IRC log for #asterisk on 20070905

00:03.48n0n4m3imagine what changing type=peer to type=friend does :D
00:05.13*** join/#asterisk Aeudian (
00:07.52n0n4m3darn :S
00:12.09n0n4m3in case i want to 'forward' a call to an internal ip phone do i have to use Answer as the first command in extensions.conf or not? tried with Ringing instead but no luck :/
00:13.40n0n4m3but like i said.. i don't want to 'answer' but just 'ring on' if i make any sense :D
00:14.24n0n4m3and in case noone answers after 30 sec, forward the call to voicemail and then end the call
00:15.07dijungalwhen i do a "sip show peers" what does the port column mean?
00:15.26fujinthe port that they registered from
00:15.39n0n4m3the 'port'
00:15.44n0n4m3usually 5060
00:15.45dijungali have a phone on port 25452, i can make a call but I get no audio when the other end picks up
00:16.17dijungalthe phone is behind a firewall and the asterisk box is open on the internet
00:16.42fujinand how is asterisk supposed to traverse that NAT?
00:16.47fujinerr, the phone
00:17.09AeudianRTP is being blocked
00:17.33Aeudianasterisk uses RTP on ports UDP:10000-20000
00:17.53Aeudiancheck your phones to see what they are using, cause Linksys Phones use RT UDP: 16384-16482
00:17.59dijungalyes.. i have those ports open on the firewall
00:18.00GlobeTrotterok guys,,  i figured out what that first error was about,,  now i have this second one that i keep getting;; translate.c:163 framein: no samples for g729tolin
00:18.15Aeudiandijungal: does your phones match the same rtp range?
00:18.17dijungali'm using eyebeam phone
00:21.24*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
00:21.32*** join/#asterisk fujin_ (n=aj@unaffiliated/fujin)
00:21.57Aeudiandijungal: you may also need to look into an external stun server, to traverse your IP externally
00:22.05*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
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00:28.30dijungalAeudian: really...
00:28.41dijungalAeudian: what does the stun server do?
00:29.52*** join/#asterisk the_Goat (
00:30.06dijungalso i've open up all ports to the asterisk server address
00:30.25Aeudiandijungal: STUN enables a device to find out its public IP address and the type of NAT service its sitting behind. for more info read here:
00:33.00dijungalfunny thing is.. i've open all ports to the asterisk address on the firewall
00:33.27dijungaland set "nat=yes" in the sip.conf for that sip account
00:34.26*** join/#asterisk Snake-eyes (
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00:35.45fujin_but have you got port forwarding on your firewall device that the phone sits behind
00:35.50fujin_for the sip and rtp ports?
00:37.58*** join/#asterisk Teln1100A (
00:40.00AeudianI've seen phones try to handle the phone call instead of the voip server which causes nat issues as well
00:40.21Aeudiancause once this happens your nat and port fowarding mean jack
00:40.34*** join/#asterisk jingles (
00:41.21SweeperAeudian: you mean reinvites?
00:41.31Sweeperyea, you need to turn those off :v
00:41.59Aeudiansweeper: i haven't seen it under asterisk yet, but SPA9000 w/ SPA942 phones seem to have this issue
00:43.52*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
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00:58.02SweeperAeudian: well, you can tell asterisk in sip.conf to disallow reinvites
01:00.49n0n4m3Checksum: 0x21bd [incorrect, should be 0x7e33 (maybe caused by "UDP checksum offload"?)]
01:00.51n0n4m3argh :S
01:02.28*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
01:02.59*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
01:14.19Teln1100Ahow do I get asterisk by making a call from command line?
01:14.22Teln1100AI have added a trunk
01:15.04[TK]D-FenderTeln1100A, "help dial" <-
01:15.18n0n4m3in case _ANYONE_ knows... how to convince asterisk to use 'proper' sip registering...
01:16.09n0n4m3i have a problem.. i wouldn't like asterisk to connect as
01:16.09n0n4m3From: "asterisk" <sip:asterisk@my.ip>;tag=as7dc61a96
01:16.55n0n4m3but rather than the user provided in register =>
01:19.22Teln1100A[21:16] <n0n4m3> but rather than the user
01:19.33Teln1100Ahelp dial
01:19.53Teln1100Ayou mean on CLI>
01:19.57[TK]D-FenderTeln1100A, yes
01:20.56Teln1100Alike I want to place a call
01:21.03Teln1100Anot relate it to a sip phone
01:21.09Teln1100AI want asterisk to call
01:21.22Teln1100Ato see if my trunk is functional
01:21.46n0n4m3Teln1100A help dial is for me?
01:22.15*** join/#asterisk guillote_GNU (n=guillote@
01:22.41Teln1100Athat makes sense
01:24.07fujinanyone here have a PHP ui for reading out the cdr_mysql data?
01:24.22*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
01:25.29[TK]D-Fenderfujineasy enough to do as its jsut CSV.  There's a single function to parse out a line.
01:28.04*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
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01:33.32*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-ff9ad71454b12f1d)
01:34.22Teln1100AI added a sip extension but my asterisk server is not accepting connecitons
01:34.28Teln1100Awhat do I need to do to enable this?
01:36.56[TK]D-FenderTeln1100A, could you be any MORE vague?
01:45.30*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
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02:01.48WilliamKwho wants to fix the zaptel in svn space.....
02:04.42Teln1100Ahow do I get asterisk to accept sip connections, I am trying to connect xlite softphone to asterisk
02:05.30[TK]D-FenderTeln1100A, setup your phone properly, make sue the context matches your dialplan context, and that you are dialing a valid exten in it
02:05.31*** join/#asterisk Aeudian (
02:06.04AeudianAnyone have a working "Steal2" script which pickups phone call that is on hold on a specific phone?
02:06.21Teln1100Athe issue is on the asterisk server
02:06.30Teln1100Ait is new and has never worked before
02:06.39*** join/#asterisk dijungal (n=kdaniel@
02:06.50*** join/#asterisk Tili (
02:08.36Teln1100AI get 404 on softphone
02:08.56[TK]D-FenderTeln1100A, show some SIP debug  & CLI output to back it up as well as your dialplan.  All in a PASTEBIN please.
02:08.59jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
02:09.17[TK]D-FenderTeln1100A, 404 means youare NOT dialing a valid exten for the context being used
02:09.25Teln1100Aplease tell me what command you would like me enter on CLI
02:09.32[TK]D-FenderTeln1100A, make sure you're even using the right one
02:09.34Teln1100A404 is before registration
02:09.41Teln1100ARegistration error: 404 is before registration
02:10.05[TK]D-Fender404 on register?  means your phone's credentials don't match the peer you set up.
02:10.14*** join/#asterisk thansen|laptop (
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02:25.59*** join/#asterisk IgorG (n=FeedomPa@
02:26.29*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
02:27.51*** join/#asterisk johnadsfsdfdf (
02:28.01johnadsfsdfdfwhats the best way to install asterisk 1.4 on debian?
02:28.18*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
02:29.12*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
02:29.23[TK]D-Fenderjohnadsfsdfdf, wget
02:30.19johnadsfsdfdfhi again [TK]D-Fender after yesterday i've decided to just try installing 1.4 to see if that will get my extensions to work
02:30.44johnadsfsdfdfbecause those conf files were working on a 1.4 asterisk on redhat
02:31.23[TK]D-Fenderjohnadsfsdfdf, I recall you having some sort of issue, but none of the details...
02:31.52johnadsfsdfdfwhen you called into the PBX it didnt recognize extensions being dialed, not even buttons being pressed
02:32.14johnadsfsdfdfbut when it ran a macro and called out to my cell phone it would read the confirmation for the connection
02:32.24ManxPower1.2 had DTMF issues with a couple of providers, usually it was dialing OUT to IVRs.
02:32.41johnadsfsdfdfmy provider is broadvoice
02:32.52ManxPowerand only with SIP
02:33.06ManxPowerand mostly with providers who used Level 3 as their provider
02:33.22johnadsfsdfdfi dont know who my providers provider is... lol
02:33.38ManxPoweryou should.
02:34.08johnadsfsdfdfdo you have any recommended providers for sip service?
02:34.37fujinI'm using worldxchange, here in NZ
02:34.48fujinthey run broadvoice, everything seems nice so far.
02:35.13*** join/#asterisk Gamercjm (
02:35.22johnadsfsdfdfthat website is scary
02:36.15ManxPowerAll providers suck! Some suck less than others. (c)2007 ManxPower
02:36.26ManxPowerTeliax is one of those that usually seems to suck much less than most.
02:37.52*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
02:40.16Gamercjmfor musiconhold, how do I use it if im speaking with someone and I want to put them on hold? ive only seen where the user calls and it directs them to a sertain extension till someone answers
02:40.50fujinnot sure of their other ones.
02:40.54fujinI doubt is them
02:41.07ManxPowerGamercjm: you use the HOLD button on your phone
02:41.53Teln1100Ahow do you enable sip from asterisk to listen on all ips
02:42.24GamercjmIm using a Mitel IP phone and when I press HOLD it puts them on hold, but its silent. It doesnt seem to be going to the musiconhold feature
02:42.37fujinGamercjm, have you defined the musiconhold class in sip.conf?
02:43.18GamercjmI believe i have, but let me double check
02:45.25[TK]D-FenderGamercjm, And go make sure you HAVE music you can play for the mode specified and that all of its dependencies are met
02:46.45*** join/#asterisk panitaxx (n=i@nelug/developer/panitaxx)
02:51.05*** join/#asterisk Krurst (
02:52.33fujin_does the console say 'stating music on hold for <blah>'?
03:02.26*** join/#asterisk craigk (n=ckowald@
03:03.37fujinanyone know what 'exited non-zero' means, and if I can drill down any further?
03:03.41fujingetting obscure messages like
03:03.42fujin== Spawn extension (macro-queue_helpdesk, s, 7) exited non-zero on 'SIP/maxnetvoip-b5a0d6e8' in macro 'queue_helpdesk'
03:08.15Krurstit just means a function didn't return 0 when it finished. Sometimes this indicates an error, sometimes its normal behaviour, depends on the function.
03:09.07fujin_yeah I gathered that much
03:09.11fujin_just wanted to know why* it was happening
03:09.23johnadsfsdfdfwhat should the permissions on /etc/init.d scripts be set to?
03:09.38fujin_root:root 700
03:09.44johnadsfsdfdfthats what i thought
03:10.13johnadsfsdfdfwhy doesn't the debian default install do that?
03:10.40fujin_it's crap?
03:13.13Teln1100AI have a softphone registered to my asterisk server, and a trunk as well, but I can not make any calls. I get the message: Callfailed, Not found
03:13.23Teln1100AHow can I fix this?
03:13.32fujin_oh god
03:14.02fujin_have you given asterisk a way to handle calls?
03:14.04johnadsfsdfdfoops, i meant to ask that in #debian
03:14.15johnadsfsdfdfoh well, thanks anyways
03:14.21Teln1100Ado you mean extensions.conf?
03:14.57*** join/#asterisk stkn__ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
03:15.12fujin_have you given asterisk a way to handle calls, in extensions.conf/ael?
03:16.07Teln1100Athink I am missing that
03:16.16Teln1100Athought I had put teliax info somewhere
03:16.34fujin_yes, well
03:16.38fujin_without a way to *handle* calls
03:16.42fujin_registering devices is useless
03:17.06Teln1100AI had put in a trunk at Freepbx web interface
03:17.27fujin_we don't support that shit here
03:17.32*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
03:17.40Teln1100AI am open to doing it without that
03:17.49Teln1100Acan they not work together?
03:17.59Teln1100Asay if I made changes in config files?
03:18.14fujin_that'd be dumb
03:18.26fujin_freepbx is overkill for most peoples needs
03:18.28Teln1100Ado you recommend any gui for asterisk?
03:18.35fujin_guis are for muppets and windows weenys
03:18.42fujin_vim is the only gui you need tbh
03:19.19jboti heard zeeek is someone who once said "learning asterisk using a GUI is like learning sex through masturbation. You'll never get to the good stuff."
03:19.24ManxPowerHe said it best.
03:19.32fujin_+1 zeeek
03:19.38Teln1100Awhat cli command can I use to see if the trunk has been setup correctly?
03:19.54fujin_by trunk I assume you mean 'peer?
03:20.11Teln1100Ateliax account used to make outgoing calls
03:20.12ManxPowerTeln1100A: if it works, it is set up correctly and "trunk" is a GUI term has virtually no meaning in the voip world
03:20.40fujin_obviously you need to build the functionality in extensions.conf/ael to dial across your teliax peer
03:20.49fujin_and then calling will work, and your test wil be succesful
03:20.50Teln1100AI didnt really like freepbx
03:20.54fujin_there's not really any other way to do it
03:20.57*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=GoD@
03:20.57fujin_what kind of setup do you have?
03:21.02Teln1100Avps server
03:21.06fujin_I mean
03:21.15Teln1100Ano DID
03:21.15fujin_devices, purpose
03:21.22Teln1100Asoftphone only
03:21.39Teln1100Ajust getting started with Asterisk
03:22.02Teln1100Aone other thing, should I wipe the yum instlal and compile from source?
03:22.13Teln1100Aoperating system is CentOS 5
03:22.47fujin_buidling asterisk from source is a definite win-win situation
03:22.57fujin_you get all the documentation, all features enabled (unless you specifically disable them)
03:23.06Teln1100Ayea, thought so
03:23.10fujin_access to the upstream maintainers changelogs
03:23.24Teln1100ARemoved: asterisk.i386 1:1.4.11-46.el5
03:23.31fujin_a small performance gain by building for your local platform instead of running a package build for someone elses platform
03:23.34fujin_up to date package, too
03:25.32CVirusTeln1100A: this might help
03:26.21Teln1100Asince this is a vps, kernel headers are not availble
03:26.38Teln1100Avirtuozo proprietary kernel
03:26.44Teln1100Awill that be an issue?
03:26.48SweeperSOL mang
03:26.54CVirusno idea really
03:27.02antimoofserver hardwasre is cheap.
03:27.04SweeperI mean, you could try running sans ztdummy
03:27.12Sweeperbut it'll probably be bad
03:27.28Sweepersince you need a timer for some stuff
03:27.47fujin_I don't even have ztdummy; running a pure-sip implementation
03:27.52fujin_haven't noticed any reason to have it, yet ;}
03:28.37CVirusfujin_: you'll need it for the meetme application
03:28.45Sweeperah, that~
03:28.46fujin_meetme can pissoff
03:29.00SweeperI know~
03:29.02russellbfujin_: well that's not very nice to say to meetme
03:29.08fujin_russellb, my apologies
03:29.21Sweeperrun a small freeswitch instance
03:29.29Sweeperdo all your conf there
03:29.52fujin_not sure that's a good idea
03:29.58fujin_I've grown quite fond of AEL, anyway :0
03:30.44fujin_russellb, your devstate has been working great by the way
03:30.48Sweeperfujin_: well, it solves the conf problem, and freeswitch has a pretty small footprint
03:31.06russellbfujin_: good to hear
03:31.11fujin_Sweeper, mm, true, but I doubt I can do the things with it that I can do with asterisk, I have a pretty complex callcentre setup
03:31.16fujin_hotdesking, trackable agents
03:31.23fujin_device state-based queue call delivery
03:31.30Sweeperwell, you CAN
03:31.37Sweeperit just takes actual effort ;)
03:31.41Sweeperbut that's not what I'm saying
03:31.48Sweeperjust have freeswitch do conference calls
03:31.55Sweeperdo everything else with asterisk
03:32.03fujin_I've just been doing conf calls with the devices
03:32.09fujin_bridge two calls to the one device, seems to work ok
03:32.13fujin_3way calling anyway
03:32.47fujin_What's that?
03:32.59Sweeperit's a voip integration library
03:33.13russellbruby + agi
03:33.15Sweepercurrently asterisk-only, but next rev is gonna be freeswitch compatible as well
03:33.44Sweeperso I can whip up all the asterisk apps from scratch in <100 LOC
03:33.52Sweepereach, that is~
03:33.58fujin_the joys of ruby, right? :\
03:34.19russellbi don't think you can write a conferencing application in less than 100 lines of ruby.
03:34.28fujin_have you seen the video fo the guy making the blogging engine in 10 minutes in ruby on rails?
03:34.31fujin_it's pretty incredible
03:34.40Sweeperrussellb: errr
03:34.44fujin_there must be some massive backend functionality to be able to generate that kind of code
03:35.24Sweeperall you gotta do announces, join people, prompt for pins, log, and allow stuff like kicks/mutes
03:35.45Sweeperprobably a 50 line job
03:35.47russellband do audio mixing?  :)
03:35.54Teln1100Ais this package necessary for voip only ie no cards ? zaptel-
03:35.56Sweeperthat's what freeswitch does :P
03:36.09Sweeperthey've got a mixer
03:36.21Sweeperyou've just got to do the logic
03:36.46russellbi can do conferencing with 1 line of extensions.conf :-p
03:38.09fujin_russellb wins
03:38.28osirisjust out of curiosty, does it take anything special on the provider end to register and call with a *box
03:38.48Sweeperyea, but you can't scale, have to WRITE extensions.conf, which sucks, and have to deal with the limitations of meetme
03:39.02fujin_meh, I don't *ever* write extensions.conf
03:39.04osirisif i have a byod ATA, can i register the *box if i know the auth details
03:39.16Sweeperdone properly in ruby, any conf app can be directly extended from the dialplan
03:39.27Sweeperpass blocks, etc
03:44.22Teln1100Adone compiling asterisk
03:44.36Teln1100Aand registered sip
03:44.45Teln1100Anow to add teliax for outgoing calls
03:45.07*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
03:45.11fujin_have fun
03:45.17Teln1100Awhats better sip or iax?
03:45.25fujin_depends on the purpose
03:45.40russellbIAX unless it's not an option :)
03:45.51fujin_do the polycoms run IAX yet? that'd be awesome.
03:45.55russellbnot yet, no
03:46.14Teln1100Ateliax < IAX > asterisk
03:46.21russellbthough I have heard of the potential for at least one major manufacturer to start supporting it
03:46.24russellbwe'll see!
03:46.26Teln1100Abut sip to phones
03:46.52fujin_telstralear shot me down when I asked about an iax trunk
03:46.58fujin_because apparently, it's a proprietary protocol
03:47.13fujin_unfortunately they don't understand that proprietary doesn't mean bad, especially in the case of free/oss -_-
03:47.17russellbfujin_: are you serious?  heh
03:47.25russellbit's not proprietary at all
03:47.31russellbthere is an RFC draft for it ...
03:47.34fujin_I see
03:47.45fujin_well, the name kind of implies that it is, so that is maybe where they got tha tfrom
03:47.51fujin_generally I'd put it down to ignorance.
03:48.01russellbheh, yeah ..
03:52.30*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (n=leon@
03:55.13Teln1100Awhat does teliax need in extensions.ael to work?
