IRC log for #asterisk on 20070827

00:02.03BSD_Techreal-time is database drivenn
00:03.14*** join/#asterisk vitaminmoo (n=vitaminm@
00:06.15tuxd00dCould one of you guys tell me which command I need to go through a list of files, and preform a action on each file..... so like a "for each" statement
00:06.34tuxd00dlike foreach(*.call) {}
00:06.49tuxd00dI'm having a mental block
00:10.02BSD_Techits sunday your not going to get alot of input
00:10.21BSD_Techcome back tomarrow morning
00:10.44*** join/#asterisk rmayorga_ (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
00:11.13*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
00:11.33flenderstuxd00d: for file in `ls` ; do command $file ; done
00:13.02*** join/#asterisk webman (
00:13.53tuxd00dflenders: I need to mv a file, sleep 1 minute,  and go to the next file, all with '.call' extentions.
00:14.38flenderstuxd00d: for file in `ls *.call` ; do mv $file /tmp/wherever_youwant ; sleep 1 ; done
00:15.02tuxd00doh, groovy, thanks flenders
00:15.57webmananyone have experience with h323, and know which channel driver is the most reliable for h323 <-> h323 calls ?
00:21.43*** join/#asterisk MrMister2 (
00:28.50*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
00:31.49*** join/#asterisk tomcontr3 (
00:32.03tomcontr3hi,   Im having some problems with Voicemail  Emails
00:32.29tomcontr3every time I record a new voicemail,  and asterisk sends the email,  the email gets recognized as SPAM
00:32.55JTby what?
00:33.00JTand how's that an asterisk problem
00:33.14webmanI can get IAX2 -> h323 working and h323 -> IAX2 working, but can't get h323 -> h323 working
00:34.24webmanusing the chan_h323 from asterisk
00:35.14tomcontr3it isnt,  but,  If there is anyone that has this feature working and could give me a hand  I would really appreciated
00:35.23tomcontr3Im sending the emails to my gmail account
00:35.37JTthen mark them as not spam
00:35.39tomcontr3and all those emails get droped to the SPAM folfer
00:35.46MrTelephonedo any of you get stale call-limits?
00:36.00tomcontr3right,  but I also tried other mail accoutns,  and is the same storry
00:38.40tomcontr3this is the headers
00:47.30fujinhey uh, should a queue go to the next priority of callers when the first 0 priority user doesn't answer?
00:47.41fujinmembers rather
00:49.37*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
00:50.05riddleboxis there a way to have the voicemail emails converted to mp3 instead of wav?
00:52.14*** join/#asterisk redbaron1973 (
00:53.24redbaron1973I have a question regarding HDLC /c the TE420, anyone familiar with this?
00:54.51flendersriddlebox: out of the box, no
00:55.25riddleboxhrmm my moto q doesnt like the wav files that it sends in the emails
00:56.27CCFL_Man2riddlebox: moto q ftl
00:56.55riddleboxCCFL_Man2, ftl?
00:57.14*** join/#asterisk ptiggerdine (
00:57.14flendersnot sure if changing the format from wav_49 to wav would help you
00:57.31Sweeper <-- best. photoset. ever.
00:57.34*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
00:59.40fujinchrist, still can't get this to work
00:59.45fujincan anyone confirm queue behaviour?
01:00.03fujinI'm trying to make it so that if someone sits in a queue, and the pentalty=0 person doesn't answer, it jumps to the penalty=1 people.
01:00.09fujindoesn't wanna work though
01:00.14redbaron1973< in zaptel.conf, if I am wanting to bond 2 Data-t1's as an HDLC, would it be proper to set nethdlc=1-48 ?
01:02.57CCFL_Man2Sweeper: i saw goatse for the 1st time two years ago but knew about it for years
01:03.20CCFL_Man2and i must say i never want to see it again
01:07.12*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
01:13.22*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
01:20.20*** join/#asterisk bminish (
01:25.05bminishstubit question
01:25.16bminishJust rebuilt asterisk wit the latest buld
01:25.25bminishnow it has no awareness of my zaptel hardware
01:25.46bminishwhat stupid thing did I do?
01:26.22bminishno zaptel commands available in the asterisk console but modules loaded ok
01:26.29bminishver 1.4.11
01:26.33webmanbminish: do a make menuconfig and ensure channels zap is incliuded?? and/or install that latest zaptel before you install asterisk
01:26.36bminishzaptel 1.4.0
01:27.06webmanpossibly re-run ./configure in asterisk before you do the make menuconfig
01:27.56bminishhmm make meunconfig shows zap as unchoosable , i had forgotten about the menuconfig
01:28.12bminishdoing a make clean ./configure
01:28.21bminishand see if ti picks it up this time
01:28.41russellbdid you install the latest zaptel release as well?
01:28.52bminishlatest one would not build for me udev related error
01:29.06bminishso rebuilt and reinstalled 1.4.0
01:29.25bminishwhich is also linked in my src dir as zaptel
01:30.08bminishbugger chan_zap still not selectable
01:30.53russellbhm, try the one right before the latest one then
01:30.59BSD_Techmove to and zaptel 1.4.5
01:31.01bminishok which was ?
01:31.06russellbor even better, try straight from svn
01:31.23russellbsvn co zaptel-1.4
01:31.28*** join/#asterisk dw (n=dw@unaffiliated/dw)
01:35.36bminishmy asterisk box is dog slow when it comes to compiling stuff
01:40.45bminishdoes asterisk ./config need to know where the current zaptel src is located?
01:42.30*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
01:42.47bminishbugger zaptel make install issue with svn version
01:42.48bminishbuild_tools/genudevrules: line 3: udevinfo: command not found
01:42.48bminishmake: *** [devices] Error 1
01:43.21bminishkernel 2.6.9-42
01:44.08bminisha bit old I know but far from straight forward to move this box on to later kernel
01:45.31russellbbminish: hm, i guess file a bug on the bug tracker for your problems installing the latest code
01:45.38russellbbminish: inlude the distro information
01:45.46*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
01:45.54bminishperhaps it's because i am missing udevinfo
01:46.06SplasPoodHrm... anyone happen to know if the Nokia N95 sip client supports video?  (I know this is only tangentially related to asterisk)
01:46.21bminishe70 does not
01:46.59SplasPoodYea I don't think the N95 does either, which makes the video call support it *does* has totally worthless to me
01:51.35hmmhesays~seen bkw_
01:51.43jbotbkw_ <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 8d 6h 47m ago, saying: 'Sweeper, just an FYI anything over say 4 v's is pointless'.
01:52.21fujinHi look I'm trying to get a queue working with two levels of priorities, I'd like the first priority level (0) to ring for only 15 seconds before ringing the second priority level
01:52.28fujincan anyone tell me how to do this?
01:52.43bminishin the absence of udevinfo in the distro any suggestions as to how I can get this ti make install
01:53.03bminishI am abut messed up here, this needs to be up and running in 4 hours
01:54.44bminishOHH, dohh this box isn;t using udev
01:55.00bminishbut how to get zaptel to install on dev
02:01.11bminishis it possible to build zaptel without udev
02:04.10webmanbminish: I am pretty sure you can build zaptel without udev
02:04.35bminishdelete ./build_tools/gendevrules
02:05.23bminishSTILL no chan_zap available in asterisk make menuconfig
02:05.46webmanbminish rerun ./configure
02:06.33webmanbminish: did the zaptel make install complete successfully ?
02:06.39*** join/#asterisk anthony[ (
02:06.44bminishworst thing is that if I get this working the bloody phone will be ringing in a few hours, it's 3 am here
02:06.57anthony[Hi, what do I have to do to record ALL PHONE calls?
02:07.07bminishyes installed with no errors it fell back to the dev install, guess it assumes that 2.6 kernel = udev
02:07.35webmanbminish: what does ./configure say about zaptel (in the asterisk source dir)
02:07.45jeranthony[, consult a lawyer to make sure it's legal in your jurisdiction. for instance, here in Canada, it's legal so long as one party knows about it and that party is the one doing the recording (automated recording systems are illegal here)... this may or may not be similar in your jurisdiction
02:08.01webmananthony: show application mixmonitor and configure your diaplan appropriately
02:08.56webmanjer: are you the author of chan_h323 or am I confusing you with someone else?
02:09.05jerwebman, confusing me with someone else
02:09.12bminishlots of yesses and we are now good in make menuconfig
02:09.32bminishnow to compile and see if we won ;-)
02:09.36webmanbminish: good luck, don't forget to get some sleep before the phone rings :)
02:10.04webmanjer: ok, sorry.... desperately trying to get h323 working, with rather limited success.....
02:10.21jerwish i could help, but i've never played with it
02:15.21*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
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02:22.19*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chendy@
02:38.06*** join/#asterisk robh71 (
02:39.27*** join/#asterisk kiscokid (
02:40.45kiscokidMy Polycom phone won't boot
02:41.23mcabkiscokid: can it contact its bootserver?
02:41.58kiscokidwell, it seems to but it gets config file errors
02:42.21kiscokid4020 or 10020
02:42.33kiscokidcan't find any doc for these
02:43.40kiscokidmcab: have you worked with Polycom phones?
02:44.23mcabkiscokid: yup, IIRC 4020 usually means it can't connect to/log into the boot server
02:44.36mcab0x10020 I don't remember
02:44.50kiscokidwhere do you find these?
02:45.10mcabkiscokid: trial and error :-)
02:45.51tengulrehow to config two asterisk box with HA software, I have two server box, no interface card, only provide sip services.
02:46.27mcabkiscokid: are you using FTP?
02:46.35bminishwebman we are good good go, thanks for the help whilst I bumbled about
02:47.18kiscokidmcab: was using tftp, I was going to try ftp next
02:48.06kiscokidmcab: what command do you use in dhcpd.conf to tell it the address of the boot server?
02:48.58kiscokidonly way I could get it to see the boot server was to use the phone interface
02:49.16kiscokidin the server menu
02:50.07mcabkiscokid: by default they use Option 66 with DHCP
02:53.18mcabif you use the phone gui to change the bootserver, you need to go into the DHCP menu and change the *mumble* option from 'Option 66' to 'static'
02:53.37mcab(the exact name eludes me right now)
02:55.33kiscokidis there anyway to get the phone to go back to factory defaults?  All the methods say press something like "press 2 4 6 8 simultaneously" but they don't work
02:55.54kiscokidall I get now is the phone trys to boot over and over
02:56.09kiscokidand gets one of those errors
02:56.40kiscokidmcab: which phone model and firmware version are you using?
02:57.28mcabkiscokid: a variety :-) what model & firmware are you using?
02:57.56kiscokidIP 430 with
02:58.10kiscokidthat's what it came with
02:58.27mcabthe reset to default is usually 4,6,8,*; but the 430 is different I think
02:58.46mcab1,3,5,7 maybe?
02:59.00mcabwhat BootROM is it running?
02:59.06kiscokidat what point can you do that?
02:59.18kiscokidone sec, I gotta plug in the phone
02:59.49mcabkiscokid: pretty much at anypoint, I think - I usually do it at the count down screen just after the phone powers up
02:59.59mcabor when the phone is booted and idle
03:00.29*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@debian/developer/santiago)
03:01.20kiscokidboot rom
03:02.00mcabok, so the BootROM is fairly recent, the app you should upgrade (2.2 was just released, 2.1.2 was the previous version)
03:02.45kiscokidif I put the app and the default config files on the TFTP server should it boot?
03:03.09mcabkiscokid: yes, so long as it can contact the server :-)
03:03.22mcabkiscokid: unfortunately, dinner is ready so I have to take off
03:03.23*** join/#asterisk luke802 (n=luke802@
03:03.37kiscokidright now I'd just like to get it to boot from the flash
03:03.52kiscokidmcab, ok thanks for the help
03:03.52luke-jr_anyone know how to unlock a PAP2-NA? :/
03:04.09luke802Hi all
03:04.23*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
03:04.52luke802we currently support asterisk
03:05.22luke802what is a reasonable cost for suport in the us?
03:05.39luke802(to charge for support)
03:07.01mmlj4luke802: depends. I charge about $100 per hour, regardless of what I'm working on, your market may vary
03:08.08luke802mmlj4: thanks. We charge thereabouts currenlty in our region
03:08.20mmlj4then I'd roll with that
03:08.40russellbi'll do it for $99 !
03:08.40*** join/#asterisk guillote_GNU (n=guillote@
03:08.41luke802thank you. bbr. got a couple more qs
03:08.50mmlj4but understand that people are used to being ripped off by traditional phone vendors
03:09.09luke802yes i know.
03:09.13mmlj4give them solid, sane service and don'and you'll make a name for yourself
03:09.22mmlj4give them solid, sane service and don't try to gouge them, and you'll make a name for yourself
03:09.24luke802we spent years selling nortel and toshiba
03:09.27luke802we stopped doing that.
03:09.32luke802we "consult"
03:14.07*** join/#asterisk luke802 (n=luke802@
03:14.31luke802sorry. got disconnected.
03:15.20luke802we try not to posisiton ourselves as pbx vendors and work more on a consulting basis. With experience in several major pbx brands we sell all equipment at costs and work solely on service contract and consulting fees.
03:16.23luke802now our prices are less than 50% of our competitors' proprietary solutions. so far, its been a good model for us.
03:16.56*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
03:18.13luke802another question I have though... does anyone have experience with Digium';s professional development services?
03:18.44luke802i've read some mixed reviews on the overall service and eventual outcomes of projects. does anyone here have an opinion?
03:19.58luke802why biased?
03:20.03*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
03:22.57russellbyes, i work there
03:23.07russellbnot in that group, specifically
03:24.13luke802ahh (i)
03:24.36russellb(i) ?
03:27.13luke802nevermind.. using msn messenger icons ...
03:27.18luke802ofcourse, they dont work on IRC
03:27.49luke802so, biased russellb, is the digium boot camp all it's cracked up to be ?
03:28.26luke802our company is scheduling training in october (hopefully).
03:29.13russellbyeah, i have heard a lot of positive reviews of it.
03:29.38russellbthe guys that teach it are extremely knowledgable
03:30.48*** join/#asterisk JerJer (n=PhatJ@pdpc/supporter/bronze/jerjer)
03:31.11luke802well thats good to hear
03:34.11*** join/#asterisk nclx (
03:35.42nclxwell I guess my motherboard / HP-BIOS must really suck.  Even if I disable HPET, set timer to 1000Hz in kernel, unload ztdummy and zaptel kernel mods, I am still getting about 30 syslogs per second saying rtc: missed some interrupts at 1024Hz.  I give up, I'm trying asterisk on a different box.
03:37.56*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
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03:48.37luke802Sorry if this is not the correct place to ask. Does anyone know of a retailer who provides rack mountable servers specifically built to run asterisk?
03:51.25nclxlook also a (no I don't work for them) but they support Open Source OS's and it is branded all over there site
03:52.18*** join/#asterisk heelios (
03:52.30heelioscan I use a nice, rotary phone with a PAP2?
03:55.57nclxMy local cable company "Bright House Networks", is looking like a bunch of buffoons.  Check out their new marketing site:  The idea is that they are eliminating the "Asterisk" IE all the fine print and fees associated with typical telecom accounts with their Digital Phone Service.  However it is just funny the name they choose because obviously no body there had heard of Asterisk the uber popular Free PBX software
03:59.49*** join/#asterisk stkn__ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
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04:17.39itilitianyone feel like helping me out real quick>
04:18.52*** join/#asterisk GiantPickle (
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04:30.48JerJeritiliti:  how about helping yourself by asking a specific question?
04:31.13*** join/#asterisk mtaht4 (
04:31.26itilitiTrue, true.
04:31.44itilitiIs there a way to write a group pickup to grab a rig group?
04:32.28itilitiI have a ring group that rings on the main SIP trunk. I would like for the phones to be able to pick up the call if the person is not there..
04:32.33itilitifrom their phones..
04:32.54itilitiit works great on DId tied to their direct extension, but when I am trying it with the 600 ring group..
04:32.55*** join/#asterisk onats (n=julian@
04:33.31onatshi, i installed asterisk on a debian machine using synaptics. do i have to explicitly enable traffic through port 5060? i'm really having a hard time registering my ip soft phones...
04:35.09*** join/#asterisk luke802 (n=luke802@
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04:49.52tzafrir_laptoponats, UDP port 5060
04:49.59tzafrir_laptopnetstat -lnup
04:50.17*** part/#asterisk techie (
04:53.12onatstzafrir, how do i enable it/open it?
04:53.21onatsnetstat -lnup shows
04:54.17*** join/#asterisk jeebusroxors (
04:57.01variable_officecurrently astersik dumps all the voicemail into spool with only root permissions, is there a way i can set it to do it with permissions of another user or give it 777 permissions/
04:57.25*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
04:59.56*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
05:05.44Buhntzdunno if asterisk supports it, but you could make a cronjob
05:07.15bochdo you know why im getting cause 16 in hangup events trough AMI when the real cause is no answer ?
05:07.39JTboch: you really aren't giving us enough info to work on
05:08.15*** join/#asterisk yotta- (
05:10.41bochJT: I have an script making calls trough AMI using originate command and the hangup events says the calls that arent answered are terminated ok (16- normal clearing)
05:11.10JTmake calls to what?
05:11.59bochanother peers
05:12.25*** join/#asterisk robh71 (
05:12.34onatsguys, does anyone know how to open up port 5060 udp?
05:12.36bochi let the phone ring and the call ends with 16 code, normal like answered
05:22.31tzafrir_laptoponats, asterisk should be listening on it
05:22.36tzafrir_laptopis asterisk running?
05:22.44onatstzafrir, yes.. i just run asterisk
05:23.00tzafrir_laptopcan you connect to it with  rasterisk   ?
05:24.20onatsyes i can...
05:24.24onatscurrently have console..
05:24.53onatsnetstat -lnup says and asterisk is listening..
05:25.03onatsshouldn't that have an ip address instead of all 0s?
05:26.28yotta-I'd like to set up an extension in asterisk that rings my cell phone, but if I don't answer, I'd like to handle voice mail on asterisk, rather then let it go to the voice mail at my cell provider.
05:26.30onatsmy other linux machine, when connecting, it gives an error that 5060 is being used...
05:26.43yotta-Is there a reasonable way to do that?
05:28.02*** part/#asterisk sysreq (
05:30.08fujinonats: = all interfaces
05:30.34onatsfujin, aw... thanks for the info..
05:30.43fujinyotta-: sure, just check ${DIALSTATUS} after you dial. althouhg, I'm not sure you'll be able to stop your cellphone from picking up and going to answerphone
05:30.51onatsi wonder why my phones can't register...
05:31.05yotta-fujin: well, that's what I'm trying to figure out...
05:31.15yotta-how to avoid it going to the answering service.
05:31.20tzafrir_laptoponats, means: listening on all IP addresses
05:31.27tzafrir_laptopbound to all interfaces
05:32.11heeliosyotta-: usually voicemail on cellphones is just a number it transfers to if you dont pickup. if you have an available number, you could just set it in your phone and you could pickup the call from there. dunno if im clear. <_<
05:32.14onatseven a locally installed softphone on the server can't register...
05:32.19tzafrir_laptoponats, next thing:  use 'sip debug'
05:32.42tzafrir_laptopdo you see much spam from you phone when it tries to connect?
05:32.51tzafrir_laptopto disable:   sip no debug
05:32.56*** join/#asterisk sysreq (
05:32.56yotta-(this is AT&T in the US if it matters)
05:33.03onats1 sec...
05:33.25yotta-yeah, but then I have to set busy forward on my phone to somewhere else
05:33.56heeliosyotta-: its the only way I can figure thatd work.
05:34.13fujinyotta-: ask your cellphone provider if there is a way to disable voicemail
05:34.17onatstzafrir, wow it connected now.. i must've had missed something..
05:34.24heeliosyotta-: besides, a DID would be proably cheaper than your carrier's voicemail service anyhow.
05:34.25JTboch: "another peerS" - how informative
05:34.28onatstzafrir, thanks for the help!
05:34.38onatswill be playing with it again now
05:34.41fujinyotta-: you could just dial for a set amount of seconds (i.e; 10) and make sure that your cellphone online picks up voicemail after longer than 10 seconds
05:34.46yotta-heelios: cell service is paid for by my emplayer
05:34.51fujinand otherwise drops back to voicemail on *
05:35.02yotta-fujin: I thought of that
05:35.10yotta-but if my phone is off it goes straight to VM.
