IRC log for #asterisk on 20070831

00:09.05*** join/#asterisk leymoo (
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00:14.38*** part/#asterisk cirgal (
00:16.47Krursthow hard would it be to set up my phones to play music when they're not being used?
00:17.51dlynes_homeKrurst: probably not that hard, if your phones support autoanswer
00:18.15Krurstyep, I have intercom and paging set up.
00:18.27*** join/#asterisk Qwell (n=north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell)
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00:19.09dlynes_homeKrurst: Well, I would just call that phone in autoanswer mode, and then connect it to MusicOnHold(blahblah)
00:19.40dlynes_homeKrurst: or have the user dial a special code to enable it, which would connect it to music on hold
00:19.55dlynes_homeKrurst: and then dial another code later to disable it
00:19.56Krurstthats a find idea and all but what about incoming calls?
00:20.15dlynes_homeKrurst: Well, that's something for you to figure out :)
00:20.45KrurstI was thinking - where does the dialtone sound come from? Is it phone generated?
00:21.11dlynes_homeKrurst: yes, it's generally generated by the phone
00:24.30*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
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00:40.07asdxis the tdm400p a good card for starting?
00:41.24Krurstfor a few analog lines yeah.
00:41.26CoaxDokay. where the hell does one go to get exploit code these days? Rootshell doesnt exist anymore, and i have a perfectly good remote server (that i own) that i need to root.
00:42.53Krurstyou can also try the openvox A400P wich is a clone of the tdm400p but cheaper
00:43.57KrurstCoaxD: Dont that make some sort of collection of scripts and call it something these days?
00:44.20CoaxDKrurst: God only knows..
00:44.50CoaxDThere's got to be some traceroute bug or something...  jeez
00:48.16asdxKrurst: ok
00:52.35Krurstthats it, it was called Metasploit. I think their motto is: "We give script kiddies their scripts"
00:52.38*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
00:57.27CoaxDhahaha. thanks.
01:00.36*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey)
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01:34.31*** join/#asterisk Qwell (i=north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell)
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01:39.09*** join/#asterisk blinky42 (
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01:49.48*** part/#asterisk Qwell[0] (n=north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell)
01:50.13Qwellw00t :D
01:50.23*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
01:50.44jsmithQwell: What you w00ting about?
01:50.55Qwelljsmith: file helped me setup an irc proxy :)
01:51.05jsmithQwell: Cool...
01:51.16Qwellso Qwell[] can go away soon
01:51.42*** join/#asterisk Qwell_ (n=north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell)
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02:16.34whywontitworkis the new book released yet?
02:17.44Qwellvery soon I think
02:18.11whywontitworki heard end of aug
02:18.25whywontitworkcant find anything yet
02:19.52*** join/#asterisk IgorG (n=FeedomPa@
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02:22.20whywontitworkwhat do i need if i want asterisk to dial and extension from a webpage?
02:26.57*** join/#asterisk kiscokid (
02:28.07*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
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02:30.36kiscokidCan * be setup so that you can retrieve your voicemail by dialing your own DID and then entering as '*' followed by your voicemail password?
02:30.57kiscokidor something like that?
02:31.16NuggetAny question that begins "Can asterisk be set up so that..." has an answer of "yes"
02:31.27Nuggetit's just a matter of how much time and energy you have to expend.
02:31.38kiscokidmy CEO doesn't want to have to remember a separate phone number to get his voicemail
02:31.56hijacked...and whether you can get the guy that already did that to tell you how.
02:31.58Nuggetthere are thousands of ways to satisfy that request.
02:32.11Nuggetshow application voicemailmain
02:32.12Qwelleasiest way is to buy a polycom with a messages button, heh
02:32.21kiscokidNugget: yeah I figured it would be some dialpan magic
02:32.52kiscokidqwell this is for retrieving messages off premise
02:33.31Qwellwell, check out the * exit feature of voicemail
02:33.38kiscokidhow can you monitor for dtmf while voicemail is playing the greeting
02:33.39Nuggetheck, you could create a custom IVR just for him and branch to it when you see the callerid is his mobile phone.
02:33.41Qwelllet it hit vm, press *, put in your password
02:34.11Nugget"Press 1 to retrieve your voicemail, Press 2 to give kiscokid a raise"
02:34.11kiscokidqwell ok, I'll check it out
02:34.25kiscokidnugget: good idea
02:34.48*** join/#asterisk linagee (n=linagee@about/linux/staff/linagee)
02:37.37*** join/#asterisk Echinos (n=brian@
02:38.03EchinosI would like to know if anyone has a reccommend on a good distro for an *-only box...
02:38.16dfriendWhen my auto-attendant answers and a caller hangs up the channel is not being released by the PBX. Any ideas what is wrong?
02:39.20*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
02:43.04*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
02:50.14Krurstdfriend: is it coming in over a zap card?
02:52.31*** part/#asterisk cirgal (
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03:11.34*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-6671d773ebd31694)
03:14.17*** join/#asterisk apardo (
03:14.40Qapfi was reading some documentation about hooking 2 asterisk boxes together and dundi sounds really cool, does anyone know of a really good tutorial for setting it up the first time?
03:14.48dfriendKrust Yes
03:15.12*** join/#asterisk stkn__ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
03:19.31Krurstdfriend: is a good place to start
03:20.04Krurstalso look at and in particular busydetect
03:20.25*** join/#asterisk Cthalupa (
03:26.53dfriendKrurst: Thanks, I have looked at both and don't seem to help. I am running loop start and the * box detects the hang-up from the VoIP caller but the PBX connected to * keeps the channel open.
03:28.51dfriendKrurst: It is as if the voltage sent to the PBX is either too short or too long. I am wondering if there is a setting to modify it?
03:29.58*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
03:36.03Krurstwhat country are you in?
03:36.31Krurstcan you pastebin your zapata.conf?
03:45.14Qapfdoes anyone know what the default nat keepalive timer is on a cisco 7960? i think im having an issue where the timeouts on my router and those on the phones arn't configured properly and the phones keep dropping
03:46.01supers3600 seconds
03:46.24supersoh whoops, it should be 120 seconds
03:46.53dfriendKrurst: I am new to IRC and will need to figure out how to do that.
03:52.38Qapfsupers, you know what configuration file that value lives in? i want to take it down to something a little more aggressive
03:52.59*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (n=leon@
04:05.15*** part/#asterisk kiscokid (
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04:32.10*** join/#asterisk BSD_Tech (
04:32.15BSD_Techhey guuys
04:32.46BSD_Techcouple things anyone here plan with chan_cellphone and chan_bluetooth
04:33.04JTplan with?
04:33.59BSD_TechI want to find what bluetooth adapters are supported
04:34.13BSD_Techand what phones it has been tested with
04:34.40J4k3it uses the regular bt stack afaik, so all bt devices that have linux support (most/all?)
04:34.51JTchan_cellphone is the newer one
04:41.27BSD_Techok so if linux supports the device it should work with asterisk chan cellphone
04:42.13BSD_Techthe idea is to make a office bluetooth headset compatable
04:57.17*** join/#asterisk Qwell[] (i=qwell@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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04:58.53bkruse_homeQwell[]: do you exist in an array now?
04:59.01bkruse_homeQwell[0], Qwell[1], etc?
04:59.07*** join/#asterisk MACscr (
04:59.23Qwellbkruse: no more Qwell[0] :D
04:59.31bkruse_homeQwell[]: ahh, right on
05:00.25QwellQwell[] dies tomorrow too, actually
05:00.53Qwellgot a nice irc proxy now..
05:02.02Juggiewhich one
05:05.10Juggiei think i tried that and didnt like it
05:05.18Juggieor coudnt get it to work or something sounds famaliar
05:07.35*** join/#asterisk toddejohnson (n=toddejoh@
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05:12.37kiscokidcan you have an asterisk character in an extension?
05:13.30kaldemarkiscokid: sure
05:14.24*** join/#asterisk map7 (
05:14.31kiscokidkaldemar: any special syntax or can I just day exten => *22,1,DoSomething() ?
05:15.37map7Every time I park a call I cannot retrieve it again and it's lost in the system, which log file or command should I be using to find out where this call went?
05:17.51fujinanyone know what could cause crackly audio on handsets?
05:18.03fujinmost people have been complaingin about hearing crackly audio during voicemail menus
05:18.15*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-0ece3e54b8939d6c)
05:18.21fujinI'm guessing it could be network related, as I'm not running ToS/DiffServ, yet.
05:18.25kiscokidfujin: other ip traffic on the same vlan?
05:18.34fujinno, two seperate VLAN's.
05:19.09kiscokidwhat is ToS/Diffserv?
05:20.19fujinquality of service for switches
05:20.23kaldemarkiscokid: nothing special about it, just go ahead and try it.
05:21.18kiscokidkaldemar, ok thanks
05:23.49*** join/#asterisk lbow (
05:23.54*** part/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
05:26.28map7How do I hang up a channel through the CLI if 'soft hangup' isn't working?
05:27.04fujin'restart now'
05:27.23map7without throwing everyone off the system
05:27.45map7three of the Zap channels are stuck
05:28.16map7lost parked calls which I cannot kill
05:35.40*** join/#asterisk IgorG (n=FeedomPa@
05:35.45*** part/#asterisk kiscokid (
05:37.39*** join/#asterisk jarod14 (
05:37.54jarod14hi guys
05:38.52Krurstmap7: what error does soft hangup give?
05:39.22map7it doesn't give an error
05:39.28map7it just says: Requested Hangup on channel 'Zap/4-1'
05:39.32map7then never hangs it up
05:39.47map7that Zap channel is stuck in Park
05:40.08map7is there a way to kill all parked calls without restarting the asterisk server
05:40.09Krurstcan you pick up the park?
05:41.01Krurstreload maybe?
05:41.03map7I rang in to test and parked my incoming call, straight away I lost my call
05:41.59map7that didn't do much
05:42.19Krurstyeah it doens't look like it can unload it either
05:42.27map7which log file will give me the best clue as to what's going on
05:42.54Krurstdmesg might have something from the zap card
05:43.56*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
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05:52.28Krurstzap restart should kill all your zap channels
05:52.38map7hmmm, had to reboot the computer :(
05:53.02map7we keep loosing phone calls, like 3 a month
05:53.07Krurstoh, ok, never mind then.
05:53.21Krurstdo you have a timeout foryour parked calls?
05:53.33map7yeah 15minutes
05:53.43map7but these disappear straight away
05:54.00map7you usually get music on hold, but not when it has this problem
05:55.37Krurststrange. is it just throught the zap card?
05:56.12map7yeah I've got two TDM400 cards, and I'm using the full 8 channels
05:56.17map7all together
05:56.55map7I'm looking through /var/log/asterisk/full log file now around the time it stuffed up.
05:57.05Krursttried the latest drivers and all that?
05:57.08map7I don't know what to look for though
05:57.46map7not sure, I don't normally look after this system, but we cannot get hold of the guy who does.
05:57.57map7so i decided to start looking into it myself.
05:59.02map7yes it does
05:59.34map7i doubt it otherwise i would get nasty errors in dmesg, and I don't see anything in there
06:00.03map7whilst the problem is happening people can answer phones, as long as they don't park them all is well.
06:00.18map7as soon as they park a call, it's gone
06:00.49map7the caller hears nothing, no music, no tone
06:01.49Krurstcan you still park sip calls ok?
06:02.38map7good point, cannot test that now until the problem happens again.  I really needed to reboot though
06:02.57map7i'll mark it down next time it happens which will be soon.
06:03.05toddejohnsonI checked out asterisk-addons/trunk and can not seem to get it to compile it spews cdr_addon_mysql.c:97: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type.
06:03.39Krursttoddejohnson: did you re configure?
06:03.50toddejohnsonyes everything checks out
06:04.40toddejohnsonlooking into the code it looks like it has to do with ast_str varibles
06:06.35toddejohnsonfull errors
06:06.40Krursthmm dies on mine too.
06:08.06toddejohnsoni looked in bugs under category addons/* didn't see any open bugs.  I would really like to get chan_mobile into my asterisk setup is there another way?
06:09.23*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
06:09.33Krursttry an earlier revision?
06:11.44*** join/#asterisk IgorG (n=FeedomPa@
06:12.22toddejohnsonKrurst: do you run asterisk trunk on the system you tried on?
06:13.11Krurstnope. it requires I do, doesn't it...
06:13.44toddejohnsonyea just thought of it when i posted that is a change in trunk not in release.
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06:19.16Krursthmm I seem to be getting an awesome problem with my setup. I'm running streaming music though sox for my music on hold. It seems its slowing down over time.
06:19.35WildPikachuok .... asterisk is the voip platform, what does libpri do?
06:20.07Krurstthats for your PRI ISDN card I'd imagine.
06:20.31WildPikachuok .... i see it builds a few .so's .... how are these used?  :)
06:20.46WildPikachuand by which other package, i'm trying to understand how it all fits together
06:22.30WildPikachui have zaptel, asterisk, libpri
06:22.45KrurstIt's probably used inerfacing with a geneic pri card.
06:23.06*** join/#asterisk ming_zy1 (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-b7744841a27d5be0)
06:23.55Krurstif you don't use ISDN, you don't need it.
06:24.29WildPikachui do  :o) ... i'm actually packaging rpms for a distro
06:24.43WildPikachuand setting up an office pbx at the same time
06:27.02Krurstplenty of info here:
06:28.25WildPikachuthanks man
06:30.17*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
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06:46.54*** join/#asterisk admin0 (n=admin@
06:47.43admin0is it possible to use asterisk for callback and ivr but using a different gateway and not its own zap channels
06:49.30admin0where can I get more info or documentations regarding this ?
