IRC log for #asterisk on 20070706

00:00.35fujinInnatech: kind of
00:00.48flendersInnatech: traffic will still go through a router if you have different subnets
00:00.57fujinyou'll still need a router between the subnets
00:01.09flendersget gigabit ports and gigabit NICs on the router and you're set
00:01.11fujin(or a virtual interface in the subnets)
00:01.40flendersstill goes through router
00:02.14fujinhardly need gigabitz for VoIP.
00:02.26fujinmaybe for trunks between points of presence
00:02.41flendersI meant for data too I can't plug phones on 192.168.55.x into the same switch as desktops on 192.168.50.x and provide uplinks to a router ( and to Asterisk ( on separate ports? All traffic would need to pass through the router?
00:03.19fujinare you planning a network?
00:03.25fujinor trying to add things to an existing one
00:03.29Innatechnew network.
00:03.36fujinstart drawing some pictures
00:03.40Innatechoh, I have some.
00:03.52InnatechIn fact, I have 2^3 .
00:04.05flendersInnatech: you can plug all them on the same switch
00:04.05Innatechcovered all of the permutations. :)
00:04.35flendersInnatech: but you need different VLANs on the switch to achieve what you're describing
00:05.17flendersthe throughput on modern switches is great, so you wouldn't have problems...
00:05.22fujingot access to reasonable hardware, Innatech ?
00:05.22InnatechOK, cool. That much makes sense.
00:05.31InnatechNah, not that reasonable.
00:05.35flendersyeah, or HP procurves
00:06.20fujinor not :P
00:06.25InnatechSwitches are going to be one of the more modest lines---probably 3com or dlink smart switches.
00:06.30InnatechThe routers will be Linux.
00:06.43flenderseven those have pretty decent throughputs
00:06.46Innatech4 or 6 PCI-E GbE NICs each.
00:06.47KwakwaI've been having trouble setting up rxfax on one of my asterisk boxes on 1.4.5.  Its mainly used for IAX2 trunking so if I install 1.2.20 on it instead will it be fine communicating over IAX2 to my other 1.4.* boxes?
00:07.11fujinwe should just get rid of faxes altogether
00:07.13KwakwaI'm assuming all the IAX2 fixes are backported to 1.2 also?
00:07.21fujinI wouldn't.
00:07.26flendersmy routers here are dells 1850 with 6 Gbit cards each
00:08.07KwakwaAt the moment we have two fax modems on analogue using hylafax, I'd be happy getting this working with asterisk :)
00:08.27fujinI run cisco 3560's for switchfabric
00:08.42InnatechI'm building these from Commel mainboards. I'm looking forward to that part of the project.
00:08.42fujinI think that our network dudes put in a 2950 or a 2950g or xl for the router
00:11.50flendersInnatech: linksys managed switches are quite decent
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00:12.02flendersbetter than D-Links, IMHO
00:12.08Innatechyeah, I've heard their config pages only work reliably in IE.
00:12.12Innatechhave you seen that?
00:12.36snuff-worki hate linksys web managed switches
00:12.40jcacereshello whe i do "sip show users" i get field called ALC what does it stands for?
00:12.51snuff-workACL = access control list
00:14.31k31thany of you guys know of a decent asterisk distro for a solid state PBX im attempting to build?
00:15.25InnatechOK, so my takeaway here is that I can go with a single managed PoE switch, VLAN the VOIP and standard traffic, connect both the Asterisk server and the regular LAN servers to the switch and the back router will only worry about passing traffic between the back LAN subnet and the firewall subnet. The phones will see the Asterisk box across the VLAN/switch w/o routing since they share a subnet. Same thing with the dekstops and the ser
00:15.25Innatechvers. Sound about right?
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00:15.57flendersInnatech: you can telnet to them I think
00:16.31InnatechUmm. What?
00:17.21flendersInnatech: yeah, that's right
00:17.30flendersI was talking about the linksys switches before
00:17.31InnatechOh, telnet to the linksys
00:17.33Innatechyeah, gotcha.
00:17.39flendershey, I also have a Dell managed switch here...
00:17.48flendersthe OS is VERY similar to cisco's ISO
00:17.54flenderscisco's IOS
00:17.58snuff-workhehe.. dell loves rebranding
00:18.06flendersand you run ssh on them too
00:18.11InnatechDell is a frankenstein of rebadged products.
00:18.24flenderswell, they're cheap
00:18.34flendersand you made it clear you're not willing to pay for a cisco
00:18.35snuff-workdells SAN switches are brocade from memory..
00:18.53InnatechHeh. Then there's my spec for the "subtenant" AKA "legacy" network: nothing but DD-WRT's, bay-be!
00:19.12Innatechyeah, I'm looking at Dell too.
00:19.25InnatechIs it better?
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00:20.04InnatechI'm ashamed to admit I still have alchemy firmware kicking around.
00:20.14flendersInnatech: they're pretty much the same... DD-WRT and openwrt
00:20.26fujindd-wrt still has that webui and shit
00:20.31InnatechWell, there must be some reason for the fork, eh?
00:20.39flendersbut you can also ssh into it
00:20.44fujinyeah true
00:20.51fujinalways had better luck with openwrt though
00:21.02jcacereshow can use an acl, where do i configure it?
00:21.11holiday_42with openwrt they make i really easy to roll you own customer firmware
00:21.16jcaceresi have done it with cisco
00:21.40jcaceresbut in asterisk sounds me new
00:22.03*** join/#asterisk spatulamaan (n=ggilmore@
00:23.06*** join/#asterisk yotta_ (
00:24.43yotta_Hi, I'm looking for a way to get 4 or 8 fxo ports, perferable in a device that works over ethernet.  anyone have reccomendations?
00:25.11fujinget a PRI
00:25.17__DAWAudiocodes MP118
00:28.26*** part/#asterisk mog (
00:34.24snuff-workanalog is yucky ;)
00:35.10snuff-workyotta_, you could also look at astribank i think they are called..
00:35.59yotta_I want something that I can use from two asterisk servers with hot failover.
00:36.43fujinho ho
00:36.48fujinI just finished setting that up yesterrrday
00:36.56fujinI still have a single point of failure though
00:36.57fujinor a few
00:37.01fujinno, just one
00:37.04jcacereshello, what is the diference betwen an URA and an IVR?
00:37.21fujinyotta_: I use heartbeat v1 to hot/cold my asterisks.
00:37.39yotta_fujin: I use heartbeat
00:37.44yotta_on some servers at work
00:37.46yotta_it rocks.
00:38.12fujinI'm just goin to get two PRI's for the as5400
00:38.17yotta_i want one piece of hardware that i can hook up to two asterisk boxes
00:38.18fujinand then work out some cisco loadbalancin.
00:38.20yotta_don't need pri
00:38.32yotta_bossman doesn't want pri
00:38.36fujinsorry then I dunno anything <pri
00:38.47fujinpri is proper good man
00:39.02*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
00:39.20yotta_but expensive
00:39.29yotta_we need only 4 to 6 phone lines
00:39.37yotta_probably 4
00:41.19flendersyotta_: in AU, it makes more sense to get a 10 channel PRI than 6 pots lines
00:41.37yotta_in us
00:41.39flendersa full PRI would be too much, I agree
00:41.52flendersbut check the prices for fractional PRIs
00:42.05yotta_that involves calling people
00:42.56flendersgetting POTS lines also involves people
00:43.07flendersand buying lunch every day also involves people
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00:46.57yotta_we have pots lines already
00:47.44flendersseriously, PRI is A LOT better than pots lines
00:48.12flendersone of my boxes has 2 TDM400s with 4 FXO modules on each. nightmare
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00:48.52flendersthe other one has a 10ch PRI... sooo much better
00:49.47fujinI break my pri out to sip
00:49.49fujinwith an as5400
00:49.53fujinsaves a whole motherfucker
00:49.54fujinof trouble
00:50.40flendersso, with heartbeat, when it fails, it just STONITH, and bring the other asterisk up? and as it's all sip, it's easy, right?
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00:53.38fujinflenders: eh, I don't even fuck with STONITH
00:53.46fujinit just does /etc/init.d/* stuff.
00:53.55fujinnever have come across a situation when i need to stonith.
00:54.15flendersso it just shuts down asterisk on the problematic box
00:59.12flendersfujin: and what's your point of failure?
01:02.08flendersholy mother of god... I had never checked the prices on an AS5400 before
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01:31.27Hmmhesaysdoes asterisk store the originally dialed number as a constant somewhere?
01:32.41Hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: doesn't that change if the exten changes?
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01:39.12[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays, not the originally dialed number
01:39.27tengulreanybody know which g729 codecs is free and not connected limited?
01:39.46*** join/#asterisk mindCrime_ (
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01:43.34Hmmhesayswhat is a good way to check if a variable is null, if it isn't then check what the value is set to
01:52.36*** join/#asterisk Cabal_ (n=Cabal@unaffiliated/cabal)
01:54.27fujinflenders: the as5400
01:54.44fujinflenders: yes, if the box stops responding ove rthe c/over cable
01:54.47fujinit'll shut down asterisk
01:54.51fujindnsmasq (dhcp)
01:54.59fujinand some other things.. all configurable
01:55.42jbott38 is probably see for a decent overview of how it all works, no, it's not ready yet, we'll let you know. a really lousy spec. a lightweight fighter, also known as the Talon
01:56.38alrsHmmhesays: NoOp
01:57.08flendersso, second asterisk comes up with the same IP as the first one, and all phones re-register?
01:57.55fujinit aliases the same ip
01:57.59fujindoes an arp broadcast
01:58.06fujinthe phones are configured to resync every 20 secs
01:58.54*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
02:03.04flenderswonder what I'd need to do to get heartbeat to work with asterisk+PRI cards
02:03.43*** join/#asterisk RyanW (
02:03.45fujina mission
02:03.47fujinfuck that
02:03.54fujinyou gotta have somethign upstream from asterisk to reroute calls
02:03.56RyanWHow can i log pri debug out to a file ?
02:04.05fujinsee, our as5400 is told to point all sip calls @
02:04.08fujinwhich is *always* one of the boxes
02:04.08flendersproblem would be to have both cards connected to the same CSU/DSU
02:04.48flendersyeah, but an as5400 costs shit loads of money
02:07.03*** part/#asterisk RyanW (
02:08.09fujingotta spend it to make it
02:08.26__DAWis there anything for SIP like zapbarge?
02:08.44fujinwhat's that do?
02:09.38Hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: I'm not seeing that variable
02:10.26[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays, its a FUNCTION.
02:12.29*** part/#asterisk c6vette (
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02:17.09dexpdxHey, I just upgraded from 1.2.13 to 1.2.20 and now I'm getting "pri_find_dchan: No D-channels available!" messages
02:17.12dexpdxis this normal?
02:17.56Hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: oooooh
02:18.16shmaltzdexpdx, no
02:18.24Hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: CDR gets or sets a cdr variable...
02:18.27*** join/#asterisk ShadowHntr (i=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr)
02:18.27dexpdxWill it cause problems?
02:18.30shmaltzdexpdx, if you doh't have any dchannels then you don't have a PRI
02:18.30Hmmhesayshow does that help me
02:18.37dexpdxI have pri's :)
02:18.39shmaltzdexpdx, update zaptel as well
02:18.42dexpdxwanrouter see's them
02:18.52dexpdxshmaltz: already done, latest stable
02:19.43dexpdxoh weird
02:19.54dexpdxPrimary D-channel: 24
02:19.55dexpdxStatus: Provisioned, Down, Active
02:20.14kolian123Does anybody know what to set in zaptel config for echocancel for the card with hardware cancellation?
02:24.34shmaltzkolian123, yes, nothing
02:25.09kolian123hi shmaltz, thanks, just omit it or set to =no?
02:25.29shmaltzkolian1234, you want to disable it?
02:26.08kolian123shmaltz, i would like to use hardware and disable software...what would you recommend?
02:26.52shmaltzkolian123, if you have the hardware module, then it uses the hardware and NOT the software, no need to disable that
02:27.39kolian123Alright, thanks so it would use it automatically?
02:27.45dexpdxok this is weird, when I do a pri show span 1
02:27.49dexpdxit shows up, then down
02:27.51kolian123yes i have vpm400 on the board.
02:28.21kolian123shmaltz, zap show channel 66 shows that echo disabled
02:28.39shmaltzkolian123, is channel 66 in use?
02:28.52shmaltzkolian123, what does dmesg show?
02:28.59kolian123dmesg is ok
02:29.18shmaltzkolian123, does it show that vpm is persent?
02:29.33kolian123VPM400: Span 0 U-law mode
02:29.45kolian123shmaltz, dmesg is good
02:29.53kolian123no channel 66 not in use
02:30.31kolian123Echo Cancellation: 1 taps unless TDM bridged, currently OFF
02:30.49kolian123just wondering if it's normal
02:32.32kolian123It will turn on but says: Echo Cancellation: 1 taps unless TDM bridged, currently ON
02:32.48kolian123shmaltz, just wondering about 1 taps
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02:43.57MercestesHow do I set an Aastra for timezone -5 GMT Eastern?
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02:51.17flenders~seen JT
02:51.19jbotjt is currently on #asterisk #slug. Has said a total of 977 messages. Is idling for 1d 10m 25s, last said: 'yes, you haven't noticeD? :)'.
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02:54.33*** join/#asterisk rue_mohr (
02:55.02J4k3should I be suprised that a P3-600 "choked" on a 4-way SIP conference, all g711u?
02:55.03rue_mohrdoes anyone know how to check analog lines for things like impedence mismatches?
02:55.45rue_mohrI want to know if my co card is really puttin on a 600R load
02:55.54*** part/#asterisk JacksLivr (
02:56.31J4k3rue_mohr: they're never perfect.  The important part are no short-to-ground on either wire (unless your local system has one side grounded, which generally sucks for performance)
02:56.47J4k3and that you have enough talk power to hear the other side, and vice versa
02:59.50*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
03:00.33*** join/#asterisk aptura (
03:00.35rue_mohrtip is - right?
03:01.14rue_mohrthere is something wrong here, I find to find out what
03:02.32riddleboxis there anything special you need to get disa working, I used to have it working,  on 1.2 but now the same setup doesnt work with 1.4.x
03:02.39ManxPowerrue_mohr: What is the specific issue?
03:02.49rue_mohrTip is the ground side (positive) and Ring is the battery (negative) side of a phone circuit
03:02.56ManxPowerriddlebox: The first thing to check is DTMF.
03:03.18ManxPowerCall into your system and then log into voicemail.  does it work?  If so, then you prolly don't have a DTMF issue.
03:03.21rue_mohrsound isn't right, and I get cbc on the fxo line
03:03.35ManxPowercall in from the same phone you are trying to use DISA with
03:03.37madcaptip is positive.
03:03.38rue_mohras in CBC
03:03.42rue_mohrthe radio station
03:03.58ManxPowerCanadian Broadcasting Company
03:04.11ManxPowerThe Canadian NPR
03:04.16ManxPoweror BBC as the case may be
03:04.37rue_mohrthats why I suspect that the fxo cxard is really high impedence
03:04.50ManxPowerrue_mohr: you don't here it using a plain analog phone?
03:04.55riddleboxManxPower, dtmf works fine, I have an auto attendant setup which works perfectly and voicemail works as well
03:04.56ManxPowerhear that is
03:05.28rue_mohrif I plug a phone into the incomming line its clear
03:05.40*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ- (
03:05.40rue_mohrwhen I use the channelbank, we get cbc on the inside
03:05.45ManxPowerriddlebox: Good.  What does the CLI show when you try using DISA?  (use if you have to paste the CLI output)
03:05.45ManxPowerrue_mohr: I assume you ARE in Canada, right?
03:05.59ManxPowerA channel bank.
03:06.12ManxPowerI've been fighting hum on a long analog loop into a channel bank.
03:06.30*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (
03:06.38ManxPowerrue_mohr: have you tried swapping the two wires in the pair.
03:06.42apturaManx would a toleroid work on it?
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03:06.58rue_mohrwas just checking that
03:07.21rue_mohrk try that after
03:07.49riddleboxManxPower, as soon as it hits the disa part I get the busy tone
03:07.54*** join/#asterisk RyanW (
03:08.10ManxPowerrue_mohr: Do you live near the station you are hearing?
03:08.51RyanWHello, can someone alalyze these logs and explain why the call terminated.
03:09.07J4k3ManxPower: load coils. :)
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03:09.17rue_mohrthe really odd thing is
03:09.21J4k3the phone company didn't put load coils in the phone system for the fun of it.
03:09.44rue_mohrif I pick up the analog phone on the line, so I get a dialtone
03:09.49riddleboxrue_mohr, fm re-tuning is easy, first, are you sure it is coming on the co?
03:09.51J4k3a lot of modems work better as crystal radios than they do modems
03:10.06rue_mohrthen get the channelbank to pick up the same line, all I hear is a nasty 60Hz buzz
03:10.18J4k3some old USR Sportster's would pick up the local AM station (MF band, 1290 khz) loud and clear
03:10.22J4k3and the station was pushing a measly 250W
03:10.31rue_mohrriddlebox, I dont get the radio station with an analog phone put directly on the line
03:10.41apturarue, make sure some of the cableing is no where close to any ballast if that may be the case.
03:10.51rue_mohrno ballasts
03:11.02riddleboxrue_mohr, the first thing to do is to ground all pairs not needed
03:11.08rue_mohrthe 60Hz only comes thru when I do that
03:11.15rue_mohrnormally we dont get it
03:11.28ManxPowerriddlebox: hold on
03:11.50ManxPowerJ4k3: I can see that.
03:11.52rue_mohrI have a pair connected to a line to the road which isn't used...
03:12.10rue_mohrbut I still dotn get it using a regular analog phone
03:12.14ManxPowerbased on my understanding of loading coils and RF, I can see how they would help
03:12.40riddleboxrue_mohr, is the it happening on all stations? or is it happening on an analog station?
03:14.28riddleboxI have used the cb filters and it drastically reduced the interference on the stations, but that was for a digital station....on an old toshiba perception e
03:14.31apturaManx us hams use them all the time to cut out the RFI in the cabeling to the phones. But does not always work simply because of cheap non FCC ciritfied phones. Neighboors have always been at odds with the hams because of the interfearence problem.
