IRC log for #asterisk on 20070717

00:01.22*** join/#asterisk Avochelm (
00:06.43*** join/#asterisk simonkern (
00:08.29simonkernshort question: If  I want to use chan_mobile, is it necessary to install asterisk svn trunk, or is a normal 1.4 install ok?
00:09.56*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
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00:17.14*** join/#asterisk RyanW (
00:18.13RyanWafter spending lots of $ on various models i've come to the conclusion that 802.11 phones suck. Is there any 802.11 phone that lasts more then 4 hours and doesn't screw up after 30 minutes?
00:18.41JTthat's pretty much what we would've said after a few seconds ;)
00:18.54JTall 802.11 phones suck
00:19.04ManxPowerRyanW: If you had asked here you would have saved all that much money.
00:19.07InnatechI'll sell you a Polycom for $802.11 ;P
00:19.16*** join/#asterisk lisandropm (
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00:20.00ManxPowerRyanW: If you are not trying to prove your endowment via cool gadgets, a good cordless phone with an ATA should work pretty well for you.
00:20.20Innatechin all seriousness, I haven't heard anyone speak highly of any wifi phone yet. They're all buggy early revision messes.  Go ATA + consumer cordless.
00:25.02*** part/#asterisk pressureman (n=pressure@
00:26.16*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
00:28.24RyanWThanks guys, I'm after an 802.11 pager, any ideas ?
00:28.43*** join/#asterisk jtoy_ (
00:28.54JTInnatech: also the technology sucks
00:29.04JTRyanW: if it must be reliable, forget 802.11
00:29.07JTtoo finicky
00:29.29*** join/#asterisk coppice (
00:29.51RyanWI've rolled out 40 AP's to cover a customers premises and deployed an * PBX on their wired wetwork and now they want the ability to send txt messages to mobile staff
00:29.56Innatechor, if you don't have a nearby port for the ATA, use a standalone bridge and plug whatever you want into it.
00:30.11Innatechtxt messages?
00:30.22InnatechSince when does * send SMS to SIP endpoints?
00:30.29ManxPowerInnatech: IT doesn't
00:30.41InnatechAh. OK then.
00:30.57RyanWsipsack allows me to send sms's to sip devices
00:31.03RyanWor whatever its called
00:31.12Innatechoh. Interesting. New to me....
00:31.20ManxPowerBut "SMS" is really a generic term for "sending a text message to a cell phone" regardless of if the actual transport is SMS or not.
00:31.36ManxPowerRyanW: I'm really glad I don't have your job.
00:31.37Innatechyeah, I thought it was cell-specific.
00:31.55RyanWI've got it working, just not reliably, the 802.11 phones only respond to arp half the time if at all and wont stay associated to the AP
00:32.20JTno surprises there
00:32.27ManxPowerRyanW: that is pretty typical of WiFi SIP phones.  They also don't roam between APs very well at all
00:32.40ManxPowerDid you do ANY research before promising this? could assign them all static IPs (nightmare) and manually associate the MACs (bigger nightmare). That won't solve association tho.
00:32.52RyanWwhats the battery life of something like an ipac with 802.11 ?
00:33.00Innatech* won't solve AP association, that is.
00:33.32InnatechNo iPAQs.
00:34.17InnatechMy 4705 was one of the most dissappointing devices I've ever spent money on.
00:34.38RyanWi guess i could go with consumer cordless phone and prank call the phone with the callerid set to the txt message
00:35.40ManxPowerDon't DECT phones support most of these features?
00:35.57ManxPowerAlso, of course, you can't use 2.4 Ghz cordless phones because of your Wifi network
00:36.06InnatechI thought DECT was just some kind of fancy multipath noise reduction.
00:36.20RyanWhas anyone made a conventional cordless phone with sip on the base instead of pstn ?
00:36.52ManxPowerRyanW: you sure do have a fetish for SIP
00:37.21JTRyanW: you can get commerical DECT phones too
00:37.27RyanWless peices of equipment in theory = less points of failure
00:37.29JTsome might be able to send messages
00:37.49ManxPowerRyanW: more cutting edge = more headaches
00:37.49JTbut if you must page reliably, get a pager transmitter and proper pagers
00:38.07InnatechRyanW: yes. Aastra 480i CT. SIP phone w/up to 4 cordless extensions.
00:38.18coppiceA SIP fetish must be a truly kinky thing :-\
00:38.22RyanWthey already have a paging system, its just not compatable with their new software
00:38.31InnatechRyanW: But I'm not sure if you can treat the extensions as separate endpoints or not.
00:38.37ManxPowerSorry, but I don't want cutting edge, I want low hassle systems that Just Work
00:39.02RyanWlooks like i'll build a computer interface for their old paging system
00:39.12Innatechcan you use a dedicated FXO to send DTMF into their extant paging system?
00:39.29coppiceManxPower: I know lots of systems that just about work. wanna try them?
00:39.39JTpaging over wifi is a nightmare, high band vhf at high power, not so much
00:39.57RyanWnot sure how their existing paging system works, i went down the road of trying 802.11 first seeing we have saturated coverage
00:40.49JTpagers usually use high band vhf
00:42.50ManxPowercoppice: I think I use many of them already.  USA Banking System, cell phones, the internet 8-)
00:43.18coppiceManxPower: sounds like you have in depth expertise already
00:43.24InnatechRyanW: how about this?
00:43.38InnatechWiFi based paging system.
00:43.43*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=hardcore@
00:44.18JTi thought were meant to be NOT suggesting bad ideas, Innatech ;)
00:44.47RyanWthanks, Innatech
00:45.08InnatechHeh. I'm trying to segrate the bad ideas from *, since they seem to be a job requirement for RyanW.
00:45.16*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
00:45.47Innatechthat vendor does look scary, tho. >shrug<
00:45.58JTInnatech: wifi = bad idea for anything important
00:46.10InnatechI tend to agree.
00:46.27ManxPowerI must admit that my cat is more technical than most of my users.  They tend not to request the tech product of the week.
00:47.01coppiceInnatech: why do you call a flex pager WiFi based paging? Different protocols. Different frequencies. Nothing in common at all
00:47.37Innatechcoppice: I plead ignorance. That site has their breadcrumbs set up such that those pages are shown as Wireless LAN equipment.
00:48.13coppicethat cheating. anyone will accept ignorance as a plea on IRC
00:48.22Innatechcoppice: "Product> Wireless Lan >FLEX Alphanumeric Pager"
00:48.59Innatechkinda bastardish of them I guess, if they've nothing to do with each other.
00:49.15coppicethat looks strange, but hit the button for the PDF, and its a normal flex pager - 12x, 28x, and 93x megs
00:49.38coppiceI'm amazed anyone still makes those.
00:50.04coppicehardly anyone but motorola made them in their heyday (if you consider they had a heyday)
00:50.32*** join/#asterisk guillote_GNU (n=guillote@
00:52.18InnatechWell--there's also the BB 7270. SIP endpoint with RIM software and a WiFi radio-- no cell radios. If nothing else, I'd imagine the batter would be better and the support should beat out vendors less committed to wireless. They'll also cost plenty tho and its still wifi (so the quality of your mesh will still be an issue.) (For RyanW)
00:53.28coppicea pager for wifi is gonna have a rather "non traditional" battery life for a pager
00:53.42Innatechyeah, for real.
00:54.14Innatechcell phone-style battery life at best.
00:55.38*** join/#asterisk jtknapp (
00:56.14InnatechThat BB is 802.11b only, BTW.
00:56.51coppicemany hand held devices still are
00:57.22*** part/#asterisk jtoy_ (
01:01.30RyanWThanks everyone, finally something i can show my boss to get him to beleive me that wireless sucks.
01:01.43vnI wonder if there are ip phones with bluetooth2?
01:02.14vncould be nice if I could hear the ring tone or communicate directly with the phone just by putting my hearing aids to telephone mode...
01:02.18vnwirelessly :D
01:02.58*** join/#asterisk mightnare (
01:05.13*** join/#asterisk ShadowHntr (i=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr)
01:16.47*** join/#asterisk techie (
01:17.30*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
01:21.27*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
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01:28.29*** join/#asterisk mindCrime_ (
01:31.45*** join/#asterisk ai-a (
01:36.47*** join/#asterisk b1shop (
01:40.02fujinanyone using * with a cisco as5400?
01:45.58*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
01:46.41MACscrWhere are sip peer settings stored and how can i add monitoring to it?
01:48.08*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
02:01.03*** join/#asterisk kimosabe (n=kimosabe@
02:01.43kimosabeim conecting 2 sipura boxes back to back a spa3000 and a 2100 in the dial plan can i use a domain name instead of an ip ?
02:10.00*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
02:11.41*** join/#asterisk techman97_andy (
02:13.14techman97_andyevening all - I have a PRI hooked into a TE212P, working fine.  Question though - if I happen to call a number that is disconnected, busy, etc - right now I get a fast busy and "trunks are busy" message because my telco just dumps the call with a disconnect code.  How can I trap that and speak a real message back to the user?
02:15.12*** join/#asterisk MrMister2 (
02:21.22snuff-worktechman97_andy, probably using just 'g' in Dial()
02:21.35techman97_andyI think I found it
02:21.49snuff-workthen u can go ${DIALSTATUS} == bleh playback(no-number)
02:22.04snuff-worki dont deal with freepbx
02:24.18*** join/#asterisk MrTelephone (
02:24.50MrTelephonedoes anyone know if there will be support for reinvite based on destination?
02:25.19fujinanyone use siproxd?
02:27.11techman97_andysnuff-work - I used the logic from that article to make it work in my extensions.conf
02:27.13techman97_andythat's all works!
02:33.57fujinanyone here running a sip proxy of some sort?
02:34.17fujinI've read that asterisk isn't a sip proxy, per se
02:38.52*** join/#asterisk Putzz (
02:39.17ManxPowerIt isn't a SIP proxy in any shape or form
02:39.43ai-aa sip server.
02:40.01ManxPowerIt is what is called in SIP terms "Back to Back User Agent"
02:42.15*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
02:44.55*** join/#asterisk sysreq (
02:45.26*** join/#asterisk Aces1Up (
02:46.21snuff-workser is more of a sip proxy..
02:46.57*** join/#asterisk rmayorga_ (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
02:52.18*** join/#asterisk aptura (
03:00.38JTfujin: OpenSER is a sip proxy
03:04.41*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
03:07.37Sci_05what is it just says chan univavable? same thing?
03:08.30fujinis it possible to temporarily disconnect or kill a user from the asterisk console
03:08.35JTSci_05: i cannot understand that question, are you refering to something said previously?
03:10.29kimosabehas any oe done any hotlines with the sipuras devices i need a hand please
03:10.42Sci_05no i was working on a system today where I had a sip phone registered correctly and everything, but every time I would call it I would get chanunivavable. Have not had time to look at it but I was thinking it might be like the 404 error
03:11.28JTSci_05: oh ok, i had no idea you were responding to MACscr
03:12.25MACscrSci_05 : let me check
03:13.02Sci_05thats all I got was chanunivable, nothing else, I had the context correct (as far as I know) and everything....but got notta.
03:13.16MACscrSIP/2.0 404 Not Found
03:14.59MACscrHmm, im looking through all the logging after i set: sip debug
03:15.09MACscrAnd did a test call, but i cant find any errors besides taht
03:16.55Sci_05hmmm ok I will have to digg into it tomorrow morning
03:17.46JTMACscr: err, your 404 error, are calls otherwise working?
03:18.03MACscrThis is a brand new box im setting up
03:18.19MACscrMy extension and my connection to my sip provider are registred
03:18.29fujinso anyone? a way to kill a user from * temporarily?
03:18.34fujinlike kill until they re-register
03:18.47MACscrI dont have a DID yet, so i havent tried incoming yet
03:20.06Sci_05MACscr: you looking for a provider?
03:20.52MACscrI already ordered my DID's from callcentric, just waiting for them to provision
03:21.01MACscrGot my UK DIDs from gradwell
03:21.05*** join/#asterisk keith80403 (
03:21.20*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
03:21.44Sci_05well if you need any outbound pstn termination let me know ;-)
03:23.24apturaMy voip providers have been up and down as of late.
03:24.23apturahaving a interesting week changing out some 2 volt batteries at 2,600 Ah's
03:26.35*** join/#asterisk kiwoneka (
03:26.47kiwonekagood evening to all
03:27.20*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
03:34.27*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
03:36.14*** join/#asterisk sgtpepper (
03:36.26sgtpepperany good post-pay billing engine for asterisk
03:36.40sgtpepperI need to bill against the cdr already recorded from asterisk
03:39.20*** join/#asterisk linagee (n=linagee@about/linux/staff/linagee)
03:39.30linageecan you connect a data T1 to a data T1 socket?
03:39.55*** join/#asterisk Trevor_b (n=tbenson@
03:40.39MACscrWell, i got my incoming calls to work, woo hoo =P
03:40.57MACscrNow just have to figure out how to fix outgoing
03:43.57*** join/#asterisk pigpen2 (
03:44.08*** join/#asterisk honeysting (
03:44.41pigpen2hi all, I need some RT asterisk guidance.
03:44.55kiwonekawhat do i have change to enable 'sip notify polycom-check-cfg' for my ip650s
03:45.02pigpen2I already have a running setup on my dev box. (running 1.4.2)
03:45.13ManxPowerkiwoneka: that information is on the Wiki
03:45.28pigpen2I deployed 1.4.5, with all the same settings/files/databases/etc... and I am getting:
03:45.28pigpen2config.c:1228 find_engine: Realtime mapping for 'voicemail' found to engine 'pgsql', but the engine is not available
03:45.39kiwonekai apologize, which one?
03:46.26*** join/#asterisk Downchuck (
03:46.33ManxPowerpigpen2: changes are some library was not installed on one of the system (postgress-devel?) maybe
03:46.44ManxPowerchanges = chances
03:47.37Downchucki've got wxcommunicator running from my machine through openser to asterisk.. but i can't for the life of me get ekiga or x-lite to even touch the server.
03:47.51ManxPowerpigpen2: Well *something * is different
03:48.03pigpen2yeah...and there isn't much to it.
03:48.04Downchucki've got wireshark.. the data is nearly identical.. but on the end-server, with ethereal, i see nothing from ekiga/x-lite
03:48.10Downchuckany clues?
03:48.13pigpen2thus why I was so suprised to see the error.
03:48.40pigpen2ManxPower, keeping has been awhile...
03:48.40jbotwikis is, like,
03:48.55*** join/#asterisk stkn__ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
03:49.16ManxPowerpigpen2: my project for part of last week
03:51.18*** join/#asterisk honeysting (
03:51.44pigpen2ManxPower, wow.  That is just....beautiful.
03:52.31*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (n=leon@
03:52.32pigpen2question...I see that you start new exten's with 1 then after you use "n" this a new feature for avoiding the priority numbering?
03:53.27ManxPower"n" was introduced in 1.2 that and labels exten => _XXXX,n(label-here),etc
03:54.30Downchuckgosh this sip programs are just the most frustrating thing since sendmail
03:54.35pigpen2so instead of 1, 2, 3, starts with 1, n, n, n
03:54.48ManxPowerDownchuck: softphones give VoIP a bad reputation
03:54.55ManxPowerpigpen2: Yup.
03:55.08pigpen2Ugh...what didn't I know this earlier...
03:55.09honeystingnew to this channel, any simiar channel for trixbox, anyone knows?
03:55.11DownchuckManxPower: so do wifi phones
03:55.15*** join/#asterisk CrashSys (
03:55.29techman97_andyhoneysting:  #trixbox or #freepbx
03:55.44ManxPowerDownchuck: Yeah, but everyone knows that
03:56.04Downchucki dont have a hard-line phone to test my install with atm
03:56.56pigpen2ManxPower, I wonder if asterisk has issues with postgres 8.2.x
03:56.57Downchuckmust be my mistake :P
03:57.03pigpen2my current running system is running 8.1
03:57.11ManxPowerDownchuck: The Wiki has lots of bad information, but I believe that most if the config info for various softphones is mostly accurate
03:57.21CrashSysI keep getting channel open messages on my sangoma card... Does that mean that the lines are open (like disconnected?) or is this a driver-thing?
03:57.26[TK]D-FenderManxPower, Whats the point of _XXXX in your macro... its not like your do anything DIFFERENT int there because of the exten.  Should just be more "s" or something....
03:57.44ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: CDRs
03:57.45DownchuckManxPower: I've had them working before, i'm just baffled, how wireshark can show the packets going out, and tethereal never receives them..
03:58.00Downchuckthe firewall is allowing udp and tcp in through those ports
03:58.13[TK]D-FenderManxPower, You aren't really dialing taht inside the macro.. shouldn't matter...
03:58.14*** part/#asterisk honeysting (
03:58.54ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: Huh?  I do lots of dialing
03:59.21ManxPowerThat one macro can pretty much dial an unlimited number of destinations
03:59.52[TK]D-FenderManxPower, exten => s,n(check-cfu),GotoIf($[${LEN(${CFU_DEST})} = 0]?${MACRO_EXTEN},1)
04:00.16[TK]D-FenderManxPower, is how you seem to get to _XXXX.  so basically CDR records the last exten # you were on, not tthe starting one?
04:00.48*** join/#asterisk honeysting (
04:01.13ManxPower[TK]D-Fender:  We don't really do stuff with CDRs, but as I understand it, the CDR is at least generated for a Dial.
04:02.21*** part/#asterisk honeysting (
04:02.39ManxPowerAt some point we will prolly do stuff with CDRs, but as I undestand it in -trunk there is code to make Macro generate correct CDRs when in macros
04:04.08*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
04:04.19Downchuckpigpen: 170 for young elvis, 300 for old elvis
04:05.34kiwonekagood eveing, thanks that works great
04:06.13ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: Apparently one of my clients is installing generators at their largest offices --- except for the office where HQ is located (as well as the main NOC for the compan)
04:07.03[TK]D-FenderManxPower, Who needs a chest when you've got feet, huh?
04:08.30ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: exactly
04:09.24CrashSysI guess sangoma's wiki is down :()
04:10.40pigpen2ManxPower, ok..I got it...res_postgres.conf had bad permissions.
04:10.47pigpen2ie: the dumbass factor.
04:13.22vnaka pebkac
04:16.50pigpen2more like, I did this 6 months ago and forgot to document things....
04:17.07pigpen2ie: the standard way for most technical people...
04:18.35*** join/#asterisk BSD_Tech (
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04:22.04vnI always forget to document
04:22.38CrashSysI keep getting channel open messages on my sangoma card... Does that mean that the lines are open (like disconnected?) or is this a driver-thing?
04:22.53De_Monvn document your reminder to document this time and maybe you woln't forget next time
04:23.25yakkophey: anyone know what happened to AST_MAX_MANHEADER_LEN? I used to have to increase it's value, butnow can't find it...
04:26.38vnDe_Mon: easy to say but not always to do... :p
04:27.47ManxPoweryakkop: try #asterisk-dev
04:29.16ManxPoweryakkop: Try during Digium business hours (9am-5pm CDT, which I think is GMT/UTC -5
04:30.20yakkophumm... did you ever have to increase it?
04:30.59ManxPowernot me
04:32.03De_Monvn nothing worth doing is ever easy
04:32.23De_Mon-5 is EST
04:32.38De_Monyour thinking -6
04:32.53ManxPowerDe_Mon: We are not in Standard Time, we are in Daylight Savings time
04:33.20De_Monedt is -4?
04:33.22vnmy dst tz name is cdt?
04:33.24vndidnt know
04:33.24ManxPowerAnd since UTC does not do Summer Time (as they call it over there)....
04:34.08ManxPowervn: it will be CST in the fall
04:34.09De_MonI knew that est to edt was an hour different, but somehow didn't make the connection that it changed the GMT/UTC time..
04:34.19De_MonI guess I assued UTC followed DST rules too ;)
04:34.36ManxPowerHence the "Universal" part of the name
04:34.38vnI'm in EST... -5
04:35.32De_Mondate -u says im -4 hours (EDT)
04:35.51De_Monjust when I thought I knew everything you have to bring up something stupid like this!
04:37.19*** join/#asterisk docelmo (
04:37.48docelmoneed someone's honest opinion..   What are the benefits of using 1.4 over 1.2?   I cant see any..
04:39.05ManxPowerdocelmo: Many of 1.4's features are design changes for some parts of Asterisk.  Much of that is with the goal of stability.  However, I feel that 1.4 is too new to run on any production box I manage.
04:40.48De_MonManxPower do you use realtime priority for asterisk?
04:41.36De_MonI turned it off in 1.2 because of weird behavior, and its still doing weird things on me in 1.4.6  echo where there shouldn't be any echo, completely locking up the machine... weird stuff like that
04:41.40docelmoManxPower thanks..  Thats what I wanted to hear
04:41.58De_Mondocelmo 1.4.6 has whisper mode for chanspy
04:42.34De_Mondocelmo and meetme login without verification
04:43.12De_Monand I don't think func_odbc is part of 1.2 either (backport exists tho?)
04:44.09yakkopwhat about the variable length DTMF -- is that in 1.2 also -- wasn't before....