03:55.15*** join/#asterisk thansen|laptop (
03:56.06scooby2why does wanpipe have to be such a pain in the butt
03:57.57[TK]D-FenderTeln1100A, ....
03:57.59jbot[book] a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
03:58.05*** join/#asterisk Yourname` (
03:58.18[TK]D-Fendertime to find a clue
03:58.38Teln1100AI compiled asterisk today
03:59.06russellbi did too :)
03:59.14Teln1100Ais yours working yet?
03:59.17Yourname`Hi, so using ulaw and each box using approximately 300 channels, and 4 boxes of such.. are utilizing 100mbps of bandwidth. Just wondering what else can I use that will not give quality problems yet be easy on the bandwidth?
03:59.40russellbTeln1100A: sometimes, though i tend to break it throughout the day as I change things ;)
03:59.56Teln1100A[TK]D-Fender besides your link doesnt work
04:00.07jqlthat's good traffic
04:00.18Teln1100Aso many files and options
04:00.25Teln1100AI get really confused
04:00.41Teln1100Awhat are your thoughts on freepbx or other web interface?
04:00.43jbottfot is, like, "The Future of Telephony", a book about Asterisk from O'Reilly Publishing, ISBN: 0-596-00962-3, click for more details
04:00.56jbotit has been said that thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
04:00.59jbotgui is probably (Graphical User Interface) Any system that uses graphics to represent the functions of a program. All Windows operating systems are GUI. or point-and-drool, double-click, drag-and-drop, ... or at  Of course Real Programmers use the command line interface.  See cli
04:01.13Teln1100AI see
04:01.14russellbnot what i was looking for
04:01.33Teln1100Awasnt looking for the die hard everything command line answer
04:01.50russellbTeln1100A: have you taken a look at ?
04:01.51Teln1100AI realize a lot of things are easier to do with the command line and are important to know how
04:02.05Teln1100Abut sometimes theres ease of use in a GUI
04:02.10russellbi like that gui more than freepbx, but i am biased
04:02.34Teln1100Ais that an OS?
04:02.52russellbyeah, full linux distro, but you can install the same gui by itself
04:02.56Teln1100Aam running on a VPS so Operating system is out of question
04:03.09russellbit's only a few commands to get it installed, actually
04:03.12Teln1100Ahas to be a package or install
04:03.24russellbbecause it doesn't require any other packages ...
04:03.36Teln1100Ayes, but I am restricted to use my providers OS
04:03.37russellbif you join #asterisk-gui, the commands to install it are in the topic
04:03.46Teln1100Athey virtualize
04:03.50russellbthe gui doesn't require any other OS or anything
04:03.59russellbit's just a bunch of html / javascript
04:04.07Teln1100Aoh ok
04:04.08russellband it talks to asterisk directly
04:04.18Teln1100Ait can be installed on top of asterisk?
04:04.24Teln1100Aor rather after asterisk
04:04.30russellbasterisk 1.4 has a built in mini web server, and a management interface over http, which is what the gui uses to manage asterisk
04:04.47*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (
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04:04.59russellbCresl1n: !!!!!!!!!
04:05.09Cresl1nno way!
04:05.14Cresl1nit's you!?
04:05.18russellbIT IS
04:05.20Teln1100Adoes it come in a packaged format
04:05.26Teln1100Aor iso only?
04:05.31Sweeper <-- all I can say is "YES"
04:05.42russellbTeln1100A: the gui can be installed by itself, just check the topic of #asterisk-gui
04:05.49Cresl1ncheck this out, we just got two b channel transfer working in libpri for NI2, 5ESS, and 4ESS
04:05.53russellbTeln1100A: you're just putting some files in the right directory and changing a few asterisk options
04:05.59russellbCresl1n: nice!!!!!
04:06.02Cresl1nmatt florrell confirmed it for me today
04:06.05russellbCresl1n: i've been seeing you hacking on that code :)
04:06.14russellbnice job!
04:06.21Cresl1nyeah, the man let me have some time to work on it and it works now
04:06.27Cresl1nI gotta merge it all back in now
04:06.46russellbdude, i'm really hoping i can make time to learn some driver stuff
04:06.57scooby2anyone here using wanpipe?
04:06.59russellbi may need your help figuring some things out :)
04:07.00Cresl1nthat would be awesome
04:07.05Cresl1nfunny you mentioned it
04:07.13Cresl1nI just started writing a brand new driver today
04:07.27Cresl1nwhich doesn't happen too often
04:07.32russellbthat rocks
04:07.37Cresl1nI'm going to write a zaptel driver for the b410p
04:07.44[TK]D-Fenderscooby2, specific questions tend to get specific answers....
04:08.17russellbCresl1n: i read a couple of chapters in a book this morning on interrupy processing and "bottom halves"  :)
04:08.25Cresl1nit's pretty much a side project though, so I don't know how quickly it's going to go
04:08.27Cresl1noh, good stuff
04:08.38Cresl1nthose are your tools of the trade for drivers
04:08.51russellbCresl1n: it's not really so much black magic like i thought :-p
04:08.54Cresl1npretty much all your real work is done with interrupt handlers
04:09.06Cresl1nat least for DMA'ing cards
04:09.41Cresl1nbut this driver I think you could do all the fun new stuff you want to with it
04:09.50Yourname`Is there somewhere a tutorial that documents nicely about running asterisk as non-root? The wiki sounds scary for some reason.
04:09.53*** join/#asterisk dalbaech (
04:09.58Cresl1nsince mISDN only works on fairly recent 2.6 kernels anyways
04:10.02russellbCresl1n: only support 2.6?
04:10.12Cresl1nso if you want to hack away with cool cleanups, then I think it'd be fair game
04:10.29Cresl1nsince it's a new driver
04:10.40Cresl1nyou're no worse of than you were before with the old mISDN drivers
04:11.00russellbyou mean hack on it later on after you have it written but before it's really released?
04:11.23Cresl1ncould be either before or after
04:11.28*** part/#asterisk dalbaech (
04:11.29scooby2[TK]D-Fender: just trying to find out which version people are using. I cannot get wanpipe-2.3.4-13 to compile on centos5 or ubuntu dapper
04:11.47[TK]D-Fenderscooby2, pastebin is your friend....
04:11.48Cresl1nanyways, gotta sleep
04:11.53Cresl1ngood luck with the LDD book :-)
04:11.59russellbCresl1n: alright, well i'll talk to you later about it
04:12.07russellblike ... at work and not the middle of the night :-p
04:12.11Cresl1nheh :-)
04:12.17Yourname`Maybe there should be something in asterisk1.4 that helps people install as non-root from scratch. :)
04:12.18Cresl1nI got an 8:00 class tomorrow
04:12.25*** join/#asterisk Qapf (
04:12.27Cresl1namen to that
04:12.28Cresl1nnite all!
04:12.29russellbgood luck
04:12.31russellbWilliamK: 8
04:12.36russellbWilliamK: ignore that ...
04:12.55Yourname`Class at 8? I have to be up at 5am. And it's 12.12am right now.. :(
04:14.02WilliamKhiya russellb
04:14.06WilliamKlong time no see
04:14.10russellbhey :)
04:14.54russellbi type your name sometimes accidentally because i use a console IRC client, and I type "/wi<tab> <some number> <enter>", and miss the '/'
04:15.14russellband it completes to your nick instead of the command, heh
04:15.49WilliamKand here I thought you were wanting to fix0r my zaptel prob with the svn :)
04:16.29WilliamKxmas wish I guess? :)
04:16.41russellbput it in the bug tracker :)
04:17.13*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
04:17.14WilliamKto be quite honest, I've never ever done anything in bug tracker
04:17.39WilliamKand all I can really say is it's broke :)
04:17.57russellbmost people that report bugs aren't, it's fine
04:18.04russellbbut we do need more than "it's broke" :-p
04:18.18Yourname`codefreeze once helped me do the bug thing.
04:18.33Yourname`And I was all sissy thinking "Maybe it's me! Maybe I'm doing something wrong" lol
04:18.46Sweeperrussellb: there's a bad bit of assembly in the tor2 kernel module
04:19.01russellboh yeah?
04:19.04WilliamKI've used zaptel enough I know it's not me personally, just don't know howto fix
04:19.08Sweeper/usr/src/zaptel/tor2.c:603: error: impossible constraint in â..asmâ..
04:19.26russellbi don't think that code has changed recently ...
04:19.27Sweeperwell, assuming that refers to asm, maybe it's just a function
04:19.30WilliamKthat's my entire screenshot
04:21.08Yourname`And I'm trying another 1.2 to 1.4 upgrade, and it gives me this error in the end: /usr/bin/install: cannot stat `': No such file or directory
04:21.10Yourname`Along with others.
04:21.21Yourname`I mv'd the old modules directory to something else so it doesn't conflict.
04:21.36Yourname`Even configured the addons directory.. to no avail.
04:21.41Yourname`What is wrong?
04:24.28russellbWilliamK: that's enough to post to the bug tracker
04:24.56russellbWilliamK: the important other stuff is kernel version (uname -a), and distribution info
04:25.23russellbi'm thinking it's a distro or kernel version specific issue
04:26.38Yourname`Can someone please point me to the right direction?
04:28.53Yourname`Errors -> /usr/bin/install: cannot stat `': No such file or directory
04:28.55russellbYourname`: that's odd ... on "make install" ?
04:29.07russellbdid you run "make" by itself?
04:29.08*** join/#asterisk aris_g (n=andres@
04:29.17aris_gHello .
04:29.32russellbYourname`: hrm, try "make distclean ; ./configure ; make ; make install"
04:29.45Yourname`russelb: In the addons?
04:31.01aris_gDo you know if exist some firmware  telephone IP that can be modified...?
04:31.13Yourname`russellb: One sec..
04:31.25aris_gsome firmware with source code.....any idea?
04:31.50WilliamKrussell: 2 different kernels, only thing common is the distro
04:32.12jqlthe snom runs linux, but I don't know if its telecom software is open
04:32.18jqlprobably not
04:32.45jqlalthough it'd be funny if someone ported asterisk to it
04:32.46russellbWilliamK: and compiler version i suppose ...
04:32.49russellbWilliamK: gcc --version
04:33.28Yourname`russellb: make install ended this way ->
04:33.29WilliamK2 different versions of gcc
04:33.46Yourname`And I see no mention of mysql stuff. :(
04:34.28aris_gi see... thanks  jql
04:35.05russellbYourname`: make that change
04:35.16russellband try again ..
04:35.19Yourname`Oh great.. I don't know how to.. :S
04:35.29russellbok, then do .....
04:35.38Teln1100AI keep getting   == Connect attempt from '' unable to authenticate on CLI trying Asterisk GUI
04:35.51*** part/#asterisk dec (n=tom@unaffiliated/dec)
04:37.14russellb$ cd src/asterisk-addons ; for n in ; do sed -i -e 's/' asterisk-ooh323c/${n} ; done
04:37.32russellbTeln1100A: run "make checkconfig" in the GUI directory where you installed it from
04:37.42russellbTeln1100A: it will help you with the necessary asterisk config changes
04:38.18Teln1100Adid that
04:38.22Teln1100Ait said all ok
04:39.08Yourname`russellb: Done, so I do the make distclean in the addons dir and do it again?
04:39.08russellbi've got to go bed ...
04:39.27russellbYourname`: try just "make && make install"
04:40.11Yourname`russellb: Seems to have worked!!!
04:40.18Yourname`russellb: Let me try the install now, lol
04:40.22Yourname`Thanks so much, one sec.
04:41.00WilliamKhey russellb, in bugtracker should I be listing the catagory as zaptel or ? -- the whole package fails the entire make proccess
04:41.33russellbzaptel/general probably
04:41.55WilliamKand should the thing be listed as block or major for severity?
04:42.48russellbWilliamK: i would say "minor" because come to think of it, you can easily disable that one module from building "assumign you don't need it"
04:42.53*** join/#asterisk techie (
04:43.01russellbrun "make menuselect", turn off the tor2 module, hit 'x' to save and quit
04:43.09WilliamKk, lemme try that
04:43.11*** part/#asterisk techie (
04:43.27scooby2what i'm getting from latest wanpipe (beta and stable) on centos5 and ubuntu dapper
04:43.44russellbi'm off to bed ... good luck ...
04:45.24WilliamKthanks, it failed again even turning that off also
04:45.25Yourname`russellb: Good night.. and thank you. :)
04:49.59WilliamKokie, finally got it to work
04:50.02WilliamK3 mods are bad
05:01.20Yourname`And I still can't get it to work, sigh
05:01.23Yourname`Good night errbody.
05:02.47*** part/#asterisk aris_g (n=andres@
05:03.11WilliamKso who thinks I should list all 3 broken mods on 1 report and who thinks I should list them separately?
05:04.32*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
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05:36.24pkunkrayou know, it really seems to be the case that every voip reseller just sucks.
05:36.44pkunkrai think i'm starting to get really jaded.
05:38.52*** part/#asterisk workaphobia (
05:39.01WilliamKso what's the newest complaint?
05:39.31pkunkrathe voip provider is screwing up the tones when the call goes to voice mail
05:39.53pkunkraturns into this loud screech
05:40.15pkunkrai hear my callers saying "ouch" as their first word.
05:40.43pkunkrayou know "you have reached xyz.  leave a message.  beep."
05:40.48pkunkrathey screw up the beep.
05:41.58pkunkramaybe i need to tell them about "dtmfmode=rfc2833"
05:42.12*** join/#asterisk rat1101 (
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05:44.28pkunkrathat probably isn't the issue though
05:45.46*** join/#asterisk henkoegema (
05:54.08*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
05:54.16WilliamKpower hits...
06:05.39*** join/#asterisk blinkbot2k (
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06:21.07awkhmm, in older releases of asterisk the CLI had a dial command, how could I issue a dial command from the CLI now?
06:22.48*** join/#asterisk syneus (
06:30.47*** join/#asterisk Daejeo1 (n=chatzill@
06:31.33Daejeo1anyone have sip firmware 8.6/8.7 for cp 7961g?
06:36.21mvanbaakDaejeo1: you need to have a smartnet account for that
06:36.30mvanbaakthen you can download it from cisco website
06:36.34Daejeo1i know
06:36.43Daejeo1i can't pay]
06:37.36*** join/#asterisk bird_of_Luck (
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06:44.51pkunkraah.  i finally know why the music is screwed up everytime i'm on hold at another company's pbx
06:45.16pkunkrai was like "geez, if they're gonna put me on hold, at least make the music sound ok"
06:45.29mvanbaakthey were playing /dev/urandom to you ?
06:45.48pkunkrayeah, /dev/urandom might have sounded better.
06:46.00pkunkrai should play that for my callers.
06:46.15pkunkrait might make the charts
06:46.22mvanbaakwho knows
06:46.38mvanbaakat least it's royalty free
06:46.50pkunkrathat's true.
06:47.05pkunkramight keep the phone lines clear too.
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06:54.14pkunkragod, my phones sound worse.
06:54.26pkunkragotta fix that codec.
06:54.32pkunkraits really not meant for music
06:55.18pkunkraforget mp3's if gsm can't handle the bundled moh files.
06:55.35*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (n=tzafrir@
06:55.45pkunkrano, its getting encoded twice.
06:56.05*** join/#asterisk asterisknerdscom (n=logger@
06:56.05JTfunnily enough, voice codecs aren't made for music
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06:56.39*** join/#asterisk FlatFoot (n=simon@
06:56.48awkI have a simens routing through us
06:56.57awkright, but its not passing ditis for some reason
06:57.29awkany ideas?
06:58.36*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
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07:02.21FlatFootgood morning all
07:08.06*** join/#asterisk asterisknerdscom (n=logger@
07:09.31awkif I do an intense debug I can see it sending through 1 digit at a time
07:09.38awkdoesnt seem to be passing the whole string
07:12.03awk< Called Number (len= 4) [ Ext: 1  TON: Unknown Number Type (0)  NPI: ISDN/Telephony Numbering Plan (E.164/E.163) (1) '3' ]
07:12.03awkSending Receiver Ready (44)
07:12.06awksomething like this
07:12.26awkand where you see the 3 the next digit is like  7, etc etc
07:12.34awkbut I cant work out this unknwon number type
07:12.57JTunknown is good
07:13.02JTas opposed to national, etc
07:13.22awkthing is it was working
07:13.43*** join/#asterisk asterisknerdscom (n=logger@
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07:35.00tzafrir_laptopisn't the channel already logged elsewhere?
07:35.03jbotextra, extra, read all about it, log is as piece of wood, or a record, or the opposite of exponentiation
07:35.15*** join/#asterisk Igbothom_III (
07:35.35jbothmm... logs is apt/ibot/infobot/jbot/purl all log daily to<channelname>/ where channelname is html encoded ie: %23debian | lines that start with a space are not shown | some channels have stats at<channelname>.html.gz
07:37.32tzafrir_laptopwow, I didn't know that
07:38.14*** join/#asterisk asterisknerdscom (n=logger@
07:42.01*** join/#asterisk |YonahW| (n=kvirc@
07:42.35Renacorasterisk's sip protocol is 2.0 right?
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07:48.01NuggetOn intel machines sometimes it's sip 2.0000000000012
07:48.58|YonahW|I have a snom 300 which was registering via sip on asterisk fine until the power went out, now I can see the registration requests hitting the asterisk box but no response and it would seem that asterisk does not get the request
07:49.10*** join/#asterisk asterisknerdscom (n=logger@
07:49.11|YonahW|anyone know have any tips on figuring this out?
07:50.43*** join/#asterisk Igbothom_3rd (
07:51.01|YonahW|My iptables allow all udp so I dont think the problem is there
07:55.06tzafrir_laptopasterisknerdscom, no need to announce it every two seconds
07:55.30tzafrir_laptopput it in a nice factoid and/or in the channel's topic
07:55.55|YonahW|tzafrir_laptop: how ya doing?
07:55.56tzafrir_laptopI'm not sure if any of the channel's admins are awake at this time of day
07:56.09tzafrir_laptop|YonahW|, very well
07:56.33tzafrir_laptopasterisknerdscom, you know how to edit jbot's factoids?
07:57.12*** join/#asterisk Alexus265 (
07:57.13tzafrir_laptopjbot, extralogs are somewhere under
07:57.13jbottzafrir_laptop: okay
07:57.25jbotextralogs are somewhere under
07:59.31tzafrirjbot, no, extralogs are at
07:59.32jbotokay, tzafrir
07:59.36Alexus265Hi all. How can I set timeout for agents in a queue while using roundrobin? timeout = [sec] in queue scope gives me timeout for the whole queue. Thanx.
08:01.26|YonahW|Alexus265: are you looking to set a timeout on the dial? on the agent registration?
08:03.09Alexus265|YonahW|: I want call to be passed to another agent if current one didn't answer for a certain time.