05:35.44heeliosyotta-: if you have a really nice employer they might go along with your scheme and get you a DID instead of voicemail? :P
05:35.45yotta-would it be possible to require at least one ring and the time out after a while?
05:36.30bochJT, another SIP peers sorry, i also see the cancel request and the 487 answer from ata
05:36.54yotta-I _COULD_ do that for VM, but
05:37.01fujinrun SIP on your phone
05:37.04fujinthat's what I do :[
05:37.06JTboch: a SIP peer, i see
05:37.09yotta-i'd like it to go to cell phone vm if my phone is called directly.
05:37.27yotta-fujin: no data plan
05:37.30fujinanyone know about the IN USE detection of Local channels? does it work, how does it work?
05:37.32fujinget a data plan -_-
05:38.03yotta-I could just use an IPKall did
05:38.32yotta-I still want direct cell phone calls to go to AT&T vm
05:38.53onatsone more question, only one ip phone can run on each machine right?
05:39.22yotta-I could patch asterisk to allow a DTMF to boot out of the Dial() app with a code that is special.
05:39.30yotta-but that would be a pain.
05:39.47fujinonats: no, incorrect
05:40.07fujinmultiple IP phones can run on each machine, providing they use different logins and bind to differnt port ranges
05:40.21fujinyotta-: probably wouldn't require a patch at all
05:40.23bochJT, if the call is generated using Dial() without any timeout from the dialplan instead AMI originate, the call ends with cause 19- noanswer; But if some timeout is passed to Dial() the call ends with cause 0 when should be noanswer
05:40.39onatsfujin, ah... there.. i think its both binding to 5060...
05:40.41yotta-fujin: how could i do it without a patch?
05:41.13fujinsome dialplan logic should suffice
05:41.15fujinwhat are you trying to do?
05:42.03fujinI'm not going to spoon feed you; I'm most certain that what you're trying to do has been done.
05:43.04yotta-ok, well, I want some way to detect that the call has been answered by AT&T VM
05:43.11yotta-and instead transfer to VM on *
05:43.30yotta-when my cell is called directly, I'd like it to behave normaly.
05:44.43*** join/#asterisk oej (
05:45.53onatsis it ok for all phones to register to asterisk using 5060?
05:46.00onatsi mean, they are using only one port?
05:46.22heeliosonats: yes. why not?
05:46.46onatsheelios, just asking... im trying to get another phone to connect
05:47.03onatsthe softphone is on the same machine as the asterisk server
05:47.35heeliosonats: oh. i misread. it's not okay if they both try to listen on the same port.
05:47.58onatsheelios, you mean the phone and the server right?
05:48.03heeliosonats: yes.
05:48.22heeliosonats: any two applications as a matter of fact.
05:48.40mDuffonats: it's like Apache; you have one apache daemon listening on port 80, and any number of www clients can connect to it.
05:48.44onatshow do i test a callback on one phone? i mean, i just want it to ring.. dial its own extension #?
05:48.54mDuffonats: however, you can't have both Apache and another service listening on that port at the same time.
05:48.55onatsmDuff, that's a good analogy.. understood
05:50.44onatsdoes anyone have a good tutorial/pdf?
05:51.00onatssomething i can start with...
05:51.10heeliosonats: download asterisk - the future of telephony
05:51.31onatsi have that.. is that a good guide?
05:51.37heeliosonats: yeah.
05:51.48onats503 Service Unavailable<--- what does this mean?
05:53.48heeliosonats: exactly what it says. no one can debug this without some more info. and with that, im going to bed.
05:56.47phixI have changed some hardware in my server and the g.729 codec licence is no longer valid.  I would also like to purchase an additional licence.  How should I go about this? order another licence first or revalidate my original one?
05:57.55*** join/#asterisk robh71 (
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06:23.06*** join/#asterisk AirCoder (
06:23.36AirCoderhello all.
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06:28.11AirCoderany one have nvfax and rx tx fax working in 1.4.11?
06:29.31yotta-anyone know what needs to be done to get the privacy creener thing to work under debian?
06:29.36yotta-there's some permissions issue
06:29.45*** join/#asterisk aces234 (
06:30.33aces234anyone here that runs an asterisk consulation business i would like to ask some advice from about starting my own asterisk consultation business.
06:31.12phixso any ideas?
06:32.41*** part/#asterisk dw (n=dw@unaffiliated/dw)
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06:34.07AirCoderso talkative!
06:35.05mvanbaakAirCoder: most people are sleeping now
06:35.15AirCoderpeople sleep?
06:35.17AirCoderno wy
06:35.20AirCodererr way
06:35.33AirCoderguess programmers are a rare breed.
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06:46.14tzafrirAirCoder, people sleep. That is not to say programmers sleep
06:46.39pkunkrawell, considering tomorrow is the first day of work, programmers are most likely sleeping but also they're recovering from a weekend of drinking.
06:47.09AirCoderim tanking up on coffie to recover.
06:48.00AirCoderfirst day of work? you mean there are people that done work on sunday?
06:48.16AirCoderwow im out of the loop
06:52.57*** join/#asterisk marexz (
06:54.13AirCoderany one have nvfax and rx tx fax working in 1.4.11?
06:54.39AirCoderI have it compiled but nvfax hangs on detection on 2 sip connections ive tested..
06:56.53matt_can i use a single sip entry for lots of SIP accounts ?
06:57.10matt_like have a single sip entry and then have a list of number:passwd pairs
06:57.13matt_maybe in a database
06:57.17*** join/#asterisk Avalone (
06:57.43AirCoderi beleive the registration is per trunk.
06:58.11AirCoderi know you can have mutiple proxys per trunk, but have never seen mutiple registrations.
06:58.36*** join/#asterisk Aurs (
06:58.37matt_per .. trunk ?
06:58.52matt_this wouldn't involve trunks
06:58.56AirCodereach sip account that you register is techincaly called a trunk.
06:59.08JTa sip account is not a trunk
06:59.44matt_i was just thinking about large setups with 1000's of remote sip devices
06:59.57AirCodermaby im misunderstanding whats being asked.
07:00.02matt_they would be one large sip file and there must be an easier way
07:01.03AirCoderohhh sip devices.
07:01.27AirCoderignore my previous then i misunderstood what you were asking.
07:02.31matt_like that
07:02.48matt_but with authentication
07:03.22matt_but it would be good if ou could have like groups
07:03.35matt_so you can say [group1options]
07:03.53matt_and then with a module you can have a database with user:passwd:groupname
07:04.22matt_so you can have different devices but easily add devices without having large config files, this must be possiable
07:06.25AirCoderanything is posible.
07:06.33matt_lol yea
07:06.45matt_but i wont be able to program something like that
07:07.06AirCoderdont know of anything that exists but it could be.
07:10.53matt_The Asterisk external configuration engine is the result of work by Anthony Minessale II, Mark Spencer, and Constantine Filin. It is designed to provide a flexible, seamless integration between Asterisk's internal configuration structure and external SQL databases (maybe even LDAP one day).
07:12.49matt_AirCoder, i was thinking about that but it seems a little sloppy
07:14.35matt_although using a database directly might cause more problems with database connections die'ing
07:16.48*** join/#asterisk IgorG (n=FeedomPa@
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07:30.55aces234matt you head of adhearsion?
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07:32.20yotta-is there any way to have DISA use a sound file instead of a dialtone?
07:44.10AirCoderany one get nvfaxdetect working on 1.4.11? I have it compiled but nvfax hangs on detection on 2 sip connections ive tested..
07:49.16*** join/#asterisk psk (
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07:52.42jhleeconsidering asterisk server on collocation mainly as conferencing server. without zaptel hardware will MeetMe works good enough?
07:54.02JTprobably not
07:54.56jhleeJT: any advise for conferencing?
07:55.12JTdon't use MeetMe?
07:55.39jhleei see. what's alternative?
07:59.04*** join/#asterisk uwe (
08:00.15uwehello, im getting a lot of "acl.c:, is not a valid netmask" in the full log, but i have no idea what is generating it ? this comes with low voice quality , any idea what it could be ?
08:00.47jhleeJT:thx, there sourceforge page doesn't have anything in download section. do you have any idea to get the source or pkg?
08:13.38jhleeJt: thank for you help. gotta leave now
08:13.42*** part/#asterisk jhlee (
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08:23.56Renacoranybody know if the Digium TE410P is 64 bit or 32bit pci?
08:53.31*** join/#asterisk marexz (
08:55.58JTRenacor: 32bit would be my bet
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09:48.22Rsamanhello all
09:48.50Rsamanhow do i check if i have the correct module compiled ? Specifically cdr pgsql
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10:16.44aikanaro79hi, if I put the following priorities in my dialplan will a call get to the conference app? 100,1,Answer() // 100,n,Dial(SIP/xpto) // 100,n,Conference(1234/MTV)
10:19.23taupin974after the Dial(SIP/xpto)?
10:21.04*** join/#asterisk Woifi1988 (
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10:22.19Woifi1988i have a problem with compiling zaptel for asterisk!
10:22.25Woifi1988can somebody help me?
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10:26.23*** join/#asterisk RsaMan2 (n=aa@
10:26.36RsaMan2My blind transfer is still messed up
10:26.54RsaMan2tried to many combos
10:27.00RsaMan2and no success
10:27.26RsaMan2anyone familiar with transfering calls?
10:27.45RsaMan2both parties get dropped, after transfer
10:28.29RsaMan2does anyone know how to set a transfer rule in my dialplan, i cant rely on blind transfer because it is not working for me
10:28.39*** join/#asterisk geoff_k (
10:29.00uweWoifi1988, state what the problem is , maybe this will remind someone with something
10:29.47RsaMan2i have had my problem for over a week, tried a million things, posted on the forum, but i still seem to be missing something
10:30.20*** join/#asterisk guillote_GNU (
10:31.47Woifi1988I try to do a make clean --> i get two errors but i don't mind. the ./configure worked, but with make i get the error, that i have no sources for linux-2.6.15-26-server installed, but i have installed these sources and i also created a softlink at /usr/src. I looked in some forums, but I didn't find any solution :(
10:32.06*** join/#asterisk HaYZaM (n=helghara@
10:32.44HaYZaMcan i use asterisk as a video conferencing tool if the cameras support SIP protocol ?
10:33.56HaYZaMheey you asterisk ppl
10:36.14HaYZaMgatko steen nela 3ala demaghko
10:38.08HaYZaMcan i use asterisk as a video conferencing tool if the cameras support SIP protocol ?
10:38.12HaYZaMcan i use asterisk as a video conferencing tool if the cameras support SIP protocol ?
10:38.13HaYZaMcan i use asterisk as a video conferencing tool if the cameras support SIP protocol ?
10:38.19manystop it.
10:38.21RsaMan2piss off
10:38.30HaYZaMu r sleeping
10:38.34RsaMan2the answer is : maybe
10:38.58HaYZaMshould i flood to answer
10:39.08HaYZaMwhy dont you answer from the begining
10:39.18RsaMan2any more questions?
10:39.31HaYZaMyes , ok , i am gonna use this way everytime i need something
10:39.31*** join/#asterisk mbit (
10:39.49manyi have one question, why is hayzam such a
10:39.56tzafrirHaYZaM, then you're going to be banned from here
10:40.03HaYZaMcoz u r a p.ssy
10:42.32Woifi1988I try to do a make clean --> i get two errors but i don't mind. the ./configure worked, but with make i get the error, that i have no sources for linux-2.6.15-26-server installed, but i have installed these sources and i also created a softlink at /usr/src. I looked in some forums, but I didn't find any solution :(
10:42.42*** part/#asterisk mbit (
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10:48.08matt_HaYZaM, if you flood channels on purpose you will probuly end up getting klined
10:48.20*** join/#asterisk michael-i (n=michael-@
10:50.57RsaMan2is there anyone who knows how to setup a dialplan to transfer calls?
10:51.16RsaMan2i am pretty lost, my # blind transfer drops both ends
10:51.32HaYZaMi have a useful PDF
10:51.34*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
10:53.27jbotmethinks thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
10:54.42darkskiezI'd really like a couple of patches that have been posted (bug 8824) but aren't available on the bug tracker to download, is there any way to contact the contributor off list, or bug them to do what they need to do to get it available ?
11:02.42Woifi1988I try to do a make clean --> i get two errors but i don't mind. the ./configure worked, but with make i get the error, that i have no sources for linux-2.6.15-26-server installed, but i have installed these sources and i also created a softlink at /usr/src. I looked in some forums, but I didn't find any solution :(
11:03.02lirakisyou need to symlink
11:03.11lirakisto the directory where your sources are
11:03.34lirakisln -s /usr/src/linux-2.6.15-26-server /usr/src/linux
11:03.52lirakismake sure your link is correct
11:04.01lirakisls -alh /usr/src
11:04.07lirakiswill show you where your link is pointing
11:06.59JTHaYZaM: shutup moronic flooding idiot
11:07.47Woifi1988lirakis the link should be named linux?
11:07.52Woifi1988not linux-2.6
11:07.59matt_Woifi1988, yes
11:08.06*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
11:08.09lirakisWoifi1988: ;)
11:08.20Woifi1988every tutorial say linux-2.6
11:08.28lirakisWoifi1988: i doubt it
11:08.30matt_lol k
11:10.03tzafrirno, a symlink should not be needed at all
11:10.13Woifi1988but i get the same error :-(
11:10.26tzafrirWoifi1988, apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`
11:10.36Woifi1988i have done this
11:10.44Woifi1988i'll do it twice
11:11.22tzafrirWhat error do you get?
11:11.39*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
11:11.50Woifi1988You do not appear to have the sources for th 2.6.15-server installed
11:12.00*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
11:12.24tzafrirls -l /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build/.config
11:12.31michael-iQuick question: I'm loading all of the zaptel modules so I can detect cards present in the system but this seems to be messing up my timing with ztdummy even if no cards were found. Are these two timing sources mutually exclusive or do they interfere even by being loaded?
11:12.34tzafrirwhat is the output / error?
11:12.54tzafrirmichael-i, if you have a card you don't need ztdummy
11:12.55lirakisl8r all off to wrok
11:13.03Woifi1988one moment it seems to work now
11:13.07Woifi1988it compiles
11:13.23*** part/#asterisk lirakis (
11:13.34Woifi1988maybe i have had the wrong headers!
11:13.47michael-itzafrir, yes, of course but I'm saying that with no card present, simply loading the zaptel modules for detection purposes seems to interfere with ztdummy
11:13.49Woifi1988because i didn't downloaded hem with ùname -r
11:14.04matt_Woifi1988, paste config.log
11:14.08matt_not here
11:14.10matt_to pastebin
11:14.53Woifi1988the make did more but has also some errors
11:15.00Woifi1988where is pastebin?
11:15.02Woifi1988a channel?
11:15.44Woifi1988ok ;-) one moment
11:16.27tzafrirmichael-i, in what way does it interfere with ztdummy?
11:18.41michael-itzafrir, people using AskoziaPBX have reported choppy, robot-like sound on channels needing transcoding / moh / conferencing after I added analog support to the latest version. Since that was one of the only major changes, I think it is my problem.
11:18.43*** join/#asterisk blinky42 (
11:19.50Woifi1988i just need a moment
11:19.55Woifi1988my virtual machine strikes
11:21.21tzafrirmichael-i, ah, that's freebsd.
11:22.04tzafrirSorry, but I don't know the low-level issues of zaptel there well
11:22.29*** join/#asterisk clandmeter (n=Carlo@
11:22.31michael-itzafrir, yes :) i'm also using a special ztdummy that was submitted to the asterisk-bsd list. In general, it's just not a good idea to have them both loaded, correct?
11:22.56tzafrirIf you say so
11:23.57michael-iyou were supposed to agree so I feel confident hacking in better detection! ;) I'll look into the code a bit more to see where / if any locking occurs between the timing sources
11:24.40Woifi1988matt_ i can't get the config.h
11:24.57Woifi1988i can only give you some lines
11:25.18tzafrirmichael-i, I really don't know FreeBSD, but if a driver has any overhead without a hardware, it's a bug
11:25.27tzafrir(a driver for a card)
11:29.31matt_./configure scripts create a config.log file that says what they attemped todo
11:31.03RsaMan2how do i check if all is installed to connect cdr to a postgres database?
11:31.43RsaMan2do i only the cdr pgsql module
11:31.47RsaMan2or must i install odbc?
11:33.07Woifi1988matt_ -->
11:33.36RsaMan2any ideas?
11:34.04matt_configure:4974: gcc -o conftest -g -O2   conftest.c -lusb    >&5
11:34.04matt_/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lusb
11:34.16matt_its looking for libusb
11:35.17Woifi1988i thougt libusb is only needed for kernel version 2.4?!
11:35.55matt_where did you read that?
11:35.59*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Nothing@
11:36.08matt_2.6 has usb support :)
11:36.10Woifi1988in my asterisk book
11:36.15*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
11:36.19matt_anyway thats what that config script is telling me
11:36.30Woifi1988i can't install this via apt-get
11:36.37matt_so i guess you can either install it or look at ./configure --help and see if you can take out usb support
11:36.46matt_Woifi1988, yea sure
11:37.15Woifi1988and where can i anable the ztdummy support?
11:37.31matt_i have no idea
11:37.51matt_i dont even know what ztdummy is lol
11:37.51tzafrirmatt_, ./build_tools/install_prereq test
11:38.13tzafrirmatt_, you just need ztdummy?
11:38.31matt_my askterisk setup works fine :)
11:38.32Woifi1988ztdummy is a tool which provides clockrate for devices which have no hardware timer
11:38.39matt_ahh ok
11:38.46matt_ive never needed that
11:39.02Dr-Linuxmatt_: know C ? :)
11:39.16tzafrirlibusb is needed for the firmware loader of a certain Zaptel device
11:39.22matt_Dr-Linux, no
11:39.24tzafrirsee the README
11:39.39Woifi1988what is the apt-get comman for libusb?
11:39.44RsaMan2i am stuck with my same issues
11:39.55RsaMan2cannot connect cdr to my postgres database
11:39.56Dr-Linuxtzafrir: i wanna use argument /n   here but where should i use in this below line:
11:40.21Woifi1988what is the apt-get commanD for libusb?
11:40.45tzafrirWoifi1988, apt-get install libusb-dev
11:40.57tzafrir./build_tools/install_prereq test
11:41.03Woifi1988and now a make clean and configure again?
11:41.11RsaMan2is anyone using a postgres database?
11:41.14tzafrirwhy make clean?
11:41.26RsaMan2to store cdr data?
11:41.26RsaMan2do i need to install the odbc module ?
11:41.32Woifi1988i have to recompile the package, have i?
11:41.54tzafriror: ./configure; make
11:42.08Woifi1988whats up with the build_tools?
11:42.21tzafriryou asked how to install
11:42.23tzafrirtry it
11:42.28tzafrirthat was the answer
11:42.53Woifi1988it showes test completed successfully
11:42.59tzafrirwith "test" it prints the command, with "install", it runs the command
11:43.23Woifi1988apt-get install -y
11:43.26Woifi1988thats all
11:44.01tzafrirso everything is already installed
11:44.25Woifi1988but i have an error again when i do make
11:45.02Woifi1988compilation aborted at zt_registration on line 11
11:46.41tzafrirwhat version of zaptel is that?
11:46.54tzafrirwhat distro?
11:47.44*** join/#asterisk KDan (
11:47.48KDanis there any way to use Asterisk to send SMS's for quasi-free? Or so you *have* to use an SMS gateway service that charges per SMS?
11:48.08tzafrirWoifi1988, what is the line right above the "compilation error"? missing module?
11:48.51tzafrirI suspect that this will be solved if you install "perl-modules". But this is slightly non-elegant
11:50.59*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
11:54.16Woifi1988zaptel and ubuntu 6.06.1 server
11:54.55tzafrirKDan, european telcos?
