IRC log for #asterisk on 20070829

00:02.43*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
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00:18.36CCFL_Man2tzafrir: you there?
00:21.31flendershey, how do I use the #include "filename.conf" thing on conf files? it says on extensions.conf that 'this is different from the "include" command that includes contexts within other contexts.'
00:21.53Qwellflenders: You just put it where you want the stuff to be added
00:22.05Qwellmid-context even...  it's like a #include in C
00:23.08flendersso within a context, I can just add a bunch of 'exten' on a different file and just #include thatfile.conf after the [context_name]?
00:23.21flendersthanks mate
00:23.51flendershey, how do you guys manage DNDs and call forwardings?
00:24.38flenderscause here, if someone dials 0 on the IVR, it dials all phones, and if any is set to forward calls, it will ring this external number, as well
00:24.57flendersso I just disabled CFWD on all handsets
00:25.40flendersbut I was planning on putting together a UI, that people would just login using their browsers and set call forwarding there
00:26.41c0dz3r0I setup asterisk as a voicemail system integrating it with a definity g1 -- pri tie trunk
00:26.43c0dz3r0I setup asterisk as a voicemail system integrating it with a definity g1 -- pri tie trunk
00:26.44flendersso with this #include thing, I thought I could manage each person's config file, and change the Dial command to dial an external number, for example
00:26.48*** kick/#asterisk [c0dz3r0!n=north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell] by Qwell (Spam much?)
00:28.02*** join/#asterisk c0dz3r0 (
00:28.09flendersthen, if someone dials 0 on the IVR, the hardphone will still ring, but if you dial one's extension, it would forward to an external number
00:33.40*** part/#asterisk workaphobia (
00:36.36*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey)
00:37.30Strom_Mflenders: there are WAY more elegant ways to do call forwarding
00:39.14flendersStrom_M: can you give me an example?
00:39.39Strom_Myou could set call forward status in the asterisk DB
00:40.00Strom_Mthen, before you ring a telephone set, you check to see whether the phone is forwarded elsewhere
00:40.05Strom_Mif it is, then you dial that number instead
00:40.43flendersand do you set the number to be dialed on the db as well?
00:41.13Strom_Myes; call forward status is determined by the presence or absence of a value; if there's a number there, you assume the phone is forwarded to that number
00:41.37flendersok, I'll read up on that
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00:55.16flendersStrom_M: any ideas how users would turn on call forwarding remotely?
00:55.51CCFL_Man2when configuring a linux kernel for asterisk, what specific options need to be set other than timebase?
00:57.31Strom_Mflenders: from outside the PBX?
00:57.58*** part/#asterisk workaphobia (
00:58.47Strom_Mflenders: have a DID that answers with an IVR menu
00:58.54Strom_M"which extension would you like to forward?"
00:58.58Strom_M"enter your passcode"
00:59.05Strom_M"enter the number to forward to"
00:59.23Strom_M"extension 400 will be forwarded to 1-311-555-2368.  To confirm, press 1."
00:59.34*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
00:59.35Strom_Msomething like that
00:59.57Strom_Myou can use vmauthenticate() to authenticate with their voicemail passcode
01:13.47*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
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01:43.59*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
01:45.45*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
01:49.46*** join/#asterisk AirCoder (
01:50.34AirCodermost guys use debian distro for asterisk?
01:51.53Strom_Muse whatever distro you like best
01:52.31AirCoderlol thats a tough call.
01:52.32*** join/#asterisk CoolGuy21 (
01:52.55CoolGuy21hi, for some reason asterisk is seeing FROM_DID=s") in new stack    "s" as the DID
01:54.11*** join/#asterisk Lucky7 (n=Adam@
01:54.28Lucky7just to get it out there
01:54.30MaliutaAirCoder: why should distro make a differnce?
01:54.36Lucky7XO Communcations is retarded.
01:54.56AirCoderlearnd that yeas ago  lucky.
01:54.59MaliutaAirCoder: and unless you are running unstable or rolling your own packages the version of asterisk in debian is ancient
01:54.59weasel00Lucky7, HAHAHHAHA...
01:55.14Lucky7They forgot to put any kind of Call confirmation on my T1
01:55.27Lucky7so for the last 3 days, I've been poking around every possible hole in asterisk
01:55.32Lucky7trying to figure out WTF was wrong
01:55.33AirCoderi dont like using packages
01:55.43AirCoderwould rather compile myself.
01:55.48MaliutaAirCoder: FWIW I run debian/unstable on my asterisk box here at home ... I am a little anal about controling configs though
01:55.50Lucky7and I've been on and off with XO Commun, and them always saying thier crap is right
01:55.57Lucky7damn idiots x.x
01:55.58MaliutaAirCoder: so roll you're own packaged
01:56.04Maliutapackages even
01:56.35AirCoderive been building my systems on umbutu compling myself.
01:56.38Maliutaotherwise why bother with a distro that is package based
01:56.42AirCoderwas just courious what the rest of ya where doing.
01:56.44weasel00Lucky7,  send them a bill for your wasted time.... it tends to get their attention and they will run straight for a few months before return back to retards
01:58.31MaliutaAirCoder: building debs isn't that much over just straight compilation from source, and you get all the added benefits of a package management system when it comes to upgrading and/or running the same binaries on multiple systems
01:58.32Lucky7i need to
01:58.41Lucky7On a side note
01:58.43*** join/#asterisk grimsy (n=chatzill@
01:58.51AirCodertook me 3 months to get a ptsn line installed at a local with xo lucky..... finaly made them break the contract and i moved on.
01:59.06Lucky73 months, I would have died
01:59.15Lucky7I wil lsay, our Field tech in the Austin area is great
01:59.26Lucky7its just EVERYONE on the switch side / tech support side who is a moron
01:59.34Lucky7I talked to a girl last night
01:59.39Lucky7told her i was setting up a * box
01:59.45AirCodermaliuta, your sayen just build my own debian package?
01:59.46Lucky7first, she didn't know what asterisk was.
01:59.55Lucky7which, ya know, whatever, its not the biggest PBX in the world
02:00.02Lucky7but then she didn't know what open-source ment.
02:00.05weasel00i finally got a point to point installed at out office in HongKong... took 10 months... 2 months for the local teclo in hk to redo the circuit cause MCI ordered the wrong one =)
02:00.20Lucky7that blows
02:00.53Lucky7Hm.  Wierd, for some reason, I have 5-6 softphones currently setup
02:00.57weasel00Lucky7, it was supposed to be 6 months from the contract sign date they promised.. i get free data for 8 months because of them ;()
02:01.05Lucky7but any time i call them via the outside, it goes to voicemail o,0
02:01.29Lucky7   //// sip show peers
02:02.20Lucky7  ///// calllog for incoming call to 140. (my phone)
02:02.28*** join/#asterisk linagee (n=linagee@about/linux/staff/linagee)
02:02.46MaliutaAirCoder: yes
02:02.50Lucky7yea, its freePBX, and currently #freePBX is being eaten by someone who has DID issues, figured i might give it a shot here, and see if someone sees something i dont.
02:03.53MaliutaAirCoder: if you are going to run a distribution that is package managed your software should be part of that system
02:07.44AirCoderhavent built packages yet but i'll look into it cant be to difficult.
02:10.38MaliutaAirCoder: it's not, you just need to wrap your head around a few things, 'specially doing multibinariy and shlib packages
02:11.32MaliutaAirCoder: it is worth basing your stuff heavily on the packaging work done by others, the guys that roll the asterisk packages for debian do a good job. look at their stuff
02:11.59AirCoderwill do
02:13.34*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
02:16.09luke-jrAnyone know how to unlock a PAP2-NA?
02:18.40*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
02:20.57*** join/#asterisk dlynes_laptop (
02:22.14*** join/#asterisk Krurst (
02:27.47*** join/#asterisk IgorG (n=FeedomPa@
02:32.41*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
02:34.17flendersStrom_M: you around?
02:34.39flendersor even anyone else, is there anything wrong with this?
02:34.40flendersexten => s,n(dial-cfim),Dial(Local/${DB(CFIM/${ARG3})@intern,15)
02:35.28flendersNo such extension/context XXXXXXXXX@default creating local channel
02:36.07flendersit should be dialing XXXXXXXXX@intern, shouldn't it?
02:36.41flendersand intern includes my outgoing context, which then can dial out
02:37.26*** join/#asterisk rnelson (
02:37.33*** join/#asterisk Penggu (
02:38.17rnelsonI have a question about strings in expressions in the dialplan.
02:38.17Pengguhi all. how would you check if an (sip) extension has voicemail configured for it or not?
02:40.30flendersPenggu: voicemail.conf?
02:41.09flendersthe extension number and mailbox number on voicemail.conf are not tied. so you can:
02:41.29flendersexten => 1000,n,Voicemail(2000)
02:42.02flendersand on sip.conf, you can add mailbox=2000 for sip user [blah]
02:42.16rnelsonI'm trying to do something which, after variable expansion, looks like Set(var=$["\"xxxx\" yyyy" | ""])
02:43.20rnelsonBut I get a parse error after the second quote.  It looks like it is ignoring the fact that the quote is escaped.
02:43.52*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
02:47.07*** join/#asterisk Infested (n=infested@
02:47.57*** join/#asterisk sevard (n=sev@
02:48.59Pengguflenders: is there any way to read the sip.conf lines in the dial plan?
02:49.16Penggueg SipFeat("223","mailbox")
02:49.44Penggubasically i want to check if a sip peer has a mailbox configured and then decide whether or not to send them to voicemail
02:49.53Penggu(them = callers to the number in question)
02:50.38Pengguor does the mailbox= option go in to any ${VARIABLE} ?
02:51.03flendersPenggu: not sure you can do that just using the dialplan
02:51.28Pengguhmm, also the $variables would normally be related to the current channel, not necessarily who we're tyring to call..
02:51.43flendersthe mailbox setting on sip.conf is used to notify the peer when there's voicemail
02:54.18Pengguah great
02:54.30Pengguour mailbox numbers are == sip extension numbers
02:54.36Pengguso it's no feat to work out
02:56.06*** join/#asterisk Aeudian (
02:57.16weasel00i keep getting this one extsion.. what does it mean? Spawn extension (macro-stdexten, s, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/2003-081fe7d0' in macro 'stdexten'
02:57.44AeudianI am getting the following error when i reload asterisk "Context 'ael-dundi-e164-local' tries includes nonexistent context 'ael-dundi-e164-canonical'" now i have gone through the extensions.conf file and dundi-e164 and all references are commented out.  Why am I still recieving this error?
02:58.21*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
02:58.53ai-ayou missed one.
02:59.21Strom_MAeudian: look in extensions.ael :)
02:59.49rnelsonHello?  Anyone have any ideas about my question about strings with spaces AND double quotes?
02:59.51Aeudiancorrect me if i am wrong, but isnt the ael generated by my .conf?
03:00.02dugI am new to asterisk and I have setup ubuntu 7.04 with a zaptel card and build the modules which appear in the dmesg but when I run ztcfg -vvv I get  channel one no such device
03:00.43Strom_MAeudian: you're wrong
03:01.11Strom_Mdug: does the card show up when you run lspci -bv?
03:01.21dugI am sure the devices are correct (fx0 in module one) and fxs in module 3
03:01.49Strom_MFXO, not FX0
03:02.01Strom_MForeign eXchange Office
03:02.06dugStrom_M: no it doesnt
03:02.17dugStrom_M: appear in lspci
03:02.19Strom_Mdug: pastebin the output of lspci -bv
03:04.34sevardForiegn eXchange 0ffice
03:05.25Strom_Mdug: it's a TDM400?
03:06.15dugStrom_M a ZAPMICRO ZMA800P11 (TDM811B)
03:06.26sevardit's a ZOMG400
03:06.37Strom_Mdug: what the hell is "ZAPMICRO"?
03:07.23dugStrom_M:  I thought it was a zaptel card .... not sure now
03:07.43dugStrom_M: Zaptel compat
03:08.30rnelsonStrom_M: I think it is a clone of the Digium cards.
03:09.02Strom_Mlooks like junk
03:09.35Strom_MZMA800P looks like they took the TDM400P and did terrible terrible things to it :)
03:09.56Penggui rmember reading this somewhere, but i can't find it
03:10.11Pengguif for eg we use execif(blah|AGI|arguments)
03:10.18Pengguwhere we want argumnets to be more than 1 thing
03:10.30Pengguwould they be separated by commas?
03:11.57AeudianStorm_M: what is the purpose of the extensions.ael file? its almost like my changes in extensions.conf are not making a difference unless i modify the .ael
03:12.15Strom_Mwho's storm?
03:12.53AeudianStrom_M: sorry you, mistyped
03:12.59Pengguto answer myself, ExecIf($[${VMBOXEXISTSSTATUS} = FAILED]|AGI|,'No!') works nicely
03:14.38Aeudianheelios: thanks
03:20.16AeudianWhat is "WARNING[4567]: res_smdi.c:746 reload: No SMDI interfaces were specified to listen on, not starting SDMI listener." and how do I stop this warning from appearing on a reload?
03:22.38flendersAeudian: you can delete .ael files if you don't want them to be read
03:22.45flendersthen reload
03:23.45Aeudianflenders: from what i am reading, new to the .ael side, these are experamental?  What is the benefit if any over .conf
03:24.05codefreezeheelios: yes, the example AEL files are just translations of the extensions.conf files, and are not necessary. Also, see the page. The current impl in 1.4 and trunk is AEL2.
03:24.07flendersAeudian: apparently they're more flexible
03:25.12weasel00hmm..too bad i cant figure a way to get asterisk to use a standard modem to forward voip calls to my cell when im out of the office
03:25.18flendersAeudian: I don't use it, and am not missing it
03:25.35Aeudianflenders: if the .ael file exists which does it reference this file before the .conf or only the .aef
03:25.40Aeudianpardon me .ael
03:26.06flendersit parses both .conf and .ael
03:26.17flendersyou should stick to only one of them
03:26.31codefreezeAeudian: the .ael can ref things in the extensions.conf stuff.
03:27.09Aeudianflenders: ya i just noticed the .ael after doing the newest asterisk compile and it was giving a lot of errors, ill probally stick to .conf
03:28.04codefreezeAeudian: I need to clean it up, then....
03:29.02Aeudiancodefreeze: its not a ton of errors just a lot of dundi errors on fresh install
03:29.36flendersael sounds very interesting, but I haven't had time to look into it yet, so I just delete .ael files and stick to the .conf ones.
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03:46.28b11dsigh indeed
03:51.02KrurstI'm having trouble getting on demand recording (*1) working after picking up a parked call. Can someone let me know it this is a bug, or if I have something screwed up in my config.
03:52.53KrurstI'm using the svn 1.4 branch
03:53.40*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (n=leon@
03:57.20*** join/#asterisk DustinO (
03:57.58DustinOWhy would my 's' extension not be triggering?
03:58.15DustinOI always get a busy signal... Shouldn't the s extension always execute?
03:58.26DustinO..regardless of extension
03:59.49DustinOCan anyone give me a minute of their time?
04:00.10tzangerDustinO: how are you trying ot get there?
04:00.24tzangerfrom TDM, you'll only hit 's' if the driver can't provide an extension (i.e. analog)
04:00.32DustinOMy IP phone and softphone are directed to that context
04:00.36tzangerif from SIP/IAX, they provide an extension, but default to 's' I believe
04:01.10DustinOfor a sip phone, what extension would i use to immediately drop the user to an ivr prompt?
04:01.36DustinOI have a context with just an s, and it's just not doing anything
04:01.43DustinOi'm not routing to it
04:01.46[TK]D-FenderDustinO, depends if the phone is CAPABLE of jsut throwing a call to a given exten upon going off-hook
04:01.55[TK]D-FenderDustinO, typically you DIAL a number from a phone.
04:02.10DustinOwell, yeah
04:02.11[TK]D-FenderDustinO, Sever phones do support the "bat-phone" function
04:02.24DustinObut if i dialed a number, i would not be using an s, right, then?
04:02.30DustinOi would be using that number
04:02.50fujinbat phone?
04:02.53DustinOi'm just clarifying why it is that the s extension appears everywhere, but I can't seem to get it to work
04:03.11tzangerDustinO: when they pick up the set?  you need to configure the phone to do that
04:03.25[TK]D-FenderDustinO, Correct
04:03.27tzangerif you dialed a number, it'd look to match THAT number in the dialplan
04:03.41[TK]D-FenderDustinO, "s" tpically is MEANINGLESS toa SIP phone.
04:03.46tzangerDustinO: exten => _X.,Goto(s,1) would probably do what you want :-)
04:03.52DustinOi thought the s extension was used to just ignore everything that had been entered to that point, and start fresh in that context
04:03.58[TK]D-Fendertzanger, CLOSE ;)
04:04.12DustinOso, 's' is used when, then?
04:04.18tzanger[TK]D-Fender: haha exten => _X.,1,Goto(s,1)
04:04.29tzangerDustinO: when the channel is incapable of giving you an extension
04:04.31[TK]D-FenderDustinO, but even using that exten you'd have to dial a number to start thre process, it wouldn't be on off-hook
04:04.36tzangerit means 'start' I believe
04:04.44DustinOyeah, but when does it trigger?
04:04.47[TK]D-Fendertzanger, getting WARMER, but still not quite ;)
04:04.56DustinOunless in a bat phone situation, aren't you always going to have to match against a number?
04:04.57tzanger[TK]D-Fender: what's wrong with that?