08:03.34tzafrirasterisknerdscom,,Wed  gives me an error for "Redirection loop"
08:04.16*** join/#asterisk [Xwire] (i=Administ@
08:04.24[Xwire]phone broke
08:06.51[Xwire]PHONE BROKE!
08:07.32*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
08:07.57[Xwire]would it be possible to use this with teh new blackberry
08:09.02kaldemarhello, i'm getting "Module '<module>' did not register itself during load" with asterisk 1.4.11. i compiled the modules myself and the moduledir is right. would anyone happen to know any other reason for that except the modules being of wrong version?
08:10.24|YonahW|Alexus265: I thought that was what the timeout option was for
08:10.25*** join/#asterisk Archssm (n=tommy@
08:10.58|YonahW|is it possible that your whole queue is timing out at the same time because there are no other agents logged in to that queue?
08:11.47ArchssmIs there a way for GXP2000 phones to automatically register as an agent? I cannot seem to find any pause function with the Grandstream unit.
08:12.29[Xwire]does anybody know if it would be possible to use this system with the new blackberry UMA phones
08:13.16Archssm[Xwire] : 'This system' ?
08:13.38[Xwire]well asterix
08:13.44[Xwire]well asterisk
08:14.16ArchssmSure. The blackberries support SIP, right?
08:14.29[Xwire]we are looking to replace a nortel box
08:14.40[Xwire]unfortunatally not, it'
08:14.45[Xwire]it's UMA
08:15.26[Xwire]they have a model that does SIP but it has no cellular capabilities
08:16.22ArchssmLet me check it out.
08:16.29[Xwire]yea they are provider driven.
08:16.52[Xwire]well what we really want is a seamless handover between the wifi and cell network
08:18.18[Xwire]we will likely be using aruba mobility controller and access points
08:18.46Alexus265|YonahW|: queue exits after [timeout] seconds, i have several members in a queue with different penalty and using roundrobin strategy. When the call is passed to a member, it's ringing for several minutes without being passed to another. If [timeout] expires, queue exits, and if even i call Queue again, call is passed to the same member, because there is only one member with the least penalty.
08:20.14*** join/#asterisk qdk (n=qdk@
08:23.42Alexus265|YonahW|: I mistakenly mentioned agents, I use only members (local SIP and external numbers via member => Zap/g2/<my_mobile> as well)
08:24.00*** join/#asterisk asterisknerdscom (n=logger@
08:25.17|YonahW|Alexus265: sorry I have never used queues like that
08:25.33*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (n=strom@
08:26.20|YonahW|Alexus265: did you see my sip registration problem above?
08:26.49Alexus265|YonahW|: no, I've recently joined
08:28.19|YonahW|I have a snom 300 which was registering fine with asterisk until the power went out now it wont register but it seems to me like the problem in on asterisk's end
08:28.53|YonahW|i can see the registration request packets hitting the asterisk box but it would seem that asterisk is not receiving them and i dont see anything wrong with my iptables
08:29.26*** join/#asterisk asterisknerdscom (n=logger@
08:29.31*** join/#asterisk Formater (
08:31.09Formaterasterisk 1.2.x, clients are stored in db (sip_buddies). is there a way to see from astersik console if there are registered or not?
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08:38.42Alexus265|YonahW|: Is asterisk on udp:5060? I don't remember whether snom 300 is tftp capable, does it recieve tftp parameters via dhcp and fetch needed files in case it is? Can other clients register with this asterisk?
08:39.16*** join/#asterisk Igbothom_III (
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08:40.24NichtwirklichFormater: sip show peers ?
08:40.41*** part/#asterisk kiscokid (
08:44.02*** mode/#asterisk [+b *!n=logger@] by Corydon76-dig
08:44.45|YonahW|Alexus265: asterisk is on udp:5060. the snom is tftp capable however i am not utilizing that, and the settings look fine.  other clients are currently registered to this asterisk also snom 300s
08:45.14[Xwire]maybe someone can answer this.. why would someone use asterisk over say a shoretel or nortel box
08:45.38*** join/#asterisk WildPikachu (n=WildPika@about/linux/staff/wildpikachu)
08:45.51FormaterNichtwirklich: that shows only clients from sip.conf, and not shows the users from sip_buddies.
08:45.55WildPikachui wonder if its possible to get my grandstream gxp2000 to show if a call is an internal transfer before I answer it?
08:46.31WildPikachuat present it shows  "asterisk\nasterisk"
08:46.46NuggetWildPikachu: so make it show something else.
08:47.10WildPikachui can set the caller id to the extension dialing me, is that right?
08:47.21Nuggetyou can set the callerid to anything you want
08:50.44*** join/#asterisk Pazzo (
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08:56.31puzzledtzafrir: ping
08:57.37Formatersip show peers shows only clients from sip.conf, and not shows the users from sip_buddies. is there a way to see which users are regsitered from sip_buddies too?
08:57.52puzzledtzafrir: morning. A guy I know has a debian box with a junghanns 4bri card and last century asterisk release. do you have a repo with a recent asterisk release? possibly with bristuff built-in?
08:58.36tzafrirstandard debian packages
08:59.19tzafrirbackports of recent asterisk is available from , but this is a bleeding-edge backport from Unstable. So requires more testing
09:00.02puzzledtzafrir: I see. he mentioned the box runs 2.6.18-4-686. Is that an old debian version for which there possibly isn't a recent asterisk release available?
09:00.58tzafrirIt's the current Etch (Stable) version.
09:01.03tzafrirWell supported
09:01.22puzzledok good. and Etch has 1.2.24 debs?
09:05.34WildPikachui spose i should be getting callerid on my grandstream when someone transfers a call to me
09:06.38puzzledWildPikachu: if it is being set in the first place then I spose so yes. I have seen callerid being displayed on their old models
09:07.13WildPikachusee ... when i get a call transferred to me by one of my staff who answers a call in the queue, I get  "asterisk" displayed as the caller id
09:07.22WildPikachucallerid is not set in the first place on inbound calls as my telecom is dumb
09:07.41puzzledthen kick those idiots that they need to pass clid :)
09:07.45Nuggetso set callerid.  I thought we went over this 10 minutes ago.
09:08.09WildPikachujust trying to make sure i'll do the right thing here ....
09:08.09Nugget"asterisk" showing up means you're either not setting it, or you're trying to set it to something asterisk can't parse.
09:08.19WildPikachuaha, there we go  :)
09:08.21NuggetYou don't have to be a rocket surgeon.
09:08.30WildPikachulol, rocket surgeon
09:08.39WildPikachubiomechanical rockets?
09:08.44puzzledbut you do have to be a brain scientist
09:08.47|YonahW|do rockets actually require surgeons?
09:09.12puzzledprolly the borg vessel needs a few
09:09.29WildPikachuso the caller id on a transfer ... should be the person who's doing the transfer to me? which i must set in my dialpna?  (just making sure)
09:09.30[Xwire]can anyone tell me how complete the GUI is?
09:09.48NuggetWildPikachu: are you setting caller id for the extensions themselves (in sip.conf)?
09:09.53Nuggetthat *ought* to do it
09:10.17WildPikachuyes ....  callerid=1001     callerid=1002 ... etc
09:10.40WildPikachuwhen i get a transferred call ringing by me with attended transfer, i still get asterisk  thats my prob that i'm trying to resolve
09:10.43Nuggetthat's setting callerid name but not number, I think.
09:10.57NuggetI'd expect to see "callerid=WildPikachu <1001>"
09:11.12WildPikachuaha!  ... so asterisk can't parse my 1001
09:11.45Nuggetyou should read the example configs in the sip.conf file.
09:12.07*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
09:12.20[Xwire]si the GUI for asterisk any good?
09:12.27WildPikachuthats all you needed to do, point me at the docs  :) ... but then again i was dumb
09:12.36*** part/#asterisk shtoom (n=shtoom@
09:13.14Nugget[Xwire]: the asterisk gui is adequate for delegating administrative tasks to other people. if you're expecting that the gui means you won't actually have to read the docs or understand the config files you will be really unhappy.
09:13.49[Xwire]thank you! ... one more
09:13.50puzzled[Xwire]: it's still in beta. join #asterisk-gui and ask there
09:13.52WildPikachuok, on inbound calls entering the queue, i can set callerid=Support <0> ... that should then show up when the queue rings my phone if i'm in the queue?
09:14.13[Xwire]how difficult is it to upgrade version to version
09:14.26NuggetWildPikachu: yes, although id you're going to set the callerid in the dial plan the syntax is different (as you'd expect)
09:14.46WildPikachuexcellent, /me goes to read more
09:15.40[Xwire]the phone systems i've used you generally flash a rom, but this is different
09:15.57[Xwire]does it break between versions
09:17.24Nuggetdefine "break"
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09:17.48Nuggetoften upgrades involve changes (documented in the ChangeLog) which will cause some degree of breakage if you aren't paying attention.
09:17.59[Xwire]well for example, on talkswitch it migrates the config between versions
09:18.00Nuggetthat might be a minor thing or a major thing
09:18.18Nuggetthere's no such automated migration in asterisk
09:18.50[Xwire]so it could mean major down time
09:18.58Nuggetthat's probably an overstatement.
09:19.10Nuggetfirst off, it never requires downtime.
09:19.14Nuggetjust planning
09:19.30Nuggetand secondly, the changes are normally minimal from a configuration/local code standpoint
09:19.58Nuggetif you choose to upgrade without reading the documentation or changelogs then, sure, you should expect downtime and problems.
09:20.11[Xwire]well i am assuming that the new version means new config files, then all the settings have got to be put in the new files
09:20.40Nuggetthat's probably not a safe assumption, and the phrasing itself sort of indicates an unfamiliarity with asterisk
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09:21.21[Xwire]i have never used it, i am considering it as an option to shoretell or nortel
09:21.24Nuggetasterisk's "config files" are way more complicated than I'm suspecting you imagine them to be, and the notion of "all new" is not really valid.
09:21.49Nuggetasterisk is software, it's not an appliance like your nortel or shoretell solutions are
09:22.04Nuggetthe dialplan is more code than it is a config file.
09:22.10[Xwire]well there is little difference
09:22.35Nuggetsays the guy who has never used it?  :)
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09:22.58[Xwire]i mean between an appliance and software
09:23.03Nuggetyes, I mean that too.
09:23.52[Xwire]well my main concern is the migration path
09:24.19[Xwire]and upgrades
09:24.46NuggetI think you're wise to be concerned about both of those things.  They represent the areas where asterisk is least mature, for sure.
09:24.52[Xwire]well like a barrcudda for example it runs a full linux distro, but the upgrades are inplace and seamless
09:25.19Nuggetasterisk is several years away from that level of abstraction
09:25.44Nuggetthe benefit is that asterisk is considerably more flexible if you have a reason to put in the effort
09:26.31[Xwire]yes, and we do, we want to get blackberries to roam between cell and and wifi
09:26.42[Xwire]and if anything will be able to it is this
09:26.53[Xwire]because nothing else can at present
09:26.57Nuggetit's that sort of application where asterisk is really worhtwhile
09:28.01Formaterrtcachefriends = yes|no : Cache realtime friends by adding them to the internal list just like friends added from the config file. I changed this to yes, and still i do not see users from sip_buddies with sip show peers :(
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09:28.24[Xwire]thanks nugget! you have been very helpfull
09:28.28Nuggethappy to help
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09:44.43WildPikachuNugget, thanks, it worked
09:44.59WildPikachui assume the callerid number can be text aswell?
09:48.47Renacoranybody know what could possibly cause this Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
09:53.51WildPikachuRenacor, i got that when the other phone was off or not registered
09:54.10Renacorit is registered
09:54.13Renacorhowever look at this
09:54.33Renacoralso getting channel.c:804 channel_find_locked: Avoided initial deadlock for '0xb6300d30', 9 retries! right before it
09:55.29kaldemarwhat does your sip.conf, 'sip show peers' and extensions.conf (the dial line) look like?
09:57.55Renacorone sec
09:58.31Renacordon't have sip show peers or anything like that in sip.conf
09:58.58puzzledRenacor: it's a command you type in on the asterisk command line
09:58.59kaldemarsip show peers is a cli command.
09:59.27Renacorhost shows as unspecified
09:59.57kaldemarwhat made you think the endpoint is registered?
10:00.01Renacorthe ones that work show ip addresses
10:00.10Renacorcause I can get to their web interface
10:00.13Renacorand I can call out on them
10:00.40kaldemargetting to a phone's web page has nothing to do with it being registered to asterisk.
10:00.53Renacorright but being able to call out
10:01.04Renacorfrom the phoneI would assume u are registered
10:01.33kaldemara phone doesn't have to be registered for you to be able to dial out from it.
10:02.01kaldemarit just needs the right authentication parameters and asterisk's ip address.
10:02.02Renacork how would it be registered
10:03.30kaldemari don't know how to use a phone i don't know.
10:04.11Renacornm kaldemar i think I figured it out, thanks for the clarification though
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10:05.57Renacork i keep getting this though: Sep  5 15:10:36 WARNING[8391]: channel.c:804 channel_find_locked: Avoided initial deadlock for '0xb6300d30', 9 retries!
10:06.03Renacoris that something to worry about?
10:07.53n0n4m3anyone of you guys ever configured vood 322 with asterisk successfuly?
10:14.05Alexus265|YonahW|: can't imagine why this can happen, sorry. Didn't you solve this yet?
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10:15.37BrokenNozeHi, Does anyone know what seqno 1 (Critical Response) means? my phone works fine for first 5 minutes or so then I start getting this on the console? any ideas?
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10:23.33MrMister2Hi. I'm trying to get a vanilla * to work. I'm having trouble sending a call from a trunk to a extension where it plays a message and hangsup. I can get it to pickup and hangup but the message doesn't play. According to some people I may have my sip.conf badly configured. Can anyone give a hand?
10:28.53n0n4m3are there any voip2gsm modules?
10:29.29n0n4m3like vood322 is for voip2pots and patton smart-dta for voip2isdn
10:30.21puzzledn0n4m3: look at or
10:31.11n0n4m3hope the products are compatible with asterisk
10:33.49*** join/#asterisk cheGGo (
10:33.59cheGGohi there
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10:45.14cheGGohi folkob
10:46.26folkobi've got problem connecting * with CCM using ooh323 , with cisco IP phones connected to CCM all work perfectly , but if call number wich belons to PBX after two rings i hear bisy tone and error 'every one bisy\concested this time'
10:47.00folkobbut if called person picj up phone immideatly after ring all work nice
10:47.20folkobcould it be * problem or CCM problem ?
10:49.25cheGGowhich ringtime parameter r u using in your DIAL command?
10:51.38folkobdon't use it ... now dial string look like : Dial,ooh323/${EXTEN}@IP
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11:17.39cheGGowhazzup henkoegema?
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12:16.11whywontitworkhere is my problem: i am receiving faxes using asterisk (works Fine) ever so often someone phones the fax number by mistake and dont send a fax, asterisk however still answers the call as a fax then mails me, with no attachemnt(I know because no fax was received) how can i stop this from happening?
12:22.38shido6nice nick
12:22.39whywontitworkhere is my problem: i am receiving faxes using asterisk (works Fine) ever so often someone phones the fax number by mistake and dont send a fax, asterisk however still answers the call as a fax then mails me, with no attachemnt(I know because no fax was received) how can i stop this from happening?
12:22.48shido6pastebin your dialplan
12:23.16whywontitworkwhere you not allowed to paste in channel
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12:29.32cheGGohi Deeewayne :)
12:31.33ManxPowertry checking if the file exists before e-mailing it.
12:31.44ManxPoweralso, do you delete the on-disk file after e-mailing it?
12:31.58whywontitworkthat the problem
12:32.42whywontitworkthere is no fax file, people dial the number then no fax is received how do you tel asterisk to stop mailing it if there is no file?
12:33.43ManxPowerwhywontitwork: what you are doing in your dialplan is ALWAYS on EVERY call e-mail a file.
12:34.07whywontitworksorry that makes no sence; here goes somewhere you must be able to tell asterisk if no fax is detected hangup
12:34.44ManxPowerwhywontitwork: Um, you are not even trying to detect a fax, you are blindly running rxfax for all calls that come into the number.
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12:35.04whywontitworkno only for if ${EXTEN} = 2550,2551,2552,2553,2554
12:35.13cheGGothats what he said
12:35.28cheGGobut u have to check if that incoming call is really a fax
12:35.42whywontitworkif the above aplies it must be a fax for it is our fax numbers
12:35.46ManxPowerI suggest that you replace the "email" program with a shell script that tests to see if it should even send a message
12:35.51cheGGothats not right
12:35.52whywontitworkhow does one detect fax?
12:36.05cheGGou can call a fax from a normal phone
12:36.17whywontitworkyes i know
12:36.23ManxPowerwhywontitwork: in your case, because you have dedicated fax numbers, I would not bother try to detect faxes.
12:36.34whywontitworkis the asterisk command to detect fax?
12:36.52cheGGocalm down ;)
12:37.39cheGGoManxPower,  do you ever used reinvites?
12:37.43whywontitworkk k k k k i will google it some more, keep yo
12:37.51ManxPowercheGGo: yes, but never with NAT.
12:38.20sheppardIf i have a phone line I want to use to call out on using asterisk, I need a fxo card right?
12:38.32cheGGook, no problem, may u can tell me if this behaviour of asterisk is normal
12:38.41*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:38.45ManxPowersheppard: correct
12:38.56cheGGoi do a callback via callfiles, and send reinvites after the call is bridged
12:39.07cheGGothat works fine, and its exactly what i want
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12:39.26sheppardManxPower: is therea cheap one I can put in a bsd or linux box, or would is there a cheap voip -> fso appliance
12:39.30cheGGobut, if someone of both callers hangup
12:39.42ManxPowersheppard: it's telephony -- nothing is cheap.
12:39.53cheGGoasterisk try to fetch back the rtpstream of that channel who did NOT the hangup
12:40.00ManxPowersheppard: you could use an ATA w/FXO port, but it is a big hassle.
12:40.43sheppardok any particular card I should use then?
12:40.48sheppardsomething with the zaptel chipset?
12:41.10ManxPowerA T-1 card for a nortel box is about $4000.  If you want PRI protocol on that T-1 card it will cost another $4,000.
12:41.19ManxPowerDigium and others sell T-1 cards for about $500
12:41.25cheGGothen, asterisk realized that the call finished, and THEN he send the bye packet for the left opened channel
12:41.39ManxPowerin telephony $500 is cheap.
12:41.47cheGGoManxPower, do you know is this behaviour is normal?
12:42.00ManxPowersheppard: you need to use a zaptel compatable card like Digium or Sangoma
12:42.18ManxPowercheGGo: I don't know.
