IRC log for #asterisk on 20070814

00:03.40HymieI just specify extra -vvvvv in the init script
00:05.49CaT[tm]hassle is that prevents asterisk from backgrounding and I'd say it has a nasty affect on the zombie population of the server.
00:06.01CaT[tm]the latter is a theory I'm working on though
00:06.24*** part/#asterisk exvito (n=exvito@
00:13.21*** join/#asterisk cr4z3d (
00:17.53vutamhoanI had problem with atxfer - the transferee only ring in 5s then hangup :( - If I use blind everything ok
00:18.25vutamhoanboth of them use the same dialplan for transfer
00:18.35*** join/#asterisk blitzrage[E61i] (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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00:19.21vutamhoancan anyone help me, thanks
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00:36.10*** join/#asterisk sopo2k4 (
00:36.26sopo2k4hey, does anyone have experience with the Asterisk Manager?
00:36.56sopo2k4for some reason using the Originate function, its parson "s" as the CALLED Number :s
00:37.50citatssopo2k4: what exactly are you sending over?
00:38.04sopo2k4-- Executing [failed@outgoingWestern:1] Dial("OutgoingSpoolFailed", "IAX2/voicepulse/01144failed") in new stack
00:38.34*** join/#asterisk gpoppo (
00:39.29citatssopo2k4: can you stick what your sending over via the manager interface in a pastebin?
00:39.36gpoppogood evening!
00:40.01sopo2k4tryna implement it into my vb application, :P can login n stuff
00:41.05citatssopo2k4: are you trying to dial that number under exten out the IAX2/voicepulse?
00:41.19gpoppoi want to try out a module - chan_cellphone, but i can only find it in source format. i haven't yet compiled asterisk, since the binary packaged in fedora seems to work fine..
00:41.34gpoppodo i need to get asterisk source and compile in order to try that module?
00:42.04sopo2k4i am.
00:42.26gpoppoor can i just compile the module - using the source from here (?), and then drop that into the relevant directory, etc?
00:42.45gpoppothe source for chan_cellphone, i would get from here:
00:42.46citatssopo2k4: you need to use something like Channel: IAX2/voicepulse/number
00:42.49sopo2k4thats what ive got in outgoingWestern context inside extensions.conf
00:43.03sopo2k4let me try
00:43.05*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
00:43.17citatssopo2k4: wait, so your trying to bridge 2 outgoing calls?
00:43.47sopo2k4dial 1 number, wait for answer then dial another and connect them together.
00:43.56sopo2k4but i cant even get it to dial 1st number yet lol
00:44.33citatssopo2k4: the first number you want to call needs to be passed in your channel line
00:44.53sopo2k4never mind got it ringing
00:45.41sopo2k4needed to put the number after IAX2/voicepulse/ :P
00:45.58sopo2k4would of thought it would parse what u put in Exten tho.
00:46.11citatssopo2k4: heh yeah gotta supply that info, otherwise it will go to default
00:46.33citatssopo2k4: the stuff in exten/context/priority or app/data only gets used after the call to Channel is placed
00:47.05sopo2k4so it would bridge the calls?
00:47.21sopo2k4im not following, cos my asterisk rung me twice lol
00:47.31sopo2k4when i initated only 1 Originate commands
00:47.59citatssopo2k4: your basically setting it up to dial whatever is channel, then after that bridge it with whatever is at exten/priority/context you passed
00:48.25sopo2k4ahh ic
00:48.25DarkRiftIs the spa3102 a good starting point if I wanted to setup a simple test with asterisk ?
00:48.47citatssopo2k4: did you want it to do something besides bridge the 2 channels?
00:48.53DarkRiftI mean, if I wanted to try it out for the first time
00:49.07*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
00:49.19sopo2k4nah, out of curiosity, would what i have set as Callerid: be shown to both numbers its calling?
00:50.20citatssopo2k4: the callerid: var will be used for the channel:, and i would think it would just be copied to the other channel.  if not you could set it in the dialplan
00:50.57sopo2k4there was one other thing
00:51.38sopo2k4i wanted to use IAX2/voicepulse for the first call (to the person who initated the command), and use IAX2/voipjet for the number its going to dial then bridge to the channel
00:51.43sopo2k4any idea's on that one?
00:52.20citatssopo2k4: so leave the IAX2/voicepulse in your Channel: and then set the exten under the outgoingwestern context to use IAX2/voipjet
00:52.48sopo2k4ok mate, cheers for that :P
00:53.13citatswife just got home, might be time for dinner.  take care
00:53.23sopo2k4you too
00:55.25dlynesSo what's going to be new in 2.6?
00:55.45dlynesIs the biggest difference going to be the new sip stack?  Or will that be getting put into 2.6?
00:55.51dlyneserm 1.6, I mean?
00:56.46dlynesCaT[tm]: you mean anything less serious than error?
00:57.02CaT[tm]well... not debug or verbose levels :)
00:57.21dlynesCaT[tm]: got a pastebin of your logger.conf file?
00:57.33dlynesCaT[tm]: what verbosity level do you have it set to?
00:57.33CaT[tm]one sec.
00:57.37dlynesCaT[tm]: are you using 1.2 or 1.4?
00:58.03*** join/#asterisk remmo (n=junk@
00:58.41CaT[tm]yeah we went and splurged.
00:59.19*** join/#asterisk Tako-san (n=Tako-san@
00:59.47CaT[tm]btw. this is the line: full => notice,warning,error,debug,verbose
01:00.45dlynesCaT[tm]: A.2?  you mean 1.2?
01:01.13*** join/#asterisk blinky42 (
01:01.15CaT[tm]this is the config file, sans comments:
01:01.24*** join/#asterisk remmo (n=junk@
01:01.42dlynesCaT[tm]: in your asterisk cli, type 'set verbose 100'
01:02.00dlynesCaT[tm]: then type 'logger restart'
01:02.13dlynesCaT[tm]: then try doing something...see if you're getting higher than 'error' level logging
01:03.16CaT[tm]just saw some verbose lines float past.
01:03.38CaT[tm]hrm. how do I set this in a config file?
01:03.40*** join/#asterisk techie (
01:03.43dlynesthere ya go then
01:04.28dlynesCaT[tm]: in your system startup script, wait for asterisk to start...after it's started do an "asterisk -rx 'set verbose 100'"
01:05.06x86why dont yall use inittab to start asterisk like the pros do it? :P
01:05.06CaT[tm]dlynes: thanks. is it safe to say that once the process forks, the above can be done?
01:05.06dlynesCaT[tm]: but, normally if everything's functioning well, you shouldn't need that high of a verbosity level
01:05.17dlynesCaT[tm]: correct
01:05.36CaT[tm]my asterisk monkey is learning and so would like to see as much info as possible if things go boom.
01:05.49dlynesCaT[tm]: so, normally if I need that high of a verbose level, I type 'asterisk -r', and do the set verbose 100 manually
01:06.16CaT[tm]the box isn't doing much and has the disk space, so...
01:07.43elixerCaT[tm]: do you use safe_asterisk?
01:10.14elixerCaT[tm]: if you do, you can change this line: ASTARGS="${ASTARGS} -vvvvg"
01:10.18elixerinclude more 'v's
01:14.33sopo2k4Im looking to use the Asterisk Manager to initate calls, however id like to give each manager.conf user a specific amount of calls allowed to be initated before contacting for more.
01:14.35*** join/#asterisk elixer (
01:14.40sopo2k4any idea how i could read/set a static variable
01:15.08sopo2k4Im looking to use the Asterisk Manager to initate calls, however id like to give each manager.conf user a specific amount of calls allowed to be initated before contacting for more.
01:15.15sopo2k4before ...
01:16.03elixeri don't understand.
01:16.24sopo2k4ok hmmm.....
01:16.39sopo2k4you know if someone wanted to sell calling cards using their asterisk systems.
01:17.10elixerlook at astdb
01:17.13*** join/#asterisk gneill794 (
01:17.13sopo2k4how would they go about doing that but instead of being charged per minute, they have a certain amount of calls.
01:17.36sopo2k4i need to know how to use the asterisk manager to read / set a variable that is stored for each user.
01:17.57sopo2k4ok let me read up
01:18.00elixerdatabase put, database get, etc.
01:18.56CaT[tm]elixer: that would cause a lack of forkage.
01:19.09*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
01:19.15elixerhow's that?
01:19.21CaT[tm]-v implies -f
01:19.49CaT[tm]-d also implies -f
01:20.01CaT[tm](just fyi :)
01:20.49elixerweird.  ok.
01:21.09sopo2k4elixer, using the asterisk manager, id use Action: DBget(varname=family/key) right?
01:21.16elixersopo2k4: yup
01:22.23CaT[tm]dlynes: btw. thanks for the assist.
01:22.34dlynesCaT[tm]: np
01:22.51Corydon76-homesopo2k4: you'd do what?
01:23.14sopo2k4<sopo2k4> elixer, using the asterisk manager, id use Action: DBget(varname=family/key) right?
01:23.23dlynesCorydon76-home: he'd do you
01:23.23elixerCaT[tm]: where in the asterisk 1.2 code does -v imply -f?
01:23.30*** part/#asterisk gneill794 (
01:23.32elixerCaT[tm]: trying to find it
01:23.48elixerin main() somewhere?
01:23.59CaT[tm]elixer: manpage plus cause and affect. :)
01:24.12elixerCaT[tm]: nm, found it
01:25.10Corydon76-homesopo2k4: Action: GetVar\r\nChannel: foo\r\nVariable: DB(family/key)\r\n\r\n
01:25.18clyrradThis is so strange, I am trying to get ztdummy and zaptel installed so I can use Page() - I am able to compile zaptel and I get no error, but when I modprobe zaptel I get FATAL: Module zaptel not found.  Can anyone help me get this going, or point me in the right direction?
01:26.04JTyou don't modprobe zaptel.
01:26.06*** part/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-72f8609e26378947)
01:26.09JTbut it should be there
01:26.14Corydon76-homeclyrrad: most likely, your kernel source specified a kernel other than what's installed
01:26.44clyrradCorydon76-home: I checked my ln -s for /usr/src/linux and its pointed to the proper place
01:26.49Corydon76-homeclyrrad: it's a favorite act of many distros to add the word "custom" onto the end of your kernel version, so you'll install to the wrong directory
01:27.03Corydon76-homeclyrrad: check /lib/modules
01:27.07clyrradbut in /lib/modules I see many different kernel versions there - coudl that be the issue?
01:27.14JTclyrrad: that's not the location of compiled modules
01:27.27JTit could be
01:27.31JTif your symlinks are bad
01:27.46clyrradmy symlinks to the kernel headers are good.....
01:27.53clyrradim just not sure about /lib/modules
01:28.12Corydon76-homeclyrrad: as I said, it's not about the source directory, per se.  The version string has to match EXACTLY
01:28.22JTwhat about kernel source?
01:28.43clyrradCorydon76-home: Yep, if I uname -r there is no EXACT match in /lib/modules - how do I correct this?
01:29.00Corydon76-homeclyrrad: compare:  uname -a   to:  find /lib/modules -name zaptel.ko
01:29.36Corydon76-homeclyrrad: probably the easiest for you is to custom compile your own kernel
01:30.34clyrrad.  /lib/modules/2.6.9-55.0.2.ELsmp/extra/zaptel.ko .........vs................6.9-55.ELsmp
01:30.34Corydon76-homeIf you know what you're doing, you can reverse what the distro packagers did to crap out your source
01:30.41elixerok, i don't get it.  safe_asterisk out of the box doesn't fork?
01:30.50Corydon76-homeelixer: correct
01:30.59Corydon76-homeelixer: it's just a shell script
01:31.02elixeri know
01:31.04clyrradCorydon76-home: ok, so I need to re-compile my kernel?
01:31.05elixeri'm looking at it now
01:31.15*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-9d742b9002034fbc)
01:31.21Corydon76-homeclyrrad: correct
01:31.24elixerso you shouldn't use it or you should set TTY=[nada]
01:31.43Corydon76-homeelixer: no, you should use it and set the tty to TTY9
01:31.48clyrradCorydon76-home: hrm.... was hoping to avoide that -alright..... thanks
01:32.25Corydon76-homeThat lets you view the console on Ctrl-Alt-F10
01:32.46elixerwhy would i want asterisk to fork?
01:33.16Corydon76-homeSome people prefer standalone daemon mode
01:33.50*** join/#asterisk iBuMp (
01:35.47elixerare there any performance benefits or implications one way or the other?
01:35.52elixeri'm sorry to ask dumb questions
01:36.04elixerbut i'm just now realizing that my server is set up this way
01:39.54*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
01:44.59lmadsenclyrrad: I bet you haven't rebooted since the last time yum or whatever package manager did a system update and installed a new kernel
01:45.59sopo2k4anyone know what would cause the Asterisk CLI to show this every 10 seconds
01:46.17clyrradlmadsen: that would be a good guess :p - this thing has not been rebooted in ages
01:46.31lmadsenclyrrad: I would almost bet money on that being your problem :)
01:46.33JTyou have some cron job running or a management interface or something
01:46.48clyrradlmadsen: hehe it pains me to reboot it - but that is a very good point you raise
01:47.27lmadsenyep -- I've run into that before. I'm five nines confident that'll fix THAT problem -- I make no guarantee to the creation of new ones :)
01:48.04clyrradalright we are after hours now anyway.........lets reboot this bad boy
01:50.37*** join/#asterisk mog (
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01:52.19x86sopo2k4: most likely you have some sort of monitoring that connects periodically to check on things... mrtg channel usage monitoring perhaps?
01:53.05clyrradlmadsen: alright reboot done - shall I recompile the zaptel again?
01:53.15lmadsenno I don't think so :)
01:53.21lmadsen(I'm being sarcastic)
01:54.28clyrradi still dont ahve a /lib/modules that matches my uname -r
01:55.13clyrradha! no errors now :D
01:56.03*** join/#asterisk techie (
01:56.09clyrradlmadsen: zaptel started up now :D
01:56.26lmadsenand you didn't even have to build a new kernel :)
01:56.37clyrradindeed!  I would not have thought to do a reboot either
01:56.56clyrradso used to never rebooting, I had an uptme of 243 days before tonight
01:57.19lmadsenheh... uptimes are overrated
01:57.41*** join/#asterisk AJaymn (
01:57.48lmadsenthat just means you have 243 days of possible kernel issues :)
01:57.50AJaymnAnyone have Asterisk running on Fedora Core 6?
01:57.53clyrradyea - that was a good call on your part - many thanks :)
01:58.32lmadsenclyrrad: ;)
02:00.22*** join/#asterisk remmo (n=junk@
02:03.08gpoppoi am running it on fc5 AJaymn, if that answers in any way?
02:03.36*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
02:06.29*** join/#asterisk vutamhoan (n=hoavq@
02:08.22AJaymnlol sorry :P
02:09.12AJaymngpoppo stupid question.. how do i install the Development Tools? :P my datacenter only installs the base system.. and im use to the old Slackware setup wizard thing
02:09.59gpoppodevelopment tools? hmm.. i'm a newbie myself.. but at a guess, there must be a corresponding asterisk-dev in rpm package format
02:10.19gpoppo#yum search asterisk and see what you find, perhaps
02:11.00AJaymnhow did you install asterisk on c5? was there a howto?
02:11.03gpoppoyou could compile asterisk from source, that's what i'm just doing
02:11.22AJaymnthats what i was doing too but it needs development tools
02:11.23*** join/#asterisk guillote_GNU (n=guillote@
02:11.32JTdoesn't slackware use pkg
02:11.38gpoppoi just installed asterisk from rpm..
02:11.50gpoppoyum install asterisk.. that should handle all dependencies
02:11.58JTgpoppo: no.
02:12.07JTgpoppo: did you actually read what AJaymn's scenario was?
02:12.16JTslackware does not use yum.
02:12.22AJaymnoh no no im using Core 6
02:12.24JTrpm based distros use yum.
02:12.32JTyou mean Fedora
02:12.38AJaymnsorry im just use to slackwares old setup
02:12.45AJaymnyes the server is running Fedora core 6
02:12.54gpoppodid YOU actually read what his scenario was, JT?!
02:12.58JTi see
02:13.07AJaymnlol dont fight boys :)
02:13.16JTgpoppo: zomg?@!?!?!
02:13.20gpoppowhat sort of development tools?
02:13.26gpoppogmake, gcc, etc?
02:13.26JTmake and gcc i asusme
02:13.39AJaymnthats what i was looking to follow
02:13.46AJaymnbut if there is an easier way...
02:14.01gpoppois that your blog?
02:14.06gpopposorry, no. not.
02:14.28gpoppoyeah, just issue a #yum install asterisk
02:14.45gpoppoyou can't go far wrong. it shouldn't bork anything
02:14.48AJaymnlast time i did a yum install my system wouldnt reboot :P
02:14.56gpoppohehe! know the feeling!
02:15.12gpoppodebian is no better either!
02:15.17JTAJaymn: using yum to install the development tools is a good idea, but not to install asterisk
02:15.35JTeh, the debian package management system is far better
02:15.46gpoppoAJaymn, I leave you in JT's capable hands!
02:15.55AJaymnhah thanks for the help
02:16.12AJaymnJT do u know what ver yum will install?
02:16.46gpoppo# yum search asterisk will tell you
02:17.14JTare we talking about development tools or the asterisk package?
