IRC log for #asterisk on 20070627

00:00.24vltJT: Got it. But what does the NTBA do there to stabilze the connection?
00:00.40J4k3what I need.
00:00.59*** join/#asterisk phix (
00:01.05JTvlt: err the ntba/nt1 is a modem sort of device
00:01.18JTconverts 2 wire U interface to telco to 4 wire local S/T bus
00:02.53vltJT: In my case (like shown in the diagram) it connects two 4-wire cables on the same bus ... strange world ...
00:03.05*** join/#asterisk lisandropm (
00:04.14JTvlt: what diagram?
00:04.27JTi'm not sure how well asterisk works with sharing the S-bus
00:06.27obnauticusis anyone here using fwdOUT, because i got a it working?
00:08.32rtcgBy what term is the following process is known?  An inbound call rings an extension and upon no answer gets put on hold while the cell phone number associated with said extension is dialed.  The inbound callerid info is read to the owner of the cell phone with a request to accept the call otherwise the call is send to voicemail?
00:08.45vltJT: The diagram on I pasted above ...
00:09.36JTvlt: went you exceed about 10 billion lines, the IRCD cuts off your text...
00:10.18rtcgAutomated supervised transfer is the best term I can come up with...only I'm not getting too many google hits with that term.
00:11.03rob0would be handy if the * could send the cell user a txt msg
00:11.37JTi'm sure you could make it send smses using an external application upon certain events
00:12.50vltrob0: You can use asterisk's built in CURL library to send an sms over an http(s) gateway (like in Germany) ...
00:15.18*** join/#asterisk GMitre (
00:16.10rtcgThe process as I envision it would be to park an incoming call, place a separate outbound call where festival could playback the CALLERID(name) and number and present an opportunity to pick up the parked call.  If after X amount of time the call is not picked up, then  the parked call is routed to voicemail.
00:17.09*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
00:18.09GMitreI made a callcenter with asterisk and when u call an backgruound intro play´s saying to you type a number to entry on a sector but i need to listen all the message before i type the number, if i type the number before the final message nothing heapens
00:23.09*** join/#asterisk spatulamaan (n=ggilmore@
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00:34.18sweeperkombi: dunno
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00:42.07*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
00:42.52*** join/#asterisk CrashSys (
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00:51.39*** join/#asterisk waKKu (n=worth@unaffiliated/wakku)
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01:07.27*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
01:09.02*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
01:15.10*** join/#asterisk waKKu (n=worth@unaffiliated/wakku)
01:16.07*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:16.51*** join/#asterisk nDuff (
01:17.24nDuffAnyone know where one can get a list of local long distance prefixes (or genuinely local prefixes... one way or the other)?
01:18.52rtcgwhat's a "local long distance" prefix??
01:19.00rtcgis it local or is it long distance??
01:21.06Erryou can almost certainly find the LATA rules for your area via google (your state's public utility commission likely stores this information)
01:22.17*** join/#asterisk n3glv (
01:22.18rtcg might be of SOME use...
01:22.30n3glvany #freepbx ops here?
01:22.34n3glvgroogs, ?
01:22.52[TK]D-Fendern3glv, LOL
01:23.37n3glvgot some jack-off who has auto-rejoin on, but can't stay on for more than 1min
01:23.37nDuffrtcg: "local long distance" == long distance numbers with the same area code (which need a 1+<area code> to be dialed first).
01:23.55rtcgOH!  is THAT what those are called!!!
01:23.57n3glvso, been filling all our logs with ON/OfF messages
01:23.59[TK]D-Fendern3glv, Trolls in #freepbx?  For real!?
01:24.45[TK]D-Fendern3glv, From what I hear there is next to no trffic in #freepbx anyways... you'd thingk you WANTED a little logging action....
01:24.54n3glvhe has done this under one or two nicks for about 12 hrs
01:25.30rtcgnDuff: has downloadable links of area code databases..but I don't know how to find out what is in your LATA other than to ask your service provider.
01:25.32Errheh, I suspect that the concept of 'local long distance' varies based on your LATA - there are two classes of long distance in my area, both within the same area code, along with local (free) calling as well
01:25.53[TK]D-Fendern3glv, go complain to a FreeNode Net-op then
01:27.26JTn3glv: the irc channel sounds as well maintained and supported as freepbx itself
01:27.40QwellJT: that was below the belt
01:27.43QwellI like it :p
01:28.14[TK]D-FenderJT : Indeed... I only showed false concern & disbelief that anything could be amiss there!
01:28.28n3glvwell, we _have_ drawn some ppl over to #elastix and #voipcoop
01:28.37[TK]D-FenderJT : Who told you you could just say the TRUTH like that!
01:28.50JTn3glv: what on earth are those channels?
01:30.42*** part/#asterisk rtcg (
01:32.32n3glvJT_, elastix is * 1.4.4 and centos 5
01:32.42JTnever heard of it
01:33.07n3glvvoipcoop is our co-op channel
01:37.37*** join/#asterisk rtcg (
01:43.33*** join/#asterisk andrewc (n=andrewc@
01:45.19*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
01:49.11rtcgwell...gonna change nicks to stop the join flood in #freepbx...since I'm not actively chatting... have a day!
01:49.33JTnice nick
01:51.09asterisknerds2surely you jest!
01:52.36asterisknerds2what does "as sip provider here.." mean when registering? (ref: ;register => ; Register 2345 at sip provider as 1234 here.)
01:52.38*** join/#asterisk fbffff (
01:53.58asterisknerds2shouldn't register => user:password@host be enough??
01:55.17rtcgah...someone else has taken on the mantle of nick squatter.
02:10.20*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
02:12.50flendersrtcg: you do the '/exten' if you want to have something different than the 's' extension handling your incoming calls on that context
02:13.04rtcggot it!  which I don't... so that's good.
02:17.30rtcgcan a sip trunk provider pass along any OTHER type of information that I could use to further route the call to a different trunk? that calls originally destined for [one context] that get 'hunt group transferred' to a sip trunk handling [another context] could be identified and put back into the correct [one context]?
02:22.07*** join/#asterisk KDan (
02:22.20KDanHello again
02:23.08KDanthe agi record_file function... it says that the return value is:
02:23.09KDanreturn: see evaluate for return information. ['result'] is -1 on error, 0 on hangup, otherwise a decimal value of the DTMF tone. Use chr() to convert to ASCII.
02:23.44KDanthat would imply, to me, that if the user hangs up, the function returns 0 and the agi process continues on its way... but instead it seems to be just dying immediately?
02:24.03KDanI guess asterisk kills it... is there a way to stop asterisk from being quite so murderous in these circumstances?
02:24.38*** join/#asterisk wundaboy (
02:24.55wundaboywhy am I getting this:  WARNING[27481]: chan_iax2.c:7118 socket_read: Call rejected by No such context/extension
02:25.27KDanwundaboy: there's no context defined for the IAX url you gave to your DID
02:25.39KDane.g. if you gave it guest@yourserver.tld
02:25.46KDanyou need a [guest] entry in your iax.conf
02:25.56wundaboyi need that in order to dial a landline?
02:26.05KDanoh - this is dialing out?
02:26.16KDandon't know then..
02:26.23wundaboyanyone else?
02:26.43watchyanyone here got the newest polycom firmware layin around
02:27.41watchyi'll trade hugs for it?
02:27.52wundaboydosent freedomphones have it?
02:28.07watchyit doesnt have the newest for some reason
02:29.13watchytrade netsex for it?
02:31.02wundaboyi dont have the binary
02:31.14wundaboywhy am i getting this: WARNING[27481]: chan_iax2.c:5074 authenticate_verify: requested inkey 'jnctn' for RSA authentication does not exist
02:31.38KDanre: my issue, i have tried calling the php script through DeadAGI instead of AGI, but even so it still kills the script
02:31.43wundaboyfigured it out
02:35.27KDani found it
02:35.41KDanhad to use DeadAGI *and* follow the instructions here:
02:35.50KDanie disable SIGHUP signals in the php script
02:36.13`SeanJun 26 22:37:23 WARNING[5124]: channel.c:2380 set_format: Unable to find a codec translation path from g729 to gsm
02:36.13`SeanJun 26 22:37:23 WARNING[5124]: file.c:824 ast_streamfile: Unable to open vm-rec-name (format g729): No such file or directory
02:36.26*** join/#asterisk sharp (
02:38.37`Seancan somoene please help me here is the error
02:40.19[TK]D-Fender`Sean, You have no G729 codec or available transcoders.
02:40.44`SeanBut Conference isn't set to use G729 tho
02:40.52`Seanit was working well just 5 minutes ago
02:41.55[TK]D-Fender`Sean, It isn't liying about the codecs involved.
02:44.45*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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02:45.52[hC]This is interesting. a sip trunk provider has indicated that they use one ip for SIP messaging and another for RTP. do i need to configure asterisk to handle this somehow?
02:46.19`Seanarfh i found out the problem
02:46.22`Seanstupid digium
02:46.22*** join/#asterisk SwK (
02:46.25`Seanwont let g729 encoders work
02:46.28`Seanon a different NIC
02:46.35`Seanso i had to use same old one
02:46.43fbffffhey SwK
02:46.46`Seani dont see why they dont just use some kinda login method
02:46.46[hC]the license is based upon the sum of all the NIC's in the system
02:46.47*** join/#asterisk techie (
02:46.58`SeanhC this nic is NWQ
02:47.22[hC]if you change any NICs in or out it screws with the license
02:47.31[hC]as i said, the license is based on the SUM of ALL the nic's in the box
02:48.02[hC]i didnt say it was a good idea, im just explaining it to you
02:48.46J4k3`Sean: I believe you're legal to use a 3rd party g729 codec as long as you're within the limits of the original purchase
02:48.51J4k3I'm no lawyer
02:48.58J4k3and your country/town/luck may vary
02:49.41[hC]you can use the intel g729 codec which is just a reference implementation, but it is not legal in the US to use it for commercial use
02:49.51`Seanmidas well use the cracked version of g729 that i got
02:49.55`Seannext time i install asterisk :p
02:51.25`Seanthats gay my DID's dont even use g729
02:51.28`Seanim using them to conf
02:51.41`Seanyet just cause g729 wont work asterisk wont let me have incoming calls
02:53.46J4k3your incoming provider not allow anything except g729?
02:55.47`Seandude didww
02:55.51`Seandoesnt even offer g729
02:56.01`Seanthey send calls via ulaw
02:56.10`Seanso i dont see why conference would have had a heart attack
02:56.27[hC]you're calling into a DID and straight into a meetme?
02:56.37[hC]via ulaw
02:56.52JT`Sean: it'd be more useful to get some sip debug output too
02:57.06[hC]then it should work
02:57.14[hC]if what you're saying is true, that has no relevance to g729
02:57.20CrashSysG729 is 8kbit right?
02:58.38J4k3are there any better-than-telco-quality free codecs?
02:58.42CrashSysAnyone know of any good link-testing tools for VoIP? Something I can set-up at the endpoints and have them stream back and forth for stats?
02:58.51JTJ4k3: g.722
02:59.19[TK]D-FenderJ4k3, What would be the point?
03:00.01J4k3[TK]D-Fender: both ends being voip endpoints
03:00.18J4k3I personally find skype to sound wonderful between a couple decent systems with good headsets
03:00.20[TK]D-Fender`Sean, show a pastebin with real detail of the gcodecs, because it didn't mention G.729 for nothing.
03:00.26J4k3and afaik, its a much higher bitrate
03:00.36JTJ4k3: g.722
03:00.39CrashSysAsterisk is only 8k sampling tho isn't it?
03:00.46[TK]D-FenderIINM G.722 isn't exactly free...
03:01.33CrashSysSo telco quality is all your going to get with asterisk... regardless of codec...
03:01.40CrashSysunless better-than-telco is lower bitrate...
03:01.43JTCrashSys: not if endpoints reinvite
03:01.53JTor don't use asterisk
03:01.55CrashSysHmm... p2p maybe...
03:02.21CrashSysShoutcast = Better-then-telco quality
03:02.29JTalso not telephony :)
03:02.33CrashSysAnd it's got a built-in one-way conferencing engine!
03:02.38rtcg`Sean:  I had to 'disallow=all' and 'allow=ulaw' to get my * server to quit referencing g729
03:02.40JTicecast kthx
03:02.43CrashSysWith multiple codecs!
03:02.48[hC]any of you guys here implement screen pop solutions w/ asterisk?
03:02.48[TK]D-FenderCrashSys, everyone is entitled to my opinion!
03:03.03CrashSysD-Fender: yes master, i'm sorry...
03:03.06`Seanahh thanks rtcg
03:03.37rtcg`Sean: I had to do it for each of my SIP trunks.
03:03.38J4k3well, theres skype, it sounds awesome.. no idea what speed its actually running it
03:03.41J4k3er at
03:03.46J4k3it seems to use more bandwidth than g711
03:05.04CrashSysI dont see much value in audio resolution... as long as it's clear...
03:05.28CrashSysUnless I wanted to rock-out to some awesome elevator music...
03:05.42JTJ4k3: are you going to actually acknowledge we've said g.722 about 3 times now
03:05.46JTenough about skype :P
03:10.35*** join/#asterisk IgorG (n=FeedomPa@
03:11.27*** join/#asterisk BSD_Tech (
03:17.57*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (n=matt@
03:18.01ZX81hi all
03:18.19JThello :)
03:18.43ZX81anyone able to help with a red alarm on zaptel car?
03:18.43rob0Hey, it's a Matt. If he doesn't work at Digium, he will soon.
03:19.09JThow's nz?
03:19.13ZX81I've got a quad span card - set up as E1 - crossover cable between ports 3 and 4
03:19.17ZX81heh cold
03:19.19ZX81but good
03:19.22ZX81a bit boring
03:19.41ZX81I can't get the card out of red alarm
03:19.57JTit's freezing here too
03:20.02ZX81you'd think a crossover between ports 3 and 4 would bring both up as green no?
03:20.03JTtoday is very cold
03:20.09ZX81bet its colder here
03:20.12rob0Red alarm, I had that once, I think the card died.
03:20.15JTyes, sydney isn't much warmer
03:20.28ZX81rob0 its a new card
03:20.32JTZX81: what's zaptel.conf and zapata.conf like?
03:20.39ZX81meh pretty clean
03:20.45ZX81bchans,dchans in zaptel
03:20.51ZX81pri_cpe in zapata
03:20.54[TK]D-Fenderbad question, WORSE answer....
03:21.02JTwell can you pastebin them full?
03:21.09ZX81heh from console
03:21.13ZX81am in server farm
03:21.29JTtranscribe? ;)
03:21.34[TK]D-Fenders/can you/get off your ass and/
03:21.47[TK]D-FenderZX81, yes... definately out to pasture...
03:21.56ZX81reads like span=1,0,0,ccs,hdb3,crc4
03:22.05ZX81same for 2-3
03:22.15ZX81and then 4 is ,1 for timing
03:22.24*** join/#asterisk Nuitari (
03:22.28JTwhich one is acting as network?
03:22.30ZX81then bchan=1-15, dchan=16,bchan=17-31
03:22.35ZX814 as network
03:22.40ZX813 as cpe
03:22.53ZX81but I'd expect it to at least go over to yellow alarm no?
03:22.54JTyou have timing wrong then
03:22.55[TK]D-FenderZX81, your timing is backwards.
03:23.05JTnetwork GIVES clock
03:23.10ZX81real? yeah
03:23.13JTcpe receives
03:23.20JT0 = give clock
03:23.26JT1 = priority 1 receive
03:23.27*** join/#asterisk SwK (
03:24.16JTZX81: and zapata.conf?
03:24.25ZX81changing now
03:26.04ZX81does zapata make a diff with a red alarm?
03:26.19ZX81I thought red alarm means cable down etc
03:26.39JTusually that's what it means
03:26.47JTwhat cable pinout did you use?
03:26.51JTwhat is the card
03:26.55ZX811,2 -> 4,5
03:26.58ZX814,5 -> 1,2
03:27.08ZX81quad span PRI with echo can
03:27.16ZX81can't keep up with their version numbers
03:27.23ZX81is like 407 or something
03:27.29ZX81of course
03:27.37JTthat's nowhere near a given here
03:27.38rtcgCan  callerid name and number be set on the same line?  set(CALLERID(name)="Some Name" CALLERID(number)=<2125551212>)
03:27.55ZX81heh yeah
03:28.04ZX81rtcg yes but network may not recognise it
03:28.08ZX81internally you can
03:28.11rob0set(CALLERID(all)=...) ?
03:28.17ZX81in same line of asterisk
03:28.21Corydon76-homertcg: Set(CALLERID(all)=name <number>)
03:28.41rtcgZX81: who would the network not recognize it?
03:28.55JTZX81: well the cable sounds ok
03:29.02rob0Some providers might not pass the name.
03:29.07ZX81:) if you send callerid name out to the telephone company they won't transmit it
03:29.27ZX81JT yeah - they had a crossover rj45 end here
03:29.31rob0Telco wom't pass ANY callerID.
03:29.33ZX81with 1,2 going to 4 and 5
03:29.41rtcgah...which is what I'm seeing...
03:29.55ZX81rob0 yeah we can set cid number here
03:29.58rtcgwell at LEAST I can pass the calleridnum...thx.
03:30.13ZX81but only to a DDI we own
03:30.15JTrob0: err callerid number can be passed if done right
03:30.21ZX81hey also
03:30.31JTin the us, most telcos let you set the callerid to anything
03:30.32rtcgI need to take a break though.  Calling wrong numbers this late at night is..... very not good.
03:30.52ZX81when I modprobed in zaptel I got an error about userspace firmware or whatever being unavailable for vpm450 or some such
03:31.03ZX81but it got installed by the make install
03:31.22rtcgat least the callerid was messed up when I mis-dialed. :)
03:31.25ZX81I'm assuming thats something to do with octasic chip for echo can
03:32.02ZX81did you know that zttool still says linux support services :)
03:32.11ZX81(c) 2002
03:32.30JTheaps of the source does
03:33.01ZX81yeah but not normally gui stuff
03:33.17JTZX81: how's the embedded box going?
03:33.39ZX81yeah good - nice for a market that doesn't know asterisk
03:33.51ZX81asterisk people can just build their own
03:34.33JTcan i ask what sort of board it has?
03:34.34ZX81trying to compile in support for this PIKA board that does FXO with echo can in DSP (no CPU left over)
03:34.50JTah they seem popular for that stuff
03:34.59ZX81yeah really solid
03:35.04JTand pci slot
03:35.15ZX81also mini pci which could be used for wifi
03:35.20ZX81but we're not using that yet
03:35.25JTthey need a mini-pci g.729/etc transcoder board that doesn't cost the earth
03:35.32ZX81yeah agree
03:35.56ZX81or just ship the audio off to a server for processing - oh no wait :)
03:36.06JTall the embedded stuff is still too pissweak to transcode
03:36.13ZX81for sure
03:36.16JTeven to gsm
03:36.20ZX81a few channels of ulaw to gsm
03:36.22ZX81but not many
03:36.33ZX81kick ass if its the same all the way through
03:36.33JTulaw, i thought you were in nz
03:36.42ZX81we transcode
03:36.50*** join/#asterisk sysreq (
03:36.59JTbut nz is alaw
03:37.07ZX81on e1 yeah
03:37.25ZX81but my only e1's are in a cisco box grrr
03:37.35ZX81cos I can't get the red alarm to go away
03:37.44JTthe whole telco network would use alaw
03:37.47ZX81man its cold in the server room!
03:37.58JTi think it's colder outside
03:38.02ZX81well yeah, but hardly any encoding on analogue :)
03:38.28ZX81its actually 17 at the top of the rack in front of me, but the fans are pointed right at me
03:38.38JTanalogue gets converted to alaw when it hits the exchange heh
03:39.01JTit's 13degC in sydney city right now
03:39.09ZX81*** You have new email
03:39.23ZX81yesterday we had a high of 5
03:39.24rob0Not a good time to go down under.
03:39.49ZX81when I played at winter solstice party last weekend it was -5 :)
03:39.58*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (
03:40.05ZX81anywayz better make a move - giving up on pri for now
03:40.10JTit was 0 at about 6am
03:40.13*** join/#asterisk l3jj (
03:40.16rtcgyou mean summer solstice ..right???
03:40.20ZX81need some sleep before the americas cup tonight
03:40.22JTZX81: have any pri debug output?
03:40.29ZX81nothing really
03:40.48ZX81unnumbered frame
03:40.54ZX81set aßs
03:41.02JTgoing only one way?
03:41.08ZX81set asyncronous balanced mode extended
03:41.44ZX81hmmm sec
03:42.47JTZX81: this card is brand new, is the jumper set correctly?
03:43.02nephfli have a problem, i had 4 analog trunks temporarily i have replaced it with a voip provider, and forwaded the main number to a did number, problem is that it was also a hunt group/rollover on the analog trunk, anyone know how i can get more than one line to connect from this number?
03:43.42ZX81JT: yeah set it first
03:43.45ZX81zap is down at the mo
03:43.52ZX81will sort it and back in a sec
03:44.03Nuitarinephfl: you'd have to change the whole group to the proper numbers for the voip
03:44.55nephflmy telco says they cant do that (short of transferring the numbers), and since this is temporary, i dont know what else i can do
03:45.06*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ- (
03:45.23nephflso, there is no way to cascade rollover numbers through the provider?
03:46.01ZX81zap back up
03:46.11Nuitariforward all of them to voip ?
03:46.36*** part/#asterisk rtcg (
03:46.52ZX81pri intense debug span 3 and 4 gives same messages
03:46.57ZX81and still red alarm
03:48.09JTZX81: umm, what is in zapata.conf?
03:48.20ZX81spans 1,3,4 - provisioned, in alarm, down,activer
03:48.28nephflthe forward breaks the huntgroup with my telco, so forwards from each of the analog lines wont help
03:48.32ZX81signalling=pri_net for 4
03:48.39ZX81pri_cpe for 3
03:48.56ZX81grrr@selinux spewing all over my screen
03:48.57*** join/#asterisk stkn__ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
03:49.05JTdisable selinux :)
03:49.09ZX81heh yeah
03:49.13ZX81its on warn
03:49.17ZX81so kinda disabled
03:49.32ZX81I'm going to start up again at home
03:49.36ZX81see you soon
03:52.03*** join/#asterisk vgster (
04:07.17*** join/#asterisk gthing (n=gthing32@
04:07.38gthingHello, does anyone know where I can find a hardware guide for asterisk?
04:08.06gthingI searched around quite a bit
04:08.19gthingbut couldn't find a generic page that basically just said "Buy this and everything will work"
04:08.39gthingI am planning on using asterisknow
04:09.49[TK]D-Fendergthing, I wouldn't if I were you.  Its not ready to do all the work for you and you'll be finding yourself without much support.
04:09.57Nuitarigthing: you need a computer, usually some network connection or some fxo/fxs cards. You can have wired or voip phones.
04:10.36gthingSo am I going to be better off going with the regular asterisk project for now?  or asterisk for windows?
04:10.47JTasterisk for windows really doesn't exist
04:10.49[TK]D-Fendergthing, you're going to have to learn a fair bit about * to get things up and running, or hire a consultant.
04:11.19Nuitarithe first thing to learn would be to ask precise questions...
04:11.24[TK]D-Fendergthing, there is no "asterisk for windows", in essence, and yes, PLAIN Asterisk is the way to go.
04:11.49[TK]D-Fendergthing, With that in mind I'm willing to spare you a few odd minutes to help with your hardware questions.
04:11.56gthingOkay, cool - I was looking at AsteriskWin32 - I guess that's a different project
04:12.20[TK]D-Fendergthing, That is jsut running under CYGWIN.  AKA bullshit.
04:12.28gthingGotcha ;)
04:12.47[TK]D-Fendergthing, So lets move on.
04:12.52[TK]D-Fendergthing, Where are you located?
04:13.43[TK]D-Fendergthing, Ok, what kind of lines are you looking to use with *?  A) Normal analog phone lines.  B) Digital link to telco (T1/PRI)  C) ITSP (VoIP Provider like Vonage, etc)
04:13.56*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
04:14.23[TK]D-Fendergthing, I would specific advise against THEM personally, but you are considering running on pure VoIP?
04:14.49gthing[TK]D-Fender, That's right
04:15.09[TK]D-Fendergthing, This is not advised for business, that IS what you are planning for correct?
04:15.18gthing[TK]D-Fender, That's correct
04:15.19[TK]D-Fendergthing, Ok, moving on...
04:15.37[TK]D-Fendergthing, How big a pipe do you have to the internet (up/down)?
04:16.30gthing[TK]D-Fender, We will be on last mile fiber (hasn't been hooked up yet) 15mbit up/down (although real world speed seem to hover around half that)
04:16.39[TK]D-Fendergthing, I take that as "formidable".
04:17.09gthing[TK]D-Fender, Yea, it's nice - and in Provo, Utah of all places :)
04:17.16[TK]D-Fendergthing, How many phones do you need?  Do you have an extra RJ45 jack at each station?
04:17.38gthing[TK]D-Fender, Right now it will be 2 phones, within the next few months 4 phones
04:18.02[TK]D-Fendergthing, Ok starting very small and growing to still tiny :)
04:18.13gthing[TK]D-Fender, that's right :)
04:18.21[TK]D-Fendergthing, Any issues using a power brick for your phone?
04:18.38gthing[TK]D-Fender, What do you mean?
04:19.28gthing[TK]D-Fender, If you mean has it caused disruption or problems with the service, I don't know yet
04:19.47gthing[TK]D-Fender, I just signed up for Vonage tonight and don't have my internet connection set up yet
04:20.15JTvonage is crap
04:20.33[TK]D-FenderI mean to power the phone, do you mind a brick to plug into the wall verses being hoowed into a powered switch?