12:43.06ManxPowerNot good
12:44.30cheGGothats nothing :P
12:44.42cheGGomy maximum load was 260.50 :D
12:45.06sheppardthat's not cheap
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12:45.57cheGGoload @ 260.50 u even get ping timeouts on local loopback connections
12:48.36sheppardManxPower: whats wrong with besides the fact I can't use asterisk
12:49.52ManxPowersheppard: that should work, but all the linksys/sipura products are complicated to make the FXO work the way you want.
12:50.11sheppardahh k
12:50.21sheppardcause all of the local suppliers i've checked out so far
12:50.31sheppardwant $800 or more for a fxo card, and it's all pci-x based
12:50.41ManxPowerI'm getting spambombed.
12:51.05ManxPowerHuh?  Digium TDM400P w/FXO should be well under $200
12:51.34JTsheppard: i think you mean pci
12:52.07ManxPowersheppard: you need a card that works with Asterisk and that usually means Digium or Sangoma if you want a card
12:52.28sheppardJT: no the cards my two suppliers were listing were t1/e1 cards for the most part and were pci-x based
12:52.53JTsheppard: i see
12:52.58JTperhaps you mean pci-e
12:53.10JTno-one makes pci-x zaptel cards that i know of
12:53.14ManxPowersheppard: WHAT BRAND OF CARD?
12:53.57*** part/#asterisk Alexus265 (
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12:54.51sheppardebay is returning some acceptable results
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12:55.51ManxPowersheppard: those are T-1/E-1 cards, not analog cards
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12:57.17sheppardyeah i know
12:57.17mrbond82If I have my "internal network" defined in 1 context and someone is on one of their lines and I call them from my line, they come up as busy. Why when I get a multiple incoming calls from another context (one that defines external handling) does it not give a busy signal and my phone actually shows them as "on hold" (on that same line), I'd like to get it to behave with a busy signal, is this something to do with the context?
12:57.17sheppardlike i said, all my supplier was listing was t1/e1 cards
12:57.17sheppardbut ebay is working out nicely
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12:59.50ManxPowerJust beware of the cheap "X100P clone" cards.
12:59.55ManxPowerThey suck.
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13:00.42[TK]D-FenderSangoma A200D-X  PCI Express  Hardware echo canceller <----- Analog
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13:01.32Wonka[TK]D-Fender: PCIe != PCI-X
13:02.04JTWonka: the Sangoma -X cards are PCI Express.
13:02.24[TK]D-FenderWonka: Correct, and I never suggested otherwise.
13:02.25WonkaJT: PCI-X is something different
13:02.47JTWonka: i know the difference, scroll up.
13:02.57JTi just said they were different a couple of minutes ago.
13:03.00Wonkabut sheppard talked about PCI-X...
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13:03.09JTso why would you need to tell ME again?
13:03.41[TK]D-FenderWonka: Go caffeinate
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13:06.48ManxPowerI can't imagine that a person that wants a single analog fxo port would ever need anything other than plain old PCI
13:08.05WonkaPCI has enough bang for about 1GBit/s - that's about 512 E1 lines...
13:08.33Wonkaand that's 32Bit at 33MHz
13:10.18JTwon't handle the interrupts
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13:11.43[TK]D-FenderSPA-3102 <--- cheaper, less hassle, more fliexible.  End of story.
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13:19.02sheppardManxPower: I think i'm going to go with your reccomendation on the TDM400p card. I don't see any 1 port versions, so I guess i'll have 3 ports i'll never use
13:19.18[TK]D-Fendersheppard: SPA-3102 <-------
13:19.42mrbond82does anyone have any clue about my context question?
13:20.13sheppard[TK]D-Fender: apparently those are quesitonable to get configured the way you want
13:20.20sheppardplus I'm going to have an odd setup
13:20.32sheppardmy cell -> office wifi -> internet -> my house -> free LD line
13:20.35[TK]D-Fendermrbond82: PASTEBIN is your friend....
13:20.38jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
13:20.38awkhrm, anyone here any good with perl or python
13:20.42awkand have the ability to test some code
13:20.48awktell me whats wrong?
13:21.02awki cant work out what im doing wrong
13:21.25mrbond82My q was too long???
13:22.39[TK]D-Fendermrbond82: No, I think you should be showing us "sip show peers", your dialplan, and the full CLI output of your failed call at verbose 10 with SIP debug enabled (if using SIP phones)
13:23.02[TK]D-Fendermrbond82: because right now you seem to think we're psychic.
13:24.07mrbond82sorry I was just thinking there was some silly internal thing regarding contexts and if dialing within a context to an already in use extension will give a busy signal (again, an * internal thing) and if on the line within 1 context, and another context calls the sip phone, it will ring through and let the phone handle it
13:24.20mrbond82also I thought you guys were pretty sharp
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13:25.58[TK]D-Fendermrbond82: Us pretty sharp?  You show us nothing and expect us to know the nitty-gritty of your problem.
13:26.16mrbond82like I said, I thought my problem was a common thing because I'm new
13:26.39shido6asterrisk psi -guru oracle
13:26.43[TK]D-Fendermrbond82: And as for "busy", thats a grey statement as several of the messages * COULD put on CLI may LOOK that way, but not mean what you think it does depending on verbose levels and channel debug.
13:26.51MrMister2sheppard: I have a TDM400P installed on my * server. It works OK
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13:27.23[TK]D-Fendermrbond82: So lets quit burning karma and get to pastebinning, shall we?
13:27.43MrMister2Haven't used a SPA-3102 so no idea on what it can do. It could be a better device for you.
13:27.48mrbond82~pb ?
13:27.48jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
13:27.56mrbond82too lazy to type
13:28.37mrbond82what files would you like to see ?
13:29.07MrMister2[TK]D-Fender: A quick question. Is it possible to do a attended transfer and still keep the CID of the original caller?
13:31.15[TK]D-FenderMrMister2: not through most sip phones.  * won't know tis a transfer until the phone actually tries to pass off the call.  For DTMF based attended transfers you always modify the source.....
13:31.28[TK]D-Fendermrbond82: I jsut gave you a very specific list of things to provide...
13:31.46henkoegemacan somebody test my ENUM ( ?
13:33.39MrMister2[TK]D-Fender: I'm using X-Lite to transfer the call. If I do a unattended transfer the CID does get passed to another X-Lite, if I do a attended it doesnt.
13:34.15[TK]D-FenderMrMister2: I just ANSWERED this for you.
13:38.30whywontitworkTK how does one detect a fax?
13:38.46whywontitworkin your dialplan that is!
13:39.12cybertoothText-to-Speech. Anyone have any recommendations? I'm looking at using Festival right now.
13:39.40[TK]D-Fenderwhywontitwork: lookup the "fax" Standard Extension.
13:39.53whywontitworkthx TK
13:39.55[TK]D-Fenderwhywontitwork: IIRC it only works on Zap channels.
13:40.09whywontitworkk thx
13:40.19BrokenNozeHi, asked the question earlier but, anyone know why my phone will work fine on * for 30 minutes, then start failing with a seqno 1 Critical Response error on the server? The only way round it seems to be to change the IP address of the phone? using a polycom 350 'm sure it must be me doing something wrong
13:40.50[TK]D-Fendercybertooth: Festival works, but I'm told is noticably inferior to Cepstral (which is pretty affordable per channel last I heard)
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13:41.28[TK]D-FenderBrokenNoze: Please describe the networking between your phone and your * server in detail.
13:41.39cybertoothHmm, I bought a dev license for Cepstral about a year back... It worked about the same for me as festival - but only in lab conditions.
13:42.08cybertoothThanks [TK]D-Fender , I'll take another look at Cepstral.
13:42.37[TK]D-Fendercybertooth: I don't have any personal experience with either, just recounting the opinions of several others I respect in here.
13:42.53BrokenNozeFender : OK.. then if it's a network issue I can understand. My * is on a remote managed server. my handset is on a private network but i've put in the DMZ
13:43.18[TK]D-FenderBrokenNoze: please breakdown that path in detail....
13:43.25BrokenNozehowever access to the internet is though a bloody managed exit. which i have NO control over
13:44.22BrokenNozePhone ---» switch ---» router and firwall ----» CLOUD OF CRAP FROM MANAGED OFFICES ---» managed server
13:45.05creativxive heard those crapclouds can be hard to talk through.
13:45.11[TK]D-FenderBrokenNoze: Is the * server effectively on a public IP?
13:45.18BrokenNozeI'm not really sure why this would fail though i suppose as we've had SipGate working through the cloud
13:45.26BrokenNozeFedner: Yep
13:45.50*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
13:45.53[TK]D-FenderBrokenNoze: then your phone's sip.conf entry should have "qualify=yes", "canreinvite=no", and "nat=yes"
13:46.03[TK]D-FenderBrokenNoze: And you should not be forwarding anything to it.
13:46.05cybertoothBrokenNoze, sounds like the "firwall" has some form of flood protection turned on, and it sees your RTP packets as a flood. Thus it blocks the IP... of course it's just a theory.
13:46.09BrokenNozeah... qualify, thats a new one
13:46.12[TK]D-FenderBrokenNoze: (remove from DMZ)
13:47.05BrokenNozecheers guys I'll look up qualify
13:47.10[TK]D-FenderBrokenNoze: Go test and let us know.  Also there is no Polycom "350", which did you actually mean?
13:47.33BrokenNozewill do, and it's a 330. sorry
13:47.50BrokenNozecrap phone btw. not impressed at all
13:47.55[TK]D-FenderBrokenNoze: Just thought I'd ask... not that its terribly pertinent to your problem :)
13:48.00[TK]D-FenderBrokenNoze: :O
13:48.08[TK]D-FenderCrap in what way?
13:48.36BrokenNozewell firstly i don't understand why polycom insist on continuing to make phones without backlights
13:48.55[TK]D-FenderBrokenNoze: IP 550/650 have that... but are pricey
13:49.07[TK]D-FenderBrokenNoze: So on to legitmate gripes... :)
13:49.45JTalmost no ip phones have backlights, stupid reason to call a phone crap
13:49.52*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
13:50.28BrokenNozeOK. well i suppose i'm just used to the 650s
13:50.52[TK]D-FenderBrokenNoze: Oh, so you're juse SPOILED them? :)
13:51.04[TK]D-FenderBrokenNoze: Oh, so you're just SPOILED them? :)
13:51.07BrokenNozeso perhaps i was being a little unfair there :-)
13:51.28[TK]D-FenderBrokenNoze: only in a Ferrari vs Lada kind of way....
13:51.42BrokenNozeI guess
13:51.47[TK]D-FenderJeez... I can't type today...
13:51.51BrokenNozeI withdraw my comment
13:53.29*** join/#asterisk jfitzgibbon (n=NADT@
13:53.47[TK]D-Fenderfile: MUFFINS dammit!
13:53.57file[TK]D-Fender: those you have to earn
13:54.04shido6so hungry
13:54.37[TK]D-Fenderfile: So gimme a shout for next week's schedule!
13:54.47JTah, the good old Soggy Sao ;)
13:54.55file[TK]D-Fender: aight
13:55.54file[TK]D-Fender: so far I only have the regular day stuff planned and dinner with a friend, so time slots are available! call now and receive a free steak knife
13:56.28[TK]D-FenderJT : ..... EW......... just... EW!!!!!!!
13:56.50WilliamKmorning file
13:57.31JT[TK]D-Fender: i take it you understand the reference, even being in north america? :D
13:58.11WilliamKdo ya'll prefer sub-modules that are borked on the same bug tracker report or do you like them broken down to individual reports? appears to be the same coding error (zaptel svn)
13:58.25jbot[TK]D-Fender is the Zen Master of the blatantly obvious, and #asterisk 's resident Google-proxy.
13:58.34JTah, google
13:58.39[TK]D-FenderJT : And now jsut a little more damaged for that search....
13:58.40fileWilliamK: what version of zaptel?
13:58.56JT[TK]D-Fender: yeah i've heard that Limp Bizkit was actually named after Soggy Sao
13:59.00JTunsure how true that is
13:59.02WilliamKI even repulled the svn last night
13:59.06filethere's 3 branches :D latest can mean 3 different things, and will yield 3 different answers from me
13:59.47WilliamKsvn checkout zaptel
13:59.53WilliamKthat help?
14:00.14cheGGoheyas file :-)
14:00.20fileyes, trunk is going to be wiped away soon
14:00.40filebecause it is a mess
14:00.43WilliamKwhich one should I be pulling from?
14:00.43Qwelltrunk has, for good reason, not been kept up to date
14:00.44filecheGGo: hola
14:01.19cheGGofile, hi :) u processed my "issue report" which wasn an issue ;)
14:01.28cheGGowith reinvite and sip
14:01.51filecheGGo: ooh, neat, I looked for you on here cause I vaguely remembered you talking when I woke up but your nick didn't match your Mantis
14:02.30cheGGoyes, indeed, sorry for bothering you ;)
14:02.41filedon't be sorry, 'tis my job
14:02.57filedid you need further clarification on something?
14:03.49cheGGolittle bit... i searched in the rtp.c for the function which handled this behaviour
14:04.10cheGGodo you know if its a lot of work to change it mysql for my use case
14:04.20cheGGomysql=myself ;)
14:04.29fileset_rtp_peer is called from bridge_native_loop, it tells chan_sip to change the location where media should be sent... and chan_sip then sends out a reinvite
14:05.05filethe places where it calls set_rtp_peer with NULL values and 0 values is where it is telling chan_sip to bring the audio back to the Asterisk box
14:05.10fileremoving those should get rid of the reinvite
14:05.25cheGGoah, kkk... just comment out?
14:05.46fileremove... comment out... does the same thing
14:06.06cheGGook... i will check it tonigh/tomorrow
14:06.23cheGGoit possible to contact u tomorror again, for 1 or 2 questions
14:06.29WilliamKfile: thanks! that one compiles correctly
14:06.52filecheGGo: I'll probably be here
14:07.20*** join/#asterisk usam (
14:07.59cheGGofile, very nice... thank u for ur qualified help :-)
14:08.28cheGGoi will check out the source :)
14:09.48*** join/#asterisk snook3r (
14:11.04*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
14:11.06*** join/#asterisk Aeudian (n=Aeudian@
14:12.18AeudianAnyone know the old centrex *xx number for direct extension stealing. like *37 is direct pickup for a ringing extension
14:13.09*** join/#asterisk mocker (n=user@
14:13.54mockerAwesome, I'm working with a person in Bulgaria and asked him what type of SIP phone he has.  He responded, "Cosco, it's a very good copy of Cisco"
14:14.40etfonhomey_Isn't that a grocery store?
14:15.09mockerIn the US it is.
14:15.22cheGGobye bye
14:15.33mockerAnyone going to Astricon?
14:15.44Qwellmocker: #astricon
14:15.53mockerQwell: Sweet.
14:15.59Qwelleverybody going should be in there
14:18.12*** join/#asterisk Dan0maN_Work (n=dschuh@
14:18.16chemikkhello i have problem, help me please:
14:19.49chemikkproblem with application DISA
14:20.13chemikkdo not redirecting to tyoed number
14:20.22chemikksorry for my english
14:20.34*** part/#asterisk jarod14 (
14:20.59BrokenNozeFender: Hey.. Looks like thats fixed it!!! thanks for your help. didn't know what qualify did but looked it up now and looks like the root of the problem.
14:21.41[TK]D-Fenderchemikk: What did you try to dial exactly?
14:21.50[TK]D-FenderBrokenNoze: good to hear.
14:23.12*** part/#asterisk mocker (n=user@
14:23.18*** join/#asterisk mocker (n=user@
14:25.15chemikk[TK]D-Fender: number 800123456, and i need redirecting call to another sip operator: exten => s,20,Dial(SIP/552308181/${ARG1})
14:25.48chemikk[TK]D-Fender: sorry im absolutly begginer
14:27.28*** join/#asterisk Daviey (n=dave@ubuntu/member/daviey)
14:27.34[TK]D-Fenderchemikk: Well you are telling DISA to use the [trymat] in which you can only dial 100
14:27.43[TK]D-Fenderooops, strike that.
14:28.02DavieyHi, any recommendations for ISDN30e / PRI service providers in the UK?
14:28.16*** join/#asterisk qdk (
14:28.25[TK]D-Fenderchemikk: Go do a "Read" before your DISA to make sure you are detecting DTMF properly
14:30.23*** join/#asterisk santiago (i=santiago@debian/developer/santiago)
14:30.41chemikki try it
14:31.23*** join/#asterisk Infested (n=infested@
14:31.44mocker[TK]D-Fender: You going to be at astricon?
14:31.54*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=GoD@
14:31.59mrbond82Is there a way to turn down the volume of sound that asterisk sends to people received from the sip phone?
14:32.40[TK]D-Fendermocker: Nope.  Too far, too $$, and no passport (yet)
14:32.52[TK]D-Fendermrbond82: Nope.
14:33.20[TK]D-Fendermrbond82: audio is supposed to be normalized by each SIP endpoint.
14:34.16mrbond82I'm surprised I didn't have to send you my sip.conf, extensions.conf, debug output from the console and my bank account info to get that answer out of you
14:35.17etfonhomey_mrbond82, why bite the hand that feeds you?
14:36.30*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=GoD@
14:37.08chemikk[TK]D-Fender: i try use read and DTMF is not detecting
14:37.35*** join/#asterisk Daejeo1 (n=chatzill@
14:38.25Daejeo1anyone have sip firmware 8.6/8.7 for CP 7961g?
14:38.27[TK]D-Fendermrbond82: I'm (not) surprised its been an HOUR now since this was requested for your previous problem an you haven't told us you've resolved it, nor have you PROVIDED this simple request for information so we can HELP YOU.
14:39.06[TK]D-Fendermrbond82: Guess you're too lazy to do anything to help yourself and expect us to be able and willing to spoon-feed you from beginning to end.
14:39.51*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
14:39.52[TK]D-Fenderchemikk: Ok, go verify what dtmfmode you should be using with your SIP channels, correct them and retest.
14:40.02*** join/#asterisk datachomper (
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14:45.33*** join/#asterisk hmmhesays (
14:46.30hmmhesayshello folks
14:48.48*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
14:52.20syzygyBSDhello hmmhesays
14:52.32*** part/#asterisk mitcheloc (
14:52.35syzygyBSDthough I don't consider myself a "folk"
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15:02.21chemikk[TK]D-Fender: right dtmfmode is inband, this dtmf is function with application "background" but no with "read", i dont understand this
15:02.22*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (
15:03.04[TK]D-Fenderchemikk: inband is usually bad... the vast majority of services use rfc2833.  give it a try
15:05.46*** join/#asterisk lisandropm (
15:06.53lisandropmHas anyone been able to connect a Hicom 300 (not E nor H) with a DIUS2 board to a server running asterisk using an E1 board?
15:07.50chemikksetting dtmfmode in sip.conf is setting how SEND dtmf and where is setting how asterisk DETECT dtmf with incoming call?
15:08.06chemikkits right?
15:09.23[TK]D-Fenderchemikk: its the same.  its for send AND receive for a given call
15:09.31hmmhesayssyzygyBSD: why not?
