IRC log for #asterisk on 20070906

00:00.17fujin-vvv should give you full protocol debug
00:00.25fujinI find -vv is usually enough
00:05.19luisjosei think i can't get a SIP register password with tcpdump
00:05.46saftsackdo you think it is encrypted?
00:05.58luisjosei don't think so
00:06.06luisjosebut i don't know how i can get it
00:06.12*** join/#asterisk pepo--- (n=pepOSX@
00:06.24luisjoseits just a crappy ata
00:06.41saftsackif you know the password ...
00:06.48luisjosesaftsack, negative
00:07.03saftsackthen buy another ata which is similar
00:07.09saftsackturn tcpdump on and then the ata
00:07.19saftsackand then look at the logs where the password is shown
00:07.30saftsackand then you know when the password is sent
00:09.39*** join/#asterisk ReD-MaN (
00:10.00saftsackdid you try to change it from hexadecimal? :-P
00:10.14Yourname`sup fujin
00:12.18saftsacki sent the german page because of the good diagram
00:12.26luisjosesaftsack, how :P
00:12.44*** join/#asterisk craigk (n=ckowald@
00:13.29saftsackluisjose, did you see unscrambled words?
00:13.48saftsackor are there just hexadecimal letters?
00:13.56saftsackdid you try wireshark?
00:14.44luisjosefucking mouse just died
00:14.49luisjosesaftsack, no X
00:15.03luisjosesaftsack, i was using options -vvv and -ttt
00:15.57*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
00:17.53luisjosecan't do shit
00:17.56luisjosewithout the mouse
00:20.12Yourname`fujin: Do you use QueueLog?
00:23.25*** part/#asterisk lancey (
00:23.33fujin_Yourname`, the application?
00:23.49fujin_no, the standard queue logging facilities work to my requirements for Queuemetrics
00:23.55*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
00:24.03Yourname`I'm trying to a build a custom log.
00:24.09Yourname`Like the log of our IVRs.
00:24.14fujin_I see
00:24.42Yourname`For example, on a voicebroadcast application, how many people responded by DTMF to the first message played. How many people responded to the next message played to them after they responded, and so on, etc.
00:24.56Yourname`I think I can use Queuelog for that. Except I can't find much information on it..
00:25.12DrAk0MOUSE just died
00:25.13fujin_show application QueueLog isn't verbose enough?
00:25.17DrAk0had to find a new one...
00:25.32saftsackDrAk0, there you go
00:26.19*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
00:26.21Yourname`I mean to be able to get the full thing, like all the way down to the CSVs that are created.. you know what I mean?
00:27.04fujin_can't say i do
00:27.09*** join/#asterisk the_Goat1 (
00:27.15fujin_why not just setup some verbose logging to go to a mysql socket
00:27.20fujin_which inserts rows into a db?
00:27.35the_Goat1anyone here use cisco phones with asterisk
00:27.36*** join/#asterisk snuff-work (n=bradl@
00:27.53saftsackthe_Goat1 anyone here who has to much money?
00:27.54DrAk0saftsack, but thats for record the call, i need the user and password
00:27.54Yourname`See, that sounds good too. For now, I'm generating verbose NoOps and saving CLI output and then searching for those NoOps, lol
00:28.15fujin_I have the problem of too much output
00:28.19saftsackDrAk0, yes the rtp part is for the audio
00:28.28saftsackthe sip part is for initiating the call
00:28.29fujin_for my queue delivery macro's, they flood the screen and make the logs unreadable
00:28.29Yourname`the_Goat: Had a few, didn't get to use them properly, and now they sit useless. Currently using Linksys SPA941s.
00:28.50the_Goat1i am having an issue when i park or transfer a call.  when i pick up the cisco phone, i can't hear anything but when italk on the phone, the person on the other phone can hear jsut fine
00:28.56saftsackDrAk0, o=icblenke 2890844526 2890842807 IN IP4 i think this is username + password in this example
00:29.17Yourname`I log it all down to to almost 3 gigs of log data per day. And then using UltraEdit look for the NoOps I created.. lol
00:29.48slimaI have 2 accounts from the same sip provider, and inbound calls always match the first register, why? and how to fix it? my configs (sorry for my english)
00:30.04fujin_slima, use two seperate contexts
00:30.09DrAk0saftsack, ok, im installing ethereal on my workstation and ill get the pcap from the server
00:30.27fujin_Yourname`, are you using logrotate to rotate /var/log/asterisk/messages ?
00:30.43saftsackDrAk0, good thing ;)
00:30.55slimafujin_: for register => ?
00:30.56saftsackDrAk0, are you on a machine with X11 at the moment?
00:31.04DrAk0saftsack, yes
00:31.32saftsackdo you have ssh access to your dumping machine?
00:31.40CCFL_Man2my cisco voice compression module will come tomorrow
00:31.45DrAk0saftsack, yes
00:32.02saftsackif yes you can open your ethereal window from this pc on your X11 environment
00:32.08Yourname`fujin: Not yet. :S
00:32.18fujin_slima, yes, if you register twice, register each one to generate messages onto a different context
00:32.21Yourname`Each box has 250gb HDD though, and just got asterisk
00:32.26fujin_i see
00:32.41fujin_I just put it a logrotate option which will stop asterisk, move the old messages log, compress, start asterisk
00:32.47fujin_makes day-by-day diagnosis easier.
00:33.23Yourname`Hmm, gotta read more about it then.. :D
00:34.32DrAk0saftsack, im just gonna scp the pcap file to here
00:35.23saftsackor this way ;)
00:36.01snuff-workfujin_: i just use logger rotate on the * CLI
00:37.00fujin_can't really automate that though can ya
00:37.10fujin_I guess I could automate `asterisk -rx "logger rotate"`
00:37.21snuff-workthat's what i do in my crontab ;)
00:37.42saftsackDrAk0, please tell me then if you had success
00:38.28[TK]D-Fenderfujin_, this is the part where you should relize the benefit of storing queue logs in a DB
00:38.43DrAk0saftsack, im reading the pcap
00:38.48DrAk0i think i got the user
00:39.00fujin_I shift my queue logs to db
00:39.05fujin_but don't log directly to them
00:39.19jwhhm, is it possible to dump what extensions asterisk thinks it has defined (show dialplan dumps ael also)
00:39.22fujin_[TK]D-Fender, is there some native functionality which will logger->db?
00:39.24jwhor should the extensions show there
00:39.55fujin_jwh, Usage: core show dialplan [exten@][context]
00:40.02fujin_you can drill down per-context.
00:40.08jwhoh, thanks
00:40.09[TK]D-Fenderfujin_, not that I know.  You should jsut go direct and save the transition.
00:40.28fujin_[TK]D-Fender, The transition is required for queue metrics, it puts things into a database in a specific format
00:40.36fujin_and that's something I unfortunately don't have the "power" to decide over.
00:41.26[TK]D-Fenderfujin_, oh, ok, and outside program forces you toplay by its rules.
00:41.37fujin_queuemetrics, closed source junk
00:41.52fujin_the programming team didn't have time to write some in-house queue analysis software
00:42.11jwhok then, i'm either getting the entire sql schema wrong, or something isn't working, i've tried both schemas I can find on the web, none work with 1.4 seemingly
00:42.11fujin_it reads queue_log and fires stuff off to a database
00:42.26fujin_jwh, the code should provide a schema
00:42.33fujin_what are you using?
00:42.34fujin_what code
00:42.39fujin_what module rather
00:43.07jwhah yes, its the same
00:43.14jwhi'm using realtime mysql
00:45.18slimafujin_: but, how I do it? - doesn`t working
00:45.48jwhI have extensions => mysql,asterisk,extensions in extconfig.conf, sipusers/peers works fine, just extensions that don't work now
00:48.09*** part/#asterisk the_Goat1 (
00:49.52jwhfujin_: i'm using the schema provided by the script, thats correct yes?
00:51.37fujin_le tme check
00:52.10fujin_There is documentation of the SQL database in the file
00:52.10fujin_doc/extconfig.txt in your Asterisk source code tree
00:52.20*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
00:53.05jwhthat only appears to discuss voicemail and sip/iax
00:53.07fujin_the schema for extensions should be like
00:53.08slima[TK]D-Fender: i know, but how I place register => to specified context?
00:53.22fujin_"An extension table would look more like this:"
00:53.26jwhoh yes
00:53.30jwhyeah thats what i'm using
00:53.40fujin_and you're using Switch => Realtime
00:53.43fujin_in your dialplan?
00:54.14jwhin extensions.conf? yeah
00:54.29jwhim missing something really obvious somewhere
00:54.30fujin_can you see asterisk querying the database?
00:54.37fujin_well, correct schema, using switch
00:55.00jwhdo I have to define Switch for every context in the database or just default?
00:55.03fujin_I dunno, sorry, never bothered with realtime
00:55.12jwhit seems abit vague
00:55.14fujin_I'd go with *every* context.
00:55.31fujin_generally, you can never overdefine.
00:59.54*** join/#asterisk Rahail (
01:00.01Rahailok i got prboelm people with dtmf
01:00.04Rahailcan some one help me
01:00.38Rahailasterisk server a (old) its work very well with DID when people enter password from outside to chk voice mail it work
01:00.59Rahailtoday I changed to New server diffrent data center Now I got problem it send dubble digit
01:02.53*** join/#asterisk Op3r (n=Op3r@
01:02.57[TK]D-Fenderslima, you DON'T  Registering has NOTHING to do with authing incoming and outgoing calls
01:03.04*** join/#asterisk cmwt (
01:03.14*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
01:03.38GlobeTrotterhola...  what does this error mean??  translate.c:163 framein: no samples for g729tolin
01:03.44GlobeTrotterasterisk 1.4.11
01:03.56Rahailany one
01:05.02*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
01:06.18tengulreanybody like time away, I want to see, and see u!!
01:06.38tengulreOK, good morning everyone!
01:07.38*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-3ced67dd0ecb6b38)
01:09.11fujin_Afternoon :)
01:09.27[TK]D-FenderEvening :)
01:09.37Op3ranyone tried asterisell?
01:10.10slimaeeh, i don`t understand
01:10.41tengulrehow to buy digium card in asia?
01:10.57Op3rtengulre: get an asian reseller
01:11.08fujin_someone in asian probably makes knockoffs
01:11.08jwhfujin_: the query seems to be exactly what the user dialled, so it will never match wildcard extensions
01:11.08Op3rtengulre: if I remember correctly there is one in singapore
01:11.13jwhthat explains it
01:11.24fujin_jwh, it *should* match wildcard extensions, that's what they're for
01:11.48jwhah, I see
01:11.58tengulremy problem is  that digital card could support chinese telecom signal?
01:12.23fujin_in soviet china, telecom signals you
01:12.48tengulreE1 == Chinese E1? I don't know.
01:13.02JTprobably ETSI.
01:13.06JTETSI E1
01:13.21tengulreI got a ISDN PRI lines from owener telecomm.
01:13.30tengulreso I want to buy a card, ...
01:13.43tengulrebut I dont know which card is suit me?
01:13.54JTmost should work
01:13.55jwhexcellent, working now
01:13.56tengulre2E1 (resource)
01:14.08jwhthanks fujin_, very grateful
01:14.14tengulreETSI =?
01:14.31Rahailcan some one guide me how can i solve my dtmf issue
01:14.39[TK]D-Fenderslima, registering is a SEPERATE action.  All it does is tell your provider where to SEND calls to.  It doesn't AUTH them when they come in or tell * what context to send the calls to.\
01:14.49JTtengulre: easily googleable.
01:14.59Op3r<fujin_> in soviet china, telecom signals you <-- reminds me of slashdot
01:15.30Op3rlike that I for one welcomes our China telecoms overlords
01:16.57tengulreJT: thanks I saw.
01:17.06JTtengulre: awesome.
01:17.17tengulrehow to transfer some dialing when use agent?
01:17.31tengulretransfer to other agent?
01:18.57tengulreI think agent mode is bad, I must very be careful beacause I Habits click the hangup button when end .
01:19.34tengulreso like that ,I must relogin agent , input username, password. and so on.
01:20.49Op3rtengulre: are u talking about agents in queues?
01:21.30fujin_tengulre, use agentcallbacklogin then
01:21.32fujin_or aqm/rqm
01:21.45fujin_aqm/rqm model is much more configurable, but agentcallbacklogin is better than agentlogin etc
01:22.23pkunkraout of curiosity, does anyone have a good link for a list of "good" area codes allow calls to?
01:22.25tengulreOp3r: yes.
01:22.41fujin_pkunkra, international?
01:22.50pkunkrafujin_: just u.s.
01:22.56*** join/#asterisk frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
01:23.02tengulrefujin_, OK..
01:23.12pkunkrai don't think i'll allow international calls on my pbx
01:23.28Op3rtengulre: use what fujin suggested agentcallbacklogin allows you to hang up the phone and just wait for the phone to ring
01:23.33pkunkrai know i'm supposed to ignore the 809 area.
01:23.38fujin_aqm/rqm is better, though :)
01:24.18pkunkrabut i'd rather deny all and then allow calls to known good area codes , rather than just disallowing specific ones.
01:24.37tengulrefujin_: aqm/rpm??
01:25.20fujin_dynamically adds <interface> to queue
01:25.25fujin_via the dialplan
01:25.35fujin_show application addqueuemember
01:25.44fujin_there is a good txt file in doc/ aswell
01:26.35pkunkraStrom_M: well, the NANP might work, but i'm not sure if they'd just list all area codes or only good ones.  the 809 area code *is* in the north american number plan.  i don't see it on the nanp site but then, i'm not 100% sure.
01:26.50Strom_Mpkunkra: NANP lists everything.
01:26.59Strom_Mgo search in detail before I have to do it for you :)
01:27.32pkunkraStrom_M: well, i've been poking around on google for 10 minutes but not a strong page yet.  :-)  alright.  I'll keep looking.
01:28.54pkunkrathere is this one....
01:29.06Strom_Mpkunkra: ok, just hang on
01:29.33pkunkrai haven't found a page address the specific issue of which ones are good ones too call.  plenty of pages that list all area codes.
01:30.11Strom_Mthat's currently assigned geographic area codes and their locations
01:30.18pkunkrawell, that one does have 809 in it.
01:30.37Strom_Mgeographic area codes sorted by location
01:31.05Strom_Mnon-geographic codes
01:31.19Strom_Metc etc etc etc etc
01:31.32pkunkrahmm  ok.
01:31.54Strom_MNANPA is the end-all and be-all of code assignment information in North America.  Period.  :)
01:32.01pkunkrawell, i guess i can just download the csv links at the bottom and take out all non-us state codes
01:32.16pkunkrai guess that would be pretty safe then.
