IRC log for #asterisk on 20070710

00:00.19ai-ai remember writing an ISDN stack for an IVR system many years ago, great plugin system.. before open source ivr ;)
00:00.39ai-athere is a german website that converts ISDN messages to english reable
00:02.39tzafrir_laptopHmmhesays, what is the output of:  modinfo zaptel
00:03.32JTanonymouz666: probably a configuration error
00:04.22JTi dunno
00:05.27anonymouz666me too.
00:05.30anonymouz666I dunno
00:05.54JTyou may have to provide some details, or that will remain the status quo ;)
00:06.13anonymouz666it says that is ringing, but the PSTN number does not ring
00:06.39*** join/#asterisk flenders (n=fserto@unaffiliated/flenders)
00:06.43anonymouz666do you havy any suggestion on zapata.conf?
00:06.51*** part/#asterisk mountainm2k (n=mountain@
00:07.12JThave you tried ringing a number on the pri?
00:07.48tzafrir_laptopHmmhesays, here?
00:08.36*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
00:08.38JTanonymouz666: ok, and WHAT HAPPENS?
00:13.12*** join/#asterisk flenders (n=fserto@unaffiliated/flenders)
00:16.20*** join/#asterisk snuff-away (n=na@
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00:21.03*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
00:24.34sci_05ok g2g, bbl
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00:25.33*** join/#asterisk flenders (n=fserto@unaffiliated/flenders)
00:25.49asdxwhere can i get the asterisk book?
00:26.11JTanywhere that sells o'reily books
00:26.29mockerAlso online..
00:27.07jbot[book] a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
00:27.24mockerI need to start using that more.
00:27.36JTbut if he wants to buy the book, he should go ahead and guy it :)
00:28.59mockerThere is a new book I read about recently too..
00:29.31*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
00:30.07JTedition 2 of A: TFOT will be released some time soon
00:30.22mockerI heard they are doing a cookbook too.
00:32.25mockerWow, that unstable book looks pretty damn advanced.
00:32.32mockerThey go into iaxmodem/hylafax setup, etc..
00:33.00JTiaxmodem isn't incredibly advanced to setup ;)
00:33.14mockerJT: No doubt, but it's way more in depth than TFOT.
00:33.42JTwell, i don't think either of us have seen the new TFOT
00:33.57mockerNo, just talking about the first..
00:34.29JTso apples and oranges :)
00:35.01mockerJT: Except I can read one now! :)
00:35.09asdxmocker: thanks
00:35.17*** join/#asterisk dc3aes (
00:35.43mockereh, the-asterisk-book is actually pretty small on further looking.
00:37.42*** join/#asterisk osiris (
00:37.46JTit's also a translation
00:37.55JTwhich could prove problematic
00:40.24*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (
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00:49.35anonymouz666the zttool say OK
00:49.38anonymouz666but it is not
00:50.03anonymouz666because I can't even place a call to PRI
00:50.10JTi assume you don't actually want the problem solved
00:50.28anonymouz666there's a legacy pbx running on this PRI
00:50.41anonymouz666I know it works.
00:53.36InnatechI've found the Switching to VOIP book to be underrated, too.
00:53.48Innatechespecially since A:TFOT has always been downloadable.
00:55.07x86(+44) rocks
00:55.21x86would love to license some of their work for MoH >:)
00:56.25*** join/#asterisk Jameno123 (
01:06.59*** join/#asterisk flenders (n=fserto@unaffiliated/flenders)
01:08.52*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (
01:21.16*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
01:24.01anonymouz666ISDN sux ballz
01:24.26anonymouz666zttool reports OK
01:24.39anonymouz666I place a call to pri with debug enabled
01:24.45anonymouz666and nothing appears
01:24.53JTwhy bitch and moan here, you don't seem to be willing to be helped
01:24.54anonymouz666it backs busy tone
01:25.50anonymouz666JT: do you suggest something? wanna see conf files?
01:25.54anonymouz666what is missing?
01:26.11JTanonymouz666: i suggest you answer my questions in future when i try and help :)
01:26.19JTi asked what happens when you dial a number on the pri
01:26.25JTisdn is awesome btw
01:26.53*** join/#asterisk paolob (n=donpaolo@
01:27.01*** part/#asterisk paolob (n=donpaolo@
01:27.03anonymouz666exactly what you saw on that pastebin
01:27.24JTno, from the outside make a call TO the pri
01:27.47anonymouz666nothing happens. even with debug enabled (intense)
01:27.52anonymouz666i got a busy tone
01:28.16anonymouz666the zttool is OK, no error on b-channel, d-channel...
01:28.35JTanonymouz666: extensions.conf please
01:31.56JTanonymouz666: what is the exact setup
01:32.02JThas the pri ever worked?
01:32.58*** join/#asterisk kn0x (n=pinochle@
01:34.42anonymouz666it works with a Siemens HiPath 3000
01:34.50JTwith asterisk
01:35.00JTi have no idea what that siemens is
01:35.04*** join/#asterisk hyphenex (n=scott@
01:36.01hyphenexHi all.  If I have an asterisk server running, can others dial my VoIP phone by calling '' if I have the ports 5060 & 10,000-20,000 forwarded to my asterisk server?
01:36.33JThyphenex: tes
01:37.15hyphenexwhat about making it so that can't happen?
01:37.26hyphenexif say, my Linux server is behind a DMZ?
01:37.44hyphenexso only registered phones can call other registered phones
01:38.23JTnot sure what the question is
01:39.59hyphenexok, I have users that connect to my asterisk server, can I only make it so users can call each other, and nobody from outside can dial them?
01:40.29*** join/#asterisk CrashSys (
01:41.05JTsure i guess
01:41.15CrashSysA sip trunk is just basically a sip control channel that sets up the sip sessions right? Like a D-Channel on a PRI?
01:42.37JTit's something that doesn't exist
01:42.50JTsip trunk is a term invented by freepbx and PHBs
01:42.56hyphenexJT How would I set that up, to restrict the people that can dial my users to only other users?
01:43.21JThyphenex: by making the calls come in to a dialplan context that only allows the calls you want
01:43.27JTPointy Haired Bosses
01:43.44*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (
01:44.15CrashSysWell I guess that would explain why I cant find anything about it on
01:44.21CrashSysatleast not blatantly about it...
01:44.36JTor wikipedia
01:44.44JTi removed the article about sip trunking on wp
01:44.48JTrenamed it anyway
01:44.49CrashSysThat too...
01:45.03*** join/#asterisk heison (
01:45.07CrashSysI guess calling it "Sip Trunking" makes it sound more TDM for the old-school crowd...
01:45.19heison~seen JerJer
01:45.21jbotjerjer is currently on #asterisk (2h 51m 55s), last said: 'you have no choice'.
01:45.35x86~seen [TK]D-Fender
01:45.36jbot[tk]d-fender is currently on #asterisk (2h 49m 21s). Has said a total of 8 messages. Is idling for 2h 38m 54s, last said: 'MACscr, more than fine'.
01:47.11JTCrashSys: yeah i have no idea why people call it trunking, but it happens :)
01:48.13CrashSysSo technically my Polycom IP430 has sip trunking :D
01:49.42Sedoroxbecause your putting more then one thing over a pipe at a single time......?
01:49.54JTbut that's not what sip does
01:50.06JTsip establishes connections to make calls, as needed
01:50.24CrashSysSip establishes individual connections for each channel...
01:50.52CrashSysSip Trunking is not like IAX where everything goes over one channel...
01:50.53Sedoroxbut your doing multiples of that over one connection
01:51.06Sedoroxleast that is my thinking
01:51.06CrashSysOver one IP, yes...
01:51.10JTiax only does that if trunk=yes is set
01:51.33JTSedorox: it's still not trunking, nubs are the ones who started to use that term with regards to sip :)
01:51.39CrashSysIt's no different then pretending there is a phone that can handle 500-lines on one registration at the other end...
01:52.32*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
01:52.34CrashSysIt's not real trunking in the traditional sense of the word... it's just there to represent a higher-level of endpoint.. a peer as opposed to a user...
01:53.12*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
01:53.43*** join/#asterisk jmls (n=jmls@
01:56.21Hmmhesays#/usr/src/zaptel-1.4.3/wctdm24xxp.c:3403: warning: ādeprecated_irq_flagā is deprecated (declared at include/linux/interrupt.h
01:56.26*** join/#asterisk _DAW (
01:56.28Hmmhesaysok what the heck does that mean
01:56.50*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
01:57.06JTHmmhesays: it means that that line is deprecated? ;)
01:57.15Hmmhesaysyeah but how do I fix it
01:57.26x86upgrade your linux kernel headers
01:57.33fujinnew kerneelllzz
01:57.36snuff-awayok.. whats ur kernel.. :)
01:57.41Hmmhesaysi just compiled 2.6.22
01:57.50fujinanyone running asterisk with a cisco as5400? I keep gettin gthese weird ass registrations from the 54
01:57.56snuff-awaydeprecated shouldn't mean not working no more ;)
01:57.56x86install the headers globally
01:57.59fujinJul 10 13:57:12 NOTICE[4674]: chan_sip.c:11084 handle_request_register: Registration from '"." <sip:.@>' failed for '' - Username/auth name mismatch
01:58.09Hmmhesaysx86 meaning?
01:58.39x86Hmmhesays: cp -rf /usr/src/linux-2.6.22/include/linux/* /usr/include/linux
01:58.51x86something to that affect
01:59.00CrashSysIs there major audio quality loss between U-Law and G729a?
01:59.10CrashSysLike majorly noticeable?
01:59.31snuff-awayyes it is noticable
01:59.34x86not really _noticeable_
01:59.39x86snuff-away: i wouldn't say so
01:59.40CrashSysWorse then a cell phone?
01:59.48x86g729a sounds perfectly fine to me
01:59.50snuff-awayit should be close to cell phone
01:59.55x86CrashSys: better than a cell phone
02:00.43x86g729a and g723 are almost always what I use
02:00.52*** join/#asterisk ShadowHntr (i=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr)
02:01.10x86i use speex sometimes too
02:01.14CrashSysDTMF has to be OOB for G729a right?
02:01.23snuff-awayu can easily tell diff between ulaw and g729
02:01.34x86snuff-away: not really
02:01.50x86snuff-away: g711 and gsm, sure ;)
02:01.50snuff-awaywell most ppl i talk to know the diff..
02:01.51CrashSyssnuff: Would you put it between a cell-phone and u-law?
02:02.06snuff-awayyes CrashSys
02:02.14unspinto me the difference between G711U and G729a/G729 is very noticeable
02:02.16JTthe difference between g.729 and g.711 is VERY noticable
02:02.24JTunless you use crap telephony equipment
02:02.31JTthen you might not be able to tell the difference
02:02.37snuff-awayheh yer
02:02.38Hmmhesayshmm how do I make cp non-interactive
02:02.39x86JT: i use polycom
02:02.52x86JT: and to me, it sounds about the same over a WAN
02:03.17x86CrashSys: if you're going over a link with little bandwidth, g729 will give you much better results
02:03.18JTi use polycom, i can tell the difference with polycom or softphones
02:03.37*** join/#asterisk branchcut (n=tleyden@
02:03.40x86i've not found a free softphone with g729 support, so i can't test that
02:03.52CrashSysI was interested in G729 cause I can push about 3x as many channels over a full data-T1 as a TDM T1
02:04.22x86but i can tell you outbound PSTN calls from polycom --(g729)--> Asterisk --> PSTN sound no different than when using g711u
02:04.34Juggiethere is a difference between g711 and g729 of course
02:04.45x86CrashSys: 3x?? a _lot_ more than that :)
02:04.46Juggiejust like a 44khz wav and a 44khz mp3 differ
02:04.46branchcutI've got an extension exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX, and it accepts numbers like 18005551212 .. how can I tell it to make the 1 optional, so 8005551212 also works?
02:05.02*** join/#asterisk AtomicDawg (
02:05.03CrashSysWhen G729 is IP Encapsulated it's about 24kb/s isn't iT?
02:05.07Juggiebut, its all about perceived difference, most people will not notice unless they are looking
02:05.10CrashSysG711 is about 80kb/s
02:05.11*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
02:05.35x86CrashSys: G729 raw can be either 8 or 16kbps
02:05.43JuggieCrashSys, it varries some codecs are better suited for different link types
02:05.46CrashSysPlus packet/encapsulation?
02:05.53x868kbps G729 after framing is still under 10kbps
02:06.02Juggieno its not
02:06.02*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
02:06.10CrashSysI figured the framing was 15kb
02:06.23CrashSysBecause that's what G711 inflates to (roughly)
02:06.29Juggiethe overhead is not that small.
02:06.34JTx86: you must've lost some of your hearing range, there's a very noticable difference between g.711 and g.729
02:06.40x86depends on your sampling rate too
02:06.43JTsure g.729 is often good enough
02:06.46JTbut it is difference
02:06.51CrashSysStandard 8Khz sampling...
02:07.09Juggieif g711 is 80kbit w/ overhead
02:07.25Juggiethen one could compute that the overhead is roughly 16kbit
02:07.38Juggiethus g729 must still be at least 24kbit w/ overhead
02:07.39JTi find it closer to 85kbit/s with overhead
02:07.44JTg.711 sip
02:07.46CrashSysso I took 8kb + 16 = 24kb
02:08.22x86cisco says g711u is ~87.2kbps
02:08.30Juggiethere you go, its even higher, 32kb/s
02:08.38Juggiebut that being said
02:08.39Juggiew/ iax
02:08.43Juggieyou can reduce that, ALOT
02:08.44x86i must have been thinking about g723
02:08.45Juggieif you use trunking
02:09.17x86g723.1 can be as low as ~20kbps
02:09.30Juggiethe lost bandwith isnt the codec
02:09.33*** part/#asterisk branchcut (n=tleyden@
02:09.34JTg.723 also sounds like arse
02:09.36Juggieyou dont want to go lower then a 8kbit codec
02:09.42*** join/#asterisk lisandropm (
02:09.45Juggiethe problem is the overhead
02:09.49Juggiereduce the overhead and win.
02:10.01Juggiehence why iax trunking rocks
02:11.29Juggiesince it exponentially eliminates network overhead
02:11.44x86yeah IAX2 does rock
02:12.29snuff-awaymm.. shame bout the initial 1.4.x iax troubles most have gone now though with 1.4.5/1.4.6 etc
02:13.04Juggieso the first call takes the hit, after that, you can exponentially add calls to the iax2 trunk @ 10kbit
02:13.26Juggiewhich is about 33% of what it would usually cost kbit wise.
02:13.58JTJuggie: where you getting that from?
02:14.13Juggiewell, assuming its correct it was on the wiki
02:15.07Juggieit makes sense, asterisk keeps adding calls but never (at least not for a while, requires another ethernet packet)
02:15.28Juggieeach sample within the iax packet just has an id to let it know which call its for
02:15.35*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
02:15.37CrashSysWow... so G711u according to cisco means 18 channels over a Full-T1... G729a means 50...
02:15.51*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
02:16.13JuggieCrashSys, of course, you cannot put the same number of channels over a data t1 w/ sip as you could over q931/pri
02:16.35Juggiethey use bit encoded signal, rather then chatty chatty sip
02:16.39Juggieand they also dont need ethernet overhead
02:17.09CrashSysI understand that PRI = 23 channels + D
02:17.24Juggieor you can do 24 clear channels on a t1 as well
02:17.29CrashSyswith RBS
02:18.50JTget E1s ;)
02:19.06*** part/#asterisk bjohnson (
02:19.07CrashSysE1's anyone?
02:19.12*** join/#asterisk axisys (
02:19.15*** part/#asterisk IPmonger (
02:19.29fujin<- e1
02:19.37Juggieanyways ip trunking is dumb over a t1
02:19.43Juggieyou may as well do a pri
02:19.53Juggieunless you are doing g729 of course
02:20.00Juggiebut then again w/ the proper gear you can do g729 over a pri
02:20.09fujinno wait, i have a pri
02:20.10fujinnot an e1
02:20.20JTfujin: an E1 can be a PRI
02:20.22Juggiea pri can be a t1 or t1
02:20.24fujinI think telstraclear calls it a PRI but my 5400 sees it as a PRI
02:20.26Juggieer, or e1
02:20.32fujinyeah, right
02:20.43JTfujin: E1 is just line signalling
02:20.47JTpri can run over it
02:20.49CrashSysEncode G729 into the audio channel of a PRI?
02:21.15CrashSysJuggie: Do explain...
02:23.10JuggieCrashSys, i think i might of seen it somewhere, obviously it would require custom gear on each end
02:24.01CrashSysA set of routers that compress POTS into G729 and sends them as data over the TDM channels...
02:24.18CrashSysI'm surprised someone hasn't made a device for that... has real potential...
02:25.23JuggieCrashSys, something else * also does which almost no one knows about is TDMoE
02:25.34Juggieif you have a lan extension say from some provider
02:25.42Juggiewho gives you ethernet on both ends which is magically connected
02:25.48Juggieover whatver distance
02:26.01Juggieyou can use TDMoE to do g711 or whatever, without the network overhead
02:26.05CrashSysDoes SIP Trunking work the same over Avaya/Nortel?
02:26.16CrashSysOr they all pretty much do it the same way to adhere to the standard?
02:26.21JuggieCrashSys, not sure
02:26.34Juggiei've never really done much trunking between different switches
02:26.45Juggiebut do check out TDMoE if for nothing then knowledge,
02:26.55*** join/#asterisk yxa (n=lonari@
02:27.01*** join/#asterisk casimir (n=casimir@
02:27.35yxawhere can I get sangoma cards at a good price?
02:27.41Juggiei have to go, i'll be back tomorow if you want to chat further.
02:29.01*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
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02:30.50yxaCrashSys thanks. they seem to be cheaper than voipsupp
02:31.00*** join/#asterisk ShadowHntr (i=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr)
02:31.17CrashSysI have had good experience with atacomm and there's a real person to call if it gets FUBAR... I hate e-mail...
02:31.22RyanWHello, can someone help me create a snom 360 dialplan for use in Australia.
02:31.33CrashSysAlthough you call and they tell you to e-mail RMA half the time... heh :)
02:32.58yxaCrashSys you have experience with sangoma T1/E1 cards?
02:33.11CrashSysI've used an A101 and A102..
02:33.13CrashSysI like sangoma...
02:33.33CrashSysUsed a lot of A200's...
02:34.43*** join/#asterisk mindCrime_ (
02:35.40yxaCrashSys are the drivers harder to build?
02:35.56CrashSysJust an extra step... and click on Wiki...
02:36.06CrashSyspretty much has a walk-through for TDM/Zap install...
02:36.31yxai'm supposed to propose to decide on either digium or sangoma for this upcoming project
02:36.53jameswf-home<<has an option C
02:36.57CrashSysMy preference is Sangoma...
02:37.20CrashSysDigium makes good hardware too...
02:37.43jameswf-homeyxa if you havent done sangoma before... dont stay with digium or come to rhino'
02:38.10CrashSysI have heard good things about Rhino, but have never seen/used one of their cards...'
02:38.32jameswf-homeI use em everyday )of course I work there :) )
02:38.40CrashSysFor T1 I would go Sangoma, Digium, Rhino... in my own preferential order... your mileage may vary...
02:38.56CrashSysDefinately stay away from the chinese knock-off's
02:38.57Corydon76-homeThe TDM800 took care of the last issue we've had with Digium analog cards
02:39.14Corydon76-homeSo you can now use them with fax machines
02:39.18JTyxa: also checkout
02:39.34jameswf-homeSangoma isnt an asterisk card its a windows card thats pached together to work.. more layers more issues
02:40.03Corydon76-homeYeah, Sangoma needs to do a lot of work on their drivers... The driver layer is extremely fragile
02:40.42CrashSysyxa: Like I said... your mileage may vary :)
02:41.05yxado rhino cards have echo canc?
02:41.14jameswf-homesangoma needs to assimilate and use zaptel... maybe get a linux developer or 2 I mean its open source how hard is it to adapt
02:41.17CrashSysI think the T1 cards to
02:41.20CrashSyserr do
02:41.29Corydon76-homejameswf-home: they have one or two, I think
02:41.31jameswf-homeyes rhino has ec onboard
02:41.53JTjameswf-home: blah blah
02:41.54yxawhich one? i need a two-port E1
02:42.01JTobviously you're biased towards rhino
02:42.07Corydon76-homejameswf-home: The problem is that each time, they make just enough changes to make it work, but not enough changes that the next bugfix won't break it again
02:42.15JTbut sangoma cards to interface with zaptel
02:42.20jameswf-homeno not realy I said in the first post use digium to
02:42.38jameswf-homeI am against sangoma just because they dont conform
02:42.48JTthey don't need to conform to anything
02:42.54JTit's not made for only asterisk
02:43.04JTand it's certainly not primarily targetted at windows
02:43.07*** join/#asterisk chuck (n=charlie@wikimedia/Chuckfromchan)
02:43.13CrashSysHere's what I know: My A101/A102/A200 work, and never give me problems...
02:43.20jameswf-homeexactly where digium and rhino are
02:43.20Corydon76-homeJT: you have to admit, Sangoma's hack on the zaptel driver is rather fragile
02:43.35CrashSysyxa: DIE!
02:43.44CrashSysyxa: I mean, It's ok... it's OpenSource :D
02:43.47JTCorydon76-home: i've seen more fragile :)
02:44.21JTbri cards are still my biggest gripes
02:44.23Corydon76-homeJT: yeah, my original Ethernet card back in the day was rather picky about when it would work...
02:44.25jameswf-homeI am not competitive heck cant nock sangoma cause without them where would we be... Sangoma what have they done besides dip their hands in the pot
02:44.36Corydon76-homebut that was 10 years ago
02:44.44JTjameswf-home: perhaps rewrite the sentence
02:44.59jameswf-homeyeah I am using a foriegn keyboard
02:45.11JTi wish digium would use something better instead of misdn for bri
02:45.16*** part/#asterisk RyanW (
02:45.18Corydon76-homeJT:  I still like the kernel message "Erase pencil mark.  THIS IS NOT A JOKE."
02:45.34JTi will never consider the digium b410p until they do
02:45.55Corydon76-homemisdn is the current ISDN kernel layer
02:46.08jameswf-homebleh bri what has europe done for us lately :)
02:46.18Corydon76-homeYou'll have to write something better and get it accepted by the kernel developers
02:46.24JTit's a rename of isdn4linux
02:46.28yxaJT i deployed 2 B410P and they only work with digium's own hacked misdn drivers
02:46.30JTbecause everyone hated i4l
02:46.37JTand it's still crap
02:46.43JTmisdn new name or not
02:46.48*** part/#asterisk chuck (n=charlie@wikimedia/Chuckfromchan)
02:46.55JTzaptel isn't in the kernel either
02:47.07Corydon76-homeJT: it will be, sometime soon
02:47.13JTjameswf-home: i'm not in europe.
02:47.28Corydon76-homeI expect zaptel will be in the kernel within 6 months or so
02:47.31JTCorydon76-home: anyway, misdn is a pile of trash
02:47.35JTbristuff is much better
02:48.07JTbut digium won't recommend it because it's not disclaimed
02:48.07CrashSysI thought sangoma was a Platinum sponsor of Asterisk?
02:48.07jameswf-homeoh snap
02:48.09CrashSysI thought that meant they give money
02:48.11Corydon76-homeCrashSys: nope
02:48.25Corydon76-homeCrashSys: Sangoma is a platinum sponsor of ClueCon
02:48.45jameswf-homeSO my next project is to control a soda vending machine with asterisk
02:48.56CrashSysDTMF codes for control
02:49.00Corydon76-homeBTW, I'm a platinum sponsor of PhreakNIC, for as little as that's worth
02:49.17jameswf-homecall an extension and order a soda, then pick it up
02:49.20CrashSysThat the Gaming NIC?
02:49.32Corydon76-homeNo, that's the original regional hacker con
02:50.13Corydon76-homePhreakNIC, as in Phone Phreaking
02:50.55CrashSyswell I understood Phreak... I was referring to the NIC throwing me off
02:51.24CrashSysNIC = Network Interface Controller :)
02:51.49jameswf-homeI built an asterisk controlled cd burn tower 3 months ago and have been thinking of odd things to control ever since...asterisk rocks
02:52.23Corydon76-homeI don't think it stands for anything, but I'll ask the original organizer
02:52.41CrashSysI wired asterisk to an IO line on the paralell port so the owner could turn his shop lights on from a phone by the entry door...