15:09.47syzygyBSDcuz I am not over 50?
15:10.51hmmhesaystell that to the poor amish kid weaving those baskets they sell
15:14.03Yourname`Has anyone had any experience with gastman on windows??
15:14.05*** join/#asterisk jcmoore (n=jcmoore@unaffiliated/tgrman)
15:22.13*** join/#asterisk Rinner (
15:22.21Rinnerhello Hello, uhmn can i ask something about astrix and avaya ?
15:22.22chemikkhow i show dtmf in cli?
15:22.32QwellRinner: I know what avaya is, but what is astrix?
15:22.39Rinneranybody into Avaya Clan card ?
15:22.52Qwellavaya is a cult!  I knew it!
15:22.54RinnerQwell. i ment astrisk
15:22.59QwellWhat's astrisk?
15:23.32shido6cousin game to a$trix
15:23.33RinnerQwell. great, avaya did buy lucent, something like that,  i have a C-Lan board, i need   speeddialing on digital  phones
15:23.51RinnerQwell. do i need to install  a CTI Server software in order to talk to the C-lan board ?
15:24.04QwellI don't know what a c-lan board is
15:24.21Rinnerow okay, a CTI board ?
15:24.28[TK]D-FenderRinner: this is NOT an Avaya support channel.  Youa re in the wrong place.
15:24.49RinnerTD , it is a telephone issue
15:24.56Rinnerokay forget the question
15:24.56Qwellnext somebody is going to ask about a voicemail board
15:25.01[TK]D-FenderRinner: how... GENERIC.
15:25.13Rinnerwhat about a mediaprocessorboard in a PC ?
15:25.28[TK]D-FenderRinner: Again, nothing to do with us here.
15:25.33Rinnero oki
15:29.24datachomperSomehow tt-weasels found its way into one of my production IVRs
15:29.45Qwelldatachomper: it has a tendency to do that
15:34.25Yourname`Oh, great. After installing SVN checkout of ast1.4, and stopping and starting asterisk, I still don't see Asterisk SVN being used in version. What did I do wrong now?
15:35.28*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
15:36.33chemikkbad life
15:37.15*** join/#asterisk citats (
15:37.42Yourname`lol bad life yup
15:41.09*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/active/cpm)
15:41.27*** join/#asterisk funxion (n=nunya@
15:42.11Yourname`Hmm, should I be even getting SVN from asterisk/branches/1.4 or /trunk?
15:42.38*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
15:42.43*** join/#asterisk dasuberdavid (i=david@nat/digium/x-12365217743545d7)
15:42.49funxionexten => _.,32,GotoIf($[${LEN(${CALLERIDNUM})} < "4"]?47:33) ;<--Does anyone see a problem with this? when I pass a call with a callerid with length 1 it jumps to 33 and I cant find a problem with the syntax
15:44.09*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
15:45.03[TK]D-Fenderfunxion: whitespace + quotes
15:45.20[TK]D-Fenderfunxion: And you really should be using the CALLERID function as well
15:45.54[TK]D-Fenderexten => _.,32,GotoIf($[${LEN(${CALLERID(num)})}<4]?47) <---- better
15:46.03funxionexten => _.,32,GotoIf($[${LEN("${CALLERIDNUM}")} < "4"]?47:33) I've tried this I've also tried the callerid(num) function as well
15:46.17[TK]D-Fenderfunxion: And as I said... QUOTES <---------
15:46.42[TK]D-Fenderfunxion: also "_."   is a terrible thing to do... matches dangerous extens...
15:47.33Daejeo1nyone have sip firmware 8.6/8.7 for CP 7961g?
15:47.52funxionits a closed system and only specific calls have access into this context
15:48.32[TK]D-Fenderfunxion: Ok, fine, sure.
15:48.35jfitzgibbonfunxion: he means that it matches 'i', 'h', 'a', 'o', and all those special Asterisk extensions
15:49.30funxionI got ya
15:49.41funxionreally working on proof of concept
15:49.54funxionnot finalized dialplan
15:50.01funxionthnx for the warning though
15:50.17funxiontk I tried what you gave me and got the same results
15:50.18funxion-- Executing GotoIf("Zap/1-1", "0<4?47:33") in new stack
15:50.18funxion-- Goto (seamobileJ,7321,33)
15:50.46funxiondo I have the labels messed up?
15:52.07datachomperSo, asterisk used to ignore the first sound file I would send to the channel, after I initialized an agi ivr. Now it's not ignoring them anymore.
15:52.07funxionhow does that make sense
15:52.16wunderkinYourname`: 1.4
15:52.34Yourname`Thanks wunderkin
15:52.57[TK]D-Fenderfunxion: pastebin "dialplan show [context]"
15:54.38*** join/#asterisk t3rror (
15:56.26*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
15:56.54[TK]D-FenderGotoIf($[${LEN(${CALLERID(num)})}<4]?47:33) [pbx_config]
15:57.04chemikk[TK]D-Fender: please watch:
15:57.40funxionam I missing something?
15:57.46[TK]D-Fenderfunxion: somethings fishy...
15:57.52funxionyeah I realize
15:57.56[TK]D-Fenderfunxion: its like it ignored the $[] eval...
15:58.04funxionits * 1.2
15:58.27[TK]D-Fenderfunxion: syntax hasn't changed from 1.0 even
15:58.33[TK]D-Fenderfunxion: SHOULD be fine
15:58.43funxionit works in other areas
15:59.09funxioni even tried tried GotoIf($[${LEN(${CALLERID(num)})}!=0]?47:33)
15:59.14funxionit didnt work either
16:00.11datachomperI <3 english.
16:00.37[TK]D-Fenderchemikk: no idea...
16:00.51*** join/#asterisk VJFROMGT (
16:00.55Qwelluse spaces
16:01.10[TK]D-FenderQwell: news to me... since when?
16:01.15VJFROMGTi have question regarding ASR, when calculating ASR is a ring out a sucess or a fail?
16:01.15Qwell$[1<2] is a string
16:01.17Renacork this is weird i do a read() for an extension, and put it in a variable, read says it "User entered '301'", however I do a NoOp() to show the variable, and it shows "s" whats going on??
16:01.20Qwellsince always :D
16:01.28Qwellexcept maybe in 1.4
16:01.30[TK]D-Fenderfunxion: You heard him...
16:01.38Qwellcodefreeze: ^^?
16:01.54[TK]D-Fenderfunxion: correct... add aspace aroun <
16:01.58codefreezeQwell: you rang?
16:02.10Qwellcodefreeze: $[1<2] is evaluated as a string, yes?
16:02.20Qwellrather than math
16:02.26chemikki have bad day
16:02.27*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
16:02.35[TK]D-FenderRenacor: Probably because you think you can read to EXTEN with is READ-ONLY.
16:02.49codefreezeQwell: should be mathmatical. Both numbers are pure digits
16:02.55[TK]D-FenderRenacor: Don't try to mess with the exten you're IN
16:02.56Renacoroh it's a predefined variable?
16:03.04Qwellcodefreeze: what about in 1.2?  I thought there was a problem with that at one point
16:03.04funxionyay it werkd
16:03.09[TK]D-FenderRenacor: its "Wher you are" in the dialplan.
16:03.10funxionthats tk and qwell
16:03.17[hC][TK]D-Fender: Hey, you were mentioning that the new polycom firmware, 2.2.0, has that ring-when-busy feature to audibly ring on the base of the phone for call waiting.  Is that on by default or something? I seem to have lost call waiting indications after upgrading.
16:03.20funxionthanks is what I meant to say
16:03.31Renacorahh i see
16:03.51codefreezeQwell: hmmmm. 1.2. I'd have to look; but I'd think it'll still eval to "1" there, too.
16:03.53[TK]D-Fender[hC]: Maybe if you tried using an old config template that overrides the key its in.  Did you rebuild from scratch?
16:04.13funxionqwell you are correct
16:04.15Qwellfunxion: You may want to verify that it's working as expected...
16:04.22funxionit is
16:04.29codefreezeQwell: waitaminute... either way, it should eval to 1, shouldn't it?
16:04.39Qwellcodefreeze: 1<2 was just an example
16:04.48funxioncodefreeze it wasnt working
16:04.48QwellThat's what he was trying
16:05.08QwellI assume it was always going to 47
16:05.21codefreezeQwell: in 1.2, are we still using the old expr parser? then you would have to say 1 < 2
16:05.35codefreezewith a single space around each token...?
16:05.38[TK]D-FenderRenacor: ok, lunch time, back in a few.
16:05.52[TK]D-Fendercodefreeze: either side of an operator
16:05.58Renacor[TK]D-Fender: figured it out
16:06.04Renacor[TK]D-Fender: thanks for the info
16:06.07funxion32,GotoIf($[${LEN("${CALLERIDNUM}")} < "4"]?47:33) is what I was using originally but it wasnt working
16:06.08[TK]D-Fenderok, lunch time, back in a few.
16:06.15[TK]D-FenderRenacor: wasn't meant to be directed to you
16:06.33[TK]D-Fenderfunxion: yeah, the quotes were killink it.
16:07.05[TK]D-Fenderfunxion: GotoIf($[${LEN(${CALLERID(num)})} < 4]?47) <- there
16:07.08[hC][TK]D-Fender: i used an older config template but i do so by means of separate includable files.. my overrides only touch registration details and some small config things like one touch voicemail, etc.. do you know what config setting it is, for the call waiting selection?
16:07.35slimaI have 2 accounts from the same sip provider, and inbound calls match always the first register, why? and how to fix it? my configs
16:07.35[TK]D-Fender[hC]: Don't know offhand... go DL the admin guide :)
16:07.58slimasorry for my english..
16:08.16[hC][TK]D-Fender: already downloading :)
16:08.55anonymouz666DEBUG[1069] chan_zap.c: DTMF digit: f on Zap/1-1
16:08.59codefreezefunxion: [TK]D-Fender: right. compare as nums, not strings. "201" will be less than "4"
16:09.01anonymouz666how can I send the 'f' digit?
16:09.37anonymouz666how chan_zap detected that?
16:10.12anonymouz666and after: -- Redirecting Zap/1-1 to fax extension
16:11.11*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey (n=chatzill@
16:12.59funxiondoes anyone have any experience with thomson phones?
16:14.25VJFROMGThos do i terminate a call from cli?
16:15.48dasuberdavidsoft hangup
16:16.07*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
16:16.14dasuberdavidQwell: whats up
16:16.29slimaany idea?
16:16.36Qwelldasuberdavid: trolling our blog :p
16:16.48dasuberdavidQwell: ha ha !
16:17.00russellbmy blog > digium blog
16:17.03anonymouz666it's very strange the dial does not have the 't' option and asterisk is still interpreting the dtmf sent by called party
16:17.15Qwellrussellb: Does YOUR blog stuff?
16:17.16*** join/#asterisk nny (
16:17.20QwellI've got nothin'
16:17.29russellbQwell: it has a sweet turtle picture on it.
16:17.32*** join/#asterisk dpc_clyde (
16:17.41Qwellis it the ipv6 turtle?
16:17.44Qwelloh, meh, it isn't
16:17.50anonymouz666fax sux
16:17.54russellbit's the ... turtle i found next to my hose
16:18.01QwellYou found a turtle next to your house?
16:18.04DeeewayneIs it the tortoiseCVS turtle ?
16:18.14Qwellkame turtle++
16:18.24nnyhi, have an asterisk box that seems to be having vm issues. left a vm, client went to check it, logged in with password, and hit key to play vm. instead of playing vm, it gives fast busy signal
16:18.25Qwellonly real men can see kame dance
16:18.30russellbno! it is my own turtle ... that i keep in a box.
16:18.32russellbnot really.
16:18.56Qwelloh, hmm, speaking of ipv6
16:19.07QwellI *just* remembered why I replaced my linksys router years ago with a sparcstation
16:19.21Deeewaynerussellb: you should bring your turtle to my house and let him ride on Reba's back
16:19.27dpc_clydeshort question, how can i set that asterisk after 20sek sends busy when a caller from extern call over sip?
16:19.36Daejeo1anyone have sip firmware 8.6/8.7 for CP 7961g?
16:19.37russellbDeeewayne: he ran away :(
16:19.51QwellDaejeo1: You have to buy it from Cisco, basically
16:19.58Qwellnobody here is going to give it to you
16:20.06Deeewaynenext time: always tether your turtle
16:20.28fileDeeewayne: his terms of service does not allow tethering
16:20.54russellb~thwap file
16:20.55jbotACTION thwaps file on the nose with a 2 by 4
16:21.13filesuch hate
16:21.36russellbdpc_clyde: just set the Dial() application timeout
16:21.44russellberrr ...
16:21.55Yourname`Does anyone know of a provider that lets atleast 20-30 channels on a single inbound DID?
16:22.03*** join/#asterisk krdian_ (
16:22.03QwellYourname`: any of the per minute providers should
16:22.14*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
16:22.24dpc_clydeit works intern, but if someone from extern calls he recivied after 20 sek a busy signal.....
16:22.29Yourname`Qwell: I see gafachi lets only 2 channels on an inbound tollfree number..
16:22.40QwellYourname`: well, that's silly
16:22.44Yourname`Qwell: Almost everybody is like that, for some reason.
16:22.48Yourname`Yeah, tell me about it lol lets you
16:22.52Qwellor, they used to
16:23.06Yourname`I think I check nufone, let me look again. Harder.
16:24.40Renacoris there a place to globally set the callerid for all outbound calls (outside the pbx)
16:28.01Yourname`Qwell: IT doesn't say anywhere, lol.. so I guess I'll have to contact these guyd
16:28.54*** join/#asterisk tsurko (n=tsurko@
16:32.07nnyanyone have a preferred windows app for playing gsm files?
16:34.42etfonhomeyLooking for an * consultant to provide installation/support services in the New York City area (Florham Park, NJ).  Msg me if interested.
16:35.24nnyi have a server that is not recording vms properly. Worked fine up until last week. audio wav files are blank and when i leave a message, it just plays silence. Any advice?
16:35.29[TK]D-FenderYourname`: Most of the per-minute and places that that charge per channel as well
16:35.52slimanny: you require
16:35.59[TK]D-Fendernny: Use "Record" and do a seperate test to make sure * is getting the audio.
16:36.09Yourname`[TK]D-Fender: Ah.. any no hassle signup and start providers you know of?
16:36.33[TK]D-FenderYourname`: I don't about the hassle factor, and it depends where you want to DID's from
16:36.49nny[TK]D-Fender: thanks
16:36.58Yourname`[TK]D-Fender: Toll free or anywhere in the US at all. Doesn't matter, really.
16:37.22[TK]D-FenderYourname`: Check out VoicePulse Connect
16:37.45*** join/#asterisk Olgem (
16:41.56Nuggetif you go to the "real" voicepulse site (at www, not connect) it will only confuse you
16:46.51*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey)
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16:50.29neverblueis * 1.2.18 a very insecure server, or are the latest updates minimal ?
16:50.33nnyhmm confusion here. I play /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/user/100/inavail.wav or .gsm locally and it works, but when I call to hit VM it goes to the stock unavail and the messages are all dead air, like it can't read or write to the 100 folder...
16:50.54nnyit says in console it is playing the corret file, no errors evident
16:55.32Corydon76-dignny: maybe it's trying to access 100@default instead of 100@user
16:55.57Corydon76-digbtw, that should be unavail, not inavail
16:56.06nnyoh yeah unavail typo
16:56.23Corydon76-digdumber things have happened than a simple typo
16:56.42nnyworking with dev on issue now, let you all know once he gets into it. He is a lot more experienced with it than i am :)
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17:15.40Yourname`Thanks, Nugget.
17:15.48*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=GoD@
17:15.59Yourname`I just found too. It's like 0.003 per min on tollfree inbounds.
17:16.24Qwella third of a cent per minute?
17:17.24*** join/#asterisk mog (i=mog@nat/digium/x-78196c0e7fa11d52)
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17:17.43Yourname`Better than 3.000 at most places!
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17:18.45Op3rsomebody tells me a good billing software for asterisk
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17:20.34GlobeTrotterhelloo,,  i have this error on my * box..  i get the error right after the call is sent to the queue
17:20.35GlobeTrottertranslate.c:163 framein: no samples for g729tolin
17:20.59GlobeTrotteranyone had this error before?
17:21.06GlobeTrotterwhat does it mean?
17:21.27QwellGlobeTrotter: sounds like you have VAD on or something
17:22.20GlobeTrotterVAD on my asterisk?
17:22.37Qwellon your client
17:23.48GlobeTrotteri am using grandstream phones and i doen have that set,, nor do i have silence suppresion on
17:24.05GlobeTrotteris that an error to be concerned about?
17:24.40QwellVAD is silence suppression
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17:28.01generalhanhey all !
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17:29.12generalhananyone here worked with an Aastra 480i SIP Phone ? im trying to figure out how to put a line monitor on one of the softkeys, so that i can see if a certain line is active or available
17:32.24[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: IINM its jsut like the 5i series for web administration.  Is that how you're adding them?
17:34.02generalhanwell i dont have the phone here yet, its opn its way, so im not really doing it at all. i just want to setup something like HINTS so that i can have something on the display to show if another line is busy,ringing,or available
17:35.03[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: "hints are how you do the * side.  adding a subscription via the web interface is dead easy.  I've SEEN the provisioning and it looked pretty simle there too...
17:35.13generalhanbut i also have a 57i and sidecar coming as well, so i guess i can learn them together !
17:35.23[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: Actually I HAVE provisioned a 480i once myself... forgot about it it was so long ago...
17:35.32generalhanok so it needs to be done via the web interface not the config files
17:35.38[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: Side-car=really nice, but the PHONE.... bleh
17:35.47generalhaneww ... really ?
17:35.49[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: can be via EITHER
17:36.26generalhanis there another 5*i that is better than the 57 ? or are all the 5i's "bleh" ?
17:36.28[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: handset has NO weight.  hug LCD with SHIT USAGE.  inferior call handling, 2nd rate audio quality, ^#%$ RUBBER BUTTONS.
17:36.44[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: 5i = al of the 5Xi series
17:37.20generalhanboo, i really want that phone for the sidecar ! lol, plus its WAY less expensive than a Cisco with expansion
17:37.20[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: I was using a 57i CT here as my desk phone.  I'd much have preserred my bed-side Polycom IP301 over it.
17:37.50[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: For a single identity receptionist it might do, but I wouldn't want to use one personally.
17:38.47generalhanwell thats what the 5i is for ... a receptionist that will need to see about 30 users' availablility. the 480i is for another receptionist that only needs to monitor 2 users' availability
17:39.32[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: 480i at lease doesn't use the 5i shit-for-all rubber buttons
17:39.47generalhanhow did you like the cordless peice ? cuase we were thinking about that one for the 480i. that way this person can get up and roam around without missing calls
17:40.07generalhan[TK]D-Fender: if i could get a sidecar for the 480 i would just get 2 of those !!!