01:32.22pkunkrathanks Strom_M
01:32.29Strom_Mhence "North American Numbering Plan Administration"
01:32.32*** join/#asterisk errr (n=errr@fedora/errr)
01:32.43pkunkrahehe.  yeah.  if they don't know, it doesn't exist.  :-)
01:33.02Strom_Mno, that's the Pacific Bell Yellow Pages circa 1990 or so
01:33.11Strom_M"If it's not in here, it probably doesn't exist."
01:33.34QwellMark "sharing the love" with MS, Cisco, Avaya, etc :D
01:34.31pkunkraStrom_M:  i don't recall the yellow pages ever being that good.
01:35.11Strom_Mpkunkra: it was an advertising slogan they used at the time
01:35.21*** join/#asterisk rlama (
01:37.15pkunkraStrom_M:  yeah.  I vaguely remember it.  they had those annoying bell tones if i remember right.
01:37.25*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chendy@
01:37.49Strom_Mpkunkra: you lived in california at the time?
01:38.53slima[TK]D-Fender okey, but I have two acounts from the same sip ISP and, the inbound calls are always directed through 1st peer, no matter if I call on the first account or the second account my config: whats wrong?
01:39.16QwellStrom_M: s/it probably/maybe it doesn't/
01:39.28Qwellerm, maybe
01:39.33Strom_MQwell: oh, was that the slogan?
01:39.40Qwellsounds familiar
01:39.47Strom_Mthat's the gist of it anyway
01:40.30tengulrehi,all ! which linux info website are you like visit?
01:40.31[TK]D-Fenderslima, because both use "insecure" that way I don't think its using the user & pass to authenticate as the calls are coming from the SAME host.
01:40.38Qwelltengulre: google!
01:40.59Qwell[TK]D-Fender: Strom_M: See URL above
01:41.43[TK]D-Fenderslima, do THIS instead for your register ans see if it helps : register=> user2:pass@host/12345
01:42.11[TK]D-Fenderslima, the /12345 tells your itsp what EXTENSION to dial instead of jsut sending calls to "s".  That should help you differentiate between cals.
01:42.57[TK]D-Fenderslima, so in that case your user2's calls would arrive to "exten => 12345,1,DoSomthing".  If that work, do the same for user1.
01:45.17slimahm, thx.
01:46.46*** join/#asterisk guillote_GNU (n=guillote@
01:47.37[TK]D-Fenderslima, reload SIP afterwards and you should re-register.  then test an incoming call.
01:50.35*** join/#asterisk mordaunt (n=mordaunt@unaffiliated/mordaunt)
01:53.20Op3rwhere do you find the asterisk logs? so that you can find the error that causes the shutdown of the asterisk?
01:53.29Op3ris it in /var/log/asterisk ?
01:53.38slimahm, when I add /12345 to register and add exten => 12345  i get 'busy'
01:53.48jwhif your compile/package installs in sensible places, then yes Op3r
01:54.13Op3rjwh: its in messages right?
01:54.25jwhshould be
01:56.15Yourname`Hmm, I'd really like to log all disconnected phone numbers that I call, how can I do so?
01:56.38Yourname`Let's say I call 10 phone numbers in rapid succession, and I'd 3 are disconnected. I'd like to know which ones are disconnected.
01:58.15*** join/#asterisk d00gster (
02:00.23[TK]D-Fenderslima, do "sip debug" in * CLI and pastebin the incoming call.
02:01.12slima[TK]D-Fender: they looking for '12345' in context PEER 1
02:01.42[TK]D-Fenderslima, pastebin the output I requested and your dialplan.
02:09.10[TK]D-Fenderslima, Looking for 100 in urahara-incomming (domain <- this is the exten / context it needs to find
02:09.12slimaincomming exten are in extensions.conf ofcourse
02:09.30[TK]D-Fenderslima, SIP/2.0 404 Not Found <--- but DOESN'T
02:09.54slimabut i call to slima-incomming!
02:10.09[TK]D-Fenderslima, look at which peer entry it landed on!
02:10.14Yourname`russellb: You aroundish?
02:10.33[TK]D-Fenderslima, its UN-AUTHED.  it doesn't know which one to pick so its either random, first, or last.
02:10.47[TK]D-Fenderslima, set them BOHT to the same context.
02:11.09[TK]D-Fenderslima, the EXTEN you use will let you seperate your calls.  you can have them both in the same context.
02:12.24slimayes, but i don`t want that. ;-)
02:12.49slimahow AUTHED a incomming call?
02:13.41[TK]D-Fenderslima, comment out the "insecure" lines and restart.  See if that helps.  It doesn't really matter as long as you can seperate the calls.
02:14.39*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
02:14.54slimaok, thx.
02:17.57*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
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02:31.47*** join/#asterisk IgorG (n=FeedomPa@
02:37.16*** join/#asterisk Blackthorn (
02:37.42Blackthornhow can you tell ther version of zaptel I am using?
02:40.30[TK]D-FenderBlackthorn, "ztcfg -vvvv
02:40.44Blackthornhey thanks fender
02:41.10WilliamKhey fender, are you made outta steel like bender is?
02:41.14WilliamKstainless that is
02:41.29WilliamKsorry - just had to ask :)
02:42.36Blackthornjust pulled a newer zaptel driver did the normal make clean, make install etc etc. do i need to rebuild asterisk as well for it to take effect?
02:43.16[TK]D-FenderWilliamK, No... cold carbon steel
02:43.45WilliamKhmmmmmmm.... bundled with blue label to show coldness?
02:43.52[TK]D-FenderBlackthorn, the effect is what it is.  if it is COMPATIBLE is another matter
02:44.22WilliamK(new beer commercial is advertising the blue label here)
02:44.41*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
02:45.00WilliamKah - jedi!
02:45.58[TK]D-FenderWilliamK, thats my favourite.  I have yet to redo my gallery for my new Oriole
02:46.44WilliamKcoool :)
02:55.25fujin_is there any way to increase the volume of audio being played to a device?
02:55.47fujin_the headset adapter I've got for these phones is still a bit too quiet (output) even when maxed out.
02:55.52fujin_bloody things
02:56.28Blackthornwhen i run the ztcfg -vvvv commands it shows that the new version is loaded but it says 0 channels configured. What do I do to configure the channels?
02:57.14Blackthorni moved from zaptel to
02:59.15[TK]D-FenderBlackthorn, perhaps you should reload your MODULES and check yout configs
03:00.10Blackthornok it told me that was unsuccessfull
03:00.27[TK]D-FenderBlackthorn, I'm referring to MODPROBE
03:00.35[TK]D-FenderBlackthorn, you may well have to reboot as well.
03:01.55*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
03:03.15Blackthornok rebooting now. but while thats going on let me ask. I pulled the new version of zaptel. then did a make clean then a make configure, then make install. is that correct order?
03:03.49*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
03:04.37[TK]D-FenderBlackthorn, should be "make clean", "make", "make install" , "make config"
03:05.21Blackthornwould that be the same order for asterisk as well? and thanks for the help
03:05.33fujin_no, asterisk is different
03:05.46fujin_make distclean && ./configure --bla && make && make install
03:09.33*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey)
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03:25.45Blackthorni have done finished going through each of the steps to isntall zaptel and asterisk again. and reboot but I still can't get loaded
03:25.53Blackthornwhen i run ztcfg -vvv it tells me 0 channels configured.
03:26.30Blackthornahh think i found the problem
03:26.47*** join/#asterisk mihinomenest (i=V6ws@
03:27.45[TK]D-Fender... modprobe
03:28.56Blackthornthe adapter shows up in the modprobe fine
03:29.05Blackthornbut the zaptel file has been replaced
03:29.10Blackthorngota setup the channels etc etc again
03:33.11Blackthornyup that was the problem. didn't expect my config file to be over-writen. whew was worred. and i'm really ready to get some sleep. cya
03:33.13Blackthornthanks again
03:43.27*** join/#asterisk GiantPickle (
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03:50.34jgomo3What happen with ?
03:50.54jgomo3can you acces it?
03:54.30*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (n=leon@
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04:10.37jiboneushi anybody here uses user.conf? where can I find more infomation on the configuration file?
04:10.51jgomo3What happen with ?
04:10.56jgomo3can you acces it?
04:16.24[TK]D-Fenderjgomo3, Its gone..... find a therapist :)
04:20.16jgomo3[TK]D-Fender: :(
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04:54.58Yourname`How come it's gone when there's a new version coming out!
04:55.20Yourname`(of the book)
04:59.52*** join/#asterisk bintut (
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06:51.46dan__twhat's up, doods.
06:52.06dan__tI don't want to be polling or anything, just wondered what you guys think about Cisco 7940's and Asterisk, if they make a good combination or not?
06:52.15dan__tI found a good deal on a set of two, and I might go in for the steal.
06:53.45dan__tI've found some * documentation saying that they might be good candidates - but I wnat to make sure.
06:54.07NuggetCiscos are a total pain in the ass to deal with, both from a firmware standpoint and a licensing standpoint.
06:54.43NuggetCisco spends all their development energy on the SCCP firmware (used with their flagship call manager product) which Asterisk only half-assed supports.
06:55.24Nuggetthere is a SIP firmware for them, but it's definitely a second-class citizen in cisco world and is typically plagued with annoying little bugs and incomplete features (although it's gotten a lot better over the past year)
06:55.56NuggetUnless you're buying a bunch of phones, you'll have difficulty getting a vendor to set you up with the smartnet contracts you need to buy from cisco in order to even legally have access to the firmware files.
06:56.23Nuggetit takes weeks to set up and nobody really seems to know exactly how the process is supposed to work, especially in the absence of a call manager license
06:56.32*** join/#asterisk fujin (n=aj@unaffiliated/fujin)
06:56.59NuggetUnless you're dead-set on the cosmetics of having those prestigious cisco phones on everyones desks you're better off buying Polycoms
06:57.25Nuggetalso bear in mind that the 7940 is two versions old.
06:57.41Nuggetthere's a 7941 and now a 7942 (and companion 7960/7961/7962)
07:01.28dan__tOk, that works for me
07:02.49dan__tSo PolyCom phones are pretty much the authoritative answer for VoIP desktop phones?
07:03.19NuggetI've never owned one, so I'm just going on the strength of the channel consensus which seems to pretty clearly favor polycom and despise grandstream.
07:03.28Nuggetso that much is just me parroting what other people say.
07:03.35Nuggetmy cisco advice is hard-won, though.  :)
07:04.52Strom_Cdan__t: for what it's worth, I have cisco and polycom phones here at my apartment, and I'm considering dumping the ciscos
07:05.07tzafrirNugget, I have a feeling that this advice is somewhat amplified
07:05.16tzafrirover-amplified, that is
07:05.19awkhow do I set verbosity in the manager
07:05.19NuggetI'm Mister Hyperbole.
07:05.48Nuggetbut I stand by the sentiment.  It's a lot of work to keep cisco phones in line and the smartnet issues are very real.
07:05.57tzafrirawk, you can use an CLI command from the manager, using Command
07:06.06*** join/#asterisk Rahail (
07:06.09Nuggetespecially for someone who "has a line on a really good deal on two 7940s" which are almost certainly global spare units.
07:06.11Rahailany one use veitelity
07:06.24Rahaili cant solve this DTMF issue
07:06.27tzafrirtry the command "help" ?
07:06.31dan__tOk, PolyCom it is then heh.
07:06.36awkk, let me try
07:06.42dan__tI'm needing a few phones for a few sales guys all over the country
07:06.45*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
07:07.16Nuggetoh, ciscos are particularly bad at that.  Running a remote cisco phone, off-site, with no tftp server on the same network can be a disaster.
07:07.45Nuggetespecially with a consumer appliance doing the dhcp
07:08.38*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
07:09.14awktzafrir: I dont want to set the asterisk debugging up
07:09.17awkbut the manager debugging
07:09.22awkso I can see unique id's, etc
07:09.44awkUniqueid: 1189062574.697
07:09.46awkahh, its there
07:10.14*** join/#asterisk tsurko (n=tsurko@
07:13.06*** join/#asterisk FlatFoot (n=simon@
07:14.17dan__tVery good point, Nugget.
07:14.20FlatFootgood morning all
07:14.31dan__tBack in the day I got an Inter-Tel VoIP phone to work with Asterisk.
07:14.45dan__tIt was a complete bitch, but it spoke pure SIP, and that ended up working out pretty well.
07:14.55dan__tEver since, I've been looking for better (namely, CHEAPER) alternatives.
07:15.11dan__tThey were solid phones, but they seemed to overheat - a lot.
07:19.18FlatFootanyone got into using Cat6 yet ?
07:21.00*** join/#asterisk hellop (
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07:56.51awktzafrir: hmm, you dont have documentation on working with recordings with the uniqueid?
07:56.58Strom_Chello hellop
07:57.07Strom_Chellop hello
07:57.21*** part/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
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08:26.46tzafriranybody knows where I can find the "zeroconf for asterisk" page?
08:27.08tzafrirAll links seem to lead to:
08:27.26tzafrirBut that one is no longer relevant
08:29.50kaldemargah. has blocked crawlers in their robots.txt. :P no help from webarchive.
08:34.36tzafrirThe developer of that was benjk?
08:44.32*** join/#asterisk asdx (
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08:59.04michaeljoserHi i am planning on installing a ISDN PRI line (24 channels) to be used with the DIGIUm TE120p and with asterisk.. i will be running VICIDIAL which is not compatible with chan_capi... now with my setup will I be running chan_capi?
08:59.34michaeljoserI am a bit confused with the reason why we use chan_capi
08:59.48*** join/#asterisk tcseke (
09:01.47*** join/#asterisk Mw3 (
09:01.48Renacorwhat value is supposed to be in ${CALLERIDNAME} if its from a sip  phone
09:01.54Renacorthe sip username?
09:02.00kaldemarmichaeljoser: chan_capi is for BRI, you don't need it with PRI.
09:03.12michaeljoserkaldemar: ah ok so it should be fine then right, i will be using asterisk 1.2 series
09:04.14*** join/#asterisk snook3r (
09:04.19kaldemardon't forget libpri then.
09:04.44michaeljoserok thanks
09:05.09kaldemarand zaptel of course.
09:06.00michaeljoseryeah ^^ ouf i feel relieved
09:06.11pkunkraArgh!  i've been trying to figure out UnpauseQueueMember() for the past hour.
09:06.27pkunkraanyone tried using that call before?
09:06.43pkunkrai'm calling UnpauseQueueMember(,SIP/chris)
09:07.22pkunkraits not recognizing that interface though.
09:07.31pkunkrai know that's what it *has* to be.
09:07.37pkunkraDEBUG[22050]: devicestate.c:304 __ast_device_state_changed_literal: Notification of state change to be queued on device/channel SIP/chris
09:08.02pkunkrabut i get this
09:08.05pkunkraWARNING[22203]: app_queue.c:3157 upqm_exec: Attempt to unpause interface SIP/chris}, not found
09:08.12pkunkrawhen i unpause it.
