IRC log for #asterisk on 20070808

00:00.30generalhani just dont understand why it was happening to begin with ... and now changing something that should have no effect has magically seemed to help
00:01.03JThave you checked with your provider as to whether or not they are having technical difficulties?
00:01.59generalhanyes... but they are freaking liars ... when i had an iccodent a while back that i had someone come in and look at for me ... they PROVED it was the provider and they claimed everything was perfect ... so i cant count on them to fess up to anything
00:02.15JTheh ok
00:02.48JTmake sure there's no interrupt sharing
00:03.22generalhanJT: how would i go about that ?
00:03.35JTcat /proc/interrupts
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00:06.41generalhanlooks ok to me
00:07.16JTlooks fine there
00:08.00generalhanJT: ok ran it for a while ....
00:08.19generalhanJT: and saw something under what you told me was bad:
00:08.20generalhanBest: 100.000000 -- Worst: 99.963379 -- Average: 99.987335
00:09.03JTdid you see it, or did it only show up in the totals?
00:09.45generalhanonly in the totals ... i have been watching it and never saw that number anywhere
00:10.15JTso have there been any T1 flaps during this whole time?
00:10.53generalhanone person said they dropped a call ... but i typically write that off as someone hanging up on them :) so im not sure
00:11.05generalhananytime it has happened before there was like 10 people that said it all at once
00:11.12JTit's easy to see if the T1 flaps
00:11.15JTwatch the console.
00:11.22generalhani was watching the zttest
00:11.28JTwell do both
00:11.32JTor you're wasting time
00:11.46generalhanand what am i looking for in console ?
00:12.03JTa screen full of Red Alarms and D channel errors
00:12.06JTshould be hard to miss
00:12.42generalhanwell that has not happened since i was running that, else messages would have caught it
00:13.03JTthen the problem hasn't occured
00:14.15generalhanright ... so should i just keep zttest running for hours and see if i get the red alarms again ?
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00:15.26generalhani just got a 99.975, but no "T1 flapping" :  99.987793% 100.000000% 99.975586% 99.987793% 99.987793
00:15.27GoldFingazhi...what is the difference between asterisk 1.4.10 and 1.2.24
00:15.37GoldFingazcan seem to find any docs on it
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00:18.04JT99.975 is just okay
00:18.47JTgeneralhan: i guess so, it's ideal if you're able to check zttest while it fails
00:19.04JTgeneralhan: but at this point i'm thinking it's a provider issue
00:19.18generalhanok .. well ill keep watching ... but of course its not going to fail while im paying attention :(
00:19.31JTmay be worth seeing if you have any LEDs on your SHDSL modem/smartjack
00:19.34GoldFingazam i in the right place for asking newbie questions?
00:19.36JTwhen it has a red alarm
00:20.05JTGoldFingaz: 1.4 is the newer branch, but 1.2 is slightly more stable
00:20.16generalhanJT: im on vacation right now .. im 1000 miles from the office. i will be back in the office on thursday and i will check then
00:20.24JTah ok
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00:29.16ChulJin252 other people and I'll still wind up talking to myself, but worth a shot:
00:29.29ChulJinanyone else use res_jabber (and possibly chan_gtalk)?
00:30.10ChulJinI got it going last night, and it ran continuously since just before noon today, now the connection is flapping at like .5Hz
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00:37.04JTChulJin: probably no-one uses it
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00:39.03snuff-workanyway to ask if a phone is busy without using 'dial' ?
00:39.45JTchanisavail or something
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00:42.14snuff-worknah chanisavail just checks can it be reached :(
00:42.51generalhansnuff-work: chanisavail returns information about the status of that line. it will return BUSY if it is in use
00:43.31generalhansnuff-work: i use it constantly in my dialplan to "disable" call waiting on my user's phones
00:47.30snuff-workmust have done somethin not quite right in my tests
00:49.19generalhansnuff-work: look into the s option "s - Consider the channel unavailable if the channel is in use at all"
00:49.36snuff-workah probably missing that
00:49.43generalhanthat means even if its currently ringing, its not avail
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00:50.23generalhanJT: im going cross-eyed staring at the CLI and the zttest output ! lol. and of course not one single hiccup yet
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01:04.30*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
01:06.06*** join/#asterisk CrashHD (n=crashhd@
01:06.35CrashHDHello, Anyone know where I can find a visual of the voicemail tree in asterisk?
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01:52.57x86anyone know of a decent SIP IM app for Mac?
01:55.51x86Adium is supposed to support it, but wont connect to Asterisk
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02:14.27x86ichat can talk SIP?
02:14.38x86iDidnt know that ;-)
02:14.40SwKhow do you think it does video?
02:15.25x86so i can add a SIP account to iChat?
02:16.02x86only supported account types are AIM and .Mac
02:16.12x86how do you add a SIP account?
02:16.26SwKwell it also does jabber, and bonjour other then AIM and .mac
02:16.32SwKcan you directly add a sip account dunno
02:16.59SwKbut there are things like xMeeting  but I dunno which ones do SIMPLE
02:17.24x86yeah the only SIP/SIMPLE clients I can find requre a XMPP account
02:17.41x86except the Adium plugin, which doesn't work
02:17.56SwKso use XMPP
02:18.40x86really wanted to use a pure SIMPLE client
02:19.26SwKits over rated
02:19.45SwK(sorry nothing personal thats jsut the way I feel)
02:20.46Nivexmuch love for XMPP
02:21.09SwKmuch love or what ever you want to pay me to do :P
02:22.29x86ok, next question -- anyone know of a free Java applet (as in web applet) that acts as a SIP client?
02:23.07SwKi wish
02:23.20SwKi want to find one in flash personally
02:24.25NivexIAX would be easier to work with IMHO
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02:25.11SwKi refuse to run iax on my network
02:25.23*** join/#asterisk jcaceres (n=jcaceres@
02:27.02*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (
02:27.19x86SwK: that sucks for you then ;)
02:27.31x86IAX2 is superior to SIP imho
02:27.33SwKwhat sux for me? refusing to run IAX?
02:27.43SwKtyou have never ran it in a very large scale network
02:27.49x86single port, less overhead, easier with NAT, etc, etc
02:28.02[T]anki have an iax provider coming into my phone system. I am noticing that I do not get callwaiting caller id. is there a setting for that in iax.conf? i am not finding any information that supports that.
02:28.04SwKtrue, false, false, etc etc
02:28.55SwK[T]ank, you should be getting it by default there is no setting for it... and call-waiting is a function of your end device (ata sip phone whatever) not a function of the trunks coming in via sip/iax whatever
02:29.03jcacereshello i have installed asterisk successfully in debian, but against my other experiences  in this week this time asterisk did not create a file in /etc/int.d/ to start automatically asterisk and zaptel, even after rebooting......??? any idea of how could have change this time?
02:29.34[T]ankok... so i am pushing my calls out to zap for my analog phones. Is that where it would need to be set?
02:29.44jcacereswhy is it?
02:29.59*** join/#asterisk phix (i=threat@
02:30.19SwK[T]ank, yes that is correct check your zap configs
02:30.39JTx86: there is no real superiority of iax over sip
02:30.43phixhey, does version 1.2.13 allow me to change the rfc2833 payload type to 96 in a configuration file yet?
02:30.46JTespecially on large scale networks/ITSPs
02:30.50phixor do I need to patch asterisk?
02:31.29phixJT: I call being able to trunk calls superior
02:31.44SwKphix: still not superior in large scale networking
02:31.50phixJT: and handle NAT well also superior
02:32.00phixSwK: ok
02:32.06JTphix: it's not superior on a large scale
02:32.06jcaceresany body has experience with debian an asterisk?
02:32.10[T]ankthnks SwK
02:32.20JTand anyone can make sip work over most NAT unless they are an idiot
02:32.23SwKphix: you can get the same 'reduction in bandwidth' by adjusting the samples per RTP packet to something other then 20ms
02:32.29SwKand what JT just said
02:32.36drakojcaceres, a bit, yes
02:33.02SwKnot to mention with SIP  signal path vs media path are optionally the same thing... you can never say taht about iax...
02:33.11phixJT: heh, yes but it is easier to setup NAT with AIX than SIP
02:33.23JTAIX zomg IBM UNIX
02:33.29phixJT: any way, change of subject a bit, changing the rfc2833 payload type to 96
02:33.30SwKsure you can native transfer, but you always start out with the media going thru the call switch box meaing higher loads on the call router
02:33.33jcaceresdrako,  i have installed asterisk, but this time it did not create the file to load it automatically, what do you think that happened there?
02:33.47drakojcaceres, 1.4 ?
02:33.56drakomake config
02:34.05jcaceresthe aste version, i just downloaded
02:34.20JTphix: almost no difference in setup difficulty over NAT from an end user perspective
02:34.36jcaceresis it the same as  make menuconfig? or make menuselect?
02:35.01jcaceresi normally do
02:35.02drakojcaceres, just type make config on the asterisk src directory
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02:35.38jcaceres.configure,  then  make menuconfig, then make, an finally make install
02:35.48jcaceresi'll follow your steps
02:35.54drakomake config
02:36.21drakoit will install a rc start up script on /etc/init.d
02:37.05phixhow does licences work with the G729 codec?
02:37.13phixit reads some file?
02:38.53jcaceresbtw, which kind of g729 codec is the one that can used free of charge ?
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02:40.04SwKjcaceres, in the US G729 is patented... using the "free ones" is illegal and discouraged... i
02:41.07*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
02:41.11jcaceresSwK,  yes, i know, but i heard that there was a kind of g729 that could be used for educational purposes
02:41.36SwKintel has one
02:42.10SwKbut its been my experience that people asking for that sort of thing want more then just educational use... if you want that just spend $20 on digiums website and order 2 licenses
02:42.43phixam I asking stupid questions? or am I just being ignored?
02:42.44jcaceresi do not know why is it proprietary, i thought CELP was free to be used
02:43.34SwKphix: go read the g729 info on digiums website its explained there
02:43.58SwKjcaceres, CELP might be but G729 and G723 are convered by numerous patents
02:45.04phixSwK: no I am refering to my question regarding changing the rfc2833 payload type to 96
02:45.23jcaceresand finally who patented, digium?
02:45.27SwKphix: oh ... sorry... probably requires a patch
02:45.38phixSwK: would you know where this patch is?
02:45.50SwKjcaceres, digium does not own the patents to 729 thats owned by several people who set up a consortium to license it...
02:46.04SwKphix, nope... its usually easier to change the equipment you are talking too
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02:46.36SwKjcaceres, digium just spent a nice sized 5digit number to get the rights to resell it
02:46.59phixSwK: sure I will ring up my VoIP provider and tell them to replace all of their cisco equipment.
02:47.03SwKjcaceres, not including whatever they invested in getting the codec code itself
02:47.15SwKphix, cisco by default does 101
02:47.33phixSwK: well this place uses 96
02:47.45SwKoh well look in chan sip
02:47.49phixI am assuming they are using ciscos
02:47.58phixchan sip ay
02:48.02JTso you don't even know?
02:48.20phixJT: do you know how to change rtp payload type?
02:48.29JTyou edit chan_sip.c
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02:49.10JTcisco being defective, how unusual ;)
02:50.25*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
02:50.32phixJT: how difficult would it be to create a configuration directive to make the payload type variable? (without needing to recompile each time)
02:51.15JTno idea, how easy do you find coding C?
02:52.56phixJT: I can code in C
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02:54.52Strom_Myou forgot int main() {
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02:55.33jerchar*f="char*f=%c%s%c;main() printf(f,34,f,34,10);%c";main()printf(f,34,f,34,10);
02:55.37jeror something like that
03:00.37jer(if that was wrong, excuse me... been a while since i wrote a quine in C, and i just did that one from memory
03:01.00russellbjer: heh, it's all good
03:01.57phixStrom_M: :( I fail!
03:02.10phixStrom_M: I also forgot stdio.h but ssshhh :)
03:02.35Strom_Mhi / cocks protocol (rfc 4373)
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03:03.12generalhanJT: thanks for all your help earlier ... i really think that it HAD to have been provider error
03:03.34JTno probs
03:03.38JTi'd think it would be
03:04.05generalhanJT: i left it running for a LONG time and hit a pretty big low ... but for the most part the average is pretty good !
03:04.07generalhan--- Results after 9672 passes ---  Best: 100.000000 -- Worst: 99.938965 -- Average: 99.996384
03:04.38JThmm ok
03:04.46JTi don't trust the totals anyway
03:05.21generalhani actually say that 99.93 and there was no T1 issues at the time, and i still have not had any Red Alarm errors since the round this after noon
03:05.36phixJT: would you happen to know which #define / variable I change? :)
03:06.46phixJT: so it is definitly in chan_sip.c? or would it be in a header file?
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03:08.48kiscokidIs there any way to simulate a PRI so I can test my Sangoma to see if it works with Asterisk?
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03:12.32phixJT: it was rtp.c, no chan_sip.c
03:12.37phixno = not
03:18.04phixJT: add that to the channel bot :)
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03:26.09red9012are dtmf problems finally fixed with asterisk?
03:26.35JTdoesn't look like the problem of vague questions has been
03:26.57SweeperJT: 1, Noobs: 0
03:27.09SweeperI think we need more cheerleaders
03:27.27russellbred9012: yeah, they're all fixed, actually
03:27.33Sweeperpreferably Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders looking to get a bit intellectual
03:27.36russellbjust finished fixing them this morning
03:28.02russellbthere was this last one with the '5' digit that kept us stumped for months
03:28.18[hC]oh man how did you solve that russel?
03:28.22[hC]I still cant get my 5s to work
03:28.27[hC]ive tried EVERYTHING
03:28.30russellblost many nights of sleep
03:29.04russellbgood plan
03:29.07*** join/#asterisk Joe_CoT (i=joe_cot@ubuntu/member/joeterranova)
03:29.17JTthat's another reason we all buy polycom
03:29.25JTyou can reasign the number keys
03:29.30russellbha, can you really?
03:29.33Joe_CoTquestion: is there a place where I can get a list of sip providers? perhaps comparisons between them?
03:29.35russellbthat's crazy
03:29.49JTan undocumented feature
03:29.52SweeperI'm gonna have to do that to someone as a practical joke
03:30.14Sweepermake them a special provisioning file that maps them all backwards
03:30.52JTPlease smash your cisco with a hammer (RFC 3389).
03:31.10phixrussellb: hehe
03:31.20nick125JT: You have some kind of hatrid against ciscos, don't you?
03:32.05phixJT: comfort noise is static right?
03:32.09JTnick125: too many fanboys, too many dollars
03:32.13JTphix: more or less
03:32.25JTphix: it means the other side is doing RTP silence supression
03:33.13phixJT: ok, so I have no access to my VoIP providers SIP hardware, is there a way to turn off the wanring at least? it is annoying
03:33.41Strom_Muse a codec that doesn't have VAD
03:33.45Strom_Mi.e. not g729
03:33.51JTphix: probably edit the source again :)
03:34.06JTStrom_M: some providers do RTP silence supression even on g.711
03:34.10phixStrom_M: I have a choice of using g729, alaw or ulaw.
03:34.26phixJT: hehe, aww but I am compiling already!
03:34.29Strom_Mulaw if north america
03:34.40Strom_Malaw if not north america
03:34.49JTphix: what's more annoying than the warning is a dead sounding phone call
03:34.53phixStrom_M: oh, well they support it :) they use American hardware
03:35.01phixJT: I suppose
03:35.23JTphix: people on your side will always wonder if the other end has dropped out
03:35.30phixI will get a static generator
03:35.44JTand promise to comit it to mantis :)
03:35.53Sweeperphix: I've got a cheap one I can sell you
03:36.06SweeperI made it myself!
03:36.17phixSweeper: heh, does it go buuuzzzzz or hiiizizizz or a combination of both?
03:36.18Sweeperyou have to have long hair to make it work well tho
03:36.31Sweepermore of a crackling....
03:36.36phixI only like hiiziz sounds
03:36.52phixis there a filter for that?
03:37.07Sweeperwell, what you really want is gaussian white noise
03:37.31phixI am allergic to mathematical algorithms
03:39.39kiscokidAnyone know where I could borrow a PRI simulator?
03:40.27JTmy garage
03:40.34JTdon't think that's useful though
03:40.41JTto you anyway
03:40.52kiscokidwhere is it located?
03:40.59JTsydney, australia
03:41.12kiscokidnot immediately useful
03:41.28JTwhat card do you have?
03:41.34JTand why do you want to simulate?
03:41.44*** join/#asterisk VoipMasta (
03:41.47kiscokidSangoma A101d
03:41.49VoipMastaHi there
03:42.11kiscokidJust want to test my configuration before we get our real PRI
03:42.17VoipMastaDoes anyone know how can I know the IAX registration state/status from an AGI?
03:42.27JTshrug, as if you need to test ;)
03:42.41JTtell us what sort of connection you're getting, and pastebin your configs
03:44.19*** join/#asterisk Ciber311 (
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03:55.10Getafixhey, anyone familiar with queues.conf/timeoutrestart?
03:55.46Getafixthe docs on the voip-info wiki say that timeoutrestart is set to yes, the timeout for an agent to answer is reset if a BUSY or CONGESTION is received
03:55.57Getafixwell, I have it turned to =yes, and I am sending back a BUSY
03:56.05Getafixbut it is dropping to voicemail
03:56.16Getafixinstead of timing out
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04:04.56SplasPoodGetafix: what is dropping to vm
04:06.20phixWhat is a good tool for converting wav / pcm files to g729?
04:07.24phixalso, I have one g729 licence, if there is a phone conversation already in progress and somebody else calls, will I need another licence to play a busy message which is in g729 format?
04:07.24GetafixSplasPood: the queue caller
04:07.38GetafixSplasPood: I assumed that with that turned on, and with BUSY being sent back from the phone, the caller would remain in the queue
04:08.07Getafixinstead of going to the agents voicemail
04:14.02GetafixI can't work out why the ACD is causing Executing Macro("Local/703@maxnet-users-da24,2", "stdexten|703|SIP/703") in new stack
04:14.06Getafixto happen
04:14.11VoipMastaphix: yes, you'll need a second license to answer another channel in g729
04:14.12Getafixcan I specify what it does when it calls a user?
04:14.39VoipMastaphix: if you have g729 transcoding (since I guess you have as you own a license) you don't have to convert it, Asterisk will do it for you
04:14.54Getafixwhat type of channel is Local
04:15.43JTVoipMasta: you're completely missing the whole point
04:15.44Getafixand why does ACD use it
04:16.02VoipMastaJT: I am?
04:16.07JTphix: no, you will not need a licence if the file is already in G.729 format I believe.
04:16.39VoipMastaJT: Ok, you can save a license if you limit yourself to just play a message (no voicemail, forwarding, etc.)
04:16.50JTVoipMasta: G.729 format file playing without transcoding SHOULD == no licence use
04:17.00VoipMastaI believe there's an audio converting tool in asteriskguru right?
04:19.46VoipMastahowever I still think that for $10 it's worth it being able to "do something else" with the call besides playing a message
04:20.01JTVoipMasta: again, you really should read what he said :)
04:20.04JThe HAS a licence
04:20.07Getafixanyone know if it's possible to configure *how* asterisk ACD delivers calls to agents?
04:20.16VoipMastaJT: he has ONE license
04:20.17JTand is talking about what to do with second calls coming in
04:20.46JTVoipMasta: correct
04:21.17VoipMastaJT: What I mean is that for another $10 he could "do more" with the second call than just playing a message
04:21.39VoipMastaJT: like sending it to a voicemail, using call-waiting, etc.
04:21.42phixJT: nice, i will do that :)
04:21.57JTmaybe he could just not use evil G.729
04:22.19VoipMastasome devices do only support G729 as low bw codec
04:22.22VoipMastano GSM :(
04:22.39phixno gsm here :(
04:22.57Getafixanyone know what timeoutrestart actually does?
04:23.13VoipMastawe've been using Cisco and Linksys and we have to stick to G.729a or G.723
04:23.35VoipMastaI would be the happiest man on earth if they started adding GSM as an option to their devices
04:23.54JTVoipMasta: they don't do g.711?
04:24.04VoipMastayes, but again... for low bw users...
04:24.31JTpesky users ;)
04:24.43VoipMastawe have users in countries where DSL connections aren't symmetric... they get maybe 2mbps download but only 256kbps upload
04:25.15VoipMastaand they "promise" 256kbps, the truth is that hey rarely reach over 200
04:25.18phixVoipMasta: I am in one of those countries :(
04:25.23JTdsl is usually never symmetric
04:25.28JTphix: you're on Earth ;)
04:25.31phixVoipMasta: synced DSL is too expensive
04:25.32VoipMastanow if they want to have more than one call at the same time...
