IRC log for #asterisk on 20070909

00:04.00Teln1100AWhats the difference between PSTN line and Line1 on Linksys SPA3102 and how do I control the logic of when I dial out on Phone port to go out through Voip
00:17.45EclecticRobwhere are asterisk sound files saved usually?
00:20.43lesouvageIs there a problem with the Asterisk forum. I just find out that my posts over the last years show up under another name.
00:23.08lesouvageI think there is a problem: My posts are from before the date this member has joined the asterisk forum. It' not really a problem but kind of strange to discover.
00:29.47*** join/#asterisk apardo (n=apardo@
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00:42.53lesouvageeclecticrob: /var/spool/asterisk/sounds or on a debian system /usr/share/asterisk/sounds
00:43.07EclecticRobI found it, thanks though :)
00:54.05*** join/#asterisk kiscokid (
00:57.44dugeverytime I restart asterisk (1.4)  I get a message telling me I have setup asterisk successfully on the first call,   is there a way to disable this?
01:00.23*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
01:04.01russellbdug: you probably want to erase everything from extensions.conf and start over
01:17.40*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-dig (i=ten@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Corydon76-home)
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01:28.34dugrussellb:  so I deleted extensions.ael and extensions.conf is basically blank, if I set all routes to the IVR it works,  now how do I define it so that if I define the specific zap/3-1 to go to the IVR,  when I do that it says no such context,  what would be a simple context for an incoming line?
01:30.13*** join/#asterisk apardo (
01:33.42jdgdug: seems that context defined in zapata.conf for channel 3 does not exist in extensions.conf
01:36.21*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (n=strom@
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01:38.46kaihanarianyone know any good to-pstn providers other than teliax that offer cheap toll-free numbers like teliax? teliax would be ideal but they have an issue with my credit card, namely, it doesnt like what i put in the zip feild so im looking for someone similar
01:42.52*** join/#asterisk Greenbox (
02:08.09*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey_ (
02:09.49dugfor some reason on every other call my system picks up like a fax,  then I call back and my system answers with the IVR
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02:30.09slakwareHow would one go about applying patches found on the site?
02:34.12jdgdownload your_patch, change to asterisk sources directory, then: patch -p1 < your_patch
02:35.06*** join/#asterisk apardo (
02:36.41EclecticRobDo you have to do anything to make Asterisk use SIP?  I followed the same process for adding a SIP user as I did for an IAX user but it doesn't seem to work for the SIP user... the server doesn't seem to respond to the connection requests or anything... no error log no nothing
02:44.50*** join/#asterisk apardo (
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02:50.56jdgIs chan_sip loaded ?
02:55.26kaihanariis there any way to amplify a channel's outgoing sound (but not incoming) in a call? my voip provider seems to drop the volume.
02:55.29CCFL_Man2this cisco works like a mini pbx actually
02:55.35kaihanaribut only on outgoing sound
02:56.01CCFL_Man2kaihanari: speak louder :P
02:56.19EclecticRobhmm... chan_sip is already loaded... I managed to get debugging turned on and I can see that it is not authenticating properly but I haven't been able to figure out why yet
02:56.58CCFL_Man2EclecticRob: check the usernames and passwords
02:59.21CCFL_Man2We do not support pulse dialing on any of our cards.
02:59.35CCFL_Man2then fu carrier access
03:01.44CCFL_Man2russellb: you there?
03:02.20CCFL_Man2russellb: how do i calibrate a WE302 dial to pulse at the right speed?
03:02.52EclecticRobCCFL, all seems to be well
03:03.05EclecticRobis there any way to enable debug of authentication for SIP?
03:03.29kaihanariCCFL_Man2, nah. its fine ext-ext. just outgoing sound only
03:04.17CCFL_Man2EclecticRob: doesn't it give a reason for not authorizing?
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03:04.24EclecticRobnot that I can tell
03:04.54CCFL_Man2kaihanari: i honestly don't know
03:05.15CCFL_Man2EclecticRob: make sure the console is fully verbose
03:05.23CCFL_Man2i thing -vvvv
03:05.35etfonhomey_core set verbose 10
03:08.32EclecticRobit is fully verbose
03:08.53EclecticRobI enabled logging and it was showing the packets and headers but I couldn't see any messages that really told me why it wasn't working
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03:21.31CCFL_Man2if i define a dial peer, is anything else required for incomming sip?
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03:29.08sparqHmm... If I have outbound calling through a SIP peer working, how would people suggest I diagnose non-working inbound calls?
03:29.38sparqI'm pretty sure I've got the right ports forwarded to my Asterisk box
03:30.02sparq(5060/udp and 10000-20000/udp)
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03:33.52CCFL_Man2sparq: diagnose it on the other end?
03:34.25Sweepersparq: tcpdump at the edge of the network to see if the requests are actually coming in
03:35.04CCFL_Man2Sweeper: i fixed the telnet problem, telnet padding needed to be on
03:35.04Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
03:35.30SweeperCCFL_Man2: coolz
03:35.58CCFL_Man2Sweeper: i'm a bit dissapointed it doesn't support ssh
03:35.59SweeperI <3 console servers, too bad I don't have anything that needs them any more :(
03:36.03sparqAaargh. I think I need a filter.
03:36.47sparqMy DSL line is under a permenant ping flood.
03:37.16CCFL_Man2Sweeper: i have a server in my closet, i use old phone wiring through out the house to get a serial console in one room, i can use the two terminal servers
03:38.04Sweepersparq: call your isp and report abuse
03:38.07CCFL_Man2Sweeper: and something i also never knew, serial tunneling is done with a telnet server on one lantronix box and a client on the other
03:38.36Sweepersparq: also, read the man page, and set the host ip address to the provider's ip
03:38.51SweeperCCFL_Man2: I despise serial tunneling :v
03:38.58EclecticRobwell, it appears I had a problem with NAT :P
03:39.33CCFL_Man2Sweeper: how come? with software or no flow control it's ok
03:39.43asdxwhy is telnet evil, not encrypted, vulnerabilities?
03:39.56asdx(just curious)
03:40.05CCFL_Man2asdx: it's old and still used
03:41.20CCFL_Man2it's a serial line over tcp/ip
03:41.24Sweeperasdx: lack en encryption makes it a bad thing to be used on unsecure networks
03:41.24asdxssh > telnet :p
03:41.28CCFL_Man2basics of basics
03:41.31Sweeperssh IS nice
03:41.47Sweeperbut the fact is, telco hardware likes to stick with what it knows works
03:41.50asdxSweeper: yeh
03:41.53Sweeperalso, telnet has a much lower overhead
03:41.53CCFL_Man2my terminal servers don't support ssh
03:43.38CCFL_Man2so i can't use em to access my shell over a wan
03:45.19Sweepersure you can ;)
03:45.30sparqSweeper: Meh. I've tried reporting it, but the flood just comes from somewhere else. I think they are just infected Windows boxes.
03:45.32Sweeperyou just need proper ssh foo
03:45.34CCFL_Man2but, i was able to use an old old cisco mc3810 with sip and interface this adit 600 channel bank to sip
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03:46.16sparqoooo. "tcpdump -i ath0 not port 80" is very handy.
03:46.16SweeperCCFL_Man2: you mean, adit -> cisco --SIP--> something?
03:46.37Sweepersparq: wifi for your main internets? :v
03:47.02CCFL_Man2Sweeper: i can only do it if i can telnet into a box from the lantronix and ssh from the box i telneted into
03:47.09CCFL_Man2Sweeper: exactly
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03:48.04sparqSweeper: Sad, but true.
03:48.44sparqSweeper: the conduit crossing the back yard was wrecked by a tortoise.
03:48.55Sweepersparq: amazing
03:48.58sparqSweeper: Until I fix it, WiFi it is.
03:49.19CCFL_Man2Sweeper: you use an adit 600 before?
03:49.24SweeperCCFL_Man2: oh yea
03:49.31SweeperI like thems :)
03:49.37CCFL_Man2me too
03:49.54CCFL_Man2i got an oild one though, has the original 4g fxs cards
03:50.26CCFL_Man2i got the latest firmware from someone in here
03:50.53CCFL_Man2and it supports pulse dialing
03:52.04CCFL_Man2it honestly works great
03:52.39CCFL_Man2but i think the newer fxs cards would work better, i'm not sure
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03:53.01CCFL_Man2i think i might need to adjust input gain
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03:55.43sparqSweeper: Hmm... when I place an inbound call, I see a REGISTER packet, then a 200 OK packet, then an INVITE packet, then a 404 Not Found packet, and then an ACK packet.
03:56.06sparqI guess Asterisk is getting the call, but doesn't know what to do with it?
03:57.10Sweepersounds about right
03:57.23Sweeperbtw, you can do a "set dip debug"
03:57.38Sweeperin asterisk
03:57.40Sweeperand see those
03:57.53sparqyou mean sip debug?
03:58.11SweeperI forget which is deprected
03:59.28sparqeek. That was a lot of output.
04:00.53sparqAllright, so it's definitely getting the INVITE from my SIP peer
04:04.06EclecticRobman, this is one tricky piece of software :P
04:04.31sparqSweeper: Is there a simple way of routing inbound calls to a voice menu?
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04:06.41Sweepersparq: just use exten=>_X.,1,Playback('hello')
04:07.02Sweeperin whatever context your peer or register line is pointed at
04:07.17*** join/#asterisk slakware (n=attila@
04:07.19slakwareI am using odbc driver with a mssql database. all is working well. however i am unable to do pattern matching within the realtime extensions database. the sp_execute stored procedure being executed is as follows: exec sp_execute 534,'\_%','outgoing','1'. I saw the bug note on bugs page, however i'm running 1.4.11, which has the fix incorporated...
04:07.56slakwarei'm running Asterisk SVN-branch-1.4-r81832
04:09.11Sweepersparq: when you're ready to test, you can set sip debug off, and then you'll be able to see the asterisk output
04:09.20Sweeperalso make sure you're doing asterisk -rvvvv
04:09.28Sweeperor set verbose 4
04:11.40sparqSweeper: Hmm... It still just drops right into my BroadVoice mailbox.
04:12.10Sweepersparq: turn sip debug off, see if you're still sending the 404
04:15.07sparqSweeper: Yep, still sending the 404.
04:15.40Sweepersparq: pastebin sip.conf and extensions.conf
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04:25.48Sweepersparq: in sip.conf, under, set context=default
04:25.58Sweeperand do a extensions reload after that, in the * cli
04:29.25sparqSweeper: It still appears to be doing the same thing.
04:30.25Sweepernow, PASTEBIN the output from the cli, with ssip debug turned on, as well as your new sip.conf
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04:43.47sparqSweeper: you can reload sip.conf
04:48.14sparqSweeper: Any clues?
04:53.54sparqI really need to find a good book on this stuff.
04:59.06sparqSweeper: The 404's don't seem to show up in the debugging logs. I just see them in tcpdump./
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05:32.54sparqHoly hell, the jitter is aweful.
05:35.36NuggetTry decaffeinated.
05:36.32*** join/#asterisk BillBinko (
05:37.33BillBinkoHello everyone.
