IRC log for #asterisk on 20070726

00:00.19coldsteali have no idea how
00:00.45shido6its quite simple, really
00:01.03shido6if priority 1 times out or is busy you use priority 103
00:01.22shido6well no, if its busy
00:01.31shido6if it times out it goes to the next priority
00:02.01*** join/#asterisk davidcsi (n=davidcsi@
00:02.12coldsteali have this for ext 20
00:02.13coldstealexten => 20,1,dial(SIP/20,30) \n exten => 20,n,busy() \n exten => 20,n,congestion()
00:02.17*** join/#asterisk msetim (
00:03.13shido6so what do u wanna do if its busy?
00:03.17coldstealso i want it if i dont anser or if its busy to dial my cell phone
00:04.19[TK]D-Fendercoldsteal, exten => 20,2,dial(Zap/2/5551212)
00:04.33davidcsiquestion: i have NO PEER REGISTERED. When a call comes in it goes to the default context. I have a peer in sip.conf with host=IP, that i send to conext whatever. Asterisk sends calls coming in from that IP to the context just fine. Queston is: Where does asterisk gets the IP Source? from the TCP/IP layer or from the SIPURI?????
00:05.09coldsteal[TK]D-Fender: whats Zap/2/5551212
00:05.23JTanother technology and number, coldsteal
00:05.38keith4_zaptel, 2nd channel
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00:05.58[TK]D-Fendercoldsteal, just a sample that the only reason you get to priority 2 is because you didn't answer the first dial.
00:08.16AdamB0122thanks guys, I'm actually getting to head home at a relativly decent hour tonight
00:09.43*** join/#asterisk EricL (
00:10.00EricLIs there an equivilent way to do a SipAddHeader(foo: bar) in a .call file?
00:11.51davidcsiquestion: i have NO PEER REGISTERED. When a call comes in it goes to the default context. I have a peer in sip.conf with host=IP, that i send to conext whatever. Asterisk sends calls coming in from that IP to the context just fine. Queston is: Where does asterisk gets the IP Source? from the TCP/IP layer or from the SIPURI?????
00:14.40*** join/#asterisk elriah (
00:15.11elriahHi all.  Any suggestions on how to address dtmf issues?  I'm getting keypresses that should be, for example, "1234" as "123444444" in a lot of cases.
00:15.29shido6turn the sound down or whip out relaxdtmf in sip.conf
00:16.00elriahOops, asterisk 1.2.  Is relaxdtmf in 1.2?
00:16.27davidcsielriah: is it sip, iax or zap? what's on the other side?
00:16.39elriahAll sip.
00:16.47elriahUsing ulaw.
00:16.54elriahIn 1.2.18
00:17.17davidcsiwhat's on the other side?
00:17.32elriahAnother asterisk box.
00:18.07elriahSeemds to only be an issue with calls from ye-ole telco ... Doesn't seem to be an issue with IP only calls.
00:18.34elriahBut that's just an assumption based on what we've seen.  It doesn't happen all the time.
00:19.41davidcsihave you tried dtmf=info?
00:20.07Strom_Mnot dtmf=
00:20.40Strom_Melriah: if you're doing sip-to-sip on asterisk, dtmfmode should be rfc2833
00:20.44elriahNope, I've always read that rfc2833 is the best?
00:20.50davidcsithats it
00:20.59davidcsii solce it once with info
00:21.20davidcsis/c/v/ :D
00:21.29Strom_Melriah: the calls from ye olde telco are coming into your asterisk box via...PRI?
00:21.32davidcsisolved it
00:22.18elriahStrom_M: I assume such, the other side is Vitelity.
00:22.32Strom_Mhow are they bringing calls into you?
00:23.06davidcsiso you're RECEIVING bad dtmf...
00:23.52Strom_Melriah: what method is vitelity using to deliver calls to you?
00:23.55Strom_Miax?   sip?
00:24.29elriahStrom_M: Sip.
00:24.50davidcsii've done that hundreds of times between asterisk boxes... no problems... ever... try dtmfmode=info...
00:25.28elriahOk, dtmfmode=info doesn't work, doesn't forward any dtmf that way.  Inband is out of the question.  So Vitelity has a dtmf issue.
00:25.57davidcsithey MUST configure dtmfmode=info as well
00:25.58Strom_Melriah: yeah, i'd blame 'em
00:26.08Strom_Mdavidcsi: info blows as a dtmfmode
00:26.12Strom_Mrfc2833 is sexier
00:26.32davidcsiyou want it to be sexy or to work? ;)
00:26.46elriahThat's what I thought, I was hoping there was some pixie dust I could sprinkle on it .. oh well, thanks, all!!!
00:26.47Strom_Msexier as in "works more efficiently" :)
00:27.26elriahIs one codec better than others with dtmf?
00:27.40Strom_Melriah: with rfc2833 codec doesnt matter
00:27.43JTelriah: dtmf only works on G.711, nothing else.
00:27.48Strom_Motherwise, use g711
00:27.51JTfor inband
00:28.17davidcsianyone ever got it to really work with cisco?
00:28.30JTciscos working, hah
00:28.48davidcsithat's what i thought.
00:29.02*** join/#asterisk punkgode (
00:30.10elriahFor clarification, with rfc2833, the DTMF info is sent directly in the sip packet, right?  Not inband in the RTP stream?  So if my asterisk box is getting "123444444" when it should be getting "1234", and it's a sip-to-sip connection, it has to be on the sending end?  Is this correct?
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00:30.25JTrfc2833 is RTP
00:30.31JTinfo is SIP
00:30.48elriahSo is it send as actual tones in the audio stream?
00:30.52davidcsithat's why i said: "try info"
00:31.03elriahdavidcsi: yea... I'm seing that...
00:31.05JTelriah: obviously not, that's what g.711 inband is for
00:31.24JTelriah: it's sending RTP packets that tell it to make a dtmf noise, and for how long
00:31.53*** join/#asterisk HockeyInJune (
00:32.19davidcsiso, is there anyone out there who can answer my question?
00:32.47elriahGot it.  So it's still quite probable it's all on the sending end ...
00:34.41davidcsibut, if the sending end it itself RECEIVING wrong... forget it... just a thought... you should ask how the sending end is getting its dtmf
00:35.11elriahI'm just looking for a "solid" way to blame them so their support can't give me the royal blow-back ...
00:37.58davidcsimake an ethereal trace
00:39.02*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
00:40.20elriahOh dear, I think I'd rather go to the dentist.  We process like 10,000 calls a day.
00:40.26elriahlol, that would suck digging through that data.
00:40.54JTyou can restrict it to an ip
00:41.35davidcsifilter it by ipī
00:41.55elriahIt's all from Vitelity ... Filtering by IP wouldn't help ...
00:41.58*** join/#asterisk hyphen (
00:42.07elriahWell, we have about 2000 that come from
00:44.25elriahWe basically have 2 OpenSER boxes (for internal phone registration handling and internal call setup), 4 asterisk boxes, and two MySQL back-ends.
00:44.34*** join/#asterisk heh_v_water (
00:44.41elriahWe're using realtime-static plus flat-file for some configs.
00:45.03*** join/#asterisk techie (
00:45.47*** join/#asterisk ming_zy1 (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-a5c502138331f32a)
00:45.49elriahGotta run, thanks for the help.
00:45.53davidcsitshark -f "host [ip]" | grep "RTP EVENT Payload"
00:46.20Shoeb[TK]D-Fender! I'm back.
00:46.34ShoebGot our guy at the callcentre to go in and fix it!
00:46.45ShoebAt the datacentre, lol, what am I saying
00:47.07ShoebOh, no! Looks like you're not here. :(
00:47.58ShoebOk question to others, what are the prerequisites of creating .call files and moving them to the appropriate directory to make asterisk make the call?
00:48.02*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
00:48.41ShoebCurrently, a web php script when started creates the .call files and tries to move it to the the directory but encountering permission problems. The user that creates it is apache.
00:48.48ShoebAny help in that regard?
00:50.17*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
00:54.58*** part/#asterisk punkgode (
00:55.35ManxPowerShoeb: the file must be readable by Asterisk.  I recommend creating the file in a different directory on the same filesystem, then moving it to the correct place.  Make the ctime of the file in the future if you don't want asterisk to process it right away
00:55.47ManxPowerJT:  They are already like 3 months behind schedule.
00:56.36ShoebManxPower: It's not about that. Asterisk is running as root. The .call files are being made by user apache. Do you know what I mean now?
00:57.07ManxPowerShoeb: Is Asterisk not processing the files?
00:58.22ShoebIt's not letting us move the callfile to the spool dir.
00:58.47ShoebPermission problems.
00:58.58ShoebNot permitted to "write" to the outgoing director.
00:59.19ManxPowerShoeb: that is not an Asterisk issue.
00:59.33ManxPowerthe apache user must have write access to that directory
00:59.52ShoebHmm, I'm not the best when it comes to that.
01:00.11ShoebDo you mind pointing me to a resource that can show me how to give "apache" write acccess to that folder?
01:00.42*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
01:00.42*** mode/#asterisk [+o blitzrage] by ChanServ
01:01.49Shoebthat 'directory', sorry, heh
01:02.26ManxPowerShoeb: it is a basic linux admin thing.  you'll have major other problems if you don't have someone that knows how to admin linux.  The easiest thing to do is chown root.apache /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing
01:02.32ManxPoweror whatever group your apache user is in
01:02.42ShoebIt's apache
01:02.47ShoebThe group..
01:05.55ShoebManxPower: I do have some people for that, but I'm also trying to learn it so these guys can't take me for a fool.
01:07.23*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
01:09.48ShoebDid that, and it's still not letting.
01:10.40[TK]D-FenderShoeb, Ditch that method entirely and use AMI Originate instead.
01:10.42jbotami is probably the Asterisk Manager Interface, a way to control an Asterisk server via a TCP/IP socket. See
01:10.47jboti guess wikis is
01:10.59ShoebHmm, manager API, huh.
01:11.20ShoebBut that needs to be done manually, right?
01:15.09*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
01:19.20Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: I'm going to get us bck on track tmrw mornin. :)
01:19.24ShoebYou rock btw.
01:22.53*** join/#asterisk ltdwk (
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01:27.55*** join/#asterisk fujin (n=fujin@unaffiliated/fujin)
01:29.06fujincould anyone tell me if agents require a password?
01:29.40fujinor if it can be blank
01:30.18*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:35.00fujinyou know, the agents that queues have?
01:36.13rbdhi, in my extensions.conf for a given extension, I'd like to set a channel variable from a custom sip header only if the call is coming in on a SIP channel, if not, it should be blank. Will SIP_HEADER() work like this (e.g. not error out for non-sip channels, but just return blank values)?
01:37.59rbdor, do I need some logic there to determine if a SIP channel is in use and go from there (this is because I have some extensions where calls can come in on SIP or Local channel types)
01:37.59[TK]D-Fenderrbd, You can test to see if its a SIP channel anyways....
01:38.51*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (n=matt@
01:39.00rbdhmm, it looks like ${CHANNEL(channeltype)} is the way to get that info
01:39.50[TK]D-Fenderrbd, One of a few
01:40.25*** join/#asterisk fujin (n=fujin@unaffiliated/fujin)
01:40.33rbdyeah, I see that now. thanks
01:45.54ManxPowerI don't suppose anyone knows of a good place to order DOUBLE sided BLACK AND WHITE business cards online for delivery to the USA?
01:46.38JTit's amazing how many variables there are these days to order business cards
01:47.08ManxPowerJT: they all want me to pick a logo or a color logo.
01:47.25JTdo you have a choice of laser or offset printing?
01:47.28ManxPowerthey will be "bar cards", not business cards.
01:47.43JTwhat's a bar card?
01:48.01JTit's a lot easier to do business cards if you already have all the artwork
01:48.04ManxPowerJT: give it to someone you meet at a bar and hope they call you to have sex
01:48.32ManxPoweror hell, give one to someone you had a one night stand with in hopes they call again
01:48.35JTi have a much better solution for that
01:48.48ManxPowerThe correct term in *my* world is "trick card".
01:49.05ManxPowerit beats writing a phone number or e-mail address on a matchbook
01:49.13*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
01:49.20*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
01:49.42JTManxPower: they're about half the height of a normal business card
01:49.45JTcan be full colour
01:49.58JTcan be all the same, or every single one can have a different picture
01:50.09JTseen them in person, they have quite a nice semigloss finish
01:50.19JTshipped from the uk
01:50.55ManxPowerI don't WANT a picture.
01:51.09*** join/#asterisk aao_pwner (
01:51.28ManxPowerJT: is my web site.  Take a look at it to get an idea what my idea of "graphic design" is.
01:51.30blitzrageI don't want to meet your mom!
01:51.31JTdoesn't have to be of YOU ;) or a person even
01:52.08JTi think they make it easy to do templated layouts
01:52.13JTthat said i've never ordered
01:52.30ManxPowerI'll go to a bricks and mortar printer.
01:52.56JTdon't know what was so bad about moo cards, heh
01:53.37ManxPowerJT: I kept expecting an animated pink My Pretty Pony to dance across the screen
01:53.39[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage, I JUST WANT
01:53.45blitzrage! ! !
01:53.57JTManxPower: not sure if that would be Web 2.0 compliant
01:54.35[TK]D-FenderMy printers tend to be made out of plastic and metal primarily....
01:55.05[TK]D-FenderManxPower, I suspect you meant to say "My Little Pony"
01:55.12coldstealhow can i say what ext its transfering to?
01:55.40coldsteallike dynamicly
01:55.49[TK]D-Fendercoldsteal, Prease attempt to avoid using nondescript pronouns like "it" without prodiving context...
01:56.10ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: no.  My Pretty Pony is a childrens toy, for girls, maybe age 6
01:56.37[TK]D-FenderManxPower, Same for my reference, circa 80's fad/cartoon, etc
01:56.50[TK]D-FenderManxPower, by Hasbro
01:56.51coldsteal[TK]D-Fender: okay well how do i have * say something like "te person at ext# could not be reached"
01:57.03ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: Yes, they are related products, as I just discovered
01:57.12[TK]D-Fendercoldsteal, "Playback(soundfilethatsayswhatyouwant)
01:57.35coldsteal[TK]D-Fender: so i cant have the ext # be dynamic
01:57.45[TK]D-Fendercoldsteal, you can record something yourself with Record".
01:58.12[TK]D-Fendercoldsteal, here : "Playback(thepersonatext)"
01:58.33[TK]D-Fendercoldsteal, here : "SayDigits(${varwiththeext})"
01:58.43[TK]D-Fendercoldsteal, here : "Playback(isnotavailable)"
01:58.52*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
01:59.08[TK]D-FenderManxPower, indeed as I suspected.  Have you seen "Transformers" yet?
01:59.25ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: nope.
01:59.32[TK]D-Fendercoldsteal, You'd say it in 3 steps
01:59.36[TK]D-FenderManxPower, Seen the ads?
01:59.37ManxPowerThe BF wants to.  I'd rather see Underdog
02:00.03coldstealisnotavailable is a file that i record right
02:00.31coldsteal* wont actually read what i put in it
02:00.48[TK]D-Fendercoldsteal, Correct.  you would use the Record app to make those
02:01.32[TK]D-Fendercoldsteal, * also comes with a lot of useful bits.  This exact combo I believe is used in the VM subsystem, so you could probably do it from stock recordings all done by Allison
02:01.47ManxPowersounds.txt lists the text of all the sounds in asterisk
02:02.08coldstealbut it will say SayDigits(${ext})?
02:02.35ManxPowercoldsteal: not unless you set EXT to something.  Most people just use ${EXTEN}
02:02.53[TK]D-Fendercoldsteal, that is an app that rill read whatever digits you want out.  I gave you a sample where it would read based on the contexts of a variable
02:03.10[TK]D-Fendercoldsteal, You can do this direct for example SayDigits(12345)
02:03.53[TK]D-Fendercoldsteal, My sample was entirely fictitious jsut to give you an idea without implying where said data originated.
02:04.30BSD_Techtk I will look for you tomarrow
02:05.47[TK]D-FenderBSD_Tech, k
02:06.00coldsteali installed * from apt so how do i check if i have the default sound recordings
02:06.05[TK]D-FenderBSD_Tech, setup a SIP entry for the passthrough and I'll help with the scripting then
02:06.23[TK]D-Fendercoldsteal, check out /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
02:06.47[TK]D-Fendercoldsteal, thats the default place anyways
02:06.53coldstealcool i have it
02:09.41*** join/#asterisk ukris (
02:13.13*** join/#asterisk GothAlice (n=amcgrego@
02:14.15GothAliceI have three phones connecting to Asterisk; two as the same SIP user.  On the third I try calling the shared SIP account and only one phone rings.  It appears to be the last phone to register takes over the SIP mapping.  How can I have one account on multiple phones?
02:14.55[TK]D-FenderGothAlice, you CAN'T
02:15.05GothAliceWell, that blows chunks.
02:15.09[TK]D-FenderGothAlice, Each phone has to register as a different account
02:15.17GothAliceThe only way to do this is to have a ring group, eh?
02:15.33[TK]D-FenderGothAlice, Inappropriate term, but essentially, yes
02:16.17GothAlice(freePBX calls them ring groups in the menu.)
02:16.25*** join/#asterisk axisys (
02:16.35[TK]D-FenderGothAlice, hence "inappropriate".
02:16.41*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
02:16.52JTmost rerms that freepbx use are innapropriate ;)
02:16.59GothAliceHow can I have a person's presence follow them from phone to phone, then, and provide a single extension to reach them wherever they are?
02:17.04[TK]D-FenderGothAlice, FreePBX bastardizes proper telecom terminology throughout its interface
02:17.28[TK]D-FenderGothAlice, You can do this with a whole pile of dialplan logic.
02:17.44GothAlice... but not if it's managed by freePBX? ;^)
02:17.47[TK]D-FenderGothAlice, Quite an amount of work...
02:18.12[TK]D-FenderGothAlice, words can barely express how much help you AREN'T going to get with that here....
02:20.09GothAlice(I know how to patch custom stuff into freePBX.  I understand that this room is for asterisk alone.)  My original idea was to have a bunch of muti-line phones each with an account based on its physical location (office, kitchen, bedroom, etc.) then have "user" accounts which are shared among them as appropriate (john at the office and bedroom, linda at the bedroom, etc.) and still allow X-Lite softclients, wi-fi phones and other goodies.
02:20.28GothAliceAre there any example configs?
02:20.55JTi suggest takeing a look at the book, GothAlice
02:20.57jbotthebook is, like, a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
02:21.01GothAliceI could probably do it with a queue, where the user registers with their own queue on each phone they touch?
02:21.03JTand avoiding freepbx
02:21.09*** join/#asterisk atomicd (
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02:23.19[TK]D-FenderGothAlice, No, there are no "samples" really, because this actually entails a fair amout of work storing the identity info, login info, dailaplan checking, custom dial macros (kiss FreePBX GOODBY because of this), tec
02:23.45[TK]D-FenderGothAlice, problem is that your CID wouldn't follow.
02:23.52[TK]D-Fendergoth and queues.... FUGLY
02:24.08*** join/#asterisk HockeyInJune (
02:24.41GothAliceOutbound CID wouldn't, but inbound would.  That may be sufficient for me.  (Esp. as I can prefix the inbound CID with the appropriate name...)
02:25.21[TK]D-FenderGothAlice, think twice about that.... when you call out you get the PHONE'S CID, not the person "logged in"
02:25.28JTwell that bento box was excellent
02:25.42[TK]D-FenderJT ?
02:25.52[TK]D-FenderJT : Sushi?
02:26.03JTbento box is like a japanese combo box
02:26.05JTsome sushi
02:26.07jerliqueHow should a bri-SIP gateway be configured in *?
02:26.23GothAliceThe phone CID, when dialing outside the local, will be set to a reasonable dial-back DID with a generic name.  Internally it's good to get directly back to the phone which originated the call you're returning.  Hmmm.
02:26.26JTalso had tempura calimari, kegetable, fried port, some salad, some potato stuff
02:26.35JTjerlique: as a sip friend...
02:26.38[TK]D-FenderJT : We have a brand here for prepared lunch/snack sushi platters byt he name "Bento Nouveau"
02:27.00JT[TK]D-Fender: this is made fresh by a japanese at the store :)
02:27.07JTa japanese chef
02:27.52GothAlice^_^ Sushi Express here kicks ass, though some of the combinations are strange, and all of them include cream cheese.  Plus its made by panamanians who can't speak a word of Japanese, which ruins the effect.
02:28.34JTi hear that it's hard to get much authentic multicultural/ethnic food in the us
02:28.58jerliqueJT: Ok, this is what I have done. What would be the reason that * can process DMTF from telephones, but it cannot accept DTMF from the sip gateway?
02:29.20JTjerlique: wrong dtmf mode
02:29.31jerlique(The sip debug shows the message coming through, but * says unauthorised.) What modes are there?
02:29.45JTwell, are calls working?
02:29.59jerliquebothin in and out
02:30.07JTwhat dtmfmode is set in sip.conf?
02:30.13JTwhat is set in the gateway?
02:30.26JTyou should usually use rfc2833 by default
02:30.35Daejeo1JT: hello :)
02:30.38jerliqueinfo is set in the gw
02:30.50JTset them both to rfc2833
02:30.58jerliqueok let me try...
02:32.26*** join/#asterisk ChrisTSIS (n=killa666@
02:33.52ChrisTSISIs there any way to kill this channel w/o restarting asterisk? Soft hangup isn't dropping it: Zap/16-1 s@macro-hangupcall:1 Up (None)
02:33.52`Seanif there
02:34.07`Seananyway to get asterisk to not ask for recording of name when u join a conf
02:34.09`Seanor play any msgs
02:34.12[TK]D-FenderChrisTSIS, show us
02:34.27jerliqueJT: that still didnt work.
02:34.47ChrisTSIS[TK]D-Fender: Show you what?
02:35.04`Seananyone?? is there a way to get asterisk when a user calls to shove them straight into conf
02:35.13`Seanwithout asking them to record a username etc or anything like that
02:35.21blitzragedon't use those options
02:35.32blitzrageby default it won't ask for that stuff
02:36.04*** join/#asterisk Shizuo (
02:36.05Shizuoccesario -> HOMO
02:36.28`Seanblitzrage it does want me to paste, my meetme.conf
02:36.30`Seanit for some reason does
02:36.43jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
02:36.43[TK]D-FenderChrisTSIS, Show us how you're attempting to kill the channel and the outcome.
02:37.03JTjerlique: maybe the gateway is not detecting the DTMF
02:37.07*** part/#asterisk Shizuo (
02:37.23blitzrage`Sean: why not just do:  MeetMe(123|d) ?
02:37.35`Seanin console?
02:37.40blitzragein the dialplan
02:37.53blitzragewhere you control the route of the call
02:38.08`Seanexten => s,1,MeetMe(6180,i,3355)
02:38.11`Seanthats what i have
02:38.13blitzrageignore that
02:38.24`Seanis it because of the I?
02:38.34blitzrage'i' -- announce user join/leave with review
02:38.52blitzrage*CLI> show application meetme
02:38.55blitzrageit's magical
02:39.05jerliqueJT: we can use DTMF going out to an external site, eg sipphone -> * - >SIPGW --->PSTN  DTMF here, and furthermore, * is receiving the fact that I am punching in DTMF numbers, it just rejects them with
02:39.07blitzrageand the 3355 is going to ask for a pin
02:39.49`Sean3355 is te pin...
02:39.52JTjerlique: what are you punching number in to?
02:40.10`Seani only announces user/join/leave
02:40.19`Seaneven if i remove that
02:40.25`Seanit will still ask me to record a username
02:40.27jerliquemy cell phone.  The test I am doing is cell phone-> PSTN-> SIPGW -> *
02:40.29`Seanand review it
02:40.47*** join/#asterisk Shizuo (
02:40.54ShizuoJI said the channel is irrelevant
02:40.57*** part/#asterisk GothAlice (n=amcgrego@
02:41.01ShizuoJT said the channel is irrelevant
02:41.02*** part/#asterisk Shizuo (
02:41.06JTShizuo: you're an idiot, fuck off
02:41.22`Seanlook at all the things it does by deual playing those files
02:41.23coldstealwhen i try to Backdround(/path/to/file.gsm) i get Unable to open  No such file or directory
02:42.12coldstealo i guess i dont put .gsm
02:42.19shido6stick the file in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
02:42.20JTcoldsteal: you don't
02:42.24shido6and u dont have to do all that
02:42.34shido6take the suffix off
02:42.40[TK]D-FenderChrisTSIS, Umm... yikes
02:43.02shido6bleh.gsm would be referred to as bleh , so u get exten => s,1,Playback,bleh
02:43.27ChrisTSIS[TK]D-Fender: hence the question... otherwise I have to dump a bunch of active channels and agents logged into queues
02:43.42*** join/#asterisk MdeP (
02:44.11[TK]D-FenderChrisTSIS, I suspect you cleanest salvations is "restart gracefully"
02:44.34[TK]D-FenderChrisTSIS, or reloading when no zap channels are in use
02:44.48*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
02:45.44ChrisTSIS[TK]D-Fender: My fear is it won't restart gracefully because of the locked open channel
02:45.52[TK]D-FenderChrisTSIS, Oh, it WILL....
02:46.14[TK]D-FenderChrisTSIS, * has little trouble STOPPING :)  Heck it may even do it without you requesting it to!
02:46.42ChrisTSISTrue, but normally with gracefully it waits until channels are all dropped
02:46.54ChrisTSISoh well, I was just hoping to not have to stay up until 12am to do it
02:48.49[TK]D-FenderChrisTSIS, "restart now" .... ummmm guys..... something funny er... happened with the server.... not sure what, but I think everything's OK now....
02:49.19*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=CunningP@
02:52.39*** join/#asterisk ShadowHntr (i=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr)
02:56.38*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
03:00.33*** part/#asterisk atomicd (
03:02.48JTjerlique: outgoing DTMF has nothing to do with incoming DTMF detection
03:03.03*** part/#asterisk techie (
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03:12.09*** join/#asterisk Shizuo (
03:12.12ShizuoJT = HOMO
03:12.13*** part/#asterisk Shizuo (
03:13.58JTwhat a twit
03:19.43coldstealhow do i have an ext as #
03:20.10blitzragewhat do you mean?
03:20.32blitzrageplease elaborate with your question so we may understand what you are trying to do
03:20.44coldstealwell for my IVR i have "press # for dir index"
03:21.01coldstealbut i get an error of  Invalid extension '#', but no rule 'i' in context 'incoming'
03:21.07[TK]D-Fendercoldsteal, "exten => #,1,NoOp(yippy-kay-yay-mo.....)
