IRC log for #asterisk on 20070704

00:05.02*** join/#asterisk mog (
00:05.02*** mode/#asterisk [+o mog] by ChanServ
00:05.36Aces1Upi'm running my asterisk box on a vmware image of fedora 7, and getting the following error, is this a bad compile type error or connection / NAT issue?    Sip_Xmit of 0xaddress  f8 (len 492) to ip:5060 returned -2 Bad file descriptor
00:12.19Aces1UpIf i need to start from scratch and recompile zapata drivers and asterisk drivers, can i just recompile with the same tarball?  or should i perform certain steps for a reinstall/
00:12.25Aces1Upi'm running fedora 7
00:12.43*** part/#asterisk bancus (
00:13.12JTwhat's the sip address?
00:13.29Aces1Upyou talking to me JT?
00:13.47JTyes, doesn't seem to be anyone else talking
00:15.13Aces1Upi get that error on all my peers...
00:15.23Aces1Upsays destination unreachable.
00:15.49JTbtw you really shouldn't run asterisk in vmware
00:15.57JTi'd check the networking setup in vmware
00:16.48Aces1Upwill double check, so you don't think it is a compile error?
00:17.29Aces1Upi compiled both zaptel and asterisk with no errors during compile, only thing i notice afterwards is i did not create symbolic link to sources for zaptel drivers.
00:17.34JTdon't think so
00:17.44JTsip has nothing to do with zaptel
00:17.50Aces1Upok doke.
00:20.03Aces1Uphrmmm got a segmentation fault when reloading sip.conf
00:20.27Aces1Upguess recompile eh?
00:20.40JTstop using vmware would be an even better idea
00:21.30Aces1Upwell, i rebooted asterisk after seg fault, and is working now with new sip settings.
00:22.11*** join/#asterisk troy- (
00:22.15JTok, just expect it to be dodgy though
00:22.21troy-zaptel is telling me i dont have the kernel sources installed, how can i fix this?
00:24.28Strom_Minstall the kernel sources maybe?
00:25.41*** join/#asterisk ai-a ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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00:25.41*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (n=tzafrir@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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00:25.43troy-Strom_M, i did yum install kernel-devel-* but that didnt solve it
00:26.42*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
00:31.29troy-can anyone help me install kernel sources? did yum install kernel-devel-*
00:32.31*** join/#asterisk djs_2_6 (
00:34.01snuff-worksounds good enough.. but
00:34.33snuff-workyour probably using kernel-smp.. so yum install kernel-smp-devel*
00:35.24troy-snuff-work, yup i am using smp but after doing that it still cant find it
00:35.41troy-You do not appear to have the sources for the 2.6.9-55.ELsmp kernel installed.
00:35.49troy-where is it looking?
00:39.23*** join/#asterisk kolian123 (n=kolian@
00:39.52kolian123Anybody played with TE405P in HDLC mode?
00:40.08kolian123Does it work with newer kernels 2.6.20?
00:40.40troy-do i need zaptel if i dont have an interface card?
00:40.53kolian123you need ztdummy from zaptel
00:42.04troy-even if im just using sip and iax?
00:42.28JTyou don't always need ztdummy/zaptel
00:42.40JTonly if using meetme conferences, iax2 trunking or MoH
00:43.08JTtroy-: /usr/src/linux or /usr/src/linux-2.6 probably
00:43.32troy-JT for some reason its telling me it cant find kernel sources
00:43.41troy-even though i have installed them using yum
00:44.27troy-any thoughts?
00:45.41JTtroy-: did you even bother to look to see that those locations were pointing to the correct source tree?
00:46.22troy-im not sure where zaptel is looking for kernel sources
00:47.09JTi just suggested some locations to check are setup correctly
00:47.12JTplease CHECK them
00:48.01troy-i have kernel folders in /usr/src/kernels/linux* though
00:48.12troy-(they actually start with 2.6.9)
00:48.32*** join/#asterisk fujin (n=fujin@unaffiliated/fujin)
00:48.55troy-JT would that be incorrect?
00:49.23fujinanyone got any experience with linux-ha and asterisk? (heartbeat)
00:49.36JTyes it would be incorrect
00:49.50JTadd symlinks, if you can find the correct kernel source somewhere
00:51.12troy-JT the output from uname -r is: 2.6.9-55.ELsmp
00:51.30JTguess that will do
00:52.00tzafrir_laptoptroy-, zaptel looks in /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build
00:52.39tzafrir_laptopbasicaly: install the matching kernel-devel for your kernel package and you should be done (kernel-smp-devel, actually)
00:53.05tzafrir_laptopstart with:   uname -r; rpm -qa | grep kernel
00:54.42troy-tzafrir_laptop, i already did yum install kernel-devel-smp
00:55.32troy-tzafrir_laptop, right my bad
00:55.35troy-and it still cant find it
00:55.48tzafrir_laptopAnother pitfal: your installed kernel-smp-devel may be more up-to-date than your current kernel version. That is the reason for my command above
00:56.03JTstrace the zaptel compilation, you can see what files it is looking for
00:56.16tzafrir_laptopthat's too big a gun
00:56.22troy-tzafrir_laptop, i just downloaded the CD now
00:56.23JTlies ;)
00:56.32troy-tis the truth!!!
00:56.45JTi always strace when make can't find something
00:56.50troy-JT would you mind showing me what the proper ln -s command would be, think im messing it up?
00:57.18JTin /usr/src
00:57.19troy-JT the output from uname -r is: 2.6.9-55.ELsmp and my folder is called 2.6.9-55.0.2.EL-i686
00:57.27JTln -s /path/to/sources/ linux
00:57.31JTln -s /path/to/sources/ linux-2.6
00:57.48tzafrir_laptopkolian123, it seems that certain modules have some problems with 2.6.22 . But I believe earlier versions would be OK
00:58.02tzafrir_laptop(some modules == only ztdynamic?)
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00:58.34troy-JT i could a make error 2 at the end, did it work?
00:58.39tzafrir_laptop(and anyway, the fix is trivial and already in the SVN)
00:58.47troy-*got :P
00:59.26troy-does the make error 2 at the end signify that zaptel built just fine?
00:59.50JTerror means it failed and aborted
01:01.11troy-omg i think its working
01:01.39*** join/#asterisk Greenbox (
01:02.16troy-ITS ALIVE!!!!!
01:02.27kolian123hi tzafrir
01:02.41kolian123i'm on 2.6.20-16
01:02.50JTtroy-: nice
01:02.57*** join/#asterisk Braxus (n=bhsieh@
01:03.03kolian123getting this on HDLC
01:03.07kolian123hdlc0: Unable to set HDLC protocol information: Invalid argument
01:03.08troy-JT after my make install i can leave it since i dont have any telephony cards?
01:03.18JTkolian123: what's the setup?
01:03.20troy-(move on to compiling asterisk)
01:03.26JTtroy-: yes
01:03.54kolian123# termtype: te
01:04.04JTkolian123: pastebin.a zaptel.conf and zapata.conf
01:04.05kolian123hdlc0 shows up ok
01:04.11kolian123one sec
01:06.18troy-JT you deserve a medal
01:06.56yonahwtzafrir: when do you sleep?
01:07.18JTkolian123: are you trying to run data or something weird?
01:07.29troy-JT (company is going to be pissed if the phones dont work tomorrow morning)
01:08.24JTyou planned to setup the whole pbx overnight?
01:08.31troy-JT yeah :)
01:08.31fujingood luck on that matey
01:09.00fujinmind you, I've done it before
01:09.02fujin2 day setup
01:09.35troy-bell is coming tomorrow to do the POTS terminations
01:10.11Hymieanyone here using unidens?
01:10.22troy-oh btw done compiling and installing
01:10.41troy-now just have to generate config files for all the phones, extensions and voicemail
01:10.44JTfujin: it depends if you have much past experience or not really
01:10.55troy-wrong window :P
01:10.56fujinJT: I must have got lucky
01:11.04fujinsomehow my alt-tab got back to here
01:11.17JTyou can do a simple system in an hour or two if you know wtf you're doing
01:12.18*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (i=rmyorg@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
01:12.19*** join/#asterisk zuesman (n=zuesman@
01:12.33*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
01:12.38troy-JT considering all the phones are the identical model, i just recorded the MAC IDs, reset the phones and boom, configured
01:12.46troy-TFTP baby
01:13.07JTevil tftp ;)
01:13.54*** join/#asterisk alrs (
01:14.05[TK]D-FenderFTP = better
01:14.45rob0SMTP = horrible mess
01:18.14[TK]D-FenderJT : Nuget-bot's been triggered too recently
01:18.33JThow recent?
01:22.03*** join/#asterisk d00gster (
01:25.53Hymieanyone with unidens?
01:25.56Hymiefender dude!
01:26.10Hymie[TK]D-Fender: there, this will highlight for your name, Fender person!
01:29.12*** join/#asterisk DJ_Kit (n=lamass@
01:29.17DJ_Kithi guys ;)
01:30.09JTHymie: "defender"
01:38.02*** join/#asterisk aptura (
01:38.42[TK]D-FenderHymie, UIP-200 = flaming piece of shit.
01:38.42apturaOur major cable network here is having some major issues. Big time packet loss and high ttls. Affecting the voip service, Cable tv.
01:39.05[TK]D-FenderHymie, wothy only of being put into rape-risk areas for their expendability.
01:39.31[TK]D-FenderHymie, TFTP = ugly and their intuitiveness blows
01:40.29fujinproviding you have a reasonably smart tftp client implementation
01:40.34*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:40.55crimethinkera national holiday where children are given explosives. what could possibly go wrong?
01:42.27crimethinkerHello, DJ_Kit.
01:42.38[TK]D-Fendercrimethinker, 2 words : Natural ^#@$ing Selection <------------------
01:42.39DJ_Kiti need to tune my f*** server.... it's couldn't run... ANd i don't know how to fix it
01:42.41*** join/#asterisk aptura (
01:42.53Hymie[TK]D-Fender: yes, uniden sucks.  I have a client that I'm actually thinking of just buying their old phones (and then throwing them away) and replacing them with plycom 301s
01:42.59Hymie[TK]D-Fender: damned uniden
01:42.59apturaShaws network is going to crap tonight. Never been this bad before.
01:43.08[TK]D-FenderHymie, 301 = WASTE
01:43.19[TK]D-FenderHymie, Why on earth would you do that?
01:43.22Hymie[TK]D-Fender: why?  The price point means _everything_
01:43.31Hymie[TK]D-Fender: because the unidens are utter and completely useless
01:43.34[TK]D-FenderHymie, Because the IP 320 DESTROYS the 301
01:43.39Hymiethey lcok up, they drop calls, they don't work, etc
01:43.40DJ_Kitit runs, but my client is using only peer-to-peer mode
01:43.40apturaand how in the fricken world is it affecting my ast box on my local network. I think the registries are looking there connection and its freezing my box.
01:43.54*** join/#asterisk fx0 (
01:44.06Hymie[TK]D-Fender: well, I'll look at the feature set diference, but things like PoE are meaningless to me
01:44.17[TK]D-FenderHymie, 301 = $115.  320 = $95, has PoE built-n, pixel display, SPEAKERPHONE, MicroBrowser, and supports EVERYTHING
01:44.31Hymiespeakerphone, hmm
01:44.32[TK]D-FenderHymie, Get with the "now"!
01:44.33apturaI will probebly disapear again.
01:44.50Hymie[TK]D-Fender: poe built in, but... hopefully I can use normal power
01:45.39Hymie[TK]D-Fender: anyhow, asterisk 1.4 works even less well with the crappy unidens.. now they won't even remote reboot
01:45.50Hymiewhich was the only thing that kept them even partially usable
01:45.53Hymiea nightly 3am reboot
01:46.38VorondilPhones that require a nightly reboot?
01:47.26Hymiehmm, need thr 330
01:47.42Hymiethese guys won't require additional jacks for the phones
01:47.47Hymieer, rewire
01:47.50Hymieor require I guess ;)
01:48.48*** join/#asterisk _shad_ (
01:49.25_shad_After upgrading to 1.4.5, when I do a hangup of an incoming sip call from a provider, instead of hanging up, it just gives a busy signal. Anyone else seeing this issue?
01:49.48[TK]D-Fender_shad_, Don't stop thre, move right on to 1.4.6 :)
01:50.06_shad_[TK]D-Fender: Using debian unstable, doesn't have it yet :)
01:52.10apturastill here
01:52.37[TK]D-Fender_shad_, Packaged *... *shudder*
01:52.37apturaTK seen a case where a gateway providers network issues can some how adversly effect the asterisk box when using local features?
01:52.55[TK]D-Fenderaptura, ..... huh?
01:53.10OloBolahas anyone been able to install lumenvox via yum? It's been timing out all day even though I can download directly with no problems.
01:53.15JTerr what
01:53.19JT320/330 has speaker phone?
01:53.27apturaI am getting interitant freezes on cli and no responce. Shaw cable services is having some major issues. I get intermitant ping replys from there dns servers.
01:53.57OloBolaby timing out I mean it just sits there at 35% etc forever
01:54.05apturaNever seen anything like this before.
01:54.58[TK]D-FenderJT : Yes.
01:54.59apturaCable programming still cutting in and out :)
01:55.11*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
01:55.26JT[TK]D-Fender: nice
01:58.34OloBolais anyone interested in ssh'ing into my machine to finish up a lumenvox installation (I can paypal you for the help)? The license server is installed, just can't get SRE to install. Yum keeps stopping and I don't know how to work around it.
02:04.55*** join/#asterisk litage_ (
02:09.17[hC]anyone set up sip hints that watch an IAX2 trunk? somehow? :)
02:13.02[TK]D-Fender[hC], setup is obvious enough.
02:13.23*** join/#asterisk tako-san (n=Tako-san@
02:13.32[hC][TK]D-Fender: Only problem is there's no way to identify each iax channel being used, so how would you set hints on individual channels?
02:14.09Hymie[TK]D-Fender: ok, so I ordered 12 330s to replace these damned Unidens
02:14.20[hC]IAX channel names always append a -## which seems to be random
02:14.22Hymie[TK]D-Fender: you said you loved them, and wanted to buy my old Unidens?  I can give you a good deal!
02:14.41[TK]D-Fender[hC], No different that SIP's suffixes.
02:15.00Hymieif I had the time, I'd sue uniden
02:15.00[TK]D-FenderHymie, in bizarro-world where love=hate maybe!
02:15.09[hC][TK]D-Fender: I havent done it with SIP either, just Zap.  Ala ,hint,Zap/1
02:15.14Hymiethose bastards just cost me $1500 or so
02:15.23Hymiehmm, maybe I'll sue in small claim's court!
02:15.40litage_is it normal behaviour for asterisk to email voicemail notifications that have already been sent when asterisk is restarted?
02:16.14[TK]D-Fender[hC], then get off your ass and try!
02:16.34[hC][TK]D-Fender: haha. I just dont know how/if it would even be possible.
02:16.41[TK]D-Fender[hC], YES.
02:17.32[hC][TK]D-Fender: any thoughts on where to begin? you obviously know about something that i dont!
02:18.06[TK]D-Fender[hC], Exten => teliax,hint,IAX2/myteliaxentry
02:18.27[TK]D-Fender[hC], Exten => polycom,hint,SIP/z0mgApolycom
02:18.44[hC][TK]D-Fender: that is obvious of course, I mean, how would you have hints for 4 different calls over teliax?
02:19.07[hC][TK]D-Fender: lets say you can make 4 calls via teliax, and you want to indicate when each of those 'call paths' are in use?
02:19.11EminenceFollowMe() seems to be too new to be found in AsteriskTFOT.  whereelse should i look for documentation and examples?
02:19.20[TK]D-Fender[hC], you won't know about INDIVIDUAL channels unless you call limit 4 different peers.
02:19.37[hC][TK]D-Fender: thats what I figured.
02:19.46*** join/#asterisk aptura (
02:20.34*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
02:22.27[hC]Im going to presume that by setting incominglimit=1 and outgoinglimit=1, i can technically one call in and one out over a "friend" iax link.
02:23.22[TK]D-Fender[hC], Yes, something like that.
02:24.01[hC][TK]D-Fender: Well that screws up the whole idea.  Even if i set dedicated peers/users for in/out, that makes hints a nightmare.
02:24.14[hC]would be nice if there were just a 'calllimit'
02:24.28[TK]D-Fender[hC], For multi-connection things like that, yes
02:25.24*** part/#asterisk dillydally (n=email@
02:29.43*** join/#asterisk kolian123 (n=kvirc@
02:29.57*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
02:30.06kolian123Anyone managed to get zaptel HDLC up?
02:30.25kolian123What version of kernel is the most stable?
02:31.39*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
02:33.54OloBolais anyone interested in ssh'ing into my machine to finish up a lumenvox installation (I can paypal you for the help)? The license server is installed, just can't get SRE to install. Yum keeps stopping and I don't know how to work around it.
02:37.18JTser doesn't sound right in this context
02:38.58kolian123need some help with data mode on a te405p
02:39.12kolian123JT, would you know what's working?
02:39.44JTi've never used data mode in zap before
02:40.58kolian123i see:)
02:41.04*** join/#asterisk workaphobia (
02:44.19[TK]D-Fenderkolian123, its rare tos ee, but documented on the WIKI
02:45.05JTwhen this pri gets installed, i will technically have a 9 span system ;)
02:45.08kolian123Hi Tk, do you have a link?
02:45.15jbotfrom memory, thewiki is at
02:45.18jbotwell, wikis is
02:45.29kolian123Yes all configured
02:45.44kolian123zaptel compiled
02:45.54kolian123with the _NET option
02:46.05kolian123hdlc module is loaded
02:46.37kolian123get an error Invalid argument when i run sethdlc-new hdlc0 hdlc
02:46.47kolian123There is something broken
02:47.25OloBolacan anyone suggest a way to resolve this:
02:47.25OloBolaIs this ok [y/N]: y
02:47.25OloBolaDownloading Packages:
02:47.25OloBolaLumenVoxSRE-7.5-303.fc5.i  12% |===                      |  11 MB    02:37 ETA
02:47.36OloBolait stops download everyime
02:47.37kolian123Digium claims to have HDLC PPP but everything is broken with new kernels
02:47.53kolian123latest patch for pppd is two years old and won't even compile
02:48.05kolian123with new libc
02:48.15kolian123terrible support!!!
02:48.19JTi think the sangoma hdlc stuff works fine on the other hand ;)
02:48.32kolian123yes sangoma is well documented
02:49.27kolian123They need to update user manual that it's all broken with new kernels...nobody running 2.4 anymore
02:52.32[TK]D-Fenderkolian123, Slackware > YOU :)
02:53.02kolian123uname -a
02:53.31OloBolashould I just be patient and let yum/lumenvox sit while it's (supposed to be) downloading?
02:54.15JTis it actually moving?
02:55.05OloBolaI've tried all day, it stops at 15%, 33% etc and just sits. I let it sit for a half hour before ctrl-c'ing it
02:55.27JTis it using http or ftp?