09:08.23Strom_Cpkunkra: paste the actual line in your config file
09:09.16pkunkraexten => s,1,UnpauseQueueMember(,SIP/chris})
09:09.44pkunkrajust trying a straight unpause on it directly.
09:09.55kaldemarwhat's that } doing there?
09:10.05Strom_CTYPO CITY :)
09:10.23pkunkra*smacks head on keyboard*
09:10.49Strom_Cno, now you have exten => s,1,UnpauseQueueMember(,SIP/chris}eb4536ag*)
09:10.59Strom_Csmacking your head on the keyboard is a bad idea :)
09:11.32pkunkrayeah, i'll get more typo's....
09:11.37pkunkralots of them.  :-)
09:11.43pkunkraworks perfectly now.
09:11.52pkunkrayeah, i'm an idiot.
09:11.58pkunkrasomeone shoot me now.
09:13.59*** join/#asterisk stkn|work (n=stkn|wor@gentoo/developer/
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09:26.59pkunkraexten => s,1,Set(UNPAUSE=${CUT(CHANNEL,-,1)})
09:26.59pkunkraexten => s,n,UnpauseQueueMember(,${UNPAUSE})
09:27.05pkunkraworks like a charm.
09:27.30pkunkraturns a ""SIP/chris-08d41b38"  into a  "SIP/chris"
09:30.52Strom_Mnow the big question is why you're naming your peers "chris" and so on
09:31.06Strom_Mit'd be better and more expandable to name them by their extension numbers
09:32.17Strom_Mwhat if you have two people named "chris" using your system?
09:32.23pkunkramy thought was to assign that stanza to a specific person.
09:32.38pkunkrai see your point.
09:33.38pkunkrayeah.  that would be a problem.
09:35.12*** part/#asterisk grndslm (
09:36.02Strom_Mbetter to just have SIP/2368 and so on
09:36.56Wonkawhat if you have someone named "h"? ;)
09:37.36kaldemarsomeone called "h" deserves to have problems.
09:37.56Wonkaeverything's possible in 'merika
09:38.04pkunkraso would someone called "2368"
09:38.21*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-4caf7e16ad2b0c71)
09:38.35Wonkathere's someone called "50 cent", i heard...
09:38.37manyyou dont name your boxes
09:38.51manyso give the phones hostnames and adress them by them
09:39.52manysince boxes and phones are usually bound together, you can even use two different subdomains and use the boxen name for the phone too. so chris might have and the phone might be
09:40.19manythen just Dial(SIP/jupiter)
09:40.28manyapply your naming scheme as appropriate
09:40.44*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chendy@
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09:42.10pkunkrai normally pick names out of a common set.  for example, i name all my servers after greek literary heros
09:42.45Strom_Myeah, but any naming scheme is going to fail miserably if you expand beyond a few dozen telephone sets
09:42.55pkunkraDial(SIP/athena) for example.
09:43.18pkunkrahmm.  i have a book with a few hundred greek names in it.
09:43.52Strom_Mand you're going to cross-reference all those three hundred names against their extension numbers?
09:44.03Strom_Myou're just creating extra work for yourself
09:44.42pkunkrayeah.  extension numbers is probably the best bet.
09:49.31*** join/#asterisk bintut (
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10:06.01*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Nothing@
10:06.25Dr-Linuxanybody knows about Cepstral TTS price?
10:06.58Strom_CDr-Linux: check their website
10:07.08Strom_CI recall a license being roughly US$20-$40
10:07.30Strom_Calso...when you ask that question in English, the proper phrasing is "Does anybody know about..."
10:07.30Dr-LinuxStrom_C: i read everywhere per voice $30
10:07.56Strom_CDr-Linux: well, that would be between $20 and $40 then, wouldn't it.
10:08.07Dr-Linuxbut i'm confused if all i have to pay is for voice or i need some other license as well
10:08.49Strom_Cthe $30 license for the voice gives you unlmited TTS using that voice for one concurrent TTS session
10:08.57Dr-LinuxStrom_C: well, i don't blame myself if i don't know english that's not my goal
10:09.33Dr-Linuxenglish is not my native language
10:09.46Dr-Linuxi'm sorry for wrong sentence
10:10.06Strom_CDr-Linux: I'm not criticizing you; i'm giving you a suggestion to make yourself more intelligible in the future
10:11.14Dr-LinuxStrom_C: Ohh i see, i'm sorry dude, i thought you said like i'm dumb or ...
10:11.24Dr-LinuxThanks for your suggestion
10:11.51Dr-LinuxStrom_C: i like cepstral alot, now i wanna buy 2 voices
10:13.30*** join/#asterisk zeeesh (i=zeeesh@
10:33.31juuvawhat's status of perl-agi with asterisk 1.4?
10:39.16awkhmm, anyone have a snom 300 here
10:40.45awkwondering if you redial button works when off hook ?
10:40.58awkas i dont want to be waisting my time here when it doesn't have that sort of functionality
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11:03.38WildPikachuhrmmm, if I make zaptel channel 5 and 7 part of group 1 .... which one will it try first to dial out on?
11:03.44WildPikachuthe on thats defined first?
11:07.17Strom_Cdepends on how you dial the group
11:07.35Strom_Cif you Dial(ZAP/G1) it'll start with the high-numbered channel and work down
11:07.50Strom_Cif you Dial(ZAP/g1) it'll start with the low-numbered channel and work up
11:08.38WildPikachuthanks a million man
11:09.09*** join/#asterisk d00gster (
11:13.08DrAk0anyone have any idea how to retrive/crack a SIP password ?
11:13.27DrAk0my provider gave me a VoIP account but with an ATA ...
11:14.53Strom_MDrAk0: which provider?
11:15.06DrAk0Strom_C, my local
11:15.41DrAk0but is pointless plus i don't have any fxo available
11:15.53Strom_M"my local" is the name of the company?
11:17.22Strom_MDrAk0: you do realize you just messaged the account on the computer on the other side of my apartment, right?
11:17.30Strom_Mstrom_c != strom_m
11:18.58Strom_Mpaying attention, plzkthx
11:19.05Strom_Mand why do I care who your ISP is?
11:19.10Strom_MI asked who your ITSP was
11:19.23DrAk0is the same -.-
11:19.45Strom_MI have no experience with that provider
11:21.33*** join/#asterisk techy2U (
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11:44.57zapp-braniganhi i have a problem loading g729 : ----->  [Sep  6 13:24:29] WARNING[9562] loader.c: Error loading module '': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied
11:45.56*** join/#asterisk blinky42 (
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11:48.39lincoln6ehello, anyone ever installed the Digium TE220 card in a PCI Express slot?
11:51.55lincoln6ePCI Express slot in a Dell rack server, that is
11:54.03*** join/#asterisk cheGGo (
12:05.02*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
12:05.23grEvenXanyone using 1.4.X with peering of two or more asterisk servers?
12:05.36grEvenXgot some problems at occations with re-invites
12:06.03Davieyasterisk 1.4 seems buggy with all types of re-invites imo
12:08.54*** join/#asterisk waKKu (n=eurulo@unaffiliated/wakku)
12:10.07Wonkai got an asterisk listening for SIP on udp/5061.
12:10.24Wonka"INVITE ext@asterisk" works
12:10.34Wonka"INVITE ext@asterisk:5061" is answered with 404
12:10.51Wonkaerm. "INVITE sip:..." in both cases
12:11.15Wonka("asterisk" substituted for the fqdn, btw)
12:11.38Wonkai don't really like that
12:12.10DavieyWonka: sip debug?
12:12.42Wonkahaven't tried yet... only tcpdump
12:14.53*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
12:15.08Wonka»Found no matching peer or user for ''«
12:15.12Wonkamight be a reason
12:21.15*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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12:25.13Wonkathx for the idea - problem solved by adding a friends entry to sip.conf
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12:28.44grEvenXhope I don't have to go back to 1.2 just because of this :(
12:37.16*** join/#asterisk Rawplayer (
12:38.32grEvenXthe re-invite issues we're having with 1.4
12:38.51*** join/#asterisk GaryH (n=chatzill@2001:618:42d:0:213:72ff:fecf:8262)
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12:48.30Dr-Linuxdoes anybody using Cepstral?
12:48.37*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (
12:48.42cavediverJust installed 1.4.11 and the beta-gui. Is there a manual/guide for the gui somewhere ?
12:48.45cavediverfor beginners.
12:48.46SuPrSluGhello all
12:49.11SuPrSluGcave diver:yes check the digium forums
12:49.25*** join/#asterisk guillote_GNU (
12:49.31SuPrSluGcave diver:someone there wrote one
12:50.19SuPrSluGsorry, i don't have the exact link. but it is there
12:51.43SuPrSluGalmost have my nokia n80 working. anyone have any experience w/ nokia setup?
12:51.53SA007k, maybe anyone here can give me a pointer in the right direction, incoming call's work fine, outgoing is ringing, but audio is fucked up
12:52.21SA007(only one way and that is a bit jagged)
12:52.50SA007nothing's behind nat
12:53.10SuPrSluGSA007:try using qualify=yes in sip.conf. if it is more than 200ms this could cause the problem
12:53.33SA007what morge than 200ms?
12:54.12SA007in what part btw? the outgoing line or the sip client(s) or both?
12:55.46SA007ok, now the only audio i hear is the cell-buzz though my pots phone :P, no normal audio at all
12:55.50SuPrSluGi can register and call from an internal network. i can call my provider number and get audio both ways. when i make a call from the n80 from and outside wifi nothing happens. as if no tones are generated to tell asterisk to call. any ideas?
12:55.53[TK]D-FenderSuPrSluG: that has nothing to do with qualify....
12:56.31[TK]D-FenderSuPrSluG: thats only a NAT keep-alive
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12:56.54SuPrSluGwon't it give an idea as to link to the provider?
12:59.03*** join/#asterisk af_ (
12:59.04[TK]D-FenderSuPrSluG: sorry but you are simply not making any sense
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13:01.59SuPrSluGwhat i am asking is -> won't using qualify give you an ideas as to the quality of the link between your asterisk server and your service provider?
13:02.02SA007ok? wtf, i turned sip debug on to see what's going on, and suddenly it works?
13:02.23mockerSA007: Asterisk has gnomes.
13:02.37SA007gnomes? you meen gremlings?
13:02.53mockerThey do the same thing. :)
13:02.59*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
13:03.06mocker%Except one uses gtk.
13:03.18SA007asterisk doesn't use gtl
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13:03.27mockerSA007: kidding.
13:04.46SA007and now it stopped working again...
13:08.13*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
13:14.14SA007anyone any idea to get the gremlins to reconnect everything and get them out?
13:14.37SA007i don't like a 'maybe you get sound, but probably not' phone :P
13:15.07*** join/#asterisk the_Goat_ (
13:15.32the_Goat_has anyone had experience using cisco 7960 phones with saterisk?
13:16.34SA007threat: briljant video
13:16.50threatSA007: you like it?
13:17.10SA007very funny :)
13:17.34threatgood old Austrian comedy :)
13:17.38threatyou are rober!
13:17.52threatAustralian even
13:18.24*** join/#asterisk michael-i (n=michael-@
13:21.37michael-iI'm having timing issues with IAX channels when I use ztdummy and also when I use a zaptel card for my timing source. Any "gotcha"s I need to know about? (using 1.4.11 on FreeBSD 6.2)
13:22.20*** part/#asterisk Daviey (n=dave@ubuntu/member/daviey)
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13:27.45penguinFunkanyone here had much luck with * and conference calling?
13:30.31wwalkeranyone know the ballpark unit 1 pricing for the asterisk appliance 50?
13:32.25tzafrirpenguinFunk, what sort of conference calling?
13:33.16*** join/#asterisk crycos (n=crycos@
13:33.51wwalkernm, found it
13:34.38penguinFunktzafrir: I want any persons who dial the conference call extension to all be on the same phone calls
13:35.16penguinFunkn-way calling effectively
13:35.22penguinFunkis there an easy way to do this?
13:36.32tzafrirpenguinFunk, meetme?
13:38.04Wonkathere was something with meetme that made me try app_conference, months ago...
13:38.35*** join/#asterisk Daviey (n=dave@ubuntu/member/daviey)
13:38.48penguinFunkthanx, looks like this is what i need
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13:40.36*** mode/#asterisk [+o blitzrage[E61i]] by ChanServ
13:50.29bintuttzafrir: regarding
13:50.33*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
13:51.01bintuttzafrir: i just noticed that it was tagged as unreproducible
13:51.22tzafrirWhat is the scenario again?
13:52.17bintuttzafrir: the asterisk crash when a wengophone inside the lan calls a pstn telephone number through a zap channel
13:53.05bintuttzafrir: i don't know if the main asterisk project knows about this crash problem or the problem only exist in debian
13:54.42tzafrircan you reproduce the same wiht your current installation?
13:54.46tzafrirwhat version is that?
13:56.48crycosSOS :)
13:56.50crycosHow can I redirect incoming fax to a desired Shared Folder, instead of the standard /asteris/fax
13:57.10bintuttzafrir: i already posted all the information the package maintenainers need.. i remember that faidon was telling me that the crash problem only occurs on my setup because i built the asterisk 1.4.9 and 1.4.11 by myself.. but i used the binary packages you have in your build server and still, it crashed.
13:57.35bintuttzafrir: it is consistent.. it crashes all the time on my side..
13:58.00tzafrirok. I'll try reproducing it tonight on my home server
13:58.08SuPrSluGi got my n80 working!!
13:58.37SuPrSluGsecret is not to enter any proxy registration server
13:58.44bintuttzafrir: please follow the scenario on how i was able to reproduce the crash issue
13:58.59*** part/#asterisk blitzrage[E61i] (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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13:59.20bintuttzafrir: please refer the discussions at
14:00.21bintuttzafrir: i was thinking that maybe that problem is not being discussed here or in the mailing list maybe because no one's using the 1.4.11 in their production environment.. all are using the 1.2 series..
14:00.56bintut..and no one able to find it out that there's a consistent crash problem in the 1.4.11..
14:01.17bintut..or maybe because it's only specific to the debian unstable problem..
14:05.26bintuttzafrir: thank you in advance. i know you're busy but hopefully you and your team will give time to fix that crash problem..
14:06.01bintuttzafrir: i have to go now.. thank you once again.. :)
14:07.00*** join/#asterisk jfitzgibbon (n=chatzill@
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14:13.16coolbeansDoes anyone have a SIP Cisco 7940 TFTP directory then can send me (Any recent firmware will do), someone just droped about 40 SCCP phones on my desk to convert to SIP and I'd rather not go the painful route of doing it the other way...
14:16.28*** part/#asterisk jarod14 (
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14:27.12rodyquick q about ARI: should the default view have a "play" link like the Voicemail view is?