03:21.28[TK]D-Fendercoldsteal, Yes, it's THAT easy...
03:21.47coldstealwhat does NoOp mean>
03:21.57[TK]D-Fendercoldsteal, Its jsut an app, like any other.
03:22.11[TK]D-Fendercoldsteal, You can do whatever you want.
03:22.23coldsteali was f=trying goto
03:22.33[TK]D-Fendercoldsteal, Please review the chapter on dialplan patterns..... this is serious 101 stuff...
03:22.36jbotmethinks book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
03:22.39*** join/#asterisk honeybeebuzz (
03:23.11coldstealokay thanks
03:24.03honeybeebuzzon hardware phone, I need some suggestion  about what is the good start to buy?
03:24.27[TK]D-Fenderhoneybeebuzz, What kind of hardware phone?
03:25.14honeybeebuzza basic, home purpose asterisk/trixbox voip phone
03:25.47[TK]D-Fenderhoneybeebuzz, Polycom IP 320.
03:26.05JTtrixbox, naughty
03:26.29*** join/#asterisk bbryant_ (
03:26.37honeybeebuzzokey... how you compare with GrandStream GXP-2000, in term of functionlity.
03:26.45[TK]D-Fenderhoneybeebuzz, ...
03:26.47jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
03:26.55JTgrandstreams are piles of rubbish
03:27.26honeybeebuzzhmm... I never seen them in my life this far :)
03:27.35JTthat's a good thing
03:27.51Sci_05JT greandstreams are not that good.....they are worse then rubbish
03:27.54[TK]D-Fenderhoneybeebuzz, GS is known for flakey firmware, shoddy construction, poor audio quality, etc.
03:27.57honeybeebuzzokey ... you think that Polycom IP 320 is a good start?
03:28.20[TK]D-Fenderhoneybeebuzz, super solid phone.
03:28.38[TK]D-Fenderhoneybeebuzz, Linksys are "acceptable" as well
03:28.38JTSci_05: it's amusing, there was a guy here last night saying how good they were (GXP-2000s)
03:29.10[TK]D-FenderJT : Yes, I remember him :)  Doesn't hold under scrutiny though...
03:29.50JT[TK]D-Fender: "but i've worked at the biggest voip phone store ever and have sold 4734737883 phones!!11"
03:30.37[TK]D-FenderJT : And that could be entirely accurate.  Chumps buy the cheapest things they can get their hands on....
03:31.02JT[TK]D-Fender: he claimed to have used polycom and the audio was no different on handset
03:31.04[TK]D-FenderJT : I've been researching like MAD for a high VALUE & QUALITY ultra-zoom digital camera....
03:31.15JT[TK]D-Fender: slr?
03:31.20[TK]D-FenderJT : I believe he said "not that bad"
03:32.09[TK]D-FenderJT : Just showing my approach as different with regard to purchases.  My range has started as low as 300$, and my current model of choice is $409 currently.  A price I'm willing to pay...
03:32.36[TK]D-FenderJT : though I'm still looking if there is something better within range.
03:32.37JT[TK]D-Fender: ok, not a DSLR then :)
03:32.45honeybeebuzz is the one you guys refered?
03:32.50[TK]D-FenderJT : No, a point& shoot 10x+ zoom.
03:32.51JTactually, you probably could
03:33.11JTcan't remember what a D40 with 18-55mm lens kit is in USD
03:33.19JTNikon D40
03:33.22[TK]D-Fenderhoneybeebuzz, You can get it for $87.50 USD retail.  make sure your purchase SCALES accordingly.
03:33.23JTpretty compact slr
03:33.38NuggetI just recently bought a DSLR.  It's nice having a good quality camera if I want one, but I still like my point-n-click better because it fits in my pocket and I always have it with me
03:33.38[TK]D-FenderJT : yes, the D40 is nice, as is the D80.. but I'm not a photographer.
03:33.49JTyou don't have to be...
03:33.56JTauto mode works fine
03:34.10[TK]D-FenderJT : I jsut want a GOOD point & shoot with big-zoom & OIS
03:34.17Nuggetpictures are so much more compelling when you can play with focal length, though.
03:34.27[TK]D-FenderJT : Oh.... and the camera isn't worth THAT much to me :)
03:34.28Nuggetthe "everything's in perfect" focus of a point-n-click looks really cheap
03:34.39JTbig zoom, the zoom on most compacts is pretty crappy
03:34.41honeybeebuzzwhat is SCALES?
03:35.06[TK]D-Fenderhoneybeebuzz, 87.50$ USD != 166.69$ CAD
03:35.18[TK]D-Fenderhoneybeebuzz, CDW = SHIT.
03:35.26Nugget  <-- you just can't do that with the small zoom cameras.
03:35.39JTNugget: what camera do you have?
03:35.54[TK]D-FenderNugget, kills my budget however.
03:36.08*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
03:36.17JT[TK]D-Fender: was that 400CAD before?
03:36.35[TK]D-FenderJT : yes.
03:36.40JTah ok
03:36.48JTa D40 is around 600CAD
03:36.57NuggetI bought a D80, mostly because my business partner has one and he's spent a scary amount of money on fancy lenses.
03:37.01[TK]D-FenderJT :this is what I'm loking at
03:37.02Nuggetso I wanted to be able to borrow his lenses
03:37.04[TK]D-FenderJT : Where?
03:37.19JTmind you, they could be body only
03:37.21JThaven't checked
03:37.25[TK]D-FenderNugget, Yes, that offsets the base cost allright ;)
03:37.57JTNugget: the fancy lenses work with much less fancy cameras ;)
03:38.20JTi'd prefer a D200 to a D80, but D200s are still hell expensive
03:38.57*** join/#asterisk nvicf (n=nvicf@
03:38.58NuggetI'm happy enough with the D80.  The additional benefit of a D200 would be lost on me, I think.
03:39.33JTi'm quite happy with my D70s too, there's actually some specs that are lower on the D80, like flash sync
03:39.44JTi'd appreciate the extra 2 fps on a D200
03:39.45*** join/#asterisk HaMYaI (
03:40.05JTi'm worried about how long my D70s, hence considering a new body one day
03:40.24JTi think mine is at around 35000 shutter activations
03:40.33JTit's MTBF is 100000 shutter operations
03:40.53JT"how long my D70s will last", that should say
03:41.01*** part/#asterisk stridernzl (
03:41.22NuggetI expect I'll want something new long before I wear out this one.
03:41.46JTi shoot 1500 frames on a busy day
03:42.07JTbusy meaning some event with lots of things happening :)
03:42.25JTwhen i was in japan i went through 5000 shots in 5 days
03:42.36JTbeing there was an event in itself ;)
03:43.26[TK]D-FenderD40 is still pricey around here.
03:43.44[TK]D-FenderI just doubt I'll get my moneys worth based on my skills and expected usage.
03:43.56[TK]D-Fender2 rather important factors
03:43.58JT[TK]D-Fender: did you look at that url, were they body only or what?
03:44.47[TK]D-FenderJT : Some, but these places are all out of town and shipping will likely add up.  Also it comes with a base lens and thats where the cost really starts to add up
03:45.32JTonly if you're unhappy with that lense
03:45.44JTand most people not into photography are happy with the kit lens
03:45.47honeybeebuzzI found IP301 ~ 140 CAD and IP320 ~114 CAD on
03:46.18NuggetI love japan.  :)
03:46.43JThoneybeebuzz: the 320 is BETTER than the 301
03:46.46Nugget and
03:46.51JT301 has no speakerphone, for starters
03:47.03Nuggetalthough both with just a little canon s400
03:47.26honeybeebuzzthen I should get advntage of prince vs functionaliy be haing 320....
03:47.30honeybeebuzzthanks folks
03:47.41[TK]D-Fenderhoneybeebuzz, canadianvoistore = voipsupply, which if that includes duty, etc, isn't too bad....
03:47.48Nugget320 is precisely 19 better than a 301!
03:48.28[TK]D-FenderNugget, Your math skills are unparalleled (thats only because you never took TRIG!)
03:48.31honeybeebuzzgood judgement
03:48.51Nuggetwhen buying electronics just buy the largest model number you can afford.  it's universal.
03:48.55[TK]D-Fenderhoneybeebuzz, keep in mind you'll need a power brick for that.
03:49.17*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
03:50.33Nuggetit bugs me that two bulbs are burnt out in
03:50.47NuggetI fixed it in photoshop but haven't made a new wallpaper from the fixed image
03:51.52Nuggetcomplete with google earth kmz.
03:52.27*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (n=leon@
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03:58.34honeybeebuzzJT: do I need PoE Adapter, perhaps a very confusing question of the day
03:59.17[TK]D-Fenderhoneybeebuzz, That, or but the stanrd wall-power brick for it
03:59.38coldstealim getting an error
03:59.42coldsteali put it there
03:59.55[TK]D-Fenderhoneybeebuzz, I would personally suggest a PoE injector if the price is only a little bit more.  This can be recycled for other phones & uses afterwards.  Makes for good seperate resale value.
04:00.26[TK]D-Fendercoldsteal, You must start with priority **1**, not 6.
04:00.34*** join/#asterisk kn0x (n=pinochle@
04:00.47[TK]D-Fendercoldsteal, exten => 20,3,goto(antonni,20,1) <- this is no good either.
04:01.17[TK]D-Fendercoldsteal, You are failing to understand the basics of dialplan logice.  I highly recommend you give chapter 5 a good read again....
04:01.19jbotit has been said that book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
04:02.05[TK]D-FenderDarn, every DSLR solution I'm looking at effectively starts at double the cost of the Panasonic I was looking at.
04:02.11blitzrageI heard the authors are dicks though
04:02.37Corydon76-homeReal big dicks.  :-P
04:03.26[TK]D-Fendernah.. its SOFT-COVER.  Clearly limp & non-threatening ;)
04:03.44honeybeebuzzokey, then this vendor is giving an option to buy or not ablout PoE for ~30 CAD...
04:03.49*** join/#asterisk vutamhoan (n=hoavq@
04:03.56[TK]D-Fenderhoneybeebuzz, link it
04:04.03*** join/#asterisk kiscokid (
04:04.20vutamhoanI want to have some info about digium card, but don't know where to post
04:05.05vutamhoanSo sorry everybody first: In the digium card, is there any info of it's origin?
04:05.08honeybeebuzzwhich digium card you want to talk about?
04:05.45vutamhoanI want to buy TE207P, but any line like "Made in USA" on it?
04:06.07Corydon76-homeAll Digium cards are made in the USA
04:06.27vutamhoanI know, but my customer ask it must has CO
04:06.33Corydon76-homeIt's part of the company pride
04:06.51Corydon76-homeI don't think I've seen that text on the board
04:07.12vutamhoan(certificate of origin) - but Digium do not provide, so I need somethink to prove that become from USA
04:07.16NuggetThere's a disclaimer, though... Digium telephone cards are made possible, in part, by contributions from Canadia.
04:07.59Corydon76-homeWell, the components come from other places... but the cards are assembled in the USA
04:08.13*** part/#asterisk vutamhoan (n=hoavq@
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04:08.55Corydon76-homevutamhoan: call Digium sales in the morning.  I'm sure they can work something up
04:09.00kiscokidvutamhoan: ask Digium to write a letter
04:09.13vutamhoanYes, thank you very much
04:09.35[TK]D-Fenderhoneybeebuzz, 30$ is pretty god, I'd go for it.
04:10.18honeybeebuzzkeul.... so I need it besides its price.. aside, this would be  my only voip phone
04:10.49[TK]D-Fenderhoneybeebuzz, lemme looks for a sec
04:11.20[TK]D-Fenderhoneybeebuzz, Where is this going to be used?  Any thoughts of buying more phones in the future?
04:12.16*** join/#asterisk Stridernzl (
04:12.40blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: lol
04:14.02honeybeebuzzit will be used at home with digium card...
04:17.09honeybeebuzzI am not sure, but this would be my start for voip experimentation
04:17.16[TK]D-Fenderhoneybeebuzz, just looking for a full-featured basic phone?
04:18.09[TK]D-Fenderhoneybeebuzz, because sometimes if this is "your" master phone I might suggest you spend a little bit more for something nicer, but this depends on your tastes
04:19.19*** part/#asterisk RypPn (
04:21.18honeybeebuzzI will need some more reading... this seems to be 3x lines business phone... for home, here usually one line comes in, a bit less featured would be not nice?
04:21.56JTlines are a foreign concept in voip
04:22.02JTmore like line appearances
04:22.11JTyou can configure them in a number of different ways
04:25.26honeybeebuzzah... i mixed up phone's physical lines
04:25.39*** join/#asterisk kimosabe (n=kimosabe@
04:26.07kimosabehow can i force my sipura to disconect becuse it sseems to stay conected even when i finish a call
04:26.10[TK]D-Fenderhoneybeebuzz, in all honesty, ANY polycom is plenty for the job.
04:26.19MaliutaJT: yeah, and different hard phones deal with the "line" thing in different ways, the cisco 7940 I have can use the same SIP peer info for the 2 "line" buttons it has on it. Others require different sip peer stuff for each "line"
04:26.39[TK]D-Fenderhoneybeebuzz, Its a question of haveing a bigger scree to enjoy the visul display, play with the XHTML microbrowser, etc.
04:26.49kimosabevoip state says conected but the call has been finished
04:27.34[TK]D-Fenderhoneybeebuzz, the IP 501 comes with a power brick, and has a 2-port switch so you can plug it in-line with your PC if you don't have a Switch handy.
04:28.26[TK]D-Fenderhoneybeebuzz, value varies depending on how, where, and why you deploy it.
04:28.47honeybeebuzzI thanks all for good suggesions... hopefully whatever I go with is compatible with trixbox
04:29.19[TK]D-Fenderhoneybeebuzz, For those planning on PoE, the IP 320 is a KILLER.  Onces you add the cost of powering it, you then consider if you need to use it in-line... oops, that requires an IP 330 instead, adds more cost, etc.
04:29.26JTyou should try and avoid trixbox
04:29.34[TK]D-Fenderhoneybeebuzz, EVERY SIP phone at that store is.
04:30.12[TK]D-Fenderhoneybeebuzz, I'm trying to suggest something of quality that will fit the budget as close as possible and optimise its value for the way you'll use it
04:31.02honeybeebuzzand that is 501 with asterisk
04:31.24[TK]D-Fenderhoneybeebuzz, ?
04:32.06[TK]D-Fenderhoneybeebuzz, Try rephrasing that into something comprehensible please....
04:32.29*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
04:32.50honeybeebuzzI mean that IP501 is good when combined with Asterisk...
04:32.59[TK]D-Fenderhoneybeebuzz, All of them are.
04:33.21*** join/#asterisk Jabroni (
04:33.39Stridernzl[TK]D-Fender: did you get to it? re forwarding?
04:33.57[TK]D-Fenderhoneybeebuzz, Polycom is a GOOD quality phone regardless of the model.  Total cost & style of deployment will sway which model might bes suit you.
04:34.09[TK]D-FenderStridernzl, incomplete but will finish soon.
04:34.46honeybeebuzzI initially setup asterisk box, later switch to trixbox to smell the differences in term of deployments.... but I am sure that I can do asterisk as well...
04:35.03jbotsomebody said trixbox was a full linux distro that includes FreePBX, and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox seriously painful to support and hence you will find little help here for it.  Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & WIKI at
04:35.14Stridernzl[TK]D-Fender: ? today ? ..... we are @ end of day .. but if you doing soon I'll hang around and watch / test ? listen
04:35.16JTtrixbox makes nasty dialplans
04:35.21jbotzeeek is, like, someone who once said "learning asterisk using a GUI is like learning sex through masturbation. You'll never get to the good stuff."
04:35.39*** join/#asterisk MrTelephone (
04:35.44pigpenTrixbox...heh...that's a good one.
04:35.58[TK]D-Fenderhoneybeebuzz, Trixbox uses * at the core.  they ALL work with it
04:36.04MrTelephonehow does openser with nat support work? good?
04:36.19JTMrTelephone: isn't there a more relevant channel? ;)
04:36.34MrTelephonewell i just want to compare with asterisks no reinvite
04:36.48MrTelephoneis there "nat support" really just passing rtp?
04:36.51JTgar "asterisk"
04:37.05honeybeebuzzokey... I better do asterisk onwards... since I am new, better be good start
04:37.18JTwhy don't you ask them
04:37.29JTMrTelephone: openser is a sip proxy, not rtp
04:37.36MrTelephoneim trying to do call routing, media gateway with 2 t1s all on one box.. i have to break it up a little im having too many issues :-/
04:37.40JTMrTelephone: that said, it does have an rtp proxu module available
04:37.55MrTelephonesounds cool
04:38.07JTMrTelephone: is the media gateway external or asterisk?
04:38.28MrTelephonean asterisk box that does simple sip to zap (t1) should last a while without restarting??
04:38.32MrTelephoneits asterisk
04:38.59MrTelephonemy single asterisk box handles mgcp clients, sip clients, 1 adit 600 channel bank, 1 telco pri
04:38.59JTif there's no bugs, sure
04:39.29MrTelephoneafter a week if i type "stop now" someone it takes like 20 seconds for it to shutdown
04:39.46pigpenSo are there any sip wifi phones that are worth a dam yet?  I haven't looked for a while.
04:39.59MrTelephonepigpen, people are saying no to that
04:40.10MrTelephonecisco did a presentation of their 7920 series and they work great in the office
04:40.18pigpenyeah..same story as before.
04:40.19kimosabehow can i force sipura to hang up
04:40.19JTpigpen: the technology is not worth a damn
04:40.22MrTelephonepeople say they are shit out in the field
04:40.51MrTelephoneasterisk slow to shutdown when executing "stop now"? i guess i'll google that
04:40.55pigpenI have been using long range 900Mhz phones...
04:41.04pigpenkinda sucks, but they work.
04:41.12[TK]D-FenderMrTelephone, Just try doings something useful with *, its stop immediately!
04:41.15MrTelephoneis it because asterisk used so much heap because of bad mgcp code
04:41.36MrTelephoneI don't know what you mean fender
04:41.46JTit was a joke
04:42.04MrTelephoneI had to make sure :P
04:42.40kimosabeis there somthing i can set in sipura to force it to hang up when done the line stays enabled
04:43.50pigpenSo has anyone gotten the polycom "buddy watch" to work with a hint that refers to a db value?
04:44.46MrTelephonesounds interesting pigpen
04:44.46pigpenie: Custom Device State.
04:44.54pigpenFor some reason, my customers (mostly the ones with PHD's) keep forwarding the dam phone to odd places.
04:45.08pigpenSo I have them trigger it via a dialplan entry.
04:45.20pigpenbut, they would like a cute "blinking light" telling them it is on.
04:45.33pigpenI have all of it, but the blinking light part.
04:46.05pigpen^^^info on it..but I guess I am missing the idea to get it to work.
04:46.36*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (
04:47.11kimosabehow can i force reboot in spa 3000 fxo stayed conected
04:47.59JTkimosabe: i'm sure disconnecting the power then reapplying it will do the trick
04:48.08[T]ankneed some help with an error i am getting here are the details:
04:48.09MrTelephonethats some real cool stuff pigpen
04:48.16[TK]D-Fenderpigpen, You need to install trunk or manually patch your install.
04:48.31[TK]D-Fenderpigpen, And even then, FORGET "flashing".  ON/OFF is all you're going to get.
04:48.34*** join/#asterisk raidenz (
04:48.40pigpenah, it is not in the main?
04:48.53pigpenOn is fine.  Flashing is for pussys anyway.
04:48.54[TK]D-Fenderpigpen, no, and it won't be until 1.6
04:49.18kimosabecome on now some one give me a hand please
04:49.19pigpenWorks for me...I can wait.  I have better things to do!
04:49.20raidenzWhat happens if you put a Digium TEXXX 3.3 volt card into a 5v PCI slot?
04:49.32pigpenkimosabe, clap, clap, clap.
04:49.51andrewg_fmgrrr. bloody ddos kiddies
04:49.54raidenzSo basically putting a Quad card into an older systems
04:49.57[TK]D-Fenderraidenz, load
04:50.14raidenzTKD-Fender: Does it fry the card?
04:50.34[TK]D-Fenderraidenz, IIRC... it won't even FIX.
04:50.34pigpenShit,  a 3.3v card won't fit will it?
04:50.42kimosabepigpen i mean my spa 3000 is in use i need it to reebot
04:50.43raidenzor just the card won't work but the card won't be fried
04:51.08JTraidenz: it won't fit, get the correct card.
04:51.09*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
04:51.10pigpenkimosabe, yeah..sorry, I haven't used one for awhile.  Pull the plug works well.
04:51.28pigpenraidenz, use a hack saw.
04:51.30[TK]D-Fenderraidenz, but the RIGHT card. Translation : Sangoma A10[x]d <-
04:51.37MrTelephonesludge hammer
04:51.42MrTelephonemy a102d isn't perfect
04:51.43JTkimosabe: i already told you to power cycle
04:51.52[TK]D-FenderMrTelephone, because sludge is so darned tough!
04:51.58JTkimosabe: now read the damn SPA3000 instruction manual
04:52.07MrTelephoneit will bend your fender far off is 1.6  (yes, I will duck)
04:52.34kimosabejt i have and by the way the spa 3000 is 1500 miles away it not as easy as removing the electrical cord
04:52.57JTkimosabe: then check the instructions on how to remote reboot it
04:53.19pigpenkimosabe, well you didn't say that in the beginning.
04:53.29pigpenyeah..the manual tells you how.  I forgot.
04:53.42*** part/#asterisk honeybeebuzz (
04:53.56*** part/#asterisk [T]ank (
04:53.56kimosabeyou can reboot via the admin/reboot but i cant reboot becuase it says voi/ip state conected
04:54.22JTsorry but it seems no-one knows, kimosabe
04:54.30JTand this isn't much of an asterisk issue
04:55.54pigpenSee item 3 to force hangup.
04:56.10pigpenhopefully it applies.
04:58.02MaliutaJT: what do you make of ??? something about pennytel reject asterisk as a sip agent?
04:58.51*** join/#asterisk honeybeebuzz (
04:58.57kimosabepigpen thanks man
04:59.05JTMaliuta: a load of utter rubbish
04:59.05pigpenkimosabe, good luck.
04:59.08[TK]D-FenderMaliuta, I take that as "change your damn UA and get on wih life"
04:59.15JTMaliuta: i am editing it now, as that is wrong.
04:59.39Maliuta[TK]D-Fender: since you don't deal with them your opinion is superfluous
05:00.23JTMaliuta: there is no need to be rude
05:00.51[TK]D-FenderMaliuta, I suspect you will find few people here do, and in the longer run, that page alone tells you what you need to do and it certainly isn't difficult or terribly unreasonable.
05:00.58pigpenShit.  I have to look that word up.
05:01.18[TK]D-FenderMaliuta, So feel free to shoot us all down in whatever order you please.
05:02.25pigpenMe first.
05:03.23pigpenWell, the bed is calling.  Night all.
05:03.31JT[TK]D-Fender: i use that ITSP and the wiki is WRONG
05:03.37JTjust fixed it
05:04.08[TK]D-FenderJT : ok, fine, sure!
05:06.55vutamhoan[TK]D-Fender, may I ask you a question
05:06.56*** part/#asterisk vutamhoan (n=hoavq@
05:07.01*** join/#asterisk vutamhoan (n=hoavq@
05:07.02jbotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there, just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
05:07.24[TK]D-Fendervutamhoan, and stop bouncing every time you speak, its getting obnoxious
05:07.29vutamhoanIn the digium card has the line "Made in USA" or something like that?
05:07.51[TK]D-Fendervutamhoan, Don't know.  Go ask them directly yourself.
05:08.01[TK]D-Fendervutamhoan, And why is it so important?
05:08.25vutamhoanMy customer want to know where the card come from
05:08.48Qwellvutamhoan: Call Digium sales tomorrow.
05:09.04QwellNobody here is going to be able to certify that for you.
05:09.09vutamhoanYes, because of this is urgent
05:09.26fujinOH REALLY?
05:09.37fujinLack of planning on your part != emergency on ours
05:09.46JTwhat's more important, where the card came from, or how soon you get it?
05:10.23vutamhoanI have to go to my partner right now for checking.. - thanks for your support
05:10.56*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
05:12.10[TK]D-FenderQwell[], Your cards have to be certified Terror-Free, Dolphin-Safe, and made of 100% recycled walnuts or they just won't make the grade!
05:12.29JTdon't forget RoHS
05:12.38JTand no cryptographic exports
05:12.53Strom_Mand also, usually, digium cards have the word "Digium" on them
05:12.55Strom_Mjust a thought
05:14.28*** join/#asterisk lsodi (n=lsodi@
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05:16.55lsodigreetings, I have macro: exten => s,1,GotoIf(${DB_EXISTS(CFU/${ARG1})}?2:4) and database shows *CLI> database get CFU 6837677
05:16.57lsodiValue: 6962210
05:17.29lsodibut asterisk produces   -- Executing [6837677@macro-stdexten:1] Goto("Zap/1-1", "internal|6837677|1") in new stack
05:17.42lsodiwhat could be wrong?
05:19.42Strom_Myou didn't read the documentation for DB_EXISTS is what's wrong
05:21.13Strom_Mor your code is borked
05:21.13[TK]D-Fenderlsodi, please note those 2 lines do NOT match
05:21.48[TK]D-Fenderlsodi, please pastebin the WHOLE macor, and the WHOLE calls CLI output, and not clearly mismatched bits
05:22.07*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
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05:31.02[TK]D-Fenderlsodi, WTF is "include => incoming" doing INSIDE a macro?  because thats clearly what is getting executed instead....
05:31.31[TK]D-Fenderlsodi, lines 6-10 aren't being called at all.
05:31.40[TK]D-Fenderlsodi, go caffeinate!
05:32.15[TK]D-Fender-- Executing [6837677@macro-stdexten:1] Goto("Zap/2-1", "internal|6837677|1") in new stack <- this is a GOTO.
05:32.26[TK]D-Fenderexten => s,1,GotoIf(${DB_EXISTS(CFU/${ARG1})}?2:4) <- this is a GOTOIF
05:32.46[TK]D-Fender. <- this is * without CAFFEINE.  See how small it is!
05:33.08[TK]D-Fenderit wants to grow up an be a BIG *!
05:36.15[TK]D-Fenderok, thats it for me tonight.... time to hit the sack, later all
05:37.50*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
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05:57.20mostyif i wanted to forward callerid data from an iax client when i send the call onwards, should i just leave the callerid function alone?