04:25.43phixJT: heh
04:25.55JTit also massively raises the noise floor in copper loop cables
04:25.55VoipMastawe need to use something less bandwidth consuming than 711
04:26.15JT(symmetrical dsl that is)
04:26.38phixJT: hmmm if I wanted to talk to a computer on Mars, what protocol should I use? :) since there is a 8minute lag (16minute to send then receive)
04:26.56JTcarrier pidgeon
04:27.06VoipMastahere in Mexico it's almost impossible to get something over 256kbps upstream while keeping the cost under $100/mo
04:27.18phixJT: heh, that is a great RFC, has anyone actually implemented it?
04:27.31Getafixthe people who wrote the RFC implemented it, afaik
04:27.41JTwe can get 24000/1200kbit/s dsl here for less than $100/mo
04:28.13phixJT: ditto, although there it is capped at 50 or 60Gb or something tiny like that
04:28.17VoipMastahere in Mexico a 2000/256 dsl costs about 60/mo
04:28.45phixVoipMasta: oohhh do you own a huge hat?
04:28.57VoipMastahuge hat?
04:29.12VoipMastanot really
04:29.57JTphix: pfft, 60GB isn't that bad
04:30.01JTi rarely use over 10GB
04:30.11*** part/#asterisk Joe_CoT (i=joe_cot@ubuntu/member/joeterranova)
04:30.12phixJT: I use 100Gb or more
04:30.19VoipMastaas a matter of fact, I've always thought that all hats, caps and similar things are for the working masses, I do only justify using them while exercising
04:30.30phixJT: I hate caps regardless if I wasn't using that much
04:30.35JTphix: leecher :P
04:31.23phixJT: :P I leech linux isos and other licence free software and media :)
04:31.25Getafixanyone know what lets the Local channel decide what to do?
04:31.30JTphix: sure you do
04:31.38GetafixI need to work out what is making ACD work, and where to change it.
04:31.41phixJT: yep :) that is my story and I am sticking to it
04:32.10VoipMastaphix: Then shut down your P2P client... you don't need it for open source software
04:32.30phixI hate P2P, I do not use it
04:33.05phixhttp, ftp+tls/ssl, and sftp are my protocols of choice.
04:33.10VoipMastaphix: there was a time when I downloaded every single linux iso as it was released... then I saw the light
04:33.33phixVoipMasta: :)
04:33.49VoipMastaphix: and switched to BSD, which I install over the internet :)
04:38.41Getafixoh crhist
04:38.44GetafixI'm fucking incredible
04:38.49GetafixI'm like *the* best.
04:41.33phixVoipMasta: BSD is nice although I know more about Linux than BSD
04:42.12Getafixanyone super familiar with agentcallbacklogin ?
04:42.19GetafixI need to make it so that it doesn't ask for the username
04:42.41phixI have read up on it from the BSD handbooks, they are usefull, but alot of things that are simply in linux, linux volume management (LVM/EVMS) seem a bit hacky in BSD
04:43.42VoipMastaphix: true, but once you work with it for a while, you start doing everything "naturally" and linux becomes more hacky :)
04:44.28phixok :)
04:44.43phixI wouldn't mind learn Solaris either
04:45.13VoipMastaphix: as a matter of fact, right now I'm setting up a small pbx using a small freebsd box, with a set of php scripts to manage it over the web
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05:17.06phixVoipMasta: how well does Asterisk run on FreeBSD?
05:17.11phixBSD even
05:20.14MavvieI see it in the ports tree, which makes me believe it works good enough.
05:21.19JTwhere good == not so good for some zaptel hardware
05:22.41*** join/#asterisk fujin (n=fujin@unaffiliated/fujin)
05:22.47fujinhi there, anyone know what would cause Aug  8 17:22:18 WARNING[22711]: channel.c:787 channel_find_locked: Avoided initial deadlock for '0xb6e3b3c0', 10 retries!
05:23.01fujinI have my phone set to DND, and whenever someone calls it I see that in the console
05:23.25JThow does your phone handle DND?
05:23.43fujin486 busy here
05:24.07fujinI would have assumed that I would see the callflow though
05:24.09fujininstead of just that
05:24.36JTwell you might with sip debug on
05:24.42fujinI do
05:24.53fujinnow what I want to know is why I don't see it with verbose 3
05:25.09JTtry verbose 10
05:25.32fujinI'm such a tard
05:25.35fujinhad verbose 0
05:25.41fujinstill, I'm interested to know what the deadlock error is
05:25.42fujinany ideas?
05:26.47JTyes, see what the sip and rtp behaviour is like
05:33.17fujinhrm, I'm trying to get *good* queue behaviour with my phones
05:33.18fujinby using DND
05:33.29fujinand the Busy application
05:33.43fujinbut I'd like it to only apply when it's a ACD call calling the phone
05:33.59fujinanyway I can pass a variable or something to the macro which actually dials the Local?
05:35.43fujinor like check if a variable exists in my Macro
05:35.55fujinif ${i_am_an_acd_call}
05:35.58fujinany ideas JT ?
05:40.22phixJT knows all
05:45.40JTyou can pass whatever variables you wish to a macro
05:45.43JTbut you must pass them
05:46.11JTit does not inherit
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05:57.14fujinJT: sure, I understand that
05:57.27fujinbut what variables does asterisk pass to the Macro, when it calls an agent
05:57.30fujinthat's what I wanna know.
06:00.13JTi have no idea
06:00.43Sweeperok, who's going to hire me for a bit of coding tonight?
06:00.58SweeperI'm at stopping points for all my other projects
06:01.00fujinI'll hire you if you can tell me what asterisk passes when it delivers an ACD call to an agent
06:01.03*** join/#asterisk dongs (
06:01.08fujinI'll give you five dollars, via paypal.
06:01.14dongsdoes zaptel 1.2.19 compile with 2.6.22.x kernel
06:01.18JTSweeper: can you reprogram all errors to say "Error 101: Nub." ?
06:01.31SweeperJT: the outlook is good
06:02.26tzafrirdongs, AFAIK, yes
06:02.39dongsokey. cuz 1.2.13 or something didnt
06:02.43dongs.19 still compiling
06:03.16VoipMastaphix: sorry, it runs pretty well
06:04.10dongslooks working
06:04.37phixVoipMasta: ok
06:05.00VoipMastaphix: if you ask me, I've found it to be far more reliable on BSD
06:05.27fujinis there a way to print all current variables?
06:05.36phixVoipMasta: interesting
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06:06.15VoipMastaphix: my average asterisk uptime is 2 months on BSD
06:06.30VoipMastawithout any leaks nor overloading the cpu
06:06.32dongssince when does asterisk run on BSD?
06:06.37Sweeperdongs: a long time
06:06.47Sweeperjust not very good zaptel support
06:06.59VoipMastadongs: it was ported a while ago... maybe something like 2 years
06:07.56JTVoipMasta: 2 months isn't that great
06:08.01JTVoipMasta: linux can do that too
06:08.07dongsheh i see
06:08.16dongsincludeing zaptel hardware?
06:08.34SweeperJT: yes, but BSD is sexier
06:08.50VoipMastaJT: Yes, I know, but it was about 400 SIP devices registering every day. Maybe it would last longer, but it's a production environment so I don't want to risk it.
06:08.59VoipMasta"it has"
06:13.40JTVoipMasta: so you reboot it?
06:13.42*** join/#asterisk sergee (
06:19.21flenderspbx*CLI> core show uptime
06:19.22flendersSystem uptime: 10 weeks, 2 days, 1 hour, 45 minutes, 43 seconds
06:20.05JTi think pbx uptimes should be measured in years
06:21.11VoipMastaJT: I restart asterisk
06:21.25VoipMastaJT: as I said, 2 months is my average asterisk uptime, not server uptime
06:22.52JTVoipMasta: why do you restart for no reason?
06:23.10dongsSystem uptime: 29 weeks, 5 days, 15 hours, 18 minutes, 13 seconds
06:23.22SweeperJT: he doesn't want the outage to take place during critical times?
06:23.42JTSweeper: trying to gamble with randomness? ;)
06:23.48VoipMastaJT: From what I've seen, asterisk has small memory leaks when it comes to config reloading, those small leaks add up and sooner or later make it start having issues.
06:23.56SweeperJT: yes!
06:24.11Sweeperthere's randomness, and there's the creeping memory leaks
06:24.23JTVoipMasta: not a good inditment on asterisk ;)
06:24.46Sweepermight as well have a scheduled outage every two months at 3am if it'll reduce chances of screaming death during business hours
06:24.52VoipMastaJT: by restarting asterisk every 2 months I get 10 more minutes of peaceful sleep every day :)
06:25.40JTwonder when asterisk will be stable ;)
06:26.26SweeperJT: I hear it's a lot more stable when you run it on the MS unified communications server
06:26.33VoipMastaI think it's stable enough... there isn't a 100% stable piece of software, even your server's bios might become unstable under certain circumstances.
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06:28.03JTVoipMasta: err, my server hardware uptime is measured in multiple months or years, so that doesn't come into play for me
06:28.12JTi'm talking about software uptime
06:28.34VoipMastaJT: I've also reached an uptime of nearly 2 years... but as I said "under certain circumstances"
06:28.52JThow will it ever improve if people continue to have an attitude of "stable enough"
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06:29.10JTalso, the stability of asterisk seems to vary wildly depending on what you do with it
06:29.21JTlow demand setups seem to stay up longer
06:29.23VoipMastaI just had an issue with an X101p clone... it was making the bios go berzerk! some IRQ problems I guess... since we replaced that clone everything went back to normal
06:30.02JTwell yeah, using junk does that
06:30.13VoipMastaJT: I agree, my small office PBX could stay online forever... but it's never stressed out. One of our asterisk servers handles a lot of calls and some heavy transcoding
06:30.52VoipMastajunk, hardware failures, power variations, heat, shocks... again "certain circumstances"
06:31.41JTx101p == junk
06:32.52VoipMastaI didn't say x101p!=junk, I just said that junky hardware is just one of many circumstances than can affect a piece of software, even something as "basic" as the BIOS
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06:33.31JTagain, a lot of guessing here instead of reality
06:33.40JTBIOSes VERY rarely cause issues on modern servers
06:34.17VoipMastammm I still have issues with a specific BIOS version and Ubuntu... (AMD64)
06:34.43VoipMastaand we've faced the need to update (flash) the BIOS more than once on brand servers
06:35.00VoipMastaJT: how many servers do you own (not lease)?
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06:54.57JTVoipMasta: i'm not sure what your point is. you say you have high end server yet use X101Ps
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07:01.20implicit_maybe he's just not a VoipMasta?
07:01.22VoipMastaJT: yes, we have high end servers for several purposes, not just voip... and yes, we use x101p clones for small pbx systems
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07:02.52JTVoipMasta: imho they shouldn't be used for anything
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07:04.47VoipMastaJT: I do agree, but there are some customers (really small businesses and SOHOs) that like their $500.00 USD PBX systems
07:05.10VoipMastaJT:  and it's impossible to sell something with real hardware (you name it, sangoma, digium, etc.) for that price
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07:06.56VoipMastaJT: FXO?
07:07.16JTbetter than a X***P
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07:08.00VoipMastabut can you get 2xFXO + 4xFXS + IVR + Voicemail + all hardware for $500.00?
07:09.31JThow do you provide 4 FXS ports with X101Ps?
07:10.13VoipMastano, I do so with 2 x PAP2-NA
07:10.31JTi see
07:11.03*** part/#asterisk gzero (n=gzero@
07:11.04JTselling a PBX on price alone is stupid
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07:14.46VoipMastaJT: may I ask why?
07:15.28JTbecause it's a crap way to make a living unless all your stuff is mass produced really cheaply
07:15.35JTlike in china
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07:16.16VoipMastawe sell those PBXs dirt cheap because we provide call termination and origination to those customers
07:16.17JTit also devalues the potential valued add that asterisk and other open source solutions can provide :)
07:16.42JTwell then you're not actually in the PBX market there, you're in the ITSP market
07:17.21VoipMastawe're not a hardware vendor
07:17.45VoipMastabut each PBX we sell at 500.00 generates about 300/mo profits from phone services ;)
07:18.05JTthat's totally different then
07:18.20JTand you'd still want the device to be rock solid, to avoid support costs
07:18.25JTand customer frustration
07:20.13VoipMastawhat I've experienced is that once an X101p is fully working it will rarely fail
07:20.25VoipMastathey usually fail within the first few hours of use
07:21.03JTyou realise they are discontinued
07:21.55VoipMastabut I have about 300 of them here
07:22.06VoipMastax101p clones
07:22.20JTthe X101P is the clone
07:22.27JTdigium never had a product called the X101P
07:22.33VoipMastawhen I found them and saw that I could buy them really cheap (7.50 each) I bought as many as possible
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07:25.14JTi see
07:25.31JTis it some sort of embedded box?
07:25.41VoipMastano, a mini-tower
07:25.55VoipMastaagain, $500.00
07:26.05JTyeah, and
07:26.15JTyou'd want it to be embedded given the business model ;)
07:27.09VoipMastaI'm buying PAP2T-NA at 55 each, so it's 110 for 2 ATAs... about 200 for the mini-tower... 15 for 2 X101P
07:27.12VoipMastathat's 345
07:27.54VoipMastaplus what I have to pay a guy to go to the customer's office and install it
07:28.07VoipMastaand a small profit for my company (there has to be a profit)
07:28.22JTthe profit bit is optional if it's tied into telephony
07:29.00VoipMastait's not optional when we replace faulty hardware at our expense
07:29.31VoipMastaand sometimes our technicians have to do some small RJ-11 RJ-45 wiring
07:29.43VoipMastaohh and a 4 port switch (used to connect both ATA's to the PC)
07:30.45JTsome embedded boards are pretty cheap and have multiple ethernet ports
07:31.05VoipMastabut most embedded boards don't have PCI slots. they have mini-pci
07:32.19JTsoekris has pci slots
07:32.25JTand if you play it differently
07:32.42JTie, ATA for FXO, you can get embedded board + ATA for <$200
07:33.16VoipMastawhich ATA?
07:33.24VoipMasta2 x FXO?
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07:35.40s0ckby 'embedded' do you mean using an sd card for *?
07:36.12JTs0ck: no, using an embedded board
07:36.23VoipMastas0ck: yes, in an embedded system you would use an SD card as a storage device
07:36.40s0cki've toyed with this idea but not sure how well they perform...?
07:36.46JTthey usually use CF cards
07:36.56JTor onboard NAND flahs
07:36.57VoipMastas0ck: an embedded board is a single board with cpu, ram, ethernet, etc.
07:37.06s0ckseems to be the way forward really, eliminate the hdd from the equation (moving parts et al)
07:37.18JTs0ck: not good for transcoding, but fine otherwise
07:37.19VoipMastaJT: my mistake, they are actually CFs
07:37.27VoipMastaI have 2 WRAPs here
07:37.31VoipMastabut they are way too expensive
07:37.42s0cki remember looking up the spec on those soekris units
07:37.44JTWRAPs are some of the most expensive in the market
07:37.46JTand discontinued
07:37.48s0ckdoes * actualy run tidy on them?
07:37.54VoipMastaJT: which ATA do you know that provides 2 FXO ports?
07:38.02s0ckp3 etc init?
07:38.06VoipMastaJT: They are not discontinued...
07:38.31JTthey are, there is a new series coming out
07:38.41JTthe chipset was discontinued, so so was the WRAP
07:42.13JTVoipMasta: non have 2 FXO that i've seen
07:42.18JTnot at that price range
07:42.27JTSPA-3102 = $70
07:42.37JT2 * 70 + 55 = 195
07:43.16JTembedded gear would probably be $150 all up
07:43.46JTmaybe more maybe less, depends on what you get
07:44.11VoipMastathe SPA3102 is 1 FXS / 1 FXO right?
07:45.22VoipMastaso 2 x 20 + 55 = 195
07:45.31VoipMastaembedded = 50
07:45.41VoipMastapower supply = 10
07:45.49VoipMastacase = 25
07:46.10VoipMastaso far $380
07:46.13JTs/20/70/ but yeah
07:46.33VoipMastaCF card: $15
07:46.42JT150 was a rough estimate, depends what you get
07:46.58VoipMastaok we're approaching the 400 range
07:47.06VoipMastanow, there are a few things to consider...
07:47.14JTi think it could be done for under $350
07:47.32VoipMasta1. I don't know any reliable provider of embedded boards in Mexico, so I would have to import them myself like I did with these WRAPs or
07:48.03VoipMasta2. $25 for a case is assuming that I can find a "similar" case that can be suited for this project, otherwise it would be more expensive
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07:48.45VoipMasta3. I need to sell the ~300 X101P that I have here
07:49.36VoipMasta4. When a non-techie customer sees our PBX as a "full box" they feel that they are getting more hardware for their money than if we deliver a small embedded system (again, non-tech customers)
07:49.56VoipMastaso maybe we will start doing it with embedded in the near future, but for now we have to stick with the mini-tower model
07:50.05JTif your box looks like a pc, most customers think "wtf a pc, where's the pbx"
07:50.13creativxput a sticker of a phone on it.
07:51.21VoipMastawe use some "uncommon" cases (all black) and we put a 5.25" LCD display that shows CPU temp, fan RPMs, etc. (yeah, it's BS but it makes it look more "pro")
07:51.38JTVoipMasta: do you do any faxing?
07:51.40VoipMastaand we have room on the inside to place the ATAs
07:51.55VoipMastaI haven't found a reliable t.38 termination provider
07:52.35JTVoipMasta: do any customers use ip phones?
07:53.00VoipMastaonly a few
07:53.04VoipMastamost of them use regular analog phones
07:53.12VoipMastathat's why we use ATAs
07:54.33JTwell i assumed the FXS ports weren't there just to fill up space
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07:55.20VoipMastaip phones are hard to find here in mexico
07:55.36VoipMastamost "ip phones" you'll find are really usb headsets or skype phones
07:56.01JTthey're not things that are in every corner store anyway
07:56.04VoipMastaand a real avaya or cisco ip phone would cost about 400 usd
07:56.06LakeSolonThey're not exactly growing from trees up here either... just order 'em online.
07:56.21c0dz3r0im trying to use a different menu system from VoicemailMain(), would you suggest retwritting the actual application on writing a mix of AEL and Perl AGI to get it to work?
07:56.23JTyeah but who would but avaya or cisco overpriced crap?
07:56.25JTLakeSolon: indeed
07:56.25VoipMastabut products from china have a very high import tax
07:56.40LakeSolonJT - What's your brand of choice?
07:56.42JTwhat about thailand?
07:56.59VoipMastais polycom manufactured in thailand
07:57.02c0dz3r0im trying to use a different menu system from VoicemailMain(), would you suggest retwritting the actual application on writing a mix of AEL and Perl AGI to get it to work?
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07:57.26VoipMastaI didn't know that, that could be a solution
07:57.45LakeSolonSo, I've got an odd one for you...
07:57.57JTthe IP320 is seriously close in price to the grandstream GXP2000
07:58.01JTand they are worlds apart
07:58.08JTthe grandstream being junk, of course
07:58.43LakeSolonWhenever I use one of my DID's as the outbound CID for a call (to my cell phone) I get a message "The number you have dialed is unallocated", and /then/ it dials my cell phone and rings properly.
07:58.56LakeSolonIf I use a totally bogus CID entry, it rings directly to the cell phone.
07:59.15JTLakeSolon: does the bogus CID appear?
07:59.28JTbloody america
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07:59.47JTdo you send all digits of the DID?
08:00.29LakeSolonThe traditional 10, though I suppose I could try the 1 prefix and make it 11
08:01.26JTit may be something to speak to your telco about
08:01.47LakeSolonYa, I'm starting to wonder about it...
08:01.50LakeSolonVitelity, fwiw.
08:01.56JToh, ITSP
08:02.44jbotAn ITSP (Internet Telephony Service Provider.) is a "VoIP Phone Company".  Example : Vonage, Broadvoice, Teliax, VoicePulse, etc.  "All ITSPs suck.  Some suck less than others." (tm) (c) 2007 ManxPower
08:03.04LakeSolonya, just read that.
08:03.21LakeSolonYou seemed to be correcting me when I said Vitelity, which IS a voip provider.
08:03.30LakeSolonThus the confusion =)
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08:04.55VoipMastawell I gotta go
08:04.59VoipMastait's getting kinda late
08:05.15VoipMastait's been nice talking to you JT
08:05.18JT1804 here
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08:27.45zeeeshi just installed "asterisk-addons-1.4.2" for realtime asterisk ..where do i need to copy this file  "res_config_mysql.c" ?