02:55.37JTi see
02:55.49JTsomething wrong with your network maybe
02:56.10OloBolaI tried rebooting and was able to ping google forever.
02:56.20OloBolano dropped pachets
02:56.33JTdifferent type of network problem
02:57.36OloBolaI can download the file directly
02:57.49OloBolamaybe it's yum?
02:58.03OloBolauh oh
02:58.44*** join/#asterisk ShadowHntr (i=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr)
02:59.11*** join/#asterisk Krooks (n=Krooks@
02:59.30OloBolawhen I try and install the rpm directly I get dependency errors
02:59.41Krookshow do I play those .gsm files recorded by idefisk ?
03:01.14KrooksPlayback is an app ?
03:02.12Krooksok thanks
03:02.49kolian123Alright, its a kernel
03:03.07kolian123doesn't work with 2.6.20 on kubuntu server
03:03.13kolian123but works on Edgy
03:04.34*** part/#asterisk workaphobia (
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03:11.07*** part/#asterisk ovnicraft (n=logan@
03:17.36OloBolacan I just move a file yum is trying to download into the "yum dir" (wherever that is)?
03:17.55OloBolaor tell yum to pull it from my disk?
03:18.36OloBolaI can download it, yum can't for some reason.
03:18.47OloBolait downloads all the other files fine though.
03:20.21[TK]D-FenderSo DL it manually and install it manually
03:21.17OloBolaI get dependency errors when installing manually
03:22.12OloBolathe only time I'm at the CL is when I'm trying to setup *
03:22.18OloBolaso I be lost
03:22.38OloBolaa few days a year
03:25.40*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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03:28.45kolian123i'm apt-get guy
03:28.47OloBolaok it wasn't that bad, the only thing I'm missing at this point is:
03:29.22*** join/#asterisk HaMYaI (
03:31.00[TK]D-FenderOloBola, that appears to be something you can nab another way.  Try "yum install gaim" and the retry
03:32.13OloBolaoh great, thanks
03:32.55HaMYaIis there any type of T1/E1 wiring config apart from "straight through" and "cross over"?
03:33.22[TK]D-FenderHaMYaI, that covers it.
03:33.54HaMYaIthe one from telco device to my E1 seems to be 1245 and 5421 and it works
03:35.16HaMYaI[TK]D-Fender: it's a HDSL modem or something
03:35.26crimethinkersleepy time
03:36.11[TK]D-FenderHaMYaI, thats a straight cable
03:37.30HaMYaI[TK]D-Fender: hmm, thought it's gotta be 1245 and 1245
03:37.42JTthat's crossover
03:37.54JTthat's straight :)
03:37.58[TK]D-FenderJT : Last I recall its 1/4 & 2/5
03:38.09JT12345678 > 12345678 = straight cable
03:38.25JTsangomas come with straight cables, but they're rubbish
03:38.32JTi refuse to use those supplied cables
03:38.36[TK]D-FenderJT : 12345678 = 12345678= straight cable, get your operators right too!
03:38.40[hC]they seemed alright to me, they were nice and flat
03:38.44JTflat cables
03:38.50JT[TK]D-Fender: that's what WRONG with them.
03:38.55JT[hC]: even
03:39.16[TK]D-FenderScrew it, I just used Cat5e :)
03:39.16HaMYaIJT: hi, yesterday I tried to link my Quad Tor2  to my Dialogic D/300 but it was unsucessfull
03:39.16JTflat cables in differential serial comms is a big NO
03:39.23JT[TK]D-Fender: they're better cables, cat5e :)
03:39.54[TK]D-FenderHaMYaI Thats because you need as the translator!  You know how that legacy tech works!
03:40.08[hC]JT: in that, they are too easily damaged? or they too easily allow for interference?
03:40.50HaMYaI[TK]D-Fender: is it included in asterisk 1.4.6?
03:40.56JT[hC]: too easy for interference to be induced
03:41.02JTand it weakens the differential signals
03:41.18[hC]huh. ill have to replace the flat one i put in then. its been okay so far, but..
03:41.23JTyou wouldn't use a flat cable for an ethernet LAN, why would you use it for T1/E1?
03:41.32[TK]D-FenderHaMYaI, No, smoked, Mesquite, teriyaki, and honey-garlic are ALL extra.
03:41.39JTthey only get away with it because it's so short, i'd never do it
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03:59.28KrooksJT:  there is no app called app
03:59.30*** join/#asterisk troy- (
03:59.34KrooksJT:  there is no app called playback
03:59.34troy-JT all done :)
03:59.50troy-pbx installation = 3.5 hours
03:59.52JTKrooks: there is
04:00.04KrooksI looked for it everywhere
04:00.13Krooksdo you have an url
04:04.34*** part/#asterisk HaMYaI (
04:04.38lowleveluhm... guys, I have a question for once.
04:05.23lowlevelI've been using the 'flash()' program for a while on a zap channel (pots from local telco) ... to do three way calling...
04:05.26Krooksgive up. anyone got url for playback ? I wasted much time looking for it
04:05.41lowlevelrecently I ditched that... and started using an IAX2 voip # as my main channel now...
04:05.56lowleveland the flash() program only seems to work with Zap channels....
04:06.36KrooksI can't play the .gsm files created by idefisk. Any tip any one ?
04:06.56lowlevel... I guess my question is... can I do a threeway call with this type of channel, and how would I go about it...
04:06.56JTKrooks: i take it you're joking.
04:07.06Krooksmplayer, xine and vplayer can't playit
04:07.09JTPlayback is a very commonly used app
04:07.36KrooksIts a commadn
04:07.43KrooksIts a command
04:07.48Krookson asterisk
04:08.02KrooksI'm on a client machine using idefisl
04:08.04KrooksI'm on a client machine using idefisk
04:08.41Krooksanyways, thanks. Just a misunderstanding
04:09.16JTwell you were asking about asterisk
04:09.24JTyou can use sox to convert .gsm files
04:10.26KrooksJT: thanks
04:12.10[TK]D-FenderKrooks, use Idefisk, dial an exten on *.  Have it PLAYBACK your gsm file.  End of story.  This isn't Raw Cat Science!
04:13.49Krooks[TK]D-Fender: thanks.
04:14.40KrooksSorry. I'm can be annoying sometimes. Sorry JT
04:16.14*** join/#asterisk tako-san (n=Tako-san@
04:17.10KrooksBtw, idefisk save the conversations into date_input.gsm and date_output.gsm. I don't see anywhere is there an option to save it as one file. Any tip anyone ?>
04:17.41JTrecord with asterisk instead? ;)
04:17.46JTor convert them later
04:18.53KrooksSo recording with idefisk, there is no other option, right
04:19.25JTdon't know. check idefisk documentation
04:19.36KrooksI need like a audio app that can 'superimpose' the output on the input. :)
04:19.44Krooksor something like that
04:19.52Krooksok thanks
04:20.18JTsox probably
04:21.34Krooksok I got to hear the .gsm files with soxplay
04:21.56KrooksI'll check sox on the joining part
04:26.20*** join/#asterisk Cabal_ (n=Cabal@unaffiliated/cabal)
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04:34.52lowlevelhmm, perhaps I need a different approach
04:36.20[TK]D-Fenderlowlevel, you aren't dealing witha  single channel any more.  What you do is use your PHONE's 3-way calling feature and place another call out your peer.
04:37.16QwellKrooks: I bet if you were to email the guys at asteriskguru, and tell them your idea, they might add it
04:38.05OloBolawhere can I download
04:38.14[TK]D-FenderOloBola, did you try what I suggested?
04:41.09*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
04:41.51OloBolayes I did. I tried but the install failed, along with a few others I tried.
04:42.32lowleveltk: that might help if I had a phone ;)
04:42.52*** join/#asterisk tuxd00d (
04:43.51[TK]D-Fenderlowlevel, What are you using?
04:44.05[TK]D-Fenderlowlevel, * CLI to dial?
04:44.26[TK]D-Fenderlowlevel, Because soft-phones have 3-way calling too...
04:44.56lowleveltk: I'm calling into asterisk from a cellphone...
04:45.14lowleveltk: its setup to ignore my call.. call me back
04:45.19lowleveltk: then let me dial out.
04:45.32lowlevelbasically using it to avoid outgoing minutes on my cellphone.
04:46.33lowlevelI could have it dial out on another DID I guess...
04:46.50lowlevelbut... I liked the three way method it used to do before I had the voip did's
04:50.55lowlevelbrb, gonna plug a phone it to see if I can even do it with a phone
04:51.09[TK]D-Fenderlowlevel, You should be able to do multiple calls through your provider.
04:51.56lowlevelI can
04:51.57JTlowlevel: i've done callback before, it's not that hard
04:52.09lowlevelasterisk is handling it fine
04:52.14lowlevelfrom an extension
04:52.54[TK]D-Fenderlowlevel, So you call into *.  It calls you back.  You then want to have * do a 3-way conference between you and 2 other parties?
04:53.36lowleveltk: no, I call into * ... it calls me back.. asks me # 2 call.. and threeways thatnumber with ME
04:53.49[TK]D-Fenderlowlevel, well.. its jsut you and THEM, no?
04:53.55lowleveltk: correct
04:54.03[TK]D-Fenderlowlevel, then it isn't a 3 way call!
04:54.03lowleveland asterisk
04:54.24[TK]D-Fenderlowlevel, 2 phones calling each other through * isn't a 3-way call!
04:54.25JTasterisk is not a party to the call
04:54.36JTit just happens to facilitate it
04:54.41[TK]D-Fenderlowlevel, And yes, you can just dial out your same provider.
04:54.43lowlevel... ok. so it can hand off the call?
04:54.53JTmake call file
04:54.56[TK]D-Fenderlowlevel, a call is a call is a call
04:54.56JTcall file calls you back
04:55.04lowleveljt: yeah I haev that done
04:55.04JTand drops you into DISA context or an IVR
04:55.05[TK]D-FenderJT : he's already got that part.
04:55.07JTproblem solved
04:55.21[TK]D-Fenderlowlevel, You've already done everything then.  Whats the problem!?
04:55.40lowlevel;) perhaps I'm just thinking of it totally ass backwards
04:55.47lowlevelheres what it USED to do.
04:55.51JTa definite possibility ;)
04:55.53lowlevelI had an analog telephone line in
04:56.06lowlevelasterisk ignores my call
04:56.10lowlevelthen calls me back on this line.
04:56.17lowlevelasks me for whatever # I want to call
04:56.20lowlevelthen three way calls that number.
04:56.34JTeven better on digital, you can make it hang up without answering :)
04:56.35lowlevelso.. asterisk is making the call to me, and the third party
04:56.37lowleveland its a three way call.
04:56.38[TK]D-Fenderlowlevel, how is this ANY different with your ITSP!?
04:56.58lowlevelnow.. I've ditched that POTS line... and i've got this VOIP DID
04:57.01JTlowlevel: no, it's making a call to you, and giving you a DISA dialtone
04:57.08[TK]D-Fenderlowlevel, And stop calling it a 3 way jut because * RANG YOU and not the other way around. Its YOU in the DIALPLAN doing *whatever*
04:57.19JTlowlevel: then it makes another leg of the call when you give it a number, and they are bridged
04:59.22lowlevelyeah, using the three way calling feature from my telephoen service provider.
05:00.02JTyeah well you need 2 lines
05:00.06lowlevelnow... I guess the issue now, is that I'm still trying to do it htat way
05:00.15lowleveland it can't really do that
05:00.48[TK]D-Fenderlowlevel, then only a 3-way call because you were using 1 stupid telephone line for 2 calls and * shouldn't count.  Either way you just dial out your ITSP.  End of story.
05:01.14[TK]D-Fenderlowlevel, You don't "flash" your call.  That idea is NON-EXISTANT.  Just dialout it again!
05:01.49lowleveltk: ok.
05:01.58lowlevel(yep, ass backwards ;)
05:02.14lowlevelthanks , hoepfully that answers my question
05:02.15[TK]D-Fenderlowlevel, Virtually every ITSP lets you use at least 2 channels at a time.
05:02.20lowleveltk: awesome
05:02.30[TK]D-Fenderlowlevel, many up to 5, or more depending.
05:02.43JTsome unlimited :)
05:02.59lowlevelone reason I liked the flash method or three way method.. was that I could have asterisk 'drop off'
05:03.04lowleveland the line was then available
05:03.06[TK]D-Fenderlowlevel, Thats because when you get down to it a 3-way call is just 2 independant calls that the telco bridges for you.
05:03.21lowleveler centrex
05:03.30[TK]D-Fenderlowlevel, Ah yes, wll thats a rare telco service
05:03.57[TK]D-Fenderlowlevel, I've seen it before.  Thats technically what happens on a Polycom SIP phone when the host hangs up a 3-way call.
05:03.57lowleveltk: yeah, no problem... I'm just trying to clear it up/figure it out withoutgetting too technical
05:04.12[TK]D-Fenderthe other 2 parties stay connected.
05:04.20lowlevelyeah.. if you have centrex lines, they do that
05:04.28lowlevelyou drop off.. and the two parties can talk.. on your bill
05:05.55[TK]D-Fenderlowlevel, Ok, THAT is all but certinly NOT happing in your ITSP scenario.
05:06.10lowlevelnot anymore.
05:07.36[TK]D-Fenderlowlevel, it is remotely possible that the TRANSFER app MIGHT work, but the likelyhood is dreadfully slim.
05:07.49OloBolahey TK, where do I need to put I got it finally.
05:08.10[TK]D-FenderOloBola, no idea.  did you try the method I told you to?
05:08.46OloBolaI tried but I kept getting errors
05:08.56[TK]D-FenderOloBola, even on just GAIM?
05:09.20OloBolayep, tried a few others too
05:09.29[TK]D-FenderOloBola, eek.... ok well GL...
05:09.35[TK]D-Fenderbed time...
05:10.13OloBolagood night, thanks
05:13.01litage_is it normal behaviour for asterisk to email voicemail notifications that have already been sent when asterisk is restarted?
05:13.15lowleveltk: *nod*, yeah doubt it too
05:20.53OloBolaDoes anyone know where I need to place to get lumenvox running?
05:21.23OloBolait's dependency that's not on my machine, lumenvox needs it.
05:22.15*** join/#asterisk InHisName (
05:24.28Aces1Upis there a way to tell if ztdummy is loaded or not in asterisk?
05:25.19JTnot in asterisk, but: lsmod|grep ztdummy
05:26.41Aces1Upjt thanks.
05:29.06Aces1Upjt daaang, hrmm i can load the zaptel and that shows in lsmod, but not ztdummy, does that mean i didn't compile it correctly?
05:29.38JTmaybe, or it hasn't been loaded
05:29.53Aces1Updo you load ztdummy as a module like zaptel?
05:30.18JTyou don't need to load zaptel, anything that depends on it will load it
05:30.31Aces1Uphrmm ok, well ztdummy, is not in the modeprobe.d directory so i assume it has not been compiled correctly.
05:31.18Aces1Upin the future ot telephone book it says you have to uncomment a line in the makefile to compile ztdummy, but i did not see that line in the latest version of the zaptel drivers.
05:32.19JThave you tried just manually loading it?
05:32.57Aces1Upthe only way i know how to manaully load it is via the modprobe command.. and there is no module for ztdummy in the modprobe.d directory.
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05:34.36Aces1Upwell i found this guide.. so will try it and see what happens
05:35.18JTthat doesn't sound like the normal location for modules
05:35.27Aces1Uphrmm, using fedora 7
05:35.54Aces1Upthat is the directory the install put the zaptel module in.
05:37.04Aces1Upis it a bad idea to recombile and build the zaptel and ztdummy module if the asterisk has already been compiled?
05:37.28JTmight be alright
05:37.33JTif it's the same version
05:37.37Aces1Upyes it is.
05:37.42JTupdatedb;locate ztdummy
05:42.35Aces1Upis that it?
05:43.32Aces1Uphrmm i think i have to recompile.
05:44.31OloBolaDoes anyone know where I need to place to get lumenvox running?
05:44.43Aces1Upwell what the heck.
05:44.51Aces1Upi just did a modprobe ztdummy and it loaded it!
05:44.57Aces1Upwhere the heck is the file?
05:45.51*** join/#asterisk troy- (
05:46.06troy-how can cordy be at home and work at the same time :P j/k
05:47.09JTAces1Up: did you updatedb first?
05:47.12JTas root
05:47.51troy-JT i thought i was going to be at work till tomorrow morning setting this up, in and out in 3.5 hours
05:48.20JTcool :)
05:49.08Aces1Upjt yes
05:49.22OloBolalocal variable 'confname' referenced before assignment
05:50.37JTOloBola: warning or error?
05:51.10troy-JT whats the best way for asterisk to recognize SIP-based faxing
05:51.33troy-i have the fax machine hooked up to a Cisco 186I1 ATA
05:51.34Aces1Uphas anyone used both app_conference and meetme?  is there one that utilizes bandwidth better?
05:51.46troy-but how can i route fax calls to that extension?
05:52.22JTAces1Up: why would it change bandwidth usage at all?
05:52.28JTtroy-: how do faxes come in?
05:52.56troy-over a SIP trunk
05:53.23Aces1Upjt, i was reading that one can handle more users.
05:54.04JTit might
05:54.12JTtroy-: no such thing as a sip "trunk" :)
05:54.15JTtroy-: from where
05:54.18JTan itsp?
05:55.40troy-we have 4 channels from the provider
05:56.44JTtroy-: forget about faxing over sip
05:56.49JTespecially over the Internet
05:56.51JTnot going to happen
05:56.54troy-that bad?
05:57.18JTyes, modem signals over laggy/lossy voip connections do not work
05:57.45troy-there is roughly 80ms of latency between our PBXs
05:58.10JTnot good enough, it needs to be constant very low latency, no jitter, no packet loss, or it has no chance of working
05:59.49troy-JT damned
06:00.04troy-JT bell is coming to install a POTS line tomorrow at the expense of $44 per month =P
06:00.21JTwow you guys really do get ripped off in the US
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06:01.25JThere in .au, standard ripoff price for a POTS line is AUD$35 which is about USD$30, but you can get them for AUD$20
06:02.05troy-well keep in mind these are business lines, so bell feels they may as well charge extra
06:02.28JTsame for business here
06:02.31JTsame price
06:02.33JTas home
06:03.30troy-what i'd like to do ideally, is get an integrated T1 (split data and voice channels)
06:03.46troy-unfortunately here T1s start at like $600 for data-only, making it too costly
06:04.06JTcool in theory, but i think you can only get the voice sections in those with evil CAS T1 signalling
06:04.28JTyou know there are fax to email services for faxing? much cheaper than installing a landline
06:05.09troy-you are correct :> unfortunately we use big multi-function printers at the office, and everyone wants to be able to receive/send faxes through them
06:05.37JTyou need to use T.38 to do realtime faxing over lossy networks
06:05.49troy-yeah, sounds about right
06:06.17troy-i actually reinstalled the os + asterisk because we were having quality issues where cals would either drop or cut in and out, couldnt figure out what was wrong
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06:07.03troy-ITSP was blaming me and i was blaming them :P
06:07.36JTwith faxing?
