IRC log for #asterisk on 20070809

00:00.21De_MonYourname` do this, before you set the callerid to something else, add a NoOp(${CALLERID}) then do another one after you change it and see what happens
00:00.34De_Monit should, change..
00:00.38generalhanCyllene: i would still try it in the dialplan like the first example shows just to be sure
00:00.43vaughanyis there nothing more i can do with timeout issues apart from making a cron job to check the register status and do a sip reload. not the most effective method, im sure ill miss calls duing this so id realy like to solve this issue properly.
00:02.19De_Monvaughany what does a good registration look like?
00:02.38De_Mon(has no idea how to help with this issue, just curious :)
00:02.39Cyllenegeneralhan: That did not work either
00:03.11De_MonCyllene did you reload the dialplan?
00:03.27CylleneDe_Mon: I restarted asterisk.
00:03.35generalhanCyllene: well im tapped. ive never done ANY work with one-touch before, so other than the basic research i have done, there isnt much more i can help with
00:03.48Cyllenegeneralhan: Transfering calls doesn't work either
00:04.13De_Monwhat type of device are you using?
00:04.16Cylleneres_features is loaded too
00:04.22CylleneDe_Mon: Softphones (DIAX)
00:05.07generalhanand you are trying all these features from the CALLING user's phone right ? not the one that took the call ?
00:05.18CylleneCorrect, generalhan
00:05.44CylleneMaybe I need to file a bug report?
00:05.47generalhanCyllene: yea sorry man ... maybe some one with more experience with this feature will come in and be able to help
00:06.05De_MonCyllene does the phone let you pick your dtmf mode?
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00:06.20De_Monim not sure if thats an iaxean feature or sip only..
00:07.15CylleneDe_Mon: No.
00:08.03generalhanCyllene: thats a good suggestion though to narrow it down more, do you have a set of SIP phones that you can test this same Dial command on ?
00:08.36vaughanyU 2007/08/09 10:08:04.378732 -> <- is this showing to my peer?
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00:09.02Cyllenegeneralhan: No.
00:09.10vaughanyContact: <sip:6139095XXX@>. <- or does this specify what to connect on
00:09.12Yourname`De_Mon: Doesn't work.
00:09.27lmadsenQwell: ping?!
00:09.50lmadsenQwell[]: maybe here?
00:10.06Yourname`De_Mon: I changed it from exten=>_NXXNXXXXXX,1,Noop(gafachi) to exten=>_NXXNXXXXXX,1,Noop(${CALLERID}) ... nothing.
00:11.29De_Monwhat does your callerid= line look like?
00:11.31vaughanyshould my trunks be sending registrations every second ?
00:11.44Yourname`Lemme open sip.conf
00:12.03`Seanhey is there any specific ways to record certain calls?
00:12.04CylleneI guess I'll open a bug report.
00:12.13`Seanlike say i wanted to rewcord a conversation between me and a freind how could i do it?
00:12.27`Seananyone even point to a command would be appreciated
00:12.27De_Mon`Sean show application MixMonitor
00:12.28Yourname`De_Mon: This is the callerid line for the extension [100] : callerid="7601001000" <100>
00:12.35`Seanthanks De_Mon
00:14.15vaughanycan someone help please, i've been trying to figure this out for days
00:14.20De_MonYourname` if you call another peer does it show that callerid?
00:14.58Yourname`Good Q, lemme try
00:15.19De_MonCyllene what version are you using?
00:15.32`SeanDe_Mon it doesn't exactly say how to use it...
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00:15.40`Seanis it a extensions.conf thing?
00:15.59`Seanhah it is indeed :)
00:16.25Yourname`De_Mon: Yup!
00:16.29Yourname`De_Mon: It does!
00:17.01De_MonYourname` check my sanity and add a NoOp(${CALLERID}) in that extension too
00:17.18Yourname`One sec.
00:17.29Yourname`And then try an outbound call?
00:17.41Yourname`Hey, wait.. what do you measn add in that extension too?
00:17.42De_Monno, call the peer again and see if the callerid is set correctly
00:18.04`Seananyone have some real examples of mixmonitor?
00:18.13De_Monyour dialplan should have an exten => 1234,1,Dial(SIP/1234) or something
00:18.41De_Mon`Sean exten => foo,n,MixMonitor(file.wav)
00:19.13`SeanDe_Mon i get that part, im trying to figure out how i can add dates and timestamp
00:19.21`Seanor even instead have it named by phone number
00:19.23Yourname`De_Mon: This is what it is right now after your mod.
00:19.24`Seanthat was dailled..
00:19.47De_Mon`Sean pretty simple app
00:20.01`Seanlike have it save to a file, like 18008008300.time.wav
00:20.13`Seanor time and date perhaps
00:20.32De_Mon`Sean oh, you want uh.. the function that returns the date :P
00:20.53De_MonYourname` right,  but there the noop returned nothing...
00:20.53`SeanDe_Mon yes, so i know when this call was recorded and to wich phone number this call was placed too
00:21.03Yourname`De_Mon: Ok, so what do we do?
00:21.14De_MonYourname` you tried dialing another peer and the callerid showed up
00:21.23De_Monnoop the callerid in that part of your dialplan too
00:21.30Yourname`De_Mon: Ahh..
00:21.42x86`Sean: look at the channel variables, the call date and time are in there
00:21.57De_Mon`Sean do 'show functions' and look for something that deals with the date
00:22.06x86`Sean: can't remember the names off the top of my head, but dump all the variables and you'll find it
00:22.08De_Monthen show function <that function< for more details
00:22.12Yourname`De_Mon: Gotcha.
00:22.20x86`Sean: along with other cool stuff that might be of interest to you
00:22.23De_Monx86 a channel variable contains time too?
00:22.36x86De_Mon: sure, as an epoch, iirc
00:22.53`SeanCALLERID              CALLERID(datatype)                   Gets or sets Caller*ID data on the channel.
00:23.25`Seani dont suppose i can use that can i?
00:23.58De_Mon${DATETIME}: Current date time in the format: DDMMYYYY-HH:MM:SS This is deprecated in Asterisk 1.2, instead use :${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%d%mNaVH:NaVS)})
00:24.02fujinCould I get some opinions on queues?
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00:24.18fujinare dynamic queue members via addqueuemember the best way to do it?
00:24.18JTit's amazing what reading documentation can do :P
00:24.25De_Monfujin they suck,  they rock, they are ok
00:24.26`Seanwhere is the documentation for that?
00:24.32fujinwe've currently got a agentcallbacklogin implementation
00:24.47De_Mon`Sean is a lifesaver
00:24.54`SeanDe_Mon i'm there
00:25.00`Seancan you paste me th elink where you got that?
00:25.04CylleneBug filed. #10412
00:25.11JTyear month day is the way to go especially if you're naming files
00:25.13fujinI just found something on the asterisk mailing list regarding adding a membername argument to AddQueueMember, is this in the current revision?
00:25.19De_MonI searced for 'channel variable' (thats what x86 was talking about)
00:25.34De_Mon`Sean i bet searching for epoch would give you some good results...
00:26.07JTthis is how i mixmonitor:
00:26.11x86`Sean: don't use's search engine... use google
00:26.25`Seanmeh there search engine must suck then :/
00:26.36JTwhere ARG1 = CALLERID(num)
00:26.37x86`Sean: for example: "epoch"
00:26.49De_Monx86's search engine IS google
00:26.51JTthat's for outgoing calls
00:26.53JTfor incoming:
00:26.59x86De_Mon: is it?
00:27.07De_Mon'Search with Google'
00:27.07JTx86: clearly
00:27.17x86i always had major problems with it way back in the day when i first started using
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00:27.27`Seanthanks JT your a life saver
00:27.33x86perhaps it wasn't google-fied back then
00:27.39JTno probs
00:27.46De_MonYourname` any results?
00:27.48antimoofyay! it looks like my rhel box has a buggy set of includes that prevents zaptel from copiling properly!
00:28.01x86antimoof: redhat is horrible
00:28.07Yourname`De_Mon: Got sidetracked. Sorry.. two more mins
00:28.15antimoofnot my choice, sadly.
00:28.15De_Mon;) me too
00:28.31De_Monantimoof are you using some business edition crap?
00:28.50x86De_Mon: business edition supports gentoo :)
00:29.02De_Monits still redhat which sucks balls
00:29.02`Seanthanks very very much JT :)
00:29.05fujinhow stable is SVN?
00:29.11JTwhich svn
00:29.17antimoofit's enterprise, which means "it's glossy and overproduced and really kinda shitty, just like the tv show."
00:29.36`SeanJT, can i ask what UNIQUEID does ?
00:29.44JTunique call id
00:29.46De_Monantimoof asterisk has its own distro *now (I think) it's got support options too, I suggest you switch :)
00:30.04antimoofI don't wanna have to be the one to support the base system.
00:30.27De_Monoh, then go complain to your support !
00:30.27`SeanOkay :)
00:31.22*** part/#asterisk mtaht4 (n=m@
00:31.24{Sean}`s suck
00:32.35`SeanJT, i dont mean to be aggrevated, i had to ask, this what would i use for the variable for ARG1, if i wanted the number dailed to be put there?
00:32.37`Seaninstead of callerid
00:33.24x86`Sean: Set(${ARG1} = ${EXTEN}) ?
00:33.28JTi meant EXTEN
00:33.30JTnot callerid
00:33.44`Seanexten => s,n,MixMonitor(${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)}-${ARG3}-${UNIQUEID}.wav)
00:33.56`Seanthats what i have, now so what replace ARG1 with EXTEN?
00:34.08`Seanerr ARG3
00:34.15x86that wont work on an "s" extension
00:34.35`Seanthis is for outgoing...
00:34.36x86can't expect ${EXTEN} to contain anything useful on an "s" exten ;)
00:34.38`Seannot for incoming..
00:34.39JT`Sean: is it in a macro or not?
00:34.44`Seanyes its in a macro
00:34.50De_Mondidn't catch that
00:34.52JT`Sean: i showed you my outgoing line
00:35.06JTyou pass it as arguments when calling the macro
00:35.13JTthey will be passed in order
00:35.18JTARG1, ARG2 and so on
00:35.40`SeanSo it has to be argument 1 i suppose..
00:35.49`Sean[8:26pm] <JT> .wav)
00:36.01`Seanthat was, your outgoing one.. and you stated, that ARG1 = CallerID
00:36.06JTthat was my outgoing
00:36.10JTand i meant EXTEN
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00:36.21`SeanOKay :)
00:36.30`SeanSo there is no way to name it on the number you dail?
00:36.45x86`Sean: [outgoing] _XXX.,1,Macro(dialout|${EXTEN}) [macro-dialout] s,1,MixMonitor(${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)}-${ARG1}-${UNIQUEID}.wav)
00:36.48`Seansorry :(
00:38.10JTmy god
00:38.15jbotwell, thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
00:38.17JTread about macros
00:38.54x86`Sean: why are you starting the recording after the call has terminated?
00:38.54JT${EXTEN} is the standard dialled number channel variable
00:39.41x86`Sean: also, re-paste with the context including the part that calls this macro
00:39.55`SeanOkay :)
00:40.15`SeanOkay, will read that aswell one sec let me get you the context :)
00:42.02x86looks good to me
00:42.08x86what's the problem?
00:42.50`Seanits not recording...
00:43.32x8619:38 < x86> `Sean: why are you starting the recording after the call has terminated?
00:43.36x86did you miss this part? :P
00:43.55`SeanAhh sorry i didn't get that line :P
00:47.24`Seanthanks alot x86
00:49.22x86no problem :)
00:50.21riddleboxis there a way to have a park 701 button, and just press that button when you want to park a call there?
00:56.17`Seanwow that works like a charm thanks very very much JT and X86
00:56.40JTno probs
00:59.42crimethinker(08:34:04 pm) <jmalicki> i still can't decide if it's entirely a good thing to have engineers design products
01:04.43flendersit's hard to keep up with asterisk releases, isn't it?
01:05.19fujingoing from binary->sourcebuilt
01:05.22fujinso that I can make use of the features
01:05.29fujinand, prepare for the security audit the manager has planned.
01:06.11*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
01:07.32phixhow does one setup a g729 licence?
01:07.42x86contact digium sells the licenses and gives you instructions on how to add them
01:08.27flenders9 releases in 2 months...
01:10.04TheNewAndyI'm having some problems detecting DTMF signals when the call is coming from a VOIP line (presumably compressed using something lossy). My asterisk config accepts incoming calls on SIP, and has "dtmfmode=auto" and "relaxdtmf=yes" in sip.conf. Is there anything else I can tweak?
01:10.19TheNewAndy(it works fine when the incoming call is from a normal landline)
01:10.36x86TheNewAndy: what codec?
01:10.46x86TheNewAndy: also, try forcing the dtmfmode
01:10.55x86auto seems to break sometimes
01:11.56TheNewAndyI have allow=ulaw, alaw, gsm and ilbc. I will try removing all but ulaw and see if that works.
01:14.43phixx86: ok thank you.  I am in AU so I contact, I already have a licence (I didn't install it), is there anything speical I need to know adding in a second one?
01:15.47JTdigium don't have an australian office
01:15.58x86yeah, you want
01:16.17x86not some knock-off aussie company from "down under"
01:16.35JTplease don't use that term, it's patronising :P
01:18.24fujinAnyone have an init script for asterisk handy?
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01:23.11TheNewAndyI still can't get dtmf to work. I've set it to only allow ulaw (in my sip.conf), and tried dtmfmode=inband, dtmfmode=rfc2833. I did notice one strange thing though - each time I checked with a softphone and a normal phone (which I believe goes through a VOIP provider with lossy compression), and the softphone (ekiga) worked even with inband, when its preferences claim that it only supports rfc2833. Does this mean my settings in sip.conf are being i
01:23.48JTtry to avoid run on sentences, they get terminated by the ircd
01:26.27*** join/#asterisk MindTheGap_ (
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01:46.23Sweeperhey, he was punctuating properly :P
01:46.32Sweeperhe just needs a better client....
01:47.30*** join/#asterisk glacid (
01:47.52glacidis anyone here using asterisk with a Cisco 7971?
01:48.54snuff-worki have
01:51.56fujinwhat controls wether the asterisk console has colour or not?
01:52.06TheNewAndyoh, I assumed that it was just annoying. sorry
01:52.09JTwether, eh ;)
01:52.12fujinif I asterisk -r, I don't see any colour, but if I launch manually with asterisk -cvvv I see colour
01:52.25JTyeah it's pesky console color
01:52.36fujinwhat causes it?
01:52.40fujinIt'd be super to have color.
01:53.11JTi think you need to use a script
01:53.20JTi've never really bothered
01:53.33fujina script which replaces what asterisk -r does?
01:53.45JTto start asterisk
01:53.50JTstarting it is the important bit
01:53.57TheNewAndySo, I think my dtmf settings in sip.conf are being ignored.
01:54.13fujinJT: I'm starting it with -p -U asterisk
01:54.13JTTheNewAndy: why do you think that?
01:54.17glacidwhat happened to theoldandy?
01:54.31fujinthe only thing I can think of is if the user asterisk somehow doesn't have colour permissions (lol)
01:54.52TheNewAndyI have set dtmfmode=inband, and a client (ekiga) which only sends rtfXXXX protocol stuff still works
01:54.58JTit needs to have a termtype of xterm, among other things
01:55.06fujinI see
01:55.07TheNewAndyBut a landline doesn't work at all
01:55.09fujinexport TERM=xterm?
01:55.28JTTheNewAndy: i don't think ekiga only does rfc2833
01:55.34TheNewAndyglacid: the old andy has the username andy
01:55.48fujinJT: is TERM=linux not sufficient? that is what the init script is calling.
01:56.09glacidyou guys wouldn't happen to know where to get a cisco 7970 firmware without paying cisco lots of money, would you?
01:56.26TheNewAndyJT: well when I make a call from one Ekiga to another and press the buttons, I don't hear anything. So I don't think it does inband.
01:56.34JTfujin: i don't think so
01:57.14fujinperhaps start-stop-daemon is causing it to *not* pass the termtype.
01:57.17*** join/#asterisk Omer^ (n=Omer@
01:57.28fujinJT: can I print $TERM inside of the asterisk c onsole, somehow? with an extension perhaps?
01:57.34TheNewAndyI also looked at a packet dump, and I can at least say that it sends the rfc2833 events (whether or not that means it doesn't send the tones is another matter)
01:57.45Omer^Warning: unlink(cache/sessionsFile.txt): Permission denied in /var/www/html/maint/includes/application_top.php on line 31
01:57.52Omer^any one have any idea about this
01:58.22fujinah, env
01:58.22flendersfujin: I have TERM=linux and mine does colours
01:58.46fujinflenders: yes, the init script which calls start-stop-daemon has TERM=linux also, what I'm wondering is if TERM=linux is being passed through start-stop-daemon
01:58.50fujini assume it's not.
01:58.51JTfujin: ${ENV(var)}
01:58.54fujinbecause I get color when I launch manually
01:58.55fujinwill have a tutu.
01:58.58flenderswhen you're starting the CLI, just do a 'asterisk -rc'
01:58.59JunK-Yfujin: !echo $TERM
01:59.08fujinor that
01:59.15fujinblasted thing.
01:59.40fujinI should just write a new script for init.
01:59.41JTflenders: that does not work
01:59.46JTasterisk -rc
01:59.49JTblack and white
01:59.56fujinyeah ^^.
02:00.05flendersworks for me
02:00.16JTi think it's too late once the daemon has decided to start in black and white
02:00.18fujinflenders: how is asterisk being launched on your system, from init script?
02:00.30fujinwould you pastebin the init script for me?
02:00.52fujinI've just transitioned from binary->source package, so, using the Ubuntu init script *which is probably broken*
02:01.37fujinhow about that..
02:03.04[hC]so, if i want to interface an FXS style voip device (think spa3000) so that i can reach it over IP, and it places an outbound local call via POTS, but instead of POTS, its ISDN, is there a portable device that does this?
02:03.43[hC]by FXS of course i meant FXO
02:04.10flendersfujin: I copied that init script from the debian packages a while ago
02:04.16glacidanyone have any idea where i can get cmterm-7970_7971-sip.8-2-2.cop without a cisco login
02:04.39JT[hC]: are you asking if SIP to BRI gateways exist?
02:04.43*** join/#asterisk litage_ (
02:04.45fujinIt's very different to the ubuntu one, I'll have a toy with it - thanks !
02:04.56litage_in a sip packet, which field(s) contain the caller-ID?
02:05.08[hC]JT: BRI is how you would call that? like a european phone line? (I take it they have isdn lines to their house instead of pots, in some places)
02:05.14JTFrom: i think
02:05.37JT[hC]: different parts of europe are different, and it's usually a choice.