05:38.03CCFL_Man2Nugget: LOL
05:39.34BillBinkoI'm having a problem with my first cut at a PHPAGI app.  get_data() works the first time, but afterwords, no audio is sent down the SIP stream .  (Asterisk 1.2.22, TrixBox)
05:39.51BillBinkoAny pointers?
05:41.06*** join/#asterisk kiscokid (
05:41.09CCFL_Man2ok, i connected the serial line to my two terminal servers and serial tunneling seem to be working good
05:55.19BillBinkoI'm going back to beating on PHPAGI.  If anyone's got any ideas or experience in * stopping to send audio after a successful get_data() call, please ping me
06:04.21*** join/#asterisk grndslm (
06:07.14EclecticRobdang... once you get it (mostly) working, Asterisk is pretty awesome
06:10.55BillBinkoUntil you hit a snag and you're up till zero-dark-thirty ;-)
06:11.21EclecticRobI can imagine... it is really complex software
06:11.36EclecticRobI still have a few issues but I have some stuff working... which is better than this morning
06:17.41CCFL_Man2Sweeper: can serial tunneling be done with different baudrates on both ends?
06:26.40*** part/#asterisk jmls (n=jmls@
06:29.33EclecticRobDoes Asterisk come with a module or system to do call forwarding where it prompts the caller for their name and presents it to the end point where they can hear the name and then accept or reject the call?
06:32.39ectospasmEclecticRob:  I think it can, but I can't think of how off the top of my head
06:37.57*** join/#asterisk catch23 (n=catch23@
06:39.26catch23anyone know of a hardware gateway like the sipura 3000 that supports iax2 & has fxo/fxs ports?  the closest thing i could find was the digium iaxy, but it doesn't have a fxo port
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06:40.45BillBinkoGrumble - soft phone went nuts and killed my box
06:41.13BillBinkoNot to be a pest, but does anyone have an idea as to why I can only run GET DATA once before I look all audio ?
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06:55.52BillBinkoWeird... it works fine on the 3CX softphone, but not at all on the ExpressTalk
06:56.09BillBinkoNot critical as long as it works with a real trunk (testing tomorrow)
06:59.59sparqDoes anyone know why Asterisk would return a 404 message as a response to an INVITE message from a peer?
07:01.14sparqIs it missing a default extension? Not attached to the right context? Out of weasels?
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07:02.08BillBinkono idea (sorry)
07:03.37Corydon76-dig404 generally means the extension does not exist
07:06.02sparqCorydon76-dig: Hmm. I suppose I need to add a default extension to the context then, yes?
07:06.37Corydon76-digUh, why would you want a default extension?
07:11.21sparqCorydon76-dig: unless I can automatically select an extension...
07:11.54sparqWhatever it takes to get Asterisk to pick up the phone and do the echo test
07:13.07Corydon76-digPick one
07:14.25sparqCorydon76-dig: Well, yes. I just can't figure out how.
07:15.01Corydon76-digexten => 1234,1,Echo()
07:16.21sparqCorydon76-dig: Hmm... I tried exten => 1,1,Answer()
07:16.29sparqis there something special about 1234?
07:16.56ectospasmWell, you gotta pick up the phone and dial 1234...
07:17.26ectospasmif you want it to drop into the echo test when you pick up, I dunno... you may be able to do it with the s exten
07:17.56*** join/#asterisk kissand (
07:18.10kissandhello people
07:18.34sparqectospasm: It never gets that far. Asterisk kicks out a 404, and my peer goes right into its voicemail.
07:18.53kissandi have a BN4S0 and spa-921 sip phone. dtmf does not work while grandstream sip phone dtmf works. any ideas?
07:18.57ectospasmsparq:  sounds like a registration problem
07:19.14sparqectospasm: could be, though outbound calls work fine.
07:19.35ectospasmsparq:  what happens on the CLI when you try to dial in?
07:19.48CCFL_Man2you can serial tunnel with one end at a different speed than the other
07:20.01CCFL_Man2finally accessing the shell at 115200
07:20.30CCFL_Man2some stuff seems to mess up though
07:21.20sparqectospasm: I see the INVITE, and then the connection closes. I had to find the 404 message with tcpdump.
07:22.00ectospasmsip debug should show you that
07:22.04ectospasmor wait
07:22.53ectospasmsparq:  in 1.4 it'll be "sip set debug"
07:23.03sparqYep. That is ineed what I see with debug.
07:24.04sparqsorry, my web server thinks it's a binary file.
07:26.23ectospasmsparq:  I got it...  what phone are you using?
07:26.29sparqToo bad the SIP protocol's version of 404 doesn't actually say what it was that wasn't found.
07:26.59ectospasmsparq:  usually it means the user isn't registered
07:27.10ectospasmsparq:  what does "sip show peers" show?
07:27.13sparqectospasm: I'm calling from my cell phone to my BroadVoice number.
07:27.21ectospasmI meant the SIP phone
07:27.45ectospasmI mean, is it a softphone, an ATA, or a hard phone?
07:28.10ectospasmsparq:  You may want to set qualify=yes in the sip user/friend section of sip.conf
07:28.12sparqit's a softphone, but right now I'm just trying to get the echotest to work.
07:28.36sparqI figure I should take it one problem at a time ^_^
07:29.23ectospasmcan you do the echo test from the softphone?
07:29.24sparqIf I can get Asterisk to do *anything* with inbound calls, then I can get my terminals working
07:30.01kaldemarsparq: the number you dialed was not found.
07:30.20kaldemarlook at this line: "Looking for xxxxxxxxxx in from-broadvoice "
07:30.35sparqoh, yes.
07:30.52sparqI fixed that. Let me upload a new debug file.
07:31.45kaldemardon't remove the other cli output.
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07:36.07sparqkaldemar: ^^
07:37.02ectospasmsparq:  are you trying to dial the softphone?
07:37.31sparqI'm calling from a cell phone through my VoIP carrier
07:37.58sparqcalling from the softphone to the echo test or the outside world works fine
07:38.17ectospasmsparq:  does sip.conf have a peer section for your SIP provider?
07:40.46kaldemarlooks to me like the number you're trying to reach is not found in from-broadvoice.
07:41.21ectospasmthat'll be in extensions.conf
07:41.31kaldemarbased on the information you're giving, you seem to have a dialplan problem rather than a SIP problem.
07:41.50kissandi have a BN4S0 and spa-921 sip phone. dtmf does not work while grandstream sip phone dtmf works. any ideas?
07:42.26sparqkaldemar: which file do you see from-broadvoice in?
07:42.31kaldemarkissand: have you tried different dtmfmodes?
07:42.36kaldemarsparq: extensions.conf
07:42.41kissandall off them :>
07:43.03kissandthe same setup with zapata works. with beronet not
07:43.03ectospasmkissand:  dtmfmode has to match in the phones, too
07:43.09sparqDrat it. I deleted that context.
07:43.13kissandector i know, done that
07:43.27sparqeverything should be going to [home]
07:43.29kissandthe same setup with grandteam works
07:43.42kissandgrandstream sip phone works, with linksys no.
07:49.34pkunkraYou know, I wonder if there are artists that actually specialize in making music-on-hold tunes.
07:50.15pkunkraor do they just filter out the vocals from a particularly boring piece of music and use that instead?
07:50.21kissandparov stellar MOH tune :>
07:51.57pkunkralooks boring.
07:54.16EclecticRobdoes anyone know how to make new ParkAndAnnounce() templates?
07:54.26sparqkaldemar: So, from the softphone, I can dial the extension for the echotest, and it works fine. How the heck am I supposed to dial an extension from outside?
07:55.32BillBinkoI am very new to this, but I think the trick is to get it working with the softphone using "simulate external call" (7777 on Trixbox).  Then when you call in, you should be ok
07:57.17kaldemarsparq: your outside calls are now landing in context from-broadvoice, you have defined that in sip.conf. you need to have the echo test number reachable from from-broadvoice.
07:57.52kaldemarsparq: if the numer is in home context, you can for example include it by putting "include => home" in from-broadvoice.
08:02.10sparqkaldemar: like so? (you can refresh the files)
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08:05.48sparqkaldemar: I apologize for getting ahead of the config files on my web server. It's a pain to expunge the passwords.
08:09.56kaldemarsparq: that should do it, but only if the length of the number is 1.
08:10.19kaldemarif something longer is coming to asterisk, you'll get a 404 again.
08:10.25sparqkaldemar: Hmm.
08:10.31kaldemarexcept for 101 of course.
08:11.47sparqMan, I haven't felt this dumb since quantum field theory.
08:12.05sparqectospasm: Thanks for your help
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08:14.47sparqkaldemar: In the SIP message header, the To: value is "Russell Neches"<sip:1@my.ip.addr>"
08:15.05sparqkaldemar: that woud seem to suggest it's looking for extension 1, yes?
08:17.17EclecticRobfor some reason, I get disconnected almost everytime I call a cell phone just before I would be transfered to voicemail for the cell phone... anyone else experience this?
08:18.12sparqkaldemar: Aaaaand.... it still throws a 404.
08:20.14kaldemarsparq: look at the INVITE line in stead. what number does it have?
08:21.18sparqkaldemar: Ah ha!
08:21.30sparqIt had my freaking phone number in it.
08:21.43sparqThat's useless.
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08:25.00sparqkaldemar: Thank you.
08:25.26kaldemaryou're welcome.
08:26.50sparqNow I get to learn how to make it do something *usefull*.
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09:43.41hi365after installing asterisk from source if i type 'service asterisk status' i get 'asterisk: unrecognized service' ?
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09:53.10hi365after installing asterisk from source if i type 'service asterisk status' i get 'asterisk: unrecognized service' ?
09:55.36mvanbaakhi365: you will have to install the init script
09:55.50hi365mvanbaak: install = copy?
09:56.09mvanbaakit's in the sourcedir under contrib/init.d
09:56.18mvanbaakcopy it and make it executable
09:56.53hi365cool. thanks
09:57.51*** part/#asterisk dseeb_ (
10:05.06hi365what do i need to do to get the uniqid field in mysql?? ive added the line "#define MYSQL_LOGUNIQUEID" to cdr_addon_mysql.c, but i still dont see the uniqeID
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10:43.17shtoomAsterisk ended with exit status 127
10:43.17shtoomAsterisk died with code 127.
10:43.17shtoomcat: __ASTERISK_VARRUN_DIR__/ No such file or directory
10:43.17shtoomHi I've just installed aterisk 1.4 when I tried to start it thru init script its producing the above error , any help?
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11:41.23m0t3jlHi, its not really an asterisk question, but maybe it is :-): How can I forward calls on XLite SoftVoIP phone? (It doesnt look like it has a button for it)
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12:19.38Woifi1988how does voicemail notificaton work with asterisk? do i need a postfix server?
12:21.13m0t3jlWoifi1988, if you have VM capable phone then the phone itself shows the user that they have a VM
12:23.44Woifi1988m0t3jl: is x-lie a vm capable phone?
