IRC log for #asterisk on 20070725

00:00.01JTit is not used for T1 as far as i'm aware
00:00.08AdamB0122i dont think so either
00:00.23JTyou don't need zttranscode loaded
00:00.43AdamB0122i keep removing it
00:00.49AdamB0122but it keeps finding its way home somehow
00:00.56AdamB0122and I'm not retarting the box
00:01.25AdamB0122every time i bounce Asterisk zttranscode restarts
00:01.38JTsome script or something is setup wrong
00:01.47*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
00:02.32AdamB0122What do you guys suggest for a front end.
00:02.39JTfront end?
00:02.47AdamB0122like, web gui or something
00:02.55JTvi or a text editor of your choice
00:02.58AdamB0122or non-inteligent people can do simple tasks
00:03.05AdamB0122I prefer Vi
00:03.05JTwe don't use awful web guis here
00:03.13AdamB0122but I can't exactly say that to the sales department
00:03.25JTwhy do they need to configure the pbx?
00:03.47AdamB0122and I'll be damned if they're going to come crying to me every time they want to get a recording, or change someone's password, or extension
00:04.36JTdo they configure the current pbx?
00:04.49AdamB0122no, I do. (dont like that either)
00:05.03*** join/#asterisk jtknapp (
00:05.05JTthat's the way it should be
00:05.27JTyou're asking for a world of hurt if you let non-technical people configure such an important device
00:05.30AdamB0122i mean like
00:05.34AdamB0122i dont mean configure
00:05.39AdamB0122i mean things like web-based voicedmail
00:05.43AdamB0122the recording that they do
00:05.47AdamB0122configuration i'm fine with
00:06.06AdamB0122I've got a sales department that LOVES the fact that they can record a call, and use it for training
00:06.21AdamB0122Trixbox offers a "ARI"
00:06.31AdamB0122which is neat, but i'm sure works only with trixbox
00:06.40AdamB0122and trixbox is something i'd prefer to avoid
00:06.58JTyes, it's evil
00:07.08AdamB0122yea, I've been playing with it
00:07.20AdamB0122and its retarded method of making a million and half _additonal files pisses me off
00:07.31AdamB0122+ any time i edit ANYTHING in the command line, everything breaks
00:07.37AdamB0122hastle after haslte.
00:09.15jbottrixbox is, like, a full linux distro that includes FreePBX, and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox seriously painful to support and hence you will find little help here for it.  Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & WIKI at
00:09.18AdamB0122done any work with the new "AsteriskNow"?
00:09.18DrukenLPYanyone know how i would "cut" the username out of the channel name? if the username is a fixed 6 length?
00:09.18blitzrageManxPower: yo!
00:10.02AdamB0122lol, bit of a late responce mr bot
00:10.24ManxPowerAdamB0122: you are not supposed to edit trixbox config files
00:10.34AdamB0122i know
00:10.36AdamB0122and thats annoying
00:10.41JTAdamB0122: what's "responce"? ;)
00:10.42AdamB0122trixbox in general is annoying
00:10.49InnatechThen run plain * .
00:10.55AdamB0122Bad spelling and entirely too little sleep :p
00:11.10JThaha what time is it now?
00:11.58jbot[zeeek] someone who once said "learning asterisk using a GUI is like learning sex through masturbation. You'll never get to the good stuff."
00:11.58AdamB0122right now its 9pm, been here since 9am, and as you saw last night... i was up untill about 4am
00:13.02blitzrageManxPower: nice! Where you going?
00:13.04ManxPowerThat statement is true on SO many levels
00:13.13ManxPowerblitzrage: damn fucking new orleans
00:13.27blitzrageManxPower: what for?
00:13.36ManxPowerblitzrage: work
00:13.39blitzragefun stuff
00:13.49ManxPowera couple of asterisk upgrades and new installs
00:14.06blitzragesound as busy as me
00:14.15blitzragedid you hear that you can start using 1.4 now? :)
00:15.13ManxPowerblitzrage: Digium has finally moved their corporate PBX to an actual 1.4.x RELEASE?
00:15.21blitzrageyep :)
00:15.41ManxPowerI'll bet you won't tell me how many bugs they fixed as a result of it, huh?
00:16.08ManxPowerblitzrage: And actually, 1.4 is now a viable option because of it.
00:18.28DrukenLPYManxPower: what variables are available by using SIP_HEADER?
00:18.58ManxPowerDrukenLPY: Hell if I know.  I never need to deal with SIP headers except for setting the alert info
00:19.13ManxPowerIsn't it documented in README.variables
00:19.18DrukenLPYhehe honest answer :)
00:19.37ManxPowerDrukenLPY: %99.999 of the time you do not need to KNOW anything about the actual protocol
00:20.09blitzrageunless you are using (Open)SER :)
00:20.14ManxPowerDrukenLPY: You must be in an ITSP enviroment
00:20.44blitzrageManxPower: not sure how many were fixed as a direct result, I've only been working for them for a couple weeks :)
00:20.45ManxPowerblitzrage: With OpenSER you need to know enough to WRITE your own SIP proxy before being able to accomplish anything useful with it.
00:20.46DrukenLPYhow'd ya guess... hehe
00:20.54blitzrageManxPower: indeed
00:21.07blitzrageI'm still not that great at it
00:21.09ManxPowerDrukenLPY: because pretty much only VERY large companies and ITSPs really care about things like SIP_HEADER
00:21.29blitzrageya... and even I don't use it that much
00:21.40*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
00:21.42ManxPowerI come from a corporate enviroment where even setting up DUNDi or ENUM is more work than manually managing routes
00:21.49*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
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00:22.20blitzragethere were so many things I didn't use until I started doing clustered environment
00:22.23ManxPowerAmtrak Train 19: 2 hrs behind schedule
00:22.42ManxPowerblitzrage: I hate not having a car
00:22.54blitzrageManxPower: ya... I don't mind it because I live in a city with good public transport
00:23.12ManxPowerblitzrage: *nod*
00:23.21ManxPowerI live in a city that does not even have cab service
00:24.04Strom_Mblitzrage: you live in toronto, right?
00:24.16ManxPowerblitzrage: MOST of the reason I hate not having a car is these damn business trips
00:24.26ManxPowerI should have just rented a car for the week.
00:24.39blitzrageStrom_M: indeed :)
00:24.50Strom_Mi've never been there...i'd like to go sometime
00:25.01blitzrageya, everyone I talk to seems to like it
00:25.02Strom_Mi may visit montreal next month
00:25.12*** join/#asterisk tako-san (n=Tako-san@
00:26.01tako-sananyone know how to deal with the message "Internal RTCP NTP clock skew detected"?  I have double checked my system time and also made sure that ntpd is running and configured properly.  What else can I do?
00:26.13DrukenLPYStrom_M: any idea how i'd strip the username out of the channel ?
00:26.23Strom_MDrukenLPY: use Cut()
00:26.26Strom_Mer, CUT()
00:26.55AdamB0122If I can place outbound calls fine
00:27.09AdamB0122if I dial out, and I can hear myself fine, and have a conversation
00:27.14ManxPowerI love Toronto
00:27.21AdamB0122but if i dial in, it doesn't play any sounds
00:27.29Strom_MAdamB0122: SIP?
00:27.39AdamB0122Zap external
00:27.45Strom_Mthat's not SIP!
00:27.47AdamB0122T1 coming off a channel bank
00:27.54AdamB0122sorry, its SIP internally
00:27.56ManxPowerAdamB0122: If someone tells you to run Answer() first, they are an idiot and you should not listen to anything else they say.
00:29.26Innatechtako-san : is it a new install? I saw that for the first day or so * was up, and then it went away (presumably NTP took a while to sync up.)
00:29.28ManxPowerAdamB0122: We'll make a deal with you.  We won't call you an idiot for not properly describing the problem and your environment if you restate your issue.
00:29.40Strom_Mtako-san: run ntpdate
00:29.45tako-sanInnatech: Not a new install
00:29.50*** join/#asterisk hohum (
00:30.09ManxPowerYou get bonus points for a 1 line ascii diagram as well
00:30.12blitzrageManxPower: lol
00:30.17Innatechand maybe ntpq -p , if you want to verify your NTP setup.
00:30.23ManxPowerWhy does RTP care about NTP anyway?"
00:30.33blitzrageManxPower: I found a use for Answer() today though... apparently Queue() doesn't automatically answer the line
00:30.44wothinnDoes anyone know why FWD would be refusing my registration attempt on IAX2 using 863638 as my username and the password I set on my account as my password?  The account is newly set-up.  Is there a wait time?
00:31.03tako-sanStrom_M: ! "no ntp servers found"!  very strange.  it has internet connectivity.
00:31.09Strom_Mhow about
00:31.18Strom_Mwhere are you located?
00:31.31tako-sanbc, canada
00:31.34AdamB0122I have a asterisk pbx, with a TE120P T1 card...
00:31.54AdamB0122If I start a call, from the PBX, it goes out fine, and i can answer it on my cell, and talk no problem
00:32.08tako-san24 Jul 17:31:53 ntpdate[7795]: the NTP socket is in use, exiting
00:32.16Strom_Mstop ntpd?
00:32.41AdamB0122I currenlty have from_pstn, the incoming context for a zap call, to goto a answer(), and play a sound.
00:33.07AdamB0122If I call in from my cell phone, I see the start of the call on Zap/1-1
00:33.15Strom_MAdamB0122: does that sound work if you call internally?
00:33.16AdamB0122I see on the CLI that its "playing" a sound
00:33.24AdamB0122but, the sound doens't come out of the phone
00:33.27AdamB0122Strom_M > Yes
00:33.30ManxPowerAdamB0122: So you have Channelized T-1 <-> Channel Bank <-> Asterisk Analog Cards <-> Asterisk <-> SIP Softphones?
00:33.39tako-sanStrom_M: Thank you
00:33.54AdamB0122ManxPower > yes
00:34.05AdamB0122Strom_M > if I dial 7777, it goes to from_pstn, and i can hear the sound
00:34.19ManxPowerAdamB0122: Why are you converting the T-1 into analog before going into Asterisk?
00:34.25JTManxPower: it doesn't
00:34.30Strom_MManxPower: he just said he had a TE120P
00:34.31JTit pulls it from WAN2 port
00:34.34ManxPowerjt: He jus said he did.
00:34.41JThe is pulling a couple of timeslots off at the adit 600
00:34.41AdamB0122fuck I'm confused
00:34.56JTManxPower: i spent ages working out his setup last night :)
00:34.57ManxPowerJT: That was a test.  He failed it.  I won't help him now.
00:35.17ManxPowerJT: I shall leave him in your expert hands then.
00:35.26JTManxPower: what's the test?
00:35.50AdamB0122apperently something about asterisk analog cards vis a 120P
00:35.54DrukenLPYStrom_M: you ever used cut? cause it's not making much sence to me...
00:36.03Strom_MDrukenLPY: yes, it's quite simple
00:36.11ManxPowerI've been without internet for a few days.  Turn out my verizon software is so old it was trying to connect to their test network for the higher speed internet service.
00:36.16ManxPowerJT: describing in the diagram something illogical.  He said that was his configutation when it was not.
00:36.30ManxPowerIf he can't even properly know what he has He is far beyond my help
00:36.32wothinn <-- my iax.conf and error message while trying to connect to FWD.
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00:36.37DrukenLPYStrom_M: feel like helping a guy out? can i paste you the two lines i think should give me it?
00:36.41JTManxPower: ah
00:36.43wothinnIf anyone has ideas, I'd really appreciate it.
00:36.45Strom_MDrukenLPY: syre
00:36.46Strom_Mer, sure
00:37.11JTManxPower: well it's channelised T1 > Adit 600 > TE120P Asterisk > softphones
00:37.55AdamB0122So I presume the TE120P doesn't consitiute a "Asterisk Analog Card"
00:38.04JTno, T1s are digital
00:38.07ManxPowerJT: What the ADIT?
00:38.08JTyou should know this by now
00:38.12AdamB0122channelbank WHY is there an ADIT there?
00:38.32AdamB0122i didn't do it
00:38.34JTManxPower: the Adit pulls off a couple of channels for other lines, before arriving at the pbx
00:38.52JTperfectly acceptable channelised T1 behaviour :)
00:38.56ManxPowerJT: Maybe he is not beyond hope, afterall.
00:39.19ManxPowerJT: IT is the RECOMMENDED setup in my world for analog lines
00:39.25*** join/#asterisk Pettson (
00:39.43ManxPowerFax, modem, CC machine?  Channel bank to peel off some channels before the T-1 gets to Asterisk.
00:40.01ManxPowerWell, I have some ideas as to why there might not be sound.
00:40.05JTwell what if you have a real service, ie. PRI? ;)
00:40.24*** join/#asterisk galeras (n=root@
00:40.28JTcan't pull off channels then
00:40.45ManxPowerJT:  My Telco will do things like 1-6 B-Chann, 7-12 FXO, 13-23 Internet, 24 D-chan
00:40.55ManxPowerJT: The hell you can't.
00:40.55AdamB0122oh god.
00:41.00JTwow :o
00:41.06JTManxPower: most probably won't though
00:41.10ManxPower"will do things"  == "will do things at our request"
00:41.25galerasi'm trying to connect my *box with an alcatel 4400 via E1
00:41.26Strom_MAdamB0122: did you ever call the telco and find out what you have?
00:41.36ManxPowerMost of the time it is just 1-20 B-Chan, 21-23 FXO, 24 D-Chan
00:41.53JTStrom_M: as far as they're concerned, he has a bunch of CAS lines, i doubt they know what his ADit is configured to take off
00:42.04JTManxPower: what telco is that?
00:42.10AdamB0122XO Communications
00:42.15AdamB0122and No, they didn't know
00:42.19ManxPowerJT: XFone, regional
00:42.28galerasmy problem is, when alcatel try to get dialtone from my * box i get the message:
00:42.28galerasExtension '' in context 'from-alcatel' does not exist.
00:42.28AdamB0122oh, the crazy one
00:42.30Strom_MAdamB0122: your telco doesn't know?  who did you call?
00:42.32JTManxPower: i don't think anyone does CAS in australia.
00:42.42ManxPowerAdamB0122: Does the problem happen if you remove the channel bank for testing
00:42.47galerasand from-alcatel has _. extension
00:42.59AdamB0122I can go try
00:43.03AdamB0122one moment
00:43.09ManxPowergaleras: _. never fixes anything
00:43.12*** join/#asterisk javb (n=javb@
00:43.25javbany ideas on how to make asterisk load by default on ubuntu server when booting?
00:43.56galerasyour right, what extension do i need to configure  in that case?
00:43.58snuff-workgenerally u can find the init script under ur asterisk source /contrib
00:44.01ManxPowergaleras: We really can't help you.
00:44.04Strom_Mjavb: /usr/src/asterisk/contrib/ and look for the init script
00:44.25ManxPowerSince we have no idea how the alcatel is setup, how asterisk is set up, the line type, signalling and protocol used.
00:44.46ManxPowergaleras: your problem is not in extensions.conf
00:44.51javbdont have 'asterisk' on /usr/src
00:45.09AdamB0122What all configuration changes need to happen now that I'm bypassing the ADIT?
00:45.31ManxPowerAdamB0122: Do you have a red alarm?
00:45.33JTAdamB0122: none
00:45.39javbmy asterisk source code.. mmm, where i download and uncompressed it?
00:45.50Strom_Mjavb: yes
00:45.50ManxPowerjavb: then that would be where the script is
00:45.56AdamB0122Wildcard TE12xP Card 0                   RED        53         0          0
00:46.07ManxPowerAdamB0122: Red alarm means "cable problem"
00:46.11wothinnWell, that's just dandy... I can log in with FWD.Communicator, but Asterisk won't register to FWD.
00:46.12javbSo, should i copy that scrip somewhere?
00:46.23ManxPowerchances are you have a T-1 crossover cable from the channel bank to Asterisk
00:46.32JTManxPower: yes, i told him to make one
00:46.37AdamB0122I made it last night,
00:46.41ManxPoweryou would want a straight thru from the telco to Asterisk
00:46.43AdamB0122use a standard Cat5?
00:46.48JTbecause he was getting red alarm using normal ethernet cable and was connect to the CB
00:47.15JTAdamB0122: cat5 is the type of cable, i think you mean ethernet/TIA568A
00:47.17ManxPoweryou need crossover for Asterisk/Channelbank, but not Telco/Asterisk or Telco/Channelbank
00:47.29AdamB0122Now, I can try this if it will help, but I really can't take off the channel bank, as we do have a CC machine and a fax machine that i'd rather not have to figure out with asterisk
00:47.36ManxPowerA plain ethernet straight thru cable will work for straight thru T-1
00:48.11ManxPowerAdamB0122: I understand.  I just want to make SURE the channel bank is not causing some sorts of issue and bypassing it should be a mind numbingly simple thing to do.
00:48.47AdamB0122give me a moment, let me run another cable
00:49.10ManxPowerIf bypassing it does not solve the problem, then you know you don't have to waste any time working on it.  If bypassing the channel bank DOES solve the problems you now have a place to start looking.
00:49.31SedoroxT1 crossovers are fun
00:50.19JT1 to 4, 2 to 5, 4 to 1, 5 to 2, what does that spell?!?
00:50.30ManxPowerT-1 Crossovers are "look up the diagram on the wiki, follow it"
00:50.59ManxPowerIt is one of the very few things I consider the Wiki useful for.
00:51.13Strom_Mi just remember my color codes and pinouts
00:51.14JThaha jaded on the outdated and inaccurate info
00:52.00javbi copy "rc.debian.asterisk" which was in "contrib/init.d" to "etc/init.d" .. but nothing, any ideas, please help. im kind of newbie
00:52.02ManxPowerblitzrage: Also talk to me after a week of no restarts of the Digium PBX
00:52.36ManxPowerjavb: This really isn't a linux support channel
00:52.53blitzrageManxPower: ok :)
00:53.26Strom_MManxPower: i'm thinking of a two syllable word, one of which rhymes with "kite" and the other of which rhymes with "mud"
00:53.31javbManxPower: i undestand, but im trying to make asterisk load by default on a linux distribution.
00:53.42SedoroxLast reload: 11 weeks, 3 days, 23 hours, 45 minutes, 3 seconds
00:53.53wothinnDoes anyone know why registration with FWD would work with their Communicator package but not Asterisk?  iax.conf at
00:54.38ManxPowerStrom_M: I think the term is "eat your own dog food
00:54.42ManxPowerSedorox: What verison of Asterisk?
00:54.46Strom_MManxPower: i'm joshing
00:55.02SedoroxManxPower: its out of date, badly
00:55.13ManxPowerSedorox: 1.4x or 1.2x?
00:55.20SedoroxAsterisk 1.2.14
00:55.48ManxPowerSedorox: My point was that until Digium had the balls to upgrade their corporate PBX to 1.4, I was not going to upgrade any of my customers to 1.4
00:56.18SedoroxI haven't played with 1.4 yet
00:56.29ManxPowerand my point to blitzrage is that many of the issues I've encountered with Asterisk over the years only happen after the system gets some usage.
00:56.31Sedoroxhonestly haven't played too much with 1.2 :/
00:56.53ManxPowerI am happy that Digium is/has upgrade(d) to 1.4.x
00:56.53*** part/#asterisk jtknapp (
00:56.57AdamB0122sorry about the wait, couldn't find anymore 20ft straight-through cables, so i had to make one
00:57.20*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
00:57.20Sedoroxthey have?
00:57.23ManxPowerAdamB0122: My suggestion was one of those "if it takes more than 10 mins to do it, it may not be worth the trouble"
00:57.51*** join/#asterisk zapa (n=hzapa@
00:59.05ManxPowerI WANT A CIGARETTE
00:59.26jgoddessManxPower we upgradef from 1.09 to v1.4 there have been some nice fixes but nice problems
00:59.28AdamB0122now if i do ztcfg -vvvvv, it hangs
00:59.32jgoddesslike vnak packet storming =P
01:00.42SedoroxCig's are bad for you
01:00.52ManxPowerjgoddess: I don't like it when my users come banging on my door, waving torches and screaming "burn the geek".  They tend to do that when the PBX goes down.
01:01.10ManxPowerSedorox: It is also unhealthy to be around me when I am denied them.
01:01.25*** join/#asterisk bbryant_ (
01:01.28Sedoroxmy parents smoke
01:01.30Sedoroxcan't stand it...
01:01.35Sedoroxcan't wait to be back at school
01:01.41riddleboxdoes anyone have the Aastra 9112I phone?
01:01.51shido6whats wrong riddlebox?
01:01.59ManxPowerI'm sure it is the fault of the tree hugging hippies and the gay martians!  They will destroy this country!
01:02.24riddleboxshido6, I just want to know if it has the transfer key, and conference keys on the phone built in?
01:02.49[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, I seriously hope you're not planning on buying one.....
01:03.12zapahi all, does any body know some compatibilty isue with PowerEdge SC 440 with TDM400 Digium cards
01:03.23ManxPower[TK]D-Fender:  is it one of those 802.11 FiFi phones?
01:03.35[TK]D-FenderManxPower, No, its just uber-low-end
01:03.38riddlebox[TK]D-Fender, whats wrong with them?
01:03.45ManxPowerzapa: your extensive search of the mailing list archves was not helpful?
01:03.47[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, You can do a lot better for your money
01:04.10riddlebox[TK]D-Fender, what other phones do you suggest, these are just phones for my house
01:04.45[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, Polycom IP320 kills it
01:05.03Strom_M[TK]D-Fender: have you gotten your hands on a 320 yet?
01:05.17[TK]D-FenderStrom_M, no personally, but professionally.
01:05.23Strom_Mclose enough
01:05.36[TK]D-FenderStrom_M, All the usually Polycom goodness.
01:05.44[TK]D-FenderStrom_M, join/split rocks
01:05.48zapaHi ManxPower sorry i don't find usefull information in list
01:05.54shido6Go Polycom.
01:05.56ManxPowerSome day the whole USA will have EVDO coverage -- Utopia will have arrived.
01:05.57Qwellis that the fake hold feature?
01:06.29*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
01:06.44[TK]D-FenderQwell[], No, thats Polycom's way to take and 2 calls and merge for a 3-way call, and break any conference up into the seperate calls the same way
01:07.01[TK]D-FenderQwell[], Its a feature I've never seen on any other phone
01:07.26Qwellby "conference", you mean on-phone
01:07.42[TK]D-FenderQwell[], 2nd call comes in while you're on your first? NP, just hit [join] and your other call on hold and bingo, instant 3-way call
01:07.49[TK]D-FenderQwell[], yes, phone based
01:08.06[TK]D-FenderQwell[], basically being able to merge and toss around calls every which way.
01:08.16ITilitiI am able to get the DID information from the SIP Header written to the debug log, how can I get it written to the CDR database?
01:08.34ManxPowerITiliti: Uh you get the DID info in ${EXTEN}
01:08.42ITilitiWe have a bunch of the aastra 57I series, I have to say they rock.
01:09.05ManxPowerand that info should be in the CDR unless you are doing something bizarre.
01:09.10AdamB0122ManxPower > Well,  I've wired it directly into the T1 modem using a straight-thru cable, and now the wildcard has a YEL alamr
01:09.13ITilitinot sure. I am using this to get t5he DID info:  exten => s,n,NoOp(${SIP_HEADER(TO)})
01:09.18[TK]D-FenderITiliti, I'd happily trade mine for an IP 301 <------------
01:09.39ITilitireally? are you using hte XML sripts for ti that ar eavailable?
01:09.54ITilitito extract the DID number.
01:10.09*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=GoD@
01:10.15[TK]D-FenderITiliti, nope... and little need.
01:10.17ITilitinow way, why do tyou say that? I love the 57 i. Why don;t you like it?
01:10.26AdamB0122did a ztcfg and then rebounced asterisk and the alarm is ok now
01:11.03ITilitiwe ove the fact that we can XML binded to a button so people can easily page, intercom, or even pull XML from news feeds etc.
01:11.16*** join/#asterisk nuonguy (
01:11.33AdamB0122I call in
01:11.48AdamB0122and I hear about the first 1/4 of a second of "you are about to enter a echo test"
01:11.55AdamB0122and then the call is dropped
01:12.04ITilitiManxPower-  How can I get the DID into EXTENSION?
01:13.01*** part/#asterisk galeras (n=root@
01:13.02ManxPowerITiliti: ${EXTEN} always contains the DID when the call arrive in Asterisk.  If you use Goto or macros, that would overwrite that information, of course.
01:13.19ManxPowerAdamB0122: is that different?
01:13.31ITilitiwe are using feepbx, so that is probably what is causing it..
01:13.37jbot[freepbx] unable to be supported here. It's a complex piece of dialplan and GUI, and can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
01:13.43jboti guess zeeek is someone who once said "learning asterisk using a GUI is like learning sex through masturbation. You'll never get to the good stuff."
01:13.47AdamB0122well.  via directly in, I hear about 1/4 of 'you' and via the channel bank, i dont
01:13.57ManxPowerITiliti: thank you for wasting 5 mins of my life that I will never get back
01:14.05jgoddesswell it would be easier to use the full logs
01:14.09ManxPowerAdamB0122: any messages on the console
01:14.13ITilitithat may be true, but we are selling around 25-30 installs a month right now using it and clients love it...
01:14.13jgoddessor enable high verbose on the clie
01:14.21jgoddessto see what errors are actually happening
01:14.24ManxPowerAdamB0122: I assume JT told you to NOT use callprogress= or busydetect=
01:14.27AdamB0122And now if i call in, i get a all cirtcuts are busy
01:14.28jgoddessso you will know why it goes to dead air
01:14.32JTITiliti: cool, just don't bother us with it then
01:14.34AdamB0122but not the system
01:14.47JTITiliti: we cannot support freepbx
01:14.54AdamB0122yea, its keeping those lines open
01:15.05ITilitiManxPower- don;t be so mean! There is plenty of areas in Freepbx to write custom apps, contexts, etc.
01:15.11AdamB0122if i do a show channels
01:15.12ManxPowerAdamB0122: yes he told you to not use them or yes you are using them
01:15.28JTITiliti: freepbx is utter crap, shame on you for selling it to others in a consulting capacity
01:15.30ManxPowerITiliti: I'm sure there are.  This is not the place to get support for freepbx
01:15.32AdamB0122he didn't say anything about those commands)
01:15.40jgoddessDOWN WITH FREEPBX
01:15.43AdamB0122and "yea" was a crap-word... didn't mean anything
01:15.46ManxPowerAdamB0122: make sure you are not using either option
01:15.54*** join/#asterisk brut- (n=brut@
01:15.56ManxPowerAdamB0122: what version of Asterisk?
01:16.01ITilitinot asking you to support freepbx. I am jst trying to figure out how to take this exten => s,n,NoOp(${SIP_HEADER(TO)}), and add it to a variable that I can add to the CDR database.
01:16.30ManxPowerITiliti: ANY question you have is freepbx support.  With freepbx or any of the other guis ALL OF THE RULES are different.
01:16.34ITilitinothing to do with freepbx...
01:16.54AdamB0122callprogress and busydetect would be in the zap configs, correct?
01:17.01ManxPowerITiliti:  Bullshit.  It has everything to do with a crap dialplan that is written so complex we can't even begin to diagnose the problem
01:17.26ManxPowerITiliti: this is how you do that:  exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,NoOp(${SIP_HEADER(TO)})
01:17.34ITilitirelax. who pissed in your wheaties...
01:17.40ManxPowernow if your call is on exten => s, then the DID would be "s"
01:17.53*** join/#asterisk bkruse_home (n=kruz@
01:17.54ITilitigot it. Thanks...
01:18.03ManxPowerYou can try looking at ${DNID}, which in some situations would contain the ORIGINALLY dialed number.
01:18.31ManxPowerfor all of my macros, the first line is exten => s,1,Goto(${MACRO_EXTEN},1) to avoid the whole problem
01:18.35ITilitiThat is another thought I was going to check out, but the asterisk log has the DID dialed for everyone I have tried after that last ,ine...
01:18.50ITilitiI will go ask the freepbx ppl. Thanks for you hel ManpowerX
01:19.03*** join/#asterisk Penggu (
01:19.29*** part/#asterisk ITiliti (n=IceChat7@
01:19.36ManxPowerITiliti: You are calling Ford tech support for a problem with your Ford car.  The problem is that the entire power train, engine, electrical system are all custom built by someone else.
01:20.39Pengguhi all. i've got the [default] extensions, which nobody should be reaching, as all my sip.conf lines have assigned (alternative) extensions, and my incoming zap calls also have assigned, alternative extensions. the [default] context is still there. I want to catch *anything* that somehow (by error or otherwise) gets there. what extensions would I use?
01:21.07PengguI've already put an 's': s,1,NoOp(Someone shouldnt be here); s,n,HangUp()
01:21.09jgoddessholy cow
01:21.10ManxPowerPenggu: You have just discovered one of the very, very few situations where you might consider exten => _.
01:21.24Penggudoes _. cover 's' ?
01:21.30ManxPowerPenggu: "s" is NOT a wildcard.
01:21.36Penggui know..
01:21.45blitzrageand yes, it matches EVERYTHING
01:21.50blitzrageincluding 'h'
01:21.53Pengguhmm, k
01:21.56AdamB0122Thats what the system does
01:22.00Pengguill just use _. then
01:22.02ManxPowerPenggu: _. covers everything.  It will usually be run twice for a call because it also matches "h"
01:22.02AdamB0122Where is the Zap/3-1 comeing from
01:22.18Penggunever had to use it
01:22.35Pengguwhat do you call them? default extensions?
01:22.37AdamB0122and it says maybe 1/2 of the word "you" from the sound byte, and then kills the call.
01:22.41ManxPowerAdamB0122: you have two calls coming in at exactly the same time.
01:22.50ManxPowerI suspect a telco issue
01:22.58AdamB0122Every single time that I call in from my phone?
01:23.06AdamB0122like, Literally, EVERY time i call in, i get that
01:23.12ManxPowerAdamB0122: YUP.
01:23.26ManxPowerI assume the phone is a SIP phone?
01:23.34AdamB0122cell phone
01:23.39ManxPoweror are you calling into the line from your cell phone.
01:23.46ManxPowerCall your telco, scream at them
01:23.47AdamB0122Cell phone to land line
01:24.14ManxPowerbut before you do that add these to the beginning of your echo test part of your dialplan
01:24.42ManxPowerNoop(EXTEN is ${EXTEN}, CALLERID(all) is ${CALLERID(all)})
01:24.47ManxPowerassuming your are using 1.4
01:24.54AdamB01221.2 will work in 1.2 as well
01:25.55ManxPowerapparently there is a freight train dead on the tracks ahead of us
01:26.14*** join/#asterisk ccesario_ (
01:26.43AdamB0122NoOp("Zap/1-1", "EXTEN is s| CALLERID(all) is "" <>") in new stack
01:26.49AdamB0122thats what the NoOp outputted
01:27.02ManxPowerAdamB0122: ONLY for Zap/1-1?
01:27.06ccesario_WARNING[1103]: chan_sip.c:8023 check_auth: username mismatch, have <306>, digest has <305>
01:27.17ccesario_somebody have idea ?
01:27.18AdamB0122both Zap/3-1 and 1-1
01:27.19ManxPowerAdamB0122: you have a telco problem
01:27.31JTManxPower: are you on a train?
01:27.32ManxPowerccesario_: only the obvious one
01:27.36ManxPowerJT: Yes.
01:27.42JTManxPower: what connectivity?
01:27.55AdamB0122telco problems are the suck
01:27.57ManxPowerJT: Sprint 1xRTT
01:28.04Pengguis there a cmd to log a warning/error apart from NoOp() ?
01:28.07ManxPowerI'll get EVDO in about 30 miles
01:28.14Penggusomething with raised status
01:28.17JTheh ok
01:28.22AdamB0122cause I would hate to fix the telco problem for me.... and land up killing the old phone system
01:28.28Penggulike, PanicStations()
01:28.34AdamB0122cause they need the old system untill this one is ready to be put in place
01:28.42JTit could be a timing issue
01:29.14AdamB0122JT > like, the T1 does timing instead of telco?
01:29.53ManxPowerWhat is the signalling on the line?  FXO, E&M, etc?
01:30.15ManxPowerWhat country
01:30.22AdamB0122er wait
01:30.31AdamB0122fxs sorry
01:30.52AdamB0122(and 1-5 is just because i know those 5 channels work)
01:31.02JTAdamB0122: T1s don't do timing, one end does timing
01:31.30AdamB0122thats what I mean, sorry.  the 120P doing the timing vs telco
01:31.40ManxPowerAdamB0122: I'm out of ideas, but if you paste your log output to the mailing list, describe what you tried, the symptoms, etc I'm pretty sure your problem is biazarre enough people will lose sleep over it
01:31.41JTAdamB0122: also zaptel has it's own timing issues if there are shared interupts, etc
01:31.49Penggui don't like the double extension thing because of the _. triggering 'h'
01:31.56JTAdamB0122: try running zttest for a little bit
01:32.10JTAdamB0122: and take note of the lowest score and the normal score
01:32.17AdamB0122getting almos solid 100%
01:32.23AdamB0122i had 1 99.987
01:32.33AdamB0122and its got its own IRQ
01:32.35ManxPowerSo I asked the amtrak person "so there's no chance to let us out for a cigarette?", their answer is "No, we are in the middle of the woods."  I came so close to saying "Listen here bitch, I smoke in the middle of the woods every day."
01:32.57ManxPowerPenggu: if you have an exten => h in that context then _. won't match it
01:33.08Penggubefore or after it?
01:33.23*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
01:33.27ManxPowerorder does NOT matter WITHIN a context
01:33.28JTAdamB0122: as long as it doesn't fall below 99.97%
01:33.59AdamB0122lowest one is 99.98793
01:34.10Pengguso all 'hangups' end up under [default]? or just whatever extensions have been gathered ?
01:34.17AdamB0122Best: 100.000000 -- Worst: 99.987793 -- Average: 99.997269
01:34.21Strom_MManxPower: take on me
01:34.51ManxPowerPenggu: Um, I thought you had NO relation between [default] and any other context
01:35.10Pengguim testing getting to default (added an extension with a goto)
01:35.22ManxPowerJT: I was going to ask you about CAS, but since you are in .au....
