IRC log for #asterisk on 20070724

00:00.13x86generalhan: sip.conf, same as where bindaddr is set ;)
00:00.21generalhanx86: see i had it set to but i changed it thinking that was the issue, but it wasnt
00:00.32x86JT: it can't resolve the destination hostname
00:00.37x86sopo2k4: check DNS
00:01.06x86generalhan: yeah leave it as, and make your realms the hostname of the machine (which should definitely be different)
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00:01.17generalhanx86: LOL, ok could it be that im not setting domain/realm on either server ?  i never had to set that before
00:01.39x86well by default i think it uses your server's hostname
00:01.43x86are they the same hostname?
00:01.51x86then that should be good
00:02.01generalhanwell wth then ?? this is slightly aggrivating
00:02.09jarroddoes asterisk have a way of specifying the source ip address of secondary ips on nics for responses?
00:02.58x86jarrod: your question is unclear
00:03.20jarrodi want the sip process to listen and respond on a secondary (alias) ip address
00:03.31jarrodis that possible
00:03.38JTit will probably listen if bound to all
00:03.53JTprobably will only respond on that ip if requests come in on that ip
00:04.38jarrodbut, given the connectionless nature of udp, it will respond with a source of the secondary (alias) ip?
00:05.14JTthat would be logical
00:05.23JTif the request came in on that ip
00:05.27JTbut feel free to test
00:05.40x86jarrod: you can set bindaddr to only the secondary IP, the primary IP wont be bound at all
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00:21.09jarrodthat doesnt provide a stable solution, because the virtual ip needs to be able to be migrated from one server to another, without hitch, for this to work as planned
00:21.33jarrodif you start a server on an ip that does not exist it pseudo binds to 'all', then once that ip is assigned it stops listening on whatever port
00:22.33JTasterisk isn't a ha solution, you will need to work out how to do the ha bit
00:22.45jarrodshould be :(
00:22.56jarrodi guess if it executed the init script, AFTER the IP was assigned
00:23.02jarrodand stopped it when it was removed, it would work
00:25.49fujinUse heartbeat.
00:25.53fujinDon't be retarded ;)
00:26.08fujinHeartbeat v1 is perfect for asterisk-ha. has been working perfectly here
00:27.14fujinjarrod: it's quite simple to change a virtual IP from one server to another
00:27.21Hmmhesaysany electronic freaks in here?
00:27.26fujinjust spoof an ARP, this will tell the switches that the port that the IP is on has relocated
00:27.50Hmmhesayssay I have an 18V psu at 1 amp, to drop it to 14v I would need a 4ohm resistor right?
00:27.51JTwhat is an electronic freak?
00:27.56JTlike a terminator cyborg
00:28.04fujinI'm not sure this is the correct place to ask
00:28.12JTHmmhesays: how much current would you draw?
00:28.30fujinlol no, a 4ohm resistor won't drop 18v to 14v
00:28.42fujinresistance != voltage
00:29.23Hmmhesaysyes V=IR, at 1amp a 1ohm resistor will drop 1volt across it
00:29.49snuff-workwell remember u have a 18W sorce
00:29.59snuff-workP = IV
00:30.00jarrodi am using heartbeat fujin, and it is moving the ip
00:30.13Hmmhesayswhere did the 18W source come from?
00:30.16jarrodfujin: the problem is asterisk responding on the new virtual ip assigned to it
00:30.26snuff-work18V in 1 amp.. so.. 18x1 = 18W
00:30.59snuff-workwhich means u'd want a 5W resistor
00:31.15snuff-workwhich are generally ceramic if i remember rightly
00:31.15fujinjarrod: not really a problem at all
00:31.23fujinjust configure asterisk to *always* listen on the virtual IP
00:31.40Hmmhesayswhere did you come up with 5W
00:31.41jarrodi do that, but when the ip is assigned after asterisk is started
00:31.48fujinyou're doing it wrong ;)
00:31.54jarrodoh, how should i :-D
00:31.58jarrodim using ha2
00:32.03fujinThat's probably half of the problem
00:32.13fujinha2 is overly complicated for an asterisk setup, imho
00:32.23fujinI'm using ha1, I can provide my haresources/ if you need.
00:32.25jarrodi like xml :-D
00:32.28jarrodplease do
00:32.33fujinHold ;)
00:32.37jarrodand any script it uses?
00:32.39jarrodi guess ill downgrade
00:33.13snuff-workHmmhesays.. if its going from 18V in 1 amp.. to 14V in 1 amp.. means u have a difference of 4 W in power to dissapate
00:33.40snuff-worktherefore u'll probably want to be on the safe side  and use a 5W resistor ->
00:34.13fujinharesources ->
00:34.20fujinjust put those files in /etc/ha.d on both servers
00:34.40fujinobviously mine are named asterisk01/02, the management ip's are .2 and .3, the virtual ip is .1
00:35.11jarrodso the asterisk is haresources is /etc/init.d/asterisk startup?
00:35.26jarrodthat looks so much easier
00:35.26Hmmhesayssnuff-work: then were do ohms come into that equation
00:35.28jarrodwhat is up with ha2
00:35.29fujinasterisk, atftpd proxyman etc are all starting when it detects the fail
00:35.30*** join/#asterisk MrMister2 (
00:35.33fujinha2 is *overly* complex
00:35.43fujinmore suited for clusters than 2box hot/cold or hot/hot.
00:35.46*** join/#asterisk VJFROMGT (
00:35.53Hmmhesayscause every resistor i'm looking at have an ohm/watt rating
00:36.00jarrodthat is somewhat upsetting
00:36.11VJFROMGTi notice that the extension.conf file refer to trunk by a number, which file defines what trunk is what number?
00:36.12fujinyou need all that freaky XML to get ha2 going, lol, I couldn't be bothered.
00:36.31fujindon't get me wrong, I love it too
00:36.32JTHmmhesays: using resistors to drop the voltage for any real amount of current is dumb
00:36.33jarrodi use it everywhere
00:36.48JTtoo much heat, the resistors get big and expensive fast
00:37.03jarrodi guess my assumption that ha2 could do everything ha1 could do, but better, was WRONG :)
00:37.03JTfujin: ?
00:37.22fujinjust throwin a spanner in the works
00:37.23fujinmy bad ;)
00:37.33jarrodi gotta uinstall ha2
00:37.43HmmhesaysI don't think 18v to 14v is much
00:37.51fujinI should probably document my findings for heartbeating asterisk
00:38.18JTHmmhesays: the voltage is not as important as how much current you're pulling
00:38.36JTHmmhesays: it's a stupid inefficient unregulated way to do it, anyway
00:38.39JTHmmhesays: what's it for?
00:38.59Hmmhesayswell I can't find a 14v power supply for my wireless ear monitor base station
00:39.09Hmmhesaysclosest I can find is 15v
00:39.12Hmmhesaysat 500ma
00:39.14JTwireless ear monitor?
00:39.26JTdo you have a url
00:40.06JTHmmhesays: the transmitter?
00:40.19JTdid it not come with a power supply?
00:40.20Hmmhesaysthe original psu was 14v @500ma
00:40.24Hmmhesaysits been long lost
00:40.30JTthen stick 15v in
00:40.34JTbuy the 15v unit
00:40.44JToh no, not a volt of difference
00:40.50Hmmhesaysis that not going to make a difference?
00:41.02Hmmhesayscan you explain to me why?
00:41.08*** join/#asterisk atomicd (
00:41.13JTit would have internal voltage regulators
00:41.25JTespecially since that 14v supply was probably a pile of cheap junk
00:41.25Hmmhesaysit is kind of a cheap transmitter
00:41.36JTvoltage regulators are kind of cheap
00:41.49Hmmhesaysi see
00:41.51JTcheaper than warranty claims
00:42.00JTit's just good electronics design practice
00:42.49*** join/#asterisk jarrod (
00:43.06JTit can probably handle at least 5v overvoltage
00:43.09JTmaybe more
00:43.15JT1v is nothing
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00:43.37atomicdQuick question... does Asterisk have an audible "on hold" reminder?
00:43.47JTmind you, if the supply is unregulated, at no load a 15v supply is probably more like 17v
00:44.14jarrodwhat is this: ping
00:46.41NuggetWhat do you mean "what is this?"
00:49.29fujinjarrod: that tells it to ping the AS5400 and the 2600 to see if the connectivity is up
00:49.36fujinjust more connectivity tests
00:49.43fujinthe two boxes are connected by a crossover cable, I forgot to mention
00:49.52jarrodhmm, the processes are started, but its not assigning the ips to the interface on the primary, nor did it start *
00:50.18killfillIs it possible to make agents recieve more than 1 call at a time in a queue? my agents cannot.. :S
00:50.23[ViAjErO]Is there a way that some analog port in a TDM22B card from digium doesn't give tone upon pick up the line ? some power or misconfiguration issue ?
00:51.12fujinjarrod: have you got your authkeys setup?
00:51.31jarrodyes, they both match
00:51.39jarrodauth 1, 1 sha blah
00:51.42jarrodon both
00:51.51fujinand those haresources are exactly the same on both boxes?
00:52.29fujindo asterisk stop on both
00:52.30DrukenHMEthe search foobared on voip-info ?
00:52.37fujinand then /usr/lib/heartbeat/hb_takeover all
00:52.44jarrodoh, i had the processes stopped on both when i started?
00:52.59jarrod(asterisk processes)
00:53.05jarrodi figured it would manage those for me
00:53.57fujingenerally I stop them all
00:54.26fujinyeah, if you do asterisk stop
00:54.34fujinand then start up the heartbeat init script
00:54.40fujinit should check in a couple of secs and start up your primary
00:54.47fujincheck the syslog
00:55.35jarrodhow long does it generally take for it to bind the IP
00:55.36fujinyep, ok
00:55.41fujinnow do /usr/lib/heartbeat/hb_takeover all
00:55.44fujinto make it speed up
00:55.53fujinyou should see it talk to the other one
00:55.58jarrodok, i did it
00:56.17fujinin your syslog ;)
00:56.19fujinlike that ^^
00:56.41jarrodmaybe it just takes a minute?
00:57.02jarrodJul 23 19:54:13 ss1a heartbeat[8482]: info: pid 8482 locked in memory.
00:57.08jarrodthats the last entry i have
00:57.12fujindid you run hb_takeover all like I said?
00:57.17jarrodsure idd
00:57.25jarrodill try again
00:57.53jarrodit says ping heartbeat started, wonder what the problem could be
00:58.03fujindoesn't really look like a problem
00:58.05fujinjust chill for a sec
00:58.08jarrodi wonder if there are any ha2 remnants throwing me off
00:58.09fujinsee if it starts up
00:58.16jarrodha2 took ~2min
00:58.37fujindid you remove all of ha2?
00:58.38jarrodi see it listening on the udp ports
00:58.47jarrodthen i install ha over it
00:58.53fujinand you've got your eth1 hooked up with crossover to the other box?
00:59.19fujinand your boxes are asterisk01/asterisk02 ?
00:59.22jarrodwell, i use eth2, and they are both plugged into switches on the same broadcast domain
00:59.32jarrodi modified the cf accordingly
00:59.33fujinmodify the 'node' lines
00:59.41fujinand you changed bcast to eth2
00:59.59jarrodyup yup, and both nodes resolve properly on each
01:00.12jarrodrespawn hacluster
01:00.23fujinI'm not sure if it works without a crossover or serial cable
01:00.36jarrodwell its based on ip connectivity
01:00.37fujinhave never done it that way ;[
01:00.52jarrodi have a cross over between them for DRBD
01:01.16jarrodthis way protects me in case switches die, they are both plugged into separate switches, but can ping each other
01:01.32jarrodmaybe i can enable debug
01:01.46fujinyou do have heartbeat started on both boxes aye?
01:01.51fujinlooks like they aren't failing correctly
01:02.08fujindo /usr/lib/heartbeat/hb_standby on your primary
01:02.09jarrodyes, and i can see them both pinging
01:02.21jarrod[8:01pm][root@ss1a:/etc/ha.d]# /usr/lib/heartbeat/hb_standby
01:02.21jarrod2007/07/23_20:02:15 Going standby [all].
01:02.25*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-a0d77766a3cca928)
01:02.56jarrodim going to stop it all and restart
01:04.39*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:04.47fujinif you did standby
01:04.50fujinwhat did the second ones syslog say?
01:05.21jarrodim not seeing anything past the locked in memory
01:05.32jarrodps auwx shows the heartbeat processing pinging each other, and my gateway
01:05.38jarrodon both boxes
01:05.40jarrodhere, ill restart
01:06.56jarrodon the:ok i enabled debu
01:07.31jarrodit assigns the virtual ip to the interface specified in bcast?
01:07.43fujinit aliases the primary interface I think
01:07.52jarrodhow does it know which is primary
01:09.00*** part/#asterisk jtknapp (
01:09.24fujinnot sure
01:09.43fujinprobably from haresources
01:10.17jarroddoes the host need to be the same as # hostname ?
01:12.43*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (n=matt@
01:15.16*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
01:17.13fujinwhat do you mean
01:17.19jarrodnothing, answered my own question
01:17.56jarroddang man
01:17.58jarrodim clueless
01:18.12jarrodi did hb_takeover all
01:18.17jarrodand it gave me a few things
01:18.34jarrodi wonder how it decides which interface gets the alias IP
01:18.45tzafrir_laptopZX81, what did you ask just before you left?
01:24.34jarrodit worked!
01:25.26jarrodhmm, standby didnt transfer
01:26.04[ViAjErO]shared interrupts could cause strange behavior on a digium tdm22b card ?
01:26.22ZX81tzafrir_laptop yesterday?
01:26.30ZX81about codec 126
01:26.53saftsacknot good. try to take another pci slot for your fxo/fxs card
01:27.03ZX81I was seeing it when polarity reversed on a hangup - had a really strange line (analogue line but provides DDIs)
01:27.08Juggiebetter yet, disable onboard usb
01:27.09[ViAjErO]saftsack: that answer is for me ?
01:27.17[ViAjErO]ok thank you
01:27.29Juggie[ViAjErO], disable anything you arnt using, like, onboard usb.
01:27.31ZX81had to be connected to a FXS socket instead of an FXO -> both sides providing dialtone to each other!
01:27.52saftsackJuggie: i think he needs etherneed so i think he has to change the slot
01:27.56[ViAjErO]saftsack and Juggie : could I use a better NIC (i have a sis900), to avoid sharing IRQ's on it ?
01:28.08saftsackno. dont you have a free pci slot?
01:28.33[ViAjErO]saftsack: yes .. i have another ..
01:28.41Juggiesaftsack, i'm aware, but every bit helps :)
01:28.44[ViAjErO]i'll try this and disabling usb
01:28.51[ViAjErO]thank you ...
01:28.53saftsackso take this .. in most cases the third one is "alone"
01:29.23saftsackJuggie: thats true ;)
01:29.28[ViAjErO]safstack : i have one of mi analog port without tone upon pickin up .. the another is fine
01:29.45[ViAjErO]i'll try this
01:29.52[ViAjErO]thank you a lot guys
01:29.56saftsackwait ...
01:30.18saftsackdo you get no tone if you enable a second one, or just on this specific port?
01:30.27saftsackenable => pick up
01:30.29*** join/#asterisk bbryant_ (
01:31.36[ViAjErO]saftsack: i have 1 and 2 ports as analog internal .. 3 and 4 as incoming . If I put a phone on port 2 i get tone and I'm able to dial everywhere, but in port one I didnt get tone when I pick up the phone
01:32.42[ViAjErO]saftsack: is a TDM22B 2 fxs & 2 fxo
01:32.43saftsackah ok. so furthermore to the portchange you can try to remove module on port 2 and see if there is tone then on port one
01:32.59sopo2k4whats the default SIP Port
01:33.02sopo2k4to add to my router?
01:33.12saftsack[ViAjErO]: i know ;) no other combination possible
01:33.15*** join/#asterisk az^^za (n=azza@
01:33.33saftsackafter this test swap both modules
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01:33.54Hmmhesayswell I got a 15v 1000ma psu
01:33.58[ViAjErO]saftsack: I see .. i'm a newbie ... but i'm trying to get this working ...
01:34.01Hmmhesayshopefully it won't smoke my transmitter
01:34.05saftsackgood luck :)
01:34.11JTZX81: sounds like a good way to blow something up
01:34.31[ViAjErO]i'll be back ... thank you saftsack & Juggie
01:35.05[hC]anyone seen where sending 'h' as an option to Dial (to not send caller id) blocks the number but NOT the name?
01:35.08sopo2k4is there a default SIP Port?
01:35.09*** join/#asterisk NirS_ (
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01:35.30az^^zahowdy all, complete noob here... trying to decide on a corporate PBX. Will Asterisk interact with a remote Cisco Call Manager, or Alcatel or similar PBX?
01:35.38skymeyersopo2k4: 5060
01:36.14[hC]az^^za: it can in some capacity or another, yes.
01:36.25saftsacksopo2k4: plz look at
01:36.29saftsackthis is a everyasked question
01:36.34[hC]az^^za: wether it be using SIP (voip) or connecting the two with a 'fake' PRI, but youll find everything you need to know at
01:36.43[hC]az^^za: its a wiki with a retarded amount of info on asterisk
01:37.05az^^zaexcellent, for us retards ;)
01:38.33az^^zadoes it only run on Red Hat 7.3?
01:39.25ZX81JT: reckon
01:40.04JTZX81: if they both ring at the same time...
01:40.14JThell, even too disimilar -48VDC sources
01:43.07Aces1Upwhen communicating with the ami what does the ActionID do exactly?  is it something i make up in my script?
01:45.45*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-4eb951b7229f2298)
01:47.47ZX81JT: just using it as inbound trunks - doesn't work as outbound
01:47.55ZX81have tdm2400p as outbound
01:48.19JTZX81: what is with this crackpot analogue lines everywhere setup? ;)
01:51.46ZX81:) I know - its a town up north in New Zealand - the exchange can't provide ISDN but the customer wanted DDI numbers - so the telco set up this weird stuff
01:52.19ZX81they also hang up on a call after 3 minutes if they don't get a polarity reversal at the start :)
01:52.30JThow do they signal the did?
01:52.40ZX81they pick up the line and dial an extension
01:52.43ZX813 digits
01:52.49ZX81as if the exchange was a phone
01:53.03JTwhen you pick up the line, they send a 3 dtmf code?
01:53.20ZX81the signalling is fxs - so its as if they were a phone
01:53.26ZX81so they pick up and dial 3 digits
01:53.51JTthat's screwed up
01:53.54ZX81hell yeah
01:53.58JTyet they provide talk battery current?
01:54.13ZX81can't think of any way to get callerid from them though
01:54.22*** join/#asterisk nath0099 (
01:54.23ZX81normally an analogue phone doesn't provide it!
01:54.56ZX81I should have known something was weird when they said they had 8 analogue lines and 24 phone numbers :)
01:55.22JTwhat handles the termination if this setup now?
01:55.37ZX81you mean before Asterisk?
01:55.43ZX81was a fujitsu pbx
01:56.04JThrm ok
01:56.07ZX81so now they have 4 inbound lines and 4 outbound
01:56.15JTdid it have a custom card to handle this
01:56.18ZX81couldn't send calls out via the fxs
01:56.22ZX81yeah must have done
01:56.35ZX81heh and all cabling on a krone block thingy
01:56.45ZX81I'd brought RJ cables
01:56.54fujinsounds nasty
01:58.30*** join/#asterisk bkruse_home (n=kruz@
01:58.31JTkrone ftw :)
01:58.59fujinI'm glad i'm operating at the layer where I don't have to fuck with kroning or anything.
01:59.04fujinhave cable monkey :)
01:59.28JTkroning is fine as long as it doesn't involve crawling
02:00.00sopo2k4if my voip provider is going to forward the incoming calls to my asterisk server, what port would i have to open in order for my server to receive the call?
02:01.34JTudp 5060, 10000-20000
02:04.21Sci_05what is the command to show the variables again?
02:06.01Sci_05core show function...thats what it was
02:07.21az^^zaso is there any reason other than money for us not to buy cisco call manager?
02:08.32Sci_05ya you r stuck with what they say and can only do how they say it and what they say it can do
02:08.57JTbuying cisco is like writing a blank cheque
02:09.05JTand they treat their customers with contempt
02:09.20Sci_05lol that is the perfect way to expain cisco JT
02:09.35az^^zaso they have gotcha's
02:09.57Sci_05I have a client who bought a cisco call manager setup and spent 120K on and and an additional 80k on support and the damn thing still doesn't work right
02:10.12*** join/#asterisk jerlique (
02:10.27jerliqueHow would I get INFO added to the list of abilities in "Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY
02:11.30JTaz^^za: yes, i guess you could call all that a "gotcha"
02:11.32az^^zaso as far as asterisk is concerned... it's possible to run menu's "press 1 to do blah" eta.. and it can detect that in a call center all operators are busy and to take some kind of action?
02:11.56Sci_05anyone know off hand what they replaced the "System" command to? I want to be able to call a few commands outside of asterisk but all the docs say to use "n,System" and I am not seeing system in the core show function...
02:12.01az^^zabtw: this is more or less for a commercial helpdesk
02:12.20JTyes, IVR, and queues
02:12.21jerliqueaz^^za; yes it can do that
02:13.13az^^zathanks jerlique
02:13.29az^^zaand JT
02:13.37ZX81hey a quick question
02:13.50ZX81when sending out a mail via voicemail
02:14.08ZX81how do I cause it to use a particular smtp server instead of localhost
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02:25.35zperteehas anyone used zapmicro hardware?
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02:29.24snuff-workmailcmd=/usr/sbin/sendmail -t
02:29.27snuff-workin voicemail.conf
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03:13.58\malex\is it known when will be back online?
03:18.45x86when did it go down?
03:19.18\malex\sometime before i asked :)
03:20.54*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
03:22.17Hmmhesayswell the 15v works
03:22.35JTsurprise surprise ;)
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04:13.27walter_rodriguesneed help installing TDM24XXP with 8 FXO + 16 FXS ... it doesn't install definetely not...Walter Rodrigues Filho - Brazil
04:17.07walter_rodriguesdmesg relays this.... wctdm24xxp: Unknown symbol pci_module_init
04:18.30Strom_Mwhat version of zaptel are you building?
04:20.22snuff-worksounds like u have 2.6.22 kernel
04:24.44*** join/#asterisk AdamB0122 (n=Adam@
04:24.46AdamB0122Hey everyone
04:26.08walter_rodriguessorry for the delay...zaptel 1.4.4
04:27.22walter_rodriguesI am being beaten like a street dog by this TDM 24XXP...:(
04:27.55walter_rodriguessnuff...seems you sniffed my problem..huh?
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04:39.01AdamB0122anyway to find out info about a T1 without calling the phone company?
04:39.40[TK]D-FenderAdamB0122, could you be a little more vague please?  I think I still know the general topic you're speaking about.....
04:39.55AdamB0122sorry, Like, I'm trying to configure my T1 card
04:40.05AdamB0122and I dont know things like framing, or coding
04:40.19AdamB0122or which side is doing timing, ect
04:40.23[TK]D-FenderAdamB0122, Why not?  Don'y you have a copy of the circuit order?
04:40.58AdamB0122Pretty much no.   I have a tele cabinet, with crap going everywhere
04:41.05[TK]D-FenderAdamB0122, And you didn't order it yourself?
04:41.10[TK]D-FenderI meant PAPER
04:41.17AdamB0122no, i didn't
04:41.25AdamB0122it was here before I was @ this company
04:41.26[TK]D-FenderAdamB0122, You know, like the contract that describes the service your signing up for...
04:41.38AdamB0122and of course, the guy before me, didn't keep track of jack shit
04:41.41[TK]D-FenderAdamB0122, and THEY don't have it either?
04:41.42Strom_MAdamB0122: step 1: call the phone company
04:41.58AdamB0122thats what I figured i'd have to do
04:42.21AdamB0122but i wanted to know if their was any magical way to avoid doing such as i wanted to get alot of work done tonight, and its like midnight here
04:42.42Strom_MAdamB0122: how much do you know about the circuit?
04:42.52AdamB0122Unfortualtely not much
04:42.58Strom_Mis it ISDN or CAS?
04:43.18Strom_Mwell, that makes life easier
04:43.40AdamB0122actually one sec
04:43.40Strom_Mtry receiving timing, esf/b8zs, d-channel on 24, NI2 switchtype
04:44.09AdamB0122One of the other Sysop's (the only one here longer then I) just got online, lemme go see if he has it
04:48.38walter_rodriguesPlease...could somebody hint me on potential problems envolving kernel and  installing TDM24XXP?
04:51.30AdamB0122for receiving timing, is that a 0 or 1
04:53.36AdamB0122ZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span1: invalid arg
04:54.02Strom_Mpastebin teh config
04:55.00AdamB0122./etc/zaptel.conf >
04:56.05AdamB0122./etc/asterisk/zapata.conf >
04:56.38AdamB0122(its a T1 from XOCommunications, if that helps at all)
05:01.21bkruse_homeStrom_M: pastebin teh!
05:01.55AdamB0122(those are my config, did you want something differently?)
05:02.55snuff-workwalter_rodrigues,   svn checkout
05:03.18snuff-workthat shoudl then allow u to compile a new zaptel for your 1.4 asterisk
05:04.35*** join/#asterisk Keltus (n=Keltus@about/cooking/nakedchef/beefstew/Keltus)
05:05.33Strom_MAdamB0122: unload your drivers and reload them
05:06.24AdamB0122gr, whats the command to check their removed, I just modprobe -r'ed, but i cant remember how to check
05:07.10snuff-worklsmod ?
05:07.53AdamB0122yea, and what the hell
05:08.01AdamB0122zaptel                186532  10 wcte11xp,zttranscode,ztdummy,wctdm,wcfxo,wct1xxp,wct4xxp,tor2
05:08.12JTyou don't need all that crap loaded
05:08.16JTstupid distro
05:08.35snuff-workthe init script trys to load em all i know that much
05:09.28AdamB0122zaptel                186532  3 wcte11xp
05:09.46AdamB0122i've removed everything but the TE120p mod
05:10.01Strom_Mwcte11xp is for the TE110P
05:10.08Strom_Mthe TE120P uses wcte12xp
05:10.24AdamB0122gr. damn quickstart guide
05:11.19AdamB0122its not using wcte12xp
05:12.20*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
05:12.21AdamB0122last time i worked with a T1 card though, when I loaded the mod using modprobe, the red light on the actual T1 card started blinking.  This one is currently not doing so.
05:12.37Strom_Mit /is/ a te120p, right?
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05:12.56Strom_Mdoes it show up when you run lspci -bv?
05:13.04AdamB0122that one, bought it 3 days ago
05:13.40AdamB012203:02.0 Ethernet controller: Digium, Inc.: Unknown device 0120 (rev 11)
05:13.57Strom_Mztcfg -vv
05:13.58Strom_Mwhat happens
05:14.09AdamB0122oh damn, no errors
05:14.17AdamB0122i get a chanmap of 01-24
05:14.24AdamB0122then a changing signalling on 1-24
05:14.29Strom_Mis it in red alarm now?
05:14.32AdamB0122and then an end... i can nopaste if you like
05:14.51AdamB0122it is
05:14.59delmarhey everyone. I have an interesting problem with DISA.  I have contaxt 'local' under which the many other contexts are included.  the local phones/extensions are all part of [local] and can all dial each other and dial out fine... there is NO problems with this at all.. it all works... DISA however, cant dial ANY of the local 3digit extensions at all, but can dialout to anything else.
05:15.13Strom_MAdamB0122: cool.
05:15.19AdamB0122Very ^.^
05:15.37Strom_Malso, NI2 is switchtype=national in zapata.conf
05:15.48delmarso a call can come in via the cellular GSM gateway.. get DISA access.. then dialout via VoIP ok.. and everything else.. but DISA wont dial a local extension... it just drops the call.. no console output that is useful or anything...
05:15.54red9012how do I handle fax with asterisk?
05:15.55delmaranyone have an idea?
05:16.01Strom_Msignalling should be pri_cpe also, AdamB0122
05:16.02delmarred9012, spandsp
05:16.06red9012is there a reliable solution?
05:16.36delmarred9012, analog or digital?
05:16.44AdamB0122Strom_M > Done as well
05:17.00delmarred9012, i had nothing but issues with X100 and TDM400 FXO.