02:52.52CrashSysWell a NIC in general = what I said above
02:53.16CrashSysSo I assumed Phreak was some kind of marketing rape-job...
02:53.24jameswf-homeI think thats how i am going to control the soda machine. either that or rs232
02:54.01Corydon76-homejameswf-home: there are existing rs422 interfaces to pop machines
02:54.21[TK]D-Fenderx86, yes?
02:54.25CrashSysCost him like $100 for a nema contactor and another $150 to have sparky wire it in...
02:54.44jameswf-homethere is probably a dial in mechanism too but what fun is it if you dont build it
02:55.19Corydon76-homejameswf-home: you understand the reason for using rs422?
02:56.58Corydon76-homeIt deals better with distance
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02:57.27CrashSysVonage = G729 right?
02:57.56jameswf-homeits all in planning gotta find a $200 coke machine
02:58.02Corydon76-homeDunno, they could be using G.723.1
02:58.11jameswf-homethen i can work on interfacing
02:58.19jameswf-homevonage sucks
02:58.19CrashSysJames: A local trip to the neighborhood park at 4am = coke machine!!!
02:58.39CrashSysYes, Vonage sucks. I am trying to give an example of a service that uses G729....
02:58.54jameswf-homeummm a legaly obtained coke machine that i dont have to drill out
02:59.06CrashSysJames: Details Details
02:59.13jameswf-homeI think I am going to cancel vonage
02:59.15Qwellbolt cutters != drill
02:59.16Corydon76-homejameswf-home: I think Sam's Club sells them
02:59.22QwellCorydon76-home: they do
02:59.30JTyou need to drill out locks
02:59.54CrashSysJust back over the machine with yer truck, have you and a friend toss it in back, drive away...
02:59.55jameswf-homethere is a barrel lock that locks in the goodies
02:59.59CrashSysless then 5 minutes tops!!!
03:00.18CrashSysWorks on ATM machines here in florida :D
03:00.37jameswf-hometie it to the frame not the bumper
03:00.42JTautomatic teller machine machines
03:00.50CrashSysjt: Those too!
03:00.59jameswf-homeyes like nt technology
03:01.57Strom_Mpin number
03:02.22jameswf-homeI bet if i can control a vcr with asterisk it would interface the same as the coke machine
03:03.10Qwellnic card
03:03.20JTwho calls it a nic card? :P
03:03.27Qwella lot of people
03:03.38jameswf-homeanyone who calls tech support
03:03.41Corydon76-homeredundant redundant?
03:04.07JTi've heard it said as NIC or network card
03:04.14[TK]D-FenderCASH MONEY!
03:04.19CrashSysI've heard NIC before...
03:04.49CrashSyswhat most people refer to it as down here...
03:05.03jameswf-homei dont like the term cash money or bling bling
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03:05.10x86[TK]D-Fender: no?
03:05.21[TK]D-Fenderx86, a definate MAYBE!
03:05.23x86[TK]D-Fender: twas just testing out the seen thingy :P
03:05.30x86~seen [TK]D-Fender
03:05.32jbot[tk]d-fender is currently on #asterisk (4h 9m 17s). Has said a total of 11 messages. Is idling for 11s, last said: 'x86, a definate MAYBE!'.
03:05.48x86tomg noes!
03:06.33CrashSysLOL... only $1200...
03:06.58jameswf-homeno $200 not $1200 I can live with destroying a $200 investment
03:07.52jameswf-home$1200 + Destroyed = doghouse
03:08.12CrashSysIt has $200 in the price
03:08.14CrashSys+ $1000
03:08.29JTand you can empty it out to make it into a doghouse
03:08.47Corydon76-homeSorry, that's the cheapest electronic vending machine I could find
03:08.56Corydon76-homeMost of them are in the $5k range
03:09.01jameswf-homeI am watching craigslist
03:09.06JTi've seen cheaper on ebay
03:09.09Corydon76-homeOh, used shit
03:09.19Corydon76-homeNo way of knowing if it'll work
03:09.36Corydon76-homeYou might as well visit a junkyard
03:09.43jameswf-homeif it test ok with quarters
03:10.04Corydon76-homeI have a piggy bank that'll take quarters
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03:17.16nohopi know piggies that won't accept anything less than 25 euros
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03:17.30nohop(or fine) :)
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03:22.45jameswf-homean asterisk controlled electric chair... the 15th caller frys the criminal
03:25.06petem001Hi! been reading about asterisk for a while and would like to test some stuff...anyone know a placa for cheap compatible telephone?and any VOIP provider that would allow a test line for really cheap?
03:26.16jameswf-homesoft phones are cheap
03:26.46Daejeo1anyone can help me to setup cisco 7960g phone with asterisk?
03:26.50hyphenexI should be able to connect to my asterisk server on port 5060?
03:27.25petem001yup ,but its not wife frendly,and the test are to make sure the wife and kids will be able to cope with it....
03:27.32jameswf-homeif you have a sip extention
03:27.41hyphenexif I have a sip extention??
03:27.54jameswf-homebugetones suck but are cheap
03:27.58jameswf-hometry ebay
03:29.31petem001i could have one or 2 cisco phone from the job...(dont ask how ;-) would i have trouble to connect them to my setup?
03:29.54JTpetem001: what's your budget for a phone?
03:30.58petem001well i want to make sure before i go on with the project that i wont have to put it down after a few week cause the family wont like the budget is kind of very low...
03:31.26petem001hate to loose money on experimentation ;-)
03:32.03petem001in fact the server is running on vmware...
03:32.20petem001wont connect it yet to land line...
03:32.34Nuggetyou could stand to lose an "o", though.  :)
03:33.14JTpetem001: forget about vmware if you want it to work
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03:34.00petem001for now with soft phone its ok,can connect with 2 computer,even from outside my network..
03:34.36petem001its not perfect..but its giving my an idea of what i can do with it
03:34.46TheSovanyone else getting archive errors for files in the future with the latest version?
03:35.08JTpetem001: grandstream phones are a waste of time
03:35.10JTgo polycom
03:35.53petem001i'll take a look..thanks JT
03:35.58jameswf-homeAfter I move to my new house ill probably grt 5 polycom 501's
03:36.13TheSovfiles in the archive are 4 hours ahead of me for some reason and i cant compile because of it
03:36.23JT501s are probably overkill for that ;)
03:36.32Nuggetgrandstream phones, clone x100p cards, and pirated g729 codec all on a salvaged celeron eMachines box I found in the closet.  What could possibly go wrong?
03:37.06TheSovmurphys law will prevail
03:37.22jameswf-homeI like the 501 its my friend :)
03:37.24TheSovdoes anyone know how i can fix the archive errors?
03:38.39TheSovtar: asterisk-1.4.7/menuselect: time stamp 2007-07-09 17:29:02 is 16835 s in the future <--- error i get
03:38.46jameswf-hometouch -m
03:39.16TheSovshould i wait it out?
03:42.52JTTheSov: the answer was given to you already
03:43.00TheSovyeah doin it now
03:43.05TheSovty by the way
03:44.59Nuggetassuming that's a recent message, you are sort of avoiding the obvious detail that 2007-07-09 17:29:02 is not in the future.  The more lasting solution might involve fixing your machine's zoneinfo and getting ntpd running.
03:45.15JTdepends on his timezone
03:45.19JTalthough yeah
03:45.29JThis machine's timezone may be incorrect
03:46.35TheSovyeah i just noticed that the bios time and system time are diffrent
03:47.08TheSovodd what could cause that
03:47.20Nuggetwrong /etc/zoneinfo file and no ntpd
03:47.45JTbios time and system time SHOULD be different in linux
03:47.50JTunless you live in UTC
03:47.56JTbios time should be utc
03:48.00TheSovthe bios time is set to local
03:48.08JTthat's an error
03:48.22JTyou should set it to utc unless you're dual booting with windows
03:49.06TheSovwow, that is odd that the OS would almost require you to set your time to utc
03:49.14Nuggetit's not odd, it's sane.
03:49.21JTit's standard and sensible
03:49.30Nuggetit's the only way for the system to be confident about timestamps.
03:50.13TheSovi didnt say it wasnt a good idea
03:50.17TheSovi said it was odd :D
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03:51.12HaMYaIanyone using r2mfc?
03:51.34TheSovty for your help, as you can see im not exactly a linux administrator.
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03:52.59HaMYaII got it running on asterisk 1.4 but chan_unicall doesn't seem to pass ANI through it
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03:53.24JTi didn't think chan_unicall was supported in 1.4
03:56.46asdxwhats the price of a fxs/fxo card
03:56.50asdxvoip card
03:57.02asdxcan you recommend me one for starting
03:57.09JTwhat do you need?
03:57.17HaMYaIJT: yeah, I am aware of that but with some patches I had it compiled with asterisk 1.4
03:57.29asdxpstn to voip and vice versa
03:57.40JTHaMYaI: then why are you expecting support?
03:58.01JTasdx: ok, so one POTS line to the telco, and one analogue handset?
03:58.04russellbasdx: TDM400P from digium
03:58.36russellbWinkie: 9
03:58.43russellbWinkie: igore that...oops
03:58.47asdxJT: yeh
03:59.39asdxi cant connect to
03:59.42asdxis it down?
03:59.57Qwelllooks that way
04:00.00russellbyeah ...
04:00.05jameswf-homeThere are no cards with 1 fxo 1 fxs
04:00.12russellbjameswf-home: yes there are ...
04:00.21russellbTDM400P with 1 FXS module and 1 FXO module
04:00.28jameswf-homeshow me... there are some that pass theu
04:00.37russellbsee above
04:00.42JTjameswf-home: err there are
04:00.44jameswf-homeyes modular but not built to be such
04:00.48Qwellrussellb: rhino shill
04:00.49JTjameswf-home: what rock have you been living under?
04:00.53JTjameswf-home: ...
04:01.05JTjameswf-home: you can buy them proconfigured as such, if you want to be that anal
04:01.11russellbwho cares if it is modular?  the card is then a 1FXS/1FXO card
04:01.39jameswf-homeKinda spendy though... buy an answering machine
04:01.43HaMYaIJT: I tested with 1.2.x and the same thing happen so it's probably not because of asterisk version
04:02.23QwellAnswering machines can do customer service/support?
04:02.24JTjameswf-home: is that all you think asterisk is?
04:02.28jameswf-homeI dont see the logic to 1 in one out
04:02.35JTwhy not
04:02.46jameswf-homeasterisk is a PBX no need to route 1 line
04:02.51JTthere's plenty of setups where that's be useful
04:03.01JTnews flash, asterisk can do voip too
04:03.07JTand a lot more than routing calls
04:03.33russellbasterisk isn't only a pbx :)
04:03.38jameswf-homeAsterisk can cook dinner for you doesnt mean people will do it
04:03.45russellbsee the topic?  i changed it from PBX to Telephony Apllication Platform :)
04:03.53Qwellrussellb: I was wondering about that
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04:04.15russellbQwell: calls it a telephony platform, too, heh
04:04.34JTjameswf-home: seriously, what is the issue?
04:04.53jameswf-homeno issue just alot of money for a toy..
04:04.56russellbQwell: well, the About page calls it an "IP PBX" ...
04:05.07JTjameswf-home: TDM400
04:05.14JTjameswf-home: TDM400Ps aren't that expensive anymore
04:05.24Qwellrhino shill
04:05.30Qwellnot worth it
04:05.32JTi don't get it
04:05.46JTdoesn't rhino products work with asterisk anyway?
04:06.05jameswf-homeI would use it as a voip gateway and just get a cheap jap made fxo for 10 bucks as a backup and sit in pure voip
04:06.29JTi wouldn't use pure voip
04:07.24jameswf-homeI have used vonage for 2 years and no quality issues(product wise) and i think vonage is as bad as it gets
04:07.45JTreliability issues is more the problem
04:08.08jameswf-homeI have been down once the whole time and it was cox's fault
04:08.26JTof course, the whole relying on the Internet for phone calls thing
04:08.30JTnot my idea of fun
04:09.07jameswf-homehomes arent usualy mission critical and most people have cell phones
04:09.18jameswf-homeI wouldnt do it in a call center
04:09.42JTthey are mission critical when the house is on fire, or a family member is having a heart attack
04:10.08jameswf-homeback to the cell phone...and depends on the family member :)
04:10.29Qwellcellphones aren't gonna work after a natural disaster
04:10.31JTyou actually rely on cellphones to be reliable?
04:10.35JTthey're not reliable
04:10.48JTwhat happened in ca?
04:11.03QwellEVERYBODY would immediately try to make a call afterwards
04:11.09jameswf-homewell if you take an apathy stance sat phones are the safest except in a metior shower
04:11.18Qwelllike seriously, cell usage gets to 50% or more
04:11.31Qwelllike...50% of the population are trying to use their cell :p
04:11.33JTQwell: the big outages in new york etc
04:11.33russellbQwell: yeah, but you get congestion on regular lines in those situations, too
04:11.37russellbQwell: not as bad, i guess, though
04:11.41Qwellsure, but significantly less
04:11.45JTpower backup fails on cell sites after 30mins or so
04:11.58jameswf-homeif your internet is down the pstn probably is too they run on the sa,me poles
04:11.58Qwellactually, it's kinda funny
04:12.08Qwellchances are, in that situation...
04:12.14JTjameswf-home: different infrastructure, however
04:12.16QwellVoIP will be the most reliable connection
04:12.29russellbwell, net connections go down far more often because of things other than a wire getting cut or a pole falling down
04:12.39JTcable networks are usually taken out by power networks
04:12.41Qwellbad example :p
04:12.48JTby power failures
04:12.50CrashSysThe internet seems to self-heal better then the PSTN...
04:13.06JTthe pstn fails a lot less though
04:13.08jameswf-homeI dunno I guess I am lucky because my internet is solid... the secret is move to the ghetto :)
04:13.29Qwellmove near a fire station
04:13.33CrashSysI just think that after 100-years of legacy there has to be something better then the PSTN...
04:13.36TheSovsoon all the pots lines will be gone, and their will be internet everywhere!
04:13.37JTalso, HF is more reliable than sat phones
04:13.43Qwellthey're one of the first to have power restored in a crisis
04:14.03Qwelldamn hams :)
04:14.11JTdon't call me that :P
04:14.11jameswf-homeI love ham
04:14.17CrashSyssmoked hame
04:14.22CrashSyserr ham
04:14.27TheSovi see everyone using pstn and i've been using pots for years. hard to make the switch.
04:14.39TheSovas a acronym that is
04:14.49CrashSysPSTN sounds more tech savy!
04:14.49jameswf-homeThere was a cable cut a few years back our ham-op group provided communications for a week to the hospital
04:14.49JTTheSov: internet running over what?
04:15.24JTCrashSys: the pstn isn't really that legacy
04:15.31JTnot another wimax nutjob
04:15.33TheSovsprint is rolling out in chicago right now
04:15.34JTplease save me
04:15.40TheSovfull wimax
04:15.46CrashSysjt: the end-result is in the most case... POTS lines...
04:15.58JTwho cares about stupid wimax
04:16.04JTpots > wimax for reliability
04:16.10TheSovwhy are you against it?
04:16.11JTcables are better than wireless if possible
04:16.16JTit is WIRELESS
04:16.19JThence UNRELIABLE
04:16.35TheSovpeople used to say that about cell phones
04:16.42JTcells ARE unreliable
04:16.47Nuggetcell phones are unreliable.
04:17.13JTwimax is just another wireless standard, it is nothing that amazing
04:17.22TheSovbut you must admit they are far more reliable now than they used to be
04:17.36JTdepends where you are
04:17.43JTbut in a disaster or power outage
04:17.46JTthey will always lose out
04:17.56CrashSysHere's what pisses me off... the traditional PBX crowd with $20K systems calling asterisk a toy...
04:17.56JTwireless technologies
04:18.13JTCrashSys: $20k systems are toys
04:18.19JTtelco systems cost millions
04:18.40TheSovexactly why pay 20k when you can spend 2 and get everything and then some
04:18.46CrashSysI'm not talking telco... I'm talking Comdial and Avaya and Vodavi and etc...
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04:18.59NuggetBecause you can't spend $2 and get everything.
04:19.07russellb$2?  that would rock
04:19.11russellb2k, sure :)
04:19.21JTasterisk is good for pbxes
04:19.28JTit is not a replacement for telco systems
04:19.40TheSovfor now
04:19.42JTCrashSys: also, often those PBXes ARE more reliable
04:19.51CrashSysSome guy was selling Trixbox 4x10 PBX's for $6500... that was just the Box and Phones and like 2-hours of training... no switch/cabling/etc...
04:19.51JTTheSov: for the forseable future
04:20.07JTTheSov: it's not the asterisk target market
04:20.09CrashSysSeems high...
04:20.20russellbdoes seem high.
04:20.29CrashSysFleecing of the Market...
04:20.36CrashSysVoIP is such a marketing blitz...
04:20.37TheSovhas anyone been able to setup their asterisk box to accept voip calls via names like
04:20.40CrashSysat the moment...
04:20.54russellbTheSov: yeah, that's not too hard
04:21.07russellbTheSov: it basically requires a couple of things.
04:21.07TheSovcool just wanted to be sure it could be done before i get started
04:21.36russellbTheSov: 1) Your DNS is set up such that the call will make it to the right server ( goes to or whatever)
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04:21.58russellbTheSov: and 2) you have extensions for the names ... exten => sammy,1,Dial(SIP/sammy)
04:22.14TheSovez enough
04:22.22JTCrashSys: yes, that price seems high
04:22.52CrashSysI mean, if I was to build a 4x10... using IP650's, and including a PoE switch... i'm still $1K short...
04:23.01CrashSysand that's slapping the dollars to it IMO
04:23.39CrashSyslike 1.5x the phone's price
04:24.10CrashSysMakes me wonder what these vendor's charge to do installs on the proprietary stuff...
04:24.35CrashSysFor a basic small business setup with AA/VM/MoH...
04:24.40CrashSyswont even factor in queue's...
04:25.08JTwe can knock the proprietary stuff, but unfortunately for us they control most of the variables in an installation, and as a result are fairly reliable, if a little inflexible and costly
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04:26.18CrashSysThey are more of a paint-by-number then a blank canvas...
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04:27.45CrashSysI guess dCAP would make strides into having a standards and practices...
04:28.36CrashSysThat's one argument I run into all the time with other vendors... That there is no standards and practices and that the system cant be serviced by anyone else...
04:28.57scotechIs there anybody in here who can help me with a problem bridging from sip channel to zap channel or are the forums better for that?
04:30.29jameswf-homeanyone use vitality
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04:37.43scotechis there a well known solution to not get an answer event fired when a bridge from sip to zap takes place, when you are using a sip phone to dial through pots?
04:38.35russellbwell, first, make sure you don't run Answer() before Dial()
04:38.48russellbbut, if the far end over the pstn answers the call ... then, no.
04:40.31luisjosehow i can force a caller id, for example i comes from 10 but i want it to say it comes from 15
04:40.38scotechI don't have an Answer() but it appears to fire in right when the logs say Dial(Zap/1/xxxxxxx), we would like answer event to fire when the number we are dialing picks up
04:41.20CrashSysYay Cisco!
04:42.03luisjoseCrashSys, lots of money on that can
04:42.30luisjoseis that actually real?
04:42.36CrashSysKind of brings a tear to my eye thinking of the e-bay dollars!!!
04:42.47scotechlol yea
04:42.56CrashSysBeats me... still funny to see all the cisco phones thrown in the can... some still in wrapping...
04:43.05CrashSysCISCO = Can I Still Call Out
04:45.06jameswf-homeCisco = wow thats an expensive linksys
04:45.15CrashSysthat too
04:45.29CrashSysI'll take my Polycom
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04:47.21luisjosehow i can force a caller id, for example i comes from 10 but i want it to say it comes from 15
04:47.59scotechin a dialplan?
04:49.09TheSovwhere can i find the access control list, im getting an error saying my sip device doesnt match ACL
04:49.48scotechluisjose: you want to use the CALLERID() if you are talking about doing this in the dialplan
04:50.29scotechgo here for example:
04:51.00luisjosescotech, it comes from an asterisk peer to another asterisk server, so i want the second asterisk server recive the callder id as "15" from the first one
04:51.54luisjosebut only from the first asterisk peer
04:52.00scotechexample on that page I sent you.... exten => s,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=15)
04:53.00luisjosescotech, but s is for receiving, then all calls will have the same caller id
04:53.13luisjoseyou can do it on dialtime?
04:54.07scotechyes set this in your outgoing context, whatever it may be. IF you only want it to show up for one peer as a special caller id then you could make a context  just for that peer where the callerid gets set to 15
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04:58.45scotechor instead of second context you could try something like this as well at the top of your outgoing context:
04:58.51scotechexten => s,1,GotoIf($["${CALLERIDNUM}" = "10"]?2:3)
04:58.53scotechexten => s,2,Set(CALLERID(num)=15)
04:58.54scotechexten => s,3,Dial(...)
05:00.09scotechSo if calleridnum = 10 then set it to 15 and dial, if is not 10 just dial
05:01.27JTthat's an inefficient way of solving the problem
05:01.58JTexten => s/10,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=15)
05:02.13JTexten => s/10,n,Dial(blah..)
05:02.20JTis closer i think
05:02.58scotechYes but what if he wanted only ext 10 to register as 15 when he dials out?
05:03.15JThe'd still have an s extension
05:03.21JTor whatever he was using to match the call
05:03.47scotechwhat does s/10 do vs just s?
05:04.11JTit matches on callerid = 10 only
05:04.36luisjosescotech, i like that one
05:04.41scotechoh... I see. Yes much more efficient that way
05:04.54scotechI had never seen that before
05:05.06*** join/#asterisk ColdBluedSteel (
05:05.09JTit's very useful :)
05:05.17luisjoseme neither
05:05.21*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
05:05.52scotechJT, can you look at my problem above and help me out :)?
05:07.22JTscotech: the Answer thing? not sure
05:07.41scotechk... thx
05:08.47JTCrashSys: interesting pic
05:08.58JTthe person who wrote the text was on crack though
05:09.50scotechtrying to play a message on outgoing call, but needs to be different if its an answering machine. So I run the AMD program but it fires when the bridging between sip and zap takes place instead of after zap dials
05:11.44*** join/#asterisk perf3ktion (
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05:12.54CrashSys24v@500ma = 12w?
05:13.03groogsAnyone have a recommendation for an asterisk manager proxy?
05:13.04CrashSysI cant ever remember that equation to save my life
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05:13.39scotechW = V x A i believe
05:13.47kaldemarCrashSys: P=UI
05:14.20JTCrashSys: correct, assuming DC
05:14.27JT24 * 0.5 = 12
05:14.47*** part/#asterisk scotech (
05:15.02*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
05:15.10CrashSysNetGear FS108p only supplies 32-watt's to PoE :(
05:15.20JTP = IV is the correct formula
05:15.24JTin total?
05:15.32CrashSysReallllllllly hate to buy a $500 switch for a 4-phone PoE setup
05:15.46JTfor how many ports?
05:15.53CrashSys8-ports, 4 are PoE
05:16.09JT32/4 is suffcient for most PoE phones
05:16.21JTso what's the problem?
05:16.33CrashSysThe brick for the Polycom IP320 = 24v@500ma...
05:16.41CrashSysSo I figure I need atleast that much wattage...
05:16.46*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
05:16.46JTbad way to figure
05:16.52JTread the specifications data sheets
05:17.01*** join/#asterisk mtaht4 (n=m@
05:18.07snuff-awaymm.. 7940's pull 7watts.. 7970 pulls 15w
05:18.17*** join/#asterisk techman97_andy (
05:18.30JTdamn cisco junk ;)
05:18.39CrashSysPolycom's datasheet on the 320/330 doesn't say... sadly... just that it uses 802.3af by default with optional 24v@500ma brick
05:18.40techman97_andyanyone had any experience with Polycom IP601s connecting up to an Asterisk box through NAT?  Grandstream via NAT works just fine, Polycom never even tries to register.
05:20.00CrashSysthe datasheet is a marketing sheet... :(
05:20.02techman97_andyCrashSys:  what are you looking for?
05:20.30CrashSysPoE Wattage requirements
05:21.41techman97_andyI have a butt-ton of IP601s running - I may be able to nab the wattage req'ments from them - would that help?