04:20.40gthingJT,  Is there a better service in the price range?
04:20.51gthing[TK]D-Fender, I do not mind a brick
04:20.52JTvonage is amongst the worst
04:20.53[TK]D-FenderJT : Let this sit for a bit, ok?
04:20.59JT[TK]D-Fender: ?
04:22.21[TK]D-Fendergthing, Are these 2 starter phone for more "exec" types?
04:22.39gthing[TK]D-Fender, No, just your basic cordless phones
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04:22.51gthing[TK]D-Fender, I sense the list of my mistakes already growing
04:23.16[TK]D-Fendergthing, Ok, so you'd like to use just 2 boring cordless phones as extensions to your system?
04:23.30gthing[TK]D-Fender, That's right
04:24.13[TK]D-Fendergthing, perfectly fine, hrees the ONLY thing you needs aside from a WIMPY PC :
04:26.10gthing[TK]D-Fender, Okay - so this allows me to connect the phones to the network, ya?
04:26.22[TK]D-Fendergthing, Correct
04:26.34gthing[TK]D-Fender, And is there some kind of switch I need?
04:26.51_VoiceMeUp_COMmy cuba term is chaper via tdm pri's then all providers i have for intl
04:26.52gthing[TK]D-Fender, Each computer is the switch
04:27.13[TK]D-Fendergthing, They will be able to talk SIP to * and * will talk to your provider
04:27.28[TK]D-Fendergthing, Nothing special at all.
04:27.31JT_VoiceMeUp_COM: i could hardly understand that
04:27.41[TK]D-Fendergthing, Just plug that box on the same LAN as your server and you're in business
04:28.16[TK]D-Fendergthing, Full PBX for 75$ + cheap PC (I could buy one for 100$) and you already have the phones I gather
04:28.54gthing[TK]D-Fender, Okay so it goes phone line in ---> SPA2102 ---> asterisk servers ---> (via IP) to stations
04:29.07gthing[TK]D-Fender, right?
04:29.53[TK]D-Fendergthing, No it goes : (voip provider) ----> (Asterisk Server) ------ (Linksys SPA-2102) ----> (your analog cordless phones).
04:30.38gthing[TK]D-Fender, Okay
04:31.18gthing[TK]D-Fender, And the 2102 and * server can differentiate between the phones connected to it?
04:32.28[TK]D-Fendergthing, Yes, it has 2 ports each of which can operate completely independant of the other
04:32.50gthing[TK]D-Fender, Okay, so when I expand to 4 phones, I will need an additional or different box - gotcha
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04:33.48[TK]D-Fendergthing, Depending on what kind of phones and style, etc you want.
04:34.15[TK]D-Fendergthing, You said you were expecting to use your 2 cordless, so I showed you a VERY inexpensive option to let you do just that
04:34.24gthing[TK]D-Fender, That's perfect
04:34.28[TK]D-Fendergthing, I suspect you deisre that kind of mobility for a few sets.
04:34.54sweeperok, I need a decent distro that's not a pita to install. I'm too tired for gentoo >.<
04:35.56snuff-workcentos is easy install for server
04:36.10[TK]D-Fendersweeper, I concure.
04:36.14sweeperyea, centos is what I'm uninstalling
04:36.14[TK]D-Fendersweeper, I concur*
04:36.29JTsweeper: debian
04:36.34sweeperoverwriting more like
04:36.40Nuitarisweeper: gentoo
04:36.41gthing[TK]D-Fender, So that's the hardware  - now what about vonage?
04:36.50sweeperactually, since I don't need zaptel, I think I'm gonna go with freebsd~
04:36.57gthing[TK]D-Fender, It sounds like anyone around here would be willing to give me a rant :)
04:37.17[TK]D-Fendergthing, They are a flaming pile of shit, do not want anything to do with ahrdware they don't provide, and are threating to be wpied off the face of the planet.
04:37.25[TK]D-Fendergthing, Pick someone else :)
04:37.37sweeperyea, vonage is usually a ripoff
04:37.43[TK]D-Fendergthing, ACN is solid.  telix is respected a fair bit as well.
04:37.46gthing[TK]D-Fender, Can you make some recommendations - I'm trying to stay in the price range
04:37.51sweeperI mean, you can get 1.5 cents a minute from lots of terminators
04:38.12sweeperwho the hell talks for 1000 minutes a month? :P
04:38.45gthingsweeper, we will be spending a lot of time on the phone
04:38.48sweeperI probably don't even TALK talk that much, let alone on the phone :D
04:39.01[TK]D-Fendersweeper, VoicePulse Connect goes <.01$ for most US 48
04:39.23BSD_Techman this day is a pisser
04:39.33sweeper[TK]D-Fender: ooooo, that's nice
04:39.37BSD_TechI cant find the box with all my dev cd's
04:40.23[TK]D-Fendersweeper, 1 hr/day = 1800 / month :)  How about ANY BUSINESS?
04:40.41gthingSo if I were to take  a survey with people in this chatroom, who would end up on top as the best provider in my price range?  ACN or Telix or someone else?
04:40.42sweeperso, not me >.>
04:40.50[TK]D-Fender1800 * .02 (MAX!!!) = 36$ <- So who gives a shit?
04:41.29[TK]D-Fendergthing, Teliax has the most positive reviews from people I respect here.
04:42.09BSD_Techwhat the uptime with vp like these days is it reliable
04:42.27sweeperoh man I love those US rates
04:42.28[TK]D-Fendergthing, I have clients using ACN, and others with VoicePulse, both happy. YMMV <-
04:42.36BSD_Tech?me thinks teliax is a pain in the rump
04:42.52[TK]D-FenderBSD_Tech, what aspect specifcally?
04:43.04BSD_Techbut then again I use to work there and got screwed over
04:43.20_VoiceMeUp_COMwaht your price range ?
04:43.20[TK]D-FenderQwell : Fear not, you definitely count amongst them.
04:43.37sweeperhopefully I'll be cool enough to buy minutes from level3 someday :D
04:43.45[TK]D-FenderBSD_Tech, OH YEAH, my keyboard!
04:43.53[TK]D-FenderBSD_Tech, got a few? ;)
04:44.01Qwellsweeper: They won't even talk to you unless you meet some minimum usage criteria
04:44.07BSD_Techabout to go to bed I waited for you
04:44.14BSD_Techwe can try this fast
04:44.22BSD_TechI am wiped
04:44.26[TK]D-FenderBSD_Tech, I pretty much forgot and you were so quiet!
04:44.26sweeperQwell: I know, that's what I was referring to :P
04:44.32[TK]D-FenderBSD_Tech, another day then?
04:44.41BSD_TechI will not go far
04:44.42sweeper"yea, I'll be wanting 100k minutes this month. and 300 DIDs
04:44.45BSD_TechI promiss
04:44.45sweeperASAP plz
04:44.56[TK]D-FenderBSD_Tech, I should be home at a sane hour tomorrow.
04:44.57Qwellsweeper: yeah, 100k is nothing
04:45.02_VoiceMeUp_COM500 minutes etc 9.99
04:45.06sweeperI typed that and then I thought about it
04:45.07BSD_Techtk how is vp these days is it reliable
04:45.08gthingFor the size of my business - it would be best to go with an unlimited residential plan, ya?  That's what vonage set me up on (seeing as how there is almost no difference between there residential and business plans except price)
04:45.11_VoiceMeUp_COMthink we even offer 1 did
04:45.17_VoiceMeUp_COMdorr trying to get underline off
04:45.19Qwella full T1 in a month can do about a million I believe it was
04:45.26[TK]D-FenderBSD_Tech, I don't have any more modern reports on them now.
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04:45.40_VoiceMeUp_COMok sorry
04:45.45BSD_Technight kids
04:45.53_VoiceMeUp_COMnicgh tech
04:46.06sweeperif this restful voip thing takes off, maybe I'll hire mark spencer to write me a good pbx or something... ;)
04:46.10Qwell993600 minutes per month on a PRI
04:46.14Qwellassuming 24/7/30
04:46.26_VoiceMeUp_COMyeah more like 10 hours
04:46.37_VoiceMeUp_COM8 to 13pm 14pm to 6pm 7pm to 9pm
04:46.53_VoiceMeUp_COMthats 12 lol
04:47.04gthing[TK]D-Fender, well I'll be honest ACN scares me because it says something about MLMs - which I steer clear of or die trying
04:47.05_VoiceMeUp_COMbut you where talking on ful usage..
04:47.09_VoiceMeUp_COMso i guesyour right
04:47.28[TK]D-Fendergthing, Oh no... not the MLM BS side.. I know big-leagers who jsut use their service direct.
04:47.30_VoiceMeUp_COMwow i was wodnering who you talking about
04:47.32_VoiceMeUp_COMacn lol
04:47.38sweepersee, I have a dream
04:47.50_VoiceMeUp_COMyeah everyone i know went to meeteings paid 500$ and know trying to get it back scamming theyr family
04:48.13[TK]D-Fendergthing, I was approached by one of their ilk once..... don't worry, they're well on their way to becomeing AMWAY MILLIONAIRES thanks to me! ;)
04:48.15sweepera dream where I'm buying cisco pri->sip gateways by the dozen, just to get good rates on DIDs and local termination
04:48.23_VoiceMeUp_COMalso said they where going to do internet access broadband and voip for 2 years now
04:48.33JTdreaming of buying cisco? that's pretty sad
04:48.53_VoiceMeUp_COMu can get a cheak 38XX for like 1k i think
04:48.58sweeperJT: find me a better sip gateway for the price, and I'll dream of something else
04:49.12sweeperyou can stick 8 pri cards in those things
04:49.24JTin how many RU?
04:49.38sweeperyou could do the same thing with a sangoma
04:49.48sweeperbut then you're running on pc hardware
04:49.49JTyou could in theory make your own box in 1RU that does 8, yes :)
04:49.53_VoiceMeUp_COMsangoma 108d is how much appro X?
04:49.54JTthere are other sip gateways
04:50.01sweeperyes, but better?
04:50.03JTi'm get to be convinced cisco is the best
04:50.11JT_VoiceMeUp_COM: USD$4500 iirc
04:50.13[TK]D-FenderJT : You mean like the AudioCodes Mediant 2000.... ALREADY DOES?
04:50.13sweeperfrom what I've seen, those things are pretty rock solid
04:50.24_VoiceMeUp_COMlet me open price list ill confirm
04:50.25sweeperarg audiocodes
04:50.29sweeperfuck them man
04:50.36[TK]D-Fendersweeper, they work.
04:50.43_VoiceMeUp_COMstay away from mediatrix too
04:50.48[TK]D-Fender_VoiceMeUp_COM, A108d = $$$
04:50.48sweepertheir 8-port fxos sure as hell don't
04:50.53sweeperI had 4 of them
04:51.06sweeperand was on the phone with audiocods AND the vendor for 6+ hours
04:51.12[TK]D-Fender_VoiceMeUp_COM, Mediatrix makes GREAT analog gateways, but their PRI stuff is BULLSHIT.
04:51.17sweepervnc, ssh into asterisk box, the whole nine yards
04:51.34JT[TK]D-Fender: so who makes good pri gateways?
04:51.36sweeperfinally went with that crazy linksys thing that kinda runs asterisk
04:51.39[TK]D-Fendersweeper, I've set up a Mediant 1000.  YUO = suck :)
04:51.47_VoiceMeUp_COM108d 4.5k
04:52.02_VoiceMeUp_COMcisco 53xx 25k
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04:52.03JT_VoiceMeUp_COM: that's what i said isn't it ;)
04:52.14_VoiceMeUp_COMjt yeas you are right
04:52.15sweeper_VoiceMeUp_COM: you'd want echo cancellation in hardware, with 8 ports mang
04:52.25[TK]D-Fender_VoiceMeUp_COM, Well if you jsut want G711, the Sangoma is fine, but NO BOX you you put it in would survive transcoding it all :)
04:52.31JT_VoiceMeUp_COM: add $2-3k for a really good server chassis
04:52.38_VoiceMeUp_COMas we use
04:52.40_VoiceMeUp_COM4gig nics
04:52.41JTfor a fair comparison
04:52.43[TK]D-Fender_VoiceMeUp_COM, Which explains the cost on the appliance ones :)
04:52.46_VoiceMeUp_COM4 power supplys
04:52.51_VoiceMeUp_COMredundancy top notch
04:52.54_VoiceMeUp_COM14 in 7
04:52.57_VoiceMeUp_COM14 in 7u
04:53.06sweeperor buy 2 ciscos for half the price :o
04:53.18JT14 what?
04:53.24JTwhose bladecentre?
04:53.27_VoiceMeUp_COM14 bblaes in 7u
04:53.27J4k3sweeper: maybe he's using P2-400 blades?
04:53.30J4k3ebay surplus 4 life
04:53.49sweeperdude when I get a basement
04:53.50_VoiceMeUp_COMi use 2 for pci expensions that hold 2 card each
04:53.56sweeperI'm gonna rape ebay for that kind of stuff
04:53.56_VoiceMeUp_COMto make 4 pri's with failover
04:53.59_VoiceMeUp_COMso i use 12 blades
04:54.13_VoiceMeUp_COMdual xeon 2.8
04:54.29JTi'm not convinced about blades
04:54.30sweeperthe ciscos scale
04:54.35JTif the whole things die
04:54.37JTyou'll be very sad
04:54.41sweeperwith 4 psus?
04:54.49JTsweeper: there's more to a server than psus
04:54.55_VoiceMeUp_COMtrying to read dmesg
04:55.08JTalso datacentres hate blades
04:55.17sweeperbecause they use less space :P
04:55.19_VoiceMeUp_COMis ee 4
04:55.24sweeperthey probably keel the AC tho
04:55.24_VoiceMeUp_COMso dual xoen is HT i guess
04:55.37_VoiceMeUp_COMyeah and you need a 240 DROP instead of 120v
04:55.43_VoiceMeUp_COMso they charge you extra
04:55.45sweeperreally? wtf
04:55.49_VoiceMeUp_COMbut 14 u in 7 is nice
04:55.54_VoiceMeUp_COMstack 2 blade per rack
04:55.56J4k348v 4 life.
04:56.02sweeperhaha 48v
04:56.11sweeperJ4k3 lives on a boat or an oil rig? :P
04:56.18JTsweeper: umm, they absolutely kill most datacentres' power density setups
04:56.23J4k3sweeper: optimally I'd live in a decom'd CO.
04:56.23_VoiceMeUp_COMplus every thing dual and raided.. or quadruple like powersupplies
04:56.33J4k3that'd be the bomb dizzle
04:56.35sweeperJT: so they use less space :D
04:56.35_VoiceMeUp_COMdont think that thing could die if i hamemred it down
04:56.37JTsweeper: most datacentres don't have enough power to fill the whol place with racks full of blades
04:56.50J4k3JT: or hvac
04:57.01_VoiceMeUp_COM1800w fans
04:57.10_VoiceMeUp_COMcools off 2 rows behind it
04:57.13sweeperso I'm supposed to be sorry because their infrastructure isn't up to supporting me?
04:57.21J4k3outside air venting ftw
04:57.36J4k3who cares about the AC going out when its NEGATIVE EIGHTY outside.
04:57.37_VoiceMeUp_COMwonder who gets assigned to go fix things there
04:57.38JTsweeper: no, you're supposed to be sorry for buying the dream without seeing if it's the reality ;)
04:57.44J4k3_VoiceMeUp_COM: people live there
04:57.55_VoiceMeUp_COMyeah.. still ;)
04:58.00sweeperJT: when I can afford a blade, I'll be able to afford the colo for it :P
04:58.02_VoiceMeUp_COMsave on cooling that for sure
04:58.08_VoiceMeUp_COMthen you need lots of fiber
04:58.12sweeperhurricane electric is my top choice atm~
04:58.18J4k3the fiber might already be there
04:58.21J4k3in places
04:58.22sweeperbut it's mostly because they have a cool name XD
04:58.24_VoiceMeUp_COMhear bad things
04:58.31JTanyway, if the blade chassis dies, you're screwed, long story short
04:58.32_VoiceMeUp_COMget serverbeach since htey got peer1 acquired
04:58.37_VoiceMeUp_COMthey push alot on peer1
04:58.42[TK]D-Fender_VoiceMeUp_COM, What else do your Rice Crispies say to you?! ;)
04:58.59J4k3I didn't do any voip with it, though
04:59.15J4k3JT: buy two, they're small
04:59.16`SeanHey [TK]D-Fender do you have a soloution for this
04:59.20J4k3and colo them across the world from each other
04:59.20JThe is only about 7 hops from australia, it's a good location
04:59.29J4k3and seamlessly fail over when the poo hits the fan
04:59.42`Seanim basicly in a conference local one wich is setup on my server i wanna call someone else basicly 3 way and its avoiding is there a wya to stop it from doing that?
05:00.06JTJ4k3: i'd rather get a bunch of seperate boxes not sharing so much infrastructure, and in a few datacentres :)
05:00.07_VoiceMeUp_COMjt your right
05:00.12_VoiceMeUp_COMif chassis dies
05:00.14[TK]D-Fender`Sean, It clearly doesn't want to let you so STOP.
05:00.46`Sean[TK]D-Fender there must be a way tho
05:00.51J4k3JT: same here.
05:00.53[TK]D-Fender`Sean, What phone are you on that causes that?
05:00.53JTi think enterprise servers/mainframes are better options than blades at the high end of town
05:00.59[TK]D-Fender`Sean, Thats what DENIAL is for...
05:01.02sweeperJ4k3: yea man, run the linuxha heartbeat over serial over ip, and the giggle with glee when someone drops a packet and your backup tries to take over services from the primary XD
05:01.03JTan IBM Z series would go down nicely
05:01.03`Sean[TK]D-Fender Zap1
05:01.10`SeanAnalogue phone
05:01.15sweeperJT: nah man, it's all about the GoogleWAy
05:01.16_VoiceMeUp_COManyone tried the mac servers ?
05:01.19_VoiceMeUp_COMthey nice but...
05:01.21sweeperlots and lots of whiteboxes XD
05:01.23_VoiceMeUp_COManycomments ?
05:01.26_VoiceMeUp_COMapart the price
05:01.29JTsweeper: that's definitely one way
05:01.43J4k3voip is too nit-picky for junk pcs
05:01.46JTas far as x86 goes, i've been most impressed with the NEC stuff
05:01.53sweeperJ4k3: nonono
05:01.53JTrunning dual mobos/etc in lockstep
05:01.57J4k3web serving/databases are pretty lax when it comes to timing
05:02.03JThigh availability servers
05:02.07sweeperDIGIUM HARDWARE is too picky
05:02.15_VoiceMeUp_COMtell mw where
05:02.16[TK]D-Fender`Sean, Clearly Zaptel doesn't like working that hard to synch so many confreences.  *TFB*  get something else.
05:02.19sweeperplease don't lump all of voip together :P
05:02.21JTif cpu or motherboard fails, the hardware backplane disables it and only uses the other motherboard
05:02.27[TK]D-FenderZaptel FXS = ASS.
05:02.35J4k3sweeper: I have a pure ip setup on a shitty system that loves to hiccup, the only thing I can get it to link to is timing slip
05:02.35_VoiceMeUp_COMso anyone tries Apple Xserve ?
05:02.38Supaplexkiss my FXS!
05:02.49J4k3I've since switched to a nice stable intel system that doesn't misbehave.
05:02.51`Sean[TK]D-Fender im trying to call via SIP the only the phone is via ZAP all incoing outgoing calls are done via SIP termination
05:02.53JTthey look like a waste of money
05:03.02JTespecially since xserve is now intel, BORING
05:03.10sweeperJ4k3: honestly, it's gotta be a really, really shitty system if it did that :v
05:03.12JTthe advantage they used to have is now gone
05:03.23sweeperI mean, if your USB stuff is crapping out? :V
05:03.24JTlow power usage, decent risc performance
05:03.27_VoiceMeUp_COMwaht that nec model ?
05:03.28J4k3sweeper: very shitty.
05:03.28JTnow they're the same shit
05:03.33JT5800 iirc
05:03.33[TK]D-Fender`Sean, You phone is Zaptel, sos the timer for your Meetme.  They can't cooperate. JUST F'N DEAL WITH IT.
05:03.45J4k3via km400 ddr chipset athlon xp 2000+
05:03.54J4k3with good cl2.5 PC2700 in it.
05:03.59JT_VoiceMeUp_COM: yep, 5800 series NEC
05:04.17J4k3it'd randomly take 100 ms-ish (guessing) naps and whatnot
05:05.26JTi saw them at cebit here, they were awesome
05:05.34JTwatecooled cpus, hotswap mobos
05:05.36_VoiceMeUp_COMhmm i had for soemreason
05:05.38_VoiceMeUp_COMgoogle mix
05:05.50_VoiceMeUp_COMlook at the tile
05:05.51JTyou can split the 2 mobos just like splitting a raid 1 array
05:05.56_VoiceMeUp_COMFAULT tolerant server
05:06.02_VoiceMeUp_COMRunning on windows server 2003 rc2
05:06.05JTso you can take one offline to upgrade software
05:06.07_VoiceMeUp_COMAKA until you put windows
05:06.10_VoiceMeUp_COMits failt tolerant
05:06.32JTi thought they were blades at first
05:06.41_VoiceMeUp_COMJT you made my day
05:06.48_VoiceMeUp_COMpushing this to partner
05:07.03_VoiceMeUp_COMthey come with a high price i assume
05:07.16JTyeah, around $20k AUD
05:07.31JTprobably be less in the us
05:07.32J4k3usd = worthless
05:07.33sweeperwhat the fuck? watercooling in a production system?
05:07.33_VoiceMeUp_COMlol nevermind goign to
05:07.36sweepershoot me now
05:07.39sweeperlike, really
05:07.47sweeperwhat datacenter would have you?
05:07.49J4k3water cooling in racks is pretty tight
05:07.54JTsweeper: they need it due to the space density requirements
05:07.55J4k3sweeper: a smart one
05:07.56J4k3its cheaper.
05:08.01JTsweeper: the water stays internal
05:08.05JTit doesn't go anyway
05:08.10J4k3ahh, bummer.
05:08.12JTit's just a heat pipe system
05:08.14_VoiceMeUp_COM1 wilshire
05:08.15J4k3the proper way to do this is pump it all out.
05:08.21sweeperit's cheaper until it sprays all over the rack :v
05:08.33_VoiceMeUp_COMhas open sahr eon peer1 plus lots of asia singapore etc routes
05:08.34J4k3sweeper: pull a vacuum on the system.
05:08.38_VoiceMeUp_COMuniversity link there
05:08.45J4k3and circulate
05:08.47sweeperjust do what the VSAT amps do
05:08.48J4k3wouldn't require much
05:08.52J4k3put an alarm on it when it leaks
05:08.58sweeperac unit IN THE BOX :D
05:10.20sweeperand then there's the ones that take a direct feed from the HVAC
05:10.45_VoiceMeUp_COMi want 7 of 9
05:11.01sweeperI did when I was 13
05:11.12_VoiceMeUp_COMshes has mainfram access
05:11.17sweeperthen I realized that metal is not conducive to good sex
05:11.31sweeperespecially not when it assimilates you for not using a condom
05:11.33_VoiceMeUp_COMtdepends on voltage and where its paplied
05:11.55JTsweeper: i've seen the stuff direct connected to water chiller pipes
05:12.04JTbig render farm in a datacentre here
05:12.07*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
05:12.12JTdo stuff for major animated movies
05:12.13_VoiceMeUp_COMno way
05:12.29sweeperI dunno
05:12.29JTlike happy feet, etc
05:12.33sweeperthat takes balls
05:12.39JTor proper planning
05:12.42JTyour choice :)
05:12.48sweepernah, balls
05:13.11sweeperone person drops a wrench, bam, 5-10 servers gone
05:13.57JTi think they have hundreds of nodes, but were having serious problems in their old cage that was just process a/c cooled
05:14.07JToverheating problems
05:14.24sweeperwell, they still have to pump out the same amount of heat
05:14.30sweeperthe compressor and stuff has to do the same amount of work
05:14.42JTwater has a higher heat density
05:14.49JTmuch more efficient
05:15.00JTand it gets rid of the big fan blower units
05:15.14sweeperyou still need big fan blower units, dude
05:15.25JTnot so much
05:15.50[TK]D-Fenderok, checkout time... later all
05:16.23_VoiceMeUp_COMright now blade1 poushing only 2100 wats
05:16.39JTthe whole bladecentre?
05:16.58_VoiceMeUp_COMgot 4 times 1875 W
05:17.08_VoiceMeUp_COMAllocated Power (Max) 1275W 820W
05:17.59_VoiceMeUp_COM1     72%
05:18.03_VoiceMeUp_COM2 73%
05:18.08_VoiceMeUp_COMrunnign 73% speed
05:18.13_VoiceMeUp_COMtemp 27 c
05:18.20_VoiceMeUp_COMok im out night
05:20.24*** join/#asterisk robby___ (n=robby@
05:21.14robby___Hi all, getting a weird crash with asterisk 1.2.7
05:21.25robby___very intermittant, doesnt appear to be anything out of the ordinary on the console when it happens
05:21.31_VoiceMeUp_COMmaybe the sip thing ? will just go away
05:21.34_VoiceMeUp_COMwith fake contact
05:21.49_VoiceMeUp_COMbad wav ?