05:17.31delmarred9012, better of using 3rd party application with a modem and faxability. get Asterisk to ignore faxability and let the other device answer.
05:17.36delmarred9012, works a charm.
05:17.46Strom_MAdamB0122: now, try loading asterisk
05:17.58AdamB0122and Zap show channels shows me 23 channels
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05:18.21Strom_Mnow....does the span come up, and can you place and receive calls?
05:19.19AdamB0122Sorry, the span?  (sorry, Im new to T1's)
05:19.33delmarred9012, the main issue I had was.. I could tweak the hell out of the TX / RX gains until I had it perfect for Fax, but then I was running into echo issues again.
05:19.38AdamB0122But i cannot recieve a call
05:19.56delmarred9012, i rather have voice working good and tell whoever wants to send me a fax to piss off.
05:20.03Strom_MAdamB0122: what happens when you type "pri show span 1" at the CLI?
05:20.34AdamB0122shows me information on what looks like the t1
05:20.37delmarred9012, instead I used the faxability detection in Asterisk to ignore the incoming fax call, and let my box running Relayfax answer it.
05:20.59Strom_MAdamB0122: do you see "provisioned, up, active"?
05:21.14AdamB0122No, porvision,ed in alarm, down, active
05:21.30delmarred9012, search the wiki for Spandsp if u want to try to build fax send/receive into Asterisk. I had fun with it at least.
05:21.36Strom_Mis the T1 plugged into the card:
05:21.56Strom_Mis the card in red alarm?
05:22.09AdamB0122( i assume you mean the blinking red light, ) yes
05:22.20Strom_Mwhat kind of cable are you using
05:22.29AdamB0122Standard Cat5e
05:22.39Strom_Mwhat's on the other end?
05:22.40AdamB0122i can go run a cable test on it, just to make sure
05:22.49AdamB0122right into the giant grey XOcommunications box
05:22.56delmarAdamB0122, what about the T1/E1 jumper on the card?
05:23.03Strom_Mdoes that box have an HDSL card in it?
05:23.28AdamB0122delmar > shutting down box to double check, hopefully i wasn't that stupid,
05:23.41AdamB0122Strom_M > I'm not 100% sure what that would look like, so i dont knw
05:23.42delmarits a common thing actually
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05:24.03Strom_MAdamB0122: it'll be a card with visible status lights in the XO smartjack
05:24.03delmarwe are all E1 here... as are alot of the world.
05:24.25Strom_Mdelmar: it sounds like adam is in north america
05:24.27Strom_Mtherefore T1
05:24.27AdamB0122One moment, taking laptop off 2nd monitor to walk back there
05:24.40delmarshould be T1 in the USA for sure.
05:25.23delmarE1 u get 30 channels :P
05:25.23snuff-workheh if u deploy a E1 in the states would you be considered unpatriotic?
05:25.38*** join/#asterisk AdamB0122 (n=Adam@
05:25.41delmarsnuff-work, nah. just too sensible.. hence it will never happen
05:25.47AdamB0122and yes, I'm in USA
05:25.55delmarAdamB0122, was set to E1 huh? :P
05:26.04AdamB0122duno, opening box now
05:26.43delmarstrangely tho.. I see alot of people in the USA getting their first card and the damn thing was set to E1.
05:26.46AdamB0122on the card of i've E1 = on, T1 = off
05:26.59AdamB0122and the jumper is only on ONE pin
05:26.59Strom_MAdamB0122: for T1 the jumper should be open
05:27.04Strom_Myeah, so it's set to T1
05:27.06AdamB0122so its an open, or off connection
05:27.11delmaroh ok
05:27.19Strom_Mlet's work backwards and see if the T1 is provisioned at the smartjack
05:27.22delmarsounds like u are on T1 then.. so its no that.
05:27.31Strom_Mis there a card in the smartjack which has lights on it?
05:27.57delmarwith I had a T1 card to play with the channel bank I was given
05:28.18delmarwhy are T1 cards so damn expensive. they are just a bloody ethernet card with different programming in the micro !!!.
05:28.25AdamB0122Strom_M > I'm at the grey XO box now, and i dont see anything labed smartjack
05:28.33JTethernet card.... riight
05:28.39Strom_Mdelmar: not quite
05:28.48JTdelmar: supply and demand
05:29.00JTthey are not ethernet cards anyway
05:29.03Strom_MAdamB0122: the smartjack is the jack your T1 comes out of from the XO box
05:29.40JTit's a dumb name americans use instead of T1 or G.703 or whatever a T1 is ;)
05:30.00AdamB0122ran a cable test, the Cat5e line is good, just to make sure
05:30.08AdamB0122then no, no lgihts
05:30.13AdamB0122not even LED's for lights
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05:30.25Strom_Mcan you describe the box?
05:30.41AdamB0122uh. i can send a pic, if that'd be easier
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05:30.52AdamB0122one moment, lemme grab my conn cable
05:33.39Strom_Mcan you take a wider angle?
05:33.51AdamB0122ya, one sec
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05:36.45JTwow, those photos really aren't ideal
05:36.56JTfuzzy and can't see any labels or connectors straight on
05:37.06AdamB0122yea, sorry, my phone kinda sucks
05:37.07denoncamera phone :)
05:37.15AdamB0122yea, its the best i got right now
05:37.40AdamB0122... *tears up*
05:37.47AdamB0122what about my LikaM7!
05:37.51JThah, few mm bigger screen, take that Strom_M
05:38.09Strom_MJT: it's not the size, it's how you use it!!!
05:38.09AdamB0122I have a Sony something or other
05:38.10JTcanon slrs are toys by comparison ;)
05:38.14AdamB0122dunno really
05:38.23Strom_MJT: which lenses do you have?
05:38.44JTStrom_M: mostly just use the 18-200mm VR lense
05:38.58JTbut also got an old manual focus 300mm mirror lense to play around with
05:39.11denonJT: I'm guessing that you're kidding? :)
05:39.25Strom_Mi've got the 18-70 f/3.5-4.5 kit lens, and a 50mm f/1.4 :)
05:39.30denonhave you seen the mark III?
05:39.48JTdenon: not really, they consumer and prosumer SLRs aren't build nearly as strong as equivalent nikons
05:39.49AdamB0122Strom_M > do those pics help any?
05:39.54JTalso the UI and screen design is poor
05:39.56Strom_MAdamB0122: no, not really
05:40.10denonJT: 10fps, with 110 burst
05:40.15AdamB0122dang.   anything i can look for, that'd help?
05:40.19denondoes your fisher price^H^H^H^H^H^H nikon do that?
05:40.25Strom_MAdamB0122: status lights?
05:40.29JTdenon: MarkIII is not prosumer or consumer
05:40.32JTthat's pro
05:40.41denonyou said canon slr were all toys :)
05:40.47JTand has a price tag to match
05:40.52AdamB0122one sec
05:41.06AdamB0122status lights are on the top
05:41.11Strom_Mah good
05:41.13Strom_Mwhat do you see
05:41.15JTeh, look at the differences in build quality between a D70s and a 350d, you'll see what i mean
05:41.16denonJT: well, in the world of cameras, I dont think nikon has anything to compare with the markIII
05:41.23denonat any cost
05:41.33JTdenon: how many MP?
05:41.39AdamB0122the box is a Adit 600
05:41.41denonMP means nothing ..
05:41.42AdamB01223 cards
05:41.48AdamB0122FXS cards
05:42.02AdamB0122first card has 1 green light
05:42.10Strom_MFXS != T1
05:42.11JTdenon: it's not everything, it still means something
05:42.17denonwell, about 10.7M
05:42.21JTleica make digital cmaeras now
05:42.22AdamB0122and the other two cards have all eight lights that are yellow
05:42.27AdamB0122Strom_M > yea, I didn't think so either
05:42.36JTand seitz make a 160MP camera
05:42.46JTso there's plenty higher than a MArkIII
05:43.01denonI said nikon :)
05:43.31JTso what, it does 10fps bursts, pretty impressive, but meh
05:43.41denonit really is spectacular, look through the features
05:44.01JTwhen their slow website finally loads
05:44.14denonloads fine for me - though I gave you the link to the usa mirror
05:44.17denonperhaps the pond is lagged
05:44.57denon63 zones metering, 19 AF points ..
05:45.03Strom_Mguys guys
05:45.05denonhmm? it loaded instantly here ..
05:45.21JTover 1Tbit/s to the US, we are not lagged, it's their server and clientside heavy rendering
05:45.28JTdenon: you can have 3848430307034709 AF areas
05:45.31JTyou don't need that many
05:46.00AdamB0122thats the status lgihts, and 1/2 of me since the damn box was put so high above the ground
05:46.16JThaha it's an ADit600 channel bank
05:46.32Strom_MAdamB0122: yeah, thats a channel bank; that's not ISDN PRI service
05:46.35JTAdamB0122: it's not ISDN.
05:46.38denonwell, for whatever reason, the server must have gotten lagged the moment after I loaded the page then
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05:46.44denonanyway - its a nice camera, whether ya like canon or not
05:46.49AdamB0122No way.
05:46.51denonIm sure nikon makes nice cams too
05:46.53denonnuff said
05:47.15JTAdamB0122: CAS T1
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05:48.25JTdenon: my whole point was the comparison in build quality, and usability  for the consumer and prosumer dslrs
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05:49.27Strom_Mf/1.4 :)
05:50.07JTStrom_M: nice, manual settings, handheld?
05:50.10AdamB0122sorry, I was told that from another person, and I didn't know wtf i was looking for
05:50.22JTwhat lense do you have that's f/1.4
05:50.27Strom_MJT: aperture priority
05:50.37Strom_Mthe nikon 50mm AF f/1.4 lens
05:50.43JTah ok
05:50.48Strom_Mand yes, handheld
05:50.48JTyou buy it new or second hand?
05:50.54Strom_Mthats the only new thing in my kit
05:51.07Strom_Mthe camera and the other lens were secondhand and refurb, respectively :)
05:51.25Strom_Mthe f/1.4 was a gift from my dad
05:51.25JTi can't sing the praises of the 18-200mm more highly for use when out and about :)
05:51.45AdamB0122to change this to a CAS setup, what all do i need to do, change emf to cas in the zaptel.conf
05:52.58AdamB0122I'm shooting in the dark, mixed between googling and trying to follow a not-so-helpful "how to"
05:53.30AdamB0122aspan=1,1,0,esf,b8zs to something like span=1,1,0,cas,b8z
05:53.49AdamB0122yea, missed a key
05:53.54JTand signalling would be fxs_ks
05:53.57JTand no d channel
05:54.37Strom_MAdamB0122: no, esf is your framing
05:54.42Strom_Myou'll leave that as esf
05:54.49Strom_Massuming your t1 is esf
05:54.55Strom_Mif it's d4, you set that to d4
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05:55.12tuzhilahi all
05:55.39AdamB0122do i still use a switchtype?
05:55.58JTno switchtype
05:56.44phigananyone ever get "callerid.c: Caller*ID failed checksum" ?
05:56.57phiganmy callerid worked for a while, then suddenly stopped working
05:57.42delmarJT, so I just got off the phone with the old man.. the short answer is there is very little cost difference at all.. between a decent ethernet card and a T1 card, and they are WAY WAY over priced for what they are.
05:57.53phiganthere's a phone connected to the zaptel card, it gets cid info just fine each time. the * will pass correct cid once every 10 or so calls
05:58.11phiganor more
05:58.12JTdelmar: i'm not sure who your old man is, and i'm not sure how it matters
05:58.12denonphigan: please tell me you dont have an x100p
05:58.16JTbut as i said before
05:58.24JTdenon: supply and demand
05:58.32delmarJT, oh....
05:58.37JTunless the demand goes up, the price will stay home
05:58.39delmarJT, hardware dev.
05:58.57JTdelmar: cool, well i don't need him to tell me the obvious, sorry to be blunt
05:59.03phigandenon: i'm sure that's what it is. just the one line card?
05:59.09JTunless the demand goes up, the price will come DOWN
05:59.15denonphigan: did you get it for like $3 off ebay?
05:59.21snuff-workmm.. telstra are going to ditch isdn in a few years
05:59.25JTi blased that up again
05:59.28JTsnuff-work: haha what bs
05:59.33JTsounds like marketing crap
05:59.37phiganhehe, no, a friend that works with * gave it to me
05:59.42tzafrirdelmar, the design of tor2 is free. make your own :-)
05:59.55denonphigan: probably is -- those are really crappy cards, but more to the point, callerid is also flaky on them
06:00.01denonso you're probably not going to be happy with it .. ever.
06:00.09snuff-workjt.. i'm sure if ur big enough.. after that time u can still have whatever u want.... but i'd think mostly marketing too
06:00.23phiganit's weird that it went from working 9 out of 10 times to only 1 out of 10 times
06:00.33delmarJT, well I wanted to understand the core differences between a regular ethernet card and a T1, and the operational aspects are obviously significantly different, the component differences are minor I go back to my original question... as to why the damn things are costing so much :(
06:00.34JTsnuff-work: what do they propose will replace isdn?
06:00.45denonJT: cablemodems and mux :)
06:00.51delmartzafrir, tor2 ?
06:00.51phiganis there anything that i can check or do?
06:00.53tzafrirphigan, which card, which country?
06:00.58denonphigan: buy a tdm400 card
06:00.59JTdelmar: supply and demand, i'll say it for the third time now
06:01.27JTdelmar: it's how almost the entire economy works with goods and services
06:01.28phigantzafrir: I guess the x100p? US
06:01.33delmarJT, sadly, its as simple as that yes.
06:01.45AdamB0122anyway to tell what "ZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: Invalid argument (22)" is actually failing on in span1?
06:01.54JTdelmar: it's not worthwhile for companies to drop prices unless they ship more units
06:01.59tzafrirdelmar, of the zapata telephony project. Still available in the sources of zaptel
06:02.15tzafrirdelmar, also look up
06:02.20delmartzafrir, sorry... what is it and what does it do ?
06:02.20tzafrir(if it's up)
06:02.25JTdelmar: t1 card
06:02.41tzafrirI thought you wanted a T1 card you can make cheaply...
06:02.49delmartzafrir, to work with Asterisk?
06:02.50phiganor, is there any sort of patch that will pass the CID info it gets regardless of if it passes checksum?
06:03.18tzafrirAdamB0122, it means that /etc/zaptel.conf does not match your current system (compare to cat /proc/zaptel/* )
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06:03.23JTdelmar: YES FOR ASTERISK, now look it up before asking more obivous questions :)
06:03.56AdamB0122on span1 i have ztdummp
06:03.58tzafrireither /etc/zaptel.conf is badly written or relevant module not loaded, usually. What card do you have?
06:04.15AdamB0122damn init script
06:04.22AdamB0122killed my modprobeing
06:04.23AdamB0122one sec
06:04.40AdamB0122with modprobe, is there anyway to just drop All modules for a certain item?
06:04.54AdamB0122ie: drop all zaptel mods, because its got like 10 of them right now
06:05.16tzafrirAdamB0122, xpp/utils/genzaptelconf will detect your configuration nicely
06:05.31tzafrirAdamB0122, xpp/utils/genzaptelconf -sdvM
06:05.35AdamB0122genzaptelconf didn't work very well
06:05.45tzafrirWhich version?
06:05.51AdamB0122one sec
06:05.53tzafrirThat needs fixing
06:05.55AdamB0122lemme find out
06:06.04phigantzafrir: any idea about the cid checksum failure problem?
06:06.06AdamB0122I have a WCTE120P
06:06.43AdamB0122i dont have a version for genzaptelconf
06:06.59AdamB0122but it does this
06:07.00AdamB0122zaptel                186532  7 ztdummy,wctdm,wcfxo,wcte11xp,wct1xxp,wct4xxp,tor2
06:07.05AdamB0122to my zaptel card, lol
06:07.15AdamB0122and never loads the right driver for the WCTE120P
06:09.51AdamB0122   thats the zaptel.conf that it generates for me
06:10.21AdamB0122  thats the zapata.conf that it generates
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06:12.45jerliqueI'm having problems with * listening to DTMF from a channel bank, the sip debug says unauthorised, any hints?
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06:22.20AdamB0122I'm getting somewhere
06:22.33phiganwhat's the correct syntax to set callerid? Set(CALLERID(all)="Name" <number>) or =Name <number>)   ?
06:22.36AdamB0122on a T1 with a channelbank, How can i check the status?
06:22.49AdamB0122I've gotten the ztcfg -vvvv to work the way its supposed to, no errors
06:23.16AdamB012224 channels configured, all FXO Kewlstart
06:25.13AdamB0122however, when i call in, I get about 10 second of silence, and then the phone hangs up
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06:30.03JTName <number>
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06:31.47AdamB0122how can I see whats making the Alarms "red" in zap show status
06:34.08bakermdI dont get it... Unable to open /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/ Permission denied, deleting
06:34.23bakermdPermission denied? Then how were you able to delete it??
06:35.12phigandamn. I'm using LES.Net, and when I set my outgoing CID it just goes across as "number <number>" instead of "name <number>" :/
06:37.18bakermdWhats the quality with
06:38.01phigani haven't used it much, but good so far
06:38.44bakermdI hate this - I search for my issue on Google and get 100 sites that are all a mirror of the same damn forum thread that offers no assistance
06:38.46AdamB0122when i do a cat /proc/zaptel/*
06:38.47phiganit's being annoying atm, sip registration times out, and iax2 calls are seeming to take a year to connect out
06:38.56AdamB0122I see IRQ misses: 61
06:38.58phiganbakermd: i know the feeling
06:38.58AdamB0122what does that mean
06:39.07AdamB0122same here.
06:39.46phiganSpan 1: WCFXO/0 "Generic Clone Board 1"
06:42.19JTphigan: you usually can't set callerid name over the pstn is voip
06:43.09JTphigan: it connects to the pstn.
06:43.40phiganwell, i'm setting the number. But it's setting the number for the name as well
06:43.50JTok, and the problem is?
06:44.04phiganit's not setting the name i'm giving it
06:44.08creativxmorning JT
06:44.14JTi just told you it won't happen, phigan .
06:44.20JThey creativx
06:44.26phiganoh name?
06:44.36phigani missed that, i thought you were saying i couldn't set callerid at all
06:44.52bakermdphigan: I've never had a provider that allowed setting name, only number
06:44.52AdamB0122what woudl cause a red status on a TE12xP T1 card?
06:45.03AdamB0122I've googled it , and nothing is helping
06:45.14JTit's not possible because the provider pulls it from a database at the other end
06:45.17JTthe callerid name
06:45.28bakermdOurs show up as "Level3" on the other end
06:45.29phiganbakermd: Even if you set it on the provider's site, or do you mean setting it with your own equipment?
06:45.54bakermdOur providers do not give access to a portal to set it, that I am aware of.
06:46.13phiganthere's a place for CallerID: on my profile
06:46.28phiganerr no, in my trunk config
06:46.34JTphigan: can you please read what i typed? you can almost NEVER set callerid NAME over the PSTN
06:46.37*** join/#asterisk Aces1Up (
06:46.39JTtrunk config?
06:46.47bakermdThat sounds like Trixbox
06:47.22phigan.. i called it that for lack of a better term.. on's website
06:47.31phiganthere's a section called peers/trunks
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06:47.45JToh, nice, they misuse terms too
06:47.47phigani geuss maybe peer config? sorry
06:50.31AdamB0122Wildcard TE12xP Card 0                   RED        61         0          0
06:50.37AdamB0122I have that when i do a zap show status
06:51.01AdamB0122and I've googled TE12xP alarm, and just about any other combonation of problems with a TE12xP T1
06:51.20AdamB0122needless to say, I can't find anything online
06:52.16JTwhat are you trying to do? disconnect the ADit 600 and plug the T1 from the telco directly into your box, or connect the Adit 600 to your box?
06:52.31AdamB0122Connect Adit600 into the box
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06:52.49AdamB0122the Adit600 went to our old phone system, which I'm replacing with this one
06:52.49JToh, it would be useful if you clearly mentioned this
06:53.03JTeveryone thought you were connecting to the telco
06:53.04AdamB0122Sorry, its really late here, so i'm missing important things from time to time
06:53.14JTso you are just trying to hook up some analogue handsets?
06:54.03AdamB0122I'm trying to setup a asterisk PBX so i can have computers with softphones can use the phone system
06:54.13bakermdJT: I am going insaine.. you got any ideas?  Unable to open /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/ Permission denied, deleting
06:54.31AdamB0122go look at the permissions on
06:54.33bakermdowner is asterisk:asterisk
06:54.37JTAdamB0122: ok, i give up, seriously. not worth my effort until you tells us what you are trying to do clearly
06:54.41bakermdI did a chmod 666 on it
06:55.06AdamB0122I currently have Telco > Channel bank > Old crappy phone system
06:55.08JTAdamB0122: softphones are great, but what on earth do they have to do with T1s etc
06:55.21AdamB0122I want to setup a Telco > channel bank > Asterisk PBX
06:55.25JTgreat, i mean that sarcastically btw
06:55.33JTthat's completely wrong.
06:55.44JTi have no idea what you've plugged into where
06:55.54JTwhat cables you've managed to force into what holes
06:56.13JTbut if you want the telco to connect to asterisk, you will not use the channel bank at all
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06:57.01JTthere is an SHDSL modem / "smartjack" somewhere that connects 1 or 2 pairs in the street from the telco, has power, and has an RJ-45 output, find it
06:57.08JTit should be connecting to the channel bank
06:57.18JTunless you unplugged it
06:57.30AdamB0122no, I haven't touched that side of the channel bank
06:57.35bakermdHow can asterisk complain that it is unable to read a .call file due to permissions... and then turn around and delete the file.  So you are not privileged enough to read it, yet you can delete it.  Makes no sense at all
06:57.56creativxbakermd: sure it does
06:57.59creativxfine grain access control
06:58.18bakermdI have no response at all for that.
06:58.25JTbakermd: ls -la
06:58.36bakermd-rwxrwxrwx  1 asterisk asterisk 149 Jul 24 11:18
06:58.41creativxso i assume that when * says "i am deleting it" it actually happens
06:58.49bakermdOh yeah
06:58.57creativxbecause deleting is not the same as deleted
06:59.12bakermdBut it is successfull in the deleting operation
06:59.21JTAdamB0122: well i suggest you locate the modem
06:59.31bakermdIt deletes the file, and then my will to live ;-)
06:59.41creativxwelcome to the world of computers bakermd
07:00.01bakermdlol - I've been in it since I was 12.  Nothing new here
07:00.53bakermdI really love asterisk, but damnit it needs to work!  I've used the same setup on other PBX's - dont know why I am having an issue now
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07:04.31bakermdInbound and Outbound working fine. files failing
07:05.20tzafrir_laptopfound a problem with genzaptelconf's modules detection on some systems due to the stupid aliaes of automatic run of ztcfg
07:05.51tzafrir_laptopProblem is that some platforms don't have modprobe -i, and hence I can't use it
07:06.37tzafrir_laptopbakermd, can asterisk write to the directory? this is what you need to unlink a file
07:07.42*** join/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
07:07.44bakermdtzafrir_laptop: Yes, ownership on directory is asterisk:asterisk
07:10.21AdamB0122I've got a cable that comes in from the celing of this room, two cables of this cable are plugged into a punch block
07:10.34AdamB0122the punch block goes to a large grey device (i sent pictures of this.)
07:10.48AdamB0122This Block has two RJ45 (Cat-5) connections
07:10.51JTit has a name
07:11.02JTAdit 600, if that's what you mean
07:11.05JTit's a channel bank
07:11.07AdamB0122Unfortuately, i do not know it, other then abit600
07:11.20AdamB0122From the channel bank
07:11.26AdamB0122i have two ehtercnet cables
07:11.41AdamB0122One cable goes to another white box below it, with four cards in it
07:11.46AdamB0122These are our Data T1's
07:12.02AdamB0122The other cable from the channel bank, plugs into our current phone system.
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07:12.20JTwhat a mess
07:12.21AdamB0122That is the cable i currently have plugged into the Asterisk PBX
07:12.30JThave a clear pic of all tyhe cables on the adit 600?
07:12.36AdamB0122one sec
07:12.51JTand the white box maybe
07:13.20AdamB0122One moment, lemme go take some more.
07:13.34JTthis current pbx
07:13.42JTwhat other cables are plugged into it?
07:14.13*** join/#asterisk Strider86 (n=m_atta_r@
07:15.30Aces1Upi'm sure someone here has run a calling card business, anyone know what licenses are required. or anything?
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07:15.56JTAces1Up: licenses?
07:16.24JTfor what?
07:16.51Aces1Upproviding a calling card service
07:17.07JTAces1Up: you could be anywhere on the planet, also
07:17.18Aces1Upin america
07:17.24JTthe usa, right
07:17.30JTi have no idea
07:17.47JTnot sure why you'd need in licenses specific to doing calling cards
07:18.02Aces1Upnot sure why either :)
07:18.19Aces1Upyou never know
07:18.56JTjust look up telecommunications laws
07:19.06JTmaybe all you might need to do is keep good logs, i dunno
07:22.06phigang'night guys.
07:22.44bakermdCalling cards are primarily Mafia run, so I doubt they require good logs
07:24.00JTbakermd: maybe in america
07:24.03AdamB0122Here is the "big picture"
07:24.09JTand even so, the mafia do not have exceptions
07:24.19JTwith all this anti terrorism stuff
07:24.36JTAdamB0122: you mean no picture
07:24.44AdamB0122pretty much
07:24.46AdamB0122but one sec
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07:25.04JTthat is not the correct url
07:25.06AdamB0122damn imageshack
07:25.13JTget real webhosting ;)
07:25.24AdamB0122lemme go put this on my server
07:27.22AdamB012225 = big picture
07:27.40AdamB012222 = outside cable > punch block
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07:28.08AdamB012224 = Channel bank (as good as I could get it)
07:28.30AdamB012223 = white box that splits the blue cable from 24 into dual-T1's for our office
07:28.57AdamB0122on 24, there is a white cable, thats what went to the old phone system.
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07:29.20AdamB0122Hopefully those help a bit, its about the best i can do with a camera phone :/
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07:29.36JTthe white box is probably a modem/smartjack
07:29.39AdamB0122if you have any questions on where stuff does, lemme know
07:29.43JTbut an american could better confirm
07:29.49JTorange boxes, what are they?
07:29.59AdamB0122Punch Blocks
07:30.04AdamB0122with an orange cover thing
07:30.04creativxtidy wiring
07:30.19AdamB0122lol, all i have to say is it wasn't me
07:30.19JTwhere's the pbx?
07:30.28AdamB0122Old or new?
07:30.33bspasichi guys, can anyone help me set the extension.conf so when I make originate call from manager API to get autoanswer or answer after ring 0 on the source channel
07:30.37creativxsure blame someone else ;)
07:30.51JTAdamB0122: er?
07:30.59JTAdamB0122: i thought there was only 1 pbx
07:31.20creativxbspasic: you want autoanswer on the source channel, which would be ex a local phone?
07:31.25AdamB0122JT : there is the "old phone system" which we all hate, because its expensive to get new phones, its like a IVX128.
07:31.32bspasicyes, local phone
07:31.39AdamB0122Jt then there is the new Asterisk-based PBX that I can trying to get to work.
07:31.44bspasicthis is valid only for the local extensions
07:31.45creativxbspasic: autoanswer is a vendor specific feature. what phone?
07:31.56JTAdamB0122: so there's only one pbx
07:32.01bspasicam using softphone, x-lite
07:32.07JTthe other is a pc that doesn't work yet
07:32.10creativxbspasic: x-lite does not support that feature.
07:32.13AdamB0122ok yes.
07:32.14JTAdamB0122: where is the pbx?
07:32.39AdamB0122its not in that picture, i can go grab a pic of that if you'd like.
07:32.58JTi want to know what it connects to
07:32.58bspasicwhat softphone supports this future?
07:33.16AdamB0122White cable goes to a Patch Panel
07:33.23AdamB0122which was wired by a horriable company
07:33.30creativxbspasic: havent heard of any that do. its not in the SIP rfc
07:33.35AdamB0122and will only result in a bunch of "omfg, wtf?" comments
07:34.15AdamB0122from that patch panel, it plugs into the IVX128 via huge connector, (much like the orange one in pic 24)
07:34.43JTAdamB0122: what ELSE connects to the PBX?
