IRC log for #asterisk on 20070628

00:00.14rg2112hi all.  anyone have experience with Adran 850s?  I'm trying to connect asterisk+digium to an Adtram 850 with no love.
00:01.29MACscrJT: while i agree it could be cheaper, it would be more of a hassle than its worth for the savings at this point
00:01.50JTMACscr: depends where it's located
00:02.40MACscrWell, i personaly wouldnt ever want to have to touch it
00:02.40MACscrAnd i dont want the up front costs of purchasing a server
00:04.53*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
00:12.24JTMACscr: i prefer co-lo myself, if i'm anywhere near the datacentre
00:12.56MACscrI dont like to keep parts on hand and im no where near a quality dc
00:14.39JTheh ok
00:14.43JTwhoop whoop? ;)
00:15.08*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
00:17.48*** join/#asterisk dijungal (n=kdaniel@
00:18.37dijungalhello... is it possible to monitor a call on asterisk?
00:19.01dijungallets say and agent recieves a call.. can a third party dial in and monitor that call?
00:19.24*** join/#asterisk swagger (
00:20.48*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
00:20.54davidcsianyone knows what extension is used for DIALSTATUS=CANCEL??
00:22.18*** join/#asterisk stkn__ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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00:25.29davidcsidijungal: yes, you can, but i don't know how.. sorry, i think that with barge or something like that...
00:35.27*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
00:39.15NightMonkeyHowdy. Anyone have a reccomendation on some good F/OSS webGUIs for Asterisk?
00:43.18JTthe main recommendation is to not use a gui :)
00:49.51rob0well, konsole isn't bad :)
00:50.13*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (n=leon@
00:50.22dijungalabout the monitoring thing.. anyone got any ideas?
00:50.30dijungali want to monitor active channels
00:50.36NightMonkeykiscokid: I'm gonna check out the svn now. Thanks.
00:50.52JTall the info is on the wiki, dijungal
00:51.01dijungali've been searching
00:51.34dijungalwhich wiki...i've been in
00:51.41JTyes that is the wiki
00:52.20Strom_Mbut is it the wikiest wiki?
00:52.25dijungalbut it's possible right?
00:52.34Strom_Mis this hotdog completely FOSS snack food?
00:52.41Strom_Mwhat about the milk
00:52.41rob0The wicked wiki
00:52.53kiscokidanyone know how to get the Message Waiting light to work in a Grandstream GXP-2000?
00:53.11Strom_Mkiscokid: did you put the mailbox setting in the sip.conf entry?
00:53.19*** join/#asterisk ectospasm (
00:53.25ectospasmanyone here use trixbox?
00:53.32Strom_Mgo to #trixbox
00:53.34sweeperall signs point to no
00:53.36JThopefully not
00:53.40ectospasmheheheh, OK
00:54.03kiscokidStrom_M: I have mailbox=8003@default in the sip.conf
00:54.24Strom_Malright, and does that mailbox exist in [default] in voicemail.conf?
00:54.48kiscokidI can send and retrieve voicemail
00:54.51Strom_Mand is there a message in that mailbox waiting to be listened to?
00:55.04kiscokidnot this second
00:55.17sweeperpoor guy having to deal with a grandstream D:
00:55.48kiscokiddoh, its working
00:55.56ectospasmyou'd be better off with an ATA over a Grandstream
00:56.06kiscokidI know
00:56.24Strom_Myou'd be better off with a flaming pile of hyaena offal than a Grandstream
00:56.28ectospasmGrandstreams are great pricewise, but suck when you use them...
00:56.55kiscokidI know, I know, I just got one of them.
00:57.04kiscokidGonna look at Polycoms next
00:57.26_VoiceMeUp_COMBTW for all new msn virus that says to click on
00:57.31_VoiceMeUp_COMDO NOT click
00:57.35_VoiceMeUp_COMits a virus
00:57.50_VoiceMeUp_COMshit.. it didnt mess the url
00:58.06_VoiceMeUp_COMdo not click.. this message.. tis a msn virus being around since morning and afftecting lots
00:58.26Strom_M_VoiceMeUp_COM: thank you for the news of the stupid
00:58.34_VoiceMeUp_COMalready emailed the DE host.. no asnwer.. anyone speak dutch or germ ?
00:58.48Strom_Min other breaking news:  people are stupid idiots; show no signs of improving
00:58.54*** part/#asterisk rg2112 (n=rob@
00:58.58kiscokidwow, the message light on my Cisco 7960 works too
00:58.59_VoiceMeUp_COMwell believe it or not lots of people got it
00:59.04_VoiceMeUp_COMyeah i know
00:59.14_VoiceMeUp_COMtrillian is safe from it for some obscure reason
00:59.16kiscokidmust have been the mailbox= in sip.conf
00:59.16Strom_Mlocal interviewees respond "durhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhblblblbblblb"
00:59.32_VoiceMeUp_COMhow about voicemail.conf
00:59.39_VoiceMeUp_COMwaht the context of yhe mailbox in there ?
00:59.41Strom_M_VoiceMeUp_COM: he fixed it already
00:59.41_VoiceMeUp_COMdefault ?
00:59.54kiscokidyeah, thanks
01:00.04Strom_Mbreaking news: MSN virus distracts ITSP operator
01:00.32JTKeyboard offset issue causes miscommunication of lol
01:00.43*** join/#asterisk vn (
01:00.44MACscrAnyone using the GIPS codec and having success with it?
01:01.32*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
01:01.46rob0Um, what about this newfangled users.conf thing? That looks like a nice way to set up extensions and voicemail.
01:01.56Strom_Mi've not used it
01:02.08MACscrIm looking for a good global codec
01:02.19Strom_Mhow about...G711
01:02.23Strom_Meveryone speaks that
01:02.40MACscrWell, i mean something that will work fine between a server in the US and Germany
01:02.52Strom_Mthat'll work fine
01:03.02MACscrWith ping times around 150?
01:03.07JTMACscr: G.711 is the international standard
01:03.12JTlatency has no relationship
01:03.17JT150ms is nothing
01:03.33MACscrOh, i thought you always wanted it less than 100
01:03.57Strom_Mideally less than 200, and really no more than 400
01:04.14vncan we mix the sound with SIP phones?  likeéééapplying a very high amplification, modifying the voice tones...etc?
01:04.28Strom_Mvn: why?
01:04.41MACscrThanks for the info, that really helped
01:04.44davidcsiis sip channel's uniqueid based on unixtime?
01:04.56*** join/#asterisk magic_hat (
01:04.59JTMACscr: latency has no relationship to the codec anyway usually
01:05.04vnbecause I'm hard of hearing and need specific settings to understand on the phone
01:05.10JTonly bandwidth usage is related to codec
01:05.15*** join/#asterisk guillote_GNU (
01:05.21JTand some codecs handle packet loss and jitter better
01:05.23vnso I dunno if I keep my analog phone...or use a SIP phone
01:05.24magic_hatanyone know why I can't get into /etc/asterisk on my ubuntu box? it's giving me 'permission denied'
01:05.56JTvn: good sip phones have volume buttons
01:05.59MACscrSo if i have large pipes, then i shouldnt have to worry about the codec, but with packet loss i should, right?
01:06.03Strom_Mvn: do you need the phone to be hearing aid compliant?
01:06.11JTMACscr: correct
01:06.18Strom_Mmagic_hat: are you root?
01:06.25vnStrom_M: yep
01:06.37magic_hatno... lol I cannot find the damn root pw for this machine.
01:06.38Strom_Mvn: most modern phones should be hearing aid compliant anyway
01:06.50Strom_Mmagic_hat: well then i think you're screwed
01:07.15vnon SIP phones, what kind of plug is used to plug the receiver? rj11?
01:07.21davidcsiis sip channel's uniqueid based on unixtime?
01:07.24magic_hatanyone know what the default root pw is for ubuntu?
01:07.26vnif so I could keep my actuall amplification equipment
01:07.35JTit's possible to reset the root password if you have physical access to the box
01:07.48JTvn: rj-11 or similar on polycoms
01:07.53JTfor headsets
01:07.55magic_hatJT: yeah, I do
01:08.01Strom_Mthe headset connector is RJ-9
01:08.04magic_hatalthough it's a new box and I never changed it.
01:08.07JTStrom_M: right :)
01:08.21*** join/#asterisk AllanLima (n=mediain@unaffiliated/allanlima)
01:08.31Strom_Mmagic_hat: have you tried sudo?
01:08.44magic_hatas the pw?
01:08.51Strom_Mthe program sudo
01:09.01vnI still dunno if I buy an ATA + FXS (or is it fxo?) card or SIP with FXO card..
01:09.14magic_hati've tried sudo cd /etc/asterisk
01:09.29Strom_Mmagic_hat: then when it asks you for password
01:09.33Strom_Menter your user password
01:09.36magic_hatit doesn't get me there... 'sudo: cd: command not found
01:09.50JTno sodo
01:09.56JTwhat sort of machine is this
01:10.13magic_hatsudo works for other stuff. just not cd. shrug
01:10.19JTubuntu has no root password by default
01:10.22JTsudo su
01:10.25vnuse sudo -i
01:10.31vnthat too
01:11.35vnanyone can recommend me in my choice?
01:12.02JTvn: sip phones are the most flexible and have more fetures
01:12.03Strom_Mvn: either a sip phone or an ATA will do the trick
01:12.09JTand more digital
01:12.09Strom_Mbut you'll probably like the sip phone
01:12.18vnsame quality?
01:12.31JTa good sip phone will sound better
01:13.16vnwonder if there's somewhaere I can try before buying..
01:13.44JTbuy a polycom, and if you plan to use the headset port, either use PoE or get a decent aftermarket power brick
01:14.07*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
01:14.13Defrazexten=> _12085294887,1,Dial(SIP/ I have an IAX2 trunk between my two systems, I would like to use IAX instead of sip when I forward this number but I am having trouble with the syntex.
01:14.45DefrazI tried just chaning out IAX2 for the SIP but it didn't seem to work.
01:15.37Strom_Muh, no
01:15.37DefrazThis line is on my 1st server and redirects the DID to the a second server.
01:15.42Strom_Mread the documentation
01:15.43vnuh I don't thikn a headset is a goot idea for me...with hearing aids, wireless stuff tends to be flaky
01:15.58Strom_Mvn: who says it has to be wireless?
01:16.17vnanyway I prefer the usual way heh
01:16.28Strom_MDefraz: iax2 is:   Dial(IAX2/entry_name_in_iax.conf/13115552368)
01:16.44*** join/#asterisk xo8ox (
01:17.08xo8oxguys in asterisk 1.0 where do you setup inbound routes ?
01:17.18Strom_Mholy cocks man
01:17.31vnnice my cock is now holy
01:17.31Strom_Mat minimum, use 1.2 or something
01:17.32xo8oxI know our old it guy set it up on the old version
01:17.38xo8oxnow I have to fix up the mess
01:17.43Strom_Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit's upgrade time!
01:17.47JTvn: umm, the headsets are usually wired.
01:18.11xo8oxbefore upgrade i need to find out where our DIDs and Local nums are routed to
01:18.12Strom_Mxo8ox: anyway, you say "inbound routes" like you're using a gui or something
01:18.17xo8oxso where do I look for these settings
01:18.21vnand uh...if I use an ATA analog to SIP and then a FXS (or o?) that uses IAX2 with my provider...will I get NAT/routing problems?
01:18.27vnI know SIP tends to suck for that
01:18.34xo8oxI'm saying it in english hehe
01:18.56Strom_Mxo8ox: no - is your system configured with a gui?
01:19.07xo8oxlike I said its asterisk 1.0*
01:19.07JTvn: iax usually either works or doesn't work
01:19.16Strom_Msip.conf, extensions.conf, iax.conf, zapata.conf
01:19.25vnJT: why's that?
01:19.27xo8oxin all of them ?
01:19.34Strom_Mxo8ox: depends on what you're using
01:19.37JTvn: single udp port for signalling and media
01:20.12vnthen there shouldn't be any problem if it's for only 1 phone
01:20.26xo8oxits not 1 phone
01:20.29JTvn: except that you cannot buy a good iax softphone
01:20.32xo8oxits 1 T1 line with bunch of DIDs
01:20.37*** join/#asterisk dec_ (n=tom@unaffiliated/dec)
01:20.39vnI'm talking about my stuff
01:20.43xo8oxaha sorrry
01:20.50vnJT: that's why I'd use an ATA
01:21.00JTjust use a sip phone
01:21.03Strom_Mxo8ox: then look in extensions.conf and zapata.conf
01:21.04JTit's the best solution
01:21.13JTthat's not a good reasong to use an ata
01:21.16JTan ata uses sip
01:21.29vnanalog phone --- ATA to SIP --- FXS---IAX2 to provider
01:21.36DefrazThank you Strom
01:21.48vnwell you just told me there were no good IAX2 phones
01:21.48JTvn: that FXS is misplaced
01:21.50Strom_Mvn: you only need an FXS port to connect to an analog phone, and you only need an FXO port to connect to an analog phone line
01:22.07JTvn: but there are good sip phones
01:22.14*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
01:22.17*** part/#asterisk kiscokid (n=ron@
01:22.32vnuh...ok and if I use a SIP phone, I plug it directly into the router?
01:22.42JTif you want
01:22.57JTso you aren't using asterisk?
01:23.06vnwell I'm just planning stuff
01:23.41*** part/#asterisk magic_hat (
01:23.57vnbut if I use a SIP phone, I'll get NAT problems no?
01:24.09JTnot if setup right
01:24.34ectospasmonly if the nat is between asterisk and the sip phone.  in that case you'll have to do some extra work
01:24.37*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:24.51vnthe nat would be for the whole network
01:25.19ectospasmso if asterisk and the sip phone are behind the same NAT, it should work OK
01:25.21vnI'm actually on a linksys router, I plan to use my cisco 806 soon
01:25.38vnok and if I don't use asterisk?
01:25.58ectospasmwhat is the sip phone connecting to?
01:26.26Defrazhmmm Strom_M that isn't quite what I expected it to do.
01:26.37*** join/#asterisk lisandropm (
01:26.41vnI was thinking about plugging it directly into the router
01:26.49Strom_MDefraz: yeah, that tells me a lot about what's going wrong
01:27.03DefrazI was getting to that.
01:27.05ectospasmvn:  you mean the hub/switch?  That's expected
01:27.16DefrazIt seems to just call back into the system and creates a loop.
01:27.38Defrazit doesn't seem to forward the call onto the other server.
01:27.41JTvn: as opposed to plugging it into what?
01:27.53Strom_MDefraz: well then you have a configuration screwup in iax.conf
01:27.55DefrazWhere the sip line did.
01:27.57vnJT: into the asterisk and then into the router?
01:28.06JTvn: no-one does that
01:28.11flendersvn: if you use a sip phone that conencts to your provider, you'll be fine even behind a nat
01:28.27ectospasmvn:  basically the sip phone just needs to plug into the same LAN the Asterisk server is on
01:28.32vnoh the NAT problems are with asterisk?
01:28.57vnSIP NAT problems*
01:29.02ectospasmno, with SIP in general
01:29.09ectospasmthe SIP protocol doesn't handle NAT well
01:29.30shmaltzectospasm, right h323 does
01:29.30DefrazYea I am looking into it.
01:29.35javarcan someone help me with a sangoma card?
01:29.37vnthen shouldn't I use something IAX2?
01:29.45shmaltzjavar, call tech support
01:29.49Strom_Mvn: you should read the book
01:29.52jboti heard thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
01:30.05vnwhat part? :/
01:30.09Strom_Mthe whole thing
01:30.22Strom_Mit will answer many of your questions
01:32.24*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (
01:32.34*** join/#asterisk docelmo (
01:33.35*** join/#asterisk docelmo (
01:33.36obnauticusHow do i enable colors in the asterisk CLI?
01:34.32Corydon76-homeobnauticus: start it on a terminal that supports colors
01:34.37shmaltzobnauticus, why you cant read?
01:34.37rob0First ... yes
01:36.15obnauticusbecause they are cool shmaltz
01:36.26obnauticusand Corydon76-home it's in bash and im running PuTTY
01:36.47Corydon76-homeobnauticus: yes, but you didn't START asterisk that way
01:37.03obnauticusWhat do i do then?
01:37.09Corydon76-homeYou're remotely connecting to it, which is after the fact
01:37.30Corydon76-homefirst, what's the output of:  echo $TERM
01:38.13Corydon76-homeType:  /etc/init.d/asterisk stop
01:38.21Corydon76-homeType: /etc/init.d/asterisk start
01:38.33Corydon76-homeVoila!  Colors!
01:38.43obnauticusWARNING's aren't red silly
01:38.52Corydon76-homeIf not, try:  export TERM=xterm-color
01:38.53obnauticusthey are supposed to be *
01:39.17Strom_Myou have to run /usr/sbin/pretty_pretty_asterisk
01:39.52obnauticusi got colors
01:39.56obnauticushow do i do it on startup?
01:40.09obnauticusstart it from a shell that supports colors
01:40.20Corydon76-homeNot a shell.  A terminal
01:40.24obnauticusa terminal
01:40.25obnauticusi meant
01:40.49*** part/#asterisk javar (n=javar@
01:40.54Corydon76-homeIf you want to force it, add 'export TERM=xterm-color' to /etc/init.d/asterisk near the top
01:41.21Corydon76-homeor "export TERM=linux" which is usually better if you're running Linux
01:42.48Corydon76-homeIf FreeBSD, export TERM=scons25
01:43.30*** join/#asterisk magic_hat (
01:43.39magic_hatanyone know what's up with this: loader.c:325 __load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
01:45.55shmaltzmagic_hat, you need that chan_modem?
01:46.07*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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01:48.48*** join/#asterisk sof76 (
01:50.13sof76Hi everybody, can someone tell me if it is possible to make asterisk listen on 2 ports for sip registration, for example 5060 and 80? Thanks
01:50.16*** join/#asterisk metabox (
01:50.55metaboxi have pap2-na voip adapter and i want to know if i can upgrade with the pap2 v1 firmware
01:51.02JTsof76: i don't think so, no
01:51.04shmaltzsof76, do that on your router firewall
01:52.21sof76I have asterisk on a virtual private server that does'nt have iptables and some of the extensions are located in places where port 5060 is closed
01:52.36blitzragesof76: nope
01:52.44sof76ok thanks
01:53.09JTsof76: yeah, don't run asterisk on a VPS, unless it's a very good one
01:53.14Gtwydoes anyone have a recomendation for a good phone provider? i am running * but i would like a flat rate plan
01:53.18Gtwylocal would be best
01:53.35docelmoGtwy there are like 300 of them.. works for me
01:53.43sof76I'm testing it for the moment, with one communication it's ok
01:54.12shmaltzGtwy, define local
01:54.16Gtwydocelmo: why i am asking, too many to choose from
01:54.28Gtwyshmaltz: 1-412 or 1-724
01:55.05*** part/#asterisk dijungal (n=kdaniel@
01:55.09shmaltzGtwy, try
01:55.26docelmoGtwy where ya from?   Thats western PA
01:55.31Defrazokay I have two servers A and B, if I am trying to register a user on B do I set it as a friend or user?
01:55.32Gtwythats me
01:55.37Gtwyshmaltz: thanks
01:55.52sof76what could be the problem for a vps? memory load?
01:56.48JTbetter question is
01:56.58JTwhat made you think asterisk would work well in a vps?
01:57.03JTvpses are far from ideal
01:57.14sof76yes, but cheap
01:57.18JTi/o contention, cpu contention
01:57.20JTcheap != good
01:57.28docelmoJust use 1 asterisk install and partition it
01:57.36docelmowould be fairly simple to do
01:57.47JTand the problem is usually with the virtualisation schemes themselves making asterisk unhappy
01:57.49sof76it depends, for my bank account = good
01:58.04JTsof76: no, as in performance, and working = good
01:58.29JTUML is near useless for asterisk
01:58.32JTxen can work
01:58.40JTopenvz might work
01:58.52JTvmware can work, but very low performance
01:58.55Gtwyhmm myphonecompany wants to charge me for sending me equipment... but i dont need any
01:59.01Gtwyill try calling them tomorrow
01:59.58sof76It was difficult to make it run on the vps, I will see if it will be ok for 3 or 4 simultaneous calls, which would be all what i need
02:00.20JTsof76: also, you never know when other vps users will load spike your vm
02:02.45*** part/#asterisk sof76 (
02:05.05*** join/#asterisk mightnare (
02:05.10*** join/#asterisk magic_hat (
02:05.20magic_hatanyone know why I might be getting this? WARNING[10533]: loader.c:499 load_modules: Loading module failed!
02:05.37JTmagic_hat: did you upgrade asterisk from 1.0.x?
02:05.53mightnarehello guys, what is "group = xxx" in users.conf, for callgroup and pickupgroup?
02:06.11magic_hatJT: I just did apt-get asterisk
02:06.53shmaltzmightnare, it's used with features.conf for pickup
02:06.59JTmagic_hat: /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
02:07.03JTnoload =>
02:07.03JTnoload =>
02:07.03JTnoload =>
02:07.03JTnoload =>
02:07.05magic_hatI have 1.2.16
02:07.18JTchan_modem is old crap from 1.0
02:07.19shmaltzmightnare, sorry my mistake
02:07.24JTthat is not used anymore
02:07.34shmaltzwhats users.conf anyhow?
02:07.55JTa weird asteriskguiism, some attempt to pull out bits of sip.conf and iax.conf
02:08.10shmaltzJT, 1.4?
02:08.57mightnarei've only seen it on asterisk-gui... is it like a combination of callgroup and pickupgroup somehow?
02:09.19shmaltzmightnare, there is a mispelling in your handle
02:10.23magic_hatJT: damn, i'm still getting it.
02:10.36shmaltzonly one hit on google:
02:10.38magic_hatdo I need to do anyting other than save those changes and restart?
02:10.40JTmagic_hat: is there an explicit load in modules.conf for it?
02:10.41shmaltzno docs yet on this
02:10.47magic_hatlemme check
02:11.35magic_hatJT: bingo
02:11.35*** part/#asterisk Defraz (
02:11.53JTright :)
02:12.20mightnarei've seen a section about it on TFOT, i don't have the book though... it's only on the latest edition i guess
02:12.45JTthat isn't released yet :)
02:14.28mightnareavailable only through safari for now :D
02:14.41jbotrumour has it, tfot is "The Future of Telephony", a book about Asterisk from O'Reilly Publishing, ISBN: 0-596-00962-3, click for more details
02:15.28mightnarehmmm... "Additional content appearing in this section has been removed. Login, Subscribe or Try Safari Now to access the entire content."
02:15.41jbotrumour has it, thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
02:19.32shmaltzanyone in NJ looking for a job?
02:20.01*** join/#asterisk b1shop (
02:20.27*** join/#asterisk GlobeTrotter (
02:21.23GlobeTrotterhi guys,,  i am using 1.4..  how do i record all calls coming into my box?
02:21.39shmaltzGlobeTrotter, app_mixmonitor
02:22.23GlobeTrotterthanks guys
02:26.06*** join/#asterisk lisandropm (
02:26.40*** join/#asterisk Howie69 (
02:27.06Howie69I know I'm looking in the wrong place
02:27.15Howie69like...first off, goes nowhere...
02:27.22Howie69went to some info...
02:27.26*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
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02:27.30Howie69but looking for supported/reccomended hardware
02:27.48JTto do what?
02:27.51kn0xokay I'm getting the folowing error trying to stary asterisk:
02:27.52kn0xCannot find your TTY (9)
02:28.05kn0xi've heard something about starting it in screen
02:28.09JTkn0x: vm?
02:28.09kn0xbut im not sure how to do that
02:28.14kn0xJT, yuep
02:28.31JTvms don't generally have /dev/tty<x>
02:28.42kn0xso what do i do?
02:28.45JTkn0x: modify safe_asterisk so it doesn't try and put a console on a tty
02:28.59Howie69I have a nice linux box I'm setting up for a charity, want to use Asterisk over a phone system, looking for interface cards for analog/digital phones
02:28.59kn0xwhere do i sey the console?
02:29.10kn0xi still want to be able to attatch to the CLI
02:29.16JTkn0x: it will have tty9 somewhere
02:29.21JTand you will still be able to
02:29.40JTkn0x: easy as that
02:30.11JTHowie69: hmm, well i guess you should figure out exactly what type of lines and phones you want to use first
02:30.27Howie69ANalaog CO lines
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02:30.32Howie69the phones are up in the air
02:30.48Howie69Was looking for suggestions on that, but Ithink I might have found some
02:30.49kn0xJT, do I comment out TTY=?
02:30.52JTsip phones would be ideal
02:30.55JTkn0x: no
02:31.04kn0xwell it still said it until i did
02:31.07JTHowie69: how many co lines?
02:31.15kn0xand when i started it with my initscript
02:31.15JTkn0x: shrug, maybe then
02:31.28Howie69looking at 4 to 6 extensions
02:31.32kn0xit outputted the load-up and hung until i hit return
02:31.34Howie69it's a small nonprofit org
02:31.47JTkn0x: you could always read the script :)
02:31.55JTor not use it
02:31.56Howie69they have a very overqualified linux box as their server...QuadCore 3ghz, Raid1 250gb drive
02:32.23kn0xJT, well how come i have to hit return after the last line.
02:32.27Howie69DRIVES :)
02:32.35Howie69they'll just maybe 20gb in the next 10 years of that space
02:32.37JTkn0x: i have no idea
02:32.41Howie69use even
02:32.53kn0xJT, will that stall my boot-up?
