IRC log for #asterisk on 20070625

00:00.04obnauticuscalling friends through it
00:00.08obnauticusinbound lines
00:01.02JTthis sip connection you're having a problem with, explain it
00:01.12dlynes_laptopJT: PCI card on a netra?
00:01.21dlynes_laptopJT: Does hte netra even have a pci bus?
00:01.28JTdlynes_laptop: it has 1 pci slot
00:01.36obnauticusJT i don't know how to explain it.
00:01.39dlynes_laptopJT: ah...never opened it up
00:01.40JTdlynes_laptop: i don't plan to put zap hardware in it
00:01.51obnauticusLike i try calling it from my cell or whatever
00:01.57JTobnauticus: well wtf is it?
00:01.57obnauticusand i can SPEAK to it through my PBX
00:02.00dlynes_laptopJT: I was only trying to get the software to run on it
00:02.04obnauticusSIP or IAX?
00:02.09dlynes_laptopJT: I was never planning to put it in a production environment
00:02.16JTyes, it's sip, i've gathered that
00:02.23JTbut it's connecting to what?
00:02.33JTdlynes_laptop: so you didn't do any testing?
00:03.12jbotpb is probably a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or at
00:03.12dlynes_laptopJT: Not really...ran out of time
00:03.12JTdlynes_laptop: damn
00:03.12dlynes_laptopJT: Most of my time was taken up just getting the damned thing to build
00:03.18obnauticusi know what pastebin is.
00:03.22JTdlynes_laptop: i wanted to know what its capabilities were
00:03.23obnauticusit's not big enough
00:03.31JTobnauticus: then use the pastebin.
00:03.51dlynes_laptopJT: Well, fwiw, I pretty much had to transform the whole damned thing into a Linux environment
00:04.09JTdlynes_laptop: i'm not terribly fussed, solaris or linux
00:04.17dlynes_laptopJT: nobody seems to like using the Solaris build environment
00:04.28JTnot surprised
00:04.31dlynes_laptopJT: so I was forced to use the GNU build environment under Solaris
00:06.05JTobnauticus: can you pastebin the whole sip.conf, minus passwords?
00:06.19JTobnauticus: also, is the call inbound or outbound?
00:06.34JTdlynes_laptop: hmm ok, i'm not very familiar with solaris
00:06.40obnauticusJT it's a default config
00:06.45obnauticusthat's the only thing i've added
00:06.51obnauticusI mainly use only IAX
00:06.55obnauticusbut for this i need to use SIP
00:07.08JTyeah, i have no idea what your defaults are :)
00:07.17obnauticuslol ok hold on
00:07.27JThave you checked that it's not firewalled anyway?
00:07.31*** join/#asterisk mike_jh (n=mike@
00:07.32obnauticusI just did
00:08.02obnauticus5060 - 5082
00:08.10obnauticus10000 - 20000  N
00:08.18obnauticusare all forwarded to my * server
00:08.52JTforwaring, i see
00:08.53mike_jhDoes anyone know the best way to install Asterisk::AGI on Etch?  It appears not to be in apt and CPAN is b0rked!  Should I try fixing CPAN or is it hiddenin in apt or can I download a deb file for it?
00:08.59obnauticuswell im using NAT
00:09.04obnauticusfor forwarding
00:09.07JTi thought it was just behind nat
00:09.15obnauticusya it is
00:09.19JTerr, nat does not provide static forwarding
00:09.19obnauticusim using m0n0wall
00:09.53*** join/#asterisk tuxd00d (n=tuxinato@
00:10.02JTdoes anyone actually connect directly to your asterisk machine as if it's a sip or iax server?
00:10.19obnauticusClients connect as IAX
00:10.25obnauticusthrough IAX**
00:10.41obnauticusDo you mind if i pastebin something that is in unix formatting
00:10.45obnauticuslike all the line breaks are fucked up
00:10.51obnauticusbut if you have dreamweaver you can get rid of that
00:11.11JTwtf would i need dreamweaver to format text?
00:11.22obnauticuswell it does that for you if you just open it up with it
00:11.26obnauticusthat's what i do
00:12.05JTi wouldn't be caught dead with dreamweaver on my pc
00:12.18obnauticusI never use it
00:12.29obnauticusI just have it because we were doing it for some gay ass assignment at school.
00:12.34obnauticusI use notepad for coding lol.
00:12.35obnauticusand nano
00:13.08Strom_Ma gay ass assignment, eh?
00:13.21obnauticusa "web development" assignment using all Design mode in dreamweaver
00:13.25obnauticusit was so stupid.
00:13.28Strom_Mso you were supposed to go to the bar and catalogue the kinds of gay ass?
00:13.53Strom_Mthe fourteen families and seventy-eight subvarieties of bubble butt?
00:13.57rob0Perhaps this kid has a future in Asterisk!
00:14.36workaphobiastoffell_w: As xkcd would put it, a gay ass-assignment
00:14.44Strom_Mthe shaved ones, the trimmed ones, the waxed ones, and the ones where the hair grows free?
00:14.51obnauticusJT did you see that?
00:15.09rob0NM, just some gay ass jokes.
00:15.36*** join/#asterisk nohop (
00:15.43nohophey ppl...
00:15.49nohopsorry for my rudeness yesterday :)
00:16.12rob0Sorry for mine, too. No hard feelings.
00:16.21mike_jhOh, did I miss something exciting?
00:16.32nohopnot really :)
00:16.38rob0(Just play along with us.)
00:17.03nohopi had a bad day and then someone here was yelling at me... so i parted with "fuck this" as my last message or smth :)
00:17.06Strom_MI can make more gay ass-jokes if you feel you need amusement
00:17.07rob0I don't remember it myself; perhaps was too drunk by then.
00:17.09workaphobiaI'm sorry I offended every race, creed, gender, and God yesterday too.
00:17.39rob0workaphobia: You BLEW it. You didn't offend me. TRY HARDER.
00:17.41workaphobiaStrom_M: No, being a loyal xkcd fan, I prefer jokes of the re-arrange the hyphen type.
00:17.54workaphobiarob0: I love vista.
00:18.08workaphobiaVictory! But at what cost...
00:18.13JTworkaphobia: /that/ you shouldn't joke about
00:18.21obnauticusdid you see the config?
00:18.27nohopanyways... i hope someone could help me...
00:18.36workaphobiaJT: an artist can't live within boundaries
00:18.46nohopi got incomming calls directed from my asterisk server to a soft-phone on my workstation...
00:19.22nohopbut when i call that number (from my landline) it does ring, and from the landline you can hear the other side... but not vice-versa...
00:20.00rob0nohop: OS?
00:20.13nohoplinux, both boxes
00:20.42JTobnauticus: yes, i've noticed you're not even registering with ipkall
00:20.50nohopexten => nohup,1,Dial(SIP/nohup@
00:21.00nohopthat's in my extensions.conf...
00:21.02rob0well, I meant more specific, because I suspect firewall blockage. "service iptables stop" on RH derivatives.
00:21.15nohopoh, and (stupid) totally forgot to paste this one
00:21.17obnauticusJT well it apperentally works because i can call inbound
00:21.24nohopWarning: 305 "Incompatible media format: None of the audio codecs is supported"
00:21.27JTobnauticus: apparently you assumed wrong
00:21.30obnauticuslike with my cell phone i can call my ipkall number and it works fine
00:21.42JTobnauticus: and it doesn't work, because you can't hear one side of audio
00:22.00obnauticusi mean the line
00:22.26obnauticus i used that guide
00:23.01obnauticusit doesn't umm say anywhere to register it...
00:23.43JTit's just a wiki
00:24.27*** join/#asterisk Bryce3434 (
00:24.27JTlook at the comments, some have problems with that config
00:24.27rob0I don't think you DO register with ipkall ... you give them your hostname.
00:24.27obnauticusI do too
00:24.27JTbut it looks like ipkall lets you put in the ip
00:24.37JTipkall sounds dodgy
00:25.22rob0Has been pretty reliable for me.
00:25.39JTshrug, i don't use free voip services
00:25.43rob0at least AFAIK ... I don't have to call me :)
00:25.51obnauticusregister => **********:****
00:25.54obnauticusshould work?
00:26.01obnauticusexcept with user:pass
00:26.20JTobnauticus: the quickest way to start to break down the problem would be to do packet sniffing on your router
00:26.57rob0I don't register for ipkall. Registration is a way to tell the SIP server where the client is. You did that with ipkall when you signed up.
00:27.17obnauticusbecause that number will only need to dial your sip proxy
00:27.19JTrob0: it's also a way to punch through NAT
00:27.28JTbut he has ports forwarded
00:27.33JTso in theory it should work
00:28.24rob0ah ... nat. I just run * on my gateway machines, so I'm spared that pain.
00:29.03obnauticusi'll look at the packets
00:29.30JTwell before you do that
00:29.36JTset verbose to 10
00:29.41JTswitch on sip debug
00:29.46JTand pastebin a full call
00:30.53obnauticushow can i log output to a file in umm
00:30.58obnauticusthe * console
00:31.32rob0I run the console in screen(1) and set a high scrollback buffer.
00:31.43*** part/#asterisk workaphobia (
00:31.44obnauticuscan putty do that
00:31.46JTenable full log or similar
00:31.47obnauticusim in screen
00:33.26obnauticusi enabled logging
00:37.16obnauticusi can't get logging to work
00:37.17obnauticusbut hold on
00:37.35rob0Try a chain saw.
00:39.19obnauticusi got it
00:39.33JTtry pressing enter less
00:43.48JTobnauticus: in sip.conf, set externip to your ip
00:43.57JTit is already in the default
00:44.04JTjust uncomment and set
00:45.19obnauticusim trying a call
00:45.51obnauticusstill can't hear anything from the cell phone
00:46.17JTset localnet too
00:46.51*** join/#asterisk CyBeR_GeeK (n=CyBeR_Ge@
00:47.49obnauticusJT i love oyu
00:48.01JTerr, thanks :P
00:48.02obnauticusseriously thanks dude
00:48.10JTno probs
00:48.11obnauticusif you were here right next to me
00:48.13obnauticusi would blow oyu
00:48.23JTi didn't need to know that
00:49.32obnauticusnow all i need to do is get IVR menu's uop
00:49.35obnauticusit will be leet
00:53.48*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
00:57.39obnauticusJT kind a noobie question
00:57.42obnauticusbut how do i call my voicemail
00:58.02JTkind of a question for
00:58.08jboti guess thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
00:58.09Errheh, give it an extension and dial it
00:59.32obnauticusi think that site is down
00:59.39obnauticusI'll just download the O"reilly book
00:59.49Strom_Mthat /is/ the oreilly book
00:59.57obnauticusclose enough
01:00.00obnauticusthe site isn't responding
01:00.03obnauticusso i assumed it was different
01:06.29*** join/#asterisk SirThomas_Home (
01:06.37*** join/#asterisk mosty (
01:09.30*** join/#asterisk Avochelm (
01:09.31*** join/#asterisk logyati (n=paulo@
01:10.30mostyi'm having trouble with a tc400b transcoder card, it was working ok for about half an hour, then it stopped translating to g729. i restarted asterisk and it still doesn't seem to be able to translate, and "show transcoder" is no longer available as an asterisk console command
01:11.43ManxPowermosty: you need to contact Digium support on monday
01:12.24mostyok, i'll stick it out with gsm today then
01:16.08*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
01:17.28*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:18.18*** join/#asterisk javar (n=javar@
01:19.11AllanLimaCyBeR_GeeK =)
01:19.39*** join/#asterisk ShadowHntr (i=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr)
01:20.05CyBeR_GeeKangler :P
01:23.00*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
01:24.32*** join/#asterisk GiantPickle (
01:25.24flendersanyone good with cisco phones here?
01:26.05Strom_Mjust ask your question
01:26.15obnauticusheh i wish i HAD a cisco phone
01:26.26JTmorning flenders
01:26.37flendersJT: how are you amte?
01:26.45JTnot bad
01:27.30flenderswell, I got a couple of 7940 and the thing does not boot up
01:28.05obnauticuswith cisco phones they have IAX and SIP compadibility right?
01:28.05flendersit got an IP and I can see it trying to grab files from the tftp server, but the screen always shows 'configuring IP'
01:28.38flendersand I get shit loads of these on the tftp server:
01:28.39flendersClient /opt/tftp/OS79XX.TXT, 1 Blocks Served
01:28.39flendersClient /opt/tftp/SEP001121D9A601.cnf.xml, 3 Blocks Served
01:29.31Strom_Mdo those files exist?
01:29.54marvhmm, how does the graph in figure 6 at work? it shows bit 0 of the first octet indicating a full frame. is that right, or is it actually the 8th bit (bit 7)? e.g., if the source call number is is all zeros in the high byte, would a full frame have that byte being 0x80 or 0x01? I'm thinking 0x80, especially after looking at it in wireshark. so does that mean the diagram is wrong, or am i just u
01:29.56Strom_Mare they readable by the user?
01:30.40flendersthey're 644
01:31.02javarneed 755
01:31.41obnauticusjavar can you explain to me how the cisco phones work, im considoring buying one..
01:31.46obnauticusthey look cool
01:32.20javarthey do not support IAX, just SIP
01:32.40obnauticusand t hey get their configuration through tftp?
01:33.11Errmarv: your question was truncated at "i just u" - but is your question just an endian-ness question?
01:33.15JTobnauticus: pretty much almost no hardphones support iax
01:33.43JTnone worth using anyway
01:33.52obnauticusAre the cisco ones good though
01:34.06Erroh, wait - you're asking about within a single byte - still, it could be a question of which way they denote the bits within an octet (LSb vs. MSb)
01:34.18marvor am i just understanding it wrong?
01:34.24mostyobnauticus, you're better off getting a good non-cisco sip phone if you want to use asterisk
01:34.42Err...the TCP, UDP, and IP RFCs and such use the left-most as the MSb, if it means anything
01:34.49marverr: yeah i'm asking about a single byte. isn't bit 7 usually the MSB in a diagram like that?
01:35.12marvyeah, i'm thinking left most is MSb
01:35.34flendersjavar: even tried 777, and it's still on the 'configuring IP', even though it has an IP.
01:35.43marvin which case, i'm thinking either the numbering is wrong, or i'm just not familiar with this convention
01:35.46Errit is in the old RFCs - I don't know, that's probably a standard somewhere for RFCs...  So your packet capture data jiving with 0x80 and not 0x01 is what I would expect
01:36.06obnauticusmosty ok
01:36.09obnauticuslike a linksys one?
01:36.15obnauticusthat is kinda like cisco lol.
01:36.40mostyobnauticus, some linksys phones are ok. most people prefer polycom though
01:36.54javarflenders, you're sure that the tftp is running?
01:37.01marvErr: what is in old RFCs?
01:37.07flendersyeah, it's trying to access it
01:37.09obnauticusan old RFC
01:37.14flendersClient /opt/tftp/OS79XX.TXT, 1 Blocks Served
01:37.14flendersClient /opt/tftp/SEP001121D9A601.cnf.xml, 3 Blocks Served
01:37.18Errmarv: that's the traditional numbering style, too - it's just not exactly intuitive.  They're numbered based on what order they go On The Wire, I think (for a "standard" link - probably X.25 or ethernet)
01:37.28javaryou can access to file over browser?
01:37.39javarmaybe your xml are wrong
01:37.51obnauticusmosty why is umm a cisco phone bad for asterisk...
01:37.57obnauticusi mean if i can get it to work on SIP
01:37.58marvErr: ah, ok.
