the client-ends are going to act right
05:18.12watchywell atleast we got the freqs for free
05:18.16J4k3and well, anyone thats ever used a TDMA/GSM phone knows that sometimes things don't work as they should
05:18.20J4k3not bad
05:18.24J4k3worth every penny ;)
05:18.34watchywe setup wifi across a college
05:18.46watchyyou heard of colubris?
05:19.17J4k3they sound expensive
05:19.58watchyyea but its kinda neat
05:20.20watchyit controls all of the AP's on the college campus making sure they arent killing each other frequency wise
05:20.38watchy+ it allows centralized authentication using Radius
05:20.43CCFL_Man2you would not believe how well the mechanics of this western electric 5H dial is
05:20.51JTwatchy: got the freqs for free?
05:20.58watchyjt: wimax
05:21.24J4k3tpc+dfs = good
05:21.24JTas if they're free
05:22.05watchywell the local college got wimax freqs for free
05:22.08watchywe traded for them
05:24.51dan__ti just want one single spare box here, on which to install asterisk.
05:25.12dan__tHow come all this shit has to be broken.  Time to go all Office Space on some stuff
05:25.22J4k3might be too anemic... no transcoding, pure g729
05:26.13watchywtf is a 405GP?
05:26.20watchya router box?
05:28.04*** join/#asterisk steliosk (
05:29.58watchyi need some warez for my iphone
05:30.26*** join/#asterisk bintut (n=bintut@
05:30.54dan__tDo you still have a crush on Sabrina
05:31.17watchybos wife?
05:31.20bintutanyone here able to make the asterisk blf work for the grandstream gxp-2000 on an asterisk-1.2.10 ?
05:31.30watchyi never had a crush on her
05:31.44watchyi didn't she wasnt my type of chick
05:31.47dan__tI hate you so much.
05:31.48watchynot even close
05:31.50bintuti can't make the LEDs blink.. :(
05:31.51dan__tWhat have you been up to
05:31.57watchydan: getting rich
05:32.18watchyyea i know
05:32.24watchymy parents already had that covered
05:32.28dan__tweren't you trying that like 5 years ago too :<
05:32.47watchymy parents pay all my billsg
05:33.01dan__tWish my parents liked me.
05:33.23watchyman i wish i could find a tripple LCD stand that fit new lcds
05:33.49dan__tme too.
05:34.14watchyi need one to hold 2 22inch wide screens and 1 30inch in the center
05:34.22watchybut they are all to small
05:34.33dan__ti just need one for these three 2005FPW's
05:34.41dan__tthat would tickle my fancy.
05:34.48watchyergotron makes some nice ones but they don't fit to many wide screens
05:34.54dan__tthat's nice.
05:36.09watchyyou got a iphone dan
05:36.15dan__tNo, I'm straight.
05:36.39watchyi doubt iphones are very popular in AZ
05:36.51watchyi didnt see many ATT/cingular stores before i left
05:37.52dan__tThat's nice.
05:38.08watchydid you ever bang saebbe
05:38.13sparqHey, does anyone have a USB handset unit that they like?
05:38.26watchyand after she got knocked up don't count
05:38.36dan__tno, she reminded me of a beaver.
05:38.40dan__tand i don't dig beavers.
05:38.43J4k3mmm beavers
05:38.45watchyshe was nice
05:38.50watchybut strange
05:38.50dan__tno she wasn't
05:38.53dan__tvery strange
05:39.10dan__ti remember i went over to her house once at like 3am and she was all like acting as if she wanted to ride the dan
05:39.25dan__tthen we get friendly and she's all "i'm hungry" and i'm trying to figure out what i did wrong
05:39.35J4k3tease ass girls
05:39.40J4k3gah, they suck
05:39.40dan__tand she said something to the effect of like "oh yeah i'm celibate."
05:39.42dan__tThen I left.
05:39.47watchythats my gs ex wife jake. you better simmer
05:40.06dan__tI just.. left.
05:40.06watchysaebbe was a wierd girl dude
05:40.13watchyi miss hanging out with her
05:40.29watchyshe was always nice to me
05:40.30dan__ti went out drinking a few mos ago with sabrina and caitlyn
05:40.34dan__tsabrina CAN DRINK.
05:40.40watchycaitlyn is likwids ex?
05:40.53dan__tyeah, she's like my cousin kindof not really :/
05:41.03watchyi call her neopet girl
05:41.31watchywhen i was being investigated by the fbi i stayed at likwids a few nights
05:41.32dan__tyou remember Caitlyn's friend Katie with the big knockers
05:41.37*** join/#asterisk Blackthorn (
05:41.38watchyand me and cait would play neopets
05:41.44dan__tthat's gay.
05:41.56watchyyea so now i call her neopet girl
05:41.59dan__tDid you have a dude neopet named Wilbert?
05:42.01watchyeven though i never talk to her
05:42.30bintutanyone here using the GrandStream Phone GXP-2000 or GXP-2020 and made the LEDs work through the Asterisk BLF on an Asterisk-1.2.10 ?
05:42.31BlackthornHi, thought I would do a quick check. Anyone have a 1.4.4 server crash with [Sep 11 01:31:46] WARNING[13808]: app_dial.c:674 wait_for_answer: Unable to forward voice frame ?
05:42.31dan__tah well.  those were the days.
05:42.39dan__tI drove through BCS yesterday and thought of Sean
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05:42.45dan__tI'm like.  Where is that motherfscker.
05:42.46J4k3watchy: f b i?
05:42.58watchyj4k3: yea i did stupid shit
05:43.04J4k3bcs?  bryan/college station? :)
05:43.08dan__tOne of our customers got popped bigtime here in Phoenix by the FBI and IRS and Postal Inspectors.
05:43.13Blackthornthat message does a continus scroll down the system and stops taking calls until I stop and restart asterisk.
05:43.20watchydan what did they do?
05:43.28dan__tLong list of things heh.
05:43.39dan__tThose FBI guys are pretty smart.
05:43.45CCFL_Man2i knew taking this dial apart would be a bad idea
05:43.46dan__tDo you know they can fit 1.2TB on a thumbdrive?
05:43.52*** part/#asterisk foo (n=foo@unaffiliated/foo)
05:44.40watchydan: haha
05:44.52dan__tWell no that was the postal inspectors office.
05:44.59dan__tthe fbi guy was a really really nice guy, very funny.
05:45.00threatWARNING[7243]: chan_zap.c:1592 zt_set_hook: zt hook failed: Device or resource busy
05:45.17dan__the took us out to lunch.
05:45.19watchywell i'm glad i never got busted by the fbi
05:45.21dan__tbecause, well, i already paid for it.
05:45.23watchybut i sure got close
05:45.43dan__tyeah i wouldn't run warez on a ... network either.
05:45.50dan__tbut hey that's just me
05:46.01watchywell it wasnt that reason we got caught
05:46.04watchywe had a narq
05:46.10dan__tdid you murder him
05:46.29watchywe woulda never got busted had that dude not narqed though
05:46.40dan__tSo, did you murder him?
05:46.56watchyno hes pretty well protected
05:47.04dan__thaha as he should be.
05:47.22watchybut them was the best times of my life
05:47.29dan__tuh yeah mine too.
05:47.50watchyi'd do it again in a second
05:48.02dan__tim bored.
05:48.12dan__tI was trying to roll CentOS5 on the sparc
05:48.13watchyim watching porn on tv
05:48.24*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
05:49.45sparqCCFL_Man2: Hey -- do you know of any USB handset units are any good?
05:50.08BlackthornHi, thought I would do a quick check. Anyone have a 1.4.4 server crash with [Sep 11 01:31:46] WARNING[13808]: app_dial.c:674 wait_for_answer: Unable to forward voice frame ?
05:50.23Blackthornthat message does a continus scroll down the system and stops taking calls until I stop and restart asterisk.
05:50.36Blackthornany ideas, some place to start...
05:51.03sparqBlackthorn: what sort of dialplan are you using?
05:52.09Blackthornwell.. i have extensions for information, and 911 calling, I have both normal ported telephone numbers, and ld service dialing through both a local pri and voicepulse
05:52.42Blackthornpretty basic dialplan with about 20 entries.
05:53.35sparqBlackthorn: So, you've got a POTS adapter or two?
05:54.14JTsparq: he never mentioned POTS.
05:55.33sparqJT: I was hoping that's what he meant by normal ported telephone numbers ^_^
05:56.02BlackthornI have one port pri card. on that pri are did numbers as well as normal numbers that were ported over from the local telco.
05:56.15JTsparq: he said PRI though
05:56.23Blackthornwe have a new server + moved to 1.4.4 (from a 1.2 box)
05:56.33JTdoesn't make much sense to pull DIDs over POTS
05:57.32BlackthornAnd this box seems to fail every 24 to 72 hours with a continues scrolling message posted above. Can just stop and restart the box and goes away untill next ime.
05:57.36sparqI was just hoping it would be a kernel driver problem. ^_^
05:58.18sparqBlackthorn: Does dmesg say anything interesting when that happens?
06:01.18Blackthornnope.. i checked the message log and it will for example show xxx sip phone is now connected. go for some lenth of time then that message just repeats itselfone after another very quickly.
06:01.43Blackthorni did find this link that shows the exact match for the error way down the page but it's in german
06:03.52sparqA codec problem, maybe?
06:04.15Blackthornas far as i know i've got everything set for ulaw
06:05.08JTBlackthorn: why are you using such an old version of 1.4?
06:05.33Blackthorner sorry thats what I was using last week. i am using 1.4.11 now
06:06.17JTi see
06:06.23JTdid you upgrade zaptel?
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06:07.26Blackthornusing zaptel
06:07.27*** part/#asterisk bintut (n=bintut@
06:08.14sparqBlackthorn: the forum discussion seems to suggest that the problem occured with the negotiated codec was ulaw, but went away when they switched to gsm.
06:09.34*** part/#asterisk kiscokid (
06:10.42Blackthornalrighty. well i'd better get off to bed. thanks for the help.
06:12.08CCFL_Man2i can't figure out how to get this western electric dial back together
06:13.26threatgrrrr, phone keypad still isn't working. now what?
06:13.49CCFL_Man2threat: my dial isn't working either :P
06:14.38sparqCCFL_Man2: You are using a 1920's candelstick style phone with Asterisk?
06:15.03CCFL_Man2sparq: 1946 western electric 302 for now
06:15.19sparqThat is awesome.
06:15.33CCFL_Man2no reason why candlestick phones wouldn't work though
06:15.43CCFL_Man2yeah, the 302 kicks ass
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06:16.31CCFL_Man2problem now is that i can't get it's dial working
06:16.38sparqCCFL_Man2: I have one of these sitting in a box somewhere. I bought it at a garage sale for $10. Sadly, it needs to be completely rebuilt.
06:16.45CCFL_Man2i disasembled it
06:17.07CCFL_Man2sparq: the AL50>
06:18.26sparqCCFL_Man2: It's this thing, right?
06:19.59sparqis it stuck, or just won't return?
06:20.48CCFL_Man2i can't figire out how to tention the spring
06:21.15CCFL_Man2the spring that tensions the rotor
06:21.59CCFL_Man2does the flywheel determin the tension of the return?
06:23.35sparqCCFL_Man2: I vaugly remember destroying my grandparents' rotary phone when I was a little. I seem to recall that I had to hold everything together just so while puting it back together, or the dial would just stay stuck all the way over.
06:24.37CCFL_Man2sparq: see, i'm not sure if i need to rotate the rotor fully and keep that tension or just in it's free state
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06:24.48WilliamKsparq, my grandparents still have a rotary phone
06:24.52WilliamKworking one too
06:25.13CCFL_Man2WilliamK: why would a western electric phone ever break?
06:25.32WilliamKit'd be a conspiracy by ATT if it ever did
06:25.35CaT[tm]because it is a device of the infidel.
06:26.12CCFL_Man2WilliamK: yeah, because western electric means quality
06:26.36CCFL_Man2the quality of these gears in the dial just blows me away
06:27.08sparqWilliamK: My greaut aunt still pays SBC a couple of bucks a month because she refuses to get touchtone service. She is convinced that it's "more expensive" and "fancy," even though they charge her extra not to have it.
06:27.49JTwhy do they charge more?
06:28.10CCFL_Man2rent of the phone
06:28.26*** join/#asterisk threat (
06:28.37JTthe antique phone charge
06:28.45kiscokidextra cost of maintaining pulse dial on her pair?
06:28.52sparqI have no idea. They badgered her for a few years about "upgrading," so she got used to thinking of touchtone service as an extra feature.
06:29.17JTkiscokid: no
06:29.30JTall DTMF capable switches can do decadic dialling too
06:29.46JTotherwise how on earth would hookflash work?
06:29.48CCFL_Man2as well as channel banks
06:30.30kiscokidI wonder if my Cisco ATA can handle it
06:32.03CCFL_Man2the linkshit pap2 cannot
06:37.31CCFL_Man2but i wouldn't expect anything less
06:38.11CCFL_Man2it's a shame you need to buy professional equipment to get the same quality you did years ago with consumer equipment
06:39.05*** join/#asterisk Cyon (n=cyon@
06:41.56CCFL_Man2shit shit shit i can't get this dial back the way it was
06:51.04*** join/#asterisk af_ (
06:53.14sparqCCFL_Man2: I always have better luck putting things back together in the daytime...
06:55.22CCFL_Man2sparq: i'm gonna see if my boss can do it
06:56.05CCFL_Man2i have no diagram and really don't know how they go together
06:58.10sparqCCFL_Man2: why did you take it apart in the first place?
06:59.32CCFL_Man2sparq: it pulsed too fast or slow, my channel bank wouldn't reconize anything other than 1
06:59.53CCFL_Man2and in the case of a 1 it really doesn't matter
07:00.03CCFL_Man2it would return too fast i think
07:03.24CCFL_Man2i have a pink trimline that it reconizes fine
07:04.15sparqCCFL_Man2: Don't those old phones use resistive microphones?
07:04.24*** part/#asterisk kiscokid (
07:04.30CCFL_Man2they do
07:04.44CCFL_Man2but they don't crackle
07:04.50sparqI seem to remember that they draw a significant current
07:04.54CCFL_Man2atleast not WE
07:05.33CCFL_Man2the pink trimline uses the same microphone
07:05.55CCFL_Man2similar network too, upgraded, naturally
07:07.53sparqI'm trying to figure out if an obscure (and therefor cheap) USB handset will work on Linux, but Google is failing me.
07:08.31CCFL_Man2you don't want any of that crap
07:08.48CCFL_Man2restore that candlestick
07:11.08sparqCCFL_Man2: Yes, but then I'd need to either buy an ATA, or figure out how to get the generic firmware to work on my (now useless) Packet8 DTA-310.
07:11.35sparq$9.99 for a handset is hard to beat. ^_^
07:11.42JTwhat the hell
07:11.52JTwhy not spend $9 on a pc headset?
07:11.58JTit does the same job
07:11.59JTonly better
07:12.38sparqJT: I have one, but it bothers me for some reason.
07:12.54JTusb handsets are just soundcards with buttons
07:13.02JTthey're silly
07:13.09JTthey rely on softphones
07:13.18sparqof course
07:13.36JTheadsets are far superior
07:13.41*** join/#asterisk LukinoVoip (
07:14.01sparqJT: Unless they make your ear itch
07:14.14JTthen get better ones
07:14.24JTbeing handsfree is really useful on long calls
07:16.01sparqI guess you are right. I just feel like an ass talking into the air with an ugly little plastic shrimp hanging on my ear.
07:16.43JTor get an ip phone...
07:17.31*** join/#asterisk appelza (
07:17.54LukinoVoiphi all, i have a setup like this: FAX T38=>ATA => AST =>iax => AST =>PRI =>PBX=>PSTN...How gen i get the fax to work? :S
07:18.07appelzaHi guys, my analog 'trunk' is called Zap/g1 , how can I find out which other trunks are available to me and what they are called?