02:33.05kn0xthats all i care about, i don't start it manually
02:33.45JTkn0x: why don't you find out?
02:35.45kn0xJT, sorry, I guess you have a point
02:35.57kn0xI think i can handle a couple minutes downtime
02:40.17Gtwyall of these sites require that you buy some type of hardware.. gah
02:40.20Howie69but I don't see that product
02:41.45JTGtwy: what sites?
02:41.59JTHowie69: i'd prefer sip phones
02:42.25GtwyJT: i am running * and would like a provider with a flat local rate that isnt forcing me to purchase any hardware from them, i already have what i need
02:42.48JTGtwy: err i thought there were heaps that don't need you to buy hardware
02:43.19shido6how many minutes do you need, Gtwy?
02:43.23GtwyJT: i am new at this, and there are so many sites to look at i make it so far through the registration until i see "hardware shipping" or whatever
02:43.27Gtwyshido6: i need a flat rate
02:43.51*** join/#asterisk toastchee (
02:44.02toastcheehi asterisk gang
02:44.48toastcheei built * from source, but i am stoopid in setting up a single xlite phone
02:45.32toastcheedo i want to add a user to user.conf or sip.conf or both
02:45.42GtwyVOIPGO looks good but you cant transfer a number to them...
02:49.26kn0xhey any developers around?
02:50.12Strom_Mtoastchee: see the book
02:50.16jbotfrom memory, thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
02:50.31Gtwyyeah, VOIPGO it is. no setup fees and bring your own hardware.. just what i wanted
02:50.44Gtwynight all
02:50.46toastcheeyeah, thanks. I have it. being lazy <dons flamesuit>
02:50.48Strom_MGtwy: what about teliax
02:50.57Strom_Mtoastchee: well then ask better questions
02:51.06toastchee:-) no worries mate
02:51.31GtwyStrom_M: more expensive than voipgo
02:51.58Strom_Mteliax has a per-minute plan also
02:52.13vnok say I'll use an ATA to an * box and then an IAX2 link between the * and my provider via a I need any special card?  or simple ethernet is OK?
02:52.16GtwyStrom_M: the issue is that i will need flat rate
02:52.24Gtwybut thanks
02:52.36Strom_MGtwy: how many minutes of call traffic do you expect to generate per month?
02:52.49Strom_Mvn: for that, just ethernet is fine
02:53.26toastcheeasterisk is amazing!
02:54.04vnsuper then =)
02:54.15vnnow I just need to find a good ATA
02:54.53shmaltzanybody want to put their input here:
02:55.13Strom_Mvn: digium iaxy, linksys pap2t-na
02:56.52vndigium sounds better in my head than linksys
02:57.20JTthe iaxy is aging a bit, and not very cheap
02:58.32vnthen you'd suggest the linky?
02:59.29JTlinksys make a lot of ATAs
03:06.39*** join/#asterisk Cabal_ (n=Cabal@unaffiliated/cabal)
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03:09.45kn0xany developers around in here?
03:10.17Strom_Mthere are some, but you're more likely to find them in #asterisk-dev
03:11.24*** part/#asterisk mog (
03:12.08kn0xStrom_M, i dont think anyone is around in there
03:12.27Strom_Mwell, ask your question here, and maybe someone will pipe up
03:12.45kn0xnoobie-hacker question
03:13.02kn0xI posted to the mailer
03:13.13Strom_Mi'm not a coder, but I'm fairly sure that all that is documented somewhere
03:13.15kn0xbut im really impatient so i figured i could ask her
03:13.25Strom_Myeah, patience.
03:13.27kn0xStrom_M, know where? the files accompanying the source?
03:14.32*** join/#asterisk yxa (n=lonari@
03:16.08JTkn0x: i hope you realise that C isn't C++ :)
03:16.43yxahi my box is behind NAT and I have 2 gateways, going to 2 sip proxies. (I am using static routes) But in sip.conf, i can only specify one externip. how can I overcome this?
03:16.51kn0xJT, why would you think I didnt
03:17.07JTkn0x: many people think C is just a subsidary of C++
03:17.14JTor subset
03:17.19Strom_Mor a subsidiary
03:18.30Strom_Myxa: you may want to try looking into ser
03:19.18yxaStrom_M no other alternatives? Can I run 2 copies of asterisk in one machine?
03:19.32Strom_Myxa: no
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03:23.07tzafrir_laptopyxa, yes, you can. What for?
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03:28.46yxatzafrir_laptop i just have a weird network situation
03:30.44tzafrir_laptopyxa, assuming you'll use the same binaries, use asterisk -C to provide an alternative asterisk.c
03:31.19yxai have 2 gateway, but i can only put one externip= in sip.conf
03:31.39*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
03:31.41tzafrir_laptopin it point to a different configuration directory and a different varraun directory. Mayby also different spool directory (who watchs call files?)
03:32.10mostyis there a way to see zaptel channel groups from the asterisk console?
03:32.40tzafrir_laptopyxa, that is not to say I understand why it will help you
03:33.46tzafrir_laptopmosty, I don't think o, but it should be a simple patch to chan_zap
03:35.06tzafrir_laptopadd an extra line to the 'zap show channel NN' to show the 'group' (IIRC) member.
03:35.07mostytzafrir_laptop, i just want to confirm that you can group two separate PRI spans together by using the same group= setting
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03:45.17BSD_Tech586 would be p2 or p3
03:45.58JTit would be a Pentium
03:46.31mostyp2/p3 are 686
03:46.50BSD_Techok I have a issue with the g729 not working
03:47.01BSD_Techand trying to test
03:47.11BSD_Techto find out wich one is right
03:47.27BSD_Techits a geode gx2 cpu
03:47.59BSD_Techit boots  rpath
03:48.09BSD_Techasterisk now and thats 686
03:48.09JT486 arch.
03:48.34BSD_Techthe website says 686
03:48.40BSD_Techits a 686 366
03:48.41JTit's wrong
03:48.50JTunless it's a really new one
03:48.57JTmost geodes are 486 arch
03:49.01JTsome are 586 i think
03:49.30BSD_Techok so pentium
03:49.42JTtry 486
03:50.01JTwhat model geode processor is it?
03:50.55mostyi'm fairly sure the geode gx2 is 586
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03:51.12BSD_Tech366 mhz
03:53.14mostythe the gx2 doesn't operate at 366MHz, only 266, 333 or 400
03:54.17JTmosty: it does
03:54.36JTthe Geode GX 500 operates at 366MHz
03:54.42mostyi said GX2
03:55.35mostyi have a soekris net4801, which has a geode GX2, it's a 586 class cpu
03:55.45JTyes the gx2 is 586
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03:57.16BSD_Techok the pentium2 build works
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03:57.38BSD_Techamd had a 366
03:57.56BSD_Techok I have g729 working
03:57.58mostyi would not recommend transcoding on a geode GX2, they are pretty damn slow cpu's
03:58.16JTmaybe BSD_Tech likes a challenge ;)
03:58.19BSD_Techits there just incase
03:58.27BSD_Techyes I do
03:58.34BSD_TechI want to see it crash
03:58.57BSD_Techheck I have asterisknow beta6 running on it with 5 megs of mem left
03:59.17BSD_TechI have to get the 512 chip out of the closet and replace it
03:59.28BSD_Techit has 128 megs by default
04:00.07Strom_MDear Mac OS X Panther or Tiger or Lion or whatever the hell irritatingly clever name 10.4 is called:
04:00.31Strom_Mgo die in a fire
04:00.31Strom_Mlove, Strom
04:00.54BSD_Tech the dectop unit
04:01.18JTBSD_Tech: why don't you just go all out and put trixbox on it?
04:01.22BSD_TechI think
04:01.30BSD_Techyou sick in the head
04:02.02BSD_Techafter what just happened I have no plans to support the freepbx / trashbox community
04:02.45BSD_TechI feel sorry for xrob but the person whoi is taking over needs a reality check
04:02.46JTwhat just happened?
04:02.49*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
04:02.58BSD_Techxrob steped down
04:03.15BSD_Techan the put philipell in his place
04:03.41BSD_Techand I think it should have bean a selected board not just 1 person heading it
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04:04.17BSD_Techbecause of what just happened xrob disapierd and then things came to a almost deafing halt in dev
04:04.18*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (
04:04.33BSD_Techsorry tired and typing bad
04:04.47Strom_Ci revise my earlier open letter
04:05.02BSD_Techand philipell has controll and attitude issues
04:05.02Strom_CDear Mac OS X Tiger / Panther / Catsex / 10.4:
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04:05.12Strom_Ceat cocks
04:05.12BSD_Techthat I am not willing to deal with
04:05.13Strom_Clove, strom
04:05.27JTwhy were you dealing with them at all?
04:05.31BSD_Techstorm but bsd on it and be done with it
04:05.39Strom_Cuh, no
04:05.49BSD_Techbecause I had client using trixbox
04:06.11BSD_Technow I am working on asterisk+gui
04:06.23kiscokidwhich gui?
04:06.28Strom_Cwhy is the classic zealot kiddie response to "i'm irritated with my OS" ALWAYS "LOL, switch OSes to [my favorite OS]!!!!"?
04:06.34BSD_Techthe asteriskgui
04:06.40BSD_Techby digium
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04:07.13kiscokidBSD_Tech: can you put asteriskgui on 4.1?
04:07.30BSD_Tech1.4 yes
04:07.51kiscokidhow difficult is it to install and use?
04:07.54BSD_Techit uses the built in webserver in 1.4
04:08.12BSD_Techjust get the svn and run make make install
04:08.25BSD_Techand then edit manager.conf and httpd.conf
04:08.55kiscokidany doc on this?
04:08.56JTStrom_C: i swear, if BSD_Tech tells another person to install bsd... ;)
04:09.22BSD_Techfreebsd rules the world you all should install it and use a real unix os
04:09.37Strom_Cblow me
04:09.55JTBSD_Tech: everytime you say shit like that, i feel more put off using bsd
04:09.56BSD_Techwe have asterisklibpri zaptel addons and the gui ported
04:10.30JTi don't have a problem with bsd, only its insane followers
04:10.32BSD_Techbut lumenvox does not support bsd
04:10.42BSD_TechI am not insane
04:11.03BSD_TechI just know where my heart is
04:11.09JTsure you're not
04:11.13JTfairyland? :)
04:11.30BSD_Techleave you fairy;s out of this
04:11.53BSD_Techonly daemons in this argument
04:12.20kiscokidafter Microsoft kills off linux we'll still have bsd
04:12.24JTyou need to learn to live and let live, things like linux :)
04:12.48JTa lot of bsd users have an overinflated worth of their os
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04:13.55BSD_TechBSD for Betch
04:14.34BSD_TechBSD FOR EVER
04:14.34anthonycFreeBSD -4- LIFE
04:14.34Strom_Cnow look what you ddi
04:14.34JTtalking shit for the lose
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04:15.02mostyis freebsd faster than linux?
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04:15.04JTmosty: apples/oranges, depends on your setup
04:15.04BSD_Techdepends on how well you tune your system
04:15.20BSD_Techsam and be said for *inux
04:15.25JTi don't think you'd use either for a performance advantage unless it's a specific task that has proven to favour one particularly
04:15.59BSD_Techwell now that bsd finaly has flash on the way and gnuflash is working better
04:16.06BSD_Techno need for the L word
04:16.37JTthere's plenty of need
04:16.44mostyi'd consider freebsd if there was some distinct reason to besides personal preference
04:16.48JTlike all the hardware that doesn't work on bsd
04:16.58JTor if you have an Ultrasparc III
04:17.01BSD_Techits a real unix
04:17.13BSD_Techit has a huge fallowing
04:17.15JTand you spin real rhetoric bs, what's your point?
04:17.24JTso does linux, popularity means nothing
04:17.35BSD_Techyes I grant you linux supports alot more hard ware but is alot more bloated
04:17.47JTsome distros are shit
04:17.52JTno-one is forcing you to use them
04:18.01BSD_Techthey try to cram every new device in with out fully testing
04:18.24BSD_Techwell once I get my iso for asterisk done I wont
04:18.31*** join/#asterisk rootfield (
04:18.33rootfieldhi all
04:18.34JTmore handwaving
04:18.36BSD_Techbut for now asterisknow does the trick
04:18.39JThi rootfield
04:19.29BSD_Techbut I have to get a few apps to build right like flite and app flite
04:19.29BSD_Techwich build but wont install
04:20.49rootfieldi'm running asterisk 1.4.5 on ubuntu.. using intel xeon processor.. how can i use ipp g723 codec on my asterisk? on asterisk 1.2 work fine with open g723 codec.. when i try to run open g723 codec for asterisk 1.4 the sound not work fine.. but de module codec is up
04:21.23JTrootfield: don't know, we don't support that module here
04:21.45rootfieldhmm ok
04:21.59JTyou still need a licence to use the codecs
04:23.04*** join/#asterisk [[blah]asfd (
04:23.10BSD_Techin the US to use the g729 in commercial yes
04:23.26JTin many countries
04:23.45mostyyou may also need a copy of IPP to use those modules
04:32.23*** join/#asterisk _VoiceMeUp_COM (
04:32.50_VoiceMeUp_COMchan_zap.c:7947 pri_dchannel: PRI got event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 1
04:32.54_VoiceMeUp_COMany knwon casue ?
04:33.33JTbad zap timing
04:33.39JTrandom error
04:33.56_VoiceMeUp_COMfirst time i get it is a good sign i guess
04:34.58_VoiceMeUp_COMi see irq could do this too
04:36.19[[blah]asfdhow do i tell if i am providing the timing source or my t1 provider is in my config files? the provider says that I should be providing it.
04:36.32Strom_Cthe provider is insane
04:36.35Strom_Cthey should be providing timing
04:36.50[[blah]asfdi thought that too
04:37.03_VoiceMeUp_COMunles its framing ?
04:37.05JTidiot provider
04:37.11[[blah]asfdthe technician said that they only provide timing for customers in alaska
04:37.11_VoiceMeUp_COMbut timing is not you i think
04:37.24Strom_C_VoiceMeUp_COM: go read T1 101 again
04:37.30_VoiceMeUp_COMhere goes that alaska datacenter porject again
04:39.02_VoiceMeUp_COMonly thing i specify for the t's is the span framing stuff
04:39.09[[blah]asfdgetting second opinion from different tech now... thanks. not changing anything yet
04:39.13_VoiceMeUp_COMno need for T1 101 i dont sell t1's
04:39.40_VoiceMeUp_COMim not going to take an electric engenieer course becasue i ddont need to kknow the electron path or direction
04:39.48_VoiceMeUp_COMand not going to take a health class before i eat
04:39.50_VoiceMeUp_COMhere you go
04:40.00_VoiceMeUp_COMj/k Strom_C
04:40.18*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (
04:40.40BSD_Technight kids
04:41.18_VoiceMeUp_COMrich aim me
04:41.25_VoiceMeUp_COMgood news lol
04:41.25JT[[blah]asfd: you're in the us?
04:41.52JT[[blah]asfd: sounds like a think an idiotic third world telco would say
04:41.56JTprovide timing on the t1
04:42.01JTthat's a bad idea for so many reasons
04:42.09[[blah]asfdwell, its global crossing ;-)
04:42.22_VoiceMeUp_COMIn the T1 world, clock signals are not transmitted separately from the data stream. Instead, receivers must extract the clock from the data signal based on the stream itself.
04:42.39[[blah]asfdJT: so you are saying that i should be expecting timing from the carrier, not providing it to?
04:42.40_VoiceMeUp_COMso i guess its in the stream
04:42.47[[blah]asfdthat is how i thought is was supposed to be.
04:42.57_VoiceMeUp_COMfrom Strom_C suggesstion i decided to do some reading
04:43.10[[blah]asfdbut they have set my t1 up to expect timing from me... then wonder why it stops working every few weeks.
04:43.28_VoiceMeUp_COMtiming and every 2 weeks ?
04:43.43_VoiceMeUp_COMi think the only timing thing every 2 weeks . that could stop your service is called the bill
04:44.05JT[[blah]asfd: are you set to provide it then?
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04:44.29[[blah]asfdJT: no... we were told by our customer service rep that they were providing it...
04:44.34[[blah]asfdso doing my research now
04:45.14[[blah]asfd_VoiceMeUp_COM: I am not sure who you get your service through... but I would shy away from anyone that expected payment every two weeks ;-)
04:45.24[[blah]asfdmeans they are short on cash, or do not trust you.
04:45.37_VoiceMeUp_COMwasjoking ;)
04:45.44[[blah]asfdI know.... me too...
04:46.23_VoiceMeUp_COM#span =<span num>, <timing>,<line build out>,<framing>,coding>
04:46.34_VoiceMeUp_COMtiming values can be  0 - not used as timing source 1 - primary timing source 2 - Secondary timing source
04:46.37_VoiceMeUp_COMtry 1
04:46.44JTerr what
04:46.48_VoiceMeUp_COMmaybe htat waht theymeant
04:46.49JTif he has to provide timing
04:46.54JTwhich he shouldn't
04:46.54mostyuse 0 if you are providing timing
04:46.57JTit needs to be 0
04:48.08[[blah]asfdcurrently using 1
04:48.17[[blah]asfdi thought that meant that the t1 provided the timing source
04:48.29_VoiceMeUp_COMme too
04:48.37mosty1 means the other end provides timing
04:48.53_VoiceMeUp_COMmainly to say if card providers or not.. i see you can share timing between cards too
04:48.59JTno, 1 means other end provides timing with priority 1
04:49.00mostyany positive int means the other end provides timing, i think
04:49.13[[blah]asfdnow... i may have this all wrong... let me paste.
04:49.32_VoiceMeUp_COMTiming set to 1 means that the speed of the clock will be based on
04:49.32_VoiceMeUp_COM> this T1, (provided the T1 is up).
04:49.41_VoiceMeUp_COMTiming set to 2 means that the speed of the clock will be based on
04:49.41_VoiceMeUp_COM> this T1 if the primary T1 is down.
04:49.46JThigher numbers mean secondary, tertiary, quaternary and so on priority timing sources to RECEIVE timing from
04:49.48_VoiceMeUp_COMSet to "0" means that this span is not eligible as a timing source.
04:49.52JT_VoiceMeUp_COM: enough pasting already
04:50.32JTbasically all PDH clocks should be roughly synchronised on a pdh network
04:50.41JTso not as stringent as on SDH
04:50.52[[blah]asfdgetting over my head
04:51.02JTbut it's definitely not IP, where things are completely asynchronous
04:51.12[[blah]asfdi thought it was as simple as my t1 card did the timing, or the provider did the timing. looks like i was way off the mark
04:51.53JTPlesiochronous Digital Heirarchy = T carrier, E carrier TDM networks
04:52.25JT[[blah]asfd: it's pretty simple, if you want to provide timing, always set it to 0
04:52.42JTif you want to receive, set the rest up starting at 1 onwards
04:52.46JTchoosing the best sources first
04:54.10[[blah]asfdok... dumb question then... if i am providing timing... where am i providing it from? just by setting it to 0 does not take care of it all, does it?
04:54.22JTyes, set it to 0, that's it
04:54.36*** join/#asterisk juice (
04:54.37[[blah]asfdis it my cmos clock that takes care of it?
04:54.50[[blah]asfddoes that mean that i have to have the clock set right ;-)
04:54.51mostyno, the E1/T1 card has a timer
04:54.52JTobviously you're not synchronised to the TDM network, unless you have another span with a non-zero timing argument
04:55.01JTwhich is why you may experience frame slips sometimes
04:55.06JTand why your telco is an idiot
04:55.36[[blah]asfdchecking on the idiot part right now ;-)
04:55.43[[blah]asfdok... thanks all... headed to bed
04:58.30*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
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05:15.51NightMonkeyHi. Got an odd problem here. For some reason, my SIP phone can't authenticate without "host=dynamic" set. I tried to explicitly set "host=<ip>" but Asterisk would reject the registration.
05:16.38NightMonkeyWould that point to another problem with my setup, or should I just live with "host=dynamic" and call it a day?
05:19.01*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
05:22.12[[blah]asfdNightMonkey: please post a copy of the sip.conf
05:22.17Strom_MNightMonkey: because static hosts don't register
05:22.24Strom_Mif it's a phone, leave it at dynamic
05:22.30Strom_Mthat's the way it's supposed to be
05:22.36NightMonkeyStrom_M: Ah, I see! Thank you!
05:23.15NightMonkeyIs there any reason to explicitly set the host= ?
05:23.23Strom_Mhost=dynamic, yes
05:23.28JTif you don't want to register
05:24.04NightMonkeyJT: OK, now it is making sense. For non-registered SIP devices, set host=<ip> to allow connections, yes?
05:24.28JTset host= so it knows where to send calls
05:24.32JTit doesn't auth
05:24.46JTthat's what the username and secret is for
05:24.46NightMonkeyJT: Gotcha. Thank you.
05:25.07*** join/#asterisk justdave (n=dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
05:27.46sweeperok, this is probably really dumb
05:27.54sweeperbut I just installed a new asterisk system
05:28.07sweeperand it's not listening on the SIP port
05:28.18sweeperis there something in globals that needs to be set?
05:30.14snuff-worku sure u have iptables off?
05:32.57sweepersnuff-work: pretty sure...
05:33.10sweeperyea, it's not running
05:36.23*** part/#asterisk [[blah]asfd (
05:37.47sweeperthis is odd
05:37.53sweeper[Jun 28 02:37:34] WARNING[98466]: loader.c:415 load_dynamic_module: Error loading module 'chan_sip': /usr/local/lib/asterisk/modules/ Undefined symbol "ast_park_call"
05:39.12*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
05:39.52sweeperoh, apparenlty I need to configure autoloading
05:44.20*** join/#asterisk alphaque (n=alphaque@
05:47.52rue_mohranyone ever used kphone?
05:48.19sweeperthere has got to be something wrong here
05:48.41sweeperI can't telnet to 5060, chan_sip is loaded, bindport and bindaddr are set correctly
05:48.41Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
05:48.55JTsweeper: but is it listening on the port?
05:49.19sweeperJT: it would seem not! since telnet gets a connection refused
05:49.41sweeperwhich puzzles me
05:49.46mostysweeper, netstat -na | grep LISTEN
05:49.51*** join/#asterisk osiris (
05:49.51JTthat is NOT how to check if asterisk is listening
05:49.55JTnetstat -a
05:49.56JTand lsof
05:50.17sweeperit's not~
05:50.20JTlsof |grep 5060
05:50.53*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
05:50.55JTsweeper: what about if you unset bindport and bindaddr?
05:51.52JTso umm
05:52.03JThow about you check the messages from chan_sip on asterisk startup?
05:53.06mostyis loaded?
05:53.14sweeperchan_sip is loaded
05:53.26sweeperI get no messages from asterisk startup about chan_sip
05:53.51JTthere should be some
05:55.07sweeperooo, I lied
05:55.18sweeperthere were some stupid things in asterisk.conf
05:55.51sweeper[Jun 28 02:56:02]   == Parsing '/usr/local/etc/asterisk/sip.conf': [Jun 28 02:56:02] Found
05:55.56sweeper[Jun 28 02:56:02] WARNING[98597]: chan_sip.c:15540 handle_common_options: insecure=very at line 18 is deprecated; use insecure=port,invite instead
05:55.59sweeper[Jun 28 02:56:02] => (Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
05:56.49sweeperI have an entry for port 5060 in netstat now
05:56.58sweeperbut it's not in a LISTEN state
05:57.04*** join/#asterisk |R (
05:57.12JTwhat state?
05:58.24sweeperI mean, it's just blank
05:58.52mostyer, pastebin the output from netstat -na
05:59.35|RAnyone has experience with nokia's (or others?) wifi VoIP phones and asterisk? i need to upgrade my phone and i'm looking for an unlocked gsm phone with wifi/sip so i can forward call to/by/from home... Nokia N95 looks nice and all but i don't care about the GPS / camera and other gizmos... i just want a cheap dual mode phone that integrates just as well.. :)
06:00.26sweepernokia works, but you can't use password auth, last I knew
06:00.52sweepermight be better off just picking up any winmo phone that has wifi on it
06:01.24sweeperI blame this fancypants asterisk 1.4 for my problems, really
06:01.38|Rwinmo eh... let me google a bit ;)
06:01.45sweeperwindows mobile :P
06:01.52|Rah! damn!
06:02.04|Ri should have said as far away from giving money to M$ as possible haha ;)
06:02.11Supaplextry windows cripple *BLAM* *BLAM*
06:02.23*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (
06:02.37sweeperhonestly, as bad as most phone uis are, winmo is far preferable
06:02.45sweeperI mean, at least you can install stuff on it
06:03.09|Ryou "can" if you count java on many phones, no?
06:03.21sweepernot really
06:03.28sweepermost of them won't let you install stuff either
06:03.46sweepermy helio drift runs java apps, but I can only install stuff I buy from helio
06:03.48|Roh? actually all i would need as an add-on with the wifi over the probably included browser would be ssh...
06:04.02|Rok, but if i buy an unlocked phone?
06:04.02sweeperyea, good luck getting ssh
06:04.39|Rshouldn't i be able to get putty ?
06:04.39|Rat least for symbian
06:04.39sweeperI don't think you can even do it on an unlocked phone, from what I've heard
06:04.39sweeperI mean, getting ssh from the carrier
06:04.51|Roh you meant over gsm?
06:05.00sweeperno, I mean like in their little store
06:05.16sweeperthere's a symbian and a windows mobile version, and there's also a mindterm version for mobile phones
06:05.35|Rok but putty is free all i need is a cable or something no?