03:14.38ManxPowerriddlebox: And you have a ]from-incoming
03:14.57riddleboxManxPower, yes
03:15.12ManxPowerwith the same number of "n" and "m" s
03:15.40apturaThere is a cirtain amount of wraps you need to put around the filters to cut out the interference where ever it is comming from. To bad you did not have a old o-scope lying around to sniff the 60hz signal
03:15.58riddleboxManxPower, yes
03:16.04ManxPowerChances are it is a harmonic of 60Hz
03:16.27apturamabey 120 or 180 hz
03:16.33ManxPowerpastebin the first 10 lines of that context is a really good source for interference issues
03:16.51ManxPoweraptura: My hum was more or less 120 and 180Hz
03:17.55ManxPowerThe HPEC seemed to help massivly
03:18.01apturaI know if you over drive a trancivers audio front end over 100% it can create harmonics but in standard AC circuits really dont see what would cause it.
03:18.12rue_mohrchanging polarity -> didn't work.  disconnecting unused line from street -> didn't work. adding 4 turns of ferrite -> didn't work
03:18.38rue_mohrwonder what I get with a dead line
03:18.41ManxPowerrue_mohr: how about disconnecting the problem line at the dmarc
03:19.03riddleboxrue_mohr, are you sure it is on the co side? is it happening on an analog phone? or an IP phone?
03:19.04rue_mohrits onyl a problem with the channelbank
03:19.23rue_mohrits not happening with an analog phone plugged into the telco
03:19.28ManxPowerriddlebox: I believe on a PSTN line
03:19.29rue_mohrits onyl a problem with the channelbank
03:19.45rue_mohranalog phone to pstn line is fine, clear as a bell
03:20.57riddleboxso you are taking an analog line from co and putting it into a channel bank?
03:21.20rue_mohrpstn -> channelbank -> asterisk -> channelbank -> analog phones
03:21.31ManxPowerI assume it is the same channel bank
03:21.40rue_mohrif I disconnedct the incomming pair from the pstn, its clear
03:21.42rue_mohrno CBC
03:21.52rue_mohryes, same channelbank
03:21.54ManxPowerHave you checked the ground on the channel bank?
03:22.07rue_mohrI could be using much heavier wire
03:22.37riddleboxrue_mohr, are you getting the interference on all phones?
03:22.56ManxPowerrue_mohr: Did you buy the channel bank new?
03:23.45rue_mohrnoits a mainstreet 3624
03:24.26ManxPowerhave you tried conning support out of them
03:24.43ManxPowerJ4k3: It is odd, so many RF and telco geeks around here.
03:25.19ManxPowerUsually people are like "what's an FXO?"
03:25.26J4k3asterisk is where many different kind of geek meet.
03:25.33J4k3radio geeks, telco geeks, computer geeks
03:25.40russellbyay geeks.
03:25.43J4k3because it all fits
03:25.43[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr, so... you get HBO on that thing yet? ;)
03:25.49J4k3hell, even circus geeks
03:26.08ManxPowerI've never been fond of small animals
03:26.26J4k3ManxPower: so bite their heads off! :)
03:26.40russellbi really don't even like phones ...
03:26.47[TK]D-FenderManxPower, Way to go Ozzy!
03:26.50russellbthey are quite annoying
03:26.57J4k3I don't talk on the phone much, but mostly because I don't have a decent phone
03:27.00rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender, :/
03:27.03rue_mohrI hate CBC
03:27.03ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: don't get me excited
03:27.07J4k3I test my * via cellular because I'm too cheap to buy *myself* a phone.
03:27.10russellbi like making them work ... just not using them
03:27.15J4k3(it also makes a great excuse to say "I'll call them back"
03:27.20ManxPowerI don't even HAVE a non-cell phone at the moment.
03:27.31[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr, CBC Radio : The cure for insomnia (or the ultimate punishment)
03:29.50*** join/#asterisk xheliox (n=jeff@pdpc/supporter/active/xheliox)
03:30.42rue_mohrI'm suspicious of the fxo cards
03:30.50rue_mohrtheir 100% solid state
03:31.32rue_mohrie non-isolated
03:31.52riddleboxManxPower, I figured my disa problem out, I didnt include any outgoing access from the incoming context
03:31.58[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr, Yes, we all know that the best radio amplification is with TUBES ;)
03:32.07[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, SMRT
03:32.24rue_mohrhehe, a tube pbx
03:32.33ManxPowerriddlebox: you shouldn't
03:32.51riddleboxManxPower, how else am I going to be able to use the disa line?
03:34.37rue_mohrI suppose nobody else has or has had a newbridge mainstreet 3624?
03:35.00ManxPowerriddlebox: My systems have these contexts:  [incoming] is where calls from untrusted sources land, like calls from the PSTN.   [toll-trunks] and [local-trunks] is where the access to the outside world is.  [toll-access] is where devices that can call out is located.  [extensions] is where internal phones are listed.
03:35.53ManxPowerriddlebox: do outside, untrusted calls ever land in in that context?
03:36.49*** join/#asterisk mog (
03:36.49*** mode/#asterisk [+o mog] by ChanServ
03:37.05riddleboxthe only thing that a caller would do is press 1 or 2 there, I have *18 built just for me, if the press any other digit, it starts the auto attendant over again, and loops it three times, if they dont get anything right in three times it hangs up
03:43.15*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
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03:56.57J4k3hmm, what the world needs is a USB DECT multi-handset system direct connectability to *
03:57.38russellbthere are multiple vendors selling SIP to DECT systems
03:57.58russellbwait, you said USB
03:58.07russellbit's late...
03:59.08J4k3well, sip to dect is fine too, but usb would be cheaper to implement most likely
03:59.23J4k3no need for a seperate power supply or even much intelligence in the base station.
04:00.56FuriousGeorgerussellb: are you still awake?
04:02.22FuriousGeorgein regards to the bug reports ive filed over the last few weeks, i got that core dump you asked about
04:02.27russellbFuriousGeorge: somewhat, hey
04:02.30russellbok, cool
04:03.11russellbcan you point me to the bug number?
04:03.18FuriousGeorgeone sec
04:04.23FuriousGeorge <--- this is the original.  as per your suggestion i upgraded to 1.4.5 after that.  then i filed this one:
04:05.30FuriousGeorgehmm, i think qwell closed out the other one asking for a bt against 1.4.6.  at the time asterisk was crashing without dumping a core
04:05.44FuriousGeorgei notice that it crashed to day and dumped a core though
04:05.46QwellI don't think I closed it
04:05.55FuriousGeorgeits not in my view for some reason
04:06.04russellbdid you get a backtrace from the core today?
04:06.23FuriousGeorgei think i can do that
04:06.32russellbgdb /usr/sbin/asterisk core.12345
04:06.37russellb(gdb) bt ... (gdb) bt full
04:06.57*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
04:09.32FuriousGeorgelooks like a segfault
04:10.29*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
04:11.24*** part/#asterisk mog (
04:11.47*** part/#asterisk Cabal (n=Cabal@unaffiliated/cabal)
04:12.41russellbyeah ... and it's not a trivial one ... can you post it to a bug, please?
04:13.00FuriousGeorgerussellb: i guess i should upgrade to .6 first, no?
04:13.22FuriousGeorgei changed the way my users parked aswell.  its better now because asterisk totally dies and automatically restarts
04:13.35FuriousGeorgedont know if those things are related
04:13.44FuriousGeorgebut this damn computer has not worked right for months
04:13.49russellbwell, it's still not right ...
04:14.05FuriousGeorgerussellb: thanks for the time
04:14.57russellbcan you make this happen?  or is it random?
04:21.33russellbhrm ...
04:25.18FuriousGeorgerussellb: its always been random
04:25.22FuriousGeorgesorry for delay responding
04:25.41*** join/#asterisk sysreq (
04:25.52russellbno problem
04:26.04*** join/#asterisk OrNix (
04:28.44FuriousGeorgebut the "symptoms" always change.  with 1.2.X it was a lot of avoiding initial deadlock.  With 1.4.4 there would be no such error though a deadlock-like condition would occur.  in 1.4.5 (pre- my changes to parking) it would just die and not dump a core.  now it dumps a core.
04:28.55FuriousGeorgei also have an earlier core dump, if you would like to see that
04:30.01FuriousGeorgei dont know if you recall my telling you this, but my users were using a "ParkOrbit" feature of the phone, which would BlindTx the person to the parking extension.  now i make them park it with a normal manual blind or AtTx
04:30.35FuriousGeorgerussellb: so what am i doing then?  upgrade to 1.4.6, see if it happens again, and if it does, make a bug report?
04:31.45*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
04:33.02russellbyeah, i remember that
04:33.24russellbi would say go ahead and post a bug, as well as update
04:33.51russellbi would like to investigate that backtrace some more
04:34.04russellbif you have an older backtrace, post that as well
04:34.08russellbthe more info the better
04:34.19FuriousGeorgesip.conf and extensions.conf too, then?
04:34.37russellbyeah, without any private information of course
04:34.50FuriousGeorgenaturally ;)
04:35.07FuriousGeorgeok, thats what i'll do then
04:35.10russellbmsg me the bug number so i can monitor it
04:35.13ManxPowerMy Sprint PCMCIA card keeps cycling between EVDO Rev A, 1xRTT, and something called "Circuit Data".  Way to go Sprint
04:35.14rue_mohrok, why would a office card look like it has no isolation and a subscriber card have isolation transformers and relays?
04:35.24FuriousGeorgerussellb: you got ti
04:35.31*** part/#asterisk OrNix (
04:35.37russellbcool, we'll get it fixed eventually ...
04:36.20russellbrue_mohr: FXS modules have more junk on them because they do the ringing
04:36.35rue_mohrhmm ok
04:36.54rue_mohryea there is no way I could have it backwards
04:38.02rue_mohrI tried some nice big ground wire right to the steak, didn't help at all
04:38.33rue_mohrI'll try inserting soem resistors and see what the currents look like
04:38.41rue_mohrI think their really wrong
04:39.23*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
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05:17.40*** join/#asterisk JoelSolanki (i=Joel@
05:17.56JoelSolankiGood Evening all
05:21.05JoelSolankiI want to display live calls in browser in php. i guess we can get the live calls from astdb.
05:21.12JoelSolankican anybody provide inputs on this plz.
05:24.57*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
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06:00.47OloBolaI can only find DVD ISO's for Fedora core 7.. ?
06:04.09J4k3somebody should get movie rental joints to rent open source operating system disks.
06:04.33J4k3for those folks with shitty broadband, or none.
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06:53.00J4k3soo, it appears I can get pda phones for $160ish off ebay, unlocked w/o contract.  woohoo :)
06:53.06J4k3(and they're compatable with my cellular provider)
06:54.09*** join/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
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06:56.10J4k3err, wifi equipped pda phones
06:56.17J4k3(for sip-over-wifi use)
06:56.36*** join/#asterisk vlt (
06:58.26vltHello. I "serve" a BRI/PTP line to a legacy ISDN PBX and want to use the 3rd B channel to phone out. What does "    -- Ignoring callwaiting SETUP on channel 255/255 span 3 -1" appearing on *CLI mean?
06:59.26*** join/#asterisk vgster (
07:02.43J4k3yeah, I'ma get an sch-i730 it appears, unless I find out theres some showstopping problem between now and tomorrow ;)
07:06.03*** join/#asterisk Pilko (n=pirch@
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07:14.58[[blah]asfdwhat would cause this error:
07:15.01[[blah]asfdJul  5 19:01:10 WARNING[27795] chan_iax2.c: Maximum trunk data space exceeded to
07:15.13[[blah]asfdI have trunking set to yes on both ends of my connection
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07:36.24santoshris it possible to start asterisk as a different user and connect to the console from a different user
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08:06.30steliosksantoshr : if the 2 users are in the same group it should work
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08:08.59Swat2can anyone explain what insecure=very does?
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08:29.57vltHello. What is the difference between "user=", "username=" and "fromuser=" in a "type=peer" section of sip.conf?
08:30.07*** part/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
08:32.01vltAndri[DK]: Thank you.
08:33.53*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
08:35.56santoshrsteliosk: they are in the same group.  i get this Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?).. whereas when i do it from the user that started asterisk or root i am able to get through
08:36.25Andri[DK]probably due to permissions of the socket?
08:38.14santoshrbut the permission is 755 .. i mean the group has execute permission to the file
08:38.59*** join/#asterisk matsk (n=mk@
08:41.10Andri[DK]not sure, but I'll have to deal with this later today soon though
08:42.07*** join/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
08:43.41dominic1Can anybody help me with the internal webserver of asterisk? I wanted to login to the webinterface with http://mymachine/asterisk/manager?action=login&username=foo&secret=bar ,but it doesn't work
08:43.49*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
08:44.52dominic1can I get a list of http commands?
08:45.11*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
08:45.20vltAndri[DK]: I've read your link. So there's no option "user=", right? "username=" is used to authenticate while "fromuser=" replaces the CALLERID. Why doesn't the SIP packet sent to the peer contain the username at all that is set in sip.conf?
08:45.30Andri[DK]dominic1: manager show commands i think
08:46.30Andri[DK]vlt: depends on your version, you can always include the username in the dial command though, like Dial(SIP/myuser@mypeer,911)
08:46.50Andri[DK]I'm mostly guessing here though
08:49.33vltAndri[DK]: Where to put the extension in your example's Dial() cmd?
08:49.56vltAndri[DK]: nm, it's the 911, right?
08:50.01Andri[DK]just make a test extension in your default context
08:50.14Andri[DK]heh, 911 is the phonenumber, and i recommend you change that ;)
08:50.34Strom_Muh, no, 911 is the timeout unless you replace , with /
08:50.42vltAndri[DK]: That would be no problem here in .de
08:50.55Andri[DK]good point Strom
08:51.24Andri[DK]vlt: I recommend that you look at, there are alot of configuration examples there
08:52.38vltStrom_M: The cmd should be "Dial(SIP/[user@]peer/exten)"? That looks very IAXy ... hmmm ...
08:52.53Andri[DK]looks very Asterisk, I'd say ;)
08:53.23*** join/#asterisk Lawbringer (
08:57.20*** join/#asterisk OloBola (n=not@
08:58.06OloBolais it possible to reinstall asterisk without losing all my current setup?
08:58.16OloBolaI need to run 1.4.3
08:58.26OloBolafor lumenvox
08:58.35*** join/#asterisk af_ (
09:00.36Andri[DK]I think that depends on your installation. If you don't have any interface cards I think the configuration transition should be pretty easy. At least I'm not have much problems with moving from 1.0 to 1.4 atm
09:01.31*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
09:01.37OloBolaI don't have any cards
09:03.04Andri[DK]Then it shouldn't be that hard. I f.e. installed a new server and I run it in parallel with the old one but route unknown extensions between the two boxes through IAX2 while I'm in transition.
09:03.21Andri[DK]then when I'm ready I'll just turn the old one off
09:03.33steliosksantoshr : if i remember correctly it has to do with the permissions of asterisk.ctl
09:04.38OloBolaok, great. So a new installation shouldn't overwrite my conf files etc?
09:04.49Andri[DK]OloBola: I'm using seperate machines
09:04.50steliosksantoshr : either fix them or use sudo. I used the later with some cgi scripts for a web interface for asterisk we did
09:05.19*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (n=leon@
09:05.49OloBolaI see. I just pulled a drive from an old machine and put it in a new one. Everything seems to be ok. I just to switch to 1.4.3
09:10.05*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
09:15.15dominic1is it not possible to administrate meetme conferences via manager api?
09:19.56oejShould be, dominic1
09:20.07oejIf you have the module loaded
09:21.08dominic1there are just two commands meetmemute and unmute
09:21.15dominic1but I want more....
09:21.55oejYou can reach the CLi commands with the "command" action
09:22.05oejWhat more do you need?
09:22.36dominic1list of conferencerooms and users
09:22.58dominic1kick users
09:29.53*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
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09:30.47OloBolaso I backed up: var-lib-asterisk and etc-asterisk
09:30.59OloBolaI don't have any voicemail
09:31.09OloBolashould I be ok?
09:39.11*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=IceChat7@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
09:40.26Zeeekslowly I turned
09:42.36oejdominic1: Yes, those are good ideas.
09:53.39*** join/#asterisk Uatec (
09:54.13Zeeekhi oej
09:58.31*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
10:00.37*** join/#asterisk mjmarrio (n=mike@
10:00.56mjmarriohello all I am having a problem sending dtmf from iaxcomm
10:01.31mjmarrioAsterisk is ok cause it is sending DTMF via the D option in the Dial command
10:01.41mjmarrioalso a SIP phone is working ok
10:01.51mjmarriobut the iaxcomm does not seem to work
10:02.02mjmarrioI am not sure if it is an Asterisk config or iaxcomm
10:02.07*** join/#asterisk codejunky (
10:02.13mjmarrioI have tried all the codes in iaxcomm
10:02.17mjmarrioanyone help?
10:02.18*** part/#asterisk codejunky (
10:03.09mjmarrioI called another iaxcomm phone and sent dtmf but the other user could not hear
10:03.55mjmarriothe xlite phone sends tone back to the earpiece as well as to the remote party
10:04.10mjmarrioso no problem there
10:13.28*** join/#asterisk dharrigan (
10:39.15tzafrir_homemjmarrio, what is the other user?
10:39.30tzafrir_homemjmarrio, try calling an Echo() extension
10:39.36Zeeekhello tzafrir_home
10:39.48tzafrir_home(echo test: sends you back what it gets)
10:39.52ZeeekI was wondering if you solved your Talkshoe problem?
10:40.09tzafrir_homehaven't had the time to look at it. I'll try today
10:40.14*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/active/cpm)
10:40.32Zeeekyou can always listen to the stream and watch the video at
10:40.48Zeeekvideo at
10:41.19tzafrir_homebetter than atrisktv...
10:41.20ZeeekAT 16:30 GMT Mark will be live on the vid and conference
10:41.49ZeeekI don't know if I can pull off the technology of this thing, but I'll sure try
10:43.53*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
10:44.29mjmarriooh sorry I was away
10:45.15mjmarriook let me see how to set that up
10:47.51mjmarriobut I have tested that a sip phone sends and is ok. Do you know if I have to set anything for iax in asterisk for dtmf signalling?
10:48.31mjmarrioI can see DTMF 1 being printed at the console of iaxcomm so it thinks it is sending dtmf
10:49.01mjmarriois their a parameter in asterisk specific to iax for receiving and passing dtmf
10:49.10Zeeekhave you tried sniffing the network?
10:49.50mjmarrioZeeek: well sniffing the iax packets to see if the dtmf is included you mean?
10:50.15mjmarrioyou have a nice sniff command I can follow?
10:50.23Zeeekwhat OS?
10:50.44mjmarrioLinux FC4 or FC6
10:51.09*** join/#asterisk guillote_GNU (n=guillote@
10:51.22Zeeekthere is ip* like ipdump - I can't remember look up network monitoring
10:51.41Zeeekethereal of course
10:51.44*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
10:52.04mjmarriook so what am I looking for in the iax packets? what command line options should I use?