07:34.50bspasicaha, thanks, but i see on many forums that the autoanswer can be configured, just can't make it work
07:35.10bakermddrwx-w----  How do I chmod a file to equal this?
07:35.12creativxbspasic: x-lite has a feature to autoanswer ALL incoming calls yes. but that is not equal to the answer-after: SIP header
07:35.14bakermd(brain cramp)
07:35.17AdamB0122Two more of the Orange huge connectors, which go BACK to the Patch Panel on a different layer, and connects the the current Cat-3 Wired phones
07:35.47JTAdamB0122: what on earth connects to the big cables from the Adit 600?
07:35.55AdamB0122( which we'll be selling once asterisk is working )
07:36.08AdamB0122The Orange Cable on the Adit600?
07:36.14bspasicso there is no way of making call and the first ring to be autoanswered?
07:36.19JTit is big, i assume
07:36.30AdamB0122good 3-4" connector.
07:36.39AdamB0122and it does to the Punch block, in picture 22
07:36.52AdamB0122which as you can see, has only 2 connections going IN
07:37.01AdamB0122(the little blue cables)
07:37.36JTAdamB0122: the adit 600, which one is it in the big picture?
07:38.16AdamB0122one moment
07:38.49creativxbspasic: not with x-lite
07:39.11creativxbspasic: it works on some hardphones, like ip10s. but the sip firmware generally sucks in those, so stay clear
07:39.11AdamB0122refresh and open 25-2
07:39.11bspasicok, thanks
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07:39.53JTAdamB0122: thought so, so what is the cream thing to the top left?
07:40.04waptaxihi! I have Panasonic TDA connected with Asterisk through E1. Now I can dial local Panasonic extension with X-Lite, hear busy tone and press 5 to begin spy on this extension. But how can I simulate this behaviour with dialplan? Dial(Zap/g1/121) will not return unless channel is answered ot busy, and I can't send any digits
07:40.36AdamB0122It says IDSN, but it doesn't goto anything, and there's never been anything plugged into it since we moved into this building
07:41.10AdamB0122to my knowledge, it was probably someone's who was here before us, and they just didn't remove it
07:41.12creativxdamnit i need to set up more fax modems.. sigh
07:41.29JTAdamB0122: are you seriously telling me only a couple of pairs in that fat orange cable from the Adit 600 are used?
07:41.49AdamB0122Two of them....
07:42.31AdamB0122Two little blue cables from the Telcom line in, to that punch block
07:42.38JTAdamB0122: how many T1s from the telco do you have? do you have combined data and voice T1s?
07:42.48AdamB01222 dedicated DataT1's
07:42.59AdamB0122and 1 Voice T1
07:42.59AdamB0122both are dedicated to their purpose
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07:43.26kjeseen chris
07:43.52JTi am confused, you say terminals from the fat telco connector cable on the Adit 600 connect to the telco, yet what do the cat5 cables do?
07:44.29AdamB0122the White and Blue Cat5 Cables?
07:44.44JTthey can't all be connecting to the telco
07:44.47JTthat makes no sense
07:44.59JTas the telco connector should have local FXS ports on it
07:45.08JTnothing from the telco connector should connect to the telco
07:45.11AdamB0122White Cable goes to PBX
07:45.18JTthey should connect to analogue lines at your location
07:45.32AdamB0122Blue Cable goes the the White Box below it, which split into the 2 DataT1's
07:45.57AdamB0122The top of the Channelbank has the FXS ports on it
07:46.09AdamB0122or its got 3 cards in it anyway
07:46.24JTand where do they come out? the telco connector
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07:46.43AdamB0122I dont know, the cards pluginto the channel bank
07:46.52CoolGuy21how do i check what zaptel version i have?
07:46.58bakermdmy god - the permissions on a call file have to be juuuuust right.. not too much, not too little
07:47.04JTthe 2 data T1s have nothing to do with the channel bank, i assume
07:47.21AdamB0122They plug into the channel bank, via the blue cable
07:47.31AdamB0122one sec.. lemme do a visio drawing to clear it up a bit
07:47.43JTAdamB0122: well the telco connector has the FXS ports, there should be no T1 over the telco connector
07:48.40AdamB0122uh, I dont quite understand
07:49.25creativxits times like these im glad i only have to worry about that single cat6 cable going into my asterisk server :)
07:49.35JTon the white box, CPE 2 and CPE 3 are the data T1s, right?
07:50.01AdamB0122Img uploaded
07:50.17AdamB0122img020.jpg, its the top of the adit600, a bit blurry, but its hard to reach way up there
07:51.08AdamB0122first card is the VoiceT1 I'd assume, since its different then the other Two DataT1'a
07:51.09[hC]i thought there was an argument you could pass to dial() to NOT send callerid?
07:51.24JTAdamB0122: one last time, do you know EXACTLY what the lines coming from the big orange cable from the Adit 600 are patched to?
07:51.58JTi already saw the top of the adit 600 earlier
07:52.00jerliqueI'm having problems with * listening to DTMF from a channel bank, the sip debug says "unauthorised", any hints?
07:52.18AdamB0122the big orange calbe has a giant connector on it, , and on the other end of the giant connector is the punch block, with the two little cables going to it.
07:52.38Strider86hi .. i am a student interning at a networking solutions company and my boss wants me to try this asterisk .. now i need some help in it who can help me directly?? .. thanx
07:52.50JTAdamB0122: do you know where those cables go?
07:53.00AdamB0122the Two small cables?
07:53.02creativxStrider86: try the internets
07:53.19AdamB0122Strider86 > yea, there's lots of walkthroughs that can show you the basics of stuff on the web
07:53.34JTAdamB0122: yes.
07:54.22AdamB0122JT > They goto the celing.  Beyond that I have no idea, we dont have another telecom room in this building though, so if their connecting to anything else, I have no idea.
07:54.44JTAdamB0122: i am confused because i thought you said they connected to the telco, which makes no sense
07:55.03JTi think i understand the setup
07:55.09JTtell me
07:55.11AdamB0122I assume they goto telco (by this you mean XO Communications)
07:55.50JTthere's 3 RJ-45s conne on the white box. one for voice T1, 2 for data.
07:55.59JTWHAT ELSE connects to the white box
07:56.15JTand please don't assume you know where wires go if you don't, it causes a lot of confusion
07:56.18AdamB0122one moment, let me go double check, rather then trying to rmember at 3am.
07:58.02AdamB01221) fuck me, I've confused the shit out of you
07:58.17AdamB0122sorry about that
07:58.23AdamB0122Telecom goes INTO this box
07:58.33AdamB0122(FAR right cable on 023)
07:58.45AdamB0122then, on the left side
07:58.52AdamB0122i have Blue, which is VoiceT1
07:59.01AdamB0122a Grey, which is DataT1a
07:59.13AdamB0122another grey, which is the ground for the box
07:59.22JTthat makes 4 cables
07:59.24AdamB0122and a third Grey, which is DataT1B
07:59.25JTwhat about power?
07:59.40JT5 cables
07:59.46JT+ power?
07:59.46[hC]how might i block outgoing caller id (*67) by using the dialplan?
08:00.15JT[hC]: Dial/technology/*67${EXTEN} ?
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08:00.45Strider86hey .. 1 more question sorry for troubling u popl .. for downloading through CVS i have this cmd here export .. but it gives me arror that unknown host .. is it problem with proxy or internet or has the host been changed?
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08:00.56[hC]Huh. I dont think I can send calls out my PRI that way. Maybe I/ll try. I was actually looking for a way to null caller id values before handing off to the provider.
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08:01.39AdamB0122there is nothing that looks like obvious power
08:01.44JT[hC]: is *67 a prefix?
08:01.52coldstealokay so im trying t get my friend to connect to my asterisk box and when he does and i call his ext or he calls mine we cant hear each other our mics or speakers dont work...
08:01.53AdamB0122but, the unit DOES have power, (i opened it, and there is tons of LEDS in it)
08:01.56JTAdamB0122: it has to be powered somehow
08:01.57[hC]JT: Typically, yes, for blocking outbound caller id.
08:02.16JTAdamB0122: oh, mind reading off stuff from inside, or photo
08:02.18[hC]JT: All I want to do is 'not send caller id' on the next call, using the dial plan.
08:02.25JTpretty sure that's the smart jack, AdamB0122
08:02.43AdamB0122Yea, I can get a photo of the cards on the inside if you'd like
08:02.50JT[hC]: prefix could work, but sending a null callerid will work on PRI
08:03.01JTAdamB0122: it will be a triple SHDSL modem unit
08:03.34JTit won't work without power though ;)
08:03.42AdamB0122I dont know how to explain that one
08:03.48[hC]JT: I just tried doing a simple SetCallerID("") and i still got caller id.
08:04.06JT[hC]: that command was deprecated in 1.2, removes in 1.4
08:04.06AdamB0122It does have power somehow, I just dont know how.
08:04.17AdamB0122If I plug the cable thats the voice T1 from there
08:04.23[hC]JT: I'm using 1.2 .. I t should still work.
08:04.35AdamB0122into the AsteriskPBX
08:04.49JTbest to move to the new syntax anyway, [hC]
08:04.50AdamB0122and then setup the zapata / zaptel in a PRI setup
08:04.58AdamB0122It should work
08:05.01JT[hC]: is it sending according to pri intense debug?
08:05.11AdamB0122or thats the "proper setup?
08:05.20JTAdamB0122: you shouldn't do that,
08:05.25tuzhila-- Called 47182877379666336199417493354@298685513150
08:05.25tuzhilaJul 24 11:37:04 WARNING[16372]: chan_sip.c:9761 handle_response_invite: Forbidden - wrong password on authentication for INVITE to '"Are" <>;tag=as0ab8dcee'
08:05.30JTtuzhila: stop it.
08:05.33jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
08:05.33tuzhilaplease, tell me, why i have got such error:
08:05.37AdamB0122yea, dont do that again.
08:05.41JTtuzhila: please don't paste here or w/e its called
08:06.02tuzhilatell me, why i've got this error?
08:06.07JTno, i'm busy
08:06.20[hC]JT: Ok, So now I'm using Set(CALLERID()="") and now i see correct caller id, whereas before it showed my pilot numer.
08:06.39JT[hC]: you should avoid using quotation marks
08:06.49AdamB0122JT > If I've got the * Box plugged into the that white box, where the T1 is, what method should i use to setup the * system
08:07.10AdamB0122so i dont have to bug you anymore, now that my brain properly wrapped around wtf is going on with that back closet.
08:07.26tuzhilahey, help me. please
08:07.40AdamB0122tuzhila look at your error.
08:07.43tuzhilawhat does such errorr mean?
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08:07.58coldstealokay so im trying t get my friend to connect to my asterisk box and when he does and i call his ext or he calls mine we cant hear each other our mics or speakers dont work...
08:07.59AdamB0122"Forbidden - wrong password on authentication for INVITE" might be a pretty big clue.
08:08.02creativxtuzhila: here's a wild guess: wrong password
08:08.20AdamB0122Google is your friend tuzhila
08:08.22[hC]JT: So I see whats happening here. When i send no caller id, it sends my PRI pilot number as caller id, instead of 'nothing'
08:08.26[hC](the telco is doing this)
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08:09.16NirSanybody has an idea how Asterisk calculates the proper Digest-Response for SIP registration ?
08:09.40creativx[hC]: my itsp does the same
08:09.49JTAdamB0122: i have worked out how all that crap in the cupboard works
08:10.00[hC]creativx: find a way around that? Im about to just try another one of my itsp's.
08:10.02JTi was about to say, but got distracted
08:10.13JTalso tuzhila was annoying me
08:10.21creativx[hC]: nope. my itsp forces me to use the cids that is valid for me, e.g one of my 100 numbers
08:10.23AdamB0122yea. lol
08:10.34JTAdamB0122: the Adit 600 must be kept in line
08:10.38JTif you don't
08:10.45Uatec[hC], my telco are just weird, they allow me to set all the clid on online, just the last 3 digits on another and none on two more
08:10.45JTyou will lose 2-4 phone lines
08:10.48tuzhilaJT, sorry
08:11.12AdamB0122I'd like to keep phone lines
08:11.24JTAdamB0122: those wires going into the ceiling are those lines
08:11.38JTthe Adit 600 is pulling 2-4 timeslots off
08:11.53JTit's over equipped, considering it has 3 FXS card, probably only 1 is in use
08:12.05*** join/#asterisk stimpie (
08:12.07[hC]Haha. I just sent it out another ITSP and presumably got their pilot number as my CID.
08:12.08JTAdamB0122: the rest of the CAS timeslots go to the pbx
08:12.20JTAdamB0122: you must determine what timeslots are left for you to work with
08:12.28JTto configure asterisk correctly
08:12.53JTthe data t1s have nothing to do with this and connect to the white box because they need SHDSL modems too
08:13.06JTno-one delivers real T1 circuits anymore ;)
08:13.55jbotmethinks question is If you have a question and want people to give useful answers, make sure you have read this first:
08:14.28JT(real T1s have no range)
08:15.09JTAdamB0122: either look at the config of the pbx, ask the telco, or look at the Adit 600 config
08:15.20JTfor determining timeslots
08:15.33JTor trial and error, but that's not desirable
08:15.34AdamB0122hm.  since I dont have access to either of the config
08:15.38AdamB0122guess I'm calling telco
08:15.46JTAdamB0122: i think the Adit 600 is all dip switches
08:15.50AdamB0122yea, trial and error would be lovely if i could avoid it
08:16.04AdamB0122yea, there's a ton of switches on the top
08:16.18AdamB0122lemme google reading those first
08:16.28coldstealokay so im trying t get my friend to connect to my asterisk box and when he does and i call his ext or he calls mine we cant hear each other our mics or speakers dont work... here is paert of my  extensions.conf
08:16.46JTthe photo is too fuzzy for me to read the switches
08:17.01coldstealJT: hello
08:17.11AdamB0122and there is no way I'm gonna get a better shot, we dont have any stronger cameras here
08:17.15JTcoldsteal: over what tecnology, what network setup, etc
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08:17.35coldstealJT: what do you mean
08:17.37JTAdamB0122: more light ;)
08:17.52coldstealits  Asterisk and softphones
08:17.56JTcoldsteal: zap, h.323, sccp, mgcp, isdn2, iax2, sip
08:18.02JTcoldsteal: Internet, nat, etc
08:18.07JTexplain your setup.
08:18.18JTnot one word answer
08:18.22Uatecdo you know what is a really crap phone?
08:18.33Uatecthe sip client, built into the xda exec on windows mobile 6
08:18.34JTUatec: granstream!
08:18.35creativxUatec: yes I do
08:18.40creativxswissvoice ip10s!!
08:18.50Uatecaastra 9122i
08:19.00creativxlets invert the question
08:19.06creativxdo you know what is a really good phone?
08:19.07Uatecsome place on tv last night was using the aastra 9122is
08:19.21Uateciam using linksys spa922s
08:19.23Uatecthey're pretty good
08:19.29Uatecthere are a few little niggles i have with them
08:19.30Uatecbut they're not bad
08:19.35creativxare they stable enough to be used in a business enviroment
08:19.43Uateci am using them in a business environment
08:19.47Uatecthey are definately stable
08:19.50*** join/#asterisk CM3_1_2_632 (
08:20.00Uatecthey don't do distinctive ring as i expected :(
08:20.08creativxwhats distinctive ring
08:20.15coldsteali have a  Asterisk server in my basement and its conected to broadvoice and i have a laptop thats conected via a  sip softphone to my  Asterisk box internaly i would like my friend acrost the internet to connect to my  Asterisk box at ext 21 i have fowarded udp port 5060
08:20.19creativxdifferent tones for different callers? heh
08:20.37creativxi see
08:20.42Uatecbut i didn't want it for different callers... i wanted to emulate different lines on the same phone
08:20.49coldstealJT: does that explain it?
08:20.51creativxwe were actually considering removing all ring tones
08:20.53Uatecwe have a mainline and a support line
08:21.01creativxsilence in the office
08:21.07creativxinstead let it just be a popup on the screen
08:21.09JTcoldsteal: you need to forward udp 10000-20000 also
08:21.13creativxlower the stress level
08:21.17Uateccreativx, what if you're not at your pc
08:21.17coldstealJT: i did
08:21.20JTcoldsteal: and you must set externip= and localnet= on asterisk
08:21.27creativxif youre not at your pc you have no need to answer the phone
08:21.28JTcoldsteal: oh, you just didn't emntion it, but ok
08:21.36JTcoldsteal: you must set canreinvite=no
08:21.37JTin sip.conf
08:21.40Uatecwhat if you're just having a conversation with someone else
08:21.44Uatecanyway, it's your call
08:21.51creativxUatec: we have great moh ;)
08:22.03Uatecyou can provision the spa922s with an xml file on a tftp server
08:22.08Uatecsimple as
08:22.31coldstealwhat would i put in externip=
08:22.41Uateccreativx> lol
08:22.49JTyour external internet accessible IP address, coldsteal
08:23.23Uatecthis phone is crap
08:23.28creativxUatec: we're just trying to think in new ways of using telephony
08:23.35creativxits all just audio in/out anyways
08:23.36coldstealokay i did all of that
08:23.39Uatec"Cannot complete the call. The signal my be unavailable or the phone number may not be valid."
08:24.01Uateccreativx, yeah, that's what we're doing. but i think we all here agree that phones ring for a reason
08:24.16Uateci don't think the first one did, but it was a very quick addition to the concept of a telephone
08:24.18Uatecfor a reason
08:24.51Uatechey, you know what is weird?
08:25.04Uatecsome of my users are reporting a delay follows by a click, before their call is connected
08:25.19Uatecwhen picking up incoming calls
08:25.26Uatecincomming over misdn
08:26.06JTjust checking ;) thought that was the case
08:26.38creativxUatec: the reason is not the issue.. the issue is that its a stress factor with ringing phones :)
08:27.02Uatecput a ring tone of twittering birds on it
08:27.18Uatechow many calls are you looking of handling per day on your silent phone system?
08:27.23coldstealJT: i did what u said i shoud
08:27.34creativxour normal call volume Uatec.. which I have no idea what is
08:28.35creativxour clients are real estate agents
08:28.49JTcoldsteal: okay
08:28.51creativxso they have lots of dumb questions they like to call about
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08:29.06coldstealJT: idk if that will fix the soind and stuff
08:29.17*** join/#asterisk ai-a (
08:29.18JTcoldsteal: why don't you find out?
08:29.43coldsteallol well my friends soft phoe client isnt running
08:29.48*** join/#asterisk gzero (n=gzero@
08:29.56JTcoldsteal: if it still doesn't work, you will have to come back ant put your configs up on for us to see
08:29.59Uatecwell we have 300+ calls per day, and it's not an issue with stress
08:30.03Uatecand we deal with....
08:30.04JTand any console messages
08:30.24creativxUatec: real estate agents are worse than users.. trust me
08:30.35creativxi would assume we have somewhat around that volume too
08:30.50coldstealJT: parts of my  extensions.conf and sip.conf
08:31.28coldstealidk i just copyany pasted them to make a new ext so idk if something is wrong
08:31.46Uatecwe have some estate agents on our books
08:31.48JTcoldsteal: your sip.conf is missing externip and localnet
08:31.55Uatecfortunately i'm a software developer, not a support lackey
08:32.05JTcoldsteal: can you stop saying "idk" please ;)
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08:32.29coldstealJT: thats not my full sip.conf
08:32.37JTcoldsteal: then what's the point?
08:32.41JTif it's not the full thing
08:32.55Uatecthat's only about 150 incomming calls a day
08:33.07coldstealJT: lol okay
08:33.19UatecJT, have you had experience with that problem? with the b410p?
08:33.24coldstealJT: if i cant get it to work ill come back
08:33.30JTUatec: yes, it doesn't work with bristuff
08:33.43JTas far as has been tested
08:33.47JTmisdn is utter rubbish
08:33.50JTit's a valid concern
08:33.52Uatecit's not rubbish
08:33.54Uatecit's just not good
08:33.55JTit is
08:34.08JTdtmf recognition, who needs that
08:34.17JTproper nt mode support, nah, what idiot would need that ;)
08:34.26JTit's rebranded isdn 4 linux
08:34.32Uatecjust cos you don't doesn't mean that nboody does
08:34.36JTbecause everyone hated isdn4linux so much
08:34.47JTbecause it sucked
08:34.54Uatecso it's better than isdn4linux
08:34.55Uatecthe point is
08:34.58Uatecwe have a b410p
08:35.01JTit IS isdn4linux
08:35.03Uatecwhich was designed to work with misdn
08:35.05JTthey just renamed it
08:35.43Uatecso that's what i'm using
08:35.58Uateclol, a user just came in saying "my laptop has run out of battery and it wont charge up"
08:36.08JTand you wanted to know what the problem with it was, and i told you ;)
08:36.08*** part/#asterisk coldsteal (n=coldstea@unaffiliated/coldsteal)
08:36.15Uatecactually, the 240v power cable has bare wires in it
08:36.17CM3_1_2_632Uatec: lmao
08:36.31Uatecit shorted out the plug we plugged it in to
08:36.39Uateci'm surprised it didn't short out his office
08:36.41Uatecprobably did
08:36.57UatecJT, that's not the problem
08:37.03Uatecthe problem is within misdn
08:37.10JTanother problem is the company that makes the b410p can't even buy a circuit to test it on
08:37.13Uatecmisdn wasn't designed to have a pause before calls
08:37.15JTbut that's another matter
08:37.19Uatecthey have a test circuit
08:37.47JTUatec: if a piece of hardware only works with rubbish software, the hardware is only as good as that software
08:37.52JTUatec: no, they have a simulator
08:38.04JTUatec: you cannot buy etsi bri in the us
08:38.18Uatecmy boss has bought a b410p
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08:38.26Uatecand it wasn't cheap
08:38.36Uatecand we're not getting rid of it
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08:38.38Uatecbecuase we're using it
08:38.42Uatecand it works well enough most of the time
08:38.45JTand you're stuck with it, yes i've heard this before
08:38.51Uateci only have 2 problems with it
08:39.01JTyou'll find almost all of your problems are related to misdn
08:39.02Uatecround robin dialling doesn't work on all channels (amateur bug)
08:39.16JTfile bugs on the digium bug tracker
08:39.31Uateci have
08:39.43Uateci'm in open communication with their support about it too
08:39.43JTgroup dialling doesn't work at all on NT ports
08:39.50Uatecbut their support is... crap
08:39.54Uateci know it doesn't work
08:40.00JTthe readme says "no-one will ever need this" or something like that, the misdn readme
08:40.00Uateci had to write a macro to do the job instead
08:40.11JTthe guys who write misdn are morons
08:40.21Uatecso i hear
08:40.36darkskiezdont be mean
08:40.37UatecOMFG, why is it so hard to find files
08:40.39Uateci search for a file
08:40.45Uatecand i get 101 sites which have it
08:40.46JTdarkskiez: ?
08:40.47Uatecbut wont show it to me
08:40.51Uatecthey will just show me the difference
08:40.54Uatecon the versions they have
08:41.00Uatecor notes somebody made about it
08:41.04Uatecbut never the actual god damned file
08:41.07darkskiezJT:  meanie
08:41.23JTdarkskiez: truth hurts
08:41.33darkskiezdoesnt hurt me
08:43.48AdamB0122hey JT
08:44.15AdamB0122ok, I've setup my zap files to match this
08:44.21AdamB0122except a real context
08:44.29*** join/#asterisk lsodi (n=lsodi@
08:44.46AdamB0122It goes from Telco > White Box > Cannelbank > AsteriskPBX
08:44.52JTwrong signalling
08:45.31UatecWTF? you can send text down an open misdn channel
08:45.33UatecWTF for?
08:46.06lsodigreetings, has any one used mor + hud/hud lite, or is there better call manager software than HUD?
08:46.10JTUatec: how?
08:46.22AdamB0122Its switch to that signalling
08:46.42Uatecfrom the cli you can do misdn send display misdn/1-1 "Hello world."
08:46.46AdamB0122Now, when I call in, I dont get anything on the asterisk PBX, and i dont get anything in the phone
08:46.52AdamB0122so i assume my channels are still off
08:46.57JTUatec: probably for bri phones
08:47.11JTAdamB0122: have you checked if the pri is UP?
08:47.31AdamB0122does that could a a PRI, or a Zap?
08:47.43AdamB0122oh hm.
08:47.48AdamB0122Zap show status alarm's red
08:48.04Uateci called myself over misdn
08:48.14Uateci.e. out on online, in on another
08:48.17AdamB0122anyway to tell what its throwing that for?
08:48.25Uateci didn't get anything back on the cli when i sent myself a message
08:49.44creativxsend yourself an email instead and save the hassle
08:50.13*** join/#asterisk voltagex (
08:50.49voltagexhi, how can I get asterisk to support text messages in SIP? I'm getting SIP/2.0 415 Unsupported Media Type
08:51.13Uateccreativx, i could just think it
08:51.14AdamB0122JT : since its a FXS type, wouldn't it show up in zap show status rather then pri show status?
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08:52.13creativxUatec: thats too simple!
08:54.54*** join/#asterisk ghenry (n=ghenry@
08:54.57AdamB0122JT / Anyone : Will the a Zap T1 card throw the RED code if the channels aren't configured right?
08:55.09AdamB0122IE: if channel 1 is for something else, or something like that
08:56.27ghenryRecommendations: Polycom IP330 vs Aastra 55i IP vs Snom 320   ??   Aastra if I want a big screen, otherwise Polycom?
08:56.32AdamB0122hm...  I've got it set to use only 1 channel right now, channel 10.  pretty sure it'd be an open channel
08:58.09AdamB0122anyone know what could cause that?
09:02.06Uateccreativx, i am a big fan of simple
09:02.09lsodiAdam: is line correctly bulid up, 1,2 tx and 4,5 rx in RJ45
09:02.11Uateci used to have a car
09:02.16Uatecnow i have one like in the flintstones
09:02.29Uatecless parts, you see4
09:03.16AdamB0122lsodi > yes, I ran it through a cable tester to be sure
09:04.08creativxUatec: well thats a good approach being a developer
09:04.30JTAdamB0122: yes i meant t1, not pri, sorry
09:04.37JTand red means Layer 1 failure
09:04.43JTno physical link
09:04.59AdamB0122thats odd.
09:05.06AdamB0122Its plugged into the channel back right now
09:05.11JTyour cable could be wrong
09:05.30CoolGuy21i installed rhino using the instructions im getting this running ztcfg
09:05.31CoolGuy21ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or address (6)
09:05.36AdamB0122checked it twice already... its just a standard Cat5e line right, one that a laptop could connect through?
09:05.51JTAdamB0122: is that the same cable the pbx used?
09:06.30AdamB0122no, this one is a standard cat5 cable i had from my office, I've left all the old wiring in place
09:06.52Uateccreativx, i'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or serious
09:07.03JTAdamB0122: wrong cable.
09:07.11JTAdamB0122: you need a T1 crossover cable.
09:07.32AdamB0122From the channel bank to to * box?
09:07.47JTno wonder it doesn't work
09:07.57AdamB0122does it use Standard Cat1E cable, with just a wierd pin alignment?
09:08.10AdamB0122or does it use some other type of cabling?
09:08.19JTyou can use cat 5
09:08.23JT1 to 2
09:08.24JT4 to 5
09:08.35Uatecyou can't google for cat1e
09:08.42Uatecyou just get loads ofp eople who like cats
09:08.44JTignore that
09:08.48JT1 to 4
09:08.51JT2 to 5
09:08.55JT4 to 1
09:08.57JT5 to 2
09:09.16AdamB0122pin 6: none?
09:09.20JTlook at the article on t1 crossover cable on
09:09.26AdamB0122yea, I've got it up
09:09.30JTpin 3, 6, 7 and 8 are not used
09:09.41JTjust like on ethernet, only 2 pairs are requred
09:09.47JTthe rest are unused
09:09.58AdamB0122ok, lemme go fix that cable
09:09.59JTdifferential bidirectional serial communications
09:10.07JTwhy is it retarded? it makes perfect sense
09:10.08AdamB0122afk a moment
09:10.22AdamB0122it makes sense
09:10.26AdamB0122i just dont like it :p
09:10.39JTethernet cables are retarded too then
09:10.43JTthey only use 4 wires
09:10.44AdamB0122this is true
09:10.57JTtx- tx+ rx- rx+
09:10.59AdamB0122I dont understand the point of "Cat5" when it only uses 4 pairs
09:11.15[hC]cat5 is a type of cabling
09:11.22[hC]its not only used for ethernet.
