IRC log for #asterisk on 20070727

00:00.03rhombusJT: Is that the Mexican? I thought you were referring to one who is still alive
00:00.03JTrhombus: right
00:00.19rhombusJT: the real answer is sorta
00:00.36antimoofviva zapata!
00:00.56rhombusJT: meaning only that it will meet the needs of anybody who needs zapata
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00:01.10rhombusJT: and the result will be much better
00:01.33Mad|CowIs there any way to register the same extension on the PBX several times? I have two phones in different offices, I want them both to ring (on the same extension) but I also want them to register with Asterisk as the same username. I played around with SER which can do this. The only work around I have found with Asterisk is to have my dial plan ring different extensions when the caller calls the primary extension. Any ideas?
00:01.46JTrhombus: i like that idea
00:01.58JTrhombus: it's good not being tied to zaptel
00:01.58MrTelephonemadcow, u do it with your dialplan
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00:02.04rhombusJT: It's a great idea. I think this card is going to kick major ass. I have to run -- but I will revisit this topic later
00:02.06JTbut it's also good to have as an option
00:02.07ManxPowerMad|Cow: You do NOT want your SIP USER ID to be the same as your EXTENSION.  They are two totally different things.
00:02.15rhombussee you boys later.
00:02.17*** part/#asterisk rhombus (i=user239@
00:02.28Mad|CowMrTelephone: yeah... thats what i thought :-(
00:02.43[hC]ManxPower: I tried setting it to both unavailable and prohib, it didnt seem to help.
00:02.45MrTelephonemadcow exten => 222,1,Dial(SIP/phone1&SIP/phone2)
00:02.47ManxPowerYou do not "ring extensions" in Asterisk.  You ring devices.
00:03.06ManxPower[hC]: you have to work with your carrier.
00:03.07MrTelephonewill ring both phones, first one who picks up, wins
00:03.15Mad|CowManxPower: sorry... incorrect use of terminology.
00:03.30ManxPowerWe set the SIP userid to be the MAC address of the device.
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00:03.48ManxPowerwell the MAC with a -a -b -c etc on it for each line appearance.
00:04.31MrTelephonewhy manxpower?
00:04.35MrTelephonewhy havemore than one line appearance
00:05.02ManxPowerMrTelephone: because then *I* control how calls roll over to different line appearances
00:05.30ManxPowerOn many phones, the first line appearance is the person's DID, the 2nd and 3rd line appearances are the main DID for the office.
00:05.35MrTelephoneso if appearance 3 rings on different criteria
00:05.49MrTelephonei see what your saying
00:06.18ManxPowerMrTelephone: I have all the gory details of this wrapped up in a macro.  You just Set() a couple of variables and then run the macro.
00:06.36MrTelephonehow do your clients like that?
00:06.45ManxPowerHow do you mean?
00:07.02MrTelephonehaving all thephones ring if someone doesn't pick an extension
00:07.24ManxPowerMrTelephone: Oh, I think it is totally STUPID, but if the client wants it, the client gets it.
00:07.35ManxPowerAlso there are some clients that have 1 phone shared between 2 people.
00:07.42MrTelephonei really really wish there was a way to group sip devices into a group that has a call limit
00:07.43ManxPowerso each person gets their own line apperarance
00:08.11MrTelephonemanxpower, i know its hard to get people used to the no line appearance
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00:08.50ManxPowerMrTelephone: I force them
00:09.08MrTelephonedid u see my really really wish sentence? you think thats possible to do in the dialplan
00:09.09ManxPowerBut there are MANY reasons to be able to control each line appearance seperatly
00:09.30ManxPowerMrTelephone: Are you famialiar with the GROUP_ variables?
00:10.00MrTelephonewhen i started using asterisk i didn't remember seeing them
00:10.04MrTelephoneshould I look that up then?
00:10.12ManxPowerlook in README.variables
00:10.26ManxPowerWe never use call limits.
00:10.43ManxPowerWe don't limit outgoing calls and for incoming calls to phones, we just turn off call waiting on the phone
00:11.27ManxPowerMrTelephone: Also look on the Wiki and the mailing list archives.  The whole GROUP thing is massivly confusing.
00:11.48ManxPowerMrTelephone: Do you know about setvar=examplevariable=examplecontents in sip.conf?
00:12.04MrTelephoneits hard when I do the billing-- I want to charge as if it was one FXS
00:12.08MrTelephonei mean FXO
00:18.14*** join/#asterisk jbot_ (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
00:18.14*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source Telephony Application Platform -=- Asterisk 1.2.23 and 1.4.9 released (July 24, 2007) -=- Join #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW and Asterisk-GUI info -=- Join #asterisk-commits to monitor svn changes -=- Join #freepbx for freepbx/#trixbox for trixbox support. -=- Flame suits required...
00:18.25MrTelephonei got this dhcp server right now and it doesn't have the option in the bios to startup after power failure
00:18.33MrTelephoneand its a single point of failure
00:18.35MrTelephonetotally sucks
00:18.41ManxPowerget a different server
00:19.10MrTelephonethats like job #1,353,405
00:19.30kiscokidoption tftp-server-name and option tftp-server are syntax errors
00:19.35ManxPowerMrTelephone: only until it fails and you are out of town and nobody is answering their cell phone
00:19.38kiscokidnext-server doesn't work
00:19.43MrTelephoneone sec
00:19.58ManxPowerkiscokid: what phone are you using?
00:20.07kiscokidAastra 480i
00:21.28kiscokidthat seems to be ignored by the phone
00:21.41ManxPowerkiscokid: perhaps that is for a different DHCP option
00:21.59ManxPowerI know that it works in the default Polycom setup
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00:22.33Mad|CowOther than using VMWare (or a simular virtulization software) has anyone had any success hosting several PBX's from the same physical hardware?
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00:23.02ManxPowerMad|Cow: I do it everyday.
00:23.13ManxPowerIt is called "contexts" in Asterisk
00:23.24ManxPowerThey allow you to build multi-client PBXS.
00:23.27Mad|CowManxPower: ahhh.. thats what i though
00:23.39ManxPowerthe only significant issue that I know of is for call parking, which does not support contexts
00:23.58JTPBXes :D
00:24.06JTMad|Cow: vmware is too slow
00:24.16JTMad|Cow: something like Xen of openvz may work
00:24.21Mad|CowManxPower: what if you have two clients with the same extensions? how do you dial them?
00:24.22JTnot as easy to setup though
00:24.36tzafrir_laptopXen and openvz are quite different
00:24.39shido6if the two clients are in different contexts it doesnt matter :)
00:24.39ManxPowerMad|Cow: that works just find, they just won't be able to call each other
00:25.01JTtzafrir_laptop: yes, they are quite different.
00:25.03Mad|CowJT: never used Xen or openvz. Are they any good?
00:25.07tzafrir_laptopand openvz would be much nicer for Asterisk
00:25.21tzafrir_laptopor linux-vserver
00:25.24JTMad|Cow: yes, if you want to do virtualisation with any performance
00:25.30JTMad|Cow: KVM is another one, too
00:26.22tzafrir_laptopit's still basically in the same class of Xen and qemu: you partition all of the resources (except, maybe, CPU time) between the different hosts
00:28.32Mad|CowManxPower: So lets say your hosting two PBX's on the same box. Company A has an extension 1234 and Company B has an extension 1234. When the user dials 1234 on CompanyA's system, I assume the device you ring is 1234CompanyA?
00:29.24ManxPowerMad|Cow:  Is the user in Company A or Company B?
00:29.44Mad|CowThe user is in Company A
00:30.00ManxPowerThen the call will match exten => 1234 in Company A's context
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00:30.31ManxPowerMad|Cow: What you do NOT want to do is set the SIP userid in sip.conf and on the device to be the same as the extension.
00:30.39ManxPowerWe set them to be the MAC of the device
00:31.22ManxPoweranyway I think I'm going to go to the bar.
00:31.37Mad|CowManxPower: hehehe... nice. thanks for the info
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00:33.56ServerGodHi all, i have an HA cluster of two 1.4 * boxes, i can get to the shared ip and the one that is the master, but the standby i cant get to the web interface. If i ssh to the box, it lets me log in. Sync stat shows all is good (consistant). I go to the primary box and i can go to the asterisk CLI. the slave, not so much :Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?). and amportal wont start it either. ha.d file is fin
00:34.37tzafrir_laptopare you using safe_asterisk with a HA setup?
00:35.06blitzrageI don't think HA starts those services until it detects a failure on the primary
00:35.32JTServerGod: sorry, doesn't sound like an asterisk question
00:35.36jbotfreepbx is, like, unable to be supported here. It's a complex piece of dialplan and GUI, and can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
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00:35.54tzafrir_laptopsafe_asterisk may interact quite badly with HA setups
00:35.56ServerGodno, i saw an article about that though.
00:36.17Mad|CowAnyone know why ManxPower was saying he uses the MAC address of the device for the SIP userid?
00:36.22JTServerGod: "web interface"?
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00:36.46JTMad|Cow: because having the sip peer being the same name as the extension is bad practice
00:37.21ServerGodthere are three ip's all have astgui lets say .106 .107 and .108
00:37.44ServerGod108 is also and 107 is 106 is the virtual ip
00:37.52Mad|CowJT: gotcha
00:38.06ServerGodi was able to get to the web gui on all three
00:38.18ServerGodnow the .108 is toast
00:38.25tzafrir_laptopdoes that web gui require asterisk to be up?
00:38.53ServerGodno, there is also hylafax and a2zbilling and unified messaging there also
00:39.14ServerGodjust a jumpstart page
00:42.13*** join/#asterisk gzero (n=gzero@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:43.42tzafrir_laptopServerGod, we can help you with Asterisk. Not with some unnamed GUI
00:47.17ServerGodslightly modded asterisk 1.4.2 gui
00:48.03ServerGodi stared off with the adminsparadise bundle and did a little work to it.
00:52.17JTServerGod: asterisk doesn't come with a gui
00:52.32*** join/#asterisk theacolyte_ (n=theacoly@unaffiliated/theacolyte)
00:53.09theacolyte_How do most people handle multiple offices? VPN links?
00:58.47x86theacolyte_: point to point or frame relay traditionally... nowadays MPLS is the hip thing
00:59.07x86theacolyte_: VPN over the internet is highly unreliable, in my experiences
00:59.17theacolyte_Got it
00:59.22theacolyte_So 1 server for the whole org
00:59.39theacolyte_New company I'm going to does some outsourced VOIP stuff, but may want to switch to * soon
00:59.49theacolyte_Interoffice calling is the only thing I worry about
01:00.10theacolyte_they're gonna wanna use their existing T1's though
01:00.15x86wait, no one said anything about a single asterisk server..
01:00.25x86that's just silly ;)
01:00.28theacolyte_So 1 per site?
01:00.35x86you need at least 2 for redundancy
01:00.37theacolyte_Yeah - also, all calls will be recorded
01:00.42x861 per site is _ideal_
01:00.55theacolyte_Oh, I see what your'e saying
01:01.00x86you doing all outbound / inbound calling over dedicated voice T1's?
01:01.03x86or PRI's?
01:01.16x86PRI at each site?
01:01.24theacolyte_Most likely
01:01.34x86then how would you get away with a single asterisk server anyway? :)
01:01.40theacolyte_Very true
01:01.46theacolyte_I'm about 45 minutes into considering this stuff hehe
01:02.24x86what I do, is have an asterisk server at each branch, with a CAS T1 running into it (we're an outbound call center, no need for PRI)
01:02.30theacolyte_I suggested going CCM to be honest... but they don't have 500k sitting around
01:03.01x86then, if the T1 gets saturated, I failover to another branch, or to the main office (with 3 T1's) until the call is finally routed out
01:03.11theacolyte_Got it... I'd do something similar
01:03.18theacolyte_How many stations at each site?
01:03.23x86so it's redundant in the fact that it will always find a path out, no matter if it's local or via another branch
01:03.41x86it varies... I would say about 30 on average
01:03.48x86we have one office that has 50
01:04.07theacolyte_I'm looking at about 80-60-60-30
01:04.12x86which was the main reason for setting the failover up, because the 50 user office always has a pegged T1
01:04.26sevardx86! what's up man
01:04.29x8624 concurrent calls ;)
01:04.33x86sevard: hey man, ltns ;)
01:04.46sevardsame bro, how you been
01:04.48JTfull? right
01:04.58theacolyte_Yeah, pegged = saturated = 100% capacity
01:05.08x86theacolyte_: drop 3 T1's into the 80 office, 2 T1's into the 60 offices, and 1 T1 into the 30... you'll be fine
01:05.22x86JT: 24 channels is the maximum on a CAS T1, yes
01:05.23JTweird slang for saturated
01:05.33x86no, it's rather common here
01:05.34theacolyte_x86: are you also counting in regular data traffic?
01:05.37JTx86: i realise, i had no idea what you meant by pegged
01:05.44JTx86: yes, there, hence weird slang
01:05.45theacolyte_pegged is a very common word
01:05.46x86JT: he did ;)
01:05.52sevardyeah dude, get with the lingo.
01:05.54JTtheacolyte_: maybe where you live
01:06.01theacolyte_He didn't get the memo
01:06.11sevardi bet he isn't even filing his TPS reports
01:06.17x86JT: i was talking to him, so it doesnt really matter if someone else knows what I'm talking about, as long as he does...
01:06.23x86sevard: haha
01:06.23JTi am, just with the old cover sheet
01:06.30theacolyte_x86: 3 T1's with 80 users + data traffic?
01:06.42x86theacolyte_: no man, 3 T1's of voice....
01:06.45theacolyte_I mean... I guess I could set up QoS
01:06.49JTx86: actually it does, because there's PMs if you want to have a conversation that doesn't involve channel participants :)
01:06.51x86theacolyte_: 3 PRI's ;)
01:06.58theacolyte_I see what you're saying
01:07.05theacolyte_I'm talking about just the VOIP part for interoffice
01:07.12theacolyte_But I guess that's not too much traffic anyway
01:07.19x86JT: no, it doesnt matter to me if you know what i mean when i'm talking directly to someone else... sorry ;)
01:07.36x86theacolyte_: are you a call center?
01:07.38theacolyte_Yeah, in this case I'll have to get pretty close to 1:1 with PRI/Stations
01:07.52theacolyte_x86: basically yes, but lots of inbound too
01:08.08JTx86: well that's pretty antisocial to be honest
01:08.15x86i would say oversaturate the biggest office, so in a worst case scenario, your other branches can fail over to it
01:09.12theacolyte_Pretty neat stuff all around
01:09.28theacolyte_Current place uses Altigen, new place currently outsources to Covad
01:09.47theacolyte_Been waiting to do a * deployment
01:10.13Hmmhesaysso who wants to help me with a regex
01:10.40x86Hmmhesays: with perl?
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01:10.47Hmmhesayspcre yeah
01:10.53HmmhesaysI need to pull the value out of an html tag
01:11.02x86theacolyte_: you can always drop VoIP T1's in
01:11.20JTx86: as i said, there are private messages that can be used if you don't want anyone else to see/comment on a message, heh
01:11.23Hmmhesays<input type="text" value="this_is_variable_string_I_need_to_get">
01:11.29x86theacolyte_: there are providers here doing data T1's dedicated to SIP, promising 60 concurrent calls on a single T1
01:11.46theacolyte_x86: Yeah but I'm if I understand them correctly, they don't want to oursource anything like that -- meaning just a straightforward super reliable PRI
01:11.54theacolyte_current issue == reliability
01:11.55x86JT: you're still on that? i dropped that conversation a good 5 minutes ago ;)
01:12.19x86theacolyte_: i hear ya... they're the same way where I am
01:12.21theacolyte_x86: lol I was just about to say that myself
01:12.27Hmmhesaysanyone anyone? ;)
01:12.59theacolyte_What's nice is they already own all the phones (Cisco 7960's)
01:13.02x86theacolyte_: i wanted to replace all the point to point links with MPLS, and drop a DS3 right in the middle for voice, and another DS3 for Internet... they wouldn't budge
01:13.05JTeww, ciscos
01:13.20JTand 60 sip calls on a T1, would sound pretty awful
01:13.32x86JT: g729 nub ;)
01:13.36Hmmhesaysdepending on the voice codec used
01:13.41JTyes G.729 sounds awful.
01:13.44theacolyte_x86: $$ no doubt. I looked at a frac DS3 (20/mbit) and it was $5k/mo
01:13.45JTcompared to G.711
01:13.49theacolyte_and that's out here in the bay area
01:13.49JTit's not terrible
01:13.53JTbut it's not that great
01:13.57x86JT: yeah but for the cost per channel you can't beat it
01:14.02Mad|CowJT: I've been playing around with my SIP username since you and Max said I should be using the MAC address. How do I get my phone to register as the MAC address but yet still work with my dialplan (so when I dial the extension, it rings the phone)? They only way I can figure out how to set this up, I would have to dial the MAC in my dial plan.
01:14.13[hC]Imho, the difference in quality is not that great.
01:14.14x86theacolyte_: the major costs with a DS3 is the loop
01:14.30theacolyte_data was like.... 1/6 of the cost
01:14.37x86theacolyte_: the advantage of doing MPLS and dropping a DS3 in the middle is that you only pay a cross connect at the CO, no loop charge :)
01:14.43JTx86: whenevr i call a a callcentre and hear G.729 encoded audio i think "this company are stingey idiots"
01:14.43[hC]i mean yeah g729 sounds compressed, of course, but its not that bad compared to g711. unless you're REALLY listening for it, most people dont notice.
01:15.04x86[hC]: exactly
01:15.14x86g723 is also nice
01:15.32JT[hC]: it's quite good for the bandwidth usage, but the audio is still poor, especially with VAD
01:15.34x86speex and gsm aren't terrible either, but more bandwidth
01:15.44theacolyte_to me g729 always sounds robotic... I run g711 on my current system
01:15.55JTg.723 has poor patent licensing policies
01:16.01x86JT: i agree with you there... VAD is horrible
01:16.02[hC]speex to me sounds horrible
01:16.07[hC]gsm usually sounds horrible too
01:16.10theacolyte_tried g729 though... have a few locations that only have a single t1
01:16.13theacolyte_speex is OK
01:16.53JTmost people over 30 who don't work in telecomms can't tell G.711 and G.723 apart
01:17.00JTi meant
01:17.13[hC]judging that most 'shitty audio' experiences come from the quality of the phone the other person is using, g729 doesnt have a big enough noticable difference to me to bother wasting so much more bandwidth over.
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01:17.26JTbut i'm sure most people could tell them apart if they listened for it
01:17.35JTbut these days people are accustomed to shitty audio
01:17.38JTwith bad POTS
01:17.41JTand cellphones
01:17.41[hC]well you can tell a lot of things if you're actively trying to compare.... anything..
01:18.16*** join/#asterisk nybble (n=nybble@about/apple/performa/nybble)
01:18.34JTi'll not use G.729 as it is clearly noticable when you are connecting to the PSTN to a business phone system on BRI/PRI
01:18.44JTand business clients can be fusy
01:20.10JTrightly so imho
01:20.22[hC]i missed the conversation earlier on wether or not anyone had tried SLA in asterisk 1.4 and if it was worth giving a shot
01:20.26JT"landline" calls should sound like they are landlines ;)
01:20.52*** join/#asterisk florz (n=florz@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
01:21.04[hC]it makes it kinda hard to offer a price break when you use ulaw, since people have to buy internet connections capable of handling the number of calls they need in ulaw, and pay more from an ITSP cause it costs them more per channel now.
01:21.04theacolyte_x86: well, thanks for the pointers, one last question for ya: do you know of any good * best practices guides?
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01:21.56JT[hC]: i think quality is worth a bit extra
01:22.07JTi won't use an ITSP that disallows G.711
01:24.37JT[hC]: i think in a lot of markets using VoIPoI over a telco is not economical unless there's added value of some sort
01:26.04bkw_JT then don't use your cellphone
01:26.30bkw_GSM/AMR vs ERVC
01:26.32JTbkw_: i don't if i am at a location with a desk phone
01:26.44bkw_honestly AMR is awesome
01:27.00JTit's not bad
01:27.02bkw_ERVC is too but its a bit heavy on cpu
01:27.16JTamr is much nicer than gsm
01:27.16x86theacolyte_: the book ;)
01:27.20jbotfrom memory, thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
01:27.28x86the best guide there is
01:27.33theacolyte_thanks again
01:27.44JTbut not all of the things in the book are best practice
01:27.47theacolyte_oh, even better... it's free
01:27.48JTsome things are out of date
01:27.51JTkeep that in mind
01:28.01JTyes but if you like it, you should consider buying it
01:28.11*** join/#asterisk MdeP (
01:28.12JTsecond edition is meant to be released "any month now"
01:28.54`Seani wish devel's would work on better fax support
01:29.04`Seanthey seem soo lazy on that module specificly
01:29.08JTdoesn't seem to be a priority for them
01:30.45blitzrageJT: actually it is -- there is 2-3 months of production required where we don't have much of a say of what is going on. Plus, we spent about 2-3 extra months writing more stuff into this edition than was originally intended (I wrote a new chapter on func_odbc that was not originally planned). We are already past QC1 (the last time the authors are allowed to make changes), and we've just approved the index
01:31.06tzangerI bet that was a fun job
01:31.09tzangergoing through the index
01:31.22blitzragePlus we used docbook which O'Reilly doesn't use very often, so it took them longer to get it into Frame Maker
01:31.32JTblitzrage: wasn't it originally slated for release in june?
