IRC log for #asterisk on 20070812

00:05.15tomcontr3Im having a little problem with asterisk ports I think
00:05.51tomcontr3I have a friend that can register with SIP protocol from outside my network,  but when I call him  non of us can hear each other
00:06.06tomcontr3althought we can answere the call
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00:15.02lirakistomcontr3:  ~sipnat
00:15.09jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
00:17.25lirakisJan-pp: in sip.conf .. type=peer
00:17.47Jan-ppok, thx
00:18.37Jan-ppso i should make a section and use register => or just put type=peer into [general]
00:19.39tomcontr3yeap,  I did that
00:19.54tomcontr3maybe with no sipnat
00:22.40lirakisJan-pp:  you most likely need the register line for your sip provider.  you should set type=peer on a per sip user basis
00:23.02*** join/#asterisk rudholm (i=rudholmm@nat/yahoo/x-4eac8a6563e4b7f2)
00:23.31Jan-pplirakis: when i use the register line there is already a user name (i will be using only one sip connection)
00:24.25lirakisJan-pp: the register line does not create a callable sip peer
00:24.43lirakisJan-pp: it only auth's you with your provider so they know where to send your calls
00:24.56jbot[~sipregister] SIP Registration is to tell your provider as to what IP address & EXTEN to send INCOMING calls to. Some ITSP's let you use a fixed IP or host rather that register.  Registration is NOT normally needed to PLACE a call, as those are typically auth'd independently.  Others accept UN-AUTH'D calls once you are registered (saves on negotiation BW)
00:25.07Jan-ppah, ok, thx
00:25.33[TK]D-Fenderin many cases even INCOMING calls are auth'd.  it depends.
00:26.21tomcontr3its, wird, becaue he gets my calls  and a get his, but there is now audio
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00:27.07lirakis[TK]D-Fender: so what was that about with bkruse? .. i ask b/c i am really curious about the availability of the openmoko phone
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00:28.03[TK]D-Fenderlirakis, P0 is not for public consumption and he's spearheading an IAX client for it.
00:29.03[TK]D-Fendertomcontr3, "now", or "no">
00:29.32lirakis[TK]D-Fender: thats awsome...  i cant wait to get rid of this BB...
00:29.37[TK]D-Fendertomcontr3, go check all your port forwarding and NAT settings as per the guide.  and also note that :
00:29.40jbotsomebody said freepbx was unable to be supported here. It's a complex piece of dialplan and GUI, and can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
00:30.05[TK]D-Fenderok, I'm outta here... later all
00:30.34Jan-ppok, thx, i am registered now!
00:31.19Jan-ppstill no incoming calls
00:31.25lirakis@#$! yeah! i think i finally got my homebrew calling card app working!
00:33.38lirakisJan-pp: are you seeing them hit your cli?
00:37.02Jan-ppthis is my sip.conf
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00:37.40Jan-ppwhen I call i get a recording "this person is currently not reachable" or something like that
00:37.43bbdecompressi have a live test question
00:37.55bbdecompressmy d channels are not coming up
00:38.08bbdecompressyet my lights are gree onin my zttool
00:38.20bbdecompressgreen in my zttool
00:38.36bbdecompressthey can see me when i use loopback
00:38.50bbdecompresswhat do i need to check for my d channels?
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00:39.09Jan-ppbut YES, i get some stuff on the cli!
00:39.42Jan-ppthis means that my sip.conf is probably right, doesnt it?
00:39.45lirakisJan-pp: have you configured extensions.conf?
00:40.04Jan-ppno, at least not correctly
00:40.08lirakisJan-pp: you need to send the call some where and tell it to ring the extension you created in sip.conf
00:40.37Jan-ppwhat ext did i "create" in sip.conf? here it is again
00:44.36bbdecompress[Aug 11 20:41:57] WARNING[7005]: channel.c:3172 ast_request: No translator path exists for channel type Zap (native 76) to 256
00:44.36bbdecompress[Aug 11 20:41:57] WARNING[7005]: app_dial.c:1106 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 58 - Bearer capability not available)
00:44.36bbdecompresssound farmiliar?
00:44.45lirakisJan-pp: that isnt a whole extensions.conf.. its just the context you defined for sipgate  directing the call
00:44.56lirakisbbdecompress: .. i cant believe you didnt get kicked for posting like that
00:45.07bbdecompressall 3 lines?
00:45.36lirakistry 6 lines.. then 5
00:45.50Jan-ppdo i need anything else in the extensions.conf (general context or something?) of course except more lines for the incoming call (wait, pickup, play...)
00:46.22lirakisJan-pp: ... i mean.. for just recieving an inbound call from a sip did.. thats what you need
00:46.30lirakisJan-pp: you dont need wait .. or any of that...
00:46.56lirakisJan-pp: obvioulsy.. you need to change yourdidhere to whatever sipgate sends to you
00:47.04lirakisJan-pp: or to a pattern ..
00:47.20Jan-ppI do not want to forward the call to any phone, i want asterisk to play a message
00:50.52Jan-ppis 9654085 my id? or is it sipin? or can i make it match anything?
00:51.09Jan-ppor is my id my phone number? how to find out?
00:51.58Jan-ppok, starting wireshark...
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00:54.52rhiliamIs there something special that you need to do to bridge a call from an FXS channel to an FXO channel?
00:55.22Jan-ppok, thx, wireshark was kind of messed up
00:55.44rhiliamI have a phone connected to an FXS channel and internal SIP/IAX and incoming ZAP calls make it there fine, but when I pick up the handset and try to dial out - I get a busy tone.
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00:58.50Jan-pp"To: <>" is what i get, what should i insert - only the number 0049xxxxxxxxx or more?
01:00.05Jan-ppthat did not work. isnt there a way to set a "catch-all"?
01:00.26lirakisJan-pp: you can pattern match it ... exten => _0049XXXXXXXXXX
01:00.36lirakis.. make sure thats the right number of x's
01:02.08lirakisJan-pp: i guess exten => 0049.,s,1,Answer()
01:02.10lirakisis your best bet
01:02.26Jan-ppwhy the additional "s,"?
01:03.28lirakisJan-pp: . .oh sorry about that :p
01:03.29Jan-ppbut i inserted the complete phone number and it didnt work (the To-field did not contin any x, i just censored out my phone number)
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01:03.44lirakisJan-pp: you could just do exten => s,1,Answer()
01:03.55lirakisJan-pp: that would answer ANYTHING that goes to that context
01:04.04*** part/#asterisk daveburr (i=Miranda@
01:04.42Jan-ppbut still no luck
01:04.52lirakisJan-pp: cli and pastebin
01:05.49Jan-ppwhat settings? (verbosity level, shoud i enable sip debug?)
01:06.31lirakisJan-pp: do 10 verbosity.. no debug now
01:08.28lirakisJan-pp: ... thats a paste of an incoming call attempt?
01:09.13Jan-ppand the text appeared exactly as i got the recording "this person is currently unreachable" (it has a different wording)
01:09.52lirakisJan-pp:  tyep "sip no debug"
01:09.54lirakison clie
01:10.13tomcontr3I havent been able to solve my NAT problem
01:10.22tomcontr3anyone could give a little hand?
01:10.22Jan-ppSIP Debugging Disabled
01:10.28lirakisand try again.. i dont care what shows up after the call comes in.. i want to see the setup.
01:10.40lirakisso .. paste from when the call hits
01:14.09lirakisJan-pp: yeah thats not even hitting your dialplan
01:14.35Jan-ppok. where is the problem then (posting configs again, mom plz)
01:15.18lirakisJan-pp: you should see things more like this:
01:15.39lirakisJan-pp: is it a womans voice? ... im trying to determine if its getting to your * box even
01:16.18Jan-ppit is a voice from the phone network i think. but the text i pasted shows up only when a call comes in
01:16.30lirakisJan-pp: that cli .. looks totally differnt that what is expected ... so i am unclear.  A lot of times i can tell now whether its the asterisk recording thats playing back.. or the phone companies
01:17.45Jan-ppwell, the recording includes german text. that should be clear enough...
01:18.37lirakisha ha SayAlpha doesnt speak like .. text to speach .. it sais the letters individually
01:18.55lirakis... wow.. my typing is starting to suck .. i need to stop soon
01:18.56Jan-ppi know. so it would make a loooooooong text
01:19.41Jan-ppany idea if there is something wrong with the config? (what you see are the complete files, so maybe something is missing)
01:19.49lirakisJan-pp: .. this probably isnt the problem... but you dont have () on the ends of answer and hangup
01:20.40lirakisasterisk -rx reload
01:21.02Jan-ppi did  /etc/init.d/asterisk restart is that ok?
01:21.32lirakisJan-pp: you can do that... but you dont need to .. reload is faster.. it just reloads the configs.. not restart asterisk... you can reload without dropping live calls
01:21.40lirakis.. you can run reload from the cli too ;)
01:21.55lirakisalso .. sayalpha stuff needs quotes
01:22.09lirakisim not sure if that would mess it up either
01:22.30Jan-ppsome wiki or so showed it without quotes
01:22.51lirakisJan-pp: (shrug) .. i dont know if it would or not.. but when your having problems.. better to be safe than sorry
01:23.18lirakisJan-pp: you might try replacing sayalpha with Playback(tt-monkeys)     just for testing
01:24.49lirakiswhat are you running ?
01:25.13Jan-pp??? that was while reload from cli with very high verbosity (12 or so)
01:25.37lirakisJan-pp: i meant what distro are you running?
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01:26.11lirakisJan-pp: do you have a fire wall enabled? ... try ip-tables --flush
01:26.21Jan-ppubuntu server 7.04 with a manually installed 386 kernel inside a vmware (because of broken hw)
01:26.40lirakisJan-pp: hmm okay...
01:27.13Jan-ppno firewall, going to doublecheck the router
01:27.19Jan-ppwhat about the acl?
01:27.28tomcontr3does anyone knows how to use a stun server with asteresik?