01:38.08Errmarv: that's how 791 is written, and I just checked - the usual 0x45 for the first byte only makes sense if the bit 0 is the MSb
01:38.13JTbecause cisco are arseholes
01:38.19flendersjavar: it could be... I got the XML files from:
01:38.37mostyobnauticus, if you can afford a cisco service contract, which you need to get the sip firmwares, then you can afford to use cisco for the server too
01:38.43JTif you buy a second hand cisco, you can't even legally have the right to run the firmware that's on it, let alone get an upgrade
01:38.49*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
01:39.05JTand sip plays second fiddle to sccp at cisco
01:39.06obnauticusmosty lol.
01:39.14obnauticusThat's so gay.
01:39.14*** join/#asterisk swift99 (
01:39.33marvI'm used to, say, an ASCII vs UTF-8 discussion, where we talk about the 8th bit, which in that diagram would be bit 0 and not bit 7 as i would except. but i guess it's just a different conversion, that's cool.
01:39.53JTobnauticus: so's talking like a 15 year old :)
01:40.08obnauticusJT well take into considoration that I am 15
01:40.19swift99Question for gurus:  Does asterisk run well on 64 bit architectures yet?
01:40.21obnauticusand I could be abbreviating the word "you" or "are"
01:40.24obnauticusbut even that bothers me.
01:40.28Errah, crisco - the company that can't ever remember that without standards they wouldn't have ever started
01:40.32obnauticusTo an extent where i cannot explain.
01:40.35javarflenders, try sep001121d9a601.cnf.xml
01:40.38obnauticusim going to eat so brb :)
01:40.43javarchange the letters
01:41.42Errmarv: see rfc 990 - it describes the diagram order
01:42.14flendersjavar: cp SEP001121D9A601.cnf.xml sep001121D9A601.cnf.xml ?
01:42.18*** join/#asterisk nighty^^ (
01:42.46Errswift99: it runs just fine on my AMD64 box, to the extent that I use it - but I don't use most of the features of asterisk
01:42.59marvthanks, that makes it pretty clear
01:43.49skymeyerevening ;-) I want to create an inbound route on trixbox to accept incoming calls from freeworlddialup using SIP to a specific phone, but the DID number doesnt seem to be recognised
01:44.01skymeyerany ideas ?
01:44.03*** join/#asterisk techie (
01:45.05jbotmethinks trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX, and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox seriously painful to support and hence you will find little help here for it.  Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & WIKI at
01:45.14mostyskymeyer, if FWD isn't sending you the dialed number info, asterisk can't tell which number was dialed
01:45.17dudes<skymeyer> -
01:45.37flendersjavar: no luck
01:46.03skymeyerjbot: thanks i will do it overthere
01:46.03jbotskymeyer: sure thing
01:46.25swift99Err: What is the scale and scope of your installation?
01:47.10javarflenders, In the tftp field on the phone, looks like:$MA.xml
01:47.30javarand do just a xml file, and try
01:47.30swift99Err: sorry ... geek to english translation required ... How many handsets, and what features do you use?
01:48.03skymeyermosty: apart from using trixbox, DID info is this the same as the destination sip address ?
01:48.47flendersjavar: where do I check that?
01:49.08mostyskymeyer, no not always
01:49.11javarIn the browser type the IP of your phone
01:50.16javarwith admin login and advanced view, you get Provisioning tab
01:50.22mostyskymeyer, i know nothing about trixbox sorry
01:50.28javarProfile Rule:
01:50.54skymeyermosty: it's not trixbox related, i was just wondering if DID is an option in the SIP messaging or just the destination sip address
01:51.50flendersjavar: port 80 is not responding
01:52.08mostyskymeyer, the dialed number and sip address can be different for a call going to a sip server, but simple sip clients tend to not support that
01:52.20javartry **** (4) then 110# to check the IP
01:52.31skymeyermosty: owkay, thx for the info
01:53.42flendersjavar: on the keypad?
01:54.07flendersnothing happens
01:56.03javarcheck that to enter to web interface of the phone
01:56.34javarand configure it with your tftp settings
01:59.40*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
02:00.37flendersjavar: you think P003-08-2-00 would be fine?
02:00.55*** join/#asterisk Metfan2007 (n=metfan@
02:01.10AllanLimawhat a minimum resources to run asterisk?
02:01.17Metfan2007Hi!, somebody has installed sangoma digital cards with Asterisk???
02:01.26flendersroot@pbx:/opt/tftp# cat OS79XX.TXT
02:01.36mostyMetfan2007, yes
02:01.54flendersAllanLima: I run it at home on a PIII 450 with 256 of ram
02:01.55javarflenders, really dunno..
02:02.13AllanLimaflenders hum
02:02.57AllanLimathis is a mimimum?
02:03.23Metfan2007Ok, I have problems installing wanpipe drivers, I have two A104D cards, and it appears to finish correctly, but when I execute wanrouter start I get a lot of errors
02:03.43Metfan2007something about "22 - Invalid argument" in every port
02:04.10mostyMetfan2007, did you run wancfg and setup the card correctly?
02:04.51JTAllanLima: it is not a minimum, it can run on lower
02:05.00JTAllanLima: depends on what it needs to do
02:05.35AllanLimai want for tests
02:05.50Metfan2007I ran the ./Setup install, and I followed all the steps, in fact, wancfg configures my zaptel.conf and zapata.conf, and at the end it sends a "Succesful" mesage
02:06.04Metfan2007so I think I did everything Ok.....
02:06.33mostyMetfan2007, yes but you have to run wancfg and set some specific details that it can't guess automatically, did you do that?
02:07.11AllanLimai want to use minimum possible
02:07.50mostyAllanLima, then no transcoding?
02:07.54Metfan2007I did not ran manually wincfg, I saw in the config process that ./setup install run wincfg at the end
02:07.57Metfan2007I'll try
02:08.15Metfan2007sorry, no wincfg, wancfg :)
02:08.23AllanLimamosty i dont know :S
02:08.55mostyAllanLima, there's a page called 'asterisk dimensioning' or similar on google for that
02:09.29AllanLimamosty hum
02:09.35AllanLimalet me see
02:11.30flendersAllanLima: mate, it all depends on what you want to do... I didn't think you could get hardware lower than what I have at home
02:11.41AllanLimamosty but in this site exists minimum resources?
02:12.39*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
02:12.39mostyallanlima: minimum for what level of usage?
02:12.59Metfan2007mosty, all the wanpipeX.conf files were already configured...
02:13.30*** join/#asterisk SuperID (
02:13.33AllanLimaonly voip
02:13.43AllanLimapc to pc or pc to telephone
02:13.55mostyMetfan2007, with the correct settings? eg E1/T1?
02:14.16mostyallanlima: how many simultaneous calls?
02:14.38AllanLimai dont know too :S
02:15.03Metfan2007mosty, I hope so, in fact I already have a digium E1 card working, and I use the same configuration...
02:15.18mostyallanlima: then nobody can answer your question
02:15.39Errswift99: sorry for the delay - I'm doing some work here...  I only have a handful of clients, all IP-based, and there's never more than two clients active at once (so a total of four connections - two to the outside via a VoIP provider, and the two clients themselves)
02:15.44mostyMetfan2007, you need to run wancfg and tell it to configure the ports as E1
02:15.47flendersAllanLima: what sort of hardware you want to run asterisk on?
02:16.11AllanLimaopteron dual 242 3.0 8gb ram :S
02:16.24AllanLimabut this my server for webhost
02:16.28Metfan2007mosty, yes, it is done, I have all the wanpipeX.conf ready, with all the paramemters, E1, CRC, HDB3, etc...
02:17.01mostyMetfan2007, does wanrouter hwprobe show the card?
02:17.17mostyMetfan2007, perhaps you need to /etc/init.d/wanrouter start?
02:17.45*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
02:17.48flendersAllanLima: so, why do you want to know what the minimum is?
02:18.29AllanLimanot to harm webhost
02:18.30Metfan2007mosty, wanrouter hwprobe shows the two cards, 8 ports in total, everything ok, and when I run wanrouter start, there is where I see the erroro messages
02:18.58mostyMetfan2007, paste the output from wanrouter start at a paste site, and give us the link
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02:27.09Metfan2007mosty, you can view the errors at
02:28.58mostyMetfan2007, it says to check /var/log/messages - can you also paste the last 50 lines or so of that?
02:31.00flendersjavar: I can't even unlock the thing
02:36.27mostyMetfan2007, can you do tail -f /var/log/messages > somefile & wanrouter start, then paste all of "somefile" ?
02:36.47nohopsounds like some ethernet->phoneline thingy ?
02:36.54Metfan2007mosty, after what time?
02:36.54nohopshit, wrong window
02:38.28mostyMetfan2007, i want to see /var/log/messages from right before you do wanrouter start until it finished
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02:43.44mostyMetfan2007, try this
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03:06.31swift99Are there Ruby bindings for asterisk?
03:07.33mostyswift99, all you need is a telnet module, but there are probably some higher level libs, tried google?
03:07.33Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
03:07.40*** part/#asterisk dudes (
03:10.02swift99I'm starting with the experts (I hope).  You can get so much ... er ... sludge on google, and I have to learn a  whole new field (telephony) in a couple of days.
03:10.31swift99I can handle telnet, especially as a programmatic interface.
03:10.33mostyswift99, add to your google search string
03:12.08swift99mosty: That gives me much more useful info.  Thanks!
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03:26.06swift99Has anyone on this list had experience with telephone over cable?
03:26.20swift99That's CATV cable?
03:26.42*** join/#asterisk SwK (
03:27.35mostydo you mean analogue telephone equipment over cat5?
03:27.56JTcatv is not cat 5
03:28.02JTit's 75ohm coax
03:28.16mostythen no, not i
03:29.05swift99I'm talking about using the data line from the cable company as a digital telephone line.  I guess it depends on whether or not Cox has installed asterisk.  :o)
03:29.27JTit will need some form of modem basically
03:30.24swift99Yes ... the broadband cable modem
03:30.36mostyswift99, i've done voip over a cablemodem before, it works fine, but the upload speed isn't great here so you can't squeeze too many calls simultaneously
03:30.47JTerr then it's just voice over ip over Internet
03:30.58JTthe fact that it's cable is almost immaterial
03:31.11swift99Except that you need a way for people to call in
03:31.18swift99i.e. a  phone number
03:31.27mostyswift99, get a DID with your VOIP service
03:31.57swift99mosty: please elaborate - I've only been studying this for about 4 hours
03:32.14mostyread the intro page at
03:32.15JTthere are lots of itsps about
03:32.19jbotAn ITSP (Internet Telephony Service Provider.) is a "VoIP Phone Company".  Example : Vonage, Broadvoice, Teliax, VoicePulse, etc.  "All ITSPs suck.  Some suck less than others." (tm) (c) 2007 ManxPower
03:33.01swift99This industry has such an alphabet soup of acronyms.
03:33.28JTyou think telephony is bad? try the space industry (eg. nasa)
03:33.42swift99Need Another Seven Astronauts?
03:33.52[TK]D-Fender(N)eed (A)nother (S)even (A)stronauts <---------
03:33.55dlynes_laptopswift99: try the Java programming industry, if you think there's too many acronyms in voip
03:34.01[TK]D-Fenderswift99, beat me to it ;)
03:34.16swift99I'm a java programmer
03:34.22swift99I understand
03:34.27JTit'd be great is java programming had more abbreviations
03:34.32JTbut it's horrible
03:34.34[TK]D-FenderI program under the influence of Java... does that count? ;)
03:34.35JTit's like
03:34.37dlynes_laptopJT: like it doesn't already?
03:34.54JTdlynes_laptop: not inside actual programming
03:35.03JTlots of retarded long keywords
03:35.21dlynes_laptopJT: s=in.readLine() ;
03:35.33dlynes_laptopJT: I know...too long :)
03:35.53JTjava is a language that was designed by a committie and not programmers
03:36.15dlynes_laptopJT: Yeah, but Java can be as verbose, or as terse as you want it to be
03:36.31dlynes_laptopJT: but it's best programmed in by a bunch of fledgling university graduates
03:36.45dlynes_laptopJT: they're the only ones that can appreciate a truly anal language
03:37.04JTanyway you want it, as long as it's slow
03:37.16*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
03:37.19JTalso, it was probably most of what they were taught at uni
03:37.28dlynes_laptopJT: that, too
03:37.46swift99Java doesn't have to be slow.  However, most java programmers aren't taught how to make it perform.  They are taught that performance doesn't matter.
03:38.11dlynes_laptopswift99: just throw more money at the hardware...the slowness will go away
03:38.12JTjava is pretty useless for low level tasks
03:38.22dlynes_laptopswift99: isn't that pretty much standard Microsoft M.O.?
03:38.54mostyjt: you can get around that with import and temporary variables. it's the enourmousLibraryClassNamesThatIDislike
03:39.14swift99JT: Yes.   java models high  level constructs best, and can't handle low level tasks.  Java  is about my 30th programming language, give or take a few
03:40.39swift99dlynes_laptop: Java can be fast.  Our oracle rep was blown away when a well    designed but still untuned java app outperformed their native loader tool.  After tuning I tripled its speed, without getting fancier on the hardware.
03:41.03swift99But, most java  programmers don't understand performance.
03:41.22swift99Back to the topic at hand ...
03:41.30dlynes_laptopswift99: yes, I know Java can be fast...JBoss is a prime example
03:41.53swift99EJB's are an Edsel.
03:43.16swift99So, in the telephony world, for my purposes, given 11 end points and conferencing, with 5 external lines
03:43.48swift99I will need a 2 to 3 GHz processor with dual independent power supply and UPS
03:44.23swift99and I need a super electrical ground that is guaranteed to have no ground loops
03:44.59swift99And the standard Digium board with the appropriate FXS adapters
03:45.04*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
03:45.13swift99That sound pretty close?
03:45.48jqlground loops make me sad
03:45.55JTwell i'd look into trying to get a digital PRI service instead of 5 external lines, but i guess so
03:46.12JTit'd work fine on a 1 point something GHz machine too
03:46.19JTassuming xeon
03:46.50swift99I can't guarantee better than 5 externals, yet.  I'll do some research andsee what the digital options are.
03:47.01swift99What about a 64bit AMD?
03:47.55JTyes, fine, overkill even
03:48.28swift99Overkill means I don't get called at 3:00 AM
03:48.40jqlnobody wants to be called at 3am
03:48.42JTswift99: the smallest pri service you can usually get in the US is 8 channels, and in many metro locations is cheaper than 5 pots lines
03:49.02JTand there are many advantages to digital
03:49.07JTmainly to your sanity
03:49.35swift99Yes ... we have a top notch IT team, but limited telephony experience.
03:49.45swift99Digital is good for us.
03:50.05mostyswift99, don't use FXS ports if you can avoid it
03:50.12mostypci ones, i mean
03:50.20[TK]D-FenderDID's over digital allow you to maximize the cost of your channels, and the ability to rig callerid valuable.  Also being digital signalling you don't ahve to WAIT to receive CID either, and have other options as well
03:50.35[TK]D-FenderPCI FXS = ASS
03:50.51[TK]D-FenderSIP ATA / Gateway is the way to go
03:50.58mostyyou can get 8 channel BRI in australia, probably cheaper than PRI
03:51.17JTmosty: most definitely NOT cheaper than PRI :)
03:51.31jqlaustralia? land of Telstra?
03:51.40JTand others
03:51.41mostyjt: really? not per-channel of course
03:52.08JTif you can get optus pri
03:52.56JTit works out cheaper than 3 bri circuits (6ch)
03:53.12JTgiven optus don't charge line hunt, callerid, etc etc
03:53.40mostyi don't pay for these things, i just try to make whatever they throw at me work
03:54.02swift99To hook up to a PRI -  what hardware is required?
03:54.08JTa PRI card
03:54.24JTor external pri to sip gateway, but they're costly
03:54.36swift99Is it an off the shelf Digium part?