01:31.33blitzragetzanger: ya, it was a blast
01:31.47blitzrageJT: not sure... I don't think we ever said when we would release it
01:31.53blitzrageI've been saying Aug/Sept
01:32.03JToh, well that's what amazon said on it earlier this year iirc
01:32.21blitzrageand like I said, we were just supposed to update it for 1.4, and we wrote a lot more stuff and did a lot of work on the appendices
01:32.25JTmaybe o'reilly gave some promises
01:33.22blitzrageJT: don't listen to that... it's just a random date that they "think" it could be released. The Cookbook was supposed to be release Aug. 1st according Amazon too. It's just marketing and it's hard to control when the authors actually release things. Plus, we certainly don't get rich doing this, and we all have real day jobs.
01:33.52JTblitzrage: so that's probably o'reilly's doing?
01:34.19blitzrageit's the marketing department at O'Reilly just picking a 6-8 month date from the time of signing the contract
01:34.25Juggieblitzrage, is the cookbook even close to done?
01:34.42blitzrageJuggie: <-- you tell me
01:34.59JTwhat's the cookbook meant to be?
01:35.23blitzragewhatever the community wants (although I have an outline of how I want to build it)
01:35.24Juggieblitzrage, no? :)
01:35.28blitzrageJuggie: :)
01:35.34bkw_blitzrage, you going to be at Astricon?
01:35.39blitzragebkw_: I hope so
01:35.44bkw_I'll see you there then
01:35.49blitzragenice nice
01:36.07bkw_anyone here going to speechtek?
01:36.46blitzrageJT: hopefully next time you'll realize it is a priority for us ;)
01:36.56blitzragesome things are out of our hands though
01:37.12JTblitzrage: realise what is a priority?
01:37.47blitzrage<JT> second edition is meant to be released "any month now"
01:37.47blitzrage<JT> doesn't seem to be a priority for them
01:38.16blitzrageanyways... it should be released "any week now!" :)
01:39.04JT< `Sean> i wish devel's would work on better fax support
01:39.05JT< JT> doesn't seem to be a priority for them
01:39.16blitzragestupid IRC
01:39.17JTconfusion ;)
01:39.23blitzragethat makes sense then lol
01:39.28blitzragemy apologies
01:39.41JTit certainly sounds like writing TFOT 1 IS a priority
01:39.58`Seanblitzrage may i ask when t38 or other fax components will be a priorty for asterisk?
01:40.24[TK]D-Fender`Sean, Go ask Satan about that snow-blower ;)
01:40.27blitzrage`Sean: as soon as someone with the skills to wrote those components comes forward to write them probably
01:40.40blitzrageor someone sponsors such an effort
01:40.54bkw_`Sean, why not find someone to sponsor it?
01:40.57blitzragewriting that stuff is quite expensive since the skills to write that kind of code well is fairly rare (thus expensive)
01:41.06*** join/#asterisk djPepse (
01:41.11`Seanare you saying the current asterisk dev's do not have the skills neccesary to fix the fax problems with asterisk :P?
01:41.21bkw_`Sean, what do you plan on using for a t.38 stack?
01:41.23JTblitzrage: there is someone who writes all the sort of stuff, maybe digium could pay him? ;)
01:41.26djPepsehi guys, anyone use a cisco 7910 phone that can clue me in as to how it works?
01:41.36`Seanbkw_ elaborate please?
01:41.51bkw_Well you can't use spandsp
01:42.11DrukenLPYwhat will asterisk call management enable do for me?
01:42.13djPepseIn the 7910's settings I can make it "unlock", but it still won't let you change any settings :)
01:42.21blitzrage`Sean: I'm going to assume the 380+ bugs in the tracker and other projects
01:42.30bkw_damn 380 bugs
01:42.43blitzragethat includes the GUI too though
01:43.03fileand feature patches, and AsteriskNOW
01:43.17bkw_I still don't get why i'm banned in #asterisk-dev
01:43.18blitzrageactually, only 379 :)
01:43.20fileas usage goes up... bugs go up
01:43.36bkw_guess my many patches and years of work doesn't gain me anything these days
01:43.50`Seanisn't that the mark spencer way lol
01:44.03filebkw_: unbanned
01:44.13`Seanfile pm
01:44.22bkw_well I am very critical asterisk and some of its short comings
01:44.33bkw_but then again it wasn't the tool I needed for the job
01:44.44bkw_and trying to fit that square peg in that round hole didn't quite pan out
01:44.49file`Sean: hrm? I don't accept pms from people unless you are on my friend list
01:45.04`Seanwow, a guy on IRC with 'freinds list'
01:45.14bkw_anyway.. I have round peg and round hole.. and square peg and square hole... nice fit
01:45.33JT`Sean: most people have friends lists, but they're mental lists
01:45.35DrukenLPYwhat about my big peg and a small hole? :)
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01:45.41`SeanJT indeed
01:45.49JTDrukenLPY: careful stretching required
01:45.58bkw_DrukenLPY, haha well what I have now can scale from small peg to large peg
01:46.06bkw_and everything inbetween
01:46.19JTbkw_: but can it do T.38? :P
01:46.29JT(and everything inbetween)
01:46.31blitzragefax is dead. move along.
01:46.44bkw_JT we'll have t.38 passthru and t.38 termination once we get UDPTL in there
01:46.45`Seanfax is still very much indeed alive ...
01:46.53JTbkw_: so "no" :)
01:46.56bkw_but I think their is a bug in the passthru
01:46.59bkw_but we are working on it
01:47.08bkw_well we can do regular faxing with spandsp over our socket interface
01:47.12bkw_ie T1 in
01:47.28`Seanbkw get support for t38 termination, and i'll love you :D
01:47.37bkw_`Sean, Its on my list! ;)
01:47.42`Seancool :)
01:47.43file`Sean: Callweaver has T38 termination using spandsp, have you tried it?
01:47.48bkw_I want it as much as you do
01:47.57JTalso, modem calls need to work in open source telephony software
01:48.02`Seanbah, i'm too lazy to make the switch, to callweaver i will have to redo almost every single thing :(
01:48.14bkw_`Sean, use them together
01:48.18bkw_asterisk does t.38 passthru
01:48.23`Seanbut if bkw gets it working with callweaver in a stable point i'll switch to callweaver :)
01:48.24JTlike you have a PRI, and an FXS for a modem, it'd be great if that worked well
01:48.26bkw_then you can pass them off to callweaver to terminate them
01:48.35JTas many people have POS terminals etc
01:48.41bkw_JT I think thats a zaptel issue isn't it?
01:48.53fileI would also suggest if you are using callweaver either keep it isolated from the outside, or go through the Asterisk security advisories and patch it if applicable
01:49.11`Seanheh ive got a sangoma A400 in my closet never used i'll just use it if it indeed is a zaptel issue
01:49.15`Seanzaptel is quite buggy aswell tho
01:49.23bkw_`Sean, you can use that with OpenZAP and fs now
01:49.26`Seanbut cant complain, Opensource stuff :)
01:49.33djPepseany tips on how to resolve "callerid.c:607 callerid_feed: Caller*ID failed checksum"
01:49.43bkw_all the analog hardware from both sangoma and digium works great via OpenZAP
01:49.54bkw_and soon pika will work if we get time :)
01:50.21bkw_it also has basic PRI support... for making and taking calls but nothing fancy
01:50.41Juggiebkw_, your working w/ pika?
01:50.49`Seanhrmp so its a replacement for zaptel then correct?
01:50.58bkw_you still use zaptel kernel part
01:51.04JToh, and bri support, that's another bitch i have with open source telephony
01:51.10bkw_JT coming soon
01:51.14bkw_gotta get a line and hardware
01:51.15filebkw_: if you guys haven't looked yet take a look at the latest Lumenvox email spam thingy, they are adding new configuration options and making some old ones deprecated (if you use them)
01:51.21JTbkw_: really good BRI and PRI support, that is
01:51.24Juggiebkw_, does pika support their T1/E1 cards yet?
01:51.25JTbkw_: in anything
01:51.26Hmmhesaysso buy a bri sip gateway
01:51.31bkw_JT yes
01:51.35JTno project has good bri support
01:51.41JTbkw_: i meant to say TE and NT mode
01:51.49JTbkw_: you can get euroisdn?
01:51.53bkw_we do TE
01:51.55Juggiebkw, has their kernel support gotten any better?
01:51.59bkw_NT coming and euro is being tested
01:52.05JTbkw_: yes, everyone does TE
01:52.07bkw_the PRI stack we have came from a nice guy in the UK
01:52.14HmmhesaysI really like channelredirect in 1.4 whoever wrote that, props
01:52.24bkw_we just have to write the state machine NT
01:52.38bkw_s/NT/for NT/
01:53.07bkw_Hmmhesays, is that the 2bct?
01:53.13JTlike malicious call trace, etc
01:53.18bkw_JT our goal is to support all features possible
01:53.26bkw_AOC, TBCT
01:53.29Juggiebkw_, i refuse to look @ pika until they compile montecarlo for 64bit/smp
01:53.33Juggiei've told them that a million times.
01:53.38JTtbct? is that 2bct
01:53.38bkw_Juggie, we'll see
01:53.44bkw_tbct is the same
01:53.47bkw_2 or two
01:53.50bkw_duh :P
01:53.54Juggiebkw_, they were kissing my ass trying to get me to trial their stuff
01:54.08Juggiesince we are they feds and they know we use asterisk
01:54.11bkw_Juggie, well we are going to be working with them on a few things... I can't say much more than that
01:54.41bkw_but rest assured what ever comes out of it will be open source for the world to benefit from
01:54.51Juggiebkw_, well hopefully they pull their head out of their ass, i dont know many people will want to run high density asteirsk servers non 64bit or non smp
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01:54.58bkw_file, I think Lumenvox will be irrlevant soon
01:55.47bkw_but who knows
01:55.55Hmmhesaysso don't buy a million channels worth of their speech engine?
01:55.56bkw_we will be interfacing with them with MRCP
01:56.05bkw_use MRCP
01:56.08bkw_or DIE
01:56.33JToh and if any project gets a proper skype channel driver, PHBs everywhere will love you
01:56.45bkw_skype will die if they keep this up
01:56.59Hmmhesaysum sure?
01:57.01JTit seems to still be growing amongst nubs :(
01:57.01bkw_the best bet for skype is to offer a business account with a sip interconnect
01:57.11`Seanmeh iif asterisk business edition had fax id buy it
01:57.17bkw_`Sean, it can't
01:57.22bkw_because SpanDSP is GPL
01:57.24`Seanbut its gayness dont got it either,, i guess its time i started reading, about Callweaver
01:57.27`Seanand did the switch
01:57.28bkw_and steve will not give an exception for that
01:57.40JTbkw_: what if digium pay him? :)
01:57.42`Seanthats why
01:57.46bkw_he will not budge
01:57.50Juggiebkw_, someone told me lumenbox was doing some work on mrcp
01:57.52bkw_people have tried to pay him
01:57.55Juggiebut i didnt got the details
01:57.59`Seanthey must have :)
01:58.04bkw_Juggie, yes takea guess who's MRCP stack they'll use
01:58.07`Seanbut cant you write a SpanDSP similar thing??
01:58.09Hmmhesayshard to buy someone out who is comfortable financially
01:58.11`Seanand licence it :D?
01:58.19Juggiebkw_, no idea, i'm kinda distant from that.
01:58.23bkw_Juggie, ours
01:58.30bkw_the one Cepstral and Our guys did
01:58.31JT`Sean: it's very difficult
01:58.35Juggiei had no idea you wrote one, i know we talked about it before
01:58.43Juggieawesome, congrats ;)
01:58.44JT`Sean: it implements a full software modem in dsp, for starters
01:58.44bkw_its a V1 and V2 stack
01:58.50JTnot in dsp
01:58.52JTin host cpu
01:59.03bkw_JT you would be supprised how easy a software modem is once you understand it fully
01:59.15`Seanwhere is spandsp homepage?
01:59.20`Sean*is the
01:59.21JTbkw_: then write one ;) and all the other stuff that spandsp has ?
01:59.42bkw_we had to do it for callerid in openzap
01:59.52JTcallerid is a lot more of a simple case
02:00.15bkw_but its very similar
02:00.20Juggiebkw_, mrcp is definitally the way to go, one unified interface.
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02:00.32bkw_Juggie, thats the reason I pushed for getting the stack written
02:00.48bkw_no good open source stacks for both client and server existed till we started on it
02:00.51JTi personally hope skype goes bankrupt
02:00.55JTbut someone will buy it :/
02:00.56*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
02:01.03bkw_just don't use Skype
02:01.07JTi don't
02:01.08bkw_its aweful software
02:01.10Qwellsomebody already bought skype :p
02:01.12JTcrazy humans do
02:01.17`Seanoh your talking about coppice
02:01.19Juggiebkw_, i'm fairly certain we discussed this in the past, am i correct?
02:01.21JTit's indeed terrible
02:01.52Hmmhesayswow the new commercial is just awful
02:01.53bkw_Juggie, I think we did
02:02.06Juggiei believe so, we talked about the lack of a mrcp stack.
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02:02.39bkw_Juggie, that is no longer the case
02:03.08Juggiehopefully someone writes the speech mrcp hook for asterisk :)
02:03.16*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
02:04.02bkw_Juggie, Asterisk will have to provide an exception for OpenMRCP to be used in Asterisk
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02:04.52ManxPowerHiya bkw_
02:04.56bkw_hey ManxPower
02:04.57BugKhaMJuggie: hi
02:05.11Juggiebkw_, why, whats the license?
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02:05.49ManxPowerJuggie: Digium does not include GPL software in Asterisk because of Asterisk Business Edition -- they don't want two codebases.
02:06.15ManxPowerone would assume most open source licenses would have similar issues.
02:06.17bkw_well OpenMRCP is MPL so commercial companies can take advantage of it without having to pay feels thus lowering the entry point for people to speak MRCP
02:06.21ManxPowerBSD and LGPL are OK
02:06.34BugKhaMJuggie: I figured out yesterday after you left that my agi problem was from EXEC DIAL
02:06.44bkw_never exec dial in an AGI
02:06.48bkw_thats a bad thing to do in the first place
02:06.57Juggiebkw_, apparentally a2billing does it.
02:07.04BugKhaMJuggie: It exits as soon as the call hangs up
02:07.19bkw_its a bad idea
02:07.28JuggieBugKhaM, dialing with a g wont really help either because that will only half fix it
02:07.35bkw_doesn't DeadAGI fix that?
02:07.47Juggiebkw_, deadagi was never intended to run on a live channel
02:07.59Juggiethis script was taking advantage of that bug, and running a agi on a live channel in dead mode
02:08.22Juggiethere was also a bug in exec which didnt return the proper value from the exec
02:08.26bkw_oh thats fun
02:09.08BugKhaMJuggie: yeah, it didn't seem that it works well with the 'g' either
02:09.19Juggieits fixed in trunk now.
02:09.36Juggiebut since its more of a feature then a bug, its kinda hard to justify backporting it.
02:09.41BugKhaMJuggie: the call just didn't want to hangup untill timeout in the 'L' param
02:10.08JuggieBugKhaM, i dont know i've never tested dial within an agi.
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02:10.35Juggiebkw_, since i havnt read the MPL license, what about it doesnt agree w/ the asterisk license.
02:10.59Juggiein theory though, i assume it could be a candidate for asterisk-addons
02:11.23bkw_it has additional restrictions that say if you modify the code you must give those changes back even if you don't distribute
02:11.24BugKhaMJuggie: by placing another DeadAGI in the 'h' extension probably
02:11.43bkw_the MPL is basically what's mine is mine and what's your's is your's
02:11.46Juggiebkw_, back to pika though, their linux support used to be horrible
02:12.01bkw_Juggie, I think they are going to try to rectify that
02:12.13Juggiewhen i first tested their stuff for them 2-3 years ago, the only way to configure the boards was a gui app in xwindows
02:12.24Juggiei shit on them for that, and alot of other things.
02:12.46bkw_yah that blows
02:13.01Juggiebut yeah if they would rectify that, it would be nice
02:13.13bkw_well if we have anythign to say about it.. they'll have a better interface
02:13.26Juggielack of 64bit kernel support is just bad
02:13.35bkw_but what we have now allows all the Sangoma (Native API) and Digium (Zaptel API) to work with FreeSWITCH in both 32bit and 64bit systems
02:13.36Juggielumenvox i believe also has that problem
02:13.49bkw_the sangoma stuff is going to work on FreeBSD and many other BSD's soon
02:13.54bkw_and if I have my way.. Mac OS X
02:13.58Juggiewe actually tested some Sangoma boards a few weeks ago
02:14.07Juggiewe pushed 500,000 calls over a weekend with no problems
02:14.27bkw_not bad
02:14.52bkw_I have to get a few things into freeswitch before the first offical release but that list is a small list
02:15.01Juggiebkw_, pika keeps having an intreast in us because they know we are huge business, we run HUGE ivr farms, and also their HQ is like 20 minutes from ours
02:15.50Juggiei would guess we have probally no less then a thousand jct-120-ls cards in production
02:16.06bkw_oh that reminds me
02:16.31bkw_I have to sign this NDA with a company so I can get access to their code and start writing a module :P
02:16.34Juggiegood luck if they start you with opendialogic
02:16.43Juggiei spent like a whole day trying to get those drivers to work
02:16.44bkw_actually we'll have dialogic soon too
02:16.47Juggiethey dont seem complete too me.
02:16.58bkw_they were at Cluecon
02:17.00Juggieand i dont have a recent copy of the version 6 drivers
02:17.01bkw_so was Pika
02:17.33Juggiei have an old copy of the linux drivers but not with the newer kernel support
02:17.42Juggieand i dont really want to run rhel3 :)
02:17.47*** join/#asterisk HaMYaI (
02:18.43Juggiei considered working on a dialogic driver alot
02:18.57Juggieconsidering i spent alot of time working with dialogic in a past life
02:19.00HaMYaIJuggie: you know how the bug get fixed, I will probably see if there's a work around for the time being
02:19.03bkw_the idea is to plug Dialogic into OpenZAP
02:19.10bkw_then the API from the top looks the same
02:19.20Juggiebut i've never worked with the api required to stream audio to the board
02:19.43bkw_so mod_openzap.c in freeswitch will be clueless on what hardware its driving
02:19.56Juggiethen i coudnt get my hands on the latest driver, so i moved onto something else
02:19.57bkw_infact we have a box here driving a sangoma T1 card and a tor2 at the same time..
02:20.09bkw_its quite neat to see
02:21.16Juggieit would be nice if zap be it zaptel or openzap was better at addressing cards in the system
02:21.29bkw_OpenZap addresses this issue
02:21.30Juggiei mean its ok if it takes all the boards and addresses the channels 1 through whatever.
02:21.46Juggiebut i'd like to be able to do Zap/board/span/channel
02:21.51bkw_you get to control what is what.. and we translate it in the API
02:22.08bkw_its totally generic from the ap layer
02:22.11bkw_er app
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02:23.10bkw_well OpenZAP is trying to carry Jim Dixon's vision forward
02:23.21bkw_a completly hardware agnostic abstraction layer
02:23.28bkw_vendor neutrual
02:23.35bkw_damn can't spell tonight
02:23.43JuggieHaMYaI, are you running 1.2 or 1.4
02:23.48bkw_vendor neutral
02:24.09bkw_If you ever get a chance to meet Jim Dixon.. I recommend it
02:24.19bkw_I have sadly only talked to him on the phone about 100 times.. funny man
02:24.52Juggiei've heard the name but i dont think i have unless he's been @ astricon
02:24.58bkw_zaptel creator
02:25.03bkw_the man that started it all
02:25.36Juggiecan you say which company your going into an NDA with?
02:25.48bkw_not right now
02:25.50JuggieHaMYaI, you havnt answered me.