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14:27.24rodyi see it in the code.. i just don't see it on my page
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14:37.55rpynecan anyone point me to any good mysql + asterisk demo applications with dial plan logic for learning? thanks
14:38.36Shido6what do you want to do with asterisk?
14:38.57rpyneim trying to build a dial plan based lcr app using mysql
14:39.01*** join/#asterisk jmesquita (
14:39.13Shido6the ones that exist just dont do it for you , eh?
14:40.38rpyneno, i have some additional logic to place in due to multiple switches and such, ive tried lcdial is there something else that i can check out?
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14:41.51coolbeansHey guys, how do you reset an older Cisco 7940 SCCP phone to factory defaults?  The "Hold down # on power up" method doesn't seem to work.
14:42.07coolbeans.. And Google isn't being very helpful this morning
14:43.03watchywhere would i put something in gentoo to start automaticly?
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14:46.06ozuswatchy : i think it should be rc-update add servicename default if if i remember correctly
14:47.32watchyhrm if theres a script for ity
14:47.34*** join/#asterisk vlt (
14:47.45SA007watchy: rc-update add <name> default
14:48.15watchycan i just put /usr/sbin/wanrouter start
14:48.26watchyin a file and add it to startu
14:48.32SA007nope, that's just for /etc/init.d/ scripts
14:48.56SA007so you'll have to make a script, or add it to local.start in /etc/conf.d
14:49.05vltHello. I have a "callgroup" and "pickupgroup" line in sip.conf. Where to put these lines for ZAP phones?
14:49.27penguinFunkvlt: zapata.conf?
14:49.58watchydoes local.start start before /etc/init.d?
14:50.20watchywell i need wanpipe to start before *
14:50.23watchyor else shit breaks
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14:50.45SA007during boot jou get 'Starting Local' as last line, then it runs /etc/conf.d/local.start
14:50.49Woifi1988anyone here who made expirensis with ekiga?
14:50.59watchywell i HAVE to have wanpipe start first
14:51.03watchyor else * wont even start
14:51.29SA007it runs local.start as very last thing in you boot, so you should be fine
14:51.58watchyso its gonna start asterisk first
14:52.08watchythen run wanpipe which i put in local.start
14:52.25watchythen i'm gonna have makor issues
14:52.42SA0072 choices: add wanpipe to the aserisk script (not a good idea)
14:52.50watchyi agree
14:53.02SA007or make a wanpipe scipt that runs before asterisk
14:53.14watchyshit if i was on site i'd fuck with that
14:53.18ManxPowerUh, the wanpipe install process ASKS you if you want to start wanpipe on system boot.
14:53.25watchybut if they reboot this fucker today and something break
14:53.31*** join/#asterisk Tili (
14:53.35watchyi'm going to be outta town
14:53.39SA007just don't reboot it ;)
14:53.43Woifi1988anyone here who made expirensis with ekiga?
14:53.52watchythey are having line issues
14:54.01watchyits the fucking telco though but they don't think it is
14:54.38watchyfuck them cock suckers i have to go outta town
14:54.41watchyi don't give a fuck
14:54.53SA007watchy: lol
14:55.03watchyif they reboot it they will do without phones today
14:55.59SA007just place a large red buttun in the hallway with a 'don't press this' sign next to it which reboots the server :P
14:56.03Woifi1988why can't ekiga play a gsm file from asterisk?
14:56.20[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: Don't hold back, tell us how you REALLY feel....
14:56.24SA007Woifi1988: recode it?
14:56.43Woifi1988SA007: the gsm file?
14:56.45watchyhaha thanks tk i need someone to let my agression out on
14:56.51watchyi want to punch u in the head :)
14:56.56SA007Woifi1988:  why not
14:57.11Woifi1988SA007: with X-Lite it works!
15:00.27coolbeans.. And Google isn't being very helpful this morning
15:00.28coolbeansHey guys, how do you reset an older Cisco 7940 SCCP phone to factory defaults?  The "Hold down # on power up" method doesn't seem to work.
15:00.30*** join/#asterisk sevard (n=sev@
15:01.10Qwellhold down #, when the lights change, 123456789*0# I think
15:01.38coolbeansThat works great on the newer firmware, but for some reason with this firmware, which is 3.1(MF.G2), the method doesn't do anything.
15:01.50coolbeansQwell, thanks, though.
15:02.24Woifi1988nobody who uses ekiga?
15:04.15*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
15:04.19dougheckaIs it possible to have a analog phone plugged into asterisk, and when the handset is picked up, asterisk will automatically connect that line to a ring group?
15:04.33dougheckalike a hot phone setting...
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15:04.57coolbeansdoughecka: No.
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15:05.59coolbeansSomeone needs to sell a "batphone" that works like that.  We could use them.
15:06.08coolbeansa sip "batphone" that is...
15:06.16dougheckawell, sip phones can do it
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15:06.23dougheckamy cheapy grandstream does it
15:06.31dougheckabut I want analog, for a door phone
15:06.33cryc0sHow can I redirect incoming fax to a desired Shared Folder, instead of the standard /asteris/fax
15:06.40coolbeansNo, I mean with no buttons.  Just pick up the handset and get connected ...
15:07.05*** join/#asterisk exvito (n=exvito@
15:07.18dougheckaI know viking sells a auto dialer for analog phones, but surely asterisk can handle something as simple as this...
15:07.23dougheckais ringdown the correct term?
15:07.34coolbeansHey guys, how do you reset an older Cisco 7940 SCCP phone to factory defaults?  The "Hold down # on power up" method doesn't seem to work.
15:09.43exvitohi, will asterisk be able to divert a call when it's already ringing in the destination extension ? example: A dials B, B rings, user in B interacts with system (maybe with an application via AMI/AGI) so as to divert the call to C, B stops ringing, C starts ringing... Is this possible ?
15:11.54cheGGoexvito, u can handle this via the Asterisk Manager API
15:12.19exvitocheGGo: hmmm... great, let me check...
15:12.54cheGGonot easy - but possible ;)
15:13.03*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
15:13.19exvitocheGGo: thanks ! I got it... it's the "Redirect" manager command, I believe !
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15:13.35cheGGonow afk =)
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15:21.27dougheckaIts been awhile since I last messed with this, but someone tell me if I am correct...
15:21.27dougheckaan zap FXS port on asterisk, if I set its context to, say, hotline, and then the hotline context had exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/100), as soon as the line was taken off hook, it would dial that number.
15:21.27dougheckaDoes that sound correct?
15:21.57putnopvutdoughecka: the option you're thinking of is called "immediate"
15:22.31putnopvutIt doesn't matter what you name the context.
15:22.34ManxPowerdoughecka: that is correct.
15:23.24dougheckaManxPower: and I set immediate in zapata.conf for that channel as well, correct?
15:27.03*** join/#asterisk dr0ck (i=dr0ck@nat/digium/x-acdaf18b1b10b4bc)
15:27.25neverbluewhere are * error submitted to, I want to look at an error someone reported ?
15:29.13neverbluenm, found it
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15:45.31RyushinIs there a linux softphones that uses alsa instead of oss?  I know zoiper beta was just released, but it segfaults every time I try to run it.
15:45.49RyushinPlus it's not open source which bothers me.
15:49.31[TK]D-FenderRyushin: X-Lite & Wengo
15:49.52[TK]D-FenderRyushin: Or Ekiga.....
15:50.01[TK]D-FenderRyushin: Every heard of Google? :)
15:50.28[TK]D-FenderRyushin: You'd be amazed at the instant gratification provided :p
15:52.03*** join/#asterisk ware (
15:54.24andresdbi have a linksys spa3102 and i need the calls from the pstn fxo forward to fxs, and the fxs forward to ivr in my asterisk
15:54.39andresdbits posible
15:54.50*** part/#asterisk ware (
15:55.26andresdbin spa i have configure 2 sip account
15:55.37andresdb1 for fxo and 1 for fxs
15:58.35Ryushin[TK]D-Fender:  I haven't been googling.  The best resource was this that I found so far:
15:59.32*** join/#asterisk tsurko (n=tsurko@
16:00.03RyushinThe only IAX ALSA phone I've been able to find is zoiper, and it doesn't run yet.  I don't want to use sip.
16:05.07Ryushin[TK]D-Fender:  Sometimes I should read what I write before pressing enter.  I mean I have been googling.  A lot.  Just not much luck.
16:07.15penguinFunkif you have an IAX2 trunk between 2 * boxes will sip users on one side be able to talk to sip users on the other side?
16:07.25penguinFunkor do you have to define a bunch of IAX2 users for this?
16:07.49penguinFunkmeaning that every person will have to have a sip user and an IAX2 user
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16:12.58penguinFunkor can i somehow have sip phone/user <-> asterisk1 <-IAX2-> asterisk2 <-> sip phone/user ?
16:13.48penguinFunkis sip an IAX2 mutually exclusive?
16:15.59*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
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16:21.37Corydon76-vcchpenguinFunk: No, why would they be?
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16:21.58jmlshey guys
16:22.07penguinFunkso you can have sip users communicating with each other over n IAX2 trunk between two * boxes?
16:23.30jmlsis there any circumstances where an isdn line would keep a call up after the call is "hung up" for 8, 16 or 32 hours, and then redial the desitnation number and start the call all over again ?
16:24.55outtoluncsure, most isdn modem/internet setups are like that
16:25.18*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (n=strom@
16:25.23outtolunc(especially idsl setups)
16:25.39jmlswe are using a EuroISDN purely for voice calls
16:26.18outtoluncmake sure you aren't using any DOV settings
16:26.25jmlsie no modem or internet access. All calls are originated from the asterisk AMI and sent to a SIP phone first, then dials the destination
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16:26.34jmlsouttolunc: what's a DOV ?
16:26.40outtoluncdata over voice
16:26.46jmlsnope. definately not.
16:27.20outtoluncthen i'd have to say a config issue, either your config, the card config, or provider config
16:27.34Corydon76-vcchmodem over voip is hot
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16:28.22jmlswe've been running * since November 2004 : this is the first time we've had anything like this. During the period of these calls, we did not update or upgrade asterisk or any config
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16:28.52jmlsIt seems to have happened since we moved our calls back to BT from a LCR company
16:28.56outtoluncwell there are 2 issues i noted, the long disconnect, and the redial
16:29.58jmlsouttolunc: I sent a mail to -users showing the dates / times and length of the calls
16:30.00outtoluncthe long disconnect, can be a config/setup issue where even tho it was 'sent' a hangup, the other/both ends never agreed it was, and the redial as if it thought it should 'stay up'
16:30.35jmlsouttolunc: what config options can alter these ? We make 5000+ calls per day, and it only happen
16:30.43jmlsin a small number of cases
16:31.26outtoluncobviously there is a certain situation where the line cause is in a state that one end or both do not understand
16:31.26*** join/#asterisk klictel (
16:31.43jmlsyeah, that's what I'm trying to find :)
16:32.12jmlsthe cdr record states that the call lasted 4 minutes ...
16:32.34outtoluncremember that old channel bug where asterisk would bridge the call when it was still in proceeding, yet determine 20 secs later because of a timeout that oops, need to hangup... we think like that but in reverse
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16:33.25jmlsyou think it's a chan_zap bug ?
16:33.56*** join/#asterisk HCEvan (
16:34.07outtoluncit could be anywere in that setup, chanzap/libpri/channel
16:34.18outtoluncor not even in asterisk
16:34.37jmls_could_ it be a BT bug ?
16:34.47outtoluncthe only way you will find it is a full debug and do the call progress of that call
16:35.01jmlsthat's pretty hard 4 months down the line ..
16:35.08outtolunci hear you
16:35.42outtoluncyour easiest test, if you have access is do a test over an other provider
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16:40.26jmlsthat's the issue - how can I make it happen if it's happened 10 times out of 500,000 calls ?
16:41.06jmlsit never happened before - I've asked BT to tell me if it's happened since ... because in August we upgraded * to the latest 1.4 trunk
16:41.46outtoluncthe obvious answer is you can't, so you would need to setup a tripwire of sorts to help you collect enough data to find the needle in that haystack
16:42.16outtoluncthat or regress versions as test
16:43.26*** join/#asterisk sekretarz (n=sekretar@gentoo/developer/sekretarz)
16:44.11sekretarzi'm newbie in asterisk and i can't start it correctly, when loading asterisk in logs writes errors like that:
16:44.15sekretarzloader.c: Error loading module '': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_park_call
16:44.20sekretarzi don't know what can it be
16:44.24fileload before
16:44.42sekretarzin modules.conf i've added
16:44.51sekretarzfile: yeah, ;)
16:44.59sekretarz'': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_monitor_st
16:45.17filemodule dependencies are oh so fun
16:45.52sekretarzok, it works
16:46.05sekretarzfile: thanks
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17:02.11cryc0sHow can I redirect incoming fax to a desired Shared Folder, instead of the standard /asteris/fax
17:04.30Corydon76-vcchcryc0s: sounds like you're using some other product on top of Asterisk
17:04.44cryc0shere is the thing
17:05.29cryc0sfaxes received by asterisk go into the asterisk/fax folder than are converted to pdf and sent to an email addr
17:05.34*** join/#asterisk ming_zy1 (n=ming_zym@
17:05.47Qwellby what?  Asterisk doesn't do anything with faxes
17:05.50cryc0show can I change the asterisk/fax folder to something else ?
17:06.21cryc0sis it the faxrx then ?
17:08.47*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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17:09.51VJFROMGTI want to say all cid that start with 876 must go to x
17:09.53VJFROMGTcan that be done?
17:09.55Qapfwhat debug do i enable to see asterisk's logic in assigning a call a context?
17:11.46iCEBrkrset core verbose 9
17:11.51iCEBrkrcore set verbose 9
17:11.53iCEBrkror something
17:12.01iCEBrkrQapf: it'll spam your console with all you need.
17:12.07[TK]D-Fenderandresdb: Yes you can use the SPA-3102 ' FXO port both ways jsut fine.  Go check out the forums at for instructions.
17:12.18iCEBrkr[TK]D-Fender: whassup homie
17:12.35[TK]D-FenderQapf: Depends on what kind of channel the call is coming in on.
17:12.38[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr: y0
17:12.58iCEBrkrSo what have I missed?
17:12.59iCEBrkranything good?
17:13.09Qapf[TK]D-Fender, i have voicepulse coming in on sip, and for some reason its getting from-sip-external meaning * thinks its an anonymous external call
17:13.29Qapfwhen it should be from-trunk indicating it is from one of my trunks, as it is
17:13.33Qapfor from-pstn
17:14.09Qapfim trying to see why asterisk is picking this considering the lines for vp say context=from-pstn
17:14.21[TK]D-FenderQapf: enable sip debug and watch the call come in.