03:54.46JTyes, digium and others make pri cards
03:54.50JTthere's quite a lot around
03:55.03swift99ok ... so to me it's just another network adapter
03:55.14JTeven has the same socket
03:55.25swift99that could be bad
03:55.34swift99but it is manageable
03:55.50mostyswift99, sangoma make better hardware than digium
03:55.53swift99Lots of red stickers
03:56.11swift99sangoma ... what's the price difference?
03:57.40JTthe lucky thing is that the pris don't run at -48vdc like POTS
03:57.40mostysangoma's cost a bit more i think, but well worth it for business use
03:57.40jqlbut I like -48dc. tastes like copper
03:57.41JTsangoma costs less
03:57.50[TK]D-FenderRoughly identical cost.
03:58.07JTonly fractionally less, but still is less
03:58.48[TK]D-FenderJT : I wouldn't care if it were MORE :)
03:58.56swift99So, is the Sangoma A101 an example of what I would be looking for?
03:59.04[TK]D-Fenderswift99, A101d <---------
03:59.27[TK]D-Fenderswift99, Yes, you absolutely want the hardware echo cancellation.
04:01.16swift99So, for budget purposes I can consider it $1,000 (list) for the external PRI connector E1/T1
04:01.40[TK]D-Fenderswift99, a litte less
04:02.11swift99yes, after shopping and negotiations.  It's 999.99 on
04:02.21[TK]D-Fender890$ <- better
04:02.43swift99much better
04:03.32[TK]D-Fender<- Miserly one
04:03.42swift99What is the difference between the D and the DX?
04:04.08swift99I'm the ultimate miser -  I allow my self $20.00 per month for eating out.
04:04.10[TK]D-Fenderswift99, "d" = hardware EC, "x" = PCI-X
04:04.23[TK]D-Fenderswift99, No, thats just not knowing how to LIVE.
04:04.31swift99it's coming together now.
04:04.50[TK]D-Fenderswift99, there is a difference between depriving yourself of something versus paying the best price to get what you want.
04:05.09swift99I live real good ... no mortgate in a couple of years, then cash for Disney vacations and computer hobbies.   :o)
04:05.19swift99and my crayfish
04:05.34[TK]D-Fenderswift99, then its not what you spend on eating out thats important, its what you ARE spedning it on.
04:05.57swift99I'm saving it so I can spend it on fun stuff
04:06.09mostyactually i think the -X in the sangoma models means PCI-express, not PCI-X (64bit PCI)
04:07.23JTthe X in sangoma cards means pci-e, yes
04:07.44[TK]D-FenderBad aim...
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04:07.51[TK]D-Fenderyou know what they're saying...
04:08.49[TK]D-FenderAnd another advantage on Sangoma = their regular PCI models are 3.3 & 5v compliant.
04:09.18swift99ok ... it makes sense now.  PCI-e allows potential improvements of bus utilization of up to 4 times PCI-X, and 8 times standard PCI busses.
04:09.50JTwhat press release are you reading?
04:09.55swift99So for a  high utilization system I would go to  more expensive PCI-e motherboard and card.
04:10.22JTyou would only go pci-e card because that was what's on your motherboard
04:10.39JTfor the amount of data that's being pushed, the interface is immaterial
04:10.43swift99I haven't purchased the motherboard yet
04:11.05JTthe pci cards are cheaper....
04:11.23swift99It appears that the PCI card will do the job
04:11.48JTthat observation appears accurate
04:13.17swift99What bit rate do current generation SIP phones operate at?  100MBit?  1GBit?
04:14.48swift99So I can't use phone lines for my data backbone.  Sigh.
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04:14.53mostyswift99, in terms of calling bandwidth, or network link?
04:15.05[TK]D-FenderDamn.... blew a spoke on my brie ride today....
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04:15.36swift99network link - we will have to support three streaming media  presentation systems.  I was hoping to minimize the wiring.
04:15.50swift99Three extra wires won't hurt us.
04:16.06JTlink between what and what?
04:16.38swift99Link between our server room and the rest of the building.
04:17.11JTi'm failing to see why there would be insufficient bandwidth on these existing links
04:17.58swift99Right now, nothing is existing.  We're trying to optimize our resources at for new construction.
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04:18.10swift99Heck, the walls aren't even all up
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04:18.51swift99We go in wiring after the roof goes in, but before the ceiling goes in.
04:19.08JThow far away is this server room?
04:19.09[TK]D-Fenderswift99, 2 Cat5E drops per station.  the way to go.
04:19.18JTor cat6
04:19.25[TK]D-FenderYeah sure, why not
04:19.30swift99We were going for Cat 6
04:20.38swift99Cat 6 is guaranteed to 1GHz, and hypothetically modeled to 10 GHz (we'll see in a few years how realtiy meets that model)
04:20.45swift99Lots of bandwidth available.  Just a matter of optimizing resources.
04:22.20[TK]D-FenderMy phones CLEARLY need fiber channel!
04:22.56swift99We are considering fiber backbone because of the distance (350 feet straight line).
04:23.36mostyi had a customer try to talk me into installing a 4G SAN interface to a box with 4 E1 lines, they were surprised when i mentioned the bandwidth of a single E1
04:24.04swift99Ok, I'll bite.  What's an E1 bandwidth?
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04:24.41mostyabout 2M
04:24.43JTswift99: umm
04:24.50mostyfrom memory
04:24.51JTswift99: NOT 10GHz
04:25.40[TK]D-Fender4.77mhz XT FTW!
04:25.48JTactually, it's only guaranteed to 250MHz
04:25.57swift99JT:  Sorry, that's 1GB and 10GB.  You're right.  It's after mybed time.
04:26.21JTswift99: bitrate != frequency bandwidth
04:26.42swift99Yes, when I'm awake I'm aware of that.  My bad.
04:27.01JT10GHz would be absolutely spectacular for twisted pair, as it stands, you either need waveguide or $30/m coax to do 10GHz
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04:27.26b1shop[TK]D-Fender: dumb question.  what did i set the root passwd to?  ;-P
04:27.52JT[TK]D-Fender: where did I leave my car keys?
04:28.06[TK]D-FenderJT..... I wasn't jsut working on your car ;)
04:28.18[TK]D-FenderJT... I WAS just working on his system.
04:28.18swift99Hey, thanks all for your help.  JT, mosty, [TK]D-Fender, dLynes-laptop, and waKKu
04:28.32JT[TK]D-Fender: thought it was something like that
04:28.59swift99I need my beauty sleep (ok, we'll worry about the beauty later) if I'm going to work tomorrow.
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04:30.40[TK]D-Fenderb1shop, I e-mailed it to you
04:32.14b1shopsend in pm
04:33.34DeL3e7default IAX port 5060?
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04:35.04JTthat's sip
04:35.08JTiax is udp 4569
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04:45.38DeL3e7this is confusing stuff
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04:48.25k31this it possible to provision snom 360 phones to use active directory ?
05:01.36obnauticusDoes * 1.4 have DigitTimeout
05:01.38obnauticusbecause umm
05:01.43obnauticuspbx.c:1797 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'DigitTimeout' for extension (mainmenu, s, 3)
05:07.47[TK]D-Fenderobnauticus, taht is GONE in 1.4
05:07.59obnauticuswhat should i use??
05:08.09[TK]D-Fenderobnauticus, Time to read all of the upgrade.txt's that were released
05:08.16[TK]D-Fenderobnauticus, "show function TIMEOUT"
05:09.03bintuthello all.. will this card/chipset work on asterisk ==>
05:10.14[TK]D-Fenderbintut, lol.  Try it and see, and prepare for the realization that it is all likelyhood completely worthless.
05:10.32obnauticusWhat about ResponseTimeout
05:11.14bintut[TK]D-Fender: you mean, x100p clones are useless?  :(
05:11.45mostybintut, usually crappy enough to be more pain to use than buying something better
05:11.45flendersalright, I finally got one of my cisco 7940s to work
05:11.51[TK]D-Fenderbintut, No, they are NEXT to worthless.  Your card on the other hand may be ont he other side of the fence entirely.
05:12.05flendersand comparing it's sound quality to polycoms, polycoms are a lot better
05:12.56obnauticusWhat is the 1.4 equivilant to responseTimeout
05:13.12[TK]D-Fenderobnauticus, I just answerd your squestion, pay attention.
05:13.33obnauticusThat is DigitTimeout
05:13.46obnauticusi didn't know that
05:13.59[TK]D-Fenderobnauticus, If you REALLY read the INSTRUCTIONS, you' wouldn't have had to ask the 2nd one.
05:14.13obnauticusya i didn't really pay attention to the Show function timeout
05:18.58obnauticusok [TK]D-Fender
05:19.05obnauticusexten => s,3,Timeout(5)
05:19.12obnauticus[2007-06-24 14:14:17] WARNING[6541]: pbx.c:1797 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'Timeout' for extension (mainmenu, s, 3)
05:19.14obnauticuswork your magic
05:19.28[TK]D-Fenderobnauticus, TIMEOUT is a FUNCTIOn, not an APPLICATION.
05:19.49obnauticusdude [TK]D-Fender im an * noob and im reading the O'Reilly while im talking to you
05:19.51obnauticusso it's not that im lazy
05:19.56obnauticusi just get questions as i go
05:21.07[TK]D-Fenderobnauticus, Poor approach.  Read lost, try on your own, and after a long period of tragic failure including WIKI searches, THEN feel free to ask in here.
05:21.37[TK]D-Fenderobnauticus, We are not your on-call hand-holding tutors or IQ.
05:21.56obnauticusYou, however are an asterisk master.
05:22.02[TK]D-Fenderobnauticus, If you WANT comprehensive lessons, I'm sure there a re a number of consultants who'd be up to the task however.
05:22.05obnauticusAnd are willing to help a hot man on call.
05:22.55[TK]D-Fenderobnauticus, I am a CONSULTANT.  When people want things handed to them all the way, thats business.  When people who put in the effort and need only the little stuff sure I help out TONS in here.
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05:23.25[TK]D-Fenderobnauticus, but failing advise I've already given is a bad "X" on your record with me :)
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05:23.42obnauticuswell i just assumed that when i said umm
05:23.51obnauticusDigitTimeout you would give me the equivilant application
05:23.59obnauticusi did not know t hat one was an application and one was a function
05:24.03obnauticusis asking that question so bad?
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05:25.21[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> obnauticus, "show function TIMEOUT" <- you a) missed the giant keyword FUNCTION. and b) clearly didn't read it thoroghly otherwise you'd have realised your other query is answered in there as well.
05:25.50obnauticusI didn't even know there were Fucntions
05:25.51[TK]D-FenderI mean REALLY.. who do you think you're fooling here? :)  Own up and GROW!
05:25.56obnauticusi thought thwy were all applicatiopns
05:25.59[TK]D-Fenderobnauticus, Keep reading ;)
05:26.02obnauticusUmm...I'm 15
05:26.10DeL3e7do not question the mighty Obnauticus. because silence is his wisdom
05:26.10obnauticusyou should be glad im not going to someone else and pming them to be spoon fed
05:26.15[TK]D-FenderGood... then you can't say your growth is capped yet ;)
05:26.22obnauticusDeL3e7 ROFL YOU'VE SEEN THAT?!
05:26.45DeL3e7havent seen the movie yet
05:26.49DeL3e7kinda pissed
05:26.50obnauticusOh god.
05:26.53obnauticusIt's so lame
05:26.56DeL3e7didnt last in theatres long
05:26.58obnauticusit's EXACTLY what you would expect.
05:28.17obnauticuswe're talking about aqua teen hunger force.
05:28.20obnauticusSo umm...
05:28.56[TK]D-FenderYay. Mooninites....
05:29.08[TK]D-FenderI'm so glad I don't actually watch TV anymore...
05:31.01obnauticuslucky ass.
05:31.38obnauticusand [TK]D-Fender
05:31.45obnauticusthe reason why i came here is becasue the book was outdated
05:31.46obnauticusso umm
05:31.55obnauticusI on;y neglected to google
05:32.57[TK]D-FenderLuck?  nothing of the sort.
05:33.13[TK]D-Fenderintelligent purchases and a chosen style of implementation.
05:33.22[TK]D-Fenderand I'm ditching my 52" HDTV for it
05:33.38[TK]D-Fenderobnauticus, Functions are current and they are well listed int he book.
05:33.51obnauticusthey have a 2000$ 1080p projector
05:33.52obnauticusi forogot where
05:33.53[TK]D-Fenderthey came out in 1.2
05:34.07obnauticuswell the book apperentally still lists the responsetimeout function
05:34.11obnauticusand has it's perameters and all
05:34.35[TK]D-Fenderobnauticus, well nothing I watch requires more than 480i so my $500 SVGA projector is odoing the job just FINE .
05:34.48obnauticusBut you MUST have 1080p
05:34.49[TK]D-Fenderobnauticus, Well taht did still exist in 1.2
05:35.08[TK]D-Fender1,.4 nuked all the deprecated stuff.
05:35.14[TK]D-Fenderthats what reading upgrade.txt is for
05:35.18obnauticusi am
05:35.24obnauticusim looking at dialplan funcitons rightn ow
05:35.53[TK]D-Fenderok, well its bed-time here.  best of luck with your efforts
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05:43.10danpyo, what firmware version are polycom users using?
05:43.26eliyahudhow do i have asterisk place a call to someone so that when they answer, they're dropped into a particular conference?
05:45.00mostyuse a call file
05:45.10mostyor the originate command
05:49.26eliyahudoh i think I see... i use context, exten, and priority to point to an extension which drops them into that conference?
05:49.36eliyahudis that right?
05:52.16eliyahudthanks for the help mosty
05:56.57tzafrireliyahud, that's basically a dialplan setting (extensions.conf)
05:57.45tzafrir"have asterisk make a call" can be done through a call file, manager's Originate action or a CLI Originate action
05:58.01tzafrirHow do you need that to be initiated?
05:58.45tzafriroops, haven't noticed...
05:59.35eliyahudwell i'm setting up a web interface to our pbx
05:59.50eliyahudwhen someone clicks on a link to a particular conference room, i want them to be transferred there
06:00.14eliyahudthis seems to be the answer
06:00.24eliyahudbtw how do I do an originate command from the CLI
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06:01.23tzafrirfor a web interface, you should probably use the Asterisk Manager interface (a TCP socket, through port 5038)
06:01.36tzafrirand use the Originate action from there
06:02.41eliyahudyeah, actually we have already have that set up for our predictive dialer
06:02.44tzafriroriginate from the CLI works only in 1.4
06:02.48eliyahudso it looks like it shouldn't be too hard
06:02.54eliyahudoh thats the problem.. i'm running 1.2
06:03.08tzafririf you have 1.4, try:  help originate
06:03.27tzafrirthe idea is basically the same: original channel, and target
06:03.50tzafrirtarget is either a dialplan context, or just a dialplan line (application)
06:04.52eliyahudgot it
06:04.54eliyahudtoda ahi
06:05.14tzafrirdrop by at #asterisk-il some day...
06:05.29eliyahudon this server?
06:22.30obnauticusdoes anyone here know a solution for this
06:22.39obnauticusit just hangs up after the playback of sai-choose
06:22.47obnauticusor the background of sai-choose
06:22.50*** join/#asterisk Keltus (n=Keltus@about/cooking/nakedchef/beefstew/Keltus)
06:27.12YonahW-Workobnauticus: maybe it is not detecting your dtmf
06:27.20obnauticusno it dectects it
06:27.23obnauticusjust when the menu is done
06:27.27obnauticusit just hangs up immidetally
06:27.31obnauticuseven though i have a timeout set
06:28.16YonahW-Worksorry don't know
06:28.54obnauticus-- Executing [s@mainmenu:8] Set("IAX2/obnautsoft-2", "TIMEOUT(response)=15") in new stack
06:28.54obnauticus-- Response timeout set to 15
06:28.54obnauticus== Auto fallthrough, channel 'IAX2/obnautsoft-2' status is 'UNKNOWN'
06:28.54obnauticus-- Hungup 'IAX2/obnautsoft-2'
06:28.59obnauticusthat's what it says in the * console
06:30.03YonahW-Workwell what was it supposed to do afterwards?