04:44.11De_Monhrmmm res_snmp is screwed in this compile. it works just enough to make me waste hours trying to figure out why its not working
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04:49.20*** join/#asterisk kimosabe (n=kimosabe@
04:49.31kimosabei sthere any one here that can help me out a bit
04:52.25De_Monkimosabe depends on what you ask
04:55.04kimosabede mon i have two spa3000 back to back with one sipura 2100 as hot lines fxo to fxs i enabled ip dialing how can i make it work with a url ?
04:57.00bakermdHey all - got kind of an emergency - the box is playing "The number you have dialed is not in service" - how can I see some debug that will lead me somewhere?
04:57.11[TK]D-Fenderkimosabe, What are you daisy chaining ATA's?  thats like filtering all of your phone calls through 10 exchanges, tin-cup&string, inducted through a fish tank, and back to SIP again....
04:57.38JTmake sure there's a wifi sip link too
04:57.44CrashSysd-fender: high-Def Audio!
04:57.47[TK]D-Fenderbakermd, * doe not play such a message itself.  Details are sorely lacking for us to tell you anything.
04:58.26De_Monbakermd does it do that for any call?
04:58.29bakermdYeah, this is actually a customer's trixbox, so I'll have to go elsewhere...
04:58.52kimosabetkd fender yes im forwarding lines from an office to a rural office
04:59.08De_Monbakermd and its a ITSP that your dialing, right?
04:59.29*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
05:00.45*** join/#asterisk apardo (
05:01.17yakkophey: anyone know what happened to AST_MAX_MANHEADER_LEN? I used to have to increase it's value, butnow can't find it...
05:05.12[TK]D-Fenderkimosabe, But why are you CHAINING them?
05:05.33[TK]D-Fenderkimosabe, just have the SPA-2100 talk direct to *.
05:05.40[TK]D-Fenderkimosabe, its insane to chain them.
05:06.38[TK]D-Fenderkimosabe, Acually.... its SIP > 2100-FXS > 3000-FXO > *.  May as well remove ALL the hardware
05:07.33De_Monpish, the hardware makes it more reliable
05:15.18*** join/#asterisk Downchuck (
05:22.33webavantI need an app that will create a virtual line-out in my windows sound control panel devices
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06:12.33jarod14JT :
06:12.33jarod14really intresting is'nt it
06:15.23*** join/#asterisk WIRAC (
06:15.52WIRACI need help about asterisk installation
06:16.04*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (n=tzafrir@
06:16.15WIRACcause I have problem with CRC check
06:16.30WIRACIs there anybody who can help me
06:16.34*** join/#asterisk jakehow (
06:16.37*** join/#asterisk Jabeeds (n=jabeeds@
06:16.54jakehowcould anyone recommend cheap but reliable rackmount servers in US
06:17.00*** join/#asterisk zeeesh (
06:19.04JThosting or just servers?
06:20.23tzafrirWIRAC, please be more specific
06:20.28WIRACOk thx
06:20.32WIRACWell I
06:20.38WIRAC32 bit x86
06:20.44WIRACpackage from website
06:20.51WIRACthanI made linux r PtH
06:20.53tzafrirbinary package?
06:21.06WIRACI start installation
06:21.14tzafrirthere's a separate channel for that.
06:21.34tzafrirAt the moment I believe it is quite limited in its built-in support for PRI
06:21.55WIRACwell problem is that my instllation stops at 99%
06:22.11tzafrirah, that kind of CRC
06:22.27WIRACsth like some serious error
06:22.37WIRACand it restarts my comp
06:22.45tzafrirhave you  tried the md5sum check?
06:22.58WIRACwhen I enter linux mediacheck
06:23.01tzafrirof the CD, at installation startup?
06:23.06WIRACit repllies
06:23.13WIRACthat it is possible that checksum
06:23.17WIRACwas not added on cd
06:23.33tzafriranyway, try #asterisknow or #rpath . This is really not an Asterisk issue
06:23.39WIRACthx anyway
06:23.50tzafrirAnd that checksum is md5, rather than CRC
06:24.43JTjakehow: ?
06:24.58jakehowJT: sorry.. hardware
06:25.06JToh ok
06:25.15JTcan't go past IBM xSeries :)
06:28.31*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
06:30.41*** join/#asterisk Jabeeds (n=jabeeds@
06:32.23JabeedsCan someone please tell me, is there any way to have extension.conf forward ANY and ALL contexts to a DB without individually specifying the context in extensions.conf
06:32.50JabeedsUsing realtime of course.
06:33.24*** join/#asterisk nuonguy (
06:33.59De_MonJabeeds yes, you put the whole dialplan in a database and dont use extensions.conf at all
06:34.13De_Monvery inefficient tho
06:36.17snuff-workthere is not a way around that jabeeds.. least not that i know
06:36.19JabeedsDo you mean it is inefficient is respect to the amount of db queries that will occur?
06:37.04snuff-workyou should always put something thats called very often like a macro in extensions.conf.. since it will go faster
06:37.57De_MonJabeeds yes 4 queries per extension priority executed I believe it was
06:38.48Jabeedswhat I am trying to do is to create a sort of front end that will enable a person to assign different 'rights' as it were to different users
06:39.18Jabeedsthe only way i could think of to do this was through different context for each subset of privs
06:39.39Jabeedswith a db backend of course
06:39.54JabeedsIs there any other way one could achieve such a task?
06:40.10De_Monwhat sort of rights are you tring to grant?
06:41.16De_MonJabeeds or use func_odbc to query the rights and then use dialplan logic to determine if those rights allow access to each context
06:41.21Jabeedsbasically rights to call different destinations. Ie. User 12 cannot call user 11 or internationally, but user 14 can call user 11 but not user 16 and can call internationally
06:42.28De_Monthat granular eh? a func_odbc call at the start of each of those would be faster
06:43.55De_Mona macro that dials a number but performs a db lookup for the caller and the callee if results are returned dial, otherwise do something else
06:44.31De_Mon1 macro 1 func_odbc call, all your calling attempts
06:44.51Jabeedsthanks for your help, ill get reading about func_odbc ;-)
06:45.05De_Monits oh so sexy
06:48.29*** join/#asterisk Downchuck (
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06:52.05Downchucki spent more than 6hrs to realize that my isp's firewall was misconfigured :-/
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06:53.45Downchucki'm useless, but if you reask the question
06:53.49Downchucki can tell you for sure i dont know
06:54.11*** join/#asterisk steliosk (
06:54.50rad07hi, I might be just steps before a successfull connection of SPA 3102. I am doing some testing and I cannot connect it with PSTN or my phone line.
06:55.29rad07I am calling from outside line and Asterisk i.e SPA doesnt pick up the phone
06:55.30*** join/#asterisk jarod14 (n=jarod14@
06:57.37Downchuckyour outbound working?
07:01.59MACscrDoes asterisk have md5 support by default?
07:03.29rad07Downchuck: I prepare sip.conf and extensions.conf for your review:
07:03.48rad07neither outbound or inbound is working
07:03.58rad07I was following some tutorials
07:04.20rad07Where do I define number of rings when it answers the call from SPA
07:05.14Downchuckyou're probably going to want a register = line in sip.conf
07:05.29Downchuckbut i'm a n00b, so caution
07:05.39*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
07:06.00rad07did you see my settings
07:07.11*** join/#asterisk ta^3 (n=tacvbo@
07:07.23rad07I didn't set disallow=all and allow=ulaw in sip.conf. I thing this is default
07:09.00Downchucki see your context / extensions .. i just dont know if asterisk needs to register with anything
07:09.18Downchuckor if the handset registers with asterisk correctly
07:09.44Downchucksorry i can't help out more.. remember to check out the asterisk logs
07:09.50rad07do you have experience with ATAs
07:10.04*** join/#asterisk ptiggerdine_ (
07:10.25rad07do you know where to set number of rings before asterisk answers the phone
07:10.28Downchucki've stayed as far from telephony as i could.. and that took some effort working in phone rooms
07:11.50Downchucki'd think it's per ms  not ring
07:12.22rad07and where would that be
07:12.54Downchuckguess i'm wrong
07:13.18Downchuckgoogle it a bit, it's out there
07:13.37flendersrad07: search google for SPA 3000 and asterisk
07:14.01rad07it has been 2 months since I am seeking for help
07:14.06rad07no one to answer
07:14.14Downchuckrad07: i know the feeling.
07:14.28rad07-I cannot make a stupid test
07:15.12rad07flenders: can you see my sip and extensions settings:
07:15.31flendersis your asterisk working?
07:15.58rad07I can let you check or correct settings
07:16.08flendersok, hangon
07:17.08*** join/#asterisk tuxd00d (n=tuxinato@
07:18.13*** join/#asterisk patrick- (
07:18.24patrick-Hey all, im having heavy problems compiling mISDN
07:19.09patrick-make[2]: *** Keine Regel, um »modules« zu erstellen.  Schluss.
07:19.49JTi'm having trouble reading that
07:20.12patrick-No Rule to create "modules"
07:20.34flendersrad07: this works on SPA3000
07:21.39rad07flenders: I have tried multiple spa and asterisk settings
07:21.56flendersrad07: this one works at my house
07:22.14rad07I have spa 3102. It could be that I miss something fundamental. I have telnet ready for someone to review my settings
07:22.34*** join/#asterisk michael-i (n=michael-@
07:23.03flendersyou could have screwed up on the SPA UI
07:24.48flenderstry changing the exten to 's' on [line1]
07:25.32flendersrad07: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
07:28.11rad07flenders: can you check my linsys SPA settigns
07:28.18rad07I allow it to be seen
07:28.41patrick-can someone tell me why the compile of mISDN fails with: no rule to make modules ?
07:29.07flendersrad07: yeah, pm me details
07:29.54tzafrirpatrick-, I really have no clue. But if you patebin the full log (or specifically: a few lines above that error), and give some details about your platform: - ditsro, kernel and such, someone might be able to help you
07:29.56jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel.  Here are links to a few : , ,
07:30.13patrick-ok tzafrir : one second
07:32.08patrick-kernel and distro are specified at the bottom of the paste
07:35.35*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
07:38.01patrick-tzafrir: u didnt fall asleep, did you? :)
07:38.20tzafrirpatrick-, I'm not really an misdn guru
07:38.27*** join/#asterisk stimpie (
07:38.52tzafrirJust a general first-level support at the channel for things I don't know well ;-)
07:38.56JTpatrick-: what bri card?
07:39.03patrick-Fritz Card PCI
07:39.27tzafriryou're using Debian, so I'll make an exception
07:39.51JTpatrick-: good news, you can use bristuff instead of horrible misdn, i believe
07:39.56tzafrirwhy do you use use 2.4.27-2 ? Why not get 2.4.27-3 from updates?
07:40.11tzafrirJT: from Fritz?
07:40.27JTtzafrir: you can't?
07:40.45tzafrirbristuff has only drivers for HFC cards
07:40.57JTthe question is more why patrick- hasn't upgraded to 2.6
07:41.03JTrunning historic kernel
07:41.07*** join/#asterisk gzero (n=gzero@
07:41.23tzafriralso: apt-get install kernel-headers-`uname -r`
07:41.38patrick-JT: thing is, I'm not too fermilliar with this whole asterisk / IDN / dialup stuff
07:41.38patrick-cause i want to stick with sarge
07:41.49tzafrir(that's for sarge . for newer distros it's: linux-headers-`uname -r`)
07:41.56tzafrirSarge has 2.6
07:42.24patrick-07:40 < JT> the question is more why patrick- hasn't upgraded to 2.6
07:42.24patrick-07:41 < patrick-> cause i want to stick with sarge
07:42.28*** join/#asterisk E-bola (
07:42.35patrick-kernel-headers-2.4.27-2-386 ist schon die neueste Version.
07:42.39patrick-its up2date
07:42.39*** join/#asterisk jkiff (n=jkiffmey@unaffiliated/vorondil)
07:43.09JTyou shouldn't be using up2date on debian i'd thing
07:43.13michael-ispeaking of historic :) can Asterisk be compiled to run on a 486? I have a stripped down version of Asterisk which exits on signal 4 (invalid instruction) on one of the platforms I'm targeting
07:43.15*** join/#asterisk vgster (
07:43.43patrick-so JT what exactly would you recommend right now?
07:43.53JTkernel 2.6
07:44.34E-bolaAre anybody uysing AgentCallbackLogin ? I simply cant get it working
07:44.35tzafriralso, a 686 kernel is generally recommende
07:44.35*** join/#asterisk Dibbler (
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07:44.47tzafrirapt-get install kernel-image-2.6-686
07:44.56E-bolai just want people to be able to dial an extension, type in their password, and then be joined to the queue
07:44.58tzafrirapt-get install kernel-image-2.6-686 kernel-headers-2.6-686
07:45.37tzafrirunless you have a P5, or an amdk6 or something
07:47.02E-bolaanybody here using agents?
07:48.31*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
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07:49.19patrick-back with 2.6.18-4-686
07:49.52patrick-even though he couldnt find kernel-headers-2.6-686
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07:53.36tzafrirpatrick-, 2.6.18-4-686 is Etch, not Sarge
07:54.11patrick-meaning i run an etch kernel
07:54.33patrick-well whatever
07:54.38patrick-how do I proceed?
07:54.50patrick-i just want to get asterisk to work with my BRI
08:00.12patrick-tzafrir: may i pm?
08:00.52tzafrirpatrick-, what sources do you have in your sources.list? is slow today
08:01.11DovidI am going thru a demo code. i see: DeadAGI(agi://
08:01.18Dovidwhere is the agi locatied ?
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08:08.58E-bolaCan you use BLF to indicate if an agent is logged in or not?=
08:09.30tzafrirpatrick-, replace "stable" with "sarge" or "oldstable".
08:09.43tzafrirThough I hope it is not too late
08:13.24patrick-the I do what=
08:14.19*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (n=IceChat7@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
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08:43.30E-bolahmmm kind of dead today in here
08:44.43creativxnot really
08:45.17*** join/#asterisk MrMister2 (
08:45.26E-bolamm i'd say so
08:45.38E-bolaatleast nobody is answering me :P
08:47.20*** join/#asterisk darviria (
08:48.40redaxgood morning,
08:49.13redaxmy Digium B410P stopped working for this morning, again... restarting asterisk+misdn drivers solved the prob.
08:50.37redaxdo you have any idea?
08:51.32redaxlast time I solved this problem with changing the digium card to Patton external ISDN to SIP gw.
08:52.08GrizzySome year they'll have nanotech voltage trace dust to spray on your device.
08:55.31redaxGrizzy: seems like all of my trunks are busy/circuit busy...
08:55.53redaxmeanwhile there's no real channels.
08:56.24redaxnow I turned on misdn trace. hope that helps...
08:57.06GrizzySorry you're having trouble, and sorry if I misled you; I'm no asterisk expert.
08:58.03GrizzyNor have I ever laid eyes or hands on a digium device.
09:01.23redaxhehh. I've very bad opinion about misdn driven hw...
09:01.50creativxword on the street is that misdn is for those with low blodo pressure
09:01.55creativxdamnit! i mean.. blood
09:02.04*** join/#asterisk Aurs (
09:02.18NirSanyone with FreeRadius experience ?
09:02.22redaxthat's why I bought digium card, because I sucked deep with other 4port ISDN...
09:02.50redaxand what happens... this B410P has the very same misdn driver
09:03.07GrizzyIs there an older ISDN card driver?
09:03.22redaxcreativx: hehh. I had a low bloodpressure...
09:03.29redaxnot now. :)
09:03.38redaxGrizzy: they're even worst
09:04.26GrizzyIt'll help re-grow the hair you're pulling out, too.
09:04.39redaxNirS: I've used freeradius back in '99 - 2000
09:05.22NirSredax, ever used rlm_perl with it ?
09:06.01redaxNirS: sorry, never.
09:06.34*** part/#asterisk patrick- (
09:07.17DovidI am going thru a demo code. i see: DeadAGI(agi://
09:07.24Dovidwhere is the agi file located ?
09:09.26redaxGrizzy: patton has nice devices
09:12.03vgsterHello, does anyone have distinctive ring tones working with aastra 53i phones?
09:15.22JTGrizzy: not older, better
09:15.34JTbristuff is available, but not for the digium B410P
09:15.47JTmisdn is the old horrible isdn4linux renamed
09:19.26JTGrizzy: bri to sip gateway will probably be the proper name
09:20.34*** join/#asterisk stkn|work (n=stkn|wor@gentoo/developer/
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09:21.20JTTond: what are you dotting about?
09:21.25Grizzyunless it's BRI to IAX on ethernet.
09:21.37JTyes well that will never happen
09:21.56JTno-one makes bri to iax gateways as far as i know, i doubt anyone would
09:22.42GrizzyISDN always seems to be some sort of deep despiration; too far from the central office ....
09:22.52JTerr what?
09:24.10GrizzyNobody seems to use ISDN unless their loop length is way too long.
09:24.23JTyou seem to be sorely mistaken
09:24.28JTwhat country are you from?
09:24.43GrizzyT1's, yes.
09:24.44JTpots works better with really long lines
09:24.48*** join/#asterisk juuva (
09:25.02GrizzyUSA, California.
09:25.18JTwell bri is not popular in north america
09:25.29JTit's superior to pots generally
09:25.36JTit's just a mini PRI
09:25.46JTPRIs are ISDN too
09:26.17GrizzyPeople use ISDN when the loop is so long that the POTS signal is badly attenuated.
09:26.38JTthat makes no sense
09:26.42JTit's a digital service
09:26.55JThence caps the line length
09:27.05JTto be under a certain level of attenuation
09:27.29Grizzyso the bits can be reconstructed into nice, loud analog POTS at the subscriber's place.
09:27.53JTtoo bad if your telco only uses it for crappy purposes
09:28.09JTand it doesn't work well on bad lines :)
09:28.25Grizzyit's the american way.  All hail AT&T.
09:29.46JTisdn bri is generally preferable pots
09:29.55JTproper call supervision, 2 channels, digital...
09:31.07Grizzymuch nicer, but it's tarriffed at 5c/minute/connection, here.
09:31.29JTagain, that's not a problem with the technology
09:32.40*** join/#asterisk bird_of_Luck (
09:32.45GrizzyI think you're misunderstanding me.
09:33.04*** join/#asterisk appelza (
09:34.03appelzaHi guys, I'm trying to install asterisk using BRI, I've compiled and installed Zaptel with the BRI patch, but asterisk errors out in compile: chan_zap.c:2382: error: 'BRI_NETWORK_PTMP' undeclared (first use in this function)
09:34.12appelzaPlease help :]
09:36.38*** join/#asterisk Lawbringer (
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09:38.17porchehi all
09:38.18*** join/#asterisk fnordus (n=dnall@
09:38.57porchei have got a question: is there a numbering plan database per country? i am after the mobile number prefixes
09:39.03*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
09:42.08Grizzyworry about number portability
09:42.56porcheyes, it's another issue for sure, but in general mobile prefixes are usually the same
09:50.06creativxmine starts with 99
09:51.47JTGrizzy: what's to misunderstand about  < Grizzy> Nobody seems to use ISDN unless their loop length is way too
09:55.37*** join/#asterisk ghenry (n=ghenry@
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10:40.19Dovid!seen me
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10:54.59badcfehello.  when i do two consecutive calls to Dail and the second one gets answered, then CDR(answered) still contains the data for the first Dial attemt.  how can i reset so i get correct information for the last issued Dial?
10:56.29*** join/#asterisk FlatFoot (i=FlatFoot@
10:56.38FlatFootmornin all
10:57.59FlatFootanyone recommend a good billing engine ( web based ) ?
10:58.32*** join/#asterisk blue (n=blue@
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11:15.42salvatore2i am having a problem with asterisk
11:15.57salvatore2my asterisk server doesn't register with another server
11:16.09salvatore2even though the settings are correct, it says 401 unauthorized in debug
11:16.11ai-asalvatore2: logs / sip / iax settings..
11:16.19cpmsounds like a lack of discipline
11:16.25salvatore2<--- SIP read from --->
11:16.26salvatore2SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
11:16.59salvatore2register command is: register=> user:password@
11:17.02ai-asalvatore2: use pastebin website, and upload your asterisk-cli outputs with high debug, and your sip debug.. and so on.
11:17.11salvatore2okay just a second sorry
11:17.14ai-asalvatore2: also, you shouldnt splace your IP address here.
11:17.24ai-aloads of people iax hacking your box now.
11:17.37ai-asearch / replace all sensitive information.
11:21.10salvatore2my user and password is correct 100%
11:24.01*** join/#asterisk sigmounte (
11:24.34salvatore2any ideas
11:24.47*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
11:29.31ai-ai would say your login user/pass are not correct.
11:30.04ai-a401 = invalid login... so.. something is invalid.
11:30.20ai-aits not your server your connecting to, so unless they have issues (contact them) your using invalid cridentials.
11:30.52ai-ai thought you ment you had two asterisk servers and were trying to connect them together.
11:31.33ai-aalso,, are you register'ing this account ?
11:37.28FlatFootanyone recommend a good billing engine ( web based ) ?
11:44.43*** join/#asterisk jsbach (
11:45.18jsbachhi , just installed asterisk and trying to get sip.conf working.
11:45.44jsbachalice gets registered calls bob, for that she gets a 404 Not Found.
11:46.20jsbachnow as far as i understand all users must be inputted to sip.conf which is the case for my tests... so what is wrong?