09:11.34AdamB0122but everyone claims you need cat5 for RJ45 connectors
09:11.45JTyou do, for good ethernet performance
09:11.51[hC]well you need the proper twist that cat5 provides
09:12.01JTattenuation, crosstalk, twistrates, impedence
09:12.03AdamB0122but thats because of sheilding, and twist, not really the 4 extra cables
09:12.12AdamB0122anyway. afk, going to fix this cable
09:12.20[hC]the 4 extra cables twisted the way they are, are what makes the difference
09:12.27JTAdamB0122: cat 3 can be 1 pair or 500 pairs, i don't think you understand
09:12.57JTthere is no shielding in cat 3 or cat 5 cables
09:16.25Uateci need two computers off my boss
09:16.35Uatecbut i wont get them
09:16.43Uateche'll say "use virtual PC"
09:17.14Uatecand i can't put specialist isdn hardware in a virtualpc
09:18.02JTisdn on windows, eww
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09:21.50Uatecno, i have no intention of running misdn on windows
09:22.25ptiggerdinethat's just nasty....
09:22.40Uateci could use misdn under cygwin :D
09:22.43Uatecwouldn't that make you happy JT?
09:22.58JTyes, but you'd have to ring digium tech support for help
09:23.15AdamB0122now my Wildcard TE12x_) alarms Ok
09:23.29JTusing the right cables does wonders
09:23.44AdamB0122starting simple switch on zap 1
09:24.10AdamB0122hm, odd.
09:24.39AdamB0122anyway to make the system do an outbound call?
09:24.45AdamB0122just to see if i can get my phone to ring
09:27.07AdamB0122I know i could setup outbound contents, is there a simple CLI command just to get it to initiate a call?
09:27.20AdamB0122i thought there used to be a dial command
09:27.32AdamB0122dial sip/8105 was my best friend.
09:27.34JTthere is a dial commend
09:27.40JTit's a pretty major command
09:28.12AdamB0122its not "dial" is it?
09:28.20AdamB0122because i get no such command
09:29.20JTit is.
09:29.26jboti heard thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
09:30.12AdamB0122grunts.  lame 5 char limit
09:31.55creativxUatec: i was being serious. being a developer and managing to focus on simple solutions often works very well. not implying that the solution needent be less complex, but the end result.
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09:34.01JTAdamB0122: what limit
09:34.37AdamB0122on thebook's site
09:34.44AdamB0122searching is limited to >5 chars
09:34.56JTit's a pdf
09:34.58JTbut okay
09:35.26AdamB0122completely missed that download link
09:39.12AdamB0122intersting issue
09:39.21AdamB0122I called in
09:39.25AdamB0122and zap-1 picked up
09:39.28AdamB0122all that good stuff
09:39.36AdamB0122and it even rang my softone
09:39.47AdamB0122but when i picked up,
09:40.09AdamB0122the phone hung up, and my softphone paused, and then said it could not connect
09:40.24AdamB0122and now its playing "vm-reachoper" to zap/2-1 over and over for some reason
09:42.25AdamB0122alright.... its 5am. time to goto bed.
09:42.47AdamB0122thanks a TON everyone
09:45.59*** join/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
09:49.48dominic1Hello guys, how is it possible to add general entries in the mysql database?
09:51.43dominic1for my sip peers
09:54.38*** join/#asterisk dreamind (n=dreamind@
09:54.41dreamindhi folks
09:54.54dreamindcan anybody help me with set(CALLERID(num) = ...) and sip channels?
09:55.32dreamindI have just tested setting the number on my inbound zap to for example 0000 - but the number stays the one being sent by the zap device
09:59.14UatecIsn't it about lunch time yet?
09:59.29Uateccreativx, i understand entirely
09:59.37Uateci am a big fan of simplicity
09:59.44Uatecespecially when it comes to user interface
09:59.50UatecUI design is an art
09:59.50dreamindUatec: yes its lunch time ;)
09:59.56Uatecit's not lunch time :(
09:59.58Uatecit's only 11am
10:00.04UatecTime for Elevenses!!!
10:00.09dreamindhere its exactly 12am
10:00.20Uatecmy PC's clock is wrong
10:00.29Uateci keep changing it
10:00.32Uatecbut somebody keeps resetting it
10:00.55Uateci'll bloody change it
10:01.54dreamindhm, can anybody tell my why the callerid(num) is still wrong?
10:02.15Uatectypical is 4 minutes different from
10:02.50tzafrir_laptopUatec, is a bunch of servers
10:03.33Uateci know
10:03.37Uatecbut they're all the same
10:03.45Uatecwhere as is different
10:03.47tzafrir_laptopdreamind, what example 0000?
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10:05.14dreamindwell just figured it out
10:05.25dreamindSet(CALLERID(num) = 0000) doesnt work
10:05.34dreamindSet(CALLERID(num)=0000) works
10:05.42creativxbeware spaces
10:05.50creativxi think its written on the wiki
10:05.58creativxthat it can give you interesting results :)
10:06.55creativxman i love computards.. the boss is back from 2 weeks of vacation.. his xp has not been used in 2wks either.. first thing that happens, nothing works. great
10:11.19salvatore2is it possible to adjust volume on asterisk
10:14.40creativxdreamind: well i shouldnt complain.. its the first problem in 2 years of constant stable operation
10:15.45tuzhilano, it is possible to adjust volume on clients
10:17.10dominic1how can I set general settings in a realtime configuration?
10:18.21tuzhiladominic1, use astbill
10:20.37dominic1nice answer I don't need a software for kids and gamer
10:20.42dominic1thank you
10:24.13tuzhilaoh, you sucker, then use CLI
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10:26.39tuzhilado you hear me? dominic1?
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10:36.10incorrecthello, what ports should be open?
10:36.55andrewg_fmwithout any further information, I'd imagine all of them would have to be
10:37.16incorrectok maybe i should ask what ports should i expect to be listening?
10:37.35andrewg_fmit would depend I would imagine
10:37.41andrewg_fmon what protocols etc you'd like to use
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10:48.31incorrectlol my voip telephone provider is off line
10:51.56incorrecti couldn't figure out what on earth was going on
10:52.39incorrectmy mysql db had gone splat, the defaults on the asterisk user were set so it couldn't use the /dev/zap devices and then the voip provider was dead
10:55.15lsodican any one point me to call forward  macro example, dont have good examples ( *45<number_to _forward_calls> #45 takes forwarding off)
10:59.00*** join/#asterisk easimon (n=easimon@baghira.kawo2.RWTH-Aachen.DE)
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11:01.18Paul_UKhey guys, whats the standard codec that asterisk defaults too?
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11:05.56creativxPaul_UK: whatever you tell it to basically
11:06.09creativxas with asterisk, theres very rarely a "default" setting
11:07.25Paul_UKcreativx: ok thanks
11:10.33creativxand also it depends on the other end
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11:34.22Strider86someone tell me .. i need to test asterisk in a purely network environment, no analog phones or PSTN are involved .. do i need any hardware for it or just the asterisk software is enough?
11:35.01Strider86i read on one of the walkthroughs which i dont remember which one now that v only need the hardware for connecting to a analog pbx or something ..
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11:39.10Paul_UKstrider, you just need a PC, put linux on it, then install asterisk and then plug in 2 softphones which are installed on 2 other PC's, grab some headsets and you are good to go
11:40.06jxdhaving problems with my asterisk config -> TDM400P single FXS + X100P FXO... cards are installed, ztcfg looks good, zaptel looks good, the zap channels show up properly on * and have defined contexts setup in the extensions.conf yet asterisk never shows a detected call nor picks up or provides a dialtone even to my regular phone plugged straight into the TDM400P. Any advice?
11:40.14Strider86ahan .. wht abt other phones .. i have in my office Mitel IP phones .. for them i need an FXO or something??
11:43.47*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jtregunn@unaffiliated/jer)
11:44.00creativxStrider86: IP phones with no ethernet?
11:44.13creativxwhat protocol does these mitel phones use
11:45.00JTeww mitel ip phones
11:45.02Strider86it is connected to ethernet .. umm not sure about the protocol ..
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11:46.58Strider86so .. to use ip-phones with asterisk .. i need wht?? currently a ip-phone system of mitel exists in my office and i need to test asterisk first with it ..
11:47.21creativxStrider86: first figure out what protocol those mitel ip phones uses
11:47.37creativxsip perhaps
11:47.46creativxmaybe they need a firmware upgrade
11:48.13Strider86yea sip exactly .. ..
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11:49.39creativxso they use SIP today?
11:50.25salvatore2how can i install a stun server?
11:51.00Strider86well i am a n00b abt ip-telephony .. i am interning at a networking solutions company and the guy i am working with wants me to test asterisk .. and i dont know much .. but he did tell me tht we need to make asterisk work with SIP phones ..
11:51.18creativxthat is pretty straight forward
11:51.23creativxget yourself a unused mitel phone
11:51.30creativxset up a separate subnet for the asterisk and the phone
11:51.39creativxread the wiki, and you should be up and going.
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11:55.10Strider86just wht i wanted to know is that i dont need separate hardware like digium cards rite?? i need them only if i want to use analog phones with it?
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11:56.02JTthey connect to analogue or digital circuits or phones
11:56.06jbotsomebody said thebook was a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
11:57.12lirakisi know "the book" is a fantastic reference.. does anyone know when it might come out in a new version .. covering 1.4+ ?
11:57.38*** join/#asterisk Cheetah (
11:57.41Cheetahhey fellas
11:57.52JTlirakis: it's still in production
11:58.30sysreqJT: august 1st, supposedly? (amazon says so)
11:58.34lirakisJT: what do you mean by that? .. they are curently working on the next version? ..
11:58.38lirakisah.. cool
11:58.51CheetahI've got a little problem with a Digium TE120P. Everything works fine but sometimes it happens that a few numbers of the extensions are missing on incoming calls. As if the calling person picked up and dialed too slowly.
11:58.56JTlirakis: yes, 2nd edition
11:59.03lirakisJT: excellent!
11:59.18Cheetahis there a way to make sure that we get the whole extension before asterisk begins to run through the dial plan?
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12:00.02Cheetahsay, we've got 1234-XXX as phone numbers, where XXX is the extension. Some calls get dropped because asterisk obviosly can't find 1234-2 (with the rest of the extension missing)
12:00.28JTCheetah: incoming, outgoing, what?
12:00.35Cheetahincoming, from phone network
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12:00.45JTthat's just too weird
12:00.54JTdefinitely a digital pri circuit?
12:00.57Cheetahyeah, E1
12:01.10Cheetahas if the call notification comes in too early and asterisk doesnt get the whole extension
12:01.14JTthere is a d channel involved? ;)
12:01.57Cheetahobviously, thast the control channel of the E1
12:02.07JTCheetah: run a pri intense debug and watch the SETUP messages of incoming calls to see what data they are actually providing
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12:02.25JTno, a D channel is the control channel of a PRI, E1 is just the physical transport
12:02.35Cheetahit worked fine with our old ASCOM phone switch, so i guess its a configuration issue
12:02.50JTwatch the pri intense debug
12:03.05Cheetahalright.. we've got a PRI via E1 then :D  bchans are 1-15,17-31  and dchan is 16
12:03.06JTand your extensions.conf and zapata.conf
12:03.23Cheetahi can't reproduce it with my phone :D it happens when customers call now and then
12:03.43Cheetahit is
12:03.50JTlet's paste bin those files anyway ;)
12:04.38Cheetahnow that's spammy
12:04.56Cheetahhow am I supposed to filter out the needed info with lots of peopl eplacing and receiving calls every moment :D
12:05.18JTjust extensions.conf and zapata.conf right now
12:05.34JTno point with the pri debug until a defective call occurs
12:06.00Cheetahit looks like people pick up BEFORE they dial
12:06.05Cheetahthat is, not dial, then pick up
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12:06.20Cheetahresulting in the number getting slowly transmitted while it gets typed
12:06.24JTthis makes no sense
12:06.41JTincoming calls over a PRI are sent as SETUP messages over the D channel
12:06.57JTafter the telco switch has received enough data on the other side to route the call
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12:07.15Cheetahthe thing is that we have a whole number block.. say  1234-XXX
12:07.26CheetahXXX can be anything from 000 to 999
12:07.56JTdon't really need zaptel.conf, but fyi, it appears to be in order
12:08.04Cheetahyeah, i figured that
12:08.17Cheetahextensions.conf is very very long an contains sennnsitive informaion.. what exactly do you need?
12:08.37JTthe whole section that deals with incoming calls on the pri
12:08.48JTand anything included or referenced to by it
12:09.38Cheetahah, that is simple
12:10.03Cheetahit basically hands off the numbers to a different section so we don't have twice the amount of configuration stuff
12:10.43JTalthough weird it'd doing that on a PRI, you should NOT match calls that way if you can avoid it
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12:10.50JT. is a very naughty match
12:10.58Cheetahyeah i know :D
12:11.15lopuh666hi everybody
12:11.24JTCheetah: can i see zapata.conf?
12:11.24lopuh666can you help me
12:11.28Cheetahthere is a little problem, because there are a few short numbers, like 12340
12:11.48lirakisi am having trouble in my cdr's.  Basically .. i get a call in.. it goes to an IVR .. the caller presses some number 1,2,3 ... and then that number shows up in my cdr's .. i cant figure out how to change that... :\
12:11.50JTmake patterns for them too.
12:12.23lopuh666give me please some links
12:12.36lopuh666where i can find about
12:12.44jbotfrom memory, thewiki is at
12:13.07lopuh666difference between asterisk 1.2 and 1.4
12:13.18creativxfind the release readme for 1.4 lopuh666
12:13.21JTUPGRADE.txt in the source of 1.4
12:13.30creativxor that file..
12:13.45lopuh666whats new and so one
12:14.10Cheetah  is zapata.conf
12:14.20lopuh666where i can find this file?
12:15.10JTlopuh666: source of 1.4
12:15.29JTCheetah: ok, doesn't appear to be any on crack options there
12:15.55Cheetahwell, asterisk works for weeks now without any trouble
12:16.05Cheetahthis is just an annoying problem ;)
12:16.16JTit is trouble
12:16.22JTand shouldn't be happening
12:16.32JTi'm inclined to blame your telco
12:16.48Cheetahjt, it worked fine with our ASCOM switch before :D
12:16.55JTin the meantime, fix your pattern matches and watch pri intense debug for relevant calls
12:16.57Cheetahso I guess it must be something I can tweak on the server
12:17.15JTCheetah: repeating this over and over isn't going to make me change my recommendation
12:17.28JTCheetah: what happens when a call comes in and the number is short?
12:18.30Cheetahexactly the same
12:18.42Cheetahhang on
12:19.07lopuh666can you give me link where it can be
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12:19.25JTlopuh666: just download the source and extract it yourself
12:20.07lopuh666i downloaded but there no something that i searching
12:20.41JTCheetah: doesn't look exactly the same, look like the call fails due to asterisk hanging it up
12:20.51jxd[repeat] having problems with my asterisk config -> TDM400P single FXS + X100P FXO... cards are installed, ztcfg looks good, zaptel looks good, the zap channels show up properly on * and have defined contexts setup in the extensions.conf yet asterisk never shows a detected call nor picks up or provides a dialtone even to my regular phone plugged straight into the TDM400P. Any advice?
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12:21.38JTjxd: zaptel.conf zapata.conf
12:21.38davixxHi... does some one can help me to perform, via a command line tool, to register to an asterisk box, make a call, play a wave and hangup, and disconnect from asterisk ?
12:22.16lopuh666i need to know only what's new in asterisk 1.4
12:22.49Cheetahjt, asterisk isnt supposed to pick up the call if the number is incomplete.  now the question is WHY we get those incomplete numbers. defective calls look exactly like incomplete numbers in the log.  how does asterisk handle if the user on the other end is a slow typer and we get number by number once it is clear that 1234 is our prefix?
12:23.15JTCheetah: i don't think you're understanding it
12:23.26JTCheetah: your telco is DEFECTIVE for sending these calls at all
12:23.32JTthis problem may have always occured
12:23.43JTbut their exchanges are setup in a stupid manner
12:23.54CheetahJT, but if the telco fixes it, how is a number like 1234-0 supposed to work? thats the only exception here
12:24.13JTjxd: i said, NOT SPAM ME IN PM
12:24.36JTjxd: i have your pm msgs on ignore for a few minutes
12:24.52Cheetaheven if I fix my dialplan to only accept 1234XXX, it wont make a difference
12:25.15JTwill match it
12:25.16jxdJT: oh ok how do I
12:25.23jxdjT: sorry about that
12:25.32JTyou type it into a web browser, it's quite obvious from there
12:25.49jxdjt thx
12:26.23CheetahJT, exactly. but is there something like a command to tell the digium card to wait longer till the extension arrived? or does the protocol not allow numbers to be completeld after the connection to the telco is established?
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12:26.50JTCheetah: seriously, watch pri intense debug
12:27.04Cheetahlike we get 1234-2 asterisk should say "uhh, lets wait a bit till we get the rest" and not "we don't have 1234-2 here."
12:27.06lopuh666hey! anybody
12:27.07JTnumbers do not get send digit at a time
12:27.15Cheetahno, but ISDN supports slow-dialing
12:27.19JTunless your telco is seriously screwed
12:27.25RienzillaHello everyone
12:27.31CheetahISDN supports that, though
12:27.40JTthe callED and callING number are both in one frame, the SETUP frame
12:27.42CheetahPRI is ISDN basically
12:27.52JTpri is one variety of ISDN
12:28.37CheetahJT, but am I wrong if I say that ISDN supports that digit by digit thing for outgoing calls? how is determined if the number is complete?
12:28.53JTCheetah: but it should never ever be used for incoming calls
12:28.58JTit makes no logical sense
12:29.04Cheetahthat was my question
12:29.11JTthe telco only routes a call once it knows where to send it
12:29.29lopuh666what's dufference bettween versions asterisk 1.4 and 1.2....whats new//
12:29.56CheetahJT, so I guess they are only supposed to accept 1234-0 and pass it to us OR a complete 1234-XXX number, right?
12:30.36Cheetahso that a (intentionally) dialed 1234-1 would result in a error within the telco and we should never see it
12:30.41JTthe people who setup their exchange are clearly idiots
12:30.49Cheetahah thanks
12:31.00Cheetahi just hope there is something like a technical hotline
12:31.03JTbut hmm
12:31.11JTin theory you have more DIDs than you paid for?
12:31.26JTdodgy varying length DIDs, but nonetheless
12:31.28Cheetahi mean, everything else makes no sense
12:31.45Cheetahweird enough that the whole PRI worked with our old ASCOM switch
12:31.49lopuh666i use asterisk v1.2.22 and want to know what new in 1.4
12:32.15JTjxd: what is the exact problem you're trying to solve?
12:32.29JTCheetah: it's possible you never saw the errored incoming calls
12:32.36JTrejected by your switch
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12:33.26JTjxd: is it a problem with both cards or just the TDM400P?
12:33.39jxdJT: When asterisk runs, i cant do anything with it... both cards... wont detect the line nor answer etc
12:33.45RienzillaHey... would it somehow be possible to connect an asterisk pbx to a ventrilo server? (for example by writing a new channel module) in order to use a sip client to talk to people on a ventrilo server?
12:33.55Rienzillaor maybe somebody has done this already?
12:33.56CheetahJT, thanks for the help. I guess I need to find a phone/person who can trigger a defective call on purpose and see what the logs say. :)
12:34.03Rienzilla(couldnt find info on google)
12:34.08JTjxd: have you setup extensions.conf?
12:34.21jxdyes a very simple one... ill pastebin it
12:34.36JTCheetah: right, i'd be very interested to see what pri messages you see in such calls
12:34.53JTif it's just a short number in SETUP or there's additional messages for additional digits
12:35.12JTand my best advice would be to harrass your telco to fix their defective telephone exchange
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12:35.53jxdJT: updated now
12:35.58CheetahJT, i guess that telling my telco to fix their systems is the bigger problem. I usually hang out on freenode, so I'll let you know if I know more :)
12:36.13lopuh666no one know?
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12:36.27JTjxd: exten => s,1,Wait,1
12:36.32JTthis is not correct syntax
12:36.43JTCheetah: cool
12:36.44jxdJT:oh, i just copied and pasted the demo
12:37.17RSAMancan you please tell me where my sip.conf file is located
12:37.29RSAMani cant seem to find it..
12:37.37jxdJT: should asterisk be showing it detects ringing tho regardless? im wondering if its an issue running it on amd64
12:37.41RSAManfollowing the guide , but must have missed something
12:38.01[TK]D-FenderJT : its perfectly valid.....
12:38.22JT[TK]D-Fender: didn't realise, it's just not optimal then
12:38.23[TK]D-FenderRSAMan: usually /etc/asterisk
12:38.44JTandrewg_fm: eh?
12:38.54[TK]D-FenderJT : Irrelevent.  I don't LIKE that style personally, but its still used somewhat widely.
12:38.56RSAMankk got it
12:39.00RSAManreal stupid question
12:39.09JTjxd: it should, if you are ringing the fxo
12:39.10[TK]D-FenderRSAMan: no, not a biggie
12:39.37jxdJT: yah i was... and when i hook up a phone directly to the FXS and pick it up, no dialtone, and no indication of any change on *
12:39.48JT[TK]D-Fender: it's dog's breakfast, i reserve my right to ask people to neaten that up
12:39.51[TK]D-Fenderjxd: did you make sure to plug in the molex connector to your card?
12:39.59JTjxd: is the molex connector connected to the tdm400p?
12:40.25jxdJT: i am not sure what a molex connector is... the card came with a single onboard card plugged in and that is the only port that lights up
12:40.40JTjxd: FXS ports do not work without the power connector plugged in.
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12:41.18JTjxd: so with the console set to a verbosity of at least 10, it shows up NOTHING when you call the FXO?
12:41.24jxdJT:I used to use these same cards on another PC a while back without any issues and there was no additional connector there, the problem is i dont have that box anymore to compare settings
12:41.39JTjxd: just plug the connector in.
12:41.52jxdJT: i had it set at 7. There is no connector tho, there never was
12:41.53JTjxd: best to follow installation instructions than argue here ;)
12:42.05JTjxd: the TDM400P has a connector
12:42.06jxdJT: the # of vs = verbosity i assume
12:42.28jxdJT: no, mine does not. I think the connector is optional
12:42.30JTor set verbose 10
12:42.47jxdJT: mine was ordered with only a single piggybag card
12:42.57jxdJT: and ordered directly from digium new
12:43.03JTjxd: the connector is on the main card, not a daughterboard
12:43.18JTit HAS a molex connector unless it's a manufacturing defect
12:43.51JThave you even got the computer case open?
12:44.16jxdJT: oh okay, maybe i just didnt know what a molex connector is or possibly forgot that i had used that port before, i just know there was no additional parts from the other pc... ill try that
12:44.41JTjxd: assumptions are generally not a good idea
12:44.47jxdJT: No i just had the card in my hands before posting tho so I know there was no additional hardware, but, there may be a plug-in-port like u said for power
12:45.10JTit's just a plug
12:45.17jxdJT: Ill try that thanks~:) I still wonder about the X100P too tho
12:45.17JTnot additional hardware
12:45.26jxdJT: yes i understand that now, so its quite likely
12:45.34JTjxd: so what shows on the console when you call the fxo?
12:45.35jxdJT: its definitely NOT plugged in
12:45.48jxdJT: it shows nothing
12:45.50jxdno console change
12:45.58JTmaybe it's wired incorrectly
12:46.11JTalso, X100Ps are utter junk, but it should work better than thart
12:46.33jxdyah, if i could at least get my TDM400P working id consider buying another piggy-back module and saving myself a port anyways
12:46.55jxdJT: ill try it with power later as I have to step out, thanks for the advice
12:47.18JTjxd: also for your first dialplan i suggest something much simpler
12:47.20JT(no ivr)
12:47.42JTfor the fxo
12:47.46jxdJT: ok
12:47.54JTand something simple on the outgoing too
12:47.59JTlike Answer and Dial
12:48.30jxdJT: Yah i agree, i just copied and pasted original stuff to make sure i didnt screw anything up
12:48.42jxdJT: thanks again, ill mess around more and report my findings, see u
12:49.41jxdJT: and sorry for the spam
12:49.44*** part/#asterisk jxd (
12:50.06creativxi like playback(tt-weasels)
12:50.19creativxi actually forgot that inside our dialplan some weeks after it went into production
12:50.26creativxand occured some 4-5 odd times a day
12:50.31JTmonkeys is my favourite testing audio file
12:51.00JTboth are great to play pranks on friends with
12:51.15JTcall files to call them, play the file and record the result ;)
12:55.17sopo2k4anyone here use voiptalk iaxtalk?
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13:07.48EricLWhen I upgraded to 1.4.8, for some reason, the CDR stopped recording to MySQL.
13:07.49alin`how can I start in asterisk SLATrunk application ?
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13:08.23EricLI don't see MySQL in my 'make menuselect'.  I didn't make nay config changes from 1.4.4 to 1.4.8, any ideas what happened?
13:10.30sopo2k4is there a common answer as to why the asterisk isnt receiving voice from the person it has dialed end?
13:10.38sopo2k4dialed to*
13:10.56JTsopo2k4: that'd depend on your setup
13:11.10sopo2k4let me pastebin
13:11.29JTsip, zap, iax2, nat, softphones, bri phones ? :P
13:12.06alin`can somebody explain me how can I use the SLA, please?
13:13.02JTover what from what to what
13:13.21Corydon76-homealin`: there's a PDF in the doc/ directory
13:13.26JTyou need to be more descriptive, or you cannot be helped
13:13.38JTbut my guess is nat or firewall issues
13:14.17sopo2k4the receiving end starts ringing so thats working, however cant hear anything on the VOIP side
13:14.43Corydon76-homeSounds exactly like a NAT issue
13:14.46JTboth ways?
13:15.00sopo2k4ive got port 5060 opend.
13:15.13JTand 10000-20000 of course
13:15.24sopo2k4let me try that :P
13:15.47sopo2k4this could be a problem, not sure if my router allows port ranges to be opened
13:15.53Corydon76-homeSIP only uses 5060 for control.  Media (audio) is sent using the other ports, individually allocated per call
13:16.02JTwhat a pile of junk, if it doesn't
13:16.08sopo2k4my thoughts exactly
13:16.08JTbin it if it doesn't
13:16.20sopo2k4is it not possible to make it use a static port
13:16.22JTif you can't open ranges of ports, it's useless
13:16.26sopo2k4as ill be the only one using it?
13:16.28JTor disable the firewall
13:16.32Corydon76-homesopo2k4: No, it is not
13:16.38JTone each eay, and they change with each call
13:16.49sopo2k4mite have to disable the fwall then
13:17.15blitzrageyou can control the range of ports Asterisk uses in rtp.conf though
13:17.19[TK]D-Fendersopo2k4: Read this, NOW. ...
13:17.21jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
13:17.41JTstill, if he can't open ranges of ports, limited usefulness, blitzrage ;)
13:17.51sopo2k4ok mate, ill read that
13:18.00sopo2k4im still waiting on my IAX information tho
13:18.07sopo2k4think ill set it all up properly using IAX
13:18.21JTno reason sip shouldn't work
13:19.17sopo2k4SetCallerID doesnt work with my SIP provider tho thats why im waiting for IAX :P
13:19.36blitzrageJT: I didn't read that far up :)
13:19.55*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
13:20.00JTsopo2k4: should be Set(CALLERID(num)=) these days
13:20.24*** join/#asterisk VoicePulse (n=contact@unaffiliated/voicepulse)
13:20.29*** join/#asterisk vgster (n=vgster@
13:20.37sopo2k4ill give it a try
13:20.39JTsopo2k4: setting callerid to numbers you don't own is a peculiarity that only north american telcos seem to allow
13:21.02sopo2k4i wanted to use asterisk for outbound calls only
13:21.10sopo2k4and keep my bt phone number....
13:21.20sopo2k4by using the set cid to my bt number
13:21.28JTbritish telecom?
13:21.39JTthey probably don't allow it
13:21.49JTmost telcos around the world do not permit callerid spoofing
13:21.59JTonly ones in usa/canada seem to do it
13:22.47*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
13:23.08sopo2k4surely if you own the number your spoofing as then it should be allowed?