06:30.09obnauticusjust wait
06:30.12obnauticusfor a response
06:30.13obnauticusit's in a menu
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06:38.39obnauticusanyone know what this means:
06:38.39obnauticus== Auto fallthrough, channel 'IAX2/obnautsoft-1' status is 'UNKNOWN'
06:40.03*** join/#asterisk peanutb_ (
06:40.15snuffy22generally an unknown status can be because the peer doesn't register..
06:40.28YonahW-Workobnauticus: you should check out
06:41.11YonahW-WorkI think (could be wrong) you merely set what the timeout is however I don't see where you actually do anything with the timeout thus its not really of any use
06:44.51obnauticuswell YonahW-Work im doing that
06:45.15eliyahudhow do I get asterisk to decide which IAX or SIP trunk to dial out on.. I want to predefine limits for each trunk, and if all the concurrent channels are taken, then to dial out on the other trunk
06:48.27YonahW-Workobnauticus: I am pretty sure that you have to then tell asterisk to do something which it can then timeout on
06:48.47YonahW-Workif you want it to timeout on waiting for input while it plays the menu try setting the timeout before playing the sound
06:48.57obnauticusit is..
06:49.26kaldemarobnauticus: you could probably use WaitExten too.
06:51.40obnauticuswill check it
06:51.55snuffy22eliyahud, if your provider doesn't let you make more calls than x when you dial you will get 'congested' which means u can just use another carrier
06:52.32snuffy22aka if ${DIALSTATUS} = "congested do this..
06:54.51obnauticusthanks kaldemar
06:54.53obnauticuswaitexten worked
06:54.59eliyahudits more of a load balancing issue, I want to spread my calls evenly across several carriers
06:55.05eliyahudi know it sounds odd
06:58.11kaldemareliyahud: read up on the dial command and voip peers and the GROUP function. that kind of function is implementable with those.
07:02.38eliyahudah, this looks like exactly what I need
07:03.25*** join/#asterisk matsk (n=mk@
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07:24.48*** join/#asterisk Pilko (n=pirch@
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07:29.32Swat2does asterisk support BLA (Bridged Line Appearances) ?
07:29.43Strom_M1.4 does
07:29.52Strom_MSLA (shared line appearances)
07:30.06Swat2same thing isnt it ?
07:30.09Swat2sla/bla ?
07:34.34*** join/#asterisk qdk (n=qdk@
07:36.32*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
07:36.40angryusergood day
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07:40.24angryuseri have a liitle pb, when i do _4XX,1,pickup(${EXTEN:1}) when call is internal it works , when call is from external on target phone, pickup not working and i got this
07:40.31angryuserhe lp :)
07:41.37Strom_Myou're not specifying the correct originating channel ID
07:42.13Kadranhi i try to test asterisk with ekiga softphone, and the voice quality is poor with codec G.711, any help on which codecs to use or maybe another softphone to test asterisk with
07:43.25snuffy22lol g711 is the best codec in terms of voice quality
07:43.26Strom_Mg.711 should be the best quality
07:49.00Kadransure, i know but why it look so poor :(
07:49.28Kadranit should be so clear
07:50.21Kadrancould anyone suggest me a softphone program that i can test asterisk with?
07:51.09purplethi, question: when I use the transfer feature from * (so the one in features.conf), the cid becomes the macro the extension is using... (novm/SIP{EXTEN} in my case). Anyway to change this?
07:51.12Kadrani have tried ekiga on windows machines. i hate windows and i think the voice is poor because of microsoft :D
07:51.35Pilkosjphone is nice thing too - linux or windows it works on both platforms
07:51.53Kadranthanks guys :)
07:51.57JTKadran: the voice is poor because it's a softphones
07:52.00JTsoftphones suck
07:52.51Pilkoabout windows - you'd try switching off directx support in your client - this helped me a lot
07:53.23KadranJT, i want to try it on soft phone before my manager gets me the hardphones, we still trying to pick a hardphone.
07:53.48JTKadran: polycom
07:54.09Kadranit is my first asterisk pbx, and were thinking of snom
07:54.17Kadranas a hardphone
07:54.22JTpolycom are the best
07:54.31Kadranthanks JT
07:55.27flendersKadran: I have a linksys, a polycom, and a cisco sitting on my desk now, and they're all good. functionality on linksys is terrible, cisco is ok, and polycom is by far the best
07:55.37flenderssound quality and functionality
08:03.46*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
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08:04.13angryuserSTORM_M can you explain in details where is my error
08:04.38*** join/#asterisk Kadran (n=mohammed@
08:07.33angryuserdo i need to specigy what kind of extention? Sip/ZAP ?
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08:36.39DragoraNhow to route RTP packets in Win2k3 NAT firewall using routing and remote access
08:39.17angryuser<DragoraN> look for routing in wondows ;)
08:39.33angryuserroute show&add
08:39.47DragoraNangryuser: NAT... :(
08:39.51*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
08:39.55nfi|ermeshi all
08:40.22angryuser<DragoraN> you have client>>nat>>internet>>nat>> client,
08:40.28*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
08:40.57DragoraNnie :)
08:41.02nfi|ermesis there a asterisk log parser ?? i'd like to know the total amount of time spent on the phone, or the time spent with the numbers that begins with 055
08:41.23angryuser<nfi|ermes> use mysql addon
08:41.39DragoraNmy ISP provides SIP account for PSTN calls for my asterisk
08:41.56nfi|ermesi m going to look for it
08:42.23angryuser<DragoraN> normally you need to specify externail ip in * conf and route port, that'all
08:42.41DragoraNangryuser, yes, but my win2k3 router is doing NAT
08:42.53DragoraNport 5060 forwarded, by incomding RTP packets are lost
08:43.04angryuser<DragoraN> mine too
08:43.10*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
08:43.23angryuser<DragoraN> but it is not win based, but whatever nat is nat
08:43.56DragoraNsome sip proxy i need
08:47.57nfi|ermesangryuser, is there a way too see if asterisk-addons is already installed ?
08:48.18DragoraNso how?
08:48.46angryuser<nfi|ermes> module show
08:58.20*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
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09:17.56DandreIs there some good starting extensions.conf for 1.4 available ?
09:22.03*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
09:22.05Kadranhi Dandre, i use destar to configure asterisk and it looks nice to me
09:22.46tzafrirDandre, extensions.conf.sample
09:23.02tzafrirDandre, extensions.conf hasn't drastically changed from 1.2
09:23.55Dandrebut th use of users.conf seems to simplify it
09:26.49HarryRI wish there was a more standard method of argument parsing for dialplan commands
09:26.56HarryRinstead of convoluted argument parsing
09:27.06HarryRwhich differs a bit from command to command
09:27.37tzafrirHarryR, this has improved a bit in 1.4
09:28.07tzafrirCould you give an example to something that is wrong?
09:28.24*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
09:29.06HarryRI mean passing arguments as a hashmap of key/value arguments to the command
09:29.16HarryRinstead of passing a string and having the command parse them it'self
09:30.05HarryRand have formal checkable definitions for command parameters
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09:33.54angryuser<Dandre> make samples at the end of 1.4 install
09:35.18*** join/#asterisk Supaplex (
09:36.27Dandreok thanks
09:36.31Supaplexis there any way for a razr with verizon to receive forwarded voicemail, and play the attachment?  I have the txt message,  but the attachment was ignored. (wrong format?)
09:39.16*** join/#asterisk bintut (n=bintut@
09:41.04bintuti'm wondering why i can't get a caller id on my pbx..  i subscribed a caller id feature from my telco and set callerid=yes on my /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf  you can check the snippet of my logs at  anyone has an idea why this happens and on how to fix this?
09:41.42Supaplexanalog line? isdn?
09:42.58bintutSupaplex: analog line.. i'm using the digium's tdm card
09:43.14bintutSupaplex: this is on my home box
09:43.23bintutusing the digium's dev kit
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09:46.00Supaplexdoes another pots device pickup the caller id ok?
09:47.35Supaplexbug the phone company then. if a known working good, regular consumer device is playing dead, don't expect anything else to.
09:47.51bintutSupaplex: kindly check the line no. 7 of
09:48.07bintutSupaplex: i don't understand it.  why is that so?
09:48.09SupaplexI'm to tired to think
09:48.10*** join/#asterisk beredon (
09:48.21bintutSupaplex: it's ok.. thanks..
09:48.44Uatecdigium support is so crap
09:48.47SupaplexI'd call your telco
09:48.54Uateci emailed them 4 days ago and haven't heard a word
09:49.03Uateci emaled them before that about another point, never heard back.
09:49.11Uatecin the end i had to go to their supplier and get it sorted...
09:50.27*** join/#asterisk stkn|work (n=stkn|wor@gentoo/developer/
09:51.47Supaplexffs 4am snuck up on me. again. argh.
09:52.33negativeduckDon't you hate it when that happens.
09:55.27*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
09:57.10angryuserdo i need to refer the technology when i do pickup() ? sip/zap? or just extension?
10:01.27bintutanyone can help me here?  ==>
10:01.43angryuser<Uatec> digium supper helped me once
10:01.47bintuti don't get a caller id on my side. i'm running asterisk-1.4.5 here on my debian etch
10:04.35saftsackhi, what is the best choice for a headset for using it with a softphone?
10:06.21angryuser<saftsack> the are all crap more or less ;) if you dont buy a pro one buy any
10:06.44saftsackok .... what is a pro one? such headsets which are delivered with snom phones?
10:07.35angryuser<saftsack> yea like jabra for 200€ but really i would buy a dect with fxs instead for that money
10:07.58saftsackthats true. so i take a really cheap one.
10:08.21angryuseror siemens fxs integrated dect phone
10:18.00*** join/#asterisk aao_pwner (
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10:19.21aao_pwnerCan anyone heer explain this meetme error
10:19.31aao_pwnerI'm trying to join a confrence and it's umm...
10:19.33aao_pwnernot working..
10:20.26tzafrirbintut, where are you? what do you have in zapata.conf?
10:20.54aao_pwnertzafrir was that commenet relevant to me?
10:21.12purplet<aao_pwner>: do you have ztdummy loaded?
10:21.32tzafriraao_pwner, no, to bintut
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10:21.41obnauticuspurplet i'm not sure
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10:22.04tzafrirmissed him
10:22.19tzafriraao_pwner, no, to bintut
10:22.33obnauticusoh ok...
10:22.42obnauticuspurplet i don't think so
10:22.58obnauticusasterisk*CLI> zap show status
10:22.58obnauticusNo Zaptel interface found.
10:22.58obnauticus[2007-06-24 19:18:41] WARNING[7122]: chan_zap.c:10023 zap_show_status: Unable to open /dev/zap/ctl: No such fil
10:23.01obnauticusIf that's relevant
10:24.11purpletehm.. try a "modprobe ztdummy"
10:24.53obnauticusit gave me console
10:25.03obnauticus(/etc/asterisk)-(root@asterisk)--> modprobe ztdummy
10:25.10bintuttzafrir: i'm in singapore.. my /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf is at
10:25.14obnauticusi think it's up now
10:25.17obnauticusasterisk*CLI> zap show status
10:25.17obnauticusDescription Alarms IRQ bpviol CRC4
10:25.17obnauticusZTDUMMY/1 1 UNCONFIGUR 0 0 0
10:25.44purpletk, give the meetme another go then :)
10:26.21obnauticushow do i have it do it on startup?
10:27.04tzafrirbintut, are you sure you have the right parameters there? (if you say so, I believe you. I honestly don't know)
10:28.41kippiwhere can I find the file that lets you set the ip asterisk listens on
10:29.07*** join/#asterisk dec (n=tom@unaffiliated/dec)
10:29.38decHi all, how can I turn on/use directed call pickup? is **ext the right syntax?
10:33.12*** join/#asterisk yassaccan (
10:33.17bintuttzafrir: what do you mean?
10:33.49bintuttzafrir: i think so, as far as i understand it.
10:34.18bintutdo i need the ztdummy driver?
10:34.20*** join/#asterisk harryr (
10:36.08tzafrirno, you don't need ztdummy
10:36.40tzafrirany zaptel hardware driver should also provide timing
10:36.40tzafrirThat is easy to test with zttest
10:36.43obnauticusWell umm
10:39.06obnauticusI juts want it to start on startup
10:39.12obnauticusbe able to confrence
10:39.35*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
10:41.42Doviddoes anyone know of a good stats program that will work with asterisk ? i need to get bandwidth stats for a box of mine
10:43.35obnauticusDovid use umm
10:43.45obnauticusit's not espically for asterisk..
10:43.52bintuttzafrir: do you have any idea why i don't get a caller id even if i already subscribed to my telco with that feature and set my /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf to usecallerid=yes ?
10:43.53obnauticusit monitors bandwidth usage though
10:44.27Dovidis there anyone that will break it down by protocol or port ? so i can see like SIP vs. IAX  ?
10:44.44obnauticusI'm sure you could break it down to even socket...
10:44.51obnauticusI dunno how to do SIP vs. IAX
10:45.14Dovidbut I can break it down based on port ?
10:45.26obnauticusgoogle it :)
10:45.52harryrOr you could just use netflow at the router/switch side of things :)
10:46.21obnauticusif you got a cisco
10:46.38obnauticusdoes anyone here know of where the configuration for applications like
10:46.43obnauticuswhen you join a meetme confrence
10:46.46obnauticusit plays conf-hasjoin
10:46.51obnauticuswhere's the config for that
10:47.06Dovidconfig as in source ?
10:47.21obnauticusi gues
10:47.25obnauticusthere has to be a config for that
10:47.38Dovidthats prob in the source
10:48.10HarryRyou could just overwrite the conf-hasjoin file with your own audio? :)
10:48.40obnauticusi wanna reconfigure how long they have to say their name
10:48.49obnauticusi don;'t want people joining with 5min long "names"
10:49.47HarryR"Enter your serial number, human"
10:50.00Dovidseems to to be the code for it
10:50.28obnauticusi gotta recompile?
10:52.19obnauticushow do i compile/install asterisk applications?
10:56.10HarryRsee: configure & make
10:57.58*** join/#asterisk tcseke (
10:59.27obnauticusDo I need to do all that again
10:59.33obnauticusor can i just re-build the .so by it's self
10:59.53obnauticusand use the same compiling environment for all other applcations i may need to dev or install in the future
10:59.57obnauticusinstead of recompiling the whole thing
11:02.14sergeeobnauticus: config for what?
11:02.29obnauticusi just want to compile and link that into a .so
11:02.33obnauticuswithout recompiling all of *
11:02.42obnauticuslike you can do with apache with umm
11:02.49obnauticusi forgot what it's called
11:02.55Uatechey, how can i reload the voicemail.conf without restarting asterisk?
11:03.07obnauticusya..type reload in the console Uatec
11:03.13sergeeobnauticus: well, if you change only app.meeteme.c it won't recompile whole asterisk, gnu make is clever enough :)
11:03.19*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/active/cpm)
11:03.41Uatecobnauticus, i was thinking of JUST voicemail, but hey, that works too :)
11:04.01obnauticuswell every time a voicemail box is called it re-prases that file...
11:04.03obnauticusi think...
11:04.10obnauticusit does that with extensions
11:04.30*** join/#asterisk frawd (n=francois@
11:04.32Uatecah, right :)
11:05.05sergeeobnauticus: as far as i remember timeelimit for name recording is hardcoded in app_meetme.c, you can reduce it there...