11:47.07jsbachi googled this, there are pretty much questions about this, none of them really answered.. any ideas ?
11:48.57jsbachhello there?
11:49.03jsbachanyone up?
11:49.59salvatore2ai-a, are you still there
11:50.58salvatore2my username is correct
11:51.09salvatore2actually this setup was working 1 hour ago
11:51.16salvatore2somehow it started rehecting me
11:51.24ai-ajsbach: need to see your sip setup and are these users logged in.. and what are they calling.. and the cli output... upload to a pastebin site
11:51.28*** join/#asterisk msetim (n=marcos@
11:53.28salvatore2ai-a, now strangely it is working again
11:53.31jsbachai-a, i am trying to make use of first dialplan from the "asterisk, the future of telephony" b ook.
11:53.44salvatore2it was always working with my sip softphone, even when i wrote you
11:53.54jsbachalice and bob are both in sip.conf.. whereas alice is registered(what you call online), and she uses xlite as phone..
11:54.00ai-ajsbach: and i dont have that book.
11:54.13ai-asalvatore2: i would say that they had a server issue.
11:54.29ai-aregisteration failure somewhere.. and now its back up again... thats what you get for free / cheep servers.
11:54.58jsbachai-a, does not matter about the book.. the dialplan is simple s,1,Answer() , s,2,Playback(hello-world) , s,3,Hangup()
11:54.59*** join/#asterisk Uatec (
11:55.08ai-ajsbach: and the LOG say ?
11:55.41jsbachai-a, now i even do not get to the dialplan at all.. i enabled the log the invite comes to the asterisk machine and it replies with 404 Not found to the caller (alice)
11:55.59ai-ajsbach: your wasting time... as i said,, upload your asterisk-cli output, and your sip settings,, to a pastebin site, and someone will have a look.
11:56.19ai-aif you just carry on explaining the problem,, your going to miss the mistake that someone can find for you.
11:56.30jsbachai-a, ok i do it, gimme a paste-bin site..
11:57.31jsbachai-a, hold on for a sec, i am re-making the test scenario and will be pasting it in 2 mins.
11:58.02ai-abasicly idont have time for a converstaion.. if you just said . blah doesnt work.. here is my output -> .. <-  and waited.. you would get better response..
11:58.11ai-ai have my own work to do.
11:59.46jsbachai-a, i understand
12:00.00jsbachthe sip traffic it is now i am sending my sip.conf
12:02.25ai-aand where has bob registered ?
12:03.50jsbachbob is not registered, that's the part, alice calls bob, bob is not available but his extension will be executed...
12:03.58jsbachan answering machine
12:04.07ai-aeh, no.
12:04.21*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
12:04.23ai-abob doesnt have an extention,, bob is a sip registeration.
12:04.32Qwell[] isn't CSS compliant
12:04.40ai-alol qwell.
12:05.06ai-ajsbach: do you have an extensions.conf associated with this example ?
12:05.14jsbachai-a, afaik , i specify an extension with bob, see context=incoming..
12:05.25jsbachai-a, yes i have an extension.conf
12:05.26ai-athats a CONTEXT,, not extension.
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12:05.42ai-ahow does screaming bob map to a mailbox number ?
12:05.47ai-awhat mailbox number is bob ?
12:06.07jsbachai-a, huh? i thought that should map to the [incoming] in the extension.conf
12:06.15ai-athats a context.
12:06.31jsbachai-a, i see.. i mixed sth there i think then.
12:06.32ai-ado you have a mailbox.conf too ?
12:06.40jsbachai-a, let me have a look
12:06.52ai-awithout all the data, how am i suppost to guess the problem ?
12:07.03jsbachno , but i can find via slocate from the default inst
12:07.40jsbachai-a, it is documented so, that you get the impression  that not two users have to registered.. this is what book says which you dont have
12:07.43ai-aso,, from what you've given me,, how do i know what exp bob is ?
12:07.59ai-asure, nobody needs to register if you want it to go to voice mail.
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12:08.32jsbachai-a, yes that is for instance how it works with other pbx like things too(like sems)
12:08.44ai-ajsbach: can you please show me ext..conf
12:08.53jsbachai-a, yes of course
12:08.56jsbachhold it..
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12:09.41creativxachtung i love pivot reports
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12:10.25ai-ajsbach: how far into the book is this example ?
12:11.09ai-ado you understand the concept of context, extention, iax/sip registeration, user login?
12:11.11jsbachai-a, chapter 5 , dialplan basics, page 83 , though first edition, under "our first dialplan"
12:11.14*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
12:11.31jsbachai-a, yes i do
12:11.38ai-awhat are you calling when callining bob ?
12:11.43ai-abob@pbx ?
12:12.23ai-abob@semiconductor.jsbach in this case,, right ?
12:12.36jsbachai-a, yes you are right it is my fqdn
12:12.51ai-aok, well, if bob isnt there, it will just give up.
12:13.02ai-aare you sure the book is stating it will go to voicemail ?
12:13.28jsbachai-a, hold on
12:13.42ai-ais this an online book ?
12:14.00*** join/#asterisk waKKu (n=eurulo@unaffiliated/wakku)
12:14.00jsbachai-a, yes yes
12:14.03ai-ai see it.. will check it;)
12:14.07*** join/#asterisk twitchnln (
12:14.08ai-amy bad for never reading books haha.
12:14.22twitchnlngood morning everyone
12:14.23jsbachfrom jim van meggelen , jared smith & leif madsen
12:14.25ai-aoh, this is that long winded blah blah book that makes you fall asleep.
12:14.53jsbachai-a, hehe.. that's true,, in some cases i like that.. but in some it is quite unclear.. ;)
12:15.21ai-anar, it just hops around like a horny rabbit, with no reason, expecting you to understand what hes thinking.
12:15.51ai-awell i see "our first dialplan"..
12:16.02ai-adial any number and it says "hello world"
12:16.04jsbachai-a, as you pointed out about mailbox redirection, i started to think you might be rite..
12:16.21ai-ai sometimes am.
12:16.46jsbachai-a, it says something like "if we're GOING TO ANSWER THE CALL, play a sound file and then hung up,...." , this pretty much means that bob should be also registered..
12:17.01ai-ajsbach: consider this bit of logic... something must state if you want or dont want voicemail on that extention.. if you cant find it.. its not got voice mail.
12:17.08jsbachai-a,  but again it doesn't say concretely, caller and callee must be registered..
12:17.18ai-aif you call user@sip  directly.. you need to set up extensions to handle this.
12:17.39ai-aare you still on page 83 ?
12:17.56ai-athe context [incomming] play hello world, hang up.. one ?
12:18.05ai-afrom alice dial 1.. and thats it.
12:18.14jsbachai-a, so are you saying that alice calls bob, sip.conf points bob's extension, bob's extension says, ok, if bob is unavailible please read his voicemail.conf
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12:18.26jsbachai-a, you are fast, yes i am at 83
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12:20.02ai-aits funny,, i cant find anything that states the called party must be connected... but you take that as an assuption.
12:20.21jsbachai-a, that 's why i accused the book as being unclear ;)
12:20.39ai-awell, haha, if you dont have your home phone connected,, i dont expect to get though to you.
12:20.51ai-aif your asleep i dont expect you to hear me.
12:21.00ai-abit of common sense there.
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12:22.05ai-aalso,, jsbach: where does the book state you to call bob@...   anyway ?
12:22.18jsbachai-a, see from my side, asterisk is enough clever that bob has a context, sip.conf finds that in extensions.conf and then executes it whatever it is
12:22.26ai-ait talks consistantly about extensions being mapped to a sip register.
12:22.55ai-ano its not bobs context.
12:23.15ai-awhen bob dials digits,, it examines the context bob uses to know what to do about these digits.
12:24.04ai-aif bob has context=default    [default]  exten _9X!,1,Dial(Zap/1,${EXTEN:1})   will redirect  9012345  to the zap device for handling the call.
12:24.26ai-a[default] exten = 555,Dial(SIP/alice)  will dial alice if bob dials "555"
12:25.00ai-abit of syntax issues with my examples, but get the idea ;)
12:25.23ai-abest off,, continuing with the book and you'll learn.
12:25.39jsbachai-a, no probs about the syntax even if zaptel section was unclear, i have the idea.. just trying to be clear myself here the difference between context and extensions..
12:26.43ai-aok, using just sip.conf and extension.conf   users dont really have extensions... you just have context that handle the digits the phone dials.
12:27.17ai-ato associated an extention  just have it when someone in the context dials the specific digits, it goes to that sip.
12:27.35ai-aexten = 555,1,Dial(SIP/alice)   <- alice now has ext 555
12:27.45ai-aexten = 666,1,Dial(SIP/alice)   <- alice now has ext 666, as well as 555 before.
12:28.00jsbachcontexts are named groups of extensions.. simply put , they keep different parts of the dialplan from interacting with one another.
12:28.23badcfehello.  when i do two consecutive calls to Dail and the second one gets answered, then CDR(answered) still contains the data for the first Dial attemt.  how can i reset so i get correct information for the last issued Dial?
12:28.27ai-abut i try to look at it as rules for digits, rather than groups of extensions.
12:29.20[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: "show application ResetCDR"
12:29.23ai-aexten = 555X,1,Dial(SIP,alice)   alice gets triggered / called, when any phone number starting with 555.. so 555 183734 will call her.
12:29.36badcfe[TK]D-Fender: thanks.  that gets me ahead
12:29.38[TK]D-Fenderai-a: ... NO
12:30.03[TK]D-Fenderai-a: tthe last pile of samples you've given were actually just about ALL wrong :/
12:30.13ai-a;) thanks.
12:30.26[TK]D-Fenderai-a>if bob has context=default [default] exten _9X!,1,Dial(Zap/1,${EXTEN:1}) will redirect  9012345 to the zap device for handling the call.
12:30.27[TK]D-Fender[08:24]<ai-a>[default] exten = 555,Dial(SIP/alice) will dial alice if bob dials "555"
12:31.04[TK]D-Fenderai-a: that first one : parameter mismatch.  He'll get empty dialtone after a long WAIT.
12:31.05Qwell[][default] exten = 555,Dial(SIP/alice)   will also dial Alice if Joe Hax0r dials 555
12:31.15Qwell[]well, assuming there was a priority
12:31.19[TK]D-Fenderai-a: Second could really use a PRIORITY
12:31.25ai-ayer, syntax was wrong.
12:31.32[TK]D-FenderQwell[]: Mornin'
12:31.35ai-aim typing it, im bit off ;)
12:31.44Qwell[][TK]D-Fender: hell, it isn't even morning yet, as far as I'm concerned
12:32.00jsbachisn't this rite? if alice gets called, the context=[incoming] field will found in sip.conf, then [incoming] will be searched in extensions.conf?
12:32.01juuvaIt's midday
12:32.07jsbachand executed afterwards ?
12:32.13ai-abut my point was,, dont thing of a context holding extension groups,, but rules for handling digits called.
12:32.23*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
12:33.34ai-ajsbach: context=[incoming] is for asterisk to know which context to refer to when alice dials digits.
12:33.41ai-anot for when someone calls alice.
12:33.53jsbachokkay, i see know..
12:34.04jsbachnow , i meant
12:34.25[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: should be : context=incoming
12:34.26ai-aso you have have complete different rules for alice from bob.
12:35.05[TK]D-Fenderai-a: adn NO, stop calling it "dials digits", that is a VERY incorrect outlook.  SIP phones only pass an entire NUMBER in 1 shot.
12:35.22[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: You'd do well to forget that "concept"
12:35.32ai-aokay, i'll get back to work then.
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12:36.08jsbach[TK]D-Fender, jep, i see.
12:36.40[TK]D-Fenderthe dialplan is not examined every time you push a button on a phone before you have completed your dial.
12:37.05salvatore2if you use a sip ata, that examines its own dialplan every time you push a button
12:37.36[TK]D-Fendersalvatore2: Some not even so much.  I've seen SIP devices with NO dialplan that just wait for timeout / # to terminate
12:38.20salvatore2best ata ever seen is pap2
12:38.37[TK]D-Fendersalvatore2: personally I use a very open dialplan like that on all of my deployments.
12:39.09[TK]D-FenderPAP2 is "ok", SPA-2102 is better, and MediaTrix kills them both.
12:39.17mvanbaakI have x-lite on a windows xp computer. I can call it and the xlite can make calls
12:39.21salvatore2i need to check mediatrix
12:39.23salvatore2never heard of it
12:39.27salvatore2is it much better than pap2?
12:39.37mvanbaakbut the weird thing is, it takes about 10 seconds after I pickup the xlite before the call is actually connected
12:39.56mvanbaakanyone any idea what it could be ?
12:40.00[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: makes no sense...
12:40.13mvanbaakmy idea
12:40.29mvanbaakto make it more clear
12:40.36mvanbaakthe softphone is internal number 10
12:40.45mvanbaakmy softphone (ekiga) is number 13
12:40.48[TK]D-Fendersalvatore2: indeed it is.  both the other 2 support T.38, faster processor.  Mediatrix supports simultaneous G.729 on ALL calls through it (2 x conference)
12:40.57mvanbaakif number 13 calls number 10 xlite rings
12:41.09mvanbaakwhen I hit the green ok button it takes like 10 seconds before we are connected
12:41.10[TK]D-Fendersalvatore2: PAP2 is the BOTTOM of the line.
12:41.23salvatore2maybe, i can buy it for 39bucks here
12:41.30salvatore2and it does everything
12:41.32[TK]D-Fendersalvatore2: Still plenty decent for basic use, but I still prefer a SPA-2102 over it in a second.
12:41.56salvatore2there was a rumor, i've read a story telling that pap2t can support g729 2 channels
12:41.59salvatore2but it doesn't actually
12:42.06[TK]D-Fendersalvatore2: G.729 on *1* channel only, no T.38 support, no internal router..... its the BOTTOM end.
12:42.20salvatore2how much is the mediatrix
12:42.39mvanbaaksame with dialing with xlite
12:42.51mvanbaakI put in 13 and hit the green button
12:43.02[TK]D-Fendersalvatore2: MediaTrix = $$ but supports G.729 on all channels, can do a transparent proxy in front of ANYTHING...... very powerful, but rarely needed
12:43.02mvanbaakit takes like 10 seconds before it actually starts to ring
12:43.14mvanbaakwhat can that be ?
12:43.20[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: show the CLI output of your call and your dialplan.
12:43.30salvatore2mvanbaak, do you use a outbound proxy?
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12:44.33salvatore2do you guys have experience with ?
12:45.54mvanbaaksalvatore2: both softphones and asterisk are on the same internal network
12:46.18[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: try ditching the "r"
12:46.29mvanbaakregistrar server and proxy are both set to '' which resolve to on our network
12:46.48mvanbaakit resolves to the outside of our setup when you are not on our internal network
12:46.54mvanbaaksplit-horizon dns setup
12:47.09salvatore2what is the wW for?
12:47.13salvatore2in your dialplan
12:47.21mvanbaakone touch monitoring
12:47.38salvatore2ah ok
12:47.43Sci_05salvatore2: are they any good (
12:47.45mvanbaak[TK]D-Fender: ok, i'll try that
12:47.54mvanbaakbut can that really be the problem ?
12:47.58salvatore2Sci_05, not very cheap but very high quality
12:48.01salvatore2even caller id
12:49.13Sci_05hmmm alwasy looking for another backup carrier :)
12:49.39Sci_05the prices seem to be good for the US at least
12:52.50salvatore2real good quality
12:52.59salvatore2good quality
12:54.08mvanbaakmaybe remove the outbound proxy from xlite config ?
12:57.03[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: only need "domain"
12:57.11*** join/#asterisk JulHer (
12:57.23[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: And set an IP if its fixed.... don't waste time on DNS
12:57.31[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: a slow DNS could be a problem.
12:58.23*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
12:58.30*** join/#asterisk Zefk (
12:58.32waKKufolks.. where asterisk saves the recorded calls with automon ?
13:00.52juuvawaKKu: /var/spool/asterisk/monitor ?
13:01.05Zefkhi, I'm looking for a good headset (Plantronics ?!) for Polycom IP 430 (for a contact center) ... can anyone advise me ? thx
13:01.18creativxZefk: plantronics are good.
13:01.33creativxi like the voyager usb 510's
13:01.35waKKujuuva hmm... so isnt really working ;/
13:02.37ZefkI'm looking for a Plantronics model that work very good with IP 430
13:02.44[TK]D-Fenderjuuva: Plantronics M22 Amp + H261 Binaural Polaris quick-disconnect headset
13:02.54[TK]D-FenderZefk:  rather
13:03.05creativxis there something you dont know [TK]D-Fender?
13:03.20[TK]D-Fendercreativx: Plenty
13:03.28JTi don't see how a usb headset will be at all useful for an ip phone ;)
13:03.38[TK]D-FenderJT : For the IP 650 ;)
13:03.41juuvawaKKu: not sure, just guessing also /var/lib/asterisk/sounds is possible
13:03.50JT[TK]D-Fender: really?
13:03.54creativxJT: don't be difficult ;)
13:03.58[TK]D-FenderJT : maybe :)
13:04.18[TK]D-Fenderjuuva: No.... the monitor spool folder is where it should go.
13:04.21Sci_05I have the playtronics 510s with a polycom 501 and blackberry and it works damn well
13:04.37JTZefk: using PoE?
13:05.01twitchnlnanybody got any idea why call quality would be degraded when using headset attached to mitel dual mode phone
13:05.12ZefkI saw that there are some Plantronics models that are unamplified ... that means the phone should have an amplif. Does IP 430 have the amplif for the headset ?
13:05.19ZefkYes ... I will use poE
13:05.28JTZefk: you need to get an amp
13:05.36[TK]D-FenderZefk: You don't want an un-amped headset on a Polycom.... too damn wimpy...
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13:06.06[TK]D-FenderZefk: the exact setup is what I'm running in my own call center on IP 600's
13:06.19ZefkAnd of course I need a price betwenn 100 and 150 USD
13:06.41[TK]D-FenderZefk: You need to ditch your budget a bit on this one...
13:07.15Sci_05arggggg stupid dlink!!!!! Always check the codecs on a dvg-1402s after you set it up if you can't make calls....its doesn't keep setting sometimes!! arg
13:07.56JTyou can make calls with d-links? :o
13:08.24waKKucool... automon works now :)
13:08.57Sci_05ya I got one of thoes dvg 1402s (router with 2 sip ports), just had to configure the ports you know the CORRECT way and it seems to work just fine
13:09.07waKKubut.. how can i do to record it on mp3 format ? ? (automon)
13:09.16JTwaKKu: you don't
13:09.42Sci_05its the same thing that vontage uses only has the sip part of the router open to be able to configure to any server :)
13:09.44waKKuhm.. what u do ? crontab a convertion ?
13:09.57mvanbaak[TK]D-Fender: I cant set an ip
13:10.06mvanbaak[TK]D-Fender: asterisk box here is on our local lan
13:10.16mvanbaakbut we work from various places all the time
13:10.27mvanbaakso when not in the office the ip should be our external ip
13:10.45[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: Ah
13:10.56mvanbaakthat's why I did this trick with a hostname that resolves to our public ip from the outside and to the internal ip here on our lan
13:11.24mvanbaaktoo bad they are not using linux
13:11.33mvanbaakthere I could script /etc/hosts
13:11.40*** part/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
13:12.10[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: You could to an "on boot script that changes Windows HOSTS file
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13:29.14mockerGood ol' sunrocket.
13:30.03creativxyou have a sun rocket?
13:30.49*** join/#asterisk VoicePulse (n=contact@unaffiliated/voicepulse)
13:32.27mockercreativx: Luckily, no.
13:33.53*** join/#asterisk Paul_UK (
13:34.18Paul_UKhey guys, there is an rpm for fedora which i can install fine on centos 5.  but are there any issues with installing the latest tarball with centos 5?
13:35.00waKKuhm.. ppl... have some way to use hylafax without a modem card ? :)
13:35.07mockerPaul_UK: I always use source..
13:35.09mockerwaKKu: iaxmodem
13:35.25Paul_UKmocker, you have installed centos with source fine?
13:35.36waKKumocker hmmm.. let me check ;)
13:35.41mockerPaul_UK: I'm still on CentOS 4.4, but yeah..
13:35.58Paul_UKmocker, ok you dont know off hand which dependencies asterisk needs?
13:36.10mockerPaul_UK: I never use packages for Asterisk (which is weird, because in general I'm pro package management)
13:36.32JTiaxmodem + spandsp ( +libtiff) + hylafax
13:37.20*** join/#asterisk tcseke (
13:37.31Paul_UKmocker, well i've just installed centos 5 without any base or anyting lol, lets see if the tarball compiles lol
13:37.44*** part/#asterisk michael-i (n=michael-@
13:39.53waKKumocker dynamic or static libs ? what do advice me ? :)
13:42.05mockerPaul_UK: yum group install "Development Tools"
13:42.30mockerwaKKu: Umm,
13:42.40mockerSee section 7
13:43.15Paul_UKmocker, so i need all of them lol?