04:05.18tzanger1 or more digits, priority 1, goto s exten, 1st priority in that same context
04:05.18[TK]D-Fendertzanger, Doesn't account for "any" number, let alone other chars ;)
04:05.20fujinread the docs :\
04:05.26tzanger[TK]D-Fender: you picky bitch
04:05.30[TK]D-Fendertzanger, no, thats *2* or more ;)
04:05.40tzangerI thought '.' matched 0 or more digits
04:05.42[TK]D-Fendertzanger, not me, the DIALPLAN, I'm just the MESSENGER :p
04:05.46fujinyeah, but you've got _X.
04:05.49fujinwaht you want is _. =>
04:05.51[TK]D-Fendertzanger, Strike one!
04:05.52DustinOI've been reading the documentation, but I must be missing where it says that
04:05.53Strom_Mno no no
04:05.59Strom_M! is 0 or more
04:05.59DustinOthey all just say that you just start there
04:06.01DustinOi think
04:06.02Strom_Myou want _X!
04:06.04Strom_Mnever use _.
04:06.10tzanger_. matches oshiat, which is probably not what you want
04:06.15[TK]D-Fenderfujin, And words can barely describe how DUMB "_." is :D
04:06.33tzanger! is 0 or more, I have never had to use that
04:06.37fujinsomeone needs to put proper regex into the dialplan, like quantifiers
04:06.40[TK]D-Fendertzanger, So show me the RIGHT apttern now :)
04:06.41fujingame over
04:07.06[TK]D-FenderStrom_M, You're MUCH closer, but still a shade off :)
04:07.11tzanger_X! would be it then
04:07.29Qwellheh, I've been seeing _X! more and more lately
04:07.35tzangerfujin: no way, the dialplan needs to be written in an existing language instead of what's there now or AEL
04:07.49[TK]D-FenderQwell : And STILL, none of them have gotten it quite right!
04:07.58Qwell_X! is exactly right
04:08.00tzanger[TK]D-Fender: enlighten me
04:08.15Qwell_X! > _X. :D
04:08.17*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
04:08.18[TK]D-Fenderqwell : Nope!
04:08.23Qwell_X. won't match 1 digit
04:08.43Qwellor, hmm, wait
04:08.58DustinOtzanger, I'm trying to understand your previous statement (sorry :) ): how do you land on an 's' ext when you're not already in that context?
04:09.02[TK]D-Fenderthe answer for his need : _[0-9*#]!,1,  <------------ Account for Pound & Asterisk!
04:09.13QwellI didn't see his question :
04:09.19DustinOtzanger: that's just not possible?
04:09.20[TK]D-Fendertzanger, Silly you!
04:09.21ManxPower. means "1 or more"  X means "one"
04:09.24tzangerDustinO: you never hit 's' from a device capable of giving you an extension... SIP phones can do that
04:09.30[TK]D-Fendertzanger, Accoutn for all touch-tone at least!
04:09.31ManxPowerone + one or more = not match one.
04:09.43tzangerDustinO: so to hit it from SIP/IAX/PRI, you need to pass 's' as the extension, literally
04:09.45QwellManxPower: We're discussing _X. vs _X!
04:09.51fujinshould really be .*
04:09.58tzangerDustinO: and since that's just silly, configure your phone to automatically dial something when it's picked up
04:10.04Qwellhuh...  is . buggy?
04:10.07[TK]D-Fendertzanger, Well technically I *CAN* hit "s" from mine :p
04:10.10ManxPowerRemember kids, don't irc when drunk.
04:10.14tzanger[TK]D-Fender: pssh, now you're just being pedantic
04:10.29[TK]D-Fendertzanger, And thats why my SIP invites WORK :p
04:10.33tzanger[TK]D-Fender: technically you forgot ABCD as well then
04:10.38DustinOtxanger, all this time, i've been assuming someone was dialing in an extension, not transferring SIP-wise to an extension
04:10.46DustinOtxanger, that explains our disconnect
04:10.54tzangerDustinO: ?
04:11.00[TK]D-Fendertzanger, * doesn't SUPPORT ABCD, so your argument is somewhat moot ;)
04:11.08Qwell[TK]D-Fender: sure it does
04:11.16tzangerI could have sworn I dialed abcd before with *
04:11.20[TK]D-FenderQwell : Orly?
04:11.22DustinOtzanger, if i dial a DID into my SIP phone, asterisk will interrupt that as what extension
04:11.26QwellYou've just gotta have a phone with those keys
04:11.28DustinOtzanger, the did itself?
04:11.32tzangerDustinO: correct
04:11.38tzangeryou need to have a basic understanding of what's going on
04:11.48[TK]D-FenderQwell : And what in the dialplan accounts for it?
04:11.56Qwell[TK]D-Fender: I've seen people use ABCD in their VM password. :)
04:12.02tzangerQwell: hahaha
04:12.08*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
04:12.14[TK]D-FenderQwell : Doesn't mean it WORKS :p
04:12.16Qwell[TK]D-Fender: the chars ABCD - no pattern match required
04:12.18tzangerlimits the phones you cna send it from unless you've got a little recorder to play them back
04:12.20DustinOtzanger, well, if you always have a static did or are transferring in via SIP with an extension, how do you end up in 's'
04:12.21Qwellbut it does work
04:12.25DustinOtzanger, bear with me here :)
04:12.31tzangerDustinO: by exten => 1234,1,Goto(s,1)
04:12.44tzangerwhen yo udial 1234, it matches that extension, and jumps to s, priority 1
04:12.59DustinOtzanger, and that just allows a funnel of a bunch of extensions to end up in a simple 's'?
04:13.13tzangerDustinO: no, that allows the extenison '1234' to end up at 's'
04:13.29[TK]D-FenderDustinO, the whole point is you DON'T!  You don't NEED "s"!  If you want an "all-roads-lead-to-this-function", then you need a pattern-match (or series of them) that all GOTOT this other singular place.
04:13.35*** join/#asterisk Yourname` (
04:13.47[TK]D-FenderDustinO, Whats that a metric bunch, or imperial?
04:13.49DustinOfender, ok
04:14.28DustinOfender, that's what I'm trying to find. it seems more significant than it is because so much documentation is laden with it
04:14.40DustinOfender, what do you mean?
04:15.13Yourname`Hi, is there a way I can set queue_priority BEFORE the call goes into the queue exten? For example, on an inbound call, like exten => 4192220000,1,Set(QUEUE_PRIORITY=10); exten => 419222000,n,Goto(testqueu,100, 1)
04:15.21[TK]D-FenderDustinO, You basically want a phone that does NOTHING except dump into an IVR pretty much immediately?
04:15.28Yourname`flenders: It worked! Thanks a lot for that Set callerID (name) thing. :)
04:15.30DustinOfender, yeah
04:15.33DustinOfender, exactly
04:15.48[TK]D-FenderDustinO, Do you already have the phone you want to do this to?
04:16.07[TK]D-FenderDustinO, What is it exactly?
04:16.08DustinOalready an extension and everything
04:16.15DustinOclearly, i'll just hardwire the extension in
04:16.24DustinOor pattern, etc..
04:16.43DustinOby hardwire, i mean write the static did or pattern into the dialplan
04:16.45flendersYourname`: no worries
04:17.13DustinOfender, i have both x-lite and a grandstream connecting over sip
04:17.15DustinOand iax
04:17.32flenderswow, I never really had a look on the asterisk sounds directory, and it's got EVERYTHING you need, hehe
04:17.51[TK]D-FenderDustinO, Ok, you danced around the question.  Exactly WHAT HARDWARE to you want to enable this method of operation for?
04:18.13DustinOmodel-wise, gxp-2000
04:18.20DustinOwhich seems to be crap, by the way
04:18.34DustinOi got it connecting via a static did
04:18.40[TK]D-FenderDustinO, Sad.... taking a multi-line office phone with screen, etc, and turning it into a 10 + ATA Bat-phone
04:18.45DustinOi just wanted to reconcile the 's' complication
04:18.55[TK]D-FenderDustinO, I believe you can' actually have it so you don't even have to dial anything
04:18.58DustinOno need for a bat-phone, sorry
04:19.10DustinOno... i'm just testing something else that's on a far bigger scale
04:19.13*** join/#asterisk IgorG (n=FeedomPa@
04:19.18[TK]D-FenderDustinO, then you missed the point.  "s" is not NEEDED for anything by you then
04:19.52[TK]D-FenderDustinO, Stop thinking about "s" when you want the phone to dial multiple extens to do DIFFERENT things.
04:20.00DustinOit was more of figuring out why it was made  out to be so simple in all of the asterisk documentation/handbook, etc, and i couldn't get it to work the way they implied it should
04:20.13DustinOi'm not using s at all, by the way
04:20.24DustinOi just wanted to make sure i understood its significance, which is nil
04:20.40DustinOthanks for your help
04:20.45[TK]D-FenderDustinO, It IS simple.  Its where calls coming from ANALOG LINES, and ANALOG PHONES in "bat-phone" mode go!
04:20.50[TK]D-FenderDustinO, Period.
04:21.00DustinOok, gotcha
04:21.04DustinOthanks, fender
04:21.06[TK]D-FenderDustinO, Anything else comes IN with a target #
04:21.37DustinOtzanger: thanks, also
04:21.39[TK]D-FenderDustinO, You pick up your sip phone you dial a number.  That gets passed to * from your phone.  Bingo!  * KNOWS the number you dialed.  No need to cafall to a stupisd "s"
04:22.26tzangerDustinO: think of 's' as 'shitty phone tech that can't pass an extension'
04:22.31[TK]D-FenderDustinO, If you have an ISDN PRI (digital voice link), callers land on your B-channels because they dialed a DID that TARGETS your PRI.  That TARGET is a KNOWN NUMBER.
04:22.50[TK]D-FenderDustinO, Ever had a line with 'distinctive ring' attached to it?
04:22.56DustinOi gok. currently, i configured the GS phone to connect to an Asterisk VM with SIP, from there to as asterisk server in coloc via IAX (to get through nat), and then from there to our main switches via SIP, and then out to our providers
04:22.57*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
04:23.16DustinOit's all working great, but I'm just trying to use good practice
04:23.21DustinOso, i'm good
04:23.28DustinOnever needed one
04:23.36[TK]D-FenderDustinO, Ok, well as long as we've cleared som stuff up I guess.
04:23.37DustinO(with a distinct. ring)
04:24.38[TK]D-FenderDustinO, Well an analog line just rings when you call it.  Your telco could forward a HUNDRED different numbers to it and your phone would have no idea WHAT number was dialed to make it ring.  All it would know is that it is RINGING.  Thats's why it dumps into "s".  Because it doesn't know WHY.
04:24.59[TK]D-FenderDarn, a great answer WASTED :p
04:25.10tzanger[TK]D-Fender: actually that is a really great answer
04:25.16tzangerjbot should have that added
04:25.23[TK]D-FenderHere :
04:25.27jbot[stdextens] "s" Standard Extension : Where a call goes to when * does not know the destination of the call.  Ex : Calls coming in on FXO ports (no DID), a call coming in from an ITSP that doesn't specify or where it was not set in the REGISTER line, or FXS port goes off-hook and "immediate=yes" in zapata.conf.  "s" is also used to make IVRs & macros. The "s" ...
04:25.34[TK]D-Fenderthis was already pretty decent
04:26.03[TK]D-FenderRather explicit and stating many examples.
04:26.11ManxPower"s" does not stand for "start", it stands for "stupid" as in the tech used is too stupid to deliver the dialed number.
04:26.21[TK]D-FenderSomeone should donate 100$ to the guy who wrote that ;)
04:26.48[TK]D-FenderManxPower, "Stupid" always has a "Start", but no "End".... YOU should know that :p
04:28.29luke-jrAnyone here done Sipura provisioning? :)
04:29.39[TK]D-Fenderweasel00, and the lesson is "Yes, [TK]D-Fender really CAN say the same thing 100 times nearly tirelessly!"
04:29.54weasel00squestion... do i need to reload asterisk inorder for it release i have been dumping more moh music into it?
04:31.46[TK]D-Fenderweasel00, worst case : module reload
04:32.27weasel00i just reloaded the whole thing.. couldnt take it anymore =)
04:36.31weasel00[TK]D-Fender, where do i start in debugging this error that came up when i did the reload 'Remote host can't match request NOTIFY to call '
04:37.15[TK]D-Fenderweasel00, Not a clue personally... Google is youre freebie start...
04:37.23weasel00[TK]D-Fender, no one is in the system except me..
04:37.33weasel00[TK]D-Fender, tried.. no luck there =)
04:38.03[TK]D-Fenderweasel00, wondering if thats a VM notification issue
04:38.27[TK]D-Fenderweasel00, I think I heard of something recently concerning some sort of change from a "poll" to a "push" method.
04:38.47[TK]D-Fenderweasel00, Just extrapolating, but I could be entirely off-track...
04:39.51weasel00[TK]D-Fender, is vmail handled by chan_sip.c ?
04:40.36[TK]D-Fenderweasel00, For the notification part, sure
04:51.51*** join/#asterisk nuonguy (
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04:55.07weasel00[TK]D-Fender, client coudlnt re-register after the reload to get off of hold and back to the call. weird.
04:57.19*** join/#asterisk mcab (
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05:14.10CCFL_Man2which 2.6 kernel had 1000Hz timebase by default?
05:15.09*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
05:25.27CCFL_Man2anyone here?
05:25.28weasel00wierd.. the the conference room voice system is really choppy...
05:29.20*** join/#asterisk jarod14 (
05:34.00denonweasel00: you have a zap timing device?
05:34.33weasel00denon, ya... i dont think the box can handle it or the timing is off..
05:34.47denonmake sure you dont have any irq issues
05:34.52denoncheck cpu
05:36.02weasel00almost 2 second delay...
05:41.03grimsyluke-jr: you were asking about sipura provisioning?
05:41.44grimsyI've done some with the SPA942 (which is linksys now)
05:45.12flendersgrimsy: can you give details on that?
05:45.57grimsybasically i have php scripts that run each night via cron jobs
05:46.12grimsypulling info out of LDAP and creating the config files for each phone
05:46.27grimsythe phones then pick up any changes automatically via tftp
05:47.36grimsyi've made some other scripts that populate the personal directory too
05:47.42grimsythose are on my blog if you're interested
05:48.34b11danother double..
05:49.09flendersgrimsy: interesting
05:49.41grimsyif people are interested, i can tidy up the provisioning scripts and post them
05:49.48flendersI read your previous post about the personal directory a while ago
05:49.53grimsymight take a little while though
05:50.03flenderstried to find your contact details
05:50.23flendersbut your profile has only your name on it
05:51.03grimsyjust sent you my email
05:51.23flendersthanks mate
05:55.53*** join/#asterisk mjmarrio (
05:56.23mjmarriocan anyone tell me if I can put macro extensions into realtime extensions table?
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06:00.55Inezhi ho
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06:04.37luke-jrgrimsy: yeah
06:04.45luke-jrgrimsy: any idea on decoding the binary format?
06:04.55grimsyah, no i'm sorry
06:05.07grimsyyou want to make your own firmware?
06:05.17luke-jrI want to unlock my PAP2-NA
06:05.29grimsycan't help i'm sorry
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06:17.45Krurstdoes parking break on demand record (feature *1) or is it just my setup?
06:21.25*** join/#asterisk KDan (
06:21.53Snake-eyesis the following error message only appears when asterisk makes a new connection to mysql cause the old one was stale ?
06:21.55Snake-eyesmysql_log: cdr_mysql: Unknown connection error: (2006) MySQL server has gone away
06:23.48famiconeh, quick question
06:23.52famiconwhat IS asterisk
06:24.16famiconso far my view of it is "apache for SIP"
06:25.14Snake-eyesfamicon, no, its software pbx system supporting multiply features and protocols
06:27.32famiconok it get it
06:29.05*** join/#asterisk stimpie (
06:35.08coili went on and was trying to look for a good standard sip setup guide, but the only one i found, the link is a 404...
06:35.13*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
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06:47.49Snake-eyescoil, sip guide for what ? setting up sip in asterisk ?
06:47.50*** join/#asterisk sacitec (n=tobi@
06:48.30sacitecdoes asterisk support T.38 passtrought to a zap channel ?
06:49.10Snake-eyescoil, I would look at this page
06:49.30Snake-eyescoil, also look at the "See also" section
06:49.42flenderssacitec: I'm doing fax using a PRI and a TDM400 with a single FXS channel
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06:49.58flendersthough, people say it doesn't work, it does for me
06:50.10sacitecthat's exactly what i want to do
06:50.20sacitecbut with zap channel
06:50.27flendersI had no dramas to set it up.
06:50.30sacitecand fxs port
06:50.35sacitecasterisk 1.4 ?
06:50.46flenderssangoma A101 card for the PRI
06:50.54flendersand TDM400 with a single FXS
06:51.07saciteci'll use sangoma A200 serie
06:51.21sacitec1 fxs port for fax machine
06:52.05flenderswhat I heard was that sangoma a200 works better for fax than tdm400
06:52.14sacitechope so
06:54.07*** join/#asterisk tsurko (n=tsurko@
06:54.28sacitecthanks =)
06:55.26*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
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07:02.01flendershey, can I match a caller id to 2 digits? I mean, a GotoIf that checks for the lenght of the callerid(num)?
07:02.11*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
07:04.36kaldemarflenders: use function LEN.