13:23.23sopo2k4well shouldnt be a problem*
13:23.31JTsopo2k4: how on earth do they know you own the number? they're 2 seperate accounts
13:23.49JTit's just not a feature you should be depending on
13:23.58*** join/#asterisk skyphyr (
13:24.06sopo2k4well if they looked in my account details they would see my contact number the same as the outboung cid
13:24.27JTyou're thinking very naievely
13:24.37JTthe itsp connects to the telco
13:24.37sopo2k4im new to this.
13:24.59JTthe telco still doesn't know that one customer of that itsp happens to own a number that its trying to set caller id to
13:25.10JTyou just should not expect it to work
13:25.22JTamericans are simply spoilt in that it often works there
13:25.36sopo2k4how things are going right now im not expecting it too :P
13:25.49sopo2k4but would be a bonus
13:26.06JTusually you're only meant to set callerid to a number you have like a particular DID or what not on a PRI
13:27.38sopo2k4i assumed that :P
13:28.32*** join/#asterisk NirS (
13:29.07mockerdamn spoiled americans/
13:29.49alin`Corydon76-home: yes, there is a PDF file, but it is not well explained.
13:30.06alin`Jul 24 18:19:44] WARNING[25112]: pbx.c:1783 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'SLATrunk' for extension (line, 111, 1)
13:30.21alin`'SLATrunk' is not a registered application
13:30.31alin`how can I register it?
13:30.31Corydon76-homealin`: you need zaptel
13:30.49Corydon76-homeCompile and install zaptel, then rebuild Asterisk
13:31.02alin`Corydon76-home: but I use just 2 SNOM phones connected to asterisk
13:31.11Corydon76-homeCompile and install zaptel, then rebuild Asterisk
13:31.12sopo2k4whats your favourite * distro?
13:31.31alin`What is zaptel good for?
13:31.48Corydon76-homeJust do it
13:32.01Corydon76-homeSLA requires timing
13:32.23JTsomeone should write a list of all the software functions that require zap timing
13:32.26JTit seems to be growing
13:32.35alin`ok, but I thought that ZAPTEL is needed just for ZAPTEL CARDS
13:32.42Corydon76-homeJT: it's because SLA is built on top of meetme
13:33.03[TK]D-FenderJT : You mean all THREE of them? :)
13:33.05alin`so what link is between ZAPTEL AND MEETME?
13:33.09Corydon76-homealin`: you can do whatever you like, but Zaptel is required for SLA
13:33.18alin`aaaa, ok
13:33.21[TK]D-Fenderalin`: You need a TIMING source for * based conferencing.
13:33.24sopo2k4to solve the
13:33.27sopo2k4port 10000-20000
13:33.43sopo2k4The DMZ feature allows you to specify one computer on your network to be placed outside of the NAT firewall.  using this feature would solve my problems correct?
13:34.05JTsopo2k4: shouldn't have to go that far
13:34.05[TK]D-Fendersopo2k4: If you're too lazy to specify more specific port ranges, sure
13:34.06*** join/#asterisk AdamPal (n=adam@
13:34.20JTi didn't know sla uses meetme
13:34.25sopo2k4fender, my router doesnt allow me to open ranges.
13:34.26[TK]D-Fendersopo2k4: But that starts to become a security risk
13:34.31Corydon76-homeJT: yep
13:34.44JTsopo2k4: what is this pile of junk?
13:34.54sopo2k4let me find what model
13:35.14[TK]D-Fendersopo2k4: don't bother.  Just DMZ it to start and figure out the rest after
13:35.36sopo2k4ok mate :)
13:36.03JTan old $0 desktop pc running linux will do a better job than that belkin ;)
13:36.20sopo2k4my ubuntu has all the updates that it notified me about so that should be ok
13:36.36sopo2k4for a temp fix anyway
13:36.59sopo2k4think ill get a linksys
13:37.02*** join/#asterisk Fulk (
13:37.24*** part/#asterisk EricL (
13:41.07alin`Corydon76-home: I am installing Zaptel now...
13:42.31AdamPalHi there - I'm trying to set up a very simple 'first time asterisk setup' with one sip phone talking to another sip phone. Both sip phones and my asterisk server all have separate public, unfirewalled IPs, and I'm a bit stuck... I'm receiving error "Registration from '<sip:adam@>' failed for '' - Username/auth name mismatch. ASTERISK -, PHONE1 - ...
13:43.54*** join/#asterisk galeras (n=root@
13:44.11sopo2k4ive DMZ'd my ubuntu and i still cant hear the other line
13:45.59Uatecdo people find that CDR is sometimes just a little bit weird?
13:46.20Uateci've got a call that came in from misdn to one destination number
13:46.34Uateci know it went to that destination number because of the Dial(...) data that was used
13:46.48Uatecbut it's recorded in cdr as them having dialed a different number
13:47.03creativximpressive. the company who sells plantronic headsets cant even manage to transfer me to a damn sales person without the call dying
13:47.07*** join/#asterisk davidsf (
13:47.19Uatecsopo2k4, DMZ is not a verb
13:47.25UatecIt's a TLA.
13:47.40sopo2k4well you understood what i meant?
13:47.49*** join/#asterisk myiagy (i=myiagy@
13:47.50davidsfsomeone please can help me? i have a problem with the dial command CMD
13:48.25UatecOnly because I'm hyperintelligent.
13:48.30alin`So meetme does not work without Zaptel?
13:48.39sopo2k4should have put Fender/JT: before
13:48.45davidsfhow can i sen a beep sound in asterisk every 60 seconds??
13:49.03*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
13:49.11creativxdavidsf: after dial() ?
13:49.22alin`davidsf: good question
13:49.34creativxor just an extension where you hear a beep every 60 seconds
13:49.42alin`davidsf: please tell me also when you find out
13:49.48davidsfi whant to play a beep every 60 seconds..
13:50.07alin`davidsf: during the call
13:50.17creativxmodify the tone table and set that extension to an obscure language
13:50.37davidsfwhere i can find a tone table'
13:50.37creativxdial plays the ringing tones based on the tone configs, doesnt it
13:51.14Strom_Mno...dial should not play ringing tones unless you specifically tell it to
13:51.17davidsfno is a sound of asterisk, on sounds paste..
13:51.39Strom_Mit's the called party's responsibility to send ALERTING or PROCEEDING back to your end
13:51.45davidsfyes but i tell it to it bu it doesn't work..
13:51.49AdamPalHi there - I'm trying to set up a very simple 'first time asterisk setup' with one sip phone talking to another sip phone. Both sip phones and my asterisk server all have separate public, unfirewalled IPs, and I'm a bit stuck... I'm receiving error "Registration from '<sip:adam@>' failed for '' - Username/auth name mismatch. ASTERISK -, PHONE1 - ...
13:51.55Uatecso everybody finds CDR behaves perfectly normally?
13:52.54[TK]D-FenderAdamPal: bad user/pass like it says...
13:53.24alin`*CLI> [Jul 24 18:44:00] WARNING[6724]: pbx.c:1783 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'SLATrunk' for extension (line, 111, 1)
13:53.30alin`I compiled Zaptel
13:53.46alin`however, SLA does not work yet...
13:53.55AdamPal[TK]D-Fender: I see that.. how do I set a correct user/pass ?
13:54.09[TK]D-FenderAdamPal: "vi /etc/asterisk/sip.conf"
13:54.27AdamPal[TK]D-Fender: Thats where I'm editing... I've set it correctly as far as I see. type=friend, username=adam, secret=test
13:55.13[TK]D-FenderAdamPal: remove "username=", and make sure the user you are filling in on your client is the same as the [whatevershere]
13:56.19[TK]D-FenderAdamPal: "type=firend"
13:56.28*** join/#asterisk guilherme-jorge (
13:56.33AdamPalNow I have [adam], type=friend, context=from-sip, host=dynamic, secret=test
13:56.36*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:56.40AdamPalNo error at all now, just client registration failed
13:57.10alin`So nobody can help me to start the SLA? :(
13:57.45AdamPalAh no, error is back again
13:57.52guilherme-jorgeSomebody knows a AGI script in Perl, to integrate Asterisk+Jabber?? I'ld like to send message to Jabber when I get responde NOANSWER, for example... Any idea?
13:58.30guilherme-jorgeI found AGI script to do this in PHP, but not in Perl
13:59.08*** join/#asterisk davixx (n=davixx@
14:00.01AdamPalAre there any other changes I need to make to sip.conf ?
14:00.25*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@ is down \o\
14:03.42AdamPalnow it just says 'wrong password' when it definitely isnt
14:03.58[TK]D-FenderAdamPal: PASTEBIN is your friend
14:04.01jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
14:05.20*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
14:05.34*** join/#asterisk coolbeans (
14:06.15coolbeansHi all.  When using mysql static configs and changing voicemail passwords, does asterisk update the database with the new password?  I'm having an issue where the password is changed, but the database doesn't seem to update.
14:06.49davidsfhow can i send a beep every 60 seconds during the call?????
14:07.07[TK]D-Fenderdavidsf: You can't
14:07.35[TK]D-Fenderdavidsf: Not unless you manually do a 3-way conference with some dialplan to do it, but nothing automatic
14:07.54davidsfreally??? are you sure???
14:08.12[TK]D-Fenderdavidsf: Why can't my suitcase fly by itself?  Because nobody MADE IT POSSIBLE TO.
14:08.44*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
14:08.44davidsfdial command has a options as a warning option???
14:09.05*** join/#asterisk joshr (
14:09.30[TK]D-Fenderdavidsf: sorry, I don't speak that dialect of gibberiish....
14:09.42davidsfexten => 200,2,Set(TIMEOUT(absolute) = 390)
14:09.42davidsfexten => 200,3,Set(LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes)
14:09.42davidsfexten => 200,4,Set(LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep)
14:09.42davidsfexten => 200,5,Set(LIMIT_TIMEOUT_FILE=beep)
14:09.42davidsfexten => 200,6,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},20,L(390000:58000:60000)r)
14:10.38*** join/#asterisk Zhadnost (
14:10.39davidsfsorry my english
14:10.53davidsfbut asterisk is universal!!
14:11.18coolbeansHi all.  When using mysql static configs and changing voicemail passwords, does asterisk update the database with the new password?  I'm having an issue where the password is changed, but the mysql database table doesn't seem to update.
14:11.33*** join/#asterisk nephfl (
14:12.12[TK]D-Fenderdavidsf: What kind of pathetic claim is "but asterisk is universal!!"?
14:12.22*** join/#asterisk Tili (
14:12.30[TK]D-Fenderdavidsf: is it supposed to make you COFFEE too?! (The fact that mine DOES is besides the point)
14:12.46ZhadnostDoes anyone know if there was a big difference between 1.2 and 1.4 versions of Pickup?
14:12.47nephflhello, does anyone happen to know how to get buddies to work on the polycom 60!?
14:12.54creativxim impressed you even have a suitcase, [TK]D-Fender
14:13.33davidsfcoffe is a good idea!! :D
14:13.38[TK]D-Fendercreativx: Its so I can store the body parts of the newbs I'm forced to dismember for transport ;)
14:14.19davidsfok, if you can help please fly with your suitcase away from her..
14:14.21*** join/#asterisk Mercestes (
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14:15.47Hymieany idea why placing the funky MESSAGE_WAITING .... silence line in my own globalconf file yields no joy in removing the mwi sound from my polycom?
14:17.12*** join/#asterisk Jon335 (n=Jon335@unaffiliated/jon335)
14:17.13creativxMercestes: isnt it ferris
14:17.24davidsfLimits the call to x milliseconds, warning when y milliseconds are left and repeating
14:17.24davidsfevery z milliseconds until the limit is reached. The x parameter is required; the y and z
14:17.47davidsfsilly peoplE!!!!
14:18.06coolbeansHi all.  When using mysql static configs and changing voicemail passwords, does asterisk update the database with the new password?  I'm having an issue where the password is changed, but the mysql database table doesn't seem to update.
14:18.14coolbeansIn 1.2.x
14:19.10nephflso, does anyone know a reference for getting buddies to work?
14:19.15Mercestescreativx, you are correct
14:19.38zeeeshhow to get "computer serial or identification number"?
14:19.54Mercestesnephfl, which phones?
14:19.59*** join/#asterisk Jon335_ (n=Jon335@unaffiliated/jon335)
14:20.25nephflpolycom 601
14:20.43*** join/#asterisk TedNJ37 (
14:20.56TedNJ37Hi guys.  I am a newbie in this.  I have a small box which handles about 10 extensions, I want to be able to link them to a landline, is there any way for me to allow extensions to dial out through my landline if I connect the phone plug to the modem of the box?
14:20.57red9012how can I handle fax with asterisk?
14:21.41coolbeansTedNJ37: No.
14:21.55coolbeansTedNJ37: Get a X100P card, $9-15 dollars ebay.
14:22.13red9012ted-- yes, using dial command and x100p card
14:22.16[TK]D-FenderTedNJ37: No, you can't use just any cheap-shit modem to access the PSTN
14:22.17*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (
14:22.41red9012the x100p will work just fine.
14:23.45[T]anksomething odd is happening to one of my servers... after about 4 days my inbound calls start acting up. the caller does not hear my recorded messages. if i do a full reload then all is well again for about 4 days. any ideas what could be causing this? version 1.2.19
14:23.50coolbeansHi all.  When using mysql static configs and changing voicemail passwords, does asterisk update the database with the new password?  I'm having an issue where the password is changed, but the mysql database table doesn't seem to update.
14:24.03coolbeansIn 1.2.18
14:24.08[T]ankte410p t1 card also with 3 pris
14:25.28Mercestescoolbeans, does your asterisk user to the Mysql database have update privileges?
14:26.03*** join/#asterisk oej (
14:26.23Sci_05can someone check this out and tell me why my asterisk box isn't calling the System command at the end.
14:26.25guilherme-jorgeSomebody knows a AGI script in Perl, to integrate Asterisk+Jabber?? I'ld like to send message to Jabber when I get responde NOANSWER, for example... Any idea?
14:26.39guilherme-jorgeI found AGI script to do this in PHP, but not in Perl
14:27.25*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
14:28.59TedNJ37Thanks Coolbeans
14:29.10*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
14:29.14lirakishas anyone been to an "asterisk world" during the VON convention?
14:29.31lirakismy company is sending some people to VON .. and i am trying to decide if i should go to VON .. or Asterisk World
14:29.52coppicego to the beach and relax
14:29.55*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
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14:32.15*** part/#asterisk brimstone (n=brimston@pdpc/sponsor/digium/brimstone)
14:33.22myiagyi'm looking for a way to secure my conversations, out of luck googling for it.. the suggestion i got most is to use vpn, but that doesnt guaranty security inside of the VPN. i found something about SRTP, but no documentation about it..
14:33.50myiagydoes anyone have a suggestion what may i search to find a way to encrypt my voice packets? and the sip packets too if possible
14:34.04coolbeansA ipsec tunnel?
14:34.28coolbeansOr just tunnel with an ssh wrapper?
14:35.00coolbeansmyiagy: It would be an ordeal for someone to reconstruct an actual conversation, considering the nature of routing and the packets' construction.
14:35.17coolbeansIf security is that big of a concern, you should probably have dedicated, private connectivity ...
14:35.58AdamPalAnyone know of a good gui softphone for linux?
14:36.16*** join/#asterisk ramindia (n=ramindia@
14:36.35myiagyi see.. i'll go look for ipsec and vtun then.. thank you
14:36.43ramindiahey can some one tell me.. how can i send the recordings to other server only recordings of all calls
14:36.53coolbeansmyiagy: What's the reason for needing such security?
14:36.54*** join/#asterisk jcmoore (n=jcmoore@unaffiliated/tgrman)
14:36.54[TK]D-FenderAdamPal: Ekiga
14:37.03coolbeansramindia: rsync
14:37.04AdamPalI tried that
14:37.09AdamPalIt keeps coming "Security Check Failed"
14:37.12AdamPalWhenever I try and make a call
14:37.13lirakisAdamPal: xten is a good softphone for linux too
14:37.16AdamPalI have no real options to configure either
14:37.19lirakisAdamPal: it isnt open source
14:37.19ramindianot offline real time
14:37.20[TK]D-FenderAdamPal: You've set it up wrong then
14:37.25lirakisAdamPal: but it works fine
14:37.25myiagycoolbeans the client is demanding it.. in my understanding, he has confidential conversations
14:37.29AdamPal[TK]D-Fender: There is nothing to set up really?
14:37.38lirakismyiagy: you should try zfone
14:37.39[TK]D-FenderAdamPal: Not much....
14:37.50[TK]D-FenderAdamPal: If you can't figure that out, its not the phone...
14:37.58myiagyzfone, ok, i'll look for that too
14:38.00*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (i=rmyorg@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
14:38.01AdamPalFigure what out?
14:38.04[TK]D-FenderAdamPal: pastebin your sip.conf minus only passwords
14:38.12ramindiacoolbeans: iam looking on real time.. not offline
14:38.17[TK]D-FenderAdamPal: How to get Ekiga setup right
14:38.19coolbeansmyiagy: The act of reconstructing a conversation from a VOIP connection is tremendous.  You would have to someone captuare *all* the packets, then decode and reassemble them. If someone was going to put that much effort into it, it would be easier just to bug the guys office.
14:38.46[TK]D-Fendercoolbeans: Actually there all sorts of Wireshark filters for this.....
14:38.47coolbeansA sniffer on the LAN where the phone is would be the best bet for capturing all the packets.
14:39.20myiagywhat about this?
14:39.30coolbeans[TK]D-Fender: Right, but getting it to an actual audiable medium would be an effort.  My point was, there's a lot easier way to hear what's up that this route.
14:39.58[TK]D-Fendercoolbeans: From what I've read I spits out a ready-to-play sound file...
14:40.16*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
14:40.54coolbeans[TK]D-Fender: That's interesting.  I stand corrected, then.  But someone would still have to sniff off the packets which would require LAN access on either the phone side or the soft switch side.  You just can't pull packets off the internet.
14:41.23*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
14:41.24[TK]D-Fendercoolbeans: I never said it wouldn't likely be an inside job ;)
14:41.44*** join/#asterisk angler (i=angler@pdpc/sponsor/digium/angler)
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14:41.48myiagycoolbeans well, if i use ipsec for security, then anyone on the inside of the vpn would be able to sniff it, wouldnt they?
14:41.53ZhadnostShame, after upgrading to 1.4.8, I'm damned if I can get it to work.
14:41.59coolbeansSo physical security + common sense would be better than trying to encrypt packets.  Even with a VPN, a sniffer would still prevail at either endpoint.
14:42.02myiagythey are concerned about internal escurity too
14:42.41myiagywhat do you mean by physical security? how can i use that with voip?
14:42.48ZhadnostI remember a "shocking report" that I read suggesting that 80% of companies who use VoIP-like services don't encrypt the voice data.
14:42.57AdamPalHeres a new one: Jul 24 18:33:08 WARNING[6160]: chan_sip.c:3602 process_sdp: Unknown SDP media type in offer: video 5006 RTP/AVP 31
14:43.04*** join/#asterisk tecnico (n=tecnico@
14:43.32coolbeansmyiagy: physical, in that the hardware is secure, i.e., nobody can walk in off the street, plug in a sniffer, and grab network traffic.
14:43.37Zhadnostlo tecnico
14:43.41coppiceencrypt the voice == speak in code
14:43.55*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=GoD@
14:43.58coolbeanscoppice: lol, that's another cheap, easy way to do it.
14:44.19myiagycoppice :P
14:44.41ZhadnostDoes anyone here use Pickup with 1.4.8?
14:44.54myiagycoolbeans but that would only protect from the outside right? what about the company employees who use the network
14:44.55CVirusCan the extensions.conf be as simple as this ?
14:45.14coolbeansmyiagy: with iptunnels and ipsec, you could originate the VPN from a local asterisk box.  But there's still no encryption to/from the phones.
14:45.18CVirusor do I need any of the other default values ?
14:45.23ZhadnostCVirus> don't see why not
14:45.26CVirusZhadnost: thanks
14:45.38coolbeansMy point, really, I would just buy a $15 "bug" and slide it under the guys desk or something.
14:45.44*** join/#asterisk stkn__ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
14:45.49ZhadnostCVirus> You should be able to get it working with just the last 2 lines depending on what else is set up.
14:45.49coolbeans... before I would try to "hack" voice packets back together.
14:46.22myiagyi see.. well i'll throw the customer the options and see what he says.. thanks
14:49.06variable_officeanybody know what the maximum transmission range for pots is? ie. fxs to phone
14:50.06coppicea real exchange line will usually do about 10km
14:50.09Fulkvariable_office, as in physical cable length?
14:50.20variable_officeFulk, yes
14:50.21Fulkvery long
14:51.00Fulkit's not like ethernet which has a 100m max
14:51.05variable_officewhat about off of an asterisk box?
14:51.33Fulkvariable_office, how far do you want to run it?
14:51.44*** join/#asterisk oej (
14:52.23variable_officeat least a 3/4 of a mile, id like 1 + miles though
14:52.26*** join/#asterisk marcan (
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14:52.42coppiceany line should do that
14:52.58Fulkyes, but what's the power output from the Asterisk box
14:53.03variable_officeeven if i just stuck a linksys ata on the line, it would work fine?
14:53.03coppicesome PBX lines take compromises that limit them to a couple of km
14:53.29*** part/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
14:53.42coppicebut most cards should be good for a few km
14:53.42variable_officeFulk, what do you mean power output? like in mA /
14:54.02variable_officeis there anywhere to check these statistics, before i go buying?
14:54.44FulkI'd check with the card manufacturer
14:54.44coppicebasically if the card puts out 48V it should be OK. of these nasty PBX type cards that use 24V will be limited
14:54.45Fulkjust to be sure
14:55.07*** part/#asterisk ramindia (n=ramindia@
14:56.18msetimhi guys
14:56.33msetimhow can I know if a meet is locked or not
14:56.38msetimmeetme * :)
14:57.24*** join/#asterisk Zhad (
14:59.39*** join/#asterisk CuriosCat (
15:00.21CuriosCatSo, I have a POTS line, a VOIP phone and a Linux box and a Digium FXS card.
15:00.25CuriosCatThis should be interesting. :)
15:00.35Fulksounds good
15:00.54*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
15:01.21MercestesGot a good start
15:01.40[TK]D-FenderCuriosCat: Except for the PSTN line you have nothing to take in...
15:02.21Fulkyes, if you want to connect your POTS line you need an FXO card
15:02.36CuriosCaterr, that's what I have. Sorry.
15:02.49CuriosCatI still get FXO and FXS mixed up.
15:03.13CuriosCatI have a TDM400P with one FXO module.
15:04.27jarrod"rtc: lost some interrupts at 1024Hz.
15:04.34jarrodim getting that error when loading ztdummy
15:06.31[TK]D-FenderCuriosCat: Ok, better
15:07.07*** join/#asterisk Chuji (
15:07.34ChujiAnyone know how to set the digit timeout value in Zaptel for the simpleswitch?
15:07.54CuriosCatTK: Starting from scratch -- I had the zaptel drivers working at one point, but I had to move the card to a different server in order to get access to a phone line.
15:08.47*** join/#asterisk karrotx (
15:09.12karrotxmy asterisk server is sending reverse dns requests every 2-3 seconds to my dns server
15:09.20karrotxdoes it require reverse dns to operate
15:09.23karrotxand can i turn it off?
15:10.25Chujikarrotx: Nah asterisk wants DNS. You can run a proxy only DNS server on your asterisk box if you want. That's what I do at home so it doesn't become dependant on the internet
15:10.46karrotxi have no problem with that
15:10.57karrotxit's just spamming my dns server for reverse entries for the local ip
15:11.26neverblueany VOIP providers in the channel?
15:11.28CuriosCatSet up a reverse zone for the local IP :)
15:12.04neverbluelooking to try out a service
15:12.04karrotxCuriosCat: we have 250 phones; it would become rather tedious
15:12.10*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
15:15.13darkskiezkarrotx: include "/etc/bind/zones.rfc1918";  in your named.conf.local   - or similar depending on distro
15:15.30CuriosCat$GENERATE 1-254 $ IN PTR phone-$.local.
15:15.38CuriosCatadd NS and SOA records and you're done
15:15.41CuriosCatliterally four lines.
15:16.12*** join/#asterisk irule (n=irule@
15:16.17karrotxCuriosCat: they're not all phones
15:16.27karrotxphones are on the same network as workstations
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15:16.50karrotxbut i guess it's not a bad idea
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15:23.13CuriosCatkarrotx: Well, client-$ then. You get the idea :)
15:24.28CuriosCateww, make install relies on access to digium's ftp server?
15:24.39*** join/#asterisk IOscanner (
15:24.48Qwell[]CuriosCat: you can disable the sounds in menuselect, or use a release tarball
15:25.04IOscannerHas anyone setup a USB sound device to connect an overhead speaker system?
15:25.35*** join/#asterisk Primer (
15:26.01CuriosCatqwell: It works, I was just a bit surprised to see wgets in a make install :P
15:26.25PrimerAnyone know how to dial a sip:user@domain directly from a polycom soundpoint IP 430?
15:26.35*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
15:26.53PrimerI'm wondering if somehow it's been disabled on this phone
15:26.56*** part/#asterisk Primer (
15:29.04AdamPalHi there, I have taken the default asterisk config, and added the following to sip.conf:   [adam], type=friend, calledid=Adam <adam>, host=dynamic, nat=1, mailbox=adam, secret=test
15:29.16AdamPalI'm getting "Security Error" from Ekiga when trying to dial but it DOES register correctly
15:31.46*** join/#asterisk Peri (
15:32.09Perihi, is there any way to limit the number of incoming calls per sip peer?
15:32.14*** join/#asterisk af_ (
15:35.01*** join/#asterisk astserdev (n=core@
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15:35.51nainHi Every body
15:37.16*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
15:38.30variable_officehow many sip ulaw channels could a 533 mhz box take approximately?
15:39.00blitzrage10-20 probably
15:39.01Qwell[]variable_office: Anywhere between 1 and 5000
15:39.26blitzrageassuming no transcoding... probably quite a few
15:39.38variable_officeblitzrage, 10-20 you think? thats not too bad!
15:39.44nainI am using asterisk 1.4 and using A200r Sangoma Card, But zap channels is not detecting Callerid when call arrive on zap channel?
15:39.47variable_officena, straight ulaw, ulaw in, ulaw out
15:39.47astserdevdid  anybody tested this 5000 ?
15:39.51blitzragevariable_office: with transcoding... probably like 2-3
15:40.10blitzragevariable_office: might be able to get more... hard to say... but 10-20 seems like a reasonable number....
15:40.16blitzrageI might be guessing slightly high though
15:40.23blitzragetry it with sipp!
15:40.31jbotSingle In-Line Pin Package: The last "standard" PC RAM configuration before they started making SIMMsA lot like SIMMs, but they have little pins instead of contacts. SIPPs are to VLB what SIMMs are to PCI..  A suicide tool for geeks
15:41.41blitzragejbot: no, sipp s a free Open Source test tool / traffic generator for the SIP protocol available from
15:42.03Strom_Mjbot: no, sipp is a free Open Source test tool / traffic generator for the SIP protocol available from
15:42.03jbotStrom_M: okay
15:42.15blitzragemissing i!
15:42.26*** join/#asterisk minkus (
15:42.27blitzrageStrom_M: show off
15:42.37nainCan any one tell me why sangoma is not detecting Callerid " SET(CALLERID(NUM)=${CALLERIDNUM})
15:42.46variable_officeblitzrage, thanks, i googled it right away anyways
15:42.47Strom_Mnyaah nyaah nya nyaah nyaah
15:42.57variable_officeblitzrage, i also found ->
15:42.59*** join/#asterisk dlynes_laptop (
15:43.00blitzragevariable_office: no problem, thought I'd add it for future use in this channel
15:43.11blitzragevariable_office: thanks for googling and being self sufficient!
15:43.18blitzrageyou just might make it kid
15:43.55Strom_Mblitzrage: do you want to see some choice photos from the superlol training facility I'm teaching at this week?
15:44.18*** join/#asterisk coolbeans (
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15:44.32blitzrageStrom_M: sure!
15:44.39Strom_Mfigure 1:
15:44.57Strom_Mfigure 2:
15:45.18centrexStrom_M, nice use of the cat V.....