13:43.30mockerPaul_UK: No.. ;)
13:43.38Paul_UKmocker, well then i'd rather not do it
13:43.48mockerPaul_UK: Have fun. :)
13:43.57Paul_UKmocker haha i'll try lol
13:44.08Paul_UKbut -devel doesnt have any place in a production machine
13:45.05*** join/#asterisk hi365 (
13:45.13JTcompile asterisk
13:45.25JTdon't use packaged, especially rpm
13:45.30*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
13:45.33hi365hello. every time i try to register a client remotly i get "SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized "
13:45.34ZaVoidgood morning
13:45.45mockerhi365: fix password?
13:45.46ZaVoidanyone know if i have to do a start/stop if i change res_pgsql.conf
13:45.57hi365mocker: double and triple checked
13:46.29mockerhi365: fix username?
13:46.41hi365also double checked
13:47.25Paul_UKJT, why not to use rpm?
13:49.05mockerhi365: Weird..
13:49.09mockerhi365: Just one user or all?
13:49.20[TK]D-Fenderhi365: one of them is wrong.
13:49.26[TK]D-Fenderhibecause * is not lying.
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13:49.43hi365mocker: anyone. i had the problem with a pap2. now im having the problem with a grandstream.
13:50.00hi365i though upgrading asterisk might help, but 1.4.5 is giving me the same greif
13:50.29mockerhi365: Might try something simple like a SIP softphone first..
13:50.42hi365will do
13:51.05mockerhi365: You were easy to convince. :)
13:51.47hi365mocker: would the qualify setting have anything to do with it?
13:53.39*** join/#asterisk ESCulapio_ (
13:53.58[TK]D-Fenderhi365: 401 = bad user/pas/unauthed IP, etc.
13:54.38[TK]D-Fenderhi365: nothing to do with registration, qulify, NAT or anything else.  Either the auth is wrong or the location/domain banned
13:56.26hi365[TK]D-Fender: where do i set the autherised ip's?
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13:57.00*** mode/#asterisk [+o blitzrage] by ChanServ
13:57.26[TK]D-Fenderhi365: usually you DON'T, you simply let anyone in.  then again, you haven't shown us your configs or the failed attempt....
13:58.42*** join/#asterisk Op3r (n=op3r@
13:59.11hi365mocker: same thing with a sip client
13:59.22mockerhi365: Probably time for pastebin
13:59.25jbotsomebody said pastebin was a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or is usually painfully too slow and unresponsive to use, use one of the other pastebin sites, or is a very nice pastebin as well
13:59.33hi365yup, getting it ready
14:01.53*** join/#asterisk MadLooaaa (
14:03.00MadLooaaacan somebody help me with configuring asterisk with http proxy?
14:04.13MadLooaaahey.. please...
14:04.15*** join/#asterisk UVSoft (
14:04.25[TK]D-FenderMadLooaaa: Asterisk has nothing to do with the "web"
14:04.59MadLooaaaI know
14:05.33MadLooaaabut our proxy server doesn't let packets go directly to the SIP provider
14:05.56[TK]D-FenderMadLooaaa: What "proxy"?
14:06.04*** join/#asterisk kova (
14:06.21MadLooaaalocal proxy server
14:06.22kovaanybody here uses chanskype?
14:06.36[TK]D-FenderMadLooaaa: ..meaning what exactly?
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14:06.44[TK]D-Fenderkova: Virtually no-one.
14:07.22*** join/#asterisk flujan (
14:07.42flujanhi guys, I am trying to use realtime queues with asterisk
14:07.50kovano one? why not?
14:08.30flujanthe problem lies in the monitor-format option. How can I set up it using realtime? I have try to create a monitor-format varchar column without success...
14:08.40flujansomeone is using this aproach?
14:08.49rene-i tried to
14:09.02rene-i didnt ran into that
14:09.13rene-but yoy might want to setup that in the code that calls the queue
14:09.19kovaflujan, can 't help you. only did iax realtime
14:09.30rene-Set(MonitorFormat=blah) in the dialplan
14:09.39MadLooaaa[TK]D-Fender: what do you mean?
14:09.42[TK]D-FenderMadLooaaa: Youa ren't registered so no private chat for you
14:10.01[TK]D-FenderMadLooaaa: What is this "proxy" you are using, what is the problem exactly.
14:10.09UVSoft[TK]D-Fender: I suppose MadLooaaa means that he has a proxy server and wants to connect to a remote SIP provider through it....
14:10.23MadLooaaayeah.. )
14:10.27UVSoftbut doesnt know howto)
14:10.40*** join/#asterisk lsodi (n=lsodi@
14:11.25[TK]D-FenderMadLooaaa: Why proxy between * and this provider?
14:11.56MadLooaaathe other traffic is automatically blocked by our firewall
14:12.14MadLooaaaso I should  use proxy
14:12.16[TK]D-FenderMadLooaaa: You aren't registered so no private chat for you <------------------
14:12.37flujanrene-: I can set up it before the Queue command?
14:12.41[TK]D-FenderMadLooaaa: you have no control over your firewall?
14:12.42UVSofthey i'm interested in * through proxy too
14:12.58rene-are you using local channels? if you are it is best before the Dial()
14:13.03[TK]D-FenderUVSoft: Considering you're both at the same HOST, I'm not surprise....
14:13.05UVSoftcould anyone explane me howto make asterisk use it
14:13.11rene-if not then you can probably use it before Queue
14:13.30rene-i am not sure if that would work.  can you probably try it?
14:13.36[TK]D-Fender-->|MadLooaaa ( has joined #asterisk
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14:14.07UVSoftand i am registered)
14:14.29kovaif no one uses chanskype, is there any other solution to connect ast to skype?
14:14.34[TK]D-FenderUVSoft: use /msg chat, not DCC
14:14.46flujanrene-: ok will give it a try.
14:14.47[TK]D-Fenderkova: Nothing free, nor practical.
14:15.10rene-if you are using Local channels as agents it surely would work
14:15.29kovaok, what about connecting to gtalk? is that working for you guys?
14:15.36*** part/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
14:15.59Paul_UKdo i assume to compile asterisk, i need the zaptel, libpri and addons?
14:16.56kovaPaul_UK, you don't need these necessarily
14:17.13kovadepends on what you want to do
14:17.42[TK]D-Fenderkova: Why don't you use SIP phones like everyone else?
14:17.58Paul_UKkova: I only ask because I get this checking for ZT_DIAL_OP_CANCEL in zaptel/zaptel.h... no and configure: error: *** termcap support not found
14:17.59[TK]D-Fenderkova:  instead of trying to hack in proprietary solutions one after the other...
14:18.10kovaI do always add zaptel for the zt_dummy device, which can be needed for timing (e.g when you use conferencing)
14:18.13[TK]D-FenderPaul_UK: You're missing libtermcap & devel
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14:20.10kova[TK]D-Fender, gtalk is not proprietary, but based on jabber and xmpp
14:20.31Qwell[]it's just jabber+jingle, really
14:20.46kova[TK]D-Fender, I agree skype is, unfortunately
14:20.46[TK]D-Fenderkova: it can be made to work, but you're switching from asing one kind of "troubel" to another...
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14:22.08hi365mocker: [TK]D-Fender: here is the pasbin of everything sip:
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14:23.13kovaso no one uses chan_gtalk? hard to believe all that development is a waste of time ...
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14:26.23mockerhi365: Try changing your username from Pesi to 201 or something like that..
14:26.50hi365mocker: Pesi is the freepbx extneion name. i was ONLY using numbers
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14:28.36mockerhi365: What's the username you put into your softphone?
14:29.10hi365mocker: im back on the hard phone. let me just pastbin the configs
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14:33.50mockerHave you tried putting the username into the Authenticate ID as well?
14:33.56mockerhaven't played w/ grandstreams..
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14:38.03FlatFootcan anyone help with a make error please ?
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14:39.10jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
14:39.27MercestesFlatFoot:  What distro and what v.?
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14:39.54FlatFootrunning on debian
14:40.14Qwell[]FlatFoot: upgrade to something released in the last 2 years first
14:40.18MercestesDebian is special.
14:40.26FlatFootspecial ??????
14:40.28tzafrirFlatFoot, what's the problem?
14:40.42FlatFooti am trying to install addons for MySql cdr
14:41.07tzafrirpastebin the trace
14:41.17tzafrirWhich Debian, BTW?
14:41.22tzafrirSarge or Etch?
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14:41.55anonymouz666is it possible to Dial(SIP/blah) and at same time calls a Queue(duh)
14:41.59l2cacheDoes anyone know why when I upgraded asterisk 1.2 to 1.4 the Master.csv file is no longer being updated??
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14:42.12Qwell[]l2cache: Did you enable cdr_csv?
14:42.24l2cacheYes, I believe so
14:42.38anonymouz666two dials at the same time.... one calling a peer and another executing a queue()
14:43.07tzafrirl2cache, is the module loaded? ?
14:43.25hi365mocker: didnt help. i had the same issues with a pap2. its a really bummer not to be able to use asterisk over the internet
14:43.42tzafrirFlatFoot, apt-get install build-essential
14:43.47l2cachechecking.... :)
14:44.01tzafrirFlatFoot, This will get you gcc and co.
14:44.27tzafrirFlatFoot, while you're at it: apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev
14:44.28FlatFoottzafrir, ok i'm doing that now
14:44.51FlatFooti did the libmy.... but not the dev version
14:44.57twitchnlnany idea how a 300mhz geode running gentoo would do with asterisk?
14:45.19tzafrirtwitchnln, If you don't put too many channels on it
14:45.20l2cachemy modules.conf file is the same on both of my servers. One running 1.2 and the other running 1.4   Should I check for the modules in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules?
14:45.39tzafrirl2cache, show modules
14:45.46l2cacheahhh.. txh
14:45.54tzafrirand right, also the modules directory
14:46.12twitchnlntzafrir: was thinking that it would have 3 trunks (vonage, vitelity, and pstn) and 4 sip phones
14:46.31l2cacheit is in the show modules listing
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14:47.41tzafrirtwitchnln, hmmm... a compressed codec may be an issues. some 6 or so concurrent calls (uncompressed) might work fine. But I'm just throwing numbers of the top of my head.
14:48.00l2cacheto do the upgrade, I cleared out the modules directory, and recompiled.  Should I start a new Master.csv file?
14:48.30twitchnlntzafrir: i was thinking that i disallow all codecs and then allow g729, so it shouldn't have any transcoding issues
14:48.30Paul_UKhey guys, just out of interest, why would i need these for asterisk? : newt newt-devel ncurses ncurses-devel bison openssl-devel
14:49.25hi365anyone know why i would be getting "SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized" for a remote extensions?
14:49.28tzafrirl2cache, no. No need for a new file. Make sure that the file and directory are writable to Asterisk
14:49.43[TK]D-Fenderhi365: We told you the reason, you've masked too much and are not listening.
14:50.13FlatFoottzafrir, that's all done but now i get a huge output with error's
14:50.42tzafrirPaul_UK, newt-devel: for astman . ncurses: to support the CLI (editline) IIRC. Or is it menuselect?
14:50.50[TK]D-FenderPaul_UK: menuselect uses a bunch, ssl I think is because of IAX's encryption
14:51.00*** part/#asterisk mog (
14:51.12[TK]D-FenderWow.... I wawn't far off the mark!
14:51.20tzafrirbison is used for some parsing codes
14:51.47tzafrirres_config_mysql.c:41:30: error: asterisk/channel.h: No such file or directory
14:52.09tzafrirFlatFoot, do you have asterisk installed from source? Or asterisk-dev package?
14:52.26FlatFootinstalled from a xorcom rapid
14:52.34Paul_UKok guys, thanks for the help, i'll just install it for the hell of it, so i dont have issues.. but seems i've got what i need to install it
14:52.35hi365[TK]D-Fender: no, you gave two posibilites. you said "Either the auth is wrong or the location/domain banned" I double ant tripple checked the user/pass. so its not that. I dont know of any setting to allow/deny remote clients from connecting. If you dont have anything helpful to add, why dont you just shut up?
14:52.45tzafrirFlatFoot, so why not just install asterisk-mysql ?
14:52.54tzafrirapt-get install asterisk-mysql
14:53.10FlatFoottzafrir thats the kind of thing i've been searching for
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14:53.39[TK]D-Fenderhi365: you obliterated the authname/ip coming in.  If it was right, it would be working.  we are trying to help and you are being less than cooperative.
14:53.53FlatFoottzafrir, how bloomin easy was that . What a PLANK i am . Cheers for the help
14:54.05*** part/#asterisk jtknapp (
14:54.55ZaVoidanyone know if i can add secondary data source in res_pgsql.conf ?
14:55.05hi365[TK]D-Fender: so your only motive is to get other peoples username's and passwords? Is THAT why your here? why would you need to see all my secerets? How would that help?
14:55.36hi365[TK]D-Fender: and please, speak for your self/ your not the spokesman here. no need to use the word "we" when your refering to your self
14:55.38lsodigreetings, I'm quite new to asterisk so pleas dont hit hard if I ask too stupid questions.
14:56.09Juggiehi365, [TK]D-Fender, has been a member of the * community for a long time, and has helped people in #asterisk without ever asking for anything in return for a long time
14:56.21Juggiehe does not care about your sip/iax accounts, and is only trying to help you
14:56.47ZaVoidi agree [TK]D-Fender  is a great guy!
14:56.59ZaVoidso fender any ideas about multiple entries in res_pgsql.conf ?
14:57.14lsodiin zaptel.conf to define span, first value is span num, is this value for oredr,like: sapan1, span2 etc?
14:57.28hi365Juggie: im sure, but being rude and insulting isnt going to help anyone. If i done understand something, there is nothing wrong with asking again. and there is no need to get all personal if someone didnt get whay you said the first time around!
14:57.46hi365why cant the room just keep thing imple and freindly?
14:57.54JuggieZaVoid, i dont think it supports fall over no
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14:58.38[TK]D-Fenderhi365: I asked to see the SIP debug because that would probably be quite clear as to where the error is and you're making it all personal and thinking I care about your passwords, etc, not like they aren't encoded anyways.
14:59.26[TK]D-Fenderhi365: So if you want to go on being paranoid and thinking we're out to get you, go right ahead, plenty of other people to help around here.
14:59.26Juggieyeah, there are no clear text passwords in the sip debug
14:59.36hi365[TK]D-Fender: all i did was remove the ip addresses form the debug and replace them with placeholders. no biggi there, UNLESS your ego is the only thing on the line
15:00.03[TK]D-Fenderhi365: You seem to have all the answers.  I cannot help you.  You know it all already.
15:00.12hi365btw, its called being responsible. it has nothing to do with being paranoid
15:01.07hi365of course not. your not interested in helpong. you gave me two posibilites befor. neither of them solved the problem. am i not entitled to ask other people. PERHAPS someone know something that you dont?
15:01.08Paul_UKhi365, you arent alone, they are out to get ME too!
15:01.31l2cacheI still cannot get the asterisk 1.4 upgraded server to log the cdrs to /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/Master.csv  I have the cdr-csv Module.  And 'show modules' shows the   What else is there to check?
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15:02.18hi365Paul_UK its not a matter of "get me". i asked a question and got a posible answer. when that didnt lead anywhere, i re-asked. maybe someone else is more knowladgeable
15:03.19Juggieyou must be under the impression that we are paid support
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15:06.18tzangerJuggie: hahaha
15:06.57codefreezel2cache: is it logging, then, to cdr-custom?
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15:09.07l2cacheit is logging to cdr.dat in cdr-custom...not the cdr-csv/Master.csv file though
15:10.23Paul_UKanyone here use usb headsets with asterisk?
15:10.39Paul_UKim trying to find a decent one, for use in a call centre
15:10.52[TK]D-FenderPaul_UK: Taht somewhat implies soft-phones, and they work... not much more to say
15:10.57Paul_UKtheres nothing in plantronics that has both ears as it were, only 1
15:11.06Paul_UKok sorry wasnt clear.. usb and both ears then lol
15:11.20[TK]D-FenderPaul_UK: Couldn't say any of them as being "nice", definately not something I'd want to do to a person tethered to a phone as their job....
15:11.24Paul_UKseeing as i got trixbox (i know swear word) working with both sjphone and x-lite
15:11.26twitchnlnPaul_UK: I found that plantronics usb work well...
15:11.57[TK]D-FenderPaul_UK: is USB really a requirement?
15:12.21cpmtoo much lag in the plantronics usb
15:12.29cpmsounds really good though.
15:12.35tzafrirUSB is a plus ;-)
15:12.49*** join/#asterisk JulHer (
15:12.51Juggiemy plantronics usb headsets are all great.
15:12.55Juggiei have one on right now :)
15:13.22twitchnlnPaul_UK: I've also had good luck with logitech usb headsets
15:13.38Paul_UKtwitchln, but the plantronics that i see now, only have 1 ear piece and not 2 :(
15:13.43l2cacheany ideas for my logging issue? this has broken my reporting site
15:13.51l2cachei need the Master.csv
15:13.57Juggiei have 2 of those, they are good.
15:14.24Juggiethe software is optional too, which means i dont use it.
15:14.25Paul_UKJuggie, i have the DSP-400 and its great
15:14.34twitchnlnPaul_UK: are your calls coming in stereo?
15:14.38Paul_UKbut was trying to find something more lightweight
15:15.28Juggiethey have a ton fo them
15:15.52l2cachethe calls would have to come in dual-mono
15:16.04Juggiel2cache, yes, but it helps agents hear in a call center
15:16.17creativxthe mp3s you can listen to are in stereo atleast
15:16.38l2cacheI think they're awesome.  But asterisk wont send that calls in stereo to them..  How is the delay with them?
15:16.52Juggiei cant speak for every plantronics but mine is fine.
15:17.04l2cachehow much for the one you have?
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15:19.15Juggiel2cache, i dont know, work bought it
15:20.04mockerQwell[]: Sucks, giving VoIP even more of a bad name.
15:20.09l2cacheso the cdr.dat file in cdr-custom is logging... all of my set(CDR(accountcode)=files) that were working in 1.2 are no longer working along with Master.csv
15:22.23codefreezel2cache: cdr.dat? By default, it should be Master.csv; cdr-custom/Master.csv to be exact....?
15:22.49l2cacheby default it is ... cdr-custom/cdr.dat    and cdr-csv/Master.csv
15:23.14l2cachethe cdr.dat is not default...but the Master.csv has always been in cdr-csv
15:23.44codefreezel2cache: First, run a make menuselect, and see if all your backends are recognized. There could be a problem there.
15:24.06codefreezel2cache: then, check your config files; there may have been changes since 1.2.
15:24.29l2cacherun that in my extracted asterisk-1.4 directory in /usr/src?
15:24.54codefreezel2cache: Look at the console logs; see if there's any ERROR or warnings when the modules were loaded.
15:25.12codefreezel2cache: Yes, if that's where you compiled your asterisk
15:25.14*** part/#asterisk jarod14 (n=jarod14@
15:26.10codefreezeNirS: Stranging a programmer sounds pretty.... weird...
15:26.27codefreezeNirS: sounds pretty.... strange!
15:26.29creativxstill sounds better than familarizing one
15:26.30NirSI meant strangling a programmer, it came out wrong
15:26.47codefreezeNirS:    :)
15:26.53l2cacheshould there be any issues running that make menuselect in a production box?
15:27.33codefreezeNo; but really! you shouldn't be building on a production box at all!
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15:27.55l2cachethis is the one I upgraded recently...and now the loggin isnt working
15:28.16MercestesNirs:  coming out is always wrong.
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15:28.42l2cacheso I will be fine running that?
15:31.00Mercestesqwell[]:  I think I will be purchasing today since my trial runs
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15:36.44Paul_UKJuggie, do ths calls come in dual-mono?
15:37.03Juggiei'm not sure what you mean
15:37.10Paul_UKJuggie, sound in both ears
15:37.12Juggieif your using a softphone and a usbheadset, of course they do
15:37.31Paul_UKJuggie, ok, heh, just getting paranoid to what l2cache was saying
15:37.32[TK]D-FenderPaul_UK: No, they should be dual stereo, its jsut the softphone that should mirror the output
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15:37.46[TK]D-FenderPaul_UK: meaning if you use it for msuic, etc outside of that it should be stereo.
15:38.55l2cacheI said it would be in both ears.  but thats not stereo....dual mono
15:39.24Paul_UKl2cache, doesnt matter, as long as they can hear it lol
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15:40.53Paul_UKoh and i've just installed asterisk lol
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15:48.47coolbeansHi all.  Is there a sip.conf setting that allows a peer to receive a second call when it's being used?  For some reason, a bunch of our peers just send back a "Sip busy" message instead of taking the call.  (Polycom/Aastra phones).  It's been working but we just went to db driven sip.conf (asterisk static realtime) and I'm thinking we missed a setting.
15:49.35creativxis the magic keyword
15:50.32coolbeansIt's set to default "0" now.  I've never set it before and it's worked?? Should I set it to a higher number?
15:50.46creativxwhat version asterisk
15:50.46coolbeansIt's not even in the sip.conf peer entry at all.
15:50.55pourritureI am a debian user interested in learning about asterisk ... my usual approach with servers is to use the debian packages for everything except the primary service the box is to offer and then I build that from the latest sources.  I see, however, that mentions the debian etch package and the debain VOIP team.  Is the package a good way to go, or will I miss all the fun?