07:18.10appelzalike Zap/g2 perhaps
07:18.33JTLukinoVoip: get off the crack pipe maybe? ;)
07:19.02FlatFootmorning all
07:19.09JTasterisk doesn't do T.38 termination
07:19.39JTyou said AST to PRI
07:19.43JTthat is not passthrough
07:20.32LukinoVoipsorry, the fax is not working...i'm searching a solution to get it work
07:20.48appelzaanyone? :<
07:20.50JTi just said it won't work using that setup...
07:21.25JTappelza: checking the zapata configuration files you made
07:21.32LukinoVoipi'm very worried...
07:21.59JTLukinoVoip: of course, you did check BEFORE embarking on this project that it was even possible in Asterisk?
07:23.12LukinoVoipthe project is already set up...but someone asks me if there is a chanche to use the fax too
07:23.38LukinoVoipand i'm searching for that
07:23.44appelzaJT, I see "group 0,15"
07:23.51appelzadoes that mean I must use Zap/g15 ?
07:23.59JTappelza: did you set it up or not
07:24.05JTno, it means there are 2 groups
07:24.09JTfor that channel
07:24.23watchyanyone here ever use virtual pc?
07:24.25JTLukinoVoip: it depends how you do faxing
07:24.32JTbut generally the answer is "not really"
07:25.30LukinoVoipthe setup working include phones that are working..the fax is connected to the ata but naturally is not working at now...
07:25.56JTphones are completely different to faxes
07:26.04LukinoVoipi know...
07:26.04JTthe fact that phones work is an irrelevance
07:27.42LukinoVoipif i use FAX => ATA => SIP =>T38 EXT PROVIDER ...can it works?
07:28.03watchyfax in asterisk apparently is a bitch lukin
07:28.46JTLukinoVoip: the answer there is "hopefully"
07:29.31LukinoVoipuhm...maybe i will setup an Hylafax server ;)
07:30.03watchythats pretty much the best option from what i understand lukin
07:30.17LukinoVoipand throw faxes out of the window
07:31.19*** join/#asterisk marc7 (
07:31.21JT1.4 has T.38 passthrough
07:31.23appelzahow would an outbound extention look like for this:
07:31.38*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
07:31.39JTif your ATA is ok, and your Internet connectivity isn't awful, it should work
07:34.20appelzaanyone? :<
07:34.30*** join/#asterisk RyanW (
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07:38.03RyanWHello, i'm configuring FOP for the first time, i've got the server configured, running and talking to asterisk and i've got the extensions displayed in my browser. But when i dial an extension, its state in FOP does not change.
07:38.26JTflash operator panel
07:38.31watchywtf is that
07:38.41LukinoVoipJt: thanks a lot
07:38.58JTwatchy: an operator panel... that uses flash
07:39.03RyanWWhat should i double check to find where i went wrong?
07:39.29watchyjt: got a url for it
07:39.56JTshould be googleable
07:40.16*** join/#asterisk psk (
07:40.16appelzacan anyone tell me how an outbound extention should look like for this type of channel: please
07:40.23RyanWJT, if i pastebin some config files will you give me a hand please.
07:40.41watchyyea it was
07:40.46watchyman this intresting
07:41.08watchyfop looks neat
07:42.00JTexcept it uses flash :P
07:42.19watchyjt: what would you recommend for an operator panel?
07:42.21JTRyanW: sorry don't have much FOP experience
07:42.38*** join/#asterisk bintut (n=bintut@
07:42.46JTwatchy: was thinking of making my own that uses AJAX/Comet one day
07:42.52JTbut none atm :P
07:43.10watchymy co work introduced me to one called HUDLite or something
07:44.09*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
07:45.16watchyyou seen it jt?
07:48.12tzafrirFOP is nice. But its development kind of lost momentum.
07:48.22tzafrirAnd the usage of flash is a big limitation
07:49.31tzafrirThe separation of client/server appears to be a must. I wonder if it can be done with ajax alone at the client side. Aparantly not
07:52.45appelzahi, is this valid:
07:52.48appelzaexten = 0!,1,Macro(trunkdial,Zap/g0,12/${EXTEN:0}) ?
07:57.32litage|wdoes the (new?) asterisk gui work with v1.2 , or only with v1.4 ?
07:59.14*** join/#asterisk softice (n=test@
07:59.20softicehmm, small problem
07:59.32[hC]anyone seen a polycom 601 that refuses to turn the expansion module on for some reason?
07:59.47softicenot sure whats up with my dtmf, I dial in, press for prompt in ivr, but I have to hit the number 4/5 times for it to recognise anything
07:59.52[hC]the screen on my expansion module isnt turning on when i boot up the phone
08:00.08softiceit doesn't pick up any other dtmf, only after 4/5 tried does it pick up, 1 for eg
08:04.15*** join/#asterisk SA007 (
08:04.41SA007weird, asterisk is filtering dtmf tones
08:05.01SA007does anyone know how toturn that off?
08:05.31watchy[hc]: bad news g
08:05.38watchyi think its a bad phone
08:06.09[hC]watchy: ah. thats okay ill just use another one, i have a lot of them, i just wasnt sure why it would happen, never seen it do that before
08:06.14watchyi had the same issue with a 601. i never did have it fixed but i think its broke
08:06.27[hC]i have two sidecars that ive tried so i dont think its them
08:06.33watchyyea when i turned this 601 i got on and it didnt turn the modules on i was like WTF
08:06.46watchyit made me wonder if a config i had was wrong
08:07.01[hC]well yeah thats what i was thinking since i just upgraded the phone to 2.2.0
08:07.12[hC]ill just try the same ones on another phone
08:07.15watchywhats the newest out?
08:07.16*** join/#asterisk stkn|work (n=stkn|wor@gentoo/developer/
08:07.27[hC]2.2.0 as of a week ago
08:07.47watchyany major improvements?
08:08.42*** join/#asterisk chris_1 (
08:09.07chris_1hi folks!
08:09.51chris_1how can I make an attended transfer from an agent who observes a queue?
08:10.17chris_1unfortunately only blind transfer is work
08:14.05*** join/#asterisk salzh (i=salzh@
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08:15.21softiceand have you set your feature code?
08:16.51appelzahas anyone here managed to dial out using a junghanns quadbri isdn card?
08:18.54SA007this is weird stuff, i've got 2 phone's on a voip router, both connected to * (as 1234 and 1235 respectively)
08:19.11chris_1yes - without the queue/agent part it works!
08:19.21SA007if i dial the other one i get normal audio, execpt dtmf tones...
08:20.59softicehmm, does nobody have any idea where i can look for an issue with dtmf, where it only picks up a digit after hitting the number a few times?
08:21.42*** join/#asterisk yassaccan (
08:28.06*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
08:28.16appelzawhat does this mean? :P zt_handle_event: Detected alarm  on channel 5: Red Alarm
08:29.52watchysomething bad
08:31.44softiceappelza: it means channel 5 line isn;t up
08:34.27JTit means there is an L1 failure
08:34.29SA007damnit, i can see asterisk receiving dtmf, but it doesn't pass them trough to the other phone
08:36.13*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (n=strom@
08:38.35appelzaI'm struggling to dial out over my isdn card, but I can receive calls from it
08:38.50appelzaAnd I can dial out over my analog card
08:38.53appelzaso i dunno :|
08:40.05appelzaCan I paste my zapata-channels.conf somewhere and someone help me create the correct extention for the first port on my isdn card to dial out? Please
08:40.38*** join/#asterisk dseeb_ (
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08:46.40kaldemarappelza: what does your dial line look like?
08:49.23appelzaexten = _0!,1,Macro(trunkdial,Zap/12/${EXTEN:0})
08:49.36appelzacoz I want to use Span2 which is 0-12 I think
08:51.03appelzabut im not sure if im doing the right thing
08:52.55softiceok I have furthered with the problem
08:53.13softiceit seems if Iuse background(message) it doesn't pick up the dtmf, sometimes works after 4/5 tries
08:53.24softiceif I use playback, then after the message it picks it up every time
08:56.00appelzaanyone :<
08:58.14softiceanyone :(
09:04.08kaldemaryou're using a macro, have you done it yourself?
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09:12.38appelzakaldemar, whats the proper way to do it?
09:12.51appelzaI just want to use the first port on that isdn card to make a phone call, thats all
09:12.52*** part/#asterisk dseeb_ (
09:15.52appelzahow can I have zap dial these channels? channel => 14-15 ,Zap/14-15 doesnt work
09:19.50kaldemaryou have to use groups.
09:20.00kaldemarare you using some GUI to configure asterisk?
09:20.21appelzano, cmd line
09:20.33tzafrirappelza, why not just use Zap/gNN (for group=NN in zapata.conf)
09:20.33appelzaok so Span-5 (which is the one where the line is plugged into)
09:20.53appelzahas group: 0,15
09:20.58appelzaso Zap/g0,15 ?
09:21.03*** join/#asterisk kkn088 (n=kikoun@
09:21.18kaldemarwell, if you for example wanted to dial out using span5 you'd use Dial(Zap/g15/${EXTEN})
09:21.22tzafrirappelza, in fact, if you configured it with genzaptelconf, all the TE spans are in group 0, and each span N is in group 10+N
09:21.41softiceyay tzafrir is here
09:21.42kaldemarwhy have you defined your groups like that?
09:21.46softicei bet you could help me too?
09:21.56kaldemaroh, genzaptelconf.
09:22.10tzafrirsoftice, what is it about?
09:22.54appelzaso group 0,15 is should be Zap/g15 ?
09:22.58softicedtmf issues, if I dial in, and use background(recording_file) I can hit adigit 4/6 times before it recognises 1
09:23.14softiceif I use playback for some reason afterthe playback it picks it up straight away
09:23.20kaldemarthere is no such thing as group 0,15. those channels belong to groups 0 and 15.
09:23.32softicealso if I hit a digit its not a clean dtmf sound if I hear on another handset?
09:23.44tzafrirkaldemar, group can get a list of groups
09:23.46kaldemarif you dial group 15, you use g15.
09:24.11tzafrirgroups is actually a bitmask, telling to which groups the channel belogs
09:24.19tzafrirsoftice, what device is it?
09:24.20kaldemartzafrir: yes, i said that because i wanted to be clear on a group being a single number.
09:24.22appelzaah ok
09:24.25appelzalemme try
09:25.09softicetzafrir a sangoma card. and what device are you dialing, i'm calling in from my mobile phone
09:25.12softiceto the ivr
09:25.28kaldemarappelza: <-- see dialing a group in that article for more info
09:25.42appelzaThanks, will do
09:25.50tzafrirsoftice, for starters, get asterisk to display the detected DTMF digits
09:25.51softicein the cli, if I hit 1/2/3/4/5 or what ever it should pick it up right away, sometimes I have tohit 1 (5 times)
09:26.06softicetzafrir: it does siplay them...
09:26.19softicebut it doesn't display them if it isn't picking it up
09:26.22tzafrirenable "debug" and "dtmf" for the console in /etc/asterisk/logger.conf and set:
09:26.24softicethen after the 5th try it displays it
09:26.42tzafrirah, ok
09:26.51*** join/#asterisk kkn088 (n=kkn088@
09:27.00tzafrirthere are a number of things to try.
09:27.15tzafriryou can try recording the audio with ztmonitor
09:27.20softicefunlly like I said, if I use playback, what you cant' type digits while its playing the sound file, after the sound file it picks up each dtmf tone
09:27.24softicenot using background though
09:27.30tzafrirand then trying to get a "second opinion" for it
09:27.59softicetzafrir: the audio of the dtmf tones?
09:27.59tzafrirbe that as simple as playing that DTMF stream from a handset and seeing if it gets detected then
09:28.08tzafrirsoftice, yes
09:28.11softicethe tones are not coming through, clear.. they notclearn, its like a hiss between them
09:28.19softiceor a crackle sound
09:28.37softicetzafrir: local it works fine
09:28.43softiceit picks it up every time
09:28.48softicebut if I come from the outside it isn't working
09:28.59softiceI have echo cancelation set on the sangona card
09:29.00tzafririf what you record in ztmonitor has the same problem, then maybe the issue is not with Asterisk
09:29.33tzafrirtry decoding them with spandsp's dtmf test utility
09:29.37softicei'm coming into a asterisk box, on group 1 right, then passing out to another asterisk box ong roup 4
09:29.39softicethrough isdn
09:29.40tzafrirsee what it thinks
09:30.22*** join/#asterisk qdk (n=qdk@
09:30.36softiceok, would echo training, etc cause problems from the outside?
09:30.37*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (n=strom@
09:30.40tzafriralso, make sure you don't destroy it in zsaptel - extra gains, or maybe play with the echo canceller settings
09:30.53*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
09:39.07appelzaok, ive tried Zap/0 to Zap/20 ; Zap/g0 to Zap/20 and none of them work for placing a call (but I can recieve calls on that card, so it does have a line)
09:39.14appelzaI'm so frustrated :(
09:39.22*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
09:39.37appelzahi ManxPower
09:40.35*** join/#asterisk RsaMan (n=aa@
09:40.49RsaManwhat is the difference between sip show users and sip show peers ?
09:40.55RsaManbesides the obvious
09:41.08RsaManwhats the diff between a user and a peer i should sya
09:41.16RsaManwhats the diff between a user and a peer i should say
09:43.46ManxPowerUser -> Asterisk,  Asterisk -> Peer
09:44.07ManxPowergenerally "sip show peers" is more useful, as it shows registration status of phones connected to Asterisk
09:44.28ManxPowerAs you can see a peer will never send calls to Asterisk.
09:44.33appelzacould anyone please help me make a proper outbound extention for use on this isdn card:
09:44.40ManxPowerAnd a User will never receive calls from Aserisk
09:44.42appelzaI've tried everything I know of :<
09:46.12ManxPowerNormally it would be Dial(Zap/g0/thenumber), but I don't think the BRI card uses Zap drivers.
09:46.23RsaManusing a pap2(linksys) as a sip client
09:46.30RsaManit can receive calls
09:46.34RsaManbut cannot make calls
09:46.51ManxPowerRsaMan: you know what the next step is, of course.
09:47.04RsaManManxPower : no idea ?
09:47.26appelzaBecause I've tried Zap/g0/thenumber with no luck.  What would the bri equivilent be?
09:47.31ManxPowerThat is always the next step.
09:47.43ManxPowerappelza: We don't use BRI where I live, so I have no idea.
09:47.57RsaMani dont see any error, so must be a problem with my linksys unit
09:48.18ManxPowerRsaMan: what happens when you try to dial?
09:48.32ManxPoweri.e. silence, congestion tone, busy tone, etc?
09:48.44RsaManManxPower : dialtone, then nothing
09:48.56RsaManManxPower : dont say any attempts in the console though
09:48.57ManxPowerput a # at the end of your dialed number
09:49.21ManxPowerIf that works then you just need to fix the dialplan on the SIPura/Linksys
09:49.29RsaManit hung up
09:49.37ManxPoweranything on the console now?
09:49.59ManxPowerhow many SIP devices do you have connected to Asterisk?
09:50.35RsaManthe pap2 and an spa400
09:50.43RsaManfxs and fxo
09:50.58ManxPowercan you disconnect the SIP devices you are not using while you are testing?
09:50.59appelzamaybe BRI can only handle incoming? (I've just confirmed that it does use Zap)
09:51.09ManxPowerappelza: BRI can use both
09:51.11appelzaall the samples and examples I see only show incoming aswel :/
09:51.13RsaManManxPower : i can do that
09:51.14ManxPowerincoming and outgoing
09:51.47appelzamy incoming works through the bri card, but i cant get outgoing working, no matter what :|
09:51.55ManxPowerRsaMan: do that, then do a "sip debug" and watch the console for a 404 response when you try dialing.  Heck, just put the SIP debug info on
09:52.45ManxPowerappelza: if it's BRI chances are it is CAPI or MISDN
09:52.53ManxPowerlook for examples on the wiki
09:54.30RsaManManxPower : :( no output in sip debug when i dial using pap2
09:54.51RsaManManxPower: but i am able to make calls to that channel
09:55.05ManxPowerRsaMan: the two things are TOTALLY different.
