IRC log for #asterisk on 20070823

00:00.07OneWhoKnowsafter ESF framing overhead, it's 1.53...something kbps
00:00.18OneWhoKnowswhatever 64kbps x 24 equals
00:00.34OneWhoKnows1.536, yay calculator
00:00.41JTTS0 is reserved for superframe sync and network alarms, TS16 is D channel in pri mode
00:01.14*** part/#asterisk kiscokid (n=ron@
00:01.51ZaVoidhey guys
00:01.54OneWhoKnowsis there a huge difference between ESF and CCS?
00:01.57ZaVoidanyone use this in dialplans? Set(CHANNEL(language)=hu)
00:02.04ZaVoidhu being whatever language you want?
00:02.16ZaVoidfound it at
00:06.38ZaVoidits strange
00:06.41ZaVoidSet("SIP/028810-09098eb8", "CHANNEL(language)=es")
00:07.02ZaVoidbut still plays the default Playing 'card-balance-is' (language 'en')
00:08.50JTis there an es folder in the sounds root?
00:11.39ZaVoidcuz i used it for an ivr app where certain accounts are lanugage=es in the db
00:11.47*** join/#asterisk groogs[h] (
00:11.50ZaVoidbut i was trying to make specifc codes to check balance in different langues
00:12.04ZaVoidalso strange i do: exten => s,n,NoOp(${LANGUAGE})
00:12.07ZaVoidand i get nothing back
00:12.26ZaVoid1.4.x version i'm on
00:13.12JunK-YZaVoid: see UPGRADE.txt
00:13.26JunK-Y${LANGUAGE} was deprecated in 1.2
00:13.54ZaVoidyeah i'm using the 1.4 version for set
00:14.10JunK-Y${LANGUAGE} doesnt work anymore, read UPGRADE.txt
00:14.12ZaVoidexten => s,n,Set(CHANNEL(language)=es)
00:14.19ZaVoidlet me fix my noop
00:16.37*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
00:16.39ZaVoidyeah same result
00:17.41ZaVoidanyone here set languages in a macro?
00:22.24ZaVoidam i missing somthing simple here?
00:28.38ZaVoidso JunK-Y  if that variable is gone to  NoOp the language for an output would exten => s,n,NoOp(CHANNEL(language)) be right?
00:29.46*** join/#asterisk jmesquita (
00:29.51CoolGuy21can someone please help me out?
00:29.56ZaVoidsup CoolGuy21
00:30.11CoolGuy21i need to setup  3 different companies on 1 server
00:30.22CoolGuy21and i dont want them to be able to dial each others extensions
00:30.58CoolGuy21JT any tutorials on it?
00:31.04jbot[thebook] a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
00:31.12JTit's an integral dialplan concept
00:32.10ZaVoidwhatcha think about the setlang jt?
00:32.40ZaVoidever do it yourself?
00:33.27CoolGuy21have any of u done it?
00:33.29ZaVoidhow would i at least print that variable if $Language is gone then?
00:33.42*** join/#asterisk DeepY0X (n=DeepY0X@
00:33.44ZaVoidCoolGuy21:  just think of each context as totally seperate
00:33.52JTCoolGuy21: context are basic
00:34.02ZaVoidunless you speciy a jump to another context your god
00:34.07CoolGuy21so should i copy from-internal and just rename them?
00:34.16ZaVoidthat could work
00:34.19JTi dunno, it's your dialplan
00:34.25ZaVoid[companya]  [company=b]
00:34.33JTyou should set them up in a suitable fashion
00:34.40CoolGuy21ah ok
00:34.53JTeach company should have a number of contexts
00:35.07JTextensions and inbound lines should never be on the same context
00:37.14ZaVoidCoolGuy21:  so you have [did provider for company a] and [company a extensions]  as a rough example
00:37.22CoolGuy21and how do i setup which outbound route it should use?
00:37.41ZaVoidthats up to you
00:37.59CoolGuy21no im asking how do i do it
00:38.10CoolGuy21right now im doing all this on a trixbox machine
00:39.04jbotwell, trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX, and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox seriously painful to support and hence you will find little help here for it.  Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & WIKI at
00:39.21CoolGuy21yes but these configurations are more asterisk correct
00:39.38JTif you use trixbox, it mangles the dialplan, and we cannot help ypu
00:39.39CoolGuy21freepbx does not have this
00:39.58*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
00:40.00CoolGuy21the option to keep them from dialing each other?
00:40.09JTi have no idea
00:40.16JTwe do NOT support freepbx at all
00:40.28JTif you want to learn how to do it properly, read the book
00:40.29CoolGuy21ZaVoid they had no idea lol
00:40.29mockerIn fact, we make fun of it sometimes..
00:40.32jbotextra, extra, read all about it, thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
00:40.36JTyeah, that's normal
00:40.43JTthey just hide behind their GUIs
00:40.54ZaVoidhey mocker  got any ideas on the set language?
00:41.38ZaVoidexten => s,7,Set(CHANNEL(language)=es)
00:41.43ZaVoidbut language doesn't set
00:42.13mockerHmm, you NoOp'd the variable after setting?
00:42.18ZaVoidyeah but i get blank
00:42.28ZaVoidexten => s,8,NoOp(CHANNEL(language))
00:42.31ZaVoidnot sure if thats right
00:42.41ZaVoidsince {$language} is deprecated
00:44.01mockerMy DUNDi changes tonight went waay too smoothly.
00:44.11mockerI think I need to test more, surely something is broke.
00:44.32JTVerbose(${CHANNEL(language)}) sorry
00:44.48JTobviously NoOp(CHANNEL(language)) will not work
00:46.14ZaVoidexten => s,n,Verbose(${CHANNEL(language)}
00:46.35*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
00:47.27ZaVoidVerbose("SIP/028810-090b4968", "")
00:47.36ZaVoidso my set isn't working i guess
00:47.46JTmissing a trailling parenthesis
00:48.12ZaVoidexten => s,n,Set(CHANNEL(language)=es
00:48.16ZaVoidexten => s,n,Set(CHANNEL(language)=es)
00:48.21mockerJT: Any reason a NoOp wouldn't display that besides his verbosity level?
00:48.44ZaVoidi thought NoOP woudl... im always at verbose 6 which should be fine
00:49.25ZaVoidthat set command is from
00:49.28*** join/#asterisk phix (
00:49.35phixPower alarm on module 1, resetting!
00:49.54mockerphix: +++ATH0!
00:49.57JTphix: interesting way to greet the channel
00:50.03JTmocker: ?
00:50.19mockerJT: Just greeting back. :)
00:50.32JTZaVoid: your Verbose is missing a trailling parenthesis.
00:50.53ZaVoidpasted wrong
00:50.54ZaVoidexten => s,n,Verbose(${CHANNEL(language)})
00:51.05ZaVoidoh i see the 3rd hold on
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00:51.22mockerZaVoid: You can get your editor to usually match those for you.
00:51.33mockerI think vi is %
00:51.47mockerthat may just be vim though, lemme check
00:51.56ZaVoidi can thrown it in smulthron
00:52.05phixJT: :) I got straight to the point of my visit here :) no salutations or foreplay.
00:52.24phixmocker: hang my modem up?
00:52.36fujinin vim, if you do %
00:52.43fujinit'll jump to next match of brace, bracket comment, #define
00:52.53ZaVoidthis looks right exten => s,n,Verbose(${CHANNEL(language)})
00:52.59mocker(I say that as I'm IRCing from w/i emacs)
00:53.06phixfujin: I should learn vim
00:53.16phixfujin: I am obviously not as hardcore as you :(
00:53.22mockerphix: vimtutor is an easy way to start.
00:53.32mocker(as the channel gets waay off topic)
00:54.08phixlets get back on topic and explain what this message means --> "Power alarm on module 1, resetting!"
00:54.10ZaVoidbut the verbose is correct
00:54.18phixgoogle tells me not to worry, but it is annoying :)
00:54.30ZaVoidit means a bit component has failed that isn't made any more and you should replace the whole unit
00:55.28ZaVoidbut back to the set lang.....
00:55.34*** join/#asterisk asterisknerds (n=asterisk@
00:55.58phixZaVoid: replace the whole unit? ftw?
00:56.09ZaVoidnah playing phix
00:56.27ZaVoidobviously Set("SIP/028810-090b4968", "CHANNEL(language)=es") is lying!
00:57.12mockerUse the deprecated way and never upgrade.
00:57.28ZaVoidthought that means its already gone from 1.4
00:57.42phixZaVoid: .......
00:57.44JTphix: i don't think you get to set the topic
00:57.57phixJT: sup?
00:58.15JTphix: the vi thing had nothing to do with you
00:58.31phixJT: oh, ok, heh
00:58.40phixJT: At least I was talking about asterisk
00:58.45ZaVoidanyone feel like trying to set a language?
00:58.50JTat least i don't really care
00:58.55fujinfuck, I've got a cisco engineer on the phone trying to sell me SIP phones
00:59.10JTdon't expect help if you are going to start telling others what topics to talk about
00:59.15JTfujin: haha
00:59.24ZaVoidany of you football fans?
00:59.31mockerfujin: They sure look pretty though.
00:59.37mockerBut I'll stick w/ my Polycoms.
00:59.40_ShrikEZaVoid: american football?
00:59.47fujineh, I reckon the polycoms look better than the 794x's
00:59.48mockerZaVoid: Sure.
00:59.50riddleboxhow would I ring multiple extensions from an auto attendant option?
00:59.55fujinespecially the 601/650
00:59.59ZaVoidyeah amercian football
01:00.02phixJT: right, any way, do you know what this message means?
01:00.02ZaVoideagles fan here
01:00.04mockerI have a 601 on my desk. :)
01:00.08_ShrikEof course then :)
01:00.14JTphix: also, the vi talk was related to asterisk
01:00.28phix(JT: You diverted from topic again :) )
01:00.45JTphix: what provides that error message?
01:00.57ZaVoidjt: phix is refering to the setlanguage not working i beleive :)
01:00.58phixJT: It appears in dmesg
01:01.14JTphix: zaptel then.
01:01.16*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (
01:01.20phixthank you
01:01.21ZaVoidthere ya go
01:01.31ZaVoidthey talk about zt channels and that mssg there
01:01.54ZaVoidnot as fun a link as (don't go there)
01:03.09ZaVoidis exten => s,n,Set(CHANNEL(language)=es)  channel in caps wrong maybe?
01:03.14phixZaVoid: I have already had the misfortune of visiting that site, as well as goatsie
01:03.15*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
01:03.23ZaVoidahh was the greatest
01:03.33ZaVoidyou've seen mudfall as well then?
01:03.52phixmudfall? I dont think so
01:03.59phixbut I can guess what it is about
01:04.12ZaVoidadd .com and really don't go there
01:04.17phixI wont :)
01:04.22putnopvutIs mudfall anything like tubgirl?
01:04.27ZaVoidphix can you try and set a language on your asterisk
01:04.30ZaVoidyeah putnopvut
01:04.31phixI have seen tubgirl :S :S
01:04.39phixZaVoid: ok
01:04.49phixZaVoid: in zapata.conf?
01:05.16phixJT: ooohh, C!
01:05.18ZaVoidexten => s,n,Set(CHANNEL(language)=es)
01:05.20JTi don't see why people get so freaked out by these shock sites
01:05.27phixJT: Can I be an asterisk programmer? :)
01:05.27ZaVoidexten => s,n,Verbose(${CHANNEL(language)})
01:05.48putnopvutJT: people live sheltered existences.
01:05.57JTi guess so
01:06.13mockerZaVoid: For grins, try the deprecated way in the same plan..
01:06.27ZaVoidmocker that'll  make me angry
01:06.45mockerZaVoid: So, Set(newway), Verbose(), Set(deprecatedway), Verbose()
01:06.50mockerJust to see what happens..
01:06.55ZaVoidyeah one sec
01:07.05ZaVoidgotta find the depreciated
01:07.06ZaVoidgrrrr jt
01:07.08mockerEr, yeah.
01:07.12mockerwhat JT said.
01:07.13ZaVoidno set
01:07.19ZaVoidor setvar for deprecated stuff?
01:07.37phixZaVoid: ok so I add exten => s,n,Set(CHANNEL(language)=en) ? anywhere in file?
01:07.46*** join/#asterisk tessier_ (n=treed@kernel-panic/sex-machines)
01:07.50tessier_Hello all!
01:07.51ZaVoidand the  noop or verbose it
01:07.54ZaVoidno not en
01:07.56ZaVoidmake it like ES
01:07.59ZaVoidnot your default
01:08.11tessier_What do you call that standard number format where you specify a number as +<country code><number> ?
01:08.15phixZaVoid: heh, ok.  Would it also help to learn Spanish?
01:08.34phixtessier_: ISO something or other
01:09.02tessier_ah, e.164
01:09.03tessier_That's it
01:09.24JTE.164 is ITU not ISO
01:10.10ZaVoidexten => s,n,NoOp(CHANNEL(language))
01:10.10ZaVoidexten => s,n,Set(${LANGUAGE}=es)
01:10.10ZaVoidexten => s,n,NoOp(${LANGUAGE})
01:10.11ZaVoidexten => s,n,Verbose(${CHANNEL(language)}
01:11.12*** join/#asterisk dlynes (
01:11.29phixJT: :)
01:11.34phixI guessed wrong then
01:11.49ZaVoidwait thats not right is it
01:11.51ZaVoidi need a drink brb
01:12.04phixZaVoid: sounds like you need to stop drinking.
01:12.25phixZaVoid: or perhaps drink some water or coffee instead.
01:14.05ZaVoidnah need to start
01:14.07ZaVoidbrb in a bit
01:15.12*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
01:15.48*** join/#asterisk coldsteal (n=coldstea@unaffiliated/coldsteal)
01:19.14*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
01:19.16coldstealcan i do something after the line is hungup ?
01:20.04*** join/#asterisk apardo (
01:20.31mockerI think, I've never had to use it.
01:20.36*** join/#asterisk Yourname` (
01:21.19*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
01:21.20*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
01:23.38JunK-Ycoldsteal: yes, check for exten h
01:23.43rickrossis it not possible to use the "*" key in an IVR menu?
01:24.13JunK-Yyes, you can use it.
01:24.18*** join/#asterisk Toerkeium (i=oo@
01:24.42rickrossJunk-Y thanks, I thought so - maybe this is an issue with the FreePBX web interface?
01:26.03jbottrixbox is, like, a full linux distro that includes FreePBX, and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox seriously painful to support and hence you will find little help here for it.  Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & WIKI at
01:26.09coldstealJunK-Y: this is what im trying to do
01:26.27rickrossdon't have a box to dedicate to it
01:26.32JunK-Yrickross: ive no idea, i never used trixbox
01:27.30*** join/#asterisk danielxpt (
01:30.01Yourname`Hi, did anyone come up with a way to login agents based on their callerid, not requiring a password in queues of 1.4?
01:31.08*** join/#asterisk phix (
01:33.14coldstealJunK-Y: like this?
01:34.24fujinYourname`: I can provide you with the code for an 'AGENT' (person) based dynamic queue member system, in AEL
01:34.25fujinif you need
01:34.31fujinhow did your 1.2->1.4 migration go, btw?
01:34.45Yourname`fujin: You didn't get my msg the other day? I was thanking you like crazy, lol..
01:34.53mockerYourname`: I wrote a dialplan extension to do that, then switched to queuemetrics. :)
01:35.10Yourname`fujin: Man, you and your thing for AEL, sure I guess I'll take a look to learn.. if you have no problem with it. :P
01:35.29Yourname`mocker: Queuemetrics is just a stats program no? What was the dialplan though?
01:35.42JunK-Ycoldsteal: kinda
01:35.43mockerYourname`: You can actually login and out of the queue w/ it.
01:36.03Yourname`fujin: Yeah, the upgrade went rather smooth. Just a couple changes and one big one thanks to [TK]D-Fender
01:36.17fujinlet me copy paste my AEL shit to pastebin.
01:36.53Yourname`mocker: Via Queuemetrics? Nice. But I don't want the agents to add another step of opening the browser and doing things. Just be able to dial #1 they login, #2, they logout, lol
01:37.08coldstealJunK-Y: okay i got it thanks
01:37.34Yourname`fujin: I think I'm going to implement the priority stuff in the queues too, pretty neat. And finally do what [TK]D-Fender thinks is best, finish the book!
01:37.52mockerYourname`: I haven't tried that in ages though, so ymmv.
01:38.01mockerIf I remember right, that logs them in and out just using *60
01:39.06Yourname`mocker: Thanks man, looks like it. *60 in, *60 out
01:39.24fujini have two different extens, to not complicate things
01:39.31fujinhave thought about going to a single exten toggle though
01:39.51mockerYourname`: No problem, just promise not to make fun of my dialplan hackery!
01:39.59*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
01:40.32Yourname`mocker: I'm a TOTAL beginner, trust me.. anything that starts with exten = > is amazing to me, lol. But wait, do I have to be using databases for this?
01:40.47Yourname`fujin: I think that's a good idea to be on different extensions.
01:41.18mockerYourname`: Asterisk has a built in database of sorts..
01:41.50*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=GoD@
01:41.54fujinI'm using the built-in database to store the physical location 'interface'/'device' of a virtual 'agent' number.
01:42.11fujinand then delivering calls by reading the location of the virtual agent out of the database.
01:43.11mockerfujin: Across multiple asterisk boxes?
01:44.15mockerAhh, it's the physical location thing that made me think you were delivering to different servers..
01:45.01fujinno, but I could
01:45.09coldstealis there a prioritory for the h ext?
01:45.53coldsteallike how there is 101? for noanswer
01:45.54fujinmocker: physical locations around the office. Having a virtual 'agent' number allows me to track performance of an individual person, not a device.
01:45.58mockerfujin: I just finished my config of DUNDi/regcontext/regexten to do just that tonight. ;)
01:46.02Yourname`fujin: Wow, that AEL thing looks a little cool. I'm probably going to keep it for future reference..
01:46.13fujinYourname`: nice. It didn't take much work for me to port my entire dialplan to AEL
01:46.13Yourname`mocker: I just might tweak yours to use it in the conf, thanks a lot. :)
01:46.22mockerYourname`: np.
01:46.24fujinIt's *much* more readable.
01:46.35Yourname`fujin: That's probably cuz you're a coder by default. ;)
01:46.42fujinmm, this is true;
01:46.50Yourname`Not a dumbass by default like me.
01:47.13fujinI don't know, the logic flow just makes more sense
01:47.49mockerI like dialplan logic.
01:48.06mockerVery BASIC like, 10 PRINT HELLLO, 20 GOTO 10
01:48.46fujinI like my AEL logic
01:48.52fujinif ("${DEVSTATE(${DB(Location/${MACRO_EXTEN})})}" = "INUSE") {
01:49.07coldstealJunK-Y: will that work...if not how can i fix it
01:49.07fujinlook at those braces!
01:49.14Juggieyou know you could just set the calllimit to 1
01:49.20Juggieand asterisk would do that for you
01:49.32fujinnot for a local channel
01:49.42Yourname`mocker: I think I'll have to change yours a little to remove the DBget as it's deprecated in 1.4
01:49.49fujinYou can't use limiton-peer/callimlimit for local channels, That's for SIP channels.
01:49.58shmaltzfujin, how can this logic not be done in natvie .conf?
01:50.00Juggiei guess if your end point isnt eventually a sip channel
01:50.14fujinshmaltz: I didn't say that I couldn't, I just said that it looks better in AEL.
01:50.25fujinJuggie: no, even with the end point being a sip channel you cannot do it
01:50.32*** join/#asterisk blinky42 (
01:50.38fujinlocal channels don't report their state like sip channels do
01:51.21fujinit'd be silly for a virtual proxy device to report state, anyway
01:51.48mockerYourname`: Everything I do is deprecated, 1.2 for life!
01:52.06Yourname`And guess w
01:52.09Yourname`WHO made me go to 1.4
01:52.48mockerI'm still not brave enough to run 1.4 in production.
01:54.15fujinhave our entire callcentre running on it with less issues than 1.2
01:54.18fujinand funtimes
01:54.27mockerfujin: How big a call center?
01:54.59fujinI've tested 10cps/24 hours
01:55.04fujinbut we've only got about 12k customers.
01:55.11*** join/#asterisk asterisknerds (n=asterisk@
01:55.32mockerfujin: multiple locations?
01:55.39fujinnope, single location
01:56.26fujinoh, you mean teh customers or the callcentre?
01:56.31fujinthe callcentre is here, upstairs from me
01:56.42fujinbut the customers are all over our country
01:56.49mockerfujin: Actually, I meant multiple asterisk boxes.. ;)
01:56.55*** join/#asterisk ltdwk (
01:57.00fujinI have two in hot/cold high availability.
01:57.02mockerI'm always curious how people grow asterisk
01:57.05fujinwith linux-ha.
01:57.14mockerha.d ldirectord type stuff?
01:57.34fujinyeah, pings over a crossover cable.
01:58.19tengulrefujin: do u using  PSTN <--->INTERFACE CARD<------>QUEUE<----->AGENT?
01:58.59fujinno, I use PRI->(E1 x2)->as5400->(SIP)->asterisk->queue->agent
01:59.58tengulrefujin: which agent are u use? softphone(iax2/sip/etc)
02:00.09tengulrewhat kind of
02:01.02tengulrefujin: you are in HongKong?
02:02.59tengulreI think the agent mode in asterisk is bad, because sometimes agent can not accept in calling. so I choice PSTN<---->asterisk<---->Queue<---->IAX2/SIP users.
02:03.11fujinI think you're wrong
02:03.29fujinI'm entitled to my opinion
02:03.58fujinthe agent system (agentcallbacklogin) is deprecated
02:04.50fujinmocker: what's wrong with an as5400? it's been great so far
02:05.05fujindoes failover, everything is SIP
02:05.08fujindual powersupplies
02:05.13mockerfujin: Oh, nothing.
02:05.24mockerI was saying I have the same setup pretty much but w/o that.
02:06.05Yourname` -> This one has like 2 lines of doing it manually "Yet another way of doing it"
02:06.16fujinvoip info is piss
02:06.29Yourname`Although it isn't clear to me why the 2nd line dials the login sequence or the logoff sequence.
02:06.55mocker<3 voip-info
02:07.05Yourname`Same here, it taught me quite a lot..
02:07.12Yourname`Other than [TK]D-Fender and the book, i.e
02:07.41tengulrein some simple callcenter(about 20 lines), that not necessary use agent mode. is right?
02:08.00JTvoip-info has heaps out out of date info
02:08.08phixI like voip-info
02:09.14mockerok time for home.
02:09.16mockerg'night all.
02:09.26Yourname`night mocker, thanks again.
02:09.38tengulrebut morning here.
02:10.04*** join/#asterisk groogs[h] (
02:13.03tengulre(PASTE)-->in some simple callcenter(about 20 lines), that not necessary use agent mode. is right?
02:15.25fujinIS RIGHT
02:15.31fujinin your callcentrez, connectin ur callz
02:17.03tengulre:(, sorry to trouble u!