17:40.08[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: soft-keys are the one thing that Aastra did AWESOMELY
17:40.38[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: Cordless is decent as long as its for the SAME reg as the base (single for both)
17:40.55generalhansweet, thats how it will be setup !
17:41.21generalhanand its not an everyday thing ... but if she needs to run to the copy machine or whatever, i dont have to hear anyone complaining about missed calls
17:42.49[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: you might be happy with it then.  Get a good large belt-clip pouch for it.  don't bet on the little clip it comes with to last
17:43.19generalhani havent used any of the more advanced Aastra phones, but i LOVE the 9133i phones. we have about 50 of them and havent had a single problem yet
17:43.24funxiondoes anyone have any experience with thomson phones?
17:43.42generalhanim hoping that these next two have the same trac-record with us !
17:44.22[TK]D-Fenderfunxion: Only really have a presence in Europe, but I hear they're pretty decent.
17:44.39funxionI'm using them in paris
17:44.58funxionour IT guy in paris insisted on them
17:45.11funxionhe loaded some fuinky firmware and now were having voice issues
17:45.19funxionquality issues
17:45.38[TK]D-Fenderfunxion: The go undo the upgrade!
17:45.43funxionwas hoping someone had a good experience with them and miht be able to suggest a revision
17:47.03[TK]D-Fenderfunxion: Sorry can't help you there, and there is VERY little talk about them in here...
17:47.15[TK]D-Fenderfunxion: jsut that what little I've heard has been positive
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17:52.09cpmwondering aloud, want to try to use hylafax (with a *real* modem) on my one phone line. Would be neat if hylafax could poll asterisk to see if the fxo port was in use before attempting to send a fax.
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17:52.54cpmbut I may be using broken thought processes here, (as I often do)
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17:54.02ajohnsonDoes anyone know if you can pass a named priority in a manager originate event?
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17:58.06[TK]D-Fendercpm: You can block it if you want, but I'm not sure about "notifying" it
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17:58.54Xarionbmg505 is kwaai
17:59.01[TK]D-Fenderajohnson: I don't think so.  When the dialplan is loaded everything is parsed out and priority numbers are evaluated.
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18:06.18cybertoothcpm, I think Hylafax can do this.
18:06.47cpmcybertooth, yeah, but the more I think about it, it sounds like a rubegoldberg approach
18:06.58cybertooth... and if not, you can set it to login remotely to the asterisk server and poll that channel to see if it is in use.
18:07.25cybertoothrubegoldberg <== my hero.
18:07.58Sweeperand they want to do it over t.38....
18:08.31NivexFacsimilie: some the finest technology the 80's had to offer
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18:10.01cybertoothDude. In the early days we used to intercept, decode and resend via our own fax server - now we just resell a local Analog line and charge them more for Faxing.
18:10.49cybertoothThe trouble-ticket load is not worth the amount of money you make by supporting faxing via VoIP.
18:12.32*** join/#asterisk JerJer (n=PhatJ@pdpc/supporter/bronze/jerjer)
18:12.33ajohnson[TK]D-Fender: Thanks for the response, that makes sense
18:13.11JerJerhas anyone ever attempted to parse a channel variable into two or more variables ?
18:13.22ajohnsonyes, using cut?
18:13.41JerJerajohnson:  with variable length data
18:14.03JerJerperhaps like the perl split
18:14.03ajohnsonAny delimiter?
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18:14.14JerJeryes csv data
18:14.21JerJersimple csv data
18:14.37ajohnsonI have set variables in sip.conf entries using a delimiter and then split them up using cut
18:14.43Corydon76-digJerJer: show function CUT
18:14.48ajohnsoncsv should be relatively easy
18:15.04JerJeri figured cut might work, but wanted to be sure before I committed   :)
18:15.15Corydon76-digJerJer: works very similar to the cut(1) command, which is what it was modeled after
18:15.42Corydon76-digWell, cut(1) with the -d option, anyway
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18:17.51JerJerCorydon76-dig:  have you ever utilized sql stored procedures in  func_odbc or func_mysql  ?
18:18.01JerJerlike call them from...
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18:19.35zapp-braniganhi i have a proble compiling asterisk addons : error: possibly undefined macro: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL
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18:20.59Corydon76-digJerJer: " { CALL proc(args); } ", I think
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18:21.26Corydon76-digMight just be " { proc(args); } "
18:21.28JerJeryes - but have you / anyone actually done that ?
18:21.31JerJerits call
18:21.52Corydon76-digYes.  You have to wrap it in the curly braces, though
18:21.55JerJeri had to tweak a few different things in openser to make it work with stored procedures
18:22.30JerJerlike in mysql_real_connect and how the queries were dealt with - in the mysql C api
18:23.58bmg505Xarion, wat maak jy hier?
18:24.23Xarionneed help with this damn sipura
18:24.27JerJerspraken ze engrish plz
18:25.05denonhehe JerJer learned german from watching hogan's heroes
18:25.23JerJerthe great escape  :)
18:27.06bmg505actually its a language called afrikaans
18:27.13bmg505which is spoken in south africa
18:27.15denongreat movie
18:27.51Strom_Mhoe gaan dit
18:28.07*** join/#asterisk doughecka (n=doug@unaffiliated/doughecka)
18:28.13denonJerJer: you ever see Stalag 17?
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18:29.09JerJerok - next topic... how does one get mysql development libs into an Asterisk BE / Rpath system ?    conary sucks
18:29.38JerJeri spoze i could call but i hate the phone
18:30.35cybertoothThe Rpath guys are very responsive (and conary does suck, but less than almost any other package management system)
18:30.50JerJerapt works great for me
18:31.10JerJerbut i'm not the run running BE
18:31.18cybertoothYep. But do you package your own apt packages?
18:31.25JerJercybertooth:  nope
18:31.43JerJerwell if i happen to need a custom kernel, yes
18:31.47cybertoothBless those that do create them.
18:31.56JerJerasterisk / openser i compile myself
18:32.14cybertoothmeir auch.
18:32.28JerJerbut the rest of my LAMP crap is all given to me via apt-get
18:32.58cybertoothUnderstood. The cutting edge that has to be right - you do, the rest can all come as it is.
18:33.06JerJergranted I am my own debian mirror, so yeah know
18:33.10Slimeyanyone here understand asterisk internals? :)
18:33.39JerJerSlimey:  nobody does - its just an ever evolving suite of plugins
18:33.42pkunkraok.  i officially love asterisk now.
18:33.52cybertoothits about time.
18:34.01SlimeyI need to make some code changes in chan_sip.c
18:34.19ajohnsonruh roh
18:34.19Slimeybut, I need to pass some info in from the dialplan
18:34.20JerJerSlimey: have you examined
18:34.30cybertoothSlimey, I do that all the time.
18:34.36JerJerSlimey: why make changes ?      use channel variables
18:34.51Slimeyhow do I access a channel variable from C? :)
18:35.02Slimeythat's what I've not worked out yet
18:35.05JerJerthere is an api function
18:35.19pkunkraasterisk told me to turn off comfort noise generation on my phone.  that solved a huge issue i was having for a while.
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18:35.50Slimeyso, I'm just about to write a patch to chan_sip
18:36.04Slimeythat allows you to specify a prefix for the call-id that gets generated
18:36.04JerJerSlimey: grep around for its usage - it has a few specific requirements
18:36.18Slimeydo you think anyone else will be interested? :)
18:36.32ajohnsonI wonder if they plan on implementing the ability to create new functions in the dialplan
18:36.42JerJerlike adding the system name?
18:36.51JerJer^^^ Slimey
18:37.02tzafrir_laptopActually with any decent package management system it shouldn't be difficult to modify and rebuild your own packages
18:37.15Slimeyjerjer: I need to pass some info to our prepay system
18:37.29Slimeyand the callid is the only SIP header which gets passed to it that I can change
18:37.31JerJerSlimey: then use a CDR varible
18:37.42JerJeror set a custom SIP header
18:37.59JerJerthen your prepay system is crap
18:37.59cybertoothtzafrir_laptop is right, but it is all about the best tool for the job. Sometimes the best tool is the one that fits *your* hand well.
18:38.07SlimeyJerJer: Yes, it is :)
18:38.28Slimeywe've implemented a prepay system on a broadworks platform
18:38.32JerJerSlimey: write a new one using Adhearsion
18:38.41Slimeyexcept they found that broadworks can't do IVR
18:38.47Slimeyso I've bolted Asterisk on the front end
18:39.11Slimey$1m voice platform, and need to use asterisk to make it useful :)
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18:39.23cybertoothHear, hear!
18:39.33JerJeri coulda put that 1m to much better use
18:39.42Slimeyso could I
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18:40.04ajohnsonLike the lots of awesome stuff for ajohnson fund
18:40.16Slimeyall through the deployment, when broadsoft got stuck on stuff, I kept saying "I can do that in Asterisk"
18:40.30Slimeyeventually they relented and let me use asterisk for the IVRs
18:40.39cybertoothWe have to mod chan_sip.c to allow our Asterisk app server and gateways to interact nicely with the Genband T6000
18:41.10cybertoothAll our cutting edge apps run via Asterisk, but the core is still Genband.
18:41.42VJFROMGTi have 1 gig or ram on a p4 , do i have enough ram to do 20 concurent calls with all sort of transcoding?
18:42.17VJFROMGTi cant figure out why my calls are breaking up
18:42.25VJFROMGTonly outbound sound breaks up
18:42.32VJFROMGTbandwith looks like its fine
18:42.35ajohnson128 Megs would probably be more than sufficient
18:42.46ajohnsonWhat are you transcoding from/to?
18:42.55VJFROMGTulaw to g729 mostly
18:43.18ajohnsonare you recording any of it to disk?
18:43.26ajohnsonhave you run top to see what the io load is?
18:43.36VJFROMGTminimal,, mostly idle
18:44.04VJFROMGTwhat do u know,, it is recording
18:44.14VJFROMGTsip.conf specifies not recording
18:44.19VJFROMGTwhat else can be doing this?
18:44.43ajohnsonThe rest would be done through extensions.conf
18:44.58VJFROMGTallright,, i will take a look at that,, tahnks
18:45.21VJFROMGTits just recording one extension though
18:46.19ajohnsonsingle processor or dual?
18:46.44ajohnsonwhen you run top you will see a section that says: load average: 0.05, 0.01, 0.00
18:47.22VJFROMGTCpu(s): 14.0% us,  3.2% sy,  0.0% ni, 82.0% id,  0.8% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.0% si
18:47.26zapp-braniganhi i have a problem compiling the asterisk addons and i have installed the libtools  @LIBTOOL@: command not found
18:47.38ajohnsonWhat's the load average?
18:49.10ajohnsonok, shouldn't be a problem if it is below 1.00
18:49.51VJFROMGTso everything points to bandwidht now?
18:50.01ajohnsonSpecifically watch the load average and see if you see any spikes.  Other than that, they system should be more than powerful enough to handle the transcoding
18:50.11wwalkerI've read the 7 or 8 pages on meetme in the book and looked at the docs in the code, but I don't see any docs on the DTMF controls inside meetme.  Where are those doc'd?
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18:55.55dropshoti just came across asterisk while i was browsing the web
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18:56.46roxy_~seen dhenry
18:56.48jboti haven't seen 'dhenry', roxy_
18:56.58roxy_~seen ghenry
18:56.59jbotghenry <n=ghenry@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 40d 4h 32m 52s ago, saying: 'Polycom ip501 a safe bet?'.
18:58.27*** join/#asterisk engrxyz (
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18:59.55roxy_what is the best ml to ask for help on asterisk ? (i want to incorporate ldap's rt module and would like to know how to do it)
19:02.25Sweeperman, theo is rubbing off on me
19:04.34AeudianIs there a good web GUI that allows the ability to record voice menus, such as an auto attendant prompts?
19:04.36*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
19:06.47[TK]D-FenderAeudian: just use Record, or do them on a PC and convert the files to something * can use.
19:06.55lesouvageThe one making an inbound call doesn't hear the phone ring but just silence while I use the r parameter in the dialstring en the cli output indicates that there is ringing going on. WIth an internal call it works fine. Any clue? (asterisk 1.4.11)
19:07.57[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage: "r" = evil and should be avoided.
19:08.06*** join/#asterisk kombi (n=kombi@
19:08.12Aeudian[TK]D-Fender: AsteriskNow has a gui that lets you create a file name and then the system calls a phone to record the message and when the user hangs up the message is saved? theres nothing else like that?
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19:09.25[TK]D-FenderAeudian: Sure.  Go install FreePBX, or any of the other GUI's which all do the exact same thing.
19:09.46[TK]D-FenderAeudian: or just do it in your own dialplan like the rest of us.
19:09.55wwalkerso, is all of the IO muxing for meetme done in the zaptel driver?
19:09.57lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: I will try it without. Why is it evil, I have always used it (but until now noboby informed me about the evil nature of this parameter)
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19:10.55[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage: "r" tries passing the ringing as AUDIO, not as an INDICATION state.  If you're dealing with a channel where you normally don't have audio during that phase (like most SIP) you won't get anything.  Its useful in only a select few scenarios.
19:11.16[TK]D-Fenderwwalker: yup.
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19:17.43kombiwhat's the best way to move a caller into another context on pressing a key?
19:17.49lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: It's still complete silence when calling in. What should I do so the one calling in hears the phone instead of using the r parameter?
19:18.25kombiread into variable, then decide with gotoif?
19:19.10lesouvageKombi: Using the Read cmd is one of the options followed by a GotoIf()
19:19.27kombilesouvage: thanks!
19:19.44nnyMe and our dev are at a wall with this issue. We call, the voicemail app says its playing "unavail", goes to vm-intro, lets me leave messages. All messages consist of either fast dial tone, steady dial tone or silence. When I call and someone picks up the line via SIP phone, all is normal. We had some shady weather here over the weekend. We tested btoh lines indepently of each other, same issue. I have the exact same system locally
19:20.30nnybtw unavail is not heard on the line though
19:20.39wwalkerhow many simultaneous callers can meetme handle per conference?  per machine? (assuming all g711, no tdm)
19:21.03kombilesouvage: I had the suspicion there was something even simpler.. it is to give callers the option to leave a message while waiting in a queue
19:21.07nnywe have tried different unavail messages and they are not heard on the call
19:21.15Qwellwwalker: somewhere between 1 and a million, depending on your hardware
19:21.16denonwwalker: that probably depends a lot on the machine
19:21.31QwellIf you've got a cray, probably somewhere on the top end of that
19:21.40Qwellif you have a 100mhz P1...maybe 1
19:21.48denontdm? probably 2
19:22.02lesouvagewwalker: I have once did some testing with 30 concurrent calls. It depends on the quality of the connections used.
19:22.04nnyIs it better for me to broadcast this issue in forums, here or an alternative wya?
19:22.27denonoh, no tdm
19:22.39kombinny: try and narrow down the issue, try playback, record etc separately, try vm locally
19:23.31nnydid a playback(/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/atlantiatech/100/unavail) and it worked.
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19:24.16BashtoniHas anyone had a problem where dialing out via PRI only works if the leading number is dropped (in this case a 0)?
19:24.43kombiBashtoni: that must be something in your dialplan
19:25.18roxy_what are the res_* file in the asterisk source ? are they part of asterisk or all separate module ?
19:25.26Bashtonikombi: Dialplay is simply Dial(ZAP/g0/${EXTEN:1})
19:25.33kombinny: do more of those tests, crank up verbosity on cli, reproduce, isolate, reproduce
19:25.35nnykombi: can try Record
19:25.45Bashtonikombi: If I remove the :1 so it dials the full number it doesn't dial out
19:25.47kombiBashtony: and there you have it..
19:25.56kombiremove :1
19:26.12Bashtonikombi: When I do that, it dials the inital digit, which *should* work, but doesn't
19:26.31Bashtonikombi: Which is the whole problem..
19:26.54kombiyou mean it only dials out when you leave out the first digit?
19:26.59Bashtonikombi: Yup
19:27.02kombithat is weird
19:27.10Bashtonikombi: You're telling me :)
19:27.31kombibri you say, have you tried a normal phone?
19:27.39Bashtonikombi: PRI
19:28.07Bashtonikombi: And not got anything but an Asterisk box with this Sangoma card to try with
19:28.57kombiBashtoni: try the PRI connection in some other way to make sure where the issue is
19:29.36*** join/#asterisk nny (
19:31.10roxy_is there a chance that might work: get the source for asterisk 1.2 (debian testing), add in it the file res_ldap, compile, add the /usr/lib/asterisk. Would that give me ldap support ?
19:31.11wwalkerQwell: lesouvage: denon: assume a dual proc with 2 GB RAM and 2 AMD 2216s (2.4 GHz Opterons)?
19:31.28zapp-braniganhi i have compiled the ztdummy and when i do modprobe ztdummy work ok but when i load asterisk  Unable to support trunking on peer without zaptel timing  please is neeed something else ?
19:33.34*** join/#asterisk nny (
19:33.52nnypidgin SUCKS as an IRC client
19:34.50nnyhopefully the IRC server kicked me before that sick flood of garbage
19:35.31nnythat pastebin is DEBUG output, I have tested Record and Playback
19:36.22nnyboth Record and Playback work fine, this seems to be something with the voicemail app
19:36.34*** join/#asterisk Mercestes (
19:36.44MercestesHelllloooooo  #ASTERISK!
19:36.49Mercestesdid ya miss me?
19:36.49tristanbobhello Mercestes
19:36.53zapp-braniganhi i have compiled the ztdummy and when i do modprobe ztdummy work ok but when i load asterisk  Unable to support trunking on peer without zaptel timing  please is neeed something else ?
19:37.21[TK]D-FenderMercestes: Yes, but our aim is improving!
19:37.34Mercestes[TK]D-Fender, I believe in you.  Keep practicing.
19:37.41*** join/#asterisk thansen|laptop (
19:37.42*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ- (
19:37.42Mercesteshey, got an interesting problem.
19:37.54[TK]D-FenderMercestes: #drphil
19:38.02MercestesI meant with asterisk.
19:38.14funxionIm trying to limit the maximum duration of outbound calls, I'm currrently using func absolutetimeout,seconds but this includes the inbound time not just the connected time does anyone have any suggestions as to how I could do this?
19:38.32[TK]D-Fenderzapp-branigan: You have to recompile * AFTER zaptel to it picks up that its available
19:38.35*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
19:38.51zapp-branigani have compiled first zaptel
19:39.11thansen|laptopwith agi, how can I do post processing after the party hangs up? is it possible?
19:39.13MercestesAsterisk 1.4.5, when I record a voicemail, it says it plays unavail, but I hear nothign, it plays vm-intro, and that works, and I record a voicemail, but it just plays me either a:  silence, b:  a fast busy, or C:, a dial tone.