01:27.44lirakisJan-pp: ..i got to get away from the comp... im dyin.. at it since 6 last night lol
01:28.15Jan-ppok, thx for the help, gues i will go to bed to (its 3:30 AM here...)
01:29.28lirakisJan-pp: yeah.. better luck when you have a clearer head
01:29.43*** part/#asterisk Jan-pp (
01:30.26*** part/#asterisk lirakis (
01:37.35tomcontr3how can I use a public STUN server?
01:37.48tomcontr3do I need to register somewhere?
01:46.08Nivexafaik a public STUN server is just that.
01:46.35Nivexshould answer all comeres
01:46.39tomcontr3but,  how do I use it with my asterisk server?
01:46.46Nivexthat I don't know
01:47.23tomcontr3the problem is that I have an asterisk server behind a nat
01:47.32tomcontr3and a client that is calling me from outsite
01:47.49tomcontr3the thing is that I can get those calls, but I cant hear anything
01:48.11NivexI gather from this that there is no STUN in asterisk:
01:48.37Nivexah, you may need to look at the nat= directive in your sip.conf for that client
01:49.18tomcontr3its set as nat=yes
01:50.04Nivexdo you have externip= or externhost= set?
01:50.30tomcontr3let me check
01:50.52tomcontr3I have
01:50.53tomcontr3bindport = 5060
01:50.58tomcontr3bindaddr = x.x.x.x
01:51.04tomcontr3localnet =
01:51.12tomcontr3and of course the codecs
01:51.42Nivexif you don't have one of those two set, the nat code doesn't know what IP to tell the other end
01:51.55Nivexand then of course you have to have ports open on your firewall
01:52.14Nivexsee /etc/asterisk/rtp.conf for those ports
01:52.16tomcontr3so what should I add or change here?
01:52.28tomcontr3I did map those ports 10000:20000
01:53.10Nivexyou'll want to make sure externip=x.x.x.x is set to your actual public IP
01:53.37Nivexif you have DynDNS or some such pointing at your IP, you can set
01:54.09tomcontr3and what about bindaddr
01:54.14Nivexwhat about it?
01:54.44tomcontr3there I should put my local ip?
01:55.12NivexI have mine set to  That tells it to bind on all available interfaces.
01:55.45tomcontr3qualify= to yes?
01:56.55tomcontr3and should I set NAT=yes   there?  or just in the extensions configs?
01:57.23NivexI set nat=yes only for the specific peer that requires it
01:58.11tomcontr3I will tryit again now
02:04.53tomcontr3it worked
02:04.55tomcontr3thanks a lot
02:23.55hmmhesayseverybody's working for the weekende
02:30.47rudholmit seems odd that "SIT" isn't in indications.conf
02:31.34rudholmis there some easy way to send SIT tones other than specifying the frequencies/timings in Playtones() ?
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03:04.55tomcontr3im having a problem with the CDR
03:05.00tomcontr3the database is blak
03:05.25tomcontr3I have checked that the User and Password are correct
03:06.02Corydon76-homeWhat backend are you using?
03:06.34Corydon76-homeNo, what database?
03:06.42tomcontr3ohh  mysql 5.1
03:06.56Corydon76-homeAre you using cdr_odbc or cdr_addon_mysql?
03:07.02tomcontr3sorry mysql 5.0
03:07.21tomcontr3I think it is th cdr_addon_mysql
03:07.31Corydon76-homePlease check
03:07.32tomcontr3I use cdr_mysql.conf
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03:07.42Corydon76-homeIs the module loaded?
03:08.10tomcontr3I mean I thinks so, becaue asterisk didnt complain                  Customizable Comma Separated Values CDR  0                     Comma Separated Values CDR Backend       0
03:09.22Corydon76-homeWell, there's your problem
03:09.40Corydon76-homeIf you haven't loaded the driver, then you won't get an entry in the database
03:09.59tomcontr3how do I loadthem?
03:10.15Corydon76-homeWell, first you need to get the asterisk-addons source and compile it
03:10.51tomcontr3I did it
03:11.04tomcontr3I have those modules on my modules folder
03:11.04Corydon76-homeDid you 'make install'?
03:11.16Corydon76-homethen 'load'
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03:12.10tomcontr3mmm thats wird  the module does not existe
03:12.27Corydon76-homeYou probably don't have the mysql headers installed, then
03:13.00Corydon76-homeInstall the headers, then rebuild asterisk-addons
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03:13.47tomcontr3ohhh I see
03:16.08thesndguruwondering if someones knows a way of checking for hang up during a dialplan
03:16.21thesndgurui'm getting calls to message bank
03:16.52thesndguruwith the hang up tone / calls going to the lines in home that have already hang up
03:17.28thesndguruthe stupid telemarketers test if your home calls
03:17.45thesndguruif that makes sence to anyone?
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03:46.30twistedoliveHi.  Just wondering if anyone knows of any existing guide on setting up Asterisk on Mac with OS X....
03:48.44*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
03:49.50twistedoliveI've compiled and installed Asterisk on my mac.  However, it appears that it's got address   I'm not sure what to do from there.
03:50.21jql0.0.0.0 means "all addresses"
03:51.13jqlwell, in the config at least. :)
03:53.27twistedoliveit's got "SIP Listening on" and the same for all the other IP addresses except for the ports
03:54.12twistedolivejust thought that it should be the network IP address of my mac on there?
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04:07.39twistedoliveAfter installation of Asterisk, do I have to do a "manual setup" for its network address?  Or does Asterisk automatically grab the IP address of the active network connection?
04:07.52*** part/#asterisk rhombus (
04:08.00twistedolivegreatly appreciated if anyone could give me some pointers
04:08.10[TK]D-Fendertwistedolive, the sample configs bind to all open interfaces.
04:09.37SwKtwistedolive, look at the sample configs for the protocol you want to use it shows you how to bind to specific interfaces in there
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04:53.45*** join/#asterisk Weezey (
04:54.34WeezeyI just upgraded my asterisk setup to latest 1.4 and everything works (that I've tested so far anyway) except I can't hear any prompts.
04:55.09WeezeyI call in and when I do a tcpdump, I only see packets from my phones, nothing from * back to them.
04:55.09Weezeyconsole says i
04:55.20jqlrtp debug on
04:55.27jqlcheck where asterisk thinks its sending them
04:58.02Weezeysees the public IP but isn't sending anything back.
04:58.36jqlso, no "Sending packet to XXX" scrolling across the screen?
04:58.54jqlis there "Received RTP from xxx" at least?
04:58.56Weezeyjust Got  RTP packet from
04:59.00jqlyeah, got
04:59.10jqlyeah, 50 per second. :)
04:59.26Weezeycalls work though, just not talking to the * box.
05:00.23jqlwell, that's not good. I'd have to see a debug trace to follow what's going wrong
05:00.52Weezeyhow do I build what you need?
05:00.57jqlsip debug on, core set verbose 10, core set debug 10
05:01.07jqlthen make a call (rtp debug off first)
05:01.24Weezeylike a normal call that works?
05:01.34Weezeyshould I only turn on sip debugging for this peer?  there's lots
05:02.02jqlyeah, trace the broken one
05:02.28Weezeyall phones do this, coming in on iax or sip
05:02.37Weezeydidn't try google talk though..
05:03.10jqliax, too? well, that should be impossible. do me a favor: in asterisk.conf, set internal_timing=yes
05:06.34Weezey(that's another issue, if you do: restart when convenient from a connected console (asterisk -r) it seems to lock up while trying to unload something whereas if you do it from the console it works just fine.)
05:07.13jqlhmm. I haven't noticed that
05:07.47Weezeycould be my setup
05:08.12WeezeyI need spandsp and I have sangoma AND digium analog cards in there.
05:08.27WeezeyI'm not worried about that, but I need to hear my prompts
05:08.39jqlvery true
05:08.50Weezeydoesn't seem to have done anything.
05:09.03jqlrtp debug still shows one-way packets?
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05:09.58jqloh boy
05:10.30jqlyeah, best thing to do is get a good log saved
05:10.33Weezeylet me try that same check from one of the phones which connects to this box via iax
05:12.07Weezeyhmm, no rtp at all
05:12.36Weezeytcpdump shows one way iax though.
05:13.05Weezeyokay, so what am I logging?
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05:13.44jqlpersonally, I enable full logging via logging.conf, turn on debug 10, verbose 10, sip debug, and then make a quick test call
05:13.56jqlthen grab the relevant portion from /var/log/asterisk/full
05:14.28jqlerr, logger.conf
05:20.17Weezeyk, you want this or should I be sending it elsewhere?
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05:27.49Weezeyi need sleep
05:27.55WeezeyI'll fight this fight tomorrow
05:27.58Weezeythanks for the help
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06:46.17LoneShadowwhat does this command mean "exten => h,1,SetCIDNum(${CALLERIDNUM:0})
06:46.32LoneShadowIs it resetting the callerid number with 0 ?
06:47.03jqlno, that's the dialplan substring syntax
06:47.35LoneShadowso what does it mean ?
06:47.53jqlit's actually doing nothing, but ${CALLERIDNUM:3} would strip off the first three numbers
06:48.22jqlfor instance, $CALLERIDNUM = "123456789", ${CALLERIDNUM:3} == "456789"
06:48.40LoneShadowif I do "NoOp,${CALLERID(num)}" I can see the caller's number
06:48.47LoneShadowbut not with CALLERIDNUM
06:48.58jqlyeah, calleridnum is old and deprecated
06:49.09jqlCALLERID(num) and CALLERID(name) are the new ones
06:49.40LoneShadowso if I were to do SetCIDNum(${CALLERID(num)})
06:49.42LoneShadowthat fails
06:49.51jqlyeah, that function is old and busted too
06:50.06JTthat is completely defective syntax :P
06:50.10jqlwould be a noop
06:50.19BigA_has anyone tried to make a MEGACO phone work?  I used the MGCP channel and get lots of errors about "Message must have a verb, an idenitifier, version, and endpoint" on the console when the phones try to register.  i don't really know what im doing btw
06:51.04LoneShadowso I dont even need to do Set or SetCIDNUM then
06:51.19jqlif it has a value, it has a value
06:55.37LoneShadowalso do rules always have to all numbers in sequence. If I were to comment out a line, do I need to renumber the remaining ?