02:26.16bkw_if you hang in #freeswitch you might know :P
02:27.21Juggiebkw_, this is whats causing his problem likely,
02:27.34Juggiealthough he wont answer for me to tell him that
02:28.00HaMYaIJuggie: ohh sorry it's 1.2
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02:29.02HaMYaIJuggie: I just saw from the change log -> res/res_agi.c: Issue 10035 - handle_exec returns a result inconsistent with all of the other AGI commands
02:29.05JuggieHaMYaI, revert that change in your source and compile see if it works.
02:29.42HaMYaIJuggie: okie, will try that
02:33.10Juggieheres the thing, previously a hangup during a dial was not returning a RESULT_FAILURE to agi, so the agi continued, but now that a hangup does, its causing asterisk to hangup immeditally.
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02:35.25bkw_Juggie, not sure
02:36.04JuggieHaMYaI, ok, as i told you PLEASE PLEASE submit a bug to the tracker with your expirence
02:36.13bkw_our system will eventually turn into a hybrid Asterisk + FreeSWITCH
02:36.16Juggiei will fill in the details once you do this
02:36.27bkw_if I get my way i'll have 2 DS3 cards per box
02:36.38bakermdShould OOB signaling negotiate as magic number 97 or magic number 101
02:36.38Juggiebkw_, someones gotta make one first
02:36.50bkw_Juggie, someone does.. just not ready ;)
02:37.04Juggiei'd like to know what ever happened to digiums
02:37.07HaMYaIJuggie: okie
02:37.12bkw_you can't channelize a DS3 with Zaptel
02:37.19bkw_its too inefficent
02:37.36Juggieits only software, its fixalble
02:37.50bkw_you might think that but to fix it you might as well start over
02:38.06bkw_you can't work on the idea of 1000ms interrupts
02:38.22bkw_you needto work with larger chunks of data
02:38.26bkw_on a DS3
02:44.08HaMYaIJuggie: tested, and that works
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02:47.23*** join/#asterisk djPepse (
02:47.59djPepseso i got my 7910 to connect by aliasing a 169.254 address to the * machine.. when i press the HOLD button on the phone (while the handset is hung up), Asterisk restarts :D
02:48.22JuggieHaMYaI, still post the bug, its a change in behaviour
02:48.30Juggieand those arnt accepted in a release branch
02:48.51Juggiebkw_, hows openzap gonna fix it
02:50.59sweeperwhat's voltage tolerance like on polycom ip430's?
02:53.14sweeperwill 19v do for it?
02:53.35sweeperoh, and it's 330, my bad
02:53.37QwelldjPepse: chan_skinny?
02:53.56Qwellif so, I fixed that like...yesterday
02:54.24djPepsedo i configure the buttons in the config of the phone or somewhere in *?
02:54.37sweeperphone config
02:54.39JTsweeper: the ip430 comes with a 24v supply
02:54.47sweeperJT: my 330 did not :3
02:54.56JTthey're PoE phones
02:55.04sweeperand I need to rig an adaptor
02:55.17*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (n=matt@
02:55.24sweeperI have no poe stuff handy, and I need to do some dev work with the xml stuff
02:55.29djPepsedo i need a special cable for PoE adapter -> phone?
02:55.43Qwellfor the 7910?
02:55.54Qwellnot sure if those do PoE
02:56.01djPepseoh. if they did, would I?
02:56.04QwellI doubt they do 802.3af
02:56.22*** join/#asterisk ZX81_ (n=matt@
02:56.26snuff-workusually only the 79x1 do proper 802.3af
02:56.38ZX81_ok, here's a weird question
02:56.39Qwellbut yeah
02:56.42djPepseif they don't, and I don't need a special cable, then I know why my PoE adapter wasn't powering it on :)
02:56.56ZX81_if I am doing an install for 3000 homes, how many lines do you reckon I'd need?
02:57.05sweeperZX81_: a lot
02:57.07QwellZX81: 300ish?
02:57.14ZX81_ok cool
02:57.16snuff-workbout 10:1 ratio
02:57.16djPepsei'm also wondering why i can't dial the 7910's extension from another extension, or dial any extension from the 7910
02:57.21djPepsebut i can use the dialplan just fine
02:57.37*** join/#asterisk Stridernzl (
02:57.41ZX81_for residential?
02:58.04ZX81_holiday homes
02:58.24sweeper10:1 is still pretty much what you want
02:58.28*** join/#asterisk HockeyInJune (
02:58.38sweeperyou're talking total, or just inbound?
02:58.50sweeperoh, ok
02:58.53sweeperyea, 10:1
02:58.53djPepseQwell: since you seem to know aboot chan_skinny, what's "find_subchannel_by_instance_reference: Could not find subchannel with reference '0' on '501'" mean?
02:58.54ZX81_we're going to supply ddi numbers
02:59.07QwelldjPepse: skinny set debug off ;)
02:59.08ZX81_and outbound via our own demarc
02:59.27ZX81_+doing fiber + tv
03:00.02sweeperJT: so will the 330 be happy with 19v?
03:00.11djPepseheh, it won't let me set it off
03:00.22JTsweeper: yes
03:00.25djPepseoh skinny nodebug
03:01.04JTmain screen turn on
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03:02.36djPepsehm that's weird.
03:02.46djPepsei can't dial any extensions directly
03:04.32djPepseoh i think i might know why :/
03:06.12*** part/#asterisk kiscokid (
03:09.41QwelldjPepse: If you find out that it does PoE, could you let me know?
03:11.46djPepseQwell: From what I've read, it should. but it didn't work with a regular patch cable
03:11.55djPepseQwell: voip-info wiki says I might need a special cable
03:14.28QwellI haven't tried it, but supposedly you can make one to "fool" cdp
03:28.37*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-home (i=gold@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Corydon76-home)
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03:30.41sweeperJT: well, it's not turning on, but I don't smell the blue smoke...
03:33.10JTsweeper: wrong polarity?
03:33.31sweepereh, pinout for poe says it's right
03:33.49sweeperor is it expecting some sort of negotiation?
03:34.17JTdoesn't it have a socket
03:34.45JT802.3af has negotiation, not sure if you need it or not
03:34.55sweeperit does, but wiring up a poe adaptor was easier than cuttin a plug off of something and attatching it to the power supply
03:38.59*** join/#asterisk ilovephp (
03:39.02JTi'd advise you to use the socket
03:39.21*** join/#asterisk xanderp (
03:40.47ilovephphello all
03:40.56xanderphelp please, asterisk noob trying to get inter-tel 8662 to register with trixbox and I get Registration from "1000" <sip:1000@> failed for ACL error (permit/deny)  I can't figure out how to fix the ACL error.  Is there a conf file that I need to edit to tell it 'legal' IP's that phones can have?
03:41.27sweeperilovephp: gtfo :v
03:41.42xanderpi couldn't find any acl.conf or anything to tell it what subnets I want to allow.
03:42.19sweepernothing personal, just on principle :D
03:42.23*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
03:42.49sweeperyour nick :P
03:42.57ilovephpooooo lol, i had to pick something
03:43.19*** join/#asterisk LapTop006 (
03:43.24[TK]D-Fenderxanderp, ....
03:43.28jbotsomebody said trixbox was a full linux distro that includes FreePBX, and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox seriously painful to support and hence you will find little help here for it.  Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & WIKI at
03:44.23ilovephpi take it your all long time users of asterisk?
03:44.40[TK]D-Fenderilovephp, and all this time I though I was in #muffins !
03:44.42sweepersome more than others :)
03:44.47sweepermmm, muffins
03:45.05ilovephphow do you find it, easy to use?
03:45.16[TK]D-Fenderilovephp, sure
03:45.16sweeperarg. I put the electrical tape away without taping up this splice *rummage*
03:45.46sweeperilovephp: if you like dbs, be prepared to struggle a bit, but it's manageable if you can afford enough of a performance hit to use FastAGI
03:46.45ilovephpi c
03:46.49sweeperon the whole tho, it's a lot easier off the bat than the up-and-comers, eg freeswitch
03:46.59*** join/#asterisk stkn__ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
03:47.16ilovephphow is it with integration with php and mysql application? easy?
03:47.22[TK]D-Fendersweeper, way to tailor the question to a * newb :)
03:47.28*** join/#asterisk Blackthorn (
03:47.48sweeperilovephp: if you can afford the hardware to handle FastAGI overhead, yea
03:47.48[TK]D-Fenderilovephp, be specific about your goals and we'll be specific with our answers :)
03:48.02sweeperif you need to process massive amounts of calls, it'll be a lot harder
03:48.05[TK]D-Fendersweeper, Again, when did he mention AGI?
03:48.19[TK]D-Fendersweeper, its a friggen NICK.
03:48.21sweeperhe wants his web stuff to talk to his phone stuff
03:48.32ilovephppretty much
03:48.36sweeper< ilovephp> how is it with integration with php <--
03:48.44Stridernzl[TK]D-Fender: can i grab you for some mins to knock this over?
03:48.59[TK]D-FenderStridernzl, I'm only up for a few more....
03:49.18[TK]D-FenderStridernzl, e-mail me the IP & dyndns and I'll have it in place in about 12H
03:49.21sweeperilovephp: if you've got some time on your hands, you might want to take a look at adhearsion and ruby on rails. if you've got an existing php app tho, just stick with whatever FastAGI libraries exist for php
03:49.31ilovephpfor example, the caller enters in a 'orderid' onto the keypad, and the telephone software needs to grab lets say the 'shipping status' of that order
03:49.43[TK]D-Fendersweeper, sure, yougo and assume what that means to HIM....
03:49.59Stridernzl[TK]D-Fender: yeah sorry .. me just lost calls now for 4/5 days as remote extn just to suspect :(
03:50.12sweeperilovephp: FastAGI is the fast way to use external scripting languages with asterisk
03:50.33sweeperhowever, if your needs are REALLY basic, you could get away with raw odbc queries in the dialplan
03:51.13[TK]D-Fenderilovephp, how many simultaneous callers in this lookup system?
03:51.42bkw_php sucks
03:51.52bkw_ok had to get that off my chest :P  NEXT!!!
03:51.57sweeperbkw_: well that's a given :P
03:52.11ilovephpwell i'm just trailing it now, but it needs to be scalable to handle up to 25 calls at any given time
03:52.25[TK]D-Fenderbkw_, For 5 bucks more it'll swall, and for 25 it'll even lie and said it liked it ;)
03:52.38*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=CunningP@
03:53.00Qwellfor $50 more, it will like it
03:53.14*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
03:53.18ilovephpwhat other scripting languages are there besides php? theres and thats about it
03:53.31sweeperis <3
03:53.35Qwellperl, sh, ruby, python, awk
03:53.55Qwellthat isn't a scripting language
03:54.05Juggiethat bug fix caused a behaviour change
03:54.05sweeperthat's the most apropos for * :D
03:54.09ilovephpnone as popular as php
03:54.14sweeperphp sucks :v
03:54.17Qwellilovephp: umm...
03:54.33Stridernzl[TK]D-Fender: emailed
03:54.34ilovephpit does the job so i'm not complaining
03:54.34sweeperthat's like saying myspace is cool because it's popular
03:54.36JTpopularity doesn't make a language good
03:54.37Juggiejust wondering on your thoughts, previously AGI could continue after a failed dial, but now it doesnt, i've seen some reports of this breaking scripts, specifically a2billing.
03:54.51JTphp is one of the worst web scripting languages currently in use
03:54.57*** join/#asterisk jicksta (
03:55.17[TK]D-FenderStridernzl, Got it, will have ready tomorrow
03:55.58Stridernzl[TK]D-Fender: you also never answered re x100P cards .. which i gladely post across the globe just for you :)
03:56.07sweepertake a look at that :D
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03:56.25ilovephpsweeper: i think the dailplan will be the best way to go
03:56.34[TK]D-FenderStridernzl, it'd cost more in shipping than they're worth :)
03:56.51sweeperilovephp: fi that's ALL you need to do, sure
03:56.54Qwellsending it USPS standard deliver would cost more than they're worth
03:57.00sweeperjust compile the extension and bam
03:57.01Qwell(33 cent stamp)
03:57.03Stridernzl<[TK]D-Fender>: just think recycle .. i don't care about post i have an acocunt with them :)
03:57.14ilovephpyeah, easy way to get started
03:57.33[TK]D-FenderQwell, .... he's in NEW ZEALAND <--------
03:57.58Stridernzl[TK]D-Fender: they came from your way I am happy to send back or they will just end up in the rubbish !
03:58.04sweeperman, I just basically recreated half of trixbox with 400 loc....
03:58.12ilovephpbut i'll definately have a read through ahearsion, i'll need to work out how far i want the telephone system to go
03:58.29sweeperOVER NINE THOUSAAAAAND imo
03:58.30JTsweeper: what is adhesion/
03:58.39sweeperJT: ruby FastAGI api
03:58.42JTah ok
03:58.55Qwelladhearsion*  or something
03:59.07sweeperit does AMI too, supposedly >.>
03:59.21Qwellit's a bit more than just an AGI API
03:59.27sweepermaybe when that 0.8 version comes out it'll ahve that missing comma <.<
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05:15.41errrhmm having issues building 1.2.23
05:17.11Strom_Mwhat kind of issues?
05:17.58errrcodec_zap.c:613: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
05:19.29errrany idea what would cause that?
05:19.59*** join/#asterisk gerphimum (
05:20.33errrI built & install 1.2.19 zaptel then went to build and install 1.2.23 asterisk but it fails there
05:23.45errrhmm I see in the list someone else had this but they had an old version of zap
05:24.35*** join/#asterisk MrTelephone (
05:25.27errrah crap I fat fingered my way intot he old zap folder I had and reinstalled my old version of zap
05:25.30errrlol yay me!
05:25.47MrTelephonenot very good :-/
05:25.57*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
05:26.02errroh well now its building fine
05:37.36*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
05:38.04bakermdAnyone know much about Cisco AS5300 gateways with E-1s?
05:40.35*** join/#asterisk jarod14 (n=jarod14@
05:42.13jarod14hi guys
05:42.50tengulreanybody alive?
05:47.25Strom_MALL DEAD HERE
05:48.40MrTelephoneshot and killed
05:53.13*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
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05:57.25tengulrewhere have cheap compatible asterisk card ?
05:58.14bakermdMan, ISDN is a biotch
05:58.23bakermdCisco makes it soo difficult sometimes
05:58.27bakermdInvalid information element contents
05:58.50*** join/#asterisk tuxd00d (n=tuxinato@
05:59.18*** join/#asterisk CM3_1_2_632 (
06:00.31tengulrewhat's different between voice gateway and voice card for dailing users?
06:09.21Strom_Mtengulre: you're not making a lick of sense
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06:46.06*** join/#asterisk RSAMan (n=aa@
06:46.19RSAManquick question
06:46.27RSAMani am setting up a sip server
06:46.28Strom_Mthe answer is "cheese"
06:47.08RSAMancan i use variables "exten => 2203,1,Dial(2203)
06:47.19RSAManvariables instead of 2203
06:47.32RSAManso exten => var,1,Dial(var)
06:47.36RSAManis this possible
06:47.55RSAManso that everyone who called for anyone will be transferred to them via sip
06:48.01RSAManprovidied that person exists
06:48.41jarod14you can use a pattern and use ${EXTEN} variable like exten => _22XX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})
06:48.48creativxdo like jarod14 said
06:49.03jarod14thx creativx
06:49.08creativxnp gg
06:49.18jarod14I love to be approved ;o)
06:50.03RSAMani c
06:50.14RSAManbecause waht is someone phones a peter
06:50.22*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
06:50.43RSAManthen i want everyone who is calling a peter to call peter on sip
06:50.48*** join/#asterisk vgster (
06:50.57RSAManam i making sense,,,
06:50.59*** join/#asterisk Penggu (
06:51.04Strom_MRSAMan: not really
06:51.04RSAManlike i want to cover all names in sip.conf
06:51.08creativxyou are thinking of using named extensions
06:51.20creativxlike exten => peter,1,dial(sip/peter)
06:51.21RSAMani will look that up
06:51.25Pengguhi all. we have snom phones adn asterisk on the local net. what should i use in sip.conf for nat=yes/no/never/etc ?
06:51.31RSAManlike that creativx
06:51.50creativxare you dialing the number "peter" ?
06:51.51RSAMancreativx> : but isnt there a better way to do that ?
06:51.59RSAMancreativx : name peter
06:52.02Penggualso, i have a vpn connection using windoze client/server for one of the sip soft-phones, but it ends up on the same network anyway, so what about that one? nat=??
06:52.11RSAMancreativx : what if i had 1000 names
06:52.26RSAMancreativx : would i have to set the extension for all of them ?
06:52.28creativxRSAMan: and nobody is to have numeric extensions? only named ?
06:52.56creativxPenggu: nat !? lan
06:53.04RSAMancreativx : numeric would be a better idea
06:53.17jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
06:53.37RSAMancreativx : basically, do i have to route each and every line in the rules ?
06:53.43RSAMancreativx : basically, do i have to route each and every line in the extensions
06:53.46RSAMancreativx : basically, do i have to route each and every line in the extension.conf
06:54.11JTi think you need to read the book
06:54.14jbotthebook is probably a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
06:54.33RSAManbeen reading
06:54.39RSAManat about p 110
06:54.49RSAManset up the sip server
06:54.55RSAManwho can phone itself
06:54.59Pengguif i type:     asterisk*CLI> restart when convenient   i can't type any more commands unless i exit (which works) re-enter asterisk -r
06:55.23Penggucreativx: dunno.. the default settings in sip.conf... didnt touch'em.. wondering which one to choose
06:56.22Penggui changed all to =no
06:56.29Penggumay be i should put it in the general section
06:58.00Pengguwould type=friend work under [general] ?
06:58.07Pengguall my sip people are my friends
07:04.57creativxPenggu: you should read up on sip.conf
07:05.26creativxRSAMan: the idea is the map a numeric extension to a named sip user
07:05.31creativxis to
07:05.33Pengguive got the page open on voip-info.. it doesn't say which settings will apply from [general] or not
07:06.14Pengguok hang on
07:06.19Penggui missed that line
07:06.36Penggusorry, thanks
07:06.38creativxalso did you check out the sample sip.conf
07:07.41Pengguim heavily editing my ex-sample to reduce repeats
07:09.20RSAMancreativx : so i should manually input each numeric extension to a person using the sip
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07:13.30mvanbaakmornin all
07:14.30Pengguahh... here goes nothing... "reload"
07:14.38Penggui should set up svn for asterisk config files
07:16.31Penggucleaning up sip.conf by putting the common stuff under general reduced the file size from 28880 to 9276 bytes
07:16.32*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
07:16.46Penggu(not worried about size.. but will make it easier to maintain)
07:16.58mvanbaakconfigs in subversion is nice
07:17.02mvanbaakwe have that as well
07:17.18mvanbaakheckt, I put everything in subversion cept my music and movies collection
07:17.19Penggumvanbaak: good for stuffing around
07:17.39mvanbaakmy whole homedir is in svn
07:17.50Penggui did that in windoze
07:17.52Pengguthings got messy
07:17.56PengguREALLY messy
07:18.02mvanbaakand all my boxen have this default /etc checkout with a host specific branch
07:18.57Pengguwas ael the alternative congif format?
07:19.06Penggui dont see much mention /example of it on voip-info
07:19.15Penggualthogh tfot touched on it
07:22.02Penggunyway, im out
07:23.59creativxthat was a good idea
07:24.04creativxwhy havent i svn'ed my configs :-)
07:26.02mvanbaakno idea
07:26.09mvanbaaklack of time to do so ?
07:26.33*** join/#asterisk hank (
07:26.35hankhi there
07:26.56creativxmvanbaak: it just hadnt occured to me
07:27.53mvanbaakit really is nice
07:28.19mvanbaakif a customer calls: "yesterday it worked great, today it's acting weird"
07:28.35mvanbaakyou can do svn log && svn diff && svn up -r<somerev>
07:29.10creativxor just right click it with tortoisesvn ;)
07:29.12creativxfor us in the win world
07:35.09flartmorning everyone
07:36.08tzafrir_laptopAutoreply: morning everyone
07:36.27flartany ideas how i could verify that asterisk is "seeing" my isdn-ntba? "capi show channels" tells me asterisk sees two isdn-channels, but i can't place any successful call
07:36.31tzafrir_laptopAutoreply: Autoreply: morning everyone
07:36.38tzafrir_laptopthat's it
07:37.24flartoh, and i mean calls from the outside to the asterisk server
07:37.38mvanbaakflart: any logs when you try to dial out ?
07:38.13flarti just tried to dial in
07:38.43flartand i don't see anything during that (verbosity on 5)
07:38.46penguinFunkanyone here got isdn30 in the UK with international calls working?
07:39.35mvanbaakflart: can you dialout ?
07:41.07flarti don't have a network-connection at the moment to the server ;) i'm connected via serial-console at the moment
07:42.14flartis there a way to dial out from the asterisk console?