10:52.53Zeeekdoesn't idefisk have a linux version?
10:53.48mjmarriodon't know
10:54.17Zeeekhave you tried calling a bank with DTMF?
10:54.31mjmarrioso I guess there is no specific config in asterisk I should be looking at?
10:54.45Zeeekif the dtmf mode is set, no
10:55.12mjmarriowell I have tried calling a known IVR system that I installed (Asterisk) and that works fine with xlite
10:55.33mjmarrioI also called another iaxcomm on my network from the xlite and that also worked fine
10:55.44Zeeeklook at the iax.conf stuff in the sample file?
10:55.50mjmarriobut the iaxcomm does not seem to sent
10:55.54mjmarrioyeah I have done that
10:56.10mjmarriotried to extend the length to 300 in zapata.conf also
10:56.42mjmarrioI have iaxfriends in a mysql table also
10:56.50mjmarrionot relevant though I know
10:58.10mjmarriohmm yum search sniff comes up with lots of hits so If I really have to sniff traffic I will but seems a bit of an overkill at this stage
10:59.31mjmarriois there a dtmf mode for iax.conf?
11:00.59mjmarrioI couldn't find a param for that. I am using 1.4
11:01.15Zeeeklook here:
11:01.36ZeeekIAX always sends DTMF out of band so there is never any confusion about
11:01.36Zeeekwhat method is used.
11:01.36mjmarriolooking now
11:01.57*** join/#asterisk sadara (
11:05.33mjmarriowell I think it is pretty clear that iaxcomm uses out of band. Especially if the GSM codec is used. But is that important? I mean if it is out of band then the signalling is within the protocol and therefore asterisk does something about it like get the digium card to send appropriate dtmf tone.
11:06.03mjmarrioif it is in band it is then part of the voice stream which should also work
11:06.30Zeeekwho can make a call for me in the usa?
11:07.32mjmarriohmm perhaps you may be on to it...
11:07.44Zeeekcall 1 (724) 444-7444   enter 4296# 4444444444#   (that 10 4s)
11:07.47mjmarrioI am using a TE205P card
11:08.04Zeeekmjmarrio try using ulaw to test
11:08.11mjmarriodone that
11:08.18mjmarriotrie all the codecs
11:08.23mjmarriono joy
11:08.28mjmarrioI was thinking
11:08.47mjmarrioif the xlite is using in band signalling and the iaxcomm is not...
11:09.01Zeeektell the client to use inband
11:09.06Zeeekthat seems obvious
11:09.19Zeeekof course it's supposed to always do that
11:09.25Zeeekso there's nothig to tell :)
11:09.29mjmarrionot sure what you mean
11:10.02Zeeekcan someone make a free SIP call to my meeting to test it ?
11:10.25rbdsay a SIP call is transferred from asterisk server A to server B. Will server B generate a NewChannel AMI event when it gets the call, or something else?
11:10.28Zeeektzafrir if you had a second maybe this will test your thing as well
11:11.05mjmarrioif an iaxcomm client send out of band dtmf then asterisk can either choose to send the tone in band or out of band depending on the hw config I guess
11:11.21mjmarriobut either way the dtmf should get to the other end
11:11.56Zeeektzafrir_home TEST CALL: Dial (SIP/123@,60,D(4296#5555555555#))
11:12.08*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (
11:12.13mjmarriolooking at zapata.conf
11:12.29Zeeekyou're calling on a ZAP phone?
11:13.32mjmarrioasking me?
11:13.43Zeeekyes, why zapata?
11:14.04Zeeekyou seem a little confused
11:14.28mjmarriowell ur right if I cannot send to another iaxcomm on same asterisk machine it has nothing to do with zapata
11:14.50Zeeeksomeone make a test call to me: Dial (SIP/123@,60,D(4296#5555555555#))
11:14.51mjmarriojust grasping
11:15.39mjmarrioI am confused as to what asterisk does when a client sends an out of band dtmf signal
11:16.05Zeeekwhat do you want it to "do"?
11:16.26*** join/#asterisk lisandropm (
11:17.03tzafrir_homeZeeek, still "forbidden"
11:17.05Zeeektzafrir_home which was where we left off, right?
11:17.27ZeeekThis is the first time I've ever heard of that happening
11:17.30mjmarriowell if the destination is not iax2 then it needs to send the dtmf on either out of band if it is a digitial line such as ISDN or in band if it is analog
11:17.56Zeeekmjmarrio I assume it will do what you instruct it to do on that channl
11:18.19mjmarrioI assume that if an iaxcomm client calls a POTS line the dtmf is converted to in band tone by asterisk
11:18.24Zeeektzafrir_home do you have a way to call US cheap? I guess not
11:19.06mjmarrioif another iaxcomm client is called then the client recognises the dtmf in the protocol and generates a tone??
11:19.09tzafrir_homeinternational calls from here are not *that* expensive, actually
11:19.23tzafrir_homea bit more than cellular calls
11:19.29*** join/#asterisk berktr (
11:19.36ZeeekI pay less that $0.01/min usually and the max is 3c/min which is still not much
11:19.38tzafrir_homebut this has become a chalange for me now
11:19.55Zeeekyou want me to send you a debug of a call that works?
11:20.06tzafrir_homeyes, please
11:20.16Zeeekok, just a sec
11:22.29ZeeekI'm going to PM, ok?
11:23.04mjmarriohmmm pretty frustrating. iaxcomm to iaxcomm you think would have no problem
11:23.11mjmarriosending dtmf
11:23.32mjmarriowhen one party presses the key pad the other should hear a tone
11:25.04tzafrir_homehow do I allow floods?
11:25.07*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=IceChat7@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
11:25.21ZeeekOk, let me di a pastebuin
11:27.33Zeeektzafrir_home note that I called an invalid code, so although the call itself works and I hear the message, it did send a "Busy Here" at one point
11:31.52tzafrir_home"MyIPAddress" is your internal IP address, right?
11:32.09Zeeekno external
11:32.15ZeeekI am behind NAT though
11:32.16tzafrir_homeAnyway, instead of the immediate 200 (OK) answer, I get an 403 answer
11:32.38Zeeekcould it be a DTMF issue?
11:33.04ZeeekI've called that SIP number from every machine I own
11:33.13tzafrir_homenah. It didn't even establish a connection
11:33.24*** join/#asterisk perf3kt (
11:33.37Zeeeknever had any problem, direct (PC client) or through asterisk
11:34.04ZeeekI hate mysteries like this
11:35.43berktrwhat does this mean => moh_register: Unable to open pseudo channel for timing...  Sound may be choppy.
11:36.59*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
11:39.08Zeeekfor example:
11:40.14tzafrir_homeberktr, no zaptel timing
11:40.41tzafrir_homeberktr, do you have zaptel installed (e.g: ztdummy)?
11:42.12*** join/#asterisk cayorde (n=flexable@
11:43.39Zeeektzafrir_home remove fromuser
11:44.18tzafrir_homeI get basically the same, only with 6003 as the fromuser
11:44.30tzafrir_homeWant a post?
11:45.23tzafrir_homeI don't quite get the interaction between fromuser and the callerid
11:45.25Zeeekmwait a sec, let me look at mine
11:45.41tzafrir_home6003 is the callerid
11:46.13Zeeektry using your PIN as acallerid as in callerid="Me <1234567890>"
11:46.49Zeeekand add canreinvite=no even if you're not behind NAT
11:46.54*** join/#asterisk psk (
11:50.47berktrzaptel is enabled and installed
11:51.11berktrtzafrir_home, what do you suggest
11:52.00tzafrir_homeZeeek, authentication still fails
11:52.13tzafrir_homecanreinvite is only with regards to RTP issues
11:52.36tzafrir_homeberktr, ls -l /dev/zap/pseudo
11:52.56rbdsay a SIP call is transferred from asterisk server A to server B. Will server B generate a NewChannel AMI event when it gets the call, or something else?
11:52.57berktr%ls -l /dev/zap/pseudo
11:52.57berktrcrw-------  1 root  wheel    0, 113 Jul  6 14:45 /dev/zap/pseudo
11:53.20tzafrir_homeberktr, so only root can read from it.
11:53.44tzafrir_homeberktr, what distribution / kernel do you use? (to see if you use udev)
11:53.46Zeeektzafrir_home yes for canreinvite, you're right it shouldn't matter
11:54.11Zeeekberktr I highly recommend Google. THere are hundreds of pages about this, you'll see some specific suggestions
11:54.56Zeeekand? WHat did you see?
11:55.20berktrpeople suggested using file variable instead of others in moh.conf
11:55.31tzafrir_homeZeeek, give him a break. THere's also some confusing stuff there...
11:55.36berktrhowever when i use file, it uses mpg123, which freezes sometimes
11:56.00ZeeekI know, I'm just determining what he's alrady seen
11:57.32*** join/#asterisk coppice (
11:58.15tzafrir_homeberktr, what distribution do you use?
11:58.18ZeeekHere's an interesting page:
11:58.41ZeeekThe timing mechanism required by several Asterisk applications is a 1KHz interrupt. If you
11:58.42Zeeekare using recent kernels ( > 2.6.12), make sure to check in the kernel configuration, you
11:58.42Zeeekselected in processor type and features the timing to be 1000Hz fixed.
11:59.03tzafrir_homeasteriskguru pages tend to frequently turn up in searches due to comments. Some of them are simply unanswered questions
11:59.22Zeeekthe above is a possible thing to investigate
11:59.41ZeeekI never hear of it before
11:59.54tzafrir_homeZeeek, actually, recent kernels ( >= 2.6.15 ) on i386 and amd64 have RTC that is also good enough
12:00.22Zeeekwhich is why they suggest checking the 1000Hz fixed thing, right?
12:00.51tzafrir_homeno. It is a simple permissions issue. But if he has udev, he needs to fix the udev rules and chmod/chown. Otherwise he just needs to chmod / chown.
12:01.03*** join/#asterisk xheliox (n=jeff@pdpc/supporter/active/xheliox)
12:01.13tzafrir_homeAh, and check that timing actually works (zttest, or by reading from /dev/zap/pseudo )
12:02.30lilalinuxwhat signalling to I take for TE mode? the one with ptmp or without?
12:02.49tzafrir_homelilalinux, depends on what you want to connect to.
12:03.03lilalinuxtzafrir_home: it's an ordinary Euro ISDN
12:03.15tzafrir_homechances are it is ptmp, if this is a standard connection
12:03.27lilalinuxand for my NT?
12:03.36lilalinuxI want to connect an NTBA and a Gigaset
12:04.18tzafrir_homeif you don't need to connect several phones on the same ISDN lines, I figure both ptmp and ptp will work just as well. You just need to agree with the other party.
12:04.50lilalinuxMy Gigaset has multiple phones, so I guess ptmp
12:05.11tzafrir_homewhat is a gigaset?
12:05.34Zeeekwhat is ztspeed supposed to tell you?
12:06.02tzafrir_homeptmp allows several devices to share the same phisical link. Just like several analog phones can be connected to the same FXS device on the same line.
12:06.17lilalinuxtzafrir_home: it's a tlephone system
12:06.22tzafrir_homeztspeed? I have no idea what it is good for. Ignore it
12:09.02lilalinuxI was offline for a minute O_o Did I miss a msg?
12:09.03*** join/#asterisk jm|laptop (n=jm|
12:09.23rbdthe ID of asterisk SIP channels take the form of SIP/peer-id ...they say that 'id' part is 'randomly' generated...however, when I make a call, disconnect, and make the call again, I get the same id component. Is the channel name randomly generated only each time asterisk has to allocate a channel? ....what I mean is, can I count on the pool of ids being relatively small?
12:15.48berktrwhat is this
12:15.49berktrabstract_jb.c:321 ast_jb_put: SIP/1007-08785000 recieved frame with invalid timing info: has_timing_info=1, len=0, ts=54140
12:17.08*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
12:17.26*** join/#asterisk FliTTi (n=chatzill@
12:17.41FliTTihey experts. i have an question:
12:18.07FliTTimy asterisk has uncloses (Down) Channels from MISDN. How can i destroy, close these hanging channels?
12:18.11FliTTiplease help me
12:20.48berktrabstract_jb.c:321 ast_jb_put: SIP/1007-08785000 recieved frame with invalid timing info: has_timing_info=1, len=0, ts=54140
12:20.50berktrplease help
12:20.55berktrthis happens when i force jb
12:21.49oejtss. A swedish magazine just publiched a notice about a new IP-phone with VoIP functions... Show me an IP phone without VoIP.
12:22.11FliTTino body an idear what i can do with down channels?
12:22.19FliTTiso that they are closed?
12:23.10*** join/#asterisk santoshr (i=1063@
12:23.11oej"soft hangup" in the CLI
12:23.42santoshr1,n,ExecIfTime(17:00-18:00|*|*|*?Queue[desk|tT|200])  >>>> is anything wrong with this line
12:24.41*** join/#asterisk af_ (
12:25.11santoshr>>>>Jul  6 17:55:54 WARNING[15652]: pbx.c:5594 pbx_builtin_execiftime: Cannot locate application Queue[desk
12:25.16santoshri get the above error
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12:27.26Zeeeksantoshr show application queue
12:27.38Zeeekit look like it's not loaded
12:28.55santoshrno found the issue it wants the arguments to the application queue in comma seperated format.
12:30.44*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:31.08Zeeekso much the better
12:34.28rbdis it possible to get a SIP header variable through AMI's GetVar command? (e.g. like SIP_HEADER(X-customvar) )
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12:38.36berktrabstract_jb.c:321 ast_jb_put: SIP/1007-08785000 recieved frame with invalid timing info: has_timing_info=1, len=0, ts=54140
12:38.38berktrthis happens when i force jb
12:38.57santoshrthank you
12:39.50*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
12:40.58dominic1question about meetme: I want that meetme does a playback of a soundfile
12:41.23dominic1like "you are now entering the conference" after the pin and before joining the conference
12:41.33dominic1is it possible to adjust this setting?
12:44.36k31thjesus on this ubuntu system i dont have /boot/grub/menu.lst
12:44.40k31thhow is this even working ?
12:50.12tzafrir_laptoplilo -q    (to query the installed boot manager IIRC)
12:52.23tzafrir_laptopdominic1, in the worst case, move the PIN question into the dialplan
12:55.56*** join/#asterisk dandre (
12:57.22dandreI use the manager interface to get/set asterisk configuration from a gui tool. I have seen that GetConfig action doesn't send international characters (ie accentuated). Is there any workaround?
12:58.21[TK]D-Fenderdandre: GCC
12:59.07ZeeekI skipped those iphone downloads :)
13:00.17dandre[TK]D-Fender: Am I the only guy concerned with this?
13:00.19ZeeekI can only admire the success of the marketing
13:00.35Zeeekdandre no I hate when shit doesn't work with international characters
13:00.45Zeeekit's a real pain
13:01.02Zeeekas for a way round it...
13:01.28[TK]D-Fenderdandre: Welcome to the world of AMERICAN software :)
13:02.41dandreok so I will have to leave manager interface and write my one ini like file modification :-(
13:03.21dandrewhat is strange thought is that the manager can write international chars but can't read them ;-)
13:03.47Zeeekchmod 1777 manager
13:04.10*** join/#asterisk Op3r (n=op3r@
13:04.32mockerI need to figure a simple QoS solution for my house.
13:04.44mockerSo my downloads stop making calls sound like total crap.
13:05.09*** join/#asterisk basty (n=basty@
13:05.29bastyHi, anyone familar with mISDN with Asterisk ?
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13:05.47mockerAww, is down.
13:06.10Zeeekmocker - router qos?
13:06.18mockerZeeek: Something.
13:07.02Zeeekmy old linksys has qos that seems to work in that way
13:07.14mockerI have DD-WRT firmware on my WRT54G
13:07.15ZeeekI think it even works at the MAC level
13:07.21mockerIt has QoS, I just need to play w/ it.
13:07.30Zeeekoh, so that wasn't a question
13:07.45mockerheh, no..
13:07.51dandremore seriously, is this limitation on international chars only for the manager or is there any other side effect if they are in the config files?
13:07.53mockerJust babbling while drinking coffee..
13:07.58Zeeekdoes it use MAC filter? I can't remember and my phone is on hub with PC
13:08.05mockerI think it can.
13:08.22Zeeekthe one I had here at the office died
13:09.00bastyI have strange problem using Asterisk with mISDN. Everytime I dial a number with my ISDN Phone, connected to a NT Port of the Beronet Bn8S0 Card - it cuts off the Number into a Number with max 5.
13:10.05[TK]D-Fendermocker: Yeah, install a DIY linux setup on your router and install something like PacketShaper or :
13:10.26*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
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13:11.28dominic1basty, had this problem too, solved it with a wait(3) in the dialplan
13:11.38dominic1I think a Waitfordigits will be better
13:11.47Zeeek[TK]D-Fender what's wrong with the router qos?
13:12.24[TK]D-FenderZeeother solution let you better seperate by protocol / IP / MAC, etc.
13:12.42Zeeekthe router will do a lot
13:12.56[TK]D-FenderZeeek: And not require tagging or other such nonsense.
13:13.01bastydominic1: okay..i will try that..thanks!
13:13.13Zeeekincluding which port you're in which makes it very easy
13:13.16x86_what kind of headset do I need for a polycom IP 301?
13:13.19[TK]D-FenderZeeek: I'm not saying "don't try it", but I'm just providing do-able alternatives.
13:13.35Zeeekand there are many: the first is "don't download while using voip"
13:13.44[TK]D-Fenderx86_: You'll need an RJ9 adapter cable, or AMP
13:13.46Zeeekbut I digress
13:14.19ZeeekI have a cheap Plantronics headset on my Poly ip 155
13:14.34Zeeeks/ip 155/ip500/
13:15.06x86_[TK]D-Fender: so any headset, plus an RJ9 adaptor cable?
13:15.22Zeeekmost won't have enough juice w/o preamp
13:15.41[TK]D-Fenderx86_: The cable is a rare find, You'll likely have to mail-order it.  AMP add to the cost but really come through on quality
13:16.11x86_[TK]D-Fender: isn't there RJ9 headsets available?
13:16.13ZeeekI like mine. It has a qucik disconnect that puts the person on hold while you go smoke a cig or sthing :)
13:16.30[TK]D-Fenderx86_: Indeed un-amped is usually pretty damn wimpy.  My call center here uses IP 600's + Plantronics M22 Amps, and Plantronics H263 binaural headsets
13:16.49[TK]D-Fenderx86_: Straight?  VERY rare.  Don't recall seeing any personally.