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06:56.06jqlyou may want to find a newer reference
06:56.57jqlthere is an auto-numbering feature. use n instead of a number, and it will assign one for you, as long as you set the first priority in the extension explicitly to 1
06:57.31LoneShadowoh nice
06:57.33jqlexten => 123,1,NoOp(Doing 123)   .... exten => 123,n,DoStuff
06:57.37jqlthat's what I do
06:57.48LoneShadowsweet, didnt know about that, always renumbered :D
06:57.51jqlthen you can comment any action line out, as long as you leave the NoOp
07:00.28LoneShadowjql: do you use freepbx ?
07:00.52jqlwell, not in production. just keep an eye on it. :)
07:02.28*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
07:03.15LoneShadowI am trying to copy the callback example from nerdsvittle
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07:15.03BigA_can anyone recommend a cheap ip phone to work with asterisk?
07:15.12fooBigA_: Why not use a softphone?
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07:15.32BigA_i do, plus an fxs to regular phone.. just wanted to experiment
07:16.30BigA_i actually have a couple nec phones that do megaco but i cant figure out how to get em working, or if its even possible
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07:45.58HaMYaIanyone knows why ChanSpy hasn't been working with pure ZAP channels for a while already
07:46.37HaMYaIit will only work if ZAP is bridged with other channels, SIP for instance
07:53.47Davieyhmm.. in what situation would a sip trunk be registered, not show any output when a call is made - but with sip debug on, does show?
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07:54.09Daviey"call is made" = call is recieved to *
07:57.42tzafrirHaMYaI, if you add the 't' flag to the dial option, will it work?
07:57.59JTno trunks with sip...
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08:00.18HaMYaItzafrir: the incoming ZAP does use Dial
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08:01.23HaMYaItzafrir: I play them the IVR menu for each meetme they want to enter and just wanna use ChanSpy while they are in meetme
08:02.17tzafrirHaMYaI, I asked you if you could try a simple test: add the option 't' to the options you use for Dial there and see if it changes anything
08:03.23HaMYaItzafrir: I am using Dial (with no t) and it works
08:04.01*** join/#asterisk xtr-II (
08:06.06tzafrirBut what about ChanSpy?
08:06.09*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (n=tzafrir@
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08:08.47ecamhey, i have this weird problem with my asterisk setup, the itsp will suddenly ignore any sip packets i send to it, even though the itsp can still send incoming calls to me
08:08.56HaMYaItzafrir: sorry, I probably confused you. I mean the incoming ZAP doesn't use Dial
08:09.58ecamanyone with any idea why this is so?
08:10.11HaMYaItzafrir: and ChanSpy works for the bridged ZAP <-> SIP channels, that is I use Dial(SIP/..) from ZAP channel
08:10.51ecamand the itsp will suddenly start responding again after quite a while, how long, i dont know
08:11.20HaMYaItzafrir: but for ZAP, I can only use ZapBarge and ZapScan
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08:17.29ecamanyone can help? a little annoyed that I can't place outgoing calls
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08:32.42Chai_Sangeenhello everyone
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08:40.29ecamlet me ask again: i have this weird problem with my asterisk setup, the itsp will suddenly ignore any sip packets i send to it, even though the itsp can still send incoming calls to me
08:41.14*** part/#asterisk HaMYaI (
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08:55.45Chai_Sangeeni'm running my asterisk server behind a nat. I modified the sip_nat.conf “externhost=ip-address” and it works fine with remote clients with no problems at all. I don't have a static ip, so when i use my domain name in “externhost” i can still register to the server from remote location, but with one way audio problem.. i've been struggling with problem for a very long time, and tried about every solution i found on the net. is there a fi
08:55.45Chai_Sangeenx for this, or a script that automatically modifies the wan ipaddress in externhost once it changes? another strange problem with my working configuration my remote sip client is registered to the server but on port 2050 and the client is configured to use port 5060, but no problems with audio. i'll appreciate it if anyone can help.  Here is a link to my sip_nat.conf and some other settings
08:56.07*** join/#asterisk thansen|laptop (
08:56.39Chai_Sangeensorry this is the updated link:
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10:30.31knarflymy pots line connection using an X101P has an echo...but my zapata.conf has echocancel=yes...what gives?
10:30.48JTit's a piece of junk
10:31.01JTand software echo cancellation will never be as good as hardware echo cancellation
10:31.17knarflyyes, but the person I call doens't hear the echo...only I hear my own voice echo
10:31.40knarflyJT, what card do you use?
10:31.40JTdo you hear echo from the far end?
10:32.07tzafrirknarfly, something to try:
10:32.13knarflythe people I call don't complain of an echo and their voice doesn't echo...only mine
10:32.25JTi generally avoid analogue, and if i did go analogue i'd probably use an ATA or an A200
10:32.40JTactually i have an analogue channel bank, but it's not hooked up to the PSTN
10:33.15JTwhat phone are you using?
10:33.29*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
10:33.30knarflygrandstream BT200
10:33.49JTthat's more important than the fact you're using an X101P
10:33.57JTid' wager that's why you're getting echo
10:34.01JTgrandstreams are utter junk
10:34.09jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
10:34.19knarflyyes, but they are cheap and I
10:34.26knarflyyes, but they are cheap and I'm a tightwad
10:35.06knarflyoneday I will spend the bucks and improve my equipment
10:35.55JTonly they know how to suck so much to make the phone user's sidetone sound like echo ;)
10:36.45knarflytzafrir, that looks promising...but I run FreeBSD not Linux...I wonder if it will work on my setup?
10:37.54JT_no, it won't help.
10:38.01JT_the problem is internal to your phone
10:38.10JT_problem is resolved by throwing phone in bin
10:38.18JT_a softphone is better than a BT200
11:12.49*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
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11:30.13tzafrirJT_, hmmm... are you sure? A softphone tends to have a big latency, and hence will have echo. Some softphones have non-existing echo cancellers
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12:02.23JTtzafrir: sidetone "echo"...
12:06.09JTthat's seriously messed up
12:07.07*** join/#asterisk apardo (
12:08.01apardosomebody knows wich module i need for detect a hangup from the remote party? i'm building a minimal system, only IP
12:08.14apardoi'm testing with iax
12:13.57coppicemost IP phones lack sidetone cancellers. that's really crappy. early IP phones generally had them
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12:16.31apardothe scenario is my_mystem <-> another_asterisk <-> pstn
12:16.49apardowhen pstn hangup the channel my system don't detect it
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12:18.09hi365hey, im geting this weird thing where asterisk will hangup if i use the p option (in dial) ONLY ON SPECIFIC TRUNKS!
12:18.52apardothis is my modules config:
12:19.42apardohi365: go to test your suggestion
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12:28.17rodoHi from France
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12:29.51xhelioxAnyone ever played with SoftEcho from OctWare?
12:31.05d1avloi dont call :(
12:31.21*** join/#asterisk Whoo (
12:34.08WhooHi all ..
12:36.08WhooI've configured two sip account ...both are connected (Registred). "sip show peers " show them.
12:36.08WhooBut a call say : "unknown user"
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12:44.32d1avloi have problem =>
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13:26.18WhooI'm looking for a very simple tutorial to use SIP (only) with asterisk ...
13:28.11tzafrirWhoo, SIP to what device? or what soft-phone?
13:28.22tzafrirTake a look at
13:30.15Whoojuste to use ekiga
13:30.28Whoowith some different computer
13:32.05WhooI understand that I need to configure sip.conf and extension.conf ... use can connect but, can't call together
13:33.06tzafrirmake a simple type=friend entry
13:33.11tzafririn sip.conf
13:33.53*** join/#asterisk frenzy (n=frenzy@unaffiliated/frenzy)
13:34.19tzafrirmake sure it has host=dynamic
13:34.27tzafrirnow run 'sip reload'
13:34.48tzafrirdo you see your phone in 'sip show peers' (with its IP address)?
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13:43.14WeezeyI'm having one way audio when I connect to any prompt (background/playback).  I updated by box from 1.2-trunk to 1.4-trunk yesterday.  If I do an rtp debug, I only see packets from the caller, not back from the * box.
13:45.45*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
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13:50.31WhooYES... :) the connection working :)
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14:10.02WhooArf ... I've got a little trouble, there is no sound ... ekiga switching fast between PCMCU/blank...
14:11.24tzafrirfirst-off, it may be simpler to test a connection from one phone to an echo-test extension (Echo) than between two phones
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14:52.12hi365hello. im my sip DID suddenly started to dissconect when i use the p(privacy) option with dial
14:52.17_Krieger_must we edit both extensions.ael and .conf to keep them similar? or...
14:52.26hi365the cli is reporting: app.c: No audio available on SIP/"
14:52.28*** join/#asterisk af_ (
14:52.50hi365what could be the cause of this?
14:53.01hi365my ports are all open. other did's work fine
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15:13.32manopulushello. I have a question, maybe someone can answer here. I building macro, where I want to use variables as array. I have arguments, when calling macro, i.e. macro(dial,counter,Zap/g1/123,,tT,IAX2/mytrunk/12345,30,tT) and so on. Within macro I have to get value from next argument. I have tried:
15:13.33manopulusand each time I have error:
15:13.37manopulusAug 12 18:09:27 WARNING[8966]: ast_expr2.fl:183 ast_yyerror: ast_yyerror(): syntax error: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting TOK_MINUS or TOK_COMPL or TOK_LP or TOKEN; Input:
15:13.40manopulusSo, what is wrong, any idea how to resolve ?