02:17.43AJaymnsorry.. asterisk
02:18.00gpoppoon FC5, asterisk.i386 1:1.4.6-41.fc5 is installed from redhat RPM repository
02:18.01JTit's not advisable to install asterisk from packages
02:18.26gpoppowhy not, out of curiosity?
02:18.48JTbecause usually they have stupid defaults, strange patches, or lack of patches, and old versions
02:19.11gpoppoahh.. hmm.. i've got that same problem with the tarball though...
02:19.30JTweird, getting the latest tarball doesn't seem to get an old version
02:19.42JTor have really silly defaults, or any patches
02:19.49AJaymnok my past asterisk boxes have been trixboxes... whats the difference from 1.4 and the 1.2 vers? is 1.4 bleeding edge stuff? or...
02:19.57gpoppoanyway, i'll keep my nose out, since i don't really know what i'm talking about.
02:20.11JTAJaymn: 1.2 is meant to be more stable, but you may aswell start on 1.4
02:20.20JTas 1.2 will be going into maintenance soon
02:20.46AJaymnid hate to set somthing up and have to update in 2 days :P
02:21.06JThaha avoid asterisk then ;) they seem to be releasing a new version every 2 weeks
02:21.17AJaymnwell u know what i mean :P
02:22.23AJaymnok JT since you seem to be so diverse in Asterisk ;)   I have a box that keeps going into Read Only.. is that a HD issue? or is Asterisk taking over my world?
02:22.48JTwhen it boots, or while it's already up?
02:22.56AJaymnafter running..
02:23.05AJaymnsomtimes goes days without going into RO..
02:23.08JTsounds like the hard drive is about to die
02:23.08AJaymnsometimes hours
02:23.31*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
02:25.51gpoppoin a root terminal you could try tail'ing /var/log/messages, to see if you get any drive errors reported
02:26.01gpoppotail -f /var/log/messages
02:26.21gpoppo'grep' the old syslog too, that might shed some light
02:26.46RypPnis it sata or pata?
02:27.08*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-5487adc83781dab6)
02:29.43[TK]D-FenderJT : 1.2 IS already in maintenance only mode... security fixes only.  Time to jump onto the 1.4 band-wagon now.
02:29.53AJaymnWarning: Unknown: open(/tmp/sess_5e4c3d4d19fbb775c9f9933e9c0e68f2, O_RDWR) failed: Read-only file system (30) in Unknown on line 0
02:30.21JT[TK]D-Fender: there was recent maintenance, it seems ;)
02:30.30JTAJaymn: buy a new hard drive
02:30.55AJaymntrying to setup a new box.. but was having issues installing asterisk :P
02:38.19*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
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02:46.58*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
02:47.10CoaxDoh my god, my nufone 800 number works
02:47.16CoaxDafter weeks of downtime. it works
02:47.25CoaxDyay for really awesome unstable voip telcos
02:49.30*** join/#asterisk Snake-eyes (
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02:54.15J4k3a lot of cable, all the switches, etc.  it was all going to crap
02:55.41*** part/#asterisk mog (
02:59.05*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
03:02.05[TK]D-FenderJ4k3, Wso what you're saying is... that Vitelity was the straw that broke the camels back and forced yout o change EVERYTHING huh? :)
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03:11.45AJaymnJT you still around?
03:12.38AJaymnyum install asterisk
03:12.46Juggiewrong window!
03:12.51AJaymncomes back...  Nothing to do here
03:13.05JTAJaymn: i said not to use yum to install asterisk, but anyway
03:13.12AJaymnoh lol
03:13.21JTcompile from source
03:13.24AJaymngeer :P
03:13.59AJaymn   here these good directions?
03:14.36[TK]D-FenderAJaymn, COMPILE <-
03:15.27AJaymnsorry i guess i dont understand the difference between the directions on the blog, and compliling..
03:16.03[TK]D-FenderAJaymn, <- Go read the install instructions.
03:18.02JuggieAJaymn, that blog is pointing to old versions too
03:18.47AJaymnwell i seen that. didnt think it would take much to change the #s to correct ones
03:19.01*** join/#asterisk jmesquita (
03:19.45*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
03:22.22flendersAJaymn: I had problems using packages once, installed the same version from source and problems went away...
03:26.25*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
03:27.29flendersAJaymn: /join #fedora
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03:29.41pacneilanybody know if there's a channel for astlinux?
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03:35.46lmadsenpacneil: ;)
03:36.28*** join/#asterisk beek (
03:37.02lmadsenAJaymn: watch for TFoT2 in the next couple of weeks. You'll like the package matrix in Chapter 3 so you know what to install starting from a minimal install
03:40.34*** join/#asterisk santiago (i=santiago@debian/developer/santiago)
03:42.55[TK]D-FenderAJaymn, Just download the source, follow the instructions, and when (if) it whines at you about something missing, then ask about it.
03:43.06[TK]D-FenderAJaymn, just get off your ass and get started!
03:43.27[TK]D-FenderAJaymn, All this talk, talk, talk, when you should be ACTING.. sheesh.....
03:44.33AJaymnIm trying!
03:47.26AJaymnthese directions SUCK! :P
03:48.09JTAJaymn: untar the tarball.
03:48.21JTin the root of the tarball is a file called README or INSTALL, read it.
03:50.20JTstandard practice for compiling a piece of software
03:50.32AJaymnthat its this easy for you guys
03:52.57*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
03:57.52Sweeper[TK]D-Fender: hey, polycom fanboi, how can I disable the keypad on a polycom? basically, I want one phone to dial one number when it's picked up, and be basically locked out otherwise
04:04.06lmadsenSweeper: setup the dialplan so that's how it works
04:04.10lmadsen(on the phone)
04:07.49[TK]D-FenderSweeper, not sure if a "||" in your digitmap might do it (captured null)
04:17.39[TK]D-FenderAJaymn, its called README because you're expected to ignore it :)
04:18.12[TK]D-FenderAJaymn, our kind here respond wel to giant-flashing-neon-sign type filenames in tarballs :)
04:23.42*** part/#asterisk nick125 (n=nick@unaffiliated/nick125)
04:32.16AJaymnYou do not appear to have the sources for the 2.6.20-1.2944.fc6 kernel installed.
04:37.49[TK]D-FenderAJaymn, "yum install kernel-headers"
04:39.37[TK]D-FenderAJaymn, and "kernel-devel*"
04:39.48[TK]D-FenderAJaymn, and "kernel-utils"
04:40.37AJaymnok this scares me.. this is were i screw up last time and my box wouldnt reboot after a yum update
04:41.15flendersAJaymn: you're not changing the kernel... you're just installing the headers for your running kernel
04:42.36AJaymnyum install kernel-headers want to install a different ver then what kernel im running..
04:44.02*** join/#asterisk K350 (n=somedude@
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04:46.17AJaymnflenders: will this still work with wrong versions?
04:46.32AJaymnsince when i try to compile it sees i dont have the ver devl
04:48.29*** join/#asterisk fujin (n=aj@unaffiliated/fujin)
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04:51.42AJaymn[TK]D-Fender there someplace i can get my current ver kernel devel?
04:52.02TheNewAndyuname -r?
04:52.04[TK]D-FenderAJaymn, just pic the base, it'll pic the version automatically
04:52.10[TK]D-Fenderthat too
04:52.41AJaymnThis is what it wants to download:
04:54.01AJaymnwill that ver work? or will compiling complain its not the current kernel?
04:56.02fujinyou'll have to recompile stuff that was built against the old one
04:56.08fujinzaptel, other kernel modules
04:56.24AJaymnfound it!
04:56.29AJaymnbut what rpm will i need?
04:56.42fujinwhat are you trying to do?
04:56.45AJaymnwhat did i say?
04:56.49fujinyou said the r word
04:56.54AJaymnoh heh
04:57.38AJaymnim trying to compile zaptel at the moment
04:57.45AJaymni get You do not appear to have the sources for the 2.6.20-1.2944.fc6 kernel installed.
04:57.54fujinI'm not sure how to resolve that, sorry
04:58.00fujinfedora is a silly distro
04:58.12fujinYou probably have to do something with yum, to install the -dev package for kernel
04:58.16fujinor the srpm or whatever.
04:58.34AJaymnyum wants to install a new version then the kernel i have running
04:58.46fujinthat's probably advisable
05:01.56*** join/#asterisk ReD_RaBBit (
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05:09.11*** join/#asterisk rue_mohr (
05:09.18rue_mohrhave a problem
05:09.20fujinHi there
05:09.44rue_mohrI created a loop
05:09.58fujinlike, a bad loop
05:10.01fujinor a good loop?
05:10.07fujinmmmm. loop.
05:10.13rue_mohrmmm an undesired loop
05:10.23rue_mohrwhere is pastebin?
05:10.44*** join/#asterisk jeebusroxors (
05:11.07fujinyuck, I'd hate to think what it's like to create loops in extension.conf
05:11.31Zipper_32Just out of curiosity, what are some of the main benefits I could get from using the AEL?
05:11.46Zipper_32I've been using large extensions.conf files so far.
05:12.19rue_mohrits just a piece, but you can see the loop
05:12.37rue_mohrhow do I get it to ...clear? the previously dialed digits?
05:13.14rue_mohrto explain, I dial 401, and I hear the dog bark repeatedly
05:14.48Zipper_32I'm assuming that dest_dog has the line "exten => s,n,Goto(${Origin},s,1)" at the end of it?
05:14.57rue_mohrits just like dest_duck
05:16.30rue_mohrso it stores the dialed digits, and falls back through the path automatically
05:16.37rue_mohrmust be
05:16.58Zipper_32It tries to go to extension 's' in house, but there is no such extension.
05:17.08rue_mohrthere is
05:17.23rue_mohrer, there isn't
05:17.35rue_mohrthere is
05:17.47Zipper_32Am I blind?
05:17.55rue_mohrI'd paste the whole thing if It fit in 1 screen
05:18.27Zipper_32What does the 's' extension do in 'house'?
05:19.08CaT[tm]oooo. it's just like sesame st.
05:19.14rue_mohrinclude => parkedcalls
05:19.18rue_mohrexten => s,1,Answer                     ; Answer the line
05:19.20rue_mohrexten => s,n,Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=5)     ; Set Digit Timeout to 5 seconds
05:19.24rue_mohrexten => s,n,Set(TIMEOUT(response)=10) ; Set Response Timeout to 10 seconds
05:19.26CaT[tm]why people don't use paste sites is beyond me.
05:19.26rue_mohrexten => s,n,BackGround(h_inside)  ; Play some instructions
05:19.30rue_mohrinclude => numbers
05:19.34rue_mohr;Outside line
05:19.36rue_mohrexten => _9,1,Dial,Zap/7
05:19.40rue_mohrexten => t,1,Play(demo-thanks)
05:19.42rue_mohrexten => t,n,Hangup
05:19.48rue_mohrsigh... is apprently too hard for somepeople to figure out
05:19.50rue_mohrsorry all
05:19.54rue_mohrI did!
05:19.56rue_mohrI missed the url before I pasted it
05:20.04*** part/#asterisk rue_mohr (
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05:20.14rue_mohris it still sending?
05:20.27rue_mohrI missed th url and it pasted the last thing I had
05:20.42rue_mohris what you were supposed to get
05:21.52rue_mohrwill anyone still talk to me?
05:23.39rue_mohrhmm I dont know if i been silenced or not
05:29.57rue_mohrdrat, just like me to break it
05:32.43flenderscan I have 2 sip users defined on sip.conf with different codecs?
05:32.47flendersfor example [pennytel-g711] and [pennytel-g729] with the same username and passwords, and on the dialplan I would just do SIP/${EXTEN}@pennytel-g729 or g711?
05:33.01flendersI would already be registered with pennytel anyway on the register line
05:33.56*** join/#asterisk rpm (n=russell@
05:35.14fujinyou'd probably want to do it with two usernames
05:35.28fujinand then have two contexts for dialing them
05:35.56*** join/#asterisk jarod14 (
05:36.18rue_mohrfujin, .. you wouldn't happent to be able to hear me would you?
05:37.01fujinnope, sorry, I can't hear you.
05:37.09rue_mohrheh, thanks
05:37.14jarod14hi guys
05:37.23fujinrue_mohr: you
05:37.27fujinyou're doing it wrogn!
05:37.29rue_mohrbeen banned for less than that
05:38.07rue_mohrplease advise
05:38.24rue_mohrwhat is the right way
05:39.51jarod14rue_mohr, there is a mistake on line 114
05:40.05fujinright, I'm out
05:41.17rue_mohrheh, so there is
05:41.28rue_mohrthats not causeing the loop though
05:42.38jarod14I was not yet connected, when you explained your problem. I just quickly read your pastebin and saw line 114
05:42.59rue_mohroh, from house, follow it for 401
05:43.01rue_mohrit loops
05:45.02rue_mohrtransfers dont work, but I wont go there now
05:45.37jarod14is the syntax dial followed by a ',' correct ?
05:46.04rue_mohrthe problem is that it loops though
05:46.12rue_mohrit dials the extenstions ok
05:46.37jarod14have you tried since correcting line 114 ?
05:46.42rue_mohrbut it stores the digits, so after it gets done with duck quack and goes back to house, it falls through agsin without anyone dialing anything
05:46.58rue_mohrit still loops
05:47.19rue_mohrit loops because the digits are never consumed
05:47.35rue_mohrwhen it gets back to house, its still seeing that 401 was dialed
05:47.54rue_mohrI see and understand the problem, I just dont understand how to fix it
05:49.00jarod14ion numbers section ,why did you use pattern like _401 and not simply 401 ?
05:49.19rue_mohrthats what your supposed to do isn't it?
05:49.42rue_mohrso, its right?
05:49.59jarod14I think pattern are wrong in your case
05:50.16rue_mohrhmm, whats the _ do?
05:50.18jarod14pattern are good when you don't know the whole extension
05:50.41rue_mohrif I wanted previously dialed digits
05:50.58rue_mohrso you think I drop the _ and I'll be ok... lets try
05:51.05jarod14fkor instance if exten 4010 to 4019 can de dialed and go to same thing, use pattern _401X
05:52.00jarod14I meant 4010 through 4019, sorry for my english  ;o(
05:52.08rue_mohrthats ok
05:52.26rue_mohrit still loops
05:52.39jarod14so it still sucks !
05:53.44*** part/#asterisk dseeb_ (
05:54.32rue_mohrwell, atleast you CAN dial the dog from inside now
05:55.24rue_mohra tiny bit of progress on an otherwise completely pointless day
05:59.17jarod14don't know how to clear/reset the extension memorized
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06:11.19katsmeow-afkrue said his flood was an accident
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06:17.23JTwhat are these people coming out of the woodwork to speak up for rue_mohr? :P
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06:33.44*** join/#asterisk RsaMan (n=aa@
06:33.59RsaMandoes anyone know how to recover a password for asterisk gui
06:34.14creadurexmorning JT :)
06:36.49tzafrirRsaMan, view or edit /etc/asterisk/manager.conf or /etc/asterisk/users.conf , I guess
06:37.12RsaMangot it
06:44.17RsaManhow does one remove a asteriskgui
06:44.59tzafrirThat preactically disables it.
06:45.10tzafrirThen remove the javascript files
06:45.21tzafrirwebenable=no; in manages.conf
06:45.38tzafrirand disable http.conf
06:46.09tzafrirAs for users.conf - this is something you may like or like independently
06:46.17creadurexJT: i was wondering if you could perhaps answer a q about isdn/gt and analog lines.. im wondering how our old ass ericsson pbx can "emulate" analog lines over our gt's?
06:46.39tzafrirlike or dislike independently, I mean
06:48.27creadurexJT: thats what my phone guy called em
06:48.31creadurexim all-ip, this is new to me
06:48.52JTground start, gs?
06:49.18creadurexhe said each box had 2 lines
06:49.21creadurexwe have 4 of em
06:49.40*** join/#asterisk twistedolive (n=twistedo@
06:51.08JTyeah not really sure what you're talking about
06:51.17creadurexhehe ok, then we're two
06:51.21*** join/#asterisk Error_X (
06:51.29citatseach box having 2 lines could be a bri
06:51.35WilliamKmorning JT
06:51.50citatsnot sure where the gt comes from though
06:52.02creadurexprobably the norwegian notation
06:53.05twistedoliveHi...  Does anyone know if   zaptel-1.4.4  and  libpri-1.4.1  can be installed on Mac OS X 10.4?   I got errors during installation...
06:53.40JThello WilliamK
06:53.44JTtwistedolive: no
06:53.57creadurexJT: could probably mean ground start when i think of it
06:54.15JTcreadurex: is it digital?
06:54.22creadurexhow can i tell JT?
06:54.53tzafrirtwistedolive, I know that there was an old port attempt of Zaptel for OSX, but I haven't heard from it for a long time
06:55.09tzafrirtwistedolive, zaptel in Digium is for Linux alone, AFAIK
06:55.12citatsgoogling for isdn gt does produce some hits, though its not completely obvious what it is
06:55.27tzafrirlibpri should work for other platforms. No idea about OSX
06:56.18tzafrirgs? some kind of analog signalling, AFAIK
06:56.35tzafrirgroundstart, not ghostscript or grandstream
06:56.35creadurexcitats: "Telenor ISDN GT has a capacity of two 64kbit b channels and one 16kbit d channel"
06:57.07citatscreadurex: ahhh sounds is the same thing as an ISDN BRI here in the US
06:58.02citatscreadurex: you have boxes that plug into these lines and then break out 2 phone lines or these lines plug directly into your existing pbx?