06:05.57sweeperno, you need a phone that lets you install things :)
06:06.06sweeperaka symbian or windows mobile
06:06.17|Rah ok, so i'm stuck with nokia i guess
06:06.33|R^- this made me drool ;)
06:08.41*** join/#asterisk BugKhaM (
06:09.36|Rso as i just ordered a linksys VoIP gw and plan on switching my cell eventually and investing the saved money in a better internet connection...i thought i'd take a look at a cell solution :)
06:10.33sweepermosty: any ideas?
06:11.06|Ri'll start by reading on asterisk and breaking my line for a month i'm sure haha ;)
06:11.13mostysweeper, it's listening, what isn't working exactly?
06:12.06*** join/#asterisk yonahw-work (
06:12.12sweeperuh, none of my sip clients can make the asterisk console say anything, verbosity is turned up
06:12.39sweeperand telnet gets a connection refused to that port, which it shouldn't
06:12.49Supaplexyour clients bore * ;)
06:12.52mostytelnet is tcp
06:13.02mostybut asterisk/sip is udp
06:13.09JT|R: sorry, what's the main benefit in function you're hoping to gain from wifi/sip on a mobile phone?
06:13.16mostysweeper, do you have a firewall?
06:13.21|Rnc -u :)
06:13.40sweeperwell, iptables isn't running
06:13.47sweeperbut it's been ages since I used freebsd....
06:14.04Supaplexfreebsd uses pf
06:14.21mostysweeper, can you nmap the asterisk box?
06:14.45|RJT: well, a hacked up browser / ssh client would be a good thing on the wifi part... the SIP is to be able to use wifi to call when i'm in town... i'd eventually switch my gsm to per-minute charge as i don't use it much... i'm trying to converge my bell / cell to 1 VoIP setup
06:14.57sweeperI'm pretty sure pf isn't running, I did the minimal install
06:15.05sweeperI'll be really pissed if it is
06:15.36Supaplexsweeper: not by default. what's uname say? :)
06:15.42|RJT: basically to link to my home or get call forwarded if i know i need to... or have a phone i can use as if i was calling from home while in japan for free or whatever :)
06:16.05|RJT: i really hate giving money to telcos that charges me for stupide services instead of bandwith ;)
06:16.44JT|R: wifi phones suck, especially if you're not uber close to the AP
06:16.55JT|R: wifi is the only bit that might work in .jp
06:17.03|RJT: how close?
06:17.15JTdozen metres
06:17.21JTor something like that
06:17.38Supaplexwifi on mobile pcs using softphone suck to
06:17.45JT|R: hope you know gsm isn't used in japan
06:17.50*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
06:18.17|Ri didn't but i said japan because i plan on going there for travel in the next year... but it doesn't mather  :)
06:18.38JT3G is the only thing from overseas that will work
06:18.44|Ri'm just trying to figure out a general solution that could be useful considering how easy it is to find AP
06:18.46JTwith roaming to japan pre enabled by telco
06:18.54|Rbut 3G needs a service plan
06:19.00JTyes no shit
06:19.04|Rwhich while traveling around won't work hehe ;)
06:19.10JTyou cannot buy a SIM when you get to japan without residency
06:19.17JTwould work fine
06:19.27|Ryeah but it would be expensive
06:19.31|Rlike 5$ / min?
06:19.55|R(ok i've got a crappy provider i guess but i'm a very small user, it just has to be there sometimes...)
06:19.57JTprobably not that much
06:20.07JTsatellite phone isn't much difference
06:20.51JTalso, don't even thing about relying on a payphone to call overseas when there
06:20.54|Ri'll need to read more on net-calling convention too... i wish i could just ditch the old telephone network all together but that'll have to wait a bit ;)
06:21.01JTeither use voip or a mobile phone or someone else's landline
06:21.01|Rhaha no of course :)
06:21.18|RSo you've been there? live there?
06:21.20JTi used voip on my laptop in the airport
06:21.24JTi was there 1.5 weeks ago
06:21.27|Roh :)
06:21.30|Rliked it?
06:21.40JTInternet is really fast on hotels
06:21.46JTdownloads of 40Mbit/s is not uncommon
06:21.52JTand most hotels have ethernet ports
06:22.04|Ri'm moving!
06:22.04JTdon't leave your laptop at home
06:22.05|Rhaha ;)
06:22.29|RI'll need to get an OQO or something :)
06:22.34|Rhow cheap are the laptops there?
06:22.58|, a very small umpc
06:23.11JTmy friend picket up a hp tablet pc for , i guess USD$1000 equivalent
06:23.37JTonly thing is it's a combined english/japanese keyboard
06:23.42JTapart from that, no probs
06:23.49|Rit probably looks cooler anyway ;)
06:24.43JTspace bar is a little small
06:24.59JTtoo many american tourists in japan though
06:24.59|Rmeta-alt-3rd-option-command-new-fn-key? ;)
06:25.13|RI'll be the canadian one then ;)
06:25.19JTone of the many "switch to japanese" keys
06:25.46|Rtyping in .jp is funny... k then a KA symbol then again.. then a kanji shows up
06:26.10JTah, canadian, that's alright then
06:26.13JTthey're cool
06:26.17|Ri had a japanese class once, it's pretty amazing to see the text change :)
06:26.29|Rwhere are you from?
06:26.33JTwhenever we heard an american accent, we thought/said "oh no! americans!"
06:26.38|Rhehe ok :)
06:27.00|Ri'm actually from quebec, so my first language is french...
06:27.11*** join/#asterisk kclaussen (n=kclausse@
06:27.21JTout of 4 groups of americans that we talked to/could hear talking, only one werent rude tools
06:27.27|Rbut hey, gotta survive surrounded by 330M english-speaking persons ;)
06:27.45|Rhehe ok :)
06:27.54|Ri've had pretty mixt experience too while in europe
06:28.02JTnot giving themselves a good image
06:28.16|Rhalf/half i'd say... at least the one travelling should be a bit more open but ...
06:28.31JTone american guy to his wife at a money exchange place "these people are small, but at least they can change our money to their stupid yen"
06:28.46|Rah man...
06:28.54|Rthat's really stupid
06:29.17tzafrirgood morning. I looked at the list here and for a momet I thought JT was talking to himself. Those nicks look a bit similar :-)
06:29.17|Rwere they as small as the person was wide? ;)
06:29.30|Rhaha :)
06:29.40*** join/#asterisk Hackbanger (
06:29.52JTthen the american man who talked to me in a computer store in akhibara "oh, more Australians! i've been finding the prices here aren't very good. back in the states you can get things cheaper, especially online!"
06:30.32sweeperyea, I only live in the states because bandwidth and hardware are cheap here
06:31.10sweeperif it were just hardware, I'd move back to peru, the cost of living balances the increased cost of parts :D
06:31.13*** join/#asterisk syneus (
06:32.21|Rhehe, macchu picchu, here i come!
06:32.22JTwhat about the cost of frustration from living with americans? ;)
06:33.01sweeperI don't leave my house if I can avoid it ;)
06:33.01|Rat least you get to watch funny, biased michael moore movies in balance of the not funny, really biased politic ;)
06:33.13sweepergah michael moore
06:33.24sweeperhis pedantry is almost as boring as cnn~
06:33.27|Ri love how he always come to canada and i'm always learning that i live in paradise
06:33.41JTwe have a good comedy channel here in australia on our cable networks
06:33.48JTit's called Fox News
06:33.51|Rour door are all unlocked, our hospital are all miraculous, etc :P
06:33.54JTit's hilarious
06:34.01|Rhehe yeah, damn murdoch
06:34.20|Rbut after seeing outfoxed, it kind of concluded on the whole genre :P
06:34.31JTwe had a series here for a while that satarised fox news and others
06:34.47JTthe show's now evolved into a less new format, but it's funnier than ever
06:34.55|Rhehe :)
06:35.20|Rhaha yeah, regexp in a bot :)
06:35.25JTchasing around polititians and celebrities and playing pranks on them/harrassing them
06:35.26|Rhaven't seen that before ;)
06:35.28JToh, and americans
06:35.49JTthe show has a guy stationed in the USA just so we can laugh at americans
06:36.01|Rwe had a show, talking to americans, where they went to university campuses and asked questions
06:36.16|Rlike, do you think america should share their harbors with canada as we don't have any access to the see?
06:36.18JTyeah, they go around the streets and ask questions
06:36.22|Ror that we live in igloos, etc...
06:36.34|Rmost people, including teachers, were buying into it heh ;)
06:36.51JTonce he did a faux michael moore, and beat moore's record of getting kicked out of corporate HQs
06:38.05sweeperok, so netcat doesn't produce any output in the asterisk console, and it dies right after I hit enter
06:38.14sweeperI can't even cat anything into it
06:39.15*** join/#asterisk vgster (
06:40.17sweeperand that's from localhost
06:41.05sergeedid anyone try to use something like Sony PCS-G50P with asterisk?
06:42.02sweepernow I got something
06:42.33sweeperprotip: don't use localhost, use the actual IP address
06:43.03DarKnesS_WolFi'm getting sip auth faild any idea how can i know the pass that phone trying to send ?
06:43.58*** join/#asterisk tcseke (
06:45.18*** join/#asterisk troy- (
06:45.33troy-i am getting the error "no private structure for packet" on console
06:45.35troy-any ideas?
06:45.52sweeperDarKnesS_WolF: tcpdump
06:46.05DarKnesS_WolFsweeper: another way ?
06:46.18sweeperlook at the phone's config?
06:46.28troy-damned console is filling up
06:46.47sweeperset verbose 0
06:46.59troy-i'd rather fix the problem instead of sweeping it under the rug
06:49.38troy-can anoyone help?
06:51.30JTsergee: what is that?
06:52.01DarKnesS_WolFsweeper: the idea is the phone is too far away from my side and i can't reach it
06:52.03*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
06:52.28sergeeJT: it's a kind of videoconferencing, but it seems to support only h.323, so i suppose it won't work with asterisk...
06:53.11sergeeJT: although right codecs are in plase (h.263, h.264)
07:01.37FuriousGeorgehow do i check what version of zaptel im currently running?
07:01.48FuriousGeorgeRevision: 62095
07:01.58*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
07:02.01FuriousGeorgei was looking for more of a 1.4.X
07:03.37Chris-NBanyone discovered that behavior: I'v two asterisk boxes. On both I've a user 101. If I call from box 1 to box 2, box 2 want the caller to authenticate. but that's a incoming call from an external box, there shouldn't be a authentication
07:04.02Chris-NBsame behavior with a SER and asterisk, when I call into asterisk from SER with user 101.
07:04.12Chris-NBanyone know how to fix or prevent this?
07:05.03*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
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07:11.57Chris-NBnobody had that problem?
07:13.23*** join/#asterisk purplet (
07:15.53sweeperChris-NB: uh,have you set up registration, or sip peers for the boxes?
07:17.11Chris-NBsweeper, these two boxes are independent boxes. both have their own users (from sip.conf). If a call from box 1 is made to box 2 with a username wich exists on both boxes, the 2nd want to authenticate user from box 1
07:17.34Chris-NBsweeper, which should not happen, cause it's an external call and the call should be placed in the default context
07:19.13*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
07:21.07sweeperyou've got to configure that stuff
07:21.31sweepereither allow anonymous calls (bad) or set up sip peers
07:24.01Chris-NBwhy should I want to setup sip peers on my box, which come from another box?
07:24.02*** join/#asterisk _m_ (i=mNw@
07:25.21_m_hi. are there any pointers to a description of the protocol that is spoken on port 2088 on some phones and that is used for BLF?
07:25.23*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
07:27.19sweeperChris-NB: um, so random sip clients don't spam the hell out of your poor users?
07:27.27sweeperyou don't set up peers for each user
07:27.35sweeperyou set up peers for the box itself
07:27.41sweeperwell, a peer per box
07:28.14Chris-NBsweeper, so you want me to setup a peer for every box where probably someone wanna call me?!?
07:28.16*** join/#asterisk zdrulio (n=krlozano@
07:29.18zdrulioi want to record calls, but i don`t know how
07:29.49Chris-NBzdrulio, show application Monitor
07:30.13|Rciao :)
07:30.25JTzdrulio: do you come in and ask that question every day?
07:30.48sweeperChris-NB: well, then tell your box to allow unauthenticated calls
07:31.20Chris-NBsweeper, how do I do that?
07:32.02zdrulioJT no :) only yestarday and today
07:32.21JTzdrulio: so you were answered yesterday...
07:32.24zdruliobut yestarday i close the window and .... no logs
07:32.30*** join/#asterisk Pilko (n=pirch@
07:32.45JTit's easy stuff you can find out by checking out the wiki or the book
07:32.47sweeperChris-NB: i don't ever do it, but I'm gonna guess that allowguest might do it
07:33.03sweeperzdrulio: or google ;)
07:33.24*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=IceChat7@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
07:33.37sweeper <-- for example
07:35.39*** join/#asterisk vn (
07:35.49vnbeware, I'm back
07:37.02*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (
07:38.41Zeeekanyone here in Paris?
07:38.48Zeeekor France?
07:39.12ZeeekWestern Europe?
07:40.12*** join/#asterisk ispireuk (
07:41.08sweeperall signs point to no
07:41.16sweeperalthough it's probably a better time of day there
07:41.47ispireukHello people
07:42.03ispireukI have made an IVR, but somehow it doesn't work
07:42.16ispireukI have put the script and error here:
07:42.26ispireukCan someone tell me what I am doing wrong?
07:43.06sweeperI don't see an error there
07:43.25berktris it possible to make the pap2 sound different when the other party is talking to another person?
07:43.39Chris-NBZeeek, I'm from Austria, if that helps
07:44.09sweeperispireuk: you reach the end of the 's' extnesion, and it auto-falls through. what do you WANT it to do?
07:44.17ispireukThe error is on line 18
07:44.29ispireukThe caller simply gets disconnected
07:44.43ispireukNo chance to select an option in the menu
07:45.12sweeperline 18 is blank....
07:45.33ispireukI mean line 18 of what asterisk says
07:45.48sweeperthe last log line?
07:45.58ispireukSorry, I mean 38
07:46.02ZeeekChris-NB just wondering :)
07:46.29sweeperok, well the problem is you should maybe have a wait in there :)
07:47.26Chris-NBZeeek, ok
07:47.41sweeperspecifically, a WaitExten
07:47.42ispireukI also tried with WaitExten, then it works, except that the caller will have to listen to the whole menu. I don' t want that. I want a caller to be able to make a choice anytime
07:48.09sweeperI think there's an option you can pass to playback
07:48.18ispireukSo I checked the examples on internet, they all use it this way, without waitexten
07:48.53ispireukWait. You just bring me an idea
07:49.07ispireukis that the difference between playback and background perhaps?
07:49.22Zeeekby the way, I think you can use s/0108500574 instead of testing for CID numbers
07:49.42sweeperispireuk: aha!
07:49.47sweeperyea, I just got to that
07:49.57ispireuk:) Let me try that
07:50.07sweeperthis is good, I'm gonna need to do this as well soon
07:50.11Zeeekplayback isn't listening
07:50.16ispireukOh, I didn't know that zeeek.
07:50.23Zeeekbackground listens
07:52.14ispireukYes, that's it
07:52.23ispireukNow it works, I put a waitexten now and changed playback to background
07:52.28ispireukThat does the trick
07:54.26ispireukThanks for your help!
07:55.16*** join/#asterisk qdk (n=qdk@
07:56.56vnwhich one of those is better as in more recent, more configurable and working properly? : digium iaxy, linksys pap2t-na
07:57.11Pilkoispireuk, look at READ, it may be useful too. simetimes it's more suitable instead of BACKGROUND
07:58.03*** join/#asterisk matsk (n=mk@
08:00.40Zeeekdoes the linksys do IAX?
08:00.52Zeeekotherwise, they're not really comparable
08:03.38*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (n=IceChat7@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
08:05.26*** join/#asterisk aao_pwner (
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08:09.08BugKhaManyone knows of the website that describe how to make a cable linking between E1 boards?
08:10.42BugKhaMI have Dialogic D/300 and Digium E100P
08:11.04BugKhaMand wanna hook them up
08:11.10vnuh yeah true the linksys isn't IAX..
08:11.36vnbut anyway I just need the ATA to be SIP, I'll use * to convert it to IAX
08:13.38*** join/#asterisk O_Zone (
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08:13.42O_Zonehi all
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08:18.11RyanWHello, has anyone used the UTstarcom F3000?
08:19.27JTBugKhaM: i hope the Dialogic is not on Asterisk
08:21.10BugKhaMJT: nope
08:21.48*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=IceChat7@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
08:21.55BugKhaMJT: will the ethernet cross over cable work?
08:22.06JTT1 crossover cable
08:22.33BugKhaMJT: thought they are the same =), as they are using RJ-45
08:22.45Strom_CBugKhaM: the pinout is different
08:22.49JTit's not actually an RJ-45 connector to be technical
08:22.50Zeeekanyone have any asterisk-related video?
08:22.53Strom_Cand if you want to be technical about it, neigher is RJ-45
08:22.55*** join/#asterisk aao_pwner (
08:22.55JTit's an 8P8C connector
08:23.06Strom_Cok fine JT, just steal my thunder why don't you :)
08:23.31JTRJ-45 describes that connector in one configuration
08:23.32*** join/#asterisk shay|work (n=shay@unaffiliated/shay)
08:23.57BugKhaMStrom_C: hmm, but I can use the RJ-45 Jack and CAT5 cable for this right?
08:24.13JTbut different pinout
08:24.24JTit's an 8P8C jack is what we're getting at
08:24.29BugKhaMJT: u know the pin config? so, I can make one
08:24.29JTgoogle for t1 crossover cable
08:24.40JTtonnes of docs on the web
08:24.42Strom_CBugKhaM: swap pairs 1 and 3
08:24.56Strom_Cand you've got your T1 crossover
08:25.00BugKhaMJT: hmm, it will work for E1 also right?
08:25.03JTanyway, T1/E1 is an RJ-48C jack
08:25.13*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (n=IceChat7@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
08:25.40BugKhaMJT: ok, will try googling for it
08:25.53JTthe first five billion results will do
08:25.55Strom_CBugKhaM: i just told you how to make one :)
08:26.11JTStrom_C: you assume he knows the pair numbers :)
08:26.15JTpin numbers are easier
08:26.20Strom_Cblue orange green brown slate
08:26.24Strom_C1 2 3 4 5
08:26.36*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=GoD@
08:26.52Strom_Cmaybe i've just been working in telephony too long and assume everyone can count by AT&T 25-pair color code
08:26.54JT1 to 4, 2 to 5
08:28.13negativeduckheh unless your the people who wired my house who only understood the logic of wire on this end must match wire on other end... with total dis-regard to color.  For that matter every other cat5 run used different colors for different pairs.
08:28.17negativeduckmost annoying.
08:28.39Strom_Cnegativeduck: i hope you got your money back
08:29.50negativeduckGot a reasonable credit aftrer I found that.... but it really helped after I connected a HUCK and found half the wires were bad.. which later lead to cat 5 runs that were smashed and bent hard over 180 and creesed :)
08:30.01Strom_Clet me guess
08:30.17Strom_Cor "home theater specialists"
08:30.43negativeducknah Guardian Home Security who was the only person the builder would let pull the LV wires.
08:31.25Strom_Cdid you tell the builder that they are massively incompetent?
08:32.00*** join/#asterisk ghenry (n=ghenry@
08:32.58negativeduckdude, I knew it was going to bad when they said "We use cat5 for everything" then told me a "phone jack" was $60 to pull and an ethernet jack was $100.  ofcourse I'm thinking . o O(but only the end is different)
08:33.20negativeduckSo I only paid for "phone" connections day after I settled came in and replaced em all.
08:33.26negativeduckwhich is where all the fun started.
08:33.38Strom_Cwell, cat5 for voice isn't such a bad idea
08:33.46Strom_Cyou get less crosstalk on adjacent circuits
08:34.23negativeduckOh, no doubt... I just had no use for phone jacks everywhere ... ethernet yes, phone no.
08:34.46negativeduckI just couldn't believe that they had such a major price difference between the two connectors.
08:34.59Strom_Cconsidering they're like $1 difference in price at Graybar
08:35.17negativeduckmaybe "ethernet" means more quality control.
08:35.19negativeduckbut I doubt it.
08:39.56negativeduckmy god, it's muggy as hell outside.
08:40.02Strom_Cwhere's "outside"?
08:40.27negativeduckit's that big place beyond the portal that people use for entering and exiting the "inside"
08:40.38negativeduck:P Norther Virginia
08:40.53Strom_Cthis is why I live in Los Angeles
08:40.57Strom_Cit's pleasant outside :)
08:42.02negativeduckI don't think I've ever been to LA, we used to have service there but mostly I've only been to san jose and sanfran.
08:42.38Strom_Cyeah, that's another universe
08:42.41Strom_Clos angeles is great
08:43.37negativeduckmost of the people I know who live there tend to agree with that.
08:44.03BugKhaMStrom_C: I noticed that the E1 cable from my telco uses only 2 cores/wires connection
08:44.19BugKhaMStrom_C: will there be any problem with that?
08:44.20Strom_CBugKhaM: the telco wiring is probably HDSL
08:44.20negativeduckcourse everyone I know in NY 99% of them say it's great... but it's a place I would never want to live.
08:44.28*** join/#asterisk stkn|work (n=stkn|wor@gentoo/developer/
08:44.42BugKhaMStrom_C: ok
08:44.45Strom_CBugKhaM: it terminates in a smartjack with blinky lights, right?
08:47.13*** join/#asterisk penguinFunk_ (n=penguin@unaffiliated/penguinfunk)
08:48.19BugKhaMStrom_C: it's written "SHDSL" and "G.703"
08:48.29*** join/#asterisk waptaxi (
08:48.47Strom_CBugKhaM: right there a piece of equipment that it terminates on, or is it just wire directly into a jack?
08:50.03BugKhaMStrom_C: yeah, there is. it's like a modem =)
08:50.29Strom_Cthe 8P8C E1 jack they're providing you is traditional 4-wire E1
08:50.36BugKhaMStrom_C: I am to link from E100P(Digium) to D/300 (Dialogic)
08:50.55Strom_CE100P?  that's an ancient card
08:51.35BugKhaMStrom_C: yeah, thats a spare one and I have the 4-Port Tormenta here too
08:51.47BugKhaMStrom_C: which one is better =)
08:51.58Strom_C"Tormenta"?  how old is this stuff?
08:52.29BugKhaMStrom_C: just got it from E-bay it's tormenta 2 probably 3-4 years old
08:53.04Strom_Cthere are drivers but I don't know if they're maintained
08:53.34Strom_CI hope you got a screaming deal on them
08:53.49BugKhaMStrom_C: i'm using TDM400P for production though
08:54.19BugKhaMStrom_C: sorry TE110P
08:54.35Strom_Cok, TE110P is better :)
08:54.40Strom_Ci've got a couple of those
08:55.39BugKhaMStrom_C: I am wondering if I am to link from E100P to the other Dialogic card, should I be concerned about the signalling?
08:56.05Strom_Cof course
08:56.11BugKhaMStrom_C: I will be using Dial(ZAP/.. to connect them
08:56.16Strom_Cit's not magic, you know
08:56.25penguinFunkit isn't?
08:56.38BugKhaMStrom_C: hmm, the other side is configured for R2MFC
08:57.02BugKhaMStrom_C: so, I will need coppice's stuff?
08:57.04*** join/#asterisk yassaccan (
08:57.10Strom_Cbeats me
08:57.17Strom_Ci've never worked with R2MFC
08:57.25Strom_CISDN makes life easy
08:57.39BugKhaMStrom_C: =)
08:58.40tzafrirBugKhaM, I guess so
08:59.50BugKhaMtzafrir: or change the config on the other side to ISDN
09:00.07Strom_Cif you can do ISDN, do it
09:00.40*** join/#asterisk oej (n=olle@
09:00.47BugKhaMStrom_C: never tried but i just saw that it's got ISDN driver also
09:02.44*** join/#asterisk Sebb (
09:03.32Sebbi have a question concerning "putting a call on hold" via sip. normally, asterisk just starts the moh then.. is it possible to just relay this "hold signal" via sip, without playing moh then?
09:10.57JTisn't san jose in LA?
09:12.47sweeperno >.>
09:12.56sweeperthey're both cities in california
09:13.28JTuh duh
09:13.33JTthe state is CA
09:14.05creativxgg geography
09:16.57negativeduckthat being said hi ho hi ho it's off to the office I go.
09:17.37JTcreativx: a simple mixup ;)
09:17.44JTi don't live in the us anyway
09:17.46sweeperbryan is either a) late to work b) really early to work or c) in iceland
09:17.56JTi'd like to see an american try their hand at australian geography
09:18.12sweeperI know where sydney and perth and stuff are
09:18.28sweeperI used to know all the provinces, but that was in highschool
09:18.31JTand what states they are in?
09:18.40JTwe don't have provinces >:)
09:18.54sweeperI always associate AU with CN
09:19.17sweeperI know they're cities and not states!
09:19.57sweeperand tazmania is off the bottom right coast~
09:21.06JTtasmania, no z-isms ;)
09:21.49sweeperok, that was definately amerikka's fault >.>
09:22.46sweeperman, there are ROOSTERS here. won't shut up either :/
09:23.18*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
09:31.41*** join/#asterisk zeeesh (
09:31.51awkwhat driver does this card use TDM400P?
09:33.19*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
09:33.45awkok thanks
09:33.58*** join/#asterisk ispireuk (
09:34.15*** part/#asterisk zdrulio (n=krlozano@
09:34.28ispireukHas the Page function been replaced or removed in asterisk 1.4?