15:15.51hi365why dont you just call the next argumnent?
15:16.29hi365${ARG1} or perhaps $[${ARG!}+1]
15:16.49manopulusand what about ARG N ?
15:17.06manopulusI have unlimited quantity :)
15:17.31hi365hmm, are you using goto?
15:17.47SwKand do something like ${ARG${ITTERATION}
15:17.53SwKerr }} at the end not just 1
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15:18.22manopuluslike this ?
15:22.17SwKVariables are nestabout so where foobar = 1234, wtf=bar, ${foo${wtf}} == ${foobar} == 1234
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15:28.57QwellSet(destination=${ARG${counter}})   should work just fine..
15:30.17manopulusnow checking for counter value, I did that and get dummy value... but for some reason, I have to use _X, in macro, not s
15:31.01*** join/#asterisk shareenergy (
15:31.20shareenergycan anyone help me setup a default inbound route in asterisk?
15:40.20*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
15:47.51tzafrirI know that using the pattern "_." is generally not recommended. But is there a pattern that means "any number?
15:48.25tzafrir"_X." assumes that the extension number has more than one digit. And this fails in some cases
15:48.34tzafrirAny clever work around?
15:49.17[TK]D-Fendertzafrir : _X!
15:49.48tzafrirIs this good for Asterisk 1.2?
15:49.55[TK]D-Fenderi believe so
15:50.06tzafrirok, /me goes for some reading
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16:07.24tzafrir[TK]D-Fender, works well in 1.2
16:08.04[TK]D-Fendertzanger, ! means "this or anything longer so long as its unique from all other matches"
16:08.22[TK]D-FenderI only recently became aware of it myself
16:08.39tzafrirso it has a lower priority than _X. ?
16:10.08[TK]D-FenderI don't even want to THINK about a context with BOTH!
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16:21.32limb_qhi all
16:21.58limb_qhmm... :) running with ircii
16:22.14limb_qcan't find a solution on my problem..
16:22.37limb_qi'm receiving a sip message back from my provider:
16:22.47limb_qSIP/2.0 501 not implemented yet
16:23.11limb_qwhat can it be... where should i look...? :S
16:27.02*** join/#asterisk Voicemeup (
16:27.12Voicemeupany reson i dont hear Playing 'vm-login' (language 'fr')
16:27.15Voicemeupits silent
16:27.17Voicemeupanythign else works
16:27.34limb_qidk, soz
16:27.52LoneShadowanyone using sphinx ?
16:27.58limb_qi'm trying to connect my asterisk on my sip provider. :S
16:28.04limb_qi get a SIP/2.0 501 not implemented yet
16:28.30limb_qthe're using Cirpack/v4.41 (gw_sip) ???
16:28.34limb_qever heard of?
16:29.05tzafrirlimb_q, what's the other party?
16:29.09tzafrirah, ok
16:29.16limb_qhi tza
16:29.32tzafrirnever heard of that Cirpack :-(
16:29.50limb_qi'm running deb with
16:30.00limb_qLinux home-pbx 2.6.21-2-486 #1 Wed Jul 11 03:17:09 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux
16:30.20limb_qAsterisk 1.2.13
16:30.23[TK]D-Fenderlimb_q, WHEN do you get this message?
16:30.33limb_qi see my pbx sends a msg
16:30.36LoneShadowI wonder if its possible to say "Press 1 or say one" and catch either of those 2 in asterisk
16:31.24Voicemeuphmm so i Answer()  Wait(1)  VoicemailMain()
16:31.25*** join/#asterisk mtaht4 (
16:31.25LoneShadowlimb_q: does your SIP provider expect you to use a certain sip device ?
16:31.37Voicemeupno audio for mailbox name.. but ok for password lol
16:32.38limb_qi searched forums
16:32.52[TK]D-Fenderlimb_q, again, WHEN do you get this message?
16:33.15limb_qi did sip debug
16:33.36limb_qthe first msg my pbx sends is .. can i post it somewhere?
16:33.40[TK]D-Fenderlimb_q, Yes, thats clearly the only reason you should SEE it, but I asked WHEN.
16:33.49jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
16:34.06*** part/#asterisk hi365 (
16:34.17limb_qi post some logging ok?
16:34.36*** join/#asterisk decobbb (n=bbradley@
16:35.53decobbbdoes anyboday have any experience hooking * up via 2 PRI lines?
16:37.15[TK]D-Fenderlimb_q, set "qualify=no".  its spamming that back because of your attempted keep-alive that they don't support
16:37.40limb_qi'll try that
16:38.46limb_qcan't see any sip messages yet..
16:38.50limb_qi'll try the number
16:39.29*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
16:39.32limb_qi get a message, when i call that number, like i'm offline
16:39.58limb_q"the person your trying to reach, is unavailable" translated
16:40.48limb_qi'll post my sip.conf (without pwds)
16:44.55limb_qso u can see, i altered the qualify
16:46.04[TK]D-Fendercan reinvite=yes <- no space allowed
16:46.04limb_qhmm, i'll check
16:46.05[TK]D-Fendernat=yes <- for for THIS entry.
16:46.17[TK]D-Fenderif you're behind NAT, please read THIS :
16:46.19jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
16:46.26[TK]D-Fenderdecobbb, Yes, what about it?
16:46.30shareenergyanyone can help me to configure fax to email on a trixbox ?
16:46.39shareenergyi have a zaphfc
16:46.58jbotmethinks trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX, and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox seriously painful to support and hence you will find little help here for it.  Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & WIKI at
16:47.09[TK]D-Fendershareenergy, You are in the WRONG channel... please read the topic
16:47.15limb_qnat=yes i have
16:47.42Voicemeupwas .16 buggy ?
16:47.43[TK]D-Fenderlimb_q, you should NOT have "nat=yes" in your [xs4all] section.
16:48.06limb_qbut i'm behind router..?
16:48.16[TK]D-FenderVoicemeup, Naw... we just though it'd be nice to jump right to .24 for no reason ;)
16:48.18*** join/#asterisk g1powermac (
16:48.19shareenergyhow i define fax extension?
16:48.22g1powermacHi All
16:48.34limb_qshould i remove it of should i set it to no
16:48.42[TK]D-Fenderlimb_q, set to no
16:48.50VoicemeupExecuting VoiceMailMain , -> then i get  Playing 'vm-login' (language 'fr') but no sound on that... it comes from a main stanza inbound with a background greeting then you dial 3 digit for vmadmin
16:49.02shareenergyexten => _.,1,Goto(ext-fax,in_fax,1)
16:49.02shareenergyexten => _.,1,Noop(Entering zapincoming with DID = ${DID})
16:49.02shareenergyexten => _.,1,Set(__FROM_DID=_.)
16:49.02shareenergyexten => _.,n,Gosub(app-blacklist-check,s,1)
16:49.02shareenergyexten => _.,n,Set(
16:49.03shareenergyexten => _.,n,Goto(ext-group,300,1)
16:49.03g1powermacdoes anyone know what would be the best VoIP service I could integrate into an asterisk pbx?
16:49.04Voicemeupthe vm-password.gsm works.. and the file can be read
16:49.07[TK]D-Fendershareenergy, Ok, that is clearly not relevant here.  Go check out Trixbox's support channels & pages
16:49.15[TK]D-Fendershareenergy, and do NOT spam in here
16:49.29g1powermacI was thinking of using BroadVoice, but wanted to see what you guys thought
16:49.49shareenergyis was a just stupid copy paste
16:49.57limb_qwhere should i start to cut this problem?
16:50.00[TK]D-Fenderg1powermac, teliax comes better recommended around here.
16:50.08limb_qis there a logfile to see the handshake?
16:50.11[TK]D-Fenderlimb_q, pleaswe fully read the article I linked you.
16:50.19limb_qi'll check
16:50.39g1powermac[TK]D-Fender, k, thanks for the suggestion
16:51.14[TK]D-Fenderg1powermac, Broadvoice's SIP proxies occasionally blink out.  Have had mixed reviews from one customer of mine
16:51.51g1powermacyea, I heard about that
16:52.53limb_qi read it..
16:53.03g1powermac[TK]D-Fender, hmm, what are the simultaneous calls bit with teliax?
16:53.15limb_qbut my asterisk is in my own network behind my router to my provider
16:53.20g1powermacI can have upto so many calls using one number?
16:53.22[TK]D-Fenderg1powermac, ?
16:53.31limb_qi have some sip credentials from my sip provider
16:53.50[TK]D-Fenderg1powermac, Not sure, go check them out for the particulars.. I have not used them personally, just heard opinions here from those I respect
16:54.01g1powermac[TK]D-Fender, ahh, ok
16:54.05decobbbtk: I was able to get green lights on my t1 card last night
16:54.19decobbbbut the LEC said that they were unable to bring up the d channel
16:54.20[TK]D-Fenderlimb_q, Follow my guide for the rest of what you need for * to work behind NAT.
16:54.38[TK]D-Fenderdecobbb, pastebin your zaptel & zapata.
16:54.51limb_qi'm reading :
16:54.58[TK]D-Fenderlimb_q, read the FIRST one.
16:55.01jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
16:55.09limb_qmy scenario is number 1
16:55.20limb_qthe first one is a different scenario
16:55.39[TK]D-Fenderlimb_q, Your * is behind NAT, thats for the first one covers.
16:55.56[TK]D-Fenderok, gotta go, back in a while.
16:56.07[TK]D-Fenderdecobbb, someone will be able to pick up your issue once PB'd
16:56.48limb_qbut my sip clients are also behind nat
16:56.54limb_qonly my sip provider not
16:59.58Voicemeupoh well
17:00.15limb_qbut is there a way that i can check if the connection went well?
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17:16.18limb_qdo i need to open some ports on my router to my *?