15:45.31jarroddoes the redhat cluster suite cost $$$ ?
15:45.33nainAny one have used Sangaoma A200r (2 Port FXO Card)???
15:45.46coolbeansAnyone have a clue why in 1.2.18, when using static real-time and mysql, voicemail passwords aren't updated in the DB when changed with app_voicemail?  It changes them in asterisk, but never updated to the db.  Of course, a restart of app_voicemail restores whatever passwords are in the db.  Any help would be appreciated.
15:46.22Strom_Mcentrex: yeah, i'm simultaneously amused and horrified
15:48.09coolbeansBest asterisk cluster = mysql + rsync
15:48.11*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=GoD@
15:49.11CVirusI added conf => 1234 to my meetme.conf and exten => 500,1,Meetme(1234) to my extensions.conf and when I dial 500 .. it says invalid conference number !
15:50.36Dr-LinuxHow can i playback a any sound file while call is bridged, like, "you have 1 min left ans so on" ?
15:51.00CuriosCatWell, zttool recognizes my FXO module now. That took a little work, but it seems to be ok :)
15:51.16CuriosCat/etc/zaptel.conf was a little daunting until I remembered I just need one line :P
15:52.13CuriosCatI guess now I attack Asterisk itself :)
15:52.20*** join/#asterisk hfb (
15:54.22blitzrageStrom_M: LOL!!!
15:54.47Dr-LinuxStrom_M: any suggestoin for me?
15:55.06CVirusthe answer to my question is to modprobe the ztdummy module ... forgot to do that
15:55.28CuriosCatI had to modprobe zttdm
15:55.43CuriosCatshould probably put those in pmodprobe.conf so it keeps working after a reboot, actually
15:56.02dlynes_laptopnain: What about the A200?
15:56.16*** join/#asterisk kleofas (
15:56.22tzafrir_laptopCuriosCat, actually chances are those are loaded at bot before the zaptel script is ever called. What distro you use?
15:56.41dlynes_laptopDr-Linux: That's part of the dial command...check the options list for Dial()
15:57.10CuriosCattzafrir: I'm using Fedora 7, but I'm building my own zaptel drivers and asterisk binaries, I'm not using a package.
15:57.22Dr-Linuxdlynes_laptop: yes, my i wanna play warning message to the caller, my own sound file
15:57.31MercestesCuriosCat, So are you inherently curious or do you collect small figurines and statuettes?
15:57.38tzafrir_laptopCuriosCat, still
15:57.46CuriosCatMercestes: The nick is from "Curiosity killed the Cat"
15:58.07CuriosCattzafrir: Does make install modify Fedora boot scripts?
15:58.18MercestesCuriosCat, Ah, so you just can't spell, ok.
15:58.26dlynes_laptopDr-Linux: So modify that portion of app_dial.c to change the file that it's using, or rename the existing file to something else, and then drop your file in as the old name instead
15:58.27nainHi Any one have used Sangoma A200r FXO module ?
15:58.28*** join/#asterisk hi365 (
15:58.32CuriosCatMercestes: You can't spell either. You royally screwed up "Mercedes".
15:58.47dlynes_laptopnain: I ALREADY ASKED YOU WHAT ABOUT IT
15:58.48CuriosCatAnd unlike "curious", "curiosity" only contains one u.
15:59.08MercestesCuriosCat, Correct. But your nick isn't Curiosity cat.  ..
15:59.16MercestesCuriosCat, So I thought you might collect curios.
15:59.29hi365just wondering if AgentCallbackLogin() can acept a queue as an agrument that it can dynamicaly login to?
15:59.49tzafrir_laptopCuriosCat, no. make config does
15:59.55Dr-Linuxdlynes_laptop: maybe there is some patch .. but don't know the name
16:00.01*** part/#asterisk lirakis (n=etamme@
16:00.11dlynes_laptopDr-Linux: Just rename the old file, and name your file the same as the existing file
16:00.20dlynes_laptopDr-Linux: very simple fix, without needing a patch
16:00.37dlynes_laptopDr-Linux: unless of course you want to adjust the times, and/or put in more than one file
16:02.59Dr-Linuxdlynes_laptop: yeah, but difficult to find what's the file name in dial.c app
16:03.10CuriosCatMercestes: Let me explain a bit about IRC history to you
16:03.19CuriosCatthere's this thing called a nick length limitation
16:03.23MercestesCuriosCat, Please don't.
16:03.30CuriosCaton EFnet, and before that, on IRCnet, it was nine characters.
16:03.40CuriosCatHow would you abbreviate "Curiosity killed the Cat" to fit in nine characters?
16:04.04CuriosCatI like my version better, Strom :)
16:04.23CuriosCatMercestes: If you didn't want an Internet argument, why did you start a pedantic quarrel with someone you don't know?
16:04.42MercestesCuriosCat, I don't like children.  You shouldn't say that.
16:04.59Mercestesnot in that way anyways.
16:05.17CuriosCatMercestes: I don't like dorks. Welcome to my ignore list.
16:05.19*** join/#asterisk anthm (
16:05.19*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
16:05.40MercestesHrm.  A new record.
16:06.09CuriosCattzafrir: Gotcha.
16:07.44CuriosCatWell, with gcc-c++ in place, let's see if Asterisk will compile now :)
16:07.54coolbeansAnyone have a clue why in 1.2.18, when using static real-time and mysql, voicemail passwords aren't updated in the DB when changed with app_voicemail?  It changes them in asterisk, but never updated to the db.  Of course, a restart of app_voicemail restores whatever passwords are in the db.  Any help would be appreciated.
16:12.58*** join/#asterisk inv_arp[work] (
16:15.47jarrodis there a app or module in asterisk i can reload so it will reload zaptel?  i just upgraded zaptel, but i dont want to restart asterisk completely
16:17.09astserdevjarrod, i think  you need to  restart asterisk
16:17.27dlynes_laptopjarrod: unload, and then load
16:17.37dlynes_laptopjarrod: make sure you don't use the reload command
16:18.22dlynes_laptopjarrod: erm...what tzafrir_laptop said...i haven't had any coffee yet this morning
16:18.26tzafrir_laptopdlynes_laptop, is that safe if you have PRI?
16:18.36[TK]D-Fenderjarrod: "reload" <- 1 step
16:18.40dlynes_laptoptzafrir_laptop: yep...I've done it on my pri before
16:19.03tzafrir_laptopreload won't change settings of existing channels
16:19.26dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender: does reload work properly with zap?  I've used it with something less complicated like, and it doesn't reload all the settings
16:19.48tzafrir_laptopit works "properly" in the sense that it does no harm
16:20.02tzafrir_laptopBut there are some settins it doesn't apply
16:21.23*** join/#asterisk Flauto (n=zhao@
16:21.24tzafrir_laptopI wonder how I can automate this. How long I need to wait between the unload and load
16:21.40Flautohello people
16:21.53Flautoi have a problem with installing asterisk 1.4.8
16:22.01Dr-Linuxdlynes_laptop: did you see the "L" option in Dial() ?
16:22.07Dr-Linuxi don't think
16:22.21Flautowhen i ./configure, it says configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check
16:22.36tzafrir_laptopFlauto, which distro?
16:22.48Flautofedora core 6
16:23.18dlynes_laptopFlauto: Hey...long time, no see
16:23.33Flautohello dlynes, yes, i was in china for almost 3 months
16:23.37Flautohow are you doing
16:23.43Flautojust got back last week
16:23.51dlynes_laptopFlauto: Great...met a super sweet Cantonese girl a few months ago
16:23.52Flautonow, i am trying to update my asterisk
16:24.06dlynes_laptopYeah...she's quite hot :p
16:24.07Flautoare you still going out with her?
16:24.15dlynes_laptopYeah...engaged to her
16:24.25Flautoman, congratulations
16:24.34dlynes_laptopI don't believe in wasting time
16:24.43dlynes_laptopOr letting someone else steal her away from me :)
16:25.06Flautomaybe because it is about the right time
16:25.33Flautohave not touched my asterisk for more than 3 months
16:25.42dlynes_laptopYeah...we're both getting older, and we both want kids, so trying to rush it along a little bit faster
16:26.12Flautomy wife and i are planning to have a kid next year
16:26.27dlynes_laptopYou saw the new versions of asterisk available, right?
16:26.42msetimhow can I know if a meet is locked/unlocked, asterisk manager can give it
16:26.50Flautoconfigure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check
16:26.54Flautowhat is this for
16:27.14dlynes_laptopFlauto: It's probably producing something in the output that configure doesn't like
16:27.26Flautowhat should i do
16:27.31dlynes_laptopFlauto: Could be one of those fedora/redhat/centos eccentric type things
16:27.49dlynes_laptopFlauto: Try a different version of fedora, or try a different distro if you want to fix the problem faster
16:27.50Flautoi was using 1.4.1 and it was okay
16:28.02dlynes_laptopFlauto: which one is bugging out?
16:28.17tzafrir_laptopyum install gcc ? yum install cpp ?
16:28.23dlynes_laptopFlauto: gimme a sec
16:28.32Flautothanks, tzafrir
16:28.34Flautoi will try that
16:29.02*** join/#asterisk flujan (
16:29.10Flautotzafrir, it is saying nothing to do for both
16:29.17Flautoi do have them installed
16:29.52tzafrirFlatFoot, glibc-devel ? look into config.log
16:29.53msetimsomebody knows???
16:30.10dlynes_laptopFlauto: I'm downloading it now to try it on slackware 10.22222222
16:30.20dlynes_laptopstupid lllllllaptop keyboarde
16:30.40Flautoi have never used slackware
16:30.52tzafrir_laptopmsetim, I don't really understand your question
16:31.08dlynes_laptopFlauto: yeah, but maaaaybe the same problem you're encountering on fedora core 7, i will also experience on slackware 10.2
16:31.21dlynes_laptopFlauto: what version do you get when you do a gcc --version?
16:31.28dlynes_laptopFlauto: what do you get from uname -a?
16:31.32tzafrir_laptopyou ask if you can tell through the manager interface if a meetme (?) room(?) is locked or unlocked?
16:31.59FlautoLinux EncoreNetwork 2.6.20-1.2962.fc6 #1 SMP Tue Jun 19 19:27:14 EDT 2007 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
16:32.27Flautooh, you know wht, i think i updated the kernel
16:32.37Flautoi was using 2.6.18....
16:32.41Flautoand it was working
16:32.41dlynes_laptopFlauto: well, for what it matters, I'm using 2.6.21
16:33.00msetimtzafrir_laptop, I have a conference (meetme) and I would like to know if it is locked ( meetme lock <meetme_number> )
16:33.20Flautoi think for fedora, 2.6.20 is the most up to date one
16:33.33Flautomaybe i can go back to 2.6.18
16:34.06dlynes_laptopFlauto: Only time I ever use a prepackaged kernel is when I first install linux
16:34.10Flautoi did not have problem compiling zaptel and normally, that would be more problematic
16:34.20dlynes_laptopFlauto: After it gets installed, I always compile my own kernel
16:34.35Flautoi don't know how to do it
16:34.44*** join/#asterisk neoxo_tech (n=Michel@
16:35.17neoxo_techgreets, all
16:35.51MrTelephonehey are you there russell?
16:36.29neoxo_techI'm having a seg-fault error with the mISDN driver in Asterisk with a B410P ... anyone here familiar with it?
16:37.00Flautodlynes, i will try it on 2.6.18
16:37.11Flautodo you use fwd?
16:37.35Flautomy number is 652969
16:37.56Flautookay, need to fix some food
16:38.00Flautotalk to you later
16:38.28dlynes_laptopFlauto: cd /usr/src && ncftp && tar jxvf linux- && cd linux- && make xconfig
16:38.52dlynes_laptopFlauto: pretty straight forward :)
16:39.34*** part/#asterisk stubert (
16:39.42dlynes_laptopFlauto: but, I would change the makefile after you finish with xconfig, so that it dumps the kernel into its own dedicated directory, and then add that new kernel to your boot manager, instead of replacing the existing entry
16:40.29dlynes_laptopFlauto: look for INSTALL_PATH
16:42.49*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
16:43.18CuriosCatI shouldn't need libpri with just an FXO card, right?
16:43.25jarrodthat worked guys
16:43.54Hmmhesayswhat up folks
16:44.24Flautodlynes, would you login to my computer?
16:44.30Flautoyou know what you are doing
16:44.33*** join/#asterisk flujan_ (
16:44.49*** part/#asterisk MrTelephone (
16:45.18*** join/#asterisk Jingles (
16:48.14*** join/#asterisk Mrtaz (
16:49.20Mrtazhey all, im having a problem on incoming calls being very quiet and almost unable to be heard, using asterisk 1.4.8 and a TDM2400P board, calls are PTSN lines
16:49.30Mrtazwhat can I do to fix it?
16:53.05[TK]D-FenderCuriosCat: Nope.
16:53.31[TK]D-FenderMrtaz: txgain & rxgain in zapata.conf.  Go read the sample configs
16:53.45Mrtazso I did this, I increased them to 5.0 each
16:53.57Mrtazhow much can I go before the calls are distorted?
16:54.39Mrtazthe problem is even worse when trying to use 3 way calling with parties, usually the 3rd party cant hear the first
16:54.50Flautookay, i am doing it now
16:55.28CuriosCatthanks fender
16:55.30Flautodlynes, i have it downloaded
16:56.46Flautodlynes, got this. make[1]: *** No rule to make target `scripts/kconfig/.tmp_qtcheck', needed by `scripts/kconfig/qconf.o'.  Stop.
17:00.28*** join/#asterisk tioan (
17:05.57*** join/#asterisk MdeP (n=mdep@
17:06.11*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (n=ckwall@
17:06.25*** join/#asterisk MdeP (n=mdep@
17:08.12[T]ankI am trying to learn how to use GROUPCOUNT to limit the number of calls to a phone when the phone is added to a queue dynamically. this is what I tried: My result with no other calls to that phone was this: could anyone give me a hand?
17:09.14*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
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17:15.48fetcherAnyone running HUD-Lite on AsteriskNow?
17:15.54*** join/#asterisk taqua2008 (n=perdue@
17:16.23fetcherwondering about installing the needed dependencies via rPath / Conary
17:18.24hi365im trying to use agentcallbacklogin im getting:
17:18.25hi365Jul 24 20:17:27 VERBOSE[3387] logger.c: -- Executing AgentCallbackLogin("SIP/201-09897e70", "371||201") in new stack
17:18.25hi365Jul 24 20:17:27 WARNING[3387] chan_agent.c: Extension '201' is not valid for automatic login of agent '371'
17:18.36hi365whats wrong with 201??
17:22.42Mercestesfetcher:  #asterisknow
17:22.53Sci_05ok anyone know about the bounty for the FOIP stuff? Does it have to be T.38 or are they just looking for faxing over asterisk?
17:23.22Qwell[]FoIP != FoVoIP
17:24.14Sci_05Qwell right
17:24.34hi365what is considered a valid extension for AgentCallbackLogin?
17:24.37Sci_05but for the bounty does it have to be T.38 of are they looking for just getting FoVOIP to work with asterisk?
17:24.47coppiceThe thing I know about bounties for FoIP is nobody will ever pay them :-)
17:24.58*** join/#asterisk tako-san (n=Tako-san@
17:25.12Sci_05hy do you say that coppice ?
17:25.38coppicehistorical precedent.
17:26.12coppicenow, if you can get FoVoIP to work solidly, you won't need bounties. You will be able to make a fortune as a magician
17:26.52*** join/#asterisk robin_z (
17:27.25robin_zHi guys, can anyone just confirm ... the setting in sip_nat.conf, they are totally irrelevant to IAX connections aren;t they?
17:27.48[TK]D-Fenderhi365: Bad dialplan.
17:28.01[TK]D-Fenderrobin_z: ummm.. DUH?!
17:28.14[TK]D-Fenderrobin_z: IAX2 doesn't care much about NAT
17:28.17Corydon76-workcoppice: I prefer IP over Avian Carrier for sheer inefficiency
17:28.32robin_zI have an IAX account with a provider .. and they keep telling me to "check you have sip_nat.conf set up right" ....
17:28.59coppicesomeone was recently trying to put a fun demonstrator together of VoIP over cans and string
17:29.12Corydon76-workrobin_z: I wasn't aware there was such a file
17:29.12robin_z[TK]D-Fender, thats exactly what I thought .. I was just checking ... before I tell them to get some clue.
17:29.19[TK]D-Fenderrobin_z: Ask them to reroute the plasma flow through the EPS conduits, and reverse polarity....
17:29.33*** join/#asterisk ghenry (n=ghenry@
17:29.52Strom_Mcoppice: i had a joke I used to tell about voice over tin cans that included a fictitious Digium four-port tin can interface card called the "TC400B"
17:30.25Strom_Mbut now that that's a real product that merely makes you /sound/ like you're on a tin can, the joke doesn't work so well anymore :)
17:30.31robin_zbearing in mind I connect from * /// through NAT and to them, they also seem to think I should worward the IAX port from the external IP .. through the firewall and to my * box ...
17:30.53robin_zthat also sounds like bollox to me, as it will appen automagically as the outgoing connection sets itself up
17:31.18Corydon76-workIt's baloney if you're registering your IAX connection to them
17:31.33robin_zexactly what I thought
17:31.38Corydon76-workIf you're not registering, it's the only way to get the packets through
17:31.54robin_zthis is for outgoing ONLY
17:32.08Corydon76-workThen yes, it's baloney
17:32.36coppiceIts funny seeing how people react to that bounty page for T.38. Various people have got excited by it, without having a clue what is involved
17:32.43Strom_Man incompetent ITSP!?
17:32.46Strom_Mwho knew
17:34.02*** join/#asterisk mtaht4 (
17:34.52tako-san[TK]D-Fender: You got a sec?
17:35.09[TK]D-Fendertako-san: If thats all you require ;)
17:35.22tako-san[TK]D-Fender: Times up, huh? :)
17:35.40[TK]D-Fendertako-san: Just ask...
17:35.58tako-san[TK]D-Fender: I am still having the issue where when trying to make an outbound call the caller will get a dial tone.
17:36.20tako-san[TK]D-Fender: I have inserted "ww" in the trunk configuration but it does not seem to be helping.
17:36.27tako-san[TK]D-Fender: Other suggestions?
17:36.34Strom_Mtako-san: show me your Dial() line
17:36.36[TK]D-Fendertako-san: pastebin what you're doing, and the CLI of what happens
17:36.39*** join/#asterisk whatwherewhen (i=whatwher@
17:36.41jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
17:37.00tako-san[TK]D-Fender: Alrighty.
17:37.38whatwherewhenhi there anyone know what the latest version book is and if there is one covering all the aspects of the new dialplan applications?
17:37.45hi365[TK]D-Fender: I have this in my dial plan: exten => s,n,AgentCallbackLogin(${AMPUSER}|s|${CALLERID(num)}@from-internal)
17:37.52whatwherewhenin asterisk 1.4 that is?
17:38.06Strom_Mwhatwherewhen: new edition will be out shortly
17:38.18tako-san[TK]D-Fender: Zaptel.conf?  zapata.conf?  what all do you want in the pastebin?
17:38.19hi365[TK]D-Fender: tried doing from @local or with no context. it seems to work for a while then i get the invalid extnesion error
17:38.20[TK]D-Fenderhi365: Executing AgentCallbackLogin("SIP/201-09897e70", "371||201") in new stack
17:38.27whatwherewhenany dates yet?: strom_M?
17:38.35[TK]D-Fenderhi365: this does NOT have the context in this new "version" you've decided to show me.
17:38.45[TK]D-Fenderhi365: Try not to mix your apples & oranges.
17:38.54Strom_Mwhatwherewhen: i think they're saying next month
17:39.01hi365[TK]D-Fender: thats right
17:39.16[TK]D-Fenderhi365: So show me the NEW code & NEW error.
17:39.20whatwherewhenwhere can i find the most up to date for now?:StromM?
17:39.40[TK]D-Fenderhi365: And of course everything to backup why you think it should be working.
17:40.00*** join/#asterisk neverblue2 (n=neverblu@unaffiliated/neverblue)
17:40.02hi365[TK]D-Fender: exten => s,n,AgentCallbackLogin(${AMPUSER}|s|${CALLERID(num)}@from-internal)
17:40.07hi365Jul 24 20:36:55 VERBOSE[3692] logger.c: -- Executing AgentCallbackLogin("SIP/201-096abc38", "371|s|201@from-internal") in new stack
17:40.07hi365Jul 24 20:36:55 WARNING[3692] chan_agent.c: Extension '201' is not valid for automatic login of agent '371'
17:40.09[TK]D-Fenderwhatwherewhen: "show applications" <-------------
17:40.20[TK]D-Fenderhi365: PASTEBIN.
17:40.24[TK]D-Fenderhi365: ALL of it.
17:40.30hi365[TK]D-Fender: k
17:40.32whatwherewhenk cheers
17:41.53Mrtazso any other suggestions for increasing call decible level besides rxgain/txgain for a tdm2400p board? is there anything else I can do?
17:41.53tako-san[TK]D-Fender: Here are my zaptel.conf and zapata.conf files ""
17:42.25[TK]D-Fendertako-san: pastebin the CLI output of your call attempt
17:42.37[TK]D-FenderMrtaz: No.
17:43.04neverblue2any VOIP providers in the channel today?
17:43.10hi365[TK]D-Fender: it should all be there (warning: lots of freepbx stuff there, although not related to what im doing)
17:43.25neverblue2looking for service
17:43.25Mrtaz[TK]D-Fender: what is an acceptable max level for rxgain/txgain?
17:44.15[TK]D-Fenderhi365: I'm missing the relevant dialplan....
17:44.39hi365[TK]D-Fender: do you mean the macro?
17:44.59[TK]D-Fenderhi365: 201@from-internal
17:45.07[TK]D-Fenderhi365: The whole CONTEXT
17:45.44*** join/#asterisk red9012 (
17:45.45hi365[TK]D-Fender: you dont want to see it :) let me give you the log when without using a context
17:45.58[TK]D-Fenderhi365: Yes, I DO want to see it.
17:46.08red9012how can I handle faxing using asterisk?
17:46.11[TK]D-Fenderhi365: I just asked for it, and shouldn't have even HAD to.
17:46.36tzangerred9012: use t38modem and h323, or callweaver
17:46.39[TK]D-Fenderhi365: God helps those who help themselves.... I am far LESS forgiving ;)
17:46.59hi365[TK]D-Fender: tell me about it!
17:49.20*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
17:49.45[TK]D-Fendertako-san: Dial("IAX2/310-2", "ZAP/g0/ww4778420|300|") in new stack
17:50.05[TK]D-Fendertako-san: You don't have the EXTRA delay between the PIN like I showed you, nor the "9" you said you needed yesterday
17:50.42tako-san[TK]D-Fender: Yesterday?  I don't think we have talked since Friday or perhaps Saturday?
17:50.46*** part/#asterisk galeras (n=root@
17:51.01tako-san[TK]D-Fender: And what do you mean by PIN?
17:51.54[TK]D-Fenderhi365: I don't see 201 as valid in there...
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17:52.20[TK]D-Fendertako-san: yesterday you said you had to dial "9", and a pin (access code or something, and them your destination # IIRC
17:52.32*** join/#asterisk Keltus (n=Keltus@about/cooking/nakedchef/beefstew/Keltus)
17:52.35[TK]D-Fendertako-san: yesterday = any variable time in the recent past ;)
17:52.37tako-san[TK]D-Fender: No PINS needed on this setup.
17:52.47tako-san[TK]D-Fender: Perhaps you are getting me confused with someone else?
17:53.01[TK]D-Fendertako-san: Possible..
17:53.02tako-san[TK]D-Fender: And we dont dial 9 to get an outside line either.
17:53.11[TK]D-Fendertako-san: Similar nick & needs
17:53.14tako-san[TK]D-Fender: Sorry for any confusion
17:53.19tako-san[TK]D-Fender: Could be
17:53.23[TK]D-Fendertako-san: -no biggie.
17:53.37[TK]D-Fendertako-san: So what exactly DO you need?
17:54.11hi365[TK]D-Fender: what is it exactly that your looking for in the dial plan?
17:54.26[TK]D-Fenderhi365: Show me where 200@from-internal is valid.
17:54.37tako-san[TK]D-Fender: Outbound calls are randomly returned to a dialtone.  You suggested inserting a ww or 2
17:54.43hi365[TK]D-Fender: ill try. 1 min
17:54.44tako-sansorry a w or 2
17:55.04*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
17:55.21tako-san[TK]D-Fender: I have done that in the trunk configuration.  Would it make a difference in the outbound route instead?  or did i misunderstand you completely?
17:56.10[TK]D-Fendertako-san: What kind of interface are you using, and exactly where you you think you need to insert this delay?
17:56.25hi365[TK]D-Fender: now i get it, your right (as usual)
17:57.39tako-san[TK]D-Fender: I am using freepbx to do some of the configuration (as per the clients request).  I inserted the "ww" in the oubound dial prefix of my main zap trunk.  I can hear there is a delay now but I am still having the same problem.
17:57.58tako-san[TK]D-Fender: So I was curious what other area I could look in to that might be causing that return to dial tone.
17:58.04robin_zsigh ...
17:58.19robin_zso I had GREAT results with this new provider,
17:58.25robin_zfor about 2 weeks
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17:58.38robin_znow I seem to have a lot of calls that fail to connect
17:59.00robin_zand quite often I lose the outgoing audio, I can hear the other party, they can;t hear me
17:59.08[TK]D-Fendertako-san: your gain is psycho low from what I recall... that may be part of it.
17:59.30tako-san[TK]D-Fender: Really. That could be a possible cause of the problem?
17:59.51Strom_Mtako-san: when it "returns to dial tone" where is the dial tone coming from?
18:00.45tako-sanStrom_M: It is hard to distinguish between the dial tone of the PBX and that of the telco.  I would be happy to hear of a way to determine which one I am hearing. :)
18:01.29Strom_Mtako-san: when you get the second dial tone, type "show channels" at the CLI and see if you're currently bridged to the zaptel channel
18:01.53tako-sanOk thanks.
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18:04.12IOscannerHas anyone setup a USB sound device to connect an overhead speaker system?
18:04.40[TK]D-FenderIOscanner: If you can set it up with ALSo I suppose it'll work.
18:04.42RienzillaHey... would it somehow be possible to connect an asterisk pbx to a ventrilo server? (for example by writing a new channel module) in order to use a sip client to talk to people on a ventrilo server?
18:05.00tako-sanStrom_M: It would appear the zaptel channel is still bridged
18:05.10Strom_Mtako-san: alright, so you're getting a telco dial tone
18:05.17Strom_Mnow comes the fun part
18:05.22Strom_Mdo you have a buttset handy?
18:05.53tako-sanStrom_M: Unfortunately I am not on-site at the moment.  And I do not have a set handy though I can get my hands on one.
18:06.05tako-sanStrom_M: What do I need to do?
18:06.13tako-sanStrom_M: I will take notes now and do it when I get on-site
18:06.14Strom_Mtako-san: you need to clip onto the circuit and see what's actually happening
18:06.24Strom_Mmonitor while the buttset is on-hook
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18:07.00tako-sanStrom_M: I got the general idea.  Is there something specific I am looking for?  Or just make general observations?
18:07.06Strom_Mmake observations
18:07.21Strom_Mfigure out at which point the circuit resets to dial tone
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18:08.20IOscannerYeah I think so too, but I was looking to see if someone has done it before.
18:10.06Fulkis it brushed aluminium?
18:10.34[TK]D-FenderFulk: Brushed would make it DULL <-
18:11.09Qwell[]maybe it's brushed stainless steel?
18:11.09Fulkmaybe it's been chavved up, and is transparent with neon lights :P
18:11.15Qwell[]or brushed chrome
18:12.03FulkI have to make do with a white box
18:12.07Fulkhow 90's
18:12.19Fulkactually, it's more yellowy than white, the case is that old
18:12.30Qwell[]stop smoking in your server room :p
18:12.45Fulkserver room, it's sitting on the floor
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18:17.40Strom_Mi guess that must have been one hell of a lol
18:17.52*** join/#asterisk kombi (n=kombi@
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18:19.17kombipeople, is it thinkable to build a queue before a conference room?
18:20.05kombispecial project..