02:18.30fujinYourname`: the only downfall to my AEL setup is I'm currently *not checking* the "agent number" that the caller enters, which I probably should
02:18.38fujinfor example, you can add Local/123124124124@agents to the queue.
02:18.57fujinwill probably have to use a context to take care of the checking
02:19.20Yourname`That's a security issue almost
02:19.36fujinnot really
02:19.39fujincontrolled environment
02:20.00fujinIt should be quite easy to change it.
02:20.13fujininstead of calling queue-add directly, i'll jump them into a controller context
02:20.17fujinwhich then adds and removes as necessary
02:21.01Yourname`I'm trying to figure out a way to simply agents dialing in to logout, and dialing in another ext to logout.
02:21.14Yourname`Maybe even tweak mocker's script..
02:21.27Yourname`But it uses DBget, reading about it.
02:21.29Yourname`brb, dinnah
02:22.11*** join/#asterisk mog (
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02:22.23fujinYourname`: queue-add is my macro for it
02:27.22*** join/#asterisk Trionnis (
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02:29.28Trionnisanyone like to hazard a guess as to why I'm getting a 407 from an inbound sip call when I have autocreatepeer=yes and allowguest=yes in sip.conf on a 1.2.22 build?
02:30.19Trionnisfor reference, these are coming from a VoiceGenie vxml server
02:32.42*** join/#asterisk Vorondil (n=vorondil@unaffiliated/vorondil)
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02:34.57Trionnis"SIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required
02:35.16Trionnis"SIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required" is the exact error I'm seeing in sip debug
02:36.29fujinYourname`: fixed that little issue, would you like to see my updated code?
02:36.37fujinnow it checks if the agent is valid :)
02:37.05fujingee, I'm good ;]
02:37.52*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
02:38.04fujin"login incorrect, please enter your agent number"
02:38.07fujinchrist AEL is awesome
02:38.16fujinops: please pass on my gratitude to whoever designed pbx_ael.c
02:39.52TrionnisI should also clarify that the VG server doesn't register with asterisk
02:40.04Trionnisit's just a straight sip handoff
02:44.46*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
02:48.01fujinpresent for anyone wondering about queues
02:54.17JunK-Ycould someone try: exten => 81,1,SayUnixTime(${STRPTIME(2007-08-22 22:23:59||%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)});  and tell me what time they are streamed with their timezones?
02:55.59*** join/#asterisk asterisknerds (n=asterisk@
02:57.43Yourname`fujin: sure
02:58.04fujinfixed that
02:58.15fujin see?
02:59.16fujinnow it checks for valid agent virtual numbers ;]
03:00.26fujinisn't that incredible? I think so.
03:02.57ZaVoidstupid set Language
03:03.13Yourname`I'm looking at it.. and it's harder than extensions.conf for me to understand, lol
03:05.19*** join/#asterisk denon (
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03:05.47Yourname`The line that makes no sense: exten => *06,1,Dial(Local/*04@fwtq/n,,D(${CALLERIDNUM}#${CALLERIDNUM}##))
03:08.36*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
03:09.44ZaVoidwow that looks like a fun dial command
03:09.49ZaVoidoes it work?
03:10.14ZaVoidbecause thsi doesn't: exten => s,n,Set(CHANNEL(language)=es)
03:10.45*** join/#asterisk antlers (
03:11.56JunK-YZaVoid: yes it works in 1.4
03:12.01JunK-Ywhats wrong?
03:12.08ZaVoidno it doesn't
03:12.12ZaVoidi've set it
03:12.19ZaVoidit still plays "en" files in the channel
03:12.36ZaVoidunless theres somthing wrong with that syntax i don't see
03:12.57JunK-Ydo you have the prompts ?
03:13.17ZaVoidworks fine when i have an acount with language set to es
03:13.20JunK-Y(probably in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/es/*
03:13.57ZaVoidPlaying 'dollars' (language 'en')
03:14.07ZaVoidshould be es when i set the language in the channel
03:14.08*** join/#asterisk Olobola (n=sfsdsdfs@
03:14.22ZaVoidsays it sets.. but it doesn't far as i can tell
03:14.37ZaVoidbut i can't NoOp it either
03:14.58Olobolahhmmmmmmm......... WARNING[7636]: app_voicemail.c:6131 vm_authenticate: Unable to read password!
03:15.02Olobolaany suggestions?
03:15.29ZaVoidnot from me :(
03:16.09JunK-YZaVoid: pastebin full CLI output.
03:16.14JunK-YOlobola: use the correct pass?
03:16.16*** part/#asterisk coldsteal (n=coldstea@unaffiliated/coldsteal)
03:16.24Olobolathanks anywho
03:18.43*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
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03:20.24ZaVoidheres the macro
03:22.02JunK-Y1.4 ?
03:22.44ZaVoidyeah this test box is 1.4.5
03:22.56ZaVoidi need to upgrade it anyways.. but still should work
03:23.35ZaVoidwierd right?
03:23.58ZaVoidever use set lang?
03:24.06JunK-Yof course, im french canadian
03:24.19ZaVoidok :)
03:24.31JunK-YPlayback(vm-intro); gives you what?
03:24.31ZaVoidso my syntax looks right right?
03:24.52ZaVoidwant me to add that?
03:25.11JunK-Ymake sure you have french sounds too
03:25.31ZaVoid[root@SFStagingAsterisk es]# ls card-*
03:25.31ZaVoidcard-balance-is.wav  card-is-invalid.wav  card-number.wav
03:25.31ZaVoid[root@SFStagingAsterisk es]# pwd
03:25.36ZaVoidthats my spanish directory
03:25.47ZaVoidand my accounts that are set to language=es play the sound files fine
03:26.24ZaVoidits the ones that are set to language=en that i want to overirde in the context of this macro
03:26.45Yourname`Oh man, the login/logout thing doesn't work from voip-wiki
03:27.03Yourname`That coupled with my broken down knowledge of the dialplan, doesn't work for sure!
03:29.02ZaVoidjunk can you show me an example of you use set channel lang?
03:29.32JunK-Yexten => *98,1,Set(LANGUAGE(language)=fr);
03:29.32JunK-Yexten => *98,n,VoicemailMain(${CALLERID(num)});
03:31.24*** join/#asterisk mtaht4 (
03:35.47ZaVoiddoes it not like my s?
03:36.13*** join/#asterisk remmo (n=junk@
03:36.40ZaVoidthat possible?
03:37.34*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
03:38.55JunK-Ydo exactly what i told you, that will work for sure.
03:40.35ZaVoidthe fr thing
03:40.37ZaVoidi'l give it a try
03:42.26ZaVoidSet("SIP/028810-090cb508", "LANGUAGE(language)=fr") in new stack
03:42.33ZaVoidwhich is the same as my spanish line
03:43.07ZaVoidoh wait
03:43.10ZaVoidi see a difference hold on
03:47.12*** join/#asterisk heelios (
03:47.32ZaVoidnah doesn't like it
03:47.37ZaVoidi'll check again in the morning i gues
03:47.39heelioshi. i have a spa-3102 that claims that my pstn voltage is -51V. is that bad? <_<
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04:03.56[TK]D-Fenderheelios, No, its only a little off.
04:04.22heelios[TK]D-Fender: alright. thank you.
04:04.30*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
04:04.47heelios[TK]D-Fender: but shouldn't it be +51V?
04:05.15[TK]D-Fenderheelios, no, -48vdc
04:05.57*** join/#asterisk anonymiss (
04:06.14heelios[TK]D-Fender: okies. thanks a lot. i was a tad worried i inverted phases somewhere and it'd scew something up. :P
04:06.33Yourname`fujin: AQM/RQM it is!! Thanks a tonnn!!
04:06.39*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
04:06.53[TK]D-Fenderheelios, No, phone wires run NEGATIVE voltage.  It helps prevent oxidization on the line.
04:07.54*** join/#asterisk perf3kt (
04:08.37fujinYourname`: :D
04:08.46fujinYourname`: AEL? ;]
04:09.02Yourname`Oh shut it, not so soon! lol
04:09.38Yourname`AQM/RQM was so easy, I don't even care if it says logged in to a person who does it again while logged in, heh.. cuz it's cool
04:11.25fujinuse the AEL!
04:11.26[TK]D-Fenderfujin, its not "the new crack"...
04:11.37[TK]D-Fenderfujin, So put down the pipe....
04:11.48fujingo die :P
04:11.51fujinAEL is awesome
04:11.58Yourname`new crack, lolol
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04:16.51JTheelios: what made you imagine it was +15V?
04:17.06heeliosJT: My ignorance, mostly.
04:17.31JTwell it's negative because positive is bonded to earth at the exchange
04:17.59JTand it's nominal -48VDC, but often closer to 50V, due to the power supply voltage, needing to charge the batteries
04:18.11JTsometimes they use 25 cell banks instead of 24 cell banks, too
04:18.11fujinfor dialplan matching, is the closest match matched first?
04:18.28fujini.e;, if I have _10900. will that be matched before _10. ?
04:19.06WilliamKhey JT, ever have any probs with Polycom's behind NAT?
04:19.17JTnot once i set them up properly, WilliamK
04:19.26JTmind you, my NAT device doesn't suck arse ;)
04:19.36WilliamKgot a good walkthrough doc to reference?
04:19.50jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
04:20.00*** join/#asterisk supjigator (n=sysgod@
04:20.45supjigatorAnyone have any pointers on getting fax to email working on 1.2.24?  Something changed on an upgrade and its not making past the rxfax hangup.
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04:21.02supjigatorLooks like it ends before it exec the mail command
04:24.25*** join/#asterisk Tako-san (n=Tako-san@
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04:25.30kiscokidAnyone know what these messages mean: "Remote UNIX connection" and "Remote UNIX connection disconnected"?
04:25.52Yourname`Hmm, this is weird. When an AddQueueMember is done for the same agent that's already logged in, it says "Already in queue" on the CLI. But when a RemoveQueueMember is done even when the agent is NOT logged in, it doesn't show anything.. but repeate logged off messages in CLI
04:26.10JTkiscokid: it means an asterisk console is connecting and disocnnecting
04:26.32kiscokidJT: thanks
04:26.55Olobolait doesn't look like I'm getting any DTMF tones through to asterisk. Where should I start?
04:27.21JTOlobola: i don't know, that'd depend on what you're doing
04:28.03supjigatorHow do I get asterisk to send the tif after rxfax hangs up?  It is exiting for some reason and not executing the priorty after the rxfax.
04:28.51JTwell that's normal
04:29.15JTi think anyway
04:29.30JTtxfax and rxfax isn't much of an asterisk question anyway ;)
04:29.35OlobolaJT: I'm just trying to check voicemail through eyebeam.
04:29.54*** join/#asterisk trwunna (n=trwunna@
04:29.58supjigatorJT: rxfax is working I've having trouble with executing a command after hangup.
04:30.03JTOlobola: "i am using the eyebeam softphone to connect to asterisk through SIP" right
04:30.15supjigatorI think I need a new context so I can put a h prio.
04:30.32OlobolaJT: yes
04:30.43JTOlobola: what dtmf mode are you using?
04:31.16OlobolaJT: dtmfmode=auto  ?
04:32.25trwunnaanybody can help me pls, I face with "SIP/2.0 500 Internal Server Error"
04:32.46IgorGtrwunna: where?
04:32.59trwunnaat Micronet client side
04:33.13trwunnai was using SIP server
04:33.31kiscokidwhich sip server?
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04:34.01trwunnaSIP based with OpenCa ver 4.1.10
04:34.28JTOlobola: what codec are you using?
04:34.39kiscokidwhat's openca?
04:34.48trwunnacodec : 723, 711, 729
04:35.01Yourname`Hmm whats the command that can read the value of a variable in the CLI? NoOp? Read? Hmm, read
04:35.26*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
04:36.10Yourname`Not that either
04:37.17Yourname`Nvmd, I'm trying to display the callerid of the person who is calling in on the CLI, how do I?
04:37.42trwunnahi yourname ;CLIP=TRUE
04:38.08Yourname`Hi trwunna, what do you mean?
04:38.39trwunnaYourname : do u want to get callerid? so you have to change the status of CLIP=TRUE
04:38.42OlobolaJT: ulaw
04:39.09JTOlobola: set the dtmf mode to rfc2833
04:39.11Yourname`trwunna: Where?
04:39.20JTi have no idea what auto is using atm
04:39.28trwunnaYourname: at server side
04:41.03fujinhey, anyone familiar with System()?
04:41.20JTyes, it runs stuff :)
04:42.31fujinSystem(date|mutt -s "User ${CALLERID(name)} ${CALLERID(num)} tried t
04:42.31fujino dial an 0900";
04:42.34fujindoesn't appear to be working
04:42.36fujinerr, that's
04:42.48Yourname`trwunna: I set the env variable CLIP=TRUE and then stopped asterisk, and restarted it and tested. Didn't work.
04:42.49fujinSystem(date|mutt -s "blabla";
04:42.53fujindoesn't wanna work
04:43.22trwunnaYourname` you want to appear in receiving side ?
04:43.40*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
04:43.44Yourname`trwunna: When a caller calls inbound to asterisk, I want to see his callerid on the CLI.
04:44.26trwunnayes, i mostly do CLIP=TRUE at my server side. it's ok
04:44.41*** join/#asterisk threat (
04:45.35Yourname`trwunna: Doesn't seem to be working for some reason. My asterisks are running as root. Does that make a difference?
04:46.17trwunnano, i dont think it
04:46.55Yourname`trwunna: Well, then.. it doesn't work. I've actually been trying to make some env variables today and it hasn't been working.
04:47.15*** join/#asterisk jeebusroxors (
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04:48.24aikokuvnHi all
04:48.43supjigatorhow do a make a command run after hangup?  It seems to be exiting the context before the next priority
04:48.48aikokuvnCould I ask you a question about Asterisk debugging
04:49.19aikokuvnI am using AMI to originate a call
04:50.07aikokuvnAfter I send Originate action to Asterisk, the new call is created normally
04:51.02aikokuvnbut after that call finish a few seconds, Asterisk's %CPU is ~99%
04:51.10JTtrwunna: what the hell are you talking about? never heard of this CLIP= thing
04:51.41trwunnaCLIP= calling Identifier Presentation
04:51.46JTi know that
04:51.54JTwhere are you suggesting changing this variable?
04:52.01aikokuvnhow could I detect what thread are owning CPU so much ?
04:52.23trwunnawhen we create SIP phone, we need to write first batch file, and then need to run on MMI
04:53.10trwunnaMMI=man mechine interface
04:53.10trwunnaOpenca install on Solaris
04:53.34JTno wonder
04:53.43JTdid Yourname` ask about openca?
04:54.06trwunnaasking CLI
04:54.11kiscokidits some kind of open source certificate authority
04:54.14Yourname`No I didn't.. lol
04:54.29JTthis CLIP=TRUE thing has nothing to do with asterisk
04:54.30trwunnaanything wrong with my answer?
04:54.33fujinhey; what should i use instead of ${DATETIME} now?
04:54.43JTtrwunna: i think you're trying to waste Yourname`'s time
04:54.56Yourname`Well, I tried it, heh
04:54.59trwunnaif so, so sorry,,
04:55.11*** join/#asterisk asterisknerds (n=asterisk@
04:55.12fujinerr, not ${DATETIME}
04:55.14trwunnacoz, i was using both of H323 and SIP
04:55.18JTfujin: ${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)}
04:55.28trwunnaat H323, i change CLIP=TRUE, then caller id is ok
04:55.30trwunnathat why
04:55.32JTYourname`: ignore this CLIP nonsense
04:55.41*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
04:55.47fujinoh ta
04:55.48trwunnaJT, let me get the true answer,,
04:56.03Yourname`JT: I tried it, didn't work.. now I'm looking elsewhere. I thought it'd be something in the dialplan, but I just gave it a try..
04:56.21JTYourname`: it's very easy
04:56.36JTadd this priority in the relevant dialplan extension(s)
04:56.55Yourname`JT: I remember seeing it somewhere, just forgot to note it down.
04:57.00Yourname`That's it!
04:57.05Yourname`Thanks so much, lol
04:57.08Yourname`I tried Read, and Echo
04:57.10Yourname`blah me
04:57.14JTor Verbose(CID: ${CALLERID(num)})
04:57.36JTi use this myself
04:57.37JTVerbose(CIDNumber:${CALLERID(num)} CID-ANI:${CALLERID(ani
04:58.17kiscokidI just found out something important today, never assume that somebody didn't cut your 25 pair cable somewhere between the MPOE and your phone closet
04:58.43kiscokidminimum point of entry
04:58.50*** join/#asterisk YonahW-Work (
04:59.19Yourname`JT: I was trying the first one with CALLERID(num).. but didn't know which application to use.
04:59.29Yourname`JT: Thank you very much, it works!:)
04:59.40JTVerbose or NoOp, i prefer Verbose
05:00.29Yourname`JT: Since we're talking about variables, would you know anything about changing the CLI prompt by changing the env variable ASTERISK_PROMPT=$l1, etc? (Re: ast 1.4 /doc/cliprompt.txt)
05:00.42JTi've never bothered
05:00.49Yourname`I tried setting the env variables, stop'd and start'd asterisk, and yet never works.
05:00.56trwunnaJT, can i ask for H323 Protocol , VOIP to VOIP call have no ring tone, can u help me?
05:02.27JTnope, i'm not silly enough to play with H.323 in asterisk :P
05:02.54trwunnacan i ask personally at outside via mail ?
05:03.14trwunnaor in private
05:03.24JTi don't see how that will help
05:03.26Yourname`JT: Verbose(Caller: ${CALLERID(num)} calling $DID) -> What variable holds the number that the caller is calling on asterisk?
05:04.29matt_JT, hello :)
05:04.33*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
05:04.37[TK]D-FenderJT : pointless answer :p
05:05.11fujinYourname`: depends on how the call gets to there ;)
05:05.36fujinif the call gets to the point that you're doing a verbose on default extensions, then asterisk will never know
05:05.54JTmatt_: hi :)
05:06.13Yourname`fujin: First comes to the inbound context, and is then forwarded to the exten of the queue..
05:06.17JTYourname`: automatic number identification, isn't populated on most PRIs
05:06.31JT[TK]D-Fender: ?
05:06.35Yourname`JT: No PRI usage at all, voip.
05:06.45JTeven less likely then, Yourname`
05:06.50*** join/#asterisk weasel00 (
05:06.53Yourname`ah hmm
05:06.55JTsip has crappy signalling for this sort of stuff
05:07.23[TK]D-FenderJT : ${EXTEN} only tells you whre you ARE, not where you STARTED :)
05:08.00JT[TK]D-Fender: it's fine for me most of the time
05:09.01[TK]D-FenderJT : Depends where you check it and only matters if you are in the initial exten <-
05:09.18JTif it's a macro, i pass it in to the macro explicitly
05:09.35[TK]D-Fenderjt : means even LESS on analog.
05:10.47OlobolaJT: I set dtmfmode=rfc2833, reloaded but still no go.
05:11.01JTOlobola: check what eyebeam is using.
05:14.10weasel00on asterisk-gui ... when i log in it gives a popup saying "permissions are not setup correcly" where else can i troubleshoot this?
05:17.12weasel00whoops wrong room.. my apologies
05:18.55*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
05:20.24JTchannel >:|
05:21.20Yourname`Things are still a little AOLish here.
05:21.27Yourname`Anyway, I'm off to bed.
05:21.47Yourname`Good night errbody, thanks fujin, JT and [TK]D-Fender ..
05:23.31*** join/#asterisk lbow (
05:23.50OlobolaJT: I tried through IAX and it worked fine, so it is an eyebeam issue. Thank you!
05:24.45JTi knew it was an issue with sip
05:24.51JTi was trying to work out which one...
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05:39.42weasel00how can i tell if the manager.conf is getting loaded?
05:46.51matt_weasel00, if you run 'module reload' it will say
05:49.19weasel00matt_ : thanks... it is loading it...#$%^
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06:21.10McDouglasanyone could help me with some basic quastions?
06:21.33McDouglasquestions, even
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06:26.47flendersMcDouglas: ask the questions
06:27.14McDouglasi'm having some trouble understanding some basic concepts
06:27.21jbotsomebody said book was a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
06:27.46McDouglasi'm reading the asterisk book and i cant see why do we use FXS signaling on an FXO channel
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06:28.18axscodewhats the url for asterisk installation how-to?
06:28.51jarod14hi guys
06:29.21jbotfrom memory, fxsfxo is an FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage. You can connect it to a PSTN line from the telco. An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage. You can connect a phone or a fax to it.
06:30.12McDouglasyes exactly
06:30.31McDouglasbut why do i use the opposite signaling on a given port?
06:33.11McDouglashere, let me use an example
06:33.37flendersdo you really need to know more than that?
06:33.39McDouglasi ahve the tdm400P card with 2 fxs and 2 fxo modules
06:34.03McDouglasaccording to the manual, port1 is fxs (green)
06:34.22McDouglasbut in zaptel.conf i have to use fxoks=1,2 parameter
06:34.33McDouglasor else the cfg warn me that i put it in reverse
06:34.54flendersfxo signalling for an fxs port
06:34.59flendersnothing wrong with that
06:35.01McDouglasso why is fxoks=1,2 is set for an fxs port?
06:35.13McDouglasshouldnt it be the same?
06:35.47*** join/#asterisk Airwolf- (n=ibro@
06:35.55McDouglaslol, then i'm lost :P
06:36.19flendersjust remember the're the opposite from each other and you're fine
06:36.24Airwolf-anyone know where to find iaxclient API reference ?
06:36.42Airwolf-i saw on the web to drop by in #iaxclient or #asterisk
06:36.51McDouglasohhh wait, i think i understand
06:37.01flendersFXO ports use fxs signalling and FXS ports use fxo signalling
06:37.08McDouglasso on an fxs port i have to use the other end's signaling?
06:37.32McDouglaslol, its too early to think :P
06:37.46flendersjust remember their opposites.
06:38.20McDouglasbtw, can i test the dialtone without asterisk if the card is sintalled and configured?
06:38.55flendersasterisk needs to be running
06:40.05McDouglashmm, reading the book it seems like the only configs i have to edit to make a basic test is zaptel.conf and extensions.conf, right?
06:40.28McDouglaserr zapata, lol
06:41.04axscodejust want to ask: i have a quad TDM PCI, is this design specifically to a certain PCI voltage?
06:42.29axscodeand whats the RED and GREEN stands for in the module?
06:42.57McDouglasif you ask wheter 3,3 or 5v is supported, the tdm400p can work with both
06:43.20axscodeok so i dont worry with that anymore
06:43.28McDouglasalso, red is FXS is green, and FXO is red
06:43.44axscodesay what?
06:43.45McDouglasalso, FXS is green, and FXO is red
06:43.54jbotforeign exchange office - type of port you need to connect a POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) line from your telco to a pbx
06:44.07axscodeso RED is for my TELCO, and Green is for my phone
06:44.37axscodeok hmm
06:44.39axscodeone last question
06:44.43axscodewhats the flow of installation
06:44.53McDouglasdont mix it up, according to the manual that can kill the card/module :P
06:45.16McDouglasmaybe download the card's manual
06:45.30McDouglasi could install it with that without any problems
06:46.10axscodezaptel, libpri, asterisk, sounds, addons right?