06:50.37Krurst seems to have some info on it.
06:51.08admin0i will take a look
06:51.27admin0thanks again
06:52.05toddejohnsonnow I can not get past res_config_mysql.c it needs a filename as the 3rd argument
06:55.48toddejohnsonI get res_config_mysql.c:172: error: too few arguments to function ‘ast_variable_new’ when compiling asterisk-addons from trunk
06:58.20Krurstaren't you only after chan_mobile?
06:58.43Krurstwhat is chan mobile anyway? is it chan cellphone renamed or something?
06:58.52toddejohnsonchan celphone renamed
06:59.31Krurstcould you get away with doing a  make chan_mobile then?
07:00.35toddejohnsonits not happy with that but I think i can menuselect it out
07:01.12toddejohnsonwhat is res_config_mysql used for? is it used by freepbx?
07:01.36Krurstit's for storing all your config files in a mysql database I think.
07:02.02FlatFootyep and call data 'CDR' which is what i am struggling with at the moe
07:02.09toddejohnsonok I will ask on freepbx
07:03.01Krurstno, its seperate to freepbx
07:04.02Krurstsomething about real time extensions
07:07.20*** join/#asterisk codefreeze (n=steve_mu@
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07:13.25*** join/#asterisk lbow (n=lbow@
07:13.43admin0it is possible to use asterisk with oracle ?
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07:23.27CCFL_Man2building of zaptel seems to hang at wctdm.o
07:23.30*** join/#asterisk knobo (n=knobo@
07:23.52knobohow many calls can a queue in asterisk scale to?
07:28.56KrurstCCFL_Man2: what version?
07:31.02CCFL_Man2the latest svn
07:31.30Krursttrunk or a branch?
07:32.51*** join/#asterisk psk (
07:38.49*** join/#asterisk IgorG (n=FeedomPa@
07:41.04CCFL_Man2Krurst: trunk
07:41.39*** join/#asterisk dexteruk (n=dexteruk@
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07:42.18dexterukProblem with Asterisk 1.2 with realtime mysql access
07:43.35dexterukin the res_mysql.conf i have the put in the database information but when it trys to connect it says 'MySQL RealTime: Failed to connect database server asterisk on localhost (err 2002)'
07:44.04dexteruki have tested the usersname and password for the user and its fine
07:48.48*** join/#asterisk apardo (
07:50.43Krurstdoes the user have acces to the databases in mysql?
07:51.35dexterukthere is no problem with the user
07:51.56dexterukif i test the user in mysql -h localhost -u asterisk -p it works
07:52.13dexterukin the debug i get this which i thought was strange
07:53.02dexterukSep 22 09:16:55 VERBOSE[6346] logger.c:  []Sep 22 09:16:55 VERBOSE[6346] logger.c:  [] => (MySQL RealTime Configuration Driver)
07:53.02dexterukSep 22 09:16:55 DEBUG[6346] res_config_mysql.c: MySQL RealTime Host:
07:53.03dexterukSep 22 09:16:55 DEBUG[6346] res_config_mysql.c: MySQL RealTime Port: 0
07:53.04dexterukSep 22 09:16:55 DEBUG[6346] res_config_mysql.c: MySQL RealTime User:
07:53.06dexterukSep 22 09:16:55 DEBUG[6346] res_config_mysql.c: MySQL RealTime Password:
07:53.08dexterukSep 22 09:16:55 ERROR[6346] res_config_mysql.c: MySQL RealTime: Failed to connect database server  on  (err 2002). Check debug for more info.
07:53.11dexterukSep 22 09:16:55 DEBUG[6346] res_config_mysql.c: MySQL RealTime: Cannot Connect (2002): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '' (111)
07:53.14dexterukSep 22 09:16:55 WARNING[6346] res_config_mysql.c: MySQL RealTime: Couldn't establish connection. Check debug.
07:53.17dexterukSep 22 09:16:55 DEBUG[6346] res_config_mysql.c: MySQL RealTime: Cannot Connect: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '' (111)
07:53.20dexterukSep 22 09:16:55 NOTICE[6346] config.c: Registered Config Engine mysql
07:53.22dexterukSep 22 09:16:55 VERBOSE[6346] logger.c: MySQL RealTime driver loaded.
07:54.14dexterukoh i thought everyone was sleeping :-)
07:54.31manysomewhere in the world someone is awake
07:54.34zeeeshany of my asterisk's friend hv knowledge about web-meetme? ""? i hv installed related resources but could not get success. at asterisk consloe getting msg  "app_cbmysql.c:830 load_config: Successfully connected to MySQL database."?
07:55.15kaldemardexteruk: you thought wrong.
07:55.23dexterukWell it got your attention :-)
07:55.37kaldemaroh yes, in a bad way.
07:56.29dexterukwell its not killing anyone and this room was so quite
07:57.30dexterukbut do any of you have any clues to this problem?
07:57.57dexterukits as if asterisk is not reading the details from the res_mysql.conf file
07:58.40dexterukKrurst : Are you still there?
08:05.08*** join/#asterisk twer (n=msimpson@
08:05.30twerHey, could someone lend me a hand with zaptel.conf?
08:06.50dexterukProblem with Asterisk 1.2 with realtime mysql access can anyone help
08:08.10dexterukmysql is working for the CDR but not the realtime access
08:08.47dexterukusing the same database, did i miss someting in the compile?
08:09.05*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
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08:10.07tzafrir_laptoptwer, pastebin the output of  cat /proc/zaptel/*
08:13.30dexterukProblem with Asterisk 1.2 with realtime mysql access can anyone help mysql is working with the CDR table but not the realtime
08:23.39*** join/#asterisk appelza (
08:24.23appelzaHi guys, I've got SIP calls working..and it seems that my analog and digital cards were detected, but I can't route calls over either, how can I make sure they are detected by asterisk?
08:25.23*** join/#asterisk af_ (
08:25.59Krursttry zap show status
08:27.29appelzaWildcard TDM400P REV I Board 1
08:27.37appelzaSo, im probably just doing something wrong
08:27.53Krurstpost your zapata.conf on pastebin
08:29.58appelzanot sure if it will useful (im using the AsteriskNOW distro), but I'll paste the lines which dont start with ;
08:30.57FlatFootanyone know where i can get the DEBIAN version of  ?  been searching to no avail
08:31.05*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
08:31.33FlatFootalso and  , doing a make on addons
08:31.48FlatFootbut it don't work , i have no hair left
08:32.07Krurstcan't you compile it all yourself?
08:32.25*** join/#asterisk appelza (
08:32.29FlatFootok can i have a clue ( new to this command line stuff on debian )
08:32.42FlatFoottrying to learn
08:33.09dexterukAsterisk mysql is working for the CDR but not the realtime access
08:33.09Krurstyour using debain? try
08:33.26FlatFootthink i've been there just checking
08:33.57Krurstdexteruk, are the permissions on the res_mysql config ok
08:34.20twerbngpbx01*CLI> zap show status
08:34.21twerDescription                              Alarms     IRQ        bpviol     CRC4
08:34.21twerT2XXP (PCI) Card 0 Span 1                RED        0          0          0
08:34.21twerT2XXP (PCI) Card 0 Span 2                RED        0          0          0
08:34.30twerthat's the problem im having :(
08:39.01twerOkay, thats the output
08:39.20*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
08:39.28KrurstFlatFoot: < run those commands. see how it goes.
08:39.46appelzaI'd like to be able to route calls from sip over the tdm card
08:39.56appelza(if they start with 0)
08:40.48*** join/#asterisk steliosk (
08:40.50twerI think my zaptel.conf file is wrong
08:41.34*** join/#asterisk Uatec_ (
08:41.53KrurstI gotta go, sorry guys
08:42.21Krurstappelza: you need an extention like 0|X. to dail over the FXO channel
08:43.02FlatFootKurst: sorry got called away , just gonna try now
08:43.16tzafrir_laptoptwer, do you intentionally use just 24 of the channels in span 2?
08:43.26tzafrir_laptopis it T1 or E1?
08:43.45Uatec_when i type iax2 show peers, i get one interesting entry: lucifer/lucifer  XX.XX.XX.XX  (S)  4569 (T)      UNREACHABLE
08:43.51Uatec_WTF is unreachable?
08:44.16*** join/#asterisk sob0l (
08:44.22Uatec_when i try to dial to that IP with those creditials i get an error message on the other asterisk server (lucifer)
08:44.26Uatec_so it's definately reachable
08:44.43Uatec_What is going on?
08:44.45twerits e1
08:44.49Uatec_IAX should not be this compliated.
08:44.51twerand no,
08:45.24twertzafrir: We have one PRI line, (E1)  with 30 channels
08:45.39appelzamay I paste 2 lines in this channel?
08:46.40appelzanm, could someone please help me: my extentions.conf: ; I want that extention to route sip calls to analog
08:47.13sob0lI have problem with cdr, there are records when duration=0 and billsec>0, is it a bug?
08:47.58FlatFootKurst: ta for that went through the commands ( most kind ) BUT the .so files did not appear in the modules dir for mysql
08:50.16Uatec_How come nobody has any experience with IAX at all?
08:50.28Uatec_it's one of the prime tennets of asterisk.
08:51.34defsworkI do
08:51.49defsworkI setup IAX between my home and a client over vpn
08:52.25defsworkunfortunately the laptop I ran it on at home died
08:53.30appelzacould you someone please help me with routing my sip calls over my TDM400 card? (or guide me to a howto)
08:53.49*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
08:54.13Uatec_defswork, do you know why when i type "iax2 show peers" i get my peer listed as UNREACHABLE ?
08:54.57defsworkiirc mine did
08:55.04defsworkbut still routed calls ok
08:55.05*** join/#asterisk RsaMan (n=aa@
08:55.24Uatec_well ok then
08:55.32Uatec_in that case i'll pass that by and go on to the next problem
08:55.35defsworkI know that because I accidentally put the iax route into the outgoing trunks and they made outgoing calls on my home line :(
08:56.57Uatec_when i dial from location A to location B i get the following on the console at location B: Aug 31 09:56:02 NOTICE[24497]: chan_iax2.c:6947 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from xx.xx.xx.xx, who was trying to reach '115@extensions'
08:57.17RsaManhello guys, still on my blind call transfer issue
08:57.22RsaMani want to try upgrade my asterisk
08:57.27Uatec_the username and password are right
08:57.29defsworkUatec_: I didn't do anything complicated like authentication
08:57.31Uatec_but it's just rejecteing
08:57.32RsaMani am running this version currently
08:57.53defsworkit was private IP to private IP (via VPN) so wasn't really necessary
08:58.10twerDoes anyone know about the TE220?
08:58.11RsaManit wont allow me to upgrade
08:58.47RsaManwas there any transfer issues reported in this version Asterisk
08:58.56Uatec_well, i don't have a VPN between my two locations
08:59.08Uatec_so i'm having to go over the internet, so i'm having to be secure
08:59.19Uatec_how did you do it without authentication anyway?
08:59.27Uatec_just didn't put in a password line in iax.conf
08:59.41defsworkwell if you have internet to internet you can have vpn :)
08:59.45defsworkI use openvpn
08:59.55defsworkUatec_: this is one side's config (/msg)
09:00.42defsworkand that "just worked"
09:01.14defsworkI don't have the otherside's config as the HD started grinding
09:02.41defsworkwas a laptop I nabbed with a broken screen
09:02.52*** join/#asterisk engrxyz (
09:10.25Uatec_my windows 2003 server i have at home is a nabbed laptop, it's all fine, except that it's idling temperature is 54
09:14.55*** join/#asterisk yannj_fr (
09:15.08yannj_frhi all
09:16.00yannj_frI would like to know if anybody knows where are storedd the asterisk state tables
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09:33.10appelzacould you someone please help me with making sip calls (from my pc, to asterisk, then asterisk routes them over my TDM400) (or guide me to a howto)
09:39.23*** join/#asterisk stkn|work (n=stkn|wor@gentoo/developer/
09:40.05appelzaanyone know how I can add BRIstuff to asteriskNOW?
09:46.13*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
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10:19.10Uatec_I am so close to giving up on this
10:19.21*** join/#asterisk guillote_GNU (
10:20.02mvanbaakon what ?
10:21.06Uatec_this iax trunking
10:22.47Uatec_this is the route that my call is supposed to take
10:23.28Uatec_SPA922#1 -SIP-> asterisk1 -iax-> asterisk2 -SIP-> SPA922#2
10:24.01Uatec_but when asterisk1 tries to do Dial(IAX2/asterisk2/${EXTEN})
10:24.30Uatec_I get congestion back from asterisk2
10:24.39Uatec_and on asterisk2's cli i get: Aug 31 11:22:20 NOTICE[24497]: chan_iax2.c:6947 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from xx.xx.xx.xx, who was trying to reach '115@extensions'
10:29.23appelzashould an ISDN QuadBRI card be shown (if detected) with 'zap show status'?
10:29.32appelzaif not, what command should I run to see if its working?
10:29.48Uatec_what config file did you configure it in?
10:29.56*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
10:30.26FlatFootOK this is doing my head in .......   Every asterisk-addons that i try either fails or does not contain the mysql .so files . Running debian , CAN ANYONE HELP ????
10:31.35FlatFootcan't find an apt repository for addons either
10:31.47Dovidwhat do mu mean by fails. what error ?
10:32.10FlatFootloads of different errors per release
10:32.10Dovidand what version of asterisk are you using ?
10:32.26Dovidy nt 1.2.14?