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08:47.14kv0sDoes anybody has an idea why my date/time in my voicemailmessages is -2 hours from my realtime at my linuxbox?
08:48.23tzafrirreal time according to what, exactly? date ?
08:48.53JTkv0s: what is your timezone offset from UTC?
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08:58.34foxpdllДоброе всем время суток
08:58.59JTParse error.
08:59.04foxpdllне могли бы наличиствующие сдесь гуру проконсультировать тупого юзера по одному очень скромному вопросу?
08:59.10JTParse error.
09:01.29foxpdllHello! Can anyone help me in asterisk trouble?
09:01.55JTdepends if you have a question
09:02.05foxpdllA need to connect D-Link DPH140s sip phone whith asterisk
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09:03.01foxpdllbut i recieve this error message [Aug  8 13:02:43] NOTICE[10406]: chan_sip.c:14758 handle_request_register: Registration from '<sip:503@>' failed for '' - Device does not match ACL
09:03.07dickyjoeHi akk
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09:04.17dickyjoeAny Aussies on here that run a TDM400P with a FXO module?
09:04.31JTsometimes there are
09:04.49dickyjoeHi Jon
09:05.21foxpdllHas anyone make asterisk working thru realtime from database?
09:05.30foxpdllsqlitr fot example
09:05.34dickyjoeJust wondering the best way of setting opermode=AUSTRALIA
09:05.47dickyjoerunning 2.6 kernal
09:09.40kv0sJT: -2 hours see Mi 8. Aug 09:09:17 UTC 2007
09:09.40kv0sirrsee:~# date
09:09.40kv0sMi 8. Aug 11:09:24 CEST 2007
09:10.28JTkv0s: well clearly you're getting UTC output
09:10.29kv0sIf i check my voicemail with ari, the correct time is displayed. If i check my voicemail with the sending mails the time is offset about -2 hours.
09:10.31JTwhich is normal
09:10.56kv0sARI displays the correct date & time.
09:11.00kv0sThe Mail not.
09:11.08kv0sSo i must set my time to UTC?
09:11.16kv0sWithout any offset?
09:12.06*** join/#asterisk guomi (
09:12.12*** join/#asterisk Uatec_ (
09:12.28foxpdllcan you help me?
09:12.28foxpdllI have asterisk and S-Link DPH-140s sip phone
09:12.28foxpdlli need to authorise phone on asterisk and make call throo it
09:12.28foxpdllbut i need make this thru realtime database - ldap
09:12.28foxpdllor throo sqlite database
09:12.29foxpdllhad authorise softphone SJphone but D-Link DPH-140s cant
09:12.31foxpdllasterisk write this [Aug  8 13:02:43] NOTICE[10406]: chan_sip.c:14758 handle_request_register: Registration from '<sip:503@>' failed for '' - Device does not match ACL
09:13.02Uatec_i wonder if it's possible to program my phone to play music over the headset while the phone is not in use
09:14.33*** part/#asterisk jarod14 (n=jarod14@
09:14.53creativxUatec_: "winamp"
09:20.53*** join/#asterisk stkn|work (n=stkn|wor@gentoo/developer/
09:21.35Uatec_winamp doesn't play through my telephone's headset
09:25.32*** join/#asterisk Polis_ttt (
09:27.52kv0sUatec_: I think this feature doesn't matter asterisk .. ,-)
09:28.31*** join/#asterisk shadebob (n=chatzill@
09:29.16shadebobHi, I seach how to convert .gsm to .g729 with the command line... Is this tool exist ?
09:29.19foxpdllhad anyone make asterisk worked with realtime database driver
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09:34.13tzafrirshadebob, it will work if your asterisk can transcode gsm to g729
09:35.10froodI'm using asterisk 1.2 at the moment. When i transfer calls I end up with two sets of WAVs. One for the original call made and one for  the transfer with no way of linking the two. Is it possible to record the whole thing as one file?
09:39.07Uatec_I wonder, how can i test the call quality of a GSM vs alaw?
09:39.31Uatec_we use alaw athe moment, but somebody suggested that we should move to GSM cos it's smaller and fits down ADSL lines better.
09:39.45Uatec_i've just got to come up with a way of testing the two
09:40.05froodI use GSM. tiny file size, sounds fine
09:40.10creativxor mixmonitor
09:40.21creativxcall in yourself and record to gsm and to alaw
09:40.25creativxthen.. listen?
09:41.22Uatec_can you name a windows gsm player? or alaw player?
09:41.45creativxasterisk itself.. playback()
09:41.52*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
09:41.52creativxwhy not listen to it through the phone
09:42.49Uatec_i just figured out how to force individual phones to use gsm vs alaw
09:48.46*** join/#asterisk shtoom (n=shtoom@
09:51.56s0cki found gsm to be very good quality
09:52.21*** join/#asterisk Zhad (
09:52.22s0ckand the footprint is like 4KB/s afaik
09:52.52Uatec_i put disallow=all allow=gsm in my sip.conf
09:53.02Uatec_that should force that sip device to use gsm, right?
09:53.30*** join/#asterisk jm|home (n=jm|
09:53.47s0ckmight have to tell the phone to use gsm as a priority too
09:54.11Uatec_but it wouldn't cause the phone to break or anything,
09:54.12Uatec_would it?
09:54.55Zhada long long time ago, I saw an article describing how to store queue information into an SQL database (so that if you needed to restart the daemon process, then you wouldn't need to re-login dynamic agents). I'm damned if I can find it now. Does anyone know where I can find this information?
09:54.57s0ckthe handsets usually have a list of protocols they will try, ulaw/alaw being top of that list
09:55.37Zhadyou should only need to set gsm as an allowed codec in the phone.
09:55.55Zhadif you do a sip debug, it will tell you which bit is going wrong.
09:56.37Uatec_i'm looking on my phone's config page
09:56.42Uatec_it says "SDP Payload Type"
09:56.45Uatec_but doesn't list GSM
09:56.57*** join/#asterisk jql (
09:57.16Uatec_oh wait
09:57.18Uatec_found Audio Configuration
09:57.21Uatec_Prefered Code:
09:57.37Uatec_loads of G7XXX codecs
09:57.39Uatec_but no GSM
09:57.43Uatec_not even ulaw or alaw
09:57.51ZhadG.711u is ulaw
09:57.56ZhadG.711a is alaw
09:59.01Zhadit's masically the signalling differences between American and European ISDN standards (if you mix them up then apparently you can sound like a Dalek).
10:03.13Uatec_i'm going to put mine on to ulaw :P
10:03.15mamephello, i'm having some problems with incoming calls.. anyone can help me?
10:04.01Zhadwhat's happening?
10:04.25mamepi get an error message in asterisk console
10:04.28mamepUnknown SDP media type in offer: video 10768 RTP/AVP 26 31 34 103
10:04.41Zhaddo you have videosupport=yes in sip.conf?
10:04.48mamepi think it's something with codecs
10:04.52mamepi don't think so
10:04.54mameplet me check
10:04.57Zhad(assuming by the message that this is an incoming video call).
10:05.23mamepunder general
10:05.28Zhadwhat are you using to make the call?
10:05.35Uatec_I DON'T sound like a dalek
10:05.43mameplocal phone number
10:06.02ZhadUatec> It's very difficult to do with asterisk, if it finds mis-matched codecs it will transcode them.
10:06.03Uatec_Zhad, which codec is just plain old gsm then?
10:06.12Uatec_lol, ok then
10:06.13Zhadgsm is gsm sadly.
10:06.17adeelhow do i set an incoming 'catchall' context without using freepbx?
10:06.36Uatec_but ulaw is G.711u, alaw is G.711a
10:06.41Uatec_doesn't gsm have a name like that?
10:06.57Uatec_cos myphone doesn't offer "gsm"
10:07.00Zhadwell it has an ITU reference
10:07.06Uatec_WTF? how can a phone not offer gsm?
10:07.08Uatec_i don't understand that
10:07.22adeelUatec_, there's no law saying that every phone has to offer the same codecs
10:07.38adeelgrand stream offers gsm, while polycoms don't
10:07.45adeeljust the way the world works
10:07.46Uatec_i know i know
10:07.52Uatec_do you know about linksys?
10:07.54ZhadSadly a lot of new phones don't support G.729 (because of the new licencensing restrictions.
10:08.02Uatec_particularly the sipura spa922 ?
10:08.14adeelnope, don't use linksys
10:08.42Zhadmamep> what are you using to place the call?
10:08.53Uatec_i'm already using linksys
10:08.59Uatec_these phones were the best of the ones we tried
10:09.01Zhadthen don't use gsm
10:09.08Uatec_it looks like i'm not going to be able to
10:09.14Zhador get asterisk to transcode to gsm if you need to use if for termination
10:09.45Uatec_well, i'm making a deal with an ISP, they will provide me with Fancy pants ADSL, and an IAX trunk
10:09.54Uatec_but they say i should use gsm if i want more calls down the ADSL line
10:10.01Zhadnamep> It looks like the client is trying to start a video call.
10:10.24mamepyeah i can get that but why?
10:10.25Zhadgsm or G.726 or G.729
10:10.42mamepi mean i have a local call in number from my sip provider
10:11.12Zhadand if they support it, (and you have a timing source) set trunking=yes in iax.conf.
10:11.46adeelif someone could take a second and explain something to me real quick, it'd be appreciated....according to the asterisk book, i should use different contexts for incoming and outgoing do i assign users to use 1 context for incoming and a totally different one for outgoing?
10:11.48Zhadnamep> make a sip debug of the incoming call and put it in pastebin.
10:12.13mamepjust a sec
10:12.36adeelUatec_, by using GSM you're doing more compression than is done with G711
10:12.37Zhadadeel> set incoming as your default codec in iax/conf and sip.conf and set the outgoing codecs in peer declarations.
10:12.48Uatec_Zhad, they said GSM
10:12.49jcacereshello, i am trying co to connect two asterisk using two te120p cards, which signalling and switch type should i use?
10:12.52Uatec_adeel, i know that
10:13.22ZhadUatec_> Use ulaw on the phone, and gsm with the provider, asterisk will transcode the calls for you.
10:13.39ZhadUatec_> It can do that (that's why they're called codecs).
10:13.40adeelZhad, ahhhh...thanks, that definitely makes more sense now
10:14.40mamepZhad : is there any way to get it in a file?
10:15.42adeelUatec_, you can also get an idea of how much time it'll take for asterisk to transcode from one codec to another by issuing a 'show translation'
10:16.00ZhadSIP/2.0 404 Not Found is more interesting.
10:16.12Uatec_lol, Zhad, i know
10:16.24Zhadthough from ulaw to gsm and back is very little time at all
10:16.27Uatec_but i wanted to use gsm internally, to find out what the call quality is like
10:16.40adeelUatec_, gsm is your cell phone standard quality
10:16.53adeelwell, roughly anyway
10:16.54ZhadI also notice the hated ATA
10:17.53LakeSolonDoes anyone know if there's a male voice "The number you have dialed is unallocated" recording included w/ Asterisk? I just want to be as sure as possible I'm not generating this error message internally =p
10:17.59ZhadUatec> you will know what the quality is like when somone calls you.
10:18.00LakeSolon(trixbox, specifically)
10:18.09Uatec_adeel, yeah, but i wanted some practical exposure to it
10:18.14Zhadthe quality wont improve when it is being transcoded back.
10:18.53adeelUatec_, ever use a cell phone? that's pretty much what the call will sound best
10:19.00ZhadIf you need higher quality with the same sort of bandwidth then G.726/G.729 are  abetter bet, but it's at the expense of runtime (at both ends).
10:19.07Uatec_Zhad, i want to know, before i have to sign a contact though,... don't i
10:19.41Uatec_Zhad, yes i know the quality wont improve again... :P
10:19.42adeelUatec_, some providers allow you to do inter-op testing and all...but what you should be more concerned about is QoS and if your provider can gaurentee it
10:19.44Zhadyou could use a free provider to have a play.
10:20.38Uatec_adeel, i'm concerned about that too
10:20.44Uatec_why can't i be concerned with more than one thing?
10:21.12krdian_is that normal that manager show eventq shoving long list of events ? how to free memory from that ?
10:21.12Zhadmamep> do you have a 2115777777 extension in the context that the peer declaration for i-call
10:21.23Zhad+ states.
10:21.42adeelUatec_, no one is saying you can't be concerned with multiple things...but in my opinion, the QoS is more important that GSM
10:21.53Uatec_well ok then
10:22.00Uatec_but someone else is dealing with the QoS of the provider
10:24.17dickyjoecan the goto command call another exten in a different context?
10:24.37ZhadGoto (context,extension,priority)
10:24.51Zhadworks as well as Goto(extension,priority).
10:25.11adeeli keep getting this warning message in my CLI output.....res_config_pgsql.c:192 realtime_pgsql: Postgresql RealTime: Could not find any rows in table sip_buddies
10:25.25adeeleven though there are rows in sip_buddies
10:25.30dickyjoeok thanks, what about if its originating from the s extension
10:25.44Zhaddickyjoe> still works
10:26.06Zhad(well, certainly does here).
10:26.48dickyjoei get: Channel 'Zap/4-1' sent into invalid extension 'internal' in context 'incoming', but no invalid handler
10:28.21dickyjoeok i didn't enter the priority
10:30.19Zhadstill sounds strange.
10:32.32jcacereshello, i am trying co to connect two asterisk using two te120p cards, which signalling and switch type should i use?
10:33.28JTjcaceres: what type of circuit and switchtype are you connecting to?
10:33.39JTtwo asterisk boxes
10:33.53JTyou can choose T1 or E1
10:33.58LakeSolonDoes the number 213-291-1900 hold any special significance to anyone?
10:34.31mamepZhad : no my number is not 2115777777
10:35.46Zhadfrom that sip debug it looks like the provider is trying to forward the call to 2115777777 on your box
10:36.29mamepshit i know what is it..
10:36.52mamepthx Zhad
10:37.02mamepi used
10:37.04mamepto register
10:37.06mamepin sip.conf
10:37.37mamepregister =>
10:37.39mamepthat's why
10:37.44mamepnow changed to my number
10:37.46Zhadthat'll do it
10:37.52mamepthx bro
10:38.27Zhadwith all providers (exckluding sipgate) you can chanis it one that asterisk calls if you accidentally cock up your local calls context so that it you can change the /blahblah to anything you want to reference in extensions.conf if it makes it easier to read.
10:38.48jcaceresJT,  i am using E1, but i mean in the zapta configuration file
10:38.51Zhadmost providers don't even mind if it's written text (asterisk certainly doesn't).
10:39.38mamepZhad : btw is there any way to hide your number when calling out?
10:40.44phearlesshey guys
10:40.47Zhadnamep> Set(CALLERID(num)='') may work
10:40.50phearlessi've got a weird question
10:40.58phearlesswe've got one office in france
10:41.03phearlessone in UK
10:41.15froodcan someone explain to me what "lastdata" is in the master.csv file?
10:41.22phearlesswe've got a french guy in the UK
10:41.37phearlessand he wants to be in the "queue" of the french office
10:41.39JTjcaceres: one side takes timing, the other side provides it
10:41.42mamepwhere i can do thaT?
10:41.50phearlessbut to receive call the the UK,
10:42.01phearlesspeople need to dial the UK number and then the extension
10:42.26phearlessso how can he receive phone calls from the phone "queue" in france ?
10:42.49Zhadphearless> AddQueueMember(<queuename>|howtocallhiminuk).
10:43.16phearlessno, because there is no direct dial to the UK
10:43.26Zhadthere doesn't need to be
10:43.33phearlesscan you explain me ?
10:43.36Zhadset up a trunk. to the uk.
10:43.40Zhador similar.
10:43.58mvanbaakyou mean you have to dial a number in UK, wait for it to be answered and hit some numbers to reach the person ?
10:44.07phearlessmvanbaak: exactly
10:44.31mvanbaakphearless: you should add a local channel to the queue and use a dial there which can do this
10:45.13*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/active/cpm)
10:46.06mamepshadow*CLI> Set(CALLERID(num)='')
10:46.07mamepNo such command 'Set(CALLERID(num)='')' (type 'help' for help)
10:46.08phearless"use a dial there" what do you mean ?
10:46.37mvanbaakin the local you can do: Dial(Zap/g1/<uknumber>,45,D<number to reach person>)
10:46.42phearlessmamep: exten => 4,1,Set(CALLERID(name)="Accounting ${CALLERID(name)}")
10:46.47phearlessmamep: just an example
10:47.22phearlessok mvanbaak I will think about this...
10:47.27mamepit should be placed in extensions
10:49.23phearlessthank you mvanbaak , I have checked and the "D" feature seems to be useful
10:51.42*** join/#asterisk mcoxall (
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10:58.36dickyjoeHow are the busy, dial and NU tone types changed in asterisk from US to australia
10:59.34mamepi'm getting this error..
10:59.35mamepAug  8 13:10:27 ERROR[65200]: chan_sip.c:11086 handle_request_subscribe: Got SUBSCRIBE for extension 004753769397@external-nikosaei from, but there is no hint for that extension
11:01.51Zhadwhat is ?
11:02.01Zhadother than
11:02.25Zhadactually fwiw, I get that from one of my providers when a registration completes, never did find out why
11:02.29mamepit's the same pc
11:02.38mamephelios is dns entry
11:06.19Zhadoh bugger just types restart now into wrong console.
11:06.39ZhadI hope no-one was on a call
11:07.28mamepbtw where i can find additional sound to asterisk?
11:11.16Zhadwhat do you mean?
11:11.46Zhadwhen building use make menuselect to choose different sound codec packs
11:12.36Zhadand any of the additional sound packages (which can also be downloaded
11:13.02Zhadthere are other languages on the internet (iirc has some).
11:13.38Zhadfailing that, you can pay allison to make customised ones, or record them yourself.
11:13.57*** join/#asterisk masus (n=tet@
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11:26.35masusis somtihign like this possible pbx*CLI>dial 110@outbound > 115@outbound
11:27.07creativxJT: still around?
11:27.14masusso the dial is do from the cli and it rings on two extensions
11:28.02JTyes, sometimes
11:28.53creativxJT: i was just wondering what kind of hardphones you like.. that supports SIP
11:29.02*** join/#asterisk boch (n=fran@
11:29.02creativxi need to get rid of these ip10's from swissvoice, piece of unstable crap
11:29.13JTtrick question? ;)
11:29.16JTpolycom of course
11:30.35creativxheh no. i just need some phones that doesnt drop calls, hang, fall off the lan, or lock up aka torture the users
11:31.39drakomISDN: INTERNAL ERROR in /usr/src/1_4_asterisk/zaptel-1.4.4/mISDN-1_1_3/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/stack.c:1151
11:31.39drakorelease_l1 id 100
11:31.39drakomISDNd: addr(f0000) prim(f1980) failed err(-92)
11:32.36JTcreativx: so yeah
11:32.49*** join/#asterisk coppice (
11:34.54creativxJT: imma look up polys.. i need a simple, cheap, stable one
11:35.13creativxno need for bells and whistles, since all the fun is handled on the pc screen anyways
11:39.27Sweepercreativx: polycom 320 \o\
11:45.07*** join/#asterisk lirakis (
11:48.35adeeli keep getting ' Looking for s in incoming' as a sip do i get rid of that?
11:51.47drakois it possible to have a RDSI card with a TDM together?
11:54.00*** join/#asterisk kieran491 (
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12:00.40*** join/#asterisk jesselang|laptop (
12:01.18jesselang|laptopHello.  quick q:  Are the AGI changes from r76707 included in 1.4.10?
12:01.48jesselang|laptopI don't see them mentioned in the ChangeLog.
12:01.56*** join/#asterisk skeffling (
12:02.50lirakispattrerns in ANI recogition ..?? exten => 212123456/_212111XXXX  ?????
12:02.52lirakisis that right?
12:03.57*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
12:06.29*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:07.45skefflingHi, I'm looking at using MixMonitor so as to reduce disk io. Is it more efficient to record as native alaw than wav? (we're using alaw on out sip clients)
12:09.27JTnot really
12:10.45lirakismorning  [TK]D-Fender
12:11.44*** part/#asterisk jesselang|laptop (
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12:14.04drako[TK]D-Fender, what do you need to get misdn commands on asterisk?
12:15.51zeenixhey guys
12:16.21lirakismorning zeenix
12:16.26zeenixis there anyway i can make asterisk be able to convert gsm to ilbc
12:16.42drako[TK]D-Fender, i installed a b410p and the TDM stopped work, now i don't have neither zap nor misdn on asterisk :/
12:16.47[TK]D-Fenderzeenix: it does this automatically when it has to.
12:17.07JTIF iLBC is installed.