02:05.41JTand BRI is not europe only
02:05.55[hC]JT: this is norway, and all i know about it is they call their lines just plain old ISDN.
02:06.06JTwell they really mean BRI
02:06.52x86yeah, theres no way everyone has PRI running to their house ;)
02:07.21litage_n/m, it's the "From" tag
02:07.22*** part/#asterisk litage_ (
02:08.04JTyes, like i already said, litage
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02:11.22x8638% [===============================================>                                                                              ] 22,397,968     1.02M/s    ETA 00:32
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02:14.51phixchannel.c:2571 ast_request: No translator path exists for channel type Zap (native 68) to 256
02:16.45phixapp_dial.c:1056 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 0 - Unknown)
02:17.59JTx86: 6,537,394      3.90M/s
02:18.12flendersJT: that's your colo box!
02:18.13phixwhat the hell does that mean?
02:18.25JTphix: codec mismatch
02:18.28JTflenders: lies!
02:18.54phixJT: which means?
02:19.13JTphix: it means only allow codecs that you can actually transcode
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02:19.42phixJT: well I have recently updated asterisk (from source debian package)
02:20.06phixasterisk was using the debian package before that too, so I need to do something special for g729 support?
02:20.29JTdo you have g.729 licenses?
02:20.34phixI have one
02:20.38phixI need to get another one
02:22.17phixI have just upgraded, so I havn't changed any configuration files, just asterisk binary and librarbies
02:22.25phixlibraries even
02:23.38phixJT: what do you suggest?
02:25.16JTfix your g.729 setup...
02:26.16phixhow? what docs do I read?
02:26.27phixI dont even know what is wrong with it to begin with
02:26.54JTmaybe the licenses are not registering properly
02:27.00JTyou can call digium support you know
02:27.23phixhmm I need a support ID?
02:28.02JTi have no clue
02:28.03phixwhat files is the licence in any way?
02:28.11JTdo you really need to ask everything
02:28.13fujinwhere di dyou buy the license from?
02:29.00phixI see the problem, it is telling me to do something in the startup script, when updating asterisk this file was replaced
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02:30.44JTreading instructions is a good idea :)
02:32.36phixyeah, but it didn't help
02:37.00*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
02:37.09phixok so it has support for it
02:37.17fujinCan I boot a user, from the console?
02:37.25fujinsip blow_this_user_out_of_the_water xxx
02:41.48De_Monman. korean's kick all kinds of ass in starcraft
02:42.23De_Monfujin delete him from sip.conf and reload
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02:42.52JTyou can kill calls with soft hangup
02:43.03phixok that is in there
02:43.28fujinthat different init script didn't work
02:44.30fujinStill no colour. bloody hell.
02:45.16De_Monfujin -rc didn't do it?
02:46.02fujinterm=linux, too.
02:46.17De_Monoh hrm... come to mention it my console isn't in color either
02:46.24fujinI wonder what it is.
02:49.55De_Mon-c and -r arn't congruent
02:49.55jql2.4.10 mysteriously stopped giving me a color console, so I wanted to check what was up with you. alas...
02:55.00fujinWhat the hell is extensions.ael?
02:55.10De_Monfujin black magic
02:55.17CrashSysFlux Capacitor
02:55.20fujinIt looks leet, how does it work.
02:55.23CrashSysMichael J. Fox is inside
02:55.34CrashSysand 1.1 Jigawatts
02:55.37fujinand can I run extensons.conf + extensions.ael at the same time?
02:57.17CrashSysI believe so
02:57.17De_Monfujin I think so... It will probably complain if you setup the same contexts/priorities
02:57.27CrashSysIt's just a different way to write dialplans
02:57.31De_Monprobably just same prilorities
02:57.45CrashSysSame rules apply, just different syntax
02:57.45De_Monextensions/priorities I mean
02:57.56fujinjesus christ
02:58.02fujinhow did I not know about this?
02:58.03De_Monplease clean that up
02:58.17De_MonI WANT COLOR
02:58.44De_Monsudo asterisk -c gives color, but starting asterisk then attaching (-r) gives me no love
02:59.11antimoofcolor? is that some newfangled thing that's halfway between black and white?
02:59.35De_Monno, its what happens when black and white kill eachother
02:59.45De_Monthey make red and blue and oh my
03:00.29De_Monhrm, I wonder if my startup script is setting a non-color TERM
03:04.38*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
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03:06.37phixso, can any one help me with g729 codec?
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03:08.26red9012so I like to issue a ring tone, but only with one command. the ringing() cmd requires an additional wait() cmd so this option is not possible.
03:08.48Strom_Mred9012: that's because Ringing() sends the equivalent of the ISDN ALERTING message
03:15.28red9012ok, then is there a way to issue two commands on a single priority?
03:15.55red9012ie. ringing() and a wait(3) on a single context/exte/priority.
03:16.02JTred9012: why on earth can't you use an additional priority? that's silly
03:16.04Strom_Mred9012: why?
03:16.58*** join/#asterisk mtaht4 (n=m@
03:17.01red9012because the context/exten/priority is programmatically built in a loop
03:17.12JTyour loop is programatically broken
03:17.36JTif it can't handle another priority, it is broken
03:17.39De_Monyou are creating a dialplan programatically?
03:18.01red9012all commands are issued on one line, except this.
03:18.10red9012de_mon-- yes
03:18.19JTyes, rethink reality, your view is warped :)
03:18.41l2trace9999anyone know how to pause a dynamically added agent ?
03:19.07De_Monred9012 pick a new language if the one you are currently using doesn't let you add these two commands as separate priorities
03:20.04De_MonI wonder, why are you ringing and wait(3)ing in the first place.  Almost sounds like your trying to dial without the dial app
03:20.19red9012my prog runs a whole bunch of stuff, and builds a complete dial plan resulting in some cases 100+ contexts/exten/priority
03:20.44De_Monl2trace9999 AddQueueMember
03:20.52De_Monoh you said pause
03:21.03*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
03:21.03De_Monthat would be PauseQueueMember
03:21.21l2trace9999i have a dial plan setup
03:21.34l2trace9999to call PauseQueueMember
03:21.56l2trace9999but I am guessing that I am getting the uri to agent wrong
03:22.19De_Monl2trace9999 do a show queue members to find out what the agent's name is
03:22.38l2trace9999i did that
03:22.39De_Monl2trace9999 you can pause them from the cli and let command completion(tab) help too
03:22.57TheNewAndyas a follow up to my dtmf issue about an hour ago, I've got it working. My settings were being overridden.
03:23.00l2trace9999i think i got it
03:23.12JTTheNewAndy: how did you fix it?
03:23.22l2trace9999i think i fat fingered my dial plan
03:23.32l2trace9999i missed a }
03:24.32l2trace9999those dam coders !!!!!!
03:24.39l2trace9999they know i have fat fingers
03:24.54red9012ideally the ringing command should take a time parameter as input. ie ringing(5) for 5secs.
03:24.54JTimplicit: huh?
03:25.06implicitwhats up
03:25.29Strom_Mred9012: no, the ringing() command sends an ALERTING message or equivalent and then moves on
03:25.29JTred9012: ringing is more about signalling than inband audio
03:29.58TheNewAndyJT: when I was changing the dtmfmode settings, they were being changed back to rfc2xxx somewhere else in my dialplan.
03:30.21TheNewAndySo fixing it was just working out where I should actually be changing the settings, and changing it there
03:30.29JTso you were setting it in global but you had something else in the peer definition
03:30.43TheNewAndyyep (and I'm incapable of remembering 4 digit numbers)
03:34.50red9012the privacy mode of dialI() cmd had dtmf recognition problems. are those fixed?
03:35.39JTwtf is dialI()?
03:35.59red9012dial() not dialI()
03:36.27JTDial, okay
03:41.25*** join/#asterisk Stormfr (
03:41.47De_Monfujin use got help figurin this out, safe_asterisk for color
03:42.09De_Monmove 'use' to after the ,
03:42.56Stormfranyone have issue with agi and channel variable not anymore filled ? Noop even in agi return empty hangupcause or dialstatus
03:46.43fujinDe_Mon: really?
03:47.29JTthat's pretty much what flenders already said, use safe_asterisk, but okay
03:47.39fujinmust have missed that
03:47.47fujinsafe asterisk doesn't appear to launch correctly on my system
03:47.52JThe pastebinned his init script
03:48.41fujinoh right
03:49.34JTit called safe_asterisk
03:52.39fujinchrist, I hate it when other deparments are testing things on my phone system.
03:52.42fujinI just want to STOPPP ITTT
03:52.57fujinIs anyone aware of some script fu which will convert extensions.conf to extensions.ael?
03:53.01fujinI'd like to make the change.
03:53.20JTwhat's the point, fujin ?
03:54.03De_Monfujin yeah something in the safe_asterisk script does it
03:54.03fujinit looks like I can do the ridiculous things that I'm being asked to do, better,
03:54.05codefreezefujin: feeling like being a guinea pig?
03:54.22JTfujin: it's nothing that spectacular
03:54.26De_Monfujin you can do all those crazy things now!
03:54.39De_Monfujin all ael does is convert it back to a normal dialplan
03:54.53De_Monjt probably told me that :)
03:55.05JTnot sure
03:55.34*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
03:56.01codefreezefujin: I'm serious; I've got the start of something that will convert extensions.conf => extensions.ael
03:56.21JTcodefreeze: just so asterisk can convert it back for you?
03:56.22fujincodefreeze: yeah
03:56.39codefreezeJT: Silly boy! of course!
03:56.55De_Monfujin write what you want in ael, then do a show dialplan in asterisk to know how to do it in extensions.conf :)
03:58.34*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
03:58.42codefreezefujin: I'm working on a branch,
03:59.34codefreezefujin: you know how to do checkouts, right?
03:59.39fujinof course
03:59.50fujinbut I unfortunately don't have the time at the moment to do so
03:59.59fujinlet me get back to you in a few
04:00.13fujin(god oh god, why did I raise my hand when someone asked 'who knows asterisk')
04:00.51codefreezeOK, well, when you get a chance; do a configure; make menuselect; make; make install, then look in the utils dir
04:00.56Juggiecodefreeze: pm.
04:01.08codefreezehey, Juggie!
04:01.29De_Monfujin hahahaha new project leader?
04:01.37red9012whats the right term for describing the ring sound heard after dialing a number?
04:01.46Strom_Mred9012: alerting tone
04:01.46De_Monred9012 ringing
04:02.01Juggiecodefreeze: see my pm.
04:03.20Strom_Mred9012: alerting tone
04:03.51JTprivate message
04:03.54fujinDe_Mon: and everything else that goes with it
04:04.03fujinI'm fortunately actually not managing the project
04:04.09fujinjust being responsible for every part of asterisk
04:04.13fujinand everything that interfaces with it
04:04.23JTpotentially worse ;)
04:04.35De_Monthe voip expert
04:04.54fujinheh, yeah. :\
04:04.57De_Monany nortel crap in your future?
04:05.38De_Mondamn, watchin these starcraft pro games is is better than football!
04:07.42fujinsafe_asterisk doesn't give me colour
04:08.12De_Monyour using 1.4.10?
04:09.09De_Monworked for me, gonna try something else
04:09.36Corydon76-homeThe terminal on which safe_asterisk was started has to support color
04:09.42fujinit does
04:10.04Corydon76-homeIt wasn't started, for example, from the system startup scripts?
04:10.24Corydon76-homeBecause that's a good way for safe_asterisk not to know its terminal type
04:10.38Corydon76-home(which is the entire basis for color)
04:10.43CylleneHey Corydon76-home.
04:10.52CylleneDid you see bug #10412?
04:10.59fujinwhen I run safe_asterisk
04:11.03fujinI get a werid error, check this out
04:11.10fujin/usr/sbin/safe_asterisk: 175: Syntax error: Bad fd number
04:11.10Corydon76-homeCyllene: no, and I probably won't, either
04:11.22CylleneEh, ok.
04:11.54*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
04:11.56De_Monfujin if you run asterisk -c and then connect (asterisk -r) from another terminal i get color too
04:12.12De_Mondamn u jbot
04:12.18fujinI can confirm that, De_Mon
04:12.24fujinsafe_asterisk doesn't even launch for me
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04:12.35Corydon76-homefujin: what platform?
04:12.41fujinubuntu linux, i686
04:12.54Corydon76-homefujin: ln -sf /bin/bash /bin/sh
04:13.14fujinit's pointing at dash
04:13.28fujinwd Corydon76-home
04:13.53Corydon76-homeYeah, I still don't understand what Ubuntu developers were thinking when they did that
04:14.10fujinUbuntu developers are retarded
04:14.17fujinI'm just dealing with the tools I've been unfortunately given.
04:14.41Corydon76-homeIf they really wanted to speed up their wretched boot process, they should have changed the top of all their init scripts, not made all their users suffer
04:15.13*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=GoD@
04:15.22fujinaye, wretched it is.
04:15.26fujinI much prefer Gentoo's
04:15.54CVirusGentoo rocks
04:16.09De_Monrawr my linux distro is better than yours
04:16.42fujinwhat, you're a ubuntu fan?
04:16.42Juggiecentos is the way to go :)
04:16.46JTCorydon76-home: what did they do on ubuntu?
04:16.49Juggiecodefreeze: see pm again :)
04:16.55JThaha @ centos
04:17.04fujindont' even joke, lol
04:17.12Corydon76-homeJT: Ubuntu developers linked /bin/sh to /bin/dash
04:17.13fujinwouldn't catch me dead on an RPM system
04:17.29JTCorydon76-home: what does /bin/dash do?
04:17.29fujinwhat the hell is dash?
04:17.31Juggie<3 RPM
04:17.31CVirusLOL @ Corydon76-home
04:17.44De_Monno ubuntu sucks just because they are using .deb
04:17.55fujindeb > rpm
04:17.56Corydon76-homedash is a tiny clone of the original Bourne shell
04:17.58De_Mondash is not a shell (I duno)
04:18.10fujindash fails at interpreting safe_asterisk
04:18.18Corydon76-homeUnfortunately, it's not 100% compatible with bash
04:18.22De_Monfujin debian > ubuntu
04:18.45fujinI'm a junior engineer. Don't get to make decisions like that
04:18.51fujinif it were me, the entire ISP would run gentoo
04:18.56fujinor a bsd
04:19.18Strom_MCorydon76-home: linux nub question: how easy would it be to have safe_asterisk check if it's running in dash, and if so, have it spawn another copy of itself that runs under bash?
04:19.19JTmy gawd
04:19.23JTrunning an isp on gentoo
04:19.42antimoofif it actually requires bash features, then (IMNSHO) it should damn well invoke bash explicitly.
04:20.05Strom_Myes, because clearly your e-mail server needs the latest hemorrhaging-edge version of postfix
04:20.07fujinIt has !#/bin/sh at the top.
04:20.23fujinsha-bang, not bang-sha.
04:20.40fujinPerhaps I should post a bug?
04:20.41JTStrom_M: "yes boss, installing that critical security update... as soon as it finishes compiling"
04:20.43fujinanyone have SVN access?
04:20.52fujinJT: Get faster machines!
04:21.21JTcan't wait till the quad core opterons ship
04:21.41JT... they are superior, especially in fpu
04:21.48JTnot to mention memory bandwidth
04:21.56JTand all cores are on the one die
04:22.05JTbut xeon is very price competitive
04:22.29Qwellthe quad core xeons are nice...
04:22.30Juggieif only AMD would fix their mobile processors
04:22.50fujintheyc ertainly are
04:22.53Juggiei have 3 1U dual, quad core xeon boxes i just got :)
04:22.53JTec xeons are nice
04:22.59fujinall of our VM hosts are running em.. $20k each for one of them
04:23.04JTbut qc opterons should be even nicer
04:23.11Juggie8cpu (2x4) 8gb ram each ;)
04:23.20fujinJT: I'd rather have intels VT on them
04:23.27JTJuggie: you mean 2 cpu?
04:23.31De_Monpoor amd
04:24.17JuggieJT, 2 physical cpus x 4 cores
04:24.17JTimho core != cpu
04:24.34JTJuggie: 2 cpus, 4 dies, 8 cores, 8 threads
04:24.40Juggieok then, 8core 8gb ram, either way, they rock ;)
04:25.03JTthinking of buying some to play with
04:26.11Juggiethey arnt that expensive, and super small
04:26.24JTthey are quite cheap
04:26.44JTJuggie: if density is your concern, have you seen the supermicro 1UTwin?
04:27.36JuggieJT, nope.. but density is not really our concern, im just amazed how much goes in the 1U.
04:27.43Juggiethey are HP DL360 G5's
04:27.54jboti guess phones is  While personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows:  Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever.
04:27.57*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
04:28.06JTJuggie: the 1UTwin fits 2 X 2 CPU Xeon motherboards in 1 RU
04:28.15JTso that's 4 quad core xeons
04:28.20JTin 2 systems
04:28.29wunderkinya i saw that
04:28.35Juggiebut not much room for storage etc
04:28.53JTerr 4 HDDs total is PLENTY
04:29.03JTthey're obviously designed for a cluster
04:29.09JTRAID1 on each, i'm happy
04:29.19De_Monthats what EMC is for :)
04:29.46De_Monwe just bought like 5tb storage array last week. 10krpm drool
04:30.06JThow big were the drives?
04:30.27fujinrunnign 3tb 15k spin here
04:30.32De_Mondon't recall
04:30.33fujinit's so sexy.
04:30.54JTDe_Mon: then what's the point of mentioning their rpm?
04:31.17JuggieJT, faster
04:31.31De_Monuh, fiber channel drives, 10krpm
04:31.36JTJuggie: err, it's only ONE element of the hard drive speed equation.
04:31.42JTDe_Mon: size of each drive is...?
04:31.58JuggieJT, yes thats true, but they are still faster.
04:32.10JTJuggie: faster than what? a statement like that means nothing
04:32.20JT"200% better than everything else*"
04:32.24wunderkinfaster than snot?
04:32.25De_Monfast? I duno 350, 500.. somewhere in there
04:32.50JuggieJT, obviously its not going to scale exactally...
04:33.19fujinwell, you have 4gbit access over fibre channel to the drivers, the ONLY limiting factor (speeds <4gbit) is the spindle speed
04:33.19De_Monthere was talk about 750gig drives at 7500 and then the 10k's at something else...
04:33.19fujinand you can increase that by striping across the spindles
04:33.19Juggiebut there is a performance gain from 7200 - 10000 - 15000 rpm
04:33.34JTJuggie: at a given density, sure.
04:33.45JTfujin: it is not the only factor.
04:33.49De_Monall I know is it was less 500 or less
04:33.53JTfujin: data density is very important
04:33.56Juggiesure its possible one manafacture may have a 7200pm drive, thats beating a 10000rpm drive.
04:34.08JTJuggie: err it's better than that
04:34.31Juggiebut all things being equal given good drives, there is a performance gain to be had.. it depends on your data.