18:20.20*** part/#asterisk hi365 (
18:20.25Qwell[]Strom_M: nice
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18:20.32kombionly 3 people max in the room where the 3rd keeps changing
18:20.55Strom_MQwell[]: :D
18:21.06Qwell[]took me a minute to figure out the joke :p
18:21.33Strom_Mthe joke is that the training facility here doesn't know the difference between 3.3 and 5v PCI slots
18:21.44mockerHmm, going to need a replacement for if it doesn't ever come back. :(
18:22.27kombiStromM: oh, the "why" wasn't for me then, sorry..
18:22.38Qwell[]kombi: yes it was
18:22.45Strom_Mkombi: yes it was
18:22.59kombiQwell: why, thanks for the great input you both
18:25.36*** part/#asterisk [T]ank (n=ckwall@
18:25.47E1venHrmm.. Is there a way to say "Every X calls, do foo?" It seems like I could use a GotoIf, and use modulo on against the EPOCH, or against a counter, but if there any examples that are out there, I'd love to see them.
18:26.18blitzrageE1ven: just set a global var as a counter and use that (or, use astdb)
18:27.38kombimodulo agains epoch sounds good too if you need time intervalls rather than number of calls
18:28.12E1venIt doesn't need to be exact, I just want to do some Load Balancing.
18:28.24E1venFair enough. Thanks ;)
18:28.49kombiload balancing round robin style?
18:29.01kombibad idea..
18:29.04E1venIt's cheezy, but it'll work.
18:29.10HmmhesaysI walk an endless mile
18:30.33kombiis Fender on vacation?
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18:31.44hi365is it posible to have hint for non-sip extensions in 1.2?
18:31.44davixxhow to transform a number to a SIP URL
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18:35.10kombias much as I dislike Fender's way of never giving straight answers, it is quiet here without him
18:35.49[TK]D-Fenderhi365: yes.  SIP, IAx2, Zap, etc.
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18:36.18[TK]D-Fenderdavixx>how to transform a number to a SIP URL <- huh?!
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18:36.24kombihey Fender!
18:37.09davixx[TK]D-Fender, how to ask my sip proxy to call a "real" number ? i have to give it a sip:URI no ?
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18:37.52zperteehas anyone used zapmicro fxs/fxo pci cards?
18:37.59[TK]D-Fenderdavixx: What SIP "proxy"?  * is NOT a proxy.  and what is a "REAL NUMBER"?
18:38.11*** join/#asterisk dmz (
18:39.20davixx[TK]D-Fender, using pjsua i register to an asterix box, and i can make a call, but to make a call i have to give the SIP URL of the remote contact
18:39.20kombiFender, can you think of a way to put a queue before a conference?
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18:39.57Kattyshould i get a t1 card that's pci, or pci express?
18:40.20dmzwhy do you want a queue before a conference?
18:40.22Kattyis there any real advantage gained with pci express? besides a smidgen of speed, obviously.
18:40.37Hmmhesaysdepends on what you are using it for goofball
18:40.45kombiKatty: are there t1 cards for PCIe yet?
18:41.04Kattykombi: no, just pci and pci express.
18:41.06[TK]D-Fenderkombi: How/why?
18:41.13Kattykombi: at leaset on voip0supply, anyway
18:41.23kombidmz: special project requires it
18:41.42dmzis it possible to have 2 asterisk boxes with incoming sip connections going to them randomly and have some way for them both to know who is connected to which so if someone wanted to call another person it would know the stat of the connections & peers on the other box & bridge  there if necessary?
18:41.47[TK]D-Fenderkombi: What does the Queue do?
18:41.59kombiKatty: I'd say some performance advantage at extreme loads
18:42.10Kattyyeah we don't have extreme loads.
18:42.11dmzkombi (good nick, i have a vw kombi:)
18:42.44kombiFender: tell people they are pos x until eventually they are allowed in
18:42.53dmzkombi, you can easily put a queue before a conference. just have the context of the queue drop them into your conference
18:42.56kombidmz: south africa?
18:43.34dmzkombi, no us:
18:43.57kombidmz: a type 2, kewl.. does it drive well?
18:45.29[TK]D-Fenderkombi: What will decide to let them in?
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18:45.56kombiFender: next in line, or, former caller hung up
18:46.21[TK]D-Fenderkombi: if being next in line gets you in, then EVERYBODY gets in... just in fast order :)
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18:46.52[TK]D-Fenderkombi: You can do this with a static dialplan "agent" where you script the check.
18:47.07kombiFender: lol.. understood, some gate necessary..
18:47.19phessler_hi, I'm running into a weird problem.  when asterisk Answers() an analog line, you hear a dialtone in the background.  if asterisk passes the call to a SIP client, no problems
18:47.24phessler_details at
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18:48.08kombiFender: what logic would the check follow? One below theshold -> allow one in?
18:48.45Hymiephessler_: sounds like you're answering the wrong line
18:48.57Hymiephessler_: or, you have a crossed wire
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18:49.26kombiFender: Anyway, some serious coding ahead..
18:49.32phessler_how can I tell if I am answering the correct line?
18:49.41mockerphessler_: You wind up talking to someone?
18:50.09phessler_well, asterisk plays the correct sound file, and I can hear that
18:50.27kombiphessler_: you should get a hint from CLI too
18:50.50phessler_when I type in an extension, it only acknowledges the 2nd digit, and restarts the prompt.  at this point, no dial tone and everything Just Works
18:50.56ccesariohiii somebody have ideia about this error ? check_auth: username mismatch, have <8299>, digest has <8212> ... ?
18:51.03phessler_CLI only refeers to Zap/10-1
18:51.17phessler_simple switch, Answer, Playback, Hungup, etc
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18:51.55[TK]D-Fenderkombi: its up to you to define why you're not letting everyone in....
18:52.22phessler_the pastebin above has the output from the console during one of these calls
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18:53.07kombiFender: true, I'd have to get the number of callers in a conference from manager and decide accordingly
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18:53.23sashionWhat happened to asterisk-ss7 ?
18:55.23[TK]D-Fenderkombi: Something like that.
18:55.37[TK]D-Fenderkombi: Not terribly difficult
18:55.56kombinot terribly easy too..(;
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18:57.59dmzkombi, it's in perfect shape :)
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18:58.53kombilike to hear that..
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19:05.01*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source Telephony Application Platform -=- *Critical Updates* Asterisk 1.2.22 and 1.4.8 released (July 17, 2007) -=- Join #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW and Asterisk-GUI info -=- Join #asterisk-commits to monitor svn changes -=- Join #freepbx for freepbx/#trixbox for trixbox support.
19:05.21kombicannot make head or tail of it.. don't see a reason for * to do lookups at all
19:05.23*** join/#asterisk logyati (n=logyati@
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19:05.49logyatidoes asterisk support *.ogg for voice menus?
19:06.43pigpenI am working with Realtime.  I found this, "The REALTIME() function is now available in version 1.4 and app_realtime has been deprecated in favor of the new function."
19:06.48kombilogyati: to my knowledge it does not
19:07.01Qwell[]it can in 1.4
19:07.23Qwell[]and 1.2 for that matter
19:07.29pigpenI have found several references to RealTime() being used in the dialplan, but I cannot find the new REALTIME function documentations for dialplan usage.  Any ideas where I can find this?
19:07.45logyatithats bad, since ogg is a free format
19:07.50Strom_Mpigpen: core show function REALTIME
19:07.56Qwell[]logyati: Why is that bad?
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19:08.14pigpenah..thank you.
19:08.34kombiQwell + Strom: are you attached?
19:08.42logyatifor exemple, i use linux, and i wanna build a voice menu to my asterisk... gnome sound recorder uses ogg and wav format
19:09.07pigpenStrom_M, I think he means as "at the hip"
19:09.17Strom_Mlogyati: wav, 16-bit, 8khz, mono
19:09.28logyatiQwell[], wich formats does * suport
19:09.33Qwell[]logyati: So how is it bad that it supports ogg?
19:09.50logyatiits good, support to ogg
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19:09.52kombipigpen: lol..
19:10.01Qwell[]so then what is bad?
19:10.05logyatiits bad it exist only in 1.4
19:10.09[TK]D-Fenderlogyati: use * to make your recordings.
19:10.13logyatiit should be in 1.2 too hehe
19:10.18Qwell[]I  just said it was
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19:11.54logyati[TK]D-Fender, how? something like rec()?
19:12.09[TK]D-Fenderlogyati: "show application record"
19:12.16logyati[TK]D-Fender, im searching the book, but i cant find this application
19:12.24logyati[TK]D-Fender, ty
19:12.28kombitype that in CLI
19:12.42[TK]D-Fenderlogyati: "show applications" <- and then "show application [appname]"  Do this for ALL of them.
19:13.29[TK]D-Fenderlogyati: When you're done with that, "show functions" and "show function [FUNCTION-IN-ALL-CAPS]"
19:14.02logyati[TK]D-Fender, oh, i didnt know this usefull comand
19:15.03kombinice name for a band
19:16.23[TK]D-Fenderkombi: What is?
19:16.36kombiabove line
19:16.45kombimaybe not..
19:16.46[TK]D-Fenderkombi: Which?
19:17.43kombithere once was "I've got a fuzzbox and I'm gonna use it", in my head I just substituted fuzzbox with "useful command"
19:18.23pigpenOk, with:  exten => 300,1,REALTIME(sipusers|accountcode|204)
19:18.40pigpenI am getting:  app_realtime.c:189 realtime_exec: The RealTime application has been deprecated in favor of the REALTIME dialplan function.
19:19.18pigpenHmm, maybe it is just a general bitch.
19:20.21Strom_Mpigpen: uh
19:20.28Strom_Muse the function, not the application :)
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19:22.24pigpenyeah..I am going to use it in a Set
19:22.25pigpenexten => 300,1,SET(SIMNUM=${REALTIME(sipusers|accountcode|204)})
19:22.57Kattyideas, anyone?
19:23.02MercestesKatty, steaks
19:23.04[TK]D-FenderKatty: Gotta Be KD!
19:23.11Katty[TK]D-Fender: KD?
19:23.20KattyMercestes: meh, steak :<
19:23.22[TK]D-FenderKatty: .....Kraft Dinner.....
19:23.33Katty[TK]D-Fender: ewww.
19:23.41Katty[TK]D-Fender: no thanks, i'll just make something for real :P
19:24.31kombithe missing link: how do I acually put logic into an extension BEFORE it picks up?
19:24.55[TK]D-FenderKatty: Yeah... a nice slab of steak on the BBQ.... now were talking....
19:25.08[TK]D-FenderKatty: Say..... have we de-vegen'd you yet? ;)
19:25.19Kattyi haven't been vegan for...
19:25.21Katty7 months.
19:25.27Kattyno, 6 months.
19:25.28[TK]D-Fenderkombi: don't ANSWER first :)
19:25.40kombiKatty, you are disco, where do we show up?
19:25.48[TK]D-FenderKatty: Congratulations on becoming a Born Again Carnivore :D
19:25.52Kattydisco does not parse, kombi
19:25.53kombiFender: my speciality it seems..;)
19:26.41kombiKatty: good one.. s/disco/grand/
19:27.17Kattymy house isn't open to strangers ;)
19:27.18Corydon76-workUh, just because she's not vegan doesn't mean she's not vegetarian
19:27.22Kattythe doggy will probably eat you.
19:27.46kombiKatty: don't worry, at least I'm a 1000 miles away
19:27.56MercestesKatty:  Oh, you said *VEGAN*.  For a second there this converstaion was really interesting
19:28.25KattyMercestes: what were you thinking?
19:28.34MercestesKatty: Of yoru first time.
19:28.39sevardMercestes: I love you, man.
19:28.47Mercestessevard:  I love you too!
19:28.50Kattywe're not discussing that in #asterisk
19:28.59kombinow, what's the matter with you here..
19:29.01MercestesKatty:  I penciled myself in btw, I hope you don't mind.
19:29.08MercestesKatty:  Can I msg you?
19:29.13KattyMercestes: uhh, sure.
19:29.14sevardMercestes: MAY
19:29.31Kattysevard: no, it's july.
19:29.34Kattysevard: :P
19:29.37sevardyou're dumb.
19:29.56Kattyi'm not dumb.
19:30.16Kattystill working on smart, perhaps... but certainly not dumb (=
19:30.17[TK]D-Fenderyeah... she's even a brunette!
19:30.24MercestesCorydon76-work.  I wax everywhere.
19:30.48Corydon76-workMercestes: that's who your date will be, when you show up
19:31.02Kattyso about dinner...
19:31.07*** join/#asterisk oej (
19:31.11blitzrageManxPower: you can start using 1.4.x now :)
19:31.18Kattyblitzrage: !
19:31.23Kattyblitzrage: what did you have for dinner last night?
19:31.26blitzrageKatty: !!!
19:31.32MercestesCorydon76-work, In your dream.s
19:31.38blitzrageKatty: hrmmm... not sure I ate dinner last night
19:31.43kombiKatty: saucage sandwich + beer
19:31.45Kattyblitzrage: gasp!
19:31.49blitzrageI do that a lot...
19:31.51Kattyblitzrage: for shame!
19:31.56blitzragefor shame indeed!
19:32.00Kattyblitzrage: better make it an alarm on your blackberry.
19:32.13Corydon76-workKatty: he was too busy reading Harry Potter...
19:32.19blitzragehaha... I probably should (although I don't have a BB, I have a Nokia E61i)
19:32.22Kattyoh, well that explains everything.
19:32.40Kattyi like harry potter stuff.
19:32.48blitzrageI read philosophy and cosmology
19:32.49Kattyespecially that cute little halloween costume they have out now!
19:33.26Kattykombi: sausage sammich?
19:33.39blitzragesandridge! now I have: exten => 300,1,SET(MOMMY=${REALTIME(extensions|exten|9119|context)}) , Then it dumps every item associated with this query.
19:33.50Kattykombi: you mean like, breakfast sausage on white bread?
19:34.02pigpenHow could I get it to return just, lets say, the context column?
19:34.09Kattykombi: that sounds kinda blah, really.
19:34.22MercestesYea ,use wheat
19:34.23kombiKatty: actually, serious solid german wurst on black bread..
19:34.46tzangerspeaking of wurst
19:34.51blitzragepigpen: you could use func_odbc...
19:34.55Kattyi have no clue what 'wurst' is...
19:34.58blitzragetzanger: yer the wurst!
19:35.02pigpenblitzrage, no.
19:35.04Kattykombi: is it like italian sausage?
19:35.11[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage: hukt on fonix werkt 4 u!
19:35.14blitzrageI think wurst is a german term....
19:35.18blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: sometimes!
19:35.19kombiKatty: german for sausage, yeah, kind of
19:35.41pigpenFrom what I understand realtime will do what I need, just trying to get the syntax right.
19:35.47pigpenwith limited documentation.
19:35.59kombipigpen: we have all been there..
19:36.35Corydon76-workpigpen: what's wrong with func_odbc?
19:36.38kombithat is good too, don't put that on bread though, more on the grill
19:36.40tzangermy msn name says "if puns were deli meat, this would be the wurst."
19:36.41pigpenat least now I am getting some info to just trim it down.
19:36.43Rienzillahm can anyone help me with an asterisk issue? I have 2 voip phones connected to an asterisk pbx. They can dial and phone to the outside world fine, but when I try to call one phone with the other there seems to be only one sided communication (one side can't hear the other). Any ideas?
19:36.52tzangeryes wurst is sausage
19:37.07pigpenCorydon76-work, with a direct connect to the db?  Why use it?
19:37.10Corydon76-workAll this talk of sausages...
19:37.20pigpenI have realtime querying postgres directly.
19:37.28kombiI love the subject..
19:37.38Kattyhm, bratwurst.
19:37.40Corydon76-workpigpen: because func_odbc allows you to customize your query directly
19:37.45E1venI'm getting quite a few crashes from MonitorMix on hangup- Is there something I can do to avoid it dying?
19:37.48blitzrageand because it's the COOLEST!
19:37.51Kattykombi: what do you do if you don't have a grill?
19:37.54pigpenDam.  I am getting hungry.  Thanks all.
19:38.00kombipan will do
19:38.05Kattypan fry? >.<
19:38.11kombicould do
19:38.16Kattysounds greasy.
19:38.20kombigrill's better though
19:38.30kombigrease is what we live on..
19:38.39Kattyi don't :P
19:38.56kombithat's 'cause you're a girl
19:39.04Corydon76-workMmmm, a heart attack special...
19:39.11kombisorry, didn't say that..
19:39.34Katty99 cent heart attack, now available at the drive up window!
19:39.44kombisneaked out there, didn't mean it either
19:40.08kombipedals! 350KVolts!
19:40.37*** join/#asterisk easimon (n=easimon@baghira.kawo2.RWTH-Aachen.DE)
19:40.51kombisorry, it's paddles?
19:41.01sashionsomeone smell burning flesh?
19:41.03kombi450, clear!
19:41.06Corydon76-workPedals are things you push with your feet
19:41.25logyati[TK]D-Fender, i recorded from asterisk, ty... but now i have an weird problem... calls from pstn have too low volume :(
19:41.26kombii know..;)
19:41.27Corydon76-workand petals are parts of a flower
19:41.36logyatidoes it has a volume control or something?
19:41.43[TK]D-Fenderlogyati: fix your card gains.
19:41.53kombilogyati: you can normalize with sox
19:41.56Katty[TK]D-Fender: you are such a riddicurus person.
19:42.04*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (n=juanjoc@
19:42.16Katty[TK]D-Fender: that sounds like something my mother's quaker parrot would sqwak while they're watching tv.
19:42.17[TK]D-FenderKatty: U can has graham-her!
19:43.18*** join/#asterisk EricL (
19:43.27CuriosCat"The following
19:43.28CuriosCatminimal configuration defines an FXO port with FXS signaling:
19:43.32CuriosCat...why would I want to do that?
19:44.23tzangerkontact and kopete are taking up ALL my memory
19:44.26tzanger1G RAM and 0.5G swap
19:44.39EricLWhere do I tell Asterisk to look for call files in /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing?
19:44.49EricLIts not picking up the files in that directory.
19:45.02kombiEricL: that's were you move them
19:45.20kombisyntax right?
19:45.58EricLI took the syntax and copied it from the Polycom Auto Answer config wiki page.
19:46.05EricLI guess its right.
19:46.45EricLShould I pb it?
19:46.58KattyEricL: it just will
19:47.04KattyEricL: mine does, anyway
19:47.12kombiEricL: should be ok if it is a .call file
19:47.22KattyEricL: as soon as a file gets droped, it goes.. kinda like the queue folder for email.
19:47.22EricLpbx_spool is loaded, but its 'use count' is 0.
19:47.41EricLI have had files sitting in there for 30 minutes and nothing.
19:48.01sashionEricL: You sure asterisk can read them - ie: permissions ?
19:49.06*** join/#asterisk Vulpyne (
19:49.16EricL(I know its wrong but), Asterisk is running as root.
19:49.27VulpyneHello. Is there anywhere I can read about porting codec modules from 1.2.x to 1.4.x?
19:49.55kombiEricL: maybe look up call files on voip-info and try one of those
19:51.10sashionEricL: did you create your call file outside of /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing and the mv it in ?
19:51.21[TK]D-FenderVulpyne: Don't believe you can.....
19:51.36kombisashion: that might be it..
19:51.36Vulpyne[TK]D-Fender: Why not?
19:51.43[TK]D-FenderVulpyne: Coding differences.
19:51.58Vulpyne[TK]D-Fender: Yeah, I meant porting - not just compiling it for 1.4. :)
19:52.16*** join/#asterisk captiancrash (n=jonmoore@
19:52.18EricLsashion: Yep.
19:52.27EricLIt doesn't even work with them chmod'd 0777.
19:52.29[TK]D-FenderVulpyne: You mean you want to know HOW to code one for 1.4?
19:52.40VulpyneI've gotten to the point where the module I'm attempting to port will compile, register itself, but there are some semantic changes in the interface for the callbacks.
19:52.48*** part/#asterisk captiancrash (n=jonmoore@
19:52.56VulpyneAnd it's hard to figure out how that changed just by looking at the source ot other codec modules for 1.4.
19:52.58[TK]D-FenderEricL: They need to be dated in the past, and you should MV them there, not CP.
19:52.59Vulpyne[TK]D-Fender: Yeah.
19:53.15[TK]D-FenderVulpyne: thats a question for the -dev channel
19:53.20easimonhi everyone. i upgraded from 1.0.something to 1.4.8+bristruff+florz+chan_capi recently, having a avm fritz card (capi) on the outside and a hfc-card (NT mode) on the inside. the same configuration worked fine with asterisk 1.0, but now i cannot receive any calls anymore. the phone connected to the hfc card rings only once and then asterisk drops the call with cause 18 (no equipment connected). does anybody have an idea how to fix that?
19:53.21sashionEricL: so you created your .call file in say /root then mv'd it to /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing ?
19:53.24EricL[TK]D-Fender: Are they not dated in the past after sitting there?
19:53.29Vulpyne[tk: Ahh. I wasn't aware of that, but I'll go there. :) Thanks.
19:53.35[TK]D-FenderEricL: depends...
19:53.43*** part/#asterisk Vulpyne (
19:53.45EricLAnd I do move them, I create the files in /var/tmp and then mv *.call /var/.../outgoing/
19:53.46*** join/#asterisk JD_2007 (
19:54.19*** topic/#asterisk by Qwell[] -> Asterisk: The Open Source Telephony Application Platform -=- Asterisk 1.2.23 and 1.4.9 released (July 24, 2007) -=- Join #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW and Asterisk-GUI info -=- Join #asterisk-commits to monitor svn changes -=- Join #freepbx for freepbx/#trixbox for trixbox support.
19:54.32sashion1.4.9 ?
19:54.42Mercesteseasimon, I think the supported upgrade path from 1.0 to 1.4.8 is to install from scratch.
19:55.08Qwell[]Mercestes: s/8/9/
19:55.19easimonMercestes: in spite of not knowing this - i installed from scratch.
19:55.52EricLLet me try throwing a sleep(5) in there before I do the mv.
19:55.52MercestesQwell[]:  woot!
19:55.53*** join/#asterisk oej (
19:55.57MercestesQwell[]:  I bought an account last week.
19:56.11Qwell[]nice, what server you using?
19:56.14Mercesteseasimon, Ah, you said "upgrade."
19:56.26Qwell[]but I think that's shadowburn
19:56.32easimonMercestes: it's a whole new disk with a new linux distribution and a fresh asterisk installation... just the hardware is the same
19:57.06Mercesteseasimon, I'm not real sure then.  Sounds like a modules/driver issue tho
19:57.32MercestesQwell[]  Where are the 133t servers then?  I kinda like Lightninghoof but I'm a total n00b
19:57.37Qwell[]Mercestes: dunno
19:57.39*** part/#asterisk JD_2007 (
19:57.42Qwell[]lame because it isn't baelgun :p
19:57.43MercestesLvl 17 NE dru tho.
19:57.55MercestesQwell[]:  A or H?
19:58.09Qwell[]A, but yeah, lightninghoof is fine :p
19:58.20MercestesI might drop by and give it a gander.
19:58.24easimonMercestes: i don't know, that's why i ask - an interesting detail is, that i can do outgoing calls without any problems, just incoming calls dont work. my phone even rings once on an incoming call.
19:58.30MercestesI was hoping H tho..I want a BE War
19:58.39EricLEven putting a sleep on it so it gets moved into the outgoing directory with a time in the past doesn't help.
19:58.40Qwell[]Mercestes: H, Spirestone
19:58.48Qwell[]Mercestes: There's a BE guild :P
19:58.51EricLIs there anyway to force Asterisk to grab whats in the directory?
19:58.56MercestesNice, you on Spirestone?
19:58.57easimonlooks like there's some kind of timeout for the phone answering to the SETUP message...
19:59.03Qwell[]not really
19:59.07easimonand my phone might be too slow
19:59.42*** join/#asterisk oej (
20:02.01Qwell[]Mercestes: see msg
20:03.10kombihmm, how do I best tell the number of people in a conference? I though of manager but there doesn't seem to be an action that fits..
20:06.27sashionEricL: by default, asterisk will grab any file and read it...
20:06.47sashionwhat does your call file look like ?
20:07.44EricLI just put it up in a pb, but firefox crashed, let me put it back up.
20:07.45*** join/#asterisk SexyKen (
20:07.53SexyKenDoes Asterisk support Shared Lines?
20:09.16[TK]D-FenderSexyKen: No.
20:09.26[TK]D-FenderEricL: and your dialplan please...
20:10.08SexyKenWill it ever?  :-(
20:10.40pigpenWell, I got realtime in the dialplan to produce some info:
20:10.41[TK]D-FenderSexyKen: "load" <--------
20:10.41pigpenexten => 300,1,SET(MOMMY=${REALTIME(extensions|exten|9119)})
20:10.55EricL[TK]D-Fender: Am I supposed to put something in my dialplan for .call files to work?
20:11.13pigpenIt is returning the value as "id=24" which is the id number.
20:11.24kombiEricL: no, but the reason might be in there
20:11.28[TK]D-FenderEricL: I'd like to see if things match like they're supposed to.
20:11.29pigpenanyone know how I might grab a value from a different column?
20:11.31SexyKenMy balls itch anyway.
20:12.14*** join/#asterisk ServerGod (n=ppetroff@
20:12.38ServerGodanyone have luck with opensolaris 10 and asterisk?
20:12.42*** join/#asterisk oej (
20:12.59EricL[TK]D-Fender: Do you want the dialplan from "show dialplan" or the extensions.conf ?
20:14.03[TK]D-FenderEricL: extensions.conf
20:16.36galerasis genzaptel supported here?
20:17.33*** join/#asterisk nickrooster (
20:18.05[TK]D-Fender~8ball is genzaptel supported here?
20:18.06*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@
20:18.15[TK]D-Fenderthe ball never lies....
20:18.20Mercestes~8ball does Katty like me?
20:18.26Strom_M~8ball will I win the lottery?
20:18.36Strom_Mthat's hot
20:18.37[TK]D-Fender~8ball is Mercestes  delusional?
20:18.38jbotPlease ask again.
20:18.48andresmujicahi !! any pointers to ericsson bp250 and asterisk integration ????  i've found nothing at voip-info ....
20:18.49[TK]D-Fender~8ball is Mercestes  delusional?
20:18.50jbotI'm not sure.
20:18.54Mercestesha!  pwned!
20:19.07[TK]D-FenderMercestes: You're not off the hook yet!
20:19.18Mercestesidc, Katty likes me.
20:19.44Corydon76-work~8ball does Mercestes need a boyfriend?
20:19.45jbotPlease ask again.
20:20.01Corydon76-work~8ball does Mercestes need a boyfriend?
20:20.01jbotPlease ask again.
20:20.56sevard~8ball bonars?
20:21.19Corydon76-work~8ball does Mercestes need a boyfriend?
20:21.19jbotPlease ask again.
20:21.59Corydon76-workSomething's wrong with the 8-ball.  That was a clear "Yes"
20:22.20Mercestes~8ball  Does Cory want my sexy body?
20:22.20jbotAre you smoking crack?
20:23.13andresmujicahi !! any pointers to ericsson bp250 and asterisk integration ????  i've found nothing at voip-info ....
20:23.54Corydon76-workandresmujica: is that a proprietary handset?
20:24.27[TK]D-Fenderandresmujica: Stop asking the same thing over & over.  We heard you the first time.  As for connecting the two, it obviously dependon what kind of interfaces youi have available on it.
20:24.34[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-work: its a PBX
20:24.56Mercestesericsson makes a PBX?
20:24.56Corydon76-workandresmujica: you need a PRI interface on it
20:25.37Corydon76-workYikes.  The BP250 is limited to 60 maximum calls
20:25.51*** join/#asterisk oej_ (
20:27.57EricLAny ideas?
20:28.01andresmujicathks.. i'm trying to look for some info about it...  anyone knows if it would be possible to use e&m ???   and yeap.. it seems that thing is cap to 60 calls....
20:28.13andresmujicaand point taken about the double question...
20:28.42Corydon76-workYes, it's possible to use E&M on Asterisk
20:29.38nickroosterHi all - anyone had an issue with snom phones sending a 302 redirect causing all sip phones to freak out and lose registration?  We have 18 snom phones with qualify=yes in sip.conf and twice today so far, all peers have gone unavailable and could not re-register until a server reboot
20:29.49*** join/#asterisk taqua2008 (n=perdue@
20:30.32*** join/#asterisk Webspot (n=Webspot@unaffiliated/webspot)
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20:30.50[TK]D-FenderEricL: Are you trying to do basic paging?