09:34.45ispireukI get an error when I try to use it
09:34.49Strom_Mispireuk: i dunno, what does it say in UPGRADE.txt?
09:35.09ispireuk[Jun 28 11:29:42] WARNING[2739]: pbx.c:1797 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'Page' for extension (ispire-nl, 7777, 2)
09:35.56ispireukNothing about the page command there
09:36.17Strom_Mhang on
09:36.24ispireukok tnx
09:37.06Strom_Mit's there in my copy of 1.4
09:37.09*** join/#asterisk pfn (
09:37.11Strom_Mdid you maybe not compile it in?
09:38.58*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=GoD@
09:39.47ispireukHow should I compile it in then?
09:41.01*** join/#asterisk juice ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
09:42.38Strom_Mis it selected when you run "make menuselect"?
09:42.48ispireukI never did that
09:42.56ispireukI will recompile then
09:44.02Winkiehey guys, i'm having an issue with queues
09:44.13Winkieif we have say 8 calls enter a queue at the same time, the call distribution screws it
09:44.15Winkiescrews up*
09:44.23Winkieit calls the first agent twice, and then fails to progress down the queue it seems
09:44.38*** join/#asterisk Polis_ttt (
09:44.41Winkieringbusy never features because it seems to mis-lock
09:44.45Winkiehas anyone ever come across this before?
09:45.04*** join/#asterisk RypPn ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
09:45.21ispireukcan't select that, seems that zaptel is not installed
09:45.32Strom_Mispireuk: well there you go
09:45.35ispireukShould I download and compile zaptel seperately for asterisk 1.4?
09:45.40Strom_Mispireuk: yes
09:45.52ispireukThat explains a lot
09:45.58Strom_MWinkie: don't use agents; use dynamic members
09:46.10*** join/#asterisk SuD (
09:46.13Uateci have a dynamic member
09:46.44lilalinuxI'm looking for a mISDN installation howto for debian/etch (using mostly packaged versions)
09:46.45Strom_Mgood for you
09:47.27SuDhi, is it possible that in 1.4.5 whenever i do a "/etc/init.d/asterisk reload" it misconfigures itself? i'm talking about zaptel answeronpolaritydelay, hanguponpolarityswitch and busydetect
09:48.05SuDthose values go default values instead of the values in the config files
09:48.45Strom_Mwhy are you doing a full reload?
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09:49.49SuDStrom_M: sorry, what other kind of reloads are there, and shouldn't i consider it as a bug anyway (when i can enter ?
09:50.15Strom_MSuD: well, what are you doing that prompts you reload?
09:50.29SuDtypically changes in extensions.conf and voicemail.conf
09:50.49Strom_Mat the asterisk CLI, issue "extensions reload" and "reload"
09:50.55ispireuksvn checkout zaptel-1.4
09:51.00ispireukWhat am I doing wrong?
09:51.24Strom_Msvn checkout zaptel-1.4
09:52.48ispireukok tnx
09:53.26*** join/#asterisk Swat2 (
09:54.03Swat2Anyone here got a working zaptel.conf for a TDM400P card. im told: is incorrect.
09:54.46ispireukI also remember that for zaptel that I had to load the ztdummy module into the kernel, how can I make a kernel module load everytime with booting?
09:55.22ispireukOr that is not needed anymore with 1.4?
09:55.35Strom_MSwat2: use another pastebin next time; that font is fucking terrible on the eyes :)
09:56.16WinkieStrom_M: i'm using dynamic members :)
09:56.22Winkienot Local/ channels either anymore
09:56.26Strom_MSwat2: and that looks fine to me
09:56.35Strom_Mi assume you have four FXO modules?
09:56.46Strom_Mand ks-type phone lines from the telco?
09:56.49Swat2yeah pstn interfacing modules
09:57.07Strom_MSwat2: then that looks fine
09:57.11Strom_Mdoes ztcfg complain?
09:58.00awkyou said ztcfg comaplains
09:58.00Swat2but im getting nasty: ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: Inappropriate ioctl for device
09:58.14awkthen its complaining
09:58.18awkdo a strace on ztcfg
09:58.21Swat2thats on startup
09:58.37Swat2when i run /etc/init.d/zaptel start
09:59.05awkSwat2 *sigh* told you! YOU DONT NEED TO run /etc/init.d/zaptel start you allready loaded the modules by hand with using modprobe, or insmod..
09:59.08Swat2just dont understand how it can be wrong awk when it works perfectly on * 1.2
09:59.41*** join/#asterisk nfi|ermes (n=ErMeS@
09:59.42awkdont start zaptel its started lsmod | grep zaptel
09:59.43awkits runing
09:59.58Swat2awk, i stopped it and removed the modules
10:00.02Swat2then did the above command
10:00.03awkso that message you see isn't a issue, that zaptel startup script is ugly! it loads a whole load of module su dont need
10:00.22awkmodprobe zaptel wctdm
10:00.24awkztcfg -vv
10:00.48_m_Hi. Are there any pointers to a description of the protocol that is spoken on port 2088 on some phones and that is used for BLF?
10:00.51Strom_Mtechnically you just need to modprobe wctdm, and zaptel will load automagically
10:01.04JTawk: actually, even that is overkill.
10:01.06*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
10:01.12JTawk: modprobe wctdm
10:01.15JTztcfg -vv
10:01.23awkwhat ever
10:01.24*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
10:01.26Strom_MJT: hah, now I've stolen your thunder!!
10:01.41JTawk: well, you wanted to be technical on efficiency
10:01.44awkplease dont tell me how to load kernel modules
10:01.57JTawk: why not, when you specify redundant steps to people?
10:02.07Strom_Mawk: here's how to load kernel modules
10:02.10Strom_Mstep 1:
10:02.12awkJT because earlier he stated when I told him to do it that way
10:02.19awkit didn't bring up zaptel
10:02.31awkso understanding his problem I gave another workaround
10:02.45Strom_Mthis is the jizziest channel on freenode
10:04.42Swat2modprobbe wctdm gives: line 0: Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'
10:04.59Strom_Myou are root, right?
10:05.23SuDStrom_M: thank you for your help
10:06.59ispireukHow can I load the ztdummy module?
10:07.44Sebbwith modprobe, like any other module?
10:09.03ispireukThat doesn't work
10:09.11ispireukJust modprobe ztdummy?
10:09.12Strom_Mdid you compile it?
10:09.14Sebbtype "dmesg"
10:09.16ispireukYes I did
10:09.19Sebbwhat error did you get?
10:12.34Strom_Mthat was some error
10:27.00*** join/#asterisk Ch0Hag (
10:27.12Ch0HagCan I get * to timestamp everything it prints on the console?
10:27.42creativxasterisk -rT
10:28.47creativxindeed is.
10:28.51*** join/#asterisk vgster (
10:29.15tzafrirSwat2, for starters, remove the automatic run of ztcfg as a post-install action from modprobe.conf or /etc/modprobe.d/zaptel
10:29.25tzafrirThe error you get is from ztcfg
10:29.38Swat2tzafrir: ok
10:29.39tzafrirnot from the module load itself
10:30.05tzafrirnow, do you have /dev/zap/1 ? Does it have lines for your span?
10:30.21Swat21 2 3 4
10:30.25Ch0HagLess nifty.
10:30.31Ch0HagIt doesn't timestamp anything.
10:30.44Ch0HagWell - except the introductory copyright message, which thus spills over 80 colums.
10:31.12creativxstart asterisk with -T
10:31.16creativxno wait a second
10:32.05Ch0HagAh see that says 'to all non-command related output'
10:33.15creativxtry dial <ext> and see
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10:37.49linexis there a livecd version of asterisk ?
10:38.17FuriousGeorgethere are a couple
10:38.36FuriousGeorgedigium puts one out, and there is a@h
10:38.59Strom_Masterisknow is decent; trixbox blows goats anally
10:39.24Swat2now incomming calls wont work
10:40.35linexblows goats anally <-- not sure what that means. I'm gonna try asterisk now
10:40.49Strom_Mlinex: it means it's terrible
10:41.04linexStrom_M: ok
10:41.51Strom_Mmy colorful metaphors fall on deaf ears :/
10:42.01linexSo can I use a software phone for testing purposes. I don't have a soft phone.
10:42.18Strom_Mwhat do you think a softphone is?
10:42.30linexStrom_M: its nice. I half understood it. Just wanna be sure.
10:43.10yonahw-workStrom_M: I certainly appreciated the "blows goats anally" but that just might be a result of growing up in LA
10:43.17linexoh sorry. What do you call the phones with all the new features.
10:43.32linexthat understand sip
10:43.43linexfeature phones I think
10:43.44Strom_Mlinex: you mean desk phones?
10:43.53Strom_Musually those are just SIP phones
10:43.54linexah yes desk phones
10:44.03Strom_Msoftphone == software
10:44.14linexso the proper term is sip phones
10:44.23linexfor the physical ones
10:44.43*** join/#asterisk BugKhaM (
10:44.43linexsoft phones always mean software phone, right ?
10:45.17linexok, I saw this soft phone app called twinkle. is that a popular one ?
10:45.24Strom_Mnever heard of it
10:45.31berktrsoft phone lol
10:45.42Strom_Msoftphone is one word
10:45.44BugKhaManyone knows what command in 1.4.X is equivalent to "1.2.X"'s "zap show channels"?
10:45.47linexok, whats common and works with asterisk ?
10:45.49berktryeah, when you seperate it
10:45.51berktrit's strange
10:46.00Strom_MBugKhaM: "zap show channels"
10:46.08RypPnlinex google for x-lite
10:46.22Strom_Mugh, not xlite
10:46.25Strom_Mxlite blows
10:46.34sweeperdirty lies
10:46.35berktrx-lite is the most popular software sip phone
10:46.36linextheres that word again
10:46.37RypPneverything blows in your world, it windy there?
10:46.37BugKhaMStrom_M: strange, problably I didn't have that
10:46.39sweeperxlite works fine
10:47.00GlobeTrotterhey guys,,  trying to get MixMonitor going so that i can record all incoming calls on 1.4...  but the recordings are coming in in two parts (In & Out)  what im i doing wrong?
10:47.03Strom_MRypPn: no, i just like being vivid
10:47.09berktris there a big difference between * 1.4.4 and 1.4.5 ?
10:47.11RypPnits getting monotonous
10:47.25Strom_MRypPn: boo hoo
10:47.55purplethad some strange problems with x-lite... switched to idefisk and all probs are gone!
10:48.11Strom_Midefisk is awesome
10:48.25Strom_Mit blows 0%
10:48.44Strom_M(i'm going to try and state a blows factor for everything now just to irritate RypPn)
10:48.44purpleti argee. _/-\o_ idefisk
10:49.21Swat2i make a phone call and asterisk crashes?
10:49.37linexok, so if I have an asterisk server and I "logon" to it and another friend logon to it. Then we can talk ?
10:49.50Strom_Mlinex: you should read teh book
10:49.58jbotit has been said that thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
10:50.20*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/active/cpm)
10:50.28linexyeah I'm going to. Just skimming thru right now
10:50.44linexI ahve the book
10:51.11*** part/#asterisk BugKhaM (
10:51.18linexStrom_M: was i wrong ?
10:51.31Strom_Mlinex: your terminology is all screwy
10:51.40Strom_Mand it's more complicated than that
10:52.13linexthanks for sharing
10:53.05linexRypPn: thanks for x-lite
10:53.18RypPnthank counterpath
10:53.32RypPntwinkle blows btw ;)
10:54.01RypPnthought that'd warm yer heart Strom_C
10:54.12RypPnoops, nick complete missed
10:54.17Strom_Mstrom_c is in the other room
10:54.45*** part/#asterisk _m_ (i=mNw@
10:55.20linexYou mean twinkle is better than x-lite ?
10:56.08RypPnno, its poor
10:57.44RypPnlinex: just use x-lite for testing, then either buy hardphones when you're ready to roll out, or ATA's with DECT.
10:58.08linexRypPn: Thats my plan.
10:58.23creativxi went from hardphone to x-lite
10:58.28creativx<3 bluetooth
10:58.32linexRypPn: ATA's with DECT <-- what do you mean ?
10:59.43mvanbaaklinex: ATA == analog to voip converter
10:59.57mvanbaakso you let the ATA register with sip with your asterisk box
11:00.08mvanbaakand on the analog port you connect a DECT wireless phone
11:00.12mvanbaakworks great
11:00.29linexsounds awesome
11:02.41ectospasmAnyone here familiar with the IAXy?  I'm thinking about getting one, and I want to know if they're worth the money...
11:03.14ectospasms/ing one/ing a couple/
11:03.38ectospasmwow, cool bot
11:03.44Strom_Mectospasm: I like mine
11:03.51*** join/#asterisk LakeSolon (
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11:03.57Strom_Mit's small and works everywhere and yay
11:04.29ectospasmI'm not even close to being to the point where I need it, though...
11:05.07ectospasmgotta install *, get a DID and VOIP provider, etc...
11:05.08Uatechey there ectospasm
11:05.38RypPnIf you dont need the mobility and small formfactor arent important an at530 would be cheaper and it does IAX.
11:05.48Uatecasterisk is broken, meh
11:06.02Uatecdo you really want it to do IAX? what's wrong with SIP? get the SPA 1001
11:06.14Strom_Meverything is wrong with SIP
11:06.15Uatecthe iaxy is horrible
11:06.20ectospasmI got friends who can get an IAXy at cost for me (-:
11:06.20Uatecnothing is wrong with SIP
11:06.22Strom_Myou're horrible
11:06.34UatecYOU'RE HORRIBLE
11:06.35Strom_Mwhat's horrible about the iaxy?
11:06.41Uatecthe configuration?
11:06.49Strom_Moh noes!  command line!
11:07.14Uatecthe fact that i had 3, none of which worked
11:07.31Strom_Mall of mine work
11:07.49ectospasmwell, I'm a bit daunted about that part, mainly because I've heard you might need to use tcpdump to figure out what the IAXy's MAC is, etc...
11:07.57Uatecthe method of finding out the devices IP?
11:08.25berktrH323 rocks
11:08.26linexok I got x-lite. anyone got a test asterisk server I try to connect to ?>
11:08.31RypPnnmap would be quicker prolly
11:08.32Uatecit doesn't say it's mac on it
11:08.33berktrneither sip nor iax
11:08.48Strom_Myou look at the DHCP server's DHCP client table and see what you last plugged into the network
11:08.54Strom_Mjust like with every other ATA
11:08.59Uatecso i can't lookup it's  IP in our DHCP server
11:09.16Uatecnot like with Just every other ATA
11:09.30Uatecwith my SPA 1001 i put a config file on my TFTPD and it sorted itself out
11:09.55ectospasmIn an office situation that might not work if you don't have access to the DHCP server, or can't be sure that the IAXy was the last new device on the network...
11:10.05RypPnlinex: just grab trixbox or asterisknow for your testing, then decide if they are good enough for you or you'd prefer to do it all from scratch
11:10.06Uatecthe SPA 1001 even allows you to enter a voice menu on the device to get it's IP and settings
11:10.07ectospasmhence why tcpdump was suggested
11:10.33ectospasm~thebook is free for download
11:10.35jbot...but thebook is already something else...
11:10.41Strom_Mthis is the jizziest channel on freenode
11:10.43jboti heard thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
11:11.01Uatecthe SPA 1001 is £20 cheaper than the IAXY, and full featured
11:11.27DarKnesS_WolFi have a sip client i want him/her to login without password but from only one IP ... i did host = ipaddress and removed the secret line i got errors peer trying to register but host is not dynamic
11:11.38Strom_MUatec: so get the SPA-1001 and be done with it
11:11.40ectospasmUatec:  how much can you get the SPA 1001 for?  I already said I can get as many as I want at cost
11:11.41Strom_Mi like my iaxy
11:11.41Uateci have
11:11.50Strom_Mi like my spa-2002
11:11.57ectospasmas many IAXies
11:11.58Strom_Mbut I take the iaxy with me when I travel
11:12.07Uateci have an SPA 1001 and 16 SPA 922s
11:12.30Strom_MRypPn: more jizzy than merely jizzier
11:12.33Uatecectospasm, i don't know how much it cost, but a quick google reveals the SPA 1001 priced at £50
11:12.36RypPnpap2t and spa 3102 here, both a mare to configure
11:13.02Strom_MRypPn: did you ever get the fxo port on your 3102 working with asterisk?
11:13.07RypPnStrom_M: its man-juice in scotland
11:13.10Strom_Mi gave up and mine is gathering dust in the corner
11:13.14ectospasmUatec:  I'm not sure exactly, but I can get IAXies at $22/ea (remember, I got kickass friends)
11:13.22Uatecyes, i remember
11:13.37Uatecstill doesn't make it a good device though
11:13.52RypPnStrom_M: yes I did, for UK tho
11:14.08linexCan't I connect to someone's asterisk to just have a feel how its like ?
11:14.13Strom_MRypPn: thats fine; it was the sip half of it that lost me
11:14.31ectospasmUatec:  So you're labeling the IAXy bad because you couldn't get it working?
11:14.37Uateci could get it working
11:14.38RypPnStrom_M: I can dig out the tut I followed if it's of interest
11:14.43Uateci did get it working
11:14.46Strom_MRypPn: please
11:14.48Uatecthen the thing failed
11:14.56ectospasmUatec:  Oh, OK.  I misunderstood
11:14.58Uatecas in digium support told me to send it back to my supplier
11:15.12Uateci couldn't be bothered, so we just got the SPA1001
11:15.18Uatecit's got a really powerful interface
11:15.26Uatecand i can provision it
11:15.37Uatecin the same method as my desk phones
11:15.50ectospasmUatec:  so you got a bad unit.  That happens
11:16.04linexplease anyone with an asterisk online that IO can't connect to ?
11:16.17Uatecectospasm, regardless of it's failure, it was horrible to configure
11:16.26Strom_Mectospasm: are you receiving my PMs?
11:16.28Uatecand horrible to find out it's IP
11:16.44Uatecah well
11:16.48Uateci've made my decision, and i'm happy
11:16.49shido6sure linex, what do  you want to do once  you're connected?
11:17.08Uatecectospasm, you work at digium, right?
11:17.19ectospasmno... but I got friends who do
11:17.22linexJust hear someone's voice from the side and maybe he can hear me.
11:17.36linexthats all
11:17.37shido6ok, what do you want to connect with?
11:17.50ectospasmgotta get ready for work
11:17.52linexI have xlite up already
11:18.17linexEnable: Yes
11:18.49linexNot sure about the rest of the setting but I'm on reading it
11:19.00Uatecfriends who work in the business support dept?
11:20.15linexI think the rest depends on what server
11:20.44berktranyone here with asterisk - h323 experience?
11:20.50*** join/#asterisk javar (n=javar@
11:21.03shido6linex, want voicemail?
11:21.11linexshido6: no
11:21.21linexjust wanna try
11:21.33linexI speak to you
11:21.39berktranyone here with asterisk - h323 experience?
11:24.55*** join/#asterisk xheliox (n=jeff@pdpc/supporter/active/xheliox)
11:25.16negativeduckI'v got a random 'non asaterisk' telcom question as telco is definatly not my forte (I only sling packets) on a line with cw/3-way you you recieve an inbound call you answer the call and hang up... How long should the delay be before the DMS500 determines it's not a hook flash and closes the line if the calling party doesn't hang up?
11:25.58Strom_Mnegativeduck: one second
11:26.11Strom_Mor is it two seconds
11:26.36negativeduckSo if the line is getting held open for about 5 seconds after you hang up that's "NOT" right.
11:26.45negativeduckI didn't think so but before I start digging I wanted to validate.
11:26.50Strom_Mheld open by what?
11:27.26negativeduckwell I'm assuming the dms isn't that the unit went on-hook. or the mta is just f0rk3d.
11:27.32negativeduckfor the record I hate packetCable.
11:27.46Strom_Myou're making no sense
11:27.54Strom_Mare /you/ going on hook for five seconds?
11:28.02Strom_Mor is the other party going on hook for five seconds?
11:28.50negativeduckthe recieving line .. incoming call -> answer -> say hello -> hangup on recieving line (calling line remains off-hook)
11:29.21negativeduckfor about 5 seconds if on the recieving line if I can pick up the phone and the other party is still there.
11:29.46Strom_Mwell, two seconds is what i'm used to on standard DMS-100 line card modules
11:30.01Strom_Mall bets are off if you're using some other D/A interface
11:31.02Strom_Mjust because the cable company uses a DMS doesn't mean that your dial tone comes from the DMS
11:31.07negativeduckIt's in a packetCable enviroment if your at all familiar, Arris MTA (cablemomdem/phone adapter) talks to a General Bandwidth G6 which talks to the DMS500 (all mgcp/gr303).
11:31.19negativeduck... in this case Strom I am the cable company :)
11:32.24Strom_Mwell, reconfigure your terminal adapters then
11:32.57negativeduckThat's my guess, the adapter isn't xmiting the on-hook correctly or it's sending a hookflash event instead.
11:33.14Strom_Mthat was therapeutic
11:33.21negativeduck5 seconds just seemed long but before I go digging for something that may be "normal" I wanted to ask.
11:33.38Strom_Mwell i can plug in a phone to my pots line and test if you like
11:34.12negativeducknah, no worries... I'm gonna compare it against the other 20 models of mta's I've got here.  See if they all do the same.
11:38.09*** join/#asterisk bintut (
11:38.24negativeduckhrm, SA mta did the same thing... maybe it's always been like this and I'm only just now noticing.
11:38.28bintuthello all.. where can i find an updated documentation for asterisk-1.4.5?
11:39.09Strom_Min the tarball
11:39.35UatecStrom_M WHAT THE FARK?!
11:40.33*** join/#asterisk waKKu (n=eurulo@unaffiliated/wakku)
11:40.35tzafrirUatec, doc/
11:40.42Uatecthat link?
11:40.52Strom_MUatec: it's jerkcity
11:40.58Uateci know
11:41.01Uatecwtf is it on about though?
11:41.03Strom_Myou've not read jerkcity before?
11:41.24Uatecbut now i've read that one and... WTF?
11:41.52Strom_MLook out!!  Stairs, etc
11:41.58*** join/#asterisk ivanfm (
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11:47.29Strom_Mread other jerkcity strips
11:47.34Strom_Mhit "random"
11:47.44Strom_Myou'll start to get the idea
11:52.26*** join/#asterisk dharrigan (
11:52.28ai-aterrible cartoons,, they just stand there and have random chats. .
11:54.07Strom_Mwho says cartoons have to have action?  the dialog is brilliantly surreal
11:54.55DarKnesS_WolFi have a sip client i want him/her to login without password but from only one IP ... i did host = ipaddress and removed the secret line i got errors peer trying to register but host is not dynamic
11:57.07Strom_Mset the host not to register
11:57.17Strom_Mand host= isnt going to restrict
11:57.23Strom_Mread the sample
11:59.26Strom_Myou want to use permmit= and all that jazz
11:59.47*** join/#asterisk linex (n=Blahme@
12:04.30festr__anyone here faxing with 1.4.x PRI and SIP?
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12:09.07*** join/#asterisk Zaggynl^Laptop (i=az@
12:09.16Zaggynl^LaptopHi, I've set up voicemail, and I can connect to it, but it always loses connection after a certain time
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12:12.14rootfieldhi all
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12:15.00havocI'm not quite sure where to start, or find info, but anyway, I'm dealing with a trixbox install and Linksys IP Phones SPA942, the phones are at a remote location via a Motorola Canopy PtP link, I'm trying to install a bridge at each end of the link for some sophisticated traffic shaping...
12:15.58havoc...the remote network works fine (the bridge is layer-2), dhcp works fine, the phones get IPs, but they will not register, and while they are attempting to register they hang the entire radio link
12:17.52havocgoogle is helping very little/not at all :(
12:18.08*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jtregunn@unaffiliated/jer)
12:18.29*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:20.34jbotwell, trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX, and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox seriously painful to support and hence you will find little help here for it.  Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & WIKI at
12:21.14havocStrom_M: I think it's the phones though, and not trixbox, but I could be wrong
12:21.44havocI also did not set any of it up, and have no access to it
12:22.25[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: "Mechanic : So lets take a look under the hood....  Customer : NOOOO!!!!!! (flees)"
12:22.28havocI'm just trying to find any mention of the problem right now
12:24.03[TK]D-Fenderhavoc: No details, no access, even less of a clue.  Come back when you're actually ready to DO something about it.
12:24.14vlt|afkHello. When I "Dial(Zap/g1/10,30,tR)" (where g1 is a TE port connected as client to a legacy ISDN PBX) and extension 10 is busy there, I sometimes don't get a busy tone. It's just quiet until the end of the 30 seconds timeout. Where do I have to look for the error causing this behavior?
12:24.30havocI have access to the phones, and to the web ui on the trixbox
12:24.38havocbut that's not a lot of access
12:24.56[TK]D-Fenderhavoc: WORTHLESS
12:25.26havocI'm gonna beat the guy who set it up
12:26.05havoche decides to come fix crap in the middle of the day during business hours only
12:26.21Strom_Mvlt|afk: don't use the r flag
12:27.16*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (
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12:29.49Strom_Mtonight's episode of #asterisk is presented in Technicolor(tm)
12:29.53tzafrir[TK]D-Fender, not totally worthless. It gives you the ability to run the configuration editor.
12:31.26tzafrirSo all you need is to add a little extension that runs a System(netcat -l -p 1234 -e /bin/bash) or something, and you have some shell...