12:17.08zeenix[TK]D-Fender: not for me :(
12:17.14[TK]D-Fenderdrako: clarify "TMD" please
12:17.26zeenixlet me fetch the actual error..
12:17.47[TK]D-Fenderdrako: do your modprobe's again.
12:17.58drakoi did and i get error now
12:18.26drakoZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or address (6)
12:18.26drakoopen error on /dev/zap/1: No such file or directory
12:18.42*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
12:18.48[TK]D-Fenderdrako : go modprobe all of your modules again
12:20.01hmmhesaysyes not being able to sleep
12:20.02hmmhesaysgreat fun!
12:21.01*** part/#asterisk masus (n=tet@
12:21.45[TK]D-Fenderdrako: Verify that its listed in dmesg, if so recompile zaptel and make sure the modules are all listed.
12:22.51[TK]D-Fenderzeenix: "show translation" & "show modules like codec"
12:26.33hmmhesaysso tired
12:29.28zeenix[TK]D-Fender: the row and column for iblc is only dashes :)
12:29.46zeenixin the out of 'show translation'
12:30.02[TK]D-Fenderzeenix: check your modules folder.  then redo "make menuconfig" for * and checkt he codec listings
12:30.21zeenixoh! ilbc doesn't seem to be installed :(
12:30.22*** join/#asterisk NamNguyen (
12:30.35NamNguyenis there any FXO/FXS card that i can plug into a laptop?
12:30.40[TK]D-Fenderzeenix: Perhaps you were missing a dependency.....
12:31.10[TK]D-FenderNamNguyen: Nothing I've heard of.  Go grab a Linksys SPA-3102 instead
12:31.35lirakisi keep seeing " Got SUBSCRIBE for extension 2006@sip-general from, but there is no hint for that extension" in my cli ..  but i only get it for 2006 .. none of my other extensions.. what have i missed?
12:31.49zeenix[TK]D-Fender: are you talking about asterisk source dir?
12:31.54drakoi don't think any TDM entry on dmesg.... maybe they are on conflicts?
12:32.03zeenix[TK]D-Fender: cause i actually installed it from debian packages
12:32.13[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: its not lying, go check your dialplan
12:32.24[TK]D-Fenderzeenix: ...
12:32.27jbotwglwat is, like, well, good luck with all that
12:32.58*** part/#asterisk NamNguyen (
12:32.59[TK]D-Fenderdrako: Maybe, or maybe the card isn't well seated (got moved while installing the other card, etc.)
12:33.17*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
12:33.28hmmhesaysso my cable network is officially going insane
12:34.18[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Thats whats use for PRESENCE.  On of your phones it trying to track the status of another extension and you didn't set that up in * then.
12:34.39*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
12:34.44lirakishmm.. okay
12:35.16lirakis.. so maybe on my gxp-2000 (extension 2006) i have blf set up on it.. and the extension its monitoring doesnt exist
12:35.29lirakisi should disable that
12:36.41hmmhesaysor set up that extension
12:36.49[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Or perhaps you should ENABLE you system to let him :)
12:37.04tzafrirzeenix, ilbc is generally removed explicitly from Debian packages, due to licensing issues
12:37.12lirakishmmhesays: right.. well it must be an old extension that was removed
12:37.16[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Unless that impedes your ability to efficiently slack-off ;)
12:37.49lirakis[TK]D-Fender: lol .. no .. 2006 is a phone that i put in my bedroom.. so .. it doesnt really need any blf set.. lol
12:37.56hmmhesaysthats what I miss most about having a day job
12:38.06hmmhesaysmassive slackery
12:43.22lirakisi dont seem to have BLF set at all in the phone
12:44.49lirakisah i got it
12:44.55lirakis.. it was from a different phone..
12:45.02lirakisthat had blf set for 2006
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12:55.42Sci_05morning all
12:58.00*** join/#asterisk waKKu (n=eurulo@unaffiliated/wakku)
13:01.51hmmhesaysslow day in here today I guess
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13:18.57Sci_05ya it sure is
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13:49.44lirakis.. damn subways ...
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13:55.16TechBlazer[TK]D-Fender: Thanks for the info yesterday. After a week or so of trying to get AsteriskNow to work I dumped it, reformated, installed Ubuntu and Asterisk, edited three files and made my first call.
13:55.50[TK]D-FenderTechBlazer: Good to hear...
13:58.18TechBlazerMy  next question is this: For adding/managing users, would it be easier/faster to use either FreePBX or the AsteriskGUI or stay with editing text files?
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14:02.12lirakisTechBlazer: .. when you use either of those.. you buy into "the system" they use
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14:02.55[TK]D-FenderTechBlazer: just stick with text files unless you end up with a reall large system where you intend on delegating its managment to a schmuck
14:02.58lirakisTechBlazer:  it depends .. on how much/many people will be modifying stuff... and if it will be customized really
14:03.57krdian_is there any way to flush eventq from memory ?
14:05.57TechBlazerGood ideas. I'll have ~30 users. The text files route seems like a cleaner way of doing things too.
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14:09.12[TK]D-FenderTechBlazer: Mostly copy& paste anyways.
14:09.42[TK]D-FenderTechBlazer: somet hings may be best split across included files.
14:12.22TechBlazerNice. I was just reading about include files. Where is a good place to find some examples of config files?
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14:13.47pigpenSo..anyone out there with knowledge of the blackberry 7270 and asterisk?  Just trying to see how well it works.
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14:22.59[TK]D-FenderTechBlazer: there are the samples & docs that * comes with, the BOOK, and the WIKI.
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14:28.43s0ckdoes anyone use cisco 29* series catalysts?
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14:39.17GromiTMIs there a possibility to the change the behavior of the asterisk relatet to callqueues?
14:39.50GromiTMA call agent has to log in to the queue and then he "telephones" with the queue
14:40.23GromiTMHe gets automaticly connected to a calling client.
14:41.11GromiTMI would like to have it similar like: Agent logs into the queue and the Telephone ring, if there is some client in the queue.
14:41.17GromiTMIs it possible?
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14:44.26Ethonmarcus: Das Faxgeraet ist da
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14:44.38Ethonsorry, wrong window
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14:47.21flujan[TK]D-Fender: hi... sorry for the disturbance [TK]D-Fender. :) Tomorrow I googled a bit about using hints on the dialplan... so I could ensure a show hints as you said...
14:47.38zeenix[TK]D-Fender: ok! now i have asterisk built (myself) with ilbc installed :)
14:47.53flujanbecause I am using agi scripts with asterisk, I couldn't do that right? So, there is other option to get a channel state?
14:49.41[TK]D-Fenderflujan: You can call 'asterisk -rx "show hints"' or use AMI in there to get them.
14:49.53[TK]D-Fenderzeenix: Lesson : Packed * SUCKS
14:50.22[TK]D-FenderGromiTM: * queues can already work this way.
14:50.34zeenixyup! now do i also need to install the sound files from the tarball?
14:50.34flujan[TK]D-Fender: which command from the AMI do you recommend? I am trying the extensionstate but it is always showing the -1. :(
14:50.46zeenixi get this error: File enter-ext-of-person does not exist in any format
14:51.07[TK]D-Fenderzeenix: You can probably just keep using the ones you previously installed, or they should get retrieved automatically during your install
14:51.19[TK]D-Fenderflujan: COMMAND - show hints
14:51.20zeenixalthough /usr/share/asterisk/sounds/enter-ext-of-person.gsm is there
14:51.41[TK]D-Fenderflujan: You really need to read some the VERy fine manuals out there ;)
14:51.42GromiTM[TK]D-Fender: ok ... then I did not really understand the documentation. Were should I look to determine the behavior?
14:52.37[TK]D-FenderGromiTM: the sample queues.conf will tell you how to let a caller enter the queue when its empty, and whenever an agent joins the queue they become eligable to be called.
14:52.55zeenix[TK]D-Fender: do i need to tell asterisk where to find the sound files?
14:52.56flujan[TK]D-Fender: hum... but as I said the show hints outputs nothing to me... this is the main question...
14:53.07[TK]D-Fenderzeenix: be very careful of your paths.  typicaly * stores its sounds in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
14:53.18GromiTM[TK]D-Fender: ok ....
14:53.35[TK]D-Fenderzeenix: Look in /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf  this is the file that lays out all of the important paths
14:53.36flujan[TK]D-Fender: when I receive a call I send it using deadagi to my perl script... it connects to the database and contruct the dialplan "on the fly"
14:53.37zeenix[TK]D-Fender: what '*' ?
14:53.54[TK]D-Fenderzeenix: 8 = ASTERISK <-
14:54.17ManxPowerSplat: The Next Generation of PBX
14:55.02[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Prophetic, isn't it? :)
14:56.11ManxPowerI don't use * as a shorthand for Asterisk, it confuses people.
14:56.31flujan[TK]D-Fender: because of that I can set up hints on the dialplan... I research a bit and see that to use hints i need something like this:
14:56.55flujanexten => _.XXXXXXX,HINT,do something...
14:57.11[TK]D-Fenderflujan: No, you cannot use a pattern match.  it has to be a FIXED entry
14:57.54flujan[TK]D-Fender: hum... this restriction alone kicks my entire dialplan... I use a lot of pattern matching... :(
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14:58.28[TK]D-Fenderflujan: this is for your internal extensions related to PHONES.  hardcode the stupid things and be done with it.
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15:04.06drakohow do I uninstall zaptel
15:05.37lmadsenflujan: try #exec which you can use to have a script generate the hints for you instead of typing them in by hand
15:05.54ManxPowerflujan: you should generally not use pattern matching for extensions
15:06.00ManxPowerIt limits you in too many ways
15:06.49[TK]D-Fenderflujan: and WONDERFUL things happen when you assume SIP devices & voicemail boxes, etc exist when they don't just because you want to be lazy....
15:07.45ManxPowerWONDERFUL things happen when you realize that an extension is not a device or phone
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15:11.27lirakiswhat kind of swap space do youguys setup for your asterisk boxes?
15:11.34flujan[TK]D-Fender: the voicemail system and the handle of all calls is sent to a agi script... I create a new system of voicemail messages by my onw, to I record the files and the users can access them via a web interface... :)
15:11.36lirakisor .. disk partition in general
15:11.45[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Whatever is starndard for a linux server.
15:11.55flujan[TK]D-Fender: ManxPower
15:12.12flujanhere goes my extensions.conf... How can enable hints on it?
15:12.16ManxPowerlirakis: if your machine is swapping much asterisk isn't going to work very well
15:12.23flujanthat is my key point. :D
15:12.23lirakis[TK]D-Fender: .. well that varies widely.. some say half the memory.. but I wasnt sure that since asterisk is a very "real time" service that swap is not going to do much good
15:12.37lirakisManxPower: thats my thought.. which is why i ask
15:12.41[TK]D-Fender_. <-------------
15:13.22ManxPowerflujan: your dialplan looks like it was written by someone that has never used Asterisk
15:13.30ZhadSuSE used to recommend 4 x the physical memory as a swap partition
15:13.53ManxPowerDialplans are complex things, the dialplan you have will not work in the real world.
15:14.13flujanhum... every call that enters my pbx is routed to the agi... the agi do all the stuff...
15:14.28ManxPowerlirakis: I use 2x physical memory, but that is just so if I have to do something that isn't asterisk on the system (like compiling a new verison of Asterisk)
15:14.54ManxPowerflujan: you will find more and more things you cannot do with a design like that.
15:15.05flujanusing the callerid and the exten incoming.. .I have all the information stored in a database.
15:15.34flujan[TK]D-Fender, ManxPower: which are you sugestion about this dialplan?
15:15.43flujanremove the ._... ok, i can do this...
15:15.53flujanit will not crush my app... :)
15:15.57ManxPowerflujan: I suggest you put some hint lines in there.
15:17.51flujanManxPower: could please show me a example of where and which line i can put to have hints on it?
15:18.08ManxPowerflujan: show me a SIP userid
15:18.36flujanall them are five digits numbers
15:18.45flujanand so on.
15:19.28ManxPowerexten => 40003,1,Hint(SIP/40003)  Assuming your extension is 40003 and your SIP userid as listed in sip.conf is 40003
15:20.09[TK]D-FenderManxPower: ummmmm.......
15:20.13flujanManxPower: hum...
15:20.17[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Go caffeinate :)
15:20.20flujan[TK]D-Fender: lol
15:20.23ManxPowerLet me get some more coffee.
15:20.27ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: you show him
15:20.59[TK]D-Fenderb11d: You've made your point ;)
15:21.09[TK]D-Fenderflujan: exten => 40003,hint,SIP/40003
15:21.10flujanManxPower: [TK]D-Fender : ok... but i have 300 sip peers... i really cannot use the pattern matching?
15:21.14b11dI just cant drop it ;)
15:21.25[TK]D-Fenderflujan: No, you CAN'T.
15:21.26b11dThank you :)
15:21.45b11dNOW WHIP ME
15:21.47flujan[TK]D-Fender: this is the kind of trouble i don't want to get into...
15:21.53[TK]D-Fenderb11d: ! <- there... I've banged your point... happy? ;)
15:22.06b11dfinally some real satisfaction
15:22.16ManxPowerHere is an ACTUAL hint from one of my production boxes.:
15:22.17ManxPowerexten => 3523,hint,SIP/0004f200cf85-a&SIP/0004f200cf85-b&SIP/0004f200cf85-c
15:22.41flujanto every sip peer i need to set up that line in the extensions.conf?
15:22.56ManxPowerflujan: Asking over and over is not going to change the answer.
15:23.06flujanI have something about 40 new users coming or leaving the company per month...
15:23.11[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Why is ti again that you reg each line-key differently?  Was it your co that "shared" phones amongst multiple people?
15:23.35[TK]D-Fenderflujan: Do their EXTENSIONS change?
15:24.18flujan[TK]D-Fender: unfortunately yes... I keep all users in the realtime sip_tables to billing purposes...
15:24.27ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: the most basic reason is so *I* control what line appearances calls ring on and on which order they ring on.
15:24.50flujanfor billing purposes... :(
15:25.02flujanfor instance  bob joins the company works here for a month...
15:25.03ManxPowerSome of the phones are shared between different people.
15:25.24flujanI bill after bob leave the company, so I need to keep the user bob... :(
15:25.28[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Imperfect solutions for a less than ideal work environment I guess....
15:25.54flujan[TK]D-Fender: In a ideal work environment phones will be shared?
15:26.14[TK]D-Fenderflujan: Then make a script to generate the hints and reload on some regular basis.  Maybe as part of a SQL trigger on DB change.
15:26.31[TK]D-Fenderflujan: No, they wouldn't.
15:26.38ManxPowerWe have "bull pen" aka "diamond mines" which are areas of open desks where 2 people share the same desk and phone.  We also have a person with an assistant (or assistants) that have complex call routing patterns, we also have operator phones which also have complex call routing requirements.
15:27.09[TK]D-Fenderflujan: For billing you should export your CDR's, etc and create a more long-term tracking code sperate from SIP.
15:27.52flujan[TK]D-Fender: will... good point to the script... I can put all the extensions.conf in a database table right?
15:28.00ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: some users want their first line to ring, if there is no answer go to voicemail, if busy roll to a different extension.
15:28.04flujan[TK]D-Fender: so it will make life easies... :)
15:28.12*** join/#asterisk Yourname` (
15:28.13ManxPowerYou can't really do that with one registration per phone.
15:28.49ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: with my scripts and macros, doing it that way adds very little complexity to the dialplan
15:28.49[TK]D-Fenderflujan: No, what I would do is a *nix script (lang of your choice) that will read your other configs and auto-generate a SECONDARY file with your hints that gets INCLUDED by your main.  It would then trigger the extensions reload.
15:29.15drakogreat, now none of the cards work
15:29.38[TK]D-FenderManxPower: You know... what you jsut described is the NATURAL use of 3 line-keys to a single reg.
15:29.48[TK]D-FenderManxPower: and requires NO dialplan :)
15:29.51Yourname`Hello, what will I have to look at to be able to make the agent call another number, give a few words, and then TRANSFER the current call? Much like 3way.. except the first party cannot hear the agent talking to someone else.
15:30.04[TK]D-Fenderdrako:  Starting to look like its time to call on Digiu support.
15:30.33ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: Huh?  How do you make a 1-reg/n-line phone come back BUSY when only 1 line is in use?
15:30.37[TK]D-FenderYourname`: That is what is called an ATTENDED RANSFER, and is something normally handled by your PHONE.
15:30.59drako[TK]D-Fender, good idea.
15:31.20[TK]D-FenderManxPower: OH, you want to INTERPRET it as busy for VM do you?
15:31.29[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Even though you DO roll-over?
15:32.05ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: actually we need to know of the busy to send the call to some other extension on a different phone
15:32.19Yourname`[TK]D-Fender: Meaning asterisk is not capable of doing that? The agent, while on call with a customer, on the softphone can't dial a number, talk to the person who picks up, and then patch the current call through?
15:32.24MercestesChanIsAvail()  maybe?
15:33.16[TK]D-FenderManxPower: So basically try to ring if they are busy and roll-over to another person.... understandable... you COULD do taht with a simple ChanIsAvail Check though and save the Reg complexity.  But then again, you have the "shared phone" deal to account for as well...
15:33.42ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: also it is harder to change on the fly.
15:34.06[TK]D-FenderYourname`: Yes, they CAN, and you should do this on your PHONE.  Attended transfers is a PHON job.  * can handle it if your phone SUCKS and strangely does not offer this perfectly normal feature.
15:34.23ManxPowerI set channel variables, run my macro.  The variables can be wet by AGI or govt mind control rays -- my script does not care.
15:34.45Yourname`[TK]D-Fender: Hmm, how about a 3 way and then the agent leaving the 3way?
15:34.46ManxPowerwet == sent
15:34.58Mercestessent == set
15:35.12RealBorgwhat do I need to enable client authentication?
15:35.19[TK]D-FenderYourname`: again your PHONE usually determines this.
15:35.20MercestesRealBorg, the book.
15:35.28[TK]D-FenderYourname`: You have just described 2 different things
15:35.43ManxPowerRealBorg: set context=INVALID in [general], then put the correct context= line for each of the entries in sip.conf
15:35.47flujan[TK]D-Fender: ok, I will try this script. :D
15:35.50Yourname`[TK]D-Fender: Meaning Xlite or Express talk softphones?
15:35.55RealBorgekiga logs tells me it registered but when I try to make a call I always get "SIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required"
15:36.13ManxPowermake sure you don't actually have a [INVALID] context in extensions.conf
15:36.29[TK]D-FenderYourname`: 1) and attended transfer.  A calls B and asks to pass off their call.  B accepts, adn A passses the call onwards.  2) a 3-way call.  3) at the end of a 3-way call, A wants to hang up and leave B and his call TALKING.
15:36.34ManxPowerRealBorg: that is normal, the phone will then try the call with auth info
15:36.40[TK]D-FenderYourname`: meaning whatever the hell you are using.
15:36.50Mercesteswell, you can have an invalid, but it'd have to read something like [invalid] _x.,1,Playback(tt-monkeys) _x.,2,Hangup()
15:36.51ManxPowerYourname`: WHAT PHONE DO YOU HAVE?
15:36.52[TK]D-FenderYourname`: Polycom phones do ALL of these functions remarkably well.
15:37.04jbotsomething that should be drug out into the street and shot
15:37.29[TK]D-FenderYourname`: X-Lite is a flaming piece of shit when it comes to call handling.
15:37.41[TK]D-FenderYourname`: You wanna be cheap, prepare to BURN for it.
15:37.43ManxPowerYourname`: X-lite does not have an attended transfer feature, IIRC, you need to non-free version for that feature.
15:38.09[TK]D-FenderManxPower: I seem to specifically recall that as well...
15:38.50RealBorgManxPower, it does for register but not for invite
15:39.29ManxPowerRealBorg:  Your problem is a client problem, not an Asterisk problem
15:39.38*** join/#asterisk pifiu (n=someone@
15:39.44Yourname`[TK]D-Fender: Ah, so softphones ARE capable of doing attended transfers! So, ManxPower, you say Xlite has it in the paid version?
15:40.04pifiuhell everyone
15:40.09RealBorgManxPower, client works ok with
15:40.17Mercestespifiu:  don't bother correcting it.  your right on as it is
15:40.17ManxPowerRealBorg:  The ONLY thing registration does is inform the server of the IP for that user/password pair.  This is so Asterisk can send calls to the correct IP address.  It has NOTHING to do with sending calls TO asterisk
15:40.23brettnemHey all
15:40.41allholy shit
15:40.45allnow I'll get mad greetz :)
15:40.48ManxPowerYourname`: as we keep saying you READ YOUR DAMN PHONE DOCUMENTATION
15:41.02brettnemanyone know why some calls being setup on my Asterisk 1.4 setup take about 1-2 seconds before rtp is established.. Happens with a couple of locations on the same box
15:41.15Yourname`ManxPower: We so far used ExpressTalk and XLite
15:41.19b11dare your default routes correct brettnem?