20:31.08EricL[TK]D-Fender: Yep. I just want it to be an all-call one way intercom.
20:31.18*** part/#asterisk galeras (n=root@
20:31.25[TK]D-FenderEricL: then you should be using the Page application, not call files.
20:31.33[TK]D-FenderEricL: Your approach is pbackwards
20:31.40[TK]D-FenderBBIAB, heading home.
20:31.44*** join/#asterisk wothinn (
20:31.56pigpenPlease note, the page app will not span past 22 sip phones with 4 digit extensions.
20:32.00WebspotHi. I am trying to test setting up asterisk for the first time. I just want to do a basic Ekiga app to asterisk server over SIP. I've managed to execute a few commands, such as waiting for 8 seconds then answering. But when I try to play a sound, nothing plays. Any ideas?
20:32.02*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
20:33.00EricLpigpen: So if that's the case and I have more than 22 phones, am I doing it correctly?
20:33.04Corydon76-workLack of audio with SIP is usually caused by NAT or firewall issues
20:33.21WebspotIt's internal though. Would that make a difference?
20:33.41WebspotNo firewall too
20:33.41pigpenWell, I didn't see how you are doing it now, but I have several deployments that exceed 150
20:33.47Corydon76-workDepends on network architecture
20:34.00*** join/#asterisk IPmonger (
20:34.00WebspotAh right
20:34.20*** part/#asterisk IPmonger (
20:34.40*** part/#asterisk Webspot (n=Webspot@unaffiliated/webspot)
20:34.53pigpenEricL, I would love for the page app to handle more, but I have ran into the fact that the max string length in asterisk is 200`ish characters.
20:35.19pigpenI would -love- to use the page app.
20:35.46Corydon76-workpigpen: 255 characters, exactly
20:36.14*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (i=rmyorg@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
20:36.43EricLpigpen: So how do you handle an "all call" intercom?
20:36.43pigpenAh, thanks, I forgot the exact.
20:36.58pigpenI use an agi script that dumps everyone into a meetme.
20:37.24pigpenbut, with 150'ish phones, takes about 5 - 9 seconds for everyone to get there.
20:37.25EricLThat's exactly what I am trying (unsuccessfully) to do.
20:37.45EricLI only have about 25 phones right now, but we're growing pretty quickly.
20:37.47Corydon76-workpigpen: if you look in the source, in pbx/pbx_config.c, function pbx_load_config, the size of "realvalue" determines the maximum number of characters.
20:38.03pigpenCorydon76-work, no shit.  Hmm....
20:38.05Corydon76-workpigpen: you can increase that up to 8000 characters
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20:38.21EricLI am getting stuck because the call files I am attempting to use to dump everyone into the MeetMe isn't working.
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20:38.46pigpenhmm..that would handle over 800.
20:38.59Corydon76-workpigpen: or sorry, it's actually realext
20:39.14pigpenCorydon76-work, think it would be "faster" than using the old agi?
20:39.30Corydon76-workExtensions are always faster than AGI
20:39.43`paulim looking at the CDR data in mysql how does one know the length of a successful call excluding the queues etc...
20:39.57pigpenhmm..I may need to give that a try.
20:40.13pigpenEricL, I would try that.  The page app is so much easier.
20:40.45*** join/#asterisk delmar (
20:40.47EricLBut wouldn't that require a rebuild of Asterisk ot change that realext value?
20:41.07pigpenno worries here.  we run gentoo.  :)
20:41.14EricLI run Gentoo also.
20:41.21EricLBut I build Asterisk from source.
20:41.23pigpenMy wife says, "Take out the trash!"
20:41.34pigpenI say, "Wait, it has to compile!"
20:41.39EricLI would still like to figure out why the .call files aren't working.
20:41.57pigpenEricL, probably permissions.
20:42.13pigpenif the file permissions are wrong, it will ignore them.
20:42.44EricLI chmod it 0777 and still nothing.
20:43.45delmarhey everyone.  I have a problem with DISA that I can't figure out.  All phones/devices that are members of context [local] can call each other (3digit extensions) and dial out via Zap or VISP etc..  that part work without issue. However, DISA can't dial any local extensions at all.  I even created a new special context [disa-out] and added some dialplan to it for the local extensions, and set that to the DISA context to use.. still
20:43.45delmarit wont dial the local extensions.... it just drops the caller with no useful console output.  any ideas anyone?
20:44.57De_Monever since I upgraded from asterisk 1.2.14 to asterisk 1.4.6 my Aastra phone refuses to operate
20:45.15De_MonI'm getting constant REGISTAR requests from the phone but nothing shows up in asterisk
20:46.20wothinnAnyone familiar with the OpenBSD dhcpd?  I need to get it to send option 66 to my Polycom phone at server-name and next-server both appear to not be what I need.
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20:46.45blitzrageanyone know if System() can return the result of the command you are running?
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20:48.42Kattyblitzrage: i can get callerid and date/time info
20:48.56Kattyblitzrage: but that's cause its stuck in a variable :/
20:49.12blitzrageya, I'm running System(hostname), and want to get the result of 'hostname'
20:49.16blitzragebut I don't think I can do that in 1.4
20:49.25blitzrage${SYSTEMNAME} will probably work for me
20:50.45logyatihey guys, im forwarding calls from openser to asterisk. I dont know where is my mistake, i need a tip... when i try to call a pstn number it says "user not found" unless i put the content of [default] inside [incoming] context!! its wrong right? i want call from sip using default context! please look my sip.conf and extensions.conf
20:50.59*** part/#asterisk nickrooster (
20:54.01wothinnJD: Good pointer.  Thanks... I missed the reference to that manpage.
20:54.44jkifflogyati: You should include the default context in the incoming one with "include=>".
20:55.05*** part/#asterisk jmls (n=jmls@
20:55.09CuriosCatSo..I tried the example in the documentation from Digium, but instead of getting the "echo" application I was expected, I get something that sounds kind of ..but not a modem tone when I call in.
20:55.26*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
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20:59.26EricLIt's not the permission and its not the timestamp.  Does anyone have any idea what the issue could be with the .call files
20:59.43ServerGodanyone have luck with opensolaris 10 and asterisk?
21:00.04ServerGodbesides solarisvoip?
21:00.17[TK]D-FenderEricL, pastebin it all again, but remember, this isn't the way to do paging....
21:00.58EricL[TK]D-Fender:I was just told that page_app can only support about 20 people without modifying the source code.
21:01.48logyatijkiff, no no, i dont want the call passing through [incoming] context, i want sip call only in default context
21:02.15logyati[TK]D-Fender, master ^^ i need your help with another noob question
21:02.29logyati[TK]D-Fender,  im forwarding calls from openser to asterisk. I dont know where is my mistake, i need a tip... when i try to call a pstn number it says "user not found" unless i put the content of [default] inside [incoming] context!! its wrong right? i want call from sip using default context! please look my sip.conf and extensions.conf
21:04.43[TK]D-Fenderlogyati, need more backup...
21:08.00*** join/#asterisk icel (n=icel@
21:08.29iceldoes anyone know how to just reload voicemail in * 1.4?
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21:09.14logyati[TK]D-Fender, well, as i know, asterisk will use a extensions.conf context for each context in sip.conf for example, right? looking my sip.conf you will see that allowguests=yes is inside context default. So, i expected that when i make a sip call, it goes thought [default] (ONLY) in extensions.conf. Am i right?
21:09.23EricLicel: module reload app_voicemail
21:09.39icelEricL: thanx
21:09.48EricLicel: np
21:10.18[TK]D-Fenderlogyati, un-authed calls should go through [default]
21:10.35[TK]D-Fendericel: module reload
21:10.49icelthx Fender
21:11.19logyati[TK]D-Fender, yes, but isnt going! it says "user not found" unless i put a "include => default" inside [incoming]
21:12.44[TK]D-Fenderlogyati, I still need to see more....
21:13.04logyati[TK]D-Fender, did you see my extensions.conf and sip.conf?
21:13.09[TK]D-Fenderlogyati, Yes
21:13.28karrotxso asterisk checks every ip address to make sure the forward and reverse dns match?
21:13.30karrotxthat's pretty wacco
21:14.52logyatiasterisk is acting as if un-authed calls come from incoming context, inside sip.conf, unstead default context... thats da problem
21:15.48logyati[TK]D-Fender, if i change at sip.conf all "incoming" names to "foo-bar", asterisk will use context [foo-bar] in extensions.conf to handle un-authed calls
21:16.52[TK]D-Fenderlogyati, stop thinking, and start PASTEBIN-ing./
21:17.43De_Monlogyati do you have a sip.conf entry for openser?
21:18.08logyatide_mon, no cos i use un-authed calls
21:18.28logyati[TK]D-Fender, i dont know what more i can paste
21:19.30[TK]D-Fenderlogyati, When you find a clue, let me know.
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21:20.50joe-fanyone know of a good dedicated server hosting provider based in New York City, that's peered with Level 3? (voxbone's DID stuff comes from NY L3)
21:22.10EricL[TK]D-Fender: I have no idea where to go with this .call file stuff not working.
21:23.02[TK]D-FenderEricL, show absolutely everything related.
21:23.21logyati[TK]D-Fender, ok, this is my output of CLI with 10 verbose
21:23.43[TK]D-Fenderlogyati, keey trying....
21:25.38logyati[TK]D-Fender, zaptel.conf and zapata.conf
21:25.52[TK]D-Fenderlogyati, clearly worthless.....
21:26.24[TK]D-Fenderlogyati, You've got a problem with where the calls are going and you're not even looking at the CALL.
21:26.26logyati[TK]D-Fender, lol, i didnt changed any other asterisk file!!!
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21:28.29logyati[TK]D-Fender, ngrep of * sip port
21:28.34davixxHi. I have an "SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized" when my client try to connect... i don't understand why.... but i have somes others client which arrives to connect... how to check ?
21:28.47EricL[TK]D-Fender: What is related? Do I need to throw my entire asterisk config dir up somewhere?
21:29.14[TK]D-Fenderlogyati, getting warmer....
21:30.11[TK]D-FenderEricL, file dumps from console, "ls" dumps, cli output at high verbose, etc
21:30.48*** part/#asterisk JD_2007 (
21:30.53EricLThe CLI output at verbosity level 10, doesn't show anything but the AGI script exiting with a status of 0.
21:31.11logyati[TK]D-Fender, i dont know where to look :(
21:31.21MercestesEricL, Throw some AGI-Noops in there for verbosity
21:31.51EricLMercestes: Fair enough, what is it that I should be printing out?
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21:32.00logyati[TK]D-Fender, ooohh i know
21:32.05logyati[TK]D-Fender, wait
21:32.35MercestesAgi_Exec,NoOp(EricL still loves da cock at line 12).  I dunno....whatever you want man.  output some variables or something.
21:33.09MercestesUse it to trace out your AGI program flow.
21:33.26MercestesStart with a NoOp, then put some NoOps at some key positions.
21:33.27EricLThe AGI program works fine, it generates the call files and places them in proper directory.
21:33.41stubertSince upgrading to 1.4.8 I'm seeing chan_sip.c errors in the logs. "We could NOT get the channel lock for" and "SIP transaction failed"... Anything known about this?
21:33.47EricLAsterisk just isn't picking up the call files once they are there.
21:34.38MercestesEricL, Permissions?
21:34.40logyati[TK]D-Fender, sip debug!!!
21:34.43MercestesEricL, sure it's the right directory?
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21:34.51MercestesEricL, are you moving them or copyiing them??
21:35.11[TK]D-Fenderlogyati, Looking for 025614265 in incoming (domain
21:35.18[TK]D-Fenderlogyati, SIP/2.0 404 Not Found
21:35.27EricLMerecs: I have made the perms 0777, I am positive I am moving them to: /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing
21:35.50[TK]D-Fenderlogyati, Found peer 'incoming'
21:35.59EricLHow can I be sure that /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing is the outgoing spool directory?  I don't see a config setting for that.
21:36.10MercestesEricL, Don't use move, use copy.
21:36.25[TK]D-FenderMercestes, BACKWARDS
21:36.34logyati[TK]D-Fender, should i create another peer?? at this point i dont know what to do
21:36.47Mercestes[TK]D-Fender, Oh....
21:36.49[TK]D-Fenderlogyati, is is MATCHING your peer.
21:36.56Mercestes[TK]D-Fender, that's probably why my call files don't work
21:37.04[TK]D-Fenderlogyati, so it is NOT going through as UNAUTHED
21:37.13[TK]D-Fenderlogyati, Now go look at it!
21:37.14MercestesEricL, nevremind, use move, not copy
21:38.07logyati[TK]D-Fender, now im confused, cos i added this peer incoming cos of calls pstn-to-sip
21:38.23EricLMercestes: I already am using mv.
21:38.35logyati[TK]D-Fender, seems that i dont even know what im doing, can you clear me?
21:38.43*** join/#asterisk djs_2_6 (
21:39.35[TK]D-Fenderlogyati, I hate to suggest this, but put your peer auth in your dial statement, and remove the entry from sip.conf (comment out at least).  then all calls should be forced un-auth'd
21:39.54MercestesEricL, Not sure.  What is the spool dir in asterisk.conf?
21:40.25logyati[TK]D-Fender, hmmmmm
21:40.29logyati[TK]D-Fender, got it
21:40.49EricLNothing with the word outgoing in it.
21:41.26MercestesEricL, look for astspooldir =>
21:43.22EricLIs the outgoing directory supposed to be a subdir of that?
21:44.45*** join/#asterisk ITiliti (n=IceChat7@
21:45.55ITilitihello all.
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21:46.24EricLIt works...The directory was in the wrong place.
21:46.35ITilitiI am trying to figure out how to write the the DID that is getting called on our * box to the CDR datatbase. Any help?
21:48.22*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
21:52.29joe-fHow can I allow dialing a conference # over the audio playback?  I'm using meetme and it's disconnecting me if I don't wait until the audio is done playing.
21:53.40joe-fMy log reads: -- Executing [...@voxbonecontext:3] BackGround("SIP/", "welcome-to-kb") in new stack
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21:54.33joe-fWARNING[1317]: pbx.c:2494 __ast_pbx_run: Invalid extension '1234#', but no rule 'i' in context 'voxbonecontext'
21:54.45joe-fany idea on how to allow dialing a conf # over the BackGround audio?
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21:55.26Kattynite guys (=
21:55.33*** join/#asterisk hrmphh (
21:55.36kombiwill gotoif accept boolean operators?
21:56.06kombi||, && ?
21:56.07hrmphhcan someone recommend a T1 PRI card? box will need to support 12 channels on an integrated T1
21:57.03minkuskombi: the [ ] expression accepts them
21:57.16*** join/#asterisk sharp (
21:57.18kombiminkus: thanks!
21:58.18minkuskombi: the operators are & and | not && and ||
21:58.27tako-sanhrmphh: Sangoma makes a number of good T1 cards.  Rhino is another alternative though I have never used them myself.
21:59.00hrmphhyeah i use digium now and the card is 100% a piece of shit
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21:59.04hrmphhill never buy digium again
21:59.57Strom_Mhrmphh: por que?
22:00.12fujinget some real hardware
22:00.20hrmphhumm random static
22:00.26fujinwe run an as5400 here, I can put 8 E1's into it.
22:00.31fujincurrently have two going into it
22:00.45hrmphhcisco is nice
22:01.08hrmphhive used ccm in the past w/nice integrated routers
22:01.15hrmphhplop in vwic and done
22:01.33hrmphhassuming router has enough dsp :)
22:02.31joe-fanyone know what "no rule 'i' in context" means?
22:02.42joe-fim being disconnected because of that error..
22:03.05hrmphhhmm do i need onboard echo cancel on this guy
22:03.10hrmphhor does the telco do that for these lines?
22:03.15hrmphh(ISDN PRI)
22:03.25minkusjoe-f: that means that the extension that you are trying to use in that context is invalid
22:03.31*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
22:04.20minkusjoe-f: * tries to jump to extension 'i' when you try to dial or goto an invalid extension
22:04.38joe-fi'm using web-meetme to handle my conference #'s
22:04.53joe-fand it works fine, if i wait till the BackGround audio file plays
22:09.10ITilitiIf I am using the dial command to play a wav file, how can I have it stop playing it?
22:09.53ITilitiI am p[lying a ringer through a paging system in the ceiling, and I want it to play until someone picks up the phone, and then have it stop playing upon someone picking it up...
22:12.26*** join/#asterisk brodiem (
22:16.32brodiemanyone know how I can get an extension state from the dial plan? Trying to create a dial plan for call waiting. I know of using the API's ExtensionState but want to use dial plan
22:19.43matt_hello, i just restarted azureus and some of the text is in some funny font
22:19.51Qwell[]matt_: umm
22:19.59Qwell[]Try over there  -->
22:20.24matt_lol oops :)
22:20.41blitzragebrodiem: see
22:21.06blitzragebrodiem: and
22:21.30blitzragei.e. DEVSTATE() is probably the function you are looking for
22:26.27*** join/#asterisk syzygyBSD (
22:26.37syzygyBSDhow can I force a hangup of a call?
22:26.47blitzragesoft hangup
22:27.41syzygyBSDwhat if that doesn't work?
22:27.57blitzragestop now
22:28.17syzygyBSDya... I know that one too, but this server is too busy for that
22:29.04brodiemblitzrage thanks, I actually read that article about a week ago and forgot all about it :)
22:29.45*** part/#asterisk brodiem (
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22:31.02syzygyBSDoh.. so the channel is hung up but it is still in the queue.. how can i restart a queue
22:34.34AdamB0122Hey everyone
22:36.22*** join/#asterisk SwK (n=SwK@
22:36.25AdamB0122I've got a T1 coming off of a channel bank, into the asterisk box
22:36.37AdamB0122I can see that the asterisk box picks the call up on Zap1-1
22:36.55AdamB0122but for some reason, then also sees something on Zap/2-1, and starts using that channel for some reason
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22:37.32AdamB0122and it says that its playing the the ivr-2|s|1, and playing "main" but nothing is playing through the phone
22:38.17*** join/#asterisk [Outcast] (
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22:43.58Strom_Mok, I feel like a nub asking this, but here goes anyway
22:44.25Strom_MI've got a server with two TE410P cards and one TDM880B
22:44.40Strom_Mwhen going off hook on the TDM880B, I get this:
22:44.57Strom_MWARNING[3286]: chan_zap.c:6613 handle_init_event: Unable to play dialtone on channel 200
22:45.18Strom_Mi'm sure it's probably something simple I'm overlooking, but intarweb searches aren't revealing much
22:46.47Strom_MI do have talk battery
22:47.09Qwell[]Strom_M: You lost me at 'ok'
22:51.34ZX81I guess have a look at tone_zone_play_tone
22:51.47ZX81and see what conditions it returns res < 0
22:52.33ZX81what version?
22:53.08ZX81 doesn't work
22:53.24ZX81hmm doesn't work
22:54.31AdamB0122Outbound calling works fine
22:54.43ZX81doxygen is down...
22:54.58ZX81Strom_M: so if it comes back up I'll try give you a hand
22:57.02Strom_MZX81: sorry, back at console now :)
22:57.10Strom_Masterisk 1.4 branch as of this afternoon
22:57.29ZX81yeah but there's no doxygen so I can't find tone_zone_play_zone
22:57.38ZX81maybe check if you have defaultzone and loadzone
22:57.46Strom_Moh!   haha, durhhhhh
22:58.22x86funny, coming from a dCAP instructor ;)
22:58.56Strom_Mno, I forgot to write that into the script I wrote to automatically generate the configs for me based on my responses to a half dozen questions
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23:00.53*** join/#asterisk kn0x (n=pinochle@
23:01.54DrukenLPYis there a variable for the current users username?
23:02.35Strom_M"username" in what sense"
23:02.44x86SIP user?
23:02.56Strom_Mx86: haha, yeah, that was it.  loadzone.
23:03.02Strom_Mbraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaart
23:04.16DrukenLPYyeah, the sip username
23:04.20DrukenLPYbasically for voicemail
23:05.11`paulin CDR (mysql) a call is being passd thru several agents in queue how do i count the number of calls(unique) made... (not the number of entries in the CDR)
23:05.19*** join/#asterisk plasmid (
23:05.40Strom_MDrukenLPY: why not just use callerid number?
23:05.42plasmidwhat's the fastest way to view how much memory my workstation has?
23:06.09Strom_Mlook at the spec sheet you've already glued to the side of it
23:06.21DrukenLPYStrom_M: well... i dunno... cause i don't have my system setup to use CID? hehehe
23:06.44Strom_Myou don't?
23:06.52DrukenLPYnot for voicemail no...
23:06.58DrukenLPYi used to use accountcodes...
23:07.11Strom_Mdo the phones have caller ID number?
23:07.18DrukenLPYbut now i have multipul "peers" assigned to a single accountcode
23:07.20Strom_Mand are the mailboxes the same as that caller ID number?
23:07.28Strom_Mspelling:  multiple :)
23:07.51DrukenLPYno, mailboxes match the peers id number, so it's username
23:12.23Strom_Min theory, you could just use ${CHANNEL} in conjunction with CUT()
23:13.17DrukenLPYnah... too messy... i'll look over my tables and see what common fields i have... must be a way to do it... i just gotta figure out which :0
23:13.29*** join/#asterisk Hmmhesays (
23:16.27AdamB0122io'm confused
23:16.32AdamB0122I can call out fine
23:16.44AdamB0122I'm using a T1 card connected into a Channelbank
23:16.48AdamB0122but when I call in
23:16.51JTplasmid: "free"
23:17.02ZX81Strom_M: was that the problem?
23:17.26AdamB0122the CLI tells me i've got something coming in on Zap/1-1, goes through a set of things, but then jumps to Zap/2-1
23:17.35AdamB0122^ Log
23:18.12AdamB0122and i never hear anything, and right as I see things with Zap/2-1 start in the CLI, the call drops
23:18.30JTAdamB0122: did you write that dialplan?
23:19.16JTi didn't think so
23:19.17AdamB0122lemme poke around in the dialplan and see if somehow its being told to do something stupid
23:19.21JTit looks like a mess
23:19.26JTstart from basics
23:22.58AdamB0122good god.
23:23.14AdamB0122well, this dialplan is pretty much screwed up
23:23.52JTAdamB0122: have you worked out which channels are available to your pbx yet?
23:24.16AdamB0122not yet
23:24.32AdamB0122and because the old phone system company did things, XO communications doesn't know
23:24.36AdamB0122and that company went under
23:24.51AdamB0122so i'll have to figure out dip switches or guess and check
23:24.58JTi think the dip switch config on the adit would be helpful
23:25.08JTotherwise check every channel dialling out individually on them
23:25.26AdamB0122still have to give the dial to work as well
23:25.44JTgive the dial to work?
23:25.47AdamB0122all i gotta say, is wtf is the point of trixbox?  its done nothing but be a pain in the ass.
23:26.03AdamB0122in asterisk, my dial command isn't loading, so i've got a missing module somewhere
23:26.09AdamB0122gotta google that one
23:26.29JTthought you said you could dial out fine
23:26.45AdamB0122from a sip phone, where asterisk just pics a working channel
23:26.52AdamB0122not from the *CLI
23:26.54JTuse zap groups
23:27.01JTi never make calls from the cli
23:27.23JTyou need a sound card to do that, none of my asterisk boxes have sound cards
23:27.38AdamB0122mine doesn't
23:29.52AdamB0122ok, for now, I know channel 1 is good.
23:30.01delmarhrm.  Is DISA really touchy about pattern matching and such? I seem to be able to get some patterns to match fine and others not at all.
23:30.20AdamB0122JT > If a call is coming IN on the T1, does it do a sort-order, (start with channel 1, and move up untill it gets an available slot)?
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23:31.16JTdelmar: i don't think that's a function of disa
23:31.46JTAdamB0122: yes, whether it comes in ascending or descending order depends on telco
23:32.09AdamB0122JT > its definately ascending
23:33.00delmarok this is crazy..
23:33.23delmarI had disa set to use [local] but for testing i changed it to [disa-out] and created some test strings in there.
23:33.46delmarso i just gave up on it.. switched back to [local] and tested for the hell of it.. now it works
23:33.54delmarunreliable imo.
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23:37.54delmaryep. DISA 50% fail so far without changing anything or reloading. it either dials the number and works, or it just hangs up without anything useful on the console.
23:39.11delmarah i think I have an idea whats going on.
23:39.20delmarmust be poor dtmf detection....
23:39.40delmarnoticed it doesnt hear some digits when logging in sometimes.. must be that.
23:39.44AdamB0122I'm getting somewhere
23:39.58AdamB0122i changed my dialplan, just to do a basic Dial(SIP/140)
23:40.10AdamB0122so when an inbound call comes in, it just rings my extension
23:40.20AdamB0122My phone rings, but the second i pick up, the call is dropped
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23:42.00snuff-workcould be no codec translation path.. that will make call die on pickup
23:42.11*** join/#asterisk TedNJ37 (
23:42.22TedNJ37Hi guys.  I have a problem. I am not able to ping my asterisk box by name, only by IP.  What am I doing wrong?
23:42.39AdamB0122you have a dns server not working
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23:43.05AdamB0122exteneral or local?
23:43.30TedNJ37I'll google it and see how I can get it to work.
23:43.39AdamB0122could be that its just not set to broadcast
23:44.38TedNJ37How do I check that?
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23:47.58AdamB0122cant remember
23:48.08AdamB0122Not really a asterisk issue though, thats linux
23:48.18AdamB0122try in #linux or w/e your distro is
23:49.36*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (
23:49.40AdamB0122I'm not fluent in dialplans anymore (its been like 8-9 months since I've touched an Asterisk box)
23:50.03AdamB0122After I've dialed the 140 extension, what do i need to do to connect the inbound Zap/1-1 call to SIP/140?
23:50.45ZX81AdamB0122: just that should work assuming your phone is not doing g729 etc
23:50.48AdamB0122As of right now, it dials my extension, but once its finished dialing, the incoming zap/1-1 just gets disconnected
23:51.09AdamB0122my phones just a standard Xlite phone
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23:51.15AdamB0122and thats what I thought.
23:51.26JTxlite is not really a standard phone ;)
23:51.38AdamB0122trying Express talk
23:52.02AdamB0122(yea, I dont have any sip hardphones)
23:52.12ZX81er ok, no0b question, where does the make progdocs put the files?
23:52.13AdamB0122same thing
23:52.14JTall softphones suck, make sure you get some real phones eventually
23:52.23AdamB0122We will be
23:53.12AdamB0122Boss wants to see the benefits of this system before dishing out the dough for all the phones
23:53.17DrukenLPYJT: hear hear, REAL DESKTOP PHONES!!!!
23:54.33ZX81AdamB0122: just try:
23:54.36ZX81exten => s,1,Answer
23:55.27JTthe parantheses after Echo are optional ;)
23:55.57ZX81heh but look nicer
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23:56.09AdamB0122inside, dialing 7777, that works fine.
23:56.13AdamB0122from the outside
23:56.19JTZX81: by that token you should be putting them after Answer too
23:56.22AdamB0122i see the Executing answer (zap/1-1) ect ect
23:56.25AdamB0122the background
23:56.35JTwifi + voip, not a fan
23:56.36AdamB0122and the exceuting echo, but i do not hear anything
23:56.51JTdoes it hang up?
23:56.54JTtry talking.
23:57.03ZX81JT: funny I didn't - normally I do :)
23:57.07ZX81or Answer(2)
23:57.18AdamB0122it does hang up
23:57.25JTsomething is defective
23:57.30AdamB0122and it does not echo anything
23:57.39ZX81AdamB0122: what kind of card?
23:58.05AdamB0122TE120P T1 card
23:58.39ZX81T1 settings maybe
23:58.48ZX81here you can get that if you don't have crc4
23:58.48AdamB0122when i do lsmod, I have zaptel numbers 8 zttranscode,wcte12xp
23:58.52AdamB0122what is zttranscode
23:58.52ZX81but we're E1
23:59.08ZX81for the transcoder card thingy
23:59.45AdamB0122turned on crc4 for kicks
23:59.52JTdon't turn on crc4

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