01:35.29Pengguin case someone lands there by a dumb mistake
01:35.31ManxPowerAdamB0122: I can only thing of one other thing.
01:35.48JTManxPower: i've used it
01:35.50*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (n=matt@
01:35.52JTManxPower: only on a channel bank
01:36.05Pengguwoops.. this aint asterisk
01:36.10ManxPowerAdamB0122: and that is that your T-1 is not a "normal" CAS T-1 and that the CAS bits are doing something weird
01:36.10JTtelcos don't provide CAS here as far as i'm aware
01:36.25AdamB0122Yea.  something wierd is going on
01:36.35ZX81still dropping calls?
01:36.39AdamB0122I'm going to call our XO rep tomorrow and be like... 'wtf'
01:36.49ManxPowerAdamB0122: can you double check EVERYTHING with regards to line type, signalling, etc on your channel bank to see if it is set to something weird that makes it work with your line?
01:36.51ZX81heh that'll be fun
01:36.55JTManxPower: it could be E&M and he's using the wrong mode
01:37.29AdamB0122E&M instead of eft?
01:37.52JTinstead of cas (fxo/fxsks)
01:37.59ManxPowerE&M would be instead of FXS
01:38.12JTbut it's probably better to check all your line specs with the telco
01:38.27AdamB0122i'll just call them tomorrow
01:38.38ManxPowerAdamB0122: check the settings on the Adit
01:38.40Strom_MAdamB0122: that's what i told you to do yesterday :/
01:38.49ManxPowersee what is different from your asterisk settings
01:38.56JTesf is extended super frame, and operates at a lower layer and isn't relevant to this problem
01:39.24JTManxPower: what was the cas question?
01:39.27Strom_Moh baby, i love it when you b8zs me
01:39.28*** join/#asterisk kroo (
01:39.33kroohello everyone
01:39.42krooI need a bit of help to install asterisk
01:39.45kroois there anyone
01:39.57*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
01:39.57Strom_Mkroo: no, we're all busy eating cheese
01:40.03JTkroo: not with your level of patience
01:40.04riddleboxkroo what distro
01:40.32JTasterisk doesn't run in windows
01:40.44krooit does
01:40.52ManxPowernew trainstatus  2hrs 10 mins late
01:40.58ManxPowerkroo: not on this channel it doesn't
01:40.59riddleboxi thought there was a port
01:41.02JTkroo: wrong.
01:41.14ManxPowerriddlebox: oh, I'm sure some lunatic did a port, but we don't support the port here
01:41.24JTkroo: any attempt to run it under windows is a complete hack and is a miracle if it works at all
01:41.38JTi think the "port" involved a cygwin hack
01:41.45ManxPowerJT: I've always suspected a pact with satan in situations like that
01:41.56krooI wanna give a try I haven't got much choice
01:42.13ManxPowerkroo: then I guess we don't have much choice but to /ignore you
01:42.14JTkroo: you always have choice, get an old desktop and put linux on it
01:42.38ManxPowerOr pay Digium for consulting
01:42.42flenderskroo: try running on vmware
01:42.48ManxPowerBe sure to ask for "russel"
01:42.51flendersI did it first time I installed asterisk
01:43.32krooI'd like to do that but I'll do that remotely for someone and he's in France and I m not => no choice oterwise I will isnstall linux
01:43.42JT(yes, the document actually exists)
01:43.45ManxPowerkroo: Please leave.
01:44.13Strom_Mif you leave
01:44.16Strom_Mplease leave now
01:44.21Strom_Mplease don't take my spot away
01:44.40Strom_M</orchestral manouvres in the car park>
01:44.46krooanyway, just could you tell me if I have to configure the zapata.conf file if i haven't got a zaptel hardware, waht does this file pls ?
01:44.55Strom_Mkroo: read thebook
01:44.57jbot[thebook] a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
01:44.58ManxPowerAsterisk runs on Windows about as well as Bill Gates runs on water.
01:45.01*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:45.11Strom_MManxPower: classic
01:45.28ManxPowerkroo: you do not need to configure the config file if you don't have the hardware -- that goes for all of Asterisk
01:45.46ManxPowerStrom_M: it is?  I thought I just made it up.  I must have read it somewhere.
01:46.41Strom_Mno, i mean that's an instant classic
01:46.55ManxPowerOh!  Cool!
01:47.06ManxPowerStrom_M: see the other channel
01:47.41*** join/#asterisk axisys (
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01:52.40*** join/#asterisk kimosabe (n=kimosabe@
01:52.43ManxPowerCan't we just have a blanket policy of "you ask about Asterisk on Windows, you get banned for 1 week"
01:53.03*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
01:53.18[TK]D-FenderManxPower, no, we need our gladatorial newb-crushing to help raise our spirits!
01:53.56kimosabecan some one lead me in the direction of a how to for x100p config via sip device
01:54.18[TK]D-Fenderkimosabe, thsoe 2 things configs have nothing to do with each other
01:54.43kimosabetk i want to be able to take pstn via a sip device
01:55.06zapathanks for all
01:55.59kimosabeif i pick up the phone that is conected to the sipura for it to automatically be accesing the dial tone from my pstn
01:56.45shido6thats what the sipura is for.
01:57.37kimosabeshido do you have a sample config of this sir
01:58.25[TK]D-Fenderkimosabe, You'll have to read your SPA's guide for auto-dial (bat-phone capability), and from there jsut do "exten => whateveritdialed,1,Dial(Zap/1)"
01:58.56shido6do u have an ast box at home?
01:59.43shido6how many digits does your local telco expect to complete a call?
02:00.13kimosabebut more if i make international and stuff
02:00.38shido6how many Zap channels do you have at the house there?
02:00.48shido6or wherever the ast box is...
02:01.00kimosabei have to
02:01.21kimosabethe chanels will either come from a sipura 3000
02:01.24kimosabeor x100p
02:01.52shido6does anyone call into your x100p , ever?
02:02.04kimosabeyes that will be necesary
02:02.29shido6is the sipura 3000 setup at all to place or receive calls?
02:02.55kimosabeyes it is
02:03.02shido6what do you call it
02:03.10shido6what label does it have in sip.conf ?
02:03.30kimosabeahh ok i havent set up the 3000 via sip.conf yet
02:03.54kimosabethats the info im looking for i had just tried back to back config and its not stable so know i have a x100p
02:03.56shido6kimosabe1 a good label for it?
02:04.02kimosabein ast box
02:04.13kimosabepstn would be fine
02:04.25ManxPowerThis is starting to look like it might beat my previous worst BGirmingham NOLA Amtrak Trip
02:05.16ManxPowerThe worst was Chicago / New Orleans, which was 11 hours late
02:05.39InnatechSupposing I want to split a client's VSP service over multiple providers for greater fault tolerance, is a sensible approach to find a provider that will provide hunting once the allocated channels are all taken? And if so, who might such a provider be? (IAX trunking vastly preferred, closer to SoCal the better.)
02:05.59Innatech(talking about incoming calls.)
02:09.02JTManxPower: you have Internet. It's not that bad.
02:09.03ManxPowerThat sounds like something that would happen to me.
02:09.38ManxPowerJT: I can only blather on about silly things for so long and torturing newbies isn't as fun as it was a few hours ago
02:09.57*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
02:11.50*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
02:11.54ManxPowerAnd there has been a significant lack of interesting problems, with the exception of that one.
02:12.01ManxPowerapparently I just hit EVDO
02:12.49ManxPoweryou'd think they could move between RTT and EVDO without totally messing up your connection
02:12.53*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
02:13.18ManxPowerand now I'm back on 1xRTT  LOL!
02:17.03InnatechEVDO is for shit, IMHO. Barely runs faster than 1xRTT for me, drops its connection fscking constantly.
02:17.40InnatechThen there's VZW's assholic tethering policies and crippled BT.
02:22.28javbanybody u made asterisk load by default in ubuntu server? (asterisk installed from source code)
02:24.36ManxPowerMy experience is EVDO is good
02:25.17ManxPowerI frequently get 150 Kbps on EVDO (same as a T-1)
02:25.37ManxPowermore commonly is around 90k
02:26.01InnatechGah. I never see anything like that.
02:26.03[TK]D-FenderManxPower, I thought EVDO / CDMA was really rare in the USA by comparison to GSM.
02:26.10ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: no
02:26.11shido6kimosabe, the spoonfeeder 3000 is acting up, give it a few more seconds to churn out an example
02:26.18InnatechIt's only VZW & Sprint. But the coverage is decent.
02:26.40ManxPowerAnd osme regionals like Alltell
02:26.58[TK]D-Fendershido6, hes GONE :)
02:27.00InnatechPlus, I can't stand listening to GSM's RFI in consumer electronics--like my car stereo. Seriously annoying.
02:28.00InnatechBTW, I had to break down and enter NTP offsets into those 501's web GUIs. They assiduously ignored everyway I could have possibly provisioned it. >shrug<
02:28.32ManxPowerI'm currently tracking the train in realtime with a PC GPS device and google earth
02:30.22[Outcast]Innatech: I have had the same problem with 501's before
02:30.57InnatechYeah. I got tired of wasting time futzing around with them.
02:31.07*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
02:32.27[TK]D-FenderInnatech, web GUI? ICK!!!!!!!
02:32.30*** join/#asterisk hoowa (n=chatzill@
02:32.57*** join/#asterisk Vorondil (n=vorondil@unaffiliated/vorondil)
02:33.31InnatechI know, I know.
02:33.49InnatechAfter three hours resetting and reprovisioning I didn't care any more.
02:33.56*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
02:34.08tzangerI've never had issue with 501/601 ocnfig
02:34.21tzangerI think the trick is to have a base set of working files and fiddle from there
02:34.26InnatechI did that.
02:34.48InnatechIn fact, one of the 430s was working fine with the same files, two days ago and one was misbehaving.
02:35.06jgoddesspolycom phones?
02:35.13jgoddesswhat is the problem?
02:35.25InnatechThey won't accept NTP offset from the provisioning files.
02:35.31jgoddesssorry not that I could help but mine tend to go bonkers sometimes
02:35.32InnatechAt least, ONE of them won;t.
02:35.46jgoddessdo you actually rename the config files
02:35.48jgoddessreset to factory
02:35.51InnatechSo I formatted them, fed them the same configs--and one worked and the other didn't.
02:35.56jgoddessand then force it to relad the files again?
02:35.57InnatechI *formatted* them.
02:36.03InnatechWhatever, it's done.
02:36.20jgoddesstypically anytime I've seen that problem is a hickup in the config it saves to itself
02:36.27jgoddessand if you use a server that has the dchp lease on it
02:36.37*** join/#asterisk jkimball4 (
02:36.41jgoddessmake sure there isn't something in the config that could overright that
02:36.43jgoddesslike on our server
02:36.50jgoddesswe actually set the ntp from there
02:36.55InnatechYeah. I did all that for hours on end. They're static. I've read all the docs, I see the cfg files when I close my eyes. Really, it's not worth talking about anymore.
02:37.09jgoddessalso one thing is different phones might have been sent with different firmwares
02:37.12jkimball4When calling QueueAdd on AMI, is there anything that can prevent QueueMemberAdded from being being raised?
02:37.18Innatechnope, pushed from the * tftp.
02:37.27jgoddessso if that is the case then you might want to make sure your and sipconfigs are different for it
02:37.44jgoddessInnatech ok
02:37.48jgoddessI'm actually going to bed
02:37.55Innatechg'nite. ;P
02:37.56jgoddessmaybe a good kick down the street would help
02:38.16Strom_Mfedex them to me
02:38.22Strom_Mi'll gladly take them
02:38.25jgoddessmaybe treathen it with fire
02:38.28jgoddesshehe =P
02:38.38jgoddessyou better load or the other ones get it
02:38.38Strom_Myou lose for horribly misspelling "threaten"
02:38.47jgoddessI never loose
02:38.51Strom_Mnot loose
02:38.54jgoddessI didn't say I was winning on the basis of spellilng
02:39.01*** part/#asterisk jkimball4 (
02:39.08jgoddessits the interweb
02:39.10jgoddesswho cares
02:39.18jgoddessnot a english paper
02:39.34Strom_Mlawl rite oh kay sew yarstirdey i wras dreybng downr tah stright rigta?
02:39.52jgoddesstypically on efnet that would make sense
02:40.15Strom_Mit may be the interweb, but since you've only got the text with which to communicate, it helps if you don't royally butcher it to death
02:41.12jgoddessI really didn't actually it would be normal dyslexic behavior since it was a switch of the t and th
02:41.17jgoddessalrighty then
02:42.05Strom_Mhence why you can use jbot for regexps!
02:42.07Strom_Mlike so:
02:42.09jgoddessyour from canada makes sense
02:42.16jgoddessno really
02:42.16Strom_Mno, i'm from los angeles
02:42.23Strom_Mi'm only in canada for the week
02:42.27jgoddesswhat wouldn't be a programming replacement usage now would it
02:42.45jgoddessenjoy yourself night
02:45.14*** join/#asterisk RyanW (
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02:45.50RyanWwhat do i need to change in zapata.conf to set the variable AST_BRIDGE_IGNORE_SIGS in rtp.c ?
02:46.00ShoebHello. What is the maximum number of simultaneous SIP calls allowed by Asterisk?
02:46.33Strom_MShoeb: depends on your system
02:47.01ShoebStrom_M: What's the best it can get, and what if we're on 711 ULAW?  (Let's imagine we have the best server)
02:47.42Strom_Mdefine "the best server"
02:48.14ShoebStrom_M: Whatever the asterisk community deems as the best, heh. I dunno, like duocore 3.2ghz with 2gig ram or something like that?
02:48.28Strom_Mi dunno.  700 calls?  1000 calls?
02:48.46JTShoeb: get a xeon if you want a decent server
02:49.03JT700 calls on one asterisk instance, i doubt it
02:49.46Strom_MShoeb: for practical purposes, i'd say engineer your network such that no single box handles more than 200 calls at a time
02:50.12ShoebJT: Done. Now how many can I push through, max? If I'm planning to deploy a dialer arch. that could dial 2000 simultaneous, I'm trying to see how many boxes would be good.
02:50.33Strom_MShoeb: if you're planning on implementing an automated dialer, go die in a fire plzkthx
02:50.37ShoebStrom_M: That looks like a reasonable enough answer. And that's on the powerful system?
02:50.41*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
02:51.26*** join/#asterisk Vorondil (n=vorondil@unaffiliated/vorondil)
02:51.38ShoebWell, it'll be scaleable upwards to atleast 5000 channels in due course (If it all works without crumbling to pieces.)
02:53.11JTwhat connectivity do you have to make 5000 calls/
02:53.23Pengguguys, how would i jump to another context without specifying the extension - just let it fall through till it finds an extension based on what the person dialled?
02:53.29javbhow do i set the defuault verbose level in asterisk?
02:53.54Penggu(eg person dials 0983407850, authenticate catches it, auth = ok, now follow through the extensions in another context)
02:56.05ShoebJT: SIP.
02:57.13Strom_MShoeb: that's like....400 megabits of bandwidth MINIMUM
02:58.02*** join/#asterisk nath0099 (
02:58.17ShoebStrom_M: I know. Bandwidth, and Hardware are not an issue.
02:58.30Strom_Mand money is no object
02:58.36Strom_Mand i'm the next vonage
02:58.53ShoebWhen it comes to paying the people who would help me (us) set it up, yes. Money is no object.
02:58.57Strom_Mi've heard it sixty thousand times :)
02:59.09ShoebDon't wanna be no Vonage. :)
02:59.19blitzrageI wanna be the next Vonage!
02:59.21ShoebI'm sure you have, bud.
02:59.28blitzragecan someone help me set it up?
02:59.41JTShoeb: please don't call people bud, it's very patronising
02:59.43ltdwki wanna be a fireman.
02:59.55SedoroxI wanna be a crackhead!... oh.. wait...
02:59.58ShoebAnyway, moving on. So, Strom_M, you think 200 channels per box?
03:00.12ShoebJT: My humble apologies.
03:00.23ltdwkJT: Not as patronising as champ, though
03:00.29ShoebOr chief.
03:00.38JTltdwk: depends what country your from i guess ;)
03:00.54jboti guess sipp is a free Open Source test tool / traffic generator for the SIP protocol available from
03:01.18JTShoeb: what ITSP will handle 5000 simultaneous calls from you?
03:01.29JTShoeb: do you have 5000 agents?
03:01.31blitzragejbot_: sipp is a free Open Source test tool / traffic generator for the SIP protocol available from If you really want to know how many channels your Asterisk box can do, learn how to utilize this program.
03:01.34ltdwkmaybe he is a telco.
03:01.40JTltdwk: doubtful
03:02.22ShoebJT: 800. And we've invested in an ITPS that can, and does currently.
03:02.25jbotsomebody said sipp was a free Open Source test tool / traffic generator for the SIP protocol available from If you really want to know how many channels your Asterisk box can do, learn how to utilize this program.
03:02.28blitzragethere we go.
03:02.42Shoebblitzrage: You rock!
03:02.49JTShoeb: i see
03:03.28JT800 agents at the one location?
03:03.49ShoebYup. Might get maybe 400 more.
03:04.21Pengguis there a cross between DISA and GoTo where you send the channel to an context with a number they already dialled? (no dial-tone)
03:04.24JTgetting into the "hard to believe" territory there
03:05.11Shoebis ok. I'm not trying to prove anything here to anyone.
03:05.16ShoebJust needed some answers. :)
03:05.30JTwhat sort of company has 800 person callcentres?
03:05.55JTnot sure how that equates to 5000 calls either
03:06.21ShoebLike the first one, given the best configuration of a server system, how many simultaneous calls can each Asterisk server handle.
03:06.40RyanWmy telco is sending me a FRAME_CONTROL (5)-> Busy and sometimes FRAME_CONTROL(8)->Congestion mid conversation, and asterisk is terminating the audio bridge and hanging up the call.
03:06.43JTprobably not much over 200, but you'll have to benchmark
03:06.50ltdwkthe "Best" configuration might be like, a quad processor quad core box.
03:06.56ltdwkthat would handle a few calls
03:07.11RyanWIs there some was i can filter out these control frames with an option in zaptel.conf perhaps ?
03:07.11JTltdwk: where are these quad processor quad core motherboards?
03:07.13ShoebJT: 5000 simulatenous calls don't necessarily give calls to 5000 agents. It can even be used for purposes such as Voice Blasting. Come on, I'm sure you know that.
03:07.19ltdwkbut your bus bandwidth will limit you
03:07.21JTltdwk: not with asterisk.
03:07.33JTltdwk: asterisk has seriously problems with much over 200-300 calls
03:07.38ltdwkJT: when barcelona comes out next month
03:07.40JTunless he is doing virtualisation
03:07.46ltdwkJT: they fit in standard socket F
03:07.57ShoebSo you'd think 200 calls will be good, and 300 would be pushing it?
03:08.13*** join/#asterisk marc7 (n=marc@
03:08.18JTShoeb: voice blasting, what is that, emergency broadcasting?
03:08.25JTShoeb: probably
03:08.37JTltdwk: socket f?
03:08.45ShoebVoice Broadcasting. And yes, it could be for Emergency broadcasting. :)
03:08.54ShoebHmm, gotcha.
03:09.00marc7brief question... I have asterisk Recording to G.711 .ulaw files... is there any way I can easily edit those in a waveform editor like audacity and re-encode them?
03:09.09JTShoeb: what else is voice broadcasting used for?
03:09.21JTmarc7: sox
03:09.25Shoeb200 calls. Does that lean quite a lot on the configuration of the system? Like will the duocore push 200, or will a regular server push 200?
03:09.47JTwhat is "duocore"?
03:09.52ShoebJT: Who knows. I once got a voice broadcast asking me to call this number if I wanted my dick enlarged, lol.
03:10.03JTShoeb: that sounds illegal/immoral
03:10.10ShoebDual Core Processor.
03:10.22JTShoeb: you can get quad core xeons now
03:10.29ShoebAnd yes, I know it sounds illegal/immoral, but I'm giving you an idea of what people use Voice broadcasting for, lol
03:10.45ShoebI wish I could go and laugh at the guy behind it all, but oh well.
03:10.50JTltdwk: oh, AMD
03:11.08marc7JT: thanks
03:11.11JTltdwk: no wonder it didn't ring any bells
03:11.46Pengguanother question: can i turn autofallthrough=no for a particular context? if yes, can i: _X,1,authenticate(a user), and then set include => another_exten, and expect whatever the user dialled before the Auth to follow on through?
03:12.00JTltdwk: 1207 pins, that's nutty
03:12.09JTltdwk: is that mobo for a cpu that doesn't exist yet?
03:12.24ShoebAlright JT. Thanks a ton for your help. Much appreciated. Same to you, Strom_M.
03:12.41JTShoeb: you'll probably need a sip proxy too
03:12.50ShoebHave a fantabulous night!
03:12.54ShoebJT: Got it. :)
03:13.03ShoebErr, I think like 29 of them.
03:13.19ShoebAnyway, good night, good sir.
03:13.19JTalso, for broadcasting, you'll cause serious system load spawning all calls in a system at once
03:13.29ShoebNow we're talking.
03:13.37ltdwkJT: No, it has CPU's but only dual core. AMD doesn't release their quad core (barcelona) until next month, but it fits in the same socket and will work fine with a bios update.
03:13.53ShoebWhat do you mean system load will get affected? You mean the .call files stuff?
03:13.53JTltdwk: ah ok
03:14.04JTltdwk: are they quad core per die?
03:14.10JTShoeb: .call or AMI originate
03:14.20ltdwkJT: yep.... monolithic quad core, not two dies stuck together
03:14.31JTwell apparently, making 200 calls at the same time causes high load ;)
03:14.58ltdwkJT: Which no doubt means they will be very expensive due to the low yield
03:14.58ShoebI'm sure.
03:15.10JTltdwk: i will be curious to see how they compare to xeons
03:15.14ShoebSo what would be an easier approach, JT?
03:15.17JTltdwk: well that sucks
03:15.25JTShoeb: staggering the calls
03:15.33ShoebJT: Into bursts?
03:15.43JTor a flow
03:16.03ShoebCan you please tell me how a flow would be?
03:16.39JTit wouldn't be bursty
03:17.13ShoebBut then it would still cause CPU load, unless this flow mechanism is something I'm not able to understand.
03:17.38JTthe load would be more steady insteak of causing spikes
03:18.13ShoebAnd how can we achieve this steadiness?
03:18.30ShoebBy dialing a set number of calls every minute, or something? Or how exactly?
03:18.33JTby making calls in a stream
03:18.41JTwell yes
03:23.30javbis there an special option for letting user change passwords of their own voicemails ?
03:25.48[TK]D-Fenderjavb, Yes, listen to the INSTRUCTIONS.
03:26.56javb[TK]D-Fender: im listening, but when selection THE INTRUCTION, it will say "record your personal greeting" ... so there is something wrong.
03:27.25javbif i select the right option for changing pass, it wont take me there..
03:29.11[TK]D-Fenderjavb, then your prompts are out of date
03:29.37javb[TK]D-Fender: what do you mean?
03:29.42javbcan u elaborate?
03:30.12[TK]D-Fenderjavb, What part of that statement isn't clear?  The worded instructions CHANGED when Voicemail had some features added and I'm guessing your system has some OLD instruction sound files.
03:33.49*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
03:35.08javb[TK]D-Fender: it is not just the sounds (instructions) because, it start recording and all..
03:35.26javbi change to the defaults, and still have the same error
03:35.28javbany idea?
03:35.51[TK]D-Fenderjavb, try option 5
03:37.24javbits on 5..
03:37.36javbany ideas where can i find update intructions?
03:37.51*** join/#asterisk groogs[h] (
03:42.42JTpesky 4minute pri outages
03:42.57JTi rushed to the mdf but there was no-one fiddling with cables :/
03:43.20*** join/#asterisk Shoeb (
03:43.46ShoebJT: My box crashed. Sorry for last time. One last question I had was, which one... asterisk 1.2, or 1.4, is better?
03:44.07JTthere's some contention there
03:44.10JT1.2 is more tested
03:44.15JTbut 1.4 has some new features
03:44.47ShoebWhat are some real good features of 1.4, do you know?
03:46.04d3wayneShoeb: 1.2 moves to security fixes only in a little over a week
03:47.08Shoebd3wayne: Aaah. But since 1.2 is heavily tested and widely used, vulns are not as public on 1.4, correcto?
03:48.15d3waynevulns are not as public on 1.4 ?
03:49.08ShoebMeaning, since 1.2 is famous.. more people look for vulnerabilities on there. Since 1.4 is not as widely used, the focus is just not there.. hence not so much importance given to security fixes on 1.4.
03:49.30ShoebBut other than secfixes, what are the better features of 1.4 that aren't in 1.2?
03:50.31d3wayneif you haven't read UPGRADE.txt, then it will tell you a lot
03:51.19filed3wayne: !
03:51.21Pengguis there a way to detect that all the Zap lines are congested?
03:51.27d3waynemr. file :-)
03:51.30ShoebThat's what I was looking for, thanks d3wayne! :)
03:51.43ShoebGood night, JT and d3wayne.
03:51.55filed3wayne: I went and saw the movie Hairspray
03:52.16fileit t'was good!
03:52.20d3waynewas Spider Pig in it ?
03:52.21*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (n=leon@
03:52.28fileno :(
03:52.46d3wayneI don't know if I saw a Hairspray trailer yet...let me google it
03:52.50JackEStormd3wayne: that would be Harry Porker
03:53.47d3wayneoh  yeah, I saw something about this
03:54.37JackEStormspider pig spider pig does whatever a spider pig does look outtttt for the spider pig...
03:54.42*** join/#asterisk mgplc (
03:54.45JackEStormI need to make that a ring tone...
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03:59.11mgplcHello everyone.  I'm new to IRC so please pardon any etiquette issues.  I'm wondering if anyone here has installed 2 different types of Digium cards in the same box.  I have 2 TDM400s and 1 TDP2400 installed.
03:59.38mgplcI can only get Asterisk to work if I load either the TDM400 drivers or the TDP2400 drivers but not both.
04:00.10*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
04:00.24JTnot sure specifically, but usually no more than 2 digium cards are recommended in the one PC
04:00.52flendersdid you try one TDM400 and the 2400?
04:01.14mgplcflender - I haven't yet.
04:01.44mgplcI'll try to give that a try.
04:01.53JackEStormthe TDP2400 wasn't first on the PCI bug was it?
04:02.10JackEStorm(and by "not work" you mean ZTCFG fails?)
04:02.34mgplcJackEStorm - Asterisk doesn't load and it gives an error about not being able to open any of the zap channels.
04:02.54Maliutamgplc: are the zaptel kernel mods loaded?
04:02.58mgplcI see the channels appear under /dev/zap/
04:03.08Maliutathat is normally the cause of chan_zap not loading
04:03.36Maliutamgplc: what is the [relevant] output of an lsmod?
04:03.38JackEStormwell forget about asterisk for now, does the zaptel driver load? and does ztcfg run fine?
04:03.55mgplcThe zaptel drivers load fine.  Let me dump an lsmod with only the TDM drivers.
04:04.10mgplcModule                  Size  Used by
04:04.10mgplcwctdm                  39232  8
04:04.10mgplczaptel                196388  19 wctdm
04:04.10mgplccrc_ccitt               6144  1 zaptel
04:04.10mgplcnvram                  13832  0
04:04.11mgplcedd                    14620  0
04:04.13mgplcspeedstep_lib           8452  0
04:04.17mgplcfreq_table              8576  0
04:04.19mgplcthermal                21896  0
04:04.20JackEStormmgplc: flooding is bad btw
04:04.21mgplcprocessor              30400  1 thermal
04:04.23mgplcfan                     9348  0
04:04.25mgplcbutton                 12432  0
04:04.27mgplcbattery                15364  0
04:04.29mgplcac                     10372  0
04:04.31mgplcsnd_pcm_oss            66728  0
04:04.31JackEStormand the bot is dead
04:04.33mgplcsnd_mixer_oss          25216  1 snd_pcm_oss
04:04.35mgplcsnd_intel8x0           37028  0
04:04.37Maliutawe don't need all the modules
04:04.37mgplcsnd_ac97_codec         76640  1 snd_intel8x0
04:04.39mgplcsnd_pcm               113284  3 snd_pcm_oss,snd_intel8x0,snd_ac97_codec
04:04.40JTmgplc: stop that
04:04.41mgplcsnd_timer              31620  1 snd_pcm
04:04.43Maliutajust the relevant ones
04:04.43mgplcsnd                    70532  6 snd_pcm_oss,snd_mixer_oss,snd_intel8x0,snd_ac97_codec,snd_pcm,snd_timer
04:04.47mgplcsoundcore              13792  1 snd
04:04.49mgplcsnd_page_alloc         14600  2 snd_intel8x0,snd_pcm
04:04.51mgplcipv6                  272256  25
04:04.53mgplcaf_packet              26760  2
04:04.55mgplcevdev                  13184  0
04:04.55JTmgplc: can you never, EVER do that again?
04:04.57mgplcjoydev                 13760  0
04:04.59mgplcsg                     42528  0
04:05.01mgplcst                     43164  0
04:05.03mgplcsd_mod                 22144  0
04:05.05mgplcsr_mod                 21156  0
04:05.07mgplcscsi_mod              121412  4 sg,st,sd_mod,sr_mod
04:05.09mgplcide_cd                 44448  0
04:05.11mgplccdrom                  42652  2 sr_mod,ide_cd
04:05.13mgplcehci_hcd               35204  0
04:05.17mgplcohci_hcd               25604  0
04:05.19mgplcsis_agp                12164  1
04:05.21mgplcagpgart                37804  1 sis_agp
04:05.23mgplcsubfs                  12672  2
04:05.25mgplcdm_mod                 63104  0
04:05.25JackEStormJesus H Frog dude....
04:05.26JTfucking idiot
04:05.27Maliutawctdm, zaptel and zttranscode are the relevant ones
04:05.27mgplcusbcore               120164  4 ehci_hcd,ohci_hcd
04:05.29mgplcsis900                 24580  0
04:05.31mgplcraid1                  21632  1
04:05.33mgplcreiserfs              265680  1
04:05.34Strom_Msomeone kickban plz
04:05.35mgplcJackEStorm - sorry about that.
04:05.37mgplcJT - Not a problem.
04:05.48Maliutasomeone is running a distro kernel
04:06.00tzafrir_laptopStrom_M, in on line
04:06.13Strom_Myes true
04:06.26Strom_Mand with that, i'm going out for Calgary's finest fried chicken
04:06.28JTmgplc: how is sending 50 lines to channel "relevant output"?
04:06.33tzafrir_laptopMaliuta, many are. What specific distro and version you have in mind?
04:07.02JackEStormBack to wait a said: "well forget about asterisk for now, does the zaptel driver load? and does ztcfg run fine?"
04:07.13Maliutatzafrir: I don't run a kernel I didn't compile, and anything that is going to be needed from boot I compile in rather than as a module
04:07.27Maliutatzafrir: so i don't care _which_ distro
04:07.34tzafrir_laptopmgplc, pasting more than, say, 3 lines to the channel is considdered impollite. Don't do that. Use a pastebin such as
04:07.53JackEStormtzafrir: pasting more than one line is
04:08.00ZX81heh how come it didn't boot him?
04:08.04JackEStormfile: scroll up
04:08.09jbotit has been said that pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or is usually painfully too slow and unresponsive to use, use one of the other pastebin sites, or is a very nice pastebin as well
04:08.13JackEStormJBOT is gone :(
04:08.14mgplctzafrir_laptop, thanks, my apologies.
04:08.21ZX81JackEStorm: where?
04:08.36JackEStormok not oped then
04:08.41mgplcMaliuta: So right now Asterisk and the 2 TDM400 cards work fine.
04:08.43JTMaliuta: just use modiles for zaptel
04:08.52JTdon't compile it in
04:08.57MaliutaJT: same here
04:09.47JackEStormtzafrir: I'm all etch here, even on production systems.
04:09.55mgplcMaliuta: Things don't work though when I do a modprobe of wctdm24xxp
04:09.56tzafrir_laptopJT, even with your own kernel I would recommend to build zaptel as external modules
04:09.56Maliutamgplc: so the problem is?
04:10.07JTtzafrir_laptop: that's what i just said
04:10.24Maliutatzafrir_laptop: I  use unstable at home and etch at work
04:10.43tzafrir_laptophmm... some undefined symbol?
04:10.52JackEStormwiat a sec, when did the zaptel mods get put in to the kernel tree as a patch?
04:10.56mgplcMaliuta: I'm trying to get 16 channels up and running.  I have 2 legacy TDM400s that I wanted to keep working since it provides 8 channels.  The new TDP2400 is providing the other 8.
04:11.20Maliutaanyone using chan_skinny or chan_sccp with cisco 7940 (or 7960)?
04:11.40Maliutamgplc: I think the TDP2400 uses a different module
04:12.00Maliutamgplc: all three cards are in the one box? and show up in an lspci?
04:12.10JackEStormmgplc: it should work, but for the 3RD and last time, did ztcfg run fine? did it bring up all the chans? or did it fail?
04:12.25tzafrir_laptopMaliuta, tail /var/log/kern.log    will hopefully show that error
04:12.31JTmgplc: fxs or fxo?
04:12.54Maliutaand what JackEStorm said
04:13.04mgplcJackEStorm, ztcfg runs fine with only the TDM400 drivers loaded
04:13.30mgplcAll the ports are running as FXS
04:13.33JackEStormand you changed the config to refect pci buss order right?
04:13.46Maliutatzafrir_laptop: I am not having any hardware issues :)
04:14.23tzafrir_laptopMaliuta, I suspected some software issues. What error you *do* get.
04:14.27JackEStormzaptel.cfg needs to be defined in module load order, and that is pci buss order
04:14.30mgplcJackEStorm, which config are you referring to?  On the bus the 2 TDM400s come first, then the TDP2400
04:15.14JackEStormmgplc:  err, /etc/zaptel.conf
04:15.41Maliutamgplc: you probably also need to load wctdm24xxp
04:16.09JackEStormzaptel kernel mods are loaded in pci buss order, you need to have your /etc/zaptel.cfg reflect that, else it will fail.