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07:13.33FlatFootmorning all
07:14.41FlatFootjust looking at agents/queues , does anyone know is it possible to send via header a different ringtone per queue ? using the setvar
07:16.06*** part/#asterisk Krurst (
07:17.14sparqDoes anyone know of a WiFi SIP that isn
07:17.28sparqThat isn't terrible, I was going to say
07:21.20FlatFootsparq: I used the UTStar F5000 ( I think ) that wasn't to bad so long as you have good WiFi coverage
07:26.25*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (
07:26.47obnauticusHey, im calling into my PBX from my cell phone and I don't think it can hear me or my DTMF tones.
07:26.59obnauticusI get this error:
07:28.41obnauticusThat's when my pbx is doing a WaitExten
07:29.50kaldemarare you sure it is doing a WaitExten? that looks like you're trying to reach some sip device that is unreachable.
07:30.36obnauticusIt's an IVR menu.
07:30.48obnauticusI mean....
07:30.50obnauticusa regular menu ...
07:33.37kaldemarobnauticus: you're very unlikely to get any help with that little output.
07:33.51obnauticusk hold on.
07:33.52*** join/#asterisk marc7 (
07:35.13obnauticusthere's my config.
07:37.50Strom_Mobnauticus: have you tried just having that SIP connection bridge directly to a phone and seeing if you can talk both ways?
07:38.09obnauticusNow, but it has worked with this config and setup before.
07:38.27Strom_Mwith the same SIP connection to the ITSP?
07:38.33kaldemarthere seems to be something wrong with the SIP connection. maybe your provider has changed something?
07:39.03Strom_Misn't that the free and really sucky one?
07:39.14obnauticusBetter than nothing :/
07:39.29Strom_Mstep 1: try paying money for something of actual quality
07:39.43obnauticusThey are in my LOCAL area..
07:39.50obnauticusthe local NPA is 360 here.
07:39.52obnauticusThat is why I use it.
07:40.24Strom_M360 is a fairly large area code
07:40.32Strom_Mare you sure their rate center is local to your rate center?
07:40.53Strom_Mless than twelve miles away?
07:40.58obnauticusNo idea :/
07:41.04obnauticusI'm sure i pay for local rates to them though
07:41.04Strom_Mmerely being in the same area code is not the definition of "local"
07:41.20obnauticusIS there anything wrong with my menu config though:?
07:41.48Strom_Mapart from some deprecated syntax and complete misuse of the # key?  no
07:42.09Strom_Mwhat prefix is your DID, and what prefix are you calling from?
07:42.26obnauticuscalling from 771 -> 968
07:43.21*** join/#asterisk af_ (
07:43.50Strom_M771 is Vancouver, WA
07:43.59Strom_M968 is Shelton, WA
07:44.26Strom_Mwelcome to telephony; enjoy your stay
07:46.01*** join/#asterisk The_LightSide (
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07:50.21tldIs there any way to make a free call from or to a cellphone?  A cellphone user still has to pay when calling an 800-number?
07:51.02Strom_Mtld: if you're in north america, then yes, the mobile subscriber pays for airtime regardless
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07:52.42tldWondering about USA yes.  So no way for someone calling a cellphone to accept paying the airtime charges, and make the call free for the cellphone user?
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07:53.01Strom_Mtld: no, sorry, it doesn't work like that
07:53.19tldtoo bad. :(
07:53.22tldthanks for the info.
07:53.25Strom_Mwhat are you trying to do, exactly?
07:54.03tldI have a friend in the US, and I'd like to be able to call her and chat without it costing her money.
07:54.17tldI'd snailmail her an ATA, but she doesn't have internet at the moment.
07:54.40Strom_Mwell, usually mobile phone plans in the US include ridiculous amounts of airtime anyway
07:55.10Strom_Mfor example, the voice portion of my plan is US$40 for 1,000 minutes each month
07:55.13tldhmmm.  I guess I should ask her to look into it.  Or see about getting a landline or internet connection.
07:55.23tldsounds good. :)
07:57.09*** join/#asterisk BugKhaM (
07:58.05coilStrom_M: tmobile?
07:58.23*** part/#asterisk BugKhaM (
07:58.46Strom_Mcoil: yep
08:06.23denontld: she doesn't have a landline?
08:06.34denonlots of cell companies are free unlimited inbound
08:06.38denonbut all landlines are
08:06.50denon(in the US)
08:07.45denonif she doesn't have a landline at all, it's probably because her cell plan has 50 billion minutes a month like strom said
08:07.59Strom_Mor because she's stupid
08:08.03Strom_Mi've seen both
08:08.10denonI wasn't going to say that :)
08:08.25denonodds are this is his shiney new internet girlfriend, and he's trying to make a good impression :)
08:10.11*** join/#asterisk shtoom (n=shtoom@
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08:15.17sparqtld: I get free nights and weekends on my cell phone
08:15.46tldSorry, was afk for a sec.
08:16.01tlddenon, No landline.  She moves around some, so hasn't made sense to get one.
08:16.20*** join/#asterisk McDouglas (
08:16.38tlddenon, Real life female friend (not girlfriend though).  She's Norwegian, moved over there to work for a while.
08:16.55McDouglasi got a strange error with asterisk
08:17.00tlddenon, She's on a fairly tight budget, and from what I understood, probably on a prepaid.
08:17.17McDouglasi have it running, an analog phone is plugged in and an analog pots lie is also plugged in, al ok i can dial out and in
08:17.35McDouglasnow, if i replace the analog line with a line coming frm a GSM adapter
08:17.51McDouglasit does not dial (giving a busy signal after a while)
08:18.21sparqtld: ask her to look into plans with free nights and weekends. Also, if she is ever around a WiFi connection, T-Mobile is selling phones that will hop on any available WiFi connection and give you unlimited calling.
08:18.23McDouglasbut if i connect my analog phone directly to this GSM adapter i can dial without a problem (although it takes a bit longer to set up the call)
08:18.54tldsparq, thanks
08:19.55Strom_MMcDouglas: well, first off, why the hell are you going GSM -> analog -> TDM -> IP?
08:21.24McDouglaswhat do you mean?
08:21.48McDouglaswe have an analog line and a gsm line (via the gsm adapter) going into the pbx
08:21.59McDouglasand depending on the telephone number, the cheaper will be used
08:22.06Strom_Mthe GSM adapter is a horrid kludge
08:22.16Strom_MI wouldn't use it in production if I were you
08:22.23McDouglasif it cuts the price into half you have to deal with it
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08:22.36McDouglaswe have been using it since years (with an old bosch pbx)
08:22.38Strom_Myeah, and if it cuts your call quality into 1/5?
08:23.02McDouglasthere is nothing worng with the quality
08:23.25Strom_Myou seriously can't hear the difference between g.711 and gsm>
08:23.40McDouglasg.711 ?
08:23.54jboti guess thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
08:24.14McDouglasoh you mean ulaw
08:24.47McDouglasthere is a slight difference, but thats the price you pay for using GSM service
08:24.55Strom_Myou call that "slight"?
08:25.08McDouglasbut as i said we have been using this setup for years and it was sufficient
08:25.37McDouglasits the same quality as a cell phone cal
08:25.44McDouglaswhats wrong with that?
08:26.54Strom_Mit's worse; you introduce plenty of extra problems by putting unnecessary A/D conversions in the link
08:27.27The_LightSideStrom_M, by nature the audio coming out of the GSM engine is analouge
08:27.54McDouglasStrom_M: BUT... we use the GSM adapters to call GSM numbers
08:27.55McDouglasnothing else
08:27.59The_LightSidealtho GSM is basically ISDN
08:28.03McDouglasso even if we used land line to call a gsm phone
08:28.13McDouglasit wouldn't be that good anyway
08:28.42The_LightSideStrom_M, altho i do agree you get some really crappy gsm routers
08:28.57Strom_MMcDouglas: if you insist on doing it that way, you can get GSM adapters which avoid the A/D conversion headaches by interfacing a GSM radio directly with the PC
08:29.35The_LightSideMcDouglas, in SA we call them gsm routers, but its really just a gsm interface
08:30.42The_LightSideStrom_M, avoid the A/D? thats A coming out the gsm engine, and then converted to D for the PC!
08:31.28McDouglaswe cant buy new hardware
08:31.49McDouglasthe decision to change to asterisk was made because its compatible with our current setup
08:31.56McDouglaswell, i tought...
08:32.07McDouglasbut i dont understand what is the difference...
08:32.17McDouglasif i connect an analog phone to the land line i can dial
08:32.28McDouglasif i connect an analog phone to the line coming from the gsm adapter i can dial
08:32.39McDouglaswhy cant asterisk?
08:33.02Strom_MThe_LightSide: enlighten me, because as far as I'm aware, after it comes out of the vocoder, it's still a digital representation of a waveform which then has to go through a D->A converter
08:33.10The_LightSideMcDouglas, if you can, maybe try increase txgan in asterisk, or DTMF sensitivity on the gsm device
08:33.35Strom_MMcDouglas: or plug in a buttset and see what's going wrong by monitoring the call setup
08:34.40The_LightSideStrom_M, all the gsm engines used (the pc based one uses the motorola engine) have the analouge readily available on its pins
08:35.14Strom_Mis that the sole option?
08:35.23McDouglasThe_LightSide: how can i increase the tx gain? (can't access the gsm device)
08:35.36The_LightSideand i know for a fact that you still get awesome quality even converting back to D
08:35.44McDouglasStrom_M: buttwhat? :P sorry, i'm not a telco guy, just a sysadmin
08:36.42*** join/#asterisk engrxyz (
08:36.49Strom_MGSM and awesome quality don't belong in the same sentence :)
08:36.57The_LightSideMcDouglas, i think its /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf  option txgain. Strom_M, can you confirm please?
08:37.15The_LightSidelol Strom_M.. for the larger part i agree...
08:37.22McDouglasdunno about your gsm services but our is comparable to the land line
08:37.40Strom_MMcDouglas: then either your landlines are terrible or your ears are terrible :)
08:37.55The_LightSideand the gsm device is also VERY important
08:38.09Strom_Myes, rxgain and txgain are settable in zapata.conf
08:38.24McDouglaswe use a Nokie TFE-2 adapter
08:39.00The_LightSidei used to work for a manufacturer of GSM to E1 converters. which give excellent quality
08:39.07The_LightSideMcDouglas, change that ASAP
08:39.21McDouglaslol, why?
08:39.24The_LightSideits not half rate or dual band compliant
08:39.25*** join/#asterisk kiscokid (
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08:39.34The_LightSidealtho its call quality is very good
08:39.58Strom_Mfull-rate is terrible enough, much less half-rate :)
08:40.05The_LightSideand the only router that allows analouge faxing
08:40.11*** join/#asterisk keulin (
08:40.15McDouglaswhat are half rate and dual band?
08:40.15The_LightSideStrom_M, agreed ;)
08:40.35The_LightSidethats a long story McDouglas
08:40.51Strom_MMcDouglas: this is a buttset
08:41.25McDouglasStrom_M: lol, probably couldnt operate it, or make any diagnostics
08:41.33Strom_Muh, it works just like a phone
08:41.38Strom_Mbecause it IS a phone
08:41.48McDouglasThe_LightSide: the manual says its GSM 900 and GSM 1800 compatible
08:41.55McDouglasisnt that dual band?
08:42.09The_LightSidethe TFE 2?!
08:42.28The_LightSidethe nokia 22 is
08:42.55The_LightSideis it black or white?
08:43.12McDouglasThis guide describes the second generation of
08:43.12McDouglasNokia PremiCell terminals TFK-2 and TFE-2 for
08:43.12McDouglasNokia’s Fixed Wireless solution based on GSM
08:43.12McDouglas900 and GSM 1800 wireless radio technology.
08:43.23McDouglasIts black
08:43.49*** join/#asterisk qdk (n=qdk@
08:44.25The_LightSidemy inet is super slow, still trying to load the page
08:44.37McDouglasbut i dont think we use gsm 1800
08:45.30The_LightSidehmmm, i think i was wrong...
08:45.52The_LightSideits just not half rate compliant, and it can lock up if the tower changes to half rate
08:46.55*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
08:47.01McDouglaswell, it never locked up so far
08:47.06McDouglasand as i said we have been using it for years
08:47.18McDouglasbtw, i just checked again
08:47.30McDouglasif i connect the analog phone to the nokia
08:47.35McDouglasafter i dial
08:47.38McDouglastere is a long pause
08:47.44McDouglasthen a strange sound
08:47.46McDouglasthen it dials
08:47.55McDouglasits like a click, or something
08:48.04McDouglascould that cause the problem with asterisk?
08:48.26The_LightSideline reversals..... it could indeed
08:49.26The_LightSideyou need to check in the different signaling methods for analouge lines in zapata.conf
08:49.36The_LightSideim not too sure off hand
08:49.55McDouglasyou mean LS and KS?
08:51.27The_LightSideStrom_M, how do you set the reversal detection?
08:51.46Strom_Mwhy would it be reversing /before/ supervising?
08:51.49Strom_Mthat's moronic
08:52.07The_LightSidegood point...
08:52.15Strom_Mare you sure it's a reversal sound?
08:52.25McDouglasi'm not sure what it is, lol
08:52.47McDouglasbut its something i normaly dont hear if i dial on the land line
08:52.54The_LightSideit could be reversing if the number was incorrect....
08:53.01Strom_MThe_LightSide: no
08:53.06McDouglasthe number is correct, dialed my cel phone
08:53.15Strom_Mgenerally it only reverses if the number supervises
08:53.32Strom_Mwelcome to #asterisk, where the clueless and telephony crash head-on, typically causing spectacular messes
08:53.36Strom_Mi'm going to bed
08:53.42The_LightSidelol Strom_M
08:53.49The_LightSidejust a quick one tho
08:53.52jboti guess 101 is Telephony 101, which is a good read if you're unfamiliar with traditional TDM telephony.  You can download it at
08:54.08The_LightSideall the devices in sa have a reversal and break on disconnect...
08:54.19The_LightSidewhich is the same as a wrongly dialed number
08:54.52Strom_Myeah, but it doesn't reverse and break until /after/ it plays you a recording, right?
08:55.18The_LightSideif the number is valid, yes
08:55.43Strom_M"ag man, you domkop, you've dialed the wrong number"
08:56.05Strom_Mclick buzz electrocution
08:56.15The_LightSideif its an invalid number... by invalid i mean less then the 10 digits (sa dialing)
08:57.04The_LightSideit just reversal, break engaged tone
08:57.35The_LightSidebut anyways.... sleep well ;)
08:58.13Strom_Myou didn't even laugh at my joke
08:58.14*** part/#asterisk kiscokid (
08:58.31The_LightSidehaha, i did actually, just didnt type it
08:59.00Strom_Mdamnit, now i actually want boerewors.
08:59.11Strom_Mi guess i'll have to go to that shop in beverly hills tomorrow
09:00.05Strom_Mis there something wrong with boerewors?
09:00.05The_LightSidewow... never thought id hear that on a chan like this ;)
09:01.06*** join/#asterisk AsteriskProblems (n=pbarnsle@
09:01.15Strom_Mit's a staple at my family's barbecues here
09:01.36AsteriskProblemscan anyone help me with a dialplan? Im using asterisknow but no-one is awake on that channel
09:01.57Strom_MAsteriskProblems: are you writing the dialplan by hand?
09:02.14AsteriskProblemsi can do - but i tried using the gui first, but i cant dial out
09:02.36AsteriskProblemsi can call between extensions, though i dont think that is set up right either because the consolde gives me "trunk" errors
09:02.53Strom_Mok, i'll ask it a different way then
09:03.16Strom_Mare you having problems with a hand-written dialplan, or are you having problems configuring your system via the gui
09:03.23AsteriskProblemsvia the gui
09:03.37Strom_Mwell then i don't think you'll find much help here
09:05.43AsteriskProblemsok i'll try something else then...
09:05.55Strom_Mtry plain asterisk :)
09:05.57AsteriskProblemshas anyone ever had a problem when you can call a phone, but you cant call from that phone?
09:06.08AsteriskProblemsim fast beginning to think i should....
09:08.39*** part/#asterisk sheldonh (n=sheldonh@
09:09.22AsteriskProblemsdo u know if there are any other groups on other irc networks that would help with asterisknow ?
09:10.21The_LightSide*sigh* Strom_M, now youve made me want too :/
09:12.51*** join/#asterisk kv0s (
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09:14.07kv0sOne zapata hfc-s problem ... :-( I've connected my asterisk through one bri-interface to my providers isdn-network. my incoming calls answered all very well. All works perfectly ... but one ... incoming faxes should be answered from another machine, that nothing to do with my asterisk, but uses the same ntba isdn bri ...
09:14.12Turt|eWhen a user dials my asterisk server the tone that appears in the callers phone is not the regional tone, im from denmark and would like the danish tone, is this a asterisk feature, or is it in my ip phone ?
09:14.28kv0s... is there any chance to say asterisk it don't answer calls for a speciall msn?
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09:22.08tzafrirkv0s, you want asterisk not to answer all calls?
09:22.24tzafrirsimple - confige it in the incoming context
09:24.05kv0stzafrir: Yes. I've different numbers on the same ntba /isdn-bri/. Asterisk shouldn't answer calls to my number 8365838 - but it do! :-(
09:24.39tzafrirkv0s, does the same context has the extension _X. or s ?
09:26.32kv0stzafrir: I don't have any context for the number shouldn't answered.