11:05.23obnauticusI'm looking for it
11:05.28awkanyone here using bristuff from within debian packages?
11:05.30sergeeobnauticus: btw, do you have any noise/crack after listening "conf-hasjoin" ?
11:06.20obnauticusjoin mine and i'll see
11:06.25obnauticus3609681244 exten # at first menu
11:06.27frawdhello, i'm sometimes having some strange "bips" like some type of morse code while in a bridged call between SIP and analog ZAP line (TDM400P, FXO module). Anyone knows what it could be?
11:07.19obnauticussergee you joining?
11:08.43*** join/#asterisk friedrich| (
11:10.22Uatecin sip.conf is it possible to set 2 mailboxes for a phone?
11:10.29frawdi have a custom kernel 2.6.18 (based on debian's one), no shared interrupts for wctdm, but sometimes zttest gives me low values (89.465332%, 98.168945%)
11:10.30tzafrirawk, me. Though from our own (xorcom) Debian packages, usually
11:10.44obnauticusUatec i think so
11:10.52obnauticusjust define them with the same mailbox
11:11.03Uatecno, i don't mean 2 phones with the same mailbox
11:11.08Uateci mean 1 phone with 2 mailboxes
11:11.17*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
11:11.25obnauticusi dunno about that
11:11.49sergeeobnauticus: ahh, sorry, i was afk...
11:11.55tzafrirfrawd, 89% is really bad. Is that some sort of virtual machine?
11:11.55obnauticussergee you joining?!@?!@?!@!2
11:12.09obnauticus3609681244 exten # at first menu
11:13.26sergeeobnauticus: your number can't be reached..
11:13.29tzafrirfrawd, maybe high disk activity at the time? (with no dma) or other reason for excessive kernelspace activity?
11:14.45obnauticusare you set as blocked sergee
11:14.53obnauticusUnknown <Unknown>
11:14.58frawdtzafrir: it's no virtual machine
11:14.58obnauticusit won't accept you if so
11:15.22frawdtzafrir: iostats don't give me really huge activity
11:15.29sergeeobnauticus: i dunno, probably my voipprovider can't connect to you
11:15.35frawd(i have SATA disks)
11:15.43obnauticusi dunno then sergee
11:15.55frawdand network activity is kind of low
11:16.18sergeeobnauticus: did you try to use meetme with several users?
11:16.27obnauticusit worked fine
11:16.42tzafrirvmstat / top should actually provide the data I asked regarding kernel CPU activity
11:17.00tzafriranyway, do you have any other indication that the card doesn't work well?
11:17.11tzafriralso: is /proc/zaptel/1 the card?
11:17.23sergeeobnauticus: can you confirm this bug?
11:17.39*** part/#asterisk Dandre (
11:17.45obnauticussergee not sure
11:17.47obnauticusi'ld have to test it
11:18.47sergeeobnauticus: if you will have some free time, please look at it, ok?
11:18.57obnauticusprobably later today
11:19.00obnauticusi have to get some sleep first
11:19.35sergeeobnauticus: seems like you didn't experienced this bug, and it is very interesting, can you describe your hardware?
11:20.34jbotsomebody said pb was a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or at
11:20.38obnauticusWell I didn't listen for it sergee
11:20.43obnauticusSo i rally don't know
11:21.06obnauticusI'll be back on here later today
11:21.09obnauticusbut right now i have to goto bed
11:21.12obnauticusim getting uber tired.
11:21.15sergeeobnauticus: ok, have a good night :)
11:22.07awkhmm, any idea why I get this Jun 25 13:19:47 NOTICE[31987]: codec_zap.c:856 find_transcoders: No Zaptel transcoder support!
11:22.20sergeeobnauticus: keep in mind that your input is very important, so if you'll have some free time please test meetme, and describe your experience in bugtracker, i will be very thankfull to you :)
11:22.28awklsmod lists this zaptel                178212  5 vzaphfc
11:23.15sergeeHarryR: what is "bicom"? :)
11:23.23HarryRah, mistaken identity
11:24.09awkwhat is the best time to come back for somebody with information to my problem?
11:24.32tzafrirawk, ignore that
11:24.45sergeeHarryR: :)
11:25.00tzafrirawk: ignore the zttranscode warning, that is
11:25.05awktzafrir: ahh, I thought it wasn't reading my zap interface correctly and a permission issue with some nodes in /dev
11:25.39tzafrirzttranscode is for and the Digium transcoder card
11:26.07awkahh, I see.. thanks.. you wouldn't by any chance have used asterisk-bristuff from within debian at all?
11:26.49awkwhy i'm asking is that debian in their stable release has version 1.2.16 and i'm wondering if it has been patched for that BoF and DoS vulnerability or is open to exploitation..
11:27.26awkI know that bristuff-1.2.18 has been released. I don't mind manually installing the package if it hasn't been patched yet
11:29.44*** join/#asterisk kombi_ (n=kombi@
11:35.01kombi_when you do make progdocs, where do those docs actually go? How do you get to see them?
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11:37.17kombi_a mistery, isn't it..
11:41.24Scrumpsprobably under $prefix/share/doc
11:41.46kombi_that's where I looked..
11:41.51Scrumpshaven't compiled the product manually yet, but that would be the logical place
11:41.59Scrumpsah :)
11:42.06*** join/#asterisk Carkus (
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11:42.20Erryou would likely have to run 'make install' after building the documentation for it to show up outside of the build tree
11:42.47Err(I don't know about asterisk in particular, but in general non-install targets don't write outside of the current directory)
11:43.14awkhrm, asterisk doesn't come with make deinstall directives?
11:43.21*** join/#asterisk Renacor (
11:43.24awkwould be nice to add that to a future release
11:43.25cy303make uninstall ?
11:43.35Renacoranybody here use sangoma cards?
11:43.35awkuninstall doesn't work eitehr
11:43.43Scrumpskombi_: from configure: --mandir=DIR           man documentation [DATAROOTDIR/man]
11:43.48awkRenacor yes
11:44.26Renacorawk, I got this sangoma card, which is supposed to be analog, however a normal rj-11 jack does not fit into it, is there something Im missing?
11:44.57Renacorit's an A-200r
11:45.16cpmUmm, it should be an rj-45, not rj-11
11:46.06Renacorumm no, for analog cards it should be rj-11
11:46.13Errno, according to the website it's actually the narrow RJ-11s (like phone handsets use)
11:46.18*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
11:46.31Renacoryeah this plug is even narrower than a normal rj-11 plug
11:46.32Errof course, if you bother to read the website it *also* says that it comes with cables that adapt to the standard RJ-11 jacks
11:47.11*** join/#asterisk javar (n=javar@
11:47.15awkRenacor as Err said, it comes with a cable, don't ask silly questions if you havent taken the time to research yourself..
11:47.17awkwe all busy
11:48.14*** join/#asterisk ccesario (
11:48.31Errnow now, you were just asking about what patches debian adds to their packages - which is something you could've looked up too...
11:49.06awkErr: well fropm what I looked up they never patched it
11:49.23ErrRenacor: if you got the card second-hand, and don't have the cables, they're a standard connector - you'll need another crimp tool, I suspect, but they're available.  It's just the RJ-11 jack with 4 lines instead of 6 in it.
11:53.10tzafrirthe docs aren't installed. Unless this is a Debian package, which is then under /usr/shared/doc/asterisk-doc/ ...
11:53.21Renacorjeez sorry that I offended you awk
11:55.29Uateci have a group of 5 phones, when i dial a number, i want 3 of them to ring...
11:55.53Uatecbut if one or more of the 3 are busy, or unavailable, i want the 4th and 5th to ring too...
11:55.56Uatechow could ido that ?
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12:00.59Renacorwhats a good digium 4 port E1 card, any recommendations?
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12:02.24Dovidis there any way to have asterisk not show me just one error ? one of our providers has VAD enabled and they wont turn it off. Asterisk keeps throwing the errors and it's a pin to trouble shoot
12:04.20SuPrSluGhello all
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12:06.23SuPrSluGwhat can cause one way audio on a zap channel. all the sip phones (polycom 500s) are on the same nat, so that should'nt cause problems.
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12:28.35drfreezeAnyone here using skype as their voip service?
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12:33.13SuPrSluGcould the nat=yes setting in sip.conf cause one way audio?
12:35.30drfreezeSuPrSluG: yes
12:35.54drfreezeSuPrSluG: check that it's not the phones fault too
12:36.17SuPrSluGhow can I check that it's the phones fault?
12:36.38drfreezedoes the handset work?
12:36.53drfreezecan you test it on a working trunk?
12:36.55SuPrSluGor what should I look for in sip debug?
12:37.08sof76Hi all, I have a problem when launching asterisk with the safe_asterisk command, if I try then asterisk -rx "stop gracefully" I get Asterisk ended with exit status 139  Asterisk exited on signal 11  Automatically restarting Asterisk, can someone help me? thanks
12:37.11sof76I am running asterisk 1.4 on a virtual private server and I did not install zaptel and libpri
12:37.21drfreezeSuPrSluG: you can set full logs and watch the log file
12:37.53SuPrSluGi have that set. not getting that much rtp info.
12:38.20drfreezesof76: sounds like you need to edit modules.conf and tell it to not load a missing module
12:38.24SuPrSluGwhich is where the audio stream is
12:38.37drfreezeSuPrSluG: post your sip.conf file
12:40.16drfreezeSuPrSluG: I have heard this problem due to 3 things. 1) not using friend, 2) bad phone, and 3) router doing cmp? redirects
12:40.16sof76what type of module could it be? Can I find that in the error message?
12:40.41drfreezesof76: just start asterisk with 'asterisk' and read the errors
12:40.59drfreezesof76: the last one should tell you if some module is missing
12:41.29drfreezeSuPrSluG: icmp redirects. You can try turning off icmp redirects on your router
12:41.52drfreezeSuPrSluG: I'm assuming this problem has existed from the beginning and you're not debugging a new problem
12:42.48*** join/#asterisk lovely2 (
12:42.58lovely2i got hints for queues working :)
12:42.58SuPrSluGno, it was actually working quite swimmingly. A storm fried the previous router and now this issue
12:43.03lovely2on 1.2.18
12:43.24drfreezeSuPrSluG: so it stopped working after putting in a new router?
12:44.09sof76if I start asterisk with 'asterisk' I have no message at all
12:44.25drfreezesof76: you mean it works, no problem?
12:44.35SuPrSluGyes. that's when the issue started. it's a remote office. and they don't communicate well.
12:44.37drfreezesof76: but when you start with asterisk -rx, it quits?
12:45.01sof76asterisk works
12:45.12drfreezeSuPrSluG: ok, so did the new router get setup identically? Ie, passing ports and all that stuff?
12:45.31*** join/#asterisk Waverly360 (n=Waverly3@
12:45.34drfreezesof76: maybe I didn't understand the problem. Thought * was silently quitting
12:45.38Uateci have a group of 5 phones, when i dial a number, i want 3 of them to ring...
12:45.42Uatecbut if one or more of the 3 are busy, or unavailable, i want the 4th and 5th to ring too...
12:45.42sof76the problem is when i start it with 'safe_asterisk' and then stop it with asterisk -rx "stop gracefully"
12:45.44Uatechow could ido that ?
12:45.57SuPrSluGdrfreeze:passing ports yes. i'm looking now at the other stuff.
12:46.00sof76if I stop it with "stop now", I have no problem
12:46.18drfreezeUatec: just add the phones to the list separating with '&'
12:46.42Uatecdrfreeze, i won't want phones #4 and #5 to ring if #1, #2 and #3 are available though
12:46.48Uateconly if one or more of them is busy
12:47.40sof76If I start with asterisk -c and then type stop gracefully, I get Segmentation fault
12:47.52sof76with stop now, I have no error
12:48.05drfreezesof76: ok, I see. Read too fast last time
12:48.36drfreezesof76: is there a stop when conveninet?
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12:49.13sof76yes and it give Waiting for inactivity to perform halt
12:49.14sof76Segmentation fault
12:49.44drfreezeUatec: I'm not sure how to test if phones are busy. Our phones can take multiple calls, so theoretically, they are never busy.
12:50.05drfreezesof76: icky
12:50.06sof76for the moment I did not configure any extension
12:50.17drfreezesof76: what version of *
12:50.25*** join/#asterisk Polis_ttt (
12:51.20sof76the last 1.4.5
12:51.59drfreezesof76: it may have nothing to do with the vps. It may be a bug in *. Can you try on one of your own boxes?
12:52.14SuPrSluGUatec:two ways to skin that cat. you could create 2 ring groups or do it in the dial plan -> dial(sip/1&sip/2&sip/3   next priority dial(sip/4&sip/5
12:52.22drfreezesof76: I've gotta run. Good luck
12:52.28sof76ok thks
12:53.08drfreezeSuPrSluG: good luck with the router
12:53.33sof76sorry guys, I did make samples in asterisk and now the problem disappeared
12:53.37sof76thank you
12:53.54SuPrSluGdrfreeze:thanks it a simple linksys. looks as if all is normal
12:54.30Uatecdrfreeze, i disabled call waiting, i want calls to go to voicemail if people are busy...
12:55.58UatecSuPrSluG, that will only diall 1 and 2 and 3 THEN 4 and 5
12:56.37Uateci want it to ring: Default: 1, 2, 3
12:56.40SuPrSluGUatec:you can slice and dice it anyway you want.
12:56.57Uatec... ? how though
12:57.34SuPrSluGUatec:it will dial 1 2 &3, nothing available jumps to next priority 4&5
12:58.04Uatecyes, but i would like it to dial 4 and 5 as well as 1 2 and/or 3 if one of the 3 is unavailable
12:58.50SuPrSluGthen if they're busy/unavailable tell it where to go for voicemail or whatever you wnat
12:59.03*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
12:59.33Uatecif all 5 are busy, then i want it to go to voicemail, yes
12:59.56Uatecbut if only 1 of the (1, 2, 3) are busy, then i want 4 or 5 to ring as well...
13:00.17*** join/#asterisk CyberMad (n=cyber@
13:00.23Uatecmight there be a way of polling the state of a sip channel before actually dialing?
13:00.50*** join/#asterisk waKKu (n=eurulo@unaffiliated/wakku)
13:00.50CyberMaddoes asterisk give output like smdr ?
13:00.52SuPrSluGyes, the priority will define whom to call.
13:01.09SuPrSluGand in what order
13:01.22Uateci dont want it to call people in order, i want it to call them simultaneously
13:02.49mockerUatec: Dial(SIP/100&SIP/200) ?
13:03.10SuPrSluGthat's what the & does between sip/1&sip/2 it tells asterisk to dial them all. if nothing is available you tell it the next up in the batting order
13:03.16mockerOh, SuPrSluG already said that.
13:03.46Uatecbut i want it to ring 4 and 5 if there are still channels available, just not all of them...
13:04.42CyberMadwhat is the best free for call accounting?
13:04.54waKKufwd ?
13:05.26*** join/#asterisk SirThomas (
13:05.55waKKuUatec maybe using 2 dial's ?
13:06.07waKKuexten 123,1,Dial(SIP/4,30,Ttr)
13:06.17SuPrSluGyes, but it's the concept of priority that's important
13:06.18waKKuexten 123,2,Dial(SIP/5,30,Ttr)
13:06.53waKKuon 1.4, iirc, asterisk dont use n+101 anymore
13:07.04UatecwaKKu, that will call them concurrently, i need it to be simultaneous
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13:07.10Uatecalso, i'm using business edition, which is 1.3
13:07.21waKKuUatec ?? <mocker> Uatec: Dial(SIP/100&SIP/200) ?
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13:08.18UatecwaKKu, but if sip/1 is unavailable i want it to ring sip/4 and sip/5 as well...