05:22.03robby___doing show queues on the console just brings up a blank new line, reload doesnt bring it back
05:22.09robby___i actually have to kill and restart asterisk
05:22.10_VoiceMeUp_COMthink one bug with a wav was messing up something before in like 2 months ago
05:22.35robby____VoiceMeUp_COM: that in regard to me? or someone else
05:22.35_VoiceMeUp_COMid start by reducing number of agents quees to 1 and see if happens
05:22.42_VoiceMeUp_COMnoyou i guess
05:22.50_VoiceMeUp_COMnot even sure it applie
05:30.45gthing[TK]D-Fender, thanks for all your help - you've given me everything I needed to know (for now :D  )
05:32.44flenders-!- [TK]D-Fender [n=Joe@] has quit
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05:50.26aiksa[LV]Could anyone guide me if i should report this as a bug to the tracker or this is known issue...
05:50.55*** join/#asterisk zeeesh (
05:51.00aiksa[LV]I have a setup where agents logs in to asterisk through AMI
05:51.17zeeeshhi all
05:51.23aiksa[LV]the devices they use to acept incomming calls - BT 102
05:51.27aiksa[LV]zeeesh, hi
05:51.39*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (
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05:52.45aiksa[LV]]now - if due to a network problems asterisk cant connect one of of those devices (no route to host) sometimes these channels leave hanging till the box is restarted
05:52.54aiksa[LV]is this known issue?
05:58.54*** join/#asterisk steliosk (
06:02.24rue_mohrAsterisk SIP Setup A basic HOW-To on configuring SIP, Extensions, and Voicemail .conf files
06:02.34rue_mohrcan anyone tell me where I can find that howto?
06:02.46rue_mohrlink on there is dead
06:03.49*** part/#asterisk dhakatel (n=root@
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06:22.54swaggerrue_mohr: check out trixbox
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06:34.38|Ranyone tried the Twin phone with an asterisk setup?
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07:01.30jmcadamhey is anyone who knows anything about bug #8507 around?
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07:12.21mvanbaaksnuff-work: that only works in #asterisk-dev
07:18.32snuff-worki realised after i did it ;)
07:18.36snuff-workno muffinman
07:24.41vltHello. How can I set a queue member to a lower priority (so that it is only called when the others are busy/congested?
07:26.41vltOk, found it: Just add a priority value: "member => Zap/g1/10,1" for example.
07:41.16*** join/#asterisk hermuli (
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07:49.46mightnarejust a simple question guys... if i do Set(variablename=value), will the value persist even after the channels dies?
07:54.35Corydon76-homeIf you want a global variable, though, you can use SetGlobalVar (deprecated in 1.4) or Set(GLOBAL(var)=value)
07:55.26Corydon76-homeGlobal variables persist until restart
07:55.50Corydon76-homeIf you want variables that last longer, use a database (see func_odbc.conf in 1.4)
07:56.30awkanyone know if there is going to bea  new asterisk book released soon
07:56.39awksomething with details about 1.4, etc
07:56.48Corydon76-homeawk: yes, by the end of the summer
07:57.11Corydon76-homeO'Reilly, TFOT, 2nd edition
07:57.16awkok, so by the end of our winter :)
07:57.22*** join/#asterisk tsurko (
07:57.29Corydon76-homewithin the next 2 months
07:58.04Corydon76-homeAt last check, the final proof was in the hands of the author team
07:58.30awkso will you guys make the ebook available to the public or will that be charged
07:58.45Corydon76-homeNot at first, but eventually, yes
07:59.24awkgreat, I dislike reading books on the screen anyway :D I should take a pic of my library 1 day :)
07:59.28awkanyway &
08:01.00*** join/#asterisk psk (
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08:17.06*** join/#asterisk Phuntom (n=Phuntom@
08:17.46Phuntomhi ya! need help with A. :-)
08:19.52Phuntomany alive?
08:22.47Phuntomhow can i get monitored ststus of the clients?
08:23.02HarryRsee who's online and their status?
08:23.47Phuntomi type sip show users and get in status column - unmonitored
08:24.03Phuntomhow can i switch this function?
08:24.06HarryRah, dont think I can help with that
08:25.16Phuntomi see :-(
08:31.06YonahW-WorkPhuntom: I think qualify=yes in sip.conf will monitor the status
08:32.25*** join/#asterisk dec_ (n=tom@unaffiliated/dec)
08:33.51Phuntomin which section?
08:35.49YonahW-Workeach client
08:37.09*** join/#asterisk SwK (
08:38.19Phuntomno such section, or you mean i have to write this in each section?
08:39.14*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
08:39.53JTcouldn't you just set it in general?
08:41.10JTwhy not?
08:41.15*** join/#asterisk qdk (n=qdk@
08:43.05Phuntombtw anyone know is there in asterisknow normal text editor excl. vi?
08:44.33Strom_Mwelcome to IRC, where you don't have to abbreviate things
08:44.54berktrwhen i place a call using asterisk, i see  -- Called PSTN/902323768056 on my asterisk CLI
08:45.04berktrmy phone starts ringing
08:45.10berktrbut i don't see it ringing on cli
08:45.14berktrand when i answer the phone
08:45.22berktrit still doesn't show it answered
08:45.44berktri hear the ringing tone on my sip phone but the other phone is off hook
08:45.49berktrwhy is this?
08:46.46Strom_Mberktr: how are you connecting to the PSTN, and what's the Dial() line in extensions.conf?
08:48.04berktrPSTN is the alias for my provider's sip peer account
08:48.20*** join/#asterisk Arno[Slack] (
08:49.02Strom_Mberktr: and what's the Dial() line in extensions.conf?
08:49.31berktrfor that number
08:49.53berktrthis is normally working
08:49.59berktrbut sometimes this problem occurs
08:50.20berktrit was working for 2 weeks
08:50.31berktrhowever today, 15 mins ago the problem started
08:50.34Strom_Mwhy are you using the r flag?
08:51.38berktrbecause sometimes PSTN is not working and my system switches to other provicer
08:52.01berktrand during this time, the ringing tone helps me to fool the caller
08:52.30Strom_Myeah, that's dumb
08:52.31Strom_Mdon't do that
08:52.48berktryou don't know how stupid the people that i work here are
08:53.26*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
08:53.50berktrany ideas?
08:53.51Strom_Mwell how about turning it off temporarily for testing purposes?
08:53.59berktri've done that
08:54.01berktrno change
08:54.06Strom_Mwell then bitch at your provider
08:54.28berktrmy primary,secondary and third provider have the same problem
08:54.36berktrso i don't think it's a provider related problem
08:54.40Strom_Mdid you do *anything* to the system?
08:55.46berktrit is working back again...
08:56.05Strom_Mwhat version of asterisk are you running?
08:56.29Strom_M1.4.5 is out now
08:56.52berktrsure but i use freebsd and have to wait for ports collection to be updated
08:57.20berktrand in case of a system problem
08:57.24berktri will be kicked out
08:57.27berktrfor sure
08:57.41Strom_Mi'd blame the provider
08:57.49berktrthey fuckin don't care
08:57.50Strom_Mthey may all share the same upstream provider
08:58.00berktrmaybe yeah
08:58.24*** join/#asterisk zver (
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08:59.49zverhello. I get many errors in CLI: chan_zap.c:4888 my_zt_write: Write returned -1 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on channel 28, when i call over E1. Why ?
09:00.36*** join/#asterisk cheshair (
09:08.44cheshairhi guys!
09:16.28*** join/#asterisk DJ_Stefan0 (
09:17.27berktrhow can i set asterisk to send 40bytes payload for h323?
09:18.19DJ_Stefan0my soft phones are registering with my PBX , my hardware phone isnt.. any ideas? Do I need to specify something for hardware phones in the configuration?
09:19.47DJ_Stefan0i am configuring all to run using SIP.. so I wrote a simple sip.conf and extensions.conf
09:21.13creativxturn on sip debugging DJ_Stefan0
09:21.17creativxand see if the hardphone even reaches aterisk
09:21.36DJ_Stefan0its reaching, i get a tone
09:21.39DJ_Stefan0it just doesnt register
09:21.54Phuntomhow to reset asterisk?
09:22.22Phuntomim debugging but it send options packet all the time to switched off host
09:22.46creativxthe hardphone will give you a tone on its own
09:23.02creativxit can be disconnected and still give you a tone.. atleast mine does
09:23.21DJ_Stefan0ah i see
09:25.09creativxgo to asterisk console and try dial <ext> where <ext> is the hardphone
09:25.18creativxno wait
09:25.22creativxnevermind, thats useless
09:25.33creativxi would turn on sip debugging, pull the power cord on the hardphone and look
09:27.28berktrSIP vs H323
09:27.31berktrwhat do you say?
09:32.22JTno-one uses H.323 in asterisk
09:32.27JTby comparison
09:33.28*** join/#asterisk Mike_TK (
09:37.41berktri need to use h323 in asterisk
09:37.43berktrwhat should i do
09:40.22*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
09:41.14Mike_TKberktr Download asterisk-addons for your * Version and follow instructions inside
09:43.56*** join/#asterisk booray (n=ray@
09:47.46boorayI'm running svn-trunk-r54552 (about two weeks before 1.4.1) right now as it worked fabulously when I set it up..  are there any advantages to moving to 1.4.5 now?  or, is there a summary of major changes in point releases, or should I read through the entire 300 page changelog?  thanks for any info
09:50.18boorayI suppose everyone's asleep
09:50.26boorayit's 2:50am anyway
09:50.30booraywtf am I doing awake?
09:51.17*** join/#asterisk Bananaskin (
09:51.30Mike_TKYea... zzzzzzzzzzzz
09:53.06booraywell I suppose it's only about half of the changelog
09:54.00Mike_TKYou know... it's better don't touch if it works OK.
09:56.54boorayTrue, however there are features that we want to add which may benefit from updating.
09:57.03boorayI'll have to re-examine the list and compare it to the changelog
09:57.04*** join/#asterisk Marshall- (
09:57.29booraybut I do agree with you Mike
09:57.52Mike_TKbooray I don't think 1.4.1 - 1.4.5 changelog is so big... and you are gona to sleep, so you can read it to sleep better
09:57.53*** part/#asterisk Bananaskin (
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09:59.44mkl1525Hi, trying to configure QoS for my ip phones. had a look with tcpdump and there were port combinations 51980/19198 and 63174/18162 but on my firewall the ports are 5004,5060,8000-8019,10000. so can anyone give me a hint which ports are used for sip/voip traffic?
09:59.50booraymy scrollbar is about 45% the way down of my web browser window with plenty of room to scroll up.
10:00.38booraymkl1525: my understanding was that sip=5060, but it's hard to argue with tcpdump
10:00.58Mike_TKmkl1525: on asterisk what's port to use  defined in file: rtp.conf. Each phone model is have own settings
10:01.32pj_and some phones have a "use a random port" setting too
10:02.07Mike_TKmkl1525: so take a look at your phone config. You need to look for something like RTP Port range settings.
10:02.17*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
10:02.44mkl1525Mike_TK, thanks will have a look
10:05.06negativeduckmkl, if you are doing QOS (not security) look in the source tree and read ip-tos.txt, a good way to setup qos is based on the TOS bit set in the IP packets for more refinded you can do limit to traffic destined to/from your asterisk box.
10:06.38Mike_TKin modern it's called DSCP
10:07.28Mike_TKToS field is a part of DSCP value
10:08.02Mike_TKHere is how it can be done on Cisco switched / routers
10:08.34Mike_TKbut if you are talking about firewall than probably it's related to security
10:10.00*** join/#asterisk mihinomenest (
10:11.39negativeduckeh, old habbits die hard and all that jazz.
10:18.04e-ddiei'm not into jazz, so that's not a problem
10:24.28creativxtos = pos
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10:55.35ZaVoidsup all
10:56.23*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/active/cpm)
10:59.59ZaVoidanyone good with extension?
11:08.40*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
11:09.06Dovidwhen using the H option in the dial command when I hit * where does the call go to ?
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11:21.37pigpenDovid, "Allow the caller to hang up by dialing *"
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11:28.24pigpenI need an opinion.
11:28.51pigpenMy Father in Law may be taking a Job in India, and he wants to do some sort of voip.
11:29.22pigpenI have an asterisk setup and I am very familiar with the setup.  But part of me wants to dump him over to skype.  :)
11:30.14awkwell that is your choice..
11:30.16pigpenBut, I will still have to support him.  So.  Since I have never used skype, nor have I used voip in India (connecting to a US server), I am needing some advice.
11:30.38awkhow hard can it be, let him register a phone to your asterisk box
11:30.42awkand vwala ree calls
11:30.57vnehm...wouldn't there me some kind of lag?
11:31.02vnindia to us..
11:31.21pigpenThat is was I was wondering...certianly skype isn't using some magical codec.
11:31.40*** join/#asterisk h4mm3r` (
11:31.44pigpenBut yeah..idefisk and a bluetooth headset and it is done.
11:31.44awkits all to do with compression
11:31.55awkand that isn;t even the problem its to do with the speed of your connection
11:32.09pigpenie: in the US?
11:32.15vnand quality and number of hops
11:32.30awkhops still isn't such an issue, jitter is
11:32.39awkbut I doubt any of this is a problem...
11:32.44pigpenWell, the US side (in San Antonio) is no issue.  400MB dual homed.
11:32.57pigpenbut yeah...hops/latency.
11:33.02awkwell i doubt either side will have a problem
11:33.23pigpenI have read a few postings about india, and all have been pretty good.
11:33.37vndepends, where is he going in india?
11:34.01awkstill on dialup you could have a clear call
11:34.13awk1 call registering to your server
11:34.19pigpenWell, for sure I don't know.  But it must be pretty major, as he will be flying big jets.
11:34.29vnmust be Bangalore
11:34.32*** part/#asterisk h4mm3r` (
11:34.37pigpenyeah...I think so.
11:34.58pigpenShit, my evdo card works better than my business class cable modem sometimes.
11:36.03*** join/#asterisk bminish (
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11:37.13DovidI think india has some tough laws against VOIP
11:37.38Dovidpigpen: when I call some one (I am the caller) and I press * the call does not hang up
11:39.30pigpenh allows the callee to hang up
11:39.38pigpenH allows the caller to hang up
11:39.45pigpenmaybe you have it backwards.
11:39.56pigpenbut for that matter, I have never found a use for it.
11:40.10pigpenIn regards to India, yeah, I was just reading an article about it.
11:40.33pigpenI think it is mainly endpoint services they are concerned about.
11:40.56Dovidyup. i am a tad tired
11:43.38lilalinuxIs fax possible with hfc cards and mISDN? Is everything integrated in the kernel, or do I need to compile custom modules (like zaphfc for bristuff)?
11:48.18pigpenI have found that faxing is very reliable using iaxmodem with hylafax.
11:48.46DrAk0pigpen, asterisk 1.4 ?
11:49.16pigpenActually, I haven't upgraded mine to 1.4 yet...but I need to get a few customers up to it.
11:49.20pigpenshouldn't be any different.
11:49.37DrAk0pigpen, but i tried hylyfax with iaxmodem
11:49.51DrAk0pigpen, it was very unrelieable i was using t.30 tho..
11:49.59pigpenAsterisk just dumps the call off to an iax extension, which is iaxmodem, which is answered by hylafax.
11:50.12e-ddiestart using mails instead
11:50.40e-ddiethat fax crap is stoneage technology
11:50.49pigpenWell, I have two deployments.  One supporting faxing for a faculty of 100 people.  The other is for about 75.
11:51.03pigpenI haven't touched either one for about 9 months.
11:51.19e-ddiei wouldnt touch the fax one anytime
11:51.30creativxmail is crap too
11:51.33pigpene-ddie, yeah..I hate faxing.
11:51.34creativxwith all the spam these days
11:51.38creativxits almost worse than faxing
11:52.19creativxso fun when corporate mail filterers decide to block all .pdf attachments due to an exploit... ofcourse in the most silent of all manners, no explanations
11:52.22e-ddiecreativx: true...
11:53.04pigpenkick the corporate IT people, that is stupid.
11:55.10pigpenI know that some have reported troubles with iaxmodem, mainly in setting it up.
11:55.18pigpenbut mine has been working great.
11:55.35pigpenI will note:  I kill iaxmodem and hylafax every AM.
11:56.16pigpenThe first few weeks I would fine something wasn't quite right after about 5 days.  Cycling it resolved the issue.
11:56.25pigpenFluke?  who knows.  but it works.
11:58.12creativxwhen adding a tos param to an iax peer, should a reload do the trick or do i need a stop now
11:58.46pigpenreload of iax should be fine, then reconnect.
12:00.28creativxreconnect ? reload does that automatically doesnt it
12:00.49pigpenthat part was kinda of a "why not"
12:00.51pigpentry it.
12:00.58pigpentry it....without that is.
12:01.07pigpenif not, the drop the conn, then reconnect.
12:01.21pigpenI can't remember if it does it live.
12:01.26creativxive never dropped an iax2 connection
12:01.29creativxso how would i do that
12:02.00pigpenshit.  good question.
12:02.27creativxyeah exactly
12:02.35pigpenWell dont' do it.
12:02.39creativxdoesnt look like it.. tcpdumps shows tos 0x0 for all udp packets to the iax2 peer
12:03.00pigpenwell, you may want to drop the connection to allow it to reconnect.
12:03.24creativxrestarting when convenient..
12:03.50pigpenyeah...lets face it, if you are screwing with trunks, after hours is kind of an assumed.
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12:04.08creativxi can torture our users during business hours
12:04.25Errit should be noted that much/most of the internet ignores ToS bits
12:04.44Err...if your direct ISP cares, or you're using them internally, that's fine - but don't expect anyone upstream to give a whit :-P
12:05.01creativxi have 10mbit fiber to my isp and if i remember correctly they care about my tos bits
12:05.04creativxall the way to the nix
12:05.14creativxand there the gblx/alter net takes over
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12:05.57creativxhmm restart didnt help either
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12:19.39Corydon76-homecreativx: are you running Asterisk as root or as another user?
12:27.27creativxas root
12:27.34creativxall my root is belong to.. me
12:28.07Corydon76-homeOkay, just checking one possible source of why setting tos might not work
12:28.26Corydon76-homeNon-root users cannot currently set tos
12:28.53*** join/#asterisk mosty (
12:29.03creativxyeah i see
12:29.53awkCorydon76-home that isn't entirely true..
12:30.36Corydon76-homeawk: for all of the bits you're likely to set for voip, it is
12:30.50*** join/#asterisk Nobbie (
12:31.50Corydon76-homeNobody is likely to set mincost on their voip packets
12:32.28Corydon76-homeThat's just saying "if it's possible for the connection to screw up, make sure it screws up"
12:32.29*** join/#asterisk hi365_m (
12:32.51Corydon76-homehmmm, actually, that doesn't sound half bad for testing purposes
12:32.54creativxi tried 0x18
12:33.11hi365_mis there a celing number of static extensions that a queue will be able to function with?
12:33.38awkCorydon76-home heh, true..
12:33.54hi365_mlike after x amount of extensions it will start acting flaky?
12:34.20Corydon76-homeUh, how are queues and extensions even related?
12:35.20Corydon76-homeI don't see any possible relationship between the number of extensions and the behavior of queues
12:37.04Corydon76-homehi365_m: what behavior are you seeing that is causing you to grasp at straws?
12:38.06hi365_mmmm, calls that come in from a q dissconect after a certain amount of time, also freezeing the telephone/softclient in the prosses
12:40.46Corydon76-homeThat sounds more like a queue timeout
12:41.14hi365_mthat would limit the amount of time that a caller can talk to an agent?
12:42.04creativxonly unanswered calls
12:42.15creativxif a call has been answered it can go on forever
12:43.17mostyis there a way to get asterisk to restart the B channels on a particular span?
12:45.21*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=GoD@
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12:55.17*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
12:55.56YonahW-Workhey after every call through a pri with debug on i get a list of all the channels having successfully been restarted. Is this normal?
12:56.33*** join/#asterisk SirThomas (
12:57.54ZaVoidmaybe :)
12:59.46ZaVoidanyone decent with extensions?
13:00.11ZaVoidexten => _0XX.,1,Dial(SIP/p3ptest/${EXTEN}&SIP/SIPp2ptest/${EXTEN})
13:00.12*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
13:00.14ZaVoidthis isn't working right
13:01.10[TK]D-FenderYonahW-Work: "resetinterval=never"
13:01.46*** join/#asterisk zdrulio (n=krlozano@
13:01.58*** join/#asterisk kombi_ (n=kombi@
13:02.00[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: the FORMAT is legal, your CONFIGURATION can be a completely dirrernt thing.
13:02.00zdrulio* hello !
13:02.08ZaVoidhey fender
13:02.11ZaVoidjust figured it out acutally
13:02.17ZaVoidi had SIPp2ptest
13:02.21kombi_why might it be that ${ANSWEREDTIME} contains no value?
13:02.30ZaVoidneeded to remove the SIP
13:02.33ZaVoidfat fingered
13:02.41[TK]D-Fenderzdrulio: Usually the same thing....
13:03.58kombi_is ${ANSWEREDTIME} not active under any kind of circumstances?
13:04.53kombi_like in IVR?
13:05.50*** join/#asterisk cheshair (
13:07.15cheshairhi guys! problems with my extensions.conf: s, i, t, ... predefined extensions don't work, any hint?
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13:07.38ZaVoidheres a stupid question...
13:07.47cheshairi'm just told: "404 not found"
13:07.54ZaVoidin sip.conf.. can i use any characters in [somthing123] to name peers?
13:08.12ZaVoidlike . and -
13:08.20ZaVoidor is ther ea list of legal characters somewhere?
13:08.41[TK]D-Fendercheshair: make sure your device is even pointed at the right CONTEXT
13:09.00[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: DON'T get creative...
13:09.35[TK]D-Fendercheshair: And then when you're done banging your head against the wall, pastebin your SIP.CONF and EXTENSIONS.CONF
13:09.38kombi_maybe I got this wrong, to get the total time a caller spend in i.e. an IVR, do you use ${ANSWEREDTIME} at all?
13:10.18*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
13:10.19cheshair[TK]D-Fender: i guess you remeber me 'cause of your ulcera... :-)
13:11.06[TK]D-Fenderkombi_: NO
13:11.16russellb[TK]D-Fender: do you live here?
13:11.33kombi_Fender: ok.. but what instead?
13:11.35[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: No, but I DIE a little each day....
13:12.13[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: I may even find myself reaching ManxPower's level of BOFH-ness (he'd be so pround)
13:13.00zdrulioi`m looking for call manager. something like fonality but open source and free. any ideas ?
13:13.15[TK]D-Fenderzdrulio: please define "call manager"
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13:13.24geoaxishello people
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13:15.11cheshairthe point is: if i write "exten => 1,1,Playback(digits/1)" everything works: i digit 1 on my softphone and i get the right answer.
13:15.18[TK]D-Fenderkombi_: ANSWEREDTIME = Total time - RINGING TIME.
13:15.49cheshairif i write "exten => s,1,Playback(digits/1)" i get "404" error no matter the number i dial
13:17.54kombi_Fender: that's what I figured, just way does it not contain a value
13:17.57[TK]D-Fendercheshair: I have no proof you have that in the right ****CONTEXT**** at all, that your configure your PHONE right, or ANYTHING.
13:18.01NovceGuruCould somebody hook me up with a DID for testing purposes?
13:18.04kombi_sorry way->why
13:18.18[TK]D-Fendercheshair: Your point is LOST.  PASTEBIN all of those configs I mentioned.
13:18.21jbothmm... pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or at
13:18.35cheshair[TK]D-Fender: right
13:18.50[TK]D-Fenderkombi_: What tells you that this is an actual variable you can access?
13:19.09[TK]D-FenderNovceGuru: What's to test?  You sue don't need a DID for anything...
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13:19.34kombi_Fender: isn't that what variables are for..,)
13:19.54[TK]D-Fenderkombi_: who says THAT is a VALID one MANAGED by *?
13:19.59mocker[TK]D-Fender: Are you ever not helping on #asterisk?? :)
13:20.06NovceGuru[TK]D-Fender, I dont know :P just wanted to see if I could get inbound call routing and stuff setup before I buy a provider (who is a good provider of a basic DID btw)
13:20.17NovceGuruyeah I always seem him here mocker :)
13:20.25NovceGuruGET A JOB! =P
13:20.28[TK]D-Fendermocker: Any time I'm at home or work I'm on.  Sometimes idle a bit.
13:20.33*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
13:20.37[TK]D-FenderI *AM* at work :)
13:20.42[TK]D-FenderI multi-task :)
13:21.03kombi_Fender: hmm, the docs?
13:21.04mocker[TK]D-Fender: You have a blog or anything where you talk about asterisk stuff?
13:21.05[TK]D-FenderNovceGuru: You can.  Get to it.
13:21.18[TK]D-Fendermocker: I have it on my to-do list.
13:21.23mocker[TK]D-Fender: hah.
13:21.29mockerI have those lists too.
13:21.33NovceGuru[TK]D-Fender, get a job? *confused*
13:22.08[TK]D-FenderNovceGuru>[TK]D-Fender, I dont know :P just wanted to see if I could get inbound call routing and stuff setup before I buy a provider (who is a good provider of a basic DID btw) <------[TK]D-Fender>NovceGuru: You can. Get to it.
13:22.39[TK]D-FenderNovceGuru: No need for a DID to test incoming call processing.  to * ANY call is just a call, it depends on context & exten.
13:22.53[TK]D-FenderNovceGuru: You can set up your IVR and jsut dial it from your phone
13:23.03[TK]D-FenderNovceGuru: a call is a call is a call.
13:23.33[TK]D-Fendermocker: I'm planning on a stupidly basic WordPress install which shouldn't take that long but I've lacked motivation.
13:23.49[TK]D-Fenderkombi_: Link me....
13:24.08*** join/#asterisk version5 (i=version5@nat/ibm/x-0a5e0cdf790b41b5)
13:24.10mocker[TK]D-Fender: I've forced myself to.