11:55.18Woifi1988tzanger no missing module
11:55.25tzangergood to hear
11:55.30tzangerbut I think you mean tzafrir
11:55.41Woifi1988make[2]: *** [pearlchek] Error 1
11:55.48Woifi1988yes sry ;-)
11:56.08Woifi1988make[1]: *** [xpp-utils] Error 2
11:57.25*** join/#asterisk lirakis (n=etamme@
11:57.42tzafriredit xpp/utils, look for all: , and remove "perlcheck" from that line
11:57.54tzafrirYou could live without it
11:58.08tzafriror install perl-modules
11:58.20Woifi1988what does it do?
11:58.54*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
11:59.36tzafrirextra perl modules. The default Debian and Ubuntu come with just a package called "perl-base", which has a rather limited set of modules.
11:59.45tzafrirGood enough for your daily server needs
12:00.07Woifi1988is it nessasary to make a compley dial-plan with api?
12:00.11tzafrirThe "regular" perl package (perl + perl-modules) is larger
12:00.16tzafrirnot at all
12:00.19*** join/#asterisk steliosk (
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12:01.17Woifi1988tzafrir i do a apt-get install pearl*
12:01.30tzafrirperl (no A)
12:01.45tzafrirapt-get install perl-modules
12:02.15tzafrirI think that a simple 'apt-get install perl' will do the same.
12:04.36Woifi1988ok it compiles again
12:04.42*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
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12:05.56Woifi1988tzafrir it's ready.. there is now error- but also no success message!
12:06.06Woifi1988how can i improve that it works?
12:06.12tzafrirwhat errors?
12:06.28*** join/#asterisk coppice (
12:06.55Woifi1988now errors
12:06.58Woifi1988no errors
12:07.06Woifi1988i'm confused
12:07.18Woifi1988there are no errors
12:07.26Woifi1988but also no success messages
12:09.30RsaMan2do i need cdr odbc for the cdr pgsql module
12:10.42Woifi1988ok make install was success
12:10.58Woifi1988thx very much tzafrir
12:11.08Woifi1988sorry Rs
12:11.19Woifi1988sorry RsaMan2 i don't know
12:11.53RsaMan2i hate being stuck
12:11.58RsaMan2soo stuck for over a week
12:12.32Woifi1988yes mee too, but with zaptel
12:12.39Woifi1988now it works :)
12:14.01*** join/#asterisk shtoom (n=shtoom@
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12:17.54RsaMan2i have a bloody blind transer issue with no solution
12:18.24RsaMan2i am going to die soon
12:18.38coppicewe all are
12:19.06RsaMan2i am gonna die sooner than most people
12:19.10The_LightSideRsaMan2 , i have seen something called __TRANSFER_CONTEXT not sure if it will help or not
12:19.28The_LightSidealso having issues with blind transfers
12:19.42coppiceRsaMan2: I like to see such gritty determination
12:20.25*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
12:20.42hmmhesaysgood lord itunes is a pain in the @$$
12:21.12jbotextra, extra, read all about it, book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
12:21.34[TK]D-Fender"Life is a sexually transmitted disease, which is in all cases, fatal.  If you're reading this now, you're already fucked."
12:25.30*** join/#asterisk shay|work (n=shay@unaffiliated/shay)
12:25.55tzafrirRsaMan2, what exactly was your problem? wrong context or misdetected DTMF?
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12:29.03RsaMan2not sure
12:29.11RsaMan2i compiled a new post for the forum
12:29.18RsaMan2just need to double check my version
12:29.18DrAk0is this book any good?
12:29.28RsaMan2how do i know what version of asterisk i am using
12:29.58DrAk0RsaMan2, asterisk -V
12:30.14DrAk0RsaMan2, or `core show version` on the cli
12:31.58RsaMan2i have tried to provide all the right info
12:32.07RsaMan2this is my problem with blind call transfer
12:32.09RsaMan2in that post
12:32.19Woifi1988i think a good book is for people who speack german or asterisk - the future of telephony
12:33.36Woifi1988When I installed zaptel - shouldn't it be listed in dpkg -l???
12:34.32tzafrirWoifi1988, no. You have not installed it from a package
12:34.55Woifi1988oh okay
12:35.17DrAk0i need a book that covers 1.4
12:35.19Woifi1988is there any command to see all installed software and drivers?
12:35.38Woifi1988DrAk0 Asterisk - The future of telephony
12:35.44*** join/#asterisk guillote_GNU (
12:35.48RsaMan2gonna try upgrade my astersik
12:36.01RsaMan2maybe that will resolve the issue
12:36.10RsaMan2do  i just download the lastest 1.4.*
12:36.24RsaMan2then ./configure
12:36.29RsaMan2make install
12:36.32RsaMan2will this be safe ?
12:37.59*** join/#asterisk pgarcia (
12:38.56tzafrirWoifi1988, package management commands work when you use packages
12:39.03tzafrire.g: when you apt-get install zaptel
12:39.08*** part/#asterisk pgarcia (
12:39.12tzafrirand asterisk
12:40.23Woifi1988but so i don't know what software and drivers are installed on the system
12:42.19Woifi1988RsaMan2 try to do a make upgrade in the asterisk directory
12:44.43*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
12:45.32[TK]D-FenderRsaMan2: Do the entire normal install procedure EXCEPT for "make samples" and you'll be fine
12:49.02*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
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12:51.15*** join/#asterisk SAL123 (
12:52.24SAL123Hello. Is there somebody who can help me with app_rxfax (fax receiving). I have configures asterisk with rx_fax, but there is only silence from my phone.
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13:05.41SAL123hmm, there is no live? :)
13:06.52michael-i...probably just no one with app_rxfax experience and time at the moment ;)
13:07.09tzafrirSAL123, and your question isn't really clear
13:07.35*** join/#asterisk robl^ (n=robl@pdpc/supporter/monthlybyte/robl)
13:07.54tzafrirrxfax expects faxes. It doesn't send them
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13:09.35The_LightSidei have an issue where in the middle of a conversation, the call is dropped. from what i can see on the log files, it seems to be a normal release (sip to sip) any ideas of where i should start looking? * ver 1.2.19
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13:09.49The_LightSidesorry, 1.2.17
13:10.14SAL123I am calling to my fax number. I think I need to hear something similiar like from calling to modem. But there is no sound.
13:10.33SAL123Call is holding with silence.
13:12.43*** join/#asterisk florz (n=florz@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
13:14.25SAL123I see this in my log:
13:14.48SAL123but there is not /tmp/...tif file an no sounds from phone speaker.
13:15.15RsaMan2my asterisk wont update
13:15.16RsaMan2chan_zap.c: In function ‘zt_call’:
13:15.21RsaMan2chan_zap.c:2129: error: too few arguments to function ‘pri_sr_set_bearer’
13:15.21RsaMan2chan_zap.c: In function ‘zt_hangup’:
13:15.21RsaMan2chan_zap.c:2596: error: too few arguments to function ‘pri_hangup’
13:15.21RsaMan2chan_zap.c:2616: error: too few arguments to function ‘pri_hangup’
13:15.21RsaMan2chan_zap.c: In function ‘zt_handle_event’:
13:15.21RsaMan2chan_zap.c:3795: error: too few arguments to function ‘pri_hangup’
13:15.23RsaMan2chan_zap.c: In function ‘pri_dchannel’:
13:15.32RsaMan2that was meant for pastebin
13:15.34RsaMan2my bad
13:17.24fileupgrade libpri
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13:17.39RsaMan2is that my problem ?
13:17.40[TK]D-FenderSAL123: pastbin the FULL CLI output for your entire call.
13:17.42jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
13:18.33RsaMan2think i have broken my asterisk ?
13:18.39RsaMan2i can seem to update it now
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13:19.29SAL123[TK]D-Fender: call is still in progress
13:20.07[TK]D-FenderOh joy... Fax over VoIP......
13:20.52SAL123[TK]D-Fender: yes, it worked for me on asterisk-1.0 or 1.2, but after some upgrades I am unable to make ti work. :)
13:21.25[TK]D-FenderSAL123: rxfax/txfax are real problems on 1.4
13:21.40[TK]D-FenderSAL123: Get Googling, this will not be easy I'm sure
13:21.59SAL123[TK]D-Fender: Googling does not helped me. :(
13:22.17SAL123[TK]D-Fender: Is there other solution to receive faxes over voip?
13:22.30*** join/#asterisk waKKu (n=eurulo@unaffiliated/wakku)
13:22.47x86SAL123: get a FoIP provider
13:22.50tzafrirRsaMan2, bristuffed vs. non-bristuffed?
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13:23.03x86tzafrir: bristuff always wins ;)
13:23.05robl^SAL123: I just pay a fax service center $5 a month and have faxes delivered to email  less hassle
13:23.17*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
13:23.40x86robl^: do they support LNP? :)
13:23.42tzafrirbristuffed libpri and non-bristuffed asterisk?
13:23.58robl^x86: LNP?
13:24.33x86robl^: local number portability
13:24.36lirakishmm... i have a call queue that seems to be working welll.. but what is weird is .. when the caller goes into the queue.. MOH starts playing fine.. then stops after like.. 3 or so seconds
13:24.40lirakisi dont know why
13:24.47x86robl^: where i can use my existing DID with thier service
13:24.59robl^x86:  ahh!  yeah.  They do support it.
13:25.06x86robl^: nice...
13:25.19x86lirakis: do you have real timing?
13:25.34lirakisx86: .. not sure
13:25.39lirakisx86: how do i know?
13:25.45x86do you have any zaptel hardware in the box?
13:26.01robl^They are also a VoIP provider service.  I have a block of 20 DIDs with them.  One of that contiguous block is my fax
13:26.15x86TDM2400P, TDM04B, etc
13:26.23x86X100P ;)
13:26.25lirakisx86: i have a sangoma T1 card
13:26.36x86lirakis: ok, then timing is not the issue...
13:26.45x86lirakis: are you using MP3 or native files?
13:27.07lirakisx86: .. i beleive i set it to "files" .. but let me double check
13:27.07robl^x100p??  I have 3 of those.  They are usefull for fixing wobbley tables.  shove one under a leg to keep it level.
13:27.28x86lirakis: i've had the best luck using regular WAV files, or even converting them to ULAW
13:27.28lirakisx86: yes.. type=files
13:27.38x86lirakis: type=native
13:28.07lirakisx86: hrmm.. yeah.. ive just been using the default sounds (mp3s) that came with * for the MOH
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13:28.22RsaMan2tzafrir : i am not sure what u mean ? is the bristuff conflicting in some way?
13:28.43x86lirakis: try type=native with the mp3's
13:31.48lirakisx86: ok ill give it a shot
13:32.33[TK]D-Fenderx86: there is no "type=native"
13:32.43[TK]D-Fenderx86: "type=files" = Native MoH
13:33.06lirakisx86: it does the same thing... plays about 2 seconds of music ... then cli says "STopped MOH"
13:33.31lirakisi think i may have done some thing stupid in my queues.conf .. :\ not sure
13:34.05datachomperWhat kinds of equipment do the ISTP's use to convert PSTN signals to sip traffic?
13:35.03*** join/#asterisk Woifi1988 (
13:35.21Woifi1988how can i start asterisk 1.4?
13:35.26[TK]D-Fenderdatachomper: AudioCodes Mediant, etc
13:35.33Woifi1988there is no script in /etc/init.d
13:35.39[TK]D-FenderWoifi1988: "asterisk -gvvvvc
13:35.40Woifi1988or something like this
13:35.53[TK]D-FenderWoifi1988: "make config" <- for scripts
13:36.13Woifi1988what is the safe_asterisk option?
13:36.37tzafrirRsaMan2, I suspect that you have libpri from bristuff
13:36.50datachomper[TK]D-Fender, Thanks
13:37.03tzafrirtry reinstalling original libpri. Or patch asterisk from bristuff
13:37.05lirakissort of unrelated.... i set "announce = " files for annoucing to the agents the call type.. but those dont play.. and i get not cli output display saying it even tries to play any announcement
13:37.19[TK]D-FenderWoifi1988: Just to check if its FUNCTIONAL and aee the error if any.  If it works, THEN its OK to stop & do "safe_asterisk &"
13:38.37The_LightSidei have noticed that safe_asterisk does not restart asterisk when it dies (1.4.4 svn branch)
13:38.51Woifi1988okay! why there are so many v when you start asterisk?
13:39.17tzafriruse a proper init.d script, and not safe_asterisk :-(
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13:39.44tzafrirsafe_asterisk is such a mess to work with
13:40.01Woifi1988ok the best is /etc/init.d/asterisk start?
13:40.18hmmhesaysusing the start up script is the easiest
13:40.23hmmhesaysmost painless
13:40.24tzafrir(and disable safe_asterisk from there. At least IMHO)
13:40.41Woifi1988and where do i get the output?
13:40.48Woifi1988in the tty is started the script?
13:40.55tzafririn /var/log/asterisk
13:41.01The_LightSidetzafrir, and when * dies? the init.d does not restart
13:41.04Woifi1988okay thx!
13:41.07hmmhesaysgod I hate itunes m4p bullsh1at
13:41.13tzafrirThe_LightSide, Why should asterisk die?
13:41.24tzafrirIf it dies, chances are it will die again
13:41.31The_LightSidewe have yet to find out, i beleive iax2 issues in 1.4.4
13:41.59The_LightSidewe have a queue server which randomly dies, restart and its fine for a few more days
13:42.01tzafrirAnd then the "restart" strategy will just hide your problem, and also make it impossible to work on the system while trying to fix things
13:42.18tzafrirThe_LightSide, then fix the bug
13:42.33tzafrirDebug things
13:42.38The_LightSidetzafrir, if the system is down for more than a min, we got calls of y is it down
13:42.38tzafrirThere's a problem hiding
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13:42.56The_LightSidewe need to upgrade, theres been a lot of fixes since that release
13:43.16The_LightSidejust wondering why a script that is supposed to restart * doesnt ;)
13:43.49tzafrirThe_LightSide, maybe because there are two such scripts running in tandem
13:44.00Woifi1988is it bad when i have a lot of warnigs in my /var/log/asterisk/messages that asterisk tries to include context that doesn't exist?
13:44.22The_LightSidenope, checked that, its alos visible on the cli if there are 2 running
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13:44.37tzafrirWoifi1988, it is not an error, but could indicate a typo in your dialplan
13:44.52tzafrirIf you use freepbx - ognore those
13:45.00Woifi1988i don't
13:45.04Woifi1988i use ubuntu
13:45.19Woifi1988maybe its because of the samples?
13:45.38lirakisIt looks like  when i call Queue(maint) .. the call flow does some wierd stuff.. it some how executes a macro function i wrote for dialing internal extensions... can some one take a look at this pastbin of cli
13:46.12Woifi1988i've done a "make samples"
13:46.13tzafrirWoifi1988, well, pastebin the messages and your config if you really don't know what they are (config: extensions.conf in this case)
13:46.37Woifi1988the extensions.conf is the sample file
13:46.51Dr-Linuxtzafrir: where can i use /n option in local channel syntax?
13:47.06tzafrirDr-Linux, why do you ask me?
13:47.07lirakis.. its like it is sending the call to the context of the extension.. then redialing it
13:47.41Dr-Linuxtzafrir: bcoz i thought you maybe know that, since it's not comon thing
13:47.55[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: BRILLIANT
13:48.10[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: -- Executing Answer("Local/9003@internal-382f,2", "") in new stack <----- THIS is your problem
13:48.43*** join/#asterisk RsaMan (n=aa@
13:48.44lirakis[TK]D-Fender: .. why is it doing that... i guess i dont understand how queues process calls
13:48.49[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: NEVER use a Local channel in a queue that gets arbitrarily ANSWERED!  No "Answer", no "Playback", no "Voicemail" <-----------
13:48.51RsaMansorry was cut off
13:49.01RsaMantzafrir : how would i reinstall the old libpri ?
13:49.10tzafrirmake install
13:49.15[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: the first thing your queue does is ANSWER the call and then it will NEVER cirulate to your other agents.
13:49.49RsaManmake install from the extracted asterisk source folder?
13:49.50tzafrirRsaMan, which version of asterisk do you run? (the one that complaied about chan_zap)
13:50.24RsaManAsterisk built by root @ localhost on a i686 running Linux on 2007-08-14 14:55:52 UTC
13:50.32RsaMani get that error when i make install
13:50.57x86that's not an error
13:51.05lirakis[TK]D-Fender: .. the 9003 ext. that agent 100 is logged in on has a context of "internal" .. will you take a look at this pastebin again that includes that internal context from ext.conf.
13:51.28RsaManx86: lol i know ,
13:51.36RsaManx86: i posted the error further up
13:52.07[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: No need.  It is blatantly answering.  Your queues is DOA
13:52.30[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: get rid of the answer
13:52.46lirakis[TK]D-Fender: okay
13:53.08[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: unfortunately your macro ALSO answers and I'll bet you may need that one...
13:53.39[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Noramlly you set up an entirely separate context for dialing your agents, because VM is a super no-no as well
13:53.53lirakis[TK]D-Fender: thats exactly what i was going to ask if i should do
13:54.05lirakis[TK]D-Fender: thanks a lot
13:57.55*** join/#asterisk vgster (
13:58.49lirakis[TK]D-Fender:i just setup a dialing prefix.. so to actually dial using the have to dial 9 .. so now calls routed to _XXXX will just Dial(${EXTEN})
14:00.24[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Using 1 dial to recurse into the dialplan through Local right after is just ridiculous.
14:01.24lirakis[TK]D-Fender: im confused... i dont know how to handle the call properly from the queue then... i though the queue would automagically dial extensions...
14:01.28[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: exten => _XXXX,n,Macro(dial_ext) <- and this kind of completely exten driven macro with NO parameters assumes way too much.  The point of macro's is PARAMETERS, and the ability to exit back for something useful.  This doe NEITHER
14:01.33lirakis[TK]D-Fender: now i know it doesnt do that..
14:02.00[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: You are having it use a Local channel, and the n your "magic macro" does ANOTHER chan_local incursion.
14:02.19lirakis[TK]D-Fender: .. so how can i make the queue not use "local"
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14:02.28lirakis[TK]D-Fender: can i set it to "SIP"
14:02.42lirakisso it just dials the sip ext like i thought it would?
14:02.47*** part/#asterisk The_LightSide (
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14:03.15[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Yes, you can.  That mean they don't log in or out any more, they are then STATIC
14:03.16codechi all
14:03.31codecdo I need to run my SIP stuff over STUN if I'm NAT'd?
14:04.42lirakis[TK]D-Fender: .. so if i have static members..  how do i make it so calls dont route to them when they go home for the night?
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14:05.10[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: You'd use the "PauseQueueMember" app
14:05.19*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
14:05.23[TK]D-Fendercodec: No.  Read this :
14:05.26jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
14:05.26RsaManhow do i reinstall the original version of libpri ?
14:05.26RsaManchan_zap.c: In function ‘zt_call’:
14:05.26RsaManchan_zap.c:2129: error: too few arguments to function ‘pri_sr_set_bearer’
14:05.26RsaManchan_zap.c: In function ‘zt_hangup’:
14:05.37RsaManif i get those errors
14:05.40codec[TK]D-Fender: okay, thanks
14:05.46[TK]D-FenderRsaMan : the same way you would fron scratch
14:05.49lirakis[TK]D-Fender: .. okay .. i will do some reading
14:08.41lirakis[TK]D-Fender: .. quickly... so .. really my other alternative .. is to have a seperate context for agents?
14:08.51[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Correct
14:09.20[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Where it does not perform anything that would ANSWER the call except Dial being answered.
14:09.24lirakis[TK]D-Fender: but still then.. it would be using local channel .. and i would have to execute a Dial() command to ring the agents
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14:09.52svensk_neutrinois it possible to specify the ip,gw,dns-ip from the boot prompt for a linux machine?
14:09.59[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: That Queue itself uses Local is fine.  For you to RECURSE it yourself is NOT brilliant
14:10.50[TK]D-Fendersvensk_neutrino: Depends on your distro.  This isn't ##linux you know
14:11.00lirakis[TK]D-Fender: .. i just dont understand .. it seems like .. the queue.. sends the call to the context of the ext... so what else am i supposed to do with it besides send the call to the extension??
14:11.20[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: You need to pay attention to what your exten is DOING <-
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14:11.49[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Your's ANSWERS the call thereby denying its ability to cirulate to other agents.