05:22.01CrashSysCant imagine they are worse then the IP320's
05:23.06snuff-awaymost phones shouldn't be more than 10w
05:23.33JTCrashSys: well the IP430s use 3W nominal, 3.8W max
05:23.43JTi can't imagine a 320 would be much more
05:23.48techman97_andythere ya go
05:23.59CrashSysPlan B is to buy the damn thing and plug 'em all in :D
05:24.19techman97_andyCrashSys:  What are you looking to answer with the wattage req'ments?  What switch to buy?
05:24.19JTthe power adapter will be more than it a device needs, as a rule
05:24.23*** join/#asterisk xezz (n=xxx-4011@
05:24.44CrashSysTech: I want a lil PoE switch for 4 phones in a workgroup set-up...
05:24.47CrashSyssor a SOHO
05:24.50CrashSyserr for
05:25.02JTpretty sure the IP430 power brick is the same
05:25.08JT0.5A @ 24V
05:25.50techman97_andyCrashSys:  I use this one a lot
05:26.05techman97_andythat's a 24-porter, but DLink makes a nice PoE switch - has never let me down, and it's cheap
05:26.17CrashSysI haven't seen/used a d-link in YEARS...
05:26.32CrashSysDont care for linksys... I think they survive on brand-recognition more then half the time...
05:26.35JTtechman97_andy: if the polycoms don't work through nat, a setting must be set wrong
05:26.36techman97_andythey went to s*it a few years back, but the business class products came back nicely
05:26.42JTif they don't even register
05:26.45xezzhello, is there a document or someway to see how trixbox/asterisk initiate a simple outbound call ? i want to write a script so i can make calls like: ./dial <number>
05:26.46techman97_andyJT:  Yeah, that's what I'm trying to figure out
05:26.52CrashSysI like the NetGear ProSafe stuff... her always been solid...
05:27.11techman97_andyI know the * box is setup right, I have 10 other Grandstreams rockin' through it.  The Polycoms in the office are working fine - just not outside.
05:27.13CrashSysher = has
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05:27.20JThate d-link and netgear
05:27.25JTpretty meh about linksys
05:27.34CrashSysEveryone's a critic...
05:27.42CrashSysWell they dont make 4-8 port ProCurves...
05:27.51CrashSyswith PoE
05:27.52techman97_andy <-- 8 port
05:27.53JTi like procurves
05:28.01techman97_andyaye aye, procurves are nice...Ciscos are nice...
05:28.17techman97_andybut they don't make affordable "SOHO" devices...:P
05:28.18JTciscos are nice if you like being anally raped for money
05:28.29CrashSysCisco seems like a lot of money for a lot of hassle...
05:28.46techman97_andycorrect, but different strokes rule the world
05:28.46JTbut in general i have a boycott cisco policy on my networks
05:29.03flendersjt hates ciscos if you haven't noticed yet
05:29.14CrashSysI've used ProCurve's before and they have treated me realllll nice... so I stick with them on large stuff...
05:29.24techman97_andyreally?  JT, do you hate Ciscos?  I've heard from others that you do....=)
05:29.27flendersbut, I gotta say, even though I love ciscos, theyre sip firmware is shit
05:29.33JTprocurves have lifetime warranties
05:29.33flenderspolycoms are a lot better
05:29.36CrashSysI despise anything in a plastic case...
05:30.03JTbetter get CrashSys the solid lead model ip phone
05:30.11CrashSysA metal switch case seems like thought was put into it's design...
05:30.25CrashSysUse the case as a heatsink...
05:30.32JTemi shielding too
05:30.37CrashSysWether it was or not who knows...
05:30.43JTbut it doesn't necessarily mean that thought WAS put into it ;)
05:30.45CrashSysBut I like it... and knowing is half the battle!
05:31.41TheSovcan someone call
05:31.45CrashSysHP actually build their own switches or are they farm'd out like Dell's?
05:31.46TheSovtrying to test this
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05:33.18CrashSysI know Netgear makes some of dell's switches cause i've stacked a netgear onto a dell and they got along great... :)
05:33.21TheSovanyone wanna call that and help me out?
05:34.18JTCrashSys: think they make their own, well at least design their own
05:34.32TheSovnetgear used to be better than cisco
05:34.37TheSovback when it was called cabletron
05:34.43TheSoverr bay networks
05:34.44CrashSysNetGear gives a lifetime warranty on it's ProSafe stuff now...
05:34.56CrashSysMay 1, 2007...
05:35.18JTnetgear drives me batty
05:35.20TheSovmy first router was a nortel, ah thems were the days
05:35.44TheSovback when cabletron and bay networks ruled the interweb
05:36.22CrashSysYeah... wonder why BayNetworks went belly-up...
05:36.29TheSovthey didnt
05:36.32CrashSysd-Link used to be the shiznit too...
05:36.32TheSovthey became netgear
05:36.44CrashSysWell, they like faded into the darkness for a little bit...
05:37.00TheSovcabletron sold out so someone forgot who
05:37.06TheSovthey make wireless gear now
05:37.12JTd-link was always just shit ;)
05:37.31TheSovyeah i dont remember a time when dlink wasnt complete crap
05:38.07TheSovat least linksys isnt as crappy as it used to be
05:38.26TheSovi remember when if your linksys card lasted more than 6 months u shoulda considered yourself lucky
05:38.35CrashSysCovers internal power supplies, fans, and doesn't have an EoL...
05:39.01JTi remember when linksys were famous for packet loss
05:39.17techman97_andyI remember back when they invented rope...and then the wheel!
05:39.18TheSovman right now netgear is like king of the consumer class
05:39.28JTdon't say that :/
05:39.38TheSovyou were in ancient sumeria?
05:39.45techman97_andyhell yea, I'm one old bastard.
05:39.45JTi think linksys might be, i also try to avoid most consumer rubbish though
05:40.06Daejeo1did you ever play with cisco 7960G
05:40.32techman97_andyI was going to say - that would be a Cisco product!
05:40.49TheSovcisco = can i still call out?
05:40.58CrashSysDidn't the Linksys SRW224P have problems with ports burning out on PoE?
05:41.01TheSovthem and their bastardized version of sip
05:42.05TheSov3com also has a nice bastardized sip aswell
05:42.13techman97_andyUGH!  Here I am, working on a phone system in the middle of the night from home, and the damn internet at the office goes out
05:43.27CrashSysYay! Internets!
05:43.36techman97_andysomeone rolled over a TUBE
05:43.54CrashSysteh google and teh Internets... (God I love our president)
05:44.05TheSovum yeck?
05:44.08TheSovron paul!
05:44.14techman97_andygo Ron Paul!
05:45.16TheSovi take it your not a fan of ron paul
05:45.23techman97_andywho me?
05:45.32TheSovnaw crash
05:46.43TheSovrumors on the internets!
05:46.44techman97_andywhat a douche.
05:46.48CrashSysand Teh google
05:47.34techman97_andy"The googler in chief looks on all the internets for maps!" HA!
05:48.43TheSovomg! their is more than 1 internet
05:48.51CrashSysLeader of one of the most powerful nations on the earth and he talks like he's a high-school drop-out...
05:48.52TheSovbush is right!
05:48.56TheSovfirst time
05:49.14TheSovinternet2 is out and universities are using it
05:49.29CrashSysMan... The Internet Sequel... and i'm missing it :(
05:50.01TheSovwell at least your not french they missed this one
05:50.25*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
05:50.53TheSovhow many years was the internet public before france gave up and joined in?
05:51.10CrashSysBeats me...
05:51.21CrashSysThey will probably protest The Internets as well
05:51.23JTfrench jokes
05:51.29JTare only funny to americans
05:51.35JTremember that when you're on the Internet
05:51.56TheSovbut I love to make fun of the french
05:52.00CrashSysPlease... like there aren't 1001 american jokes floating around...
05:52.23TheSovwhich is odd because america is made up of people from all other countries
05:52.23JTyeah, but more than one nation thinks rofl of those :P
05:52.57CrashSysThe british find french jokes funny too?
05:52.57JTwhat country isn't?
05:52.57JTsome of them
05:52.57JTjust not the lame ones :P
05:52.57TheSovI happen to be middle eastern and I love america!
05:53.10JTlike if i hear another person talk about "freedom fries" i want to punch them
05:53.22TheSovi agree with you on that one
05:55.28*** join/#asterisk zeeesh (
05:56.05TheSovwell goodnight guys
05:56.17CrashSysLOL... lil bush...
05:56.56JTCrashSys: heh, that's one of the nicknames of our Prime MinisteR: Bonsai
05:57.00JTlittle Bush
05:57.15JTin Australia, that is
05:57.18CrashSysThis is the name of an american TV series where we make fun of out leaders... :D
05:57.26*** join/#asterisk bird_of_Luck (
05:57.50JTthe .au PM sucks up to bush so much, hence the nickname ;)
05:58.17techman97_andyalright all, I'm off to bed
05:58.58CrashSysbed time here too... I gotta hurry up and be late for work...
06:02.20Daejeo1anyone can point me to good tutorial- how to configure cisco 7960g WUTH ASTERISK
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06:15.05TondHi I am having a compile issue with asterisk when it gets to the rxfax.  I have installed the spandsp and followed all the instructions.  I am using  spandsp-0.0.2pre26, but when it comes to compiling rx_fax it returns a whole bunch of functions with this error (undeclared (first use in this function))
06:15.36Tondany ideas why this could be?  the rx and tx fax files i downloaded for asterisk 1.2.x from spandsp's site
06:16.11*** join/#asterisk patrickv0x (n=patrick@
06:16.29patrickv0xhas anyone been able to get Cisco 7970G phone registered with Asterisk via SIP ?
06:16.58TondI wa able to do it before using the old firmware, but the new one I have not been able to...
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06:17.20patrickv0xtond: which firmware did you get it to work ?
06:17.21Tondas soon as i upgraded my SIP firmware, it stoped
06:17.32Tondlet me check and see if i have a log
06:17.36patrickv0xok, thanks
06:19.18Tondlooks like it was 7.2
06:19.45Tondthe one that doens't currently work is SIP70.8-2-2SR4S
06:20.21patrickv0x7.2 ?
06:20.44Tondprobably something like  SIP70.2
06:20.44patrickv0xdon't think there is a sip image for 7970G phone until 8.X releases
06:21.14Tondlet me check again... not sure where the fiels are...
06:21.29flenderspatrickv0x: tehre's a page on the wiki that explains that problem after the upgrade
06:21.37flendersI used it for a 7940 and it worked
06:21.45Tondbut if u ahve access to cisco's site u should get the version before the latest one..  that worked for me and as soon as i upgraded everything went bad
06:22.07Tond7940 and 7960 ae different I think
06:22.29flenderswell, worth a try
06:22.33TondFlenders> do u ahve the url?
06:22.37Tondit sure is
06:23.05Tondright now I am strugelling with spandsp and compiling rx_fax with asterisk
06:23.13Tondnot sure why i am getting errors...
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06:23.51patrickv0xflenders: yeah, i saw that page; not very useful
06:24.00patrickv0xflenders: also went through Kerry's flash-video many times
06:25.06flendersI think the one I saw was
06:26.17patrickv0xyeah, that's not for 7970
06:26.52patrickv0xi'm downgrading to 8.03S now
06:26.56patrickv0xlet's see if it will register
06:27.05Tondya ket me know too...  :)
06:27.21Tondmaybe I should downgrtade mine, since it has been collecting dust
06:27.32patrickv0xor u can ship it to me :-)
06:27.34TondI am very disapointed with Cisco
06:27.37patrickv0xi will clean off the dust for you
06:27.41Tondha ha ha
06:27.57patrickv0xTond: where are you about ?
06:28.10patrickv0xok, I'm in California
06:28.14TondOh kewl...
06:28.25patrickv0xwhat do you use asterisk for ? hobby or work related ?
06:28.27TondI just bought a Cali DID today...
06:28.36patrickv0xoh ? i could give you one :-)
06:28.42gzeroTond, do you get errors with plc.h?
06:29.09patrickv0xyou guys need terminations or 8xx, let me know
06:29.12patrickv0xwe got a few DS3's
06:29.12Tondgzero> no
06:29.30Tondgzero> it's with app_rxfax
06:29.37gzeroi know
06:30.18TondPatrick> sure, what rates and coverage can you provide...?
06:30.26snuff-awayto make spandsp you must copy over plc.h and also patch the then run ./
06:30.42TondPatrick> i got a DID for about $3.99 / Month with ublimited incoming and 2 ports
06:30.57patrickv0xwe're more strong on terminations
06:30.57gzeroTond, you are using 1.2?
06:31.08Tondgzero> ya
06:31.20gzerok, i was refering to 1.4
06:31.26Tondoh.. :)
06:31.41gzerobut maybe 1.2 can also be fixed with plc.h i dont know
06:31.42Tondsnuff> were u also reffering to ver 1.4 ?
06:32.05Tondi was reading the instructions online and no where they mentioned that
06:32.12gzeroyou can find it here /usr/include/spandsp/plc.h
06:32.24gzeroand needs to go in asterisksrouce/inclues/asterisk
06:33.07Tondi just checked and i already ahve plc.h
06:33.24Tondoverwrite it?
06:33.24gzerothats normal
06:33.35gzerojusst rename it to plc.h.orig
06:34.01gzeroif it doesn't solve you issue you can still revert back
06:34.08Tondya..  :)
06:34.30Tondhow do i donwload /spandsp/plc.h?  svn ?
06:34.35Tondis there a web url ?
06:34.44gzerodid you install spandsp?
06:34.47snuff-awaynope.. should be from ur spandsp install
06:35.02gzeroyou can find it here /usr/include/spandsp/plc.h
06:35.22gzerobut it depents how you run configure
06:35.58Tondi am checking the docs and it seems like that is only for ver 1.4
06:36.32gzeroyes most probably. we are just refering to it as a last option
06:36.37snuff-awaywell u can def get older ones.. or there used to be older..
06:36.40jameswf-homeIm on like my 9th hour of the godfather
06:36.53Tondfor 1.2 it should compile smooth..  I am starting to wonder if the app_rxfax and app_txfax require spandsp 3 and above and won't work with 2.6
06:37.34snuff-awaywell ii know i use spandsp 0.0.3 somethin
06:37.53Tondand it worked fine for ya?
06:39.30Tondheck i am gonna try the v 4 of span dsp and see how that works
06:42.04*** join/#asterisk remmo (n=junk@
06:43.25Tondwhat do u know, the latest version of sandsp did resolve the issue..  :)
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07:32.44Sargunanyone here used sphinx?
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07:54.23cjkhi, anyone an idea wat happens when the variable DEVSTATE is set through the asterisk manager?
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07:58.08xezzhello, is there a document or someway to see how trixbox/asterisk initiate a simple outbound call ? i want to write a script so i can make calls like: ./dial <number>
08:01.40jm|laptopDial(Zap/1,<number>) ?
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08:02.15jm|laptopDial(SIP/<number>@<fxo>) ?
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08:05.10jbotit has been said that thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
08:09.03*** join/#asterisk DJ_Kit (n=lamass@
08:09.08DJ_Kithi guys
08:09.31DJ_Kiti'm looking for voip provider who's support my-own-set-CallerID
08:09.41DJ_Kitcan anybody help me?
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08:19.49porchehi there
08:20.06porcheany1 met such an error:  chan_zap.c:4144 zt_handle_event: Ring/Off-hook in strange state 6 on channel 6
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08:25.53linexI got screen 0 , screen 1 and screen 2. How do I kill screen 1 and screen 2 ?
08:26.26DJ_Kitdrink beer brother ;)
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08:45.14st1xHi all, I have a digium wildcard te212p. I want to test it, but during workhours I cannot use our PRI-connection. However I have a BRI-connection available. Is it possible to test my PRI-card on a BRI-connection?
08:45.34jeremy_g<jeremy_g> hi
08:45.35jeremy_g<jeremy_g> how do i log sip traffic using tcpdump
08:45.35jeremy_g<jeremy_g> tcpdump -s 65535 -w siplog.cap
08:45.35jeremy_g<jeremy_g> but i only want to log sip
08:45.37jeremy_g<jeremy_g> nothing else
08:46.01jeremy_gst1x:yes but it wont fully test it, i dont recommend
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08:46.32st1xjeremy_g I just want to make an external call :)
08:46.58st1xjeremy_g what should I do, set up one D and one B channel?
08:50.15jeremy_gor even two B and one D channel
08:50.47porcheoh found
08:50.56st1xoki, I'll try that
08:51.04porchechan_zap.c:4144 zt_handle_event: Ring/Off-hook in strange state 6 on channel 6, related with wiring at all,
08:51.14st1xjeremy_g and I can use the same cable I presume?
08:56.53st1xand which signalling should I set in zapata.conf ?
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08:57.20xezzJT, Dial(SIP/<peer>/<number>) , can you give me an example of <peer> and SIP ?
08:58.58jeremy_gst1x:i dont remember
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09:02.19casixanyone knows if the problem of using mysql and odbc is in the asterisk 1.4.6?
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09:14.26JTst1x: no, it is not possible
09:14.37JTjeremy_g: what crack are you smoking? that is NOT possible
09:14.44JTBRI and PRI have different L1s
09:14.49st1xhehe ok
09:15.37JTst1x: however, since you have a 2 port card, you can make a T1 crossover cable and talk to yourself :)
09:16.04st1xJT sounds like fun :)
09:16.25JTset one as pri_cpe one as pri_net
09:16.33JTpri_net will have to provide timing
09:16.39JTand pri_cpe receive
09:17.20st1xok maybe I'll try that
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09:20.27xezzJT, i can make an outbound call from a shell script just using this line : Dial(SIP/<peer>/<number>) ??
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09:21.25JTxezz: from  shell script, er, executed from what?
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09:21.46xezzimagine i have a redhat box with asterisk
09:22.05JoJo_ReloadeDi have a quadbri and a tdm800p with a fxo module in port1. i have it all configured and working ok, but when i try to load the modules from startup it says it has an error and doesn't work. when i load the modules from console works ok... anybody got help ?
09:22.19xezzand i would like to make outbound calls with a shell script like: ./dial <phone> <extention>
09:22.42JTyou can either use .call files or the Asterisk Manager Interface to make calls
09:22.46xezzso asterisk calls that number and transfer it to that extention
09:23.55xezzthanx for idea but it must be done via shell script
09:25.40JTdo you know how to make shell scripts
09:25.40JTif so these are options
09:25.40JTthere are the only 2 options.
09:26.00davbHi everybody!
09:26.01davbHow do you do that?
09:26.01davbIn extensions.conf I have:
09:26.06davbgui_ring_groupname = internal
09:26.08davbexten = s,1,Answer()
09:26.10davbexten = s,2,Background(wait)
09:26.12davb;exten = s,2,Read(wait)
09:26.14davb;exten = s,2,Playback(wait)
09:26.15JTdavb: STOP
09:26.16davb;exten = s,2,BackgroundDetect(wait)
09:26.18davbexten = s,3,NoOp(RINGGROUP)
09:26.20davbexten = s,n,Dial(SIP/01&SIP/02&SIP/03,5) ;30 est le timeout
09:26.22davbexten = s,n,Hangup
09:26.24davbI have put the wait.wav in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
09:26.26davbSo when I call the provider number I can hear "welcome we will takeyour call please wait" but the softphones don't ring in the sametime...They ring after it.
09:26.29davbI have try Read, Playback, BackgroundDetect and set the same priority
09:26.33davbexten = s,2,Background(wait)
09:26.35davbexten = s,2,NoOp(RINGGROUP)
09:26.37davbwithout succes
09:26.40davbCan you help me?
09:26.42JTdavb: fucking stop flooding the channel, thanks.
09:26.55davboh sorry
09:26.56JTmore than 3 lines of paste is a flood
09:27.06JTyou just flooded 254 people
09:27.25jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel.  Here are links to a few : , ,
09:27.25xezzjt i've written shell scripts during time, i just dont know the function asterisk uses to make calls
09:27.37davbIt's the first time...I didn't that it will display like this
09:27.48JTxezz: i just told you the two methods, there's quite a lot of documentation online
09:27.57jbotextra, extra, read all about it, thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
09:27.59JTand ~thewiki
09:28.18JTalso, there's a sample .call file in the asterisk sources
09:29.14xezzyes, thanx alot i've read something but i have a quastion because i dont have an asterisk server to test it right now, if i put in a shell script the line Dial(SIP/<peer>/<number>) , it will initiate a call ?
09:29.56JTin a shell script, how on earth will it relay that information to asterisk?
09:30.42jmlsanyone having problems with the latest (svn) of 1.4 ?
09:30.53jmlsrealtime seems not to work for me.
09:31.13xezzhmm, im not sure mate, im asking so i can figure this out...
09:31.20*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=IceChat7@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
09:32.18davbThx for the
09:33.54*** join/#asterisk Dovid (n=Dovid@
09:36.16Zeeek2 coffees didn't make the difference. May need to go home
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09:54.42davbdid you understand my bad english or not?
09:55.26JoJo_ReloadeDdavb, fijo que eres espaƱol
09:55.42JoJo_ReloadeDme equivoco ?
09:57.54version5hey guys, is it possible to write a .call file to initiate a call between two people? e.g two sip devices
09:59.03Zeeekversion5 that is indeed the purpose of .call files
10:07.08*** part/#asterisk JoJo_ReloadeD (
10:09.41porchehi there
10:09.45porchei have a new question
10:09.55porchei have some analog lines + tdm2400p
10:10.33porcheone two of the lines, after line is answered calling phone still hears the dial tone, even asterisk does answer and plays standard voices
10:10.52porcheis this an asterisk problem or wiring/telco problem?
10:15.24Dovidbesides for asterisk and freeswitch does any know of linux based software that has VAD ?
10:22.36*** join/#asterisk vgster (
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10:27.09patrickv0xanyone able to get Cisco 7970G IP phone to register with asterisk ?
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10:56.34porcheanswer to my question, it's wiring again
10:56.47porchethis is cool channel
10:57.02[Airwolf]If I have a phone that doesn't have call waiting, does Asterisk have a function that I can park a call that i ment for that extention/phone, but checks untill it's free and then transfers the call to that phone ?
10:57.45*** join/#asterisk dc3aes (
10:58.07porcheairwolf yes, asterisk can do it
10:58.48[Airwolf]porche, what function is that exactly ?
10:59.01[Airwolf]Because I don't know what to search for. :)
10:59.10porchei would do some queue mechanism
10:59.31porchebut in this channel there may be some guys having better suggestions
11:00.05porchethen check for queue methods on
11:00.54[Airwolf]I don't want to have a queue for every extention. Because there are alot of phones with no call waiting capability.
11:01.56porche1 sec
11:01.58[Airwolf]Well I don't want is the wrong reason, but it doesn't seem practicle to have over a 100 queues, just for this function.
11:22.57*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
11:24.33porcheairwolf asterisk has got call waiting
11:24.52porcheif an extension is not available it can be parked,
11:25.53[Airwolf]porche, I just said that the phone doesn't support it. :)
11:26.50[Airwolf]If the phones supported it, my problem was solved.
11:27.05porcheit must be implemented on the dial plan i think
11:27.15yonahw-workis there a way to return from a gosub that was sent into an invalid extension in a different context?
11:33.10[Airwolf]porche, i thougth of that.
11:33.45[Airwolf]But do you know if it's possible to put a call in parking with a function.
11:45.03yonahw-workfor anyone that cares: figured out that I can set a variable to ${CONTEXT} and then goto that variable,s,1
11:45.56*** join/#asterisk stimpie (
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11:55.41Dovidanyone know ifno on setting up CNG on asterisk forf use with g729 ?
11:59.21*** join/#asterisk Cardoe (n=cardoe@gentoo/developer/Cardoe)
11:59.39Cardoewhat replaces the prefix application in newer versions of asterisk?
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12:09.26creativxwoah how awesome
12:09.37creativxsuddenly all the "extensionstatus" events disappeared from the ami
12:12.02creativxarent those related to the extension hints?
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12:14.32Paul_UKhey there, is anyone dealing with any large companies in the UK that specialise in asterisk bespoke development and call centre implementations?
12:15.33DovidTK: does asterisk have CNG support for SIP with G729 ?
12:15.36*** join/#asterisk flujan (
12:19.24[TK]D-FenderDovid: nO.
12:19.24*** join/#asterisk ghenry (n=ghenry@
12:19.36porchecalling asterisk, analog lines from mobile phone, as soon as enter extension, line hang ups
12:19.45porcheany1 met this b4?
12:19.50*** join/#asterisk oej (
12:22.29[TK]D-Fenderporche: with the quality back your've provided..... NO.