06:07.49troy-no voice
06:08.13JTah ok
06:08.53troy-problem was that there were no errors being written to logs, so it was nearly impossible to figure out what was wrong
06:09.25JTthere usually isn't
06:09.30JTusually the symptoms tell you
06:10.01troy-but how do you tie the symptoms to a solution?
06:10.36JTby diagnosing the problem
06:11.03troy-(what would you do if someone said they were experiencing dropped calls and quality degredation)
06:11.21lowlevelgo with gut? heh
06:11.48JTtroy-: i'd listen to the calls, and say what was wrong with them :)
06:12.39troy-heh, usually they start getting choppy then one party cant hear the other for 15 seconds then quality is restoerd
06:12.46lowlevelsomehow.. there alwasy seems to be 45 coke cans on my desk
06:13.02bcnlcan the IMAP voicemail storage of asterisk 1.4.x put the messages on a exchange server allongside the users normal email?
06:14.29Aces1Uplowlevel always exatly 45?
06:15.11*** join/#asterisk zeeesh (
06:15.40JTtroy-: what sort of connection is this?
06:16.02troy-we used to have metro ethernet and now business ADSL, same problem on both
06:16.36JTwhat phones?
06:17.40troy-cisco 7941 running SIP
06:17.51*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
06:17.53JThmm ok
06:18.09JTbehind nat?
06:18.25troy-correct the server and phones are on the same subnet
06:19.14litage_is it normal behaviour for asterisk to email voicemail notifications that have already been sent when asterisk is restarted?
06:21.37troy-JT one thought was to add QoS to the network to see if that was it, but chances are that wont change much
06:21.53JTis there nat anywhere?
06:24.01troy-all the phones and server are on an internal subnet
06:24.33troy-since the server doesnt have an external IP technically there would be NAT there
06:31.08troy-JT ? :(
06:32.03JTdo calls go over that nat
06:32.35troy-they have to
06:33.13JTwhat is doing the nat?
06:33.59troy-Linksys RVS4000
06:34.45lowlevelaces: well... no.. not always.
06:34.53lowlevelaces: sometimes.. theres 43
06:34.56lowlevelor.. 21
06:35.00lowlevelor 185
06:35.20lowlevelsometimes theres other cans
06:35.26lowlevellike.. root beer
06:35.31lowlevelor gingerale
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06:36.08lowlevelnight guys
06:36.10lowlevelcrashing hard.
06:37.26troy-JT think it could be a feature on the router?
06:38.13*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
06:40.02JTnever heard of that model
06:40.09JTbut you never know, it could be causing an issue
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06:43.41troy-JT can you think of anyother possibilities?
06:44.11JTtroy-: can't temporarily change the router?
06:44.37troy-i dont have anything to swap it with, problem is that the issues are infrequent and dont follow a pattern
06:45.28flenderstroy-: swap it for a linux box
06:45.57flendersany box with 2 network cards will do
06:46.07troy-flenders, we dont even know if thats the issue :)
06:46.28JTyour alternative was reinstall asterisk....
06:46.37JTwhich will probably do nothing
06:46.46troy-JT its made a noticable improvement in sound quality
06:47.14troy-calls are more crisp and have less jitter, wont know if the problems are a thing of the past till call volume picks up tomorrow
06:48.55JTyou should get proper phone lines
06:49.07JTVoIPoI is not usually the same quality
06:51.41troy-JT yeah, imagine how much 6 channels would cost on a PRI + LD compared to VoIP
06:51.45troy-probably 10x more
06:52.03JTdepends on how expensive it is in your area
06:52.12JTbut it's silly to run businesses off VoIPoI
06:52.14troy-well if a single POTS line is 44 bucks :P
06:54.28creativxJT whats the last oI for
06:54.35JTover Internet
06:54.39troy-over intarweb
06:54.49creativxyeah that was my assumption
06:54.59creativxi can see the need to be blear
06:55.16JTclear as a pri call
06:55.20creativxwe run voipoi
06:55.34JTnot so smart :P
06:55.44creativxI dont see why not
06:55.58creativxIf our net goes down, everything else we do goes down too
06:56.04creativxso why should we let people call us and nag about it ;)
06:56.07troy-thats interesting :)
06:56.09JTso many variables that can impact upon your phones
06:56.24JTcreativx: do you have any landlines?
06:56.30creativxyes i have aswell
06:56.40Swat2Anyone able to refer me to some doco on how to get SLA (Shared Line Appearances) to work w/ asterisk 1.4.x ?
06:56.41creativxhavent gotten rid of them quite yet :)
06:56.51creativxthey are connected to our old ericsson pbx
06:56.54JTdon't get rid off them you need them for emergencies
06:56.59creativxi need em for fax
06:57.10JTit's best to have 1 not connected to a pbx at all but just a basic phone
06:57.37creativxwell voop lets us set up numbers that our inbound calls will be redirected to if we are unavailable
06:57.48JTi mean for outbound
06:57.51creativxso having that + a basic line would be enough
06:57.52creativxwe have cellphones
06:57.53JTemergency calling
06:58.01JTcellphones don't work in big emergencies
06:58.09creativxits a small country
06:58.14creativxwe only have small emergencies
06:58.20creativxbut yes your point is taken
06:58.26JTeveryone assumes cellphones will always work, they're one of the least reliable forms of comms on the pstn
06:58.30JTwhat country?
06:58.40creativxour gsm network is fairly decent
06:58.45creativxatleast in this geographical area
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06:59.07JTtrust me, it won't last for very long during a major power outage or similar problem
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06:59.29JTmost cell networks won't survive a loss of power for over 30-120mins
07:00.06creativxthats why i was planning on keeping 3 analog lines.. 2 for fax and 1 for backup phone. it should be a red phone
07:00.29JTyeah, i've seen ex us-military/fed phones on ebay us that are red ;)
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07:02.06creativxheheh, that would be classy
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07:02.39angryusermisdn_l2l1_check application is implemented only in 1.4.5?
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07:04.58troy-JT yeah most have DC battery packs, but no genset on site
07:05.40JTwhere was that massive blackout a couple years back, new york?
07:05.43troy-CO will almost always have a generator with racks of batteries and a transfer switch
07:05.50JTtheir cellphones were useless
07:05.55JTdid not work at all
07:06.06JTafter a short amount of time
07:06.33troy-JT problem is now that a lot of PSTN access is switched over fiber ATM with muxes, there often isnt power to supply those during a failure
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07:06.36JTyeah the transfer switch is only for the input to the rectifiers
07:06.45troy-very common now in office buildings
07:06.54JTthe equipment is always linked to the batteries via bus bar
07:07.01troy-yup :)
07:07.05JTyeah that's pretty nasty
07:07.26troy-well its much cleaner then having a few hundred pairs demarced into the building
07:07.52JTnot if they aren't going to power it properly
07:08.02JTanyway you need that copper for dsl
07:08.02troy-heh heh :>
07:08.22troy-copper pairs can be muxed off a DS3
07:08.33Krooksanyone wrote a script to combine a out.gsm file and a input.gsm file.
07:08.48troy-DS3 is muxed off an OC3 which provides capacity for 3 DS3s
07:09.19JTyou need a mini DSLAM to provide dsl though
07:09.23JTat the mdf
07:09.38JTyou can't just mux a few MHz into 64000bit/s
07:09.41troy-often worth it if you have lots of subs in a high concentration area
07:10.59troy-JT not to mention usually they will just do ethernet instead of wasting their time with DSLAMs
07:12.15JTsure, that assumes that the customer wants to get Internet off whoever is providing the mux
07:12.35troy-when you have fiber coming in, technically there are plenty of possibilities
07:13.47JTi realise
07:13.58troy-our last office was in a cogent powered-building, we had diverse fiber coming in (dual GigE), 100Mbps to our floor and 10Mbps service bidrectional
07:14.51troy-the building was probably 20 stories high, so it was worth it for the provider to do that
07:15.20JTi don't doubt it
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07:17.31troy-the best i have seen is with housing developments, the developers sell off sole telecom operating rights to a subsidiary
07:17.45troy-guaranteed revenue for a predefined period of time
07:18.02JTnot that good for the consumer
07:18.09JTpeople don't want to be forced into a provider
07:18.18troy-you want a POTS line? that will be $1000 =P
07:19.27JTchoice in everything
07:19.30JTnot just pots
07:20.21troy-yeah TV / Internet / Phone
07:21.52JTyeah, i wouldn't want to be forced them
07:24.17snuff-workyer there has been a few in australia now like that troy
07:29.30troy-snuff-work, yeah not surprised
07:29.52troy-if you dont put the extra - on my name it doesnt alert me :)
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07:44.34Swat2any ideas why h264 video calls wont work like so:  <videophone> <-sip-> <asterisk1.4> <-IAX2 Trunk-> <asterisk1.4> <-sip-> <videophone> but will work like: <videophone> <-sip-> <asterisk1.4> <-SIP Trunk-> <asterisk1.4> <-sip-> <videophone>
07:47.48kaldemarSwat2: the IAX2 trunk is probably dropping the video stream.
07:49.23*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
07:51.58JTsnuff-work: onenetwork eh?
07:53.11creativxtriple play
07:53.18JTsnuff-work: hosted pbx?
07:53.30snuff-workyes jt
07:53.35Swat2kaldemar: any way to fix this?
07:53.40JTmostly asterisk?
07:53.57JTsnuff-work: you guys run your own datacentres, or just have space in some?
07:54.12snuff-workheh i wish own dc
07:54.37JTis there any decent half carrier independant datacentres in melbourne?
07:55.35snuff-workdon't know of any.. we just use our carriers dc's
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07:55.45JTah ok
07:55.48JTis it decent?
07:56.46snuff-workhaven't had any issues
07:56.52KpoHhi all, I can't find in asterisk 1.4 app_pgsql, what do I do wrong? :)
07:58.32snuff-workthis would be a cool dc to be in..
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08:00.29JTsnuff-work: yeah, i'm in the sydney one
08:00.32JTpretty good
08:00.38JTbut globalswitch sydney is even better
08:00.43JTin terms of redundancy
08:00.50JTbut security is iffier
08:01.07troy-JT my redundancy has always simply meant multiple sites
08:01.25JTtroy-: it'd be nice for the sites to be reliable too
08:01.36ikaroi've gotten the exciting job of setting up a asterisk box to use in our company ( 30 people ) the only problem is im very green in this area, i've got * installed in a gentoo box and i got an account from voxbone, is this all that I will need ?
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08:01.38troy-lots of things would be nice :)
08:02.14troy-JT i wouldnt mind being in the voip carrier business, but i've only got a few months till i have to quit work for university :)
08:02.46JTikaro: you should look at getting a PRI service from a telco ideally, or failing that, some POTS lines
08:03.09JTtroy-: there's no money in the bargain end of town
08:03.44KpoHhm, i found app_sql_pgsql in asterisk 1.2 but not in asterisk 1.4, what happens with them?
08:04.00JTodbc probably, KpoH
08:04.09ikarojt, so you have some reference to what a pri service is, telco and pots ?
08:04.16JTikaro: yes
08:04.19jboti guess thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
08:04.21ikaroi guess I'll have to do some googlingh
08:04.40KpoHJT: but i need app_ to do custom SQL query in AEL for example
08:04.47ikarobut you say, i need a pri service from telco or else som pots lines
08:04.52JTKpoH: odbc can do the same thing
08:04.54troy-JT you mean volume is required in order to make cash?
08:05.06JTikaro: it would be best, yes
08:05.22JTtroy-: what cash? those people run on tight margins
08:05.28ikarojt, so i dont need voxbone at all ?
08:05.57snuff-workgoing in for the retial user there is nothing in it for a company
08:06.21troy-i wanted to target corporations who have existing PRI capacity from a LEC in cogent-powered buildings and convert them over
08:06.30JTikaro: depends, you can use a hybrid system if it seems more economical, but VoIP over the Internet will not be as reliable and high quality as a PRI
08:07.28KpoHis obdc performance good enough?
08:07.37JTi don't see why not
08:07.48ikarojt, the decision makers are always in favour of enconomical solutions .. even when it ends up costing more in the end .. short sighted.
08:08.18JTikaro: a lot of factors can degrade performance over the Internet
08:08.39ikarojt, we bought a 2mbit/768 line dedicated for the voip
08:09.04ikarobut yes.. other factors can play in and degrade performance.
08:09.15JTikaro: upload isn't enough to do more than 9 ulaw/alaw codec calls
08:09.44JTikaro: you've got to have emergency services always available in case you ever need it
08:09.49JTor the company could be sued
08:09.52angryuserJT: the manufacture of * hardware cost nothing as i heard, like 150-200$ of 2000$ card, echo cansellation included
08:09.56JTand more importantly someone could die
08:10.03JTangryuser: i don't doubt it
08:10.27troy-thats like saying the manufacturing of a car costs like nothing :)
08:10.49angryusertroy-: do you got any FACTS ?
08:10.52JTechocancellation is all octastic firmware licensing costs
08:10.56JTand profit
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08:11.20ikaroits so overwelming the amount of information needed to be digested and understood before even getting started .. this factor will delay the whole project alot :(
08:11.32JTangryuser: obvious to anyone who knows anything about electronics manufacture, the item often costs 1/10th to 1/5th what it sells for
08:12.31troy-angryuser, both products are sold by for-profit corporations, of course there is a significant markup involved
08:12.41snuff-workvery true.. cause some poor bastid had to design it..
08:12.51snuff-workor even worse some of the money is licensing fees
08:13.07JTit's mostly supply & demanding
08:13.12angryuserJT: i am talking about digium hw, design dont cost that much, the just want all that profit,
08:13.34JTyeah design isn't as much as people make out
08:13.40JTthis stuff isn't that groundbreaking
08:13.45troy-angryuser, if the card costs $150 and they sold it for $180 how are they going to pay salary, rent, development etc?
08:14.34angryusertroy-: not even funny, lover price greater turnover
08:14.54angryusertroy-: better * advertising and integration
08:15.02JTthis is asterisk
08:15.10troy-the volume isnt high enough to make up for an 80% loss of profit
08:15.13JTyou need something to be in HIGH DEMAND to get HIGH TURNOVER
08:15.32troy-JT case in point :)
08:16.33angryuserJT:  you will get hight demand if price go down, when you buy a cheapest tdm400, you rethink twice before buy
08:16.49JTangryuser: this is still a specialist field
08:16.52angryuserJT: it is like 400€ in europe
08:16.55JTit's not exactly RAM chips
08:17.00JTor bread
08:17.13troy-angryuser, i disagree but a cisco call manager solution costs 10x more then a similar asterisk-pbx implementation
08:17.49JTangryuser: the cheapest tdm400p is 400eur for you? i suggest you find a new supplier
08:18.34angryusertroy-: wemm the asterisk could win more field, only rich companies can buy all cisco stuff, * is meant to be integrated in middle business also
08:18.59troy-angryuser, asterisk is cheap enough for its market segment, i'd say they could probably even raise prices if anything
08:20.03JTangryuser: middle businesses can afford asterisk generally
08:20.16JTif they can afford a key system, they can afford asterisk based solutions
08:20.17troy-our 4 user + fax asterisk implementation, cost $2,500 using mid-range gear
08:20.26angryusertroy-: i never said that it is costly, * casts hale or 1/3 of proprietary system, but i heard some info from one person about profits, they can bring prices down
08:20.41angryuser*costs half
08:21.09troy-who cares? i am more then willing to pay a few hundred for a card :)
08:21.26troy-the application software is open source, what more could you want..
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08:23.23angryusertroy-: i care, a lot of countrys under developpement unable to acces to hw because of it's price
08:23.49troy-so use voip without physical telco service
08:23.50JTboo hoo
08:24.09JTa pentium IV is also expensive in these countries
08:24.13JTsuch is life
08:24.25troy-Jt wow we get along so well :)
08:24.53JTthey can save money by reusing old stuff, and coming up with clever solutions
08:24.57JTlike i bet they already have
08:25.34JTbottom line is companies are here to make money, and i'd rather they be here than not here if they provide something.
08:25.44JTsomething usefu.
08:25.48JTuseful :)
08:26.24angryuseroff 30 min
08:28.21OloBolawell I finally got lumenvox to install
08:28.30OloBolacan't get the example to build though
08:28.40OloBolahere is the result:
08:28.46angryuser troy-: JT: just look what it is, and i am sure you will understand what i am talking about
08:29.23troy-any idea what a pair of nike shoes cost?
08:30.12JTangryuser: sorry, what's the relevance of that site to the discussion?
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08:31.41angryuserJT: open hardware
08:31.50JTyeah open hardware is cool
08:32.42JTsome stuff is hard to make even if you had the schematics
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08:38.42angryuserJT: the best choice would be to buy already printed board, without components
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08:38.59JTit's not a good choice for a lot of people
08:39.08OloBolaexample.cpp:1:26: error: LVSpeechPort.h: No such file or directory
08:39.10JTand soldering SMDs is not easy anyway
08:39.29JTbusinesses don't want to construct their own telephony boards anyway, that's madness
08:42.48Swat2nope h264 not working at all
08:42.57troy-JT not to mention having a card thats uncertified
08:43.13JTi think angryuser has been smoking a bit too much of the crackpipe
08:43.23troy-especially that could kill a machine that costs a thousand +
08:44.40snuff-workcalled SMDs for a reason.. let the automation take care of it.. sucks soldering SMDs too fiddly
08:46.34angryuserJT: if you need a certifying sticker , i can sent it to you by mail
08:47.25JTangryuser: no, as in BUILT PROPERLY using a quality controlled process, and tested for correct operation
08:47.28JTnot a stupid sticker
08:48.14JTi think a lot of these certifications are pretty useless, but what is useful is know your card has had a good chance of being built properly
08:48.17troy-night JT
08:48.27JTso stop being a damn miser and pay up :)
08:48.29JTnight troy-
08:48.39angryuserJT: it is not maddnes, it opens just the possibility to anyone manufacture their own product under theit brand, witch will bring prices down, which is a good thing ;)
08:49.00JTangryuser: anyone is free to design and manufacture their own card
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08:49.56angryuserJT:  yes ...
08:50.19OloBolawhile trying to make/build the lumenvox example, I get a "no such file or directory" error for "LVSpeechPort.h" which I found in the include dir just below where I'm building from. I googled and found someone else with the same issue, he wrote something about incorrect environment vars, but that was it. Any suggestions?
08:50.29JTangryuser: there are some cheaper alternatives, perhaps you should try them
08:51.07angryuserJT: i have no problem with money, i have bought allready the needed cards
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08:51.58angryuserdoes anyone know if misdn_check_l2l1(application) option is implemented from * ver 1.4.5?