17:19.46karleetolimb_q: maybe 22 for ssh, and you may need to open some ports if you have trunks to other * boxes
17:21.08decobbbdid anybody get a chance to look at my pastebin files for my zaptel.conf and zapata.conf
17:21.52decobbbreguarding my d channels not coming up last night .. yet zttool said all was ok and i had green lights
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17:28.04limb_qnope, only my sip connection to my provider
17:30.59g1powermachmm, teliax looks quite good
17:31.48rudholmI'm very happy with teliax
17:32.41rudholmthey're not the cheapest, but they're very reliable and I've never had any call quality issues
17:33.01rudholmI use their 2 cents per minute service for call completion
17:33.08g1powermacrudholm, well, they're the cheapest I've seen thus far for business solution I'm working on :-)
17:33.22g1powermacvery, very cheap
17:33.29rudholmvery cool then
17:33.38rudholmwhat's your need?
17:34.13g1powermacbasically unlimited inbound and outbound calling including long distance, a few lines, and fax ability
17:35.11rudholmare you looking at the "Pay as you GO" or the "Corporate" product they offer?
17:35.18g1powermacthe Corporate one
17:35.35g1powermacI love the unlimited incoming toll-free ability too
17:35.39rudholmthe only limitation there is the maximum of four concurrent calls
17:35.46rudholmyeah, that's nice
17:35.54rudholmI don't use them for inbound
17:36.07g1powermacyea, but I could get a second line for only $9.99 a month
17:36.29g1powermacwhich I prolly will
17:36.43rudholmI think that 9.99 would get you an aditional phone number, I'm not sure it will get you four more simultaneous channels
17:37.01rudholmin fact, I don't think it will
17:37.10g1powermachmm, will have to ask them about that
17:37.12rudholmbut it's worth asking them
17:37.25rudholmbut you could get "Corporate" and a "Pay as you GO"
17:37.37rudholmsince there's no monthly fee associated with Pay as you GO
17:37.38*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
17:37.50g1powermacvery true
17:37.50rudholmyou could just send your overflow outbound calls out through your Pay as you GO plan.
17:39.10*** join/#asterisk AllanLima (n=mediain@unaffiliated/allanlima)
17:39.13g1powermacyea, that definitely could be an option
17:39.16rudholmI really like PAYG, since I'm not a heavy phone user.  they end up charging me credit card a 10$ refill every month or two
17:39.25rudholmand they're pretty good about letting you set the outbound CID
17:39.53g1powermacyea, that plan is ideal if you don't use the phones much
17:40.05g1powermacthough in this case, the phones are used quite a bit :-)
17:40.08rudholmyou can set it to any NXXNXXXXXX you want, but you can't set it to something "weird"
17:40.23rudholmyeah, for a business, it's different.
17:40.49g1powermacthats cool
17:40.53rudholmbut if you stay under 5 concurrent calls most of the time, it probably makes sense to get one of each account tyep
17:42.15g1powermacthough I think really the four concurrent calls will be plenty
17:42.21*** join/#asterisk apardo (
17:42.23rudholmsince getting two Corporate accounts would be 90$/month and would still limit you to 8 calls.  that extra 45$ would buy 2250 minutes from the pay as you go account.
17:42.41g1powermacour business only uses currently two analog lines
17:42.56rudholmoh, then yeah, Corporate would be plenty
17:43.21g1powermacbut it leaves some nice expansion room for later heavier use
17:43.36rudholmare you close to one of their points of presence?
17:43.41g1powermacnot sure
17:43.46g1powermacdo they have a map?
17:44.11rudholmnot sure
17:44.22rudholmI'm in L.A. so I use
17:44.25g1powermacI know they can port the current numbers we have is in colorado
17:44.39g1powermacwhich is a very good thing (tm) :-)
17:44.43rudholmI think they have east coast too
17:45.02rudholmalso, they seem stable/ethical enough that I might actually trust them with numbers I value.
17:45.48rudholmI have a BroadVoice account too, but I'd *never* port numbers to them.
17:45.57rudholmthey're completely shady
17:46.08g1powermachmm, good thing I didn't go that route
17:46.34g1powermacI was thinking of using the vonage business plus plan thingie
17:46.42rudholmmost ITSPs are about as stable as a dot-com startup in 2000
17:47.07*** join/#asterisk Vorondil (n=vorondil@unaffiliated/vorondil)
17:47.16g1powermacbut was a bit concerned with vonage and the mega law suit they're under
17:47.28*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
17:47.57rudholmwow, 150$ ?
17:48.24g1powermacyea, thats why I thought teliax was so cheap :-)
17:48.48rudholmI was a vonage customer from 2003 to 2007 and can tell you, they have no advantage over Teliax, and some disadvantages.
17:49.33g1powermacyea, we currently have vonage at home, and it isn't the best, but does serve the purpose
17:49.52rudholmyeah.  I cancelled because they wouldn't open the SIP credentials
17:50.03*** part/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
17:50.32rudholmbut they're really inflexible
17:50.33rudholmin general
17:50.47rudholmand you can't set outbound CID of course
17:51.07rudholmso if you forward calls through your Asterisk, you'll lose the original CID
17:51.20rudholmATA into an FXO?  ew.
17:51.44g1powermacyea, it was just for testing
17:51.58g1powermacI was originally going to hook up the analog lines we got here to it
17:52.11g1powermacbut then we found out we can get decent cable lines run to our store and warehouse/office and could actually go with a full VoIP solution
17:52.29g1powermacand finally stop paying the monster that is At&t/Bellsouth
17:52.33*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
17:52.58rudholmah, here's their east coast facility:
17:53.07rudholmsee what your ping times are to all three
17:53.15g1powermacso all the work done for the asterisk box was well, for moot
17:53.15rudholmthe one in Colorado is the main facility
17:53.38g1powermacbut at least we don't have to deal with at&t anymore :-)
17:53.52g1powermacahh, cool
17:53.56rudholmbut you're still going to use Asterisk, right?
17:54.15g1powermacbut will be starting from scratch
17:55.24rudholmit should be pretty similar, you're just using an IAX peer instead of FXO ports
17:55.33rudholmmost of your extensions.conf will be the same
17:56.01g1powermacwell, we're also converting all the phones to SIP phones :-)
17:56.11g1powermacyea, the old system was all analog phones too
17:56.53rudholmmy employer is planning to move to Asterisk as well I recently found
17:57.23rudholmit's going to be a pretty big project
17:57.23*** join/#asterisk CCFL_Man2 (
17:57.29g1powermacand because the analog phone lines here were so bad, asterisk's echo cancelers couldn't handle it
17:58.11g1powermacso for the short time the old system was up, I was pulling my hair out of my head trying to fix the echo problems
17:58.17CCFL_Man2g1powermac: asterisk on a g1 power mac?
17:58.30ManxPowerg1powermac: So how are you going to solve the echo problems?
17:58.37g1powermacCCFL_Man2, nah, though that would be interesting
17:58.51g1powermacManxPower, no more analog at all :-)
17:59.10g1powermacgoing completely digital here
17:59.23*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
18:00.00CCFL_Man2i just got a cisco mc3810
18:00.04ManxPowerg1powermac: that will not work.
18:00.46ManxPowerMost echo is caused by the FAR end analog line.  So unless you are planning on never calling an analog phone, you need at actual, real, working echo canceler.
18:01.25CCFL_Man2now, can i connect a multiflex T1 port to a channel bank?
18:01.57ManxPowerCCFL_Man2: Multiflex is a marketing term.  What is the technical term
18:02.30*** join/#asterisk limb_q (
18:02.52CCFL_Man2ManxPower: not sure, there are two interface cards for the mc3810, the MFT-T1 card and the DVM-T1 card, the latter is used for connecting to pbx's and channel banks
18:03.14ManxPowerCCFL_Man2: find out.
18:03.46ManxPowerWell if it is going into generic channel banks then a good term is Channelized Voice T-1
18:03.49limb_qanyone has some good experience with sangoma?
18:04.10ManxPowerlimb_q: The work, they can be a bitch to set up
18:04.32CCFL_Man2the MFT-T1 is multiflex trunking and BRI
18:04.36limb_qwe have some problems they drops d-channel on pri
18:04.55limb_qor is it bri
18:05.09limb_q30 channel isdn card
18:05.41limb_qgonna eat now..
18:05.46limb_qbrb l8er
18:06.03*** part/#asterisk limb_q (
18:07.03CCFL_Man2the mc3810 i'm getting has a MFT-T1 card
18:07.27ManxPowerCCFL_Man2: Might you mean PRI?
18:07.48CCFL_Man2i think so
18:10.06CCFL_Man2Multiflex Trunk Modules with Optional BRI
18:10.23crimethinkermen, why must you lie?
18:10.53elixerwomen, why must you ask dumb questions?
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18:16.34ManxPowerCCFL_Man2: then the docs are wrong.  BRIs hace TWO voice channels and ONE signalling channel.
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18:22.38CCFL_Man2ManxPower: i must be wrong
18:22.55ManxPowerCCFL_Man2: someone is wrong.
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18:23.06ManxPowerCCFL_Man2: Are you in the USA or Canada?
18:23.07CCFL_Man2in any case i don't think that card will work for me
18:23.47CCFL_Man2i'm going to be getting voice from the mc3810, not putting voice into it
18:24.08*** join/#asterisk Jmarcu (
18:24.52g1powermacManxPower, yea, I know that, however, the echo canceler was having alot of problems with the bad analog lines we have, which won't be used when we switch to VoIP
18:24.53Jmarcuhi.. anyone here can recommend a good voip phone service (like vonage?) ... i'm planning to send one of those units to my parents overseas so they can call US for cheap..
18:25.55ManxPowerg1powermac: Using digital lines (T-1, PRI, VoIP) will eliminate some sources of echo.
18:25.55rudholmg1powermac: yeah, I can tell you from experience that analog lines on your end can at least contribute to echo problems
18:25.55ManxPowerI would have recommended you go with a PRI, as they are more reliable for most people.