09:55.35ManxPowerIt is common to be able to have calls in one direction, but not the other direction.
09:55.58outtolunci doubt appelza has a valid exten in his 'from-pstn' context which is the only context used for the bri stuff
09:56.18ManxPowerRsaMan: double check your pap2 settings.  for server and user/pasword
09:57.05RsaManManxPower: if they where not correct , surely i would not be able to make calls to the device ? as it is registered as a sip client
09:57.39ManxPowerRsaMan: that is an incorrect assumption
09:58.42ManxPowerThat like like asking that if you can enter a prison, you should be able to leave a prison.  It doesn't work that way.
10:01.29ManxPowerRsaMan: you MUST be seeing at least occasional SIP debug info, even if you are not dialing
10:02.25*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
10:02.31RsaMani get this when i plug the pap2 in
10:03.15ManxPowerRsaMan: good, so you are seeing the SIP debug.
10:03.40ManxPowerSOMETHING must be wrong on the PAP2, because even if Asterisk rejects the call, you should still see something on the console when you try dialing from the PAP2
10:03.48JTManxPower: err being Zap on BRI would be NEITHER CAPI or mISDN
10:03.49ManxPowerI assume this is really a PAP2NA
10:04.16ManxPowerJT: As I understand it the Digium BRI card does not use Zap.  Therefore it must use CAPI or MISDN
10:04.53*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
10:04.54JTappelza: is the BRI card digium?
10:05.05JTdidn't think the digium card could do capi
10:05.30RsaManManxPower: Yeah i believe so , it should say something like the number does not exist in that context surely
10:06.26ManxPowerThe Digium card uses mISDN (I just did a google serarch)
10:08.50JTManxPower: yes, i knew that
10:08.58JThence why i don't recommend purchasing it :)
10:09.28ManxPowerJT: I can't recommend purchasing it either.
10:09.34ManxPowerDigium cards should all support Zap.
10:09.57ManxPowerAny Digium card that does not support Zap, in my not so humble opinion, is a piece of crap.
10:10.22JTmust be the case that they couldn't have been bothered to make their own zap drivers
10:10.31JTas the existing ones are licence incompatible
10:11.07ManxPowerJT: Seems to me like they are not comited to the product.
10:11.38JTquite possibly :)
10:15.09ManxPowerThat would like Microsoft releasing a product for Linux
10:18.59juuvaManxPower: MS Office (or IE) for OS X?
10:20.21ManxPowerjuuva: Microsoft already has those products for Windows.
10:21.57*** part/#asterisk LukinoVoip (
10:22.22juuvawell.. yes, actually I was supposed to ask about IAX2 trunks and queues in 1.4. Can I add remote users to queues (over iax2 trunk)?
10:22.24ManxPowerDownloading message 14289 of 37294
10:22.26ManxPowerThat sucks
10:22.45ManxPowerI don't use queues or IAX2
10:23.29juuvaok.. then I'll continue banging my head to something
10:24.50ManxPowerbased on my understanding of queues, there should be no problems with what you are trying to do.
10:24.57*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
10:25.13ManxPowerI would not spend much time on the IAX2 part, that should work just like any other technology in Astersik
10:25.43ManxPower(assuming you have non-queue calls going in both directions over that link.
10:28.15juuvagot to get coffee, after that, some testing
10:28.38ManxPowercoffee is good
10:30.02ManxPowerI just realized it is sep 11 today.
10:30.26ManxPowerI'll have to make sure to leave the radio and television off
10:33.43*** join/#asterisk blinky42 (
10:42.57*** join/#asterisk Serees (
10:44.35Sereeshi, i'm having a DAA failed to initialize error... can somebody help? Everything worked a few day's ago, but after a system reboot it stopped working :s
10:45.55ManxPowerSerees: power off the system, then try it again
10:48.22SereesManxPower that does not help... i've tried like a dozen times
10:48.46ManxPowerSerees: that error is usually a hardware problem -- you should contact Digium support.
10:48.47Sereescould it be an hardware failure?
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10:49.43Dovidanyone here use the ooh323 channel driver ?
11:06.19ai-aSerees: you tried removing the power, not just pressing the button.. so the device can lose all power.
11:08.09*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
11:15.04Sereesai-a what do you mean??? I allready fysiclly moved the pc... And changed the card from pci slot... So it was allready fully disconected
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11:22.37hi365i installed asterisk+zaptel+libpri from source, but asterisk doesnt have any zap/pri releated commands avalible.
11:22.43hi365where did they go??
11:23.00JTwhat order did you compile in?
11:23.33hi365which time? 8)
11:23.44hi365lat time lib-> zap>*
11:23.44*** join/#asterisk GiantPickle (
11:23.44JTmost recently.
11:24.17JTis chan_zap compiled?
11:24.23hi365but the sangomadrivers recompiled the zaptel (after everytjing else)
11:24.40hi365its loadable in asterisk
11:24.50hi365(it shows in the list
11:25.08JTis it loaded?
11:25.39hi365how do i check?
11:27.23hi365there are no zap related commands ... :(
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11:37.47hi365JT ^^
11:39.09hi365actualy- zap is loaded
11:39.21hi365it just doesnt work :(
11:40.25sashioni keep getting segmentation faults with ast_senddigit_end()... and I cant pin-point the cause of it...
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11:42.45agxHello, STUN support is in trunk?
11:43.58appelzacould anyone please help me create an outbound extention based on this info (the bri card, not the analog):
11:44.09appelzaid be very very greatful
11:46.52sashionappelza: are you wanting to create an extension on your BRI ports, or use them for dialling out on your CO ?
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11:50.53appelzasashion, anything thatl allow me to place a call over that card
11:51.01appelzaI can already recieve cards over it btw
11:51.17appelzavia the isdn line
11:53.08sashionappelza: ok exten => _X.,1,Dial(ZAP/g12/${EXTEN}|60|tT)
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11:53.31appelzaoooh, ill try
11:55.56appelzabtw, ive tried Zap/g1 to 20 earlier today..but didnt do the |60|tT
11:56.08sashionok the 60 is just a timeout
11:56.12sashionand tT is for transfering
11:56.32sashionare you using a xorcom or trixbox ?
11:57.24appelzawith the asterisk-gui, but its useless as it doesnt see my BRI card even though asterisk now just commandline
11:57.51sashionhmm I see...
11:57.53sashionok try this
11:58.04*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
11:58.11sashionexten => _X.,1,Dial(ZAP/8/${EXTEN}|60|tT)
11:58.16tzafrirsupport for digital cards on the asterisk-gui is still very experimental. generally work-in-progress in asterisk-gui trunk
11:59.47appelzanope sashion :<
12:00.02appelzacan I paste the full error somewhere I see in asterisk console?
12:00.12sashionok wait
12:00.16sashiondo a
12:00.20sashionpri show spans
12:00.23sashionpastebin that
12:00.41appelzaoh sorry
12:00.45appelzathats the error
12:00.47appelzagimme a sec
12:02.06*** join/#asterisk Shido6 (n=shido6@
12:02.39kaldemarhi365: you're not running a pri?
12:03.03hi365i *think* i am (i have the card+drivers installed, but asterisk seesm to think otherwise)
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12:03.21hi365i dont have any zap related options either (zap show, etc.)
12:03.53sashionok appelza, try exten => _X.,1,Dial(ZAP/15/${EXTEN}|60|tT)
12:05.12appelzaget that every time I try, but the line isnt busy :(
12:05.28sashionok appelza, do pri intense debug span 5
12:05.28sashionthen repeat the attempt
12:05.32sashionand then pastebin it please
12:06.11tzafrirappelza, "red alarm" - that is - disconnected or otherwise no layer 1 connectivity
12:06.53appelzadont have pri intense debug, have bri intense debug tho?
12:06.55tzafrirhead -n 1 /proc/zap/SPAN_NUM
12:07.05appelzaioh wait I lie
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12:07.21tzafriryou need bri [intense] debug
12:07.27sashionbri intense debug will surfice :P
12:07.52appelzahere you go: (with pri intense debug)
12:08.22appelzaroot@asterisk:/etc/asterisk# head -n 1 /proc/zaptel/5
12:08.23appelzaSpan 5: ztqoz/1/4 "quadBRI PCI ISDN Card 1 Span 4 [TE] (cardID 0) Layer 1 ACTIVATED (F7)" AMI/CCS
12:08.56appelzazaptel/5 is span/4 :O
12:08.58tzafrirhmm... you do have RRs in both directions
12:09.13tzafrirso the span is active
12:09.21sashionum.. appelza: Cause: Invalid number format (28)
12:09.21sashionsame here:
12:09.21sashionExecuting [0763938619@numberplan-custom-1:1] Dial("SIP/6000-081fb9f8", "ZAP/15/|60|tT") in new stack
12:09.36tzafrirto reduce the spam and maintain sanity: bri no debug span 5
12:09.39sashionyou sure you passing the ${EXTEN} varaible.. cause that statement says you send nothing to your CO
12:09.51appelzalemme check
12:10.17agxAnyone coming to VON Europe in Italy ?
12:10.30appelzaI wasnt!
12:10.32appelzabut lemme test
12:11.19appelzasame error
12:11.20HarryRuh I think my colleague might be
12:11.34HarryRnot sure about me though :\
12:11.44sashionappelza: did you have intense debug on? If so, please pastebin it for me
12:13.05hi365what commands do you need to compile libpri?
12:13.18sashionmake, make install
12:13.43appelzahold on
12:13.56hi365is this normal?
12:13.58hi365make: Nothing to be done for `all'.
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12:17.07appelza(btw, thanks for all the help so far!)
12:17.46ManxPowerhi365: not make all.  make install
12:18.08hi365ManxPower: i did make and thats the output that i got
12:18.58hi365(thats the history)
12:19.01ManxPowerappelza: pridialplan=unknown may be what you want
12:19.08ManxPowerI'm waiting for the "make install"
12:19.26hi365the output?
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12:19.32ManxPowerno the command
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12:19.54hi365i did it - what about it?
12:19.57ManxPower426 should be make install
12:19.59appelzawill try ManxPower
12:20.05ManxPowerhi365: I don't see it in your history
12:20.07appelzathat should go in zapata.conf under span4 right?
12:20.16*** part/#asterisk agx (n=AGX@
12:20.21hi365right. i wanted to confirm that the message wasnt an error befor i went on
12:20.25ManxPowerappelza: it should go in /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf before any channel line
12:20.55ManxPowerjust like in the example config file provided with Asterisk
12:20.59sashionappelza: check your dialling format... cause the number gets rejected :P
12:21.45ManxPowersashion: the number would be rejected if he had pridialplan=local and was trying to make a non-local call
12:22.16hi365ManxPower: do i need to compile the zap modules for the digium cards if im using a sangoma card?
12:22.43ManxPowerThere is your problem:     Ext: 1  Cause: Unallocated (unassigned) number (1), class = Normal Event (0) ] 5 < [1e 02 82 88]
12:22.55ManxPowerhi365: What does the sangoma docs say?
12:23.11hi365im pretty sur they dont require it
12:23.12ManxPowerIn fact that information in right in the install document for sangoma
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12:25.11pHnzHello, wich user may i used to System Configuration in the AsteriskNOW Web interface I used my user: admin and the admin passwd and that didn't work's.
12:26.05ManxPowerpHnz: I suggest you try #AsteriskNOW because we don't use GUIs on this channel
12:26.41ManxPowerhi365: so the wanpipeinstallation and readme.install files in the doc dir of the wanpipe source dir does not say?
12:27.00ManxPowerand the Sangoma Wiki install files does not say either?
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12:31.10ManxPowerhi365: I know the answer.  If you can't find the answer then you have far more serious issues.
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12:33.03hi365ManxPower: i dont think it says specificaly that you do or dont need the zap modules (the ones for the digium cards)
12:33.18ManxPowerhi365: Then I guess you don't.
12:34.54hi365so why doesnt astersk show any zap or pri options?
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12:35.38ManxPowerif you don't have zaptel installed, it won't show them
12:35.56ManxPowerbut that was NOT your question
12:36.21*** part/#asterisk melbert (n=IceChat7@
12:36.28appelzawhat does this mean:
12:36.45ManxPowerappelza: it means the call did not go thru or was hungup
12:36.57agxsorry, where i can find digium developers?
12:37.04ManxPoweragx: #asterisk-dev
12:37.30agxwebsite is incorrect, it say to join #asterisk :-P
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12:37.52ManxPowerhi365: there is also a README.asterisk in the Sangoma doc directory.
12:38.00ManxPowerBut you knew that already, right?
12:39.28ManxPowerIn fact the main page of the Sangoma Wiki has install instructions for Asterisk
12:39.40ManxPowerhi365: did you read ANY Sangoma docs?
12:40.00appelzawhat would the trunkstyle be for an isdn card? digital?
12:40.00hi365ManxPower: which i followed. and the sangoma stuff installed correctly (or so it seems)
12:40.28hi365however, asterisk, although it loaded chan_zap doesnt have an zap options avalible
12:41.12ManxPowerhi365: Did you follow the generic Sangoma install information or the specific install information that Sangoma provides for using their cards with Asterisk?
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12:41.49hi365i followed this:
12:42.03ManxPowerI give up.  Here is a quote from the Sangoma docs:  "First install:
12:42.16*** part/#asterisk Rawplayer (
12:43.00ManxPowerIt says right on that wiki page that you pasted the URL to.
12:43.13hi365your point being?
12:43.48ManxPowermy point being that if you follow those instructions and install in order zaptel, libpri, asterisk before installing wanpipe you would not be having the problem of no zap or pri support in asterisk
12:44.33hi365hmm, so the fact that i indeed folowed the instructions and never the less im stuck - does it say that anywhere?
12:44.36akirch_you mean it works if you follow the instructions?!?!?!
12:44.45akirch_hi365, call sangoma
12:44.57ManxPowerI suspect you installed Asterisk before you installed zaptel or libpri and that is obviously not going to work
12:44.59akirch_hi365, their support will walk you through... well anything you could possibly imagine needing
12:45.20appelzacan anyone please help me with this error:
12:45.39ManxPowerthey don't list the packages in random order, BTW.
12:45.41akirch_hi365, CALL SANGOMA
12:46.17akirch_By Phone:
12:46.17akirch_Toll Free in North America: 1 800·388·2475 ext. 3 or
12:46.17akirch_Internationally 1 905 474 1990 ext. 3
12:46.30akirch_their support is beyond phenomenal
12:46.32ManxPowerhi365: and you will be installing IN ORDER: zaptel, libpri, asterisk, wanpipe and not in any other order
12:46.35akirch_almost cisco like in it's completeness
12:46.46ManxPowerakirch_: their support can't even fix a simple flex/lex/yacc problem
12:46.57akirch_not in my experience
12:47.16akirch_and anyway
12:47.16hi365any need to uninstall befor i reinstall?
12:47.23ManxPowerhi365: no
12:47.32akirch_flex/lex/yacc sounds like a new bulemic weight loss plan
12:47.38akirch_but that's just me
12:47.57hi365thanks for the direct answer :) (didnt see it in the docs :) )
12:48.42ManxPowerhi365: that's because I don't think that info is in the docs 8-)
12:48.52ManxPowerI only yell at people that ask questions that are in the docs.
12:49.03filewhy am I being threatened?
12:49.11akirch_because they are muffins
12:49.12ManxPowerakirch_: use english muffins, he's terrified of those.
12:49.15akirch_give in to the threat!
12:49.15Wonkaeep eep shneep eep eep
12:49.30akirch_ManxPower, nah, file's ok
12:50.16*** join/#asterisk hmmhesays (
12:50.19ManxPowerThe last time file was confronted with an English Muffin he ran away screaming "Where's the fruit!!?"
12:50.28akirch_ManxPower, I could see that
12:50.46akirch_darned non-fruit-having English
12:50.52*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@
12:50.56akirch_though I did have a really tasty apple cinnamon English Muffin recently
12:51.24akirch_(made to not taste like crap)
12:52.05akirch_does that mean 1.2 is finally stable?