05:58.18denonthe callerid moves with the call
05:58.29denonyou dont need to "send" it
06:00.12mostywell for example a call comes in from an iax client, and then in turn i forward the call on via PRI, then would i have to set (not send) the callerid before doing the dial?
06:01.21mostyer, note that the IAX client's callerid is not necessarily the same as that of the PRI line i dial via
06:03.10eniorehhi ppl
06:06.59*** join/#asterisk Amerkl (
06:09.31nvicfhi enio
06:09.44AmerklI'm looking for the simplest VOIP solution that will allow me to do the following: Call up a user using my voip service, speak with them, and then if required divert them to an extension with an IVR menu. isnt asterisk too complex for my simple usage?
06:10.41JTAmerkl: no, it's not too complex. IVRs are not basic
06:10.43mostyamerkl: what provides the IVR?
06:11.31Amerkleverything should be on 1 computer
06:11.51Amerkli have heard asterisk has ivr capabilities, but asterisk just seems to complex for my use
06:12.24*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
06:12.26Amerklisn't there a simpler solution?
06:12.46mostyamerkl: i don't know of anything simpler for creating an IVR
06:13.50Amerklthere wont be a softphone or a voip service with basic ivr capabilities yeah?
06:13.52*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chendy@
06:14.05JTAmerkl: no, asterisk is already simple enough
06:14.20JTAmerkl: i'm sure some providers will happily provide you with an outsourced IVR for a fee
06:14.21mostyamerkl: simple phones don't do IVR's (that I know of)
06:16.07*** join/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
06:19.35Amerklalright, thanks guys : )
06:25.45*** join/#asterisk minkus (
06:26.39tengulrewhich website provide flash video?
06:27.19*** join/#asterisk yxa (n=lonari@
06:30.45Amerklguys, will IVR work on a conference call?
06:31.03JTAmerkl: what do you mean?
06:31.42Amerklit works through tone yeah? so suppose
06:31.58AmerklUser    \   / IVR
06:32.14JTplease explain more clearly
06:32.31Amerklbasically I make a conference with the User and the IVR system, allowing the user to interact with the IVR after I have spoken with him, and while he is interacting with the IVR i am silent
06:32.47Amerklsince an IVR basically reads the sound made by the digit pressed, it should work yeah?
06:33.08JTi don't think so
06:33.21JTit would be a call, not a conference, to the user first
06:33.36JTdon't know if you can hand them off to an ivr with you still listening
06:34.47Amerklto the IVR i will appear the user, its no different
06:34.54Amerkl*i'll appear to be the user
06:35.20AmerklFrom the IVRs perspective, its connected to me, it doesnt know about the user
06:35.24JTit is different
06:35.24Amerklso it shouldnt be any different
06:35.29JTif you have 2 users connected
06:35.35JTtry to learn a bit more about asterisk
06:35.44Amerklahh I'
06:35.44JTbecause IVRs are usually for one user
06:35.53AmerklI'm talking about softphone with a hosted ivr here
06:36.11JTeven so
06:37.56Amerklas far as the IVR knows,  tehre is one user
06:38.39JTi suppose you could do conferencing at your softphone
06:50.55*** join/#asterisk Cyon (n=cyon@
06:52.46creativxoh damn tiredness
06:52.47creativxmorning JT
06:52.56creativxor mid day. or whatever it may be down under, i never remember
06:53.03JThello creativx
06:53.09JTit's late afternoon
06:53.19JTbut it's always morning somewhere in the world
06:53.27snuff-workalmost time to knock off :P go 5pm
06:54.21creativxenvy! i just got into the office
06:54.29creativxwith some good 3 hrs sleep before that
06:55.13*** join/#asterisk Aurs (
06:56.08Aurs1.4.8 was pretty short lived? :)
06:56.55*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
06:57.10Chris-NBanyone knows a good solution for a switchboard?
06:58.39*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
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07:01.40mostyChris-NB, what do you need a switchboard for?
07:03.02Chris-NBmosty, to answer calls and distribute to the right persons or give information
07:03.08Chris-NBmosty, in a company
07:03.31mostyhow many internal extensions?
07:05.24*** join/#asterisk steliosk (
07:06.40*** join/#asterisk vanlink (n=vanlink@
07:07.06vanlinki am unable to send dtmf tones to my voice gateway through sip phone,any help?
07:09.29vanlinkdoes anybody even talk anything here?
07:09.50andrewg_fmthis channel is quite active, actually
07:10.11vanlinki dont see any msgs except yours
07:10.17*** join/#asterisk CM3_1_2_632 (
07:10.17creativximagine that
07:10.46vanlinkcan anyone help me with my issue?
07:10.54vanlinktrouble with sip phone
07:11.31creativxin-band, out of ban?
07:11.46vanlinkhmm inband
07:12.17Chris-NBvanlink, same settings in asterisk and the sip phone?
07:12.36vanlinklet me explain in detail
07:12.39Chris-NBwhat phone?
07:12.54vanlinki am using vanlink voice gateway,which has fxs and fxo ports on it
07:12.55Chris-NBmosty, you see why I'm asking for a switchboard?
07:13.08vanlinki am using xlite sip phone
07:13.43vanlinkso i am able to make calls to my fxo port using phones connected to fxs and able to get to pbx
07:14.00vanlinkbut when i try to do that with a sip phone,i am unable to do it
07:14.19*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (
07:14.20vanlinksip phone to FXS phone is working too
07:14.45vanlinkbut not SIP to FXO => PBX
07:15.27vanlinkany help?
07:16.28Chris-NBsry, no experience with fxo/fxs
07:16.53vanlinkthanks anyways
07:17.04vanlinkanyone else have any idea?
07:17.26creativxsorry no idea here either, im all-ip
07:18.01JTsounds like a gateway issue
07:18.48vanlinkim not sure,may be a gateway issue,but i am able to get to pbx using phone connected to FXS of gateway
07:19.16JTi thought this was a dtmf issue
07:19.55vanlinkit is a dtmf issue,as when i dial from sip phone,the gateway is not taking my dtmf tones
07:20.23vanlinkthis is my verbose msgs
07:20.26vanlinkCalled 108@
07:20.26vanlinkexten => 108,1,Dial(Sip/108@
07:20.26vanlinkexten => 108,2,Senddtmf(ww9109#)
07:20.32JTno PASTING here
07:20.35jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
07:20.58JTdoes the gateway have the same dtmfmode as asterisk?
07:21.48vanlinkhere is my pastebin
07:22.07vanlinkJT: i am not sure about it
07:22.24*** join/#asterisk mynishi (n=mynishi@
07:22.26vanlinkthere is no documentation with gateway which tells which dtmf mode it is using
07:22.39JTwell you need to configure the damn thing
07:23.09vanlinkbut am i using the dial command in asterisk correctly or not?
07:23.32JTnot ideal, no
07:23.42JTyou should setup a sip friend in sip.conf
07:23.55JTand do Dial(SIP/friend/number)
07:24.12vanlinkmy fxo port is registered as friend
07:24.35vanlinkbut if i do Dial(SIP/108@ then it shows
07:24.45vanlinkno address 104/109
07:25.29JTyes i didn't tell you to do that.
07:25.38JTgive it a name in sip.conf
07:26.11vanlinkbut then it wont register
07:26.39*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
07:26.40vanlinksee this is how i register my fxo port
07:27.04JTwhat are you talking about? registrations do NOT happen in the dialplan
07:27.08vanlinkregister => 108@
07:27.12JTread the book
07:27.14jbot[thebook] a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
07:27.21vanlinkno i am talking about the sip.conf file
07:27.40JTand why can't you add a friend entry for the gateway?
07:28.06vanlinkcoz if i give it anyother name other then 108 it wont get registerd
07:28.12vanlinkwhen i do sip show registry
07:28.38vanlinkafter register command,i do
07:28.43JTi didn't say to change the register command
07:29.15vanlinki understand,but this is the only way it works
07:29.31JTcan you please put a space after your commas, thanks :P
07:30.15vanlinkif possible for you, can u please give me a sample sip.conf file ?
07:30.30JTthere is a sample that comes with asterisk
07:30.45vanlinki mean,the way u are talking about
07:30.53vanlinksorry again for space
07:31.56*** join/#asterisk swk (n=SwK@
07:36.08vanlinkwell, thanks anyways
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07:40.22*** join/#asterisk foo (n=foo@unaffiliated/foo)
07:40.24fooIn /etc/asterisk/sip.conf, is nat=yes an option?
07:40.43vanlinkfoo:it is
07:40.53foookay, and I do that if my asterisk box is behind nat? and I manually have port forwarding configured, right?
07:41.11fooAnd I can stick that after [general], I imagine
07:41.50vanlinkfoo:yes, and u can give assign it to every peer/user too
07:42.52vanlinkby writing nat=yes to  peer/user's context
07:42.54foovanlink: Thank you
07:49.24juuvaanyone knows working softphones for windows mobile 5?
07:49.25*** join/#asterisk kiscokid (
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07:51.39UzziDoes Asterisk work with Communication controller: Conexant HCF 56k Data/Fax/Voice/Spkp device?
07:51.58JTfoo: no no no, nat=yes is only if you have far end clients behind nat
07:52.10JTif you are connecting to a sip server you do NOT need nat=yes
07:52.22JTif you are connecting to a sip server you do NOT need port forwarding
07:53.53fooJT: ah
07:54.37JTyou only need port forwarding if you are acting as sip server and you are behind nat and have clients out on the Internet
07:54.49fooJT: hmm, well, the network with my asterisk install (I have asterisk+SIP setup with trixbox) is behind a linux router. I have ports 5060, 5061, and 10000-20000 forwarded to the asterisk box.
07:55.18JT5061 is pointless, why did you forward that
07:56.05fooJT: hm, I would have a client out on the Internet, my palm treo, and I don't know if my install also acts as a SIP server or not. I mean, in trixbox I have 2 trunks configured to the way vitelity, my SIP provider, said to - and it works. I forward 5061 because vitelity said so, hm, someone else said it is pointless too, though. *shrug*
07:56.28JTit is acting as server then
07:56.36JTeww, "trunks"
07:56.39jbot[trixbox] a full linux distro that includes FreePBX, and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox seriously painful to support and hence you will find little help here for it.  Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & WIKI at
07:57.46creativxseems like SIP "trunk" is here to stay
08:00.28fooJT: hm, trunks are bad? Are they not part of asterisk and something else or something? I'm curious to learn, excuse me if I'm in the wrong place, please
08:01.37JTtrunks is the wrong name for a sip connection
08:02.36fooJT: oh, I see
08:02.39vanlinkhey thanks
08:02.41vanlinkit worked
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08:02.58vanlinkit was configuration issue with my voice gateway only
08:03.00vanlinkthanks JT
08:03.38fooJT: What are they called? I'm still learning the VoIP lingo.
08:04.21JTvanlink: no problem
08:04.32vanlinkbye guys
08:04.34*** part/#asterisk vanlink (n=vanlink@
08:04.46JTfoo: sip connections, calls
08:04.50fooJT: gotcha, I see
08:05.01fooAnyone in here used a softphone on a palm treo before?
08:05.47*** join/#asterisk tuzhila (n=kvirc@
08:06.21tuzhilahi all
08:08.46Chris-NBanyone realized a switchboard with asterisk?
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08:11.05Aurs"-g     Remove  resource  limit on core size, thus forcing Asterisk to dump core in the unlikely event of a segmentation fault or abort signal."
08:11.05JTChris-NB: you'd be better off with some form of address book i'd think
08:11.11Aursha ha, very funny man page
08:12.01creativxChris-NB: yes
08:12.09creativxalthough with 15% of the extensions that you have
08:12.34Chris-NBJT, switchboard for incoming calls. what benefit should bring a address book?
08:12.43Chris-NBcreativx, how have you done that?
08:14.01creativxChris-NB: a combination of lots of things. a service application that talks to the AMI and broadcasts udp packets to the clients (everybody has access to the "switchboard" in our CRM), another script that does CID lookups and decides where to route the calls
08:14.12*** join/#asterisk qdk (n=qdk@
08:15.17Chris-NBcreativx, have you written the software?
08:15.26creativxyes. in.... visual basic
08:15.28Chris-NBcreativx, it's an automatic switchboard?
08:15.30creativxquick, shudder everyone
08:15.39Chris-NBcreativx, VB? : )
08:15.39*** join/#asterisk flenders (n=fserto@unaffiliated/flenders)
08:15.50coldstealif my voip service (broadvoice) doesnt use iax and i buy a iax ata thing for my phone can i conect my ata to my * server and still call out ?
08:16.09Chris-NBcreativx, no one is answering incoming calls and 'manually' distributing it?
08:16.17creativxChris-NB: we can decide.. the idea was to have the possibility for x number of agents taking incoming calls and route them or service them, or turn it all around and let the incoming calls reach the most likely person they are trying to reach on the first try
08:16.43creativxso during the summer we have 2-3 persons taking the incoming calls manually
08:16.57creativxwhen our employees are too busy to talk
08:16.59Chris-NBcreativx, ok. sounds interesting
08:17.25Chris-NBcreativx, but that software is only usable with your crm?
08:17.28creativxand then in the fall when things have normalized the idea is to let each employee have the responsibility of answering incoming calls
08:17.34creativxyes this is custom written for our use Chris-NB
08:17.42Chris-NBi c
08:17.58creativxbut once you figure out the AMI things arent that bad :>
08:18.14Chris-NBso it's interesting, but I can't benefit from it? : )
08:18.24creativxnot other than conceptually :)
08:19.52*** join/#asterisk af_ (
08:20.13creativxit all depends.. what kind of business you do etc
08:20.18creativxand what applications you use in-house
08:20.53creativxthen you can start hacking into asterisk and see the great added value it brings along to effeciency etc
08:23.43JTChris-NB: sorry, why do you need 473487334 buttons for incoming calls?
08:25.55*** join/#asterisk Dirk- (
08:26.14Chris-NBJT, what do you mean with that?
08:26.16*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (
08:26.57JTChris-NB: you asked me what good an address book is, i'm asking you what good ten thousand buttons is
08:27.07JTChris-NB: you haven't made it at all clear what you want
08:28.54Chris-NBJT, I need 'something' for a switchboard where calls are routet, someone picks up the phone, places call on hold, calls someone else and connect those two calls or tells the 1st caller that the 2nd isn't available or something else.
08:29.20Chris-NBJT, I can't see where a address book can solve this?
08:30.03JTyou mean like queues and call transfers, right
08:30.07JTvery basic
08:30.22JTyou don't need a big switchboard for that
08:31.56*** join/#asterisk stkn|work (n=stkn|wor@gentoo/developer/
08:33.49creativxsigh.. i love it when things just break randomly
08:41.18Chris-NBJT, It should be a bit bigger. If a call is transfered and nobody picked up the other end, the call should be routet back to the switchboard/queue and the person answering the call again should know that the call was transfered and the other person didn't pick up
08:44.24*** join/#asterisk Gled|work (
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08:44.36JTChris-NB: that's all doable in dialplan logic
08:45.14Chris-NBJT, how can I tell the person that this call already passed the switchboard before?
08:45.32creativxChris-NB: even better, why try to transfer a call if the person is unavailable? presence is the keyword here :-)
08:45.57Chris-NBcreativx, but for that I ned a SER or OpenSER which I haven't got
08:46.22Chris-NBcreativx, oh, ok. with blf it'd also reachable
08:46.26JTyou don't need a sip proxy at akk
08:46.51Chris-NBJT, with blf it would be possible. right?
08:48.39JTyou don't even need blf
08:48.51JTit's all very acheivable in dialplan logic, and many people do it
08:48.58*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
08:49.16Chris-NBJT, how can I 'see' if a person is un/available?
08:49.17JTuse of astdb or an sql db, or just variables to hold bits of data if you're itterating to different extensions
08:49.36JTblf, or try and call them
08:49.49Chris-NBJT, ok. set something in astdb if a call starts. an check that field
08:50.34JTsounds prone to problems
08:50.48JTlogging extensions being in use in astdb
08:50.54JTyou don't need to go that complex
08:51.06*** join/#asterisk vgster (
08:51.11Chris-NBwhat would be better?
08:53.07JTi've suggested some ideas already
08:53.13JTthere's quite a lot of options
08:53.20JTimplementing is up to you
08:56.41jboti heard thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
08:56.48Dirk-is there a way to read some queue info (like how many callers are in a queue) in any other way than having a script read the output of "queue show" ?
08:56.51JTshould give you a better idea of how things can be done
08:57.11*** part/#asterisk foo (n=foo@unaffiliated/foo)
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09:00.09creativxDirk-: show manager  command QueueStatus
09:04.04Dirk-that doesnt seem to provide a useful output?
09:05.31Dirk-I was actually hoping to be able to read it out of the sql tables or something
09:06.01JTthe sql tables of what?
09:07.31Dirk-Sorry, unclear.  From wherever asterisk stores its config's.  Would a value like the amount of calls waiting in a queue be stores in an accessible database somewhere on the asterisk server by default, or would that information only be available by interfacing with the management interface
09:07.55JTAMI is there for a reason
09:08.02Dirk-That answers that then :)
09:09.41creativxhence my previous reference to QueueStatus ;)
09:12.48Dirk-I can do what I need by parsing the output of 'queue show', so its ok, but QueueStatus is confusing me, when I type 'show manager command QueueStatus' I get three lines in response showing "Action: QueueStatus | Synopsis: Queue Status | Privilege: none" is there something I should understand from this?
09:13.16creativxyou connect to the AMI on port 5038
09:13.19creativxthen login
09:13.38creativxthen you send Action: QueueStatus\r\nQueue: queuename\r\n
09:13.44creativxand then parse whatever you get in return
09:16.46Dirk-hmm, I didnt know about this. I'll do some research - thanks a lot
09:17.11jbotwell, ami is the Asterisk Manager Interface, a way to control an Asterisk server via a TCP/IP socket. See
09:17.21creativxthe AMI is powerful
09:17.22coldstealwhats a good way to tell if MeetMe() is working?
09:20.05creativxshow modules like
09:28.01*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
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09:36.38coldsteali cant get meetme to work this is my error and configs
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09:58.32*** join/#asterisk skitfish (
09:59.10coldsteali cant get meetme to work this is my error and configs
09:59.24skitfishhey guys, I'd like a little help setting asterisk up to auto dial out and deliver a prerecorded message
10:02.39*** join/#asterisk slima (i=slima@unaffiliated/slima)
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10:03.40*** join/#asterisk dreamind (
10:03.43dreamindHi folks
10:04.12dreamindcan anybody help me how to restrict the applicationmap features only to local sip phones and not calls comming in through the zaptel device?
10:05.54skitfishcan anyone point me to documentation on setting asterisk up to automatically dial out and deliver a prerecorded message?
10:06.47r0d3ntno voip spamming/telemarketer/political spammer.
10:08.08dreamindskitfish: look for call files and create a context in your extensions.conf for playing back a soundfile
10:08.35dreamindI personally use that for automatic messages when some server fails to work.
10:08.36skitfishthanks, I've done that (I followed
10:08.45skitfishyes that's exactly what I'd like to achieve!
10:09.15skitfishthanks, r0d3nt, for the reminder about telemarketing, etc, but I'm not using asterisk for commercial gain
10:09.33dreamindI personally use Festival() to play back my messages
10:09.42dreamindbecause I didn't want to record every single message ;)
10:09.48skitfishI wouldn't sink so low as to come here and ask for help on spamming people
10:10.23dreamindhm, nobody an idea on DYNAMIC_FEATURES? - I just would like to restrict it to either the caller or the callee
10:10.39dreamindand the features.conf documentation isn't that good on this point :(
10:11.26coldstealdreamind: what r u trying?
10:12.26dreamindI'm trying to implement n-way conferences
10:12.50dreamindbut for asterisk 1.2
10:13.01dreamindjust now I'm testing agi and co
10:13.22dreamindand I'm also using macros being called through the applicationmap
10:13.30skitfishCan someone give me a quick recommendation on what I need to deliver alerts to staff on the POTN besides an internet-connected laptop with asterisk installed on it, and an extensions.conf with an appropriate set of contexts in it?
10:13.38dreamindbut I would like to restrict the usage of the applicationmap only to local sip clients
10:13.53dreamindcurrently also zap channels can use features defined in the applicationmap.
10:16.33dreamindcoldsteal: hm, did that explanation clear things?
10:19.23*** join/#asterisk Tili (
10:20.37skitfishhas anyone here set asterisk up to auto dial out and deliver a pre-recorded message?
10:20.37skitfishI'll be placing call files in /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/ when some part of the network fails
10:21.05*** part/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
10:22.18dreamindcoldsteal: and any idea? :/
10:22.27*** part/#asterisk ming_zy1 (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-a5c502138331f32a)
10:23.54HaMYaIwhy would " pcntl_signal(SIGHUP,  SIG_IGN);" work on one script but not another
10:24.19HaMYaIboth running on the same box
10:24.37*** join/#asterisk boogieman (n=boogiema@
10:26.15boogiemanhello all, i'm planning to setup a SW PBX.. however I am bit confused with the needed telephony hardware cards ... can you all help/advice me..
10:27.11boogiemanI have 4 PSTN lines; and 1 of them is used for faxes...
10:27.53boogiemanmy requirement is that when someone from the PSTN (outside) calls me, the phones should just ring
10:28.03JTit would save a lot of hassle if you kept the fax line seperate to asterisk
10:28.04boogiemanand i should be able to take PSTN calls as well
10:28.32boogiemanpls. tell me the HW requirement first for this setup
10:28.37*** join/#asterisk Modcuts (
10:28.54boogiemanfor the asterisk, I have a decent machine with a NIC available
10:29.01JThow many extensions?
10:29.15boogiemansetting up the VoIP network is ok (i went through the tutorials)
10:29.26boogiemancould be around 100
10:29.44boogiemanthinking of giving all the uses an extension
10:29.45JT100 extensions for 3-4 lines?
10:30.23boogiemanem...extension = each user
10:30.38boogiemanthey can talk to each other in office
10:30.47JThow many phone handsets/extensions?
10:31.09boogiemanrather 4
10:31.13boogiemanwith the FAX
10:31.22JTthat's not 100 extensions
10:31.28JTkeep fax seperate
10:31.29dreamindcoldsteal: :(
10:32.07boogiemanok; i'll keep that line separate ... i saw that FAX handling is bit different in a VoIP network
10:32.27boogiemanJT: pls. tell me about the FXO hardware I should buy
10:32.59JTskitfish: what is POTN?
10:33.26boogiemanmost of the sights i visited; digium and sangoma talk about separate FXO/FXS modules .. i think
10:33.36JTdreamind: you have a UPS?
10:33.47JTboogieman: you have 3 FXO, get something with 3 FXO capability
10:34.00JTdreamind: was trying to work out the context
10:34.13dreamindJT: hehe ok ^^
10:34.14skitfishplain old telephone network
10:34.21skitfishsorry, it's probably a bogus acronym
10:35.59*** join/#asterisk oej_ (
10:36.09*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
10:36.26boogiemanJT: will the Rhino R8FXX-EC Modular PCI Plug-In Card do? its rather cheap than than the quad FXO card ?
10:36.41JTno idea
10:36.45JTno-one uses rhino
10:38.06boogiemanJT: any particular reason why its not used ?
10:39.00creativxheh oops.. so funny to detect config errors by accident
10:39.00JTerr, because it's not
10:39.09JTit's just a minor brand
10:39.14JTnothing spectacular
10:39.49*** join/#asterisk tsurko (n=tsurko@
10:40.29boogiemanJT: how about the Sangoma A200?
10:41.08JTshould be fine
10:43.54boogiemanJT: this is the problem; the A200 (and other HW) talks about 2 modules; FXO and FXS; do i need to have the FXS model ? or must i have 2 FXO modules to utilize the quad RJ11 ports ?
10:45.13JTboogieman: no. you need 3 FXO ports.
10:46.25skitfishso, dialing out to the PSTN to notify staff of problems on the network via a pre-recorded message, example configs anyone?
10:46.51coldstealwhhere do i get the default recordings
10:46.51coldstealcan i download them again
10:46.52coldstealim missing allot
10:46.58coldsteallike vm-rec-name
10:47.28boogiemanJT: if you look at the A200 demo; they talk about 2 ports per module; its like FXO/FXO, FXO/FXS... FXS,FXS .. but each module is like binded to just 2 RJ11 ports... that's why i'm asking whether we need to buy 2 FXO modules with the A200
10:48.15JTboogieman: then yes
10:48.16boogiemanJT: I already sent them an email; they are yet to respond.... couldn't wait till then...:D
10:49.48JTwhat do you need to email them for?
10:54.42boogiemanJT: pricing and this FXO/FXS issue
10:55.00boogiemanJT: do they have product prices online ?
10:55.01JTthey don't sell direct
10:55.14JTsee the whole "resellers/distributors" section of their site....
10:56.34boogiemanJT: what i need is to know the price (even a rough figure), but their sites just point to distributor web addresses and contacts
10:56.46JTwell go to them
10:56.55JTyou must buy it from a retailler
10:59.01boogiemanJT: i'm in Sri Lanka, the Perl of the Indian Ocean :) ... i'll have to call them and get the price
10:59.05*** join/#asterisk waptaxi (
10:59.15boogiemanJT: no resellers in LK
10:59.29JTnot my problem
10:59.33JTsearch the Internet
10:59.51JTplenty of american online stores sell it, maybe that will give you an idea of the price
11:02.29boogiemanJT: thanks
11:06.07*** join/#asterisk Stormfr (
11:11.09StormfrI try to get hangupcause with AGI, but with IAX channel, i don't have any data return. any idea where could be the problem ? no problem with a sip call
11:17.11coldstealokay i still cant get meetme() to work i did get a little farther tho
11:17.44coldstealthat what shoes up in asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvr
11:17.57coldstealdam thats to meny Vs
11:18.40boogiemanJT: what is the use of a FXS port in a VOIP network such as what i'm planning to setup ?
11:19.05JTboogieman: i thought you wanted to connect to your PSTN lines, my mistake
11:19.22coldstealit also doesnt see my vm-rec-name.gsm thats is /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/vm-rec-name.gsm
11:20.51boogiemanJT: you thought correct; i want to connect to my 3 PSTN lines (minus the FAX line) .. i'm just asking about the FXS port and its would be use
11:21.11JTi did not say to get an FXS port
11:21.29boogiemanJT: no you didn't; you asked me to get 3 FXO ports
11:21.48boogiemanJT: apart from that; i'm pondering what sort of use a FXS port would do ?
11:22.04DrukenLPYFXS is for connecting analog phones to your system... but i personally reccomend ata's
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11:22.56boogiemanDrukenLPY: meaning; analog phones to my VOIP phone system ?
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11:24.41boogiemanDrukenLPY: ata's imply IP Phones ?