13:16.51Zeeekbut the headset/amp is more expensive than the phone itself in some cases
13:17.14x86_holy crap! the M22 is expensive by itself...
13:17.42x86_for that kind of money there is the Plantronics CS55
13:17.46marlhi, can anyone help with with the following, i am running trixbox/a@h/freepbx 2.2.2 and am trying to setup a ring group that dials my mobile number via one of my tdm ports, i need to dial 1470 first thow and have a pause before it dials the mobile number, is there a way to insert this pause into the dial sequence? (preferable with the freepbx web interface)
13:17.51[TK]D-Fenderx86_: Yup, my headset combo cost more than your phone easily :D
13:18.04jbotrumour has it, trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX, and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox seriously painful to support and hence you will find little help here for it.  Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & WIKI at
13:18.12[TK]D-Fendermarl: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
13:18.13Zeeekhere we go
13:18.27[TK]D-Fendermarl: You've definately come to the WRONG place...
13:18.27x86_[TK]D-Fender: why not just get the CS55? I used to use one of those at one of my old jobs, loved it
13:19.13marl[TK]D-Fender, thanks, had tried the freepbx irc and no ones around thought i would try here just incase, will try the trixbox irc as well
13:19.43mockerIs that phone conference today?
13:20.02[TK]D-Fenderx86_: ummm... its over $200.....
13:20.15[TK]D-Fenderx86_: wireless is nifty, but the quality vastly inferior.
13:20.31Zeeekmocker yeah, phone and bideo
13:20.37[TK]D-Fenderx86_: And lifters = ass
13:20.46mockerZeeek: Do many people actually join up?
13:20.48Zeeekbideo = boring video :)
13:21.05ZeeekUsually there are about ten people plus the invisible listeners
13:21.22*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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13:21.22ZeeekToday, Mark Spencer will be on, so I expect more and better
13:21.32mockerThat's pretty cool.
13:21.33Zeeekreally what?
13:21.42ZeeekMark has been on the conf before
13:22.17ZeeekYou can listen here:
13:22.27*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
13:22.54ZeeekMark was in April
13:25.38Zeeekhmmmm, my 1.2 is a little behind
13:25.59*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
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13:29.40Zeeekis anyone else getting a zillion infected PDF a day with the subject [variable].PDF
13:30.21blitzrageI think I saw one of those
13:30.27blitzrageluckily I run linux, so it doesn't affect me :)
13:30.37ZeeekI get about 20 per day on several different accounts
13:30.48Zeeekit doesn't effect anyone with a brain either
13:31.05Zeeeknot that you don't have a brain
13:31.15blitzrageouch Zeeek ..... ouch
13:31.22*** join/#asterisk jart (
13:31.23ZeeekI wouldn't know, having been in the same room with you and not having met you!
13:32.04jartwould anyone like to test the latest voice changer before i make a release announcement?
13:33.43*** join/#asterisk flujan (
13:34.29jartplease email bugs to
13:34.39*** join/#asterisk joe-e (
13:34.46flujanhi guys... I wil install asterisk on a machine with a valid IP on the net. I will put secrets for the sip extensions I have. I  want to know what exactly insecure=very will do...
13:34.59flujanwill it give me crypt passwords?
13:36.26Zeeek[TK]D-Fender will answer that question any second
13:36.56krdian_flujan: insecure=very ; To allow registered hosts to call without re-authenticating
13:37.41joe-eHi, ive just got a Sangoma A101D PCI/ex with Echo cancellation.. going though their wiki to set it up and got to the stage to run wancfg_zaptel but getting error "Can't locate Filter/Util/ in @INC...."  anyone set these cards up before? know what might be happening here?  What is "" ?
13:37.52flujankrdian_: You mean that every time a extension place a call it will authenticate the user again?
13:40.25dominic1can I execute selects on a ODBC/mysql database from the dialplan?
13:40.44jartdominic1: i think you can in 1.4
13:41.06jartthere was a way to do it in earlier versions but it was very unreliable
13:41.11jartwhy not just use an AGI app?
13:41.31jartdialplan is really more for static switching
13:42.00[TK]D-Fenderflujan: insecure=very means it WON'T re-auth for every call.
13:42.06krdian_flujan: no, i mean that will be not authenticated again
13:42.50flujan[TK]D-Fender: so I can conclude that is better to DON'T use this options, right?
13:43.01[TK]D-Fenderflujan: Thats my take
13:43.39dominic1I just want to get a password from the database and don't want to write a agi for that
13:44.03krdian_dominic1: show function DB
13:44.26krdian_dominic1: sorry, i'm wrong
13:45.26dominic1my asterisk has support for odbc_sql and is getting two sip users from there
13:45.52dominic1now I want to add a new custom table and get passwords for my conferences from there
13:45.52flujan[TK]D-Fender: since you are the asterisk master. :) Which is the best secure policy o use with asterisk. I cannot use the host=IP because i have a dhcp on my network,
13:46.11flujanand every login the users changes the ip address.
13:46.14blitzrageanyone have any *ins* at Mitel?
13:46.36[TK]D-Fenderflujan: Doesn't mean you can't set static.
13:46.40ZeeekHabla espanol?
13:46.41blitzrageI have 12 Mitel 5220's that got a bad flash...
13:47.02blitzrage(not physically... the software screwed up in installation -- nothing wrong with the hardware... but I'd like to figure out how to fix them)
13:50.08[TK]D-Fenderflujan: Most secure?  Box with a GIANT PCI back-plane loaded with multi-port NIC's whree each phone is only allowed to connect to a given NIC.  THEN you MAC filter everything, IP filter, COFFEE filter, hand-transcribe the packets onto Post-It (tm) notes, BURN them, use an old printer cover to begin pulsing out the smoke signals to be picked up by a neigboring high-rise.  From there they will...
13:50.09[TK]D-Fender...telegraph the signal back with a hash to the tin-cup transceiver station... then....
13:50.10*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ- (
13:50.35[TK]D-Fenderok.... I'll stop now :)
13:50.36*** join/#asterisk d3wayne (
13:50.37flujan[TK]D-Fender: lolo
13:51.03Zeeekshifted 5 bit baud code
13:51.13flujan[TK]D-Fender: for sure... I don't think my boss will allow it... Brazilian indians are not good with smoke signals... :P
13:51.42[TK]D-Fenderflujan: its ALWAYS a personnel issue...
13:51.52*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
13:51.56flujan[TK]D-Fender: so, you think that setting static will be a good security policy?
13:52.27*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (
13:52.30Zeeekanyone use digg? You can help:
13:52.43[TK]D-Fenderflujan: I personally am in the "barely gives a shit" category.  I set a user/pass, normal security, and thats about it.
13:53.09Zeeekuser=user secret=secret
13:53.13[TK]D-Fenderflujan: You MIGHT want to add a hostmask to the entry jjust to ensure they are local.
13:53.29[TK]D-Fenderflujan: You could go 1 psycho step further and check the UA on EVERY call....
13:53.40*** join/#asterisk Mercestes (
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13:53.56flujanhow can I check the UA every call?
13:54.22[TK]D-FenderZeeek: Following our first conference :
13:54.24jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
13:54.31[TK]D-Fenderflujan: Check the header in the dialplan.
13:55.04flujan[TK]D-Fender: thank you so much for the tips... I will give it a try.
13:55.23*** join/#asterisk twitchnln (
13:55.36[TK]D-Fenderflujan: think about me when it comes to the tin-can & string transceivers ;)
13:55.45littleballhi, i have install zaptel on centos 4.4, when running ztcfg, i got this error msg, ZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: No such device or address (6)
13:55.48twitchnlngood morning all
13:55.51*** join/#asterisk xheliox (n=jeff@pdpc/supporter/active/xheliox)
13:55.55littleballwho can help?
13:56.16[TK]D-Fenderlittleball: modprobe your modules first, and check dmesg
13:56.20coppiceOFDM over string will one day replace FTTH
13:56.52twitchnlnlittleball: check dmesg and see if the card is there, if not try reseating the card
13:57.12littleballthe card is there. if i run modprobe two times, then the problem gone
13:58.04twitchnlnanyone had any luck with getting snmp mibs working with *
13:58.50*** join/#asterisk bintut (
13:59.22twitchnlni keep getting unknown object identifier (sub-id not found) when i try to snmpwalk the box
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14:06.25littleballit works perfectly after i run make config
14:07.57lilalinuxI have asterisk-bristuff installed (debian/etch) and get the following messages: pri_find_dchan: No D-channels available!  Using Primary channel 3 as D-channel anyway!
14:08.00*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (i=rmyorg@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
14:08.13lilalinuxwhy does is say "pri"?
14:08.25naitramin the features.conf file what are the arguments to an application seperated with, example. Monitor,wav myoutputfile mb. are the arguments just seperated by spaces or what
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14:15.13[TK]D-Fenderlilalinux: pastebin your configs.
14:15.15jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel.  Here are links to a few : , ,
14:15.46*** join/#asterisk trevarthan (
14:16.05trevarthanhello, is it possible to get asterisk-addons for asterisk business edition?
14:17.31[TK]D-Fendertrevarthan: I'm sure Digium will ansewr that one for free, but I can't imagine why not...
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14:18.46trevarthanhoping someone from digium was on the list. oh well. thanks.
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14:19.46tzafrir_homelilalinux, bri is often called "pri" in chan_zap
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14:31.58twitchnlnso noone in here uses snmp to monitor their *???
14:32.25Juggieits a new feature
14:32.45naitramin the features.conf file what are the arguments to an application seperated with, example. Monitor,wav myoutputfile mb. are the arguments just seperated by spaces or what
14:34.08joe-eAnyone here got a Sangoma A101D card and set it upt for use in Asterisk ?
14:39.45[TK]D-Fenderjoe-e: You seem to be missing a CPAN module or something (PERL related) that I believe their setup uses.
14:39.58[TK]D-Fenderjoe-e: Screw the automator.  Does Wanrouter start?
14:40.26joe-efender: fixed that ;)
14:40.36creativxjohn the automator
14:40.58joe-ehmmm, managed to run wancfg_zaptel now,, but doesnt seem to have done anything.
14:41.42joe-eFender: "WanRouter start"  -> showed 24 channes, then had and error message ZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: No such device or address (6)
14:41.54joe-eConfiguring interfaces: w1g1 w1g1: unknown interface: No such device
14:43.49[TK]D-Fenderjoe-e: pastebin your wanpipe1.conf
14:43.54jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel.  Here are links to a few : , ,
14:44.36joe-ewell, this is what i dont think ive set up right ;)
14:46.02[TK]D-FenderTDMV_DCHAN      = 24
14:46.07[TK]D-Fenderchange to "0"
14:46.19lilalinuxwhat is "hangup cause 26"?
14:46.33lilalinux(using faxreceive.agi)
14:46.47joe-ei was using wancfg gui to modify it.
14:46.50[TK]D-Fenderjoe-e: And then verify "wanrouter --hwdetect" to make sure the PIC & slot were right
14:48.34[TK]D-Fenderjoe-e: wancgf usually does a fine job.
14:48.35joe-eno --hwdetect option.
14:49.02joe-ewancfg detects "AFT-A101-SH SLOT=4 BUS=4 IRQ=16 CPU=A PORT=1 HWEC=32 V=30"
14:51.43*** join/#asterisk jcmoore (n=jcmoore@unaffiliated/tgrman)
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14:54.50*** part/#asterisk Andri[DK] (
14:58.15*** join/#asterisk irule (n=irule@
14:59.29[TK]D-Fenderjoe-e: no, stop wanrouter, and restart it.
15:00.28joe-elet me pastebin stuff for this.
15:01.40irulewhat program may help me determine what ports are being used by another program?
15:02.00drakoirule, netstat
15:04.23[TK]D-Fenderjoe-e: Think you're missing your interface setup in wancfg.
15:04.28[TK]D-Fenderjoe-e: Go review it
15:04.35[TK]D-FenderConfiguring interfaces: w1g1 w1g1: unknown interface: No such device
15:04.39*** join/#asterisk mindCrime_ (
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15:11.08Tuskerheya guys, i'm having a strange problem with a VoIP provider.  When I make a call through the provider it seems to involve a 3rd party IP in the conversation, which seems to confuse both Asterisk, and SPA IP phones.  Ie, I register on, but when I make a call, I get an ACK from a different IP
15:11.28Tuskeris there any way to tell asterisk that the ACK is OK for that call ?
15:11.53*** part/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
15:14.47*** join/#asterisk mightnare (
15:16.26*** join/#asterisk BSD_Tech (
15:16.56BSD_Techis there a script tp convert asterisk.con to asterisk.ael
15:17.38naitramhere is the syntax for features in features.conf <FeatureName> => <DTMF_sequence>,<ActivateOn>[/<ActivatedBy>],<Application>[,<AppArguments>[,MOH_Class]]
15:20.05[TK]D-FenderTusker: * is pretty dumb.  May need to run a proxy in front.
15:20.34Tusker[TK]D-Fender: so this isn't typical behaviour that I can config around ? :)
15:20.50Tusker[TK]D-Fender: what if I set the outboundproxy to that IP I see in the tcpdump ?
15:21.06*** join/#asterisk zapp-branigan (
15:21.30[TK]D-FenderTusker: Sorry, can't suggest more than I did...
15:22.08naitramtest, test. Is this thing on? Tap, Tap, Tap.
15:26.25*** join/#asterisk MindTheGap (
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15:31.17santoshrwhen an agent recieves a call he cannot use the transfer. how to change this beahviour
15:32.32*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
15:32.35santoshrhave a  >>> Dial(Agent/${EXTEN},30|tTwW)  in the extension, but when an a normal extension dials an agent id, the agent cannot use transfer key frrom the features.conf
15:34.07*** join/#asterisk JoJo_ReloadeD (
15:34.35naitramso, just in case some others have this same issue. I found the answer to my question. I looked at the source code. To seperate arguments to an application in the features.conf file script, use the | pipe. so Monitor,wav|myfile|mb. If this was not answered because it was just a dumb question then my appologies.
15:34.45*** join/#asterisk key2 (n=Ritual@
15:34.47JoJo_ReloadeDit is allowed to ask questions about asterisk configuration in the channel ?
15:34.55Qwell[]JoJo_ReloadeD: That's the point of the channel - yes
15:35.40JoJo_ReloadeDi'm trying to configura a quadbri and a tdm801b together, the quadbri goes ok (with asteriskbristuffed), but the tdm801b does nothing
15:36.13JoJo_ReloadeDthe card is recognized by the system, but i cant load his module
15:36.26JoJo_ReloadeDit says 'no such device or address'
15:37.17JoJo_ReloadeDi'm using channels 1-12 for the quadbri (8B+4D) and channel 16 for the only fxo port of the tdm
15:37.26JoJo_ReloadeDi've also tried channel 16
15:37.50JoJo_ReloadeDeven channel 1, but using 1 it says there's a conflict, because that's a channel of the quadbri
15:37.54JoJo_ReloadeDany suggestions ?
15:41.27santoshrwhen an agent recieves a call he cannot use the transfer. how to change this beahviour
15:42.44JoJo_ReloadeDsantoshr, do you have 'transfer=yes' in your zapata.conf ?
15:43.05*** join/#asterisk lisandropm (
15:45.02Zeeek[TK]D-Fender reading your blog post. I still have not solved the (apparently NAT) problem on the 1.4 box
15:46.12[TK]D-FenderZeeek: Show me the money.
15:46.32Zeeeknice commenting
15:46.44Zeeekcallers within this range will be presented our IP.
15:46.44irulewhile true; do sudo  netstat -anp|grep -i xten; sleep 1 ; clear ; done and while true; do sudo  netstat -anp|grep -i asterisk; sleep 1 ; clear ; done I see no matching ports, is this normal?
15:47.01Zeeekshould read "local IP"
15:47.09Zeeekcallers within this range will be presented our LOCAL IP.
15:47.17Zeeekbut the though was there
15:47.46santoshrJoJo_ReloadeD: a normal extension when recieves a call on the underlying extension he can transfer the call only an agent when recieves on his agent id he cannot
15:47.47ZeeekI blame the router
15:48.52Zeeekthere actually are people watching
15:49.11Zeeekgreat way to waste your employer's money and time
15:50.34Qwell[]Zeeek: Way to be anti-open standards :)
15:51.55codefreezeBSD_Tech: For extensions.conf to AEL, look at bug # 7638
15:51.55Zeeekhow so?
15:52.05Zeeekthe Flash?
15:52.12Qwell[]"Click here to download plugin."
15:52.31ZeeekThe day an open standard is available that does what this platform does, I'll be the first to EMBRACE it
15:52.43Zeeek90% of the people on the net have it
15:52.52Zeeekbut let's not go there :)
15:52.54mogmpeg stream
15:53.14mogmms stream, even mplayer can do that
15:53.19ZeeekNone of this is possible using someone else's bandwidth free with open standards
15:53.23mogcan gnash play it?
15:53.32mogor is it flash9
15:53.42ZeeekBut if anyone decides to do what these guys are doing, I'm ready
15:53.51ZeeekFlash 9 unfortunately
15:54.01mogoh well
15:54.10*** join/#asterisk jarrod (
15:54.10ZeeekI'm also recording it though and hope to present an mp4 version or whatever
15:54.24jarrodhow do i stop asterisk from displaying 'asterisk' on private calls
15:54.28Zeeekyeah the fact of flash 9 really sucks
15:54.33Qwell[]s/ 9/
15:54.38mogflash 9 is of satin
15:54.44moglol Qwell
15:54.45Qwell[]s/ 9//
15:54.52Qwell[]umm, yeah
15:54.57Zeeekit is, in the words used often about asterisk releases "unstable", yes :)
15:56.40Corydon76-workZeeek: you realize the irony here, right?
15:56.52ZeeekSure I do
15:57.04Zeeekand I wallow in it like a pig in sh^H^H mud
15:57.25ZeeekThe Zen answer is, "it does not matter Grasshopper"
15:58.00ZeeekIf this is a *bad* thing, who are the 8 people watching right now?