08:52.04Zeeekguten Morgen
08:52.32ZeeekGot Flash?
08:53.54Zeeekwhat'dya think?
08:56.00snuff-workangryuser, i dont see that command in 1.4.6
08:56.35Uatechey, has anybody noticed that linksys online chat support is not human, it's just a very very clever AI?
08:56.51Zeeeklike this channel?
08:56.59Uateclol, not so clever here
08:57.47Zeeekthe AI is less clever or the live humans?
08:57.50angryusersnuff-work: and the misdn_l2l1_check ?
08:59.13snuff-worki see no misdn apps
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09:00.01UatecZeeek, in here? take your pick.
09:00.09Nobbieheya =)
09:01.51alrsUatec: are the linksys phones any good?  I had to provision one today remotely, and I wasn't thrilled with the web interface.
09:02.03ZeeekI like it
09:02.33Nobbiealrs: which model ?
09:02.34snuff-workmm i like the ease of snom config via web :)
09:02.40Zeeekwho has asterisk video for the Asterisk TV channel?
09:02.44Nobbiewe have 950 SPA942 which work well.
09:03.04Zeeekconference video, humor, stuff about what you do with asterisk (keep it clean)
09:03.22Zeeekand don't forget Mark live this Friday for the opening
09:04.55Nobbiei have a problem with * 1.4.x (even in latest .6) whereby SNOM360 is an agent in a Queue, and sometimes when a ringing call is answered, there's no voice. any ideas ? or how to troubleshoot that ?
09:05.16alrsNobbie: SPA942
09:05.52Nobbiealrs: like a i siad, we have 950 of them, they work well. we provision them by TFTP which we maintain using a TFTP module we developed for FreePBX
09:06.27Nobbieunfortunately there no auto linking of TFTP file to Device/User _yet_ but it works well.
09:06.44*** join/#asterisk casix (
09:07.37Nobbiethe SPA942 support CDP since version 5 (even later versions of 4), which means that it gets the Voice VLAN ID from the Switch
09:08.06Nobbieif the switch is Cisco, or supports CDP and voice vlan id sending upon request
09:09.35alrsNobbie: Yeah, I was trying to get it to do TFTP, which isn't very clear in the web interface
09:09.42alrsNobbie: but I got it working
09:10.04Nobbiei can give you a sample TFTP File if you want
09:10.19jbot[phones]  While personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows:  Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever.
09:10.29alrsNobbie: I have to use the Endpoint Configuration in Trixbox
09:10.57alrsNobbie: Which appears to work OK for that phone, once you figure out the cryptic name for the TFTP field in the web interface
09:11.23Nobbiemmm, haven't seen much of trixbox yet, will give it try sometime.
09:11.35casixI have a problem with asterisk in realtime, when it try to match an extension it matches first this _346XXX. than _346[1234]X.
09:11.56JTargh, too much freepbx/trix talk :P
09:12.02casixwhen i'm calling 3461111
09:12.33Strom_Mcasix: instead just have two non-conflicting pattern matches?
09:12.35alrsJT: That doesn't count as a round of Trixbox faboydom
09:12.47Nobbiecasix: try: _346[^1234]X. and _346[1234]X. ?
09:13.34NobbieJT: and there was a chance for someone to take up a asterisk issue based on my question of the ghost callers ...
09:13.51JTNobbie: sure....
09:14.10casixStrom_M: yes, but it repliques a lot of things and make it hard to administrate
09:14.22casixNobbie: i'll try
09:15.05Nobbiecasix: not sure if it would work, but you could also try shortning the first pattern to be of same length as the 2nd. it could be matching on the 1st becuase it's matching more characters, instead of specific ones in a shorter pattern
09:15.29Nobbieie: _346XX. and _346[1234]X.
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09:21.12casixno no it matches the _346XX. because the query that asterisk make is order by exten" and
09:21.53casixthe X goes first than [, and i supose that asterisk search this order
09:22.08snuff-workheh.. one day someone will get around to redoing the whole asterisk extension ordering
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09:27.59*** join/#asterisk version5 (i=version5@nat/ibm/x-4e23c89682f43d9c)
09:29.06version5hey guys, i'm trying to design a dialplan that will answer, wait an unlimited amount of time for a user to enter an extension, pass the extension off to an AGI script and then go back to waiting for the next extension to be entered
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09:29.26version5at the moment i've something like this
09:29.29version5exten => 999,n,WaitExten(0)
09:29.29version5exten => 1,1,AGI(getexten.agi)
09:29.32mostyis there a way to start/stop recording calls from AMI?
09:30.10version5i had hoped the WaitExten(0) part would allow an unlimited amount of time for a keypress but it doesnt
09:30.27version5also Set(TIMEOUT(absolute)=0) doesnt seem to work either
09:31.07mostyset it to 9999 or something
09:31.13version5the other issue i have is after the agi script has ran i wanted to jump back to the WaitExten again. Something like this
09:31.14JTwhere do they land to hit the ivr?
09:31.18version5exten => 9,1,AGI(getexten.agi)
09:31.19version5exten => n,1,Goto(main-menu)
09:31.29version5they land in this [main-menu] context
09:31.47JTwith what extension?
09:32.29JTIVRs must start in s
09:33.19version5eh? what effect would that have? the agi script appears to get called at the moment
09:33.40JTsearch the wiki for ivr
09:33.43jbotsomebody said thewiki was at
09:34.52mostywhat protocol does ichat use? is it possible to talk with asterisk? (voice, maybe video)
09:35.46version5 <--- thats what my dial plan looks like at the moment, in case you can spot any other stupid errors besides the 's' extension issue
09:39.17Dovidversion5: This will throw u erorrs: exten => _.,
09:39.31Dovidyou should use exten => _X., instead
09:40.14version5hrm, whats the difference?
09:40.19mostyis is possible to suppress those _. warnings?
09:40.53Strom_Mmosty: no, they're there for a reason
09:41.03Dovidu can supress them but not smart too
09:41.07Dovidthey are there to help u
09:41.27Strom_Mu is not a word
09:41.58Strom_Mis it REALLY that horrendously difficult to type the "y" and the "o" as well?
09:42.19mostyi've never had issues with patterns, i use _. where i want everything to match. i've never accidentally matched everything
09:42.36Strom_Mmosty: you'll match the special extensions too
09:42.40Strom_Mh, t, i, etc
09:43.10Strom_Mbad idea, especially with h
09:43.31version5it appears after the agi script is called the call hangs up instead of jumping back to the start of main
09:43.43version5does the agi script have to do something to keep the call alive?
09:43.45mostyStrom_M, yes, that's the behaviour i want
09:44.04Strom_Mweirdo :)
09:44.49mostybasically, when i work with dialplans written by others, i sometimes want to insert a context that does something and then passes control to the same extension in another context
09:50.13ikaroim reading asterisk book and i got one question, do I really need an analog (digium? Zaptel ? )card in the box that runs asterisk so to able to use asterisk at all ?
09:50.31ikaroor using a nic is enought ?
09:50.39Gh0styikaro: no
09:50.46Gh0stythere is zapteldummy driver
09:50.52Gh0styso you dont need a card
09:51.26ikaroi c ... so even it is a voip setup i will need some kind of analog virtualization
09:51.58ikarosorry  if the question its too silly.
09:52.15mostyikaro, you only need one of those cards if you want to call to or from the PSTN
09:53.09kaldemaryou don't need the dummy timer driver either if you only do VoIP.
09:53.22creativxif you are iax trunking you do
09:53.23Gh0styyou needed it for something
09:53.31Gh0stywas it voicemail or what was it ... :/
09:53.43Gh0styyes probably trunks
09:53.46kaldemarmeetme conferences also need a timer.
09:54.05Gh0stybut anyways its not that you emulate analog its just for some timers i thought
09:54.13Gh0stygreat minds etc ;p
09:54.27Gh0styits been 4 years since i used asterisk
09:54.30ikaroso if someone calls from their home phone - plain analog line, and they call our voip number, will it work or I need the analog card in my box ?
09:54.34Gh0styand see i still remember parts ;p
09:54.59Gh0styi now want to try and setup one on debian but it doesnt seem to like debian much :(
09:55.04mostyikaro, you only need an analogue card if you want to plug asterisk directly into an analogue line (or phone)
09:55.04OloBolaI finally got lumenvox up and running, now asterisk won't start! wahoo.
09:55.22ikaromosty, ok, thanks.
09:55.23Gh0styikaro: or your sip provider has analog connection
09:55.23Zeeekdid you setup the pizza demo?
09:55.26Gh0styor you need a card
09:55.42OloBolasure did.
09:55.49*** join/#asterisk dikdust (
09:55.58Zeeekand what did you order? The humungous?
09:56.32Zeeekwhat is wahoo?
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09:57.52Zeeekikaro if your voip number comes in via SIP or IAX, you don't need any hardwxre
09:58.11Gh0stythe sarcastic way of saying yay? ;p
09:59.33ai-awhats the difference between "exten = "  and "exten => " ?
10:00.22Zeeekexten => will work ?
10:00.49OloBolaZeeek: wahoo is the sound of my enthusiasm for spending 12+ hours killing * box :)
10:00.50Zeeekit's.... lunchtime
10:01.06Zaggynl^LaptopHow do you properly set up call transfering?
10:01.14mostyikaro, if you want to do analogue trunking or meetme conferencing (and probably a few other things), it helps to have one of those cards though
10:01.26Zeeekoh, "asterisk won't start! wahoo" I missed the punctuation*
10:01.29ai-awell,, i have standard install of asterisk now. and it has the sample extention.conf and so on.. and has all these "exten = " at the bottom. I cant follow the ext...conf file. to find the flow.. ... can i delete all the .conf files , and will the gui build them again ?
10:01.34Zaggynl^LaptopI've changed features.conf, extensions.conf and made a new extensions with t) in it
10:02.09ZeeekOloBola what's happening? It dies right away?
10:02.12mostyZaggynl^Laptop, what about the T option? you know the difference between t and T right?
10:02.27Zaggynl^LaptopT also allows the caller to transfer
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10:02.53Zeeekshow application Dial
10:03.04Zeeekgod I miss BKW
10:03.21mostyZaggynl^Laptop, just checking that you had the correct one in your dial command options
10:03.31Zaggynl^LaptopI'll add both
10:03.40yugowashi all, does anyone know why the monitor application does not send an event such as monitor started/stopped event ?
10:03.43Zaggynl^Laptop"break it first, then fix it" :)
10:04.15mostyZaggynl^Laptop, then "show features" to make sure you're using the correct keypresses
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10:04.30Zaggynl^Laptopshow features?
10:04.44mostyshow features.
10:05.15Zaggynl^LaptopI appended 'include => featuremap' to extensions.conf
10:05.49mostyi've never seen that before, features.conf works without it
10:05.58Zaggynl^Laptophmm okay
10:07.09mostydo "show features", you'll see if it's enabled or not
10:08.46ai-aWhy do thoses guys all have bushy eye brows ?
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10:10.40Zeeekquick see the asterisk HOW TO (not)
10:13.16version5is there some way to avoid a hangup after a call to an agi script?
10:13.32ai-awhy should agi scripts hangup in the first place version5 ?
10:13.44version5i dont know
10:13.46version5im getting this
10:13.52version5after i call the script
10:14.16ai-awell, need to see your conf files.. whats happening after the agi call ?
10:14.22version5one sec
10:14.38ai-aand inside the agi script itself... your wrote it... where's your flow ?
10:15.27version5thats the ivr menu
10:19.03SiyaSmall question,
10:19.18SiyaHow can I prove that calls come into the wrong trunk from my SP?
10:19.48mostyunplug every other trunk
10:19.51kaldemarversion5: you don't have priority 2 for your extensions.
10:20.02SiyaI have two trunks with same provider but all calls come into one trunk
10:20.12SiyaSIP trunks not analog
10:20.29version5 <-- thats the agi script, which doesnt actually output anything for some reason
10:21.03mostySiya, disable the other trunk
10:21.17ai-aversion5: where do you expect your flow to go after ivr,1,1 ?
10:21.17Siyacan I unregister it from cli?
10:21.28mostyactually you mean "account", SIP does not support trunking to my knowledge
10:21.38Siyamosty: you're right
10:21.44mostydisable the account in sip.conf and do a sip reload
10:21.47ZeeekOloBola looks like a version mismatch of the lum module
10:22.08version5i expected it would fall through to exten => _X,1,GoTo(s,playback) ; jump back to the start
10:22.12SiyaAnother thing, anyone seen this before: "chan_sip.c:12035 handle_response_register: Got 200 OK on REGISTER that isn't a register"
10:22.23version5its getting caught by the hangup extension though
10:22.25ai-aversion5:  1 doesnt follow 2 .
10:22.28ZeeekOloBola  what versions of asterisk and your OS?
10:22.28ai-aversion5:  1 doesnt follow 1 .
10:22.48ZeeekSVN... yeah that might do it
10:23.17version5ah, sorry i misunderstood. I thought once it was a different extension pattern the priority would be reset to 1
10:23.18kaldemarversion5: _X,2 will fix your behaviour.
10:23.23ZeeekI don't think you can expect to run stuff like Lumenvox in SVN
10:23.40version5wont the hangup extension still catch it though
10:23.48*** join/#asterisk denke (
10:23.59OloBolaZeek: trunk and FC5
10:24.15version5no, apparently that does work.
10:24.19version5cheers guys
10:24.48version5i assume what was happening was there was no matching extension/rule so a hangup was generated instead?
10:24.53*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
10:25.46kaldemarauto fallthrough was happening like the output said.
10:29.01DarKnesS_WolFi can't use dtmfmode=inband with g729 !?
10:30.06Siyahow do I fix this: chan_sip.c:16637 reload_config: Can't add wildcard IP address to domain list, please add IP address to domain manually.
10:30.09mostyDarKnesS_WolF, you can if you have g729 licences
10:30.14mostyi think
10:31.23DarKnesS_WolFmosty: i'm testing using the opensource one .. but what the licences has to do with dtmfmode ? i can already use g729 and it works but i got error i can't use inband with g729
10:31.38kaldemarDarKnesS_WolF: you need a 64k codec for inband dtmf.
10:32.26*** join/#asterisk stkn (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
10:32.39SiyaGrrrr call comes into the right account when I bring down the other account
10:32.53Siyabringing it back up restores the situation again :(
10:32.54DarKnesS_WolFkaldemar: it works with ulaw but this strange phone don't work with rfc or the info the phone don't work .
10:33.04SiyaHow can I figure out if it's my failt or my SP?
10:35.07mostySiya, setup one of the accounts on a different machine
10:35.29Siyamosty: I have only one * server...
10:36.40kaldemarSiya: posting some configs and cli output might get you a bit more help.
10:37.19Siyakaldemar: well it's *now so configs are slightly differently layed out :)
10:37.32ai-awhat is users.conf ? is that just for the gui ? im following extensions.conf to follow the flow of *gui's implementation,, where does it register sip accounts, and skip voicemail depending on whats in users.conf ? im wanting to add some small flow for recording all calls for specifc extension ranges.
10:37.51Siyaand as dialing (ingress/egress) and caller id's etc all work fine...
10:38.18Siyaai-a: users.conf is used for extensions and sip accounts
10:38.32SiyaI donn't use IAX so no idea bout that
10:38.44ai-awhy have they changed it ?
10:38.56ai-awould have been best to keep sip inside sip.conf
10:39.01Siyano idea you can ask in #asterisk-gui though :)
10:40.00Siyakaldemar: screen output shows no errors, it shows:
10:40.05Siyainstead of:
10:40.58Siyaso I have no errors on my side to go by. To me this seems that my SP just picks the wrong session to initiate the call to my server
10:41.24*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (n=tzafrir@
10:41.29SiyaI'll try to bring down the other account after lunch but I think it will not show anything else
10:41.37version5right.... and one last question, why would my agi script not be printing anything to the screen. Using something like sys.stderr.write() should print to the console, right?
10:42.38version5assuming i've connected with -c or -r that is
10:42.45mostyversion5, i don't think so. use the noop agi command
10:44.26*** join/#asterisk currach (
10:47.53OloBolawill reinstalling asterisk overwrite my conf files etc?
10:48.24mostydepends entirely on how you reinstall
10:49.49OloBolaI spent all day trying to lumenvox up and running only to find out that "the latest version of asterisk" actually means 1.4.3.
10:50.04OloBolaso I guess I need to install 1.4.3
10:50.40*** join/#asterisk nfi|ermes (n=ErMeS@
10:52.50ZeeekI have it running on the lastest version
10:52.57Zeeek.6, right?
10:52.58ai-ahave *-gui installed, how can i add me own custom flow to all calls within *, and custom flow on specific extension ranges ? Im wanting to add another context for these ext. to follow (ie. prepend some initial agi / call recording flow)
11:01.04*** join/#asterisk lwh (
11:05.55Swat2"zap show"  isnt showing anyhting.. what am i missing?
11:06.56Swat2No such command 'zap show'
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11:10.04Swat2never mind, im a retard, it didnt compile zaptel in astersk
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11:27.23DovidSwat2: we all have dog days :)
11:27.46Gh0styhm thats an expression im not familiar with :p
11:28.02Ch0HagWhat can I liken Skype to to persuade somebody to hold back?
11:29.38nicoxhi JT?
11:38.23nicoxnow its  Best: 100.000000 -- Worst: 99.938965 -- Average: 99.991119
11:38.38nicoxbut the last hour, the error does not happen
11:39.49*** join/#asterisk Bladerunner05 (
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11:44.02torchmorning guys ..
11:45.50torchquick question ... I'm running asterisk 1.2.18 and everytime I restart the asterisk (or zapata module) ...calls from my pstn to my asterisk extensions are just mute ...
11:46.17torchdoes anybody know why?
11:46.23torcham I doing something wrong?
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12:07.10nicoxis this worst thing okay? 99.951172
12:10.42*** join/#asterisk Fl1p (
12:11.27Fl1phi anyone knows how to get detailled info about all active channels ? "show channels" only shows an incomplete ChannelID
12:11.37Fl1pbut i need the whole one
12:12.41mostywhat other info do you need?
12:13.34krdian_show channels concise or show channels verbose (asterisk 1.4)
12:14.51Fl1pneed only the full channelid but concise and verbose works! Thx a lot!
12:15.20Fl1pother question : i'm currently playing with the features.conf and want this special scenario:
12:15.50*** join/#asterisk Krooks (n=blah@
12:17.49Fl1ptwo peoples talking to each other the caller puts him on hold calls someone else (like attended but:) talks to him and only push the '9' button and will be retransferred to the first, the other will hangup
12:18.22*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:19.04Krooksanyone got some time to chat. I'm demoing to some people here. host=, user=user5 password=1234 extension=5555. Protocol must be iax2 , NOT sip. Can use idefisk.
12:19.54Fl1pi've tried a lot using feature Application map Goto which doesn't work for me, also the atxfer at *2 doesnt show any reaction
12:20.06KrooksCan call me at 1901.