04:34.36JTthe seagate 750GB 7200rpm drive is about the same speed as a 146GB 15krpm Raptor
04:34.40De_Mon72? hoom, it must be getting late my brain is functioning worse than normal
04:34.51JTremember, extra revs == extra power too
04:35.02De_Monmore heat as well
04:35.34Juggieyes, like anything there is a finate performance gain to be had.
04:35.47Juggiejust like dual core != 200% faster
04:35.49De_Monhell, at this point I wouldn't be surpprised if they were 15krpm. I'll redeem myself after a good nights rest
04:36.01JTplatter quantity and platter density are very important if you care about speed
04:36.23Juggiei coudnt agree more.
04:37.50*** join/#asterisk bintut (
04:38.18De_MonJuggie so duel core != 200% faster :(((
04:38.34JTback to the 1UTwin, I'd only do it in a cluster with other systems that can act as backup
04:38.55JTi don't trust 1 computer on one PSU, let alone 2 computers on one PSU
04:39.13De_Monyou can't get 2 psu's in 1U?
04:39.27JTDe_Mon: not with 2 PCs in that 1U
04:39.27De_Monbig brother after dark...
04:39.44De_MonJT its 2 pc's on 1 psu right?
04:39.57JTa 980W PSU
04:40.19De_MonI was expecting 800 at the most
04:40.53JThopefully it shouldn't draw more than 300-500W during normal operation
04:41.05De_Moni'm gona ask newegg what therir highest watt psu is
04:41.21JTsome servers have over 1kW per module
04:41.21nick125De_Mon: 1200W IIRC
04:41.37fujinyou can get two psu's in 1u, easy
04:41.42fujinour 1950's all have two
04:41.57JTand if you want to talk about PSUs in general, telco PSUs blow everything in IT out of the water
04:42.08JTfujin: not with 2 PCs inside. no room.
04:44.06De_Mon1200W for $350, just. I never would have imagined anything short of network storage would need something like that
04:44.38De_Monmy world just got bigger
04:45.16JTDe_Mon: i bet you that telco PSUs kill the power density of that
04:45.49De_MonJT the same size as a pc psu?
04:45.57JTyou can get modern telco power supply modules that are half the size of a tissue box and output 3.6kW at -48VDC
04:46.03JTusing passive cooling
04:46.06JTno fans...
04:46.16JTsitting at an efficiency of 96-98%
04:47.00De_Monwhat makes all the noise in a telco switching room if not power supplies
04:47.21red9012how do i generate a busy tone?
04:47.25JTthe power supplies are almost never in the same room as the switches in a big exchange
04:47.43De_Monso the switches themselves don't actually have bult in psus
04:47.50JTcooling systems, servers, access network equipment
04:47.53JThahah god no
04:48.02De_Moncomputers need to do that
04:48.04JTthat's the whole principle of -48VDC
04:48.20JTrun high current -48VDC through the whole exchange
04:48.34JTlink it back to a bank or two of 2V lead acid cells
04:48.41JTeach between 500 and 2000Ah
04:48.52De_Monhalf my family works in telco and yet I know so little ;)
04:49.00JTand hook in a generator in front of the PSUs
04:49.17JTit makes for exceptional power reliability
04:49.31bintutanyone here peered with fwd?
04:49.49De_Monwonder if nasa uses the same stuff in the space shuttle
04:50.13JTi doubt the space shuttle has lead acid cells
04:50.17bintuti gave up peering with iax2 so i used sip now. i'm already registered but i can't receive calls from the "call me" link from my.fwd link
04:50.19De_Monis anyone in big brother 8 doing it? I don't think I can watach this much longer unless someone is gonna do it
04:50.26JTthe technology in the space shuttle is shit
04:50.30JTdesigned in the 70s
04:50.51De_Monhah, I thought the telcos were doing the same
04:51.15bintutanyone peered with fwd here, please call me at 393000000 or 863676 to confirm if you can reach my number.. thanks.. :)
04:51.18De_Moncopper loops no fiber in most places around here
04:51.18JTDe_Mon: what's this about big brother?
04:51.25De_Monthe tv show
04:51.40JTwhat did it have to do with the conversation, that is?
04:51.41De_Montheres some 'after hours' thing on showtime
04:51.51De_MonJT its on tv at the same time!
04:52.13JTfibre is mega awesome
04:52.21JTexcept you can't viably feed power over it
04:52.31JTand it's expensive to terminate at the moment
04:53.30fujinmm, optical processors.
04:55.51*** join/#asterisk techie (
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04:55.54JT1.6Tbit/s+ over a single fibre pair, nothing else comes close, really
04:57.11flendersyou need disks that can write at that speed too.
04:58.16JTno, you really don't :)
04:58.28fujinthat'd be awesome.
04:58.37fujineh; anyone know how to disable this warning? [Aug  9 16:52:26] NOTICE[21696]: rtp.c:783 process_rfc3389: Comfort noise support incomplete in Asterisk (RFC 3389). Please turn off on client if possible. Client IP:
04:58.41JTundersea fibre links don't connect to a single server with a hard drive on each end
04:58.44fujinI'm trying to get the cisco dude to disable it
04:59.08De_Monfujin someone has silence supression on
04:59.09*** join/#asterisk AllanLima (n=mediain@unaffiliated/allanlima)
04:59.23fujinphones don't, 5400 doesn't
04:59.27fujinnext suggestion?
04:59.45JTfujin: what are you connecting to?
05:00.00flendersfujin: you're using heartbeat with asterisk, arent you?
05:00.03fujinflenders: yes
05:00.09fujinJT: .210 is an AS5400
05:00.23JTthen switch it off in the as5400? ;)
05:01.16JTi don't think you can disable the warning in configuration
05:09.45*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
05:10.19AllanLimait is necessary to install asterisk as root?
05:11.09AllanLimaor it is possible to install only for an user?
05:11.26De_MonAllanLima you should be running asterisk as the asterisk user
05:11.45De_MonAllanLima running things as root is generaly a bad idea
05:12.18AllanLimabut to install it is necessary to be root?
05:12.53De_Mondo you need root to install to your home directory? no
05:13.07De_Mondo you need it to put files in /usr/bin etc,  I HOPE SO
05:13.59De_Monyou're looking for the install path option for make install (or something) right?
05:14.42AllanLimaif i install in a server with some users, only my user goes to execute asterisk?
05:16.18De_MonAllanLima huh?
05:17.15AllanLimaI would like to install it only for 1 user, not for all the others
05:18.34De_Mondon't let anyone else use it then
05:20.57De_MonAllanLima chown and chmod are the commands that change file owner and permissions in linux.. If you have to ask how, you probably shouldn't be messing with it though
05:21.50AllanLimaall right, let me test
05:21.54AllanLimathank you =)
05:26.34*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
05:26.42phixok problem is nearly fixed
05:27.34phixJT: your assistants was partly helpful, it was a g729 licence issue, I changed some hardware and aparantly the licence usages the hardware to authenticate against or something like that
05:27.55JTit uses the NICs to authenticate
05:27.57phixkind of a stupid way to do it
05:28.00phixyeah I changed a NIC
05:28.16phixdoes it only go by MAC address?
05:28.18JTyou failed to mention that
05:28.19phixI could clone it
05:28.29phixJT: I didn't think it was relevent
05:28.33JTi think so
05:28.38JTassumptions don't help ;)
05:28.55JTyou have to think what changes where made of any sort before and after a problem
05:28.59phixifconfig eth0 hw ether $OLD_MAC, woot!
05:29.26phixwell I changed the hardware a month ago, although I was using ulaw at the time
05:30.14phixso I didnt notice it until I was trying to get g729 back up again (I recently patched asterisk to add rtp payload 96 tpye support)
05:30.31phixone problem after another!
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06:13.36Snake-eyesWhat would be a good way to send a 404 from a agi script ?
06:13.42Snake-eyesThe agi script did a look up and found 0 results and thus sends a sip 404 back to the caller
06:14.38Snake-eyeslooking for something better than setting variable and having some mirco look at the var and then hangup the call
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06:27.04SweeperSnake-eyes: use something with a real SIP stack
06:27.07Sweeperaka, not asterisk
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06:35.06russellbblanket statement with absolutely no useful suggestions
06:35.34russellbSnake-eyes: you can't do that, Asterisk has to already accept the call before running the AGI script
06:35.56russellbSnake-eyes: because the all really was handled and acepted
06:36.16russellbthe extension *does* exist, so the number (the AGI) gets called ...
06:36.29Snake-eyesrussellb, ok, is there any way i can hangup the call and send a 404 ?
06:36.41russellbyou can run Hangup
06:36.44russellbbut it won't send a 404
06:36.53Snake-eyesyea, im seeing 503
06:37.15russellbah, Congestion
06:38.59Snake-eyeshmm, so once asterisk has picked up its to late ?
06:39.34russellbbecause the extension existed
06:39.35De_MonSnake-eyes you want openser
06:40.46Snake-eyesi was wanting to do this in asterisk not ser.....
06:40.51russellbyou can do Indicate(BUSY) and make it send 486 Busy Here ...
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06:42.28russellbor i guess the app is Busy()
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06:48.12russellbSnake-eyes: i have a hak for you
06:48.22russellbhack, even
06:49.07Snake-eyesrussellb, yes ?
06:49.21Sweepernetcat :D
06:49.31russellb(it's compiling)
06:49.49Sweeperthat's cheating! :P
06:50.15SweeperI wonder what would happen if you used a script with netcat to send a sip404 message
06:50.30russellbhave fun writing it
06:51.07russellbwell ... i guess most of the info you need is available
06:51.14Sweeperit's just text
06:51.25russellbit's getting the right text :)
06:51.52Sweeperdoes SIP sequence the message?
06:51.58russellbsuch as the correct Call ID, and what address and port number to use ...
06:52.06russellbi got what you meant :)
06:52.16russellbwell, it has these "timers"
06:52.48russellbto handle retransmissions if it doesn't get a resonse in a certain time
06:52.53russellbSIP is just really weird ...
06:53.32*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
06:54.23denonexpect nothing less of a protocol that was designed to replace h.323
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07:13.21kv0sWhat a nice day .... 9am ... and it's rainy since yesterday ... :-(
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07:15.13flenderscant wait to go home
07:18.28phixI have been home all day :)
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07:22.17glaciddoes anyone here have access to the cisco firmwares for the 7970/7971?
07:25.22thansen|laptopanyone know of a good app (mplayer, ffmpeg) to convert from gsm -> mp3?
07:30.58kaldemarthansen|laptop: sox for example
07:31.16creativxsox to lame
07:31.43creativxthansen|laptop: but why are you going backwards?
07:32.13thansen|laptopwell, I don't want to save the files off as waves to being with for space concerns
07:32.31thansen|laptopbut I don't want the end user to have .gsm files for compatability
07:32.49thansen|laptopso, I save them to gsm, then convert to mp3 :(
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07:34.41JTthansen|laptop: that does sound like unnecessary quality loss
07:34.54JTthansen|laptop: you should save them as .wav and then convert them to mp3
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07:35.20thansen|laptopI'm not sure I want massive wav files getting saved
07:35.29thansen|laptopalthough I see your point
07:35.37JThard drives are cheap.
07:35.45JTand what's it matter if you're converting them?
07:36.16thansen|laptopwell, potentially hundreds of people could be recording concurrently
07:36.31thansen|laptopI don't want the io overhead (among other things)
07:38.31JTuse a ram disk then
07:38.38JTthere's going to be overhead no matter what
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07:46.33thansen|laptopanyone know why all of a sudden I would start getting the server rejecting calls?
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08:07.41vutamhoanMy mp3 file is very good quality with soft-phone, but analog and digital line is so bad. Does anyone help?
08:08.14vutamhoanSometime they're good, sometime bad :(
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08:14.39kv0sIs there any way, that asterisk isn't handling my msn with my fax on it? I can't receive fax since installed asterisk.
08:30.28tzafrirkv0s, faxes through what device, exactly?
08:31.00kv0stzafrir: Through my fax?
08:31.41*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (n=chris@
08:32.44tzafrirbut how is is the fax connected to asterisk? and how is asterisk connected to your provider?
08:32.53kv0stzafrir: Asterisk runs perfectly, but it doesn't answer calls for my fax line! My faxline (same isdn/ntba) have another ISDN MSN ...
08:33.17kv0sAsterisk <-> bristuffed hfc-s <-> isdn provider NTBA
08:33.41kv0sFaxserver <-> different server from asterisk <-> isdn provider but same NTBA as asterisk
08:33.59tzafrirhmmm... and is asterisk getting all the calls?
08:34.05kv0sI think i must configure my zaptel/zapata.confs so asterisk isn't answering the fax-msn or?
08:34.35tzafrirset it to only accept specific extensions, I guess
08:34.55tzafririn extensions.conf
08:34.59kv0stzafrir: asterisk answer all calls! but it shouldn't do it! only two msn's out of three should be answered with asterisk ...
08:35.22tzafrirnot something like _X. . Only sour specific MSN
08:39.30*** join/#asterisk logostech (n=edoardo@
08:40.14logostechhi to all!
08:45.21kv0sIs the definition of msn a thing must made at extensions.conf or zaptata.conf zaptel.conf?
08:52.12logostechcan someone help me? i have a problem with the presence in asterisk 1.4.5.
08:53.19tzafririn extensions.conf
08:53.34tzafrirI can't think of anything in zapata.conf . Surely not in zaptel.conf
08:53.49tzafrirkv0s, --^
08:56.04*** join/#asterisk HaMYaI (
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09:23.27phixMSN? and asterisk?
09:24.35kv0sWhat is your question? ,-)
09:25.33phixkv0s: MSN supports some type of protocol which can speak to asterisks?
09:26.16kv0sphix: Ahh ... not MSN from Microsoft. Multiple Subscriber Number! It's used with european isdn (bri)
09:26.37phixstupid acronyms.
09:26.43kv0sSee above .. ,-)
09:26.56phixok :)
09:27.07phixisn't that stuff expensive?
09:27.38phixhow many calls / simutanous channels does isdn (bri) support?
09:28.03kv0sphix: What? ISDN? From where to u came from? At germany isdn supports two channels simultanusly
09:29.12kv0sI use ISDN for incoming calls. Outgoing i use
09:29.15phixI am from AUS
09:29.40kv0sTz. Small world with irc .. ,-)
09:29.59phixyep :)
09:30.13tzafrirISDN BRI is two channels
09:30.38tzafrirwhat you descript is the ptmp mode of ISDN (used only in BRI)
09:31.24kv0sAny freepbx experts out there? I've defined one outbound route with uses sip trunk ... my - provider - accepts any cid. can i use at freepbx ${EXTEN} or any other variables to switch the incomming caller id to my external sipgate call - in example for forwarding calls.
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09:40.30patrick--Hi all
09:40.43patrick--Is there someone that could guide me through an asterisk setup with Fritz Card ISDN ?
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10:08.56aikanaro79does anyone know if there are any problems registering a new user to access asterisk forums? I've tried to do that but I never got my email confirmation
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10:13.13aikanaro79also, is there a way to configure such a thing as a user class (using only SIP channels) so that I don't have to configure every possible user? later I need to be able to ask asterisk for a list of registered users
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10:40.37aikanaro79if 2 users register with the same username and password can they later be identified separately if a list of users is asked from the server?
10:46.36krdian_grrrr, my asterisk is getting more and more memory, what happen ? also manager show eventq showing very long event list
10:47.33Pon`worksounds like a memory leak
10:52.08krdian_Pon`work: is it system problem ?
10:53.01Pon`worknoticed any other instability/memoryeating in any other applications running?
10:54.41*** join/#asterisk Pilko (n=pirch@
10:54.44krdian_Pon`work: just asterisk eating memory
10:55.44krdian_Pon`work: looks like manager doesn't flush eventq
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11:17.44kv0swith show channels i can see all active ... can i see bandwidth consumation too?
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11:35.14zeeeshwill anybody check ...
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11:43.16grEvenXwhen I run the Agi(agi://server_path) command in the dialplan to execute a FastAGI, I get "server_path:" prefixed when using verbose from that context
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11:43.59grEvenXany way to prevent that? Since I use the server_path to pass arguments to the FastAGI script, the server_path gets really long, adding too much garbage to the CLI
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11:47.37MrWuphow do i do an extension for _00[followed by any 10 digits] ?
11:47.47MrWup(im trying to do international calling)
11:49.07MrWupsorry what i meant was
11:49.12MrWupany 10 digits, or fewer than 10
11:49.29MrWupcause i dont know how long the number is, but it shouldnt be more than say 10 after the 00 for international calls
11:54.13kv0sGrml. Call over call ... every time i've problems with echo on my lines.
11:55.14kv0sIt makes no difference between outgoing trunk over isdn or sip (over the internet). Each time i've echo on my call.
11:55.47kv0sIt is possible, that the echo is produced on my asteriskbox or thrugh my bluetooth headset?
11:56.25kv0sbluetooth headset <-> x-lite (windows) <-> sip <-> asterisk <-> isdn bristuffed line <-> called party use isdn too
11:58.26creativxhow about you eliminate the bt headset
11:58.29creativxby using a wired one
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12:01.50kv0screativx: I don't have one at the moment. Is a bt-headset not really good for use with sip-phones?
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12:02.46MrWupusing a headset with x-lite is crap in my experience
12:03.00MrWupi had all sorts of problems with echo, crackles etc with both x-lite and the headset
12:03.21MrWupin terms of echo... you could also make sure that hardware echo cancellation is enabled on your ISDN card
12:03.25MrWupwhich ISDN card do u have?
12:03.52kv0sMrWup: Sorry. No. It's a project for testing asterisk. So we used really cheap hfc-s cards.
12:04.10kv0sMrWup: About only 20 Euros eachs card.
12:04.39MrWupwell that could well be the source of echo
12:04.40kv0sMrWup: But the echo also occours at the sip-line. So i don't think it has something to do with the isdn-cards.
12:04.57MrWupi had slight echo problems with my digium card and camer across millions of posts about cheaper ones
12:05.12MrWupok well you could also check codecs.conf
12:05.25kv0sMrWup: So no headset wired or not works well with softphones like x-lite?
12:05.28MrWupmight be able to help
12:05.46MrWupbluetooth is shit for headsets... bandwidth too low
12:05.54MrWupmaybe wired is better
12:06.03MrWupin terms of soft phones... i have had huge problems with x-lite
12:06.08MrWupits basically just a piece of shit
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12:06.48MrWupalso, you should check whether the cable between your ISDN point on the wall and the isdn card is too long
12:06.50kv0sMrWup: Actually i'll play with sjphone.
12:07.09MrWupi had about 70 metres of cable between the isdn point and the card and i had echo problems with a good digium card
12:07.17MrWupsince i reduced that to 0.3 metres the echo has never come back
12:07.29kv0sMrWup: ISDN - perhaps you've right with your tipps, but the echo also occours on my siptrunk outgoing!