11:24.58*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/active/cpm)
11:24.58DrukenLPYanalog telephone adaptor, it's a device
11:25.29skitfishcan anyone help with my setup?
11:26.05DrukenLPYskitfish: ask questions, if we have answers we'll give them
11:27.11boogiemanDrukenLPY: analog phone <--> ATA <--> VOIP Network <--> PBX <--- FXO card ---> PSTN ... is my understanding correct ?
11:27.29coldstealdoes meetme() have to have a pryority of 1?
11:27.32DrukenLPYlooks right...
11:28.11*** join/#asterisk deegan (
11:28.24JTcoldsteal: are you drunk?
11:28.54coldsteali cant spell
11:29.02coldsteallol i dont drink either
11:29.18skitfishIdeally I would like an example setup for a system which auto dials out on the POTS and delivers a prerecorded message, when a call file is placed in the relevant directory
11:29.19deeganIs there a way to use GotoIfTime so that it works like an if-if-else statement? I have to GotoIfTime and if it's not anyone of thoose i want it to play a message.
11:30.04JTcoldsteal: yeah, your typing atm...
11:30.15DrukenLPYskitfishL well, don't count on me helping ya... i don't help asshole telemarketers :)
11:30.24JTskitfish: take a look at the book and work out how to do it yourself
11:30.27jbotthebook is, like, a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
11:32.37skitfishif telemarketing is calling the mobiles of engineers with a prerecorded message to let them know when the network is down so they can go fix it then yes, I'm a telemarketer
11:33.56JTskitfish: it's quite easy, just check out the book and read the file
11:34.08skitfishok thanks, but what about hardware requirements?
11:34.40JTwhat about them? same as for making any other calls
11:34.52JTyou will need hardware if you're connecting to physical lines
11:35.18HaMYaIcan't we "reload module" from cli?
11:36.30*** join/#asterisk lukassky (n=lukass@
11:36.38lukasskyhi everybody
11:37.00DrukenLPYskitfish: if the network is down... how do you expect to make calls?
11:37.22creativxmagic airwaves
11:37.25JTDrukenLPY: physical lines :)
11:37.37DrukenLPYJT: he said cell phones :)
11:37.58JTcalling mobiles on the other end
11:38.12JTthat does not preclude you from using physical lines to make the call
11:39.25skitfishyes, true, but it's also perfectly possible to have a host with more than one network adapter installed in it
11:39.25skitfishone could be connected to a network which is susceptible to going 'down' and the other could be use to send out 'network down' notifications on a second network
11:39.51creativxalso called "redundancy"
11:39.54creativxhow about a power outage
11:40.06DrukenLPYcreativx: hehe
11:41.40skitfishok you got me ;P
11:43.18creativxofcourse you get a gsm module on a separate powersupply
11:43.38creativx.. or you could have external monitoring
11:43.44creativxthe opportunities are endless :P
11:44.09DrukenLPYya get a gridtie system with a hybrid system behind it with solar, wind and diesel gennies :)
11:49.06skitfishthanks guys
11:50.32DrukenLPYwtf is up with the trucks in toronto... god damn... 3 major roll overs just this week... AND THIS IS ONLY THURSDAY!!!!
11:51.27skitfishany fatalities?
11:52.00DrukenLPYi don't think so...
11:54.31*** join/#asterisk ghenry (n=ghenry@
11:55.02creativxmm thursday
11:55.10creativxdamn its thursday already. mini friday! sweet shit
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12:11.06JTcreativx: it's friday in 2 hours ;)
12:11.15creativxbastard :)
12:12.54tuzhilaJT, where are you live?
12:13.10MaliutaJT: 45 mins
12:13.25Maliutanot like I have to be back at work until monday anyhow
12:14.35JTtuzhila: sydney, australia
12:14.48tuzhilaoh, cool!
12:14.55tuzhilai want to visit australia
12:15.04JTMaliuta: 45mins, how do you figure?
12:15.17Maliutait's 22:15
12:15.31JT1h 45mins
12:15.35JTnot 45mins
12:15.55Maliutasydney blows goats, and melbourne is not far behind ... I'm moving back to Brisneyland
12:16.08JTeww brisbane sucks balls :P
12:16.17JTMaliuta: so still think it's 45mins? :P
12:16.17MaliutaJT: yeah, yeah. I blame the scotch for losing an hour :P
12:16.49Maliutawent to a bar called "Spleen" after dinner, had a Morangie
12:16.59Maliutabrisbane rocks
12:17.10Maliutafar betterer than hellbourne
12:17.18JTmelbourne is far better
12:17.22JTbrisbane has awful weather
12:17.26Maliutanot really
12:17.28JTit's like a country town
12:17.30JTyes, really
12:17.37DrukenLPYpiss on all of aussie... :)
12:17.41Maliutano, not really
12:17.53JTbrisbane is way too hot and sunny
12:18.05Maliutabeen in hellbourne for almost 2 years now, more miserable than ever
12:18.12skitfishthe Aussie in my office says Brisbane is getting better
12:18.17Maliutayou call _this_ weather?
12:18.18creativxi know some aussies in brisbane
12:18.23creativxthey are mostly crazy in the head
12:18.24skitfishbut he's with us here in London so we don't listen to him
12:18.31creativxand one in melbourne who is a total nutter
12:18.31JTi visit melbourne every year once or twice
12:18.31Maliutabetter than it used to be
12:18.36*** join/#asterisk msetim (n=marcos@
12:18.48JTbrisbane is an utter yawn
12:18.52JTtoo many bogans too
12:18.53Maliutanice to visit, crap to live in ... just like canberra
12:19.08Maliutanot if you go to the right places
12:19.12JTmelbourne is a much better place to live in than canberra
12:19.17Maliutathere are more bogons in melbourne
12:19.29waKKuu need came to brazil :D
12:19.39Maliutait's bogon central down here
12:19.47JTok i think we've found a queenslander in denial of queensland's boganess
12:19.55MaliutawaKKu: only to Ipenema :P
12:20.19MaliutaI know where the QLD bogons are .... heck my brother is one
12:20.27waKKuMaliuta nah.. Ipanema is just a hoax.. u need to know the island from Santa Catarina (Florianopolis) :)
12:20.28MaliutaI just also know how to avoid them
12:20.33waKKuwhere i live, now :)
12:21.02JTMaliuta: and avoiding the sun?
12:21.20waKKuif u like surfing, sandboarding, best parties and best beaches - here is the place :)
12:22.30JTi don't think i'll like it too much, waKKu
12:22.43JTsounds like almost everything i want to avoid :P
12:23.01waKKuJT hehe.. well.. here have some lan houses too :D
12:23.07MaliutaJT: you need to go live in antarctica for a bit :P
12:23.18JTMaliuta: too extreme weather conditions
12:23.47MaliutaJT: so maybe london then, somewhere with miserable weather anyhow
12:23.59skitfishyeah London has miserable weather right now
12:24.02skitfishI can vouch for that
12:24.11skitfishGrey skies, generally depressing
12:24.20creativxwhee we have sun.. and grey skies
12:24.30JTi like overcast sky
12:24.33creativxhow can it be depressing, we have already established that its thursday and soon to be friday :)
12:24.37JTdoesn't have to be grey
12:24.40skitfishfor you maybe
12:24.45JTjust shielded from evil sun
12:24.48skitfish10 hours 35 mins to go for me
12:24.57skitfish(but then I'm off to Sweden on Saturday :))
12:25.52MaliutaJT: I'm a goth, and I thought _I_ was bad for depression, you sound worse
12:26.16skitfishdamn day star
12:26.26eniorehgoth ?
12:26.55eniorehlike those ppl dressed in black and red, having sex on the dancefloor
12:27.09Maliutano red
12:27.14Maliutagoth > emo
12:27.18eniorehyou don't like blood ?
12:27.19skitfishsex on the dancefloor?? I know what goths are, but I've never seem them doing that!
12:27.20eniorehso sad :/
12:27.35eniorehskitfish: you haven't been to so right place so
12:27.36MaliutaI take my sex where I can get it, dancefloor, park ....
12:27.45*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
12:27.56creativxsex on dancefloor aka chlamydia pit
12:28.18JTMaliuta: depression?
12:28.26JTMaliuta: i'm not depressed
12:28.33MaliutawaKKu: seen it
12:28.39eniorehJT: all depressed ppl says that
12:28.59JTenioreh: sorry?
12:29.09JTenioreh: what evidence do you have that i'm depressed
12:29.29waKKulet me c
12:29.36eniorehyou says that you are not. that's the proof you are.
12:29.44JTenioreh: you are an extremely rude, extremely ignorant individual
12:29.57coppiceJT: are you a rational human being, who looks squarely at the world around?
12:30.18JTenioreh: you've made a medical assessment over irc from the little time you've spend around here and a few lines of my chat?
12:30.22JTcoppice: i'd like to think so
12:30.26eniorehnote that the same works for junky, gay and terrorist
12:30.26DrukenLPYthat youtube is soo wrong
12:30.34coppicesee. you are depressed
12:30.40JTi see
12:30.44tuzhila8495.... is it vietnam?
12:31.11JTenioreh: also please learn to use proper english
12:31.24JTenioreh: i hear intentional poor spelling is a sign of depression
12:31.47eniorehJT: you lie.
12:31.54creativxi would rather classify you as a coconut crazy JT.
12:32.10creativxperformed over the irc interweb net, free of charge.
12:32.13JTcreativx: at least that's not depressed!'s that #asterisk o #fightin'-club?
12:33.02JTso apparently liking cooler climates and avoiding skin cancer makes one depressed ;)
12:33.08*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:33.29DrukenLPYmove to canada :)
12:33.46JTyour winters seem extreme
12:33.48MaliutaJT: I have nothing to fear from cancer. I already hold the record for highest circulating Leukaemic count in an adult :P
12:33.56JTMaliuta: nice
12:34.00Maliutacancer is my bitch :P
12:34.06DrukenLPYbut we have a temp rang of 60 degrees celcius
12:34.25MaliutaI keep it in the closet, and pull it out for dinner parties :)
12:36.07JTMaliuta: so do you like being "so sad" (not my words)
12:36.41waKKuMaliuta damn long and annoying video.. but some cool :)
12:37.42MaliutawaKKu: "goth chick. that always happens; you think 'thats a hot goth chick, I'm gonna get me some' and it turns out to be sissy boy"
12:37.59MaliutaJT: you learn to cope :P
12:38.13JTMaliuta: gee i dunno how you manage </sarcasm>
12:39.03MaliutaJT: I take 30mg of morphine a day :P
12:40.15[TK]D-FenderMaliuta: "I wish my lawn was EMO... because it would cut itself"
12:40.33JT"i wish i had a new emo joke"
12:41.07Uzzidoes asterisk work with Conexand HCF modem?
12:42.38[TK]D-FenderUzzi: No.
12:42.39*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
12:42.54[TK]D-FenderUzzi: Go to the WIKI and read the hardware compatability list.
12:42.58jbotfrom memory, wikis is
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12:51.14*** join/#asterisk santibiotico (
12:51.43santibioticoi'm tryng to use the multilingual app
12:52.01santibioticowhen i use Set(Language("es"))
12:52.10santibioticowhen i use Set(Language()="es")
12:52.46*** join/#asterisk marcan (
12:53.13santibioticoi get the following error
12:53.13santibioticoJul 26 14:52:10 ERROR[2893]: pbx.c:1417 ast_func_write: Function Language not registered
12:53.19santibioticoany help?
12:53.28Corydon76-homeall caps
12:53.34santibioticoi've tried it too
12:54.05*** part/#asterisk deegan (
12:54.18Corydon76-homeFunction names are cAsE-sEnSiTiVe
12:54.41santibioticoi've tried it with all caps
12:54.44santibioticoand the same error
12:54.47[TK]D-Fendersantibiotico: Show us
12:54.50Corydon76-homeWhat version?
12:55.12Corydon76-homeIt's about to become CHANNEL(language)
12:55.27santibioticoJul 26 14:54:15 ERROR[2902]: pbx.c:1417 ast_func_write: Function LANGUAGE not registered
12:56.53[TK]D-Fendersantibiotico: Not 1-lines, full CLI output including the version info when you start it up.
12:57.01jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
12:57.12Corydon76-homesantibiotico: "load"
12:57.34[TK]D-Fendersantibiotico: And your dialplan as well please.
12:58.35EricLIs there an equivilent way to do a SipAddHeader(foo: bar) in a .call file?
12:59.13Corydon76-homeEricL: no
12:59.21Corydon76-homeWell, kind of
13:00.06*** part/#asterisk jarod14 (
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13:00.24EricLCorydon76-work: I create a bunch of .call files from an AGI script and I need the added SIP header to get them to work properly.
13:00.53Corydon76-homeEricL: SetVar:  __SIPADDHEADER01=foo
13:01.21Corydon76-homebut that's not guaranteed to work in future versions
13:01.47[TK]D-FenderEricL: Pick a channel type that lets you set stuff like this before you actually do your dial.  There is only 1 option for this.  Think on it.  HARD.  It really ISN'T.
13:01.49Corydon76-homeIf you need it to work reliably, then you should insert it into your dialplan
13:01.51EricLIs someone planning on adding a way to add SIP headers to .call files?
13:02.06Corydon76-homeEricL: No, we are not
13:02.27EricLI have it inserted into my dialplan, but it doesn't seem to work with the .call files.
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13:02.52Corydon76-homeEricL: then use a Local channel
13:02.55morexHi there
13:03.08[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-home: There you g, just blurting it out again!
13:03.11morexWe keep getting unexplained Yellow alarms on our E1 ISDN
13:03.14morexWith this error:
13:03.26morex[Jul 26 13:33:49] ERROR[17867] chan_zap.c: Write to 153 failed: Unknown error 500
13:03.26morex[Jul 26 13:33:49] ERROR[17867] chan_zap.c: Short write: 0/15 (Unknown error 500)
13:03.32morexAnyone seen anything like this before?
13:03.36[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-home: I was attempting go get him to THINK!
13:03.44EricLI am still learning *, I guess I need to go figure out the difference between a local and non-local channel.
13:03.46morex* is hanging up when the alarm clears, and our customer is pissed...
13:03.47Corydon76-homemorex: yellow alarm means that the OTHER side saw red
13:04.01Corydon76-homemorex: it's ONLY an indication of the remote status
13:04.22morexIs there any way we can just ignore the yellow alarms, and not hang up the channel when it clears?
13:04.33Corydon76-homeNo, you cannot
13:04.34[TK]D-FenderEricL: SIP is a non-Local channel, so is Zap, IAX2, and every other device.
13:04.46morex'Cos they're threatening to uninstall us...
13:05.03Corydon76-homeEricL: no, Local, as in the Local driver
13:05.18morexOK Corydon thanks for the info
13:05.31*** join/#asterisk hyphen (
13:05.37EricLCorydon76-work: Ok, there is no need for me to waste your guys time on this.  I don't know what the local driver is, so I have some reading to do.
13:05.38Corydon76-homemorex: bitch to your provider
13:05.56Corydon76-homeEricL: "show channeltypes"
13:05.56morexActually we're connecting to their PBX directly
13:06.09morexAnd the Yellows always come on the connection to the PBX
13:06.20Corydon76-homemorex: their PRI card is probably dying
13:06.41morexIt's brand new.
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13:06.45Corydon76-homemorex: are they syncing to you?
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13:06.57Rienzillameetme works ... finally
13:06.58Corydon76-homeFailure to sync could also cause weird issues
13:07.05morexUm, how would I check that?
13:07.31Corydon76-homemorex: zaptel.conf.  Are you generating signalling (1), or are you taking it off the line (0) ?
13:07.39Corydon76-homeErr, switch that
13:07.47Corydon76-homegenerating is 0, taking it is 1.
13:08.36MindTheGaphello all... I set up this old Dell Poweredge 600SC server w a digium TE110. drivers load ok, zttool reports green, call comes in on zap, gets routed fine, i hear voice both ways on sip clients but as soon as the call finishes the server crashes, wont ping or anything, it just locks up, no info, anything... i read it may be something with onboard video w shared mem or gigabit ethernet. anyone had this problem? what should i check first?
13:08.57[TK]D-FenderEricL: chan_local is like a wrapper that has one end of the call as dialplan.  Inside of there you could do your actual DIAL (without doing an Answer first) after issuing your header to add.
13:09.03Corydon76-homeminkus: crashes or locks up?
13:09.21morexWe've got four ports
13:09.29morexThe first two connected to the network, timing 1 and 2
13:09.35Corydon76-homeMindTheGap: crash or lockup are completely two DIFFERENT things
13:09.43MindTheGaplocks up...
13:09.44morexThe second two connected to the pbx, timing 3 and 4
13:10.12MindTheGapi think... it just freezes, stops pinging but wont reboot or anything...
13:10.23Corydon76-homemorex: okay, the two connected to the pbx should both be 0
13:10.23MindTheGapit wont log anything either...
13:10.34morexOK thanks Corydon
13:10.39morexI'll give it a try tonight.
13:10.43*** join/#asterisk hohum (
13:11.04Corydon76-homeMindTheGap: then yes, it's definitely a hardware problem
13:11.11MindTheGapwathing the cli, asterisk hangs um the call, writes to CDR than nothing...
13:11.19Corydon76-homeMindTheGap: call Digium support
13:12.17EricL[TK]D-Fender: So your saying that the .call files should use Local/XXX@internal/ and this will send it back into the dialplan where I can properly use the SipAddHeader command to do the dial?
13:13.12[TK]D-FenderEricL: EXACTLY.
13:13.37EricLDamn, you guys thought of everything.
13:14.14HaMYaICorydon76-home: hi, I need your quick advice regarding SIGHUP and Dial with the "g" option
13:15.02HaMYaICorydon76-home: my agi script ignores the SIGHUP but since 1.2.20 the Dial will still exit
13:15.34HaMYaICorydon76-home: I needed to place the Dial with "g" option to get it work
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13:37.27Sci_05was the system command replaced by a different command in the 1.4? I noticed its not in the core show function section any more
13:38.22[TK]D-FenderSci_05: it : Show us :)
13:38.57Rienzillagood morning
13:39.51Sci_05[TK]D-Fender: 3 guys walk into a bar.......the 4th one ducks
13:40.15[TK]D-FenderSci_05: c'mon.... pastebin it up....
13:41.04*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
13:41.37Sci_05[TK]D-Fender: here is what I am trying to do
13:42.19[TK]D-FenderSci_05: Show me whree it tells you the System doesn't exist....
13:42.29[TK]D-FenderSci_05: Not 10 things that DON'T
13:43.39Sci_05if I do a core show function ? SYstem doesn't show up
13:44.25[TK]D-FenderSci_05: And do you know why that is?
13:44.38Sci_05nope thats why I am asking
13:44.40[TK]D-FenderSci_05: Becase it isn't a **FUNCTION**
13:45.04Sci_05ok fill me in then :)
13:45.08StormfrI try to get hangupcause with AGI, but with IAX channel, i don't have any data return. any idea where could be the problem ? no problem with a sip call
13:45.13[TK]D-FenderSci_05: is is an APPLICATION <---------------
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13:45.36[TK]D-FenderSci_05: One, which in your case isn't even being CALLED in the dialplan.
13:46.20Strom_Mwelcome to the "Someone in Quebec hasn't had their morning coffee yet" show
13:47.15EricLIf I have the .call file use Local/XXX@internal2/n, then can I have internal2 drop the user into a MeetMe after Dial or will it just Dial and wait for the talking to occur?
13:47.23Sci_05do you know why its not being called in my dialplan? its driving me nuts
13:48.12HaMYaIanyone knows where to look for the change log for Dial command?
13:48.28[TK]D-FenderEricL: a call file has 2 sides.  when the one started by Channel:" Answers, it is then dumped into the dialplan where specified.
13:48.51[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: Sure I have, nothing is slipping by me :)
13:49.38HaMYaIfor 1.2 branch
13:49.43[TK]D-FenderEricL: your first side should just do your header add, then actually DIAL the party.  the rest of your call-file is as it was before to dump into meetme
13:50.10DarKnesS_WolFi hav a very strange problem .... a GSM device pluged in FXO port in asterisk was working and now when i try to dial using it when the mobile answers i got hangup from teh zaptel channel any idea how to debug that ?
13:50.26EricL[TK]D-Fender: Should the MeetMe command be in the dialing context or the context that called the AGI?
13:50.48[TK]D-FenderEricL: meetme should be right where you had it the first time.
13:50.55HaMYaIokay found it
13:51.02[TK]D-FenderEricL: and noone mentioned AGI
13:51.45EricL[TK]D-Fender: I mentioned AGI, all my call files are being generated via an AGI script.
13:51.53ShoebHello [TK]D-Fender, problem #1 of the day.. what is this: Jul 26 09:51:42 NOTICE[14402]: app_dial.c:1076 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
13:52.27ShoebMeanwhile, Xlite shows the error:
13:52.40ShoebCall failed: Service unavailable
13:52.47[TK]D-FenderEricL: Ah, well remember you dial "A" then drop them into your dialplan.  the AGI has nothing to do with that call-out once the file is created.
13:53.21[TK]D-FenderShoeb: PASTEBIN isyour friend. , and so is "sip debug".  Togther they are AWESOME.
13:53.30Shoeblol ok
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13:54.11EricL[TK]D-Fender: Right, but the context of that call once its answered is determined by the .call file or is continued from where the Local/XXX@<other_context>/n sent it?
13:54.53hyphenanyone have any luck with sip behind an openBSD gateway/firewall?
13:55.47[TK]D-FenderEricL: once your local channel is answered.  you can have that channel do all sorts of NON call related stuff, and just bomb out if you wanted.
13:56.18*** join/#asterisk MrMister2 (
13:56.59MrMister2Does anyone know if it's possible to reset a sip phone from the CLI?
13:57.14HaMYaIanyone know what's the relationship between SIGHUP, DeadAGI and Dial() with 'g' option?
13:57.41*** join/#asterisk syzygyBSD (
13:57.50[TK]D-FenderShoeb: And your sip.conf please....
13:57.59syzygyBSDwow, already up to 1.2.23?
13:57.59[TK]D-FenderMrMister2: Depends on the phone.
13:58.00HaMYaIIf I already use DeadAGI(), why do I still need to ignore SIGHUP?
13:58.02MrMister2I have a extension that is in ExtensionState 16 which core show hints shows as being on hold and would like to reset it from the CLI.
13:58.11[TK]D-FendersyzygyBSD: Don't jinx it ;)
13:58.29syzygyBSDhow long until the 1.2 releases are discontinued?
13:58.50[TK]D-FendersyzygyBSD: not for some time, though it will only receive BUGFIXES very shortly...
13:59.12MrMister2[TK]D-Fender: It's a standard analog phone connected to a FXS port of a draytek router that registers on asterisk as a standard SIP extension
13:59.13syzygyBSDright, probably security patches for a long time too
13:59.34[TK]D-FenderMrMister2: then go read the manual for your draytek router
13:59.50MrMister2[TK]D-Fender: aparently it's a bug that's been solved in Asterisk.
14:00.25MrMister2[TK]D-Fender: My question was if there was any way to send the equivalent of a SIP reset peer or similar
14:00.26ccesarioHaMYaI, try use AGI
14:00.41[TK]D-FenderMrMister2: I've already answered you.
14:00.42ccesariowith 'g' in Dial command
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14:02.34[TK]D-FenderShoeb: and "sip show peers" <-
14:02.45Dirk-the Extension State 16 issue is NOT fixed
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14:02.53MrMister2[TK]D-Fender: I understood your answer. But that wasn't the question. I understand that in this specific case I must reset the extension at the router and not at the CLI. Since you said and I quote "it depends on the phone" I would like to know what that means in terms of CLI commands.
14:02.59maz1977hi all. I'm trying to test asterisk  in my officie. I have some question about analog device
14:04.22[TK]D-FenderMrMister2: You asked how to reset a remote device and as I mentioned it depend on the DEVICE.  Your Draytek may not HAVE a way to be remotely reset nor is there any STANDARD for doing so.
14:04.44[TK]D-FenderShoeb:  see this? 200/200                    (Unspecified)    D   N      0        UNKNOWN
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14:04.53[TK]D-FenderShoeb: * doesn't know how to GET to that phone.
14:05.01[TK]D-FenderShoeb: It isn't registered.
14:05.05Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: I see 200 is not registered. But yesterday when 200 wasn't, I called it, and it said "Not available", not a misleading answer like "Service unavailable"
14:05.28waKKumaybe if u set qualify=yes it can help u
14:05.31waKKuin this peer
14:05.35maz1977it's possible to configure asterisk to answer to a external sip call and route to an analog modem?
14:05.47[TK]D-FenderShoeb: may depend on other circumstances.
14:06.08Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: Yesterday's event or today's event?
14:06.10MrMister2[TK]D-Fender: Thank you. Since I did know of a way to do it I asked here since there might be a CLI command that I didn't know. Apparently that isn't the case. Again, thank you for the answer, that's what I was looking for, i.e. not possible to do it from CLI.
14:06.13[TK]D-FenderShoeb: And indeed you have NOT set up the user correctly for NAT
14:06.48[TK]D-FenderMrMister2: I didn't say it wasn't, I said there is no STANDARD way.  Hence you need to read its MANUAL.
14:06.57*** topic/#asterisk by blitzrage -> Asterisk: The Open Source Telephony Application Platform -=- Asterisk 1.2.23 and 1.4.9 released (July 24, 2007) -=- Join #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW and Asterisk-GUI info -=- Join #asterisk-commits to monitor svn changes -=- Join #freepbx for freepbx/#trixbox for trixbox support. -=- Flame suites required...
14:07.02[TK]D-FenderMrMister2: I know a way to reset a Polycom remotely from CLI jsut fine.
14:07.23[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage: "suits" ;)
14:07.25Opticpower cycle the port on the PoE switch
14:07.25Optichar har har
14:07.36[TK]D-FenderOptic: Amongst others ;)
14:07.41blitzragethat's what I live in :)
14:07.44*** topic/#asterisk by blitzrage -> Asterisk: The Open Source Telephony Application Platform -=- Asterisk 1.2.23 and 1.4.9 released (July 24, 2007) -=- Join #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW and Asterisk-GUI info -=- Join #asterisk-commits to monitor svn changes -=- Join #freepbx for freepbx/#trixbox for trixbox support. -=- Flame suits required...
14:07.58blitzragethat's what happens when you type after being up for 7 mins
14:07.58MrMister2[TK]D-Fender: really? just out of curiosity (yes, I know it doesn't apply in this case, just trying to learn) how would you do it with the Polycom?