07:46.07RSAMancall the functions ?>
07:46.14RSAManfor asterisk
07:46.22RSAManwouldnt that work?
07:46.34*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chendy@
07:47.15Chris-NBhow do I check if there is a @ in the ${EXTEN} varialbe
07:48.00Chris-NBI tried this, but wasn't successful: $["${EXTEN}" =~ "@"]
07:48.30Chris-NBis this correct? do I have to escape the @ ?
07:49.38sweeperif the polycom says "error saving application", does this mean it's trying to get the sip.ld and not finding it?
07:49.54sweeperand how do I tell it in the config file not to grab the config file at all?
07:53.46JTflart: capi is old school, what card do you have?
07:54.06flartfritzcard pci
07:54.11flartcrappy thing i think
07:54.56sweepers/config file/application/
07:55.12flartbut it's just for testing purposes
07:58.49JTis there only drivers for capi?
07:59.38flartthe capi-setup was the only one that seems to work
08:01.37JTtried bristuff?
08:01.48JTi don't remember if it has drivers for that or not
08:01.57JTis the fritz a hfc-s based card?
08:02.02JTif so there's zaphfc
08:02.05mvanbaakit's a capi based thing
08:02.29mvanbaakmisdn should work as well
08:02.55mvanbaakit's not a chan_capi issue I think. because flart can do 'capi show info' and that shows them they have 2 B channels
08:03.04mvanbaakthat means it "should" work in theory
08:04.10JTmisdn, working, no way ;)
08:04.38flartyeah, it "should" ;)
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08:07.22flarthm, i think i try asking our phone-guys if they have something to test the ntba and the isdn-cable
08:08.56mvanbaakI was about to ask if you were sure if the lines were working
08:10.36flartthey should be working. but i gonna verify this
08:10.54flart...i really begin to hate this whole phone stuff
08:10.59flartnothing you can ping
08:11.10mvanbaakthat's why we went to a pure voip setup
08:11.18mvanbaakno mtr, no ping
08:13.13penguinFunkbeen banging my head about for 2 days now
08:13.18penguinFunkand i have found the answer
08:13.33penguinFunkpridialplan=unknown should be set
08:13.35mvanbaakand it was 42 ?
08:13.45penguinFunkthe default is national only
08:14.44penguinFunk[16:56:11] <penguinFunk> i have noticed that in order to make calls you have to leave out the preceeding 0
08:14.44penguinFunk[16:56:43] <penguinFunk> so to dial 01554 723 345 you need to dial 1554 723 345
08:14.44penguinFunk[16:56:51] <penguinFunk> because of the way isdn30 works
08:14.44penguinFunk[16:56:56] <penguinFunk> but what about international calls?
08:14.49penguinFunk[16:58:57] <penguinFunk> i have tried leaving out one 0, both 0's leaving the number completely intact, nothing
08:15.01flartmvanbaak: the sip-only test worked perfectly :)
08:15.20penguinFunkphoned our provider, they didn't know. phoned BT they didn't know
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08:24.16mvanbaakflart :)
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09:01.29E-bolaDo anybody have experience with the snom 370?
09:02.00sweepermmmthis is awsome
09:02.16sweeperI pick up the handset, and the phone reboots
09:03.04mvanbaaksweeper: nice
09:04.36eniorehsweeper: strange, this isn't supposed to happen. i work with snom300/320/360 and we never had such behavior
09:04.41*** join/#asterisk Grapsus (
09:04.57GrapsusHi !
09:05.42sweeperpolycom 330 :P
09:05.59eniorehsweeper: sorry , misread ;)
09:06.19sweeperand I'm running
09:06.24sweeperis there a later rev? :/
09:06.34eniorehE-bola: what for ?
09:07.39GrapsusI'm trying to replace my sip.conf with a mysql table, it works well for all my users, but how do you entrer a line like "register => login:pwd@host" in the database ??
09:07.52E-bolaenioreh: i have a client who got grandstream 2000 phones
09:08.02E-bolaand want to offer him some phones with better audio quality
09:08.27E-bolaI was planning on giving him to 360's to play with
09:08.42E-bolabut now i see there is a 370 oin the market too, which priced considerably higher
09:09.27eniorehE-bola: to me, the 370 won't offer a better sound quality but simply an improved screen
09:09.40E-bolaenioreh: have u tried it?
09:10.02sweeperoh ffs
09:10.19sweeperof COURSE this phone only works with 2.2....
09:10.34sweeperand now it's been overwritten.... D: D: D:
09:10.41E-bolaenioreh: How can u say it wont have better audio then?
09:11.50GrapsusI've read about MYSQL_FRIENDS option but it doesn't seem to exist anymore
09:12.02eniorehE-bola: wait a minute
09:12.29sweeperGrapsus: use realtime
09:12.45E-bolaIm wondering if a snom 360/370 has better, worse, or similar audio quality compared to a polycom 501
09:12.58Grapsussweeper: I do, but how to enter a line like "register => foo:bar@baz" in the table ?
09:13.09mvanbaakE-bola: the 360 is great
09:15.00Grapsussweeper: I use this structure , it works for my users, but how to "register =>" ?
09:15.13sweeperGrapsus: not getting you
09:16.26sweeperhow does one get in touch with polycom tech support?
09:16.28eniorehE-bola: we had to open our phones here, and snom320/360 were using the same hardware. I quickly took a look at the datasheets to search for differences about audio. There's noting about a better sound quality.
09:16.59eniorehE-bola: the main difference between the 320 and the 360 is the application running on it which manage the screen.
09:17.04E-bolawell i think its known that the 230 and 360 has same audio
09:17.10E-bolabut the 370 is being marketed as having improoved audio
09:17.24Grapsussweeper: in my sip.conf I have a line like "register => user:password@provider" I wanna move it to the database, it's not complicated !
09:18.00eniorehE-bola: the point about 370 is that it has more memory and that memory has some influence on audio quality
09:18.50E-bolaBut you dont think it will make a noticeable difference?
09:19.18eniorehE-bola: i don't think so, but as we never get any 370 here, i can't affirm it.
09:20.28*** part/#asterisk Axet (
09:23.35sweeper <-- latest polycom firmware. get it while you can still get an index listing :D
09:25.12eniorehE-bola: i am reading throught the web site and some part of the 370 presentation sounds like commercial crap to me
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09:27.20Grapsusso nobody could help me ? I just want an example how to put a "register =>" line in sip.conf to a database
09:27.45E-bolaenioreh: do you know the polycom phones?
09:27.52E-bolaim wondering if they have better audio than the snom's
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09:28.23eniorehE-bola: know it only by name, we had one conferencing device from them but i didn't test it much and cannot help you about sound quality
09:28.55eniorehAll i can say from my experience is that i really don't think the 370 has a better sound quality that the 360 or even the 320
09:29.09sweeperoh WTF
09:29.17eniorehthey present 370 features on the website that the 320 and the 360 already had
09:29.22sweepernew firmware, phone still dies :/
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09:36.31fooI stuck in a new NIC card... do I have to tell asterisk to use eth1 instead of eth0 now? Or no?
09:36.58Paul-THello all, is this an appropriate place to ask about ASTCC?
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09:53.28Grapsusthere's another strange thing with realtime, I moved my users to the database, they are connected, can call, but "sip show peers" or users displays nothing
09:55.12eniorehGrapsus: i remember having read somewhere that this is the behavior of realtime, but i am not sure about this
09:55.52eniorehand sip peers are updated in the database when connected
09:56.29Grapsusalthough I can see them with "database show"
09:58.06Grapsusand still my simple question, in [general] context of sip.conf I have a line "register =>xxx:yyy@zzz" how to delete it from sip.conf and put it in my mysql table sip_buddies ?
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10:01.10Grapsusis it possible ?
10:02.07eniorehno idea about it
10:03.18Grapsuscause I'm writing a webbased GUI, and I want all the configuration data in the database
10:06.04eniorehGrapsus: you may eventually some include=web-generated-file in your sip.conf
10:06.15eniorehi know this doesn't answer but it may be a workaround
10:07.09GrapsusYes I tought abot it, there a script
10:07.22Grapsusbut maybe is there a cleanner way to do it :/
10:09.43eniorehi found this
10:09.59eniorehseems to be part of the answer you are looking for
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10:11.41Grapsusenioreh: intereseting, thanks
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10:14.03morexHi all
10:14.13morexDon't know if the Asterisk-users list maintainer is here
10:14.29morexBut somebody's autoresponder is causing it to spiral out of control...
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10:34.40MadUnihi all.. does anybody know smth about multiply calls in asterisk via flash button?
10:36.31MadUniI know 2 conference applications.. meetme & app_conference.. but I was said, that there is simplier solution
10:37.37MadUni????? ?????!
10:38.47eniorehTyping lines full of ? won't make ppl answer ;)
10:39.10pj_Yeah, it's not enough, nobody will care below 3 or 4
10:39.20pj_(amateurs) *sigh*
10:42.20creativxMadUni: you mean "multiple" ?
10:42.41creativxor multiple participants
10:43.06MadUnimultiple )
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11:12.00Paul-TIs anyone aware of any known issues with ASTCC detecting hangups in the latest svn?
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11:27.07skitfishHello all, I have a quick, short question: Can asterisk detect when a call it has originated has been redirected (to an answering service, for example)?
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11:28.52Fl1phi, i've got problems with installing zaptel on gentoo kernel 2.6.19, compiling works (there is no make linux26 anymore isn't it ?) but the modprobe gives me an error inserting zaptel invalid module format..... any clue ?
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11:38.59skitfishso can asterisk detect when a call it's originated has been transferred?
11:42.16hankIt can detect answering machines afair
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11:44.02skitfishI've searched for configuration options using the terms 'redirect' and 'transfer' but I haven't found anything
11:44.31Aursis the info from "sip show peer <peername>" available for realtime sip peers?
11:44.41skitfishhank: do you remember roughly how I might make asterisk respond to said transfers?
11:45.22tsurkohi, is it necessary the value of accountcode field in sip.conf to be in " "?
11:45.36eniorehAurs: as i know, not, you should use database show
11:46.17Aursenioreh: that shows me registry, but not other useful info that you get from sip show peer, such as useragent, qualify status etc..
11:46.26eniorehoh ..
11:46.32eniorehsorry, cannot help :)
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11:48.04skitfishthanks hank
11:48.19Aurstsurko: I don't use "" on the accountcode field in sip.conf
11:51.29tsurkoAurs, whithout ""  this - test=${CDR(accountcode)} - shows this in CLI: [s@macro-int_call:4] Set("SIP/tsurko-0822bb58", "test=0"). Am I doing something wrong?
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11:55.33Aursenioreh: found my answer: rtcachefriends=yes in general section of sip.conf :)
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11:59.59sweeperwhen I specify a mailbox in sip.conf, does that get dialed trhough the dialplan, or does it go straight to voicemail?
12:00.33eniorehsweeper: you have to specify it in the dialplan
12:01.31Aurstsurko: i don't know... is the result different if you use ""?
12:01.45Aurshave anyone else seen this errormsg: "Function CD$R not registered"?
12:05.04tsurkoAurs, yes, but I think I figured out the problem. When there is dash in the accountcode everything messes up. It works now.
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12:06.13Aursoh... i had a typo in my cdr_custom file.. oops
12:06.25Aurstsurko: ok
12:12.53johndomysql backend or flatfile?
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12:19.05waKKumorning ;)
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12:20.43creativxtop of the middle of the day to you sir
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12:26.36wothinnI switched from 1.2.23 to 1.4.9 and all of a sudden 'exten => *99,1,Voicemailmain(${CALLERIDNUM})' in my extensions.conf is causing app_voicemail to ask for what mailbox I want to talk to when I dial *99.
12:26.44wothinnAny ideas on that one?
12:27.03zeeeshhow to uninstall asterisk newer versino ..
12:27.06[TK]D-Fenderwothinn: Stop using deprecated variables
12:27.17[TK]D-Fenderwothinn: And read the upgrade.txt
12:27.24Aurswothinn: try ${CALLERID(num)}
12:27.30wothinnThanks.  I'll go read upgrade.txt.
12:27.33[TK]D-Fenderwothinn: And atricles that tell you about al the changes out there.
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12:55.13blitzragegoes the dynamite
12:57.18[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage: I DON'T WANT THE NET TO SPLIT
12:57.24blitzrageI JUST WANT...
12:57.26[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage: ! ! !
12:57.51blitzrageI could totally go for some ! ! !
12:58.30CM3_1_2_632is a Wildcard X100P FXO from ebay for $24.99 any good?
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12:59.30tzafrir_laptopCM3_1_2_632, you can probably get it for less. 24$ includes S&H? It's really nice for experimentation and such
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13:00.22CM3_1_2_632tzafrir_laptop: same seller has old X100P with older components on board for $14.99
13:00.43CM3_1_2_632tzafrir_laptop: and yes all i need is 1 FXO so i can learn this puppy...
13:00.46tzafrir_laptopX100Ps are actualy not manufactured anymore
13:01.56Optica crappy FXO can really taint your voip experience
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13:02.25CM3_1_2_632yeah but i don't want to spend a few hundred dollars buying from diguim
13:03.05tzafrir_laptopOptic, but it will work
13:03.10Opticif you're not using it for anything real the cheap cards will do something for you
13:03.37Opticthe X100P style cards are basically a voice modem chipset that happens to work with Asterisk
13:04.08CM3_1_2_632it was a motorola now an intel from what i've read
13:04.37tzafrir_laptopRight. I wish people could just use any such modem and get the same experince they get with the X100P
13:05.34Strom_Mtzafrir_laptop: write the drivers then and make it possible :)
13:06.03tzafrir_laptopStrom_M, any specs availble for another such modem?
13:06.05OpticI think the analog side of most X100P style cards is poor
13:06.22Strom_Mtzafrir_laptop: ?
13:06.24Opticat least the ones I had
13:06.36tzafrir_laptopOptic, it's poor. But if you're in the US, chances are it is good enough
13:06.51tzafrir_laptopI also used it for my first PBX
13:07.00Opticgood enough to learn on :)
13:07.47coppicemodems are more demanding than voice. if the analogue part were poor it would never function as a modem
13:07.47CM3_1_2_632which is all i'm asking for.....
13:08.20coppicesource is available for a simple driver for most modem cards in the Linux packages to use them as a modem.
13:08.43CM3_1_2_632quality is not much of my concern....but for $24.99 it gets me a FXO / FXS card i think is worth it....
13:08.50tzafrir_laptopcoppice, most of them include an ugly binary blob in the middle, AFAIR
13:08.59Strom_MCM3_1_2_632: it's not FXS
13:09.02Strom_MFXO only
13:09.12CM3_1_2_632analog bypass it is....
13:09.24coppicenope. most of them have source for a kernel driver, and the DSP is binary and sits in userland
13:10.58tzafrir_laptopI remember differently. Looking at the linmodems mailing list, most of them seem to need the Ant properitary drivers. Which is why I never bothered for modems on my system
13:10.58CM3_1_2_632i'm building asterisk on CentOS 5.....trying to get the ebay seller to reply to my shipping inquiry coz i'm far
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13:11.32coppice24.99 is very expensive for one of those cards. 4.99 is more reasonable
13:11.55CM3_1_2_632lol.....point me to the right direction please....
13:12.27coppiceyou'll find some for that price. use them with the oslec EC module, and the results can be pretty good
13:13.03CM3_1_2_632these final releases are surface mount components....better than those older releases with caps and shits on.....
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13:13.30MaartenBhi all
13:13.33coppiceI've never seen one that isn't surface mount
13:14.08MaartenBI have a problem with reconnecting to Asterisk, when I do asterisk -r, it does say "Unable to connect to remote asterisk", but asterisk is running
13:14.32tzafrir_laptopMaartenB, how can you tell asterisk is running?
13:14.51CM3_1_2_632this is a X100P(C)....the X100P(A2) and X100A(B2) are not.....
13:15.16tzafrir_laptop"Unable to connect" - through /var/run/asterisk.ctl or /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl
13:16.56tzafrir_homeCM3_1_2_632, if you want to use us as better bulshit detectors, I suggest you feed us with proper data
13:17.11tzafrir_homelinks to the relevant ebay pages
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13:17.56MaartenBtzafrir_laptop, it is working as normal, I can call everyone :)
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13:19.01MaartenBtzafrir_laptop, it says "Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk.ctl exist?)"
13:19.39CM3_1_2_632bulshit detectors.....lofl
13:21.15tzafrir_laptopA lot of bullshit on that page
13:21.56CM3_1_2_632for $24.99 they can bullshit all they want....all i care is 1 FXO port....
13:22.04CM3_1_2_632working....of course
13:22.52tzafrir_laptopFirst-off, it's not a Digium X100P. And them most they can say is that it is compatible with the discontinued junk card X100P of Digium
13:22.59CM3_1_2_632looks like a descent card to me....
13:23.17coppicechoose your price - 14.99, 19.99 or 24.99 according to taste :-)
13:23.24tzafrir_laptop(as opposed to the TDMxxx cards of digium that are not junk)
13:23.28CM3_1_2_632coppice: absolutely
13:23.51CM3_1_2_632tzafrir_laptop: again, $24.99 mister....
13:23.59coppicecome on. the TDM400P isn't too great
13:24.21tzafrir_laptopwell, but it's not like the X100P
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13:25.08claudiotainenI have a problem with voicemail configuring
13:25.08CM3_1_2_632it doesn't have to be LIKE or can look like CRAP but gives me a working FXO port they'll have my money for it....
13:25.19claudiotainencan anyone help me ?
13:25.43waKKuclaudiotainen whats problem ?
13:25.47waKKui did it yesterday
13:25.51tzafrir_laptopwell, the S&H that they charge is a fair price for that card :-)
13:26.00tzafrir_laptopclaudiotainen, ask your question...
13:26.42CM3_1_2_632tzafrir_laptop: only if you're in the states....i'm in Hong Kong
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13:28.34claudiotainenoh sry
13:28.46claudiotainenI can't access my mailbox
13:29.25waKKunice explanatory ...
13:29.38claudiotainenextensions.conf is configured so as to let the user access its mailbox when 9999 is dialed
13:30.18claudiotainenbut then when i select the mailbox and type the password I always geta "login incorrect" message
13:30.28waKKuclaudiotainen (i'm lazy today)
13:31.09claudiotainenthank you ;)
13:31.19CM3_1_2_632waKKu: rofl.....
13:33.55CM3_1_2_632TGIF everyone....let's go!!! =)
13:34.22coppiceto bed? sure, in an hour or so :-)
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13:39.21Optichi sibbers
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13:42.51tzafrir_homeclaudiotainen, from which phone is it?
13:43.24claudiotaineni'm using ekiga
13:43.38coppiceCM3_1_2_632: if you are using Wharf, aren't you using VoIP all the time?
13:43.45tzafrir_homemaybe no DTMFs got to the voicemail app in the first place
13:44.19claudiotainenwell I think they do
13:44.33claudiotainenbecause I can see debug messages in asterisk console
13:44.57claudiotainenwhich say "Incorrect password 1234 for user blablabla
13:45.10claudiotainenand 1234 is the password I dial
13:45.37tzafrir_homeclaudiotainen, so start with 'show voicemail users' to see if you have user 'blablabla'
13:46.18eniorehclaudiotainen: is your voicemail context correct ?
13:46.40claudiotainenwell that's a thing I'm not sure about
13:47.01claudiotainenthe parameter "user"
13:47.15claudiotainenin voicemail extensions
13:47.18eniorehfrom memory
13:47.43claudiotainenhang on, I'll make a try
13:47.46Strom_Mit's mailbox@context
13:48.09Strom_Min reference to the mailbox and associated context in voicemail.conf
13:48.56wothinnHas anyone had any luck with the message waiting indicator on the Polycom IP500?  I've followed the suggestions at but no dice and I'm not even sure how to begin debugging whether it's a * problem or a phone configuration problem.
13:49.40Strom_Mwothinn: by default, it should work correctly with the included configs that come with the latest firmware
13:49.53Strom_Mjust set mailbox= in your sip.conf
13:50.54wothinnHmm... unfortunately, I didn't find that to be the case.  I'm running 2.1.2 and BootRom 3.2.3.
13:51.12[TK]D-Fenderwothinn: PASTEBIN is your friend.....
13:51.16[TK]D-Fenderclaudiotainen: you too....
13:51.18jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
13:51.26Strom_Mand you have the mailbox= setting set correctly in the sip.conf entry associated with the phone, right?
13:51.57wothinn There we be.
13:52.37skitfishguys, I am trying to install app_amd.c in asterisk 1.4.8
13:52.51wothinnI believe I do.  I've tried the mailbox= with and without the @default.  My extension number is the same as the mailbox number defined in voicemail.conf (voicemail *does* work flawlessly.)