04:16.53mgplcJackEStorm, in my zaptel.cfg, the only config I have is fxsks=1-8
04:17.20mgplcIs there a way to specify which channels belong to which card in zaptel.conf?
04:18.10JackEStormit's topdown order from the buss
04:18.27Maliutatzafrir_laptop: none, my install is working fine, I am just curious about the skinny/sccp stuff because I have just got a cisco phone and I would like to be able to do more stuff with the menu (which means using the non-sip firmware on the phone)
04:18.57JackEStorm(and I say it this way, because there are other issues with digital and analog cards in the same system and digital needs to be first)
04:19.24mgplcJackEStorm, so then if I wanted to get 16 fxs ports I would use fxsks=1-16 correct?  Even though the 16 ports are spanned across 3 cards?
04:20.08Pengguif i match an extension: exten => s-.,1,, how do I get what s-. actually was ?
04:20.09JackEStorm1-8 and then 9-16, your second card uses another module
04:20.15Pengguassuming the person dialled a number to call
04:20.17JackEStormmgplc:you running 1.4?
04:21.14mgplcJackEStorm: I'm running a very old version of Asterisk v1.0.9.1
04:21.24mgplcCan't upgrade right now.
04:21.45JTcan't or won't
04:22.25Maliutamgplc: what zaptel version?
04:22.39mgplcMaliuta: zaptel-
04:22.40JackEStormMaliuta: 1.0.x I bet
04:22.51JTmgplc: ...
04:22.52JackEStormmgplc: back up your configs
04:22.59JTmgplc: why on earth would that work at all?
04:23.07JackEStormmgplc: put all 3 cards in and run genzaptel
04:23.16JTmore importantly
04:23.20JTmgplc: upgrade asterisk
04:23.22JackEStormif you are really using 1.4
04:23.27JackEStormJT: nod
04:23.42JTJackEStorm: he's using asterisk
04:23.52JTzaptel is not the correct version to use
04:24.07MaliutaI agree, I don't think that the newer zaptel stuff with work with that ancient version of asterisk
04:24.31JTthey usually don't work between minor releases, let alone 2 major releases
04:24.33Maliutaand if you are putting newer cards in it seems like the prime time to upgrade asterisk to something more modern
04:24.43JackEStormnod to all
04:24.47*** join/#asterisk FreddyPG (n=Freddy@
04:24.48*** join/#asterisk luisjose (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
04:25.21JackEStormJT: but if he is really using zap1.4, then genzaptelconf will help him, else, he needs to upgrade, so he can get help.
04:25.45JTJackEStorm: eh
04:25.58Maliuta1.0 is ancient, I have only ever used 1.2 and up
04:26.02JTast 1.0 with zap 1.4, genzaptelconf won't help him
04:26.03JackEStormJT: but, I did get asterisk 1.2 to use zap 1.4 with no issues.
04:26.39*** join/#asterisk Pagautas (n=bigman@
04:26.50mgplcFunny thing is that zap 1.4 is working with Asterisk with either: the 2 TDM400s, or the TDP2400 by themselves.
04:27.13JTmgplc: maybe so, but you should try de-crackifying your setup first
04:28.07Maliutaand as has been said fix the zaptel.conf to reflect the hardware installed
04:28.15JackEStormand looking back, if you want to use a DGM-TDM2xxxx you need to upgrade everything.
04:28.25mgplcTrying to do the genzaptel thing.
04:28.32JackEStormMaliuta: nod
04:28.44Maliutaif it only knows about the first 8 channels don't bitch when it does't "automagically" find the other 8
04:28.46JackEStormthen make sure /dev/zap has the right permissions.
04:29.22Maliutatelling zap about the other 8 channels, and loading the appropriate module might help
04:30.11*** part/#asterisk FreddyPG (n=Freddy@
04:32.10JackEStormMaliuta: I had some major issues putting a TDM400 and a TE120P in a system.
04:32.12tzafrir_laptopMaliuta, the format of zapata.conf hasn't really changed since 1.0
04:32.30tzafrir_laptopso genzatelconf of recent zaptel will help you, actually
04:32.50JackEStormtzafrir_laptop: yeah, span ordering
04:33.40JackEStorm(but I still have an issue where with cold boot vrs warm boot modual loading :( )
04:33.48tzafrir_laptopzapata.conf, that is. Sorry
04:34.03JackEStormtzafrir: I want to change everything about zaptel
04:34.26JackEStormI want to break off digital spans from analog spans
04:36.27JackEStormtzafrir: zapata isn't that bad, it's like sip.conf, ...but I'd like to see Asterisk define spans as I/O O or I, and then branch the tree from there.
04:36.30mgplcJackEStorm: I just ran the genzaptelconf and it regenerated my zaptel.conf and zapata-channels.conf
04:36.54mgplcI have been able to start Asterisk and I'm trying to see if all the ports are recognized.  Looks good so far!
04:37.07JackEStormmgplc: now look at the new zaptel.conf and see how if differs from the old one you where using
04:37.45JackEStormmgplc: and 2nd time, verify the permissions of and in /dev/zap that they match asterisk runtime.
04:40.44JackEStormtzafrir: and then over all, I'd like to see something that makes huntgroup defines cleaner know * more as a SoftSwitch and not a PBX
04:41.22*** join/#asterisk nain (n=nain@
04:41.40[TK]D-FenderJackEStorm, * is NEITHER
04:41.46nainHi Everybody
04:43.10mgplcJackEStorm: Checked the permissions, those are good.  The zaptel generator used 1 line for every port instead of using a range.
04:43.34Maliutawhich is just as valid
04:43.35JackEStorm[TK]D-Fender: true, but I'd like to see more of a softswitch layout and feature set, so you can build a pbx out of it, if thats all you want
04:43.45JackEStormmgplc: with all 3 cards in?
04:44.09JackEStormmgplc: and the use/group that * runs as can read /dev/zap/*?
04:44.22[TK]D-FenderJackEStorm, Thats pretty much what we have NOW....
04:45.00nainI am using Sangoma A200r 2 Port FXO card, I am having problem with callerid detection from zap channel ? while asterisk detect callerid from softphone but not from zap channel ?
04:45.15mgplcJackEStorm: Yes.  All 3 cards are in.  The first 8 ports are working correctly right now.
04:45.36mgplcI am trying to test the other 8 ports right now.
04:46.14*** join/#asterisk rbd (
04:46.19JackEStorm[TK]D-Fender: 'cept zaptel does not branch off I/O groups and I groups and O groups...(groups/spans) [or digital interfaces from analog]
04:46.45JackEStormmgplc: and ztcfg -vvvv showed all 16 chans?
04:46.46JTnain: there is no "detecting" callerid from a softphone, it's there in the sip headers
04:47.19rbdhi guys, I've installed the asterisk packages on ubuntu feisty.... I have some of my own custom prompts I want to use in asterisks, but it seems that I have both a /usr/share/asterisk/sounds and a /var/lib/asterisk/sounds. currently /var/lib/asterisk/sounds is empty, but can I use either or should I stick to /usr/share/asterisk/sounds?
04:47.29JTrbd: "asterisk"
04:47.30mgplcJackEStorm: Yes!  ztcfg shows all 16 channels.
04:47.52JackEStormJT: callerid zone could be off, noisy, being sent on the 2nd ring...etc...
04:48.09nainJT: Hmmmm! so how can i read callerid from zap Channel, I have set variable SET(Callerid=${CALLERID(NUM)}, but Callerid Variable is empty while call arrived from zap channel
04:48.20JackEStormmgplc: ok, and /dev/zap* can be read by asterisk?
04:48.43mgplcJackEStorm: Yes.  /dev/zap/* can be read by asterisk.
04:49.22JTJackEStorm: not sure what that has to do with what i said.
04:49.41JackEStormmgplc: now setup zapata.conf in /etc/asterisk, if * fails the /var/log/asterisk/messages file will tell you why
04:50.09tzafrir_laptoprbd, Debian/Ubuntu packages set the datadir to /usr/share/asterisk
04:50.38JackEStormJT: I read him as saying that the zap chan doesn't read CID to pass to the softphone
04:50.43tzafrir_laptopWhich makes more sense, IMHO
04:51.09JTnain: what do you currently have in your dialplan to answer an incoming fxo call?
04:51.14JTnain: if >3 lines, use
04:51.21tzafrir_laptopthis can also be set at runtime in asterisk.conf
04:51.46*** part/#asterisk atomicd (
04:53.44Maliutanain: is your pstn provider sending callerid?
04:53.59Maliutanain: I know mine charges extra for that feature, so I do without
04:54.16Maliuta$7/mnth for callerid isn't worth it
04:54.30JTMaliuta: haha telstra
04:54.49JTMaliuta: can't get optus?
04:55.08Maliutanot if I want to stay with 'node for my dsl
04:55.15JTwell that sucks
04:55.41MaliutaI encourage people to use my VoIP line anyhow, it's a brisbane number (which is where most people call me from)
04:56.30MaliutaI would look into moving to opt-arse, but I am going to move back to brisbane as soon as I can
04:57.00Maliutait may be possible in theory to have optus do the re-sell thing on my line
04:57.01nainMaliuta: Zap Channel answer the call from incoming-zap context then i set the exten like this exten => _X.,n,Set(CALLERID=${CALLERID(num)}) to get the caller id but callerid variable or ${CALLERID(num)} variable is empty
04:57.58Maliutanain: probably meaning that the provider isn't sending the callerid stuff down the line
04:58.03nainMaliuta: if SIP channel answer the call and i use the same exten to read callerid it shows the SIP User callerid in variable but not from zap channel
04:58.45Maliutanain: SIP is different from zap, the zap stuff requires that the provider transmit the stuff down the line
04:58.47nainMaliuta: I Have discussed with other user with same provider and they are getting callerid
04:59.13*** join/#asterisk levi_home (
04:59.24Maliutanain: are the on the same "plan" as you, like I said my provider charges extra for it
04:59.26nainMaliuta: they told me that there could be some thing wrong with configration
04:59.53Maliutanain: and have you told chan_zap to use callerid for that line?
04:59.53[TK]D-Fendernain, And the reason you've been whining all this time without SHOWING THEM TO US IS!??!?!
04:59.57nainMaliuta: yes that is in same plan and no extra charges for caller id
05:00.03JTnain: ok, let'ssimplify it.
05:00.24[TK]D-Fendernain, PASTEBIN your configs.
05:00.24JTnain: can you receive calledid when you hook up a callerid capable handset to the line?
05:00.24JTinstead of asterisk
05:00.48nainMaliuta: I am not sure, but i have defined in zapta.conf to usecallerid=yes, callerid=asrecieved ...
05:01.16nainJT: Yes I recieve the callerid with callerid capable handset but not with sangoma A200r fxo card
05:03.17[TK]D-Fendernain, callerid=asrecieved <- bad. callerid=asreceived <- good
05:03.21[TK]D-Fendernain, get your spelling right
05:04.03nain[TK]D-Fender: in zapta.conf spell are correct, it was here by typo
05:04.48*** join/#asterisk ltdwk (
05:05.02[TK]D-Fendernain, do everyone a favour and PASTEBIN all your configs.
05:05.09JTnain: please use copy and paste. transcribing is just wasting our time.
05:05.19JTnain: we are busy people :)
05:06.46nainJT: I am sorry for that, unfortunatally i am not connected with machine at the moment.
05:06.57JTthen what are we supposed to do?
05:07.08JTpray that it will fix itself
05:07.21nainJT: :)
05:07.52MaliutaJT: making random recommendations seems like the right move
05:08.24nainwell is there any thing else that cause the callerid not to work
05:09.28JTnain: yes, failing to wait a sufficient period of time before answering the call.
05:09.52JTusing the wrong callerid mode
05:09.56JTa whole number of things
05:10.11JTbut without configs and more details, it's a waste of time
05:10.51Maliutayeah, I seem to remember putting a 2 second delay in for answering calls at some point
05:11.02Maliutabeen ages since I tweaked that conf
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05:15.16nainMalituat, JT: THanks for your valuable information, i will put the config in pastebin as well as soon i will connect to machine and I will try your suggestions as well ....
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05:31.13mgplcMaliuta: JackEStorm: Thanks for all the help.  Rebuilding the zapata.conf file seemed to do the trick.  I've tested all 16 lines and they all seem to be functioning fine.
05:32.03*** join/#asterisk jarod14 (
05:32.07Keltushow do I do something like this:   call a number, if it doesn't pick up after 3 rings, call another number... do this until one of them picks up
05:32.40Keltusand then if there is a pick up, it bridges that call with an incoming call to asterisk
05:34.26Strom_MKeltus: look at the DIALSTATUS variable
05:34.26Strom_Mand put a timeout on the Dial() app
05:34.55KeltusI looked at Dial() but it doesn't return anything to indicate whether or not the call was received
05:36.22[TK]D-FenderKeltus, <Strom_M> Keltus: look at the DIALSTATUS variable <--------------------------------------------
05:36.27Keltusoh, right
05:36.29KeltusI'm looking
05:36.43[TK]D-FenderKeltus, And kee in mind the "g" option for Dial.
05:36.56[TK]D-FenderAnyways... way late.... heading to bed, later all
05:37.35Keltusahh that's cool
05:37.38Keltusso you don't have to wait for timeout
05:37.55KeltusI'm doing this in AGI, so I hope I can get the DIALSTATUS variable still
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05:39.07Keltuswould you recommend using the manager API to dial out from AGI, or to use the spool dir?
05:40.01KeltusI can't think of a way to know when the call is completed using the spool method
05:44.00Keltusdoes it delete the file when it's done maybe?
05:44.58JTmanager api does not dial out with agi
05:45.05JTit's the manager interface
05:45.12nainAny one would recommend good application that popup information on based of callerid ?
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05:56.06KeltusJT: I mean how to I dial out using the manager API when my script is running
05:56.41Keltuserrrr I mean is it better to call the manager API or the spool dir files are kind of hard to deal with. I'm not sure how I can connect it to the current context... hmmm
05:59.36JTit's easy, you specify the context
06:00.07JTit's up to you which to use, i think using ami would be better for high volumes
06:06.41*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (n=tzafrir@
06:10.17Keltusoriginally, I was going to have incoming calls go to the default context, and just pass all the variables to an AGI script to do the dirty work
06:10.42Keltusbut then I realized the dialing out and bridging the calls is not easy in AGI so I think I will just do everything in the dialplan
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07:15.36SXT40I'm having a maybe odd problem... does anyone know what commonly causes "503 Service Unavailable" in *?
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07:32.55RSAManhow can i check if asterisk is running ?
07:33.35tuzhilaps ax|grep asterisk
07:33.55tuzhilaetc/init.d/asterisk status
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07:35.17HaMYaIis Corydon76 or juggie awake?
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07:44.04RSAMani am on page 90 of that huge guide. they refer to the dialplan
07:44.12RSAManis this a config file
07:44.38RSAMantrying to configure a sip server..
07:44.38RSAManexten => 100,1,Dial(SIP/john)
07:44.38RSAManexten => 611,1,Echo( )
07:44.44RSAManthey want me to add this to dailplan
07:45.40JTyou must've missed something in the book
07:45.54JTand that's Echo()
07:45.59JTEcho is all you need
07:51.39*** join/#asterisk steliosk (
07:52.41RSAManerm if i edit the extensions.conf file should i restart  asterisk
07:53.08JTor type extensions reload
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07:56.28RSAMani have a sip server
08:03.27jarod14I'm trying to find a way to match an extension of unknown length but ending with a # .  There is my current code in extensions.conf :  . I would like to replace the several pattern by only one. but I do not know how to wait for the # DTMF character indefinetely. Any idea ?
08:05.29creativxdid you try .
08:06.35JTalthough inadvisable, _X.#
08:06.35jarod14yes but it did not match the # character
08:06.47jarod14tried too
08:07.10jarod14it did not worked
08:07.14JTperhaps the answer is no then
08:07.22JT# has some default behaviour
08:07.37JTof dialplan fallthrough
08:09.11jarod14mmm ok
08:09.25jarod14what do you think about a while loop ?
08:09.43JTsounds hackish
08:10.24jarod14yep it is ^^
08:10.59creativxdoes it have to end with a pound
08:11.17jarod14yes unfortunately
08:11.36jarod14it's required
08:12.01jarod14creativx what are you thinking about ?
08:16.24*** join/#asterisk ZeeRoCOOOL (n=ZeeRoCOO@
08:17.01jarod14hi ZeeRoCOOOL
08:17.32ZeeRoCOOOLplease can any one help me ? I have a little problem with the Dial Command
08:17.40jarod14creativx, JT thx for your help anyway
08:18.51*** join/#asterisk stkn|work (n=stkn|wor@gentoo/developer/
08:27.09tzafrir_laptopZeeRoCOOOL, maybe if you'll actually ask your question
08:32.28ZeeRoCOOOLOn my dialplan I need to execute some PHP files with the suitable value of ${DIALSTATUS}
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08:33.04ZeeRoCOOOLbut when the Dial is called
08:33.29ZeeRoCOOOLany extension after it is ignored
08:34.22ZeeRoCOOOLI used the g option but no way
08:34.40ZeeRoCOOOLthe M option doesn't work too
08:35.35creativxZeeRoCOOOL: noop(${DIALSTATUS}) after dial is ignored?
08:36.28ZeeRoCOOOLany thing after Dial... is ignored
08:48.32mvanbaakonly when the call is answered
08:51.09tzafrir_laptopZeeRoCOOOL, what version of Asterisk is it?
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09:02.20tzafrir_laptopZeeRoCOOOL, in 1.2 you have a priorityjumping setting (I don't remember the exact name)
09:03.12RSAManhi again
09:03.54RSAManin the extensions.conf file , is [incoming] a context
09:04.04RSAManand whats the difference between that and [internal]
09:04.10RSAMani am readsing the manual btw
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09:06.51mvanbaakthey are different contexts
09:06.54tzafrirthe names are arbitrary
09:06.56blueneonhi, im trying to setup an extension rule that will dial a certain extension but if that extension is busy it will try another extension, how would i do that?
09:08.46mvanbaakblueneon: something like this should work
09:09.32*** join/#asterisk bird_of_Luck (
09:09.41blueneonta :)
09:10.37blueneontho doesnt that only check the status after 45 sec?
09:11.17blueneoni would need it to divert to the other extension right away if the first one is already busy
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09:12.40kolian123A question, is iax.conf IP based authentication work, exists?
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09:14.58creativxblueneon: dial will give up immediately
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09:20.36kolian123i suspect it's really broken
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09:25.50ZeRoCoOOLCan I ask a question please ?
09:26.06creativxdont ask to ask plz
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09:27.08RSAMandoes that answer your question ?
09:27.46*** join/#asterisk ai-a (
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09:31.31ZeeRoCOOOLso ?
09:31.39creativxdon't ask.
09:31.52blueneoncreativx: i just tried that rule, and it seems its waiting the full 45sec before it decides to divert to the other extention
09:32.00ZeeRoCOOOLI think that ur bot hate me lol
09:32.01*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
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09:33.55creativxblueneon: ok. i might be remembering wrong
09:34.26RSAManquestion, I am setting up a sip server, will most of the configurations be done in the dialplan ?
09:34.37RSAMansorry i am new to this
09:35.31creativxwhat do you mean a "sip server" is
09:35.32RSAManbause if i add  2 users to my sip.conf file , will they be abble to phone one another ?
09:35.44RSAManwithout a dialplan
09:35.51creativxthe dialplan is the heart of asterisk
09:36.00masushi all, is something like this possible. i have a mysql table with phone numbers . and if i make a call only the numbers in the table will be called ...Thanks
09:36.01RSAManjust getting a feel
09:36.14creativxin the dialplan you map extensions to logic and devices
09:36.20jbotfrom memory, zeerocoool is probably someone that should get some help!
09:36.34masusor maybe i ask another way ... -> is it possible to limit the callings to the phone numbers of my database
09:37.03masusi'll pay 100 usd
09:37.05RSAManso i should say something like " exten => 123,1,Dial(SIP/Jack)
09:37.22RSAManto map each new user in sip.conf to a number
09:37.32masusfor someone who give me assistance ;)
09:37.44RSAManbut then is this necessary " exten => Jack,1,Dial(SIP/Jack)
09:38.14RSAMansorry i am confused
09:38.17creativxif you want your users to be able to dial the extension "Jack" then yes
09:38.31pj_Users don't know Jack anyway
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09:38.37RSAMantrue that
09:38.44creativxthe first line should suffice
09:38.50creativxpunch in 123 in a phone
09:38.58creativxand user jack's device rings
09:39.06creativxthat is the idea atelast
09:39.14RSAManbut for the moment all my clients are connecting via soft phone / sip
09:39.56RSAManso the users dont know about one another until they are in the dialplan
09:40.48RSAMani just need to grasp on these concepts
09:40.53RSAMansorry for sounding dumb
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09:47.54creativxgod damn #¤")%)"% ip10s crap phones
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09:49.18masusagain -> is it possible to limit the callings, to the phone numbers that are stored in mysql table? Thanks ... :)
09:50.04nainHi Every body,
09:51.48MrMister2Hi. Has anyone used a Siemens C450IP (or in the UK 460IP) wireless phone with Asterisk?
09:52.55MrMister2I've seen a post on a forum saying that it works but there was no additional information and i wanted to know if the DTMF commands (transfer, pickup, etc...) worked with no problems.
09:54.30nainI am having problem while reading callerid from Zap Channel,
09:54.53nain${Callerid(num)} shows empty variable
09:57.04*** join/#asterisk twans (n=x@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:6c4f)
09:57.47nainJT: would you please suggest that what's wrong with configration as callerid variable from zap channel is empty... see the [from-zaptel]
09:57.48naininclude = default
09:57.48nainexten => s,1,Wait(3)
09:57.48nainexten => s,n,Answer()
09:57.48nainexten => s,n,Goto(callback,2007,1)
09:58.04nainsorry.... paste wrong clipboard
09:59.23JTthe dialplan in pastebin is different to what you pasted above
09:59.52MrMister2Forget my question (not that anyone saw it :)), just found the answer on
10:00.50nainpastbin dialplan is actual, this info is for another config not related to this machine...
10:01.31nainJT: pastbin info is copy & paste from config files...
10:01.44JTnain: well the one in pastebin is wrong
10:01.58nainJT: which one...
10:02.18JTnain: how can goto go to another context without being told which context to go to?
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10:03.29nainJT: yes, you are right, that is corrected now... actually i was playing with config files so context name was removed...
10:03.44JTshow the new config in pastebin
10:03.48nainJT: yes, that is like exten => s,2,Goto(callback,2007,1)
10:04.39JTadd Wait(3) to the start
10:05.56JTactually, make it Wait(5)
10:06.15creativxmasus: do a sql lookup on the outbound extension dialed?
10:07.02masusis there a documantation
10:07.03lsoditwo asterisk installations in one server, is that good idea?
10:07.39creativxmasus: yes
10:08.10creativxmasus: many ways to solve that. google the best ways to do sql lookups via the dialplan. either agi or other applications
10:08.22nainJT: I am doing wait(5)..
10:08.25masuscreative : thanks
10:08.59creativxyou could even CURL() it
10:09.12creativxthe possibilities are... endless
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10:13.57masuscreativx: The Realtime Switch --> is this what i'm looking for
10:14.15lsodihave any one tryed to install two asterisks into one server?
10:15.24JTnain: put the new dialplan in
10:15.59*** join/#asterisk naain (n=nain@
10:16.22JTnain: put the new dialplan in
10:16.52naainJT: ok hold on..
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10:23.01JTnaain: it still doesn't work?
10:23.24naainJT: see the log
10:24.12naainJT: I have put all the variable but all are empty (exten => 2007,n,NoOp(${CALLERID}, ${CALLERIDNAME}, ${CALLERIDNUM}, ${CALLERANI}, ${DNID}, ${RDNIS})
10:24.38JTnaain: what asterisk version?
10:24.49naainasterisk 1.4.5
10:25.09JTwell it would help if you don't use outdated variables
10:25.14JTall of them are gone in 1.4
10:25.21JTuse the new CALLERID function
10:26.04naainJT: let me know which one to use with 1.4.5 with Sangoma A200r fxo card
10:26.14JTnaain: the card is irrelevant
10:26.32JTthe CALLERID function is the same between technologies
10:26.33JTlook it up
10:26.54naainJT: ok suggest me which variable to use with 1.4 to get callerid work.
10:27.13JTalso get rid of this #
10:27.14JTexten => 2007,n,SET(CALLERID(NUM)=${CALLERIDNUM})
10:27.18creativxnaain: learn to use the CLI
10:27.19JTnaain: LOOK it up
10:27.34JTor README.variables
10:28.49naainYou mean it should be simple like: SET(CALLERID=${CALLERIDNUM})
10:29.19*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
10:29.21JTi mean DELETE IT
10:29.21naainJT: I try to understand from voip-info and asteriskguru but examples are given like above i am using..
10:29.27JTthat's what "get rid of" means
10:29.37naainJT: got it...
10:30.06naainJT: would you suggest the new variable or correct way.
10:30.25JTnaain: you should not be trying to set the variable
10:30.34JTchan_zap will set it if it receives it from the PSTN
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10:30.49JTso just delete it and stop being obtuse
10:31.36naainJT: after deleting that line where can i see that callerid is being detected ...
10:32.08JTnaain: by fixing up the NoOp line using CALLERID functions
10:32.20JTi already said this
10:36.13naainJT: Ok see the pastbin now, is that correct?
10:37.00JTyou haven't given me the url, how can i check?
10:37.41naainJT: Oh sorry,
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10:39.51JTnaain: now you have no way of seeing if you are getting the right callerid
10:41.17klausdarilionHi all! I have problems to understand the meaning of ast_frame->offset/data/datalen and what for is AST_FRIENDLY_OFFSET. Is this somewhere documented or can someone give me short description please?
10:41.24naainJT: I will request you to correct the config where i can see the callerid as well, in pastbin..
10:41.46JTnaain: i will request you to do your own research unless you pay me
10:41.54JTi'm not going to make your dialplans for you
10:42.01JTyou need to learn how to do it
10:42.17naainJT: in the meanwhile i have uncomment the dialplan but still NoOp Debug shows like this: -- Executing [2007@callback:2] NoOp("Zap/4-1", "| | | | | ") in new stack
10:43.54JTnaain: i have told you about five billion times now that those variables are no longer used
10:44.05JTnaain: look up the new function CALLERID
10:44.37creativxJT, paddling upstream again eh
10:44.40naainJT: ok let me checkout
10:45.24klausdarilionregarding: AST_FRIENDLY_OFFSET - solved. I just found a description in the mailing list archive
10:46.01JTcreativx: :/
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10:50.07naainJT: is it the new usage of function : exten => 0,1,NoOp({CALLERIDNAME} = ${CALLERIDNAME})
10:50.08naainexten => 0,2,NoOp({CALLERIDNUM} = ${CALLERIDNUM})
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10:50.56creativxJT: so, how do you do it? drugs?
10:51.31creativxnaain: here's a tip that comes with a hefty invoice: 5*CLI> show function CALLERID
10:51.51santibioticois there any way to detect if an extension is busy or unavailable?
10:52.29DavieyHi, how many concurrent calls can you have with a single ISDN-BRI line (In the UK)?
10:52.52JTDaviey: 2
10:53.06DavieyJT: really?! :(
10:53.22DavieyHow can 20-30 lines be achieved?
10:55.30JTcreativx: no such luxury :P
10:58.55santibioticois there also any way to dial a number within a conversation?
10:59.42santibioticoi want to dial i.e. 1 during a a conversation and then process another dial plan statement for example
11:00.06santibioticoi cannot use the waitexten app as i want to do it during the conversation
11:06.27creativxmm lunch
11:07.05Hymieanyone have polycom 330s?
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11:10.45Hymies0ck: don't listen to them, they're all aliens.. every single one of them.. they are not to be trusted, unless you want to make sure that 12 is equal to 12.121!
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11:11.31Hymies0ck: it's ok, you're now in the correct dimension
11:13.03creativxwho needs float precision anyways
11:13.31DavieyAnybody where i can find a list of UK ISDN-PRI service providers?
11:14.05JTDaviey: i'm sure BT do it
11:14.22JTDaviey: don't you know what other telcos are around?
11:15.00DavieyYeah.. our telco's are kinda messed up
11:15.26DavieyBT usually do the work, but there are often contracted by different suppliers
11:15.28JThere's a tip: ISDN30
11:15.59JTi have no idea if BT is your only PRI provider or not
11:17.17ai-aDaveCanoe: i cant say which is best, but we use Kingston tech. but they are crap on tech support.
11:18.06Davieyai-a: thanks
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11:32.15DrukenLPYmorning everyone
11:33.15DrukenLPYhey Dr-Linux, ltns
11:33.23Dr-Linux${DIALOPTS}))   << this is a channel veriable or global variable? :S
11:33.33Dr-Linuxwhat is DIALOPTS ?
11:34.04Dr-LinuxDrukenLPY: ?
11:34.46mvanbaakprolly global variable
11:34.54DrukenLPYnot sure... looks to me like it's a custom variable...
11:34.58DrukenLPYperhaps dial options?
11:35.10mvanbaakset somewhere in extensions.conf
11:35.17mvanbaakthat's my bet
11:35.36DrukenLPYcould be used in a dynamic system for the dial options of a peer....
11:35.40DrukenLPYi used to do that...
11:36.17Dr-LinuxDrukenLPY: you are correct
11:36.49Dr-Linuxbut my question is should i use this variable something in dialplan, or i can use it directly :S
11:36.58Dr-Linuxwhere can i set it's vaules :S
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11:37.23DrukenLPYin the dialplan
11:37.55naainJT: I have read and try all the new variable as well, but still failed, see the pastbin
11:39.18Dr-Linuxgot it
11:39.44DrukenLPYdiging into someone else's dialplan ?
11:40.30DrukenLPYnaain: sure you got callerid on the zap channels?
11:40.36DrukenLPYfrom your telco
11:42.34naainDrunkenLPY: Yes, when i connect lines to callerid capable set it shows callerid
11:42.47JTnaain: what country are you in?
11:42.48DrukenLPYthese are analog lines then ?
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11:43.05naainyes analog lines
11:43.29DrukenLPYwhat country as jt asked are you in ?
11:44.22davidcsiiihello all, question: i'm sending peers to different context depending on IP address withOUT registration. i.e. to context [server1] and any other ip ton context default. now, the question is: On what does asterisk bases to send peers to contextes? on the ip on SIPURI or on the TCP/IP layer IP address?
11:45.05JTnaain: find out what callerid mode is used in pakistan
11:45.15JTnaain: and set it in zapata.conf
11:47.42DrukenLPYJT, do you know if i can run lets say 10 PSTN, and 11 DATA on a single PRI, and actually use them both at the same time using a single sangoma card?
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11:48.35JTDrukenLPY: i believe so, yes
11:49.00kovahi all!
11:49.17kovahow can I reload rsa keys without restarting asterisk?
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11:50.40naainJT: how can i find callerid mode is being used in Pakistan and how to set mode in zapta.conf (at which placed in config file)
11:52.14JTnaain: research online or call your telco
11:52.30JTas for setting the mode, you need to find that out yourself
11:53.05tzafrir_laptopdavidcsiii, you wanted to ask something?
11:53.33tzafrir_laptop<davidcsi> hello all, question: i'm sending peers to different context depending on IP address withOUT registration. i.e. to context [server1] and any other ip ton context default. now, the question is: On what does asterisk bases to send peers to contextes? on the ip on SIPURI or on the TCP/IP layer IP address?
11:59.48tzafrir_laptopdavidcsiii, I don't think you can do that ith asterisk. only by username
12:01.05kovaindeed ... ?
12:01.19kovaI thought context was defined in sip.conf
12:01.40kovaor did I misunderstand the question
12:01.57DrukenLPYtzafrir: i belive you are correct.. i don't know of ip blocking to contexts
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12:03.30tzafrir_laptopand you can't send a peer (chan_sip terminology) to a context without registration. That would be a user or a friend, BTW
12:04.08tzafrir_laptopI think that he's asking for a workaround
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12:09.07lsodiis any one online who uses  MOR free 0.4.10?
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12:16.36creativxmid day
12:17.29CM3_1_2_632good mid-day.....
12:20.27Maliutait's 22:20
12:21.15naainJT: I have discussed with one of other user with Same Teleco in Pakistan they are using Digium Card and getting Callerid with same zapta.conf file, but with sangoma card it shows nothing
12:21.48kovahow is the experience here with chanskype?
12:24.22kovadoes anyone use chanskype? is it worth the money?
12:24.25creativxkova: slim to none.
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12:25.49kovacreativx, are there other solutions to connect with skype?
12:25.53MaliutaI object to skype on principle ... I don't like proprietory protocols
12:26.21Maliutaand I don't like some of the firewall avoidance stuff skype have been doing
12:26.35CM3_1_2_632i liked it as long as it's free.....
12:26.36Maliutaas a sysadmin it makes my skin crawl
12:26.52kovaMaliuta, I agree ... but now it's there and used by a lot of people, we have to live with it
12:27.18hankOver here we have asterisk with snom VoIP phones. When colleague1 is on the phone and at the same time colleague2 calls colleague1, colleague2 hears the 'free' tone and colleague1 is signalled that there is another call for him. Where would i change it so colleague2 hears a 'busy' tone?
12:27.27Maliutakova: or ignore it :)
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12:28.35tzafrir_laptopany alternative that uses standard protocols and Just Works?
12:28.55kovaMaliuta, that's up to you ... I want to connect Skype to our internal telephony ... and I was thinking of using chanskype, hence my question
12:29.36tzafrir_laptopkova, it might provide you with audio, but not text messages
12:30.43kovatzafrirn that's the point ... can't do much with text messages on telephony ;-)
12:31.10JTkova: chan skype is a big hack
12:31.12tzafrir_laptopkova, SIP has SIMPLE.
12:31.15JTwaste of time anyway
12:31.19tzafrir_laptopsome SIP phones support it.
12:31.42tzafrir_laptopIAX has nothing
12:32.26kovaJT, I have seen how it works ... but how does it run in general? is it reliable?
12:33.19JTCM3_1_2_632: skype is rubbish, and only free as in beer
12:34.08kovathat's a pity ... more and more companies are interested in connecting telephony equipment to skype
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12:34.16CM3_1_2_632JT: beer's's not beer so skype's not good....