06:58.05creadurexdamn norwegians having to translate everything :)
06:59.36creadurexi have 4 boxes that the lines go into, then its spaghetti hell out of them, either 1 or two lines into the pbx from each bri box
07:01.15citatscreadurex: so you've got something like 7-8 phone lines?
07:02.23creadurexaccording to the phone guy we can have max 8 simultaneous calls
07:02.45JTcreadurex: 4 BRIs
07:02.49citatscreadurex: so it sounds like your ericsson pbx has 8 FXO ports on it
07:02.52JTalso known as ISDN2
07:03.08JTcitats: doubt it, that would be a stupid setup
07:03.14JTnevertheless, a possible setup
07:03.36citatsJT: would be stupid, but a spaghetti hell from 4 boxes into a pbx sounds like that
07:03.53JTcreadurex: the ports connected to the pbx, are they marked with anything?
07:04.30creadurexi tried getting an overview back there heh, but it seems one of the bri's is connected in serial with the other
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07:04.50JTi doubt it
07:04.53creadurexi would assume each bri should have 1 isdn line in, then 2 phone lines out into the ericsson (the stupid setup)
07:05.01creadurexlet me go take a look :)
07:05.34JTi smart setup would be an isdn line in (U-line) and an RJ-45 S/T-bus connection to the pabx
07:06.00JTalso, 8P8C, not RJ-45, to be correct :)
07:07.20creadurexnot marked with anything
07:07.39JTwell what connector goes to the pabx?
07:07.49creadurexthere is a wall socket marked with u=<num> and l=<num>
07:08.09creadurexwhich goes to a box marked NT1
07:08.24JTi don't care about the line to the telco
07:08.32JTi care about the line from the NT1 to the pabx
07:08.46JTthe line to the telco will be single paid
07:09.35creadurexyes thats the one i was tracing now, the isdn line from nt1 -> pabx is connected to one of the boards inside the pabx with 2 pairs
07:10.04JTit's punched down, or modular socket?
07:10.58creadurexmodular socket it seems
07:12.05JTcreadurex: same type as for ethernet?
07:12.49*** join/#asterisk asterisknerds (n=asterisk@
07:12.50creadurexno, it looks like a generic 4 lead connector
07:14.59JTcreadurex: weird, is there a spare RJ-45 connector or two on the NT1?
07:15.13JTand is only a single connector used from NT1 to pabx?
07:16.21creadurexlet me check
07:16.33*** join/#asterisk trustinfo-tb (
07:17.49trustinfo-tbi've a probleme witch module in asterisk 1.4
07:18.42creadurexhehe!! ok.. good idea to sit right next to the window with my hands inside the pabx when lightning strikes outside
07:20.32creadurexJT: the nt1 has 3 rj45 connectors, one marked line and two marked isdn. only one is in use
07:20.53*** join/#asterisk Aurs (
07:20.55JTand what is it marked, pray tell? :P
07:21.11trustinfo-tbwhen i compile asterisk to have the misdn module all other module are compiled but not misdn
07:21.19trustinfo-tbhave you any idea??*
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07:26.21creadurexJT: who needs marked cables? it is not marked any thing.. in either end :p
07:26.40JTcreadurex: you just told me all ports are marked, and the cable is plugged into a port.
07:26.46JTwhat is the marking?
07:27.49creadurexthen let me rephrase to avoid confusion :)
07:30.23creadurexthe only things marked are the bris and the nt1
07:30.35creadurexnone of the cables or insides of the pabx is marked with anything
07:30.46JTyeah, who cares about that stuff
07:31.02JTall i care about is the same of the port on the NT1 that the cable to the pabx is marked
07:31.06JTis it really that hard?
07:33.27JTearth to creadurex
07:35.07RsaManhello guys
07:35.27*** join/#asterisk mightnare (n=mike@
07:35.33RsaManis it only the extensions.conf file that makes rules for  answering inbound calls ?
07:35.49RsaManmy asterisk keeps answering the land line
07:36.11mightnaresoft phones usually have a hold button, is there a way to simulate this on the dialplan?
07:36.31JTRsaMan: what did you expesct it to do?
07:36.43RsaManJT: I want it to do nothing
07:37.06JTwell that's strange, but is possible in theory
07:37.06RsaMani made the mistake of configuring my asterisk server after make samples
07:37.14creadurexlol JT, it shouldnt be this hard no
07:37.41RsaMani have an spa400 conected to my landline and that is connected to my asterisk server
07:37.52RsaManbut the spa400 keeps answering
07:38.15JTcreadurex: kernel jessup, Did you observe the cable to be plugged into the port marked ISDN?!"
07:38.23creadurexthe name of the port on the nt1 where the cable to the pabx is marked: hold your breath.......: "isdn"
07:38.41JTRsaMan: no experience with the spa400, but sounds like what it is designed to do
07:38.47creadurexYES jt! 10 points to me
07:38.48creadurexor you
07:38.59JTcreadurex: congrats, it took you all that time to confirm what i already knew :P
07:39.03creadurexthe cable is indeed safely plugged into the port marked "ISDN". hehe
07:39.05mightnarei was thinking it could be done using features and call MusicOnHold on the channel, but how do i bridge the channels back?
07:39.11JTyou use BRI direct to the pabx, zomg
07:39.18creadurexJT: i did take some calls inbetween thank you :p
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07:40.27JTa BRI has 2 * 64kbit/s B channels and 1 16kbit/s D channel
07:40.49JTthe S-bus uses 4 wires, as it is differential serial transmission
07:40.54JTa tx pair and an rx pair
07:41.51RsaMancan someone tell me which are the essential files ?, they were all installed when i used make samples
07:41.54*** part/#asterisk Error_X (
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07:41.59RsaMani just want to use sip at this moment
07:42.14RsaManwhen i remove all except extensions.conf an sip.conf
07:42.18RsaManit no longer works
07:43.06RsaMani know its a bad question
07:43.17kaldemarremoving configuration files is not the right way to not use modules.
07:43.42RsaManshould i just clear the contents?
07:43.50JTRsaMan: then don't plug in the phone line, duh
07:43.58RsaMani am not sure what to do, which ones are need for sip
07:44.00kaldemarput back your configs and disable the modules you don't want to use in modules.conf.
07:44.09RsaManJT : :) i need to make outbound calls over the line
07:44.15creadurexi wnder if our UPS is gonna come into play today
07:44.18creadurexdamn lightning storm
07:44.21JTRsaMan: news flash, extensions.conf bares no relationship to when your SPA-400 decides to answer the line
07:44.22*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
07:44.33RsaManJT : kk
07:44.49JTasterisk does not answer calls on an ATA.
07:45.06JTthe rule of thumb is the device that terminates a connection answers it
07:45.22RsaMani will look into it
07:45.48RsaManas for my sip question ? will sip.conf and extensions.conf do the trick ?
07:46.11JTyou will need to configure them
07:46.39RsaManbut when i delete all files except them , my sip no longer works
07:46.48RsaManall .conf files
07:46.52JTthen don't randomly delete files
07:46.57RsaManis there another dependant file?
07:47.01JTperhaps you should look into why it fails
07:47.05JTread the cli output
07:47.09RsaMani want to know which ones are essential
07:47.21JTwhat's wrong with "ok", seriously
07:47.28kaldemarRsaMan: you asterisk does not work if you delete files like that. take a look at my previous comment. you have to decide for yourself what modules are essential.
07:47.36*** join/#asterisk SuurMyy (n=SuurMyy_@
07:52.04Error_Xwhy is the sound so fuzzy?
07:53.02JTError_X: certainly giving us a lot of information to work on there
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07:53.40RsaManworse than me
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07:56.24kaldemarjust keeps getting better.
07:57.30*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
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07:59.25jmlsmorning. I've gotten a PRI error here
07:59.30jmlsNOTICE[32422]: chan_zap.c:8466 pri_dchannel: PRI got event: Alarm (4) on Primary D-channel of span 1
07:59.39jmlsis this a "my issue" or a "my telco" issue ?
08:00.23jmlsfollowed by
08:00.25jmls[Aug 14 08:58:36] NOTICE[32422]: chan_zap.c:8466 pri_dchannel: PRI got event: No more alarm (5) on Primary D-channel of span 1
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08:07.35JTjmls: is it a pri?
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08:19.44Error_XJT: When Im trying to call the voicemail or a voicemenu, its choppy aaaaand slooooooow
08:20.19Error_XI've tried both iax and sip
08:28.56UatecError_X, where are you dialing from? what's the route between your sip/iax device and your asterisk box?
08:30.07flendersError_X: you're not on a virtual machine, are you?
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08:31.24Uateci get choppy and sloooow and laggy when i call from my sip client on my mobile across gprs
08:40.27jeremy_gare following different
08:40.36jeremy_gexten= 1234,1,Hangup();
08:45.23RsaManis anyone here using an spa400
08:48.54RsaManwhen i call the someone via the spa400 using a sip client, the person on the other end cannot here me
08:49.01RsaManbut i can hear them
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08:53.54RsaMandoes anyone know what dtmfmode= ?
08:53.56jeremy_gRsaMan:u have a great sense of hearing, it seems
08:54.15jeremy_gdtmfmode shud be set to info when talking to girls
08:54.22jeremy_gfor real men, it should be set to inband
08:54.38jeremy_gif you are unsure about the sex, set it to rfc....
08:55.33*** join/#asterisk asterisknerds (n=asterisk@
08:55.43jeremy_gRsaMan: :D
09:02.48RsaManthis might be a really stupid question, but here goes
09:02.58RsaMancan a sip client call an iax client ?
09:03.07*** join/#asterisk suvir (
09:03.08RsaManand the other way
09:05.59creadurexif asterisk stands between them
09:08.02RsaManwhere do i start with setting up asterisk for an iax server
09:08.06RsaManis it similar
09:08.08RsaManto sip
09:08.12RsaMansetting up sip ?
09:10.18tengulrehow to cancel IAX2 channel echo?
09:15.17*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
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09:19.07jeremy_gRsaMan:do you note the difference when you change the dtmfmode to match the voice sex
09:20.52*** join/#asterisk macTijn (
09:23.08RsaMani want to set up asterisk as an IAX server, much like i have set it up as a SIP server
09:23.10RsaManbut most references i find want to connect to an existing iax server
09:23.18RsaMando i have the wrong end of the stick ?
09:26.43jeremy_gRsaMan:no, you probably have the whole stick up urz
09:27.26*** join/#asterisk bertrand^ (
09:27.37jeremy_g1. two sip entities got to be using same dtmf mode in order to talk
09:28.02jeremy_ge.g. if one is inband the other should be inband as well. inband refers to raw audio
09:28.24jeremy_ginfo means the sip info format that usually some enterprise grade pbxes use by default.
09:28.40*** join/#asterisk HaMYaI (
09:28.40jeremy_g2. To create the iax accounts, you need to see the iax.conf
09:28.46jeremy_gand read ~thebook
09:28.58jbotextra, extra, read all about it, thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
09:29.15HaMYaIHi, how do we interrupt cmd MusicOnHold?
09:30.04LoneShadowAnyone used a bluetooth headset with asterisk ?
09:30.11HaMYaIapart from hanging up
09:30.29tengulrehwo to cancel the iax echo???
09:30.33tengulreanybody help !!
09:31.08LoneShadowtengulre: are you using any ATA ?
09:32.49LoneShadowtengulre: check
09:33.04LoneShadowim off to bed
09:33.43jeremy_gHaMYaI:use it intelligently
09:35.03HaMYaIjeremy_g: ok, thanks for a great answer
09:35.20HaMYaIjeremy_g: that solved my problem
09:36.19jeremy_gtengulre:read page 73 for thebook
09:36.40jeremy_gHaMYaI: it all owes to the greatness in the question itself.
09:39.53UatecIs there a simpler voicemail app?
09:40.03Uatecthere are so many options in the default one that i don't need
09:40.09Uatecand some of my users aren't too bright
09:42.50*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
09:43.24bertrand^Uatec, you mean to read your voicemails?
09:43.40bertrand^Uatec, i send them by email, some of mine aren't too bright too
09:43.52Uatecyeah, i do that too
09:44.07Uatecbut i would like a simpler voicemail interface
09:44.12Uateci'm going to have to write one, aren't i
09:44.17bertrand^like a web-based?
09:45.16Uatecjust Previous, Next, Delete, record messages
09:55.12jmlsJT: yes
09:55.22*** join/#asterisk asterisknerds (n=asterisk@
09:55.40Uateci'm really annoyed
09:55.58Uateci can establish a sip connection to my ISPs asterisk server
09:56.02Uatecfrom mine
09:56.03jmls"we notice that there seemed to be a fault between 6:30 and 9:00. However, since we have been monitoring the line there have been no further problems"
09:56.06Uatecbut not from mine, to my other
09:56.13Uatecmy other asterisk box denies access
10:09.09RsaManchan_iax2.c:6988 socket_process: Rejected connect attempt from, who was trying to reach '101@'
10:09.18RsaMandoes this mean it is not picking up a context?
10:09.23RsaMan101@ ????/
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10:26.07Uatecthat's what i'm getting
10:26.27Uatecwhat's your Dial() look like on the other  box?
10:27.19creadurexoh goodie, the polycom 430 has arrived
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10:37.19waptaxihi! Has anyone an experience in connection Panasonic TDA 200 with Asterisk using E1? Especially interested in making 2 B-Channels Transfer work.
10:37.52JT2BCT, ambitious
10:39.23*** part/#asterisk HaMYaI (
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10:42.07waptaxiI'm using libpri from SVN, and there are some code regarding to 2BCT, but not working with TDA200
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10:51.02waptaxiI found this thread, this is exactly what I need, but seems to work only with Avaya or maybe there's some special settings at Panasoniic side?
10:51.50mtryfossI experience random disconnects of calls, with debug message "didn't get a frame from channel". The networks is fine, and the servers is way over-dimensioned. Any tips?
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10:57.10jeremy_gmy asterisk realtime wont just read read the extensions. :(
10:57.32jeremy_gall my sip devices are happily registered with * but extensions wont get dialled. :(
10:57.36jeremy_gum running ara
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11:13.22Tilii wonder where I can get FibreNetwork MAP of whole world to select best countries for putting data/network sites
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11:20.34Uatecbut if you find out i would be itnerested to see
11:20.43*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (n=tzafrir@
11:27.34RsaManhi attemping to get a hfc-s to work with asterisk
11:27.44RsaManwhen i compile the zaphfc drivers ,,,,
11:28.01RsaMani get the following error Link /usr/src/linux-2.6 to your kernel sources first!
11:28.20RsaMani have run ln -s linux-2.6.6 linux-2.6
11:28.29RsaManin my /usr/src folder
11:28.34RsaManbut it still gives me this error
11:39.13tzafrirRsaMan, no,
11:39.22tzafririnstall proper kernel sources
11:39.32tzafrirmake sure that the following is valid:
11:39.46tzafrir/lib/modules/`uname -r`/build/.config
11:39.52tzafrirDoes that file exist?
11:40.07tzafrir'build' is usually a symlink to the right place
11:40.27tzafrireither if you build your own if one from your distro
11:40.38tzafrirwhich distro is it?
11:41.12tzafrirRsaMan, check
11:41.39tzafririf you prefer the bristuff 0.4.0
11:42.05RsaMani am using fedora core
11:42.34tzafrirI suspect that the ./ script will work there. But I'm not sure
11:42.52RsaMani will check it out
11:43.25tzafririn any case, './ test'  should give you some ideas on what to do
11:43.33RsaManwhere is that script located ?
11:43.38tzafrirPlease report bugs
11:43.42tzafririn the tarball
11:44.00tzafrirYou can find the content of the tarball under bristuff-current/
11:44.15tzafrir(INSTALL.html is actually a symlink into it)
11:48.59RsaManam i following the correct route to configure a hsf-c card to work with asterisk
11:50.51tzafrirRsaMan, you can also try our live CD from for sample configuration. That is still 1.2, though
11:51.08tzafrirOne other possible route is chan_misdn, which I don't know well enough
11:51.17tzafrirBTW: what version of Fedora do you use?
11:51.22RsaMancore 6
11:51.36tzafrirkernel 2.6.6??
11:51.42*** join/#asterisk lirakis (n=eric@
11:52.25engrxyzhi, how to do a sip trace in *?
11:53.18kaldemarengrxyz: sip debug [ip|peer] in cli
11:55.02engrxyzthx got it. kaldemar, u familiar with sofia-sip?
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11:55.56kaldemarengrxyz: no, sorry.
11:56.07Uatecis that a person?
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11:56.22JTis what a person?
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11:58.33JTUatec: ?
11:59.42HarryRnah, it's nokias open-source sip stack
11:59.51HarryRvery nice to work with aparently
11:59.58JTfreeswitch uses sofia-sip
12:00.04Uatecoh cool
12:00.17HarryRyah, before they were using exosip, which is nearly as bad as asterisk's sip stack :\
12:00.45Uateccan you easily change the sip stack asterisk uses??
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12:09.03RsaMani think i made  a huge mistake
12:09.43RsaMani ran the incorrect bristuff script
12:09.44RsaManfor 1.2
12:09.47RsaManand not 1.4
12:09.51RsaManoh dear
12:12.14RsaManhow bad is that ?
12:12.28*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
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12:13.48engrxyzanyone experience here with sofia-sip
12:13.51yarrixfirst time here, can I just shoot away with a technical question?
12:14.02jbotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there, just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
12:14.48engrxyzregistering a sip UA in * is easier compared to nokia's sofia-sip
12:15.38MavvieI have some weird SIP re-invite problem with a Cisco call manager.