17:14.35[TK]D-FenderQapf: and pastebin it along with your sip.conf masking only passwords
17:14.37jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
17:14.45[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr: Not a whole hell of a lot.
17:14.51Qapf[TK]D-Fender, ok
17:15.00*** join/#asterisk generalhan (
17:15.02[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr: more bugs, more emergency fixes, more CRITICAL bugs, etc...
17:15.13iCEBrkrMy Asterisk box just runs.
17:15.19iCEBrkrI forget about it
17:16.25*** join/#asterisk generalhan (
17:16.28sekretarzok, next problem, i'm tring to use asterisk gui
17:16.42sekretarzwhen i execute install.html it shows only templete
17:16.58VJFROMGTcan i use wildcard in caller id?
17:17.00sekretarzNext and Back buttons are disabled
17:17.30sekretarzwhen i'm logged off it shows login box but don't authenticate
17:18.42*** join/#asterisk HeMan (
17:18.59sekretarzwhan can it be?
17:19.43*** join/#asterisk ygguh2 (
17:21.00Qapf[TK]D-Fender, im using trixbox, so im assuming you want the sip_additional file that actually contains the interesting things
17:22.05jbotextra, extra, read all about it, trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX, and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox seriously painful to support and hence you will find little help here for it.  Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & WIKI at
17:22.05ygguh2Im having problems building zaptel-, zaptel-1.4.4 and zaptel- on my redhat FC4 linux 2.6 server. The make works okay but when I run insmod ztdummy.ko I receive Unkown symbol in module.
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17:22.26Qwellygguh2: what symbol?
17:22.32HeManHi! Is there any way to tell asterisk to not send the entire caller id information to a SIP-phone?
17:22.49ygguh2zt_receive, zt_transmit, zt_unregister, zt_register
17:23.02QwellUse modprobe - it'll load zaptel also
17:23.09HeManI don't want the "<sip:number@ip>" part
17:23.17[TK]D-FenderHeMan: Yes.  CHANGE IT before you DIAL.
17:23.27Qapf[TK]D-Fender, so in short, go away?
17:23.35ygguh2tried that to, insmod zaptel.ko, unknow symbol in module, crc_ccitt_table
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17:23.43Qwellygguh2: use modprobe
17:24.01Qwellit will resolve all of the symbols and load the appropriate modules
17:24.04[TK]D-FenderQapf: It means forget about raw file manipulation, and there are tons of guides on how to do it properly through FreePBX
17:24.22QwellYou can't do anything properly through freepbx
17:25.10*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey)
17:25.11[TK]D-Fenderoops, bad link
17:25.28[TK]D-FenderQapf: Easiest way :
17:25.48[TK]D-FenderQapf: 2 words in goole gets you right to the way your should be doing it
17:25.50*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (
17:25.53HeManI've tried Set(CALLERID(all)=""), Set(CALLERID(name)="") and Set(CALLERID(number)="") but I still get "asterisk" <sip:asterisk@>
17:27.01Qapf[TK]D-Fender, i am using the autoconfigure trinket that trixbox provides and my only issue seems to be my incoming calls are coming in via the anonymous context and not the proper internal one. i guess ill email them about it. thanks
17:29.15[TK]D-FenderHeMan: check your peer and dial statements
17:29.24[TK]D-FenderHeMan: it may be overriding things
17:29.40[TK]D-FenderQapf: Not even going vanilla is going to make this even more painful.
17:29.45ygguh2okay, I've done the make install which copied the ko files to /lib/modules/misc and not to /lib/modules/2.6.17-1.2142_FC4. this in not nice.
17:31.49HeMan[TK]D-Fender: I only have Dial(SIP/snom) as dial statement
17:32.07ygguh2yup, did that already and ran modprobe zaptel or ztdummy, same results. KI dont get this. this is weird.
17:32.38*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
17:32.47[TK]D-FenderHeMan: then look at your peer setup
17:33.25HeMan[TK]D-Fender: and my peer is really simple, call-limit=1, busy-level=1, type=friend, secret=MySecret and host=dynamic, thats it
17:34.00[TK]D-FenderHeMan: pastebin a call at verbose 10 & sip debug enabled
17:34.11*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
17:35.52ygguh2its like modprobe doesnt see the modules.
17:37.13HeMan[TK]D-Fender: sorry, i only had sip debug for phone, not all sip
17:37.44[TK]D-FenderHeMan: its good
17:38.07[TK]D-FenderHeMan: works both ways.  You are doing ALL, not the seperate name & number
17:38.23[TK]D-FenderHeMan: care to PB your sip.conf entry as well.
17:38.34chemikk[TK]D-Fender: hi :)
17:38.52*** join/#asterisk lokadin (
17:40.02HeMan[TK]D-Fender: hang on, just removing my secrets
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17:40.37lokadinhey i need some software that can make outbound calls
17:40.46Qwelllokadin: asterisk can make outbound calls
17:41.29lokadinlike many outbound calls in sequence from a list?  as in an outbound calling centre
17:42.07lokadinor would i need some extension for that?
17:42.09Qwellwell, you can use call files, or the manager interface to do that
17:42.37lokadinkk well i'll look into it thanks :-)
17:44.48HeMan[TK]D-Fender: I've tried with Set(CALLERID(name)="") and Set(CALLERID(number)="") as well
17:45.23[TK]D-FenderHeMan: do yourself a real favor and permanently remove everything commented out in there
17:45.35[TK]D-FenderHeMan: And ok, I'm stumped on this right now...
17:45.57HeMan[TK]D-Fender: will do
17:47.15`SeanQwell do you use a card or how do you connect your IP phones?
17:47.29chemikka have problem with phone:
17:48.33ygguh2okay, I finaly found a link which told me that for some unkown reason, depmod doesnt run and you need to manually run depmod. I check the modules.dep and it's date was over two weeks old. I ran depmod and then ran modprobe zaptel and ztdummy and they both loaded.
17:49.52[TK]D-Fenderchemikk: Registration from '17 <sip:17@>' <---- see that 17?  change that to the USER
17:50.09ygguh2dasuberdavid and Qwell thanks for you help. this was very very wierd. I run 6 differentr asterisk servers, all ES4, with out issues. but, FC4 had this issue.
17:50.14HeMan[TK]D-Fender: should i upload the cleaned one?
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17:52.51HeMan[TK]D-Fender:, cleaned one
17:53.26[TK]D-FenderHeMan: Sorry, but I hit a wall on this one... you've done everything I could suggest... not sure what to advise from here
17:54.12HeManok, I'll try some more
17:54.20HeManthanks for your time!
17:58.19HeManI solved it! By cheating...
17:58.52[TK]D-FenderHeMan: Let me guess... 1 blank space for CID name?
17:59.51HeManOn the snom phones you could change "Number Display Style:" and if I set it to "Number" it doesn't show the "<sip...>"-part
18:02.08ygguh2bye everyone
18:04.44[TK]D-FenderHeMan: even better
18:07.47*** join/#asterisk barros (
18:10.05barrosHi guys.. I'm having some of my calls droped by this error: Maximum retries exceeded on transmission. After a quick search, I found out that asterisk probes the other side of the call time to time to check if it is still up. If not, * drops the call.  Two questions: Anyone here experienced this kind of error? How can I change the maximum retries count, or the delay between probes?
18:13.39*** join/#asterisk elixer (i=elixer@
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18:16.57Tilii just installed asterisk-1.4 on a clean system and i am trying my agi script which worked fine with asterisk-1.2. the dtmf from iax client is not getting to script
18:17.14Tiliin iax2 set debug i see dtmf being sent
18:19.46*** join/#asterisk astguy (
18:21.19astguyWhat will * do if I drop more .call files into the outgoing directory than I have channels?  I will process them as channels become available (I hope) or will it error out the rest of the files once the channels are used up?
18:23.31elixerastguy: it will queue them up
18:23.35viKing78I'm having problems hooking up a GS 4108 up to FreePBX. Can anyone lend a hand?
18:23.45jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
18:23.45astguyCool -- thanks.
18:23.48jbotfreepbx is, like, unable to be supported here. It's a complex piece of dialplan and GUI, and can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
18:24.04viKing78Thx anyway
18:26.01*** join/#asterisk waltj (n=walt@
18:27.05iCEBrkrHey! Grandstream phones are fine for the hobbiest.
18:27.28*** join/#asterisk kkn088 (
18:27.40waltjWhat happened to Is the server down or is these some orther reason it cannot be reached?
18:27.55[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr: For a few bucks more you could get a REAL phone.
18:27.59Strom_CiCEBrkr: hobbiest?  don't you mean hobbyist? :)
18:28.19iCEBrkrStrom_C: I knew something didn't look right. But someone started talking to me so I just jammed enter
18:28.30iCEBrkr[TK]D-Fender: I'm jewish.. i can't stand spending a few bucks.
18:28.45Strom_Cor is "hobbbiest" at the top of a continuum above "hobby" and "hobbier"?
18:28.53iCEBrkrStrom_C: I'm the hobbiest of them all!
18:28.59Strom_CiCEBrkr: don't be a meshugah schmuck
18:29.17iCEBrkrI'm not really jewish.. but ya know. I can't buy anything without talking myself into it.
18:29.25iCEBrkrOr I'd have a few polycoms around the house already
18:29.35iCEBrkrI've gone this long without it.. I don't need it
18:30.05iCEBrkrHeck, I only upgrade my Astrisk install because I was bored one night.  Even upgraded the dialplan to use the newer methods.
18:30.24iCEBrkrmy Sipura's + Asterisk + Voicepulse just works.. No issues.
18:30.48Tiliwat is so wrong with asterisk 1.4
18:30.59Tiliit was supposed to be better
18:31.33iCEBrkr[TK]D-Fender: If only YouTube wasn't blocked here.
18:31.45[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr: save it then.
18:32.31chemikk[TK]D-Fender: i fix my problem, change username to 17 and inside brackets [17] too
18:33.33[TK]D-Fenderchemikk: should have just changed the 17 to the user name you were using up top, but same thing in the end, as long as it MATCHES
18:35.03MooingLemurare announcing holdtime and announcing queue position both tied to the same setting?
18:35.55[TK]D-FenderMooingLemur: the same FREQUENCY yes, but they are seperate
18:36.49MooingLemurwhich one toggles announce position?
18:39.32[TK]D-FenderMooingLemur: Go read the sample queues.conf * comes with.  Its all laid out in there.
18:40.19codeccan someone tell me what this means and how i can fix it? (appears as soon as i use Festival())
18:40.23codecSep  6 20:38:48 WARNING[17077]: utils.c:609 tvfix: warning too large timestamp 1836086386.859467873
18:42.31MooingLemur[TK]D-Fender: I only see announce-holdtime as a toggle.
18:42.57MooingLemurseems I can't turn off position, just holdtime.
18:43.24Corydon76-vcchcodec: it means the timestamp is invalid
18:45.06MooingLemurjust wondering if you agree with my evaluation :)
18:45.58putnopvutMooingLemur: the position announcement is set with the announce-frequency setting
18:46.10codecCorydon76-vcch: which one? :p
18:46.19MooingLemurso I can't disable position announcements but keep estimated holdtime announcements
18:46.26putnopvutLet me check real quick...
18:47.06putnopvutMooingLemur: that would be correct, since the holdtime is announced along with the position.
18:47.51MooingLemurI suppose I could point the wavs to empty sounds, but I'll get the numeral announcement with the position
18:48.02MooingLemurthanks for checking
18:48.10MooingLemurI'll just leave it in
18:48.45[TK]D-FenderMooingLemur: tried not setting the recording variables?
18:49.08MooingLemurI haven't set recording at all
18:49.23[TK]D-FenderMooingLemur: hrm.
18:52.02jwhhm, has anyone developed a dynamic routing extension for asterisk yet? perhaps in a bgp/rip style format?
18:52.13jwhie; to share prefixes with IAX peers or such
18:52.58[TK]D-Fenderjwh: ....?
18:53.40neverblueDr-Linux, you around ?
18:55.24jwh[TK]D-Fender: what was wrong with my question?
18:55.39lirakisjwh: .. you mean.. a routing engine.. where you can "dip" for routes or are you talking about balancing between internet connections.... because bgp and rip have nothing to do with routing phone calls
18:56.05jwha routing engine yes
18:56.14jwhlirakis: I know, I was trying to think of an analogy
18:56.15lirakisjwh: i assume [TK]D-Fender said "...?" as in.. wtf are you talking about
18:56.57jwhas dialling prefixes and routes are the same in principal, both for phone and ip
18:57.02putnopvutjwh: the closest thing to that I know of is DUNDI. It's a decentralized way of discovering extensions.
18:57.09lirakisjwh: asterisk is class 5 pretty much... look into openSER if you want routing
18:57.18jwhthanks both
18:57.34*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
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18:59.05russellbDUNDi is awesome :)
18:59.44jwhit looks perfect
18:59.46jwhthanks guys
19:01.01jwhrealtime integration would be even better, if it can dump current routing information to a database :D
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19:04.28Lucky7Anyway to reset a Polycom to defaults before the boot?
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19:04.43Lucky7*468 doesn't seem to do the trick
19:05.11mcabLucky7: what model?
19:05.45Lucky7took D-Fender's advise and changed our order from 301's to 330's
19:06.48mcabLucky7: try 1,3,5,7
19:07.07*** join/#asterisk kkn088 (
19:07.11Lucky7on boot?
19:07.30mcabshould work in the application too
19:07.33*** part/#asterisk techie (
19:07.43Lucky7with or without *
19:08.13mcabjust the 1,3,5,7 keys
19:08.14mcabno *
19:08.33mcabhold all 4 down at the same time for ~5 seconds
19:09.52*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
19:10.01Lucky7doesn't seem to do anything
19:10.11Lucky7now actually the phone doesn't do anytihng on boot
19:10.13mcabI just tested it on my 330 :-)
19:10.19Lucky7just red light on the top blinks
19:10.25mcabwhat's on the display?
19:10.36Lucky7lemme change my wiring around so it doesn't bump me off every few seconds
19:10.48*** part/#asterisk wwalker (n=wwalker@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/wwalker)
19:11.39Lucky7i plug it in
19:11.48Lucky7i get a line 1 blink, and a line 2 blink
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19:11.55Lucky7and now just a constant red blink at the top
19:12.08mcabnothing on the LCD screen?
19:12.19Lucky7polycom appears for about 1/2 a second
19:12.47mcabthen you should see a "x seconds until boot" screen
19:12.53Lucky7normally yea
19:12.56Lucky7not on this unit
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19:13.58mcabLucky7: try holding down volume up, volume down and the '0' key for a few seconds, then try pressing the volume up button repeatedly
19:14.09mcabthat should let you try setting the contrast
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19:14.34mcabotherwise, it sounds like a hardware issue - I'd talk to your reseller...