14:12.04lirakis[TK]D-Fender: ... so if i have all agents members of the [agent] context .. and within there.. there is a exten s,1,Dial(${EXTEN}) ....
14:12.27lirakis[TK]D-Fender: right i understand .. and get that.. and have removed it
14:12.40[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: pastebin the whole mess.
14:13.24darkfiresdoes anyone know the best way to get rid of echo with digium cards? the hpec causes kernel lockups randomly... using athlon-xp on a athlon x2
14:13.52Qwelldarkfires: if HPEC is causing problems, you should contact support
14:14.32*** join/#asterisk VoicePulse (n=contact@unaffiliated/voicepulse)
14:16.37darkfiresso what you're saying is the only solution is hpec.
14:16.41bkruse_homedarkfires: yes, they will jump on it and get it solved quick
14:16.50bkruse_homedarkfires: digital card?
14:17.14darkfiresim even getting crossed lines
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14:17.28bkruse_homedarkfires: do you have fxs ports?
14:17.56bkruse_homedarkfires: how far are the lines?
14:18.02bkruse_homeuse fxotune on the card
14:18.04[TK]D-Fender"But Egon, I though you said crossing the streams was 'Baaaad'"
14:18.13darkfireshow far are the lines ??
14:18.32Strom_Mwell, technically, "how many thousand feet of copper are between your CPE and the telco's switch?"
14:18.49darkfireswell with how the bell guy was telling me the phone lines were routed in this building
14:19.11Strom_Myou should also make sure your receive gain is balanced against the attenuation on the loop
14:19.21Strom_Mdarkfires: "lots" isn't a number, sadly :)
14:19.57codec[TK]D-Fender: hmm, seems like i need a STUN server because my phone and my * is behind a NAT
14:19.58darkfiresi know that but i dont have any equip that will tell me specifically ;)
14:20.02bkruse_homeStrom_M: correct.
14:20.13darkfiresStrom_M how do you balance the gain with the attenuation on the loop
14:20.16bkruse_homeStrom_M: wouldnt you suggest fxotune?
14:20.21darkfiresexcuse my ignorance please.
14:20.28bkruse_homemessing with fxotune and your rxgains/txgains could make a huge difference
14:20.28darkfiresbut yes im looking at fxotune right now heh
14:20.42Strom_Mdarkfires: call telco repair service and ask them to test the loop...but make sure you disconnect your CPE first
14:21.00bkruse_homedarkfires: great, you can mess with that all day
14:21.12bkruse_homethe gui will have fxotune options in there one day soon....
14:21.25darkfirestheres a gui ?
14:21.35bkruse_homedarkfires: haha, yes.
14:21.42bkruse_homeno one knows about it I suppose :/
14:22.05Strom_Mdarkfires: you adjust rxgain by calling up the telco's milliwatt test number located in the same class 5 switch that serves your dial tone, then messing with rxgain until the level that shows up in ztmonitor is about 14,000
14:23.02darkfiresmy phone company forwards all the sales and technical s upport to india
14:23.10bkruse_homeStrom_M: correct.
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14:23.28Strom_Mdarkfires: your local exchange carrier
14:23.39darkfiresBell Canada
14:23.39bkruse_homeStrom_M: 14,000 = magic number?
14:23.52bkruse_homefxotune WILL try to guess, but that would be the best way after you have those numbers set.
14:24.11Strom_Mbkruse: yes; that's what happens when you call up the local milliwatt via a CAS T1 or ISDN PRI circuit
14:24.44Strom_Mdarkfires: not tech support.  you want repair service
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14:24.47bkruse_homeStrom_M: ahh, great
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14:25.16Strom_Musually it's on 611
14:25.22Strom_Mbut i'd check your local directory
14:25.27darkfiresso 611 will give me a miliwatt test number
14:25.35Strom_M611 will give you repair service
14:25.40darkfiresoh, right
14:25.43Strom_Massuming bell canada puts repair service on 611
14:25.49bkruse_home611 will give you a persn
14:26.00Strom_Myou ask them for the test number and hope and pray they give it to you :)
14:26.24Strom_Mbut they should tell you how many thousand feet long your local loop is
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14:28.25hmmhesayswow that was a serious pain in the @$$
14:28.33alexcfhi.. i've got a weird problem since i rebooted my asterisk box
14:28.46alexcfwhen a call comes into a queue, there's no MoH or announcements being sent
14:28.55bkruse_homehmmhesays: pretty much
14:29.00bkruse_homeyou can do fxotune and hope for thebest
14:29.01alexcfbut, the call comes through, and when an agent answers it, it's fined
14:29.04bkruse_hometweak it yourself to find what sounds rihgt
14:29.09bkruse_homeif not, then try it
14:29.13alexcfthe user can then be placed on hold and MoH works fine
14:29.17*** join/#asterisk zapp-branigan (
14:29.37Strom_M"tweak it yourself" almost never works
14:29.50bkruse_homeStrom_M: worked for me
14:29.53bkruse_homeand our beta partners
14:30.11bkruse_homeStrom_M: but I most def will try your suggestions next time...sounds way more effecient
14:31.55*** join/#asterisk zeppelin_ (
14:31.56ManxPowerThe answers you seek are within yourself, grasshopper.
14:32.02bkruse_homeManxPower: nice.
14:32.08alexcfno one had that issue before? o0
14:32.24ManxPoweralexcf: no.
14:32.29lirakis[TK]D-Fender: .. it really wasnt so complex... i dont know if you meant for some thing else.. but this is working fine...
14:32.30alexcfbummer :)
14:33.22Strom_Mbkruse_home: well yeah, but you actually know what to listen for
14:33.40Strom_Mmost people just keep cranking that number up because they want MOAR LOUD
14:34.01bkruse_homeStrom_M: ahh, this is true. Lol, nice with "MOAR LOUD"
14:34.06darkfiresStrom_M what parameters do oyu use on ztmonitor to match up with the 14000
14:34.14darkfiresztmonitor 1 -v ?
14:35.32Strom_M-vv IIRC
14:35.55bkruse_homeStrom_M: Ima have to call you one of these days and get some more info on that
14:36.03Strom_Mbkruse_home: alright
14:36.05bkruse_homeWhen you coming back?
14:36.09darkfiresStrom_M the TX?
14:36.12bkruse_homeor in town for a little, your training now right?
14:36.17Strom_Mseptember IIRC
14:36.21alexcfi was missing an "answer"
14:36.23Strom_Mdarkfires: no no, RX
14:36.26bkruse_homeStrom_M: nice nice
14:36.29bkruse_hometell me when you do
14:36.34bkruse_homefor the new building?
14:36.35darkfiresRX is like 1-100
14:36.40darkfiressometimes up to 300
14:36.47darkfiresoh went up to 1000
14:37.08Strom_Mdarkfires: is the milliwatt number you're calling in the same class 5 switch as the other end of your copper?
14:37.40Strom_Mbkruse_home: no, the september one will be at Atrium
14:37.45bkruse_homeStrom_M: ahh :/
14:37.58Strom_Myeah, the new building looks sweet
14:38.26bkruse_homeStrom_M: have you seen the latest? its awesome.
14:38.55Strom_Mi saw it in....july
14:39.11bkruse_homewow its come a long way even since then
14:39.15bkruse_homeits excited
14:40.02bkruse_homeStrom_M: totally.
14:40.04[TK]D-Fendercodec: No, you do NOT.  Just read the guide.
14:40.10[TK]D-Fendercodec: the FIRST one.
14:40.25bkruse_homeStrom_M: remember that day we went to cheeburger and you ordered milk and the lady got confused?
14:40.31*** join/#asterisk codazoda (
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14:40.32bkruse_homeI am totally good friends with that chick now, lol
14:41.19[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: No, I said make an entirely SEPARATE context, not just another exten in some "generic" one.
14:41.38darkfiresStrom_M: thank you for all your help and putting up with my complete telephony ignorance.
14:41.53bkruse_homedarkfires: youc all em yet?
14:41.58darkfireson hold
14:42.07Strom_Mdarkfires: no worries :)
14:42.48codazodaI'm installing Asterisk for the umptenth time.  This install is on a slightly newer version of CentOS, with a slightly newer Asterisk, and a slightly newer PHP.  When I run AGI scripts, relative include paths don't seem to work.  For example, I'm doing "include './phpagi-2.14/phpagi.php'", and it fails to find the file.  If I use the full path, it works fine.  Does anyone know what dictates where PHP is being executed from?
14:42.55lirakis[TK]D-Fender: .. i know.. the thing is .. is that the only people on this pbx are call agents.  I may totally remove the macro .. b/c as you seem so say so often.. its not needed (or rather improper) .. the only reason i have it is so i can easily do the whole vm thing with one call
14:43.31[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: tahts FINE.  leave that for NORMAL use and get your queues the HELL OUT OF THESE
14:43.53[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Make ANOTHER context  and leave [internal] behind fo it own purpose!
14:45.29lirakis[TK]D-Fender: .. okay.. but if i make a "queueagent" context .. the queue agents still need to be able to dial ext->ext and to make outbound calls... so some how that functionality will have to get linked into thier "special" contexts.  I guess i just dont understand how that is so different that this current setup.. but i do want to know
14:45.49bkruse_homecodazoda: good point, I believe its run from that native directory, even if you do php -q /blah/phpscript.php, and include 'class.php' it should include it from /blah/include.php, not caring where it was executed from
14:46.13bkruse_homecodazoda: try the obvious, remove the ./relative and just do include 'file.php' and put it in the same directory, and try that
14:46.25bkruse_homebtw, the php_agi and php_manager libraries are incredible.
14:46.36Dr-LinuxQwell: any good news about 7935 with 1.4.x? :)
14:47.09[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Your phones will still use [internal] or whatever....
14:48.03lirakis[TK]D-Fender: i can only "force" the queue to use some thing other than local .. when i use static agents (which i dont want to do ) .. otherwise it uses local.. which will use whatever context the extension is under... correct?
14:48.21Dr-Linuxfile: :)
14:48.42codazodaIt works if I move the phpagi.php to the same location as my calling php file.  It also works if I use the full path.  So, it seems like the working directory is just wrong when it's executed.
14:49.32[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: No, it uses whatever context you TELL IT.  Time to wake up and realize where you are SPECIFYING the context it uses....
14:49.45ManxPowerwell make the php print out the current directory.  that will tell you where the "current" directory
14:50.20fileDr-Linux: hrm?
14:50.43*** join/#asterisk davixx (
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14:51.11lirakis[TK]D-Fender: thats the part im missing.. how am i telling the queue what context to goto when it tries to reach a agent?
14:51.16Dr-Linuxfile: can i pastebin, that how i'm papulating varibales for type etc?
14:51.30[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Go look where you log them IN <-
14:51.39lirakis[TK]D-Fender: okay
14:51.44fileDr-Linux: you could, but I have work to do ... and that doesn't include mucking with your code
14:52.04darkfiresStrom_M the bell guy is here.... do i ask for a milliwatt test number
14:52.08lirakis[TK]D-Fender: ahh finally .. i see it... thank you..
14:52.43lirakis[TK]D-Fender: i will remove the 9 prefix.. create a different context just for the agents .. and change the login context
14:54.34Strom_Mdarkfires: on your prem?
14:54.34Strom_Mor on the phone
14:54.34Strom_Mask first for a loop length check (make sure you disconnect any and all CPE first)
14:55.06ManxPower"My loop length is 90,000 ft!  Unplug your phone, idiot."
14:55.29lirakis[TK]D-Fender: ... so now.. another question.. should i do anything for the timout extension in the agents context? .. i dont want to disrupt the queue .. so i dont know if i should hangup() or anything
14:55.34darkfirescpe ??
14:55.54darkfirescopper pair
14:56.13[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: No, just Dial.
14:56.22[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Or other "non-call" stuff
14:56.22lirakis[TK]D-Fender: okay
14:56.36[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Actaully "hangup probably shouldn't be bad.
14:56.36lirakis[TK]D-Fender: thanks very much for your patients.
14:56.49lirakis[TK]D-Fender: ill try it to see if it freaks out
14:57.11Strom_Mdarkfires: CPE is customer premise equipment
14:57.19codazodaOkay, I ran my PHP script and output the directory it's running FROM.  I already knew it wasn't executing from the same directory as the PHP script.  Now I know it's actually executing from /tmp.  Can I change this behavior somehow?
14:57.25Strom_Mphones, PBXes, answering machines, Call display adjunct units, etc etc etc etc
14:57.31*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
14:57.53ManxPowercodazoda: there is no default working directory as far as I know.
14:58.07ManxPowercodazoda: How, exactly, are you starting Asterisk?
14:58.21codazodaManxPower, I started it with safe_asterisk.
14:58.41*** join/#asterisk Alric (
14:58.42*** join/#asterisk holiday_42 (
14:58.44ManxPowerI guess you know where to look, don't you.
15:03.16*** join/#asterisk masus (n=tet@
15:03.42darkfiresStrom_M he's telling me it wont affect the echo heh
15:03.46darkfiresthe repair guy is here
15:03.57darkfiresStrom_M do i have asterisk running when they do the test
15:04.18darkfireser stupid q
15:05.44*** join/#asterisk bbryant (n=brett@
15:06.26bkruse_homeStrom_M: "he's telling me it wont affect the echo"
15:06.38bkruse_hometypical sales/repair man
15:06.41PepOSXhow i declare timemax for answer one call and go to the voicemail?
15:06.50bkruse_homedid he ask you to upgrade from the 4 lines to a pri? :P
15:07.28*** join/#asterisk blinky42 (
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15:10.27Strom_Mdarkfires: having your gains set correctly will help
15:10.37*** join/#asterisk blinky42 (
15:11.41*** join/#asterisk Luch0 (n=luis@
15:12.47darkfiresStrom_M  they said theres no such thing as milliwatt test
15:13.01masusPepOSX: try this exten=1234,1,Dial,SIP/${EXTEN}|10 ;
15:13.11ManxPowerdarkfires:  hole on
15:13.20Strom_Mdarkfires: yes there is
15:13.37Strom_Msome telcos just don't like to give the number to customers
15:13.39darkfiresi know
15:13.43darkfireswhat else is it called?
15:13.46darkfiresterminating test number?
15:13.55Strom_Mlet me look up the specific type
15:13.55Strom_Mhang on
15:14.38ManxPowerdarkfires: it is also called a "type 102" test.
15:15.05Strom_MManxPower: yeah, i was just grepping through "notes on the network" trying to determine which numbered test line type it is :)
15:15.19Strom_Myes, 102-type
15:15.35Strom_Mnotes on the networks page 593 :)
15:15.39*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
15:15.49darkfiresthe bell guy here says hes never heard of it and hes calling another bell guy same thing
15:15.50darkfiresfuckin cock
15:15.52darkfiresi know they know
15:15.55riddleboxhas anyone used any of the Quintum devices with asterisk?
15:16.10Strom_Mdarkfires: ask for the 102 type test line then :)
15:16.19darkfireshe says its 1.5km
15:16.24ManxPowerAlso: for cisco's take on it
15:16.35Strom_Mdarkfires: exactly?
15:16.43*** join/#asterisk neverblue (n=neverblu@unaffiliated/neverblue)
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15:17.41Strom_Mok, that's only about 5000 feet
15:17.50Strom_Mso your loop shouldn't be attenuating too much
15:19.07darkfireshes going to call with that tes
15:19.18Strom_Mcall you and give you the number?
15:19.33Qwell[]Strom_M: No, he's gonna call into the test line, and 3-way him in
15:19.49Qwell[](I'm kidding, of course)
15:19.50Strom_MQwell[]: well, i dont know; his statement was ambiguous at best
15:20.09Qwell[]Strom_M: sorry, that sounded wasn't supposed to be, heh
15:20.37Qwell[]just sounds like something a bell tech would try
15:20.49*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
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15:22.08Strom_MQwell[]: I picked up an AT&T canvas tool bag the other week
15:22.24Qwell[]the slick roll-up kind?
15:22.39Qwell[]not sure why I instantly pictured one of those
15:23.17Strom_Mlooking for a picture now; hold plzkthzomglolwtf
15:25.11darkfiresthey wont give me the number
15:25.20darkfiresflat out refuse
15:26.21zapp-braniganhi who can i generate md5 asterisk passords ?
15:26.29darkfires31051.745000] 130751745 Polarity reversed (0 -> 1)
15:26.34Strom_Mdarkfires: oh well, at least knowing the length helps a bit
15:26.38Strom_Mthere are other ways around it
15:26.56Strom_MQwell[]: one of these, except sans tools, and with the at&t logo on one side
15:27.13Qwell[]ahh, nice
15:27.23Qwell[]kinda like an old school doctors bag, except not leather :p
15:27.37Strom_Mwell it was $0
15:27.53*** join/#asterisk viKing78 (
15:27.59Strom_Myeah, so i'm not complaining :D
15:28.10Strom_Mi'm gonna keep all my phone tools in that
15:28.24Sweeperat&t logo is cool :3
15:28.45Sweeperbut that bag wouldn't hold all my tools~
15:29.50codazodasafe_asterisk launches asterisk from /tmp (current and older versions).  It seems that the active directory is now wherever you start asterisk from.  This seems to be a change from previous versions, since my other systems also start in /tmp but that doesn't effect the working directory of AGI scripts.  I also wonder if this might be a bug, since it seems more logical that AGI's should be executed with a working directory of wherever they are loc
15:30.44darkfiresStrom_M should i be adjusting anything now that i know the length is 1.5km
15:30.50Strom_MSweeper: well i've got the basics...buttset, tone/probe kit, d814 impact tool, pliers, screwdrivers, dykes, butt splices, screws, bridge clips, plastic T1 circuit protection caps, crimp tool, can wrench, etc etc
15:31.09Qwell[]circuit protection caps?
15:31.37Strom_MQwell: yeah, you know those little red plastic caps they put on 66 blocks to prevent you accidentally taking down someone's T1?
15:31.39coppicecondoms for circuits
15:31.47Qwell[]Strom_M: nop
15:31.50Qwell[]nope too
15:32.04Qwell[]I'm a programmer, not a telcom guy :p
15:32.15Strom_Mbut but but you work on phone software :)
15:32.32Qwell[]I don't think I've ever needed to interface with a circuit protection cap :D
15:32.34russellbQwell[]: me too :)
15:32.35[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: " dykes, butt splices, screws," : This is starting to sound a little too "racy" ;)
15:32.49Qwell[][TK]D-Fender: telcom is full of innuendo
15:33.01Strom_M[TK]D-Fender: no, it gets racy when I start talking about what my boyfriend and I did last night
15:33.04[TK]D-FenderQwell[]: In YOUR "Edno" ;)
15:33.41Strom_Mdarkfires: lemme look and see what rxgain I'm using
15:34.02codazodaAnyone else running AGI under 2.4.11?
15:34.16Qwell[]kernel 2.4.11?
15:34.22Strom_Mi have a setting of 5.3 on a loop of 7000 ft
15:34.45Strom_Mso try setting it around 3.8-4.4
15:35.07codazodaNo, Asterisk 2.4.11.
15:35.27Strom_Masterisk 2.4.11??
15:35.29codazodaUhg. SOrry.  1.4.11
15:35.38robl^Strom_M: what about a punch down tool to go with the butt set?
15:35.46Strom_Mi was about to go look at my calendar and make sure it wasn't 2011
15:35.52Strom_Mrobl^: I said I have that
15:35.59Strom_MD814 impact tool :)
15:36.31darkfiresStrom_M  are you using hpec or no
15:36.37Strom_Mdarkfires: no
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15:36.45Strom_Mthough I should try it out
15:37.53darkfiresi got the ANAC number
15:37.57*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
15:38.02darkfiresdo you think the other nubmer would be similiar
15:38.18darkfires905 958 2622 is the anac
15:38.36Strom_Myeah, 958 and 959 are reserved prefixes for test numbers
15:38.48darkfiresi tried 2623
15:38.53darkfiressome chick answered and said
15:38.58darkfiresgood morning, what number did you dial?
15:39.04Strom_Mholy shit
15:39.11Strom_Myou have a live intercept operator!?!