15:58.12Qwell[]Windows users.  nuff said
15:58.36ZeeekDigium wants corporate clients. They're all seeing the web via Windows
15:59.25santoshrhow to make the agent use the features.conf file
15:59.28Corydon76-workYes, but Digium is not the Asterisk community
15:59.47Zeeekbut I am part of the asterisk community
15:59.53Zeeekalbeit a small part
16:00.27Corydon76-workConsidering that most of the developers are running Linux, none of them can see it
16:01.13BSD_Techwhats wrong zeek
16:01.22ZeeekI think this is where you miss the point. The video is probably not going to be of interested to developers anyway
16:01.36mogCorydon76-work, the ones that hate freedom can see it ^_^
16:01.47Corydon76-workmog: rofl
16:02.14Zeeekthis is more about bringing new people in boyz
16:02.24Corydon76-workZeeek: the reason you want developers to see it is that people are going to ask about something they may have seen in the presentation
16:02.29mognew people who hate freedom ^_^
16:02.32Zeeek$peope*, not developers :)
16:02.44Corydon76-workZeeek: if we can't see it, we can't answer their questions directly
16:02.49mogwhat videos are up Zeeek ?
16:02.51ZeeekI'll direct them to the IRC channel!
16:03.15BSD_Techwhat channel
16:03.29mogor something like that right?
16:03.29Zeeekanyway, the audio is a free stream, I'm sure even developers can figure out how to listen to it and call in via SIP should they wish to do so :)
16:03.45Corydon76-workWhat about IAX?
16:03.55Zeeek "for the new people who hate freedom"
16:04.15BSD_Techupdating my asterisk-now server
16:04.26BSD_Techandding features and plugins
16:04.26mogyou should have it show a message if one doesnt have flash
16:04.28ZeeekIAX? Sure trancode at your end :) Asterisk is good at that
16:04.32mogreccomending that they hate freedom
16:04.34mogand install it
16:04.44Zeeekthanks for helping me relax :)
16:04.46Corydon76-workTranscoding isn't about the protocol
16:05.00BSD_Techits about cpu and memmory
16:05.43*** join/#asterisk citats (
16:05.49BSD_Techwhats the asterisk conf channel
16:06.13Corydon76-work#asterisk-conf I think
16:07.13Corydon76-workThat's a good sign
16:07.30Zeeekfor the Mark has entered the building
16:07.47Zeeekmemmory? Mammary?
16:08.22BSD_TechKRAM is in the house.
16:08.24Zeeeklook at all that info is there
16:08.36Zeeekindeed kram is in the house
16:09.03mogpeople watching to much marko cam
16:09.07BSD_Techit does nto give the irc channel gives it
16:09.58Corydon76-workZeeek: the extensions.conf fragment in there is deficient
16:10.10BSD_Techits in a small text
16:10.15Corydon76-workThere's no "exten =>"
16:11.42jarrodNo application 'SetAccount' for extension - why am i getting this on 1.4 ?
16:12.19Corydon76-workjarrod: because SetAccount was deprecated
16:12.34Corydon76-workjarrod: in 1.2... Use Set(CDR(accountcode)=...) instead
16:12.35jarrodwhat is to be used now
16:12.51jarrodill try, thanks
16:13.00*** join/#asterisk friedrich| (
16:16.59Zeeekwhat's wrong with the extensions conf?
16:17.29Zeeekpeople are supposed to figure that part out
16:17.56*** part/#asterisk dandre (
16:19.10Zeeekgoing live in a few for the conference. IRC #asterisk-users-conference
16:22.20*** join/#asterisk Cybertoy (
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16:28.35*** part/#asterisk Cybertoy (
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16:33.00*** join/#asterisk Voicemeup (
16:33.31Voicemeup.20 broke cisco phones BTW.. seems phone cant sent the ack back to asterisk .17 is perfec
16:33.52Voicemeupcisco stucks on ringing 180.. then cant take more call till reboot..
16:35.05twitchnlnany snmp guru's in here?
16:35.14jbotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there, just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
16:37.23*** join/#asterisk Toerkeium (i=oo@
16:39.31mogZeeek, flash plugin works, its just not free as in freedom
16:39.48Qwell[]or usable on 64-bit
16:39.52*** join/#asterisk vgster (
16:40.00mogyou can Qwell you just need 32 bit firefox
16:40.07Qwell[]I'm lazy
16:40.07mogand 32 bit oss
16:40.21mogi mean its so easy no wonder its number 1
16:40.27*** join/#asterisk Jingles (
16:40.58citatshey everyone, checking in for my required minute, gotta go head out now
16:41.02mogi bet gnash can play it, i need to get the beta version working on the lappy
16:49.49*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
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16:54.49kirberichi have a problem regarding setting of caller id, but i'm having some trouble articulating it ;)
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16:55.08kirberichi have 3 msns, and three users making outgoing calls
16:55.29kirberichmy telco bills each msn individually, so that every user only has to pay his own calls
16:55.45kirberichbut now when i use asterisk to call out, it always uses the first msn
16:55.57kirberichis there any way to change that? (i'm using capi btw)
16:56.47*** join/#asterisk x86 (n=x86@p3m/member/x86)
16:57.01x86anyone see a problem with that?
16:57.24x86getting this: Jul  6 11:57:14 WARNING[29640]: config.c:525 process_text_line: No '=' (equal sign) in line 355 of extensions.conf
16:57.32x86line 355 is the ZapBarge line
16:58.04Qwell[]x86: exten =>  ?
16:58.19x86jesus christ i'm dense sometimes
16:58.23x86thanks man ;)
16:58.32Qwell[]That'll be $49.99
16:59.40jarrodhow do i stop asterisk from displaying "asterisk" on calls with no caller-id?
17:02.02russellbjarrod: defaultcallerid option in sip.conf
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17:05.23jarrodi dont see defaultcallerid
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17:18.17BSD_TechI was working to update and build pkgs for asterisknow and I have a few issues
17:18.42BSD_Techwhat pkg/dep does res_speech require
17:18.52BSD_Techit seems to have issues now
17:19.12BSD_Techand deps for res_crypto
17:19.29*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
17:21.37mvanbaakBSD_Tech: where can I find the patches for asterisk+bsd ?
17:22.02jarrodjust run it on linux
17:22.03mvanbaakI want to know what you think needs patching
17:22.19jarrodhow do i stop asterisk from displaying "asterisk" on calls with no caller-id?
17:22.19mvanbaakbecause stock asterisk runs fine on obsd here
17:22.32mvanbaakjarrod: you can set that in sip.conf
17:22.41jarrodwhats the directive?
17:23.11mvanbaakdont know from memory
17:23.16*** join/#asterisk Cyon (n=cyon@
17:23.20mvanbaakhaven't used sip for months now
17:23.20jarrodive looked at all the options
17:23.56*** join/#asterisk [[blah]asfd (n=ckwall@
17:24.29[[blah]asfdOne of my servers had a crash on it today. Looking at the logs I came across this: Has anyone ever seen this or know what may have cause this?
17:25.43BSD_Techthe ports tree
17:25.58mvanbaakjarrod: you can also do it in the dialplan
17:26.03BSD_TechI am orking on newer patches
17:26.08mvanbaakusing the CALLERID() dialplan function
17:26.15mvanbaakBSD_Tech: obsd as well ?
17:26.34BSD_Techthe port sjould work but I only work on freebsd
17:26.37mvanbaakah yeah
17:27.10*** join/#asterisk stimpie (
17:29.03mvanbaakfound it
17:29.09mvanbaakok, off to have dinner
17:29.22mvanbaakand poker
17:30.19*** join/#asterisk generalhan (
17:31.30BSD_Tech[Jul  6 10:31:11] WARNING[3580]: loader.c:360 load_dynamic_module: Error loading module '': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_unregister_file_version
17:31.30BSD_Tech[Jul  6 10:31:11] WARNING[3580]: loader.c:360 load_dynamic_module: Error loading module '': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_register_file_version
17:31.30BSD_TechSegmentation fault (core dumped)
17:31.34BSD_Techwe have issues
17:32.35*** join/#asterisk errr_ (n=errr@fedora/errr)
17:33.21BSD_Techupdating fubared my system
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17:37.35ZeeekMark not yet kleft the building
17:37.42Zeeekbut I'm about to!
17:38.06BSD_TechI missed today due to asterisk technical difficaulties
17:39.13*** join/#asterisk joetester (n=joeteste@
17:39.27generalhanhey all !
17:40.10generalhanim having an issue registering a remote server using IAX. could some one take a look at my config/error and give me some insight ?
17:41.30generalhanboth servers are really on the same network, but i want to test this way before i send it out
17:42.15CyonNot exactly sure how you have the host set to the same IP on both boxes...but that's just me.
17:42.39generalhanCyon: i dont
17:42.43[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: that is not an "error"
17:42.55generalhan[TK]D-Fender: sorry NOTICE then
17:42.57CyonWow I'm blind, sorry
17:43.15[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: NOTICE[9971]: chan_iax2.c:5132 register_verify: Peer 'Admin' is not dynamic (from <-
17:43.26[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: You don't register if you have a fixed bloody host!
17:43.32BSD_Techok what are the needed deps for res_krypto
17:43.38BSD_Techok what are the needed deps for res_crypto
17:43.54[TK]D-FenderRegistering is to INFORM them of your IP.  That suer can't SET an IP!
17:44.09generalhanmakes sense
17:48.14BSD_Techok what are the needed deps for res_crypto
17:48.20Qwell[]BSD_Tech: check menuselect
17:48.23BSD_Techits needs updating
17:48.58*** join/#asterisk Rhiliam (
17:50.28RhiliamWhen a person leaves a voicemail, is there a way to tell asterisk to call a phone number and assuming the call is answered, tell them that they  have a voicemail waiting?
17:53.58MercestesRhiliam, Why not send them a txt message?
17:55.48BSD_Techwhat is osptk short for ?
17:56.15*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=hardcore@
17:56.48BSD_TechI cant find a uptodate pkg for it
17:56.56*** join/#asterisk some_dude (
17:56.58Corydon76-workOpen Something Protocol Tool Kit
17:58.14coppiceas in "Contents may settle after shipping"
17:58.16some_dudeI've got 2 locations, and a reg phone system. I wanted to patch one of my lines into a voip system to call the other location, Asterisk at both locations looks like a good option, but what sort of hardware do i need ?
17:58.36Qwell[]coppice: during shipping
17:59.10Corydon76-worksome_dude: dedicated T1
17:59.24coppicewhat do that care, provided they can claim "its not our fault. we didn't do it"
17:59.28some_dudefor just one line ?
17:59.31RhiliamThat would be ideal, however their current voicemail system does this, and they want to keep this function if at all possibe
17:59.38Corydon76-workOh, only 1 line?
17:59.43Qwell[]Rhiliam: You could do it in dialplan logic
17:59.55Qwell[]or call an external script, which drops a call file, which calls them
17:59.55Corydon76-worksome_dude: is it mission-critical?
18:00.06Corydon76-worksome_dude: voip is fine, then
18:00.11RhiliamGreat - How would I do this. Capture a return code and then dial out?
18:00.21Rhiliamor something similar
18:00.24Qwell[]Rhiliam: look at the externnotify option in voicemail.conf
18:00.37Corydon76-worksome_dude: at least one or both of the Asterisk servers needs a public IP
18:01.31some_dudeI'm not sure i understand what asterisk is, I'm going to have a linux box, with a phone pluged in to it. Then then Astrisk will send the message over IP to the other server, where it's converted back. correct ?
18:02.20RhiliamQwel: So essentialy write some external code? I was hoping this functinality was built in.
18:02.28Corydon76-worksome_dude: that's basically how it works, yes
18:03.04Qwell[]Rhiliam: the code would be small
18:03.06Yomer[TK]D-Fender : you there?
18:03.15[TK]D-FenderYomer: Yup
18:03.16Qwell[]maybe 2-3 lines of bash script
18:03.22some_dudeBUT also, I can plug a bunch of phone into it, and let them talk to each other. and even patch in external phone lines, right ?
18:03.30Corydon76-workBSD_Tech: Lib Tool Dynamic Library
18:03.38Yomer[TK]D-Fender : hi, you remeber my SPA400 problems yesterday?
18:03.50[TK]D-FenderYomer: Yeah I think I saw a msg from you on thier site today.
18:04.04BSD_Techjust trying to fix broken deps
18:04.16*** join/#asterisk andyd (n=andyd@
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18:04.24Yomer[TK]D-Fender : well im still stuck with... have oyu worked with SPA400?
18:04.30joetesterQuestions: 1. What is the official IAX2 packet to say "The channel is ready"... what is sent exactly? 2. When my 1.4 machine is connected to a 1.2 machine (through IAX), it sends packets DTMF not DTMF_B and DTMF_E, that normal?
18:04.39*** join/#asterisk stoffell_w (
18:04.40Yomer[TK]D-Fender: im tring to get a hold of a sip log from it
18:04.55[TK]D-Fendersome_dude: * is a telephpny toolkit that you can use to build a PBX, dialout system, call center, answering machine, etc.  But whatever card you have in that PC that your line is plugged into is probably WORTHLESS
18:04.55Yomer[TK]D-Fender : to compare with mine...and see if i spot whats wrong
18:04.56RhiliamQwell : Looking at this a bit more, so essentially, create a .call file with the appropropriate information in the context. Then put some code in the dialplan? I am getting this right?
18:05.05Qwell[]Rhiliam: yep
18:05.07rene-hey, about the extensionstate manager event, should it fire itself whenever an extension that has a hint changes state? or is one supposed to be polling asterisk to know the extensions states?
18:06.04some_dudeWhat do you mean that the card is worthless.
18:06.11RhiliamQwell: I think I got it. By any chance would you have an example call file and dialplan entry :)
18:06.39RhiliamNever hurts to ask :) - thanks for the help
18:06.40jbothmm... wikis is
18:06.41*** join/#asterisk oej (
18:06.42Qwell[]try there though
18:06.56some_dudeI need special modems to make it work ?
18:07.34[TK]D-Fendersome_dude: only 1 kind really, and they kinda suck
18:07.59[TK]D-Fendersome_dude:  go to the WIKi and check out the ahrdware compatability list.  Then DL * and install it with Zaptel and see if you're remarkably lucky.
18:08.22some_dudeI don't have a box built for it yet.
18:08.39*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
18:09.03Corydon76-worksome_dude: you're better off getting a TDM800
18:09.13[TK]D-Fendersome_dude: Well in the mean-time go download.... THE BOOK and get reading to understand what * is and can do.
18:09.16jbotit has been said that book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
18:09.34BSD_Techunixodbc requires qt bloddy hell
18:10.35*** join/#asterisk msetim (n=marcos@
18:10.47some_dudeI want a TDM800
18:11.04Corydon76-workBSD_Tech: no, it doesn't
18:11.05BSD_Techwhy at that poit just get a t1
18:11.16Corydon76-workBSD_Tech: you can disable the gui at compile time
18:11.26BSD_Techconfigure: checking for Qt
18:11.26BSD_Techchecking for Qt headers... no
18:11.26BSD_Techconfigure: error: cannot find correct Qt headers!
18:11.34Corydon76-work./configure --without-x I think
18:11.41BSD_Techthat in unixodbc
18:12.17Corydon76-workAh, no, it's --disable-gui
18:12.19BSD_Techok rerunning
18:12.23*** part/#asterisk msetim (n=marcos@
18:12.31*** join/#asterisk msetim (n=marcos@
18:12.31twitchnlncan someone gimme a hand figuring out the correct oid to graph sip channels with snmp?
18:12.55NuggetIs it normal for a PRI to show fairly frequent restarts?  I'm getting:
18:13.04Nuggeton all the channels a few times a day.
18:13.11Voicemeupits clearing status of used lines etc
18:13.11Corydon76-workNugget: once per hour, by default
18:13.12[TK]D-Fendersome_dude: before even thinking about ahrdware, come to use with the specs of what you want and we'll make some more comprehensive suggestions for you then.
18:13.16Nuggetsuper, thanks.
18:13.28Voicemeupwat i HATE is this ARNING[3064650672]: chan_zap.c:8136 pri_dchannel: Ring requested on channel 0/1 already in use on span 1.  Hanging up owner.
18:13.31Voicemeupthen it kills the pri
18:13.34[TK]D-Fendersome_dude: I would not recommend that card if you want to plug PHONES in, only LINES.
18:13.50Voicemeupof course its always following channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided initial deadlock for '0xb675e3b8', 10 retries!
18:14.01[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-work: TDM800 looks interesting with mixed modules capability
18:14.07some_dudewhat's for phone ?
18:14.33Corydon76-work[TK]D-Fender: works better for fax, too
18:14.55[TK]D-Fendersome_dude: Supports 2 analog phones to be used as SIP devices
18:15.15[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-work: Will take your word for it.  Is it documented anywhere I can read?
18:15.44Corydon76-workIs what documented?
18:15.58*** join/#asterisk qdk (
18:17.31Mercestesthat it supports fax.  >.>
18:17.46Corydon76-workNo, it's just anecdotal
18:18.25Mercestesah, damnit.
18:18.33Mercestesone can hope, right?
18:18.38[TK]D-FenderHey I know..... lets start a rumor!
18:19.00Corydon76-workand when I say anecdotal, I mean that it's my experience that it works better with fax
18:19.10coppiceif you really want FAX to work you need to do something like sangoma have just done far too late - a link between cards to sync them
18:20.35*** join/#asterisk sysreq (
18:20.38[TK]D-Fendercoppice: By far too late, do you mean that its a hardware solution, not firmware?
18:20.49BSD_Techiaxmodem and hylafax
18:20.51Corydon76-workand I've heard a good explanation for what was the problem that they corrected in the TDM800.  Apparently, the PCI chip interface on the TDM400 sucked
18:21.15coppiceits hardware for just some of their cards. by far too late I mean its an obvious thing no card should ever have been shipped without
18:21.42joetesterDoes chan_iax know anything about the version of chan_iax on the remote machine?
18:22.14[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Something that can be added to an existing card, or does it require a complete replacement?
18:22.15*** join/#asterisk madcap (i=madcap@unaffiliated/madcap)
18:22.43Corydon76-workIn the test case I've worked up, the fax is passing twice through a Digium digital card and twice through a Digium analog card, and the fax still works fine
18:22.56coppicenot sure if there is an upgrade option. however, they say only cards with hardware EC are offered with it even now. that sucks
18:23.25coppiceCorydon76-work: without hardware sync, that's luck not engineering
18:23.46Corydon76-workFax - FXS -  - FXO - channel bank - TE410P -  - TE410P - PSTN
18:24.15Corydon76-workcoppice: I'll take whatever I can get
18:24.39*** join/#asterisk diskfree (
18:24.40Corydon76-workI never claimed to be a hardware engineer
18:25.10*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
18:26.07coppiceit puzzles me why the card makers are all determined to make their products work so badly. its not like software, where you can milk support charges out of people. its just a loss with hardware
18:27.06joetesterDevelopment time? Development costs?
18:27.18Corydon76-workThe continuing struggle between profit and hardware cost?