06:46.13ZefKHi, When a call is not answered, * add an aditional record in cdr without, where clid is just the number and not the name and destination is 's' ... is it a normal behaviour ?
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06:55.33axscodehi guyz, can you gimme link how to install asterisk?
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06:58.03axscodewhats the kernel needs for * 1.4?
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07:09.41FlatFootgood morning
07:12.07tengulreFlatFoot: good afernoon here, hehe..
07:12.53FlatFoottengulre: you must be east of the UK
07:13.26tzafrir_laptopaxscode, 2.6?
07:13.47tengulreFlatFoot: I m in China
07:13.54tzafrir_laptopaxscode, on which distro?
07:15.16FlatFoottengulre: i'm sitting here watching the rain ( as usual ) whats china like at the moe ?
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07:24.43The_LightSidehi all, im having an issue with call drops... 1.4 seems to be on transfer back into a queue
07:24.47The_LightSideany ideas?
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07:32.57Olobolacan anyone see why code execution is ending after "answerPhone()" is called?
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07:37.10flendersaxscode: you don't need libpri for a TDM400 card
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08:42.43JerJermoo ?
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09:04.45McDouglasokay, i attached an analog phone to the tdm card, configured it according the asterisk book
09:04.49McDouglasbut there is no dialtone
09:04.51McDouglaswhats wrong?
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09:08.04Maloudahi, i've been searching around but can't find a solid answer for this question, is there a way to log whether a call is video or non-video call?
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09:17.23jeremy_gThe sip users on my asterisk box have sip username=a 4 digit prefix + there extension, it is required here that the sip username be same as there sip extension. so i need to modify the asterisk code to add the 4 digit prefix in the sip username. Any thoughts on how this can be done?
09:18.14jeremy_gIs there some way to achieve this without modifying the code?
09:19.27*** join/#asterisk Aces1Up (
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09:20.24codechi there
09:20.40codeccan someone tell me how to set the outgoing number in a * .call file?
09:23.28McDouglaswhy does asterisk not pick up if i ring it?
09:23.45McDouglas"ztmonitor" does display the ringing
09:30.26Airwolf-what's the difference between queues.conf and Dial(a&b&c) ?
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09:38.23Airwolf-err, i mean difference between queues and ring groups
09:39.38s0ckmoh with queues etc
09:40.17Airwolf-do they behave the same way (in case of ringall strategy for queue)?
09:41.11Airwolf-i use ring groups for now for a quick shot to save my neck ...
09:42.48s0ckringall/round round/least calls
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09:43.13s0ckthink they both do the same thing ultimately except the caller gets dumped to moh whilst the extensions are rung
09:43.27Airwolf-thank you s0ck
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09:44.57Airwolf-so if all channels are busy, queues won't hang up the call and ringgroups will hang up the call?
09:47.26s0cki dont think they necessarily hang the call...
09:48.47Airwolf-brb, moving .. it's too cold in here ... i'm frozen
09:48.54The_LightSideis there a known issue with transferring a queue call back into a queue? (1.4.2 svn branch)
09:51.50*** join/#asterisk Tond (
09:52.14TondHi is it better to ahve all calls in G729 format or have a combo of half in G729 and half in G711?
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09:52.46mjmarriohello all
09:52.59TondI ahve a GW that only accept G729 and i ahve another one which i am flexible on the codec, now i am not sure which one puts more load on the system, transcode or have all call legs in G729?
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09:56.52hanki am looking for a list of recommended windows sip clients for asterisk. is there a list of some sort?
09:57.52Airwolf-look at
09:58.29Tondeyebeam works fine for me
09:58.36Tondused ot be x-pro
09:58.42Tondand x-lite
09:59.17hankAirwolf-: actually i already did but could not really find a softphone list. did i miss something?
09:59.25Drew__does the "make linux26" thing no longer exist for zaptel-1.4 ?
10:00.24tzafrir_laptopDrew__, no. But latest zaptels has 'make modules' that actually works
10:00.41tzafrir_laptopDrew__, or just run 'make'
10:00.58tzafrir_laptopNo need to do anything special for linux 2.6
10:01.23Drew__tza - ah ok :)
10:02.31hankok well to ask a precise questions: i need recommendations for windows sip phones free for commercial use. any hints?
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10:04.54Drew__hank -
10:05.21hankDrew__: uh ok, thanks :)
10:06.28Drew__hank - i dont really know what you should use, i just used xlite for testing purposes, for normal ops i have hardware phones - but look at the list, you might find something that suits your needs
10:07.42hankDrew__: same here... the softphone will only be used for testing.
10:08.21mjmarriois it possible to override a global variable in dialplan in a context used by an extension?
10:08.56Drew__isnt that contra the definition of "global"?
10:09.04mjmarriowell yeah
10:09.09mjmarrioI guess
10:09.24hankimho it'd make sense to have a variable globally defined with the ability to override it locally...
10:09.26mjmarriobut will it override?
10:09.37hankbut... thats just me: a programming nub :-p
10:10.48Airwolf-err, anyone know how to detect if a call have been picked up ?
10:10.59Airwolf-is it s-ANSWER ?
10:11.14*** join/#asterisk clandmeter (n=Carlo@
10:11.26mjmarrioanyway I note that my ${TRUNK} var is set in the global section and a macro seems to use it ok but if I overide ${TRUNK} in a context used by an extension prior to another include => , will it override?
10:12.26Airwolf-perhaps ...
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10:24.52UatecI've recorded a voicemail (wav49) and now i want to be able to Playback this specific wav file when i dial an extension
10:25.00Uatecbut when i do Playback i get:
10:27.41Uatecyou see it says "Unable to open file on ...
10:27.47Uatecand then shows the exact path of the file
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10:34.17Wonkaany idea why automon works with "automon => *", but not with "automon => *1"?
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10:41.33Uatecit was bitching because it should have had a WAV extensions, not wav
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10:46.56gr0mithola - anyone had any experience with R2 signalling in Argentina with chan_unicall ?
10:48.14s0ckanyone know how to change the useragent string asterisk send on register?
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10:54.05McDouglashow do i know if asterisk detects my tdm400p card?
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11:01.37manyhow are Realtime and "hints" compatible with each other?
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11:14.22tzafrir_laptopMcDouglas, check the zaptel README on how to see that in the output of cat /proc/zaptel/*
11:15.06tzafrir_laptopat least in zaptel >= 1.4.5 or 1.2 >= 1.2.20
11:15.33tzafrir_laptopor pastebin the output of that command
11:15.43McDouglasSpan 1: WCTDM/0 "Wildcard TDM400P REV I Board 1"
11:15.54McDouglasi know that the driver see it
11:16.00McDouglasbut i'm not sure if asterisk does
11:20.57mjmarriozap show status
11:21.24McDouglasasterisk*CLI> zap show status
11:21.25McDouglasNo such command 'zap show' (type 'help' for help)
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11:21.46mjmarriowell that means that your card is not detected / zap libs not loaded
11:21.57jhiverany body knows what     -- IAX2/etang-sale-2 stopped sounds
11:22.01jhivermight mean?
11:22.07mjmarriodo a ztcfg -vvv
11:22.19McDouglasi did everything thaht the card's manual told me to do :\
11:22.27McDouglasand the compilation did succed
11:22.38mjmarriowhat does zttool say?
11:22.42McDouglasztcfg -vvv
11:22.48McDouglasChannel map:
11:22.50McDouglasChannel 01: FXO Loopstart (Default) (Slaves: 01)
11:22.50McDouglasChannel 02: FXO Loopstart (Default) (Slaves: 02)
11:22.50McDouglasChannel 03: FXS Loopstart (Default) (Slaves: 03)
11:22.50McDouglasChannel 04: FXS Loopstart (Default) (Slaves: 04)
11:22.50McDouglas4 channels configured.
11:22.55McDouglasno zttool was made
11:23.05mjmarrionvr mind
11:23.07McDouglasi guess because it was missing libnewt
11:23.17mjmarriohave you configured zaptel.conf and zapata.conf?
11:23.24McDouglas(altough i isntalled the libnewt package...)
11:23.30UatecWhat command do i use in extensions.conf to play a wav file and listen for dtmf?
11:23.50Strom_MMcDouglas: did you compile asterisk /after/ compiling zaptel?
11:24.07s0ckany ideas why my register command is not honouring my fromdomain= and sending the host= instead?
11:24.09Strom_Mand is zapata.conf configured correctly?
11:25.14McDouglasyes i compiled asterisk last
11:25.15s0ckgetting a sip 404 back
11:25.18McDouglashere are the configs
11:25.29mjmarriolsmod show the driver has loaded?
11:25.46McDouglasasterisk:/etc/asterisk# lsmod |grep wc
11:25.47McDouglaswctdm                  32992  0
11:25.47McDouglaszaptel                181924  1 wctdm
11:26.44McDouglasdo i have to specify when configuring asterisk that it should use the zaptel libs?
11:26.49McDouglasor it does use it automaticaly?
11:27.15mjmarrioshouldn't there be a zttranscode?
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11:28.03McDouglasthere is an other card in the system
11:28.06mjmarrioedit /etc/sysconfig/zaptel
11:28.06McDouglascould that be the problem?
11:28.13mjmarriowhat is the card
11:28.39UatecDIE B410P
11:28.58mjmarriowell maybe but I don't think so
11:29.04JTwhy do people keep buying that junk
11:29.22McDouglaswe havent bought it that, testing now
11:29.23JTb410p == only works with crappy misdn
11:29.25McDouglasbut if its a junk we wont :P
11:29.27Uatecbecause it's digum, and people who don't know about it assume that digium must be good suppliers
11:29.35Uatecand becuase it's got onboard echo cancelling
11:29.42axscodemake[37]: execvp: /bin/sh: Argument list too long
11:29.45Uateci wants me a sangoma a500
11:29.59manyis it possible to Dial(Agent/someone)?
11:30.33McDouglasmjmarrio: no syscnfig dir
11:31.20s0ckquality on the b410p is the bomb
11:31.22mjmarriosorry /etc/sysconfig/zaptel
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11:31.34JTas in bad
11:31.37McDouglasno, i meant sysconfig :P
11:31.42s0ckJT: any ideas on sip register etc
11:31.54mjmarriowhat ver of asterisk?
11:32.08McDouglasthe current
11:32.25s0ckme? 1.2.19
11:32.30mjmarriorunning on?
11:32.34JTmisdn is utterly useless with NT mode
11:33.18s0ckMcDouglas: i do remember reading somewhere that *unconfigured* cards were causing zaptel issues
11:33.36McDouglashmm, maybe i'll remove it
11:33.54McDouglasJT: well, i'm only paning to use it in Te mode
11:33.55mjmarriowell it would eliminate it as a poss
11:33.57s0ckthis is surely still not an issue?
11:34.46s0ckit seems the register command is oblivious to the rest of the context it lives in
11:34.58s0ckso there must be a way of specifying a fromdomain in the register but i cannot see how
11:35.38*** join/#asterisk AsteriskProblems (n=pbarnsle@
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11:36.30mjmarriomany: Yes it is I have done it
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11:36.57AsteriskProblemscan anyone help me - i have asterisknow but i get lots of errors in the log file when it starts up about database connection problems
11:37.32tzafrir_laptopMcDouglas, that output of the command you pasted indicates that the card was detected, and configuration was applied successfully by ztcfg, but asterisk does not use it (no "in use")
11:37.44JTnot really the channel for asterisk gui
11:38.06mjmarriohow can I map an extension to use a specific trunk in outgoing call?
11:38.14AsteriskProblemsno-one on the asterisknow channel is talking
11:38.20McDouglasremoving the b410p didnt help
11:38.30AsteriskProblemsi think the error is probably quite generic to asterisk tho
11:38.34mjmarriowhat db r u using?
11:38.50JTAsteriskProblems: it is not, asterisk does not connect to a db by default
11:39.02tzafrir_laptopMcDouglas, what is the output of: zap show channels
11:39.04jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
11:39.20tzafrir_laptopin the asterisk CLI
11:39.21McDouglasNo such command 'zap show'
11:39.36AsteriskProblemsoh right, well im quite new to this, i just want it to "work" the conf fiels show details on various databases but it is trying to use postgresql
11:39.40AsteriskProblemsthis is the first error
11:39.41AsteriskProblemsres_config_pgsql.c: Postgresql RealTime: No database socket found, using '/tmp/pgsql.sock' as default.
11:39.57mjmarrioNot sure what zttranscode does but I think it needs to be there
11:40.06AsteriskProblemsthen i get this error:
11:40.07AsteriskProblemsres_config_pgsql.c: Postgresql RealTime: Failed to connect database server asterisk on Check debug for more info.
11:40.32UatecWhat command do i use in extensions.conf to play a wav file and listen for dtmf?
11:40.35McDouglasoh well
11:40.41McDouglasi think i1m gonna restart from scratch
11:40.49McDouglasmaybe i screwed up something during compiling
11:41.01AsteriskProblemsthere are quite a few different lines of db connection errors
11:41.12AsteriskProblemsi dont mind disabling all that if it is not necessary?
11:41.55mjmarriowell you need to try to connect to ur db from the command line using the same db name and passwd
11:42.02mjmarriocheck to see if it works
11:42.23mjmarrioif u cant do it there then asterisk wont be able to
11:42.29AsteriskProblemsim guessing the asterisknow install creates the db's it needs? because i never have
11:43.14mjmarriowell if u want to use realtime then you should not use AsteriskNow
11:43.27mjmarriocompile asterisk and asterisk-addons
11:43.53AsteriskProblemsoh i see
11:43.58mjmarrioasterisk now does not use db
11:44.10AsteriskProblemsthe reason i chose asterisknow was just to see if i could check what the call quality was like
11:44.25mjmarriowell that has nothing to do with a db
11:44.49AsteriskProblemsok.. ignoring the db stuff, I have set it up to make internal calls between extensions but I am unable to dial out, if i do sip show register it has not registered the account, and the log file shows a time out
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11:45.25AsteriskProblemsi am behind a firewall, and have granted the asterisk machine full pass through on all ports so i dont think it is that...
11:45.47mjmarrioI think sip show register is meant to show registrations with remote pbx's
11:46.03AsteriskProblemsi tried signing up with internetcall.scom
11:46.15AsteriskProblemsand i can make a test call from my desktop using their own app
11:46.30AsteriskProblemsi added detail to sip.conf and extensions.conf but still no job
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11:48.02AsteriskProblemsthis is what i get in the log:
11:48.02AsteriskProblemsRegistration for '' timed out, trying again (Attempt #33)
11:48.13AsteriskProblemsand it just keeps going....
11:48.14mjmarriowell just make sure ur sip.conf entries are in the same context and then that context is included in the extensions.conf file
11:49.09mjmarriothe number you allocated say 333 should be like exten => 333,1,Dial(SIP/fred,30,tTr) or something like that
11:49.29mjmarrioso fred is defined in your sip.conf file
11:49.51mjmarrio333 is included in the same context umbrella as fred's entry in sip.conf
11:49.56s0cki am the bomb
11:50.06s0ckaliased the address in /etc/hosts
11:50.38mjmarrioonce you got two sip extensions connecting then the rest is straight fwd
11:50.47AsteriskProblemsbut if its saying time out in the log surely its not even getting as far as the extensions.conf file?
11:51.10AsteriskProblemsi have two extensions on my lan which can call each other fine, just dialing out thats the problem
11:51.16AsteriskProblemsthis is my sip.conf entry:
11:51.30AsteriskProblemsthe header on that section is [internetcalls]
11:51.36mjmarriowell I would forget about registering with a remote machine and if I did it would be with an iax register since it does not have any NAT problems
11:51.47mjmarrioget ur local stuff working first
11:51.55AsteriskProblemslocal is working
11:52.03mjmarrioif you look at iax.conf you will see there are some default registers in there.
11:52.12AsteriskProblemsyes.. how do i use them?
11:52.16mjmarrioto test
11:53.28AsteriskProblemsi also tried an iax provider - i got no error messages but still couldnt call out, though i suspect the provider was at fault so I would like to try some other iax providers
11:53.55mjmarriook what is ur register statement in the iax.conf file?
11:54.26mjmarrioand from the CLI you should see a registration using iax2 show registry
11:54.45mjmarrioyou should be "registered" with that provider
11:54.50AsteriskProblemsok checking...
11:55.00*** join/#asterisk asterisknerds (n=asterisk@
11:55.19AsteriskProblemsthere are no registrations on that show registry command
11:55.27tzafrir_laptopMcDouglas, so your asterisk probably has no chan_zap built
11:55.28AsteriskProblemsi suspect that provider is at fault, so I will try another
11:55.48AsteriskProblemshow do i try one of the default ones?
11:56.00mjmarriowhat is the entry in ur iax.conf?
11:56.16tzafrir_laptopMcDouglas, you need to re-run ./configure (and make) in the asterisk source dir after installing zaptel
11:56.32AsteriskProblemsi have [general] [guest] [iaxtel] [iaxfwd] [demo] [voiptalk] <-- that was the one i tried to set up
11:58.20mjmarriostrictly speaking you dont need to acutally register unless you have a dynamic ip
11:58.30mjmarriobut it is useful to show connectivity
11:58.34*** join/#asterisk duckz (n=duckz@
11:59.04AsteriskProblemsi have the following under voiptalk...
11:59.04tzafrir_laptopAsteriskProblems, i your problem with incoming calls or with outgoing calls?
11:59.24AsteriskProblemsi can get neither at the moment, but i am only trying to get outgoing working first
11:59.47AsteriskProblemsi have type=peer, username=xxxx, secret=xxxx
12:00.10tzafrir_laptopthe 'context=' argument is only meaningful for a "user" (type=user / type=firend)
12:00.42mjmarriowith ur voip talk what was ur register entry in iax.conf?
12:00.52HarryRAsteriskProblems, try talking to the VoIPtalk support people (#voiptalk or
12:00.52AsteriskProblemsthat is what it is...
12:01.02tzafrir_laptopFor a peer the call is outgoing - you send it from a specific place in the dialplan. A good start might be to pastebin the CLI trace of such a call
12:01.06AsteriskProblemsyeh voiptalk support is a bit crap....
12:01.07tzafrir_laptopset verbose 3
12:01.09mjmarriooh I see
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12:02.46HarryRAsteriskProblems, you've got IAX credit on your account yes?
12:03.10DelvarAsteriskProblems: pm >>
12:03.23Delvarill checkyour acount out our side
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12:07.02matt_whats that free US directory enquires
12:07.11matt_1 800 something
12:08.45s0ckJT: what did you say you use for bri again
12:09.02s0ckneed to hook some more lines in and although the b410p works good now, it was a nightmare to setup tbh
12:09.15s0cka nice hassle free method would be nice
12:09.19s0ckone of these channel bank thingies, praps?
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12:12.21Airwolf-if i jump to s-ANSWER, how do i determine which channel picks up the call ?
12:12.53JTs0ck: not sure how a channel bank will be useful for bri
12:13.12JTs0ck: been using junghanns cards, but the sangoma looks even better
12:13.40Uatecgo sangoma
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12:16.45Skyelarhi all - is there a better place than support@digium to send a detailed bug report on the HPEC module to? I've confirmed it as the cause of a bunch of kernel crashes.
12:17.26s0ckJT: easy to setup or recompile kernel etc?
12:17.28coppicethat's what bug trackers are for
12:20.11Skyelarcoppice: I was under the impression G.729 / HPEC bugs weren't welcome there
12:20.51coppiceits digium's bug tracker, so why wouldn't they be approrpiate there?
12:21.55UatecWhat command do i use in extensions.conf to play a wav file and listen for dtmf?
12:22.43*** part/#asterisk vlt (
12:22.47[TK]D-FenderUatec: depends on how you intend to "listen for dtmf".
12:22.55[TK]D-FenderUatec: "show application read"
12:23.16*** join/#asterisk blinky42 (
12:23.31[TK]D-FenderUatec: Thats to "#" terminated string into a variable IN-LINE with your dialplan, or there's IVR's as a whole which has its own setup
12:24.13Skyelarcoppice: lack of categories to file under, the fact it's binary-only, etc. (especially as in this case, the bug is in HPEC itself, not the zaptel wrapper). Nevermind - was hoping someone at Digium would say "whoah, what? show me that!"
12:24.38coppicehow about zaptel? that's where HPEC goes
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12:26.51JTs0ck: not sure
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12:29.17s0ckthe junghanns?
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12:30.55Skyelarcoppice: normally I'm a fan of bug trackers, but not this time methinks - support@digium it is - thanks anyway :-)
12:32.06*** part/#asterisk Skyelar (
12:34.22Uatec[TK]D-Fender, ok, that looks helpful.  what do you mean exactly by "IVRs as a whole" ?
12:34.40[TK]D-FenderUatec: Do you know how to make an IVR in * dialplan?
12:35.45*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
12:40.05[zoa]yo coppice
12:40.30coppiceyo ho ho, zoa
12:40.35[zoa]and fender
12:40.38[zoa]and the others
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12:46.07Airwolf-exten = 1000,n,AGI(moo.agi|${DIALSTATUS})   <--- i write a script to moo(echo) the DIALSTATUS, but it doesn't get executed ... i'm confused ...
12:47.00[TK]D-FenderAirwolf-: pastebin your script, the CLI output of the ENTIRE call at verbose 10 & AGI degub, and your script.
12:48.12Airwolf-err, verbose 10 ? how do i do it ? -vvvvvvvvv ?
12:48.52*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
12:51.09[TK]D-FenderAirwolf-: "set verbose 10" in CLI
12:52.26Airwolf-oh, ok ... wait a minute
12:53.19*** join/#asterisk sheldonh (n=sheldonh@
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12:57.53axscodeis there web to fax?
12:59.30*** join/#asterisk Airwolf- (n=ibro@
12:59.42Airwolf-sorry, got disconnected
13:01.56Uatec[TK]D-Fender, that's what i'm working on nw
13:02.03Uateci just need to find a voice synth
13:02.15Uateccos i don't feel like recording these commands myself
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13:05.06UatecDoes ABE come with cepstral?
13:10.07HarryRUatec, yes
13:11.50*** join/#asterisk danielxpt (
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13:12.51danielxptManxPower: ok, the pri can dial a 800 number when attached to the TBERD
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13:13.09Airwolf-[TK]D-Fender: resolved, changed the n to numbers
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13:14.19ManxPowerdanielxpt: Did you try doing it with Asteirsk moments before the T-BERD was hooked up?
13:14.47danielxptManxPower: about 30 mins before
13:15.27ManxPowerdanielxpt: I honestly have no ideas.
13:15.32UatecHarryR, weird, it's not on my version
13:15.36Uateci wonder where i can get it from
13:15.39ManxPowerWhy is the carrier unable to find a route for the number.
13:16.38danielxpti'm going to try and put trixbox up using the same pri. if that doesn't work, then I will change versions
13:17.19danielxptI'm really at a loss at what to do.