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12:24.07m0t3jlWoifi1988, yes ... at least I think it is
12:24.21m0t3jlWoifi1988, when you have a message it appears as a message icon
12:24.58Woifi1988and when i want to use e-mail notofication i need a postif server?
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12:27.07m0t3jlWoifi1988, I believe that you have to be able to send emails, but I dont think that you really need to have postfix, I think that if you tell asterisk to use a certain smtp server then it should be also possible
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12:28.15Woifi1988m0t3jl: but i can't find any option for that! there is only the option to enter a mail adress but i can't find an option to enter a smtp server!
12:29.07m0t3jlWoifi1988, thats strange ... So I suppose that it must be using its own server or something... I really dont know
12:29.29Woifi1988m0t3jl: okay thanks
12:29.46m0t3jlBut I would like to know :-)
12:30.07m0t3jlSince when the Asterisk is to receive faxes you can also put an email adress to do so ...
12:32.42riddleboxm0t3jl, faxing will not work if you have an ATA device converting sip to analog will it?
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12:33.40DEac-i want to call a function in extension.conf, which does a sql-fetch, but without odbc. is this possible?
12:33.44m0t3jlriddlebox, dunno, I did not test faxing
12:34.02DEac-and without agi
12:34.29riddleboxahh I just figured since I saw you talking about it, ohh well I have a smart switch in front of the line so it doesnt really matter
12:36.14m0t3jlriddlebox, well, we have one PST line dedicated to fax machine, so we dont care about faxes
12:40.07riddleboxhas anyone seen Druid? it seems like it is using asterisk with their own gui
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12:45.04riddleboxI keep sending links of different companies using Asterisk, and also any vendor that we deal with that has an Asterisk appliance to my boss hopefully we will soon start to sell asterisk solutions
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13:52.28riddleboxdo you guys recomend using the Asterisk Gui provided from Digium, or just edit the conf files by hand?
13:52.47mvanbaakI do edit the confs by hand
13:53.42riddleboxI edit them by hand now, but I think my extensions.conf is pretty ugly hrmm I wonder if there is an article somewhere that will show you good ways of doing it
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14:31.48*** join/#asterisk MukulJain (
14:33.50MukulJainI am having problem with Asterisk BLF
14:34.03MukulJainI am using GXP-2000 Phones,
14:34.06CCFL_Man2russellb: you there?
14:34.37shtoomAsterisk ended with exit status 127
14:34.37shtoomAsterisk died with code 127.
14:34.37shtoomcat: __ASTERISK_VARRUN_DIR__/ No such file or directory
14:34.37shtoomHi I've just installed aterisk 1.4 when I tried to start it thru init script its producing the above error , any help?
14:35.29MukulJainshtoom : Do you have /var/run/asterisk directory in your system ?
14:35.54shtoomMukulJain: Ya I've created it manually
14:36.01MukulJainwhat permission ?
14:36.19MukulJainEnsure that it has permission to the Asterisk user and group for RWX
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14:37.48shtoomhere is ls out put : drwxr-xr-x 2 root       root         40 2007-09-09 16:05 asterisk
14:38.27MukulJainokay for me it's like
14:38.41MukulJaindrwxrwx---  2 asterisk asterisk 4096 Sep  7 11:05 asterisk
14:38.54tzafrirshtoom, the pid file is likely to be generated in the varrundir, if one is defined in asterisk.conf
14:39.18shtoomya its getting generated there
14:39.19MukulJainDo you have asterisk user created in your system ?
14:39.24MukulJainaah Okay.
14:39.46shtoomif i start asterisk with asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvc
14:39.50shtoomits running ok
14:40.08tzafrirso it is probably an error from safe_asterisk
14:40.27shtoomI am getting this error when i run it with /etc/init.d/asterisk start
14:40.33tzafrirI think it was recently adapted to have those directories modified
14:40.59shtoomtzafrir:I am running asterisk 1.4
14:41.14shtoomon ubuntu fiesty
14:41.29shtoomfirst it gave me Bad fd error
14:41.31MukulJain1.4.11 : I am having no erros, I had to copy the new init script after make install
14:41.41shtoomI fixed it after googling a but
14:42.34shtoombut this one started to show up now
14:42.47tzafrirMukulJain, what linux distribution do you use?
14:43.05MukulJainCentOS 4.5
14:43.24shtoomMukulJain: then theres is the difference i guess
14:43.27tzafrirshtoom, don't use safe_asterisk :-)
14:44.01tzafrirMukulJain, did you run 'make config'?
14:44.17MukulJainI run configure followed by make install
14:44.25shtoomactually Bad fd error is specific to unbuntu
14:44.41MukulJainand then I had to copy the file to overwrite my script at /etc/rc.d/init.d/asterisk
14:45.04MukulJainshtoom : In that case I really dont have clue, Didnt got chance to use Ubuntu so far :( Sorry Bro
14:45.52shtoomMukuljain:Thats ok pal , Let me try  make config
14:47.27shtoomHmm that doesn't help
14:48.45MukulJainAnyone having GXV-3000 GS phones ?
14:48.52MukulJainI just got mine working on : Not bad
14:52.36tzafrirshtoom, get the init.d script from the asterisk deb
14:53.04tzafrirspecifically, ubuntu likes to delete /var/run at startup, so the init.d script needs to recreate it
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14:53.31tzafrirI think that this is already supported in the Debian package's init.d script as well.
14:53.57tzafrirAnd as a bonus you'll get an init.d script that does not use safe_asterisk by default
14:54.34MukulJainOut of curosity" What is the diffence in Asterisk and safe_asterisk ??
14:56.05*** join/#asterisk KDan (
14:56.24tzafrirsafe_asterisk is a wrapper script that is intended to restart asterisk if it ever gets killed
14:56.49tzafrirasterisk (/usr/sbin/asterisk) can run just fine as a daemon
14:57.03tzafrirsafe_asterisk, however, runs it in a console
14:57.11tzafrirIt gets quite a few other things wrong
14:58.30MukulJainThanks tzafrir :)
14:58.40MukulJainHow do u put red line ? on this chat ?
14:58.41shtoomtzafrir:I've copied contrib/init.d/rc.debian.asterisk to /etc/init.d/asterisk
14:58.44MukulJainSorry new to IRC ??
14:59.14shtoombut it seems like it is still calling /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk
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15:02.01MukulJainHi I am having problem with Asterisk BLF : Not working with GXP 2000
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15:15.27MukulJainAnyone using BLF ?? using Grandstream 2000 ?
15:18.05MukulJainHi MvanBaak
15:18.13MukulJainI am having problem in using BLF
15:18.18mvanbaakwhat is it ?
15:18.20MukulJainAre u able to use them well
15:18.29MukulJainOkay, my scenario is
15:18.34mvanbaakyeah, they work great
15:18.35MukulJainI am having 3 extensions
15:18.43MukulJainall using gxp-3000
15:18.50MukulJainand 2 Zaptel Lines
15:18.54MukulJainsorry 2000 yeah
15:19.02MukulJainI am able to monitor Zaptel, no problem
15:19.13MukulJainWhen they are busy light turn red, else they are green
15:19.19MukulJainso great no issue
15:19.34MukulJainbut for the other GS phones, whether they are busy or free. the lights are always green
15:19.47mvanbaakdid you setup the hints correctly ?
15:19.49shtoomhooray ! I've crude coded the paths in there in safe_asterisk script it started working
15:20.18MukulJainhints are setup, but the status are always idle
15:20.34MukulJainwhen I type show hints at asterisk
15:21.23mvanbaakthey show up ?
15:22.18mvanbaakcan you post some configs to a pastebin ?
15:22.35mvanbaakthe sip.conf entry for a phone, the dialplan for the phones and hints
15:22.45jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
15:24.32MukulJainkams@ext-local-custom    : Zap/4                 State:Idle            Watchers  0
15:24.46MukulJainRight now my phones are off
15:24.53MukulJainbut when they are on the Status turns to IDLE
15:25.12MukulJainnow when I call from 200 to 201, The status still show IDLE even if they are on call
15:25.14mvanbaakpastbin please
15:25.28MukulJainwill do now
15:26.06MukulJainJusdt do dthat
15:26.32MukulJainhow to send the link for u to see ?
15:27.11mvanbaakjust paste the url here
15:28.40mvanbaakcan you also paste the relevant info for a phone in sip.conf and extensions.conf ?
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15:33.32MukulJainHas it to do with Call Waiting ?
15:33.50MukulJainBecause lights are on, and my Watcher count increases as IP phones are turned on
15:34.00MukulJainBut the status on Asterisk is always IDLE
15:34.20MukulJainwhereas it shld change to something like :Busy isnt it ?
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15:36.21mvanbaakwhat is the hint for the sip phone ?
15:36.28mvanbaakyou only pasted the hint for the zap line
15:37.27MukulJainhint is same as extension nos for the IP Phones
15:37.46MukulJainI am using Trix : which auto create hint for each extension
15:37.51MukulJaina sec let me show
15:38.04mvanbaakah, trixbox
15:38.07mvanbaakthat's evil ;)
15:38.21MukulJain;) u dont seems to like that
15:38.30mvanbaakno, I dont like it
15:38.37mvanbaakmost people here dont like it
15:39.37MukulJainI know, I am new to ASterisk ! learning it still
15:39.44MukulJainto not to depend on that evil ;
15:40.26MukulJainThat's how hints are auto created for each extension
15:40.34MukulJainfor the ZAP, it's not done so I had to do that myself
15:40.40mvanbaakit looks sane indeed
15:40.49mvanbaakyou can try with call-limit
15:40.51mvanbaakset it to 1
15:41.08MukulJainoh but in that case I shall loose call waiting isnt it ?
15:41.12Corydon76-digProblem with a GUI is that it attracts users who want to be spoonfed... and the last thing we want to do is to dumb it down
15:42.12MukulJainI have option of having 4 calls into my phone
15:42.42MukulJainwith Call-limit set to 1, I shall loose functionality of getting second or 3rd call on my phone when I am already on one call ?
15:43.22mvanbaakI think so
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15:43.33mvanbaaknever used it before
15:43.36Corydon76-digYou can talk out of the four corners of your mouth all at once?
15:44.01Corydon76-digMost people I know can only hold a single conversation at once.  Even the really smart ones.
15:44.04mvanbaakmeh, gnome isn't all that evil
15:44.22mvanbaakMost people already have trouble with a single conversation
15:44.26MukulJainI understand, but then It's useful as u know second call coming in
15:44.34MukulJainu can put first on hold and take second one
15:44.53MukulJainor atleast flash of callerID on screen tells who's on next call
15:44.58Corydon76-digThen you want 2-line appearance
15:45.24MukulJainGXP 2000 support 4 lines,
15:45.25Corydon76-digI dunno, my customers are all important enough that I never put any of them on hold to talk to another
15:45.38mvanbaakwe use queues for that
15:45.57JTeww, GXP2000
15:46.05MukulJainOkay, so you mean only way is to limit call to 1 ?