15:51.22creativxcoolbeans: im not sure when it changed from incominglimit to call-limit
15:51.28creativxbut i recall it working on my 1.2.10 box
15:51.55creativxthat is, it might have worked, but it killed all the extensionstatus events for that phone
15:52.05coolbeansCould it be progressinband?
15:52.08Mercestescoolbeans:  Is there a call perline limit in your sip.cfg or phone.cfg on the polycoms?
15:52.18creativxwhich made people here a bit angry because nobody knew what was happening on their phones
15:52.40[TK]D-Fenderpourriture: Screw packaging for *.  just download the source and save yourself a lot of greif.
15:52.51[TK]D-Fenderpourriture: All the pre-req's are listed on
15:53.27pourriture[TK]D-Fender: that was my gut instinct ... I was suprised to see the packages mentioned so prominently, that is why I asked
15:53.31coolbeansMercestes: Nope. hrm....
15:54.10[TK]D-Fenderpourriture: * isn't something you want accidentally "upgraded".... things can go bad
15:54.18coolbeansIt's working fine on the polycom's, it seems to just be the aastra's, but nothing has changed except going from flatfile sip.conf to a mysql db.
15:54.21Mercestescoolbeans:  "Sip busy" sounds like a polycom response...not a sip.conf setting
15:54.34Paul_UKhey guys, im gonna look in the forums, but since there are knowledgable peps here :)  What options do I have with asterisk and a gui? like druid and freepbx ?
15:54.43MercestesThen it sounds like Aastra is literally responding with "leave me alone, I'm busy."
15:54.52[TK]D-Fendercoolbeans: pastebin your configs, and the full cli output of the call with SIP debug & verbose 10
15:54.55Paul_UKi see that freepbx wont work with 1.4 until aug
15:55.13pourriture[TK]D-Fender: thanks for the advice .... I am sure I will have questions for you in about 2 days when I can form an intelligent one :)
15:55.27jsbachhow can i turn off the 407 response, everytime i send an invite?
15:55.38[TK]D-Fenderpourriture: we'll be around
15:56.09coolbeansThis is what the console reports: Got SIP response 486 "Busy Here" back from <ip address>
15:56.23jsbach[TK]D-Fender, any ideas there  ?
15:56.59Sci_05pourriture: I would still from source, I run all debian and never install their packages for asterisk or asterisk additions. I do do the apt-get build-source asterisk to get all the packages so everything will build correctly but after that install asterisk and zaptel from source
15:57.02[TK]D-Fendercoolbeans: sounds like the phone isn't accepting more channels.
15:57.30creativxlicencing on phone?
15:57.34creativxcall waiting disabled?
15:57.59coolbeans[TK]D-Fender: yep, my assumption as well but the phone configs haven't changed in months.  hrm....
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16:00.43tzafrirSci_05, svn-buildpackage ...
16:01.27Paul_UKhmm, let me ask a different way :) has anyone used freepbx, asterisknow and druid ?
16:02.03pourritureSci_05: doesn't that leave you several versions back ... like 1.2.13 for etch?
16:02.42Sci_05damn didn't have coffee yet....I ment apt-get build-dep asterisk, then build and install asterisk and zaptel from source
16:02.57jeremy_gso sexy boys whats up
16:03.12jeremy_ghow cute are your incoming calls
16:03.47Sci_05ya if you did a build-source it would probably old and nasty
16:04.01coolbeansAha!!!! Looks like the AAstra phone(s) can only accept one (1) g729 call at a time.
16:04.09coolbeansChanged to ulaw, all is well.
16:04.48tzafrirSci_05, hence my suggestion to use the up-to-date package from pkg-voip (rebuild it yourself with svn-buildpackage, of course)
16:05.23pourritureSci_05: I like that lots ... wife is going ga-ga over apt-get build-dep too
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16:06.21[TK]D-Fendercoolbeans: Which model(s)?
16:06.31Sci_05I have had it where building the package doesn't come out just right and messes things up, that and I guess I am just stuck in my ways...if its important to the system install from source
16:07.19coolbeans[TK]D-Fender: 410's
16:08.31[TK]D-Fendercoolbeans: Never head of then....
16:14.22coolbeansSorry, 480i's
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16:16.15twitchnlnanybody got a simple script i can run as a cron job to email me cdr's?
16:16.25jbotcohujibuggle is, like, gublgubbglggugglbuglgbugblgbgbgbgbglbglgbulgblugbgubgublgbglulllbgbb
16:17.01*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
16:19.39drgalaxyany recommendations for a 2fxo/2fxs SIP gateway for a remote office connecting to my main asterisk box?  I need to have it failover to local lines if the 'net is down
16:21.19[TK]D-Fenderdrgalaxy: If you're talking failover, I might suggest just 2x SPA-3102's
16:21.22nDuffI just upgraded my production system from Asterisk 1.4.1 to, along with upgrading to zaptel to 1.4.3 and libpri to 1.4.1. I'm now having sporadic cases of extremely poor line quality on outgoing calls (going through a PRI via a Sangoma card with wanpipe 3.1.2.p7). Any ideas as to what may be causing this?
16:22.01rene-nDuff: was it happening with the prev version?
16:22.06nDuffrene-: no.
16:22.18rene-can you go back?
16:22.23drgalaxy[TK]D-Fender: thanks, I'll take a look.  do those work well with asterisk?
16:22.25*** join/#asterisk frenzy_ (n=frenzy@unaffiliated/frenzy)
16:22.31[TK]D-Fenderdrgalaxy: yup
16:22.52nDuffrene-: not trivially. this is gentoo, and the overlay I was getting the ebuilds from doesn't carry the old versions anymore.
16:23.23rene-dunno about gentoo
16:23.46rene-i am getting zaptel driver lockups with the latest asterisk/zaptel
16:24.02rene-when (re)loading the driver
16:24.09rene-and those are nasty since they take down the whole machine
16:29.37tzafrirrene-, with what driver?
16:29.49tzafrirand what kernel? What distro?
16:30.29tzafrirdriver: that is - what card?
16:30.34rene-centos 4.4 kernel 2.6.9-42
16:30.45rene-wct4xxp with echo cancel
16:31.18rene-it doesny have tjhe ztcfg -s that locked the machine before
16:31.27tzafririf you unload is there a problem? if you load, is there a problem?
16:31.35tzafriralso: can you try zaptel 1.4.4?
16:31.37rene-problem is at unload load
16:31.38*** join/#asterisk honeybeebuzz (
16:31.48rene-when i start the machine and only do a load everthing is ok
16:32.00rene-sure, i will upgrade today
16:32.06*** join/#asterisk NoCarrier (n=NoCarrie@unaffiliated/badpacket)
16:32.19rene-since i have some other issues with the box i have a cron script that start
16:32.37rene-that restart the asterisk app and the zap drivers every morning
16:33.43tzafrirThough I can't think of a specific issue that should have required that upgrade
16:34.32rene-it started when i moved to
16:34.40rene-wasnt doing it when using 1.4.7
16:34.46rene-or earlier versions
16:35.34*** part/#asterisk honeybeebuzz (
16:35.41jsbachi have two users registered on my asterisk machine, whenever A calls B, A gets a "404 Not Found"
16:36.48jeremy_g****tip of the day!one way not to screw your current asterisk install****"
16:36.51jeremy_gdo not download asterisk-addons and make && make install on a running system, the modules it install may screw up the asterisk when you do the next reload"
16:37.48codefreezel2cache: sorry for the delay. Yes! you can run "make menuselect" without harming your env. It sets up background vars for your next make. It'll tell you what backends are available, etc.
16:41.46*** join/#asterisk NirS (
16:41.50l2cacheits ok...i ran it and it showed up cdr-csv just fine
16:41.53l2cacheI am lost on this
16:42.21[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: pastebin the failed call attempt at verbose 10 & SIP debug enabled
16:42.24jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel.  Here are links to a few : , ,
16:42.45codefreezel2cache: what CDR backends are you using? Just the cdr-csv? no DB's?
16:43.01l2cacheno DBs...correct
16:43.38jsbach[TK]D-Fender, ok, i am doing it..
16:45.57jsbach[TK]D-Fender, do you want to also have an ngrep?
16:46.03*** join/#asterisk b1shop (
16:46.18codefreezeOK, l2cache: check cdr.conf, did you uncomment the [csv] category? Do you even have a [csv] category?
16:46.27*** part/#asterisk frenzy_ (n=frenzy@unaffiliated/frenzy)
16:46.41[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: Shouldn't need
16:46.57l2cachelol...just [general] no other context
16:47.01l2cachei think thats it right?
16:47.10[TK]D-FenderLooking for bob in incoming (domain semiconductor.jsbach)
16:47.11[TK]D-FenderReliably Transmitting (no NAT) to
16:47.13[TK]D-FenderSIP/2.0 404 Not Found
16:47.40codefreezel2cache: you can compare with the configs/example.cdr.conf file, or whatever it's called...
16:47.42[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: You have no "exten  => bob,1....." in [incoming].  this is purely a dialplan error
16:48.21*** join/#asterisk JerJer (n=PhatJ@pdpc/supporter/bronze/jerjer)
16:48.26JerJerdoes anyone happen to have a SunRocket ATA laying around ?
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16:48.50JerJeri am blogging how to hijack the sunrocket DNS to repoint to another IP address
16:49.07jsbach[TK]D-Fender, i have a dialplan which are identical for both users,   [incoming] s,1,Answer s,2,Play(hello-world) s,3,Hangup()
16:49.36[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: You completely misunderstand the purpose of "s".  that does NOT apply to SIP calls as some sort of "catch-all"
16:49.43jbot"s" Standard Extension : Where a call goes to when * does not know the destination of the call.  Ex : Calls coming in on FXO ports (no DID), a call coming in from an ITSP that doesn't specify or where it was not set in the REGISTER line, or FXS port goes off-hook and "immediate=yes" in zapata.conf.  "s" is also used to make IVRs & macros.
16:49.43jsbachi just want to see the interaction with the asterisk pbx first
16:49.59*** join/#asterisk wwalker (n=wwalker@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/wwalker)
16:50.02[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: You are dialing "bob" and you don't HAVE a "bob".
16:50.12jsbach[TK]D-Fender, i see .. the prob is, i just got that from the book of (Jim Van Meggelen)..
16:50.31[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: "s" has nothing to do with TARGETED extens.
16:50.32HmmhesaysI writing a dialplan that will dial an a user and playback for them who is calling
16:50.54Hmmhesaysand allow them to transfer these people to different extensions based on their callerid
16:51.02[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: next I highly recommend you don't consider dialing NAMES as extensions.  NUMBER them.
16:51.13jsbachok, so i should have an extension like exten => bob, 1, Answer() bob,2,Play(hello-world), bob,3,hangup() ?
16:51.37jsbach[TK]D-Fender, can you give an example?
16:51.42[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: yes, that would WORK, but I HIGHLY recommend you NUMBER the extens so you can dial things from a NORMAL phone.
16:51.54l2cachecodefreeze: thanks! I cant believe my boss copied all the configs directly over, overwriting the 1.4 examples.
16:52.10[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: "exten => 100,1,SayDigits(100)"
16:52.20[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: you dial 100, and it says it back to you
16:52.47[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: "exten => _4XX,1,SayDigits(${EXTEN})"
16:52.55Corydon76-workI prefer MorseCode(100)
16:53.00[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: that will let you dial from 400-499 and read back the digits.
16:53.37Corydon76-workdit-dah-dah-dah-dah dah-dah-dah-dah-dah dah-dah-dah-dah-dah
16:54.22jsbach[TK]D-Fender, but in sip you can have alphanumeric chars.. which means you are not bordered with numbers..
16:54.39codefreezel2cache: a natural mistake! who would change a config file? Actually, it's simpler than even that. You just use the same configs, and only investigate if there's a prob.
16:55.00l2cacheWell I appreciate the help.  Can't believe this was overlooked.
16:55.23mockerWoo, first pass at converting voip-info to a plucker palm document turned out alright.
16:55.30mockerPortable voip-info!
16:55.40l2cacheIm guessing i have to restart asterisk for it to start logging to master.csv
16:55.44l2cacheI did a reload already
16:55.57jsbachi guess there would be a wildcard then like exten => $user, 1, DialOn(SIP/$user_placeholder)
16:56.15[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: nO, THERE IS NO SUCH WILDCARD FOR text NAMES.
16:56.20[TK]D-Fenderdarn caps...
16:56.37codefreezel2cache: good guess. You might want to check all the other configs while you're at it, and save yourself a sleepless night or two in the next few weeks!
16:56.38jsbach[TK]D-Fender, i think you underestimate the power of soft phones or sip servers
16:56.42wwalkerI have "one way audio".  If I call from the phone attached to an SPA2102, the call works both ways.  If I call into the phone from the outside (anywhwere but this office) the call is one sided (audio From the SPA2102 is not heard at the other end).  watching the asterisk console show the correct IP, so although there is a router in between, there is no NAT.  Ideas?
16:56.57wunderkin-[TK]D-Fender, yOUR EMPHASIS is BACKWORDS TODAY :D
16:57.23*** part/#asterisk l2cache (n=ghansen@
16:57.24[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: I think you misunderstand the PSTN world.  Can you dial BOB from a touch-tome phone or are you looking at * and SIP as a way of communicating only ith your firends with a soft-phone?
16:57.45wwalkersince I get the SIP registration and RTP toward the phone, it seems that it's not a network problem.
16:59.36[TK]D-Fenderwwalker: check your extern IP and localnet settings (being multi-LAN + WAN)
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16:59.47jsbach[TK]D-Fender, i do think voip is coming along stronger than pstn does now. soon you would be able to call bob from your home phone without noticing it that runs behind a sip proxy ;)
17:00.30[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: You keep believing that... more power to you.  Oh and get me the name of your dealer, you're clearly on some really good stuff there ;)
17:01.49jsbach[TK]D-Fender, everytime i hear the skepsis about the voip, i hear Bill gates saying "no one in this world needs more than 640kb memory"
17:02.12Nuggetexcept Bill Gates never actually said that.
17:02.47De_Monhow do I get a device queue member that thinks its 'not in use' to say something else?
17:02.48[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: I never said VOIP was bad.  I just said that your concept of doing away with NUMBERS for extensions, etc is so remarkably far out as to have no basis in realistic practicality.
17:03.20[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon: like?
17:03.42jsbach[TK]D-Fender, take that as my unexperience in asterisk...
17:03.51De_Mon[TK]D-Fender 'In use' would be good
17:04.24[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: thats not even an Asterisk based commend, thats SIP/VoIP/PSTN reality.  * as a tool or conveyor of any such tech is besides the point :)
17:04.55*** join/#asterisk waverly360 (
17:05.57De_Mon[Jul 17 12:36:14] WARNING[5932]: app_queue.c:2646 try_calling: The device state of this queue member, SIP/test, is still 'Not in Use' when it probably should not be! Please check UPGRADE.txt for correct configuration settings.
17:06.18De_Monfor that particular message I think the state is supposed to be 'Ringing'
17:06.24jsbach[TK]D-Fender, besides from the usage of numbers discussion , do you know how to disable the annoying 407 thing? tried AutoCreatePeer=yes but it doesn't help...
17:06.36De_MonUPGRADE.txt doesn't seem to address this tho
17:07.02De_Monjsbach I'm in favor of non-numerical extensions too
17:07.40jsbachDe_Mon, welcome to club..  ;)
17:08.03[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: You mean jsut accept un-auth'd calls?
17:08.15jsbachi simply dont see the point to call 100 to be able to speak with bob (??)
17:08.47Andy_Ganyone here aclec?
17:08.49jsbach[TK]D-Fender, as far as i googled, it is to disable the "proxy authorization required" for each invite...
17:09.08[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: because not all phones let you dial alpha-numeric.  You need to rejoin reality...
17:09.44*** join/#asterisk FonalityKris (
17:09.53coppiceany reasonable person knows all phone numbers should be in chinese
17:09.58De_Mon[TK]D-Fender So, we should only imagine a world that uses phones we have NOW?
17:10.00[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: And what is your GOAL with the lack of 407 (which is a security thing)
17:10.16FonalityKrisDoes anyone happen to have CISCO 7970 SIP Firmware?
17:10.20De_Mon[TK]D-Fender what about video? can we add video to phones even though not all phones let you see video?
17:10.24jsbach[TK]D-Fender, i understood, but it's still too strict backwards...
17:10.27[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon: there is a difference between wishing things were different, and building your system for a world we won't see for DECADES at best.
17:10.43[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: What is the actual problem with *'s behavior?
17:11.20jsbach[TK]D-Fender, it is enough secure once to be authorized through registration according to rfc3261.. so i dont need more
17:11.41jsbach[TK]D-Fender, so i could do also *,1,Answer() , you mean?
17:12.47[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: is this a real load problem?  how big a setup are you planning on running or are you simple another Gentoo-ricer looking to optimise that last 3ms of call setup delay?
17:12.58[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: No, * = ASTERISK
17:13.00*** join/#asterisk nirz (
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17:14.28jsbach[TK]D-Fender, i am up to make some benchmarking and those 3ms are actually big probs if your asterisk have been abused by say 500 users...
17:14.36*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
17:14.59De_Monjsbach lol you fail
17:15.12[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: And is that the size you're scaling to?  In tems of simultaneous invites?
17:15.52*** join/#asterisk dijungal (n=kdaniel@
17:16.04[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: Frankly as of that point you should be looking at (Open)SER anyways.  You want a better SIP proxy.... then use a damn proxy :)
17:16.16[TK]D-FenderAsterisk is a...
17:16.20jbotit has been said that b2bua is a back 2 back user agent
17:16.22dijungalhello... i am looking for an opensourse app to monitor my queues in asterisk... any ideas?
17:16.45[TK]D-Fenderdijungal: go check the WIKI, plenty listed there.
17:17.03jsbach[TK]D-Fender, well it depends, if you take a conference application that will be enough to see with that amount of users what happens with the performance at the asterisk..
17:17.04jm|homeanyone having problems with UK 0800 numbers due to e164?
17:17.34jsbach[TK]D-Fender, no worries i am also using some ser instances ;)
17:18.16[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: Fear not... one day you will graduate from theoretical to practical (or will be flattened by a rogue bus driver / meteorite) ;)
17:18.42jsbach[TK]D-Fender, i wish i could see your point, but i dont
17:19.05De_Monjsbach you are not alone
17:19.26jsbachDe_Mon, for the second time.. welcome to club ;)
17:19.38De_Monthis club sucks
17:19.50[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: You worry about very big things... * isn't that great for huge conferences, or as the front end for auth'd calls.  Usually those running SER in front proxy on the call to * un-authed internally (* is never exposed to the outside world) and is used as a termination or application server only.
17:20.10[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: this bypasses the need to accoutns / auth / etc.
17:20.10De_Monjsbach say that one more time and I'm gonna kill myself! then you'll be all alone!!!
17:20.55[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: Though frankly if you think 407 auth load is an issue, just wait till you see the REAL fun thats right around the corner ;)
17:20.56jsbachDe_Mon, dont do that..
17:21.33*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
17:21.58jsbach[TK]D-Fender, besides of load, i dont think it is even necessary to use an extra "security" challange like 407.. come on, get a rfc 3261.. that will guide you to the sun ;)
17:22.23[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: Oh, there you go thinking * actually has a complete SIP stack! ;)
17:22.28errr_when I make an outbound call from my sip phone out the ZAP/g0 trunk how can I find out which zap chan its using?
17:22.33[TK]D-Fenderlol @ chan_sip <--------------
17:23.32[TK]D-Fendererrr_: set verbose to 10 and you'll see it in CLI
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17:23.47jsbach[TK]D-Fender, frankly i am expecting it to be as long as it offers me a shared sip library.. or do you expect it to implement something like "rm" in your whatever *x system?
17:23.51[TK]D-Fendererrr_: Also if you dump your active channels you can see what was bridged.
17:24.12[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: "rm"?
17:24.17jsbachman rm
17:24.43[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: basically *'s SIP implementation is notably lacking and wasn't made to scale.
17:24.50errr_[TK]D-Fender: if I dump the active channels will people get disconnected?
17:25.01*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
17:25.06jsbachand i saw the sip.c file - quite long too..
17:25.11[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: You can set "insecure=port,invite" and so on to remove the extra auth's IIRC
17:25.25[TK]D-Fendererrr_: "show channels concise"
17:25.27*** join/#asterisk honeybeebuzz (
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17:26.10errr_[TK]D-Fender: perfect, thanks
17:26.16[TK]D-Fendererrr_: np
17:28.36jsbach[TK]D-Fender, ok i see thanx.. i found somewhere Autocreatepeer=yes.. but it is appearently sth different (?).
17:29.33[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: wellt aht should create an authable entry of some sort... not sure on the details personally (never said I was PRO at that).
17:29.44*** join/#asterisk holiday_42 (
17:29.50[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: but I do know you could run it "open" on the back side of your SER setup
17:30.28[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: and you ARE certainly aiming "big", so its been an interesting chat for sure...
17:30.45jsbach[TK]D-Fender, jah, okay i see..
17:31.14jsbach[TK]D-Fender, i am just starting with some MRF .. does it ring bells there?
17:31.47[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: Definately out of my league...
17:32.08[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: I've LOOKED at SER, haven't even gotten my hands truely dirty yet.