18:26.04rudholmI think PRI is outside his budget
18:26.23g1powermacyea, so is a T1
18:26.28CCFL_Man2Jmarcu: vonage is not good
18:27.28rudholmI have one FXO port and used to have it on a TDM400 card.  echo was horrible --basically unusable.  I switched to a TDM800 (with the same FXO module) and now there's no echo
18:27.32JmarcuCCFL_Man2, ic.. anything you recommend i checkout?
18:27.54CCFL_Man2Jmarcu: definately quantumvoice, i personally use it
18:28.29ManxPowerg1powermac: you'll find your budget increased when your call quality sucks everytime someone sends a large attachement on an e-mail
18:28.59g1powermacManxPower, thats where QoS comes in :-)
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18:29.30g1powermacManxPower, I got openwrt running routers that have a vpn link setup between the two locations we have
18:29.31ManxPowerg1powermac: you can't QoS data that goes across networks you do not manage.
18:29.50JmarcuCCFL_Man2, oh.. ok lemme search
18:29.54CCFL_Man2g1powermac: why not bitch and barter to the telco to fix your analog lines?
18:29.59g1powermacthat is true, but I could do it on our internal network
18:30.15ManxPowerYou can improve latency and jitter by managing TCP connections, but other than that it won't work.
18:30.19ManxPowerg1powermac: how are your calls going to the outside world?
18:30.28g1powermacCCFL_Man2, we're still trying to get them to give us the right bill amounts
18:30.44g1powermacCCFL_Man2, its been a two year fight with that
18:30.54CCFL_Man2g1powermac: hah, typical of Ma'Bell
18:31.06g1powermacManxPower, I'm looking at Teliax
18:31.30ManxPowerg1powermac: They are a good provider, but your calls are going over the internet so you can't QoS them.
18:31.50ManxPowerIf your users don't hate you every time there is a blip in the audio then you should be OK.
18:31.53g1powermacCCFL_Man2, yea, we filed complaints with the local utility commission here as well, and even threatened law suits
18:32.52CCFL_Man2most of the time voip over the internet works fairly well, only incomming qos you can do is get a dedicated line for it
18:33.05CCFL_Man2g1powermac: typical
18:33.05JmarcuCCFL_Man2, but their unlimited plan is 29.99.. more expensive than others it seems right?
18:33.30g1powermacManxPower, a blip is a bit better than what we have now
18:33.44CCFL_Man2Jmarcu: yeah, i went with the $19.99 plan
18:33.46g1powermacManxPower, the analog systems are so bad, we've had echos without any pbx attached
18:34.11g1powermacand the dsl we get from them is utter crap
18:34.14ManxPowerg1powermac: I understand.
18:34.32JmarcuCCFL_Man2, hmm.. yea thats not too bad actally.. 1000 minutes is pretty lot for my parents anyway
18:34.34ManxPowerby going all VoIP you have eliminated echo on your end.  By using an ITSP you should handle echo on the far side
18:34.54g1powermacwith an average line attenuation of about 56db, its really bad
18:34.55ManxPowerBut I say that sending calls over the internet is not the way to have reliable phone service.
18:35.23g1powermacyea, that is a risk I told the others about
18:36.19g1powermacsame really goes for the internet connection
18:36.37decobbbdoes anybody have time to look at my pastebin files for my zaptel.conf and zapata.conf
18:36.41g1powermacsince it isn't a t1, there isn't guarantees for uptime
18:36.44decobbbreguarding my d channels not coming up last night .. yet zttool said all was ok and i had green lights
18:38.42ManxPowerdecobbb: you have more than one channel 1 defined.
18:38.56ManxPowerAsterisk channels start at 1 and up.  they never repeat
18:39.35decobbbin witch file?
18:40.46ManxPowerztcfg -vvv should have generated errors with that file.
18:41.33decobbbfixed that
18:41.49decobbbdo you think that would keep the d channel from coming up ?
18:42.21decobbbmy apologies for my ignorance
18:42.41decobbbim learning telephony coming from the newtork engineer world
18:42.46g1powermacrudholm, seems the extra lines do mean more simultaneous calls :-)
18:42.53ManxPowerdecobbb: "pri debug span X"  where span X is the one going to your telco.
18:43.13decobbbwouldnt they both go out to the telco ?
18:43.16ManxPowerIf you don't get any data, then call the telco and say "I have no traffic on the D-channel, fix it"
18:43.20decobbbi have 2 pri's?
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18:44.27decobbbdo i need to make a seperate group ffor each pri ?
18:44.38ManxPowerdecobbb:  It shows 2 d channels
18:44.39decobbbor is it ok to group them into 1
18:45.00ManxPower2 D-channels in my book means 2 PRIs
18:45.08decobbbon this one
18:45.14ManxPowerSicne you have them configured as PRI NET you are are acting as the telco
18:45.16decobbbdo i need to define 2 groups
18:45.35ManxPowerthat one is WRONG WRONG WRONG
18:45.38decobbbso they should be set to pr_cpe
18:45.48ManxPowerdecobbb: group= is for dialing OUT and does not group channels for signalling
18:46.11ManxPoweryou STILL have channel 1 defined twice in the file
18:46.25decobbbi switched that one to channel 49
18:46.49ManxPowerDial(Zap/g1/5551515) will dial out using the channels in group=1, starting with the lowest available channel
18:47.08ManxPowerdecobbb: what exactly DO you have?
18:47.22decobbbi have 2 pri
18:47.29decobbbi have a 2 port pri card
18:48.03ManxPowerand what lines do you have?
18:48.18decobbb2 23 channel pri cards
18:48.26ManxPowerso you have 2 pris?
18:48.34wothinnDoes it take a certain load before musiconhold requires a timing source?  I'm running on OpenBSD, so none available, but MOH seems to be working flawlessly for me between two local SIP phones.
18:48.36ManxPowerand those two PRIs go to the telco?
18:48.57wothinnI'm just curous if this'll all fall apart if I increase the load some.
18:48.58ManxPowerso you have 2 PRIs going to the telco and 24 analog lines going where?
18:49.10decobbbto internal phones
18:50.05ManxPowerforget about the analog lines right now.
18:50.16ManxPowertry this
18:50.50ManxPowerand this
18:53.20wothinnOh, scratch that... it's starting to get choppy after a few minutes on hold.
18:53.46ManxPowerdecobbb: this is more correct
18:53.55*** join/#asterisk jkiff (n=jkiffmey@unaffiliated/vorondil)
18:55.19ManxPowerusing the files I provided, what is the output of ztcfg -vvv ?  Put the info on pastebin
18:57.40decobbbis the output
18:59.40g1powermachmm, does anyone know if teliax offers a way to send the voip data to them encrypted?
19:00.18ManxPowerdecobbb: Good!  Now does asterisk start?
19:00.32ManxPowerg1powermac: I don't think they do.  Most ITSPs don't.
19:00.45ManxPowerdecobbb: does "pri debug span 1" show data
19:01.10*** join/#asterisk limb_q (
19:01.57decobbbi cannot so that for another couple of hours
19:01.57decobbb"after hours"
19:01.57decobbbif it does
19:01.57decobbbwhat should i look for anytype of data?
19:02.50ManxPowerdecobbb: you should see all sort of technical crap.
19:02.59ManxPowerthat would indicated it is prolly working.
19:03.17decobbband if i see nothing tell the telco i dont see anything
19:03.20ManxPoweralso do a "pro no debug span 1" and a "pri debug span 2" to make sure you have data there too.
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19:03.51decobbbthanx so much
19:03.55humbertoptHi 2 all!
19:05.44humbertoptCan someone help with a misdn problem?
19:09.38*** join/#asterisk Weezey (n=ohno@
19:11.58rudholmis good?
19:12.05humbertoptI'm running asterisk with a Beronet card since some months. Everything was ok until this week: Most of my dialout calls are ended with code 31...
19:13.07humbertoptIf I use a different provider (dialing a prefix) it works ok...
19:13.27ManxPowerhumbertopt: make sure the caller id you send does not start with 0, 00 or 1
19:13.48humbertoptI will check that
19:14.20humbertoptBut I think my telco allways change my caller id somehow
19:16.05humbertoptWith my old pbx everything works, so I can't really  complain with my telco about this
19:16.43ManxPowerhumbertopt: and it worked with Asterisk as well until this week.
19:17.01decobbbdoes *97 work by default to check Voicemail
19:17.16ManxPowerdecobbb: not unless you set it up that way
19:17.31decobbbi was getting congestion
19:17.35ManxPowerAsterisk really isn't a PBX.  It is more of a PBX Toolkit that lets you build a PBX
19:17.38decobbbjust wanted to make sure
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19:20.27shareenergyis down?
19:20.41shareenergyis there any mirror where i can take the misdn?
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19:21.27decobbbhow do it set it to pass on the extension calling it so you just have to enter the password?
19:22.06decobbbfor *97 voicemail
19:22.55decobbbright now i have it pointing to VoicemailMain
19:24.32[TK]D-Fenderdecobbb, you can pass the box # as a parameter.  As to "knowing" who's calling for it... think CALLER-ID
19:25.09decobbbso if i have my caller id set to names
19:25.16decobbbit will not pass the extension number
19:25.22decobbbcorrect ?
19:25.29[TK]D-Fenderdecobbb, caller Id hold name AND number...
19:25.47shareenergy[TK]D-Fender do you know where i can get the install-misdn-mqueue.tar.gz ?
19:25.52[TK]D-Fendershareenergy, nope.
19:26.13decobbbcaller_id=decobbb 3872
19:26.18decobbbwould that work ?
19:26.44*** join/#asterisk Pagautas (n=bigman@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:29.43[TK]D-Fenderdecobbb, close
19:33.17decobbbtk: what am i missing ?
19:34.57*** join/#asterisk Pagautas (n=bigman@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:35.05[TK]D-Fenderdecobbb, formatting is off in a few places.