12:34.44JTkova: companies can be quite silly, just like people
12:34.49kovaany other solutions then?
12:36.03kovaJT, unfortunately the world is not just black and white ...
12:36.26kovaif skype was black and sip was white, chanskype would be grey
12:36.53JTkova: i know the world is not black and white
12:36.58JTbut skype is rubbish
12:37.11JTand all solutions to use it in asterisk are a hack
12:37.23JTthat involve silly things like simulating sound cards
12:38.12Rienzillahey do you guys know a way to use ventrilo w/ asterisk?
12:39.07kovasince the protocol is proprietary, hacking the sound device is the only way for now I guess
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12:40.35JTRienzilla: no. how many times have you asked?
12:40.47JTRienzilla: yet another proprietary voip protocol
12:40.56JTforget about using it with asterisk
12:42.17Rienzillahm ok
12:42.29Rienzillatoo bad
12:42.52JTfor you perhaps
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12:43.05JTi suspect most people don't care about ventrilo :)
12:43.08RienzillaI know
12:43.31RienzillaI just wanted to use my sip phone with headset to connect with ventrilo :)
12:43.46kovahonestly, never heard of ventrilo before
12:44.03Rienzillait's a voice conferencing thingy, mainly used for online gaming
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12:44.36kovathanks for the update ... have to go now
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12:47.05[TK]D-FenderRienzilla: Have them connect to your * instead
12:47.25creativxjag sitter i ventrilo og spiller lite dota
12:47.42Rienzillayeah thats the alternative, but that requires them to install different client software
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12:50.44[TK]D-FenderRienzilla: Maybe (I've read about how to have MSN Messenger attach), but its worth it.
12:51.51[TK]D-FenderRienzilla: Because before you know it you'll end up using Skype for this, Ventrilo for that, another client for 1 stupid thing, and one for REAL TELEPHONY.
12:52.34RienzillaI agree
12:52.50Rienzillathe thing is that ventrilo is pretty well integrated in the community
12:53.11Rienzillaso it's hard to get others to install a different thing
12:53.24Rienzillabtw, what softphones would you guys recommend for windows?
12:53.39blitzrageor idefisk
12:53.44creativxRienzilla: basshunter has a song about ventrilo
12:55.33kkn088Rienzilla: do you know mumble, a GPL TS/ventrilo like
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12:57.45tzafrir_laptopI use twinkle on Linux. some like Ekiga. I think Ekiga has a Windows version as well
12:59.01Maliutakiax on linux works better for me
12:59.21Maliutathough tinkle is probably the best SIP softfone I tried
12:59.54shido6tinkle, eh?
13:00.40MaliutaI had eye surgery 12 hours ago, so bite my shiny metal butt :P
13:00.46shido6aim at the bullseye
13:00.54shido6or you'll be moppin the floor
13:01.24Maliutashido6: depth perception require 2 working eyes
13:01.53shido6use the force , whatever...
13:01.55[TK]D-FenderMaliuta: And a subject to observe other than Kate Moss ;)
13:04.25[TK]D-Fender"A German court has once again upheld the GPLv2 and convicted Skype (based in Luxembourg) of violating the GPL by selling the Linux-based VoIP phone 'SMCWSKP 100' without proper source code access. (Original is in German, link is a Google translation.) Skype later added a flyer to the phones' packaging giving a URL where the sources could be obtained; but the court found this insufficient...
13:04.26[TK]D-Fender...and in breach of GPL section 3. The plaintiff was once again Netfilter developer Harald Welte, who runs The decision is available in German at (Google translation here)."
13:05.07pigpenIs it possible to send a sip header that makes a polycom play a ring tone to the speaker?  ie: like a bell system
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13:06.44JT[TK]D-Fender: great news
13:07.13[TK]D-Fenderpigpen: No.
13:07.20VJFROMGTany recomended asterisk manual out there?
13:07.24pigpenOh well.  Good idea though.
13:07.27[TK]D-Fenderpigpen: Wait... you mean while NOT on a call?  then yes
13:07.56[TK]D-Fenderpigpen: Then its jsut a "Page", and you just need to record the ringing sound.
13:07.58pigpenExampe:  Kids are ready for the end of Chemistry.  A bell needs to ring.  A polycom is in the classroom.
13:08.23pigpenYeah..that is what I have running now.  I am using the allpage.agi.
13:08.30[TK]D-Fenderpigpen: triggered call-file "ringing page"
13:08.50pigpenyeah..using the page app right?
13:09.01Corydon76-homeWe use IAXys connected to a legacy overhead paging system
13:09.28Corydon76-homeThe Polycoms aren't quite loud enough
13:09.34pigpenCorydon76-home, yeah..I have "added" a output to some polycom's to attach to the overhead in some buildings.
13:09.46[TK]D-Fenderpigpen: When i say Page I wasn't really meaning the app.  No sense in that.  Just a call-file w/ autoanswer on the Polycom end where you playback a recording and hangup.
13:09.52pigpenI just thought a sip header would be nice and small.
13:10.10[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-home: They can be.... max the volume on speaker & tweak your recording :)
13:10.15Corydon76-homepigpen: the setup allows us to send pages to one building or all four...
13:10.23pigpenAh..yeah...the only issue is that it is kinda slow.
13:10.28pigpenwith the call file.
13:10.44pigpenie: 80-100 phones takes about 30-60 seconds.
13:10.48[TK]D-Fenderpigpen : AMI Originate then... same dael.
13:10.51pigpenschools don't like that .
13:11.00creativxcron script, ami originate:
13:11.03Corydon76-homeHigh school, middle school, fine arts building, athletics building
13:11.11pigpenami originate...ok...
13:11.19creativxi take it you wonder what ami is
13:11.25creativxthen i wonder.. is there a
13:11.27jbotextra, extra, read all about it, ami is the Asterisk Manager Interface, a way to control an Asterisk server via a TCP/IP socket. See
13:11.39pigpenCorydon76-home, yep..but unfortunatly, they didn't put the overhead into some of the buildings....
13:11.58pigpencreativx, tks.
13:12.16pigpenyeah..Asterisk Manager Interface...sure...sorry.
13:12.19pigpendense this am.
13:12.23Corydon76-homepigpen: right, they need to be separate systems... otherwise you have issues with differing ground references
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13:20.33sopo2k4Im having problems with my Inbound number from VoipTalk, ive selected to have it routed to number@my-asterisk-box over SIP, and well i ring it and it just shows Number not available. I have it setup in sip.conf and extensions.conf however asterisk doesnt even show any log
13:20.59creativxsopo2k4: enable debugging
13:21.01blitzragewhat does 'sip debug' from the CLI say? Is it even hitting the asterisk box?
13:21.12blitzragedid you open the right ports?
13:21.13JTsopo2k4: asterisk has a public ip address?
13:21.25blitzrage5060 is signalling, and 10000-20000 is the (default) RTP
13:21.34sopo2k4blitzrage ive DMZ'd the asterisk box
13:21.40sopo2k4so all ports should be open
13:21.50JTsopo2k4: asterisk has a public ip address?
13:21.51sopo2k4and reachable. and theres no debug in the CLI
13:21.58sopo2k4i dont think its hittin the asterisk box for some reason
13:22.08JTsopo2k4: it doesn't then
13:22.09blitzragedon't *think*... KNOW!
13:22.13JTsopo2k4: you must port forward.
13:22.24blitzrageDMZ is for boxes to get an external IP
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13:22.35mostysopo2k4, are you registered to the sip server?
13:22.38sopo2k4so could i set the asterisk box to listen on my main ip?
13:22.58sopo2k4if its been put on the dmz list
13:23.05mostysopo2k4, have you checked with sip show registry?
13:23.11blitzragesopo2k4: no.. you'd have to have a 2nd IP since the router has the primary address
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13:23.48blitzrageregistration doesn't mean incoming will work
13:23.54JTyou don't need to port forward
13:24.00blitzragealthough it means your username/pass is probably ok :)
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13:24.05JTi thought a client was trying to connect to your box for some reason
13:24.19sopo2k4nah, im only trying to get my asterisk box to receive the incoming call
13:24.24blitzrageI never port forward on my Linksys routers
13:24.34sopo2k4ive got a damn belkin
13:24.36blitzragealthough I guess I'm talking about phones, and not Asterisk behind NAT
13:24.37sopo2k4thats my problem in one i think.
13:24.42JTit's generally unnecessary
13:24.54JTsopo2k4: enable sip debug and see if you get anything when you try and call the box
13:24.56Maliutasopo2k4: the incoming may come in on a differnt ID than the registered one
13:25.11sopo2k4ok hold up let me enable sip debug
13:25.33Maliutasopo2k4: I have to have 2 entries for my SIP connection, one is the outgoing (which registers) and the other is for the incoming
13:25.43msetimhi guys, what make the res_monkey.c?
13:25.45sopo2k4it shows something
13:25.51sopo2k4quite alot actually
13:25.56sopo2k4want a pastebin?
13:26.04Maliutayeah, worth a look
13:26.07sopo2k4hold up
13:26.42JTMaliuta: that's crazy
13:26.51JTMaliuta: why do you need to register to send calls?
13:27.16mostyJT: some sip servers require it, for some reason
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13:27.24MaliutaJT: the register tells the provider where I am
13:27.32hankThe Dial-Function does not seem to notice when one of our snom-phones is busy. What could be the problem?
13:27.35[TK]D-Fendersopo2k4: I'm quite sure I told you YESTERDAY to go HERE :
13:27.38Maliutaeven though I have a static and never move
13:27.41jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
13:27.43hankDo i HAVE to use ChanIsAvail?
13:27.51mostyhank: do you have qualify=yes for that sip peer?
13:28.03hankmosty: its in the general section of sip.conf
13:28.19mostyhank: what is the status of the peer when you do sip show peer peernamegoeshere
13:28.24JTMaliuta: hence crazy if you only make calls with that account, the provider does not need registrations for you to make a call
13:28.37[TK]D-Fenderhank: You missed the point.... phones can handle multiple calls and will ACCEPT another if their on the phone up until the max # is reached (varies by model).
13:29.04MaliutaJT: mynetfone ... I have a DID on it aswell
13:29.16[TK]D-Fenderhank: So if you want to prevent CW, etc, then you'll either have to check it yourself, or disable it on the phone, or place a sip.conf call-limit.
13:29.23JTmynetfone are a pack of idiots
13:29.27Maliutasopo2k4: who is the provider?
13:29.30JTthey have no idea how to run an ITSP
13:29.34MaliutaJT: yeah
13:29.36mostyhank: is the snom phone doing call waiting, or is it really busy?
13:29.39JTwhoever setup their sip stuff is a moron
13:29.56Maliutasopo2k4: the callerid setting looks like a brisbane phone number
13:30.08JTMaliuta: wouldn't your DID need to register?
13:30.15creativxmosty: as tk said, theres 3 ways this is limited, either in sip.conf with call-limit, the phone has a licence that says it can have X number of active lines, or call waiting on the phone
13:30.18[TK]D-Fenderlooking for 01962658744 in default (domain
13:30.19[TK]D-Fender<--- Reliably Transmitting (NAT) to --->
13:30.19MaliutaJT: I am looking to move, their idea of untimed is 2hrs
13:30.21[TK]D-FenderSIP/2.0 404 Not Found
13:30.36JTMaliuta: right
13:30.37[TK]D-Fendersopo2k4: You ARE apparently geting the call and your DIALPLAN is defective
13:30.38mostycreativx, i know. hank is the person asking
13:30.41hankmosty: OK
13:30.42JTMaliuta: they don't have infrastructure
13:30.46JTMaliuta: they just resell
13:30.48creativxmosty: please fwd np tnx
13:30.57JThave the brochure of the wholesalers here
13:31.02[TK]D-Fendersopo2k4: looking for 01962658744 in default (domain <--------------- pay attention
13:31.03sopo2k4i knew it wasnt my router
13:31.19JTMaliuta: they mainly make the money by charging per minute instead of per second
13:31.28[TK]D-Fendersopo2k4: it could have been, or it could have been your settings in sip.conf, etc.
13:31.52[TK]D-Fendersopo2k4: could be a lot fot hings, but you seemed to think not showing use your sip.conf was a good way to let us help you.
13:32.53*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
13:32.57hank[TK]D-Fender, mosty, creativx: Thanks. That did it :)
13:33.05MaliutaJT: at 3c/min to canada they are still smegloads cheaper than hellstra
13:33.22MaliutaJT: who would you recomend in .au? need a brisbane DID
13:33.57JTMaliuta: not for calls to mobiles
13:34.15JTwhich is the most expensive phone call type in australia
13:34.32JTMaliuta: pennytel seems ok
13:34.32[TK]D-Fendersopo2k4: Well, we DON'T need it right now, but you SHOULD have provided it at the start, adn INCLUD the [general] section......
13:34.46[TK]D-Fendersopo2k4: right now you know EXACTLY what you need to add, so go do it.
13:35.18Maliutasopo2k4: I am assuming you have a 01962658744 context in your extensions.conf
13:35.45MaliutaJT: Iuse my mobile for mobile calls, I don't use all my cap anyhow
13:35.53sopo2k4exten => 01962658744,1,Dial(IAX2/james)
13:35.58sopo2k4thats it...
13:36.06MaliutaJT: what about faktortel? they do IAX
13:36.18JTfaktortel are complete morons
13:36.25JTavoid at all costs
13:36.31JTone of the worst ITSPs in .au
13:36.52JTtheir sydney dids had been down for 3 weeks, a few weeks ago, dunno if they ever fixed it
13:37.06JTand they abuse you if you "make too many calls"
13:38.24[TK]D-FenderMaliuta: WRONG ANSWER
13:38.28[TK]D-Fendersopo2k4: DITTO
13:38.35Maliutanode phone are way 'spensive
13:38.38*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
13:38.53JTMaliuta: pennytel are about the cheapest in .au for rates
13:39.00Hymie-- Incoming call: Got SIP response 500 "Internal Server Error" back from x.x.x.x <-- anyone getting a lot of these messages back from polycoms after an asterisk restart?
13:39.04[TK]D-FenderMaliuta: YOU TOO :)
13:39.15[TK]D-FenderHymie: Yup!  Flooded by them!
13:39.24[TK]D-FenderHymie: "Mostly Harmless"
13:39.28Hymieoh no
13:39.45MaliutaJT: I will look at them, thanks
13:40.07JTMaliuta: the prepay thing is annoying though
13:40.17Maliutamynetfone are the same
13:40.40JTMaliuta: if DIDs are mission critical, forget most ITSPs
13:40.46JTMaliuta: for what type of calls?
13:40.55CuriosCatif DIDs are mission critical, get POTS lines :)
13:41.09JTwrong answer
13:41.14JTCuriosCat: ISDN
13:41.23JTpots is bad for lots of DIDs
13:41.27*** join/#asterisk Aurs (
13:41.39MaliutaJT: mostly I want it for the brisbane DID and calls to fixed lines, plus international calls to canada
13:41.52CuriosCatJT: Well, if it's lots, get a PRI. My point is don't rely on VOIP for mission-critical. :P
13:42.24MaliutaCuriosCat: yeah, because I can get a POTS DID from 2000kms away
13:42.29*** join/#asterisk wrmem (
13:42.34Maliutait's my home setup
13:42.41coolbeansAnyone have a clue why in 1.2.18, when using static real-time and mysql, voicemail passwords aren't updated in the DB when changed with app_voicemail?  It changes them in asterisk, but never updated to the db.  Of course, a restart of app_voicemail restores whatever passwords are in the db.  Any help would be appreciated.
13:43.05CuriosCatMaliuta: You can, it's just fantastically expensive. But why is a DID from 2000 kms away mission critical?
13:43.16Maliutaif this were for a business I'd recommend VoIP internal and a PRI/BRI solution
13:43.17JTMaliuta: i fail to see how the prices are the same
13:43.43JTMaliuta: pennytel:  Canada    0.00878/m   mynetfone:  Canada   Landline     1306   $0.019/m
13:43.58zeeeshi just donwloaded asterisk-1.4.8 ,,,getting error "
13:44.12zeeeshconfigure: error: *** termcap support not found
13:44.43MaliutaJT: I'm on a differnt plan to that mynetphone one
13:44.46JTzeeesh: libncurses-dev
13:44.58[TK]D-Fenderzeeesh: yum install libtermcap libtermcap-devel newt newt-devel ncurses ncurses-devel
13:44.58JTMaliuta: how much are you paying?
13:45.38zeeeshNo Match for argument: libtermcap?
13:45.50MaliutaJT: $9.95/mnth and $0.03/minute to canada
13:46.01*** join/#asterisk VoicePulse (n=contact@unaffiliated/voicepulse)
13:46.09Maliutapretty sure, they did just change the charges, but not by that much
13:46.24JTMaliuta: that's even MORE expensive
13:46.40JTMaliuta: mynetfone also charge per 60seconds, which is awful
13:46.43*** join/#asterisk jsbach (
13:46.47MaliutaJT: the monthly includes a DID and 100 fixed line calls
13:46.58JTMaliuta: pennytel charge per second with no minimum
13:47.06Maliutathe fixed line calls are untimed (read max 2hrs)
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13:48.26JTMaliuta: that's not international is it?
13:48.48Maliutano, the international rates are different
13:49.06Maliutapennytel look better
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13:49.24Maliutadon't know why I didn't see them a year ago when I did the inital setup
13:50.51JTdon't get me wrong
13:51.01JTpennytel is not a high end business ITSP
13:51.07JTbut neither is mynetfone
13:51.18JTmynetfone is utterly useless for most businesses imho
13:51.37JTthey can't work out how to do more than 1 simultaneous phone call per sip account
13:51.39syzygyBSDanyone know a good sip termination in NZ?
13:52.14syzygyBSDI mean, I can set one up in a couple months... but until then...
13:52.27mostyJT, they probably know how, but want more accounts, and make their money on account fees
13:52.34jsbachhei, i am calling an xlite client using asterisk in the middle. the prob is i am getting an 480 (?) from the client... anyone had this before?
13:53.04JTmosty: no, i really think that's just how they've technically set it up
13:53.19JTmosty: if you buy a business plan with 4 "lines" you must use 4 sip accounts
13:53.23JTwhich is stupid
13:53.34mostyJT, if that's true, then they really are stupid
13:53.58JTi rang them up
13:54.05JTand asked all about it
13:54.12JTthat's what they told me
13:54.28MaliutaJT: not using it for business :)
13:54.33mostymaybe the person on the phone was just confused about what a "line" is
13:54.57JTmosty: they checked with "techs"
13:54.58MaliutaJT: yeah, most of the ITSP's I have looked at want to charge the earth for extra lines
13:55.06mostyJT, heh well that is crap then
13:55.18JTMaliuta: the one good thing about engin is you get unlimited inbound and outbound
13:55.38jsbachany ideas ppl?
13:57.25mostyjsbach, sip response 480 means "temporarily unavailable". ie it's a config thing on the x-lite i guess
13:58.40*** part/#asterisk hank (
13:58.48jsbachmosty, thanx for response, jah, firstly the xlite client is on, registered at asterisk (* console says so) and i allowed any calls from my domain..
13:58.58jsbachi actually donnu what i should configure more..
13:59.09jsbachconfigure more... on the client side..
13:59.21mostyjsbach, show us your dial command
13:59.36mostyand does x-lite have any logs you can look at?
14:00.55jsbachmosty, not really.. sorry for the unpricise answer cuz it just opens a regular "my documents" folder with regular docs as i want to click "look at logs" which i am not used to from linux anyway :P
14:01.35jsbachmosty, u want to see the whole dialog? on pastebin?
14:02.05[TK]D-Fendersopo2k4: Reminder <-------------
14:02.07[TK]D-Fender[TK]D-Fender>looking for 01962658744 in default (domain
14:02.09[TK]D-Fender<--- Reliably Transmitting (NAT) to --->
14:02.10[TK]D-FenderSIP/2.0 404 Not Found
14:02.18mostyare you using x-lite on linux? don't- it sucks big time
14:02.25jsbachhei [TK]D-Fender  ;)
14:02.43[TK]D-Fendermosty: Don't worry... it sucks everywhere else too! ;)
14:02.56jsbachmosty, no, i use some other on linux, but on windows at second client i have a xlite
14:03.21*** join/#asterisk juxhi (
14:03.22[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: IM IN UR PBX R00TING UR CALLZ!
14:03.35mosty[TK]D-Fender, i'm not a windows person, thankfully
14:04.14jsbach[TK]D-Fender, jah...
14:04.53brodiemWhat is a good way to implement call waiting in *? On my old install I just took dialparties.agi from AMP but in rebuilding on 1.4, I'm not sure how to get the device state of a SIP ext without using Manager API and I'm using realtime for the SIP users.
14:05.36brodiemGoing to try fun_devstate, not sure if it works using ARA though
14:06.06coolbeansAnyone have a clue why in 1.2.18, when using static real-time and mysql, voicemail passwords aren't updated in the DB when changed with app_voicemail?  It changes them in asterisk, but never updated to the db.  Of course, a restart of app_voicemail restores whatever passwords are in the db.  Any help would be appreciated.
14:06.55puzzledcoolbeans: I would check the changelog from 1.2.23 if it has been fixed in the mean time (if it really is a bug)
14:07.04mostybrodiem, the phones handle it, don't they?
14:08.11jsbachmosty, the 480 contains a warning header: Warning: 399 devnull "User reject"
14:08.17brodiemmosty Yeah I had just hoped to keep it pbx-based since there's a number of phone vendors in the mix, at a couple different locations, etc... but I can if I have to
14:09.03JTbrodiem: call waiting is a function of the phone
14:09.05JTnot asterisk
14:09.06mostyjsbach, what's your dial command look like?
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14:09.40jsbachand how can i say asterisk not to manipulate from tags to "caller" <sip:asterisk@ip_address:8060> ?
14:09.57jsbachmosty, my invite is at the beginning of that paste uri
14:10.06mostybrodiem, i think call waiting on the asterisk side would be a nasty hack. i would recommend to the clients that they pick a phone that supports multiple simultaneous calls, it should just work
14:10.30mostyjsbach, can i see your dial command?
14:10.38*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (i=rmyorg@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
14:10.46jsbachmosty, INVITE sip:alice@semiconductor.jsbach SIP/2.0
14:10.59mostyjsbach, i mean the dial command in your dialplan
14:11.14jsbachok, i get it
14:11.40jsbachmosty, exten => alice,1,Dial(SIP/alice,10)
14:11.41brodiemmosty It did work good using dialparties.agi - it would just do an API ExtensionState and depending on the result would decide to send the call or not. I guess its not that big of a deal, its just all of the phones themselves have CW enabled by default rather than disabled, and their dial plans send all feature codes to the PBX directly
14:12.10brodiemI guess I'll just save the headache and do it on the phones..
14:14.11jerliqueI'm having problems with * listening to DTMF from a channel bank, the sip debug from * says "Unauthorised", any hints?
14:14.14*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
14:14.29jsbachmosty, any diagnosis there ?
14:14.59mostyjsbach, looks odd to me. since [TK]D-Fender tells us that x-lite is crappy on windows also, i'd recommend trying another client first
14:15.14creativxwhy is x-lite crappy?
14:15.26creativxam I using it wrong since its working fine? :p
14:15.34jsbachcreativx, cuz i get a 480 to my sip invite..
14:15.42jsbachcreativx, and everything looks fine..
14:15.52brodiemcreativx and why did they pull 729 support from the free one
14:16.18jsbachmosty, [TK]D-Fender , which client is good then?
14:16.53mostycreativx, on linux it's full of memory leaks and race conditions and other fun things. i have no first hand experience with windows but i hear it's crap there too
14:17.10creativxah.. it has been treating us nice in windows land
14:17.24creativxeven works nice with the plantronics usb headsets
14:17.29creativxusing ulaw
14:18.20[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: idefisk
14:18.46[TK]D-Fendercreativx: Oh it IS stable and works flawlessly (IME) but is LIMITED
14:18.48mostyon linux i use twinkle occasionally
14:20.45*** join/#asterisk Mercestes (
14:20.48creativx[TK]D-Fender: that might be a point =)
14:21.09[TK]D-Fendercreativx: no transfer, multi-call capability, no conference, etc.
14:21.21[TK]D-Fendercreativx: idefisk gives you all that, plus IAX2.
14:21.23creativxi see why they work so well for us
14:21.48creativxtransfer is done on-screen, with a live user list pulled from the ami, we don't do conferences =)
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14:27.41jmlsis there any way of specifying a slot to park a call in, or is it always the first available ?
14:28.10kombihow does one move the configs to somewhere else? changing astetcdir in asterisk.conf seems to have no effect
14:31.00*** join/#asterisk oratelecom (
14:31.18oratelecomsomeone can help me please?!?!!?!?
14:31.47oratelecomI have a problem in my server.
14:31.47jmlsyup. The nearest burger king is in the high street, right next to Mcdonalds
14:32.36creativxim glad its inside your server, not outside of it.
14:32.38oratelecomhow can i check if a phone is in use... if the phone suports multicalls
14:32.47oratelecomcreativx... so funny!
14:33.17mostyoratelecom, you could use hints
14:33.27oratelecomspecify that please..
14:33.37mostyoratelecom, look it up on the wiki
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14:35.13oratelecomthanks mosty but i already did..
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14:35.49oratelecomand i still can't find a solution for my problem
14:36.33mostyoratelecom, what is the problem exactly?
14:37.15creativxoratelecom: theres 3 ways multicalls are limited, either in sip.conf with call-limit, the phone has a licence that says it can have X number of active lines, or call waiting on the phone
14:37.18JT< brodiem> creativx and why did they pull 729 support from the free one
14:37.29*** part/#asterisk shtoom (n=shtoom@
14:37.37JT^ well that's one's obvious, G.729 codec licenses cost real money
14:38.08oratelecomcreativx are you familiar with linksys phones?
14:38.25mostyoratelecom, what are you trying to do, that isn't working?
14:38.35creativxoratelecom: non
14:39.37*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
14:40.05oratelecomthe problem is that when i check if the phone is availiable, it returns true, even when someone is using it, because the phone has call waiting suport.
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14:40.31zeeeshinstalling asterisk-1.4.8 ... 1st untar 2nd ./configure and what is 3rd and 4th ?
14:40.37mostyoratelecom, so you want to limit the number of simultaneous calls to that client to 1?
14:40.46*** join/#asterisk twitchnln (
14:40.50mostyzeeesh, no no no, first is read the docs
14:41.03mostyoratelecom, then set call-limit in sip.conf for that sip client
14:41.17oratelecomthanks mosty
14:41.20oratelecomi will try that
14:41.36oratelecomthen i'l feedback u
14:41.55zeeesh<mosty>: train left the station ... i did .. ./configure then make clear .. then make .. then make install ..
14:42.02zeeeshlet c what will happen
14:42.41*** join/#asterisk antimoof (n=dogcow@netbsd/developer/antimoof)
14:43.09zeeeshman its done ... why u were saying nononon
14:43.16zeeeshanyway thnx
14:43.25antimoofany of y'all know if digium has any documentation lurking about that compares wtf the differences are between their various PCI cards?
14:43.37twitchnlni'm attempting to setup automatic acd reports for my * but when i try to break the outbound out of it by src extension, it doesn't count transferred calls as being from an extension but the originating number, how can i break them out by extension?
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14:44.06mostyantimoof, their website has product descriptions
14:44.44antimoofyes, all the descriptions are there - but you have to go and look at each item individually.
14:44.53antimoofI was hoping for more of a matrix view kinda thing.
14:45.17[TK]D-Fenderantimoof: Sorry, no "quick comparison sheet".  You're just going to have to cope with reading a few pages...
14:45.22antimoofyou know. bullet time. cool jackets. trinity. and "this card does E1, this card does echo cancellation, and this does NA BRI".
14:45.27mostyantimoof, i think a matrix would not be very helpful, there would be so many empty spots
14:45.59JTantimoof: just describe your card requirements.
14:46.08antimoofI don't _know_ what my card requirements are yet. :)
14:46.21mostythen what are your functional requirements?
14:46.34[TK]D-Fenderantimoof: My chicken just ate your egg.
14:46.40antimoofbut, for instance, the TE405P and TE410P have exactly the same copy.
14:46.43*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
14:47.08antimoofI know it's all digital telephony, and I know I want echo cancellation, and I want it to work in North America. prolly end up getting the 412 or 420.
14:47.19mostyantimoof, if i were you i'd just go straight to the sangoma website and look there instead
14:47.22syzygyBSDmmmm, chicken
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14:47.50[TK]D-Fenderantimoof: For single PRI I highly recommend the Sangoma A101d.
14:47.58antimoofoh, hell - the digium stuff is just rebadged sangoma?
14:48.19mostyantimoof, no digium cards just are not as good as the sangoma cards
14:48.41mostyantimoof, and from memory the sangoma models that end in "d" have echo cancellatin
14:48.50*** join/#asterisk lirakis (n=etamme@
14:48.58antimoofhuh. 'k. (I'm an utter voip newbie; I'm merely going to be the sysadmin assembling and scripting and soforth. the guy who knows what he's talking about with PRIs and PBXs and all that crap isn't awake yet.)
14:49.32JTantimoof: the TE405P is 5v pci, the TE410P is 3.3v pci
14:50.03JTsangoma cards are universal voltage
14:50.13antimoofbut I was thinking about getting my company (all praise the company!) to get a couple of cards and a server to use as a dedicated conference call box - but I dunno how much of the stream is actually processed on the CPU, how much is just shuffling bits around, etc.
14:50.33antimoof5v only? eek! that's good to know.
14:50.33JTantimoof: depends if you're doing much
14:50.38syzygyBSDantimoof: how high of a load?
14:50.46JTantimoof: transcoding is what pulls real load
14:50.58*** join/#asterisk illc0mm (
14:51.12antimoofwhy would I want/need to transcode? why can't I stick with just one codec?
14:51.35antimoof(the other idea was to eventually dump all our traffic directly into the PBX instead of terminating the VOIP stuff elsewhere. or whatever the proper term is.)
14:51.48illc0mmyou can, as long as all the devices support the same codec
14:52.01illc0mmand you're not conferencing or modifing anything
14:52.40JTillc0mm: why would conferencing really impact?
14:52.43antimoofoh. hmmmm. yeah, I could see how for conferencing you'd have to sum all the channels together. nasty. good test of CPU or DSP or whatever.
14:52.53illc0mmYeah it's shouldn't sorry
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14:52.58mostyJT, well you have to superimpose channels i guess
14:53.04JTmosty: that's it
14:53.06illc0mmI was thinking strictly pass through
14:53.12JTand perhaps a transcode to slin
14:54.03illc0mmfor the most part though, if your devices all support the same codec, no issue
14:54.15antimoofone of the nasty bits about getting bootstrapped with hardware in asterisk is figuring out what hardware does what - e.g. which cards are strictly for talking PRI, which actually do sound calculation offloading, etc.
14:54.53JTonly one does offloading, the TC400B is a G.729/G.723 transcoding card
14:54.57illc0mmhey, anyone got SIP trunks working?
14:55.10illc0mmsorry, anyone here.... I know someone has... hah
14:55.12antimoofhow many of the end-user phones are gonna have g.279/g.273, though?
14:55.13*** join/#asterisk Nivex (
14:55.34JTantimoof: a lot of phones are G.729 capable
14:55.41illc0mmantimoof: cisco / polycom / snom
14:55.44JTdoesn't mean you have to use it
14:55.46illc0mmto name a few
14:56.04mostyantimoof, i recommend you pick phones that support at least g729, gsm and g711
14:56.07Opticg.729 r0x0rs my b0x0rz
14:56.13Opticilbc is good food too
14:56.17JTmosty: hard requirement, close to none support gsm.
14:56.20antimoofwell, I'd think that for conferencing, you'd want all the offloading you can get; if you have, say, 16 people all blathering at once, that's a lot of streams to decode/mux together.
14:56.22illc0mmg.729 is good for low bandwidth
14:56.24Opticbut pretty much only grandstream supports it :)
14:56.47neverblueany VOIP providers in the channel?
14:56.53mostyJT, i primarily work with snoms. playing with some polycoms, though they seem optimised for g711
14:56.55neverbluelooking to try service
14:57.04JTmosty: they have g.729 too
14:57.06Opticillc0mm: haha, "ugh" grandstream? :)  I agree
14:57.11JTmosty: i only run g.711 to my phones
14:57.21Optici gave away my budgetone that I was using as a test handset
14:57.28mostyJT, yes but the polycom g729 doesn't sound so good in my opinion
14:57.31Opticit was the world's most ugly and horrible phone
14:57.32JTantimoof: you don't offload conferences
14:57.44JTantimoof: they are done by host cpu
14:58.04coppicemosty: G.729 never sounds as good as G.711
14:58.06mostyJT, on my smaller installs i use g711, on my larger installs bandwidth becomes an issue
14:58.09JTmosty: just use G.711
14:58.25mostycoppice, obviously. but some g729 implementations sound better than other g729 implementations
14:58.55coppicesome must be badly broken, then :-\
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14:59.09illc0mmOptic: have several grandstream phones
14:59.21illc0mmOptic: not a fan
14:59.26lirakis.. i lovem
14:59.27mostyJT, polycoms support gsm don't they?
14:59.43lirakisi have some cisco/sipurra phones.. they suck
14:59.46Opticno, i bought a budgetone when i was trying * for the first time ever, because it was low risk
14:59.56JTlirakis: hope you're joking
14:59.57JTmosty: no
14:59.59Opticthen we bought a pile of SPA-841's which were also piles of shit :P
15:00.00lirakisbudgetone blows..
15:00.03JTmosty: almost bothing does
15:00.04lirakisbut .. the gxp-2000
15:00.06lirakisis good
15:00.08illc0mmlirakis: dont get me wrong, for the price the grandstreams can't be beat. but there are a bit of a hit and miss
15:00.17*** join/#asterisk el_critter (n=chatzill@
15:00.18JTlirakis: no, the GXP-2000 is utter unadulterated rubbish
15:00.22jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
15:00.24illc0mmlirakis: yeah the gxp-2000 is better
15:00.29mostyoptics: yeah the 8XX's are terrible. i hear the 9XX's are much better, but i still don't like them much
15:00.37Opticwe've ben using Polycom IP430's lately, which I'm *very* happy with
15:00.46Opticnice screen, great sound, good build quality
15:00.47illc0mmOptic: Yeah? Been looking at those
15:00.49Opticand PoE!