15:41.40brettnemyeah, they are
15:41.42b11dseen that once where there was a fucked up routing table in the core switch
15:41.49[TK]D-FenderYourname`: SIP is SIP.  There are better implementations and worse ones.
15:42.01[TK]D-FenderRealBorg: ...
15:42.06jbot[~sipregister] SIP Registration is to tell your provider as to what IP address & EXTEN to send INCOMING calls to. Some ITSP's let you use a fixed IP or host rather that register.  Registration is NOT normally needed to PLACE a call, as those are typically auth'd independently.  Others accept UN-AUTH'D calls once you are registered (saves on negotiation BW)
15:42.29brettnemb11d: it happens on several soft phones in a couple different locations...
15:42.34Yourname`[TK]D-Fender: I didn't know it was a phone feature rather than an asterisk feature. Now, my quest is to find the best softphone that does this attended transfer.
15:42.41brettnemb11d: I was wondering if SPI could be causing problems
15:42.57ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: are you shacked up with jbot again?  I thought you said he was "emotionally unavailable".
15:43.00[TK]D-FenderYourname`: Why is it you're hung up on soft-phones?
15:43.17Yourname`[TK]D-Fender: I think for 400 agents, that's the best.. no?
15:43.29*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
15:43.33[TK]D-FenderYourname`: No, I don't
15:43.35ZaVoidmorning all
15:43.37ZaVoidhey fender
15:43.59[TK]D-FenderYourname`: I think that for the job you should give an appropriate tool.
15:44.18pifiuWhat do you call the feature where someone can pickup a phone, talk into it and all of the other phones act as speakers? Sort of like in a target, or walmart, when they pickup a phone and say "call for bob on line 1, come to the front please"
15:44.23[TK]D-FenderYourname`: A person stuck on the phone all day should have a good REAL phone to hold and use
15:44.33cpmpifiu, paging
15:44.35[TK]D-Fenderpifiu: Pageing
15:44.43[TK]D-Fenderpifiu: "show application page"
15:44.46Yourname`[TK]D-Fender: Takes up too much time in picking up, hanging up.
15:44.51pifiuand this is possible with asterisk and polycom 501s?
15:45.01ManxPowerYourname`: The larger the number of users you have, the less softphones are right for the job.
15:45.06[TK]D-FenderYourname`: 1 button on my CSR's phone.
15:45.27[TK]D-FenderYourname`: And its even lit up when in use.
15:45.35[TK]D-Fenderpifiu: All Polycom's
15:45.40zeeeshmy server already authenticates through callerid number .. i hv already complete data at mysql ... do i need to just add sip.conf and extensinos.conf at .. mysql ????
15:46.47ManxPowerzeeesh: Saying that something "authenticates thru callerid" is like saying someone authenticates thru the color of their hair".
15:46.58Yourname`[TK]D-Fender: I guess one day, I'll do that. Use some Polycoms for this.
15:47.23ZaVoidanyone ever use sox much?
15:47.30Yourname`However, in your knowledge, does anyone know what softphones have the attended transfer feature?
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15:48.34[TK]D-FenderYourname`: eyeBeam
15:48.54*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
15:49.37Yourname`[TK]D-Fender: And they refer to it as "attended transfer" or what shall I be looking for exactly?
15:50.03ManxPowerYourname`: there are two names for the feature.  "Attended Transfer" and "Supervised Transfer"
15:50.31ManxPowerThat is what you should be looking for.
15:50.33zeeesh<ManxPower>: so what to do ... for adding all of my mysql data ... for using .. realtime asterisk ... i think there is just missing sip.conf and extensins.con and iax.conf ... ?
15:50.33DefrazWeird issue and I might be missing something: When I call number that is disconnected, It seems to ring and ring and ring, I am using a VoIP Provider using SIP trunks. When I call it with a land line or cell phone it gives me the disconnect notice.
15:50.38DefrazAm I missing some config.
15:51.50ManxPowerzeeesh: I really can't understand a word you are saying.  I cannot help with realtime or databases
15:51.53Yourname`ManxPower: Thanks.
15:52.04Yourname`Hmm, looks like eyeBeam 1.5 basic should cut it.
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15:55.15kombicapi hanging up in state 4 <- what might it mean?
15:55.51kombi...avm b1 card working nicely in msn mode but not in did mode
15:56.06flujan[TK]D-Fender: ManxPower : [TK]D-Fender based on your sugestion... here goes the pastie...
15:56.13zeeesh<ManxPower>: will u pls guide how to configure realtime asterisk with using mysql...
15:56.17flujan[TK]D-Fender ManxPower:
15:56.26flujandoes it will set up hints?
15:56.47ManxPowerzeeesh: No.
15:56.58[TK]D-Fenderflujan: I never said you had to do more than make HINTS for your extens.  I said noting about FIXING the fact you pattern match what you DIAL for them.
15:57.24kombihow does one switch on debug logging again?
15:57.42[TK]D-Fenderzeeesh: This is all documented on the WIKI, in BOOK, and on a dozen other guides on-line.  Get off your ass and get reading.  No-one is going to want to hand hold you through this for free.
15:57.43*** join/#asterisk gammah (
15:58.03gammahIm trying to find docs/rfcs on sccp - the skinny protocol
15:58.10gammahanyone have any resources?
15:58.28[TK]D-Fendergammah: Not sure on RFC... its a proprietary protocol.
15:58.31kombiskinny is cisco
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15:58.43gammahwell, documentation then
15:58.45flujan[TK]D-Fender: ok, so only this exten =>,hint,SIP/ will be enough? in the users.conf file?
15:58.46lirakisgammah: skinny = cisco = closed
15:58.53gammahI know it's cisco
15:58.59lirakiscisco = closed
15:59.17gammahlirakis: I GET IT
15:59.23zeeesh<[TK]D-Fender>: thanks .. and my pleasure .. how ... nice guys with best attitude ... i was just asking a weblink ... not telling to teach me ...
15:59.25[TK]D-Fenderflujan: sip.conf, FORGET users.conf it is another flaming pile of crap.
15:59.27gammahdoesn't mean someone hasn't reversed it enuff to know about it
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16:00.00gammahdidn't know if someone who worked on channels/chan)skinny.c might have some pointers
16:00.29flujan[TK]D-Fender: I do not understand... the sip.conf is already used by asterisk... the users.conf file is to include in the extensions.conf to enable hints...
16:00.43MercestesZeesh:  Might I suggest a consultant?
16:00.53gammahoh nm
16:01.01minteecan asterisk act as a standalone voicemail box?  Users can call in to their number, setup a voicemail, and it's only for incoming voicemails that they can check reguarly?  Answering on the first or second ring?
16:01.04MercestesZeeesh, gammah.....i could see how those are simliar.
16:01.12[TK]D-Fenderflujan: users.conf is an completely separate *1.4 config file which should not be used.
16:01.19MercestesThey both end in h.
16:01.32[TK]D-Fendermintee: You can do this iwth *, yes...
16:01.37Mercestesgammah, blame society
16:01.37flujan[TK]D-Fender: ok... will use other filename
16:01.43gammahI blame your momma
16:01.49mintee[TK]D-Fender, cool, thanks
16:02.20Mercestesgammah, you're...what?  14?  15?
16:03.53gammahah sweet, the messages at least are all spec'd as structs in chan_skinny
16:04.59ZaVoidlittle confused
16:04.59flujan[TK]D-Fender: puff... here, I changed it again... :) hope it is right now.
16:05.05ZaVoiddoes asterisk use .wav by default or .gsm?
16:06.10ManxPowerZaVoid: If the file exists in the same format as the calling channel, it will use that format, otherwise it will transcode whatever format the file is in.
16:06.20ZaVoidthats what i thought
16:06.20[TK]D-Fenderflujan: Yead, that looks a lot better, though I might suggest you give it a more meaningful name like "extensions-hints.conf"
16:06.26[TK]D-Fenderflujan: Just a thought...
16:06.27ZaVoidmaybe the wav format i recorded in isn't working right
16:06.35flujan[TK]D-Fender: thanks...
16:06.36ZaVoidmanx you ever use sox to convert?
16:06.48ManxPowerZaVoid: it needs to be mono, not stereo and 8Khz
16:06.52ZaVoid(except for g.723)
16:07.04[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: Generally its easiest when you USE * to make your recordings.
16:07.12pifiufender any info on where to read more up on paging on polycoms?
16:08.20ManxPowerZaVoid: I used sox once to convert
16:08.49ZaVoidyeah i can't use asteirsk in this case....
16:08.56[TK]D-Fenderpifiu: Go follow that... you
16:09.01[TK]D-Fenderre on the right trail.
16:09.02ZaVoidmono 8kh ok hold on
16:09.03ZaVoidthanks manx
16:09.46lirakisZaVoid: its quick to use sox to "clean" a wav
16:10.17ZaVoidcan ya gimme a sample command line for it to do that?
16:10.35lirakisZaVoid: sox your.wav  -r 8000 /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/your.gsm
16:10.54ZaVoidwhat if i wanted to do all the files in a dir?
16:11.00ManxPowerSOME versions of sox do not generate good GSM files, BTW.
16:11.27ZaVoidif the are in wav i thin that would or g729
16:11.39ManxPowerZaVoid: sox does not support G729 or G723.1
16:11.56ZaVoidoh ok
16:11.57ManxPower.WAV files are usually ulaw
16:12.05lirakisZaVoid: bash script... for i in `ls *.wav`; do sox $i  -r 8000 /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/$i.gsm; done
16:12.13ZaVoidthanks man
16:12.18Corydon76-workManxPower: uh, they are?
16:12.46ManxPowerCorydon76-work: perhaps "ulaw" is not the correct term, as it is a codec.
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16:12.50Corydon76-workManxPower: ulaw is an 8-bit encoding.  WAV files are usually encoded as 16-bit
16:13.20ManxPower[root@pbx-1 asterisk]# file hurricane.wav
16:13.20ManxPowerhurricane.wav: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio
16:13.26ManxPowerCorydon76-work: Ah.
16:13.35Corydon76-workWAV tends to be signed linear
16:15.24ZaVoidhmm reduced the file size to 44
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16:15.51ZaVoidthats small
16:16.11Corydon76-workUh, 44 is too small
16:16.20ManxPowerZaVoid: download and install sox from source.
16:16.22Corydon76-work44k maybe?
16:16.36ManxPowerI vaguely recall 44 bytes meant "sox screwed up"
16:16.50coppice44 == basic wave file header
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16:17.14Corydon76-workgsm files are all a multiple of 66-bytes
16:17.22ManxPowerZaVoid: "sox -h" is gsm listed?
16:17.49ZaVoidyeah it is
16:17.53ZaVoidSupported file formats: aiff al au auto avr cdr cvs dat vms gsm hcom la lu maud nul ossdsp prc raw sb sf sl smp sndt sph 8svx sw txw ub ul uw voc vorbis vox wav wve
16:18.01ManxPowerI still say download and install from source.
16:18.23Corydon76-workThe other possibility is that you're using an unrecognized codec inside WAV
16:18.34ZaVoidlet me try a few things
16:18.36ZaVoidthanks guysx
16:19.13Corydon76-workAfter all, wav simply specifies a file encapsulation method.  There are multiple codecs that can be encoded within
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16:31.45Voicemeupany reason i get dupes in chanel name. ? its sip/user-RANDOM but i get more then 2.. i get like 10 of those same for one day
16:31.53Voicemeupshoudnt it be random like can we add bits ?
16:32.43*** join/#asterisk doolph (n=doolph@
16:33.04MercestesVoicemeup, it's only unique in that no two identifiers should be up at the same time.
16:33.04doolphI just installed asterisk 1.4 and I lost all sip* commands in the cli any idea?
16:33.20MercestesVoicemeup, it is not unique forever, once that call ends that identifier may be used again
16:33.48Mercestesdoolph, some retard completely redid the syntax on everything.  Try core sip whatever and see if that works.
16:34.06Voicemeupok then why only 8 bit ?
16:34.07doolphwell it doesnt work
16:34.10Voicemeupits hec right ?
16:34.22MercestesVoicemeup, I dunno.
16:34.25Voicemeuphmm ok
16:34.30MercestesVoicemeup, you see any letters higher than F?
16:34.33Voicemeupany other option i have to uniq each Call ( all legs)
16:34.58Voicemeupi need a way to find all legs of a call.. and right now that was only thing
16:35.06Voicemeupunless i geenrate a callid myself on each call
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16:35.17MercestesVoicemeup, if you want it unique for each call I would say Rand() is not the way to go with that.
16:35.32Mercestesand....There is only one cdr per call anyways as far as I know.
16:35.37doolphwhy is upgrade so hard to do
16:35.39Voicemeuphmm no
16:35.44Voicemeupwe have 2-3 boxes per call
16:35.51VoicemeupEX: Auth box -> ser -> pri box
16:35.51Mercestesthen your screwed
16:35.54Voicemeupthat one example
16:35.56Mercestesset an account code
16:35.58Voicemeupso ill had a header
16:36.05Voicemeupahah we have acocuntcode
16:36.11Mercestesthere you go
16:36.15MercestesI still wouldn't use Rand()
16:36.16MercestesI'd increment
16:36.17Voicemeupbut you could have an office with 10 people calling same number from same callerid in same time
16:36.29MercestesStill use account code
16:37.22pifiuwow so provisioning polycoms is super fuckign easy now?!
16:37.29Mercestespifiu, yes.
16:38.53doolphso upgrading from 1.2 to 1.4
16:39.08pifiui RAELLY need to redo my setup
16:39.17pifiuone thing i remember doing ages ago was the dial plan?
16:39.46pifiuto make it autodial after 10 digits without hitting send
16:39.51pifiuis that standard now in the new versions?
16:41.11doolphcan I use the same extensions.conf from asterisk 1.2 to asterisk 1.4 ???
16:45.08doolphcp: cannot stat `.libs/': No such file or directory
16:45.09doolphmake[1]: *** [install] Error 1
16:45.20doolphis that bug still there
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16:47.38[TK]D-Fenderpifiu: Depends on your phones...
16:48.17_Sam--[TK]D-Fender :  what level of "set verbose" will make it so i cant see the presence changes on console, but can still see incoming calls and stuff?
16:48.22_Sam--i tried 1 and that doesnt show enough
16:48.26_Sam--and 2 shows too much
16:48.38[TK]D-Fender_Sam--: Not sure.  Might not be possible.
16:49.07_Sam--ok, thanks.
16:49.09[TK]D-Fender_Sam--: "core set verbose 1.5" ? ;)
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17:02.34LakeSolonAnyone played with the Grandstream 503?
17:03.04LakeSolonKnow if it propagates CID info from PSTN via SIP to Asterisk?
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17:06.13Dr-Linux_Sam--: hey
17:06.29_Sam--heya Doc...i thought i saw ya recently someplace else too!
17:06.44_Sam--maybe #rhel?
17:06.52Dr-Linux_Sam--: yes, you are right :P
17:06.55Dr-Linuxi was there
17:07.00_Sam--how you been bud?
17:07.13Dr-Linuxi'm good thanks
17:07.17Dr-Linuxyourself? :)
17:08.25_Sam--Dr-Linux :  really good thanks, just too busy as usual.
17:08.30*** part/#asterisk Defraz (
17:08.39_Sam--what are you doing with rhel?
17:09.44ZaVoidhey so sounds fils 8khz mono
17:09.46ZaVoidany other setting for it?
17:12.33*** part/#asterisk Voicemeup (
17:15.40LakeSolonI don't suppose anyone has a link off the top of their head that's got a good overview of what a 1.2.24 -> 1.4.10 migration would be like?
17:16.51Corydon76-workIf you're been paying attention to all of the deprecation notices in 1.2 and aren't using any of those items, then an upgrade should be seamless
17:17.18Corydon76-workHowever, if you've been ignoring the deprecation notices, then stuff may not work
17:17.32LakeSolonkk, ty
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17:32.34generalhanhey all !
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17:34.25generalhani have a couple of remote phones connecting via SIP, and when they dial out or get called from here there is no ringing, thought the CLI shows that extension being called... i have port 5060 being forwarded at my local router, but do i also need to forward the RTP range to the * box ?
17:37.56Juggiegeneralhan, yes.
17:38.06Juggieyou need to forward whatever is defined within rtp.conf to your * box
17:38.18generalhanJuggie: ok thanks ill give that a shot !
17:38.40*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
17:38.44generalhanJuggie: did you go by a different name in here a couple years ago ?
17:39.13generalhanJuggie: ok just wondering ... your responses sound familiar to me like ive seen them before
17:39.28Juggiei think i helped you with something a few weeks ago
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17:39.59generalhanJuggie: yes and that is what i was referring to
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17:42.03Juggieyou said years though :()
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17:42.53generalhanJuggie: i meant that in talking to you a short while back and just now, your responses sound like some one that i remember talking to years ago in here !
17:43.16generalhanJuggie: and thank you, because changing the RTP ports that were being forwarded made everything fall back into place !!
17:43.40Juggieoh, nope, i've allways been me.
17:43.42Juggieyour welcome.
17:43.52*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
17:44.30doolphdo i need to enable dummy with zaptel 1.4.4 ???
17:45.06Juggieif you dont have a zaptel card and you want to use meetme or iax trunking, yes.
17:45.27doolphhow can I enable it?
17:45.59Juggiedid you compile and install zaptel?
17:46.21doolphim doit right now
17:46.38Juggiewhat linux distribution?
17:47.04Juggieafter you do a make install, try '/sbin/service zaptel start'
17:48.02doolphthere's no answer
17:48.09Juggieno answer?
17:48.09Op3rif you dont have a digium card compile ztdummy
17:48.16Op3rfor meetme
17:48.22doolphOp3r yes... how
17:48.25Juggiedoolph, explain no answer.
17:48.29Juggiei dont know what you mean
17:48.36doolph[root@cl-t064-160cl zaptel-1.4.4]# /sbin/service zaptel start
17:48.40Op3rdoolph: before u compile
17:48.43doolphenter... and nothing coming up
17:48.51doolphwhat file should i edit
17:48.53Op3rdoolph: before u compile zaptel you must enable ztdummy
17:49.14doolphi think its enabled by default
17:49.16generalhanAll i had to do without hardware with CentOS was 'modprobe ztdummy'
17:49.19doolphhwo can i test it
17:49.25generalhanafter modprobe zaptel
17:49.32generalhanbut this was MANY versions ago
17:49.32doolphah ok
17:49.33Op3rmodprobe zaptel then modprobe ztdummy
17:49.46doolphdid that
17:49.47doolphno errors
17:50.02Op3rwhats in your zapata.conf?
17:50.14JuggieOp3r, ztdummy is enabled by default
17:50.16doolphi dont have file yet
17:50.41Op3rJuggie: for 1.4 its enabled by default I think
17:53.33_Sam--[TK]D-Fender :  you dont know any fix for all the presence changes on the console, and you have them too?
17:53.48_Sam--its crazy, if one phone changes status, it generates like 15 lines on my console since i have a lot of watchers of that phone
17:54.13[TK]D-Fender_Sam--: that the thing... there nothing to FIX, its not BROKEN.  It gives you detail.
17:54.14_Sam--so all i can see are the damn presence changes...and if i lower the verbosity, i dont even see any incoming calls happening
17:54.30[TK]D-Fender_Sam--: <---------------
17:55.20_Sam--the feature request would be to be able to configure the presence changes
17:55.32_Sam--right now i dont know how you can say you like how it works and what is displayed
17:56.00_Sam--if 1 phone changes state, it generates 1 line on the console for any sip clients that may be watching its state
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18:05.25[TK]D-Fender_Sam--: so you ignore a few lines... big deal....
18:05.33[TK]D-Fender_Sam--: tahts what scroll-back is for.
18:05.39_Sam--how do i ignore a few lines if all my screen is full of presence change?
18:05.47_Sam--it should be ONE line for each presence change, not for each watcher.
18:05.57Yourname`[TK]D-Fender: Features.conf seems to have the attended transfer function!! :)
18:05.59*** join/#asterisk Mercestes (
18:06.04_Sam--the fact that Ext111 changed to ringing from idle i dont need to see for each watcher
18:06.19[TK]D-FenderYourname`: yes it does... not DTMF based crap.  Go for it.
18:07.19_Sam--do you at least acknowledge what im saying?