09:26.52tzafrirYou have some context for the channel
09:26.58tzafrircontext= in zapata.conf
09:27.06kv0sOk. One Moment.
09:27.14tzafrirzap show channels
09:27.24tzafrirwill show the context
09:28.12kv0stzafrir see
09:28.39tzafrirshow dialplan from-pstn
09:29.07kv0stzafrir update ->
09:30.03kv0stzafrir update ->
09:30.15kv0scan i exclude the number at zapata.conf?
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09:36.55tzafrirkv0s, hang on: it's from-pstn of from-isdn ?
09:37.23tzafrirfrom-pstn mostly includes other extensions . Is it freepbx?
09:37.38kv0sfrom-pstn is the context which used for my external connection ... from-isdn is used for my internal isdn-s0-bus.
09:37.53kv0si've installed asterisk, and a further days later freepbx ...
09:39.38tzafrirso: show dialplan from-isdn
09:40.44kv0sactually not used! at the moment i'm only using internal sip-softphones
09:53.51*** part/#asterisk alin` (n=user@
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10:00.34Woifi1988is it possible to call a number with a certain extension from an isdn line and then manage that this extension should be connected to sip/2000???
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10:02.39tzafrirkv0s, generally configure this in freepbx. from-isdn also include frm-pstn
10:03.06tzafrirso just remove the catch-all trunk and add one(s) with an explicit DID
10:08.01Woifi1988is it possible to call a number with a certain extension from an isdn line and then manage that this extension should be connected to sip/2000???
10:10.52Wonkai try to Monitor() a call...
10:11.15WonkaMonitor(); Dial(${ext},,twW);
10:11.43Wonkaand * tells "Packet2Packet bridging ... and ..."
10:12.01Wonkathe wave files are about 2284 bytes big
10:12.14Wonka(read: nothing in there)
10:12.32Wonkaboth channels are sip channels with canreinvite=no
10:12.41Wonkaany ideas?
10:12.42*** join/#asterisk appelza (
10:13.37Wonkait's * 1.4.11, btw
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10:18.59appelzaHi, I have an ISDN and a digium card installed.  Got SIP calls working, but strulling to get calls over the land line working, how can I confirm that both cards are 'detected' and in use?
10:19.15appelza(using latest asterisk/zaptel)
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10:23.18kippiis there a tool to check packet loss on a call though asterisk
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10:25.28b11dyou know what the real question here is..  can you lock the asterisk console, so you can view the diag messages but not enter commands w/o a password?
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10:26.55AsteriskProblemsdoes anyone know if asterisk sends out its calls through an IAX provider on the same IP that it would receive them from the same provider?
10:27.53zepmantrahello there we have an TE205P connected to a Adtran Atlas 550 ... the problem is that it cannot detect a dtmf tone on the ivr prompt, we have tried to use a tdm400p analog digium card and the dtmf detection works nicely , we have tried wiki page on editing dsp.c and relaxdtmf=yes and toneduration=300 still no luck .....
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10:36.28heeliosAsteriskProblems: that.. really depends on your setup.
10:37.05kippiis there a tool to check packet loss on a call though asterisk
10:37.22*** part/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-56d9ded753782614)
10:42.25Wonkasoxmix: Unknown output file format for '20070829122718-1188383238.77-04-s.wav':  File type '77-04-s.wav' is not known
10:42.29Wonka<- crying
10:43.20JunK-YWonka: use -t
10:44.38AsteriskProblemswell ive done it - ive got asterisknow working, using a combination of the GUI and standard asterisk file configurations, its a bit of a hodge podge but it works
10:44.59AsteriskProblemsasterisknow is definately not anywhere near working right :P
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10:48.15deeganI have a phone menu with some GotoIfTime statements. Now, i have one choice that's available mon-fri 08:00-16:00 and if i want that same choice to be available at sat x-x and sun x-x how would i go about doing that? can i just add gotoiftime's after another?
10:49.08shinao1hi i want to configure an asterisk system and im a bit stumped on what im sure is a trivial issue. I need to Integrate * with a legacy Panasonic PBX. i intend to buy an 8 port digium card (4FXO, 4FXS) and plug the Panasonic's CO ports (1-4) to the digium FXS ports, and whatever PSTN ports to the digium FXO ports. I have a seen a post for integration of this sort in an asterisk forum online, but my issue is with the Pana PBX (a 616 with 16 extensions an
10:49.08shinao1d 6 COs). The Pana has never been connected to the PSTN. ever. I want to ask, do i have to put any phone number(s)/extension number(s)  on the Panasonic's  CO port(s)  to get them to work? i dont know if this makes any sense to any one..
10:52.23FlatFoothello all .. just about to build a new * been given a Dual Intel Server board . What would be the best choice of OS to make full use of both procs ???????
10:52.28zepmantra<- crying
10:52.31zepmantrahello there we have an TE205P connected to a Adtran Atlas 550 ... the problem is that it cannot detect a dtmf tone on the ivr prompt, we have tried to use a tdm400p analog digium card and the dtmf detection works nicely , we have tried wiki page on editing dsp.c and relaxdtmf=yes and toneduration=300 still no luck .....
10:53.51*** join/#asterisk znoG (
10:55.38McDouglasis there a way to debug a zap channel? (like adding debug=4 to misdn.conf)
10:56.41b11di wish
10:56.48b11di know pri debug, and sip debug..
10:56.50b11dbut no zap debug
10:57.08JunK-Yu cant debug zap, only pri.
10:57.30McDouglashow do i know what happens then? :P
10:57.37b11dzepmantra..  do you get ANY DTMF at all?
10:57.48b11dmcd..  set verbose 100 and set debug 100   i guess..
10:57.50b11dand look :)
10:58.13b11dwhats with that tool "ztmonitor" anyways?  is that for zap debugging?
10:58.20zepmantrab11d not a single one, no output movement from CLI
10:58.53b11dyour indicatons file is correct right?  right country code set for your tones, etc?
11:00.05b11dwhat ver of asterisk are you running?
11:00.56b11dfuck i've been up for 34 hours fixing the campus email system.. im too tired.. must go home now.
11:01.04b11dgood luck with that zapmantra..
11:01.06b11dttyl all
11:02.13tzafrirMcDouglas, there are a number of methods. What level exactly do you want to debug?
11:02.45tzafrirSimply increasing the debug level of asterisk gives you some excessive information in the debug log
11:02.52tzafrirwhich can be handy
11:03.22zepmantraok thanks i forgot the indications thinggy..
11:03.23tzafrirztmonitor is also a very handy tool indeed
11:03.31McDouglaswell, i got a tricky problem
11:03.37tzafrirand for PRI: pri debug span NNN
11:03.55McDouglasi have a tdm400 with an analog line and an analog phone connected
11:04.07McDouglasworks like a charm, can dial out and can dial in
11:04.24McDouglasif i replace the analog land line with one from my GSM fixed wireless temirnal
11:04.32McDouglasi can not dial from the analog phone
11:04.40McDouglasBUT can dial from a soft-sip phone!!
11:04.52McDouglasthe analog phone just gets a busy signal
11:05.11McDouglasand this is all i get
11:05.26McDouglasif i dial from the sip phone:
11:05.32McDouglasstrange :\
11:07.00tzafrirdial out from an analog phone (connected to an FXS port of the card) to a device connected to an FXO port of the card?
11:07.19tzafrirMcDouglas, please use a pastebin
11:08.21tzafrirZap/1 is the FXS port?
11:08.59tzafrirMcDouglas, smells like a dialplan issue
11:09.59tzafrirplease pastebin:  zap show channels' and the dialplan context of the FXS port (zap channel 1)
11:16.20McDouglastzafrir: sry had something to do
11:16.30McDouglasyes zap/1 is an fxs module
11:16.37McDouglasphone connected to that
11:17.48McDouglasmy extension.conf
11:18.15McDouglastzafrir: why can i dial then if i replace the gsm line with land line?
11:18.35McDouglas(also reduce the Xs in the dialplan)
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11:25.02florzis it a feature or a bug that the thread debugging code is not thread safe?
11:26.25McDouglastzafrir: any idea?
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11:32.16*** join/#asterisk Aeudian (
11:32.47AeudianI am recieving a warning and notify upon a reload for "No SMDI interfaces were specified to listen on, not starting SDMI listener." "indications.c:505 ast_unregister_indication_country: Removed default indication country 'us'"  What does this mean? Can you stop it or correct it?
11:32.50tzafrirsorry, busy
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12:04.58saftsackSegmentation fault
12:06.57saftsackthe best way to solve this would be the creation of a coredump?
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12:09.54jsmithsaftsack: Yes.
12:11.30*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:14.14Wonkai want to start Monitor()ing calls to a queue when an Agent takes the call - any ideas?
12:14.19saftsackasterisk -vvvvvvvvgc
12:14.26saftsackthen it creates a coredump?
12:14.55saftsack here they are just taking from safe_asterisk
12:14.55[TK]D-FenderWonka: Yes, read the SAMPLE queues.conf config which shows you the parameters to set to do automatic queue recording.
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12:16.45JoelSolankiHi anybody recommend me e911 services workable on asterisk.
12:17.15jsmithsaftsack: Yes, it should.
12:17.34Wonka[TK]D-Fender: thanks - seems i just skipped over that
12:17.36jsmithsaftsack: It would hurt to type "ulimit -c unlimited" first before starting Asterisk
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12:19.18saftsackdid this. also i did starting with the g option but at all i cannot find a coredump file somewhere in my pc
12:19.27saftsack(it is an openwrt router)
12:20.30jsmithsaftsack: Ah, it may not produce a core file then... you might look in /tmp if you're using the safe_asterisk script to start Asterisk
12:20.45jsmithsaftsack: Otherwise, it'll probably be in the directory you started Asterisk from
12:21.12saftsacksafe_asterisk doesnt work because i have just one tty
12:21.22saftsackno .... no coredumpfile at all
12:21.24jsmithsaftsack: You can disable the tty in safe_asterisk
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12:22.28s0ckanyone having trouble with sipgate
12:22.38Davieys0ck: not today
12:23.15saftsackjsmith, ok got it with safe_asterisk but no core file at all
12:24.32jsmithsaftsack: It's kind of hard to debug without a core file, unfortunately
12:24.45saftsackthats true so i want to have this core file by now :(
12:25.21s0ckchanged box, can't seem to register
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12:28.46saftsackOPTIONS="-DLOW_MEMORY -Dlinux" \
12:28.58robl^someone messed up the wiki!
12:29.01saftsackis this the killer for the debug option?
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12:49.41Wonka[TK]D-Fender: i need to be able to do this automatic queue recording only if the caller has allowed it - my tries with Set(monitor-type=wav); have failed. any ideas?
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12:50.52[TK]D-FenderWonka: Easiest hack is to just make 2 queues with identical members & priority.  One with recording, one without.
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12:59.03domineiinovaphone..asterisk based
13:00.25dominei? :)
13:05.27DrAk0why i don't have `misdn` commands on asterisk but chan_misdn is loaded?
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13:08.18deeperrorwhen dialing out iax2 when the callee hangs up I hear fast busy.  any idea what is throwing that or how to make it silence?
13:08.54deeperrori don't hear a busy signal when making outbound sip calls
13:09.26Wonka[TK]D-Fender: hehe. ugly, but works...
13:09.33*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:10.06[TK]D-FenderWonka: I think you could also just variably put a Monitor before your call to Queue.
13:10.29DrAk0what do i need to get misdn commands on the cli ?
13:13.41*** join/#asterisk clandmeter (n=Carlo@
13:19.47DrAk0i got it
13:25.04Kattydatachomper: :>
13:25.25Kattyi have a client that keeps emailing me 4 times a day asking stupid questions about their new server.
13:25.45Kattywhat does this silly message mean in event viewer, how do i get to x, where is y, how come i can't seem to get z to work like i want it.
13:25.58Kattyand it's taking me at least 2 hours a day to do research and get back with her where i spend another hour on the phone
13:26.06Kattyand they won't bill my time.
13:26.16Kattymeanwhile, my things keep stacking up and they wonder why.
13:26.30s0cki dont seem to be getting anything back from a register command
13:26.52s0cksip debug doesn't show any response
13:26.55s0ckcan ping the sip gateway
13:27.12s0ckbox is nat'd but shouldn't stop registration?
13:27.56McDouglasi put the sample cdr.conf into /etc/asterisk but it still does not log the dials
13:27.59McDouglaswhats the problem?
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13:32.59Kattyanthm: :>
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13:34.54ManxPowerFor one thing, the sample config files are never met to be used, they are meant as an example of every available option
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13:38.56jsmithManxPower: Amen, brother!
13:40.00McDouglaswell, of course i read it and the comments
13:40.07McDouglasit should work
13:41.12datachomperKatty, send /them/ a bill for your time
13:41.25[TK]D-FenderMcDouglas: perhaps you sould do a reload and see what module is loading for your CDRs.....
13:43.23*** part/#asterisk rody (
13:44.46McDouglasdo i need anything else beside this?
13:46.16[TK]D-FenderMcDouglas: Ok, go show us your log file / folder
13:46.20jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
13:46.48*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
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13:48.33McDouglaswell, there is nothing in log/asterisk/cdr-csv
13:50.25*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
13:50.48[TK]D-FenderMcDouglas: And what about cdr-custom?
13:51.59McDouglascontent of cdr.conf:
13:52.24McDouglasusegmtime=yes    ; log date/time in GMT.  Default is "no"
13:52.24McDouglasloguniqueid=yes  ; log uniqueid.  Default is "no
13:52.24McDouglasloguserfield=yes ; log user field.  Default is "no
13:53.34[TK]D-FenderMcDouglas: Copy the sample file, and simply rename it.
13:54.16[TK]D-FenderMcDouglas: And then restart * and test.  Check both of those folders for Master.csv
13:54.34[TK]D-FenderMcDouglas: Before placing a test call, PB up the full module loadup output
13:55.55*** join/#asterisk elixer (i=elixer@
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13:56.26McDouglasit does work after restarting asterisk
13:56.34McDouglasmodule reload isnt enough then?
13:57.33[TK]D-FenderMcDouglas: Apparently NOT :)
14:00.45McDouglasnow, only one problem remains
14:00.57McDouglaswhy can i dial a number from a SIP phone and not from analog phone?
14:00.59*** join/#asterisk jmesquita (
14:01.00Yourname`Hi, how can I use QUEUE_LOG to do this: Basically, I currently have an IVR. Where the first call goes out (callerid log), and then a message is played to a human (log it) . Hangs up if it's AMD (log it). Human presses 1 (log it), human hangs up (log it). After human presses 1, there's another message..and the human needs to press 1 again (log it) or hangs up (log it) .. then human waits in...
14:01.01Yourname`...the queue (time waited log) before he/she gets to an agent (log agent username). Then log the talk time, and the total time from start to finish.
14:01.14[TK]D-FenderMcDouglas: DETAILS might help.
14:01.26[TK]D-FenderMcDouglas: And remember, PASTEBIN is your friend
14:02.28[TK]D-FenderYourname`: add commands to log this extra dialplan stuff IN your dialplan.
14:02.47Yourname`[TK]D-Fender: Going right to QUEUE_LOG?
14:03.11*** join/#asterisk AsteriskProblems (n=pbarnsle@
14:03.30AsteriskProblemsanyone ever had a problem where they can dial an extension, but they cant dial from that extension?
14:04.56[TK]D-FenderMcDouglas: pastebin a failed call at verbose 10
14:05.08[TK]D-FenderYourname`: If you think thats an appropriate place.
14:05.19Yourname`[TK]D-Fender: Great, thank you, monsieur.
14:05.30marc7AsteriskProblems: are you still having problems with asterisknow? :)
14:06.09jsmithAsteriskProblems: Sure... sounds like a problem with your contexts... are the two phones pointed at different contexts?
14:06.16McDouglasstarted the call from the analog line at line 17
14:06.29[TK]D-FenderAsteriskProblems: You can't dial FROM an extension.  An extension is a number, and numbers can't dial.  DEVICES can dial.  As for why you can't dial from your DEVICE, well that's most likely due to either * being mis-configured on where to send its calls.
14:06.34McDouglasmade a successful call to the same number at line 12 with a sip phone
14:06.47JTAsteriskProblems: also, asterisk-gui is not supported here
14:06.52[TK]D-FenderMcDouglas: Next!
14:06.57s0ck[TK]D-Fender: sip register showing 120 - request sent
14:06.57*** join/#asterisk mog (i=mog@nat/digium/x-0ae2768876fc72db)
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14:07.06s0cksip debug shows nothing coming back from the sip gateway, ideas?
14:07.21AsteriskProblemsjsmith - they are pointed at the same context,
14:07.22*** join/#asterisk evangelion (n=manzy_ze@
14:07.27McDouglas[TK]D-Fender: next?
14:07.28[TK]D-Fenders0ck: Maybe you're not sending your register request to the right place <-
14:07.35s0cki am
14:07.36AsteriskProblemswhats the command to set maximum debug level on?
14:07.38[TK]D-FenderMcDouglas: Now show me the FAILED call.
14:07.45McDouglasits there
14:07.47[TK]D-Fenders0ck: Show us something useful
14:07.49McDouglasat line 17
14:08.13McDouglasi picked up the phone and dialed
14:08.24kippihas anyone had any problems using SIP or RIP1?
14:08.34[TK]D-FenderMcDouglas: And you get dialtone on your analog line?