12:22.10RypPnKrooks: gimme a mo
12:22.24ZeeekNo answer
12:22.34RypPnKrooks: dial me again
12:22.52*** join/#asterisk eAi2k (
12:24.29eAi2khi - anyone used the linksys SPA-3102 (or similar) and know why the web interface doesn't work?
12:24.33Zeeekget anything Krooks?
12:24.45ZeeekI dialed you it answered and I heard no audio
12:25.12KrooksI heard someone speaking but u or that someone could hear me.
12:25.13Zeeekwhoo answered at that ip then?
12:25.31ZeeekI heard nothing
12:25.33Zeeekgreat demo
12:25.53KrooksBut I saw RynPn's name appear
12:26.03Krookswas that you ?
12:26.08mostyeAi2k, you have to turn the web interface on
12:26.11RypPnyeah, I've logged out, assuming a clash with zeedo
12:26.15RypPnoops Zeeek
12:26.36Krooksok I'm going to call 5555 again
12:27.27Krooksoh great, now both of you unregistered.
12:27.47RypPnmake up another extension for me to try Krooks
12:28.07Krooksyeah good idea. we can make a 3 way call
12:28.26KrooksRypPn : user4    1234     4444
12:28.27RypPn3way 1way, cant wait
12:28.40*** join/#asterisk javar (n=javar@
12:29.41RypPnrings the nu tone
12:32.51Krooksuser4 please call again
12:33.27Krooksuser4 we got a codec error
12:33.33RypPnstill rings a few times then busy tone
12:33.36Krooksthats why you keep disconnecting
12:33.49Krooksuse gsm
12:33.54RypPnwhat codec do you want the phone on?
12:34.25Krooksoh man. We could have done a 3 way call bu Zeeek got to go
12:34.45*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
12:34.49Krookscodec error. it says unknown codec
12:34.55*** join/#asterisk msetim (n=msetim@
12:35.21KrooksI don't know.
12:35.27KrooksI call u
12:35.43*** join/#asterisk juuva (
12:35.55KrooksYou using idefisk RynPn
12:36.28*** join/#asterisk shazaum (
12:36.30shazaumhi all
12:36.51RypPnKrooks: looking for gsm on this phone
12:36.58*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (
12:37.11Krooksshazaum: hi
12:37.54RypPnKrooks: I dont have gsm on my desk phone
12:38.07Krooksis it a IP phone ?
12:38.15Krooksor a softphone
12:38.16*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ- (
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12:38.30Krooksuse idefisk
12:39.18KrooksRynPn: you around ?
12:39.20[TK]D-Fenderunless you're going to register your PHONE direct with Krooks, it doesn't matter WHAT phone you use.
12:39.36KrooksIt must be iax
12:40.46RypPnI have no windows to install idefisk on sry Krooks
12:41.00KrooksIt runs on Linux
12:41.09KrooksThere is linux version
12:41.29Krookssomeone please cba?
12:41.38Krooksstand for ?
12:42.00*** join/#asterisk af_ (
12:42.19[TK]D-FenderRypPn: You. Don't. Need. IDEFISK.
12:42.41Krooksyou need iax
12:42.59Krooksif its iax, it'll work
12:43.10[TK]D-FenderKrooks: Correct.  And noone here should need an IAX soft-phone OR hardphone.
12:43.29[TK]D-FenderKrooks: Also you should have set up SIP.  IAX is NOT a tech to sell * on.
12:43.36Krooksooo k
12:43.50KrooksI had problem with SIP behind firewall
12:43.53[TK]D-FenderKrooks: not that this should be a problem for your test,.
12:44.26[TK]D-FenderKrooks: Unless its a Cisco PIX or one of a bunch of shitty D-Link models, SIP works just fine
12:44.50KrooksRynPn: are you still trying ? or give up already ?
12:45.12JTcan't be arsed is my guess
12:45.25RypPnKrooks: I. got. fed. up.
12:45.31JTask for too difficult and demanding free help, funnily enough it dries up ;)
12:46.05KrooksI guess JT is right.
12:46.20JTgsm only eh? not very compatible
12:46.30Krooksand speex
12:46.42Krooksand iLBC
12:46.54RypPnall the oddballs
12:46.58JTwow :P pretty much all the codecs that people are LEAST likely to have
12:47.13[TK]D-FenderJT : this should NOT pose a problem for ANYONE here and should already have been COMPLETED successfully.
12:47.17KrooksThats what comes with idefisk
12:47.22[TK]D-FenderJT : its really kind of SAD
12:47.33[TK]D-FenderKrooks: Get OFF this idefisk kick of yours!
12:47.39[TK]D-FenderKrooks: Its not needed!
12:49.34JT[TK]D-Fender: this exercise you mean?
12:50.19[TK]D-FenderJT : Exactly
12:50.28KrooksThis channel is quiet anyway. I did not point a gun to anyone's head to help me.
12:51.23RypPnKrooks: I'm more than happy to help you test/demo, just you'll need g711, g723 or g729 for my phone to connect
12:52.46KrooksRynPn: thanks. appreciate it. but on this windows version of idefisk, those codecs are not installed
12:52.48JTg.723, now that's HARD :P
12:52.52JTKrooks: ...
12:52.57JTg.711 is ALWAYS THERE
12:53.03JTit's the main codec for the pstn
12:53.45ReDNeQ-jeez this guy is pissin me off and I havent even helped
12:54.01Krooks:) lol
12:55.14Krookswhats a-law and u-law. I just added those codecs
12:55.39JTwhy not just enable everything
12:56.22KrooksI just did. I enabled every codecs. By default not all codecs was enabled
12:56.25RypPnheh, this is just internal extensions, wait till we get to routing...
12:56.40KrooksRynPn : Are you still regostered
12:56.48KrooksI want to try one last time
12:57.42*** join/#asterisk Here_And_There (
12:58.15RypPngo for it
12:58.36RypPnstill dying
12:58.41Krooks:( not work
12:58.45Nobbieouch, * 1.4.6 is doing strange stuff on our system =(  gets into a bad state where no calls are made. the logs show no errors, and a Dial() command gets logged but doesn't go any further
12:58.49Zeeekjust add this line to finish the install: PlayBack(demo-congrats)
12:58.52KrooksThanks man. Its ok.
13:00.09Nobbieand no core gets dumped
13:00.13[TK]D-FenderRypPn: If you are configuring your PHONE then you are in the wrong channel.
13:00.46RypPn[TK]D-Fender: why are you having a go at me?
13:01.03Zeeek[TK]D-Fender d'oh
13:01.21[TK]D-FenderRypPn: the two of you are going about this the hard way and I'm kind of hoping you'd see what tool should be playing which job.
13:02.08Zeeekno one should be playing at all
13:02.14KrooksZeeek : I found a Mic Boost checkbox on idefisk and enabled it. I hope it sound load now.
13:02.20Zeeekexcept if you want to watch
13:02.31JT[TK]D-Fender: my i love softphones ;)
13:02.53Zeeeklike everything, they have their place
13:03.17JTtesting and overseas airports only ;)
13:03.33Zeeekgood examples
13:03.58JTZeeek: i voiped it up from kansai international airport in osaka, japan, that was pretty cool
13:04.15ZeeekI'm gonna veture to guess that 90% of the people with laptops and headsets at the lats Astricon I attended were using one of two IAX softphones
13:04.20JTsince their payphones eat about $2/min on international calls
13:04.36ZeeekI always havez both SIP and IAX softphones on my laptops
13:04.43Zeeekfor that reason among others
13:04.44JTi have both as well
13:04.58KrooksZeeek: you use what iax softphones ?
13:05.01Zeeekalthough idefisk does SIP I don't think I've ever tried it
13:05.14JTmust be a new idefisk version
13:05.18[TK]D-FenderJT : Softphones aren't "bad", they have their place and for mobile suers & testing, sure, why not.  For far away family memebers to call you?  SURE!  But for anyone to have to mention ANY specific phone for the need he requested is ludicrous :)
13:05.24Zeeekidefisk and every other one I find, but idefisk is the best IMO so far... for me
13:05.27JTstill no decent open source iax softphones
13:05.37JTidefisk is closed source
13:05.47ZeeekI don't mind if something works
13:06.05ZeeekI even pay for software ocassionally
13:06.16JTit's not worth paying for
13:06.17Zeeekup to about $29,99
13:06.29JTi wouldn't even pay for eyebeam
13:06.38ZeeekI might if I needed it
13:06.45JTZeeek: you in europe?
13:07.31*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
13:07.32JTcommas instead of full stops/dots, not cool :P
13:07.55Zeeekoh that was an accident.
13:08.07ZeeekI hate those little differences
13:08.27ZeeekPAL, SECAM, NTSC
13:08.51JTimperial, metric
13:08.59JTonly crackheads use imperial either
13:09.06JTamerican date format is the worst
13:09.09JTit's stupid
13:09.17ZeeekSlowly I turned, step by step... 2.54 centimeter by 2.54 centimeter
13:09.21*** join/#asterisk guillote_GNU (n=guillote@
13:09.28JTmonth before day, follower by year, dum dum dum dum dum
13:09.34ZeeekI like Japanese = mysql
13:09.45ZeeekMSB LSB rulez
13:10.43Zeeekso Krooks should I call you one last time?
13:10.51Zeeekgoing once, going twice...
13:11.03Krooksyes please
13:16.08*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=GoD@
13:17.22Zeeekshit, raining, no fun to walk home :(
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13:19.04ZeeekI was waiting for it to get better, but it got worse. SOunds like software releases!
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13:24.14[TK]D-FenderZeeek: So... call successful?
13:25.39Zeeekya it worked
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13:38.05*** join/#asterisk Inkubot (n=inkubot@
13:38.05Siyacan I change source ports for accounts?
13:38.29Inkubothi *
13:38.40[TK]D-FenderSiya: Try being specific.
13:39.43romano2khi! is there an irc channel for french asterisk users?
13:39.52*** join/#asterisk penguinFunk (n=penguin@unaffiliated/penguinfunk)
13:40.06Siya[TK]D-Fender: erm I have two accounts to the same SP and I'm affraid that I'm having problems as * will use the same port number for all ourgoing sessions
13:40.30Siyasource:5060 - destination:5060 is fine when the destinations are unique
13:40.43Siyathis case two accounts have the same destination
13:40.55[TK]D-FenderSiya: Thats perfectly fine.
13:41.04*** join/#asterisk [GuS] (n=gdnet@unaffiliated/gus/x-663402)
13:41.09[TK]D-FenderSiya: thats what SESSION ID's are for
13:41.40[GuS]Hello guys!! i have a new question :P... the latest version of asterisk does not include the init.d script?
13:41.50Siya[TK]D-Fender: ?! how can * determine which session is being addressed when receiving packets on port 5060 from this source...?
13:41.53[GuS]cause i've reinstalled asterisk, and i have not the script inside there
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13:42.06tzafrir[GuS], on which distro?
13:42.15[TK]D-FenderSiya: Because each one comes in with seperate AUTH credentials perhaps?
13:42.43[GuS]tzafrir: kubuntu feisty
13:42.46Siya[TK]D-Fender: so each sip packet includes credentials?
13:42.57[GuS]i've installed the version before that, and the script was there
13:43.04[TK]D-FenderSiya: What do you think the username & secret are?!
13:43.07[GuS]now is not
13:44.10Siya[TK]D-Fender: for session auth, starting another session on the same port is usually ok as the source ports should be randomised, but if they're not then the receiving end will assume the packets are meant for the established session (which is already authenticated)
13:44.17[TK]D-Fender[GuS]: And what did you do in this reinstall to set up those scripts?  Also didn't Ubuntu get RID of the normal init process?
13:44.21*** join/#asterisk Voicemeup (
13:44.33[TK]D-FenderSiya: .....No.
13:44.35[GuS]nothing weird, i've installed asterisk as always [TK]D-Fender
13:44.55Siya[TK]D-Fender: man in the middle attacks work this way, hence encryption and repeated handshakes are used in cases where this is a problem
13:44.55[TK]D-FenderSiya: You completely misunderstand call flow.
13:45.02[GuS]and yes, i've reinstalled just in case to test
13:45.22[GuS]and nothing... i just started asterisk from command line... but that script inside init.d is not there :s
13:45.22Siya[TK]D-Fender: I do understand networking and data transport very well though
13:45.26[TK]D-FenderSiya: SIP is always authed and is only there to setup RTP.  RTP will come in on random ports.
13:45.54Siya[TK]D-Fender: yeah it's the * part I don;t fully grasp
13:46.07Siya* will register with my SP fine (both sessions)
13:46.23[TK]D-FenderSiya: Each call is independant on its own port.  Call seqno's are tracked, auth is tracked. No, you do NOT need a specific port per account, that is LUDICROUS.
13:46.40tzafrir[GuS], you need to copy the init.d script manually
13:46.48tzafriror better get the one from the package
13:47.09[GuS]i know how to setup the script... but was weird that was not copied inside there
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13:47.29[GuS]in which dir of the source dir is tzafrir exactly?
13:47.49Voicemeupis this simply a conference style sewitching ?
13:47.53SiyaI'm trying to figure out why only one account picks up both accounts calls
13:48.04Voicemeuplikehe service calls on another leg.. then bridges 2 new ones and drops first ?
13:48.30*** join/#asterisk reber (
13:48.48[TK]D-FenderVoicemeup: Looks like
13:49.08[TK]D-FenderVoicemeup: Maybe more like parking.
13:49.12VoicemeupTo switch from one phone to another without hanging up, just press the () button while you're talking. Your other phones will ring and you can pick up the one you want and hang up the other.
13:49.22Voicemeupyeah press the * and it dials other phones. hmm
13:49.30Voicemeupwonder if this is * based
13:49.34[TK]D-FenderVoicemeup: Or 1-touch trasnfer to all.
13:49.46VoicemeupBest of all, your caller won't even hear the switch.
13:49.48[TK]D-FenderDead easy actually.
13:49.53Voicemeupthat  the thing im trying to figure
13:49.57Voicemeupyeah ?
13:50.18[TK]D-FenderVoicemeup: AMI redirect + callfile
13:50.32Voicemeupthe ivr parts is good .. ivr per calleird .. nxxxxxxxxx/callerid , 1, ivr-1.php
13:50.42[TK]D-FenderVoicemeup: In fact... you don't even have to hang up ;)
13:50.43Voicemeupill try
13:50.48Voicemeupbut you will hear the ring ?
13:51.16Siya[TK]D-Fender: Any hint on how I can debug how my SP is adressing my * server? I need proof that either my server is broken or theirs is
13:51.59[TK]D-FenderVoicemeup: Nope.... by pressing "*" you'd do a dynamic feature that will pull the CHANNEL of your call and launch the dial-out callfile based on it.  Upon answer it'd do an AMI redirect to streal the call transparently ;)
13:52.13[TK]D-FenderSiya: Pastebin your configs.
13:52.15jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel.  Here are links to a few : , ,
13:52.20Inkuboti want to make a cluster of asterisks... for load balancing, someone try that ? what distro i should use or could be any distro (i want slackware) ? ultramonkey is my friend ??
13:52.57[TK]D-FenderInkubot: No, that is a WEB HA solution
13:53.15[TK]D-FenderInkubot: * would require all sorts of stuff. SIP proxy, backend DB servers, the works.
13:53.26Voicemeupand.. a switch that works
13:53.31[TK]D-FenderInkubot: Definately rsync for the flat stuff
13:53.42Voicemeuptried hte big ip , and server iron and no luck on udp session sticking
13:53.45[TK]D-FenderInkubot: If you have to ask..... you're not qualified :)
13:53.52Voicemeupi think the biggest server iron can do it.. bu
13:54.24Voicemeupelse i always had the UDP part not stickign to the session  , but hey , im always in trouble
13:54.45Voicemeup[TK]D-Fender , you know if asucsh a thing exists ? a pc scope ?without hardware ?
13:55.01[TK]D-FenderVoicemeup: Not a clue, its out of my scope too ;)
13:55.16Voicemeupgetting AC noise from 9p to 6am and trying to see why. if i unplug ups its ok.. but i still hear hummmm on radio.. so its global
13:55.19[TK]D-FenderVoicemeup: And sure as hell not likely for *.  * is not made for this....
13:55.21Siya[TK]D-Fender: (users.conf only, no idea where *now builds or store the register string but it does this fine)
13:55.30Inkubot[TK]D-Fender: what do you mean ? i'm not qualified ?
13:55.38Voicemeupyeah no link to * .. just an out of subject question
13:55.42[TK]D-FenderSiya: Oh God.... GUI's
13:56.07[TK]D-Fenderfromuser = 3110yyyyyyy <-------- hmmmmmmmmm
13:56.22*** join/#asterisk lilalinux (
13:56.36lilalinuxis anybody here using mISDN with debian?
13:56.42[TK]D-Fendersecret = yyyyyyy <---------------- hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
13:56.44*** join/#asterisk s0ck (n=m@unaffiliated/s0ck)
13:56.49Siya[TK]D-Fender: yeah SP requires it
13:56.50[TK]D-FenderSiya: LOOKS like auth to me.
13:57.14Siya[TK]D-Fender: hehe and the auth works fine when registering
13:57.23[TK]D-FenderSiya: users.conf = ASS
13:57.42Siyaonce a call comes in it doesn't need to register again right? My SP knows where and how to reach my server
13:57.57[TK]D-FenderSiya: You also completely misunderstand REGISTERING
13:58.00Siya[TK]D-Fender: tell digium that (I had nothing to do with that) :)
13:58.11Siya[TK]D-Fender: possible
13:58.30[TK]D-FenderSiya: Register only tells the server where to send calls.  it doesn't mean they aren't AUTH'd on arrival
13:58.40Siyaright ok
13:58.44[TK]D-FenderSiya: It only updates them on your *IP*
13:59.20[TK]D-FenderSiya: Several ITSPs I've seen don't even SUPPORT registering and you need a fixed IP or hostname.
13:59.27*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
14:00.00Siya[TK]D-Fender: both I have, these are ITSP's which offer their own softclients and support * as well
14:00.17[TK]D-FenderSiya: Yes, I've seen them before.
14:00.21ai-ais there a way i can perform a perl, agi, script for all calls, to do some sql functions, and begin call recording based on the ext called, and called from ?
14:00.38[TK]D-Fenderai-a: yes.
14:01.02ai-ai added some exten = _X!,1,...  but it wont continue the flow as its looking for pri 2 next.
14:01.06Siyaso my server registers which tells my ITSP that for both number I have the IP is xyz
14:01.19[TK]D-Fenderai-a: And why the hell don't you HAVE a priority 2?
14:01.29[TK]D-FenderSiya: Correct.
14:01.39[TK]D-FenderSiya: And whent he call comes it... AUTH <-----------
14:01.42ai-abecause im inserting it above previously made ext conf... created by the gui.
14:01.57[TK]D-Fenderai-a: And who's falt is that? :)
14:02.04SiyaThen when a call comes in my ITSP connects to the IP address and authenticates, how does * know which account/trunk to use
14:02.23ai-ain what context we blaming fault ? in using a gui or trying to modify the ext file ?