12:52.07akirch_(and ducks)
12:52.27fileit's perfectly stable for lots of people
12:52.37akirch_I'm kidding
12:52.39filebut every installation is not setup equal
12:52.45akirch_some are more equal than others!
12:55.18Nugget1.4 is doubleplusgood.
12:55.48fileNugget: all has been well?
12:56.05Nuggetnow that we're on the PRI, yeah
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13:01.34hi365No such command 'zap show' (type 'help' for help)
13:01.51hmmhesaystype help
13:02.00*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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13:02.50hi365ManxPower: correct me if im wron, but im pretty sure these are the steps in the correct order:
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13:05.13[TK]D-Fenderhi365: Nope
13:05.25appelzaI hate asterisk. :(
13:05.50[TK]D-Fenderhi365: libpri, zaptel, wanpipe (zaptel should get compiled again automatically, it not do it manually), THEN asterisk
13:05.57*** part/#asterisk dg (
13:06.06[TK]D-Fenderappelza: Whats YOUR child-hood trauma?
13:06.14appelzaasterisk :(
13:06.35Wonkais it allowed to mention callweaver here?
13:07.09Corydon76-digYou just did
13:07.16[TK]D-FenderWonka: Mention is fine, going zealotous would be ill-advised
13:07.49appelzaJust when I think I understand asterisk, the next problem makes me cry :(
13:08.44Wonkai made some asterisk-related stuff work here and am now tasked with looking into openser as a "sip firewall" in front of sip "hardware"
13:08.54hi365[TK]D-Fender: do i need to redo the whole list frm the begining, or just recompile asterisk again?
13:08.58Wonkaand privately, i want to look into callweaver
13:09.12Wonkahow does callweaver handle chan_misdn and chan_capi?
13:09.16hi365nevermind, ill just redo it
13:09.57Corydon76-digWonka: you're going to have to ask them
13:09.59[TK]D-Fenderhi365: I'd advise the last 2-3
13:10.10Corydon76-digWonka: they don't hang out here
13:13.22hmmhesaysthe bad guys on walker are so hopelessly retarded
13:14.09Corydon76-digThat's because if they were really smart, Walker would have been dead 5 minutes into the first season
13:14.22hmmhesaysoh give him some credit
13:14.37Corydon76-dig7 minutes?
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13:17.54Wonkatexas ranger? or which walker?
13:19.00hmmhesaysis there any other?
13:19.59hi365so whats the [CC] and [LD] stuff mean?
13:20.24Wonkainvocations of cc and ld
13:20.28Wonkain the build process
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13:23.47hmmhesaysgood lord I hate the centos postgresql package
13:24.07hmmhesaysit doesn't install a pg_hba.conf
13:26.47hi365[TK]D-Fender: i actualy tryied compiling asterisk 3 times, still no reference to zap or pri :(
13:27.17hi365and chan_zap seems to be loaded
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13:27.50[TK]D-Fenderhi365: your * build is MANGLED.
13:27.56tzangergood morning from Frederickton!
13:28.00tzangerfile: you around?
13:28.06hi365how so? or better yet what to do?
13:28.09[TK]D-Fendercd asterisk-1.4.11
13:28.10[TK]D-Fendermake && make install
13:28.26filetzanger: yes
13:28.32hi365i tired that befor
13:28.40tzangerwhere are you at these days?
13:28.42filetzanger: I'm not actually in New Brunswick though :D
13:28.48fileI'm in Montreal till Saturday night
13:28.56[TK]D-Fenderhi365: Yeah, you tried to ISNTALL if before eben doing ./configure , and make menuselect!
13:29.00tzangerdammit, I was just there yesterday
13:29.14tzangerI was going to see if I could visit [TK]D-Fender and junk-y but we didn't stay long
13:29.40[TK]D-Fendertzanger: Shoulda called, we'd have grabbed that bear local!
13:30.01tzangerfile: anything historical or interesting I should be visiting while out here?  We're on our way to Halifax but anyway :-)
13:30.02hi365[TK]D-Fender: a. ive done thouse befor b. ive tried compiling asterisk with a ./configre and menuselect
13:30.06hi365history 335+336
13:30.24tzanger[TK]D-Fender: perhaps on the way back?  I have no idea wha my scheule's like, but yeah that would have been awesome
13:31.25[TK]D-Fenderhi365: Funny I don't see you modprobing your car, starting wanrouter, I see no attempt to verify that zaptel is READY.
13:31.48hi365hmm, good point!
13:32.58[TK]D-FenderAnd somebody at Digium deperately needs to rewrite :
13:32.58[TK]D-Fenderthats jsut TRGIC
13:33.08[TK]D-FenderSo bad its missing an "A"!
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13:34.25hi365[TK]D-Fender: we were all there at one point...
13:34.35hi365what am i modprobing for?
13:34.47hi365zaptel (comes up blank)?
13:35.00coppiceshouldn't it be exorcism for zombies?
13:35.11[TK]D-Fenderhi365: zaptel.  and you should already have started wanrouter and tested with ztcfg
13:35.40hi365ztcfg comes up just fine
13:35.41[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Zombies are soul-less, not possessed.
13:35.56coppiceoh, support staff
13:35.57hi365blame it on the dementors
13:36.03[TK]D-Fenderhi365: Show some backup, then redo * in the right order
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13:39.19ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I think he's using 1.4 and the menuconfig did not detect zaptel / libpri on the first run and is not detecting it on future runs
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13:39.44tzafriragx, just ask
13:39.48[TK]D-Fenderhi365: Sure, why not... trash your whole FOLDER and start over.
13:40.08agxanyone know why snom phones does not resend subscriptions until they are rebooted?
13:40.08agxsomeone has snom phones and know why they do not resend subscriptions ?
13:40.27agxtzafrir, uff, never use ViRC, its evil software :)
13:40.29ManxPowerat least I assume he's running configure and make menuselect, he's not very good at finding and following the docs
13:42.33[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Actually the instructions on are ancient and crap....
13:42.45[TK]D-FenderManxPower: maybe theres a better readme.
13:43.14coppiceanyone tried one these new motherboards appearign with build it VoIP hardware?
13:43.55agxcoppice: link?
13:44.11coppiceAsus and MSI both have them
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13:51.37tzafriragx, which specific snom phones?
13:52.55agxtzafrir, snom 300 fw:6.5.10, 320 fw:6.5.10 and .12
13:54.21hi365[TK]D-Fender: my god bless you!
13:56.03[TK]D-Fenderhi365: You're welcome.
13:56.14hi365[TK]D-Fender: really - thanks!
13:57.37ai-aagx: we use snom300
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14:03.07agxai-a, does it resend subscriptions? i just want to know into the webinterface if there is a flag to force it
14:04.16ai-athey are cheap crap.
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14:11.58appelzadoes DID_ before a context have any special purpose?
14:12.08zippytechany one know how to increase the voice mail emial messsage
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14:13.03ai-aappelza: its just a name.
14:14.28[TK]D-Fenderzippytech: read the sample voicemail.conf.
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14:15.32zippytechcool thanks
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14:22.33zippytechi don't see any thing in the voicemail.conf to control volume, any idea where to look
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14:23.42[TK]D-Fenderzippytech: its there, look AGAIN
14:24.37arcaninecan i assign a local nos. that he can only do outbound calls on only specific set of prefix
14:24.55ai-azippytech: cat voicemail.conf.sample | grep volume
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14:25.08jbotextra, extra, read all about it, uuoc is Useless Use of Cat Award.  Given out for years by Randal Schwartz on the newsgroup  Basically, most constructions that look like "cat filename | grep pattern" can be more easily written as "grep pattern filename".  Works for grep and most other Unix utilities.  Easier to type and marginally more efficient.
14:25.16deeganI'm looking for something like queuemetrics and the like for a callcenter that places outgoing calls, any opensource alternatives (or free if you like the term better).
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14:25.57ai-aQwell: ;)
14:26.32ai-aactually, i dont like doing pattern filename, because to change the grep pattern i have to go back more words.. pain.. i prefer the cat file | grep patterrn, then i can modify the patten easy.
14:27.26ai-alocate -i voicemail.conf.sample | xargs grep volume
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14:27.40agxany good TAPI driver around as alternative to
14:29.54*** join/#asterisk elixer (i=elixer@
14:29.58arcanineex: local 1201-1211 can only use 21+ prefix....
14:30.19arcanineonly this prefix can he use
14:31.25[TK]D-Fenderarcanine: yes, that is the entire POINT for dialplan patterns.  You choose what a given device/channel is allowed to dial and what it does.
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14:35.48awannabehello, is it possible with ParkAndAnnounce() that you can park the call, and instead of having it ring back to the person who parked it, you can just announce the park slot on the same call, just like with DTMF parking
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14:44.49AeudianAnyone have an experience with a logging application for Asterisk?  I am looking for a way to log each phone call, sorta like a call center operation.  I am looking for if the call was inbound/outbound, duration, and termination.
14:47.23[TK]D-FenderAeudian: CDR <----
14:48.07*** join/#asterisk jcmoore (n=jcmoore@unaffiliated/tgrman)
14:50.19Aeudianperfect, thanks
14:51.44Aeudian[TK]D-Fender: ever used the Asterisk-Stat: CDR Analyser?  I need a front end to this so i can show the clients
14:51.52*** join/#asterisk UVSoft (
14:52.03[TK]D-FenderAeudian: Nope.  Go TRY them and see
14:52.05hi365on asterisk 1.4.11 i cannot spy on any channels that are allready in a call using the following options: exten => s-spy,1,chanspy(SIP|bw)
14:52.35[TK]D-Fenderhi365: and why not?
14:52.46hi365thats my question
14:53.25[TK]D-Fenderhi365: that isn't a question, its a STATEMENT
14:53.52hi365[TK]D-Fender: why not? <---- now thats a question!
14:54.16[TK]D-Fenderhi365: How about you show some CLI output and describe what HAPPENS.
14:55.31hi365[TK]D-Fender: it doesnt recognize that there is a call in progress to spy on
14:56.15[TK]D-Fenderhi365: I should see a channel dump in there...
14:56.30hi365[TK]D-Fender: if i dont specify the SIP part, the it works
14:56.42*** part/#asterisk agx (n=AGX@
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14:57.07hi365asterisk*CLI> core show channels
14:57.07hi365Channel              Location             State   Application(Data)
14:57.07hi365Zap/1-1              (None)               Up      Bridged Call(SIP/229-092461a8)
14:57.07hi365SIP/229-092461a8     s@macro-dialout-trun Up      Dial(ZAP/g0/6400000|300|Tt)
14:57.07hi3652 active channels
14:57.08hi3651 active call
14:58.28ManxPowerhi365: you don't specify a sip port when using spy
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15:00.12hi365ManxPower: 'chanprefix' only requres the prefix of the channel
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15:05.47ai-aany way to park a call on a holding line.. ie 1->N so someone else can pick up that call when they are free ?
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15:06.29melbertI have verizon PRI's right now and have had some reliability issues with them.  I am considering and Verizon is trying to sell me on their VOIP service.  Has anyone had any experience with Verizon VOIP vs. PRIs?
15:07.16Qwellmelbert: Their PRI service is supposed to be very high reliability.  If they can't even get close to that on copper, how are they going to do so over the internet?
15:08.04melbertQwell We have had 2 outages over 6 apiece in 8 months
15:08.10melbert6 hours that is
15:08.33Qwellso, what, your internet connection is going to go over DSL, on a less reliable pair of copper, then over the public internet...
15:08.45QwellI don't see how that could be more reliable at all
15:09.05melbertIt would a dedicated T1 from them
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15:09.35Qwellyour PRI is already a "dedicated T1"...
15:10.40melbertSo maybe we just want a second provider to switch our number over to in case of emergency
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15:10.50Qwellor get a better PRI provider
15:11.27melbertunfortunately I inherited a 3 year contract with them
15:11.36Qwellbreak it.  they did
15:12.05QwellIf they can't give you the reliability that they guaranteed, the contract is void.
15:12.18hi365using the following, i cannot spy on any calls that are allready in progress. any idea why?
15:12.19hi365exten => s-spy,1,chanspy(SIP|bw)
15:13.06melbertI mentioned that to the president of our company...but he is concerned about taking a "chance" with another provider.  I told him we were taking a chance stay with out current provider
15:13.16Qwelloption 2: Quit. :)
15:13.33Qwellyou'd be better off
15:13.37cellphonebreak down the rate of failures and how much it costs your company versus how much it'll cost to switch.
15:14.00Qwellcellphone: should he also include the cost of him doing the breakdown? :p
15:14.24cellphoneif you can't appeal to logic, appeal to emotion.
15:15.00[TK]D-FenderQwell: Don't forget to break down this outside consultation time you're spending while you're at it... or my time AUDITING the time you're spending for that matter :p
15:15.01Qwellcellphone: You must be in sales.
15:15.07melbertyeah...I need to get quotes from other providers
15:15.09Qwell[TK]D-Fender: precisely
15:15.20cellphoneno, I just have a boss that doesn't always act on logic.
15:15.48cellphoneand I know how to get him to move on issues :)
15:16.27*** join/#asterisk Phuntom (n=Phuntom@
15:16.34Phuntomhi ya!
15:16.49rickrosshi guys.  Does anyone know the feature code to record a call?
15:16.56rickrossI cant seem to find it listed anywhere
15:18.15[TK]D-Fenderrickross: features.conf <---
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15:18.35[TK]D-Fenderrickross:  And learn to use the WIKI for this stuff too....
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15:32.28*** join/#asterisk Mavvie ( is down? I have not been able to connect to it for several days. is better anyway ;)
15:35.59jbot[book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at or Temporarily at
15:36.26mohsenmaybe. but it can not fix lots of broken links around
15:37.02mohsenand does not have a copy of that book, i guess :|
15:37.27Phuntomwhy is better then asteriscdosc?
15:37.32hmmhesayshaha this is the episode where walker kicks through a windshield
15:37.46*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
15:38.33[TK]D-Fendermohsen: I've mirrored the book and added it to the end of that reference
15:39.58mohsen[TK]D-Fender: that's great. actually I was just answering _x86_. I could find the book on Though not sure how out-dated my version is.
15:40.45awannabehey guys, anyone used ParkAndAnnounce quite a bit?
15:42.45ai-adoes asterisk support Overlap dialing ?
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15:44.35QwellPhuntom: it isn't
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15:46.51[TK]D-Fenderawannabe: um... trying to follow what it is you want to do...
15:50.15awannabe[TK]D-Fender, well i want to transfer the call/start the parking, at that point instead of having it call the phone back i would like it to just announce the parking space right htne
15:50.43[TK]D-Fenderawannabe: Why not just park the call like NORMAL then?
15:50.47awannabeinstead of having it end the call, then call you back, a extra step id hate to have to do
15:51.05awannabe[TK]D-Fender: like normal? using DTMF digits? we are having GOBS of problems with that
15:51.19[TK]D-Fenderawannabe: what do you mean with DIGITS?
15:51.35[TK]D-Fenderawannabe: how are you planning on sending this call to be parked in the first place?
15:51.41*** part/#asterisk neverblue (n=neverblu@unaffiliated/neverblue)
15:51.52awannabetransfer the call to a extension, which then start ParkAndAnnounce
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15:52.21Trevor_B|Awaywith a transfer button or a * code?
15:52.22[TK]D-Fenderawannabe: how is that different than transferring to 700 for normal parking?
15:52.23awannabewe have been using call parking via DTMF, as in you hit #701 and it starts the "transfer" but we are having serious issues with that
15:53.04awannabenormal parking is from features config, well the DTMF parking we have been using
15:53.09[TK]D-Fenderawannabe: the point of parkandannounce is so you can do things like setting up an automated PAGING of where it was parked so nervous shmucks can park without having to have a nervous breakdown on a loudspeaker
15:53.22awannabelol, gotcha
15:53.25[TK]D-Fenderawannabe: Who said anythign about having to use DTMF for this?
15:53.45[TK]D-Fenderawannabe: you just transfer to 700.  How you want to go about doing that is irrelevant
15:53.51awannabei guess all the docs i read have said that is why, we just need to park a call, have it announce the parking space on the same call, and thats it
15:54.12[TK]D-Fenderawannabe: then you misunderstood its purpose
15:54.24[TK]D-Fenderawannabe: just to straight parking.