14:08.46AsteriskProblemsall the stuff ive done to my asterisknow install has been pure asterisk edits, and they have worked, so that is why i am here - plus no-one talks in the asterisknow channel :P
14:08.47s0ckthis is the only useful thing i can find: Contact: <sip:1041780@>
14:08.49McDouglasyes there is dialtone, i can dial any internal extension
14:08.53[TK]D-FenderMcDouglas: Does it go bad after your first digit?
14:09.07s0ckbox is nat'd but im lead to believe it should at least register
14:09.22McDouglasno, after the first digit the tone stops
14:09.26McDouglasi enter the full number
14:09.33McDouglasthen after a while i get busy signal
14:09.49jsmithAsteriskProblems: Can you turn on some additional debugging to see why it's failing from the second phone?
14:09.59[TK]D-FenderMcDouglas: increase your debug on CLI and retry
14:10.05AsteriskProblemsyeh - whats the command for maximum debug?
14:10.08McDouglasset debug 10 ?
14:10.17[TK]D-FenderMcDouglas: Sure, why not...
14:10.20jsmithcore set debug 99
14:10.23AsteriskProblemsok thanks
14:10.36[TK]D-Fenders0ck: Congratulations, you aren't sending the right RETURN address.
14:10.43*** join/#asterisk the_esc (
14:10.56[TK]D-Fenders0ck: Like calling someone, leaving a voicemail and telling the WRONG NUMBER to get back to you...
14:11.05[TK]D-Fenders0ck: Go read this now :
14:11.07jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
14:11.51s0cki *may* have put externip in the wrong place
14:11.52AsteriskProblems"really destroying sip dialog... ACK / Register" is all im seeing
14:12.05AsteriskProblemswhen i dial from the phone literraly nothing shows on the asterisk box
14:12.33AsteriskProblemsthe phone has registered its account - i saw that show on the log, but when u dial its as tho it doesnt see the phones request
14:13.02AsteriskProblemsi can call that phone from a softphone with no problem though
14:13.02JTsip debug
14:13.07McDouglas[TK]D-Fender: same output, even after debug 99
14:13.18Yourname`In Ast 1.4, it would be Set(QUEUE_PRIO=10), right? Or SetVar(QUEUE_PRIO=10)?
14:13.32JTeven in 1.2
14:13.32[TK]D-FenderMcDouglas: Show me a good call, then a bad one (intern, then ext, ALL zap)
14:13.48[TK]D-Fenders0ck: "May"?  How about CERTAINLY?
14:14.18McDouglasi cant make a good external call from zap, but gonna make the others
14:16.11*** join/#asterisk redbaron1973 (
14:16.15Yourname`Thanks JT.
14:16.26tzafrirwhat was the issue, exactly?
14:16.32redbaron1973utils.c: In function `vpoe_slprintf':
14:16.33redbaron1973utils.c:186: error: invalid use of non-lvalue array
14:16.37tzafrirDo you actually *need* ppp with Zaptel?
14:16.55redbaron1973I am trying to use a T411 with 4 T1's bonded from my isp for data
14:17.05redbaron1973they claim to use MPPP
14:18.10s0ck[TK]D-Fender: :D
14:18.14[TK]D-FenderMcDouglas: I want to see the good INTERNAL call then a bad external attempt immediately following
14:18.15s0ckmy contact shizzle is looking good now
14:18.17s0ckstill no reg
14:18.33[TK]D-Fenders0ck: SIP debug + pastebin <-
14:18.41*** join/#asterisk flujan (
14:18.50s0cksip debug shows nothing back from the itsp
14:18.55flujanmorning all.
14:19.31[TK]D-Fenders0ck: I want to see the OUTGOING register as well.
14:19.41redbaron1973I haven't tried to compile zaptel yet with ppp enabled, but according to the docs, I need to get the patched ppp in place first
14:19.43[TK]D-Fenderflujan: Good morning
14:21.45tzafrirActually, I never tried to patch it
14:21.56flujan[TK]D-Fender: I think I have a memory leak on asterisk ...
14:22.13flujanI create a log of all actions and yesterday the bug appear again.
14:22.37*** join/#asterisk mattfletcher (
14:22.44flujanaccording to this error messages it is a problem allocating memory.
14:22.45McDouglas[TK]D-Fender: strange: i plugged in another analog telephone and made an extension and called: same error, then removed exten => _XXXXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(Zap/3/${EXTEN}) from my config ( and i could make an internal call
14:22.50redbaron1973Would I need hdlc for this? the provider says they use MPPP, so I assume that is all I would need
14:22.55redbaron1973is just ppp
14:22.59mattfletcherhello, is it possible to force the use of ulaw for one particular outgoing extension
14:23.34JTif it has its own sip.conf entry, sure
14:24.34mattfletcherJT: it doesn't sadly. can it not be set within the dialplan?
14:24.56domineiis innovaphone asterisk?
14:24.56*** join/#asterisk jmesquita (
14:25.26tzafrirredbaron1973, what distro?
14:25.29[TK]D-Fendermattfletcher: Go MAKE one for it.
14:25.47redbaron1973centos 4.3 /c kernel custom (make oldconfig)
14:26.34mattfletcher[TK]D-Fender: this is to dial a person using a syntax. not too sure how to define that in sip.conf. Are there examples out there?
14:26.36flujanthe memory status:
14:27.56[TK]D-Fendermattfletcher: Just make another peer like you did the first time.
14:28.37mattfletcher[TK]D-Fender: but this peer will not be registering or authenticating or anything with me, it's a remote sip phone hosted by gradwell
14:29.33[TK]D-Fenders0ck: Maybe they're down, and maybe you're sending it to the wrong place.
14:29.41Yourname`If QUEUE_PRIO is set for only maybe 1 extension out of 3-4, what will the priority be for the ones that don't have QUEUE_PRIO set?
14:29.54s0ckwebsite clearly says
14:29.56s0ckchecked twice
14:30.06[TK]D-Fendermattfletcher: DOESN"T MATTER.  You dial out of a a peer, and this has nothing to do with registering.
14:30.12s0ckim just wondering if firewall is blocking 5060 back in
14:30.25[TK]D-Fenders0ck: apstebin your configs, and link me to them.
14:30.43[TK]D-Fenders0ck: Well I think you should go CHECK, not shouldn't you?
14:30.56McDouglas[TK]D-Fender: any idea about what i wrote?
14:31.00*** part/#asterisk axisys (
14:31.05s0cki've added a global rule from sipgate to that box
14:31.16s0ckit SHOULD allow everything from that ip
14:31.31[TK]D-FenderMcDouglas: Wheres that "good" followed by "bad" call CLI output I asked for?
14:31.57McDouglas[TK]D-Fender: strange: i plugged in another analog telephone and made an extension and called: same error, then removed exten => _XXXXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(Zap/3/${EXTEN}) from my config ( and i could make an internal call
14:32.10s0cki notice it tries nat and no nat in that pastebin
14:32.30[TK]D-Fenders0ck: You're assuming you know WHERE the response is coming from.  And more poeple think they're "smart" about their firewall's usability, usually FARTER from the trusth they are.
14:32.53[TK]D-Fenders0ck: Naturally my faith in your setup approaches the "0" mark...
14:33.01s0ckthink you hit the nail on the head there
14:33.05s0ckcould be coming from a diff ip ;/
14:33.40s0cki dunno about farting, seems over the top?
14:34.06[TK]D-FenderMcDouglas: do a "dialplan show", pastebin it, and show me the output I asked for
14:34.41[TK]D-Fenders0ck: "farther from the truth" <- So I'm typing sloppy today... BIG DEAL :p
14:35.39mattfletcher[TK]D-Fender: no need to shout at me. did you get out of bed the wrong side this morning? we can't all be experts you know
14:36.21McDouglas[TK]D-Fender: if i put back that line i can't call internal either. If i take it out i can. thats all
14:36.22[TK]D-Fendermattfletcher: Not yelling, that's be the WHOLE think in caps.  Thats just "point reenfocement" :p
14:36.38McDouglashowever if i take that line out i dont know how to make an external call..
14:36.43s0ckmattfletcher: you will soon get used to tkd, if you want any help that is :P
14:37.06[TK]D-Fenderthing* <- IRC dyslexia in full swing today.
14:37.13*** join/#asterisk Lucky7 (n=Adam@
14:37.40s0ckjust tried another sip gateway and BAM
14:37.43s0ckit reg'd immediately
14:37.49s0cksipgate is clearly replying on a diff ip
14:39.04[TK]D-Fenders0ck: or just broken, etc....
14:39.10*** join/#asterisk anthony[ (
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14:39.21s0ckcould be
14:39.34AsteriskProblemsright ive done a sip debug and tried placing a call from my faulty extension and now have a pastebin, i can see the error, but i dont know what it means - could someone cast their eye over it please? I believe the error is on line 93
14:40.00FlatFootOK who's ready for a daft question ?????  Debian V 4.0  just can't get asterisk to start on boot . Keeps moaning about asterisk.ctl ( which does exist even though it says it does not ) HOW do i get it to work ???
14:40.32AsteriskProblemsFlatFoot, ensure your permissions are ok
14:41.03FlatFootAsteriskProblems: permissions on .ctl ???
14:41.15AsteriskProblemsi had the same problem when ssh'ing into the box
14:41.22[TK]D-FenderAsteriskProblems: Found no matching peer or user for '' <---------- first, * can't ID you PHONE.  It (or *) is misconfigured, or simply don't match
14:41.29AsteriskProblemsim guessing its a similar issue - tho ive not seen your error :P
14:41.48AsteriskProblemsok right thanks fender
14:41.57[TK]D-FenderAsteriskProblems: Looking for 6001 in bogon-calls (domain <----- its naturally falling back to the context in [general]  and NOT the one I'm sure you'd LIKE it to sue
14:42.16[TK]D-FenderAsteriskProblems: SIP/2.0 404 Not Found <--- and clearly the exten you are dialing is not IN that context.
14:42.33[TK]D-FenderAsteriskProblems: So go fix you SIP entry
14:43.09redbaron1973tzafrir: the patched ppp is required to make the zaptel.sso..finaly found out why I was doing that part
14:43.33*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
14:44.17mattfletcher[TK]D-Fender: I still can't work out what I'm meant to put into sip.conf. I've never seen an example of it being used this. I have entries for sip hardphones listed here, and SIP providers (eg voipcheap), but i can't see how to simply list "a person" that I might wish to call.
14:45.14*** join/#asterisk Dan0maN_Work (n=dschuh@
14:46.42*** part/#asterisk deeperror (
14:47.11McDouglas[TK]D-Fender: here:
14:47.38luke-jranyone want to help me crack RC4?
14:52.20*** part/#asterisk rata (n=rcampos@princed/developer/rata)
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14:53.02[TK]D-Fendermattfletcher: You don't list a PERSON at your ITSP, you simply make another peer to dial your ITSP with a different codec list.  Your Dial is in your dialplan like always and uses this OTHER peer, and not your usual one.
14:54.28[TK]D-FenderMcDouglas: As soon as you reach the last digit, do you see the Hangup INSTANTLY?
14:54.44*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
14:57.03mattfletcher[TK]D-Fender: got it. my confusion was that i'd assumed a secret was necessary, and couldn't work out what to put. it dials now, but still i can't hear the other end, while they do hear me
14:57.45[TK]D-Fendermattfletcher: Sounding like NAT issues.....
14:58.01[TK]D-Fendermattfletcher: part of your setup behind NAT?
14:59.49AsteriskProblemsD-Fender: - when i call between two softphones the call goes through with no problems. I have even used the same user credentials on a softphone as the sip phone and it works fine, it is only when i try to call from my aastra phone that i get this error, so i tend to think the server is configured correctly?
15:01.22kippianyone got anyideas on this?
15:02.57[TK]D-FenderAsteriskProblems: well I guess that kinda points out what side is wrong, now dowsn't it?
15:03.16AsteriskProblemsD-Fender: Yes, but im totally at a loss as to what i could be doing wrong with the phone
15:03.27jsmithkippi: That's Asterisk's way of saying "Hey, the other side didn't respond to me and I need him to... so I'm hanging up the call, as he's gone away"
15:03.34[TK]D-FenderAsteriskProblems: Sorry, but you've got to learn how to set it up.
15:03.48_Raptor_what can be the reason when i get 603 declined when i try to transfer a call? (and nothing happens)
15:04.00AsteriskProblemsD-Fender: one thing i noticed is that the aastra phone sends to do an invite command with port 5060 on the end, whereas the x-lite does not add a port on the end?
15:04.36[TK]D-FenderAsteriskProblems: asterisk can handle both devices just fine, its your configuration of it thats off
15:05.05[TK]D-FenderAsteriskProblems: Go provide some SIP debug of it rebooting, and trying to register, etc, and pastbin your sip.conf masking only passwords
15:05.34*** join/#asterisk jmesquita (
15:11.26FlatFootAsteriskProblems: cheers done the perms thing works a treat now
15:11.38kippijsmith: what can cause this?
15:13.24jsmithkippi: Network problems, firewall problems, a phone being unplugged from the network... anything that would keep the phone from being able to talk to Asterisk
15:13.40kippiok, i will look into it more
15:15.24*** join/#asterisk pepo-- (n=pepOSX@
15:15.30AsteriskProblemsD-Fender: This is the pastebin of the phone rebooting
15:15.58*** join/#asterisk Woifi1988 (
15:17.06[TK]D-FenderAsteriskProblems: SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized <- your suer or pass doesn't match.  Go fix this.
15:17.48AsteriskProblemsthats weird... thanks
15:18.05[TK]D-FenderAsteriskProblems: Not "wierd", its normal.  Just wrong.
15:18.25pepo--why this exten => 30,2,voicemailmain(su${EXTEN}) dont work? and i need put the mailbox and password too
15:18.28Woifi1988does asterisk different between a offline user and a busy user?
15:18.45*** part/#asterisk bminish (
15:19.47jsmithWoifi1988: Yes... if you try to dial to a user and then look at the ${DIALSTATUS} channel variable, you'll see different values for busy users than for offline users
15:20.14Woifi1988jsmith how can i look for this variable?
15:20.18jsmithpepo--: That's the old syntax... try 30,2,VoiceMailMain(30@default,su)  (where "default" is the voicemail context that contains the mailbox numbered 30)
15:20.32jsmithWoifi1988: Something like this:
15:20.35pepo--jsmith, good
15:20.42jsmithexten =>123,1,Dial(SIP/somebody,20)
15:20.56jsmithexten => 123,2,SayAlpha(${DIALSTATUS})
15:21.05*** join/#asterisk fasgaroth (
15:21.10jsmithexten => 123,3,Verbose(0,Dialstatus is ${DIALSTATUS})
15:21.24jsmithThat should give you a couple ideas to play with
15:21.32Woifi1988thank you!
15:22.01pepo--jsmith, but still wanna mailbox and password
15:22.16*** join/#asterisk fasgaroth (
15:22.30jsmithpepo--: Oh, you want it to prompt for the mailbox?
15:22.46*** part/#asterisk fasgaroth (
15:22.48pepo--jsmith, just i wanna put password
15:23.07jsmithpepo--: That should work then, unless you don't have a mailbox named "30" in the default voicemail context
15:23.23jsmithpepo--: Oh, the "s" tells it not to prompt for the password
15:23.32*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
15:23.38jsmithpepo--: Take the "s" out of the second paramter if you want it to prompt for the password
15:23.47pepo--let see
15:24.30*** join/#asterisk Galeras (n=Galeras@
15:24.49datachomperSo in my Perl AGI, it seems to be skipping my first stream_file()?
15:24.50AsteriskProblemsD-Fender: thanks for your help, the password is definately wrong but im getting the same error. At least it gives me somewhere to start looking thanks
15:25.03AsteriskProblems*password is definately right ;)
15:25.34pepo--nothings but if i dont put mailbox then i just put the password and work, but i need wait 10 second
15:25.47[TK]D-FenderAsteriskProblems: You've likely filled in the wrong blanks.  please pastebin your SIP entry for the phone.
15:26.33AsteriskProblemsD-Fender: it doesnt have a sip entry as it is asterisk now - its in a file called users.conf, but as i said I can log in to softphones using the same account so it must be the phone
15:26.51Woifi1988jsmith: How can I handle these states? I'd like to respond to an chanunavail state for example!
15:27.26Lucky7dropped calls blow
15:27.32[TK]D-FenderAsteriskProblems: There you have it.  Go read the manual again :p
15:27.49jsmithWoifi1988: With GotoIf()... something like GotoIf($["${DIALSTATUS}" = "CHANUNAVAIL"]?context,extension,priority)
15:28.34[TK]D-FenderAsteriskProblems: I'll take it ;)
15:28.55DavieyAsteriskProblems: i have a few aastra phines.. they rock
15:29.02Davieybut price artifically high
15:29.14jsmithTheir support rocks, fwiw
15:29.47AsteriskProblemsas long as their support is good thats all that matters :P
15:29.54coppicei think if you need support for a phone, the phone sucks. different point of view, I guess
15:30.07darkfiresb11d|bbl:28:19.932071 IP (tos 0xb8, ttl  64, id 0, offset 0, flags [DF], proto: UDP (17), length: 60) > [udp sum ok] UDP, length 32
15:30.07darkfiresb11d|bbl:28:19.952071 IP (tos 0xb8, ttl  64, id 0, offset 0, flags [DF], proto: UDP (17), length: 60) > [udp sum ok] UDP, length 32
15:30.17darkfiresasterisk is flooding the pap2
15:30.19darkfiresany ideas?