19:15.16Lucky7yea, looks like a dead phone-o
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19:20.55[TK]D-FenderLucky7: IP 320 and 330: Volume-, Volume+, Hold, and Hands-free <-----------------
19:21.10[TK]D-Fenderfor reboot
19:21.22[TK]D-FenderLucky7: IP 320, 330, and 430: 1, 3, 5, and 7 dial pad keys
19:21.27[TK]D-Fenderfor factory defaults
19:22.23Yourname`russellb: You free for little while?
19:22.35elixerLucky7: 8, 6, 7, 5, 3, 0, 9 for tommy two-tone
19:22.51[TK]D-Fenderfor a good time call....
19:23.00russellbYourname`: not really
19:23.11[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: affordable? ;)
19:23.18Yourname`russellb: When can I bug you for a bit? :D
19:23.36russellbheh, i don't commit to any time that i will be here helping.
19:23.46russellbi try when i can, but i stay pretty busy on the development side.
19:23.50Yourname`Let me spew
19:23.57Yourname`Thought so.. hence I asked. :D
19:24.10Yourname`Anyway, let me type out all my questions.
19:24.16russellbthanks for asking and not spamming me with private messages
19:24.26Yourname`(You're welcome.)
19:25.36Yourname`1) If a 100 numbers were called rapidly, and 50 were disconnected. Asterisk rcvs the SIT back from provider, and once its done DIALING, spews out all the "call failed to go through, reason 0" messages. How can I catch those and know which number is that for?
19:26.49Yourname`2) If I want to log particular events in an IVR, how can I do so? For example, a call goes out to a person. A message is played to press1 or 2. I'd like to log the phone number of the person, and what he pressed. And then, another msg is played, and again DTMF is needed.. I'd like to log that, etc.
19:27.19Yourname`...and the rest are based on answers to these questions, lol
19:29.04[TK]D-FenderYourname`: You have HANGUPCAUSE and DIALSTATUS you can process and in your IVR jsut log it using dialplan apps however you want
19:30.15Yourname`[TK]D-Fender: Going to read HANGUPCAUSE and DIALSTATUS. But what application would you use to log these events?
19:31.08michael-iDoes anyone know any "gotcha"s with IAX channels and timing? I am getting very robotic / garbled audio on IAX channels which seems to be related to timing issues. (using 1.4.11 on FreeBSD 6.2)
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19:35.43elixertimmy... tommy... same diff
19:41.05*** join/#asterisk hmmhesays (
19:41.07hmmhesayshey folks
19:42.16*** join/#asterisk Lucky7 (n=Adam@
19:42.26[TK]D-FenderYourname`: these are dialplan vars set after a DIAL.  its all just DIALPLAN.
19:45.19hmmhesaysi'm having a hell of a time with this sangoma a200, it is randomly going static then disconnecting
19:45.25hmmhesaysI don't know where to start troubleshooting
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19:56.05Lucky7this is retarded, i cant get this polycom 330 to register to asterisk
19:56.50Lucky7thats the Mac address config
19:56.59Lucky7the mac address then pulls x141.cnf
19:57.27Lucky7then server.cfg
19:57.28[TK]D-FenderLucky7: careful as to which settings get overriden from one file to another.  I personally only use 2 files.  1 master (sip.cfg) and a single phone entry (phoneXXX.cfg)
19:57.42hmmhesayscan anyone give me a starting point for said problem?
19:57.46_ShrikEaccording to the paste it is pulling x140.cfg no x141.cnf
19:57.56Lucky7140, sorry
19:58.02Lucky7fatfinger syndrome
19:58.06[TK]D-Fendercnf != cfg
19:58.17_ShrikEget rid of phone1.cfg also.
19:59.15*** join/#asterisk bkruse_home (n=root@
19:59.17wunderkinno, you shouldn't remove phone1.cfg if you do it the proper way and only override the defaults
19:59.19Lucky7Mind nopasting your two files
19:59.35Lucky7or a default file that you work off of?
20:01.21[TK]D-FenderLucky7: make a template out of the stock phone1.cfg and then make phone specific copies afterwards.  then in sip.cfg add your server parms and everything else global.
20:01.49[TK]D-FenderLucky7: I advise against doing them completely from scratch or in 10-layered override-style
20:02.02*** join/#asterisk kiscokid (n=ron@
20:03.18[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: pastebin your zapata.conf
20:03.27kiscokidAnyone understand how followme.conf works?   There don't seem to be any per user entries in the sample file
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20:05.53Lucky7whats the difference between address and server.1.address?
20:06.27kiscokidLucky on a polycom reg.1.address is the extension
20:06.44kiscokidgo figure
20:09.29Lucky7and the only place in sip.cfg is voIpProt.server.1.address to
20:10.11Lucky7Nope, didn't seem to do it
20:11.13Corydon76-vcchCould someone please explain overlapdial to me?
20:12.14fatgooseanyone known a SMS aggregator that can provide origination (shortcode)/termination in canada?
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20:15.03pkunkrahmmm.... i have idea.....
20:15.17pkunkrarig a askterisk interface hack?
20:15.36Strom_Mpkunkra: it'll sound like shit
20:15.44pkunkraplug it into an FXO...
20:16.08pkunkraeven if i kept the whole thing ulaw?
20:16.32[TK]D-Fender"but don't want to plonk down a heft investment in a VoIP phone" <--- for $120!!! lol.  RETARDS
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20:16.44Strom_Mthe increased latency and the unnecessary A/D conversion combined with skype's already poor quality == recipe for disaster
20:17.03pkunkrainteresting idea while it lasted.
20:17.07[TK]D-Fender30 pounds... you can get a normal ata for that...
20:17.37pkunkrayeah, but the ata doesn't speak skype.
20:17.44*** join/#asterisk guillote_GNU (
20:17.47cheGGoanybody used proxy support for normal sip uri calls?
20:17.54pkunkrawas thinking of rigging an incoming skype line
20:17.56Lucky7D-Fender: I'm really confused, I've got 0004f216bea1.cfg, which loads x140.cnf (my copy of the phone1.cnf template, with extension edits)
20:18.08Strom_Mpkunkra: skype, and anything to do with skype, is utter crap./
20:18.10Lucky7sory, .cfg
20:18.21cheGGoso that a call to SIP/bla@domain.tld is been routed via my proxy
20:18.22Lucky7and sip.cfg, with address / proxy edits
20:18.35Lucky7but its not actaully registering to my system
20:18.56cheGGoi had set up the proxy in my sip.conf
20:18.59Lucky7i can dial 7777, and i get a no service error, and i see "SIP/" as a call
20:19.22cheGGobut not through a proxy
20:19.28pkunkrastrom_m:  true.  but there's a large audience already using it.
20:19.33cheGGoasterisk - proxy - sip peer
20:19.50cheGGoi had set up the options in sip.conf
20:19.53cheGGobut didnt work
20:20.07cheGGoin the general section
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20:20.37cheGGoanybody opened a branch with "ob_proxy" support
20:20.51cheGGothat works, but set a via header with ;)
20:21.19cheGGobut i think the normal trunk of asterisk should support this too
20:21.53Strom_Mpkunkra: so?
20:22.19KwakwaA lot of people use windows too :)
20:22.29pkunkrastrom_m:  never mind.  :-P
20:22.58pkunkrai think i'll be butting heads with an ox if i try to argue it.  ;-)
20:23.20cheGGoso nobody used asterisk with a proxy as NON peer?
20:23.23KwakwaU don't know until u try pkunkra
20:24.26pkunkrakwakwa:  perhaps.  but i don't feel like trying right now.  too damn tired.  :-)
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20:25.35the_Goat_i have noticed that when i park a call, i go to the other phone and dial the specified part extensions, but when the person on the other end of the line is talking i can't hear them, but i can talk to them
20:26.09the_Goat_any ideas?
20:26.39deeperrori'm getting an __zt_exception that seems to be in an endless loop printed to the CLI which fills my frame buffer quickly.  Is there anyway to log CLI output to a file to capture what was going on prior to the exception occuring?
20:33.56Lucky7I think Teliax can pass more then default CID info but I'm not sure on the details.
20:33.56Lucky7* Bananaskin has quit IRC
20:33.56Lucky7* cryc0s has joined #freepbx
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20:33.56Lucky7<Lucky7> hmm
20:34.33Lucky7I'm trying to get a phone to properly register to my Asterisk System, and i seem to be missing something
20:35.12Lucky7   // phones macAddress.cfg
20:35.14Kwakwadeeperror, have you enabled log files?
20:35.30deeperroryea, i'm going over messages now it's huge
20:35.38Lucky7  // x140.cfg
20:35.55deeperrorbut its the same error in there that is in CLI...but i don't know what was going on prior to this error occuring
20:35.59Kwakwahave you set the debug level to max as well?
20:36.04Lucky7  // sip.cfg
20:36.13deeperrordebug level where on the cli?
20:36.13Kwakwa`core set debug 10` or summat I think
20:36.31deeperroryea but this exception throws 100 errors a second
20:36.33Lucky7  // log of what the system does when the phone with those configs tries to make a call
20:36.43deeperrorquickly filling up the screen with the same error until i shut down
20:36.52Kwakwayeah, I know what you mean
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20:37.06Kwakwahave you searched for the error? to see if anyone else has the issue?
20:37.15w3pogdoes anyone happen to know in what structure the expected/received passwords are in chan_sip.c?
20:37.21deeperrorchan_zap.c: We're Zap/1-2, not Zap/1-1<ZOMBIE>
20:37.23w3pogI'm trying to debug why my registers are failing with "wrong password"
20:37.50deeperrori think it has something to do with a 3-way call occuring and the first callee hanging up before the second callee can come into the conversation then things go crazy nuts
20:38.04KwakwaWhat version are you running?
20:38.10pkunkrai just thought of some funny april fools pranks with tt-monkeys.
20:38.24Qwellpkunkra: like playing it randomly during calls?
20:39.08KwakwaUnless you're running the most recent version u won't get much help deeperror, most of problems in older versions of * may be fixed in 1.4*
20:39.30pkunkraqwell:  nah, i was thinking of have the pbx call random friends of mine and set the callerid to another appropriate mutual friend.
20:39.45pkunkrathen play tt-monkeys after they stop talking.
20:39.56Kwakwapkunkra, u've got a long time to wait before u can use it as a legitimate april fool
20:40.11deeperrori move to 1.4 and get different issues with sip packets and authentication
20:40.12Kwakwaand you can only do it before 12pm, so u gotta make sure these ppl will answer :)
20:40.18pkunkrai kinda think its silly to do it any other day.
20:40.47KwakwaI think russellb has beaten you to it by the looks of things tho
20:40.48Qwelleverybody expects things like that on April 1st
20:40.55Qwellbut who's gonna expect it on Sept 6th?
20:41.01pkunkrabefore 12pm?  people are more likely to answer in the morning?
20:41.14Kwakwano, because u have to do it before the afternoon
20:41.27Kwakwaits some april 1st law
20:41.46pkunkrawhat did russellb do?  :-)
20:41.48Kwakwaapparently if you do it after that time, you're the fool
20:41.54pkunkrai didn't know about that.
20:42.51KwakwaI dunno if it applies to the US, it is in the UK, Canada n stuff
20:43.17pkunkranothing on google.  are you sure that's a law?
20:43.24pkunkraor are you pulling one over my head too?
20:43.31Qwelldoing it after noon makes it no less funny
20:43.35KwakwaIts not a real law, u won't have to do community service or anything
20:45.13pkunkraa friend of mine actually did research with monkeys.
20:45.41KwakwaOn April fools day a year ago my boss's wife thought it would be funny to tell me I was about to be fired coz of something I did so I went into the bosses room n told him to fuck off.
20:45.44pkunkrashe'd be a perfect candidate to set the callerid to.
20:45.57pkunkrakwakwa: ouch.
20:46.01pkunkrawere you fired?
20:46.10KwakwaTurns out it was an april fool, fortunately he saw the funny side of it
20:46.21KwakwaFelt good telling him to fuck off tho :)
20:46.30KwakwaHe was lucky I didn't need a crap
20:48.33the_Goat_i have noticed that when i park a call, i go to the other phone and dial the specified part extensions, but when the person on the other end of the line is talking i can't hear them, but i can talk to them
20:48.34the_Goat_any ideas?
20:50.57pkunkratry speaking into your phone louder?
20:51.42*** part/#asterisk deeperror (
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20:52.06pkunkracheck the your phones for silence suppression
20:52.44pkunkraif you can't hear them, then is probably your handset.
20:52.52pkunkragoogle "comfort noise generation"
20:57.13*** join/#asterisk w3pog (n=pgrace@
20:59.00Corydon76-vcchw3pog: you might want to start with a "sip set debug"
20:59.17Corydon76-vcchThat will give you more information on the SIP dialog
21:00.34w3pogI've been watching the debug on it, and have a few sip packet traces
21:00.50w3pogcalls fail with a fast busy, and registers get bad auth
21:00.51*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
21:00.58w3pogthe weirdest thing is, yesterday the phone was working fine
21:01.02w3pogit just stopped, out of nowhere.
21:01.11w3pogwe had actually got it working right when we swapped the ip address
21:01.25w3pogbut then "something" happened.  I can't really identify that "something"
21:02.28km-Corydon76-dig: does bkw still hang out anymore or is he totally devoted to freeswitch or whatever now
21:02.47*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
21:02.50*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
21:03.05riddleboxhow do I find out how my line is being seen by asterisk?
21:03.22syzygyBSDriddlebox: what do you mean by line?
21:03.23riddleboxlike, when it rings in, what it is named?
21:03.23[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, .... huh?
21:03.33riddlebox[TK]D-Fender, I know I worded that horribly
21:03.35fujin_riddlebox, depends on how you configure it
21:03.37[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, .... HUH?!
21:03.38Corydon76-vcchkm-: he's in here from time to time, but we catch him trolling quite often
21:03.43km-Corydon76-dig: do you think if I pastebin'd my sip trace you might be able to help stare at it?
21:03.43fujin_you can configure your inbound calls to present on a specific context
21:03.50km-Corydon76-dig: I'm sure stuck on what's going on
21:03.50KwakwaWhen it guys busy on our production server we sometimes get one way audio for the callee, where the callee can hear the agent but the agent can't hear the callee.  When its not busy its fine.  I'm thinking iaxthreadcount / iaxmaxthreadcount might have something to do with it but they're at the default atm 10/0. I upped it to 30/100 but still hav the issues. I read that it can be as high as 200/1000. Is that reccommended?