13:17.48ManxPowerdanielxpt: what version of Asterisk and Zaptel?
13:18.12Uateci installed festival using "conary update festival --resolve"
13:18.26Uatecand it downloaded festival itself, but it didn't put it in to asterisk
13:18.39Uatechow can i do that?i'm looking at the wiki page and it's not quire helpful to me
13:18.51Airwolf-anyone knows how s-ANSWER works ? i use Goto(${DIALSTATUS},1) and it doesnt jump to s-ANSWER when someone on the ring group picked up the call
13:18.53danielxptasterisk is 1.4.10
13:19.15ManxPowerAirwolf-: you would need to use Goto(s-${DIALSTATUS},1)
13:19.15danielxptzaptel is 1.4.4
13:19.31ManxPowerIt would go to s-ANSWER since ANSWER is what DIALSTATUS evaluates to
13:19.35Airwolf-err, type
13:19.44Airwolf-what i meant was s-${DIALSTATUS}
13:19.58ManxPowerdanielxpt: upgrade to the latest releases of both before doing anything else.
13:20.21robl^zaptel and Asterisk 1.4.111
13:20.31robl^er.  Asterisk 1.4.11
13:20.47Airwolf-ManxPower: wil it jump to s-ANSWER if someone picks up the call ?
13:20.56Airwolf-because i'm stucked ...
13:21.27ManxPowerAirwolf-: Yes.   Well, if it would normally continue on the dialplan at least.
13:21.38ManxPowerMost of the time ANSWER would cause the channel to hangup when the call ends
13:22.05ManxPowernormally you use that technique for BUSY, NOANSWER, CONGESTION, etc
13:22.29Airwolf-and ANSWER behaviour is undefined ?
13:22.30ManxPowerand nothing happens until the Dial command exits.
13:22.37Airwolf-oh ......
13:22.37ManxPowerAirwolf-: no.
13:22.52ManxPowerNotice the super secret almost invisible "g" option to Dial
13:23.08Airwolf-g ? ok, looking ...
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13:25.03codefreezehmmm. Interesting. Loudness Wars:
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13:26.32axscodehi guys. what do you recommend for asterisk to be controlled via web? like astbill
13:26.35codefreezewho woulda thought....?
13:27.22codefreezeHow does this apply to.... Asterisk?
13:27.29ManxPower"Better power cycle the routers to get it back into a known state." <-- something you do NOT want to hear when your ISP is making changes to your router.
13:28.58mogcodefreeze: my ears suck, i cant hear the difference except for what i see
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13:34.10wierdoHello@all After executing -> "Executing BackGround("Zap/2-1", "number") in new stack" no sound at all  ast. ver. 1.2.9
13:34.35*** join/#asterisk Airwolf- (n=ibro@
13:34.42Airwolf-doh ... dialup
13:34.49wierdozap ver. 1.2.10
13:36.22Airwolf-oh, Dial exits when one of the party hungs up ....
13:36.47Airwolf-oh well, i guess i need to think of another workaround
13:37.02Strom_Mshow application Dial
13:37.14Strom_Mthere's an option there to do otherwise :)
13:37.25Airwolf-hmm, observing
13:37.42robl^"Geee, its g"
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13:38.30Airwolf-g or G ?
13:38.54blitzrageAirwolf-: you could always look yourself...
13:38.59blitzrage'show application dial'
13:39.14Airwolf-well, i'm experimenting
13:39.25Strom_Mblitzrage: thats what I just said
13:39.46datachomperAirwolf was such a badass show. They should remake it
13:39.47blitzrageStrom_M: no one listens to you though
13:39.54Strom_Mblitzrage: yes, this is true :(
13:39.58Airwolf-and 'g' is probably not what i want ...
13:40.22Strom_Mlet's both select notepad from the apple menu
13:40.25Airwolf-datachomper: hey, it was good ... besides, no other good shows in my country that time
13:43.54Sweeperwcte12xp: Found a Wildcard TE12xP <-- that modprobes just fine, but then ztcfg says it can't find /dev/zap/ctl. what gives?
13:44.37Sweeperall I've got in /dev/zap is 24 numbers
13:47.49*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
13:49.36[TK]D-Fendercodefreeze: For your "loudness" question, it doesn't.  This is a music industry post-processing problem.
13:50.34coppiceasterisk users love turning up the gain, until voce spends most of the time clipping :-)
13:51.00[TK]D-Fendercodefreeze: Phone's dynamic range is limited, but nothing is augmented to "normalize" the audio, it is just straight digitiged within 8khz
13:51.35coppicea phone's dynamic range is pretty wide, actually
13:51.42JTthe standard range on the PSTN is generally 300-3400Hz
13:52.12*** join/#asterisk Dan0maN_Work (n=dschuh@
13:52.13[TK]D-Fendercodefreeze: I suppose as Wideband goes yeah you can really hear the music the other side it listening to better, whats the point?  telephony isn't a music streaming "plan"
13:52.25coppiceJT: dynamics are measured in dB, not Hz
13:52.34robl^clipping is a bad thing...  someone gave me about 2 hours of a pre-record speech to clean up.  So much clipping that it was impossible to get understandable audio back out of it
13:52.46JTcoppice: frequency range
13:53.13[TK]D-Fendercoppice: for phone use I can accept the loss... thats what leaves room for my DSL :)
13:53.19coppiceI get a lot of complaints about FAX, where there audio is just totally clipped 100% of the time, and people say "well, voice sounds perfect"
13:54.53*** join/#asterisk zydrunas (
13:55.02coppicebasic rule of all media: most people are nearly deaf, and nearly blind
13:55.32[TK]D-Fendercoppice: And all the Wideband in the world won't make us want to hear their drivel any more, will it? ;)
13:57.21coppicewideband is a wonderful improvement, but when you consider what most people's perception is like, its not surprising it has never caught on
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14:02.28Sweepercoppice: is there a make deinstall equivalent for zaptel?
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14:02.51coppicehow should I know?
14:03.04danielxptwell upgrading zaptel and asterisk didn't help any
14:03.16danielxptI still get a hangup when i dial a 800 number
14:04.40McDouglasthis pissing me off.. i recompiled everything from a fresh start and asterisk cant see my carsd again....
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14:04.43McDouglasno zap command
14:05.17SweeperMcDouglas: modules.conf mang
14:06.34[TK]D-Fenderdanielxpt: Thats usually because your callerid doesnt' look legit.  They need it for BILLING
14:06.54[TK]D-Fenderdanielxpt: Set your callerID so your phone's ones don't get passed over.
14:07.38[TK]D-FenderMcDouglas: stop *.  modprobe your cards, ztcfg -vvvv, then restart *
14:08.23danielxptso that would issue a no route to destination?
14:09.31Sweeper[TK]D-Fender: any idea why my card is detected correctly, but /dev/zap/ctl isn't created?
14:09.54ManxPowerSweeper: "ztcfg -vvv"
14:10.12[TK]D-FenderSweeper: Do the same, pastebin the full CLI including "cat /proc/interrupts" just prior to starting * manually
14:10.13Sweeperline 0: Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'
14:10.23[TK]D-FenderSweeper: And include your configs
14:14.29[TK]D-FenderSweeper: MODPROBES please, and heck, dmesg
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14:15.08[TK]D-FenderSweeper: Also, running SELinux?  What OS?
14:17.37Sweeperremoveing zaptel, then adding zaptel and the driver seems to have worked
14:18.17ManxPowerthe card driver should load zaptel automagically
14:18.37Sweeperwell, works now~
14:18.53ManxPowerand when you reboot
14:18.59axscode[Aug 24 06:16:05] WARNING[32571]: chan_oss.c:682 setformat: Unable to re-open DSP device /dev/dsp: No such device <---- what dsp means?
14:19.00*** join/#asterisk Mercestes (
14:19.21ManxPowerMagical Kernel Module Fairys are not scheduled until kernel 3.0.
14:19.42SweeperManxPower: that's what rc.local is for \o\
14:20.01ManxPoweror "make config" in Zaptel, then service zaptel on
14:20.29ManxPowerAnd if you didn't know that, you should learn your OS's boot process.
14:21.45Sweeperpeople keep giving me strange distros to use :P
14:22.11MercestesYea, I get strange distros linux
14:22.14Sweeper"here, we want to use asterisk on this distro that is basically a nightly diff between netbsd and redhat linux"
14:22.32Sweeperhey, different distros use different inits :P
14:22.54ManxPower"I have a consultant that is starving.  I'll give you his number."
14:23.04Sweeperthat one is me >.>
14:24.06MercestesLInux is what happens when a bunch of arrogant, smart teenagers get together and compare their epeens using "133t" operating systems.
14:24.21Mercestes"Yea, well, my distro runs on my CAR KEYS!"
14:25.41MercestesWe used to build muscle cars in our back we build linux distros in our basement..
14:25.47Mercestes....*sighs*  times have changed.
14:26.27[TK]D-FenderMercestes: You run Gentoo... so its still Rice, just different "dice" :p
14:26.36Mercestes[TK]D-Fender, exactly
14:27.42MercestesI would say Redhat == Mustang.  (everyone has one.)   And gentoo == ratrod  (a discombobulated mess of parts scraped from a bunch of other broken cars welded together into a barely driveable mass of wreckage that looks cool.)
14:28.07Sweeperhey I like gentoo :P
14:28.21axscodeand openbsd == Bank Armored Car?
14:28.35Sweeperat least init is straightforward, and emerge is almost as good as FreeBSD's ports
14:28.45ManxPowerIt always seems to me that wannabe BSD people use Gentoo.
14:29.06Sweeperaxscode: no, openbsd == whiny kid curled around his piggy bank
14:29.25axscodeoh, another anti-theo there.
14:29.31SweeperI love theo
14:29.43Sweeperhe makes my morning mailing lists so much more fun
14:29.44[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Nah, thats be good 'ole Slackware :)
14:29.48ManxPowerI don't know Theo, but from what I've heard he can be a bit of a prick.
14:29.50MercestesSweeper, and I like rat rods
14:30.04MercestesSweeper, lmao
14:30.16ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: slackware people compile EVERYTHING from source?
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14:30.31axscodelove slack and deb though...
14:30.32Sweeperyea, they do
14:30.34[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Ok, maybe not EVERYTHING, but a fair bit more...
14:30.44Sweeperalthough I don't see what compiling from source has to do with bsd
14:30.50Sweepermost ports are also packaged :P
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14:31.14ManxPowerUh, aren't most "ports" compiled from source?
14:31.15MercestesYea, BSD is more "write it your damn self."
14:31.19axscodeoh, that would be, more likely, refined packages
14:31.39SweeperManxPower: you can build from ports, or you can install a package
14:31.47Sweeperpackage = precompiled
14:32.31ManxPowerJoy.  Birmingham AL where I am broke their record high temp yesterday -- by 3 degrees
14:32.54MercestesManxPower, wow, your hot.
14:33.00ManxPowerMercestes: I know.
14:33.14*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (i=putnopvu@nat/digium/x-0a1aecad25da2193)
14:33.15Sweepertake it to #asstricks, kids :P
14:33.45MercestesI can't....:(  They banned me.
14:34.07ManxPowerI suppose I should do some yard work before it gets too hot.
14:35.23axscodei already installed my zaptel. and my TDM400, how am i able to load the driver?
14:36.49axscodewhats the keyword i should find in the dmesg again? to check my tdm?
14:37.37[TK]D-Fenderaxscode: "modprobe zaptel" , "modprobe wctdm" , then after configuring zaptel.conf , "ztcfg -vvvv"
14:38.34axscodehmm module zaptel not found
14:38.49axscodebut i have a make install without error
14:42.11axscodebuild_tools/genudevrules: line 1: udevinfo: command not found <--- udevinfo is missing?
14:43.00ZaVoidhey guys.. you ever use the Set language variable ina  channel?
14:43.05ZaVoidit doesn't seem to want to work for me
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14:43.51ZaVoidresults in cli:
14:44.05ZaVoid  <-- THE MACRo
14:45.12[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: Well the fact that ${CALLERIDNUM} is GONE in 1.4 may be a HINT.
14:45.29ZaVoidno thats not valid there
14:45.30ZaVoidignore that
14:45.53[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: and that  exten => s,n,Set(${LANGUAGE}=es) <- this is NOT a valid way to set a variable
14:46.24[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: exten => s,n,NoOp(CHANNEL(language)) <- and this is not a way to VIEW the results of a FUNCTION
14:46.58ZaVoidi tried that too from the wiki.. but =es
14:47.02danielxptManxPower: it was the caller id
14:47.21[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: That app = TOAST
14:47.25ZaVoidone of the guys in here last night told me to try setting the way above wth {}
14:47.34ZaVoidtoast huh?
14:47.36[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: Ignore that person.
14:48.01ZaVoidso thisis no good? exten => s,n,Set(LANGUAGE(language)=es)
14:48.04ZaVoidthats my current try
14:48.06AsteriskProblemsanyone ever had any problems with asterisk not being able to get through a firewall even though port 4569 is granted on the firewall?
14:48.09ZaVoidhe said that as well
14:48.33[TK]D-FenderZaVoid>so thisis no good? exten => s,n,Set(LANGUAGE(language)=es) <- yes, this is good.
14:48.49ZaVoidthats what i have.. but it still playing langauge from en directory
14:48.52axscodei have the same probs: build_tools/genudevrules > /etc/udev/rules.d/zaptel.rules
14:48.53axscodebuild_tools/genudevrules: line 1: udevinfo: command not found
14:49.10ZaVoidlet me show you a more current pastebin sorry
14:49.48axscodeThis problem is because that rule assumes that DYNFS implies udev . But DYNFS also checks for devfs, which is still allowed in Sarge.
14:50.27[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: 5. exten => s,n,NoOp(CHANNEL(language)) <- STILL not how too SEE its value
14:50.45[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: 6. exten => s,n,NoOp(${LANGUAGE}) <- still deprecated junk!
14:51.11[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: 8. exten => s,n,Verbose(${LANGUAGE(language)}) <- LANGUAGE is NOT a function
14:51.31[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: You have sliced and diced this SINGLE function up 10 ways wrong.
14:52.11[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: exten => s,n,NoOp(${CHANNEL(language)}) <- how to VIEW the language value of the current channel
14:52.29ZaVoidok let me try that thanks
14:52.32Airwolf-hmm, anyone know how to obtain the IP address of a SIP channel from AGI ?
14:52.50Airwolf-does CHANNEL(address) exist ?
14:53.04*** join/#asterisk rezza (
14:53.06[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: to SET a function you do : Set(THEFUNCTION(yeywordifapplicable)=vaue-expression-et-here)
14:53.13tzafrir_laptopaxscode, hmmm... is this still a problem?
14:53.16[TK]D-FenderAirwolf-: go read its INSTRUCTIONS.
14:53.27*** join/#asterisk deeperror (
14:53.35axscodetzafrir: hmmm, im trying to install udev now. lemme see in a bit
14:53.38[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: to READ a function you do : ${THEFUNCTION(yeywordifapplicable)}
14:54.00ZaVoidexten => s,n,Set(LANGUAGE(language)=es)
14:54.00ZaVoidexten => s,n,NoOp(${CHANNEL(language)})
14:54.01*** join/#asterisk DarylVOIP (
14:54.13[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: NO
14:54.23tzafrir_laptopaxscode, udev will work if you use kernel 2.6 (available on Sarge). If you have 2.4 and can't boot, it may be a problem
14:54.30[TK]D-FenderZaVoid>exten => s,n,Set(LANGUAGE(language)=es) <- bad
14:54.42[TK]D-FenderZaVoid>exten => s,n,Set(CHANNEL(language)=es) <- good
14:54.43ZaVoidok let me try fix
14:54.45ZaVoidoh ok
14:54.53[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: Its ONE function!
14:54.58tzafrir_laptopBut I wonder if there isn't a decent workaround
14:55.18[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: Whats the point of "LANGUAGE(language)" logically?
14:55.23tzafrir_laptopaxscode, can you figure a simple test there in the makefile to detect your situation?
14:55.25ZaVoidkill this exten => s,n,Verbose(${LANGUAGE(language)}) ?
14:55.32tzafrir_laptop(devfs used)
14:55.44ZaVoidThe point is to set the function Language
14:55.45[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: again, there is only *!* function to sue here... CHANNEL <-------------
14:56.06[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: Language isn't a FUNCTION, it is a VALUE to set in the CHANNEL function!
14:56.19Sweeperis there such a thing as logs for the embedded http server?
14:56.33ZaVoidahh ok i see whatcha mean. i gotta re-read that section on functions and channels then i was interwinding them
14:57.03axscodever=`udevinfo -V | cut -f3 -d" "`
14:57.08[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: You have to lear to do "show function [FUNCTIONNAME]" and read the values you can set/read
14:57.22axscodeo i cant install udev, its going to remove my kernel...  is there a workaround?
14:57.37[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: And "show functions" would give you a full list telling you what actually exists
14:58.32ZaVoidand channel doesn't show up in show functions
14:58.45ZaVoidthat could be my problem
14:58.56ZaVoidbecause when i run it
14:59.19[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: Don't jsut show me the CLI output....
14:59.28ZaVoidi know
14:59.29ZaVoidhold on
15:00.25Airwolf-woohoo ..
15:01.05Airwolf-finally ... hard work is done ...
15:01.37Airwolf-such a fussy way to know the address of the pick up peer
15:05.04ZaVoidso fender should i be looking at SIPPEER               SIPPEER(<peername>[|item])           Gets SIP peer information
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15:05.52[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: pastebin "dialplan show macro-checkbalancetest"
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15:07.21lirakisis there some thing like "zap debug" .. that shows pri signalaing?
15:07.37lirakispri debug span
15:08.01[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: Set(SIPPEER(language)=es)                  [pbx_config]
15:08.03[TK]D-Fender3. NoOp(${SIPPEER(language)})                 [pbx_config]
15:08.13ZaVoidi changed it from channel
15:08.34ZaVoidtbecause when i did show function sippeer i saw langauge in there
15:08.36ZaVoidlet me change it back
15:08.38*** join/#asterisk groogs[h] (
15:08.57[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: Why the hell are you now no longer using the CHANNEL function like I've just tried beating you over the head with and now using SIPPEER and wasting my time?
15:09.13ZaVoidchannel didn't work so i thought i'd try one other thing real quick.. changing it back now
15:09.14[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: I give you the friggen answer and you IGNORE IT
15:09.30ZaVoidi showed ya the pastebin form that and i'll do it again sorry
15:09.40[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: You did it 10 times wrong and never showed me ONCE right complete
15:09.58ZaVoidunless i can't read.. thats what i read as you said was right...
15:10.31ZaVoid"[TK]D-Fender: ZaVoid>exten => s,n,Set(CHANNEL(language)=es) <- good"
15:10.41[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: Go fix everything, and give a SINGLE complete new pastebin and stop jumping off on tangents.
15:14.10*** join/#asterisk Enz0gfx (n=Enz0@
15:14.34axscodenehpets:/usr/src/zaptel# modprobe zaptel
15:14.34axscodeFATAL: Module zaptel not found.
15:14.44axscodenehpets:/usr/src# ls -al /lib/modules/2.6.8/extra/zaptel.ko
15:14.44axscode-rw-r--r--  1 root root 84271 2007-08-24 07:06 /lib/modules/2.6.8/extra/zaptel.ko
15:15.03Enz0gfxIs anyone familiar with how to setup Custom Ringback Tones that play a Message/Music?
15:15.32[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: Ok, NOW we've got something funny happening
15:15.48ZaVoidlooks like its not working right?
15:16.05[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: What ver are you on exactly?
15:16.11ZaVoidthis box is 1.4.5
15:16.40[TK]D-FenderR/W     language           language for sounds played
15:16.51[TK]D-Fender[Syntax] CHANNEL(item)
15:17.01[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: Ok, looks FINE... hrm
15:17.11[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: At least now we're consisent
15:17.21*** join/#asterisk Delvar (n=Delvar@
15:18.05[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: Have you considered upgrading?
15:18.08ZaVoidwhen i show functions i don't get CHANNEL as one of the 8 custom functions results
15:18.20*** join/#asterisk VoicePulse (n=contact@unaffiliated/voicepulse)
15:18.22[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: Thats probably why.....
15:18.37ZaVoidlet me check one of my 1.4.9 boxes
15:18.38[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: not a good sign.  Are you running a custom compiled version?
15:19.06ZaVoidjust make make install and ./configure
15:19.41ZaVoidyeah its not on my 1.4.9 boxes either
15:20.13ZaVoidthats my installed funcs
15:20.59Sweeperany way to see what password a sip client is trying to use?
15:21.54ZaVoidnot thati know of. its hashed i beleve md5...
15:22.04MercestesOnly if you tell it to hash it...
15:22.05*** join/#asterisk Yourname` (
15:22.07Mercestesnormally it's plaintext
15:22.21Mercestesso you could probably TCPDump it or packet sniff it.
15:22.22Yourname`Hello, is there a way to record outgoing calls by agents in a queue via dialplan, easily?
15:22.40MercestesSweeper, are you ssh'd in?
15:22.48SweeperMercestes: yea
15:23.07MercestesIs it a production box?
15:23.24MercestesJust do a tcpdump -nettti <internal interface> then.
15:23.29*** part/#asterisk Airwolf- (n=ibro@
15:23.36*** join/#asterisk Airwolf- (n=ibro@
15:23.38*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
15:23.43Mercestesunless your on the outside, then it'd be tcpdump -netti <external interface>
15:24.03Airwolf-how come Set(Foo=CUT(CHANNEL|/|1)) does not work ?
15:24.14Enz0gfxIn Asterisk 1.2.13-netsec is there a way to configure Custom Ringback tones to play a message/music??
15:24.28MercestesEnz0gfx, that's a phone function.
15:24.41Airwolf-forgot the curly
15:25.10MercestesAirwolf-, Glad I could help.
15:25.11Enz0gfxMercestes There is no Asterisk Command to play a sound file on ring?
15:25.19SweeperMercestes: err, I can see alll the packets and stuff, but not the contents...
15:25.27MercestesEnz0gfx, There is a dial switch to do that with.
15:25.32Enz0gfxto set as ,1, in incoming dial play
15:25.47Enz0gfxI see
15:26.49MercestesSweeper, try adding -A
15:27.00ZaVoidso how do i load the channels module? i don't see a file
15:27.07MercestesEnz0gfx, google asterisk cmd dial.  There is a switch to play a sound file instead of "ringing"
15:27.26MercestesSweeper, or -d
15:28.01Enz0gfxThank you- just as you wrote that I found a thread on Voip-WIki about the CMD dial
15:28.06Enz0gfxfor your help
15:29.09JunK-Ymodule load
15:29.13[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: I'd suggest rebuilding *
15:29.24ZaVoidjsut checked all of em.. none of them have it.
15:29.35[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: Rbuild <-
15:29.37ZaVoidi built them from the source trees from digium
15:29.48ZaVoidlet me check my module.conf
15:29.57JunK-Ywhat does module load returns?
15:30.31*** join/#asterisk umdstu (
15:30.47SweeperMercestes: well, it looks like the whole packet info now, but which bit is the pw?