12:16.12yarrixi'm located in istanbul, turkey, and am having hangup problems with a digium TDM400 card with 2 fxo, 2 fxs modules.  I found countr indications for Turkey, and recompiled zaptel with them (zonedata.c), but still when a PSTN caller hangs up, asterisk doesn't recognize the hangup.
12:16.20*** join/#asterisk hot_wheelz (
12:16.21[TK]D-Fenderlol just learned taht gntoo is an actual breed of penguin.... and heavily munched upon by LEOPARD seals (Mac > Gentoo) heh
12:16.54tzafriryarrix, there are several ways of detecting hangups
12:17.02[TK]D-Fenderyarrix: Ask your telco to provide CDS (Call Disconnect Supervision)
12:17.27*** part/#asterisk hot_wheelz (
12:17.29RsaMandoes anyone here have a zaphfc card?
12:17.36tzafrirdetecting the busy tone is generally the one you use as a last resort. And the tone you set in the tonezones is actually not used there
12:17.46yarrixtzafrir: i've tried the busydetect, and polarity settings.  Turk Telekom, our telco, doesnt provide the supervised service.
12:18.03RsaManor ever worked with asterisk and an hfc card
12:18.04tzafriryarrix, tried ks?
12:18.10*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
12:21.39tzafriryarrix, you should play with busypattern in zapata.conf maybe. But first make sure you have busydetect=yes
12:22.58tzafrir[TK]D-Fender, now you should have known that gentoo is simply a a fully GUI-configurable, two-pane X file manager:
12:24.22*** join/#asterisk adker (
12:24.33[TK]D-Fendertzafrir : From what I've seen, with a Leopard Seal, a Gentoo only gets ONE pain before the end ;)
12:24.36yarrixtzafrir: yes, running ks now
12:26.26yarrixtzafrir: the sound I hear, as evidenced by 3-4 minute long voicemails messages, is three short beeps, followed by 1 long beep, and this pattern repeats.  where can get more info about busypattern?  this pattern is different from a normal busy, btw.
12:27.23tzafririt's the (frequencies of the) tones of the busy tone
12:29.26yarrixok, but that doesn't change the normal busy detection, i presume?
12:29.41Uatechey, does anyone know where i can get good listings of UK dial tones? specifically the outgoing ring tone?
12:29.45Uateci've found a few sites
12:29.48Uatecbut ethey're crap
12:29.49yarrixyou're right the frequency of the tone sounds about the same as the busy tone.
12:30.24yarrixtzafrir: i did the stuff from here:
12:30.58yarrixrecompiled zaptel, reloaded, and got the same results.
12:31.43yarrixi talked to the digium vendor here where we bought the tdm400 card from, and they said that there is nothing that can be done except writing your own software to detect the busy pattern
12:32.34yarrixturns out they are selling their 'own' asterisk pbx for about 3000 usd, which 'works' on the pSTN here, and it too uses the same card.  but they won't share the code, they just sell the box.
12:34.37MavvieIn a SIP packet, CSeq should only increase shouldn't it?
12:34.37HarryRMavvie, yes
12:34.37yarrixand I guess that is why no-one is using asterisk/trixbox, as it is available from the regular places, instead these 'vendors' are forcing people to buy their solution instead, which is actually almost identical.  i think what they're doing is a kind of theft anyway..
12:35.04MavvieHarryR: so if I see number 102, and then 103, I shouldn't see any 102's anymore?
12:35.06yarrixi'm talking about my locality of course.
12:35.22HarryRMavvie, never again, until you start a new sip transaction
12:36.03*** join/#asterisk santiago (i=santiago@debian/developer/santiago)
12:36.46engrxyzHarryR: have u tested sofia-sip with sip uas?
12:36.57*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
12:37.08HarryRi've tested it with a snom 200 and the voiptalk softphone, both work fine
12:37.47engrxyzHarry: i got issues with sofia-sip when i try to connect spa941 in FS
12:38.06engrxyzit won't damn register but this same phone is seamless with *
12:42.53HarryRit doesn't register with asterisk either?
12:43.45*** join/#asterisk MdeP (n=mdep@
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12:45.41engrxyzharryR: the spa941 sip ua register right away with * sip but with FS sofia-sip, i have no success yet
12:46.07HarryRuh, perhaps because freeswitch doesn't do authentication?
12:46.12HarryRatleast not through sip
12:48.03engrxyzHarryR: sofia-sip is a library in FS that handles SIP UA registration and other related SIP tasks
12:48.52engrxyzenabling the debug option for sofia-sip in FS will tell us that it won't accept registration
12:48.58engrxyzfrom a sip ua client
12:52.41*** join/#asterisk YoYo (
12:53.09MavvieAPPLICATION ERROR #1303
12:53.09MavvieInvalid value for field
12:53.12Mavvieyes, which field?
12:54.57Mavvie <- interesting SIP behaviour.
12:55.10*** join/#asterisk Tako-san (n=Tako-san@
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12:57.58YoeHi! newbie here -- do I need to do something special to explain to asterisk that a specific device is an ATA, or does SIP in principle allow any device to be an ATA?
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12:59.39JTan ATA is an ATA, what's the question?
12:59.59lirakisYoe: .. yeahh .. uhh... a sip endpoint.. is a sip endpoint no matter what you  call it
13:00.43Yoe... so to make it work with asterisk, I'd need to configure an account for it and then somehow pass a phone number to it from extensions.conf?
13:00.56Yoeor is that totally off?
13:01.05Yoe(device in question is a Linksys SPA3102, if that matters)
13:01.39JTsure, pretty much
13:02.47[TK]D-FenderYoe: And ATA speaks SIP to *, thats all it cares about.  The fact that it uses an analog phone (or line) behind it vs being a SIP hardphone is irrelevant
13:03.14Yoeah, interesting
13:03.18[TK]D-FenderYoe: And forget this "pass a phone number to it bit".
13:03.22jbotit has been said that thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
13:03.23YoeI'd been looking on that wiki, but somehow must've missed that.
13:03.36JTignore all the asterisk@home bits ;)
13:03.43YoeJT: yeah, I've just found that, too :)
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13:10.24waptaxiI've noticed that when we have ringinuse=yes in queues.conf and only one member in the queue, if this member in use, other caller can't reach him. But if we have more members, he will get second call..
13:11.33waptaxiis it a bug or a feature?
13:12.58waptaxitested with asterisk
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13:19.19lmadsenCorydon76-dig: !!!
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13:23.13corruptorhi all. Does anyone use ooh323c here? i have one easy question...
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13:23.31sopo2k4hey does anyone know how to decrement a variable in asterisk?
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13:24.23corruptorSet(var = $[${var} - 1])
13:24.58sopo2k4is there a variable for the current user logged into the asterisk manager who initated a originate?
13:26.51corruptori haven't heard about such variable. I think there isn't but i'm not sure.
13:27.13Tako-sanAnyone available to help troubleshoot a PRI line activation?  Particularly if you have experience with Telus.
13:27.35*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
13:29.11Tako-sanIs there a valid "unknown" option for switchtype in zapata.conf?
13:30.35[TK]D-FenderTako-san: No.  You shuold know what you ordered.  phone them up if you're not sure
13:30.54[TK]D-Fendercorruptor: white-space = BAD
13:31.20*** join/#asterisk doughecka (n=doug@unaffiliated/doughecka)
13:31.53lmadsenwell... not all whitespace is bad... you can use it in expressions to make it clear
13:32.06Tako-san[TK]D-Fender: I know what I ordered.  The problem is the Telco wants me to use switchtype uknown (they done want national) but I am not sure "unknown" is a valid option.  In fact I am pretty sure it is not a valid option as asterisk keeps crashing.
13:32.08lmadsenSet(var=$[${var} - 1]) would be the preferred
13:32.33lmadsenTako-san: who the heck said to use switchtype unknown? That makes so little sense to me...
13:32.37DarylVOIPHey all.  Does anyone know of a way for me to run an AGI without it answering the channel?   I'm trying to do a db lookup in a php agi to figure out if the caller's ANI is in my database (for callback) and play a progress tone based on success/failure, and then drop the channel without every answering it.
13:33.08Tako-sanlmadsen: I am talking to the Telco people in charge of the cutover and that is their recommendation.  From 2 different techs so far.
13:33.13corruptorok my mistake. I like using whitespaces  in c :).
13:33.35*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
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13:34.52DarylVOIPCrap - knocked my network cable out.
13:35.20corruptorTako-san: there are not so many different optons for pri line in zapata.conf, i think you just need to try them all
13:35.56Tako-sancorruptor: Nod
13:36.41[TK]D-FenderDarylVOIP: have you tried jsut running it without an answer?
13:36.44Tako-sancorruptor: They finally decided to go with 5ess
13:36.52DarylVOIPYes, I have - and it answers.
13:37.14[TK]D-FenderDarylVOIP: can you pastebin CLI @ verbose 10 & AGI debug.
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13:43.23DarylVOIPUgh.....I'll have that up in a bit.  I need to roll back some changes that I was trying out.
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14:00.17Tako-sanOk, I have changed switchtype to 5ess in zapata.conf but when the Telco does a line trace they say we are still using national.  Can someone have a quick look at my zapata and tell me if there is something glaringly wrong in there?
14:01.50*** join/#asterisk hfb (
14:04.33[TK]D-FenderTako-san: Have you complete stopped * redone "ztcfg -vvvv" and restarted *?
14:05.02*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
14:05.03Tako-sani didnt do ztcfg
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14:06.31Tako-san[TK]D-Fender: But otherwise yes
14:06.40DarylVOIP[TK[D-Fender: that straightened out.  Here's a verbose 10 and AGI debug.
14:06.55h4890Has anyone here ever seen the following error: Apr 25 02:53:32 ERROR[28690]: asterisk.c:1946 main: server not verified: no authorization file, exiting. code: '1'  ?
14:07.16clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: I got the paging working last night - wanted to say thanks again for your help!  Zaptel and Ztdummy are installed and working :)
14:07.56[TK]D-FenderDarylVOIP: Your AGI is explicitly answering the channel
14:08.05[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: Good to hear
14:08.42*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
14:08.43Tako-san[TK]D-Fender: ztcfg -vvvv all looks good.
14:09.12[TK]D-FenderTako-san: Now restart * and do a PRI status dump
14:09.16h4890In case, no one has seen that before, do you know any faq or documentation that I might check (I did already search on but did not find anything)?
14:09.19clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: you were correct about the Page() application too, as soon as zaptel was installed that application was available, its really neat got it working with SPA-94x phones, now I just need to find out about if its possible to connect a Loud Speaker to the paging functionality
14:09.25h4890(Apr 25 02:53:32 ERROR[28690]: asterisk.c:1946 main: server not verified: no authorization file, exiting. code: '1')
14:09.43*** join/#asterisk casix (
14:10.00[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: Thre are several amps that you can run off an FXS port, etc as well as SIP based devices
14:10.31casixit is possible to define a sql query with a function like func_odbc but not using odbc driver, using mysql directly?
14:10.32[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: There is also chan_oss you can use off your sound card to a straight amp
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14:10.39clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: yea, the problem here will be that its hosted PBX, only devices will be the endpoints at the location....
14:10.48*** join/#asterisk Cheetah (
14:10.49Cheetahheya :D
14:10.57[TK]D-Fendercasix: yes,  MSYQL direct from asterisk-addons
14:11.02Tako-san[TK]D-Fender: Showing as Lucent 5E
14:11.25[TK]D-FenderTako-san: Status: Provisioned, Up, Active <--- looks good to me
14:11.33clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: ah - there are SIP based devices - good to know
14:11.42Tako-san[TK]D-Fender: Looks good to me too.  But no outbound calls are working.  Inbound works just fine.
14:11.48[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: So FXS friven it is.
14:12.21Cheetahi have a mISDN (FritzCard) and a digium PRI card. I'd like to route outgoing calls over the mISDN card and if no channels are available anymore on the mISDN card, route the call via the Digium card.
14:12.23[TK]D-FenderTako-san: That means you just need to fix your dialplan
14:12.38Tako-san[TK]D-Fender: Ok.  Will look into that then.  Thanks.
14:12.45Cheetahis there an easy way to do this? is s-CHANUNAVAIL sufficient?
14:13.24JTCheetah: the next priority in the dialplan is sufficient
14:13.37casix[TK]D-Fender: but where can I definde the function? to use odbc i'm using func_odbc.conf with ... read=SELECT pstn FROM callersid WHERE idRemoto='${ARG1}'...
14:13.42[TK]D-FenderCheetah: that exten does not imply anything.
14:14.42[TK]D-FenderCheetah: you assume too much from sample macro's.  Check DIALSTATUS from your dial attempt.   "CHANUNAVAIL" and "CONGESTION" should be the 2 you're looking for.
14:14.44clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: thanks :)
14:14.53[TK]D-FenderJT : not really...
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14:15.09CheetahJT, so if I do something like  .X_,1,Dial(ZAP/g1/....)  and  .X_,2,Dial(mISDN.....)?
14:15.20[TK]D-FenderJT : on ISDN he'll have call progress and "NOANSWER" is NOT a reaswon to use another tech ;)
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14:16.02h4890Has anyone seen anything like this before? ERROR[28690]: asterisk.c:1946 main: server not verified: no authorization file, exiting. code: '1' ?
14:16.04JT[TK]D-Fender: it will help ensure the call gets through :D
14:16.05[TK]D-FenderCheetah: What is Zap/g1 using?
14:16.23Cheetahwhat happens if the call goes through, does the next priority gets executed as well?
14:16.38CheetahZap/g1 is using the Digium card PRI
14:16.40[TK]D-FenderCheetah: Not uless you pass it the "g" option.
14:16.45Cheetahhang on :D
14:16.55[TK]D-FenderCheetah: You'll want to check for the 2 status' I just gave you.
14:17.04[TK]D-FenderCheetah: not just dial them back to back
14:17.13Cheetahi figured that
14:17.22Cheetahhow do you call that behaviour? trunking?
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14:17.58[TK]D-FenderCheetah: No, its called DIALPLAN.
14:18.10Cheetahuh yeah, but the technique
14:18.30[TK]D-FenderCheetah: there is no name for random (or less random) actions you feel like doing in your dialplan.  Its just "stuff"
14:18.41Cheetahumkay :D
14:18.51[TK]D-FenderCheetah: No buzz-word, techno-babble, etc.
14:18.56CheetahDial 2.0
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14:21.26HarryRinteractive telephone agent handling environment
14:22.07clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: check this one out right at par with what I am after
14:23.03[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: Think I saw that one listed at VoipSupply.  might be an option, but this one looks more like for office rooms (wher you'd have phones anyways).  Depends on your deployment.
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14:23.25[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: You'd have to compare the variety of equipment based on the environment.
14:23.34HarryRvoip ceiling speakers?
14:23.44clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: yea its going to be used to page back in a warehouse
14:23.57[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: Oh hell no!
14:24.04clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: trick will be getting it to work with Asterisk
14:24.09clyrradhahaha yup
14:24.20[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: That thing CAN'T possibly put out enough poewr for that kind of noise & distance
14:24.32[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: Its friggen PoE powered!
14:24.47clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: ah - yea that I know.... but the "idea" of the hardware is what I am after
14:24.56[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: Go back to viking and get a real FXS amp and horn system...
14:25.11[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: yes, "BAD" ideas are ideas too ;)
14:25.22clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: Yea I am still looking at that page too - how do I interface that horn with Asterisk?
14:25.47clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: remember its hosted PBX, so no sound card etc available at the location where the paging horn will be
14:25.50[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: Via and FXS port (slap an ATA with it)
14:26.01clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: gotcha
14:26.26[TK]D-Fenderouch, voipsupply = doa
14:26.50clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: where would you use the PoE speakers, in an office?
14:26.56clyrradquite office I should say.......
14:27.22[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: yes, places like entryways, cafeterias, etc.
14:27.43clyrradPlaces where this is not warehouse noice in otherwords....
14:28.01[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: Think about how loud a PoE SIP hardphone would be on speakerphone.  Thats your max.  Definately NOT sutable for warehouse.
14:28.20clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: indeed - definatlly would not do the job
14:28.21[TK]D-Fenderany resonable office area would be jsut fine.
14:28.57clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: would be nice to find an ATA + AMP + Horn all in one unit kinda thing
14:29.13clyrradAsterisk compatible ofcourse :D
14:30.38clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: hrm, intreesting thing about the ATA idea is...... I am not sure that it can support the Page option, from what I read that only works on the IP Phones, have you ever got a paging system to work as mentioned with an ATA?
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14:33.53h4890Just to let you know...
14:34.31h4890And thank you for the help. =)
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14:35.09JTsome sort of mental illness there for sure
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14:38.17_Krieger_why dialplan is duplicated in extensions.ael and extensions.conf? is it safe, for example, to delete .ael?
14:38.49JTif you aren't using it
14:39.05_Krieger_where to look for which file is read by *?
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14:42.46[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: the amp you plug the ATA it will do the answering (thats its job).  You don't have to tell the ATA to answer.
14:43.48[TK]D-Fender_Krieger_: I believe that * might have a shit-fit about not finding the config file.  You can avoid this altogether by simply adding "noload =>" to your modules.conf
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14:44.24shareenergyanyone knows why my iaxmodem can't connect to hylafax?
14:45.16[TK]D-Fendershareenergy: Normally we are psychic on Tuesdays, but its changed to MONDAYS now.