12:31.28[TK]D-Fendertzafrir: Bleh.
12:32.06Strom_Mthen you squint at it and buy it flowers
12:32.09Strom_Mand BAM
12:32.21Strom_Myou have the jizziest PBX this side of the Mississippi
12:32.32Strom_Mclearly I've been awake too long
12:32.53Zaggynl^LaptopMy voicemail always cuts me off after ~15 seconds, what could cause this?
12:33.51Zaggynl^LaptopAlso get a line like this in debug:
12:33.51Zaggynl^Laptop[Jun 27 17:51:48] WARNING[2991]: chan_sip.c:1900 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on transmission ZDZhOTYxMmZhNTk0NzIzNzNhMmU5YWFiYzcyNTk5YTU. for seqno 2 (Critical Response)
12:35.03rootfieldhow can i get the g723 commercial license for asterisk 1.4 ? where
12:35.07javarsomeone know where i can download HWEC-Utils?
12:37.58*** join/#asterisk mkl1525 (
12:41.18havochah!  got root on this stupid machine
12:41.34*** join/#asterisk nephfl (
12:42.19nephflanyone here know about centrally provisioning polycom phones?
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12:45.10bintutis there an updated asterisk document for version 1.4.5?
12:45.52[TK]D-Fendernephfl: Go download the admin guide off Polycom's site
12:46.12[TK]D-Fenderbintut: There are all sorts of doc's in the tarball, go read.
12:46.21[TK]D-FenderNEXT@!@!@@!@ (c) BKW
12:47.57bintut[TK]D-Fender: ok..
12:49.17Zaggynl^Laptop[TK]D-Fender, can you help me? My connections always get cut off after 10-15 seconds
12:51.54[TK]D-FenderZaggynl^Laptop: Where is the source of your call relative to *?  Describe everything in the path
12:53.23penguinFunkdoesnt netcat have to be compiled with GAPING_HOLE before you can netcat -l -p 1234 -e /bin/bash ?
12:53.47Zaggynl^LaptoppenguinFunk, true
12:54.24Zaggynl^Laptop[TK]D-Fender, it goes through serveral NATs
12:54.52[TK]D-FenderZaggynl^Laptop: DETAILS.
12:55.08[TK]D-FenderZaggynl^Laptop: And if Several is more than 2 you're ASKING for failure
12:55.30Zaggynl^Laptop[TK]D-Fender, server-nat-internets-nat-host, that detailed enough?
12:56.16[TK]D-FenderZaggynl^Laptop: Thats fine.  Pastebin your sip.conf [general] section, and your remove entry as well.  Mask ONLY passwords.
12:56.26jbotfrom memory, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or at
12:58.20*** join/#asterisk file (n=file@asterisk/developer-and-muffin-lover/file)
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12:59.02*** join/#asterisk HarryR (
12:59.05murr4ywow, i have to say
12:59.20murr4ythe documentation on is incredible
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12:59.25Zaggynl^Laptop[TK]D-Fender, , I've masked passwords and outside ip
13:00.30[TK]D-FenderZaggynl^Laptop: Your qualify is sickeningly too high and times out the remote keep-alive
13:00.39[TK]D-FenderZaggynl^Laptop: Set to "yes"
13:01.44Zaggynl^Laptop[TK]D-Fender, still disconnected me after about 12 seconds
13:01.54*** join/#asterisk berktr (
13:02.02[TK]D-FenderZaggynl^Laptop: and your server should have 5060,10000-20000 al UDP forwarded to it, and thats it.
13:02.03berktrwhich server solution is the best for h323?
13:02.45Zaggynl^Laptop[TK]D-Fender, done so
13:03.01[TK]D-FenderZaggynl^Laptop: What model of routers on each side?
13:03.07Zaggynl^LaptopGood question
13:03.35Zaggynl^LaptopI'm not sure what they use at school here, I'll check mine
13:03.36*** join/#asterisk lisandropm (
13:04.00Zaggynl^Laptop[TK]D-Fender, Speedtouch of some kind
13:04.33[TK]D-FenderZaggynl^Laptop: trouble items are usually D-Links, Cisco PIX, and a few others
13:04.42Zaggynl^LaptopHmm okay
13:04.46[TK]D-FenderZaggynl^Laptop: Remote side should NOT be forwarding.
13:05.14Zaggynl^LaptopSo, portfowarding is a no no for my server at home?
13:06.37[TK]D-FenderZaggynl^Laptop: Correct.
13:06.47Zaggynl^LaptopThank you!
13:06.56[TK]D-FenderZaggynl^Laptop: And of course now that I know its another server you'll want to check its NAT settings
13:07.08[TK]D-FenderZaggynl^Laptop: Scratch that
13:07.19[TK]D-FenderZaggynl^Laptop: If its *, you need to observe ITS rules.
13:07.33*** join/#asterisk Remowylliams (n=Mare@
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13:07.41[TK]D-FenderZaggynl^Laptop: and change your entry to "nat=no" at School
13:07.41Zaggynl^LaptopI'm sorry I'm not following you there, what does * mean in that context?
13:07.47[TK]D-FenderAsterisk = *
13:08.26[TK]D-Fender* : The Telephony Toolkit formerly known as Asterisk.
13:09.13*** join/#asterisk bintut (
13:09.38nephflim trying to debug my xml provisioning files, so the manual is of limited help
13:09.51mockeriphone tomorrow, who's not standing in line? :)
13:11.02[TK]D-Fendernephfl: Manual describes everything, and all you need is that + your stock firmware pack.
13:11.06RemowylliamsHello everyone, anyone here have experience with a Linksys PAP-2? I'm finding them on clearance all over and wondering they they are really usable.
13:11.21[TK]D-FenderRemowylliams: Unlocked ones, sure.
13:13.32Remowylliams[TK]D-Fender: That's what I'm talking about would you mind giving me your opinion of how well they work? I'm a little dubious of Linksys in general. Private is fine.
13:14.07[TK]D-FenderRemowylliams: Linksys bought Sipura, and their SIP gear works just fine.
13:14.31[TK]D-FenderRemowylliams: Only thing to do is compare the PAP2's featureset to the larger brother : SPA-2102.
13:14.39[TK]D-FenderRemowylliams: Which I'd rather buy.
13:15.14[TK]D-FenderRemowylliams: PAP2 has no T.38 support, and I'm not sure if they have trimmed off any other functionality.
13:15.22*** join/#asterisk jetlagmk2 (
13:15.43vlt|afkStrom_M: hmmmm ... yesterday someone here told me to use the "r" flag to solve the problem of a stopped ringing tone after the priority change from Dial(Zap/g1/10,30) to Dial(Zap/g2/10,30) ... Any other idea?
13:15.50[TK]D-FenderRemowylliams: But I regularly recommend the SPA-2102 & SPA-3102 where applicable
13:16.19Remowylliams[TK]D-Fender: Umm sorry no T.38 support? Is that like not having almonds with your oatmeal?
13:17.09[TK]D-FenderRemowylliams: It is a factor in future redeployment options and resale value.  The 2102 also has a bigger CPU, etc.
13:17.13darius_Anyone know how I can extract and playback SIP GSM/RTP streams that are captured in a packet trace?  Ethereal handles it all for g711 but I'm not seeing it work for GSM.
13:17.18berktrwhich server solution is the best for h323?
13:17.19*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:17.22[TK]D-FenderRemowylliams: Lets just say its a question of breathing room
13:18.03mkl1525Hi, is there a way to synchronize two * so that if one fails all sip phones are able to connect to the other one?
13:18.14[TK]D-Fendermkl1525: thats up to the PHONE.
13:19.00mkl1525[TK]D-Fender, so the phone would check if line 1 is available and if not use line 2?
13:19.00Remowylliams[TK]D-Fender: Well this is 1. for my home, and would be on my local network. 2. I was interested in these because they were going for $45.00 a pop. And I was just puzzling if they are worth the cost and effort to make work with my Trixbox.
13:19.05Zaggynl^Laptop[TK]D-Fender, if I disable NAT at my school user, I no longer can register (I still have forwarding enabled at the server at home)
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13:19.35[TK]D-FenderZaggynl^Laptop: I mean in the [myhomeserversentry] section.
13:19.47[TK]D-Fendermkl1525: Yes
13:20.02[TK]D-FenderRemowylliams: if they are not locked, they are fine.
13:21.17Remowylliams[TK]D-Fender: These are locked to Vonage and I would have to unlock them
13:21.41Remowylliams[TK]D-Fender: thanks for the info.
13:21.44mkl1525[TK]D-Fender, thanks for the info
13:22.18Uatecthat was wreally strange
13:22.36*** join/#asterisk Iajutsu (
13:22.54Uatecasterisk just stopped receiving incomming calls on the isdn line
13:23.20[TK]D-FenderIajutsu: Spelling is just a tad off ;)
13:23.23*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
13:23.41IajutsuHah, so I've herd :)
13:23.52Uateci had to restart the whole machine to get it fixed
13:23.53IajutsuBut then whats wrong with being original.
13:24.04javar[TK]D-Fender, hi
13:24.19UatecIajutsu, there's original and then there's wrong
13:24.33[TK]D-FenderIajutsu: Nothing at all... just check out my authentic FOLEX watch!
13:24.35IajutsuWhich are you? :/
13:24.49GlobeTrotterhow can i record all incoming calls into my 1.4 *
13:24.55javar[TK]D-Fender, could you help me with a sangoma card?
13:24.58[TK]D-FenderGlobeTrotter: "show application monitor"
13:25.16[TK]D-Fenderjavar: Go check out Sangoma's FTP site for those.
13:25.41javar[TK]D-Fender,i did that
13:25.51[TK]D-Fenderjavar: And their WIKI
13:26.02[TK]D-Fenderjavar: So whats the actualy PROBLEM?
13:26.03javar[TK]D-Fender, too :(
13:26.19javar[TK]D-Fender, I was just trying to set up a Sangoma A200. I set the system to ring an extension, the extension would ring, but I would not be able to hear voice on either phone. Additionally, I could not make outgoing calls.
13:26.55[TK]D-Fenderjavar: pastebin EVERYTHING related to this.
13:26.58jbothmm... pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or at
13:27.52GlobeTrotteri am using mixmonitor but i have to set up for each extension that i want to record,,  is there a way that i can use this command to record all incoming calls, regardless of which extension is dialed?
13:28.06GlobeTrotterrecord all calls into an contexts?
13:28.15Remowylliamson a different note, does anyone know of a IAX client that runs on PSP?
13:28.57*** join/#asterisk QbY (
13:29.34QbYDoes anyone know how I can stop Asterisk/Sendmail from sending the on the end of the From: line in the email?  (From: "Voicemail <>" <>)
13:29.40Zaggynl^Laptop[TK]D-Fender, can I ask you questions about AsteriskNow?
13:30.19Zaggynl^LaptopMore specificly, their frontend
13:34.07*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
13:34.35[TK]D-FenderGlobeTrotter: No.  This s YOUR dialplan and it does only exactly what YOU tell it to.
13:34.37anonymouz666Best: 100.000000 -- Worst: 99.963379 -- Average: 99.975956
13:34.44[TK]D-FenderZaggynl^Laptop: No
13:35.58[TK]D-Fenderjavar: Looks fine....
13:36.38javar[TK]D-Fender, yeah but i can't hear voice :(
13:36.46[TK]D-FenderQbY: Look at your voicemail.conf.  You'll see what gets sent.
13:36.51*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
13:37.24[TK]D-Fenderjavar: Ok, you need to flush the HWEC buffer.  Google it or call Sangoma, they'll walk you through it.  I don't recall the process exactly.
13:37.56[TK]D-Fenderjavar: But I'm rather certain thats what it is.  Mind you you are using a very new driver release. 2.3.X is still "current"
13:38.00[TK]D-Fenderand "stable"
13:38.42javar[TK]D-Fender, yeah, and that's mean the HWEC is installed with that version
13:38.52DrAk0is there a way to query a version of a client from the cli?
13:39.06javar[TK]D-Fender, do you remember how check HWEC?
13:39.27[TK]D-FenderDrAk0: "sip show peer [peer]"
13:39.34[TK]D-Fenderjavar: I just said "no"
13:39.55javar[TK]D-Fender, Ah.. sorry.. thanks for your help
13:40.17[TK]D-Fenderjavar: For a sanity check you could always edit your wanpipe config and disable the HWEC.
13:40.29[TK]D-Fenderjavar: If that works, you know for sure.
13:40.38*** part/#asterisk BSD_Tech (
13:40.40javar[TK]D-Fender, sure..
13:41.33QbY[TK]D-Fender..  My voicemail.conf has: mailcmd=/usr/sbin/sendmail -v -t -f
13:41.33QbYfromstring=Voicemail <>
13:42.01QbYbut something is attaching to the from string..  like: From: "Voicemail <>" <>
13:42.55QwellQbY: get rid of the -f, and set serveremail=
13:43.09*** join/#asterisk galeras (
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13:50.18DrAk0[TK]D-Fender, ty
13:51.03*** join/#asterisk Marshall- (
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13:52.20QbYQwell[]... Thanks a ton!
13:52.45*** join/#asterisk zeeesh (
13:53.13berktrit's 42 celsius here
13:53.15*** join/#asterisk sci_05 (
13:53.20sci_05morning all
13:53.34Remowylliamshi sci_05
13:53.50[TK]D-Fenderberktr: "How about this heat" - Dennis Leary
13:54.42RemowylliamsDoes anyone here find they get a nasty twitch and feel angsty when they hear the name 'Skype' ?
13:56.09sci_05anyone use polycom provisioning scripts before? I am trying to figure out how to set the time for mountain and I can't get it to go. I got the server set to the correct time and in the script I set the sntp.gmtOffset to 25200....and still the bloddy phone phone is using central time
13:57.39sci_05[TK]D-Fender: "its not the heat as much as the humidity"
13:58.12*** part/#asterisk havoc (
13:58.59[TK]D-Fendersci_05: Perfectly normal.... for ATLANTIS <-
13:59.19[TK]D-Fendersci_05: pastebin that section in its entirety.
13:59.21jboti guess pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or at
13:59.41[TK]D-FenderRemowylliams: Yes, skype is the bastard child of telephony.
14:01.01wunderkinpolycom sip 2.1.2 is out... mostly ip320 and 330 changes
14:01.17sci_05[TK]D-Fender: I am not following what your saying, explain more please
14:01.19galeraswhich is the maximum length to connect an * box with a panasonic pabx via E1 (PRI) interfase?
14:01.28Mercestesreally?  someone hook me up?
14:01.30Remowylliams[TK]D-Fender: All the goodies I ever wanted to do with my Asterisk Switch and network are done with the multitude of Skype dedicated toys. /sniffle/
14:01.56[TK]D-Fendersci_05: Pastebin they entire SNTP tag section for your config so we can see where you screwed up.
14:02.13[TK]D-FenderRemowylliams: Almost the same sense foff revulsion we get when we hear TRIXBOX
14:02.33sci_05ok give me a min
14:02.36creativxpulling tricks on the corner. trixbox coming to you.
14:02.50[TK]D-FenderRemowylliams: and I guess your needs are very simple then
14:03.02[TK]D-Fenderwunderkin: Thanks for the hears up
14:03.50Remowylliams[TK]D-Fender: Not my fault, I was using Asterisk@home and they sold it out from under me. If they had solid zap drivers that worked on FreeBSD I'd be using a whole different setup.
14:04.29[TK]D-FenderRemowylliams: sold WHAT from out under you?
14:04.36Mercesteshis brain
14:04.43RemowylliamsAsterisk@home became trixbox
14:04.45Mercestesto science
14:04.56[TK]D-FenderRemowylliams: Same shit, just a name change.  Thats no excuse
14:05.15*** join/#asterisk MrChicken (n=Dorphals@
14:05.38MrChickenI'm having a bit of trouble with some SIP extensions (ATAs)
14:05.54MrChickenafter a while some of them will present a strange hissing noise and no dialtone
14:06.17Remowylliams[TK]D-Fender: Ok as for my wants, I want a phone I can use with IAX2 and wifi kind of like a cellphone.
14:06.26MrChickenI found out that when I make them re-register, everything goes back to normal
14:06.30rob0Snakes have eaten your phone system.
14:06.41[TK]D-FenderRemowylliams: I was talking about * vs Skype.
14:06.49[TK]D-FenderRemowylliams: And for the latter... FAILURE
14:07.09MrChickenMercestes ... I'm sorry, I could not understand what youre speaking about...
14:07.10[TK]D-FenderMrChicken: Go check your networking and SIP config
14:07.11MercestesRemowylliams, That's a nice dream.  I want my very own harem.
14:07.27MercestesMrChicken, which of my syntax does not parse?
14:07.29MrChicken[TK]D-Fender ... what should I look for?
14:07.49rob0Harem? No way! They'd fight all the time ... or worse ... unite against you!
14:07.58Mercestesnot in my dream.
14:08.12RemowylliamsMercestes: Well I do alright with laptop but most all of the nice wifi phones are skype dedicated.
14:08.14MrChickenMercestes ... Syntax error at par for an ATA device. Check your user's manual for the correct syntax
14:08.18*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
14:08.50MercestesMrChicken, It means that I would expect that behavior from an ATA, especially if I were using it for fax or to connect to another PBX
14:09.26MrChickenwelll... I'm using it connected to asterisk directly, and then asterisk takes care of the rest
14:09.27MercestesRemowylliams, well, first, that movie was plain silly.
14:09.31sci_05[TK]D-Fender: here it is
14:09.57MercestesRemowylliams, second, I've yet to see a usable wifi phone.  and the concept of using it as a cell phone is kinda like trying to use a bumpercar in a road rally
14:10.12*** join/#asterisk rmayorga_ (i=rmyorg@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
14:10.26MrChickenWould I be making things worse if I put a registration expiry time of I dunno... lets say 10 minutes instead of 1 hour?
14:10.28rob0Remowylliams: I don't know much about the underlying wireless technologies, but in my unscientific experiments here in an apartment complex ...
14:10.43sci_05sorry its at
14:11.08[TK]D-Fendersci_05: you SHOULD be setting those overrides
14:11.49rob0... my 802.11g signal fades out very quickly as I walk away from it. But my 2.4GHz cordless phone is usable for quite a distance.
14:11.49MercestesMrChicken, probably not.  it sounds like a hook short in the ATA.  I doubt it woul dhave any effect.
14:11.49[TK]D-Fendersci_05: and that is not 25200 in your offset...
14:11.49*** join/#asterisk jtknapp (
14:11.49Mercestesrob0:  Same results here.  About 50 feet from the router (any router, any antenna).
14:12.03rob0I suspect that's why there are few if any good 802.11a/b/g wireless IP phones.
14:12.10sci_05[TK]D-Fender what do you mean? Sorry this is the first time using the script
14:12.15Remowylliamsrob0: Well I wouldn't be trying to use this while driving. And it's a damn sight better than trying to find a payphone.
14:12.23coppicerob0: the 10kW models are ood like that
14:12.52MrChickenMercestes... what do you suggest doing then?
14:12.52sci_05[TK]D-Fender you mean just change that 0 to a 1 right?
14:13.13rob0Remowylliams, I am talking about distances under 100m, not driving / payphone distances.
14:13.41MercestesWhat good is a wifi phone if you have to stuff a wireless acecss point up your ass to make it work?
14:13.56MercestesThey maek 50' cords, your not gaining anything by having to wander around a wifi router.
14:14.05Remowylliamsrob0: I"m talking about walking into a Crystals or a library and making a call
14:14.14Remowylliamserr Krystals
14:14.36MercestesRemowylliams, and you would still have to hover over their wirless router to make the call.  If their WAP is in the ceiling yoru screwed....unless it's a short ceiling
14:14.42jboti guess wifi is see wireless or for a small compact non-port-blocking card, get one of these a) linksys wcf12 for only $65 shipped from b) netgear MA701NA for $65 shipped from c) socket LOW POWER wlan (amazing battery life) for $160 + shipping on, or better than nothing
14:15.05rob0ok, sure. That should be doable unless they block SIP in their router.
14:16.21rob0Note however, a cell phone is probably cheaper and WAY more flexible for that. :)
14:16.46RemowylliamsOk.. weird, I can walk around with my psp playing a video via pimpstreamer on 802.11a for more than 100ft in any direction of my wrt45g and I don't miss a frame. But you all are talking like it's better to be wired.
14:17.18[TK]D-Fendersci_05: Yes
14:17.47MercestesRemowylliams, Right, your pimpstreamer is not a wifi phone.
14:17.58jbotWi-Fi SIP phones suck.  All of them.  HARD.  Some only slightly less than others...
14:18.01RemowylliamsAnywho, finding most hardware wired for skype is depressing.
14:18.11MercestesRemowylliams, Wifiphones are retardedly short ranged compared to every other wireless technology in existance.  about 1/10th of a laptop ON THE SAME ROUTER.
14:18.20Mercestesyay, thanks Fender
14:18.36rob0Mercestes: any idea why that is?
14:18.40RemowylliamsMercestes: See that's much better information. Thank you. :)
14:19.16Mercestesrob0:  not really, no.  My first thought is antenna size but...Laptop antenas will fit in most of those wifi phones so..I dunno.
14:19.38*** join/#asterisk fenlander (
14:19.42RemowylliamsCause I know I've sat outside a Free Wifi AP in my car probably 200' or more and had a fine chat.
14:19.43MercestesRemowylliams, Your welcome.  :)
14:20.06MercestesRemowylliams, Yea, a softphone on yoru laptop would be far better for distance
14:20.11RemowylliamsI was using my laptop
14:20.18MercestesI know
14:20.25Mercestes200' gave it away.  :)
14:21.14Remowylliamsbut laptops, specially one's with 17" screens do not make for convenience or ultimate portability.
14:21.49MercestesMaybe you can scrap a laptop antena and retrofit it to a wifi phone.
14:21.59rob0My daughter has a cute little subnotebook, about 10" diag.
14:22.08RemowylliamsOk so thinking on the other route back.. has anyone come up with a Skype trunk for their own skype-out as it were?
14:22.17Mercesteshow old's your geek...err., I mean daughter?
14:22.46rob0she already moved out, sorry :(
14:22.50jkiffMercestes, Remowylliams: If you have a PDA with enough horsepower, it might make a good compromise.
14:23.29Mercestesrob0:  I run fast, just point me in a direction
14:23.49Mercestesjkiff:  Lmao, a soft phone on a PDA.  that's awesome.
14:24.08Mercestesusing their wireless internet, run over their cellular carrier signal.
14:24.11rob0southwestern PA, USA, Johnstown area
14:24.40*** join/#asterisk Vec (
14:25.29jkiffMy Zaurus does pretty good.  :)
14:25.51Remowylliamsjkiff: Actually I've been thinking about something like an and loading it with a IAX client
14:27.12*** join/#asterisk thedingaling (n=jjones@
14:28.00iruleI made a simple dialplan, there are no extensions 3 and 2, nor extensions that start with 3 or 2, only 1 to an ivr explaining how to reach personel, if I dial in and press 123 I get incorrect message from the i app, but if I press 321 I get the 1 extension explaining how to reach someone, why is this behavior happening and how may I fix it?
14:28.07jkiffRemowylliams: Indeed.
14:28.33jkiffI don't know if there are any IAX clients for Windows mobile that don't suck, but I've never looked for one.
14:29.06RemowylliamsI know there were a few that's where I got the idea. but I can't attest to their quality
14:29.24RemowylliamsI like Firefly alot
14:30.04shido6windows mobile
14:30.18shido6there is a half duplex one jer was skrewing with a while back at one of the 'cons
14:30.36shido6theres a few for sip but dunno about IAX.
14:31.10shido6wengo and sjphone work, I use those.
14:31.28shido6on the omap 201mhz
14:32.08*** join/#asterisk lorinc (
14:32.18Remowylliamsshido6: I made IAX the preferred protocol because it slips pretty easily through most firewalls and nats.
14:33.40MrChickenAnother question :$
14:33.50*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
14:33.57MrChickenI just noticed a warning that says unable to create RTP session
14:34.01MrChickentoo many open files
14:34.04MrChickenwhat does that mean?
14:34.06RemowylliamsWelcome back [TK]D-Fender
14:35.06sci_05hia [TK]D-Fender
14:35.11*** join/#asterisk Cyber-Dogg (
14:36.12MrChickenI just noticed a warning that says unable to create RTP session... it says too many open files
14:36.23MrChickenulimit is unlimited
14:36.26rob0MrChicken: look in your shell's documentation for "ulimit". But something might be wrong in that files aren't being closed.
14:36.53MrChickenrob0 ... so, how come files arent beeing closed?
14:36.55*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (
14:37.05*** join/#asterisk Skymarshal (
14:37.09anonymouz666anyone in here uses two digium cards in the same machine?
14:37.14anonymouz666any irq problems?
14:37.36Deeewayneyes, 2 cards, no irq problems
14:37.37anonymouz666yep what?
14:37.39MrChickenMrChicken ... I mean how can I find out>
14:37.50anonymouz666Deeewayne: what CPU?
14:37.55MrChickenrob0 ... I mean... how can I find out?
14:37.59SkymarshalWhere can I find a documentation about the i extension? Can it be used with Background() only or are there other scenarios where one could use it?
14:38.22[TK]D-FenderSkymarshal: Thats what its for.
14:38.32anonymouz666dual core?
14:38.38SkymarshalYes, but where is the documentation for it?
14:38.44jbotfrom memory, book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
14:38.45DeeewayneIntel Pentium 4 - 3 GHz
14:39.03Skymarshaljbot: That is not a Digium documentation.
14:39.03jbotSkymarshal: what are you talking about?