14:08.13Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: whoa!! It was there!! lol, lemme check again
14:08.49[TK]D-FenderMrMister2: Go check the WIKI, its well listed, and there is a config file for it that comes with *'s samples.
14:09.35[TK]D-Fender"Jeff's nuts roasting on an open fire........"
14:09.37MrMister2[TK]D-Fender: Ah, k. That'll do. Again thanks for the answer. A explained negative is always good instead of just "can't be done" :)
14:09.50Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: Sorry, showed you the wrong sip.conf...
14:10.13[TK]D-FenderMrMister2: Because I never said it coultn'y :)  I said this was a giant "DEPENDS".
14:10.24[TK]D-FenderShoeb: Either way, the phone isn't up.
14:10.41j-goddessat this point the phone should go back to bed
14:10.44j-goddessit is too early
14:10.46[TK]D-FenderShoeb: that may or may not have anything to do with your configs (it would right now)
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14:12.14maz1977I have a easy question, but I find no answer . Could I use a analog modem as out call device?
14:13.29Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: Xlite error: "Call failed: Not found" and here's the CLI
14:13.42blitzragemaz1977: no
14:13.43HaMYaIhi, anyone has a problem since 1.2.20 that agi script (using DeadAGI) doesn't ignore SIGHUP during the Dial() command?
14:14.03blitzrageHaMYaI: I'm surprised it did that at all since that was *just* added to turnk
14:14.25blitzrageand are you using DeadAGI() in the right scenario?
14:14.30HaMYaII mean EXEC DIAL from agi script
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14:14.59[TK]D-FenderSIP/2.0 404 Not Found
14:15.07[TK]D-FenderShoeb: More dialplan screwups.
14:15.12Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: :(
14:15.16[TK]D-FenderShoeb: You should have masteered this one already
14:15.19HaMYaIblitzrage; I use DeadAGI to process the whole call, even after hangup
14:15.21ShoebI read more about it last night!! I swear
14:15.38blitzrageHaMYaI: that should be right... but why are you doing another Dial() from there?
14:15.46Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: I made the sure the context outgoing is going to be well suited for that.. :S
14:15.52HaMYaIblitzrage; so, I will need to detect ANSWEREDTIME as well
14:16.20[TK]D-FenderShoeb: Look at you context and realize that there isn't a way to process "4162202220" in there.  This is BLATANLTY obvious
14:16.21pigpenSo what is everyone using to give the suits call detail reports?  AsteriskStat is nice..but well....
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14:16.44maz1977blitzrage: asterisk can only do outgoing call in ip?
14:16.50Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: I know there isn't a way to do so in users context, but in outgoing context it should work though! :(
14:17.07[TK]D-FenderShoeb: Your phones aren't USING it <---------------------
14:17.08ccesarioHaMYaI, try use AGI wit 'g' param in Dial command
14:17.14blitzragemaz1977: it can do it via hardware if you buy the right hardware. You can't just use any modem -- it doesn't work like that.
14:17.24[TK]D-FenderShoeb: just becuase you named it [outgoing] doesn't mean ANYTHING.
14:17.32MrMister2[TK]D-Fender: mmmm..... I'm probably doing something wrong on the phones... I now have a X-Lite softphone that shows Hold with a core show hints even after shutting down the softphone and running again. I can however make calls to itself and other extensions. weird. must be something messed up on my side....
14:17.36HaMYaIblitzrage; I do just one Dial from within the agi script but since 1.2.20 the call will just hangup after EXEC DIAL is completed
14:17.37Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: If I can set context to users AND outgoing.. it should be possible, right? But how do I do it?
14:17.40maz1977blitzrage: and with a isdn pci card?
14:17.49[TK]D-FenderShoeb: you CANNOT.
14:17.53blitzragemaz1977: if it is supported by the drivers
14:17.59HaMYaIccesario: I know but this used to work before
14:18.13[TK]D-FenderShoeb: You CAN however make a 3rd context that INCLUDES the other 2 giving you access to the contents of BOTH.
14:18.19Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: Then should I move the outgoing dialplan to into users?
14:18.35[TK]D-FenderShoeb: you COULD, but I suggest the way above.
14:18.45[TK]D-FenderShoeb: Go read chapter 5 all over AGAIN....
14:18.47HaMYaIccesario: the 'g' has heen for several months I guess
14:18.50[TK]D-FenderShoeb: ...
14:18.53jbotit has been said that osmosis is the act of beating yourself on the head repeatedly with THE BOOK, until some measure of absorption has occured ...  or at least until your unconsciousness restores peace to the channel ...
14:18.54Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: Ok, trying. Chapter 5 from the book? Ok.
14:19.11ShoebYou're hilarious!
14:19.16maz1977blitzrage: could I show you my scenario and you tell me if it's possible to realize?
14:19.18blitzrageno, jbot is hilarious
14:19.23[TK]D-FenderShoeb: I'd like to think so :)
14:19.27ShoebWell, someone fed it!
14:19.31blitzragemaz1977: you can show the channel... I gotta do some work
14:19.48[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage: Yes, that is MINE :)
14:19.55blitzrageI don't believe it
14:19.58Rienzillaare the people going to be annoyed if I spam my asterisk trouble? :-)
14:20.01[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage: I keep jbot well fed indeed
14:20.15Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: So, if I give ext 100 the context outgoing, it _should_ work, right?
14:20.18blitzrageAAAAAAAND... I don't want to meet your mom, because I just want....
14:20.19[TK]D-FenderRienzilla: Yes, spam=bad.
14:20.27HaMYaIblitzrage: the EXEC DIAL with 'g' option seems to solve the problem but why?
14:20.35[TK]D-FenderShoeb: it would then lose the ability to dial 200.
14:20.45blitzrageHaMYaI: no idea... I don't do an Dial()'s from my DeadAGI()...
14:20.52[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage: ! ! !
14:20.53Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: I understand, I'm just doing that for testing. But it should work, right?
14:20.54blitzrageand I don't remember what the 'g' option is :)
14:21.00[TK]D-FenderShoeb: Yes
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14:21.25ShoebRienzilla: Paste it on
14:21.31Rienzillas/spam/ask :) How would I go about debugging bad audio quality? Some clients on my pbx have excellent quality, but one has a lot of jitter and can barely hear what we're aying
14:22.28pigpen[TK]D-Fender, looks like they are ganging up on you.
14:22.37[TK]D-FenderRienzilla: DETAILS about the exact hardware being used and network topology would be helpful....
14:22.43HaMYaIblitzrage; man, g    - Proceed with dialplan execution at the current extension if the destination channel hangs up.
14:24.02Rienzillamy asterisk server is a server located in a datacentre a couple of hops away (100mbit fsx connection). We have several snom360's connected to the pbx via a VPN, and some softphones connecting from the big bad internet.
14:24.07*** join/#asterisk coolbeans (
14:24.21Rienzillaall phones, and all-but-one softphone  seem to work fine
14:24.31coolbeansAnyone using mysql static configs and asterisk 1.2.x?  I can't get my voicemail passwords to update in the db ...
14:24.49Rienzillade softpohones are on a dsl line (8 down 1 up)
14:24.57Rienzillabehind nat, most of the time
14:25.00Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: Not working :( .. doing a pastebin
14:25.49[TK]D-FenderRienzilla: So you have 1 bad soft-phone?
14:26.20maz1977I have a SIP telephone number . I need to filter the incoming call and then switch to my PBX or to cellular number
14:26.22[TK]D-FenderRienzilla: Could be a shitty sound-card, headset, or internet connection.  Take your pick.
14:26.37Rienzillawell, he can use other voip programs fine
14:27.14Rienzillaso I guess that would pretty much rule out soundcard and audio pheripherals
14:28.24*** join/#asterisk jj56 (
14:29.51[TK]D-FenderShoeb: You have no entry [outbound] in your sip.conf
14:30.07[TK]D-FenderRienzilla: Could jsut be jitter.
14:30.27Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: True, I have the carrier's information.
14:30.43[TK]D-FenderShoeb: Whatever the hell that means :)
14:31.05ShoebI mean I don't have outbound in there. Should I?
14:31.19[TK]D-FenderShoeb: exten=>_NXXNXXXXXX,n,Dial(sip/1${EXTEN}@outbound) <- where there hell is [outbound] in your sip.conf?
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14:31.28[TK]D-FenderShoeb: It has no account to use!
14:32.06ShoebSo I go back to the dialplan and tell it what to use!
14:32.07[TK]D-FenderShoeb: Stop thinking these names you are giving your sip devices and contexts mean ANYTHING.  There are NO MAGIC NAMES.
14:32.15[TK]D-FenderShoeb: .......
14:32.25[TK]D-FenderShoeb: its your job to tell it EVERYTHING.
14:33.13DrukenLPY[TK]D-Fender: you looked at asterisknow ?
14:33.24[TK]D-FenderDrukenLPY: From a safe distance, yes :)
14:33.41DrukenLPYknow where incoming calls are handled ?
14:34.04Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: What can I say, you seriously rock.
14:34.32[TK]D-FenderDrukenLPY: No, I safely escaped it by that point :)
14:34.55ShoebFor some reason you remind me of jennifer aniston from Friends, with the stress on some words, hehe
14:35.12pigpenDrukenLPY, Same here.  I had it loaded for 5 minutes before I started looking for my gentoo live cd.
14:35.41Shoebpigpen: Especially for us beginners, *NOW isn't ready yet. Still in beta, let the experts handle it.
14:36.54pigpenIMHO, beginners should start with only asterisk.  No web interface.  If you start with a pretty gui, what will you do when something goes wrong.
14:37.15ShoebPetty question, how do I "switch off" sip debug
14:37.35[TK]D-FenderShoeb: "sip no debug"
14:37.39pigpenI can probably search my irc logs and find where [TK]D-Fender told me this in my "newbe" years.
14:38.09Shoebpigpen: You're totally correct. That's what I'm doing.
14:38.29[TK]D-Fenderpigpen: You'll WHINE about it obviously.. then blame *, anything except claim responsibility.
14:38.47[TK]D-Fenderpigpen: Its like the steps to dealing with someones death :)
14:40.40[TK]D-FenderEvery time someone comes in here whining about why ASTERISK doesn't work, and they are using Trixbox, GOD KILLS A KITTEN
14:41.26creativxgod kills a lolcat
14:41.39creativxand the reason asterisk doesnt work is because of the faulty LOLCODE module
14:42.42*** join/#asterisk SwK (n=SwK@
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14:43.35pigpen[TK]D-Fender, why is my system not working.  it just stopped on it's own.  I did nothing!    :P
14:44.05[TK]D-Fenderpigpen: aH... A SIN OF omission
14:44.16[TK]D-Fenderdarn caps inversion ;)
14:44.54pigpenYeah, my typing gets better with the lack of coffee.
14:45.07pigpenDude, do you ever sleep?
14:45.13Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: Have you heard of anyone using a cheap laptop to be a home asterisk server? I so want to do that. But can't do it with no digium cards. :(
14:45.31flarti configured asterisk to work with my isdn-card with chan_capi and everything seems to be alright. but when i call my ntba i can't reach asterisk. any hints?
14:46.06Shoebflart: I'm a newb too, but it sounds like dialplan.
14:46.09[TK]D-FenderShoeb: Sure you can.  Who says PCI cards are the only infaces out there?
14:46.25Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: I tried looking for some out there, couldn't find any. :-S
14:46.27[TK]D-FenderShoeb: lol... nice try :)
14:46.29*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
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14:46.39[TK]D-FenderShoeb: Haven't tried hard enough.
14:46.59[TK]D-FenderShoeb: what are you looking to interface to?
14:47.13ShoebThe same FXO cards stuff, basically my home landline given by Bell.
14:47.16flartShoeb: thought so too, but shouldn't i see something on the asterisk console?
14:47.43ShoebI wanna be able to get that on this old ibm satellite.
14:47.58[TK]D-FenderShoeb: Linksys SPA-3102 <------------
14:48.07Shoebflart: Your verbosity level is probably too low, and sip debug needs to be enabled.
14:48.17Shoebflart: I think, but disclaimer, I'm a newb too, lol
14:48.24Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: Lemme look
14:48.26[TK]D-FenderShoeb: Ah.. the blind leading the blind... welcome to #asterisk
14:48.49coolbeansDoes anyone know if updating voicemail passwords works in a mysql static realtime config?
14:49.01pigpencoolbeans, yes.
14:49.04[TK]D-Fenderflart: PASTEBIN is your friend.
14:49.07jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
14:49.17coolbeanspigpen: What's the secret?  I can't get mine to update.
14:49.24*** join/#asterisk jcmoore (n=jcmoore@unaffiliated/tgrman)
14:49.57[TK]D-Fenderflart: show your configs, devices status info, CLI output at high verbose, etc....
14:50.23pigpencoolbeans, personally I use Postgresql
14:50.40coolbeansDid you have to do anything special to get it to work?  I'm running 1.2.18 ...
14:50.41pigpenbut the mysql driver was way before the psql.
14:51.05pigpenIt should be supported.
14:51.18pigpenare the permisions setup correctly on the db?
14:52.02coolbeansYep, perms are fine.  I'm about to turn on mysql logging and see.  It's just an extremely high traffic set of servers and I was hoping to find some magic answer.
14:52.05Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: Oh, so basically, all I need this little interface in the middle and then I connect the laptop normal via ethernet and the phone line goes directly in there? So, the phone line goes directly in there. Where will I plug my phones in then?
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14:52.15pigpenAlso, there are many good docs for setting it up for mysql.
14:52.26pigpenThere are pretty much no good docs to set it up for postgresql.
14:52.28*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
14:52.40[TK]D-FenderShoeb: The SPA-3102 lets you take in 1 LINE, and 1 PHONE.
14:53.05[TK]D-FenderShoeb: If you want to use more analog phones, get additional SPA-2102's (2 ports each)
14:53.30pigpencoolbeans, make sure your extconfig.conf, res_mysql.conf are setup right.
14:53.33coolbeanspigpen: Yea, it's setup per the docs.
14:53.33ShoebI think I'm going to finish the book now! And then jump on this.
14:53.43coolbeansIt works fine except for updating vmail passwords.
14:53.49flartok, pastebin'd my extensions.conf and capi.conf:
14:54.09ShoebThanks [TK]D-Fender, I always kept thinking PCI cards are the way. And I thought I couldn't use my dusty old laptop that has usb and eth.
14:54.16pigpencoolbeans, well, turn on max debugging on mysql and try it.
14:54.24pigpenyou should be getting a hint from them.
14:54.32pigpendebug the crap out of asterisk at the same time.
14:54.43pigpenyour issue should show up.
14:54.46[TK]D-FenderShoeb: PCI based FXS is ASS<-----------
14:55.07ShoebMay you live long. I was thinking the same thing, for some reason.
14:55.14coolbeansYea, that's my dreaded next step.  Thanks!
14:55.29pigpencoolbeans, debug away young lad.
14:56.42[TK]D-Fenderflart: exten = 123,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},5) <- I suspect that CAPI does not send its calls to "123", but rather the DID that was dialed....
14:56.48pigpenAh, it isn't that bad.  Think of it like a Safari for geeks.
14:57.13[TK]D-Fenderpigpen: Meaning I can shoot them? ;)
14:57.28pigpen[TK]D-Fender, yes.  I have extra ammo if needed.
14:57.34flart[TK]D-Fender: it's the DID i wanted to use for testing
14:57.36[TK]D-Fenderpigpen: Yee-haw
14:57.37tzafrir[TK]D-Fender, should I agree?
14:57.52[TK]D-Fendertzafrir: to what?
14:58.28Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: So, in your experience, I have two RJ11 jacks in the house and they both have analog phones connected to them. And I have this laptop that's connected to the internet that I would like to see as an asterisk server as well. Which one is the BEST of those adapters that could work well?
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14:59.07[TK]D-FenderShoeb: Do you want those jacks to act independant of each other?
14:59.34Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: Nope, because they both give me the same phone line. Just one phone number, so I don't think I'd need that.
14:59.35[TK]D-FenderShoeb: Or just * enable you incoming line and treat all phones as the same phone (like it feels with bell)
14:59.58[TK]D-FenderShoeb: You can have each phone be independant so they can do their own thing.
15:00.16ShoebOh? You mean like have different phone numbers and stuff?
15:00.27[TK]D-FenderShoeb: No, seperate devices.
15:00.58[TK]D-FenderShoeb: When calls come in you can choose which phones to ring, and one could be on a call, the other on a different call, checking VM, etc...
15:01.05ShoebNah, not necessary. Just that if we're home, and both the phones ring.. and one is picked up (like how it is now) it should work. That's all.
15:01.23[TK]D-FenderShoeb: Then a single SPA-3102 will do the job.
15:01.25ShoebAaaah, that would be good. Except I'd want both the phones to ring. One is in the bedroom and the other in the living.
15:01.43ShoebYeah? Nice.
15:02.12[TK]D-FenderShoeb: physically disconnect your home wiring from the demarc point, plug the Bell side that into the SPA's FXO port, and connect the rest of your place to the FXS port
15:02.46[TK]D-FenderShoeb: then all of your phones will share that one part.
15:03.10coolbeanspigpen: I'm not even getting a SQL insert generated in the log when I change my asterisk voicemail password... hrm...
15:03.12ShoebYeah, see. That's not possible because I live in a building, and it's one of the few bldgs in town that has some extremely different wiring with Bell, and ofcourse I couldn't get to the demarc.
15:03.14[TK]D-FenderShoeb: And you don't need the concept of "internal extensions" like a normal PBX.
15:03.16coolbeansor update
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15:03.35[TK]D-FenderShoeb: Ok, grab a staple-gun and run your own wire :)
15:03.40*** join/#asterisk Katty (
15:03.52[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
15:04.11ShoebCould be a possibility. For now, I just want to take care of this one line that comes in, and both the phones.
15:04.21pigpencoolbeans, your issues is either with asterisk or permissions to the db.
15:04.24[TK]D-FenderShoeb: That'll do it.
15:04.31ShoebGotcha, thanks man.
15:05.34coolbeansWell, no insert in mysql.log, so it's not making it that far.. hrm..
15:06.03coolbeanspigpen: You're using static in postgres?
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15:06.48flart[TK]D-Fender: if 'capi show channels' shows mit 2 isdn channels, am i right that asterisk is aware of the isdn-card?
15:07.04flartoh, nice bot ;)
15:07.05[TK]D-Fenderflart: I would assume so having very little ISDN BRI experience.  Try and enable channel debug.
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15:08.13flart[TK]D-Fender: is enabled. i just don't get any message about a incomming call in the asterisk console (verbosity is on 5)
15:08.39[TK]D-Fenderflart: Ok, I'll leave you in more capable hands then....
15:09.07pigpencoolbeans, depends.
15:09.19flartmaybe i should get some isdn-phone and try if the ntba work correctly
15:09.35pigpencoolbeans, I have pretty much done it all in some sort using realtime and postgres.
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15:10.29flart[TK]D-Fender: thx anyway
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15:11.41coolbeansI wonder if this is a 1.2.18 bug... I guess I need to go through app_voicemai.c
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15:12.31pigpencoolbeans, getting the first realtime to work is the hardest.
15:12.40pigpenonce you have it, the others come much easier.
15:13.09pigpenPersonally, I am only planning to use it for voicemail and dialplan objects.
15:13.29coolbeansI'm just using it for voicemail and sip
15:13.32pigpenOtherwise it bitches too much with postgres (at least it does with 1.4.2)
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15:14.46coolbeansOk, there's only one update in app_voicemail.c: ast_update_realtime("voicemail", "uniqueid", vmu->uniqueid, "password", password, NULL);
15:14.58coolbeansSo it's in the ast_update_realtime driver and this uniqueid column that doesn't exist.
15:16.19coolbeansBut here's the select statement when reloads: SELECT category, var_name, var_val, cat_metric FROM voicemail WHERE filename='voicemail.conf' and commented=0 ORDER BY filename, cat_metric desc, var_metric asc, category, var_name, var_val, id
15:16.22coolbeansNo mention of uniqueid.
15:16.28*** join/#asterisk nybble (n=nybble@about/apple/performa/nybble)
15:17.14coolbeansDare I change app_voicemail.c's column to just 'id'?
15:17.59Corydon76-workcoolbeans: you probably should not, no.
15:18.34coolbeansCorydon76-home: Well, it ain't working now.. what's the harm?
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15:19.11Corydon76-workOh, you mean change the source?  If your unique column is called id, then yes, you'll need to change the source.
15:19.25Corydon76-workHowever, we recommend that people use the database schema as written
15:20.05Corydon76-workSee contrib/scripts/vmdb.sql
15:20.43*** join/#asterisk NirS_ (n=Nir@
15:21.10wunderkinisn't id reserved in sql?
15:21.20Corydon76-workIt is not reserved, no
15:21.42*** join/#asterisk coolbeans (
15:21.52Corydon76-workIt's a common practice, though
15:22.39coolbeansCorydon76-work: Hey, I missed everything  you just said, we had a brown-out and my workstation rebooted.  If it's not too much trouble, could you /msg me what you said as it may be helpful.
15:22.46BSD_Techwhere is that Rabbit
15:22.58Corydon76-workcoolbeans:  we recommend that people use the database schema as written
15:23.05Corydon76-workcoolbeans: See contrib/scripts/vmdb.sql
15:23.34BSD_Technever hear that module
15:24.28coolbeansCorydon76-work: I'm using static realtime.
15:24.34BSD_TechI have the app_Corydon76_joke module
15:24.46Corydon76-workcoolbeans: then it's irrelevant to you
15:24.51BSD_Techbut it fails to load
15:24.58Corydon76-workcoolbeans: that column is only for dynamic realtime
15:25.28coolbeansCorydon76-work: Right, but my issue is getting voicemail passwords to update in static realtime with mysql, asterisk 1.2.18, the update statement isn't making it to mysql so I've been digging through app_voicemail.c and app_realtime.c
15:25.42Corydon76-workcoolbeans: we don't support that
15:25.47BSD_Techapp_[TK]   also keeps crashing my system at load time,
15:25.51coolbeansAhh, well then there lies the issue.
15:26.17coolbeansCan I use a combination of realtime and static tables?
15:26.27Corydon76-workYou can, yes
15:26.28coolbeansI need to keep my extensions.conf and its includes flat file.
15:26.34coolbeansOk, let me go research that route.
15:26.48coolbeansCorydon76-work: Thanks.   At least now I've confirmed that it's not intended to work.
15:26.52Corydon76-workdynamic realtime takes precedence over lines in the config file
15:26.56HaMYaICorydon76-work: When do I need Dial() with 'g' option?
15:27.06coolbeanspigpen: You still here?
15:27.14Corydon76-workHaMYaI: why are you addressing me?
15:27.42pigpencoolbeans, one sec..on phone.
15:27.53HaMYaICorydon76-work: okie, there's explanation
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15:28.12coolbeanspigpen: just see Corydon76-work's statement, voicemail password updats don't work in 1.2.x with static realtime, essentially, never intended to.
15:28.33coolbeansIs 1.4.x ready for high volume production?
15:28.36HaMYaICorydon76-work: frankly speaking, I have been following the bug tracker #10245 and saw that you were involved with that
15:28.48javbwhen a call is comming from a zap channel the voicemail plays in "en" (i have it in es), but when the call is comming from inside, it plays ok.. (everything is set to es), any ideas?
15:28.56Corydon76-workcoolbeans: consider that Digium has moved their production PBX to 1.4
15:29.03HaMYaICorydon76-work: about removing DeadAGI() from further release
15:29.07Corydon76-workcoolbeans: is that good enough recommendation?
15:29.30Corydon76-workHaMYaI: yes, but that's only in trunk
15:29.39coolbeansCorydon76-work: thanks.
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15:30.00[TK]D-Fendercoolbeans: translation : Only if you have a staff of over 20 programmers handy to fix any problems that arise ;)
15:30.34pigpenyeah...I have only done it on 1.4
15:30.39coolbeans[TK]D-Fender: yea, that's what I read it to mean.  We're processing like 10k calls per day most days.
15:30.54coolbeanspigpen: So it's likely just not in 1.2.x
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15:31.08Corydon76-workAlso realize that 1.2 will stop getting bugfixes and get security-only fixes as of NEXT Wednesday is there...but not as "polished"
15:31.24[TK]D-Fenderjavb: PASTEBIN everything so we can see
15:31.28HaMYaICorydon76-work: yeah, I just knew that today after talking to Juggie but I still have problem with my DeadAGI() not working after 1.2.20+
15:31.39coolbeansCorydon76-work: This 1.2.18 has worked flawlessly for us with this one exception ...
15:31.45skyphyrhi all - can anyone recommend a DSL connection in soho london worth having. We've got just standard BT business here and it's all over the place and not reliable enough for even a single IAX channel
15:32.30HaMYaICorydon76-work: EXEC DIAL from agi script seems to behave differently since then
15:32.53Corydon76-workHaMYaI: correct.  EXEC now returns the same as the underlying app
15:33.11javbPASTEBIN   --->
15:33.34HaMYaICorydon76-work: so, it's been changed since 1.2.20?
15:33.37Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: Can I msg you please?
15:34.03javb[TK]D-Fender : PASTEBIN   --> Pase bin ?
15:34.15Corydon76-workHaMYaI: are you using DeadAGI for a live channel?
15:34.48HaMYaICorydon76-work: after EXEC DIAL (wihtout 'g') completed it just doesn't want to continue
15:34.51[TK]D-FenderShoeb: for now...
15:34.57jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
15:35.01[TK]D-Fenderjavb: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
15:35.04HaMYaICorydon76-work: yes, for the live channel
15:35.25Corydon76-workHaMYaI: do NOT use DeadAGI for a live channel.  Things don't work correctly when you do that
15:35.32HaMYaICorydon76-work: with ignoring SIGHUP
15:36.03Corydon76-workCorrect.  You ignore the SIGHUP if you want to do things beyond the hangup (like cleanup connections)
15:36.20HaMYaICorydon76-work: but it works fine for 1.2.X before 1.2.20, that's what I'm wondering
15:36.32Corydon76-workHaMYaI: right, because we fixed a bug
15:37.10HaMYaICorydon76-work: ohh, mine script used to run correctly with a buggie version then -(
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15:40.16Dan0maN_Workall, i'm looking to set up a test box to evaluate * for my company.  can anyone suggest a variety of phones for me to order for the test?  i am completely new to voip, so any help with features, recommended supported protocols, etc would be a great help
15:41.28coolbeansDan0maN_Work: On phones, Polycom 5xx and better seem to work the best for most people.
15:41.42[TK]D-FenderDan0maN_Work: Polycom IP 320
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15:42.07coolbeans[TK]D-Fender: Did they add a speakerphone to the 320 vs 301?
15:42.30Katty[TK]D-Fender: herro.