12:25.10*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
12:25.35[Airwolf][TK]D-Fender, Can you perhaps tell me if there are other functionalities besides call waiting and queues to put a call on hold for a user without ever worring about it ?
12:25.36porcheD-Fender, could not get, didnt you met this b4?
12:26.06anonymouz666working from seven to eleven every night
12:26.34[TK]D-Fender[Airwolf]: any cheap piece of dialplan you feel like creating could do as well.
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12:26.58kaldemarporche: pastebin CLI output for the call
12:27.03[TK]D-Fenderporche: I don't trust your dialplan, and you provided neither it nor the full CLI output of the failed call.
12:27.12[TK]D-Fenderporche: We are not PSYCHIC.
12:27.22tzangerI know that Asterisk itself does not support t.38 except in passthrough, but where do would I feed a t.38 sip session to in order to receive faxes?  I know of iaxmodem but that's not right, is there a t38modem?
12:27.33porcheD-Fender, normal lines dont drop
12:27.40porchejust the calls from mobile drops
12:27.42tzangert38modem and h323 but that's fucking nasty :-)
12:28.18[Airwolf][TK]D-Fender, I don't see that solution .. could you point me in the right direction ?
12:29.13*** join/#asterisk guomi (
12:29.20Cardoeis there no replacement for the Prefix application?
12:29.21[TK]D-Fender[Airwolf]: there are many approaches, what is it you want to do exactly?
12:30.15[TK]D-Fenderporche: -- Executing Hangup("Zap/7-1", "") in new stack <- sure as hell looks like you put a HANGUP right in your dialplan./
12:30.45*** join/#asterisk tcseke (
12:30.52porchei didnt
12:31.12[Airwolf][TK]D-Fender, Basicly, I want to answer a call and transfer it to some extention and i don't care if it is busy or not, but the call can't be lost. But the phone doesn't support call waiting, so the call has to wait somewhere untill the destination isn't busy anymore.
12:31.23creativxinteresting.. setting call-limit: 1 on a sip friend and doing a sip reload made all the extensionstatus events drop out
12:32.13[TK]D-Fender[Airwolf]: transfer to a piece of dialplan that ChanIsAvail's your target in a loop.
12:33.13[TK]D-Fenderporche: that is not a statement of * detecting a hangup, it is clearly an APLLICTION being called.
12:33.20[TK]D-Fenderporche: it is EXPLICIT
12:33.43[Airwolf][TK]D-Fender, hmm didn't thought about that. Thanks
12:33.45porcheD-Fender, it's a stupid line
12:34.09[TK]D-Fenderporche: Pastebin your dialplan
12:34.46[TK]D-Fenderporche: And do another call at verbose 10
12:34.47*** join/#asterisk Sci_05 (
12:34.52Sci_05morning all
12:36.43stimpieHow do I execute something when a call (initiated with Dial) is answered?
12:36.59[TK]D-Fenderstimpie: "show application dial"
12:37.35*** join/#asterisk martin[ug] (
12:37.39martin[ug]hi people
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12:38.05porchethat's the dial-plan
12:38.56porchethis is the ordered
12:38.57martin[ug]what can cause this, i do: ... exten => Playback(some-thing) ... but the caller can't here the first 2-4 seconds of "some-thing" ?
12:38.59*** join/#asterisk Dibbler (
12:39.43NuggetI'm going to write a script for my irc client to fix porche's nick.  :)
12:39.55[TK]D-Fenderporche: please dump the entire context....
12:40.52porchethis is the whole
12:40.54*** join/#asterisk Krooks (n=Blahme@
12:40.58porcheit goes to extension then
12:41.26KrooksI'm reading the foreword of "The Future of Telepphony"
12:41.42porchenugget, thank you
12:42.05porchethis is the call hanged up
12:42.14porcheinteresting it happens during dtmf
12:43.13martin[ug]ok, solved  - /me throws a rtfm in his face *outsch*
12:43.37[TK]D-Fenderporche: if thats the whole context then three is nothing you are allowed to DIAL
12:43.48*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (n=tzafrir@
12:43.56[TK]D-Fenderporche: you have no other extens in there
12:44.02porcheno dial-out, only dial in
12:44.10[TK]D-Fenderporche: so the first DTMF = DOA
12:44.34*** join/#asterisk marl (
12:46.20JTtzanger: asterisk can't do t.38 endpoint
12:46.30*** join/#asterisk Pilko (n=pirch@
12:46.36marlcan someone point me to a page that describes how to stop * from bridging 2 zap channels together? i am wanting to have * record the call and at present it bridges the call and stops recording :(
12:46.51JTporche: in answer to your earlier question, it is normal for an analogue line to be considered answered after dialling, analogue sucks
12:47.12JTmarl: in sip.conf, canreinvite=no
12:47.21JT2 zap channels
12:47.25tzangerJT: I know asterisk can't, but can I reinvite the call to something that can?
12:47.26JTwhat are you using to record?
12:47.27marlin sip.conf? even for zap channels?
12:47.37marlyup 2 zap cahnnels
12:47.45JTtzanger: 1.4 supports t.38 passthrough apparently
12:48.00JTtzanger: cw supports t.38 endpoint with spandsp
12:48.10JTotherwise yes you could try connecting an ATA
12:48.13JTusing passthrough
12:48.15porcheJT, i know analog sucks, taken my weeks to make it detect busy, when I dont have polarity reversal
12:48.17porchebut it works
12:48.36JTporche: did you add polarity reversal to your line?
12:49.12porcheno JT, i detected the congestion tone, on line disconnect, damn turk telekom does not have polarity reversal, only a congestion tone after hang up
12:49.19JTtzanger: callweaver
12:49.37JTporche: did you have to patch the source?
12:49.53*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
12:50.04porchenow all works cool for land-lines, but now my issue is with you mobile
12:50.23porcheJT, i dont know how to generate a patch, but can share the whole asterisk compile, if you like,
12:51.32JTporche: so you did modify the source
12:51.33porcheit's a little bloody chance, i am not 100% sure, where I did change in the code, (but mainly some parameters in dsp.c and chan_zap.c)
12:51.36JTthat's cool
12:51.47JTdiff makes patches
12:52.03porcheok will try,
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12:52.46porcheJT, can I ask my question again?
12:52.46*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (n=strom@
12:53.03porcheall system works for normal land lines, all fine, call flow, hang up detection, etc etc
12:53.55porchebut from my mobile phone, call comes, np, mobile hears the announcement well, but when it comes to dtmf to get the extension, from time to time, asterisk just hang ups
12:54.23porchemy guess is it's not busy detection since it may happen at the 8-9 sec of the call (busy detector cannot be active b4 15 secs)
12:54.24Krooksthis guy wrote l2tpd, gaim and cheops.
12:54.41Krooksmust be somekind of genius
12:57.46*** join/#asterisk y7n (
12:57.49Krookswho wrote asterisk
12:58.24cpma gang of welshmen
12:59.08mockerKrooks: Also wrote the dundi stuff.
12:59.24*** join/#asterisk waKKu (n=eurulo@unaffiliated/wakku)
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12:59.50FlatFootafternoon all
13:00.10mockerFlatFoot: hello.
13:00.10Krooksdoes he comes in here ?
13:00.45FlatFootJust been given a GSMLine 900/1800 has anyone ever used one of these with *  ?
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13:02.22Krookswhats dundi ?
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13:02.49marlJT u any ideas on that bridging zap thing?
13:03.23flujanhi guys... asterisk will be able to stream tv?
13:03.31flujanwhat is the asterisktv stuff?
13:04.14fileit's a video stream... from the users conference that happens on Fridays
13:06.00*** join/#asterisk Uatec (
13:06.03Krookshis name isMark Spencer
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13:08.06aravaCan someone help me configure my asterisk, This is the first time Iam doing it .
13:08.45aravaI configured my openvox card and also zapata.conf , but Iam not getting any dialtone on my phones connected to FXS ports
13:08.52aravaIs this normal ?
13:09.31*** join/#asterisk coppice (
13:12.25HaMYaIcoppice: I am running asterisk 1.2.x with unicall module loaded now =)
13:13.31HaMYaIcoppice: I plugged one end to my Tor2 card acting as telco and the other end of the cross over cable to a dialogic card
13:13.53*** join/#asterisk ez` (
13:14.15coppiceI did some of the early testing of unicall's MFC/R2 against dialogic. they are crap
13:14.42HaMYaIcoppice: which one D/300?
13:15.26coppiceit doesn't matter. their R2 code is the same, whichever card you use. do anything wrong in the protocol and it locks up, instead of recovering
13:15.43HaMYaIcoppice: I had no problem connecting "co" to "cpe" on the same Tor2 card but dialogic D/300SC
13:15.52coppiceobviously in early testing I did a number of things wrong, and I was rebooting all the time
13:16.49coppicethe dialogic stuff won't even restart reliably
13:18.39*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:19.14JTmarl: i already asked how you were recording, but received no response
13:21.11HaMYaIcoppice: but my dialogic card isn't running on asterisk box
13:21.33coppiceneither was mine
13:22.02HaMYaIcoppice: ok
13:23.15coppiceyou can lock most of the dialogic E1 and T1 cards by putting errors in the bit stream too. absolute junk
13:23.22HaMYaIcoppice: remember about the 120 msec metering pulses i asked you last year? have you had a look at it yet or it's already in current release?
13:23.39Krookswho is jim dixon
13:23.54coppicecreating them, or trying to ignore them?
13:24.43HaMYaIcreating =)
13:24.43JTKrooks: guy who did some stuff with radio repeater controllers
13:24.43coppiceJim Dixon is the man who started zapata
13:24.49Krooksah I see.
13:24.54JTah that too
13:25.09key2coppice: btw he doesnt irc does he ?
13:25.45coppicehe was badly injured in an accident. I don't know how he is now
13:26.16KrooksCause I'm reading "The Future of Telephony" and I quote "Everyone in the Asterisk community needs to thank Jim Dixonfor creating the first open-source telephony hardware interfaces......"
13:26.22JTyeah, haven't heard much on that
13:26.51key2yeah but its still very expensive
13:26.57key2no pci bus mastering
13:27.01key26 layers PCB
13:27.07coppiceJim and a bunch of Mexican guys everyone seems to forget about
13:27.07key2BGA components.
13:27.39coppicethat wasn't the first card
13:27.57coppiceand it doesn't cost a lot to make anyway
13:28.45key2coppice: tell me where u make 6 layers pcb and bga soldering
13:28.49key2for prototyping
13:28.52key2am interested to know !
13:28.59key2and that "doest cost much"
13:29.01coppicewho said anything about prototyping.
13:29.13key2well... you have to give it some tries
13:29.24coppiceprototyping will always cost a bomb, because sourcing one off parts is expensive
13:29.40key2well of course mass production wont cost that much
13:29.57key2but for example, a TI dsp cost just itself 280Eur
13:29.59coppicebut a number of people get batches of 100 made in China, and I doubt they pay $100 a card
13:30.07key2you wanna prototype a board that has 8 on it...
13:30.43key2and if u ever forgot one pullup or a gnd or whatever... you're done for 8 others 280euur...
13:30.46key2u know what I mean ?
13:30.50key2and it happens OFTEN
13:31.05marlsorry JT, just using normal call record within * or r u asking the excat command im using within extensions.conf?
13:31.20JTmarl: please be much more specific
13:32.12Uatecdamn, beer is not conducive to work
13:32.15*** join/#asterisk mindCrime_ (
13:32.39coppice280euro DSPs are for rich folk. the rest of us won't pay more than $25 for the same thing :-)
13:32.59JTan idiot tax perhaps
13:33.44marli have all my extensions set to record all calls, i create a call file that calls ext 205 (which is Zap/1/07xxxxxx) and then call Zap/2/014xxxxx, it all works ok, but as soon as the call is connected between the zap channels, call recording stops, as far as i have been able to tell so far it has something to do with * bridging the calls, and not staying 'in the middle'
13:33.59coppiceJT: now, now. it makes some people feel macho to pay 20 times the volume price :-)
13:34.24*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
13:34.57JTcoppice: i thought that's what free samples were for
13:35.13JTmarl: how are they SET TO RECORD calls?
13:35.18coppiceyeah. paying for prototypes is kinda weird
13:35.43key2JT: no 280eur is for the TI dsp at 1Ghz TMS320Csmth
13:35.52JTkey2: get a free sample
13:36.00key2oh thats the price of the sample :)
13:36.06key2they dont give samples :)
13:36.17coppicenot if you are serious about them, it isn't :-)
13:37.05JTkey2: they would be idiots to not give you a free sample if you planned to possibly use it in a real production design
13:37.55key2and also
13:37.58key2for the price of the DSP
13:38.07key2coppice: its' TI's site huh !
13:38.19JTkey2: blah, blah
13:38.22JTso what
13:38.24JTit's their site
13:38.39key2TMS320C6455BZTZAACTIVE314.40 | 1KUFCBGA (ZTZ) | 697 44 View View Purchase Samples
13:38.43marlJT MixMonitor called to record the call as far as i can tell (using freepbx front end)
13:39.05JTkey2: i can read, kthx
13:39.07key2JT: so they propose u to purchase it
13:39.11key2not free
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13:39.25coppicekey2: I guess you are new at this :-)
13:39.47key2coppice: No I just know that if your name is not Lucent, you wont get free sample
13:40.07key2coppice: and for even getting the datasheet u need to go to I dunno where in the world with 4 lawyers and signs tones of NDA
13:40.31JTkey2: maybe it's not meant for people not called lucent
13:40.33key2coppice: of course, now if you wanna use a blackfin for $10 each, it has nothing to see
13:40.34coppicehow much do you think they pay for that chip? or a smaller company, like say Grandstream for their video phone (lowe spec, but a 64xx)
13:41.08key2coppice: Grandsteam is not that small..
13:41.27coppicebut what do you think they pay?
13:42.00key2coppice: they probably pay let say <50eur the one that costs 370 USD
13:42.29coppiceyou really are new at this :-)
13:42.50key2coppice: how much do u think they pay it dude ? $4 each ?
13:42.53*** join/#asterisk Mercestes (
13:43.03coppicea bit more. about $10
13:43.36coppicemaybe a bit more for the 1G part. 750M would be that
13:44.03key2coppice: listen, I worked on a setup box that uses one of broadcom's adsl cpe chip that is let say 80eur according to bcm, we had to pay it about 17 each
13:44.13key2for 2 Million units
13:44.42coppicebloody hell. at $17 all the people who dropped out of ADSL would be getting back in
13:44.45key2coppice: and i REALLY don't believe that a chip that they wanna sell 314 they would sell it 10
13:44.58tzangeryou got an adsl chipset for bf1?
13:45.11key2bf1 ?
13:45.22tzangerkey2: which board is it for?
13:45.33key2for our own setup box
13:45.36tzangerkey2: ah
13:45.39JTor set top
13:45.42tzangerset top I imagine
13:45.44key2set top
13:45.54JTyeah english
13:46.10tzangerkey2: sounds like a nifty project, what's it all do?
13:46.37key2tzanger: not much, TV + phone + wifi
13:46.52tzangerkey2: still sounds cool.  :-)
13:47.52tzangerwhat processor?
13:47.58key2based on a MIPS
13:48.01*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
13:48.28coppiceMIPS is really making a comeback against the ARM lately
13:48.44tzangerJerJer: oink
13:48.50key2its a big endian mips
13:48.53key2with mmu
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13:49.13tzangerahh broadcom chip broadcom dsl... makes sense now
13:50.16coppicethat's just an ADSL chip, not a complete set top box platform. $17 is crazy for that
13:50.24tzangercoppice: that's the CPU+DSL
13:50.30key2coppice: the thing is that once they sold you all the CO chip for your dslam, they hold you
13:50.33tzangerI'm looking at the overview for it now
13:51.03key2tzafrir: now u have 6358
13:51.03coppicebut only the CPU for the ADSL support. not a TV chip
13:51.03tzangercoppice: yeah I just read that
13:51.03key2coppice: right
13:51.03tzangerthat seems odd
13:51.10key2coppice: so using a sigma design for tv
13:52.02tzangerbcm6358 has wifi too
13:52.21key2actually the 6348, we bought it for something like $12 each
13:52.24key2and 6358 for 17
13:52.47key2but as I told u, once they sold u the dslam's chip, you sort of have to stay on bcm afterward
13:53.09tzangerkey2: it's not standards compliant?
13:53.19key2tzanger: it should be
13:53.34coppicethe main CO makers are not the main CPE makers
13:53.36key2tzanger: but to be honest, all it has inside is the minimum cores for doing adsl
13:53.54key2coppice: we made our own dslam
13:54.18key2tzanger: so when they modify the protocol or they add some new stuff, they give you the new drivers for the CO and the CPE too
13:54.26coppicestill, you are not tied to the same maker's silicon. the dslams are crazily cheap
13:54.45key2coppice: well bcm sells both
13:55.05key2coppice: then they also sell you the StrataGxs layer 3 switching chip
13:55.09coppicethey don't get a lot for the CO, though
13:55.09key2with SerDes
13:55.17key2no they dont make money on the CO
13:55.23key2but once they sold u that, they hold u as I told u
13:55.44key2since if u use BCM on both part, they have some private protocol that lets u go up to 28Mb on ADSL2+
13:55.58key2( even tho u have to be right next to the dslam)
13:56.11tzangerjust like the dlink 22mbps wireless
13:56.18key2thats the idea..
13:56.19tzanger28mbps down, but 800k up.
13:56.23tzangerfucking yuck.
13:56.34JTtzanger: Anex M :)
13:56.43tzangergimme some damned symmetrical bandwidth
13:56.51tzangerJT: what's annex m?
13:56.54*** join/#asterisk galeras (n=root@
13:57.02key2coppice: so we sell up to 28Mb for 29.9eur/month
13:57.10key2coppice: tv + phone included...
13:57.13Krookswhat do you call the thing on the wall with many wires. The one the pbx will be connected to.
13:57.26key2the channel bank ?
13:57.26tzangertermination block?
13:57.30tzangerbix strip?
13:57.32JTtzanger: trading off ADSL2+ downstream for higher upstream
13:57.34JTKrooks: rat's nest
13:57.40tzangerJT: that'd be nice if ANYONE allowed it
13:57.48KrooksI think the channel bank.
13:57.51*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
13:57.53JTtzanger: some isps in Australia are trialling it
13:58.03Krooksis that the proper term ?
13:58.05tzangerlucky aussies
13:58.06[TK]D-FenderI'd trade my 5000/800 DSl for 2000/2000 in a heartbeat.
13:58.23Krooksok tahnks
13:58.26JT[TK]D-Fender: more like 15000/2000
13:58.48[TK]D-FenderJT : not happening around here at anything resembling my budget :)
14:00.22KrooksNo I think channel bank is not what I meant. I looked it up in google image, it looks different
14:01.35JT[TK]D-Fender: that's with Annex M, current consumer ADSL2+ here is ~20000/1000kbit/s
14:02.03coppiceJT: how far from the CO? :-)
14:03.01JTa few km
14:03.20*** join/#asterisk naitram (n=danny@
14:03.52Krooks   <--- look at this picture. What do you call that ?
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14:04.06naitramanyone tell me how to play some sort of confirmation to a user when he has started one touch monitoring
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14:04.26JTKrooks: MDF
14:04.28JTor IDF
14:04.37key2Krooks: I call that a MESS
14:04.53Dovidis there any way to set asterisk when you send it to VM to copy a second account on the VM ? I want something like voicemail(2@default&3@default)
14:04.54KrooksI just want to know the proper term
14:05.05KrooksMDF or IDF ok.
14:05.24[TK]D-FenderJT : only 200kbps more upstream?  I wouldn't pay for it.
14:05.44*** join/#asterisk coolbeans (
14:06.10[TK]D-FenderDovid: Funny.... thats exactly what the INSTRUCTIONS say....
14:06.18*** join/#asterisk ehaupt (n=ehaupt@unaffiliated/ehaupt)
14:06.26coolbeansHi all.  What's the magic behind call parking?  In my features.conf, I have it defined (the defaults) and I'm including parkedcalls in my context but #700 doesn't do anything.  Is the parkedcalls context supposed to exist in my extensions.conf?
14:06.39Dovidnever did it. asked here frist. was loading wiki-pedia
14:06.43Dovidi guess RTFM
14:07.23*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
14:07.26KrooksDefinitions for certain IT spaces are finally changing.  The space where communications cables enter the building and terminate is called the "MDF" and the space on each of the floors where the voice and data cables terminate is called the "IDF".  Telecom spaces have been called "closets".  These terms are old AT&T telephone terms from the 1960s.  MDF stands for "main distribution frame" and IDF s
14:07.34Krooksjust thought I share
14:07.40JT[TK]D-Fender: double the upstream or so, with Annex M
14:07.53JT200kbit/s, not sure where you got that from
14:08.09Krooksand IDF stands for "intermediate distribution frame".  The terms no longer describe what actually goes on in these spaces but they have been very resilient.  Even the most recent RFP that we produced uses these terms.  But things are changing
14:08.31[TK]D-FenderJT>[TK]D-Fender: that's with Annex M, current consumer ADSL2+ here is ~20000/1000kbit/s
14:08.52JTKrooks: ok, and we need this big paste why?
14:08.54[TK]D-FenderJT : nvm
14:09.01[TK]D-FenderJT : Just saw the earlier comment.
14:09.12[TK]D-FenderJt : so can I get it HERE, and at what PRICE? :)
14:09.26JT[TK]D-Fender: i want VDSL+
14:09.35JTsome isps are doing quiet tests here too
14:09.37QwellI have QDSL
14:09.53Qwellgbit to the switch
14:09.59JT[TK]D-Fender: was enjoying over 40Mbit/s on some form of VDSL in japan
14:10.17JTin hotel, using the free ethernet ports in the room
14:10.44coppicein Japan its usually fibre
14:10.47*** join/#asterisk hohum (
14:11.16JTnot everywhere
14:13.30*** join/#asterisk MrTelephone (
14:13.38coolbeansHi all.  What's the magic behind call parking?  In my features.conf, I have it defined (the defaults) and I'm including parkedcalls in my context but #700 doesn't do anything.  Is the parkedcalls context supposed to exist in my extensions.conf?
14:13.46*** join/#asterisk MdeP (n=MdeP@
14:14.04MrTelephoneHas anyone found a solution for Jul 10 09:41:55 WARNING[3095] chan_zap.c: Ring requested on channel 0/2 already in use on span 1.  Hanging up owner.
14:14.14MrTelephoneStale PRI channels :(
14:14.20*** part/#asterisk porche (n=porche@
14:15.02[TK]D-Fendercoolbeans: pastebin your dialplan
14:15.46fileMrTelephone: that has been changed in recent versions of Asterisk to do some different behavior
14:16.12naitramIs there any provisions in one touch monitor to play a tone or something to the user to let him know that monitoring has started?
14:17.56*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
14:18.36MrTelephoneHow recent?
14:18.55MrTelephoneI just read a real good article for the guy wad to create extensions for every possible DID
14:19.54Daejeo1TFTP Error from 68.58.588.01 requesting P003-08-6-00.loads : File does not exist
14:20.20Daejeo1trying to configure cisco 7960g
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14:22.10fileMrTelephone: 4 months-5 months?
14:22.50pifiuare there any plugins or scripts to install on an asterisk box that will display the "status"  of the pbx, like in trixbox?
14:25.17fileMrTelephone: 1.2.12 is only about 10 months old
14:26.12*** part/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
14:26.39MrTelephoneso your saying its fixed?
14:26.57filethe behavior was changed which helped a lot of people who ran into that message, yes
14:27.09*** join/#asterisk qdk (
14:29.57[TK]D-Fenderpifiu: like...?
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14:33.31Digitmediajemand da der mir helfen kann
14:34.31jbotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there, just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
14:34.52pifiufender in the trixbox admin home page
14:35.01pifiuit shows the status of the system, active calls, network activity
14:35.08[TK]D-Fenderpifiu: Since I don't sue it I don't know what you're looking for EXACTLZY
14:35.17[TK]D-Fenderpifiu: Easy to do yorself.
14:35.35[TK]D-Fenderpifiu: And there are likely some monitoring scripts already out there.  WIKI it up or get coding.
14:35.51[TK]D-Fenderpifiu: Calls, CPU load, etc, not too hard.
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14:37.36MrTelephoneif I have 30dids and some are not listed in the extensions.conf then I should have an invalid handler for those numbers shouldn't I?