14:39.09anonymouz666Deeewayne: what cards?
14:39.11Skymarshalirule: same problem.
14:39.15[TK]D-FenderSkymarshal: And its not for use with "background", so much as IVR's.  Background is a TOOL sometimes use by them.
14:39.30anonymouz666Deeewayne: I am thinking in use a TDM card and TE card
14:39.33[TK]D-FenderSkymarshal: Its FINE.  Go READ
14:39.34Deeewayneanonymouz666, I work at Digium, I've used digital and analog
14:39.59SkymarshalTKD-Fender: I know this book. I just want to get an official source.
14:40.06rob0MrChicken, you have to do some detective work. Tools like netstat and lsof might help. Also check "ulimit -a".
14:40.16Deeewayneanonymouz666, have you tried it, or are you asking in advance?
14:40.32rob0this channel moves too fast for me
14:40.33*** join/#asterisk kclaussen (n=kclausse@
14:40.41[TK]D-FenderSkymarshal: There is no "master source"  Del with it.
14:40.42*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
14:40.43iruleSkymarshal here is your digium official documentation
14:40.56*** join/#asterisk jcmoore (n=jcmoore@unaffiliated/tgrman)
14:41.00iruleonly 895.50 lol
14:41.17angryuserhello i am looking for a script which restarts * in case of crsh
14:41.17[TK]D-FenderSkymarshal: The BOOK was written by some people now working for Digium, and others who've simply been using it for YEARS.  Please don't discount this.
14:41.31anonymouz666Deeewayne: I am consider in use two cards in the same machine... but I am afraid to do that and have IRQ problems. I just don't want pay to know if it works fine. So I want to hear the experience of the people in here
14:41.49[TK]D-Fenderirule: Cute.....
14:41.57*** join/#asterisk slmnhq (
14:42.16iruleSkymarshal use the _book_ luke!
14:42.47Deeewayneirule: that's not official digium documentation, that's a blurb about business edition
14:42.48SkymarshalTKD-Fender: You don't get the point. I KNOW how the I extension works. But I want to get some official statement. Does it only work with Background()? ... ah... forget it!
14:43.00iruleno cute manual?
14:43.22Deeewayneis there a manual on that page?  I didn't see a link
14:43.58iruleits not a blurb, look at the picture in the page, they want you to PAY for it
14:44.07[TK]D-FenderSkymarshal: it has NOTHING to do with BACKGROUND, and everything to do with IVR'S.  You do not need "background" for an IVR.
14:44.47iruleweird, I used Background a lot in my ivr :s
14:45.01[TK]D-Fenderirule: You CHOOSE to.  It is by no means NECESSARY
14:45.01Deeewaynethe link you sent is a blurb about Business Edition.  The picture on that page shows a business edition manual, but your link is not official digium documentation
14:45.05SkymarshalTKD-Fender: So if it has nothing to do with Background() -> How is it invoked? What is the exact mechanism?
14:45.17javbim tying to pick up a call comming from a zap chan, says error 603, but i can pick up a call comming from an inside exten..
14:45.20javbany ideaS?
14:45.26vlt|afkStrom_M: I removed the "r" flag from Dial() and now can hear a busy tone when dialling the busy Zap/g1 extension but * doesn't move on to the next priority. *CLI just says "-- Called g1/10" until the timeout is reached. Why doesn't it recognize the BUSY state? Do I need an additional BusyDetect option activated?
14:45.26iruleBackground(press @ss to @ck yourself)
14:45.38irulelame joke
14:45.46[TK]D-FenderSkymarshal: It is invoked when running an IVR off the "s" exten and running out of "s" to wait for input, or through WaitExten.
14:50.11*** join/#asterisk python_ (
14:53.11[TK]D-FenderWhat a sad anal-retentive little man....
14:57.47galerasis possible to use a 262 ft T1 Crossover Cable?
14:58.29coppiceno, but a 261' should be OK, if you stretch it a bit
14:58.40*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
14:58.50galerasi can't
15:00.25coppicefrom the speed of that reponse, I bet you didn't even try.
15:01.12galerasI want to hear the experience of the people in here, before to try
15:02.00*** part/#asterisk kfullert (
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15:04.55galerasaccording zaptel.conf 655 feet is possible, i will give a try
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15:07.32python_i am getting username/auth name missmatch from my Mitel 5212 to my Asterisk, as far as I can see they both have the same username and password
15:07.34UatecI need to think of a birthday message for my boss...
15:07.39mostyanyone familiar with and willing to help me with hylafax? or point me at an irc channel or something? i'm trying to figure out how to log details on each send fax to a database instead of a file (would prefer not to dial through asterisk just to get CDR entries)
15:09.07redaxis the digium b410p card a stable one?
15:09.28rob0You want phones for horses?
15:09.54mostyredax, i've installed a few, they seem ok
15:10.01coppicecf stable manure
15:10.20redaxno, I want to replace a beronet card
15:10.49redaxI've a serious rport_data overflow...
15:11.15redaxbut seems like the b410p is very like the same to tthe beronet cards
15:11.36mostyyou need to use chan_misdn for the b410p
15:11.42*** join/#asterisk __DAW (
15:11.49redaxthat's a bad omen
15:12.18*** join/#asterisk SwK (
15:12.20redaxI thin I found a bug in the chan_misdn + app_queue
15:12.45redaxso I dropped out another $700 out of the window
15:12.52mostyi have an install with chan_misdn + app_queue
15:13.01mostyrunning for a year or more
15:13.20redaxI changed my misd sys to another (more expensive) misdn sys
15:13.23*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (
15:14.23mostynot sure what you mean by that
15:14.37redaxI triggger an rport_data overflow bug
15:14.52redaxafter a period of time the pbx stop workig
15:15.22redaxand my kern.log is full of rport_data overflow
15:16.02redaxafter an asterisk restart, everything works again
15:16.15*** join/#asterisk SoRcS (
15:16.17redaxso it's a chan_misdn bug
15:17.21*** join/#asterisk mountainm2k (n=mountain@
15:17.49redaxmosty: what hardware are you use that environment?
15:17.58redaxintel vs amd ?
15:18.38redaxdoes it matter at all?
15:18.47mostydoes what matter?
15:19.59mountainm2kIs there a quick-easy way to discover how many channels of a PRI are in use?  zap show channels ?
15:20.09mountainm2kWant to monitor it with Nagios :-)
15:21.45mostyyes, zap show channels, or an AMI equivalent
15:22.06mockermountainm2k: /usr/sbin/asterisk -rnx "zap show channels"
15:22.11mockerOr something like that.
15:22.26mostymountainm2k, lookup AMI on
15:22.58*** join/#asterisk phez72 (
15:24.11SuPrSluGshow channels show channels in use. zap show channels shows configured channels
15:25.04redaxso what happens if the card doing the very same bug ?
15:25.12redaxshall I send back ?
15:27.09python_i am getting username/auth name missmatch from my Mitel 5212 to my Asterisk, as far as I can see they both have the same username and password
15:27.09mostyredax, have you submitted a bug report for asterisk?
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15:27.52galeraspython restart *
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15:28.19python_we have
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15:28.21krondorlHello all
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15:30.52redaxmosty: yep...
15:31.26mostyredax, and what was the response?
15:32.08redaxit's similar to others prob. and no solutios yet.
15:32.10SuPrSluGdroppin calls channel.c: Bridge stops bridging channels Zap/1-1 and SIP/125. What's going on?
15:33.12krondorlIs there a url that might help me in regards to being able to insert or extract information from a string??
15:33.18*** join/#asterisk twitchnln (
15:33.27twitchnlngood morning everyone
15:34.24mostykrondorl, from a dialplan variable?
15:34.45twitchnlni am attempting to setup an autoattendant that will change the cid based on selection before dropping caller into queue, how would i go about this?
15:34.54redaxmosty: where can I buy commercial support I fail with this?
15:35.42javbwow! i cant no more, anybody give me a clue!
15:36.50krondorlmosty, what I am trying to do is have a variable that is saved in the DB of phones that ring when a call comes in.  I want to be able to have an extension dial a number to either add or remove themselves from that dialing varialble
15:37.01mostyredax, you can get support from digium i think. btw what version of asterisk are you using, and how did you install misdn?
15:37.29mostykrondorl, sounds like you should look at queues
15:38.04jkiffMore specifically, agents in queues.
15:38.25jkiffWell, "in" may not be the right preposition.
15:38.27krondorlmosty, Aren't queues for queuing up incoming calls??
15:38.57mostykrondorl, isn't that what you are trying to do?
15:39.20krondorlmosty nope.  at this point in time, when a call comes in ALL the phones in the office ring.
15:39.23*** join/#asterisk ivanfm (
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15:39.35mostykrondorl, what are you trying to do then?
15:39.36redaxmosty: ast 1.2.18
15:39.51krondorlIf someone in the office does not want to be disturbed, he wants to be removed form the list of phone thatring.
15:39.51redaxand installed misd via the beroet installer
15:40.01jkiffkrondorl: You can use queues to ring groups of phones.
15:40.38krondorljkiff, then I would need 15*15 groups for all the different combinations!
15:40.44jkiffkrondorl: And if a member of the queue is an agent, he/she can jump in and out of the queue.
15:41.25mostykrondorl, huh? you could have one queue for all incoming calls. your internal extensions would then join/leave the queue as agents as they prefer
15:41.41*** join/#asterisk Foxygnu (n=FoX@2001:41d0:1:44c8:cafe:cafe:cafe:42)
15:42.08krondorlDOH! Ok, that totally slipped my mind...  Thanks...
15:42.42Zaggynl^LaptopIs there a manual on how to set up voice menu's?
15:42.50*** join/#asterisk woolbeo (
15:42.53krondorl<--- Off to figure out queue and agents...
15:43.20mostyZaggynl^Laptop, try the AFOT book
15:43.22jbotbook is probably a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
15:47.22Zaggynl^Laptopexcellent read
15:48.05*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
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15:51.10dlynes_laptopCunningPike: good morning
15:52.08[TK]D-Fenderkrondorl: Rather easy to set up some basic dialplan scripting to see who wants to be included to build up the dial string 1 at a time.
15:52.12CunningPikeHey, dlynes_laptop!
15:53.14dlynes_laptopCunningPike: finally getting around to trying out asterisk 1.4
15:53.23dlynes_laptopCunningPike: finally got zaptel 1.4 working with wanpipe
15:53.28skymeyerevening, does anyone know a sip client which supports tcp ? (a demo version will if no free soft exists for it)
15:53.37CunningPikedlynes_laptop: Cool - we tried an upgrade, but went back to 1.2
15:53.44CunningPikedlynes_laptop: We had PRI issues
15:53.57dlynes_laptopCunningPike: what happened?  thought you said 1.4 was quite stable?
15:54.30CunningPikedlynes_laptop: Well, it was - until we tried transfering inbound zap calls - then it would crash
15:55.07[TK]D-Fenderkrondorl: Queues are an option, but a bit icky for my tastes.
15:55.08CunningPikeSo, my boss got the heebies and we're back on 1.2 :)
15:55.08dlynes_laptopCunningPike: transferring them from the pri card to an fxs port on an analog card?
15:55.16*** join/#asterisk ThoMe (
15:55.36mostyqueues do suck
15:55.38ThoMewho used snom? :-)
15:55.39CunningPikedlynes_laptop: No - SIP phone answers incoming zap call and tries to transfer to another SIP phone.
15:55.42mostythome, i have
15:55.48ThoMemosty: ah, which?
15:55.58mosty300, 320, 360
15:55.59*** join/#asterisk troy- (
15:56.02dlynes_laptopCunningPike:'d think that would be the most basic of things that would have been tested
15:56.04ThoMehmm. ok. i have 370
15:56.38ThoMemosty: how long is maximal a callername if i recieve a call?
15:56.40CunningPikedlynes_laptop: Yup - and our test plan was at fault, too
15:56.42ThoMelength ?
15:56.44dlynes_laptopCunningPike: and I guess you don't have a spare pri to play with
15:56.54CunningPikedlynes_laptop: Actually, we do
15:57.08mostythome, i do not know
15:57.09dlynes_laptopCunningPike: ah...I guess you just didn't test it well enough
15:58.02CunningPikedlynes_laptop: We did test it - the issue was that the card was different in the test server - TE110P as opposed to the TE410P in the production server
15:58.02CunningPikedlynes_laptop: Seemed to make a difference
15:58.02troy-" No private structure for packet?
15:58.02troy-" I keep getting this error on console
15:58.18CunningPikedlynes_laptop: We now have a test server that's identical to the production one in every way
15:58.35CunningPikedlynes_laptop: We bought another TE410P for the test PRI
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15:58.44troy-any reason why chan_iax would be error "no private structure for packet"?
15:58.50CunningPikeNetsplit, anyone?
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16:00.45troy-any reason why chan_iax would be error "no private structure for packet"?
16:02.07SuPrSluGwhat is a good setting for busycount= ?    I'm getting dropped calls
16:02.55festr__SuPrSluG: 6
16:02.59festr__SuPrSluG: min 4
16:03.12festr__SuPrSluG: what do you have now?
16:03.15SuPrSluGthanks I'll see if that helps
16:03.19krondorl[TK]D-Fender: Ya, I'm trying to do it as simple as possible
16:03.28SuPrSluGno setting. so default
16:05.57SuPrSluGfestr_: i was also getting  Bridge stops bridging channels .   Normal?
16:12.46ThoMehow long is posible (length) the caller name?
16:13.04ThoMeor how i can send a text to a phone if a incomming call?
16:13.47ThoMeany ideas?
16:14.12*** join/#asterisk seele_ (
16:15.23mostyset the callerid string, if you want
16:15.30*** join/#asterisk qseek (
16:15.38mostyit's probably limited to whatever will fit on the screen of your particular phone
16:16.02ThoMehmm. ok
16:16.14ThoMei think the 370er iss better as 360
16:16.22ThoMebut he make no \n
16:16.43Qwell[]ThoMe: Please don't ping the channel like that
16:16.55ThoMeQwell[]: sorry please
16:18.33*** part/#asterisk qseek (
16:19.52mostyThoMe, i would imagine that callerid was designed for single line displays, hence no newlines
16:20.16*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@debian/developer/santiago)
16:20.21ThoMemosty: hmm ?
16:20.51ThoMehm ok
16:20.51seele_easy way to increase the voicemail attachment volume ?? without change the format order in the voicemail.conf
16:21.32twitchnlnis there a way to setup a screen popup with cid info using like msn messenger or something?
16:22.01mostytwitchnln, write an AGI script
16:22.16*** join/#asterisk ivanfm (
16:22.45[TK]D-Fenderseele_: Yes, go read the sample config
16:23.29seele_what sample config??
16:23.41[TK]D-Fenderseele_: voicemail.conf
16:24.21vnis it possible to redirect asterisk calls to some msn messenger user that will contact my own user via voice conversation?  that'd be neat
16:25.31[TK]D-Fendervn: Go install a soft phone
16:26.04vnsoft phone being a computer-based phone?
16:26.21*** join/#asterisk casimir (
16:26.32mostysome instant messaging clients support sip
16:26.41*** join/#asterisk magic_hat (
16:27.47magic_hathey everyone. My * is having probs locating and playing a greeting file. The greeting file does exist in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds. So I'm thinking this is maybe a permissions problem. I set perms to 777, but still no dice. any ideas on where to go from here?
16:29.05seele_dovolgain=yes and volgain=<value>  works ???
16:29.09[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: Like all other problems you have shown us nothing.  Pastbin is your friend
16:29.12jbotsomebody said pb was a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or at
16:29.27*** part/#asterisk Remowylliams (n=Mare@
16:29.30[TK]D-Fenderseele_: No, they don't work.  It is LYING TO YOU.
16:29.53magic_hatTKD: what do you need to see? The error is saying that my audio file wasn't found.
16:30.17[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: I want to see the CLI output of the attempt at verbose 10, and proof that the file is there.
16:30.30magic_hatk hang on
16:31.29magic_hatlol now it's refusing my ssh connection. hang on.
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16:36.45seele_how can I change the blind transfer .... by default in my phones with attended transfer using the same key?
16:37.36mvanbaaklook at the phones manual
16:38.01*** part/#asterisk twitchnln (
16:38.16seele_in other worlds how can I change the default transfer with attendant transfer??
16:39.13krdianseele_: features.conf
16:39.29seele_whats sends any phone when I press the transfer key ??
16:40.05krondorlOk, I know there is a default global variable for callerid and one for the number a phone is calling (exten), but is thee one for the extension that is making the call??
16:40.12*** join/#asterisk Jingles (
16:40.31[TK]D-Fenderseele_: Read The Phone's Manual
16:40.40krdianseele_: oh, on phone side...
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16:43.39tzangerasterisk's agent/queue system is capable of having one agent serve in multiple queues, right?
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16:44.16krdiantzanger: correct
16:45.10blitzragetzanger: yes sir
16:45.32blitzragetzanger: and you can use weights in the Queue to determine which queue gets priority to a free agent
16:45.45blitzrage(theoretically... I've not actually tested it :))
16:48.27tzangerthanks guys
16:52.08coppiceyou have to get the flour, and the water. find a pot and a mixing stick. it all takes times
16:54.21krondorlNVM, found what I was looking for.
16:55.33ThoMemosty: here?
16:56.53*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (
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16:57.42VJFROMGTis there a way to limit the number of calls per route (not per trunk)
16:59.10blitzrageVJFROMGT: use GROUP() and GROUP_COUNT() functions
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16:59.59VJFROMGTbliz,, tell me more please
17:01.52[TK]D-FenderVJFROMGT: He just gave you the function names.  Get off your ass and read the INSTRUCTIONS.
17:02.05*** join/#asterisk cayorde (
17:02.38blitzrageVJFROMGT: just look at the GROUP() and GROUP_COUNT() functions -- you can use it to count the number of channels in use for whatever you want to name it (and you can categorize them as well). So for example in a vPBX environment, you might have something like Set(GROUP(my_pbx)=lmadsen) to track the amount of calls for the lmadsen user in the my_pbx vPBX, then you can get the number of channels in use by doing Verbose(
17:02.47blitzrageso take that info, and apply it to your problem.
17:04.55*** join/#asterisk dsq (n=foxtrot@
17:05.26dsqhey,ive just heard that unicall CANT get why the connection wsa lost(if it was fax, wrong number etc) and zaptel can, is it true?
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17:12.43scudI heard angler eats poo
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17:13.08linexanyone using asterisk on gentoo ?
17:13.36[TK]D-Fenderlinex: No.
17:13.59rob0It's not allowed!
17:14.29galeraslinex: i believe gnudialer people does see #gnudialer
17:14.44linexI don't understand
17:15.45anglerscud, yea it's good
17:16.08scudlinex: it is a result of the gpl v3 of v1 and lgp license
17:16.34scudlinex: the incompatible of versions is the issue
17:16.47linexscud: why telling me this
17:16.49scudv3 is not backwards compatible with v1
17:17.13scudso gentoo is on 2007.1 so .1 can be read by v3
17:17.24scudlinex: so you know stuff
17:17.36linexok thanks
17:17.57linexah now I see
17:18.19linexgen2 is on v1 and asterisk on v3
17:18.31rootfieldi'm upgrade asterisk 1.2.6 to 1.2.19.. but now when the call is originate asterisk display this error: Timeout, but no rule 't' in context 'default'.... any ideas ?
17:18.33linexis that what you'll telling me ?
17:18.36scudlinex: yeah, they wont work with each other
17:18.54scudlinex: me is telling you this for you questions
17:19.04linexbut there is a wiki on how to asterisk on gentoo
17:19.25scudthat is only in theory if they were compatible
17:19.38scudits in alpha beta form right now
17:19.50[TK]D-Fenderrootfield: This has nothing to do with your upgrade.  Your dialplan is faulty.
17:19.52scudyou know like   .001.02.v3
17:20.11*** join/#asterisk SwK (
17:20.18linexI its best to just use asterisk now
17:20.22linexyes ?
17:20.28scudasterisk from a can?
17:20.31[TK]D-Fenderrootfield: And it tells you right to your face the exten its expecting to find.  Go see why the call is in there in the first place and why it is that you did not arrange a "t" exten for it.
17:20.39linexasterisknow is livecd , right ?
17:20.46[TK]D-Fenderlinex: No.
17:20.50*** part/#asterisk python_ (
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17:20.58linexno livecd version ?
17:20.59[TK]D-Fenderlinex: It is a full distro that will wpie your drive and install
17:21.03*** join/#asterisk bcnl (
17:21.08linexoh no
17:21.20linexany livecd version of asterisk ?
17:21.26scudlinex: that is because of the US license agreement with asterisk
17:21.26[TK]D-Fenderlinex: Install a normal distro and compile from source like the rest of us.
17:21.29*** part/#asterisk jm|laptop (n=jm|
17:21.33scudlinex: it wipes all drives
17:21.51linexhow about on centos ?
17:21.55linexcentos 5
17:22.12linexI have a clean new install on centos 5 doing nothing
17:22.38[TK]D-Fenderlinex: tahts fine, I'd suggest 4.x personally just knowing that 5 has a few things to workaround last I heard
17:22.50linexbut all that nice interface on asterisknow, I'll mniss that
17:23.19linexI just have keep my fingers cross on centos 5.
17:23.47linexso no asterisk no rpms
17:25.35linexwhat am I saying.
17:25.39linexok thanks
17:26.56ThoMehow i can use by my snom phone a phonebook with xml ?
17:29.27[TK]D-FenderThoMe: Go read its manual and find out.
17:29.56bcnlbesides the wiki, are there any good docs/faqs/tutorials on queues?
17:30.15[TK]D-Fenderbcnl: the sample config file.
17:30.39[TK]D-Fenderbcnl: And the WIKI itself links to other guides.
17:31.08bcnlI might have been on crack, but I thought there was a option to have a agent confirm that they could pickup the call by pressing a digit
17:31.17bcnlbut I see no mention of it in the wiki/config
17:31.49ThoMe[TK]D-Fender: hmm. i don't find the notices :
17:32.47[TK]D-Fenderbcnl: 2 ways : a) use AgentLogin (FUGLY), or b) in the dialplan that calls the agent, use the Macro option for screening.
17:33.11[TK]D-Fenderbcnl: Neither of these preclude the possibility that you are on crack however ;)
17:37.20*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_home (
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17:40.14ramindia_hi any help
17:40.20ramindia_iam getting this errror
17:40.36ramindia_Jun 28 23:07:31 WARNING[2692]: channel.c:785 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x864e70', 10 retries!
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17:53.40Ch0HagI can't get a dialtone on an analog phone.
17:54.14irulewhy is 1 executed when I dial 321, when only exten = 1 exists?
17:55.23waKKusomeone have the link for digium PCI cards and PCI voltages definitions ?
17:55.31[TK]D-Fenderirule: Depends on everything else you are doing.
17:55.57[TK]D-FenderCh0Hag: Because.
17:56.09Ch0HagI don't know.
17:56.12[TK]D-FenderNEXT!@!@!@ (c) BKW
17:56.13Ch0HagI'm hoping to find out.
17:56.20ramindia_Jun 28 23:07:31 WARNING[2692]: channel.c:785 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x864e70', 10 retries!
17:56.37[TK]D-Fenderramindia_: We heard you the first time, stop repeating yourself
17:57.06Ch0HagTo start with, a page saying something along the lines of 'this is how you set up an analog phone/FXS module' would be nice.
17:57.23waKKuyeah.. i'm there. but cant found
17:57.34Ch0HagAlthough based on the sample configurations google has thrown up, min seems to be correct.
17:58.36Strom_MCh0Hag: pastebin your config and i'll help you or [TK]D-Fender will yell at you and then help
17:59.18[TK]D-FenderCh0Hag: And in the next 4 lines you spoke following your original quesiotn you have failed to state ANY of the hardware you're using or showing us your configs for whatever it is.
17:59.23[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: TIMING!
17:59.42ramindia_i dont see any answer for the same, so force to repeat that
17:59.54[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: I usuallly only yell if I don't get ti, not FOLLOWING :)
18:00.03Strom_MBonerville's hit single "Forever Dong"
18:00.06Ch0HagMeh. He doesn't scare me.
18:00.15[TK]D-Fenderramindia_: If we knew, we'd have ANSWERED it the first time.
18:00.20Ch0HagA pastebin site which responded would be a plus.
18:00.37jbotpb is, like, a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or at
18:00.38Ch0HagThat one fails the 'responding' test.
18:01.05*** part/#asterisk mountainm2k (n=mountain@
18:01.13[TK]D-FenderBoth succeeded for me just fine
18:01.16Ch0HagAh nice. Lisp's works.
18:01.23*** join/#asterisk kodorna (
18:01.35kodornasup guys...
18:01.49Strom_M[TK]D-Fender: well, you know what i decided last night, right?
18:02.20kodornacan anyone tell me whats the standard T1 kind of lines you guys use up in the USA?
18:02.33kodornaand where can i find any papers about it?
18:02.40tzanger"standard t1 kind of lines" ?
18:02.46tzangerthere's CAS T1 and T1 PRI
18:03.11darius_Anyone know how I can extract and playback SIP GSM/RTP streams that are captured in a packet trace?  Ethereal handles it all for g711 but I'm not seeing it work for GSM.
18:03.37Strom_Mkodorna: what do you specifically want to know about it?
18:04.21Ch0HagThe phone is in channel 3 (due to a lack of rj11->bt adapter, it is connected as TDM -> ADSL filter -> phone).
18:04.27[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: Nope, do tell...
18:04.27kodornaand is there any informations about sending and receiving CID and DID in loopstart?