13:24.12NovceGuruI see (maybe) so if I have "local" phones calling each other it's about the same as setting up with a VOIP provider channel (sorry, i'm not up with the terms yet)
13:24.16cheshairshould you happen to have a few minutes:
13:24.24mocker[TK]D-Fender: Now I just collect links to other people's blogs w/ things that I'm interested in.
13:24.54[TK]D-FenderNovceGuru: I'm saying you can just call direct into your IVR.  its an exten like any other.
13:24.55cheshairthe problem is i can't make predefined ext work
13:25.53NovceGuru[TK]D-Fender, you mean calling 500 to test?
13:26.38mockerNovceGuru: 600,1,Playback(tt-monkeys)
13:26.40mockerOr something like that..
13:27.10mockerOr setup two SIP softphones and have them call each other.
13:27.16[TK]D-Fenderkombi_: That does not exist in 1.4
13:27.20NovceGururight, I have done that, just wanted to move onto the next step :D
13:27.38mockerNovceGuru: Umm.
13:27.43kombi_Fender: 1.2 here
13:27.57mockerTry and get an enum number routed?
13:27.57kombi_after painfully downgrading..
13:28.01NovceGurumocker, not that I have mastered that step, by any means
13:28.07mockerI think it's that gives those..
13:28.13[TK]D-Fendercheshair: And how are you dialing "s" and why would you WANT TO?  I think you are unaware of its PURPOSE....
13:29.07DovidTK: any way to have VAD enabled in asterisk ?
13:29.29cheshair[TK]D-Fender: i suppose "s" stands for "any number you dial"... am i wrong?
13:29.48[TK]D-Fenderkombi_: I don't see it in 1.2 either...
13:29.54[TK]D-Fendercheshair: YES
13:30.02[TK]D-Fendercheshair: Back to thr drawing board for yOU!
13:30.17cheshair[TK]D-Fender: i see
13:30.34[TK]D-Fendercheshair: Go re-read everything on PATTERNS, and STANDARD EXTENSIONS.
13:30.41version5hey guys, i want to use a phone (probably sip or some other voip protocol) to control a menu driven system on my pc. i.e when a 1 is pressed the server will recognise that and call some program on the system.
13:30.58kombi_Fender: hmmm, what do you use then?
13:30.59[TK]D-FenderDovid: You have GCC... get to work!
13:31.02version5i assume i could script this in asterisk?
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13:31.27[TK]D-Fenderkombi_: this is Asterisk 101 stuff.... and you should not be using an "any number" match if at all possible.
13:31.27cheshair[TK]D-Fender: ok, see you veeery soon, thank you!
13:31.51[TK]D-Fenders/kombi_/cheshair /
13:31.59purserjhmm anyone heard of elastix?
13:32.15Dovidwhat does gcc have to do with it ?
13:32.17NovceGuruversion5, tail -f the logs for <client> dialing a string? :\ thats my lame first though
13:32.27[TK]D-Fenderversion5: sure
13:33.18mockerWoo, iaxmodem is going somewhat better than rxfax
13:33.38[TK]D-Fendermocker: I've got to get around to that too.. much higher on my list.
13:33.55mocker[TK]D-Fender: It doesn't seem to bad.
13:34.19mockerTook about half a day w/ pretty much zero hylafax experience.
13:34.19[TK]D-Fendermocker: RxFax has done nothing but crash on my since
13:34.27mockerrxfax is pretty much crap.
13:34.27cheshair[TK]D-Fender: i don't understand what you mean when you talk about * 101 and "any number", however i'm sure i'll see when i'll learn more. just a last question: am i wrong too if i suppose that "i" extension will match any call to not existent numbers?
13:34.35[TK]D-Fendermocker: I might use a couple of pointers later if you're around
13:34.42mockersure thing.
13:34.47[TK]D-Fendercheshair: No.
13:35.03[TK]D-Fendercheshair: "i" is only used by IVR's.
13:35.13DovidTK: I am lost what does gcc have to do with VAD ? Do i need to build a special package ?
13:35.42[TK]D-Fendercheshair: "s" is used by Macro's & IVR's typically, and as the incoming exten for analog channels or others that don't target a NUMBERED exten.
13:35.59[TK]D-FenderDovid: translation, go code it YOURSELF ;)
13:36.08Dovidah ok
13:36.14*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=GoD@
13:36.25Dovidso asterisk dosent have it :)
13:37.18kombi_here's an easy one: how do I write a punched in key value into a variable?
13:37.50mockerAnyone know if the dCAP cert is up to 1.4 yet?
13:38.04[TK]D-FenderDovid: DUH <-
13:38.06cheshair[TK]D-Fender: hm that doesn't sound too much easy to me... anyway i'll have more tries and read the manual, tahnk you! see you soon
13:38.28[TK]D-Fenderkombi_: What do you think is already HOLDING this value? :)
13:38.51[TK]D-Fendercheshair: its all in the... BOOK
13:38.54jbotextra, extra, read all about it, book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
13:39.18[TK]D-Fendercheshair: if you can't figure out these few tiny things, Asterisk is the LEAST of your worries.
13:39.55kombi_Fender: well, variables I suppose, but what are they?
13:40.35[TK]D-Fenderkombi_: You need to think yhe entire process through as to what you want to do.  Your questions are coming out as tiny broken fragment with no coherence.
13:41.43*** join/#asterisk tamp4x (
13:41.48kombi_Fender: IVR that records key strokes
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13:41.53*** join/#asterisk DarylVOIP (
13:41.58tamp4xpbx_find_extension: Maximum PBX stack exceeded     ....  anyone know how to get around this error?
13:42.18tamp4xit seems contexts and what not are not beign added to the dial plan
13:42.19[TK]D-Fenderkombi_: "show application read" <-----------
13:42.30cheshair[TK]D-Fender: i ran into such problem while reading ",ch05.20886 Page 85 Wednesday, August 31, 2005 4:56 PM" of that book. i guess it's MY fault, that's sure... however i just hoped some experienced user could hint me the right way... it's ok
13:44.19DarylVOIPAnyone know how I can run a PHP agi script in the dialplan and continue on with the dialplan without waiting for output form the script (fork it)?
13:44.41DarylVOIPI only see one sketch example on voip-info about perl, and I don't really understand the fundamentals behind it.
13:44.49[TK]D-Fendercheshair: "exten => _X.,1," will capture any number dialed that is at least 2 digits or longer.
13:44.51DarylVOIP(otherwise I'd be able to figure it out in PHP)
13:45.14[TK]D-FenderDarylVOIP: try asing in #per l.  This is #asterisk
13:45.34DarylVOIPI know it's #asterisk.
13:45.41DarylVOIPI'm asking how to fork the diaplan.
13:45.44DarylVOIPwith a PHP agi.
13:46.02DarylVOIPThe ASTERISK dialplan.
13:46.19[TK]D-FenderDarylVOIP: Oh NOW you tell us that it has something to do with *!
13:46.20cheshair[TK]D-Fender: that's good! thank you! anyway i think the point is i have to understand what "s" and "i" really mean and when i am suppose to use them. back to the manual
13:46.37[TK]D-FenderDarylVOIP: Please clarify "fork the dialplan"
13:46.53DarylVOIPAnyone know how I can run a PHP agi script in the dialplan and continue on with the dialplan without waiting for output form the script (fork it)?
13:46.57[TK]D-Fendercheshair: I won't keep you from it.
13:47.08DarylVOIPI'm not sure how that isn't clear.  Let me know what else you need me to carify.
13:47.09mockerDarylVOIP: You can just call AGI scripts w/ the agi() application.
13:47.12[TK]D-FenderDarylVOIP: NO <-
13:47.37[TK]D-FenderDarylVOIP: You cannot.  Calls are not THREADED
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13:47.47[TK]D-FenderDarylVOIP: Painfully LINEAR
13:48.16DarylVOIPI'm pastebinning my dialplan....that will make this easier to explain.
13:48.17mockerWhat if the script exited, but forked off another process?
13:48.35DarylVOIPUgh..pastebin is slow today.
13:48.38[TK]D-FenderDarylVOIP: I KNOW what you want and I told your stright up that you cannot.
13:49.03DarylVOIPSo the voip-info wiki is wrong?
13:49.05DarylVOIP"If you don't want Asterisk to wait until the script finishes you can fork the script off to return to dialplan excution: Here's how to accomplish this in PERL:
13:49.17DarylVOIPI'm just trying to figure out how it work for PHP AGIs.
13:49.41[TK]D-FenderDarylVOIP: What are you expecting your AGI to do afterwards?
13:49.48*** join/#asterisk bintut (
13:49.50Errwell of course you could fork the script from within itself, as long as you return immediately in the other process - that would leave a process spun off, with no communication with asterisk, though
13:50.09[TK]D-Fendererr : yes, that is what I'm implying.
13:50.21DarylVOIPIt's a call-back.  Basically the AGI is making a callback based on the ANI of the incoming call.  The dialplan continues to play a progress tone and then dump the initial call.
13:50.39DarylVOIPI want the AGI to fire before the call is dumped because it has to do DB looups for authentication.
13:50.47[TK]D-FenderDarylVOIP: Not really the way to do that in the first place...
13:50.47Erryes, I see exactly what you're saying - there's nothing (asterisk-wise) that you can do *usefully* with such a setup - but if all you want to do is spawn a process when you hit a certain place in the dialplan, you can
13:50.58DarylVOIPI'm timing it so that it won't actually place the call sooner than x seconds before the intial call is received.
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13:51.04Errif you felt the need to build some giant IPC interaction gob of crap external to asterisk, you could
13:51.13shido6I do that in the diaplan and a call file. then when I call in I use disa for auth but im sure u can use a db for auth what's the right way?  Maybe I'm looking at this from the wrong angle.
13:51.23[TK]D-FenderDarylVOIP: Use "h" to catch the disconnect, and have that fire off a .call" file.
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13:51.40[TK]D-FenderDarylVOIP: No need for AGI even if you think about it right.
13:51.42DarylVOIPI suppose I could move it there.
13:52.00DarylVOIPThere is a need for an AGI for other reasons.
13:52.16[TK]D-FenderDarylVOIP: like?
13:52.26HarryR[TK]D-Fender: how about because the asterisk dialplan is a nightmare :)
13:52.34DarylVOIP(I'm looking up the ANI, verifying if the account associated with it is enabled for callback, verifying the credit in the account, etc.......non * specific stuff)
13:52.44DarylVOIPBack-end billing stuff basically.
13:52.44[TK]D-FenderHarryR: On your fruitless explanations count as such ;)
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13:53.01[TK]D-FenderDarylVOIP: Ok, yeah, fine THAT then :)
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13:53.18[TK]D-FenderDarylVOIP: Do it in a dead-agi on "h" making sure THEY hang up.
13:53.56DarylVOIPTHat makes sense....and much easier than what I was getting myself into.  Thanks.....I'll give that a shot now.
13:54.23DarylVOIPOh....but the only problem with that is that I'm never answering the call.  Hopefullt it will still work.
13:54.39DarylVOIPI send busy as soon as I get the ANI.
13:54.56*** part/#asterisk Phuntom (n=Phuntom@
13:55.02DarylVOIP(so the caller doesn't get billed, which would severely reduce the point of a callback)
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13:58.11cheshairguys, does anybody in here know what's wrong with: i'm expecting to be told "one" TWO times. on the contrary the first line (the one with the "s") seems not to work at all
13:58.26[TK]D-FenderDarylVOIP: you need for them to hang up to tinitiate, so just look a Wait
13:58.57[TK]D-Fendercheshair: You. Do. NOT. Dial. "s"!
13:59.32DarylVOIP[TK]D-Fender: Looks fine with a DeadAGI on h - seems to work.  Thanks!  Now I have to get all of my DB lookups done.
14:00.08cheshair[TK]D-Fender: i see, but i read similar exmples on the guide, and those should work
14:00.22kombi_where do you set the path for prompts?
14:01.06cheshair[TK]D-Fender: if you want i can paste the code i read on the guide
14:01.29[TK]D-Fendercheshair: No.
14:02.17[TK]D-Fendercheshair: FORGET about "s".  You dhave failed to understand it.  it is NOT a catch-all, and you will NEVER execut BOTH in a context.  only ONE thing can be executed on a MATCH.
14:02.25*** join/#asterisk mazpe (n=email@
14:02.32[TK]D-Fendermocker: Stacking up IAXModems?
14:03.31cheshair[TK]D-Fender: are you able to help me to understand what the guide says at page 85, without getting angry?
14:03.33mockerDon't want to get busy signals.
14:03.39[TK]D-Fendercheshair: You can't be "A" and "B" at the same time, so "1" and "s" will never be called simultaneously.
14:04.04cheshair[TK]D-Fender: i see
14:04.05[TK]D-Fendermocker: One client of mine is running 3.  I'm not sure what the limit is on these.
14:04.10ManxPowerExtension "s" is matched when the call comes into Asterisk with no destination extensions.  Examples of this is if a call comes in on an FXO port, or from a VoIP carrier that does not send the destination number.  IAXTel is like this.  "s" does not stand for "start".  "s" stands for "stupid".
14:04.18mocker[TK]D-Fender: heh, I just setup six..
14:04.22mockerSo.. we'll see.
14:04.26cheshair[TK]D-Fender: still i can't see why the guide does st similar
14:04.40mockerI think I'm going to use the commandline 'sendfax' app to do some brute force load testing.
14:04.42cheshair[TK]D-Fender: (similar to my eyes)
14:04.50mockersend a fax every minute for an hour or something.
14:05.15[TK]D-Fendercheshair: they are not.  they may DO the same thing, but both will not trigger at the same time.
14:05.19CVirusThe SPA400 features the ability to connect up to four (4) standard analog telephones lines to a Linksys Voice System (LVS) VoIP network
14:05.20coppicewhy not send 50 faxes at once?
14:05.29CViruswhat's a LVS ?
14:05.33mockercoppice: I only have 6 modems..
14:05.49coppicewell that's not much of a test :-)
14:05.51mockerAnd I want to make sure they hang up and clear the line.
14:05.57[TK]D-FenderCVirus: "inksys Voice System" <- do you really like answering your own questions even as you ASK them?!
14:06.31CVirus[TK]D-Fender: I read the rest of the description and i found the feature i want .. thanks anyways
14:06.34[TK]D-FenderCVirus: They make their own PBX, and thats what it is designed for.
14:06.46rue_mohrheh, kphone is registered wth asterisk, and I dont know how to make a call with it....
14:06.57[TK]D-FenderCVirus: It can also be used with *, but you can't pick a SPECIFIC channel to dial out on.
14:07.03cheshair[TK]D-Fender: so what's the point of using all those "s"s, "i"s and "t"s? (as i see in the guide itself)
14:07.09[TK]D-FenderCVirus: It treats them all as a pool only.
14:07.24[TK]D-Fendercheshair: Stop now, keep reading, and learn how to make an actual IVR.
14:07.54CVirus[TK]D-Fender: please clarify that last point
14:08.21[TK]D-Fendercheshair: these are not things you DIAL.  Once you dial with your phone you may end up on "s" to start your IVR, and these other extens come into play.  they are NOT for when you FIRST dial in, they are for AFTER * answers the call to present you a menu
14:08.46*** join/#asterisk Mercestes (
14:08.51[TK]D-FenderCVirus: With a zaptel card you can tell it to use Port 3 for a call.  with the SPA400 you can only tell it to DIAL, not to use a specific line.
14:09.01[TK]D-FenderCVirus: It can ONLY treat them as being all the same.
14:09.37cheshair[TK]D-Fender: that's coming clearer... i'll think about it, thanks
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14:15.55[TK]D-FenderMercestes: it was.
14:16.16[TK]D-FenderMercestes: I was still holding on when I reg'd here years ago and never dropped it.
14:16.27lirakisWhen I have a context that is an IVR or some thing.. i get wierd destinations in my CDR's .. like s, and 1, 2,3 .. whatever digit they press.  What do i set to make the cdr's show what I want in dst?  I have tried set(EXTEN=whatiwant) and set(CDR(dst)=whatiwant) but niether seem to work
14:16.38Mercestesoh, can I join your clan?
14:16.46Errwow, I can't imagine why linksys would build such a limited device, since individually-addressable ports would've been no more trouble
14:17.20mazpezaptel drivers is what i need to install my Sangoma A101D T1 PRI card?
14:18.14[TK]D-FenderMercestes: l0lxors n00b!
14:18.23mockermazpe: Both zaptel and sangoma drivers probably.
14:18.26[TK]D-Fendermazpe: libpri & zaptel
14:18.34[TK]D-Fendermazpe: and of course... Wanpipe
14:18.58Mercestesspeaking of n00b.  anyone know how to set a static env variable for root?
14:19.12coppiceshouldn't they change it to Wantube, to be more up to date?
14:19.45*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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14:20.27mazpe[TK]D-Fender: thanks
14:21.39CVirus[TK]D-Fender: I'm an asterisk n00b ... anyways .. suppose I got 4 phone lines connected to the SPA400 and it is connected to a network containing an asterisk server and 4 ATA's connected to 4 analog phones .... Now ... someone calls one of the lines connected to the SPA .. can I configure asterisk to connect the call to ATA no. 1 while if a phone comes to line no. 2, asterisk connects it to ATA no. 2 ... is this possible ?
14:21.49*** join/#asterisk Zaggynl^Laptop (i=az@
14:22.06CViruswhile if a phone call comes to
14:22.28*** join/#asterisk SwK (
14:22.30[TK]D-FenderCVirus: it sends calls to *, and calls going OUT will just pick the first free line.  You can't tell it to use a SPECIFIC one.
14:22.35[TK]D-FenderCVirus: That is ALL.
14:23.09CVirus[TK]D-Fender: there are no calls going out .. thanks for helping :-)
14:24.08*** join/#asterisk littleball (
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14:29.00cheshairhi guys, im having a bloody fight against "s", "t" and other predefined extensions in my extensions.conf. i'm having some attempts while calling myself. maybe "s" and friends do not work 'cause i should make calls from another channel?
14:29.48mostycheshair, try describing the problem
14:29.53*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (
14:30.08cheshairhi mosty, here comes my problem
14:30.10littleballhi does cisco as5300 SIP supporting good or not?
14:30.23littleballcan i use SIP to connect asterisk to as5300?
14:30.23sosoriosvhello, i need a good manual to begin in asterisk
14:30.28littleballwithin the same subnetwork
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14:31.32mockerOk, cron job in place.
14:31.36jbotfrom memory, book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
14:31.39mockerSending 2 faxes every 3 minutes.
14:32.36sosoriosvthank jbot i am checking
14:33.15mostysosoriosv, it's a bit old but that's about all i know of that is a reasonable intro
14:33.16[TK]D-Fendermocker: I'd suggest getting an actual fax board for outgoing calls off Hylafax.  I do trust you're using it to its full potential...
14:34.00sosoriosvthank mosty
14:34.05mocker[TK]D-Fender: Actually, I'm not planning on doing many outgoing..
14:34.14mockerJust using sendfax for load testing.
14:34.16Mike_TKHi. Can anyone say me why asterisk uses so much file descriptors? It's growing exponentially: 10 SIP 2 SIP calls = ~2000FDs, 20 = 5000, 30 = 10k, 50 =~ 25k, 100=~90k, 300 =~ 750k, 500 =~ 3300k
14:34.18*** part/#asterisk version5 (i=version5@nat/ibm/x-0a5e0cdf790b41b5)
14:34.34mockeri.e. I want to make sure this is actually stable. :)
14:34.46Mercesteshylafax or asterisk?
14:34.50Mercestesor sendfax?
14:36.08coppiceor a place where horses live?
14:36.50MercestesThat must be it.
14:37.51cheshairmosty, the problem is i can't understand what "s", "t" and friends work. i had some attempts with, which i took from the *'s guide.
14:38.52mockerMercestes: yes, all of the above.
14:38.56mostycheshair, asterisk puts calls in the s extension of a particular context when it doesn't know what number was dialed, eg a call from an analogue phone line. calls go the the t extension if there is a timeout
14:39.12cheshairmosty, i expected to receive "enter-ext-of-person" greeting as soon as i answer the phone (to myself)
14:39.20cheshairmosty, i see
14:39.34mostycheshair, where is the call coming from?
14:39.50*** join/#asterisk alrs (
14:40.00Mercestesmocker, I would say that from experience that hylafax is very stable.
14:40.06cheshairmosty, so i was right when i said "s, t and friends deal with analogue phone calls"
14:40.35cheshairmosty, the point is i'm having some attempts just calling myself just on the same computer
14:40.43Uatechey, where can i get alternative voicepacks for the voicemail ?
14:40.52Uateci found some alternative voicepacks, but they didn't do the voicemail
14:40.56cheshairmosty, i use a two lines softphone and i call myself
14:41.09cheshairmosty, i guess that's my problem!
14:41.10mostycheshair, t doesn't have to have anything to do with analogue lines, neither does s.
14:41.11*** join/#asterisk jtknapp (
14:41.16mazpeanyone knows of a good tutorial that talks about Zaptel/PRI installation and usage?
14:41.21mostycheshair, what number are you dialing to begin the call?
14:41.25*** join/#asterisk irule (n=irule@
14:41.50Mercestesmazpe:  Try entering in keywords like asterisk zaptel and asterisk pri
14:42.13cheshairmosty, 101
14:42.20mockerMercestes: Yeah, I'm actually more concerned if iaxmodem is stable.
14:42.27mostycheshair, then use 101 instead of s in your dialplan
14:42.28mockerI know that hylafax has been around forever.
14:42.45Mike_TKmocker: I have an installation that sends 96 concurent outbound faxes, that delivers ~ 100 000 pages per day
14:42.58mostycheshair, since asterisk knows you dialed 101, it puts the call in the 101 extension (not the s extension)
14:43.00CVirusA network consisting of asterisk server + 4 ATA's connected to 4 analog phones ... Can I configure asterisk to forward an incoming call to the first free analog phone ?
14:43.14Mike_TKmocker: It working stable enough
14:43.15cheshairmosty, i see, anyway when am i supposed to follow the guide and really use the s?
14:43.44mockerMike_TK: Are you a member of TK's clan?
14:43.53Mike_TKmocker: no
14:44.06Mercestesmocker:  I didn't have many problems with iaxmodem but I don't think it's beign developed right now.
14:44.06mockerMike_TK: You're using iaxmodem?
14:44.12berktrhow can i kill a sip channel?
14:44.22Nuggetberktr: shutdown -h now  :)
14:44.26berktrlet's say i want to kill 688e3c-c0a8 channel
14:44.44Mike_TKmocker: no - t38modem connected to cisco 5400 over SIP
14:44.47*** join/#asterisk tcseke (
14:44.49mockerMike_TK: Ahh.
14:45.00Mike_TKmocker: over h323
14:45.08mostycheshair, use the s extension for calls coming from an analogue phone line (or any source that doesn't tell asterisk what number was dialed), or but doing a Goto that jumps to extension s somewhere
14:45.09mockerMike_TK: Yeah, that sounds like a decent fax solution.
14:45.17Uatecno body have any ideas?
14:45.40cheshairmosty, ok, now i see
14:45.55cheshairmosty, maaany thanks!
14:46.03berktrany answers for me :( ?
14:46.11CVirusany answers for me too ?
14:46.38Mike_TKberktr: soft hangup, but it takes an asterisk call ID, not SIP call ID
14:46.50berktrhow can i learn a call id?
14:47.28berktrsoft hangup 688e3c-c0a8 => 688e3c-c0a8 is not a known channel
14:47.45berktrhowever when i type sip show channels
14:47.50berktri see that channel there, with ACK status
14:48.00cheshairsee u later guys and maaany thanks to you all!!
14:48.03*** part/#asterisk cheshair (
14:48.47Mike_TKsoft hangup and press TAB after it. it will show you a list of channels
14:49.17Mike_TKberktr: or use 'show channels'
14:49.33berktrasterisk*CLI> soft hangup SIP/3003-0877e000
14:49.34berktrRequested Hangup on channel 'SIP/3003-0877e000'
14:49.42berktrwell, how can i force it to hangup
14:49.45berktrstill active
14:49.54CVirusA network consisting of asterisk server + 4 ATA's connected to 4 analog phones ... Can I configure asterisk to forward an incoming call to the first free analog phone ?
14:50.54*** join/#asterisk penguinFunk (n=penguin@unaffiliated/penguinfunk)
14:52.20mostysetup a call queue
14:53.00*** part/#asterisk littleball (
14:53.13mostyor limit the number of simultaneous calls to each sip account to 1, then just dial them in order and it will fall through to the first one that isn't busy
14:56.07*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (i=rmyorg@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
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14:57.27littleballhello , from the asterisk log file,  i found   "No D-channels available!  Using Primary channel 78 as D-channel anyway!". what does it mean?
14:57.41[TK]D-Fendermocker: Don't need a lot.or ChanIsAvail them sequentially and dial.
14:57.42*** join/#asterisk lisandropm (
14:57.59mocker[TK]D-Fender: Does not compute.
14:58.36mocker[TK]D-Fender: I have a macro that sequentially dials the modems.
14:58.41mockerIf that's what you're asking.
14:58.51mostylittleball, does "pri show span <number>" say that the span is up?
14:59.28[TK]D-Fendermocker: You always think I'm talking exclusinvely with YOU... thats the problem ;)
14:59.33*** join/#asterisk galeras (n=root@
14:59.57mockerAhh, suprious tab completion.
15:00.00[TK]D-Fendermocker: Actually... that WAS your nick
15:00.04[TK]D-FenderStupid auto-complete!
15:00.29littleballmosty, Status: Provisioned, Down, Active
15:00.40littleballwhat does this mean?