15:30.24Davieycoppice: I was pleased that the receptionist side panel.. "just works"TM
15:30.34Davieyno asterisk hacking really needed
15:30.39AsteriskProblemswell the crazy thing is the phone used to work fine, i must have screwed something somewhere but its not like there are that many options to mess up !
15:30.48*** join/#asterisk phillipk (n=pkey@
15:31.12*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
15:32.07Woifi1988jsmith: but i get an "auto-falltrough"
15:32.29Davieyaastra default ringer sets are better than most
15:32.47[TK]D-FenderPolycom > ALL
15:33.34DavieyGaleras: Who? ;)
15:33.57jsmithWoifi1988: An auto-fallthrough happens when you run out of priority numbers... are your priorities numbered correctly?
15:33.58*** join/#asterisk psk (
15:34.07DavieyPrice Vs. Features = Linksys
15:34.11GalerasDaviey: a dream
15:34.28jsmith[TK]D-Fender: Except for reboot speed, ease of configuration, support department...
15:34.38jsmithI have yet to find the perfect phone.
15:35.01Woifi1988jsmith : yes they are numbered correctly
15:35.35jsmithWoifi1988: Then it's up to you to figure out why Asterisk is running out of priorities for that extension
15:35.59Woifi1988what does "run out of priorities" mean?
15:36.44*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
15:36.58[TK]D-Fenderjsmith: Well to counter : Doesn't NEED to be constantly rebooted (mine stay up until I update firmwares every several months).  Ease of configuration has a steeper initial learning curve.  Afterwards it sets up real fast and easy.  And Have never NEEDED any support.  They WORK.  I DID RMA one phone that fried though and my reseller did it fast and without a hitch
15:37.27[TK]D-FenderWoifi1988: Auto-fallthrough means its FINISH processing your exten.  Go alook at what its DOING <-
15:38.41Galerasno votes for grandstream?
15:39.13Woifi1988maybe this line is wrong? => exten => GotoIf($["${DIALSTATUS}" = "CHANUNAVAIL"]?022388761,1)
15:40.26jsmith[TK]D-Fender: Well, let me counter-counter with this... I deploy Polycom phones every month as part of my Asterisk Bootcamp classes.  And since we've switched to Polycom phones, I've run into numerous issues.
15:40.46[TK]D-FenderWoifi1988: that has no exten or priority on it!
15:40.51redbaron1973tzafrir: I have modified the patches for it to comple with CENTOS  ppp-2.4.2-6.4.RHEL4.src.rpm
15:41.04jsmith[TK]D-Fender: Yes, about half of them are fixed by simply updating the firmware, but there are still a lot of quirky issues with the Polycom firmware
15:41.08[TK]D-Fenderjsmith: Ok, what'd you run into?
15:41.31Woifi1988it has 022388761 as extension and 1 as priority
15:41.51[TK]D-Fenderjsmith: the only problem I've ever been able to replicate that I'd heard of is on 1 specifc version if you kept typing a ridiculous # of digits in an on-hook dial it'll lock.
15:42.03[TK]D-FenderWoifi1988: Pastebin your dialplan
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15:42.20[TK]D-FenderWoifi1988: and as priority 1 WON'T WORK.
15:42.34[TK]D-FenderWoifi1988: You have to check DIALSTATUS ***AFTER** you try to dial.
15:42.40jsmith[TK]D-Fender: Phones that reboot every few minutes, phones that lock up on attended transfers, had a batch of phones that would mangle the SIP headers
15:42.46darkfiresAsterisk is sending these packets at like 30 per second to an ATA.... IP (tos 0xb8, ttl  64, id 0, offset 0, flags [DF], proto: UDP (17), length: 60) > [udp sum ok] UDP, length 32
15:42.46redbaron1973I am getting the error:Unable to put device '1' into HDLC mode
15:43.04redbaron1973Do I need to also follow the docs instructions for enabling HDLC to get PPP to work?
15:43.05[TK]D-Fenderjsmith: What firmwares & models?  never heard of this before you now.
15:43.05jsmith[TK]D-Fender: Of course, the occasional phone that won't sync to an NTP server
15:43.27Wonkathat sounds fun
15:43.27[TK]D-Fenderjsmith: I usually reduce my NTP synch to 1 HR personally.... usually picks up.
15:43.28jsmith[TK]D-Fender: Most of the problems have been with IP320 and IP330 models  (Yeah, I know.... don't bother)
15:43.44Wonkaanother reason to want linux on IP phones, IMO
15:43.45[TK]D-Fenderjsmith: I haven't physcally worked with them, but have remote deployed.
15:43.56jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
15:43.57jsmith[TK]D-Fender: I'm not a phone newbie... and I've been configuring Polycom phones for 5 years now...
15:44.12jsmith[TK]D-Fender: But Polycom phones still bug me
15:44.18[TK]D-Fenderjsmith: I'm a little over 3 here myself....
15:44.27tzangerjsmith: that's why you need to encrypt your voice
15:44.51redbaron1973kernel: Zaptel: Zaptel PPP support not compiled in
15:44.59Qwell[]tzanger: the bug would be in the mic - before the encryption :p
15:45.00jsmithtzanger: I'm from Wyoming... even if I speak plain english, nobody can understand me!
15:45.04redbaron1973I have modified ppp, but do I need to rebuild the kernel now?
15:45.09tzangerQwell[]: I said voice, not SIP traffic :-)
15:45.09[TK]D-Fenderjsmith: You must be like my other "virgin sacrifices" I keep around.  People like you feel the karmic volcano so the rest of us live trouble-free :)
15:45.16tzangerjsmith: bwahahahahahaha
15:45.27Qwell[]jsmith: I don't think I've ever had trouble understanding you...
15:45.32jsmith[TK]D-Fender: I pride myself on being able to find bugs nobody else can
15:45.36tzanger[TK]D-Fender: I'll have to remember that line, that's awesome
15:46.12[TK]D-Fendertzanger: wunderkin is my other Polycom "sacrificial virgin" ;)
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15:47.46wunderkinwe haven't had any problems on 2.1.2, at least nothing anyone has said to me.. i'm checking 2.2.0 release notes .. seem to remember something about attended transfers but not affecting us...
15:49.05[TK]D-FenderWoifi1988: ok, now pastebin a call at verbose 10
15:49.17AsteriskProblemsD-Fender: just to let you know - ive got it working now, i factory reset the phone (again!) and it seems to have sorted itself out this time
15:49.18[TK]D-Fenderwunderkin: There you are :p
15:49.23AsteriskProblems(probably me being stupid)
15:49.36[TK]D-FenderAsteriskProblems: Inconceivable!
15:49.53AsteriskProblemswell one thing - ive sure learnt a lot about asterisk :) thanks for everyones help
15:50.04Woifi1988[TK]D-Fender: How can i configure "verbose 10"?
15:50.17jsmithWoifi1988: "core set verbose 10" at the Asterisk CLI
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15:52.37wunderkinhmm dunno but there are some weird situation reboot fixes in 2.2.0.. a lot of 320/330 fixes in 2.1.2..
15:53.43Woifi1988[TK]D-Fender: The only Warning is pbx.c:1797 pbx_extension_helper: No application '123' for extension (test-telefone, 123, 4)
15:54.10jsmithWoifi1988: Another syntax error in your dialplan
15:54.26jsmithWoifi1988: pastebin the output of "dialplan show 123@test-telefone"
15:55.02[TK]D-FenderWoifi1988: clearly you made a typo and did not reload the dialplan you showed me.
15:55.15[TK]D-Fenderjsmith: Error is apparent, no need to see yet
15:55.47pepo--exten => _XX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}|10) [TIME] exten => *60,2,playback(at-tone-time-exactly)
15:55.47pepo--exten => *60,3,sayunixtime(,,IMp)
15:55.58[TK]D-Fenderwunderkin:  I'm running 2.2.0 on my IP 501 at home now, seems fine, doing my home 301 next, and then preppeing my office IP600 mass reconfig
15:56.05jsmithpepo--: Why are you starting your *60 extension with priority 3?
15:56.16jsmith2, that is
15:56.28Woifi1988ohh sorry i havent reloaded it... just for future needs: how can i save an output from the asterisk cli in a file?
15:56.29[TK]D-Fenderpepo--: Asterisk will NOT jump from processing _XX to *60 <------
15:57.03[TK]D-Fenderpepo--: It doesn't care that you put it below.  if you start with _XX it will ONLY continue on _XX extens.
15:57.07pepo--jsmith, but if i write [TIME] i can listen SAYUNIXTIME
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15:57.19[TK]D-Fenderpepo--: And *60 doesn't even MATCH _XX
15:57.51[TK]D-Fenderpepo--: "Put Down The Crack Pipe" (c) JerJer
15:57.52tzanger[TK]D-Fender: is there not an extensions.conf config option that has it fall thorugh to the next listed extension if you "fall off" the end of the current one?
15:58.09Woifi1988ohh sorry i havent reloaded it... just for future needs: how can i save an output from the asterisk cli in a file?
15:58.13[TK]D-Fendertzanger: Nope. when an Exten is doe, its DONE
15:58.26[TK]D-FenderWoifi1988: copy & paste.
15:58.42tzangerI have never seen it, but I thought there was an option (which was ridiculous in my opinion)
15:59.04pepo--if i add [time] dont work
15:59.05Woifi1988[TK]D-Fender: I use a non gui distribution
15:59.51jfitzgibbontzanger: you're maybe thinking of autofallthrough=no, which kind of makes every extension have an implicit WaitExten() as it's last priority
16:00.21tzangerjfitzgibbon: aha! that was it
16:00.22[TK]D-FenderWoifi1988: Who said anything about a GUI?  I sure didn't.
16:00.42Woifi1988how can i do a copy an paste without a terminal?
16:00.44[TK]D-FenderWoifi1988: SSH to your sever.  Conecct to your running * process.  go through your scroll-back.  Copy & paste
16:01.15[TK]D-FenderWoifi1988: Who said without a terminal?  You are thinking to damn much.  As I've said to countless others, this is a task best left to trained professionals!
16:01.25jfitzgibbonwolfi: you can also add the 'verbose' category to a destination in logger.conf and do a 'logger reload'
16:01.52jfitzgibbonwolfi: then make sure that you've done 'core set verbose 3' (or higher)
16:02.11[TK]D-Fenderpepo--: Do it how you THINK it should be done, then we'll confirm where you went wrong
16:03.27Woifi1988jfitzgibbon: thats a good idea!
16:03.47Woifi1988[TK]D-Fender: how can i connect to a running process?
16:04.05Woifi1988i can't do a altF9 in ssh
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16:05.05GalerasCan this work?:  Put an * box in the middle of an E1/PRI and a panasonic PABX to use it as an "analog extensions bank"
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16:06.50jsmithGaleras: Yes
16:07.46Galerasjsmith: thanks
16:08.10pepo--[TK]D-Fender, if i delete * then i call t 60 unable to create channel of type SIP
16:08.28darkfiresdoes anyone here work on the asterisk source?
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16:08.42Qwell[]darkfires: I'm sure there is a developer or two in here
16:09.28darkfiresim having that issue....seems like asterisk is dumping its stack to a ata over sip ?
16:12.21Woifi1988[TK]D-Fender: i've got it: asterisk -rvvvv
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16:13.17russellbdarkfires: wtf?
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16:13.21russellbdarkfires: that is quite bizarre
16:13.39darkfiresyou're telling me
16:13.58russellbdoes it happen reliably?
16:14.02russellbor random?
16:14.13darkfiresi just had a problem with asterisk flooding an ATA so i updated the SVN ...and now i get that
16:14.36russellblatest 1.4?
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16:15.15syzygyBSDdarkfires: actually, it looks like the ata is sending a stack to asterisk...
16:15.30darkfirespap2 doesn't have i686 tls libraries
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16:16.05syzygyBSDwell, which direction do the messages start from?
16:16.22russellbit says ... > SIP,
16:16.41darkfiresits replying
16:16.43darkfiresone sec
16:16.52darkfireslook at the 2nd packet
16:16.58darkfiresi copied it wrong
16:17.04darkfires2nd packet goes out, then the first one comes back...
16:17.24syzygyBSDum.. not as seen by the times...
16:17.30russellbthat is asterisk just sending it back
16:17.32syzygyBSDbut whatever
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16:18.11russellbthe ata is replying to a 489 Bad Event with a NOTIFY?
16:18.21russellbi don't think so ...
16:18.28russellbthe timestamps say the first packet there came first
16:18.30syzygyBSDno, pap is sending notify, asterisk is sending back bad event..
16:18.34russellbthe ATA sent a bogus pcket to asterisk
16:18.37darkfireshow would the ATA get ahold of asterisk stack data
16:18.42russellbasterisk is responding saying Bad Event
16:18.47russellbit's not asterisk stack data
16:19.00russellbit's the ATA sending screwed up stuff
16:19.06russellband Asterisk saying "wtf?" back to it
16:19.07syzygyBSDdarkfires: why does it have to be the asterisk stack?
16:19.25darkfiresbecause why would the linksys pap2 have i686 TLS libraries
16:19.37russellbwell in the trace you have, the ATA is sending that crap first
16:19.38darkfiresthose libraries are on the machine that asterisk is running on
16:19.42syzygyBSDI don't know, but it doesn't mean that it doesn't
16:19.48russellbso if asterisk sent it first, there was a packet before these
16:20.13darkfiresit has only happened since i started running asterisk 1.4 svn
16:20.36darkfirespatrick puttman @ digium said for me to run svn because of kernel panics with hpec
16:20.43darkfireswhich svn solved
16:20.51darkfiresbut  now this is happening
16:20.56syzygyBSDdarkfires: can you pastebin an entire sip debug?
16:21.02darkfiresya give me a minute
16:21.03Nuggetlife on the bleeding edge.  :)
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16:21.19darkfiresI don't want to be on bleeding edge, i just want it to work without kernel panicking ;)
16:21.26syzygyBSDstarting right after boot of the pap2
16:21.42AeudianI just finished setting up my ITSP(SIP) for inbound callnig which works, but all phone calls inbound, shows the CID number but the name shows as "New User" why is this?
16:22.42jsmithAeudian: Either something on your system is setting that, or your ITSP isn't passing along the name
16:23.13Aeudianjsmith: what passes the CID name? the dundi settings?
16:23.17[TK]D-Fenderpepo--: You still haven't pastebinned how you THINK it should be done
16:23.40jsmithAeudian: callerid= setting in sip.conf
16:23.50jsmithAeudian: CallerID has *nothing* to do with DUNDi
16:25.37syzygyBSDunless you make it...
16:26.56jfitzgibbongot a wierd PRI problem if anyone can sanity check this debug output:
16:27.15jfitzgibbonbasically I get cause code 44 (channel or resource unavailable) whenever I attempt to call out on 4 of the 23 B channels of a PRI
16:27.22jfitzgibbonbut the other 19 channels are fine
16:27.27darkfires   sip debug
16:27.39Aeudianjsmith: Okay, i see that i can make a callerid="Name" under sip but, how to do I pass company callerid show that it shows on the phones? would callerid= with nothing after be like a wild card to accept from carrier?
16:28.07jfitzgibbonand when this happens, * sends the network a RESTART request for the B channel, but I never get a restart ack back, so the channel sits in "restarting" state until I restart * or chan_zap
16:28.10darkfiresdoesn't show anything useful though
16:28.40Aeudianjsmith: I know for a fact that my carrier supports CID naming, and our number shows up on inbound phone calls, but our name and every phone i use says "New User"
16:28.43darkfiresoh i can do sip debug by ip only heh that makes it easier
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16:30.52Aeudianjsmith: if i am reading it correclt the callerid in sip tab controls outbound callerid naming? my problem is inbound naming not being passed,
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16:31.36generalhanhey all
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16:32.07generalhananyone know what the latest firmware version is for the Cisco 7690?
16:32.42redbaron1973tzafrir: I recompiled the kernel with ppp compiled in, not module, and it now appears to work.
16:32.57uwehello, i would like to thank everyone who helps helpless people like me , and especially those who suggested a while ago to change my NIC card and not use the builtin Gigabit interface, an old 3com did fix all my problems so far, which were really ugly ones ... for three days now im facing no trouble at all!! i hope it will go on this way, thank you again :)
16:33.53uweand of course [TK]D-Fender , who is always helping :D
16:35.22Nuggetlatest 7960 firmware is 8.3.2 released 10-Aug-2007.
16:36.25generalhanhmm ... im using 08-6-00, and it has been working perfectly for some time now. but all the sudden one user's phone just keeps rebooting itself at random times :(
16:36.26darkfiresber123:36:07.739396 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 249, id 4016, offset 0, flags [none], proto: ICMP (1), length: 56) > ICMP udp port 16406 unreachable, length 36
16:37.08generalhanso i changed the power brick thinking that was it (3 times) and it still does it. so i replaced the phone itself now, 3 times. and it STILL does it. its sooo strange
16:37.33generalhanand all the other 14 cisco phones have the same firmware and are just fine
16:38.13generalhaneven the ones that got the replaced phone in return for their good phone ... its like this issue only follows this one extension !
16:38.24dlynes_homegeneralhan: maybe there's a lose connection on the dataport for that phone and it keeps rebooting, because the dhcp address keeps changing
16:38.42generalhannever thought of that
16:38.59generalhanmaybe i should setup a IP reservation for that MAC and see if that solves anything
16:40.19generalhanbut i really should get another support contract so that i can get the newest firmware too. my contract ran out some time ago, but everything was working so great that i didnt think i would need it again !