10:32.53FlatFootmainly because that was the one selected by apt-get
10:32.58Dovidtry 1.2.24 + add on 1.2.7
10:33.19FlatFootok i'll give it a go thanks
10:33.28DovidI have never tried to compile on debian so I dont know exactly how to do it
10:33.40Dovidi can make u a small script that will get it and install it
10:33.53FlatFootthat would be very kind thank you
10:41.33*** join/#asterisk LuKinoVoIP (
10:42.38Dovidhello krdian_:
10:47.19LuKinoVoIPhi all, any experiences in Grandstream GXW4008 FXSGW with asterisk?
10:47.57*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
10:48.27Dovidnever used that specific grandstream. what is the issue ?
10:52.45LuKinoVoIPin a small office with 14phones, i should route voice traffic to an asterisk server mantaining existing technology
10:53.33Dovidare you asking ?
10:53.39Dovidor u saying what u want to do?
10:53.57LuKinoVoIPwhat i want to do :-)
10:54.26LuKinoVoIPsorry...not good english, eheh
10:54.40jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
10:55.16Dovidhaha: i love jbpot
10:55.30Dovidok. what do u have now ?
10:55.37DovidIs it a new set up ?
10:55.54Dovidwhat kind of phones do you have now ? also what is ur native language ?
10:55.56LuKinoVoIPnothing, i have to decide what GW to buy
10:56.03Dovidthere are lots of asterisk links all over.
10:56.10Dovidok. what r u trying to accomplish
10:56.46Dovidthis may help you
10:56.48LuKinoVoIPi have to connect analog phones to an asterisk server
10:57.05Dovidok. how many phones ?
10:57.33Dovidthe reason I am asking is because the cards/fxs gateways cost a lot. it may be worth it getting IP phones. they will be a drop more per port
10:58.09Dovidunless you specifcly want to use analog phones
10:58.39LuKinoVoIPwhat's better between FXS gateways and TDM cards?
10:58.58Dovidsort of the same. depending on what you need.
10:59.11Dovidthe TDM cards tend to be a bit more and you cna only have so many on one box
10:59.33*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
10:59.49LuKinoVoIPi can't buy new phones...employees must preserve actual phone
11:00.16Dovidok. then u may want to look at the xorcom device
11:02.24LuKinoVoIPtx Dovid
11:02.24Dovidhow r u going to connect to the phone system ?
11:02.30DovidPOTS ? BRI ? E1 ?
11:02.38Dovidah ok.
11:02.39LuKinoVoIPk sorry
11:02.49Dovidso u jsut need a gateway with multiple FXS devices
11:03.04Dovidit seems like you need this
11:03.27Dovidgive them a call. i think that is ur best bet
11:03.45LuKinoVoIPthanks a lot Dovid
11:04.29Dovidalso hav a look here:
11:05.46*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/active/cpm)
11:06.41Dovidgood luck
11:07.02*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Nothing@
11:07.39Dr-Linuxi got an * server console "Asterisk died with code 1"  but all working fine, why is this?
11:08.51Strom_MDr-Linux: you're not making much sense
11:09.44Dr-LinuxStrom_M: hey, you are still up?
11:09.59cpmis making sense a prerequisite ?
11:10.23*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
11:11.08Dr-Linuxopss mistake :P
11:11.44Dr-Linuxi got a message at * server console "Asterisk died with code 1"  but all working fine, why is this?
11:12.03Strom_MDr-Linux: does the message repeat?
11:13.44Dr-LinuxStrom_M: it was being repeated.
11:14.12Dr-LinuxStrom_M: i'm not on console, this server is located at CA
11:14.17Strom_MDr-Linux: you probably ran safe_asterisk while asterisk was already running
11:14.27LuKinoVoIPor if you use zap devices such a E1/T1 card it's possible you must load ztcfg -vvv
11:14.42Strom_MDr-Linux: who cares where the server is?  that's what ssh is for
11:14.43Uatec_ <-- I have posted a full report on my problem here, if anybody cares to take a look. It's an IAX 'No Authority Found' issue.
11:14.51Dr-LinuxStrom_M: hhm.. that's what google search sounds
11:15.19Dr-LinuxStrom_M: bcoz i can't see this message via ssh
11:15.33Strom_MUatec_: yeah, you never specified a username
11:17.13Strom_MUatec_: why not just set up one "friend" entry on each box instead of making things overly complex?
11:18.55*** join/#asterisk xheliox (n=jeff@pdpc/supporter/active/xheliox)
11:19.04Uatec_Strom_M, i've added username=..... and it's still working exactly the same
11:19.51Strom_MUatec_: just try one type=friend entry rather than separate user and peer
11:22.19*** join/#asterisk geoff_k (
11:23.03Dr-Linuxanybody worked with C/C++  AGI/
11:23.13appelzaive compiled and installed both asterisk and zaptel many times before, but now any command starting with zap doesnt work (not found)
11:24.04Uatec_ok, Strom_M, i've made them friends
11:24.07Uatec_but i still get the same message
11:24.21Dr-Linuxappelza: what's your user?
11:24.30*** join/#asterisk RsaMan (n=aa@
11:24.51RsaMani really need expert asterisk help..
11:24.59RsaManstill stuck on my blind transfer issue
11:25.09Strom_MUatec_: pastebin what you have now
11:25.51RsaManI have posted my situation, in a nutshell , when i try do i blind call transfer the call gets dropped
11:26.02*** join/#asterisk _WildPikachu_ (n=WildPika@about/linux/staff/wildpikachu)
11:26.11appelzaand the zaptel module is loaded
11:27.20RsaMandid anyone have any similar issues ?
11:27.31Strom_MRsaMan: and can you dial 102 directly?
11:27.50RsaManStrom_M : yes if i dial 102 on the zap channel it works
11:28.14Strom_MRsaMan: also, i'd advise you as a general rule never to use the "r" flag on the Dial() application
11:28.45appelzanm working!
11:29.23RsaManStrom_M : running this version Asterisk
11:29.42*** join/#asterisk yassaccan (
11:29.57RsaManStrom_M : not sure if that makes a diff?
11:30.01Uatec_ <-- Strom_M
11:30.09Wonkais there any sense in having an rtp proxy besides asterisk, like SER has?
11:30.17Strom_MRsaMan: not for this situation, no...but in general, it's a terrible idea to use that flag
11:30.18Wonka(or can have, at least)
11:30.22Strom_MUatec_: ok
11:30.48RsaManStrom_M : ok , understood
11:31.05RsaManStrom_M : this blind call issue is killing me slowly ..
11:31.12RsaManStrom_M : cant find any solution..
11:31.29Strom_MRsaMan: do hookflash transfers work?
11:32.11RsaManStrom_M : no, nothing happens when i flash :(
11:32.20RsaManStrom_M : using a digium tdm400 card.
11:32.30Strom_MRsaMan: did you enable hookflash transfers? :)
11:32.48*** join/#asterisk blinky42 (
11:33.26RsaManStrom_M : transfer=yes , in zapata.conf ?
11:33.31Strom_MRsaMan: yes
11:33.39RsaManStrom_M : then yes
11:33.49Strom_MUatec_: pastebin the entirety of what you're doing now
11:34.01RsaManStrom_M : is it in the right place?
11:34.16RsaManStrom_M :
11:34.40Strom_MRsaMan: no
11:34.52RsaManStrom_M : oh,,
11:34.58Strom_Myou have to set that ABOVE "channel => 1"
11:35.04Strom_Motherwise it never gets assigned
11:35.10*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
11:35.42Strom_MUatec_: no
11:35.53Strom_MUatec_: extensions.conf, console output, etc
11:35.57Uatec_oh right
11:36.24*** join/#asterisk kv0s (
11:36.34Uatec_well i posted all that was relevant on the form
11:36.53RsaManStrom_M : like so ?
11:37.38Strom_MRsaMan: yes
11:37.46RsaManStrom_M : i moved threewaycall=yes as well
11:37.55Strom_Malso, don't put question marks up against the beginning of your URLs
11:38.03Strom_Mit makes it difficult to click on them in my IRC client
11:38.14RsaManStrom_M : sorry about that , i will test now thansk
11:38.38Strom_MUatec_: yeah, but you've changed things
11:38.52Strom_MUatec_: so I'd like to see what you have now rather than just guessing at it
11:39.33Uatec_well i changed the iax.conf as i posted in and the error messages are EXACTLY the same
11:39.38RsaManStrom_M : its still now doing anything when i push flash
11:39.51RsaManStrom_M : * not doing anything
11:39.55Strom_MUatec_: what Dial() line are you using?
11:40.08Strom_MRsaMan: did you reload
11:40.23RsaManStrom_M : i just typed reload
11:40.27RsaManStrom_M : should do the trick
11:40.33Strom_MRsaMan: uh no
11:40.43Strom_MRsaMan: try "zap restart"
11:41.04RsaManStrom_M : kk
11:42.02Strom_MUatec_: also, before I forget to mention it, your inbound context includes an outbound context.  that's a BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD idea
11:42.13RsaManStrom_M : :( still get the same result
11:42.55*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
11:43.22RsaManStrom_M : zap restart does something strange
11:43.25Strom_MRsaMan: sorry, that was for you
11:43.41Strom_Mim having trouble now remembering whose code i'm looking at
11:43.46RsaManStrom_M : lol np
11:44.01RsaManStrom_M : when i run zap restart twice it only works ?
11:44.32Strom_Mbleh, it's too early.  i'm going back to bed.
11:45.56kv0sMy sip-trunk doesn't work for incoming calls. sip show registry says status "Request sent". What does it mean?
11:47.18Uatec_kv0s, it means that you've tried to register but they've not come back to you
11:48.55kv0show can i debug these informations? what is going wrong?
11:49.04kv0si don't get any errors at console ..?!?
11:49.20*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
11:50.01RsaManhow do i debug a failed call transfer
11:50.36RsaManwhat command to i type in the cli?
11:53.31RsaMantrying to figure out why both calls get dropped
11:53.44RsaManwhen i blind call transfer
11:55.11kv0sUatec_: Any tipps how i can find the error why sipgate can not answer?
11:56.52*** join/#asterisk MindTheGap (
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12:06.40masushi all , set(VARNAME=cat /usr/ is something like this possible
12:08.43*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
12:10.54masusthanks :)
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12:17.04masusset(VARNAME=cat /usr/ ?
12:17.13masusis this possble any idea ?
12:18.44tzafrir_homemasus, the SYSTEM function? something else in that general direction?
12:18.59tzafrir_homeIf all else fails, #exec
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12:19.11masusi'll see
12:22.21tzafrir_homeI wonder what do you people think about the comments in voip-info
12:22.44tzafrir_homeAre they of any use? What could be done to make them useful?
12:23.06RsaManWell, alot of them are questions without answers
12:23.17RsaManI do not mind them very useful
12:23.26RsaMani have reformulated my post
12:23.27masustzafrir : system and exec is not the answer
12:23.31elixertzafrir_home: turn them off, that would make them useful
12:23.51RsaManstill stuck with blind call transfer , but have tested some more
12:23.53tzafrir_homeSome of them have useful information
12:24.06tzafrir_homeBut I think that the problem is that are not editable
12:24.16elixertzafrir_home: then there contents should be moved to the page itself and then the comment deleted
12:25.04elixertzafrir_home: my favorite type of comment is a comment that says something in the page is wrong, but the person can't be bothered to make the change to the page
12:25.20tzafrir_homekind of like the wikimedia "talk" page, right?
12:25.36elixertzafrir_home: yeah
12:25.44tzafrir_homeyou do not have to be logged in to add a comment.
12:26.04tzafrir_homeThis is why they just add a comment, and don't fix, I guess
12:26.05elixertzafrir_home: the wiki itself needs to be moved to mediawiki, imho,
12:26.29elixertzafrir_home: but then you have other stuff _in the page_ like this:
12:26.35elixerAsterisk 1.2 does this and that and this and that
12:26.45elixer*** NOTE *** the above thing is WRONG
12:27.33*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
12:27.42elixertzafrir_home: the lack of any type of editorial system is the real short coming
12:27.48elixertzafrir_home: but i'll stop complaining :)
12:28.10[TK]D-FenderRsaMan: have you tried copying the extens from [office] INTO [internal] and not using the "include" statement?
12:28.16tzafrir_home"editorial system"? what do you mean?
12:28.48elixertzafrir_home: people that actively monitor changes for accuracy
12:29.24RsaMantzafrir_home : i will try quickly
12:29.48tzafrir_homeelixer, you can watch pages
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12:30.38elixertzafrir_home: true.  i guess what i am saying is that there is no 'governing body' that makes sure the content that goes into the wiki isn't complete garbage.
12:30.58RsaMantzafrir_home : well if i try transfer to 44 which is in context "internal" then it still does not owkr
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12:31.19tzafrir_homeelixer, that doesn't take software. That takes people
12:31.25elixertzafrir_home: from an asterisk reference standpoint, i would say that the wiki is probably 10% useful information, and 90% crap.  not to be too crude.
12:31.35tzafrir_homepeople watching pages.
12:31.42tzafrir_homeand responding to changes
12:31.44*** join/#asterisk guillote_GNU (
12:31.57elixertzafrir_home: right.  no one is watching changes.  there is no accountability.
12:32.18elixertzafrir_home: its kinda like giving asterisk SVN write access away to anyone with an e-mail address
12:32.51tzafrir_homewell, it's a wiki. Not a software. Bugs are much easier to trace
12:33.24elixertzafrir_home: well true, but that wasn't quite the point i was trying to make :-)
12:34.42tzafrir_homeyou want things to improve? pick a few pages, a small subdomain, and improve it
12:34.50tzafrir_homeAnd beging watching it
12:35.27elixertzafrir_home: i've done that.  I put alot of work into FastAGI and have begun work on the other AGI related pages.
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13:00.56appelzaare channel names variable?
13:01.05appelzacan chan 1, be chan 2?