15:39.18darkfiresis that what that is
15:39.19Strom_Mthat's AWESOME
15:39.24darkfireswhat can i do with that
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15:39.39Strom_Myou can tell her a number and she will tell you whether it's been changed or disconnected or whatnot
15:39.39outtoluncmove to the big city <G>
15:40.13Strom_Mbut yeah, i didnt know bell canada still did live intercept
15:40.18Strom_Mthat's uber awesome
15:41.07Qwell[]What would she ask what number you dialed?  You'd think she'd know that
15:41.14darkfiresim not sure
15:41.24Qwell[]should've said "911"
15:41.40*** join/#asterisk javb (n=javb@
15:41.40Strom_MQwell[]: there's a good reason for that
15:41.45*** join/#asterisk davevg-btwtech (
15:42.01javbAny ideas of a board that supports a TE210P digium Dual t1 Card ?
15:42.11javbMust be PCI 3,3 Volts
15:42.31Strom_Mif you route numbers like that to live intercept, then the operator can tell the customer whether they've misdialed or whether they just have the wrong number
15:42.49Strom_Mas a general rule, any time I get a wrong number call, I always ask what number they think they're dialing
15:43.06*** join/#asterisk hfb (
15:43.21Strom_Mthat way I can tell them if they've misdialed, or I can tell then whether they have the wrong number in their directory
15:44.19rudholmI do it to reduce the chances that they're going to just call me again in 10 seconds.
15:44.24*** join/#asterisk ctaloi (
15:44.48Strom_Myes, same reason here
15:44.56Qwell[]meh, I tell people they mis-dialed, and they still call back like 3 times
15:45.05*** join/#asterisk fatgoose (
15:45.12Qwell[]"Nope, you're STILL dialing the wrong number..."
15:45.26Strom_MQwell[]: do you ask them what number they think they're dialing?
15:45.50riddleboxshould I put my co straight to my fax machine, or would it be ok to have the fax as an extension on an external fxs box?
15:46.00Qwell[]Strom_M: well, heh...yeah
15:46.18Qwell[]my phone number was once put into a Hispanic a mechanic
15:46.24Qwell[]...with no area code
15:46.30*** part/#asterisk codazoda (
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15:46.38Qwell[]well, s/once/repeatedly/
15:46.56lirakisis there some thing like a "show agents" commant to see what agents are logged in?
15:46.59Qwell[]explaining it to them was a bit...uhh...difficult
15:47.00darkfiresmaybe ill setup asterisk to sit and call every # through 905-958 ... cause most of them are out of service
15:47.01[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox: Straight if you know whats good for you...
15:47.14*** part/#asterisk masus (n=tet@
15:47.18Qwell[]darkfires: gonna get busted for wardialing :p
15:47.18lirakishow about "show agents"
15:47.28Qwell[]wardialing test numbers seems like a bad idea
15:47.37[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: "show queues" <- also very useful
15:47.53darkfiresqwell seriously ?
15:47.59riddlebox[TK]D-Fender: thats kinda what I figured, I will buy a smart device to go in front of the line and then go into the fax or my asterisk box
15:48.01Strom_M?Hola!?Bienvenidos a la casa de telefonos de Qwell!  Si quieres habla con un mecanico, tienes un numero malo.
15:48.02Qwell[]dunno, but it sure seems silly
15:48.19Qwell[]Strom_M: the problem went away when I switched away from Sprint...heh
15:48.26Qwell[]some other sucker has that number now
15:48.33Qwell[]probably, anyhow
15:48.49`Seanlol @ wardialing
15:49.25Strom_Mdamnit, Qwell, you're ruining my 909 joke
15:49.34Qwell[]951 > 909
15:49.39Strom_Myes I know
15:49.48Strom_Mhence a 909 joke
15:49.49Qwell[]I never lived in the real 909 :p
15:50.11Qwell[]I don't think they ever released that number back into the pool
15:50.27`Seanlol i should war dial all of 710 :P
15:50.28rudholmStrom_M: you know how I have GLadstone5-XXXX, right?  There's a restaurant in Westwood with HIghland5-XXXX and their customers often call me instead
15:50.34`Seansee wich numbers are active :D
15:50.46Strom_MQwell[]: they tend to like to leave numbers unassigned for some time after disconnection
15:50.55Strom_M`Sean: there's only one active prefix in that area code
15:51.03Qwell[]Strom_M: it's going straight to vm...  like it's still active
15:51.18Strom_Mrudholm: yeah, I remember you've gotten calls for that restaurant while I was there
15:51.20rudholmStrom_M: so does that mean your phone number hasn't been reassigned yet?
15:51.22Qwell[]I'm gonna check my old password :p
15:51.35Strom_Mrudholm: I think we were eating breakfast when it happened once
15:51.43Strom_Mrudholm: no, I still have my number :)
15:51.44`SeanStrom_M someone has tried before?
15:51.49Strom_Mi had my service reconnected
15:52.08Strom_M`Sean: uh, no, it's a matter of looking at prefix assignment records from NANPA and/or Telcordia
15:52.09*** join/#asterisk aris_g (n=manager@
15:52.14aris_gHello People..
15:52.52*** join/#asterisk Weezey (
15:53.20Qwell[]Acer is buying Gateway
15:53.44Strom_Mare they going to call the new company Aceway, or will it be Gacer?
15:54.17*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
15:54.29aris_gFriends ...i have a problem with Calls Hangup... My server is a gateway into 2 PRI... PSTN-----Asterisk----PBX.... and only see this ....
15:56.32Qwell[]Strom_M: If they're smart, they'll get rid of the gateway name
15:57.25Strom_Mi like "Aceway"
15:57.43*** join/#asterisk rmayorga_ (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
15:57.58Strom_Mdamnit, someone already owns
16:00.32*** join/#asterisk aikanaro79 ( .info .us is free do I transfer a call? is it possible to transfer a call to other context just after someone has been dialed?
16:01.07WeezeyI'm having a weird issue.  Asterisk 1.4 shows the 1.2 box via IAX2 shows codec: 0xe004 (ulaw) and 1.2 shows the 1.4 box via IAX2 with codec: 0xf804 (ulaw).  They seem to talk 1.2 -> 1.4 just fine, but when calls come in from 1.4 to 1.2 it complains that it doesn't understand the codecs.
16:01.28*** join/#asterisk etix (
16:01.32aris_gi see many time this in it normal??????
16:02.05fatgooseanyone tried the Digium AA50 ?
16:03.00darkfiresStrom_M  when you dial a milliwatt test number is it just a loud long tone ?
16:03.33Strom_Mdarkfires: yes
16:03.40Strom_Mit should be 1004hz
16:04.07darkfiresi found some milliwatt test numbers that are long distance heh
16:04.15Strom_Mthat's not going to work
16:04.23Strom_Myou need it to be in your class 5 office
16:04.27ManxPowerThe Asterisk milliwatt is 1000Hz
16:04.28darkfiresi know
16:04.43darkfiresStrom_M i just dialed it anyway to see what it sounded like so when i find the # for my own
16:05.02ManxPowerI feel that as long as the path to the test number is all digital it would be REASONABLY accurate.
16:05.53Strom_MManxPower: yeah, that's not the case
16:05.55aris_gany Idea?
16:05.58*** part/#asterisk shtoom (n=shtoom@
16:06.09Strom_Mmany IXC trunks will be calibrated to a -3dB attenuation
16:07.07*** join/#asterisk Yourname` (
16:07.56Yourname`Hi, queues are making me go wild. Especially when I type "show queues", it gives all these different values, like (dynamic) (Invalid) (Not in use) -> and I can't find any documentation telling me what these words mean on the CLI
16:08.12Qwell[]fatgoose: I have
16:08.20*** join/#asterisk rtcg (
16:08.55fatgooseqwell[]: comments? what you need to add if you want the fxo/fxs port?
16:09.11Qwell[]What do you mean, what do you need to add?
16:09.25fatgooseit comes without analog ports right?
16:09.30Qwell[]currently, yes
16:09.57Qwell[]If you want analog ports, wait for the one with the modules
16:09.59fatgooseok, you can't expand it yet?
16:10.13[TK]D-Fenderfatgoose: Just build a real simple server and save yourself a lot of $ and greif
16:10.15fatgooseyou known any similar product?
16:10.18Qwell[]should be "Real Soon Now (TM)"
16:10.31[TK]D-FenderQwell[]: "Next Spring... Sharp!"
16:10.35*** join/#asterisk bryanfe2 (
16:10.51fatgoose[tk]d-fender: don't have time to set it up, then maintain, just want something that work out of the box
16:11.10Qwell[]fatgoose: If I were you, I'd call sales and ask if they know when it will be shipping with analog modules
16:11.53[TK]D-Fenderfatgoose: You think that will configure ITSELF any faster?  "Put down the crack-pipe" (c) JerJer
16:12.10[TK]D-Fenderfatgoose: Go download Trixbox, and happy trails.
16:12.35fatgoose[tk]d-fender: at least I won't have to deal with hardware issue
16:12.37bryanfe2hi folks... Can anyone tell me why Asterisk would send RTP audio data back to a sip client's internal IP address (behind a NAT), and not it's external? I have "nat=yes" correctly configured in sip.conf, but still, Asterisk is sending RTP data to the wrong IP. SIP data is going to the correct IP. I've tried this on the latest Asterisk 1.2 and 1.4.
16:12.50[TK]D-Fenderfatgoose: Actually... you DO.
16:13.17[TK]D-Fenderfatgoose: And the * GUI is not that comprehensive. as far as confg goes, nor as "mature" (*shudder*)
16:13.38[TK]D-Fenderbryanfe2: Because there is a lto more you need to setup.  Go read :
16:13.41jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
16:13.50bryanfe2Fender I already went through all that
16:13.54bryanfe2going crazy
16:14.15[TK]D-Fenderbryanfe2: Then if you think that "nat=yes" = everything, that you clearly aren't paying attention.
16:15.01bryanfe2Fender, what STUN server do people like to use with Asterisk?
16:15.10[TK]D-Fenderbryanfe2: * does not SUPPORT STUN
16:15.16[TK]D-Fenderbryanfe2: Nor do you need it.
16:16.21bryanfe2we have this exact same configuration working elsewhere, the only difference I can see is that on the other setup we have a Cisco PIX firewall with a "sip rule" enabled, which seems to be working some magic.
16:16.42JTthrow it out
16:16.42aikanaro79if I dial a sip user can I, afterwards, transfer him to another context and/or extension?
16:16.50JTcisc PIX == absolute arse
16:16.59bryanfe2yeah i know
16:17.04JTcisc PIX with sip enabled mode == double absolute arse
16:17.44bryanfe2fender the only real meat of that document is to set nat=yes, canreinvite=no
16:18.02Yourname`Can someone please tell me what does this mean? ->
16:18.11rtcgWhat are the piece of the puzzle to get zaptel wctdm and wcfxo drivers loaded in a 2.6 kernel? (I have a created zaptel.rules file in /etc/udev/rules.d and my slackware box previously ran zaptel 1.2.x drivers(I removed the zaptel udev rules I had previously put in the main udev.rules file))
16:18.14JTand to set cisco pic = removed
16:18.35JTthey completely balls things up in sip aware mode
16:18.44bryanfe2well it seems to be working better there for some reason
16:19.00bryanfe2without the PIX (just a box straight on the 'net), asterisk is sending audio data to a sip client's internal IP addr
16:19.02rtcgI see the zaptel drivers on fedora core  help page, but that doesn't help my slackware box very well.
16:19.19bryanfe2even as it is sending SIP traffic to the correct address
16:19.45[TK]D-Fenderbryanfe2: No, you clearly missed EXTERNIP <---------------
16:20.01bryanfe2i have that set too...
16:20.05[TK]D-Fenderbryanfe2: And Cisco PIX NAT = flaming garbage and an extreme risk to functioning.
16:20.31[TK]D-Fenderbryanfe2: Pastebin your configs.
16:20.34bryanfe2i'm trying to get rid of the PIX believe me... but my box with the PIX is working (that is, it talks to SIP clients behind a NAT), and my box without the PIX, is not working..
16:21.14JTwhat clients would these be?
16:21.41*** join/#asterisk dg ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:21.53bryanfe2how do you pastebin?
16:22.19jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
16:25.14[TK]D-Fenderbryanfe2: You are clearly also missing the LOCALNET clause....
16:25.28[TK]D-Fenderbryanfe2: Which detemines WHEN to use the EXTERNIP
16:25.41bryanfe2got it fender, let me try that...
16:25.53JTbut he knows it all already ;)
16:25.55bryanfe2however -- isn't that just for my own source addressing? Does it really interact with out the client is addressed?
16:26.04JTyes, it matters.
16:26.05bryanfe2with how the client is addressed i mean?
16:26.15JTweird assumptions
16:28.21bryanfe2ok, the correct EXTERNIP settting WORKED
16:28.23bryanfe2I may be a putz
16:28.50bryanfe2but I honestly thought that it had to do with how it puts the server's IP address in outbound packets, not how it addresses the clients' IP address.
16:28.54[TK]D-Fenderbryanfe2: I hide things in the BIG PRINT :p
16:29.23rtcghmm.. What would keep the zaptel drivers from installing even after a 'make install' ??
16:29.43rtcgthere are no files in /lib/modules/$kernel/misc/*
16:31.47pacneilthis brings up another question. If asterisk is NAT'ed in a DMZ will I still be able to connect from another private network or the DMZ network?
16:31.55[TK]D-Fenderrtcg: Perhaps you should pastebin your complete attempt and show some backup in a pastebin...
16:32.08[TK]D-Fenderpacneil:  ---->
16:32.12jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
16:33.27darkfiresi found a number 905-958-1114 (most of them say out of service) but this one says it wasn't correctly dialed but is a local call.... maybe need some prefix ?
16:33.36Strom_M^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ <---------------  -------------------->  vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
16:33.37Yourname`Hi, can I do AddQueueMember(testq|Agent/${CALLERID(num)}) -> Where the channel is actually Agent other than SIP?
16:34.04Qwell[]darkfires: congratulations - your area is getting a forced 10 digit dial
16:34.14Qwell[]erm, 11
16:34.24Qwell[]you just found the 11 digit dial test number :P
16:34.37pacneil[TK]D-Fender: very nice, can you now answer the question about DMZ since it't not contained in either of those pages?
16:34.55darkfiresqwell haha is that what it really is
16:35.01Qwell[]but it sounded good, eh?
16:35.22pacneilI run m0n0wall
16:35.25[TK]D-Fenderpacneil: yes, the answer IS contained in there.  You clearly need a LOT more setting, and not jsut DMZ.  It explicitly tells you waht ports are NEEDED, and if you want to throw MORE there, more power to you.
16:35.59*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
16:36.03riddleboxhrmm I was given a Quintum ASM400 for free from my boss, it has 4 fxo and 4 fxs ports, but it programs weird, you setup a small huntgroup in the tenor, adding the extensions on the tenor, then you tell them what extensions they are in asterisk, why would you have two different extensions??
16:39.11pacneil[TK]D-Fender: You tell me where in those two pages there is mention of DMZ solution. I just reread them both.
16:39.23pacneilor don't
16:39.58[TK]D-Fenderpacneil: DMZ = all ports forwarded from a NAT-like routed solution.  That guide says what you need for * to work behind NAT.  Whats the issue?
16:41.45NuggetDMZ doesn't mean "behind nat"
16:42.01[TK]D-FenderNugget: For all intents and purposes ...."WHATEVER"
16:42.07Nuggetuh, not at all.
16:42.31NuggetI'd assume pacneil means he's trying to make asterisk work in a multi-homed environment, which would be the hallmark of a traditional DMZ.
16:42.36pacneilI have  a m0n0wall router/firewall. I want to put * in the DMZ, some phones will be in the LAN, others will be behind other NAT routers. The only thing I don't read about is from LAN  to DMZ connections
16:43.00NuggetA DMZ is pretty much the opposite of "behind nat"
16:43.01pacneilNugget: exactly
16:43.07pacneilthat too
16:43.31rtcgWould a blank "INSTALL_MOD_PATH= " cause the make script to not know where to install the files?  ( results of a make install along with an empty search for the installed drivers - )
16:43.53NuggetI have had nothing but problems running asterisk in that manner, I'm sad to say.  Not entirely due to asterisk deficiences, but that certainly contributed to my headaches.
16:44.22pacneilIt's actually plain routing. Except the firewall intermediates and disallows connections from the DMZ to the LAN except in response to connections from LAN to DMZ
16:44.29NuggetI suggest against trying.  You're certainly going a direction that the asterisk developers don't particularly care about if you do it that way
16:45.00pacneilI guess they aren't all that interested in real security then, are they?
16:45.07Nuggetwhen I re-did our offices I switched to a more "normal" static nat mapping instead of a proper dmz and I get a lot less trouble from asterisk.
16:45.16Nugget(using pfsense, which is quite similar to your m0n0wall solution)
16:45.29pacneilI'm aware of pfsense
16:46.00pacneilso then the optimal solution is just to have asterisk in the LAN?
16:46.05Nuggetasterisk seems to be fundamentally unaware of the fact that a machine can be on two networks at once, and seems to yield unpredictable results if you try.
16:46.33Nuggetthings that worked fine would spontaneously stop working when I'd update asterisk to a newer version because there's no testing at all being done for that sort of deployment.
16:46.51pacneiland hope the * developers did their work well in providing no exploits?
16:47.01Nuggetto be fair, though, it was the more recent cisco builds that finally made me stop trying.
16:47.07Nuggetand that's entirely a cisco issue
16:47.21*** join/#asterisk rprince (
16:47.34pacneilsecurity is just such an inconvenience for so many people
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16:48.08pacneilno wonder the internet is being taken over by scoundrels and thieves
16:48.31[TK]D-Fenderpacneil: Well if connections go "one-way", you're pretty much DOA.
16:48.47pacneil[TK]D-Fender: configurable
16:49.20[TK]D-Fenderpacneil: if it does either way then its not much of a DMZ is it?  That'd sound more like the description of "just on another subnet"
16:49.52[TK]D-Fenderpacneil: For which you'd only have to set a localnet clause and a gatway.
16:49.54Nuggeta simplified example would be where the asterisk box has a public IP and also an IP on an rfc1918 network like
16:49.56pacneilI'm still trying to get my head around *
16:50.05Nuggetwith phones talking to asterisk coming in from both places.
16:50.17Nugget(potentially behind nat, but not necessarily)
16:50.23*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
16:50.31Nuggetasterisk totally fails to handle that situation with any sort of grace or predictability
16:50.43*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
16:50.44pacneilspecifically Phones in 192.168.0 * in and other interface is public IP providing NAT to DMZ
16:50.59Nuggetfor a long time it worked as long as you had two physical network interfaces for the differen segments, but didn't work at all if you were cheating by using eth aliases.
16:51.00rprinceasteriks folks, I have a coding question (maybe - actually I hope it can be done currently with EAGI).  I need to listen for DTMF signals with sub-100 ms timing.
16:51.05Nuggetthen it didn't work at all for a while
16:51.13Nuggetnow I think it's sort of working again, for some phones
16:51.17rprinceIs this something I'd need to do in a separate app, passing the audio stream using EAGI?
16:51.46NuggetWhen I was running that way I faced an endless stream of weird problems where the internal IP would "bleed out" in SIP packets destined for the external interface (and vice versa)
16:51.48pacneilaliases are a bad implimentation. I've never done it that way. You can't trust the separation that aliases provide
16:51.56[TK]D-FenderNugget: My work * box has 2 NIC's each with their own subnet, I have 2 other VPN's subnets they acecss through 1 of those 2, AND is behind NAT on the same tot he public internet.  All works fine.
16:51.58Nuggetagreed, I'm just providing context.
16:53.13*** join/#asterisk qdk (
16:53.28pacneilVPNs should be not problem, they should be transparent if they're implimented right.
16:53.43rprinceI've looked at the code in .../apps, and I don't see anything specific to what I'm trying to do.
16:54.41pacneilI presume that if that works, as long as my firewall rules are right then, DMZ/LAN should be essentially the same
16:55.30pacneilgetting the rules right for DMZ -> LAN is going to be the trick, I guess.
16:57.00Yourname`Ok, weird. Using addqueuemember, I added members to the queue. But when I do agent show on the CLI, it says 0 online.. and makrs everyone as not logged in.
16:57.07Yourname`What's going bad again?