16:41.43syzygyBSDdarkfires: were there any of the stack dump in the time the sip debug was taken?
16:46.19darkfiressyzygyBSD yes but the sip debug isn't showing it... i guess i will have to do an strace on asterisk to see ?
16:53.05krdian_hmmm, is there any way to cancell restart ?
16:53.26krdian_restart when convenient
16:57.24syzygyBSDkrdian_: why do you wnat to cancel it?
16:58.53krdian_syzygyBSD: i have to go out and i don't know what happen after restart coz i made some changes :)
16:59.01tzafrir_laptopkaldemar, "no" or "cancel"
16:59.08tzafrir_laptopor something similar
16:59.48krdian_tzafrir_laptop: nope
17:00.35krdian_tzafrir_laptop: my * doesn't have sth like that
17:01.44krdian_ok, never mind, its restarted already
17:02.29krdian_but ... maybe its not so bad idea to have possibility to cance restart ?
17:04.09krdian_particularly for restart gracefuly
17:04.18dlynes_homegeneralhan: that's just a gotcha built in to cisco stuff, as an incentive to keep renewing your support contract
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17:06.33*** join/#asterisk RU (n=ru@
17:07.18RUHi, there! Please, tell me where can I get RPM packages for RedHat EL5?
17:07.23coppiceA 7960, sir, and would you like to take advantage of our extended warranty package? :-)
17:07.28RUAsterisk RPM I mean
17:07.56generalhanbah i dont do warranties ! lol. but the support contract i needed for the firmware downloads.
17:08.59generalhanbut i just went through CDW and got like a $5 one or something like that ... ill have to call them up again and see if i can still do that same thing.
17:09.00generalhanall i need are the DLs its not like im calling them up every day for issues
17:09.00dlynes_homegeneralhan: support contract, extended warranty...are they not one and the same...just horses of a different color?
17:09.11errrI have someone who is calling us saying that they hear static when they call us. Is there a way to find out if its our system thats causing the static? Would a recording of the call help with this?
17:09.40generalhandlynes_home: nah, warranty would be for the hardware ... to replace it if it breaks. support contract would be for me to get support on the phone, but i would still need to buy a new phone if it broke !
17:10.14generalhanits the difference of paying $5/yr and $200(dont really know the cost)/yr
17:10.15tzafrir_laptopRU, check #centos. but don't tell them it's called "redhat", as they won't believe you
17:10.42tzafrir_laptopah, asterisk packages? check
17:10.42dlynes_homegeneralhan: yeah...i was just getting at, a support contract is a different way of saying 'limited extended warranty, with no phone support'
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17:10.56generalhandlynes_home: lol, ok !
17:11.07generalhanill accept that definition !
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17:12.16RUthank a lot
17:12.21RUI'll try
17:12.38generalhaneither way i need to get the newest firmware, and my link isnt working (i dont think). ususally when i go there to DL the firmware it has pages and pages of downloads. i go there now and there is only 2. Release nots for, and the actual download for, SIP version 8-2-00
17:12.48generalhanwhich is a version ive had for a VERY long time
17:21.32*** join/#asterisk Op3r (n=Op3r@
17:22.33RUThanks people! I found Asterisk RPMs for RedHat-EL-4/5 and CentOS 4/5 at
17:23.09errrRU: IMO you shouldnt use an rpm for it, You should really build it from source
17:23.25RUerrr> why?
17:23.36*** join/#asterisk tsurko (n=tsurko@
17:23.42RUerrr> It's much easier.
17:24.04errrRU: if you say so
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17:26.24tzafrir_laptopbecause installing from source is cool
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17:46.33nDuffAre there any existing 802.11-based phones with encryption support (be it OpenVPN, IPsec or TLS/SRTP)?
17:52.54[TK]D-FendernDuff: Snom 360 does,
17:53.08nDuff[TK]D-Fender: that's where the "802.11" bit comes in.
17:53.29[TK]D-FendernDuff: Ok, so its a rounding error! :p
17:55.26[TK]D-FendernDuff: problem is the CPU power needed to encode.... Dunno if there's one out that'll handle it...
17:56.44[TK]D-FendernDuff: None of the usual retailers has anything if one even exists.
17:56.53[TK]D-FendernDuff: Wait for MokoIAX ;)
18:02.11*** join/#asterisk hfb (
18:02.29nDuff[TK]D-Fender: that *does* look sweet. if it's relying on IAX's encryption, though -- I thought there was an analysis indicating that there's a possible keying vulnerability which hasn't been answered yet.
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18:04.03[TK]D-FendernDuff: Clearly no phone out there will make you happy...
18:04.12[TK]D-FendernDuff: Your "Cone Of Silence" is in the mail :p
18:04.36nDuffheh. if it's fast enough, though, OpenVPN might be usable on the OpenMoko
18:04.58elixerso i want to test some usage scenarios on a new PBX i am building and i want to have a few dozen SIP phones registered for the test.  i want to be able to "ring" individual extens, put a couple in a queue, and just have other sitting there idle.  is 'sipp' what i am looking for?  or are there other tools?
18:05.00[TK]D-FendernDuff: Clearly THIS is the more elegant solution!
18:05.13nDuff[TK]D-Fender: I'm not *that* young.
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18:06.15[TK]D-FendernDuff: Would you believe....
18:06.34datachomperCan anybody reccomend a good book for learning about the telecom networks? How ss7 works, how to hook into carriers, etc ...
18:07.27generalhan[TK]D-Fender: hahaha "Would you believe ... 2" hahaha i havnet though about that in sooo long !
18:08.24generalhanman i miss that show ... i wonder if they have, or plann to release the DVD seasons of that ! i would soo buy them !
18:08.26[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: Whats that link of yours again?
18:09.25[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: Already released most likely, and they're making a NEW movie :)
18:09.58[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: Steve Carell .... perfect choice.
18:10.12jbotfrom memory, 101 is Telephony 101, which is a good read if you're unfamiliar with traditional TDM telephony.  You can download it at
18:10.21generalhanYES !!! this is gonna be GREAT !
18:10.27[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: thanks... Googled you up FAST though :)
18:11.18*** join/#asterisk cirgal (i=robert@
18:11.37Strom_Mer :)
18:12.15generalhan  <-- there they are !
18:13.03jbot[TK]D-Fender is the Zen Master of the blatantly obvious, and #asterisk 's resident Google-proxy.
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18:13.31elixer... and team killer
18:13.50elixerwhenever i see "TK" i think team killer.  old habits.
18:14.22[TK]D-Fenderelixer: My old clan :)
18:14.29cirgalsilly question - have mercy:  my assumption is that dialplan applications like, er, Dial fall through to the next part of the dialplan immediately when they run?
18:14.38elixer[TK]D-Fender: ahhh :-)  CS?
18:14.39Strom_Mcirgal: no
18:14.48[TK]D-Fenderelixer: Action:Half-Life
18:15.00cirgalStrom_M: can i give you a specific example?
18:15.14Strom_MDial() for example will execute until the call is torn down
18:15.27[TK]D-Fendercirgal: Dialplan apps do what the do and things continue (if even applicable) AFTER they are finished.
18:15.48[TK]D-Fendercirgal: there is no "background" processing
18:16.45cirgalso if I have exten => ...,Dial(SIP/etc) on one line, and another dialplan app on the next, the next won't pick up with the channel created w/Dial.
18:17.01cirgalbasically it's sequential and synchronous.
18:17.19[TK]D-Fendercirgal: Correct.
18:17.30cirgalThanks folks.
18:17.36[TK]D-Fendercirgal: Things continue when you call is completed or fails
18:17.44[TK]D-Fendercirgal: "normally"
18:17.47cirgalperhaps it wasn't such a silly question ;)
18:17.52[TK]D-Fendercirgal: What would you LIKE to have happen?
18:18.01cirgalLet me explain what I'm trying for.
18:18.07[TK]D-Fendercirgal: This is an amount of cheating that can be done
18:18.43cirgalI would like to dial out and when the other endpoint picks up, do some processing on the channel with my own custom dialplan application.
18:19.06cirgalSaid processing is listening for some specific tones and replying with some other specific tones, somewhat like DTMF
18:19.15[TK]D-Fendercirgal: Sounds like you want ASTERISk to make the call out, and not be like using 1 phone to dial another.
18:19.31cirgalExactly correct.
18:19.32[TK]D-Fendercirgal: Ah, that IS different
18:19.46[TK]D-Fendercirgal: Lookup "call files", "AMI originate" on the WIKI
18:19.53[TK]D-Fendercirgal: This is entirely doable.
18:20.09*** join/#asterisk haystack (
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18:20.16[TK]D-Fendercirgal: these are 2 ways to have * dial out and dump the caller into the dialplan upon answering
18:20.39[TK]D-Fendercirgal: From there its as though they called in instead.
18:20.41malph_workI was trying to find a way to execute an agi script when a call ended.  what should I be searching for?
18:21.04jsmithmalph_work: You want to look for DeagAGI and the magic 'h' extension
18:21.05[TK]D-Fendermalph_work: the "g" option for Dial, and/or the "h" standard extension.
18:25.58*** join/#asterisk BadPacket (n=John@unaffiliated/badpacket)
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18:30.58cirgal[TK]D-Fender, I think I said yes when I meant no. :)
18:32.21[TK]D-Fendercirgal: Whatever!  We're clear now and it didn't take to 50 million question so twits around here require :p
18:32.23cirgalThis is what I want to happen:  1) a call comes into *.  2) * answers and does brief handshaking, then puts it on hold. 3) * dials out to another endpoint (originating a call), and does brief handshaking.  4) Upon completion of handshaking, 8 _bridges_ the two calls.
18:32.50[TK]D-Fendercirgal: No.  What I described is * INITIATING the call.
18:32.59cirgalGot it, sorry for the misunderstanding.
18:33.18*** join/#asterisk xheliox (n=jeff@pdpc/supporter/active/xheliox)
18:33.25cirgalIn this case someone else initiates the call, * initiates a 2nd call, does some handshaking, then bridges the two.
18:33.34cirgalPerhaps queues or conferencing is the way to go.
18:33.36[TK]D-Fendercirgal: So your server (due to a trigger of your determining) is made to call out and the caller is dumped into the dialplan where you can do whatever you would like.
18:33.57cirgal[TK]D-Fender: Yes.
18:34.10cirgal[TK]D-Fender: It looks like call files can do this nicely.
18:34.11[TK]D-Fendercirgal: So you want someone to make the call out and THEN pass it off for processing?
18:34.23[TK]D-Fendercirgal: you are starting to head in circles...
18:34.29*** join/#asterisk jingles (
18:34.43cirgal[TK]D-Fender:  Let me try to clarify, but my last 1) 2) ... is the sequence I want.
18:35.05[TK]D-Fendercirgal: clarity = good
18:35.54cirgal[TK]D-Fender: A call comes in to *.  * puts it on hold.  * _dials out_ on a _new outbound call_.  On this new call, * needs to do some processing on the line, suffice it to say it listens for DTMFs and sends some DTMFs.
18:36.30cirgal[TK]D-Fender:  Then, * bridges the original call that came in to the _new outbound call_.
18:36.52cirgal[TK]D-Fender:  Then, * is done.  :)  I hope that's clear.
18:37.37cirgal(btw, the expertise is much appreciated :) )
18:38.08*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
18:39.21[TK]D-Fendercirgal: Ok, THIS is hard...
18:40.23*** part/#asterisk jingles (
18:40.42syzygyBSDcirgal: I think AGI would be the easiest way to accomplish that
18:41.18[TK]D-Fendercirgal: I can picture a way.... you would use a specail Parking app called "ValetParking" to "park" your first caller into a dedicated slot.  It would them pass that info on to a newly originated call-file generated call that would do all of this work.  Then upon reaching that special point in your dialplan, it would bridge to that parked call.
18:41.31*** join/#asterisk nirz (
18:41.44[TK]D-FendersyzygyBSD: Not AGI..... actually deserving of a full "C" app....
18:41.57[TK]D-FendersyzygyBSD: But potentially doable with some hacks.
18:42.01syzygyBSDreally? I have done things like that with agi
18:42.21syzygyBSDsure it might deserve a c app, but I still did it in agi
18:44.21cirgal[TK]D-Fender:  It's the "all of this work" part that seems to be the difficult part.  If I can't pass the channel to a function or dialplan app to do that processing until Dial() comes back ...
18:44.50rudholmanyone having problems getting calls out through teliax at the moment?
18:45.50[TK]D-Fendercirgal: What you are missing is that these are 2 DIFFERENT calls.  they ge rebridged by ValetParking AFTER that "new leg" is satisfied
18:46.14[TK]D-Fendercirgal: it is ugly and a little painful, but possible
18:48.12cirgal[TK]D-Fender:  Ok, I know pain :)
18:48.45cirgal[TK]D-Fender: If the bridging part is doable, then it's really the "dial out, and then do processing on the line before bridging" part that's troubling me.
18:48.52nDuffAnyone know about what I should expect to pay for a voice-only PRI? I'm looking at getting a very general price range to run 1-4 PRIs to our colo facility, but our sales rep with Time Warner Telecom isn't answering their phone right now; our current service is a funky voice/data 3-T1 package, so I don't have any clue as to voice-only pricing.
18:48.57[TK]D-Fendercirgal: This will be like an Oprah Exclusive then :p
18:49.14[TK]D-Fendercirgal: actually... thats not THAT hard.....
18:49.33[TK]D-FendernDuff: Extremely dependent on location and company
18:49.36cirgal[TK]D-Fender, syzygyBSD:  (first, hahahah Oprag).  Then, I considered EAGI at first but I'd like this to be 'fast', so I thought a dialplan app would be better.
18:50.22[TK]D-FendersyzygyBSD: what do you think about the Macro function in Dial for this?  like privacy effectively...
18:50.56syzygyBSDcirgal: how fast is fast?
18:51.21syzygyBSDie, it will be dialing another system..
18:51.36cirgalsyzygyBSD: truthfully it's a vague notion at this point.
18:52.13[TK]D-Fendercirgal: No.. it was a vague notion THEN too :p
18:52.26cirgal[TK]D-Fender: indeed :)
18:52.38[TK]D-FenderWe don't neeeed no steeeeeeenking deeettttaaails
18:57.17*** join/#asterisk mtaht4 (
18:57.38cirgal[TK]D-Fender: I think I'll experiment with a Parking app to park the first call, and a .call file to do the outbound call processing and also to dump the outbound call into a dialplan that will then bridge the two calls.
18:57.48cirgal[TK]D-Fender: does that sound sane?
18:58.11[TK]D-Fendercirgal: nO, BUT IT MIGHT JUST WORK!
18:58.20*** join/#asterisk pnlarsson (
18:58.40cirgal[TK]D-Fender: outstanding.  i don't need sane.  i need to pay the billz.
19:01.09[TK]D-Fendercirgal: You learn quickly young Jedi.....
19:01.39cirgal[TK]D-Fender: I don't know why everyone says you guys are mean.  This is nothing compared to my regular haunt.
19:02.53cirgalI'd be in tears by now.
19:04.06[TK]D-Fendercirgal: We don't need to give you pain.... you're evidently more than capable of finding it yourself.
19:04.32cirgalPity me.
19:08.21*** part/#asterisk mtaht4 (
19:09.26CoolGuy21is there anything that stops 1 device from registering 2 extensions? i have a Cisco 7940 but i cannot register 2 extensions, the second one fails.
19:10.39[TK]D-Fendercirgal: "If it is weak kill it, or ignore it.  Anything else honours it"
19:10.57[TK]D-FenderCoolGuy21: only a bad config
19:14.58*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
19:16.03datachomperDumb question, but as I understand a T1 can provide 24 channels of voice, is that duplex or one way?
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19:21.19[TK]D-Fenderdatachomper: 24 bidirection channels.  But then again we highly recommend PRI signalling which only leaves you 23
19:25.41datachomperSo just doing the math ... 1 voice channel is sampled at 8,000bits/s * 8 bit resolution = 64Kb per channel. Then 64Kb x 24 = 1.536Mb/s which is the line speed of T1, right?
19:25.53holiday_42heh, yep
19:26.47holiday_42north american t1 anyway
19:26.54datachomperBut I can only see that being one way? Unless a T1 setup consists of a pair of wires.
19:27.21holiday_42two pairs
19:27.37datachomperSo, 4 wires?
19:27.42[TK]D-Fenderdatachomper: mATH HAS not FAILED YOU.
19:28.00[TK]D-Fenderdatachomper: Yes, 4 wires
19:28.08[TK]D-Fenderdatachomper: 2 pairs on an RJ-48
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19:28.50datachomperSo each pair carries half the traffic of a T1, just to be clear?
19:29.00Qwell[]there are rx and tx pairs
19:29.06[TK]D-Fenderdatachomper: 1 pair = TX, the other RX
19:29.06holiday_42eh, no  one pair receive, one send
19:30.24datachomperAnd what type of wire is it transmitted over, generally?
19:31.10[TK]D-Fenderdatachomper: CONDUCTIVE ;)
19:31.13datachomperLike, cat5?
19:31.26[TK]D-Fenderdatachomper: For certain lengths of it, sure
19:31.38datachomperSo it varies, gotcha
19:33.37elixerits possible to share a single d chan for multiple T1s, yeah?