14:02.25[TK]D-FenderSiya: Because they sund AUTH with the call
14:02.52[TK]D-Fenderai-a: You tell me you don't have a priorty 2 for that exten.  This is YOUR JOB.  Go make it.
14:03.12Siya[TK]D-Fender: so either my ITSP is using the wrong auth for the call or * authenticates and then still picks the wrong account/trunk
14:03.22[TK]D-Fenderai-a: And the gui isn't there so you can invent whatever psycho dialplan you want.  Its a completely stupid cookie-cutter system.
14:03.43[TK]D-FenderSiya: Correct.  perhaps its the "insecure" options in there...
14:03.53JTlilalinux: run away!
14:03.55ai-aok, the gui makes its own [default] exten 850,1,VoiceMail   [foo]  include default       when i do exten _X!,1... alove that include,, 850 wont work now.
14:04.04[TK]D-FenderSiya: SOME places don't always auth calls once the IP is registered.
14:04.52Siya[TK]D-Fender: hmmm, I need to google me some sip call setup debugging manuals
14:04.55[TK]D-Fenderai-a: _X! is clearly NOT 850.  there is no such thing as "above".  It will look for the next priority for that EXACT pattern.
14:04.56[GuS]no luck [TK]D-Fender, the init.d scritp is not being copied inside the init.d dir.. :S
14:05.12[TK]D-FenderSiya: disable the "insecure" line and relaod.
14:05.14tzafrir[GuS], the current script is in contrib/init.d
14:05.41[GuS]ok, thanks tzafrir! Maybe this is a bug? cause i installed 2 versions before this and was woking great
14:05.50JTSiya: a few RFCs would go down a treat ;)
14:06.13*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
14:06.24VoicemeupSiya : also please note, if oyu have 2 devices (trunks) connected to same itsp (from same ip) it will use last one
14:06.41tzafrir[GuS], a known bug, IIRC. Until 1.4.5 (including) it broke the "config" target. Now that target only notifies you that it has failed to copy the init.d script
14:06.43Voicemeupthis is a last matched used policy.. i think
14:06.47[TK]D-FenderVoicemeup: ummm.. wtf?
14:06.54Voicemeupunless it matched something else
14:07.07[TK]D-FenderVoicemeup: We are not talking about fighting over the same ACCOUNT
14:07.09Voicemeupwell.. ;) depends.. check it out
14:07.12[GuS]ahhh ok tzafrir, so is know...
14:07.13Voicemeupsorry then
14:07.32Voicemeupanyhow a call should come to your asterisk box from an ip..
14:07.38JTVoicemeup: what sort of scope were you after?
14:07.44Voicemeupand come to EXTEN@yourip
14:07.51Voicemeupah john
14:07.58Voicemeupwell i hear noise on the line..
14:08.01Voicemeuptesting theory
14:08.02SiyaVoicemeup: I tried to verify that but I only use the accounts for DID, I noticed no such behaviour though I had to reload sip to turn accounts off/on
14:08.18SiyaJT: The implementation is what I'm worried about
14:08.38[TK]D-FenderSiya: You should really ditch the GUI and do this from scratch.  You have much better control and an idea of whats going on.
14:08.50JTVoicemeup: an oscilloscope perhaps
14:08.55VoicemeupJT_ also.. if i unplug the ups ( and headphones behind ups) i hear no more humms...
14:09.16Siya[TK]D-Fender: if only I had the time
14:09.18Voicemeupbut still can hear on local sound system here..
14:09.55Voicemeupso since intel etc.. has nice little app to monitor the power etc..was wondering why the hell cant they make a nice app to see the wave of the ac coming in the power supply or MB..
14:09.59VoicemeupMB actually
14:10.08[GuS]ok, now i have the script, thanks tzafrir :)
14:10.12JTthat's dreaming
14:10.18JTyou need to monitor it before that point
14:10.18Voicemeupyeah i know
14:10.24*** join/#asterisk ramindia_ (n=ramindia@
14:10.27Voicemeupcoze the power supply regulates it
14:10.32JTyou can use the sound card as an oscilloscope
14:10.37Voicemeupbut its still being heard.. in headfones..
14:10.44JTand analogue tv tuner cards i think
14:10.50JTbut not mains :)
14:10.58Voicemeupgot a ati 9800 aiw here ;)
14:11.01lilalinuxJT: pardon?
14:11.12Voicemeupsounffoundry audacity etc et c?
14:11.22JTlilalinux: misdn
14:11.42lilalinuxJT: well, everybody tells me something else
14:11.43Voicemeupnot dreaming that much
14:11.50VoicemeupOscilloscope for Windows is a Windows application that converts your PC into a powerful dual-trace oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer.
14:11.59lilalinuxI was trying to get 2 hfc cards working together since 2 weeks
14:12.10JTVoicemeup: you still need to monitor mains without blowing up your pc
14:12.15JTthx for the flood
14:12.15lilalinuxwith bristuff and zaphfc -> no chance
14:12.23JTlilalinux: err
14:12.30JTlilalinux: trying to link the two?
14:12.40lilalinuxJT: no, one NT and one TE
14:12.56JTso you are trying to link them?
14:12.58lilalinuxit tells me my CPU would be throttled
14:13.07lilalinuxit tells me that about 10000000 times in a second
14:13.12JTwhat tells you that?
14:13.13JTerr ok
14:14.09lilalinuxI've read tons of sites, and most say I should use mISDN
14:14.31lilalinuxnow I wanted to use mISDN just to see that the maintainer of mISDN pissed off 1 year ago
14:14.31JTmost people are idiots too ;) NT mode in misdn is not worth contemplating
14:15.06JTlilalinux: ok, so what have you actually done with bristuff so far?
14:15.45lilalinuxbristuff works fine with 1 hfc card, but the kernel crashes when using 2 of them
14:16.00Voicemeupyou wont believe this
14:16.02JTtried upgrading the kernel, or bristuff?
14:16.13JTVoicemeup: ?
14:16.14Voicemeupthis scope uses the sounds card like you said.. it looks like AC on crack..
14:16.38JTVoicemeup: what's the sound card hooked up to?
14:16.50Voicemeuphooked to ups
14:16.52Voicemeupto ac
14:16.59Voicemeupifi i unpug ups its clean
14:17.12VoicemeupBUT.. i also hear the huim on a non ups related sound system
14:17.12JTyou have the mic in connected to the ups?
14:17.15Voicemeupso its in the lines
14:17.17JTi see
14:17.19lilalinuxJT: problem is, we wanted to get rid of compiling stuff manually and solely use packages
14:17.22JTso your ups may be stuffed
14:17.32JTlilalinux: not a good strategy with asterisk
14:17.36ramindia_iam working on meetme, when iam making call i dont hear ring tone, until i connect and hear the voice,what is need to change to hear ring tones
14:19.05lilalinuxJT: so with every kernel update, our PBX breaks and somebody has to recompile it? gr8
14:19.24JTlilalinux: how often do you randomly upgrade your kernel?
14:19.43lilalinuxJT: whenever debian decides to
14:19.44pj_twice a day
14:19.46Voicemeupand this is the clean one
14:20.02JTlilalinux: maybe you should make it not do that
14:20.50JTrandomly changing software on PBXes isn't advisable ;)
14:20.53*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
14:21.06Voicemeupok found the fault.. ups is doign this.. for some reason..
14:21.21*** join/#asterisk zuesman (n=pb0036@
14:21.22JTVoicemeup: this your whole military base ELF problem?
14:21.39*** join/#asterisk lisandropm (
14:21.40Voicemeupdoesnt explain the SN on the copper lines..
14:21.44Voicemeupcoax i mean
14:21.51Voicemeupand its not me its the whole town
14:21.54Siya[TK]D-Fender: no auth as far as I can see... I just picks trunk_3 (still don;t know why) debug of the peer: sip*CLI>
14:21.58Siya<--- SIP read from --->
14:22.00SiyaINVITE sip:s@ SIP/2.0
14:22.03SiyaRecord-Route: <sip:;lr=on;ftag=as4bf5f515;fcd=yes>
14:22.04Voicemeupi doubt my ups can generate enough crap for this.
14:22.36lilalinuxJT: what's wrong with mISDN?
14:22.46JTalpha software
14:22.51JThardly works
14:22.56JThas horrible debugging
14:23.02JTcan't use chan_zap on it
14:23.59[TK]D-FenderSiya: Also your register is not specifying the exten so it makes them hard to seperate.  thats why its targeting "s"
14:24.23[TK]D-FenderSiya: Ditch that GUI, and while you're at it, pastebin the ENTIRE call attempt
14:24.24lilalinuxJT: Can you recommend a card that supports NT mode and is included in the kernel?
14:24.27jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel.  Here are links to a few : , ,
14:25.25JTlilalinux: nothing
14:25.32*** part/#asterisk ramindia_ (n=ramindia@
14:25.48[TK]D-FenderSiya: Oh... you already did... nvm
14:25.50JTlilalinux: there is no telephony cards for asterisk that are made in the last half century that have drivers built into the kernel
14:25.51*** join/#asterisk call (
14:26.29[TK]D-FenderSiya: "Looking for s in DID_trunk_3 (domain" See it IS picking the right CONTEXT for the call apparently
14:26.56Siya[TK]D-Fender: pastebin updated but I doubt it will give more info as to why * is picking that 'trunk'
14:27.09[TK]D-FenderSiya: And HERE "Peer audio RTP is at port" is where the ports are selected
14:27.54Siyathe right context would be trunk_2 not trunk_3
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14:28.01Siyaso it does pick the wrong context
14:28.21[TK]D-FenderSiya: To: <> This could be stripped to find out where it should have gone.  Now if your REGISTER was set up properly this would be easier.
14:28.34[TK]D-FenderSiya: You are going to suffer a LOT with that setup.
14:28.50SiyaThat's the audio port which has little to do with the sip session which build the call (the audio path)
14:29.19*** join/#asterisk tako-san (n=Tako-san@
14:35.49[TK]D-FenderSiya: No, that has : "Call-ID:" to identify it
14:36.53[TK]D-FenderSiya: If you fixed your register you'd be able able to easily direct your calls.
14:37.19*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
14:38.19lilalinuxJT: do you recommend compiling asterisk manually, too?
14:38.30pj_oh yeah
14:38.38Siya[TK]D-Fender: I'll ask on #asterisk-gui how the dev's go about constructing the register string
14:39.07af_the flash operator panel works with 1.4?
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14:41.29E-bolaDo anybody know a webpage that has info/tips on setting up linksys SPA922's with asterisk?
14:42.05*** join/#asterisk Putzz (
14:43.20[TK]D-FenderE-bola: You only have to fill in like 3 silly boxes...
14:43.58[TK]D-FenderE-bola: And Linksys is a waste in North America......
14:44.14E-bolaim in europe
14:44.25E-bolaAnd im looking for settings to improove the quality
14:44.33E-bolaim currently upgrading the firmware to see if it improoves
14:44.39E-bolathe speakerphone particularly is quite bad
14:44.41[TK]D-FenderE-bola: Didn't think so based on your connect, but ok... you're fogiven :)
14:45.00E-bolaAlways good to hide your ip :)
14:52.17E-bolawhat woudl i do on ?
14:53.21*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (i=rmyorg@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
14:53.27InHisNameI have lotsa echos with SPA-3000 when PSTN call comes into my * and I use the FXS extension on the SPA-3000. What can I adjust to imrove it?
14:55.05Voicemeupf receiving a call and sounds MR roboto, but outound is perfect, Try this. In advanced mode and as an admin log into your device and go into the SIP tab. Find the section called RTP Packet Size: and change from 0.030 to 0.020
14:55.34[TK]D-Fendersilly caps.
14:56.18InHisName[TK]D-Fender, any specific topic to search down to fix my echos ?
14:56.46VoicemeupInHisName tried my thing ?
14:57.03[TK]D-FenderInHisName: Go into the linksys forum and LOOK
14:57.53*** join/#asterisk Fl1p (
14:58.00InHisNameVoicemeup, I'll check in a sec
14:58.07Fl1phi, how can i enable Features Globally ?
14:58.51Voicemeuphmm wont fix echo..
14:59.04Fl1pso i dont have to SET(DYNAMIC_FEATURES... every time
15:01.58ManxPowerI'm sorry, but Asterisk does not support lazy admins
15:02.03ManxPoweruse a macro if you want
15:04.19InHisNameVoicemeup, what does the RTP packet size do ? Shorten the time from .3 to .2, makeing echos shorter ? Probalby a wrong guess.
15:04.35*** join/#asterisk skyphyr (n=alanj@
15:04.40Voicemeupwrong nothing to do with echo
15:04.52Voicemeupits the packet sampling size
15:05.00Voicemeupmy bad
15:05.10ManxPowerAsterisk REQUIRES 0.20 RTP packet size.  If the device is using any other packet size you will have massive audio problems.
15:05.15skyphyrhi all - is there some additional formating required for the [1234] pattern matching? I'm not getting expected results (i.e. a match) with exten => _N[78]XXXXXX
15:05.23Voicemeupare you using an iax trunk ?
15:05.28InHisNamewhat benefit is there going from .3 to .2 ?
15:05.28ManxPowerYou will need to fix that issue before you have any chance of being able to fix echo
15:05.29Voicemeupecho is always the endpoint device..
15:05.35skyphyroh... oops
15:05.44ManxPowerVoicemeup: ?WRONG!  Echo is always on the far end analog loop
15:06.03Voicemeuphehe jumping steps here.. sorry
15:06.10*** join/#asterisk lee_is_me (
15:06.13ManxPowerInHisName: The benefit is that your audio will sound better
15:06.28Voicemeupbut if you had0.30 in rtp size make it 0.20 and retest
15:06.29ManxPowerInHisName: now, go make the change and then come back here.
15:06.32InHisNameVoicemeup, I have PSTN incoming calls on my SPA-3000 and pick up extn on other line of SPA-3000 thru the * machine.
15:06.53Voicemeupdo the change then pish the pstn call to ECHO test
15:06.57InHisNameChange made, just need to stop typing and test it out.
15:06.58Voicemeupon * and see if all good
15:07.03[TK]D-FenderInHisName: Go back to READING THE FORUM.
15:07.06Voicemeupstart with basics
15:07.14[TK]D-Fenderskyphyr: Looks fine
15:07.58skyphyrthanks [TK]D-Fender... wonder what I missed
15:08.03skyphyroh wait
15:08.03ManxPowerInHisName: The echo cannot be solved by Asterisk, because the SPA is the device doing the IP/PSTN conversion, the echo must be reduced on the SPA.  So basically you are wasting yuur time here.
15:08.21skyphyrit's me - I wanted _[78]XXXXXXX
15:08.25skyphyrno _N
15:08.29InHisNameBack to reading and I see four new messages I have not 'read' yet.  Probably I need to read one from long ago...
15:08.45[TK]D-Fenderskyphyr: that would be "bad" wouldn't it? ;)
15:09.03[TK]D-FenderInHisName: SEARCH.  there are all sorts of articles on it
15:09.42*** join/#asterisk joetester (n=joeteste@
15:10.44skyphyr[TK]D-Fender hehe - yes - I might trying thinking before editing extensions.conf :-)
15:11.06*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
15:11.29joetesterHey, quick sip question, wtf is that:  WARNING[2641]: chan_sip.c:12440 handle_response: Remote host can't match request NOTIFY to call '044469cf16cb15ef7f6739e71fbd31be@myipaddress'. Giving up.
15:12.08lee_is_meCan anyone point me to definitions for QueueMemberStatus?  Looking at the source, I can see that it is an Integer Member of the "member" struct, but I have been unable to track down the CONSTANT definitions that represent QueueMemeberStatus
15:14.18*** part/#asterisk E-bola (
15:18.10lee_is_meI can see that there is an enum called queue_member_status, but that has only 3 values (0-2), but it seems to me that QueueMemberStatus returns values up to 6 which seems to match more the queue_result enum
15:18.36lee_is_meor would this question be more appropriate for dev list/channel?
15:22.04lee_is_meAnyone know the channel for the developers, maybe I could ask in there
15:22.44lee_is_methis reminds me of my first sexual experience.  I was nervous, it was dark and I was all alone.
15:23.28*** join/#asterisk tld (
15:24.19blitzragelee_is_me: #asterisk-dev
15:24.22ManxPowerlee_is_me: ask on the -dev mailing list
15:25.36joetesterHey blitzrage!
15:25.42*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jtregunn@unaffiliated/jer)
15:26.06joetesterHow's it going, aren't you off work?
15:27.20blitzrageI live in Canada
15:28.46joetesterOh... I'm confused then. Drainbamage you know.
15:30.30blitzragehow is it confusing?
15:30.31[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage: And you get American Holidays with your job, no? :)
15:30.33blitzrageI live in Toronto...
15:30.36lee_is_meThanks all, I'll try on the dev list or dev channel.
15:30.46blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: Canadian & American :)
15:30.57[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage: BASTARD
15:31.06*** join/#asterisk eAi2k (
15:31.11blitzragethat's not really true
15:31.16blitzrageI don't get "holidays"
15:31.19blitzrageif I don't work, I don't get paid
15:31.42joetesterAnd when DO you work exactly?
15:32.06eAi2khey - I'm using an SPA-3102 with asterisk, and I've managed to get outbound calls (from a softphone) to work, but I can't get inbound calls to work. Does anyone know what I might have done wrong? I don't think asterisk is even getting the calls...
15:33.30[TK]D-FendereAi2k: Go follow the guides at
15:33.57[TK]D-FendereAi2k: And know that that question you asked won't get you ANYWHERE since you provided no details.
15:34.05[TK]D-FendereAi2k: You could have done EVERYTHING wrong.
15:34.52eAi2kI'm aware of that, thank you
15:36.03mostyeAi2k, inbound calls from where?
15:36.42eAi2kwell, anywhere
15:37.55mostyhow is asterisk connected to the PSTN?
15:38.29eAi2kusing an SPA-3102
15:38.36eAi2kI think thats the source of the problems
15:38.44ManxPowereAi2k: I had the same problem at one time.
15:39.04ManxPowerIt took a while to solve, but it was not all that difficult
15:39.14mostythat's an ATA right? so you're having problem with an ATA and not asterisk?
15:39.22skyphyrcan I change the extension a macro believes it's being called from befor the macro is called?
15:39.34eAi2kI'm having problems with the connection between the two
15:39.40ManxPowerskyphyr: Yes.
15:39.52skyphyrdo I change MACRO_EXTEN or something else?
15:39.55ManxPowereAi2k: *nod*  It was pretty easy for me to solve.
15:40.12ManxPowerskyphyr:  Use a goto to goto the extension you want, then run the macro
15:40.27skyphyrahhh ok - thanks
15:40.33ManxPowerAnytime you say "can I change the EXTEN value", the answer is "use a goto"
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15:40.44eAi2kManxPower: any idea how?