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13:04.16Sci_05morning all
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13:19.29[TK]D-Fenderappelza: Channel names are named after the device that created them, plus a more or less random suffix
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13:26.47appelzai have two cards, and both want to use 1 as a channel name (diff makes of cards)
13:33.47elixerwhat kind of cards?
13:34.29elixerT1/E1?  analog?
13:35.51appelzaits a tdm400 and a quadbri isdn
13:36.20appelzareally struggling :< I just want to route my voip calls over the tdm but i have no idea how :/
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13:36.55appelzawell from sip-zap even
13:37.00appelzaand zap-sip
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13:39.53[TK]D-Fenderappelza: they can't fight over the DEVICENAME.  And this is not "channel" we're talking about.  The order your ports are in depends on how your cards initialized
13:40.06[TK]D-Fenderappelza: pastebin "dmesg"
13:40.09jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
13:40.27[TK]D-Fenderappelza: And not knowing how to even dial out one of your interfaces is another problem altogether
13:41.29*** join/#asterisk Tili (
13:42.50jerso i've got sip connection which only can hear incoming data, the other end can't hear their outgoing voice; there's no NAT at all.. what are some other possibilities?
13:43.18elixerjer: its nat
13:43.21jer(all other phones, set up the same, don't have a problem)
13:43.34jerwell by the same i mean all non-unique settings i.e., extensions are different
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13:46.51s0ckwhat exactly is sent to * when you hit the transfer key on your handset
13:46.59s0cksome kind of sip command, presumably?
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13:49.28hijackedyou could run a "sip debug" on your asterisk console.
13:49.47s0cki guess
13:49.56s0cktrying to make it easy to park/retrieve a call
13:50.29MihiNomenEst*3 is how we do it here.
13:50.31MihiNomenEsteasy enough.
13:51.05MihiNomenEstthe problem is, some of my technicians are morons and they don't seem to realize that * calls you back to tell you where the call is in the parking lot.
13:54.25*** join/#asterisk ganga (n=sandeep@
13:55.50puzzledhow can I set the interval for sip re-registration? is defaultexpiry the only way I can I set it per peer too?
13:57.06jsmithpuzzled: I'm afraid so, without changing the code.
13:57.18jsmithpuzzled: If there's some other way, I'm not aware of it
13:57.27puzzledjsmith: ok, thanks
13:58.21*** join/#asterisk ganga (n=sandeep@
14:00.30gangaanyone thr?
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14:00.51jsmithganga: What's your question?
14:00.56jsmithganga: There are plenty of us here :-)
14:01.11gangai am a newbie to asterisk
14:01.21gangai want to know the call flows
14:01.36gangai mean a document explaining the source code
14:01.40gangai tried to google
14:01.53gangabut couldnt get any help
14:01.56puzzlednot sure if such a document exists
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14:02.27codefreezeganga: look in the doc/ dir first, there is quite a bit there. Then the voip-info wiki, the TFOT book, etc.
14:02.52ganga@codefreeze - tq
14:03.16gangacodefreeze:i tried using DOxygen
14:03.20gangato study the source code
14:03.36gangabut i am baffled by what a channel is and how channels are bridged
14:04.31harryrganga: a channel is just something that handles two directions of audio at the same time
14:04.44codefreezeganga: a channel is the fundamental connection between asterisk and a device.
14:05.11harryrStream, Conduit etc.
14:05.25gangaso bridging channels is just like connecting 2 diff channels ?
14:05.33codefreezebridge? You take the outs of one channel, and feed it to the ins of the other. And vice-versa
14:05.59codefreezeWith transcoding magic included
14:06.02gangaso a channel is created for every new call ?
14:06.05harryror rather, multiple channels feeding their output to a mixer, which feeds the mixed result back to the input of the channels
14:06.10harryrganga: yes
14:06.26gangathanks for the explanation guys
14:06.41codefreezeWhen you pick up a zap telephone's handset, a channel is created
14:06.43gangai will get on with the source code documentation and if i want any help i will be back
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14:23.26*** join/#asterisk PioneerVM4 (
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14:23.58WildPikachuis ael the new way to configure extensions?
14:24.22PioneerVM4I have a PAP2T behind a router and an Asterisk box behind a firewall -- what is the minimum ports i have to open on firewall to allow outside connections from PAP2T (or other dynamic location) through?
14:24.30PioneerVM4do i only need 5060 UDP?
14:24.38PioneerVM4Oh this is SIP
14:25.04codefreezeWildPikachu: AEL is the new way to write dialplan code, if that's what you meant
14:25.44[TK]D-FenderWildPikachu: It is just another way.  AEL gets parsed back to standard extensions logic by its parser.  You can see how it evaluates its syntax by doing "dialplan show"
14:25.55WildPikachuyea, i was just looking
14:26.04*** join/#asterisk asteriskproblems (n=pbarnsle@
14:26.07[TK]D-FenderWildPikachu: "new" is a little subjective, but not entirely inaccurate.
14:26.19asteriskproblemshey Guys what call stats package(s) would you recommend?
14:26.40[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM4: describe the full path between * and your ATA
14:27.03PioneerVM4ATA behind firewall -- assume it could be anyone travelling remotely
14:27.08PioneerVM4i mean router sorry
14:27.15PioneerVM4the Asterisk box is behind a firewall at my colo
14:27.39PioneerVM4right now i allow multiple ports in but only for certain IPs
14:27.55PioneerVM4i want to allow people to be on dynamic IPs and connect in from an ATA or software but with minimal open ports
14:27.56[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM4: the ATA does not need ANY ports forwarded.  All it needs is "nat=yes", "canreinvite=no", and "qualify=yes"  in its * sip.conf entry
14:28.07PioneerVM4nono not port fw
14:28.15PioneerVM4just what ports do i have to open on firewall where asterisk box is
14:28.23PioneerVM4to accept a connection/registration from ATA
14:28.40[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM4: So * is behind a NAT of its own as well?
14:28.51[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM4: Read the full guide :
14:28.54jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
14:30.15PioneerVM4these docs are for NAT issues, im not having those
14:30.29[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM4: that is what you need to open op.
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14:30.45[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM4: It specifies all of the ports & settings.
14:30.45PioneerVM4i'm more just looking to see what port(s) does an outside of asterisk box to let people register in
14:30.55PioneerVM4not port fw'd or nat issues, its more a firewall opening issue
14:31.21styelz5060 for sip usually
14:31.27[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM : outside UA's set their OWN PORT.
14:31.45PioneerVM4styelz, 5060 UDP or TCP
14:31.46[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM4 :Not usually 5060.
14:31.55PioneerVM4DF -- im not looking for ATAs port
14:31.55styelzudp i think
14:32.01PioneerVM4thanks styelz
14:32.27[TK]D-FenderPioneerVMnormally you don't need to do ANYTHING on the router.  What is on the other side?
14:32.29PioneerVM4DF i think you are thinking different than I -- i understand ATA uses its own port
14:32.37PioneerVM4ok, lets start over, your on the wrong end
14:32.44PioneerVM4ATA behind router -- forget about that
14:32.51PioneerVM4ATA contacts Asterisk server behind firewall
14:33.14PioneerVM4ATA communicates to * on certain ports, otherwise * cannot see the communications
14:33.27PioneerVM4what ports do i have to open on the Firewall, the one that is in front of * (not the router in front of ATA)
14:33.33styelzi think he wanted to know what port to open on the asterisk side.. not the atas
14:33.34PioneerVM4so that ATA can communicate inwards
14:33.45PioneerVM4exactly styelz
14:34.16[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM : same ports you forward int he case of NAT
14:34.27PioneerVM4right now im opening 8000-8001, 5060 and 3478 but dont think its necessary for all those
14:34.33[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM4: 5060,10000-20000 all UDP
14:34.40styelzchecl rtp.conf
14:34.51PioneerVM4i redirected RTP up to like 45000-50000
14:35.00WildPikachuhrmmm, am I missing something? I can't seem to get asterisk to create /var/run/asterisk.ctl
14:35.15styelzdoes the  dir exist?
14:35.18PioneerVM4ok, so 5060 UDP is original connection in and then * tells the ATA to use the RTP ports UDP it has configured
14:35.33styelzi mean rw by asterisk
14:36.00WildPikachunm, got it
14:36.06WildPikachuwas no dir there
14:36.09WildPikachustupid me
14:36.11[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM4: Yes, you need to open up all ports used by SIP & UDP
14:36.18styelzit's usually /var/run/asterisk
14:36.26PioneerVM4sorry numlock
14:36.50PioneerVM4so all RTP ports defined in rtp.conf are what are used for call handling once a connection is established
14:37.08[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM4: SIP sets up the call, RTP carries the VOICE
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14:37.23PioneerVM4ahh and sip is thru 5060 to the * server
14:37.25PioneerVM4ok got it
14:37.39PioneerVM4so i guess in my case 5060 UPD and 45000-49999 UDP
14:37.46asteriskproblemsanyone know any good call center software
14:37.48PioneerVM4and * server informs ATA what RTP ports its using
14:38.25[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM4: Correct
14:38.39PioneerVM4ok, i see 3478 was when i was using stun no longer needed
14:38.49PioneerVM4i upgraded my cisco pix to 6.3(5) and it solved all my problems
14:38.53[TK]D-Fenderasteriskproblems: Areski or Asterisk-stats.  Go check the WIKI GUI list
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14:39.02PioneerVM4i use to have to use stun due to pix bugs
14:39.15[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM4: * neither needs nor suppotrs STUN
14:39.17PioneerVM4but 6.3(5) solved everything, even the SIP options in config work now
14:39.24PioneerVM4DF -- ive been thru that here tons of times
14:39.24[TK]D-FenderPIX = flaming piece of shit
14:39.35[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM4: Ton + 1 then :p
14:39.38PioneerVM4PIX with earlier firmware needed stun unfortunately
14:39.48PioneerVM4due to bugs it was only way to ge tit to work
14:39.56JTPioneerVM4: try this: [tk <tab>
14:39.56asteriskproblemslol D-Fender... cisco wouldnt be happy to hear you say that ;)
14:39.57PioneerVM4but now that i upgraded the problem went away
14:39.59[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM4: No, it needed a real stack, STUSN was jsut a passable workaround ;)
14:40.14[TK]D-Fenderasteriskproblems: Cisco couldn't care less about my opinion.
14:40.28PioneerVM4well it works now with latest 6.3 firmware
14:40.37JTasteriskproblems: it's a well known fact in IT
14:40.41JTPIX == utter junk
14:40.43PioneerVM4actually i think it solved all of my voip issues
14:41.18ManxPowerYou still didn't need STUN,.  You just needed to disable the SIP support in the PIX, then let Asterisk's NAT support do what it's supposted to do.
14:41.21[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM4: Yes, now you're on your way to NEW problems! ;)
14:41.29PioneerVM4manx, thats not correct in this case
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14:41.33PioneerVM4every time i bring this up we go thru that here
14:41.56ManxPowerwell you would have had to disable the RTP fixup in addition to the SIP fixup.
14:41.58PioneerVM4i disabled all sip options and it still wouldnt work, there were bugs in the firmware that have been fixed ( i read release notes)
14:42.08PioneerVM4there were like 30 sip bugs
14:42.21PioneerVM4anyway, moot point -- latest solved everything
14:42.30[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM4: Glad to hear.
14:42.35*** join/#asterisk Lucky7 (n=Adam@
14:42.46Lucky7anyone here have E&M Winkstart setup?
14:43.22JTlatest revision == place object in special container that is periodically cleared out by sanitation officers
14:43.52Lucky7with E&M wink start, so i just need to set E&M=1-24 (full T1) or do i need to specify the dchan as well?
14:43.53PioneerVM4i have to say i hear a lot of people complain about the pix -- i know its not perfect but as for off the shelf solution it has really worked well for me.  Only problem i ever had was this sip issue and that was because i was lazy and had no upgraded firmware in like 4 years.  Stability wise it has been flawless -- handling 20-30mb easily
14:43.58ManxPowerLucky7: we used to, but switched to PRI for obvious reasons
14:44.17JTPioneerVM4: much better just to setup one of those linux or bsd firewall distros
14:44.26ManxPowerPioneerVM: you mean 20-30GB , right?
14:44.32JTLucky7: E&M has no D channel
14:44.37JTinband signalling...
14:44.39Lucky7PioneerVM2: I personally use a pix as well
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14:45.00Lucky7PioneerVM2: but I've been using cisco stuff for years, and I'm CCNA, so i'm a bit slanted.
14:45.12Woifi1988what does "sudo make progdocs" create?
14:45.17JTeww, cisco junk :P
14:45.26PioneerVM4no i believe i mean mbit
14:45.42JTMbit/s most likely
14:45.53Lucky7yea.  pix505?
14:46.02JTeven a realtek 10/100 card can handle 30Mbit/s
14:46.05PioneerVM4ie: 1.54 mb = T1yes JT
14:46.18jsmithWoifi1988: "make progdocs" makes the Doxygen documentation for the source code... it's really only useful for Asterisk developers
14:46.19JTPioneerVM4: mb == millibit
14:46.20PioneerVM4pix 515
14:46.36Woifi1988jsmith: thanks!
14:46.44Lucky7the 515e is capable of more then that.
14:47.07*** join/#asterisk Dan0maN_Work (n=dschuh@
14:47.12JToverpriced defective bastardised linux boxes
14:47.15[TK]D-FenderJT : You're definitely a few bits short of a byte ;)
14:47.22PioneerVM4PIx runs linux?
14:47.29PioneerVM4its not overpriced if you buy it used
14:47.30JTa crappy cisco version
14:47.31jsmith[TK]D-Fender: You know, some of those 6-bit bytes...