15:54.39awannabesee right now we are having issues with you park a call, you get a number, then you go to pick that call up, and it says "2"
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15:56.40[TK]D-Fenderawannabe: huh?
16:00.25awannabeyeah, our problem right now is, you park a call, it says slot "1", then you go to pick up slot 1, and it says "2"
16:00.37awannabeits soooo weird, and i have no ideal whats doing it
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16:01.58[TK]D-Fenderawannabe: you'd have to pastebin your config & CLI and maybe we'll see
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16:02.49nnyso whats the legal side of the http interface atserisknow uses? I don't need it per se, but it would be a nice addition to something built for a client. Is the interface GPLd?
16:03.11awannabeand its random, very bizarre. so thats why i was trying to get away from it complety. its 1.2.13 build as well, and that might be it
16:04.32awannabe[TK]D-Fender: so your saying just use normal park that is built in, and what is the way you recommend to do a transfer so the person hears what space it is parked on?
16:05.00ZackTekanyone have experience fixing a "We think we're the CPE, but they think they're the CPE too" issue?
16:05.21ZackTekwith a TE120P and a 10 channel PRI
16:05.48awannabeZackTek: you need to change the type, what is it set to right now?
16:05.55alrsZackTek: It sounds like you might be just getting loopback
16:07.06ZackTekspan = 1,1,0,esf,b8zs
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16:08.36dlynesI guess the BLINDTRANSFER variable only works in those cases, where you're doing an analogue blind transfer, not a sip transfer, using the transfer key on the phone?
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16:10.47ZackTekawannabe: what do you mean by type?
16:11.46ZackTekswitchtype is set to 5ess which is what the phone people told me
16:11.52ZackTeksignalling is set to pri_cpe
16:12.27MrMister2Hi. I'm having a problem with a vanilla instalation of Asterisk. * picks up the call, reports that it's playing a message and hangups. That's what it should do, problem is I get no sound :( This is from a mobile phone to a sip trunk.
16:12.41*** join/#asterisk JerJer (n=PhatJ@pdpc/supporter/bronze/jerjer)
16:13.02MrMister2Anyone had this issue before?
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16:13.33MrMister2I _think_ I have everything setup but since I'm a newbie I may be doing something dumb..
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16:16.49dlynesDoes ParkAndAnnounce not work as documented?
16:17.22dlynesI'm trying to get it to timeout back to a certain extension at a certain priority in a certain context, and yet it still insists on timing back out to the extension that parked the call
16:17.27*** part/#asterisk lukketto (
16:18.06dlynesMy line is as follows:  exten => *74,2,ParkAndAnnounce(pbx-transfer:PARKED|30|Local/dead|ring_all|${CALLERID(num)}|1)
16:18.37alrsZackTek: Sometimes the dorks at the carriers have no idea what they are talking about.  Try switchtype=national
16:18.41alrsfor sport
16:18.42dlynesI don't care about announcing the parkedcall extension, because it should ring back in 30 seconds to every extension
16:18.56ZackTekive tried that as well
16:19.11alrsZackTek: What are you using for a cable?
16:19.19ZackTekstraight ethernet
16:19.27ZackTeki tried a crossover but then the light on the card turns red
16:19.45alrsZackTek: and the card goes red if you unplug it at the smartjack?
16:20.09alrsZackTek How many spans are on that T1 card?
16:20.46dlynesMrMister2: can you repastebin as a non-polluted log, with verbosity set to 100?
16:20.55dlynesMrMister2: i.e. no sip debug?
16:21.02MrMister2dlynes: OK. Just a sec
16:21.41ZackTekone Span
16:21.42dlynesMrMister2: also, is anything behind a firewall?
16:21.47ZackTek9 bchannels and 1 dchannel
16:21.57ZackTekthe rest of the channels are for dat
16:22.27ZackTekthey said 24 was the dchannel and 1-9 were the bchannels
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16:23.14dlynesZackTek: this is a new install?
16:25.19dlynesZackTek: can you pastebin zap show status and zap show channels?
16:25.38ZackTekgive me a sec
16:26.08dlynesZackTek: also, is it a digium card, sangoma card, rhino card, ...?
16:26.12ZackTeki took down the server to double check the jumper on the te120p :-P
16:26.16ZackTekDigium TE120P
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16:27.01MrMister2dlynes: I dont think so, how can I check on linux? I'm a newbie on * and Linux :)
16:27.54dlynesMrMister2: as root user:  iptables -nL
16:28.14dlynesMrMister2: if you get more than about 12 lines or so, you've got a firewall
16:29.00dlynesMrMister2: or just pastebin the result of iptables -nL
16:30.06[intra]lanmanis there any way to get * to route a NOTIFY from another source to a user registered locally?
16:30.13MrMister2Any configuration there has been setup automatically by the instalation of Plesk
16:30.53dlynesMrMister2: I would fire plesk...with a setup like that, you may as well not even have a firewall
16:31.03MrMister2dlynes: :) LOL
16:31.19dlynesMrMister2: your windows networking is completely exposed to the Internet
16:31.26[TK]D-FenderMrMister2: I don't see you allowing SIP or RTP in that firewall
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16:31.47MrMister2dlynes: windows networking? You lost me there.
16:31.52dlynes[TK]D-Fender: that was going to be my next point :)
16:32.04f00bar80i want to setup my VOIP gateway as to be a VOIP long distance calls service provider , i want to know the software/hardware i'll need for both Client/Server sides , and any further accounts registration needed like SIP account or something else
16:32.07MrMister2[TK]D-Fender: What do I need to run to allow it?
16:32.08dlynesMrMister2: windows networking/samba file services/...
16:32.25[TK]D-FenderMrMister2: 5060,10000-20000 UDP
16:32.30MrMister2also, If no SIP allowed should I still be able to receive the call?
16:33.19dlynes[TK]D-Fender: btw...he's got ACCEPT     all  --  
16:33.27dlynes[TK]D-Fender: just to make it extra secure
16:33.45dlynes[TK]D-Fender: so the policy of drop all is null and void
16:34.05generalhananyone here use an IPCop box between their * box and the world ?
16:34.25[TK]D-FenderI also see in your log output that is hangups 1 SECOND after answering.  maybe you should LENGTHEN your test call for SANITY reasons...
16:35.11dlynes[TK]D-Fender: have any experience with the ParkAndAnnounce() application?
16:35.25generalhanim trying to setup some QoS stuff and i cant seem to find good documentation on how to get it done. And when ever im doing a large download, or there are a lot of people on at the same time, or remote users' connection drops to 600ms+
16:35.31ZackTekdlynes: here is my zap show status and zap show channels --->
16:35.40[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Not really, but feel free to ask anyways
16:35.59generalhans/ or / our /
16:36.00MrMister2[TK]D-Fender: K. let me put a longer message there. But disregarding the non-existance of security on the firewall, there should be nothing there to stop the sound, correct?
16:36.16f00bar80ppl, any comment ?
16:36.21dlynes[TK]D-Fender: keeps timing back out to the extension that parked for me, rather than the context,extension,priority that I specify
16:36.27generalhanuhh ... thats what i said the first time ! lol
16:36.31[TK]D-FenderMrMister2: if you believe that allow-all takes precedence
16:37.22dlynesZackTek: have you been getting any warnings or errors on your console or in your log from asterisk for the pri card?
16:37.50dlynesZackTek: also, anything peculiar in your dmesg about that card?
16:37.54[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: who said anything about it allowing you to specify an exten & prio?
16:38.31ZackTekdlynes: i just get the We think we're the CPE, but they think they're the CPE too
16:38.33dlynes[TK]D-Fender: return_context: the goto style label to jump the call back into after timeout. default=prio+1
16:38.34ZackTekdmesg looks ok
16:39.18dlynesZackTek: sounds like they've got their end misconfigured
16:39.26[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: it still only says CONTEXT, otherwise it continues on the CURRENT exten in the current context.  It does not say you can provide a NEW exten to land on.
16:39.27dlynesZackTek: get them to doublecheck their end
16:39.44[TK]D-FenderZackTek: pastebin your zapata.conf & zaptel.conf
16:39.57[TK]D-FenderZackTek: And dmesg while you're at it
16:40.48dlynes[TK]D-Fender: the name of the field is return_context, but the description is a 'the goto style label'
16:41.10dlynes[TK]D-Fender: and all the examples i've found all show a goto style label, not a context
16:41.25[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: pastebin an attempt
16:42.15dlynes[TK]D-Fender: nvm...I see what the stupid thing is doing
16:42.30dlynes[TK]D-Fender: it's ignoring the extension i'm giving it, and only taking the context and priority
16:42.49ZackTekmy dmesg:
16:43.09dlynes[TK]D-Fender: erm...nvm...that's cause I told it to :)
16:43.49[TK]D-FenderZackTek: -- DID YOU REMEMBER TO PLUG IN THE HD POWER CABLE TO THE TDM400P?? <---------
16:44.23ZackTekya it's not plugge din but im not using it anyway
16:45.34[TK]D-FenderZackTek: And now : ztcfg -vvvv
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16:48.01hmmhesaysgodaddy is so nice
16:48.06Qwellgodaddy sucks
16:48.14hmmhesayshaha they are friendly and cheap
16:48.20jbotmethinks cheap is a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
16:48.23f00bar80i want to setup my VOIP gateway as to be a VOIP long distance calls service provider , i want to know the software/hardware i'll need for both Client/Server sides , and any further accounts registration needed like SIP account or something else
16:48.28QwellVonage used to be friendly too
16:48.31hmmhesaysI take it you've had problems with them
16:48.46QwellI've just seen what they've done
16:48.53[TK]D-FenderZackTek: Ok, and whats the error you're getting now?
16:48.56hmmhesaysand what is it they have done that you don't like?
16:49.14ZackTekWARNING[3009]: chan_zap.c:9151 pri_dchannel: PRI Error: We think we're the CPE, but they think they're the CPE too.
16:49.21Qwellhmmhesays: google them :)
16:49.42[TK]D-FenderZackTek: What exactly are you plugging your system into?
16:49.59ZackTekDSX-1 port on an ADTRAN 608
16:50.10dlynes[TK]D-Fender: my mistake...that had nothing to do with why it wasn't's still not working...the pastebin is:
16:50.30[TK]D-FenderZackTek: maybe they ARE backwads.  Just change your zapata signalling and see if it stop whining.
16:50.39ZackTekya ive tried that
16:50.42hmmhesaysevery company makes mistakes
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16:51.52ZackTekit works now
16:52.07ZackTekthere was a dang loopback on the DSX-1 port that the phone company "has no idea how it got there"
16:52.14QwellZackTek: nice
16:52.34hmmhesaysall of the complaints are see are related to
16:52.37ZackTekthanks a lot guys
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16:53.39[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Why exactly are you doing an announce with no announce?
16:53.55f00bar80am i talking to myself ?
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16:53.56drutlandxptI am having issues with dtmf. can anyone help?
16:54.20[TK]D-Fenderf00bar80: Your wustion is just so wonderfully vague and huge.
16:54.34[TK]D-Fenderdrutlandxpt: details would help.
16:54.45hmmhesayseveryone one of the headlines on are related to
16:54.52gubluntuhey everyone
16:55.07dlynes[TK]D-Fender: because that application doesn't seem to have an option to announce the parked call extension to the user without calling them back, and because the peopel that will be using it just plain don't care what extension it's parked'll ring back in 30 seconds to all phones, anyways, so someone will pick it up
16:55.16Qwellhmmhesays: well, yeah, that's the guy who created
16:55.16gubluntui was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction
16:55.23f00bar80[TK]D-Fender: ok simply is asterisk the only thing i have to use to start a VOIP long distance calls servie provider ?
16:55.39gubluntuwhat kind of hardware do i need to be running asterisk and freepbx besides the computer and an internet line?
16:56.06[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: So they use it as a raww time-out to dial them back later with the call?
16:56.26dlynes[TK]D-Fender: person will park it, and it should ring back to all 11 extensions
16:56.31[TK]D-Fenderf00bar80: have you ever even USED * before?
16:56.44drutlandxptok. on my sip phone connecting to asterisk, when i use rtp or sip infndo as my selection, I can use dtmf with asterisk. However an outside line doesn't hear my tones. WHen I use inband, the outside line sorta works. It hears the tone, but then it stops all sound. I cannot hear anything coming from the other side
16:56.56[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Then screw parking.  if you want to have it ring back everyone later make a dialplan script for that.
16:57.11f00bar80[TK]D-Fender: only i know the main features
16:57.21dlynes[TK]D-Fender: then how am i going to park the call?
16:57.28[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: do a blind transfer to a local channel that will answer, play Moh for a specified time and jsut dial everyone!
16:57.44[TK]D-Fenderf00bar80: again very vague.
16:57.45hmmhesaysQwell, for a company that handles millions of registrations, there are bound to be some problems
16:57.50f00bar80[TK]D-Fender: i'm asking cause i don't have enough info
16:58.02*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
16:58.03Qwellhmmhesays: when was the last time google had a problem?
16:58.15f00bar80[TK]D-Fender: even correct me and point me to a guide for what i'm asking  about
16:58.21Qwellor, you know...most other registrars?
16:58.23[TK]D-Fenderf00bar80: We can't answer questions you don't have.  Go play with * some more and tell us what you think is MISSING and we'll tell you what will do the job.
16:58.29QwellI've never seen a problem with enom
16:58.50dlynes[TK]D-Fender: ah, that'll work (I think)....thanks for the idea
16:58.54[TK]D-Fenderf00bar80: And there is no miracle guide for using * to setup an ITSP.  What size?  What kind of hardware are you considering, etc
16:59.06[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: 6 lines of code.  TOPS.
16:59.10[intra]lanman[TK]D-Fender: i think a _good_ solution to realtime and mwi is missing, can you tell me what will do the job?
16:59.26dlynes[TK]D-Fender: and that will keep the original caller on hold for the entire duration, right?
16:59.28[TK]D-Fender[intra]lanman: Whats the actual problem you're trying to solve?
16:59.30hmmhesaysgoogle, google checkout horror stories
16:59.39[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: if you BLIND transfer, yes
16:59.51dlynes[TK]D-Fender: and if you do a regular transfer?
16:59.52hmmhesaysas I said, Everyone has had some problems somewhere
17:00.10hmmhesayseven google
17:00.10f00bar80[TK]D-Fender: i'm considering small ISTP serving not more than 20 user, and already i have my hosting server, i'm asking what else i need
17:00.12[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Rules of physics... what do you THINK that local channel would see?   YOUS <----
17:00.35dlynes[TK]D-Fender: yous?
17:00.39[TK]D-Fenderf00bar80: depends on what services you intend to use in providing them back to your clients.
17:00.44[TK]D-FenderYOURS *
17:00.55*** join/#asterisk Mw3 (
17:00.57f00bar80[TK]D-Fender: long distance calls , nothing more
17:01.02[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: BLIND transfer = your inbound callers ID, Attended = YOURS.
17:01.04[intra]lanman[TK]D-Fender: my problem is that mwi doesn't get sent to users if i'm using realtime without rtcache (which kinda defeats the purpose)
17:01.08[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: C'mon, this is * 101!
17:01.49dlynes[TK]D-Fender: so iow, it's not foolproof
17:01.49[TK]D-Fender[intra]lanman: Sorry, not RT experience
17:01.49dlynes[TK]D-Fender: the end user can still screw things up :)
17:01.49gubluntucan someone at least point me to a decent website with the information im looking for
17:01.49[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: users can ALWAYS screw stuff up...
17:01.53gubluntui dont quite understand how everythings connected once im running asterisk
17:02.06[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: If you do an attended transfer to park & annouce you'll gt screwed the same way as well.
17:02.30[TK]D-Fendergubluntu: "everything"?  huh?
17:02.43[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: "get over it".
17:02.52gubluntuspecifically, if i have asterisk and freepbx running on a linux box
17:02.59gubluntuwhat else is needed beside s the internet line?