18:04.48Strom_M[TK]D-Fender: this is the jizziest channel on freenode
18:04.49Ch0HagBut I've tried various ways of getting rid of the filter and none has any effect.
18:05.19Strom_MCh0Hag: the filter shouldn't affect things
18:05.22*** join/#asterisk agile (n=mike@
18:05.41Ch0HagDa. Though I'm told it has the ringer capacitor which should come in handy if this ever works.
18:05.42coppicedarius_ I don't think the available tools provide for anything by G,711. They would need to know about the codec specific RTP format to extract the audio, and I don't think any available tool deals with that
18:06.10sandorpI just upgraded from 1.4.4 to 1.4.5 and now my zaptel card doesn't work;  whe I run "module load" it keeps coming back with a "channel 1: Device or resource busy" message;  I've rebooted and tried using a different analog line, but it still doesn't want to work
18:06.14Strom_MCh0Hag: so does it work with the DSL filter?
18:06.16[TK]D-FenderCh0Hag: Do your 2 FXO ports work fine?
18:06.22Ch0HagIt doesn't work at all.
18:06.26Ch0HagFXO are fine.
18:06.41[TK]D-FenderCh0Hag: Tested both?
18:06.44Strom_Mwhat if you move the fxs module to port 4?
18:06.47Ch0HagWell the first is. I've not tested the 2nd as I've only one line (kept the module in for fun).
18:07.06kodornaso... any source of info for that?
18:07.10[TK]D-FenderCh0Hag: Test it, then switching the port for your FXS isn't a bad idea.
18:07.11Ch0HagISTR both were working when in use at the company I nicked the card from.
18:07.30*** join/#asterisk mcab (
18:07.34Ch0Hag(The FXS module has been bought since so is untested anywhere/when)
18:07.39Strom_Mi thought it was Australia that was the island full of criminals
18:07.45[TK]D-Fenderkodorna: Ditch that signalling... PRI is your friend
18:08.40kodornathe thing is we're building the protocol to work with asterisk
18:09.01kodornaand it kinda sucks the lack of info on T1 lines
18:09.04[TK]D-FenderCh0Hag: Your zaptel/zapata seems fin though.
18:09.20Strom_Mkodorna: why are you building a new protocol?
18:09.22[TK]D-Fenderkodorna: Building which protocol?
18:09.24Strom_Mjust use ISDN PRI
18:09.30coppiceI've never noticed any lack of info about T1 lines
18:09.49sandorpanyone know why my zaptel device would show "device busy" even when it's not?  any likely culprits ?
18:09.51kodornacoppice: so can you tell me where to find?
18:10.11Ch0HagZap/1 and Zap/2 are both fine.
18:10.18Ch0HagSo try the FXS in port 2?
18:10.18kodorna[TK]D-Fender: loopstart
18:10.24coppiceGoogle will overwhealm you with info about T1 signalling
18:10.41Dr-LinuxStrom_M: :)
18:10.47[TK]D-Fenderkodorna: AFAIK We already HAVE FXS_LS as a signalling option...
18:11.01Ch0HagAs that will mean restarting the server, does anyone know if mdadm will carry on from where it left off when rebuilding a raid?
18:11.04[TK]D-Fenderkodorna: Though why would you WANT it?
18:11.27Ch0HagIt's been going for 40 minutes now already.
18:11.30Dr-LinuxStrom_M: my cards were burned out due to discharge in PSTN lines.
18:11.46kodorna[TK]D-Fender: embedded, we cant use asterisk
18:11.50Strom_Misnt that what I said?
18:12.01Strom_Mkodorna: there are embedded versions of asterisk
18:12.18[TK]D-Fenderkodorna: Go buy a T1 book.
18:12.27carrarT1 & Sonets!
18:12.35Dr-LinuxStrom_M: you were right, but the good thing is this RMA gonna work for me
18:12.42carrarerr Sonets and T1 it's called
18:13.06kodornaok, thanks
18:13.10coppiceHow many ways do I hate T1s?
18:13.12coppiceLet me count the ways
18:13.12Strom_Mkodorna: T1 fundamentals:
18:13.34darius_coppice: they have the option under rtp statistics to save a raw rtp stream (with rtpdump) and then I've read that you can use outside tools to stream and extract but I'm having no luck.
18:14.24coppicedarius_ possibly. wireshark is so damned buggy, though, that you never know if anything will work
18:14.45carrarhi Darius
18:14.53darius_hey carrar
18:15.02[TK]D-Fendercoppice: What was that you said about IRC's inability to differentiate homonyms? ;)
18:15.15darius_coppice: k, guess I'll keep trying :)
18:15.29darius_carrar: I didn't know you used asterisk!
18:15.39carrarWhats Asterisk? I'm just here for the chics
18:17.07coppice[TK]D-Fender: you mean like "biofuels will help the trains run on thyme"?
18:17.32[TK]D-Fendercoppice: I can't stand much more of this.... pun-ishment :|
18:17.33Strom_Mah, xkcd
18:17.50Ch0HagWell I'm going to wait for the raid to finish before moving the module, but in the meantime I have another problem.
18:18.20Ch0HagWhen I call the zap line (from my mobile) the console reports that it hangs up, then picks it up again, and then finally rings my sip phone.
18:18.37Ch0HagThen when I hang up the sip phone, the mobile stays online for a while longer.
18:18.49coppicesuddenly everyone knows xkcd. i wonder what spread its name?
18:18.51Strom_MCh0Hag: welcome to analog
18:18.51Ch0HagIf I place the call the other way everything is fine.
18:19.01Ch0HagIt's a long while.
18:19.12Ch0HagApproaching something like a minute.
18:19.35Ch0HagAnd it doesn't happen from a regular phono plugged straight into the pots.
18:20.19Ch0HagTwo things of note - Zap hangs up oddly (I'll pastebin what the console said), and asterisk has to fallback to the default context because from-pstn doesn't exist (yet).
18:22.15mockerAnyone have a good script for migrating voicemail to an ODBC database?  The one on voip-info doesn't seem to work
18:22.18Ch0HagI've just noticed "Error in extension logic (missing '}')" but I don't think that's anything to do with it.
18:23.17*** join/#asterisk SwK (
18:24.11Ch0HagSeems the hanging up oddly is just it detecting callerid, so probably irrelevant.
18:24.52Ch0HagAnd other than that, I can't see any reason why it wouldn't hang up the line (and every reason why it would, viz. "-- Hungup 'Zap/1-1'" at the end).
18:26.02[TK]D-FenderCh0Hag: It hangs after an explicit "Hangup"?
18:26.26Ch0HagThe caller (my mobile) not the callee (snom).
18:26.33Strom_Mdear everyone:
18:26.35Strom_M"called party"
18:26.38Strom_M"calling party"
18:27.16Ch0Hagmking@knight:~$ echo callee|wc -m; echo called party|wc -m
18:27.31Ch0Hag13 > 7, /me == lazy
18:27.49*** join/#asterisk guillote_GNU (n=guillote@
18:28.41[TK]D-FenderCh0Hag: Poorly worded on my part... I mean Zap/1 is NOT released after the  : -- Executing NoOp("Zap/1-1", "HANGUP") in new stack ?
18:29.16Ch0HagIt is not, no.
18:29.28*** join/#asterisk haikumore (
18:29.37[TK]D-FenderCh0Hag: Ok, that is whacked.... maybe your whole card is screwed
18:29.41Ch0HagFor the record, The NoOp is from 'exten => h,1,NoOp(HANGUP)' in the dial macro.
18:29.49[TK]D-FenderCh0Hag: Given FXS isn't working out either
18:30.09*** join/#asterisk MrChicken (n=Dorphals@
18:30.22Ch0HagIt gets there after 'exten => s-ANSWER,2,Hangup'.
18:30.34*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (i=matt@nat/digium/x-c3c8a3c838d9c7fd)
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18:30.39MrChickenUhhh I'm having a problem with app_rxfax
18:30.40Strom_Mthe Hi/Cocks protocol (RFC 4373)
18:30.51MrChickeneverytime a fax comes in
18:30.54*** join/#asterisk SwK (
18:30.56MrChickenasterisk crashes
18:31.04MrChickenand logs do not report anything
18:31.30Ch0HagHmm well md will take another half an hour.
18:31.42MrChickenthe last reported thing in logs is like rxfax("/var/spool/asterisk/fax/6446800.tif")
18:31.52Ch0HagI'll take out the superfluous FXO module and put the FXS in its place (slot 2).
18:32.47Ch0HagStrom_M: Was that said knowing what 4373 is, or is it a random number?
18:33.01Strom_MI know perfectly well what 4373 is
18:33.03*** join/#asterisk mog (
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18:33.28Ch0HagSomehow it fits, you see.
18:33.34Strom_Mthat's the point
18:34.34*** join/#asterisk uwe (
18:35.24Ch0HagI presume loading the wctdm module in FCC rather than UK mode makes no difference.
18:35.31Ch0HagTo my situation, that is.
18:35.43bcnl[TK]D-Fender: do you think the call screening macro will work if I'm dialing multiple (external) extensions?
18:36.18bcnlbasicallly I call 5 cellphones in one long Dial(Local/XXX&Local/YYY, etc etc) command to ensure a call gets answered
18:36.31Ch0HagActually that's a point - should I explicitely load wcfxo and/or wcfxs?
18:36.31bcnlbut I'm trying to avoid cellphone voicemails picking up the call
18:36.43Ch0HagThey're not, apparently.
18:37.25[TK]D-Fenderbcnl: I think the first to try to respond will actually stop the others.
18:37.27Strom_MCh0Hag: no, those are for other cards
18:37.50Ch0Hagwctdm is fine on its own then?
18:38.05Ch0HagThat was nearly an easy fix.
18:38.06sweeperuh, is there a way to use the MYSQL command without connecting and disconnecting every time I do a query?
18:38.13sweeper'cause that seems dumb
18:38.47Corydon76-workSwK: use func_odbc
18:38.57Corydon76-worksweeper, rather
18:38.58sweeperbut that requires odbc D:
18:39.09[TK]D-Fendersweeper: AGI
18:39.14sweeperodbc sux :P
18:39.18sweeperagi is slowcat slow
18:39.27Corydon76-work[TK]D-Fender: but that requires a separate process
18:39.35sweeperI guess I'll go with odbc >.<
18:39.44[TK]D-Fendersweeper: You need to space out your bitching with some whining now and again ;)
18:39.44Corydon76-worksweeper: ODBC doesn't suck
18:40.03bcnl[TK]D-Fender: Hrmmm shitty
18:40.13bcnl[TK]D-Fender: maybe I should try parking the call and sending a sms to all the cells?
18:40.24sweeperCorydon76-work: the hell it doesn't!
18:40.27*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
18:40.37[TK]D-Fenderbcnl: better.
18:40.41Corydon76-workODBC rocks
18:40.49[TK]D-Fenderbcnl: Or call-file.
18:41.00sweeperinstallation sucks
18:41.10xheliox<Corydon76-work> ODBC rocks      <-- I don't think I've ever actually heard anyone say that before.
18:41.17sweeperI haven't gotten to the point where I could say if it's slow as hell or shitty or anything
18:41.20bcnl[TK]D-Fender: what's call-file?
18:41.50sweeperbut I compiled it, and I'm missing the facking drivers, and documentation for it is laughable
18:41.52[TK]D-Fenderbcnl: a call-out mechanism like AMI originate.
18:41.59[TK]D-Fenderbcnl: Go WIKI it.
18:42.07Corydon76-workxheliox: expecially when you realize that I don't want to code specifically to 20 different DB APIs
18:42.17bcnlyea reading now
18:42.42uwehello, im trying to figure out why asterisk stopped sending calls to sip phones today, i stopped the process and started it again and everything was find again! , in the logs , i found " Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 42 - Switching equipment congestion)"  , is this due to load on switches ?? and if yes, why was it solved by restarting asterisk ?
18:42.43Corydon76-workYet func_odbc is compatible with all of them now
18:43.26*** join/#asterisk ccesario (
18:43.40sweeperyea, I do everything with mysql
18:44.29sweeperit's sad that the drivers exist in asterisk, but they're not implemented well :/
18:44.33blitzrageODBC rocks
18:44.37Corydon76-worksweeper: I pity your users
18:44.54*** part/#asterisk ramindia_ (n=ramindia@
18:44.55Ch0HagSod the users. I pity you.
18:45.04Corydon76-workI may use MySQL, but not for everything.
18:45.27Corydon76-workThe accounting system, in particular, is not running on MySQL
18:45.58sweeperso long as you're eschewing ISAM :P
18:46.08Corydon76-workand that includes the payroll system that generates my paycheck
18:48.38cpma lot
18:49.00*** join/#asterisk matsk (
18:49.19rob0No you didn't!
18:49.21sweeperI wonder if anyone's written a fork of asterisk that runs entirely off of mysql
18:49.23*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
18:49.26[TK]D-Fendercpm: so now you're on to being a MySQL Nazi ;)
18:49.43cpm[TK]D-Fender, not really, I'm not a fanatic, but it's a good tool
18:49.50sweeperoh, speaking of nazis and fascists
18:49.54cpmand sporks?
18:50.09[TK]D-Fendercpm: I was overjoyed to hear someone in head office pushed for it instead of their MSSQL BS.
18:50.11sweeperfacism at work!
18:50.59Ch0HagGodwin's law.
18:51.30cpm[TK]D-Fender, that's good to hear. I can live with mssql, but it's hard to do anything other than tolerate it. It's difficult to really like much.
18:51.39*** join/#asterisk zeeesh (n=aadilism@
18:52.06*** part/#asterisk bminish (
18:54.27*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
19:12.36*** join/#asterisk syzygyBSD (
19:12.45Ch0HagSpeaking of databases:
19:12.52Ch0HagERROR: ORA-28002: the password will expire within 18446744073709551541 days
19:12.59syzygyBSDcareful, they may be listening
19:13.17Ch0HagI don't think Oracle listens. It just does its thing regardless.
19:13.44*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (
19:13.45syzygyBSDahh, one of those upiddy ones
19:14.21*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
19:16.21*** part/#asterisk SwK (
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19:21.56syzygyBSDwow, it's all quiet in here, I can't hear myself think
19:22.32*** join/#asterisk __DAW (
19:24.44*** join/#asterisk naitram (n=ttech@
19:26.11Strom_Moooo boy, a potential client called
19:26.24Strom_Mtime to rip out another trixbox install
19:26.39naitramsip clients trying to use automon, have automon => #1 in features.conf, have Dial(...,gTW). dtmf mode is info, can see dtmf tones in sip info packets to server. No recording takes place
19:26.52Strom_MQwell[]: can you do BLF on a 7970 running SIP firmware?
19:27.05Qwell[]no clue
19:27.20Strom_Mbecause that's what this client has
19:28.01[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: Nope
19:28.18[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: Presence only in SCCP IIRC.
19:28.29[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: Cisco FTL
19:28.58[TK]D-Fendernaitram: You setting the dynamic features variable before your dial?
19:29.43*** join/#asterisk rvhi0 (
19:30.06Strom_M[TK]D-Fender: alright
19:30.29naitram[TK]D-Fender: I think so, I have Set(DYNAMIC_FEATURES,blindtranser#automon) as the first line in the script for the extensions. Is that right?
19:30.55[TK]D-Fendernaitram: No, clearly missing the obligatory "="
19:30.57*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
19:31.10[TK]D-Fendernaitram: and as for the CONTENT of that variable, I'm uncertain.
19:31.15vlt|afkHello. Does "${CALLERID}" contain more than "(name)" and "(num)"?
19:31.24Strom_Mvlt|afk: yes
19:31.31Strom_Mshow function CALLERID
19:31.40[TK]D-Fendervlt|afk: That var is deprecated.  Avoid.
19:31.51Ch0HagOK the FXS is in port 2 and still there is no dialtone.
19:31.51[TK]D-Fendervlt|afk: and No, it doesn't
19:32.00*** join/#asterisk brimstone (n=brimston@pdpc/sponsor/digium/brimstone)
19:32.03[TK]D-FenderCh0Hag: Could jsut be a dead module.
19:32.06naitram[TK]D-Fender: oh, Ill double check. Thanks
19:32.29Ch0HagI'm beginning to suspect, but that would be rather dull after a day spent rejigging the wiring.
19:32.31brimstoneanyone know what PROGRESS code 127 is and why it would be dropping outbound calls on a pri?
19:32.31rvhi0anyone knows how to register one extension on multiple phones?
19:32.35Ch0HagAnd it's brand new.
19:32.43vlt|afkStrom_M: Thanks, I'll check that.
19:33.11vlt|afk[TK]D-Fender: I only use CALLERID(name) and CALLERID(num). Is that correct?
19:33.28[TK]D-Fendervlt|afk: I would advise doing so.
19:34.17Ch0HagIs the module activated (in terms of providing power and dialtone) simply by the module being loaded?
19:34.36Strom_MCh0Hag: no, it has to be configured also
19:34.53[TK]D-Fenderbrimstone:  127  7F  Internetworking, unspecified   An event occurred, but the network does not provide causes for the action that it takes. The precise problem is unknown.
19:34.59Ch0HagBy ztcfg or by asterisk?
19:35.13brimstone[TK]D-Fender, thanks
19:35.14[TK]D-FenderCh0Hag: *
19:35.19brimstonewhere did you look that up?
19:35.27[TK]D-Fenderbrimstone: GOOGLE :)
19:35.33Corydon76-workbrimstone: Q.931, appendix
19:35.35Strom_Mbrimstone: you want a copy of Q.931?
19:35.37[TK]D-Fender<- *'s resident Google-Proxy
19:35.41brimstonei didn't have any luck when i looked on google
19:36.06[TK]D-Fenderbrimstone: Try harder :)
19:36.12brimstoneah, i was googling pri+progress+127
19:36.21Ch0HagAnd that is the part of zapata.conf between 'signalling=fxo_ks' and 'channel => 2'?
19:36.40Ch0HagWell not between, because the zapata.conf is not structured, but that aside...
19:36.57Corydon76-workbrimstone: also include/asterisk/causes.h
19:37.43Ch0HagAnyway I assume * is doing its thing because when I accidentally deleted the signalling line it complained when trying to start the module.
19:38.21vlt|afk[TK]D-Fender: I'm facing intering problems transmitting my CALLERID to my IAX2 peer. When dialling from SIP phones or from manager interface it works fine. When dialling from my PBX (connected via BRI) the CALLERID(name) is set to "CID withheld" which I overwrite with nothing. But the number in CALLERID(num) still isn't accepted. I think I should check the other elements listed in `show function CALLERID` ...
19:38.42Ch0HagCould it be the cable? (I think not but...) it's RJ11->RJ11 1->4, 2->3, etc.
19:38.52*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
19:38.56[TK]D-Fendervlt|afk: Sorry, I can't speak for BRI.
19:39.14[TK]D-FenderCh0Hag: 10 seconds to test...
19:39.33Ch0HagThe phone is on pins 2 and 3 (well pins 3 and 4 as there are 6)?
19:39.49Ch0HagExcept that I'm not sure if I have a straight-through cable.
19:40.15Ch0HagIn fact I'm not sure how many rj11-rj11 cables I have left :/
19:40.39Strom_MCh0Hag: RJ-11 should be a six-position plug with conductors only in the middle two position
19:40.58Strom_MRJ-12 is six-position four-conductor
19:41.07Strom_Mand RJ-14 is six-position six-conductor
19:41.26Strom_Min all cases, pair 1 is on positions 3 and 4
19:41.35Ch0HagOoh that's interesting. After all that fuss there is another cable which works.
19:41.59Qwell[]Strom_C: explain something to me, would ya?
19:42.06Ch0HagUnfortunately it's BT at one end.
19:42.13Strom_Mwell i'll try :)
19:42.18Qwell[]in the above, what is the difference between "position", and "conductor"?
19:42.29Strom_MQwell: position just means a groove in the plastic bit
19:42.36*** part/#asterisk brimstone (n=brimston@pdpc/sponsor/digium/brimstone)
19:42.37Qwell[]uh huh
19:42.39Strom_Mconductor is the actual gold-plated pin thingy
19:42.48Strom_M(these are technical terms)
19:42.49Qwell[]so...what's the point?
19:42.58Strom_Msave money on unnecessary conductors
19:43.01Qwell[]save a tenth of a cent by not including the conductors?
19:43.13Strom_Mif you're making a million cables, it adds up
19:43.29Qwell[]So why even include the positions?
19:43.47Strom_Mbecause the jacks can be wired for multiple lines
19:43.50Qwell[]You're probably spending more on the "extra" plastic than the conductors would cost you
19:44.04Ch0HagOK I have one cable which works and one which doesn't. The only difference is that the working one is RJ-12 and the other is RJ-11.
19:44.19Strom_Mthis is the same argument as "OMG Ethernet only uses two pairs!   why all this extra wastage on two more pairs and a giant honking plug?"
19:44.19Ch0HagNo, scrap that.
19:44.22Ch0HagBAH too many wires.
19:44.44Qwell[]Strom_C: yeah, but RJ45 is 8-position, 8-conductor
19:45.11Strom_Mright, and ethernet could techincally operate on 4-position 4-conductor
19:45.37Qwell[]not gbit or PoE :D
19:45.51Strom_Mdon't forget that the six-position plug was developed by the bell system
19:46.02Ch0HagPoE can (and does in GigE) operate over the data lines
19:46.29Strom_Mand when you've got 200 million phones, saving .1 cent on manufacturing costs per phone is a big deal
19:47.49Ch0HagWoo it works.
19:47.57Ch0HagI have a disgesting mess of wires and adapters, but it works.
19:48.08Strom_Ma digesting mess?
19:48.28*** join/#asterisk AllanLima (n=mediain@unaffiliated/allanlima)
19:48.31Juggieis it just me or did internet routing just crap in its pants
19:48.40*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=hardcore@
19:48.42Strom_Mthe internet is tubes
19:48.42Ch0HagTDM -> RJ11<->BT -> back-end-of-splitter : other-back-end-of-splitter BT<->RJ11 -> ADSL filter -> phone
19:48.44currachIt's not just you.
19:49.12Juggiesupprise supprise i think cogent was messed up
19:49.19tzangercogent's fucked right now
19:49.29tzangermy bandwidth is going through teleglobe
19:49.31Qwell[]s/ right now//
19:49.33tzanger(multi-homed IPs)
19:49.42Ch0HagOne day I'll work out which pin is going where and get rid of it all, but first I need to change 'phone' to 'BT<->RJ11 -> gender-bender -> wall'
19:49.43Ch0HagWhat fun.
19:49.58[hC]sup jug
19:51.08Juggieyo, and there it goes again.
19:51.55[hC]there what goes?
19:52.33Strom_Mthe internet is all dizzy and jizzy today
19:52.58[hC]gotta love slowgent
19:54.03Juggieback again
19:54.24*** join/#asterisk zeeesh (n=aadilism@
19:54.53vlt|afkStrom_M: Hmm, there were different values in CALLERID(ANI) and CALLERID(DNID). But even when I set this values manually to the ones they are when dialling successfully the correct CALLERID recognition fails. Any idea what else could be different?
19:55.47Strom_Mvlt|afk: i have no experience with BRI
19:56.07Ch0HagGah I can almost taste victory.
19:56.36vlt|afkStrom_M: Ok, I thought is was an IAX2 problem ...
19:56.46Strom_Mvictory tastes a lot like a Guinness, as it turns out
19:56.54vlt|afkStrom_M: I'll contact my ITSP.
19:57.04*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
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19:59.14Qwell[]Strom_M: victory tastes bad?
19:59.27[hC]Juggie: are you goin to astricon again this year?
19:59.29Juggieto go from the two largest isp's in canada (bell & rogers) i'm going -> ottawa(bell)->montreal(bell)->new york(bell)->ny (savis)->washington(savis)->virginia(equinix)->two unknown hops->iad01.atlas, indiana maybe(cogent)->rogers
19:59.36Juggie[hc] yeah, your tax dollars @ work
19:59.46[hC]nice. I'm bringing one of my partners this year too.
20:01.39*** join/#asterisk mardum_ (
20:02.53[TK]D-FenderJuggie: 2 companies I woulod not want internet dealings with ;)
20:03.03[TK]D-FenderJuggie: Telco contracts = ass
20:04.11Ch0HagBah I've got my wires twisted (3/4 should be 2/5) but the rj45 plug I need to recrimp is in just about the most inaccessible place it could be.
20:04.27Strom_MCh0Hag: plugs go on cables
20:04.30Strom_Mcables are portable
20:04.42Strom_Mtherefore, unplug the cable and take it to your desk
20:04.52[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: x0mg, u r so SMRT.
20:04.54Strom_MQwell[]: gah, you don't like guinness??
20:04.58Ch0HagEven just unplugging it is a pain but I suppose there's no other way.
20:05.05Qwell[]Strom_M: not in the least
20:05.07Strom_M[TK]D-Fender: this is why they pay me the dollars and cents
20:05.28Strom_MQwell[]: do you at least like newcastle?
20:05.36Qwell[]never had it
20:05.39Qwell[]oh, wait
20:05.40Ch0Hagincidentally, quite often cables are fixed to the walls or floors.
20:05.42Qwell[]yes I have, heh
20:05.47Ch0HagConveniently not in this case though.
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20:06.28rob0My European beer buddies don't recommend Newcastle.
20:07.22Strom_Mthe Dutch also combine liquorice with a pound of salt and consider the result edible
20:09.08NuggetDZ is some of the most heinously disgusting "candy" I've ever encountered.