15:46.14MukulJainGXP2K has 4 lines,
15:46.21Corydon76-digThe secretary-general of the UN could call, and if I'm on a call with a customer, he's going to have to wait until I'm done
15:46.30mvanbaakCorydon76-dig: indeed
15:46.34MukulJainWell that is debatable !
15:46.56Corydon76-digI would have said president of the US, but I'll put him on hold forever
15:47.17MukulJainin my case its sometimes not Customers, it can be emergency department in our hospital while doc is on call.
15:47.19mvanbaakCorydon76-dig: zapateler will get him. I bet he's not sending callerid
15:48.03JTwait... emergency department of a hospital, and you're using GRANDSTREAMS?!
15:48.06MukulJainSo somehow functionality is imptt to have second call coming on phone ! whether to take or not take or redirect to voicemail is on scenario
15:48.33Corydon76-digIf I heard "Please hold for the POTUS", he'd get congestion from the phone company
15:48.53MukulJainSo question is : "Can we do this without call limit " ?
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15:54.48WilliamKJT, please say it ain't so
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15:55.56WilliamKI'd expect at least Cisco or Polycom
15:56.01JTWilliamK: heh
15:56.06JTpreferably polycom
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15:57.13MukulJainFriends the question is not about recommendation on Phones that I need
15:57.20MukulJainthe problem is about BLF not working
15:57.29JTwhatever, the phones are shite
15:57.31MukulJainLater, I would ask your opinion on phones
15:57.32jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
15:57.38jbotphones is, like,  While personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows:  Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever.
16:03.46WilliamKMukulJain, I think the problem overall is how your phone/adapter is presenting the calls.... I've used other phones and I know it works fine
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16:04.19WilliamKthus why we're telling you the phone itself has issues
16:04.41MukulJainOkay, so you mean that GXP-2000 has issue with the BLF,
16:04.58MukulJainSo no one here is using them with BLF I assume :(
16:06.29WilliamKonly phones & adapters I'm using myself are Cisco, SNOM, Sipura ATA and I just got an Aastra 9133i
16:07.27WilliamKand obviously, I'm doing alot of testing for my end-user customers now :)
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16:10.00MukulJainThanks WilliamK, I am using these GXP for testing
16:10.21MukulJainBLF is working with ZAP lines, but phone status are not changing for the GXP
16:10.29MukulJainI assume that's because it can accept multiple calls
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16:13.49tzafrirMukulJain, what do you see in 'sip show subscriptions' ?
16:13.52CCFL_Man2WilliamK: most cisco sip loads give terrible functionality
16:14.02tzafrir(hmmm, is this the right direction?)
16:14.25mvanbaakCCFL_Man2: that's why I use chan_skinny
16:14.49CCFL_Man2mvanbaak: skinny support really that good in asterisk?
16:15.04mvanbaakCCFL_Man2: I really like it yeah.
16:15.19mvanbaakworks very stable here
16:15.26CCFL_Man2mvanbaak: you can always run ccm linux on another box :P
16:15.38mvanbaakCCFL_Man2: no, I want asterisk
16:15.48MukulJaina sec
16:16.14jfgi read on that asterisk cannot resgister on a remove server using MGCP, and i'd like to know if there is someone working on it ?
16:16.14mvanbaakI did patch 1.4 chan_skinny with the hint/voicemail stuff from trunk though
16:16.16MukulJainright now there are no entries
16:16.41CCFL_Man2mvanbaak: i don't blame you, ccm sucks
16:16.49mvanbaakjfg: I dont think so
16:16.53mvanbaakCCFL_Man2: :)
16:17.14jfgmvanbaak: ok
16:17.29mvanbaakjfg: you can do a search on
16:17.34t3rrorwhere could a man find some information on how to improve call quality
16:17.45mvanbaakbut I cant recall a ticket for mgcp there
16:17.48t3rrori have a situatuion where incoming audio sounds great, but outgoing audio is garbled
16:17.50russellbthere are no patches for that currently
16:18.04russellbin theory, it wouldn't be hard to add, it is just not something that is asked for very often
16:18.07t3rrornot garbled, but choppy
16:18.27mvanbaakt3rror: bandwidth trouble ?
16:18.27jfgrussellb: you're talking about mgcp ?
16:18.32russellbjfg: yes
16:18.32CCFL_Man2mvanbaak: plus, i'm not sure how in the hell you'd ever get trunk lines into ccm
16:18.51mvanbaakCCFL_Man2: no idea. I like my asterisk setup
16:19.03mvanbaakI only have a couple of skinny phones, but they work great
16:19.08CCFL_Man2mvanbaak: you use a T1 card?
16:19.16mvanbaakpure voip
16:19.17t3rrormvanbaak: shouldn't be  > one call and I have 378k upload
16:19.21jfgi think it's not too hard, but i'm new to asterisk and this functionality interest me a lot, so i'd like to work on it, but i need to learn more about asterisk before
16:19.48mvanbaakCCFL_Man2: I get my calls from 2 IAX2 providers
16:20.41t3rrormvanbaak: the server is a 400mhz P3 w/ 256 MB RAM
16:21.32mvanbaakshould be plenty
16:21.39CCFL_Man2mvanbaak: ahh
16:21.49t3rrormvanbaak : so it is on the low-end but i thought it would be enough for one call.  i am just looking for information on how to start troubleshooting it
16:23.17CCFL_Man2russellb: were you the one who collects the WE phones?
16:33.03russellbCCFL_Man2: nope
16:34.27ManxPowerStrom_C / Strom_M might be the one.
16:34.48outtolunclooks more stylish
16:35.24t3rrorwhy do you have to purchase a license to use g729?
16:35.36ManxPowert3rror: patent and license issues
16:35.55t3rroris there no way to get a trial of it?
16:36.13t3rrorcurrently i am using g711 and i am getting choppy outgoing audio
16:36.20ManxPowert3rror: if you cannot afford $10 for a 1 channel license then you have no business using Asterisk
16:36.21CCFL_Man2g711u 4lyf3!
16:36.24t3rrori want to test g729 to see if it fixes my problem
16:36.25tzafrirt3rror, use gsm or speex
16:36.38ManxPowerchoppy sound is seldom a codec issue.
16:37.00t3rrori don't think it is a codec issue, i think it is a bandwidth issue
16:37.05russellbit is if you don't have the bandwidth for it :)
16:37.24t3rrori don't have a problem paying for the license if it solves my problem
16:37.40t3rrori just don't want to buy something that i might not need
16:37.41ManxPowert3rror: ulaw takes 80kilobits.  A modem is 56kilobits.  Is your internet service THAT slow.
16:37.47tzafrirt3rror, why not use gsm, ilbc or speex?
16:37.53CCFL_Man2if you get a pri from a telco the codec they use is g711u, in the US anyway
16:38.04tzafriror maybe even g726 would prove to be good enough?
16:38.11t3rrormy upload is 378k or something
16:38.17CCFL_Man2vonage used g723
16:38.18WilliamKCCFL_Man2, the SIP ver I'm using on the 7940 right now is the 7.4 release... thinking about testing the 8.x release
16:38.36tzafrirt3rror, 37kB or 37kb?
16:38.45ManxPowert3rror: you should be able to run FOUR ulaw calls over 384k
16:38.57CCFL_Man2WilliamK: i'd upgrade, my 7912 is at 8.0.1 right now, the latest
16:39.02t3rrorok, so maybe it is the horsepower of the server
16:39.13t3rror400mhz P3 with 256MB RAM
16:39.21t3rrorrunning gentoo with minimal services
16:39.22ManxPowert3rror: it could be a thousand things.
16:39.25tzafrirwell, any compressed codec would be worse that g711
16:39.30tzafrirregarding horsepower
16:39.32ManxPowert3rror: you won't be able to run G729 on that server
16:39.32WilliamKreason why I didn't upgrade initially was customer deployment timetable, and I wanted to make sure it worked right
16:39.37MukulJainG711 is ulaw right ??
16:39.42WilliamKnow I have 3 spares here, so I can play with those
16:39.50Corydon76-dig711 is both ulaw AND alaw
16:39.51tzafrirt3rror, but there may still be a bandwidth issue, only not in the link from you to your ISP
16:40.06CCFL_Man2WilliamK: you don't trust cisco!? what a suprise! :P
16:40.17t3rrori have the server connected directly to the router (WRT54GL)
16:40.22ManxPowerMukulJain: G711u aka ulaw aka PCMU , G711a aka alaw aka PCMA
16:40.27WilliamKbeen around the block a time or two with cisco :)
16:40.36t3rrorso it should be at least 10MBit connection if not 100
16:40.50Corydon76-digYeah, Cisco really takes you for a ride
16:40.59CCFL_Man2g711alaw is used in broken countries like europe :P
16:41.13CCFL_Man2WilliamK: who hasn't
16:41.14ManxPowerCorydon76-dig: I experienced my first major Cisco IOS bug the other day.
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16:41.31MukulJainJust want to check something,
16:41.32t3rrortzafrir: i can't use those codecs because the ATA (PAP2) doesn't support them
16:41.51MukulJain2 endpoints using same Codecs, does the RTP traffic still pass thru the ASterisk server ?
16:41.57CCFL_Man2t3rror: it supports them i think
16:42.04ManxPowerCorydon76-dig: the IOS release we wre using is not even available from Cisco anymore.  I assume it was just too badly broken.
16:42.27tzafrirt3rror, try g726
16:42.28ManxPowerCCFL_Man2: Linksys supports alaw, ulaw, g726, g729 and I believe G723.1
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16:42.50CCFL_Man2ManxPower: ahh, vonage uses g723
16:42.58tzafrirt3rror, and see if there's any improvement. Also note that the PAP2 can only use one g729 call at a time
16:43.10ManxPowerthere was some issue with regards to G726 on the Linksys.   Had something to do with the SDP or RTP media type or something like that.
16:43.21t3rrorg711u&a g726-16-40 and g723
16:43.30ManxPowerThere is a #define in Asterisk to make them work togather.  I don't know if Linksys ever fixed their firmware for this issue.
16:43.31t3rrori only want one call at a tiem
16:43.49WilliamKtzafrir, that really sucks... thought Sipura fixed that on the 2002's
16:43.57ManxPowert3rror: asterisk does not suport G723.1 in any useful way for most people
16:44.06tzafrirt3rror, alternatively, try a soft phone . compare its behaviour with ulaw to its behaviour with gsm
16:44.27CCFL_Man2g711u should be fine over a lan
16:44.31tzafrirt3rror, also, does the phone connect directly, or is proxied through Asterisk?
16:44.42ManxPowerthe issue with G729 is one of two.  G729 takes large amounts of CPU power, perhaps the device is underpowered.  Also Linksys has to pay a license for every simul G729 call, so maybe it was a cost saving measure.
16:44.57ManxPoweror maybe both 8-)
16:45.01tzafrirt3rror, if it is proxied through asterisk, then use ulaw/alaw on the LAN and a compressed codec on the WAN
16:45.53WilliamKManxPower, at least they should make 2 different models and let you have the option to pay more
16:46.24CCFL_Man2ManxPower: i never liked the pap2 anyway
16:47.06MukulJainCCFL_Man2 : What do you suggest for ATA Adapter ?