15:00.44Uatechey, where can i get alternative voicepacks for the voicemail ?
15:00.45Uateci found some alternative voicepacks, but they didn't do the voicemail
15:01.33mostylittleball, status down probably means that asterisk isn't seeing data from the PRI line. are you using a sangoma card or digium?
15:02.19littleballmosty, but it works. i can make calls
15:02.40mostyif you can make and receive calls over that line then ignore it
15:03.00littleballmosty, but the problem is that some times, e1 hang and need to reset
15:03.11[TK]D-Fenderlittleball: Means you've got synch, but no d-chan active
15:03.13*** join/#asterisk rantsh (n=rsmith@
15:03.22rantshhello people
15:03.43[TK]D-Fenderlittleball: pastebin your configs, and tells us your card model.
15:04.12*** join/#asterisk alteregoz (
15:04.15littleball[TK]D-Fender, paste to where?
15:04.23rantshanyone knows where I can get a tutorial to apply an asterisk patch
15:04.40mockerlittleball: Is it for sure a PRI?
15:04.57littleballwhere to paste?
15:05.06littleballwrong site, i think
15:05.21*** join/#asterisk Scrumps (
15:05.22jbotpb is probably a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or at
15:05.29sergeeseems like my GXV3000 died.. :( are there any way to restore it? boot from usb flash?
15:05.35rantshI'm using patch -p1 asterisk-1.4.5-patch but it remains idle and does nothing
15:05.38[TK]D-Fenderlittleball: You've been here long enough, you should know better
15:06.02[TK]D-Fendersergee: Go ask Lazerus :)
15:06.10jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
15:06.13littleball:-) i know. wait just slow
15:06.23[TK]D-Fenderlittleball: .ca <-
15:06.36[TK]D-Fenderlittleball: Where do you see anything refer to the .com one?!
15:06.45sergee[TK]D-Fender: i didn't see any other SIP videophones, which works...
15:07.00[TK]D-Fendersergee: Welcome to the world of "tunnel vision"
15:07.29[TK]D-Fendersergee: ACN sells one, Tornado's M20, plenty of others.  You clearly aren't trying very hard.
15:07.43[TK]D-FenderNEXT!@!!@!@!@ (c) BKW
15:09.12*** part/#asterisk alteregoz (
15:09.19lirakisarg.. i cant get a new DID to route properly
15:09.34littleball[TK]D-Fender, ttp://
15:10.12littleballmocker, yes, pri
15:10.17[TK]D-Fenderlittleball: and in repeating STILL lacked 1 char...
15:10.24[TK]D-Fenderlittleball: Zaptel please...
15:11.32penguinFunkmaking your links unclickable!
15:11.45*** part/#asterisk sosoriosv (n=salvador@
15:11.55rantshany help with patches?
15:12.10*** join/#asterisk marcan (
15:12.18littleball[TK]D-Fender, i have 4 E1
15:12.25[TK]D-Fenderlittleball: .......
15:12.32filerantsh: patch -p1 < asterisk-1.4.5.patch
15:12.34filenotice the <
15:13.02rantshI get an error there
15:13.26*** join/#asterisk ccesario (
15:13.28rantsh"can't find file to patch at input line 5"
15:13.41*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
15:15.04mostyon a PRI channel, does the telco end just start sending audio as soon as the call is accepted but before it is answered? ie is there any signal sent by the telco when the remote end answers?
15:15.18littleball[TK]D-Fender, any idea?
15:15.30mostyrantsh, make sure you're in the correct directory when running that command
15:15.37[TK]D-Fenderlittleball: ZAPTEL.CONF please.....
15:16.04mostylittleball, which distribution are you using?
15:16.08brettnem!seen mitcheloc
15:16.15brettnem~seen mitcheloc
15:16.47jbotmitcheloc <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 19d 10h 50m 51s ago, saying: 'jcmoore: thanks, testing now'.
15:16.47rantshmosty: ok, I'm standing in the source code directory
15:16.47littleball[TK]D-Fender, any idea?
15:16.53rantshmosty: and this is where I saved the patch, was I supposed to save it somewhere else?
15:17.26mostyrantsh, depends how the patch was created. look for docs where the patch came from
15:17.37berktrhow to reduce the echo on the conversation
15:17.45berktri mean how can i get rid of the echo
15:17.46mostyrantsh, also try without -p1
15:18.24penguinFunkberktr: what hardware? digital line or analogue?
15:18.28[TK]D-Fenderlittleball: What do you have on each port?
15:18.49lirakisis there any way to see what DID is being sent to my pbx?  I am having problems.  Basically if i dial a DID from within my network it routes fine to a conference room i created... but if i dial it outside.. it goes to my default context.. so .. i feel like it is not being sent .. the way i am anticipating it
15:18.54littleballon port 1 and 2, it is switch
15:19.02rantshmosty: ok, I'll try that
15:19.02littleballport 3 and 4 connect to cisco as5300
15:19.21rantshcuz I got the file from and there's no docs there
15:19.48CVirusA network consisting of asterisk server + 4 ATA's connected to 4 analog phones ... Can I configure asterisk to forward an incoming call to the first free analog phone ?
15:20.33[TK]D-Fenderlittleball: So you provide timing to the Cisco?  basically putting * betweent he telco & Cisco?
15:21.03[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Go configure the user for the call to come in on.
15:21.32littleballi set to 0 from zaptel.conf file
15:21.36littleballon port 3 and 4
15:21.43penguinFunkberktr: if your using an FXO card with analogue lines try fxotune
15:24.08[TK]D-Fenderlittleball: is span 1 the only one with a problem?
15:24.13*** join/#asterisk af_ (
15:24.14littleball[TK]D-Fender, any idea? the strange thing is that although line 1 and 2 is Down, but no problem. line 3 and 4 is up but sometimes get hang
15:24.30littleballspan 3 and 4 has problem. span 1 and 2 no problem
15:24.52[TK]D-FenderNot sure, you might want to try upgrading your * and zaptel, and check with the telco to see what they have to say
15:25.14littleball1 and 2 connect to telco
15:25.23littleballalthoug it is down, but no problem
15:25.31[TK]D-Fenderlittleball: if you're CPE to all of your equipment, then you shouldn't have "0" for the timing on those last 2 ports.
15:25.38*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
15:25.56[TK]D-Fenderlittleball: "0" mean * is PROVIDING timing, which isn't a great idea.
15:27.23sergee[TK]D-Fender: ACN seems to be a provider, do you know a model of video phone they sell?
15:27.26littleballi know, originally, it is not "0". because 3 and 4 connect to voip provider (not telco) and they told me it is due to timing issue, then decide to chagne to 0
15:27.44[TK]D-Fendersergee: Go to their site.  Go look, go ASK.
15:28.00[TK]D-Fenderlittleball:  Ok, not sure what to do now then.
15:28.12sergee[TK]D-Fender: thanks
15:28.51*** join/#asterisk Dovid (n=Dovid@
15:29.46rantshmosty: thanks man, using p0 solved it
15:34.43NovceGuru charges 11/month/did, I can't tack on additional numbers and keep the same amount of channels, anybody suggest someone I can?
15:35.08DovidTK: How hard do you think it will be to add VAD to asterisk ?
15:35.24Qwell[]Dovid: if it were easy, it would already be done
15:35.33[TK]D-FenderDovid: I don't code much, let alone for *.
15:35.36galerasSirs: in a pure Lan environment, can cheap switches affect the quality of voice?
15:35.41Qwell[]galeras: yes
15:36.28*** join/#asterisk xezz (n=asdasd@
15:36.54[TK]D-Fendergaleras: In any sane scenario it shouldn't matter
15:36.54*** join/#asterisk SwK_ (
15:38.29xezzhello, is there a sip phone like linksys spa 941 in example that supports a vpn client on its menu ?
15:39.14Uatechey, i've got a new voice pack for asterisk, but all the files are *.g723, not *.gsm, if i swap them over, will asterisk still find the right files?
15:39.25galerasmy customer has a lot of broascast because he has a lot of workgroups :(.  can better switches (like 3com) help to solve this?
15:39.32[TK]D-FenderUatec: * doesn't really support G.723
15:39.42mostyxezz, voip over vpn probably introduces more latency than you want
15:39.44festr__hello, anyone has expirience with sangoma 102D or 104D with hw echo? i'm trying to google but nothing usefull. so i'm asking here: does sangoma hw EC turn off when detecting fax?
15:39.45[TK]D-Fendergaleras: No.
15:39.53NovceGuruUatec, they should offer .gsm, if you payed for it
15:39.58Uatechah, we didn't
15:40.02DovidQwell: How much time do you think it would take to write it and can I contract out Digium to do it ?
15:40.02Uatecdoesn't really? or doesnt?
15:40.05[TK]D-Fenderfestr__: Yes
15:40.09Uatechow about wavs?
15:40.10NovceGuruyou get them from voicevector?
15:40.14festr__[TK]D-Fender: but it does not work for me :(
15:40.15Uateci do have the plain old wavs
15:40.30festr__[TK]D-Fender: my faxes are bad quality and echo does not turn off. any trick how to do this?
15:40.32NovceGuruyou can probably convert those to sln easily
15:40.38Uatecthe voicevector english english voice example was horribly american
15:41.17NovceGuruUatec, I bet you could throw all the files in foobar2000 and convert them quickly
15:41.18[TK]D-Fenderfestr__: pastebin your wanpipe config
15:41.21jbotmethinks pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or at
15:41.25festr__[TK]D-Fender: ok
15:41.42UatecNovceGuru, bearing in mind i'm al azy bastard
15:42.03NovceGuruUatec, make a simple for each script and use sox
15:42.17NovceGuruor a in *.wav; do sox "$a" -r 8000 -c1 "`echo $a|sed -e s/wav//`gsm" resample –ql
15:42.35*** join/#asterisk bbryant (i=brett@nat/digium/x-ee2698b086a44c21)
15:43.11NovceGuruor `sln
15:44.03Errheh, if you're going to bother using a search-and-replace with sed, why not just let it add the extension you want?  :-)
15:45.02*** join/#asterisk AndrewGearhart (
15:46.32festr__[TK]D-Fender: any idea?
15:46.48rantshif I have an asterisk 1.4.5 and I want to go back to 1.4.4 it should be enogh if I recompile and reinstall the older one for it to overwrite the newer version
15:47.38[TK]D-Fenderfestr__: your LBO looks high.  Pastebin your zaptel & zapata
15:47.56[TK]D-Fenderrantsh: Yes
15:48.55rantsh[tk]D-fender: thanks
15:50.47festr__[TK]D-Fender: why LBO should be problem when voice is OK and PRI is digital without errors or clicks? the problem is, that HW echocan is not turning off like software echocan
15:51.35*** join/#asterisk jcmoore (n=jcmoore@unaffiliated/tgrman)
15:52.30[TK]D-Fenderfestr__: the EC can hide a lot of problems... you may want to try setting to 0 if you are really close to your demarc
15:52.48festr__[TK]D-Fender: yes i'm very close
15:52.52[TK]D-Fenderjitterbuffers=4 <- ummm ICK?
15:52.56festr__[TK]D-Fender: where to set it to 0?
15:53.04festr__[TK]D-Fender: what is ICK?
15:53.10[TK]D-Fenderechocancelwhenbridged = yes <- I wouldn't bother
15:53.34[TK]D-Fenderfestr__: And you should have "faxdetect=both"
15:53.37festr__[TK]D-Fender: you recommend echocancelwhenbridged=no?
15:53.46[TK]D-Fenderfestr__: Maybe comment it out.
15:53.50festr__[TK]D-Fender: but it will jump to fax extension?
15:54.03festr__[TK]D-Fender: when i do faxdetect=both?
15:54.06[TK]D-Fenderfestr__: if available, but it will at least aid in detecting.
15:54.26[TK]D-Fenderfestr__: the exten is not needed.
15:54.27Dovidi have a stupid question. what is phone.conf used for ?
15:54.30festr__[TK]D-Fender: good point i'll try put faxdetect=both first
15:55.09festr__[TK]D-Fender: but, are you 100% sure that sangoma hw EC can turn off when detects fax?
15:55.13Dovidi am sorry. i meant to ask what is "Linux Telephony devices"
15:55.22zdruliocan i record a msgs ?
15:55.24CVirusA network consisting of asterisk server + 4 ATA's connected to 4 analog phones ... Can I configure asterisk to forward an incoming call to the first free analog phone ?
15:55.46[TK]D-Fenderfestr__: Yes, I run an A104d myself
15:55.58[TK]D-FenderCVirus: For the 15th time YES
15:55.59mostyCVirus, i answered that already, scroll up
15:56.11[TK]D-FenderCVirus: Get off your ass, install * and get to work!
15:56.14festr__[TK]D-Fender: any debug messages or way to debug if it turns off?
15:56.40[TK]D-Fenderfestr__: I think core debug will show it, or jsut regular.
15:57.02[TK]D-Fenderfestr__: I believe there is a wanrouter tool to see the status of a channel as well
15:58.17festr__[TK]D-Fender: faxdetect: Echo Cancellation: 128 taps, currently ON
15:58.25festr__[TK]D-Fender: so it didnt turn off
15:59.08festr__[TK]D-Fender: i've compared core debug on digium PRI and there is message it is turning off echocancel
15:59.29festr__[TK]D-Fender: i've almost the same configuration and sangoma hw echocan stays on when faxing :(
15:59.51CVirus[TK]D-Fender: you never addressed my nickname explicitly ... sorry though
16:01.07[TK]D-Fenderfestr__: Call them up, their suport is great
16:01.43festr__[TK]D-Fender: i'll rather write them (not native language :) but thank you for help
16:02.09[TK]D-Fenderfestr__: What languages do you speak?
16:02.16festr__[TK]D-Fender: czech
16:02.29[TK]D-Fenderfestr__: Ok, that MIGHT be more troublesome :/
16:02.37[TK]D-Fenderfestr__: But do ask them
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16:02.55festr__[TK]D-Fender: i think yes :) i'm writing mail. i'm curious that noone have this issue when googling
16:03.24[TK]D-Fenderfestr__: Guess it's just YOU :|
16:03.29yxaany one has experience with the 1 port TE110P or TE120P? without echo canc, do they sound terrible?
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16:04.00festr__yxa: i'm recomend you sangoma
16:04.17festr__yxa: i've irq issues with pci te110p
16:04.21[TK]D-Fenderyxa: I would nver buy a card without HWEC.  Feel free if you enjoy recreational Russian Roulette
16:04.44festr__if you use MARK2 and aggressive echocan it sounds allright
16:05.00festr__and it catches all echo issues in our environments
16:05.05[TK]D-Fenderfestr__: Still hit-or-miss.  Not a game I enjoy
16:05.06festr__but, hw echo is hw echo
16:05.26festr__this is why we have invested to sangoma hw echo :)
16:06.51yxadang, thanks guys. i almost bought it
16:07.10yxasangoma cards are not that cheaper than digium
16:07.20dansmithso are sangoma analog cards (TDM400 clones) worth it or is better to stick with digium?
16:07.30mostydansmith, they are better
16:07.39dansmithmosty: which are?
16:07.56dansmithbetter, yet cheaper than digium? that's kinda scary :)
16:08.04mostybetter echocan, better drivers, better hardware
16:08.12yxasangoma cards are NOT cheaper. at least where i'm at
16:08.14mostybetter diagnostic utils
16:08.17coppicejust a pain to install
16:08.35dansmithI thought the analog cards were clones of the TDM400.. they use different drivers?
16:08.39mostycoppice, i wrote a short shell script to do it, it's not so bad
16:08.42festr__better irq handling
16:08.57coppicethe sangoma cards are not remotely like the digium ones
16:09.01yxamosty why not post the install script somewhere
16:09.19dansmithoh, I think I'm thinking of openvox
16:09.41dansmithwhoops :)
16:09.44coppicemosty: OK, then. just what ansers to their dumb questions will get you set up for R2?
16:09.46mostyyxa: all the info is on the sangoma wiki, most of the script is local specifics, ie which dir to compile in, where zaptel is etc
16:10.03mostywhat's R2?
16:10.18UatecNovceGuru, i've got foobar2000 installed, what format can i convert these files to that asterisk will accept without complaining?
16:11.19s0ckanyone used the asterisk manager interface?
16:11.28mostys0ck, plenty of people have
16:11.54s0ckusing an 'Action: Originate' to pass a call from a win32 app. it dials the end point, when they pick up, it rings the local extension
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16:12.02s0cki'd rather it dial the local extension first
16:12.15s0ckhoping someone can point me in the right direction
16:13.16mostycan you just swap the order of the src and dest?
16:13.22s0ckdidn't appear to work
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16:13.25s0cki thought it would
16:13.48Uatecs0ck, i'm going to write something like you are writing in a couple of weeks. but no yet :\
16:14.26s0cki place exten above the channel but it still dialled the channel first
16:14.34s0ckwondering if originate is the wrong action to be using
16:15.01mostys0ck, i guess the problem is it might not make sense to enter an extension if there's no channel connected already
16:15.20s0ckhmm ;/
16:17.05HarryRHas anybody managed to integrate a gsm femtocell with asterisk?
16:17.31JTmosty: in answer to your earlier question about audio and PRIs
16:17.44JTmosty: i think what you're after is early media
16:19.02mostyJT: since asterisk gives a billsec value in CDR entries for PRI calls, i guess the answer must be yes
16:19.16zdruliohow can i record a calls ?
16:19.25lirakiszdrulio: monitor()
16:19.35JTmosty: billing time only starts when a call is deemed answered
16:20.15mostyjt: so asterisk guesses when that is? or is it known precisely?
16:20.38JTmosty: on analogue, that's as soon as the call is made, on pri, it is known
16:20.49JTvia Q.931 messages
16:21.26JThowever you must realise a far end pbx may answer the call and then give you another ringing indication of its own, from which point it'd be considered answered by the telco
16:21.28JTand ast
16:22.26*** part/#asterisk zdrulio (n=krlozano@
16:22.28JTeven if no human or record message has played
16:23.44festr__[TK]D-Fender: so, it does not detect fax and does not turn off echocan in SW mode ...
16:23.57festr__[TK]D-Fender: i've somewhere bug :)
16:26.13[TK]D-Fenders0ck: its not the ORDER.  You need to change your CHANNEL.
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16:27.09s0ck[TK]D-Fender: can you expand on that m8?
16:27.10FuriousGeorgehey all
16:27.21s0ckoriginally it was channel > exten
16:27.34[TK]D-Fenders0ck: your CHANNEL is what you dial.  CHANGE IT.  Use your imagination, you should already know what to do.
16:27.36s0cki've also tried channel > channel (where both are sip)
16:28.21s0ckyou are obviously more familiar with the manager interface than me :P
16:28.30[TK]D-Fenders0ck: Originate (just like a .call file) *Dial's* and Channel, and upon answer bridges to a specific point in your dialplan.
16:28.51[TK]D-Fenders0ck: this has NOTHING to do with AMI so much as realizing WHAT you are dialing.
16:28.53s0ckwe are talking ami syntax now, not dialplan, yeh?
16:29.28[TK]D-Fenders0ck: I am 100% aware of what you want to do.  Your poblem is that the type of channel you are dialing is SIP <-
16:29.51[TK]D-Fenders0ck: There's a HINT for you.  Go think of what other types of CHANNELS you could put there.
16:30.19[TK]D-Fenders0ck: Naturally the right answer is probably the LAST thing to come to you...
16:30.34s0cki have no zap/iax trunks on this box
16:30.44s0ckunless im thinking in totally the wrong direction?
16:31.03[TK]D-Fenders0ck: 2 down!  Right direction.. those ARE channel types.  Keep going through the list!
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16:32.47s0ckim confused ;/ everything is sip here
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16:33.28[TK]D-Fenders0ck: You effectively want to use dialplan on BOTH sides of this call.  What channel type supports that?
16:33.35*** part/#asterisk jm|laptop (n=jm|
16:33.56[TK]D-Fenders0ck: SIP is a means to an end, not the end itself :)
16:34.14s0ckpardon my ignorance, i'm fairly new to this
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16:35.04[TK]D-Fenders0ck: just keep churning throught he list of channel types, I've even enlarged the hint there....
16:35.16s0ckthanks :)
16:35.18[TK]D-Fenders0ck: the answer isn't FAR....
16:36.29vader--wonder what it would cost to get the voicemail message changed from Comedian Mail to a custom message
16:36.44vader--with the same women's voice
16:37.02Qwell[]vader--: about $10
16:37.18Qwell[]if it's a short phrase
16:37.25HarryRQwell[]: she charges more than that doesn't she?
16:37.57Qwell[]$12 for 1-15 words
16:38.18HarryRAre numerics one word?
16:38.30Qwell[]Allison is the one that does the original English voicemail prompts.
16:38.45HarryRah I see
16:41.28lirakisi use for my voice prompts
16:41.38HarryRcheap git :)
16:43.17vader--we just some plantronics cs70ns
16:43.21vader--wireless headsets
16:43.26vader--with the lifter kit
16:43.28vader--they are pretty nice
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16:45.49[TK]D-FenderQwell[]: How is Corporate America supposed to take * seriously when we have "Comedian Mail"? :)
16:49.46lirakisi am having an issue with routing a DID.  Please see
16:50.58lirakisI have a DID from my provider (telasip) and I have a SIP DID routed to me from RNK.  When I dial either DID from a phone on my network, they route fine.  When I dial the RNK DID from a phone not on my network.. it hits my pbx then goes to my [default] context
16:51.22lirakis.. why is it going to [default] when dialed from an external phone??? any help is greatly appreciated
16:51.42[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Well.... without seeing your sip.conf or having any idea what your networking scenario is like, what kind of help do you expect?
16:52.02[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: [inbound] is NOT some magical name with reserved properties
16:52.29lirakis[TK]D-Fender: so.. I should route my calls in [default] ?
16:52.37lirakisduh ... i didnt even try that
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16:52.55[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: ... you haven't shown us your SIP config.  Where they heck do you think you TELL it whgere to go?!
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16:53.12O_Zonehi all
16:54.28lirakis[TK]D-Fender: [general]
16:54.36lirakisi suspect .. its going to default
16:55.05[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: ITSP'sshould have their own user to receive calls under defining auth params and context.
16:55.28lirakisITSP ??
16:55.32jbotAn ITSP (Internet Telephony Service Provider.) is a "VoIP Phone Company".  Example : Vonage, Broadvoice, Teliax, VoicePulse, etc.  "All ITSPs suck.  Some suck less than others." (tm) (c) 2007 ManxPower
16:55.35lirakisi got it
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16:55.49[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: And I still don't know if your networking scenario is workable since you are spending all this time giving a really POOR description of your config instead of just providing it.
16:56.18lirakis.. well its got a lot of clients and auth in it.. it would take a some time to clean it for public consumtion
16:56.28[TK]D-FenderQwell[]: So... "Comedian Mail".... who's laughing now?  The joke is long dead.  Pass it on...
16:56.28lirakis.. let me try this.. if it doesnt work.. i will provide my conf
16:56.42Qwell[][TK]D-Fender: most people don't even know what the joke *IS*
16:56.45[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: I would gess about 30 seconds.
16:56.52[TK]D-FenderQwell[]: EXACTLY.
16:57.42irulewhat ports may I forward from my adsl modem to my * server so that I can connect to it from another location over the internet?
16:57.59vnuhm..some of my IP phones are having high pitch background noises sometimes, and I'm not changing anything on my systems...what could be the cause?  t-storms?
16:58.29rob0irule, that would depend entirely upon what protocols you'll be using.
16:58.54lirakis[TK]D-Fender: yeah i got it figured out
16:59.22mostyirule, what kind of phones?
17:00.25mostywhat kind of headset?
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17:01.08[TK]D-Fenderirule: 5060,10000-20000
17:04.36lirakis[TK]D-Fender: .. sorry its been a while since I set up any routes on my * box.  This RNK DID is not associated with any kind of providor... I have a block that have been pointed to a SBC.. and i just provisioned this DID on the SBC to go to my * box for testing.. so it goes to the context set in sip.conf.. which .. is [default] ... my telasip  trunk has a context of its own that has routing set up..
17:05.22[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: You set up your accounts.... you should have a user for it to land on to control the context and auth.
17:05.51skymeyerevening, any chance on letting asterisk use SIP over TCP to connect to Exchange Unified Message server ?
17:06.15lirakis[TK]D-Fender: .. so i assume i could create an "account" just using the host variable.. and point it to a context.. so any DID coming from my SBC goes to that context?
17:06.35[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: More or less, yeah
17:06.48[TK]D-Fenderskymeyer: No.  * does not support SIP over TCP.
17:06.49rob0I think someone's working on SIP-over-TCP, but last I heard, still alpha stage.
17:07.15lirakis[TK]D-Fender: thanks.. thats useful information... i just dont do this stuff day in/out enough to come up with it immediately.. it takes some tinkering for me to get it
17:07.17skymeyer[TK]D-Fender: ok thanks, saves me a lot of research because it wasnt clear on the net
17:07.21Errugh, fixed-rate streams over TCP - what a terrible idea
17:07.38*** part/#asterisk lirakis (n=etamme@
17:07.47skymeyerErr: SIP = signalisation and not the voice transport ;)
17:07.49rob0Sounds like something Microsoft would implement :)
17:07.54[TK]D-Fendererr : There is no streaming in SIP.
17:08.08Errah, you mean just for the SIP part, and not the streams it negotiates
17:08.14[TK]D-Fendererr : and it CAN be TCP just fine.
17:08.24Errsure, I agree
17:08.29[TK]D-Fendererr : RTP is ANOTHER matter
17:08.35skymeyerErr: mostly used to protect with SSL/TLS
17:08.47Errright right - I wasn't thinking - too many acronyms :-)
17:08.47skymeyerwhatever, thanks anyway [TK]D-Fender for the info ;)
17:08.58[TK]D-Fenderskymeyer: np.