15:00.54illc0mmOptic: how's the speaker phone?
15:00.58el_critterdo you know good wireless phones?
15:01.00coppiceanyone seen a grandstream 2020? they look a lot better in the pictures
15:01.06Opticusable, no speakerphone is great
15:01.09lirakisJT: i used to work at a large voip hardware providor.. ive used virtually all the big name phones.. the gxp-2000 is the simplest quickest and highest value for the entry/hobbyists dollar
15:01.22Opticwe have 5 of the IP430's now
15:01.22JTlirakis: rubbish
15:01.24[TK]D-FenderIP430 = virtually pointless.  IP 320 = budget killer phone.
15:01.25mostymy major gripe with polycoms at the moment is the web interface is horrible
15:01.25Opticthe users all really like them
15:01.26JTlirakis: Polycom IP320
15:01.33Opticooh, I haven't used a 320
15:01.33JTunbeatable price/performance
15:01.43illc0mmlirakis: Yeah, hobbiest, you got that right
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15:01.50Opticpolycom provisioning is easy too
15:01.53Opticone software for all models
15:01.54lirakisJT: [Tk]D-fender and i have had this discussion before.. i wont run it into the ground again
15:01.56illc0mmlirakis: that being said, I have a Cisco 7960 at home
15:01.56Opticone config file for all models
15:01.58JTi wouldn't wish a grandstream upon any hobbyist
15:02.06Opticjust needs DHCP and an FTP server
15:02.26[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: And no.. the GXP really isn't.. ip 320 is a FEW dollors more for a HUGELY better phone.
15:02.26illc0mmJT: it makes the hobbiest learn, thats why I like it
15:02.26JTlirakis: you could work for the biggest company in the world, it doesn't preclude you from being wrong
15:02.34JTillc0mm: haha learn about what can go wrong? :)
15:02.48lirakis[TK]D-Fender: im putting ip320's into the next call center i am setting up...
15:02.50illc0mmlirakis: yeah, enron was a big company, I wouldn't hire their accountants. :)
15:02.52[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Oh yea... you were working on that non-existant list of the features the GXP hasn't over Polycom! ;)
15:02.54Opticwe have 301's, 501's, 500's, 300's, a 4000, and some 430's
15:03.01Opticand I've never had any problems with configuration :)
15:03.03lirakis[TK]D-Fender: .. far to busy  lol
15:03.06mostyOptic, snom provisioning is good also
15:03.13[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: I'm not blue yet!
15:03.16Optici've never used a snom phone
15:03.17lirakis[TK]D-Fender: ha ha
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15:03.27mostythe snom web interface is very good
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15:03.37Opticah, i've never used the polycom web interface :)
15:03.37cullenincreasewhere can i read about the difference between 1.2 and 1.4 i can't find anything online
15:03.39mostythe downside of snom phones is the headsets are useless
15:03.40lirakisOptic: yeah .. the older snoms are kinda .. ehh
15:03.45lirakisOptic: your lucky
15:03.53Optici don't see the point
15:03.55Opticjust use the config files
15:03.59[TK]D-FenderIP320 kills pretty much every non-manager/receptionist phone out there.
15:04.12mostycullenincrease, 1.4 has newer features but is buggier at the moment. what are you interested in specifically?
15:04.13lirakis(to optic)
15:04.22cullenincreasewhich one is best for me
15:04.26RienzillaI have a snom 360
15:04.27cullenincreasei'm using it for a 5 agent call center
15:04.31Rienzillajust playing around with it
15:04.44lirakiscullenincrease: i use 1.2 .. i had stability issues with 1.4
15:04.44SwKanyone from teliax hang out in here?
15:04.51cullenincreaseok cool deal
15:04.55Opticwell, next time I order some phones I will get some IP320s :)
15:05.03cullenincrease1.2 it is!
15:05.04mostyOptic, well one thing i like to do is provision the base settings, and let people customise the other settings on their phone (eg ring tones)
15:05.13lirakisOptic: they are cheap .. high qual phones.
15:05.15[TK]D-FenderOptic: $87.5<-----------0
15:05.20Opticdo they come in a 5-pack?
15:05.28lirakis.. maybe i love gxp's so much because its what i started with... ahh.. nostaligia
15:05.39lirakisor maybe.. b/c ive never had a problem with them
15:05.39Optic$87 *and* PoE?
15:05.40lirakisha ha
15:06.11JTlirakis: the audio on grandstreams is awful
15:06.13lirakisOptic: fyi .. gxp-2000 have that too ;) lol
15:06.25lirakisJT: speaker phone is terrible
15:06.30JTand handset
15:06.37lirakisJT: never had that issue
15:06.48Nivexsweet, I rejoined to glean equipment advice and the topic is immediately there :)
15:07.01lirakisJT: id like to try the BT-200 and the gxp-2020 .. supposed to be higher aoustic quality
15:07.16JTlirakis: it's easy to think a phone sounds good when you haven't heard a better phone
15:07.17lirakisJT: but im not in the market for more personal phones now
15:07.28lirakisJT: .. i used to work at a voip supply store
15:07.30JTlirakis: i'd like to throw all grandstreams in an incinerator ;)
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15:07.37lirakisJT: ive used.. a lot of phones..
15:07.39JTlirakis: i really don't care what you worked for
15:07.45MrTelephoneany idea why 1 out of 8 channels on the adit 600 won't detect dtmf?
15:07.46JTyou must've sold a lot of shite
15:07.59lirakisJT: .. you assumed i hadnt used any thing else.. you assumed wrong
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15:08.14JTlirakis: no, i assumed you'd used nothing *better*
15:08.20lirakisJT: and we sold.. and i used daily a polycom ..
15:08.46JTmaybe your hearing range isn't all that great :)
15:09.04lirakis(shrug) .. i doubt it
15:09.25lirakis.. okay.. enough banter.. i do have other work to tend to..
15:09.28JTalso grandstreams are ugly as all hell
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15:09.40Opticmmm polycoms
15:09.41ZeeRoCOOOLgood afternoon
15:09.45Opticok, i need to work again too :)
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15:11.24Nivexso basically I'm hearing that the Polycom IP 320 are the in thing for a small deployment?
15:11.38ZeeRoCOOOLI have a problem can any one help me please
15:11.46JTNivex: or 330 if you need an additional ethernet port
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15:12.31[TK]D-FenderNivex: Though for the price difference you should jsut pay someone to do another ethernet drop.
15:12.41NivexI was just about to say, ethernet ports are cheap :)
15:12.50JTethernet drops are not THAT cheap ;)
15:13.47MrTelephonedo channel banks transfer dtmf usinb RBS bits?
15:14.01Nivexhmm... PoE only.  Will have to figure that into the budget.
15:14.20[TK]D-FenderJT : 25$ for the equipment cost....
15:14.55brodiemCould someone _please_ have a look at - I'm having a problem with some remote users at a particular location keeping SIP registrations alive. If you look at this exchange (fromm asterisk doing its sip_poke's) you can see something really weird is happening. To asterisk, it isn't getting these replies.
15:15.02*** join/#asterisk `paul (n=aldee@
15:15.17[TK]D-FenderNivex: If you have no PoE and no secondary drop, THEN the ip 430 looks like a choice.  Then again, so does the IP 501 for a few bucks more.
15:15.40pigpenWhen using the n-priority, am I correct that using GoTo's, such as jumping to priority 25 (which is labeled with a n-priority) will still work correctly right?
15:16.22pigpenie: even though I use goto's, I don't need to keep up the old numbering priority.
15:16.35Nivex[TK]D-Fender: good to know.  thanks
15:16.45[TK]D-Fenderpigpen: you lose the point of BEING "n".  Use labels for your gotos if you insist on using "n"
15:16.46blitzragepigpen: don't do that -- use labels
15:17.00blitzrageexten => 100,n(my_label),NoOp()
15:17.01Nivexthe linksys/sipura phones _look_ pretty sweet, but it sounds like they are still crap
15:17.03`paulcan you change entries in extension.conf based on the time of the day? (ie redirect to someone on morning and another one on evenings)
15:17.08blitzrageexten => 100,n,Goto(my_label)
15:17.24blitzrage`paul: yes... use GotoIfTime()
15:17.36[TK]D-Fender`paul: Change entries?  Sort-of (time based includes), or use "show application gotoiftime"
15:18.26pigpenk. got it.
15:18.54blitzragethe point of priority 'n' and labels is so that you don't use numbered priorities anymore
15:19.00[TK]D-FenderNivex: Costs a fair bit more, but your get a better phone for it....
15:19.21JT[TK]D-Fender: in many commercial environments, the cabling cost is a lot higher than just the equipment cost
15:19.28blitzragetechnically you can use the priority number, but why? when you add a line, now you have to change all references to that line
15:19.41coppiceNivex: close up the sipura phones look like junk
15:19.46antimoofmy next inane question: if I don't actually use digium hardware, do I still need the zaptel kernel module?
15:20.17[TK]D-FenderJT : how much more is the question, plus consideration for the long term added valu of having it, and the simplification of wiring, reduced points of failure, etc.
15:20.27`paulhow do i do time based includes?
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15:20.37[TK]D-Fenderantimoof: You do if you want MeetMe conferencing, or IAX2 trunking
15:20.46[TK]D-Fender`paul: Time to hit the BOOK
15:20.49jbotbook is, like, a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
15:20.53antimoofwhy only for those two? the timer bits?
15:21.01[TK]D-Fenderantimoof: yup
15:21.01illc0mmDamn, cant get these SIP trunks to work inbound....
15:21.19antimoofit seems kinda odd that you have to resort to a kernel module to get a software timer - but perhaps that's just me.
15:21.50JT[TK]D-Fender: certified outlets by independent cabling contractors cost around USD$100 here iirc
15:21.55mostyantimoof, userspace software timers probably aren't accurate enough
15:22.10blueneonhi.. on an older version of asterisk whenever i was talking to someone i could press R on the handset and that would allow me to make another call while having the caller on hold, the caller would hear my onhold music while on hold... now that i'm using 1.4.4 when i press R the caller hears absolutly nothing.. any ideas?
15:22.59[TK]D-FenderJT : Damn.... you guys suck :)  My prices were like $65 around here....
15:23.54Nivexwell dang, I just found a 4 PoE port switch for $65.  That's not much more than the two PoE adapters :)
15:24.10JTpoe adapters are a rip off
15:25.09illc0mmNivex: where did you find that POE switch at?
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15:27.16Nivexillc0mm: ^^^
15:27.27*** part/#asterisk jarod14 (
15:30.40illc0mmNivex: thx
15:32.37blueneonanyone able to help me out at all?
15:32.54jbotextra, extra, read all about it, logs is apt/ibot/infobot/jbot/purl all log daily to<channelname>/ where channelname is html encoded ie: %23debian | lines that start with a space are not shown | some channels have stats at<channelname>.html.gz
15:32.55Qwell[]JT: ^^
15:33.47JTasterisknerds, QUIT
15:33.57[TK]D-Fenderblueneon: "R" is not a button that I know of by another name, and you have not mentioned all of the relevant related hardware.
15:34.21sopo2k4how to read a variable using SayDigits
15:35.05JTasterisknerds: stop
15:35.55[TK]D-Fendersopo2k4: You don't.  SayDigits TALKS.
15:36.02[TK]D-Fendersopo2k4: "show application read"
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15:36.50yacoobHi there.
15:37.01*** join/#asterisk renier (n=renier@
15:37.16yacoobcan anyone take a look at (not mine) and tell whether it's feasible? :)
15:37.21yacoob(idea is nice)
15:38.37Strom_Mum, how about the simple solution:
15:38.53Strom_Ma softphone on the PC that blinks annoyingly when a call comes in
15:39.40sopo2k4fender i know that
15:39.48sopo2k4i meant, talk the digits back down the line
15:39.50yacoobthat's one solution, but the best would be if you only get a poke on the screen, while the stand alone phone handles the call
15:39.57sopo2k4i want it to say the digits, stored inside the variable called digits
15:40.04[TK]D-Fendersopo2k4: Well thats what it does.
15:40.12Strom_Msopo2k4: SayDigits(${digits})
15:40.17sopo2k4cheers strom
15:40.20sopo2k4thats what i was looking for
15:40.33[TK]D-Fendersopo2k4: Go read the chapter on using VARIABLES now :)
15:40.49[TK]D-Fenderyacoob: Doable, but will require programming.
15:40.52Strom_Msopo2k4: at the CLI, type "core show application SayDigits"
15:41.30sopo2k4ok let me see :P
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15:41.42yacoob[TK]D-Fender, that's not a problem, I think. Where would the "logic" sit, at the asterisk server as some extension, or outside of it, polling the state or getting notifications?
15:43.49yacoob hm :>
15:44.00neverblue2any VOIP providers in the channel today? looking to try someones service
15:44.01blueneonif i use Dial(ZAP/1,180,m) there is on-hold music until 1 is answered, but if i put the caller on hold via the handset using the (R) button the caller hears silence instead of onhold music, what am i doing wrong?
15:44.34[TK]D-Fenderyacoob: You'd setup a small Java applet that listens to AMI for dial-outs to your phone.  It would then mess with your mixer and do a pop-up.
15:45.41jsbachif i send an invite with From: "bob" <> , asterisk changes to "bob" <> as it relays to callee.. how can i tell asterisk not to touch a "From" header field?
15:45.42Strom_Mblueneon: is it an analog phone?
15:45.44[TK]D-Fenderblueneon: You have STILL not told us what ahrdware you are using.
15:46.54yacoob[TK]D-Fender, right. Thanks. As for now I don't have even a test environment, but it looks promising :)
15:47.07blueneonyes its an analog phone. but this used to work fine with the older asterisk
15:47.23Strom_Mblueneon: what does the CLI say when you put the call on hold?
15:47.27blueneonim using a digium tdm / zap
15:48.05MrTelephoneone way static on a channel bank, could it be a punch down?
15:48.13blueneonthe cli just shows an (R) and i get dial tone (and can dial out).. the caller is put on hold, but hears silence until i press (R) again
15:48.26Strom_Mblueneon: no...
15:48.29Strom_Mblueneon: the asterisk CLI
15:48.34blueneonoh my bad
15:48.34Strom_Mnot the display on the phone
15:48.49Strom_Mso R probably stands for "recall"
15:49.52[TK]D-Fenderblueneon: Go prove that your MoH is even setup right in this upgrade of yours
15:50.13Strom_M[TK]D-Fender: stuff a sock in it
15:50.49blueneon[TK]D-Fender: it does work, like i said if i use Dial(ZAP/1,180,m) music is heard etc
15:51.00tzanger[TK]D-Fender: you're getting a lot of flack lately...  did you sleep with these guys wives or something?
15:51.06blueneonStrom_M: im just trying to get pastebin working
15:51.08blueneon:/ sec
15:51.16yacoob[TK]D-Fender, just a question to be sure: how much "invasive" such method is, as is how much rights do I need to achieve this (on the Asterisk)? This ADM thingy ( requires... full access?
15:51.20DrukenLPYanyone have experince with asterisk now?
15:51.32Qwell[]I had some experience with asterisk earlier today
15:51.38yacoob(yeah, I know, RTFM :)
15:51.47DrukenLPYasterisknow smart ass
15:51.57[TK]D-Fenderyacoob: Non-invasive.  Setup an AMI proxy and let this account have listen-only priviledges
15:52.00Strom_Mblueneon: pastebin your musiconhold.conf
15:52.10blueneonwhen i press the recall button on the handset i get a dialtone, the caller is put on silence hold and i get that in the CLI
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15:52.36yacoob[TK]D-Fender, uhu. Well, we'll see about that :) Thanks!
15:52.47ManxPowerblueneon: you get what on the CLI?
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15:52.52Strom_Mtzanger: I think we're all getting tired of [TK]D-Fender's childish, irascible nonsense
15:53.05blueneonthats my musiconhold.conf
15:53.17tzangerStrom_M: actually I rather like [TK]D-Fender's banter.
15:53.25Strom_Mtzanger: it gets old quickly
15:53.28[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: More sock, sir? :)
15:53.36ManxPowerblueneon: I assume you are using analog phone connected into a digium analog card?
15:53.37blueneonManxPower: i get this on the asterisk console
15:53.41*** join/#asterisk Voicemeup (
15:53.53blueneonManxPower: correct
15:53.54tzangerI imagine after months and months of helping out here he gets tired of the same core communication issues people have with explaining their problems
15:54.03tzangerI know I do... one tends to get... impatient
15:54.12ManxPowerblueneon: you need your music on hold class BEFORE the channel line in /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
15:54.33MercestesI think he models his online personality after the people described in "how to ask a smart question."
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15:54.35ManxPowertzanger: I call it "support burnout"
15:54.39MercestesI know I do
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15:54.42[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Beware, I may be approaching your level of BOFH-ness!
15:54.49blueneoni have musiconhold=default for each channel listed in zapata
15:54.54ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I am so proud!
15:54.57tzangerManxPower: I call it crotchety old man...  I'm in training for when I retire
15:55.00Mercestes[TK]D-Fender, In your dreams.  no one out BOFH's Manx.
15:55.02[TK]D-FenderManxPower: as I knew you would be!
15:55.05eniorehhas somebody successfully used the manager to hangup some calls ?
15:55.05tzangeralready have my lawn chair and my shaking onion
15:55.08tzangerdang kids
15:55.24[TK]D-Fenderenioreh: Yup
15:55.36eniorehI get a reponse message telling me that the action was successfull but the call is not hung up :/
15:55.37ManxPowerblueneon: pastebin your zapata.conf
15:55.40tzangermy finger-waggling course hasn't been approved yet
15:55.59Mercestestzanger,   =/
15:56.07ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: When users behave I'm not much of a BOFH.
15:56.08renierhey. looking for a pointer to avoid having 3 second empty voicemail when there is a missed call. Is there a way to filter this automagically?
15:56.12enioreh[TK]D-Fender: is there anything to do after sending the Hangup action ?
15:56.20Mercestestzanger, Didn't Hugh Heffner make a video training series for that?
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15:56.25ManxPowerWhen they don't behave, I have found that it is best to cause them pain until they do behave.
15:56.35tzangerMercestes: that's a different kind of waggling
15:56.43Mercestesthere's another kind?
15:56.48ManxPowerrenier: yes, see the min voicemail length in voicemail.conf
15:56.53[TK]D-Fenderenioreh: I never used that method directly.  I always issue CLI through AMI to do "soft hangup [channel]"
15:56.58tzangerrenier: there are options in voicemail.conf for that... minmsglen and such
15:56.59renierManxPower: ah, thnx
15:57.33enioreh[TK]D-Fender: ok, i ll check that
15:58.26eniorehdamn, it works well in the asterisk cli
15:59.04[TK]D-Fenderenioreh: use the COMMAND AMI call.
15:59.18[TK]D-Fenderenioreh: you can do a LOT with that + text parsing
15:59.28enioreh[TK]D-Fender: right, thanks for the tip :)
15:59.43Voicemeupcan asterisk  listen or bind on 2 ports ?
16:00.09illc0mmDamn, I'm going crazy with this SIP Trunking issue
16:00.15blueneonManxPower: see anything wrong in my zapata?
16:00.15[TK]D-FenderVoicemeup: it can bind to a single, or all, but not multiple individual
16:00.21ManxPowerblueneon: It looks right to me.
16:00.34blueneoni wonder why its not working :(
16:00.42ManxPowerillc0mm: There is no such thing as a "sip trunk" in Asterisk.  That might be why you are having problems.
16:00.45Voicemeuplike some providers (cable) are blocking 5060 now to block competition and was wondering the easiest way to proxy this
16:00.47Voicemeupas 15060
16:01.02Voicemeuprinetd is tcp .. so id need a udp proxy right ?
16:01.11illc0mmManxPower: right, it's not technically a SIP trunk, but that's what calls it
16:01.14Voicemeupor amke it listen on 2 ports
16:01.17ManxPowerAnd calling it a sip trunk makes think you rode the short bus to VoIP School
16:01.28illc0mmyeah, well, I probably did
16:01.39illc0mmhow about SIP "trunk"
16:01.44ManxPowerillc0mm: I don't care.  Use the terms we use or you will have problems getting people to understand you and help you.
16:02.01illc0mmwow, such hostility. simple mistake
16:02.01Voicemeupsip gateway
16:02.08Voicemeupsip peer
16:02.10Voicemeupsip user
16:02.12ManxPowerillc0mm: How about "sip connection" or "sip account" or
16:02.16illc0mmthere you go
16:02.27ManxPowerillc0mm: FreePBX and their ilk call it "sip trunk"
16:02.32illc0mmokay okay
16:02.35illc0mmenough of that
16:02.54Voicemeupyeah .. lol and hteyr default ocnfig makes the inbound part use from -pstn instead of from-trunk
16:02.56illc0mmseriously, I'm just calling it what the provider called it, mostly looking for someone using the same provider
16:03.03coppicedefine a trunk. its a pretty vague term
16:03.27Voicemeuphe main structural member of a tree.
16:03.29ManxPowercoppice: It is the main piece of a tree
16:03.34Voicemeupa chute or conduit, or a watertight shaft connecting two or more decks.
16:03.42illc0mmmy VOITree is not working
16:03.46Voicemeupbut.. in telecommunications, has a number of closely related meanings.
16:03.50ManxPowerIt is also a type of connection to the telco using analog or T-1 technology (circuit switched)
16:04.00coppiceManxPower: I thought it was an elephant's nose
16:04.14illc0mmI'm glad we can get a course on semantics here, it's very helpful. Please continue. :)
16:04.19ManxPowercoppice: shows what you know.  *tease*
16:04.27Voicemeupok well in 1912 the term trunk...
16:04.32coppiceoh, gosh, wikipedia has a definition. we have an authoritative answer :-)
16:04.40illc0mmcoppice:  haha, I'll fix that
16:04.50Voicemeupauthored by 1000 noobs on a moonless night
16:04.51*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
16:05.02illc0mmokay, so here is the situation, provides a service called "sip trunk" which is just a bunch of sip accounts
16:05.21ManxPowerillc0mm: it may seem silly, but is like going to a mechanic and saying "the catalytic converter is not working" when you really mean "My muffler has a hole in it"
16:05.38ManxPowerthe mechanic will waste time and money trying to fix the wrong problem.
16:05.55ManxPowerand since we do this support for FREE, one of the rudest things you can do is waste our time.
16:06.02illc0mmManxPower: I get it, I don't need 30 lines saying the same thing. I'm not being ungrateful but I understand.
16:06.25illc0mmManxPower: I'm over that part, understood, 10-4, roger, over.
16:07.05coppiceManxPower: if you don't want to waste your time, WTF are you doing here? :-)
16:07.13drakoHow I can see active calls and hang one?
16:07.22Strom_Mdrako: "show channels"
16:07.29Strom_Mand "soft hangup [channelname]"
16:09.04illc0mmSimple mistake, it doesn't help to have 30 people jump in and repeat it, seriously. I give out free support too for other projects, and I don't have that attitude. If you don't want to help, fine, but I don't need the ubiquitous open source lecture of how you're donating your time and how we must follow the proper protocol, lest I get bashed and called a noob. I understand everyone's time is valuable, and I think all of our times would
16:09.34Strom_Millc0mm: this seems to be "irascible bitch morning" here in #asterisk
16:09.40Strom_Mi wouldn't take it too hard
16:10.00Strom_Mit's usually not quite this bad
16:10.10*** join/#asterisk NirS_ (
16:10.27*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
16:10.37illc0mmStrom_M: I'm not, but I see this stuff all the time and there is no need for it. I'm just as invested in this stuff as everyone else, a community supported product is only as good as the community that supports it. If we don't have that, we're no better than the "other" guys.
16:10.41enioreh[TK]D-Fender: Thank for you tip , it worked perfectly :)
16:10.51[TK]D-Fenderenioreh: You're welcome
16:12.24ManxPowercoppice: Don't interrupt my diatribe with logic!
16:14.16twitchnlnor can i?
16:14.44ManxPowerI dunno.  I don't bill for calls 8-)
16:16.05*** join/#asterisk Jiboneus (n=Jibone@
16:17.11Strom_Mtwitchnln: try looking into the ACCOUNTCODE variable
16:17.11illc0mmtwitchnln: you using CDR?
16:17.18*** join/#asterisk j-goddess (
16:18.28*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
16:19.11killfillis it my connection?
16:19.15killfillcannot get 1.4.9
16:19.17killfillOpening fileinfo database failed
16:19.24killfillsame with the vul pdf's...
16:20.43killfillits the http
16:20.55killfillhtp:// has an issue
16:21.26neverblue2any VOIP providers in the channel today? looking to try someones service
16:21.26Qwell[]bbryant: ^^?
16:22.02[TK]D-Fenderkillfill: user the secondary...
16:22.22[TK]D-Fenderneverblue2 : Just contact one directly.
16:22.44neverblue2[TK]D-Fender, do you have an issue with me asking in the channel?
16:22.49[TK]D-Fenderkillfill: has a few mirros up
16:22.53Qwell[]ftp1 appears to be having dns problems also...
16:23.08killfillftp2 too :P
16:23.13Voicemeupnice list
16:23.15[TK]D-Fenderneverblue2: You've asked repeatedly with no apparent answer and you could get one if you just tried the direct approach.
16:23.37neverblue2[TK]D-Fender, you didnt answer my question :)
16:24.04[TK]D-Fenderneverblue2: Ask a the same question a few MORE times and ask me that again ;)
16:24.12Strom_Mneverblue: [TK]D-Fender is 25% helpful and 75% irascible bitch.  What do you think?
16:24.19[TK]D-Fenderneverblue2: Right now I'm just guiding the lost :)
16:24.45neverblue2like 90/10
16:24.46MrTelephonebeing a phone provider is stressful
16:24.53neverblue2i mean 10/90 :/
16:24.55[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: You seem rather irked today give the massive volume of help I disperse here.....
16:25.11Voicemeupsorry for pm
16:25.36neverblue2hey Voicemeup :)
16:25.36*** join/#asterisk funkmaster (
16:25.44Strom_M[TK]D-Fender: that still doesn't give you a good reason to behave like a six year old half the time :)
16:25.44bbryantkillfill, should be fixed, sorry
16:25.44*** join/#asterisk KpoH (
16:25.59Voicemeuphey , got your refund ok ?
16:26.58neverblue2Voicemeup, i havent got an email about it
16:27.12funkmasterhi there ppl :)
16:27.20neverblue2Voicemeup, i could check with my man. and see if the CC has the refund :)
16:27.29Voicemeupyeah should be on its way
16:27.38funkmasteri got a problem with the config of one of my sip providers, when ppl call me they can hear me but i can not hear them
16:28.00Voicemeupbilling dept taking are of it.. oh .. and you got a bye problem, if you don't fix htat first youll never get what oyur looking for
16:28.02funkmasteri was wondering if someone could take a look at my sip.conf and extensions.conf and help me out alittle please?
16:28.26funkmasterthe provider i have this problem with is
16:28.30[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: I'm quite far from that level thank-you, but I do know some who definately apply.
16:28.36funkmaster there is my sip and extensions.conf
16:29.02twitchnlnfunkmaster: is it just one provider or multiple? because if it's multiple providers, then it sounds like a fw issue
16:29.08funkmasterjust the one
16:29.13Rienzillais app_conference supposed to work? :)
16:29.17*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
16:29.28neverblue2we are working fine with our current providers, so for me looking for others, I will try :)
16:30.22*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
16:31.50MrTelephonesomeone needs a provider?
16:32.08funkmastera free one?
16:32.23lirakisso .. i missed the flame/conversation... what do people say is the real name for a "sip trunk"
16:32.27MrTelephonehow do you go about getting local area codes tho
16:32.47funkmasterfor which country?
16:33.05funkmasteru have already a provider?
16:33.15*** join/#asterisk Modcuts (
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16:33.18MrTelephonei need to learn more about what it takes to be a provider
16:33.28neverblue2MrTelephone, i was looking for a provider
16:33.30funkmasterusually u can choose on their site, if they don't offer it, it means they just give u a voip number...
16:33.44MrTelephoneevery call you would make from my system would cost 4 cents a minute
16:33.50funkmasterMrTelephone: being a provider is not difficult
16:33.51ModcutsDoes anybody know if there is any wifi phones that actually work well on the market?
16:33.52j-goddessyea but doesn't telus monopolize everything in canada =P
16:33.56j-goddessbesides voip providers
16:34.03MrTelephonehow are companies getting dids in different areas?
16:34.07Voicemeuptelus sucks
16:34.13Voicemeuprogers too
16:34.19funkmasterMrTelephone: depends on the country
16:34.21j-goddessthat is the resp orgs
16:34.23VoicemeupBTW rogers is closing the wholesale market
16:34.26MrTelephoneim working in a town and i have 60% of the people moved over to our system
16:34.32Voicemeupgot a meeting tomorow regarding this..
16:34.32funkmasternot all countries offer or allow reginal dids
16:34.33j-goddessthey are the ones in charge of distributing numbers to companies
16:34.42Voicemeupthey gonna only do retail now
16:34.56Voicemeupother big ones to follow .. GT etc
16:34.58MrTelephoneyou need to be a true competitor to get the services cheap enough
16:35.14funkmasteru just wanna serve canadian numbers?
16:35.17MrTelephonebell monopolizes in ontario
16:35.46j-goddessso you would get the numbers from whomever you get your PRI from
16:35.46MrTelephoneif I could get a 1000 customers i'd be driving a porsche to work
16:35.50VoicemeupBELL MCE got sold for 56 billion
16:35.58funkmasteris anyone using
16:35.59j-goddessyou going to pick me up on the way there?
16:36.01Voicemeupand they want a profit in 5 years. so im sure they will cut down on all
16:36.03MrTelephonewhy not
16:36.11Voicemeupand outsource even more of the sales/support to 3rd coutnried
16:36.19lirakissip outbound channel?
16:36.22MrTelephonemy pri provider will give me out of area dids?
16:36.33j-goddessdepends on what they have the permission to do
16:36.35MrTelephoneno way then i could just ask for a number in every town so i don't have to pay long distance
16:36.36Voicemeuptelephone service is getting into a big fight game.. with big pockets trying to rule the world
16:36.36tzangerMrTelephone: sure, if you're willing ot pay IX charges
16:36.52*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-work (n=tilghman@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Corydon76-home)
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16:37.06MrTelephonehow are companies selling LD for 1 cent a minute? thats friggin crazy
16:37.11j-goddesshi Corydon76-work :)
16:37.17j-goddessyeah it is
16:37.30j-goddessI laugh at all the cable companies that sell phone server for 40 or 50 bucks
16:37.41MrTelephoneim selling dialtone for 25 bucks/month
16:37.46*** join/#asterisk asterisknerds (n=asterisk@
16:37.47coppiceVoicemeup: the world is very pro-robber-baron right now. what do you expect?
16:37.56Voicemeupflowers and peace
16:37.56j-goddessbecause you know at their office it is asterisk and I want to barf just thinking about paying that much
16:38.02j-goddesshey candy
16:38.06sweeperMrTelephone: eh, clec I used to work for got LD at .1 cents a minute
16:38.07j-goddesscome on chocolate
16:38.12Voicemeupheck this is why we concentrate on B2B solutions and not mainstream retail
16:38.12MrTelephonewell i looked into getting a carrier class switch and the cheapest one was 100K
16:38.20Voicemeuplook as sunrocket and
16:38.24Voicemeupboth went belly up in last week
16:38.36MrTelephoneso I'll become a clec but then you need a facility to get true cost cuts
16:38.50MrTelephonewhats b2b?
16:38.56VoicemeupBiz 2 Biz
16:39.01sweeperor find a clec that will sell to you for .5 cents :D
16:39.03VoicemeupB2C = biz 2 consumer
16:39.12coppiceI think there's a carrier class carrier in the harbour outside. maybe the US navy could offer you a deal on that :-)
16:39.28sweepercoppice: is is OVER NINE THOUSAND?!?!?!?
16:39.50MrTelephonecarrier class softswitch that supports packetcable technology
16:40.08MrTelephonethe best way to do voip for us is cable modems because they do QOS and are never Natted
16:41.04coppicecable modems are shared media devices, and can never guarantee their QoS
16:41.48MrTelephonedocsis 1.1
16:41.56MrTelephoneUnsolicted grant service flows
16:41.57*** join/#asterisk ryant (n=ryant@
16:42.04ryanthello all
16:42.25ryantI've got a question about using asterisk to bridge modem traffic
16:42.38*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/active/cpm)
16:42.42MrTelephonewhen you pick up the phone the modem sends a qos request to the ubr and opens up a seperate service flow for that traffic, its awesome
16:42.45ryantANY way to bridge two analog lines/modems with asterisk over a data network
16:42.46KpoHdoes ChanIsAvail(SIP/peer@host) whould work? I meant with remoute host
16:43.09sweeperNO INTERNET FOR A WEEK~
16:43.31MrTelephoneif u hate rogers you can take a node down by generating a 40db 0-42mhz garbage signal on your coax
16:43.45MrTelephonebut don't do it for more than 30 minutes at a time :-/
16:44.00sweeperI think 110v AC would be more effective
16:44.08sweeperAND I have adaptors for AC -> coax
16:44.21MrTelephonetaps don't allow ingress voltage
16:44.33MrTelephoneor they shouldn't
16:44.41sweeperprobably true!
16:44.51ryantcan anyone help me?
16:44.51coppiceof course they do. you need to try harder
16:45.04MrTelephonetrunk amps amplify reverse modem traffic until it reaches the head end
16:45.06sweeperwell, I DO have that flyback transformer lying around...
16:45.27*** part/#asterisk Modcuts (
16:46.58coppicethat's the spirit. car ignitions work well too
16:47.04renierok, another voicemail question. is it possible to have a voicemail greeting depending on the time of day?
16:47.05KpoHpeople, how about ChanIsAvail(SIP/peer@host)? will it work with remote host?
16:50.49*** join/#asterisk rhombus (i=user13@
16:51.10rhombusIs anyone else having trouble downloading from the Digium FTP?