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15:41.06VoicemeupExt: 1  Cause: Circuit/channel congestion (34), class = Network Congestion (2) ]
15:41.17ManxPowereAi2k: Yes.  I went to and read the forums.  Just like people have been telling you to do for the past 30 mins
15:41.32Voicemeuptrying to figure out... that a busy or seomthing else ?
15:41.51eAi2kpast 8 minutes actually
15:41.54eAi2kand once
15:41.57skyphyrlovely :-) btw I want a user's extension to either go to a physical phone or to a sip account (which each user has) - I'd just been setting variables for each user and using those in the dialplan - so I can change their physical phone later if I need - anything wrong with this plan?
15:41.58eAi2kand I've already done that
15:42.04rbdhey guys, I want to use the playback command to play an audio file not in the asterisk sounds directory. I can use symlinks to do this right?
15:42.04Voicemeup- Zap/1-1 is circuit-busy, disconnect(69) and a relase 77
15:42.18Voicemeuprbd no use /fullpath
15:42.21Voicemeupno quotes
15:42.28rbdok, sounds good
15:42.31skyphyrthe phones are sip too, but I've given each hardphone it's own account
15:43.11ManxPowereAi2k: then you did not look hard enough.
15:43.28ManxPowereAi2k: But you are wasting your time asking here.
15:43.36ManxPowerand wasting our time as well.
15:43.42eAi2kthank you for your help
15:44.14Voicemeupas in this code ? Cause: Circuit/channel congestion (34)
15:44.20Voicemeupor class = Network Congestion (2) ]
15:44.25ManxPowerVoicemeup: the cause
15:44.50Voicemeuphmm that says no B channel avail and its BS
15:45.05Voicemeupsince theres @ least 10 freeones.. and calls going trough ok
15:45.14Voicemeupexcept that one
15:45.30ManxPowerVoicemeup: no, it means there is no  B-Channel available SOMEWHERE between Asterisk and the destination number.
15:45.31romano2kHi! Does anyone uses Asterisk with a Kiwak account?
15:45.48ManxPowerYou might get that if you tried using 0 as a leading number for a toll call in USA instead of the 1 that is required.
15:45.59ManxPowerIT could also happen if your carrier did not have enough trunks
15:47.11ManxPowerVoicemeup: carriers commonly return bad congestion codes, if you retry the call it then goes thru.
15:47.17ManxPowerit could be caused by MANY issues.
15:47.30ManxPowerwhat is the CLI output of the Dial line
15:47.34Voicemeupno sounds.. nothing same code.. hmm calling GT ,,..
15:47.49rbdI sometimes will want to use the playback command to play a file I'm still streaming in to the filesystem. does the playback command stop playing back once it hits the end of the file stream, or will it wait until it hits an EOF marking?
15:47.52lilalinuxhas anybody experience with the repository?
15:48.28ManxPowerVoicemeup: stop wasting my time.  Either paste the actual number or go away
15:48.40ManxPoweryou can /msg it to me if you want.
15:49.03ManxPowerThe problem is likley the ACTUAL NUMBER or number format
15:49.17Voicemeupnah pm me
15:49.17Voicemeupill paste the pri debug span 1
15:49.21Voicemeupi cant pm no idea why trillian crap
15:49.41ManxPowerI don't want the debug span right now, I want the CLI output
15:49.56ManxPowerIT is a lot of work to parse a PRI debug and usually you can solve the problem with out it.
15:50.45*** join/#asterisk Voicemeup (
15:50.55Voicemeupwaoh.. didndt know pm where throttled too
15:51.33ManxPowerthat is why pastebin is such a great thing
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15:51.44Voicemeuppb'ed you
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15:53.40polerinPB is awesomeness indeed
15:55.33[TK]D-FenderVoicemeup: Spamming people in PRIVATE too huh?  PB > YOU
15:55.58lilalinuxJT: should I use 1.2 or 1.4?
15:55.59[TK]D-FenderVoicemeup: best thing with PB is that with a decent one you can cut&paste direct to your own file.
15:56.31[TK]D-Fenderlilalinux: 1.4 makes certain things easier, but 1.2 is considered more stable.
15:57.04*** part/#asterisk Fl1p (
15:58.21lilalinux[TK]D-Fender: ok, but basically I can do everything with both of them?
15:58.34lilalinuxe.g. I don't need the new config format
15:58.45lilalinuxif that's the only difference
15:59.30mosty1.4 has new commands, more features
15:59.59__DAWand many deprecated  commands in 1.2 are gone in 1.4
16:00.47[TK]D-Fenderlilalinux: Pretty much anything of any importance
16:05.28ManxPowerand UPGRADE.txt should tell you everything you need to know.
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16:10.40Phuntomhi ya!
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16:11.16Phuntomhi ya! have anyone installed asterisk+openserv?
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16:13.03Hmmhesaysopenserv or openser
16:14.21Phuntomwhat manual have you used
16:14.45Hmmhesaysthe default routing script in openser has a lot of notes
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16:48.58Andri[DK]Whined about this yesterday but... does anyone know why on earth playing wave files through my Asterisk (1.4) just doesn't work. Congestion, Busy, MusicOnHold and talking to other extensions works perfectly, just playing sound files is completely silent, including VoiceMail
16:51.24*** join/#asterisk nasls_lsa (n=chatzill@
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16:52.28mostyAndri[DK], maybe you should submit a bug report. or use a different format for now
16:53.07Andri[DK]hmm, what other formats can i try ?
16:53.59*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (i=rmyorg@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
16:54.20Andri[DK]This just feels like a very silly error since mp3 playing works and even .wav files through moh
16:54.22mostyany of the other formats asterisk supports. use whatever your devices use most often, or alaw
16:54.32*** join/#asterisk tako-san (n=Tako-san@
16:54.40torchquick question ... I'm running asterisk 1.2.18 and everytime I restart the asterisk (or zapata module) ...calls from my pstn to my asterisk extensions are just mute ...
16:54.43torcham I doing something wrong?
16:54.54torchdoes anybody know why?
16:55.04*** join/#asterisk mrdigital (
16:55.26mostytorch, what does the full log say?
16:56.02torchgot check ... do you want to see the full log just after I restart de asterisk ?
16:56.21skyphyram I being excessively hopeful here?
16:56.31mrdigitalhow do i get a fxo pci card working on asterisk X101p
16:56.34skyphyrnot sure how I can go about what I'm after with this
16:57.24skyphyrit seems that you can't use variables as extensions in extensions.conf?
16:57.59Zeeekyou can
16:58.29Strom_Mskyphyr: no, that's not valid syntax
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16:59.22Strom_Mpattern matches are acceptable, and you can use conditional branching to change behavior based on the contents of variables
16:59.25[TK]D-Fenderskyphyr: exten => ${EXT_${EXTEN}},1,Macro(inbound,${${EXT_${EXTEN}}}) <_ you cannot do variables or expressions as the exten itself
17:00.21[TK]D-Fenderskyphyr: exten => _3XX,1,GoTo(${EXT_${EXTEN}}) <- that only fills in a PRIORITY.  Go read the parameter list again
17:00.24torchmosty, just got from my CLI "!! Got a UA, but i'm in state 1"
17:00.38[TK]D-Fendersky and priority jumping like you have in there is so 1.0
17:00.50torchmosty, and then ..."B-channel 0/1 successfully restarted on span 1" (for all the channels)
17:01.08mostytorch, look in the full log, not in the console log
17:01.40*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (n=Zeeek@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
17:02.02skyphyrthanks [TK]D-Fender - think that's given me enough to figure a decent solution :-)
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17:03.49torchmosty, where should I post the log? it's huge!!
17:05.31skyphyrhmmm odd error here - app_voicemail.c: Unable to read password
17:06.05[TK]D-Fenderskyphyr: Nows a good time to set your DTMFMODE as well....
17:06.18skyphyr[TK]D-Fender - thanks - sorry I meant an error with what I was trying, not yours
17:06.29skyphyrDTMFMODE is for the SIP connection?
17:06.41[TK]D-Fenderskyphyr: indeed
17:06.46skyphyrthanks :-)
17:10.28skyphyrlovely - had to set it on the phone as well, but now it's all working
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17:14.44skyphyrthanks again for the help - time to head home now
17:15.20[TK]D-Fendertorch: yay, a completely BROKEN FreePBX setup.
17:15.23jbothmm... freepbx is unable to be supported here. It's a complex piece of dialplan and GUI, and can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
17:15.43torchTK: really??! whad did I do wrong?
17:15.54torchI mean ... I did follow all the docs
17:16.27[TK]D-Fendertorch: So many misincluded contexts, app errors, etc...... its a flaming mess.
17:16.36[TK]D-Fendertorch: and this is NOT a FReePBX support channel
17:17.16torchTK: sorry about the freepbx question .. my bad :-)
17:17.24torchwell .. me fix that first then .. :-)
17:17.29mostytorch, you should try #freepbx for that, they will know better than us
17:17.44torchk guy ..thx a lot
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17:43.15blitzrageanyone here use pfsense?
17:43.39blitzrage...the reason I ask is...
17:43.40blitzrage<blitzrage> hey all... I'm running 1.2-BETA1 on my soekris box, and running into an issue where I'm trying to get multiple SIP phones to register, which didn't seem to have an issue with 1.0.1 (or my linksys router... or iptables on my other linux router), and curious if anyone has seen this happen before? I even tried resetting the state table and rebooting all the phones... I can get one phone to register to server_
17:43.40blitzrage1, another p
17:43.41blitzrage<blitzrage> hoen to register to server_2, but my third phone won't register to server_1 or server_2 if it boots up after the first 2 phones (but does register if it is the first phone to boot)
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17:51.34mostyrun a packet logger
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18:04.50ovnicrafti have an error 502
18:05.24ovnicraftwith x-lite
18:05.25[TK]D-Fenderovnicraft: Cool, thats like TWICE as good as an error 251
18:06.16ovnicraftwith my x-lite calling 393612 result is error 502 bad gateway
18:07.04[TK]D-Fenderovnicraft: well go point it to your * server then
18:07.21*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
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18:12.12ovnicraftthe nwaht
18:14.04[TK]D-Fenderovnicraft: PASTEBIN is your friend.
18:14.06jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel.  Here are links to a few : , ,
18:14.38*** join/#asterisk tako-san (n=Tako-san@
18:18.09tsurkohello, i have a question about AEL2
18:19.02tsurkolet's say I have a context with some vars in it - are there individual "copy" of this vars (if there are several paralel calls in this context) for each call?
18:19.31Strom_Mif they're channel variables, then yes; each channel has its own instance of those variables
18:20.02*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
18:20.04tsurkohow are channel variables declared?
18:20.10[TK]D-Fendertsurko: They aren't
18:20.22[TK]D-Fendertsurko: Read(jsutavarimadeupnow)
18:20.37*** join/#asterisk andyd (
18:22.57tsurkoi see
18:23.57tsurkoand what about if they are declared in a macro - if the macro is called by several times can the vars be different?
18:24.33tsurkomore precisely - if a value is set in "instance a" of the macro will it affect "instance b" ?
18:24.46Strom_Mtsurko: it
18:24.54Strom_Mit's associated on a per-channel basis
18:25.37*** join/#asterisk guillote_GNU (
18:26.40tsurkookay, and last question - is there something like C pointers in AEL?
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18:48.31[TK]D-Fendertsurko: No
18:48.49[TK]D-Fendertsurko: AEL is NOT a programming langaue.  it IS extensions.conf parsed a little differently.
18:49.55*** join/#asterisk Yomer (i=Y0mer@
18:49.56FuriousGeorge[TK]D-Fender: it is something of a "logical" language, wouldnt you say?
18:50.06Yomerhi there
18:50.17ManxPowerin fact AEL is translated into standard dialplan stuff at startup
18:50.26[TK]D-FenderFuriousGeorge: it is exactly 0% smarter than extensions.conf, because thats what it gets parsed back to on load.
18:51.01FuriousGeorge[TK]D-Fender: even extensions.conf though, has conditional branching, you can mangle a loop and arrays out of it
18:51.09Yomerhas anyone worked with liknsys SPA400's? im havinf trouble with caller id
18:51.17[TK]D-FenderFuriousGeorge: Yes, indeed you can.
18:51.18ManxPowerIt may, however, be easier for someone with programming experience to write AEL because they are more familiar with programming style syntax than the original Asterisk dialplan syntax
18:51.43[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Yeah, but the similarity ends REAL fast, doesn't it? :)
18:52.39ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I don't know.  I'm waiting for 1.4/AEL2 to be stable before I start translating my macros, subroutines, etc from extensions.conf format to AEL
18:53.17[TK]D-FenderManxPower: I'm surprised you'd bother.  AEL1/2 is just a rehash of what you already know giving nothing new.  Its just 1 more thing to break.
18:53.28FuriousGeorgeManxPower: is AEL2 supposed to be "smarter", as [TK]D-Fender said, than extension.conf and by extension ael.conf
18:53.35ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: you have apparently not seen my macros.
18:53.51[TK]D-FenderManxPower: not THAT bad really, and yes I have ;)
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18:54.22ManxPowerFuriousGeorge: no, AEL2 is supposed to work better because a token parser was used (flex?) rather than trying to do all that tokenizing internally
18:54.48FuriousGeorgelearn something new everyday in here
18:54.55ManxPoweri.e. it should have vastly fewer bugs
18:55.03ManxPowerI don't believe much about the "language" has changed.
18:55.24iruleI have a 2wire "HomePortal 1800HW" adsl router, my boss asked me to tell him what pots to fw to asterisk for SIP to work, I repplied with 5060 TCP and UDP, plus 10000-20000 range UDP, that is what I investigated, and confirmed that those values are in rtp.conf and sip.conf, my boss comes back telling me that he can place calls but the 3rd callee can not hear what the caller is saying. sipphone - internet - router - * - zap - POTS ...
18:55.48iruleam I missing other ports?
18:56.01FuriousGeorgeyou need to foreward 10000-20000 rdp from router to your boss' phone
18:56.12ManxPowerirule: DO YOU DO NOT!!!!!!!!!!!
18:56.26FuriousGeorgeManxPower: no?
18:56.29iruleto the phone? lol
18:56.36ManxPowerPort forwarding is normally only required if ASTERISK is behind NAT.
18:56.42ManxPoweryou don't need to portforward to the phone.
18:56.45irulethe phone is NOT in my ooffice FuriousGeorge
18:56.57Juggieirule, did you enable nat=yes for the phone
18:57.01FuriousGeorgei meant to say to asterisk, not to your boss' phone
18:57.02iruleit is at my bosses home
18:57.09irulelet me see
18:57.18iruleis that oonly in sip.conf?
18:57.20ManxPoweryou set nat=yes in the [device] section for that phone, then make sure Asterisk is on a PUBLIC IP address.
18:57.31Strom_Mirule: is the phone itself behind a separate NAT?
18:57.40Juggieirule, its in the peer definition for the phone
18:57.44FuriousGeorgeor if its not get a dyndns service and use externhost=yes
18:57.59ManxPowerNow if Asterisk is behind a NAT router then you need to do portforwarding on the asterisk NAT router as well as localnet and externhost/externup
18:58.02iruleStrom_M good question
18:58.13iruleIll hace to check with my boss
18:58.16ManxPowerFuriousGeorge: please be quiet or read more carefully
18:58.19FuriousGeorgeStrom_M: that has never made a different
18:58.24Juggiei would assume the phone is behind nat
18:58.25FuriousGeorgedifference to me
18:58.28FuriousGeorgeManxPower: relax dude
18:58.44ManxPowerFuriousGeorge: When you stop giving out wrong information
18:58.45iruleyes we are all friends here! :D
18:58.47FuriousGeorge99% chance he is having nat issues, just my take
18:59.13JuggieFuriousGeorge, and using a dynamic ip service will fix that how?
18:59.20ManxPowerAsterisk behind NAT:  port forward UDP 5060 and the ports in rtp.conf, use externip=/externhost= and localnet.
18:59.50ManxPowerPhone behind NAT:  nat=yes and canreinvite=no in the phone's sip.conf section and that is all
19:00.09FuriousGeorgeJuggie: if asterisk is behind nat you want to use either externip or externhost to fix the SIP headers
19:00.21irulenat=no in all my phones, oops! lol
19:00.31ManxPowerirule: are your phones behind nat?
19:00.36Juggieirule, also like manx said, make sure canreinvite=no
19:01.07ManxPowerirule: port forwarding on the phone's NAT router can cause problems.
19:01.22FuriousGeorgeplus, you dont need to do it
19:01.51Juggiethere should be no custom settings on the router at the other end, except if they are running a hardware firewall and need to let the traffic in/out
19:02.03irulewhat are externip or externhost?
19:02.22FuriousGeorgei have a bunch of servers all behind nat.  i interface them with a sip phone also behind nat at my house.  i need to do exactly 0 configuration on the phones end to make that work
19:02.22Juggiesettings in sip.conf only used if your asterisk server is not on a public ip.
19:03.18Juggieirule, does your * box have a public ip?
19:04.17tsurkoirule, I have similar setup, and I'm using openvpn, to connect the client with Asterisk. But you'll have to have another PC acting like router.
19:04.17irulejuggie dynamically asigned by adsl provider. in changes on every reconnect
19:04.46FuriousGeorgeget a dyndns service of some sort
19:04.56Juggieirule, i'm talking about your * server now, not the client end.
19:04.57iruletsurko I told that to my boss, he said he does not want openvpn :s
19:05.19Juggieit is directally connected to an adsl modem or at least has a internet ip from the adsl modem.. which changes?
19:05.36irulejugguie adsl lan router internal ip is and * is
19:06.00FuriousGeorgeirule: and the external ip changes?
19:06.01irulemy boss uses cute little GUI from router to forward calls
19:06.14Juggieirule, ok then, you need to set in sip.conf
19:06.28Juggieand then sign up for some dynamic ip service and setup your * box to keep its ip updated
19:06.29FuriousGeorgeis there an echo in here?
19:06.29irule192.168.5.254 and are static
19:06.37Juggiethis i would like to say is a less then ideal solution.
19:06.48Juggieand no one in their right mind would recomend it
19:06.56FuriousGeorgelike you and i just did
19:07.20FuriousGeorgei definitely recommend getting a static ip over that, yes
19:08.11irulebosses bosses bosses! their only goal in life is to spend less money lol
19:08.32Juggiea static ip should not cost very much on top of your existing adsl plan
19:08.38Juggiepresuming you are using a business adsl plan
19:09.03irule+100 USD for my country :s
19:09.13FuriousGeorgeexternhost will work
19:09.24FuriousGeorgetry that and decide if you need something better
19:09.58*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
19:10.28FuriousGeorgeso like i was starting to say, since this is 99% chance a nat issue, you need to set externhost and localnet in sip.conf, foreward the correct udp prots to asterisk (10000-20000), and set nat=yes on that phone
19:10.31irulehow about the current ip address in externhost?