17:09.13[TK]D-Fenderskymeyer: M$ = dumb, but I'm sure I didn't have to say it..
17:09.36skymeyer[TK]D-Fender: thats for sure ;) customers asked this to test it out though
17:09.51[TK]D-FenderTo test what, * or M$? :)
17:10.08skymeyerconnecting asterisk to unified message server from M$
17:10.22skymeyerbut UM seems to only support SIP over TCP :s
17:10.24[TK]D-Fenderskymeyer: Oh... its too late for them then....
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17:14.07vncan * run in a vm?
17:14.31Corydon76-workIt can, yes
17:14.37rob0why not?
17:14.42vnany problems?
17:14.50Corydon76-workI wouldn't run it in production, but yes, you can.
17:14.58rob0If it's set up wrong, lots of problems. :)
17:15.01vndunno, was thinking there could be hardware support problems
17:15.12rob0what hardware?
17:15.23Corydon76-workNot everybody runs it with telephony hardware
17:15.26vnwell my only good machine's on windows so...
17:15.26Errheh, there very well may be issues if you're trying to use internal interface cards - but that wasn't your question :-)
17:15.40vndidn't choose the hardware yet
17:15.53jboti guess ata is Analogue Terminal Adapter which provides an FXS and/or FXO and ethernet, see
17:16.17Corydon76-workI wouldn't run a production server on Windows, either
17:16.38vnyea but I've been told that IAX ATAs are crap and SIP has problems with NATing
17:16.43vnwell it's for personal use
17:17.13tzafrirvn, that's mainly because there are very few of them
17:17.21tzafrir(IAX ATAs)
17:17.22rob0If your SIP ATA is on the same subnet, why NAT it?
17:17.28Corydon76-workPersonal use, one FXO channel?  Rescue a machine from the dumpster
17:17.46tzafrirFXO channel or FXS channel?
17:18.14vnPO...wha's the term already heh
17:18.16Corydon76-workpresumably FXO if he's connecting to a phone line
17:18.19vnanalog phone
17:18.27vnno, I won't have a phone line
17:18.32vnonly internet
17:18.44Corydon76-workThen FXS or SIP phone
17:19.23vnrob0: ain't I forced to NAT it if I NAT my computers, use a router+ a firewall?
17:19.26Corydon76-workI'd only use an ATA if you absolutely needed to use an old analog phone that wasn't next to the server
17:19.53vncan a 486 be a * derver?
17:20.03Corydon76-workvn: you can use SIP on the LAN and IAX2 to your call provider
17:20.21vnand no NAT problem?
17:20.25Corydon76-workI wouldn't provision anything less than a P133
17:20.42rob0vn, you have your * at, say,, and your ATA at on the same Ethernet segment. Why NAT that?
17:20.45tzafrirvn, hmm, well, basically, sortof, yes
17:20.46Corydon76-workwith 64MB RAM
17:20.55Corydon76-workThat rules out a 486
17:21.17tzafrirvn, if you're really easy on it (e.g: no transcoding of compressed codecs, not too many channels and such)
17:21.43vnI'll have  10MBps line so no problem..hehe
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17:22.17vnso should I simply use an ATA or not?
17:22.34Corydon76-workGet a SIP phone instead
17:22.44vnI'm reticent to power another computer in my room simply for this
17:22.49iruleanybody have some sort of script that will report what language files are missing that do exist in another lang?
17:23.14Corydon76-workvn: so you like jittery audio?
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17:23.32vnif it was that easy...I'm hard of hearing and need specific phone equipment on wich I need strong volume and the possibility  to adjust the tone
17:23.38vnATA = jittery?
17:23.56Corydon76-workNo, running on Windows under a VM = possible source of jitter
17:24.01rob0VM running under windows ... yes
17:24.09rob0or on a 486
17:24.12vnlol ok yeah that was just an idea like that
17:24.30Corydon76-workespecially if the windows machine is doing more than just sitting idle
17:25.14vnwell I never blew my memory limit and never used the cpu at's a Kentsfield QX6700
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17:25.46`SeanHey Corydon76-home i was wondering if you knew anything about how to get callerID information even if the caller is calling via *67
17:26.06vnwait I got a p2 2600 128 MB RAM
17:26.11vnthat could do fine I guess
17:26.17irulean idle windows is never just idling
17:26.32rob0People who want to accomplish real things in Unix generally devote real hardware to the matter; no getting around that. Of course simple things like routing can be done on dinosaurs.
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17:26.53rob0Yeah, a p266 with ATAs should be okay.
17:27.04rob0for small-scale use :)
17:27.11rob0ata/SIP phone
17:27.16vnyeah I do know that...but why complicating the task when it can be easy
17:27.19irulejust a couple phones
17:27.24vnjust one
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17:29.43adeelnwhile compiling asterisk 1.2.17, i seem to be getting a bunch of undefined symbols in just about all the apps/ can i resolve them?
17:29.53vnso I'd need a fxo IAX2 card + ATA, right?
17:30.08vnfxo or fxs...I'm always confused
17:31.46rob0vn: Corydon76-work recommended a SIP phone. But if ATA, you want FXS (station), not FXO (office).
17:31.54anonymouz666what means wildcard ?
17:32.01anonymouz666why all digium card are wildcards?
17:32.45mike_jhCause they're wild
17:32.53anonymouz666born to be wild
17:32.58Corydon76-workThat's like asking why all Boeing jet models start with 7
17:33.10anonymouz666there is nothing related to modules?
17:34.19mike_jhCorydon76-work: What about Dreamliner?
17:34.56Strom_Mor was that the 777
17:34.57vnrob0: well I have no idea if I'd have way more control on the sound with the SIP phone than my actual phone
17:35.04EradanAnyone have much negative / positive experience with the Linksys 942 / 962's ? ... compariing them to a 7960 / 7970 ?
17:35.18mike_jhWhat about the F22?
17:35.41Corydon76-workmike_jh: it takes passengers?
17:35.47vnI have a 70dB amplification actually, which I want to keep, with the tone setting
17:37.24Strom_MEradan: I have a 942 and a 7960...the cisco phone is much higher build quality
17:37.47mike_jhYou said planes, you made no mention of passengers
17:38.00mike_jhBut since you mention it, the DC10?
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17:39.27EradanStrom_M: functionally ... do you notice much difference ? ... i have a 70 and love it .. but i'm looking at mass rollout and i like the form factor of the 942 and the fact that it has a 1.5m jack, but was really looking at functions / user experience. SO thank you much.
17:39.35*** join/#asterisk havoc (
17:39.36[TK]D-FenderEradan: I wouldn't suggest EITHER
17:39.44Eradan[TK]D-Fender: what would you suggest ?
17:39.57[TK]D-FenderEradan: Cisco  over-priced, Linksys = underfunctioned.
17:40.04[TK]D-FenderPolcyom > All.
17:40.06havocdamn, big channel
17:40.37Corydon76-workIt's reportedly the largest channel on Freenode
17:40.39Eradan[TK]D-Fender i don't care about price. I care about functionality. What polycom is comparable to a 60 or 942 ?
17:40.39Strom_Myeah, i'd say polycom
17:40.54[TK]D-FenderEradan: THIS is what you want then :
17:41.19Eradan[TK]D-Fender: damn those phones are ugly.
17:41.32vnis there somewhere I can do say...try a sip phone for 30 days and then send it back if I don,t like it, pay it if I like it?
17:41.37Corydon76-workIf you don't care about price, then get a Polycom 650
17:41.51vnCorydon76-home: there's more ppl on ##linux
17:41.53[TK]D-FenderEradan: Not really, seen far worse.  Linksys lacks on functions & quality...
17:42.10Eradan[TK]D-Fender: how are the polycom for configuration ?
17:42.18Corydon76-workvn: might have been "most active", I dunno
17:42.32[TK]D-FenderEradan: A bit complex at the start, but extremely flexible
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17:43.08EradanCorydon76-work: the 650 color ?
17:43.14vncan you mix the sound with the configuration of a SIP phone?
17:43.36EradanCorydon76-work Does polycom offer something that competes with the 70 ?
17:43.56[TK]D-FenderEradan: Competes HOW?
17:43.59Corydon76-workDunno, what is it that you like about the 70?
17:44.23Eradan[TK]D-Fender color touch screen w/ the high quality voice.
17:44.41[TK]D-FenderEradan: Polycom supports sane paging, no-charge firmware, presence support, dual-hedset connections, *JOIN/SPLIT*
17:44.42Corydon76-workNo, there's no touch screen AFAIK
17:44.57[TK]D-FenderEradan: As for quality Polycom is an easy tie with Cisco if not one-upping.
17:44.58EradanGood sound quality, touch screen, programable directories.
17:45.09Eradan[TK]D-Fender Very good to know.
17:45.20EradanAlthough it sucks ... cause now i gotta order some polycom to test :(
17:45.27Eradanthat'll push my roll out back a week :(
17:45.31Corydon76-workRealize that Polycom was Cisco's original vendor for rebranded phones...
17:45.35[TK]D-FenderEradan: It IS a phone you know.... if you want to pay a fortune for something your uses pick up to talk to someone, thats your perogative.
17:45.48Eradan[TK]D-Fender :P ... point well taken.
17:46.38*** join/#asterisk friedrich| (
17:46.50EradanHoly schkit .. the sidecar is SWEET.
17:47.30Corydon76-workYou can add 3 sidecars, if that floats your boat
17:47.37Eradanyah ... saw that ... very cool.
17:47.43Eradani was gonna do a softphone for the receptionist.
17:48.00Corydon76-workThen again, the SNOM 320 with a sidecar is less expensive
17:48.04EradanBut i can't get one that works worth a crap.
17:48.52[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-work: On the topic of sidecars, NOBODY touches Aastras LCD one...
17:49.11[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-Esp as its paged, and better presence support.
17:49.26Corydon76-workGiven that SNOM is as enthusiastic about the community as Digium, I fully expect SNOM to integrate better with Asterisk in the coming years
17:49.30Eradan[TK]D-Fender When you say 'presence' support ... what's that referring to ?
17:49.44[TK]D-FenderEradan: Lighted indicators so you can see phones in use, etc
17:49.51Eradan[TK]D-Fender Gotcha ...
17:49.56EradanThat's what i assumed.
17:50.03EradanI realy like the web panel.
17:50.15Eradanalthough flash has a little to be desired.
17:50.25Corydon76-workUh, web panel?
17:50.29Eradanmuch more informative than the sidecar and much cheaper :P
17:50.30[TK]D-Fender <- 20 at a time, 3 pages, backlight, coloured indicators, and CHEAP.
17:50.40Corydon76-workYou mean the configuration screen or the minibrowser?
17:50.51[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-work: No, he means FOP
17:50.58Eradanthe flash pannel
17:51.08Corydon76-workoh, fop
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17:51.24Corydon76-workI thought he was still talking about the Polycom
17:51.46Eradansorry :(
17:51.52brettnem[TK]D-Fender: but what about BLA for polycom :)
17:52.03[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-work: But just look at Aastra's.... now if only their handset wasn't a weightless POS, not have those rubbery-ass buttons, and Polycom's call handling!
17:52.20[TK]D-Fenderbrettnem: Referring to BLF/Presence?
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17:52.34brettnem[TK]D-Fender: No, shared lines
17:52.38[TK]D-Fenderbrettnem: Its decent, but pricey for attendant modules.
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17:52.52brettnemlike presence with ringing
17:53.15[TK]D-Fenderbrettnem: SLA = 2-bit hack that really doesn't cut it and it next to worthless for anyone NOT using a sidecar and having masochistic tendencies ;)
17:53.33brettnemyes, I know. I've gone down that road :)
17:53.41brettnemI need real BLA
17:53.50[TK]D-Fenderbrettnem: as far as ASTERISK's is concerned :)  Now when someone gets around to doing TRUE SIP-B well thats ANOTHER matter :)
17:54.09brettnemAnd I'm real disappointed in the polycom LCS stuff over some of the other standards
17:54.35[TK]D-Fenderbrettnem: I Q&A'd that understanding direct from russellb while explaining where the people who guided him towards that "solution" went horribly wrong.
17:54.38brettnem[TK]D-Fender: Have you made real BLA work with the pcoms outside of asterisk?
17:54.55[TK]D-Fenderbrettnem: I don't have a platform that supports it.
17:55.13[TK]D-Fenderbrettnem: Either way, there are still true issues with it.
17:55.28brettnemI tried with OpenSER.. It seems to work off the BroadCom BLA stuff more than the sipping specs
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17:55.58brettnemie: subscription with line-sieze event
17:56.15[TK]D-Fenderbrettnem: With Polycom you're still limited to 12 regs on a 601.  At best you could push 6 linekeys for the primary reg, and push the rest to an attendant module.
17:56.16Dantixhi, I have an openvox a1200p board with 1 fxo and 2 fxs modules, just working... my problem is the zap channel (FXO) is countinuously taking itself off hook. At full log I see each time the channel go off hook: Jun 27 14:55:22 NOTICE[4363] chan_zap.c: Got event 18 (Ring Begin)... seems the channels is "viewing" a ring tone does not exist.. where can I start to trouble this issue?
17:56.18brettnemI was going to try to hack it up with OpenSER
17:56.26festr__[TK]D-Fender: so, i've disabled hw echocan and i'm trying to send fax over TDM and it is bad too.. i've tryid the same fax and ATA on another server with digium and it works... any ideas? voice is good without any hearable issues
17:56.28[TK]D-Fenderbrettnem: That'd leave you 11 to watch
17:56.46[TK]D-Fenderfestr__: What versions of wanpipe, asterisk, and zaptel?
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17:57.07brettnemyeah, I'm just interested in doing 2 or 3 properly for starters.. I have to setup a presence button and a second sip registration for each line to watch now.. it's very confusing for the customer
17:57.08[TK]D-Fenderbrettnem: that might do but I'm not qualified
17:57.20festr__[TK]D-Fender: asterisk 1.4.5, zaptel latest svn and wanpipe wanpipe-3.1.2.p5 becuase of kernel
17:57.24[TK]D-Fenderbrettnem: CrapTASTIC!
17:57.38brettnemyeah, no kiddin
17:57.43[TK]D-Fenderfestr__: You're WAY too bleeding-edge... ease off
17:57.58festr__[TK]D-Fender: sorry dont understand
17:58.30brettnemI'm half temped to suggest an ATA, with hardwired bridged lines and good ol fashioned business telephones
17:58.34festr__[TK]D-Fender: i think that i should downgrade to 2.6.18 and wanpipe wanpipe-2.3.4-10
17:59.01brettnemI guess not many people want bridged lines
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18:05.41Eradan[TK]D-Fender Which polycom phone did you say had the split non-rj9 headset ports ?
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18:10.23[TK]D-FenderEradan: 320/330 have 2.5 & RJ9
18:11.48Eradan[TK]D-Fender any experience with a non-amplified headset on those models ?
18:12.03[TK]D-FenderEradan: Not personally, I know 1 guy though.  I could ask
18:12.17Eradan[TK]D-Fender if possible that would be awesome
18:12.32[TK]D-FenderEradan: Not online now... I look around later
18:13.08Eradan[TK]D-Fender Thanks.
18:13.15Eradan[TK]D-Fender Gonna order one today for testing.
18:13.48mazpeso after i install libpri, zaptel drivers, wanpipe, wanpipe-utils and ran setup-sangoma.. my T1 PRI card shold be setup.
18:13.56mazpeso i have to create trunks for the channels?
18:14.43[TK]D-Fendermazpe: Have you ever installed and configured Asterisk before?
18:15.00mazpefirst time with voicepluse.
18:15.02[TK]D-FenderEradan: Keep in mind its PoE only, but you can order a brick for it.
18:15.12mazpefirst time with a T1 PRI
18:15.19[TK]D-Fendermazpe: then you've done this all BACKWARDS.
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18:15.31mazpei'm realizing that.
18:15.39[TK]D-Fendermazpe: Time to actually LEARN how to use *.  Go read THE BOOK for a while
18:15.42jbothmm... book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
18:16.00mazpereading is good =)
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18:16.22[TK]D-FenderEradan: If you are considering the brick, I'd say "don't" and jsut get a single PoE injector.  Its recyclable
18:16.34Eradan[TK]D-Fender nah ... POE only.
18:16.46Eradanthe 320 fits the bill perfectly ... it's just ugly.
18:16.47[TK]D-FenderEradan: didn't know if you were equiped
18:17.00[TK]D-FenderEradan: Get a BT 101 then ;)
18:17.10Eradan[TK]D-Fender ? 101 ?
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18:17.33Corydon76-workGrandstream Budgetone
18:17.49rantshis anyone here using sox to record calls on asterisk?
18:18.02SuPrSluGman asterisk has been a real peach here lately. now I'm getting voicemails cut off/short for no apparent reason.
18:18.03[TK]D-Fenderrantsh: No.
18:18.04rantshactually asterisk 1.4.x?
18:18.09Nuggetrantsh: not since digium added MixMonitor()
18:18.10Eradan[TK]D-Fender  Even uglier :P
18:18.16Strom_Mthe Grandstream "what, did you buy this out of the clearance bin at wal-mart?" Budgetone
18:18.23Eradan[TK]D-Fender I think the 320 is perfect, ordering one now.
18:18.27[TK]D-FenderEradan: Oh I'n sorry... I forgot the closing tag!
18:18.32rantshis MixMonitor really better?
18:18.42Nuggetit doesn't require a working sox install, so yes, I think it is.
18:18.44SuPrSluGI seem to be in asterisk bizarro world
18:18.46iruleexten => s,n,GotoIf($["${DEFTIMEOUT}" = "5"]?h:n) does not work, exten => s,n,GotoIf($["${DEFTIMEOUT}" = "5"]?h) does work, is there a different thing for next or should I just leave it like the second? the CLI gives me a warning to checn the documentation :s
18:19.49[TK]D-Fenderirule: h & n are not valid choices.
18:20.13Eradan[TK]D-Fender What's interesting ... i've budgeted for ~ 250 / phone ... i could squeeze the 550's in : ) ...
18:20.33[TK]D-FenderEradan: 550 = total waste.  I'd sooner hear you go for th 650 :)
18:20.49Eradan[TK]D-Fender oh ?
18:20.57[TK]D-FenderEradan: Polycom has created a categor killer with the IP 320/330
18:21.26[TK]D-FenderEradan: 650 can have sidecar expansion, USB, 2 more line-keys, etc, for about $40 more.  550 = WASTE
18:21.32Eradanyah .. you just can't beat that pricepoint for a POE phone.
18:21.45[TK]D-FenderEradan: Don't skimp out to buy a dead end at that margin.
18:21.55Eradan[TK]D-Fender yah ... /agree
18:22.45AndrewGearhart[TK]D-Fender: I have to sheepishly repeat a question I've asked you before.
18:23.02AndrewGearhart[TK]D-Fender: best softphone out there?
18:23.40EradanAndrewGearhart: find one ... and let me know ... as i havn't found anything decent!.
18:24.17AndrewGearhartEradan: heh. what have you tried?
18:24.32EradanAndrewGearhart: xlite and sjphone.
18:24.47AndrewGearhartwhat were your complaints with them?
18:24.58EradanAndrewGearhart: voice quality.
18:25.09EradanAndrewGearhart both sounded like poop.
18:25.26rantshgoing back to the recording issue for a second here, I succesfully record mine with monitor and mixmonitor
18:26.00rantshbut for some reason where calls are being recorded and both UA are using the same codec there's no audio on one of the ways
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18:31.03DEac-i heared about an echo-server. how can i realize an echo-server in my-asterisk?
18:31.07rantshno one knows what could be going wrong?
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18:32.05rantshI know [tk]d-fender tried helping me yesterday (I really apreciate it) but I can't seem to see what the problem could be
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18:35.53SuPrSluGok i'm looking at a voicemail message .txt file duration=46. so, why would playback be a problem?
18:37.57awksorry, what way can i do conversions to mp3 for voicemail
18:38.20awkor would i have to script it to pass to a conversion process before mailing the voicemail to me?
18:38.30Corydon76-workDEac-: show application echo
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18:38.35AntiLoophi all
18:38.50DEac-Corydon76-work: thanks
18:39.32AntiLoopi'd like to set sipusers => pgsql,asterisk,sipusers extconfig.conf, but i don't know where to set pgsql parameters like hostname,... ?
18:39.40AntiLoopor do i need odbc for that ?
18:41.35[TK]D-FenderAndrewGearhart: eyeBeam
18:42.14[TK]D-Fenderrantsh: You did NOT prove to me what codecs were in play now did I see FULL CLI output.
18:42.28AndrewGearhart[TK]D-Fender: thanks!
18:43.36rantsh[TK]D-Fender: I know I didn't send you enough data
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18:44.23[TK]D-Fenderrantsh: So stop thinking you've done everything to find out why.  You were getting G.729 issues and it is not lying that they do NOT match
18:45.05rantsh[TK]D-Fender: but it's a weird case, no matter what codec I use as long as I'm recording one of the parties can't listen... comment the Monitor or MixMonitor line and everything is peachy
18:45.48rantsh[TK]D-Fender: g729? I've never come here asking about g729 [yet]
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18:46.19[TK]D-Fenderrantsh: pretty sure I saw that in there, but anyways, enough TALK about this.  Pastebin some real backup if you want help.
18:47.00irulehow can I limit the recording time time for a voicemail
18:47.01awkok, somebody please answer my question,. saving voicemail in mp3 format? what is the process or where can I find docummentation
18:47.07rantsh[TK]D-Fender: ok ok no need to get angry man :)
18:47.16[TK]D-Fenderirule: its in the sample file... go read it again
18:47.42iruleok :s
18:47.54DEac-awk: use a better format is a tipp of me. mp3 isn't for speakings
18:48.05[TK]D-Fenderawk: * can't save in it natively.  You can call an external process to do the conversion if you want.  Go read the sample to see where ythe hooks are.
18:48.33[TK]D-Fenderawk: given how small the wav's are, there's no point to mp3 anyways.
18:48.35awk[TK]D-Fender I allready said I can pass it for conversion, that isn't what i want to do..
18:48.46Mercestesyay, thank you russelb!  :)
18:48.47awkDEac- I beg to differ
18:48.47[TK]D-Fenderawk: TFB, there is no native way.
18:49.03awk[TK]D-Fender so i'm stuck with wav or gsm?
18:49.24[TK]D-Fenderawk: You're struck with any format * can ENCODE in.
18:49.40awkits not small enough for dial up users
18:50.08awknever mind, i'll script it to do the conversion for me.. thanks for the reply
18:50.16[TK]D-Fenderawk: You think MP3 is smaller?  What is smaller than GSM?
18:50.28[TK]D-Fenderawk: thats insane
18:50.47awkgsm is small yes
18:51.27awkthen it requires further coding to my  cl;ients application. its fine.., i'll work it out 1 way or another
18:51.40DEac-speex can be the smallest
18:51.41rantsh[tk]D-Fender: you wanted the output of core set debug 10 or so right?
18:52.28[TK]D-Fender226K = 140sec VM.  @ 3.3K/s (c/mon here...) thats 68 sec to DL.  2/1 ratio!
18:52.43[TK]D-Fenderrantsh: and "sip show channels", etc.
18:52.57awk[TK]D-Fender that is small
18:52.59[TK]D-Fenderawk: "further coding"?
18:53.06rantsh[tk]D-Fender: well that one I did too...
18:53.09[TK]D-Fenderawk:  thats in WAV perfectly playable.
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18:53.13awkguess i never did my research properly
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18:53.23[TK]D-Fenderawk: I wasn't even talking GSM
18:53.24cheshairhi *boys!! :-)
18:53.28[TK]D-Fenderawk: Evidently
18:53.41[TK]D-Fenderawk: *I* just wasted my time finding this out NOW.
18:54.10racker2i have a problem to compile openh323 :(
18:54.26awkignorance is bliss *shrugs* :)
18:54.47Mercestesracker2, oh, I know what your problem is...your trying to compile openh323.  rm all instances of h323 from your system and you should be fine.
18:55.39[TK]D-Fenderrantsh: Now host 123456.wav for us to hear.
18:56.31[TK]D-Fenderawk: at 1.6K/s they could realistically STREAM it on dialup.
18:56.57racker2no, i rimember yet when i run ./configure i see this erros checking for C++ compiler default output... configure: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables
18:57.16rantsh[tk]d-fender: ok I'll make a comprensible recording, I'll do some more pastebin-ing and host the audio... give me a sec please
18:58.01awk[TK]D-Fender hehe, true..
18:59.17J4k3oh my fucking god
18:59.25J4k3grandstream sucks with no fucking limit to the vacuum
18:59.34J4k3THEY NEED TO DIE.
19:00.15J4k3are there any sip phones that will actually REPORT hold status.
19:00.19rantsh[tk]d-fender: now I'll try and host the recording
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19:00.46rantshif I figure out how :s
19:00.50J4k3this piece of shit... I can't tell when a call is on hold or not
19:00.52[TK]D-FenderJ4k3: as in?
19:01.11[TK]D-FenderJ4k3: Ah...
19:01.14jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
19:01.30J4k3the phones work ok
19:01.33J4k3but the designers and programmers
19:01.37J4k3need to be taken out back and shot
19:01.37[TK]D-FenderJ4k3: Polycom > All.  You should have haerd that a few dozen times already
19:01.54J4k3[TK]D-Fender: do I have to jump through hoops to configure the phones?