17:32.51[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: Took a little bit to stretch your initial small world test and "big quesiotns" into what sounds like a jsutifiably huge setup.
17:33.27*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
17:33.38jsbach[TK]D-Fender, it is about media servers etc.. i read about nice media processing of asterisk..
17:33.49jsbach[TK]D-Fender, i dunno of course if you agree on that ?
17:34.03[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: can you give a more specific scenario?
17:34.29jsbachlike annoucements, voicemails  conference .. etc => media server
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17:34.54jsbach[TK]D-Fender,  what i am interested in at asterisk: rtp session setups
17:35.19[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: Yes, that is in fact what * is used for mostly.
17:35.54jsbach[TK]D-Fender, so i am "ferkling" around with * for the moment and take a deep look to the media processing afterwards
17:36.19[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: often even termination is delegated to large carriers (Level3,e tc), or PRI gateways like AudioCodes Mediant, etc
17:36.45[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: and left out of *'s hands.
17:37.01[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: but back-end VM, conf, etc, is what * is good for.
17:39.33jsbach[TK]D-Fender, ok i see..
17:40.29jsbach[TK]D-Fender, as last i just wonder why do i get a 404 to a subscribe , after registration.. do i have to include subscribe=yes for alice in sip.conf ?
17:40.48[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: What are you subscribing to?
17:40.57[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: VM?  Presence?
17:41.07jsbachfor presence.. or i try to..
17:46.16[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: You'll need to set up HINT's in your dialplan for that to work.
17:46.36[TK]D-Fender"exten => bob,hint,SIP/bob"
17:47.00[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: however this is going to be NASTY with SER in front whre * might not know what other calls "bob" may be having.
17:47.13twitchnlnon a multitenant * setup, how can i get daily cdr's in email?
17:47.29[TK]D-Fenderjsbach: Also given that you will NEED "autocreatepeer" for that because you need a trackable entry
17:47.30twitchnlnanybody got a script?
17:47.47[TK]D-Fendertwitchnln: This is up to YOU andexternal scripting.  nothing to do withg *
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17:59.42jsbach[TK]D-Fender, bye!
18:00.39*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
18:07.26msetimhi guys, where can i post a bug from http manager?
18:07.38russellbmsetim: bugs are posted to
18:07.51msetimrudholm, thanks
18:09.10rene-hey, can  anyone please give me a test tdm call? it seems that my international carrier is not routing calls to me, i am at 52 998 2874123
18:10.53waKKudamn!! folks.. what need I set on "username" and "password" for winprint hylafax ??? i saw on winprint page that it isnt needed, but seems it be necessary on new version ..
18:11.41rudholmmsetim: no problem :)
18:15.06jm|homevery pretty.
18:15.41MrMister2oops. sorry. cat jumped on the keyboard :(
18:16.22JerJerisn't there software that detects cat typing   :)
18:16.39mvanbaakextensions.conf [globals] overwrites everything in the extensions.ael globals {} part when issueing 'reload' on the CLI ?
18:16.46mvanbaakis this expected behaviour ?
18:16.57mvanbaaklet me make it more clear
18:17.11mvanbaakextensions.conf only has an empty [globals] thing
18:17.27jsmithmvanbaak: Most likely, as the extensions.ael gets converted internally into the old dialplan language
18:17.28mvanbaakalso a [hinst] for my subscription stuff
18:17.47mvanbaakmy extensions.ael has globals{} where I define my outgoing trunks
18:18.05mvanbaakon a system start everything is fine
18:18.15Strom_CMrMister2: try typing ~cohujibuggle
18:18.19mvanbaakbut after running 'reload' all my outgoing calls look like this:
18:18.35mvanbaak.... Dial(/31${EXTEN:1})
18:18.44mvanbaakit's missing the IAX2/provider
18:18.53mvanbaakwhich is in a global var in extensions.ael
18:19.01*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
18:19.06Strom_Cmvanbaak: what happens if you remove the empty [globals] context from extensions.conf?
18:19.47mvanbaakStrom_C: now it only has a [general] and a [hints] part
18:20.47Strom_Ci know it's not really an answer to your question, but you may be better off using astdb
18:21.06mvanbaakcan I list the global vars set by extensions.ael on the cli ?
18:22.23mvanbaakand it's dead
18:22.32mvanbaakstop now => nothing happens
18:22.36mvanbaakI have to pkill -9 it
18:22.41Strom_Cwhich version of asterisk?
18:23.03Strom_Ci hope you're not using that in production ;)
18:23.12mvanbaakwhy not ?
18:23.17Mercesteswell for one....
18:23.23Mercestesyou have to pkill -9 it
18:23.23Strom_Cbecause it's the development branch
18:23.30Strom_Cthings are frequently broken
18:23.33centrexTrunk is the code that is constantly being worked on an updated.  Sometimes it's broken.
18:23.45[hC]Thats like running your daily driver go-to-work car on 200 shot nitrous and asking why that might be a bad idea :)
18:23.57Strom_Cyou might see messages on the commits list like "Who broke IAX?"
18:23.59Mercestes[hC], ...oh...I shouldn't do that?
18:24.04centrexAnd pkill also isn't exactly the safest command to use on a production server....
18:24.09[hC]Mercestes: well.. YOU can... but... other people may not want to.
18:24.19Mercestes:D  oh good.  I'd miss my N0s
18:24.24mvanbaakguys guys
18:24.32mvanbaakit's production, for my home office
18:24.45mvanbaakcustomers are still on 1.2
18:24.49JerJersweeeeet - master password for Sunrocket devices
18:24.58centrexwell pkill won't hurt anything usually, I've just had a few accidents with it personally =)
18:24.58jsmithJerJer: Oh?
18:24.59mvanbaakROFL JerJer
18:25.22Trevor_b[TK]D-Fender: You happen to get a chance to try DSP on the lastest versions of asterisk again?
18:25.37JerJersomeone just commented on my blog post about the topic
18:26.05Trevor_bJerJer: Didnt they just close doors, or declare a bankruptcy chapter?
18:26.27*** join/#asterisk Zig5000 (
18:26.58JerJeri have heard some say bankruptcy, but I haven't seen any paperwork backing that claim up
18:27.23*** part/#asterisk dijungal (n=kdaniel@
18:27.51Strom_Cwasn't sunrocket the company that said "give us one thousand dollars and we'll give you phone service for all eternity"?
18:28.24Zig5000Hello. Sorry my English I am russian.  I have trouble with asterisk. Zaptel channels reinitialize, but I don't know why?
18:28.41mascoolis there anyway I can alter the EXTEN variable ?
18:28.56JerJermascool:  Goto ?!  perhaps
18:29.08[TK]D-FenderTrevor_b: What DSP?
18:29.19JerJer${EXTEN} is read-only, i am going to presume
18:29.23MercestesZig5000, are you a russian female?
18:29.39JerJerno no no.... a hot russian female
18:29.58Mercestesdoesn't even have to be hot.  Just russian and female.
18:30.03Zig5000<Mercestes>  No I am russian male. =)))
18:30.25Trevor_b[TK]D-Fender: Sorry SpanDSP, we spoke about you having issues loading it in the latest 1.2 series I beleive.
18:30.27MercestesZig5000, Oh, sorry, I don't know the answer to your question then
18:30.45mascoolthen is there any way I can pass an altered extension to a2billing.php ?
18:30.52*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
18:30.56Mercestesmascool, goto
18:31.05Zig5000<Mercestes> ok.
18:31.18[TK]D-FenderTrevor_b: I have problems on ALL versions since
18:31.28mascoolgoto what ? :)
18:31.36MercestesZig5000, How fast are they reinitializing?  Is it constantly or just sometimes?  sometimes * automatically resets the spans to correct common errors in your zap interfaces.
18:31.41mascoolI need to strip the first 5 digits off any extension
18:31.45mvanbaaklooks like it's kaboom
18:31.51Strom_Mmascool: use substrings then
18:31.54mascooland pass that as the new extension
18:31.57Zig5000<Mercestes> Every 15 minutes
18:32.08MercestesZig5000, Could be a faulty PRI>  does it drop calls when it does this?
18:32.16jsmithZig5000: See the "priresetinterval" setting in Zapata.conf
18:32.22mascoola2billing.php routes calls based on prefix, but calls are being sent to me prefixed
18:32.28jsmithZig5000: It defaults to resetting the *IDLE* B-channels every hour
18:32.32Zig5000<Mercestes> I know bug if use Dial(Zap/g1/XXXX,120,D(XXXX));
18:32.33Mercestesmascool:  goto altered extensions
18:32.43mascoolso I need to strip that tech prefix and just send the number with the area code prefix
18:32.50Strom_Mmascool: use substrings then
18:33.01mascoolStrom_C and then what ?
18:33.12Zig5000<Mercestes> Asterisk  drop all calls in channels E1
18:33.15*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
18:33.28mascoolhow do I pass that as ${EXTEN} ?
18:33.38*** join/#asterisk kn0x (n=pinochle@
18:33.41Zig5000priresetinterval default is ?
18:33.42Trevor_b[TK]D-Fender: Thats what I was looking for.  Going to be replacing the junker fax server soon and deciding on what to do.  Thinking maybe I buy a trixbox appliance and rebuild it with my TDM2400 and custom install (hate TB with a passion after working with them).
18:33.49Strom_MEXTEN will always contain the name of the current extension, mascool
18:34.23Strom_Meither store it into a different variable that you can manipulate as you see fit, or jump to an extension which meets your criteria
18:34.26[TK]D-FenderTrevor_b: What I might suggest is getting Trixbox ONLY for the purpose of getting an * / SpanDSP build thaqts stable, then ripping out FreePBX.
18:34.29Trevor_b[TK]D-Fender: Probably spend a week f'in with SpanDSP and asterisk, see if i can get the currents to run.  If not I may have time to look into the code itself.
18:34.30Zig5000And I don't know when priresetinterval drop all calls
18:34.35mvanbaakbrb, switching to my lappy so I can code and watch movie
18:34.54jsmithZig5000: It shouldn't.  If it's dropping calls, it's not priresetinterval
18:35.33Trevor_b[TK]D-Fender: More meant the new TB Appliance box.  Although yeah, thats the current system is a A*H (preTB) running smooth as can be. Just having the cables run the room sucks, so i wanted to rack it with the rest of the hardware.
18:36.11Trevor_bIll keep you up to date about my progress, probably wont be until week after next though, vacation time.
18:36.23Zig5000<jsmith>  Yes this is no priresetinterval. Before initializa channels  asterisk print. S-Frame. channel NN is down
18:36.23mascoolthanks Strom_M
18:37.03jsmithZig5000: Yeah, then you need to figure out whether it's Asterisk taking the channel down, or the equipment on the other end of the link
18:38.21Zig5000In other side E1 PSTN operator
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18:47.55pllaI have a question.
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18:48.33pllaCan I play a background music while I play another music file on the foreground with Asterisk?
18:49.08PioneerVM4I have a SIP Trunk -> Asterisk -> Two SIP Digital2Analog boxes at 2 locations -- when a call comes in I use Dial(loc1&loc2|15) to dial the phones (which works) -- however it seems if i answer a call on one phone and get another call the other phone won't ring (since one is being used), is that correct?
18:52.05*** join/#asterisk BSD_Tech (
18:52.15Mercestesplla:  Trying to mix techno tracks with asterisk?
18:52.47pllanope, my client wants to play soft music while a prerecorded voice says the IVR.
18:53.46[TK]D-Fenderplla: Remix them yourself
18:53.49pllaTwo options, or I mix the voices manually or Asterisk does it for me. I was wondering if Asterisk could do it.
18:53.57[TK]D-Fenderplla: No, * can't
18:53.59Mercestes[TK]D-Fender, that will result in music breakage in a multi-level IVR
18:54.03Hmmhesayswhat is the point of tryexec
18:54.07BSD_Techok I did it tinybsd+asterisk- onto a 256 ide dom module with 64megs of spage to spare
18:54.13[TK]D-Fenderplla: *'s dialplan processing is incredibly linear
18:54.36[TK]D-FenderMercestes: You say that.... as though I actually GIVE A %^#$ ;)
18:54.52Mercestes[TK]D-Fender, just pointing it out.
18:55.10Mercestesplla:  Asterisk "waits" at each application in the dialplan.  It will not continue until Background is done.
18:55.20*** join/#asterisk _ys (
18:55.38Mercestesplla:  You could do it with some meet me magic I bet, and use a third sip channel though.
18:56.05Mercestesplla:  Just arbitrarily dump them into the conference, channel 1 is incoming, channel 2 is asterisk, channel 3 is constant, nice, soft music.
18:56.21pllaHmm, that's an interesting idea.
18:56.24Mercestesplla:  You can be convicted of voodoo in atleast 3 states for that though.
18:57.20Zig5000<Zig5000> Where I may view r4362 issue from ChangeLog of zaptel
18:57.38*** join/#asterisk tuxd00d (n=tuxinato@
18:57.43PioneerVM4should i have QUALIFY=YES turned off for my softphones/PAP2T box
18:58.02PioneerVM4saw some discussion where someone inferred it should be off, but didnt say why
18:58.08PioneerVM4(IE: qualify=no)
18:58.14*** part/#asterisk BSD_Tech (
18:59.31Hmmhesaysis there any way beside privacy flag in the dial app to be able to answer a call keep the calling party still ringing?
19:00.47Zig5000<Qwell[]> I not found this revision on
19:04.06*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (i=rmyorg@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
19:04.07PioneerVM4anyone know a good public stun server
19:04.52*** join/#asterisk evool (
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19:05.19[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM : no need
19:05.48PioneerVM4i think we've been thru that before
19:05.53evoolhello, i'm new to asterisk, had a question about SIP incoming channels. I set up a context in sip.conf, and was trying to setup a wildcard to answer in extensions.conf, but nothing seems to work
19:06.00PioneerVM4my setup won't work without stun
19:06.10[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM : because....?
19:06.23PioneerVM4because it won't -- i don't know the technical details
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19:06.37evooldo i have to explicitly specify each DID to answer in extensions.conf?
19:06.38PioneerVM4however, I've been thru it here and then everyone goes "oh well you do need stun"
19:06.45[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM : not one installation I've even heard of required it.....
19:06.47PioneerVM4i'd love to not need it, however it won't work without it
19:06.50MercestesThe "i don't know the technical details" is more likely the cause of your reliance on stun than any other technical reality you are facing
19:07.16PioneerVM4ive had long discussions and then the people here, possibly you DF, agreed i did need stun
19:07.27[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM : Never.
19:07.30PioneerVM4trust me i would rather not need stun
19:07.39PioneerVM4ok, let me know how to remove it and i gladly will.
19:07.45[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM : So how about you describe your environment quickly and we'll see whats going on... don't need stun.
19:08.00MercestesThat will be $150 please.
19:08.08Zig5000<evool> what context in sip.conf and extensions.conf
19:08.18PioneerVM4SIP Peer -> Asterisk server behind Cisco PIX firewall
19:08.28PioneerVM4Asterisk Server -> home PAP2T-NA box
19:08.30[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM : OH GOD
19:08.39PioneerVM4PAP2T-NA box is behind dynamic IP Linksys
19:08.42[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM : You need to forward a lot of ports the hard way.
19:08.49PioneerVM4yea no kidding
19:08.53*** join/#asterisk alexhopper (n=a27386@
19:09.03evoolZig5000: in SIP.conf, the SIP server is register =>, and later defined as [vitelity-incoming] context=from_vitelity
19:09.04PioneerVM4(Linksys Router)
19:09.05[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM : PIX is the problem, and * doesn't support STUN, and ITS the one with the problem.
19:09.17PioneerVM4well, it all works when I use stun
19:09.21[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM : Your phone behind Linksys isn't the problem.
19:09.23PioneerVM4so, I do need stun
19:09.37MercestesHe said you need to forward alot of ports the hard way
19:09.39PioneerVM4well, let me know how to make it work WITHOUT getting rid of pix
19:09.41evoolZig5000: in extensions.conf [from_vitelity], i've tried using s,1,Answer, and _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Answer without success
19:09.50PioneerVM4i've already done that, i told asterisk to use a certain port range
19:10.01PioneerVM4to get SIP peer to work to asterisk
19:10.09PioneerVM4however, i won't forward ports openly on a dynamic IP
19:10.17MercestesI have this crescent wrench....and a phillips head screw, and I want to remove the screw....*Without* ditching the crescent wrench and getting the right tool for the job.
19:10.20PioneerVM4my home box is dynamic IP, i won't blindly port forward
19:10.26evoolZig5000: if I specify the actual DID number, and then _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Goto(tag), it works fine, but i can't seem to match on a wildcard
19:10.48PioneerVM4This isn't a case of "right tool for the job"
19:10.52MercestesOh yes it is.
19:10.54ccesarioHey, exists any similar program "ChannelRedirect." in asterisk-1.2.18 ?
19:11.07PioneerVM4the PIX is embeded in the system, im not going to change it just to make VOIP work on a dynamic address
19:11.08[TK]D-Fenderevool: "_NXXNXXXXXX"" *is* a wildcard!
19:11.09Zig5000<evool> you may use _. for wildcard
19:11.10MercestesI *GUARANTEE* you if you call up Cisco and go "voip" they'll go "uh, we dont' support that, upgrade your Pix."
19:11.21PioneerVM4well, it works with Stun
19:11.36Mercesteswell, good luck with all that then.
19:11.36evool[TK]D-Fender: i know, which is why i am confused why the Goto works, but the Answer does not
19:11.41Zig5000No _NXXNXXXXXX is not wildcard _X. or _. is real wildcard
19:11.48MercestesDon't come in here sawing off our left hand, our right hand, and then ask for applause.
19:11.50PioneerVM4so back to my original question -- i need a good public stun server
19:11.59MercestesTry google.
19:12.07Mercestesgoogle:  free stun server
19:12.18[TK]D-FenderZig5000: "_." is a HORRIBLE wildcard that can have all sorts of consequensces due to *'s stantard extensions.
19:12.39PioneerVM4i love this place, i ask a simple question, get lambasted telling me im doing it wrong and i dont need it... then im told to buy new hardware, then im told its my fault for asking in the first place
19:13.05PioneerVM4"where can i buy a candy bar?"  "you don't need a candy bar"
19:13.05Mercestes....that's new
19:13.12[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM : insisting on using a bad tool for the job isn't really smart...
19:13.13MercestesYou *don't*  need a candy bar.
19:13.25PioneerVM4well maybe i like candy bars
19:13.28twitchnlnPioneerVM4:  what about ?
19:13.41evoolmaybe you should eat fruit instead
19:13.45Zig5000<[TK]D-Fender> if you use _. in right contexts you shouldn't have a problems
19:13.48MercestesIt's like Manxpower said earlier..."I want to make a flux capacitor.  I found a paper clip, a dead cockroach, and a few legos under my refridgerator.  How do I make a flux capacitor?"
19:13.58[TK]D-FenderZig5000: You should never need to.
19:14.09PioneerVM4i don't think thats quite the same.
19:14.15MercestesOh yes it is.
19:14.19PioneerVM4ahhh, no its not
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19:14.23PioneerVM4i didnt ask how to do something
19:14.25[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM : I was wondering what that burning smell was...
19:14.26PioneerVM4i asked where to find something
19:14.31evoolfor some reason _X won't answer in [from_vitelity] context, but if I specify the number itself, it answers
19:14.34*** part/#asterisk wwalker (n=wwalker@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/wwalker)
19:14.40[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM : Well you've been pointed along the way....
19:14.59[TK]D-Fenderevool: PASTEBIN is your friend....
19:15.02jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel.  Here are links to a few : , ,
19:15.05Zig5000<[TK]D-Fender> Yes. But I need to use XXXXXXXXXXXX numbers where count of X I don't know
19:15.18evoolone second
19:15.19PioneerVM4i asked where a good stun server was, i didnt say "i am using the COBOL language and a Apple II, show me how to make a stun server"
19:15.25Zig5000<[TK]D-Fender> This is PIN codes
19:15.38simonkerndoes anyone have experiences with chan_mobile, because I've downloaded the asterisk-addon package via svn, but if I load chan_mobile, asterisk crashes
19:15.56[TK]D-FenderZig5000: Why DON'T you know?  How many different numbers are they sending, and I didn't say you couldn't doa  variable length on, just not "_.".
19:16.25*** join/#asterisk hfb (
19:16.42MercestesZig5000, exten => _X,1, and exten => _X.,1 is the proper way to do what you want to do.  Never use _.   ever.
19:16.57MercestesZig5000, it's one extra line.  not that big of a deal.
19:17.25*** join/#asterisk clyrrad (
19:19.07clyrradIs this valid? Set(${CALLERIDNUM}=${number}) - What I mean is am I able to manually set a variable like CALLERIDNUM?
19:19.19Mercestesclyrrad, what version of asterisk?
19:19.36clyrradMercestes: 1.2.11
19:19.56[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: ICK.  And unless the result of ${calleridnum} is useful as a VARIABLE NAME, I'd bet on "NO"
19:20.04Mercestesclyrrad, in 1.2 that is valid.  in 1.4 you need Set{CALLERID(numanumadance)=${number})
19:20.17[TK]D-FenderAnd no, it is NOT valid ;)
19:20.18Mercestesclyrrad, yea, drop the ${} around CALLERIDNUM
19:20.37[TK]D-FenderMercestes: And you were close on yours ;)
19:20.41clyrradAre we able to write to variables like that - or they are read only?  I guess is my question.....