14:47.36JTwell then what's the point
14:47.38PioneerVM4i just bought mine off ebay for 1/5 the cost
14:47.40JTno support contract
14:47.45PioneerVM4who needs one
14:47.53JTif you ever need to upgrade
14:48.14PioneerVM4actually you can get upgrades within the same firmware class without support
14:48.17PioneerVM4for security purposes
14:48.31JToff the shelf linux does a much better firewalling job than PIX
14:48.40PioneerVM4im sure it does
14:48.48PioneerVM4however it requires more maintenance
14:49.12PioneerVM4as said, its not the perfect solution but it lets me not deal with yet another custom server
14:49.18JTjust get a firewall distro that does everything
14:49.27JTuse CF cards
14:49.29PioneerVM4your a programmer i assume
14:49.32JTthen where's the maintenance
14:49.48PioneerVM4yea i looked into that, was too much trouble
14:49.54PioneerVM4was going to go openbsd compact flash
14:50.05JTyes, and 30 SIP bugs is complete ease of mind
14:50.11JTi see the logic... but not really
14:50.12PioneerVM4yet more things i have to research and install, my time is too valuable
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14:50.21PioneerVM4actually the bugs are gone so no need
14:50.26PioneerVM4if the upgrade didnt work i wouldnt have bothered
14:50.27JTyet you like wasting your time on PIX problems?
14:50.33JTi'm sorry but that's silly
14:50.34PioneerVM4first problem i ever had and its gone
14:50.35Lucky7SIP Bugs?
14:50.36ManxPowerI want to push one of my clients to move to a commercial firewall.
14:50.50ManxPowerThen they can do their own firewall updates.
14:50.51PioneerVM4the problem was due to me being lazy
14:50.54JTLucky7: PIX are full of SIP bugs
14:50.56Lucky7Yea, PIX's are known for royalling screwing SIP signals, if this is what your talking about
14:51.11Lucky7JT > lol, I'm fully aware
14:51.15Lucky7packets signals,
14:51.16DavieyManxPower: why not use a FOSS firewall with a GUI attached?
14:51.21Lucky7its frekaing early here
14:51.23JTyou say you are CCNA
14:51.28JTget your terminology right
14:51.37Lucky7I dont even become concious for another 4 hours.
14:51.40DavieyManxPower: Ie IPCOP, Smoothwall, M0n0wall
14:51.43JTit's getting early
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14:54.19DrAk0how i can set the ${STRFTIME(${EPOCH} to acts as timestamp ?
14:54.31Lucky7hm.  so.
14:54.43Lucky7I've got a T1 with E&M winkstart
14:54.50Lucky7channels 1-22
14:55.00Lucky7and i get about 2 dropped calls an hour
14:55.16jsmithLucky7: What do you have set for your signalling in zapata.conf?
14:55.18Lucky7which is pretty high, when I'm only making maybe 8-10 calls an hour
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14:55.47jsmithLucky7: You could try setting your signalling to featured instead
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14:58.15Lucky7jsmith > whats the difference?
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14:58.56chem_funIf I may, I have a question about the Digium IAXy S101I
14:58.59PioneerVM4lucky what pix version u using
14:59.06jsmithLucky7: Not much, but Feature D is an extension of E&M winkstart from what I understand... I've had good luck using it in the past
14:59.12chem_funThe question has arose as to how it would handle a fax machine
14:59.18jsmithLucky7: You can also try "em_w" as your signalling
14:59.44jsmithchem_fun: Faxing over a packet-switched connection is not for the faint of heart...
15:00.15anonymouz666why a FXO line can't detect busy signals?
15:00.49chem_funI'm new to asterisk, but I've got a swithch with QoS to give priority to the VOIP lines
15:00.53anonymouz666If the far end hangs up the FXO line should detect the busy signal...
15:00.55chem_funwhat other issues will I run into?
15:02.10coppiceanonymouz666: * has a variety of busy tone detectors. the snag is they all suck
15:02.38JTanonymouz666: why should asterisk be able to detect it?
15:02.51jsmithanonymouz666: If the line has far-end disconnect supervision, then Asterisk will be able to tell when the far end hung up.  If not, Asterisk has to guess based on the tones, and the tone detectors aren't very good.
15:03.22anonymouz666fxotune on them.
15:03.45JTchem_fun: it not working, most likely
15:06.17petonghowdy, I have a question about a te120p digium card and an ATT pri line
15:06.33Lucky7jsmith : yea, now that i went back and double checked, I'm using em_w
15:06.48petongI believe I have the correct module and conf loaded
15:06.55petongbut I see no light on the front of the card
15:07.05petongI am doing a line test with ATT in a bit
15:07.17brodiemdoes anyone have a PAP2T handy? I want to know if the web GUI on other's pap2ts have settings for specifying T.38. According to everything I've googled about it, they're supposed to support it but I have no T.38 options anywhere
15:07.22JTpetong: did you run ztcfg?
15:07.40JTbrodiem: asterisk doesn't do T.38
15:07.49brodiemJT: yes, it passes it through
15:07.51petongand it says span configured
15:08.11jsmithpetong: What's the output of ztcfg -vv?
15:08.17brodiemJT: it just doesn't terminate/originate T.38.
15:08.25JTbrodiem: 1.4 does passthrough, yes
15:08.30petongSPAN 1: ESF/B8ZS Build-out: 0 db (CSU)/0-133 feet (DSX-1)
15:08.56petongplus 1-23 Clear channel (Default) (Slaves: XX)
15:09.02petong24 channels configured.
15:09.09*** join/#asterisk pgarcia (
15:09.23jsmithpetong: And zttool, does it show the card.  If so, is it in alarm?
15:09.58petongjsmith: no, zttool says OK
15:10.18jsmithpetong: OK, what if you go into Asterisk and type "pri show span 1"
15:11.04petongim running asterisk 1.4
15:11.06[TK]D-Fenderpetong: pastebin your zaptel.conf and zapata.conf
15:11.09jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
15:11.24petongok, will do
15:12.37*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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15:16.18[TK]D-Fenderpetong: Everything looks fine.  Now pastein from * CLI "pri show span 1"
15:17.08petongis the command the same in asterisk 1.4?
15:17.09petongNo such command 'pri show'
15:17.41petongim looking through the help output now
15:17.49[TK]D-Fenderpetong: Ok, I'm guessing things may not have been compiled in the right order
15:18.01*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
15:18.10[TK]D-Fenderpetong: Stop *.  then recompile (in order) libpri, zaptel, then asterisk
15:18.21jsmithpetong: It sounds like either the module didn't get compiled, or it's not being loaded due to a syntax or signalling problem
15:18.28petonghmm, ok
15:18.29harryrIs there anything special I have to do to get anybody to be able to dial into an asterisk box via SIP and go into an extension
15:18.32petongwill try that
15:18.38harryre.g. from any SIp phone
15:24.18*** join/#asterisk Seb7 (
15:24.46jsmithharryr: Just make sure you've got an SRV record in DNS for that domain, and you're allowing unauthenticated calls, and the context contains an extension that matches the name the person will be dialing
15:25.11*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@
15:25.47harryrjsmith: for sip.conf, i allow unauthenticated calls and control which context they go into where?
15:25.59*** join/#asterisk thansen|laptop (
15:26.00andresmujicaHi anyone out there had worked with the sangoma t1/e1 line tapping system???
15:26.27andresmujicaor with the wanpipe TDM Voice API from them?
15:26.37[TK]D-Fenderharryr: into the context specified under [general]
15:26.54Seb7Am I right in thinking that there is no Asterisk channel variable that corresponds to the channel "State" (which you can see with the DumpChan application or with show channel Xxxx from the CLI)?
15:27.19jsmithSeb7: No, I'm not sure it gets set as a channel variable... you *might* be able to get it from the CHANNEL dialplan function
15:27.26Seb7in order to use State from the dialplan...
15:27.49[TK]D-FenderSeb7: You'd need to check it in an AGI or something.
15:28.12[TK]D-FenderSeb7: Then again, this is to check ANOTH channel than the one you're in.
15:29.02*** join/#asterisk TheDingy (
15:29.23TheDingyi like the rulse
15:29.30*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
15:29.43Seb7I actually only want to check the current channel. It looks like the CHANNEL dialplan function would work if I were using 1.4. But nothing available on 1.2 I guess...
15:30.04[TK]D-FenderSeb7: It you're IN a channel, isn't its state OBVIOU?
15:30.30*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
15:30.31Seb7Er, well, not if you are in a macro, which some IFs beforehand
15:31.10Seb7I could set my own variable I suppose, although that wouldn't be 100% guaranteed to be correct all the time due to timing issues.
15:31.22s0ck[TK]D-Fender: had problems on sip only boxes with distorted moh?
15:31.34[TK]D-Fenders0ck: nope
15:31.52s0ckapparently, lack of zaptel timing is doing it
15:31.54TheDingyi have a cisco 7940 sip config that works on the localnetwork, but when i place it on the wan it does nothing
15:31.57s0ckbecause i have no cards in this box
15:31.57TheDingyany ideas?
15:32.07TheDingyi have tried two different 7940's
15:32.20s0ckztdummy is there but showing as unconfigured
15:32.28s0ckjust wondering if it's worth configuring
15:32.30TheDingyit is getting to the asterisk box, but nothing in the log shows up
15:32.53s0ckime, zaptel configured = kernel panic on reboot
15:33.02s0ckon an otherwise working pbx
15:33.18*** join/#asterisk JerJer (n=PhatJ@pdpc/supporter/bronze/jerjer)
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15:34.14harryr[TK]D-Fender: ty for the help
15:36.24[TK]D-FenderSeb7: and how was this macro called, and what is it doing that you are wonding about the state of this call?  Wouldn't your position in the dialplan clearly tell you whats going on.?
15:38.23TheDingywill domain set by dhcp make for problems when trying to register sip?
15:38.29*** join/#asterisk NOT_guru (
15:39.36Seb7No, because depending on the number dialled I would have used the Ringing application, together with a Playback or not, in which case the call would still be Proceeding.
15:39.58Seb7er in the case of not it would be Proceeding
15:41.33Seb7And basically if the caller has been sent Alerting, I can and should play another message before disconnecting them, since I know that any PRI_CAUSE will be ignored.
15:42.52*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
15:43.44Seb7Not a huge deal - I'll set my own variable right after sending alerting, although I don't really like doing it because it's a cludge and the variable could have the wrong value if someone manages to disconnect between one and the other.
15:53.00*** join/#asterisk konqi_ (n=konqi@
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16:01.32*** join/#asterisk CoffeeIV_ (
16:02.47CoffeeIV_I have an asterisk->iaxmodem->hylafax server.  Every minute in the full log it says "chan_iax2.c: Restricting registration for peer 'iaxmodem' to 60 seconds (requested 300)"  How can I make that go away ?
16:03.02*** join/#asterisk K-TA (
16:03.34K-TAi have x100p cardd but not work on fresh install
16:03.44K-TAanyone can help me with this issue
16:07.09putnopvutCoffeeIV_: set maxregexpire in iax.conf to greater than 300
16:07.36[TK]D-FenderK-TA: Soem details would be nice.
16:08.33K-TAi dont have sound
16:09.09K-TAi receive inbound but i can hear him
16:09.33*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
16:09.36[TK]D-FenderK-TA: Keep going... these are very LOOSE details so far.
16:09.54*** join/#asterisk cirgal (
16:10.19K-TAscuse me but i am french user
16:10.35K-TAi have install elastix
16:11.23K-TAall work but x100p card have problem
16:11.47K-TAwhen i try call with x100p to my cellphone
16:12.12K-TAx100p take link but no tone send
16:13.24K-TAi have try with trixbox but same shit
16:13.33K-TAmaybe zaptel driver ?
16:13.39darkskiezis there anyway to do a pattern match hint, or do i have to enter every extension?
16:14.17elixerdarkskiez: you have to enter every extension, iirc.
16:15.42*** join/#asterisk CunningPike_ (n=arodgers@
16:20.25*** join/#asterisk michael-i (
16:21.52michael-ii have a cosmetic problem with my voicemail setup. when a call from an external line ends up at my voicemail greeting, the internal extension is read back. is there any way to override the extension that voicemail reads back?
16:22.09Qwellmichael-i: Have the user record their name
16:22.16[TK]D-FenderK-TA: maybe its the phone you are using.
16:22.38K-TAfender i have pap2 linksys adapter
16:22.42[TK]D-Fendermichael-i: Or maybe, just MAYBE, a personal greeting even!
16:22.58[TK]D-FenderK-TA: Perhaps there is a problem with THAT, and not the X100
16:23.07michael-iQwell, that's not an option in my situation, my device does not have any permanent storage and any greetings would be lost with a reboot
16:23.09Qwellerm, is it the greeting that overrides exten?
16:23.18michael-iwould be nice though! :)
16:23.57elixermichael-i: buy a hard drive.  then have them record their name.
16:24.21[TK]D-FenderQwell: in order of availability : temp message, message requested by App call, name, then #
16:24.23elixer(is this thing on?)
16:24.58*** join/#asterisk _Raptor_ (
16:26.48_Raptor_does anyone have an idea to this: when i try to transfer a call from my snom to someone else asterisk sends a BYE to the snom (thats ok) but it never calls the third party and the channel is simply gone?
16:27.34michael-ii could patch in another option (presentation extension...or something like that) but was wondering if there was already a workaround
16:27.43michael-iI'll keep hacking ;)
16:28.42*** join/#asterisk Cybertoy (
16:28.46elixermichael-i: the 's' option of Voicemail() won't work because it silences the instructions as well, eh?