13:08.20Uatecat the same time
13:08.22Uatecnot afterwards
13:08.46klapzinsomeone here knows atitude software ?
13:09.05*** join/#asterisk xheliox (n=jeff@pdpc/supporter/active/xheliox)
13:09.07SuPrSluGexten => 1,1,Dial(SIP/1&SIP/2&SIP/3,15)
13:09.09SuPrSluGexten => 1,2,Dial(SIP/4&SIP/5)
13:10.03Uatec[14:11] <Uatec> at the same time
13:10.03Uatec[14:11] <Uatec> not afterwards
13:10.41mockerUatec: If you dial SIP/100,200, and 300 w/ one dial command and one isn't available the others will still ring.
13:11.03SuPrSluGthat will dial 1 2 & 3 simultaneouly, if busy/unavailable then it will dial 4&5 simultaneously
13:11.24Kadranhi, could someone suggest me a model for hardphone,
13:11.39jbotsomebody said phones was  While personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows:  Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever.
13:11.56UatecSuPrSluG, i want 4&6 to ring, even if some of 1, 2 & 3 are avaiable and ringing too, but only if one of them isn't...
13:12.15UatecKadran, SPA-922 FTW
13:12.26Uatecdo not consider Aastras either
13:12.53mockerSuPrSluG: Crap, is there a list of those??
13:12.58Kadrani was thinking of polycom
13:13.04SuPrSluGyou'd probably have to write a script for that
13:13.08mockerKadran: If you can get Polycom, do it. :)O
13:13.18Uateci was worrying that that was the case
13:13.27Uatecsince i have no idea how to even start that
13:14.29SuPrSluGyou're getting into a lot of if/then type scenerios
13:15.16Errthat seems like a strange use case
13:15.17SuPrSluGUatec:how about agents
13:15.29negativeduckre UaTec's issue Can you pull the status of a single line via the ${DIALSTATUS} when using Dial(foo&foo&foo) I would imagine not as it would only indicate the end result of all of them?  (not a solution just a question more so)
13:16.34CyberMadwhat is the best free for call accounting that read from SMDR?
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13:19.37Uatecbut this sounds too complicated
13:19.39Uateci got bored of it
13:19.41Uatecand my boss left
13:20.03Uatecnow what i want to do is figure out how to dial digium's iaxtel numbers
13:25.07Uatecdamn, the iaxtel signup page is farked
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13:28.44mockerUatec: Isn't it just 500 on a bare bones setup?
13:32.07VecDoes anyone have any idea, or can put me in the direction for setting up a system whereby if someone is engaged, it will autodial you and that person back when they are off the phone ?
13:33.22Uatecmocker, yeah, but that doens't take you to the bussiness support line
13:36.54rob0It's their main menu ... "if you know your party's extension, dial it now ..."
13:43.31lesouvageVec: check the callfile  documentation
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13:47.01Hackbangerhoi :)
13:47.35HarryRhi ho
13:50.38lovely2Vec: you'll most likely need to customize something, look at callback, call file,
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13:59.59MindTheGapcodefreeze, how are you?
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14:03.20el_4_jineteHi all
14:03.37Uatechey, does anyone have trouble holding a conversation with digium over the telephone?
14:03.40el_4_jinetePls, help me I have a proble with a TE110p...
14:03.42Uateci find that their lines are really bad
14:04.28el_4_jineteZaptel recognize the card, and the channels are up, but asterisk does not show zaptel commands
14:05.06el_4_jineteWhat can I do?
14:06.54el_4_jineteHello, who is in there?
14:06.56Polis_ttthave ju used modrobe zaptel and those commands first?
14:07.38el_4_jineteYes, the modules are loaded
14:08.29Polis_tttthen i don't know, i'm not using te110-card myself, look at digium support forum, maby they got a solution :)
14:08.54MindTheGapwaKKu, how r you?
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14:10.01disahi, all
14:10.27disarusskie est` ?
14:11.25Polis_tttdisa: tylko angielsku
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14:15.11jeremy_gI need asterisk on a usb (live bootable)
14:15.17jeremy_gplz recommen
14:15.44JTanonymouz666: ?
14:15.48Polis_tttjeremy_g: sounds lika a very slow system that you will get
14:16.08JTPolis_ttt: why would it be slow once it's booted?
14:16.21jeremy_gPolis_ttt:yeah, why should it be slow?
14:16.35Polis_tttmysql from a usb-disc sounds pretty slow?
14:17.35Polis_tttbut i'm using asterisk for callcenter-solutions, so never used it for less than 5-10 users/per server, so maby it works if your not so many
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14:18.07disane mogu 4erez asterisk pozvonit` v sipnet. v sip.conf propisan friend "1111". asterisk zaregan na kak sovershit` zvonok v sipnet ? vot configi:
14:18.18cheshairhi everybody! :-)
14:18.20disaJT, Polis_ttt ?
14:19.03Polis_tttdisa: i'm from sweden, not russia
14:19.35Polis_tttdisa: so don't speak russia ;)
14:19.43jeremy_gPolis_ttt:where in sweden?
14:19.58Polis_tttjeremy_g: västervik/kalmar
14:20.23disacan u halp me? i need make incoming call from asterisk to SIP provider. conf files hier:
14:20.41disaerror:  Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/1111-0874b000' status is 'CONGESTION'
14:21.28Polis_tttjeremy_g: aa, du är också från sverige :)
14:21.52jeremy_gPolis_ttt:nej :)
14:22.11*** join/#asterisk Mercestes (
14:22.29Polis_tttjeremy_g: but you hostname tells me something ells :)
14:23.44codefreezeMindTheGap: I'm on vacation m-w. be back thursday...
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14:24.53MindTheGapcodefreeze, allright, have a nice time then... see you on thursday...
14:25.43jeremy_gPolis_ttt:you are smart!
14:26.11Polis_tttjeremy_g: i know :)
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14:28.24JTPolis_ttt: well he didn't mention running mysql
14:28.35anonymouz666Polis_ttt hur mar du
14:28.50angryuser<disa> privet
14:29.01MindTheGapthere is a note on using g option on Dial() and NoCDR and ResetCDR as a workaround of CDR "dst" being set to s while dialing from a macro...
14:29.17MindTheGapanyone got this working?
14:29.43MindTheGapi mean, dialing from a macro and having dst to correctly show the destination, not the s priority?
14:30.17angryuser<MindTheGap> i have this problem dont know how to fix it
14:30.30disaangryuser: hi
14:30.49*** join/#asterisk ispireuk (
14:31.01MindTheGapangryuser, is that why you're angry? :P
14:31.34Corydon76-work"s" is not the priority, it's the extension
14:31.42angryuser<MindTheGap> no i am angry coz of misdn bri working half of a time crap
14:31.50Dr-Linuxwhat does this mean?
14:31.51Dr-LinuxJun 25 07:29:39 NOTICE[1209]: chan_sip.c:6517 check_auth: stale nonce received from 'Irfan Shahid<>'
14:31.57MindTheGapsorry, youŕe right Corydon...
14:32.00JTah, using misdn, enough to make anyone angry ;)
14:32.02ispireukI am trying to compile asterisk 1.4, but with ./configure I get this error:
14:32.10ispireukchecking for ZT_DIAL_OP_CANCEL in zaptel/zaptel.h... no
14:32.10ispireukconfigure: error: *** termcap support not foun
14:32.17ispireukHowever termcap is installed
14:32.29Corydon76-workDr-Linux: it means the host authenticated against a nonce that the server didn't send (or sent a long time ago)
14:33.53MindTheGaphey Corydon76-work, I remember you saying something like using a goto inside the macro to have this working, but couldnt realise how to do this, could you helpme?
14:34.32Corydon76-workMindTheGap: use the first s extension to Goto the extension you want
14:35.13Dr-LinuxCorydon76-home: well, when i call from this sip soft client, i can hear outgoing ring, but i can't listen his/her voice
14:35.13ispireukWhat should I install to fix that error?
14:35.20Corydon76-workso if the number is in ARG1, then Goto(${ARG1},1)
14:35.38angryuser<JT> i understand your pain ;)
14:35.40Dr-LinuxCorydon76-home: the same extension works on other PC's though
14:35.51JTangryuser: i don't use misdn
14:35.59el_4_jineteHi, again. I was activated the signalling pri_cpe and I can see the zap commands in the cli
14:36.27el_4_jineteBut now I see the following error PRI got event: HDLC Bad FCS (8) on Primary D-channel of span 1
14:36.28MindTheGapCorydon76-work, and how do I do this? I got a pattern match before going insite the macro, so, it as ever changing number, and i cannot have pattern match inside the macro...
14:36.39angryuserJT and dont ever try to ! :))
14:36.46Corydon76-workMindTheGap: why not?
14:37.13MindTheGapCorydon76-work, couse you told me so... :P
14:37.13JTangryuser: once was enough
14:37.22Corydon76-workMindTheGap: no, I didn't
14:37.40Corydon76-workMindTheGap: I told you that you cannot have a pattern match inside Goto's arguments
14:38.44Corydon76-workIn other words, you cannot Goto(_XXX,1), but you can Goto(345) and the destination CAN be _XXX (which matches 345)
14:38.49MindTheGapCorydon76-work, oh yes, i remember... so basically I canjust goto X and have the patternmach and dial there, it it?
14:39.28MindTheGapCorydon76-work, i see...
14:39.48MindTheGapCorydon76-work, gonna try that...
14:39.50Corydon76-workErr, Goto(345,1)
14:40.21SuPrSluGel_4_jinete, what does zttool tell you
14:40.45MindTheGapCorydon76-work, but wont dst be changed to 345, and not 345XXXXX ?
14:42.39angryuser<JT> what do you use insted when you have  let's say 50 users nad another case 150 users
14:43.06angryuser<JT> i mean what harware
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14:44.22el_4_jineteZttool does not show me any irq misses. 0
14:44.30el_4_jineteAnd No Alarms
14:44.51Corydon76-workMindTheGap: Yes.  Mind that it's an example, and you should take the extension length to whatever you need.
14:45.17ccesariohi,,,, I need make one test with txfax and rxfax, I'm testing with my ATA and I don't give success.... Does possible to use txfax to rxfax (eg. exten => 10,1,txfax(/tmp/sample.tif|20) .... exten => 20,1,rxfax(/tmp/test.tif)  ?
14:46.47Corydon76-workccesario: Have you read the documentation which says that TxFax and RxFax REQUIRE the use of HARDWARE?
14:46.49s0ckmy b410p just got picked up as a nic :s
14:47.30ccesarioCorydon76-work,  sorry, thanks
14:47.59MindTheGapCorydon76-work, I have exten => s,1,Dial(sip/fwd/*1${MACRO_EXTEN:4}|60|r) . The ${MACRO_EXTEN:4} is a number mached outside the macro, so, how do I send it to the right location if I dont know the number yet?
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14:48.35MindTheGapCorydon76-work, and I cant have pattern match insite goto?
14:49.02Corydon76-workMindTheGap: how are you calling the macro?
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14:49.04JTangryuser: junghanns bri cards
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14:49.51MindTheGapCorydon76-work, exten => _0001800.,3,Macro(fwdu0800)
14:50.12el_4_jineteSuPrSluG, Any answer?
14:50.15Corydon76-workMindTheGap: Use an argument... i.e. Macro(fwdu0800,${EXTEN})
14:50.22Corydon76-workthen use ARG1
14:52.20MindTheGapCorydon76-work, and how do I match it insite the macro? i surelly cant have a $ARG1 => $ARG1,1,Dial(sip/fwd/$ARG1)
14:53.18MercestesIs there a way to disable the CFwdAll softkey on the Cisco 7960?  google isn't help me me much.
14:53.27Corydon76-workMindTheGap: buy some Digium hardware and get a Digium tech to do it for you
14:53.46Corydon76-workI'm not in the mood to spoonfeed you a config
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14:55.13angryuser<JT> pity they do bri only , not for europe
14:55.20MindTheGapCorydon76-work, im not asking you to spoonfeed me, i just cant get it...
14:55.23el_4_jinetei, again. I was activated the signalling pri_cpe and I can see the zap commands
14:55.58el_4_jineteBut now I see the following error PRI got event: HDLC Bad FCS (8) on Primary D-channel of span 1
14:56.31SuPrSluGel_4_jinete, check these settings
14:56.43cheshairam i allowed to post an asterisknow related question here? nobody in #asterisknow
14:57.24Mercestescheshair, only if it is a rediculously easy question and we get to make fun of you for it.
14:57.27JTangryuser: what do you mean?
14:58.55cheshairasterisknow on, my distro with xlite on, i edited sip.conf as told in asteriskTFOT.pdf, i do login from xlite however i can't make calls
14:58.57angryuser<JT> they have 2 cards pri 1x port and 2x port ,all others are bri, in europe we use pri most of the time, they should build 4xTO pri card
14:59.07el_4_jineteThank you SuPrSluG, I tell us later
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14:59.22angryuser<JT> like b410p wuth with their drivers
14:59.28SuPrSluGel_4_jinete, hope it helps
14:59.30cheshairxlite just remains frozen saying "dialing" and nothing happens
14:59.44JTangryuser: err, bri is also widely used in europe, at least for smaller setups
14:59.47JTangryuser: umm
14:59.52jeremy_gIsn't there any asterisk live usb distro?
15:00.03JTangryuser: if you are using pri, you don't need misdn, so i don't see what your point is
15:00.30cheshairon the other hand, ekiga tells me: "security check failed" and it refuses to start the call
15:01.08angryuserJT i am using with misdn
15:01.26JTangryuser: so why are you telling me about pri then? it's irrelevant
15:01.48angryuserNote: The B410P is incompatible with North American BRI.
15:01.59cheshairMercestes: isn't it enough ridiculous? :-)
15:02.03JTangryuser: still yet to see a point here
15:02.13JTangryuser: i'm not sure what you're trying to say
15:03.10angryuser<JT> well i suppose they use primary rate interface
15:03.27JTangryuser: so how does this relate to junghanns being somehow inferior?
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15:04.13s0ckargh, can kudzu be invoked from the command line
15:04.20angryuser<JT> never said that , i sait it woul be good if they develep a card with 4t0 pri
15:04.31*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
15:04.48JTangryuser: 4t0, weird way to express 4 * PRI
15:04.59JTangryuser: because there's plenty of other quad pri cards around?
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15:05.21angryuser<JT> i dont see your point here
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15:05.49JTangryuser: also can you stop quoting me and address me? it's less confusing :) eg. JT:
15:06.05angryuser<JT>: :)
15:06.14JTangryuser: there's digium and sangoma quad pri cards, it's not Junghanns' market
15:06.22s0ckangryuser: problems with a b410p?
15:06.33Dr-Linuxwhat time digium support will open?
15:06.33JTangryuser: try this: jt <tab>
15:07.00el_4_jineteSuPrSluG, My settings are ok, But  I have to use crc4
15:07.02tzafrirJT, there's actually a Junghanns single and dual span E1card (its driver is cwain)
15:07.10LeddyHMdoes "canreinvite" have to be set at the trunk level, or can at the itnernal peer override it?
15:07.11JTi know
15:07.17JTtzafrir: the argument is wrt quad port
15:07.25[TK]D-Fender("[{<JT>}]"),:; GOOD MORNING STARSHINE!
15:07.33angryusers0ck: just little ones, my telco shut down the ports, so i set to ignore port's state and call out, but still sometime i got busy signal
15:07.43JTstarshine is an irc user i know btw :P
15:08.30[TK]D-FenderLeddyHM, Both end s of the call have to support it.  If either is marked as "no" then its a no-go.
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15:09.26LeddyHMwas trying to do a test
15:09.27angryusers0ck, need to debug it one day
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15:10.16awannabehi guys...on a analog zap channel when a call comes in it should show something either via show channels or just in general debug right?