15:30.59MercestesSweeper, it should come across in text.
15:31.06ZaVoidyeah in my modules.conf i don't have it as load or no load it seems
15:31.08JunK-YZaVoid: bingo, try it now.
15:31.08ZaVoidlet me try that now
15:31.27JunK-Yif you do core show function CHANNEL , you should see an output now.
15:31.29Sweepercheck it: E..[.9..9.P.G......c.....G..SUBSCRIBE sip:114@ SIP/2.0 Via: SI
15:31.40ZaVoidthanks very much guys
15:31.46JunK-YZaVoid: enjoy.
15:31.53ZaVoidthanks very very much
15:32.02ZaVoidthanks for putting up with me fender :) i'm learning :()
15:32.08JunK-Ysend me an e-beer for that!
15:32.11ZaVoidsure thing
15:32.16umdstuI'm using Twinkle and trying to call other twinkle phones on my asterisk server, and sometimes  it works, when it doesn't, and a lot of times it goes straight to voicemail without even rining
15:32.18ZaVoidyou gonna be at VON in boston? I'll buy you a beer
15:32.26umdstuI'm pretty sure this is Asterisks doing, any ideas?
15:32.40ZaVoidso channels is new in 1.4 i guess right?
15:32.56Qwell[][TK]D-Fender: You need to go to astricon
15:32.57[TK]D-Fenderumdstu: Oh of course its *'s fault..... and yes we're PSYCHIC... but only on TUESDAYS
15:33.18[TK]D-FenderQwell[]: And give me PHYSICAL access to people I want to throttle?!
15:33.20ZaVoidso JunK-Y if i load that module, nothing else i'm doing is calling it explicitiy.. should be fine i guess right
15:33.39[TK]D-FenderQwell[]: That and I don't ahve a passport yet so no USA for me....
15:33.39Qwell[][TK]D-Fender: yes
15:33.52umdstu[TK]D-Fender: i'm sorry...i didn't want to write a long description
15:33.59JunK-Yjust ur calls to CHANNEL() in the dialplans.
15:33.59umdstuI wanted to get someones attention first
15:34.10*** join/#asterisk CCFL_Man2 (
15:34.24umdstumy apologies
15:34.25Airwolf-Set(Moo=${${CHANNEL:0:3}PEER(${CUT(CHANNEL,/,2)}:ip)}) <-- this is not working ... perhaps it's too complicated for the parser ?
15:34.27[TK]D-FenderQwell[]: I'm Canadian, use OSS, am a libertarian.  So that'd brand me a commie-terrist in the eyes of DHS.
15:34.37ZaVoidjust my function calls you mena JunK-Y right?
15:34.44Qwell[]I didn't realize you worked in a library
15:34.58umdstulol say what
15:35.04ZaVoidok so it should be fine
15:35.05[TK]D-FenderQwell[]: Socio-politically challenged :p
15:35.11umdstuhe didn't say librarian (sp)
15:35.14UatecWTF is terrist?
15:35.19umdstuor did i miss the sarcasm
15:35.20Qwell[][TK]D-Fender: I knew you were socio-something... ;)
15:35.23[TK]D-FenderUatec: ask GWB :p
15:35.28ZaVoidmissed the sarcasm umdstu
15:35.37umdstuhaha alright
15:35.42UatecTHAT kind of terrist
15:36.48umdstu[TK]D-Fender: Got a second to hear my problem?
15:37.02[TK]D-FenderumFeel like suitable DESCRIBING it now?  PASTEBINis your friend
15:37.30blitzrageAirwolf-: what do you mean by "not working" -- you need to provide a pastebin of the console output and what you are trying to actually accomplish -- I've written much more complicated strings -- the parser can handle it
15:37.53blitzrageAirwolf-: I'm pretty sure you're screwing up the syntax of the CHANNEL() function though
15:38.12Airwolf-heh ?
15:38.27Airwolf-how screwed am i ? pretty much  ... perhaps
15:38.31umdstu[TK]D-Fender: can you say that again? lol
15:38.35blitzrageAirwolf-: that's not what I said
15:38.43Wonkawhy is QUEUESTATUS always TIMEOUT?
15:38.50Wonkathis f***ing queue is _empty_
15:38.56Wonkashould be JOINEMPTY
15:39.06Airwolf-blitzrage: i want to get the ip address of a peer, whether it's IAX/SIP
15:39.23Qwell[]blitzrage: do you recall what that moh reload bug was?
15:39.29Qwell[]erm, bug #
15:39.33umdstuall of my voip stuff is on a closed network, it makes copying pasting difficult
15:39.42*** join/#asterisk sakic (
15:40.05Airwolf-so i extract the protocl name and call the ${X}PEER(chan:ip)
15:40.28Airwolf-blitzrage: i didn't call the CHANNEL function, i extracct part of the ${CHANNEL}
15:40.54blitzrageQwell[]: ya, let me look it up
15:41.35blitzrageQwell[]: there are patches there, but I haven't had time to test them
15:42.16Airwolf-perhaps i should use gotoif rather than screwing myself with such a complicated string
15:43.03[TK]D-Fenderumdstu: ...
15:43.05jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
15:43.42blitzrageAirwolf-: what version of Asterisk?
15:44.11Airwolf-blitzrage: 1.4.9
15:44.55blitzrageAirwolf-: why are you surrounding it with ${    } ?
15:45.03*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
15:45.06Airwolf-err, which ${} ?
15:45.14blitzragethe outside one
15:45.24Airwolf-err, i dunno ...
15:45.53Airwolf-is that the problem ?
15:45.54umdstu[TK]D-Fender: Ok do you want a wireshark capture or an asterisk debug log
15:46.06blitzrageAirwolf-: I don't know -- I don't see a pastebin of any output of what you're trying to do
15:46.19blitzrageAirwolf-: I think you have a couple problems with that string
15:46.24Yourname`Hi, what variable saves the dialed number?
15:46.35[TK]D-Fenderumdstu: * CLI output at verbsoe 10 & channel debug enabled, and the device setup configs.
15:46.36blitzrageAirwolf-: give me the output of all variables, and what information you want back out of it, and I'll craft a new string
15:46.41Airwolf-yeah ... i'll pastebin it
15:47.02umdstu[TK]D-Fender: Give me a few minutes
15:47.08umdstuneed to goto the lab
15:47.15umdstuand i'll be back with the files
15:48.23*** join/#asterisk DrewNerd (
15:48.28Yourname`CALLERID(num) seems to have the callerid of the number we're dialing FROM. Not the dialing to. :(
15:48.29*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
15:49.00DrewNerdhello.  i know this is the wrong place, but i can't seem to find a chat for nortel that people are responding on.  can someone help me out with a nortel pbx setup issue?
15:49.05[TK]D-FenderYourname`: your don't get caller id from people YOU CALL.
15:49.08blitzrageYourname`: ${CALLERID(num)} contains the CID of the incoming channel
15:49.18Yourname`Oh, sorry.
15:49.37Yourname`[TK]D-Fender blitzrage : What variable contains the number that I'm calling?
15:49.44blitzrageYourname`: ${EXTEN} maybe?
15:49.52[TK]D-FenderYourname`: you don't phone someone to have their side go "Hi I'm so-and-so!"  youa lready KNOW!  You bloody well dialed them!
15:50.40[TK]D-FenderYourname`: Well in your dialplan the very first exten that pattern-matches you can look at ${EXTEN}
15:51.01Yourname`blitzrage, [TK]D-Fender : Lemme try one sec, please.
15:51.50blitzrageAirwolf-: will check after I eat some food
15:52.23Airwolf-haha ... i'm hungry too
15:52.29umdstu[TK]D-Fender:  I'm about to upload files and the log, but while testing this, using Twinkle...if one phone calls the other , and after they answer, the caller hangs up, Twinkle never gets notified, not sure why
15:52.44*** join/#asterisk axscode (n=axscode@
15:52.50Airwolf-thank you for your time
15:53.00Airwolf-brb, get something to bite
15:53.15Yourname`blitzrage, [TK]D-Fender : Worked, thanks!
15:53.34DrewNerdso i'm guessing that's a no help then
15:53.44DrewNerdthanks anyways :: sniff sniff ::
15:54.04Yourname`WARNING[18723]: app_queue.c:2705 try_calling: The device state of this queue member, SIP/34, is still 'Not in Use' when it probably should not be! Please check UPGRADE.txt for correct configuration settings.
15:54.24[TK]D-FenderDrewNerd: I love going to Burger King and ordering a Big Mac / DQ Blizzard Happy Meal :)
15:55.03umdstu[TK]D-Fender: how do you want the sip/extensions.conf files
15:55.08*** join/#asterisk mosty (
15:55.18umdstunothing in it is secret, its a closed network
15:55.28*** join/#asterisk IgorG (
15:55.36[TK]D-Fenderumdstu: as-is, I only have 5 mins before lunch though
15:56.06DrewNerdi was just asking for help.  i stated ahead of time that i knew this was the wrong place.  i tried the #nortelnetworks chat on efnet but nobody is answering there
15:56.22DrewNerdi never understand why people join chat rooms and then don't ever talk.
15:57.09[TK]D-FenderDrewNerd: Are you expecting 100 people to respond "No I won't help you"?  That'd be a waste of a response... to make none at all.
15:57.25[TK]D-FenderDrewNerd: We are talking, just not about YOUR problem.
15:57.46[TK]D-FenderDrewNerd: If I were to say "I can't help you" are you still going to sit here waiting for a personal answer from the other 99?
15:58.04[TK]D-FenderDrewNerd: And by the time this is all done will you be any HAPPIER?
15:58.04*** join/#asterisk notoriousrab1982 (n=chatzill@
15:58.12DrewNerdno, i wouldn't
15:58.19DrewNerderr, i wouldn't wait
15:58.21*** join/#asterisk lirakis (n=etamme@
15:58.26[TK]D-FenderDrewNerd: So sometimes "no answer", is all the answer you need :)
15:58.28MercestesDrewNerd, Have you considered using asterisk isntead of Nortel?
15:58.32DrewNerdbut i am polite.  if i couldn't get help, i would say thanks anyways and move on
15:58.38MercestesGiven that Nortel blows mad goats?
15:58.51DrewNerdnot my choice.  just started working for this company about a week ago
15:58.57umdstuim trying to send you the conf files
15:59.17DrewNerdthank you for the offer though
15:59.21DrewNerdyou guys have fun :)
15:59.38*** part/#asterisk DrewNerd (
15:59.40[TK]D-Fenderumdstu: 1st pastebin = completely worthless, and we'll have to see after lunch.
15:59.54umdstuyea it wasn't much
15:59.58umdstui just made one phone call
16:00.03umdstui didn't have debug on
16:00.13umdstubecause you just said verb 10
16:00.20umdstumy bad
16:00.30umdstui'll be here, thanks, cya
16:02.06*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
16:02.30Mercestes[TK]D-Fender, help!  Help!  I lied on my resume and my mom got me this job and I have NO CLUE what I'm doing and now they want me to work and I'm gonna get FIRED!  please, teach me how to program a Nortel.
16:04.07*** join/#asterisk qdk (
16:06.17Yourname`WARNING[18723]: app_queue.c:2705 try_calling: The device state of this queue member, SIP/34, is still 'Not in Use' when it probably should not be! Please check UPGRADE.txt for correct configuration settings.         What's wrong here? I looked at UPGRADe and it doesn't tell me much
16:06.47`Seanlol Mercestes
16:08.13krdian_Yourname`: try to increse call-limit
16:09.00krdian_Yourname`: but there is bug in app_queue and device state
16:09.03*** join/#asterisk Delvar (n=Delvar@
16:09.36krdian_maybe in 1.4.11 is fixed
16:09.42Yourname`krdian_: I'm using latest check out of 1.4.*
16:09.56krdian_Yourname`: 1.4.11 ?
16:09.57Yourname`krdian_: Currently call-limit isn't set, shall I set it globally to two?
16:10.03Yourname`krdian_: Yes.
16:10.12krdian_Yourname`: probably up to 10
16:10.21Yourname`krdian_: SVN-branch-1.4-r80088M
16:10.22krdian_as in upgrade.txt is written
16:10.32krdian_ah, from svn
16:10.46krdian_ok, try to increaase this
16:10.52*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
16:11.02krdian_and set ringinuse to no
16:11.20Yourname`krdian_: Ringinuse? Where?
16:11.42krdian_in queue.conf
16:11.48*** join/#asterisk svensk_neutrino (
16:13.21svensk_neutrinohow can i license my sip users?
16:13.42blitzrageAirwolf-: why are you using ${CHANNEL,/,2)} in the ${${X}PEER()} but showing ${CHANNEL,/,1)} in the output below?
16:14.20svensk_neutrinoits like if i sell this asterisk pbx in a special hardware, i would like to limit the number of users that could register with the box and not more
16:14.44svensk_neutrinocan i put a cap on the maximum number of users
16:15.09blitzrageAirwolf-: also, Set() can take multiple values, so you probably have to escape the commas, or use the SET() function
16:15.19blitzrage(because SET() doesn't take multiple arguments)
16:15.31blitzragethose are probably your two issues
16:16.16Yourname`krdian_: Done.. but when I do show queues. it says " Agent/10 (Invalid) has taken no calls yet" why does it say Invalid?
16:16.54*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
16:17.13Qwell[]svensk_neutrino: It' source
16:17.18Qwell[]They could just...recompile
16:17.31Airwolf-blitzrage: you mean line 11 and 12 ?
16:17.36*** join/#asterisk onats (n=julian@
16:17.47onatscan anyone suggest a softphone that readily works on debian?
16:17.47svensk_neutrinoQwell:assume as if they cant dig into the box
16:17.56svensk_neutrinoQwell:a sealed box
16:18.03Qwell[]like that's ever stopped anybody
16:18.14mostyonats, twinkle
16:18.23fileif you are using the GPLed version you have to give them the source...
16:18.37svensk_neutrinoQwell:for one second, assume what i say and then tell me where in code i can put the upper cap
16:19.25svensk_neutrinoQwell[]:its pretty much patched asterisk so if they dload a new one, they aint gonna get the super features we provide
16:19.26umdstusounds fishy
16:19.31mostysvensk_neutrino, you can license your asterisk configuration however you like
16:19.37*** join/#asterisk Tili (n=tili@
16:19.46Qwell[]svensk_neutrino: Yes, they are.  You are required to provide them with the code.
16:19.53Qwell[]Please have your lawyer read the GPL.
16:19.55Tilidoes email 2 sms work in USA for all operators.
16:19.59onatsmosty, ok ill try that
16:20.18Airwolf-blitzrage: the ${CUT(CHANNEL,/,2)} to get the peername and ${CUT(CHANNEL,/,1)} to get the protocol used (iax,sip,mgcp,etc)
16:20.21Qwell[]svensk_neutrino: alternatively, you can contact Digium and ask about getting Asterisk under a different license.
16:20.30svensk_neutrinoQwell:i know but our customers dont have any developers
16:20.43Qwell[]That doesn't really matter...
16:20.49svensk_neutrinoQwell[]:they dont think on those lines.
16:20.50umdstui'm looking for some super features
16:20.56umdstulike music on hold
16:21.10svensk_neutrinoQwell[]:and yes we do provide complete source cuz its compiled on the machine itself.
16:21.16svensk_neutrinoand placed there
16:21.18blitzrageAirwolf-: but you're only doing one to show the output, and using the other one in the actual line you're trying to parse on, so it makes no sense to me why you're using two separate fields there -- but I think your real issue is the non-escaped commas)
16:21.39*** join/#asterisk jm|laptop (n=jm|
16:21.44onatsim trying to register my sip soft phones but it states registration failed...
16:21.59onatswhat are the commands in asterisk CLI to check whats happening?
16:22.36Airwolf-non escaped commas ?
16:22.44*** join/#asterisk HarryR (n=Harry@
16:23.01umdstusip set debug
16:23.12svensk_neutrinoQwell:further we have one our own servers with which the asterisk box works hand in hand. we use asterisk for service creation the maximum number of users licensed to the customers have to be limited in * ?
16:23.16umdstutype "help" it will give you all the commands
16:23.32Airwolf-the commas are argument separator
16:23.39Qwell[]svensk_neutrino: I doubt you're going to find anybody here who is going to help you try to limit asterisk
16:23.52blitzrageAirwolf-: but they are also an argument separate for the Set() application
16:24.06svensk_neutrinoQwell[]:Who is trying to limit asterisk?
16:24.11Qwell[]You are?
16:24.18Airwolf-blitzrage: so Set() is different from SET() ?
16:24.21svensk_neutrinoits about having a licensing system for asterisk based service providers..
16:24.30blitzrage${CUT(CHANNEL\,/\,1)} *might* work
16:24.47IgorGIs any known facts about violating asterisk license? For example some company use modified asterisk and don't present modified source?
16:24.51blitzrageSet() is a dialplan application that takes arguments. SET() is a dialplan FUNCTION that does not take arguments
16:25.09svensk_neutrinoIgorG:they got to if they are using the open src *
16:25.16blitzrageIgorG: you can use it modified in your local install, but can't resell without distributing the source
16:25.32*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
16:25.33blitzragei.e. I can modify asterisk all I want in MY company and not distribute the source
16:25.42[zoa]as long as its gpl2 :)
16:25.51IgorGok, use modified asterisk in commercial product
16:25.51blitzragebut as soon as I sell that as a package to someone else, I have to distribute
16:25.59[zoa]or get a commercial license
16:26.00Qwell[]sell or give...
16:26.03svensk_neutrino[zoa]: hjehehe
16:26.27svensk_neutrinoso there is no way to license sip users on the asterisk box?
16:26.28[zoa]for a commercial license, contact jim webster @ digium
16:26.32Airwolf-i really should break those down ... it's too complicated ... hehehe ... and i'm too dumb
16:26.35[zoa]there is
16:26.38[zoa]a commercial license
16:26.58Qwell[][zoa]: hey
16:27.00svensk_neutrinoif you are running a service based on asterisk, and you wanna limit the number of users per box
16:27.20[zoa]hey ho qwell!
16:27.41svensk_neutrino[zoa]:i know you, you developed that jb for royks coy
16:27.46IgorGhmm, if I know company that void license, what must I do? :)
16:27.48svensk_neutrinoyou got it developed
16:27.59[zoa]for those interested, im leaking a zoiper prerelease, PM me :)
16:28.10Qwell[][zoa]: zomg hax
16:28.11svensk_neutrinoIgorG:inform Qwell, he will kill them verbally
16:28.15[zoa]we didnt develop it for royk, but he sponsored part of it (thanks!)
16:28.21Qwell[]I needz teh warez
16:28.33Yourname`Hi, is there a way I can flush the queue of whatever is in the queue and start over again?
16:28.39svensk_neutrino[zoa]: thanks ?? what for? are you trying to be nice?
16:28.57[zoa]Thanks for royk for sponsoring a little
16:29.12Yourname`Because when I do queues show, it gives things like SIP/10 (dynamic) (Not in use
16:29.22Yourname`and then Agent/10 (INVALID)
16:29.33IgorGkill verbally, is interesting :)
16:29.40[zoa]dunno but those crazy people usually read irc logs for breakfast
16:29.43svensk_neutrinoi walked in with no info on licensing asterisk services
16:29.47[zoa]HELLO ROY, GOOD MORNING ! :P
16:29.52svensk_neutrinoand i am walking out with no info
16:30.00IgorGfor example: is Linksys have commercial license for using asterisk in SPA400
16:30.00svensk_neutrinothose asterisk prepaid was a rumour for sure
16:30.15[zoa]svensk_neutrino: you can get an asterisk commercial license
16:30.27HarryRor just abide by the GPL :)
16:30.28[zoa]i have one
16:30.49[zoa]but im under an NDA for it, so cant tell you anything specific, digium will have to do that :)
16:30.53[zoa]contact jim webster
16:30.57[zoa]and he will tell you all about it
16:31.04Airwolf-blitzrage: i choose to use GosubIf, those complicated string is too much for my tiny head (and it's an ugly hack). thank you for the help anyway
16:31.25*** join/#asterisk fiber0pti (i=fiber0pt@
16:31.53fiber0ptiIs there a way to get the IP address of an IAX extension via the CLI or the Asterisk Manager Interface?
16:31.53blitzrageAirwolf-: I'd not say ugly hack because I use stuff like that all the time, but it is probably better for you to simplify it
16:31.57[zoa]hey fileeeeee
16:32.05umdstu[zoa]: so wheres my free linux version
16:32.13file[zoa]: are you going to Astricon it up?
16:32.23Qwell[]with zoa-girls (TM)?
16:32.32[zoa]id love to
16:32.35Qwell[]I'm sure Juggie will be very happy
16:32.36[zoa]but it doesnt look like i will make it
16:32.41[zoa]or the girls
16:32.47Qwell[]Could you send zoa-girls (TM) anyways? :p
16:32.52fileFedex them
16:33.16[zoa] is the latest one for linux
16:33.23file[zoa]: see we can get Qwell[] in the wrong place at the wrong time... and then blackmail him!
16:33.31umdstuyea ive got that one
16:33.41[zoa]umdstu: i will have one next week i think
16:33.55[zoa]lots of fixes in the linux version
16:34.00umdstu[zoa]: alright cool, let me know?
16:34.04[zoa]we are building one for the nokia n800 now
16:34.10umdstuhah interesting
16:34.12*** join/#asterisk Sci_05 (
16:34.13Airwolf-blitzrage: it only matches 3 letter protocols ...
16:34.14[zoa]next thing for linux : alsa support
16:34.23Sci_05afternoon all
16:34.29umdstuwill that be in the next weekish one?
16:34.34[zoa]alsa wont be
16:34.43[zoa]it has some stun fixes, multilanguage support
16:34.45[zoa]some crashes gone
16:35.06[zoa]be sure to give me feedback, not so much people are using it so far
16:35.12[zoa]onyl 500 or so
16:35.27umdstualright i'll try it out
16:35.27svensk_neutrino[zoa]:what makes you think i need a commercial license?
16:35.43umdstui'm tryying to find a linux softphone to roll out with a new lab i'm designing for a course
16:35.44[zoa]well if you want to close the source, you need a commercial license
16:35.47umdstubut can't find anything reliable enough
16:35.57[zoa]send me your wishlist then
16:36.04deeperrorwhere is a good place to get MOH recordings?
16:36.12umdstuwill do
16:36.20umdstuok thanks
16:41.10*** join/#asterisk honeybeebuzz (
16:41.45Strom_Mer, ww
16:42.36*** part/#asterisk deeperror (
16:44.47rickrosswe have made new recordings from a user connecting to Asterisk on a G.722 connection, but when users call in on ulaw/alaw/etc the volume of the transcoded audio is very, very low (perhaps half!)
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16:45.11rickrossanyone have any idea why the volume would drop through the transcoding stage?