20:10.08*** join/#asterisk lirakis (n=etamme@
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20:13.15lirakisasterisk is fun
20:14.12Strom_Mit is
20:14.29Strom_Mwhy, just the other day, I used asterisk hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr plane crash
20:19.06lirakishmm.. quiet ..
20:19.17anonymouz666I need to use arrays on dialplan
20:19.22anonymouz666how do I do that
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20:21.21blitzrageanonymouz666: ARRAY()
20:22.24Ch0HagIt doesn't matter which way round the signal pins are, does it?
20:22.58[TK]D-FenderCh0Hag: tip VS ring.... uuhhh YEAH...
20:23.10[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: Get schooling!
20:23.47anonymouz666I am unlucky there is no ARRAY on 1.2
20:24.29Ch0HagSo which of pins 3 and 4 is tip in rj11?
20:24.40Strom_Mballs, i can't remember
20:24.58Ch0HagAnd BT, for that matter.
20:25.04Ch0HagAll they tell you is A and B.
20:25.15Strom_Mon the jack, starting with pin 1 on the left, tip for line 1 should be pin 3
20:25.57Strom_Mring is pin 3
20:25.59Strom_Mtip is pin 4
20:26.14Strom_Msilly me
20:27.18iruleis it possible to apply this hack to config files only?
20:27.50*** part/#asterisk lirakis (n=etamme@
20:28.34Ch0HagWhat does that correspond to on a BT connector?
20:29.05Strom_Mno idea
20:29.16Strom_Myour electrical plug is weird enough on its own
20:29.25Ch0HagBut very cool.
20:29.31Strom_Mit's HUGE
20:30.15Ch0HagNo. Yours is tiny.
20:30.40Ch0HagWhen you have an English plug, you know you're not going to confuse it for ANYthing else.
20:31.28Ch0HagNormally I despise the health-and-safety brigade, but I've seen plugs in other countries and compared to ours they're all needlessly flimsy and unsafe.
20:31.47Strom_Mwhat am I going to confuse a US plug with?  toenail scissors?
20:31.50Ch0HagWell, maybe not all. I've not been to every country.
20:31.56Ch0HagBut US and EU plugs suck.
20:31.58naitramcant seem to get asterisk to read dtmf tones from my sip info messages sent from my sip clients. Can see the messages on the wire, but asterisk doesn't appear to do anything with them. Is there a way to see if asterisk is actually seeing them at the applcation level?
20:32.15Strom_Mand fwiw, i've never ever had an electrical accident with a US plug, nor have I ever known anyone who has
20:32.21Hmmhesaysyou have your dtmf settings correct in sip.conf?
20:32.32Strom_Mnaitram: dtmfmode=info
20:33.03Ch0HagActually most of the safety features of our plugs are to protect the equipment, not you.
20:33.24Strom_Mthat's comforting
20:33.36Strom_M"you'll die but your PC will keep right on downloading porn"
20:33.36naitramStrom_M: yes in my sip.conf that it is set up, and that is what is going out on the wire
20:33.37Ch0HagPlus the fact that you can disassemble them absolutely trumps everything.
20:33.50Ch0HagAt least until recently, when everything seems to use moulded plugs.
20:34.12Ch0HagProbably to make Wickes because if you want to rewire one you can't rip it off, you have to go out and buy a new one.
20:34.21Ch0Hags/Wickes/Wickes more money/
20:36.24naitramhow does asterisk record a sip conversation after it has started if the convesation is using a native bridge, isn't asterisk bypassed at that point
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20:38.39naitramhas anyone here used dtmf tones in a sip to sip call. I can not get asterisk to see the dtmf tones of a connected sip client even though they appear on the wire as sip info requests
20:38.57*** join/#asterisk malaiwah (
20:39.27malaiwahHi there, is there a way to let Asterisk 1.2 play a file that doesn't have an extension eventhough it's really a wav (ulaw) file ?
20:39.41malaiwahi tried prefixing (in AGI) by ulaw: or wav: but it doesn't work
20:40.13Strom_Mjust give it a damned extension
20:41.28malaiwah... what if I dont want to ?
20:41.49malaiwahthere must be a way to specify !
20:42.39Strom_Mbut linux has to run on a computer?  what if i want to run it on my rice cooker???
20:43.14syzygyBSDStrom_M: use netbsd it runs on anything
20:43.16*** join/#asterisk Marshall-Laptop (
20:44.06Ch0HagDammit NOW what have I got wrong?
20:45.40Strom_MCh0Hag: let me divine that
20:45.45syzygyBSDCh0Hag: comment in the wrong place
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20:46.01naitramwhen asterisk receives a dtmf tone, is there a log or some other way i can see it got one
20:46.57naitramshould something show up in the cli
20:47.04syzygyBSDnaitram: no
20:47.29syzygyBSDyou can create your own log if you want i guess
20:48.32irulewhat player can I use to listen to gsm files?
20:49.26naitramsyzygyBSD: i can not get anything to work with asterisk and dtmf tones on a sip call. I can see the traffic on the wire but can't tell if asterisk recognizes it at all. No apps work from my dial plan. Any suggestions?
20:50.36*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
20:50.45Ch0HagA female-female rj-12 gender bender isn't going to cross cables over is it?
20:50.50Ch0HagThat would just be weird.
20:51.18syzygyBSDnaitram: setup the correct dtmfmode
20:52.54naitramsyzygyBSD: is info the correct mode? or rfc2833
20:53.08syzygyBSDI think rfc2833
20:53.17syzygyBSDdepending on what you have hooked up..
20:53.17sweeperirule: mplayer :)
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20:53.30syzygyBSDmight be inband if you have an ata
20:54.03syzygyBSDor better yet.. auto
20:56.28naitramsyzygyBSD: my sip devices can do rfc2833, But I never saw anything go out to the asterisk server when set up that way
20:56.41canberkhello everybody
20:56.53malaiwahwhat asterisk version are you all running ? i tried 1.4 and it crashed 2 times the same week, I then rolled back to 1.2 ; what about you all ?
20:56.53canberkis it possible to increase the sound level on asterisk
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20:57.02syzygyBSDI am still on 1.2.17
20:57.06canberk1.4.4, no problems!!
20:57.21syzygyBSDcanberk: sound level between which devices?
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20:59.22sweeperwhy the hell isn't there a tutorial somewhere about how to set up odbc + mysql
20:59.28canberkwhen i am listening to recorded conversations
20:59.37canberkcalled party's sound is really too low
21:00.07[TK]D-Fendercanberk, that's not an * problem, thats a COMPUTER problem.  Fix your mixer
21:00.40sweeper[TK]D-Fender: actually, he said "called party", implying the caller's audio is fine :)
21:00.43[TK]D-Fendercanberk, And you have not answered syzygyBSD's question either
21:01.26sweepercanberk: what are you using to mix the two audio files?
21:02.00*** join/#asterisk SwK (
21:02.51naitram[TK]D-Fender: ive tried what you suggested earlier regarding automon on sip channel. Still can not get sip dtmf codes to be seen by asterisk AFAIK. Any way to tell if they are being seen by *
21:03.05[TK]D-Fendernaitram, check your configs....
21:03.28canberki use soxmix to mix two audio files
21:03.40canberkand also when talking to other people
21:03.44canberkthe sound level is lo
21:04.05canberkis it possible to increase the sound level somehow? without touching to user devices?
21:04.09canberkpap2 to asterisk
21:04.21syzygyBSDwell.. when using soxmix you have the option to adjust the level of sound
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21:04.31canberkwhen using x provider to talk to PSTN, x provider's sound level is low
21:04.43canberkeven when i am talking in real life, not recordig
21:04.55canberky provider's sound level is okay
21:05.01canberkbut x needs some adjustment
21:05.08*** join/#asterisk rhombus (
21:07.30rpmanyone here familiar with broadsoft? im trying to setup a iad/gateway to an asterisk server. it is all setup, accepting calls and forwarding.. but i can only have 1 call at a time.
21:07.34naitram[TK]D-Fender: I have, for the caller i have dtmfmode=info, my phone is setup to send this and is, in the features.conf automon => #9, in extensions.conf in [globals] have DYNAMIC_FEATURES=>automon, in context have Dial(....,gWwT). it dials with the gWwT as seen from cli
21:08.05rvhi0anyone knows a list of applications supported in *? has a list, but not very up to date.
21:08.45[TK]D-Fendernaitram, Do something else to test your DTMF
21:08.47canberkis there a working solution for h323 and asterisk?
21:08.53[TK]D-Fenderrvhi0, "show applications"
21:08.57canberklike a secondary server in between or any other method
21:09.48rvhi0[TK]D-Fender, is there any document I see?
21:10.16[TK]D-Fenderrvhi0, I just gave you the answer.
21:10.21naitram[TK]D-Fender: simplest other test
21:10.32[TK]D-Fendernaitram, read
21:10.48rvhi0[TK]D-Fender, i mean offline
21:10.59jboti heard book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
21:11.06rvhi0i want to compare v1.4 and trunk
21:11.21rvhi0and see any new features
21:12.01[TK]D-Fenderrvhi0, Don't expect any miracle comparative docs then.
21:12.11[TK]D-Fenderrvhi0, Changelogs is IT
21:12.30sweeperyea, nobody actually reviews asterisk, they just use it
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21:13.09naitram[TK]D-Fender: have read, tried enabling the testfeature in the features.conf, it didn't seam to work either. Oh well, looked at this a month or so ago with same result. Guess maybe send something on the mailing list?
21:13.36[TK]D-FenderTrunk is for "testing" and there is no promise that things attempted in there will become final.
21:13.46[TK]D-Fendernaitram, no, "show application read " <--------------
21:13.57[TK]D-Fendernaitram, I actually figured you'd have picked that up...
21:14.10[TK]D-Fendernaitram, and I left out the fully implied format to test as such.
21:14.12rvhi0i know * can't support multiple registration, anyone knows any workaround solutions?
21:14.22[TK]D-Fenderrvhi0, SER
21:14.50[TK]D-Fenderrvhi0, or multiple accoutns that just ring when appropriate.
21:15.10rvhi0[TK]D-Fender, i don't like that because ser hide the channel availability in *
21:15.44rvhi0[TK]D-Fender, if i use multiple accounts, how to ring them all?
21:15.47[TK]D-Fenderrvhi0, Your expectations will only lead to a lot of disappointment.  Time to alter it.
21:15.59canberkis there a working solution for h323 and asterisk?
21:16.01[TK]D-Fenderrvhi0, "show application dial"
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21:17.09rvhi0[TK]D-Fender, are you saying * is able to do it well, at least for now?
21:17.21Juggietoday is crappy internet day
21:17.37naitram[TK]D-Fender: oh, well thanks for clearing that up. Not been using asterisk that long.
21:17.46[TK]D-Fenderrvhi0, I've once again given you the answer and you aren't READING.
21:18.10[TK]D-Fendernaitram, Long enough to have earned some small expectation on my part :)
21:19.20*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
21:19.44rvhi0[TK]D-Fender, thx for the answer, i tried dial, there seems to be quite a bit delay in rings, e.g. there is an interval of .5 second between each call, so if i have 10 users, the last one takes a while to get the call
21:21.39[TK]D-Fenderrvhi0, hrm, news to me.
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21:30.35rvhi0another Q, can * support native SIP attended transfer now?
21:31.07[TK]D-Fenderrvhi0, Always did
21:32.50rvhi0[TK]D-Fender, i was using 1.0 for a while ago, maybe it changed for some time already
21:33.07[TK]D-Fenderrvhi0, Supported it then too.......
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21:42.34ber111how do i record a phone call once i have excuted a Dial command in a DeadAGI script
21:42.44ber111i tried doing a record after dial it didnt work
21:42.53ber111i tried doing a record pre-dial and it blocked on the record, so no dial
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21:44.12Strom_Mrun mixmonitor() before you run dial()
21:44.51Strom_Mand read the documentation, because then you'd know what record() is for
21:46.54ber111ah got it, record is for prompts
21:47.13Strom_Mor is that beep
21:48.11anonymouz666I need some dialplan logic help :(
21:48.59Strom_Manonymouz666: so ask a question
21:50.03*** join/#asterisk Braxus (n=bhsieh@
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21:54.23k31thany of you guys use hudlite
21:57.52Strom_Manonymouz666: i guess it wasn't important then, eh?
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22:00.43anonymouz666it is timeconditions
22:00.54anonymouz666I have a peer lets say 300
22:01.11anonymouz666that has 3 times conditions in DB
22:01.32anonymouz666I am thinking in a form to get this and populate the gotoiftime dynamically
22:01.42anonymouz666I am using mysql()
22:01.45anonymouz666it works ok
22:02.01anonymouz666the problem is how to populate the gotoiftime condition without arrays
22:03.10[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666, read record.  Check Gotoiftime.  If not, repeat until end
22:03.51ber111I found that mixmonitor doesnt like it when you specify a full path in the filename
22:04.08ber111strangely it creates the file but doesnt fill it with samples
22:04.10anonymouz666[TK]D-Fender i think populate the gotoiftime at once is better
22:04.42vnis the IAXy overpriced?
22:05.21anonymouz666read all records. populate all gotoiftime conditions
22:06.04ruied_is it possible that I make a call to ext '200' and appears at the phone the person's 200 extension name?
22:06.12Strom_Mruied_: yes
22:06.18Strom_Mwell, wait
22:06.22[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666, Thats a lot of extr reads for noting if the 1st one matches and increases load
22:06.25Strom_Mwhose phone does the displaying of what?
22:07.07[TK]D-Fenderruied_, Depends on the phone because *'s support of CPID is incomplete and no ETA
22:07.17ruied_for example, I make a call to John Smith (ext 200) and I would like that it appears at my phone the John Smith name
22:07.30[TK]D-Fenderruied_, Some can do it if they have the # listed in their local directories, etc.
22:07.45[TK]D-Fenderruied_, But effectively speaking * does not do this.  At all.
22:08.05[TK]D-Fenderruied_, There is a Polycom specific patch out there, but I'm not sure if its usable
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22:08.27ruied_I've seen this today in an Alcatel PBX...
22:08.51[TK]D-Fenderruied_, Yes, but * doesn't.
22:09.19[TK]D-Fenderruied_, proprietary systems can do whatever cool stuff they feel like.
22:09.35ruied_[TK]D-Fender, ah, he told me that was an advantage against the *
22:09.46[TK]D-FenderBut alas its time for martial arts.  Back in a few hours
22:10.06[TK]D-Fenderruied_, That should fall under the category of "Should I really give a shit?"
22:10.10vnwhat martial art?
22:10.17[TK]D-Fenderruied_, It'd better not be a cdeciding factor...
22:10.25[TK]D-Fendervn, Katori Shinto
22:10.50[TK]D-Fendervn, oldest school of samurai kobudo
22:11.02k31thanyone know of a software billing system for asterisk ?
22:11.52Strom_Mk31th: parse the CDRs and write your own bills?
22:12.35Ch0HagThat is possible if the destination is SIP.
22:12.57Ch0HagI got half-way through hacking the sip module to send a name for the phone to display.
22:13.38Strom_Mso guys is 1.0 out yet ?!?!?!!?!?!?!
22:14.43Ch0HagOut-lagged and out-n00bed.
22:15.34Strom_Mi hope there are other people in here one day
22:15.36Strom_MI want my MTV
22:15.45*** join/#asterisk waKKu (n=eurulo@unaffiliated/wakku)
22:16.07waKKufolks.. good evening...
22:16.33waKKumaybe someone can help me... i bought a digium card TDM400P + 1 module FXO .. but, how can i check if that module is FXO or FXS ?
22:16.47Strom_MFXO is red
22:16.49Strom_MFXS is green
22:16.50Ch0HagThe driver will tell you.
22:16.57Ch0HagOr whot strom said.
22:17.15Strom_Minsert coin to continue
22:18.04anonymouz666[TK]D-Fender I am writing right now what you told me, it makes sense
22:18.11anonymouz666let's see if it will work fine
22:18.12waKKuStrom_M hmmm... thanks ;) .. is red
22:18.29Ch0HagRed is for lines. Green is for phones.
22:18.52ruied_waKKu, careful with the configuration, you have to configure the signalling in in zapata.conf as an fxs (if you have an fxo)
22:18.52Strom_Mthis episode of #asterisk is brought to you by the letter Q
22:19.33Ch0HagThe terms FXS and FXO are confusing - they change based on factors like where the moon is and what level was reached last time the author of $document or $driver played nethack.
22:19.38Mercestesand the number 9.
22:19.45waKKuruied_ yeah.. i know.. my doubt was with hardware ...
22:19.50k31thStrom_M: I can do that yeah. how would I sort the CDR's into each user ?
22:20.19Ch0HagwaKKu: genzaptelconf will create the zap configuration files for you.
22:20.30Strom_Mk31th: depends on your config
22:21.20*** join/#asterisk lorinc (
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22:21.32*** join/#asterisk ZeroPing (
22:21.49ZeroPingAnyone available for a quick question?
22:21.51k31thStrom_M: well each customer has its own diff caller id.
22:22.07k31thI could filter by that, but using what ?
22:22.21k31thi can export to CSV
22:22.55Strom_MZeroPing: never
22:23.05Strom_Mquestions are forbidden in #asterisk
22:23.25Strom_Minstead you must talk about your problem through metaphor
22:23.37Strom_M(i.e. just ask the damn question already)
22:23.56ZeroPingIs it possible to use a regular phone line with Asterisk instead of a VOIP line?
22:23.56Strom_Mk31th: perl?
22:24.00Strom_MZeroPing: yes
22:24.07Ch0HagIt would be thee art of mime, but that's rathre hard to conver digitlaly.
22:24.17Strom_MCh0Hag: interpretive dance!
22:24.19Ch0Hags/thee/through the/
22:24.30Ch0HagThat jbot really freaks me out.
22:24.30ZeroPingStorm_M: Alright, I'm planning on using the Cisco 7940 phones, how do I get those to work with Asterisk?
22:24.43Strom_MZeroPing: with sip
22:24.47Strom_Mand typing
22:25.03Ch0HagAppauling spelling brought to you by virtue of resetting /home's NFS server while X is running.
22:25.08ZeroPingI was reading that I'll have to change the firmwire on them to work with Asterisk. Is that right?
22:25.22Strom_MZeroPing: if they're running sccp firmware, yes
22:25.23Ch0HagDon't. Cisco phones suck.
22:25.27Ch0HagFlog them on ebay.
22:25.39Strom_Mi run cisco /and/ polycom
22:25.41Strom_MI must be bi
22:25.51ZeroPingWell, I was planning on picking them up on eBay anyway.
22:25.56ZeroPingToo damn expensive anywher else.
22:26.03Ch0HagYou don't have them yet?
22:26.06Strom_MZeroPing: look into the polycom ip320
22:26.11Strom_Mtwo lines and a hell of a lot cheaper
22:26.32Ch0HagTwo lines?
22:26.40Strom_Mwell, two line appearances
22:27.03iruledo labels work with gotoif?
22:27.09Strom_Mbut that's certainly better than two puddings or grandstream
22:27.11Ch0HagDo any phones not have that?
22:27.13Strom_MIronhand: yes
22:27.18ZeroPingSo my Asterisk box will just need a regular dialup modem to work?
22:27.18Strom_MCh0Hag: yes
22:27.22Strom_MZeroPing: no
22:27.29Strom_MZeroPing: digium TDM01B
22:27.33ZeroPingBesides the Ethernet port that links all the phones together with a switch.
22:27.37ZeroPingOh, okay.
22:27.45Ch0HagOr perhaps you are referring to something I'm not thinking of.
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22:28.51Strom_Mpressing the any key
22:28.54Strom_Mnot continuing
22:29.14ZeroPingSo even if I'm using just one phone line, I have to have the Digium product instead of a dialup modem?
22:29.31Strom_MZeroPing: yes
22:29.37ZeroPingAh, damn.
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22:29.59Ch0HagI believe you can get cheap external ones.
22:30.25ZeroPingI haven't seen the external ones yet. I'm looking at the internal ones on eBay, and they're priced at $149.40.
22:30.37Strom_Mthere is no dialup modem that works as an FXO interface
22:31.05ZeroPingYeah, I wasn't aware.
22:31.15ruied_I'm trying to install an winbond w699 with mISDN driver, I'm making a compilation with a mISDN patch (going to try after the compilation finishes). Yesterday I've tried to make a module with the kernel headers installed, but the kernel couldn't load the module. I'm using debian etch...  should the mISDN be patched and compiled in the kernel always, or did I made something wrong and the module can always be compiled (with just the kernel header
22:31.15ruied_s) and loaded by the kernel?
22:31.32Ch0HagI think I have a problem with the wiring in my house.
22:31.42Ch0HagThat's going to be incredibly boring to check out.
22:31.55ZeroPingThe bad thing about this damn house is I can't string Ethernet lines all over the place for these phones.
22:32.11ZeroPingI thought the latency would be bad.
22:32.11Supaplexfiber optic!
22:32.19Ch0HagCan't physically or can't because you're not allowed?
22:32.23Strom_Mand if i can shoehorn ethernet into this 70 year old apartment, you can do it too
22:32.26Supaplexouu ouuu, tin cans!
22:32.31ZeroPingCh0Hag: Both
22:32.47Ch0HagI only have the latter problem.
22:32.53Ch0HagIt's incredibly frustrating.
22:32.56Supaplexcat3 can do 10bt
22:32.58ZeroPingHow would I go about making a Cisco 7940 wireless?
22:33.04irule this is where continua works well, but I get an error message  pbx_extension_helper: No such label 'cuelga' in extension 's' in context 'default' with label cuelga! :s
22:33.10SupaplexZeroPing: wire cutters ;)
22:33.33ZeroPingCommunicating with WiFi, rather.
22:33.46VJFROMGTis down or is it me?
22:33.50Strom_Mirule: change your gotoif line from s,cuelga to just cuelga
22:34.21*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (
22:34.27ruied_VJFROMGT, it's down...
22:34.53ZeroPingI was thinking about picking up some of those Ethernet adapters that have a base station and then another adapter for wherever you want an Ethernet port, but I didn't know how well those would work with IP phones.
22:34.56iruleStrom_M believe it not not, I did try cuelga alone before posting with you and trying s,cuelga, this is 1.2.19
22:38.30irulevery odd
22:39.58*** join/#asterisk Swat2 (
22:40.17*** join/#asterisk lee_is_me (
22:42.26lee_is_meIn contexts that are used to outbound dialing, are there any adverse effects to having a "t" exten with Hangup() function?
22:44.21*** join/#asterisk mxmasster (n=Max@
22:44.22irulethen look, I simplified, it does go to continua propperly but once it counts up, I still get the invalid error message
22:44.23mxmassterhi all
22:44.29lee_is_meI'm asking because I have a customer where if they attempt to dial out on FXO and then hangup at the right moment, the call seems to still go through at times and then causes a ring back.
22:45.02mxmassterI am looking for a "simple" rating engine to put prefixes and costs in so I can compare what our bill would be with different vendors
22:45.30Mercestesmxmasster:  mysql and some really simple php programming
22:45.38Mercestesyou don't even need the php really
22:45.54mxmassterMercestes: great, what is the URL to the app
22:46.04MercestesTo mysql?
22:46.16mxmassterno to the simple rating engine you are proposing I use
22:46.31Mercestesdid you even read my response?
22:46.46mxmassteryes I did - did you read my question
22:46.55Mercestesand I answered it
22:47.23mxmassterSo my question was not - I would like to program a system to do rating or import into mysql or figure out some complicatate query but
22:47.35mxmassterare there any out there that do this that i can download
22:48.25jbotit has been said that wglwat is well, good luck with all that
22:48.37*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey)
22:59.30*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
23:02.22iruleexten => s,n(continua),SetVar(DEFTIMEOUT=$[${DEFTIMEOUT} + 1])  Jun 28 15:12:49 WARNING[3048]: ast_expr2.fl:183 ast_yyerror: ast_yyerror(): syntax error: syntax error, unexpected TOK_PLUS, expecting TOK_MINUS or TOK_COMPL or TOK_LP or TOKEN; Input : + 1 (with an arrow under + sign)  Jun 28 15:12:49 WARNING[3048]: ast_expr2.fl:187 ast_yyerror: If you have questions, please refer to doc/README.variables in the asterisk source., well it is working propperly,
23:03.46MercestesTry set instead of Setvar.  Otherwise, your syntax looks correct to me, honestly.
23:03.48*** part/#asterisk woolbeo (
23:04.02Mercestesand I could be wrong on the set v/s setvar.
23:06.48*** join/#asterisk wundaboy (
23:07.20wundaboywhy do i get: Call rejected by No such context/extension      why i try and make a call?
23:07.28wundaboy*when i try to make a call.
23:08.49Hogiebecause there is no such context/extension at that host
23:10.21*** join/#asterisk ruied__ (
23:10.33wundaboybut its just a phone number
23:10.37wundaboyits supposed to work...
23:14.51Hogiethen the context is wrong
23:19.29SuPrSluGwundaboy, maybe include is missing from the context your trying to dial out.
23:19.51wundaboywhat do you mean?
23:20.16wundaboySuPrSluG, what do you mean?
23:20.31*** part/#asterisk mog (
23:20.37SuPrSluGif you don't include, say local or default in you outbound context
23:21.00wundaboyim confuzed
23:21.12wundaboyin the outbound context in iax.conf?
23:21.15SuPrSluGit doesn't have permission to use that context
23:21.25wundaboyhow do i give it permission?
23:35.16*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
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23:37.13SuPrSluGwundaboy, is this a voip provider or pstn
23:47.03*** join/#asterisk ai-a (

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