19:20.46Zig5000<Mercestes> Ok thanks for consultation
19:20.54Mercestesyea, typo on the { lol
19:21.02[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: Set(CALLERID(num)=${number})
19:21.05Mercestesclyrrad, Yes, you can write to calleridnumber
19:21.20Mercestesclyrrad, It ignores everything past "num"
19:21.32MercestesI used to put "number" but...then I got freaky with it
19:21.38clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: ok I will try your syntax
19:21.51[TK]D-Fenderevool: exten => _X,1,Answer <- this only answers if the exten is a SINGLE DIGIT
19:22.04Hmmhesaysbah creating an IVR inside of a macro sucks
19:22.07evool[TK]D-Fender, i've tried _NXXNXXXXXX and that doesn't work either
19:22.19[TK]D-Fenderevool: exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,n,Goto(default,s,1) <---- this doesn't have a #1 priority and will NEVER get executed.
19:22.55[TK]D-FenderNEXT!!@!@@ (c) BKW
19:23.25clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: yup that worked well - thanks :) - Curious, my syntax as it was worked on variables I defined manually, is there some difference when writing to Asterisk defined variables?
19:23.51[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: review them... what you put was not sane :)
19:23.58evoolk, updated priority on it to 1
19:24.04evoolbut it's still not answering
19:25.27clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: hrm....... so it was the way I named the variable then? CALLERIDNUM vs CALLERID(num)
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19:25.53[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: no, you REFERENCED that variable instead of specifying it.
19:26.13[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad>Is this valid? Set(${CALLERIDNUM}=${number}) <- bad period.
19:26.42[TK]D-FenderSet(CALLERIDNUM=${number}) <- valid 1.0 syntax, and SHOULDN'T be use for 1.2+
19:26.54[TK]D-Fender(CAN'T for 1.4)
19:27.18clyrradI see - how do you specify that in 1.4 out of curiosity?
19:27.24*** join/#asterisk Inkubot (n=inkubot@
19:27.56Inkubothi *
19:28.05Inkubothow can i send a register => without a password ?
19:28.15[TK]D-FenderInkubot: Skip it.
19:28.17*** join/#asterisk NirS (
19:28.31[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: The way Mercestes and I jsut otld you.
19:28.38Inkuboti'm doing that... and the damn softswitch still reject my request
19:28.39[TK]D-Fender[TK]D-Fender>clyrrad: Set(CALLERID(num)=${number})
19:28.54[TK]D-FenderInkubot: beter details = better answers
19:29.01Inkuboti know..
19:29.08Inkubotgive me a minute..
19:29.20clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: ah - ok so this works on 1.2.11 as well - I just tested it and it works - thanks for input and advice :)
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19:29.57Inkuboti'm registering asterisk, using SIP protocol, the softswitch that it's rejecting my request it's a SoftX3000 from Huawei..
19:30.23InkubotDD"wrong password on authentication for REGISTER"
19:32.05[TK]D-FenderInkubot: PM your register
19:32.26*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
19:32.37[TK]D-Fenderevool: PASTEBIN a failed call at verbose 10, SIP debug enabled
19:32.43Inkubotregister => 5920311:@
19:33.00Inkubotwithout de :
19:33.16Inkubotregister => 5920311@
19:33.55[TK]D-FenderInkubot: Guess you need a pass
19:34.28Inkubotbut with a softphone or a PAP2 i don't need it
19:34.51Inkubotworks with the username....
19:35.47[TK]D-FenderInkubot: You mean you can have a softphone with no password register?
19:36.02Inkubot[TK]D-Fender: that's right
19:36.14InkubotHuawei xD
19:36.18[TK]D-FenderInkubot: And what about placing calls?
19:36.29mascoolcan anyone tell me why goto(${EXTEN:5})  won't match exten => _40.,1,Answer     when ${EXTEN:5} = 40blahblah ?
19:36.52Inkubotlet me explain the hole thing (i will try my best with english)
19:37.13[TK]D-Fendermascool: "show application goto"
19:37.19[TK]D-FenderInkubot: No need.
19:37.44[TK]D-FenderInkubot: You tell me it work without any pass, fine, I'll accept that and concede that the answer is beyond my ability to advise you.
19:40.17Inkuboti'm trying to do a gateway for this Softswitch, from SS7 to SIP and viceversa, i can receive calls from the SoftX300 and send it to the PSTN, i can send calls from PSTN (ss7) to the phones registered in the softswitch, but when i'm sending calls from PSTN (ss7) to PSTN (using the SoftX300 to reach the PSTN) the softswitch drops my call and give a sip error 503. I check the packets with wireshark, and i see no diference in the SIP header. So, i'm trying to
19:40.40Hmmhesaysok this sucks, you can't channelredirct until dial has exited
19:40.42Hmmhesayswhat good is that
19:41.15[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays: When would you like to do that?
19:41.24Inkubotin the sip header there is a field... Supported
19:41.34InkubotAsterisk always send Supported: replaced
19:41.47Inkubotand i think that the softswitch is expecting Supported: 100rel
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19:46.34Hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: i'm building my own privacy manager
19:46.43Hmmhesaysso when dial is called I execute a macro
19:47.07Hmmhesaysthen based on what the called party dials in the macro I redirect the calling channel with app channelredirect
19:47.09[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays: Ok, you can set the reject reason in there and the original channel will not be counted as being answered....
19:47.31[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays: use the macro about var it creates to do the redirect
19:47.34Hmmhesaysin MACRO_RESULT
19:47.55[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays: so let it fall back to the original channel
19:48.23Hmmhesaysso I use app channelredirect to direct the channel to the context,exten,prio based on what I dial
19:48.44Hmmhesaysbut, the kicker is I don't want to hang up my called channel
19:48.51HmmhesaysI want to be able to direct it somewhere else, such as chanspy
19:49.03Hmmhesaysso I can listen to the voicemail the user is leaving while they are leaving it
19:50.21PioneerVM4if my asterisk box has multiple IP addresses, is there a way to tell asterisk to bind to one of them
19:50.32*** part/#asterisk BSD_Tech (
19:50.37[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays: You don't redirect to chanspy..... unless you're looking to redirect the answering end...
19:51.10[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM : "bindaddr=" under [general]
19:51.37Hmmhesaysyes, that is what I mean
19:52.01PioneerVM4general in extensions.conf?
19:52.07[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays: Hmm... not sure how to save that channel... I thikn * kills it on macro end...
19:52.10PioneerVM4(there are multiple [generals])
19:52.21Hmmhesaysthats why i'm having trouble with channel redirect,  the called party has to be hung up for the channelredirect to happen with the calling party channel
19:52.22[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM : no, this is sip.conf.  extensions has nothing to do with SIP ports.
19:53.01[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays: Hows this : spawn a call file to ring-back for spy and in there pass the chan to spy on <----
19:53.33[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays: 1-shot deal, it you ignore, it goes away.... like a quick "blip"
19:53.42PioneerVM4df: that solved problem -- i added a second IP to my box and i couldnt register anymore
19:53.49PioneerVM4df: used bindaddr and it fixed it
19:53.51[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays: All before the macro extit.
19:54.16[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays: And add a "wait" in front for good measure.
19:54.32[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays: that way you don't need to postdata.  set the CID to "chanspy", etc...
19:54.56HmmhesaysI can't have a ring back
19:55.02Hmmhesaysits gotta be the channel that is already ope
19:55.11*** part/#asterisk mog (
19:55.12HmmhesaysI'll figure it out
19:56.15[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays: Your calling channel IS still open.  pas that in a var to a call-file that targets your CALLED phone.  When you terminate your called end, it will call you BACK.
19:56.23*** join/#asterisk pixelate (
19:57.18Hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: can't do it that way
19:57.20[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays: it will them call chanspy against that channel for you
19:57.25[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays: why not?
19:57.25HmmhesaysI MUST keep the called channel open
19:57.32pixelateanyone knows of an asterisk deployment involving the use of a WYSE Thin Client?
19:57.35Hmmhesaysbecause no end user is going to like that
19:57.41[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays: not AFAICS
19:57.47Hmmhesayswe're talking about neophytes here
19:57.53Hmmhesaysany extra steps are not going to be wanted
19:57.56[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays: Oh, LIKING IT?!  You picky little ^#%$^ !
19:58.13[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays: I hand you a workable solution and nag nag nag is all I get! ;)
19:58.42twitchnlnpixelate: i've got * running on a neoware thin client under gentoo... seems fine, as long as no transcoding is going on
19:58.56[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays: * has no clean way to break that dial bridge to spy nicely... thus is life.
19:59.08jsmithpixelate: Well, sort of... I've got plenty of clients using Wyse thin clients and Asterisk, but no audio is being done on the thin clients
19:59.22Hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: I had already thought of that solution
19:59.23[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays: only extra step is to pick up the phone when it blips you!
19:59.27Hmmhesaysand rejected it
19:59.36[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays: TFB <-
19:59.43[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays: pass it on :)
19:59.46Hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: you can channelredirect the calledparty out of the macro
20:00.12Hmmhesaysit works, but i'm getting ast variable errors doing it
20:00.20[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays: YUM
20:00.49Hmmhesaysbut [TK]D-Fender: you can break the dial bridge that wya
20:00.51Hmmhesays*that way
20:01.15[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays: And let A fall off, and B move along w/ the channelt o spy on?
20:01.57Hmmhesaysholy shit I got it to work
20:02.42[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays: next they'll ask how to channel redirect to steal back the call during VM ;)
20:02.56Hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: I already have the solution for that
20:03.05*** join/#asterisk syzygyBSD (
20:03.16[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays: time to whip out the duct tape & Crzy glue!
20:03.31syzygyBSDhow can I debug the reason why a PRI is in a red alarm state?
20:03.44Hmmhesayshowever this is odd,  if I use ExecIF to call my channelredirect I get all kinds of crazy errors
20:04.00Hmmhesaysbut if I just call exten => s,1,ChannelRedirect() then it works
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20:05.11luke-jr_workAny way to decrease the MOH volume?
20:05.39[TK]D-Fenderluke-jr_work: SOX
20:05.53jsmithsyzygyBSD: A red alarm is usually a wiring problem
20:06.13syzygyBSDya... sadly we have rewired everything... or they say they have
20:06.13luke-jr_work[TK]D-Fender: so not with native MOH?
20:06.28[TK]D-Fenderluke-jr_work: Nope.  Goot do the files up.
20:06.29jsmithsyzygyBSD: What are you plugging into the PRI port?
20:06.49amadeupnameis it possible for two instances of asterisk running under chroots on the same box to access different ports on a 2 port T1 card?
20:07.05syzygyBSDthe T1 pri
20:07.31luke-jr_work[TK]D-Fender: wtf is a .sln, do you know? :p
20:07.42jsmithsyzygyBSD: OK... did you try a T1 crossover (not ethernet crossover) between the smart-jack and the T1 card?
20:07.48luke-jr_workamadeupname: I imagine it depends on the card
20:07.53[TK]D-Fenderluke-jr_work: Signed Linear
20:08.00syzygyBSDit was working up to yesterday at 8am ....
20:08.02luke-jr_work[TK]D-Fender: thx
20:08.25Hmmhesaysok, the debug info gives me no reason why i'm getting this error
20:08.28luke-jr_workdoes mode=files do subdirs?
20:08.32amadeupnamemore over will this break zaptel
20:08.37luke-jr_workeg, recursively
20:09.10jsmithsyzygyBSD: Ah... very strange... either Zaptel isn't configured right, or someone cut your T1 cable :-(
20:09.29amadeupnamejsmith: could be a bad end
20:09.30[TK]D-Fenderluke-jr_work: Dunno... reduct to 1 file in your base folder, and find out :)
20:09.34syzygyBSD:( Zaptel configuration hasn't changed, maybe the card just went bad?
20:09.43jsmithamadeupname: Not if it was working yesterday
20:09.57jsmithsyzygyBSD: It's possible... does zttool show anything interesting?
20:09.58amadeupnamejsmith: yes if someone tripped over the cable
20:10.19luke-jr_work[TK]D-Fender: what sample rate etc are .sln assumed to be? :)
20:10.20amadeupnameor lightening
20:10.27syzygyBSDjsmith: nope, just a red alarm.  Like it isn't getting any info at all.  Like a severd cable...
20:10.31amadeupname8k most likely
20:10.54amadeupnamesyzygyBSD: got multiple ports on the card?
20:11.04[TK]D-Fenderluke-jr_work: slin = 8khz base-line IIRC
20:11.04luke-jr_work8-bit or 16-bit?
20:11.06jsmithsyzygyBSD: Can you build a loopback plug and plug that into the T1 card?
20:11.08syzygyBSDnope, it is a TE110p
20:11.13jsmithsyzygyBSD: That would help narrow down the problem
20:11.15[TK]D-Fenderluke-jr_work: 16 bit I THINK.
20:11.35Hmmhesaysquestion, is it ok to use goto's inside of a macro?
20:11.49Hmmhesaysif you are going to a dst inside the macro
20:12.24syzygyBSDjsmith: good idea.  I will have the tech on site do that
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20:16.59twitchnlnmy day is over, everyone have a good one
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20:21.57Hmmhesaysyes [TK]D-Fender: you can channelredirect to break the bridge
20:22.08HmmhesaysAND keep both channels open
20:22.15[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays: freaky... ok, fine, sure.... why not :)
20:22.41Hmmhesayshey it works
20:24.22InkubotWOW!!! It's works!!
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20:24.46Inkuboti comment a line in chan_sip.c
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20:28.29[TK]D-Fenderok, time to head home, bbiab
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20:31.57pixelateneed advise to deploy asterisk over a WAN
20:36.20Hmmhesaysok, chanspy is not doing what I want
20:37.01clyrradI have a .wav file with Audio Format: CCITT u-Law, anything special I need to do to get Asterisk to play it?
20:37.37jsmithclyrrad: It needs to be 16-bit, 8000 Hz for Asterisk to be able to play it
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20:38.02clyrradjsmith: ah ok this one is 8bit - that must be way..... How can I convert it?
20:38.15jsmith8-bit should be OK too, I think
20:38.25jsmithWhat happens if you try to play it from Asterisk?
20:38.29clyrradjsmith: hrm.... Asterisk wont play it
20:38.49clyrradsais the file does not exist in any format
20:39.31jsmithsox foo-in.wav -r 8000 -c 1 -s -w foo-out.wav resample -ql
20:39.45jsmithYou could try that, and see if that gets it into something that Asterisk likes better.
20:42.52clyrradjsmith: I get "sox: Input and Output rates must be different to use resample effect"
20:43.53jsmithclyrrad: You are using the resample effect... if you typed that correctly... replate foo-in.wav with the name of your file, and foo-out.wav with a new filename
20:44.15Hmmhesaysis anyone using chanspy?
20:44.21clyrradjsmith: yep indeed that is what I did
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20:46.03clyrradjsmith: it just created me a file thats 44 bytes and gives me the error I mentioned above
20:46.46jsmithVery strange... maybe the .wav header doesn't properly describe the audio content... but i"m just guessing at this point.
20:46.57jsmithclyrrad: You could try pulling it into Audacity or something like that as well
20:47.31clyrradjsmith: yes - I agree it does not like the header
20:47.43clyrradjsmith: wonder a way to convert it to make it work properly
20:49.06Hmmhesayschanspy doesn't seem to be accepting input
20:49.12Hmmhesayshowever the dtmf is getting to asterisk
20:50.11clyrradjsmith: Audacity plays the file with out a problem
20:50.31Hmmhesaysis chanspy broken in 1.4.4?
20:50.43*** join/#asterisk zpertee (
20:50.59jsmithclyrrad: Can you use Audactiy to save it out in a different format?
20:51.22zperteehow do I know how powerful of a pc that I need to run asterisk?  I'll have approximately 10 users
20:52.04jsmithzpertee: A 1 GHz machine should be fine for 10 users
20:52.29zperteejsmith: ok thanks for the information
20:52.58clyrradjsmith: ok trying now :)
20:54.10clyrradjsmith: woot!  that worked :)
20:55.40jsmithclyrrad: Cool
20:56.35clyrradjsmith: thanks for letting me know about Audacity - nice lill app - cheers!
20:56.53jsmithclyrrad: Glad I could help
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21:00.27Hmmhesays[Jul 17 16:57:20] ERROR[11266]: app_dial.c:1526 dial_exec_full: Could not stop autoservice on calling channel
21:00.33Hmmhesayswhat exactly is that error
21:00.44Hmmhesayswell what does it mean
21:02.08waKKufolks.. can I register an extension to associate with hylafax and transfer a incoming call to it ?
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21:04.37*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
21:04.59jgoddesshello anybody in here noticed a bug with v1.4.7 and the manager API file being parsed but not opening a port?
21:05.34Hmmhesaysok chanspy doesn't seem to take audio while the voicemail is being recorded
21:05.36Hmmhesayswtf is up with that
21:05.43zperteedoes anyone have any idea as to what it usually costs to have someone install a pbx for small business?
21:07.43Hmmhesaysdepends on how many users, how much hardware
21:09.15*** join/#asterisk apardo (
21:09.28zperteeok.  A local small company wants me, a senior in high school, to install asterisk pbx for them and I have no idea how much to charge
21:10.06NoCarrier1 year's beer money
21:10.10jgoddesswell we are a hosting company and for admin work we usually charge 150.00 dollars an email
21:10.59zperteeok I'll just make something up as I go
21:11.23Hmmhesayscan anyone tell me why chanspy doesn't work while I'm recording a voicemail
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21:12.59[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays, instead of following to VM, fall into a playback, can you hear anything?  I suspect you can only spy on BRIDGED channels
21:14.03Zodiacalanyone know why i can't hear people but they can hear me? im using polycom a polycom 601... once i transfer the call to another extention and then they transfer it back to me i can hear them. this happens about 1 out of 3 calls..
21:14.15Zodiacalit used to work fine
21:14.18Zodiacalfor about a year
21:14.20Hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: you know it is odd, I can hear everything while the vm prompts are playing
21:14.21Zodiacalthen this started happening
21:14.30Hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender there is a flag to only spy on bridged channels
21:14.58Hmmhesaysthat tells me that chanspy should spy on a channel that is not bridged
21:15.16Mercestesand I meant every word of it.
21:15.29Hmmhesaysas soon ass voicemail starts to record I lose the audio on the spy
21:15.40Hmmhesays*as even
21:16.05Mercestesin case anyone is wondering, I have like 3 keyboards on my desk and sometimes I lay my arm on the numberpad <enter> key while I'm reading this screen.
21:16.24[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays, perhaps its the way that it dumps audio.... if you TALK during the VM playback, can you hear both sides?
21:17.27Hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: yes only when vm starts to record the message I lose the audio
21:17.44Zodiacalany ideas?
21:17.46[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays, dang...
21:17.54Zodiacali tried updating the polycom firmware to v212 and still does it :(
21:18.31Hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: do you have a 1.2 box you can try it on?
21:18.36Hmmhesaysor something newer than 1.4.4
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21:21.08[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays, unfortunately not handy...
21:21.37Hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: i'll update my box then
21:23.10Hmmhesayslooks like the fixed a bunch of stuff in trunk
21:23.16Hmmhesaysbut haven't been merged into 1.4 yet
21:24.05fileif it's a bug it is fixed in the branch it is farthest applicable to, and then merged up
21:26.29Hmmhesaysthere are some new chanspy options in trunk also it looks like
21:26.53*** join/#asterisk el_critter (n=chatzill@
21:28.47k31thwhen i setup a phone in sip.conf i have to give the IP of the device?
21:29.49el_critterwhat's de difference between 1.4 and 1.2?
21:30.22Mercestesel_critter, try google asterisk changelog or read the changelog.txty
21:30.31Hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: you got box you can test on period?
21:30.38HmmhesaysI'm curious if I'm the only one with this prolem
21:30.42Mercestesel_critter, that's kinda like asking what's the difference between a Prius and Bigfoot.
21:30.55[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays, My own, yes
21:31.06Hmmhesaysyou want to try chanspy on a voicemail call for me?
21:31.09*** join/#asterisk pariah (n=admin@unaffiliated/pariah)
21:31.10Hmmhesaystell me if it works for you?
21:31.24el_critterMercestes: I don't think changelog will tell me de difference between two branches.
21:31.40*** part/#asterisk drgalaxy (
21:31.45MercestesDid you READ it?
21:32.05*** join/#asterisk VOiCi (
21:32.40VOiCihey, I just bought an x100p card and was wishing to have an Asterisk PBX but just realized that my phone line is a voip there anything i can do^
21:32.51pariahcould a cheap x100p be the reason things don't get hung up all the time? i will make a call from sip -> zap -> PSTN and it will work fine....but after a couple minutes of doing that i will try to go PSTN -> zap -> SIP and i will get a busy signal. could this be because i have x100p clones that i bought for $20?
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21:33.45Hmmhesaysthis doesn't work in trunk either
21:33.51el_critterMercestes: if you tell me the difference I'll teach you how to be kind to people ;)
21:34.51el_critterMercestes: just kiding, I thought they were branches like linux kernel numeration (2.14, 2.16, etc.)