16:29.21michael-ielixer, yes something more than a beep would be nice ;)
16:30.26konqi_I can't dial out via zaptel - somebody who can help me setup my zapta.conf and the trunk in freepbx ?
16:31.01elixerkonqi_: you can give #freepbx a try
16:31.21*** join/#asterisk lbow (
16:33.15konqi_i'll do... but i think my zapata.conf has to be corrected
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16:43.48[TK]D-Fenderkonqi_: You are in the WRONG CHANNEL.
16:44.28[TK]D-Fender_Raptor_: First guess is that you are doing to transfer properly and it is hanging up on your caller.
16:45.07konqi_this is where sent me
16:45.11ramindiacan any one assists me. how best Asterisk can handle far end NAT Device.
16:46.35_Raptor_[TK]D-Fender: you mean my third party is hanging up?
16:46.55*** join/#asterisk zim (
16:47.12zimhi all is anyone in here using asterisknow ???
16:48.14CyorxampHi, I am using (and need to use due to other things) 1.2.19 of asterisk, however I need a fix from 1.2.20 so my card will work... the changelog entry in 1.2.20 reads as...
16:48.15Cyorxampwcte12xp.c, wctdm24xxp/base.c: Fix for when voicebus based cards
16:48.35*** part/#asterisk ramindia (n=ramindia@
16:48.39CyorxampDoes anybody know which parts are this fix? so I can extract what I need and put it in 1.2.19 ?
16:53.32[TK]D-Fenderkonqi_: FreePBX is *not* supported here.
16:55.52*** join/#asterisk drarem (
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16:58.56elixerCyorxamp: you should be able to see a diff online
16:59.34*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
17:00.03*** join/#asterisk jsmith (
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17:03.12elixerCyorxamp: i'm not seeing that log message in the ChangeLog for asterisk 1.2.20
17:03.25elixerCyorxamp: that looks like a zaptel message
17:03.37elixers/message/ChangeLog entry/
17:04.19*** join/#asterisk t3rror (
17:04.53codefreezejbot is so helpful!
17:06.15draremis it possible to set up a simple phone queue on a single linux box over broadband
17:06.41draremand installed phone card connected to digital line
17:06.42elixercodefreeze: except he keeps correcting me! ;-)
17:07.41t3rrorcould you all suggest the best setup for someone about to move away from the telco for phone service?
17:08.02t3rrori have available naked dsl so i am trying to find the cheapest solution
17:08.07t3rrori have been looking at teliax
17:08.31[TK]D-Fenderdrarem: I would start with "yes", but you should clarify this "digital line" thing....
17:08.49[TK]D-Fendert3rror: them or VoicePulse Connect
17:09.18draremdigital line is my phone provided by the cable company
17:09.23t3rrorvoicepulse lets you byod?
17:10.05robl^"Voice Pulse Connect" does..
17:10.12draremas for why I need to be connected to the 'phone line', I don't know except for maybe calling the live person
17:10.19[TK]D-Fendert3rror: Any way you want it.  provided, byod, but VPC is their direct to * service.
17:10.26[TK]D-Fendert3rror: They cater to us rather well
17:10.29robl^not the normal consumer voiceplse
17:10.58elixerCyorxamp: this is commit you are interested in ->
17:12.08draremand maybe to receive the call? this is all alien to me :/   I don't know what a siph is but sounds like it's some minion of the dark side
17:12.44[TK]D-Fenderdrarem: So you have an ATA fdrom your cable co giving you phone service?
17:13.22draremhow can i tell
17:13.51drarembrighthouse, they supply cable and digital
17:14.31[TK]D-Fenderdrarem: "digital" isn't a "thing", its a format of a  medium
17:15.29[TK]D-Fenderdrarem: For all I know you're talking about your ALARM CLOCK.  I know *mine* is "digital".
17:15.44[TK]D-Fendercpm: This is a family channel!
17:15.56cpmOh, sorry, what I get for being absent minded
17:17.40*** join/#asterisk [X-tp] (
17:19.03draremhow does it work, I get a call in, it goes onto the computer into a queue, and calls out one by one?
17:20.47[TK]D-Fenderdrarem: At this point I'm figuring you've never even INSTALLED Asterisk
17:21.10[TK]D-Fenderdrarem: Go download Asterisk and go read THE BOOK.
17:21.18jboti heard book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
17:21.47elixerkeeping in mind a good chunk of it is obsolete
17:21.59*** join/#asterisk snook3r (
17:22.02elixerisn't the second edition out soon?
17:22.17draremit's installed along with gnuk whatever that does
17:22.24draremi'll go read
17:23.20*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
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17:24.12alurinwho using at320?
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17:28.54*** join/#asterisk MdeP (
17:30.21TheDingyok... using a 7940 sip no problems when on the localnet but when on a wan node it gets an unautorized reply
17:30.24TheDingysame config both places
17:30.58jsmithTheDingy: Is your phone registering to an IP address, or a domain name?
17:31.22jsmithTheDingy: If it's registering to an IP address, I'll bet your firewall is rewriting the IP address, and hence messing up the SIP authentication
17:31.41TheDingyip address
17:31.53TheDingythere isn't any rewriting between
17:32.01alurinlittle problem
17:32.30alurinI have a login my friend
17:32.34TheDingyi have looked at that, but can't figure out what rule would be rewriting it
17:32.41TheDingyjsmith you have any ideas?
17:32.42alurinand I want to dial to him with my ip telephone
17:32.52alurinWe are in the same voip network
17:33.14alurinbut How I can type login at a telephone?
17:33.18jsmithTheDingy: What type of firewall is between the phone and the Asterisk server.  (Let me guess... a Cisco Pix?)
17:33.20TheDingywhat if i cange it to register to say would that work?
17:33.30TheDingyno, linux w/openvpn
17:33.32jsmithTheDingy: It would make it *more* likely to work
17:33.39t3rroris there any way to unlock the linksys SPA2002 earthlink branded ATA?
17:33.46TheDingylet me try that then
17:34.17aluringuys, letters into digits?
17:34.33jsmithalurin: It all depends on the phone, etc.
17:34.46*** join/#asterisk De_Mon (
17:34.59jsmithalurin: The easiest would be to both register to a SIP proxy (like Free World Dialup) and call each other numerically that way
17:35.39De_MonOR, buy two cans of soup and a pair of shoes, tie it all togeather and be done with it
17:36.11alurinDe_Mon, thx...
17:36.35TheDingyjsmith; why would it make a differance using a fqn rather than an ip?
17:36.57TheDingyand when you are saying domain you mean setup a dns entry correct
17:36.58alurinjsmith, I uses h.323
17:37.16jsmithTheDingy: Because * uses a bunch of things in the SIP headers as part of the SIP authentication... one of those things is the IP address.
17:37.35alurinI use*
17:37.36jsmithTheDingy: If the IP address is getting rewritten by a firewall for NAT and/or VPN purposes, then the credentials fail to authenticate
17:37.54jsmithalurin: Oh, if you're using Asterisk, then simply assign extensions in the dialplan that dials the other phone
17:38.00TheDingyi hate vnc
17:38.59jsmithI hate BBQ-flavored potato chips, but I don't know what that has to do with the topic at hand :-)
17:40.42TheDingybecause i had to loginto vnc over a dumpy connection to change the dns
17:40.43alurinmaybe somebody using at320?
17:42.22*** part/#asterisk pgarcia (
17:46.43[TK]D-FenderAtcom = cheap garbage
17:48.47tzangerfuck it's a lot of work leaving a company
17:48.55tzangeralmost better off to stay
17:51.50CCFL_Man2i think i got it working
17:52.03CCFL_Man22.6.8 kernel, built the zaptel drivers
17:53.45*** join/#asterisk CyBeRSwOrD (n=rodo@
17:54.02TheDingyjsmith: if you are still around, i have done that, got by the nonlocal domain and now i just get a SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
17:54.05TheDingyon sip debug
17:54.09CCFL_Man2ztdummy and zaptel modules loaded fine
17:56.15*** join/#asterisk Aeudian (
17:56.48elixertzanger: i feel your pain
17:58.04AeudianI have a serious issue with asterisk and asterisknow, when I emulate a WAN outage (not gateway) by removing the internet feed from the router, and reboot asterisk with no internet (but still able to get to gateway) i am unable to register phones to asterisk nor am i able to register my fxo gateway? what is causing asterisk not to work without an internet feed?
17:58.25elixerAeudian: dns resolution?
17:58.34Aeudiani am hosting dns on the asterisk server
17:58.37*** join/#asterisk Zodiacal (
17:58.40Aeudianwe thought it was that, but it still fails
17:59.05elixerAeudian: nothing in the logs?
17:59.08codecAeudian: i guess the asterisk is on the same subnet?
17:59.09Zodiacalanyone know why # (prompt for transfer) doesn't work for outgoing calls. works for incoming calls tho..
17:59.50elixerZodiacal: passing the T option to Dial()?
18:00.03Aeudiansame subnet and no logs, all phones/asterisk are on 192.168.30/24 and upon reboot with asterisk having no internet asterisk says all phones are unconnected and failing to register
18:00.15elixerZodiacal: ok, then i don't know
18:00.21*** part/#asterisk alurin (
18:00.22ZodiacalT and t
18:01.05NOT_gurui will tare your heart out and feed it to the sales people if you touch that server again
18:01.12NOT_gurusorry  wrong window
18:02.24NivexNOT_guru: s'ok, I think we've all had those moments :)
18:05.21*** join/#asterisk rodent|S (
18:05.37AeudianEven when i remove the WAN from the cisco 871 router, i am unable to reload asterisk without the internet feed?
18:07.37NOT_gurusorry about that  but help desk should never even try to log into MY servers.. its my ass if he screws it up
18:07.54NOT_guruanyways   hows everyones day   =)
18:07.55*** join/#asterisk Pagautas (n=bigman@
18:08.04NOT_gurui am not THAT mean of a guy ussually
18:09.07*** join/#asterisk SpencerBR (
18:12.19tzafrir_homeCCFL_Man2, you downgraded to Sarge???
18:13.46CCFL_Man2tzafrir_home: the installer would install a 2.4 kernel anyway, so i just upgraded to 2.6.8, but i had to find the debs myself
18:14.22tzafrir_homeCCFL_Man2, that's the Sarge installer. Why would you isntall Sarge nowadays?
18:14.50CCFL_Man2tzafrir_home: because there is no etch installer for netbooting on a sparc :P
18:15.09CCFL_Man2i upgraded to the etch packages though
18:17.42CCFL_Man2then i had to build zaptel with the instructions you gave me, so i need to find the kernel hearers and the other debs required for those
18:18.43CCFL_Man2so i loaded the modules without errors and i'm happy :P
18:18.56CCFL_Man2because the clock on this netra is super accurate
18:19.54CCFL_Man2on my emachines it would deviate atleast 7 seconds per day, this won't even deviate a tenth of a second per day
18:26.40[TK]D-FenderAnd to think NTP could solve all of that...
18:26.47*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (
18:28.39AeudianSomething is really messed up with 3 asterisk systems/1 asterisknow system that we have build.  I have a cisco 871 router and when there is internet the asterisk system works perfectly on the network.  Both the asterisk and phones are on the same network  Heres the problem, when i unhook the internet to test for an ISP outage, the asterisk system just halts.
18:28.43AeudianReloads take 20-30seconds and phones unregister and have a terrible time registering.  I have DNS on the same server that asterisk is on as well as ntp, to point all phones and gateways to it to help alleviate an ISP outage.  All configurations/settings that we have done (asterisk and phones) use IP's not names.  Is there something that asterisk uses by default to check internet status thats causes the machine to not functi
18:28.47AeudianI need to ensure that the system works when the internet fails so that the backup gateway works, but when asterisk fails to work, the gateway of course wont either.
18:34.45*** join/#asterisk flujan (
18:35.04flujanhi all
18:42.58flujanguys, I am trying to implement a fail-over load balanced asterisk solution.
18:43.18flujanWe reach 130 concurrent users running asterisk on a dual dual-core opteron.
18:43.37flujanI am having a load of 4 on the machine without monitor these users.
18:43.41elixerAeudian: the only thing i could find was on the asterisk-user's list, go to the archives and search for "asterisk slows down when unplugging internet cable with VoIP lines"
18:44.34flujanI research a bit and find openser
18:44.41elixerAeudian: message-id:
18:44.47flujanare you guys using it for this purpose?
18:58.29*** join/#asterisk pifiu (n=someone@
18:59.37CCFL_Man2Zaptel Version: 1.2.11 Echo Canceller: MG2
19:01.17*** join/#asterisk dijungal (n=kdaniel@
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19:02.19dijungalwhat causes this eroor on the TE100P card? "HDLC Bad FCS (8) on PRimary D-Channnel for span 1"
19:02.38BlackthornHi, I've got a problem with my * server basicly stop taking/routing calls. when i log into it i just get a message repeated over and over down the screen very fast
19:02.45[TK]D-Fenderdijungal: Manyt hing, lack of clock sync, etc.
19:03.00[TK]D-Fenderdijungal: pastebin "ca /proc/interrupts" and "dmesg"
19:03.00Blackthorn[Aug 31 14:53:58] WARNING[26765]: app_dial.c:674 wait_for_answer: Unable to forward voice frame
19:03.02jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
19:04.03*** join/#asterisk masus (n=tet@
19:04.11masushi all
19:04.52masushow to read a value from interbase or mssql database, not for store cdr's
19:05.12[TK]D-Fendermasus: "show function ODBC"
19:05.21dijungalif i change the clocking on a span to 0 for internal clocking what do i need to restart to make take effect?
19:05.24masusmake a query to the interbase/Firebird or mssql db
19:06.17masusD-Fender thanks
19:06.54*** join/#asterisk digimania (
19:07.24masusNo function by that name registered.