15:42.38Corydon76-workYes, there's a speakephone in the 320 and above
15:42.55Dan0maN_Workthanks.  and thanks to others who respond in advance
15:43.08Corydon76-workKatty: no, only the 601
15:43.20[TK]D-Fendercoolbeans: Speakerphone, PoE, etc.
15:43.25coolbeans[TK]D-Fender: cool
15:43.33[TK]D-Fendercoolbeans: at $87.50 USD its a complete category-killer
15:43.35Corydon76-workKatty: it requires the minibrowser functionality
15:43.48Kattyit displays a webpage in the background?
15:43.58Corydon76-workKatty: yes, actually
15:44.11[TK]D-FenderKatty: Yes it supports custom logo's AND supports the micro-browser.  these 2 aspects are INDEPENDANT
15:44.12Kattyanimated? :>
15:44.13Corydon76-workGrayscale webpage, but yes
15:44.14Kattycolor? :>
15:44.23[TK]D-FenderKatty: B&W.
15:44.34Strom_Mi didn't know pendants had anything to do with being independent
15:44.39Corydon76-workIIRC, it permits 16 shades of gray
15:44.46Kattywhat do people use the microbrowser for?
15:44.51Kattygoogle searches?
15:44.55[TK]D-FenderKatty: Nope.
15:45.01[TK]D-FenderKatty: internal custom stuff.
15:45.11[TK]D-FenderKatty: its XHTM and a very limited set
15:45.33[TK]D-FenderKatty: I use mine for live queue-stats, company directory, etc.
15:45.37Kattysupport info for our clients.
15:46.36Kattythat's still pretty neat (=
15:46.41[TK]D-FenderKatty: on idle you can set an MB refresh rate if you want to push something on-screen.
15:47.07Kattyscrolling marquee?
15:47.31[TK]D-FenderKatty: No.
15:47.39*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
15:47.40Kattyi just want it all, don't i.
15:47.48SwKthe 550 has the microbrowser and a backlight too
15:47.49Kattynever happy.
15:47.51[TK]D-FenderKatty: With a cherry on top ;)
15:48.00Kattywhat a typical girl. shame on me.
15:48.03[TK]D-FenderSwK: IP 550 = way overpriced.
15:48.56[TK]D-FenderSwK: it does not make it onto my "suggest" list anywhere.
15:49.16Katty601s support side bar thingies
15:49.18Kattythat's pretty neat.
15:49.30BSD_Tech601 and 650
15:49.38BSD_Techsupport the side car
15:49.43[TK]D-FenderKatty: indeed, but the IP 650 is displacing it as the model to support that.
15:49.57Kattybut 650s don't support the logo?
15:50.13BSD_Techit uses the xml directory file to propgate it
15:50.13SwK[TK]D-Fender, i like the 550... bought one for home... its cheaper then the 650 and all the 650 really gives you as far as I can tell is sidecar capability and 2 extra appearance buttons
15:50.14[TK]D-FenderKatty: the 650 is acceptably more expensive and offers a few more features and longer support cycle.
15:50.32[TK]D-FenderKatty: Every phone excep the IP30X's support logo.
15:50.38BSD_Techand g722 digital codec
15:50.54SwK[TK]D-Fender, the 4X0's have the microbrowser too?
15:51.06[TK]D-FenderSwK: +USB expansion.  And the price difference really increases its resale value.
15:51.13BSD_Techin your tftpboot dir make a dir poilycom
15:51.19[TK]D-FenderSwK: I refuse to spend the price of a 601 on a dead-end
15:51.29[TK]D-FenderSwK: Yes
15:51.36SwK[TK]D-Fender, is there any real info what the usb expansion can do?
15:51.49BSD_Techit does not yet work
15:52.06[TK]D-FenderSwK: Only the 500, 30X fails to support the MB
15:52.11BSD_Techthey are still testing firmware to activate it
15:52.37BSD_Techit will have nany functions to it
15:52.39SwKyeah... it could end up like the IR port on the sidekick... hardware was there but it was never put into a released firmware
15:53.08BSD_Technot its in the works
15:53.10[TK]D-FenderSwK: Still I wouldn't pay for a 500 being a dead-end.
15:53.27BSD_Techthey say late 4th quarter they should have it working
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15:53.58penguinFunkhey guys, anyone familiar with isdn30?
15:54.19penguinFunki have noticed that in order to make calls you have to leave out the preceeding 0
15:54.51penguinFunkso to dial 01554 723 345 you need to dial 1554 723 345
15:54.59penguinFunkbecause of the way isdn30 works
15:55.04penguinFunkbut what about international calls?
15:56.57[TK]D-FenderBSD_Tech: Have you tried it yet?
15:57.04penguinFunki have tried leaving out one 0, both 0's leaving the number completely intact
15:57.32penguinFunkcant get any sense out of BT either
15:57.41BSD_TechTK ?
15:57.55BSD_TechTried what ?
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15:58.13penguinFunkanyone here got isdn30 in the UK with international calls working?
15:58.25BSD_Techlooking for map
15:58.56*** join/#asterisk IPmonger (
16:01.04[TK]D-FenderBSD_Tech: MB on a 430
16:01.21BSD_TechI dont have a 430
16:01.24*** part/#asterisk Uzzi (
16:01.34BSD_TechI have a 501 601 and 650
16:01.50BSD_Tech430 will be next paycheck
16:02.37[TK]D-FenderBSD_Tech: all personal purchases on your bill?
16:03.09Dan0maN_Workso far, just polycom phones.  any other recommendations to try out?  i've been given auth to purchase up to 5 phones, but i doubt they want to exceed $100USD per
16:03.27[TK]D-FenderDan0maN_Work: Nope,  Polycom > All
16:04.08[TK]D-FenderDan0maN_Work: $87.50 @
16:05.23[TK]D-FenderDan0maN_Work: And get yourself an inexpensive PoE switch to power them.
16:06.17Dan0maN_Workok.  i've always appreciated polycom anyway.  just making sure i cover the bases ;)
16:06.38InnatechDan0maN_Work: I have 430s and 501s. They're very nice. If you absolutely must go cheap Snom has improved the 300. The newer firmwares work reliably, and they have a decent look and feel. (Athough for the extra ~$40, I'd much rather have a Poly 430. )
16:07.42*** join/#asterisk nybble (n=nybble@about/apple/performa/nybble)
16:07.58[TK]D-FenderInnatech: IP320 costs less than the Snom and is of better quality.  As I've claseed it, the IP 320 is a complete category-killer
16:08.48Strom_MPolycom: Kills Phones Dead.
16:09.01Strom_M<3 the 320
16:09.20InnatechI haven't seen the in person 320 yet. It does look nice. I tend to think that the 430 is the killer entry level config.  I might even like it better than the 501, for the less clueful users.
16:09.49*** join/#asterisk BugKhaM (
16:09.57Strom_MInnatech: for what it's worth, I love my 430, but I'm playing with the 320 this week and OMG I WANT ONE
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16:10.27BSD_TechI like the new look but kind reminds me of merlin phones
16:10.45Strom_MBSD_Tech: heh, i hadnt considered that
16:11.11InnatechI just ripped a merlin switch off a wall yesterday. I think I heard the mutterings of Cthulu when I touched the main module.
16:11.36Strom_Mi gave a merlin 410 to a friend a while back
16:12.03Innatechcouldn't have been a very good friend. ;P
16:13.08BSD_TechI have all the merlin ringtones
16:13.35BSD_Techfor polycom
16:13.52Strom_MInnatech: no, he and i give each other old phone crap all the time
16:13.52BSD_Techif you ever want to torture a client
16:13.57Strom_MBSD_Tech: hahahahaha
16:14.03Strom_Mi'll take a copy please :D
16:14.30InnatechStrom_M:  ah. Yeah, old stuff can be fun.
16:14.52Strom_Mi've got a garage full of WECo 1A2
16:15.22Innatechdoesn't that have mechanical components?
16:16.19pigpenStrom_M, do you know if the realtime postgres driver supports more than 1 database?
16:17.08pigpenas you know, the postgres driver is very undocumented.
16:17.26Strom_MInnatech: relays as far as the eye can see
16:17.32Strom_Mpigpen: i know nothing about that driver
16:17.52pigpenk.  thanks.  Few do.
16:18.05InnatechStrom_M: crazy.  But I bet it's cool to play with.....
16:19.45BSD_TechI have 5 nortel 3 merlin 3 mitel and 1 nec systems in boxes in the basement
16:19.47[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: The IP 430 is nice in a way as well.  Dual-powered out of the box, extra soft-key, more hard-buttons....
16:20.07[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: and the switch
16:20.24pigpenyeah...they are nice. I have one in my kitchen.
16:20.26[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: But for new corporate PoE deployments the saving for an IP 320 is BIG
16:20.33InnatechI really like the 430, and it gets good reactions. I just looked at the 320, though, and it does have nice specs. It definitely looks like its squarely aimed at eating Snom's lunch.
16:20.53[TK]D-FenderInnatech: Snom = complete waste in north america.
16:21.10[TK]D-FenderAnd the IP320/330 supports DUAL headset connection styles
16:21.19Innatechyeah. They don't really bother me, but that 320 does look way better.
16:21.36pigpenHmm..I think I have a snom in my tool box in my truck.
16:21.50BSD_TechStorm Enjoy torturing people
16:22.24BSD_Techoldschool vs newschool
16:22.25*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (n=ckwall@
16:23.44MrMister2I've just been asked what hardware would be best to connect 3 ISDN lines to a Asterisk server. Anyone can recommend (only used TDM400 so far) good hardware? I understand it might not necessarily be cheap :)
16:23.50coppicedual headset? for people with two heads? :-\
16:23.52BSD_TechI am going to gold leaf my polycom
16:24.04BSD_Techheadset and handset
16:24.54pj_f0rk the pic
16:25.25MrMister23 ISDN lines = 3 NTBA, not 1 NTBA with 3 phone numbers :)
16:25.27BSD_Tech[TK]D-Fender, still looking to bridge conf
16:26.38[TK]D-FenderBSD_Tech: channel : Local/otherpbx@contextwiththisextentodialtheotherside
16:27.15[TK]D-FenderBSD_Tech: exten : conference
16:27.27[TK]D-FenderBSD_Tech:context : contextwithoutourmettmeinit
16:27.52[TK]D-FenderBSD_Tech: call file calls up the remote PBX and joins the meetme.  upon being answered bridges in its own.
16:29.57MrMister2Iīve seen recommendations of Digium's B410P and Eicon 4BRI. Anyone who installed either of them have any advice? I'm more interested in Asterisk support and no problems first and card price second.
16:30.50[T]anki am getting errors when receiving calls from my sip provider... he says also that I am sending my local ip address out with the sip headers... here is my info any help would be appreciated:
16:31.13BSD_Techtry setting canreinvite = no
16:31.45BSD_Techon the trunk
16:32.01blitzrage[T]ank: sounds like you need to setup externip and localnet
16:32.11BSD_Techyeah that also
16:32.56blitzrageMrMister2: you also get support from Digium when you buy hardware from them (if that makes any difference :))
16:34.18MrMister2blitzrage: only purchased TDM400 with analog modules so far from a German supplier since it was the cheapest and have had no problems with them
16:34.56[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: ....
16:34.59jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
16:35.04*** part/#asterisk Gled|work (
16:35.11blitzrageMrMister2: good news! :)
16:35.13[T]ankthank you... will look
16:35.30MrMister2What I wanted was for someone who had experience installing ISDN cards to recommend a card that wouldn't give _TOO MANY_ problems :)
16:35.40MrMister2price is a second consideration in this case
16:36.41BSD_Techthe digium card should just work
16:37.16BSD_Techbut I am a sangoma man myself
16:37.27BSD_TechSangoma has great bsd support
16:38.00mvanbaakunless you have this ADSL nic v2
16:38.28BSD_Technot played with the adsl cards
16:39.23mvanbaakI have an S518
16:39.28MrMister2BSD_Tech: mmmm.... So in your experience you say that either digium or sangoma should be just a plug in experience?
16:39.59BSD_Techsangome you just install thier driver and run the setup and it does all the work
16:40.11BSD_Techand digium cards should work right out of the box
16:40.15MrMister2open the server, plug it in, do a modprobe and install driver and go?
16:40.36mvanbaakopen server, plug it in, install driver, do a modprobe
16:40.53mvanbaaksangoma driver will patch and recompile your zaptel driver
16:40.54*** join/#asterisk JoelSolanki (i=Joel@
16:41.04[T]ankok... the issue shows up on the providers side with ethereal... I am sending my local ip instead of my external ip when i get a call: Contact: <sip:866459XXXX@>
16:41.11*** join/#asterisk zpertee (
16:41.27[T]ankhow do I make that show my external ip instead... I have externip set.
16:41.35*** part/#asterisk Simon-- (
16:41.42mvanbaak[T]ank: did you set the localnet as well ?
16:42.10blitzrageand localnet is matching your local subnet?
16:42.27blitzragebecause Asterisk will substitute any local IP it sees that matches the localnet with the externip
16:42.34blitzrageif it's not, you have something setup wrong, or you didn't reload
16:42.47MrMister2mvanbaak and BSD_Tech: Thank you for your advice and opinion. I'll most likelly go with Digium because of support and ease of installation.
16:43.01blitzragealthough I think Contact doesn't change
16:43.25blitzrageif I remember correctly
16:43.28blitzrage(which I may not :))
16:44.01mvanbaakI think you are right blitzrage
16:44.41blitzragemvanbaak: very cool :)
16:45.05zperteeI have a telephone switch box that my main lines and all of my extensions plug into.  My questions is if I first plug my main lines into an asterisk box and then from there plug them into the  switch will I then have my whole system converted to asterisk?
16:45.16ShoebHello. I have one carrier, but 3-4 different SIP softphones. Extension 10, 20, 30 and 40. Also have 4 DIDs, I know how to route inbound calls on each DID to different extensions. BUT, using the same outbound trunk, how can I make each extension to show the a different caller id?
16:45.31ShoebAs if it were 4 different phones with 4 different phone numbers.
16:46.16mvanbaakShoeb: you use the CALLERID(num) dialplan function for that
16:46.29mvanbaaktogether with some sourcematching
16:46.31mvanbaaklike this:
16:47.08mvanbaakexten => _90XXXX/10,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=${DID10})
16:47.31mvanbaakexten => _90XXXX/20,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=${DID20})
16:47.46mvanbaakwhe _90XXXX is your outbound rules extension match
16:48.32blitzragealso of note, if you're using the 'n' priority and not setting that at the start of the priority level you can use the 's' priority for 'same'
16:48.41blitzrageexten => _90XXX,1,NoOp()
16:48.53blitzrageexten => _90XXX,n,NoOp()
16:49.12blitzrageexten => _90XXX/10,s,Set(CALLERID(num)=foo)
16:49.22blitzrageexten => _90XXX/20,s,...
16:49.26Strom_Mblitzrage: ooh, i did not know that
16:49.28*** join/#asterisk Hmmhesays (
16:49.34blitzrageStrom_M: I just found that out very recently :)
16:51.34mvanbaakOEH !
16:51.37mvanbaaknice one blitzrage
16:52.13*** join/#asterisk `paul (n=aldee@
16:52.51tzangerI tend to not trust that though and use GotoIf($[${CALLERID(num)...
16:53.08Strom_M  <--- polycom ip320 + f/1.4 50mm lens + nikon d70 == teh droolphoto
16:53.35tzangeryou shouldn't
16:53.48pj_(don't trust him)
16:53.53pj_(er do)
16:53.54`paulis there a tool (web interface) to monitor the number of calls (answered or not answered)?
16:53.59blitzragehrmmm... I should post a picture of all the phones on my desk :)
16:54.02tzangerStrom_M: nice
16:54.15tzangerf/1.4 is a narrow depth of field?
16:54.17Strom_Mtzanger: thanks :D
16:54.19Strom_Moh yes
16:54.31Strom_Monly like one row of touchtone buttons is actually in focus
16:54.33tzangerconsidering the bottom buttons aren't in focus, I'd say so
16:54.45tzangermaybe a little too narrow for that shot :-)
16:54.54Strom_Mheh, i wanted it like that
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16:56.18ShoebThanks mvanbaak
16:57.30mvanbaakShoeb: ur welcome
16:58.04sweeper`paul: look into cdr web frontends, there  are a few
16:59.17*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey)
17:00.18*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (
17:03.16[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: I'm looking at a Nikon D40 w/ AF-S 18-55mm Lens right now......
17:03.55mcabStrom_M: Nice pic! Well done
17:04.20[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: thinking I may want another kit that includes a 55-200 lens as well...
17:04.24tzangerI want to get a good lens for my camera (powershot something, can't remember now, heh)
17:04.35tzangerI can adapt it for standard lenses but really I think I just need a better camera
17:04.36blitzragebooo.... I can't import photo's now that I'm running FC7
17:04.38[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: But debating my learning curve & expected usage.
17:05.12blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: start telling girls you're a photographer :)
17:05.16hypa7iasomeone should edit ~cisco to include the great firewall of china :)
17:05.58mcab[TK]D-Fender: taking pictures is easy, taking *good* ones, well... :-)
17:06.38[TK]D-Fendermcab: Yeah.... I know.  my other option right now is the Panasonic DMC-FZ8K
17:06.54*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
17:07.00blitzragehypa7ia: y0 y0!
17:07.05[TK]D-Fendermcab: Got good reviews & is point & shoot with 12x zoom for half the price.
17:07.27mcab[TK]D-Fender: I think my in-laws have that one. It's a great camera
17:08.23mcab[TK]D-Fender: but, I'm still an SLR guy at heart :-D
17:08.27[TK]D-Fendermcab: thing is that I am losing the "economy reflex", and I keep thinking longer term./...
17:09.21[TK]D-Fendermcab: And I am trying to grow out of my "Buyer's Remorse" complex.
17:09.55mcabbuying my D70 was utterly insane for a number of reasons, but I haven't regretted it
17:10.21mcabI only regret that I'm not a better photographer, but that means I need more practice
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17:19.24[T]ankdoing a sip debug i am getting "From: "asterisk" <sip:asterisk@>;tag=as796a0c23" I need it to send my external ip... everything i try will not change it.
17:20.45*** join/#asterisk CyberPony (
17:20.56coppice[TK]D-Fender: get some buyer's remorse therapy. they have it on E-Bay
17:21.25[TK]D-Fendercoppice: "Satisfaction Garanteed!"
17:21.46[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: PASTEBIN is your friend.....
17:21.49jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
17:26.10*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
17:28.18Kattymmm, ice cream
17:28.53Kattythats yummy too!
17:29.12Kattythey have these little 100 calorie mini bars at teh store
17:29.27blitzrageso I only need to eat 10 of them :)_
17:29.40cpmget all your days nutrition in one sitting!
17:29.41Kattythey're sugar free (=
17:29.50Kattywhich is good.
17:29.57Nugget  <-- ha ha
17:29.59[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: a lot of that belongs under [general] , not your ENTRY
17:30.05blitzrage"It's a good thing" (tm)
17:30.08Kattyhi Nugget!
17:30.15[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: read the guide again
17:30.26Kattyi put myself on a diet.
17:30.45Kattya seefood diet.
17:30.48Kattyif i see it, i eat it :P
17:31.01blitzrageI'm on the same one! :)
17:31.03karleetosomeone please HELP! i've got a job that i'm supposed to be starting on that involves 3 different physical locations, with a private VPN in between each location so that they can all talk to each other, one location is 192.186.1.. I've done jobs with 2 locations and an IAX trunk in between, but i'm having trouble visualizing how I would go about doing this, is there anyone who would be willing to chat with me a minute and give me some ideas?
17:31.12Kattyit must be a major fad.
17:31.18Kattyactually, i kicked myself down to 900 a day
17:31.26karleetoerr 192.168.1.*, 2nd is 192.168.2., and the 3rd is 192.168.3.
17:31.27Kattyinstead of like... 1400
17:31.41*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
17:32.02karleetoi really just dont know what approach i should take in order to have the 3 locations asterisk boxes to all be able to dial each others phones
17:32.05Kattyi'm going to give myself a birthday present of loosing 20lbs :>
17:32.38karleetocould anyone give me an idea of how i'm supposed to set this up?
17:33.14karleetoshould i use trunks or should there be a 4th box that is the master box that routes calls to the respective machine, or what?
17:33.38*** join/#asterisk flujan (
17:33.41Qwell[]karleeto: dundi
17:33.48Kattyso... can you play different music on hold stuffs... based on context
17:33.54karleetoi've done lots of asterisk systems with 20 or more phones, etc, but never one where there are multiple locations
17:33.56Kattylike zaptrg, zapebc, zapthisotherbusiness
17:34.06Kattyand have 3 different sets of musics
17:34.10Kattyor averts
17:34.10flujanhi guys, I seeking a fax solution to my pabx.. I am searching about Hylafax and iaxmodem and Asterfax....
17:34.17karleetoQwell[]: so, if i research on dundi, i should be able to figure out what to do?
17:34.25flujanWhich do you recommend to a production environment?
17:34.30Strom_C[TK]D-Fender: just from personal experience, I bought my D70 thinking it was going to be overkill, and i've taken more photos in the last three months than I have in probably the last five years
17:34.41Qwell[]flujan: dedicated analog line connected directly to the fax machine
17:34.43flujanwhich is easier to install and configure?
17:34.49[T]ank[TK]D-Fender: thank you... moving externip and localnet to the global section corrected the issue. thank you.
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17:35.10flujanQwell[]: for sure, but when this behavior is not a option what should I do?
17:35.10denonflujan: what Qwell said, or a dedicated fax server with fax modems or multiport fax cards
17:35.21denondoing it right is always an option
17:35.29denonand you will *not* be happy with any type of IP based fax solution
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17:35.45denonwhich I'm guessing is where you're going with all this
17:35.54flujanwhat about thet fax over ip, and the T.38 protocol?
17:36.00denonit's a myth
17:36.23karleetoflujan: ip based fax solutions suck.. if it must be that way, you could use callwave, port your number to them and they email you the faxes
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17:36.56[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: np
17:37.24*** part/#asterisk [T]ank (n=ckwall@
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17:37.31[TK]D-FenderStrom_C: Considering how few that is for me personally... not sure I could jsutify it :)
17:37.49coppiceT.37 is the sane fax over IP protocol, but nobody wants to use it
17:38.03denonwell, we do :)
17:38.10denonon as5400s though
17:38.41[TK]D-FenderStrom_C: problem is that I keep thinking "what could I do with all the $ I'd save (300$-500$) difference", and will I really get a good value for the difference in products.
17:38.55*** join/#asterisk nybble (n=nybble@about/apple/performa/nybble)
17:39.21taqua2008what type of 5400 chassis do you use?
17:39.29Strom_C[TK]D-Fender: I haven't regretted a single cent of what I've spent
17:39.49Strom_Cit's gone from "I took some snapshots" to "WHOA these are amazing photos"
17:39.51denontaqua2008: I dont deal with them personally anymore - just a bunch of PRIs into 5300s and 5400s
17:40.00denonnot sure the specifics of what they have in there though
17:40.26flujanbah, email rox... I dunno why some people still uses fax.
17:40.28denonextremely reliable fax rig though
17:40.42taqua2008denon: Ok thanks
17:41.05*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_home (
17:41.25coppiceI think if you started shooting a few fax users, the others would fall into line and send e-mails
17:42.17denoncoppice: funny, I was just discussing with Qwell what could be done about trying to convince people that faxing in realtime over ip was a bad idea
17:42.29denonhadn't considered that as an option, though
17:42.34irulewhy is there a long silence in letters/*.gsm? the directory application takes ages to spell names :s
17:43.18coppicewhile courts give credence to faxes they will continue
17:43.26[TK]D-Fenderirule: w  h  a  t    a  r  e    y  o  u    t  a  l  k  i  n  g    a  b  o  u  t  ?
17:43.46denoncoppice: well, it is a really handy device
17:43.48denonI dont use it ..
17:44.01denonbut to just jack it into a phone line wherever you are, shove a piece of paper in, and walk away
17:44.19denonno isp subscription, no getting an IP.. no finding a local provider number of wifi
17:44.49karleetoDUNDi is an opensource free thing, right?
17:45.36irulehi there [TK]D-Fender, the files in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/letters have the letters spelled each with a silence after them, I just dont know why they have been recorded like that, I should just remove the silence from the sound files
17:46.00[TK]D-Fenderirule: Go grab the HQ versions and get editing :)
17:47.38irule[TK]D-Fender HQ? even the mexican sounds I found somewhere on the net have the silence included! lol
17:48.04*** join/#asterisk Jingles (
17:48.16[TK]D-Fenderirule: Oh yes, and "mexican sounds I found somewhere on the net"  sounds like a quality source indeed!
17:49.11wunderkinthey need a little silence or they will just be talking really fast
17:49.18*** join/#asterisk jmls (n=jmls@
17:49.23jmlshey guys
17:49.49irule[TK]D-Fender well, actually I dont know who tried to convince allison smith that she could be understood in HER spanish lol
17:49.54jmlsis there anyway of setting a variable in another channel from the dialplan ?
17:50.24jmlsI know I can use the astdb, but would rather not
17:50.30[TK]D-Fenderjmls: Noth that I can think of.
17:50.44jmls[TK]D-Fender: Boo. Hiss.
17:50.57irulejmls there is always mysql
17:51.40jmlsI'd rather not have to read/write a db record and then have to remember to delete it when I'm done
17:52.02jmlsat least channel variables are cleaned up for you when the channel ends.
17:52.26[TK]D-Fenderjmls: Yes, we call this tactic AGI <-
17:52.37jmlsis there anyway of reading a variable from another channel from the dialplan ;)
17:53.04*** join/#asterisk marcan (
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17:54.17[TK]D-Fenderjmls: Same answer....
17:54.48wunderkinyou don't need agi for that.. use ImportVar
17:54.50*** join/#asterisk Yourname` (
17:54.59jmlsimportvar ??
17:55.19*** join/#asterisk pusanggala (n=a@
17:56.31jmlsah hah.
17:56.59jmlsoh - there's no ExportVar :(
17:57.14jmlsnevermind. ImportVar may well suit my needs
17:57.55*** join/#asterisk ramindia (n=ramindia@
17:58.21ramindiahow can i store the recordings on other server ?
17:59.50[TK]D-Fenderramindia: nfs, smb, etc, take your pick.
18:00.19ramindiarsync ? on realtime ?
18:00.48ramindiausing nfs..i can store directly on other server  right? how about performance..