19:39.15zapp-braniganand second asterisk
19:39.32[TK]D-Fenderzapp-branigan: do zaptel, then modprobe it, then comiple * and reinstall it.
19:39.41MercestesI can do a playback(/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/context/user/unavail) and that works.
19:39.47Sweeperwow, asterisk-biz is just full of good fun today
19:40.08MercestesI even did a record(/var/spool/asterisk/blah/blah/test) and a playback(/var/spool/asterisk/blah/blah/test)  (blah equals the appropriate context and user of course) and that even works.
19:40.10[TK]D-FenderMercestes: Actually I think I've recently herd exactly that from a few others in here recently.
19:40.21Mercestes[TK]D-Fender, any fixes?
19:40.36[TK]D-FenderMercestes: Not that I'd heard.  Could be in SVN....
19:40.49MercestesWell, it's 1.4.5 on ubuntu.
19:41.02Mercestesmy half-assed response was "upgrade" but...can't promise that will fix anything.
19:41.22Mercestesthis is on a 2 line analog setup soo....I'm no analog almost sounds like to me the lines are bleeding over (recording dialtone and all).
19:41.40Mercestesthey can even hit # to end the recording of the dialtone. =/   and conversations are fine, main menu is fine, just voicemail debauchery
19:42.16Mercestesany brilliant ideas?
19:42.51Sweepernothing constructive :D
19:43.12*** join/#asterisk iBuMp- (
19:43.43MercestesSweeper, lol.
19:43.48Mercestesanyone got anything constructive I can try?
19:43.50funxionIm trying to limit the maximum duration of outbound calls, I'm currrently using func absolutetimeout,seconds but this includes the inbound time not just the connected time does anyone have any suggestions as to how I could do this?
19:45.22*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
19:46.08MercestesGah, nothing eh?
19:46.18[TK]D-FenderMercestes: **downgrade**
19:46.42[TK]D-FenderMercestes: As far as you wish to :)
19:46.49roxy_[TK]D-Fender: do I have a chance to make res_ldap(in svn atm) work with 1.2 ?
19:47.03[TK]D-Fenderroxy_: Of course.
19:47.08MercestesMight give 1.2.17 a try
19:47.14Mercestesor CCM  >.>
19:47.18*** join/#asterisk potsboy (
19:47.20nny**note "shoud be shot" is deprecated in 1.4 and should be replace with *shot, they should be"
19:47.27jfitzgibbonfunxion: show application Dial, look at the L() option
19:47.35Mercestesnny:  LMAO
19:47.40roxy_[TK]D-Fender: could you be kind enough to give me the basic step to follow ?
19:48.02[TK]D-Fendernny: talks Mercestes does funny, hmmmMMMMMM!?!??!?
19:48.06MercestesWarning:  Shoot dev has been depcrecated in 1.4 and will be removed in future releases.  Please use "core shoot dev" instead.
19:48.14[TK]D-Fenderroxy_: Nope.
19:49.24funxionjfitzgibbon that looks like its just what I needed thanx
19:50.58*** join/#asterisk pgarcia (
19:52.42zapp-branigan[TK]D-Fender a lot of thanks now i can do trunk :D
19:53.15mocker$10/mo for 200G
19:53.21mockerI wonder if they'll suspend me
19:56.45Sweeperwhy would they?
19:56.58SweeperI mean, the service really sucks...
19:57.26*** join/#asterisk Arno[Slack] (
20:01.51roxy_most of the file in astrisk use ast_variable_new with 2 args bu res_ldap_config.c uses 3 args. How can I get around it ?
20:03.37[TK]D-Fenderroxy_: those are questions for #asterisk-dev , not here
20:04.07[TK]D-Fenderroxy_: and 1.2 is a dead end.  I'd move on if I were you
20:04.34QwellDid Apple just drop the price of the iphone by like $200?
20:04.43ajohnsonWhy, 1.2 is the only version stable enough to use... ;-)
20:04.52[TK]D-FenderQwell: Yup
20:05.05Qwellare they still locked to AT&T?
20:05.11[TK]D-FenderQwell: Yup
20:05.16Qwellfor now
20:05.25Qwellwhat else did they announce?
20:05.28[TK]D-FenderQwell: "officially"
20:05.30dougheckafat nano
20:05.37*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
20:05.38dougheckaiphone minus phone
20:06.21roxy_[TK]D-Fender: ok, thanks
20:07.29t3rrorjobs just f'd all of those fanboys
20:09.18[TK]D-Fendert3rror: how so?  Gave them what they wanted/expected////
20:09.54dougheckaI want an iphone with 160GB drive
20:10.10t3rrorthe early adopters
20:10.25[TK]D-FenderI want the Rev 2 OpenMoko running *!
20:10.29generalhandoughecka: do you also want a forklift to carry it around ?
20:10.33Qwell[TK]D-Fender: buy me a rev 1 and it will
20:10.50Qwell(that offer goes for anybody)
20:10.52[TK]D-Fendert3rror: No he didn't.... they F'd THEMSELVES months ago.
20:10.55dougheckaI already carry around a vx6700 with extended battery
20:11.00dougheckaANYTHING is smaller than that
20:11.12generalhandoughecka: i use that same phone ! :) i LOVE it despite the size
20:11.15t3rrorthere are basically 1 million customers who will mostly be heated to know they paid too much
20:11.17dougheckaoh, it works
20:11.23generalhanyou use verizon?
20:11.36generalhanthe 6800 is coming out next month, i already have mine ordered !
20:11.39Qwellt3rror: They are apple fanboys.  They don't care that they paid more.
20:11.42t3rrori do like the ipod touch
20:11.57t3rrorQwell: you are right
20:12.02generalhanyea, if you want to see it check out "the mogul" from sprint its the same phone
20:12.07NuggetOh my god!  the price of electronics goes down!  Who could have predicted that?
20:12.23[TK]D-Fenderdoughecka: I helped a friend of mine upgrade his to WM6.  10x better he says
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20:12.27t3rrornot $200 in 3 months
20:12.33Qwell2 months.  heh
20:12.38dougheckaupgrade the xv6700 to wm6?
20:12.43[TK]D-Fenderdoughecka: thex v6700
20:12.46[TK]D-Fenderdoughecka: yup
20:12.47generalhan[TK]D-Fender: thats what ive heard ... the 6800 is shipping with WM6 so im looking forward to playing around with it
20:12.47dougheckaplease tell!
20:13.08Nuggetsometimes it is $200 in 3 months.
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20:13.26t3rrorNugget: when was the last time that happened?
20:13.33Nuggetfiik.  why?
20:13.39Kurin-Is there a way either to play an audio file given its full path, rather than one of the files in the sounds directory, OR to play a given user's voicemail greeting?
20:13.48[TK]D-Fenderdoughecka: Merry Christmas
20:13.57dougheckaawesome, thanks! :)
20:14.28[TK]D-FenderKurin-: Yes, just SPECIFY the whole path
20:14.49Kurin-That didn't work, but maybe it was my agi program
20:14.54[TK]D-FenderKurin-: Playback(/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/100/unavail)
20:15.04[TK]D-FenderKurin-: or any other file
20:15.07Nuggetask all the people who paid $2000 for a PS3 off ebay.  Just tells me that Apple is better at pricing their product than Sony was.
20:15.18funxiontk remeber early my problem with GotoIf($[${LEN(${CALLERID(num)})} < 4]?47:33) well I never tested the other side of it which doesnt work now
20:15.21funxionI dont understand
20:15.28funxionnow all calls go to 47
20:15.30Kurin-Well I get "file.c:563 ast_openstream_full: File /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/voicemail/114/greet.wav does not exist in any format"
20:15.32[TK]D-Fenderfunxion: You know what to do....
20:15.33Kurin-except it does
20:15.36t3rrorNugget: that was different, sony wasn't charging $2k
20:15.47Nuggetit's the same effect for consumers.
20:15.57Nuggetlike it said, it just tells me that apple is better at it than sony
20:15.59QwellIf you want early access to something, you are going to pay more
20:16.01[TK]D-FenderKurin-: As you SHOULD well know, you CANNOT specify the EXTENSION on the file <------
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20:16.20NuggetiPhone pricing was spot on -- they just barely ran out when they released them and have been selling them as they're made since.
20:16.24Nuggetnow that's slowed, the price drops
20:16.26[TK]D-FenderKurin-: (ditch the .wav)
20:16.27Kurin-I didn't know that
20:16.30Kurin-yes I see
20:16.52Nuggetthat tells me that the iPhone costs what it's worth to people
20:16.53t3rroractually people realize that the phone sucks and they just wanted an ipod in that form dactor
20:16.55Nuggetand that price is lower now
20:17.04t3rrorthey made it and are selling it lower than the iphone
20:17.08NuggetI like mine just fine.  It's the best phone I've ever owned.
20:17.11Qwellt3rror: sounds like both announcements are win-win then
20:17.24QwellI'll buy an iphone when I can use it with tmobile
20:17.28[TK]D-FenderI'm going to a local OpenMoko demo this weekend.... screw Apple :p
20:17.30t3rrorfor apple and steve it is win-win for the consumers, they got pwned
20:17.39Qwell[TK]D-Fender: get me one while you're there, kthx
20:17.43NuggetHow did I get pwned?
20:17.50Qwellt3rror: how?  The customers are getting exactly what they want
20:17.52NuggetI have a great phone and I feel I paid a fair price for it
20:18.37Nuggetnow they cost less -- that's great, it means more people will be able to buy one
20:18.39funxionSep  5 23:24:58 DEBUG[22988]: pbx.c:1274 pbx_extension_helper: Launching 'NoOp'
20:18.43t3rrorand it was worth the premium you paid to use it for the past three months?
20:18.43funxionis what I get from
20:18.52QwellNugget: which means more people can work on unlock hacks? :P
20:18.59NuggetIt was worth what I paid for it, otherwise I wouldn't have bought it
20:19.08Nuggetthat's a sunk cost.
20:19.17funxionbut I see callerid in cdr
20:19.32ajohnsoncaller id number I assume
20:19.55*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
20:20.47codefreezefunxion: the ANI is given preference in CDR records. If it's there, you get that... (2cents worth)
20:21.29[TK]D-FenderNoOp(CID is "${CALLERID(num)}"  Length is "${LEN(${CALLERID(num)})}")
20:21.35[TK]D-Fenderfunxion:  ^^^^^^^^
20:21.48[TK]D-Fenderfunxion: have you validated whats coming IN?
20:22.23[TK]D-Fenderfunxion: do as above and test
20:22.58Slimeyok... Does anyone want a patch to chan_sip to allow you to specify a string prefix to the callid (via a chanvar) ?
20:23.26Slimeyor should I keep it as a local hack?
20:24.01funxiontk i get Executing NoOp("Zap/1-1", "CID is "" Length is "0"") in new stack
20:24.22*** join/#asterisk sof78a (
20:24.38funxionbut like I said I see clid in cdr
20:24.44codefreezefunxion: so, try the above, but use ani instead of num...
20:25.33generalhanEveryone: how do you handle your inbound/outbound faxing ?? im researching my best options and i need some feedback on solutions others are working with ! im so tired of having a PRI bill from one company, and an analog bill from stupid qwest.
20:25.50funxionsame results
20:25.57funxion-- Executing NoOp("Zap/1-1", "CID is "" Length is "0"") in new stack
20:26.39Nuggetfunxion: is it a PRI?  I had this problem on our PRI -- the CID info was coming in a second after the call, so I had to put a wait(1) in the incoming dialplan to capture it
20:26.40sof78aHi, we have a dual xeon 2ghz and we are trying to do many meetme , we have made a test and after 30-40 simultaneous plain gsm meetme the sound starts to get choppy , we are using asterisk 1.2.14 ... Is it normal if not is there a way to improve the voice quality
20:27.07funxionit is a pri
20:27.09codefreezefunxion: um,.... try ANI instead of ani
20:27.50funxionI think its just the version Im using CALLERIDNUM werks
20:28.00funxionI know its deprecated
20:28.06codefreezefunxion: are you using 1.2?
20:28.31funxionthats the problem
20:28.57[TK]D-FenderOh god.
20:29.00codefreezefunxion: ooooooooh. Yeah. Check your docs. I don't think CALLERID() existed way back then.
20:29.04Nuggetyow  1.0.2?
20:29.07[TK]D-Fenderfunxion: Yeah, forget that function
20:29.12funxionI plan to update to 1.4
20:29.24funxionbut dont have the time to update all the code atm
20:29.25NuggetAre you going to install indoor plumbing too?  :)
20:29.45funxionhey 1.0.2 has been stable as hell for me
20:29.53[TK]D-FenderNugget: I'm IT for a distributer, I could get his set up cheap ;)
20:29.56funxionrunning for 2+years with no problems
20:30.06codefreezefunxion: that'll be a JUMP. scan your config files maybe 3 times before running on 1.4!
20:30.22funxioncodefreeze I understand
20:30.29[TK]D-Fenderok, checkout time here.  later all!
20:30.35funxionthnx tk
20:31.05*** part/#asterisk dasuberdavid (i=david@nat/digium/x-12365217743545d7)
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20:31.52generalhandoes anyone handle faxes through asterisk ? or passed somewhere else via asterisk ?
20:33.59syzygyBSDgeneralhan: lots of people
20:34.34syzygyBSDI pass them all to a fax machine that passes them back to asterisk with error detection
20:35.28generalhansee i think i want to do some form of fax server. we waste so much money just for the toner in our 3 fax machines, that i would rather have the stored electronically and print them out on our monster printer that is designed to print that many pages a day
20:35.45funxiongeneralhan are you using sip or zap?
20:35.57generalhancurrently ?
20:36.02funxionto handle faxes
20:36.11generalhanwe have a PRI for phones, and Analog lines for fax machines
20:36.19generalhan2 different providers
20:36.32funxionwhat are you trying to accomplish?
20:37.05generalhana fax server solution that will allow me to port our fax numbers to our PRI lines and then pass them through asterisk to the fax server (or something similar)
20:37.24funxionfax server? are you trying to email your faxes?
20:37.27generalhanfaxing is the 2nd most important aspect of this company though, so it NEEDS to be very reliable
20:37.42funxionor pass them to a fax machine?
20:37.55generalhani want to stop using all of our fax machines
20:38.09generalhanexcept maybe for outbound faxes, in which case i would save only one
20:38.40funxionhave you read the wiki?
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20:39.00funxiontells you how to do pretty much that
20:39.21generalhani have heard many horror stories about using Asterisk for faxing
20:39.50syzygyBSDI have heard many success stories
20:39.51generalhanwhich is why i was asking, to see if people have had good results (near perfect, if not perfect) using it that way. or if people are using a different solution
20:40.06syzygyBSDit really depends on how you have it setup
20:40.35funxionI'm using it that way but Im doing it on ABE and only for about a month now and it seems to be working just fine
20:41.06syzygyBSDI have found there are more issues when the faxes are sent over public phone lines, with some fax machines that don't have error checking, etc
20:41.15generalhani work for a law firm ... we get 1000-2000 pages a day. most of them are "life and death" important, so i need to be sure that how ever i do this, that it will be 99.99% perfect ! lol
20:41.41syzygyBSDthat is why I have them sent to a machine I control, that forwards it into asterisk.  It is a way to get asterisk to reliably handle faxes for me
20:41.47generalhanwell we have no problems on the old POTS lines, but it just seems so ... old school to me ! lol
20:41.54t3rrornormally you pay a premium for 4 9's > thus keep paying for toner
20:42.35generalhanit sux so bad changing toner in 3 fax machines once a week, i want to shoot myself ... and i may
20:43.37syzygyBSDhmm, I wonder if just a fax/modem would work
20:44.14t3rrorinstead i would try to get your clients to start sending you documents electronically instead of in analog format
20:44.28`Seangeneralhan save money get a thermal fax machine :)
20:44.40generalhansyzygyBSD: you know i tried using WinFax with a Brooktrout, and it worked great at first ... but then it seemed to start getting overloaded or something. every other fax just disconnected or something ... it was garbage !
20:45.07generalhanhaha electronic documents ... 75% of our clients cant spell electronic !
20:45.30*** join/#asterisk CoolGuy21 (
20:45.47CoolGuy21can i make asterisk authenticate using mac address also?
20:46.58syzygyBSDthat would limit asterisk to only your LAN coolguy
20:47.05CoolGuy21oh ok
20:47.19`SeanI wonder how much it would cost to get another version of spandsp developed for asterisk or callweaver
20:47.45syzygyBSDmac addresses are layer 2 I believe, and are not routed outside of a subnet....
20:48.11CoolGuy21how can i make it so the same extension can only have one session
20:48.21CoolGuy21so the users cant login from 2 places with one extension
20:48.33syzygyBSDusing sip?
20:50.49CoolGuy21syzygyBSD any ideaS?
20:51.03syzygyBSDthere is an option in sip.conf, finding the exact one
20:52.00syzygyBSDthat, or there is only one allowed per sip registry anyway...
20:52.05syzygyBSDI think that is the case
20:52.21syzygyBSDwhen #2 registers it removes the previous one
20:52.42CoolGuy21how do i do that?
20:53.02syzygyBSDit already acts that way I believe
20:53.27CoolGuy21it does?
20:53.49*** join/#asterisk limbje (
20:54.17limbjeanyone can help me with my sip.conf?
20:58.12shido6whats up?
20:59.30*** part/#asterisk shido6 (n=shido6@
21:00.29limbjeyes... (switching consoles sorry)
21:00.43limbjecan't get my asterisk register on my sip provider
21:01.03limbjecan't see anything in logging/ sip show registry/ sip debug
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21:03.10limbjeso i can't see anything whats wrong.. looks like he ignore my register command
21:03.34ygguh2Im unable to load the ztdummy drivers, zaptel-1.4.1, asterisk-1.4.11, on redhat 2.6 fc4. modprobe ztdummy not found.
21:03.45ygguh2any idea?
21:04.24limbjeis there a way to see any register attempts?
21:05.17chemikkwhy asterisk nor use unix socket with communication with postgresql?
21:05.47*** join/#asterisk fujin_ (n=aj@unaffiliated/fujin)
21:06.17ygguh22.6.17-1.2142_FC4, /lib/modules/2.6.17-1.2142_FC4/misc/ztdummy.ko, updatdb done
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21:08.05fujin_morning asteriskers
21:08.18limbje23:00 here :)
21:09.06ygguh2insmod: error inserting 'ztdummy.ko': -1 Unknown symbol in module
21:10.33ygguh2I ran the make install yesterday
21:10.54dasuberdavidI would try running make distclean then running make and make install again
21:11.38ygguh2im doing that now.
21:13.05ber123any good links for how to monitor your SIP service provider to make sure they are functioning for termination/origination?
21:13.51*** join/#asterisk xxoxx (n=haoyu@tor/regular/xxoxx)
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21:14.17ygguh2interesting, im receiving the same unknown symbol in module error after the build
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21:17.16limbje:S why can't i see anything if my register command is working :S
21:17.25limbjemore.. why it's not working...