16:51.41rhombussorry, it's up again -- finally
16:52.59*** join/#asterisk vgster (
16:53.47Rienzillaany ideas why I cannot get app_conference to work? I compiled the module, and added a conference to my dialplan. I can join the conference fine, but conference memebers cannot hear each other...
17:01.35Corydon76-workYou might want to try app_meetme
17:01.35mvanbaakanything in the logs ?
17:01.35mvanbaakapp_meetme needs zaptel timer. That's not available in all setups
17:01.35MrTelephonemvanbaak, i took a look at that authlibmysql and i'll need to improve my c skills before i tackle that
17:01.35Corydon76-workIt's actually not the timer, but the mixer.  But anyway
17:01.36RienzillaI need a hardware timer or some kernel module in order to use meetme
17:01.36Rienzillalogs say a couple of suspicious things
17:01.36Rienzillado we have a pastebin here?
17:01.43jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
17:01.43mvanbaakMrTelephone: :)
17:01.43Corydon76-workand if the bot would answer...
17:01.44RienzillaI'm concerned about the translator path warnings, and maybe the 'unanticipated delivery time' is something wrong
17:01.44Rienzillaneed any more info?
17:01.44Rienzilla(i.e. sip.conf or extensions.conf?)
17:02.25*** part/#asterisk Voicemeup (
17:02.42ccesario_somebody have idea about howto fix this error ?
17:02.53mvanbaakno idea Rienzilla
17:03.01Rienzillahmm ok :(
17:03.12pj_no idea either
17:03.50*** join/#asterisk zpertee (
17:04.11zperteehas anyone tried any of the digium clone cards?
17:04.59jbotrumour has it, cheap is a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
17:05.30*** part/#asterisk Strom_M (
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17:06.40jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
17:06.53*** join/#asterisk brettnem (n=brettnem@
17:06.57brettnemhey all
17:07.19jbotcisco makes the routers that move the pr0n across the internet at a very high rate of exchange. a company full of patent protected punks!
17:07.46jbotsomebody said asterisk was the best free PBX in the world
17:07.47brettnemhey anyone using AMD in asterisk 1.4?
17:08.52*** part/#asterisk yacoob (
17:09.10brettnemanyone... anyone.. ??
17:10.06jbotwell, ibm is International Business Machines - a very spiffy company - who happens to make AIX, OS/400, OS/2, and other cool operating systems, not to mention some of the most superior hardware on the market..  I Blame Microsoft.  I Buy Macintosh
17:10.22rhombusis anybody from Digium here?
17:11.06jbotmercestes is definitely a total nub
17:11.07Qwell[]rhombus: several
17:11.07rhombusI can't pull packages from the digium ftp server with wget
17:11.07rhombusI get 404s, even though the URLs work in other http clients
17:11.07Qwell[]tried in the last 20 minutes?
17:11.07MercestesDid I misspell my own name???
17:11.07rhombusI am bringing this up because it started shortly after the server failure
17:11.07rhombusI did it just 90 seconds ago
17:11.10Mercestesor did jbot finally add me to his ignore list?
17:11.13Mercestesoh!  There he goes...
17:11.24MercestesHe was having performance anxiety
17:11.30ryantisn't anyone using modem/data connections via asterisk/VoIP? for briding a broken analog line, etc?
17:11.54Mercestes~8ball  Will I get laid by the cleaning ladies?
17:12.46Qwell[]bbryant: ^^?  It's unhappy
17:12.46blitzrageryant: perhaps... but modem/fax doesn't work well over a packetized network
17:13.11sweeperblitzrage: but we have this awsome t.38 thing!
17:13.30blitzrageya... but that doesn't work the same way :)
17:13.35waKKusweeper r u using t.38 with an ATA ?
17:13.46sweeperwaKKu: all signs point to no
17:13.52waKKui had tried use it with linksys pap2na but with no succss
17:14.15rhombusQwell[]: what happened to the ftp?
17:14.43bbryantrhombus, try again in 60 seconds
17:14.54rhombusbbryant: okay
17:14.56Qwell[]I wonder what happened to ftp1...
17:15.03Qwell[]it like...disappeared
17:15.15waKKuI give up of t.38 from pap2na and now i'm using hylafax + iaxmodem + winprint hylafax that's working perfectly ;)
17:15.37bbryantQwell, they took the other server off of the round robin
17:16.28ryanthylafax rocks, can't wait to set it up again
17:16.51waKKuyeah.. :)
17:16.58rhombusWhat does "Mercestes" mean?
17:17.03waKKumail instead of lots of papper ownz;D
17:17.15Mercestesrhombus, Long story.
17:17.28rhombusput it in pastebin! :P
17:17.29MercestesIn short it's an Internet character I created a long time ago for an online RPG.
17:17.41rhombusAh. Does it have anything to do with a Mercedes?
17:17.43MercestesI kinda liked the character so it became an online persona.
17:17.47Mercestesnot a thing.
17:18.03MercestesI'm not a nerd...I'm a geek.  I have a social circle.
17:18.05rhombusYou should create an Internet character that does.
17:18.13rhombusI'm a nerd, and I have a social circle too.
17:18.18MercestesMercedes Lackey?
17:18.28blitzrageGeek is to Star Wars as Nerd is to Star Trek
17:18.36rhombusbbryant: It worked. What did you do?
17:18.41MercestesIt's one nerd and several geeks.
17:18.48rhombusMercestes: Wasn't she in "The Fisher King"?
17:19.00MercestesI thought she was a writer.
17:19.14rhombusMercestes: oh. THAT Mercedes :D
17:19.26bbryantrhombus, added a 200 OK header
17:19.31coppiceiaxmodem seems to be working pretty well, now. just a few more quirks to fix
17:19.34rhombusMercedes Ruehl was in "The Fisher King".
17:20.50rhombusThanks, bbryant -- and thanks everyone else for the entertainment. Back to work for me.
17:20.54*** part/#asterisk rhombus (i=user13@
17:21.49*** join/#asterisk BSD_Tech (
17:22.14BSD_Techany one have a good document on linking 2 diff server conf rooms
17:24.20Rienzillaoh sorry
17:24.28RienzillaI'm annoyed that my asterisk doesnt do what I wanted
17:24.35Rienzillahad nothing to di with your question :)
17:28.28BlackthornI have asterisk up and working on my ubentu system however, I havn't got it so it starts up automaticly upon boot. I followed some instructions in the wicki.
17:28.50Corydon76-workBlackthorn: which distro?
17:28.55Blackthorntalks about adding a script to with the commend "sudo vi /etc/even.d/asterisk"
17:29.28Corydon76-workUh, you mean /etc/init.d/asterisk
17:29.41Blackthorn6.06.1 lts
17:30.09Blackthornthats not what the doc say...
17:30.36Innatechbelieve me, it doesn't say even.d
17:30.39Blackthornkk, i'll go see what i can do
17:30.53*** join/#asterisk blueneon (
17:30.55BSD_Techand at the bottom put safe_asterisk
17:34.38*** join/#asterisk IPmonger (
17:34.46Blackthornso do i add the script thats listed in the doc url above to the rc.local file?
17:35.12*** join/#asterisk easimon (n=easimon@baghira.kawo2.RWTH-Aachen.DE)
17:37.27Blackthornor create a directory in init.d called asterik and create a file called rc.local placed in that directory with the script listed in the above docs?
17:38.55ryantdoes the IAXy device handle fax/data any better than SIP ???
17:39.15BSD_TechI waould use iaxmodem
17:39.20BSD_Techand hylafax
17:40.21ryantI'm not doing fax though it's data from PSTN to a Modem without an analog line inbetween them
17:40.25BSD_Techor asterisk 1.4.x with t.38 passthrew
17:40.28coppiceryant: nope
17:40.45BSD_Techyou can not usae a modem over asterisk
17:40.58renierhello. is there a way to provide voicemail greetings based on time of day?
17:41.12BSD_Techyou can not do analog over digital it wont work right
17:45.36BSD_Techhe wants to do analog modem data over a digital voip connection
17:45.59BSD_Technot faxing
17:46.01ryantbasically a line that is buried was cut a long time ago and never fixed properly.
17:46.11Qwell[]what do you think
17:46.19Qwell[]fax == modem
17:46.22BSD_Techgax is short burst
17:46.39ryantwe have a piece of machinery that has a modem and some outside guys need to dial in and do maintenance on it
17:46.58ryantso I was bridging to FXS >> Asterisk >> IAXy >> Modem
17:47.15ryantof course it's not working well enough to finish the connection
17:47.25ryantwould SIP work better than IAX in this respect?
17:47.52coppiceryant: nope
17:51.50*** join/#asterisk ai-a (
17:53.58BSD_TechQWell 2400/9600 seems to work half the time but if you try to push higher I have seen major line connection errors
17:54.13BSD_Techwhen pushing fax over voip
17:54.33*** join/#asterisk Mrtaz (
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17:55.08BSD_Techand I had tried to do what he wants. we have a alarm systems  and I tried to push it over voip and it failed way to often to make the connection
17:55.09Corydon76-workfax over voip is as good of an idea as voice over avian carrier
17:55.21BSD_Techlol so true
17:55.49Rienzillaapp_conference is being a bitch :/
17:56.33Strom_M[TK]D-Fender: stop jittering the pigeons
17:56.36[TK]D-FenderRienzilla: MeetMe doesn't fit your needs?
17:56.48Corydon76-work[TK]D-Fender: isn't that usually known as a "shotgun"?
17:56.53Nuggetfax + voip = endless headaches culminating in your termination.
17:57.24[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-work: Nah... magnetron :)  Oh... and you'll want to get replcement credit cards while you're at it ;)
17:57.33*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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17:57.50Corydon76-work[TK]D-Fender: not likely.  I don't use the magnetic strips all that much anyway
17:57.53Rienzilla[TK]D-Fender: it would, but I need to modify my kernel for it
17:58.07[TK]D-FenderRienzilla: Why is that?  What are you running?
17:58.30RienzillaI read I needed some timer source
17:58.42Rienzilla(i'm running asterisk 1.2 on debian sarge
17:58.54[TK]D-FenderRienzilla: Zaptel compiles a kernel module.  You don't need to actually compile a new KERNEL
17:59.13[TK]D-FenderRienzilla: Just apt-get your kernel source & headers and you're good to go.
18:00.10Strom_Myou don't even need the source; just the headers will do
18:00.33RienzillaI'll try that
18:00.47Rienzillabut it doesnt seem to compile cleanly
18:00.58Strom_Mhow so?
18:01.43[TK]D-FenderRienzilla: try again and pastbin the failure
18:01.59RienzillaI'll fiddle around with it, I think it cant find the headers
18:02.07Strom_MRienzilla: try
18:02.14BSD_TechTK you know of a good document of linking 2 conf rooms on 2 diff servers
18:02.16Strom_Mapt-get install kernel-headers-`uname -r`
18:02.22RienzillaI have those
18:02.42Strom_MRienzilla: on a standard debian install it should work fine then
18:02.56RienzillaI'll retry
18:03.41Rienzillaoh nm
18:05.18*** join/#asterisk cygar (n=cygar@
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18:14.32*** join/#asterisk magic_hat (
18:15.06magic_hatanybody have suggestions re better VOIP providers than Broadvoice?
18:15.36blitzrageUnlimitel or NuFone
18:15.55magic_hatblitzrage: how's call quality and asterisk integration?
18:16.03[TK]D-FenderBSD_Tech: Best way I can think of is a double-ended Originated call between the 2 systems
18:16.14*** join/#asterisk SwK_ (n=SwK@
18:16.25[TK]D-FenderBSD_Tech: Pretty simple, its a question of how you want to terminate the link.
18:17.07*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
18:17.12[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: iaxtel comes recommended better than most around here.
18:17.20Qwell[]teliax you mean
18:17.57[TK]D-FenderYeah, oops :)
18:18.45BSD_TechTK it basicly needs to go like this
18:19.35BSD_Techcaller calls the conf room on main system and then the main systen needs to connect to 2 other conf rooms on ther servers and wee are thinking iax
18:19.46BSD_Techand gsm
18:19.52*** join/#asterisk Jingles (
18:20.24[TK]D-FenderBSD_Tech: I would use SIP if I were you.  You're doing this to reduce timer load, etc...
18:20.55[TK]D-FenderBSD_Tech: as I mentioned its only a question of what will initiate & teardown the bridge.
18:21.06[TK]D-FenderBSD_Tech: The actual task is remarkably easy.
18:21.14[TK]D-FenderBSD_Tech: its the CLEANUP ;)
18:21.19BSD_Techwhat would you suggest this is new to me never done this
18:22.01[TK]D-FenderBSD_Tech: Just told you.... Originate w/ dialplan on both sides.
18:22.03BSD_TechI find no good howto documents
18:22.18[TK]D-FenderBSD_Tech: there is no how-to, because its just 2 calls.
18:22.33[TK]D-FenderBSD_Tech: Set it to bypass logins & name recording, and presto
18:22.38[TK]D-FenderBSD_Tech: Real easy
18:22.50BSD_Techok how t omake the conf dectect that a user is in it and dial to the other conf
18:23.11sopo2k4anyone understand why, when i press 2 this goes to priority 20 instead of what ive set.
18:23.20sopo2k4exten => 01962658744,6,GotoIf($["${option}" = "1"]?19:20:21)
18:23.20sopo2k4exten => 01962658744,7,GotoIf($["${option}" = "2"]?8:9:10:11:12:13:14:15:16:17:18)
18:23.29[TK]D-FenderBSD_Tech: Cron job + time delayed trigger check.
18:23.52ai-asopo2k4: thanks for the phone number ;)
18:24.12*** join/#asterisk blueneon (
18:24.23[TK]D-Fendersopo2k4: pastebin the whole dialplan section and the CLI output of your failed attempt please.
18:24.29sopo2k4hold up
18:24.49ai-aGotoIf($["${option}" = "1"]?19:20:21)       <- WRONG
18:24.57ai-aif its '1'  it goes 19,,, else it goes 20
18:25.10ai-aGotoIf(condition?label1[:label2])    <- you can only have 2 choices.
18:25.22ai-apress '6' it goes to 20 too.
18:25.29[TK]D-Fendersopo2k4: priority 7 will never get executed
18:25.32ai-apress anything apart from '1' it goes 20
18:25.50*** join/#asterisk flujan (
18:25.54sopo2k4so if i wanted todo it specifically for 1 / 2
18:25.58sopo2k4id use ?19
18:26.15ai-asopo2k4: what do you expect it to do ?  if they press 2, you want ?  and what if they press what ?
18:26.16sopo2k4only for = "1" so on for the other options
18:26.26sopo2k4like a menu sort of thing
18:26.35ai-awrite loads of them.
18:26.35*** join/#asterisk flujan_ (
18:26.37BSD_Techok TK I will pay you 20 bucks via paypal to help me get this working . I not grep the full
18:26.38sopo2k4press 1 does something, press 2 does something else, press 3 does something else
18:27.09ai-aexten => 01962658744,6,GotoIf($["${option}" = "{insert digit you want}"]?{ do this })  .. next line ....
18:27.26ai-asopo2k4: read ->
18:27.28flujan_hi all.
18:27.36flujan_guys I installed a sip trunk on my asterisk pbx
18:27.39[TK]D-FenderBSD_Tech: Tonight when I'm home....
18:27.45flujan_asterisk is making the calls
18:27.50flujan_I answer the pstn telephony
18:27.57anonymouz666[TK]D-Fender your home is here.
18:28.00anonymouz666this channel.
18:28.09flujan_everything I say on the pstn phone i listen on my asterisk extension.
18:28.26flujan_everything I say using the asterisk extensions appear muted to the pstn phone.
18:28.28flujan_any ideas?
18:28.38blueneoni've put this line in my dialing plans, exten => 77,1,Pickup(ZAP/3-1), its meant to allow me to pickup any calls that are ringing on the internal zap extension number 3, but i keep getting an error: pickup_exec: No target channel found for ZAP/3-1, any ideas what i might be doing wrong?
18:28.43Strom_Mflujan_: is your asterisk box behind NAT?
18:28.44flujan_I need to enable masquerade or something like that on the asterisk pbx?
18:28.48sopo2k4cheers ai-a got it working
18:29.06flujan_Strom_M: no... Asterisk have a network card connecting it directly with the sip trunk.
18:29.17Strom_Mblueneon: try just ZAP/3 not ZAP/3-1
18:29.24blueneontried that
18:29.27blueneonsame result
18:29.31Strom_Mflujan_: so asterisk has only one network connection?
18:29.49Strom_Mblueneon: hold on a sec, i'll help you out
18:30.05flujan_one with my network and another with the sip/trunk
18:30.08Strom_Mflujan_: and are you certain the SIP calls are routing out the non-NAT conection?
18:30.44*** join/#asterisk SwK (n=SwK@
18:31.02magic_hatif my calls work great most of the time and are echoing/distorted about 20% of the time, am I right in thinking i should be blaming my ISP or Broadvoice rather than my * setup?
18:31.30Strom_Mblueneon: read the documentation for the Pickup() application
18:31.44Strom_Mmagic_hat: yes
18:31.56blueneonStrom_M: i have :(
18:32.00magic_hatany way to pin it down to ISP or BV?
18:32.06[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: Usually.  What phones are you using?
18:32.24Strom_Mblueneon: then you should know that you're supposed to specify an extension, not a channel
18:32.33blueneoni tried the extension also
18:32.40blueneonagain same results
18:32.55blueneonmind checking out my extensions.conf?
18:32.59Strom_Mpastebin it
18:33.27*** join/#asterisk JD_2007 (
18:33.42[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: Do some tests between internal phones.  if that doesn't echo, then you can blam BV.
18:34.13ai-awhere do i set the channel to use for DChannel ?
18:34.16ai-aseems to be set to 0...
18:34.24Strom_Mai-a: you set that in zaptel.conf
18:34.33magic_hatTKD-Fender: good advice.
18:34.43ai-aits said dchan=16, but its not using that for some reason Strom_M
18:34.50*** join/#asterisk flujan (
18:35.02flujanStrom_M: yeap... now I get the problem, I have a externip parameter on my sip.conf
18:35.17Strom_Mflujan: read this
18:35.20jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
18:35.39Strom_Myou may need to set the bindaddress also
18:36.08Strom_Mi'm only guessing at this; i've never done it on a box with multiple network interfaces
18:36.39*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
18:37.32flujanStrom_M: thanks for the tip. :)
18:37.52Strom_Mblueneon: first off, I would strongly advise you /not/ to use single-digit extensions for your numbering plan
18:38.26blueneon(ok, will change that later, this is for testing purposes atm)
18:38.51*** join/#asterisk angom (
18:39.03*** part/#asterisk zpertee (
18:39.05ai-aStrom_M: when i type zap show channels, should i see 16 as d-channel?  i see 1->15, 17->19  (18 lines)
18:39.29Strom_Mbut yeah, i'm stumped, partially because ive never used Pickup() only guess might be that it has something to do with the use of the macro
18:39.51Strom_Mas a test, try an extension that dials without using a macro, then see if pickup() works on that
18:40.06Strom_Mai-a: no, you should not see D-channels in "zap show channels"
18:40.17*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
18:40.18ai-ahow can i confirm it ?
18:40.25*** part/#asterisk angom (
18:40.27ai-aas the intense debug seems to show dchan as 0
18:40.30Strom_Mpri show span 1
18:41.02ai-aoh i see, thanks,, says 16.
18:41.24Strom_M0 is your E1 framing channel :)
18:41.46ai-aim dialing out, and getting Ext: 1  Cause: Requested channel not available (44), class = Network Congestion (resource unavailable) (2) ]
18:42.06Strom_Mwhat channel are you trying to use?
18:42.50ai-asays 2 i think.
18:43.04Strom_Mdon't "think" - be certain :)
18:43.07ai-acall 32770 on channel 2 enters state 1 (Call Initiated)
18:43.14MrTelephoneno thinking allowed
18:43.19ai-alol ;)
18:43.24Strom_Mturn off pri debug
18:43.30ai-awhy ?
18:43.37Strom_Mbecause at this point we don't need it
18:43.56ai-awell, i got to that point, i think.
18:44.08ai-ait all seems to work, i was about to phone the teleco and ask them to check their end.
18:44.26Strom_Mai-a: pastebin the following:
18:44.30Strom_M- zaptel.conf
18:44.33Strom_M- zapata.conf
18:44.36Strom_M- extensions.conf
18:46.21Strom_MMrTelephone: no thinking allowed only when "think" means "I'm guessing at something I can easily find out for certain"
18:47.37Strom_Mseveral questions
18:47.41Strom_M(1) are you using a GUI?
18:47.50ai-aand partly no :0
18:48.03Strom_Mwhich gui?
18:48.06ai-aboss wants the gui, im using linux at the moment to get it going.
18:48.10ai-ainstalled *now.
18:48.17ai-ahence you dont want to see the extension.conf file ;)
18:48.30Strom_Msecond, why are you using round-robin dialing?
18:48.41Strom_Mand also, why are you not using all 30 b-channels of the E1?
18:49.01ai-awe've tried all different, started with just Zap/g1
18:49.23ai-adont have 30 channels, only 18
18:52.35Strom_Mtry Zap/G1
18:52.38Strom_Msee what happens
18:52.48ai-atried it already. same result each time.
18:52.56Strom_Mwell i'd call the telco then
18:53.01ai-awe're guessing its failing on the other side, but we dont get any alarms here.
18:59.02blueneonStrom_M: I managed to find a work around, just added the zap chans to the same groups and use *8 to pick them up
18:59.06blueneonthanks anyways :)
18:59.23Strom_Mblueneon: ehhhhhhhh, thats not the best way to do it
19:01.52blueneoni cant get it to work the other way tho
19:02.06*** join/#asterisk logyati (n=logyati@
19:02.42logyati[TK]D-Fender, hey, yesterday i had i problem, and you suggested me to do one thing that you dont like to do in dialplan
19:03.30logyati[TK]D-Fender, but it was late and i had to go home
19:03.50logyati[TK]D-Fender, unfortunally, i dont record logs of irc conversations, so, can you repeat please? it was something like putting auth on dialplan
19:04.14*** join/#asterisk spatulamaan (n=ggilmore@
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19:04.23*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
19:04.58DavieyHi, i need some assistance spec'ing a server for *, 150 SIP extensions and 60 channels.  How would i got about spec'ing this?
19:05.37[TK]D-Fenderlogyati: Ditch your peer endty and use "Dial(SIP/user:pass@host/extentodial) for your dial-out.
19:05.53[TK]D-FenderDaviey: Depends on transcoding mostly.
19:06.19Davieyhopefully i wouldn't need to do too much.
19:06.24[TK]D-FenderDaviey: If you're talking standard internal use, jsut a basic modern processor, 2 gig, and a decently fast HD will do.
19:06.36[TK]D-FenderDaviey: No need for SCSI.
19:06.48Daviey'internal' use?
19:07.04[TK]D-FenderDaviey: If your users are local to your server.
19:07.13Davieysplit over 3 sites
19:07.28logyati[TK]D-Fender, oh, ty
19:07.44caio1982russellb: can i talk to you in pvt? it's about a freenode' staff request regarding the channel (and it needs to be handled by an #asterisk operator)
19:08.16Daviey[TK]D-Fender: why should the location of the users matter?
19:08.31Qwell[]caio1982: Russell isn't around right now.  What do you need?
19:08.37Qwell[]or, you can msg me, I guess
19:08.42caio1982ok :)
19:08.48[TK]D-FenderDaviey: that can have bandwitdh and consequently transcoding load in many cases
19:09.27[TK]D-FenderDaviey: You're looking for this remote site to use your single PBX?
19:10.05saftsackhi this is my newest project. atm goals: driver is already loaded, just asterisk is the thing i have to compile for the machine
19:10.17BSD_TechTK pong me when you get home
19:10.21Daviey[TK]D-Fender: yeah, 3 sites sharing a server.  100Mb leased lines between them
19:10.28saftsackasus wl500gp, minipci to pci adaptor, hfc-s BRI isdn card
19:10.54Daviey[TK]D-Fender: one lcoation only has 20 users, other 40, and the rest where the server is located
19:11.33BSD_TechI would use a vpn
19:11.38[TK]D-FenderDaviey: Ok, nevermind then, you're fine :)
19:11.57[TK]D-FenderDaviey: And yes... VNP those sites
19:12.02BSD_TechDaviey, you vpning the offices
19:12.06Daviey[TK]D-Fender: oh, were you concerned about using a standard net connection between them?
19:12.12jbotcohujibuggle is, like, gublgubbglggugglbuglgbugblgbgbgbgbglbglgbulgblugbgubgublgbglulllbgbb
19:12.26DavieyBSD_Tech: no.. private leased line.. no nead for vpn?
19:12.40[TK]D-FenderDaviey: Was more for local networking, port forwarding / keep-alives, etc...
19:12.52BSD_Techyou could cut down on cost by going normal network and doing a vpn
19:13.01[TK]D-FenderDaviey: Basically your lan segments are routed private, right?
19:13.03*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
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19:13.08Daviey[TK]D-Fender: yes
19:13.15[TK]D-FenderDaviey: Ok, then fine as-is
19:13.17Davieya glorified cat5 cable imo
19:13.19saftsackno coments to my project?
19:13.33BSD_TechSaft ?
19:13.36Davieythanks guys
19:13.51[TK]D-Fendersaftsack: Cute,what is it?
19:14.14*** join/#asterisk Voicemeup (
19:14.18saftsacki wrote what it is ;) but in the future it should be a replacement for my patton gateway
19:14.40BSD_Techsome of us did not see so explain
19:14.52*** join/#asterisk GothAlice (n=amcgrego@
19:15.41GothAliceI currently have ports 4569, 5060-6000, and 10000-20000 forwarded to my Asterisk box behind a Linksys Wireless Firewall/Router.  Control channel stuff works like a hot damn, but I get no audio.  WTF?
19:15.52GothAlice(On Linksys SPA962 phone off-site.)
19:16.37Opticsip works way better if the server isn't behind NAT
19:16.47Jinglesthis is very true.
19:16.49[TK]D-FenderGothAlice: Read here :
19:16.52jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
19:17.15[TK]D-FenderSIP usually works fine regardless of which side(s) are NAT'd
19:17.17*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey)
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19:19.08Opticit's the scotch, mmmm
19:20.46*** join/#asterisk frigidzephyr (i=frigidze@nat/digium/x-943d21106b3327f2)
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19:21.59*** join/#asterisk flujan_ (
19:22.44CuriosCatSeems I missed something in the tutorial here.
19:22.49CuriosCatAsterisk isn't picking up the phone.
19:24.29killfillis there a wey to setup queues, so agents can reviece mora than 1 call at a time?
19:24.48CuriosCatIt says "Asterisk is ready" but doesn't give an indication it's seeing the incoming ring. So maybe I configured the line wrong?
19:25.06CuriosCatit's a Digium 401P card with one FXO module connected to a POTS line mean a digium TDM01B
19:25.34Strom_Mpastebin your zaptel.conf zapata.conf and extensions.conf
19:26.27CuriosCatOne sec.
19:26.57MercestesCuriosCat, also try doing a core set verbose 10 first
19:27.25*** join/#asterisk BSD_Tech (
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19:31.32*** join/#asterisk Shoeb (
19:31.33CuriosCat(has all three files in there)
19:32.16*** join/#asterisk astguy (
19:33.30Strom_MCuriosCat: ok...just for next time, may I suggest you make copies of the sample files and then start fresh in a clean file?
19:33.31ShoebHi. From what I know, when asterisk is installed.. the basics need to be made sure of. Basics such as one extension can call the other, and vice-versa. But when you get an error on your softphone while doing that ... what can be wrong? The dial plan seems to be fine.
19:33.34Strom_Mmuuuuuuuuuuch easier to read that way
19:33.46Strom_MShoeb: depends on the error
19:34.07Strom_MCuriosCat: you have the drivers loaded and whatnot, right?
19:34.13*** join/#asterisk punkgode (
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19:34.23astguyHi.  I'm looking for some help with .call files.  Any gurus out there with a minute to help out a newbie?
19:34.36Strom_Mastguy: just ask your question
19:34.36ShoebHi Strom_M. Xlite softphone gives the following error: "Call failed: Address incomplete".. and the lady's voice says "The person you are calling is unavailable, please try again."
19:34.48Strom_MShoeb: are you using a GUI?
19:34.54ShoebStrom_M: Nope.
19:35.00astguyHow can I tell if a .call file resulted in a busy signal?
19:35.05ShoebJust vanilla asterisk.
19:35.14*** join/#asterisk BSD_Tech (
19:35.14Strom_MShoeb: what does the CLI show when you place the call?
19:35.19Strom_Mwith verbosity set to 10
19:35.22ShoebLemme pastebin that, please.
19:35.37ShoebActually, with SIP debug not on, and verbosity to 10.. there's nothing.
19:35.53ShoebBut when I do sip debug, I *do* see some stuff going on, although hard for me to understand/decypher.
19:36.01Strom_Mpastebin your extensions.conf and sip.conf and then tell me what you're dialing
19:36.10frigidzephyrastguy: you should get some kind of output on the CLI like with any other call, make sure verbosity is up and
19:36.29logyati[TK]D-Fender, i did what u said and it didnt work, please look
19:36.33astguyChecking out CLI with a busy call now, thanks.
19:36.55MrTelephonei can honestly nothing i install works 100%. i should drive off a cliff
19:37.05MrTelephonehonestly say
19:37.42logyati[TK]D-Fender, ops wrong paste, let me correct
19:38.08[TK]D-Fenderlogyati: this is not a valid # to dial ""
19:38.30[TK]D-Fenderlogyati: exten => 1,1,Dial(SIP/,30,r)
19:38.35logyati[TK]D-Fender, this is the right
19:38.41astguyOK, .call on a busy gives me:  pbx_spool.c:341 attempt_thread: Call failed to go through, reason 0
19:38.49logyati[TK]D-Fender, i did copy the wrong line, i have this exten to call paulo
19:39.27*** join/#asterisk emily_25 (n=skdbjf@
19:39.39MercestesHi guy with a girl's name.
19:40.01frigidzephyrastguy: what type of channel is the outgoing leg of the call?
19:40.20frigidzephyrastguy: as in sip, zap, iax ?
19:40.23Mercestesemily_25, Sorry, I'm mostly reminding myself of the odds.
19:40.23astguyfrigidzephyr: IAX2
19:40.32MercestesBad experiences and all
19:41.21[TK]D-Fenderlogyati: Agin, the format is bad.  you should not have an "2" in your target exten.
19:41.39frigidzephyrastguy: youll probably want to turn on    iax2 set debug      and take a look at that, I have not done any iax debugging tho
19:41.46emily_25this is not a channel for flirt, isnt it? what matters guy or girl?
19:42.22logyati[TK]D-Fender,  its there isnt it? Dial(SIP/,30,r)
19:42.51logyati[TK]D-Fender, ok let me try
19:43.08astguyfrigidzephry: thanks.  But if I see something in the CLI, how do I act on it programmatically -- that is with a script or something?
19:43.39[TK]D-Fenderlogyati: <- should be a NUMBEr
19:44.33Mercesteszone:  hi.
19:44.41zonemi asterisk isnt hanging up the sip chanels, not even when i phone the voicemail to retrieve messages
19:44.52logyati[TK]D-Fender, number??? im calling from pstn to sip user, i dont have a number
19:44.53frigidzephyrastguy: this may be more what your looking for
19:45.06*** join/#asterisk drzed (
19:45.07zoneand olso keeping the outside calls without hang up when i hung up the phone
19:45.09drzedhi there
19:45.13*** join/#asterisk Dan0maN_Work (n=dschuh@
19:45.26astguyfrigidzephyr: cool, thanks.  Checking it out.
19:45.28Mercesteswhat V of asterisk and what type of phones??
19:45.34[TK]D-Fenderlogyati: That is a non-standard dial the : Dial(SIP/
19:45.35drzedwhat does "Timeout, but no rule 't' in context 'default'" mean?
19:45.45zoneasterisknow :S and snom 370 and 300 know better...:P
19:46.23MercestesSee, if you were a girl I'd still help you.
19:46.29[TK]D-Fenderdrzed: Means you're running an IVR and the person took too long to react and * doesn't have anything  to handle their lack of response
19:46.39MercestesPastebin a CLI output of verbose 10 of a call *with the hangup*
19:46.57zonenot in the office now
19:47.01zoneso i cant get it
19:47.03logyati[TK]D-Fender, my scenario is, asterisk should use openser to call So, asterisk should login with asterisk:xxxxx into openser, then call
19:47.08MercestesThen we can't help you. :(
19:47.09zonei will came back when i can
19:47.16zoneok no worry
19:47.18MercestesSounds good.
19:47.19zonethx anyway
19:47.26j-goddessheh might want to turn on sip debugging as well ;)
19:47.38zonethx j-goddess
19:47.44Mercestesj-goddess, not yet.  I just want to see asterisk going "Hangup" in the CLI first.
19:47.49logyati[TK]D-Fender, thats why i had that peer inside sip.conf
19:48.06j-goddessI <3 debug it makes haxoring fun
19:48.08*** join/#asterisk gammah (
19:48.10MercestesI avoid sip debug as often as possible.
19:48.11ShoebHi Strom_M. Here's the pastebin.
19:48.12zoneits a frequent problem?
19:48.18Mercesteszone:  no.
19:48.28zonefuking asterisknow
19:48.35*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
19:48.43zonei will install debian and asterisk
19:48.46MercestesIf it were I would have gone, "oh!  I know that!  Just recalibrate your woozeinator and realign your calculator."
19:48.50[TK]D-Fenderlogyati: Ok, I think you're better off with someone else to assist as I have no experience with proxying
19:48.52zonebut im afraid i cant configure it al all
19:48.55BSD_TechAsterisk now is only 40% there
19:48.59MercestesThat's what the book and the wiki is for.
19:49.02jbot[docs] Documentation can be found at or or or or
19:49.07jbot[thebook] a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
19:49.07BSD_Techit has alot of growing up to do
19:49.10jbotmercestes is definitely a total nub
19:49.14*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
19:49.22MercestesI gotta quit typing that.