12:07.42kv0sMrWup: I'll try non bluetooth-headset.
12:07.51kv0sBut which one?
12:08.05kv0sThere are so many different on the market ...
12:08.11bastyI have a newbie question - in my extensions.conf I have a dialplan like: exten => _X.,1,Dial.... and _00X.,1,Dial.... for national (_X.) I want to use my ISDN to dial out..for international (_00X.) I want to use my VoIP SIP-Account...when I dial 123456 the call get though the ISDN (thats okay) but if I dial 004912345 it doesnt go though my SIP-Account...anyone knows why ?
12:08.18MrWupif you want real quality go for a plantronics headset
12:08.21MrWupwe use those at the office
12:08.28MrWupwith a tubular microphone
12:08.35MrWupgood heavy build quality but very light looking
12:08.42MrWupabout £85
12:08.51MrWupUSD 170
12:09.00kv0sMrWup: With the tube microfone?
12:09.09MrWupvista connecter
12:09.25MrWupu can get connectors for pc as well
12:09.29kv0sNot really cheap headsets .. ,-)
12:09.39MrWupbut good enough for high quality office use
12:09.52creativxive tried plantronics bt headset and x-lite, the problem is usually the bt headset.. x-lite gives me no problems with a wired headset
12:10.02kv0sHave say headsets to connect with pc withouts soundcards?
12:10.38cpmthe plantronics usb headset has great audio quality, but seems to introduce latency
12:10.55creativxcpm: our users dont like it any much
12:11.06creativxintroduces noises from time to time
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12:12.09bastyif you want to use wireless headsets i would recommend a Netcom USB 9330 - bluetooth is crap.. ;-)
12:12.20kv0screativx: Why? I've a notebook with soundcards on board. But i'll not use the soundcard for speeking - music, ringtones and more should be played out to the soundcard. speeking/calls to the headset ...
12:12.57creativxkv0s: why what?
12:13.08creativxbasty: im about to purchase a gn netcom headset yes
12:14.33bastycreativx: we used to test the Plantronics CS60 and Netcom 9330 - the design of the netcom is much for right now we are using about 55 Netcom Dect Headsets with X-Tapi Pro...and it works very well.
12:16.20kv0sMhm. Is DECT the solution? It is better for audio than bluetooth?
12:16.29cpmneither of them make any sense to me. Bad use of wireless technology imo. And I can't stand things that wrap around my ear. Can wear 'em for maybe 20 minutes
12:17.02*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
12:17.30bastykv0s: I would say yes...bluetooth is crap..I mean it works for mobile...but NOT on a workstation...I used to test the bluetooth with the plantronics voyager 510 USB...the connection/sound was nasty.
12:17.33creativxbasty: well what i needed was something that could be used as a usb headset.. and is wireless, with good audio quality
12:19.04*** join/#asterisk guillote_GNU (
12:19.28creativxand the reason i didnt order the gn9330usb was due to the price
12:19.40creativxbut 1 wk after ordering the plantronics they are priced almost the same..
12:20.04*** join/#asterisk Modcuts (
12:20.13bastyover here its about 230 Euro
12:20.19bastyfor the netcom.... ;)
12:22.21creativx257 here
12:22.36minkusanyone who has experience with the polycom 330 know if the speakerphone is loud enough to be heard in a 20 foot x 20 foot room.  The context is a classroom where announcements will need to be made. The phone will be wall mount at front of classroom.
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12:26.31kv0sMhm. Does the gn9330usb headset works with x-lite or sjphone? Or other voip-sip-softphones?
12:26.47creativxthat was something i was about to find out aswell
12:26.51creativxbefore I order a 9330
12:27.28creativxaccording to counterpaths forums it should work
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12:29.50Paul_UKhey anyone have a snom phone here?  when i have a vm.. i hit the button and it isnt *97 more the hostname of my server.  is there anyway i can change it to *97.. with no vm.. the button is *97 lol.. very strange
12:31.05creativxJT: man i have alzheimers.. hit me up with your polycom recommendation again :)
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12:31.50kv0s229 euros?
12:32.27kv0sMhm. If i know after i've buy the headset i've no echo ... but if not? Puhh ...
12:33.04*** join/#asterisk lirakis (n=etamme@
12:33.14bastykv0s: the Netcom USB 9330 works very well with X-Lite / X-Tapi Pro and the new "Ninja"
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12:33.52bastyPaul_UK: what kind of Snom ? 360 ?
12:34.01*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
12:35.13bastyPaul_UK: And what do you mean by *97? I mean in the Snom Webinterface you can setup your Voicemail-Main Extension...
12:35.58lirakis.. morning
12:36.12kv0sMhmm... pay 230 euros or not ... :-/
12:36.44Paul_UKbasty, snom 320..  On the phone, you can tell it that your mailbox is accessible via *97 (im using freepbx).
12:37.11*** join/#asterisk twitchnln (
12:37.17Paul_UKbasty, for some reason, with no vm.. the button dials *97, with a vm, the button dials "asterisk" lol..
12:37.19twitchnlnmorning everyone
12:37.37bastykv0s: Well..if you want to have a good quality..I would spend 230 euros for such a Headset....if you want crap...go ahead and buy a bluetooth one.. ;-)
12:37.45UatecI save my voicemail files in wav49 format. How can i make mixmonitor save in that same format?
12:37.55Uateccurrently it only saves in wav
12:37.58Uatecand wav is biiiiiig
12:38.44*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
12:38.49bastyPaul_UK: strange...if you access the webinterface of your snom 320...what does the "Identity" "Mailbox" say ?
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12:39.00twitchnlngot a question, i just got * setup, verified that the config is working, then installed a2billing, now when i click reports in freepbx i see cdr data, but when i click cdr report under a2billing, i get no data found, anyone got any ideas about this?
12:39.25kv0sbasty: Mhmm...
12:40.31Paul_UKbasty: Mailbox is *97
12:41.27bastykv0s: I used to setup an Asterisk PBX for a customer. The customer wanted to have X-Tapi Pro and a wireless Headset...we offered the Plantronics Voyager 510USB and the Netcom...The Voyager Bluetooth was around 80 Euros...the Netcom around 230...the customer wanted to save money...and bought the voyager headsets...We installed it...1 Week later..the company was so unhappy..and used to buy the netcom...after that time..i have never heard anything anymore... ;
12:42.11bastyPaul_UK: Okay..Mailbox Extension is available with *97 ?...and if you press the "Retrieve" Button on the doesnt dial it ?
12:43.15bastyPaul_UK: Oh and the range of the Netcom (DECT) is about 100meters....bluetooth is/was 10meters
12:43.19kv0sIs dect for wireless headsets okay? or it has the same problems as bluetooth?
12:43.37*** part/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
12:44.10bastykv0s: It IS okay...and in my opinion there are NO Problems with dect. No Echo, No Background Noices...nothing negativ....
12:44.13lirakistwitchnln: go to #freepbx
12:44.14kv0sMhm. So i think i must order a dect-headset ...
12:44.38kv0sbasty: plantronics s60 - for example?
12:44.40bastykv0s: otherwise contact the netcom reseller and order a test-headset for like 1 week....many resellers offer a test-headset for testing...
12:45.19zeenixhmm.. how do i enable the cli to display each extension as asterisk execute it during a call?
12:45.23bastykv0s: I dont know the S60...only the CS60....the CS60 and Netcom 9330 is actually the same beside the name and the design.
12:45.47bastyzeenix: asterisk -r ?
12:46.19lirakiszeenix: .. ? im not sure wahat you are asking
12:46.28kv0ssorry - i mean cs60
12:46.48lirakiszeenix: ... to see call flow on the cli .. just run asterisk -vvvvr   (more v's is more verbose)
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12:47.29bastykv0s: from the hardware/features and quality they are the my opinion the netcom is much better from the design...oh..and you can see the battery status on the station of the netcom....on plantronics you dont see the status.
12:47.47bastyzeenix: or asterisk -r and "set debug 10 / set verbose 10" :-)
12:47.56zeenixbasty: yes, once inside the cli using `asterisk -r`
12:48.37bastyzeenix: okay - so try "set debug 10" and "set verbose 10" - and you should see alot of informations :)
12:48.52zeenixi set the debug to 10 but it doesn't work
12:49.05zeenixah, verbose too..
12:50.53zeenixnow it works, now how to enable colors?
12:50.59zeenixin the output i mean
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12:53.00ber123how can you strip a trailing '*' for all calls in a context
12:53.40bastyzeenix: colors? iiihrkk... well...If you restart the Asterisk with the "safe_asterisk" script - you will have colors.. :-)
12:54.11bastyber123: incoming calls or outgoing ?
12:54.43*** part/#asterisk twitchnln (
12:54.44Paul_UKbasty: correct, when there is no vm.. the phone dials *97.. when there is a vm, pressing the same button, the phone dials "asterisk" and not *97
12:55.01bastyber123: exten => _X.,1,Dial(ZAP/g1/*${EXTEN}) ?
12:55.28*** join/#asterisk jeremy_g (
12:55.36bastyPaul_UK: Thats weirdo..actually "asterisk" in the display means "unknown"...
12:55.56ber123does that strip the '*' from the end of a dialed #?
12:56.11kv0sI think i must order cs60-usb ...
12:56.41Paul_UKbasty, hmm thanks for the clarification.
12:57.09bastyPaul_UK: I am sorry...over here it works..and we use 300,320,360 and even 370 without any problems...what firmware you are using ?
12:57.41bastyber123: Hrm..I dont understand your question....if you dial 12345 and send it to this "new" exten - it would dial via zaptel *12345
12:57.48jeremy_gi am trying to register my asterisk box with my isp's sip proxy.  They have provided me with username, password and an authorization user, domain, display name. and port 8891. Now how do i put all this info in our typical register statement in sip.conf?
12:58.12Paul_UKbasty: firmware - snom320-SIP 6.5.10
12:58.55bastyjeremy_g: register => username:password@hostname of sip provider/number
12:59.10bastyPaul_UK: hrm..thats actually the latest...
12:59.18ber123what is happening is i am getting SIP users dialing 1234567* and its causing routing issues for me because i am matching on 10 digits
12:59.23Paul_UKbasty, could it be freepbx?
12:59.31ber123the * at the end adds an 11th so i want to strip it off first
12:59.37jeremy_gwhats the authorization user for
12:59.42ber123and then apply the pattern matching in the context
12:59.45jeremy_gok i got it, may be its for the voice mail
12:59.59creativxkv0s: so what are you deciding on? gn or plantronics
13:00.01bastyPaul_UK: maybe..on Asterisk it works well ;)
13:01.21bastyber123: so you want to cut the 11th digit ? or just the "*" even when a customer dials 123* you want to cut the "*" ?
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13:01.49bastyjeremy_g: thats your login/username to your sip-account
13:02.03Corydon76-homeexten => _XXXXXXXXXX*,1,Goto(${EXTEN:0:10},1)
13:02.24creativxber123: use cut() ?
13:02.34Corydon76-homeCUT is not appropriate here
13:02.41ber123i dont know how long the dial string could be, does that offset just peel the last digit from the end?
13:02.51ber123i want somethinglike the perl chop() function
13:03.01ber123if you are familiar with that
13:03.14ber123just chop the last digit off if it matches *
13:03.16Corydon76-homeYes, but you need to match the length first
13:03.41ber123would _X.* do any length?
13:03.56bastyber123: exten => _X.,1,set(MYDEST=${CUT(EXTEN,*,1)})
13:04.06Corydon76-home"." is a short-circuit.  Nothing matches after the "."
13:04.11ber123ah i see
13:04.14bastythat will "cut" the "*"
13:04.33ber123basty, if no * is found is it a NOOP?
13:04.49bastywell..if there is no "*" it will do nothing :)
13:04.52ber123ok cool
13:04.55Corydon76-homeHowever, you could do it a slightly different way...
13:06.11bastyber123: oh, and remember to dial ${MYDEST} otherweise you will have back the "*" ;-)
13:06.35ber123ah yeah
13:07.07Corydon76-homeexten => _X.,1,GotoIf($["${EXTEN:-1:1}" = "*"]?${EXTEN:0:$[${LEN(${EXTEN})} - 1]},1)
13:07.26ber123thanks corydon
13:07.28jeremy_gcan i use port=8891 while creating an outgoing account in sip.conf. is port tag valid
13:07.41ber123currently I have a bunch of defined pattern matches in there
13:07.42lmadsenthats the listening port I think
13:07.47*** join/#asterisk floppp (
13:07.48ber123so instead of adding this into each of the pattern matches
13:07.54ber123is there a way to flow all dials in the context through it
13:07.56ber123in one place
13:08.04ber123or do i have to put it in another context with a Goto
13:08.13*** join/#asterisk JackEStorm (
13:08.42Corydon76-homeI gave you the logic... you need to apply it where ever it's needed
13:09.08ber123yeah i understand that but there should be a more elegant way than duping the same code in 50 pattern matches
13:09.20lmadsenCorydon76-home: TFoT2 goes to print next week
13:09.24lmadsenI just got QC2
13:09.28Corydon76-homelmadsen: woot
13:09.33lmadsenI'm up to chapter 5 in edits
13:09.43Corydon76-homelmadsen: forward me a copy?
13:09.47lmadsenof course!
13:09.58*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:10.13Corydon76-homeI'm going to have a ton of time this weekend doing mostly nothing
13:10.14lmadsenI'm hoping to have enough time to update all the appendix examples to no longer using priority numbers (using 'n' and labels instead)
13:10.28lmadsenCorydon76-home: fantastic! I'll forward it over now
13:10.36Corydon76-home(where I'm restricted in movement)
13:10.37lmadsen576 pages btw
13:10.46lmadsen4 pages short of 200 additional pages
13:10.47*** join/#asterisk javar (n=javar@
13:15.12kv0sMhm. Okay CS60-USB ordered. Can't waiting for a echo-free speeking on my lines .. ,-)
13:16.01*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
13:16.17bastykv0s: why did you buy the plantonics and not the netcom ? ;)
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13:17.21jeremy_g* registers with my isp but when i make a call, the isp returns 603
13:17.34jeremy_gif i register my widnows based sip phone directly with isp proxy, it works
13:17.49jeremy_gi.e. it answers my invites properly ...
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13:18.03bastyjeremy_g: what doesn "sip show registry" on the asterisk cli say ?
13:18.14jeremy_gbasty:it says you are registered with your isp
13:18.25jeremy_gisp.url     Registered
13:18.42bastyjeremy_g: okay, extensions.conf? rules for the outgoing call?
13:19.33bastyjeremy_g: try _X.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@myisp)
13:19.36jeremy_gwhere myisp is properly defined in sip.conf and i know what i am doing as my other account with another isp works fine that way
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13:19.55zeenixbasty: what was all that about? :)
13:20.06bastyzeenix: ? :)
13:20.12jeremy_gits only this isp with which my sip software if running on linux, sends an invite, the isp will return with 603.
13:20.14doolphthere's any script that change all permisions to run asterisk as non root?
13:20.19zeenixbasty [n=basty@] requested CTCP PING from zeenix
13:20.40bastyzeenix: haha - i was checking if you are lagging...because I wrote something..and you answered 3 mins later ;)
13:21.27bastyjeremy_g: yeah - because you have forgot the use ${EXTEN}....without exten you dont send the dialed number to your sip-provider...doh
13:21.32jeremy_gbasty:sorry i was already trying what you suggested. :)
13:21.51bastyjeremy_g: and doesnt work ? ;)
13:22.02zeenixbasty: nah! i am in a meeting at the same time :)
13:22.02jeremy_gnopes i forgot to tell you that i didnt forget :)
13:22.17bastyjeremy_g: what does the asterisk cli say, if you dial a number ?
13:22.27bastyzeenix: hehe..okay ;)
13:22.45jeremy_gbasty:with this isp it doesnt work, its fine with others. the isp seem to return 603 if my sip phone or proxy is running on linux.
13:23.01jeremy_git says um dialing
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13:23.12jeremy_gsince i do i dial with an r, so i hear on ring
13:23.17jeremy_gand then it says
13:23.44jeremy_gEveryone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1)
13:24.04lmadsenjeremy_g: well of course you're going to hear ringing with 'r'... that's the point -- it rings even when a call is not being setup
13:24.14lmadsen'r' is useless -- don't use it
13:24.36lmadsenand with that... I'm going back to editing
13:26.16bastyjeremy_g: you might need more dialing rules to send a call..I mean maybe your sip-provider needs a e164 format ? like 496912345 ?
13:27.37kv0sbasty: because same technics, already made perfect experience with plantronics, my distributor has the plantronics for 180 euros! ;-)
13:28.21ManxPowerPaste the CLI output of just the actual dial line
13:30.27*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
13:31.24ManxPowerUnless you don't want my help, of course.
13:33.07bastykv0s: but the design of the plantonics sucks...and you arent able to view the battery status..
13:33.27bastykv0s: but anyway..have fun with your new dect headset...hehe
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13:35.21aikanaro79if I don't know in advance the "number" to call a specific user (neither do I know his/her name) is there a way to configure a dialplan that makes it possible?
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13:36.15cpmaikanaro79, let me get this straight, you don't know who are calling, either by name or number, but you want to connect anyway?
13:36.30ManxPowersorry about that
13:36.57aikanaro79cpm: in advance I don't...I'm supposed to get a listing of registered users and then simply click on the desired user
13:36.57doolphwhat is spandsp ?
13:37.19ManxPowerdoolph: It is an audio processing library
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13:37.31doolphdo still asterisk 1.4 needs them?
13:37.56doolphi think its something to send and receive faxes
13:38.03ManxPowerdoolph: no version of asterisk needs them
13:38.07*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
13:38.28ManxPowerwell if you want to send/receive faxes using RxFax/TxFax, then you need spandsp
13:38.56aikanaro79cpm: is it possible? at least to get a listing of registered users from asterisk?
13:39.05doolphbut does asterisk needs them to send faxes?
13:39.27Uatec"does asterisk needs" ???
13:39.44ManxPowerdoolph: Asterisk does not come with a software fax.
13:39.55cpmaikanaro79, I expect it is possible, but I've never considered it. I don't *want* to hear from someone who doesn't know who they are calling. That's usually cold-calling sales-spam.
13:40.00ManxPowerThere are many ways to send faxes thru asterisk.  SpanDSP is only one of them
13:40.55aikanaro79cpm, I see your goal is to develop a private server (it'll only be available inside a private LAN) for communication inside a company..hence my questions
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13:45.37ManxPowerSpanDSP will NEVER be part of Asterisk.
13:47.10Pon`workwhat does Asterisk use instead?