16:57.31*** join/#asterisk h0 (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
16:57.42pacneilIs there a debugger of some kind for * that allows you to check files for syntax errors and the like?
16:57.55Nugget[TK]D-Fender: curious, is that 1.2 or 1.4?
16:58.12[TK]D-FenderNugget: 1.2 for this box
16:58.28*** join/#asterisk chemikk (
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16:59.50Yourname`So no help on queues today at all eh.. :(
17:00.20*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
17:00.55chemikkanybody here speaking czech?
17:01.09jinglesnever while I'm sober.
17:01.16[TK]D-FenderYourname`: pastebin = your friend.
17:01.23Yourname`I did, twice
17:01.41Yourname`First one was this.. where I didn't know how to interpret
17:01.47Yourname`But let me do it again.
17:01.51darkfiresOMG I FOUND IT
17:02.30ManxPowerand the problem was?
17:03.08chemikka have problem with configuring voice menu, i meen problem with sending DTMF
17:03.53[TK]D-FenderYourname`: and now "sip show peers"
17:04.15Yourname`[TK]D-Fender: Pastebinning everything for you.. one sec
17:04.38chemikkvoice menu i functional localy but no when i calling from outside
17:05.35*** join/#asterisk nclx (
17:06.29Strom_Mdarkfires: cool
17:06.39Strom_Mare you sure it's in your switch?
17:06.57darkfiresits in the same prefix as he used to check other shit on my line
17:07.16Dr-Linuxremind me please, what's the cisco's 7960 new phone default password?
17:07.21Yourname`[TK]D-Fender: -> queues.conf , - agents.conf, - extensions, - cli commands
17:07.25Dr-Linuxis it "*##" ?
17:07.46Strom_Mdarkfires: coolness
17:08.22Qwell[]Dr-Linux: it's different on sip and sccp - I think sccp is **# at the menu, and on sip, there is an unlock option in settings, and the password is "cisco"
17:08.22Dr-LinuxQwell[]: new often comes with SCCP
17:08.27Dr-Linuxopss yeah gotcha
17:08.39Dr-Linuxi was looking for **#
17:08.42Dr-LinuxThanks ..
17:08.53Dr-LinuxQwell: any good news about 7935 with 1.4.x? :)
17:13.11*** join/#asterisk MdeP (n=mdep@
17:13.29darkfiresis there anyway to turn off hpec without recompiling zaptel
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17:14.26tzangerdarkfires: echocancel=no?
17:14.53Qwell[]darkfires: no..
17:15.02Qwell[]oh, there is that I guess
17:15.11Qwell[]I thought he meant switch to something else
17:15.37darkfirestzanger doesnt work
17:15.48Qwell[]darkfires: What did support say when you called?
17:16.24darkfireswhat do u mean
17:16.32Qwell[]You said it was crashing, right?
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17:17.13darkfiresit was yeah but i havn't been able to reproduce it ... now i have a milliwatt test thing i wanna try tuning these gains so maybe i wont have to use hpec
17:17.49darkfiresim gonna get fired if the phone system keeps locking up
17:18.00*** join/#asterisk bryanfe2 (
17:18.43bryanfe2does anyone know if there is an API call in Asterisk, for module developers, to wait for a specific tone? i.e. "wait for a 2000 hz tone lasting 1 second, then return"?
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17:24.21Yourname`[TK]D-Fender:  Did you get my pastebins?
17:24.41ManxPowerdarkfires: many people just go back to 1.2.
17:24.57ManxPowerA production enviroment is no place to test out software.
17:25.01*** join/#asterisk umdstu_ (
17:25.56Qwell[]Dan0maN_Work: eh, that was a tiny split
17:26.12[TK]D-FenderYourname`: I don't see where the "SIP/" ones are coming from...
17:26.24Qwell[]real EFNet style splits unsync every server
17:26.40[TK]D-FenderYourname`: Oh, jsut found them
17:27.33[TK]D-FenderYourname`: I don't think app_queue likes the fact they are unmonitored...
17:27.49chemikkvoice menu functional only localy not when i calling from outside, this si my extensions.conf:
17:27.57chemikkplease help
17:28.05*** join/#asterisk techie (
17:28.06ManxPowerchemikk: how are the outside calls getting into Asterisk?
17:28.21chemikkManxPower: from mobile phone
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17:28.39chemikkManxPower: or normal telephone, sorry my english very bad
17:29.11Dr-LinuxQwell[]: do you remember the to Disable default cisco call manager?
17:29.14Dan0maN_WorkQwell:  i dont hang out much on irc.  this is the largest room i've really hung around in
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17:29.25Dr-Linuxactually it's try to find IP address from the Cisco CM
17:29.44Dr-LinuxQwell[]: i'm working on this phone remotely :)
17:29.49Yourname`[TK]D-Fender:  lol wanna keep it that way
17:30.14*** join/#asterisk guillote_GNU (n=guillote@
17:32.04chemikkwhich version asterisk you recommends?, i have
17:32.17Qwell[]chemikk: 1.4.11
17:33.48*** join/#asterisk Aeudian (
17:34.19chemikkand this version will fix my problem? :)
17:34.30Qwell[]I don't know what your problem is
17:35.41chemikkQwell[]: my problem is voice menu, which is not functional when i calling from outside not accepted DTFM maybe,
17:37.33Dr-LinuxQwell[]: the the 7960 phone is new and i want to disbale the Cisco callmanager, so it should not try to get IP from Cisco call manager
17:39.19[TK]D-Fenderchemikk: "outside" doesn't say anything useful.  We need to know what HARDWARE is involved, and to see the configuration of that channel.
17:39.35[TK]D-Fenderchemikk: Pastbin your other configs and the CLI output of a failed attempt at verbose 10
17:39.38jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
17:42.53*** join/#asterisk vader-- (n=me@
17:42.58vader--hello hello
17:43.15vader--having some weird issues with a TDM2400 card that im using to power some analog phones
17:43.54Dr-Linuxanybody know how can i disable Call manager on cisco 7960?
17:44.02vader--the card seems to work fine but twice now i have had an issue where one channel on the card won't pick up a dialtone when you pick up the line
17:44.13vader--if you call the channel the line is instantly picked up
17:44.16vader--but you can't dial out
17:44.21vader--there is no dial tone
17:44.35vader--the only way i have seen to reset this problem is by powering off the server and back on
17:44.48brodiemTo have MixMonitor store in g729 format, do I need to do anything more than specify the filename with a ".g729" ext?
17:45.22[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem: I would say a G.729 license to spare as well...
17:45.39vader--tdk any ideas what i could try to reset this card without taking the whole telephone system down
17:45.45brodiem[TK]D-Fender ok yes besides that..
17:46.24[TK]D-Fendervader--: Nope, I've had that happen before with FXO's on the same card.... inexplicable, and was part of what forced its replacement.
17:46.35[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem: Nothing I'm aware of.
17:46.40*** part/#asterisk fatgoose (
17:46.58vader--ya the card was running for 230+ days when it flaked out like that
17:47.18brodiem[TK]D-Fender I'm trying to figure out why my g729 consumption is so high. If I make a call from one SIP ext to another, using g729 on both legs of the call and using MixMonitor w/ g729 format, it uses 1 enc and 2 dec
17:47.22[TK]D-Fendervader--: My clients we never so lucky :)
17:47.57vader--ya now it's been up 62 days and this card decided to flake
17:48.03[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem: Because its decogin BOTH ends.
17:48.27vader--did you replace it with another card or the same card?
17:48.48vader--i wish there was a way to reload the card
17:48.51vader--or something
17:48.55Qwell[]brodiem: seems normal to me
17:48.56[TK]D-Fendervader--: You already know what happens in these cases :)
17:48.59brodiem[TK]D-Fender I thought if I'm going to save it _as_ g729 that I wouldn't need to use up decoder licenses since the stream is already 729?
17:49.05vader--whats that
17:49.12Qwell[]brodiem: In order to mix, it has to go to signed linear first
17:49.42[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem: Expect the same with MeetMe, etc...
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17:50.03brodiemdamnit I hate when I hit ctrl-z in a BX session, kills it every time =/
17:50.18Qwell[]brodiem: there's a simple fix for that...
17:50.24Qwell[]irssi :P
17:50.51Qwell[]I used to be a bx fanatic...  then I used irssi once.
17:51.04darkfiresBitchX-1.1-final+ by panasync - Linux
17:51.44brodiemis it a gui or console?
17:52.04Qwell[]it's pretty much the most awesome thing ever
17:53.04Qwell[]You know how they say some things are the best thing since sliced bread?
17:53.18Qwell[]well, this is more awesome that sliced bread.  That's why they say "since sliced bread"
17:53.42brodiemI'll be sure to try it
17:54.11brodiemso I suppose there is no way to just nativevly store g729 without doing any transcoding?
17:54.30Qwell[]mixmonitor actually mixes the audio, so has to go to slin first
17:55.08Qwell[]actually, maybe not record..  heh
17:55.19Qwell[]possibly monitor (without doing mixing) - I'm not sure quite how that works
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17:56.22brodiemwon't hurt to try, doing it now
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17:56.42rtcgunder what circumstance would running zaptel's  'make install'  cause the creation of new kernel module directory with '-ThisDoesNotExist' appended to it? (example:  /lib/modules/ )
17:57.21rtcgis that a function of the make install or some other process depmod ?
17:57.29brodiemaha! 0/0 used
17:58.21brodiemexcept it seems it can't mix them using 729 =/
17:59.03[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem: To mix you have to decode/encode.  End of story.
17:59.52brodiemi guess that makes sense, I was just thinking soxmix could do it so that it would be external but guess not
18:02.05[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem: Not sure what it takes for SOX to use G.729 natively.
18:05.06*** join/#asterisk oej (
18:05.23rtcgHow can I trace why zaptel's "make install" isn't installing the drivers in the /lib/modules/$KVERS directory?
18:06.01[TK]D-Fenderrtcg: pastebin it and "uname -a"
18:07.01variable_officeanyone using voicemail odbc storage with postgresql?
18:08.26rtcg[TK]D-Fender:  drivers install into /lib/modules/
18:10.03*** join/#asterisk waKKu (n=eurulo@unaffiliated/wakku)
18:10.08errrIm having a problem with a number where when I dial it it goes out Zap/g0 then rings like 6 times, then I get a busy signal.. any idea what causes that?
18:10.24lirakiscan anyone reccomend a good queue statistics package?.. preferably open source
18:11.03[TK]D-Fenderrtcg: "uname -a" please...
18:11.16[TK]D-Fendererrr: PASTEBIN <-----
18:11.26lirakisqmetrics .. is servlet based .. and i dont want to run tomcat or some junk like that... and *guru's queuestats is really poorly documented and runs on postgre... and id rather not run 2 databases for essentially no reason
18:11.35errr[TK]D-Fender: what do you want me to pastebin?
18:11.54[TK]D-Fendererrr: the call at verbose 10 w/ channel debug and your channel configs clearly...
18:12.15rtcg[TK]D-Fender: Linux phone1 #1 Sat Sep 9 01:11:49 CDT 2006 i686 athlon-4 i386 GNU/Linux
18:13.47errr[TK]D-Fender: I have so many calls at once going on I cant get most of this. Is there anyway to not have to get this info from the cli?
18:14.17errr[TK]D-Fender: or to make all the other calls not show up in the cli and only this one
18:14.30[TK]D-Fenderrtcg: did you provide any parms to "./configure" or "make"?
18:14.44rtcg[TK]D-Fender:  no
18:14.45[TK]D-Fendererrr: Let me sort that out
18:15.11[TK]D-Fenderrtcg: I'd suggest redoing those steps and pastebin-ing the full process
18:15.40rtcg[TK]D-Fender: the first time around, I ran make menuconfig...but I've since wiped the directory and ran them 'plain-jane'
18:15.53rtcgthem = ./configure && make && make install
18:16.04[TK]D-Fenderrtcg: Trasht he folder and start from scratch
18:16.09rtcgdoing it.
18:16.16[TK]D-Fenderrtcg: do them seperately and pastebin them all
18:17.59*** join/#asterisk Netgeeks (
18:18.46AirCoderany one get nvfaxdetect working on 1.4.11? I have it compiled but nvfax hangs on detection on 2 sip connections ive tested..
18:20.48variable_officei wanted to go in and install odbc storage; i already have asterisk running and compiled and now i need to recompile it, what directory should i go into to do this?
18:22.05jsmithvariable_office: Go into the Asterisk source directory, re-run "make menuselect", and choose the option there
18:22.54variable_officejsmith  for 1.2 this work too?
18:23.09jsmithvariable_office: No, ODBC voicemail storage only works on Asterisk 1.4
18:23.17rtcg[TK]D-Fender:  Do you want the config.status file in the pastebin?
18:23.19jsmithvariable_office: At least, as far as I recall
18:23.24variable_officeonline it says it works in 1.2 as well
18:23.28[TK]D-Fenderrtcg: More > less
18:24.00jsmithOh, in that case, I think you have to change the source code in app_voicemail.c to enable it.
18:25.35variable_officejsmith it says i just have to edit the makefile in apps and rebuild; i found the lines in the makefule, but i dont know what directory i should be in to do that actual make? the same directory as the makefile?
18:25.53jsmithNo, in the top Asterisk directory
18:25.58jsmith(not in the apps directory)
18:26.43variable_officeso i edit the makefile in /usr/src/asterisk/apps but run make in /usr/src/asterisk/ ?
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18:31.32darkfiresbah.... with hpec enabled, machine locked up again on an incoming call... just completely froze unresponsive
18:33.01wunderkinwhat version of hpec?
18:34.09wunderkini figured that still hasn't been fixed
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18:34.29darkfiresso you're saying theres nothing i can do about it
18:34.37rtcg[TK]D-Fender:   Here's the complete paste of the entire process.   I've grepped for the phrase "ThisDoesNotExist" and have yet to find WHAT is supplying that phrase to whatever process is appending that when creating a new kernel version directory in /lib/modules
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18:35.13wunderkini don't know, good luck, i never get anywhere with... those people
18:36.19darkfiresthat sucks
18:36.54darkfiresit locks up so hard software watchdog doesn't even reboot it
18:38.01brodiem[TK]D-Fender & Qwell[]: FYI I found a good solution for keeping the 729 licenses down with recording.. 1) Use Monitor() to record g729 in/out streams, then once the recording is complete 2) use CLI convert to convert them to Wav49 (takes only a few hundred ms), and 3) execute soxmix to combine into one stream
18:38.13[TK]D-Fenderrtcg: DEPMOD <?
18:38.26rtcg[TK]D-Fender: EXACTLY!!!!
18:38.38[TK]D-Fenderrtcg: I might suggest moving files around manually
18:39.00rtcgHAHAHAH and I just did that.. and was able to get the modules installed (after a udev restart)
18:39.14rtcgug!  any CLUE as to WTF is going on??
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18:40.12darkfireswunderkin  so you just dont have echo cancellation or something
18:40.18[TK]D-Fenderrtcg: Try another version and see what happens :)
18:41.01rtcgwill do...
18:41.32wunderkindarkfires, not atm, it is up to the client to get a card w/ ec now, should have started that way anyway but oh well, hpec worked well when it worked but we would have license key 'leaks' and kernel panics so f that
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18:42.35bm-chsHas anyone ran into problems accessing AsteriskNow through a router?
18:43.46darkfireswunderkin what cards do you use that include ec
18:44.12[TK]D-Fenderbm-chs: Yeah.. I have trouble fitting my arm through those little ventilation holes to get to the other side myself!
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18:45.38AirCoderany one get nvfaxdetect working on 1.4.11? I have it compiled but nvfax hangs on detection on 2 sip connections ive tested..?
18:45.43bm-chsLOL.  Uh, yea.  For some reason I can't get it to respond to even the web interface through a Linksys router . . . thought maybe AT&T was blocking ports, but I can see in the router interface that requests are coming in, they just die soemwhere.
18:46.24AirCoderyou try port forwarding?
18:46.48holiday_42bm-chs, are you accessing from the outside or inside?
18:46.50bm-chsI can point port 80 to my Snom phone and see everything there, so that eliminates AT&T.
18:47.29AirCoderbm-chs can you DMS the ip address of the asterisk box?
18:47.39holiday_42bm-chs, heh, does your asterisk box have correct gateway?
18:47.39[TK]D-Fenderbm-chs: Have you checked the http server to see what ip/range it will ACCEPT connections from?
18:47.43wunderkindarkfires, i haven't ever used one with ec but it depends on how many ports you need
18:47.43AirCodererrr dmz
18:48.33holiday_42bm-chs, check errant firewall rules on asterisk box too
18:48.36bm-chsHmm - don't want to stick my * box in dmz.
18:48.47*** join/#asterisk Lucky7 (n=Adam@
18:49.03AirCoderjust to see if you can hit it.
18:49.10Lucky7when i call into the IVR, it plays the message and then immediately hangs up
18:49.10AirCoderi wouldnt leave dmz on perm.
18:49.17Lucky7i'm going to assume its because of the auto fallthrough
18:49.19bm-chsI can't ssh to that either.
18:49.26Lucky7any idea on why that would be happeneing
18:49.58variable_officei am trying to do odbc voicemail storage, but postgresql doesnt have type="blob" what can i make this instead?
18:50.13[TK]D-FenderLucky7: == Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/140-b78500d8' status is 'UNKNOWN' <-----------------
18:51.58[TK]D-FenderLucky7: you need to set "autofallthrough=no" in [general]
18:52.12brodiemor fix the dial plan so it doesn't run off the end
18:54.41darkfireswunderkin just 2... i have a tdm400p
18:54.44rtcg[TK]D-Fender:  Well, zaptel versions 1.4.4 and 1.4.1 also do the weird "/lib/module/$KVERS-ThisDoesNotExist" path creation thing.   Do you think this a bug in the zaptel install..or some other OS related bug?
18:56.09brodiemanyone know of a sip provider that will do orig/term t38?
18:56.14[TK]D-Fenderrtcg: To be honest, I'm really not sure, and EVERYTHING is suspect..... I was hoping something might have stood out more, and that someone else may have noticed something more subtle that I'd ahev missed in asking you to provide all of that
18:56.17brodiempay as you go
18:56.48Lucky7[TK]D-Fender > in "general" which file is this context in?
18:56.49rtcgbrodiem: (t38).
18:57.01rtcgbrodiem:  ...I think....
18:57.05rtcgcheck em out anyway.
18:57.18[TK]D-FenderLucky7: extensions.conf
18:57.20wunderkindarkfires, i dunno i don't use the analog cards, i guess they don't have an echo can module for those and hpec is the 'solution' for that, they need to fix these problems somehow...
18:57.27Lucky7ah, found it
18:57.30Lucky7yea, thanks
18:57.55Qwell[]nothing we can do about it if nobody reports the problem to support
18:58.09wunderkini have
18:58.15AirCoderany one get nvfaxdetect working on 1.4.11? I have it compiled but nvfax hangs on detection on 2 sip connections ive tested..?
18:58.21wunderkinyou probably forgot about my ranting from months ago
18:58.27darkfiresqwell what # should I call to report this
18:58.34Qwell[]darkfires: the normal support number
18:58.42brodiemAirCoder i have it running on
18:58.46wunderkindarkfires, i only see an echo can module option for the 24 port analog cards, hpec uses too much cpu for > 8 calls
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19:00.34darkfireshas anyone had any luck with rhino fxo cards with ec built in
19:01.03darkfiresive had enough of digium cards
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19:02.00[TK]D-Fenderdarkfires: I haven't heard any field reports on Rhino yet, but use Sangoma exclusively myself.
19:02.02bryanfe2Guys, is there a module or other piece of software I could use (i.e. from within the Dialplan) to "wait for a specific tone" before continuing? i.e. "wait for 2000hz"?
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19:04.35[TK]D-Fenderbryanfe2: I'm betting you'd have to mod up the dtmf detection code for that.
19:04.52[TK]D-Fenderbryanfe2: Definately can't picture anything pre-existing.
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19:05.27bryanfe2fender - wow I'm surprised after so much asterisk use, nobody else has needed a "wait for specific tone" module
19:05.39wunderkindarkfires, if you do call digium about the hpec kernel panics, please reference case 8664 so they know you aren't the only person
19:05.51bryanfe2any developers for hire out there who could help me with this?