16:47.09ManxPowerCCFL_Man2: Never used it.  Always used the SIPura branded models.  Liked them quite a bit, but just don't need them for most of my applications
16:47.21CCFL_Man2ManxPower: ahh
16:47.29ManxPowerThe SIPura/Linksys boxes are some of the best out there.
16:47.33CCFL_Man2MukulJain: an adit 600 channel bank
16:47.48MukulJainCCFL_Man2 : For 2 Ports Solution ?
16:48.38CCFL_Man2MukulJain: only if those 2 lines are required at the same facility as the other lines
16:49.02*** part/#asterisk jfg (
16:49.35ManxPowerGenerally if we need a POTs line we order a POTS line.
16:49.47ManxPowersimple, easy, no drama, reliable
16:50.09CCFL_Man2ManxPower: channel banks make multiple extentions cheap :P
16:50.19MukulJainQuestion ----> IF I have 2 Remote Phones using G729, and they call each other. Will the RTP will pass thru Asterisk or they will talk end to end with only SIP packets been sent to server ??
16:50.52CCFL_Man2everything will go through asterisk
16:52.17CCFL_Man2ManxPower: most business workers just need a regular phone and caller id box anyway
16:52.28MukulJainIS it possible to have 2 Phones RTP traffic directly and only SIP to go to ASterisk
16:52.35WilliamKanyone have a performance idea of how many calls the quad core 2.4ghz cpu can handle?
16:52.36MukulJainthis should be more effective isnt it ?
16:52.48MukulJainBecause Bandwidth requirement would be lower ?
16:53.06MukulJainElse all remote phone inter-communications are taking bandwidth on the server side ?
16:53.29CCFL_Man2you can dial the other extention directly
16:54.28tzafrirWilliamK, highly dependent on the codec
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16:54.57WilliamKfirst idea that comes to mind would be g729
16:55.03WilliamKI like to go for worst-case
16:55.22CCFL_Man2with women too?
16:55.24tzafrirWilliamK, if oyu would be using g711, the bottleneck would likely be the networking stack
16:55.53MukulJainCCFL_Man2 : lol
16:56.28tzafrirWilliamK, if you'd like to go for worst case, try speex. Though maybe it got optimized in the recent year or two (it has gone through massive work). ilbc is also a CPU consumer
16:56.41CCFL_Man2personally, i've always liked the ones with big asses
16:56.50WilliamKCCFL_Man2: now that's bad, and heck no.... only want the nice ones that can at least qualify to standards :)
16:57.08CCFL_Man2WilliamK: lol
16:57.14MukulJainCCFL_Man2: What's your worse case ? ;) Lol
16:57.31ManxPowerif the codecs for the 2 legs of the call are the same, there is NO NAT involved, you do not have t/T/w/W or other Dial options that makes Asterisk mointor the audio, and you do not have canreinvite=no, then the RTP audio should go directly between the two devices by default.
16:57.52CCFL_Man2heh, probably liking black guys if she's white
16:57.55WilliamKg729 possible to do say 120calls with the quad core, or limited to say 96?
16:58.21ManxPowerWilliamK: nobody knows.
16:58.23CCFL_Man2ManxPower: ahh, never knew that
16:58.48MukulJainManxPower : canreinvite=no, what functionality we loose by using this option
16:58.53ManxPowerunfortunatly when reinvites happen  it is common to lose the first 1/2 second of audio.  Doesn't sound like much, but the issue is QUITE annoying.
16:59.13MukulJainSometime back I read some Cisco paper, which said that RTP streams are end to end whereas IP Phone to Server it's only SIP (Signalling).
16:59.15ManxPowerMukulJain: you lose the ability to have the RTP audio go direct between the two endpoints
16:59.27WilliamKManx, I love being the one testing to find out :)
16:59.48CCFL_Man2oh yeah, i think rtp audio is peer to peer
16:59.51*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
17:00.03WilliamKI just didn't wanna really spend the extra $ on the board with the echo cancel on it right off the bat if I didn't need to
17:00.17ManxPowerCCFL_Man2: that is the ideal, in the real world RTP audio is frequently NOT peer-to-peer
17:00.19MukulJainI am sorry, I wanted to ask If we have canreinvite=yes, what do we loose in terms of functionality
17:00.31ManxPowerWilliamK: echo cancel has to be done at the PSTN/IP interface.
17:00.40t3rrortzafrir: i was able to register the pap2 with teliax directly and there was not an issue with audio, the audio issue has cropped up since the addition of the asterisk server as a proxy
17:00.41CCFL_Man2ManxPower: ahh
17:00.46ManxPowerMukulJain: canreinvite=yes will not work if you have any NAT involved.
17:00.52WilliamKManx, yep and that was where I was refering to
17:01.01MukulJainoh but most of the times the IP Phones are using NAT
17:01.09WilliamKthinking of getting a quad T1 card and putting it into a quad core box
17:01.11MukulJainWe never connect them directly to the Broadbands
17:01.18ManxPowerMukulJain: none of the 200 or so phones I manage use NAT
17:01.20MukulJainthey are always behing a router
17:01.31MukulJainAre they all using Public IP addreses ?
17:01.36tzafrirt3rror, hmmm, run 'sip show channels' when in a call. What codecs do you use?
17:01.36ManxPowerThen again, none of those phones talk to the outside world via IP
17:01.41CCFL_Man2WilliamK: quad T1 cards are expensive, probably cost as much as the box
17:02.09ManxPowerMukulJain: IP phones do not require a connection to the internet.
17:02.18MukulJainRemote IP Phones
17:02.20WilliamKCCFL_Man2, yeah and I'm protesting it highly
17:02.26MukulJainConnecting over Internet back to Asterisk
17:02.30ManxPowernone of my customers ever send voice over the internet.
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17:02.39MukulJainI see,
17:02.40ManxPowerMukulJain: in your case then you can't do reinvites.
17:02.52MukulJainI have 2 phones which are remote,
17:02.53CCFL_Man2WilliamK: a cheap solution i found was to use a cisco router with T1 card
17:02.56ManxPowerPolycom Phone <-> Asterisk <-> PSTN PRI
17:03.00MukulJainLet's say Server in Dallas and phones in NY and LA
17:03.04CCFL_Man2WilliamK: something used
17:03.13WilliamKI'm pulling 2 PRIs in
17:03.17WilliamKto start
17:03.24MukulJainwhen NY calls LA, I assume today it's like NY  ---> DALLAS ---> LA
17:03.32MukulJainWhereas it should be NY-->LA for the RTP
17:03.38MukulJainfor the optimized scenario
17:04.20CCFL_Man2WilliamK: a router or voice gateway with two T1 interfaces
17:04.20ManxPowerYou, of course, have a WAN between the locations.  T-1 or Frame Relay or something else?
17:04.20CCFL_Man2WilliamK: or, a gateway per T1
17:04.33MukulJainManxPower: NY and LA are using Broadband connections
17:04.49ManxPowerMukulJain: that word has no meaning.  Perhaps you mean cable/dsl
17:04.51MukulJainand they are using Router, IP phones are on private IP's and ofcourse using NAT
17:04.53WilliamKCCFL, my experience is that the quad/dual port board is cheaper than the seperate gw idea
17:04.57MukulJainyes, sorry, Cable / DSL
17:05.04CCFL_Man2WilliamK: i have an old cisco mc3810, it's perfect for such an application, but the ethernet interface is only 10mbit
17:05.22CCFL_Man2WilliamK: i'm talking used gateways
17:05.51CCFL_Man2since they are easier to find than used T1 cards
17:07.04CCFL_Man2i use mine the opposite way, using sip trunks to terminate to fxs ports with it's T1 interface and a channel bank
17:07.20ManxPowerCisco routers need two things to handle IP/PSTN interface.  Three things, actually.  The correct IOS feature set, the T-1 card, and the DSP chips  All of these are expensive.
17:07.52CCFL_Man2ManxPower: can you get dsp addons for the routers that support wics?
17:08.03ManxPowerit ends up being more expensive than just using a digium or sangoma card.
17:08.19MukulJainCCFL_Man2 : Yes, you need to purchase DSP (PVDM's Modules) for the Router
17:08.31Sweeperyou can get like 8 t1's into a cisco
17:08.32MukulJainCCFL_Man2: Depends how many active channel
17:08.35CCFL_Man2ahh, thars right
17:08.40ManxPowerCCFL_Man2: it depends on the router.  The DSP chips go into connectors on the router motherboard, like the RAM or FLASH.
17:08.53CCFL_Man2ahh, yes
17:09.01ManxPowerso if the router does not support the DSP sticks.....
17:09.12CCFL_Man2my 1721 does not
17:09.16ManxPowerWhen I first started with VoIP I made the mistake of trying to use Cisco for the IP/PSTN stuff.
17:09.24ManxPowerThat was an expensive mistake.
17:09.24MukulJainManxPower : Most of the Voice Enabled routers will hv slots for the DSP's
17:09.48ManxPowerCCFL_Man2: I had a 1721 and it had DSP connectors, maybe it was the 1721V or something like that.
17:09.58MukulJainManxPower: Which one is a good PSTN/IP MEdia Gateway, for say 2 ports only ?
17:10.00t3rrorgentoo*CLI> sip show channels
17:10.00t3rrorPeer             User/ANR    Call ID      Seq (Tx/Rx)  Form  Hold     Last Message
17:10.00t3rror192.168.1.115    pap1        38537a5b-15  00101/00102  ulaw  No       Rx: ACK
17:10.00t3rror1 active SIP channel
17:10.11ManxPowerMukulJain: For 2 ports I would use a SIPura
17:10.14MukulJainI want them to be installed over Internet at another country and talking back to Linux
17:10.26MukulJainOkay, I am using Linksys 3102, which is SIPURA earlier I believe
17:10.31MukulJainbut having echo issues.
17:10.37ManxPowerLinksys and SIPura are pretty much the same.
17:10.43ManxPowerMukulJain: echo is always an issue.
17:10.59ManxPoweranything with decent echo canceling will be massivly expensive
17:12.07CCFL_Man2ManxPower: same here, but i used an older access concentrator, only $46, but i needed a $40 prom, 64mb ram, the required IOS, a voice dsp module i got for $15 total, and a $40 T1 DVM, though i could have used the T1 trunk card already in the router
17:12.52t3rrortzafrir: i just tried using g723 and the asterisk server said this: Sep  9 12:11:32 NOTICE[4004]: chan_sip.c:3775 process_sdp: No compatible codecs!
17:13.24tzafrirt3rror, g726, not g723
17:13.39tzafrirt3rror, but I suspect you're using gsm to your ISP
17:13.42ManxPowert3rror: you cannot use G723 with Asterisk in any useful way
17:13.56tzafriror something similar. And hence the lower quality
17:14.14CCFL_Man2ManxPower: but, for being old and only 40Mhz, it works pretty nice, but i'm limited with the choice channels with the VCM6 i got
17:14.37t3rrorjust tried g726-40 and got the same no compatible codecs message from the asterisk console
17:14.38CCFL_Man2choice = voice
17:16.12CCFL_Man2ManxPower: plus the free adit 600 channel bank i got with original software load and original fxs cards, but it seems to work really well, atlease with tollfreegateway
17:17.25*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
17:17.53tzafrirt3rror, you're not listening
17:19.22CCFL_Man2too much earwax in the receiver speaker holes probably
17:22.16tzafrirt3rror, go back to ulaw
17:22.41CCFL_Man2the telco's use it for a reason
17:23.30*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
17:27.20RypPnis it standard practise for asterisk 1.4 not to load up module ?