14:38.00MrTelephoneexten => i,1,Playback(this_number_is_not_in_service)
14:38.08*** join/#asterisk syneus (
14:38.12MrTelephoneexten => i,2,Hangup()
14:38.30JTyou should Answer first, btw
14:38.41martin[ug]hey, my moh is broken and i want to see which command asterisk executes and what goes wrong, but i can only see "started music.." "stopped music" - i tried starting with -dddddc but i still can't see the command * executes - any ideas how to debug?
14:39.34Strom_MMrTelephone: try this
14:40.02Strom_Mexten => _X.,1,Progress()
14:40.11[TK]D-FenderMrTelephone: just place a single exten in for each and point to your handler.
14:40.28Strom_Mexten => _X.,n,Playback(name-of-file,noanswer)
14:40.41*** join/#asterisk _DAW (
14:40.42Strom_Mexten => _X.,n,Hangup()
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14:51.34joe-fwhere would you guys recommend hosting an asterisk server?  I'm going to have about 60 callers at peak times.. and possibly hundreds in months after..
14:51.51joe-fI'm using voxbone right now for DID.
14:51.57*** join/#asterisk joetester (n=joeteste@
14:52.00Strom_Mhost it somewhere where you have enough bandwidth to handle your calls :)
14:52.12joe-fand just testing asterisk on my local home server..
14:52.19joe-fStrom_M: ahhhhhhh! :)
14:52.36joe-fanyone have any good recommendations?
14:53.49*** join/#asterisk anderiv (
14:56.00coldehost it near voxbone for instance
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14:58.14joe-fso the lag comes from between voxbones origination and where my server is, right?
14:58.16*** join/#asterisk twitchnln (
14:58.25noworkhi, does cisco 5300 g729r8 g729b support asterisk g729a? I have problem when testing. do I need to setup the byte of frame? or anything special? thanks
14:58.46twitchnlngood morning, I am trying to setup an ivr that will allow callers in queue to choose between continuing to hold or leave a vm, how would i set it up so if they choose to stay in the queue that they don't lose their place? is this possible?
14:59.52Mercestestwitchnln, Yes.  You just play a periodic-announce message that says "please continue to hold, or press *blah* to leave a message" and you have a exten => blah,1,Voicemail(blah@blah) in the same context as the queue
15:00.15MercestesIt's under wiki queues
15:00.18*** join/#asterisk hfb (
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15:00.25twitchnlnMercestes: cool, thaks
15:00.35*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
15:01.10joe-fso voxbones servers seem to be in belgium, that sound right?
15:01.19*** join/#asterisk darviria (
15:01.20joe-fwhat would you guys recommend for USA DID?
15:03.09russellbMercestes: troll
15:03.19russellbjoe-f: iaxtel does not provide us dids :)
15:03.41Corydon76-workNot PSTN DIDs anyway
15:03.43joe-fso if voxbones IP (ex. 81.201.82.*) is from belgium, and i have a Los Angeles phone number, what route does the phone call take?
15:03.49Qwell[]russellb: Does it provide .pk DIDs?
15:03.55Qwell[]russellb: oh, and that's being fixed...
15:03.56joe-fgoes from LA to beligum via internet, and back to my server?
15:03.57Qwell[]sorry :(
15:04.14russellbQwell[]: it's ok :)
15:04.19Qwell[]people said it was tested, I test compiled, but...meh
15:04.25Mercestesrusselb:  ....Oh...damnit.
15:04.27russellbQwell[]: like i said, i would have fixed it if it was obvious
15:04.29Qwell[]we need to figure out a way to get files to rebuild if the header changed
15:04.29MercestesI meant Teliax.
15:04.42russellbQwell[]: it should already do that
15:04.46Qwell[]it didn't
15:04.53MercestesIaxtel, Teliax, they are similar.  LOL
15:04.55Errthe makefile is missing dependencies if it doesn't
15:04.56*** join/#asterisk GiantPickle (
15:04.58Qwell[]I totally test compiled, and it totally worked
15:05.02russellbQwell[]: in fact, we let gcc tell us the dependencies
15:05.08MercestesQwell[]:  I signed up btw.
15:05.09russellbQwell[]: you didn't control-C it?  :)
15:05.18Qwell[]I probably did
15:05.28russellbi figured you saw res_monitor build and killed it
15:05.28Qwell[]will remember to not do that in the future
15:05.34russellbinstead of waiting until the end
15:05.36Qwell[]yeah...I do that a lot ;/
15:05.40russellbhaha, ftw
15:06.00Qwell[]but, in my defense, headers don't often change :P
15:06.45Mercesteslysdexia strikes again
15:06.54noworkhi, anyone please help/? g729 a........
15:07.02noworkhi, does cisco 5300 g729r8 g729b support asterisk g729a? I have problem when testing. do I need to setup the byte of frame? or anything special? thanks
15:07.34Mercestesnowork:  I don't think g729b supports g729a.
15:07.54Qwell[]Mercestes: oh?
15:07.59Qwell[]Mercestes: about time :p
15:08.35MercestesQwell[]: Ya think?  I still had to enter my CC#, select a billing cycle, and put up my soul as collateral.
15:08.46*** join/#asterisk kirberich (
15:08.50Qwell[]really?  I swear I didn't have to do any of that...
15:09.01MercestesYea, it must be a new thing
15:09.02Qwell[]I suppose it's to stop the spam that's been happening, but meh
15:09.12Qwell[](they've done a really good job at controlling it though)
15:09.17russellbwell ... i don't think gcc would have fixed it :)
15:09.21russellbbut it would have stopped you :)
15:09.30Qwell[]yeah, I saw that as it hit #asterisk-commits
15:09.32Qwell[]went "d'oh"
15:09.43Qwell[]but whatever, people will get the point :D
15:09.44russellbno big deal ... it's trunk
15:09.52russellbi typo commits daily
15:10.00MercestesThat explains alot
15:10.07lilalinuxIs somebody using OpenWengo with Asterisk?
15:10.08russellb~lart Mercestes
15:10.08jbotexecutes killall -HUP Mercestes
15:10.15Qwell[]pfft, just -HUP?
15:10.20russellbi know, weak
15:10.28Qwell[]Mercestes: All -HUP does is make you reread your config :p
15:10.48russellb~thwack Mercestes
15:10.49jbotACTION smacks Mercestes on the head with a Holy Bible
15:10.53russellbthat's better
15:10.57Mercestesnow that's just wrong.
15:10.58russellb... wait
15:11.14russellbyay bots
15:11.16Mercestes...omg, that reminds me...I made a faux pas at work..:(
15:11.34MercestesMy boss was talking about this new "religious video game."  (he's catholic).
15:11.47Mercestesand I went off on a tangeant and I was like, ", what happens when you lose?"
15:11.59Mercestesand he turned his back and I threw out my arms like I was on a cross and went "Game Over!"
15:11.59russellbhahaha ..
15:12.26Mercestesand my other co=workers were like, "OMG!  I forbid you to do that ever again!" and he turned back around and went "what'd I miss?"
15:12.28Mercestesno one would tell him. =.
15:12.39macTijn`/win 39
15:12.42Mercestesand then when it got quiet, ..I went "Continue?" and everyone started laughing again.
15:13.05Mercestestzanger, Yea, exactly!
15:15.36*** join/#asterisk yonahw-work (
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15:16.46naitramtrying to build 1.2.20, cant find -lssl during link. Have libssl installed . Know problem?
15:17.00Qwell[]naitram: libssl-dev
15:17.03yonahw-worki get a sip error sip_xmit .... returned -1: Invalid argument, why would it be sending to instead of :5060?
15:17.14naitramQwell: ok thansk
15:18.19Mercestesyonahw-work, likely because you told it to somewhere and don't realize it
15:18.48yonahw-workMercestes: any clues as to where and how I would tell it such a thing?
15:18.50*** join/#asterisk heh_v_water (
15:19.03yonahw-workI imagine in sip.conf but I see nothing that would indicate that
15:19.10Mercestessip.conf?  asterisk.conf?
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15:20.49yonahw-workhmm did not check asterisk.conf
15:21.30Mercestesgrep -i port *.conf should list all the places you can enter that information.
15:22.26*** part/#asterisk jmls (n=jmls@
15:22.54yonahw-workgives me *.conf no file or directory
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15:32.10Mercestesyonahw-work, Yea, run it from /etc/asterisk
15:34.00yonahw-workah yes good point, I think I need to step away and try to start thinking a little more clearly if I plan on solving this
15:34.29lilalinuxWhen did google start with their f*** word stemming?
15:34.46*** join/#asterisk oej (
15:41.43tsurkocan func_odbc handle results from SQL querry in more than one column, or querries returning more than one value?
15:42.39*** join/#asterisk lisandropm (
15:42.59Qwell[]tsurko: yes, I believe it can
15:43.14Qwell[]at least multiple columns
15:43.17*** join/#asterisk mtaht4 (
15:43.24Qwell[]Corydon76-work can answer though
15:44.03tsurkoQwell[], any idea how exactly? Maybe with VAL1, VAL2.... ?
15:44.41Corydon76-worktsurko: It can currently handle multiple columns, yes
15:44.50Corydon76-worktsurko: see ARRAY()
15:45.17Corydon76-workHowever, you need trunk or the backport if you want multiple ROWs
15:45.48tsurkoCorydon76-work, thank you!
15:45.55Corydon76-workOh, and multiple rows will never be supported in 1.2.  You'll need the 1.4 backport to do that
15:46.10tsurkoi'm using currently 1.4.5
15:46.22Corydon76-workThat'll work fine
15:46.37tsurkogood, will ARRAY() work too?
15:46.46Corydon76-workYes, in 1.4 without the backport
15:47.35*** join/#asterisk BSD_Tech (
15:47.59BSD_Techok what is wrong here it use to work exten = 13232077392,1,Set(DB(Last/Caller=${CALLERID(num)})
15:48.09*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
15:48.12fileyou don't have a ) at the end of Last/Caller
15:49.50[TK]D-FenderBSD_Tech: you = silly
15:50.20[TK]D-FenderBSD_Tech: Looks like CentOS 5 has kernel 2.6.18 and should support my keyboard.... downloading ISO's now
15:50.27*** join/#asterisk rene- (n=rene@
15:50.45BSD_Techyes but centos 5 has install issues
15:50.47Krookswhat keyboad ?
15:50.56[TK]D-FenderKrooks: USB KB/M
15:51.15[TK]D-FenderAdesso Slimtouch USB wireless
15:51.32[TK]D-FenderMy * server is also my HTPC
15:51.46Erra USB keyboard would have to be pretty broken not to be supported by *everything* - since there's a standard for keyboards
15:51.50rene-hey, i have several asterisk installations, a 1.2.18 box, a ABE 1.3 box and a 1.4.5 installation, no one of them do nothing fancy like AGI,
15:51.57Krooksand HTPC means ...
15:52.11rene-the 1.4.5 box crashes randomly maybe twice or once a week
15:52.20*** join/#asterisk AtomicDawg (
15:52.23Err(I say that typing on a MS Natural keyboard which doesn't have all of its keys functioning, since they don't all use the HID standard for some reason)
15:52.46[TK]D-FenderErr : welcome to b-grade USB RF transceivers.... 110: no descriptor found
15:52.56[TK]D-FenderKrooks: Home Theater PC
15:53.03BSD_Technow I have to9 figure why its not grabbing the cid
15:53.20BSD_Techit only shows asterisk on all inbound calls
15:53.21[TK]D-FenderKrooks: meaning most likely the biggest TV in town :D
15:54.17rene-the other boxes are rock solid, the 1.4.5 is somewhat more used than the others and does some light recording, and lots of chan_spying... the 1.4.5 is a former 1.2.18 asterisk@home box not installed by me that did crashed a little more than the 1.4.5 box. the only thing that was left from the old config is the MYSQL cdr recording, today after having two crashes in an hour i axed it, the problem is that i see nothing in the logs
15:54.24rene-have no core.dump
15:54.40rene-and safe_asterisk doesnt seem to bring asterisk alive
15:55.14joetesterQueue question, does the __TRANSFER_CONTEXT thing still exist in 1.4?
15:55.24BSD_Techasterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvgc and see where it dies
15:55.29Krooksbut why asterisk and HTPC in one machine >
15:55.31*** join/#asterisk ifnotwhynot (
15:56.04[TK]D-FenderKrooks: because it means I don't need 2 PC's and I can feel warm and fuzzy about OSS :)
15:56.09*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
15:56.35ifnotwhynotwhere can one find the dependecies for asterisk on suse 10.2?
15:56.53[TK]D-FenderKrooks: well.... 2 PC's in that ROOM.  My server does EVERYTHING
15:57.11[TK]D-Fenderifnotwhynot: same as every other distro
15:57.11ifnotwhynotthats the dependencies asterisk needs to work at optimum with suse 10.2
15:57.29ifnotwhynotthx TK
15:57.31[TK]D-Fenderifnotwhynot: the dependencies are list.  Go read.
15:57.38Krooksyou got MythTV running there too ?
15:57.59[TK]D-FenderKrooks: No, that required MySQL which I have only jsut gotten running.
15:58.17[TK]D-FenderKrooks: I might do it now, but I don't do TV in, and I do 800X600 out to my projector
15:58.19*** join/#asterisk holiday_42 (
15:58.33[TK]D-FenderKrooks: VGA direct
15:59.46lilalinuxanybody here using wengophone with asterisk?
16:01.22*** join/#asterisk ceng (
16:01.32cenghaving some trouble compiling asterisk 1.4.7 on sol8, gcc 3.4.6.  can anyone help?  it looks like the same LDFLAGS issue referenced here:
16:02.23tsurkoCorydon76-work, about func_odbc - I'm supposed to use smething like Set(ARRAY(var1,var2)=ODBC_MYFUNC(.......) right?
16:02.35Qwell[]ceng: It very likely won't compile on Solaris 8.  That's quite old...
16:02.56ifnotwhynotTK must be looking in the wrong place can you maybe point this blind man in the right direction(dependecies)?
16:03.25[TK]D-Fenderifnotwhynot: seriously... that site is so plain you'd have to be blind.  Keep looking
16:03.57ifnotwhynoti take my hat of to the master and turn aroun on may way to look again
16:04.18cengqwell: ok. didnt realize sol8 wasn't supported.
16:04.53Qwell[]it might, but...
16:04.59shido6what chip are you trying to compile on?
16:05.03shido6what proc?
16:05.13shido6please say the 't1' :)
16:05.17ceng5.8 Generic_108528-29 sun4u sparc SUNW,UltraAX-i2
16:05.34Qwell[]ultrasparc <3
16:05.59Qwell[]shido6: why?
16:06.18*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
16:06.40ifnotwhynotthree blind mice, three blind mice, see how they run still no luck!
16:07.24shido6I always wanted to see the performance of the Sun Fire T2000
16:08.05shido6ultra sparc t1
16:08.34Qwell[]shido6: I have one
16:08.48Qwell[]no tuning, a few months back, I was seeing about 2500 channels on Linux
16:08.59Qwell[]all g711, with media
16:09.03*** join/#asterisk btsteve (n=btsteve@
16:09.05Mercestesifnotwhynot, did you attempt google at all?
16:10.48JuggieQwell, do you still have all the scripts you used to test your call loads?
16:10.58Qwell[]I just used sipp...
16:11.12ifnotwhynotDear mr [TK]D-Fender i thank you for your support and wish you well, i have been banned from channels for asking more, i hope you have a wonderfull day, i'm off to install asterisk v 1.4
16:11.25Juggiei haev some new servers, 8Way,8gb ram
16:11.34Juggiei'd be curious to see how many calls they can pump :)
16:11.52Qwell[]the T2000 is 8 cores :D
16:11.58Qwell[]4 threads per core
16:12.17Juggiehah, nice.
16:12.50Juggieour new boxes are either 2xquad core or 4xdual core
16:12.51Juggiei forget
16:12.59Juggieeither way its 8 cpu's.
16:13.04Qwell[]8 cores
16:13.11Juggiewell ya.
16:13.38ifnotwhynotcan anyone please tell me what is asterisk?
16:13.50jbotasterisk is, like, the best free PBX in the world
16:13.59ifnotwhynotonly kidding, thx for the help cheers
16:14.24JuggieQwell, no doubt the suns are probally beter but that doesnt stop me from being curious :)
16:14.34ifnotwhynotyou r wrong it is the bestest of the bestest
16:15.04MercestesOk, now supplicate to me now, ifnotwhynot.
16:15.20JuggieQwell, yah 2xquad core
16:15.22Hmmhesayswtf now i'm missing stdio.h
16:15.22Juggiejust looked it up
16:15.31*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (
16:15.41Juggiethey are HP DL360's G5 i think
16:16.04KrooksSo an I right to say that Asterisk does the DSP (Digital Signal Processing) or what a chip might do ?
16:16.23KrooksAm I right to say that Asterisk does the DSP (Digital Signal Processing) or what a chip might do ?
16:16.49*** join/#asterisk tsurko (n=tsurko@
16:17.09KrooksI mean on a normal PBX, a chip or chips does the DSP, right.
16:18.50JuggieQwell, how many ghz do those sun procs run @?
16:20.28NOT_gurulooking for suggestions.. have a tdm4XX with 2 fxo modules.  I am getting echo on local side only ( buddies here no echo )
16:21.08Qwell[]umm, I forget
16:21.15NOT_guruthese are running zaptel 1.2.18 and asterisk 1.2.20
16:21.44codefreezerussellb: hmmm. release file is honking huge.
16:22.43NOT_guruFYI  those sun t2000 run at eaither 1ghz 1.2 or 1.4 ghz
16:23.09NOT_guruI don't think sun has ramped up the core speed on those yet
16:23.25NOT_gurumind you, those are very strong cores and don't need alot of cycles
16:24.03Habbiecore speed is totally not the point with those sun cpus indeed
16:24.21russellbcodefreeze: huge-er than normal?
16:24.40shido6Krooks, you use asterisk 1.4 and the TC400B
16:25.06codefreezeprobably not. Just wish I had a 10Mbit connection, is all.
16:25.29russellbcodefreeze: yeah, sorry :(
16:25.33filemine is still going... which is unusual
16:26.56Qwell[]NOT_guru: yes, thanks
16:27.00btstevei am running the trixbox install of asterisk and after running the upgrade script customers are not able to enter dtmf tone to get to the extentions they need. anyone have any idea what i should check?? thanks
16:27.09jboti guess trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX, and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox seriously painful to support and hence you will find little help here for it.  Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & WIKI at
16:27.53NOT_gurubtsteve  that question is very much geared to trixbox alone, sorry  this is just not the place for that question
16:28.18*** join/#asterisk _DAW (
16:28.22russellbbesides, you should use asterisknow instead :-p
16:28.23NOT_guruI have found many wierd issues with trixbox 2.2
16:28.27*** join/#asterisk syzygyBSD (
16:28.46NOT_guruI personally recomend if your going to run trixbox... back down to at least 2.0 or even maybe 1.2.3 for now
16:29.12*** join/#asterisk tako-san (n=Tako-san@
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16:30.19codefreezeNOT_guru: Hmmmm. I wonder if you would get flamed on #trixbox for saying such!
16:30.46NOT_guruthats ok  I get flamed everywhere for something or another
16:30.49NOT_guruI am used to it
16:30.57NOT_guruI just try to help when I can
16:31.19codefreezeNOT_guru: gotcher eyebrows singed off, eh? ;)
16:31.22NOT_guruand that was the best suggestion I can think of for now
16:31.37NOT_guruhaven't had eyebroughs for a LONG time..
16:31.50NOT_guruluckily my mom works on the burn unit at the hospital
16:34.49NOT_guruon top of my previous question about echo problems with zaptel 1.2.18 and my tdm4XX with 2 fxo modules.. has anyone here built a asterisk + Freepbx box on BSD and how did it do?
16:35.43NOT_guruI know  I shouldn't use freepbx and do all my edits in VI  =P  but my box is a 2.8ghz p4 and gig of mem that I had sitting in a closet for 3 months
16:36.04*** join/#asterisk seele_ (
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16:36.59NOT_gurusee codefreeze  I am about to catch fire for mentioning freepbx
16:38.22seele_hello, I have a problem with attendant transfer (*2) sometimes works and some times no .... how can I fix this? or how can I make all transfers like attendant transfers?
16:38.57codefreezeNOT_guru: hey, and you threw in a gratuitous attempt to start an editor war on top of it! Nice shot!
16:38.59shido6seele_ its the features.conf and how you utilize the variables in the dialplan to enable those features
16:39.22NOT_gurusi si
16:39.24NOT_guruvi for me always
16:39.50shido6I mean globals
16:40.15shido6do you have DYNAMIC_FEATURES=>superfeature
16:40.25*** join/#asterisk DEac- (
16:40.26codefreezeLong live vi mode in Emacs! ;)
16:40.33shido6DYNAMIC_FEATURES set and a TRANSER_CONTEXT set ?
16:41.10shido6in extnesions.conf ( u can set them in the globals if you want everyone to have them or you can set them as a part of your priorities while dialing
16:41.48shido6but the biggest fix was setting featuredigittimeout in features.conf
16:41.55marlis there a list of ext ranges that will not be used within * ? like the private subnets on networks type thing?
16:41.56shido6that was the killer
16:42.26DEac-how i call a person, which is connected to an other proxy? SIP/user:pwd@provider/phone ?
16:42.46DEac-IAX2/user:pwd@provider/phone works, but with sip it doesn't
16:42.56seele_shido6, ok I will test
16:43.59*** join/#asterisk mgamble (
16:44.00shido6exten => _123,1,Dial,SIP/phone@provider if they allow it or SIP/user@provider if they allow it.... you kinda have to try some things or just call that provider up and ask them :)
16:44.35Sci_05ok guys here is one for you when I make a call everything is fine till I get to the "Called G1/number", it hangs for about 20-30 sec then I get "Zap/24-1 answered SIP/1001-0822a3c0"   Anyone got any ideas as to what would cause this?
16:44.44DEac-the provider must allow guests?
16:46.55Sci_05calls come in just fine, its just dialing out to the circuit it hangs (doesn't do it when its to a provider)
16:48.13*** join/#asterisk marcan (
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16:51.36lin0xxdoes "WARNING[7234]: chan_sip.c:3654 process_sdp: Unknown SDP media type in offer: image 5004 UDPTL t38" mean that i have not configured t.38 support correctly or that i haven't formed the packet right?
16:56.02MercestesIt means Asterisk doesn't have T38 support.
16:56.19DEac-i've 2 proxies with asterisk. both allow guests. both try to call SIP/phone@ast1 or SIP/phone@ast2. the caller sais: -- Executing [313@phones:20] Dial("SIP/101-0921bd60", "SIP/EXT@ast2") in new stack ; NOTICE[24059]: chan_sip.c:11906 handle_response_invite: Failed to authenticate on INVITE to '...'
16:57.15DEac-the other machine sais: DEBUG[25892]: chan_sip.c:2089 __sip_ack: Stopping retransmission on '70f8d1bb5a7cebaa7e01d4f5028b9f68@IP' of Response 102: Match Not Found
16:57.53DEac-and the call is cancelled
16:59.15lin0xxMercestes: okay, thanks, now i know it's not just me
16:59.35lin0xxMercestes: i followed the steps on for enabling it
16:59.38lin0xxbut i guess that didn't work
16:59.46lin0xxdo you have any suggestions for configuring that correctly?
17:00.21MercestesI didn't know you could configure T38 support in Asterisk
17:00.47Hmmhesays1.4 passthru
17:00.55[TK]D-FenderDEac-: You are clearly mistaken with regards to auth
17:01.10MercestesTake that, Callweaver!
17:03.39coppicelin0xx: depends which instructions you followed. at one point the variable name to enable T.38 support changed
17:04.23tzafrircodefreeze, look up some info on vimacs, you viper
17:06.03MercestesVim > all
17:07.00DarKnesS_WolFi'm trying to do auto-redial using .call file but i get this i did try to disable busydetect in zapata.conf but no good , and the line is clear actually the i think the channel never got picked up . i'm using asterisk 1.4.7
17:07.01lin0xxcoppice: i'm running 1.2.17 and in sip.conf i used: t38pt_udptl = yes
17:07.02KrookswILL aix EVER MAKE IT BIG ?
17:07.48coppicelin0xx: there is no T.38 support in 1.2.x. There is just some elementary passthrough support in 1.4.x
17:08.03lin0xxno, i don't care if it actually works, i just have to trigger a bug in it
17:08.18lin0xxso i guess 1.4.2 is good then
17:08.27[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: Its clearly looking for progress, and why is that a BAD thing?