17:03.07gubluntuhow do phones jack in etc..
17:03.11hmmhesayswhat a fantastically vague question
17:03.33gubluntuits not like im asking how long a piece of string is
17:03.59drutlandxpt[TK]D-Fender: do you have any ideas on my situation?
17:04.05gubluntumy current nortel pbx runs terminates into a patch panel
17:04.20[intra]lanman[TK]D-Fender: know of any way to get * to route a NOTIFY if i send the MWI from elsewhere (namely a sipsak on the same host)
17:04.23gubluntudo i need something similar for my linux box?
17:04.46[TK]D-Fender[intra]lanman: Nope, not a clue
17:05.34[TK]D-Fendergubluntu: You clearly need a T3 line, an Adtran de-mux and a 2 Sangoma A108d PRI cards..
17:06.11QwellEvery time you buy Sangoma, their CEO eats a baby.
17:06.25[TK]D-Fenderdrutlandxpt: You should check on the mode used by your OUTSIDE link.
17:06.35*** join/#asterisk Tili (
17:06.49drutlandxpt[TK]D-Fender: where is that at?
17:06.51[TK]D-Fendergubluntu: Oh yes... and a large supply a babies to feed their CEO
17:07.07[TK]D-Fenderdrutlandxpt: What are you using for this outside PSTN access?
17:07.32drutlandxpt[TK]D-Fender: a pri that is fed from my company. it is directly off a class 5 switch
17:08.03[TK]D-Fenderdrutlandxpt: what hardware are you using?
17:08.10[TK]D-Fenderdrutlandxpt: and what signalling?
17:08.54drutlandxpt[TK]D-Fender: zaptel 4 pri card pri_cpe
17:09.12gubluntuanyway i can just use asterisk,freepbx on a linux box and a virtual lan to terminate to regular cat5e jacks around the offce and just use some polycom ip phones
17:09.28[TK]D-Fenderdrutlandxpt: DTMF should be fine by default.... you should only have to concern yourself with your phones
17:09.31gubluntueverything running down a voip circuit provided by verizon?
17:09.51gubluntu=1.5 both ways
17:09.53*** join/#asterisk yannj_fr (
17:10.15[TK]D-Fendergubluntu: What exactly is a "VoIP Circuit"?  Thats a nifty new term...
17:10.28gubluntuwhatever internet circuit they provided me for voip
17:10.33dlynes[TK]D-Fender: ah, ok...didn't even know about it
17:10.46drutlandxpt[TK]D-Fender: the only thing that seems to work fully is inband, but when i press a number, it goes totally silent. it doesn't drop, just sits there
17:10.50dlynes[TK]D-Fender: but on another note, i've figured out to deal with that issue
17:10.51gubluntuits a regular t1.e1 line
17:11.03[TK]D-Fendergubluntu: You clearly need to get a grip with what you HAVE and what you WANT.
17:11.27[TK]D-Fendergubluntu: T1 DATA?!  Just a normal data link for connectivity to the INTERNET?
17:11.40[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Which issue?
17:13.18gubluntuwhat do you not understand... i was provided with a t1/e1 circuit that is capable of running a hosted voip solution provided by veriuzon... circuit connects to adtran, adtran to lan, lan to patch, patch to plycom phones
17:13.27gubluntucan i get asterisk in there some how
17:14.13drutlandxpt[TK]D-Fender: have you heard of that before?
17:14.57[TK]D-Fendergubluntu: T1 is merely a carrier technology.  PRI is a voice signalling often used.  There are others, and there is also jsut raw data, etc.  You were so vague it could have meant ANYTHING.
17:14.58dlynes[TK]D-Fender: where the callerid takes on the parker's callerid on an attended transfer
17:15.17[TK]D-Fendergubluntu: And if its jsut a link to the internet, sure you can run *, why the hell not?
17:15.29[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: And how would you solve that?
17:15.41dlynes[TK]D-Fender: asterisk db
17:16.00[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Oh, do share :)  This outta be nifty!
17:16.21gubluntu[TK]D-Fender: im trying to figure out where the * needs to sit.. on the lan?
17:16.37[TK]D-Fendergubluntu: sure
17:17.49dlynes[TK]D-Fender: grab the callerid when the call comes in, put it in asterisk db, for the channel identifier; when the call gets transferred into the local extension, and then times out, grab the callerid back from asteriskdb, set it, and ring all phones
17:19.12[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: And what if MULTIPLE calls get parked?
17:19.34[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: And if EVERY CID gets pushed, only the LATEST gets pulled.
17:19.52dlynes[TK]D-Fender: i assign it to the channel number/identifier
17:20.09dlynes[TK]D-Fender: read my original'll see I already said that
17:20.26lirakiswrong link ...
17:20.28[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Ohhh yeah, sign me up for 0 of those!!!
17:20.31dlynesi.e. Zap/1-1
17:20.40lirakisi thought you would like it
17:20.49dlynes[TK]D-Fender: or SIP/321-3F08DE
17:20.53[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: SHOW ME THE MONEY :)
17:21.15dlynes[TK]D-Fender: I'm too poor already...can't afford to give anyone else my moolah
17:21.52[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Its a Jerry McGuire line... geez...
17:22.09[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: I mean pastbin how you think you've "solved" this, so I can punch some holes in your bubble!
17:22.56dlynes[TK]D-Fender: i know that, sheesh
17:23.04dlynes[TK]D-Fender: i was just being facetious
17:23.09[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Because the second I hear ASTDB< I KNOW this ship is gonna sink :p
17:23.20dlynes[TK]D-Fender: astdb is crap?
17:23.42dlynes[TK]D-Fender: the other solution i was thinking of was global variables, but I don't like using those animals
17:23.55[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: jsut show me how you have set this up.....
17:24.02dlynesi don't yet
17:24.08dlynesIt was just a solution I had thought of
17:24.22[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Globals can't handle MULTIPLE "parked" calls.
17:24.37[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Thats going to be the big "catch"
17:24.45dlynes[TK]D-Fender: one global for each parked call
17:25.06[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: You'll never know how to pair them up again... keep trying...
17:25.42dlynesand i parse ouit the zaptel channel, to determine which one to use
17:25.55[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: even nastier as an attended transfer is a new call and you won't have a match for an originating channel as thats the answering side.
17:26.02dlynesbecause in this scenario, there are no voip calls
17:26.26[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: ok, try and code it up and then jsut show me.
17:26.39dlynesWill do, but it'llhave to wait a couple of hours
17:26.44dlynesNeed to head off to a job site first
17:26.47[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: I'm patient :)
17:28.12*** join/#asterisk vadiml1024 (
17:30.12vadiml1024hi i need a little assitance to set a loopback between 2 port of Wildcard TE210P
17:30.55[TK]D-Fendervadiml1024: Just google up "t1 cross-over cable" and you'll find specs in about 10 seconds flat
17:31.23vadiml1024i did that, i've problem with a zaptel.conf:
17:31.31vadiml1024# termtype: te
17:31.33*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
17:31.43vadiml1024# Span 2: TE2/0/2 "T2XXP (PCI) Card 0 Span 2" HDB3/CCS/CRC4
17:31.48vadiml1024# termtype: te
17:31.48vadiml1024loadzone        = fr
17:31.48vadiml1024defaultzone     = fr
17:32.01[TK]D-Fendervadiml1024: PASTEBIN
17:32.05jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
17:32.07[TK]D-Fendervadiml1024: do NOT spam in here
17:32.43[TK]D-Fendervadiml1024: So whats the problem?
17:33.25file[TK]D-Fender: going to the montreal asterisk user's group meeting thingy?
17:33.43[TK]D-Fenderfile: Whcih, when?
17:33.45vadiml1024with above zaptel.conf when doing ztcfg  i get
17:33.48vadiml1024ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 49: No such device or address (6)
17:33.51file[TK]D-Fender: this Friday
17:34.08[TK]D-Fendervadiml1024: Almost gauranteed taht you didn't set the E1 jumper on your cad
17:34.17[TK]D-Fendervadiml1024: card
17:34.22[TK]D-Fenderfile: Time & location?
17:34.28vadiml1024ahhh....... Thanksa ton!!!!!
17:34.41file[TK]D-Fender: ummm
17:34.54[TK]D-FenderNEXT!@!@@ (c) BKW
17:35.39drutlandxpt[TK]D-Fender: do you know of how I can have the dtmf between sip client and asterisk as sip info, but when it comes to the zaptel it is inband?
17:36.11*** join/#asterisk TrevorSHarrison (
17:36.45[TK]D-Fenderfile: And you're speaking too?  Very cool, definately in.
17:36.54fileI was voluntold
17:37.21[TK]D-Fenderfile: voluntold = ordered to come willingly?
17:37.28Qwellsomebody buy me a plane ticket, and I'll be there :p
17:37.40[TK]D-Fenderdrutlandxpt: test each INDEPENDANTLY.
17:38.00fileQwell: get Christen to put it against the coffee budget!
17:38.09Qwellcan do
17:40.28tristanbobdoes asterisk have a voice directory, so that I can simply speak the name I want?
17:41.12[TK]D-Fendertristanbob: No
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17:41.21putnopvutQwell: wouldn't you need a passport?
17:41.27fileha! he would
17:41.36tristanbob[TK]D-Fender: any third-party extensions that provide that?
17:41.45[TK]D-Fendertristanbob: Go lookup "voice recognition" on the WIKI and you can start with Sphinx
17:41.58tristanbob[TK]D-Fender: ok - will do - thanks
17:42.25[TK]D-Fendertristanbob: Free ones suck back, payed ones suck less, all are more trouble than they're worth
17:42.52*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
17:42.52tristanbobI love the one we use, not sure what brand -( avaya pbx, audix voice mail)
17:43.01Qwellugh, audix
17:43.11QwellI *hate* audix
17:43.45tristanbobQwell: not sure who does the voice directory
17:44.08Qwellprobably the phone lady
17:44.34Qwell(at my last job, the phone person was a woman, so it's always the phone lady to me...  not trying to be sexist or anything)
17:44.47mrempirecan aterisk ignore one msn
17:44.57Qwellwhat a weird lady she was too...
17:45.07Qwellshook her head when she walked...quite bizarre
17:45.21Qwell...but I digress
17:46.01viKing78How do you do a voice mail distribution in Asterisk?
17:46.05[TK]D-Fendermrempire: rephrase please....
17:46.11QwellviKing78: explain
17:46.23[TK]D-FenderviKing78: Voicemail(1&2&3&4&5&6,b)
17:46.57mrempirefender, I have 4 msns but i don't want to use 1 msn on asterisk
17:47.05viKing78[TK]D-Fender: Is that a dispatch or broadcast? What I mean is if one user deletes dies it clear the message for the rest?
17:47.21[TK]D-FenderviKing78: No, each is independant
17:47.23drutlandxpt[TK]D-Fender: SIPDtmfMode can be used to set the dtmf from a sip channel to inband when it goes to a zap channel
17:47.25mrempireI want to use it with my standard isdn phone, or else my wife will kill me
17:47.37[TK]D-Fenderdrutlandxpt: No, you should never have to do anything like that
17:47.40viKing78[TK]D-Fender: Is there a way to have it work the other way?
17:47.47*** join/#asterisk yannj_fr (
17:48.18[TK]D-Fendermrempire: Just don't ahve a parrtern match for that MSN.
17:48.32*** join/#asterisk ELBunce (n=erik@kde/developer/bunce)
17:48.36[TK]D-FenderviKing78: No normal way.....
17:48.56viKing78[TK]D-Fender: What do you mean by "normal"?
17:49.06[TK]D-FenderviKing78: closest alternative si make a shared box that your phones get MWI for, but its still ANOTHER box you have to check.
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17:49.51flujanjoin #macosx
17:50.04[TK]D-Fenderflujan: I'd rather not :p
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17:50.17mrempireFender, If i don't have a match in extensions.conf it gives a bussy tone
17:50.23[TK]D-FenderI'd sooner switch to a Linux distro than to MacOS :)
17:50.32viKing78[TK]D-Fender: When you call Voicemail(1&2&3&4,b) which greeting is played?
17:50.36flujan[TK]D-Fender: lol... just forget to put a /
17:50.43russellbviKing78: 1
17:50.57viKing78[TK]D-Fender: Thought so but wanted to check, thanks
17:50.58flujanman I am amused... asterisk is working for 15 days with no problems...
17:51.08[TK]D-Fendermrempire: show me the CLI output of the failed attempt at verbose 10, and channel debug enabled.
17:51.08flujanit never happened to me before... :)
17:51.14jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
17:51.24Qwell[TK]D-Fender: You wouldn't run osx on a normal x86 laptop if you could?
17:51.47flujanI must have learned something about asterisk configuration and deployment. :D
17:52.28[TK]D-FenderQwell: MacOS really doesn't offer me anything interesting.  Heck its hard to find a good free OSS FTP app and so much more.  Ubuntu offers tons of stuff right up front.
17:52.37Qwellfair enough
17:52.47[TK]D-Fenderflujan: You learn quickly my young Jedi....
17:53.27[TK]D-FenderQwell: Especailly as I'm not some Garageband / Photoshop chump.
17:53.29*** join/#asterisk tsurko (n=tsurko@
17:53.42flujan[TK]D-Fender:thanks master... and I refuse to join the dark side of the force...
17:53.54[TK]D-FenderQwell: I WOULD like to get QSynth, and  Rosegarden fully operational on my laptop however....
17:54.05Qwellyeah...rosegarden is seriously buggy for me
17:54.13*** join/#asterisk Op3r (n=Op3r@
17:54.13Qwellit locks up my whole machine sometimes (most of the time...)
17:54.22Qwellhard lock - even ssh dies
17:54.27[TK]D-FenderQwell: Ouch
17:54.56Qwellit might have something to do with idea
17:55.07[TK]D-FenderQwell: I basically need multi-track audio + MIDI with a live soft-synth thats SF2 compatible.
17:55.17mrempirefender, please have a look at
17:55.25Qwellyeah, rosegarden should do that
17:55.30Qwellit's really nice when it works
17:55.43Qwellit's pretty impressive, really
17:56.03mrempirein my /etc/misdn.conf i did not included that msn
17:56.04[TK]D-Fendermrempire: -- Executing [i@default:1] Playback("mISDN/1-u0", "invalid") in new stack <--- you are ANSWERING THE CALL!
17:56.37[TK]D-Fendermrempire: [Sep 11 19:44:41] WARNING[3298]: chan_misdn.c:4269 cb_events: Extension can never match, So jumping to 'i' extension. port(1) <------------- do NOT fail through to "i"
17:56.52[TK]D-Fendermrempire: Comment that out and you should be fine
17:58.11mrempirefender, but if I didn't included that msn in misdn.conf than i should not have answered
17:58.47mrempirein the mean time i will search for the 1 in extensions.conf
17:59.08mrempiresorry i mean i extension
18:00.07hmmhesaysdoes the polycom ip-320 not have a headset jack?
18:01.14[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: it does, a 2.5 mm on the right-hand side
18:01.33[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: 320/330 = 2.55 side mount, all others = RJ9
18:01.36[TK]D-Fender(on back)
18:01.36mrempireThanks Fender
18:02.13GlobeTrotterhola..  getting this error at the console  mpg123: no process killed Asteris ended with error code 1, automatically restating
18:02.20GlobeTrotteranyone seen that before?
18:02.31GlobeTrotterim using a .gsm file for moh
18:02.58[TK]D-FenderGlobeTrotter: And since when would you use mpg123 to play GSM files?!
18:03.13[TK]D-Fendermrempire: you're welcome.  I take it that everything woks now?
18:03.26hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender a single, not one for mic, one for speaker?
18:03.44GlobeTrotterthats my point.. in npt using mpg123, but i still get this error
18:03.49[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: Correct.  like a cell-phone headset, and like the SPA's use
18:04.00hmmhesaysoh 2.5mm
18:04.03[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: You can get an adapter for that though I'm sure
18:04.08mrempireFender, no not yet, I'm looking trough the extensions.conf
18:04.15[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: Are you even READING my answers? :)
18:04.27[TK]D-Fender[14:01]<[TK]D-Fender>hmmhesays: 320/330 = 2.55 side mount, all others = RJ9
18:04.48Qwellwhen're they gonna add bluetooth headset support?