13:48.59ManxPowerPon`work: Asterisk does not include support for software fax
13:49.14ManxPowerjeremy_g: pervert
13:49.40aikanaro79cpm, if I want to enable SIP INVITE requests I have to contemplate this in my dialplan, am I right?
13:50.26ManxPowerjeremy_g: T.38 seems to have so many compatibility issues that only a masochist would love it.
13:50.51jeremy_gof bounties and open pbxes
13:51.27ManxPoweraikanaro79: Asterisk users don't usually think about such things.  They set up SIP, they set up their dialplan, it works.
13:51.46ManxPowerBut I don't quite understand what you mean by "enable SIP INVITE"
13:51.55ber123span dsp is that stable now?
13:52.12ber123i ran into so many issues trying to use span dsp and asterfax i gave up and went 2 hylafax with modems
13:52.24ManxPowerber123: we use it for 20+ incoming faxes per day
13:52.30ber12399.9% reliable?
13:52.33ManxPowerber123: it has its issues.
13:52.39ManxPower..;er.. HAD its issues
13:52.45cpmhylafax is the correct approach. Reliable as dirt, more so than a stand alone fax machine
13:52.47ber123my hyla is 99.9% reliable
13:52.48aikanaro79ManxPower, I'm trying to come up with a diaplan that makes it possible to have conference calls..I'm still a newbie when it comes to asterisk (and that's a very big part of my problem)...this is the reason I'm asking such questions
13:53.02ber123the limiting factor is my idiocy and the other software running on the box
13:53.05ber123not the fax software
13:53.09aikanaro79ManxPower, and using only SIP channels
13:53.32doolpherm i cannot find this file: app_rxfax.c
13:53.42ManxPowercpm: the MAIN fax machine is on an analog POTS line.  But many users want their own fax numbers, so we overload their DID with Fax support
13:53.45ber123hylafax -- spamming faxes to your business since 1993
13:53.51doolphit says copy it from there but its not there
13:53.56ber123or whenever it was created
13:54.00cpmManxPower, I only use pots for fax. It's the only way to be sure
13:54.01ber123prob before
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13:54.24cpmwell, that's not strictly true, I use fxs ports
13:54.28[TK]D-Fenderaikanaro79: You set up auth accounts, and if you want, a context for "anonymous" connections.  * does not require setup for specific SIP response types
13:54.30cpmbut that's only on pris
13:54.52ManxPoweraikanaro79: we don't use FXS ports.
13:55.01ManxPowerIF we need an FXS port, we get a POTS line
13:55.11ManxPowerFXO ports are cheap from our CLEC
13:55.20_bobweever_Pardon if ths has been mentioned, but has anyone used the attractel fax solution?  POTS lines are cheap from our CLEC
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13:56.21aikanaro79[TK]D-Fender, how can I set up auth accounts considering what I have said?...I don't know in advance who might use this server
13:57.20aikanaro79ManxPower, sorry but I didn't quite follow what you said about FXS ports
13:57.23doolphanyone can tell me where is app_rxfax.c
13:59.02ber123i think i found a way to do that cut thing once batsy was talking about
13:59.25ber123send the call, then timeout, then capture through t extension and cut and redial
13:59.44ber123find / -name app_rxfax.c
14:00.18doolphi dont have it :/
14:00.55ManxPowerthe same place you got spandsp from
14:01.57doolphwhy they hide it so hard
14:02.37doolphit doesn't come in the .tgz
14:02.44doolphand its not in the download page
14:03.28*** join/#asterisk waKKu (n=eurulo@unaffiliated/wakku)
14:04.09ber123its a secret, grumble grumble
14:04.17ber123the secret is in the tip of the nose
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14:05.21luke-jrI'm trying to register one Asterisk box with another
14:05.30luke-jrbut the other one is sending INVAL responses
14:05.30captiancrashwhen using asterisk-gui, does it modify the config files directly, or create its own configurations?
14:05.34luke-jrany ideas?
14:05.42waKKuluke-jr r u using iax ?
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14:06.44waKKudid u create peer on asterisk ? configure register => user:passwd@master-asterisk on slave ?
14:07.19waKKuok... what shows on CLI when trying to register ?
14:07.27luke-jrnothing unless I debug it
14:07.54waKKuon master, iax2 show peers - shows your slave peer  ?
14:09.00waKKuluke-jr well.. if when u r trying to register, master CLI doesnt show anything... probably your request isnt coming to master.. firewall or iax port not configured properly
14:09.15luke-jrI can see it all in debug
14:09.22[TK]D-Fenderaikanaro79: If you can't know about these connections they can't be auth'd.  This is a checken & egg scenario.  You can set up to receive guest connections to a specific conection listed under [general].
14:09.51waKKuluke-jr paste your iax.conf from other end..
14:09.57luke-jrthat's both ends
14:10.18waKKuwell ... so is missing your register => line
14:10.43aikanaro79[TK]D-Fender: if I got you right I can't define a specific friend is that it? but this way can I make calls?
14:10.45luke-jrregister => 117-iax:secret@otherend
14:11.07waKKuluke-jr yeah..
14:11.25aikanaro79[TK]D-Fender: also, is there any such thing as a user class or is it possible to configure a "look-alike" when it comes to auth?
14:11.42[TK]D-Fenderaikanaro79: You are COMPLETELY mixing yourself up!  Yes, you can set up AUTHED accounts.  You can also SEPARATELY allow misc connections against another context if you WANT TO.
14:12.01[TK]D-Fenderaikanaro79: As for this "look-alike" I have no idea what you're talking about.
14:14.43aikanaro79[TK]D-Fender: I'm sorry...I'll try to be it possible to define a SIP channel such that several users use it to register with asterisk but at the same time any one of them is able to call anyone of the others?
14:15.24[TK]D-Fenderaikanaro79: No, each must be a unique account on your system
14:15.45waKKuluke-jr if u still need help:
14:16.36ManxPoweraikanaro79: REGISTRATION requires user/password.  You cannot have more than 1 device register against the same userid/password.  You do NOT have to have devices register, nor do you require a user/pass in sip.conf to accept calls.  Asterisk will BY DEFAULT accept calls that have no auth info and no registration info
14:16.37aikanaro79[TK]D-Fender: but if I have no way of knowing in advance who might register how can I do it? I got as far as configuring a dialplan entirely based on numbers and using each user's IP address as it's own extension (but I'm not sure this'll work)
14:17.04ManxPoweraikanaro79: you do not understand what registration is.
14:17.19aikanaro79ManxPower, thanks for that info...I see now that my problem was exactly that
14:17.46[TK]D-Fenderaikanaro79: this can't work.  You cannot "register" to * without an account.  And thats how it knows where to call you back
14:18.39[TK]D-Fenderaikanaro79: You can't just have 1 guy say "Hey, I'm 12345 at IP!"
14:18.59aikanaro79[TK]D-Fender: sorry for asking but why not?
14:19.07aikanaro79I can get a peer's IP address
14:19.17ManxPoweraikanaro79: because that is how Asterisk works.
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14:19.58ManxPoweraikanaro79: The ONLY thing registration does is inform the server what IP is associated with which userid/password.
14:20.04ManxPowerIt does nothing else.
14:20.18luke-jrI wish Asterisk would be more verbose as to *why* it rejects stuff
14:20.19aikanaro79ok...I've understood that
14:20.29merkurieanyone got any recommendations for a good asterisk book?
14:20.33ManxPowerYou can Dial(SIP/
14:20.45aikanaro79ManxPower, that's it...I can do it right?
14:21.02ManxPoweraikanaro79: of course.
14:21.17ManxPowerwhatever is in [general] sip.conf is the settings that will be used for those calls.
14:21.18aikanaro79ManxPower, do you know of a way of getting a list of IP addresses from asterisk? or is it only possible with registered users?
14:21.36ManxPoweraikanaro79: a list of IP addresses of WHAT?
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14:22.17aikanaro79ManxPower, asterisk will only know of a user if he/she registers is that it? (I thing I see my problem)
14:23.02ManxPoweraikanaro79: it will only know if the device registers or if you configure it with host= in sip.conf section for each device.
14:23.28aikanaro79ManxPower, and if I "use" registered users I have to configure each and everyone one of them right?
14:23.41ManxPoweraikanaro79: correct.
14:23.51aikanaro79ManxPower, thanks for your patience
14:24.00ManxPoweraikanaro79: Asterisk is a PBX, not some free love hippie telecom lovefest where anything goes.
14:24.01aikanaro79[TK]D-Fender, thanks also for your help
14:24.37aikanaro79ManxPower, I get it...but I was asked to use it by someone that I'm beginning to suspect that has never truly looked at it...that's the problem
14:25.53luke-jraikanaro79: could setup * to get accts from SQL, IIRC
14:26.43aikanaro79luke-jr, but as such, any user that came later would mean a change to the dialplan...and that's not exactly an option :(
14:26.51doolphargh and the softswitch website is down now
14:27.02luke-jraccts can auto modify dialplan
14:27.29luke-jrand you could always do a mapping like extension=username
14:27.53aikanaro79luke-jr, that I can't use...
14:27.55luke-jr_1XX => Dial(SIP/${EXTEN});
14:28.22aikanaro79luke-jr, but that I can use
14:28.28Dr-Linuxjust wondering if anyone ever luck to setup cisco 7935 conference with asterisk?
14:32.06Dr-LinuxQwell: around?
14:32.09Dr-LinuxQwell[]: ?
14:32.33luke-jrso no ideas on why IAX2 just plain doesn't work? :/
14:33.03*** join/#asterisk ashd (
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14:34.42flujanManxPower: hi... :D
14:34.59flujanManxPower: I am still dancing with my hints problem...
14:35.07flujanManxPower: could you please check it:
14:36.33De_MonI thought hints wern't needed in 1.4
14:37.22flujani really dunno what i did wrong... :(
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14:38.24jcolpdbailey: well well...
14:38.57dbaileyI figured I might as well know what's going on here.
14:39.01flujanguys, could you please check my dialplan?
14:39.10flujani dunno what i am doing wrong with it. :(
14:39.22*** join/#asterisk Foxygnu (n=FoX@2001:41d0:1:44c8:cafe:cafe:cafe:42)
14:39.36ManxPowerflujan: you cannot goto a hint.
14:39.56ManxPowera hint just is, you don't do anything with it in the dialplan other thann confiture it.
14:40.36flujanManxPower: hum... understood... I can so put a Noop() on the extensions_hints.conf and go to it right?
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14:41.09luke-jrflujan: it would be stupid, but probably
14:41.10ManxPowerleave it aline
14:41.14ManxPower'don't use a goto
14:41.18ManxPowerwhy do you want to use a goto?
14:41.24luke-jrif you Goto something, you won't ever come back
14:41.29flujanbecause the hints lies on another files...
14:41.41ManxPowerflujan: then #include otherfile
14:41.49ManxPoweryou can't goto another file anyway.
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14:42.16Dr-LinuxManxPower: can i grab your mind? :)
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14:42.52ManxPowerDr-Linux: depends on what you want to do with it.
14:43.01Dr-LinuxManxPower: we are having channel name changing issue in same call, we are looking for a solution
14:43.31Dr-LinuxManxPower: our all application depends on channel name,
14:44.18ManxPowerDr-Linux: applications should not rely on the channel name.  Give me an example of a name and what it changed to
14:44.50*** join/#asterisk [Mr_X] (
14:44.55Dr-Linuxso when i call comes and hit's our AGI IVR, so a channel name assigns to this call, but when the caller wants to talk to a Agent, he presses 0 and we dial xxxx extensoin on localhost which follows the queue
14:45.13Dr-Linuxso since we dialed xxxx, so it's new call now, with new channel,
14:45.29Dr-Linuxcan't we do something from IVR to dialplan .. like Goto app or something?
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14:46.04Dr-LinuxManxPower: application should rely on what?
14:46.09ManxPowerDr-Linux: why not just set a variable at the start of the call, then use that to track the call?
14:46.29ManxPowerYou could also set an account code, then use that to track
14:47.10ManxPowerI've never found a need to track a call like that.
14:48.01Dr-LinuxManxPower: that's what we do normally, we set variable in start, but that variable rely on channel, but when channel changed, we lost what we want
14:48.34ManxPoweror more correctly
14:49.02*** part/#asterisk merkurie (n=merkurie@
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14:49.06ManxPowerSet(__SAVED_CHANNEL=${CHANNEL})  The double _ makes the variable be inherited by child channels
14:51.22Dr-Linuxbut technically i makes a new call, when we send caller to an agent from Agi, we dial localhost/protocol/extension
14:51.29Dr-Linuxso it create it's new channel
14:51.38luke-jrwell then you're being stupid
14:52.00Dr-Linuxluke-jr: talking to me?
14:52.41Dr-Linuxso is there anyway to dial dialplan exten from AGI .. directly as Goto or something within a same call?
14:52.42ManxPower__ variables will be set for all channels spawned
14:53.15luke-jrManxPower: not if he's going through an extra layer of SIP
14:53.17Dr-LinuxManxPower: i see
14:53.24luke-jrDr-Linux: yeah, it's called a Goto
14:53.37Dr-Linuxohh :S
14:53.45ManxPowerluke-jr: that is correct, but not what he is doing, I think.
14:53.54Dr-Linuxyeah, i'm going to dialplan from AGI via SIP/localhost
14:54.06ManxPowerthe call to the agent will still be a new call/channel
14:54.07luke-jrManxPower: it's what he should be doing, at worst
14:54.27ManxPowerluke-jr: all he wants to do is send a call to an agent
14:54.43Dr-Linuxluke-jr: is there anyway that i can do without creating new SIP call ?
14:55.27luke-jrDr-Linux: ... Goto
14:55.35ManxPowerDr-Linux: you can create as many calls as you want.
14:55.59ManxPowerluke-jr:  if the goto hits a Dial then a new channel will be created.
14:56.11Dr-Linuxluke-jr: yes, but i know how Goto works in dialplain, but not sure how to do i.e. agi to dialplan
14:56.18luke-jrManxPower: but not a new call
14:56.30luke-jrDr-Linux: the same way you do Dial, obviously
14:56.33ManxPowerluke-jr: yes, a new call
14:56.58Dr-Linuxwell, i'm concerened with channel name
14:56.59ManxPowerDr-Linux: "agi to dialplan"?
14:57.08*** join/#asterisk zpertee (
14:57.09Dr-LinuxManxPower: that's correct
14:57.11ManxPowerDr-Linux: no matter what you do, the channel name will change
14:57.28Dr-Linuxi see
14:57.33ManxPowerDr-Linux: accept this fact and move on to a solution that works with that fact.
14:58.39Dr-LinuxManxPower: so keeping same channel name the solution is >> Set(__SAVED_CHANNEL=${CHANNEL})  ?
14:58.54ManxPowerDr-Linux: yes, as one of the first priorities
14:59.10*** join/#asterisk matias_ (
14:59.43matias_where i can download sounds in spanish for asterisk?
14:59.45ManxPowerDr-Linux: that won't keep the same channel name, but will store the old channel name and associate SAVED_CHANNEL with all future child channels.  You could name the variable LESBIANS_AGAINST_BUSH for all Asterisk cares.
14:59.48*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
14:59.51Dr-Linuxis that channel variables or, names can be any? :S
15:00.19Dr-Linuxi see :P
15:01.45matias_where i can download sounds in spanish for asterisk?
15:02.06ManxPowermatias_: From the Digium web site
15:02.09*** join/#asterisk ido (n=ido@unaffiliated/ido)
15:02.14Dr-LinuxManxPower: can we send request to DB using socket communicaiton in dialplan?
15:02.26ManxPowerDr-Linux: no.
15:03.48ManxPoweryou can run any database dialplan apps you compile, of course, but the dialplan doesn't know if it communicates to the database using a socket, named pipe, or mind control rays
16:51.50*** join/#asterisk jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
16:51.50*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source Telephony Application Platform -=- Asterisk 1.2.24 and 1.4.10 released (August 7, 2007) -=- Join #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW and Asterisk-GUI info -=- Join #asterisk-commits to monitor svn changes -=- Join #freepbx for freepbx/#trixbox for trixbox support. -=- 1.2 is in security maintenance mode. No non-security related bug fixes will be applied.
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16:54.41TechBlazerGood morning all. I have finally got some things to work. I can make and receive calls as long my phones are plugged into the same router as the Asterisk server. If I take a phone to another network and plug it in the phone will connect to the server and make calls, but there is not sound. Any ideas?
16:55.05kv0sGood Morning? From where do u came from?? uhaa ... good afternoon! ;-)
16:55.07Strom_MTechBlazer: yeah.  SIP and NAT don't play well together.
16:55.08*** join/#asterisk techie (
16:55.21Strom_Mkv0s: it's not even 10 AM in california
16:55.45kv0sTechBlazer: Perhaps no set your default gateway on your asteriskbox?
16:55.54*** join/#asterisk datachomper (
16:55.58NoNickToPick1pm here, EST baby.
16:56.11Strom_MEST?  You don't observe daylight saving time?
16:56.15kv0sTechBlazer: Several networks or NAT?
16:56.32NoNickToPickwait, is it later than 1?  -=checks his phone=-
16:56.43Strom_Mbecause it's currently almost 12 PM EST; it's currently almost 1 PM EDT
16:56.59BarmalLittle bit offtopic but maybe anybody can help. Is there any kind of eq to connect one side into old nortel pbx and the other end into internet asterisk server or ip phone?   Kinda like  -Line1---->Nortel PBX--->ext2-->something-->internet-->someting--->phone
16:57.06Qwell[]Strom_M: pedantic much? :P
16:57.10*** join/#asterisk mog (i=mog@nat/digium/x-496bb2a762c3f686)
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16:57.12Strom_MQwell[]: highly
16:57.19NoNickToPickno, its one, I'm EST.  detroit
16:57.27Strom_MxST/xDT mixups are irritating
16:57.44Strom_MNoNickToPick: then you're EDT until daylight saving time ends in the fall
16:58.03Strom_Mthen you're EST agtain
16:58.18Qwell[]Unless you're Indiana
16:58.23Qwell[]then...well...nobody cares
16:58.26TechBlazerWell I have a router in my office connected to Comcast cable and another one connected to AT&T DSL, and a phone connected to each.
16:58.29NoNickToPickthats awesome
16:58.38Qwell[]it's funny, I'm installing Debian right now, and I just had to pick my timezone
16:58.46Qwell[]"Eastern Indiana" was one of the options.  I chuckled
16:59.08kv0sTechBlazer: Mhm. You'll call one sip phone at asterisk 1 from your sipphone 2 at asterisk 2? With two times nat?
16:59.21NoNickToPickStrom_M: hey, this is pretty cool.  teliax even sayes they preffer you uplink your Asterisk server to them
16:59.43kv0s7:39 pm cest
17:00.54[TK]D-FenderTechBlazer: Go read this now :
17:00.56jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
17:01.30*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey)
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17:02.27danielxptdoes anyone have any information on debugging sip? I have two asterisk boxes that will not pass the correct informaiton to each other
17:02.29TechBlazerOkay, I'll check it out right now. Thanks for the help kv0s & [TK]D-Fender.