14:45.46clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: alright, so key will be to find an amp that works with Asterisk, and add the necessary SIP Headers like I had to do for the SPA-94x devices
14:46.02shareenergylolol sorry
14:46.03shareenergyi mean
14:46.05[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: No.
14:46.14[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: You've missed the point
14:46.23shareenergyi have everything is normal iaxmodem registers
14:46.40shareenergybut when it comes to link to hylafax it gives the error
14:46.45clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: ok im all eyes :-/
14:47.13[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: They runn off an FXS port.  They are ANALOG and can be used with ANY system.  When the line its attached to RINGS, *IT* answers and you're "live".  Any stupid ATA will do, and there is NO head or anything special needed to eb passed to it.
14:47.55clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: ohhhhhhhhhh LOL - got it, so its just acting like a "person who picked up the extension"
14:48.11clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: ok that makes sense
14:48.16[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: Yes, and it WILL always answer, thats its JOB
14:48.30clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: got it, so then this should be an easy install in this case
14:48.31[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: I think we've acheived comprehension now :)
14:48.37[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: Yes, quite.
14:48.39clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: indeed we have :D
14:49.12jeremy_gwhat does SIP 404 not found signify?
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14:49.22jeremy_gdoes that mean the extension dialled does not actually exist
14:49.33clyrradjeremy_g: its like 404 not found as far as I understand
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14:50.00jeremy_gclyrrad: and whats that?
14:50.12clyrradjeremy_g: Like it could not reach the end point / phone
14:50.15jeremy_gor does it mean the sip user being dialled does not exist
14:50.31jeremy_gclyrrad:doesnt give information on the exact reason why?
14:51.01clyrradjeremy_g: have you used sip debug for more info?
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14:51.24fjean5hello guys , how are you
14:51.31jeremy_gclyrrad:yeah, it seems that my extensions.conf table is not being read at all from the realtime db
14:51.56jeremy_gi wonder why?
14:52.09[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: PASTEBIN your extensions.conf and the CLI output of your failed attempt at verbose 10 & SIP debug enabled
14:52.14fjean5anybody knows a good iax2 provider to terminate calls with callerid, in Canada for a call-center
14:52.47jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:ok,here i go
14:53.39fjean5[tk]d-fender, thanks but they dont do call-centers
14:53.54[TK]D-Fenderfjean5: How do you figure?
14:53.55clyrradYup unlimitel is great - I have lots of DID's with them, but they do not offer just termination
14:54.17clyrradYou need to buy DID's each DID comes with 4 channels
14:54.19jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:but wait, i am using asterisk realtime. so i dont have a conf rather a small extensions table
14:54.33[TK]D-Fenderfjean5: if you jsut want to terminate to Canada for outbound, there are plenty of US ITSP's with great rates
14:54.48[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: you NEED extensions.conf for real-time.
14:55.01jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:its static realtime
14:55.18fjean5[tk]d-fender:  i can imagine, but i am looking for a reference, as i dont want choppy calls
14:55.20[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: Last I recall you have to have a minimal extensions.conf with the SWITCH directive.
14:55.42[TK]D-Fenderfjean5: telix comes better recommended around here
14:55.47jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:its implausible.
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14:56.01fjean5[TK]D-Fender: ok
14:56.12jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:you only need switch if you are using asterisk realtime that dynamically loads extensions without executing a reload on cli.
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14:56.54[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: If you say so.  Pastebin whatever backup you have then.
14:57.37jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:i have the same setup (static realtime) working with a different configuration on another server still without any extensions.conf.
14:57.59[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: Ok, less tell, more show...
14:58.35clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: what is the URL for telix? I just Google found nothing useful
14:59.20[TK]D-FenderTeliax.  Typo
14:59.59jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:with this configuration, the static ara works.
15:00.01clyrradah that expalins it
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15:00.58jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:with this it doesnt work,
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15:02.28jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:both are extensions.conf,  this extensions.conf is passed an an argument to a script that puts it into the db.
15:03.22jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:when i say it works, it means that asterisk loads the data in extensions.conf and my sip phones can dial those extensions
15:03.53jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:when i say it doesnt work, it means that if an extension is dialled, asterisk would return SIP 404
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15:07.59jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:before sending 404 it also sends a 484 address incompelte
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15:12.19[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: I asked for CLI output.....
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15:15.11phearlessarg.. I can't make a Transfer via the asterisk manager
15:15.31phearlessAction: Redirect is broken ?
15:16.22[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: not what I asked for.... geting COLDER......
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15:21.11jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender: <-- sip debug
15:21.54jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:damn paste bin is limited
15:23.04jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender: ok check this <-- sip debug
15:23.08jeremy_guploaded it
15:25.10[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: Well in the bad pastbin you gave me ( )you didn't have the exten for : Looking for rixin2 in incoming-sip (domain
15:27.10jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:yeah ignore that, cuz its not important to entertain calls incoming from the operator
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15:32.03x86anyone good with compiling sangoma drivers?
15:32.09Uatecbummer, i just broke my pen by putting it in my desk fan
15:32.19Uateci didnt' notice till i heard a loud noise and ink went everywhere
15:32.27Tako-sanx86: What's the problem?
15:32.28x86having a big problem compiling them against zaptel 1.2.18 and linux kernel
15:32.42tzafrirx86, ztdummy?
15:32.52x86tzafrir: what about it?
15:33.08tzafriris that where you get the error?
15:33.14coppicex86: a versions thing? sangoma 2.3.4 won't build against recent kernels. you need to use 3.1.x
15:33.17x86error: 'struct sk_buff' has no member named 'mac'
15:33.27x86coppice: this is wanpipe 3.1.3
15:33.54x86tzafrir: sdladrv_src.o
15:34.01coppiceI use 3.1.3 OK with 2.6.20. Haven't tried a newer kernel
15:34.11x86hmm, perhaps i'll downgrade
15:34.13tzafrirsorry. I leave it to Sangoma to deal with their drivers...
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15:42.28phearlessanybody can help me with Action: Redirect ?
15:42.43phearlesswhen the handset that do the xfer hang up, the call is cut
15:44.20LoneShadowAnyone used a bluetooth headset with asterisk ?
15:45.07wothinnHook your bluetooth headset in to a softphone or get a Plantronics Voyager 500A and plug that in to your hardphone.
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15:49.18LoneShadowwothinn: I want to be able to dial some extension by pressing a button. And maybe launch a speech recognition IVR
15:50.22LoneShadowso no softphone or hardphone
15:51.53x86no good with a vanilla from (was using 2.6.22 from gentoo before)
15:53.59[TK]D-FenderLoneShadow: ..... "would you like fries with that sir?"
15:54.19LoneShadowI got the speech thingie working
15:54.46LoneShadowtrying to see if bluetooth headset would be the final topping :D
15:55.49LoneShadow[TK]D-Fender: so with a bluetooth dongle + headset, what can be achieved ?
15:56.11[TK]D-FenderLoneShadow: Not much.  This isn't Star Trek you know.
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15:58.41LoneShadowI wonder how those new voice bluetooth headsets work, SE 662, says it can dial phone numbers for certain phones
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16:02.44x86yes, it is a problem with >= kernel 2.6.22 (at least()
16:02.55x862.6.20 solved my wanpipe 3.1.3 compilation issues
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16:37.00shareenergydoes the asterisk needs to answer the line before it passes to iaxmodem and then hylafax?
16:41.07rrittenhouseThe company I work for wants to look into Asterisk for their PBX. Would I be smart to look into the Business edition (they just got a quote for another PBX and it was 20K)
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16:43.42Qwell[]rrittenhouse: BE provides support and such, so if you want that, it might be a good idea
16:44.03wunderkincough cough cough
16:44.09rrittenhouseIs the interface any different?
16:44.10Qwell[](disclaimer, I work for Digium)
16:44.17russellbthe interface is the same
16:44.18Qwell[]rrittenhouse: no
16:44.25russellb(disclaimer, i also work for digium)
16:44.39russellband you also get priority in getting bugs fixed by the digium engineers
16:44.53denonbugs? there are bugs in BE?
16:45.00russellbit's software
16:45.02putnopvutdenon: lol
16:45.21denonrussellb: so you're saying there are no bugs in hardware?
16:45.44russellbhardware is perfect
16:45.58russellbeveryone just blames the drivers
16:46.20denonrrittenhouse: you'd probably be happier with BE if you're not feeling extremely ambitious to dive into and maintain asterisk
16:46.30rrittenhousebut i am ;)
16:46.37denonmaintain as in long term
16:46.45denonnot just set it up 'cause it's fun
16:46.47rrittenhouseyeah I want it to be a part of the IT department
16:46.57tzafrirx100p? it's not a bug, it's a feature
16:47.08denonand when there's an outtage, BE gives you someone to help
16:47.39[TK]D-Fenderrrittenhouse: Lets start from the beginning : Starte your NEEDS.  How many phones, what kinda, and how many lines?
16:47.39rrittenhousegood point
16:47.48rrittenhouse7 external lines
16:47.56rrittenhouseanalog (thats what we have now anyhow)
16:48.05russellbTDM800P :)
16:48.54[TK]D-Fenderrrittenhouse: Have you checked to see what you can get a partial PRI for in your area?
16:49.08rrittenhouseNot yet I was just told that I could look into this as an option just before lunch ;)
16:49.28rrittenhouseI want to see if i can get their current setup and costs
16:49.28[TK]D-Fenderrrittenhouse: Ok, do so.  Next : how many phones?
16:50.08rrittenhouseno more than 60
16:50.23Qwell[]rrittenhouse: are your phones analog right now?
16:50.30rrittenhouseThey are currently comdial Impact phones
16:50.34[TK]D-Fenderrrittenhouse: basic ext's?
16:50.53rrittenhouseIm trying to determine if we want to use softphones or hardware phones
16:51.06rrittenhouseI know the personal preference is going to change from person to person though
16:51.13Qwell[]rrittenhouse: IMO, softphones will make you very unhappy.
16:51.20rrittenhouseah alright
16:51.25russellbagreed ...
16:51.37[TK]D-Fenderrrittenhouse: give me a specific # of phones.
16:51.38Qwell[]You can get a halfway decent SIP phone for around $120
16:51.42Sweeperyea. call centers are really the only place you can really get away with softphones
16:51.43coppiceall phones make me unhappy.
16:51.48SweeperQwell[]: moar liek $87
16:51.51russellbcoppice: lol ..
16:51.51Qwell[]jbot: coppice++
16:51.55Sweeperpolycom 320 to the resque~
16:52.01Qwell[]Sweeper: the 320 is that low?
16:52.08SweeperQwell[]: sans brick, yep
16:52.17Qwell[]yeah, and the brick is like $30 I imagine
16:52.28denonI'm kind of fund of the linksys 900-phones too
16:52.28Sweeperand you can get non-official ones for $10
16:52.28Qwell[]plus shipping :p
16:52.31rrittenhouse60 Phones
16:52.32denon(the old sipuras)
16:52.33[TK]D-Fenderscrew the brick, POE <---
16:52.36rrittenhousethat gives us room to grow
16:52.53Sweeperyea, POE is nice~
16:53.15SweeperI guess you can get a couple 48 port POE switches for < $600?
16:53.31Sweeperor a 48 and a 24, I guess
16:53.36rrittenhouseI didnt consider POE
16:53.46rrittenhousewe do have to rewire anyhow
16:53.47denonalways consider POE :)
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16:53.56[TK]D-Fenderrrittenhouse: Polycom IP 320 = 60 * 87.50 = $5250 ( )
16:54.08Qwell[][TK]D-Fender: the 320 is the one with the switch port, right?
16:54.40Qwell[]and...yeah...  [TK]D-Fender, you need to get telephonydepot to start giving you commission :P
16:54.47Zipper_32330 is the one with the switchport
16:55.14[TK]D-Fenderrrittenhouse: Sangoma A200d (8 FXO) = $819.50 ( )
16:56.28[TK]D-Fenderrrittenhouse: 4 x D-Link DES-1228P (24 port PoE Switches) = 4 * 414.66 = $1658.64 ( )
16:56.39[TK]D-Fenderrrittenhouse: There's your whole project. (minus basic server)
16:56.59rrittenhousewow :P
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16:58.11Qwell[]or, of course, the TDM800P, rather than the Sangoma  :D
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16:58.45Sweeper[TK]D-Fender: why 96 ports for 60 phones? :P
16:59.06Sweeperwell, I guess one if he wants redundancy...
16:59.13[TK]D-FenderSweeper: because I suck at math :)
16:59.21[TK]D-Fenderrrittenhouse: Knock of one of those switches!
16:59.37Sweeperdamn tho, those switches seem really pricey
16:59.46Qwell[]pricey?  for a 24 port PoE switch?
17:00.07Sweeperwell, they're d-link, so they're probably reasonable for PoE
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17:00.14Sweeperit just seems they should be cheaper :P
17:00.27SweeperI mean, you can get a regular 24-porter for about $100
17:00.49[TK]D-FenderSweeper: PoE Costs, and has come down a lot
17:01.03Sweeperapparently :D
17:01.18Sweepergranted, I also think wrt-54's should cost $20
17:02.49[TK]D-FenderQwell[]: Where does one go to get thier warranty provided HPEC ?
17:02.56Qwell[][TK]D-Fender: call up sales
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17:04.36rrittenhouseSo dont get the Sangoma and get the TDM800P
17:04.59Qwell[]rrittenhouse: well, it's up to you of course..  people have differing opinions on the matter
17:05.08Qwell[]and obviously, working for Digium, mine is maybe a bit biased
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17:05.40Qwell[]though, Sangoma has never contributed anything to Asterisk or Zaptel, so...yeah ;)
17:05.58Qwell[](I didn't like them well before I started working for Digium)
17:07.11Sweeperwell, I can't vouch for the analog stuff
17:07.41Sweeperbut for t1's and such, at least you can use sangoma with more that 10% of motherboards, hdd controllers, and usb devices :P
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17:08.10Sweeperwooohooo 1k irq's per second \o\
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17:08.30hrmphhwould you guys get linksys (sipura) spa942 or refurbished cisco 7940g?
17:08.33hrmphhboth phones are the same price
17:08.40Qwell[]hrmphh: Polycom 320
17:09.16hrmphhthose are better?
17:09.19hrmphhwhat makes you say so?
17:09.24hrmphhi see theyre considerably cheaper
17:09.29SweeperI have a cisco, and I have a polycom
17:09.37Sweeperthe cisco is on the closet floor
17:09.40vinaferaI am really confused be looking at various hardware choices in front of me.   Based on the product description the Redfone Fonebridge2 looks like a very good product at a very good price and it appears to me that it gives failover by default.  Experience has taught me that things are not what they seem
17:09.44SweeperI take the polycom to bed with me
17:09.45hrmphhive used 7940s in the past
17:09.48hrmphhand have had no problems
17:09.48Qwell[]Sweeper: send it here, I'll give it a good home.
17:10.16hrmphhoh hmm doesnt have switch
17:10.18hrmphhid need a 330
17:10.30hrmphhwill it split voice/data in to separate vlans?
17:10.55vinaferadoes anyone have experience with that product vs. having redundant servers with TE410P's in each one?
17:11.01Sweeperit has vlan support, if that's what you mean
17:11.09Sweeperthe switch port is just a switch port
17:11.18Sweeperbut the phone will be on whatever vlan you put it on
17:11.37hrmphhright, i just want to make sure the traffic will be on separate vlans so i can do end-to-end qos
17:11.46Sweeperyea, no problem there
17:11.56hrmphhso id need the 330
17:11.59*** join/#asterisk nuonguy (
17:12.06hrmphhwhich is $110 vs. the $125-30 of the linksys or cisco
17:12.10hrmphhbut youre saying its better quality
17:12.13Sweeperthat it is
17:12.15hrmphhany features i lose?
17:12.28Sweeperprobably some softkeys
17:12.47hrmphhblind xfer is a hard key i take it?
17:12.55Qwell[]hrmphh: You don't get to deal with Cisco when things go wrong.
17:12.58hrmphhthese things can take config via tftp?
17:12.59Qwell[]If you want to call that a feature
17:13.02Sweeperhrmphh: yep
17:13.02[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: No, you GAIN features.
17:13.03hrmphhTAC _used_ to be good
17:13.06hrmphhlike 10 years ago
17:13.08Sweeperand http, or https, or ftp
17:13.15hrmphhtk; what do i gain?
17:13.26[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: Cisco/Linksys does not really support presence, and Polycom's call handling is superior.
17:13.28Sweepercustom ringtones!
17:13.41[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: join/split is a must for me.
17:13.48hrmphhdunno what that is
17:13.55[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: Presence = blf
17:13.58jbotfrom memory, blf is Busy Lamp Field, aka little lights next to speed dials that light up when the person is on the phone and blink when that line is ringing.  hint extensions are static mapped to SIP or other channels.
17:14.16hrmphhoh yeah
17:14.42*** join/#asterisk robh71 (
17:14.48hrmphhso you can snoop on your coworkers? heh
17:14.56hrmphhit tells you if your speed dial destinations are on the phone?
17:15.15Sweeperon a 330, that's pretty much irrelevant :P
17:15.24hrmphhwhy is that
17:15.39Sweeperonly 1 speed dial possible :P
17:16.00Sweeperwell, speed dial with BLF, anyways
17:16.06rrittenhouse[TK]D-Fender, Is this about the right price?