19:02.01[TK]D-FenderJ4k3: GS = Garbage
19:02.18J4k3I'm replacing these phones... I always planned to
19:02.24watchyJ4k3: get the inital setup for polycoms aint so easy but once thats does every new phone is almost plug and play
19:02.26J4k3but I never realized how bad they SUCK
19:02.57kiscokidI just got a Grandstream 2000xp and I have problems with it trying to enter voicemail passwords and going through the v-mail tree
19:03.01J4k3considering I need a whole grand total of 2 'good' phones (I'll put a GS in my bedroom or whatever)
19:03.08J4k3thats tough
19:03.20J4k3I was looking at cisco
19:03.28watchyi don't like cisco personally
19:03.42lirakisi dislike cisco as well
19:03.43watchyi got 2 7940s and they just dont impres me
19:03.45J4k3me either... they're the 'easy answer' in most cases
19:03.58lirakispeople always give me crap for it.. but i really like the Grandstream GXP-2000's
19:04.11lirakisIm really looking foward to picking up my GXP-2020
19:04.23watchyi love my polycom 501s and 601s
19:04.30kiscokidLirakis: do you have any problems with it?
19:04.39[TK]D-FenderJ4k3: Seriously Polcyom devalidates jsut about everything out there.
19:04.48lirakisno  I have no issues with any graand stream products
19:04.58J4k3lirakis: GS "works" but GS doesn't work well.
19:04.58lirakis.. if you are looking for enterprise.. go ahead get a polycom
19:05.13kiscokidlirakis: are you using it with Asterisk?
19:05.15J4k3if "better than grandstream" is enterprise, I need the presidential package :)
19:05.28lirakisJ4k3: i disagree.  The only thing I dont like about GS is thier speakerphones sucked until the BT200 and GXP2020
19:05.35J4k3lirakis: the bigger problem is the crappyness of the device.
19:05.43lirakiskiscokid: i do use it with asterisk
19:05.47[TK]D-FenderJ4k3: IP 320 is good enough for almost everyone, and at $95 we're not talking a lot of money
19:05.48rantsh[tk]d-fender: I think my irc client (Xchat on linux) doesn't support this... either that or I'm more stupid than I thought
19:05.56lirakisJ4k3: people say that.. i dont know where they are coming from
19:05.58J4k3[TK]D-Fender: yeah...  $95 isn't bad
19:06.00[TK]D-Fenderrantsh: IMPOSSIBLE
19:06.01lirakisJ4k3: ive never had an issue
19:06.06J4k3I'm saving $300/mo easily by switching to voip
19:06.17J4k3lirakis: how about an "on hold" light.
19:06.18[TK]D-FenderJ4k3: OUCH, how the hell?
19:06.23kiscokidlirakis: can you send me the config you use?
19:06.28lirakisJ4k3: and as far as simplicity.. and ease of use.. they are infinitely better than cisco/linksys/polycom
19:06.33[TK]D-FenderJ4k3: on All Polycom's, covered
19:06.44J4k3[TK]D-Fender: $1.50/mo DIDs to replace a bunch of $30/mo/per-call (2 at least per jump) remote call forwarding.
19:06.57lirakisJ4k3:  i think people got a bad taste from GS "back in the day" .. but they have improoved significantly in the past 2 years
19:07.01[TK]D-FenderJ4k3: Ah... yeah, funky needs jack it up
19:07.10J4k3lirakis: I wouldn't call this bt101 'easy to use'
19:07.15J4k3easy to configure, yes
19:07.25watchyi had a bt101
19:07.26J4k3easy to use.. it makes me want to throw it across the room
19:07.26[TK]D-FenderJ4k3: IP 320 is right up your ally and you get a top notch phone.
19:07.35watchyits in my trash can in the kitchen currently
19:07.36lirakisJ4k3: thats a $40 phone.. i mean.. you want super cheap.. you get super cheap.  I have 2 bt-101's
19:07.36J4k3[TK]D-Fender: sweet...  I'll get a couple and give them a go
19:07.46lirakisJ4k3: they work fine.. they configure quickly..
19:07.47J4k3watchy: take that shit out before it stinks!
19:08.01[TK]D-FenderJ4k3: Yes there can be a speed bump in the initial config, but I wouldn't by a Lada just because I'd have to drive down 2 more streets for a Mercedes.
19:08.04lirakisJ4k3: .. and its just a phone.. you dont get a bt-101 for anything except to pick up and make a phone call
19:08.08watchymy house keeper threw it away thinking it was an old ass phone
19:08.27J4k3lirakis: yeah...  thats what we bought them for...  just a 'proof of concept' that ended up working so well we went live with it before I got some real phones.
19:08.32[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: BarbieTone strikes again!
19:08.36J4k3normally I don't answer the phone...  I hate telephones
19:08.43watchythen it got hamburger helper dumped on it. so i decided it wasnt worth fishing out of the trash
19:08.45J4k3I did this afternoon and OMG that phone pissed me off.
19:08.49lirakisJ4k3: i would not recomend bt-101's for anything but simple home use
19:09.10lirakisJ4k3: gxp-2000 .. absolutely a high quality extremely high value phone
19:09.13J4k3lirakis: yeah.  they'll work great in bedrooms.
19:09.24J4k3if someone calls me in my bedroom, they're most likely to get hung up on anyways
19:09.27[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: I would SERIOUSLY perfec even an ATA over GS.
19:09.52[TK]D-FenderATA's are entirely viable.
19:09.54watchyi just got a email " Earline Greenberg   ?Premature Ejaculation – Learn How To Cure It Now " anyone want it forwarded to them?
19:09.58lirakisJ4k3: exactly.. i gave one to my GF when she was in college.. she spilled stuff on it.. dropped it on the ground lots of times.. and it still works fine.
19:10.04watchyi'll hook you up
19:10.19lirakis[TK]D-Fender: .. i generally dislike ATA's
19:10.21J4k3lirakis: the BT101 in the other room had an entire cup of coffee poured through it
19:10.28J4k3didn't do the speakerphone any more favors :)
19:10.28watchyJ4k3: haha
19:10.40J4k3opened it up
19:10.41watchyyou seem to abuse your phones
19:10.45J4k3realzied that the board was like.... 2"x2"
19:10.50J4k3and the phone is one big empty box.
19:11.07adeelni'm having trouble compiling app_rxfax & app_txfax...any pointers or guides someone can point me to? i think the one i'm using is outdated
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19:11.20[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: At least I can plug a decent phone onto it and even go cordless.
19:11.26J4k3watchy: haha...  nah.  I don't abuse stuff.  other people here do :)
19:11.33lirakis[TK]D-Fender: absolutely .. for cordless
19:11.43lirakis[TK]D-Fender: there are no quality cordless voip phones that i know of
19:12.00watchylir: i agree. I have a linksys its a piece of shit
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19:12.17J4k3there are
19:12.22J4k3but it requires buying a cellphone with wifi
19:12.29J4k3so you can get a REAL cpu that can handle the job
19:12.41J4k3all the "sip wifi phones" out there have *shit* processors that can't keep up.
19:12.45watchycan a cingular 8125 do sip wifi?
19:12.57J4k3watchy: does it have wifi and run a semi-modern OS?
19:13.06J4k3watchy: if so, its about a 95% chance of "yes"
19:13.08watchyit runs winderz and it has wifi
19:13.19J4k3load a wm5 voip client
19:13.23[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Yup
19:13.27jbotWi-Fi SIP phones suck.  All of them.  HARD.  Some only slightly less than others...
19:13.39rantsh[tk]d-fender: Just checked, either way it's recording until I pick up the phone
19:13.42watchyi'll test it tonight j4ke
19:13.44lirakis.. in general I think that people discount the quality of the gxp-2000 series.... i mean i have a cisco 7940 here at work.. it has a bunch of lines.. but you can only register to 1 server.. wtf is that about???  GXP-2000 is just a great valued phone.  And i suspect the gxp2020 will have fixed the speaker phone issues... which .. would be the ONLY flaw against them in my book
19:13.48J4k3I had a friend bring over a nokia e60, worked great
19:14.03J4k3couldn't get a fuckin GSM signal here, but the wifi worked great ;)
19:14.05lirakisyeah .. wifi phones are novelty items
19:14.07watchyim heading to work. i just took a shower and i'm about 6 hours late
19:14.12J4k3(the e60 doesn't have 850 GSM)
19:14.16rantsh[tk]d-fender: so it's just a couple or rings "doooooooo ... doooooooo" and then it cuts
19:14.19*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey)
19:14.20lirakiswatchy: hope you still have a job
19:14.33watchylirakis: yea these bitches cant fire me
19:14.37rantsh[tk]d-fender: (as you can notice I'm trying to figure out dcc commands still)
19:14.39J4k3lirakis: only because the manufacturers are stupid...  Senao should be spitting out sexy IP PBX phones like mad.
19:14.39watchythey dunno what linux even is
19:14.42J4k3but they're not.
19:14.43[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: 7940 has a crappy SIP implementation, no presence and costs way too much.  Polycom offers a lot more features at a much lower cost with GOOD quality manufacturing, and call handling that is unmatched.
19:14.44lirakiswatchy: lol
19:14.52DEac-ah, i've a problem with a cisco 7970. it should know sip, but it can't i read, that i need to update the firmware, but i haven't a callmanager
19:14.54vltHello. I have this extension: "555,1,Dial(Zap/g1/555,10,tT) | 555,2,Dial(Zap/g2/555,10,tT)". When it rings g1 I get "Zap/1-1 is ringing" on *CLI and the caller hears a ringing tone. After the timeout it calls g2, I get "Zap/4-1 is ringing" but don't hear the ringing tone anymore. Any idea why?
19:14.59ez`there is a way to assign unused softkey of my polycom ip 300 to something else , example : tranfert key ... ???
19:15.04watchylir: i run a wireless isp and i'm the only guy who has access to any of the systems or any clue
19:15.09[TK]D-Fenderrantsh: I did NOT say DCC it to me.  HOST IT
19:15.16J4k3watchy: you sound as bad as me!  I don't wander into work til noon
19:15.21J4k3not like I'm useful for anything anyways
19:15.24J4k3I'm paid to IRC!
19:15.28watchysame here
19:15.48lirakis[TK]D-Fender: .. yeah .. i agree .. polycom is better than cisco/linksys/sipura.. and .. i think they are "nicer" phones that grandstreams... but configureing them sucks balls... and for the price/feature difference.. unless you are going enterprise.. i pick grandstream
19:15.50watchybefore i leave someone be kind and gimme the newest polycom sip fw. so i dont gotta call voip supply
19:16.06rantshI know but this is not mIRC, I have an option to set up a download directory but not an upload one
19:16.16rantshI'm looking for another irc client now
19:16.17DEac-what's with snom?
19:16.17[TK]D-Fenderez`: You HAVE a transfer soft-key while in a call...
19:16.35[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Personally it take me about 1 minute to configure a Polycom....
19:16.45lirakisrantsh: try pidgin... the new gaim .. it has irc, aim, google chat, yahoo, and msn .. all in one client
19:16.57ez`[TK]D-Fender, i know ut not visible; people asking to see this key always ...
19:17.02[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Unbox, assemble, 1 minute to configure, WALK AWAY. DONE
19:17.05ez`ut= but
19:17.10rantshlirakis: thanks I'll do that
19:17.20lirakis[TK]D-Fender: they arent as bad as the linksys BS.. where you have to tftp an xml file etc.
19:17.21[TK]D-Fenderez`: there is no point isn seeing it when you can't USE it.
19:17.27*** part/#asterisk adeeln (
19:17.45[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: You can provision Linksys via HTTP as well...
19:17.58[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: They aren't bad to configure, they are just 2nd rate.
19:18.05lirakis[TK]D-Fender: .. i assume youve seen the web interface... ?? its terrible
19:18.16[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: I suggest Linksys in countries where Polycom's import pricing is nasty
19:18.18ez`[TK]D-Fender, while talking we dont see the key; we have to push [more] then [trasnfert] ... thats why i am asking it
19:18.26[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Yeah... only MORONS use it ;)
19:18.35rantshI'll leave now so I can go to pidgin brb [tk]d-fender
19:18.55[TK]D-Fenderez`: Well.. you always see it, its just not on the FIRST page.  And NO, you can't rearrange them.
19:19.28[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: People who try the shortcut to everything and use Polycom's Web interface SHOULD be dragged out and shot.
19:19.36ez`[TK]D-Fender, i agree they are so lazy , but there is really no way to assign it ?????
19:19.38lirakis[TK]D-Fender: .. yeah as i have said.. i am willing to concede polycom makes a better product.. but .. as i have said.. unless you are going into a business environment.. i think the GXP-2000 and now.. GXP-2020 have a much better feature/value ratio.. thats all
19:20.14lirakis[TK]D-Fender: right and if you are provisioning large sets of clients.. it will be via tftp anyway
19:21.37[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Well lets compare the GXP-2000 & IP 320 for typical use : Polycom has better call handling, better audio quality, better physical feel, more stable firmware, PoE, Speakerphone, *2* kinds of headset jacks, for starters.
19:21.42De_MonI can't figure out why this queue doesn't time out when specified
19:21.54[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: And thats comparing about $75 for a GXP, and $95 for an IP 320.
19:23.00mockerJungle Disk is awesome.
19:23.03lirakis[TK]D-Fender: the 320 is a two line phone.. single server capable .. etc.
19:23.07mocker(not asterisk related at all)
19:23.16lirakis[TK]D-Fender: you are paying more for less
19:23.26[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: No, 2-line, 4 calls max, and supports MULTIPLE servers.
19:24.06[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: See big thing is that Polycom supports multiple calls PER LIN-KEY.
19:24.25[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: My IP 301 supports a minimum of 10 calls :)
19:24.40lirakis[TK]D-Fender: so does grandstream... you can have up to 11 calls on a gxp-2000
19:24.48[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: When I reg'd my 501 to multiple clients I had 5 calls each on 3 distinct reg's
19:25.20[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Not compare EITHER  of these phones # of calls supported, and BOTH cover business needs.
19:25.43[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: So if the GXP wins on sheer volume alone, all those other features still stack against it.
19:25.47lirakis[TK]D-Fender: .. plus the grandstream has all the programable buttons.. supports asterisk blf.. .etc.
19:25.49watchyi wouldnt implement anything but a polycom personally
19:25.58[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: and that is niether a small list nor a petty one.
19:26.28watchydoes the grandstream support precense?
19:26.34[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: And Polycom Supports BLF as well. (not as many IMMEDIATE lit indicators for sure.  But then we're talking receptionist type stuff anyways.
19:26.40[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: It does.
19:26.54watchywtf is BLF?
19:26.58[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: But Polycom's BLF has been solid for years
19:27.07[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: BLF = Presence
19:27.11jbotsomebody said blf was Busy Lamp Field, aka little lights next to speed dials that light up when the person is on the phone and blink when that line is ringing.  hint extensions are static mapped to SIP or other channels.
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19:27.56watchyyea i got 5 601s at a business with 2 sidecars each. BLF is very useful for them
19:28.05cheshairhi guys, could you please tell me what's the best way to make the very first steps with asterisk? more precisely: i'm reading the first one hundred pages of *toft.pdf and having some tests. the point is i have no appropriate hardware and so i'm having my tests using a sip channel from a softphone on a localhost * installation. does it make sense?
19:28.25[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon: agent dial timeout + Queue Timeout = time your call lasted
19:29.09[TK]D-Fendercheshair: Set up a minimal dialplan and your soft phone.  Do Echo tests, voicemail, etc./  Install another soft phone so you can at least call FROM one to the other.
19:29.25lirakis[TK]D-Fender:  .. i wasnt really talking about meeting "business needs" .. i was talking about the quantity and variety of features the GXP-2000 supports...    Again.. i think that if you took a polycom with the "same" on paper feature set.. it would cost a lot more than a gxp2000.  Sure there is other stuff to consider.. but for my (and i believe most ) purposes outside of enterprise deployment... it is a great phone and a great value
19:30.16cheshair[TK]D-Fender: perfect, that's what i'll do. thanks!!
19:30.17[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Actually... its pretty mucht he same feature-set.  Just more total calls on the GXP, but then again you don't have the JOIN/SPLIt that polycom does for handling..
19:30.49J4k3there are voip 'end users' that aren't just freakish vonage customers?! :D
19:30.51[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: List the actual FEATURES the GXP has over Polycom and we'll see.
19:31.07[TK]D-FenderJ4k3: Tons
19:31.08*** join/#asterisk ibob63 (
19:31.16[TK]D-FenderJ4k3: .... of BOTH ;)
19:31.19De_Mon[TK]D-Fender I have a queue that works correctly with the same timeout value (dialplan timeout is 5seconds)
19:31.47[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon: I would set your agent time < queue time...
19:31.52De_Mon[TK]D-Fender the only difference I noticed is that the working queue does not have retry=40.  commented out that line and it works as expected now
19:32.00[TK]D-FenderJ4k3: Why not?
19:32.05J4k3Child A: "I want a phone in my room" <begin construction project>
19:32.14J4k3[TK]D-Fender: can't even get a real cordless phone yet? :)
19:32.16[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon: Ah
19:32.22[TK]D-FenderJ4k3: huh?!
19:32.33J4k3most people aren't willing to do the plug-this-box-into-that-box-then-plug-into-another-box-and-hope-it-all-works
19:32.40De_Monso it's waiting the retry length before hanging up (realizing it was supposed to hang up after 20 seconds?
19:33.04[TK]D-FenderJ4k3: Ask yourself how clueless you'd have to be to implement this.  Homes don't have PBX's!
19:33.07*** part/#asterisk techie (
19:33.17rob0A VoIP home is indeed a highly geekful project, not suited for the masses unless they go with Vonage.
19:33.23ibob63hi guys. I am just about to attempt to install an asterisk system using their B410P quad bri isdn card. Has anyone had any experience with this?
19:33.26[TK]D-FenderJ4k3: As for "VoIP", well yeah, thats what vonage is for!  Idiots who only need a preconfigured ATA
19:33.29J4k3[TK]D-Fender: correct... but one can buy a few thousand minutes for the price of one residential pots line.
19:33.45lirakissorry .. phone call
19:33.54J4k3(residential lines are up to about $20/mo after taxes here)
19:33.55lirakis.. some times i actually have to use the phone lol
19:34.03De_MonJ4k3 and when your power goes out you gotta use the cell phone to report it ;P
19:34.25J4k3De_Mon: I know enough people with that problem on POTS
19:34.34[TK]D-FenderJ4k3: Cheaper than here actually. but yeah VoIP termination is cheaper on LD per volume often.  Depends WHERE, and how long
19:34.35De_MonJ4k3 eh?
19:34.39J4k3due to not owning a real line-powered phone... cordless this, answering machine that.
19:34.59[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon: I run SIP only at home.... I'm fine with Cell as last resort...
19:35.00rob0Oh yeah, POTS is having trouble competing. I had fun telling SBC / AT&T when I got new service in May. :)
19:35.03De_Monwell thats just being stupid, nothing in the world can fix that
19:35.05J4k3[TK]D-Fender: "universally cheaper than pstn" :)
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19:35.38[TK]D-FenderJ4k3: Not if all calls are your daughter talking for HOURS with her best friend and noone else needing the phone ;)
19:35.41J4k3our "small business/home" voip falls over to cellular in events that suck
19:35.43J4k3of course
19:35.52J4k3usually, if we're down the cellular is too due to it being fiber related.
19:36.35lirakis[TK]D-Fender: .. ditto .. i have sip only.. and a blackberry that is backup
19:36.37J4k3[TK]D-Fender: thats why kids all have cingular now, it seems.
19:36.43J4k3unlimited m2m ;0
19:36.56[TK]D-FenderJ4k3: m2m?
19:37.00J4k3mobile to mobile
19:37.03[TK]D-FenderJ4k3: ah
19:37.10[TK]D-FenderJ4k3: ABUSABLE ;)
19:37.14lirakisi need to setup e911 though.. :\ .. i havent done that yet..
19:37.35J4k3[TK]D-Fender: yeah... if the bluetooth hookup stuff wasn't such a hack it'd be VERY abusable.
19:37.36*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
19:37.47rob0exten => 911,1,Playback(tt-monkeysintro)
19:37.59J4k3"screw buying extensions, I'll use the cellular network!"
19:38.03lirakisyeah.. not so good
19:38.27RyushinI remember that there was a new asteriskgui by digium a few month back.  I cannnot find it now.  Any idea on where I can try this out?
19:38.55cheshair[TK]D-Fender: which are the very first pieces of hardware i'll need to have a more serious * box? maybe i'll need some sort of zaptel cards, won't i?
19:39.00rob0Ryushin: has a link!
19:39.27cheshair[TK]D-Fender: just to have an idea about what i shall have to buy
19:39.41*** part/#asterisk kiscokid (
19:40.27Ryushinrob0:  The only link I've been seeing is for asterisknow which does include the gui, but I don't wish to use a dedicated asterisk distro.
19:40.42rob0oh, doesn't it include the gui?
19:40.48rob0I didn't know
19:41.01rob0DOES ... sorry, misread
19:41.11*** join/#asterisk SwK (
19:41.46RyushinI remember reading that the gui was for 1.4, and now that I'm on 1.4, I wanted to try it out.
19:42.15*** join/#asterisk Dantix (n=Dante@
19:42.38rob0SwK, Chicago? You're not still in HSV?
19:43.26J4k3ooey gui
19:44.24*** join/#asterisk AllanLima (n=mediain@unaffiliated/allanlima)
19:44.27Dantixhi, have an openvox a1200 card. It's detecting ringing tone on its fxo port but the line idle (nobody is calling it), how can I fix it?
19:44.49jboti guess ygwypf is You Get What You Pay For.  If the sole factor in your decision to purchase a product or service is that it's cheaper than everything else out there, don't be surprised if it's also worse in every other respect than everything else out there.
19:44.56Qwell[]Dantix: ^^^
19:45.21DantixQwell[]: what do you mean?
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19:45.58troy-i am getting the warning message: [Jun 27 15:15:59] WARNING[11232]: chan_iax2.c:3792 iax2_send: No private structure for packet?
19:46.05troy-any idea what it means or how to fix it?
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19:48.49[TK]D-Fendercheshair: Depends what you want to do.
19:50.37*** join/#asterisk Zion800 (
19:51.39RyushinI guess if you want to use the gui, you have to use asterisknow.  So I guess I won't be trying it out.
19:51.42sashionIs there anyway to reject a call from PRI even when the extension exists ?
19:52.17cheshair[TK]D-Fender: i see... well at first i'll have a lot of tests with softphones and localhost * installation, then i think i'll buy some pieces of hw to set up some more realistic scenarios... e.g. something which will allow me to use * at home, on my analog line...
19:53.19[TK]D-Fendercheshair: several options.  Learn the basics for free and we can talk hardware after
19:53.44[TK]D-Fendersashion: Just "congestion" it
19:54.01cheshair[TK]D-Fender: that's a good roadmap, ok! :-)
19:54.30troy-does nvfaxdetect work well?
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19:55.49*** join/#asterisk javb (n=javb@
19:56.04javbmade some changes to zapata.conf, how to i apply them?
19:56.30[TK]D-Fenderjavb: "reload
19:56.44javbfrom asterisk console?
19:57.37Zion800I'm having a problem with ChanIsAvail in Asterisk 1.4.4.  For some reason, no matter what, the AvailStatus is always 0 (Unknown).  In Asterisk 1.2.18 it worked perfectly.  Is this a bug?
19:57.51[TK]D-FenderZion800: Pastebin in-call proof
19:58.03sashion[TK]D-Fender: hmmm and if the Avaya system doesn't understand that in the vector programming?
19:58.03javbI have this problem.. i can pick up call comming from another exten, but CANT coming from a zap channel, mean with pick up (USING COMMAND PICKUP)
19:58.13*** part/#asterisk Dantix (n=Dante@
19:58.13javbto pick up an exten ringing on another exten
19:58.34javbhave options correctly set in zapata, but still cant.
19:58.36[TK]D-Fendersashion: Dunno....
19:58.45javbmy grandstream says "603" error.
19:58.51javbNEED HELP for real.
19:58.57javbMy card is TDM400P
19:58.58[TK]D-Fendersashion: * was not the smartest at LOOKING at calls without giving SOME sort of "trying" result back.
20:00.12Zion800[TK]D-Fender: You can see I NoOp the Avail Status
20:00.29sashion[TK]D-Fender: hmmm now we don't want to admit the fact that asterisk isn't smart.
20:00.34sashionthat would spoil the plan
20:01.11[TK]D-FenderZion800: Ah yes, THAT... well for one thing you aren't testing is the phone is on ANY calls (missing a parm for that), you also need to set "call-limit=[somehealthy big number here]" for your SIP devices.
20:01.18[TK]D-FenderZion800: Apply it and you should be happy
20:01.20lirakisokay guys... im done.  ttyl... thanks for earlier [TK]D-Fender
20:01.34[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: I'll wait for your feedback after :)
20:01.41*** join/#asterisk johann8384 (
20:01.42*** part/#asterisk lirakis (n=etamme@
20:01.46[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: For that list of what the GS has that Polycom DOESN'T
20:02.08Zion800[TK]D-Fender: Thanks!  I'll try setting the call limit
20:03.29Zion800[TK]D-Fender: I had actually already set a call-limit=100 for each device, and even in the general section of sip.conf...
20:03.40sashion[TK]D-Fender: Should one answer a channel before sending a Busy or Congestion? Or should one rather not answer the channel
20:04.16javbany idea guys?
20:04.21*** join/#asterisk friedrich| (
20:05.03[TK]D-Fendersashion: No answer first
20:05.23Zion800[TK]D-Fender: How do I set a parm for checking if a phone is on any calls?  (i dont even know what a PARM is..)