21:35.47el_critterMercestes: So changelog can't tell differences on those cases.
21:36.17MercestesThe changelog for asterisk defines exactly what's changed with each revision.
21:36.49Mercestesthere are many differences, code updates, security updates, syntax reconstruction, variable updates, function adds, etc in 1.4.
21:37.16MercestesI'm not certain exactly what kind of answer you are looking for but it is in the changelogs.
21:37.26el_critterso you keep 1.2 for stability?
21:37.32Mercestessome do.
21:37.49MercestesThe attitude here is "If your just now starting asterisk, you might as well go with 1.4."
21:37.53tzafrir_laptopVOiCi, a voip line??
21:38.20tzafrir_laptoppariah, if all else fails, use busydetect
21:38.31Mercesteswe keep 1.2 so we don't *introduce* instability to working 1.2 systems.  People building new systems are advised to go to 1.4
21:39.25el_critterMercestes: Ok the last one was the answer I was looking for. I thought you were developing 1.2 and 1.4 in paralell
21:39.37anonymouz666RetryDial() only works with BUSY?
21:39.55tzafrir_laptopel_critter, both are actually in maintinance mode right now
21:40.57Mercestesel_critter, No, 1.2 was updated into 1.4 and we continued the "legacy" system and the "new" system.
21:41.15Mercestesfor people who refuse to upgrade.
21:41.20Mercesteslike me.
21:41.47pariahtzafrir_laptop: what is this busydetect?
21:41.48VOiCitzafrir_laptop, i mean, the line enters my modem and gives a signal to the phone
21:41.53el_critterok, that's common. I understand now. Thanks a lot for all your help!!!
21:43.00tzafrir_laptoppariah, detecting that a line has hung up by the "busy" tone
21:43.15tzafrir_laptoppariah, where are you from?
21:43.24anonymouz666I got -- Playing 'demo-congrats' in CLI I used RetryDial(demo-congrats,...) but I can't listen nothing
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21:43.53anonymouz666when the peer is UNAVAILABLE
21:44.00VOiCiis there anything i can do tzafrir_laptop, i mean there is no way i can setup something with a fxo and fxs port if my phone line is from my modem ..
21:44.25tzafrir_laptopVOiCi, can you connect a simple analogphoneto that line? If so, that X100P should do
21:44.40VOiCinah, it gotta go through my modem first.....
21:44.51pariahtzafrir_laptop: i am from the states. so busy detect will hang up a busy line?
21:45.19tzafrir_laptopVOiCi, what modem, exactly? Do you refer to an X100P card or to somethingelse?
21:45.27VOiCiwell, my internet modem
21:45.37VOiCimy phone line goes through my internet modem
21:46.21tzafrir_laptoppariah, chances are you can use ks signalling to get notified ofhangup
21:46.42tzafrir_laptopanyway , I'm off to bed, good night
21:46.50VOiCiso, there is nothing i can do tza^
21:48.07tzafrir_laptopwhat do you have in zaptel.conf?
21:48.25tzafrir_laptopfxsks=1 or fxsls=1 ?
21:48.44VOiCimy problem is mostly about my line. like i have no analog line, PSTN
21:49.13tzafrir_laptopVOiCi, sorry, confused you with pariah
21:49.20VOiCiok np
21:49.33tzafrir_laptopanyway, why insist on an analog connection if you don't have any
21:50.24VOiCiwell, because i wanted to get an asterisk pbx up..
21:50.48tzafrir_laptopconnectit to the world through voip?
21:51.04k31thhumm when i try dial an extension i get the following error: pbx_extension_helper: Cannot find extension context 'sip'
21:51.05tzafrir_laptopVOiCi, there's something in your exeplanation I miss
21:51.08k31thbad config?
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21:51.23seele_please help I have a queue configured with callback agents, when the queue is full (20 -30 callers) the agents does not receive any call or the calls is received but is hang ... how can i solve this??
21:51.23bkrusegus, you here?
21:51.52tzafrir_laptopk31th, show dialplan that_context   and you'll notice it has no extension 'sip'
21:51.57VOiCii might have problems understanding some line is for voip, so there is no analog from the external world, so
21:52.06VOiCii cannot use my fxo card
21:52.25tzafrir_laptopVOiCi, don't you have an analog phone at home?
21:52.42VOiCiyeah i have, but i gotta put my phone line in my fxo card dont i^
21:53.13tzafrir_laptopSo connect the FXO card to the same line you normally connect your phone
21:53.34Hmmhesaysda da da da da hey
21:53.35VOiCiok done
21:54.17anonymouz666anyone in here already touch someday in RetryDial() ?
21:56.29De_Monanonymouz666 huh?
21:56.53anonymouz666exten => _11,3,RetryDial(demo-thanks|5|3|SIP/415|60|m)
21:57.03anonymouz666415 returns CONGESTION
21:57.11anonymouz666CLI says demo-thanks is playing
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21:57.17anonymouz666but i don't listen the demo-thanks sounds
21:57.22Hmmhesaysok, I guess you can't chanspy on a channel while it is recording either
21:57.24Hmmhesayswhat is up with that
21:57.30anonymouz666only the ringing tone from the damn softphone
21:57.45MercestesHmmhesays, Yes you can.  There is a specific setting/thing you have to do to chanspy a recorded channel tho.
21:57.54MercestesLike, transmitsilenceduringrecord or something
21:58.04MercestesIt's on the wiki under asterisk application chanspy
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21:58.47anonymouz666better get ride of it
21:59.09De_Monanonymouz666 it works for me, what version do you use?
21:59.14Hmmhesayshmmm I'll check it out hold on
22:00.38anonymouz666damn I am not so smart. the return code is CHANUNAVAIL. I don't think retrydial() understand this return name.
22:01.02HmmhesaysMercestes: i see it
22:01.04Hmmhesaysbut its not working
22:01.13De_Monanonymouz666 you shouldn't hear any ringing with the m option
22:01.14MercestesWorks for me.  (tm)
22:01.19bkruseanonymouz666: you can match it?
22:01.21Mercestestry a full reboot
22:02.00De_Monanonymouz666 what version of asterisk?
22:02.02Mercestesassuming you changed something since the last reboot of course.
22:02.06bkruseanonymouz666: with an inline if ${var} = ${CHANUNAVAIL} ? blah : blah;
22:02.25De_Monbkruse wtf is that, ael?
22:02.31HmmhesaysI be retarded
22:02.36Hmmhesaysit is working now
22:02.42De_Monyou retard!
22:02.52Hmmhesaysso this is pretty sweet
22:02.54bkruseDe_Mon: lol, no, not at all
22:03.01bkruseits neither
22:03.08HmmhesaysI have my awesome modified privacy manger with live voicemail
22:03.09bkruseits not even proper syntax for bash! and thats hard to do.
22:03.43bkruseDe_Mon: javascript, bash, or php?
22:03.58bcnldoes anyone else here use Aastra phones and occasionally get a 'Got SIP response 405 "Method Not Allowed" back from aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd' message?
22:04.06bcnlit happens mid call
22:04.14bcnland the caller gets hung up on
22:04.25bkrusevar De_Mon = (_$('de_mon').value) ? 'awesome' : 'nub';
22:06.11anonymouz666I think it's broken eyeBeam. You never can set the crappy softphone as busy. Always accept a new call. I just want to callwaiting=no.
22:09.04De_Monbcnl I do, and no
22:09.11*** topic/#asterisk by russellb -> Asterisk: The Open Source Telephony Application Platform -=- *Critical Updates* Asterisk 1.2.22 and 1.4.8 released (July 17, 2007) -=- Join #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW and Asterisk-GUI info -=- Join #asterisk-commits to monitor svn changes -=- Join #freepbx for freepbx/#trixbox for trixbox support.
22:10.35*** join/#asterisk Molotov (n=joe@unaffiliated/wiby)
22:11.54Hmmhesaysnow only if chanspy had the X option in 1.4
22:13.41*** join/#asterisk yannj_fr (i=yannj@
22:13.46yannj_frHi all
22:14.30yannj_frIs there some people interested in doing a large Asterisk benchmark?
22:14.33*** join/#asterisk sysreq (
22:15.48anonymouz666russellb: critical?
22:16.43russellbanonymouz666: details are already on
22:16.50russellbi'm working on getting all details posted to the web site and mailing lists
22:17.00Qwell[]russellb: not on my mirror :(
22:17.05Qwell[]or, cache...hmm, not logged in...right
22:17.18Qwell[]there we go :D
22:17.20bkruseyannj_fr: tyes
22:17.25bkruseim interested
22:17.27anonymouz666the topic is always faster than the website
22:18.02Qwell[]anonymouz666: the topic takes 2 seconds to update
22:22.17bcnlDe_Mon: strange I get them in spurts
22:22.21bcnlno real rhyme or reason
22:22.51yannj_frMe idea would be to write a test protocol, and then to compare on the maximum of server
22:23.27yannj_frif a lot of us does it, we would be able to have idea about dimensionning
22:23.41adorahhi does anyone poses the IP PHONE with infineon chipset from Wu Chuan?
22:24.56Hmmhesaysso how hard would it be to add the X option of chanspy to 1.4?
22:26.19MolotovHow is Asterisk support on FreeBSD? I know it has been spotty, for someone unfamiliar with asterisk would it be better to stick to linux?
22:26.46Qwell[]Molotov: depends on how familiar you are with freebsd, I suppose.
22:27.19Molotovdecently familiar, but I think that means Id prefer to just use linux until Im familiar enough with asterisk to debug it on BSD
22:27.22Molotovthank you
22:29.09yannj_frFor the one who are interested in trying to do a large asterisk benchmark, please send me an email to :
22:29.26yannj_fr(Time to sleep in France......)
22:33.23*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
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22:53.56Hmmhesayswell I successfully backported the X option of chanspy out of trunk
22:54.20[hC]What should i be able to set caller id number to on an outgoing pri call to have it show up as unknown?
22:54.22*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
22:54.26[hC]If i dont specify caller id it shows up as my pilot number.
22:56.41ManxPowerchan_spy has caused problems since THE DAY IT WAS RELEASED.
22:56.52Hmmhesaysits working fine now
22:57.37carrarit's been replaced with chan_voyeur
22:57.44JT[hC]: i don't understand what you're asking, could you rephrase?
22:57.54anonymouz666ManxPower: it works for me
22:58.01[hC]JT: I think ive solved my own question. sec.
22:58.28JTStrom_C: chan_upskirtcam
22:58.29ManxPoweranonymouz666: how many spys do you do per day?
22:58.34*** join/#asterisk nahirean (n=FixBayon@unaffiliated/nahirean)
22:58.42anonymouz666not much
22:58.47anonymouz666not many
22:59.06anonymouz666I don't like to hear other people
22:59.13ManxPowerTry spying every call
22:59.16jbot[cohujibuggle] gublgubbglggugglbuglgbugblgbgbgbgbglbglgbulgblugbgubgublgbglulllbgbb
22:59.31Hmmhesaysi'm doing this for a live voicemail app
22:59.44anonymouz666ManxPower: what happens?
22:59.44ManxPoweror spy a couple of hundred calls per day
23:00.01ManxPoweryou'll get unable to obtain channel lock, then Bad Things start to happen.
23:00.14Hmmhesaysi want to know if I need to worry about this [Jul 17 18:56:02] ERROR[20299]: app_dial.c:1526 dial_exec_full: Could not stop autoservice on calling channel
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23:01.10anonymouz666vi ../apps/app_chanspy.c and fix it
23:03.12VOiCihow to know which channel your fxo port is on\
23:05.02[hC]Is it possible to send arguments to a goto? or just a macro?
23:05.14Hmmhesaysyour channel variables are available
23:06.13ManxPowerexten => 123,1,Set(FRED=Loves Barney)
23:06.19ManxPowerexten 123,n,Goto(321,1)
23:06.29*** part/#asterisk davidj (
23:06.32ManxPowerexten 321,1,Noop(${FRED})
23:07.08[hC]dont i need to set FRED with __FRED?
23:07.28ManxPowerno because there is never a child channel spawned.
23:08.08ManxPowerIf you did a Dial(Local/321@extensions) then you would have to set __FRED for it to be available, but this is not an issue for gotos
23:09.09*** join/#asterisk Downchuck (
23:09.36DownchuckI'm trying to figure out where my outgoing packets are being translated -- the Via header is getting toyed with
23:10.00VOiCiI just plugged my FXO card (x100p) and setted up AsteriskNOW, now im trying to setup and FXO echo but i cannot find on which channel my fxo card is, i tried 1-4 and got ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel x : No such device or addresse (6) , anyone&^
23:10.16ManxPowerDownchuck: nat=yes, externip/externhost, localnet, and SIP aware NAT routers
23:10.53Hmmhesaysis there any way to bridge two channels in the dialplan without a conference room?
23:11.45DownchuckManxPower: yes, there's a nat, and it's swapping y internal ip to an external..   but why do people do such horrible things to networks
23:12.16JTDownchuck: "people" ?
23:12.27Downchucksorry.. "they"
23:12.28VOiCican anyone help me with that problem i just posted^
23:12.38DownchuckI'm trying to figure out which router it is that's so SIP aware
23:12.45Downchuckso i can stab it
23:13.02JTif you've got a cisco doing NAT, bin it ;)
23:13.46Downchucktrying to convince my ISP that it's still their fault
23:13.57Downchuckturns out they were standing in the way for the last 2 months
23:14.09Hmmhesayscan you bridge two existing channels without dial?
23:14.28Downchuck"There aren't any SIP specific rules on the firewall either. I have double checked the firewall rules."
23:15.26ManxPowerDownchuck: Cisco boxes will screw up SIP
23:15.35ManxPowerunless you turn off sip-fixup
23:15.48[hC]you should really never use fixup for anything. ever.
23:15.56DownchuckI sure didn't.. it's a large facility
23:16.36Downchucksip-fixup settings a more globalish option than say, the independent firewall rules?
23:16.44Downchuckor you mean.. sip-fixup is on by default
23:16.49Downchuckbecause cisco is fun
23:17.23ManxPowerDownchuck: yes, if it is supported by that verison of the IOS
23:18.09JTDownchuck: you're not using cisco crap between asterisk and your isp are you?
23:18.27Downchuckno, but I don't know what's between the data center and my machine
23:18.51Downchuckodds are the firewall is cisco.. just because
23:19.08JTbecause they are knobs? :)
23:19.10anonymouz666"cisco crap"
23:19.20JTcrap as in shit
23:20.11JTanonymouz666: does that clear up the confusion?
23:20.13ManxPowerCiscos are GREAT, as long as you don't expect them to do all that complicated stuff the sales people talk about.
23:20.26anonymouz666cisco are great.
23:20.27JTManxPower: and as long as you never use a PIX
23:20.34JTanonymouz666: like a hole in the head
23:20.39ManxPowerJT: I don't consider a PIX to be "Cisco"
23:20.59JTpix has the "sip fuckup" option among other things
23:21.11JTalso, they phones are unimpressive
23:21.25ManxPowerI suspect Cisco bought the company, renamed the product PIX and slapped a Cisco name on it.  Much like Cisco Call Manager
23:21.26JTand the way they treat customers is crap
23:21.30JTsame with firmware
23:21.54anonymouz666cisco have the best routers, switch, and already was the most valuable company in the world.
23:22.02anonymouz666i don't have nothing against cisco
23:22.10JTanonymouz666: ok, let's argue about the point instead of spewing marketing bullshit
23:22.30ManxPowerWe use all Cisco 2621 routers and are slowly moving all the switches to Cisco Catalyst 550X switches
23:22.31JTManxPower: i believe the sip fuckup option only with cisco phones
23:22.43VOiCiHow to know which channel your FXO port is on???
23:22.52ManxPowerJT: I seem to vaguely recall it does most any SIP
23:23.07ManxPowerVOiCi: Channels MUST start at 1
23:23.14JTManxPower: yes, it only works properly with cisco phones, fucks all the rest up ;)
23:23.24ManxPowerJT: Ah.
23:23.33DownchuckI believe it looks for \r\n
23:23.37Hmmhesaysthere should be an app_bridge and app_unbridge
23:23.40JTthat's what i've been told by people who have evil PIXs anyway ;)
23:23.44Downchuckbecause I haven't gotten the same results using socat via linux machines
23:24.05Downchuckstill, something hates me
23:24.25ManxPowerWe use just the basic packet filtering on the Cisco routers
23:24.49JTand newsflash: cisco are not in the world
23:24.51ManxPowerOur network has massive holes in it from a security standpoint
23:24.56JTcan't stand cisco fanboys ;)
23:25.09JTmy english is not with me
23:25.16JTand newsflash: cisco are not the bestin the world
23:25.23JTthere are better than cisco
23:25.26DownchuckYeah I replicated the error.. I'm so awesome
23:25.43DownchuckIf the packet uses \n... it don't touch it.. but \r\n.. it sure does
23:25.46JTand more appropriate solutions for most businesses
23:26.36ManxPowerPeople Who Generate Revenue insist on taking their laptops home, plugging into their home router, and also use Verizon PCMCIA internet service (yes, EVEN while connected to the corporate network)
23:26.50ManxPowerSince they are the People Who Generate Revenue nothing will ever be done about it
23:28.24ManxPowerAlso people that find proxy servers out on the internet that we have not managed to block do not even get a reprimand in their personel file.
23:28.29*** join/#asterisk mindCrime_ (
23:28.50JTsorry, what is it that these people are doing?
23:29.08JTah, security holes
23:29.21ManxPowerJT: Usually trying to get to some website blocked by the corporate proxy
23:29.32JTwhy does it block websites?
23:29.52ManxPowerJT: Why should it not block access to webmail services that do no virus scanning?
23:30.35JTbecause you can do virus scanning yourself?
23:30.39ManxPowerUser education has failed miserably everytime it has been tried.
23:30.48ManxPowerJT: How exactly do you suggest we do that?
23:30.59JTthere's no way you can possibly block all webmail, so that's pretty much a useless security measure
23:31.02JTscanning all traffic
23:31.12ManxPowerWhat products will allow us to do that?
23:31.23JTfor windows, GFI
23:31.27JTthere are quite a few
23:31.28ManxPowerIt also does not deal with the cell internet service
23:31.37Hmmhesayswhat is a "marked user" in meetme?
23:31.39ManxPowerJT:  Oh.  You trust virus scanners?
23:31.41JTalso, there's realtime virus scanners for windows
23:32.14JTManxPower: yes, i trust that all email coming into our office is scanned by 4 different virus scanner, and an exploit scanner
23:32.17ManxPowerAbout once per week we find a virus, trojan, or malware that Norton AV missed
23:32.23JTand web traffic is scanned by 2 scanners
23:32.28JTand there is realtime AV too
23:32.34JTnorton is shit
23:32.42ManxPowerJT: I agree actually
23:33.17ManxPowerI use trendmicro on my personal machine
23:33.29JTnod32, bitdefender, and a couple of others for email and web scanning
23:33.42ManxPowerJT: At least we are getting the agents off the corporate network.  They own their own machine
23:34.09ManxPowerJT: What is the IT Staff/User ratio at your company?
23:34.33ManxPowerThis client has 3 IT staff for 400 users (prolly 400 users by now)
23:35.00JTi am the IT staff, but maybe a dozen users
23:35.11waKKuasterisk + hylafax + iaxmodem ownz :D
23:35.14DownchuckManxPower: internal IT?
23:35.18waKKuworks like a charm
23:35.36ManxPowerDownchuck: define "internal it"
23:35.46DownchuckManxPower: they go into the office
23:35.52Downchuckvs external IT.. they know how to use shell
23:36.07ManxPowerDownchuck: that is ALL IT staff.  Does not include the 2 consultants (of which I am one)
23:36.24Downchuckinternal IT.. what's vnc?  external IT... on call, on cellphone
23:36.58Hmmhesaysis there anyway I can just play a single beep to meetme?
23:37.08Downchuckthanks for help btw.. I e-mailed the data-center.. again. :-)  and if they still refuse, i'll just use a non-standard port
23:37.15ManxPowerAnd really, the "IT staff" is the IT manager, the PC helpdesk person and the telecom guy
23:37.17DownchuckDNS SRV records are widely implemented
23:37.49DownchuckManxPower:  you label consultants.. "IT consultants"?
23:38.07ManxPowerDownchuck: no, I label consultants that deal with IT stuff be "IT consultants"
23:38.38ManxPowerCompared to a consultant for electrical problems, which would be "electrical consultant"
23:39.29JT"internal it" it's pretty obvious, internal to a company
23:39.49ManxPowerI think I have solved the incentive for users to use cell internet while at work
23:39.51JTalso, you don't really think there's only consultants in IT do you, Downchuck?
23:39.58DownchuckJT:  :P
23:42.04Downchucki didn't know people could work without computers
23:42.20*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
23:42.20Hmmhesaysrock my live voicemail is working
23:47.40Hmmhesaysthis is kickass
23:52.41Trevor_bHmmhesays: live voicemail?
23:56.30*** join/#asterisk mightnare (
23:56.36HmmhesaysWhere you can listen to the caller leaving the voicemail and decide if you want to pick it up
23:58.31Downchucki just pretend to be voicemail

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