18:28.15diskfreecoppice: what card is this about, or are you talking 'in general'
18:28.56Corydon76-workdiskfree: he was complaining about a Sangoma product decision
18:29.00coppicedigium, sangoma, or any of the others. sangoma is the first to provide any syncing, and still only offer it in a limited way
18:29.48diskfreecoppice: ok, cause we were going to use sangoma (single E1, the A101d)
18:30.02diskfreewe're now using cisco voicerouters
18:30.22diskfreeanybody else using cisco voicerouters here?
18:30.27polerincoppice: I know!  everyone's favorite:  Avarice.  (ugh spelling.  I really don't care today)
18:31.07crimethinkerI like my Digium cards.
18:31.23joetesterSo do I!
18:31.27Corydon76-workdiskfree: I have a customer using them.  I can't say anything about the quality of the cards, but the quality of his Cisco tech is seriously lacking
18:31.37fileactually the TE4XXP stuff you can get a timing cable to link them together for sync
18:31.44Corydon76-workHis Cisco tech tried configuring inband DTMF with G.729 codec
18:32.10Corydon76-workerr, s/cards/routers/
18:32.14coppicefile: can you sync any of the analogue cards to that?
18:32.25diskfree@Corydon76-work: what protocol are you using between the cisco's and *?
18:32.51Corydon76-workdiskfree: I believe it's using PRI
18:33.11Corydon76-workdiskfree: in case you didn't understand, inband and G.729 don't mix
18:33.25coppicefile: well, that tends to be the critical one. the digitals can usually be synced by having at least one port on each card to the same point (e.g. PSTN) the analogue cards are always isolated
18:33.26Corydon76-workYou can only do inband DTMF with ulaw or alaw
18:33.49diskfree@Corydon76-work: I generally like cisco equipment for the quality, but it looks like the sip implementation between router/IOS versions differ
18:34.21*** join/#asterisk macli (
18:34.27diskfree@Corydon76-work: In understand that G729 part, I am using g711ulaw myself
18:35.09coppicediskfree: I generally liek the cisco equipment for landfill, but that's just from too many callouts due to bugs
18:36.15diskfreecoppice: hehe, well, I was mainly talking about switches. I am having serious doubts regarding voicerouters.
18:36.32*** part/#asterisk twitchnln (
18:36.49macliHi, print "STREAM FILE eh \"\"\n"; but asterisk does not play eh sound file ??
18:37.18macliprint "SAY NUMBER 100 \"\"\n"; works
18:37.51diskfreecoppice: And when you think about using sangoma and you check here, somebody's disgusted with digium/sangoma cards and recommends another brand... That doesn't help really, in decision making
18:38.34diskfreeI know that digium cards are picky about the hardware they're placed in
18:38.47coppicediskfree: does it help when someone says everything is wonderful?
18:39.07[TK]D-FenderDenial : It's not jsut a river in Egypt <----
18:39.13polerin"Can haz eh Lisehn Plz?"  (joking.)
18:39.16Corydon76-workdiskfree: it's picky to ask that motherboards implement PCI to spec?
18:39.42[TK]D-Fenderpolerin: I'm SOOO going to lolcat that.
18:39.53poleringo for it :D
18:40.21polerin...  you know... dial plans would be PERFECT for LOLCODE
18:41.58*** join/#asterisk vooduhal (
18:42.02Qwell[]polerin: I CAN HAZ DIALTONE?
18:42.13polerinQwell[]: bingo.
18:42.30Corydon76-workQwell[]: I've dealt with too many people like that for that to be funny.
18:43.07polerinhehe, I can just see Corydon76-work look at a dialplan written in kitteh and his head just exploding in pure disgust
18:43.08vooduhalDoes chan_agent support extconfig in 1.2 and if so, can someone point me to configuring it?  I can't find anything via google.  We have sip and voicemail using extconfig and we've written a rails interface for managing voicemail but we would like to not have to edit agents.conf as well.
18:43.26Corydon76-workI've actually stopped people to ask "You're putting me on, right?  Nobody can be THAT stupid, right?"
18:43.50Corydon76-workSad to say, they weren't putting me on
18:43.59polerinCorydon76-work: I wish I could cut people off like that
18:44.05coppiceI liked those old iridium ads - "we take a dial tone to the four corners of planet earth". If they thought the earth was square its not surprising they failed
18:44.07polerinCorydon76-work: unfortuantly thats a firing offense here :/
18:44.29Corydon76-workpolerin: okay, I'm a bit nicer than that...
18:45.08polerinI can't even be close to that
18:45.10*** join/#asterisk _DAW (
18:45.10Corydon76-workStill, it's one of those cases where if you get an awkward silence, you realize they're complete idiots
18:45.19polerinseriously our techs are fucking stupid and twichy sometimes
18:45.47Corydon76-workPuts me in teaching-a-2yo-mode... except that I've known smarter 2yo's
18:45.53polerin"Hi I Are call you 4 hlp, You n0 tell me how to do my job!"
18:46.14[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-work: "A child of fivie could do this.... fetch me a child of five!"
18:46.31coppicedumb people are more pleasant to handle than the politically screwed up bloody difficult ones
18:48.04irulehi, what is the difference between hangup and softhangup?
18:48.10*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
18:48.37coppicepadded rope around your neck
18:49.12rene-velvet rope
18:49.40polerincoppice: you're in a pleasent mood aren't you ;P
18:57.59diskfree@Corydon76-work: are you only managing * for that customer with cisco routers?
19:07.21*** join/#asterisk erthnet (n=erthnet@
19:07.59vooduhalDoes chan_agent support extconfig in 1.2 and if so, can someone point me to configuring it?  I can't find anything via google.  We have sip and voicemail using extconfig and we've written a rails interface for managing voicemail but we would like to not have to edit agents.conf as well.
19:10.18*** join/#asterisk RedComet- (i=RedComet@
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19:13.54jartfeel free to test the new release candidate for my voice changer: Report bugs to
19:15.04*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
19:16.02*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (i=rmyorg@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
19:16.09coppicejart: if you can change a thick Karnataka accent to something more western you could make a fortune in Bangalore's call centres
19:16.58diskfreejart: nice, will check it out later this weekend
19:17.55coppiceits a fun toy. I wonder if anyone applies it to serious work?
19:18.01*** join/#asterisk JerJer (n=PhatJ@pdpc/supporter/bronze/jerjer)
19:19.02JerJeron 1.4 has anyone else seen Queue attempt to send two new calls to one queue member ?
19:20.00JerJerusing least called and ringall -  separate queues.
19:21.04JerJerwe are using dial modifier M  to pause the queue member
19:21.04MercestesCan I use thsi software to pick up 13 year olds in myspace?
19:21.12jartMercestes: yes
19:21.20MercestesI love it already
19:22.19jartat Lobster Technologies, Inc., we strive to provide technologies that enable people to wreak havoc upon humanity
19:22.36JerJerPress 1 to hear a toilet flush
19:23.06JerJerPress 2 to use your pimp hand
19:25.16Mercestes2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Where's my money, biotch!
19:28.20BSD_Techhumans bullshit eachother to gt by
19:29.17coppicethis sounds like its gonna get a little hip-hop-ish
19:29.52BSD_Techjust stating facts
19:30.26coppicehigh quality bullshit has always been the most valuable of commodities
19:31.15*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
19:31.17Supaplexnow with enhanced bioflavonoids
19:31.34Mercestesand antioxidants
19:34.59coppicedoes it have hexagonal water molecules?
19:35.24Mercestesonly if they're gay
19:36.18*** join/#asterisk luckyone (
19:37.21jartso how do you all feel about FreeSWITCH, CallWeaver, OpenSER, etc?
19:38.02Corydon76-workjart: off-topic, take it somewhere else, please
19:38.15Mercestesand that's all we have to say about that.
19:38.17luckyonequestion, how do you setup a dialplan which allows you to access voicemail externally
19:38.46luckyonelike get access to your voice mailbox VoiceMailMain
19:38.51Mercestesluckyone, Same way you do internally, except you either use an external number to access it directly or set it up as an extension as part of an IVR.
19:39.02jartsorry, i don't mean to start a fight
19:39.34luckyoneMercestes: can you have an IVR is listening while ringing is playing?
19:39.37Mercestesjart:  Yea, that convo is destined to start a fight.
19:39.40coppicejart: take care, or the secret police will come for you in the night
19:39.42Corydon76-workjart: we try to avoid flame wars as best as possible.
19:40.04Mercestesluckyone, if you want.  Just play ringing to them.
19:40.06Corydon76-workSometimes it's unavoidable, though
19:40.14MercestesSorry, I'll try to be better.
19:40.35*** join/#asterisk Hymie (
19:40.45Hymiehmm.. anyone want to buy 12 uniden phones :Þ
19:41.13coppiceHymie: let me guess. you did?
19:41.20luckyoneMercestes: /leave
19:41.24MercestesHymie:  try #callweaver
19:41.28*** part/#asterisk luckyone (
19:41.29jartyea i can see it being touchy, sorry i brought it up
19:41.46Mercestesgah, even the n00bs are trying to run me off.  :(
19:41.50Hymiewhat's up with this mercestes "person"
19:42.01MercestesI'm a bot.
19:42.10Hymie!shoot mercestes
19:42.11Corydon76-workHymie: we think he's a "closet" case
19:42.15Hymie!leave mercestes
19:42.20jbotmercestes is definitely a total nub
19:42.30Corydon76-work~lart mercestes
19:42.30jbotbeats the living hamstercrap out of mercestes
19:42.56Mercestes~lart mercestes
19:42.56jbotputs on a hockey mask and jumps out at mercestes
19:43.07Hymie[TK]D-Fender: I think you were telling me last week, that you wanted to buy some uniden phones?
19:43.20Corydon76-workHymie: try ebay
19:43.20[TK]D-FenderHymie: 5$ each, deal!
19:43.21Hymie[TK]D-Fender: I can help you!
19:43.58jartwait 5 dollar phones?
19:44.11Hymiewait, you'll really give me $5?
19:44.17Hymiestep into my officve!
19:44.17MercestesHymie:  don't forget to put in a minimum bid.
19:44.33MercestesThey're great phones.
19:44.36coppicenot US$5. some less valuable dollars
19:44.47Mercestesaren't those the ones with auto-jitter correction?
19:44.52Corydon76-workWhat, AUS$5 ?
19:45.10jarteek, am i in trouble again? :(
19:45.41Corydon76-workjart: trouble is as trouble does
19:45.41Mercestesjart:  Why would you be in trouble?
19:46.35jartMercestes: because i'm the crazy asterisk hacker who writes all the wacky applications
19:46.47jartlike Phone Parrot lol
19:46.58[TK]D-Fenderjart: SER is not OT here, the * forks, and FreeSWITCH tend to spark flame-wars.
19:47.18[TK]D-Fenderjart: Personally if you keep it clean I wouldn't consider them OT.
19:47.32jarti'm not talking about that anymore
19:47.48JerJer[TK]D-Fender:     does someone need to lay off the crack pipe?   :)
19:47.58MercestesR O F L M A O
19:48.14jarti wouldn't troll but Corydon76 is probably right about it being to risky to even bother in a public chat
19:48.23[TK]D-FenderJerJer: Lots of people :)
19:48.48[TK]D-Fenderjart: Jusdge yourself, or we'll do it for you :)  All part of the service!
19:48.59JerJerimho, OpenSER totally complements Asterisk's skills
19:49.27jartJerJer: i'm currently using openser to load balance across asterisk boxes, it works really well
19:49.35MercestesI concur, OpenSER is well worth looking at.
19:49.49MercestesI'm being serious this time.
19:49.55JerJerin fact i've been playin with some fancy IMS stuff using OpenSER - which has very serious potential to disrupt some major business models
19:49.57jartasterisk has some problems talking to my voip provider sometimes, but besides that things are smooth
19:50.13JerJerjart:  what kind of problems ?
19:50.24JerJerauthenticated invite crap ?
19:50.29*** join/#asterisk murdmath (
19:50.42murdmathHowdy all.  I have a quick context question.
19:50.53jartchannels sometimes don't hangup when they should
19:50.59JerJeryou have 19 seconds
19:51.30JerJerjart:  are you not getting a BYE?
19:51.31murdmathDo all contexts need to be unique.  If you have a iax extension named for instance 1234 and another context named 1234 in your extensions.conf that is bad right?
19:51.54murdmathJerJer: Were you replying to me?
19:51.56Corydon76-workmurdmath: context != extension
19:52.08jartJerJer: i'm not entirely sure why. we're so understaffed here i don't have time to figure it out
19:52.09[TK]D-Fendermurdmath: There is no such thing as an IAX extension.
19:52.15jartmaybe it's my fault
19:52.35*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jtregunn@unaffiliated/jer)
19:52.40JerJerjart:   firewall / proxy / very old network edge device ?
19:52.48Mercestesmurdmath, your grossly abusing terms but, that should be fine to have an exten => 1234 and a context [1234] elsewhere.
19:52.55jartsip proxy
19:53.06Mercestesmurdmath, very bad practice because it's confusing and ambiguous, but syntatically, there is nothing wrong with it.
19:53.10murdmathMercestes: Sorry for the grossness  :)
19:53.30[TK]D-Fendermurdmath: An extension is something yuo can DIAL in your DIALPLAN (extensions.conf).  a DEVICE is something you set up in your channel driver fille (eg sip.conf, iax.conf) and can use the "Dial" application to make RING.
19:53.31JerJermurdmath:  your dialplan should be laid out using a simple hierarchy
19:53.46Mercestesmurdmath, It's ok, I have low standards
19:54.29murdmathMercestes: Thanks.  I'm just trying to debug an Asterisk based embedded system and I want to make sure I'm not reporting a false bug.
19:55.01*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
19:55.18murdmathMercestes: It is my understanding that a context is something in brackets such as [incoming]
19:55.38Mercestesmurdmath, correct.
19:55.55murdmathMercestes:  If such a thing exists in iax.conf is it still a context?
19:56.02Mercestesmurdmath:  It is not.
19:56.04*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
19:56.08murdmathMercestes: ok.
19:56.10Mercestesthen it becomes a peer name
19:56.23polerinor a friend name or..
19:56.39Mercesteshowever, if there is no correlation between extension 1234, and peer 1234, then it is a bad practice for human legibility, but it is syntactically correct.
19:56.46Mercestespolerin:  You have no friends.
19:56.52MercestesI'm sorry
19:57.03polerinMercestes: duh.  I meen come on, who on IRC actually has friends.  Freak.
19:57.03murdmathMercestes: And a peer/friend name can be the same as a context found in extensions.conf
19:57.07Corydon76-workMercestes: yes, she does
19:57.14MercestesI know that...
19:57.16MercestesI'm her friend.  :)
19:57.26Mercestesit's more one sided...
19:57.39Mercestesme:  "hi friend."  Polerin:  *stabs in the eye with a spork*
19:58.05Corydon76-workShe's nice, but she can be a little moody
19:58.17Corydon76-workeven IRL
19:58.23Mercestesthat's all women
19:58.33Mercestesand some effeminate men.
20:00.48polerinI don't think I'm moody so much as tempremental
20:00.59Mercestesand a good speller
20:01.05Corydon76-workIt's the hormones
20:01.07polerinstfu :P
20:01.18polerinthat and the stress I guess :P
20:01.21Corydon76-workMenopause came early
20:01.52Mercestes>.> even
20:02.14polerinMercestes: I'm not even commenting on that in this channel
20:03.05J4k3I read that as "Mercestes came early" which was even funnier.
20:03.16MercestesJ4k3, rofl.  >.>  uhh..who told?
20:03.18*** part/#asterisk daguz (
20:04.18MercestesIt's the hormones.
20:04.22Mercestesthat and the stress, I guess.
20:05.36polerinanyway.  murdmath as a newb to * as well, It took me a bit to get used to [name] as a specification for everything.  The best way I can think about it right now is that the use of the file specifies the meening of the [name]
20:06.18murdmathpolerin: Thanks.
20:06.42*** join/#asterisk joetester2 (n=joeteste@
20:07.08Mercestes[name] in extensions.conf is the name of a group of extensions.  [name] in iax.conf is the name of an iax2 device, [name] in sip.conf is the name of a sip device.
20:07.15Mercestes[name] in zaptel.conf is a syntax error.
20:08.23*** join/#asterisk tbic (n=tbic@
20:08.29shido6unless you are talking about [general] in iax.conf or sip.conf this applies as a default if not mentioned in the device stanza for the most part.
20:10.34murdmathMercestes: Perfect.
20:12.04*** join/#asterisk Katty (
20:12.49Kattyallo (=
20:12.53murdmathSo here is another thing.
20:12.59Kattyi'm having a bit of an unusual problem. at least to me.
20:13.12Kattywhen i make an internal call, everything is just peachy.
20:13.18Kattyi call ext whatever, it works.
20:13.30Kattyif i make an outgoing call, with a _Nxxxxx thingy
20:13.36Kattyi just get a fast busy, and nothing at the CLI
20:13.39Kattybut those lines do work.
20:13.47KattyI get incoming calls on them all the time
20:13.49shido6sip phone?
20:14.07Kattythis nothing at the CLI thing has me confuzzled.
20:14.13shido6sip debug and watch for "looking for (whateveryoudialedhere) in context (somecontextthatphonehasaccesstoin sip.conf)"
20:14.17murdmathIf I was to have one asterisk box be a provider for another and I use iax should the iax device be named the same as the username?
20:14.27shido6or a 484 address incomplete
20:14.29shido6or similar
20:14.34shido6asterisk will tell on itself
20:14.39shido6if you let it
20:15.55MercestesIs your dialplan correct in your phone?
20:16.20shido6Looking for 3344439 in downstairs (domain ?
20:16.36shido6so what does [downstairs] look like?
20:16.46J4k3beige, its mostly beige
20:16.48Kattyi'll pastebin it
20:19.04shido6ok between 37 and 43
20:19.09shido6is that in the upstairs context ?