17:02.59[TK]D-Fenderdanielxpt: PASTEBIN is your friend.  Show us something useful.
17:03.02jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
17:03.58kv0sHey nice documentation - but i think it make sense to connect the two locations with a vpn/ip-tunnel ... didn't so?
17:04.55danielxptok. I put it out on
17:05.20danielxptthis should be with sip debug on.
17:08.26[TK]D-Fenderdanielxpt:  -- Executing Dial("SIP/247-092160c0", "SIP/test/6019832442|300|") in new stack
17:08.57[TK]D-Fenderdanielxpt: * is accepting the INCOMING call from your phone and I'm pretty sure your "test" account is screwed up.
17:09.11[TK]D-Fenderdanielxpt: But communication from your GXP > * is fine.
17:10.10danielxpt[TK]D-Fender: is there a way to bypass knowing the accounts?
17:10.20[TK]D-Fenderdanielxpt: ...huh?
17:10.23*** join/#asterisk Y0da^ (n=jwilson@
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17:10.48[TK]D-Fenderdanielxpt: You have no debug info for thie [test] account you setup, and have not shown us the config for it.
17:11.28danielxpt[TK]D-Fender: ok, my goal is to do something similar to a centrex system. these two are attached to a main server. the sip connections are trunked to the main and it pushes to each system
17:11.29NoNickToPickalright guys, have an awesome day, heading out to do my thing of world domination.
17:12.19[TK]D-Fenderdanielxpt: thats all fine & dandy... your phone is talking jsut fine to *.  Its the "going out this [test]" account that did not work, an you have provided nothing to aid in debugging it.
17:12.53danielxpt[TK]D-Fender: ok, so what can I provide to help debug?
17:13.03*** join/#asterisk magic_hat (
17:13.28magic_hathey everyone. Is there an easy way to create an automated company directory in *?
17:13.34[TK]D-Fenderdanielxpt: Well you haven't got any debug info for the dial attempt out it, haven't shown us the peer is set up right or anything.
17:13.52[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: "show application directory"
17:15.36magic_hatTKD-Fender: i should have been more specific. if a caller presses 8, asterisk plays a recorded list of employees and their extensions. But we have a lot of employees coming and going, so I'm wondering if there's a way to do the same thing without having to do a new voiceover every time someone leaves or gets hired.
17:16.29*** join/#asterisk zcionn_ (n=a@
17:16.37[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: that app is what you want.  get to it!
17:17.41danielxpt[TK]D-Fender: I think I see what was causing it.
17:18.09ManxPowermagic_hat: the voiceover is taken from the "record name" from Voicemail
17:18.45ManxPowerTry.  It.
17:21.38*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
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17:24.51magic_hatManxPower: yeah, pretty cool.
17:25.39datachomperAnybody have an example sip.conf entry for a standard ATA?
17:25.42*** join/#asterisk ramindia (n=ramindia@
17:26.17ramindiahow can make cluster of asterisk with one Mysql Database to handle more calls.. any pointer and documentation
17:26.35magic_hathrm... it's not matching any of the names that it should be matching. anyone know why that might happen?
17:27.49*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
17:28.32kv0snice day guys ... it's time to shutdown computers and go home .. ,-) cu
17:28.37[TK]D-Fenderdatachomper: look at the sample sip.conf * comes with
17:28.41magic_hatall my users are in the default vm context... exten=> s,3, Directory(default[|default[|]])
17:28.59[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: All those baces are illegal
17:29.07[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: you aren't supposed to type them
17:29.30magic_hatso: Directory(default|default|)
17:29.33[TK]D-Fenderexten=> s,3, Directory() ; This is fine too
17:29.48[TK]D-Fenderexten=> s,3, Directory(default,default) ; This is fine also
17:30.05[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: oh?
17:30.07Strom_Mexten => s,3,Directory(default,default)
17:30.17[TK]D-FenderWell spaces = bad
17:30.24Strom_Mno space after the priority and associated comma
17:32.54*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
17:33.31magic_hatokay, that works. any way to get it to pronounce the name instead of spelling it out?
17:33.48Qwell[]magic_hat: no
17:33.53Qwell[]not with any accuracy
17:34.09magic_hatokay, I got it. gotta get the users to record their names.
17:34.17Dr-Linuxany perl guru around? :)
17:34.34magic_hatDr-Linux: not a guru, but I may be able to help.
17:34.54Dr-Linuxmagic_hat: can i /msg you?
17:37.57*** join/#asterisk generalhan (
17:38.22magic_hatTKD-Fender: should I be denying all but gsm with Teliax?
17:38.40generalhanso i love it when the ERROR messages in the CLI show BAD! BAD! BAD! .... lol, so is that bad ?
17:39.02generalhanmaybe some one could give me some insight on this:
17:39.06[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: You shouldn't be doing EITHER.  your users should be recording their names for the directory.
17:39.12*** join/#asterisk Keltus (n=Keltus@about/cooking/nakedchef/beefstew/Keltus)
17:39.49[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: I think you should be making up your own mind about what codec and means you want to use for your ITSP's.
17:40.27[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: By default I'd say, no use ULAW for everything for quality, use SIP for reliability and transportability, but then again, this may be completely contrary to what you want.
17:42.17Aces1Upwhat are the requirements for an provider so that i can send my own unique caller id?
17:44.01blackdarkis that a way to not have to enter the extension # when calling the voicemail  ?
17:44.12blackdarkI mean when I call the voicemail with my own telephone
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17:45.39Netgeeksnice ERROR messages generalhan!
17:45.55generalhanNetgeeks: oh yeah ?? nice huh ? ! lol
17:46.12generalhani get those occasionally over the course of a day
17:46.22generalhani dont really understand whats going on
17:46.22Netgeekshrm, yes, I would consider the ignoring of a sip ack as a bad bad bad thing
17:46.53[TK]D-Fenderblackdark: "show application voicemailmail" <- read the instructions
17:47.12generalhanNetgeeks: what do i do to try and troubleshoot this issue ?
17:47.17*** join/#asterisk apardo (
17:47.23blackdark[TK]D-Fender, thanks
17:47.25Netgeeksyou got a sip ack for a sip transaction, and the channel was locked by something that prevented asterisk from updating the channel with respect to the ack
17:47.48Netgeeksany more than that layman guess is beyond me, chan_sip is a nightmare of code
17:47.58generalhanyay :(
17:48.45*** join/#asterisk apardo (
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17:48.51NetgeeksI'd try and replicate it in a somewhat sterile environment, and get full debug/verbose (level4) with sip debug turned on from it happening
17:49.19magic_hatTKD-Fender: I was thinking ulaw might be causing some of my troubles w/ echo, etc. because it's so big.
17:49.28Netgeeksand then I'd post the results on mantis and poke Olle to take a look at it
17:49.50generalhanNetgeeks: thats my issue ... i dont have another environment to test in ... and turning sip debug on, on the CLI at the highest verbosity already and i wouldnt be able to see anything
17:50.09Netgeeksthats why I said a sterile environment
17:50.18generalhanit would be scrolling so much stuff ... and of course this is our most active phone user in the office. he makes like 400 calls a day
17:50.28Netgeekstake your backup system for your production system, and run the test there with very limited test use only
17:51.25Netgeeksbut then if this is load related, you wouldn't be able to reproduce it...
17:51.45generalhanmy backup system is the system im using ... my old server took a dive. but i have no extra switches lying around to mess with ... so this net is the only one i have ! hows that for redundancy lol
17:52.11*** join/#asterisk Mercestes (
17:52.21Netgeeksheh, how is that temporary spare tire on the freeway?  ;)
17:52.33Netgeeksdo you have alot of free drive space?
17:52.48*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
17:52.52generalhanNetgeeks: i actually lucked out because my backup is actually MUCH newer and MUCH faster than the original !
17:53.14Netgeeksif you do, turn up all the logging I mentioned to disk, and then when it happens grab that file and turn all the extra chatter off
17:53.40neverbluewhere is the best place for my php script to grab asterisk information, in the case of an error?
17:54.21generalhanNetgeeks: im glad you mentioned that ... how do i log directly to a file ?? i have a 300GB SCSI disk in this system just for log files to be transfered to it .,.. so i defintely have the space, but not the know-how to do it
17:54.55[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: codecs have nothing to do with echo
17:54.58generalhanor maybe you can point me to a link that explains it
17:55.01Netgeeksyou edit /etc/asterisk/logger.conf and set full logging, the sample file that asterisk puts there tells you how
17:55.14generalhanperfet ! ill take a look now !
17:55.19Netgeeksthen reload logger.conf or just reload everything
17:55.41Netgeeksthen on cli do your core set verbose 4 and core set debug 4 and sip set debug
17:55.55magic_hat[TK]D-Fender: So where do I start debugging echoey calls?
17:56.01Netgeeksthen look away fast before you freak out over the boatload of cli noise
17:56.07Netgeekswait for it to happen
17:56.18Netgeeksand then you can reset logger.conf back to it's old settings
17:56.54neverblueNetgeeks, was that directed at me?
17:56.59*** part/#asterisk Cresl1n (i=matt@nat/digium/x-d499a6658ae40417)
17:57.36Netgeeksneverblue, nope, that was to generalhan
17:58.00flujanguys, how can I check my channels usage using asterisk?
17:58.21flujanI installed a sip trunk... Need to know how many calls are online using this trunk...
17:58.53Netgeeksyou need this automated or you just want a method to see?
17:59.09flujanI know that every channel has a call-count variable which is checked agains the call-limit...
17:59.10[TK]D-Fenderflujan: "show channels concise"
17:59.19flujanNetgeeks: automated...
18:00.27Netgeekshrm, you could use a script that conncects to the cli and scrapes the results of sip show channels or show channels concise....
18:01.06Netgeeksyou could connect to manager interface and do something similar, you could stay connected and have a simple state machine that would track that info and such for you
18:02.19flujanhum... I see... will give it a try guys.. thanks for the help. :D
18:02.43Netgeeksone of the tricks I've played in the past is I assign every channel I want to track to a particular group (SetGroup or Set(GROUP()) and then I use UserEvent at the start of each channel to pop the count of the group at the time the channel starts
18:03.08Netgeeksthat way you get a running count of channels each time a new channel is started... good for tracking peaks
18:03.34Netgeeksbut not wholy accurate because you don't get notice when a channel hangs up until the next new channel event....
18:07.40*** join/#asterisk zydrunas_ (
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18:09.48blackdarkis there a config somewhere where I could set the proper file permissions for voicemail ?
18:10.15blackdarki'd like to use vmail.cgi to let users manage their voicemail
18:10.29blackdarkbut files are created like root:root 700
18:10.43blackdarkso the webserver ID can't read nor delete the files
18:11.03*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
18:11.41Mercestesblackdark:   root:asterisk 770 would work
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18:11.57Mercestesblackdark:  or root:asterisk 760 to be more realistic.
18:12.19blackdarkwhere can I adjust that so every new file will get those permissions ?
18:12.42Mercestesblackdark:  In your umask settings under your user profile for created files
18:13.00Mercestesblackdark:  But i fyour creating files, why can't you do that on the fly?
18:13.27Mercestesblackdark:  chown/chmod work great for me.
18:13.40blackdarkI think we misuderstood
18:13.52blackdarkI meant when asterisk create a voicemail file
18:14.01Mercestesblackdark:  Don't run asterisk as root.
18:16.05*** join/#asterisk Paul_UK (n=foo@
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18:16.49Paul_UKhey guys, with asterisk 1.2, where does the vmexten directive reside?
18:17.07Paul_UKcurrently, it defaults to asterisk and my snom phone needs something else in its place
18:17.26blackdarkMercestes, but even if I run asterisk as an another user, problem is still there
18:17.36blackdarkthe webserver doesn't as the same user as asterisk
18:17.45blackdarkso it won't have access to the voicemail files
18:18.18Mercestesblackdark:  You can run asterisk as webuser:asterisk??
18:18.41blackdarkMercestes, I don;t think it's a good idea
18:18.43MercestesAgain, I'm pretty sure the owner and mask is a user profile setting
18:19.00MercestesAdd your webuser to the asterisk group then
18:19.02*** join/#asterisk salvatore2 (n=canberk@
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18:20.55blackdarkok now asterisk runs as root, but if the owner/mask would be a user profile, when I create a file with that user, it should get that mask/owner
18:20.58blackdarkbut I don't
18:21.07blackdarkso it's not a user profile setting
18:21.49Mercestesdo a touch corydon and check out the owner/mask of the file you create.
18:21.59MercestesIt got those settings from somewhere.
18:22.42gardoblackdark: why not use the chmod or chown inside your dialplan?
18:23.52blackdarkgardo, I can do that in the dialplan ?
18:24.06gardoyou can put unix commands inside your dialplan
18:24.11generalhanwhen a remote SIP user qaulifies the latency is 488ms ... is that bad? the user is complaining that both ends of the call are very choppy and i cant figure out why
18:24.13blackdarkhow can I do that ?
18:24.19*** join/#asterisk sudoer (
18:24.26blackdarkMercestes, thanks
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18:24.43sudoerhow can I get asterisk to server voicemail over http?
18:24.51salvatore2generalhan, 488ms?
18:24.52gardocall out chmod or chown after running the voicemail
18:24.58salvatore2it's sooo fuckin late
18:25.02blackdarksudoer, working on that right now
18:25.17generalhansalvatore2: "its so late" ?
18:25.31sudoerasterisk doesn't provide a simple way to stream the file or something via the manager ?
18:25.39salvatore2i meant the latency is too much
18:25.51salvatore2~500ms is way too much
18:25.52jbotsalvatore2: okay
18:26.03generalhanhmm, wonder why it is that way
18:26.15salvatore2try pinging the other server
18:26.19blackdarksudoer, if you compiled your asterisk installation, search in the source for vmail.cgi
18:26.19salvatore2and tell me the ping time
18:26.30generalhansalvatore2: its about the same
18:26.38generalhaneither just under or just over that number
18:26.44salvatore2then there is nothing you can do practically
18:27.02Paul_UKcurrently, it defaults to asterisk and my snom phone needs something else in its place
18:27.05Paul_UKhey guys, with asterisk 1.2, where does the vmexten directive reside?
18:28.00generalhansalvatore2: its actually a lot less now with ping ... i get the occasional 455ms but 75% is at 50ms - 70ms
18:28.45generalhangotta be on my end somewhere ... just now all my sip users where that high ... and now they are all down to 60ms
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18:34.56[TK]D-FenderPaul_UK: sip.conf jsut like 1.4
18:36.58*** join/#asterisk Mrtaz (
18:37.28Mrtazhey all, I have a question about the zap destroy channel <num> command, after you issue it, how do you get the channel back with out restarting asterisk?
18:39.52stelioskhas anyone tested Digium's transcoder card ?
18:40.17[TK]D-FenderMrtaz: you have to reload at a minimum if not * as a whole.  You should NOT use that means unless absolutely necessary.
18:40.59Mrtazhmm ok, well then heres the problem that causes me to use it
18:41.04x86steliosk: digium makes a transcoder offload card?
18:41.20[TK]D-Fenderx86: Yes, wake up and smell the toast burning :)
18:41.28stelioskx86: yes
18:42.25MrtazI have 2 phyiscal fax machines connected to ZAP/1 and ZAP/2, if I attempt to send a fax from either of those, they bridge to the first available zap channel, usually Zap/5 or Zap/6 but cause the line to just hang and if anyone else tries to dial out asterisk reuses that channel and all the caller can hear is a loud static sound
18:42.57x86[TK]D-Fender: hehe
18:43.20mercestessudoer:  Cronjob to copy them into yoru wwwroot maybe?  Or just make the voicemail directory your wwwroot
18:43.25[TK]D-FenderMrtaz: set absolute tomeouts on your zaptel dials for them.
18:43.35sudoeroh, I can do that, cool
18:46.56*** join/#asterisk zydrunas_ (
18:51.31wchalcoHi,.. i need a little help my friends
18:52.04wchalcoi wanna know haow i can get a variable from asterisk manager in the dial plan written in extensions.conf
18:52.38wchalcoi tried using setvar action in asterisk manager and .. using var= xxx in the originate action..
18:53.13wchalcoi am using perl and php.. to send accions to asterisk manager.. but i cant get this variables in the dialplan...
18:53.36*** join/#asterisk Tako-san (n=Tako-san@
18:55.24dlynes_laptopwchalco: Set(VARNAME=value) is the new way of doing it in Asterisk 1.2 and higher (SetVar(name=value) was the old way of doing it in Asterisk 1.0)
18:56.09dlynes_laptopHave a great day, peeps
18:56.11dlynes_laptopGotta run
18:57.35wchalcomm.. dlynes_laptop.. the actions that i need to send are in a php script
18:57.51wchalcoActions like originate and monitor   works ok..
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18:58.14blackdarkanyone could recommend me a howto to create a macro in the dialplan ?
18:58.26wchalcobut when i wanna send this variables trougth Set(VARNAME = value)... notrhing happens in mi CLI console.
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19:04.41Mrtazhmm how would one go about adding absolute timeout to a zap channel that is dialing out?  the extension is only 3 lines, would I just plop it on there?
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19:06.25[TK]D-FenderMrtaz: "show application dial"
19:07.00Paul_UKhey guys, im trying to setup my snom phone to enquire the asterisk server for the vm for its extension, im getting declined.  here is the output: , can anyone help?
19:07.54[TK]D-FenderPaul_UK: Funny I don't SEE anything about that in there.
19:08.42hohumcan anyone recommend a GOOD carrier who will speak SIP to an asterisk box and give me a DID?
19:09.19Nugget if you need a US toll free DID, if you need a local DID.
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19:09.55Paul_UKTKD, im a total newb.. thats what happens when I push the button.  The code im using is exten => asterisk,1,VoiceMailMain?(${CALLERID(num)}@${VMCONTEXT}) and the directive is called app-vmmain-custom which is called from the directive app-main.
19:10.15*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (
19:10.33blackdarkwhen a SIP extention is busy with an anohter line, if an another phone tries to call it, isn't supposed to go to the voicemail ?
19:11.43[TK]D-FenderPaul_UK: "thats nice", but its clearly not using that line you just showed us
19:12.32[TK]D-Fenderblackdark: First, there is no such thing as a SIP "extensions", and how a call get treated depends on the device handling it.  Voicemail is a DIALPLAN app, and your dialplan does what you TELL it to.
19:12.56Paul_UKTKD: sigh.. well im using freepbx.. and im getting the idea its a pos.  Its cool tho, cos soon i leave this job and then i can concentrate on learning asterisk cli
19:13.17De_Monwhy does zap get a destory channel, but everything else has to use soft hangup?