19:41.24humbertoptNo luck
19:41.42humbertopteverythink seams ok with caller id
19:41.50humbertopteverything seams ok with caller id
19:41.57ManxPowerdecobbb: callerid would be callerid=Name <number>
19:43.17humbertoptIt seams my telco is taking a lot of time to make calls (more than 15 sec.)
19:43.43humbertoptmaybe misdn dosen't like this
19:43.46ManxPowerif you had callerid=decobbb 3872 then your callerid NAME would be "decobbb 3872" and your callerid number would be empty
19:46.34humbertoptWhere's the best place to put my logs and get some help?
19:52.48*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
19:52.52humbertoptWhere's the best place to put my logs and get some help?
19:55.47*** join/#asterisk Pagautas (n=bigman@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
20:06.00jbotwell, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or is usually painfully too slow and unresponsive to use, use one of the other pastebin sites, or is a very nice pastebin as well
20:06.08crimethinkermake it stop
20:07.14CCFL_Man2make teh pain stop?
20:13.15humbertoptCan anyone help? Thanks!
20:22.11*** join/#asterisk sysreq (
20:24.24g1powermacI got this one for the wifi network I have setup:{73}380{9}25{15}42{17}49
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20:34.46[TK]D-Fenderg1powermac, gotten a lot of really bad reviews
20:36.00g1powermac[TK]D-Fender, really? like what?
20:36.49[TK]D-Fenderg1powermac, crappy range, 802.11b (low speed) drags down your router, slow ping response (on of my clients running them had constant time-out on qualify), etc.
20:36.59[TK]D-Fenderlow battery life was one major point
20:38.02g1powermacwell, the range won't be too much of a problem, I have upgraded the wifi here to the point that my horrifically bad powerbook in the terms of wifi reception does quite well
20:38.30g1powermacthe phones does to 802.11g and will only be able to connect to my network via that
20:39.12g1powermacand for battery life, that could be an issue
20:39.55[TK]D-Fenderg1powermac, Guess you'll see soon enough...
20:41.42g1powermacI only bought one, so if it doesn't work well, I could get others
20:42.42g1powermacthough you should see the wifi antennas I got for my routers: :-)
20:42.52g1powermacthey're about 2.5 times as big as the standard ones
20:47.55jbotWi-Fi SIP phones suck.  All of them.  HARD.  Some only slightly less than others...
20:48.49wishesman i dont think ive seen anyone say that a particular phone doesnt suck yet other than really expensive ones :)
20:49.06wishes'grandstream sucks' 'soft phones suck' 'wifi phones suck'
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20:49.32[TK]D-Fenderwishes, So far Polycom & cisco are safe :)
20:49.42[TK]D-Fenderwishes, And hardly "expensive"
20:49.50[TK]D-FenderPolycom anyways....
20:50.52g1powermacpolycom, ehh?
20:51.14[TK]D-Fenderg1powermac, check out
20:51.23[TK]D-FenderVoipsupply = overpriced hassle
20:52.06g1powermachmm, telephony depot doesn't have any polycom wifi sip phones
20:52.15[TK]D-Fenderg1powermac, they don't MAKE any.
20:52.30[TK]D-Fenderg1powermac, Well actually.. they bought out a DECT phone maker, forgot the name
20:52.44[TK]D-FenderFor wireless you're better off with an ATA + cordless phone.
20:55.46hmmhesaysI smash right through your stop light
21:00.54hmmhesaysLOL nice
21:01.17*** join/#asterisk Tili (
21:02.46[TK]D-Fender"I may not be able to turn right on a red light... but tabarnac I can go right throught it!
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21:05.57pagecwith extensions.conf and globals asterisk would evaluted nested globals immediately, with ael it instead returns the string.  i.e. in ael OUTERGLOBAL=${GLOBAL(innerglobal)}; and NoOp($GLOBAL(OUTERGLOBAL)}); yields ${GLOBAL(innerglobal)} and not the value of innerglobal.  does anyone know how to make it so that the value of innerglobal is the result intead when an arbitrary about of nesting is used
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21:09.03decobbbhey guys
21:09.20decobbbwhen i type the command pri debug span 1
21:09.32decobbbit returns no pri running on span 1
21:09.47decobbbany ideas?
21:11.11*** part/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
21:12.34decobbbzttool is showing all is ok
21:13.04decobbbshould i call the lec?
21:13.34hmmhesaysI'm downloading the new driver game
21:14.38[TK]D-Fenderdecobbb, pastebin your zaptel &zapata again
21:15.14hmmhesaysahh my speak to female 1/4 adapters came in the mail yesterday
21:15.16WeezeyI'm getting no RTP out from my * machine when I call into a menu, I only see the RTP from the phone calling it.
21:16.09hmmhesayssounds like a networking issue
21:17.56Weezeyhmmhesays: I just realized that it worked yesterday after my upgrade until I loaded up the sangoma wanrouter shit.
21:21.21hmmhesaysin 2 hours I will have drive 4 on this pc
21:21.23hmmhesaysI'm pumped
21:24.22decobbbany ideas?
21:25.56[TK]D-Fenderdecobbb, BOTH
21:26.18[TK]D-Fenderdecobbb, And you should have your first designated as a PRIMARY timing source, and the other as secondary.
21:26.21*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
21:27.14[TK]D-Fenderdecobbb, lack of clock sync might kill your DChan
21:27.34*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
21:27.52decobbbso i put that in my zaptel.conf
21:27.59decobbbshould i reload my zaptel service?
21:29.33*** join/#asterisk Slingky (
21:29.45Slingkyhi guys, does somebody can help me with disa ?
21:29.52decobbbstill returning no pri running on span 1
21:30.02decobbbwhen i type in the debug command
21:30.03[TK]D-Fenderdecobbb, completely stop *, redo "ztcfg -vvvv" and restart *
21:33.42wishes[TK]D-Fender: heh thanks :D
21:33.55wishescisco is out, ill look at the other one ..
21:34.15wishesi think we're gonna go mostly softphone except for customer service/account managers who use it all th etime :)
21:35.54*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
21:39.03hmmhesayssoftphones can be ok
21:39.09*** join/#asterisk jpfjp (n=jpfjpf@
21:39.18jpfjpis this a newbie channel?
21:39.48hmmhesayshave you read the book?
21:40.46jpfjpwhat book
21:40.56hmmhesaysthe asterisk book
21:44.05jpfjpit seems that asterisk 1.2 is in security maintenance mode
21:44.18jpfjpwhen asterisk 1.4 isn't yet as stable as 1.2
21:45.48decobbbsame message no Pri running on span 1
21:47.07fujinHaven't had any difficulty going to 1.4 from 1.2 myself
21:47.23fujinMade the change last friday, system has been stable since
21:47.40fujinI was running 1.2 from Ubuntu, so I feel a bit safer having built it myself.
21:47.57fujinPorted my dialplan to AEL - pure sex.
21:50.11*** join/#asterisk bosman (
21:51.04wothinnDoes anyone know why my Polycom IP500's display would be flashing after I lost power and it came back?  All seems to be working, just the display is flashing.
21:52.36fujintried power cycling it?
21:53.00mvanbaaktried hitting it with a fireaxe ?
21:53.29wothinnI would, but I like it too much. :)
21:53.48decobbbhey guys what file do you set the dnis in ?
21:56.15wothinnAaah... release notes for the sip.ld... 7204: Added flashing time/date until successful SNTP response
21:56.27wothinnSo my NTP server is pooched.  That's easy. :)
21:56.55fujinoh, nice ;)
21:57.06fujindo your phones not set their time based on SIP?
21:57.18fujinmy ones do sntp and fallback to SIP
21:57.51wothinnfujin: I'm using OpenNTPD (on OpenBSD)... It appears this phone falls back to SIP too since it knows the time... it's just flashing.
21:58.00fujinodd, that
21:58.13fujinI run openntpd on everything too, it appears to be much better than the netkit-ntpd
21:58.19wothinnLooks like my NTPD is just waiting to sync better before it'll give an authoritative response.  It's all good.
21:59.01fujinbest thing I ever setup: centralised syslog via syslog-ng from my phones
21:59.08fujinmakes debugging alot of stuff muche asier
22:03.05hmmhesaysI hate web dev
22:04.07*** join/#asterisk Keltus (i=Keltus@about/cooking/nakedchef/beefstew/Keltus)
22:05.17mvanbaakhmmhesays: me too. too bad it's my job ;)
22:05.27hmmhesaysmvanbaak: its mine right now too
22:05.38hmmhesayswriting a user interface for this phone system we're doing
22:05.44hmmhesaysall I have to say is UGH
22:06.17*** join/#asterisk techie (
22:07.08mvanbaakuse jquery :)
22:08.28hmmhesayswhat is jquery?
22:09.14mvanbaaka javascript framework to make stuff like ajax easier
22:09.15hmmhesaysnm I'll google
22:13.41*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
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22:22.17rrittenhouseI'm trying to set up an asterisk machine for my work (Im learning about it at home before I take it to work) - I'm wondering is there a (cheaper) way to get a SIP VOIP service for testing asterisk instead of buying the hardware to hook it up to my phone system at home?
22:22.24QbYAnyone have a suggestion for speech recognition in the dialplan, that is free and works.  Only need it to work in instances like, "press or say 1..."
22:23.30QbYrrittenhouse..  try -- you can get DIDs, etc, and lots of good examples.
22:23.47hmmhesaystheres a whole slew out there
22:24.09QbYVitelity is equally as good..  although not as many "hold your hand" examples for setup
22:26.39rrittenhousei was looking at gizmo and buying a few minutes from them (Like $5 worth if possible)
22:26.53rrittenhouseIt says you can get 8 hours for $10 I think
22:28.51rrittenhouseReally Im guessing I just need something for outbound calls (I would hook up the POTS line which is technically RoadRunner Digital Phone but i dont have $70 to test an adapter) ;)
22:29.19*** join/#asterisk nuonguy (
22:29.20rrittenhouseSo im assuming I could get some basic VOIP service to take the outbound calls (inbound too if they provide it)
22:32.31*** join/#asterisk d1avlo (n=thi@
22:33.15d1avloHi, i need help is conf. error in
22:33.19*** join/#asterisk JT_ (n=jon@unaffiliated/jt)
22:34.32JTdecobbb: what card do you have?