13:53.13skitfishhow can I do this? The script astxs seems to only be bundled with older versions of asterisk
13:53.54claudiotainenFender: shouldn't I ask here?
13:53.56fileskitfish: uh, app_amd is included with 1.4
13:54.12[TK]D-Fenderwothinn: Stop setting multiple entries up for the same phone!
13:54.21skitfishfile: I'm following
13:54.28[TK]D-Fenderclaudiotainen: you should be SHOWING us the problem.  ALL of it.
13:54.29wothinnOne's a user and one's a peer.  Don't I need that for both inbound and outbound?
13:54.55Strom_Mwothinn: for a telephone set, try setting a single "type=friend" entry instead
13:55.04fileskitfish: well those instructions are for 1.2... you don't have to do anything with 1.4 as it is included
13:55.10[TK]D-Fenderwothinn: here :
13:55.12wothinnOK... I'll futz with that and see if it helps.  Thanks for the suggestion.
13:55.15skitfishfile: ok thanks
13:55.30*** join/#asterisk stimpie (
13:55.44[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: Friend in 1.4 is brolen for presence, and they've blurred the line of "type" badly...
13:55.58wothinn[TK]D-Fender: That just leaves me with a peer?  Will that still allow both calls in and calls out?
13:56.10[TK]D-Fenderfile: Seriously... do you know why they mucked up "friend" and "peer" so bad?  It auths PEERS on incoming calls!
13:56.17[TK]D-Fenderwothinn: You on 1.4?
13:56.20*** join/#asterisk SuurMyy (n=guacamol@
13:56.22wothinnYep.  1.4.9
13:56.27[TK]D-Fenderwothinn: then it'll work
13:56.31wothinnNeat!  Thanks.
13:56.45file[TK]D-Fender: the world of SIP doesn't fit into a user/peer universe
13:56.56[TK]D-Fenderfile: It seemed so clean before...
13:57.19coppiceStill Incomplete Protocol
13:57.20*** join/#asterisk Mercestes (
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13:58.12[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Slightly Irritating Problem
13:58.58Opticha ha
13:59.02Opticnice ones :)
13:59.18*** join/#asterisk VoicePulse (n=contact@unaffiliated/voicepulse)
13:59.18Strom_MInnovation Subscribers Don't Need
13:59.24Strom_Moh wait, wrong acronym
13:59.41OpticISDN made things eaiser
13:59.48Strom_Mit was a joke, Optic
14:00.09coppiceStrom_M: It wasn't a joke. it was dead on
14:00.16Strom_Mperhaps I should have said "Guaranteed Trouble Everytime" instead
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14:03.40creativxStrom_M: NT the
14:03.45creativxNo Trouble?
14:05.53*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
14:06.39*** join/#asterisk Grnd-Wire (
14:06.44Grnd-WireGood morning everyone!
14:06.50Grnd-WireHas anyone ever worked with IAXmodem ?
14:07.21coppicenope. nobody ever did that
14:07.33Grnd-Wireuh huh
14:07.39Optichi hi hi
14:13.53blitzrageIt Still Doesn't Work
14:14.08Strom_MGet Telephone Elsewhere
14:14.30blitzrageall your base are belong to us
14:15.29blitzrage<-- blitzrage
14:15.30[TK]D-Fendertake off every zig
14:15.42[TK]D-Fenderyou have no chance to survive!
14:15.46[TK]D-Fendermake your time!
14:15.55pepsefor great justice!
14:15.57pepsedamnit :)
14:16.02[TK]D-Fender<- knows too much, and the ninjas have already been dispatched to kill me
14:16.18Mercesteswhat's taking them so damn long?
14:16.39blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: ninja force 1; en route
14:16.47pepsemy favorite of those pics was the one with Hitler surrounded by his men. He's pointing at a map with the caption "So you see, General.. If we set them up the bomb here, all their base will belong to us."
14:17.11[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: Took a look yesterday for the camera, and settled on the Panasonic DMC-FZ8KK I was looking at (got 14 days to check her out before returning if needed)
14:17.20eniorehpepse: if you have a link, i would enjoy getting it :)
14:17.34[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: Took a few shots with it, VERY intuitive
14:17.42pepseenioreh: it's been a long while, maybe i can find it again
14:18.01pepse[TK]D-Fender: I've noticed that Panasonic cameras take -amazing- pictures. Even ones on cellphones.
14:18.40[TK]D-Fenderpepse: Only cell-phone I want is about a few months away :)
14:18.52claudiotainenI've "pastebined" my problem ;)
14:19.03*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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14:19.10pepseyeh but the point is, Panasonic makes bad ass cameras. I bought my mom a cheap Lumix, and it's -awesome-
14:19.13coppicecameras don't take amazing pictures. people do
14:19.32blitzrageGuns don't kill people. I kill people.
14:20.03coppiceGuns don't kill people. Hard work does
14:20.07Grnd-Wire[TK]D-Fender: So I got in my polycom 320 last night..
14:20.17[TK]D-Fenderclaudiotainen: Using 1.4?
14:20.27Grnd-Wire[TK]D-Fender: No freakin' power brick! I'm so spoiled from Aastra.. and I don't have a PoE switch in my lab yet.. UGH!
14:20.48pepsedoes poe require a special cable?
14:20.57*** join/#asterisk BSD_Tech (
14:21.20[TK]D-Fenderclaudiotainen: claudiotainen: exten => 9999,1,VoiceMailMain(${CALLERIDNUM})  <- this variable is DEPRECATED.  Second, you are NOT using [default] as your context in voicemail.conf so you MUST specify it in VoicemailMain
14:21.45[TK]D-Fenderclaudiotainen: exten => 9999,1,VoiceMailMain(${CALLERID(num)}@sip_calls_vm)
14:22.09blitzragepepse: nope
14:22.16claudiotainenthank you :)
14:22.19*** join/#asterisk mercestes (
14:22.25mercestesyay, I'm back
14:22.27*** join/#asterisk SwK (n=SwK@
14:22.27[TK]D-Fenderpepse: Not for that phone or any other standard 802.3af native phone
14:22.56pepseWhat about the Cisco 7910? :)
14:23.14Grnd-Wire[TK]D-Fender: Even though Polycom appears to have a "PoE cable" that allows you to plug the brick into the network cable, so that there is still one cable coming up on your desk.
14:23.46*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
14:23.51[TK]D-FenderGrnd-Wire: thats on the 30X & 50X
14:24.07ghenryPolycom ip501 a safe bet?
14:24.11Grnd-Wire[TK]D-Fender: ok, so it's only half of their product line then.. :D
14:24.30[TK]D-Fenderpepse: 7910 is a BAD choice, and uses CDP Cisco PoE
14:24.31*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=IceChat7@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
14:24.44[TK]D-FenderGrnd-Wire: 301 is being phased out, 501 following.
14:24.57pepse[TK]D-Fender: yeah, i happened to get one for free. and I have a PoE adapter, but a regular cable doesn't work with it
14:25.09pepse[TK]D-Fender: what does CDP mean?
14:25.11[TK]D-FenderGrnd-Wire: And its 1/4 of their line ;)
14:25.20[TK]D-Fenderpepse: Cisco Discovery Protocol.
14:25.22Zeeekhello men
14:25.35bakermdI have 3 Cisco 7940's that were given to me - and I have tried 6 different FW versions, but cannot get these phones to work with Asterisk.  I hate Cisco.  My Polycoms work flawlessly (60+ of them now)
14:26.16Zeeekhello women and children
14:26.19pepsebakermd: i got my 7910 up in no time, i don't even have a tftp server or config for the phone :)
14:26.39bakermdThis one started with firmware from 2002...
14:26.53pepsethe phone had some 169.254 address set as its call manager, so I aliased that ip on *
14:27.15pepse(and uncommented some stuff in skinny.conf)
14:27.34*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (i=rmyorg@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
14:27.48pepsepack of sunflower seeds for me
14:27.53Grnd-Wireheh - There's nothing like changing the configuration of your network to match a device that is improperly configured.. :D
14:28.19Zeeekpizza? Licorice? Chocolate? TV guide? a hooker?
14:28.21pepseGrnd-Wire: there's nothing like slackin :D
14:28.31russellbbeer for me, as well.
14:28.59ZeeekIn this country we can choose between beer at 4,5 or 12%. WHich do you want?
14:29.07russellbdefinitely 12
14:29.17Zeeek1/2 litre or one full liter
14:29.33coppiceone half empty litre
14:29.35Zeeekrussell has left the building
14:29.48pepse[TK]D-Fender: hm, so does cdp mean that even if I do make a proper cable for my generic PoE adapter, that it still may not work with the 7910?
14:30.09Zeeekcoppice, an order of porc au caramel for you?
14:30.17blitzrageZeeek: Canada has that too! :)
14:30.34Zeeekyes, only the US has 3.2% beer. Thats sooooo wimpy
14:30.57NuggetThe US has the same range of beers that everyone else has.
14:31.00ZeeekYou have to drink about eleventy gallons to get a buzz
14:31.02[TK]D-Fenderpepse: It means that A) there is no "special cable, and B) a CDP phone will not work on 802.3af
14:31.10*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
14:31.12[TK]D-Fenderb )
14:31.17Nuggetthere's just a silly law that you have to call it 'malt liquor' if the alcohol percentage is above a certain level
14:31.38blitzrageanyone know if you're using sippeers and sipusers from realtime, if call-limit (inuse) will update correctly when you send a call (and answer) to a queue member?
14:31.39Zeeekand it can't be sold after 12AM in some states or at all on SUndays in others
14:31.45pepse[TK]D-Fender: this article suggests some phones work with this special cable..
14:31.51[TK]D-FenderZeeek: 12% beer?
14:32.00Zeeekyeah guaranteed headache
14:32.01blitzragesince I can't use 'show show peer <foo>' or 'sip show inuse' because the peers are not cached
14:32.13Zeeek>SIP SHOW BEERS
14:32.15blitzrageno headache if you don't go nuts
14:32.23_DAWZeek.. Louisiana has something like 5.4%.. and drinking on sundays is manadatory :)
14:32.28pepsebut later says "the phones issue a Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) during boot up to try to ascertain whether POE (or more correctly inline power) is available"
14:32.29blitzrage1 litre bottle of Labatt Ice Max is pretty much all you need :)
14:32.54blitzrageLabatt Maximum Ice*
14:33.02Zeeekvery nice
14:33.19j-goddessnow if only we could incorporate Beer.conf
14:33.31j-goddessshow beer inuse
14:33.33Zeeek#include beer.conf
14:33.48*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
14:33.53Zeeekreload glasses
14:34.03pepsebeer refill now
14:34.09j-goddessbeer show netstats
14:34.11[TK]D-Fenderpepse: ...
14:34.12Zeeekstop and drink gracefully
14:34.14jbothmm... wglwat is well, good luck with all that
14:34.46*** join/#asterisk RSAMan (
14:34.52RSAManhiyas guys
14:34.58pepseare you saying that's bs or you just haven't seen such things?
14:35.29Grnd-Wire[TK]D-Fender: hey - Is there a way to set a Zap channel to "administratively down" (busy/unavailable_, so that all of the dialplan elements that use it will skip it for outgoing routes?
14:35.39[TK]D-Fenderpepse: I'm saying that this seems hit/miss with contradictory results.  YMMV and "good luck"
14:35.56[TK]D-FenderGrnd-Wire: Not that I'm aware of
14:36.04pepsei'm not expecting it to work, but it's worth a try cause i don't have a power supply of my own
14:36.12[TK]D-Fenderpepse: Another great reason to not buy Cisco
14:36.26pepsegood thing it was free :)
14:36.32Zeeekhas anyone ever found a way to have asterisk CLI continue to work when the network is down? Is there any way this could happen?
14:36.34anonymouz666pepse: sip show beers
14:36.45Grnd-Wirepepse: You could probably ebay the phone dude.. :P
14:37.33pepseprobably. but i've got it in my hands
14:37.42pepseif i ebay it then i'd have to look for a different phone
14:37.53Zeeekcoppice a lot of people would like to talk about faxing in asterisk on the conference. I donb't suppose you'd consider....
14:38.02Grnd-Wireheh.. You can buy an Aastra for half as much as you would get for selling it.. or ahem, a Polycom.. :P
14:40.09pepsehehe looking at ebay, i take it aastra makes a lot of non-voip phones
14:40.27*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (
14:40.52BSD_Techwho what where when how why who with for what reason
14:40.56coppiceZeeek: people like talking. doing is another matter :-)
14:41.17Zeeekcoppice at least a few questions could be answered. I wish it could happen
14:41.31Zeeekbut I'm sure it's either too late or you're too busy
14:41.49ZeeekI haven't tried to update for a while now
14:41.55pepse7910s seem to only be going for around 30 bux
14:42.01ZeeekI'm trying to opush our clients into the 21st century
14:43.13*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
14:43.35pepseheh, love this listing. "Aastra IP Phone".. yet.. "Compatible with Centrex, PBX, or standard telephone service"
14:43.59*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
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14:51.12mercestesdefine "compatible."
14:51.26mercestesbecause given that ad, my tin can and string is compatible with standard phone service.
14:52.25*** join/#asterisk bird_of_Luck (
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14:52.48mvanbaakmercestes: wow, you still have a working set of those ?
14:55.49Capps-how do you change your ringer on asterisk? it the ring sounds the same as when you're calling someone so i never know if my phone is ringing or if the person next to me is calling someone on speakerphone [without me having to look at the phone.]
14:55.54RSAManquestio : whats is this asterisk gui... i am a new user, not lazy .. on page 130 for thebook
14:56.14RSAManjust curious
14:56.23RSAManis the asterisk gui even worth looking at
14:56.48RSAManhow do i open it
14:56.48[TK]D-FenderCapps-: Asterisk doesn't have a "ringer", your PHONE does.
14:57.05[TK]D-FenderRSAMan: Best forgotten
14:57.11*** join/#asterisk sashion (
14:57.25[TK]D-FenderRSAMan: Its not part of the core setup, its an add-on.
14:57.32Capps-[TK]D-Fender: right. but it says it gets them from the asterisk server.
14:57.33RSAMan[TK]D-Fender: Understood, trying to learn the right way
14:57.35sashionwhat is the equivalent of GROUP_COUNT in asterisk 1.4 ?
14:58.17[TK]D-FenderCapps-: what says "get them" from "asterisk server"?!
14:58.37*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
14:59.03Capps-[TK]D-Fender: i fail at life. :[
14:59.19mvanbaak <--- gheh, that could be me
14:59.26mvanbaakI'm waiting for my thinkpad to arrive
15:01.06Nivexthat was me a couple weeks ago. sent me something via slowboat
15:01.49mvanbaakmy thinkpad is in .nl already
15:01.56mvanbaaklike 50 miles from here
15:02.03mvanbaakbut it arrived there today
15:02.13mvanbaakso prolly wont be at my place before monday
15:02.27mvanbaakI phoned them, and I cannot pickup the thing myself
15:02.38mvanbaak"it's all automagically stuff"
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15:14.14claudiotainena quick question about asterisk console
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15:14.48claudiotainenis  there a command to see which RTP ports are in use ?
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15:19.33russellbclaudiotainen: don't think there is a command for that
15:20.27*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
15:21.04waKKuu can check/define that range of ports to rtp on rtp.conf - if it helps
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15:21.42Qwell[]russellb: are you back?
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15:22.32russellbQwell[]: no sir
15:22.33russellbjust bored.
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15:25.03[TK]D-Fenderclaudiotainen: While not "direct" you could dump a list of channels, and then cycle though each probably.
15:25.13[TK]D-FenderBSD_Tech: Good idea
15:25.27russellbBSD_Tech: see DUNDi :)
15:25.29[TK]D-FenderBSD_Tech: I've been working on a private #asterisk MeetMe for us to chat with.
15:25.47[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: Its an organization question, not a technological one :)
15:26.17russellbthere are 2 global DUNDi networks ... dundi-test (easy to join) ... e164 (more difficult to join, especially for smaller installs)
15:26.59russellbthere was just never a really good process for people to find peers for e164
15:27.25russellbbut people terminate millions of minutes over those networks ...
15:28.49mockerAnyone know much about ?
15:31.08[TK]D-Fendermocker: I'd go for an A200d instead in PCI.....
15:31.29[TK]D-Fendermocker: card is HUGE
15:31.38mocker[TK]D-Fender: That's my concern. :(
15:31.46mockerI don't know if it will *fit* in 2950
15:31.47*** join/#asterisk jmesquita (
15:33.02mockerYeah, that's much smaller.
15:33.07mocker+ echo cancellation.
15:33.15[TK]D-Fendermocker: Cheaper here :
15:33.16sevardmercestes: he just ignores my love :(
15:33.23*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
15:33.46mocker[TK]D-Fender: Uh, by about *half*
15:33.59mercestessevard:  You desrve better.
15:34.00[TK]D-Fendermocker: No, you have to pick your modules.
15:34.10[TK]D-Fendermocker: and update the price.
15:34.14sevardmercestes: *wipes tears away* i'm strong, i'm strong.
15:34.20[TK]D-Fendermocker: But still a good bit cheaper
15:34.29[TK]D-Fendersevard: WUSS :p
15:34.57ZeeekWHo ordered the turkey on rye? Here's the beer and the toffee, the decaf espresso and the condoms
15:34.58mocker[TK]D-Fender: That should work in a 2950, agree?
15:35.40[TK]D-Fendermocker: should work jsut fine
15:35.56[TK]D-Fendermocker: as long as you've got the 2 blackplane spaces for it
15:36.01sevardZeeek: DECAF ESPRESSO
15:36.12Zeeek[TK]D-Fender your Polycom was too heavy to carry, it'll be delivered
15:36.30mercestessevard:  Wouldn't that be an empty cup of air?
15:36.31[TK]D-FenderZeeek: ?
15:37.04sashioni have a snome 320 which is mutli-lined. In a queue enviroment, this phone keeps accepting calls even when you are on the line. is there a way in 1.4 to limit amount of calls to specific peers ?
15:37.24sevardlike that, ladies?
15:37.32sashionin asterisk@home, they used GROUP_COUNT < 1... is there a similar feature in 1.4 ?
15:38.23fetchersashion: call-limit=1 in sip.conf?  That might also restrict simultaneous outgoing calls, though
15:39.24sashionfetcher: its an option.. will enable and see how things go :P thanks
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15:42.27mercestesPOlycom custom ringtones are just a .wav file, aye?
15:42.33mercestesand then some sip.cfg magick.
15:42.50polerinlook at something for me?
15:43.05mercesteswhat am I looking at?
15:43.46mercestesK, I put on my wizard hat.
15:44.28*** part/#asterisk Fl1p (
15:46.45claudiotainenjust another [stupid] qquestion about ekiga and sip
15:47.31claudiotainenRTP packets are sent directly betwwen 2 user agents, the don't pass through asterisk, right ?
15:47.43claudiotainenI mean they're not "filtered" by the server
15:47.48eniorehclaudiotainen: it depends on the option of your dial
15:47.56[TK]D-Fenderclaudiotainen: If they are going DIRECT, then they can't be going through ASTERISK.
15:48.12[TK]D-Fenderclaudiotainen: What colour was Napoleon's white horse? :)
15:48.20claudiotainenehm ...
15:48.24claudiotainendon't know
15:48.42*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
15:48.51claudiotainenthe thing is how can I set to DIRECT ?
15:49.04*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
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15:50.00*** join/#asterisk VoicePulse_ (n=contact@unaffiliated/voicepulse)
15:51.07lirakisi just started having problems with my asterisk setup... when i make or recieve calls .. the call flows fine.. and eventually it says "attempting native bridge of SIP/4321-099c42d8 and SIP/1234-099d9110" .. and it never completes the bridge.. so both ends of the call just sit there
15:51.15[TK]D-Fenderclaudiotainen: "canreinvite=yes" for each of the people yuo want to be capable of doing this, an you must NOT be using any of "tTwW" or other dynamic features in your Dial command
15:51.37lirakisenioreh: .. to me?
15:51.40[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: PASTEBIN the call, with sip debug
15:51.58Zeeekwhat the? I leave for az few minutes, and when I come back, you guys are actually talking about asterisk. What's up?
15:52.03eniorehlirakis: no, to claudiotainen
15:52.58eniorehlirakis: both user agent are in the lan ?
15:54.06lirakisenioreh: no .. i havent tried ext->ext .. this is happeneing with every call i get/make to pstn though through my sip provider
15:54.57eniorehlirakis: this perhaps may be related to some nat issue
15:55.16lirakisenioreh: my pbx is on public ip
15:55.50lirakisenioreh: and it just started happenning.. things have been working for months before this
15:56.02lirakis.. ill get together a call log with sip debug
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15:57.02lirakisarg.. its being bizarre..
15:57.08lirakisit takes a long time to reload
15:57.09lirakis.. etc.