20:19.49shido6ok the first sip debug
20:19.54Kattynope, that's in the downstairs context
20:20.03Kattythats the included file
20:20.06shido6you just added it in the paste :)
20:20.15Kattythe actual catch all thingy
20:20.26Kattyjust dumped it at the bottom
20:20.36shido6in "/etc/asterisk/downstairsdialout"
20:20.39Kattyit's really not there :P
20:20.52shido6ok here's the thing
20:21.00shido6do you have any named contexts
20:21.02shido6in the other files
20:21.17shido6or "/etc/asterisk/speeddialdownstairs"
20:21.22shido6or "/etc/asterisk/sipdownstairs"
20:21.24[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
20:21.36Kattyand those all work
20:21.52Kattyi can dial 05 and get my cellphone, or 112, and get my coworker
20:21.52shido6because if you have a context in those other files
20:22.03shido6this downstairs dial out section u have in the pastebin may be in another context
20:22.22Kattyno, the other files are just dumped in there for organizational stuff
20:22.28shido6okie dokie
20:22.29Kattythere's no further contexts in there
20:22.58shido6add a _
20:23.01shido6in front of 3344439
20:23.06shido6and do an extensions reload
20:23.08shido6and try again
20:23.09jart <-- wait isn't that wrong?  isn't that e^(i*pi) instead of e^(2*pi) which is euler's formula returning -1 so it ends up being 0.002 + -1 + 1 which is just 0.002
20:23.57shido6and your 911 one add a few more lines in case you have a heart attack and have issues dialing single digits and then a double for example, 911 is a great start but add 9911 9991111 9111
20:24.31shido6have you tried the Tim Hortons Cheese Danish
20:24.41Kattyhmmm... i didn't see it listed...
20:24.49shido6the cheese danish or 911 ?
20:24.53*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
20:25.10Kattynono, when i did extensions reload
20:25.17Kattyit gives you that big long list of what's reloaded
20:25.27shido6and u didnt catch it eh..
20:25.29Kattyit wasn't shown in there
20:25.31*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey)
20:26.13Mercestesjart:  1.10121 to be exact.
20:26.38jartMercestes: how do you figure?
20:26.41joetester2jart: at the bottom is it's written e^j2pi but on the check it's jpi
20:26.42Mercestese^(2*pi) I mean.
20:26.54KattyAH HA!
20:26.59Kattyshido6: it was a context problem
20:27.06jarti think they read the check wrong
20:27.07Kattyshido6: the auto attendant DID have an additional context
20:27.13Mercestespi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
20:27.13Kattyshido6: so i moved them around and did a reload.
20:27.20x86Qwell[]: was it you that told me the Polycom IP301 sucks?
20:27.27x86Qwell[]: like, compared to a 501 or 601?
20:27.28Mercestes2*3.1415926535897932384626433832795 = 6.283185307179586476925286766559
20:27.31Kattyshido6: my poor wittle server thought it was under my auto attendant >.<
20:27.34Qwell[]x86: no
20:27.36joetester2It's e^jpi not e^pi dude
20:27.43diskfree@Corydon76-work: is your customer using h323 or sip with their cisco routers?
20:27.46joetester2It's euler not just e^something
20:27.46x86Qwell[]: ah... was just gonna say you were totally right ;)
20:28.13Kattyshido6: so how do i solve that problem for good? is there a Prefered Way, or should i stick it at the bottom
20:28.14Mercestes0.002^6.283185307179586476925286766559 = 1.1012129862274081175242718331433e-17
20:28.44shido6if it works im not going to touch it - figure out the better way when you have to :)
20:28.58joetester2jart : I don't think he gets it :S
20:29.05MercestesIt is not jpi
20:29.12*** part/#asterisk murdmath (
20:29.12shido6unless you are bored.
20:29.18joetester2i = j = sqrt(-1)
20:29.23shido6and if you are just write a blog with adsense
20:29.26Kattyshido6: kk, i just stuck it as the last item under the [downstairs]
20:29.27MercestesIt says, 002 + e^(2pie) = 535
20:29.28shido6make some money :)
20:29.31nohophey people :)
20:29.38Kattyshido6: i'll do the same with my other one too
20:29.49shido6but please make the 911 changes
20:29.55MercestesThere is no J
20:30.01nohopis there a way to make asterisk dial 2 numbers, and connect both together from the remote command line ?
20:30.04nohopfrom the console, that is
20:30.04joetester2Dude! It's e^i*pi!
20:30.05jartare you sure it's 2 pi? it looks like i*pi
20:30.27joetester2Oh he's right, my eyesight sucks
20:30.33jarti remember reading that guys story about the debate between parts of a cent versus parts of a dollar
20:30.37jartit was sooo funny
20:30.40MercestesI am forgettng e tho
20:30.59Kattyshido6: you mean put a _ in front of it?
20:31.01joetester2That's supposedly a two
20:31.10MercestesHis handwriting is a little crappy too
20:31.16Kattyshido6: i wasn't paying attention.
20:31.19shido6911, 99111 9991111 91111 91111
20:31.27Kattyoh? why?
20:31.30shido6in case you cant focus for 911
20:31.32Mercestesshido6, That's a little silly
20:31.32Kattyare those all 911 numbers?
20:31.41Kattyit's a good idea
20:31.47Kattyif i was panicing, i'd be doing stuff like that too
20:31.48shido6they can dial the same 911
20:31.57MercestesMight as well throw some 8's in there too then.
20:31.57joetester2Sorry Mercestes, my eyesight sucks apparently
20:32.02shido6but yuo can enter them differently
20:32.04Mercestesand some *'s.
20:32.06*** join/#asterisk huey23 (n=huey23@
20:32.17Mercestesif you can't dial "911" then you can't expect them to hit the right keys either..
20:32.36MercestesWouldn't it be a *better* idea to make a bright, red, button labeled "help me" that auto dials 911?
20:32.52huey23"help me" is a little vague
20:32.59Mercesteshuey23, how is "help me" vague?
20:33.19huey23help me can refer to a lot of things...not just emergencies
20:33.47MercestesI guess you could create lots of buttons, "help, I'm having a heartattack"  "help, I'm having a stroke"  "help, I'm being stabbed"  "help, I'm suffering from erectile dysfunction" but...Unless she has a polycom 601 she's likely to run out of keys.
20:33.56huey23there ya go
20:34.19huey23you forgot "help me, my e-mail's broke
20:34.37Kattyhelp, i'm dumb.
20:34.45Kattythat should cover all of it.
20:34.45MercestesHave a beer.
20:34.52Kattyewww, beer
20:34.58Kattyi'm getting a puppy!
20:34.58MercestesSo, what's your name?
20:34.58jarttake care everyone!  time to go someplace far away from phones, walk up a mountain and drink lots of wine
20:34.58huey23"help me, I need a smoke: vague
20:35.11Kattya german shepherd!
20:35.12MercestesKatty:  Nice....Gratz!
20:35.17*** part/#asterisk jart (
20:35.18Kattyin...uh 3 hours
20:35.18Mercestesno gratz.
20:35.25MercestesGerman shepherd?  ...why?
20:35.29Kattyguard pup
20:35.39huey23good dogs
20:35.42Kattyand their ears are cute
20:35.45Kattyand very trainable
20:35.46MercestesWouldn't an attack horse be a little more economic??
20:36.00Kattyif i wanted economic, i'd just train my two ferrets
20:36.00shido6well, Mercestes, thats what lumenvox is for
20:36.11Mercestes....attack ferrets....
20:36.13shido6speak your emergency
20:36.16Kattythey already attack the bookshelf
20:36.23Mercestes"Please state the nature of your medical emergency."
20:36.30shido6I'm dying
20:36.46shido6Im taking a crap and it hurts....
20:36.49shido6to think
20:36.58MercestesI'm dying.  Disambiguation page.  Did you mean "i'm dying" the song, "I'm dying" the emergency, or "I'm dying" the euphamism?
20:36.59huey23fart and clear your mind
20:37.11tzangerfarting cetainly won't clear hte air
20:37.19Mercesteswill clear your mind tho.
20:37.29Mercestesand the room
20:39.21Kattyalso, i hit 314 mining today.
20:39.26Kattyand 313 herbalism.
20:39.28Kattyif anyone cares.
20:39.32Qwell[]umm, yeah
20:39.42MercestesI hit...420 herbalism.
20:39.45*** join/#asterisk Snible (
20:39.48Katty375 is the max :<
20:39.51Mercestesand 14 jailbaite.
20:40.07Kattynot enough people play wow
20:40.19*** join/#asterisk bkruse (i=bkruse@nat/digium/x-cf83692581ac44fb)
20:40.24MercestesWorld of Warcrack
20:40.33bkruseKatty: I just tried to tab complete your name and it crashed my pidgin :[
20:40.49MercestesA colt45 and two zig zags, baby that's all we need.
20:40.54Kattybkruse: my pidgin is crashy too
20:40.57Kattybkruse: alll day long
20:40.58Mercestesbkruse, That's because your not good enough for katty
20:41.05Mercesteskatty > j00
20:41.09Kattyhush up
20:41.11bkruseMercestes: :[
20:41.37Katty"can't we all just get along?!" -Fire Imp.
20:43.05Kattyanywho, i need a name for the new pup
20:43.07Kattysomething german.
20:43.18Kattyi've been thinking Fuhrer, jeiger, zeek, and uber.
20:43.30Kattyhowever you spell it
20:43.33MercestesMeister Jager
20:43.35Kattythe stuff in the green bottle.
20:43.44Kattyit's sweet.
20:43.46Kattyand licoricy
20:43.56Kattyvery yummy on the rocks.
20:44.02Kattydiskfree: yes, precisely.
20:44.11Kattydiskfree: but jager for short.
20:44.17Mercestesit tastes better than teen spirit.
20:44.20Kattydiskfree: cause a pup needs something short and sweet to understand.
20:44.20MercestesYes, name your dog Jager...
20:44.35MercestesOr Mr. Tinkles
20:44.35diskfreeKatty: lol
20:46.33tzangerMy last dog's name was casey
20:46.36tzangerperfect name for a dog
20:46.40tzangercat was jake
20:46.48tzangerthey need something short and sharp
20:46.52tzangereasy for them to recognize
20:46.55MercestesName him Evinrude
20:47.00tzangeryou could name him "Gunnerstchoffel"
20:47.04tzangeroh man
20:47.09tzangerfrom the kid's movie The Rescuers
20:47.23tzangerthe dragonfly that made their leaf boat run
20:47.24MercestesDidn't think anyone would catch *that* reference.  lol
20:47.26tzangerhis name was evenrude
20:47.35tzangerI LOVED that
20:47.38MercestesShowing your age *and* your movie preferences.  :D
20:47.38tzangergiggled for most of the movie
20:48.01MercestesIt was awesome. :D
20:48.02tzangerKatty: Reinhold
20:48.07tzangeror Helmut
20:48.32*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
20:48.57MercestesR E S C U E, rescue aid so-cie-a-te, heads held high, touch the sky, you mean everything to me.....
20:49.21*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
20:49.39tzangerMercestes: yep
20:49.45tzangerthat bianca mouse was hot
20:49.51tzangermind you I had a thing for gadget too from rescue rangers
20:50.06Mercestesshe was hot.
20:50.17Qwell[]she was a cartoon mouse
20:50.22Mercestesshe was HOT.
20:50.29Qwell[]she was a CARTOON MOUSE
20:50.42tzangerI remember her cuter
20:50.59Mercestesoh, maybe it was gadget
20:51.18_DAWWasnt sally fields gidget?
20:51.27MercestesI dunno
20:51.41huey23she is hot
20:52.02tzangerI dunno... a chick who's into mechanics and whose smart... that's hot
20:52.14Mercestesshe was hot too
20:52.21Mercestesshouldn't have used that pic
20:52.38MercestesI did too
20:52.41Mercestesbut his daughter was hot
20:52.48tzangerI didn't like penny, sorry
20:53.01Mercestesnot furry enough?
20:53.04[TK]D-FenderMercestes, Boy you're going to extreme measured to ensure virginity....
20:53.07diskfreeGadget was her uncle, wasn't he?
20:53.24Mercestesuncle, father, whatever.
20:53.39diskfreenot that it matters
20:53.41tzangerhe was a shmuck
20:53.47tzangerdamn I hated that hsow
20:53.52diskfreeIt was kinda a funny
20:53.54tzangerspeaking of shows
20:53.58tzangerI gotta see that transformers movie
20:53.59diskfreein 1988
20:54.02_DAWAlways wanted to see mr. claw though :(
20:54.10MercestesI saw him.
20:54.11tzangerlooks totally different than the cartoons, but I think the boys'd like it
20:54.15MercestesHe's just a hand attached to a chair.
20:54.17diskfreenext time gadget...
20:54.33diskfreemaybe this where jart's voice application comes in handy
20:54.34tzangernow it's time to reminisce about voltron
20:54.45MercestesPidge was hot....
20:54.49MercestesI meant Princess Aluria.
20:55.20Mercestesthe pink chick
20:55.20iCEBrkrASTERISK SUCKS!!!
20:55.23iCEBrkrJust kidding!
20:55.24tzangeriCEBrkr: agreed
20:55.27iCEBrkrtzanger: haha
20:55.40iCEBrkrIt's been kind lately.. seemless upgrades.
20:56.09MercestesPrincess Allura/Princess Farla (ファーラ姫, FÄra-hime?): Princess Allura of the planet Arus is the ruler of the Kingdom of Altair
20:57.13diskfree ?
20:57.41Qwell[]/part #cartoons
20:58.13MercestesQwell[]  Don't be a hater.
20:58.37jarrodis heartbeat supposed to configure the alias ip address when started?
20:59.40bkrusejarrod: yay failover
21:00.22Mercestesif I call my wife by some weird cartoon name she recognizes...I will hate you all.
21:00.45iCEBrkrIs that some different level of furry?
21:01.02MercestesI've got Penny stuck in my head now.
21:01.06bkrusecall her la blue girl
21:01.25MercestesI'll call her D-fender...
21:01.32Mercestesshe'll think I'm referring to the guitar and it will be ok.
21:01.33bkrusex86: they didnt specify a context?
21:01.43x86why does it say '7697@' when i tell it the context is 'admin' in the peer/user definition in iax.conf??
21:01.46bkrusethey would have a context if they had an entry in iax.conf
21:02.00x86they do
21:02.01bkruseis he dynamic/registered or static ip?
21:02.09x86tried it both ways
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21:02.17bkrusewhat does your dial statement look like
21:03.22x86i tried also doing just the peer name specified in iax.conf
21:03.24bkrusedo you have a friend/peer/user defined on the machine calling?
21:03.32x86friends on both sides
21:03.35bkrusethats wierd :/
21:03.41bkruseright, then just dialing like iax2/peername/exten
21:03.50x86yeah no workie
21:04.42*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
21:04.55generalhanok, i have a new issue ! im trying to get this phone to register and it wont, so i turned on sip debugging and got some information, but until it says "detroying" i dont see any issues with the information. but i would never claim to know exactly what im looking at either ! can some one take a look please?
21:05.41x86bkruse: well site A is running 1.0.10
21:06.09x86bkruse: site B is running
21:06.14generalhanumm, well without any further information from the sip debug, now its registered ??? wow am i ever confused
21:06.30tzanger17:06 < sgi> wtf: my math teacher staples burger king applications to failed tests
21:06.33Siyaanyone ever tried to use with asterisk?
21:06.40x86tzanger: roflmao
21:06.58[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan, "SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized" <- says it all
21:07.03diskfreetzanger: lol
21:07.05*** part/#asterisk DrRighteous (
21:07.21generalhan[TK]D-Fender: what does that mean though ? cause now its actually working
21:07.23bkrusex86: woah
21:07.28bkruseupdate please!
21:07.36bkruseat least site A
21:07.47[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan, bad user/pass
21:07.59x86bkruse: yeah, working on it :P
21:08.01generalhan[TK]D-Fender: well how would it just fix itself all the sudden ?
21:08.14sakicwho is a good voip provider for asterisk, quality and price wisE?
21:08.19[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan, define "fix".
21:08.36x86bkruse: but site A (1.0.10) can call site C (1.2.17) just fine!
21:08.50x86bkruse: so the problem has to be some kind of config on site B, right?
21:09.09x86not protocol / version mismatch
21:09.28generalhan[TK]D-Fender: i cant define fix. but in the amount of time it took for me to post that pastebin, it magically registered
21:09.38*** join/#asterisk j0 (
21:09.40generalhannow the phone is working perfectly
21:09.57generalhanbut i didnt touch anything between the time that i posted in here, and the time that it started working
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21:11.43bkrusex86: it COULD be, there have been so many changes to chan_iax you know?
21:12.02bkruse1.2 chan_iax was isn't even threaded right?
21:12.08j0I keep getting this error on IAX trunks (on SIP it works fine) right around a WaitExten: [2:09.28p] * Topic is 'Asterisk: The Open Source Telephony Application Platform -=- Asterisk 1.2.20, 1.4.6 (June 29, 2007
21:12.26bkruseclipboard > j0
21:12.42j0oops.. haha
21:12.49j0NOTICE[14042]: chan_iax2.c:3167 iax2_read: I should never be called! Hanging up.
21:12.50bkruseI will help if I get the full error message :D
21:12.58bkruseoh, ive seen that. What version of asterisk?
21:13.14bkruseare you talking to a 1.4 box?
21:13.31j0it used to be a 1.2... maybe they've changed!
21:13.34bkruseI have seen that when going from 1.2 -> 1.4
21:13.51bkruselet me look up exactly where thats spitting that out... h/o
21:14.40j0its not being caused by WaitExten.. I can't quite pinpoint where it goes wrong. I've tried all sorts of things.. like not using Answer at the beginning, or no background sounds, longer wait times
21:15.08tzafrir_homex86: iax or sip between hosts?
21:15.32bkrusehmm, thats wierd....
21:15.42bkrusetzafrir_home: iax? = iax2_read,
21:16.30bkruseiax2_read just has that notice, then returns NULL
21:16.38bkruseFrom what I can tell, it does not actually hangup
21:16.48j0is there an easy way to check the remote version?
21:16.53tzafrir_homeI recall some problems connecting 1.0 and 1.2 through IAX, that were resolved when the 1.2 host has disabled jitter-buffer support
21:17.09bkrusetzafrir_home: right, thats what I thought it was, just to far off versions
21:17.15bkruseim thinking the remote is older, or 1.4
21:17.20x86tzafrir_home: iax2
21:17.33bkrusehe was assuming iax2 i believe
21:17.37bkrusex86: does it ACTUALLY hangup the call?
21:17.48x86it rejects it with unknown context
21:18.11bkruseTry to update to 1.2.20, though i think you will find better results with your endpoint updating.
21:18.14x86works from site A (1.0.10) to site C (1.2.17), but not from site A (1.0.10) to site B (
21:18.47bkruseim still sure its because 1.0.10
21:18.49bkrusethats old
21:19.00x86it works to 1.2.17 just fine
21:19.15x86how do you logically explain that it doesn't work to 1.2.12 ?
21:19.23bkrusei cannot logically explain it ;]
21:19.27bkrusewell, do the obvious
21:19.31bkrusewhat boxes do you have control over?