18:01.33ramindiamvanbaak: rsync .. want to move recordings to other server
18:01.49ramindiabut iam looking  realtime recording store on other server
18:01.54mvanbaakthen no rsync
18:02.04mvanbaakuse some remote mount for that
18:02.38karleeto!! is there anyone in here willing to have a private conversation about DUNDi with me for a few minutes?
18:02.46ramindiahow performance like  compare to 15K rpm over NFS  ethernet mount drive..
18:03.25mvanbaakramindia: depends on your needs
18:03.35mvanbaakif you only want to store voicemail on nfs it's ok I think
18:03.56ramindiano voicemails..................RECORDINGS
18:03.59mvanbaakunless you nfs mount it on a 33k6 line and want to record 10.000 simultanious calls
18:04.20ramindiatalking about 200cals
18:05.12mvanbaakyou'll need a good backlink for that
18:05.22mvanbaakbut 100mbit to a netapp will be enough for that
18:05.52DavieyHi, what 2 port PRI card do people recommend?  Is the echo cancellation module worthwhille?
18:05.54ramindianetapp will be about P4 kind of box ?
18:06.29*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ- (
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18:07.11bintuthello all..
18:08.18[TK]D-FenderDaviey: Sangoma A102d
18:08.24bintutquick question: how can i send (attach) voicemails to a specific gmail hosted e-mail address and delete afterwards?
18:08.49[TK]D-Fenderbintut: its all in the sample voicemail.conf....
18:08.50Daviey[TK]D-Fender: what about echo cancellation, is it worthwhille?
18:08.57[TK]D-FenderDaviey: ESSENTIAL
18:09.13*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (
18:09.22Strom_CDaviey: digium te2xxp w/echo can module
18:09.45*** join/#asterisk iBuMp- (
18:09.56Daviey[TK]D-Fender: That seems more expensive than digium hw, is it better?
18:10.12[TK]D-FenderDaviey: Price is virtually identical, and yes.
18:10.48*** join/#asterisk iBuMp (
18:10.50*** part/#asterisk ramindia (n=ramindia@
18:12.10[TK]D-FenderDaviey: , Sangoma seems even cheaper than the digium
18:12.46*** join/#asterisk lirakis (n=etamme@
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18:13.25Daviey[TK]D-Fender: I'm UK based.. been quoted ÂĢ719.50 for te212p
18:13.44Daviey(if i place large order on handsets)
18:14.21bintut[TK]D-Fender: i'm not sure on my configs at
18:14.49*** join/#asterisk jaiger (
18:15.04Yourname`Hi, so I have two sessions I see in the console, one from me, and one from my friend. How can I kill the other connection? I tried kill pts/4
18:15.09Yourname`And it didn't work
18:15.26bintut[TK]D-Fender: i got a voicemail voice prompt when no one answers but the .wav file is not sent to my e-mail..
18:15.53[TK]D-Fenderbintut: I prefer setting those options on the VM box line, and I don't use exim so I can't comment ont he format....
18:16.09bintut[TK]D-Fender: i must admit that i don't have a mail server here. my e-mail address is being hosted by gmail. and, my exim is not even running as a daemon on my debian etch.
18:16.23[TK]D-Fenderbintut: That may be the problem...
18:16.46bintut[TK]D-Fender: which one?
18:16.56[TK]D-Fenderbintut: lack of server daemon running
18:17.35bintut[TK]D-Fender: but, can't i just send an e-mail without running a daemon?
18:17.42Yourname`Oops, wrong window.
18:17.53[TK]D-Fenderbintut: I'm not sure on the fine points personally...
18:17.56bintut[TK]D-Fender: i mean, like just sending an e-mail using the "mail" command?
18:18.00[TK]D-Fenderbintut: go check your mail queue
18:18.23*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (
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18:24.55Innatechbintut: mail just shoves things into sendmail.
18:25.34Innatechbintut: from "man mail" : "all mail goes through sendmail."
18:27.47InnatechIf you want to get all crazy, you might be able to convince asterisk to send mail through pine or something. Probably more troublesome that it's worth.
18:29.45bintutInnatech: but, does it need to run a daemon?
18:30.14bintutInnatech: i'm running debian etch here and sendmail is just a symbolic link to exim which i don't run
18:30.34bintutInnatech: i don't have pine either. i have the mail command though.
18:30.54InnatechPine is a simple SMTP client. I can promise you it's in the Etch repos.
18:31.00bintutInnatech: i mean, exim is not running
18:31.18bintutInnatech: yeah, i know pine is in the repository
18:31.20InnatechPine is a client. It shouldn't need a local daemon.
18:31.34bintutInnatech: but, can't i just use the mail command here?
18:32.01bintutInnatech: it's not possible to use the mail command directly from the voicemail.conf ?
18:32.05InnatechIf you look at man mail, you will notice that it mentions that it sends everything through sendmail.
18:32.27NuggetThere's a difference between having a mail transport agent (sendmail, exim, postfix, etc...) and having one listening for remote connections.
18:32.50Nuggeteven if you don't have exim listening for remote connections it can still perform deliveries
18:32.50InnatechI think he wants to avoid running one at all, unless I missed the mark.
18:33.06*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey)
18:33.40bintutInnatech: yes, i don't want to run an MTA because i already have gmail account already
18:33.43Nugget"running" is vague in this context.
18:33.59NuggetYou need an MTA on a unix box or all sorts of things stop working right.
18:34.06Nuggetyou can't get crontab emails, for example
18:34.12bintutNugget: i mean, i don't want to have a MTA daemon running on my server
18:34.18InnatechYeah, unless you know what you're doing, you want to run an MTA.
18:34.23Nuggetthat's fine.  "running" isn't neccessary
18:34.36Innatech"have" an MTA. Whatever.
18:34.38Nuggetexim can still deliver those mails just fine even if there's not a "running" daemon
18:34.40bintutNugget: i don't have any mta running on my server and it works fine for me
18:34.53Nugget"running" is too vague a word to use in this context.
18:35.29bintutNugget: so, what shall i do then?
18:35.56Nuggetdon't mess with the mta, continue to use it for delivery.
18:36.08Innatech^ sage advice.
18:36.20Nuggetasterisk, crontab, and a host of other processes on your asterisk server are all depending on the mta being there
18:36.36Nuggetthat has absolutely nothing at all to do with your gmail account.
18:36.47Nuggetthey aren't even remotely related
18:37.07[TK]D-Fender.... telnet
18:37.08Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
18:37.42BSD_Techssh is your frien
18:38.09Innatechtelnet to port 25 for max lewlz. EHLO thar!
18:39.57*** join/#asterisk punkgode (
18:40.10NuggetI know a guy who has as his vanity domain.
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18:45.59bintuthow about using nail?
18:47.59jboti guess book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
18:54.24*** join/#asterisk Avalone (n=Avalone_@
19:00.44Innatechbintut: I suppose that's one way to make sure people get their messages. Make sure you've got good workers comp coverage.
19:04.55bintutInnatech: i'm sorry. what do you mean?
19:05.34Innatech"<bintut> how about using nail?" ba-dum-dum. Ching.
19:06.22*** join/#asterisk Axet (
19:06.50AxetHi all
19:07.16AxetI'm new to asterisk and intend using it with Cisco 7961G phones but was wondering if there are any firmwares that are to avoid or that have an excellent reputation ?
19:08.44Axetanyone ? :)
19:09.29Strom_Chave you already purchased the phones?
19:09.34*** join/#asterisk toombaloomba (
19:09.42AxetI have managed to get one for free
19:09.46Axetto test it out
19:09.49Qwell[]send it to me, and buy Polycoms
19:09.52Strom_Ci'd recommend you buy polycoms
19:09.59[TK]D-FenderI'll third that...
19:10.04Axetpolycoms ?
19:10.08jbotwell, polycom is the manufacturer of one of the best IP phones in the market. - Note: Here is where you can get some downloads:,,pw-6812-12612,00.html
19:10.08Axeti'll look them up now*
19:10.13coolbeansNo NAT with 79x1's
19:10.29Strom_Ccoolbeans: no, it's usable behind NAT
19:10.31Qwell[]coolbeans: NAT works fine with them on chan_skinny ;)
19:10.34Axetcoolbeans : whats the problem with that ?
19:11.28coolbeansAxet: It doesn't work?
19:11.44Axetwhy do the phones need nat to reach the asterisk server ?
19:12.02Axetif the asterisk server is on the same network what's the use for nat ?
19:12.15putnopvutAxet: I don't think that's what he means.
19:12.35putnopvutI think he means that the phones won't work behind NAT.
19:12.51toombaloombahello, anyone know of a way to change your voice using asterisk or a softphone?
19:12.57[TK]D-FenderAxet: Cisco costs more, and offers less.  Best forgotten about.
19:12.57putnopvutOr rather don't traverse NAT's properly.
19:13.11Strom_Ctoombaloomba: a helium balloon
19:13.21Axetputnopvut : I don't understand why the cisco phones would need to go through nat
19:13.25toombaloombaLOL not a bad idea Strom_C
19:13.32coolbeansAxet: Because some of us use NAT?
19:13.33[TK]D-Fendertoombaloomba: underwear 2 sizes too small.
19:13.48Innatechtoombaloomba: a swift kick in the 'nads.
19:13.52Strom_C[TK]D-Fender: cf "Take On Me"
19:14.02coolbeansAxet: Because one of the biggest value propositions of VoIP is the ability to have a disperate phone system?
19:14.07[TK]D-FenderStrom_C: cf?
19:14.12putnopvutAxet: when you make an outgoing call, it's likely you're going to have to traverse a NAT, and so if those phones don't traverse NAT's properly, then you can't make outgoing calls.
19:14.24Axetcoolbeans : ah ok but I intend using an asterisk server on my lan
19:14.25[TK]D-FenderStrom_C: ...?
19:14.37Strom_C[TK]D-Fender: you are familiar with the song "Take On Me" right?
19:14.38Axetcoolbeans : not a distant one
19:14.45coolbeansAxet: Oh, sorry.  I thought you were one of those guys knocking NAT and using VoIP over the internet.  My bad, my appologies.
19:14.48[TK]D-FenderStrom_C: A-Ha, yes
19:15.02Innatechtoombaloomba: in all seriousness, if you want to use a voicechanger, use a POTS phone, a voice changer box, and an ATA. It'll be easier than trying to decode, process and reencode on the fly if that's even possible.
19:15.02Axetcoolbeans : nah but thanks for warning me about cisco ip phones :)
19:15.03[TK]D-FenderStrom_C: Not sure about the meaning of your usage of it
19:15.17Strom_Ctight underwear -> high voice -> high note -> "Take on Me"
19:15.32[TK]D-FenderStrom_C: ok, fine, sure :)
19:15.48Strom_Cnext time i'll explain it in horrible horrible French!
19:16.01Axetback to my first question ... are there any firmwares I should avoid ? which one should I use ?
19:16.04coolbeansAxet: Polycom phone just work very well with Asterisk.  We actually have Cisco 7941's in our main office using a VPN to our datacenter for voice.  Works well, but the Polycoms are just easier to use and more readily support the features of Asterisk.
19:16.13toombaloombaInnatech yea i figured as much just thought I'd ask, I think someone mentioned they saw a softphone that did it, but may have been lying
19:16.31bintutgtg now.. thanks all..
19:16.37Axetcoolbeans : well if I ever come to buying ip phones I'll follow up on your advice
19:16.42NivexA request for the digium folk: can a readonly DAV configuration be put on so I can use cadaver to grab the latest updates as they come out?
19:16.47Innatechtoombaloomba: well, with a softphone you might be able to use jacktools or similar to process the audio before it gets to the softphone.
19:16.49Axetcoolbeans : but right now all I have are cisco phones :p
19:16.55[TK]D-FenderStrom_C: I just missed the glue to associate that all together is all...
19:16.58*** join/#asterisk janinge (
19:17.23blitzrageNivex: probably something you'll have to email to someone at Digium
19:17.27toombaloombaInnatech i just saw Asterisk+Realtime+Voice+Pitch+Changer on the wiki hmmm
19:17.37Innatechhaven't seen that.
19:17.47toombaloombaits beta
19:17.59wothinnIf it just changes pitch, it can probably be trivially undone.
19:18.05Kattyoh hush.
19:18.08wothinnDepends what you want it for whether or not that matters.
19:18.09Kattyi have query
19:18.11InnatechIf you want to do it in software, I'd use jacktools and a plugin host.
19:18.12*** join/#asterisk dlynes_laptop (n=dlynes@
19:18.31Kattycan i have different music on hold musics/adverts for my different zapgroups? (g1,g2,g3,etc)
19:18.37Strom_CKatty: yes
19:18.39toombaloombahmm I think most sound cards come with some way of messing with the voice, might work too
19:18.57Kattyis it just [zapwhatevergroup] in musiconhold.conf?
19:19.01Kattyand then you put your stuff underneath it
19:19.12dlynes_laptopAre there any good softphones out there besides Eyebeam/xten?
19:19.19Kattyi like sjphone
19:19.19dlynes_laptopThat run on Windows?
19:19.22Kattyand iaxcomm
19:19.38Kattyof course iaxcomm doesn't do sip, i dont think
19:19.39Innatech<3 idefisk forever.
19:19.40Kattyand sjphone does sip
19:19.40dlynes_laptopsjphone, iaxcomm, and idefisk all run on windows?
19:19.48Kattysjphone and iaxcomm do
19:19.52dlynes_laptopAnd they don't look like crap?
19:19.54Kattynever used idefisk, so i dunno if it runs on windows
19:20.00Kattyimage google them
19:20.05[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop: idefisk does
19:20.08dlynes_laptopThanks, guys
19:20.16dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender: idefisk looks like crap?
19:20.23dlynes_laptopAnd can they all do g729?
19:20.25Innatechno, it runs on windows. Looks very nice.
19:20.35[TK]D-Fendercrap so-so, G729, IIRC, yes
19:20.48InnatechI think they changed the name tho.
19:21.30Innatechaww...apparently my softphone aesthetics are lacking. :(
19:21.53Kattysoftware designers should hire interior decorators.
19:21.57Kattyor professional website designers.
19:22.04Kattywho hire interior decorators.
19:22.14Kattyis it bad i've gone to lowes for color schemes for websites?
19:22.28InnatechAs long as you stick to the websafe isle.
19:22.31Kattythe paint section is awesome for color schemes :>
19:23.58Innatech"Yes, I'd like a gallon bucket of #C8C8C8 semigloss, please. I'm refinishing my CSS this weekend."
19:24.06*** join/#asterisk IPmonger (
19:24.39[TK]D-FenderInnatech: C4 would finish things much faster.... ballistically speaking...
19:25.49Innatech"I don't you have a more explosive shade of grey?"
19:26.08dlynes_laptop$20G's for annual license for sjphone?
19:26.13dlynes_laptopSomebody's dreaming!
19:26.26[TK]D-FenderInnatech: "Plastique Pewter"
19:26.41InnatechGood for strained dinner parties with the in-laws.
19:26.48[TK]D-Fender<- Iron Chef of the Anarchist's Cook-book
19:26.52Innatech<light coffe cup, fling, duck>
19:26.57dlynes_laptopWow...and doesn't even do g.729 or g.723 for that price, either
19:28.07*** join/#asterisk guillote_GNU (
19:28.52redaxhow can I choose the codec when I do Dial(SIP/ext@remotehost)  ?
19:29.51Strom_Credax: in sip.conf
19:33.44zperteewhere is a good place to buy commercial grade equipment
19:33.47Jinglesalso, make sure your SIP device can support that codec.
19:35.36redaxaaa... wait a bit... sip.conf on the remotehost ?
19:35.43*** join/#asterisk Capps- (
19:36.44redaxbut if sip.conf has several codecs allowed, how to choose g729 for example?
19:37.33*** join/#asterisk codazoda (
19:38.09redaxStrom_C: basicly, I wanted to ask  is there a way to Set() some channelvar before the Dial() to `prefer' some codec at the client side
19:38.59Strom_Cno; you have to do that in the channel driver configuration file
19:39.09BSD_Techearthlink true voice support sucks
19:39.11*** join/#asterisk TedNJ37 (
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19:39.21TedNJ37Can someone help me please?  I am running Trixbox.  How can I determine the order in which the box plays the files setup for Music On Hold?  It is not alphabetically.  I don't have Music on Hold set up to play files randomly yet, it is not playing them in alphabetical order.
19:39.46MindTheGapsuppose i have this: "2121 => 100" in GLOBALS. can I use this? " exten => 2121,1,Goto(context|$"${ARG1}"|1) ".
19:40.10*** join/#asterisk `Sean (
19:40.16Shaun2222anybody know if a P4 3.0 can handle 15 concurrent calls using the g711 codec?
19:40.21Kattyhelp, i've lost my voicemail directory
19:40.25Shaun2222and or the g729 codec?
19:41.11redaxStrom_C: I see, thanks.
19:41.19MindTheGapsorry, exten => 2121,1,Goto(context|$"${EXTEN}"|1) ".
19:41.45Strom_CShaun2222: yes
19:42.34[TK]D-FenderShaun2222: tons more than that
19:42.51Katty[TK]D-Fender: remind me, again, where voicemail is located.
19:43.06[TK]D-FenderKatty: /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail
19:43.09Hmmhesaysfriendly neighbors
19:43.20Shaun2222can you guestimate how many you think it could handle?
19:43.27Kattyoh yeah
19:43.29*** part/#asterisk codazoda (
19:43.29Kattynot lib
19:44.09[TK]D-FenderKatty: there is usually a symlink under /var/lib/asterisk/sounds but I really don't advocate the "fake" way
19:44.15karleetois there anyone in here willing to have a private conversation about DUNDi with me for a few minutes?
19:44.40[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto: Virtually nobody cares about Dundi
19:44.51karleeto[TK]D-Fender: why is that?
19:44.51*** join/#asterisk x1fa47 (
19:45.09[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto: Ask yourself the reverse.  Its * specific.
19:45.37karleetothis is the * chat room is it not?
19:45.49Hmmhesaysi don't know a single person that uses dundi
19:46.03[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto: True, and you here little about chan_mgcp here either.
19:46.12sevardno do i
19:46.19karleetowell, i just have this 3 location setup i'l like to do, i just dont know how i should configure it
19:46.31karleetoi've never done a multiple * box setup before
19:46.33[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto: Just a basic IAX link would do.
19:46.46[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto: lookup "asterisk dual servers" on the WIKI
19:46.49jbotextra, extra, read all about it, wikis is
19:47.14[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto: You keep asking about the means without stating the NEED.  You were thinking backwards.
19:47.15karleeto[TK]D-Fender: and someone on the 100 extentions could forward a call to someone on the 200 extentions or forward to their voicemail?
19:47.27[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto: Sure.
19:47.33[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto: Get reading.
19:47.40karleeto[TK]D-Fender: alright
19:49.58TedNJ37Can someone help me please?  I am running Trixbox.  How can I determine the order in which the box plays the files setup for Music On Hold?  It is not alphabetically.  I don't have Music on Hold set up to play files randomly yet, it is not playing them in alphabetical order.
19:52.45neverbluelooking for any VOIP providers, pm me please
19:52.51sevardTedNJ37: #trixbox
19:53.00TedNJ37They are not responding at all sevard.
19:53.05TedNJ37I'll keep trying there.
19:58.49*** join/#asterisk andethemint (
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20:00.27Hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: can I pm you?
20:00.52lirakiswhen should i use the Answer() funciton.. and when shouldnt i?
20:01.00*** join/#asterisk bkruse_home (i=kruz@nat/digium/x-058aae855be6cd66)
20:01.01[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays: sure
20:01.37lirakisI seem to get strange results when I answer .. and then try to bridge ..
20:02.09lirakisand im not sure if im supposed to be using Answer in that setting
20:03.26Shaun2222[TK]D-Fender / Strom_C : Any of you guys know or have setup a HA env?  Right now i have sip phones in remote locations.  Asterisk server gets the calls, i have queues setup, to hold the calls until sombody picks up.  I want to have this system be more redundant though and have another aksterisk server in a remote location.  I'm not sure how that would work with the queues or the phones...  I also need the phones to connect to both servers
20:03.55Shaun2222or if one asterisk could not make calls out it should route the call to the other...
20:04.39lirakisShaun2222: you need a load balancing proxy
20:04.44lirakisShaun2222: like openSER
20:04.59Shaun2222thats still a single point of failure
20:06.12lirakisit is.. i suppose you could have.. two servers in round robin DNS
20:06.25lirakis.. that would probably wreak havok with registrations
20:06.59Shaun2222ya i want to say i heard somthing about SRV records to do a HA type setup, but i dont really know if that was right.
20:08.23*** join/#asterisk dirk- (
20:08.33coolbeansHey, in app_voicemail.c's msgXXXX.txt file, the origtime, is that a UNIX epoc time stamp?
20:08.38lirakisShaun2222: .. well i am just now setting up a call center with 2 servers in seperate geographic locations... i am using openser as a hotcut failover.. in the case of total IP failure.. i have T1 links to an Alcatel DEX
20:12.43Shaun2222lirakis: i assume your either letting others connect using asterisk or just dailing out to there phone/office/cell phones?
20:13.20*** part/#asterisk TedNJ37 (
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20:16.22lirakisShaun2222: .. well its a call center.. so weve got 800 DIDS that come in TDM and we convert to SIP... those go into the asterisk for customer service calls.  There are also sales campaigns there.. so they go out SIP to a Nextone... then the TDM stuff is just failover.. like if the media gateway fails .. we stop getting SIP 800 DIDS... so then the Alcatel takes them  in TDM and sends PRI to asterisk.  Also the Alcatel has outbound configured.
20:20.13kombiI'm having this strange issue and maybe someone can help: I execute System() with a php shell script from the dialplan. The script fires an originate statement over manager and connects two extensions, one starts meetme, the other ices. I works like 5 times, then doesn't 4 times, works again etc. I have checked all logs but can't find anything..
20:22.09kombiKatty, what's for dinner?
20:22.15Kattyhow do i make the directory ask for first name or last name, rather than just last name?
20:22.22Kattykombi: tuna casserole and pecanless pie
20:22.33Dan0maN_Workmmmm.   pie.
20:22.40Kattypie good.
20:23.09Nivexwhen come back bring pie
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20:29.19blitzrageof the poon-tang flavour perhaps even
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20:30.04pepsehi guys
20:30.44pepsei'm trying to route 1NXXNXXXXXX numbers to one provider and then 18XXNXXXXXX to another, how can I accomplish this?
20:31.19pepseseems like whether I put the extens of the tollfree numbers before or after the 1NXX one, they are completely ignored
20:31.22blitzragecreate separate pattern matches and Dial(SIP/provider_one/${EXTEN}) and Dial(SIP/provider_two/${EXTEN})
20:31.39blitzragethe order does not matter
20:31.45blitzragemore specific matches matter
20:32.05blitzragethe order you put stuff in the dialplan (extensions.conf) doesn't matter because it all gets parsed and sorted based on the internal rules
20:32.41*** join/#asterisk oej (
20:33.31pepsehm, ok. so do i need to like, make extens for 12xx, 13xx, etc?
20:33.36blitzrageoej: go on vacation already would ya?!
20:33.58blitzragepepse: depends what you're trying to do... remember to pattern match by starting with _ (underscore)
20:34.04pepsecause if I have the _1XXXXXXXXXX one, it's the only one that works
20:34.17zperteehas anyone tried zapmicro hardware?
20:34.39blitzragepepse: you probably want to pastebin your dialplan and explain what you're trying to do
20:34.46blitzrageprobably something trivial you're missing
20:35.53pepsetwo lines should explain my deal..
20:35.59pepseexten => _1800NXXXXXX,1,Dial(IAX2/etc..)
20:36.36pepseexten => _1XXXXXXXXXX,2,Dial(SIP/etc..)
20:36.50pepseobviously that 2 is because the 1 sets callerid
20:37.30pepsethe _1800 is ignored
20:38.44dirk-what about adding a series of 11xxx 12xxx 13xxx etx to force it? nine rules instead of 2?
20:38.58pepsedirk-: yeah that's what i was askin if i need to do earlier
20:39.08dirk-ah, sorry
20:39.28pepseit's not a bad idea, i'm just wondering if there should be a better way
20:39.29dirk-given the way the matching works, Id think its the only way
20:39.59pepseso you can't make a more specific match take precedence over a more broad match?
20:40.11Strom_Cspecific should always take precedence
20:40.20Strom_Cpepse: pastebin your whole dialplan
20:41.14BSD_Technever never use earthlink they bounce you around and give you the run around when you try to get a supervisor
20:41.44pepseStrom_C: hm, well i have my dialplan chopped up in seperate files
20:41.53Qwell[]BSD_Tech: like every other company
20:42.16Strom_Cpepse: well then pastebin the relevant portion of your dialplan
20:42.39pepseStrom_C: but that was what i just pasted :) those two lines are the relevant portion, i think anyway..
20:42.45pepseother than the includes
20:42.46Strom_Cuh no
20:42.50*** join/#asterisk ESCulapio_ (
20:42.57Strom_Cthat's a summary
20:43.09Strom_Cpastebin the complete code, please
20:43.41Strom_Cdamn, these brownie muffin things from Swiss Chalet are yuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmy
20:43.58Kattyanyone know how to make the directory ask for first AND last name, rather than just last name?
20:44.10Strom_CKatty: you can make it ask for either or
20:44.13Strom_Cbut not both
20:44.16KattyStrom_C: okay.
20:45.34*** join/#asterisk waverly360 (
20:45.44dirk-i've not tried it but the current beta of freepbx seems to offer that function
20:45.55dirk-if it works you could examine what they are doing
20:45.56Kattyhow do i get to directory stuff from the cli?
20:46.02Kattyi don't see anything about 'directory' listed under help.
20:46.12*** join/#asterisk MoutaPT (
20:46.15Strom_CKatty: shoe application directory
20:46.25ESCulapio_I have a problem with agi in bash and plicaciÃģn GET DATA
20:46.46Strom_Cpepse: "most specific match" only applies within a single context
20:47.02Kattyk, so it's option f
20:47.09MoutaPThi does any one can help me how to set CallerID anonymous using TE210P on a per user request, I mean i just want to set anonymous callerID for specfici users...
20:47.25Katty'f - allow the caller to enter the first name of a user in the directory instead of using the last name'
20:47.31ESCulapio_I have a problem with agi in bash and plicaciÃģn GET DATA
20:47.32Kattywhere do i set option f?
20:47.36Strom_CMoutaPT: show application SetCallerPres
20:47.44pepseI'll just copy the trunktollfree context into the les one
20:47.49Strom_CKatty: in your dialplan when you call Directory()
20:47.49MoutaPTthanks Strom_C
20:47.56MoutaPTI will have  a look
20:48.08*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
20:48.22Strom_C[TK]D-Fender: help, being in canada is making me irascible
20:49.13Kattyso my line reads: exten => 2,1,Directory(downstairs|downstairs), so i need to make it: exten => 2,1,Directory(downstairs|downstairs|f)?