19:49.27logyati[TK]D-Fender, oh, anyway, ty
19:49.43logyatidoes anyone here has experience with proxying?
19:50.03centrexJust a suggestion, when pasting configuration files, it will be a lot clearer if you leave everything commented out out of the pastebin usually.  grep -v '^;' /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf     for example will output everything starting with a semicolon.
19:50.06Mercesteslogyati, is that a new age term for swinging?
19:50.24centrexeverything *not* starting with a semicolon.
19:50.49logyatiMercestes, lol
19:50.55*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (n=ckwall@
19:51.15zoneif i install a debian and asterisk, is better an apt-get asterisk or just download and install?
19:51.15[T]ankis there a way from the dial plan to do a three way call?
19:51.30[T]anki know the phones can do it, but I want to be able to do it from the dial plan for an application I am building.
19:51.35Mercesteszone:  google debian asterisk     there is an apt-get asterisk depends or something.
19:51.41centrexzone, The current version that comes with debian is still in the 1.2 series.  it will be seriously outdated.
19:51.46Mercesteszone:  But after tha tmanu source dl and install is my vote.
19:52.01zonei can use not the stable version
19:52.04zonea sid version or testing
19:52.12Mercestesyou probably want 1.4
19:52.16*** join/#asterisk macli (
19:52.20centrexzone, Even with unstable I believe they only have 1.2.
19:52.40centrexzone, Debian is known for it's stability, but a lot of time doesn't have the most bleeding edge packages.
19:53.16zonefreepbx is good for configuring?
19:53.27zonei may install asterisk 1.4 and freepbx
19:53.28[TK]D-Fenderzone: change your nick back already....
19:53.47[TK]D-Fenderzone: and all GUI's suck.  HARD
19:54.06centrex[TK]D-Fender, even asterisk-gui?!
19:54.08blitzrageI've been going about this all wrong then looking for a g/f
19:54.21blitzrageI just need a GUI!
19:54.22centrexblitzrage, wow.
19:54.24[TK]D-Fendercentrex: I thought my statements scope was pretty clear....
19:54.34centrex[TK]D-Fender, i was just kidding.
19:54.42Mercesteszone Debian is fine.
19:54.58zoneim afraid i cant configure all whitout a fui
19:55.07centrexzone, You'll have to learn asterisk.
19:55.13blitzragebe scared
19:55.19zonei know centrex
19:55.24zonebut no time
19:55.32blitzrageoh good... you can forget everything about that :)
19:55.45centrexoh and i wasn't knocking debian...  I'm a debian fan, I was just saying he would probably be better to use the latest asterisk packages instead of debian's apt packages.
19:55.49blitzrageasterisk is for those with too much time
19:56.03CuriosCatstrom_m: I have a backup of the sample files.
19:56.06zonelol xD
19:56.30zoneblitzrage i have time to lear, but i have no time to finish that job
19:56.57zoneim thinking even in trixbox
19:56.58CuriosCatstrom_m: I loaded two drivers, zaptel and wctdm
19:57.49MrTelephonecan you get distortion from an improper Line Built Out?
19:57.49*** join/#asterisk awannabe (
19:57.49centrexis Strom_M even here?  I can't see him saying anything......
19:57.53zoneblitzrage i mean i want  to learn more asterisk, but i have to finish an installation in no time, later i can learn more
19:58.02Shoebcentrex: He bloct you.
19:58.20awannabehey guys, has anyone had problems with the snoms (snom 360 in this case), not being able to park calls with #1 using the DTMF feature?
19:58.32CuriosCatcentrex: He's said stuff earlier. Probably got bored of waiting for me and others to respond :P
19:58.35zonewhat about trixbox?
19:58.42CuriosCat(I got sidetracked when my CEO walked into my office)
19:58.46MercestesOh please god, no trixbox
19:59.32centrexzone:  By the time you downloaded and installed trixbox you could have read asterisk docs =)
19:59.42centrexenough to get up and running, at least
19:59.56zoneumm not sure, but i dont think i will understant them at first read
20:00.24[TK]D-FenderShoeb: Looking for 200 in outgoing (domain
20:00.33[TK]D-FenderShoeb: SIP/2.0 484 Address Incomplete
20:00.35zoneokok, i will try debian
20:00.43ShoebThat's what it says to me [TK]D-Fender
20:00.50[TK]D-FenderShoeb: You have no exten to match in [outgoing]
20:01.02zonebut u have to be here all day 24h!! ¬¬'
20:01.07ShoebMeaning? :S
20:01.31[TK]D-FenderShoeb: Meaning there is no 200!
20:01.32*** join/#asterisk Simon-- (
20:01.43[TK]D-FenderShoeb: meaning try to dial something VALID
20:02.24*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (
20:03.00*** join/#asterisk Toerkeium (i=oo@
20:03.08ShoebSo it should be in [outgoing
20:03.15ShoebCould you point it out to me please?
20:03.18ShoebAs in how to do it.
20:03.32ShoebI thought by putting it in [users] it would enable me to do that.
20:05.00[TK]D-FenderShoeb: See this?
20:05.15[TK]D-FenderShoeb: Your phoones are pointing to [outgoing] <------------------
20:05.38[TK]D-FenderShoeb: So why would you think they are going to use [users]?
20:05.42*** join/#asterisk VxJasonxV (n=jason@xmms2/troll/VxJasonxV)
20:06.06ShoebYou rock!
20:06.11ShoebI'll point it to users!
20:06.35[TK]D-FenderShoeb: You're welcome
20:06.37VxJasonxVWould anyone in here happen to have a Polycom 330 or 320? For whatever reason, my 320's register, but it seems that dialing externally never reaches the asterisk server.
20:06.51VxJasonxVInternal (extension-to-extension calls) work just fine.
20:08.07Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: And now Xlite says "Call failed: Declined"
20:08.16[TK]D-FenderVxJasonxV: likely your dialplan on the phone itself
20:08.37VxJasonxV[TK]D-Fender, I would believe so... but I'm confused as to why that would be
20:08.41[TK]D-FenderShoeb: You're gonna have to repastebin  your whole new setup & output.
20:08.57Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: All I changed was sip.conf from context outgoing to users
20:09.05VxJasonxV9[2-9]xxxxxxxxx <-- is the relevant dialplan that should be matched.
20:09.08[TK]D-FenderShoeb: provide new info please
20:09.24[TK]D-FenderVxJasonxV: you see notihng with SIP debug enabled?
20:09.38[TK]D-FenderShoeb: I need to see the CALL....
20:09.55VxJasonxVNo.  I have debug up to 4 (assuming there's a level deeper than 1 to begin with), and it never reaches the server so far as I can tell
20:09.56Shoebah sorry
20:10.49[TK]D-FenderVxJasonxV: I'm talking "sip debug" here...
20:11.00VxJasonxVjust enabled it on the peer.
20:11.09*** join/#asterisk SwK (n=SwK@
20:12.17[TK]D-FenderShoeb: looks fine, the call is accepted and you have dialplan errors like it says
20:12.53VxJasonxVit's issuing a 404 apparently
20:12.58ShoebWhere does it say that? :S
20:13.24PagautasShoeb: do you have context named users?
20:13.29ShoebPagautas: Yup
20:13.52Pagautaspastebin it
20:14.08*** join/#asterisk flujan (n=flujan@
20:14.11[TK]D-FenderPagautas: thats 1 line :)
20:14.36[TK]D-FenderShoeb: We clearly see it accepting the call and you have dialplan errors
20:14.54ShoebI think it's the druidexten thing.
20:15.11ShoebI copied that from another DRUID maintained pbx system. (DRUID the web interface thing)
20:16.23VxJasonxVLooking for 9303####### in default (domain
20:16.25VxJasonxVAnd that 404's
20:16.47PagautasShoeb: could you show all extensions.conf?
20:16.51[TK]D-FenderVxJasonxV  Very clearly a dialplan error then
20:16.57*** part/#asterisk MrTelephone (
20:17.01VxJasonxVthat would be a /server/ dialplan issue though, yes?
20:17.06[TK]D-FenderShoeb: You didn't cut& paste enough then!
20:17.35[TK]D-FenderShoeb: Thats like taking the engine out of 1 car, putting it on a wagon and trying to start it without the rest of the assembly :)
20:17.52[TK]D-FenderVxJasonxV: Yes, * dialplan
20:18.25*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
20:18.28Shoeblol [TK]D-Fender .. I was modifying as I went along.
20:18.29centrexcomments, gross
20:18.38ShoebBut this druidexten confused me. so I left it
20:19.06Pagautasant what is druidexten?
20:19.14[TK]D-FenderShoeb: Well you're calling a macro that doesn't exist and your call stops.  As easy as that.
20:19.29ShoebI pulled it from extensions.conf that was created by druid (whch is a gui)
20:19.35*** join/#asterisk Sci_05 (
20:19.44Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: How can I improvise?
20:20.06Pagautasuse something like this
20:20.06Pagautasexten => 100,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})
20:20.07Pagautasexten => 200,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})
20:20.11[TK]D-FenderShoeb: Yes, but you don't HAVE that macro.  Your call is DEAD.  do you understand at all?  Its like a book telling you to go to chaapter 5 and there IS NO CHAPTER 5
20:20.26[TK]D-FenderShoeb: Time to actually learn how to write a dialplan...
20:20.29jbotfrom memory, book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
20:20.34Pagautasi think youre trying to do that now
20:20.46ShoebI understand that. And now that I don't have that macro, how can I improvise?
20:20.52centrexShoeb, You have to write the macro.
20:20.54ShoebPagautas: Let me try that, please.
20:21.17zoneim afraid writing asterisk config from scratch
20:21.20Pagautasthere is no need to use macros if its just a simple context
20:21.21[TK]D-FenderShoeb: forget "improvise", time to learn.  You've skipped to most important and basic part about *.
20:22.55ShoebPagautas: Thanks!! That worked!
20:23.24*** join/#asterisk ccesario (
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20:23.57Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: I'm in the process of reading that book :)
20:26.59*** join/#asterisk Nugget (
20:27.02*** join/#asterisk Grapsus (
20:27.10*** join/#asterisk AdamB0122 (n=Adam@
20:27.10GrapsusHello !
20:27.19Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
20:27.39ShoebGot the call working, and now the other party can't hear me.
20:27.41ShoebNAT issues?
20:27.43[TK]D-FenderNugget: I've got your number now :D
20:27.49[TK]D-FenderShoeb: ...
20:27.52jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
20:27.59AdamB0122if my telco uses em_w as the signalling
20:28.05AdamB0122what do i use in zaptel.conf?
20:28.21[TK]D-Fenderok, I'm off... later all
20:28.37ShoebWell, asterisk itself is on a server that is not firewalled at all.
20:28.44ShoebThe SIP phones however, are behind NAT.
20:29.21AdamB0122Sip behind nat can be a pain.
20:30.05*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
20:30.42ShoebOh, great.. before I could atleast see in the CLI when I was dialing a PSTN phone number. And now I can't even see that.
20:30.47ShoebAnd all I changed was the users thing.
20:31.24ShoebHey Pagautas, need your expertise again if you don't mind please?
20:31.30centrexShoeb, did you restart asterisk and forget to reset the verbose?
20:31.42Shoebcentrex: Yes, I did restart..
20:31.54centrexdid you remember to set verbosity up again?
20:32.20centrexif not, try set verbose 9 or core set verbose 9
20:33.08ShoebOh shit lemme do that.
20:33.20ShoebBut still, with verbosity on 3 I used to be able to see it.
20:33.34Strom_M"Verbosity was 0 and is now 9"
20:33.40Strom_Mi'm putting 50 bucks on that
20:33.44centrexYeah I think verbosity 3 is the max, but I'm not sure, so I always do set verbose 9999999 for the heck of it.
20:33.52ShoebVerbosity was 3 and is now 10
20:34.03ShoebSorry to disappoint Strom_M  :P
20:34.12Strom_Mthis is like roulette :(
20:34.16*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
20:34.45Strom_Mat least it was canuck bucks and not real dollars
20:34.51Shoebcentrex: I still don't see it in the CLI, even with verbose 10. I'm guessing this is the dialplan being a bad boy?
20:34.59BSD_Techok app_meetme seems to have issue
20:35.13BSD_Techits not playing back the names that users record
20:35.16centrexShoeb, would depend on what errors you're seeing.  Does the call even go through?
20:35.23Shoebcentrex: Nope.
20:35.33*** join/#asterisk SXT40 (
20:35.49ShoebXlite says "Call failed: Not found"
20:35.50*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
20:36.08SXT40anyone know what might cause this: res_agi.c: Could not find application (ChanIsAvail) ? I checked the modules directory... everything looks good perms-wise... :?
20:37.05*** join/#asterisk Nugget (
20:37.31Shoebcentrex: I set the outgoing dialplan. Now, how do I make it so when I dial out from my extension.. I can dial my local extensions around here and the external phone number?
20:38.23InnatechI'm rusty on dialplan commands. How do I play a sound and then dial an extension?
20:38.41shido6play the sound as the first priority then dial the 2nd
20:39.34centrexShoeb, You will have to put an extension that matches on wildcards and sends that information out your pstn channel.
20:39.56Shoebcentrex: I use voip SIP channels.
20:40.13*** join/#asterisk msetim (n=marcos@
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20:45.32y7nIs there a way asterisk can alert me if a call is ended unexpectedly?
20:46.10y7nMaybe run a small batch file, send an email or something
20:46.25Strom_My7n: I don't think there's a Q.931 cause code for "Telephone slammed down by angry customer" :)
20:47.21ShoebTwo issues I'm having. Two sip clients behind NAT are connecting to an unfirewalled asterisk server, and these two sip clients are able to call each other (thanks Pagautas ) but now no one can hear each other. The second issue is when I call a regular landline phone number I don't even see it in the CLI, verbose 10 and sip debug.
20:52.54karleetoi have quite a few voip systems installed around town, all using the same hardware (polycom 501s, a few linksys spa941s, with Digium TDM cards).. I dont have any echo problems at my other locations, but for some reason I'm hearing a slight echo of everything that I say (NOT of what the person on the other line is saying)
20:53.03karleetodoes anyone have any idea what would cause this?
20:53.28karleetoit has to be something specific to this location, since i'm not having this problem anywhere else with the same hardware
20:55.00Mercesteskarleeto, fxotune and adjust your rxgain and txgain values.  Also check ztmonitor
20:55.38karleetoALSO: i've got a job coming up that involves 3 different physical locations, with a private VPN in between.. I've done jobs with 2 locations and an IAX trunk in between, but i'm having trouble visualizing how I would go about doing this, is there anyone who would be willing to chat with me a minute and give me some ideas?
20:55.48karleetoMercestes: THANKS!
20:56.24Mercestesand once you have your VPN tunnel created, it should be just a local link to your vpn endpoint.
20:56.49MercestesAll yoru devices would be on the same "LAN" connected via VPN.  Nothing special there.
20:59.13*** join/#asterisk sxt40 (
20:59.22jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
20:59.33sxt40whoot! got my problem fixed :) adding modules that you want to use, to modules.conf is a good thing :P
21:00.05sxt40one last question, however. Odd codec stuff... any ideas on this: Unable to find a codec translation path from ilbc to slin ?
21:00.41*** join/#asterisk zpertee (
21:00.57zperteedoes anyone know of any commercial grade sip ata devices?
21:01.16Strom_Mlinksys pap2t
21:01.30Strom_Metc etc etc etc etc
21:01.40JinglesStrom_M : would you choose a SIP ata over an IAXy?
21:02.35Strom_MJingles: depends on the application
21:03.26*** join/#asterisk Jabroni (
21:05.16JinglesStrom_M : that surprises me, quite honestly. What would make you choose one over the other? (in general terms)
21:05.35Jinglesbecause I've got ATAs as well as IAXys in production - but they were deployed on an 'at the boss's whim' basis.
21:05.41Jinglesnot to meet some specific/special need.
21:06.19Jabronito the guys that admin guess they missed to updated the download page to reflect the latest version (1.4.9).. right now that page still says 1.4.8 (and i installed that thinkin it was the last.. dooh!)
21:07.38Strom_MJingles: if firewall or NAT traversal is an issue, then IAXy all the way
21:08.03JinglesStrom_M : would that be because it's easier to manage IAX2 since it doesn't need a SIP port, and an RTP range?
21:08.06Jinglesor is there some other reason?
21:08.12Strom_Mif i need polarity reversal on supervision, then sipura
21:09.00Strom_MJingles: exactly
21:09.04*** join/#asterisk flujan (n=flujan@
21:09.14punkgodehi anyone with Asterisk Realtime experience?
21:09.27flujanpunkgode: yeap... what exactly do you need?
21:09.38punkgodethat :P
21:09.48flujanpeople, someone with experience using asterisk 1.4 to receive and send fax?
21:09.50JinglesStrom_M : *nods* ok. that's good to know. It sounds then like I should convert all my remote offices to IAX2 (I've read mark spencer's docs on SIP vs. IAX2, and how IAX2 is more latency friendly as well)
21:10.06punkgodeflujan, nope, just 1.2
21:11.12flujanpunkgode: hum... I were using it with odbc and postgresql on version 1.2 on 1.4 just use the postgresql module. says that version 1.4 comes with a fax over ip feature...
21:12.04jbotmethinks foip is Fax over IP. This requires funtionality standardised by T.38, realtime fax over IP, or T.37, store-and-forward via email. See for more detailed info about the subject
21:12.04punkgodeflujan, I guess I'll try that, just to be sure that res_mysql_config is what's causing this
21:12.09Jabronion which package is the ast_debug() ?? or on what ver/rev was it introduced??
21:12.09Dan0maN_Workhello.  my company is VERY interested in moving to * for their telephony solution.  i'm currently reading the online book about * to get familiar with it.  quick question came to me though.  our current PBX has an overhead paging feature that we implemented.  it basically broadcasts out to over 200-300 speakers in the ceiling.  is there a way to implement this with *?
21:12.25waKKuflujan i got a lot of problems with FoIP these days... i'm using hylafax + iaxmodem now... working great
21:12.26Strom_MDan0maN_Work: YES
21:12.27Strom_Mer, yes
21:12.28flujanpunkgode: good point...
21:12.47JabroniDan0maN_Work i think that with grandstream phones.. u can set them up to autopickup the speaker...
21:13.11Jabronithats what i readed a while back when i was checking that.. not sure if they came with a better solution
21:13.15waKKui have a Linksys PAP2-na with (teorically) support of T.38... but, I cant make it works
21:13.55punkgodeDan0maN_Work, there are SIP speakers out there
21:14.10Strom_Mor you can just hook asterisk into your existing paging amplifier
21:14.21Strom_Mno need to go all crazy with the hardware
21:14.26Dan0maN_Workthanks for the answers
21:14.34Dan0maN_WorkStrom_M: that's what i was looking for
21:14.49Dan0maN_Worki will investigate that at a later date
21:15.53flujanwaKKu: I just want to use somethink built-in asterisk... It is sad that this is not working at all...
21:16.18sopo2k4anyone know what usually causes this error? chan_iax2.c:7182 socket_process: Call rejected by No authority found
21:16.33Strom_Msopo2k4: bad password, perhaps
21:16.38sopo2k4it isnt.
21:17.01*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
21:17.05Sci_05sopo2k4:  bad context on one side not pointing to the right one?
21:17.22sopo2k4was working earlier
21:17.26sopo2k4so shouldnt be
21:17.44Mercestessopo2k4, Did you update your service packs?
21:18.18sopo2k4only installed the 1.4.8
21:18.30*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
21:18.30MercestesThen I'm going to guess your configs are in error.
21:18.49sopo2k4surely it wouldnt have worked earlier then
21:18.57MercestesYea, normally I'd agree...
21:19.06Mercestesbut if you knew what you were doing you'd know that Asterisk doesn't have "service packs."
21:19.32MercestesHere is a serious question:
21:19.34sopo2k4well ubuntu is up to date.
21:19.40MercestesWhat *did* change between the time it worked and the time it didn't work.
21:19.48Mercestesyea, ubuntu doesn't have "service packs" either.
21:20.26sopo2k4between the time it worked and didnt work, changing few priority's to 101,102,103
21:20.27MercestesI would pretty much guarantee *something* changed from working to not working.
21:20.32punkgodeflujan, I'm not sure if T.38 protocol is integrated into asterisk
21:20.41MercestesPriority jumping is deprecated in 1.4
21:20.42j-goddesssopo2k4 can you put your iax.conf and extensions.conf on
21:20.54punkgodeflujan, that's what you need to fax over IP
21:20.55sopo2k4let me do that now
21:20.59sopo2k4u can see for yourself then :P
21:21.36j-goddessI will say Mercestes is correct
21:21.41flujanpunkgode: according to voip-info it is on 1.4
21:21.48j-goddessthat is the only time I have come across that error
21:22.12j-goddessbut will see ;)
21:22.31centrexsopo2k4, and if you could, before you paste them, run  grep -v '^;' /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf  (makes it's more readable for everyone!)
21:23.05centrexpersonal quirk =)
21:23.39*** join/#asterisk MrTelephone (
21:24.04MrTelephonei kind of got my pri t1 distortion problems narrowed down to the pri card.. seems that I have to reload asterisk/kernel modules and everything is fine for a week or 2
21:24.21*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
21:24.25MrTelephoneIt's probably a good idea to restart asterisk regularily I guess but..
21:24.26MercestesI see no comments.
21:24.45sopo2k4i see non either
21:24.47centrexMercestes, I said it before he pasted it
21:25.08MercestesI read it after he pasted it.
21:25.11Mercestesthat's what counts.
21:25.12centrexalmost everyone uses the sample configs and pastes all that info too :-/
21:25.21Mercestesvery true
21:25.25sopo2k4i dont have the samples
21:25.26sopo2k4in it
21:25.27MrTelephonedoes anyone use tdm over ip?
21:25.31sopo2k4if thats what u wanted removed centrex :P
21:25.55centrexsopo2k4, sorry, it's just almost everyone includes all the comments from the sample files, and it's a real headache to read pastebins with all that.
21:26.03sopo2k4yeah i bet :P
21:26.20Mercestestop entry is still in iax.conf?
21:26.34fujinHi there, I can't quite remember how to do this but I have done it before - what is the command used to record a wav file to the local system, in extensions.conf? So that I might configure an extension like _99xx,1,recordsoundlawwwlzz(xx)
21:27.04Mercestesfujin, monitor
21:27.38centrexsopo2k4, is it all iax users, or just the james user?  Or
21:27.49fujinisn't monitor for recording entire configs?
21:27.50sopo2k4just james
21:27.55fujinerr, calls no tconfigs
21:28.13sopo2k4refresh it
21:28.17sopo2k4i added the CLI output
21:28.18sopo2k4at the bottom
21:28.24centrexsopo2k4, thought so.  You don't have an s extension in your context he's defined it.  Try making an extension that says exten => s,1,playback(demo-congrats) and see if that works.
21:28.46Strom_Mcentrex: for fun, you should have them play spam.gsm instead
21:28.55centrexnever heard that one
21:29.05fujinhaha, go figure, I wanted Record(/path/to/lol)
21:29.12Strom_M"thank you for calling specal price analysis and marketing..."
21:29.23centrexoh is that the enlarging pills?
21:29.31sopo2k4so add a s, before the first priority
21:29.38*** join/#asterisk a1fa (n=a1fa@unaffiliated/a1fa)
21:29.48Mercestessopo2k4, After installing the service pack.
21:29.59centrexsopo2k4, No, add an s extension.  Just copy and paste what I typed and put it in your dialplan right under [outgoing]
21:30.07sopo2k4could u find the link
21:30.07Mercestessopo2k4, in [outgoing] put the line exten => s,1,Playback(tt-monkeys)
21:30.28Mercestesthen exten => s,2,Hangup()
21:30.29a1fahow many telephone lines can come in through one RJ11 wire?
21:30.41Strom_MRJ11?  one
21:30.46Strom_MRJ11 is 6P2C
21:30.50a1fahow about CAT6e?
21:30.58Strom_MRJ12 is two-line service on a 6P4C jack
21:31.08Strom_MRJ14 is three-line service on a 6P6C jack
21:31.14Mercestesa1fa, three on a Cat6e.
21:31.20Strom_Mcat5 can handle four lines on an 8P8C jack
21:31.24sopo2k4still get the same
21:31.30Mercestesa1fa, Just count the wires and divide by 2.
21:31.35a1fahm.. so, one FXO port is for one line only
21:31.37Strom_MMercestes: 8/2 = 4
21:31.38MercestesStrom_M, oh yea, 4.
21:31.45jbotmercestes is definitely a total nub
21:31.54MercestesI forgot the null wires in cat.
21:32.06a1faDigium TDM01B can only have one line?
21:32.19a1fasince its single FXO port
21:32.30centrexif it's just one fxo port, then it's just one line to the telco.
21:32.55Qwell[]Mercestes: null wires?
21:33.17a1facentrex : that sucks.. i hate how telco splits up their lines into multiple wires
21:33.28Strom_Ma1fa: ......
21:33.34Strom_Myou can't
21:33.41Strom_Mmultiple lines on a single pair!!!
21:33.41a1fadigital > analog
21:33.48Strom_M(with analog anyway)
21:33.50Qwell[]Strom_M: You *could* :P
21:33.56a1fayou could
21:33.57Qwell[]but let's not get into that
21:34.01a1fathey did that back in the day
21:34.04*** join/#asterisk Simon-- (
21:34.10a1fayou and your neighbour shared one wire
21:34.11Strom_Moh sure, radio frequency division multiplexing
21:34.17Strom_Ma1fa: it was still one line
21:34.25Strom_Mthat's called "party line service"
21:34.27a1fabut two different numbers
21:34.32MercestesQwell[], Yea, all the wires that don't do other 6.  >.>
21:34.33Strom_Mfor coded ringing only
21:34.37Qwell[]Mercestes: 6?
21:34.40Strom_Myou couldn't talk on the phone at the same time
21:34.40Qwell[]you mean 4
21:34.41centrexa1fa, if you want digital, you don't want a tdm card.  there are separate cards for digital/analog.
21:34.45MrTelephoneparty in your pants service :-/
21:34.50a1facentrex : T1 card?
21:35.05centrexa1fa, yes.
21:35.08data23in the uk, bt still have 'dacs' units on old analogue lines, causes havoc if one wants to get broadband, as it needs to be removed an a new line installed
21:35.19a1fayeah, i dont need 24 lines :P
21:35.22a1fa4 is enough
21:35.25MrTelephonewhat happens if you have the inproper LINE BUILD OUT on your T1?
21:35.43Mercestesqwell[]:  w/e   You know how long it's been since I had to play with network wires?.
21:35.43a1faMrTelephone : you go boom!
21:35.47*** part/#asterisk Voicemeup (
21:35.47Mercestesno wait...that was last week.
21:36.00MrTelephoneno seriously
21:36.03MrTelephonewhat happens
21:36.09centrexStrom_M, I got my backpack!
21:36.12MrTelephonecould you lose your clocking?
21:36.18Strom_Mcentrex: sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
21:36.29centrexStrom_M, but it didn't have any of the gear in it.... just a backpack =(
21:36.42Strom_Msteal it from the supply cabinet
21:36.50Strom_Mi mean, uh, request it nicely!
21:37.45flujansomeone using heartbeat with asterisk?
21:37.48MercestesWhite Orange/ Orange, White Green/ Blue, White Blue/ Green, White Brown/Brown.
21:37.53Mercestessee...I *can* do it...
21:37.59Strom_Mblue orange green brown slate
21:38.00flujanI am searching from a ha resource script to start asterisk automaticallly
21:38.01Mercestesand no, I didn't google it.
21:38.04Strom_Mwhite red black yellow violet
21:38.11Strom_Mbell operators give better service
21:38.13MercestesThat's cat 3 isn't it?
21:38.17Strom_Mwhy run backwards?  you'll vomit
21:38.22centrexflujan, can you not have heartbeat just start the safe_asterisk script?
21:38.27Strom_MMercestes: that's 25-pair color code
21:38.43Mercestesthe RBYV threw me off.
21:38.44flujancentrex: yeap... but it not working....
21:38.51Mercestestho I thougth it, black, yellow green.
21:38.55Mercestes..but again, cat 3.  w/e
21:38.55centrexflujan, does asterisk start normally with an asterisk -c /
21:38.59Strom_MMercestes: nooooooooooooooo
21:39.06Strom_Mcat 3 uses the same color code as cat 5
21:39.13Mercestesnot the cat 3 I have.
21:39.27Strom_MTIA 568 A/B just uses a specific pinout for 8-position connectors
21:39.29MercestesI do have some 8 pair cat 3 tho
21:39.31centrexflujan, that / was supposed to be a ?
21:39.35MrTelephonedoes cisco IOS support for SIP -> T1 on their access routers?
21:39.41MercestesI should read my boxes more  =/
21:39.49Mercestes8 pair..gah 4 pair.
21:39.58Mercestesleave me alone, Qwell, your throwing off my mojo
21:40.25flujancentrex: mpg123: no process killed
21:40.50flujancentrex: i am running it in two nodes... when I kill node 2 node one runs the stop script. :(
21:42.01centrexflujan, You have heartbeat setup so node 2 monitors node 1, and if asterisk stops on node 1, you shutdown on node 2 also?  Doesn't seem like a very useful cluster.....
21:42.40flujancentrex: I don't desire this behavior...
21:43.33flujancentrex: node 1 falls so node 2 tryes to load the resources... even if it is the primary node of the cluster... very strange behavior.
21:44.12a1faanybody know a good asterisk ready appliance?
21:44.18Rienzillazaptel won't compile indeed
21:44.35RienzillaStrom_M: you still there?
21:44.49*** join/#asterisk Dr-linux|home (n=Dr-Linux@
21:45.07Dr-linux|homecan anyone filed error:
21:45.17anonymouz666the musicclass on [general] overwrite the specific one?
21:45.19Dr-linux|homewhat's wrong it's not sending calls though
21:46.06fujinMrTelephone: we run SIP on our AS5400
21:46.15fujinworks perfect
21:46.18fujintwo E1's, stepping
21:46.40centrexflujan, hrm.  Maybe you could try a heartbeat/mon configuration instead?  Have heartbeat monitor node 1, and if it goes down, have it start mon, and then mon can detect if asterisk is running?
21:46.41MrTelephonewhat do you use for the call routing
21:46.42fujinyes, the universal gateway terminates the PRI's over the dual E1's, and Sip->asterisk
21:46.56fujinI don't do any advanced call routing, really
21:47.02MrTelephonei should have doen that instead of mess with these queer t1 cards
21:47.06flujancentrex: yeap will try it.
21:47.10fujinexpensive, though.
21:47.24fujinbut we have the benefit of 2 hour onsite replacement if the entire thing breaks
21:47.28flujancentrex: but indeed it is a very strange behavior to stop a secondary node and the cluster stops the primary one.
21:47.29fujinand dual power supplies, dual E1's
21:47.33centrexflujan, That's really the only thing I can think of.  I've used mon and heartbeat, but I'm not the guru by far.
21:47.39Dr-linux|homefujin: any clue?
21:48.08MrTelephonesip supports fallback servers.. why not setup 2 asterisk boxes?
21:48.24fujinI have two asterisk boxes
21:48.34fujinoh you're talkinm to someone else
21:48.35fujindoh ;(
21:49.14MercestesRienzilla, Soekris boxes with Astlinux
21:49.37*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
21:49.38Mercestesasterisk ready appliances..
21:49.39fujinheartbeat is a much better solution that SIP SRV records, I'd say
21:49.51MercestesDigium also has some out of the box.........thing.
21:50.11fujinDr-linux|home: what's the problem?
21:50.18*** join/#asterisk Daejeo1 (n=chatzill@
21:52.03Dr-linux|homefujin: i'm unable to send calls through this sip peer
21:52.19centrexMercestes, the asterisk appliance
21:52.25Mercestesyea, that.
21:52.35Dr-linux|homefujin: can you see anything helpfull log in the pastebin?
21:52.45Dr-linux|homeMercestes: :)
21:52.58MercestesYea, Mr. Linux.
21:53.01fujinnot really
21:53.03fujindidn't look at it
21:53.28Dr-linux|home << here you go
21:53.33Dr-linux|homeMercestes you too :P
21:53.46fujinno, there is nothing helpful
21:53.49fujinpaste some asterisk output
21:53.53fujinwhat doesn't happen?
21:54.16Dr-linux|homei pasted in your pvt
21:54.21Dr-linux|homein Mercestes as well :P
21:54.32Mercestesyour peer is offline
21:54.47MercestesThere is literally, "no route to destination" which means, * cannot contact the destionation.
21:54.51fujinor your peer is unconfigured
21:55.00fujindial 10000 will yield the same thing TDM401B is showing me a green LED, even without a POTS line plugged in.
21:55.12CuriosCat(it stays green when I plug in the POTS line)
21:55.15Daejeo1which one is good to go with "Cisco ATA-188" or Linlsys adapter dual fxs?
21:56.04fujini've had good experience with the Linksys gear, although the cisco stuff is probably better for an enterprise grade environment
21:56.13fujinwhere you're able to ask Cisco for support
21:56.58Daejeo1I have to use at home
21:57.02Strom_MRienzilla: what's u[
21:57.15Mercestesfujin, Only when referring to switches and routers
21:57.16Daejeo1fujin: which one do you reco
21:57.35fujinwell, do you have a partnership with cisco?
21:57.37fujinif you do, then cisco
21:57.40fujinif not, Linksys
21:57.53punkgodeDaejeo1, I agree with fujin, I work with Linksys and the quality they offer is is very good for the price
21:58.05fujinI just rolled out 50 linksys spa942's
21:58.15fujinthey are on par with the ciscos, apart from BLF support/sidecar support
21:58.25fujingood quality calls, tactile/sturdy handsets
21:58.39fujinhaven't had much experience with the ATA's, but I have read that they are good, and easily configurable/centrally provisonable
21:58.57punkgodefujin, they have one disadvantage.. provisioning is a pain.
21:59.16fujinis it not similar to the spa942's?
21:59.25*** join/#asterisk Toerkeium (i=oo@
21:59.46fujinAll I had to do was supply one DHCP option, the tftp server.. and then create the generic/per-MAC configs
22:00.18Daejeo1I dealt with Cisco Ip phone7960g before . so I have little experience
22:00.41*** join/#asterisk jtknapp (
22:00.43Daejeo1i guess it is the same stuff
22:00.44fujinif you're not a cisco partner, I'd go with Linksys ;)
22:00.46punkgodefujin, I upload it with HTTP posts, how do you provision port forwardings?