19:07.44[TK]D-Fenderdijungal: stop * and redo "ztcfg -vvvv" and then restart *
19:08.05dijungaldid that
19:08.12*** join/#asterisk Cyon (n=cyon@
19:08.26dijungali actually ran ztcfg while * was up and i was on a call and the call dropped
19:08.37dijungalthen i restarted *
19:09.00Trevor_bdoesnt ztcfg take down asterisk during the cfg phase then restart it?
19:09.02dijungalstill getting the same HDLC error tho
19:09.05petongjsmith: you were correct about chan_zap not being compiled. I have fixed this problem, and asterisk now loads fine
19:09.23petongbut I still have no light on the te120p card
19:09.46digimaniadoes anyone know which IBM servers might work well with Asterisk and Digium cards?
19:11.45Davieydigimania: yeah ab i386 type
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19:12.23lirakisl8r all
19:12.27Qwelldigimania: should be fine in just about anything, as long as it's hardware compatible (ie, pci 2.2 or better)
19:12.28*** part/#asterisk lirakis (n=etamme@
19:12.42Qwelland of course, 3.3v or 5v pci, on the t1 cards
19:12.58*** join/#asterisk MindTheGap (
19:13.14digimaniano, the 336, 345 and 360/365 servers do not work with Digium cards, but I don't know which do work - maybe all else
19:13.26Davieydigimania: It's the OS that matters more with being compatiable
19:13.34digimanianot that's not
19:14.26Trevor_bTrixbox Pro (not that I am saying to use it) has a cert'd hardware list that they say does not have PCI/IRQ issues with digium hardware.
19:14.40digimaniaI was hoping to find someone actually using IBM's here to see which model
19:14.46CCFL_Man2so i need the zaptel-modules and zaptel in debian i think
19:15.43[TK]D-Fenderdijungal: please provide the information I requested in a pastebin.
19:16.10digimaniabtw, intel 915, E7221 & E7525 mb's are not compatible either
19:16.24CCFL_Man2ioctl(ZT_LOADZONE) failed: Invalid argument
19:16.30elixerQwell: or i could just ask here :)  i can't reproduce the pgdn to "..." thing.  what category were you using and what size is your terminal?
19:16.53Qwellelixer: it moves by 10, so you need 12 items or less
19:17.04CCFL_Man2do i need ztcfg if i don't use any zaptel hardware?
19:17.06Qwellerm, maybe 11 or less
19:17.41Qwelland also, if you hit up while on the top ... line, it'll move the page up by one, but it'll keep the cursor on the ...
19:17.53[TK]D-FenderCCFL_Man2: You should if you run zaptel at all
19:18.05Qwelland I just confirmed that it happens with pgup too
19:18.18elixerQwell: that's weird, you shouldn't even be able to select either of the '...' lines
19:18.22elixerQwell: i'll play some more
19:18.30Qwellyou can't select them...  they can't be there when you do it
19:19.02CCFL_Man2[TK]D-Fender: i'm getting this error:
19:19.04Qwellon my screen, I have 1-10, and a ... line at the bottom.  I'm on 1, hit pgdn, and it shows ..., 12-20, ..., and the cursor is on the top ...
19:19.23Aeudianelixer: i am having a hard time finding this typic on the site, can you point me at a link?
19:19.45elixerQwell: ok, so your terminal only shows 10 items at a time
19:19.52elixerQwell: i'll look into it
19:19.58CCFL_Man2that normal?
19:19.58elixerAeudian: ummmm, hold on
19:20.15Qwell11 items, including ... lines
19:20.32Qwell10+1, or 9+2
19:20.41elixeror 8 + 3
19:20.49*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
19:20.55QwellI don't think you can get 3 ... lines :p
19:20.59elixerAeudian: original was posted on april 26, 2007, does that help?
19:21.13Aeudianelixer: possibly let me look that way brb
19:22.08elixerQwell: i see it
19:22.09Aeudianelixer: found it thank you
19:22.13elixerAeudian: yup
19:22.17CCFL_Man2because ztcfg gives me an error that it can't loadzone = us
19:22.37Qwelloh, you know what...
19:22.44Qwellelixer: 1-10, then 12-20 - it skips 11
19:22.52Qwelland 21, 31, etc
19:23.03Qwellso it's also moving the menu up by one too many
19:23.06elixerQwell: yeah
19:23.18Aeudianelixer: wow this is exactly my issue, word for word, almost feels that i wrote it lol
19:23.23CCFL_Man2i just want ztdummy, i don't want to use any zaptel hardware
19:23.25elixerAeudian: heh
19:23.44Qwellelixer: I definitely like it though..  I'll commit it as soon as it works right :)
19:23.51elixerQwell: cool
19:24.02elixerQwell: that could take WEEKS.  i kid.
19:24.16Qwellif possible, it would also be awesome if the scroll size was either 10, or the number of visible items in the menu
19:24.24Qwellso, for instance, if I only had 8 lines...
19:24.41Qwell(which would be really rare)
19:24.51elixergotcha.  min(PAGE_SIZE, VISIBLE_ITEMS)
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19:25.11elixerQwell: please file a bug report for that enhancement ;-)
19:25.52Qwellelixer: Did you happen to run across the magic i option?  heh
19:26.09elixerQwell: space invaders?
19:26.15Blackthorn[Aug 31 14:53:58] WARNING[26765]: app_dial.c:674 wait_for_answer: Unable to forward voice frame --- anyone know what this means? it repeats continuious and shuts down the * server until restarted
19:26.22elixerQwell: yes.  but its unplayable for me.  too many refreshes.
19:26.26Qwellwe don't talk about what it does in public :p
19:26.27elixerQwell: ah.  sorry.
19:26.49elixerQwell: might be better on the console, but over ssh its hard to "select" the "options"
19:26.56elixerwink wink
19:27.26QwellI think I'm the only person who's reported a bug against that "feature"...
19:27.27*** join/#asterisk Lucky7 (n=Adam@
19:27.37Qwellrussell laughed when I told him, because he didn't realize anybody had seen it
19:28.50Juggiesomeone wrote space invaders into the console?
19:29.02elixerthe jig is up!
19:29.22QwellJuggie: I don't know what you're talking about.
19:29.54elixerif the ABE folks find out, its coming out for sure
19:30.30*** join/#asterisk denon (n=denon@
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19:31.42CCFL_Man2 <---anyone know how to fiz that?
19:31.50elixerQwell: man, i should have tested on a smaller terminal.  my code is a little fragile :-)
19:31.55J4k3wow this kinda sucks... my trixbox box refuses to actually start asterisk today
19:32.04QwellJ4k3: welcome to trixbox
19:32.44J4k3seems kinda weird that it'd work fine for like 5 months then get pissy...  I'm thinking its a hardware problem
19:33.03J4k3I had a 'ball bearing' cpu fan start howling like a worn out sleeve fan yesterday on that box...
19:33.19Blackthorn[Aug 31 14:53:58] WARNING[26765]: app_dial.c:674 wait_for_answer: Unable to forward voice frame --- anyone know what this means? it repeats continuious and shuts down the * server until restarted
19:33.38J4k3ohhhh, I know whats wrong
19:33.51J4k3stupid mobo isn't initing the x101p anymore, bombing zaptel in the process :P
19:34.27J4k3oh well, this is just a P3-700 with 192MB ram I scraped up.
19:35.50J4k3yay for dead pci slots.
19:37.00*** join/#asterisk guillote_GNU (
19:39.19Aeudianelixer: figured it out, it wasnt a domain name, but rather srvlookup=yes under sip.conf, obivously the asterisk system is NOT looking at the internal dns server even though the linux system is
19:40.25elixerAeudian: ahhh, good.
19:40.37elixerAeudian: sorry bout that.
19:41.30Aeudianelixer: well im just glad i figured it out, i couldnt put this system onsite knowing if the router or isp goes down the phones dont work
19:44.27*** join/#asterisk BSD_Tech (
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19:48.31[TK]D-FenderJ4k3: running  Trixbox on a crappy old computer with an X101P.  You have nailed the stereotypical "cheap-ass schmuck" right on the head :)
19:49.04etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, Have you consulted at any clients using "dynamic" T1's to share voice and data over the same T1?
19:49.06elixerQwell: real work calls, i'll post an updated patch this weekend, unless you get bored... :-)
19:49.21[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: Nope.  only pure voice (partial or full)
19:52.22Trevor_betfonhomey: THe only times i have dealt with those providers they handed off both PRI and T1 or used some analog breakout crap to hand the voice channels out.  But in any case it was standard interconnections, not really sure what your trying to ask though.
19:52.35etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, My new employer has a satellite office that currently has about 7 employees in it with 6 POTS lines and a dual-DSL Internet connection.  We're looking to replace their phone system and I'm trying to keep them from going to a $10K Avaya solution.
19:53.06Qwelletfonhomey: Digium may do consulting for setting a data/voice T1 up
19:53.23etfonhomeyThey are currently paying $720 / month for voice and data.
19:53.31[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: And you figure partial PRI w/ data will do it?
19:53.39etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, yes.
19:53.50etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, I don't want to deal with POTS.
19:54.32*** join/#asterisk rodent|S (
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19:55.26Trevor_b1Mbps and 6line PRI usually does OK under 10 people as long as you dont have major bandwidth needs.
19:56.28*** join/#asterisk heelios (
19:56.48Trevor_bor at least thats the breakdown if they allow dynamic allocation on the PRI, a few of the places I dealt with had a requirment of X, Y, or Z on the PRI side, so they just didnt add 1 more line at a time, but then that all depends on the  providers provisioning of your circuit.
19:58.44*** join/#asterisk lbow (
19:58.57etfonhomeyTrevor_b, thanks for the info!!
19:59.55Trevor_betfonhomey: Ask the provider what type of handoff they will give.  My experience is you will get 2 interfaces 1 for each side, but I have heard of custom hardware being in the mix, but i think that was just the CPE breakout to get the interfaces to you.
20:00.15etfonhomeyTrevor_b, I'm soliciting quotes at the moment.
20:00.35Trevor_bshould make that part of the RFP, description of CPE and interfaces.
20:00.45Trevor_bjust to make sure nothing hinky shows up later from a vendor.
20:01.33*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
20:01.35etfonhomeyTrevor_b, next thing I need is a local vendor in the general area of Florham Park, NJ for troubleshooting and helping me install it.
20:01.37Trevor_bid hate to order PRI and find the company that breaks out to analog for you ;), what a favor that is :)
20:02.44etfonhomeyI've never done anything with asterisk other than POTS and SIP.  Never messed with setting up the voice via PRI.
20:02.45Trevor_betfonhomey: You will find that you probably dont need one if you have 'some' hardware experience.  Or at least i mean a 'local' one.  Once the system is up (and an engineer can remotely install your Linux OS for you as well) they usually can ssh into the system and test from there.
20:03.19Trevor_bPRI is a little tricky at first if your used to POTS, but its much nicer once your done.  Less headache, or at least for me it has been.
20:03.49etfonhomeyWell, I know how much of a headache using a POTS line was in my very first * setup.
20:04.00Trevor_bwe actually do that for offices in other states.  Just remote install the OS and setup everything, but we also manage via VPN's too.
20:04.32Trevor_b[TK]D-Fender: was it you i was talking to about vncconnect from lilo?
20:04.44Trevor_blike weeks or months ago
20:05.09etfonhomeyI'm pretty sure once the initial config is setup, that I could handle almost all management.  I could figure it out all the PRI stuff, but since it's a production system, I won't have the time to mess around.
20:05.41Trevor_bDigium has free installation support for their cards, use it ;)  probably wont need anyone extra after that.
20:05.41rodent|Sdownload, and seed. bitchez.
20:05.59centrexrodent|S, quiet you!
20:06.01[TK]D-FenderTrevor_b: nope
20:06.13rodent|Scentrex: no u.
20:11.18masushow to recompile asterisk afetr install unixodbc
20:12.04masusor what i have to enable "show functions ODBC"
20:13.22TheDingywho knows about sip pretty well around here
20:13.36TheDingyi am having a problem with a cisco phone on a remote wan port
20:14.58*** join/#asterisk jmesquita (
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20:15.18tzafrir_homePlease link bad voip-info pages to
20:15.27Qwelltzafrir_home: probably every page
20:15.34tzafrir_homeSo they would appear on the backlinks of that page
20:15.37Qwellby default, all pages should be linked from there
20:16.10tzafrir_homeso if you care, pick a small domain, and just make sure it is OK
20:16.22rvhianyone knows a good national carrier for sip trunk
20:16.22tzafrir_homeFor instance, users.conf is very badly-documented
20:16.34rvhithis is for commerical, so stability is critical
20:16.48Qwellrvhi: Get a PRI
20:16.53mvanbaakrvhi: define 'national'
20:17.13rvhinational has numbers everyone in the country
20:17.26masus"show function ODBC" doesn't return anything..After compile unixODBC, Do I need to load the module or something?
20:17.31rvhiPRI can only get local numbers
20:17.42rvhitoo costly to get a NY number when you are at CA
20:17.43Qwellrvhi: no
20:17.50QwellYou're wrong.
20:17.54centrexPRI can only dial local numbers where? and with what telco?
20:17.57Corydon76-digfunc_odbc doesn't define a single function
20:18.02[TK]D-Fendermasus: yes, you need to redo * completely
20:18.15masusall ?