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17:30.15[TK]D-FenderRypPn, definately not.  Go look that you have it, then check your modules.conf
17:30.58RypPn[TK]D-Fender: yes, I added it to modules.conf under the globals section and all is well now, I just wondered if that was normal
17:31.10RypPnnever had to do it with 1.2
17:31.38[TK]D-FenderRypPn, check your autoload option
17:31.48RypPnits set to yes
17:32.40CCFL_Man2anyone know how to calibrate an old western electric dial?
17:32.55[TK]D-FenderRypPn, ok, makes no sense unless simply failed to load due to a port conflict or soemthing
17:34.12RypPnhmmm, I'll just let it slide I think, my concern was that other modules may need manually loading as well now
17:35.00RypPn153 loaded, that in the ballpark?
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17:46.26shmaltzSeaMonkey is way nicer than Mozilla
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17:59.54GlobeTrotterhi,,  i need to upgrade my machine,,  but i want to transfer my g729 codecs to my new box...  how do i do that>
18:00.31*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey)
18:01.02jdgAsk relicense to Digium ?
18:02.01GlobeTrotterso i NEED to contact digium if i want to move the codecs from onx to the other?e o
18:02.11GlobeTrotterfrom one box to the other
18:04.06jdgyes, I think so, but I may be wrong.
18:04.25[TK]D-FenderGlobeTrotter, Yes, because its tied to your primary NIC's MAC address
18:04.37*** join/#asterisk TmBerg (n=TmBerg@pdpc/supporter/basic/TmBerg)
18:04.42GlobeTrotterok,,  thanks
18:04.51Qwelland I think you can do it once without having to call
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18:11.45t3rrortzafrir: i was using ulaw, but that is where i have audio problems
18:14.59CCFL_Man2on the lan?
18:16.37[X-tp]is it possible to get H.323 and video to work in asterisk?
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18:29.12tzafrir_laptopt3rror, are you sure you use ulaw to your ISP?
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18:29.55t3rrortzafrir_laptop: i am using iax2 to teliax and sip to my ata
18:30.00swiftkickhello, I have a question. using Asterisk-GUI to manage a multiple provider, multiple tenant PBX. i've been poking around in extensions.conf fine tuning a few things, voice menus, etc. and have run into an odd problem.
18:30.35swiftkicki have 4 DID trunks each that routes to a ring group. the ring groups all ring the proper phones based on their DID context.
18:30.55swiftkickhowever, when the ring group times out its supposed to transfer the call to an appropriate VMB.
18:31.22swiftkickfor some reason, two of the DID trunk contexts don't seem to "know" about the voicemail boxes.
18:31.45swiftkicki.e. at that point the line exten = s,n,Voicemail(37,b) fails nonzero
18:31.53swiftkickeven though there is definitely a voicemail box 37
18:33.03swiftkickand the caller gets the message "the mailbox you are trying to access does not exist"
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18:33.31swiftkickthen they are prompted to enter a voicemail box #. Well, at that point, no matter what they enter, they cannot connect.
18:34.26swiftkicki.e. the prompt cannot route to any of the vmb's for any of the "tenants", whereas internally, any one person can directly dial any other tenant's employees' extensions & ring through to their VMB's no prob
18:41.16swiftkickim trying to find some documentation that might explain some subtlety of users.conf or extensions.conf that i've missed, but to no avail.
18:44.18*** join/#asterisk mmdk (
18:45.26t3rrorwhat free softphone for windows so you all suggest?
18:46.05mmdki don't have good experience with softphones
18:46.17mmdkit's always been crap for me when it comes to sound
18:46.20t3rrori just need something to test with internally
18:46.28mmdkbut maybe somebody can comment on that
18:46.34mmdki guess you can try x-lite
18:46.41t3rrori couldnt get it working right
18:46.52t3rrorit wouldn't register with the server
18:46.58mmdkhmmm....usually it works fine
18:47.07mmdklook at the log and see what it says
18:47.09t3rrorthe setup screen kept popping up
18:47.16mmdkor at the asterisk log
18:47.24Sweepert3rror: eh? the sip client one?
18:47.33Sweepersounds like you need to reinstall or something
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18:48.21t3rrori will try that
18:50.22WilliamKwhat are most users using for VoIP billing software?
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18:55.10mmdkanybody that can help with this ? I have set up asterisk. i can call out on my SIP trunk but i cannot receive calls. i can see that the call reaches asterisk but it does not forward to my client. is there any debug option i can enable to see what asterisk tries to do with that call ?
18:56.04mmdktried SIP debug but nothing usefull came out of that
18:56.51jdgcore set verbose 3
18:57.20mmdkok let me try that....thanx
18:57.29t3rrormmdk: i needed a newer version of xlite
18:57.36t3rrormmdk: i reinstalled and it worked fine
18:57.46mmdkthat's great
18:59.03mmdkhmmm.....nothing usefull or i can't the useful thing :(
18:59.34*** join/#asterisk JoelSolanki (n=joel@
18:59.39JoelSolankiHi all.
19:00.00JoelSolankican we have extensions authenticate against unix password file ?
19:00.37*** part/#asterisk WizardWlf (
19:02.07[TK]D-FenderJoelSolanki,  Extensions don't authenticate anything, they simply "are".  Be careful of your wording.
19:04.01JoelSolankisorry. i mean what i set in sip.conf
19:04.43JoelSolankiwhen i create a user in sip.conf it authenticates but i want to make that authentication with unix password file
19:04.45JoelSolankiis that possible ?
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19:06.10jdgno, I don't think so
19:06.16WilliamKJoelSolanki, the problem I see with the idea is that the passwords are usually MD5
19:06.30[TK]D-FenderJoelSolanki, You have sip.conf, and you have real-time DB's.  How you want to sync THAT with Unix PW's is YOUR job.  There is no tool I've ever heard of to do this already.  Fell free to WRITE ONE.
19:06.46WilliamKyou'd have to run a touch script or something to extract the data and then break the MD5, and reparse it into a file formatted properly
19:07.57WilliamKtoo much trouble/pain
19:09.05JoelSolankihmm agree.
19:09.24JoelSolankithis looks hard.
19:09.32JoelSolankibut let me give one link
19:10.19WilliamKJoelSolanki, not alot of trouble if you're a genuine programmer with an idea/concept, however; if you're not, well... that's where the problems really begin
19:10.30swiftkickok: this is probably a total noob question, but, in extensions.conf is there a difference between the nomenclature "exten =" and "exten =>"?
19:10.34JoelSolankiyes i understand.
19:10.45WilliamKRadius is one thing, Unix password file is another
19:10.54WilliamKRadius usually isn't stored in MD5
19:11.33JoelSolankibut check the PAM authentication method in that link
19:11.36swiftkicki have been digging thru google trying to find some really simple answers re: users.conf and extensions.conf and have yet to see that addressed...
19:12.02WilliamKJoelSolanki, I looked
19:12.18JoelSolankiWilliamK: Ok. i m starting to work on it. :)
19:12.31WilliamKyou're welcome to try and set it up, I just don't have that amount of time
19:13.08JoelSolankihope it works out for me. need create a central billing system so asterisk users authenticate against unix password file.
19:13.44JoelSolankiok take care. bye
19:14.19*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
19:14.41WilliamKanyone know if AstBill is supported with * 1.4?
19:14.52WilliamKI keep seeing references to 1.0/1.2
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19:17.56wundaboyWhat provider to people recommend for termination/origination?
19:18.41wundaboyi'm currently using Junction networks and it is ridiculously expensive $.029
19:21.20swiftkickis there a difference between the nomenclature "exten =" and "exten =>" in extensions.conf ? I cant seem to find this documented anywhere, yet asterisk-gui seems to freely write exten =, whereas all the docs online suggest exten =>.
19:23.06swiftkicke.g. makes no mention of "exten ="
19:24.24mmdkcan someone enlight my knowledge...what doe insecure=very mean ?
19:25.10russellbswiftkick: there is a difference in the code, in that you can tell what was used, but i don't know of anywhere that actually cares which you use
19:25.44swiftkickrusselb: aha... so its just a coding convention, essentially?
19:25.51russellbbasically, yeah
19:25.56pejo_Does asterisk have video-mail-app?
19:26.03swiftkickrusselb: thank you :)
19:26.07pejo_like voice mail, but with video?
19:26.09mmdkanyone ?
19:26.14russellbpejo_: app_voicemail can handle video just fine, or it is supposed to anyway :)
19:26.21russellbmmdk: have you looked at sip.conf.sample ?
19:26.34russellbmmdk: "very" is the same as "port,invite"
19:27.01russellbwhich means 1) allow matching peer on IP and not port.  and 2) do not require authentication for incoming INVITEs
19:27.46mmdkno sorry din't see that but thank you for the info
19:27.56russellbyou're welcome
19:28.49russellbpejo_: it doesn't require any additional configuration, either.  if you call to leavea  voicemail with a video phone, it will save the video as well, and will play it back to you when you call in with a compatible phone to check it
19:31.17pejo_russellb: great, can each user define their own videos to be played when they can answer
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19:31.36mmdkanyone tried 1videoconference with astersik ?
19:31.48pejo_can't answer
19:32.18jdgvideoconference is not supported, just direct video calls
19:32.44mmdk1videoconference should work with least that's what they say
19:33.15pejo_like a normal answer machine you get to record a message that the machine should playback when no one is their to answer the call, do asterisk have that feature?
19:34.10jdgwhat is 1videoconference ?
19:35.04[X-tp]jdg: how do you define a videoconference in this case? multiple remote sites or H.323?
19:35.29mmdklook here :
19:35.59mmdki tried to install and configure it but i can't get it to work. have some problem with the mail it suppose to send when you create a meeting
19:36.10mmdkbut take a look. it looks cool if it works
19:36.18jdgfor me a conference is app_meetme
19:36.56jdgmmdk: so it's not asterisk ! uses asterisk conference feature....don't really know how
19:37.19mmdkthat's why i wanted to try it out
19:37.39mmdkbut maybe somebody else would like to try it and has some feedback
19:37.57*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
19:38.26swiftkickwhere is the proper place to specify users voicemail information? using asterisk-gui to set things up, it doesn't seem to write a thing to voicemail.conf. it does appear to update the entries in users.conf regarding voicemail.
19:42.05[TK]D-Fenderswiftkick, a stupid flag in users.conf : hasvoicemail = yes
19:45.37*** join/#asterisk cavediver (
19:45.39cavediverHi guys.
19:46.20cavediverI have added a service provider using the gui and even though i run activate it seems to be gone from the gui but it still registers to my provider.