17:16.13rrittenhouseif i were to go with the tdm800p
17:16.13hrmphhbah to digium
17:16.16hrmphhthat hardware = garbage
17:16.19hrmphhi just ordered sangoma
17:16.26rrittenhousewhat didnt work with it?
17:16.29rrittenhouseor what problems did you have
17:16.30hrmphhumm, calls?
17:16.36hrmphhintermittent static, etc.
17:16.42rrittenhouseoh ok
17:16.44hrmphhon a handful of different mobos
17:16.47hrmphhtrust me, get a sangoma
17:16.51hrmphhtheyre years ahead
17:17.12rrittenhouseJust trying to research for my boss
17:17.34vinaferaIt is my guess that since all I see on the fonebridge2 is press releases and sales info they are either new or crappy or both.
17:17.38ivrchave an issue with outbound dialing on a TDM400P card (POTS) - calls are delivered to the destination, but * keeps ringing, doesn't detect the answer
17:17.55ivrcsuggestions would be appreciated!
17:18.06rrittenhousewere a media company with FM and TV transmitters on site too so im trying to take all of that into consideration
17:18.08hrmphhso shared call/bridged line appearance works on the soundpoints w/asterisk?
17:18.11rrittenhousetwo different buildings
17:21.50hrmphhok so what DONT you like about the polycom 320/330?
17:22.09rrittenhouseyeah thats what I wanna know ;) Who heres used it?
17:22.17rrittenhouseEverybody here are used to Comdial Impact phones
17:22.35xhelioxHoly smokes. I just applied the patch that uses the highres timer for ztdummy, and the zttest results are remarkable. It's so so so much better.
17:25.58[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: Polycom = solid
17:27.25hrmphhyeh but if you had to pick ONE thing
17:27.27russellbxheliox: nice!
17:27.27hrmphhwhat dont you like
17:27.41*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
17:27.56russellbxheliox: note your results in the bug report please
17:28.01russellbxheliox: that will get the patch applied faster
17:29.07xhelioxrussellb: I was just doing that... now I want to figure out how to enable the high res timer on my Centos kernels. ;) Because that's bad ass.
17:29.47[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: nothing about them I don't like.... well... personally they support a power brick and I guess I technically would ratehr pay a little more on EVERY phone just to a;ways have it.
17:30.16*** join/#asterisk robh71_ (
17:32.15*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
17:32.19hrmphhyeah i guess im fucked if poe switch dies
17:32.21hrmphhsingle point of failure
17:32.27hrmphhshould prob grab a few bricks
17:32.52[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: Keep an extra around, but PoE seriosly simplifies your wiring, not having to have a brick at each desk.
17:33.11[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: How many phones are you looking at buying?
17:33.13Qwell[]if the PoE switch dies...
17:33.18Qwell[]then your switch is dead too
17:33.29Qwell[]no amount of power backup stuff is going to fix that
17:33.38[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: And if your non PoE switch dies Everything dies just the same.
17:33.51Qwell[]we learned this the hard way last night
17:34.02Qwell[]all of our PCs are on UPSs, networking stuff is too, etc, etc, etc
17:34.09[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: PoE Allows simple power backup... its value varies on implementation
17:34.12Qwell[]but...the power went out...for...several city blocks :p
17:34.14hrmphhwe have other switches
17:34.16hrmphhthat was the point
17:34.19hrmphhjust not backup poe
17:34.30hrmphhqwell; buy a generator
17:34.40Qwell[]isn't gonna help us keep the internet link up
17:34.48rrittenhouseI was wondering if the POE is something I wanted too... not sure
17:34.53Qwell[]everything was still up, except that..  which is completely out of our control
17:34.54SweeperGSM modem is the way to go Qwell[]
17:35.04Qwell[]Sweeper: and if the cell tower dies too?
17:35.06*** join/#asterisk robh71 (
17:35.12SweeperQwell[]: bigger antennas
17:35.26Qwell[]pedal crank, right?
17:35.28SweeperI could also sell you a nice SCPC link
17:35.28hrmphhwe have towerstream
17:35.28hrmphhfor backup
17:35.29*** join/#asterisk qdk (
17:35.57Sweeperonly $1500 a month for 500k/500k :D
17:36.00hrmphhT1, ISDN BRI, POTS, VZW, TowerStream
17:36.08hrmphh512k towerstream is $225/mo
17:36.09hrmphhnot bad
17:36.26hrmphhfull 1.5Mbps is only $380/mo
17:36.40Sweeperthat is pretty decent
17:36.46Sweeperpretty stable?
17:37.46hrmphhyou can get 1.5-3burstable for like $450/mo too
17:37.53hrmphhquestion on the polycoms
17:37.56hrmphhcan you do blind transfer?
17:38.23*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
17:42.24hmmhesaysI'm bringing sexy back
17:43.18[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: Yes, blind and attended.  You can also be on a 3-way call, and hang up leaving the other 2 connected
17:46.37*** join/#asterisk shay|work (n=shay@unaffiliated/shay)
17:46.57shay|workhello, I'm trying to make a call to the PSTN via a Zap channel, and asterisk debugging shows this:
17:46.58shay|workAug 14 23:51:35 NOTICE[4949]: app_dial.c:1097 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 34 - Circuit/channel congestion)
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17:48.06*** join/#asterisk AndyGraybeal (
17:48.25*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
17:49.15AndyGraybealhmm.. another quick question... can i hook asterisk up to a calendar program that my workgroup would use.. something like OpenGroupware or eGroupware, and when my office is closed on the calendar, can i have the phone system use our "closed for now" message?
17:49.57AndyGraybealso none of us would be able to forget to set the phone sysetm to answer the calls after one ring, and then let the caller know we're closed for the day
17:50.15*** join/#asterisk Mercestes (
17:50.24MercestesNot to be a troll but why is ABE still on 1.2?
17:51.03MercestesAsterisk Business Edition.
17:51.36puzzleddunno. maybe still too many bugs in 1.4?
17:55.41*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (n=tzafrir@
17:57.08hmmhesaysholy crap brian setzer is awesome
17:58.51*** join/#asterisk bkruse (i=bkruse@nat/digium/x-2f0951b79ebfae6d)
17:59.44[TK]D-FenderAndyGraybeal: Sure
18:00.58*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
18:02.37sopo2k4anyone know whats wrong with this
18:03.43*** part/#asterisk Zipper_32 (
18:06.50*** join/#asterisk Olobola (n=sfsdsdfs@
18:07.58sopo2k4im using the asterisk manager to use the command Originate, and i am parsing the variable user=managerusername but for some reason the script above isnt doing any of the extensions after the Dial.
18:09.00Mercesteswell, in under 5 seconds, I would say, never use _.
18:09.27Mercestessecond, none of that crap under dial is ever going to get called.
18:10.11sopo2k4whys that? :s
18:11.04Mercesteswell, for one....once you Dial, Asterisk stays on dial until you hang up.
18:11.31Mercestessecond, once you hang up, asterisk isn't going to continue processing yoru dialplan.  It will go to exten => h, but it will not continue down it's current pattern match
18:11.51Olobola's' extension is not working for some reason in my default context. Calls are rejected: '1234567890@default' does not exist.
18:11.58Mercesteswhich......btw, is why you should never use _., because that matches exten => h, and s, and fax, and i, and t, and o.
18:12.46MercestesOlobola, s != 123456789.  Try _x. instead.  or _xxxxxxxxx   or whatever.
18:13.09MercestesOlobola, s is for macros and gotos, not pattern matching.
18:13.12*** join/#asterisk souzha (
18:13.36*** join/#asterisk vinafera (
18:13.49sopo2k4so if i want whats under Dial to be processed when the call is finished
18:13.59sopo2k4id use exten => h,
18:14.04Mercestessopo2k4, very good.
18:14.15*** join/#asterisk whywontitwork (n=d@
18:14.31whywontitworkanyone know where one can find detailed information about asterisk and faxing using Spansp?
18:14.50sopo2k4also, one more thing
18:14.54sopo2k4DBGet(foo=family/key) - would work in 1.4.9?
18:15.14MercestesI honestly don't know.  I haven't developed my DB-fu yet.
18:15.37Mercesteswhywontitwork, google FoIP, asterfax, fax detection, asterisk fax, etc.
18:16.17Mercesteswhywontitwork, there is a wiki page on the subject listing various methods for accomplishing FoIP, including asterisk+iaxmodem
18:16.17souzhaHey I just bought 5x 7940s for my asterisks system, and 3 of the phones, when I plug in the power then subsequently plugin in the ethernet into the 10/100 SW port, the phone shuts down, anyone else heard of this?
18:16.31Mercestessouzha, where did you buy them from?
18:16.39souzhawhere else...ebay :)
18:16.49souzhaI'm assuming they were POE
18:16.55Mercesteschances are your screwed.
18:17.27MercestesOne:  You have no warranty or support.
18:17.31souzhareally, so there is no jumper setting or anything like that for these phones
18:17.39Qwell[]souzha: no, it's all "automagic"
18:17.47*** join/#asterisk ivanfm_ (
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18:17.51Qwell[]If your switch is trying to provide power or something, it may be freaking the phone out
18:17.51Mercestestwo:  You have to have *specific* firmware software in your tftp server to setup those phones which you can only get if you buy the phones from Cisco, there is no guarantee those phones even speak to each other.
18:17.58whywontitworkcheck your ip addresses souzha
18:18.12souzhawell I got one of them up fine
18:18.22souzhagranted it was a pain in the ass, went through 5 different firmwares
18:18.23Mercestessouzha, ...oh, that must mean the other 3 are fine too.
18:18.31*** join/#asterisk Tili (
18:18.45Qwell[]souzha: send them here, I'll give them all a good home
18:19.07souzhathe thing is in the shipped version, the 10/100 PC port works fine
18:19.07*** join/#asterisk Yourname` (
18:19.21souzhathen I upgrade to SIP
18:19.31souzhaand SIP doesn't recognize the port
18:19.41OlobolaMercestes: thanks. The lumenvox 'pizza' demo is looking for extensions s though.
18:19.44Qwell[]sure sounds like Cisco
18:22.02*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey)
18:22.09souzhaSo I'm feeling your recommendation would be to keep resetting the phones and praying
18:23.01Qwell[]well, they do seem to take a random code path on boot
18:23.03MercestesActually, my recommendation was to remove yourself from the gene-pool by electrocuting yourself with those 60v power adapters.
18:23.04Qwell[]one of them may work :p
18:23.26souzhathank god they're only 48v
18:23.33Mercestesnothing would help us escalate the average intelligence of the planet by removing all those dumb enough to order Cisco phones off of Ebay
18:23.34Yourname`Hello. Using SpanDSP and Asterisk, I was wondering how can we effectively send out faxes? (All documents on the web seem to be talking about the rcving capabilities.. not sending.)
18:23.59souzhawell I did this instead of paying 7 grand for fonality
18:24.25jbotfrom memory, cheap is a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
18:24.30*** join/#asterisk VoicePulse (n=contact@unaffiliated/voicepulse)
18:24.41jbotrumour has it, phones is  While personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows:  Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever.
18:26.15J4k3heh, I love how everybody talks shit on grandstream
18:26.23Qwell[]for good reason
18:26.31J4k3grandstream sells the best $32 ethernet phone money can buy!
18:26.33robl^cuz they suck  (and not in a good way)
18:26.53[TK]D-Fendersouzha: 7940 = Cisco PoE, not 802.3af
18:26.58Qwell[]J4k3: I'll take a $3 analog phone over a grandstream
18:27.02[TK]D-Fendersouzha:  overpriced & trouble
18:27.20*** join/#asterisk Dan0maN_Work (n=dschuh@
18:27.36J4k3Qwell[]: eh... considering how badly ATAs work at best, a $3 shit phone attached to one sounds like a total fucking nightmare.
18:27.56Mercesteswoah, fbomb.
18:28.00J4k3now, given the right garage sale... $3 might get you a chocolate brown IBM desk phone in perfect condition too ;)
18:28.21J4k3chocolate brown IBM desk phone >>>>>>> grandsuck
18:28.23robl^I have a grandstream phone..  I use it when my 5 yr old cousin wants to talk to Elmo.
18:28.28MercestesJ4k3, That's like saying that ........Enron sold the best $32 dollar penny stocks money could buy
18:28.38Qwell[]Mercestes: nice
18:29.04J4k3well, the most ironic part about that list is the absolute love for polycom, and polycom can't even be bothered to throw a flash chip in their phones.
18:29.37J4k3I picked up one of these grandsuck phones on my desk, took it to my friends house, plugged it into his DSL router and had an extension in another town with absolutely zero re-provisioning.
18:29.42MercestesWho cares?  It works.
18:29.55J4k3it only works if you carry a server with you.
18:30.05MercestesUh, bs....
18:30.24robl^Polycom doesn't  NEED a server
18:30.43*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
18:30.44robl^it always checks for a server for updates, but boots from flash if it doesn't find one
18:31.08robl^it just reuses the last provisioning
18:32.40*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
18:32.49robl^grandstream is the only phone that needs to be strapped down to a desk so it doesn't fly away if the user sneezes
18:33.00[hC]Why would asterisk return CONGESTION after a dial attempt came back "circuit-busy" (because the number was busy)
18:33.18[hC]When people dial busy numbers it always comes back as congestion instead of busy..
18:33.22J4k3robl^: well, I can buy metal locally a lot cheaper than I can ship dead weight in a box via ups or fedex.
18:33.35[TK]D-Fender[hC]: I've seena  lot of Ni1 setups that do that.  Its normal.
18:33.53J4k3robl^: and you'll find electronic devices that oddly weigh a lot usually have metal manufacturered into them that has absolutely no technical value.
18:34.38MercestesJ4k3, so you prefer to add your own metal, I guess is what yoru saying?
18:34.38Mercestesbecause its' cheaper?
18:34.38[TK]D-Fenderrobl^: Actually the Linksys ones are too lingth, as is the Aastra 5i series (the hand set has NO weight I swear)
18:34.38[hC][TK]D-Fender: so, my ideal way of handling congestion is to retry on another peer, where as busy i want to stop right away and play busy... From what I described, theres no proper way to handle this, unless i just play Busy if all peers come back congested
18:34.38MercestesJ4k3, I have something for you to read.
18:34.39jbotcheap is probably a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
18:34.39J4k3Mercestes: I'd rather have a nice dual 4" ringer inside.
18:34.59[TK]D-Fender[hC]: that IS what you have to do.
18:35.04[hC][TK]D-Fender: 10-4.
18:35.13J4k3you mean don't buy grandstream phones and crank up an old P3-700 you found in random pieces in the closet?
18:35.34J4k3dammit!  I got cought doing it wrong!
18:35.54[TK]D-FenderJ4k3: No.... that PC from the closet is already yours and clearly worth much MORE than the phones ;)
18:36.04[TK]D-FenderJ4k3: So failure only costs a little time :)\
18:36.12robl^oops.  sorry.  burst of emotion
18:36.31J4k3robl^: you're paying an ilec for a pri?  I'm sorry dude :P
18:37.01robl^J4k3: nope!  My employer is paying the ILEC.
18:37.22robl^I was not / am not the decision maker
18:37.39J4k3well, L3's sales department sucks.
18:38.00denonno, its really all of L3 that sucks
18:38.42*** join/#asterisk Tako-san (n=Tako-san@
18:39.10rrittenhousewhat happened to the xlite softphone? I cant seem to dl it for linux anymore
18:39.35robl^I have 2 PRIs here that seem to have a hatred of dialing one specific country code -- of course its a country where we have about 100 clients.   AT&T can't seem to figure it out after about 3-4 months, 6 Level 3 support tickets, about 90 calls to support
18:39.50rrittenhouseekiga wont play my audio for a call (idk whats up with that)
18:40.33J4k3robl^: eh...  find a voip provider in that country and buy some IP-based minutes?  (you think AT&T is doing any better these days?  You're fooling yourself!) ?
18:41.41rrittenhousei was looking on the site and it kept going back to windows and macosx editions
18:41.42robl^J4k3: already ahead of you.  we are doing VoIP migration firmwide in a few months.  but until then, I am not a happy camper.
18:42.10*** join/#asterisk thansen|laptop (
18:42.58Olobolatrying to get the lumenvox pizza demo running:  sent into invalid extension 's' in context 'pizza'. Here is pizza: exten => s,1,Answer
18:44.54hmmhesaysport your number somewhere else
18:45.01J4k3hmmhesays: no porting here.
18:45.09*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
18:45.10hmmhesayswhere is here?
18:45.15J4k3hmmhesays: Grapeland, TX
18:45.20hmmhesaysis that legal?
18:45.53J4k3I can't port my vzw numbers either (which are just 100-blocks split out another ILEC exchange, 936-546)
18:46.14J4k3and the worst joke out of all that is the 911 coverage :P
18:46.22robl^FCC mandates porting for all US numbers, I thought
18:46.29J4k3the local dispatch office is lucky to get caller ID
18:46.43rrittenhouseSo whats a good linux softphone (running ubuntu)
18:46.44J4k3robl^: for larger telcos you're right...
18:46.57J4k3robl^: like everything the FCC has always done, theres exceptions.
18:47.02robl^and Verizon isn't large?
18:47.16J4k3Verizon doesn't own my number, Windstream owns the numbers.
18:48.30ivrcHave an issue dialing out from * on a TDM400P. The call is delivered to the PSTN, the far side rings, is picked up, but * does not detect the answer. Inbound calls work fine. Suggestions will be greatly appreciated!
18:48.47J4k3Windstream is one of those craptacular rural telcos that operate under a few zillion exceptions.