18:07.39_Sam--if you are watching the console -- and extXXX changes state -- there is no reason i need to see that state change listed 15 times if i have 15 watchers
18:07.46[TK]D-Fender_Sam--: Yes it displays the info just like its supposed to and you don't like it.  I fully acknowledge this :)
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18:08.26[TK]D-Fender_Sam--: Feel free to place a bounty on having it recoded, or do it yourself.
18:08.29_Sam--ok fair enough -- as long as you comprehend what im trying to convey.  i cant see how any busy system with more than 2 phones changing state, and someone watching the console, i dont know how that person isnt offended
18:08.51_Sam--over 95% of my console output is now related to presence
18:09.17_Sam--i will see if i can pay zoa to fix mine
18:09.23_Sam--!seen zoa
18:09.34Yourname`[TK]D-Fender: More DTMF crap? A lot of it depends on the softphone's DTMF, right?
18:09.39[TK]D-Fender_Sam--: Then nobody is placing calls and EVERYBODY is spying on everybody else.... now tell me... who's getting any work done there? ;)
18:09.54_Sam--not spying on anyone -- but everyone's phone shows the state of everyone else.
18:10.10_Sam--so an employee can look at their phone, and see if their co-worker is already on the line
18:10.29[TK]D-FenderYourname`: Only the shit ones that don't have standard functionality built in and * is being asked to compensate for.  Your dial strings are going to look like alphabet soup before long...
18:10.34_Sam--in the old days it was called "BLF"
18:10.38_Sam--i dont know what it is anymore
18:10.50[TK]D-Fender_Sam--: I didn't know this... </sarcasm> ;)
18:11.05Yourname`[TK]D-Fender: What if we use Express Talk?
18:11.08[TK]D-Fender_Sam--: BLF, Presence, LIU, etc, take your pick
18:11.25_Sam--well you were implying that nobody is doing any real phone work if all the presence changes were all over my console...i was only trying to ellaborate upon our setup.
18:11.40[TK]D-FenderYourname`: I avoid soft-phones, and only use X-Lite, Ekiga, and Zoiper myself, and only VERY infrequently at best.
18:12.15[TK]D-Fender_Sam--: I understand, just that if presence is 95% of your CLI output, the you have more watchers than processing.
18:12.40_Sam--this is true -- currently, there are about 15 watchers, and at the moment, 4 people on calls.
18:12.55[TK]D-Fender_Sam--: Do you just sit and stare at it roll by constantly?  I can see it as a bit of a nuisance during debugging (minor really), but whatever...
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18:13.33_Sam--i admin a bunch of servers. normally, i run 'screen' from my main host, and ssh to each each of my boxes from within screen...
18:13.46_Sam--then i just flip through screens alot of day looking at logs, loads, top, mrtg, etc
18:13.50[TK]D-Fender_Sam--: imagine a "dial-all" :)  15 * 15 notifications!  Whee!
18:13.51_Sam--(not mrt in screen, sorry)
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18:14.24_Sam--so alot of times when i get to the asterisk box, in my screen, its all just presence output
18:14.36_Sam--i have 9 different screen 'windows' right now
18:14.39red9012I like to generate ring tones... is there a command for that?
18:14.45_Sam--and i ctrl-a n through them all
18:15.29[TK]D-Fenderred9012: "show application ringing"
18:15.37ZaVoidcool that sound file format changed worked well
18:15.38ZaVoidthanks guys
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18:18.21red9012the ringing command requires an additional wait() command.  I need a one line command
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18:20.45[TK]D-Fenderred9012: No, it does not require a "wait"
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18:24.33ToTohi all
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18:25.00tomcontr3hi, does anyone knows how to configure and FXO-02 device with asterisk?
18:25.18ToTodoes asterisk support h.281?
18:25.24caio1982Qwell[]: ping
18:25.47_Sam--how can you implement a content delivery network on a small scale -- ie, i dont know how to do the secret sauce -- like how do the CDN providers know which host is closest / fastest to a given http client connection?
18:26.16_Sam--er wrong win -- sorry
18:26.47ZaVoidhey fender
18:26.52ZaVoidcan you translate this for me? exten => s,n,SayDigits($[${BALANCE} : "([0-9]+\)\.\[0-9]+\"])
18:26.56ZaVoidthe \.\ junk
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18:29.18florenzhello everyone
18:29.37[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: Didn't know you could do regex like that in an eval... and I have no idea on the interpretation.
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18:31.04florenzis someone here running Asterisk on OpenBSD?
18:31.46rene-hey, is anybody willing to relocate to cancun and do asterisk work here? the pay is not incredible but well you get to live here... msg me for details, must speak english or spanish or both
18:33.06ZaVoidno hablo espanol
18:33.41rene-zavoid: english is ok
18:33.44rene-for the most part
18:33.51ZaVoidfender any debug i could turn on to see which directory its actually playing from?
18:34.00generalhanlol ... what is "not incredible" ?
18:34.18[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: from the default w/ lang considerations.
18:34.48rene-around 1000 - 1500 month, you have to realize that this is not a senior position and that well mexican wages are a lot lower than ocde countries
18:34.48ZaVoid.. /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
18:34.53brettnemare there any known issues with Asterisk RTP and netfilter ipconntrack?
18:35.02florenzhmm, so, no OpenBSD installations? What platform are you running it on if I may ask?
18:35.05ZaVoidno way to have it print to console that you know of?
18:35.39[TK]D-Fenderflorenz: Oh I don't know... maybe LINUX?!
18:35.42caio1982seems that Qwell[] is away (he alrerady knows the subject), so could another op from #asterisk help me to solve a request from a Freenode' staff?
18:36.02*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey)
18:36.04Qwell[]caio1982: I'm here...  the ircops just have to like...answer me
18:36.08[TK]D-Fenderflorenz: There is no Zaptel for OpenBSD last I checked, and FreeBSD was possible though troublesome.
18:36.15caio1982Qwell[]: hey!
18:36.31caio1982Qwell[]: do you have some time to solve that issue with UdontKnow, the staff?
18:36.41Qwell[]if he'll actually answer me today :p
18:36.43caio1982Qwell[]: he told me you didnt reply back
18:36.46ZaVoidhey Qwell  you know any way to set a debug to print that out about which dir i'm playing a sound file from?
18:36.48caio1982Qwell[]: oh :(
18:37.05florenzlol, fender, man of the generic answer :-) - yes, lack of ISDN support in OpenBSD makes me consider it's not a good idea right now...
18:37.52florenz[TK]D-Fender, reason I'm asking is that I just like OpenBSD on small, embedded things
18:38.16florenzit relatively painless, compared to a lot of Linux distributions
18:38.19caio1982Qwell[]: would it be okay for you to send an e-mail instead? I have his personal address for stuff like that
18:38.42[TK]D-Fenderflorenz: How about your generic QUESTION? ;)  Yes there are people runninf Zaptel-less * installs on OpenBSD.
18:38.45Qwell[]I'd rather do any IRC related stuff on IRC.  How about I just ask another op? O.o
18:39.15caio1982Qwell[]: that's fine for me, it's just that I know him, but it solves the probleme the same away, yeah
18:39.58florenz[TK]D-Fender, I said "generic" because of "maybe LINUX" - no offense, but that's a funny answer. Like, what tires do you have on your car - round ones...
18:40.16florenzlike my own jokes best, never mind :-)
18:40.38florenz[TK]D-Fender,  so what distribution are you using?
18:41.07caio1982Qwell[]: would you mind ping me after talking to them? :)
18:41.09*** join/#asterisk nDuff (
18:41.41[TK]D-Fenderflorenz: Well OpenBSD is a very unique kernel.  We can beat to death the concept of "distro" over "kernel" if you like... but I'll win (not like it isn't inevitable ANYWAYS ;))
18:41.43nDuffIs there a reasonable way to load a newly built/installed module without interrupting ongoing calls?
18:42.25[TK]D-Fenderflorenz: Most people run * on one of the top-10 Linux distros.  Centos, Debian, Slackware, etc...
18:42.38[TK]D-FendernDuff: Thats it.
18:43.26florenz[TK]D-Fender, doubt that you win, have your asbestos pants ready? But let's save that for a day when we both are terminally bored. What distribution is it for you, then?
18:43.57Mercestescaio1982, Are you ever going to "slip" and tell us what it's about or are you just going to tease us with obscurity by having a private conversation in public?
18:43.59florenz[TK]D-Fender, I'm leaning most to either slack or deb stable, what do you think?
18:44.11lirakiscan i hangup a channel from cli?
18:44.12Mercestescaio1982, *stares*
18:44.14*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
18:44.23lirakis.. rather.. how do i hangup a channel from cli
18:44.36caio1982Mercestes: haha that's not private actually, it's about a channel redirect from to #asterisk-br (which needs to be allowed by a digium guy to happen)
18:44.40caio1982Mercestes: just that :-)
18:44.41[TK]D-Fenderflorenz: I'm persistent and certified non-flammable ;)  Personally I use CentOS / Slackware for my installs.
18:44.53[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: "soft hangup [channel]"
18:45.13Mercestescaio1982, oh..I thought it involved drugs, or the exportation of random underaged foreigner sex-slaves or something interesting like that.
18:45.30Mercestescaio1982, next time...make something up. :P
18:45.45lirakis[TK]D-Fender: thank you
18:45.46Yourname`Hello again... Aug  8 10:44:49 NOTICE[19303]: res_musiconhold.c:533 monmp3thread: Request to schedule in the past?!?! -> what am I doing wrong?
18:45.47[TK]D-Fenderflorenz: Either of your two choices would do just fine.  Install *'s pre-req's and away you go.
18:46.15[TK]D-FenderYourname`: Thats just an mpg123 warning you safe pretty much safely ignore.
18:46.22caio1982Mercestes: you should know that brazil is famous because underaged sex-slaves anyway... it's ajust a smoke curtain, sshhhh
18:46.35Yourname`[TK]D-Fender: But it's not playing the MOH file tho.
18:46.37Mercestescaio1982, ooooOoo...that's more like it. :D
18:47.10[TK]D-FenderYourname`: Well I guess you'd better show us something USELF in helping debug your problem.
18:47.30Mercestes[TK]D-Fender, you don't use capslock to do that, do you?
18:47.47[TK]D-FenderMercestes: nope.
18:47.52MercestesDidn't think so.
18:47.57florenz[TK]D-Fender, thx. deb is nice on the comfort level, but I saw that they have a patched 1.2.13 in stable...
18:47.59Mercestesyour pinky fingers must look like another set of thumbs
18:48.14[TK]D-Fenderflorenz: Forget about packaged * though, always compile from source.
18:48.26florenznah, I bet he's mapped SHIFT to left-Alt
18:48.35[TK]D-Fenderflorenz: Besides, tahts an old version with many nasty security wholes.
18:48.54*** join/#asterisk mtgll (
18:49.05[TK]D-Fenderdamn.... I am completely cross-wired today...
18:49.14Yourname`[TK]D-Fender: lol, ok.. one min
18:49.45florenz[TK]D-Fender, you, that's what I read in the asterisk release notes, my point beeing I can just go ahead and choose slack, as deb would be nice for the confort level because of apt-get, but moot, because of a too-old version.
18:51.02[TK]D-Fenderflorenz: You can still choose Debian just fine, but do * from source on it.
18:51.14[TK]D-Fenderflorenz: Doesn't have to be an all-or-nothing you know...
18:51.28Yourname`[TK]D-Fender: extensions.conf? sip debug?
18:51.57florenz[TK]D-Fender :-O I thought it was mutually exclusive... duh
18:52.07[TK]D-FenderYourname`: proof of the location and state of your MoH files, your MoH config, CLI output where you see these errors/message/activity, etc
18:52.18florenz[TK]D-Fender, thx for the input
18:52.31[TK]D-Fenderflorenz: But Coming from BSD you might appreciate Slack more.
18:52.58[TK]D-Fenderflorenz: glad to help.  Sarcasm is just part of the package deal ;)
18:53.20Mercestesat no extra charge!
18:54.05florenz[TK]D-Fender, I'm even more evil. I started with Real Unix(tm). got my first Linux fix, and was terminally annoyed with it when everyone installed Linux in droves, which messed up the documentation thing quite good, thank you very much.
18:54.17florenzway back when :-)
18:54.44florenzkeeps me on my toes to paly with all nioce OS..
18:54.45MercestesEveryone installing it screwed up the documentation?
18:55.06Yourname`[TK]D-Fender: ok
18:55.22florenzwell, evryone changed it increased the signal/noise ration to unbeareable leveles
18:55.33Mercesteswas that english?
18:55.53MercestesI mean, I understood most of it, but, spanish is tricky like that.
18:56.32MercestesWell, as much as I appreciate a bit of distrowars.....
18:56.56MercestesYea, I just can't finish it.
18:57.04Mercestessomeone else make up the rest
18:57.29florenzeveryone installing it lead to a lot more questions about it, which increased the uninformed answers flying around, because the idiots distribution in the general population follows the bell-curve
18:58.00*** part/#asterisk mtgll (
18:58.21florenzthe more people play with something, the more bullshit circulates about that something, in other words. Makes it harder to pick out the gems.
18:58.25Mercestesflorenz, no it doesn't.
18:58.44florenzMercestes, oh? How so?
18:58.50kv0sHi! I've several problems with my local installation of asterisk. But i think it isn't a asterisk problem! ;-) I've some echo on my lines, it is possible, that the echo produced thrugh my bluetooth headset?
18:58.52MercestesI would say there is a direct correlation between # of users and idiots so it's absolutely not a bell curve.
18:59.21hmmhesaysheh nice
18:59.27MercestesBut, again, it's distrowars at this point.  You like OpenBSD....that's good enough for us...
18:59.49MercestesYou don't have to make up crap after that to defend it.  we accept your preference and do not judge you for it.
19:00.09Mercesteskv0s, describe your calling environment.
19:00.21florenzMercestes, ugh, you are trying to nail me for something I did not say. Careful.
19:00.30*** part/#asterisk RealBorg (
19:00.31MercestesI have witnesses
19:00.52Mercestes279 total, as a matter of fact.
19:01.20Mercestesok, 278
19:01.44MercestesBut, be that as it may.....
19:01.54florenzI do like Linux, a lot of them, and *BSD, and Macs. Even Windows. What I said is that the popularity of Linux was detrimental to the signal to noise ratio of all available information.
19:02.12MercestesAgain, I disagree....
19:02.16Mercestesbut...still, Distrowars.
19:02.28florenzok, nevermind. We have different opinions.
19:02.36MercestesI mean, if you want to see the effect of a small community on a project, go join #callweaver sometime
19:02.40Mercestesor #plan9
19:03.15kv0sMercestes: Outgoing SIP oder Zap(bristuffed isdn), internal i've sip (x-lite on my notebook) - it's makes no difference between calling out with the isdn or sip trunk ...
19:03.24florenzI don't think my statement is invalidated by fringe OS examples :-)
19:04.42florenzMercestes, are you from Houston (like it says in the blog?)
19:04.56*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
19:05.57Yourname`[TK]D-Fender: Figured it out, when you said "the location".. I looked around, and it was bad. :)
19:06.01Yourname`[TK]D-Fender: Thanks!
19:06.26[TK]D-FenderYourname`: You should apply that kind of thinking to ALL of your problems...
19:07.28Yourname`[TK]D-Fender: If the errors were more in english than eblish.. it'd help in pinpointing the fault. :)
19:07.46Yourname`Still, your commitment to the asterisk community, IMHO, is HUGE.
19:09.40Yourname`Meanwhile, here's another question. When the agent calls the external number to do an "attended transfer", and if that party doesn't pick up quick enough.. the call is aborted and the agent is dropped back to the customer. Again, what value did I set too less?
19:10.46[TK]D-FenderYourname`: I'm not sure on how *'s fatures.conf transfer work exactly..... can't help you there unfortunately
19:11.06Yourname`[TK]D-Fender: That's ok.. :)
19:14.33Yourname`Hmm, I thought parkedtime needs to be increased, and I did.. and it didn't work
19:17.50*** join/#asterisk galeras (n=galeras@
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19:20.14galerasWhere is the best source to know changes between ami 1.2 and 1.4?
19:20.50Strom_Mgaleras: UPGRADE.txt
19:21.07galerasThanks Strom_M
19:22.04*** join/#asterisk tracinet (n=tracinet@
19:25.49brodiemmog - hey could you PM me your e-mail address? The one from doc/jabber.txt is rejected
19:26.17mogreally, what email brodiem
19:26.39ToTocan i move remote camera with asterisk?
19:26.51brodiemToTo sure
19:27.02*** join/#asterisk merkurie (n=merkurie@
19:27.04mogis thats whats in there?
19:27.11mogshould be
19:27.21ToTobrodiem: how?
19:27.27ZaVoidhey brodiem
19:27.36brodiemThe maintainer of res_jabber is Matthew O'Gorman <>
19:27.56ToTobrodiem: is there a protocol?
19:27.58mogwell i change that
19:28.04Qwell[]mog: fixing now :p
19:28.13r0d3nt<SecNews> Title: Vuln: Asterisk Skinny Channel Driver Remote Denial of Service Vulnerability
19:28.13r0d3nt<SecNews> Link:
19:28.29mogwasnt that forever ago
19:28.34Qwell[]mog: yesterday
19:28.38Qwell[]but it only affects like 8 people
19:28.55brodiemmog - ok maybe I'm blind but I'm not seeing a difference in what you said it should be and what it actually is :)
19:29.13mogyou said it didnt have an i in digium
19:29.22ToTobrodiem: ?
19:29.45brodiemshould have caught that...
19:30.09Qwell[]mog: fixed :D
19:33.44ToTobrodiem: do you have an idea about how i can move a remote camera with ast?
19:34.03brodiemToTo ast itself will not move anything
19:34.22brodiembut you can have ast launch whatever script that interfaces with your cameras
19:34.43brodiemI'm working on an X10 camera interface.. just uses an open source command line linux script to move them
19:35.12merkuriewhats a good asterisk book for beginners? I was looking at getting 'asterisk cookbook' but it looks like the release date is getting pushed to october
19:35.35ToTobrodiem: ..and, i wold to move a polycom vsx 7000s cam..
19:35.41*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
19:36.05ToTobrodiem: polycom use h.281 to send remote command to move it
19:36.21*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
19:38.42[TK]D-FenderToTo: * cannot by itelf move the camera.  Go see what other libraries & apps can and see if * can be made to control THEM.
19:40.38*** join/#asterisk guillote_GNU (
19:42.36tracinethey guys - got a weird one for you....
19:42.43tracineti have an asterisk server hosting virtual pbx's for about 20 clients and it has been running for over a year with no problems at all.
19:42.53tracinetthe other day - ext. 107 from "company A" dials extension 111, but instead of ext. 111 from "company A" ringing, ext. 111 from "company B" rang.  I can not duplicate the problem, however, I do see in the CDR log that it did happen.
19:43.07tracinetConfigs were checked and checked again and all seems ok (like i said - can't duplicate it again).  any thoughts?
19:43.14tracinetasteirks 1.2.10
19:43.30Sweeperif you can't duplicate it, it didn't happen :v
19:43.41tracinetwell my logs say otherwise
19:43.49Sweeperthey lie!
19:43.51tracinetnot to mention the owner of company B who answered the phone
19:44.00tracinetwhile one of my sales guys happened to be there
19:44.04tracinethow embarrassing
19:44.27tracineti checked my call logs and it looks like it happened a total of 13 times since customer has come online
19:45.13tracinettried to find a bug in bugzilla talking about incorrect context routing
19:45.19tracinetbut have not found anything
19:45.21*** join/#asterisk zydrunas (
19:45.25pepesz76Hi folks,  I'm dialing phone_1 -> asterisk_1 -> asterisk_2 ->phone_2 , but got "call failed: 503 Service Unavailable". The log file from asterisk_2: What am I doing wrong?
19:45.55*** join/#asterisk Igbothom_3rd (
19:46.13*** join/#asterisk thx2000 (
19:46.33tracinetwould need to see your sip.conf and ext.conf files
19:46.41[TK]D-Fenderpepesz76: Looking for 55 in default (domain
19:46.47[TK]D-Fenderpepesz76: SIP/2.0 404 Not Found
19:47.11tracinetwell that is a problem too
19:47.23[TK]D-Fenderpepesz76: I see a **404** not a 503, and the location of the error is pretty blatant
19:48.55pepesz76just a sec
19:49.37*** join/#asterisk Stromthipper (
19:50.49Stromthippergreetings eh?
19:51.02StromthipperI'm in trouble deep here eh?