19:06.18variable_officejsmith i saw you posted in the bug report for postgresql not playing back voicemail, do you have this working
19:07.39*** join/#asterisk Katty (
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19:07.59[TK]D-Fenderbryanfe2: Whats so special about that specific tone?
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19:08.10bryanfe2fender - it's special to my application ;)
19:08.10[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
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19:08.22bryanfe2we have to wait for it, then play an audio file.
19:08.24wunderkinthe brown noise?
19:08.37bryanfe2it's not a DTMF tone
19:08.44[TK]D-Fenderbryanfe2: Well * was built with "real world" stuff in mind, and "special to my customer hardware/app/whatever" clearly didn't factor in :)
19:08.57jsmithvariable_office: Yes, it's working great.
19:08.58bryanfe2i know..
19:08.59Katty[TK]D-Fender: herro (=
19:09.00*** join/#asterisk taupin974 (n=taupin97@
19:09.11jsmithvariable_office: Look at the instructions in the doc/ subdirectory of the Asterisk 1.4 source
19:09.18bryanfe2was just wondering if there was a general purpose module, or API call within Asterisk itself, which could help with this.
19:09.23jsmithvariable_office: I explain how to setup the tables, the triggers, etc.
19:09.34variable_officedoes it only work in 1.4 or should i still be fine with 1.2?
19:09.46jsmithIt should work in 1.2 as well.
19:09.56jsmith(again, as long as you've recompiled Asterisk with ODBC voicemail support)
19:10.13variable_officeyep, everything is working but it wont playback
19:10.56jsmithvariable_office: Did you look at those instructions?
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19:11.14Katty[TK]D-Fender: do you know how to make samba share out a directory to a samba user?
19:11.28Katty[TK]D-Fender: so my windows people can get to the server phone logs.
19:11.34variable_officejsmith not yet, going to now, i had been reading the old instructions in 1.2
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19:12.32[TK]D-FenderKatty: Thats a wildly-Google-able topic with  a million easy guides out there..  Go pick one ;)
19:13.07*** join/#asterisk taupin974 (n=taupin97@
19:13.12Kattykay :)
19:13.15Kattyi'm already reading one hehe
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19:14.41bm-chsAnyone familiar with security on AsteriskNow install?  Does it do some weird security things?
19:15.08bm-chsI turned off iptables, thinking that might be it, still no love.
19:16.52jsmithbm-chs: What exactly are you trying to do?
19:17.37bm-chsI want to remotely administer, and at the very least register a phone to that box from the outside world.
19:18.00jsmithOK, that should work.
19:18.29bm-chsIt's like the Asterisk box isn't responding to any requests from the router inward . . . . ???
19:18.43variable_officejsmith so the fix is to insert those pgsql functions? is the problem fixed in newer versions of asterisk where you dont need those functions, or do you always need those functions?
19:18.55jsmithbm-chs: Did you set the default gateway in the IP configuration
19:19.04jsmithvariable_office: You always need those functions
19:19.15jsmithvariable_office: (because of the way PostgreSQL handles it's large objects)
19:19.37bm-chsHmm -- I did . . . but come to think of it . . . I think I changed the IP of the router.
19:19.50bm-chsWhat file do I need to tweak to point it to the right place?
19:20.20jsmithNot sure... to be honest, I haven't done much with AsteriskNOW
19:21.33variable_officejsmith will that sql statements you gave work in postgres 7.4?
19:21.46variable_officei got error at char ';' @ 769
19:21.57bm-chsresolv.conf file had but my box is at .2 . . .
19:21.59variable_officeor rather "ERROR:  syntax error at or near ";" at character 769";
19:22.07jsmithvariable_office: Hmmmn... they should work.  To be honest, I only tried them on 8.x, but someone else said they worked on 7.4
19:22.21jsmithbm-chs: OK, that's only for DNS resolution
19:22.43jsmithbm-chs: I don't know how you set that up on Rpath linux... /etc/sysconfig/network maybe?
19:22.44variable_officejsmith whats the best way to figure out what char 769 is?
19:23.02jsmithvariable_office: No, that's saying *line* 769, I think.
19:23.20variable_officeoh, but it said character 769
19:23.43variable_officetheres not even 769 lines in that statement
19:23.44bm-chsok . . .looking into that also.
19:23.45[TK]D-Fenderbm-chs: read this :
19:23.48jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
19:24.15bm-chsMany thanks!!
19:24.30manyno prob
19:25.10*** join/#asterisk bkruse (i=bkruse@nat/digium/x-a02a52c0611d0f88)
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19:26.36nclxI setup asterisk 1.4-trunk on a new box and am trying to get the demo to pickup when dialing my phone number.  When I call I can see this on the console, then I get a message saying party is unavailable and asking to leave a message (I believe this is generated by broadvoice.)  Thi i
19:26.39*** join/#asterisk legis_ (n=legis@unaffiliated/legis)
19:27.00supershey, i'm trying to use asterisk with a internet radio stream, but i'm having issues, anyone around to help?
19:27.00nclxthis is all I see on the console when I dial in from PSTN via broadvoice:   == Using TOS bits 0
19:27.04legis_Hi, which linux client supports g729?
19:27.56[TK]D-Fenderncix : SIP debug info would help....
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19:32.08variable_officejsmith it seems i get errors with "CREATE TRUSTED LANGUAGE plpgsql;" and the "$$" in the function vm_lo_cleanup()
19:32.50jsmithvariable_office: Well, it obviously doesn't work in 7.4 then... there may be workarounds, but I really don't have time to work on it today
19:33.52variable_officenot a problem, for now i just removed the function and will have to manually clean the table every now and again, maybe cron
19:36.22variable_officei need to get around to upgrading to pg 8 one of these days, any idea on the difficulty, would i have to pg_dumpall and then restore them?
19:37.16jsmithYeah, it's pretty easy... pg_dumpall and re-import your data
19:39.58hmmhesaysanyone running osx in here?
19:40.08hmmhesaysI'm trying to find out where cisco vpn client stores its profile
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19:40.17Qwell[]hmmhesays: nope, but if you had sent me that macbook, I would be :P
19:41.08huey23anyone have any insight to where i can find out how to do simple call forwarding in the dialplan?
19:41.57Nugget"the" dialplan?
19:42.17fileNugget: the one dialplan to rule them all...
19:42.46[TK]D-FenderMY PRECIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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19:43.16jsmithfile: But what if I have 15 different dialplans?
19:43.39filejsmith: then you lose
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19:44.55variable_officejsmith in the bug report it says the problem was fixed in revision 55158 ; any idea what version that equates to?
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19:45.21jsmithvariable_office: It probably wasn't fixed in 1.2, if that's what you're asking...
19:45.33jsmithvariable_office: since most people using ODBC VM storage are using 1.4
19:45.39darkfiresso the digium guy said to try the svn version of zaptel and asterisk ... hopefully it fixes it
19:46.04variable_officejsmith no it says "Fixed in 1.2 in revision 51158, merged to 1.4 in 51159, merged to trunk in 51160."
19:46.15JunK-Ythat could be great on a release to announce, that new tarball is made with which specific svn version, that will avoid that kind of questions, aksed so much time, no?
19:46.15jsmithvariable_office: Ah, how about that... that's good to know
19:46.16wunderkindarkfires, um if he is just guessing, no...
19:46.35darkfiresi dont think it will fix it either
19:46.37[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: First you'll have to decide where you are going to stare the "memory" of who is forwarded where.  Then you'll have to add the "check" functioning into whatever would NORMALLY dial your devices.  Then you'll have to create some scripts to prompt the user as to where they want to be forwarded to (hopefully with some auth and q/c checks)
19:46.54variable_officeso jsmith any idea how revision numbers equate to versions?
19:47.08huey23i am looking to forward an exten to an outside number...can anyone point me in the right direction to find some info?
19:47.10jsmithvariable_office: Yes... every change to any file gets a new revision number...
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19:47.33jsmithvariable_office: And they increase... at some point, a release is tagged with a version number
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19:48.57[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: "show application read" , "show application gotoif", "show function DB" <- these are your core
19:49.20variable_officeya, looks like 1.2.15 or higher
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19:49.58huey23[TK]D-Fender: you have helped me before...but that might be over my head
19:50.22Nuggethuey23: let me go out on a limb here
19:50.28supersi'm trying to use an external program for MOH, i've converted it to 8000hz w/ pcm codec but it seems "slow"
19:50.32supersanyone have any suggestions?
19:50.38variable_officejsmith the changelog just reads, added documentation on how to fix; so i doint know that anything was actually done
19:50.54[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: then I guess you're not actually looking for a hint on how to do it, but rather to have someone write the entire thing FOR you.
19:50.56Nuggetyou're using the term "forward" simply.  what you want is just for users to be able to dial a particular extension and have it "go" to an external number and not an internal phone, right?
19:51.01huey23[TK]D-Fender: i just want to add a line or 2 to the dialplan to automatically forward to an outside number when dialed
19:51.23NuggetDial() is all you need to do that.
19:51.39[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: Ah, so not a "dynamic function" but for it to simply dial out on a fixed exten?
19:51.45huey23[TK]D-Fender: i don't need it written for me...i just want a hint on where to put it
19:51.55[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: Yuo do it the same as any other dial you do for that same resource.
19:52.08[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: And "where is "extensions.conf" <-
19:52.46huey23[TK]D-Fender: ok so instead of Dial(SIP/123,20,0) Dial(1234567890)?
19:53.03[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: What do you CURRENTLY do to dial "out"?
19:53.15[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: and the latter is CLEARLY wrong.
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19:53.31huey23[TK]D-Fender: that's y i come here :)
19:53.34[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: Former looks like you'd use for a SIP phone.
19:53.39*** join/#asterisk NirS (n=NirS@
19:53.41Nuggetthe dial command will need to resemble your current dial entry which understands how to route out to the public phone network.
19:53.44NirSgood evening everybody
19:53.49[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: Well?  What do you do NOW to dial "out"?
19:54.03huey23[TK]D-Fender: press 9
19:54.11[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: CODE DMMIT.
19:54.21huey23[TK]D-Fender: lol..just a second
19:54.23[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: What the hell does "9" say to us?
19:54.56huey23[TK]D-Fender: 9="Dial 'out'" :P
19:55.24[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: That means absolutely NOTHING.  Show use the DIALPLAN code that allows you to "dial out"
19:55.59darkfireswell svn of asterisk seems to have better sound quality
19:57.17huey23[TK]D-Fender: i ok to paste 1 line here?
19:57.27[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: 1-3
19:57.52[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: Anything more will leave you somewhat roasted.
19:58.18huey23exten => _9NXXXXXX,1,Dial(${TRUNK}/${EXTEN:${TRUNKMSD}})
19:58.36huey23[TK]D-Fender: i believe that's it
19:59.19[TK]D-Fenderexten => [whateveryour'redoinghere],[somepriority],Dial(${TRUNK}/1234567890)
19:59.45[TK]D-Fenderjust replace the variable # with your FIXED number and put in place where appropriate
20:01.39huey23[TK]D-Fender: i was willing to try and read up on it but thanks...
20:02.44[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: Well this is just a single dial.  The only thing you needed to understand is to replace the ${EXTEN} part with the specific # you want it to go to.
20:03.10[TK]D-Fenderexten => 4,1,Dial(${TRUNK}/1234567890) ; Yay, I dial 1234567890 when someone dials "4"!
20:03.18*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
20:03.26huey23<[TK]D-Fender:  thanks again for the help...i'll stick around and let you know how it works out
20:07.45nclxI posted earlier, I have an inbound broadvoice number going to a 1.4-trunk asterisk box.  I want for testing this call to just go to the default context and play the demo.  But right now when I get a call on my broadvoice line, I can see something about TOS and CoS and then I hear a broadvoice generated the number is unavailable leave voicemail.
20:07.52nclxSomeone suggested posting sip debug info
20:08.07nclxso I put it here if anyone can advise of what might be going on:
20:08.29nclxmy broadvoice number has been sanitized to AAABBBCCCC, my public IP is AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD
20:09.11*** part/#asterisk riddlebox (
20:09.44jsmithnclx: OK, all that means is that you've registered with them... it doesn't mean that inbound calls are actually able to connect to your Asterisk box
20:09.57huey23[TK]D-Fender: I was able to get it...thanks again
20:10.01[TK]D-Fendernclx: Indeed
20:11.24bkruseis down? or is firefox into trickery
20:11.33Qwell[]bkruse: it's all you
20:11.45[TK]D-Fendernclx: You need a sip peer/user/friend to receive calls against.  If you see NOTHING on an incoming call at all I'd first guess your * server is behind NAT.
20:11.53bkrusethanks Qwell[] L[
20:12.28[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: Its not Firefox... just YOU :)
20:14.06bkrusecould be true :/ lol
20:14.29bkruseQwell[]: its ACTUALLY because im on the wireless, as I just found out.
20:14.31nclxit is behind NAT, I have ports 5060 and 10000-20000 forwarded to my asterisk server which is on
20:14.35bkruseSo im trying to go to the internal address :/
20:15.21nclxI can tcpdump its eth0 interface on 5060 and watch when an incoming call attempts to see if it is getting packets, I'll let ya know in a few
20:15.47bkruseif your getting udp packets, is it still tcpdump?
20:15.48[TK]D-Fendernclx: ok, well you still need other entries in sip.conf for incoming calls to be processed.  You saying you get NOT sip debug at all on incoming calls?
20:15.59*** part/#asterisk huey23 (n=huey23@
20:15.59jsmithbkruse: Yeah, unfortunately...
20:16.07bkrusejsmith: hmm
20:16.08[TK]D-Fendernclx: no need for tcpdump, just use *'s "sip debug"
20:16.14bkruse[TK]D-Fender: correct
20:18.16*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (n=leon@
20:21.41nclxSo is this not an incoming call?  (This is from sip debug right after I dialed my broadvoice number from PSTN) <--- SIP read from --->
20:21.41nclxACK sip:s@ SIP/2.0
20:21.42nclxCall-ID: 5f00cf-5f@
20:21.42nclxCSeq: 1 ACK
20:21.42nclxFrom: "Mr. Caller"<sip:DDDEEEFFFF@;user=phone>;tag=8bce
20:21.43nclxouttolunc: "Mr. Callee"<sip:s@>;tag=as5151fc20
20:21.45nclxVia: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD
20:21.47nclxContent-Length:    0
20:21.47bm-chsOn my asterisk box, I can't seem to ping anything outside my network -- no dns resolution?  Any suggetsions?
20:22.05nclxsounds like no gateway
20:22.36bm-chsMy gateway IP is . . . I can ping that . . . I can ping phones . . .
20:22.42bm-chsAnything internally.
20:23.44outtolunceh?  what did i miss now
20:24.26nclxcat /etc/resolv.conf; is that correct for your nameserver?
20:24.54*** join/#asterisk Shaun222 (
20:24.56jsmithbm-chs: Type "route -n" at the Linux CLI
20:25.03jsmithbm-chs: Do you have a default route?
20:25.08holiday_42bm-chs, when you ping does it resolve name to IP or no?
20:25.18nclxsudo route add default gw
20:25.46Shaun222is there really any good advantage to having a frac PRI T1 over say 8 POT lines?
20:26.44bm-chsKernel IP routing table
20:26.44bm-chsDestination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
20:26.44bm-chs192.168.1.0   U     0      0        0 eth0
20:26.44bm-chs169.254.0.0     U     0      0        0 eth0
20:26.51SweeperShaun222: yes
20:27.01Sweeperit probably costs less, and it's switched
20:27.04holiday_42bm-chs, where's the default gw?
20:27.19carrardefault gw's are over rated!!
20:27.41holiday_42bm-chs, nclx nailed it.
20:27.42Shaun222Sweeper: i can get pots cheaper... whats switched do for me?
20:27.54holiday_42bm-chs, add yer default route
20:28.19lirakislater all
20:28.19SweeperShaun222: if you've got 8 lines, and someone calls your main number, nobody else will be able to call your main number
20:28.40Sweeperon a t1, it just comes in a different channel
20:28.51Sweeperwell, on a pri
20:28.55*** part/#asterisk lirakis (n=etamme@
20:28.57Shaun222i was told by the phone company that they would just do a roll over dilio...
20:29.19bm-chsOk -- that seems to help . . . how do I make that permanent?
20:30.27SweeperShaun222: ah. well, t1 hardware is a bit more reliable than FXO stuff, since it stays digital all the way.
20:30.37*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
20:30.44Sweeperother than that, not a whole lot
20:30.56Sweepera single t1 card is probably cheaper than an 8fxo
20:34.35tzangermore reliable too
20:35.06Sweeperyea. it's about $400 for a t1 card, $900 for an 8fx0
20:35.08variable_officejsmith it looks like it wont be doable for me to run odbc storage with pg 7.4; any ideas on a next best thing with my goals being for a webserver to be able to access the voicemail stuff(voicemails are currently stored with root)
20:35.33jsmithvariable_office: Upgrade to 1.4 and PostgreSQL 8.x :-)
20:35.53jsmithvariable_office: Trust me... any other way becomes a logistical nightmare
20:36.12variable_officetaking postgres down for that kindof timeframe would be terrible
20:36.33variable_officejsmith there is no way then to just make asterisk save the voicemails with looser permissions?
20:36.35Sweepervariable_office: there are web interfaces that work just fine with file-based voicemail storage
20:36.45jsmithvariable_office: Not an easy way, no.
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20:37.02variable_officeSweeper any idea on how they read the files, do they just run as root?
20:37.07jsmithSweeper: And none of them that I've seen work that well... most have subtle race conditions that cause problems over time
20:37.39Sweepervariable_office: probably the latter. just use mysql :D
20:37.43kwamehi, in my /var/log/asterisk/messages I get this message [Aug 27 15:28:58] WARNING[4707] file.c: No such format 'h261'
20:38.02kwamewhen doing a call from one ekiga client to another, any idea what this error means?
20:38.52variable_officehow hard is it to get odbc running on mysql?
20:39.46jsmithvariable_office: Not that hard
20:40.02*** join/#asterisk weasel00 (
20:40.14weasel00where do i install phpagi?
20:45.04KDananywhere you want, you don't need to put it in a special location
20:45.10KDanis there any way to use Asterisk to send SMS's for quasi-free? Or so you *have* to use an SMS gateway service that charges per SMS?
20:47.45viKing78I'm having a problem with a PolyCom 330 in a reboot loop. It keeps giving me a "Duplicate IP" error.
20:47.54viKing78I've checked and that IP is not in use
20:48.40viKing78They both are showing a MAC of a windows server I have as the offending machine.
20:49.16viKing78And that server does not reply to pings on the IP of the phone if I unplug it.
20:49.37viKing78Any idea how the Polycom is checking for a duplicate?
20:52.19variable_officeSweeper all i need is for this to work for a day, what would i have to do to make the php script run as root when called from the webserver(i know it is not safe)
20:52.29variable_officeits local area only though, so not too bad
20:56.18*** join/#asterisk NinjaJon (
20:57.34NinjaJonHi! I'm having a problem with chan_zap - is this the best place to get some pointers as to where I can look to fix it?
20:58.14JerJerNinjaJon:  if you actually ask a question, it might get answered
20:58.51NinjaJonThanks JerJer - this is my first time on IRC, apologies. Question coming up..
20:59.00JerJerno worries
20:59.04NirSHey JerJer
20:59.07NirSwassup man ?
20:59.09JerJermeep meep
20:59.11NirSbeen a while
20:59.15JerJerlame ass carriers that suck
20:59.24NirSno shit
20:59.33NirSI've got a few lame ass people banging at the door
20:59.54NinjaJonI had a working Asterisk installation up until this morning. Asterisk 1.4.x, Zaptel (TDM400), all hunky dory. This morning, I edited features.conf and restarted Asterisk - all of a sudden I now get errors from chan_zap :
20:59.54NinjaJonERROR[4086]: chan_zap.c:10472 build_channels: Unable to reconfigure channel '1'
21:00.24NirShmmm... that is weird
21:00.29NinjaJonI've been tearing my hair out for a few hours now so figured it was time to ask for some pointers. I'm now running the latest zaptel drivers, the latest Asterisk (1.4.9) and the latest kernel
21:00.31NirSis channel 1 on your card an FXS port ?