20:05.28vltHello. Any idea why I don't hear the ringing tone anymore when priority changes from "exten =>555,1,Dial(Zap/g1/555,10,tT)" to "exten => 555,2,Dial(Zap/g2/555,10,tT)"? I get "Zap/... is ringing" on *CLI everytime.
20:07.07*** join/#asterisk anthony] (
20:07.10[TK]D-FenderZion800: "show application zhanisavail"
20:07.14[TK]D-FenderZion800: "show application chanisavail"
20:08.51Zion800[TK]D-Fender: I need to set the 's' option?
20:10.59[TK]D-FenderZion800: Yo begin to learn...
20:14.56Zion800[TK]D-Fender: haha...i looked at it 100 times...but didnt realize the little tidbit of information :-)  Just out of curiosity...did I set up the call-limit corectly?  Can it be put in the general section of sip.conf?  or does it have to go under each extension?
20:15.12[TK]D-FenderZion800: under EACH, not up top
20:17.58sashionOh joys
20:18.06sashionq.931 for complete idiots
20:18.09sashionI lost my book
20:24.53AndrewGearhartEradan: did you see [TK]D-Fender recommended eyebeam?
20:24.56AndrewGearhart[TK]D-Fender: thanks
20:25.06AndrewGearhartI'm outta here for the day... wife sprained her ankle... ugh.
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20:25.52sci_05afternoon all
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20:39.22jbotAn ITSP (Internet Telephony Service Provider.) is a "VoIP Phone Company".  Example : Vonage, Broadvoice, Teliax, VoicePulse, etc.  "All ITSPs suck.  Some suck less than others." (tm) (c) 2007 ManxPower
20:41.30*** join/#asterisk timofonic (n=evil@unaffiliated/timofonic)
20:42.22timofonicI want to know about the X100P thingie and winmodems for using them as FXO cards
20:42.56timofonicI want to connect my phone line to a PC and using it with Asterisk. Any list of compatible cards?
20:45.40*** join/#asterisk frenzy (n=frenzy@unaffiliated/frenzy)
20:46.16timofonicZion800: Too expensive, even if it's the official sponsor of the Asterisk project
20:46.36timofonicI mean cheap winmodems, like the x100 "clones" using the Intel Ambient chips
20:49.26SuPrSluGtimofonic:it's a crapshoot w/ those. some work ok and some are nothing but headaches.
20:50.19Corydon76-workAlso realize how ironic it is to say that Digium gear is "too expensive"
20:50.45Corydon76-workBefore Digium, the equivalent cards in the market cost at least 5 times as much
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20:51.21Corydon76-workSome of them still do
20:51.25RyushinSo is the common way for rolling out night mode on polycom phones to have the main phone that rings be transferred to an extension that is set up for after hours speech, etc.
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20:51.53vltThe problem that I don't hear the ringing tone anymore when priority changes from "exten =>555,1,Dial(Zap/g1/555,10,tT)" to "exten => 555,2,Dial(Zap/g2/555,10,tT)" only appears when calling in via SIP. IAX2 and ZAP work fine. Hmmmmm ...
20:52.13sashionvlt: add r after you tT
20:52.34vltsashion: I'll try ...
20:54.19vltsashion: Yes, that seems to work. What does it do?
20:55.30sashionvlt: plays rining :P
20:56.08MercestesRyushin, I would say the common way has something to do with gotoiftime
20:56.57RyushinYea, I set that up first.  But the company wants to have it happen in a manual mode.
20:57.13Mercestesdefine manual mode
20:57.23Mercestesthey wanna push buttons?
20:57.33vltsashion: Does it ANSWER the call or is it a normal "ringing state"?
20:57.47sashionvlt: just plays ringing to the callee
20:57.51RyushinThey have one phone, they put it in night mode on the phone, and while it's in this mode, asterisk will behave appropriately.
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20:57.55sashionvlt: Doesn't answer the call
20:58.22RyushinI mean, they want to set of one of their phones to be the master for a night mode method.
20:58.26MercestesRyushin, I use some System() commands calling scripts that change my dialplan and do an asterisk -rx 'extensions reload" for that.
20:58.47MercestesI just modify an #include => file for that.
20:59.36RyushinAre the calling scripts somehow querying a phone?  Does the polycom even have a night mode configuration?
20:59.47Mercestesthey press some buttons on the phone.
21:00.08MercestesYou could also code a softkey or a hardkey to call that extension to do the same thing.
21:00.12Mercestesand label it "night mode."
21:00.30Mercestesand you can even display "night mode" on the LCD if you wish.
21:00.51RyushinYea, I saw that done by Unity.  I had just never seen it before.
21:01.03Mercestesbut it would still just call an extension in asterisk which ran some shell scripts which modified an #include file to modify your dialing plan accordingly
21:01.52stoffell_wMercestes, hm, do you have any idea where to find more info on coding a softkey with a label? (example, night mode )
21:02.00RyushinSo I essentially have to maintain two extensions files.  One for day, and one for night.
21:02.34RyushinWith the only difference being one include statement.
21:02.35stoffell_wRyushin, or use variables.. and use the asterisk db to store values.. (like: nightmode = 0 or 1)
21:02.43Mercestesstoffell_w, The admin guide, honestly.  It reads like the Rosetta Stone but it's in there.  You can also use the existing sip.cfg as an example.
21:03.05MercestesRyushin:  that's what I do.  Astdb is probably a much cleaner solution but, I managed with shell scripts.
21:03.12stoffell_wMercestes, okay, will have another (;-)) look into the beast ;) tnx, at least you confirm it's possible, so thanks!
21:03.21Mercestesnp.  :)
21:03.34RyushinYea, time to go digging and have more fun.  :)
21:03.52Mercestesjust about every button on the polycom can be configed to do just about anything you want (or be disabled entirely) it's mainly a matter of how to do it.
21:03.55SuPrSluGwhat causes outbound calling delay. when a call is placed the called party doesn't hear the person calling for the 1st few seconds. sometimes they hangup. happened on both zap and sip channels
21:03.56stoffell_wwithout digging it wouldn't be that much fun, now would it? ;)
21:03.59Mercestesthat sip.cfg pretty much *is* th eprogramming for that phone.
21:04.04RyushinAm I antiquated that I use text files for everything and don't use a database.  :)
21:04.25timofonicSuPrSluG: I prefer headaches but cheap hardware, I have no bucks
21:04.33stoffell_wMercestes, true. and the new way of provisioning as explaned in the latest guide is a pretty great way to do it cleanly and easily
21:04.56SuPrSluGtimofonic:pick one up one ebay then
21:05.47SuPrSluGtimofonic: or scavenge from a used hardware place.
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21:25.40vlt"Accepting overlap voice call from '555' to '888' on channel 0/1, span 1", "Starting simple switch on 'Zap/1-1'". What does overlap mean here and what is simple switch? Before I changed my setup yesterday it was just "Accepting voice call from ..."
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21:51.54rg2112hi all.  anyone have experience with using digium cards to connect to Adtran 850?
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21:52.33irule* is sending email to hotmail accounts with /usr/sbin/sendmail -t, that is neat but, email server is not even installed, is it all lost, or are those email messages saved somewhere?
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21:53.14ZX81irule: is sendmail installed?
21:53.46iruleshould I?
21:53.56rg2112no mail server at all?  qmail? postfix?
21:54.32irulenone, debian installs exim as default but at installation I tell it to configure localhost with no internet options
21:56.12russellbyou don't need a mail server on the box for this to work
21:56.16russellball sendmail does is ..... send mail
21:56.27russellbyou don't need a mail server installed on your laptop to send email from your mail client
21:58.11holiday_42irule:not familiar with exim, but there should be record in logs as to the fate of the emails
21:58.39holiday_42irule: such as /var/log/maillog
22:00.04iruleIll investigate, thanks
22:00.26iruleI dont know exim though, so I may just replace it with sendmail ;)
22:00.47holiday_42i converted from sendmail to postfix myself
22:02.04*** join/#asterisk hi365_m (
22:02.13Strom_Mi converted from sendmail to OpenFreeSendMail because sendmail wasn't quite technically FOSSy enough for me (it violated the GPL if used in conjunction with a wet razorblade retrieved from a bathtub in Palm Springs)
22:02.30hi365_mdoes the zttest apply to other cards too (sangoma) or is it digium specific?
22:04.48Strom_Mhi365_m: well here's a simple test
22:04.55Strom_Mdoes it work with the sangoma card?
22:05.07rob0Exim, like all major MTAs, includes a sendmail CLI binary for sending mail.
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22:06.25hi365_mStrom_M: its giving results, but nothing that ide like to see, so im wondering if i could just igonor the results or not
22:06.56Strom_Mwell, how far off from reality are the results, and what problem are you attempting to diagnose?
22:06.59ruied_I'm trying to compile mISDN with 'make' but it reports: "make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.18-4-686/build: File or directory not found" what could be the problem? is it missing something?
22:07.17ruied_I'm using debian etch
22:07.22Strom_Mdo you have the kernel headers installed, ruied_ ?
22:07.46ruied_Strom_M,  no, just the kernel source...
22:09.16Strom_Mwell theres your problem :)
22:10.22ruied_Strom_M, thanks... going to install it...
22:10.28ZX81OT: anyone know a good text editor for windows with SSH support (i.e. upload/download files)
22:11.00holiday_42secureCRT, but it's not free
22:11.16*** join/#asterisk galeras (n=root@
22:11.27ruied_Strom_M, when do I need kernel headers and when do I need the kernel source? I'm a litle lost about this... can you point me some good reading stuff?
22:11.44ZX81got securecrt would prefer to actually edit files here then upload - had Zeus programmers editor but licence expired
22:11.50Strom_Mwhy not just use putty and then use vim on whatever machine you're ssh'd into?
22:12.00ZX81auto indent etc
22:12.08ZX81folding sections
22:12.14galerasis possible in zapata.conf to redefine groups for same zap channels?
22:12.22ZX81anyway its OT - I'll ask google :)
22:12.31shido6using group, galeras ?
22:13.05galerasi mean g0->zap/1-15 g2->zap/1-15 zap/17-31
22:13.26shido6why would you want to do that? yuo can.
22:13.31Strom_Mruied_: you need kernel headers if you're compiling modules against the kernel.  you need kernel source if you're compiling the kernel.
22:13.31shido6you CAN do that
22:14.16ZX81I've still got friggin red alarms on pri spans connected together with crossover cable, anyone care to read a pastebin?
22:14.32Strom_MZX81: t1 crossover cable?
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22:15.43hi365_mStrom_M: im having an assorment of issues - cals coming from a queue sometime "freeze" and then dissconect (the phone requires a reboot), pops and clics on ivr's, and ocasional pop and clicks during conversasions
22:15.51ZX81Strom_M: E1
22:15.54ZX81made it up myself
22:15.57ZX811,2 -> 4,5
22:16.15ruied_Strom_M, but to have the mISDN module, don't I need some kind of kernel patch so I can use the mISDN as module recognized by the kernel? this is what is confusing me....
22:16.28Corydon76-work1 to 4 and 2 to 5, right?
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22:16.43galerasshido6: i need 60 lines for predictive dialer and 30 lines for other use, both using same dial pattern
22:16.44ZX81digium support answered
22:17.03ibob63Does anyone have experience with the quad isdn card b410p?
22:17.34k31thibob63: not yet, maybe soon tho
22:17.56k31thCan i get commercial support from digium ?
22:18.12Strom_MZX81: did you test the cable?
22:18.16shido6sure you can.
22:18.53Strom_Mruied_: no, you compile it against the headers and then you load it
22:19.32ibob63does anyone know where I can download libtermcap ? Does anyone make .deb for this?
22:19.40ruied_Strom_M,  hmm, ok!  going to compile it! thanks :)
22:19.55shido6for your source question, checkout
22:19.58shido6for starters
22:20.29Strom_Mwelcome to #asterisk, where it's apparently "Linux 101" day
22:21.22hi365_mStrom_M: im having an assorment of issues - cals coming from a queue sometime "freeze" and then dissconect (the phone requires a reboot), pops and clics on ivr's, and ocasional pop and clicks during conversasions
22:21.37holiday_42seems like everyday is "linux 101" day
22:22.34hi365_mStrom_M: so i decited to run zttest, thinking perhaps its a timing issue, but i really didnt like what i saw
22:22.50Strom_Mhi365_m: well, beats me.  i have no experience with the sangoma cards except remembering that the one I did set up for a client was a colossal pain in the ass to work with
22:23.08hi365_mgotchya. thanks anyway
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22:28.30davidcsianyone knows how to know if call sent via PERL AGI has connected? event-like??
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22:31.19Strom_Mlocate cdr | grep asterisk
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22:32.31apturaIs it possible to play a voice mail so both parties can listen to it?
22:32.46Strom_Mwhat do you mean "both parties"
22:32.49shido6"both parties" ?
22:33.00Strom_Min a call to voicemail, there's you and there's the voicemail server
22:33.06apturasip session between two people.
22:33.12MercestesYou could conference call into the voicemail system.
22:33.22Mercestesor forward the voicemail
22:33.23shido6or copy the mesage itself
22:33.28shido6to somewhere else
22:33.29apturacall brb
22:33.35Mercestesor email it to multiple users
22:33.45shido6or play it on a website
22:33.50shido6or stream it somewhere
22:33.58shido6pick 12
22:34.19snuff-workdoes the g729 card have a timer.. ztdummy isn't cutting it
22:34.30shido6g729 card is for 1.4
22:34.34Strom_Maptura: yeah, it's called THREE-WAY CALLING
22:34.34Strom_Mit's only been around since the 1960s
22:34.43ZX81patrick (DigiumSupport) is helping me fix my red alarms :) yay!
22:34.53Strom_Msnuff-work: yes, you get timing from the TC400B
22:35.08Qwell[]Strom_M: You sure about that?
22:35.18Strom_Mwell...uh....I would assume so......
22:35.22Qwell[]Without knowing, I would say no
22:35.26Strom_Mi'm wrong, aren't I
22:35.31Qwell[]I know that the TDM400p with no modules does not
22:36.16davidcsiTDM400 DOES have a timing
22:36.22Qwell[]Yes, with modules it does.
22:36.26Qwell[]Without modules it does not.
22:36.43snuff-workmmm.. might have to put it into this machine to find out..
22:36.54davidcsithere is absolutely no way of doing TDM without a timing reference
22:37.05Qwell[]snuff-work: If you want a board just for timing, you could get a 1 port TDM400p..
22:37.21davidcsiyou can get timing with usb
22:37.30apturaI just thought it would be a interesting feature to just get into vm and play it for the other caller I called.
22:37.34snuff-workbut i only have a 1 ru server with 1 pci-x slot
22:37.43Qwell[]snuff-work: that could prove difficult then...
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22:38.48apturaNow this is a little odd but my ip500 is not rining when a call comes in. It will attempt to ring but with a duration of .5ms and then the call goes to vm. I have made no changes to create this behavior.
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22:39.45apturaGuess no one has seen that issue yet.
22:40.24shido6the cli should read something like, cannot create channel of type sip
22:40.28shido6then move to the next priority
22:40.50apturalet me check
22:40.55perf3ktSIP/2.0 404 Not Found
22:41.14Strom_MSIP/2.0 808 Hawaii
22:42.04perf3ktthat is the error that I recieve when I attempt to call into my * box
22:42.48snuff-workmm.. ok if i have to go usb timing to get 1/2 decent clock will be a shame :(
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22:46.30JTsnuff-work: usb timing won't be that decent either
22:47.00JTwhy is it a shame?
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22:48.51davidcsisnuff-work, why do you need a timer for?
22:49.41snuff-workso meetme work smoother
22:50.27davidcsioh ok... but for that my guess is usb is just fine... unless we're talking heavy traffic here...
22:50.35davidcsido you have a TDM card?
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22:52.27snuff-workin one box i have a TE110P 1xE1 card.. but the other is just going to have a g729 card and the servers only support 1 pci-x because its 1ru
22:53.59javarsomeone can help with sangoma card?
22:54.32JTdavidcsi: weird guess
22:54.46JTdavidcsi: meetme likes zap timing best, from a real card
22:55.47apturagetting a no route to destination. but the second error is rather interesting.
22:55.50davidcsiusb is a real timing device, only not as accurate as tdm, but for small applications its just fine, i'm doing 45k min/day with iax trunking using usb timing
22:57.01*** join/#asterisk Aces1Up (
22:57.08Aces1Upany one here run a calling card business?
22:57.14Aces1UpI would like some advice.
22:57.24davidcsiaces1up: ask
22:57.35apturaEveryone has at one time or another
22:57.36JTjavar: i'm sure some people can.
22:57.41jbotsomebody said question was If you have a question and want people to give useful answers, make sure you have read this first:
22:58.02Aces1Upjust curious how many users-per-channel a calling card company has typically supported.
22:58.15JTerr, users per channel, what?
22:58.24davidcsigood "what"
22:58.28davidcsiwhat do you mean?=
22:58.43JTif they use pri for outgoing, 1 user takes 2 channels
22:58.53javarhi JT, I have a A200. I'm trying to install the drivers but i got this error: ./Setup: 973: Syntax error: Bad substitution
22:59.10davidcsioh, that... it really depends on what traffic you think you'll have...
22:59.15JTjavar: is this wanpipe?
22:59.23javarJT, yes
22:59.24davidcsiits a matter of dimensioning really.
22:59.31JTjavar: latest version/
22:59.31Aces1Updavid say i have 1 line incoming, how many users can typically use that 1 line in a 24-hour period without getting excessive busy signals.
22:59.47javarJT, wanpipe-3.1.0
22:59.48Aces1Uphow much can i load it.
23:00.15JTjavar: yeah i have no idea if that's the latest or not, anyway, sounds like a bug, try another versiob
23:00.41Aces1Upi know its a measurement that has to be made after traffic patterns are seen, but i would think there is a general measurement or rule of thumb for that sort of thing.
23:00.46J4k3hmm interesting...  idefisk's in-call dtmf won't work with my cellphone's voicemail, but xlite's will
23:00.58davidcsiagain, depends on your traffic, but you gotta overdimensing the access, otherwise you'll have people calling that can't get through... the standard is like 250k/month per E1 (30channels) do your math...
23:01.01J4k3I guess idefisk is trying to do inband and the xlite is doing oob
23:01.01Aces1Upi was thinking 5 users would be too many.  but not sure.
23:01.39JTJ4k3: different protocols too
23:01.50JTi thought iax was out of band only
23:01.51davidcsibut again, tha ALSO depends on your asr, etc... i usually do 60%inbound 40%outbound
23:02.10J4k3JT: I'm using idefisk in sip mode.
23:02.13javarJT, i tried with  wanpipe-2.3.4-10, but same issue
23:02.18J4k3so... that might be the problem too, I doubt its optimized for sip
23:02.35JTJ4k3: didn't know it could do sip
23:03.01J4k3JT: yep..  it'll do both (pretty slick really)
23:03.16JTJ4k3: all soft phones are awful :)
23:03.17Aces1Updavid average-...-ratio ? ASR?
23:03.30JTAces1Up: google
23:03.43JTjavar: umm what system is this on?
23:03.43davidcsiaces: yeah
23:04.50davidcsifact is you can have, say 1 T1 inbound and 1 outboud, all channels of inband could be in use while only 20 of the outbound are in use... depends on ACD/ASR and so on.
23:05.28Aces1Upyeh i looked up on google my bad, i'm lazy.
23:05.40javarJT, ubuntu server
23:05.42davidcsiif you think you'll have some traffic, get 4TDM, on these things you can never overdo it...
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23:06.17Aces1Updavid well, i was just going to run it all voip.
23:06.21davidcsiOR, get the access provider to deliver the access via VoIP
23:06.22MACscrCan anyone recommend a data center in the US to get a server to through asterisk on? Im going ot be connecting it to a server in Germany
23:06.35davidcsiAces: that's the best solution...
23:06.47JTjavar: what commands did you issue to install the sangoma?
23:06.59MACscrMy client already has one server at LayeredTech, so i was thinking about them
23:07.05javarJT, /usr/src/wanpipe-3.1.0$ sudo ./Setup install
23:07.13javarJT, ./Setup: 973: Syntax error: Bad substitution
23:07.31JTjavar: what is on line 973?
23:07.54HogieMACscr:  Softlayer has Xeon 3220 (quadcore Core 2 Duo based) + 2gb ram for $179 with 2TB transfer atm
23:08.04JTdo the main us-eu links go out via the us west or east coast?
23:08.23javarJT, name=${name// /}
23:08.27Aces1Updavid hrmm that figure 250k/e1 a month, is there a number of users for that
23:08.58MACscrHogie, thats nice, but a smaller server for around $100 would work just fine with the amount of traffic we will be doing
23:09.00davidcsiaces: can't say for sure... concurrent users you mean?
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23:09.45Aces1Upwell acually just users period, how many users have access to create the 250k/e1/mo
23:10.02HogieMAC: ah, okay.  They dont carry anything slower than that really
23:10.03javarJT, line 972: elif [ $BASH_SUPPORT -gt 1 ]; then
23:10.37JTjavar: err
23:10.54JTjavar: that or the line with name=? what's what?
23:11.16javarJT, Line 973: name=${name// /}
23:11.20davidcsi28-30 at peak time, of course... there's really no way to calculate that... it depends on the traffic profile... i.e. if most of the traffic you do is for instance Colombia, then few users, as they talk a lot and use up the card very fast... same goes for turists...
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23:11.53jaxxanhey guys, is there a way to send a fax using asterisk
23:12.13jaxxanis it possible to hook up a fax machine to it to send a fax is what i mean
23:12.20Aces1Updavid i see thanks.
23:13.00davidcsiaces: but you're already doing it via voip, right? divide whatever monthly traffic you got by 250k, then multiply by 2 to know how many T1/E1 you actually need.
23:13.07davidcsiits the best way to go.
23:17.50Aces1Updavid thank you very much these figures will help me greatly, is there a site with these type of measurements for different calling areas?
23:18.02Aces1Upor what would i google for that sort of info?
23:18.39JTtelecommunications traffic engineering
23:18.47davidcsino that i know of... i would google something like "[country] average call duration"
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23:22.18javarJT, any idea?
23:26.51mvanbaakniterz all
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23:30.57J4k3asterisk eats another telemarketer!
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23:33.21canberki set asterisk to use g729:20 codec in h323.conf however asterisk is always trying to have the conversation with 230ms payload
23:33.26canberkwhy do you think is this
23:33.57davidcsidon't know... but i wouldn't use h323 on asterisk... :S
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23:34.29canberkwell, why davidcsi
23:35.02davidcsiit can't hold much traffic, it eats up the ram, etc, etc...
23:35.03JTJ4k3: do you use Zapateller too?
23:35.18canberkbut in case you must use, there is no way out :(
23:35.41davidcsii do protocol converion with yate on the same machine.
23:35.46JTcanberk: because no-one uses H.323 on asterisk and it's poorly developed?
23:36.55canberkpossibly yeah, but i guess there must be a solution because it is impossible to have a h323 conversation with 230bytes payload
23:37.16JTcanberk: umm davidcsi just mentioned a solution
23:37.29JTalso, never assume a solution, or at least a free one exists
23:39.43*** join/#asterisk kiscokid (n=ron@
23:40.38kiscokidIn the dialplan how do you refer to the extension of the caller.  I want to use this as a parameter for VoiceMailMain
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23:42.40J4k3JT: nah...  I just let them get hung up on
23:43.26J4k3s  23.137 ms
23:44.05davidcsianyone knows how the callback in perl agi works?? can't get it to work!
23:47.05davidcsikiscokid, 1.2 and before: ${CALLERID(num)}
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23:51.05JTJ4k3: cool
23:51.18JTJ4k3: so routerboards.... which ones have you used?
23:51.44kiscokiddavidcsi: I am on 1.4
23:51.45J4k3JT: 112, 133, 133c, 532+502
23:51.56JTnot 150 then
23:52.00JTconsidering the 150
23:52.01J4k3not yet
23:52.08JTi don't need wireless/mini pci
23:52.09J4k3I have a use for them
23:52.21kiscokidok, thanks
23:52.24J4k3just haven't purchased 'em yet
23:52.29JTJ4k3: do you only run routeros?
23:52.56J4k3JT: on the routerboards yes...
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23:53.25JTJ4k3: i am interested in running linux
23:53.37J4k3yeah... I can't imagine it being a problem
23:53.44J4k3supported mips chip
23:53.55J4k3well, the 150 might be different... its a different chip I think
23:54.20MACscrWould a 2.4ghz celeron with 512mb of ram be fine for asterisk? With a light call parttern?
23:54.47J4k3wow, one of these gs bt101's makes a horrible static sound on occasion after its been active for a few minutes
23:54.47davidcsimac, very light, no transcoding... sure
23:55.23J4k3(I called milliwatt and let it run for a few minutes)
23:55.23MACscrHmm, i guess i would need transcoding if i used a high compression codec, right?
23:56.01davidcsino, if you change from on codec (receive) to another(send)
23:56.11kiscokiddavidcsi: that worked
23:56.31JTdavidcsi: you could do some transcoding on a 2.4GHz for sure
23:57.00MACscrIm wanting to do a setup between an asterisk in germany and one in the US
23:57.13MACscrShopping for a DC in the US right now that uses Global Crossing
23:57.27MACscrAnd where i can get a decent price on a basic server
23:57.29davidcsiJT, sure you can, but very light is what i mean.
23:57.56JTMACscr: co-lo is usually cheaper than dedicated, but obviously may be more inconvenient
23:58.25J4k3hmm...  this static noise I just got, again... almost sounds like a telco timing problem
23:58.33J4k3and I've only ever noticed it on calls from this area...
23:59.42fetcheranyone have SIP accounts with (aka Voicestick)?  Wondering if they're down all over, or just for me

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