21:04.09Corydon76-vcchkm-: I can look, but I'm not the best at diagnosing sip problems
21:04.32*** part/#asterisk lirakis (n=lirakis@
21:04.34riddlebox[TK]D-Fender, I have a pots line, which I configured a Quintum box to convert it to sip, but I need to know how asterisk is seeing it come in so when it rings I can have it ring my phones
21:04.49km-Corydon76-dig: that sure makes two of us
21:05.01[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, enable SIP debug and see what * is getting
21:05.15syzygyBSDriddlebox: look at how to configure a dialplan
21:05.21fujin_riddlebox, depends on how you set up the peer
21:05.36km-Corydon76-dig: that url has the registers
21:05.38*** part/#asterisk javar (n=javar@
21:05.48km-Corydon76-dig: at first I was suspecting it was some weird nat issue
21:05.54km-but I'm starting to think it must be something else.
21:05.55mvanbaakbye all
21:05.58SA007why can't i get audio when i dial out? very frustrating
21:06.07fujin_SA007, you're doing it wrong
21:06.09riddlebox[TK]D-Fender, would it be under User-Agent?
21:06.14km-Corydon76-dig: starting to wonder if I wanna upgrade to the latest 1.2.x
21:06.18mvanbaakSA007: still fighting with ?
21:06.26SA007fujin_: probably, but i can't find what i'm doing wrong
21:06.39km-Corydon76-dig: I'm also going to get the remote user to issue a factory reset on his phone
21:06.42SA007mvanbaak: fixed the loop/busy error's, bu i don't get audio
21:06.46[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, if you want to see what comes in, SIP debug will tell you.
21:06.48km-see if for some reason the password got corrupted.
21:06.57mvanbaakSA007: cant say I didn't warn you
21:07.19Corydon76-vcchkm-: I'd seriously consider upgrading to 1.4, if I were you
21:07.31SA007mvanbaak: i haven't been able to find a good alternative, most are far more expensive or don't give a local numer (or any number)
21:07.52km-Corydon76-dig: how production-ready is 1.4?
21:08.01km-Corydon76-dig: and is there a changelog on configs for 1.2 to 1.4?
21:08.03mvanbaakkm-: it's production ready
21:08.14Corydon76-vcchkm-: UPGRADE.txt
21:08.14mvanbaakkm-: check the UPGRADE.txt
21:08.17km-ok cool.
21:08.43fujin_I probably wouldn't run 1.2 unless there was a specific business decision to do so.
21:08.49fujin_1.4 has been running fine in production here
21:08.50SA007mvanbaak: looked at both, speakup is way to expensive and 12connect only does prepaid
21:09.14km-we have a ton of telephony here running through asterisk and I didn't want to upset anything with a major upgrade
21:09.16mvanbaakSA007: 12connect does postpaid as well
21:09.16syzygyBSDya, all my new installs will be 1.4, but I won't upgrade from 1.2 until I reinstall
21:09.18mvanbaakSA007: call them
21:09.32mvanbaakSA007: tell them 'Michiel van Baak van Covide' sent you
21:09.43km-we also have all custom prompts
21:09.51km-the people at our office think alison sounds like a porn star :)
21:09.53SA007mvanbaak: but still, i don't think this is a budgetphone issue, but more of my asterisk setup
21:10.55mvanbaakSA007: well, I had massive trouble to connect with them and even when I got a call going thru it was very unstable. most calls would fail or 1-way audio (if not reporting busy/loop)
21:11.01SA007(like, switching provider doesn't solve the problem)
21:11.06*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
21:11.20mvanbaakSA007: both speakup and 12connect do IAX2
21:11.25fujin_get audio running locally
21:11.29mvanbaakworks way better for an ITSP if you ask me
21:11.31fujin_before you bring someone elses issues into it
21:12.09SA007mvanbaak: jeah, but i don't have a phone right now, but i have a budgetphone account...
21:12.28mvanbaakSA007: did you call their support ?
21:12.43mvanbaakor mailed support ?
21:13.04SA007no, looked at the website
21:13.14mvanbaakcall/mail their support
21:13.57mvanbaakok, I'm really off now
21:14.31SA007speakup is just to expensive, but 12connect can be a good option if they really do postpaid, because i really don't want to continuesly add mony to the account
21:15.26mvanbaakSA007: it depends on the quality you want. speakup is totally redundant, 12connect is not
21:16.09mvanbaakSA007: speakup will give you 2 IAX2 switches and 2 SIP switches so you can do failover for calls. 12connect only has 1 registry/proxy box
21:16.27jbotmethinks cheap is a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
21:16.35fujin_my two cents
21:16.35SA007jeah, but my business isn't very profitable at the moment and the colocated server takes up about the entire income at the moment :P
21:16.38fujin_^5 jbot
21:17.05*** join/#asterisk fujin (n=aj@unaffiliated/fujin)
21:17.05mvanbaakholy fuck, you only income is 70 euro/month ?
21:17.13fujin_that's pretty crap
21:17.25SA007for my company at the moment, yes, really
21:17.32KwakwaU gotta start somewhere
21:17.46[TK]D-FenderNowhere is somewhere too! ;)
21:17.49SA007indeed, started the business like 4 monts ago now
21:18.00mvanbaakSA007: quit! even social security is like 15 times that income
21:18.10Qwell[TK]D-Fender: how was the openmoko demo thing?  or was it today?
21:18.17Kwakwa[TK]D-Fender, nowhere is the lack of something :)
21:18.22mvanbaakopenmoko > *
21:18.24SA007mvanbaak: i'm not even looking for clients yet :P
21:18.24Qwellnowhere is the lack of somewhere
21:18.31Kwakwathat too
21:18.42Qwellnowhere is a place, thus it is somewhere
21:18.45Qwellthus, it cannot be nowhere
21:19.03fujin_mobile OS?
21:19.04[TK]D-FenderQwell, Sunday evening.
21:19.22Qwellmvanbaak: if [ true ]; then echo false; fi ?
21:19.26[TK]D-FenderQwell, and I added myself to the "want to come" list and haven't gotten confirmation.
21:19.28fujin_what does it run on?
21:19.37SA007i started the business, but i want to get stuff like the phones/website/email/etc working before i start looking for clients, which was planned for 2 monts ago but got delayed...
21:19.38Qwellfujin_: right now, only the Neo 1973
21:19.46[TK]D-Fenderfujin_, Os *and* open hardware phone
21:19.59[TK]D-FenderQwell, no, they got it working on a Palm or two ;)
21:20.07Qwellwell, yeah
21:20.19Qwelland really, people run it in emulators too
21:20.29KwakwaQwell: I was working from "darkness is the lack of light", light is something, darkness is the lack of it. Nowhere is the lack of something, if something was in nowhere it would be somewhere?
21:21.13Qwellif there was no light, then light wouldn't exist, therefore, darkness wouldn't exist
21:21.15mvanbaakSA007: well, if this is going to be for a business I have 1 advice: DONT use
21:21.31QwellKwakwa: quit while you're ahead :P
21:21.37[TK]D-FenderI doubt, therefor I may be.
21:21.39SA007mvanbaak: it's better than having no phone at all
21:21.54mvanbaakSA007: you have it working now ?
21:22.00SA007which is the case at the moment
21:22.03fujin_I wonder if they'll make it work on my htc tytn.
21:22.13SA007i can receive call's but get no audio when calling
21:22.24mvanbaakSA007: non-woring is the same as no phone
21:23.40SA007mvanbaak: true, but its the first time i'm doing anything with * and i'm sure it's a problem on my end which isn't solved by switching providers
21:24.25mvanbaakSA007: ok
21:24.58mvanbaakSA007: I had multiple working trunks, both SIP and IAX2 but still couldn't get to work
21:25.05riddlebox[TK]D-Fender, can you tell me what to look for in here?
21:25.15mvanbaakSA007: I dont want to scare you, but that's how it is
21:25.29SA007it worked once this afternoon, but i tried immediatly after that and it didn't work anymore
21:25.56[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, how about you include the part where the call comes IN.
21:26.00mvanbaakSA007: that's how they work. allow the testcall, fuckup everything after that
21:26.10riddleboxsee thats the thing, I cant ever find that part
21:27.00SA007mvanbaak: hu? it was like call 15 that suddenly worked and call 16 failed again
21:27.49mvanbaakSA007: lemme guess, you did not change anything between call 15 and 16 right
21:28.07SA007and 12/13/14/15/16/17/17 etc
21:28.38mvanbaakand you still want them to handle your business phonecalls ?
21:28.59SA007i'm sure it's a configuration error on my side
21:29.45mvanbaakgood luck finding the error.
21:29.51mvanbaakcan I ask you something ?
21:30.09mvanbaakif you have it working reliable, can you document the setup on ?
21:30.33mvanbaakcool. thanks
21:30.46mvanbaakI'm off to zzzzzzzzzzz land now
21:30.49[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, that sure doesn't LOOK like "everything"
21:31.12riddlebox[TK]D-Fender, hows this,
21:31.28[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, the 1st line of your PB shows the destruction of a call being initiated, followed by a READ related to that same call ID
21:31.58[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, Better, and OBVIOUS
21:32.01[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, Capabilities: us - 0x6 (gsm|ulaw), peer - audio=0x101 (g723|g729)/video=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x0 (nothing)
21:32.09[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, CODEC mismatch
21:32.25[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, SIP/2.0 488 Not acceptable here <------------
21:32.39[TK]D-FenderNEXT!!@!@@!@! (c) BKW
21:32.40riddleboxhrmm I will look into it
21:33.14riddleboxits either that or I will give up on this quintum box, and get a linksys one
21:34.47*** join/#asterisk edwin_quijada (n=m@
21:34.50[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, Its very blatantly telling you that its allowing G.723 & G.729, and your * setup is saying GSM or ULAW only.  This is not Raw-Cat Science
21:34.54km-bkw rocked with the NEXT.
21:35.14edwin_quijadaWhich card I must use to connect my * to PABX digital?
21:35.27[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada, Depends what KIND of digital
21:35.54*** join/#asterisk qdk (
21:36.19edwin_quijada[TK]D-Fender: I have a PABK Meridian and I have developed a IVR and I need to use 4 lines from PABX
21:36.34jwhkeeps segfaulting :(
21:36.42edwin_quijadaI dont know how connect my * with the extensions of PABX
21:37.39[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada, that is going to be complex at BEST.  you could PERHAPS do this VIA a T1/E1 trunk card, but forget about the "PBX Digital" port concept.
21:37.58[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada, How big a Meridian setup do you have?
21:38.59edwin_quijadathis has 48 lines 2 T1
21:39.24*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (n=strom@
21:39.25edwin_quijadaand I need take 4 extensions for her to coneect to my *
21:39.30*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (n=strom@
21:39.35edwin_quijadais it possible?
21:40.05[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada, you'll nned to use a T1 link to * if you expect to get a call back INTO your PBX after taking one in.
21:40.07km-the "Right" way to do it would be to hook an extra T1 up to it and drop it to the asterisk box
21:40.30km-you could also kinda rig something with digital to analog converters and a TDM400p, but T1 is far, far superior to that
21:43.03km-what we actually did at my old job was have an asterisk box in front of the proprietary pbx
21:43.10km-and just dropped a T1 to the proprietary pbx
21:43.23km-the users on the NEC system never knew there was another pbx in front of the outside world
21:43.33km-meanwhile we were able to expand with voip without "upsetting the apple cart"
21:44.11edwin_quijadakm-: so we can use ata and TDM cards?
21:44.11km-the executives got their favoritely annoying NEC Electra Elite system, and meanwhile those of us who needed to do actual work got 7960's :)
21:44.36km-edwin_quijada: can the meridian push calls out via voip?
21:44.58km-edwin_quijada: because short of that, what you really need is to run a T1 trunk from the meridian system to the asterisk box via a T1 card
21:45.10[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada, if you use ATA's then you call is never coming back FROM *.  is that acceptable for you?
21:45.25km-yeah, TBT would be pretty difficult in that situation :)
21:46.21edwin_quijadaso we need to do trunk with asterisk and Meridian using  a T1 card
21:46.34edwin_quijada[TK]D-Fender: No, we need the call
21:46.44[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada, how big is your existing PBX?
21:47.02edwin_quijada[TK]D-Fender: I have 48 lines
21:47.06edwin_quijada2 T1
21:47.11[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada, how many PHONES?
21:47.22edwin_quijada40 +-
21:47.40edwin_quijadaremember this is for IVR
21:47.50[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada, ok, and how many T1 ports do you have FREE on your PBX currently?
21:48.25edwin_quijadareally, I dont know
21:49.03[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada, that is not a good answer.  You'll need one...
21:49.35fujin_just build a replacement PBX with asterisk
21:49.38fujin_on a seperate T1
21:49.43fujin_which does the exact same thing
21:49.53km-fujin: while ideologically the right answer, may not be business feasible
21:50.00fujin_get more money
21:50.15km-its not just money.  It's testing time, downtime of migration, the need to get more phones
21:50.20km-meridian phones are proprietary digital
21:50.24km-they wont work with asterisk
21:50.25fujin_that's rather homosexual
21:50.37km-yeah, it's why we put an asterisk mothership pbx before our NEC
21:50.42fujin_sell them all on ebay
21:50.47fujin_lol :)
21:51.02Lucky7in phone1.cfg
21:51.04Lucky7it has a tag
21:51.09fujin_the engineer before me was sold a batch of mitel 5224,s they were complete rubbish. I sold them on the equivalent of ebay.
21:51.09km-ok...  I've been waiting for this user to call me back for an hour
21:51.11fujin_wasy fun :]
21:51.12edwin_quijadaI thought that I can connect asterisk with it without more problem
21:51.13Lucky7do i change that to w/e the extension is
21:51.18Lucky7IE <phone140>
21:51.42km-edwin_quijada: anyone who gives you a quick answer is either stupid or trying to sell you something
21:51.53km-edwin_quijada: it's completely based on what you have in place already and how it would hook together
21:52.06edwin_quijada[TK]D-Fender: and i cant change the Pbx because this is for one client that just wants the IVR nothing about their PBX or phone systems
21:52.38km-edwin_quijada: now, this might not be the right answer for you, but it sounds like you need to do exactly what I did for the old company
21:53.16km-edwin_quijada: you need to get an asterisk box with a 4port T1 card.  You need the t1 settings from your telco as well.  What you do is, create two T1 legs, one incoming to the asterisk box from the telco, one outgoing to the meridian
21:53.24km-find out how many digits they send for DNIS/DID
21:53.38km-and then just transparently forward all calls from T1-1 to T1-2 to begin with
21:53.57km-i.e. if there's a call on 1234567890, call 1234567890 on T1-2
21:54.14Lucky7what the crap, this is the wierdest thing i've ever seen.
21:54.22edwin_quijadakm-: :( the big problem is that is not an option
21:54.32Lucky7  //  macaddress.cnf
21:54.34fujin_then you're doing it wrong
21:54.35fujin_find another solution
21:54.38km-edwin_quijada: unfortunately it's the least invasive option
21:54.45edwin_quijadathey dont do that
21:54.48Lucky7  // phone140.cfg
21:54.58Lucky7  // sip.cfg
21:55.06km-how would I solve your issue if I couldn't do that.