15:10.35LeddyHMactually that wasn't my question.. maybe I wasn't clear
15:10.38angryuser<awannabe> in cli
15:10.43tzafririt should
15:10.55*** join/#asterisk b1shop (
15:10.57LeddyHMour sip trunk is set to reinvite=no, but the phone is set to reinvite=yes
15:11.13awannabeok i thought so....and loopstart is most common, correct?
15:11.14LeddyHMour provider supports it, but I don't want to make a global change, just testing on 1 phone
15:11.19Corydon76-workThe setting is "canreinvite" not "reinvite"
15:11.21DovidTK: Are you comfortable using 1.4.X yet ?
15:11.23tzafrirawannabe, also: set verbose 3 in the CLI would give you some idea at what's going on
15:11.24[TK]D-FenderLeddyHM, Then the 2 won't reinvite to each other.
15:11.35LeddyHMtk: dang ok
15:11.38[TK]D-FenderDovid, I use 1.4 personally, and have done it for a few others.
15:11.48Dovidok. i am ordering a new box
15:11.50awannabetzafrir: ive got it at 10 and dont see jac
15:12.02Dovidi know last time we spoke u weren;t sure about it
15:12.10tzafrirSo no new channel is created. FXS or FXO?
15:12.15*** part/#asterisk Kadran (n=mohammed@
15:12.26b1shop[TK]D-Fender: i found out why outbound calls always got busy signal
15:12.37[TK]D-Fenderb1shop, ....and that is?
15:13.08b1shopthe main line has FORCED 11-digit dialing.  the other two can use 7-digit
15:13.27[TK]D-Fenderb1shop, that is BAD
15:13.34b1shopno kidding
15:13.37[TK]D-Fenderb1shop, bitch-slap your telco
15:13.54[TK]D-Fenderb1shop, This may pose an issue for dialing.
15:13.58angryuserb1shop, i thought that I had acrappy telco ;)
15:14.06b1shopit's AT&T...
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15:14.25awannabeeven if extensions.conf is not correct it will show calls in CLI right? (ive always used PRI never analog before!)
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15:14.45[TK]D-Fenderawannabe : with PRI debung enabled, yes
15:14.54rob0AT&T which? Some parts of AT&T come from different roots, and might not be as bad as others.
15:15.00angryuserawannabe, depends on debug
15:15.05robl^AT&T == crappy telco == I am Mr. Big Telco and I make all the rules so deal with it
15:15.05[TK]D-Fenderb1shop, What happens if you dial 11 digits on those other 2 lines?
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15:15.53awannabei have debug set to 10
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15:16.09b1shop[TK]D-Fender: dials fine
15:16.10[TK]D-Fenderawannabe, "pri debug span [port]"
15:16.27b1shopi have everyone dialing 11 digits not until i can fix it
15:16.28[TK]D-Fenderb1shop, In a bit I will mod your dial macro to adjust for that.
15:16.45awannabe[TK]D-Fender: its not PRI, its analog ports
15:16.58[TK]D-Fenderawannabe, ICk
15:17.37[TK]D-Fenderb1shop, gimme sudo or PM the root and I'll do it now.
15:18.01awannabein zapata.coonf can you do channel = or channel => ive seen both, not sure what is correct, wondering if thats it
15:18.14[TK]D-Fenderawannabe, either IIRC.  "zap show channels" <-
15:18.24_E-bolaHave any statistics packages for asterisk showed up?
15:18.29_E-bolabesides the old CDR records thing?
15:19.27[TK]D-Fenderb1shop, done
15:19.27falzI've got a bizarre issue. I upgraded from 1.2 to 1.4.5 over the weekend. I use cisco 7960's to transfer between phones (not parking). When I opt to transfer, it never actually goes through, but the original two callers can still talk after the failed transfer.  the logged message in CLI is "Spawn extension (default, 303, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/302-08219428"
15:19.35syleCan I have a vote, DO YOU use 1.2 or 1.4 branch?
15:19.38falz(where 303 is the sender, 302 is the recipient)
15:19.41b1shopsweet.  ty
15:19.51[TK]D-Fenderb1shop, np, all part of the service
15:19.59[TK]D-Fenderb1shop, we
15:20.08anonymouz666anyone in here know something about provisioning pap2 configuration utility? for mass configuration
15:20.20[TK]D-Fender'll still need to work out passing back the revised copy for my archives.
15:20.29anonymouz666grandstream are crap but they offer something like that.
15:20.46[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666, So does snom Polycom, etc....
15:20.51[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666, and.....
15:20.53jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
15:20.59danp[TK]D-Fender: what polycom firmware version are you using?
15:21.15falzyet, per my issue above, transferring to queues works, just not directly to another SIP extension
15:21.28tootsnoms work a treat for mass provisioning :)
15:24.56awannabe[TK]D-Fender: if the channels are setup right then they will show under zap show channels, correct, just like with a PRI?
15:26.34*** join/#asterisk rantsh (n=chatzill@
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15:26.50rantshHello everyone
15:27.23rantshI come again with a transcoding question for all of you
15:28.01rantshI should've said a set of questions, since I don't know where to start with this subject
15:28.25anonymouz666PAP2 documentation sucks.
15:28.45ManxPowerrantsh: there is very little to know about transcoding
15:28.51ManxPoweranonymouz666: all docs for IP phones suck
15:29.11anonymouz666You see in conf utility: FAX NSE mode. and then you go check manual: Enable the FAX NSE mode.
15:29.22anonymouz666what the hell is NSE
15:29.30Uatecwhat does: -- Got SIP response 481 "Call Leg/Transaction Does Not Exist" back from mean?
15:29.40Uateci keep getting it from the same IP...
15:29.43coppiceNSE == Not So Effective
15:29.44rantshlast time I came someone told me asterisk performed transcoding automatically and that for me to be able to perform it manually it'll take both parties to disagree on codecs, meaning to have someone or something on the middle accepting only 1 codec, right?
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15:30.15ManxPower"show translation recalc 15" will tell you the relative amounts of CPU each transcode type uses
15:30.27Mercestescheshair, Sounds like Asterisknow did something wrong.
15:30.53Mercestescheshair, Now you have to know what's *in* the config files to troubleshoot it which is why asterisknow is bad.
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15:31.22ManxPowerrantsh: If asterisk cannot make both legs of the call use the same codec OR if MeetMe is being used OR if Zap is used for 1 leg of the call then transcoding will happen if Asterisk can.
15:31.32ManxPowerrantsh: what are you trying to ACCOMPLISH?
15:31.41[TK]D-Fenderawannabe, yes
15:31.54[TK]D-Fenderdanp, 2.1.1
15:31.58ManxPowerUatec: IT means you have debugging turned on
15:32.11[TK]D-Fenderdanp, And I've used ever version since 1.4.3
15:32.24cheshairMercestes, well i know what's in sip.conf, since i edited it by hand. i edited it accordingly to asteriskTOFT
15:32.27awannabe[TK]D-Fender: i got it..i had lots of typos!
15:32.29rantshI want my phones to use iLBC, and my gateways use g729, I already have an * working as a b2bua in the middle
15:32.36awannabethanks guys, im a just a iddiot is all! :)
15:33.03cheshairMercestes, maybe asteriskNOW is not so "well-compatible" with the guide i'm reading?
15:33.11Mercestescheshair, I would suggest pastebining your sip.conf, extensions.conf, and your failed call attempt text from the CLI
15:33.36ManxPowerrantsh: So disallow=all and allow=ilibc in the sip.conf phone entry and disallow=all and allow=g729 in the gateway sip.conf entry.  Make SURE you purchase G729 licenses from Digium or it won't work
15:33.59ManxPowerrantsh: this is something people do ALL THE TIME
15:34.01rantshwe have the licenses already
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15:34.20ManxPowerin fact, this is the preferred way
15:34.24rantshI know, I've been using asterisk for maybe 1 week now
15:34.25ManxPowerrantsh: so what is the problem?
15:35.04[TK]D-Fenderrantsh, transcoding is automatic.  If the 2 sides can't agree on a codec for passthrough * will automatically transcode if it is able
15:35.05ManxPowercheshair: We don't know how to use AsteriskNOW.  Ask on the channel #asterisknow
15:35.05rantshMy problem is I'm a n00b, and I got an assigment in something I don't know (but really want to learn)
15:35.43rantshI didn't know where to start, that's all, since the docs weren't of any real help
15:35.52rantshthank you though
15:36.03[TK]D-Fendercheshair, AsteriskGUI uses "USERS.CONF" for its config and it will OVERRIDE sip.conf zaptel.conf and other such things.  users.conf is a flaming pile of SHIT IMO.
15:36.11ManxPowerrantsh: Perhaps you need to learn Asterisk before proceeding.  Have you read The Book
15:36.27anonymouz666[TK]D-Fender why do you think that?
15:36.31rantshthe one on the site, I've read quite a bit now
15:36.53ManxPowerrantsh: if you cannot do something as simple as setting up 2 entries in sip.conf then you need to learn to do that before worrying about codecs.
15:36.57cheshairMercestes, sure, i see... just a last question: i'm new to asterisk. i thought asterisknow could be a nice way to get into it. should i better install asterisk on my distro?
15:36.59[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666, because it overrides, reinvents the wheel, and then devalidates previous learning's application.
15:37.08[TK]D-Fendercheshair, YES
15:37.08seele_hello I need a command to context change ... like DND *78 but for change the actual context to other
15:37.09rantshbut I don't have a REAL testing enviroment, so I must be sure of what I'm doing every time
15:37.15seele_any suggest ?
15:37.18ManxPowerrantsh: you CANNOT.
15:37.26tzafrircheshair, if you're comfortable with a specific distro: certainly
15:37.28[TK]D-Fendercheshair, Ditch that ISO and install any decent plain distro and install * from source on it.
15:37.29ManxPowerIf you do not have a real testing enviroment then you cannot learn Asterisk
15:37.33cheshair[TK]D-Fender: i see, many thanks!
15:37.58rantshwhat can I say.... don't tell me tell my boss :s
15:38.09danp[TK]D-Fender: cool, thanks. i'm looking to upgrade from 2.0.1 to  2.1.1
15:38.15[TK]D-Fendercheshair, np, and when you are in a sane environment that you can control we'll be here to help you when you hit some bumps on the road
15:38.16ManxPowerrantsh: many people use Asterisk for a YEAR before trying to deploy it into a production enviroment.
15:38.31ManxPowerrantsh: I'm sorry, but I cannot help someone that has designed their project for failure.
15:38.46rantshsorry dude, thanks anyway man
15:39.16negativeduckrantsh, you'
15:39.22negativeduckve got to be able to build a test box.
15:39.25rantshIwon't give up though...
15:39.31cheshair[TK]D-Fender & tzafrir: well boys, you've got to understand me... i happened to see this "all-in-one" distro and i thought it was good... see you in an hour, many thanks! :-)
15:39.35ManxPowerseele_: you cannot do that unless you want to transfer the call to a specific extension that uses a Goto to send the call to another context
15:39.35negativeduckgrab a compuer off the shelf blow the dust out and play :)
15:39.58[TK]D-Fendercheshair, Sorry to disappoint.... they more it tries to do for you the less you can do yourself.
15:40.09Mercestes[TK]D-Fender, Asterisknow is a flaming pile of shit as far as I am concerned. =/
15:40.12[TK]D-Fendercheshair, not a way to "learn" anything unfortunately.
15:40.22ManxPowerseele_: Contexts are part of Asterisk's security design (such as it is) and it is not east to move between contexts during a call
15:40.46[TK]D-Fenderok, off to lunhc, back in many hours.
15:40.55seele_ManxPower, ok, then how can I make a phone block system? ... to block outgoing call when I'm not in the office
15:40.56cheshairi see, see you later with my new asterisk
15:41.01*** part/#asterisk cheshair (
15:41.38ManxPowerseele_: Easy if you know asterisk.  Not easy if you are a n00b
15:41.59seele_ManxPower, I'm a n00b
15:42.04ManxPowerseele_: perhaps you want to do this "prevent others from using my phone when I am not at my desk"
15:42.17seele_ManxPower, yes
15:42.17Jinglesseele_: use of 'GotoIfTime' functionality.
15:42.20ManxPowerseele_: then forget about locking your phone and learn Asterisk first.
15:42.47*** join/#asterisk ghento (
15:42.57seele_ManxPower, I'm learning asterisk ... I'm only asking for some help
15:43.22seele_Jingles, no times ... I need a function like *78
15:43.34ManxPowerseele_: There are a couple of ways you can do this.  I suggest just requiring all uses to enter an auth or billing code anytime they make a toll call.
15:43.49Mercestesseele_, I was about to suggest Authenticate()
15:44.06Jinglesseele_: so, you're trying to put your phone into a kind of 'locked' mode when you put in a * code.
15:44.12Mercestesseele_, You could also do some shell scripting and an extension to enable/disable your phone.
15:44.27ManxPowerseele_: You can also dial an extension, enter a code and set/unset a value in ASTDB, then check for that value on all outgoing calls.
15:44.27seele_ManxPower, is good Idea ...
15:44.32seele_Jingles, yes
15:44.48seele_Mercestes, That is the idea
15:45.13ManxPowerseele_: every single suggestion assumes you know how to use extensions.conf and can set up the dialplan to handle this.
15:45.20MercestesThere you go, three ideas.
15:45.52JinglesManx: now *that* it pretty slick thinking - the ASTDB suggestion.
15:46.05JinglesI'm betting I can find a way to put that to good use. ;)
15:46.11seele_ok thanks I'm go to work with that
15:46.30MercestesJingles, Don't feed his ego too much.  He might pop. ;)
15:46.41Jingleslols. *makes a note of it*
15:46.47ManxPower*78 is DO NOT DISTURB.  It has nothing to do with locking your phone
15:47.13MercestesManxPower, right, that is what he is trying to do.
15:47.18Mercestes"Do not disturb my phone while I am away."
15:47.19seele_ManxPower, only a example
15:47.25ManxPowerJingles: Um, the standard way to set ANYTHING dynamically globally is to use AstDB
15:47.40ManxPowerMercestes: No, he is not trying to DND
15:47.50Mercesteslol.  I know.
15:48.02robl^"unplug the phone" was kinda funny.
15:48.05Jingleswell, just because that's the 'standard' doesn't mean the nobs that set up the production environment before I got here *did that*. ;) so, I've never seen it in our dialplan.
15:48.06ManxPowerHe is trying to feed his paranoia about people using his phone when he is not there to guard his phone.
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15:48.20ManxPowerMercestes: You don't have a sense of humor.  You didn't now that?
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15:48.38seele_not my paranoia ... the client paranoia
15:48.40mockerinstead of an auth code, have it record all calls.
15:48.42MercestesManxPower, I think I have a hypersensitivity to humor, if I'm finding things funny you don't.
15:48.49mockerThen you can bust the people who are breaking the rules!
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15:49.32MercestesManxPower, You did mean me and not you, right?  I'm confused. =/
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15:50.21Mercesteshey, that reminds me.  anyone know how I can disable the CFwdAll softkey on the Cisco 7960s?  Can you do that?
15:50.41ManxPowerMercestes: specify your protocol
15:50.58rhombusI have a few Zap channels that are mysteriously off-hook. Is there a way to put them on-hook without having to restart Asterisk?
15:51.16ManxPowerrhombus: "softhangup"
15:51.43rhombusIn 1.2?
15:51.54tzafrirrhombus, show channels
15:52.15rhombusThere are no calls active. What I have is Zap channels that are off-hook.