18:05.06GlobeTrotteri am wondering why am i getting this error when im not using mp3 files or mpg123
18:05.08[TK]D-FenderQwell: Whent he market actually gives a shit :p
18:05.34hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender yeah sorry distracted
18:05.44[TK]D-FenderGlobeTrotter: apparently you ARE
18:07.52GlobeTrotterok thanks,,  ill try to see what i cn figure out..  muchas gracias
18:13.24mrempireFender, can you please have a look at my extensions.conf
18:13.30*** join/#asterisk Kurin- (
18:13.49Kurin-Does anyone here have experience setting up MWI on Polycom phones?
18:13.57Kurin-I can't for the life of me figure out how to get that stupid light to blink
18:14.14Kurin-and neither can I find any documentation on how the phone checks for new messages
18:14.45mrempireThe extensions.conf does not work as I expect ;(
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18:17.55Shido6what are you using for voicemail?
18:18.11Kurin-Just the asterisk scripts
18:18.31Shido6does regular vmail work for you yet?
18:18.46Shido6in sip.comf what do you have set for "mailbox" for that phones peer ?
18:19.06Kurin-114 is the extension and the mailbox name
18:19.11Kurin-voicemail is the context
18:19.40Kurin-Although `sip show peers` shows nothing
18:19.48Kurin-even though the phones, except for this, appear to work fine
18:20.16Shido6you should see your phone
18:20.18Shido6s ip
18:20.23Shido6when u do a sip show peer
18:20.32Shido6and when u make a phone call it works /
18:20.42Shido6and receive a call
18:20.46Kurin-I can even plug in the PRI line and get outgoing and incoming
18:20.53[TK]D-Fendermrempire: show us WHERE   since we aren't PSYCHIC and don't know what you "expect"
18:21.09Shido6do u have mwi msg.mwi.1.subscribe= to anything in your cfg file?
18:21.23[TK]D-FenderShido6: Shouldn't have to.
18:21.37[TK]D-FenderKurin-: pastebin your voicemail.conf and your sip.conf entrey for that phone.
18:21.40jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
18:21.51Kurin-Yeah I wasn't quite sure what the subscribe should be, I've tried it both ways
18:21.53Shido6might want to pastebin your phone cfg, too
18:22.06Kurin-yeah one sec
18:22.53*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
18:22.54Kurin-The sip.conf is actually via odbc, so I have to format it
18:22.56*** join/#asterisk JT (n=j@unaffiliated/jt)
18:24.21Shido6in odbc eh?
18:24.43Kurin-but it registers and even updates the database with the correct IP
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18:27.45Qwell15 minutes to upgrade firmware...that's pretty ridiculous
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18:28.40Qwellsaving application, checking application, loading
18:28.50Qwellif it had to save it, wouldn't it have had to have been loaded?
18:29.24nnysoo... I know that the asteriskgui is generally frowned upon. We are working on setting up something for our clients to do basic user changes etc. and we are checking it out.
18:29.37nnyquick q about it. It seems to read users.conf. Why?
18:29.41Kurin-god I hate giant db tables
18:29.51*** join/#asterisk m0t3jl (
18:30.00Kurin-sip_conf has like 30 relations
18:30.00Qwellnny: because that's how it was written
18:31.06nnyQwell: lol
18:31.17*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
18:31.19nnyQwell: so is users.conf a alt for files like sip.conf?
18:32.01deeperrorAnyone know what could cause this?
18:32.02Kurin-Shido6, [TK]D-Fender:
18:33.34deeperrormessages reaches a gig in about a minute
18:35.10mcabQwell: downloading and saving is working with a compressed app; loading application is decompressing it from flash and running it. (but, yeah, it's a PITA)
18:36.51[TK]D-FenderKurin-: LOOKS fine.  how about checking that there is in fact NEW mail waiting?
18:37.13Kurin-yeah there is
18:37.20Kurin-"you have" "one" "new message"
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18:42.27Poehalihey guys
18:42.42PoehaliI still can't get SPA3102 to work on asterisk
18:42.45[TK]D-FenderKurin-: Hrm....
18:43.03[TK]D-FenderPoehali: And do you have anything more to say for yourself than you did last night?
18:43.23PoehaliI put in proxy, outbound proxy of asterisk box ip, make call and answer without reg:yes, and subscriber information, but subscription always fails
18:43.32Poehali[TK]D-Fender: yes
18:43.44deeperroranyone ever seen errors like this or have any clues what to look into on this
18:43.47Poehali[TK]D-Fender: and I got in a fenderbender last night
18:44.14_ShrikEIm having an issue with username/authname mismatch when registering multiple lines from the same device in 1.4.11.  Bug 9044 seems to acknowledge the issue, does anyone know if this is going anywhere?
18:44.19MrMister2Question: I keep getting "Remote UNIX connection
18:44.43MrMister2on the CLI of Asterisk. How can I get rid of those lines?
18:45.06Kurin-maybe the phones are somehow not registering as peers?
18:45.40Kurin-even though they should be "friends"
18:45.49MrMister2[TK]D-Fender: BTW, your sugestion to increase the time led me to the solution to my lack of sound. Once I inserted a delay before playing a sound it worked fine.
18:46.39[TK]D-FenderMrMister2: Good to hear
18:46.55*** join/#asterisk ELBunce (n=erik@kde/developer/bunce)
18:47.33Kurin-sip show users is equally blank
18:48.48NuggetI'm getting lots of dtmf problems on our pri where callers can't navigate the ivr because asterisk isn't properly decyphering the dtmf
18:48.55Nuggetany hints on where to look to debug that?
18:49.21Nuggetnaturally it works whenever I call in to test it
18:51.15Poehali[TK]D-Fender: so PTSN line status shows line voltage: -50 (V), registration state: failed
18:51.44*** part/#asterisk nny (
18:53.37agxi experience DB corruption in astdb, there is a way i can check it before starting asterisk start so i can zero it?
18:53.46MrMister2I'm getting a msg on the CLI of * roughly every second. Very annoying and it fills the log file like crazy, any idea on how I can deactivate it?
18:55.16agxMrMister2 1) don't use CLI 2) comment it out into the code 3) check manager.conf sample there is an option for it i suppose
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18:57.34Kurin-What's wrong with the CLI?
18:58.20MrMister2agx: The message I meatn was the one I said above. "Remote UNIX connection" I assume this might be because I have the verbosity too high?
18:58.39Kurin-Now that I've put my info in sip.conf directly, it works and I get a vmail light
19:01.13*** join/#asterisk heartones (n=heartone@
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19:05.25agxMrMister2 as i said, Manager.conf, try with displayconnects = yes/no
19:06.37*** join/#asterisk pjz (n=pj@
19:07.02pjzanyone have suggestions on an asterisk appliance?
19:07.16Strom_Mthe asterisk appliance :)
19:07.18pjzI wouldn't mind Digium's, if I can find one
19:07.21Strom_Mthat's my suggestion
19:07.36pjzokay, so where can I order one with 4 FXS lines?
19:07.53pjzor do I need FXO? bah, I always forget
19:07.59pjzI need to use 4 POTS lines
19:08.05pjzall internal phones will be SIP
19:08.14dasuberdavidOrder a Digium TDM04B
19:08.18dasuberdavid4 FXO modules
19:08.31pjzokay, so I need FXO not FXS then?
19:08.44dasuberdavidIf you are connecting the card to POTS lines, you need FXO modules
19:09.14pjzso I'd like an asterisk appliance with 4+ FXO lines
19:09.21pjzsuggestions anyone?
19:09.38Strom_Mpjz: digium appliance
19:09.46pjzStrom_M: from where?
19:10.10pjzI looked at digium's website, but they don't sell direct, and their distributors all seem to suck
19:10.27pjzthough I'm tempted to get the AADK and use it in production
19:10.34*** join/#asterisk tomcontr3 (
19:10.42Strom_Mpjz: well it did just start shipping last week
19:10.51pjzStrom_M: ah, that would explain it :)
19:11.01tomcontr3hi,  I just bought a Digium TDM400 with to FXO modules only has 'VOIP only' versions
19:11.11*** join/#asterisk YoYo (n=chatzill@
19:11.24YoYocan anyone here help me get a sangoma card set up on freebsd?
19:12.11pjzStrom_M: any word on if you can, say, buy FXO modules and switch out the FXS modules in one? or are they hard wired?
19:12.13Corydon76-digHave you tried Sangoma?
19:12.23Corydon76-digBecause they should know how to set up their cards
19:12.25Kurin-So why would `sip show peers` not show realtime peers?
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19:12.35YoYobeen digging on their site for a while... looking for peer support before calling them :)
19:12.40jwhit does realtime lookups
19:12.44agxpjz: you should ask yourself why distributor does not sell it :)
19:12.48jwhit will only show the realtime peers if its cached
19:12.52Corydon76-digYoYo: if they say no, then that's that
19:12.53jwhrtcachefriends in sip.conf
19:12.54[TK]D-FenderPoehali: if your registration failed then you set the wrong credentials.
19:12.56pjzagx: because it just started shipping last week
19:13.00Kurin-jwh: thanks
19:13.00tomcontr3but I dont know how to install it
19:13.01YoYowho said no?
19:13.05tomcontr3I mean configur it
19:14.46MrMister2agx: mmm... I can't sem to find anything on manager.conf that seems to be related to it. Any hints on where it could be?
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19:15.07agxMrMister2 put displayconnections=no in [general] section
19:15.21MrMister2agx: ah. Thnks :)
19:15.35agxMrMister2 btw check manager.conf sample or manager.c in asterisk source; i cannot remember the spell of the option
19:15.53tomcontr3can anyone help me to configure my TDM400P?
19:15.55MrMister2agx: I just googled it and got no hits
19:16.07tomcontr3Im getting some errors when starting asterisk
19:17.17MrMister2agx: the correct is displayconnects=no Thanks for the answer :)
19:18.09tzafrir_laptoptomcontr3, what errors do you get?
19:18.22agxMrMister2, /usr/src/asterisk/CORE-1.4/asterisk-1.4.11/main/manager.c (displayconnects = yes/no)
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19:19.00tomcontr3something about zaptel and IAX
19:19.14tomcontr3I can send you the logs via pastebin
19:19.43*** join/#asterisk limbje (
19:19.47drwelbyIn iax.conf, for a Zoiper client, should DTMFMODE=AUTO work ok, or is there a picky setting?
19:19.59ManxPowertomcontr3: Sep 11 11:15:34 ERROR[2331] chan_zap.c: Unable to load config zapata.conf
19:20.08ManxPoweryou don't have /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf or it is not valid
19:20.37ManxPowerdrwelby: iax does not have a dtmfmode
19:20.57ManxPowerIAX only has one DTMF mode, you can't turn it off, you can't change it.
19:21.03*** join/#asterisk sashion (
19:21.15tomcontr3that file exist in /etc/zapata.conf
19:21.22drwelbyManxPower: Well, that simpifies the troubleshooting then!
19:21.24ManxPower(btw, this is not an issie as you should never have to turn it off or change it.
19:21.41ManxPowertomcontr3: you need TWO files.  /etc/zaptel.conf and /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
19:21.44drwelbyMust be on the Zoiper end
19:22.02tomcontr3ohhh you are right
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19:22.24tomcontr3now I get this
19:22.32sashionanyone had segmentation faults in ast_senddigit_end() ?
19:26.06tomcontr3this is what I have in the zapata.conf file
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19:26.24smacehello !! I am using Monitor for recording calls. But I would to have calls saved in mp3 format instead of wav. Is it possible?
19:26.27limbjei need to register to my provider with a user and a peer
19:26.47sashionsmace, lookup MONITOR_EXEC
19:26.49limbjecan't find if my peer and user is connected...
19:26.50YoYosmace: edit res_monitor.c to tell soxmix to use mp3 on the outfile
19:27.15sashionYoYo: whats the cpu implications of encoding directly to mp3 ?
19:27.34YoYocan't encode directly to mp3... can only mix the -in and -out streams
19:28.00roxy_does someone knows of a command line softphone ? I just want to test if I can register with asterisk.
19:28.16YoYoand on my box, it's not noticible...  but, I only ever have 4-5 calls at a time, and I'd expect it to be a rare event when 2 calls end at the same moment
19:28.37tzafrir_laptoptomcontr3, you can get a working sample by running xpp/utils/genzaptelconf in the zaptel directory
19:28.51tzafrir_laptoplook at /etc/asterisk/zapata-channels.conf then
19:29.08smaceYoYo: should this file be in  /usr/include/asterisk/?
19:29.08sashionYoYo: I have a system running about 80 - 180 simultaneous calls at a time, and I've been looking at mp3 recording, but am too worried about performance impact
19:29.20sashionsmace: Asterisk source code
19:29.26sashionwhere you compiled asterisk from
19:29.33smacesashion: but it means I should recompile asterisk no?
19:29.49sashionyou've done it once, I'm sure you can again
19:29.50limbjesip show users
19:30.00smacesashion: the asterisk I have was not compiled by me.
19:30.15smaceis there any other way?
19:30.46limbjeis a user to make calls or to receive calls
19:30.46sashionhmm get someone with the same version of asterisk, compile it, and then copy their /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ to yours
19:30.57jfitzgibbonsmace: transcode from wav to mp3 after the fact with whatever tool you're comfortable using
19:31.17sashionhence lookup MONITOR_EXEC in
19:31.38sashionwill give you some tips about how to run commands against your recordings after the channel ends
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19:32.30smacethank you, it is helpful :)
19:32.43sashionsmace: No problem
19:35.24*** join/#asterisk Al_Berto (
19:35.52Al_Bertohi! can i stop asterisk (1.2) from forwarding dtmf signals?
19:37.25Al_Bertoi'd like asterisk to just process dtmf-signals according to features.conf, without retransmitting them to other peers
19:40.04*** join/#asterisk webtech_m33 (
19:41.19webtech_m33anyone know of a good web based program to interface with asterisk?
19:42.02webtech_m33i am running a ubuntu 7.04 server
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19:46.38tomcontr3I configured my TDM400P  but now Im getting
19:47.08sashionwebtech_m33: asterisk_gui or checkout freepbx
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19:51.03tomcontr3does anyone knows this?
19:51.07tomcontr3#/sbin/ztcfg -vvvv
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19:52.19deeperrorlsmod | grep zt
19:52.41tomcontr3ztdummy                 7944  0
19:52.42tomcontr3zttranscode            12424  0
19:52.42tomcontr3zaptel                184228  3 ztdummy,zttranscode,wctdm
19:53.25deeperrorzaptel.conf & zapata.conf been setup?
19:53.30webtech_m33so FreePBX is put on top of asterisk?
19:54.24[TK]D-Fendertomcontr3: pastebin dmesg, I have a rather strong suspicion...
19:55.59deeperrorhow would i find out which revision is used in a final release?
19:57.43Nuggetman, I really need to just start from scratch and make a clean dialplan.  Three years of cruft and evolving asterisk functions has left this one pretty messy.
19:58.25Trevor_B|Awaywebtech_m33: Yes, freepbx is a LAMP stack that uses the data to write the asterisk config and reload when required.  #freepbx should be able to field answers on it.
19:59.28tomcontr3any idea <[TK]D-Fender?
20:01.15[TK]D-Fendertomcontr3: modprobe your card, then pastebin "ztcfg -vvvv" , then try starting *
20:01.34tzafrir_laptoptomcontr3, what is the output of:  lszaptel # or cat /proc/zaptel/*
20:02.01[TK]D-Fenderdeeperror: Which version of what?  Zaptel?
20:02.55deeperror[TK]D-Fender: yes
20:03.31tzafrir_laptoptomcontr3, this is after running ztcfg?