19:46.56cavediverI don't know how to get rid of it. I have now two identical providers, but I see only one in the gui. Has this happened to anyone else
19:48.09*** join/#asterisk hugelmopf (
19:50.49ManxPowercavediver: we don't use or support any GUIs here.
19:51.02cavediverI see.
19:51.13ManxPowerI suggest going to the channel for the gui you are using
19:51.25cavediverOk, it would be the official one.
19:51.28ManxPowercurrent topic is: Asterisk: The Open Source Telephony Application Platform -=- Asterisk 1.4.11 (Aug. 21, 2007) -=- Join #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW and Asterisk-GUI info -=- Join #asterisk-commits to monitor svn changes -=-  Join #freepbx for freepbx/#trixbox for trixbox support.
19:51.38cavediverI see.
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20:04.33swiftkick[TK]D-Fender thank you for your answer re: voicemail.
20:05.07swiftkickI do have "hasvoicemail = yes" set properly on the entries in users.conf
20:05.59swiftkickthes problem is, with 4 DID trunks, all 4 route properly to respective ringroups in extensions.conf, and ring multiple SIP extensions correctly. but then when ringroups time out they are supposed to transfer to a voicemail box. 2 of them do so flawlessly. the other two exit nonzero (according to the CLI) and tell the caller: "the mailbox you are trying to reach does not exist."
20:06.10swiftkickthen "Please enter the mailbox you'd like to reach"
20:06.42swiftkickno matter what the caller enters at that poiont does not display any entries on the CLI screen
20:07.50swiftkickthen no matter what existing extensions or VMB's they dial at that prompt, it repeats and hangs up
20:08.03swiftkickso its as though, none of the VMB system is accessible from the DID_trunk context (?!)
20:08.11*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
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20:08.54jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
20:08.58[TK]D-Fenderthere we go
20:09.14[TK]D-Fenderswiftkick, that output doesn't prove WHERE things have been screwed up.
20:09.29[TK]D-Fenderswiftkick, the CONFIG is clearly wrong, its jsut a matter of WHERE
20:09.57swiftkick[TK]D-Fender: no doubt. whats a concern is that most oif this config was auto-generated by asterisk-gui.
20:10.04swiftkickyou want a pb of extensions.conf ?
20:10.13[TK]D-Fenderswiftkick, When that GUI does your thinking for you is the problem.
20:10.27[TK]D-Fenderswiftkick, And all related configs.  voicemail.conf, users.conf, etc.
20:10.41[TK]D-Fenderswiftkick, AND of course the CLI output of a failed attempt.
20:10.54wundaboydoes anyone have any provider recommendations for origination/termination?
20:10.57swiftkick[TK]D-Fender: well, it isn't exactly doing my *thinking*. It was used to setup the system, by another party, who is no longer available to repair it. I have enough experience getting under the hood with config files to at least poke around and try and diagnose.
20:11.13swiftkick[TK]D-Fender 'k thank you one moment preparing paste
20:12.43*** join/#asterisk RipeR-81 (n=ircap8@
20:12.47dugI am getting the following error,  the first time I call the IVR works fine,  the second time the system picks up and sounds like a fax?
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20:14.44[TK]D-Fenderdug, PB failure
20:14.59dugPB failure?
20:15.28[TK]D-Fendersorry, it took the "," at the end.
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20:15.50[TK]D-Fenderdug, and please provide REAL CLI output, not jsut that cryptic debug.
20:17.18dugfender a bit new to the cli,  how would I do that?
20:17.50dug[TK]D-Fender: new to asterisk in general
20:17.51[TK]D-Fendergo to CLI, do "set verbose 10", watch the call.  pastbin it
20:18.23swiftkickis the extensions.conf file...
20:18.32swiftkickone sec for some CLI output
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20:20.40dug[TK]D-Fender:  <- pickup but no IVR
20:21.57[TK]D-Fenderdug, Sure looks lie its waiting for input, and it TIMES OUT pretty blatantly
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20:22.14[TK]D-Fenderdug, -- Timeout on Zap/3-1, going to 't'
20:23.46dug[TK]D-Fender: I dont enter anything so that would be correct,  but it doesnt play mainmenu as it says it is.. or is it timing out prior to playing?
20:23.49swiftkick[TK]D-Fender here is the pastebin of the CLI failure:
20:24.18[TK]D-Fenderdug, -- Executing [s@ivr-2:10] BackGround("Zap/3-1", "custom/mainmenu") in new stack
20:24.32[TK]D-Fenderdug, says its playing a recording.  Doesn't mean it CONTAINS anything useful.
20:24.59[TK]D-Fenderswiftkick, Wheres the Voicemail failure?
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20:25.09dug[TK]D-Fender: but I just called again an it played the ivr correctly
20:25.32[TK]D-Fenderswiftkick, What does that have to do with anything?
20:25.54Lucky7[TK]D-Fender : you use Polycom IP330's right?
20:26.08[TK]D-FenderLucky7, No, but I've provisioned them.
20:26.50Lucky7I've done the same thing, I'm having a bit of a problem though, with keeping them registered.... IE: I have 15 phones that all connect to a sales ring-all
20:27.16Lucky7only about 1/2 of those phones ring at any given time, and if you call the extensions that dont ring, you go directly to voicemail
20:27.22Lucky7like the phone has been disconnected.
20:27.26swiftkick[TK]D-Fender: the ringroup is set up in extensions.conf like this:
20:27.34[TK]D-FenderLucky7, pardon?  What exactly is this "thing" they are "registering" to?  Your terminology is dangerously vague
20:27.52Lucky7Think > Providisoned phones
20:28.00Lucky7.... crap, stupid fingers
20:28.05Lucky7ok, lemme start over.
20:28.25Lucky7I have 25 Polycom IP330's, All Provisioned from a centeralized FTP boot server.
20:28.56Lucky715 of these phones, are on a Group-ringer, (i dial in, hit 2, and all the phones are supposed to ring)
20:28.57[TK]D-Fenderswiftkick, do "dialplan show ringroups-custom-3"
20:28.58mmdkhow does one debug dialing plans ?
20:29.18[TK]D-Fendermmdk, Another wonderfully vague question....
20:30.30swiftkick[TK]D-Fender, the caller doesn't hang up at that point
20:30.40jdgmmdk, just watch how the calls are handled in the asterisk console
20:30.43swiftkick[TK]D-Fender, the caller gets a message saying "the mailbox you are trying to reach does not exist"
20:31.00swiftkick[TK]D-Fender, and whats odd is, when the VM works, it shows all messages being played on the CLI
20:31.10swiftkick[TK]D-Fender, in this case it does not.
20:31.28[TK]D-Fenderswiftkick, No they don't.... where do you see * doing ANYTHING?
20:31.35[TK]D-Fenderswiftkick, Where is the call comgin FROM?
20:32.05mmdkjdg, tried watching it and it gets to a 404
20:32.07[TK]D-Fenderswiftkick, SPECIFIC.
20:32.31[TK]D-Fenderswiftkick, because clearly it isn't ASTERISK playing that message you're getting, its your TELCO <------------
20:32.54swiftkicki was thinking this was possible
20:32.54[TK]D-Fenderswiftkick, probably because the call isn't "answered" and THEY are timing out.
20:33.34swiftkick[TK]D-Fender : except the ringgroup does work
20:33.50swiftkick[TK]D-Fender : it rings all the phones for the entire period up to the timeout specified in the dialplan
20:34.13swiftkick[TK]D-Fender : i have this problem with 2 of 4 ringroups, with different timeouts
20:34.48[TK]D-Fenderswiftkick, Clearly * is not playing these messages.  There is nothing more to say.
20:35.41swiftkick[TK]D-Fender sure, but, how is * dropping the call after the timeout period specified in the ringgroup? whereas two identically coded ringroups work 100% correctly
20:36.10[TK]D-Fenderswiftkick, I guess you'd have to SHOW these 2 different samples.
20:36.24[TK]D-Fenderswiftkick, and if everything were perfect it wold WORK.
20:37.21shido6mic check
20:38.12swiftkick[TK]D-Fender: note the context [default] ... look at how the extension is handled at the line exten = 7738716638 , both under [default] and under [DID_bp]
20:39.03[TK]D-Fenderswiftkick, No, show me the CLI PROVING whats getting EXECUTED.  * doesn't care what your dialplan COULD be doing, it cares about what it IS doing.
20:39.27[TK]D-Fenderswiftkick, I could code 100 contexts for WORLD DOMINATION, and if they never get executed, who cares?
20:40.17swiftkick[TK]D-Fender: [default] gets executed no matter what yes? i am asking a different question here: can you explain why someone would code a line like : exten = 7738716638,1,Goto(ringroups-custom-2,s,1)
20:40.46swiftkickwhere 7738716638 is the number being dialed INTO * from the PSTN
20:40.50[TK]D-Fenderswiftkick, no, it DOESN'T.  * doesn't care if you call a context [default] or [FRED]
20:41.04[TK]D-Fenderswiftkick, [default] has NO SPECIAL MEANING
20:44.04swiftkick[TK]D-Fender: here is a paste of a (neighboring) ringroup working correctly to ring 2x extensions then drop thru to the VM
20:44.08swiftkickfrom the CLI
20:44.10[TK]D-Fenderswiftkick, calls coming in via pretty much anything except an ANALOG LINE, typically target a specific extension.  When you register with an ITSP and they send a call to you, they usually send the DID you have with them that was DIALED.  If that call is designed to land in on that context and it matches that exten, the call would then begin processing, it woul jump to that other context and begin doing whatever is in there.
20:45.21[TK]D-Fenderswiftkick, Executing [s@ringroups-custom-2:2] Dial("SIP/", "SIP/31&SIP/32|30") in new stack
20:45.28swiftkickthe problem is that the extension seems to be specified as the DID that was Dialed, coming in on the same trunk. (DID Trunk 3.) This appears to be a hack/kludge/screwup on the part of the ITSP
20:45.46[TK]D-Fenderswiftkick,  and you showed me [ringroups-custom-3]
20:45.52[TK]D-Fenderswiftkick, these are NOT THE SAME
20:46.03swiftkicki was saying: ringroups-custom-2 *WORKS*
20:46.09swiftkicki was saying: ringroups-custom-3 doesn't.
20:46.36[TK]D-Fenderswiftkick, then blame the GUI for creating broken configs, or see where you may have screwed up some choices it offered you.  this is not the ITSP's fault
20:47.03swiftkickagain, in the original pb link i pasted of extensions.conf, it shows the exten = line based on a DID incoming telephone number in a given context
20:47.04[TK]D-Fenderswiftkick, I highly advise you to ditch that GUI and make your own sane configs
20:48.25swiftkick[TK]D-Fender : the config is 4 providers total, less than 20 extensions total. its not really very hard to sort thru -- except for all the annoying "DEMO" and "DUNDI" contexts that asterisk-gui keeps wanting to put in extensions.conf
20:48.56swiftkickI'm trying to preserve some level of managability by GUI for othe end users not as familiar with ssh and vi as myself. :) :) :)
20:50.54wundaboydoes anyone have any provider recommendations for origination/termination?