15:57.20lirakis.. its very strange whats started happening
15:57.59eniorehlirakis: what have you change last before it started failing ?
15:58.08mocker[TK]D-Fender: You've been blogged! :)
15:58.41lirakisenioreh: .. i cant think of anything honestly.. i dont poke at it b/c its my day to day phone system.. not a hobby/toy
15:59.04*** join/#asterisk ming_zy1 (n=ming_zym@
15:59.04[TK]D-Fendermocker: I've got my own :)
15:59.27eniorehlirakis: can't help you much :/
15:59.28lirakisenioreh: im wondering if im experiecing problems due to a pre-hardware failure... .. aka a disk or some thing is going bad
15:59.47eniorehlirakis: dmesg is your friend to know about hard disk failure
15:59.57mocker[TK]D-Fender: You have a blog now?
16:00.04jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
16:00.20[TK]D-Fendermocker: I started it for things like that
16:00.31mocker[TK]D-Fender: What's the url?
16:00.37mockerI'll add you to my blogroll.
16:00.40eniorehtime to go home , hooray \o/
16:02.31*** join/#asterisk awk (
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16:03.48ZeeekConsider joining us at #asterisk-users-conference if only to heckle us!
16:04.02*** part/#asterisk Qwell[] (i=qwell@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell)
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16:04.08ZeeekWomen are admitted FREE TODAY ONLY
16:04.37ZeeekYes, it's ladies day at #asterisk-users-conference
16:04.38lirakisthats a copy paste of the cli with sip debug .. during my call... i called in to my did... then dialed extension 5000
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16:09.51lirakis[TK]D-Fender:  i just copied my old extensions.conf to a backup file.. and put together a really bare bones one that does ext->ext dialing, recieves 1 did and rings it strait to an ext, and allows dialing out to m sip provider.
16:09.56lirakis.. it seems to be working now
16:10.34lirakis... i had been asking yesterday.. about whether using Answer() in the wrong places can make a call do wierd things.. any insight on that
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16:22.24andresmujicahi.. how can i calculate the use percentage for an ISDN channel??
16:25.00Hmmhesaystroubleshooting voice quality issues realy sucks
16:26.09iruledirectory app spells names, how can I make it say the name instead with festival?
16:27.32*** join/#asterisk taqua2008 (n=perdue@
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16:28.32jcacereshello, i am wringt from peru, i want to know if there is any troble in using a TE120P with an SMP kernel?
16:29.00BSD_Technot if you compiled the driver on smp
16:30.47ZeeekAsterisk Users Conference right now
16:31.06jcacerestnks BSD_Tech
16:31.07Zeeekjoin #asterisk-users-conference
16:38.06irulehow can I search for ${EXTEN:3}  and other options regarding the removal of digits in a number? I want to remove the first 3 digits, not the ones on the end, and learn a little more on the way, thankis
16:39.08Strom_Mirule: search for "asterisk substrings"
16:39.44*** join/#asterisk MdeP (n=mdep@
16:40.32jcacereshello i am trying to configure and TE120 and a TDM400 with one fxo and one fxs module
16:40.48jcaceresi have compiled zaptel correctly
16:41.13jcacereswhen i do ztcfg i get all the channel configured
16:42.13jcaceresand i have configured in my zapata.conf the fxo and fx channel
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16:42.36n00dleOT: anyone here use bitpim on linux?
16:42.49[TK]D-Fenderirule: ${EXTEN:3 }**DOES** remove the first 3....
16:43.08sashionjcaceres: module load
16:43.09jcaceresand whe i try to load the module
16:43.11iruleor the other way arround
16:43.15jcaceresi get this error
16:43.18jcaceresUnable to open channel 35: Device or resource busy
16:43.20[TK]D-Fenderjcaceres: because Asterisk has to be compiled AFTER Zaptel.
16:43.31Strom_M[TK]D-Fender: WRONG
16:43.39Strom_Mit's a configuration issue
16:43.46[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: News to me after so much I've read and done...
16:43.47Strom_Mjcaceres: in what order did you load the drivers?
16:44.05Strom_M[TK]D-Fender: he has chan_zap, but it's not loading correctly
16:44.11Strom_Mtherefore his compile order is correct
16:44.11jcaceresthe driver are loaded automaticale by zaptel
16:44.37jcaceresthe modules are loaded automaticale by zaptel
16:44.38Strom_Mjcaceres: you have 1-31 on the TE120 ad 32-25 on the TDM400?
16:46.04jcaceres1-31 te1 and 34 adn 35 fxo and fxs respecctibly
16:46.25Strom_Mok...did you make sure to connect the molex connector on the TDM400?
16:46.58jcaceresyes, the card is powerd
16:47.14jcaceresi also get this warning
16:47.18jcaceresalready have an application 'ZapSendKeypadFacility
16:47.30Strom_Mstop all asterisk processes
16:47.45Strom_Munload the zaptel kernel modules
16:47.54Strom_Mand then load zaptel, wcte12xp, and wctdm
16:48.05Strom_Mstart asterisk again and see if you get the same error
16:48.16Strom_Mif you do, pastebin your configuration files
16:48.31sashionjcaceres: what do you get when you run ztcfg -vvv
16:49.31jcaceresi get all channels configured, but the that resuls has been changing from time to time
16:50.04Strom_Mjcaceres: please follow my directions
16:50.21jcaceresi also get an error about rtc:lost imterupts at 1024hz
16:50.44jcaceresok Strom_M i'll doit
16:51.47Strom_Ma poem for Quebec:
16:51.58jcaceresStrom_M, when u  say unload zaptel kernel u men /etc/init.d/zaptel stop
16:52.12Strom_Mand modprobe
16:52.26Strom_Mfor this, do it one module at a time
16:52.38Strom_Ma poem for Quebec:
16:52.46Strom_MBonjour a votre lait homo
16:52.53Strom_MJe compose mauvais numero
16:53.03Strom_MJe me souviens sexe du chat
16:55.01[TK]D-FenderMerci.. salut la visite!
16:55.24jcacereswhen i did modprobe wctd12xp i got : ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 34: No such device or address (6)
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16:55.27b1shop[TK]D-Fender: how it going TK?
16:55.39Strom_Mjcaceres: that's fine; keep going on to wctdm
16:55.43[TK]D-Fenderb1shop: Still breathing.... 3.5 hours to go!
16:56.28jcaceresand why  is that the order in the chanes varies, some times te120 is first then is tdm400
16:56.28irulewhat is the channel to the talkshow thing?
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16:56.49b1shopis it possible to allow someone's vm greeting to allow them to xfer to another extension?
16:57.16Strom_Mjcaceres: it depends on the driver load order
16:57.33Strom_Mjcaceres: The first card you load the driver for will get channels starting with 1
16:58.07*** join/#asterisk tsurko (n=tsurko@
16:58.24tzafrir_laptopjcaceres, remove the install line for wctd12xp in /etc/modprobe.conf and run ztcfg explicitly after you loaded all modules
16:58.33tzafrir_laptop(or just run /etc/init.d/zaptel start)
17:01.21[TK]D-Fenderb1shop: "a" or "o"
17:01.40*** join/#asterisk Cybertoy (
17:02.18jcaceresStrom_M, i get the same result
17:02.26jcaceresi'll paste bin my conf
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17:03.36GMouseI have an ordinary home telephone setup.  Is it possible to reroute our phones through asterisk, rather than off to the phone provider?
17:04.01Strom_Mwhat do you mean "reroute through asterisk"?
17:04.13Strom_Mconnect your phone line from the telco to your asterisk box?
17:04.38GMouseThe other way around, I think.
17:04.43GMouseThat is, bypass the telco.
17:05.00Strom_MGMouse: that's doable too
17:05.43GMouseI'm trying to evaluate costs, etc. to see if it would be worthwhile to do this, but I kinda need to know if it's even possible before I spend any money.  ;)  So, how exactly would that be done?
17:05.47Strom_Mjcaceres: the fxs module should use FXO signaling
17:05.51Strom_Mand vice versa
17:06.04Strom_Myou have the green module in slot 3 and the red one in slot 4?
17:06.28GMouseI'm assuming that I'd need an fxs card of some sort, but I'm not sure where in our phone system the connection should be made.
17:07.17b1shop[TK]D-Fender: a or o?
17:07.21[TK]D-FenderGMouse: unplug your home from where the line comes in.  PLug your home onto an ATA.  Connect ATA to * and * to a VoIP provider.
17:07.28[TK]D-Fenderb1shop: Standard Extensions.
17:07.45[TK]D-FenderGMouse: Technically you don't even NEED *
17:07.59[TK]D-FenderGMouse: But its good for a bunch of things.
17:09.06GMouseCan you link me to such an ATA?
17:09.15jcaceresStrom_M,  i have the red one(fxo) in 3 and green one (fxs) in 4
17:09.22[TK]D-FenderGoogle up "Linksys SPA-2102
17:10.09Strom_Mjcaceres: i don't see anything wrong with your config; i'd call digium at this point.  you have free install support with the hardware.
17:10.50jcaceresis it a good idea to use genzaptelconf command?
17:11.07GMouse[TK]D-Fender:  Thanks
17:11.17Strom_Mi personally never use it, but i dont see anything wrong with what you've got
17:11.37GMouseIt has a LAN port and a WAN port...?
17:13.11[TK]D-FenderGMouse: Yup, can act as a router as well if you want it to.
17:13.26[TK]D-FenderGMouse: Great little ATA's
17:13.39jcaceresis this the correct order,1) load zaptel and needed modules, 2) configure zaptel and zapata.conf, 3) run ztcfg --vv then start asterisk?
17:13.57Strom_Mswap 2 and 1
17:14.26GMouse[TK]D-Fender:  huh, interesting
17:14.57jcaceresok, i see know, this is because genzaptelconf does not function until you have started zaptel
17:15.11Strom_Mjcaceres: call digium.
17:17.16*** join/#asterisk jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
17:17.16*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source Telephony Application Platform -=- Asterisk 1.2.23 and 1.4.9 released (July 24, 2007) -=- Join #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW and Asterisk-GUI info -=- Join #asterisk-commits to monitor svn changes -=- Join #freepbx for freepbx/#trixbox for trixbox support. -=- Flame suits required...
17:18.39*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
17:18.47shmaltzanyone from nufone here?
17:19.28[TK]D-Fendermercestes: Convert to ULAW.  The end.
17:19.49sashionjcaceres: start from scratch here please. confirm all zaptel drivers are unloaded (ie: lsmod shows no zaptel or wct400 or wct1xxp)
17:20.09jcaceresi am doiing it againg
17:20.18mercesteswhat's the sox command for that?
17:20.48Strom_Msashion: I already did that.
17:20.59sashionjcaceres: lol also confirm you do not have install wct1xxp && /... in your /etc/modules.conf or /etc/modprobe.conf
17:21.36sashionStrom_M: ok does his setup work now ?
17:21.47Strom_Msashion: no.  I advised him to call digium.
17:21.49[TK]D-Fendermercestes: Don't recall offhand, its on the WIKI
17:21.54Strom_Mhe has free install support
17:22.36neverbluedoes using a new codec, switching from ulaw to G.729, have to implemented on both ends, at the provider and on my local * box ?
17:22.40sashionStrom_M: hmmm true
17:22.58neverblues/to/to be/
17:23.04jcaceresbut i am in peru, long distance call, is not an option right now
17:23.17Strom_Mjcaceres: there is voip alsp
17:23.38Strom_Minstall an IAX2 softphone on your workstation and call IAX2/
17:24.06*** join/#asterisk galeras (n=galeras@
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17:24.29shmaltzanyone from nufone here?
17:25.46neverblueor can you just change codecs on the fly, to test different ones?
17:26.05awkanyone know how to clear all channels, I know that asterisk shows in the cli it clearing channels, but is there  way to clear the spans manually?
17:26.12Strom_Mneverblue: if the provider has them all turned on, you can just restrict codec choice
17:26.13awkre-loading the device doesn't work
17:26.26mercestesawk:  stop now
17:26.32mercestesawk:  What is broken?
17:26.47neverblueStrom_M, so if I had ulaw running locally, and the provider does not allow it, will I receive an error (hopefully) ?
17:26.59*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
17:27.07Strom_Mneverblue: the call won't set up if both sides can't agree on a codec
17:27.15neverblueok, thanks
17:27.20neverbluethats what I needed to hear
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17:27.39awkmercestes nothing is broken. just sometimes when you havea  red light.. forcing the clearance of the channels
17:27.48awkmercestes just a round about understanding thats all im after
17:27.54*** join/#asterisk Kirrus (
17:28.00awkjust to clear the alarm..
17:28.41mercesteswhat is the alarm for?
17:29.00KirrusHello.. how can I reset a sip peer's registration on Asterisk? the sip peer has gone away, but asterisk is holding a registration open for it, with an expiry time of 4000 seconds (and counting down)
17:29.59awkmercestes on the pri to indicate a problem, i know sometimes resetting the pri fixes it, but i know sometimes if the alarm is on. and in the cli asterisk says clearning spans or something to that affect, and after it does that the light goes green
17:30.16creativxmurr. does anyone have a good hint as how to solve the following.. i want a message played back upon a caller joining a queue, and only played back once.. as far as i can see theres no "welcome to the queue" option in queues.conf..
17:30.16*** join/#asterisk jm|laptop (n=jm|
17:30.55mercestesyou could try a reload but....I would figure otu what is causing the alarm personally.
17:31.04shmaltzanyone here willing to do test call with me?
17:32.04*** part/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@
17:32.22jcaceressashion, i have modified the i load modules for zaptel
17:32.38jcacerestell me if its correct now
17:34.11awkmercestes: and what is the best troubleshooting techniques.. eg: a check this b check that, etc
17:34.46mercesteszap show status.  see if the CLi gives you any errors or alarms, etc.
17:35.14sashionjcaceres: hash out wct1xxp and wct2xxp and wctdm in /etc/modprobe.d/zaptel
17:35.25sashionso they don't get automatically installed on boot up
17:35.36sashionthen load zaptel
17:35.39sashionmodprobe zaptel
17:35.52sashionwait about 10 seconds. confirm its loaded by doing a ls /dev/zap
17:36.41sashiononce loaded, load your PRI card: modprobe wct1xxp
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17:36.57Kirrusoh well... guess its home time anyway.
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17:39.01Sci_05is there any way to have asterisk run a command after it get the hangup?
17:40.32jcaceressashion, which module do i need wcte12xp or wct1xxp?
17:41.02sashionexten => h,1,System(/path/to/command arg1 arg2)
17:41.13sashionjcaceres: wct1xxp
17:41.23sashionjcaceres: i assume you have a 1 port PRI card ?
17:41.46Sci_05ok I will give it a shot, thanks sashion
17:41.51jcaceresyes one port
17:42.17Strom_Mnot wct1xxp
17:42.34sashionah jcaceres: wcte12xp
17:42.39sashionthanks Strom_M :)
17:42.41Strom_Mthat's what I just said
17:42.44Strom_Myou're welcome
17:42.44jcaceresyes ia was wondering?
17:43.32jcaceresso finaly which modules should i have in /etc/modprobe/zaptel?
17:43.35sashionjcaceres: can you pastebin the output of cat /proc/zaptel/*
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17:43.58jcaceressashion,  oks
17:44.03sashionjcaceres: don't really need anythere, rather load them with zaptel init.d script
17:45.05jcaceressashion, i do no have proc zaptel, btw i do not have zaptel loaded
17:45.22sashionjcaceres: thought you had zaptel loaded :P
17:45.24*** part/#asterisk n00dle (n=ccraft@
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17:47.02jcaceresand which modules i must not load?
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17:49.14sashionjcaceres: everything but wcte120p and wctdm
17:49.31sashionin redhat/fedora zaptel has a config file in /etc/sysconfig/zaptel
17:49.39sashionnot sure if it exists in debain
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17:49.51sashionbut you can mod that file to only load the modules you need
17:50.09jcaceresi think it it /etc/modprobe/zaptel, ... look at this
17:50.35pepseAny of you guys know anything about iCall? Is it possible to register with it?
17:50.51sashionjcaceres: looks great
17:50.55sashionok start asterisk now
17:51.09pepseWhen I sniff iCall client's traffic, i see it's registering to a machine on port 4569, looks much like a regular iax2 registry
17:51.28pepsebut when i compare it to a log of idefisk registering to my asterisk machine, it's off by just a couple bytes
17:51.46*** part/#asterisk galeras (n=galeras@
17:52.17jcaceresthanks Strom_M , sashion
17:52.30jcaceresfinaly i was a mater of loading modules
17:52.46sashionjcaceres: you still need to ensure on boot up the right modules load
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17:53.05sashionbest thing to do is remove zaptel from startup (init.d) and then add in /etc/rc.d/rc.local
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17:53.24sashionyour modules to load
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17:54.01sashionremember, with zaptel, you need to wait at least 10 seconds or so before loading your telephony drivers, else you'll get "Address does not exist" errors
17:54.30jcacereswell, in the configuration file i only left the wcte12xp and wctdm
17:54.55sashionjcaceres: ok great.. that will work too... do a reboot to ensure all comes up properly
17:55.10jcaceresthis is my firt try wit card, i i was suffering a lot, i prommes i'll document all this
17:56.09*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey)
17:56.32shmaltzanybody here usning nufone?
17:56.34shmaltzthis what I get:
17:56.38sashionjcaceres: not a problem :P Generally these things work and you barely need to do any real configs here and there but oh well
17:57.16jcaceresit worked after the reboot, thnk
17:57.25jcaceresi'll go for luch
17:57.30jcaceresthnks again
18:03.30*** join/#asterisk brodiem (
18:05.26brodiemIn migrating to Ast14, I noticed AgentCallbackLogin is being depreciated. How are agent logins supposed to happen with this (and without using AgentLogin where a call is open the entire session)?? I know I can use dialplan and call Add/RemoveQueueMember, but that doesn't actually change the "status" of an agent (i.e. still logged off).
18:07.38*** join/#asterisk Blumpkin (n=major@
18:08.25BlumpkinI have a quick question.  I've just migrated to a new asterisk server and it looks like incoming calls are coming in on SIP, which they didn't do.  I only want to use IAX.  Is there a simple way to do this?
18:09.58mercestesBlumpkin, umm..  I guess your carrier would have to send you your calls on IAX instead of on SIP.
18:10.44mercestesSo you call your carrier and scream at them, "No sip calls!  IAX only!  Ok?  Ok!  Bye bye!" and hang up really quicklky.
18:12.47Blumpkinwell it looks like calls randomely come in on either IAX or SIP.  I've never seen SIP calls come in before.
18:13.14BlumpkinI didn't know if there was a config setting to connect to my provider using only IAX.
18:14.18jaigertake the provider's authentication info out of your sip.conf
18:14.37Blumpkinnow that these SIP calls come in, some of them don't hear the greeting when calling.
18:14.51jaigerI think that means take out the "register" lines in the sip.conf
18:17.03[TK]D-FenderBlumpkin: Itsw your config... go look at what you're doing....
18:18.18Blumpkinwhat's even more strange is the configs are almost exact copies from the old server.
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18:19.27Blumpkinso is the only solution really to comment out my connection strings in sip.conf to my provider?
18:20.22sashionbrodiem: use your database :P
18:20.51Opticmoo moo
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18:23.30Blumpkinthis is frustratin
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18:24.48brodiemsashion, You mean use astdb to keep track of agent logins/logoffs myself?
18:25.14ewaldoHello.  Is there any way to make a phone initiate a call using the Asterisk API?
18:25.34waKKumaybe is better use a .call file
18:25.42ewaldoer, Asterisk Manager API
18:25.51phillipkewaldo: ACTION: Originate
18:26.04ewaldoThank you very much phillipk
18:28.07brodiemsashion ?
18:28.42sashionbrodiem: yup
18:28.48sashionits what I do on my systems
18:29.19sashionthen use a customized func_devstate.c to display login indication on the phones (light on means logged in)
18:29.28waKKufolks... is this normal when doing a transfer ?
18:29.28waKKu[Jul 27 15:29:04] NOTICE[11205]: res_features.c:1241 ast_feature_request_and_dial: Don't know what to do about control frame: -1
18:29.29waKKu[Jul 27 15:29:04] WARNING[11205]: cdr.c:830 ast_cdr_init: CDR already initialized on 'Local/882@ddi-2a71,1'
18:29.53brodiemsashion do you use chan_agent at all?
18:30.13sashionLocal channel for the call back
18:30.23*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
18:30.36sashionso AddQueueMember(Local/${EXTEN}@agent-handler/n)
18:31.14sashionQueue calls Local -> goes into agent-handler context where I setup recording and CDR(userfield) and then calls the tech type of that extension
18:31.24*** join/#asterisk pc500 (n=pc500@
18:31.24pc500Anyone updated the firmware on a cisco 7960 ip phone?