16:46.01svensk_neutrinobye bye everyone some cool Corydon76-dig at -dev solved my problem
16:46.15rickrossrussellb: voicemail and IVR menu recording
16:46.49russellbrickross: hm ... well, there is a gain option in voicemail.conf to increase the volume of recordings
16:47.07russellbother than that, i'm not sure what could help
16:47.15rickrossrussellb: the volume level is perfect when played back on the G.722 connection
16:47.24rickrossbut half the volume for ordinary callers
16:47.27rickrossit is strange
16:47.47russellbwell, it's possible we need to tweak something in there ...
16:47.56russellbgiven that codec_g722 is only in trunk, it hasn't been used very much
16:48.27rickrossexactly, that's why I wasn't even sure if this would be an issue to post in the bug tracker?
16:48.52*** join/#asterisk kkn088 (
16:49.14rickrosswe may be better advised to record on a std mic and audio program, then convert to GSM, etc to put the various formats in place
16:49.25Airwolf-well, time to get real food now ... snacks just not enough
16:49.33Airwolf-thank you all
16:49.54onatsi'm having a problem connecting my softphone to the asterisk server.. how do i know which machine has the problem?
16:51.35Yourname`Does anyone know much about queues in 1.4 here?
16:51.48umdstudid you configure twinkle correctly
16:52.09umdstuare you doing any sort of NATing
16:52.25onatsumstdu, i'm working within a LAN
16:53.24onatswhat's the value for domain and realm? do i have to fill these up?
16:53.46blitzrageYourname`: you should just ask a specific question
16:54.00*** join/#asterisk tsurko (n=tsurko@
16:54.15Yourname`blitzrage: Let me do a pastebin for you. :)
16:54.42blitzrageYourname`: not for me -- for the room
16:54.52blitzrageyou can get more help from multiple people rather than one person
16:54.53onatsumdstu? any ideas?
16:54.56blitzragethat's my position :)
16:55.07Wonkaonly today i wondered why the person being told she was 2nd in queue got an agent while the 1st in queue stayed in the queye
16:55.18Wonka(and i still wonder)
16:55.28Strom_Mblitzrage: my position is behind the laptop and in front of the wall
16:55.33putnopvutWonka: sounds like a bug I've seen on the tracker.
16:55.55putnopvutSpecifically number...9561
16:56.09Yourname`Here's my pastebin, for you blitzrage  and for everybody else in the room :) ->
16:56.12umdstueating pie
16:56.24umdstulemon murang(SP)
16:56.39blitzragemerang... ?
16:56.49blitzragenot sure if that is the right spelling either
16:56.51umdstuyou know whats up
16:56.55umdstuoh well
16:56.57putnopvutI think it's merangue?
16:57.09blitzrageyes, it's french
16:57.16Qwell[]<3 xchat
16:57.17Yourname`My question is just clarifications, agents logged in dialing 4. And when I do queue show in the CLI, it gives the output of pastebin. Now, what I don't get is.. it's SIP/21 (dynammic) .. and then again it's Agent/21 (invalid) ... what did I do wrong?
16:57.17umdstui'm googling it
16:57.19Wonkaputnopvut: ah, thx.
16:57.26Yourname`Different spellings for merangé
16:57.36putnopvutWonka: unfortunately, it's not fixed, but at least you should have a workaround...
16:57.40blitzragethose crazy french bastards :D
16:57.42Wonkaputnopvut: ack
16:58.01Yourname`My question is just clarifications, agents logged in dialing 4. And when I do queue show in the CLI, it gives the output of pastebin. Now, what I don't get is.. it's SIP/21 (dynammic) .. and then again it's Agent/21 (invalid) ... what did I do wrong? Pastebin:
16:58.43umdstuonats: yes, domain sould be equal to your asterisk server IP
16:58.48umdsturealm can be left blank
16:59.21onatsits still blocking... iptables can work maybe?
16:59.30Strom_Mmeringue (late to the party)
16:59.32umdstucan you ping your asterisk server
16:59.33putnopvutBy the way, Wonka, which version of Asterisk are you running?
16:59.38umdstufrom wherever the client is
16:59.41Qwell[]Strom_M: yeah, I said that already :p
16:59.57onatsumdstu, yes... ping is successful
16:59.58Wonkaputnopvut: 1.4.9
17:00.20umdstuand the user/password are correct and set up in sip.conf
17:00.38putnopvutWonka, I ask because I haven't been able to reproduce the problem locally using 1.4 and no one had officially confirmed for me that the problem occurred in 1.4
17:00.42putnopvutThank you very much!
17:00.56onatsumsdtu, yes sir....
17:01.06onatstwinkle gives me this error:
17:01.27onatsFailed to create a UDP socket (SIP) on port 5060, Address already in use.
17:01.41onatsi think its on the client machine, not allowing traffic to pass through 5060...
17:02.00umdstuthat or something else is using 5060
17:02.06umdstuany other softphones running?
17:02.32Yourname`Anybody to my rescue?
17:02.48*** join/#asterisk Egonis (
17:02.54onatsnope, only twinkle is running now... closed ekiga already...
17:03.23EgonisI am using aastra phones with the TFTP configuration, and when they try to login, asterisk says 'Registration from 'No User <sip:No%20User@theip:5060>' failed for 'theip' - Username/auth name mismatch
17:03.29umdstuYourname`: sorry i'm not in that kind of business
17:03.31Egonisalthough in my configs it specifies the sip user/pass
17:03.38*** join/#asterisk jingles (
17:04.30umdstuonats: do you have a firewall up
17:04.45onatsumdstu, not sure... how to check?
17:04.46umdstuis port set to 5060 in sip.conf
17:05.06umdstuif its a fresh install of Ubuntu then you probably don't have one running
17:05.39*** join/#asterisk slayer192 (
17:06.09thx2000Egonis: You sure the phone's configuration is cleared out in the web interface?  Might wanna completely wipe it, if its a used phone or if you were playing with settings in there before
17:08.55Egonisthx2000: I did a factory reset prior to setting it to 'configuration server'
17:09.14thx2000what files do you have in the tftp root?
17:10.06ManxPowerEgonis: you do not have a [No User] section of sip.conf
17:10.48umdstuand u have bindaddr?
17:11.07EgonisManxPower: no, I don't. I have the phone set to register as '203', but for some odd reason this is what is showing up
17:11.50umdstu[zoa]: you there
17:11.52ManxPowerEgonis: it is NOT registering as that.  It is registering with either theip or No User as the auth info
17:12.05ManxPowerthe reg failed message tells you that.
17:12.56thx2000ManxPower: he knows that, he's trying to figure out why its trying to reg as that instead of what he's put in his cnf files
17:13.36ManxPowerthx2000: sounds like a phone issue.  Ask on the mailing lists, there are many Aastra people there.
17:13.39EgonisManxPower: I added two sip accounts to register 'as line1, line2' respectively. And with different logins '23, and 203' in this case. Asterisk console shows two registration attempts, both as 'No User'
17:14.01ManxPowerEgonis: Then you need to do something else on the phone.
17:14.09ManxPowerSIP debug will tell you this, as well as a packet dump
17:14.23[zoa]you rang my lord ?
17:14.30ManxPowermany phones have seperate reg users and auth users
17:14.38EgonisWhere would I find these forums?
17:14.56ManxPowerNo mailing list.
17:15.04thx2000Egonis:  do you have an auth name and a user name set up?
17:15.05jbotSearch Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at or search through it at, or and there is also the Macintosh Asterisk mailing list at
17:15.07umdstutrying to run the zoiper script
17:15.18umdstulibalsatoss not found
17:15.26SweeperManxPower: can polycom bootroms only be loaded via tftp?
17:15.30umdstui thought you said it didn't support alsa
17:15.34ManxPowerSweeper: yes
17:15.46[zoa]it doesnt support alsa yet afaik
17:15.51ManxPowerbut don't ask me how.  We use FTP for Polycoms
17:15.53[zoa]ah we use the oss
17:16.10umdstui think i just have alsa not oss installed
17:16.15SweeperManxPower: I mean, ONLY
17:16.25umdstui'll have to test it on another machine later
17:16.28[zoa]apt-get should fix that :)
17:16.33Sweeperlike, I have the phone set to http, but it's not getting the new bootrom
17:16.33*** part/#asterisk Egonis (
17:16.51umdstui gotta clone this set of computers, don't want extra stuff on it
17:16.57ManxPowerSweeper: you need to read the admin guide
17:17.14[zoa]k, let me know when you give it a try
17:17.25SweeperManxPower: I try to avoid that monstrosity as much as possible :P
17:17.57*** join/#asterisk groogs[h] (
17:18.43[TK]D-FenderSweeper: Can provision from FTPS, FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, TFTP
17:19.02Sweeper[TK]D-Fender: provision, yes. this includes bootrom?
17:19.10[TK]D-FenderSweeper: yup
17:19.21Sweeperso it's just down to the phone being weird
17:25.28*** join/#asterisk drwelby (
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17:28.39rodyanyone using telasip?
17:29.40umdstu[TK]D-Fender: you must be a government worker
17:30.44*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
17:31.29[TK]D-Fenderumdstu: Nope.
17:32.22umdstu[TK]D-Fender: lol alright
17:32.29Yourname`He's a hard worker
17:32.43umdstuYourname`: i can see
17:32.56Mercesteshard being a noun and not an adjective.
17:33.07umdstui can see you are all a happy familiy
17:33.30Yourname`...subject to times of frustration, yes.
17:33.45MercestesA happy dysfunctional famiily
17:34.04umdstuMercestes: aren't they all?
17:34.35umdstui think tab-completion was the greatest invention since the telephone
17:35.09russellbit's too bad we don't have thought completion
17:35.25*** join/#asterisk crichardson (n=crichard@
17:35.26*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
17:35.37umdsturussellb: yea...i need that
17:35.51crichardsonanyone here use telasip?
17:35.54umdsturussellb: half the things i say aren't what i think
17:36.01crichardsonare you guys having problems?
17:36.01umdstunope sorry crichardson
17:36.08umdstunever used it
17:36.11rodyi am!
17:37.29*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (n=ckwall@
17:37.48[T]ankwhat would this mean? chan_zap.c:8174 zt_pri_error: !! Got a UA, but i'm in state 1
17:38.38umdstu[TK]D-Fender: can i send you my conf files now?
17:45.07*** join/#asterisk YoYo (
17:45.38YoYofresh install 1.2.24... sip registers, dial the demo stuff, asterisk answers, says it's playing files, but I get no sound
17:45.43YoYoany suggestions on what to look for?
17:46.11YoYodisabled all codecs, allowed ulaw
17:46.27*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
17:47.58ManxPowerYoYo: what shows up on the console?
17:49.01Yourname`Any way I could disable this-> [Aug 23 13:49:18] NOTICE[23039]: app_queue.c:1956 wait_for_answer: No one is answering queue 'testq' (34/0/0)
17:49.18Qwell[]Yourname`: Tell your users to answer their phones.
17:49.42Yourname`Qwell[]: lol ofcourse, but if they're all on calls.. gets a little  harder for this test.
17:51.45YoYoManx: Executing Playback("SIP/2211-088b3950", "demo-abouttotry") in new stack
17:52.20YoYonothing in the sip debug is wonky...
17:52.40ManxPowerYoYo: do you have a zaptel card installed?
17:52.43Juggieyoyo, do you have a zaptel card in the computer?
17:52.46YoYowhen I copied /etc/astersk/* from the old server over, it would at least play sounds
17:52.49YoYoyeah... tor2
17:52.52ManxPowerJuggie: get our of my mind.
17:52.56Strom_MIs there any way to determine the codec a call is using from within the dialplan?
17:53.06ManxPowerYoYo: either remove it or plug something into it.
17:53.13JuggieYoYo, configure the card, or unload its modules and load ztdummy
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17:58.39rodyquestion - what do you guys use to monitor the tier1 network health? like level3 who is apparently having issues
17:58.43*** join/#asterisk boster (n=boster@
18:01.02bosterwill an analog phone card, such as a sangoma a200 work as a timing source for meetme conference rooms?
18:05.35*** join/#asterisk flujan (
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18:10.29Mercestesrody, when is Level3 not having issues?
18:10.43*** join/#asterisk xzcvczx (n=nosdr4g@gentoo/user/xzcvczx)
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18:11.21rodygood point
18:11.36xzcvczxwhere shoudl i be looking for the problem if, i can dial out from the asterisk console but not an extension?
18:12.28Mercestesxzcvczx, your extension.
18:12.47mvanbaakfor a moment I read that nick as xkcd
18:14.04mvanbaakI'm off
18:14.07mvanbaaklatero !
18:14.10xzcvczxMercestes: so not a asterisk configuration issue?
18:14.49Mercestesxzcvczx, It could be.
18:14.53*** join/#asterisk Galeras (n=Galeras@
18:15.10MercestesGaleras, Hello!  ASL?
18:16.08Mercestesxzcvczx, You might want to browse your sip.conf files, and see if the CLI spits up anything inappropriate when you try an dial.
18:17.25GalerasDear Sirs, please suggest me good brands of fxs/fxo gateways to integrate remote sites to asterisk. Thanks
18:17.42MercestesDigium TDM400P
18:17.54Galerasexternal gw please
18:17.58HarryRMercestes, generally stay away from Grandstream and Vigortech
18:18.08MercestesHarryR, huh?
18:18.10HarryRalthough Linksys do some Ok stuff
18:18.16xzcvczxMercestes: ah ok, thanks... the funny thing is, is that nothing turns up in the console when it tries to dial out either which makes me think that you may be right.
18:18.17MercestesHarryR, yes, and....never fry bacon nakid.
18:18.26HarryRoh sorry
18:18.30HarryRthat was meant for Galeras
18:18.32Qwell[]Mercestes: that'd be less painful than using grandstream
18:18.35MercestesGaleras, don't bother.
18:18.40GalerasWhat about Mediatrix?
18:18.50MercestesQwell[]:  Very true.
18:19.02Mercestesxzcvczx, it could be your dial plan in your phone too
18:19.08HarryRGaleras, take a look at AVM FritzBox's and the Linksys PAP2T s
18:19.19MercestesGaleras, or...don't bother with ATAs
18:19.22*** join/#asterisk tuxd00d (n=tuxinato@
18:19.38HarryRi've been hearing good things about the Linksys PAP2Ts
18:19.47MercestesI heard good things about Enron.
18:20.00HarryRno i mean people are happy with them working
18:20.07Mercestesso were people working at Enron.
18:20.24MercestesI'm just saying, in general, ATAs are a cheap hack.
18:20.44MercestesThey have a SPECIFIC use....and that is to convert a regular phone...into a VoIP phone...
18:20.54*** join/#asterisk sevard (
18:21.01GalerasMy client has a lot of remote sites with old cheap panasonic pabxs, is crazy try to integrate that pabx with fxs gatewys to a central asterisk box?
18:21.10MercestesNot faxing....not hooking up PBX's to asterisk, not simulating a channel bank....
18:21.11Mercestesjust one phone....
18:21.14Mercestesand light usage at that.
18:21.22MercestesGaleras, very crazy.
18:21.45Qwell[]Galeras: how many users at each site?
18:21.46Galerasso, right model is to install * boxes on each remote site right?
18:21.47MercestesGaleras, the two key indicators that it is crazy is "old" and "cheap."
18:21.58MercestesThat would be the correct way, yes.
18:22.03Mercestesbut not the cheap way.
18:22.17Qwell[]if it's like 1 user, I'd say buy ATAs, heh
18:22.27Qwell[]if it's like 10...well...then I'd try to sell you some hardware we sell :D
18:22.37Galerasremote sites have from 4 to 12 users each one
18:22.52*** join/#asterisk Alric (
18:23.02Qwell[]how many sites?
18:23.47Qwell[]yeah, putting an asterisk box at each site makes a bit of sense - especially if most of the calls are between users at the same site
18:24.20umdstuso everyone knows
18:24.20*** join/#asterisk errr_ (n=errr@fedora/errr)
18:24.24umdstueven tho  u don't care
18:24.26russellb<spam> </spam>
18:24.27HarryRQwell, or even cheap (e.g. user to user) SIP switch/PBX appliances
18:24.32umdstui hate NAT/SIP/Asterisk relationship
18:24.42HarryRyeah like that russellb ;)
18:24.42umdstuit makes me sad
18:24.49russellbHarryR: :)
18:24.50Qwell[]welcome to the club
18:24.52Galerasmost of calls are remote <-> central site
18:24.58ManxPowerI guess I'm lucky.  Everytime I had to configure Asterisk/SIP/NAT there wer no problems
18:25.12umdstumy asterisk server is in the DMZ tho
18:25.12Qwell[]Galeras: check out that link russellb just posted.  That might be what you'd want.  Small asterisk boxes...
18:25.20umdstuand nothing is really forwarded
18:25.25umdstuits a many to many nat
18:25.28Qwell[]put one of those at each site
18:25.40Qwell[]Mercestes: buy one
18:25.40MercestesSo I don't suggest it.
18:25.44Qwell[]hell, buy two
18:25.51Mercestesmaybe if Digium would let me demo one...I would advocate it more.
18:25.56russellbMercestes: just because you haven't used it doesn't mean you should tell people not to, that's silly
18:26.03Qwell[]Mercestes: go to Astricon.  We'll have some there to demo
18:26.10Mercestesrussellb, sure as hell doesn't mean I should tell them *to* use it.
18:26.12umdstui could probably get them to let me demo one
18:26.17russellbMercestes: fair enough.
18:26.26Mercestesrussellb, ;)  I just said I don't suggest it.
18:26.28umdstui dont see why it would be hard to
18:26.39russellbMercestes: sounds like a negative opinion as opposed to no opinion
18:26.46russellbbut ... *shrugs*
18:26.48MercestesYour right....dumb english language.
18:26.55russellbyes, english is dumb
18:27.10Qwell[]Mercestes: "I suggest buying me one so that I can demo it, so I can possibly recommend one to you."
18:27.27GalerasThankl you sirs, very good suggestions
18:27.32De_Monnice Qwell[]
18:27.41russellbi have one in my house :)
18:27.49Qwell[]the one in my house is my router :P
18:27.50MercestesQwell[], yea, but if I send it back undamaged, it's free advertising.
18:27.51umdstudoes digium let gov./education demo stuff?
18:28.03russellbumdstu: talk to
18:28.05Qwell[]russellb: they make damn fine routers...
18:28.05russellbwe just write code.
18:28.12umdstuheh ok
18:28.16russellbQwell[]: but i'd have to learn iptables ...
18:28.19umdstuwill look into it
18:28.22umdstuthank Qwell[]
18:28.28Qwell[]only if you do port forwarding and such
18:28.28Mercestesiptables is icky
18:28.33Qwell[]mine is all just default configs, heh
18:28.35russellbQwell[]: which i do :)
18:28.37Mercestespf pwns
18:28.39umdstuhey heres a story
18:28.41De_Monhow many calls does the * appliance handle?
18:28.49Qwell[]russellb: I was actually pondering writing a firewall thing for the gui
18:28.59umdstuiptables were messed up on one of the lab computers, so this kid just deleted the files
18:29.01Qwell[]russellb: so, if you have any suggestions of what you'd like to see...
18:29.03russellbDe_Mon: depends, of course, as is the answer to the "how many calls" question for any hardware
18:29.24russellbQwell[]: just linksys style port forwarding is what i need
18:29.26HarryR1 million billion
18:29.30Qwell[]yeah, that's all I'd need too
18:29.32HarryR*per lifetime
18:29.33Qwell[]*maybe* DMZ
18:29.36umdstuim out works over
18:29.38MercestesDe_Mon, What's the top speed of my '96 mustang?
18:29.40russellbooh, yeah ...
18:29.42umdstuthanks for help today
18:29.51russellbQwell[]: but basically anything that you get with a linksys
18:29.56Qwell[]it's been a while since I've used a linksys firewall
18:29.57De_Moner,  duh.  Im on teh digium page and found the TE110P, and it says end of life 8.15.2009!
18:30.02Qwell[]I'd have to go back and look at  it
18:30.06russellbah, that's all i have at home right now
18:30.14MercestesI wish I knew when my life would end.
18:30.22Qwell[]my last router was a sparcstation 5 :p
18:30.22russellbmy big linux router is still packed in a closet
18:30.51De_MonMercestes at least 80mpg
18:31.30Qwell[]80 miles per gallon hour?
18:31.44[TK]D-Fenderumdstu: pastebin them
18:31.50*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
18:32.48De_Moni wouda done a s!g!h but didn't want the bot correcting me
18:33.28De_Mon80 miles per gallon an hour is how that'd read btw ;)
18:34.01GalerasSirs, one last question: advantages of using * boxes instead of ATAs attached to cheap panasonics are: Faxing, better features, ivr sync, ... what else?
18:35.46xzcvczxthanks Mercestes got it working now
18:36.07De_Monaww comon, I can't get any of these distributors to give me a quote for the AA50
18:36.31MercestesGaleras, support, because Panasonic won't help you the moment they see our crap hooked to their crap.
18:37.07GalerasMercestes, Thanks Again, i missed that one!
18:37.10DefrazWhen I do a sip show peers and I see a 40ms under qualify column what does that mean?
18:37.19DefrazOr better said how is that number figured out.
18:37.23DefrazIs that an ICMP ping?
18:37.31MercestesDefraz, basically.
18:38.02NetgeeksCisco as home router is nice, but overkill for most.  I run a cisco, but not as my firewall/router, for stuff I want to stick behind a NAT, I use pfSense.  it's a nice package.  Stick it in a mini-atx system and you got a nice router
18:38.05fileit is the time it took for the remote device to process and reply to an OPTIONS packet
18:38.22MercestesRight, "basically."
18:38.42Defrazan OPTIONS packet?
18:38.56fileyes, a SIP OPTIONS packet
18:39.46Defrazto the SIP port right?
18:40.28filedepending on the remote device it might give lower priority to an OPTIONS packet so the qualify time could be high while in fact the device is rather close and responds to an INVITE immediately
18:40.37flujanhi guys.
18:41.08Defrazbut if the quality is crappy and bubbly and this is high then there could be a problem.
18:41.24MercestesDefraz, mtr would be a better tool than "sip show peers."
18:41.28file40ms is not high
18:41.48Defrazno 1200 is the one that is having trouble that was an example.
18:41.49*** join/#asterisk didge (
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18:41.59Netgeeks1200 is high
18:42.01fileuh then yeah...
18:42.16DefrazOkay that explaints a lot. I was just wondering iwhere that number came from.
18:42.23Defrazno DSL
18:42.31Defrazit constantly is at 150
18:42.32flujanguys, my pbx hang up today with the following error
18:42.46MercestesDefraz, don't voip over DSL
18:42.48Defrazbut it jumps between 540 and 1200 a lot.
18:42.53MercestesUnless it's a p2p dsl
18:43.06Defrazso like pppoa
18:43.39Netgeeks*boggle* what's inherently wrong with dsl to make it a bad medium for voip?
18:43.41MercestesVoIP+DSL= pain.
18:43.55_ShrikEwhys that?
18:44.00fileVoIP over DSL works fine
18:44.06MercestesNetgeeks, it sucks as a transimission media, often being entirely nerfed on the upstream to allow higher downstream.
18:44.17DefrazI seem to not have a problem with most DSL customers, but I do have a few.