21:00.47NirSNinja, asterisk latest is 1.4.11
21:01.08NinjaJonyup, channels 1-4 have phones plugged in to them; channel 5 is a x100p
21:01.23JerJerahh the x100p
21:01.31NinjaJonah, my mistake.. I downloaded asterisk this afternoon & it must be sorted numerically rather than alphabetically.
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21:01.44JerJeri just found like 15-20 legit Digium sourced X100Ps in my other garage
21:01.58*** part/#asterisk denon (
21:02.14NinjaJonBut, my zapata.conf is now 3 lines long, for debugging this... it says '[channels]' 'context=sip' 'channel=>1' - which should work...
21:02.23kwameany ideas?
21:02.29NirSNinja, can you please paste your features.conf file to ?
21:02.41NinjaJonI had an idea it might have been permissions on /dev/zap (don't ask me why) but chmod 666 hasn't done the trick
21:02.43kwamehi, in my /var/log/asterisk/messages I get this message [Aug 27 15:28:58] WARNING[4707] file.c: No such format 'h261' is cooler
21:03.09JerJerkwame:  do you intend on providing H.261 video?
21:03.18NirSkwame, h261 is a video codec if I'm not mistaken
21:04.02NinjaJonfeatures.conf is now at, I have indicated the two lines I added this morning. (Backing the change out didn't help, sadly)
21:04.53kwameJerJer: mmhhhh, yes
21:05.23NirSNinja, I don't believe that this has anything to do with the FXS ports
21:05.40NirScan you please paste your zapata.conf file? are you using TrixBox or something similar ?
21:06.25NinjaJonNirS - indeed, which is why I am so confused. I even tried power-cycling the box, as I couldn't figure out what has changed.. but no luck. I've now gone the other way and upgraded everything to current (or slightly older, as it happens), this hasn't helped.. zapata.conf coming right up
21:07.07JerJerNinjaJon:  make sure to reload the linux kernel modules if you do any major upgrading or downgrading  - especially with zaptel directly
21:08.27NirSI agree with JerJer, a modification of the zaptel kernel module always require a restart of zaptel
21:08.27NinjaJonok, my (drastically reduced) zapata.conf is now at the end of that pastebin. JerJer, I did reload, thanks - although I have now spotted that my latest 'make install' of zaptel has wiped my /etc/zaptel.conf. I'm going to restore that and check again (I'll add it to pastebin as well)
21:09.09JerJereh  - it shouldn't have
21:09.33NirSURL please
21:09.56NinjaJonah, I see how pastebin works now! I thought the url would be the same, sorry
21:10.31JerJerpastebins are nice search engine whores
21:10.40NinjaJonJerJer - I agree.. but somehow it did. The timestamps on /etc/zaptel.conf and /lib/modules/ are the same..
21:10.52JerJerthat's a bug then
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21:11.30Sweepervariable_office: have you tried voicemail.cgi?
21:11.43*** join/#asterisk Galeras (n=Galeras@
21:12.49NirSwell, sounds like the make install portion of Makefile has a bug in it
21:13.12NinjaJonOK, /etc/zaptel.conf and some associated output is here:
21:13.19*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
21:14.22NinjaJonI mainly don't understand how/why it suddenly stopped working - that's what's bugging me. It has worked fine for about 2 years, until just now
21:14.51*** part/#asterisk Sweeper (
21:15.15GalerasDear Sirs, is gtalk/asterisk ready for production environments?
21:15.28JerJerdefine production envrionments (40121056 bytes). (12734818 bytes).
21:15.49wunderkinholy sh1t
21:16.33jsmithNew boot rom, eh?
21:16.54wunderkinyeah it isn't listed on the website... top secret i guess
21:16.56bisybacksondoes anyone know how to disable call waiting on snom 300's web interface?
21:19.23GalerasJerJer: from "you should consider this feature to be in beta phase, there are still quite a number of problems and glitches around."
21:19.47NirSsorry, have to buzz
21:19.49NirSc'ya later
21:19.57NinjaJonthanks for your help NirS
21:20.08NirSyou're welcome
21:22.13*** join/#asterisk Super_Cat_Frog (
21:23.13Super_Cat_Froghi - im trying to create a new rule, where 6 digit numbers (local numbers) can be dialled without dialing 9 for an external line, and without the area code (01253). i dont think its matching, my phone is giving me error 484 - exten => _XXXXXX.,1,Dial(SIP/01253${EXTEN:1}@sipgate,60,tr)
21:24.32NinjaJonSuper_Cat_Frog - have you tried it without the trailing '.' , and using SIP/01253${EXTEN} in your dial string?
21:24.42Super_Cat_Frogi'll try
21:25.46Super_Cat_FrogNinjaJon: didn't work - 484 again, To: <sip:313819@>;tag=as6a8b7873
21:26.33NinjaJonSuper_Cat_Frog, I assume you're reloading the dialplan ("dialplan reload") after each change, and you are dialling from the correct context? Basic questions, I know..
21:27.18*** join/#asterisk QbY_ (
21:27.34QbY_is there a way to call an external script after a voicemail is left?
21:27.41Super_Cat_FrogNinjaJon: yes i'm reloading and using the correct context
21:28.12NinjaJonSuper_Cat_Frog: Can you post your extensions.conf to ?
21:28.23Super_Cat_FrogNinjaJon: shall do
21:28.27*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
21:29.02NinjaJonJerJer: If you're still happy to look at this weird chan_zap problem, I've set up a login on my box?
21:30.41NinjaJonSuper_Cat_Frog - which context is your phone in? I assume dialling 9 + the number does work.
21:31.13Super_Cat_FrogNinjaJon: its in the default context. dialing 9....... works
21:32.06variable_officeis there a way to change the permissions that asterisk makes the voicemails with so that other users can use them>?
21:32.28Super_Cat_Frogvariable_office: you could umask the mount ?
21:32.42*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=hardcore@
21:32.56NinjaJonSuper_Cat_Frog - I wonder if changing your _XXXXXX to _[0-8]XXXX would help.. i.e. tell it to match anything not starting with a 9 ?
21:33.10NinjaJonSuper_Cat_Frog - everything else looks OK
21:33.29variable_officeSuper_Cat_Frog how would i do that?
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21:34.45Super_Cat_Frogvariable_office: google 'mount umask' - im not completely sure, just a suggestion that may possibly help
21:34.50Super_Cat_FrogNinjaJon: that didn't work either
21:35.49TrionnisAnyone have some info about the error "ACL error (permit/deny)" in a sip registration message?  I'm not finding much on voip-info or google
21:37.22*** join/#asterisk NinjaJon (
21:37.55NinjaJonsorry, client just crashed so may have missed some messages..
21:38.12Super_Cat_FrogNinjaJon: that didn't work either
21:39.17NinjaJonSuper_Cat_Frog - I have a very similar dialplan for my outgoing:
21:39.48*** part/#asterisk QbY_ (
21:40.24NinjaJonAnybody here know about chan_zap internals? My Asterisk box decided to not reload this morning; I haven't been able to figure out why..
21:41.06jsmithNinjaJon: Did you update your kernel?  Are the zaptel kernel modules loading?  Did you change the signalling in zaptel.conf or zapata.conf?
21:41.52NinjaJonjsmith: the only change I am aware of making was an unrelated features.conf edit. When I reloaded Asterisk, chan_zap wouldn't load again. I backed out the features.conf change but no luck
21:42.04Super_Cat_FrogNinjaJon: its 503ing, which is probably a good thing - thanks
21:42.06NinjaJonjsmith: Since then I've upgraded Asterisk, upgraded kernel & zaptel etc.. but still the same
21:42.22NinjaJonSuper_Cat_Frog - glad you're a bit further on, at least..!
21:42.33jsmithNinjaJon: What happens if you set core verbose and core debug to 9, then type "module unload" then "module load"
21:42.45jsmithNinjaJon: That should give you some useful information on why it's not loading
21:44.17NinjaJonjsmith, you are a genius.. I think that's given me the clue I needed. Will double-check now & then summarise for the irc archives..
21:44.31jsmithNinjaJon: Cool...
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21:52.57killfillive setup in iax.conf my peer. its in a [xxx] section.
21:53.29killfillif i set "IAX2/xxx:pass@xxx/${EXTEN:1}" in my dialplan, it works ok.
21:53.47killfillany way i can only specify IAX2/xxx/${EXTEN:1} ?..
21:56.12*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
21:57.05Trionniscan anyone assist with a sip registration issue?  you can see the debug here:  Thanks
21:57.50*** join/#asterisk guillote_GNU (
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22:07.46NinjaJonOK, a summary of my chan_zap problem and the solution. Hopefully this will end up archived & some other poor soul can search for it to easily fix their problem.
22:07.54NinjaJonProblem: When reloading, I got ERROR[4404]: chan_zap.c:10472 build_channels: Unable to reconfigure channel
22:08.00NinjaJonSolution: I had removed the 'signalling' lines from zaptel.conf a few weeks ago, due to some misleading warning messages. Everything worked absolutely fine after this, as I didn't restart Asterisk (only reloaded chan_zap). When I restarted Asterisk today, the missing 'signalling' lines stopped things from working; this was confirmed by jsmith's suggestion of 'core set verbose 9, core set debug 9', 'module unload', 'module loa
22:08.20NinjaJonUnloading and reloading is *DIFFERENT* to 'module reload'. processes the "signalling=" config statements from zaptel.conf ONCE only, on module load. It issues a warning on module reload, saying it is ignoring the "signalling=" statements - this is what made me think they were redundant and why I removed them completely... and this is what broke zaptel for me.
22:08.20NinjaJonMoral of the story - Just because chan_zap warns you on reload that it is ignoring a line in your configuration, doesn't mean that line is redundant and can be removed...
22:08.59SplasPoodheh, I've always wondered about that ignoring msg
22:09.11Qwell[]it just means that it can't change the signalling once it's loaded
22:09.26NinjaJonI'm going to try and add a note to the wiki as well..
22:09.54NinjaJonI'm not sure what else the message should say, though. Perhaps "ignoring parameter on module reload" would be clearer ?
22:10.50sevardDoes anyone know of a sip client for windows that doesn't need installing?
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22:16.53orvuxhi everyboy, why asterisk has two branches??? 1.2* and 1.4*???
22:17.19JunK-Y1.2 is deprecated.
22:17.32sevard1.2 isn't depreciated
22:17.46Strom_Msevard: deprecated, not depreciated
22:17.50Strom_Mthey're different words
22:18.00sevardyou're deprecated.
22:18.07Strom_M"depreciated" is an accounting term, silly
22:18.58fileplay nice kids
22:19.56coilthis laptop's screen is too small
22:20.15Qwell[]coil: how small?
22:20.30Qwell[]what res?  13" should be good
22:21.07Qwell[]yeah, that's plenty for 13"...
22:21.08mvanbaakthat's more then enough
22:21.33mvanbaakI have a 12' schmackbook
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22:21.51coilwell i have too many windows open :P
22:22.01mvanbaakit's nice, I can switch desktops by hitting my macbook on the side
22:22.21mvanbaakthanks to the 'motion sensor to protect HD' device in there
22:22.36coilwhat prog can you use to do that
22:23.23Trevor_bhack into the accelerometer is a pretty cool thing, but not like it saves time when you remove you hand from keyboard to hit a monitor when you do the same with a mouse click ;)
22:25.50mvanbaakI have a thinkpad T61 now so I'm waiting for the linux module to support it so I can do it on both my macbook and thinkpad
22:25.59mvanbaakthe T41 is already supported
22:26.35orvuxwell, then if i want to deploy an Asterisk PBX i should use the 1.4* version???
22:26.59mvanbaakorvux: yeah, 1.2 is in 'security-fixes-only' mode
22:27.01NuggetI installed that on my macbook pro but I got rid of it because I found it got triggered too much through just normal jostling
22:27.04mvanbaakso 1.4 is your best bet
22:27.07Nuggetmaybe they've improved it
22:27.15*** join/#asterisk thgood (
22:27.20mvanbaakNugget: it works pretty good here now
22:27.35orvuxok, thanks....
22:27.37Nuggetcool.  I haven't fooled with it since it was initially released
22:28.03mvanbaakyou can tweak how sensitive it should be
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22:39.16NuggetAsterisk needs more cowbell.
22:39.39coilmoar cowbell!!!
22:40.29killfillhey guys...
22:40.38killfillwhy does this not work? Dial(IAX2/coneccion-pbxs/${EXTEN:1})
22:40.42Lucky7i hate t1's
22:41.06killfillif i speficy the user:pass@.... then it works.. but i dont want to stick the pass in there...
22:41.39Nuggetwhat does it do while it's busy not working/
22:41.48Nuggetah, I see.
22:42.02killfilland am i doing wrong?..
22:42.03Nuggetsounds like it's not correctly figuring out the peer to use from iax.conf
22:42.46mvanbaaklooks like the username is not send to the peer
22:42.59Nuggetor you don't have the username/secret set in iax.conf
22:43.14mvanbaaktry: Dial(IAX2/username@peer_defined_in_iax.conf/number)
22:44.04mvanbaakto stick with your sample: Dial(IAX2/username@coneccion-pbxs/${EXTEN:1})
22:44.21mvanbaakI had the exact same thing with Voop today ;)
22:44.28mvanbaakthat's why I know the answer
22:44.50killfillactually.. in iax.conf of the remote pbx.. i have no username=....
22:45.01killfillshould i ?..:P
22:45.09mvanbaaklook on the remote PBX what username it tries to use
22:45.13Nuggetthat would help.  :)
22:45.44mvanbaakit was fun. we had this setup working for 4 months, and all of a sudden it stopped working
22:45.54mvanbaakVoop was telling us nothing changed on their side
22:46.07mvanbaaktry to debug that
22:46.30mvanbaaksvn log did not show any changes on our side for weeks
22:47.24bochcan i launch multiple calls using AMI originate ?
22:47.58killfilldoesnt work.. :S
22:48.22mvanbaakboch: while true; do ./; done
22:48.43mvanbaakyou have to chain them
22:49.08killfilldo i need trunk=yes?..
22:49.29mvanbaakkillfill: nope
22:49.38mvanbaakkillfill: did you read:
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22:50.18mvanbaakanywayz, I'm off to bed
22:50.21mvanbaaklatero all
22:50.35killfilldamn.. have a meeting..
22:50.39killfilllater too.
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22:53.59Lucky7does asterisk need call confirmation on a T1?
22:54.11*** part/#asterisk kwame (n=kwame@
22:54.13JTsay what?
22:54.53Lucky7call confirmation, its a T1 switch echo back when a call is secessfully going out
22:55.18JTyeah you're still not making much sense
22:59.08Yourname`Hi, I'm currently using exten => 4190000000,1,Set(CALLERID(name="Inbound"). How can I set the incoming call's phone number as well when I rcv the call on 4190000000?
23:00.31flendersexten => s,5,SetCallerID("${CALLERID(name)}" <${CALLERID(num)}>)
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23:01.08JTthat's deprecated
23:01.09flendersoops sorry
23:01.26JTyou should use Set(CALLERID(name)=) or (num) etc
23:01.40JThave no idea if Set(CALLERID(name="Inbound") will work at all
23:02.46CoolGuy21can someone help me with this ? it shows registered and i can dial out. when i call from another phone to it i get a unreachable at this time and i pasted the sip debug.
23:06.09*** part/#asterisk orvux (
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23:13.29flendersCoolGuy21: can you paste your register line with no passwords? and also your sip account from sip.conf, and also relevant parts of your extensions.conf
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23:16.07CoolGuy21k fixed it
23:18.02heelioshow would I go about amplifying a SIP call?
23:18.28Yourname`JT: Why not?
23:18.40JTYourname`: why not what?
23:18.55Yourname`JT>have no idea if Set(CALLERID(name="Inbound") will work at all
23:19.12JTbecause as far as i know it is completely invalid use of the syntax
23:19.15Yourname`It's working. Basically, I want to set the calleridname of the inbound caller, but want the callerid number to be that of the inbound caller.
23:19.47Yourname`JT: Ohhh, I made a mistake on typing it out.
23:19.59JTpleast don't type stuff out
23:20.03JTcopy and paste
23:20.05Yourname`Yup, that's what it is..
23:20.08JTquotes are unnecessary
23:20.14Yourname`It was just one line, so I did. Sorry.
23:20.23Yourname`So what about the phone number thing then?
23:20.40Yourname`Because this lets me set the name as I want, but I want the phone number of the caller as is.
23:21.48Yourname`flenders: Gotcha, thanks. Will be trying it in a bit.. gotta run to pick up the wife.
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23:35.34joe_bag_odonutsHi I just put up a box running Fedora Core 7.  I compiled asterisk and installed it.  Vers 1.4.11.  I have another asterisk box running Asterisk@home (asterisk 1.2).  I have an xlite device that registers just fine with the 1.2 box (the xlite device is being natted).  However, I can't seem to get it to register with the 1.4 box.  The sip.conf section for the device is identical on both boxes.  I can register with my isp on th
23:36.00*** join/#asterisk Galeras (n=Galeras@
23:36.23joe_bag_odonutsI don't even see the registration attempt when using the CLI.
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23:37.57CoolGuy21how can i find out what did number it sees when i dial the did? i put the did number in the routing but it doesnt match so how do i see what it sees
23:41.36flendersCoolGuy21: put DID in the routing?
23:42.04CoolGuy21yeah but it seems like its not matching
23:42.15flenderswhat is routing?
23:43.46flendersCoolGuy21: can you paste your register line with no passwords? and also your sip account from sip.conf, and also relevant parts of your extensions.conf
23:44.45flendersdo you have calls coming in at all?
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23:47.44flendersjbot: he is great
23:47.45jbot...but he is already something else...
23:48.04flendersjbot: yeah, you should bome by and meet him someday
23:48.20*** join/#asterisk stkn__ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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23:48.44flendersI wonder if people think jbot is real sometimes
23:49.00JTsome people do
23:49.10JTmust be some sort of mental illness
23:49.14flendersCoolGuy21: you back?
23:50.07flendersI've seen people thanking jbot when you do a ~book, for example
23:50.52CoolGuy21g thnx flenders
23:51.05CoolGuy21it was a small thing just wanted to see if anyone knew off the top of there head
23:51.15flendersis it working now?
23:51.44flendersalright, wanna paste all that stuff so I can have a look?
23:51.48CoolGuy21not sure what the tsp is sending as the did
23:51.48flenderspastebin I meant
23:51.57weasel00i installed phpagi and now my server is dropping ssh and the gui when 2 voip clients connect to it
23:51.58flendersis it a SIP account?
23:52.39flendersCoolGuy21: ?
23:53.06CoolGuy21yes it is
23:54.17flendersif you a '/1234567' at the end of your register line, and then a exten => 1234567,1,command() on the SAME context on extensions.conf, it should be fine
23:54.26flendersis that what your problem is?
23:54.44flendersjust guessing, as you said you're trying to match DID
23:55.40CoolGuy21im trying to match the DID
23:55.47CoolGuy21like i have 3 sip accounts
23:56.03CoolGuy21and if 555 555 5555 dials i want to send it to exten 222
23:56.05CoolGuy21and so forth
23:56.10CoolGuy21but its not matching up
23:56.13flenderswell, that's not a DID then
23:56.47flendersDirect Inward Dialing
23:56.53flendersDID is your number
23:57.18flendershow are you trying to match the CID?
23:57.27CoolGuy21if they are dialing through sip 1 sip 2
23:57.34CoolGuy21i have 3 different trunks
23:57.45CoolGuy21and i want to filter from which trunk where the calls go
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23:58.12JTsip is not a trunk
23:58.16flendersso, each SIP account with your ITSPs have a different DID, right?
23:58.30flendersand I assume you have 3 different register lines
23:58.43flendersso, as I said before:
23:58.49flendersif you a '/1234567' at the end of your register line, and then a exten => 1234567,1,command() on the SAME context on extensions.conf, it should be fine
23:59.07CoolGuy21mine doesnt end with /
23:59.16flenderswell, make it end then
23:59.30CoolGuy21im using inbound routes
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23:59.51flendersregister =>
23:59.58flendersthen on extensions.conf you do:
23:59.59JTinbound routes, why do you make up strange terms for everything?

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