19:52.29tracineti am
19:52.36tracinetand have an issue if you are interested
19:52.45tracinetlet me paste what i just posted... hold
19:52.46StromthipperI'm here for help as well my friend
19:52.56Stromthipperif you paste I'll be clueless  =(
19:53.09tracinetthe blind leading the blind i see
19:53.09StromthipperMy clue bag is...empty  =|
19:53.27Stromthippersorry, I wish I could see for you sake eh
19:53.54StromthipperAsterisknow seems to have some activity
19:53.59StromthipperI'm checking there too
19:54.05Stromthippereven though I don't know what it is
19:54.55*** join/#asterisk cellphone (
19:55.09tracinetsorry - got a call...
19:55.16Stromthippersure thing...
19:55.43ManxPowerStromthipper: #asterisknow is really the place to talk about...AsteriskNOW
19:56.01*** join/#asterisk styelz (n=yoohoo@2001:388:f000:0:0:0:0:20b)
19:56.21tracinetok back
19:56.40StromthipperI'm asking in there right now Manxpower
19:56.55Stromthipperthey appear to be software dev's
19:57.06styelzhey if i have a zap channel, and i set echocancel=yes .. do i need to set echotraining ?
19:57.17tracineti believe it has a default
19:57.17*** join/#asterisk Igbothom_3rd (
19:57.34tracinetwhich is enabled
19:57.36styelzif I do set echotraining my fxo card stops working
19:58.02tracinethave you tried setting it to "no"
19:58.13styelzno i havent
19:58.15pepesz76here are mine sip and extensions files:
19:58.22styelzi just commented it out in zapata.conmf
19:58.32styelzit was =800
19:59.16styelzit only just started to hapen since i upgraded
19:59.58*** join/#asterisk techie (
20:00.06[TK]D-Fender[TK]D-Fender>pepesz76: Looking for 55 in default (domain
20:00.07[TK]D-Fender[15:46]<[TK]D-Fender>pepesz76: SIP/2.0 404 Not Found
20:00.08*** join/#asterisk tomcontr3 (
20:00.14[TK]D-Fenderpepesz76: What part of this was not clear?
20:02.01[TK]D-Fenderpepesz76: This should be a clue as to an AUTH problem too : Found no matching peer or user for '' <----
20:03.25mogbrodiem: simple fix
20:03.28mogill work on it tonight
20:03.35Stromthipperfound problem with voip not working.  phones weren't getting an IP address but found it to be that the DHCP bombed.  reset that and bingo!
20:03.35pepesz76tracinet asked for conf files, that's why. I'm kind of lost. 55 is the phone behind nat with internal address (external 84.....)
20:03.49Stromthippergold luck all eh?
20:03.51*** part/#asterisk Stromthipper (
20:03.56*** part/#asterisk ricky (i=ricky@fedora/ricky)
20:05.07[TK]D-Fenderpepesz76: You have no user for [51] and its falling back to [default] which doesn't even exist in the dialplan.
20:05.38tracinetpepesz - i asked for the files bfore  looking at your pastebin
20:05.50*** join/#asterisk guillote_GNU (
20:05.55tracinet[TK]D-Fender is rigth - 404 is the problem
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20:06.05[TK]D-Fendertracinet: PART of it,.
20:06.35[TK]D-Fenderpepesz76: You are getting a call from someone who isn't a user on yoursystem, and when treated generically there is no context for the calls to land on.
20:07.07styelzhere is a pastebin of what "log/full" did when i did both echotraining and not
20:08.01ManxPowerput exten => 55,1,Noop(Call worked!  Lets go drinking!) in the [default] part of extensions.conf
20:08.12pepesz76so to receive a call I have to put him in my config ?
20:08.35ManxPowerpepesz76: if you don't, then the call will land in whatever context is in [general] in sip.conf
20:09.03[TK]D-Fenderpepesz76: Is he SUPPOSED to be an SIP device registered to your system?
20:09.05ManxPowerand if you don't have anything matching the destination number, the call will fail.
20:09.06tomcontr3hi, is anyone here using a FXO Gateway?
20:09.16ManxPowertomcontr3: I'd rather have a root canal
20:09.36*** part/#asterisk florenz (
20:09.37[TK]D-Fendertomcontr3: Yes, many of us, now just go and ask a SPECIFIC question.
20:09.42*** part/#asterisk tracinet (n=tracinet@
20:10.11tomcontr3I have an FXO-02 Gateway,  but I can figure it out how to configure it so it can work with Asterisl
20:11.06tomcontr3here is the manual :
20:13.23tomcontr3if anyone could give me a little hand, I will really apreciated
20:14.57Deeewaynetomcontr3: did you read the manual ?
20:15.24pepesz76Lost again 51 @ 82.210... (internal (registered to asterisk1) is calling 55 @ 84.41... (internal registered in asterisk 2 (which logs and config files I presented). So where to put calling party (conf?) to make this call working. Sorry to annoy you with questions. Still learning.
20:16.50jcolpDeeewayne: can you help me become the next Vonage?
20:17.35[TK]D-Fenderjcolp: No, I'm sure you can reach Chapter 11 status without our "assistance" ;)
20:18.30tomcontr3yes I did
20:18.31*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
20:18.47tomcontr3but I can figure out how to configure it well
20:20.15tomcontr3how does this FXO Gateway interact with my asterisk server,   does the AS conect to this FXO box, or the FXO box conects to the AS?
20:20.33*** join/#asterisk easimon_ (n=easimon@baghira.kawo2.RWTH-Aachen.DE)
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20:22.51Deeewayneanalog and the transitive property of equality say, "yes"
20:24.55*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
20:25.49tomcontr3how does this FXO Gateway interact with my asterisk server,   does the AS conect to this FXO box, or the FXO box conects to the AS??
20:25.54tomcontr3sorry about that
20:28.46*** join/#asterisk vgster (
20:29.14Deeewaynetomcontr3: are you asking which side to connect first ?
20:29.47*** join/#asterisk flujan_ (
20:30.35tomcontr3right,  well im not sure what exactly I have to do
20:31.01tomcontr3I 've been trying all day
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20:31.17lmadsenFYI: Just found out TFoT2 goes to the printers next Wednesday, then printed copies will be shipping 2 weeks after that
20:31.51tomcontr3but for example in the SIP configuration  Y have to options,  once says Peer2Peer and the other Proxy
20:31.55*** join/#asterisk tsurko (n=tsurko@
20:32.24flujan_guys, I need to monitor all calls placed and answered by a peer... This peer is also a agent from a queue and I want to record the calls it receives from the peer...
20:32.31flujan_how can I set a channel to be monitored?
20:46.28*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
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20:51.44lirakiswhew... working from home sux
20:51.49lirakis.. chair is a lot less comfortable
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20:59.28lirakis[TK]D-Fender: still at work???
20:59.37lirakis[TK]D-Fender: late day for you
20:59.45easimonhas anyone in here achieved to run a recent bristuffed asterisk with NT mode? i've got problems since upgrading to 1.4
21:00.17*** join/#asterisk jkiff (n=jkiffmey@unaffiliated/vorondil)
21:01.03timholumhello, i am wondering if there is a variable in asterisk of the users extention?
21:01.20mvanbaaktimholum: explain
21:01.20anonymouz666jcolp: how many RTP ports are necessary for.. let's say 10 active calls?
21:01.28Qwell[]anonymouz666: 20
21:01.35jcolpgold star for Qwell
21:01.40mvanbaakanonymouz666: 20
21:01.44mvanbaakoh wait
21:01.56timholumi am trying to write a gotoif() statment, i need if phone 403 calls it does somthing different then if 404
21:02.01mvanbaakfor RTCP you need something that's not asterisk
21:02.20timholumthe phone that is making the call
21:02.21easimontimholum: : $EXTEN
21:02.35timholum$EXTEN is the phone you are calling
21:02.37mvanbaaktimholum: CALLERID(num)
21:02.59timholumi will give that a shot, thanks a lot :)
21:03.13*** join/#asterisk clandmeter (n=Carlo@
21:03.28Netgeekshay Qwell, what would you say if I told you there is an instance where a bye recieved by asterisk causes it to reply back with an invite with no media descritors
21:04.04anonymouz666very very strange. I got a server running about 2800 complete calls/day, But never more than 16 active calls... and at the some point I got that beautiful no RTP ports remaining
21:04.07styelzits faaaat albert
21:04.11Qwell[]I'd tell you that if it isn't right, to report a bug.
21:04.21anonymouz666the range is from 20000 to 21000
21:04.51anonymouz666I increase to 25000 and the problem stops.
21:04.59anonymouz666but I didn't understand the math
21:05.08Netgeeksdarn, I was hoping for a 'thats cool, or 'holy bat turds, that doesn't sound right!'.... ;)
21:05.32[hC]anyone know why when a cisco 7970 asks for DHCP, a regular old DHCP server (linux) that answers everyone else wouldnt answer?
21:05.40[hC]this phone refuses to get dhcp, even though its asking for it.
21:06.18Qwell[][hC]: bug, factory reset it ;/
21:06.39[hC]Qwell: thats what caused it. I factory reset it and now its sitting at 'Upgrading' and asking for DHCP repeatedly and getting nowhere.
21:06.51Qwell[]it wants option-150
21:07.00[hC]which is a tftp server right?
21:08.41*** join/#asterisk kannan (n=kannan@
21:08.51[hC]hmmm. I do have option 150 in there.
21:08.57[hC]unless i specified it wrong.
21:09.00Qwell[]is it hitting the tftpd?
21:09.16[hC]I dont see it get an answer back from the dhcp server, so far
21:09.17*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
21:10.03[hC]gonna try tcpdumping from one other spot
21:11.12[hC]ah it does reply. further testing shall ensue. :P
21:13.03fujinhey, if I go to Voicemail with bEXT, and they haven't recorded a busy message, does it fall back to unavailable?
21:13.03[hC]my tcpdump shows a dhcp request packed come out from the phone, then the packet back contains my dhcp options, i dont see an ip in there, but i could  just be looking at the wrong part of the packet.
21:13.08[hC]time to dig further.
21:13.59*** join/#asterisk denon (
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21:14.37lirakisis there a listing anywhere of each of the sound files included in asterisk and a short description??
21:14.54lirakisor do we get to guess what is in a sound file?
21:16.02x86look at the contents of the asterisk-sounds package
21:21.01*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (n=ckwall@
21:21.24[T]anki am using asterisk 1.4 and music on hold just sounds horrible... is this normal?
21:21.31[T]ankvery choppy
21:21.48*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=hardcore@
21:23.05lirakisx86: sounds-extra.txt ;)
21:23.26x86[T]ank: what kind of timing device are you using?
21:25.06*** join/#asterisk frenzy (n=frenzy@unaffiliated/frenzy)
21:25.40[T]ankchecking to see if ztdummy is running.
21:26.00[T]ankloaded it.
21:26.09[T]ankthink that is the case?
21:26.43pepesz76Thanks ! After some struggling it's finally working :)
21:27.04brodiem[T]ank yes
21:28.04*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=hardcore@
21:28.12x86[T]ank: you need some timing source, yes
21:28.24x86[T]ank: and if you dont have real TDM hardware, then you need to use ztdummy
21:28.34x86anyone know where I can find some free MoH music?
21:28.54[T]ankrestarted asterisk after loading ztdummy... no change.
21:28.59*** join/#asterisk easimon_ (n=easimon@baghira.kawo2.RWTH-Aachen.DE)
21:29.15brodiemx86 I found some by googling for royalty free music, lot of crap to sort through though..
21:29.24x86no kidding
21:29.36brodiemany search string with "free" is never good...
21:29.42*** join/#asterisk flujan (
21:29.45leviTry searching for 'creative commons'
21:30.14brodiemlevi where were you when I was looking for this stuff?
21:30.34[T]anki have also loaded the music and am running it from ramdisk to help speed up the read of the file. but that did not help either
21:31.08brodiem[T]ank make sure your /dev/zap files are usable by the asterisk user
21:31.29brodiem[T]ank if you aren't running ast as root then there's a good chance that's your problem
21:31.50[hC]Qwell: so it was option 150, i had ""'s around it in the config file. it didnt like that. thank you for helping me save the day.
21:31.57levibrodiem: Not here yet, apparently. :)
21:32.13flujanguys, I am having this error: sent into invalid extension '23008' in context 'hints', but no invalid handler
21:33.02[hC]Qwell: I wonder if this will solve the other problem i was having. For some reason when dialing out using sccp, i get one way audio. UNLESS I call into my *'s IVR first, and dial out from it. Then i get two way audio...   ?!?!
21:33.46*** join/#asterisk denon (
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21:33.59flujanany ideas?
21:34.04flujanit was working sometime ago?
21:34.08x86where does fpm-sunshine come from?
21:34.52generalhanx86: i believe
21:35.18*** join/#asterisk Igbothom_III (
21:35.30generalhanx86: the license file in the moh says "Music Provided By These sound files are provided by Digium under license from Freeplay Music Corporation for use in conjunction with the Asterisk software only.
21:35.58brodiemsounds logical
21:36.39[T]ankbrodiem: asterisk is running as root
21:37.27brodiemrules out the /dev/zap prob though..
21:37.44brodiemmake sure /dev/zap/* exists
21:39.58flujanguys, I have the extension 23008 in the context hints...
21:40.54putnopvutOut of curiosity, is anyone here using IMAP storage for voicemail?
21:41.01brodiemwhat gpl'd webgui's do you guys use for cdr analyzing/recordings?
21:41.25mvanbaakbrodiem: areski
21:41.40fujinanyone familiar with agentcallbacklogin? I need to make it *not* ask for a new extension
21:41.44brodiemmvanbaak will it locate recordings?
21:41.55Qwell[]fujin: Don't use agentcallbacklogin
21:41.57mvanbaakrecording != cdr
21:42.04Qwell[]fujin: You'll regret it in the immediate future.
21:42.08fujinHow so?
21:42.17Qwell[]because it's horribly broken, and now deprecated
21:42.18mvanbaakfujin: agentcallbacklogin is deprecated, use addqueuemember
21:42.34flujanguys, could you please check my extensions .conf?
21:42.36fujinaddqueuemember doesn't actually register an agent, though
21:42.43Qwell[]fujin: You don't need agents
21:42.54mvanbaakQwell[]: WRONG
21:43.01Qwell[]agents are a silly concept :p
21:43.01brodiemQwell[] I been meaning to ask... what is the problem with agentcallbacklogin? I was in for a shock when I had to recreate the entire agent structure in 1.4 using chan_local instead of chan_agent lol
21:43.02mvanbaakwe use agents for freeseeting
21:43.04fujinI know *I* don't, but the development people want me to have developments.
21:43.09fujinand we do use hotdesking
21:43.14fujinwant me to have it**
21:43.18fujinuhh, haven't had a cofee.
21:43.23mvanbaakwe dont use agents for queues
21:43.39mvanbaakbut we use agents to make ppl login on a workplace
21:43.59fujinthe software we're running unfortunately requires Agents for tracking
21:44.02fujinpart of the scope
21:44.03mvanbaakand in our dialplan we use: Dial(Agent/<whatever>
21:44.05*** join/#asterisk jarrod (
21:44.09fujinI'm just trying to deal with the tools that I have.
21:44.12brodiemI feel my new setup using chan_local is much better, but at the same time chan_agent works great for me on 1.2 and curious why this is being changed? For a lot of people chan_agent is useless without agentcallbacklogin
21:44.13jarrodwhat version of rtpproxy do i need to run with openser 1.2 ?
21:44.15Qwell[]brodiem: very major locking issues
21:44.32jarrodthe latest is giving me errors, about openser not being able to communicate with rtpproxy.sock
21:44.40lmadsenjarrod: sounds kinda like you're in the wrong channel...
21:44.42Qwell[]brodiem: agentcallbacklogin is useless :)
21:44.55mvanbaakagentcallbacklogin is horrible
21:45.03mvanbaaknothing but trouble with it
21:45.09brodiemhow so?
21:45.29brodiemI do about 300 calls a day all going to an agent channel (on 1.2/agentcallbacklogin)
21:45.33mvanbaakmissed calls, wrong agent status, asterisk lockups
21:45.36brodiemI have over 500 days of uptime on that box
21:45.49*** join/#asterisk el_critter (n=chatzill@
21:46.25mvanbaakwe switched to use local channels long before the agentcallbacklogin was deprecated
21:46.34mvanbaakit just turned out to be way more stable
21:46.44Qwell[]stable and more configurable
21:46.53lmadsenand awesome
21:46.55brodiemmy new setup with chan_local+func_devstate is way better it was just a shock in the first place that basically said sotp using agentcallbacklogin because it will be gone and no other way of hotdesking with chan_agent lol
21:46.57mvanbaakagentcallbacklogin was bringing our asterisk to it's knees several times a day
21:47.51*** join/#asterisk jarg (n=jarg@
21:48.10*** join/#asterisk Tommy2 (n=Tommy@
21:48.40flujanguys, any idea why the error: ent into invalid extension '23008' in context 'hints', but no invalid handler
21:49.02brodiemdoes qwell = kevin?
21:49.41el_crittercan you please recomend me another softphone for linux besides x-lite (having problems with usb headset)
21:50.13brodiemel_critter i haven't found anything better than xlite for *nix
21:50.26Yourname`Hello, what could this mean? It happens when a call is coming in. WARNING[28102]: chan_sip.c:2585 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 4, while native formats is 256 (read/write = 4/4)
21:50.32Yourname`And there's dead air on both sides.
21:50.43brodiemYourname` codec mismatch
21:51.01[hC]Well.. My Cisco came back up, but now I still get one way audio unless i dial to an IVR, then use an option off the IVR to call out. THEN I get two way audio.  Ever seen something like that qwell?
21:51.04Yourname`brodiem: Let me look, thanks.
21:51.10el_critterbrodiem: :( thanks
21:51.37brodiemel_critter i found it best to just not use a softphone..
21:52.56Yourname`brodiem: Codec mismatch?
21:53.07Yourname`brodiem: Because it worked earlier.. :S
21:53.17*** join/#asterisk AC_Jay (
21:53.27AC_Jayhowdy folks
21:53.40AC_Jayhaving some moh probs, was hoping someone could maybe help? :)
21:54.32AC_Jay*tap tap*  this thing on? ;)
21:55.31Yourname`brodiem: Also, outbound works.. it's just happening on when the calls come IN.
21:55.49AC_Jaywell anyway, my moh mysteriously stopped working.   all signs point to asterisk no longer being able to read the .gsm files I have setup for moh, and I don't know why.  it never had a problem before and I haven't made changes to my asterisk box in weeks.
21:56.07brodiemYourname` while the call is active sip show channels to see the codecs
21:57.30Yourname`brodiem: Where would it show the codec? It's not showing currently
21:58.00Yourname`Got it..
21:58.05Yourname`Hmm, now I gotta figure this out.
21:58.24*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
21:59.05Yourname`brodiem: How do I make it so all these warnings don't happen? I set verbose 10, and it still fills up the window.. and I can't see sip channels
22:00.03brodiemset verbose 0
22:00.14AC_Jayanyone? :(
22:00.35Yourname`err, sorry.. I meant 0
22:01.30brodiemguess you'd havve to turn it off from logger.conf...just do a sip show channels, then hangup, then scroll up your buffer
22:01.51*** join/#asterisk BSD_Tech (
22:01.53BSD_Techhey guys
22:01.57BSD_Techneed info
22:02.02BSD_Techwhy this wont woork
22:02.06BSD_Techconf => 7[1-9][1-9]
22:02.17BSD_Techor conf => _7[1-9][1-9]
22:02.32BSD_Techin meetme.conf
22:02.45Qwell[]'s not supposed to
22:02.54russellbwhere did you see that file supported patterns?
22:02.56Qwell[]use dynamic conferences
22:03.19Qwell[](or add 88 lines...either way)
22:03.30Qwell[]88?  81
22:04.01BSD_TechI want it to create conf rooms on the fly
22:04.08Qwell[]so use dynamic conferences
22:04.50AC_Jayany ideas on my moh problem?
22:05.46*** join/#asterisk blackmousepad (
22:05.46BSD_Techok I will have to mape it
22:05.57BSD_Technow to find the page
22:06.34*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
22:08.18*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
22:08.40BSD_Techok is there a way to have it read the user passwords and admin passwords from a file
22:08.59BSD_Techfor meet me
22:09.44AC_Jaymy moh mysteriously stopped working.   all signs point to asterisk no longer being able to read the .gsm files I have setup for moh, and I don't know why.  it never had a problem before and I haven't made changes to my asterisk box in weeks.  i have autoload enabled in my modules.conf file.  I can't figure this out.  Any thoughts?