18:44.20MercestesNetgeeks, insane amount of jitter in many locations, with some carriers blocking some ports completely
18:44.28_ShrikEI seldom have problems there..
18:44.29AlricIf by DSL you mean ADSL as opposed to SDSL?
18:44.33*** join/#asterisk robh71 (
18:44.37mostyport blocking is not adsl-specific
18:44.43flujanI also found this
18:44.44MercestesAlric, Yea, I mean commerical level broadband.
18:44.47NetgeeksI agree with file, there is nothing wrong with dsl with respect to voip...  how a particular carrier implements it, and the other data or load level makes alot more difference than the fact it's dsl
18:44.50Defrazbut tha tproblem would be solved with SIP over TCP
18:44.56flujanI am currently using
18:45.00MercestesIf everyone will notice, no one here has said "i've never had problems with DSL."
18:45.17AlricI've never had problems with DSL :D
18:45.19sheppardI've never had problems with DSL.
18:45.25NetgeeksI'll say it then.  I've never had any problems with voip over my dsl
18:45.28DefrazI have had problem with every Broadband service and VoIP but it comes down to network.
18:45.30MercestesNetgeeks, I agree...if the ADSL link is *fine* and you don't have 800 teenagers Dling porn at 4p, then sure it works fine.
18:45.33Strom_MI've bever had problems with DSL.
18:45.36_ShrikEIt only is problematic when you ask it to do more than your service can provide.
18:45.41Netgeeksit's worked fine except when the dsl is hard down... then nothing works
18:45.41Mercestesoh gods....
18:45.44mostyi can't recall every having any adsl-specific voip problems, obviously you are limited by the upload speed
18:45.44filethe same can be said about cable if you want to go that route
18:45.44Mercestesyou people are impossible.
18:46.03Mercestesfile:  I do say the same thinkg about cable.
18:46.16Netgeeksbut then again, I don't buy the cheapo dsl, I buy business dsl with 8M down, 512 up
18:46.22*** join/#asterisk robh71 (
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18:47.01De_Mon512 up? what a crapo upstream
18:47.09MercestesResidential grade broadband, in general, is not guaranteed, hard to diagnose, and impossible to control.  When it sucks, your SoL, and trying to convince the carrier that something is *WRONG* because your VoIP traffic won't work on it, is impossible.
18:47.20De_Monmy resindential DSL is 3M up 768 down!
18:47.30Mercestesand then they tell you "Your not supposed to be doing that anyway...but we offer digitial phone service!"
18:47.38*** join/#asterisk kwame (n=kwame@
18:47.41MercestesSure, it may work most of the time....
18:47.46NetgeeksDe_Mon: yeah, it is a crap up, but I don't use much of it...
18:47.48Mercestesthat 20% it doesn't is what kills it.
18:47.49kwameHi, I'm doing my first install and testing of asterisk
18:48.05De_MonIm patiently waiting for FIOS
18:48.19MercestesI won't order FIOS...Verizon can go to hell.
18:48.27kwameI just configured to have 2 extensions (101 and 102) and I configured the accounts in separate linux boxes using ekiga
18:48.45MercestesI called them up, they said it was available, spoke to me for 45 minutes, ordered everything they sold, got a date....a phone, everything...
18:48.47kwamewhat is the correct way to dial? just the extension # or extension@host ?
18:48.48mostyde_mon: residential dsl has higher contention rates than business
18:48.51Mercestescalled to check up on my order...they lost my order.....
18:48.57kwamenone of them work, so I don't know what I am missing
18:48.59Mercestes*AND* now they say they don't offer it in my area..
18:49.09De_MonMercestes Oooo
18:49.11mostykwame, are you using linux? or just direct host-host sip calls?
18:49.32kwamein the /var/log/asterisk/message I see 'peer 102 is now reachable'
18:49.37Mercestes*I'm* patiently waiting for AT&T Uverse just to spite Verizon.
18:49.40kwameso I guess the accounts are configured ok
18:49.52kwamemosty: mmhhhh, I'm running ekiga on linux
18:50.03kwameand asterisk is running in a third linux box
18:50.30mostykwame: is ekiga configured to use the asterisk box as a sip gateway
18:51.34kwamemosty: the account is set up the asterisk box, is that what you are talking about?
18:51.54mostyis ekiga dialling via the asterisk box?
18:52.02flujanhum... asterisk is eating all memory from the machine... I have 1GB of memory...
18:52.25kwamemosty: in ekiga i've tried sip:102 and
18:53.02*** join/#asterisk dlynes (
18:53.08kwamemosty: in what part of ekiga do I configure it to use the asterisk box as a sip gateway?
18:53.18mostykwame, no idea, i don't use ekia
18:53.21MercestesI'm just guessing, but the Proxy setting?
18:53.31kwamemosty: any other software option?
18:53.35dlynesflujan: are you using linux?
18:53.48mostytwinkle is fairly simple
18:54.26kwamemosty: is twinkle kde based?
18:54.44mostynot sure. i don't use kde but i use twinkle.
18:55.19kwamemosty: let's see
18:55.52kwamemosty: what I basically want to do is use asterisk as a server to call between some users that have access to that server, just for testing purposes right now
18:56.02*** join/#asterisk DeeJayTwo (
18:56.05kwamelinux+some software+asterisk
18:57.04DeeJayTwo    .... the end is not really chronologic... what I want to know is why I get Request pendings...
18:57.13DeeJayTwowhat's the problem?
18:57.25*** part/#asterisk [T]ank (n=ckwall@
18:58.04DeeJayTwothis is a call established with canreinvite=yes between a UA<-->Asterisk1<-->Asterisk2<-->SIP-to-PRI softswitch
18:58.37*** join/#asterisk groogs[h] (
18:59.01flujandlynes_laptop: yes...
18:59.08blitzragecodefreeze: I think I'm going to try writing something in AEL :)
18:59.09flujandlynes: Iam using linux
18:59.15DeeJayTwothe time seems non chronologic because it'S coming from 2 merged tcpdumps..
18:59.44dlynes_laptopflujan: pastebin the output of 'free' and 'ps auxffww'
19:00.43dlynes_laptopflujan: also, how many simultaneous connections are you using?
19:01.00dlynes_laptopflujan: i.e. how many call legs?
19:01.21Mercestesblitzrage, System(echo "Hello World.")
19:02.10flujanbut does asterisk really use that ammount of memory
19:04.25blitzragelast time I wrote something in AEL, it was written by Mark and was BRAND NEW :)
19:05.45brookshireflujan: last i heard, asterisk doesn't use that much memory, but it definitely uses some cpu
19:06.03*** join/#asterisk atif_ (
19:06.18flujanthink that version 1.4.11 will close this issue...
19:06.45*** part/#asterisk jm|laptop (n=jm|
19:09.04syzygyBSDare there any web gui's that will configure asterisk as well as generate the config files for your phone?
19:10.21russellbthe asterisk appliance from digium does polycom auto provisioning
19:10.24russellbdon't know about any others
19:10.51syzygyBSDsweet, I just finished writing one, figured I should have checked to see if one existed first
19:11.06brookshirei think switchvox does that too
19:11.22russellbah, probably so ..
19:11.40brookshireand one of the asteria programs do too
19:13.40MercestesWhat is a good way to do queue statistics using Asterisk?  Calls per day, avg. minutes per call, time to answer, etc. etc.?
19:13.45syzygyBSDsweet, it is nice to only have to configure the phones once
19:14.09Mercestesbasically high grade call center reporting....?
19:14.52syzygyBSDMercestes: there is a /var/log/asterisk/queues_log
19:15.03syzygyBSDor something, you can parse it for all the info
19:15.22MercestessyzygyBSD, yea, but...what do I do with that?  :(
19:15.28syzygyBSDthere is also an app that will auto insert it into a database
19:15.49syzygyBSDMercestes: um.. do you know sql?
19:16.15umdstuquick question
19:16.18umdstuasterisk was just working
19:16.24syzygyBSDwell, there are two hangup events, both of them have the time of the call, and one is for each end of the call that hung up
19:16.31umdstunow i try to start it and it says unable to connect to remote asterisk
19:16.42umdstu(does /var/run/asterisk.ctl exist)
19:16.47umdstuand it does
19:16.54syzygyBSDumdstu: ya, they just released something that made it crash, wait a minute and it will be fixed
19:17.13umdstusyzygyBSD: that makes no sense
19:17.14syzygyBSDsorry, bad answer... stop and restart it?
19:17.23umdstudid that
19:17.25umdstuand rebooted
19:17.26*** join/#asterisk PC_Clone (
19:17.45syzygyBSDcan you run asterisk -vvvvvc?
19:17.51umdstulemme try
19:18.00umdstubut i have a feeling permissions might be different on sip.conf file
19:18.01syzygyBSDwhen it is stopped?
19:18.03umdstuor extensions.conf
19:18.09umdstulet me check
19:18.29PC_Clonehi everyone...I was wondering if anyone has seen a problem I'm having....I was setting up a tdm400p with a bri card....everything was starting to work then the zap commands disappeared from the cli
19:19.12syzygyBSDPC_Clone: when you rebooted did you modprobe zaptel and ztcfg?
19:19.25PC_Clonewhen I do lsmod they are there
19:19.31PC_Clonewell zaptel is there
19:19.40PC_Cloneand ztcfg shows everything (16 chans)
19:19.43syzygyBSDright.. did you do ztcfg -vvv
19:19.49umdstusyzygyBSD: thanks that did it
19:20.07umdstumy manager.conf had an old bindaddr
19:20.14umdstuconflicted with sips bindaddr
19:20.17syzygyBSDumdstu: now it is running in the console, when you exit it will kill asterisk
19:20.36syzygyBSDok, so you found out the problem.. ok :)
19:21.03syzygyBSDPC_Clone: is there zaptel in /etc/asterisk/modules.conf?
19:21.56PC_ClonesyzygyBSD: it has autoload
19:21.58umdstui did a ps -aux and killed itmanually
19:22.13umdstuit works now
19:22.33Mercestesumdstu, you killed it with ps -aux?, I need to be more careful with ps.  >.>
19:22.57syzygyBSDwhen you startup asterisk from the console (ie with asterisk -vvvc) does it say it loads the zaptel module?
19:23.06tzafrir_laptopPC_Clone, what is the outpuit of cat /proc/zaptel/*
19:23.10umdstuno no
19:23.17umdstui used it to get the ID
19:23.19tzafrir_laptopPC_Clone, what BRI card?
19:23.21umdstudon't be silly
19:23.24umdstuyou know what i meant
19:24.12syzygyBSDkill `ps aux|grep asterisk|awk ' { print $1 }'`?
19:24.18PC_Clonetzafrir_laptop: it has 1-5 (4 port bri and the tdm)
19:24.36PC_Clonetzafrir_laptop: it's the phoniceq
19:24.47tzafrir_laptopPC_Clone, which BRI card? what driver do you use for it?
19:25.18syzygyBSDya, what confuses me is he said the zap commands aren't in the console anymore
19:25.20PC_Cloneodly it shows the first port in use on /proc/zaptel/5
19:25.37wunderkinsyzygyBSD, or killall asterisk
19:25.37tzafrir_laptopasterisk 1.2 or 1.4 ?
19:26.00syzygyBSDwunderkin: but that doesn't use ps aux
19:26.15tzafrir_laptopPC_Clone, please pastebin the output of:  cat /proc/zaptel/*
19:28.14PC_CloneSpan 1: ztqoz/1/1 "quadBRI PCI ISDN Card 1 Span 1 [TE] (cardID 255) Layer 1 DEACTIVATED (F3)" AMI/CCS
19:28.14PC_CloneSpan 2: ztqoz/1/2 "quadBRI PCI ISDN Card 1 Span 2 [TE] (cardID 255) Layer 1 DEACTIVATED (F3)" AMI/CCS
19:28.26PC_CloneSpan 3: ztqoz/1/3 "quadBRI PCI ISDN Card 1 Span 3 [TE] (cardID 255) Layer 1 DEACTIVATED (F3)" AMI/CCS
19:28.29PC_CloneSpan 4: ztqoz/1/4 "quadBRI PCI ISDN Card 1 Span 4 [TE] (cardID 255) Layer 1 DEACTIVATED (F3)" AMI/CCS
19:28.42PC_CloneSpan 5: WCTDM/0 "Wildcard TDM400P REV I Board 1"
19:29.18umdstui'm out for real this time thanks for the help syzygyBSD
19:29.34MercestesPC_Clone, Did you *READ* what Tzafrir said before you did that?
19:29.39PC_CloneSpan 3: ztqoz/1/3 "quadBRI PCI ISDN Card 1 Span 3 [TE] (cardID 255) Layer 1 DEACTIVATED (F3)" AMI/CCS
19:29.42PC_CloneSpan 4: ztqoz/1/4 "quadBRI PCI ISDN Card 1 Span 4 [TE] (cardID 255) Layer 1 DEACTIVATED (F3)" AMI/CCS
19:29.53MercestesPlease stop.. =/
19:29.55PC_CloneSpan 5: WCTDM/0 "Wildcard TDM400P REV I Board 1"
19:30.16PC_CloneI'm guessing you meant pastebin....dunno what that is I guess. sorry
19:30.25jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
19:30.43MercestesNo, thank you!  :)
19:30.45*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
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19:31.25tzafrir_laptopchannels that are "(in use)" are opened by asterisk, and probably show up on 'zap show channels'
19:31.56PC_Clonetzafrir_laptop: If I type "help" in the cli, there is nothing for zap
19:32.02blitzrageMercestes: I love when people say, "please stop", because they've already pasted the whole thing -- they can't stop it
19:32.13PC_Cloneno zap show channels no zap restart
19:32.23tzafrir_laptopwhat is the output of: show version
19:32.30tzafrir_laptopis it bristuffed?
19:32.37Mercestesblitzrage, I know....but it communicates a certain level of pain and exasperation that I just can't help myself.
19:33.18tzafrir_laptophmmm... somebody is using those channels. Maybe you have two asterisk processes running?
19:33.25PC_Clonetzafrir_laptop: it's standard asterisknow
19:33.30PC_Cloneerr b6
19:33.47PC_Clonejust fresh from a reboot, IRQ maybe?
19:33.48tzafrir_laptop'zap restart' interacts badly with digital spans
19:33.56tzafrir_laptoptry a 'restart now'
19:34.13PC_Clonesame result
19:34.16*** join/#asterisk bminish (
19:42.38dlynes_laptopflujan: seems to me that you've got a memory leak somewhere
19:42.59flujandlynes_laptop: yeap... i will install version 1.4.11 to see if it will be solved.
19:43.14dlynes_laptopflujan: you've got 732MB's allocated to user processes, but I don't see anywhere near that amount in your ps list
19:43.44dlynes_laptopflujan: You're only using 62MB's in asterisk
19:47.42*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
19:48.01Dovidis it possible to do this  Record(foo|gsm|wav|ulaw) ?
19:48.18Dovidto record one file in multiple formats  ?
19:48.27MercestesTry it
19:48.42*** join/#asterisk livesN[box] (n=chadkous@
19:48.49syzygyBSDI know right after you can use sox to make whatever formats you want
19:49.03Dovidthe box is at remote location behind NAT with  ports closed so I cant test yet :(
19:49.07livesN[box]hey guys I'm trying to do MixMonitor on a call to a ringgroup -- it's just giving me an empty file as the output... Is it possible to do this ?
19:49.22MercestesDovid, so what exactly are you recording then?  lol
19:49.33Dovidit will be recorded at a later date
19:49.40Dovidnow I am doing the configs
19:49.48Dovidwas just wondering b4 i wrote it all out ;)
19:50.02MercesteslivesN[box], do you have transmitsilenceduringrecord=yes or some option similar to that?
19:50.31DovidlivesN[box]: ringgroup meaning that u have SIP/foo&SIP/Bar ?
19:50.40livesN[box]no I don't think so -- the file (regardless of how long I'm on the call) is always the same size so it seems to me it's starting and stopping the recording at almost the same time
19:50.57Mercestestry transmit_silence_during_record=yes in asterisk.conf
19:51.07DovidlivesN[box]: r u using ztdummy ?
19:51.08livesN[box]ringgroup consisting of local extensions and also outside numbers
19:51.20livesN[box]Dovid, no I don't think so.. using a Zap channel
19:54.50DovidMercestes: Argh !!! I wish there was something like Record(foo:gsm&foo:wav)
19:55.10Dovidi would create a patch but i dont code in c :(
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19:56.40livesN[box]I figured it out -- I was starting the MixMonitor on my ring group but then I was running a macro that started a new call with the person on the ring group and someone else immediately.. I just had to change where I was starting MixMonitor.. thanks though
20:03.19*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
20:03.43hmmhesayswheres the book at?
20:03.49jbotthebook is probably a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
20:05.18hmmhesayswhat up folks?
20:05.34hmmhesaysok that link doesn't work for me
20:05.35Strom_Mthe sky and taxes
20:05.36hmmhesaysis it down?
20:05.48Deeewaynecrichardson: do you maintain chan_misdn ?
20:08.37b11danyone know how I might send a "sip notify polycom-check-cfg" to ALL my sip peers, without specifying them individually?
20:09.07AlricI wrote a script to do that in PHP
20:09.22b11di figured I would end up doing something like that..  didnt want to though :)
20:10.15hmmhesaysis down er what?
20:10.41b11dyeah its unreachable from here..
20:13.56russellbDeeewayne: wrong guy ..
20:14.13russellbDeeewayne: it's critch when he's on IRC
20:14.35russellbDeeewayne: he's from berlin, so i'd expect to see him on in earlier hours, but he's not on a whole lot
20:14.54Deeewaynerussellb: thanks.  You da man
20:15.07*** join/#asterisk variable_office (
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20:17.02dugis there a yum repo for asterisk on fedora core 6?
20:18.55*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey)
20:22.11*** join/#asterisk mial (
20:22.20mialgood evening
20:22.33*** join/#asterisk Vorondil (n=vorondil@unaffiliated/vorondil)
20:22.51mialasterisk doesn't compile on freebsd 6.2 sparc64
20:23.05*** part/#asterisk BSD_Tech (
20:23.10mialI had an error about __bswap32 or something like that
20:23.26mialis it a known bug ?
20:24.04russellbthat's certainly not a platform that we deal with often ...
20:24.09russellbso i wouldn't be surprised
20:24.11russellbno, it's not known
20:24.45Nuggetheck, I didn't even know that FreeBSD could build on sparc64  :)
20:26.56Qwell[]freebsd can build on everything
20:27.28russellbhow about a loaf of bread?
20:27.41Qwell[]yes, but you have to also have it on your toaster
20:28.08russellbmy toaster doesn't have enough l33t juice to run freebsd
20:28.29Deeewaynemy toaster has a fully functional dialplan
20:29.06AlricNutty.  Mine just toasts bagels.
20:29.22jinglesok. so, I'm back to a question I had yesterday.
20:29.23Deeewayne...mmm.....nutty bagels....
20:29.34jinglesI have a queue, with a list of member => entries.
20:29.44jinglesI want to add someone's cellphone to that list.
20:29.45mialI edited the faulty C file
20:29.53mialit now works
20:30.13miala || defined(__FreeBSD__) was missing
20:30.23mialwhere can I send a patch ?
20:31.09*** join/#asterisk Egonis (
20:31.37EgonisI have zaptel, wctdm, wtc4xpp loaded but when I run asterisk, 'zap show channels' results in an invalid command
20:31.40Egoniswhat am I missing?
20:31.52russellbEgonis: recompile asterisk *after* installing zaptel
20:32.07russellbit means chan_zap didn't get built and installed because it didn't see zaptel was installed
20:32.25EgonisI will try that
20:33.18EgonisI still get the same results
20:33.32Egonisand my dmesg shows a found 'Wildcard TDM400P'
20:35.29Egonisanyone? this is really odd
20:36.58Dan0maN_Work52 seconds to recompile *?
20:37.03b11ddid you compile, or use a binary distribution?
20:37.12b11dif you compiled.. open "config.log" and search for "zap"
20:37.14b11dsee what it says
20:37.55EgonisI just ran zttool and it says 'UNCONFIGURED'
20:37.59Egonishow do I change this?
20:38.06EgonisI have a valid zaptel.conf in /etc
20:38.19Egonisno, wait.. I don't. :P
20:39.52Egonisin config.log I see: checking zaptel/tonezone.h usability
20:40.00Egonisoh, wait
20:40.09Egonis/usr/include/zaptel/tonezone.h: error: no such file or directory
20:40.14Egonisalthough it's compiled and installed
20:40.59b11dyeah well its not in /usr/include/zaptel then is it
20:41.04b11dmaybe its in /usr/local/include/zaptel
20:41.14Egoniszaptel produces an error on compile about no rule to make target
20:41.33Egonisdownloading latest zaptel
20:41.38b11dyeah its not odd actually
20:41.43b11dgood luck :)
20:44.28*** part/#asterisk Egonis (
20:48.53*** join/#asterisk Egonis (
20:49.19EgonisI have now recompiled asterisk against zaptel, and still cannot run 'zap show channels'
20:49.30*** join/#asterisk redbaron1973 (
20:49.32EgonisI have wctdm modprobed and it shows the card found, along with all FXO cards found.
20:49.56b11d|bblwhat does your config.log say?
20:49.58Egonisrunning zttool indicates that the card is unconfigured, but I don't know what to do next
20:50.00b11d|bblanything about zap being found and working?
20:50.05Egonisconfig.log shows all zaptel modules found
20:50.07*** join/#asterisk Tako-san (
20:50.18b11d|bbldo you have in your asterisk modules directory?
20:50.28redbaron1973I have a spare TE420 that I removed when I switch to sangoma cards. Can this be used as a WAN interface for 4 bonded T1's?
20:51.03DovidI am over tired
20:51.05Egonissec, I am downloading *1.4.11
20:51.09Dovidwhy am i getting this error ?
20:51.10DovidNo application 'PickupChan'
20:51.16Dovidwhat small thing am i not putting in ?
20:51.28*** join/#asterisk snook3r (
20:51.41DovidErev Tov snook3r
20:53.56EgonisI am compiling 1.4.11 and just saw it write, so this is good
20:54.15*** join/#asterisk markgreene (n=markgree@
20:54.45markgreeneCan someone here help me understand a network inconsistency between my softphone and my polycom 301?
20:55.34*** join/#asterisk groogs[h] (
20:56.40b11d|bblEgonis.. sounds like progress to me
20:57.43Egonisthere is a /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/, but zap show channels show invalid command
20:57.59JunK-YEgonis: module load
20:58.13b11d|bblyou dont have multiple asterisk installations on this box do you?
20:58.17EgonisNo such device or address messages
20:58.25b11d|bblyeah your "asterisk" isnt looking in the right spot
20:58.37b11d|bbledit your asterisk.conf and make sure the modules path is correct
20:58.47JunK-YEgonis: specific message?