20:18.18rvhiPRI, for inbound numbers
20:18.19Corydon76-digfunc_odbc defines any number of functions, which default to start with the prefix "ODBC_"
20:18.29mvanbaak./configure && make && make install
20:18.37Corydon76-digbut you need to define them first in func_odbc.conf
20:18.45masuswhere is the file
20:18.58mvanbaakin /etc/asterisk
20:18.58Corydon76-digin /etc/asterisk
20:19.26mvanbaakat least we agree :)
20:19.37Corydon76-digEverybody who uses func_odbc loves the hell out of it
20:19.59*** join/#asterisk waKKu (n=eurulo@unaffiliated/wakku)
20:20.01masusi have not this file
20:20.13masusmaybe it's come with another distribution
20:20.15masusi use 1.2
20:20.22Corydon76-digThere's the problem
20:20.31mvanbaakyou need 1.4
20:20.36Corydon76-digYou can get func_odbc as a backport, but it's included in 1.4
20:20.57masuscan u give me a link fr documantaton
20:21.12Corydon76-digLook at the sample config
20:21.19masusok thanks i'll see
20:22.21*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
20:30.18masushow to install this backport .. with svn ?
20:33.45*** join/#asterisk Defraz (n=t0tal@
20:36.44konqi_I'm getting an Error when trying to dial out "Ext: 1  Cause: Unallocated (unassigned) number (1), class = Normal Event (0) ]" anybody knows about this?
20:39.22*** join/#asterisk knerd2 (
20:39.34knerd2hello all
20:39.56knerd2im looking for a good place to start learning a2billing
20:40.18MACscrHas anyone tried chanskype and thought it was any good?
20:43.09*** join/#asterisk davixx (
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20:45.04petongI am still having trouble with my te120p card. Can't get the light on the front to give me any indication that it is working. zap restart seems to give varying results:
20:45.29petongzaptel and zapata conf here:
20:45.42Star568How to upgrade asterisk from v1.4.4 to V1.4.11, i want to keep all the pre-settings and configs
20:46.33petongoutput of module show
20:48.02masussvn checkout func_odbc
20:48.07masusis this wrong
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20:51.01J4k3[TK]D-Fender: trixbox sucks, crappy old computer handles the load fine, x101p only gets used during fiber cuts and other strange telco occurances.  my phones are all grandstream 101's or softphones + cheapo bt earpieces... works great 99.99% of the time.
20:51.59jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
20:52.06*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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20:53.10J4k3they work, and they're half the price of the competition.... theres not much to be argued against that
20:53.26J4k3if you want $150 phone quality, you better spend $150 ;)
20:53.54J4k3well, mine sucked until I replaced the power supplies.
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20:54.12J4k3but that was zero cost, I have a pile of 5v/2A switching psus here from an old project.
20:54.40Kurin-Why did polycom bother to put their config files in XML format
20:54.50Kurin-this isn't xml
20:54.54Kurin-it's like the anti-xml
20:55.11J4k3polycom is silly, but some people think they're the coolest thing since sliced bread.
20:55.31Kurin-I like the phones, more or less, but these config files are awful
20:56.26J4k3like a GSM handset except... not ;)
20:57.17MACscrPolycoms are great IMHO, very good quality and great company backing them
20:57.28MACscrI hate my granstream
20:57.45MACscrI get better quality on my pap2
20:57.53J4k3grandstream is just stupid... the phones wouldn't be so bad if their firmware people had actually like EVER used a real phone before.
20:58.11J4k3but, the damned things refuse to *not* work
20:58.20J4k3so... they keep running here
20:58.47Corydon76-digBecause if there's one thing I want, it's a phone that stops working
20:58.48J4k3I lothe the grandstream hold system...  hit hold, hang up...  pieceofshit starts ringing.
20:59.41J4k3theres a red LED on the front... can't figure out what its used for... cuz the blue LCD backlight blinks when I have a message (which can't be seen at any sort of angle, or if theres any light in the room otherwise)
20:59.51J4k3it certainly doesn't come on when I hit hold
20:59.54J4k3its just... worthless ;)
21:00.14J4k3buuuut, I suspect if someone hacked on their firmware some, they'd end up semi-acceptable cheapass phones
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21:14.17masusi have do it :) , for users who want to know --> svn install
21:16.06*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey)
21:16.37bm-chsanyone have a few conf files I can peek at to get my lights on snom phones to light up with asterisk?
21:17.05mvanbaakbm-chs: there's some docs in the default sip.conf
21:17.12mvanbaakand have a look at
21:17.16bm-chsI've upgraded all phones to latest 6.5.10 version, so hopefully that should work.
21:17.38*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
21:17.46bm-chs"some docs in default" -- I just want to see actual conf snippets that work.
21:18.33bm-chsI've got this asterisknow crap and I've finally figured out editing conf files without that gui crap is the way to go . . . but I need to just get a light to freakin go on a phone.
21:21.15*** join/#asterisk hellc2 (
21:22.04TheDingyany sip experts around?
21:22.31mvanbaakTheDingy: what's the problem ?
21:22.48TheDingyfighing problems with not authorized on a wan port
21:22.59TheDingyit doesn't look like the headers are being mangled in any way
21:24.55*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
21:25.33TheDingyphone works perfect on the local lan
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21:31.13zapp-braniganhi i have 2 fxo in the digium and i have only one line. and i use G1 to select zap, there is some option in the zaàta to detect the fxo who is not conected to the line and call for the true line ?
21:33.48*** join/#asterisk phace (i=HydraIRC@
21:33.56phacehi all
21:34.08phacei have one question related to SIP
21:34.21phacei have the new lancom 1724 voip router and pbx
21:34.33phacei am trying to connect with sjphone on it
21:34.45phacei can receive calls but i cannot send
21:34.54phaceit is always prompting me for a username/password...
21:35.17phaceand with x-lite i cannot even receive and send calls but I am online, I can see the status on the pbx
21:35.46Star568Hi all,  How to upgrade asterisk from v1.4.4 to V1.4.11, i want to keep all the pre-settings and configs?
21:39.36codefreezeStar568: shouldn't be a problem
21:40.13codefreezeStar568: from 1.4.4 to 1.4.11, there's just a large number of bug fixes.
21:40.55*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
21:51.37Star568codefreeze, thanks for your info. my 1.4.4 does not give me ring back on SIP leg. i plan to upgrade it 1.4.11 and see if it got fixed. so all i need is copy /etc/asterisk
21:52.04*** join/#asterisk TheDingy (
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21:56.28cirgalfolks, is there a way I can make * ignore that I'm making a loopback call?
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21:59.08zapp-braniganhi i have 2 fxo in the digium and i have only one line. and i use G1 to select zap, there is some option in the zapata to detect the fxo who is not conected to the line and call for the true line ?
21:59.31zapp-braniganuse R1
21:59.54phacewhich softphone are good to use and are compatibile with Windows and Linux ?
22:00.07konqi_With my Digium Te420 asterisk spits out an error when trying to dial out "Ext: 1  Cause: Unallocated (unassigned) number (1), class = Normal Event (0) ]" anybody knows about this?
22:00.10zapp-branigancan i detect the fxo and not use ?
22:00.20smultrondo the Polycom SoundPoint IP601s support the use of an external headset?
22:01.24*** join/#asterisk tomcontr3 (
22:02.11zapp-branigancan i detect the fxo who not have line and not use ?
22:02.30tomcontr3does anyone knows a good Digium distributor neaer Florida?
22:03.59russellbnetxusa is in south carolina
22:04.02mcabsmultron: yes they do
22:04.12russellbtomcontr3: i think there is a list on
22:04.27tomcontr3and same prices?
22:04.42smultronmcab: do they require a special kind? or will a standard 2.5mm audio pin kind work?
22:04.44russellbshould be... not sure
22:04.53*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
22:05.34mcabsmultron: the 601s use the standard RJ9 ports (IIRC), but the new IP3x0 phones use the 2.5mm audio pin kinds
22:05.55*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
22:11.05ManxPowerWhat a day
22:11.46ManxPower[X-tp]: 1) you would do it in the dialplan using complex dialplan stuff.
22:12.13ManxPower2) Having your callerid restricted is done by the CARRIER.  Get yourself a new carrier
22:12.46ManxPowerfor 1) look up "ex-girlfriend option" in the mailing list archives.
22:12.49jbotSearch Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at or search through it at, or and there is also the Macintosh Asterisk mailing list at
22:12.50[X-tp]Ive got one inbound account for each number in the series of 10 numbers Im using for my experiments
22:13.06ManxPowerWhy in the world would you do that?
22:13.29ManxPowerMost carriers allow multiple numbers on the same account.
22:14.05[X-tp]that would certainly help me... I tried to set the fromuser to one of the other numbers but it didnt like that...
22:14.22ManxPowerUh, callerid is set using callerid=
22:14.57cirgalWith respect to bridging calls and transferring calls:  is the difference one of perspective?  I.e., you transfer a call (you're the other call in this perspective),
22:15.06[X-tp]so this is not valid? "fromuser = <from_ID> : Specify user to put in "from" instead of callerid (overrides the callerid) when placing calls _to_ peer (another SIP proxy). Valid only for type=peer."
22:15.09cirgaland you bridge two calls (you're not the other call in this perspective)
22:15.19smultronmcab: what's the IP3x0 phone?
22:15.26ManxPowernot really.  It has to do with the sent userid
22:15.39ManxPowernot the callerid
22:15.51ManxPoweryou want callerid=NAme <number>
22:15.58[X-tp]Ill try that then
22:16.01ManxPoweror better yet LEAVE IT BLANK for your SIP peer.
22:16.11ManxPowerSet it in the sip.conf entry for the calling device.
22:16.17mcabsmultron: sorry, the new IP330 and IP320 phones they just released
22:16.40smultronmcab: cool, i'll look it up.
22:16.48ManxPowerI set the callerid in one place for each sip device -- in the sip device's sip.conf sectiopn
22:17.59ManxPowerI'm lucky because I have a DID (phone number) for each device and my carrier lets me set and correctly formatted number as the callerid
22:18.41ManxPowerWhen I used a SIP carrier is my provider, all numbers were on the same account.
22:19.05smultronmcab: those don't seem to support 6 lines, which is what i need. too bad.
22:19.05[X-tp]so if I set it in the sip.conf-file for that phone, it would try and send that number to the operator if nothing else is explicitly stated in extensions.conf?
22:19.07ManxPowerNow that I'm using PRI (VoIPoInternet was not reliable enough for my user's requirements) it is still a non-issue.
22:19.17ManxPower[X-tp]: that is correct.
22:19.28[X-tp]ok, thank you
22:31.47*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
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22:38.11didgehi.  where can i find help for cmu sphinx ?
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22:47.43javbI have an asterisk being the center  of 4 PBX with asterisk, using IAX.  How can make the original callerid to be sent to the destination?
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22:54.04mmmurfhello... i'm trying to compile asterisk on opensolaris 10, and i am getting the message: crvs: Command not found.  The full compile error is here:
22:54.14mmmurfwondering if anyone has any idea what is going on....
22:55.32mmmurfI tried googling for the error message but have not had any luck
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23:01.47CCFL_Man2ioctl(ZT_LOADZONE) failed: Invalid argument
23:01.48CCFL_Man2Notice: Configuration file is /etc/zaptel.conf
23:01.48CCFL_Man2line 231: Unable to register tone zone 'us'
23:01.48CCFL_Man2ZT_DEFAULTZONE failed: Invalid argument (22)
23:02.06CCFL_Man2what am i missing?
23:02.40tzafrir_homeinvalid build of ztcfg???
23:03.10tzafrir_homegrep zone /etc/zaptel.conf
23:11.22CCFL_Man2loadzone=us and defaultzone=us
23:15.57*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
23:16.25CCFL_Man2maybe i'll just try rebuilding zaptel
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23:22.26tzafrir_homeCCFL_Man2, no need to rebuild the whole of zaptel. maybe just ztcfg
23:23.03tzafrir_homethis is totally unrelated to the drivers
23:23.18tzafrir_homethis is ztcfg and libtonezone
23:23.46CCFL_Man2tzafrir_home: well, i built the modules with debian, that makes a zaptel-modules .deb from zaptel-source, but i installed the zaptel package
23:24.02CCFL_Man2possibly libvtonezone is missing
23:24.20tzafrir_homeldd ztcfg
23:24.30tzafrir_homeI think it is statically linked to libtonezone
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23:25.12CCFL_Man2i don't have ldd installed
23:26.30tzafrir_homeCCFL_Man2, do you see any message in /var/log/kern.log ?
23:26.37tzafrir_homewhen you run ztcfg ?
23:26.48tzafrir_home(regarding the tonezone)
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23:29.13tzafrir_homethis is on /var/log/kern.log ?
23:29.34CCFL_Man2actually, my console
23:29.45CCFL_Man2let me check that
23:30.13tzafrir_homecan you check with tail /var/log/kern.log or dmesg | tail
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23:35.11CCFL_Man2thats what it says
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23:41.18CCFL_Man2i'm not sure why that is but i know something is broke
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23:42.19CCFL_Man2i'm rebuilding zaptel 1.4
23:42.38CCFL_Man2i think the modules i'm using are 1.4 but ztcfg is 1.2
23:42.43TheDingyany sip experts around?
23:42.44CCFL_Man2something like that
23:50.29mmmurfhello... i'm trying to compile asterisk on opensolaris 10, and i am getting the message: crvs: Command not found.  The full compile error is here:
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23:54.05w3poghello..  I have a very odd problem.  I had a working setup with remote phones using nat being able to make calls to our asterisk box
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23:54.28w3pogwe just changed internet providers and suddenly I'm getting 403's on the SIP INVITEs.
23:54.43w3pogI've checked that the firewall allows udp access through the NAT entry and I can see the calls attempting to come through
23:54.49w3pogbut everything gets forbiddens on inbound.
23:56.15CCFL_Man2you must change you7r firewall settings
23:58.23w3pogI'm watching through tcpdump the communication between the two points

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