17:08.34lin0xxcoppice: will that same config line work?
17:08.51coppicelin0xx: some kind of primeval urge to trigger bugs? :-)
17:08.59lin0xxcoppice: it's my job :)
17:09.10lin0xxbut will that config line still work?
17:09.18ehaupti am trying to compile openh323 and get the following error
17:09.26coppicethat should be the current variable name
17:09.28ehauptany idea what lib i forgot to link at?
17:09.32DEac-[TK]D-Fender: you mean, that i must creat an entry in sip.conf for both? i've allowed guests and the general context is setted. then i also have to create an entry?
17:09.39lin0xxcoppice: awesome stuff, thanks a bunch :)
17:09.57[TK]D-FenderDEac-: what you think you configured correctly clearly isn't
17:14.53DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: it's not working :-D
17:15.23[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: Whats not working?  it dials, it fails, big deal.... the # is busy.  Wheres the PROBLEM!?
17:19.11*** join/#asterisk joetester (n=joeteste@
17:21.36DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: the channel is not busy and sometime it keep rining on my phone even the other side picked up
17:21.51DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: never mind i'll recheck the config.
17:33.16*** join/#asterisk Dj_FlyBy (
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17:39.51_0penser_I can not register with asterisk using my softphone. please can anybody help me?
17:43.38*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (n=matt@
17:44.57ZX81Best: 100.000000 -- Worst: 87.353516 -- Average: 99.091326
17:45.07ZX81drops hardcore if I have disk access
17:45.21ZX81sata drives, unmasked irq's
17:45.47ZX81but sata controller so can't set it on
17:45.52ZX81any ideas?
17:45.53[TK]D-FenderZX81: pastebin "cat /proc/interrupts"
17:46.02ZX81no sharing
17:46.46*** join/#asterisk casimir (
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17:48.54ZX81have 3 identical machines, 1 with hardware, 2 not - the 2 without have better results using ztdummy!
17:49.19*** join/#asterisk aptura (
17:49.35[TK]D-FenderZX81: pastebin "dmesg" plz
17:49.42ZX81whole thing?
17:49.51ZX81:) k
17:50.50apturaCame across a chinese mfg that makes identical zap cards to that of digium.
17:51.06Qwell[]"identical"?  no
17:51.14apturaPri including
17:51.17Qwell[]"cheap clone crap?"  yes
17:51.27apturaI dont know perhaps.
17:51.42NOT_guruI don't think theres a perhaps to it
17:51.44denonit's easy to make something that functionally works the same, but just wait to see how it operates under stress
17:51.45NOT_guruits a clone
17:51.57denonit's easy to be cheap with no QA and cheap mfg methods
17:52.08denonespecially since they wont have to support it, because nobody knows who made it
17:52.12NOT_gurudon't forget child labor assembling it
17:52.21Qwell[]denon: nobody knows who, because it's varying companies
17:52.24apturanext thing you know thay will put together full systems and flood the us market with them.
17:52.32Qwell[]ie; one won't be as good as another
17:52.36denonQwell: well, and because there's no name, and a forged fcc ID :)
17:53.06apturaForgot the cards would have to be FCC cirtified but I dont think thay would be much of a barrier.
17:53.13denonhaving said that, I'd like to find someone who makes a knockoff 7970 :)
17:53.25denonfor like $50
17:53.41ZX81[TK]D-Fender: see anything exciting in dmesg?
17:54.16ZX81denon: I'd settle for a knock off Ferrari Formula 1 card to $20
17:54.27ZX81maybe I could go to $30
17:55.27*** join/#asterisk Kerry_G (
17:55.53ErrChina would very likely make one for you, if you asked - they'll make anything at any price point, as long as you're willing to sacrifice the quality for the savings
17:56.09Kerry_Gis there is a command to show what the currently enabled echo canceler being used is?
17:56.14*** join/#asterisk javb (n=javb@
17:56.43ZX81Kerry_G: not that I'm aware of, you could check the source you compiled from?
17:57.17ZX81wasn't there some patch a while back though - allowing it to be changed from under zaptel - not 100% sure
17:57.20Kerry_Gyeah, but we are trying a two tiered fallback and need to verify if its working
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17:58.00ZX81probably need to patch zaptel
17:58.08waKKuhm.. folks.. i'm having a problem with a fax plugged on a linksys pap2... i already set ulaw and alaw codecs only to channel, but: the phone doesnt give me a line tone - when I call to it, it rings but when answered the calling hungup ...
17:58.43NOT_guruah so trix 2.3 will have a choice besides the oct echo canceller in setup?
17:59.02NOT_guruthat would be nice
17:59.07Kerry_Gits supposed to fallback to KB1 but it doesnt appear to be working
17:59.30NOT_guruI had to rebuild zap driver from source to get rid of oct echo canceller
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17:59.37Kerry_GI thought there was some command somewhere that would tell you whats active
17:59.37*** join/#asterisk oej (
17:59.48NOT_guruwell  actually
18:00.09NOT_guruits echo'ed in the dmesg
18:00.28NOT_gurufairly certain of that
18:00.33Qwell[]it is
18:01.02*** join/#asterisk mog (
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18:01.21[TK]D-FenderZX81: Losing some ticks... checking if CPU frequency changed.
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18:01.45[TK]D-FenderZX81: Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver - version 7.0.39-NAPI <- this nic is a KNOWN trouble maker!
18:01.59[TK]D-FenderZX81: Its on Digiums incompatability list
18:02.08[TK]D-Fendere1000: 0000:0e:00.0: e1000_probe: (PCI Express:2.5Gb/s:Width x1) 00:30:48:8b:c5:5f
18:02.16*** join/#asterisk UCFmethod (
18:02.20ZX81its a rack mount pc
18:02.21ZX811 pci
18:02.23UCFmethodhi everyone
18:02.35ZX81so I can't replace the onboard nic
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18:02.41NOT_guruwow  great info fender  I did not know that about the intel gige nic
18:03.04ZX81so do digium cards not work with supermicro rack mounts?
18:03.22ZX81also - its happening on disk access
18:03.35ZX81I have 100% in zttest without disk access
18:03.40[TK]D-FenderSome server motherboards utilize an onboard Intel e1000 Ethernet controller that can interfere with the operation of Digium's cards. The recommended action for this server is to disable the onboard Ethernet controller and use a PCI-based solution. Also, the MS-7032 (K8T Neo-V/K8M Neo-V) motherboard is incompatible with the TE4XXP using the firmware ending in 164. The problem is that the card...
18:03.41[TK]D-Fender...will randomly receive interrupts.
18:03.47Qwell[][TK]D-Fender: Can you post the page before that link please?
18:03.48sweeperZX81: you're better off with sangoma anyways
18:03.50ZX81it has 1 pci
18:03.55waKKuhm.. folks.. i'm having a problem with a fax plugged on a linksys pap2... i already set ulaw and alaw codecs only to channel, but: the phone doesnt give me a line tone - when I call to it, it rings but when answered the calling hungup ...  - Sorry, now posting a FULL pastebin:
18:03.58Qwell[]it shouldn't be linking to staging :p
18:04.06sweepercheaper and works better :P
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18:05.02javbHow can make my asterisk to answer the call faster? I mean, i have TDM400P, and when the line rings two times is when the asterisk takes it. . . any way i can reduce this time?
18:05.05stefmtlHello. Is there a way to stream a sound file in an meetme conference (ex : via a CLI command or manager command)
18:05.06[TK]D-FenderQwell :
18:05.08ZX81so there is no solution?
18:05.19[TK]D-FenderTE4XXP: Setting up global serial parameters
18:05.20[TK]D-FenderFound a Wildcard: Wildcard TE410P (3rd Gen)
18:05.31sweeperZX81: usb ethernet adaptor XDD
18:05.35[TK]D-FenderQwell[]: I do attempt to be thorough.
18:05.36Qwell[]huh, I can't access from here
18:05.56[TK]D-FenderQwell[]: Try from Best Buy's "internal" site ;)
18:06.00ZX81I had digium on the box last week checking things out cos the last card was bad
18:06.01sweeperZX81: or, return that card and get this:
18:06.12ZX81waited a week (still paying for PRI)
18:06.21ZX81got the RMA replacement
18:07.00ZX81I'd really prefer to use digium
18:07.06*** join/#asterisk fauxalliance (
18:07.11fauxalliancehello all.
18:07.16UCFmethodCan anyone recommend a vendor to manage tollfree services (888 #) which provides round robin / hunt group calling
18:07.34stefmtlany specialist with app meetme ?
18:07.38UCFmethodwhere you can enter as many local DIDs
18:08.02ZX81so, ztdummy is not effected by this, but digium hardware is?
18:08.12sweeperZX81: ah well, suit yourself
18:08.29*** join/#asterisk mcb2 (
18:08.48[TK]D-FenderZX81: ztdummy is based on CPU timers, PIC is well.... FUBAR'd ;)
18:09.32naitramhad previous 1.4.6 installed, tried install 1.2.20. 1.2.20 says a bunch of modules in the modules directory was not installed by that version, problem or not?
18:09.45ZX81remove them
18:10.08[TK]D-Fendernaitram: Always flush your modules when recompiling
18:10.30naitramZX81: ok,
18:10.38naitram[TK]D-Fender: thanks
18:10.40fauxallianceI am looking for a way to specify that the zaptel channel is to answer specific CID's and ignore the majority of the calls, allowing them to ring through on the existing extensions.  This feasable?
18:11.03fauxalliances/ existing/ existing POTS
18:11.14[TK]D-Fenderfauxalliance: yes
18:11.38fauxalliance[TK]D-Fender, wonderful!
18:12.29[TK]D-Fenderfauxalliance: Go download THE BOOK and get busy
18:12.32jbotit has been said that book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
18:12.55javbHow can make my asterisk to answer the call faster? I mean, i have TDM400P, and when the line rings two times is when the asterisk takes it. . . any way i can reduce this time?
18:12.59fauxalliancethx1138, i am on it.
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18:14.39mcb2what are you guys using for fault tolerance/HA for asterisk?  Is there really a decent solution out there?
18:15.04ZX81dundi and iptables
18:15.21Hmmhesaysopenser and dispatcher
18:15.28yannj_frI saw some use heartbeat
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18:15.49Hmmhesaysdispatcher is a simple yet very cool module
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18:16.48mcb2I'll look into it.. Thx.  I have a client that is getting really pissed with Cisco CallMgr and they are somewhat interested in moving to an asterisk based solution.  Anyone ever setup an asterisk trunk in CallMgr?
18:17.09*** topic/#asterisk by russellb -> Asterisk: The Open Source Telephony Application Platform -=- Asterisk and released (July 10, 2007) -=- Join #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW and Asterisk-GUI info -=- Join #asterisk-commits to monitor svn changes -=- Join #freepbx for freepbx/#trixbox for trixbox support.
18:17.27mcb2They would need to integrate the two for the duration of the asterisk deployment
18:17.28NuggetNeeds more cowbell.
18:17.37anonymouz666.1 released!
18:17.43anonymouz666what happened?
18:17.55russellba couple little bugs snuck in there.
18:18.11russellbone was realted to ODBC realtime in 1.2/1.4, the other was MOH related in 1.4
18:18.28ifnotwhynotwhat else can one do against echo on fxo lines?
18:18.29Hmmhesaysi like func_odbc it is my friend
18:18.37russellbHmmhesays: indeed
18:18.42Hmmhesaysif you talk properly you can cancel out the echo with your voice
18:18.58ifnotwhynotHmmmmmmmmmmmmmm nice
18:19.07russellbHmmhesays: that would be very hard to do :)
18:20.47UCFmethodCan anyone recommend a vendor to manage tollfree services (888 #) which provides round robin / hunt group calling to as many POTS numbers I choose?
18:21.03*** join/#asterisk _DAW (
18:21.23Hmmhesayshard to do round robin hunting that way
18:21.44Corydon76-workYeah, it's best to use PRI for that
18:22.14UCFmethodok thanks... we are looking to move to PRI....
18:22.17HmmhesaysCorydon76-home: he said round robin to pots numbers, not simple channel hunting
18:22.41UCFmethodat the moment we use several online SIP termination vendors (vitelity, gafachi)
18:22.51*** join/#asterisk |yonahw| (
18:22.57Corydon76-workHmmhesays: glad you like func_odbc
18:23.15UCFmethodno large telecom (verizon, at&t) have heard of sip termination or asterisk, so I am left to use these fly by night online folks
18:23.18Hmmhesayswhat do you want the hunt to be based on. If the first pots number you dial is busy, try the second, third...etc
18:23.51UCFmethodHmmhesays:  yes.. that way we avoid the capacity limits
18:23.53Qwell[]UCFmethod: call verizon and say "I want teh voip please"
18:24.22HmmhesaysUCFmethod: you can do that in the asterisk dialplan
18:24.37UCFmethodQwell[]: just did, never heard of asterisk, neither did At&T when I just called them... She claims they will only do round robin if they own all the pots in the group
18:24.43HmmhesaysI would use func_odbc to store the numbers postgresql
18:25.14UCFmethodHmmhesays:  my issue is, each vendor limits the number of incoming channels ... so if I want a conf call iwth 20 people, I am screwed
18:25.15HmmhesaysI know a guy that does termination that might allow an asterisk box to terminate for you
18:25.46Hmmhesaysthat seems backwards to me
18:25.52UCFmethodHmmhesays: I know a PRI would solve all this, hard to convince boss that 500+ usage a month is better than 1.2 cents a minute ;-)
18:26.17Hmmhesaysyou just want multiple incoming channels to a single ip box
18:26.27ifnotwhynotwhat is the latest release of asterisk feature of tel book? a link wil also be helpfull
18:26.32*** part/#asterisk _0penser_ (n=Administ@
18:26.52UCFmethodHmmhesays:  correct... vitelity limits it to 10, gafachi to 5 on the tollfree numbers
18:26.56*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=GoD@
18:27.06HmmhesaysUCFmethod: I might be able to help yo uout
18:27.08Hmmhesays*you out
18:27.16UCFmethodHmmhesays: vitelity has dtmf issues on their 800 numbers, so we avoid using them when possible
18:27.21*** join/#asterisk unspin (n=unspin@
18:27.33HmmhesaysUCFmethod: i've never had any dtmf issues on their 1800 numbers
18:27.46UCFmethodHmmhesays:  are you a customer?
18:28.00HmmhesaysUCFmethod: yes, I have many did's with them
18:28.47UCFmethodHmmhesays:  I like them, except for the dtmf issues. I  shouldn't have to tweak anything settings in asterisk because any other vendor, the dtmf works fine, and all my polycoms work fine internally
18:29.44Hmmhesaysyou can just edit your user setting
18:31.17*** join/#asterisk matsk (
18:32.02DarKnesS_WolFhow can i know teh freq. of the tones in egyptian PSTNs ? i mean i loadzon=us in zapta.conf  what is the cloesest to egypt ?
18:32.14*** join/#asterisk matt_ (n=matt@2001:770:168:1:220:edff:feb4:7c9d)
18:32.21matt_is there like a phone me test service ?
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18:38.29*** join/#asterisk xheliox (n=jeff@pdpc/supporter/active/xheliox)
18:38.44xheliox1.4.7.1 fixes channel.c: Unable to find a codec translation path from unknown to unknown, eh? :)
18:38.51*** part/#asterisk dc3aes (
18:39.06*** join/#asterisk kirberich (
18:39.10kirberichgood evening
18:39.23[TK]D-Fenderxheliox: Yeah... that should native bridge! ;)
18:39.40russellbxheliox: what?
18:39.46|yonahw|DarKnesS_WolF: you may want to try Israel but I dont remember if the tones are actually the same or not
18:39.54|yonahw|they are neighboring countries though
18:40.42xhelioxrussellb - just upgraded to 1.4.7 and that's what I'm getting now
18:40.49xhelioxI see there's -- so I'm hoping..
18:41.33xhelioxAm I going to be pleased?
18:41.46naitramanyone know how to play back a tone or something to let a user know when they have successfully started one touch recording?
18:42.04russellbxheliox: probably not :(
18:42.12xhelioxyeah, I'm starting to see that...
18:42.15xhelioxman, oh man.
18:42.33Strom_Mhey, it's semi-palindromic asterisk version number day
18:42.50naitramI have sip phones and it is not always successfull to strike two keys within the time allotted i guess. Because sometimes the recording starts and sometimes it doesn't
18:42.51ifnotwhynotjust put in playtone(thetone) befor you record
18:42.52russellbxheliox: what kind of call is it?
18:43.02russellbxheliox: two SIP phones?  SIP to Zap?
18:43.13xhelioxZap tp SIP
18:43.22russellball ulaw?
18:43.24ifnotwhynotnaitram:just put in playtone(thetone) befor you record
18:43.26xhelioxSi senor.
18:43.36russellbxheliox: ok, let me try that here ...
18:43.41russellbxheliox: FXS or PRI?
18:44.00xhelioxUsing the latest libpri too.. not that I imagine that has any effect.
18:44.13naitramifnotwhynot: I am trying to use one touch recording, so don't really have control of when the record starts. ast* starts it when it gets the dtmf from the phone
18:44.51ifnotwhynotis this on a sipphone?
18:45.56russellbxheliox: it could, who knows.
18:46.04ifnotwhynotwhat is the latest release of asterisk feature of telephony book?
18:46.06naitramifnotwhynot: yep. Is there a way to do two things on a single command sequence from the features.conf? I mean can I do a custom feature like myapp => *4, Monitor,wav
18:46.22naitramand then another to play tone
18:46.33xhelioxrussellb - it's that musiconhold thing
18:46.45xhelioxI just change dial(sip/blah,m) to sip/blah)
18:46.51xhelioxand wallah.
18:47.11ifnotwhynoti think there is a function in the app_Monitor where you can activate a playtone befor recording
18:47.16russellbxheliox: weird ... can you try then?
18:47.17xhelioxso I suspect will fix it given there's something about a broken piece in res_musiconhold
18:47.32russellbxheliox: great, let me know how it goes
18:47.35ifnotwhynotfrom your asterisk command type show application monitor
18:48.10naitramifnotwhynot: ok will look at that. thanks
18:48.41xhelioxrussellb: yup. that's what it was.
18:48.43ifnotwhynotsuse loaded next step asterisk 1.4
18:48.48russellbxheliox: great, thanks
18:48.49MrTelephonerussellb, I read about a pri channel hangup problem that causes asterisk to go into a hung state, is that from an improper dialplan?
18:48.50xhelioxwhew, about started to have a heart attack. :)
18:49.09xhelioxnew rule. wait for others to suffer.
18:49.16xhelioxerm.. s/suffer/"test"
18:49.49MrTelephoneJul 10 08:32:24 WARNING[3095] chan_zap.c: Ring requested on channel 0/2 already in use on span 1.  Hanging up owner.
18:50.34russellbxheliox: hehe, yeah, seems to be that way sometimes
18:50.40russellbMrTelephone: that shouldn't be caused by dialplan errors, no
18:51.23russellbxheliox: but hey, we had another tarball in less than 24 hours, that's not bad :)
18:51.52MrTelephonerussellb, one guy narrowed it down to someone calling in on a did that didn't go nowhere, consuming the channels?
18:51.54*** part/#asterisk Kerry_G (
18:51.58MrTelephoneshould I be upgradeing my asterisk then?
18:52.09russellbyeah, i would upgrade to the latest version
18:52.16russellbthere have been some fixes for that in the last few version
18:52.59russellbif it is still a problem, then it's a bug, and we need to fix it
18:53.15MrTelephoneI'm just worried about my mgcp patch not working with the newer version
18:53.20mockerAny QueueMetrics users here?
18:53.23MrTelephonechan_mgcp doesn't change much though
18:54.31Strom_Mheh Qwell
18:54.33russellbQwell[]: changed in trunk to support early dialing or whatever that was
18:54.34xhelioxrussellb: Yeah, no complaints. I wouldn't normally have rushed into it anyway, but I was on 1.4.4 and having a glitch fixed in 1.4.6... and I saw 1.4.7 was sitting there oh so purty like.
18:54.36MrTelephoneever :P
18:54.37*** join/#asterisk neverblue (n=neverblu@unaffiliated/neverblue)
18:54.39Qwell[]Strom_M: ?
18:54.43Qwell[]russellb: ahh
18:54.55Qwell[]There was a bug fix or something too
18:55.06russellbxheliox: sounds good, probably a couple hundred fixes since 1.4.4
18:55.16MrTelephoneeverytime i fix a problem a new bug emerges.. I think its because if I fix one bug I try and get another week of uptime and then I encounter a new bug
18:55.31waKKufolks.. can someone help me with a conventional fax plugged on linksys pap2 ??? This have no line tone and when i call to it, it rings and hangup soon as answered.... ( debug from sip: )
18:55.39MrTelephoneis the pri bug fixed in version 1.2 tree?
18:55.52russellbMrTelephone: yeah, the fixes i'm talking about are in 1.2, as well
18:56.13MrTelephoneI'm using 1.2.12 right now
18:56.43MrTelephoneis it safe to use 1.2.21 :P
18:57.36russellbi would definitely give the upgrade a try
18:57.51russellbi'm going to see how many fixes there have been to 1.2 since 1.2.12 :)
18:58.59russellb... 513
18:59.00mvanbaaka lot
18:59.06Hmmhesaysnot too many
18:59.07*** part/#asterisk aptura (
18:59.18naitramifnotwhynot: can't find any mention of playing a tone for the monitor app. Not listed as an argument
19:01.54MrTelephoneim reading the changelog now
19:05.39MrTelephonewill you guys apply my NCS patches to chan_mgcp.c?
19:07.18*** part/#asterisk mog (
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19:10.19*** join/#asterisk DarylVOIP (
19:11.19DarylVOIPHey all...anyone run into an issue with using call files with the first leg connected looks like it's terminated (in the CDRs - but it still remain active) as soon as the second leg comes up?
19:17.05MrTelephoneI just tried to compile 1.2.21 and I cannot compile codec_zap :(
19:17.06MrTelephonecodec_zap.c:676: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
19:17.37russellbupdate zaptel first
19:17.54Strom_Mplease check the number and dial again
19:17.58Strom_Mor ask your operator to help you
19:18.00Strom_Mthis is a recording
19:21.05*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
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19:22.11J4k3(I'd also really loved to know who made the SIP protocol, this is a piece of shit!)
19:25.53merosi'll help you find the answer to that, if you tell me why get data and stream file in AGI aren't playing any audio
19:26.08ai-aJ4k3: you like to show us your asterisk log, load averages, and box specifications ?
19:26.40*** join/#asterisk astawerksdotcom (
19:28.09astawerksdotcomgood afternoon everyone
19:28.16*** join/#asterisk jetlagmk2 (
19:28.17J4k3well, the thing that concerns me is
19:28.30J4k3does SIP not have any sort of 'this packet belongs to this call' info?
19:29.39J4k3quite simply, I called a PSTN milliwatt number (9366879905), noticed its got warble in it... hung up, waited half a second, called 611 (the default trixbox weather awful voice weather crap) and blam... I get a screaming phone call mixed up with some awful computer-generated voice
19:29.51*** join/#asterisk Trionnis (
19:30.23J4k3P3-700, that was the only call being handled.
19:30.38J4k3I've had the same thing occur on better/faster hardware, so thats not it
19:31.07wunderkinsounds like you did a 3 way call on your phone
19:31.15Trionnisanyone know of an issue with CentOS 4.5 and zaptel?  specifically when trying to modprobe zaptel, getting an error that says "Invalid module format" ?
19:31.30J4k3nah, its not a three-way call...  three-way calls are clear
19:31.40TrionnisI've found a few things on various forums and the lists, but nothing that applies in my case it seems
19:32.39J4k3this is like eeeee[pop]umber[pop]..  sometimes only a frame or two of each call.  sounds like a total mess
19:32.44J4k3I'll record it next time it occurs
19:33.04J4k3the real question is... is there any sort of "which packets belong to what call" data in SIP?
19:33.23J4k3if not, sounds like one hell of a fun backdoor.
19:33.36J4k3who needs bluetooth injection when you can just screw up a pile of ip pbx phones?
19:33.38*** join/#asterisk ifnotwhynot (
19:33.40bkruseJ4k3: well, it is udp......but im sure there is...
19:33.56bkruseJ4k3: and there are more ways to screw ip pbx phones :]
19:34.05bkrusehave to remember the hardware they are working with also
19:34.17Strom_Mbkruse !!