22:01.03fujinport forwardings? I don't.
22:01.08fujinport forwarding is stupid
22:01.45*** join/#asterisk n00dle (n=ccraft@
22:01.56Daejeo1why do I need a partnership with cisco in order to use cisco stuff
22:01.58punkgodefujin, how do you access a VNC service behind the router? If that's the only thing you have?
22:02.11fujinI don't have a VNC service behind any router
22:02.20fujinand if I did, it'd be over a VPN
22:02.31punkgodefujin, that's what I said to my boss
22:02.35punkgodefujin, lol
22:02.40pigpenCorrect me if I am wrong, priority "labeling" is only used for Goto handling, when using the "n" priority method?
22:02.48pigpenOr maybe confirm.
22:03.02n00dleHere's an interesting one: Using idefisk 1.31, trying to dial comedian mail, i'm getting all of my dtmf input doubled. The * box is 1.2.6
22:03.02pigpenJust trying to wrap my feeble little brain around this method.
22:03.05*** join/#asterisk stridernzl (
22:03.07punkgodefujin, do you use the webadmin interface at all?
22:03.16fujinfor what?
22:03.23fujinthe phones?
22:03.31punkgodefujin, port forwarding? xD
22:03.34n00dleAnyone know when 2.0 (zoiper) will be out for linux?
22:04.03punkgodefujin, port forwarding configuration, that's the only way... I hate to do a machine job
22:04.10fujinlike I said
22:04.11Daejeo1fujin: one more thing i want to ask "unlock the linksys adapter"
22:04.17fujinDaejeo1: don't know, sorry :)
22:04.20fujinbuy a legit one
22:04.22fujinthey come unlocked
22:04.44fujintake a look on
22:04.51fujinthey have an excellent Linksys section
22:05.15fujinthey even have a shop, where you can buy them :P
22:07.47*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
22:08.12Daejeo1fujin: still i could not find a cheap video phone
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22:09.45snuff-workDaejeo1, cheapest hard vid phone ur going to get is a grandstream.. they have shit speaker phone though
22:09.54snuff-workaka speaker phone = useless
22:10.08jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
22:10.13jbotmethinks phones is  While personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows:  Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever.
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22:11.12snuff-workyes yes Mercestes ... but if u want cheap vid phone that's the best i've seen
22:11.32glacidsnuff: what phone?
22:11.53Mercestessnuff-work, s/best/cheapest/
22:12.32snuff-workglacid, look on granstreams website there is only 1.. think its gxv3000
22:13.14glacidsorry, i just joined in the middle of that
22:13.16snuff-worklike ppl say though grandstream are sucky.. but if u want the best of the cheaper vid phones.. that is it
22:14.23glacidyikes, for that price i'd just buy a good webcam
22:14.41ShoebTwo issues I'm having. Two sip clients behind NAT are connecting to an unfirewalled asterisk server, and these two sip clients are able to call each other (thanks Pagautas ) but now no one can hear each other. The second issue is when I call a regular landline phone number I don't even see it in the CLI, verbose 10 and sip debug.
22:15.07glacidi know the point is video phone, but if the quality is as bad as i think i'd be for a cheap $250 video phone.. i'd rather stick to a web cam haha
22:16.11centrexShoeb, can you pastebin one of the sip.conf users?
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22:18.20glacidhaving problems with my X100P and CID (within the USA)
22:18.36centrexShoeb, you have qualify and nat set to yes, that is what I was going to recommend, no idea.
22:19.40Shoebcentrex: Yeah, one of the manuals suggested that.
22:24.40*** part/#asterisk frigidzephyr (i=frigidze@nat/digium/x-943d21106b3327f2)
22:26.29fujindoes an agent have to have a password?
22:28.36AdamB0122Quick question
22:28.36*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
22:28.36AdamB0122i've got a DataT1
22:28.36AdamB0122a VoiceT1
22:28.36Innatechanyone have a VSP they like that offers hunting to another number on incoming trunks once the channels are all in use?
22:28.38AdamB0122b8zs, and esf
22:28.45AdamB0122and the signalling is em_w
22:28.55AdamB0122Now, in zapata.conf i have the signalling set
22:29.12AdamB0122but for the zaptel.conf, what do i need to declare for those channels?
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22:29.30AdamB0122since their em_w, I'm pretty sure i dont use fxs or anything like that
22:29.37AdamB0122do i use dchan?
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22:30.18Innatechspan= , bchan= , dchan=
22:30.46AdamB0122bchan = the normal em_w channels, and dchan being the dataline?
22:31.06Innatechmm...I'm awfully fuzzy on the details. I just remember the parameters.
22:31.30AdamB0122pretty sure thats right
22:31.36Strom_MAdamB0122: NO NO and NO
22:31.45Strom_MAdamB0122: bchan and dchan are only used for ISDN PRI
22:31.45AdamB0122damn it
22:31.53*** part/#asterisk n00dle (n=ccraft@
22:32.08AdamB0122ok, thats not what i have
22:32.14AdamB0122this is being pulled off a channel bank
22:32.25Innatechthen you do want fxo settings, I think.
22:32.59AdamB012224 is a fax line, can't touch it, 23 is my data line, and 1-22 are my em_w / esf,b8zs lines
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22:33.40AdamB0122in the zaptel.conf, and in zapata, set singalling to em_w?
22:34.03*** join/#asterisk glacid (
22:34.03centrexAdamB0122, I haven't ever seen that type of setup, but I'd definitely like to know for future reference if you figure it all out.
22:34.03Innatechthe last time I did this was a loooong time ago, though.
22:34.24AdamB0122yea, its been a pretty tricky setup
22:34.44AdamB0122i've been stuck here for like three days now, only being able to do any work after hours when all the sales & support people leave
22:34.54AdamB0122+ I have no experience with T1's either, so that doesn't help anything.
22:35.29AdamB0122I got ahold of my telco
22:35.44AdamB0122and they say off the channelbank is E&M Wink signalling
22:35.52AdamB0122and that i can use E&M wink or E&M instant
22:36.25AdamB0122so I'm going to presume that singalling has to be e&m since fxo and e&m are so different
22:36.44Innatechhmmm....I remember doing it differently, and voip-wiki says fxo_ks, but whatever. If it doesn't work one way, try the other.
22:37.36*** join/#asterisk jmesquita (
22:37.38centrexAdamB0122, what kind of card is it?
22:37.40AdamB0122when i use fxo_ks signalling
22:37.54AdamB0122the T1 doesn't recognize that the Asterisk box has picked up
22:37.56AdamB0122and its a TE120P
22:38.04centrexAdamB0122, Call digium support.
22:38.20Sci_05oh ok, I got quest who sold me a "DSS" circuit (its a e&m wink) and i am having a problem when i dial out. Have to wait 10-20 sec before their side picks up
22:39.00centrexAdamB0122, Seriously, digium gives free installation support for the purchase of all the cards.
22:39.15AdamB0122lemme give them a call
22:39.21Sci_05AdamB0122: whats going on?
22:39.33AdamB0122Funky Telco
22:39.48centrexI'm one of the newer guys here, so I don't know, but someone here will.
22:39.56Sci_05good luick, cause its never their fault
22:40.27AdamB0122its more of funky telco + asterisk configuration
22:40.32glacidanyone have any suggestions for CID on an X100P (USA)
22:40.38AdamB0122the telco uses em_w as their signalling
22:41.08AdamB0122and I can't seem to get em_w signalling to work with ztcfg -v
22:41.41[TK]D-Fenderglacid, if that doesn't work, then you've got a flakey card.  The X100P is NOTORIOUS for that exact problem (assuming you've proven with a seperate phone that CID signalling is indeed being sent)
22:42.14[TK]D-Fenderglacid, But your configs are fine
22:42.18glacidit is being sent, i went ahead and ordered a digium TDM400
22:42.23*** part/#asterisk jtknapp (
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22:43.06glacidi'm migrating my home phone lines off of analog phones to all voip phones, so i know that it is still being sent
22:43.10InnatechSo...VSP? With hunting? Anyone got one?
22:43.17Daejeo1hi :)
22:43.36centrexAdamB0122, I'm trying to find an answer for you, hold on a sec and we'll see.
22:43.38Sci_05AdamB0122: what kind of card do you have in the box?
22:43.57[TK]D-Fenderglacid, so you're ditching analog phones, but keeping your analog lines?
22:44.06blitzrageInnatech: Mix Networks has vPBX's with Huntgroups... is that what you're looking for?
22:44.10AdamB0122sorry, grr was for AIM, not here
22:44.31Sci_05AdamB0122: give me a sec and I will post my config that works with e&m wink
22:44.39AdamB0122thanks a ton
22:45.23Innatechblitzrage: no, I'm just looking for a VSP that will provision an incoming trunk such that once the channels are exhausted addtional calls will roll over to another number (on a second VSP.) We're looking to split up the traffic, and have redundency.
22:46.24glacid[TK]D-Fender, I actually have service through VoicePulse and Vitelity, but I wanted an emergency line in case something goes wrong
22:46.26Sci_05AdamB0122: check this out
22:47.34[TK]D-Fenderglacid, You mean your analog?  A TDM400 is a big expense to keep an analog line... in the end you seem to be just spending MORE.  Thats what I have a Cell for.
22:48.05Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: Two issues I'm having. Two sip clients behind NAT are connecting to an unfirewalled asterisk server, and these two sip clients are able to call each other (thanks Pagautas ) but now no one can hear each other. The second issue is when I call a regular landline phone number I don't even see it in the CLI, verbose 10 and sip debug.
22:48.24AdamB0122do you actually NOT have anything declared besides loadzone and span in your zaptel?
22:48.25glacid[TK]D-Fender: I know, i'm ridiculous like that :(
22:48.36[TK]D-FenderShoeb, ...
22:48.36AdamB0122there it is
22:48.38jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
22:48.38InnatechIt seems like there has to be a provider that can provide this. It's kinda elementary.
22:48.42AdamB0122it actually has the & symbol
22:48.46Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: I
22:48.50[TK]D-Fenderglacid, the first step is admitting you have a problem ;)
22:48.54glacid[TK]D-Fender: Also, i can get away with a little bandwidth reduction if i am forwarding a call to my cellphone
22:49.01ShoebI have looked at it.. and I think qualify=yes and nat=yes should basically do it.
22:49.32glacid[TK]D-Fender, you know, whatever i can say to lie to myself and justify the cost ;)
22:49.35[TK]D-FenderShoeb, then you are MISTAKEN.  Read it again.
22:49.49[TK]D-Fenderglacid, to yourself... only to yourself :)
22:50.07[TK]D-Fenderglacid, but we do what we feel we must...
22:50.13Rienzillazaptel won't compile indeed here on sarge :/
22:50.25Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: My problem according to voipinfo is #9. And that's what it says.
22:50.30glacidwell, i do have an iphone (yes i heard about the vulnerabiity), so this isn't 100% an exercise in cost savings
22:50.31Innatech[TK]D-Fender: know any VSP's that will do hunting to another number upon trunk channel exhaustion?
22:50.35centrexAdamB0122, here's the answer I found here:  In zaptel.conf, set it up as a normal t1 like span=1,1,0,esf,b8zs (change to your specifics) then under that set e&m=channelnumbershere (that's zaptel.conf)
22:50.37glacidi'm going for omnipotence
22:50.39[TK]D-FenderShoeb, Follow the OTHER link.
22:50.49[TK]D-FenderInnatech, nope.
22:50.53Innatechk, thanks
22:50.55centrexAdamB0122, And then in zapata.conf, set it up as a normal t1 line, but with signalling as em_w and no switchtype.
22:51.05[TK]D-Fenderglacid, Ok, now we're talking ;)
22:51.16[TK]D-Fenderglacid, I'm waiting for OpenMoko's rev 2 release
22:51.30glacidis that the green phone?
22:51.45[TK]D-Fenderglacid, Nope.
22:52.10[TK]D-Fenderglacid, Actually.... was there a combo w/ green?  Don't THINK so...
22:52.15glacid[TK]D-Fender: oh sweet..
22:52.26glacid[TK]D-Fender: no there's also an open source green phone that runs linux
22:52.33[TK]D-Fenderglacid, just like this one.
22:52.44[TK]D-Fenderglacid, the Green one was that QT based one.
22:52.54Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: Done. But it mentions how the asterisk is behind NAT. In our case, Asterisk is not behind NAT, and the sip softphones are behind NAT. And they are not able to talk to each other.
22:53.06glacid[TK]D-Fender: right.. qtopia, i had to search my bookmarks for it
22:53.24InnatechWell, if I can't get hunting, I'd be interested in people's favorite IAX trunk providers. Feel free to /msg if you like.
22:53.40[TK]D-FenderShoeb, Each case is well documented
22:53.49[TK]D-FenderShoeb, read the samples CLOSELY.
22:54.01ShoebFrom the first link, right?
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22:54.13[TK]D-FenderShoeb, yes
22:54.14blitzrageI'm just curious why a VSP would want to do that... because if you use all the trunks you're paying for, doesn't it cost them a "trunk" to forward the call somewhere else? (i.e. they still have to deal with the call?)
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22:54.18ShoebGah, I'm sure it's something small and simple and I'm overlooking it!
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22:54.24blitzrageunless I'm misunderstanding what you're wanting to do...
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22:55.09elriahDo any of you use madplay?  I can't get mine to start, it won't even show up in the task list.  I have the full path in my musiconhold.conf section definition.  Asterisk 1.2, any suggestions?
22:55.15coldstealim just wondering if in sip.conf where i specify the context if i can specify 2
22:55.35coldsteallike context=local and outbound
22:55.53[TK]D-Fendercoldsteal, no.
22:55.58blitzrageno, it wouldn't make sense
22:56.11blitzrageyou would specify a third context, that included both of those contexts
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22:56.22blitzrageinclude => local
22:56.24blitzrageinclude => outbound
22:56.44coldstealo thats makes sence
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22:57.14[TK]D-FenderShoeb, canreinvite=no
22:57.14[TK]D-Fender; IMPORTANT! phones must not be allowed to attempt to
22:57.14[TK]D-Fender; directly connect with each other
22:57.24Innatechblitzrage: first off, I'd pay for the feature, and second I'm not sure that's true. I don't know how redirection works on the PSTN.
22:57.55InnatechFor instance, if I engage call forwarding, I can still use my line after someone calls and is forwarded, even if they haven't released their circuit.
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22:58.12Innatech(talking about trad. lines, now. )
22:58.12blitzrageInnatech: I count that as 2 calls
22:58.17ShoebLOL, I was *just* looking at that one and thinking "this is the only one part I don't know much about"
22:58.27Innatechblitzrage: except my pair isn't ever seized.
22:58.27blitzrageya... I don't deal with traditional telephony, I do SIP
22:58.47blitzrageInnatech: right... your circuit is free to make a call because the forwarding is done upstream
22:59.32Innatechblitzrage: which suggests that the PSTN connects the caller directly to a different endpoint than they dialed.
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22:59.42Innatech>shrug< I'm not really sure. I just would like the feature if I can find it.
23:00.12[TK]D-FenderShoeb, which is why I put a giant flashing disclaimer around it :)
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23:00.22blitzrageya... just not sure if a VSP can do that because they are not usually the physical connection, which means they are probably going to have to accept the incoming connection and send another back to their upstream provider
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23:01.04Innatechyes, I've been wondering about that. Whether it works kind of like an ICMP redirect, or wheter they have to effectively proxy it for you. I just don't know. But I know what functionality I want.
23:01.08blitzragenot sure if a 302 back the upstream provider causes the VSP to be utilizing one of *their* trunks or not...
23:01.10anonymouz666anyone know if in sip.conf the musicclass=default on [generals] overwite the specific one? I configured my own music class but it is always playing the damn calm-river
23:01.18blitzrageI work on the other side of the softswitch :)
23:01.23centrexInnatech, I have heard of something like that before, where the telco can recognize that a number they send to a pbx is being forwarded back out and just connect them directly.... I have no idea how it would be implemented, however.
23:01.24Innatechblitzrage: yup. In any case, I'd pay for it.
23:01.47Innatechcentrex: me neither. I'm soft on legacy telephony.
23:01.48blitzrageInnatech: sent you a msg with an email to contact to ask
23:01.54Innatechblitrage: thanks much.
23:02.22centrexInnatech, Strom_M might know, I'd try again when he's back here.
23:02.28InnatechAlright, thanks.
23:02.35Strom_Mwhat might I know?
23:02.53JTyes there's a few names for it
23:02.56JTECT is one
23:03.01JTExplicit Call Transfer
23:03.15Strom_Mtwo b-channel transfer
23:03.46JTasterisk's pri stack is pretty low on features, so naturally doesn't support it :)
23:03.54Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: It worked!!!! :)
23:04.00Strom_MJT: actually it does work on 5ESS
23:04.03[TK]D-FenderShoeb, z0mg!
23:04.04Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: Just trying clarity issues now.
23:04.05jerliqueI'm having problems with * listening to DTMF from a channel bank, the sip debug from * says "Unauthorised", any hints?
23:04.30JTStrom_M: well that's a miracle ;)
23:04.35[TK]D-Fenderjerlique, SIP debug has nothing to to with channel banks
23:04.41InnatechStrom_M: so are there VSPs that will allow me to have incoming calls hunt to a second number if my trunk's channels are all in use? That was the original question.
23:05.04Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: The other sip agent is trying to call my extension now and I see this error:
23:05.06ShoebJul 25 19:05:00 NOTICE[5119]: app_dial.c:1076 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
23:05.11JTInnatech: you talking sip?
23:05.22InnatechStrom_M: then there was some speulation about whether or not that would cost the VSP another line.
23:05.30InnatechJT: preferably IAX
23:05.34[TK]D-FenderShoeb, the message doesn't give any hint why, we need to see what CAUSED it
23:05.38jerliquetk]d-Fender: Considering * communicates to the channel bank with sip - it does
23:05.46Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: When I dial to him, it goes well.. but when he calls me it gives that error.
23:05.51JTInnatech: that significantly limits your choice
23:06.00JTInnatech: why on earth do you need line hunt on VoIP?
23:06.02InnatechJT: Yeah, I can use SIP is neccessary.
23:06.05jerliquehow else do calls get made/received - sip is the signalling protocol/
23:06.09ShoebAnd then it says: == Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/200-08d3d638' status is 'CHANUNAVAIL'
23:06.13InnatechJT: to split up service over multiple providers.
23:06.15[TK]D-Fenderjerlique, then its not a channel bank, its just a high-density SIP gateway.  Channel bank is a term reserved for TDM T1 type equipement
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23:06.25[TK]D-Fenderjerlique, What model are you using?
23:06.32JTjerlique: you must mean PRI to SIP gateway, NOT channel bank.
23:06.39Innatech*if neccesary, not is neccessary.
23:06.39jerliqueoh ok - sorry than! Vega 50 6x4
23:06.49anonymouz666should I use the parameter musicclass= or musiconhold= in sip.conf?
23:06.57jerliqueYes its a BRI/FXO -> SIP gateway
23:07.00[TK]D-FenderJT : no, he never said what was on the other side :)
23:07.01centrexInnatech, told ya Strom_M would know =)
23:07.04JTInnatech: for inbound or outbound?
23:07.06ManxPoweranonymouz666: what does sip.conf.sample show you?
23:07.13AdamB0122anyway to change the verbosity level AFTER you've started asterisk?
23:07.20JT[TK]D-Fender: ok, looks like FXS/FXO to SIP
23:07.21InnatechJT: inbound. Using multiple outbound trunks is as easy as sleepwalking.
23:07.22AdamB0122IE: i dont care to see all the remove unix connection crap now
23:07.26Strom_MHi.  I'm Strom.  I have a phone problem.
23:07.27centrexAdamB0122, set verbose numberhere
23:07.32AdamB0122thats it
23:07.34Strom_M(Hi Strom)
23:07.36[TK]D-FenderStrom_M, Hi Strom!
23:07.37centrexAdamB0122, or core set verbose numberhere
23:07.40JTInnatech: why would that be possible over multiple providers?
23:07.44InnatechJT: as in, I have 6 channels on my main trunk. When it's full, calls roll over to a secondary trunk on another provuder.s
23:07.53AdamB0122JT : turns out my Telco was stupid
23:08.00JTInnatech: there is no such thing as sip trunks
23:08.07JTAdamB0122: yeah?
23:08.13AdamB0122JT : they didn't use normal signalling, and their channel layout was a bit whacky
23:08.19AdamB0122JT : yea, E&M signalling
23:08.23InnatechJT: What?
23:08.36centrexAdamB0122, Did you see what I showed you?  About how to configure zaptel/zapata for E&M?
23:08.39AdamB0122JT : working 100% now, thanks for all the help you've given me over the last three days.
23:08.48JTInnatech: that is not possible anyway, unless your inbound DID provider routes the numbers to another telco
23:08.50AdamB0122centrex - > uhh, no, i must have missed it
23:08.56InnatechJT: That's the idea.
23:09.10InnatechJT: Just like the hunt groups we have now.
23:09.13centrexAdamB0122, ah.  I had went around asking because I was curious.
23:09.13AdamB0122centrex > I got it working thou, turns out that zaptel.conf uses E&M while zapata.conf just uses EM
23:09.16ManxPowerMany of my users have 100 messages in their INBOX in voicemail.
23:09.20JTInnatech: that stupid, why don't you just get them all sent from your provider?
23:09.29centrexAdamB0122, zapata should use em_w for em wink.
23:09.31ManxPowerTomorrow they will have an incentive to not have that many messages in their mailbox.
23:09.33AdamB0122centrex > yea
23:09.38JTInnatech: hunt groups is a circuit switch concept. VoIP is NOT circuit switched
23:09.43AdamB0122but the "E & M" part is just represented as EM
23:09.54AdamB0122vs E&M in zaptel.conf, which is what screwed me up
23:10.04JTAdamB0122: cool, did you work out which channels were which?
23:10.07AdamB0122didn't figure zaptel would use the & symbol, since most dont.
23:10.09centrexAdamB0122, yeah, e&m in zaptel, and em_w in zapata
23:10.10AdamB0122JT > yea
23:10.21JTAdamB0122: Ear and Mouth ;)
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23:10.27ManxPowerAdamB0122: you were the one with the Adit, right?
23:10.30AdamB0122centrex > yup yup. ^.^
23:10.35InnatechJT: Yes, I'm aware of the difference between PSTN and VOIP. Calls come in from the PSTN to a DID--it should be possible to send them to another PSTN number (which is actually a VOIP DID) if the first one is at capacity
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23:10.39AdamB0122ManxPower > yes, and thank you for your help as well
23:11.04JTInnatech: it would make incredibly more sense for them to just send you all the calls
23:11.16JTInnatech: in any case, it's something you'd have to get them to agree to do
23:11.18InnatechJT: Yeah, I'm getting that picture.
23:11.20JTwhich may be hard
23:11.35Innatechyeah, I know that there's no real incentive to provide it. I just want it. Heh.
23:11.46jerliqueSO any ideas about this SIP->BRI gateway? * can receive/make call via the gateway, it even receives the sip DTMF info messages, it just says UNauthorised to them.
23:12.00JTproviders will often call forward if you have a fault, or if you pay them
23:12.03fablizhello, anyone knows how I could compile zaptel with my custom options (i want to disable the firmware download of cards i don't use) without entering menuselect (automated install)?
23:12.13InnatechJT: would a full trunk qualify as a fault?
23:12.19JTInnatech: no
23:12.26AdamB0122fabliz > pretty sure there is a walkthrough on voip-info
23:12.29JTInnatech: it would qualify as insufficient provisioning
23:12.45JTand there really is no such thing as a sip trunk
23:12.45InnatechYeah. That's what I need to provide for.
23:12.46anonymouz666the musiconhold is only working when configured in [general] the sip devices musicclass= does not work
23:12.51anonymouz666always get the default moh
23:12.51JTcalls are connections setup at will
23:12.55anonymouz666anyone has an idea?
23:12.57Pengguhi all. i dont know where else to ask: i have auto-answer on snom320... but I wanted it to beep/ring first, at least once... any ideas how to do it the non-asterisk way?
23:12.58JTthere is no persistance
23:13.07InnatechJT: Well, I'm being miseld somewhat by the * terminology, then, when it comes to SIP trunks.
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23:13.28JTInnatech: there are a lot of noobs, like freepbx and some business types who call it sip trunking
23:13.30fablizAdamB0122, I searched but didn't find yet... Don't you have a link?
23:14.03keith4_the default transfer button is #, right?
23:14.16keith4_can i make "flash" do the transfer?
23:14.32InnatechJT: Yeah, and the vendors tend to call it that too. I'll try and be more precise. In any case, what would be the best practice here? Retain a PSTN line and use traditional hunting to distribute calls to VOIP DIDs?
23:14.55anonymouz666dammit the musicclass= does not work for peers and friends
23:14.56AdamB0122fabliz > its down below "asterisk zaptel installation"
23:14.57JTInnatech: best practice for reliable DIDs is to get a PRI circuit
23:14.59anonymouz666unless setmusiconhold is used
23:15.03AdamB0122that explains how to compile the src
23:15.09anonymouz666it only works on general
23:15.16JTyou don't really need "line hunt" on a pri, as it's all just different timeslots
23:15.18AdamB0122it might not be the exact changes, but thats the compile walkthrough
23:15.20[TK]D-Fenderkeith4_, it would be REALLY great if you would tell us what equipment you are using before asking advise on its use....
23:15.21InnatechJT: Heh. And when the client won't pay for that? Just go with one VSP and live with it?
23:15.42JTInnatech: they client is an idiot then, ITSPs are unreliable
23:15.44keith4_[TK]D-Fender: fair enough.
23:15.54fablizAdamB0122, I saw this one, they don't talk about menuselect at all, kind of outdated
23:15.55InnatechI don't think I can put that in a memo.
23:15.59keith4_using plain old crappy analog phone at the moment
23:16.07keith4_with digium analog hardware
23:16.38[TK]D-Fenderkeith4_, I do believe you can using "flash" (transfer=yes ; in zapata)
23:16.42InnatechAlright, I'm getting the picture. There's no money in this for the VSPs. I'll call around hat in hand and see if anyone will take extra money to provide it.
23:16.43fablizi just want to know, if i could select my make options modifying a file instead of compiling menuselect
23:16.52JTInnatech: you just need to tell them there are a lot of variables that can lead to telephony unavailability with an ITSP, and it's probably not your fault if they have issue
23:16.56Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: You rock, let me tell you that. Now, my second issue is giving me a little trouble. Dialing an external number.
23:17.14Innatechyeah. They nod sagely now. When it happens, they'll scream bloody murder.
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23:17.31JTInnatech: why don't you just get more channels with the provider?
23:17.38keith4_[TK]D-Fender,  the problem is that I can't use the # key when navigating other peoples' menus, because asterisk intercepts it as a transfer, and I don't know how to make it stop doing that
23:18.02Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: Verbose 10 doesn't bring anything up either when I dial the external phone number. I guess we're now leaving this to SIP debug.
23:18.04JTkeith4_: get rid of the tT from the Dial line?
23:18.24ManxPowerJT: I just updated my std-exten macros to play "I'm sorry, but the user's mailbox cannot accept any more messages" AND not even ring the person's phone, if they have 100 messages in their INBOX.
23:18.50JTManxPower: you have some problem users/ghosts?
23:19.04[TK]D-Fenderkeith4_, Stop using "tT" in your dial options
23:19.11InnatechJT: They know they want multiple outgoing providers, so it would be easy to leverage that, for starters. Past that, in case one has network problems it'd be nice to be able to put in a blanket forward and get the calls on the second provider. And, for that matter, I'm used to thinking in terms of hunting when it comes to these needs so that's the direction I went naturally.
23:19.20[TK]D-FenderShoeb, clearly
23:19.24ManxPowerJT: it slows down the daily backups
23:19.34Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: Let me get you the debug.
23:19.54ManxPowerand yes, we have many off site users that do not check their voicemail
23:20.08JTInnatech: if they're that worried about their phones working they should get a PRI
23:20.22InnatechJT: Yeah. I've been over that road more than once with them.
23:20.28[TK]D-FenderManxPower, You should auto-tarball & email them and clear them off :)
23:20.43ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: 8-)
23:20.50InnatechJT: It was murder to get them to agree to a pure data t1 for VOIP and 'net. They wanted to carry everything over a freaking business DSL.
23:20.54JTInnatech: i wouldn't trust an ITSP to reliably redirect anything
23:21.05ManxPowerI suggested putting their cell in the voicemail notification system so everytime they get a voicemail it calls their cell phone to tell them
23:21.22[TK]D-FenderManxPower, you can't make all of the people happy all of the time as they say.... hope your solution makes them the happiest
23:21.28InnatechJT: yeah. This idea was courtesy of the something-is-better-than-nothing-and-it-sounds-like-it-should-work department.
23:21.31ManxPowerI would not trust an ITSP to shine my shoes.
23:22.05ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: every 2 months or so we send out an e-mail to the users telling them to clean out their mailbox.  I'm tired of it.
23:22.08[TK]D-FenderManxPower, Oh course you wouldn't... its not like they do THAT for a living!  Learn to outsource properly!
23:22.18keith4_[TK]D-Fender, JT, I want to be able to transfer, I guess... but I don't want # to do it
23:22.21[TK]D-FenderManxPower, I mean e-mail out the VM's themselves!
23:22.45ManxPowerkeith: Do you really have to transfer that many calls that you have dialed that go to outside numbers?
23:22.45[TK]D-Fenderkeith4_, I told you what to add to Zapata, and what to remove from dial.  Do both and you'll be fine
23:22.50JTkeith4_: then use your sip phone's transfer feature
23:22.56ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: most of them would get very confused.
23:23.09[TK]D-FenderJT : he's not USING a SIP phone..... you have stopped reading again! ;)
23:23.27[TK]D-FenderManxPower, You say that... as though it weren't a permanent state of being for them ;)
23:23.37JT[TK]D-Fender: i thought that was likely, but maybe he should get a less on-crack setup ;)
23:23.46ManxPowerkeith4_: You DO understand that tT is an ugly hack mostly used by 1) newbies 2) people that do not have TRANSFER or FLASH button on their phone, right?
23:24.40keith4_ManxPower: I do now ;-)
23:25.36ManxPowerwell, I need to make a run to Desterhan LA
23:26.52keith4_[TK]D-Fender, how do I transfer a call now?
23:27.59Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: Sorry it's taking a while. I got booted off.. just trying to get back in.
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23:29.18[TK]D-Fenderkeith4_, You just finished asking how to use flash to do transfers, I tell you how, and NOW you are asking the same question AGAIN!
23:29.19BSD_TechTK you home yet
23:29.31[TK]D-FenderBSD_Tech, ummmm... no?
23:29.59BSD_TechTK has no real home
23:30.15keith4_[TK]D-Fender, well, then you should conclude that using flash to do a transfer isn't working, obviously
23:31.43BSD_TechTk when you have time let me know
23:32.52Innatechoh...wait. We're talking about hardware flash. Nevermind.
23:33.02[TK]D-Fenderkeith4_, have you completely restarted *?  "reload" alone isn't enough
23:33.27[TK]D-FenderBSD_Tech, ina  bit
23:33.34keith4_[TK]D-Fender, yes
23:33.44*** part/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
23:33.49[TK]D-Fenderkeith4_, When you hit flash, what happens?
23:34.03keith4_it behaves like call waiting
23:34.08[TK]D-Fenderkeith4_, you should also have threewaycalling=yes, etc in there....
23:34.21keith4_the call in progress went away, and i get a dial tone
23:34.38[TK]D-Fenderkeith4_, you should get a 2nd tone, dial your target.  Once ringing, hangup and that should complete the transfer
23:34.46keith4_.... oh
23:35.04keith4_i didn't realize it was going to be three way
23:36.41Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: Now the box won't let me back in. I guess this will have to wait till later.
23:37.28ShoebBut one quick question, very general.. would chmodding /var to 777 cause any havoc to the system? (Someone was just trying to create .call files and it wasn't letting him do it so he did the chmod)
23:37.47[TK]D-FenderShoeb, .......
23:37.56andrewg_fmShoeb: uhhh, can do :)
23:38.04andrewg_fmbad idea though to do it :p
23:38.27JTShoeb: actually asterisk often doesn't like 777 callfiles
23:38.52JTShoeb: and yes, it's stupid to 777 /var
23:38.54Shoebthen why wasn't it letting him create the .call files?
23:39.06JTbecause he didn't have permission?
23:39.10*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
23:39.10JT777 is not the answer
23:39.13ShoebHe was root
23:39.34[TK]D-FenderShoeb, because you aren't supposed to creat them in the spooled folder, you're supposed to MOVE them there after creation.
23:39.39JTand what are the permissions of the dir?
23:39.59ShoebJT: The permissions WERE drwxr-xr-x
23:40.12Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: Aaah..
23:40.18JTShoeb: and owner and group?
23:40.38Shoebroot root
23:40.45JTShoeb: the callfile documentation clearly states to never make callfiles in the spool directory
23:40.57Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: But he was trying to move them there. Not create there.
23:42.25ShoebYou know what, wrong story. I'm just being told that he made a script to create callfiles and move them to spool by the user apache.
23:42.45ShoebSo when someon said create on the index.php file, it created the files (created by apache) and tried to move it to spool
23:43.12ShoebPS: For general knowledge, why does a 777'd call file cause a problem?
23:43.54*** part/#asterisk galeras (n=root@
23:44.38NuggetJust as a general rule it's bad form to have a file flagged executable when it isn't, but I can't think of any way that would directly cause a problem other than the fact that people will point at it and laugh.  Being world-writable is surely not the best choice, either.
23:47.09*** join/#asterisk fujin (n=fujin@unaffiliated/fujin)
23:47.31*** join/#asterisk coldsteal (n=coldstea@unaffiliated/coldsteal)
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23:48.32blitzragework sucks
23:48.57NuggetI love my jobs.
23:49.24*** part/#asterisk IPmonger (
23:51.37Shoeblol Nugget
23:57.55coldstealim trying to  forward an incoming call when busy

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