21:55.25km-edwin, is the IVR for their business to route calls to extensions?
21:55.31*** join/#asterisk VJFROMGT (
21:55.35edwin_quijadakm-: just one way!
21:55.48VJFROMGTI am trying to do a soft hagup but keep getting is not a known channel
21:55.49Lucky7Why wont the phone 1) get the proper time, 2) actually register with the Asterisk Server
21:56.00edwin_quijadakm-: is for bussines to conect to database
21:56.05VJFROMGTwhat is time server on phone 1?
21:56.18*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey)
21:56.42edwin_quijadaso they have inused extensions into pabx
21:56.48tzangerdamn is coppice never around anymore?
21:56.58edwin_quijadaand they want use it for this
21:57.38Lucky7i went through the walkthrough on voipinfo, and i've got all those settings
21:57.38edwin_quijadaso bougth anlaog lines and use TDM card is the only way , I think!!
21:58.11[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada, like I said  you can use analog + ATA's, but once calls enter your IVR, they're never coming BACK.
21:59.12km-it doesnt sound like thats an issue for him
21:59.15edwin_quijada[TK]D-Fender: but if the call never back i cant run my AGI script for?
21:59.28*** part/#asterisk fatgoose (
21:59.44km-what happens is
21:59.49km-user calls an extension on meridian
21:59.59km-the meridian system goes to an analog extension converter
22:00.07km-the analog extension dials the asterisk box
22:00.17km-the asterisk box then has that call, completely, until the user hangs up
22:00.28km-the call can never go back out to the meridian system
22:00.38km-i.e., there can never be a transfer-out of the IVR back to a hardline extension
22:00.57km-if that's not a big deal, then doing the above is fine
22:01.10km-but if it is a big deal, you'll need to use a T1 for it.
22:01.17edwin_quijadai should use ata
22:01.59edwin_quijadaif I use a T1 card can I do trunk with this
22:02.09tzangerkm-: that's not true
22:02.11edwin_quijadaand use the 4 extension
22:02.22tzangerkm-: you can hookflash the ATA to do things like park and transfer and so on
22:02.25tzangerit's just a PITA
22:02.55km-tzanger: hmm
22:02.58edwin_quijadatzanger: i can transfer the call from * to Meridian
22:03.09km-tzanger: you can send a flash event back over a zap channel?
22:03.10tzangeredwin_quijada: if you tell * to hookflash the zap channel, yes
22:03.22km-tzanger: I wasn't even aware you could do that.
22:03.31km-tzanger: is it Hookflash(<channel>) or something else?
22:03.33tzangerkm-: check the ATA and ATA2 user guides
22:03.39tsurkois it possible to create web based softphone with asterisk and ragi?
22:03.41tzangerkm-: ZapFlash() I think
22:03.44edwin_quijadatzanger: I have never used hookflash
22:03.45km-wait, this ATA you're referring to
22:03.50km-you're not talking about SIP ATA's in this case?
22:04.10tzangerno, I'm talking about the Meridian ATA or ATA2
22:04.22km-something makes me think I'm behind the times, I haven't really been on the cusp of new asterisk-related technologies since last time I stopped coming around here :)
22:04.52km-Flashes a Zap Trunk
22:04.56edwin_quijadaso km- your solution is posible?
22:05.04km-people who want to perform transfers and such via AGI and is generally
22:05.05km-quite useless oths application will only work on Zap trunks.
22:05.34km-edwin_quijada: tzanger's theory is credible however he is right, it could be a major PITA to implement
22:05.51km-but as long as you don't need to transfer back out to a user
22:05.55km-Pain In The Ass
22:06.06edwin_quijadakm-:jajajaja :0
22:06.44edwin_quijadamaybe just I need transfer to an agent if he need to talk with an agent
22:06.55*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
22:07.07km-I really think you'd be better served pushing an asterisk box in front of the meridian rather than behind it
22:07.15km-but failing that, it probably would be better the T1 route
22:07.21km-with the ATA thing and what tzanger said a distant third
22:07.35Lucky7Can anyone here send me a working polycom config, so i can cross-compare?  Preferablly the files for SIP2.1.0+
22:07.53VJFROMGTi have setup an ivr, when ivr plays, i enter the extension of an ivr and it says not valid
22:08.28km-Is there a way to set the domain in cisco conifigs?
22:08.46km-sip domain I mean
22:08.52km-not dns
22:09.59edwin_quijadakm- if the pabx has analog lines with can I use TDM cards without problems?
22:12.02km-you can, but you need to be sure you have enough analog lines to transfer back out
22:12.05km-if you are planning to transfer back out
22:12.42*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
22:12.47edwin_quijadakm- they have 2 analog lines
22:12.49*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey)
22:13.06edwin_quijadathe client call to company
22:13.24edwin_quijadarespond IVR for attendance and info extensions
22:13.41edwin_quijada221,222,223 ivrs service
22:13.42SA007w00t, my phone works :)
22:13.57edwin_quijadathe client press 221
22:14.07edwin_quijadameridian forward to asterisk
22:14.18edwin_quijadaastersk do the job
22:14.37edwin_quijadaask "u want a human operator?
22:14.42edwin_quijadaclient yes
22:15.12edwin_quijadaasterisk trasnfer to 322 extension that is phisical extension in pbx and digital
22:15.22edwin_quijadakm- it could be?
22:21.38km-if you only have two analog lines
22:21.43km-you're pretty screwed
22:21.54km-unless you're totally, totally sure that you will only ever get one client calling the IVR
22:22.03km-because you want that second analog line to transfer back out
22:22.42km-you really need to get asterisk in front of that meridian.  I don't see any other way how you can make this work easily
22:22.48km-tzanger and the others may have other input
22:22.56km-I'm now an hour late however so I have to get going
22:22.58edwin_quijadaok if i use the solution that u said I must put the ATA into meridian and asterisk
22:22.58km-good luck!
22:23.23Lucky7I'm using a Polycom IP330 Sip phone, and i keep getting this message on my asterisk box
22:23.23Lucky7"Received incoming SIP connection from unknown peer to 7777") in new stack
22:23.55Lucky7and then it says ss-noservice, instead of giving my expected "thank you for calling..." message
22:24.03fujin_so configure the phone as a 'friend'
22:24.12Lucky7its like my sip phone isn't actually registering in the system
22:24.22edwin_quijadatzanger: we can use the ata and dont came back
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22:24.38Lucky7fujin > The phone, or the extension?
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22:25.00nephfli cant get vtwhite to work on this system for anything
22:26.13nephflsip show peer shows it as ok...but i get busy when i try to dial
22:26.41Lucky7nephfl > Softphone?
22:27.34Lucky7wierd, Xlite is normally one of the better ones that i've seen about that
22:28.08nephflsomeone trying to connect remotely said they got someone from another country answer at their home number
22:28.14nephflusing an ata
22:32.26Nichtwirklichdoes chan_capi know/send that the outgoing call from a sip client is a fax, I mean, does it use the correct isdn service type?
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22:44.15Lucky7What the hell
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22:47.37wundaboyI am getting extremely long lag inbetween when i say something and the other person on the other side hears it
22:47.43wundaboylike 10 seconds or so
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22:51.55Lucky7wundaboy > VOIP? T1? Analog? Softphones? Hardphones?
22:52.08wundaboyDSL / Polycom IP500
22:52.34wundaboyI am in oregon and using an east coast provider ... but when I was on Cable it had about a 1 to 1.5 second lag
22:52.56Lucky7So i assume then yes, it is a voip line
22:52.57QwellDo you have like a 10 second jitter buffer or something?
22:53.28wundaboyYes, it is a VOIP termination / origination
22:53.46wundaboyQwell, what file would I set that in
22:54.02wundaboyI have about 120ms ping time in between me and my provider
22:54.42Lucky7thats kinda gross
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22:54.53Lucky7and see what your speeds are
22:55.19QwellI don't trust - *AT ALL*
22:55.27QwellThey claim my speeds are 9mbit/2mbit...on consumer cable
22:55.57Lucky7Qwell > then test it, see what you get uploading to a server capable of more then that
22:55.59_x86_they got mine right
22:56.02wundaboyon I get 750 / 125 (SLOW! but should support voice)
22:56.13Lucky7125 is disgustingly slow
22:56.14_x86_Qwell: my cable is 10mbit/1.5mbit
22:56.17QwellLucky7: I have, and I get *nowhere* near those speeds
22:56.22Qwell_x86_: I'm on comcast.  enough said
22:56.30_x86_sorry to hear that :P
22:56.32wundaboyI am on verizon online dsl ... (not my choice)
22:56.35Lucky7same here
22:56.36Qwellso it's clearly wrong
22:57.03Lucky7wundaboy >  with 125kbps upload, if that PBX is not on a dedicated connection, thats probably where your suffering right there
22:57.20wundaboyLucky7 ... my pbx is the computer I am on
22:57.50Lucky7wunderkin > this isn't the verizon wireless internet is it?
22:58.10wundaboyLucky7, no plain verizon online dsl over phone lines
22:58.42wundaboyalthough I am on wireless inbetween me and my modem ... but its like 1.2ms and a strong signal
23:00.17Lucky7I'm not sure wundaboy.   Out of personal experience, voip over a WIFI signal hasn't been very good
23:00.24wundaboyi know but its my only option
23:00.30wundaboyi think i just fixed it
23:01.42wundaboyyeah it calls out with GSM
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23:05.02Lucky7what transport should i use with a Polycom phone?
23:05.25*** join/#asterisk Yourname` (
23:06.07Yourname`Hey [TK]D-Fender. Using call files and trying to use HANGUPCAUSE and DIALSTATUS isn't working out too well.  Asked here too:
23:08.47Yourname`So how else can I get status of failed callfiles, especially when call returns call failed to go through, etc?
23:10.08Lucky7many this is the most confusing thing ever...  I stopped using server distrobution for my config method
23:10.12Lucky7on my polycom's
23:10.24Lucky7and now i'm JUST trying to hand program
23:10.35Lucky7and they're still not registerring! lol,
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23:12.55RahailOK Ppl I am having problem with DTMF
23:13.01Yourname`very fail fujin_ very fail
23:13.17Rahailmy Server A work fine with same DID but when i put that DID to server B it send extra digit
23:13.22Rahailthis what i did for server B
23:13.23Rahail1. Changed Asterisk Version 5 times
23:13.23Rahail2.Changed codec go g729 ulaw alaw gsm
23:13.23Rahail3. changed DTMF to infband auto rfc
23:13.37dijungalthe host= parameter in a friend context of the iax.conf is the ip of the connecting host or the host to connect to?
23:13.39Rahailstill same result
23:15.24dijungalin other words, if i have server1 and server2, on server1 the "host=" should be the ip of server1 or 2 ?
23:15.39dijungalfor type=friend
23:17.04watchyhey tk you there?
23:17.24watchydo you guys recommend trixbox for big installs?
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23:17.39Sweeperall signs point to no
23:17.44jbotsomebody said trixbox was a full linux distro that includes FreePBX, and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox seriously painful to support and hence you will find little help here for it.  Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & WIKI at
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23:18.23watchywell this company wants to hire me and they use the shit outta trixbox
23:18.43fujin_so turn the job down?
23:18.43watchyi like to install gentoo and install * myself
23:18.54watchythey offered me $100k
23:19.04wundaboythey offer 100k you take the job.
23:19.12watchyyea thats what im saying
23:19.28watchybut they love some trixbox i dunno why
23:19.39watchythey say its easier to support then manually editing .confs
23:20.04wundaboythats between them/you...
23:20.17wundaboyi dont think you are going to want to replace their pbx.... (that i am sure would be a headache)
23:20.37Lucky7watchy > then I hate to say it, but who ever said that was a moron.
23:20.42watchywell they do phone systems for a living
23:20.50watchyand i'm coming in to start doing them for them
23:20.58Lucky7I've built a few phone systems, and the one time i did a trixbox install, was a nightmare, for everything.
23:21.03watchyi went to checkout one of their installs today
23:21.21watchythey got 4 rhino channel banks
23:21.26Sweeperwatchy: well, if it's working for them, fine. but you can always try to wean them off it slowly
23:21.29Rahailcan some one give me hint
23:21.31Rahailabout DTMF
23:21.31watchyand use rhino cards on a rhino built pc
23:22.07watchyi prefer sangnoma cards myself
23:22.17watchygotta love HW echo cancellation
23:22.31Sweeperand 8x t1 cards ;)
23:22.56watchysweeper: you ever setup fax 2 email on * 1.4?
23:23.09Sweeperwatchy: nope.
23:23.11watchythe trixbox dude is having problems and has no idea to fix it
23:23.14watchyso i'm suppose to fix it
23:23.41Sweeperwhat's he using? rxfax or hylafax?
23:23.41wundaboyofftopic: anyone watching mid tenn and louisville?
23:23.51watchyfuck if i know
23:23.52wundaboyless than 3 minutes in and 3 touchdowns have been scored
23:23.58watchyhe just said asterisk 1.4 on trixbox
23:24.06watchyhes pretty smart phone system wise
23:24.14Sweeperwatchy: well, if it comes with trixbox, go ask on their forums, they're pretty good about stuff
23:24.16watchybut i think trixbox has fucked him up * wise
23:24.32Sweeperif it's something he added on later...still go ask in #trixbox XD
23:24.37RypPnwhat would cause the remote party to hear themselves again due to echo during a sip call?
23:24.40watchyman f some trixbox
23:25.35Lucky7i built a trixbox system a few weeks back
23:25.42Lucky7and it was still 1.2.x
23:25.56Lucky7so unless they've upgraded JUST recently, i'm pretty sure they're not 1.4.x yet
23:26.03Lucky7I personally use Elastix now
23:26.04watchyi think he upgraded man
23:26.08watchywtf is elastix
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23:34.28fujin_any way with AEL
23:34.30fujin_can I pause in a macro?
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23:34.30fujin_my call delivery macro is causing my system to stutter a bit
23:34.30fujin_cause it tries to deliver to all agents at once, lags it out a bit
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23:36.23dugI am getting the error file.c: File /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/custom/mainmenu.gsm does not exist in any format even though the file exists on the drive?
23:37.14Strom_Mdon't specify the extension when you call Playback()
23:43.30dugStrom_M now it doesnt give an error but I cannot hear anything
23:44.08dugnow works
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23:49.32johnadsfsdfdfwhat does asterisk use to send voicemails as attachment
23:51.09Corydon76-vcchThe formatting of the message is done internally
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23:58.03hmmhesayswhat do you do to apply the settings once you change gains in zapata.conf
23:58.28codefreezejbot: the new kid is fine, I hope
23:58.29jbotokay, codefreeze
23:58.42hmmhesaysjust ztconfig
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