21:18.25limbjei can connect to my provider with a softphone (x-lite
21:18.30*** join/#asterisk jfitzgibbon (n=chatzill@
21:18.51limbjei can call between phones (connected thru cisco 186 ata
21:19.07ygguh2dasuberdavid, thanks for the help. I have to leave now. I'll try again later.
21:19.17limbjebut i can't get my asterisk registered on my provider :S
21:19.29*** join/#asterisk orvux (
21:20.36orvuxHi everybody, some one know if there is a iax2 problem when you
21:20.48orvuxconnect a 1.2 with a 1.4 ???
21:21.11limbjehow to check the current version of asterisk?
21:21.54limbjerunning 1.2.13
21:21.59t3rrordo i really need to have zaptel installed if i am just using asterisk as a iax trunk to itsp and a sip connection to a local ata?
21:22.59t3rroror are the zaptel drivers just used for hardware that is installed in the server?
21:23.33_ShrikEt3rror: IAX trunking needs zaptel for timing
21:23.34limbjei know there is a ztdummy
21:23.47limbjeonly used for timing (correct me if i'm wrong)
21:23.48t3rrorok, i will recompile the kernel then
21:24.05_ShrikEthats right.  Use ztdummy if you dont have a zaptel card.
21:24.10t3rrori didn't have the CC stuff modularized
21:24.19limbjehow can i see if i have it?
21:25.43limbjei dont use iax... do i need ztdummy?
21:26.01_ShrikEzaptel is also required for meetme
21:26.06jfitzgibbonlimbje: a timer is only *needed* for meetme and iax trunking
21:26.23datachomperHow is PRI and CCS related?
21:28.17jfitzgibbondatachomper: CCS is the framing on the line.  PRI is the signaling protocol
21:30.09*** join/#asterisk SA007 (
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21:31.09notoriousrab1982anyone here had any experience connecting intertel - 6822 phones to asterisk - they appear to be SIP
21:31.48SA007i'm busy with my phone again, turned on sip debug, and avaery reply i get from the busgetphone sip server is 'SIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required', but it is registering ok (that does give a 200 ok)
21:31.59SA007avaery -> every
21:34.33datachomperjfitzgibbon, thanks.
21:37.25*** join/#asterisk anthony[ (
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21:39.03jgomo3I'm developing a really small asterisk billing system on PHP basede on simples queries over cdr and two support tables
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21:40.48CoolGuy21jgomo3 why not use A2Billing?
21:42.51jgomo3CoolGuy21: The first impresion was that it was to complex for what we needed. The true reason, is becouse my boos
21:43.38jgomo3CoolGuy21: But I understand him. What we need is so simple, that he tough we could do it (excuse my english)
21:44.23jgomo3CoolGuy21: He is the owner of a callcenter. In other words: people come here, make a call and then they pay according to the time and destiny
21:45.05CoolGuy21ah ok
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21:53.32jgomo3CoolGuy21: Still you think we did a good aproach? I mean: should we use A2Billing instead?
21:54.10jesselang|laptopHello.  I'm using AGI to dial a server via IAX using qualify=yes.  I would expect the Dial() to return immediately when the server is unreachable, but it blocks, Dial() doesn't return.  Could anyone help me?
21:55.03jesselang|laptopDialing within the dialplan, I receive this message:
21:55.05jesselang|laptop[Sep  5 14:53:04] WARNING[4885]: app_dial.c:1106 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'IAX2' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
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21:55.36fujin_jesselang|laptop, it should go to n+1
21:56.37jgomo3The problem: I make a call from phone A to phone B. I don't answer on phone B. Phone B stop riginig. The sound of phone A change from the "waiting for answer" tone to the "Busy" tone. I hang phone A. The call is registered in cdr as Asnwered.
21:56.44fujin_unless there is no timeout specified, obviously
21:57.09fujin_not you
21:57.12jesselang|laptopfujin_: in the dialplan, it does, but how can I get it to return from Dial () within the AGI, so it can continue execution?
21:57.33fujin_not sure, I'm not familiar with AGI - haven't had to use it for anything yet.
21:58.46fujin_AEL has proven more than capable for all of the advanced stuff I've tried to do
21:58.46jesselang|laptopfujin_: thanks for trying to help.
21:58.54jesselang|laptopCan anyone else help me?
22:03.40*** join/#asterisk jwh (i=jwh@
22:04.18jwhHi all
22:05.57jwhhas the realtime database structure changed dramatically in 1.4? it doesn't even appear to be trying the database, no output from the console, even with debug+verbose
22:06.01codefreezejgomo3: what version of Asterisk?
22:06.37codefreezejgomo3: you mean 1.2, right?
22:06.48*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
22:07.39codefreezejgomo3: which exact version of 1.2?
22:07.53jgomo3codefreeze: 1.2.18
22:08.38codefreezejgomo3: can you tell me exactly what the args to the Dial() app are?
22:08.42SA007wow, major break here, just succeeded in dialing an external numer, and my cellphone actually ringing
22:09.19SA007i just don't get any audio, what are the known remedies for that (no audio in both ways, no nat)
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22:10.50jgomo3codefreeze: Prior, one more detail: The problem hapen when the call go over a TRUNK ZAP, but it works good over the SIP TRUNK
22:11.39codefreezejgomo3: so, you are dialing out over an FXO card?
22:11.55*** join/#asterisk ReD-MaN (
22:11.55jgomo3codefreeze: Yes
22:13.14*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
22:13.15codefreezejgomo3: the zaptel cards can't tell when things are answered at the far end. You got "Answered" in the cdr because the phone co. gave you dialtone.
22:13.57CrazyTuxHas anyone here messed with polycoms and provisioning?  I'm wondering if there is a simple way to access the polycom's mac address via some variable they provide to pass off via HTTP get method?
22:14.06codefreezejgomo3: if you want more accurate outgoing call info, you need to use PRI or somesuch.
22:15.21*** join/#asterisk tc3driver (
22:16.07jwhis no one able to confirm that there have been no major changes?
22:17.13jwhas I can't see anything in console/log files, even with debug on, for mysql/realtime queries, as there are clearly users in the database, but its returning not found
22:17.17jgomo3codefreeze: Ok, I'm just digesting that right now... ;-(
22:19.17fujin_CrazyTux, if they're local to the server (on the same LAN/broadcast) you could just arp the IP address
22:19.28fujin_if not, I'm sure there is some variable. My spa942's make use of $MAC$
22:19.44jgomo3codefreeze: Thanx for the info, by the way
22:19.54CrazyTuxfujin_, Yes, the SPA's have the $MAC, which is what I'm trying to find similiar for polycom.
22:20.55*** join/#asterisk lancey (
22:20.56lanceyhi all
22:21.10lanceyis there a way to switch asterisk cdr generation to the old mode - single cdr per call?
22:21.48codefreezelancey: 1.4, right?
22:22.12jgomo3codefreeze: We can't afford a PRI, we have a two simples PSTN lines... how can I tell? Is there another way to tell if the destiny didn't answered.
22:22.25jesselang|laptopCan anyone offer a hand with this Dial () problem using AGI?
22:22.27lanceycodefreeze: yup. it logs "s" and "h" cdrs for each call
22:22.38*** join/#asterisk lincoln6e (
22:22.40lanceyand for each fork of it alsoo, if it dials multiple destinations
22:23.42lanceybeen searching on the voip-wiki, nothing found yet :/
22:24.08lincoln6ehello newbie here, Digium card - works with PCI Express slots on Dell rack server?
22:24.40fujin_depends on the server
22:24.49fujin_our 2950s' have standard pci slots
22:25.24codefreezejgomo3: I can't think of anything... zaptel has some options, but I've heard they aren't very... dependable...
22:25.55lincoln6ehas anyone installed the TE212P on a Dell 1U rack server?
22:26.11codefreezelancey: Yes, it's irritating. I've been thinking of a way to reduce the noise.... but haven't attacked it yet.
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22:27.16codefreezelancey: although I've done some stuff in 1.6 (the team/murf/CDRfix5 branch) to calm things down...
22:27.36codefreezeer, /1.6/trunk/
22:27.57lanceywell, it might be useful to be this way, but i think this needs to be configurable and one being able to turn it off
22:28.27lanceyokay, thanks, i've asked because i think i missed something
22:28.43jgomo3codefreeze: Well, I'll try. Thanx for everythink
22:28.50lincoln6efujin:  was that a 3.3v (short) slot in your 2950?
22:30.47jgomo3codefreeze: I'm playing with reverse polarity to see if it works
22:32.57*** part/#asterisk SA007 (
22:33.12mcabCrazyTux: new polycom software (2.2.0/4.0.0) have a setting that will have the Polycom include the MAC in the User-Agent string when making HTTP requests
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22:37.25fujin_lincoln6e, not sure sorry, standard pci cards work thoug
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22:39.12neverblueSep  5 15:00:48 WARNING[8224]: chan_iax2.c:710 jb_warning_output: Resyncing the jb. last_delay -311, this delay -14320, threshold 1622, new offset -4
22:41.38*** join/#asterisk MaartenB (
22:41.52MaartenBhello everyone
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22:42.09MaartenBI was wondering if someone could explain the automon function to me, I have not had succesfull results with it :(
22:45.38fujin_any way to tell exactly what causes '  == Spawn extension (macro-queue_helpdesk, s, 7) exited non-zero on 'SIP/maxnetvoip-b5d40708''?
22:45.45fujin_if it was a hangup, the channel dying
22:48.29lincoln6efujin, thanks, what was the model of your Digium card?
22:48.36*** join/#asterisk MaartenB_ (
22:49.03jwhhm, what am I doing wrong... I have sipusers with table 'sipusers' and sippeers as 'sippeers', registration for phones fails, but if both users and peers is set to the same table it works, does it fail if the first lookup fails, or am I doing something wrong?
22:49.43*** part/#asterisk mtaht4 (n=m@
22:50.38*** join/#asterisk NirS (n=NirS@
22:50.42NirShello all
22:51.35NirSanyone here with Voicemail + ODBC experience ?
22:52.06*** join/#asterisk cheGGo (
22:52.19cheGGohi there :o)
22:52.29NirShi che
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23:05.57NirSanyone here with Voicemail + ODBC experience ?
23:06.42fujin_storing voicemail in a database just seems very wrong to me
23:06.52fujin_if you could store them on a samba share, that'd be awesome
23:07.23NirSwell, nothing prevents you from doing that
23:07.28the_Goatno odbc and voicemail exp sorry.....
23:07.40the_Goatanyone using cisco 7940/7960 phones with asterisk?
23:07.45NirSnot here
23:07.58MaartenB_does somebody know the difference betwen Monitor() and automon?
23:08.16jwhhm, do any of you guys use extensions in realtime; ie; using it to enable/disable dialling prefixes per context?
23:08.24jwhfor multi user purposes
23:08.24fujin_nothing gives me that functionality, though :)
23:08.27the_Goati am having an issue when i park/transfer a call.  when i pickup the cisco phone, from the call or xfr, the phone can transfer, but i can hear nothing out of the cisco phone
23:09.51cheGGoNirS, realtime integration?
23:10.22NirSI want to store voicemail messages on a mySQL resource
23:10.34cheGGodirty =)
23:10.38NirSmore or less
23:10.52NirSi'm trying to integrate Asterisk with an external resource that works with MySQL
23:11.03NirSand ODBC for voicemail makes the easiest choice
23:11.17jwhNirS: do you use mysql for sip/extensions at all?
23:12.38jwhI can't find a sensible way to do it
23:12.56jwhas there is potential for asterisk to pull extensions out of the database in the wrong order
23:13.17jwhbut my extensions.conf is getting out of hand, currently at about 2500 lines
23:13.44jwhunless I just have a catchall for everyone and then just match based on user, but not sure how to go about it
23:18.20*** join/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
23:21.05Nichtwirklichjwh: extension.conf is a mess
23:21.37jwhit is that
23:21.41*** part/#asterisk jgomo3 (n=jgomez@
23:22.03Nichtwirklichafter a while, they all look like basic on a c64
23:22.03*** part/#asterisk jesselang|laptop (
23:22.27jwhthe plan behind what im trying to do, is enable dialling prefixes per context, which is actually per user
23:22.34jwhie; each user is dumped into their own context
23:23.00rvhihi, has anyone used ragi?
23:23.13jwhwithout having to sit and copy/paste into the file manually, and reload
23:23.18lincoln6ethe Goat:  yes we are, Asterisk with Cisco 7940
23:23.42Nichtwirklichdo you have an example?
23:24.03jwhNichtwirklich: sorry, are you asking me?
23:24.24Nichtwirklichjwh: yes, I don't have a Cisco phone ;-)
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23:24.58jwhI meant generally, are you trying to use a cisco phone with asterisk or?
23:25.13Nichtwirklich<jwh> ie; each user is dumped into their own context
23:25.17Nichtwirklich<Nichtwirklich> do you have an example?
23:25.46jwhoh, well the end user equipment wouldn't matter, what exactly are you after an example of?
23:25.50jwhim somewhat confused
23:26.17Nichtwirklich... enable dialling prefixes per context ... each user is dumped into their own context
23:26.52jwhlike, just specify context=username in sip.conf, as for dialling prefixes, ie; _555X., _800X. etc
23:27.15jwhobviously not the above as i'm .uk, but the principal is the same
23:27.42*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
23:28.01Nichtwirklichfor home or office?
23:28.18Nichtwirklichokay, so _really_ big
23:28.27jwhstupidly big
23:28.50jwhjust need something abit more practical than flatfiles
23:29.22jwhas I want the customers to be able to do things themselves, rather than having to get staff to manually make changes
23:29.40Nichtwirklichuser 45433 gets an own context, how to dial 0800 number (i think in the eu, the are 0900 now)
23:29.59fujin_0800 is freecall, 0900 is charge, here in NZ
23:30.09jwhok so, instead of specifing a default outbound extension (for example you would use _X.)
23:30.22nnyjust figured out our voicemail issue
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23:30.32nnyif anyone was here when Mercestes was looking arounf
23:30.42Nichtwirklichjwh: yes ...
23:30.44jwhyou specify _0800X. and they can only dial those numbers
23:30.59Nichtwirklichjwh: still yes
23:31.12jwhso you can restrict what that user dials, which isn't possible in mysql without some sort of ordering
23:31.24jwhfrom what I can see
23:31.38jwhfor example, if asterisk pulls in 07X before 070X
23:31.43jwhit will patch 07X
23:31.46jwherr, match
23:31.57Nichtwirklichit will
23:32.05jwhwhich is the real problem
23:32.14Nichtwirklichokay normalisation, basic course
23:32.24Nichtwirklichtable one:
23:32.54Nichtwirklichprefix-id, prefix, prefix-sort-order
23:32.58Nichtwirklichtable two:
23:33.14Nichtwirklichuser-id, prefix-id (which he gets)
23:33.29jwhwell, thats it, there doesn't appear to be a way to tell asterisk any order, or process for selecting
23:33.41Nichtwirklich"table" three is a view
23:34.11jwhunless asterisk did lots of queries, to try a more specific extension first, but that would be alot of overhead
23:35.18Sweeperjwh: use adhearsion, abandon the heathen ways of extensions.conf ;)
23:35.27Nichtwirklichselect prefix from table1, table2 where table1.prefix-id=table2.prefix-id and where user-id=$USER order by prefix-sort-order
23:35.54*** part/#asterisk orvux (
23:36.04Nichtwirklichsomething like this in a few seconds, I mean this was free and not a 2k EUR consulting ;-)
23:36.09jwhSweeper: ooh, that loks quite nice
23:36.26jwhNichtwirklich: hm, I need to play with it I think
23:36.38fujin_use AEL, abandon the unheathen ways of extensions.conf AND ruby
23:37.00Sweeperdoes AEL have an ORM?
23:37.12jwhwell, ideally I want it pulled from mysql on demand, to avoid reloads/changes/whatever
23:37.18Sweeperor....good syntax?
23:37.22fujin_orm, no
23:37.25fujin_good syntax, yes
23:37.26Sweeperjwh: adhearsion has diaplan caching ;)
23:38.09Nichtwirklichhe still has the problem, that he has to write down somewhere the order of his extensions, and with maybe 1000 prefixes, mysql should be still pretty fast
23:38.22jwhits ordering, as you do in the extensions
23:38.58jwhI would assume the ordering is done by uniqueid, but that doesn't really help if you are removing/adding prefixes
23:39.13jwhas obviously when you add an extension, it will have a higher ID
23:39.17Nichtwirklichprefix-id, prefix, prefix-sort-order
23:39.44Nichtwirklichfirst is unique id, prefix is 0800, sort order is 200 (whatever)
23:39.44jwhneed to modify asterisk a little I think, unless there is a way to specify the query?
23:39.53jwhor am I being blind
23:40.09Nichtwirklichfor this you should use the view
23:40.20fujinyeah, make a view that asterisk selects from
23:40.28fujinspecifying the query in the client is the wrong place to do it
23:40.41Nichtwirklichif you store the view in the db, from asterisk its just select * from table3 where user-id = 45665
23:41.02jwhhadn't thought of doing it like thart
23:41.02nnySweeper: so, local telco implements Centrex VM last week, it answers EXACTLY the same time as *
23:41.20*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
23:41.21Nichtwirklichjwh: do you have a user three lions on a shirt? jk
23:41.27nnySweeper: Mercestes and me were banging our heads as to why vm was broken
23:41.30jwhNichtwirklich: lol
23:41.38nnyseems telco was beating us to the call by .00001 ms
23:41.49nnyso asterisk got sloppy seconds, and a dial tone
23:42.05nnydiagnosed: tried it with asterisk *off*... something was picking up the line
23:42.19Nichtwirklichgood luck against israel and extonia ... YOU'LL NEED IT ;-)
23:43.07nnymind you the system directly would show the vm-intro etc. in console as the telco's prompt played, which, is also the same as *
23:43.12nnybeer time
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23:48.31saftsackhas someone a a500 card?
23:48.33saftsackfrom sangoma?
23:49.18Sweepernny: amazing
23:49.33luisjosei need an sniffer
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23:49.40luisjosea sniffer even
23:53.36Sweeperluisjose: wireshark or tcpdump
23:54.06luisjoseSweeper, no X and tcpdump doesnt look like give me any information just do nothing when i set the host
23:54.33Sweeperthen you're doing it wrong, or there's nothing there :P
23:55.14luisjoseSweeper, doing it wrong im sure
23:55.27luisjosetcpdump -vvv -ttt host <the ip>
23:55.30luisjosebut it says nothing
23:56.22Sweepermight want to specify an interface ;)
23:59.01luisjoseSweeper, good, i have activity now
23:59.09luisjoseSweeper, but how i can get contents?
23:59.15luisjoseim getting like just headers

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