18:49.06J4k3I mean hell, they only got ISDN BRI here in '01.
18:51.31Yourname`So, no experts on faxing capabilities? :(
18:51.41*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
18:53.14*** join/#asterisk alejo_g (n=Cumplea_@
18:54.10[TK]D-FenderYourname`: Hylafax + analog line
18:54.29[TK]D-FenderYourname`: With a seperate modem/fax board that it supports.
18:54.41Yourname`[TK]D-Fender: SIP/VoIP/Asterisk/SpanDSP?
18:54.50[TK]D-FenderYourname`: No.
18:54.52robl^why is it everyone wants to run fax lines through a PBX?
18:55.03[TK]D-Fenderrobl^: people are cheap
18:55.27robl^yeah.  but the money you save is lost in the time and effort it takes to make it almost sorta work
18:55.28[TK]D-Fenders/stupid/cheap AND stupid/
18:55.35*** join/#asterisk Itiliti (n=rneubaue@
18:56.45ItilitiI am running Asterisk 1.4.6 and I am getting a weird error when I am trying to do a directed call pickup.
18:56.57ItilitiI get this error:   app_directed_pickup.c: No target channel found
18:57.16ItilitiI have all the extentions in the same pickupgroup
18:59.00ItilitiDo I have to add the SIP trunks I am using into the same group as well.....
18:59.19Yourname`[TK]D-Fender: Hylafax + analog line + Asterisk?
18:59.40[TK]D-FenderYourname`: What part of "leave it as far away from *" are you not getting?
19:00.14Yourname`robl^: Help me figure out a way to send more than 30+ faxes per minute. Without having to spend $20,000.
19:00.49Yourname`[TK]D-Fender: lol, challenges are a good thing though! SpanDSP is a complete fax package.. and not being able to use it to send faxes is frustrating. :(
19:02.54[TK]D-FenderYourname`: Feel free to suffer as much as your masochism permits.  Just leave us out of it.  I've smiles like yours dripping off the faces' of others just like the end-scenes from "Indianna Jones & the Raiders of the Lost Ark"
19:03.32alejo_ghello im from argentina
19:03.37Yourname`You should be the headmaster of some school, you'd be the best!
19:03.41hmmhesayshello from argentina
19:03.45alejo_gi made some changes to AGENT function to manage de devstate
19:03.56alejo_gfor the case when the agent is making an outbound call and we dont want to recive calls from asterisk acd
19:04.03alejo_gand i want to know which is de right place to publish them, somebody can tell me?
19:04.44[TK]D-Fenderok, GTG, back significantly later....
19:05.07alejo_gsorry by my poor english :)
19:05.20*** join/#asterisk elixer (i=elixer@
19:05.42elixerwe just got the digium TE220 PCIe card
19:06.09elixerbased on the docs, should we just pull off all the jumpers to get t1 mode?
19:06.30elixerits hard to tell what is going on in the photo in the docs
19:08.50russellbelixer: there should be a single jumper for T1/E1 mode
19:08.57russellbnot connecting the jumper means T1 mode
19:09.04russellbwhich is probably how it is shipped by default
19:09.16elixerthank you sir
19:09.48russellbyou're welcome
19:10.00russellbthanks for supporting digium :)
19:17.02*** join/#asterisk SECGOD (n=traderz@
19:17.09whywontitworktk is that new book out yet?
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19:23.06*** join/#asterisk Olobola (n=sfsdsdfs@
19:23.08elixerrussellb: you're welcome.  now make my sangoma A400 card work with the TE220 ;-)
19:24.27OlobolaI just need to place automated reminder calls through a pots line. Which card would be best?
19:27.18russellbpfft ..
19:27.45elixeri can't seem to get the two to work together
19:28.24russellbdon't look at me :)
19:28.37russellbOlobola: how many pots lines?
19:28.52elixerfrom the user manual, it says to ask for additional help in #asterisk ;-)
19:28.56denonrussellb: you know, digium could probably make pretty good money writing commercial drives for sagnoma cards
19:29.07denonI hear more than my fair share of sagnoma whining in here
19:29.11denoner sangoma
19:29.27denondrivers ... sheesh.
19:29.38russellbdenon: don't hold your breath :)
19:29.42Olobolarussellb: just one for now. I might need more someday.
19:29.47denoncould clear more cash on the driver than the card :)
19:30.10russellbOlobola: TDM400P for 4 ports TDM800P for 8, depending on how much you think you'll want to expand (disclaimer, I work for Digium)
19:31.11Olobolarussellb: ok, thanks. I'll be sure to tell'm russelb sent me.
19:31.23russellbheh, alright :)
19:33.15*** join/#asterisk AJaymn (
19:33.23AJaymnAnyone using Fedora Core 6 with Asterisk?
19:33.44*** join/#asterisk mxmasster (n=mxmasste@
19:33.48mxmassterhi all
19:34.03*** join/#asterisk sacitec (n=tobi@
19:34.07karleetorussellb: i've wanted to talk to someone who works for digium for quite some time!
19:34.14mxmassterwe have a _perfectly_ working asterisk phone system setup and there is a feature request that is driving me crazy
19:34.15rrittenhouseso has anybody else noticed that counterpath's xlite softphone has disappeared?
19:34.22rrittenhouseor is it just me? ;)
19:34.28*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (n=juanjoc@
19:34.31mxmassterspecifically the executives want shared line apearances with their assitants
19:34.37sacitecdoes anybody has troubles with zap volume level ? i'm using sangoma A200 2 fxo ports
19:34.38AJaymnits still there.. but GSM isnt in there codex list anymore!!!
19:34.39karleetorussellb: i was having some echo problems driving me crazy for a while.. i finally got the HPEC from digium and it solved the problem WONDERFULLY!
19:34.53russellbkarleeto: that's great!
19:35.00karleetorussellb: have you had primarily positive feedback for HPEC?
19:35.08mxmassterwhat we are seeing is when the line is configured on the assitant's phone it rings, but if either of them put the call on hold the other person cannot pick it up
19:35.12denonnot from everyone :)
19:35.14russellbfor the most part
19:35.21russellbexcept for a few things that were broken at first :)
19:35.35denonwell .. last I checked..
19:35.52sacitecdoes anybody has troubles with zap volume level ? i'm using sangoma A200 2 fxo ports
19:35.55russellbheh, i'm not in charge of that product
19:35.58russellbi'm not in the know.
19:36.01robl^mxmasster: you have to be using 1.4.x for SLA --  and even then its still complicated and doesn't scale very well
19:36.01karleetorussellb: well, its good to know you'll be around in here next time i have some digium questions.. we've got 4 VOIP setups and counting, all with digium cards
19:36.14karleetorussellb: and we like them so far, so i suspect we'll keep using them
19:36.16*** join/#asterisk guillote_GNU (
19:36.16russellbkarleeto: cool.  there are a good number of digium people in here
19:36.43*** join/#asterisk tmccrary (n=tmccrary@
19:36.43karleetorussellb: you'd be surprised at how much negativity i got from people when i was trying to solve that echo problem!
19:37.01denonecho problems bring out the worst in people
19:37.04russellbCorydon76, Cresl1n, jcolp, lmadsen (kind of :-p), Qwell[], codefreeze ......
19:37.17russellbnothing :)
19:37.21robl^echo bad!!!!
19:37.25russellbnaming off digium people in the channel
19:37.36Qwell[]You missed a bunch :p
19:38.06russellbhence the "....."
19:39.29*** mode/#asterisk [+o codefreeze] by ChanServ
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19:41.27bkruseecho does not bring out the worst in me, but then again, i do not have to try to debug it :/
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19:48.35ItilitiAnyone know why I would be getting this error:  app_directed_pickup.c: No target channel found
19:53.20elixerso i just installed a TE220, and this is what `lspci` is showing
19:53.22elixer10:08.0 Communication controller: Digium, Inc. Unknown device 0220 (rev 02)
19:53.33elixeris that correct?  the "Unknown device" bit?
19:54.51elixer(yes it is.  sorry.)
20:05.31*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
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20:10.18magic_hatHey everyone, I have a dialplan that works for domestic calls... exten => _1XXXXXXXXXX,2,DIAL(SIP/teliax/${EXTEN}). All of the sudden I need to make an emergency international call. What's the best way to modify that so it accepts 011 followed by a variable-length string of additional numbers?
20:16.28russellb'.' matches one or more of anything
20:16.28lmadsenrussellb: kind of eh? :)
20:16.48russellblmadsen: you contractors :-p
20:17.01lmadsenrussellb: I didn't see you put 'kind of' after jcolp :D
20:17.03russellbbasically, i was trolling.
20:17.08russellbi know, i just realized that
20:17.15russellbso i got called out.
20:17.16lmadsenit's ok... I don't hate you...
20:17.17lmadsenthat much
20:17.28jcolprussellb: that's sweet that you didn't think of me as one until after <3
20:17.33russellbi was wondering if/when you'd notice :-p
20:21.30*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (i=dwayne@nat/digium/x-405f7c4f871c6288)
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20:23.28elixerso what should startup first?  zaptel or wanrouter?
20:23.29VOiCihey, is there any decent way of removing a module from the tdm400
20:23.36VOiCiwithout destroying it..
20:24.12Qwell[]VOiCi: just pull it off slowly and straight...
20:25.24Qwell[](easier said than done, right?)
20:25.47VOiCibut im done
20:29.38sevardQwell[]: do you know of a method/application/dialplan like chanspy with whisper mode w/out using * 1.4?
20:31.28*** join/#asterisk AJaymn (
20:31.49sevardOr anyone for that matter?
20:37.15*** join/#asterisk engrxyz (
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20:40.00dahunter3Has anyone used Voip street?
20:40.56De_Monsevard no, 1.4 is the first time anything like whisper mode has existed in *
20:45.31*** join/#asterisk jkrueger (
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20:46.41sevardDe_Mon: and even whisper mode you can only talk to one person at a time, right? you can't speak to the bridged channel
20:46.49sevardunless you pipe all channels through a meetme channe
20:47.30*** join/#asterisk DeepY0X (n=DeepY0X@
20:47.49AJaymnTimeout error occurred trying to start MySQL Daemon.
20:47.49AJaymnStarting MySQL:                                            [FAILED]
20:47.54AJaymnwhy am i getting this?! :(
20:48.28bkruseAJaymn: #mysql, but look in /var/log/messages and syslog and the mysql folder to see why it died
20:49.08AJaymncant create PID ?
20:49.27bkruseAJaymn: are you running as root?
20:49.33bkruserm /var/run/ or whatever ti is
20:49.34bkruseit is *
20:49.46bkrusekillall -9 mysql, its probably already running, or a zombie process of it anyways
20:50.05AJaymnno process running
20:50.58AJaymnbkruse no in run dir. only an empty myslqd dir.
20:51.14bkruseps aux | grep mysql
20:51.40De_Monsevard correct whisper only talks to one channel. I believe there is another application that joins a channel to a bridged call... don't ask me what it is tho
20:52.18AJaymnbkruse root
20:52.43sevardDe_Mon: would it b ExtendChan?
20:52.55Dan0maN_Workcan anyone recommend a decent channel bank to use with * and a sangoma card?
20:53.53*** part/#asterisk Yoe (
20:53.55De_Monsevard could be, I just noticed it in passing
20:55.15sevardDe_Mon: I still haven't heard any recommendations for 1.4 for business purposes, have you had any experience?
20:58.03*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
21:00.22iCEBrkrDude. Nickserv is broken
21:01.31fujinhow so
21:04.14iCEBrkrFirstly, I had a zombie IRC session somewhere/somehow so I couldn't ghost and now i can't ident
21:04.26iCEBrkrI wonder if somehow I have it ignored?
21:04.37iCEBrkrI'm ignoring all notices
21:04.46[hC]iCEBrkr: noob. get it together.
21:04.57iCEBrkr[hC]: I forgot how to EYE ARE CEE
21:05.20*** join/#asterisk lee_is_me (
21:05.20[hC]its easy, just log on to AOL keyword MIRC
21:05.20iCEBrkr[hC]: I'm an ASP monkey now days.. so you know how it goes.. Gotta dumb it down to fit in this shop
21:05.33iCEBrkrthink inside the box
21:05.47*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=GoD@
21:06.25lee_is_meI'm having a tough time resolving an issue with calls that come in over a zap line where the caller id information is not present...polycom 301's will not pick up the call.  Anyone seen this?
21:07.50iCEBrkroh man
21:07.53*** join/#asterisk killfill (n=killfill@
21:08.47lee_is_meonly "reject" button works... which is bothersome for the client since there is a large group ring in place.  The have to go around to each phone and hit "reject"
21:13.27*** join/#asterisk jstew (
21:14.22jstewHi, can anyone recommend an honest vendor of asterisk rackmount systems?
21:17.06*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (n=ckwall@
21:18.31[T]ankis there any sort of command from the AGI or dialplan that will allow me from a php script or similar to do a warm transfer? you know... where instead of just a transfer you first have a 3 way call and then the person who is transferring the call then drops off.
21:18.44*** join/#asterisk Mercestes (n=Merceste@
21:19.09MercestesIf I wanted to play a recording before connecting an outbound call, (such as, "this call may be recorded") how would I do that?
21:19.37[T]ankMercestes: try the A option in the dial command
21:19.49[T]anki use that to dial a number and have it play a message.
21:20.18MercestesYour awesome, thanks
21:20.28[T]ankits something like... Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN}||A(wav file goes here))
21:21.15*** join/#asterisk guillote_GNU (
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21:23.09Dan0maN_Workcan anyone recommend a decent channel bank to use with * and a sangoma card?
21:23.51*** join/#asterisk zydrunas (
21:25.14Olobolaso is it possible to attach to a database from within a dial plan? Would I need to use AGI? I was using agi/php to connect to sql server before.
21:25.20*** part/#asterisk crimethinker (
21:25.44fetcherIs there a simple way to adjust music-on-hold volume, without replacing the .MP3 files?
21:29.30*** part/#asterisk tmccrary (n=tmccrary@
21:33.23*** join/#asterisk whywontitwork (n=d@
21:33.30whywontitworkme again
21:33.57whywontitworkmusic on hold ??? how does one play music on hold?
21:35.10sevardwhywontitwork: configure the conf file, reload moh, and put somebody on hold.
21:35.56*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
21:36.47De_Monsevard what do you mean? it works but if your implimentation isn't broke don't fix it
21:36.51*** join/#asterisk icel (n=icel@
21:37.16De_Monsevard I upgraded to 1.4 recently because of the whisper mode and func_odbc goodness (yea func_odbc is backported but thats besides the point)
21:37.18whywontitworklink for the manual please
21:37.58sevardDe_Mon: I use 1.2 for business installs, i've never even poked at 1.4 because I hear horror stories about it crashing and things.  But, a lot of customers have been asking for features that are only available in 1.4
21:38.09icelanyone have experience with HA asterisk solutions? I have a couple of generic questions...
21:38.10lirakisinformix blows :p
21:38.30lirakisicel: ask
21:38.46icelcool.  IT seems like a good idea to use openser?  Is that true or false?
21:39.06lirakisicel: thats incredibly generic.. and thus difficult to give a legitimate answer to
21:39.16lirakisicel: most HA situations use a load balancing prox
21:39.18iceli want to configure 3 servers to load balance and be okay if one goes down
21:39.29lirakis.. and openser can act as a load balancer
21:39.52De_Monsevard only problems I've had are with realtime startup option, and that was a problem in 1.2 too
21:40.03[T]ankanyone here used the 'atxfer' feature?
21:40.05sevardDe_Mon: What about stability?
21:40.20sevardDe_Mon: do you have any large installs with stability issues?
21:40.23icellirakis: so what in general should i do to set that kind of situation?  Do I need a mysql database for voicemail and stuff?
21:40.24lirakisicel: you can configure openser to act as a way to pool servers and have sip clients register to 1 but distribute requiests to your pool
21:40.33lirakisicel: ...
21:40.42De_Monsevard none yet
21:40.49icellirakis: ok
21:40.49De_Monno large installs of 1.4 that is
21:41.38icellirakis: i don't need real specifics, just general info
21:42.58lirakisicel: ... think about it...
21:43.33icelWell I could load balance with dns or a distribute with openser
21:43.34s34nif I leave the secret out of the sip.conf entry, does that allow authentication without a password, or does it prevent authentication period?
21:43.54icelbut I am confused how multiple servers share information, such as voicemail and sip accounts
21:44.09lirakisicel: dns will not load balance... or properly pool servers.. round robin dns will still send calls to a failed server
21:44.11ber123what do you guys use to look at bandwidth stats from console on linux
21:44.24ber123i have 3 G729 calls up and am showing 192kbps which seems too high
21:44.29ber123i was expecting 30kbps per call
21:44.40ber123(via bwmon is where the stats are coming from)
21:45.00lirakisicel: sip proxy... .. .. its a single registration point for your clients... then only the proxy registers with the server
21:45.11whywontitworkdoes the mp3 files in your /var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3/ folder do they need to be a special format?
21:45.11lirakisicel: voicemail...
21:45.37icellirakis: jackpot, thanks
21:45.40lirakisicel: go read about sip proxies and what they do..
21:46.12icellirakis: will do.  thx
21:46.33s34nI see my phones sending register requests into the * server, but the * server doesn't respond.
21:46.55Dan0maN_Workhow would you make sip proxies redundant?
21:47.19s34nshouldn't I see resgister requests at the console with enough verbosity?