22:49.22rrittenhouseIm assuming it would be better to go with IAX into my asterisk instead of SIP, correct?
22:50.07JTrrittenhouse: nope
22:50.14rrittenhouseoh, ok
22:50.16JTsip should be fine
22:50.25JTand is widely supported
22:50.58rrittenhouseIm just looking through the setup of AsteriskNow and its asking for a service provider and really I dont have an adapter or a serivce provider ;) I wanted to mess with Asterisk with softphones first.
22:51.29rrittenhouseHas anybody here ever tried Gizmo's SIP service for a service provider?
22:51.35JThrm, asterisknow, i see
22:51.47rrittenhouseHaha. For now.
22:52.18rrittenhouseI want to get acquainted with it before I dive in too much ;) I would love to replace our PBX at work. They are always complaining how expensive it is to upkeep
22:55.07jbotfrom memory, thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
22:55.07*** join/#asterisk weazahl (
22:55.07JTwhy is it expensive to maintain?
22:55.30rrittenhouseThey pay somebody to maintain their current PBX - All i know is who manages it and the type of phones ;) haha
22:55.45decobbbwhat do i put in zapata.conf for NI-2 signalling ?
22:56.01rrittenhouseIm going to request the information for their PBX and see if they will cough it up so I can try and help them out with a decent pbx.
22:56.10rrittenhouseThey just wont be happy about buying new phones :P
22:57.28JTdecobbb: yes
22:57.34weazahlwhy is it that a ulaw call uses ~130kbps not 64k?
22:57.48JTweazahl: should use 85kbit/s
22:57.50jpfjpweazahl: what do you mean?
22:57.52JTnot 130
22:57.59decobbbthank you
22:58.13weazahli see calls take up 130 +
22:58.20JTweazahl: each way?
22:58.42JTwho measures bandwidth combined?
22:58.45weazahldsl line is channel bank only
22:58.51JTyou measure one way
22:58.56JTand it should be 85kbit/s
22:59.13JTgo to the correct iptraf screen which shows each direction
22:59.57weazahlyeah i cnat remeber what i saw there
23:00.10weazahlbut shouldnt it be 85k total?
23:01.59weazahlwould anyone recemend using a codec?  channels or quality???
23:01.59*** join/#asterisk shareenergy (
23:02.25JTweazahl: no, what on earth is wrong with your maths?
23:02.30*** join/#asterisk apardo (n=apardo@2001:5c0:9706:0:0:0:0:2)
23:02.36JTweazahl: 85 kilobits per second in each direction.
23:03.30weazahlhey, some details are not completely learned sometimes
23:03.42rrittenhouseIm sure I can set up Asterisk without having any service provider right now, right? Just to mainly test the other features of it. If they do want this at work they can buy the hardware to get it going ;)
23:04.07JTweazahl: how would it be possible that G.711 in SIP would use less bandwidth than the raw g.711 codec?
23:04.15shareenergyanyone can help me with misdn?
23:04.25shareenergythe beronet site is down
23:04.39weazahlok, so i need to use a codec then
23:04.47JTrrittenhouse: yes you don't need a provider
23:04.58rrittenhousek i might just do that for now
23:05.00weazahl4-5 calls will srart to affedt interactivity
23:05.11JTweazahl: what?
23:05.30CCFL_Man2SwK: y0
23:05.32weazahl6mps down 768up
23:05.51weazahlget ofer 600k up and buffers start to clog
23:06.00JToh ok
23:06.08JTMbit/s, btw :)
23:06.28weazahlto many herbs...  day off you know
23:06.42weazahlwhat codec would be recomended?
23:07.04JTwith a 768kbit/s upload, why would you be limited to 4 or 5 calls?
23:07.11d1avloHi, i need help is conf. error in
23:07.58weazahlopps =7
23:08.13JTwell that's 7, yeah
23:08.41weazahlat 7 i get lagged out of sequence packets
23:09.05JTmust be a dodgy connection :)
23:09.11weazahlanyway to make it shift to gsm at 4 inuse chanels?
23:09.27JThaha, not with asterisk
23:09.35mvanbaak768 line is going to get you 600 kbps real traffic
23:09.39mvanbaakspecially on DSL
23:09.45CCFL_Man2SwK: i got a cisco mc3810 so i can use it to connect my channel bank to asterisk
23:09.51mvanbaakyou have to count the udp and ATM overhead
23:09.58JTonly if your provider has a high contention rate :)
23:09.59weazahlwell the modem got cooked.  they didnt install an a/c and outside temp hit 100F about 120 inside
23:10.08JTyeah, the overhead is nowhere near that high.
23:11.00mvanbaakno, but most of the time the modems buffers will get you stuck at 600
23:11.20CCFL_Man2SwK: but i'm not sure if the MFT T1 card will connect to my channel bank
23:11.22weazahlso you think my good quality (0 crc errors) should be fine for 8 channels?
23:11.33SwKdunno anything about the mc3810
23:11.45weazahli got a dsl2 modem comming
23:11.52mvanbaakSwK: it turned out the buffers were causing too much jitter and variations in the line
23:11.55CCFL_Man2SwK: cisco says to use the DVM T1 card to connect to pbxs or channel banks
23:12.02JTweazahl: depends on the contention rate of your providers' network
23:12.32mvanbaakas soon as I ditched the default modem and installed a pci atm card I could get close to 512 reliable connection
23:12.39weazahlshorewall can handle buffers, hold p80 traffic for 5060 and 10000:20000
23:12.57weazahlinternal would rock
23:13.04Mavvieoh dear.... problemos majoritus again...
23:13.25weazahli also can make it roll to the data DSL channel if it maxes out
23:13.33mvanbaaknow we run on 1gbit fiber and all trouble is gone
23:13.57mvanbaak300euro/month for 1gbit fiber
23:14.07weazahli upgraded a 105 year old hotel
23:14.09mvanbaakvery nice deal
23:14.44weazahlVOIP, cat 6, vayer 3 central switch
23:15.13weazahl32 users now.  60-70  in one year
23:15.56weazahlone 48port poe switch and 3 12/24 poe switchs
23:16.26weazahl3 hrs of ups to run phones
23:17.54weazahlits cool, ...  im the guy in the black in the slide show.
23:18.49`Sean[7:13pm] <mvanbaak> 300euro/month for 1gbit fiber
23:18.52`Seanwtf where is thatr?>
23:20.06weazahli want it
23:20.09*** join/#asterisk Infested (n=infested@
23:20.46Weezeywhat the shit.  Why do none of my prompts generate outbound RTP?
23:21.12JTWeezey: how are you calling the prompts?
23:21.35Weezeynothing generates any audio outbound.
23:21.42JTerr, can you pb some of the dialplan involved
23:21.44jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
23:21.52mvanbaak`Sean: .nl
23:22.07Weezeyit's all in realtime
23:22.21WeezeyI just changed to SVN 1.4, that's the only difference.
23:22.37WeezeyI'm going to try rebooting.
23:22.51JThrm okay
23:23.26Weezeyif this doesn't work, I'm going to try unloading the wanrouter (sangoma) and zaptel drivers.
23:23.45*** join/#asterisk sacitec (n=tobi@
23:23.56Weezeyif I do a tcpdump on the box or debug RTP, I don't see anything even attempting to leave.
23:25.38*** join/#asterisk Splat (
23:26.26Weezeynothing, but it's the only making my case special.
23:27.16*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
23:27.55JTaside from the fact you're using SVN
23:28.18Weezeyi tried 1.4.10 too, same shit
23:28.46WeezeyI'm using SVN-branch-1.4-r79142M
23:28.50JTso what was the last known good version?
23:29.19Weezey(svn something)
23:29.44JTmaybe you are using some deprecated dialplan syntax
23:30.03WeezeyHmm, could be.
23:30.24WeezeyI tried just punching the extension at VoicemailMail()
23:30.36Weezeyand then I tried Answer() then VoicemailMain()
23:30.54WeezeyI see the RTP coming in from the devices (iax, sip or gtalk)
23:31.00Weezeybut nothing coming out from the * box
23:31.38JTwhat about Echo?
23:32.02Weezeythe echotest?
23:32.39JTdoes it work?
23:34.00Weezeywaiting for the intro to be done playing...
23:34.51JTyou're not using trixbox or something are you?
23:35.27Weezeyno, echo
23:36.09Weezeywhat what?
23:36.35WeezeyOh, musiconhold works btw
23:36.41JTi have no idea if you are telling me the echo works or not
23:36.42Weezeywhich is just confusing.
23:36.51Weezeyright, bad comma.
23:36.53JTplease be less ambiguous
23:37.06WeezeyNo, echo does not work.
23:37.19Weezeyno, I'm not using trixbox or some other ez*
23:37.37*** join/#asterisk Djeli (
23:38.23DjeliAnyone here played with the new Polycom IP550 phones? I'm having a problem getting the Idle image to work (which works on IP501 phones)
23:40.41*** join/#asterisk nuonguy (
23:40.55Weezeywhoa, I changed musiconhold.conf to be quietmp3 instead of files and now it doesn't work either.
23:41.05CCFL_Man2SwK: i hear the mc3810 is perfect for a voip gateway
23:45.32*** part/#asterisk mtaht4 (
23:45.48SwKcould be
23:45.50SwKi never used one
23:45.58SwKi stick to IAD or AS series
23:46.20JTwhat is a mc3810?
23:55.28tzangerwhere's that jerjer cat
23:56.13tzangerI need to know what the status of h323 and asterisk is these days
23:56.23tzangerthere is like a dozen stacks of various stabilities :-)
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