21:19.41diskfreex86: have you tested with C and B?
21:19.51x86it might make sense if it worked between 1.0.10 and 1.2.12, but not from 1.0.10 to 1.2.17, but that's not the case
21:20.07x86diskfree: B and C can talk all day long
21:20.13x86diskfree: D too ;)
21:20.26russellb1.0 w00t
21:20.28russellbthat is all
21:20.40diskfreex86: :) ok
21:20.59x86i'll update site A from 1.0.10 to 1.2.20 this weekend and see what I break
21:21.10diskfreex86: so along the way in -> 1.2.17 something got fixed
21:21.38russellbjust be sure to read UPGRADE.txt in 1.2 when upgrading from 1.0 to 1.2
21:21.40diskfreex86: probably more then 1 thing :)
21:22.08*** join/#asterisk apardo (
21:22.27x86russellb: yeah i've upgraded from 1.0 to 1.2 before... that's why i was looking for a quick fix instead of jumping at that solution already ;)
21:26.02j0is it possible to check the * version remotely?
21:26.21Mercestesj0:  ssh
21:26.44rudholmanyone here using the TDM800 for FXO?
21:28.37j0ok.. so my provider is using 1.2.16 and i'm on 1.2.18
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21:29.05Mercestesj0:  ok...
21:31.32bkrusethat would be a cool thing, to check it remotely, but could also turn into a subnet scanning exploit bot :/
21:31.42j0bkruse: that's what i figured
21:31.55bkrusebut would be useful for situations like this non the les
21:42.23Jinglesdo you have to specify if a sip extension can transfer a call or not?
21:43.05MercestesJingles, Tt
21:43.14Jinglesthat's in the dial string...
21:43.28Jinglesbut what if it's the sip extension itself that's trying to dial out?
21:43.33JinglesI'm probably not being clear.
21:43.56JinglesI have an IVR - and I need it to dial a number, and if the user presses 3, to transfer the call to some other number.
21:44.35Jinglesthe asterisk box itself takes 'flash hook' just fine via the TDM cards.
21:44.48Jingleshowever, the IAXys won't transfer a call, and neither will this ATA.
21:45.34shido6iaxys will xfer a call
21:45.44shido6if  you enable T/t and features.conf
21:46.00Jinglesright. I can do it, via an IAXy - if I do it by 'hand' (analog phone, dialing #s, etc)
21:46.10Jinglesbut we're using a product called 'PhoneHerald' as an IVR
21:46.16Jinglesand it *won't* with an IAXy.
21:46.23Jinglessomething about timing or whatever.
21:46.44shido6do you want it to?
21:46.46Jinglesyeah - the stupid software just hangs up the phone on the IAXy.
21:46.57*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
21:47.13Jinglesit sends the flash over the line, then click
21:47.33shido6can it send a "#" ?
21:47.42Jinglespersonally, I think this is a dumb idea, all the way around.
21:47.48Jinglesbut what do I know - just the IT 'grunt'.
21:50.30Jinglestesting to see if the problem is the ATA. I'm betting it is.
21:51.29*** join/#asterisk friedrich| (
21:53.10Innatechanyone have strong feelings on dlink vs netgear web-managed switches? (  vs. ) The dlink is a little cheaper.  Am I missing some worthwhile feature difference?
21:53.35bkrusemanaged switches in general, bleh
21:53.57bkrusei had a netgear managed switch, or 2, at my school, they were expensive and not worth it
21:54.04bkrusei would have to go with dlink just because my bad experience
21:54.08InnatechWell, I have to buy one or another. Heh.
21:54.14mitchelocpfft, netgear > dlink
21:54.22bkruseand because that page is written in aspx.
21:54.41bkrusemitcheloc: lot of networking experience?
21:54.43mitchelocbkruse, that was uncaled for =P
21:54.51mitcheloca mild amount
21:54.59bkrusewe should ask jscott!
21:56.41bkrusedude jbot_ owns.
21:58.46j0any gotchas for upgrading from 1.2.18 to 1.2.20?
21:59.26j0yes.. changes that break things
22:00.04bkrusesomtimes,. yes
22:00.19j0wtf.. fixed some of my problems
22:00.28j0still get the strange "you should never see this", but it continues on after that
22:01.23Jinglesok. I'm going to try the IAXy again, I guess.
22:01.58Jingleswhat do I have to put in iax.conf for call transfers?
22:02.44k31this it best to source install asterisk ?
22:02.59k31thand wat distro is prefered
22:04.45bkrusei love debian
22:04.49bkruseapt-get build-dep asterisk
22:04.52bkrusethen build your source
22:08.12generalhanok all i am sooo close to getting this remote box all setup. i can make phone calls from the remote machine by connecting it to the host machine, that part works just fine. but i cant get calls to go the other direction. To, lets say, dial an extension on the remote machine. i have pasted the configs for both machines, if someone could take a look.
22:08.42*** join/#asterisk _mm_ (
22:08.49k31thbkruse: iirc with debian i could build that src package as a dpkg ?
22:09.09k31thso i coud remove it etc if needed?
22:09.12bkrusek31th: yes, but its harder than it looks :P
22:09.15bkrusek31th: yes
22:09.22bkrusei used to do some packaing with tzafrir
22:09.28k31thbkruse: how do you go about doing it ?
22:09.34bkrusepackaging something like asterisk can get harry
22:09.46bkrusek31th: google, its a lot.
22:09.48bkrusebuild dpkg
22:09.51k31thok fine well this box is only going to do asterisk
22:10.06[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan, bad : exten => 7654,Dial(IAX2/Asterisk:Passw0rd@${EXTEN})
22:10.13k31thso i dont need a package just a way of updating asterisk if and when i need to.
22:10.27[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan, good : exten => 7654,Dial(IAX2/Asterisk/${EXTEN})
22:12.10generalhan[TK]D-Fender: sweet thanks ! why is that anyway? when i dial form the remote box to this one i have to put in the password to make it work
22:12.13[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan, and it'd be nice to see the call ATTEMPT + debug
22:12.29[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan, What the hell do you think you are making a PERR enry for!
22:12.40[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan, So you DON'T put that in the DIALPLAN
22:13.09[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan, "user THIS peer", "dial THIS number"
22:13.16[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan, You have missed the point again!
22:13.18generalhanim going to take that stuff off of the other box like i did before, and see if it works now. cause before it would work without the pass
22:15.12k31this it easy to upgrade to the next version of asterisk from source ?
22:15.19k31thwhen updates occour
22:22.27shido6unless you are going from 1.2 to 1.4 :)
22:22.35shido6then the logic changes a tad.
22:22.41*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
22:22.52shido6there are only 4k changes from 1.2 to 1.4 so dont freak out too much
22:25.26russellbonly 4k?
22:25.31JerJerok - i have a guy that is hell bent on not reloading asterisk...  Is real-time able to pull the mailbox information dynamically ?
22:25.54russellbJerJer: in 1.4, yeah, you can put voicemail in realtime (i think)
22:26.08russellbyes, you can
22:26.19JerJerno the mailbox=100@foo on a sip peer
22:26.34russellboh, then yeah ...
22:26.45russellbbut only when you put all of the sip peer stuff in there
22:26.55russellbyou can't only do one options
22:27.35JerJerone options?
22:27.40russellbone option
22:27.50russellbas in, mailbox= for sip peers, it has to be all information for all peers in realtime
22:28.06JerJeryeah - all the relevant stuff - host, secret, name, etc
22:30.23*** part/#asterisk mog (
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22:34.17Qwell[]JerJer implementing realtime?
22:34.21Qwell[]I never thought I'd see the day.
22:34.25jbotfrom memory, realtime is a feature of Asterisk starting with 1.2 which allows you to map any configuration file (static mappings) to be pulled from the  database, or to map special runtime entries which permit the dynamic creation of  objects, entities, peers, etc. without the necessity of a reload.
22:34.48JerJer"i have a guy that is hell bent on not reloading asterisk."
22:35.00Qwell[]I figured you'd fire him first :P
22:35.23JerJernot my system
22:35.34russellbyou can fire customers
22:35.34Qwell[]JerJer: I'm just messing with you :)
22:35.37JerJernot my decision
22:35.44JerJerrussellb:  yes, yes i can
22:35.47k31thquit ?
22:35.52Qwell[]k31th: It's his company.
22:35.56Qwell[]that would be less than ideal
22:36.04k31thahh well i know how that feels...
22:36.26k31thJerJer: where you at?
22:36.35JerJerQwell[]: not just 'mine' any more.... i now have a board and shareholders to keep happy
22:36.45JerJerk31th:  in the bat cave
22:36.57Qwell[]JerJer: You should totally give russellb and I stock.
22:37.01Qwell[](kidding, of course)
22:37.02k31thok you dont want to tell me
22:37.25JerJerhow about options?   :)
22:37.33Qwell[]I'll take options :p
22:37.57k31thJerJer: you do asterisk solutions?
22:37.57MercestesI'll take options
22:38.07*** join/#asterisk LeddyHM (
22:38.21russellbyeah, i'll take options :-D
22:38.32russellbyou're right here? -->
22:38.35russellbbe there in a few
22:38.49JerJeri totally want that sign
22:39.17Qwell[]That's very large...
22:39.25russellbit's right here:
22:39.37JerJerk31th:  i am one of many asterisk consultants
22:40.12k31thJerJer:  and its working out well i take it?
22:40.20InnatechBest to be multifaceted.
22:40.38tzangerI'm looking up the LD50 of water
22:40.44tzangerand one report is giving it in depth (cm)
22:40.53tzangercat: 38.6cm
22:40.59tzangercat (in bag with rock) 16.5cm
22:41.15Qwell[]what is LD50?
22:41.24Innatechlethal dose, 50% of population
22:42.06k31thits possible to dissable PXE boot on most NICS right ?
22:42.19tzangerk31th: yes, but it's fairly well known, so why?
22:42.20k31thi cant find an option in this biox
22:43.45tzafrir_laptoptzanger, hmmm.. should be around 3 litters or even more
22:44.05tzangerI know it's more than that
22:44.08tzangerconsiderably more
22:44.28tzafrir_laptopIt also depends on how dried you originally were
22:46.41tzanger3L is what's generally recommended and that is above and beyond what is normally taken in with food
22:50.26*** join/#asterisk Toerkeium (i=oo@
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22:52.12c6vettewhat would cause this:     I've seen it before but cant remember the solution
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23:05.16[TK]D-Fenderc6vette, the other side doesn't like your QUALIFY packets.
23:08.53c6vetteSo to get rid of it would be to turn off Qualify? Any other options?
23:10.29*** join/#asterisk type0 (
23:10.45type0has anyone gotten a linksys 'vonage' router to connect via sip to an asterisk box?
23:12.05[TK]D-Fenderc6vette, convince their SIP router to not nag you :)
23:12.21[TK]D-Fendertype0, Sure.  UNLOCK it and reconfigure for your server.
23:12.42[TK]D-Fendertype0, <- check out their forum, an best of luck, you may NEED it.
23:13.30c6vettetype0: I have 30+ of them working with Asterisk, just need to unlock them.. :)
23:13.49type0is it an easy thing to do?
23:14.15type0ie, next 8 hours if i go and buy one right now?
23:14.46[TK]D-Fendertype0, Why for the love of God are you looking to BUY trouble!?
23:15.07[TK]D-Fendertype0, just order a normal never-locked ATA like the rest of the sane world!
23:15.34generalhan[TK]D-Fender: ok i have fixed the dialplan for the IAX2/ Dial, but its still not working ... the asterisk CLI doesnt even show an attempt but i do have the sip debug for the phone i tried to call out on. i also see no attempt on the remote server, so i dont think that its leaving here at all.
23:16.13[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan, #
23:16.13[TK]D-FenderReliably Transmitting (no NAT) to
23:16.13[TK]D-FenderSIP/2.0 404 Not Found
23:16.20[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan, your dialplan is WRONG.
23:16.23[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan, go fix it
23:16.30generalhanwhats "Not Found" ?
23:17.02[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan,  Means "Where the ^&@& is that exten in [internal]" <------------
23:17.15[TK]D-FenderLooking for 8654 in internal (domain
23:17.44generalhanwhy is that though ? i have the IAX configs setup to push it into the [incoming] context, not internal
23:18.12*** join/#asterisk Vorondil (n=vorondil@unaffiliated/vorondil)
23:18.40type0[TK]D-Fender.. There arent any available here in my city, and I need it tonight
23:18.53[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan, You aren't even GETTING to dial the IAX peer!  Your SIP end is being rejected!
23:19.05[TK]D-Fendertype0, And why the huge rush?
23:19.35[TK]D-Fendertype0, Wasting money & time on a very possible DEAD end is ridiculously stupid.
23:19.49*** join/#asterisk canberk (n=canberk@
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23:23.32generalhan[TK]D-Fender: im soo confused, at first i was thinking this could be an issue with two different versions of *, but if youre saying its not even leaving my side to get to the IAX remote side ... i dont know what to think
23:23.33canberkeven though i searched google, i couldn't understand what does jitter buffer really do
23:24.00canberkif anybody can be so kind to explain it in one sentence, i'll be glad
23:24.01BSD_Techok I have open ssl installed but why is ./configure not seeing it
23:24.18[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan, yupy dialplan is bad.  Can I yell it any louder?!?!?
23:24.33k31thchannel activity
23:24.38k31thBSD_Tech: wats cracking
23:24.57BSD_Techtrying to update a box
23:25.12BSD_Techand it seems asterisk ./configure is not seeing all the libx
23:25.15generalhan[TK]D-Fender: you *could* yell it louder ... but that wouldnt help anymore. why is my dialplan bad? thats what im trying to figure out. i heard you say it the first time, but i cant see where i went wrong
23:25.28Zodiacalwill asterisk's Shared Line Appearance feature allow users to see who is on a line?
23:25.34Zodiacalnot just that the line is in use?
23:26.53[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan, pastebin it.
23:27.10generalhanthe whole thing ? or just the part for the IAX Dial ?
23:27.12[TK]D-FenderZodiacal, No, Presence will
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23:27.26k31thBSD_Tech: on BSD?
23:27.33[TK]D-FenderZodiacal, *'s SLA = Hack of very limited usefullness
23:27.35canberkeven though i searched google, i couldn't understand what does jitter buffer really do
23:27.37BSD_Techno asterisknow
23:27.47k31thhows that going
23:28.05BSD_Techzaptel libpri and everything else is ther
23:28.10Zodiacaltkd-fender presence? is that like hints? or is that another way of doing SLA?
23:28.18BSD_Techbut its not finding ssl
23:28.29BSD_Techyet openssl is installed
23:28.45type0im assuming its in your path?
23:29.12*** join/#asterisk mindCrime_ (
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23:29.43k31thanyone in conf?
23:29.43BSD_Techhould be I installed threw the conary
23:29.59BSD_Techbrb doorbell
23:30.06k31thbefore i bother pressing redial.
23:30.33type0gimme infro to conf
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23:34.09tzafrir_homeif anybody wants to review my changes to zaptel's README . There's some nonsense there, I think:
23:36.38[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> generalhan,  Means "Where the ^&@& is that exten in [internal]" <------------
23:36.38[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> Looking for 8654 in internal (domain
23:36.38[TK]D-Fender<generalhan> why is that though ? i have the IAX configs setup to push it into the [incoming] context, not internal
23:36.50BSD_TechO have oh323 and ssl  and ./configure is not finding them grrr
23:37.18generalhan[TK]D-Fender: ?
23:37.23[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan, You're ***SIP*** phone is looking at *****[internal]***** and that exten you showed me is in ****** [incoming] ******
23:37.27tzafrir_homehow nice: running my zaptel device inside qemu. "8192 samples in 82333 sample intervals -805.041504%"
23:37.46[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan, You're phone has NO FRIIGEN EXTEN TO FIND <------------------
23:37.51tzafrir_home(the things there are very unoptimized, I must say. I don't even use kqemu)
23:38.07[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan, this has NOTHING to do with IAX
23:38.17generalhan[TK]D-Fender: my SIP phone is looking at the remote server's [internal] ?
23:38.51generalhanbecasue i have exten => 8654 included in my local [internal] context
23:39.41[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan, look you must be ABSOLUTELY blind here.  Your phone points to a context on the server its CONNECTED TO.  That context "[internal]"  doesb't have an exten named 8654 in it.
23:39.52[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan, pastebin the whole damned thing.
23:40.15generalhan[TK]D-Fender: yes it does ... and that was in the last pastebin i posted
23:40.16[TK]D-Fendergen it is screaming in your face that your dialplan is no good, and exectly WHERE.  I've REPEATED it.
23:40.22*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
23:40.25[TK]D-Fenderexten => 8654,1,Dial(SIP/8654,20,tT)
23:40.35[TK]D-Fenderdoes that look like INTERNAL to you?!
23:40.36generalhan[TK]D-Fender: LOOK CLOSER !
23:40.46generalhanthat is CLEARLY labeled as the REMOTE machine
23:40.50[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> [incoming] <-----------------
23:41.10generalhanthe LOCAL or HOST machine show [internal]
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23:41.15file[TK]D-Fender: be calm! serenity now!
23:41.20[TK]D-FenderAh, I see!
23:41.22anonymouz666[TK]D-Fender flooder ;)
23:41.37*** part/#asterisk kiscokid (n=ron@
23:41.47[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan, #
23:41.47[TK]D-Fenderexten => 8654,Dial(IAX2/Asterisk/${EXTEN}) <- wheee the hell is your PRIORITY on this line?!?! no WONDER it got IGNORED.
23:42.01generalhanahh , simple !
23:42.14generalhansee something that i was soo easily over looking, you made the same mistake !
23:42.20[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan, Put. Down. The. Crack. Pipe! (c) JerJer
23:42.20generalhani appologize for all the confusion
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23:43.20tzafrir_homegeneralhan, if you suspect something like this, comparge the dialplan you wrote to what you see in 'show dialplan CONTEXT'
23:44.51generalhanthis whole process is killing me. it was soo easy to drop a couple of remote users with sip phones. but this server -> server stuff is way harder ... nothing is going correctly
23:46.19[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan, ... and imagine you couldn't even get a call into your server before you got all nuts on trying to make it OUT.
23:47.11generalhani thought i had a pretty good grasp on this for local use only.
23:47.23generalhani figured it would be just as easy to get a remote server setup
23:47.54[TK]D-Fenderit is, but you went and screwed up the FIRST step :)
23:47.55generalhanand i could receive calls in, i cant make calls out only
23:48.16[TK]D-Fenderok, out for a bit
23:48.29generalhanand now im still getting errors ... but ill see what i can find
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