21:48.53*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
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21:52.10travestyi'm having trouble setting up a PRI.  I have two * boxes, one with ast 1.2 and a sangoma card, the other with ast 1.4 a digium card and they both seem configured correctly with no errors... but the red lights are still throbbing.  Can anyone point me in the right direction of some troubleshooting steps?
21:53.14ber123did you read the docs at voip-info for PRI
21:53.29travestyyep, and the sangoma docs
21:53.49ber123ok if you think you have everything right i would create a loopback to the card
21:53.51travestythey just aren't talking to each other and i have no idea why, or how to figure out why
21:53.57ber123oh you have one plugged into the other
21:54.10ber123do you have the cabling crossed over?
21:54.12travestyi'm trying to get the two boxes to talk to each other
21:54.24travestyi used the t1 cable that came with my sangoma card
21:54.28travestyso it should be right
21:54.35ber123i dont believe so
21:54.41ber123i think most cables would be straight thru
21:54.46travestylet me look at the wires
21:54.49ber123you need to make sure pairs 1,2 and 4,5 are reversed on the other side
21:54.56ber123otherwise you are trying to connect TX to TX
21:55.02ber123which will give you the red alarm
21:55.19travestyhmmm it does appear to be straight thru
21:55.25ber123theres issue #1 :)
21:55.28travestyis there a reference page for making a cable?
21:55.33ber123its pretty easy
21:55.43ber123take the pairs which are 1,2
21:55.46ber123they are color coded
21:55.51ber123and move them to position 4,5
21:56.00ber123and take the 4,5 pairs and move them to 1,2
21:56.04travestyi don't want to break this cable, i want to make a new one
21:56.09ber123thats fine
21:56.15ber123just make sure to do that on your new one
21:56.28sevardtravesty: just use your teeth
21:56.35travestyso i just make a straight thru cat5e, no matter what color order, and reverse those pairs?
21:56.37travestysevard: lol
21:56.55ber123well you need to make sure that 1,2 and 4,5 are twisted
21:57.28travestyso 1,2 -> 5,4 and 4,5 -> 2,1 ?
21:57.31ber123so i would take for example blue/white blue and orange/white orange in 1,2 4,5 respectively and cross them over as orange/white orange and blue/white blue in 1,2 and 4,5 respectively
21:57.57ber123no, 1,2 goes to 4,5 and 4,5 goes to 1,2 same order
21:58.07ber123i've never tried reversing them in the pair order
21:58.16ber123might still work but my way will definitely work
21:59.34travestyi'll give it a try, thank you so much for your help ber123
21:59.56ber123no problem
22:00.19*** part/#asterisk travesty (
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22:18.56*** join/#asterisk Mrtaz (
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22:20.04Mrtazhey all, i have a problem with my ZAP channel, i put in a new card, all was working fine, then I ran fxotune and restarted the server, now asterisk does not appear to have any zap commands in the CLI interface
22:22.15tzafrir_laptopso chan_zap failed to load
22:22.27tzafrir_laptopanything in the logs about chan_zap?
22:25.28Mrtazsays reload was unsucessful
22:26.01Mrtazhmm...interesting item...Echo training time must be within the range of 10 to 4000 ms at line 10
22:26.09*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
22:26.40whywontitworkanyone please how do i get a incoming call from zapata.conf to extensions.conf not using the s handler need to use _X.,1,Answer() because i need to read the dtmf digits comming down
22:32.14carrarSomething like exten => _X.,1,Set(THEGOODS=${EXTEN})
22:33.01VOiCianyone use trixbox and could help me out like 3-4 minutes?
22:33.10JTthis isn't a trixbox channel
22:33.11lirakisVOiCi: #trixbox
22:33.21jbotrumour has it, trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX, and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox seriously painful to support and hence you will find little help here for it.  Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & WIKI at
22:33.49VOiCioh sorry
22:33.49VOiCimy mistake
22:33.49VOiCithanks :) bot.
22:33.51*** join/#asterisk Fulk (
22:34.05carraroh read the dtmf, nm
22:35.12*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
22:38.19*** join/#asterisk ShaunD (
22:39.07ShaunDhas anyone ever heard of using asterisk for a telephone dating service?
22:40.30clyrradShaunD: why not
22:40.45Fulkyeah, can't think of a better platform for helping geeks get laid
22:41.35ShaunDI was thinking there might be a project out there but I'm not finding anything
22:41.56clyrradcould always make your own
22:42.32ShaunDI was hoping it wouldn't come to that ;-/
22:42.38carrarShaunD, How about OpenMoko?
22:42.50carrarChics love things that can vibrate
22:42.56*** join/#asterisk neverblue (n=neverblu@unaffiliated/neverblue)
22:42.57guillote_GNUShaunD, doing such service shouldnt be that imposible
22:43.00neverbluewhat is TDM?
22:43.02carraralthough, I'm not sure it vibrates
22:43.05neverblueor what does it stand for?
22:43.11guillote_GNUbesides there is a lot of documentation
22:43.30Fulktime Division Multiplexing?
22:44.01JTShaunD: you can always pay a consultant
22:44.24FulkShaunD, yeah - get some cheap Eastern Europeans or Indians to do it for you on elancer or similar
22:44.34neverbluethanks clyrrad
22:45.45ShaunDanyone ever use the asterisk perl module?
22:46.35*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
22:47.59citatsShaunD: i've used it a few times before
22:48.44tzafrir_laptopcitats, any idea if anybody is ever going to get it into CPAN?
22:49.09citatstzafrir_home: it is in CPAN and has been since .09
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22:50.03*** part/#asterisk Cresl1n (i=matt@nat/digium/x-3268fcbeae12431f)
22:50.14tzafrir_laptopEven better, I guess
22:51.30RRCAnyone here on AsteriskNOW ?
22:53.09ShaunDthink I should start a sourceforge project while I'm doing this?
22:53.33ShaunDor will people be assholes because I'm going to use perl?
22:53.48*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
22:53.51JTbetter than using php
22:54.42clyrradShaunD: I dont get it - why would people care if you use perl?
22:55.01*** join/#asterisk blinky42 (
22:55.58Fulknowt wrong with PHP
22:56.30CaT[tm]oooh. I feel a language war a-brewin :)
22:56.47JTFulk: what is "nowt"?
22:56.57clyrradmeh - they all have their place, and ppl gots preferences
22:57.11CaT[tm]jt: neat cattle according to me dictionary :)
22:57.15clyrradlanguage wars are dumb IMO
22:57.18ShaunDI'm not sure really, I've just caught a lot of shit for using it, people seem to few it as a sysadmins language now and not so much for making applications
22:57.36CaT[tm]shaund: they be silly. way silly.
22:57.53ShaunDI do everything in perl
22:58.04clyrradShaunD: then do it in PHP and please the world :p
22:58.09JTShaunD: there are some modern languages that may be slightly easier if you ever plan to possibly let someone else see your code :)
22:58.31ShaunDlike what?
22:58.42tzafrir_laptopJT, you speak as someone who doesn't really know perl
22:58.47ShaunDI thought perl was about as high level as it got
22:58.56JTtzafrir_laptop: sorry?
22:59.08JTShaunD: hell no, there's plenty more high level languages
22:59.23CaT[tm]jt: high or higher?
22:59.27ShaunDI know there are more,  but what do you mean by easier to understand?
22:59.43JTShaunD: perl gives you 100 ways to skin a cat
23:00.00ShaunDas it should be
23:00.01CaT[tm]its only high if the cat can be skinned in one way :)
23:00.08JT90% of those ways are obsfucated and ugly to read, and unfortunately a lot of people who program in perl use these methods
23:00.09FulkJT, it's Northern British for nothing
23:00.26JTFulk: sounds like chav slang
23:01.20CaT[tm]shaund: just do it in the language that you feel will give you the best result.
23:01.25FulkWhat do you call a chav in a filing cabinet?
23:01.40clyrradOne of the nice things about PHP is that no matter how good or how bad the coder is - you can pretty much follow the syntax becase its the same
23:01.54Fulkwhat do you call a chav in a locked box?
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23:02.49Fulkclyrrad, have you tried any Ruby programming?
23:02.50JTphp was never that nice a web page generation system, it should never be considered out side of web pages :P
23:03.05clyrradFulk: negative not yet
23:03.13FulkI hate it
23:03.20Fulktrying to understand other peoples Ruby code is hell
23:03.46clyrradFulk: this is why I like PHP, Java and C++, the code all looks the same
23:04.05FulkI find it very easy to decipher PHP programs
23:04.18Fulkand Java too, lots of syntactic sugar
23:04.36clyrradpart of the reason its so popular i guess
23:04.36Fulkand Ruby code is rarely commented :-(
23:04.54ShaunDI I've had a lot of people tell me to get into ruby recently
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23:05.22FulkShaunD, I'm getting into Ruby on Rails
23:05.44FulkI'm missing the availability of a good IDE that Java and PHP have
23:05.47red9012whats the best term for the 'ringing sound' heard when you dial a number, and wait till you get connected?
23:05.50clyrradI see no point to learn Ruby yet :p
23:06.07clyrradred9012: ringing?
23:06.21Fulkclyrrad, Ruby on Rails is very quick at developing CRUD web applications
23:06.23JTred9012: ringing indication
23:06.31red9012is it 'ringing' or 'ring tone' ?
23:06.56clyrradred9012: Ring Tone is what YOU hear when somone dials YOU
23:07.01SplasPoodFulk: heh.  RoR is good for creating CRUD
23:07.10JTringing indication
23:07.24Fulktoo many application frameworks
23:07.31SplasPoodFulk: If you want things less CRUDy you need another framework ;)
23:07.35clyrradKinda like .NOT
23:07.40clyrradwhooops i mean .NET hehehe
23:07.41JTalso known as ringback tone
23:07.55clyrradreally I meant .NET hehe
23:07.56FulkI've been out of the web dev loop for too long
23:07.57SplasPoodclyrrad: actually, I hear pretty good things from people RE C#/.Net
23:08.45Fulkmy other deciding factor is employability
23:08.48denonc# is actually a pretty nice language to work in ..
23:08.54denonthough you won't hear any 'nix diehards say that
23:09.05Fulkusing c#/.net or Java is far more employable than Ruby
23:09.24clyrradPHP too
23:09.59Fulkfor web dev, yeah
23:10.15Fulkbut c# and Java is transferable to other projects
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23:12.03clyrradWell Java has its place, its nice that it can interact in real time between client and server - where as PHP cant
23:13.00JTclyrrad: what do you mean?
23:13.20clyrradJT: well PHP renders server side and dump HTML code to the client...
23:13.30Fulkand so does Java
23:13.33clyrradJava can actually interact - for example Java Games
23:13.38JTclyrrad: err
23:13.43JTyou're confusing the issue
23:13.45FulkJava Applets are different from Java server pages
23:13.55JTserver side java and client side java are completely seperate things
23:14.07JTand you can interact with other languages
23:14.11JTheard of AJAX? :)
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23:14.40Fulkbut also illustrating my point how Java is tranferable to other projects, i.e Applets, J2EE, Console, mobiles
23:15.27clyrradJT: yup AJAX is cool!
23:15.35JTand COMET
23:16.01Fulkwhat's comet?
23:16.08clyrradhave not used / heard of COMET
23:16.36JTit's a similar principle to AJAX
23:16.52JTinstead of the client sending a request and getting a reply
23:16.59JTthe server pushes data out asynchronously
23:17.03JTin an event driven model
23:17.09Fulkhmm, interesting
23:17.10JTwith no java or flash
23:17.14clyrradso just like a desktop app
23:17.20FulkI guess that's how Yahoo Finance works
23:17.22JTin web pages
23:17.26Fulkwith the dynamically updated stock tickers
23:17.38JTFulk: well they could also be AJAX
23:17.42Fulkon a timer, yeah
23:17.45JTor java
23:18.03Fulkit's not a Java applet, or flash
23:18.08FulkI checked the source
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23:19.08Fulkway ahead of you
23:19.14Fulkthe ajax/comet irc client is neat
23:19.30Fulkit's basically push ajax
23:19.42JTwhich is awesome
23:19.48JTas pull sucks
23:20.12Fulkwhat applications can comet fulfill that ajax can't with a timer?
23:20.17JTfor anything where the server needs to send you data upon the occurance of an event
23:20.32JTtimers to check if something has changed are a waste of bandwidth
23:20.35JTand have a high latency
23:21.14JTcomet allows for more efficiency and nearer to realtime reaction speeds
23:21.16clyrradyup - events are a better choice - since a timer will fire off even if nothing has changed.... makes sense
23:21.20VorondilSomething like meebo would be a good application of comet, then?
23:23.40clyrradjT: how do you code for COMMET - what language do you do it in?  Or is it you can have PHP push it etc...
23:24.17Fulksurely it will require a web server that supports it
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23:24.46clyrradFulk: yea im imagine some web dameon that interprets it...... but im curious about the coding / syntax etc
23:27.08JTclyrrad: the language is immaterial
23:27.17JTclyrrad: but having toolkits available does help
23:27.27JTand knowing xml and javascript will help
23:28.51clyrradjT: assume I know XML and JavaScript, which I do... what else you need to know to make an APP?
23:29.17clyrradjT: i mean something must push this code down to the client like PHP ?
23:30.07JTyeah, you'll need some sort of serverside language, i'm sure all the major ones can do it
23:30.46JTwell, not quite sure how well developed the libraries are yet
23:33.11whywontitworkhi there need some help please?
23:33.53tzangerhmm I learned something about stainless steel today
23:34.03tzangerit's trivial to solder to it if you remove the oxide layer that makes stainless steel famous
23:34.34JTwhat grade of stainless steel and what solder? :)
23:34.38whywontitworkzaptelhow do i route a call from zapata to extension.conf not using the s handler?
23:35.54tzangerJT: regular old tin/lead solder, although the rohs shit will work too
23:35.59tzangerand what grade of stainless?  who knows
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23:36.53JTtzanger: good luck soldering to 316L(VM) stainless
23:37.06JTmost stainless steels are more open to brazing or TIG welding
23:37.08tzangerI don't think that's what this is
23:37.14tzangerthis is an electrical connection
23:37.36JTi've never seen stainless electric wires
23:37.42JTsteel isn't a good conductor
23:38.24tzangerit is for what I want
23:38.34tzangerjust a low-current ground connection to earth
23:38.45tzangerit's also going through a spring made of god-knows-what
23:38.53tzangerbut the stainless content may make this impossible for that purpose
23:38.54JTwhere does the stainless steel wire go?
23:39.00tzangersince the oxide layer will insulate it
23:39.06tzangerbut it will turn into a capacitor then
23:39.14tzangerand I'll have an excellent ac ground for static transients
23:39.17tzangertesting is required :-)
23:39.23tzangerit's not stainless steel wire
23:39.39tzangerit's a ground connection (which goes to a spring whcih contacts the DIN rail which is earthed)
23:39.52JTwhich bit is stainless?
23:40.12tzangerthe little metal stamped piece which is inserted and soldered ot the PC board and which the spring rests against
23:40.29JTi doubt it's stainless
23:40.33tzangerit is
23:40.50tzangerthey were originally giving me regular tinplate but the steel was melting too badly with their laser
23:40.56tzangerso they called and asked if they could use stainless instead
23:41.03JTi see
23:41.18tzangerI wanted tin plate but I guess they can't do it with the laser
23:41.26tzangerwe're looking at getting a die made to punch these out instead
23:41.31tzangerthen we can use cheaper metal
23:41.38elixeri'm really not impressed with sangoma right now.  everytime i try to shutdown i get a kernel panic.
23:41.42elixerand i am ready to cry.
23:41.52Fulkelixer, I had that
23:41.52tzangerelixer: don't shut down your PBX; how do you intend to take calls?
23:42.02Fulkcna't remember how I fixed it - I think I changed the init.d ordering
23:42.22elixerFulk: i've tried every possible combination.  zaptel first, wanrouter first, etc.
23:42.24elixerno love
23:42.30elixertzanger: you make a good poinnt.
23:42.38tzangerthat's why I'm here :-)
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23:42.58lesouvageWhywonitwork: context=context of tour choice in zapata  and context of your choice in extensions.conf. What is wrong with s? (s stands for start what it actually is)
23:43.00elixerany chance you can configure linux to reboot after a panic?
23:43.07tzangerI'm known for my insightful comments
23:43.12elixerinstead of just sitting there with a not-so-bright look on its face?
23:43.17tzangeroh wait no, they said inciteful...
23:43.30tzangerelixer: yes
23:43.39tzangerreboot_on_panic or something like that
23:44.11elixerthat would be appropriately named
23:44.53elixerFulk: i have a Sangoma A400 and a Digium TE220
23:45.09elixerFulk: when i am just running vanilla zaptel and the digium card, all is well
23:45.39elixerFulk: bring in the wanrouter b.s. and if you breath on the machine the wrong way you get a panic
23:45.44elixeri'm going insane
23:45.56elixeror at least moderately annoyed
23:46.27JTdoesn't sound like a common problem to me
23:46.36JTthen again you have a digium AND a sangoma card
23:47.42elixerwell if digium had a PCIe FXS card we wouldn't be in this predicament
23:47.48elixerso obviously its their fault
23:48.17JTnot really
23:48.24JTsangoma has PCI-e PRI cards
23:48.46elixerdamn you
23:50.47elixeri guess i could try and get support from Sangoma
23:50.58elixerall i need is a null modem cable and a soldering iron
23:51.13elixersoldering iron is only needed to shove into my own eye
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