19:13.29[TK]D-FenderPaul_UK: Guess you're just wasting your time and ours now...
19:13.50Paul_UKim going home lol
19:13.58[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon: they decided its not cool to destroy non-zap channels :)  You can keep on breaking zap all you want for now :)
19:14.27De_MonI can never remember 'soft hangup' but DESTORY, thats a memorable one
19:15.07De_Moni tried sip hangup, sip destory... then just started reading thru the bloody help list
19:15.41De_Monoh, I tried channel hangup too..
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19:21.45toddejohnsonI am looking for a good wifi phone.  Any ideas?
19:22.18denoninvent one :)
19:22.25denonthere's no such thing as a good one :)
19:22.37toddejohnsondenon:I am quickly finding that out
19:22.57denonhaving said that, the least worst of them seems to be the hitatchi (IP500s or such) for business/robust
19:23.21denonthe linksys (330s? the win-based ones) also seem to be good for bells and whistles
19:23.37denonie: roaming around open access points, and a built-in browser for captured wifi portals
19:24.10toddejohnsonok I promised a client voip over wifi and the utstarcom I got is just not working out.
19:26.39De_MonI had a linksys wifi phone, it lasted about 3 hours per charge
19:26.49denontoddejohnson: from what I've heard of the utstarcom, it's about the worst phone you can buy
19:26.54denonprobably the cheapest, though
19:26.55blackdarkwhat could be wrong in my config when the voicemail doen't the custom user greeting ?
19:27.05blackdarkdoesn't user
19:27.07blackdarkdoesn't user
19:27.10CtRiXi'm using samsungs wip 6000
19:27.17blackdarksorry for that
19:27.26De_Monblackdark did you record a custom greeting?
19:27.34CtRiXvery good but: 1) short batery life and not stun support
19:27.47De_MonCtRiX how short?
19:27.59blackdarkDe_Mon, yes
19:28.13De_Monwhat is the line you use to call voicemail?
19:28.29De_Monwell, send someone to voicemail (dialplan line)
19:28.33blackdarkexten => 5874,2,VoiceMail(5874@default)
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19:30.09blackdarkde_mon :
19:32.00De_Monblackdark pastebin debug logs of the call
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19:32.37CtRiXDe_Mon, without recharging, idle, 4 hours.
19:32.47CtRiX1 hour of call when not idling
19:32.58toddejohnsonCtRiX: Is that samsung availble in the us yet?
19:33.11CtRiXdon't know
19:33.32CtRiXit also has a camera and can send sms (text) and mms
19:33.40CtRiX* don't support those things, though
19:33.51De_Monthats pretty bad
19:34.33De_MonI thought priority jumpign was depriciated
19:35.00De_Monyes, that too
19:35.03hmmhesaysyou can make most apps do it
19:35.14hmmhesaysor set it in extensions.conf ? no?
19:35.17De_Mon_now_  what about in 1.6
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19:36.03De_Monextensions.conf is for something a little different, but im pretty sure thats depreciated too
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19:36.20hmmhesayswhoa I have the exact shirt hyde is wearing on "that 70's show"
19:36.22De_Monfallthrough or somesuch
19:36.38De_Monstole in from the prop room did you
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19:41.51De_Monblackdark it sounds like it can't find the files
19:41.51[TK]D-Fenderblackdark: "show application voicemail" <----
19:42.29[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon: Strike One...
19:42.46blackdarkactually I changed a bit my dialplan and made it work
19:42.46De_Monoh.. he has to specify which greeting to play
19:42.54blackdarkjust added a b in front of the user name
19:43.05blackdarkb for busy
19:43.19blackdarkexten => 5874,2,VoiceMail(b5874@default)
19:43.22blackdarklike that
19:43.29[TK]D-Fenderblackdark: I would suggets putting it in the 2nd parameter...
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19:44.46blackdarklike VoiceMail(5874@default,b) ?
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19:48.05Dan0maN_Workall:  my company is looking to implement this next year, and i've been tasked to find out hardware needs for servers to support my company.  we have ~300 extensions on our current pbx, with ~270 stations.  anyone have any insight as to how much storage would be needed for voicemail for that many users?
19:48.41Strom_M200 gigabytes would be massive overkill
19:48.45[TK]D-FenderDan0maN_Work: With HD's these days, its an AFTERTHOUGHT
19:49.06Strom_Mpoutine or similar
19:49.39[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: If by any freak of luck you end up here, I'll buy you one :)
19:49.47Strom_Mhere == montreal?
19:49.57blackdarkumm ok I fixed it with a b as second parameter, but how could make it dynamic ?
19:49.57*** part/#asterisk CtRiX (
19:50.11[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: Yup
19:50.16Strom_M[TK]D-Fender: how's next week sound?
19:50.31blackdarkso playing the busy message when the line is busy, unavail when the line is not ava ?
19:50.37[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: I'm not leaving town, so if you're serious, gimme a shout.
19:50.49blackdarkwho's talling about poutine ?
19:50.55[TK]D-Fenderblackdark: You'll have to determine that and do it in the dialplan
19:50.57Dan0maN_WorkD-Fender:  sorry.  not completely familiar here yet.  what do you mean by HD's?
19:51.00Strom_Mi'll let you know when I have a clearer idea of which day I'll actually be in montreal
19:51.07[TK]D-FenderDan0maN_Work: Hard Drives.
19:51.12blackdarkjbot, yes
19:51.12jbotYou don't say!
19:51.38blackdarkI live close to Montreal
19:51.49Strom_Mjbot, maybe
19:51.50jbotit has been said that maybe is maybe, or the opposite of maybe
19:52.03blackdark[TK]D-Fender, ok how could i do that ?
19:52.22blackdarkI supposed I would have to catch the even type or so
19:52.28[TK]D-Fenderblackdark: I personally dislike having 2 messages for VM.... it enslaves your users...
19:52.29Dan0maN_Workfor redundancy, i was looking to build a raid array with iSCSI to 2 redundant servers (if one fails, i could connect to the iSCSI with the second).  is that overkill?
19:52.49[TK]D-FenderDan0maN_Work: RAID 1 works for me...
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19:54.14blackdark[TK]D-Fender, yeah it's true
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19:54.25Dan0maN_WorkD-Fender: ok.  what do you think about redundant servers.  am i going overboard in thinking this out?
19:54.40blackdarkumm a poutine for dinner could good
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19:55.32[TK]D-FenderDan0maN_Work: depends on the impact of down-time, etc... I personally feel its often easier to just build 2-3 economical servers and keep it around and have someone there to shut down the primary.
19:56.15[TK]D-FenderDan0maN_Work: This is where ODBC voicemail, etc comes in handy so your DB server can be strong, and you * server very basic.
19:57.21Dan0maN_WorkD-Fender:  true.  ok.  thanks for the insight
19:58.35blackdarkthanks for you help guys
20:02.18neverbluewhere is the best place for my php script to grab asterisk information, in the case of an error?
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20:02.43[TK]D-Fenderneverblue : What information, grabbed how, and when?
20:03.17neverbluewhen: error, what: information about the call (maybe something like, why the call failed), and how, using php
20:03.36neverbluetoo many commas in that
20:03.55[TK]D-Fenderneverblue : You're going be have to be very specific on what you classify as an "error", and when you expect to trap it, and then deal with it.
20:04.16neverbluehmm, more specific, ok, so when a call fails
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20:05.10neverblueis there an error log, just like there is a call log, generated ?
20:07.34neverbluefor example, a Master.cvs is generated by * atm, for logging all calls
20:13.08*** join/#asterisk metfan2007 (n=metfan20@
20:13.19[TK]D-Fenderneverblue : And how do you define a call "failing"?
20:14.46metfan2007hi all!!! How can "monitor" a call? I mean,  no to record it, I want only to listen an existing call for quality reasons... any idea?
20:15.07neverblueFender what would you define a call as failed?
20:17.21[TK]D-Fenderneverblue : You're the one asking on how to track a failure, it'd help if you could define it.
20:17.54neverbluewhen a call fails, abnormally
20:19.03neverbluesay I have a three way call, in the middle of the call, one person drops
20:19.19neverbluecausing the other two to lose connection as well
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20:20.13[TK]D-Fenderneverblue : That sounds like it'd require some serious re-writes to sip.conf.  Maybe logger.conf might catch something useful...
20:20.25[TK]D-Fendermetfan2007: "show application chanspy"
20:21.29neverbluemaybe the * server is having load issues at the time of the call, maybe the termination's server fails
20:22.08neverblueits really difficult to troubleshoot errors, unless you are watching the * -r roll by, with +vvvvvvv
20:22.14pagecusing AEL I have globals {x=5555551212 y=text} and when i do something like NoOp${GLOBAL(x)}; i get 5555551212 but when i do NoOp${global(y)}; i get an empty string.  does AEL support non-numeric globals?
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20:33.43stefmtlhello, i always have  files like that 5|1186625433.4150.csv in addition to Master.csv , just on one server, I don't understand why ?
20:34.01stefmtlin my cdr-csv log directory
20:36.11neverbluedid you look at them?
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20:39.06stefmtlneverblue : yes each file is one line of CDR
20:46.39Mrtazanyone have a patch file for NVFaxDetect so that it will work with * 1.4? the one at doesnt seem to work
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20:48.27pnlarssonQ: How to get  0313011798 out of a var that contains "0313011798"<sip:0313011798@> in dialplan? I can do it in php etc, but would like to avoid that.
20:48.50pnlarssonThe number after sip: and before @
20:51.09Strom_Mhow about the CUT() function
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20:53.14l2trace9999anyone know of some docuementation on setting up skill based queues  ?
20:53.22jkimball4What can cause an agent to be "Invalid"
20:53.44pnlarssonCUT only takes one arg for the delimeter
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20:53.54Strom_Mpnlarsson: so you cut it twice
20:53.57Strom_Mbig deal
20:54.49pnlarssonwill try
20:55.32Netgeeksthat will get everything in front
21:00.24pnlarssonexten => _X.,n,Set(X=${CUT(PAssertedIdentity,:,2)})
21:00.24pnlarssonexten => _X.,n,Noop(${X})
21:00.24pnlarssonexten => _X.,n,Set(X=${CUT(X,@,1)})
21:00.24pnlarssonexten => _X.,n,Noop(${X})
21:00.35pnlarssonWorks! Thanks!
21:02.35fujinanyone know if you can #include inside AEL?
21:06.51fujinnevermind, you can
21:07.00fujinin asterisk 1.4.10, what is the preferred way to query a database?
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21:08.23JoseBravoHow can I add a custome message for my voice mail?
21:08.44[TK]D-FenderJoseBravo, in Voicemailmain.
21:09.14De_Monjustdave func_odbc
21:09.24De_Monfujin func_odbc
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21:09.47De_Monfujin I dont know if thats the way to do it, but yes you can.
21:10.06fujinI'm currently doing a crontab like echo "select * from calleriddisplay" | mysql
21:10.10fujinand outputting that to a config file
21:10.18fujinand it'd be good to make it so that it querys the db directly
21:10.29De_Monthat is a really crappy method
21:10.59fujinapart from the fact that it doesn't continually place load on the DB, yeah.
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21:14.07sangeeanyone tried vxiasterisk (vxml for asterisk)?
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21:19.31mrdigitalwhats vxiasterisk
21:19.45De_Moni think it's (vxml for asterisk)
21:20.05mrdigitalwhats it do:?
21:20.20De_Monits some sorta voice xml language
21:20.45De_Mongrammer definitions and such (guessing)
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21:23.54gammahhey I was wondering if anyone has a pcap of a cisco sccp/skinny phone negotiating with asterisk?
21:24.05Qwell[]gammah: I do, actually
21:24.08gammahI'm trying to understand the protocol by reading chan_skinny.c -- would like to see the protocol in action
21:24.09Qwell[]oh, with asterisk...hmm
21:24.15Qwell[]I have some with ccm
21:24.16gammahwith anything really
21:24.29Qwell[]though, I suppose I could grab one with asterisk
21:24.45Qwell[]msg me your email address, I'll see if I can grab something really quick
21:24.53gammahwow ok cool
21:25.18Qwell[]I'll do a register, and a call in both directions
21:25.27Qwell[]and hold/unhold I guess
21:25.40fujinoh my god
21:25.50fujinthis is super awesome
21:25.58gammahwerd Qwell[] that rules thx
21:26.01Qwell[]fujin: yes, yes it is
21:28.35fujinaha! one macro down
21:29.17[TK]D-FenderAEL = total waste
21:29.35fujinIt's easily readable, the language makes more sense to *write*
21:29.50mvanbaak[TK]D-Fender: what's wrong with AEL
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21:30.15mercestesComcast blows
21:30.40[TK]D-FenderDoes nothing you can do in standard parser, adds a level of complexity to your dialpln, makes reading dumps a serious PITA, and has been in the past buggy as well.
21:31.14fujincomplexity = win.
21:31.55mvanbaakI like it that you can easily add extra steps to an extension
21:32.08mvanbaakwithout having to restate the exten all the time
21:32.27fujinit looks awesome so far, just rebuilt my stdexten macro
21:32.37fujingoing to do some databasa
21:32.56fujinis odbc the best way to do a simply query from a db?
21:33.20mvanbaakwe use an agi for that
21:33.41fujinI need to rewrite my inbound-queue-prioritisation based on callerID
21:34.49Dan0maN_WorkD-Fender:  asking again about the 300 extension / 270 station setup, would dual-core's be overkill?  i have no data for how many concurrent internal calls, but from what i understand, it shouldn't matter as they will connect peer to peer unless recording needs to take place.  not planning on increasing our external lines, and we only have a T1 to our current pbx, so 24 max.
21:35.39ReDNeQDan0maN_Work we have 2 locations with 30+ extensions/users on both ends
21:35.53ReDNeQat any given time we have only noticed memory use being high.. nothing on processor
21:36.06ReDNeQfor memory we are talking 500-750 megs
21:36.12Dan0maN_Worksorry about these stupid questions.  i've been tasked to spec out and justify the budget items next year, and i haven't even been able to get a working test in place yet ;P
21:36.21ReDNeQthe machine is an amd 64 athlon HP machine
21:36.27ReDNeQnothing fancy
21:37.46*** part/#asterisk lirakis (n=etamme@
21:37.51[TK]D-FenderDan0maN_Work, dual core is pretty common these days.... I don't thikn you'll need to go psycho on this really..
21:38.29Dan0maN_Workok.  thanks to both of you
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21:42.28KpoHhello all
21:42.56KpoHi have problem with asterisk compilation, I always get this error
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21:43.56KpoHplease advice anyone, what the heck it want from me?
21:44.08Strom_MKpoH: try installing the ncurses dev library
21:44.17KpoHi'm on gentoo
21:44.48KpoHso I already have header files
21:44.52KpoHof ncurses
21:45.36KpoHI mean i have installed ncurses
21:46.53*** join/#asterisk h0 (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
21:47.01fujinwhat the hell
21:47.06fujinI'm unable to connect to
21:48.24jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
21:49.49*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
21:50.33fujinoh, I know the other ones. I was just saying that I can't see KpoH's paste.
21:50.52fujinKpoH: can you paste it to another site?
21:53.37KpoHfujin: sec
21:54.41*** join/#asterisk Yourname` (
21:55.13KpoHStrom_M: any other solutions?
21:55.21Yourname`Hello, I notice a few "call failed to go through, reason 0" and i see reasons from 0-9.. I was wondering if there is some documentation somewhere that mentions what these reasons mean
21:56.05fujinis that ~x86, or x86?
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21:56.18Op3rastbill or a2billing?
21:56.24fujinI always used the gentoo-voip overlay, the emakes were better
21:57.57KpoHfujin: it's without overlay, just pure sources form
21:58.42KpoHvoip overlay update too slowly
21:59.45KpoHfujin: can you say something regard ?
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22:02.48[TK]D-FenderKpoH, ncurses devel <- go install
22:03.09*** part/#asterisk TechBlazer (n=TechBlaz@
22:03.59KpoH[TK]D-Fender: I have ncurses installed on system
22:04.15[TK]D-FenderKpoH, DEVEL <- not just the main
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22:05.49KpoH[TK]D-Fender: on gentoo every package is devel (with all header files and etc staff)
22:06.31[TK]D-FenderKpoH, go to and check the pre-req's again and your system as well
22:07.50fujin<3 to whever designed AEL
22:08.07fujinthat's not an ncurses issue
22:08.15fujinKpoH: which package are you building
22:08.52KpoHfujin: not from package, just pickup tar.gz from and trying to compile it
22:09.21*** join/#asterisk mindCrime_ (i=chatzill@nat/redhat/x-fcc29b1a50cac0c2)
22:09.27fujinthat's what I mean
22:09.29fujinwhat version
22:09.41fujinwell, I built that same package yesterday
22:09.45fujintry re-downloading it
22:09.58fujinI assume you did ./configure && make ?
22:10.21KpoHsure ./configure && make menuselect && make
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22:11.39fujinwell, that's strange
22:11.46fujinas I said, I built the same package yesterday
22:11.56fujindid you pass any options to ./configure ?
22:12.27KpoHyep, --with-gsm=internal --with-postgres --with-odbc
22:12.40fujinI didn't pass any to mine..
22:12.48fujinsorry, I don't know.
22:14.55salvatore2what has changed since 1.4.8 ?
22:15.01fujinread the changelog
22:15.06fujinIt's available on the website.
22:15.14salvatore2i wanted to hear from you if there is a major bugfix
22:15.18fujinThere is.
22:15.22salvatore2that i might miss while reading
22:15.23fujinI advise you to read the changelog
22:15.29salvatore2i already did
22:15.31fujinI'd hope not
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22:16.49Netgeekson which web site is the changelog posted?
22:18.03salvatore2okay so i wonder one thing
22:18.11salvatore2i am using a voip provider to terminate my calls over sip
22:18.13KpoHNetgeeks: on ftp with asterisk
22:18.17salvatore2they accept my calls and connect the call
22:18.25De_MonNetgeeks its in the asterisk package itself and at
22:18.30salvatore2for the first 5 seconds, the call latency is unacceptable
22:18.39salvatore2after 5 seconds, it becomes very good
22:18.41salvatore2why is this
22:18.48fujinyour voip provider sucks?
22:18.49Netgeeksah, okay, so it's not available via http on a web site, but either in svn viewer or th e package itself...
22:19.03fujinthere's a changelog in the package
22:19.09salvatore2it sucks for sure but is this because of the reinvite thing?
22:19.25fujin-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 462352 2007-08-08 09:01 ChangeLog
22:19.40salvatore2is it possible to reduce the reinvite time?
22:20.11KpoHreinvite=no :)
22:20.24salvatore2:) seriously
22:20.40fujinModify the code
22:20.48fujinreinvite, when turned on
22:20.53fujinprobably tries to bridge as soon as possible.