20:50.03[TK]D-FenderStrom_C, contrary to your usage, "irascible" is not going to become the new "copacetic" :)
20:50.26[TK]D-FenderStrom_C, and a top rule of effective writing is never use a big word when a smaller one will do :)
20:50.46kombiwhich pastebin? (my beloved is down..)
20:51.04Kattyweee!! it worked. thanks Strom
20:51.20kombiwhy does it suck?
20:52.02*** join/#asterisk keith4 (n=keith@lust.CC.Lehigh.EDU)
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20:53.07Kattyit sucks because it needs a hug
20:53.09Kattyand possibly chocolate.
20:53.19Kattyand if those don't fix it, i'd recommend a visit to the mall and new shoes.
20:53.22Strom_Cit just needs to be given a little love.  and sexual favors.
20:53.27Kattyyes, and sex.
20:53.38Kattysex fixes a lot of things!
20:53.58Kattyespecially if it's a male :P
20:54.12kombiwhich line shall i put the sex in?
20:54.34kombikombi wonders whether his code is male or female..
20:54.50*** part/#asterisk zpertee (
20:55.34Kattyis it direct and to the point, or subtle with hints of deceipt?
20:55.44*** join/#asterisk digimania (
20:55.45Katty...i can't spell.
20:55.52sevardi.... noticed.
20:56.02kombiKatty: got the point, I'd say the former
20:56.20kombidoes that make it male or female?
20:57.04kombidamn, is anyone actually looking at the thing?
20:59.36*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (i=rmyorg@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
20:59.48kombievidently not.. sigh.. you guys leave me hangin'
21:00.18Kattywait, what's the url again?
21:01.33*** join/#asterisk agile (n=mike@
21:02.54Kattyoh php stuff
21:02.59Kattyi dont' knwo anything about php stuff
21:04.21kombithanks for looking though
21:06.31*** join/#asterisk flujan (
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21:10.05Hmmhesaysdepends on what you're looking for
21:11.02MoutaPTStrom_C I have 100 DDIs from my E1 circuit do you know what should I use on argument of SetCallerPres( ) to make aonymous outbound calls?
21:11.31MoutaPTor just prohib
21:11.42MoutaPTi'm not in the office to test it
21:14.49*** join/#asterisk stridernzl (
21:24.38Strom_Cprohib_not_screened would be my best guess
21:25.56*** join/#asterisk Chuji (
21:26.04*** join/#asterisk kotique[male] (
21:26.48kombithis drives me bananas, it works seven times in a row, then doesn't 3 times, then works once, then doesn't, then does... hrrmpf
21:26.56kotique[male]hey guys. does cisco's IOS have SIP registrar support ? I want to register my SIP phone to cisco running in dynamips :-)
21:28.59*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
21:30.50HmmhesaysI wish I could find a sip phone that supported BLA well
21:30.51Hmmhesaysand was cheap
21:30.56Hmmhesaysthese spa-942s don't
21:31.26[hC]Aastra might be ok
21:33.39Strom_CHmmhesays: polycom IP320 :)
21:35.05[hC]Any of you guys tried the SLA stuff in asterisk 1.4?
21:35.10*** join/#asterisk phessler_ (
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21:36.38x86[hC]: SLA stuff?
21:36.44[hC]Shared line appearances
21:37.01*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
21:37.05[hC]same thing
21:37.10x86ah i see
21:37.20x86asterisk finally supports that?
21:37.42Qwell[]always has
21:37.46[hC]1.4 does supposedly, but ive never tried it
21:37.47Hmmhesaysdo all of the polycoms support the bla?
21:37.50[hC]and i dont know how well it works
21:37.51Qwell[]or do you mean the Shared?
21:37.52[hC]and a customer wants it.
21:37.56Hmmhesayshint extensions have been around since 1.0
21:37.58HmmhesaysI believe
21:38.00[hC]shared. key system emulation
21:38.13[hC]BLA/BLF are not the same, are they?
21:38.15phessler_if I have a file include several others, and each of them have [global] defined, are they merged, or clobbered?
21:38.19Hmmhesaysno they aren't
21:38.26[hC]bla =bridged line appearances, blf (hints) = busy lamp field
21:38.39Hmmhesaysyeah they are the same
21:38.43Hmmhesaysbla and sla are not the same
21:38.57HmmhesaysDo all the poly's support bla via the hint extension?
21:39.12phessler_eg: extensions.conf includes both extensions_a.conf, extentions_b.conf; which both have globals (not defining the same variables, of course)
21:39.35*** join/#asterisk adorah (
21:39.56HmmhesaysI've read the aastra 480i's do
21:40.10[hC]aastras do, polycoms do, ciscos do
21:40.21[hC]if all you want is hints, and indicators for whos on the phone
21:40.37HmmhesaysI do
21:40.40Hmmhesayscisco's do?
21:40.46[hC]79x1 series yes
21:40.50HmmhesaysI have a 7940 here
21:40.56[hC]youd need a 7941.
21:41.01[hC]or a 7914 sidecar
21:41.14[hC]and i think the 7914 only attaches to the 7960
21:41.18[TK]D-Fender7914 only works in SCCP
21:41.32[hC]anyways, has anyone played with shared line appearances in 1.4? I wanna know if its worth trying
21:41.33[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays, if its presence you want, Polycom or Aastra
21:41.45Hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: yes presence is what I want
21:41.47[TK]D-Fender[hC], No.
21:41.48Hmmhesaysany polycom?
21:41.55[hC][TK]D-Fender: no you havent, or not its not worth trying.
21:41.55*** part/#asterisk phessler_ (
21:41.59[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays, depends how many phones yuo want to watch
21:42.08[TK]D-Fender[hC], YES :)
21:42.14[hC][TK]D-Fender: I HATE YOU!!!
21:42.22Strom_Cah, Polycom, where "poly" means "many" and "com" means "those disgusting Soviet bastards"
21:42.44*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
21:42.59Hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: 5 or 6
21:43.02Dan0maN_Workso you're saying polycom is the way to go?!? ;)
21:43.09[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays, then any will do
21:43.33Hmmhesayshow many does a 501 support?
21:43.45[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays, at least 8
21:43.50Katty3 lines :P
21:44.01[TK]D-FenderKatty, perhaps ;)
21:44.04HmmhesaysKatty: I'm looking for bla/presence indicators
21:44.16Hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: you can make it subscribe to 8 different extensions?
21:45.06Kattythere's only 3 lines
21:45.16Kattywith 2 server enteries per line
21:45.18Dan0maN_Worklooks like to swapped back to this window just in time to join this one.  my pres, who's driving me to test asterisk out, suggested i look at the aastra 480i.  i'm also ordering the polycom 330 and 430.  anyone know of any problems with the 480i?
21:45.51Dan0maN_Worki think he just liked the looks ;)
21:46.03Strom_CDan0maN_Work: I own a 480i and a polycom.  The 480i is gathering dust in the drawer and the Polycom is happily in service.
21:46.20Dan0maN_Worklack of the features?  problems?
21:46.22HmmhesaysKatty: I don't think that has to do with subscribing to hint extensions
21:46.37[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays, yes
21:46.37DrukenLPYStrom_C: want to pass on the 480i?? :) i wouldn't mind trying it out
21:46.39Kattyk'then, i'll just hush up (=
21:47.17Hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: can  you tell me where on the web interface I configure the phone to subscribe to a hint extension?
21:47.35[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays, first, you should know better than to touch that at all.
21:47.43Hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: yes yes
21:47.46Hmmhesaysbut I want to test it
21:47.56[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays, Second you need to enable Presence in your provisioning.  You then just add them to your directory & enable Buddy Watch
21:48.10Strom_CDrukenLPY: it's useful for those rare occasions where a client is actually using them and I need to lab something up
21:48.22Hmmhesaysvia tftp right?
21:48.23Strom_Cbut other than that, I really do prefer my polycom
21:48.42[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays, FTP is my preference
21:48.51Dan0maN_WorkStrom_C:  lack of the features?  problems?
21:49.04*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
21:49.09Hmmhesaysis there an example of this on the wiki?
21:49.16DrukenLPYStrom_C: ahh.. :) i use the aastra 9112i i like them....
21:49.23Strom_CDan0maN_Work: it just feels like a cheaper phone than the polycom
21:49.32Dan0maN_Workthat's what i wanted to hear
21:49.40Strom_Cnow, granted, analog-wise, the Aastra 9147CW is an awesome phone
21:50.10[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays, yup
21:50.35DrukenLPYStrom_C: 9147CW or 9714CW ?
21:50.39[TK]D-Fenderaastra = waste.
21:50.50HmmhesaysI know some people that would differ
21:50.54DrukenLPYer, yeah that's it
21:51.15*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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21:51.17DrukenLPYi like the 9112i cause it looks and feels like the 9417
21:51.33*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
21:51.48Kattyshould i see transformers, harry potter, or pirates tonight?
21:51.53Dan0maN_Workother phone that was suggested was grandstream gxp-200 for a cheaper model, but it looks to be about as much as the polycom.
21:51.59Strom_CKatty: rent Brazil
21:52.02DrukenLPYand well, if my 62 year old man can figure out how to use it... anyone can
21:52.09Strom_CDan0maN_Work: RUN AWAY
21:52.12KattyStrom_C: we're going to the theator.
21:52.16Strom_Crun far far far away from grandstream
21:52.20Strom_CKatty: oh
21:52.22Strom_Cwell then
21:52.23Dan0maN_Workroger that
21:52.23DrukenLPYstay as far away from grandstream as possible
21:52.31jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
21:52.32*** join/#asterisk swatchy (
21:52.40Strom_Cthe best tool for working on a grandstream is a sledgehammer
21:52.58DrukenLPY2 tonne bessy
21:53.00Dan0maN_Workagain, thanks for the input
21:53.25lesouvageStrom_C: what about the Snom 320, reday for sledgehammer too?
21:53.33Strom_Cehhhhhhhhhhhh, snom is so-so
21:53.38Strom_Cbut i dont like the feel
21:53.52Hmmhesaysis there any sidecar type addon for poly's?
21:53.57Strom_CHmmhesays: yes
21:54.07Strom_Cnow, if there was a Snom phone called the Carlson, then I'd snap it up
21:54.10Strom_Cotherwise, no :)
21:54.52Hmmhesaysit says in the wiki polys can't watch more than 7 buddies
21:55.00Strom_Cthat's old info
21:55.16Strom_Cthe wiki also has things that are NEW NEW NEW as of asterisk 1.0.4
21:55.18lesouvageStrom_C: what phone would you shoose if it has to support POE and has to have 2 ethernet ports that can be configured on different subnets?
21:55.30Strom_Clesouvage: different subnets?
21:55.55Strom_Cthe ip330 might do it
21:56.12Dan0maN_Workit did say it supported 802.1p/Q
21:56.16Dan0maN_Workthe ip330 that is
21:56.25Dan0maN_Workone of my tests i'm going to do
21:56.37lesouvageStrom_C: yes different subnets, so the voice doesn't interfere with the data.
21:57.06Kattylooks like i'mma go see transfomers
21:57.09Kattylater gaters (=
21:57.46*** join/#asterisk tako-san (n=Tako-san@
21:58.37digimaniais it possible to ftp a text file to my asterisk box and have flite (or some tts prog) convert it to a voicemail?  If so, is there a tutorial somewhere?
22:03.32Hmmhesayssomething with a color display would be cool
22:04.14pigpenHmmhesays, fyi, I have several watching over 30
22:05.23Hmmhesayspigpen: the 601's with teh sidecar?
22:05.40pigpen601's with several side cars.
22:05.49Hmmhesaysthats exactly what I need
22:05.53pigpeneach handles 14
22:06.17pigpenthe phone itself with do 5 (with a single registration)
22:09.10sevardannnnd we're back.
22:09.45pigpenHmmhesays, beware, buddy watch is a bit different in Asterisk 1.4.
22:11.41*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
22:12.23DrukenLPYwuts buddy watch ?
22:12.49*** join/#asterisk saint_ (
22:12.55saint_hi all
22:13.18Hmmhesayspigpen, how so?
22:15.05saint_anyone here has an asterisk connected to an Alcatel PBX  by any chance ?
22:17.42*** part/#asterisk galeras (n=galeras@
22:21.20*** join/#asterisk syzygyBSD (
22:21.39syzygyBSDwhat does NOP status mean on PRI?
22:24.29riddleboxdoes asterisk/ and voip in general work well with dsl?
22:24.45*** join/#asterisk HomeyG (
22:24.51HomeyGwhat is this
22:24.56HomeyGhow can it benefit me
22:25.15sevardHomeyG: space age telephone system.
22:25.22sevardHomeyG: it can do everything except fry you bacon
22:25.29sevardwell, it could probably fry you bacon.
22:25.32HomeyGhow can it work on my BSD box
22:25.44HomeyGand what do I need for it to work
22:26.28jbotthebook is probably a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
22:27.54HomeyGhow can it benefit me
22:28.56syzygyBSDit cleans your bathroom HomeyG
22:28.59sevardreduced costs, greater flexibility, and it expands your mind in a similar method to LSD
22:29.03syzygyBSDits really swell
22:29.18sevardsyzygyBSD: it's
22:29.25HomeyGits a virtual PBX
22:29.30HomeyGwhat happens If dont use virtual ip
22:29.41sevardyou may use analog or digital lines.
22:29.55*** join/#asterisk geoff_k (
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22:30.12sevardHomeyG: are you considering the use of this in a business setting or are you just a curious hacker?
22:30.56Hmmhesaysit sure is good at giving hummers
22:32.30HomeyGin a businses setting
22:32.55HmmhesaysHire someone to help you
22:33.15HmmhesaysSo you get a second job
22:33.29HomeyGhow can I set this up
22:33.33HomeyGon my FREEBSD machine
22:33.39HomeyGand how would it work with my existing analog lines?
22:36.28geoff_ki'd get 2 peices of string and label them Dot & Dash respectivly, possibly have hi and low pitched bells on the end do some kind of morse codethen use vistas voice recognition to decode it on the otherside, itsonly any use for internal stuff though, cross continent is a bit of a mission
22:38.18*** join/#asterisk andethemint (
22:40.31HmmhesaysHomeyG did you hang out in #fark?
22:41.33Hmmhesayshey mang how goes it?
22:42.05HomeyGnot bad
22:42.14Hmmhesaysdoing the voip thing
22:42.26*** join/#asterisk pusanggala (n=a@
22:42.33Hmmhesayscourse i've been hanging out here as long as #fark
22:44.26dlynes_laptopHomeyG: Last time I used it on FreeBSD, analog didn't work very well, if at all
22:44.39dlynes_laptopHomeyG: But, there's been significant development on the FreeBSD drivers since then
22:44.49dlynes_laptopHomeyG: So, there's a good chance it's stable on FreeBSD by now
22:44.55dlynes_laptopsevard: hey's it going?
22:45.02sevardnot bad, wazzzup dawg
22:45.06Hmmhesaysfinally these dynamic tables are done
22:45.12Hmmhesaysmy super awesome address book is on its way
22:46.09dlynes_laptopsevard: Just super busy lately
22:46.13*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
22:46.16dlynes_laptopsevard: getting married probably in december
22:46.24sevardYeah, I've been pretty busy lately as well, with your mom.
22:46.32sevarddlynes_laptop: am I *#&%ing best man, or what?
22:47.06dlynes_laptopsevard: not a chance, with language like that :p
22:47.36sevardat least put up an open bar and invite Hmmhesays and me.
22:48.00sevardwe'll throw you a pretty good bachelor party
22:50.57syzygyBSDwhat does NOP status mean for a PRI?
22:51.24NuggetI don't know, but it probably means the same thing it meant when you asked 30 minutes ago.
22:51.36syzygyBSDhmm, I don't know.. it might change
22:51.50syzygyBSDit is telecom and all
22:53.38syzygyBSDI just have never seen a NOP, I know green red and yellow.. they are all colors, that makes sense, but what color is NOP?
22:54.38syzygyBSDahh, Not-OPerational
22:56.22InnatechNot Our Problem.
22:56.48syzygyBSDhmm, so it is the person that is "upgrading" the system
23:00.01*** join/#asterisk rhombus (i=user239@
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23:01.15*** join/#asterisk Grapsus (
23:01.21GrapsusHello !
23:02.32GrapsusI'm new to Asterisk (it's really impressive) and I have few questions aboit res_mysql
23:03.53russellbuse odbc, it's better supported by the dev team.
23:04.01*** join/#asterisk saint_ (
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23:04.50GrapsusI'm trying to fully replace sip.conf with a mysql database, it works with all my users, but how do I enter a line like "register =>" in the table ? there's no "register" field
23:05.10*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (n=manxpowe@
23:07.57Grapsus(so it's possible to connect mysql through odbc ?)
23:08.28NuggetThat's sort of what the "O" signifies.
23:08.49Nuggetwith odbc you're free to use any database, even a shitty one like mysql.  ;)
23:09.22Grapsusok, and how can I include register lines to my database ?
23:09.42NuggetI have no idea, sorry.
23:09.44Grapsus(no matter if it's not relatime, I just want all in mt database)
23:12.03ManxPowerUsing databases with Asterisk for config stuff is mostly an Enterprise Issue
23:12.08ManxPoweror ITSP, of course
23:13.10GrapsusYes, in fact I'm wrtinig a PHP interface for configuration
23:13.33GrapsusI've managed to put all in the database, excepted there "register => ..." lines
23:15.54*** join/#asterisk JerJer (n=PhatJ@pdpc/supporter/bronze/jerjer)
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23:17.24Grapsusfound it !
23:17.57*** join/#asterisk jameswf (
23:18.38jameswfdo the telemarketer torture soundfiles still exist anywhere
23:19.13JTsyzygyBSD: you from the us?
23:22.44syzygyBSDfor now
23:23.46*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (
23:25.11tzafrir_laptopjameswf, do you refer to the tt-* sounds?
23:25.14JTsyzygyBSD: did you ever live in australia?
23:25.30syzygyBSDgoing back there soon
23:25.39JTjust wondering if i know you from elsewhere on irc
23:25.41*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (
23:26.11syzygyBSDhad this nick for 6 years or so
23:27.05*** join/#asterisk hi365_m (
23:27.19hi365_mdoes txgain/rxgain also take a precentage? i.e. txgain=15% ?
23:31.05*** join/#asterisk ShadowHntr (i=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr)
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23:41.46tzafrir_laptophi365_m, it's a floating-point number
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23:42.04tzafrir_laptop0.15  should work
23:42.38hi365_mtzafrir_laptop: but wont that be much less than 15 db? (i.e. wont that mean .15 db)
23:43.03tzafrir_laptopright. 0.15db.
23:43.24tzafrir_laptopset it to 15 for 15db (a huge value)
23:43.30tzafrir_laptophuge gain?
23:44.01hi365_mtzafrir_laptop: duno. got these gsm-fxo things from orange and they really suck
23:44.05tzafrir_laptopWhy would you need such values?
23:44.21tzafrir_laptophi365_m, which fxo adapter?
23:44.41hi365_mcellulink? im not 100% sure
23:44.59tzafrir_laptopthis is what you connect to asterisk?
23:45.03JTsyzygyBSD: ever use austnet?
23:45.24hi365_mtzafrir_laptop: from my cell
23:45.40hi365_mi.e. cell-cell/fxo-fxo/asterisk
23:46.09tzafrir_laptopwhat is fxo/asterisk ?
23:46.21hi365_mits a gsm to fxo thing. used to add a sim card to your pbx
23:46.41hi365_m<tzafrir_laptop> what is fxo/asterisk ? - the fxo card in the asterisk server
23:46.58tzafrir_laptopit provides you an FXO interface? so you cannot connect a standard phone to it?
23:47.11rhombusany north american BRI users?
23:47.14rhombushere, I mean?
23:47.34ManxPowerrhombus: I don't know if there are any north american BRI users *anywhere*
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23:48.00tzafrir_laptophi365_m, what fxo card on asterisk?
23:48.00ManxPowerGenerally cell adapters provide and FXS interface
23:48.04jbotrumour has it, fxofxs is An FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage, you plug a phone LINE into this.  An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage, you plug a PHONE into this.
23:48.19rhombusManxPower: what about users who would use a BRI if they had hardware?
23:48.49ManxPowerrhombus: As I understand it, they are out of luck
23:48.54hi365_mtzafrir_laptop: just the oposite. because its provides you with an fxo port (i.e. a "line") you cna connect a phone to it
23:48.55tzafrir_laptoprhombus, hardware is cheap: HFC-s or AVM single-port cards are easy to get
23:49.05ManxPowerthe Digium BRI card might support North American ISDN.  I don't know one way or the other.
23:49.05hi365_mtzafrir_laptop: a200
23:49.13hi365_mtzafrir_laptop: sangoma a200
23:49.21ManxPowernone of the other BRI cards that I am aware of support North American BRI.
23:49.29rhombusThe Digium BRI does not
23:49.49rhombuswell, it does not support NAm BRI
23:49.53rhombushere's the thing
23:50.01ManxPowerSeems rather silly since Digium IS a North American company
23:50.09tzafrir_laptopI don't know the A200. But at least on Digium card (and on ours) you can set the FXO gain also on the analog->digital conversion
23:50.28JTtzafrir_laptop: no, the HFC-s does NOT work with nationalisdn/etc
23:50.28rhombusManxPower: well, Digium suffers from the same prejudice that many other people seem to -- "there's no BRI in North America"
23:50.44andresmujicaHi, anyones knows if there's already a calendar/agenda management IVR system with asterisk? i mean, i call to the IVR and the system creates an appointment automagically??
23:50.50ManxPowerrhombus: Well there isn't!  8-)
23:50.50tzafrir_laptopI suspect this is a bit more reliable than boosting gain to the sigital stream. Though there's still a limit to what you can get
23:50.55JTtzafrir_laptop: the digium B410P does NOT work with nationalisdn/etc
23:50.56rhombusthe truth is that ALL of these cards would work if somebody would provide a stack for them
23:51.04rhombusManxPower: oh, but there IS
23:51.04tzafrir_laptopJT, this is slightly incorrect
23:51.11JTtzafrir_laptop: not with current drivers
23:51.13ManxPowerrhombus: ISDN in North America is way over priced (except for in TN)
23:51.19JTno-one has tested it, anyway, tzafrir_laptop
23:51.21hi365_mtzafrir_laptop: what do you mean by the analog-> digital conversion? what is the setting?
23:51.22tzafrir_laptopworking with that is more a matter of ISDN stack
23:51.27rhombusManxPower: what are they charging in your corner of the woods?
23:51.35JTtzafrir_laptop: right, so for practical purposes it doesn't work
23:51.39ManxPowerrhombus: I know.  I used to run an ISP back before DSL.
23:51.49ManxPowerrhombus: 2B+D would run about $100/month
23:51.50tzafrir_laptopIf Digium's card works with it, then mISDN supports it. mISDN also has a driver for HFC-s
23:52.05rhombusYeah, but we're talking about voice BRI... it makes no sense for data
23:52.34JTtzafrir_laptop: digium's card is not reported to work with it
23:52.34rhombusManxPower: $100/month is very competitive -- at least, it is in these parts. Do you know what I pay for a single analog line?
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23:52.55ManxPowerrhombus: BRI is like $20/month in much of Europe.
23:53.14tzafrir_laptopso let's go back to the basics: anybody tried it with zapbri?
23:53.21tzafrir_laptopzaptel does support national
23:53.25rhombusManxPower: I'll reserve judgement on that until I've seen the evidence first hand
23:53.26JTBRI is around USD$50 in Australia
23:53.26tzafrir_laptopchan_zap, that is
23:53.36rhombusJT: 2B+D?
23:53.54JTit's $63 AUD for the cheapest rental
23:53.54tzafrir_laptopHFC-s will work just as well with zap/bri (bristuff)
23:53.59rhombusWell, that's because they're selling it to residential customers (also in Europe)
23:54.14rhombusbut in North America it's interesting for a business
23:54.16ManxPowerrhombus: the thing is, with the the state of BRI support for Asterisk for north america, it just is not worth the weeks it takes to make it work
23:54.18JTrhombus: hardly any residential BRI customers in .au, mostly business
23:54.23ManxPowerunless your time is free.
23:54.38rhombusManxPower: Point taken -- but I'm actually trying... well
23:54.43*** part/#asterisk hi365_m (
23:54.54rhombusThere's a rumour that somebody is taking pre-orders for the Sangoma A500 for NAm
23:55.02JTso it's around AUD$33/mo/channel
23:55.13JTi'll wait till A500 drivers are actually released
23:55.29JTbut bri is not that competitive compared to Optus PRI service
23:55.38JTUSD$15 or so
23:55.43rhombusJT: You don't need to wait, you guys use EuroISDN in Oz, don't you?
23:55.57[hC]anyone know how i might get around this caller id issue: I want to suppress all caller id when passing calls to my pri, but every time i try to send "no caller id" my PRI overrides it and sticks in the pilot number
23:56.04JTrhombus: we do, but A500 drivers i don't think have even been released in beta
23:56.20JTit's a new card
23:56.23JTjune announce
23:56.23rhombusJT: I have it on good authority that they are in the pipeline and only weeks away
23:56.28ManxPower[hC]: "show application setcallingpres"
23:56.37JTrhombus: yes, apparently they'll be using chan_woomera
23:56.48JTnot sure how well that will work
23:57.05rhombusJT: that won't be the only channel driver it supports
23:57.07ManxPowerrhombus: is this the same authority that said Sangoma was releasing a DS3 card with Zaptel drivers?
23:57.14JTrhombus: beta drivers aren't very good for production
23:57.18rhombusManxPower: no, it is not
23:57.18JTrhombus: are you sure?
23:57.31rhombusJT: If I say any more I will be shot.
23:57.59JTrhombus: is there a possibility of a magic mexican with a z involved?
23:58.18rhombusJT: I don't follow :)
23:58.24[hC]ManxPower: is that a 1.4 thing?
23:58.35ManxPower[hC]: no.
23:58.38tzafrir_laptoprhombus, if you want to experiment, just get a simple HFC-s card. Try zapbri
23:58.40[hC]oh, callerpres. not callingpres
23:58.55rhombustzafrir_laptop: I'm not a coder, and I'm not looking to experiment
23:59.18JTrhombus: are you being a smartarse, or you seriously don't know the mexican i'm refering to? :)
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23:59.44rhombusJT: Zapata?
23:59.52ManxPowerJT: I think most people don't know who Zapata is.

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