18:32.23Blumpkinanyone know what would cause Asterisk to pick up, show that greetings are playing, but not hearing anything on the other end?
18:32.37Blumpkinah it's gotta be my firewall
18:32.38*** join/#asterisk Mrtaz (
18:32.48brodiemsashion I like it :)
18:33.02sashionastdb is your FRIEND :P
18:34.03brodiemI can't think of any problems in being compatible with the current dial logic.. other then generating some events to the queue_log for queuemetrics
18:34.21brodiemand I love the idea of using func_devstate to show an indication on the phones
18:34.33brodiembeen looking for a reason to start using that :)
18:34.44*** join/#asterisk rhombus (i=user239@
18:34.52Blumpkindoes anyone not use SIP for incoming/outgoing calls?
18:35.10Mrtazi use analog
18:35.10rhombusBlumpkin: I use IAX for incoming
18:35.18sashiondefinately... you can hackup app_queue to create an QueueLog() function if you need to manually add data to queuelog.. other than that, you'll get Local/xxxx@agent-handler/n in your queuelog file... write a little perl script to clean that up :P
18:35.20ewaldocool, got ACTION: Originate working but it doesn't ring my extension until the call is picked up by the outside party.  Is there a variable I can set to make it immediately dial the extension while it is dialing the Channel?
18:35.21rhombusBlumpkin: or Zap
18:36.20sashionbrodiem: i also use func_devstate for breaks... our agents have a "break" key that just simply puts the member into Pausemode (if not already paused) and then lights up the break key as well.. so supervisors can spot what agents are not working :P
18:36.36brodiemsashion I guess I re-define the agents in queuemetrics as Local/ instead of Agent/, and add the login/logoff events to queue_log
18:36.41BlumpkinI use voicepulse connect.  They support IAX and SIP.  If I comment out my register lines in my sip.conf, I should be using just IAX, right?
18:36.52sashionbrodiem: Bingo!
18:37.00brodiemsashion nice
18:38.04brodiemsashion hmm maybe it is time to rid the old *78/*79 DND functions :)
18:38.13sashionbrodiem: also what you can do is use astdb to keep a track of your "devstates" and then when asterisk reloads, you can automatically generate the states
18:38.24sashionspecialling if you're using persistent members
18:38.56brodiemyeah true
18:39.16*** join/#asterisk mercestes (
18:39.32mercestesquit hacking me. :(
18:40.22*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
18:40.32brodiemtime to grab devstate from svn
18:41.33sashionnice one :P
18:42.13Mrtazgah is there anyway to filter out the low level static on a Digium board (besides replacing it)
18:42.30ewaldoDoes anybody know how to make the local extension ring before the channel has picked up when using ACTION: Originate?
18:43.15Blumpkinanyone know what would cause Asterisk to pick up, show that greetings are playing, but not hearing anything on the other end?
18:43.19BlumpkinI checked my firewall
18:43.55sashionMrtaz: check your earthing ? isnt explictly grounded
18:44.28Mrtazmaybe I gotta get the big ole ground cable out
18:44.36sashionBlumpkin: Does asterisk Answer()
18:44.37ewaldoBlumpkin: could be a codec licensing issue.  Are you using SIP or ZAP?
18:44.40sashionMrtaz: might help
18:44.51Mrtazk ill give it ago thanks man
18:45.37Blumpkinewaldo: iax
18:45.46ewaldok, what codecs do you have enabled?
18:45.58Blumpkinsashion: Yes.  It answers and I can see in console it plays the greeting.
18:46.07BlumpkinWhats odd is sometimes you hear it, sometimes you don't
18:46.16Blumpkinit's about 50/50 when repeatedly dialing
18:46.24sashionBlumpkin: lag perhaps ?
18:46.34sashionwhat is your qualify on the peer ?
18:48.25sashionBlumpkin: iax2 show peers
18:48.30BlumpkinIt looks like asterisk requests ulaw every time - and gets it.
18:48.51sashionwhat does the status look like ?
18:48.52Blumpkinand the incoming call comes from the same ip every time too.
18:49.14ewaldoBlumpkin: Have you checked your and the other person's ears for earwax? :P
18:49.28Blumpkinewaldo: I'm the other person calling. :)
18:49.37BlumpkinI'm calling while watching the console
18:49.38sashionewaldo: LOL!!!!
18:49.58Blumpkinsashion: Sorry I'm sort of naive.  How do I check the status?
18:50.15sashionBlumpkin: iax2 show peers
18:50.16sashionin cli
18:51.18Blumpkinshows 3 servers with 64 ms response or less
18:51.23sashionyou'll see a Status Colum.. what are the timeouts (ie: xx ms)
18:51.33sashionhmmm thats good
18:51.36Blumpkin59 61 and 64
18:51.49sashionok how are you calling ?
18:51.56Blumpkinusing my cell phone
18:52.11BlumpkinI'm migrating to a new server.  Old server never had this issue.
18:52.31sashionCellphone -> ISDN PRI (i assume) -> * -> IAX -> * number 2 ?
18:52.46sashion* = asterisk server ofcourse
18:52.56Blumpkinyeah not sure about the ISDN PRI
18:53.09sashionok what telephony service have you got ?
18:53.22sashionhow do you connect to your CO (telecoms provider)
18:53.36sashionoooo ok
18:53.55*** join/#asterisk nybble (n=nybble@about/apple/performa/nybble)
18:53.55BlumpkinI might hammer the old server and see if I get any audioless connections
18:53.56sashionso Cellphone -> VoicePulse -> IAX -> * right ?
18:54.40sashionhmmm should work
18:54.50sashionwhat codec is your greeting done in?
18:55.02sashionfile /path/to/voicegreeting.gsm
18:55.06sashionwhat does that return ?
18:55.16Blumpkinin console?
18:55.21sashionin linux :)
18:55.25sashionnot asterisk console
18:55.54*** join/#asterisk markgreene (n=markgree@
18:56.34Blumpkinwell in bash, 'file' doesn't seem to be found
18:56.48*** join/#asterisk rene- (n=rene@
18:56.51markgreeneHello - Is there someone in the room that can tell me what to expect, and the best way of going about it, when upgrading from a 1.2 installation to a 1.4?
18:56.55mercesteswhereis file
18:57.04mercestesmarkgreene, start over.
18:57.04sashionlol thanks mercestes
18:57.06mockerSo are Sangoma cards not as finicky about IRQ ticks as Digium cards?
18:57.18mercestessashion:  np.  ;)
18:57.27Blumpkinmy guess is I don't have 'file' installed?
18:57.37markgreenemercestes: SO there is no chance of just compiling 1.4 ontop of 1.2?
18:57.52sashionBlumpkin: if you running CentOs.. you can do a yum -y install file
18:57.55mercestesmarkgreene, Well, there is some chance's work either way.
18:58.01sashionor get the file rpm from
18:58.12mercestesor format your HDD and install gentoo.
18:58.25[TK]D-Fendermocker: Correct
18:58.53mocker[TK]D-Fender: Is it a driver issue, or just the way the cards are manufactured?
18:58.56markgreenemercestes: when you say, "start over", are you refering to all of the config files as well? Extensions and DID mappings, etc?
18:59.07[TK]D-Fendermocker: Somewhere in between.
18:59.18mercestesYea.  *most* of the stuff will be ok, but the parts taht aren't are annoying.
18:59.18mockerBecause the 'Disable USB, Disable on-board ethernet' game gets old. :(
18:59.32mercestesmarkgreene, But, you can upgrade, but there will be breakage...
18:59.58sashionmarkgreene: depends on which 1.2 version you are upgrading from :)
19:00.04Blumpkinsashion: File returns iqc-thankyou.gsm: data
19:00.13[TK]D-Fendermocker: You can forget all that nonsense.
19:00.30BlumpkinI copied my audio files from asterisk 1.2 to my new 1.4 box
19:00.35markgreenemercestes: I must say that it seems odd to me that the asterisk team would make it such an unknown when upgrading to the next version up
19:00.42*** join/#asterisk nDuff (
19:00.57mercestesmarkgreene, They changed alot of syntax and deprecated alot of stuff.
19:01.17sashionBlumpkin: ok so its GSM... should work.. perhaps in your iax.conf file
19:01.38Blumpkinsashion: I just verified I'm getting the same issue on the old box.
19:01.57mercestesmarkgreene, And some of the variables changed.  Extensions reload will tell you waht's deprecated.
19:02.21Blumpkinno idea why this is happening.  What's odd is although I don't hear the greeting, I can enter DTMP codes and it picks them up.
19:02.46sashionBlumpkin: might be a codec issue.. ulaw -> gsm.... or perhaps your greeting is at the wrong hz setting... should be 8000
19:02.51neverbluehow much of a quality difference between using ulaw and G.729, in everyone's opinion?
19:03.10sashionBlumpkin: do you have the original recording for your greeting ?
19:03.29mocker[TK]D-Fender: I lost every 15th fax or so, I'm thinking it's because my zttest is 99.975 avg..
19:03.39Blumpkinsashion: That's what I'm using.  What I did is created an extension that would just record your voice to file and used those GSM files for greetings.
19:03.48mocker[TK]D-Fender: You don't think Sangoma would have that problem?
19:03.52markgreenemercestes: Thanks for the insight. I will set aside a saturday and a backup job for the task
19:04.09mercestesGood deal.
19:04.15sashionBlumpkin: ah then it will be at the right levels... can only assume its a codec transcoding issue..
19:04.25Blumpkinand what's funny is the "welcome" schpeel is several audio files.  Every one of them plays no audio if you don't hear audio when you call.
19:04.25sashionedit your iax.conf file
19:04.31sashionand under general set
19:04.33[TK]D-Fendermocker: No, it probably WOULD.
19:04.45mocker[TK]D-Fender: Gotcha.
19:04.46[TK]D-Fendermocker: Fax on * period isn't so hot.
19:04.47Blumpkinand comment out all others?
19:04.47sashionand then do a module reload
19:04.56mocker[TK]D-Fender: I know. :(
19:05.02[TK]D-Fendermocker: If your business relies on them, leave * the hell away
19:05.06nDuff[TK]D-Fender: It works for me.
19:05.18[TK]D-FendernDuff: What reliability %?
19:05.30Blumpkinsashion: is gsm bandwidth intense?
19:05.47sashionBlumpkin: nope... 13.x odd kbits
19:05.48[TK]D-Fendermocker: RxFax or IAXModem+Hylafax?
19:05.58sashioncompared to u/alaw which is about 64 odd kbits
19:06.03mockernDuff: Looking at your /var/spool/hylafax/faxrcvd or whatever, do you ever get things like T.30 timeouts?
19:06.07sashiongsm is however CPU intensive :P
19:06.11mocker[TK]D-Fender: IAXModem+Hylafax.
19:06.20mocker[TK]D-Fender: rxfax shouldn't even be mentioned as a solution. ;)
19:06.30rene-can somebody help me to pinpoint one way audio issue on a lan, no nat with sip ?
19:06.31Blumpkinsashion: Not an issue.  Should I remove bandwidth=low as well?
19:06.31nDuff[TK]D-Fender: Failed faxes cause emails to our it-staff mailing list. They're very rare, and almost always trace back to something on the other end.
19:06.58nDuff[TK]D-Fender: that said, I don't have a percentage for you immediately... know offhand how to pull one?
19:07.11sashionBlumpkin: yeah leave that off for now.. also confirm you have trunk=yes
19:07.18Blumpkinsashion: I have bandwidth=low and jitterbuffer=on under general
19:07.31Blumpkinsashion: By "off" do you mean comment it out?
19:07.52sashionBlumpkin: yep
19:07.58nDuffmocker: no. Last time I saw those kinds of failures regularly was when we were using USRs (which are *very* lousy faxmodems) behind SPA-2100s.
19:08.13Blumpkinok I put trunk=yes in as well
19:08.22mockernDuff: PRI coming in?
19:08.26nDuffmocker: yes.
19:08.35mockernDuff: To Sangoma or Digium?
19:08.39sashionBlumpkin: yep
19:08.39nDuffmocker: Sangoma.
19:08.45mockernDuff: What's your zttest look like?
19:09.05nDuffmocker: 100.000000%
19:09.37mockerI think that's where my problem has to be. :(
19:10.01mocker[TK]D-Fender: Why don't you think that would be the problem?
19:10.38[TK]D-Fendermocker: Might be better, was thinking about RxFAX
19:10.44rene-i think i am going to set those anoying wip 330 's to connect to the small tank asterisk box so they can behave
19:11.27*** join/#asterisk wrmem (
19:11.38*** join/#asterisk l3jj (
19:16.17DrukenLPYafternoon everyone
19:16.22mockernDuff: Hate to ask, but can you your  /var/spool/hylafax/etc/config.ttyIAX
19:17.06nDuffmocker: sure, I'll pastebin one of them. (I've got 6, one for each modem, but they're only trivially different).
19:17.52mockernDuff: Thanks.
19:18.15mockernDuff: The thing that stinks, is every time I try a fax it works flawlessly.
19:18.27mockerI need to buy a $5 fax from a garage sale!
19:19.24*** join/#asterisk minkus (
19:19.39mockernDuff: Thanks.
19:21.22*** join/#asterisk Katty (
19:21.34Kattyafternoon lovables.
19:22.36[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
19:24.14Kattyfile: fiiiiillllllleee!!
19:24.19Katty[TK]D-Fender: mew.
19:24.39Kattyi'm having a horrible day :<
19:25.17*** join/#asterisk |Rain| (i=rain@2001:440:eeee:fffb:42:0:0:2)
19:25.20KattyDidn't take any caffeine with me to work. So i went to the kitchen to break a 5, here at the office, since they often keep sodas in there. Well, there was no change to break it... After seeing 3 of my co-workers, one of them finally had change.
19:25.28KattySo, back to the fridge i went!! but, alas, nothing diet with caffeine.
19:25.41KattyTHEN, i went upstairs to the vending machine... and it ate my dollar.
19:26.12waKKukick it
19:26.27DrukenLPYKatty: are you diabetic?
19:26.27Kattyso then they had to call the vending machine people.. who came down to fix it.
19:26.39KattyDrukenLPY: borderline, but not really.
19:26.52Kattyripped my dollar in half getting it out, so then i got paranoid and put in quarters.
19:27.01Kattyi asked for diet mountain dew, it gave me...
19:27.03Kattydr. pepper
19:27.18waKKulol.. nice movie
19:27.22Kattyluckily someone was coming up for dr. pepper.
19:27.27DrukenLPYsounds like a bad day... i say you take the rest of the day off :)
19:27.33Kattyso i picked dr. pepper and it gave me diet mt. dew ^_-
19:27.56KattyDrukenLPY: and do what? :P
19:28.00sashionKatty: And the moral of the story is ?
19:28.10Kattysashion: ummm.
19:28.23Qwell[]Katty: You have better luck with your vending machines that we do.
19:28.30KattyQwell[]: :<
19:28.42sashionQwell: :P
19:28.43Qwell[]We can choose Dr. Pepper, and get a Snicker's
19:28.51Kattyi'm going to have to put a mini fridge in my office, packed full of red bull, vault, and... *ahem* chocolate liquors.
19:29.11KattyQwell[]: :<
19:29.23KattyQwell[]: gee thanks, now i want chocolate.
19:29.34nDuff(the down side of keeping the coffee equipment there is that it's easy to make a mess in what should be a clean environment... the plug side is that it keeps other people out of my coffee, and building regs require alcohol to be in a locked area... server room := locked area.)
19:29.52KattynDuff: teehee.
19:30.00KattynDuff: our server room is so cold, no one wants to be in there more than a few seconds.
19:30.17KattynDuff: i have a hoodie in the office, just for server room visits :>
19:30.59*** join/#asterisk denon (
19:30.59*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by ChanServ
19:31.29nDuffour server room is halfway decent now, but the building tried to cut serious corners when putting it together for us. Contract specified only a "raised floor" => owner had a buddy of his build a wooden deck inside.
19:32.08nDuff...had that ripped out, of course... but when we showed up on the first day, it turned out that all the non-AC 110V outlets were on the same circuit and the 220V outlets were actually wired for 110.
19:32.10rhombusnDuff: you have got to be kidding me
19:32.16nDuffrhombus: not kidding.
19:32.31rhombuswas this a low bid?
19:32.37nDuffrhombus: yup.
19:32.44*** join/#asterisk casimir (
19:32.56rhombus...and the moral of the story is...
19:33.39Sci_05rhombus: when you get a server room built, do it yourself?
19:33.52rhombusthat's one -- there are many
19:34.01rhombusyou're creative people, I'll let you guys come up with a few
19:34.11nDuffrhombus: ...don't let the cheapass CEO decide on a new building without letting the staff with real estate and contract drafting experience get involved?
19:35.02rhombusnDuff: sounds like a great one
19:35.33rhombusmy favourite would be: don't be penny-wise and pound foolish
19:35.56*** join/#asterisk ccesario (
19:36.05rhombusthe deck image is scary.
19:36.33DrukenLPYKatty: and do what? buy the mini fridge for your office... what else?
19:36.48nDuffrhombus: yup. there were more than a few people expressing disbelief when we found out about that one.
19:37.53*** join/#asterisk lirakis (n=etamme@
19:38.28*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/active/cpm)
19:38.53markgreeneCan someone tell me why Mixmonitor would cause asterisk to crash once it's recieved the "stop" command
19:39.07markgreeneI am running 1.2 by the way
19:39.10rhombusnDuff: is it okay to ask where this was? no specifics needed, just a region or province or state
19:39.26nDuffrhombus: we're in Austin, TX.
19:39.47rhombusnDuff: Hmn... Austin's a high-tech centre, you'd think that...
19:39.54|Rain|so...  has anyone ever had a problem where a TDMoE interface was providing exactly half timing?  (zttest says 8192 samples in 16384 sample intervals 0.000000%)
19:40.16rhombusdid they at least put some deck chairs on it?
19:41.36DrukenLPYmuskoka chairs, and perhaps a swim up wetbar
19:41.58rhombusDrukenLPY: lol
19:42.25DrukenLPYgod knows everyone "surfs" in a datacenter :)
19:42.56DrukenLPYhehe ok, bad joke
19:43.20Innatechhmm. Vitelity's not answering their phones.
19:43.24brodiemsashion you there?
19:43.40brodiemsashion never mind :)
19:44.10sashionbrodiem: yes
19:44.33brodiemsashion I was going to ask something about devstate/BLF but the answer came to me :)
19:44.48sashionbrodiem: nice.. I wish I had that luck...
19:45.27brodiemsashion well it was a dumb thought I had to begin with lol
19:46.04sashionbrodiem: ah one of those.. ok you're excused then :P
19:46.07DrukenLPYInnatech: which vitelity?
19:46.36*** join/#asterisk jovu (n=bert@
19:48.07InnatechDrukenLPY: There's more than one?
19:48.23*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
19:49.07Innatech1.888.89.VITEL  ---> queue ----> "we're too busy, leave a msg, kthxbye."
19:49.14gardoi'm having this problem w/ an x100p card
19:49.27gardorunning modprobe wcfxo gives me this:
19:49.35gardoZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or address (6)
19:49.47nDuffI've got DYNAMIC_FEATURES=automon in [globals], automon=>*1 in features.conf's [featuremap], but dialing *1 on any of my SIP phones isn't doing anything. (the features.conf values for call transfers and like features do work, however). I have TWK flags set in the outgoing Dial command.
19:50.14nDuffAny ideas as to something else I could be missing?
19:50.31jovuim trying to get faxdetect to work on a tdm400 and an analog line, it works if i manually call rxfax, but i want it to answer() and rxfax if a fax call is detected, or call voicemail otherwise
19:50.56*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
19:51.23jovusofar, fax detection seems not to work at all, it always goes to voicemail
19:52.10nDuffjovu: as an aside, I don't recommend rxfax.
19:53.12jovunduff, yeah i heard it's not great, but it seems functional... if i get fax detection working i can bounce to a hardware faxmodem on the serial port if necessary
19:53.29nDuffjovu: as for fax detection, I ended up using nvBackgroundTest while my voice menu is playing.
19:54.00jovuthe nv* stuff doesnt work with asterisk 1.4.x, and the website for it is down in any case...
19:54.10nDuffjovu: I ported it to 1.4.x
19:54.22jovuyes? is there somewhere i can download the updated version?
19:54.23nDuffjovu: ...think that port should be available somewhere.
19:54.24|Rain|I did the same, 'cause I need detection on non-zap channels :/
19:54.44nDuffjovu: dunno; it was a while ago. I can look and see if I still have the source sitting around somewhere. (I'd better, since otherwise I'll be doing it again next upgrade)
19:55.16jovui found a patch pasted into a wiki, but i couldnt download the original source to patch
19:55.16nDuffjovu: iaxmodem+hylafax actually works *very* well for me. it's not SpanDSP but app_rxfax specifically that I don't trust.