22:21.29Yourname`Hello, I notice a few "call failed to go through, reason 0" and i see reasons from 0-9.. I was wondering if there is some documentation somewhere that mentions what these reasons mean
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22:27.06glacidhello, i'm a little confused by musiconhold.conf - in some configuration examples [classes], default=> is defined, and in others it is [default] directory=, which is the current syntax for 1.4
22:27.23KpoHfujin: hehe, what you think? I run ./configure without parameters, and it fails again
22:29.03KpoHwith te same error
22:30.07tsurkoHello, can Realtime load data from LDAP directory  for the sippeers/spiusers family?
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22:42.04Op3ranybody knows any alternative to a2billing and astbill?
22:43.07glacidthose are the two main ones
22:43.17glacidit's pretty much that or write your own
22:43.52Op3rastbill quite is sucky in terms of installing it on centos
22:44.25Op3ra2billing is kinda overkill for a gateway with billing setup
22:45.09Op3rplus the fact that astbill forum is inactive :(
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22:45.56Curihello, does any one know how to convert wav files to g729?
22:46.15Op3ris g729 an audio codec?
22:46.27glacidyes it is
22:46.46Op3roh god
22:46.46glacidbest to just handle it on the fly
22:47.12Curiglacid: i don't want to stress the server if i can avoid it
22:47.21glacidthere is a "free" g729 codec, or you can buy one from digium
22:47.33glacidalso, they sell a hardware transcoder card that is blazing fast
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22:48.15Curiglacid: I know, but i thought that there might be just a script or program that could encode to g729
22:48.27Op3ryeah and the hardware transcoder almost cost like an another box
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22:49.18Curii know there's this GX::Transcoder but i can't make it transcode, it need some plugin i guess
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22:50.03whist1hi, Im starting up a call center, not very large, about 20 to 40 employees, Im doing the basic IT, and my partner has lined up a normal PBX for us, but since we are paying for it, I was thinking about exploring some open source alternatives, can someone just let me know if it is worth it to look into asterisks as far as being able to handle the call volume, and reliablity?  And what is a rough estimate for hardware cost before I go
22:50.36Op3rwhist1: a lot of call centers here in the philippines use asterisk
22:50.38whist1we will have 1 1-800 line over 2 T1s
22:50.47Op3rwhist1: is it outbound or inbound?
22:51.07whist1at first mainly inbound, than transitioning to both
22:51.14glacidwith 40 employees, you could handle that with one beefy box and some digium hardware
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22:51.29glacidor you could use several smaller machines
22:51.49breanna_Can I use different gain settings for different PRIs in zapata.conf?
22:52.07whist1whats considered beefy?  and we are lookign at about a cost of 2800$ for the PBX that we have picked out, will I be able to beat that?
22:52.38whist1Im assuming 4 gig ram, 3+ gig proc, scsi HD etc
22:52.38glacidprobably, for your setup i bet you could install 3 asterisk machines for that price
22:53.02Sweeperwhist1: including phones?
22:53.08Sweeper$2800, that is
22:53.09glacidHD not so important, unless you are recording stuff
22:53.10whist1sweeper no
22:53.13Sweeperah, ok
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22:53.27Sweeperyea, $1k is enough for a decent asterisk box these days
22:53.39glacidmostly you are going to need fast CPUs and some memory, 4 gigs of ram is overkill for asterisk
22:53.42whist1recording would be nice, Im assuming asterisk has the ablitiy to remotely monitor phone calls?
22:53.51glacidyes it can
22:53.59Op3ryou can also barge calls
22:54.01glacidyou can monitor channels and also seize them too
22:54.16Op3rif you want you can put VICIDIAL in it
22:54.48glacidjust keep in mind that you will need to manage your asterisk system as well, it's pretty much as complicated or as simple as you want to make it
22:55.27whist1so, I can get away w/ 1k for this machine?  thats pretty sweet.  the other thing is, we can probably get some used phones cheap for a normal pbx, and I dont know fi the difference in price will make up for it.
22:55.46fujinanyone got any docs for querying a database from the dialplan?
22:55.50fujinin particular, mysql?
22:56.03fujinI can only seem to find information regarding realtime configuration, which isn't really what I want.
22:56.07whist1glacid:  Ill be there 24/7, and since I negotiated a big slice of the proits, it be nice to make myself irreplaceable...hehe
22:56.08mrdigitalfujin: pm?
22:56.45fujinmore money = more call capacity
22:58.02whist1would someone be cool enough to give me a quick synopsis of what a 2 T1 w/ 1800 number setup would look like, with abotu 30 cubes, and pc/phone at each cube?
22:58.16glacidwhist1: you can get away with like $40 per phone, probably less if you are buying in quantity - but i wouldn't use those cheap phones for a call center
22:58.36glacidebay is your friend, you can get Cisco 7940s for anywhere between $75 and $125 a piece..
22:58.38fujinwhist1: that's very basic, but no
22:59.27glacidalso, consider that if you are running voip phones to each desk you will probably want PoE to power them, although it's not absolutely necessary
22:59.56glacidquick side note, if you do use cisco phones, if you try and power them from the external power brick - ear piece will produce a buzz or hum
23:00.04glacidthey work best when running off PoE
23:00.21glacidsorry.. "headset" port buzzes - not the handset port
23:00.37fujinI wouldn't go with cisco handsets, if I were you
23:00.43jboti heard phones is  While personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows:  Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever.
23:00.54glacidpersonally i love them, but polycoms are gaining popularity
23:01.04fujinI went with Linksys spa942's here.
23:01.08glacidi wouldn't trade my cisco phones for anything
23:01.17glacidgreat call quality
23:01.20whist1ah, Im going to have to go over some numbers, as I think that the costs of the phone will be kill any savings that we will have going with a traditional system and used equipment
23:01.22Corydon76-workI wouldn't use Cisco phones for anything
23:01.43Corydon76-workNot even for a doorstop
23:02.04glacidsome of the higher end cisco phones are a PAIN to configure.. like the 7970/7971
23:02.15Op3ror you can just get a pap2 and put analog phones in it
23:02.16NuggetApparently Cisco phones make good props when you're shooting office interiors for a television show.
23:02.18glacidbut the 7940 has been awesome to me
23:02.34NuggetThey're all over the White House and Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip  :)
23:02.39glacidnugget: i think they pay for that product placement
23:02.47Nuggetof course
23:02.48glacidnugget: they probably donated the whole setup
23:02.54mvanbaakCorydon76-work: the cisco phones work great with the new chan_skinny.c :)
23:02.58mvanbaakbut I'm biased
23:03.14glacidthere's also chan_sccp2 - but needs a patch to work
23:03.22glacidi mean with the lateste 1.4.9
23:03.31fujinwas quite funny, in 24
23:03.35mvanbaakand chan_sccp2 is dead
23:03.37fujinthey were running around trying to find a working phone
23:03.44fujinand Jack picks up a grandstream -> dead
23:03.46fujina mitel -> dead
23:03.56jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
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23:04.09glacidi picked up a GS phone for the garage phone, and i'm sorry i did
23:04.32Corydon76-workThe only complaint I have with my GS102 is that the speakerphone isn't loud enough
23:04.42glacidthere's no local loop, so when you speak you can't hear yourself in the earpiece
23:05.01ManxPowerglacid: your statement does NOT make sense
23:05.10Corydon76-workUh, I'm sorry, why would you want to hear yourself speak?
23:05.24ManxPowerPerhaps the term you are looking for is "sidetone"
23:05.25glacidon any normal handset you can hear yourself in the earpiece
23:05.32glacidmanxpower: sorry, wrong term then
23:05.37ManxPowerYes, that is the term you are looking for.
23:05.48Corydon76-workUh, no, that's ECHO, and that's very undesireable
23:05.58glacidno it's not echo
23:06.07glacidi'm not talking about feedback from the pbx
23:06.13Corydon76-workIf I can hear myself in the earpiece, that's echo
23:06.36*** part/#asterisk Curi (n=creinero@
23:06.40glacidif you can hear yourself with some delay, that's echo
23:06.51glacidManxPower understands what i'm talking about
23:06.56Corydon76-workUh, either way it's echo.
23:07.01mvanbaakif I can hear myself it's a miracle
23:07.14Corydon76-workOne's just a shorter loop than the other
23:08.01glacidanyways, on standard analog lines, on any "normal" phone, it's what we've all grown to expect - but on grandstream it's missing
23:08.20ManxPowerglacid: technically sidetone on analog lines IS echo, it's just echo with so little delay it is not annoying
23:08.34ManxPowerglacid: IP phones add their own sidetone.
23:08.42mvanbaakthe grandstreams lack more then the sidetone ;)
23:08.49glacidyeah that's for sure
23:08.54ManxPowerIf your GS phone is not doing that, I would consider it either a design flaw or a broken phone
23:08.55glacidlike a real display on thier lowest line model
23:09.02glacidit's a design flaw
23:09.14glacidother people have complained about it besides me
23:10.01Corydon76-workYeah, it's horrible when you can actually hear the other person on the line
23:10.11glacidanyways, most of the rest of my phones are cisco, 1 aastra, and a cordless through an iaxy, and the GS is by far the worst of them
23:10.22Corydon76-workWhat are phones for, if not for misinterpreting what people say?
23:10.53bkruseis there a way to NOT log an action: originate?
23:11.07bkruseeg so the GUI does not fill the CDR with executecommand requests?
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23:11.12Corydon76-workbkruse: comment out all lines in logger.conf
23:11.46Corydon76-workbkruse: oh, you might want to try running NoCDR in the dialplan then
23:11.49bkruseCorydon76-work: ha, we could do that......but we have CDR viewing support now, but most of the calls are executecommand calls, and I was wondering if we could get rid of them somehow
23:12.00bkruseCorydon76-work: I tried it, and that gets rid of the call CDR, but not the originate :[
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23:16.49breanna_Can I use different gain settings for different groups in zapata.conf?
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23:19.25salvatore2i love asterisk
23:19.33ber123me 2
23:19.43salvatore2but, to be honest, it ruined my life
23:19.56salvatore2all my life is consisting of phones now
23:20.11mvanbaaksalvatore2: it's known to do that
23:20.16bkruseI love it
23:20.23mvanbaakit's a free feature you get for free with it
23:20.30klictelasterisk is a woman
23:20.39salvatore2i want to disable this feature mvanbaak
23:20.46salvatore2maybe i should just comment it
23:20.48mvanbaaksalvatore2: halt -p
23:21.32salvatore2i want to meet with a female asterisk developer
23:22.34salvatore2now i am trying to integrate call phones with asterisk
23:22.41salvatore2over gsm standard
23:22.49salvatore2cell phones*
23:31.10mvanbaaksalvatore2: you want asterisk to be part of the gsm network ? you need a gsm gateway or a gsm zaptel card
23:31.22fujinAnyone know how I can do something like Macro(sql(select something from clidcheck where phonenumber=${CALLERID(num)}))?
23:31.25mvanbaak2n is offering a gsm <=> sip gateway
23:31.44mvanbaakand junghanns is offering pci cards with multiple gsm modems that have a zaptel driver
23:32.34ber123asterisk isnt a woman
23:32.36ber123cuz its consistant
23:33.05mvanbaakyou sure ?
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23:35.49fujinanyone? MySQL inside a dialplan?
23:36.03mvanbaakfujin: you can use the mysql dialplan function
23:36.29fujinoh christ
23:36.32fujinhow did I not know about that
23:37.26mvanbaakone cannot know everything
23:38.18JTodbc would be more advisable
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23:38.48fujinshame I can't find any concrete stuff on it
23:38.57JTyes then you wouldn't be tied to one database
23:39.01JTerr okay...
23:39.27fujini *want* to be tied to one database, so that's not really an issue
23:39.30jebbawhat's the best way to stream radio to asterisk now? I've done the mpg123 0.59r stuff in the past, but it sounds really jittery now with * 1.4.9
23:39.32fujinis that the only reason I'd use it over mysql()?
23:39.44mvanbaakfujin: yes
23:39.48JTwhy would you want to be tied to a database? that's silly
23:40.08mvanbaakJT: maybe they are talking to their inhouse application ?
23:40.09JTthat and they're really only supporting odbc in asterisk going forward, from what i've heard
23:40.28ber123you are joking jt?
23:40.28JTmvanbaak: even so, times change, database indepenence is a Goot Thing
23:40.38JTwhy would i be joking
23:40.43mvanbaakJT: I hope not. a lot of my stuff is dependant on cdr_psql and res_config_psql
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23:40.52ber123i have all kinds of database driven applications
23:40.55ber123its absolutely crucial
23:40.56NuggetAnything that eliminates mysql lock-in is a huge win.  :)
23:41.04JTNugget: indeed
23:41.20Nuggetmysql is the windows me of databases.  Being able to avoid it is great.
23:41.21JTbut database independence is always a good thing to have
23:41.44mvanbaakodbc adds an extra layer
23:41.52JToh gno!
23:42.05mvanbaakit does
23:42.11JTit's irrelevant
23:42.16ber123yes db independence is good
23:42.17mvanbaakI'd rather talk to psql directly
23:42.22JTit's good to have an abstraction layer
23:42.23Nuggetthere's nothing inherently good or bad about adding a layer.
23:42.31JTjust rheotric
23:42.43mvanbaakwith odbc I have to install like 4 extra packages, do configuration of those packages and stuff
23:42.52ber123yum :)
23:42.54mvanbaakwhile with res_config_psql I only have to alter 1 file
23:43.10JTso the reason we should not use odbc is because you are lazy?
23:43.35mvanbaakthe reason _I_ am not using odbc is because I'm lazy yeah
23:44.05mvanbaakbut that's what I like bout asterisk and most apps on my system
23:44.07JTdon't get me wrong, people are lazy, but it's better to be lazy in the best ways
23:44.10Nuggethaving native database drivers in asterisk is a poor use of Digium's time and energy.
23:44.13mvanbaakyou have a choice
23:44.26ManxPowerseems like a lot of extra work for being lazy
23:44.27mvanbaakyou can go either with native support or go with the odbc layer
23:44.34JTlike "imagine how much effort it will be to chnge databases later, screw that! i think i'll use abstraction"
23:45.03ber123yeah a lot of times i start off a project quick and dirty with mysql and hten move to oracle once it gets traction
23:45.13fujineh. We (as an ISP) have no immediate or future plans to change our systems-wide databases
23:45.15ber123if you are doing small stuff all the time it probably doesnt buy you that much
23:45.19fujintherefore, I will use mysql().
23:45.30JTfujin: yay, a win for illogicity
23:45.35fujincare factor 0
23:45.35Nuggetstarting with postgresql instead of mysql will make a future move to oracle a lot simpler.
23:45.39fujinI don't make the decisions :)
23:45.45mvanbaakber123: gheh, you are talking about a waste of time and yet you are using oracle ;)
23:45.53Nuggetthey're closer in form and function
23:45.55JTyou should take into account the fact that digium only want to support odbc
23:46.00ber123oracle is good
23:46.03Nuggetyes it is.
23:46.06JTthat should rate on the lazy factor, i mean care factor
23:46.09vutamhoanI have mp3 quality problem with hardware line (soft-phone sound good) - Can anybody help
23:46.11ber123oracle for a newbie is bad
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23:46.16Nuggetthat's true too.
23:46.22ber123mysql is nice because it doesnt require you to think that much to be ok from the start
23:46.31ber123oracle you have to do some legwork up front, or at least i do
23:46.32NuggetI'm just saying that the move from pgsql to oracle is a lot smaller and easier than the move from mysql to oracle.
23:46.35ManxPowervutamhoan:  you will always have quality problems with music over telephony
23:46.46Nuggetand pgsql doesn't require any more thinking than mysql.
23:46.48ber123oh yeah
23:47.05JTthe reason there's so much morons writing garbage sql code is mysql
23:47.11mvanbaakdigium is not only supporting odbc
23:47.11JTzomg LAMP
23:47.18mvanbaakthey do support sqlite and pgsql as well
23:47.23vutamhoanManxPower: Yes, mp3 is low volume and quality is bad
23:47.26ber123man market took a beating today
23:47.32ManxPowervutamhoan: what codec?
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23:47.51vutamhoanI use mp3 file for my IVR
23:48.03vutamhoanbut gsm is perfect
23:48.23fujinanyone actually using MYSQL() for anythign?
23:48.26ManxPowervutamhoan: convert them to 8Khz mono
23:48.28Netgeeksdoes the odbc stuff in asterisk allow you to do direct sql queries?
23:48.53mvanbaakNetgeeks: it's odbc
23:48.53vutamhoanAh, thank you
23:49.12vutamhoanI'm going to do it right now, thanks a lot
23:49.45mvanbaakfujin: not me. like I said before we are using agi scripts for stuff like that
23:51.03NetgeeksI understand it's odbc, but what is the asterisk dialplan interface to it?  ODBCget? ODBCput?
23:51.41Netgeeksnvm, I think google found something for me to look at
23:51.57jebbavutamhoan, how are you doing mp3 playing? I'm trying to get reasonable sound from a streaming radio station.  I've done it in the past oki, but now it's not cooperating. I have 0.59r installed (and tried other versions too).
23:52.37jebbai also see that there's format_mp3 in asterisk-addons, but there's code in main asterisk 1.4.10 with mp3 as well, so i don't know why addons would be necessary.  It /is/ playing, it just sounds like stuttery crap  ;)
23:53.11Netgeekshrm the odbc tools available in the dialplan seem crippled as compared to app_addon_mysql
23:56.21fujinwhat does 'hint' do?
23:56.30Netgeeksfujin: yes, I use MYSQL() alot
23:56.36fujinah, sweet
23:56.39fujinhave you used it inside AEL?
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23:56.49fujinright, thanks
23:57.05jesselang|laptopHello all.
23:57.14NetgeeksI'm not an ael convert yet
23:57.23fujinI'm working on it. half way converted my extensions.conf.
23:57.27jesselang|laptopI'm trying to get the call duration from a AGI... can anyone help me?
23:57.30fujinLooks good so far. Beautiful to read.
23:57.53mvanbaakI like
23:57.59mvanbaakI like AEL
23:58.00Netgeeksno doubt, I tried converting but each time I found there were things I could do in old dialplan that I couldn't in ael, so I got annoyed and abandoned the attempt
23:58.06jesselang|laptopI tried "GET VARIABLE CDR(duration)", but that returned 0 everytime.
23:58.40NetgeeksCDR(duration) is only viable after the channel has hunug up
23:58.46Netgeekshung up even
23:58.55mvanbaakbrb, have to get out of my fatboy to get a powersupply for this laptop
23:59.20fujinanyone for some quick regex/awk/sed?
23:59.26fujinI need to get exten=>661,1,Macro(stdexten,661,SIP/661) -> just the extension number

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