19:34.19J4k3junk? :)
19:34.32ifnotwhynotfirst bump in the road zaptel 1.4  when i do the ./config it tels me -bash permision denied any help welcome please
19:34.37bkruseStrom_M: hey!
19:34.39bkruseyou in town?
19:34.46rene-ifnowhynot: are u root?
19:34.49bkruseI will see you at 4:30!
19:34.51rene-maybe you need to be\
19:35.07bkruseifnotwhynot: chmod a+x whatever your getting permission denied
19:35.23rene-maybe it is ./configure and not ./config ?
19:35.24bkrusewhoami == root?
19:35.32bkruseit is ./configure, correct rene-
19:36.05ifnotwhynoti know is ./configure bkruse just lazy in typing
19:36.23bkruseifnotwhynot: ahh, well pastebin me the output plz
19:36.24J4k3hmm interesting
19:36.27J4k3Total RTP Packet Sent:    347
19:36.27J4k3Total RTP Packet Received:   635
19:36.28J4k3Total RTP Packet Loss:   155
19:36.31bkruseand i will be happy to help :D
19:36.33bkruseJ4k3: ouch!
19:36.35J4k3(from the phone, a grandsuck 101)
19:36.42bkrusestill though,
19:36.45J4k3yeah, I think the ethernet switch over there
19:36.46J4k3is dead
19:36.50bkruseya, agreed
19:37.02J4k3or the phone is dying, which would be a blessing
19:37.04bkrusei wouldnt recommend troubleshooting the phone first
19:37.17naitramanyone here familiar with the res_monitor.c module?
19:37.20bkrusewell, you can always use the 'throw it off the building' method
19:37.22J4k3its a grandstream, you troubleshoot these with a hammer
19:37.40bkrusehaha, good point
19:37.42Trionnis16 pound sledge perhaps
19:37.46jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
19:37.48bkruseStrom_M: i did not dress for the occasion :[
19:37.50Trionnisanything less is a waste of effort
19:37.51ifnotwhynotk that helped next error no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH
19:38.00bkruseifnotwhynot: debian?
19:38.02bkruseapt-get install gcc
19:38.10bkrusebetter yet
19:38.11Strom_Mbkruse: as long as you're not naked I think that counts as "dressed"
19:38.13bkruseapt-get build-dep asterisk
19:38.15*** join/#asterisk Simon-- (
19:38.20bkruseStrom_M: uh oh
19:38.29Simon--has anybody seen IAX VNAK<->INVAL food fights between 1.4.6 and 1.0.9?
19:38.30[TK]D-FenderTrionnis: Odds are you kernel jsut got upgraded and Zaptel needs to be recompiled.
19:38.31bkruseStrom_M: ok, i am close then :D
19:38.41Trionnisfresh install
19:38.47Trionnisfresh kernel upgrade
19:38.54ifnotwhynotno suse 10.2
19:39.00Trionnisjust started installing it about 2 hours ago
19:39.04[TK]D-FenderTrionnis: recompile & install zaptel.
19:39.10Trionnisget this in dmesg: "zaptel: disagrees about version of symbol struct_module"
19:39.15Trionnisbeen there, done that
19:39.26Trionnis1.4.x release, and CVS both
19:39.27J4k3fawking ethernet, I sould just stick a routerboard 133 in the bottom of this gs101 housing and strap some old nokia 51xx batteries to it (they're practically free)
19:39.35J4k3and either make it work, or cause the lithium ions to ignite.
19:40.00Trionnis1.4.3 to be exact
19:40.06naitramanyone here familiar with the ast source code?
19:40.16bkrusenaitram: sorta kinda, whats up?
19:40.36bkrusebut if its a developer related question, try #asterisk-dev, only if its strictly code and developer related
19:40.38bkrusebut go ahead, ask
19:40.42TrionnisI've found a few things mentioning that it can be a difference in the arch for the kernel source and the running kernel, but I've verified that they're identical
19:40.59J4k3woo, no packets lost on my end of the room
19:41.05J4k3and no captain crunch sound.
19:41.26J4k3(I still wanna know what causes 2 sip calls to be 'handled' concurrently tho)
19:42.21naitrambkruse: trying to figure out how to add playtone call to res_monitor.c start_monitor_exec(channel,...)
19:43.05wunderkinJ4k3, like i said, a quick press of the flipper thing does a 3 way call. replace your phone and try your call again
19:43.07bkrusenaitram: try #asterisk-dev
19:43.17naitrambkruse: thanks
19:43.49Qwell[]ifnotwhynot: Do you have gcc installed?
19:43.55Qwell[]and in your PATH
19:43.58astawerksdotcomdo yum install  gcc
19:44.01bkruseecho $PATH
19:44.09bkruseare you running debian/fc/rhel/ what?
19:44.16Trionnisrm -rf /
19:44.20*** kick/#asterisk [Trionnis!i=qwell@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell] by Qwell[] (Qwell[])
19:44.21bkruseTrionnis: thatll do it
19:44.22ifnotwhynoti did tick it let me check
19:44.30*** join/#asterisk Trionnis (
19:44.33bkruseQwell[]: thanks, sometimes people actually do it :[
19:44.39Trionniswow, don't even give me a chance to say not to do it
19:44.42bkruseifnotwhynot: what OS are you running? what flavor rather?
19:45.07*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
19:45.09bkruseTrionnis: sorry, i have to agree with Qwell, ive felt really bad when someone actually tried that, i helped em rebuild their system and get it going :/
19:45.29Trionnishe kicked me 2/3 of the way through typing "don't really do that, I'm kidding"
19:45.35Trionnisthat's my point
19:45.40astawerksdotcomdumb question. its been a while since i used xchat.  my user bar disappered . how do i get it back
19:45.51astawerksdotcomanyone using it?
19:45.51ZaVoidhey all
19:45.51Trionniswhatever, anyway...
19:46.05ifnotwhynotthx Qwell[]
19:46.05astawerksdotcomwhos online
19:46.05Qwell[]Trionnis: if I can type "/kick Trionnis" in the time it took you to type that, somebody else could have easily run the command
19:46.08bkruseTrionnis: haha, no blood no foul, dont cry :P
19:46.11ZaVoidany idea why insecure=very would not work... my asterisk is still telling the box sending the invite 407 proxy auth requrired
19:46.28bkruseZaVoid: did you reload? it works for me
19:46.42ZaVoidand it works finer from one box doing the invites
19:46.43bkruseifnotwhynot: did you figure it out?
19:46.49bkrusesame ast version?
19:46.56ZaVoidbut form one specific IP box my box always asks it for registration
19:47.17ZaVoidnothing i know of in an invite that would force it to do require authentication right?
19:47.20*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
19:47.34TrionnisQwell[]: well if you want to be purely logical about it, what purpose did it serve to kick me?  it didn't remove the text from the screen, did it?
19:47.42MercestesI beat Qwell to the punch.
19:47.53ifnotwhynotyes bkruse almost
19:47.57Qwell[]Trionnis: because it serves as a warning that next time it'll be followed by a ban.
19:48.06Trionnisit does?
19:48.13ManxPowerTrionnis: it does now.
19:48.16Trionnisbut you're just telling me this now?  3 minutes later?
19:48.19ManxPowerdon't flood the channel.
19:48.21MercestesTrionnis, don't taunt the Qwell.  =/
19:48.29ZaVoidqwell any ideas on why insecure=very would not work?
19:48.30bkruseifnotwhynot: what flavor are you running?
19:48.31ManxPowerIt's a quite simple rule.
19:48.40bkruseQwell is the man, and he happends to own irc also.
19:48.49Trionnisif he wants to consider it "taunting" that's his perrogative... I'm just asking a question.
19:49.20Trionnisor is it supposed to be "kiss his ass 'cause he's an op"?
19:49.43ifnotwhynoti wont take that
19:50.52MrTelephoneanyone compile sangoma drivers with zaptel 1.2.18?
19:52.49astawerksdotcomi did
19:53.06J4k3wunderkin: yes and no... a quick flip flashes the phone, another quick flip and it'd be 3-way'd
19:53.28J4k3at least assuming sip/voip 3-way is like pstn 3-way
19:53.42*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
19:54.12tzangerTrionnis: it's called just behaving.  lots of shit goes on in here and a lot of it gets let be but the people in charge of keeping things flowing smoothly are people too, after all, and sometimes what goes on in here tends to irk them one way or another
19:54.33tzangerso just grab a beer, chill and help out like the rest of us.
19:54.41tzangeror at least have a beer for those of us who are still at work and can't have one yet
19:56.14Mercesteswell said.
19:57.03*** join/#asterisk irule (n=irule@
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19:57.35ifnotwhynotanayone know how to clear a autoconf.h error while running command "make Menuselect"?
19:57.50[TK]D-Fenderifnotwhynot: "./configure"
19:59.11ifnotwhynotdo i need to run it again?
19:59.25holiday_42ifnotwhynot: what is the error?
19:59.36*** join/#asterisk prashant_jois (
20:00.36MrTelephone<astawerksdotcom> i did. How???
20:00.49prashant_joisAnyone know where I can can find a users guide for the voicemail? Is there a way to delete all messages in the inbox?
20:01.30ifnotwhynot<[TK]D-Fender> where can i past this?
20:01.38jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel.  Here are links to a few : , ,
20:02.11russellbastawerksdotcom: please change that nick ... "astawerks" is acceptable, but advertising to get people to your site is not welcome
20:03.01russellbi have asked others to do the same, so i want to be fair
20:03.50russellbi didn't mean leave ...
20:04.06holiday_42prashant_jois:you can delete voicemail files by going to /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/<user> and removeing the audio files there
20:04.06ifnotwhynotwhat does menu select do?
20:04.19prashant_joisholiday_42: thanks!
20:04.30MercestesWell, /nick, /quit, they are very simliar.
20:04.37MercestesI could see how he got them confused
20:04.48*** join/#asterisk astawerks (
20:05.02astawerksit went pretty smooth for me
20:06.50russellbQwell[]: right ... it's the explicit name of a web site as a nick thing that gets me ...
20:07.11Qwell[]russellb: gotcha
20:07.47[TK]D-FenderAny know of "gotchas" associated with * + Zaptel installation on CentOS 5.0?
20:08.06ifnotwhynotgot it working permissions on folder menuselect
20:08.07*** join/#asterisk mog (
20:08.07*** mode/#asterisk [+o mog] by ChanServ
20:09.09astawerkslater folks
20:09.46Qwell[]russellb: the part that bothered me the most wasn't the website...  it was the prepending with a _
20:10.01russellbQwell[]: oh, yeah, that's true ...
20:10.04Qwell[]it's like the whole thing on the wiki about asterisk consultants...
20:10.15Qwell[]Alabama - Asteria
20:10.19russellbpeople fight to be at the top?  heh
20:10.22Qwell[]People get pissed because it's the first in the list alphabetically
20:10.46Qwell[]so people start companies named like Aaaaaaardvark, or other rather stupid names
20:11.02MrTelephonedoes zaptel 1.2.18 work with sangoma cards without the patch?
20:11.07ifnotwhynot<[TK]D-Fender> new problem
20:11.22wunderkina1 asterisk consulting
20:11.28Qwell[]wunderkin: right
20:11.30mvanbaakMrTelephone: nope
20:11.39HolosIs it possible to run asterisk as root, and have non-root users connect to the console for debugging?
20:11.59mvanbaakHolos: create a sudo config for it
20:12.02Qwell[]Holos: no, but hold that thought
20:12.05MercestesAaaaaaaaaa+ Asterisk consulting
20:12.08*** join/#asterisk Utahcon (n=chatzill@
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20:12.16tzangerright out of cheers
20:12.18Qwell[]there was a bug...let me find it
20:12.36mvanbaakQwell[]: you can use sudo for that
20:12.40Qwell[]I know
20:12.42Utahconhey all... newbie here... got a quick question about phones lines
20:12.43mvanbaakI do that all the time
20:12.44mountainm2kAny way to have meetme.conf come from Realtime?
20:13.07Qwell[]There isn't a patch, but he gives an example of what would need to be done to allow it
20:13.12Utahconwe just got new lines setup and the are digital trunks... I am hoping to down the road move to an inhouse VoIP solution (Asterisk) is that going to help or hinder?
20:13.15ifnotwhynotsorry to be pain they lost me what doe menuselect do?
20:13.44Qwell[]ifnotwhynot: lets you select (and deselect) modules
20:13.50Qwell[]kinda like the kernel menuconfig
20:13.53mountainm2kUtahcon: Perhapps I'm dumb, but I don't understand your question.
20:14.05MercestesUtahcon, What form of "digital trunk"  You mean a PRI?
20:14.10mountainm2kUtahcon: Do you have a different PBX now, and you just brought a T1 (or ISDN) into that system
20:14.15mvanbaakhb Qwell[]
20:14.26mountainm2kUtahcon: ...and you want to know if asterisk will support that T1 (or ISDN) later on?
20:14.41UtahconI just got a new T1
20:14.55mountainm2kUtahcon: Asterisk will be more than happy to support it.
20:15.03mountainm2kUtahcon: ...with the correct hardware
20:15.14waKKusomeone there have success to configure linksys pap2 with FoIP ???
20:15.18UtahconI figured as much... just wanted to make sure I hadn't shot my future project
20:15.30mvanbaakthat 9999 shouldn't be that hard to patch in
20:15.47joetesterQuestion the first: Can dialplan variables be passed on to features, i.e. stuff in features.conf?
20:15.58joetesterDoesn't seem like it
20:16.12shido6cool , joetester
20:16.47mvanbaakjoetester: what you want to do ?
20:17.35joetesterI added a feature to features.conf, in the *ahem* homemade features part (don't remember the name) and I need to pass something from the diaplan to the arguments of the function... is that doable?
20:17.40*** join/#asterisk generalhan (
20:17.40Mercesteswakku: FoIP?
20:17.55Mercesteswakku: Nm.  Um...I suggest against that.
20:17.58shido6yeah its doable
20:18.04mvanbaakjoetester: you tried with variables ?
20:18.05*** join/#asterisk DragoraN (n=dragoran@ it's really not.
20:18.07holiday_42waKKu:yep here
20:18.12DragoraNis avaya bad?
20:18.17MercestesIt burns up the ATAs
20:18.19shido6no, just evil.
20:18.36holiday_42waKKu:pap2v2 even
20:18.53mountainm2kNobody's answered me yet on meetme.conf from Realtime -- guessing that means it just ain't happening?
20:19.08joetestermvanbaak: I tried passing something like ${Callerid(num)}, {Callerid(num)} or Callerid(num), none are passed.
20:19.21shido6what in the hell
20:19.39shido6what version of asterisk are you using?
20:19.45mvanbaakjoetester: ; The syntax for declaring a dynamic feature is the following:
20:19.46mvanbaak;<FeatureName> => <DTMF_sequence>,<ActivateOn>[/<ActivatedBy>],<Application>[,<AppArguments>[,MOH_Class]]
20:20.16joetesterYeah. All done, the feature works, just the variable passed isn't passed (in apparguments)
20:20.19shido6you declare it either in [globals] or during the dialing process as one of the priorities
20:20.22waKKuholiday_42 can u help me ? it joestester lemme see
20:20.36waKKumy fax still havent line tone
20:20.37holiday_42waKKu:probably, what's the problem?
20:21.08waKKuholiday_42 first: fax havent line tone - second: when i call it, it ring but when answered it hungs
20:21.13mvanbaaklooks like it's not going to take variables from the dialplan indeed
20:21.16holiday_42waKKu:oh Fax!, crap, no have'nt tried... i read it as Voip, not Foip, my bad
20:21.21joetesterYeah, the feature works fine. Just the arguments aren't passed.
20:21.25waKKuholiday_42 oh.. :/
20:21.26holiday_42i can try it later tonight tho
20:21.31joetestermvanbaak : Really?
20:21.47mvanbaakcant find any reference bout it in the configs
20:21.59holiday_42waKKu:you trying to get fax to go out or in?
20:22.01shido6it can take vairables from the dialplan
20:22.02joetestermvanbaak: Should we ask the developers?
20:22.09mvanbaakshido6: how ? what you have and I will show you
20:22.19joetestershido6: How?
20:22.35waKKuholiday_42 both... but, my first problem is go out
20:22.36*** join/#asterisk jtknapp (
20:23.35ifnotwhynotwhere can i find info on menusect?
20:23.46*** join/#asterisk cowboycoder (n=swettk@
20:23.46ifnotwhynotwhere can i find info on menuselect?
20:24.19mvanbaakifnotwhynot: what you wanna know about it ?
20:24.42cowboycoderanyone have the P003-07-5-00.bin file for a cisco 7960 ip phone?
20:24.59mvanbaakcowboycoder: has it
20:25.19mvanbaaksweet dreams shido6
20:25.24holiday_42waKKu:is the fax line on the pap2 registering ok? (the line is lit on the pap and you see in the cli that it's registered okay?)
20:25.30shido6waiting on the pastebin
20:26.01generalhanwhat is the newest firmware for the 7960s? my support contract ran out after 8-6-00. they are probably up to 9-X lol
20:26.49shido6ok give me a moment to bang this out real quick
20:27.03mvanbaakjoetester: looks like a real-life situation to me
20:27.18cowboycodermvanbaak: where do i find the older file? all I see is the new one....
20:27.30mvanbaakgeneralhan: sip or sccp ?
20:27.41mvanbaakno idea generalhan
20:27.41joetestermvanbaak: How do you mean?
20:27.44mvanbaakI use sccp only
20:27.45holiday_42I think my new iax provider is having problems (or i've an account problem) before I email for tech support can anyone confirm?
20:27.46MrTelephoneanyone know when the 7921 will have sip firmware?
20:27.58mvanbaakjoetester: looks like something I will need soon as well ;)
20:28.30mvanbaakwhy sip ? chan_skinny works great
20:28.38joetestermvanbaak: I do stuff like that... everything I coded is because I needed, and I just assume other people do as well.
20:29.14joetestermvanbaak: 10072 is an example of that as well, and is very useful.
20:29.15mvanbaakjoetester: I also do stuff 'because I can'
20:29.17generalhanmvanbaak: i tried it a while back without great results ... now my focus has been shifted elsewhere and i dont really have much time to play with things anymore.
20:29.23mvanbaaknot only when needed
20:29.42generalhanmvanbaak: for that same reason ill bet there are 100 different ways to make my dialplan more simplified and easier too, but i wouldnt know
20:30.07joetestermvanbaak: If this doesn't work I'll have to code it in.
20:30.41mvanbaakgeneralhan: I use chan_skinny in production and it's great
20:30.55MrTelephonei think all the channel work well
20:30.59mvanbaakok, it lacks some stuff. but for most stuff it's usable
20:31.00ifnotwhynoti did the ./configure and the make menuselect and get the error parcing 'menuselect-tree'! menuselect changes not saved!
20:31.04MrTelephonethe biggest failure for me is my PRI connection to the telco
20:31.30mvanbaakjoetester: ur nick on the bugtracker is xmarkthespot ?
20:31.31MrTelephoneevery crash I had was t1 related
20:31.43joetestermvanbaak : :)
20:32.52*** part/#asterisk cowboycoder (n=swettk@
20:32.58joetestermvanbaak: I thought everyone knew already :)
20:33.30mvanbaaknot me sorry
20:33.43joetestermvanbaak : It's no problem
20:33.52mvanbaaktalking bout it: where's the trunk version ;)
20:34.28joetestermvanbaak: Well... about that... I'd have to... code it blind... cause my boss will decapitate me if I move to trunk
20:34.42*** join/#asterisk Dj_FlyBy (
20:35.14MrTelephonehow do you guys run production when you have to restart asterisk once a week?
20:35.18joetestermvanbaak: Working under pressure here, there's a guy with a rifle pointed at me all day and it's really distracting, but you get used to it over time.
20:36.14generalhanMrTelephone: what do you mean ... i havent restarted my * box in almost a year now
20:36.26joetestershido6 : ?
20:36.30MrTelephoneare you using it as a media gateway?
20:37.17MrTelephoneor just call routing?
20:37.41generalhanMrTelephone: what kind of media ?
20:37.49MrTelephonertp -> pri?
20:38.06ifnotwhynotis menuselect a program that modprobe the wctdn24xxp or what?
20:38.08MrTelephoneI can't seem to run a stable pri :(
20:38.25generalhanMrTelephone: i use 2, 24 channel PRIs here
20:38.47MrTelephone64k pci fatal errors, ringing but channel in use errors
20:38.48joetesterMrTelephone: I do too, and it works flawless, I only take it down for upgrades.
20:39.03MrTelephonewhat kind of computers do they run in?
20:39.16generalhanmines on a DELL Poweredge 2800 right now
20:39.17MrTelephonesometimes I can hear a split second of another conversation right before I hear a ringing tone
20:39.28generalhanbut i have also got it up on an HP Proliant DL380
20:39.42joetesterMrTelephone: That was my next question... mileage varies depending on the machine I experienced with.
20:40.22MrTelephonedamn i have a nice asus nclv-d2 board with 2 xeon 3.2ghz and 1gb of ecc ram..
20:40.41*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
20:40.50joetesterI had machines that needed daily restarts badly (el cheapo junkboxes) and I have some rock solid machines.
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20:41.29MrTelephonewould asterisk hang on you or was it worse?
20:41.58MrTelephonehow can it get worse than that I guess :P
20:42.17joetesterThe first machine I had was made by someone else, and it couldn't even hangup the phones properly, how's that for bad :)
20:42.36MrTelephonewhy not?
20:42.45joetesterThe channels remained open eternally for reasons unknown.
20:42.47MrTelephonesounds like a software problem
20:43.02MrTelephonememory problems probably
20:43.21joetesterSo people couldn't take more than a couple calls before the telephones hung and I had to restart teh machine :)
20:43.42MrTelephonewell i use mgcp mostly with my cable modems
20:43.42joetesterThat was a few years ago though.
20:43.53MrTelephoneand im crossing my fingers that it isn't the problem
20:44.19joetesterAre you sure the board is fine though?
20:44.48MrTelephonethey are brand new but who knows
20:45.12joetesterI've had lots of crap that was brand new too, badly broken out of the box.
20:45.16MrTelephonei tried to reuse some nice chenbro rackmount cases, big mistake
20:45.22MrTelephoneriser cards are no good
20:45.30mvanbaakmy main production asterisk boxen still run 1.0.X and havent been restarted after install
20:45.49mvanbaakMrTelephone: indeed. all riser cards I tested were bad
20:45.50joetestermvanbaak: Yeah, my machine sucked :)
20:45.51MrTelephonewell im seriously considering just having a box running for the pri
20:46.16mvanbaakwe dont do pri
20:46.21*** part/#asterisk BSD_Tech (
20:46.23mvanbaakso I dont have a seperate box for it
20:46.30waKKuholiday_42 sorry for late... yes... pap2 line1, registered OK and rings when receive a call
20:46.51mvanbaakwe let speakup run the pri's for us
20:46.52waKKuholiday_42 but, when hook off, the calling hungs up
20:47.12holiday_42wakku:so you can't use voip even?
20:47.24waKKuholiday_42 yeah.. :/
20:47.28joetesterMrTelephone: Yeah my pri is separated from the PBXs and other machines.
20:47.30MrTelephoneim trying to do a carrier grade quality service here so the pri is at the isp local to the town it supports
20:47.51MrTelephonemaybe thats my issue then
20:47.55MrTelephoneI should have a seperate pri box
20:48.00MrTelephoneeven though the processor load is low
20:48.08holiday_42wakku:hah, well if voip won't work, forget foip
20:48.46*** join/#asterisk xai (n=pasta@about/networking/
20:48.53joetestershido6 : Doable?
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20:49.09holiday_42wakku: <waKKu> holiday_42 but, when hook off, the calling hungs up --<huh?
20:49.09waKKuholiday_42 but, on an normal handphone, voip works great.. isnt working with fax (hp 3550 or sth like it)
20:49.14*** part/#asterisk xai (n=pasta@about/networking/
20:49.18mvanbaakMrTelephone: did you check the interrupt load ?
20:49.22holiday_42wakku: oh i see.
20:49.33mvanbaakmost of the time it's not the cpu chocking, but the interrupt routing
20:49.48holiday_42wakku: so handphone through pap2 work fine for voip, yes?
20:49.53MrTelephonethere isn't any missed irqs or anything if thats what you mean..
20:50.04waKKuholiday_42 yes... asterisk is working a 2 months..