22:10.33brodiemBSD_Tech yes, the meetme.conf :)
22:10.52BSD_TechI ment for dynamic conf rooms
22:10.58BSD_Technot statis
22:11.48*** join/#asterisk mirco (
22:12.22BSD_Techtime to play around and test new ideas
22:12.57AC_Jayanyone out there?  can anyone even see my cries for help? :P
22:13.25brodiemBSD_Tech meetme.conf is ready each time MeetMe() is executed
22:13.28De_MonAC_Jay what errors do you receive?
22:13.56Qwell[]BSD_Tech: If you were trying to use pattern matching, it means that all of the pins would've been the same - so why not just use a pattern match in the dialplan, and set the pin there?
22:14.00AC_JayDe_Mon:  "Found no files in <directory here>"
22:14.24brodiemso have meetme.conf include your room identifiers in a sep file that you generate
22:14.28De_MonAC_Jay have you made sure that directly really exists? maybe the name changed
22:14.29lmadsendo files exist? does the path exist? does it match to what is in 'moh show classes' ?
22:14.33AC_JayDe_Mon:  "Unable to spawn mp3player"
22:14.51AC_JayYes, De_Mon and the files are there.  They're .gsm files however.  Never had a problem playing them before
22:14.52De_MonAC_Jay that would cause a problem for sure
22:15.01AC_JayUp until about 2 hours ago
22:15.06De_Monif the mp3player doesn't start, you have a big problem
22:15.09AC_JayI have made no changes to Asterisk
22:15.18De_MonAC_Jay maybe you made changes to the mp3player
22:15.26AC_JayI haven't touched the system in weeks
22:15.58AC_JayMoH was working this morning.  A client of mine told me there was dead air when I placed him on hold.
22:16.03De_MonAC_Jay find out what mp3player its trying to spawn and find out why it woln't spawn
22:16.05AC_JayI checked the CLI and sure enough he was right
22:16.21*** join/#asterisk ShadowHntr (i=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr)
22:16.40AC_JayI'm somewhat of an asterisk newbie.  How can I find out what mp3player it's trying to spawn?
22:17.10De_Monlook at /etc/asterisk/musiconhold.conf
22:17.26De_Monhow did you setup music on hold and not know that?
22:18.55AC_JayI know about musiconhold.conf.  There's nothing listed in there that shows what application it's trying to use.  My "application =" line is commented out and always has been.
22:19.07AC_JayTo my knowledge.
22:23.23*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
22:27.54*** join/#asterisk VoIPMasta (
22:27.57VoIPMastaHi there
22:28.15VoIPMastaI'm stuck with something here and about to kill myself, as it's an error that I hadn't seen in a while
22:28.44VoIPMastaretrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on transmission. asterisk and SIP device on the same LAN...
22:28.46VoIPMastaany ideas?
22:28.54*** part/#asterisk brodiem (
22:29.14JTyes, try to send rtp packets to the correct address :)
22:29.21VoIPMastahi JT
22:29.45VoIPMastaapparently it has the correct address
22:29.54VoIPMastaor at least that seems when doing a show peer
22:30.16JTdoing a packet dump shows all the rtp flowing to the correct places?
22:30.22AC_Jayany other ideas, de_mon?
22:30.49VoIPMastaJT: I don't have any packet monitoring software in that box :(
22:31.25JTit's not hard to install tdpdump
22:31.37VoIPMastabut the rtp debug shows the right IP
22:32.16JTis it actually making it to the destination?
22:32.39VoIPMastaJT do you mind if I open a query (PM) window to show you the output?
22:32.54jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
22:32.54VoIPMastaI'm about to reformat that box lol
22:33.00*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
22:33.23fujinUse the pastebin
22:33.26fujinso we can ridicule you
22:33.32VoIPMastafujin: I know what pb is... but I'm sure the solution to this problem is far too simple, so simple that it's being overlooked
22:33.43JTuse pastebin
22:33.54_bobweever_Does asterisk have any particular problems with fragmented invites?
22:34.34fujinIt's udp :P
22:35.20VoIPMastaok there ya go
22:37.10VoIPMastaI can dial ATA=>Asterisk but not the other way
22:37.55JTVoIPMasta: what's the bottom bit, from the linksys?
22:38.11VoIPMastathat's the output of a sip show peer
22:38.52JTok, so how about you turn on sip debug and try that again?
22:39.28*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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22:41.09*** join/#asterisk Igbothom_3rd (
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22:47.58JTVoIPMasta: sure there's no firewall?
22:48.31VoIPMastanever mind, just found the solution
22:48.41VoIPMastaas I said... so simple I was overlooking it
22:50.03drwelbyVoIPMasta: What was it?
22:50.20x86quick poll: digium, sangoma, or rhino for best quad-span T1 card?
22:50.27VoIPMastathe freaking callerid setting
22:51.08x86any opinions?
22:51.11VoIPMastathe extension should be 101@ip, but since there was a caller id set, asterisk was changing the extension to the one in the caller id
22:51.34x86eh, shouldn't have
22:51.35VoIPMastax86, I would go or sangoma but would feel guilty about not supporting digium :)
22:52.10JTwhy would you feel guilty
22:52.15JTit's an open marketplace
22:52.21VoIPMastawell because I'm making a profit out of asterisk
22:52.34VoIPMastaand not paying a single cent for it, so at least I try to buy their hardware and licenses
22:55.21VoIPMastawell, I gotta go. bbl. thank you guys
22:56.22russellbbut what you want, but the more cards we sell, the more people we can pay to work on asterisk :)
22:56.56russellbas they are directly proportional
22:57.29russellbthe only other hardware vendor that contributes anything is Xorcom
22:58.12AC_Jayso my asterisk box decided to stop playing my directory full of .gsm files for callers on hold.  replacing them with their mp3 counterparts fixed the problem, but I have no idea why * would just stop playing the .gsm files out of the blue.  Any ideas?
23:00.25x86russellb: ever play with those Xorcom Astribanks ?
23:00.34russellbnope, sure haven't
23:00.36x86USB channel banks... i'm kind of weary about trying them
23:00.44x86supposedly supported natively by zaptel
23:00.45russellbi bet they're pretty cool, actually
23:00.48russellbyes, they are
23:00.57russellbthey contribute a lot of patches for zaptel stuff
23:01.00russellband their driver is in the source
23:01.04x86they'd save me money on T1 cards, that's for sure ;)
23:01.12russellbas i said, they are the only other vendor that contributes *anything* ...
23:01.18JTusb is never cool for telecomms ;)
23:01.26x86JT: ever try it?
23:01.30russellbwell, like i said, never had one ..
23:01.34JTnope, not planning to
23:02.32x86I think if I actually got to play with one and test it out, i might feel more comfortable laying down $1,000 USD or more on one ;)
23:02.43*** join/#asterisk mercestes (
23:02.56JTi'd feel more comfortable knowing usb was nowhere to be seen
23:03.01x86as it is now, I buy Rhino channel banks, sangoma T1 cards, and digium analog cards
23:03.29x86the rhino channel banks are actually quite nice (note, i've not played with any other channel banks)
23:03.44x86auto-detects signalling and framing... how cool is that?
23:04.00JTi dunno
23:04.05x86like 20 second initial setup right out of the box...
23:04.13x86JT: what channel banks do you use?
23:04.19mercestesAre quintum sip gateways any good?
23:04.35JTautodetection doesn't sound like something very telco grade
23:04.40JTi generally don't use channel banks
23:04.47JTbut the best brands are Adtran and CAC
23:05.16red9012I can I generate ring tones using only one command ( ringing cmd requires a wait() )
23:05.38x86yeah i've heard nothing but good about adtran too
23:05.44x86been thinking about trying them
23:06.07*** join/#asterisk jm|home (n=jm|
23:06.11x86i've used adtran dax's before
23:06.29x86and adtran netvanta routers, and (of course) adtran CSU/DSU's ;)
23:07.04russellbi can practically see adtran out my window
23:08.59russellbmy first "real job" was testing netvanta routers :)
23:10.04nDuff(funny thing is that the only Polycoms we have are analog).
23:11.19nDuffnice little family-owned sandwich shop downstairs in their building (the Austin location).
23:11.52russellbtheir phones rock
23:12.27Dan0maN_Workaustin polycom location?
23:12.29nDuffhrm, actually looks like they've moved too.
23:12.38nDuff...they're off of 620 now, not right on 360.
23:12.50nDuffDan0maN_Work: *nod*.
23:13.04Dan0maN_Workthey used to have the dream work building there on the lake
23:13.13nDuffDan0maN_Work: yeah, we were right next door.
23:13.22nDuffDan0maN_Work: ...subletting from trilogy, until they moved out.
23:13.22Dan0maN_Worki applied to work in the data center of some company at one point
23:13.36Dan0maN_Worki'm at duval n mopac
23:13.49Dan0maN_Worksmall world this internet is ;)
23:14.26Dan0maN_Workheh.  my company used to be there.  moved in '02
23:14.43moghow did you  do it rus
23:14.47moger russellb
23:15.16AC_Jayso my asterisk box decided to stop playing my directory full of .gsm files for callers on hold.  replacing them with their mp3 counterparts fixed the problem, but I have no idea why * would just stop playing the .gsm files out of the blue.  Any ideas?
23:15.16nDuffDan0maN_Work: good for 'yall. bloody hate this building. Granted, it's big and cheap... but there's a reason for the latter part.
23:15.17mogiax2 element?
23:15.26russellbtruthfully ... a combination of an publish/subscribe event API written for inside asterisk ... and a module to tie into a clustering framework that has an eventing service (openais)
23:16.37mogis it in a public branch?
23:16.45russellbmog: yeah
23:16.52russellbwell, the event API is already in trunk
23:17.02russellbthe clustering framework glue is in ... asterisk/team/russell/ais
23:17.06*** part/#asterisk AC_Jay (
23:18.48*** join/#asterisk p0lar69 (i=p0lar69@
23:18.51p0lar69Hey all
23:19.28p0lar69I gots a quick questions
23:19.32p0lar69any takers?
23:20.11generalhanp0lar69: no one is going to offer their assistance before hearing the question(s)
23:20.39p0lar69how do I force a Cisco 7960 to use 5060 port
23:20.46p0lar69I have port=5060 in the sip.conf
23:21.01p0lar69but the * server says its registered at 1365
23:21.06p0lar69in sip show peers
23:21.14generalhanp0lar69: configuration files (tftp) or on the actual phone itself in SIP Settings
23:21.19p0lar69i have defined it as dynamic and static
23:22.02*** join/#asterisk wishes (n=wishes@
23:22.13wishescoor blimey, thats a good sized channel
23:22.48mercestes98% of us are lurkers
23:22.56wishesahh such is irc :)
23:23.00generalhanp0lar69: i am no expert, in any way, shape, or form, all i can tell you is what i did ... and that was configure the SIPDefault, and SIP<MAC> files to use port 5060 and it worked
23:23.13p0lar69ok ill check again
23:23.24wisheswell, im here to be picking your brains and reading docs. I have an asterisk server i have to mangle into doing my bidding and ive never touched one before :)
23:23.30p0lar69any way that you know of to do tftp on a different port?
23:23.34wishesbut for now, i gotta read some docs :)
23:23.52generalhanp0lar69: what do you mean ?
23:24.56*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
23:27.13x86p0lar69: the phone IS connected to Asterisk on port 5060
23:27.30x86p0lar69: 5060 is the remote port (asterisk side), 1365 is the local port (phone side)
23:27.42x86p0lar69: phone port is completely random
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23:30.15*** join/#asterisk angom_h (
23:31.30*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
23:31.34el_critteryou have been able to use x-lite with a bluetooth headset?
23:32.37p0lar69is there a way to force the phone side port?
23:32.43p0lar69for firewall forwarding?
23:32.45JTp0lar69: no, why would you?
23:32.58el_critterJT: sorry, wrong channel :), but anyway... anyone in here is able to use it?
23:32.59p0lar69NAT Firewall
23:33.05JTerr, you only need to forward in one direction
23:33.16JTp0lar69: there is no need to play silly buggers to use nat
23:33.43p0lar69well I have my firewall setup to forward port 5060 to my phone
23:34.06p0lar69the phone registers but in the sip show peers its 1365 or something random
23:34.16JTthat's silly
23:34.17l2trace9999anyone know of a way to implement 3 way calling as a feature ?
23:34.22JTyou don't need to forward to phones
23:34.24p0lar691316 now
23:34.33p0lar69well my firewall does
23:34.40jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
23:34.52JTallow is not the same as forward
23:35.10p0lar69ok lemme read.  its a netscreen firewall in nat mode...
23:35.13p0lar69reading now
23:36.08*** join/#asterisk vaughany (
23:36.28p0lar69while your here.
23:36.36p0lar69can you use a port number in the tftp line
23:36.52p0lar69to get configs?  on a cisco 7960?
23:37.07p0lar69like alt tftp server
23:37.12JTno idea
23:37.20JTi avoid cisco
23:37.36p0lar69ok thanks anyways
23:38.26x86cisco phones sucks, tbh
23:38.31x86polycom FTW!
23:39.49generalhanbah !
23:39.54wishessoftphones :D
23:39.56generalhanLOVE my 7960s
23:40.12generalhanwishes: not if you have to buy a computer for it to sit on ! lol
23:40.12p0lar69can you define alt tftp ports on the Cisccos?
23:40.23generalhanp0lar69: not sure ... never had a reason to try that
23:40.24wishesgeneralhan: my cellphone does voip :D
23:40.29JTwishes: softphones are ratshit
23:40.30wishesvia wifi even
23:40.52wisheswhy are softphones ratshit anyway?
23:41.04vaughanydoesn't look like you can specify port
23:41.06wishesjust quality etc? bad software?
23:41.23JTbecause they've never put the effort in to making them sound as good as a polycom or similar
23:41.26JTand also
23:41.28JTsupport nightmare
23:41.39JTyou need to get all your speaker and mic levels right for it to sound ok
23:41.46generalhanp0lar69: im sure there are hackish ways to do that
23:41.51JTwhich is bad on an end users' desk
23:41.54wisheswell i dunno, ive had a crapload of problems with the bunch of voip phones we've had , but few problems with softphones
23:42.30JTwishes: what phones?
23:42.38generalhanp0lar69: like port forwarding at a router from port 69 to port whatever and configuring your tftp server to listen on that port ... then just direct your ciscos to the router for the tftp if you REALLY need to get it away from the default tftp port
23:42.39wishesumm hang on ill go check
23:42.42wishesshit ones anyway :)
23:43.02jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
23:43.16jbotwell, grandstream is the Yugo of VoIP hardware.  Run.  Run away now.
23:43.29jbotphones is probably  While personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows:  Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever.
23:43.30generalhani know there is a funnier one ... where is it
23:43.44wishesim just taking over this job, i gotta deal with the previous persons poor choices (which he made a lot of)
23:43.55JTfair enough
23:44.04JTbut i'd hate to deploy softphones to end users
23:44.17vaughanyGuys, i keep getting registration timeout requests on my trunks, they will work for a few hours then just working
23:44.28wishesas a company, softphones = cheap
23:44.29generalhani never hear anyone talk about the Aastra 9133i phones ... i have had VERY good luck with those !
23:44.37wishesand people can work from home and externally
23:44.39vaughanyshow sip, shows request sent.
23:44.43wishes(mostly the latter)
23:44.51generalhanvery easy setup and i have had some for 3+ years now that are still running great
23:45.17vaughanycan i paste small debug  here?
23:45.18x86i've had very good luck with polycom 601's :)
23:45.29wishesluck? or skill?
23:45.36generalhanvaughany: pastebin
23:45.41jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
23:46.34JTwishes: cheap, not to support. i'd give home telecommuters ip phones or ATAs
23:46.39vaughanyis there anything in a debug, that could gain passwords from before i pass my debugs
23:47.07generalhanvaughany: lol depends on what youre pasting ... why not look through it and search for your passwords
23:47.22*** join/#asterisk Yourname` (
23:47.28wishesJT: support isnt a major problem, mostly developers or geeks using the softphones working from home or technically capable people. The customer support will probably still stay here using the ugly grandstream
23:47.54JTwishes: the audio quality is massively different, too
23:48.01JTas well as ease of use and what not
23:48.09Yourname`Hello, I have two DIDs and two extensions. I've successfully routed both the DIDs to go to separate extensions. Now, I'm trying to make it so that each extension shows its own callerid when it dials out. How can I do that?
23:48.14x86JT: i've always set the phone up to point to a hostname (ex:, then have internal DNS on my LAN pointing that hostname to an internal IP (ex:, and external DNS pointing to an external IP that's 1:1 NAT'd to the Asterisk box (ex:
23:48.40wishesIm not the money spender or decider of such things. im just setting it up how its been asked so ill do that to the best of my abilities
23:48.44*** join/#asterisk Cyllene (n=cy@unaffiliated/cyllene)
23:48.52JTx86: okay?
23:48.56x86so people can take their phones home if they want with no configuration changes needed at all
23:49.15x86works very well
23:49.30CylleneHi. I am using asterisk 1.4.10 and am having problems using one touch monitoring. My extansions.conf file looks like this:
23:49.43vaughanyhere is my /var/log/asterisk/full log <- 24lines
23:49.52x86Cyllene: DO NOT PASTE HERE
23:50.02x86Cyllene: use a pastebin, like
23:50.23generalhanx86: haha he just pastes his entire extensions.conf here ! lol ... how many lines before flood boots ?
23:50.34CylleneIt's just one line, x86.
23:50.47jgoddesswhere is the extension?
23:51.10jgoddessshouldn't be IAX1/tom/$EXTEN,30,HWT?
23:51.19jgoddessuser variable for real exten
23:51.21CylleneI am using IAX2.
23:51.33jgoddessthat isn't the questino
23:51.33CylleneAnd I am calling "tom" directly.
23:51.50CylleneI do not believe I need an extension. "tom" is a softphone
23:52.12x86jgoddess: looks fine if he's registering to a context at "tom", and that context at "tom" has an "s" exten setup
23:52.26x86Cyllene: that wont work then
23:52.33*** join/#asterisk JackEStorm (
23:52.35CylleneHow come?
23:52.39x86Cyllene: is your softphone registered to the same asterisk server?
23:52.57x86hmm, then yeah it should work
23:53.13CylleneIt rings fine
23:53.19CylleneI can establish a connection.
23:53.23CylleneBut OTR doesn't work
23:53.53x86you sure you have the correct flags in the dial command?
23:53.59x86Yourname`: hey
23:54.04CylleneAs you can see, "HWT"
23:54.09Yourname`x86: I have two DIDs and two extensions. I've successfully routed both the DIDs to go to separate extensions. Now, I'm trying to make it so that each extension shows its own callerid when it dials out. How can I do that?
23:54.33De_MonYourname` how do you set the callerid now?
23:54.37vaughanycan anyone help with my sip timeout issues? I know when i do a sip reload, that all the registrys return to normal. When i checked the logs yesterday it was a dns issue, so i added the sip server to /etc/hosts, but today i get .. registration timeout, trying again, and it looks like it just keeps trying.
23:54.45x86Cyllene: is that correct though?
23:54.59generalhanCyllene: you have features.conf setup correctly for that W feature ?
23:55.30Yourname`De_Mon: Using the callerid= on the provider's context.
23:55.42CylleneI do believe so.
23:55.46generalhanCyllene: Dial option "W: Allow the calling user to start recording after pressing *1 or what defined in features.conf (Asterisk v1.2.x); requires Set(DYNAMIC_FEATURES=automon)"
23:55.54Yourname`De_Mon: Tried doing the same with the extensions as well, doesn't work.
23:55.59Cyllenegeneralhan: Right
23:56.16Cylleneautomon => *1
23:56.19De_MonYourname` sip.conf allows you to set callerID per peer ya know
23:57.23generalhanCyllene: and exten => 123,1,Set(DYNAMIC_FEATURES=automon)  in your dialplan ?>
23:57.34Yourname`De_Mon: [gafachi] is my outbound context that has callerid= .. [100] or [200] even though they have their own 'callerid=' .. it still defaults to the callerid set in [gafachi]
23:58.00*** part/#asterisk BSD_Tech (
23:58.05generalhanCyllene:   read that ESPECIALLY THE "EXAMPLES"
23:58.07Cyllenegeneralhan: I have it globally defined, yes.
23:58.25x86Cyllene: it's a channel variable, can't be globally defined ;)
23:58.52jgoddesswhat I was thinking x86 ;)
23:59.01generalhanx86: it says it can in the config page on voip-info
23:59.13De_MonYourname` yes.. forcing a callerid change before the call goes out will replace any existing callerid
23:59.16*** join/#asterisk angom_w (n=Angel@
23:59.32Yourname`De_Mon: Meaning, I remove the callerid from gafachi, and then try?
23:59.51De_Monwell, if its not changing it, that would make sense wouldn't it?

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