20:51.04bkruse_homeIf the gui does not work
20:51.06wundaboyi'm currently using Junction networks and it is ridiculously expensive $.029
20:51.08bkruse_homesubmit a bug, and I will fix it
20:51.24bkruse_home[TK]D-Fender: I understand where you are coming from completely, how long have you been using asterisk?
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20:51.59bkruse_homeI couldnt do anything but config files, vim + terminal is it. However, the GUI is a great start for a user beginning into asterisk....even has a file editor if you want to get down and dirty :P
20:52.41swiftkickbkruse_home: well the current trunk of the asterisk-GUI has some problems with "service providers" - wants to show them all as IAXTEL even if they are set as custom-voip. i rolled back to an earlier version. havent gotten involved in * and *-gui community enough to feel comfortable enough to submit a bug report
20:53.00bkruse_homeswiftkick: #asterisk-gui, i need feedback if I am going to fix it! :D so please just do not complain...but help :]
20:53.26bkruse_homeswiftkick: You can never go wrong with submitting bug reports
20:53.38bkruse_homeeven if its "I have no idea how to fix it, but this doesnt work as it should...."
20:53.43bkruse_homewhat svn rev are you running?
20:53.48bkruse_home[TK]D-Fender: see where im coming from?
20:54.09bkruse_homeCould one of the ops put #asterisk-gui in the title for gui questions, I miss so many of these conversations :[
20:55.22swiftkicktoo many windows open - brain keeps trying to use "screen" shortcut ctrl-a D to switch irc windows... heh :)
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20:56.09jdgit is already in the title :)
20:56.14bkruse_homejdg: it is?
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20:57.30jdgbkruse_home: YES -=- Join #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW and Asterisk-GUI info
20:57.47bkruse_homejdg: I guess its just no one reads the topic these days :P
20:57.59bkruse_homejdg: thanks. I keep wanting to type "gdb" when I am talking to you :P
21:03.29swiftkick[TK]D-Fender: really, the issue seems to be asterisk level, not asterisk-gui level, since i am editting most of these files by hand and just verifying that the GUI picks up the changes correctly. but bkruse has sent me in the right direction with, specifically
21:03.42swiftkick[TK]D-Fender and bkruse_home I thank both of you for your assistance with this.
21:03.51swiftkickit is highly appreciated
21:14.06RipeR-81hey everyone, anybody knows how to open ports on iptables ?
21:17.21mvanbaakRipeR-81: iptables -I INPUT -d <your_ip> --dport <port> -j ACCEPT
21:23.15TmBergRipeR-81: Or, iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 65533 -j ACCEPT
21:36.49wundaboyno one has suggestions for voip providers?
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21:51.47jdgwundaboy: I'm happy with teliax
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22:03.29WilliamKanyone have comments on howto fix the zaptel script?
22:07.44mvanbaakwundaboy: depends on what part of the world
22:09.52tzafrir_laptopWilliamK, which version of zaptel is it?
22:10.15tzafrir_laptopAnd which distro?
22:10.33WilliamKlatest svn
22:10.36WilliamKjust updated
22:10.42WilliamKbranches 1.4
22:11.41tzafrir_laptopThe "unknown line" lines are probably from the output of lsusb. Ignore them
22:11.47WilliamKI looked in the /etc/default/zaptel file and the modules appear to be correct
22:12.09WilliamKhowever, zaptel is failing to start still via init script
22:12.10tzafrir_laptopwhich distro is it?
22:12.21WilliamKCentOS 5
22:12.42tzafrir_laptopin centos the init.d scripts looks at /etc/sysconfig/zaptel ...
22:13.39tzafrir_laptopgrep ^MODULES= /etc/sysconfig/zaptel
22:14.11WilliamKstill fails after I copied it to /etc/sysconfig/zaptel
22:14.26WilliamKLoading zaptel hardware modules:Running ztcfg:  ZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: Invalid argument (22)
22:14.50*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
22:16.19WilliamKby the way, when I did the initial install, it put it in /etc/default/zaptel by itself
22:16.46WilliamKand the config for zaptel.conf works if I manually do the modprobe
22:18.51tzafrir_laptopWilliamK, with svn? or with 1.4.4? (the copy to the wrong place)
22:19.16tzafrir_laptopdo you have more than one card? or is ztdummy loaded?
22:19.29WilliamK1 wcte12xp
22:19.48tzafrir_laptopwhat is the span line from zaptel.conf?
22:19.55WilliamKhere lemme delete the file and I'll know for sure which one put it in the wrong place
22:20.54tzafrir_laptoptake a look at /proc/zaptel/1 . Any chance that this is ztdummy ?
22:22.17WilliamKSpan 1: ZTDUMMY/1 "ZTDUMMY/1 1"
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22:23.15WilliamKre-installing zaptel, I deleted the zaptel file to find out which ver installed it in the wrong place
22:25.15WilliamKhad to be 1.4.4 that was wrong
22:25.19WilliamKsvn is correct
22:25.32WilliamKalso appears I got alot farther after deleting the old file
22:25.39WilliamKhowever, still failed
22:26.57WilliamKokie, I see part of the problem
22:27.08WilliamKsvn doesn't appear to have the module for the wcte12xp
22:27.15WilliamKat least in the zaptel file
22:28.32CCFL_Man2i won an avocado colored western electric 202
22:28.37CCFL_Man2on ebay
22:30.56WilliamKguess that's 1 problem, not sure where else wcte12xp has been forgotten from
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22:37.17CCFL_Man2a pink 302!
22:37.27CCFL_Man2how farkin rare is that
22:41.10WilliamKthis is fun (not really) but might as well say it is
22:41.27WilliamKso far it's been left out of zaptel.init
22:41.28tzafrir_laptopWilliamK, so you loaded without anything defined. The init.d script decided to load ztdummy, because "you have no hardware"
22:42.02tzafrir_laptopNow you modprobe your module, and it got span no. 2, even though it is configured for span no. 1
22:42.20WilliamKand the scary thing is, it worked
22:42.24tzafrir_laptopTry: /etc/init.d/zaptel restart
22:42.35WilliamKalready tried
22:43.03WilliamKRunning ztcfg:  ZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: Invalid argument (22)
22:43.05tzafrir_laptopThat should work if you have your module in MODULES
22:43.18JTCCFL_Man2: europe is not a country.
22:43.55WilliamKI added it manually so I know it's there
22:43.59CCFL_Man2JT: pardon
22:45.00WilliamKany other possible places it could be missing from? I tried doing a grep looking for lines for wcte11xp that didn't match what I saw for wcte12xp
22:45.57JT< CCFL_Man2> g711alaw is used in broken countries like europe :P
22:46.18JT^broken statement
22:47.53CCFL_Man2ok, it's a union
22:48.06tzafrir_laptopWilliamK, modinfo wcte12xp
22:48.17tzafrir_laptopdoes it give any output?
22:48.19JTalso a continent
22:48.38JTand plenty more countries than european ones use G.711a
22:48.55JTin fact, many more countries use it than that which use G.711Mu
22:49.34CCFL_Man2JT: more countries use PAL, too
22:49.58JTbecause NTSC is rubbish
22:50.04CCFL_Man2i pledge my loyalty to bell
22:50.19JTNever The Same Colour twice
22:50.23CCFL_Man2technically, yes
22:50.56CCFL_Man2but early color tubes produced great color
22:52.00JTif you're talking about a CRT, who cares if the colour is great if it is wrong?
22:52.02CCFL_Man2picture tubes
22:52.10JToh, a Cathode Ray Tube
22:52.12JTnot a lol
22:52.24WilliamKtzafrir_laptop: do you need the info?
22:52.31JTthis problem has nothing to do with the CRT
22:53.03JTit has to do with colour being dependant on the phase angle of the video signal
22:53.08tzafrir_laptopWilliamK, if there wasn't an erro: no
22:53.12CCFL_Man2JT: right
22:53.16JTwhich is a complete disaster in an analogue transmission network
22:53.22JTntsc is a disaster :)
22:53.42CCFL_Man2JT: thats the reason for the luma delay line
22:53.52WilliamKnot at error, all good info
22:53.59WilliamKerr at = an
22:54.15JTCCFL_Man2: also the resolution is inferior to PAL
22:54.48tzafrir_laptopwell, what do you have under /proc/zaptel ?
22:55.06CCFL_Man2JT: oh it's a few lines :P
22:55.16JTCCFL_Man2: and a few colours... right
22:55.55WilliamKfinally works
22:56.22WilliamKafter fixing those files, I did a manual modprobe again, unloaded the modules, and restarted zaptel
22:56.24CCFL_Man2JT: just a couple
22:56.53WilliamKguess zaptel.init (and/or the modules file just needs to be fixed to include the wcte12xp)
22:56.54JTCCFL_Man2: how many other technical innacuracies will i find in your scrollback? :P
22:57.05CCFL_Man2JT: digital video and s-video solve that :P
22:57.11CCFL_Man2JT: quite a bit
22:57.28CCFL_Man2did you see that super sexy pink 302?
22:57.32JTlike peer to peer rtp ;)
22:57.37tzafrir_laptopWilliamK, if you have it in MODULES , then it is already included
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22:58.25CCFL_Man2JT: i know :P
22:59.04WilliamKtzafrir, I'm saying the master copy on svn
22:59.11WilliamKI had to manually edit my files to include it
22:59.15WilliamKwasn't there
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23:18.25WilliamKgonna be a long night
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23:20.26Carlos_TicoHi people
23:20.27Carlos_Ticohow are you
23:20.43Carlos_Ticoi need a little hand to set up my spa3102 with asterisk
23:22.08Carlos_Ticohi ?
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23:28.11GlobeTrotterhola,,  anyone knows what this means?
23:28.14GlobeTrotterchan_iax2.c: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
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23:34.31WilliamKtzafrir, it's back up, did the ls command, nothing
23:34.39WilliamKlsmod shows the modules are loaded though
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23:46.35tzafrir_laptopWilliamK, nothing under /proc/zaptel ?
23:49.03WilliamKyeah 1
23:49.40tzafrir_laptopwhat is it? your card or ztdummy?
23:49.41WilliamKit's loading the driver
23:49.53WilliamKSpan 1: WCT1/0 "Wildcard TE12xP Card 0"
23:50.11tzafrir_laptopbut ztcfg originally failed?
23:50.38tzafrir_laptopwhat error?
23:50.56WilliamKhow do I see the trace?
23:51.19tzafrir_laptopIt was sent to the console
23:52.29tzafrir_laptopI figure that redirecting it to a file would be:   exec 2>/tmp/log
23:52.30WilliamKwhen I reboot the box it fails, doesn't seem to be failing if I manually start it
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23:52.59tzafrir_laptopif you just run ztcfg, does it succeed?
23:53.41WilliamKline 0: Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'
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23:57.26tzafrir_laptopThis is immedietly after loading the module?
23:58.02WilliamKrebooted the box, by default it has zaptel and asterisk set to auto load, and this is the result once it booted

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