20:03.34tomcontr3<[TK]D-Fender: I have already done modprobe wctdm
20:03.45tzafrir_laptopif so, your /etc/zaptel.conf is empty or something
20:04.24tomcontr3in zaptel.conf I have  fxoks=1-2 loadzone = cl defaultzone=cl
20:04.30tomcontr3in different lines ofcourse
20:05.21tzafrir_laptopwhat is the output of ztcfg ?
20:05.49tomcontr3ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: Invalid argument (22) .........
20:06.05tzafrir_laptopplease use genzaptelconf
20:06.18tzafrir_laptopxpp/utils/genzaptelconf in the zaptel dir
20:06.27jfitzgibbontomcontr3: you have FXO modules, so you need FXS signaling, right?
20:06.42tzafrir_laptopmaybe you got wrong module numbers or wrong types or something
20:06.54tomcontr3I have olny 2 FXO modules
20:07.07tzafrir_laptopfxsks=1-2, then
20:07.28tzafrir_laptopbut then again, if you used genzaptelconf you wouldn't have needed to remember this
20:07.35tomcontr3so I delete fxoks=1-2 ?
20:08.01deeperrorit seems backwards but is correct
20:08.07tzafrir_laptopreplace fxoks with fxsks
20:08.20tzafrir_laptopor run genzaptelconf
20:08.43tomcontr3ok ztcfg said nothing
20:09.08tomcontr3but now Im getting this
20:09.50deeperrorprobably need to make the same update in zapata
20:10.24tomcontr3that was the problem
20:10.33tomcontr3I had fxo_ks instead
20:13.21tomcontr3thanks guys
20:15.29los415does anyone have sample configs of getting asterisk to talk to a nextone via sip
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20:16.05deeperrorhow should one go about asking a question related to specific lines of code?
20:18.28tomcontr3I pluged my PSTN line to the TDM400,  but when I call in... it says NoOp("Zap/1-1", "No DID or CID Match")
20:19.25ManxPowertomcontr3: sounds to me like you are using some GUI
20:20.00ManxPowerBefore you answer: The last someone admitted to using a GUI here, we tossed their body in the canal for the 'gators.
20:20.18ManxPowerThere are at least 3 other channels for GUI stuff.
20:20.42ManxPowerdeeperror: try #asterisk-dev if the lines of code are from Asterisk
20:21.43tomcontr3but how to I make my TDM400 Card to check for the CallerID
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20:24.38jablkoi have a zaptel fxo interface
20:24.56jablkomy dial plan is configured so as soon is it rings, asterisk calls a sip interface
20:25.03jablkowith timeout 20seconds
20:25.12ManxPowertomcontr3: do you have callerid enabled in zapata.conf?
20:25.12jablkowithout actually answering the zaptel interface
20:25.37ManxPowerAlso put in a Noop(CALLERID(all) is ${CALLERID(all)}) to see what you are getting
20:25.49ManxPowerjablko: astrisk will not answer unless you tell it to.
20:25.54jablkothis gives people 20 seconds to answer the zaptel interface by picking up an extension
20:26.04jablkoManxPower: right, this is the intention
20:26.05ManxPowerSpecific APPLICATIONS will answer, check the docs for the app
20:26.43jablkoif the SIP interface is not available, asterisk answers the call immediately (goes to voicemail)
20:26.55ManxPowerjablko: then don't do that.
20:27.06jablkothis doesn't give people 20 seconds to pickup an extension on the PSTN
20:27.12ManxPowerVoicemail has to answer, if you don't want it to answer, then don't run Voicemail when the Dial ends
20:27.30ManxPowerjablko: Uh, if the SIP device is not available, you can't use it.
20:27.56[TK]D-Fenderjablko: If no channel is left available to ring its not going to sit around doing NOTHINIG for those 20 sec you know...
20:28.06jablkohow can i make asterisk dial the SIP interface immediately, but wait 20seconds before ansering the call and going to voicemail, regardless of whether the SIP interface is avaialble?
20:28.30ManxPowerjablko: you check the value of DIALSTATUS and decide if you want to run Voicemail or run Wait(20)
20:28.37jablkoi think i need to combing Dial(...,20) and Wait(20) somehow...
20:28.45jablkoManxPower: ah
20:28.52ManxPowerjablko: Asterisk is not designed and will never support picking up lines OUTSIDE of Asterisk.
20:28.57[TK]D-Fenderjablko: NO
20:29.38[TK]D-Fenderok, heading out, BBIAB
20:29.39ManxPowerchances are DIALSTATUS will be CHANUNAVAIL if the SIP device is not reackable
20:29.53Qwellreackable...interesting typo
20:30.31jablko(eventually we don't want picking up the line OUTSIDE asterisk, but we're currently limited by hardware - making a slow transition from analog system to asterisk)
20:30.35ManxPowerIf it is busy, then DIALSTATUS will be BUSY, if it does not answer then it will be NOANSWER.  All this is documented in "show application dial" and examples of doing stuff with DIALSTATUS is in macro-std-exten in the extensions.conf.sample
20:30.54*** join/#asterisk s1gny|wrk (n=s1gny@
20:31.01jablkoManxPower: can do, thanks
20:31.06*** part/#asterisk s1gny|wrk (n=s1gny@
20:31.17ManxPowerjablko: unfortunatly "slow transitions" when it comes to PBXs are seldom slow, nor transitions.  Usually they are causes of heart attacks, ulcers, and unemployment
20:31.18jablkocouldn't figure out what was the "right" way to make this work...
20:31.37jablkochecking the DIALSTATUS works, thanks
20:36.31*** join/#asterisk potsboy (
20:41.45tomcontr3how can I detect when the line is beeing used by someone else,  so I dont interrupt the call when Im using 2 FXO modules
20:42.09deeperrorcli> zap show channels
20:42.12jfitzgibbontomcontr3: you won't interrupt the call.  try it
20:43.40webtech_m33anyone know what the ubuntu package for  perl-CPAN
20:44.04jfitzgibbontomcontr3: in a strangely apropos moment, the answer is to check ${DIALSTATUS}
20:46.47PoehaliI have the right "secret" but SPA3102 still fails to register to asterisk
20:50.45Poehaliis there a iptables rule I need to set on asterisk?
20:51.41tomcontr3it did
20:51.46tomcontr3thats why im asking
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20:56.18tomcontr3should I configure something for that in the zapata.conf?
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21:00.30*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
21:02.45smaceI could not understand till now how to forward calls. I am using SPA-3102 and Asterisk. But I am not sure about if I should forward in the ATA or in Asterisk.
21:04.22smaceI would like when someone calls to the Public Line this call to be redirected to one Ramal. I could already record the call. This way I would have the call redirected and recorded.
21:05.43[TK]D-Fendersmace, "one Ramal." huh?
21:06.20smaceconsider it, one termination. one Telephone. I thought it was ENglish. Sorry.
21:07.59[TK]D-Fendersmace, Still not making any sense
21:09.22watchyanyone here run 3 displays + on a windows box?
21:09.39QwellI don't think anybody here runs windows
21:09.44watchyi do :/
21:09.57watchylinux isn't a very good desktop os
21:10.18smace[TK]D-Fender: Just a sec. I'll write with diferent words. :)
21:10.33[TK]D-Fenderwatchy, I have a friend who runs 4
21:10.47[TK]D-Fendersmace, Oh, and try not to pick them at random this time :p
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21:11.33watchytk: my friend is having trouble with running 2 PCI-e video cards
21:12.01[TK]D-Fenderwatchy, Not sure how that works outside SLI mode.
21:12.31[TK]D-FenderThen again... I'm on ONBOARD video now on all my systems :)
21:13.58watchyyea apparently not well
21:14.08watchyhis 8800GTX and a 6600 won't work for some reason
21:14.38[TK]D-Fenderwatchy, which one fails?
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21:15.22watchythe 6600 never starts i guess windows never talks to it
21:15.34watchybut if he removes his 8800 and puts the 6600 in the main slot it works
21:16.17[TK]D-Fenderwatchy, and if he simply inverts the cards?
21:16.47watchyno work
21:16.52watchybrb gotta take a shower
21:16.53[TK]D-Fenderwatchy, NONE?
21:16.59watchythats some good info about it
21:17.12watchywhichever cards in the main slot boots
21:17.50[TK]D-Fenderwatchy, oh well, that post really says it all.
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21:22.42Poehalianyone here configured a SPA3102 here? I'm really stuck now
21:24.54*** join/#asterisk webavant (
21:25.03smaceI would like to forward all calls coming from PSTN (SPA-3102  -> FXO) to one remote voip/sip phone (SPA-2000 -> FXS). All calls will be recorded when are being forwarded (it is already working). Asterisk is working fine for recording and calling (when dialing numbers manually). I do not know where I should do the forward in the SPA-3102 and Asterisk. I have tried some setup but did not work... expected, and I am feeling a little lost now. Does it sound clear now? :)
21:26.14*** join/#asterisk Yourname`` (n=IM@unaffiliated/yourname/x-837320)
21:26.27webavantany of you use with Skype?  When I tell GrandCentral to call my Skype for recording voice mails, it does not detect my key-presses, although I can hear the tone during the recording playback... anyone know how to configure Skype to properly generate the tones or something?
21:26.30deeperrorsmace: do you answer your incoming context?
21:26.53Yourname``Hi, so while we're doing some dialing. I change the sip.conf to go through another provider. And when I do sip reload on the CLI, it'll automatically switch to the changed provider, correct? Or will I need to restart?
21:27.17Poehaliso basically SPA3102 doesn't work?
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21:28.21Winkiehey guys, i'm getting quite big times reported from rtp.c, can someone give me a hand understanding this?
21:28.35smaceI cant manage to have it working properly. It works, but not as I expected. THe point is where I should do the forward. Dialing numbers manually works fine, but I would like to have automatically forwarded.
21:29.10Poehalioh please help me
21:29.19PoehaliI can't even get it to work as not as I expected
21:30.44*** part/#asterisk deeperror (
21:30.57smacePoehali: What do you wanna do?
21:31.36idowhat's the preferred SIP/voip provider for small businesses looking to take incoming 800 calls?  i'm looking into phone support options for a company i'm starting and i would love any advice from you seasoned veterans. :)
21:31.46Poehaliso what's the proper way to do it?
21:32.45PoehaliI want to get sipura to talk to asterisk
21:32.45Strom_Mido: i like teliax
21:33.47idoStrom_M: two issues come to mind: if i don't like them, how easy is it to port/keep the same number when moving providers (for 800 numbers)? and, IAX vs. SIP -- for multiple simultaneous incoming calls, any differences worthy of mention?
21:34.14Strom_Mido: 800 numbers are universally portable, usually
21:34.23Strom_Mand teliax uses iax and sip; i like both.
21:34.26idoStrom_M: do you have experience with 800 numbers?
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21:35.14Strom_Mido: yes
21:35.25Trionniscan someone help with getting * to allow unregistered/unauthenticated calls to be sent out an IAX channel?
21:35.35mohsenmmm, how can I check the status of a sippeer in real time? SipPeer doc says it does not function with real time.
21:35.55TrionnisI have allowguest=yes in sip.conf, and it's still throwing 407 when a call is placed
21:35.56idofantastic.  i am completely new to the 800 number deal.  would you be interested in compensation in exchange for a little hand-holding sometime next month?
21:37.32idosweet.  privmsging you shortly.
21:44.51*** join/#asterisk tc3driver (
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21:47.52webavanthmmm... I thought grandcentral could add custom ringbacks
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21:58.18smaceI need some tip to forward calls. I am lost here. SPA-3102 manual is not saying much clearly how-to.
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22:20.27SA007anyone know how to convince asterisk to translate sip info calls to dtmf tones?
22:23.58_ShrikEgood afternoon folks
22:24.31SA007afternoon? its almost half past midnight over here
22:24.42Qwellmmm, cow nuggets
22:26.12Toerkeiumhello guys. If I initiate a call from AST mananger from (lets say) PHP.. is there any way to monitor if the call was answered? would anyone point me in the right direction? I am pretty lost here
22:26.33Qwellyou could watch the manager events...
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22:27.35ToerkeiumQwell.. and how can I identify each call? I mean, does the AST manager return any ID once I initiate a call?
22:29.12SA007old one, but funny ;)
22:29.27ToerkeiumI ask this because lets say I initiate 3 calls at the same time from a web page, and based on if the call is answered I need to return some text to the web caller
22:31.30*** join/#asterisk _10nix_ (
22:33.36_10nix_hello, im having a bit of a problem with the voicemail module, i was wondering if anyone might offer a suggestion
22:34.03_10nix_when i call into the voicemail main, it automatically playsback goodbye
22:35.25_10nix_im calling in on a SIP extension
22:37.13*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
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22:40.37the_goatanyone here handy with call parking
22:42.36the_goatanyone here?
22:43.58RipeR-81the_goat seems everyone is pretty busy
22:44.07RipeR-81i also need help on outgoing calls
22:44.13JTbusy or not here
22:44.17JTor unable to help
22:44.27RipeR-81JT or newbie like us
22:52.52the_goatok, since i am finished eating, i can ask my ;-)
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22:53.29sivanatzanger: ping
22:54.22the_goatok, i am having an issue with call parking.  when someone calls in, and i put them on park, i go to the other phone and dial the parked extension.  the issue i am having, i can't hear the caller from the phone i just picked up the parked extension on.  they can hear me just fine though
22:56.55*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
22:59.58the_goatyeah....when i pickup the parked go to the phone and dial 702 or what ever.  when i talk on that phone the can hear me, but i can't hear them
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23:17.57the_goathey ripe, iforgot to ask what your ? was
23:19.06Qwellssokol: hey
23:21.13the_goathi quell, are you handy with call parking?
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23:34.30RipeR-81the_goat u forgot to aske me???
23:35.06RipeR-81ask* me that is .. mispelling is a killer
23:40.32*** join/#asterisk heartones (n=heartone@
23:41.08PoehaliI figured out how to read asterisk logs now
23:41.17the_goatyou said you had a question about outbound calls
23:41.25Poehaliit appears the actual error for me not being to log in is "device does not match ACL"
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23:47.39RipeR-81the_goat yeah.. im trying to configure to call thru a sip server
23:47.45RipeR-81aka touchstar
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23:48.28RipeR-81the_goat but right now im with tech support from them trying to set asterisk so we can make outbound calls thru them
23:48.56RipeR-81the nortel pbx i have here it seems so outdated
23:49.24the_goatdo you have your peers defined in sip.conf
23:50.07Toerkeiumpeople, I am looking events and I see a Uniqueid which is useful to me, if I could some way send within the originate action some other or same uniqueid... is this possible?
23:50.17RipeR-81the_goat yep i guess the problem was on the dialing rules
23:51.10the_goatexten => _1NXX-NXX-XXXX,2,Dial(SIP/sipprovider/${EXTEN})
23:51.26the_goati use this in my dialplan.  i dial one and the number and it dials out
23:52.02Toerkeiumanyone? any idea?
23:53.10the_goatsorry toerkeium.  i am fairly new to asterisk so i am still learning
23:53.19the_goatdo you know anything about call parking
23:54.13TJNIIToerkeium: I think you can do that in the dialplan, but I haven't played with it.
23:54.32TJNIIA friend was taking about agi scripts to do that.
23:55.01ToerkeiumI am using the AMI with php
23:55.05RipeR-81the_goat im using exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/sipprovider/${EXTEN})
23:55.41Poehalithe_goat: yes I have peers defined in sip.conf
23:56.07Poehalithe_goat: I can connect using portsip but not with the sipura device, same login
23:56.37ToerkeiumI am trying something with "ActionID" but it doesn't appear in the event responses
23:56.48the_goatwhat happens when you try to connect with the sipura device
23:56.56Poehalithe_goat: failed
23:57.25ToerkeiumI think that if I make it appears I could just do this setting up the ActionID with a timestamp
23:58.15Poehalithe_goat: [C[Sep 11 15:51:18] NOTICE[3024] chan_sip.c: Registration from <sip:john@>' failed for '' - Device does not match ACL
23:59.07*** part/#asterisk generalhan (
23:59.52Toerkeiumhmm if I telnet to asterisk it shows the actionID in the response, but not when I request "Action: events" from the AMI
23:59.52Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!

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