19:10.40FuriousGeorgethat will work till it changes or something
19:11.36FuriousGeorgeyour "router" probably has a built in feature for an account with some service, check that first
19:11.51FuriousGeorgealso need to pass port 5060 for sip signalling to asterisk
19:12.30FuriousGeorgeits not the most obvious setup in the world, but it works
19:13.33FuriousGeorgei have great results in one place using "business" cable ISP (no static ip possible), and same residential service at home
19:13.55iruleoh cools
19:14.13FuriousGeorgebut in the end if you think that VoIP is gonna be as reliable as PSTN or PRI you are mistaken
19:14.19FuriousGeorgemake sure your users know that
19:14.57FuriousGeorgeand if you call out over ADSL ISP, make sure your users have at least one POTS line incase that chan is UNAVAIL
19:19.10FuriousGeorgei cant emphasize that last point enough really, where im from, if people can't call emergencey services when they need to, you can/will get sued
19:19.13*** join/#asterisk crimethinker (
19:24.22FuriousGeorgeim off
19:28.02*** join/#asterisk FuzzyB (
19:28.38FuzzyBwhat does one dial to get into his or her voicemail on an asterisk server?
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19:30.00[TK]D-FenderFuzzyB: Whatever you told it to use.
19:30.20FuzzyBi didn't set it up, and the guy that did isn't around right now and i've forgotten what he told me
19:30.36[TK]D-FenderFuzzyB: YOU tell * what to do with an call arriving at your server.  So put it wherever you want, however you want.
19:30.40FuzzyBmy call log shows that I have voicemails, i'm also getting email annoucements about it
19:31.00[TK]D-FenderFuzzyB: Well we aren't psychic.  If you don't know your own setup, we know even LESS
19:31.24[TK]D-FenderFuzzyB: I could say dial 28374687236478263478 for VM and that COULD be right, but I wouldn't bet on it.
19:31.24FuzzyBwell at last now I know that much, thank you
19:32.05[TK]D-FenderFuzzyB: I'm figuring right now you can't show us your configs either.... would that be the case?
19:32.25FuzzyBso # brings me to a directory
19:32.26[TK]D-FenderFuzzyB: Ok, You've got yourself painted right into a corner then.
19:32.38FuzzyBbut at least thanks for telling me all this
19:32.44[TK]D-FenderFuzzyB: There's no telling where or how any of that was set up for you.
19:32.45FuzzyBis there a common way it's setup?
19:32.59[TK]D-FenderFuzzyB: Nope.  * is whatever you make it to be.
19:33.48[TK]D-FenderFuzzyB: I could say that "123" will dial my cell unless its tuesday and raining in New York.
19:34.18FuzzyBif i could make my phone not bother me when it was raining
19:34.21FuzzyBthat would be the shit
19:34.34blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: the funny thing is you really COULD only send it unless it was raining if you hooked asterisk into a weather report :)
19:34.35[TK]D-FenderFuzzyB: Entirely do-able.
19:35.06[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage: Yeah... and like is that Raw Cat Science?!?! NOT!
19:35.48iruleFuzzyB exten => 8500,1,VoicemailMain in your dialplan, restart * and dial 8500 with your phone
19:35.55[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage: Oh, I finally setup WordPress on my server.  Time to start writing those Tutorials I've been thinking about.
19:36.19[TK]D-Fenderirule: He has no access to his setup, nor do I suspect he knows the slightest thing about * at all
19:36.26FuzzyB8500 sounds like a test circuit
19:36.42[TK]D-Fenderirule: I'd tell you what else I suspect, but well... I'll just wait for the incriminating evidence to present itself ;)
19:36.49blitzrage8500 is the default VM extension on Cisco phones
19:37.39FuzzyBi figured it out
19:38.21iruleif you have no access, Id start the server with trinity os, run mountallfs, start sshd and confortably edit files from my desktop lol
19:39.02*** join/#asterisk javb (n=javb@
19:39.29javbi have a TDM400P, since this morning, just ONE CHANNEL is getting TOTALLY distotion when im trying to use it.
19:39.36javbCould it be the FXO module? or what?
19:39.38FuzzyBdial my extension and then hit *
19:39.43javbIt was working great yesterday
19:39.50FuriousGeorgejavb: did you try that line on a different channel
19:40.02FuriousGeorgesounds like it could be a problem on the pole
19:40.42javbFurioysGeoge, yes, an the line is ok.
19:40.46FuzzyBfunny that didn't work the 2nd time
19:40.59javbI have 4 lines, put another line, in that port, and STILL GETTING THE HORRIBLE SOUND
19:41.21FuriousGeorgejavb: im afraid the only way to be sure is to pop open the box and try swapping modules
19:41.33FuriousGeorgesee what the problem follows
19:41.46javbWow... i will..
19:42.00[TK]D-Fenderjavb: see if its config is different than the others.  If it isn't, then things have just gone flakey.  Could be Zaptel, could be the module/card.
19:42.07javbjust came here before to see if someone else has had this issue before.
19:42.13[TK]D-Fenderjavb: Do a full reboot and if it clears well.....
19:42.23FuriousGeorgenah, mine would just stop working when i used em
19:42.27FuriousGeorgeand it was usually fxs
19:42.33javbI undestand
19:43.04javblet me try a new reboot
19:44.40javbwe havent had storm o anything that would damage the card
19:45.06javband just THAT port is no working, i dont think rebooting will do anything, but "fingers crossed"
19:48.13javbUnable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk.ctl exist?)
19:48.16javbany ideas now?
19:48.38[TK]D-Fenderjavb: * hasn't been started
19:48.49[TK]D-Fenderjavb: First guess : zaptel error
19:48.55FuzzyBwell thank you
19:48.59*** part/#asterisk FuzzyB (
19:49.11javb[TK]D-Fender, can u elaborate?
19:49.13JTlilalinux: yes compile, yes 1.2, yes bristuff
19:49.14blitzragejavb: run asterisk in the forground to see what the issue is
19:49.17[TK]D-Fenderjavb:  make sure the modules are loaded & run "ztcfg -vvvv" before starting *
19:50.01javbChannel map:
19:50.01javbChannel 01: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 01)
19:50.01javbChannel 02: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 02)
19:50.01javbChannel 03: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 03)
19:50.01javbChannel 04: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 04)
19:50.02javb4 channels configured.
19:50.04javbChanging signalling on channel 1 from Unused to FXS Kewlstart
19:50.06javbChanging signalling on channel 2 from Unused to FXS Kewlstart
19:50.10javbChanging signalling on channel 3 from Unused to FXS Kewlstart
19:50.12javbChanging signalling on channel 4 from Unused to FXS Kewlstart
19:50.14javbi have this..
19:51.24jbotA Pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel.  Here are links to a few : , ,
19:51.35[TK]D-Fenderjavb : do NOT spam in here like that
19:51.56[TK]D-Fenderjavb: Fine, no go try and start *
19:51.57javboh, sorry.
19:52.02javbIt started.
19:52.09*** join/#asterisk ai-a (
19:53.00javb[TK]D-Fender, now, the channel 2 works...
19:53.15javbI would like to undestand what JUST happened... can u help?
19:54.47[TK]D-Fenderjavb: I already gave you the guess-loist.
19:56.26*** join/#asterisk Holos (n=asdf@
19:57.00javbI undestand. But why AFTER REBOOTING EVERYTHING goes to normal... and it WAS working
19:57.11HolosHi, Did something change for Queues? I'm unable to specify the time to ring the queue. I have Queue(queuename|||5) that should ring for 5 seconds right?
19:57.24javbi mean, is like a weird problem?
19:57.33*** join/#asterisk fbffff (
19:57.54[TK]D-FenderRandom OT HTML question : can someone point me to the tag or header info I need to do an immediate browser redirect to another URL?
19:58.05Holos[TK]D-Fender: Meta refresh
19:58.24[TK]D-FenderHolos: that limits the overall time in the queue, and I believe app_queue's parameters many have changed order.
19:58.43Holos[TK]D-Fender: <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10;url=">
19:58.56Holos[TK]D-Fender: How do I find the app_queue paramaters?
19:59.25[TK]D-FenderHolos: "show application queue"
19:59.34[TK]D-FenderHolos: in * CLI
20:00.17Holos[TK]D-Fender: Thanks...
20:02.44[TK]D-FenderHolos: np, and ditto.
20:05.27*** join/#asterisk KDan (
20:08.33*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey)
20:12.11Voicemeup: anyrecomendation for bangladesh white..
20:12.21*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jtregunn@unaffiliated/jer)
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20:24.14crimethinkerLas Vegas Kwik-E-Mart: +1 702 270 2964
20:24.57crimethinkercall them and ask for Apu
20:44.45HolosAnyone have any experience with Red Fone Devices?
20:46.39*** join/#asterisk kirberich (
20:46.59kirberichgood evening
20:47.49Voicemeupcrimethinker ?
20:48.15*** join/#asterisk __DAW (
20:50.03kirbericha question regarding isdn: i have a isdn line with two b channels. Is it possible to connect a call coming in on one channel to an external number using the other channel of the same card?
20:53.12*** join/#asterisk madcap (i=madcap@unaffiliated/madcap)
20:56.50Strom_Mkirberich: i don't see why it wouldn't be possible
20:56.59crimethinkerVoicemeup, yes, there's something like 12 of them in north america
20:57.48__DAWkirberich: yes
20:57.58kirberichin that case, how is it possible ;)
20:58.15kirberichwhen i just try a Dial(CAPI/somenumber) it says the line is busy
20:58.24kirberichi guess i have to tell asterisk somehow to use the other channel, but how?
20:58.28*** join/#asterisk DEac- (
21:00.08Strom_Mkirberich: do regular outbound calls work using that method?
21:02.53*** join/#asterisk adorah (
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21:14.43kirberichStrom_M, woops ;) capi/contr1/number did the trick ;)
21:15.30Strom_Mthere ya go
21:17.20*** join/#asterisk Holos (n=asdf@
21:17.49HolosDoes anyone have the US/**** Location files for a 7961 phone?
21:18.08*** join/#asterisk aao_pwner (
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21:22.15HolosThe file I need is: US/g3-tones.xml
21:26.21*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
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21:52.26Hymieanyone currently using la crappy unidens?
21:52.38Hymiewith asterisk 1.4
21:54.38shido6sip phones?
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22:07.58JTkirberich: wow, one of the few people on the planet still using capi :P
22:08.48kirberichjt, in my situation, it's the most sensible option by far ;)
22:09.27JTwhat situation would that be?
22:10.18kirberichwell, i have a router, i bought an isdn card for 20 euros, and now i have the biggest and baddest "answering machine" i can think of ;)
22:10.57kirberichit's just awesome what one can do with shitty hardware, a telephone line, asterisk and a little time ;)
22:13.05JTand you're saying capi is the only software under asterisk that supports your card?
22:15.21*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
22:16.56*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
22:17.19JTkirberich: ?
22:17.38kirberichsorry, i was gone
22:17.54kirberichi didn't really figure there could be anything else that would support it
22:18.04JTwhat sort of card is it/
22:18.14kirberichit's an avm fritz!usb isdn card
22:18.35kirberichfritz!usb v2.0 that is
22:18.40JTi think that's hfc chipset
22:18.46JTbristuff probably supports it
22:19.04k31thHum, i have an ITX system here I want to build a solid state pbx
22:19.22JTk31th: i bet it's something horrible like VIA chipset
22:19.30k31thJT:  yep
22:19.30kirberichJT, what advantage would it offer to use that instead of capi?
22:19.47JTkirberich: being able to use all zaptel features
22:19.55k31thits a via board.
22:20.03JTaccessing your channel as if it was any other zap channel
22:20.05k31thtbh this is only a test
22:20.27JTk31th: any hardware boards going on it?
22:20.31k31thim riht in thinking putting a r/w FS on a CF card based HD is bad news
22:20.41k31thJT: not for now.
22:20.50k31thjust IAX trunks for now.
22:21.07JTi hope you mean normal iax connections, not trunks
22:22.43k31ththats the ide disk i have
22:39.49*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
22:50.31*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
22:52.29Aces1Upanyone knoe where i download the asterisk sounds package?
22:53.50romano2kgood evening everyone! i just launched asterisk on my debian with the initscript
22:54.23romano2know i have an infinite loop of asterisk crashing and telling : "Asterisk ended with exit status 1, Asterisk died with code 1."
22:54.27romano2kwhat should I do ?
22:54.46[TK]D-Fenderromano2k, stop running it as a daemon, and run it manually to see where it crashes
22:55.09[TK]D-Fenderromano2k, Most common reason is Zaptel failure
22:55.31romano2k[TK]D-Fender, when i do "/etc/init.d/asterisk stop", it answers "failed to kill 10227: No such process"
22:55.55[TK]D-Fenderromano2k, Do it the HARD way and just nuke the processes
22:55.55JTromano2k: check the process list for any script like safe_asterisk
22:56.14romano2kJT, [TK]D-Fender, right, i killed everyone :D
22:56.29romano2kshould i try something like "asterisk -cvvv" then?
22:57.04[TK]D-Fenderromano2k, "asterisk -gvvvvvvvvvc"
22:58.02romano2kAsterisk Ready.
22:58.33romano2kand my X-Lite client logs and works properly
22:59.04romano2kI have a warning about sqlite3
23:00.56[TK]D-Fenderromano2k, Probably ok to stop * and restart the service normally.
23:01.24romano2k[TK]D-Fender: now it works.
23:01.31romano2ki didn't change nothing o_O
23:04.49romano2ki also get this message on launch of asterisk : "WARNING[15102]: res_musiconhold.c:852 moh_register: Unable to open pseudo channel for timing... Sound may be choppy."
23:04.58romano2kand I wish I could use musiconhold
23:05.17JTromano2k: no zaptel?
23:06.43romano2kJT: i don't use it
23:06.56romano2kJT: I mean, I don't even really know what it is
23:07.12romano2kJT: i'm using asterisk with sip only
23:07.29*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
23:11.53romano2kany solution for my problem?
23:12.21[TK]D-Fenderromano2k, install Zaptel and use Ztdummy for your timing source
23:12.37romano2kwow :)
23:12.40JTromano2k: what [TK]D-Fender said... you need zaptel for MoH
23:12.52romano2ki'll try, thank you
23:15.06*** join/#asterisk DrukenLPY (
23:15.14DrukenLPYafternoon everyone
23:15.49[TK]D-FenderDrukenLPY, considerably so.
23:16.02DrukenLPYalmost evening..
23:16.05blitzrageAl Gore III got pulled over for doing 100mph in a Prius...
23:16.08JTlies, it's 0915!
23:16.09blitzrageis that even possible? :)
23:16.37JTal gore III?
23:16.39DrukenLPYeven if possible... how safe would that be?
23:16.51JTit's only 100mph, how bad could it be
23:16.56blitzragedepends how well the car handles at that speed I suppose
23:17.00DrukenLPYit's a prius...
23:17.12blitzrageI've done that speed in a 1990 Chevy Lumina
23:17.13JTthey seem well built
23:17.31JTtoyotas are generally of good built quality also
23:17.32blitzrageI'm surprised it has that high of a top end speed
23:17.39blitzragebut good to know
23:17.49JT160km/h is NOT fast
23:17.55JTany modern car can do that
23:17.58blitzrageToyota should use that as a selling point. Damn yanks thinking hybrid cars are slow
23:18.14blitzrageJT: right.. but it's a hybrid. I'm not THAT shocked, but still
23:18.19JTwhy would a hybrid be slow, electric is the best for off the line torque
23:18.31blitzragetorque != top end speed
23:18.34JTif you want a torque monster, get an electric car.
23:18.42blitzrageat that speed, it'd probably be mostly the gas engine anyways
23:18.43JTthe problem is storing the energy
23:19.07rob0How bad is his ticket going to be?
23:19.19JTthe engine is 1.5L
23:19.27DrukenLPYanyone want to share their bell contact for a pri... or as they call it... "megalink"
23:19.37JTplenty of power to get to 160km/h in something that light
23:19.45[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage, 160 kph isn't that bad... I hit 180 in my old T-bird.... at least... thats where the needle stopped ;)
23:19.47JTprobably can do 200km/h
23:19.53blitzrageJT: seen this car?
23:20.20JTDrukenLPY: haha, telstra here used to call some services a "megalink"
23:20.24blitzragerob0: probably bad, since he had marijuana, zantax, valium, and a couple other prescription drugs with no prescription
23:20.39blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: ya, I've done that too
23:20.44[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage, Neato... just fast ehough to generate the g-forces needed to hold back the vomit from acceleration ;)
23:21.17Juggieblitzrage, my old civic was caped @ 160
23:21.20Juggiei hit that on the 401 :)
23:21.26JTblitzrage: not bad
23:21.53JTis this the presidential al gore, or someone else
23:22.10blitzrageJT: vice-pres
23:22.10rob0Gore III would be the son of the ex-VP
23:22.13blitzragehis son
23:22.13madcaphis son
23:22.41madcapAt 2:15 am on July 4, 2007, Gore was arrested in Laguna Hills in Orange County, California for speeding over 100 MPH in a Toyota Prius.[10] Gore admitted to recently smoking marijuana and was found to be in possession of a small amount of marijuana along with Xanax, Valium, Vicodin, Adderall, and Soma. Police reported that Gore had no prescriptions for the pharmaceuticals
23:22.59DrukenLPYJuggie: my minivan can hit 160....
23:24.00blitzrageaiight, I'm out for a bit -- upgrading to FC7 on my laptop
23:24.13*** part/#asterisk macli (
23:25.03Yomerhas anyone worked with linksys SPA400 ? im having problems with Caller ID
23:29.00k31thIs there a decent front end to asterisk? i need a front end for a user that wants one... is there any thing half decent around
23:30.11JTCOPS: Gore Edition
23:31.02*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jtregunn@unaffiliated/jer)
23:31.27JTk31th: not really
23:31.40k31thJT:  is there nothing that edits the configs directly ?
23:32.55fujinI'd hope not
23:32.58fujina frontend would be silly
23:33.17fujingenerally you don't need to edit your configuration much after crafting the initial dialplan, with well-written macros anyway
23:33.23JTthere is, but they suck
23:34.25fujinhow's the asterisk-gui project coming along?
23:34.33fujinto be completely honest I don't think i'd use it even if it was stable
23:40.05k31thasterisknow you mean fujin ?
23:40.15JTthat's the distro
23:40.24JTthat contains asterisk-gui
23:44.41*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (
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23:49.16mightnarein zapata.conf, if transfer=yes requires threewaycalling to be also enabled, how do i totally disable threewaycalling for all my users... explicitly specify in each of their entries?
23:52.19[TK]D-Fendermightnare, disable BOTH in zapata and force them to use DTMF transfer.
23:55.47mightnarei was hoping for a better option, still enable flash-hook transfer though disable threewaycalling totally
23:57.00*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
23:58.33[TK]D-Fendermightnare, another great reason to NEVER use Zaptel FXS.

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