19:33.43Qwell[]elixer: NFAS
19:34.30elixerQwell: danke
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19:41.37CoolGuy21is there anything that stops 1 device from registering 2 extensions? i have a Cisco 7940 but i cannot register 2 extensions, the second one fails.
19:42.14Qwell[]CoolGuy21: using users.conf?
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19:42.45CoolGuy21let me check
19:42.55jcacereshello i have a doubt i have successfully loaded zaptel an, but when i do zap show channels i do not get any of those
19:43.15CoolGuy21can i do authentication using the mac address ?
19:43.17jcaceresi have tried to reloaded but
19:43.35CoolGuy21no users.conf
19:43.46Qwell[]CoolGuy21: how are you configuring it?
19:43.52jcaceresi get this error ""No category context for line 10 of /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf""
19:43.55CoolGuy21using asterisk gui
19:44.18jcaceresmy zapata.conf can be seen in
19:44.32jcaceresany idea?
19:47.07[TK]D-Fenderjcaceres: yeah... you don't have [channels] at the top of your zapata.conf
19:47.11tzafrir_laptopjcaceres, is that your complete zapata.conf?
19:47.39tzafrir_laptopyou shouldn't copy zapata-channels.conf instead of zapata.conf
19:47.50tzafrir_laptopyou should add it to the end
19:47.54jcaceresi realise now
19:48.07tzafrir_laptopor #include zapata-channels.conf
19:48.13tzafrir_laptopin the end of zapata.conf
19:50.00Qwell[]Strom_M: ping
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19:55.36chemikk[Aug 29 16:53:16] WARNING[12799]: pbx.c:1797 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'SetGroup' for extension (trymat, 800123456, 1)
19:56.05chemikkSetGroup nonexists?
19:56.31JunK-Ychemikk: core show functions like GROUP
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19:57.03jsmithchemikk: It was deprecated in favor the GROUP() dialpllan function
19:58.37chemikkok thanks
20:02.29CoolGuy21one of my sip extensions arnt registering, how can i check? im in CLI verbose 8 ad cant see anything
20:03.06jfitzgibboncoolguy21: sip debug peer <peername>, restart the useragent, and pastebin the CLI output
20:03.10[TK]D-FenderCoolGuy21: enable SIP DEBUG in cli.
20:03.17CoolGuy21k one sec
20:03.27CoolGuy21Unable to get IP address of peer '1003'
20:03.28*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
20:04.04jfitzgibboncoolguy21: then do sip debug ip x.x.x.x
20:04.15CoolGuy21whos ip do i put?
20:04.29jfitzgibboncoolguy21: works, or you could put - you know - the IP of the user agent
20:07.28*** join/#asterisk Weezey (
20:07.33CoolGuy21nope too many extensions
20:07.37CoolGuy21cant seee a thing
20:07.53jfitzgibboncoolguy21: you mean you don't know the IP of your user agent?
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20:08.28CoolGuy21no i have multiple extensions from that one ip
20:08.30CoolGuy21like 10
20:09.24WeezeyI'm using a Sangoma card with hw echo cancellation and incoming calls, it works fine, outgoing calls the echo is not enabled for some reason.  a zap show channel 9 gives me: Echo Cancellation: 128 taps, currently OFF  but during incoming I get Echo Cancellation: 128 taps, currently ON
20:09.31jfitzgibboncoolguy21: then you're probably best trying to capture a trace from behind whatever is doing NAT for that user agent
20:10.03jfitzgibboncoolguy21: or get a bigger scrollback buffer and search for the username of that agent
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20:16.36[TK]D-FenderWeezey: are you using echo-training?
20:17.08CoolGuy21this is so weird i wish i can fix this
20:17.23[TK]D-FenderCoolGuy21: go get us some output and maybe we can help.
20:17.40CoolGuy21ok tell me what u want me to do i will gladly do it
20:18.19jfitzgibboncoolguy21: the register only takes a few seconds, so just capture the sip debug output for the NAT IP during the attempt to register and pastebin it
20:18.22jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
20:18.28[TK]D-FenderCoolGuy21: I've asked several times and my answer isn't changing..
20:18.44CoolGuy21k will do right now
20:18.47*** join/#asterisk DeepY0X (n=DeepY0X@
20:20.45jfitzgibboncoolguy21: also include your sip.conf with the user definition for the thing trying to register
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20:24.04CoolGuy21that extension isnt comming up at all
20:24.22Weezey[TK]D-Fender: no, should I be?
20:25.16jfitzgibboncoolguy21: then like I suggested before, you need to watch the traffic behind whatever is doing NAT
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20:25.27jfitzgibboncoolguy21: you've got one of two problems (if you're lucky)
20:25.33[TK]D-FenderWeezey: Nope.  pastebin your wanpipe1.conf (or whichever is appropriate), and your zapata.conf
20:25.39[TK]D-FenderI'm here for 5 mins :)
20:25.44CoolGuy21jfitzgibbon which are?
20:25.46jfitzgibboncoolguy21: either the REGISTER isn't getting to your * or the REGISTER contains invalid info
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20:26.46[TK]D-Fenderjfitzgibbon: No, invalid should show up, even as crap.  Its jsut NOT THERE.
20:28.14jfitzgibbon[TK]D-Fender: I was allowing for the search to have failed for various reasons.  But we're all assuming, but there has been no pastebin of the debug output
20:28.22Weezey[TK]D-Fender: I tried adding line 91 last time because that's the channel I was testing on
20:28.25[TK]D-FenderWeezey: Ok, looks perfectly legit.  Now aside from * reporting no EC... are you getting echo?
20:28.39Weezeywhen I call out only
20:28.47Weezeywhen I receive a call in, it's on and there's no echo
20:28.51[TK]D-FenderWeezey: I would suggest checking with Sangoma support on this one...
20:29.33[TK]D-Fenderok, checkout time
20:32.30CoolGuy21how can i do authentication of extension using mac address?
20:34.57jsmithYou can't
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20:36.11galerasPlease, someone can tell me if is the last sip firmware version for Polycom?
20:36.26kolian123Russellb, hi
20:36.35wunderkingaleras, no... way off, can tell you
20:39.05galeraswunderkin: sorry, i mean if is the "latest version" this information isn't at polycom site
20:39.33*** join/#asterisk kombi (n=kombi@
20:39.49kombihow does one see all the CLI commands again..?
20:39.51lirakisl8r all
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20:39.59wunderkingaleras, BS
20:40.42russellbkolian123: hello
20:40.53kombicore show cli commands?
20:41.10kolian123Russel, would you like to take a look at core?
20:41.31russellbkolian123: gdb /usr/sbin/asterisk core.12345 .... post it to
20:41.43kolian123one sec
20:41.57*** part/#asterisk robl^ (n=robl@pdpc/supporter/monthlybyte/robl)
20:42.47kombican you kill a conference from manager or cli?
20:44.53*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=hardcore@
20:45.09kolian123thank you
20:45.23_mm_z/wi _mm_
20:45.34Qwell[]kolian123: wrong one
20:45.48*** part/#asterisk _mm_ (
20:46.06kolian123one sec
20:47.50pnlarssonIf i want to cp my menuselect options from one build to another - which file do i cp?
20:48.09kombiyour dialplan?
20:48.25Qwell[]pnlarsson: menuselect.makeopts
20:49.56kolian123sorry, missed a number
20:50.31kombito kick everyone off a conference via manager, what does one do?
20:50.34pnlarssonQwell[], thanks
20:53.35jfitzgibbonI just had nearly all my queue members go into a status of "Unknown" (in the output of 'queue show').  I had to restart *, dumping all my waiting callers.  Anyone ever seen this before?  I have once, but I couldn't reproduce it in the lab.
20:54.57kolian123kombi, maybe hangup?
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20:57.44cirgalwith respect to parking a call:  does anyone know whether the slot the call got parked into is set into some variable or is it the case that the digits are spoken only?
20:59.35chemikk1 > 1 is false no? :)
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21:01.18Qwell[]chemikk: Unless you redefine 1 mid-check
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21:02.54luke-jrchemikk: not necessarily if you're using floats ;)
21:03.09mvanbaakrunkit_constant_redefine - Redefine an already defined constant
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21:04.15luke-jrwell this sucks-- looks like the PAP2-NA is impossible to unlock
21:05.02mvanbaakthat will unlock it
21:05.43chemikkwhy goto to 20? , 1 > 1 is false no?
21:05.50mvanbaakI bet the first 1 is 1.something
21:06.11luke-jr20 is after 10
21:06.37mvanbaak1+1 = 3 for big values of 1
21:06.46chemikki dont understand
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21:07.11Qwell[]"[ 1 > 1 ]" is a string, and will always evaluate to non-zero
21:07.23Qwell[]perhaps you mean $[ 1 > 1 ]  ?
21:08.04mvanbaakwhat Qwell[] said
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21:22.01lbowcorydon: are you there?
21:25.35lbowcorydon: (again, I know).  Put up a patch to make an MSet app with the semantics of Set as it was before
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21:55.38cirgalso, anyone experts on call parking?
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22:06.29nephflim wondering, why cant a polycom "buddy watch" plus a command to zap barge with the key next to the buddy simulate a key system?
22:11.01*** part/#asterisk havarian (n=amr_emam@
22:12.29elixeris it common to see "-- B-channel 0/1 successfully restarted on span 1" periodically in your console output?
22:13.33fujinanyone familiar with 'in use' detection
22:13.55blitzrageelixer: yes, that is normal
22:14.01elixerblitzrage: thanks.
22:14.27nephfli can detect "in use"
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22:26.13JoseBravoI have analog card, and asterisk didn't determine when the caller hangup. Any idea?
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22:27.55Nuggetwelcome to the world of analog PSTN.
22:28.09particleanalog? eh!
22:28.23powerkillanthm are you there ?
22:30.42elixercould someone explain overlap dialing to me like i'm a 5 year old?
22:32.22fujinthat depends
22:32.24fujinwhat's overlap dialing?
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22:36.08cirgalanyone know why ast_waitfor() might wait 0 ms instead of what i tell it to wait?
22:36.40cirgalis this the right channel for coding questions as well as config? :)
22:37.27cirgal........... silence .............
22:37.34elixercirgal: i think there is an #asterisk-dev channel as well?
22:37.47cirgalelixer: thanks :)
22:41.32*** join/#asterisk knarfly (
22:42.41[hC]Im curious, when i have an exten that does a Goto() to a new context, and in that context there is an 'h' exten, why would it not execute once the call is hung up on?
22:43.25*** join/#asterisk generalhan (
22:44.26generalhanhey guys ... im running a zttest right now and im seeing a lot of 99.975 and 99.963 ... how, not good is that ?
22:45.26[hC]generalhan: ive seen that on boxes that worked fine, ive also seen it on boxes that were really bad. im not sure how much i trust zttest to be relative to results.
22:45.34[hC]generalhan: then again i was using sangoma.
22:45.41[hC]but, it shouldnt matter.
22:46.09generalhanwell i have a lot of users comming up to me right now, saying that people are complaining that they are "cutting in and out"
22:46.28generalhanso thats when i ran the zttest. typically the lowest ill see all day is a 99.987
22:47.54[hC]check irq usage/io on the box
22:47.58[hC]maybe move it to a new irq/slot
22:48.14generalhanhmm, dont think i know how to do that !
22:49.57[hC]nobody knows about this 'h' extension stuff, when using goto/
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22:54.00SplasPoodgeneralhan: cat /proc/interrupts
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22:57.16didgei want to connect a plain old telephone line to my asterisk computer.  what hardware do i need ?
22:57.43generalhanwell i just took a look at it ... and although im not an expert, by any means, i dont see any issues:
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23:01.52[hC]Hey guys...    - know why 'h' would never be reached here?
23:07.39flendersdidge: you need an analogue card, like digium's TDM400P or sangoma's A200
23:08.30flendersdidge: if it's a single line, you could also use an ATA with FXO port, like the linksys/sipura SPA3000 or SPA3102
23:10.05didgeflenders; thank you.
23:11.08*** join/#asterisk nichtwirklich (n=guess@
23:11.13nichtwirklichhi all
23:12.23JoseBravoI have analog card, and asterisk didn't determine when the caller hangup. I can do something?
23:14.18nichtwirklichI am hanging with dtmf from sip phone through asterisk with an isdn adapter to the outside world
23:15.23nichtwirklichdtmf works intern on the asterisk box, and dtmf works from an isdn phone through asterisk (2nd adapter in nt mode) through to world via isdn te
23:15.59nichtwirklichbut from my snom 360 I cannot send dtmf to the world, I use inband and alaw/ulaw, any ideas?
23:18.40*** part/#asterisk pkunkra (
23:19.07flendersnichtwirklich: try dtmfmode rfc2833
23:19.35nichtwirklichflenders, I give it a try, but I used auto already where rfc should be the first
23:21.48nichtwirklichflenders: no
23:22.19flendersnichtwirklich: no what?
23:23.36nichtwirklichflenders: doesn't work
23:23.38*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
23:24.00nichtwirklichflenders: do you have a similar config?
23:24.38flendersI don't know what your config is
23:25.10nichtwirklichflenders: I mean the hardware, ISDN line from your provider, asterisk, sip phone
23:26.05flenderswhat card do you have?
23:26.11flendersI have a similar setup yes
23:26.28flendersbut I have a PRI, and a bunch of linksys phones
23:26.49*** join/#asterisk grimsy (n=chatzill@
23:27.19nichtwirklichfreebsd, chan_capi, 2 x hfc adapter (nt and te), some different voip phones and one isdn phone
23:28.10flenderssorry, our setups are very different.
23:28.16nichtwirklichso it's no particular snom problem, it doesn't work with an nokia e61 or an elmeg as well
23:29.15nichtwirklichI dont think so, actually the problem seems to be in forwarding dtmf from sip to a "real" phone line, pri or bri shouldn't matter
23:30.24flenderscan you send DTMF using the ISDN phone?
23:31.26nichtwirklichand intern with the sip phone works too (mailbox)
23:32.06nichtwirklichand from extern via isdn works also (mailbox / callthrough from cell phone)
23:36.04flendersnichtwirklich: can you pastebin your sip.conf
23:36.25nephflanybody very familiar with polycom and the auto answer feature?
23:37.44nichtwirklichdisallow=all                    ; First disallow all codecs
23:37.56nichtwirklichdtmfmode = rfc2833
23:38.40[TK]D-Fendernephfl, Yes, its all very well documented on the WIKI.  What about it?
23:39.03nichtwirklichI think thats it for this problem
23:39.42*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey)
23:39.43nephfli wouldnt say it is well documented anywhere...but if you know a wiki i missed...please help me out, because google isnt helping much
23:42.52[TK]D-Fendernephfl, So what part are you stuck on?
23:44.21*** join/#asterisk flenders (n=fserto@unaffiliated/flenders)
23:45.38quahanyone here use "announce-holdtime"?  I have it turned on,but it only announces "less than 2 minutes" if hold was less than 2 minutes.  Anyway to make is more granular - like say 15 seconds if holdtime was 15 seconds?
23:45.43flendersnichtwirklich: I asked you to pastebin your sip.conf, not just a few lines of it
23:45.53jbotProbably Never
23:45.56jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
23:47.48nichtwirklichflenders: here it comes
23:48.11nichtwirklichcontext=sipintern                       ; Default context for incoming calls
23:48.11nichtwirklichbindport=5060                   ; UDP Port to bind to (SIP standard port is 5060)
23:48.11nichtwirklichsrvlookup=yes                   ; Enable DNS SRV lookups on outbound calls
23:48.46jsmithnichtwirklich: Use the pastebin!  Don't flood the channel!
23:48.47flendersnichtwirklich: PASTEBIN!
23:49.09nichtwirklichoh sorry
23:49.10flendersread what jbot says!
23:49.14jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
23:49.53*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
23:50.15*** join/#asterisk CrashSys (
23:51.35fujinanyone run SPA942's?
23:51.44fujinneed to know if they can subscribe to multiple mailboxes
23:51.51fujinor if asterisk can generate a mwi to the phone
23:52.07flenderswhat's a mwi?
23:52.32Nuggetmessage waiting indicator
23:52.53nichtwirklichflenders: sorry, here it is:
23:52.54fujinI can see asterisk sending NOTIFY messages to my phone
23:53.04fujinso I assume this should be customizable (for multiple phones)
23:53.08CrashSysI'm amazed that shoretel has no information regarding their licenses on their website.
23:54.22fujincan you have dual 'mailbox' settings in sip.conf for a device?
23:54.59fujinlooks like I can mailbox=x, x
23:55.29*** join/#asterisk Rospo (i=Geo@
23:55.49fujinhmm, that'll work
23:55.53CrashSysNew one on me
23:56.22fujingetting an MWI for both of my accounts
23:56.34fujinnow if only the phone could display *which* mailbox it was for.
23:57.19CrashSysMaybe the phone supports dual-registrations?
23:57.20flendersnichtwirklich: did you try other dtmf modes too?
23:57.22CrashSysmight work that way
23:58.05CrashSysDoes a shoretel license have a renewal or is it more like microsoft's license?
23:58.17CrashSysTrying to put together a bid against a shoretel guy.
23:58.44fujinCrashSys: it does, but I don't plan on making the phones register to a "group" sip account.
23:59.04fujinI have group mailboxes setup for queues, and want to make it so that the devices have visibility of their own mailbox and the group mailbox
23:59.07[TK]D-FenderPolycom > ALL
23:59.39*** join/#asterisk mjmarrio (

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