20:59.02Egonis[Aug 23 16:58:19] WARNING[9996]: chan_zap.c:903 zt_open: Unable to specify channel 1: No such device or address
20:59.02Egonis[Aug 23 16:58:19] ERROR[9996]: chan_zap.c:7160 mkintf: Unable to open channel 1: No such device or address
20:59.02Egonishere = 0, tmp->channel = 1, channel = 1
20:59.02Egonis[Aug 23 16:58:19] ERROR[9996]: chan_zap.c:10466 build_channels: Unable to register channel '1-3'
20:59.17JunK-Ycause u dont have kernel mod loaded
20:59.33JunK-Ytry modprobe wctdm (or whatever ur kernel mod) is.
20:59.40Egonislzaptel                177188  4 zttranscode,wctdm
20:59.40Egoniscrc_ccitt               5376  1 zaptel
21:00.00JunK-Yand wahts the output of ztcfg -vvv?
21:00.05EgonisFound a Wildcard TDM: Wildcard TDM400P REV I (4 modules) -- and 4 messages above it about the modules 0 through 3 found
21:00.32JunK-Yapparently theres a problem with ur 1st one.
21:00.35EgonisChannels 1-3 FXS Kewlstart, changing signalling on channel 1-3 from Unused to FXS KewlStart
21:00.41*** join/#asterisk keulin (
21:00.54EgonisI see absolutely no errors
21:01.01JunK-Yand is the load correct after from unused to ks?
21:01.06Egonisnow it's working. :P
21:01.14Egonisztcfg did the tricky, I forgot to run it after modprobe.
21:02.30Egonishowever, when I dial out, I get no audio and no messages in the asterisk console with core set verbose 7 set
21:02.57JunK-Ylunch time.
21:03.10*** join/#asterisk tristanbob (n=tristan@oalug/member/tristanbob)
21:04.35*** part/#asterisk lirakis (n=etamme@
21:04.42markgreeneCan someone tell me what the usual problem is when a SIP phone cannot register and the error in Asterisk is "username/auth mismatch"
21:05.38markgreene* OTHER than me typing the wrong username and password into the sip device
21:05.55dlynes_laptopmarkgreene: it means invalid username and/or password
21:06.05dlynes_laptopmarkgreene: that's it; nothing else
21:06.29dlynes_laptopmarkgreene: could be phone side, or asterisk side
21:06.39markgreenedlynes_laptop: I don't understand what is going wrong then. I am using a polycom 301. And it just wont' connect. I will check both sides again. Thanks
21:07.21dlynes_laptopmarkgreene: check to make sure the value inside the '[' and the ']' matches your username= line as well
21:08.44*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
21:08.50bkw__so who has bought the Cepstral Allison voice?
21:09.10Qwell[]Allison Smith did a Cepstral voice?
21:09.15bkw__it was released monday
21:09.58Strom_Mspam spam spam spam
21:10.21b11d|bbldo I look like SMTP to you or something?
21:10.40b11d|bblthats what I said
21:10.52jingles250 it's nice to meet you rudholm
21:10.59dugis there a repo for fedora 6 asterisk?
21:11.10b11d|bbldug.. get the source, compile it..
21:11.13*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
21:11.18b11d|bblhi TK
21:11.23Strom_M200 OK
21:11.27b11d|bbl220 RST
21:12.05Strom_M(that means I'm finished)
21:12.07b11d|bblhahah i've been trumped once and for all
21:12.28dugb11d|bbl: yeah hoping not to have to maintain a compiled package...
21:12.49b11d|bblyou will ALWAYS have to "maintain" it..
21:12.52*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
21:12.58b11d|bblcant just install 1.4.11 and let it sit like that forever..
21:13.09Qwell[]bkw__: Tell Lenzo to add her to the demos page
21:13.38Qwell[]yeah, that's the guy
21:13.51bkw__shows how much you pay attention
21:13.55bkw__Lenzo don't work there no more
21:13.57dugI have to maintain to many servers as is... thats what I like about the ports tree and yum etc ... makes life easier
21:13.57bkw__he works for apple now
21:14.06bkw__yah really
21:14.14Qwell[]so who's the main guy now?
21:14.45bkw__Craig Campbell
21:15.06bkw__also we worked with them to build and integrate MRCP was released monday
21:15.43Qwell[]bkw__: regardless - somebody should update the demos page :p
21:15.55bkw__yah i'll tell craig
21:15.57Qwell[]unless you have any demos...  I'm really curious to hear it
21:16.04bkw__it sounds good
21:16.22*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
21:16.44Qwell[]weird, no solaris of x86 tarballs for her either
21:16.56bkw__get a mac
21:17.16Qwell[]just seems a bit odd, since the voices are platform independent, aren't they?
21:18.18bkw__now you guys need to put an exception in so you too can interface with MRCP
21:20.41EgonisWhen I dial out on a zap channel, I get no audio
21:24.01b11d|bblturn up your debug level and verbose levels and see why..
21:24.07b11d|bblset debug 100  or something
21:24.10b11d|bbland set verbose 100
21:24.19b11d|bbli dont know what the actual values should be.. 100 works for me.
21:29.20*** join/#asterisk zpertee (
21:29.43zperteedo I have to install zaptel before I install asterisk?
21:30.02CrazyTux[m]Does anyone know if I can change asterisk's port to something like 5070 instead of 5060 for both in/out?
21:30.40syzygyBSDCrazyTux[m]: yes, in sip.conf
21:30.52[TK]D-Fenderzpertee, yes
21:31.10CrazyTux[m]syzygyBSD, that does both backwards signalling in/out for that port?
21:32.28CrazyTux[m]bkw__, did that like get slash dotted or something, everyone's talking about that.
21:33.17blitzragebkw__: LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
21:37.17russellbCrazyTux[m]: i saw it on digg
21:38.09bkw__kevin lenzo sent it to me on IM
21:45.11*** part/#asterisk wrmem (
21:51.56Tako-sanHey bkw__ things still working ok with the FreeSWITCH website?
21:52.06*** part/#asterisk Egonis (
21:52.06bkw__Tako-san, yes
21:52.14bkw__btw I'll be at astricon
21:52.17bkw__you should show up
21:52.24Tako-sanIf you need any more help do drop me an IM
21:52.40bkw__we launched
21:52.42bkw__check it out
21:52.44Tako-sanI wish I could but no chance of that.  Too busy.
21:52.49Tako-sanI will look at it now.
21:55.37Sweeperbkw__: tell jay to release adhearsion for freeswitch already so I can dump asterisk .\/.
21:55.55Tako-sanbkw__: Gratz on the Beta 1 release btw.
21:56.03bkw__Sweeper, he said its coming
21:56.15bkw__next time I talk to him I'll see if I can get dates
21:56.39SweeperI'm rarin' to go
21:57.01SweeperI'll even write docs and such :o
21:57.11bkw__he said the Adhearsion code for FS was way more powerful
21:57.28Sweeperof course we won't have exec() like in *
21:57.39Sweeperbut we'll just have to rewrite all that stuff :)
21:58.26bkw__beta1 was released monday
21:58.30bkw__of FreeSWITCH
21:59.16bkw__oh damn i'm blind
21:59.17bkw__my bad
21:59.25bkw__my iPhone was stolen when I was in NYC
21:59.31bkw__anyone want to donate to my replacement fund?
22:00.14Tako-sanAfter I get my own... maybe
22:00.28bkw__I had to buy one on my credit card.. I really couldn't afford it at the time
22:00.29SweeperI'll donate you a StarTAC
22:00.30bkw__so it hurt
22:00.58*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
22:02.01Tako-sanbkw__: How is the support currently for Sangoma hardware?
22:02.18bkw__works great
22:02.22bkw__I have two boxes in production now
22:02.30bkw__but take it to #freeswitch
22:02.35bkw__before I get dirty looks
22:04.12*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
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22:18.06riddleboxhow would I make a group of phones ring, when an option(2) is selected from the auto attendant
22:21.41markgreenehas anyone here ever had problems with polycom and asterisk where the polycom cannot register?
22:22.09blitzragemarkgreene: Dial(SIP/foo&SIP/bar&SIP/I_should_read_documentation_more_carefully,30)
22:22.44markgreeneblitzrage: extremely creative
22:22.53*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
22:23.04riddleboxblitzrage, ahh, I used commas instead of the /
22:23.06markgreeneblitzrage: anything to offer that might save me time
22:23.19*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
22:23.38blitzragemarkgreene: hrmmm... sitting behind NAT? Sometimes I've seen certain NAT devices do all sorts of weird stuff
22:24.05blitzragewithout more information... I'd just be shooting in the dark
22:24.05markgreeneblitzrage: I am sitting behind a nat, but my softphone works fine witht the same settings
22:28.42pkunkraHey, I'd like to setup an asterisk system with multiple incoming lines under one main phone number, like what the call centers do.  I have no idea what this is called in the telephony/asterisk world.  Can someone enlighten me with some search terms I could use?
22:29.55Nuggetthat's a matter you'll have to arrange with your telco provider who is selling you the phone number.  a "hunt group" is what it is sometimes called.
22:30.24Nuggetif you're talking about true VOIP service and not a PSTN/POTS sort of service it's not really a relevant issue to discuss.  It's just how it works.
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22:32.05*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=hardcore@
22:32.08*** join/#asterisk aao_pwner (
22:32.38pkunkranugget, ok.  the only POTS lines on it are the incoming lines.  its distributed out to a bunch of sip soft phones.
22:32.43aao_pwnerHey guys... what's a good VoIP service where I can get an outbound line that has free for local dialing in it's area....
22:32.53pkunkrai'll try "hunt group" and see what i can find.
22:32.56Nuggetpkunkra: it's up to your telco provider to make the pots lines behave that way.
22:33.01Nuggetasterisk can't make that work
22:33.07aao_pwnerI mean, like I want to select my DID...
22:33.26aao_pwnerSo that all the calls within it's area (ie 503) are free...
22:33.40aao_pwnerSame for a 360 number (free local)
22:34.11aao_pwnerOr would I need a PSTN hookup to an existing telco for that...
22:34.20pkunkranugget, ok.  i'll give them a call.
22:36.22*** join/#asterisk groogs[h] (
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22:39.58riddleboxis it possible to light multiple msg lights when a voicemail is left in one mailbox?
22:40.25aao_pwnerWtf is a msg light.
22:40.31aao_pwnerLike on a hardphone?
22:40.44jinglesevery single sip phone that's registered, and has the mailbox defined will show VM.
22:41.13jinglesthat means if you've got 15 sales folks, but all their VM dump into one box, all their phones will have the 'light on' until there's no more 'new messages' in the inbox.
22:41.46aao_pwnerOk guys, all I need is ap rovider that allows you to select which area your DID is registered in, free inbound, and free local outbound :/
22:42.22JTso you want someone that's free
22:42.24JTgood luck with that
22:42.31aao_pwnerlol, only local...
22:42.40aao_pwnerI already have that on my phone phone :/
22:42.43JTit's not free to provide such a service.
22:42.46*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=hardcore@
22:43.30aao_pwnerWell, I understand that it's not completally free..
22:43.34Mercestesaao_pwner, basically you want to set yourself up with a local DID in every major metropolitan area in the US?
22:43.35aao_pwneri mean like no charge per minute....
22:44.23JTaao_pwner: and in the US, you're dreaming
22:44.35JTyou either pay per minute, or pay a monthly fee for unlimited
22:48.03*** join/#asterisk aao_pwner (
22:48.11riddleboxjingles, can you have multiple mailboxes for each extension then?
22:48.11aao_pwnerJT, I mean like per month.
22:48.14aao_pwnerI was disconnected, sorry.
22:48.34aao_pwnerOr actually, a good provider where I can pick a DID...
22:48.36jinglesriddlebox : I haven't figured that one, no - I don't have any users that need more than one box.
22:48.51*** join/#asterisk jpe-nyc (
22:49.15JTaao_pwner: you need to find an unlimited plan, they cost a certain amount per month
22:49.29JTand don't allow limitless simultaneous calls
22:49.48riddleboxjingles, I wouldnt need it either, its just a thought, you could have a sales option in the auto attendant, have it ring all sales people, if no one answers it goes to a mailbox that lights all of the lights, but then each ext would have its own mailbox too
22:49.50blitzrageriddlebox: yes you can:  mailbox=100@default&101@somewhere_else
22:49.51blitzrageI think
22:50.12*** join/#asterisk jpe-nyc (
22:50.15riddleboxblitzrage, ok, I was going to try two mailbox lines
22:50.18aao_pwnerJT, can I message you :/
22:50.26jinglesoh ho! I'd never tried that.
22:50.39JTaao_pwner: what for?
22:50.42jinglescan you have both of them be in the same context?
22:50.50aao_pwnerJT I don't wanna say it in here ...
22:50.59pkunkraHmm, from what I've been reading, it seems that a phone line can't handle more than call at a time.  A hunt group would be composed of multiple physical phone lines that all feed into the same machine.
22:51.00riddleboxI am not sure
22:51.30pkunkraI figured the telephony hardware would be able to handle multiple calls on it.
22:51.45*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=hardcore@
22:52.52*** join/#asterisk Peaceful (n=peaceful@
22:53.19pkunkraso i'll need to make sure to buy multi-port FXO cards and machines with many pci slots
22:53.47JTyou can get multiple FXO per pci card
22:53.50JTbut FXO sucks
22:53.53JTget ISDN PRI :)
22:53.59*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
22:54.39*** part/#asterisk boster (n=boster@
22:54.48pkunkrahaha.  really?  lemme look up PRI lines quickly.  brb.  :-)
22:55.32pkunkraoh!  digital!
22:55.35aao_pwnerJT well I don't know WHAt to ask that is my primary concern.
22:56.15pkunkrai was thinking that FXO setup i was imagining seemed quite wasteful.
22:56.21carrarStart with the weather
22:56.32carrarJT, How is the weather were you are?
22:57.23aao_pwnerOk so guys I need to get 2 lines where I can select my DID with inbound and outbound charged per month..
22:57.26JTpkunkra: indeed
22:57.28aao_pwnernot per minute...
22:57.39aao_pwnerJT im just kinda testing this out though :/
22:57.42JTcarrar: highly overcast, moist but not currently raining, cold
22:57.59carrarThats good to hear!!
22:58.03carrar... errr read
22:58.18JTaao_pwner: most importantly, what are the endpoints?
22:58.27aao_pwnerThe area codes?
22:58.36aao_pwnertwo analog telephones...
22:58.44*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=hardcore@
22:58.48JTon random parts of the PSTN?
22:59.00JTor do you have control of the endpoints, or what?
22:59.09aao_pwnerno no no...
22:59.26aao_pwnerlike they call my DID and i bridge them over through the net to my other DID to ring another phone..
22:59.30aao_pwnerSo like...
22:59.46JTthe BEST way to do that is to terminate a PRI in a datacentre at each end
22:59.52JTbut the cheapest is to buy some SIP DIDs
22:59.53aao_pwner712-000-0000 -> my PBX -> 402-000-0000
23:00.05aao_pwnerYa, im just testing it out so i was looking at SIP DID's.
23:00.08weasel00if im looking to setup just voip for communication between our offices do i need to setup a service provider?
23:00.26aao_pwnerweasel00: depends what you need.
23:00.27JTweasel00: no
23:00.33aao_pwnerand no
23:01.16aao_pwnerWell JT, what's a good DID provider i saw :/
23:01.53aao_pwnerJT, how do these people resell DID's from the telco too, I never really understood that..
23:01.58weasel00i have offices spanning 4 continents and just looking to cut the phone bills a little for intraoffice calls...(bonus time is coming up and that would be a nice chunk of change)
23:02.21PeacefulCan anyone recommend a good alternative to the Cisco 796x phones?  I've been using 7960's (not 7960g's), which have been discontinued, and I'm wondering if there's a better phone to move to.
23:02.40aao_pwnerI've herd polycomm are good and actually better than cisco.
23:02.53aao_pwnerAnd cheaper...
23:02.54Peacefulaao_pwner, any particular model of polycomm?
23:03.07aao_pwnerNot that i know of, I haven't had a real need for a hardphone
23:03.30aao_pwnerJT, well getting the outbound is the hard part right...?
23:03.49aao_pwnerBecause multiple calls on inbound is easy..but outbound with multiple calls
23:04.32*** part/#asterisk PC_Clone (
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23:05.56JTaao_pwner: easy with PRIs
23:07.17JTaao_pwner: yes, that's how VoIP DID providers do it
23:07.31JTthey have PRIs terminated to their equipment in a datacentre
23:08.11JTPeaceful: polycom are the best phones, and model, depends on your needs
23:08.32JTmost peoples' needs are serviced by the economical IP320/IP330
23:09.11*** join/#asterisk thansen|laptop (n=thansen@
23:12.37PeacefulJT, I assume they work well with asterisk and polycom doesn't have the draconian "we won't give you firmware updates unless you pay" policy?
23:13.00PeacefulI'm reading about the SoundPoint 550 right now -- looks nice
23:14.43Dan0maN_WorkPeaceful:  you can get all bootroms and sip software up to the current one without hassle, for free.  but for the current one, you apparently have to contact your sales rep
23:14.59JTthey only distribute the latest firmware updates through resellers
23:15.09JTbut it's not on a paid licence basis
23:16.27aao_pwnerYa, you ahve to buy a support package...
23:16.28Peacefulwell, that's better than cisco at least
23:16.35aao_pwnerfrom Cisco
23:16.40aao_pwnerand buy their licensed firmwares..
23:16.52PeacefulWhere's the best place to buy polycom?
23:16.52aao_pwnerIf you can afford cisco phones and the firmware, you minus well run your whole voIP system on Cisco.
23:17.06JTthe sound quality of polycom phones is better than crisco anyway
23:17.07aao_pwnerI would eBay it, it really makes no difference if you get the right one lol.
23:17.23aao_pwnerDoes newegg sell hardphones?
23:17.28aao_pwnerI never checked
23:17.33JTno idea
23:19.00aao_pwnerI don't see any, but I would just eBay it if you are a cheap-o like me.
23:19.04aao_pwnerbut I'm 15 so..
23:19.15jbotextra, extra, read all about it, cheap is a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
23:19.40aao_pwnerDude, I am a cheapskate.
23:20.02aao_pwnerI find good deals allover the place for Hardphones on ebay, ones in good condition and seller gurentees and shit.
23:20.15aao_pwnerJust like a company orders 100 extra or something and they are like f*ck it sell it on ebay.
23:20.15*** join/#asterisk blinky42 (
23:20.20JTas long as they're polycoms, should be okay
23:20.45aao_pwnerI actually want a Cisco phone for the cool factor.
23:20.56aao_pwnerBut that is retarded since the polycomm's are better on all accounts :/
23:20.59JTlame factor you mean ;)
23:21.01*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
23:21.12aao_pwnerJT, do any polycomm phones have a color LCD?
23:21.19aao_pwnerI never really LOOKEd into hardphones...
23:21.29blitzragecolor LCDs are useless
23:21.37aao_pwnerYa, but not for the cool factor.
23:21.37Dan0maN_Workbut they're pretty!
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23:22.04Dan0maN_Workthe displays on the 550 are impressive though
23:22.11Dan0maN_Worki have a 550 and 650 here for testing
23:22.13aao_pwnerI just fated.
23:22.54Dan0maN_Worki also have a 330 and 430.  one of each
23:23.00aao_pwnerand JT, I always spelled it *"comm" because of qualcomm.
23:23.23Dan0maN_Workso far, the only differences i've seen are the displays, and number of line buttons and soft buttons
23:23.44aao_pwnerLOL, you know what would be useless, an iridium satellite phone SIP line.
23:24.31JTa globalstar sat phone sip connection would be worse
23:24.52DovidJT: ur talking about VOIP over SAT ?
23:25.03aao_pwnerI don't have cell phone service, but I have internet...which is ironic because that is the EXACT situation im in some small town in Iowa right now.
23:25.05Dovidi have a client that does it. works fine with some tweaking
23:25.21JTDovid: over globalstar portable units?
23:25.21aao_pwnerWhy the fuck would you want to use satellite over like a regular line...
23:25.38Dovidoh no
23:25.40Dovidfixed sat
23:25.41aao_pwnerHow cool would you be in the middle of class to have your satellite phone ring.
23:25.54JTpity about satellite phones not working indoors
23:26.06aao_pwnerDo you have one?
23:26.10SweeperI have
23:26.13JThave used them before
23:26.15Sweeperhave had, that is
23:26.22JTi want, but too expensive to own
23:26.22aao_pwnerHow's the quality on them anyway :/
23:26.26aao_pwnerit costs like what 2$/min
23:26.38Sweeperdepends on the provider
23:26.44aao_pwnerWeekend minutes... lol
23:26.49aao_pwnerpicture messaging t hrough a satellite
23:26.51aao_pwnerfamily plan.
23:27.03aao_pwnerDear jeasus.
23:27.08JTthe sat phone networks use totally different satellite setups to the fixed satellite setups people have on their homes
23:27.38aao_pwnerI need a fixed satellite setup, that also works mobily...
23:27.49aao_pwnerand it's for the cool factor.
23:27.57JTyou need to use a sat phone network for that
23:28.26_ShrikEIdirect rules for geo vsat and voip
23:28.28aao_pwnernow... didn't the US military buy Iridium some years ago or somethinge of that sort...
23:28.48JTthem and some consortium
23:28.53JTbargain of the century
23:30.02aao_pwnerI want to launch my own satellite ad-hoc network.
23:30.07aao_pwnerThat would be cool
23:30.21JTpossibly expensive
23:30.28aao_pwnerAnd by launch, i mean litterally like catapult it into sapce.
23:30.47aao_pwnerJT, expensive?
23:31.14aao_pwnerI'm talking like a laptop with a satellite dish attached.
23:31.21aao_pwnerand a huge rubber band.
23:32.25aao_pwnerIt might take a few tries to get it into orbit...
23:34.30aao_pwnerJT glad to hear that you are interested.
23:34.46JTrealign your reality :)
23:43.49*** join/#asterisk blinkbot2k (
23:44.08`SeanI dont suppose i can use asterisk to support DailUp users can i
23:44.25`Seanlike a way i can use my asterisk server to dailupto for inet
23:46.22bkw__but good luck with that
23:47.24b11d|bblzapras doesnt work for dialup, according to the wiki9
23:48.47riddleboxfor some reason, when I get a voicemail, asterisk tries to send it to my email
23:49.22*** join/#asterisk groogs[h] (
23:49.30b11d|bblcheck your voicemail.conf ?
23:49.47riddleboxb11d|bbl, I am not sure where in the file it would be adding it
23:51.09b11d|bblThe user_email_address is a character string which defines the email address of a user for a particular voicemail entry
23:51.41b11d|bbloh wait.. i misread your line..
23:51.45riddleboxb11d|bbl, my user email address string doesnt have that second @Asteriskserver
23:51.49b11d|bblhmm..  it's putting an extra @ in there eh
23:52.55b11d|bblthat seems to talk about that, somewhat.
23:53.19riddleboxmaybe something needs to be different in 1.4.x than 1.2.x
23:53.30b11d|bblread that comment from "Ross"
23:53.34b11d|bblor search for "asteriskserver"
23:59.52`SeanZapRas doesn't work for dailup
23:59.55`Seaniots for PPOE connections
23:59.57`Seanlike DSL

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