20:50.17MrTelephonethe longest I've had it running for was 1.5 weeks straight
20:50.19waKKubut, now we bought a (damn) HP printer+fax+scanner
20:50.24mvanbaakMrTelephone: ok, that's good
20:50.30mvanbaakwhat pri card are you using ?
20:50.37MrTelephonesangoma a102d
20:50.46waKKunice feature jbot :D
20:50.48MrTelephoneim running an adit 600 channel bank off of it too
20:50.49waKKua bit annoying
20:50.50mvanbaakthat's i nice card
20:50.57generalhanMrTelephone: i use a TE210P
20:51.16mvanbaakwe have some boxes with pri lines
20:51.17MrTelephoneyeah the digium ones are probably good too
20:51.26mvanbaakall them are running on sangoma cards
20:51.33joetesterMrTelephone: I use a TE212P
20:51.35holiday_42wakku: ok... just for comparison, what version of pap2 do you have (pap2-na, pap2v1, pap2v2, etc)?
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20:51.41generalhannot to say that, that is the sole reason you are having issues with the PRI, but i thought id throw it out there
20:51.53MrTelephoneyes I understand
20:52.08mvanbaakwe have a setup with 3 PBX-en all running sangoma A101
20:52.10waKKuholiday_42 pap2-na Firmware Version: 3.1.9(LSc)
20:52.12MrTelephonei went with all digium for the analog part so i tried sangoma for the digital part
20:52.14mvanbaakthey have no problem at all
20:52.21mvanbaakrunning for over 5 months without restart now
20:52.41waKKuholiday_42 and using asterisk 1.4.6 now
20:52.45generalhanwhenever 1.2.10 came out, that is the last time i restarted this server
20:52.56MrTelephoneat one of my offices i have an asterisk box with 13 phones and a sip trunk to my pri box and it never went down either
20:53.22mvanbaakConnected to Asterisk 1.0.9-BRIstuffed-0.2.0-RC8o
20:53.28mvanbaakthat's our main office pbx
20:53.42generalhannice ! lol
20:53.43mvanbaakand our 4 customer colocated boxen are running it as well
20:53.56mvanbaakstrongbad*CLI> show uptime
20:53.56mvanbaakSystem uptime: 21 weeks, 1 day, 5 hours, 21 minutes, 6 seconds
20:53.56mvanbaakLast reload: 8 weeks, 4 days, 10 hours, 36 minutes, 59 seconds
20:54.12holiday_42waKKu: i'll be back later
20:54.22waKKuholiday_42 dont worry.. thanks 4 all ;)
20:55.02*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
20:55.16mvanbaakConnected to Asterisk SVN-trunk-r66959M
20:55.21mvanbaakthat's my home machine
20:55.23MrTelephonewhats nice is my sangoma card never flaked out this time
20:55.29MrTelephonejust asterisk did
20:55.30mvanbaakand also the machine that runs my office phone
20:55.46MrTelephonebut russell said to go with a newer version of asterisk
20:55.47mvanbaakasterisk*CLI> core show uptime
20:55.47mvanbaakSystem uptime: 2 days, 10 hours, 18 minutes, 2 seconds
20:56.01mvanbaakhavent done any recompiling for 2 days ;)
20:56.10MrTelephoneSystem uptime: 7 hours, 8 minutes,
20:56.11MrTelephoneLast reload: 2 hours, 10 minutes, 49 seconds
20:56.11mvanbaakon my live home system that is
20:56.33mvanbaakI have a wife that uses the system as well ;)
20:56.34mockerSystem uptime: 7 hours, 13 minutes, 3 seconds
20:56.47MrTelephonewell i provide myself telephone service too
20:56.49mockerBut I just reconfigured it. ;)
20:56.50MrTelephoneover the internet
20:56.51mvanbaak2 days ago I removed the transfer patch from chan_skinny did an iphone
20:56.55MrTelephoneand it works good, when the pri works
20:57.00tzangerthat iphone is BLENT
20:57.16*** part/#asterisk tlgraf (
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20:57.21MrTelephonei want a wifi phone
20:57.30MrTelephonebut they don't work with asterisk at the moment?
20:57.38MrTelephonewith skinny?
20:58.34*** join/#asterisk MdeP (n=MdeP@
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21:00.48Zeeeknow I can sleep
21:00.50*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (n=randulo@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
21:00.50mvanbaakMrTelephone: the 7920 works fine with chan_skinny
21:01.17MrTelephoneits EOF
21:01.21MrTelephonei mean
21:01.39mvanbaaktry ebay
21:01.53mockerCall into my queue and get disconnected if I am on hold for more than 60 seconds.
21:02.00mockerEasy way to keep the queue empty
21:02.06*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
21:02.10mvanbaaklol mocker
21:02.59mockermvanbaak: probably not what my bosses want though. :)
21:03.25mvanbaaklooks like your queue is setup with a max time of 60 seconds
21:03.48*** part/#asterisk syzygyBSD (
21:03.49ifnotwhynotplease help i dont understand the meed for make menuselect and its function could someone please help
21:03.51mockermvanbaak: Weird, I thought the default was 5 minutes..
21:04.22ifnotwhynotit was so much eiasier configiring zaptel with make, make install
21:04.36mvanbaakno, if you dont specify it in the Queue() call it will take the time in queue.conf
21:04.49mvanbaakifnotwhynot: you can forget the menuselect
21:05.07mvanbaakifnotwhynot: ./configure && make install
21:05.42irulewhat is the average file size of a 1 minute call recording in gsm and wav? thanks
21:06.33ifnotwhynotstill comes up with errors
21:07.23ifnotwhynoterror parsing menuselect tree!
21:08.35[TK]D-Fenderirule, Go make a recording and FIND OUT.
21:08.43*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
21:09.02irule:P lol
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21:14.39wunderkinifnotwhynot, sounds like you need to refer to your previous problem or start over
21:15.42*** part/#asterisk naitram (n=danny@
21:15.43mvanbaakifnotwhynot: I would remove the zaptel dir and get a fresh copy from svn
21:15.54mvanbaaklooks like something has gone corrupt
21:15.55*** join/#asterisk MdeP (n=MdeP@
21:17.06mockermvanbaak: Huh, even with an explicit timeout I get disconnected.
21:17.41ifnotwhynotfinaly figured out what menu select does works in asterisk setup but not zaptel
21:18.36mvanbaakmocker: can you pastebin the queues.conf queue config, the extensions.conf part where you call the queue and the cli output when you get disconnected ?
21:19.16mockermvanbaak: yup, one sec.
21:22.40ifnotwhynotnice it load al the sound files and mpg123
21:24.34ai-awhat format does mixmonitor output? says  file.ext  ive used gsm,, can i output a .mp3 from this directly ?
21:25.06mvanbaakmocker: your queue will be disconnecting the user after 3000 seconds
21:25.17mockermvanbaak: Right..
21:25.20mockerBut it does it after 60
21:25.27mvanbaakai-a: yau cannot use .mp3
21:25.36ai-aguessed not ;)
21:25.38mockerWoo, I think the explicit Answer() fixed my problem.
21:25.39mvanbaakyou'll have to use sox or whatever for that
21:25.44generalhananyone know if its possible that, even though iam setting Callerid(name) and (number), that the PRI provider overrides that information and passes what it wants to ?
21:25.55mvanbaakI see
21:26.00mvanbaakyou did not use answer
21:26.07mvanbaakbut you did use an announce
21:26.08mockermvanbaak: bad habit. :(
21:26.15mvanbaaksometimes that will work
21:26.20mvanbaakmost of the time it wont
21:26.42mvanbaakyou will have to use answer before you use announcements or playback etc
21:26.44mockerIt will dump them to the queue, but if you don't answer, it never sees the call as completed..
21:27.07mockerCall is at 2 min, 40 seconds.
21:27.10mockerCalling it fixed.
21:27.46generalhani am setting CaLLERID(name)="some random text in here" and CALLERID(number)="xxx-xxx-xxxx". according to the asterisk CLI both are being set, but the people that we are calling say that the number is right, but the name that shows up isnt what im setting it as ?
21:28.28ai-ageneralhan: you can mask your phone number when dialing on an outside line ?
21:28.51generalhanai-a: yes, but not the name apparently
21:29.09generalhanwhich is weird cause i was almost positive that this has been working to set the name as well
21:29.10ai-aso you can fake an FBI number, and hoaxs people ?
21:29.17[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan, most telcos DON'T let you set the name
21:29.32generalhan[TK]D-Fender: thanks for that !
21:29.46ai-aFender: they allow number to be modified ?
21:29.51generalhan[TK]D-Fender: i wonder if i can call them and have them put a different name for certain lines
21:30.06[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan, call & ask.
21:30.50generalhan[TK]D-Fender: this is retarded. we have a person that doesnt work for this office, leasing space from us. so i set his callerid(number) to his business number, and this is the first i heard that the name wasnt setting :(
21:30.52flexplexicoI have a strange problem that I'm hoping someone else has seen before.  We have a TDM2400 card with 2 fxo modules and a single fxs module.  It's running on an HP ML110 tower server with a Pentium D processor.  Currently we're running asterisk 1.4.6/Zaptel 1.4.3    At seemingly random times one of the zaptel channels will get "stuck".  By stuck, I mean the following:  When the zap channel is opened to make an outbound call, the call is connected normal
21:34.06*** join/#asterisk Tond (
21:34.32TondHi does anyone here have experience with spandsp and Asterisk?
21:34.44mockerTond: For faxing?
21:35.06mockerrxfax/txfax is recommended for headaches.
21:35.32TondMocker> I have it installed and it is receving faxes, however the tiff files are blank, and the sending fax machine returns errors
21:35.50mockerTond: Sounds like a bad version of libtiff installed.
21:36.18mockerFor some reason the version of libtiff supplied by most distros is broke.
21:36.27TondYa that is what I thought, and instaleld the latest version, but the same result
21:36.45*** join/#asterisk friedrich| (
21:37.00generalhan[TK]D-Fender: ok they say that if our PBX will allow us to adjust the name that is shown for callerid, that we should be able to change the name AND number as we see fit. so maybe its something else. what if the (name) that i am trying to set is too lon, or has a special character? do you think then it would just NOT set it and revert to default ?
21:37.30mockerTond: Your sure you cleared out the old version?
21:37.36TondI have seen people get it running with * before using a thirdparty interface such as Thirdlane.  My problem is that my fax numbers are DIDs provided by other providers
21:37.46mockerand reran ldconfig and then recompiled spandsp?
21:37.49*** join/#asterisk denke (
21:37.53Tondwell when i looked in the lib directory, the .so file was linked to the latest version
21:38.02[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan, TRY <-
21:38.16denkeHi All!
21:38.25Tondmocker, i did that, but just to be sure, I am gonna do it again.  Do i also need to recompile asterisk?
21:38.31denkeI have some problem with
21:38.32generalhan[TK]D-Fender: well this guy doesnt really work for us, so i can just keep asking him to call his clients to check the name on the CID
21:38.36mockerTond: No.
21:38.50mockerTond: But just a general recommendation that iaxmodem/hylafax is more stable than rxfax/txfax
21:39.12*** join/#asterisk remmo (n=junk@
21:39.13mountainm2kmocker: I had no idea there was a chapter in the book about it, I had to figure it all out on my own
21:39.16generalhan[TK]D-Fender: so i figured id ask you, cause if you knew that to be the case, then i wouldnt have to test at all !
21:39.20denkeI have some problem with MOH. It says that there is no such MOH class default, but there is. It is since I downloaded the latest snapshot.
21:39.24mountainm2kTond:  It works very well, I've been using it for a year
21:39.25mockermountainm2k: That book is fairly new I think.
21:39.26Tondmocker> i know very little about those.  Is it a hardware that I need to purchase?
21:39.34mockerTond: Nope.
21:39.49mockerTond: Might just read the chapter and see if it looks like something you can handle..
21:39.52mockerIt's not too bad.
21:39.59Tondya, that is what i am doing...
21:40.00*** join/#asterisk _DAW (
21:40.09Tondmocker> thank a lot for your help
21:40.11mountainm2kTond:  It's actually quite easy, if you've been around Linux even a little while
21:40.14mockerTond: no problem.
21:40.37Tondjust a wild guess, the call has to come as IAX right?
21:40.51mountainm2kTond:  The only bit of it I had to write on my own was to look up the DID the fax came to, and email it to the correct person
21:41.33Tondoh cool..  is it in the online package?  Meaning have you posted it somewhere so I can download / use it?
21:43.16*** join/#asterisk acctor (
21:44.09wunderkingeneralhan, caller id name lookup is done by the terminating provider
21:44.38waKKudid someone successful installed spandsp 0.0.3 ?? Where is apps_rxfax.c and others ?
21:44.57acctorhey folks - I have a cisco 7940 I am trying to switch to SIP stuck in a loop requesting CTLSEP<MAC>.tlv - I've googled this and people suggest creating an empty file but this does not help.
21:44.59acctorany ideas?
21:45.01generalhanwunderkin: but if im passing that terminated provider something, how can it find something else
21:45.54ifnotwhynotmvanbaak: you were right zaptel sourge corrupt
21:46.13mvanbaakifnotwhynot: told you ;)
21:47.05*** join/#asterisk tsurko (n=tsurko@
21:47.42*** join/#asterisk AtomicDawg (
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21:50.27mockergeneralhan: Passing CID name is like QoS, it only works in your office. ;)
21:50.54generalhanhmm according to the PRI provider, i should be able to change it
21:51.37wunderkinsometimes it works through the same provider
21:51.39ifnotwhynotok thats it asterisk with wctdm24xxp installed with mutch needed help from the greatest channel on earth thanks guys what will i do without you??????:)
21:58.52mvanbaakifnotwhynot: hand us beer ;)
22:01.11*** join/#asterisk jakehow (n=jakehow@
22:01.54jakehowdoes an outbound proxy only help if the person you are connecting to is behind another NAT?
22:02.11jakehowtrying to grok how my setup would work if i moved to asterisk... its hosted right now
22:03.26*** join/#asterisk coolfreecode (n=jimmy@
22:04.23coolfreecodeim newbie user to asterisk
22:04.35coolfreecodewhat's the mean this line
22:04.37coolfreecodeCAS signalling on span 2 conflicts with HDLC with FCS check on channel 20.
22:05.18ifnotwhynotim back
22:05.38ifnotwhynotif i load ztcfg get this error Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl
22:06.19coolfreecodewhy dont open that ctl
22:06.45ifnotwhynotbut if i modprobe zaptel and wctm24xxp its starts with this error ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: Inappropriate ioctl for device (25)
22:06.46ifnotwhynotFATAL: Error running install command for wctdm24xxp
22:06.57ifnotwhynotsorry for the flood
22:08.14coolfreecodei hace a TDM11b and TE120
22:11.27swampfox0866I've had the same problem with zaptel and /dev/zap/ctl disappearing.
22:11.51swampfox0866Could it be that the kernel was upgraded and that broke the link with the module?
22:12.13*** join/#asterisk mindCrime_ (
22:12.44ifnotwhynotno new install
22:12.51ifnotwhynotsuse 10.2
22:13.08swampfox0866Did it happen after a reboot?
22:14.14swampfox0866I'm using RHEL 5.
22:14.47Innatechlooking at TSPs for a law firm that spends an inordinate amount of time on the phone. Primarily considering VoicePulse, VOIPstreet, AxVoice. Anyone have any thoughts or other suggestions?
22:15.03mvanbaakI'm off to bed
22:15.11*** join/#asterisk jm|laptop (n=jm|
22:15.42*** join/#asterisk ITiliti (n=IceChat7@
22:16.04coolfreecodeim using genzaptel and give this line CAS signalling on span 2 conflicts with HDLC with FCS check on channel 20.
22:16.30coolfreecodei must to recompilar?
22:16.42ITilitihello all. Is it possible to findo out what DID is being called over a SIP trunk? I have a few clients looking to track that information... Basically they want to see what numbers they have placed in a few magazines, have been called the most, and how often over the course of a month...
22:16.46*** part/#asterisk mountainm2k (n=mountain@
22:18.15snuff-awayITiliti, you can see the number incoming of course via CALLERID(num)
22:20.21snuff-awayso you could go somethin like set(DB(${CALLERID(num)})=${DB(${CALLERID(num)})+1)
22:20.54ITilitiI am not looking for the CID that someone is calling from, I am looking for the DID that is being called. For example. I have 16 SIp trunks here at my office going into my Asterisk box. I also have 200 DID's that get routed over these trunks.
22:21.10ITilitifor example. My did is xxx-xxx-3401
22:21.27ITilitiI am trying to find out how many times my DID was called over the course of lets say a month..
22:21.55snuff-awaywhy cant u look at ur cdr's.. assuming their in a db..
22:21.58snuff-awayshould be easy
22:21.58ITilitiI have all the dev done as far as the interface goes, I just need to figure out how to poull that information. But it is not in any of the CDR databases...
22:22.19snuff-awayyour DID would be dst in cdr
22:22.25*** join/#asterisk marchon (
22:22.28snuff-awayat least that would make perfect sense tome
22:22.31remmoITiliti: you should want to research DNID
22:22.45marchonis anyone familiar with the message "no application 'MeetMe'"
22:22.49ITilitithey are in a DB, but  it does not show the called number. Only the destination tied to that DID, but I have thaT SAME DESTINATION ON A FEW did'S SO i CAN't sort it by that...
22:23.21ITilitiwhere? on voip-info?
22:23.24ifnotwhynotif you load zaptel plus the wctdm should you not be able use the command zap show channels?
22:23.47ifnotwhynoti don't have this command in my asterisk console
22:23.51snuff-awayif  u have that card.. dont see why not
22:24.28coolfreecodewhy i couldn't use 'zap show status' in the prompt
22:25.09snuff-awaydo you have any driver loaded.. generally i always load ztdummy and i can do a zap show stat
22:26.13marchonI have a driver loaded
22:26.37marchonbut cant seem to find the MeetMe application
22:26.41*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
22:26.58Mercestesand I meant every word of that.
22:33.40*** join/#asterisk lisandropm (
22:37.03*** part/#asterisk marchon (
22:40.04Hmmhesayscompiling zaptel on centos 5 is a real biatch
22:40.45_DAWHmmhesays:  Why?
22:41.20HmmhesaysI'm running into serious problems everywhere I turn
22:41.31sweeperHmmhesays: there's a guide for doing that on centos
22:41.37sweeperjust missing deps
22:43.19alrsHmmhesays: is this different from the spinlock.h business?
22:45.45*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
22:46.24*** join/#asterisk moeSizlak (
22:46.52moeSizlakhey guys what does it mean when your T1 starts taking mad errors, and incoming callers just get a buzzing sound?
22:47.26moeSizlakoutgoing calls seem fine.
22:47.28*** join/#asterisk irule (n=irule@
22:47.56moeSizlakthe phone will ring twice, then stop ringing.  and if you pick up the phone befire it stops ringing you get dead air?
22:48.38ManxPowermoeSizlak: How do you know your T-1 is "taking mad errors"
22:48.51ManxPowerWhat software, utility, or diagnostic tool are you using to find this out?
22:49.09moeSizlaklol, the choice-one comms guy told me
22:49.18moeSizlakcan heat and humidity do this?
22:49.31moeSizlakcus the pbx is in the boiler room and its like 105 in there
22:49.36ManxPowermoeSizlak: then you need to have that guy call your telco
22:49.43ManxPowermoeSizlak: Stop wasting our time.
22:49.57moeSizlakhe said he were a priority, but he says he cant figure out whats wrong w/ it
22:50.02ManxPowerIf your PBX is in a room that is 105 then you need to stop wasting our time.
22:50.18moeSizlakso u think that could do it?  cus its always been fine before
22:50.29ManxPowerA PBX in a room like that is not going to work very well and until you deal with the heat issues, everything else is a waste of time.
22:51.00*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
22:51.10moeSizlakwell my boss thinks its my fault somehow cus i told him asterisk is cheaper than the mitel sx-200 he wanted
22:51.16ManxPowermoeSizlak: chances are you fried the T-1 card.
22:51.27ManxPoweror the hard drive
22:51.37moeSizlakdunno, i can still make outgoing calls
22:51.59ManxPowermoeSizlak: I can drive a car with a busted piston too.
22:52.24moeSizlaki thinks its gonna be a debaucle cus our carrier is choice one, but i think verizon owns the t1
22:52.47moeSizlakthe guys gonna show up and say the pbx is toasted
22:53.01moeSizlaknot very good for our business..... a hotel
22:53.24ManxPowerWas pretty stupid to put the PBX in a non-cooled place.
22:53.34moeSizlakall our servers are in this room
22:53.41moeSizlakthey still run fine
22:53.51moeSizlakits just hella hot today
22:54.42ManxPowerDon't worry.  They will fail at an astounding rate.
22:55.10ManxPowerIt is just a matter of time.
22:56.44Hmmhesaysok question. If I have a sip call come in, answer it with some type of ivr then dial out again. I know asterisk is handling the media, but if both endpoints are say gsm, is asterisk transcoding to slin in the middle?
22:58.33ManxPowerHmmhesays: I should not, unless it needs access to the audio for MeetMe, or other thing (chanspy is one)
22:59.11Hmmhesayseven though we answered and played something back I know at that point we're going gsm --> slin
22:59.50*** join/#asterisk nick125_ (n=nick@unaffiliated/nick125)
23:01.09nick125_Anyone here use vitelity? I can't seem tp place any outbound calls and I'm wondering if anyone else is having issues
23:01.23HmmhesaysI use vitelity all the time
23:02.17nick125_This was working 5 minutes ago, so, I'm pretty sure it's not on my end
23:03.45*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
23:04.10Hmmhesaysi dunno what did you change?
23:04.24nick125_I haven't changed anything on my end.
23:05.25nick125_I just made a call out right before this issue started happening
23:08.42*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
23:09.15ifnotwhynotasterisk 1.4 s*cks
23:10.58JTcare to be more productive?
23:12.05ITilitiThanks remmo, I found it.. worked like a charm...
23:12.10*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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23:16.09coolfreecodethx i could configure my e1 and fxo
23:16.12coolfreecodethx guys
23:16.30JTcoolfreecode: ?
23:17.38irulewhat is the best software in priopietary and also in oss for converting Mixmonitor() recordings to a text transcript?
23:18.16JTa human
23:18.29*** join/#asterisk remmo (n=junk@
23:18.31snuff-awaylumivox i think can do speech to text
23:18.38snuff-awayor however u spell int
23:19.03JTno, speech to text as in transcripts has to be done by humans, the technology is not there yet
23:19.17JTlumenvox does very limited speech regonition
23:19.33JTbut you most certainly cannot convert a conversation to text
23:19.44JTwith a computer program, at least at the moment
23:20.04*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
23:20.05coppicewell, it can, but the result might have a "few" errors. :-)
23:20.42JTa few :)
23:21.03*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
23:21.23coppice"Send three and fourpence, we're going to a dance"
23:22.18snuff-awayi would HATE to be someone developing or working on a speech to text engine
23:23.13coppiceunless you are a conman (i.e. acedemic researcher) it must be pretty demoralising
23:27.24snuff-awayhere here coppice
23:28.39*** join/#asterisk jtknapp (
23:28.51*** join/#asterisk cpurn (
23:29.19cpurnDoes anyone know where I can get a list of IP phones that are certified to run with asterisk?
23:29.46jbotfrom memory, phones is  While personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows:  Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever.
23:30.20cpurnsnuff-away: thanks
23:30.45JTi don't know if anything is close to officially "certified", except maybe polycom
23:31.06coppicegrandstream is official :-)
23:31.39cpurnactually I'm not looking for 101% certified... as long as they are known to work by concensus is already good enough :)
23:32.38*** part/#asterisk jtknapp (
23:33.25JTcpurn: just never use grandstream
23:35.24*** join/#asterisk NoVaZuR (
23:35.43NoVaZuRhi, does someone already try to compile zaptel with oslec under gentoo ?
23:36.13NoVaZuRsomeone could help me to find why I have this error please ? (sorry for my english)
23:36.36*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
23:37.46*** part/#asterisk NoVaZuR (
23:45.52rvhi0hi, asterisk keeps sending mwi to the phones
23:45.59rvhi0is there a way to stop it
23:49.55russellbcheck your voicemail?  :-p
23:50.55*** join/#asterisk nentis (
23:51.37nentisanyone know the power PoE wattage required for an Aastra 9133i?  Can't find it in their documentation or specification data sheets.

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