19:55.25*** join/#asterisk fluffyfluffy (
19:55.58jovui'l try hylafax, first thing is to get detection working on it tho
19:56.28nDuffjovu: okay, found it. give me a minute and I'll pastebin the source.
19:56.33|Rain|jovu: ^
19:57.26*** join/#asterisk Mercestes (
19:57.46jovulet me try
19:58.27fluffyfluffyI have a single FXO PCI card from and I'm pretty sure it's dead. All sorts of "initialize DAA" errors. Anyone have any experience with this card? Or could someone recommend a single FXO device that I should use?
19:58.57Strom_Mfluffyfluffy: TDM01B
19:59.08Strom_Mthe x100p clone cards are crap, as you've just discovered
19:59.30Nuggetthat ought to be in the topic.
19:59.39fluffyfluffystrom_m: yep.
19:59.42nDuffNugget: howdy.
19:59.58fluffyfluffyat least it was only $30 worth of crap.
20:02.33Blumpkinis there a codec that isn't too bandwidth intense that might help correct "choppyness" I'm experiencing?
20:04.32Kattyi can't think any more!
20:04.35*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (
20:04.41Kattyi need more lemon juice!
20:04.47*** join/#asterisk erisson (
20:04.49*** join/#asterisk MrTelephone (
20:04.58Strom_Mok zaphod
20:05.14MercestesKatty: You need lemons
20:05.24MrTelephone1.2.23, how come asterisk is climbing so fast
20:05.27*** join/#asterisk nybble (n=nybble@about/apple/performa/nybble)
20:07.06rhombusMrTelephone: because the code is a disaster
20:07.20[hC]anyone know if when using "files" for music on hold, is there a way to have new files show up automatically in asterisk when dropped in the moh folder, without having to 'moh reload' ?
20:07.38rhombusOh, and MrTelephone: Digium wants you to go to 1.4 :)
20:08.22MrTelephoneim trying to think of a good failover solution for these systems, its hard
20:08.33MercestesMrTelephone, CCM
20:08.48MrTelephonethats a swear word to me
20:08.55Mercestesuh huh
20:09.13MrTelephonecisco ata186s are neat though
20:09.24MrTelephonei just read the other day that if it can't contact the tftp server it uses the last known config
20:09.34MrTelephoneso I don't have to worry about tftp ghoing down for them
20:10.07MrTelephoneif you point a tftp server to a host with multiple ip addresses it should auto check the next one you would think
20:10.34MrTelephoneand if you use openser for load balancing what if openser goes down :(
20:10.53*** join/#asterisk nybble (n=nybble@about/apple/performa/nybble)
20:11.02MrTelephone2 openser servers with sip devices configured to fallback to the second one I guess
20:11.03sashionMrTelephone, have 2 openser boxes running heartbeat in active-active mode
20:11.36sashionif one ser goes down, heartbeat picks up, loads a virtual IP address (your global access) and you're up in roughly 3 seconds
20:11.36MrTelephoneyou know in the polycom 501 where you can configure 2 sip servers for each Line?
20:11.45MrTelephone3 seconds? thats really good
20:12.12sashionypu.. if you configure heartbeat correctly
20:12.43MrTelephonewhat rene?
20:13.02sashionso what you do is have a global IP, say which is an alias... when heartbeat is active, one system controls your address.. when it fails, the other system loads the address (heartbeat does this for you)
20:13.12MrTelephoneheartbeat is probably the best thing to use then
20:13.21jovunduff, your patched version fails to compile, AST_MODULE is not defined
20:13.41MrTelephonesashion are you using it?
20:13.52MindTheGapwhy do one have 3 files for "unavaliable" unavail.gsm unavail.WAV unavail.wav . I can understand 2, one GSM for native gsm and a wav for conversion, but what about the third .WAV? its got about the same size of the gsm one...
20:14.00sashioncheck out
20:14.11sashionthey have some examples on how to config heartbeat
20:14.43MrTelephoneits nice to be able to take down a server and have everything still running
20:14.57nDuffjovu: no clue, then. I pulled it straight out of my asterisk-1.4.1 source tree.
20:15.18jovuahh, i have 1.4.9
20:15.28MrTelephone2 open ser boxes, 1 t1 gateway box, 2 asterisk sip mgcp boxes
20:15.43sashionquite a setup there :P
20:15.59sashiondon't forget UPS's, else that setup goes bye bye when power fails :P
20:16.00MrTelephonewell that seems like the best thing to do right now.. im just pondering
20:16.26MrTelephone1 seperate voicemail box
20:16.40*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/active/cpm)
20:16.45sashionhow big are you wanting this system ?
20:17.00MrTelephonenot too big but redundancy is key here :-/
20:17.32MrTelephonemaybe just 2 asterisk boxes then on heartbeat, 1 t1 gateway asterisk box, one voicemail box
20:17.51sashionthen don't go openser, will waste your time and resources
20:18.02MrTelephonebut sometimes the box is fine but asterisk fails.. so are you using rmon to check 5060 status?
20:18.39sashionnah what we do is use safe_asterisk...
20:18.50sashionso if asterisk dies, it gets restarted...
20:19.03MrTelephonei find the t1 drivers I use, if something happens to the t1 card asterisk chokes
20:19.30KattyMercestes: i /heard/ that lemon juice from toasted lemons was the best.
20:19.30tzafrir_homeif asterisk dies, what makes you think it won't die again, immedietly?
20:19.35*** part/#asterisk rhombus (i=user239@
20:19.37sashionif it doesn't come up again, heartbeat will automatically switches systems... also have a ISDNGuard to switch links from 1 system to the other
20:19.53MrTelephoneit doesn't happen often but when it does, it sucks to hear from the customers and be like.. uhhh geez i thought everything was working
20:20.06MrTelephoneISDNGUARD? sounds cool
20:20.09sashiontzafrir_home: have a timeout... if res_watchdog doesn't come up system automatically fails over
20:20.15tzafrir_homesafe_asterisk only makes HA more difficult because you don't really know tha Asterisk is down
20:20.34MrTelephoneyou need some kind of rmon script
20:20.41tzafrir_homesashion, so why do you need safe_asterisk in the first place?
20:20.44MrTelephoneopernser is nice because it will detect if there is a response from asterisk on port 5060
20:21.06MrTelephonebut im hoping the polycom 501s will failover by adding second proxy information
20:21.38*** join/#asterisk Ch0Hag (
20:21.48sashiontzafrir_home: cause sometimes asterisk just dies but starts right up again perfectly (like last time it somehow got a # from a channel that was down, and sent asterisk for a loop)
20:21.55Ch0HagHow can I interrupt a (zap->zap) call, play a sound and hang up the line?
20:22.06sashionno point failling over if asterisk died cause of an unhandled event
20:22.22MrTelephonei never had asterisk die.. it always freezes and if I type stop now it could take 2 minutes to shut down
20:22.26MrTelephonebut it doesn't happen too often
20:22.27Ch0HagI need a catastrophic failure to get boring people off the phone.
20:22.39MrTelephonech0hag, barge?
20:22.51MrTelephonethats hilarious
20:23.12MrTelephonerecord a 911 call and play it back on your boring conversation :-/
20:23.13sashionMrTelephone: in that case, res_watchdog would stop responding and isdnguard would failover lines to other system
20:23.24rene-or a hotline call
20:23.44rene-i used to monitor calls in a hotline callcenter (for tech purposes ofcourse)
20:23.52MrTelephonehow does that piece of junk work sashion, is it a good unit?
20:24.20sashionworks great if your system fails and you don't wanna unplug isdn cables :P
20:24.29MrTelephoneif you only do sip to zap calls on that gateway it shouldn't ever crash :-/
20:24.40MrTelephoneare you controlling it via snmp?
20:25.15MrTelephoneimagine a system ran from memory, no harddrive, with a t1 card and basic asterisk config.. how sweet would that be
20:25.21MrTelephoneit would never fail
20:25.24sashionnah isdnguard has a RS232 cable
20:25.33Ch0HagOh yeah, on a more useful note, has anyone ever seen a TDM400 get into a state where it doesn't get any details back from placed analogue calls until a cold boot?
20:25.35*** join/#asterisk adorah (
20:26.04*** part/#asterisk |Rain| (i=rain@2001:440:eeee:fffb:42:0:0:2)
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20:26.23MrTelephoneshashion, have you had a machine go down yet?
20:26.44sashionMrTelephone: not yet... about 80 days uptime on system...
20:26.46rene-my asterisk does crash, tho it is getting a bit more reliable
20:26.53MrTelephonewhat if hte machine that the rs232 cable runs to dies?
20:26.54sashionasterisk... probably a max of 3 days uptime or so...
20:26.56rene-i get 5-6 days uptime
20:26.59rene-of asterisk
20:27.11rene-on one box  ii have about a month of asterisk uptime
20:27.12MrTelephoneevery crash gives you a chance to improve your configuration
20:27.26MrTelephonei noticed that sip only installs work forever
20:27.31sashionthen heartbeat on the other system picks up the system has died (heartbeat is a udp broadcast)
20:27.40MrTelephoneas soon as you deal with hardware like t1 cards the failure rate increases
20:27.59sashionrene-: so far, I have asterisk running as an SS7 gateway to a Nokia switch.. uptime on that is 26 days so far...
20:28.09MrTelephoneyou never had to restart?
20:28.21rene-4 weeks 5 hours
20:28.25MrTelephoneI have to restart once a week right now because my t1 circuit starts getting corrupt
20:28.28sashion*taps wood)
20:28.48rene-it is good to restart the card
20:28.52sashionrene-: impressive.. what version of asterisk you runnig ?
20:28.53[hC]is there a known way to notice new files in the asterisk music on hold directory without issuing moh reload?
20:28.53rene-like restarting the driver
20:29.04rene-it is asterisk 1.2.18
20:29.07rene-it would be like twice
20:29.16rene-but we didnt have a proper ups in place
20:29.17MrTelephonei have this channel bank and one of the channels will always begin to get distorted.. and the funny thing is the bad channel changes once in a while
20:29.40*** join/#asterisk mercestes (
20:29.42rene-it is impressive but it does not uses queues, local channels, recording or chan_spying,
20:29.50MrTelephonerenen, i was using 1.2.12 and it was pretty buggy with my sangoma card
20:30.14MrTelephonei upgraded to 1.2.21 and besides a glitch in the dialplan code i've been running with no t1 crashes
20:30.29sashionrene-: ah.. yeah you start adding those features and asterisk tends to get a little more unstable..
20:31.04sashionbut I admit, I've had a lot more success with Sangoma cards than digium.. specially in installs that  have flappy PRI lines :P
20:31.22MrTelephoneim getting come carrier errors that I havn't investigated yet
20:31.29MrTelephoneI have no carrier errors to the channel bank
20:31.41MrTelephonebut to my telco I get about 2 a day
20:31.52MrTelephonenot sure what the deal is there
20:31.55Ch0HagIs there no way to do things in the console to running calls?
20:32.04MrTelephonerunning calls?
20:32.08MrTelephonei don't think so
20:32.17MrTelephoneconsole only controls the oss channel
20:32.22*** part/#asterisk Optic (
20:32.26sashionsoft hangup TECH/xxx
20:32.35MrTelephonestop now :-/
20:32.42MrTelephonethat will shutdown your boring calls for sure
20:32.56MrTelephonei grind my teeth when I do that hoping I didn't cut anyone off
20:33.22MrTelephoneor if you don't have a backup system and you have to take your system down to reboot.. your heartrate goes up because you know 40 people are without service
20:33.32MrTelephoneand its hard to work under pressure
20:33.41sashioni wonder when Asterisk will become threaded in the sence that each call gets handled by a new process.. that way.. if asterisk dies.. your calls aren't affected... could be cool
20:33.46*** part/#asterisk fluffyfluffy (
20:33.54MrTelephoneyeah that would be sweet
20:34.03Corydon76-workUh, that's forked, not threaded
20:34.12sashionsorry forked.. my bad
20:34.19MrTelephoneimagine that :-/
20:34.24Corydon76-workand it's unlikely Asterisk will ever be run in a forked environment
20:34.34Strom_Mthat's forked up.
20:34.47Corydon76-workIt's too critical to be able to see into a common memory space
20:35.01sashionah i see....
20:35.09sashionwas just saying.. it would be really cool :P
20:35.19MrTelephonewell maybe handle rtp on a different level
20:35.29MrTelephonehandle rtp on a sub process
20:35.35Corydon76-workNo, it'd be slow and awful.
20:35.35sashionwhat good is that when your ZAP chan dies ?
20:35.35MrTelephoneso if it dies it still gets forwarded
20:36.09MrTelephonedoes anyone here actually use sip reinvite?
20:36.43MrTelephoneccm brags it can do a shitload of calls too but how many if the rtp traffic had to go through ccm
20:36.46Strom_Mi don't
20:37.17MrTelephonebefore i started using voip technology I assumed the ata186's had tunneling support built in
20:37.31MrTelephoneso you didn't have to worry about nat
20:37.37MrTelephoneor ip addresses
20:37.47MrTelephonemaybe thats bonkers to think that..
20:37.55*** join/#asterisk msetim (n=marcos@
20:39.21MrTelephonei signed up for because they are 30ms from me and the calls sound good.. I asked them if they forwarded my callerid/callernum.. they said yes but the callerid(name) doesn't show up
20:39.27*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (
20:39.30MrTelephoneis that a cisco problem you think?
20:39.39MrTelephoneasterisk sends callerid(name) fine
20:42.15MrTelephonewell im gonna go build a fence around the yard
20:42.23MrTelephonegod damn neighbors yard looks like shit
20:42.56*** part/#asterisk lirakis (n=etamme@
20:42.57MrTelephonedigium should design phone kiosks
20:43.10MrTelephoneget rid of those stinky quarter eaters
20:43.20MrTelephonealright have a good weekend guys
20:43.49MrTelephonestruct piece_of_poop *MrTelephone
20:43.56*** part/#asterisk MrTelephone (
20:45.18*** join/#asterisk galeras (n=galeras@
20:45.52galerasone minute of call recording = ?KB
20:46.33Kattywhy don't you call and find out (+
20:46.48anonymouz666I think
20:46.59galerasi'm sizing a box to buy it!
20:47.19galerasanonymouz666: thanks
20:47.20*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
20:47.41anonymouz666hi Katty
20:47.59anonymouz666[TK]D-Fender was out of this channel? I can't believe
20:48.11Kattyanonymouz666: hewwo.
20:48.17Katty[TK]D-Fender: GASP
20:51.07anonymouz666he smiles...
20:52.46Blumpkinthanks for the help folks
20:52.50Blumpkinmuch appreciated
20:54.32irulecan someone explain what is the new way of doing things in asterisk vs the old way? this is in regards to users.conf, it was mentioned in todays conference but I am interested in more technical details
20:56.11*** join/#asterisk walter_rodrigues (
20:57.52[TK]D-Fenderirule, rm /etc/asterisk/users.conf
20:58.20irule[TK]D-Fender what is that?
20:58.37walter_rodriguesI am having problems with basic recognition of the TDM24xxP on kernel ...when I modprobe wctdm24xxP I get this: Error inserting wctdm24xxp (/lib/modules/ Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg) ...and DMESG returns this: wctdm24xxp: Unknown symbol pci_module_init
20:58.43[TK]D-Fenderirule, Your IQ drops 20 points the moment you use it.
20:58.47walter_rodriguesCould anybody PLEASE hint me? thanks.
21:00.07irule[TK]D-Fender you still havent explained to me why
21:00.23rene-D-Fender: hehe
21:01.24rene-i think some politicians probably have used /etc/asterisk/users.conf more than once or twice
21:01.48rene-irule: users is an abstraction from the way asterisk works
21:01.53[TK]D-Fenderirule, it crams too much shit together in one place assuming that VM box have to be related to "phone devices", etc.
21:02.12rene-irule: it is an easier way for new people to get into asterisk
21:02.38rene-probably it can be a faster but less flexible way for somebody who know what is doing
21:02.51rene-as in a bit faster and a lot less flexible
21:04.46*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
21:05.52[TK]D-Fenderrene-, tiny big, though too much shit crammed together
21:06.48rene-it could be
21:07.13rene-a way for somebody that came from freepbx
21:07.25rene-to understand a bit more about asterisk
21:07.51rene-tho i have never used so wtf do i know
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21:20.57[TK]D-FenderKatty, They're down the street from me, want me to go loose a fire-hose on them directly? ;)
21:22.19Katty[TK]D-Fender: yes'r
21:22.57*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
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21:27.21nDuffUnder what circumstances is the "record" tone (from indications.conf) used?
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21:30.35mercestesnDuff:  If you call a monitor and tell it to indicate it is recording with a tone, I believe.
21:31.16Innatechseriously, what's the deal with Vitelity.....they don't answer their phones, at all. Don't respond to requests via web-form. Are they in some kind of trouble?
21:31.55nDuffmercestes: I don't see such a flag documented for the Monitor app.
21:31.58*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
21:34.25*** part/#asterisk GaryH (
21:35.45InnatechActually, I've read that thread. According to the last post, the OP ended up being very happy with them.
21:36.51InnatechBut now, if you call either their sales or customer service, you get but into a queue that times out, it takes a message and then disconnects you. No one ever calls back. That'd be pretty infuriating if your service stopped working.
21:37.28Innatechah, well *that* is interesting.
21:39.50*** join/#asterisk sysreq (
21:42.56mercestesInnatech, most ppl seem to be happy with them but..."They dont' respond to me" tends to be a very common theme I'm seeing a google = vitality
21:44.49*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
21:46.08Innatechyeah....kinda hard to figure out.
21:46.40InnatechI can't even get pricing out of them.
21:47.06Kattymercestes: !
21:47.08Kattymercestes: :>
21:48.21*** join/#asterisk Mad|Cow (n=madcowl@
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21:50.02Mad|CowCan someone help me understand the bandwidth requirements to sustain one SIP call. I have a T1 and trying to figure out how many simultanious calls I can support over SIP (using G711).
21:50.48*** part/#asterisk galeras (n=galeras@
21:51.04mercestesjust a common theme
21:51.32mercestesLots of "service is great" posts but anytime I see bad service ,I see bad customer service.
21:53.09*** join/#asterisk scurb (
22:02.14CunningPikeMad|Cow: Reckon on roughly 80kbps per call
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22:16.21MrBIOSHi there, where can I get a reasonably new version of pwlib? the version linked from the openh323 site is ancient
22:16.24MrBIOSand incompatibl
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22:30.36tzafrir_homeMrBIOS, apt-get install libopenh323-dev #if you have the proper distro.
22:31.00MrBIOSI don't but got it taken care of
22:31.08tzafrir_home (or the sourceforge site)
22:31.10InnatechI'm reluctant to throw $35 at Vitelity just to try to get their attention.
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23:15.43NuggetI'll take "What phone is a pain in the ass to obtain firmware for" for $200, Alex.
23:17.15ManxPowerWhich firmware?
23:17.37ManxPowersince I'm the network admin, that is not an issue for me 8-)
23:17.46Nuggetthe 7960 firmware.
23:18.03NuggetI was just taking pc500's nonsequiter as an opportunity to make a joke
23:18.57Qwell[]It's easier to pirate than it is to buy it from Cisco.  And they do a good job of not letting people pirate it.
23:19.06Nuggetheh, yup.  exactly.
23:19.46[hC]i bought one smartnet contract for $9 and downloaded the entire firmware directory
23:19.52[hC]which contained firmware for every cisco phone, sip and sccp
23:19.56[hC]and called it a day.
23:20.18NuggetIt's hard to find a company willing to do the two hours of paperwork involved in selling a smartnet contract for their cut of $9.
23:20.43[hC]yes, that is quite true.
23:20.47Nuggetless hard if you're buying a phone at the same time, certainly, but even that's no guarantee
23:21.41*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
23:22.31ManxPowerNugget: Well what do you expect when you buy Cisco phone?
23:32.17Qwell[]ManxPower: I expect Cisco to punch a baby and/or kill a kitten every time somebody buys a phone.
23:32.36Qwell[]would definitely explain all the cost and hassle
23:34.27[hC]Qwell: are you still working on skinny?
23:38.53riddleboxdoes anyone have a howto, on setting up a way to email me my voicemail messages when I receive one?
23:40.59leviriddlebox: I'm pretty sure there's one in the wiki
23:41.08riddleboxohh ok
23:41.21leviProbably the example voicemail.conf has that set up, too.
23:44.53MrBIOSis there a sample asterisk init script?
23:45.54riddleboxlevi, I have it setup to email the voicemail, but I need to know how to configure, sendmail or exim4 or something so that it will use an account to relay out of my mailserver
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