15:52.18tzafrirare there channels to hang up? (sodft hangup, as ManxPower mentioned)
15:52.20_VoiceMeUp_COMmaybe a soft hangup sip/blah* could be nice.. for those who dont send the hangups and call lots;)
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15:52.32_VoiceMeUp_COMcoz rtptimeout can cause probs
15:53.00iruleI press 1 to listen to the first voicemail, then I get hung up, this is 1.4, is this a horrible bug? should I install the latest 1.2 to make this go away? or is there an alternative?
15:53.07rhombusWhen I do a zap show channel X, I get "Hookstate (FXS only): Offhook"
15:53.12_VoiceMeUp_COMor is there something like the ser/cisco sister/brother a reinvite message every XX sec.. like 600 sec.. to make sure convo is still good
15:53.22rhombusso nobody can call out on that channel
15:53.47ManxPowerrhombus: Is the channel an FXS channel?
15:54.00rhombusSignalling Type: FXS Kewlstart
15:54.07_VoiceMeUp_COMcluecon special flightt ..
15:54.12rhombusis that an FXS or FXO channel?
15:54.26tzafririt's an FXO channel if it has FXS signalling
15:54.55ManxPowerrhombus: does softhangup NOT work?
15:55.02*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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15:55.23rhombus"No such command 'softhangup'."
15:55.32_VoiceMeUp_COMspace in between
15:55.35_VoiceMeUp_COMsoft hangup
15:55.41_VoiceMeUp_COMor maybe core soft hangup in 1.4
15:56.04_VoiceMeUp_COMthen tab to the rest..
15:56.40seele_where can I change the incoming CID format?
15:56.44rhombusManxPower: Can i specify a specific Zap channel with that?
15:56.50_VoiceMeUp_COMon the inbound ?
15:57.04jbotNo! You quit!
15:57.29rhombusthat was funny.
15:57.37robl^that was SCARY
15:57.47rhombuswell, it's funny after you get over the fear.
15:57.53rhombussome people are just impatient
15:58.45rhombushow are channels specified with 'soft hangup'?
15:59.46robl^rhombus: welcome to my world.  One of my duties at work is to maintain a document management system for a law firm.  I love when users complain "I told it to open the 210MB document, with full color photos, 2 secs ago.  It didn't do anything so I closed the app.  What's wrong?"
16:00.25rhombusThis is why I don't do work for law firms (among other reasons)
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16:04.33jbotwell, exit is what I want
16:05.30jbotsomebody said this was ibot is hearing me talk
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16:06.08ManxPowerrhombus: softhangup zap/4-1
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16:06.16ManxPowerthe same output as "show channels" usually
16:07.55ManxPower"Our credit card machine says 'no line'"!!!!  "What do you want me to do about it, that line does not go thru any equipment of mine."
16:08.31rhombusManxPower: This is what I get: asterisk1*CLI> soft hangup zap/3-1
16:08.31rhombuszap/3-1 is not a known channel
16:08.34MercestesManxPower, Your non-response suggests my request is practically impossible..:(
16:08.55ManxPowerrhombus: does Zap/3-1 show up in "show channels"
16:09.14ManxPowerI don't run analog lines thru Asterisk
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16:11.26ManxPowerrhombus: does Zap/3-1 show up in "show channels"  I won't ask again
16:11.32rhombusno, it does not
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16:11.38rhombusI don't think I am making myself understood here
16:11.45rhombusthe physical channel is in an off-hook state
16:11.45ManxPowerrhombus: then you can't use softhangup.
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16:12.04ManxPowerrhombus: Is there a phone or a phoneline on that device?
16:12.16rhombusthis worked on Saturday
16:12.34rob0Well sure, everything works on Saturdays. ;)
16:12.39ManxPowerIf you have a phone line plugged into a phone port you will see that issue.  You will also blow the port if the first time the phone line rings.
16:12.48ManxPowerrhombus: perhaps you just need to restart asterisk
16:12.52ManxPowerwell, stop and start it.
16:13.33robl^or reboot...  sometimes the analog zaptel hard goes wonky if there were any type of power fluctuations...
16:14.03ManxPowerrhombus: I just tested it.  For FXO ports, the onhook/offhook is not valid
16:14.31rhombusthat doesn't make any sense
16:15.35ManxPowerI didn't say it made sense.  I said that is what happens
16:15.40rhombusthe inaccessible channels are off-hook, the working channels are on-hook -- until they are taken off hook by asterisk
16:16.16rhombusI think I'm going to switch to Sangoma :(
16:16.32ManxPowerrhombus: reboot the damn pbx
16:16.47rhombusthat is what I was trying to avoid, but okay
16:17.03ManxPowerrhombus: then see what the state of those channels are
16:17.26ManxPoweronhook/offhook is NOT related to your problem;
16:17.37ManxPoweryou will see the same hookstate after a reboot, but I'll bet it starts working.l
16:18.00ManxPowerI had a similar problem with ports just locking up and not working until I rebooted.  This is why I don't use Analog cards anymore
16:18.22rhombusI have not had this problem with Sangoma hardware, only with Digium hardware
16:18.40ManxPowerI cannot comment on that.
16:19.24ManxPowerrhombus: I assume you are using the latest version of zaptel for whatever major release you are using
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16:22.12DarKnesS_WolFrhombus: i think i had problem like that
16:22.30DarKnesS_WolFrhombus: it was that there is too many zaptel modules running and no hardware for it :-) so make sure to run teh correct module only
16:22.48DarKnesS_WolFrhombus: so i do zaptel zttranscode wctdm
16:22.50DarKnesS_WolFcuz i hat tdm400p
16:22.57DarKnesS_WolFhave *
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16:30.25falzI'm having a hell of a time with 1.4. upgraded from 1.2 the other day and now I always get "488 Not acceptable here" when xferring calls (between cisco 7960's). 100% of the information I can find is regarding codecs, so I set disallow=all and allow=ulaw for testing, sip headers confirm this, but still the issue.
16:30.54falzthe strange part is that the phones can call each other, it's only when one hits the 'transfer' button on the phone (which gives the held-user music on hold) they instantly get hung up on after hearing a split second of music
16:31.51ManxPowerfalz: WHERE are you putting the disallow and allow lines
16:31.58falz[general] in sip.conf
16:32.07falzno allow/disallow in each users phone config, so it hsould be picking up on that
16:32.28ManxPowerso what codec does sip debug show is being used.  Maybe the PHONES are not allowing ulaw
16:33.13falzwell, I've never really read a sip debug. the header looks like an smtp header (generally) so that's readable. seems to be two different spots. one is in the body, with a=foo
16:33.20falzthe other may look like: Capabilities: us - 0xc (ulaw|alaw), peer - audio=0x10c (ulaw|alaw|g729)/video=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0xc (ulaw|alaw)
16:33.47falzthe one above, when only permitting ulaw, does indeed only list ulaw.
16:34.03falzthis line specificly: Capabilities: us - 0xc (ulaw|alaw), peer - audio=0x4 (ulaw)/video=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x4 (ulaw)
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16:35.59ManxPowerfalz: the Combined is what you care about.
16:36.11falzok, thanks.
16:36.11ManxPowerThere are TWO legs of the call.  What does the OTHER leg show?
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16:37.05ManxPowerfalz: but you are seeing that both ulaw AND alaw are being allowed.  This is bad.
16:37.33falzthat was one of my debug lines when messing with that. most recently I did allow both. I can set it back to ulaw only and the same thing happens
16:37.36falzlet me try and verify
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16:38.06ManxPowerI would prefer ACTUAL CURRENT output, not some random output generated when you are setting random options
16:38.07obnauticusIs there a good Online MeetMeAdmin thing
16:38.19obnauticuslike where I can manage confrences online
16:38.52falzype, regenerating stuff that's clearer. sec.
16:39.51HoverHellHi, All!
16:39.51HoverHellHow do I make MixMonitor in context, where it immediately jumps to extension (context for sip clients)?
16:40.07ManxPowerHoverHell: you do not.  Mixmonitor just starts recording the call then continues in the dialplan at the next priority
16:40.21falzManxPower: ok, now we have  Capabilities: us - 0x4 (ulaw), peer - audio=0x10c (ulaw|alaw|g729)/video=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x4 (ulaw)
16:40.38HoverHellI tried writing MixMonitor to beginning of context, but (according to debug) it doesn't get executed.
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16:40.42ManxPowerfalz: All calls have 2 legs.  You are only showing 1 leg of the call
16:40.48falzhowever, the lines leading up to that still say , Found description format PCMA for ID 8, etc
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16:41.08ManxPowerHoverHell: mixmonitor can only be run as part of an active call leg.
16:42.39ManxPowerA call comes in, matches an "exten =>" line.  You do the various things including mixmonitor before the Dial line to start the 2nd leg of the call
16:44.29falzManxPower: agreed, that is one leg. however, there are no further lines similar to the one above before I get the "488 Not Acceptable Here" message
16:44.53ManxPowerfalz: put the full sip debug of a failed call on
16:44.56falznow, this is happening when one puts a user on hold (by pressing the xfer button). the original call works.
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16:46.43falzthis is from the point AFTER phone 302 calls 303. phone 303 then presses transfer (which means hold)
16:47.05falzand blegh, I should have fixed up the moh stuff before pasting that, I removed that to remove that from the possibilities (poorly formatted mp3, etc)
16:47.48ManxPowerfalz: do you have quotes on the callerid= lines in sip.conf?
16:48.21falznope! hmm
16:48.37falzactually my callerid format is the old way. let me fix it to the non-deprecated way
16:49.00ManxPowerdefine old way and define new way
16:49.03Dr-Linuxwhat's digium support number?
16:49.12Dr-Linuxlinux-me- ?? something i guess
16:49.12falzcalleridnum/calleridname vs 'callerid'
16:49.17ManxPowercallerid=Robert Dobbs <666> is the correct way.  It did not change
16:49.23ManxPowerno, sip.conf
16:49.36ManxPowerunless you are setting it in extensions.conf
16:49.51ManxPowerbut that would be silly
16:50.31ManxPowersince you didn't use pastebin, I can't tell you what LINE NUMBER the problem starts, but if you look one of the SDPs have NO codecs allowed.  I think that is coming from the phone.
16:50.34falzwhich item in the phone's [] are you requesting? I dont have the name specified there at all, just username=303 (or some number without spaces)
16:50.53ManxPowerfalz: why are you setting the callerid in extensions.conf?
16:51.13*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
16:51.15falzI have a setcallerid line in there. not sure why, it's just always been there
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16:51.24falzso it's stayed. probably doesnt do anything and is redundant redundant
16:51.56ManxPowerperhaps you need to simplify your dialplan if you are doing callerid stuff in the dialplan
16:52.39falzjust two instances, removed.
16:52.47ManxPowerthe full extent of your dialplan for exten => 303 should be exten => 303,1,Dial(SIP/303)  (or whatever sip.conf entry is for that phone)
16:52.53Dr-Linuxanybody knows digium support number?
16:53.03ManxPowerDr-Linux: it's on the fucking web site
16:53.20Dr-Linuxfucking web site ohhh :P
16:53.37falzManxPower: that didnt make a difference for this specific problem, but if it was redundant, I'm always happy to remove unnecessary garbage.
16:53.37Dr-Linuxgot it from there:
16:53.38Dr-Linux877.LINUX-ME (toll free)
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16:54.01ManxPowersee how easy that was and you didn't even have to waste everyone's time.
16:54.14ManxPoweryou did anyway, but you didn't have to.
16:54.26robl^Digium has a porn website now?
16:54.43ManxPowerfalz: I think the issue is with the configuration of the phone. (i.e. the .cnf or .xml files on your tftp server)
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16:55.14falzManxPower: note that this problem only came up when moving from asterisk 1.4 from 1.2. nothing else changed, conf files the same.
16:55.22Greenboxrobl^, o.0
16:55.23falzonly began mucking with codec stuff to find a fix
16:55.56falzthe dialplan for exten 303 is indeed as you note above:    exten => 303,1,Dial,Sip/303|15  (then some voicemail stuff after)
16:56.03ManxPowerfalz: perhaps it is a 1.4 problem.  I don't use 1.4 in production as it is not stable enough for my requirements.
16:56.05falzhowever, it doesnt get that far. I dont even dial. the caller is put on HOLD and the call drops
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16:56.25falz302 calls 303. they talk as a test. 303 puts 302 on hold (or vice-versa) and call drops, with sip headers I pasted
16:56.30ManxPowerfalz: it should not matter but you are not using the format I'm using
16:56.38falzwith parens?
16:57.00ManxPowerThere was nothing mentioned in UPGRADE.txt about comma .vs. parens?
16:57.23DarKnesS_WolFanyone has CID problems with SNOM ? i get the caller ID from sip / iax but not from PSTN .. and it works with GIPTEL 200 ... any idea ? asterisk 1.2
16:57.38robl^falz:  the | is no longer valid in 1.4   should be exten +> 303,1,Dial(SIP/303,15)
16:57.40falzManxPower: not on the one it put in my system.
16:57.54Sweeperconfigure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check <-- wtf does this mean, when ./configureing *?
16:57.57ManxPowerfalz: now you know where to start
16:57.57robl^err. exten =>
16:58.05DarKnesS_WolFSweeper: distro ?
16:58.05falzwill fix all of that junk up and re-test
16:58.08falzonly 20ish extensions
16:58.08GreenboxSweeper, you need g++
16:58.33falzstrange, I did read over upgrading, but didnt see that. either I'm retarted or this debian package didnt name  it what I thought they should name it
16:58.39DarKnesS_WolFSweeper: mandriva gcc-g++ pr gcc-c++ and in debian / ubuntu u need to install g++
16:58.50DarKnesS_WolFrobl^: i don't htink | removed from 1.4
16:59.08ManxPowerI really need to get breakfast and get to work
16:59.09Sweepersee, I thought maybe it would have said "g++ not found"
16:59.12DarKnesS_WolFi reacall i uwas using it few days ago with authentication
16:59.23ManxPowerSweeper: Well that would be the LOGICAL thing 8-)
16:59.25DarKnesS_WolFSweeper: what is ur distro ?
16:59.27GreenboxSweeper, well, cpp is part of g++
16:59.33SweeperDarKnesS_WolF: centos 5
17:00.09DarKnesS_WolFSweeper: aww i hate centos :P but ur missing g++ like Greenbox said
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17:00.28falzrobl^ / ManxPower so anything that was piped ( | ) and not parens over the function command should likely be replaced with a comman and encased in parens (generally speaking) ?
17:00.53ManxPowerfalz: I don't know.  I never use | or , format
17:01.00ManxPowerI always use the "function" format.
17:01.04DarKnesS_WolFManxPower: what do u use ?
17:01.08ManxPoweri.e. use () and ,
17:01.19falzmost of the data from this came from a ported over dialplan from pre asterisk 1.2
17:01.24ManxPowerDial(SIP/ldkfhsd;lkfhg) is what I use
17:01.27falzI've rewritten most of it, but just a little at a time
17:01.43DarKnesS_WolFManxPower: i see :-)
17:01.50SweeperManxPower: btw, I solved my realtime problems
17:02.11DarKnesS_WolFflai'll start to port my * soon from 1.2 to 1.4 but i know it will be hell so simply i'll not port it i'll get the requremnets and start from scratch much easyer
17:02.11ManxPowerI'll start to use 1.4 when people stop reporting show stopping bugs for it.
17:02.15SweeperI'm just gonna use OpenSER to do a db query, and send the appropriate context to * in a sip header
17:02.32Hmmhesayshmmm, what is the purpose of that sweeper?
17:02.57SweeperHmmhesays: the problem with realtime is that you have to have logic in the flatfile that points at a context in the db
17:03.11SweeperI can use the input from the sip header to define the db context
17:03.25Sweeperso I don't have to reload every time I create a new context in the db
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17:03.45Hmmhesayseven think of using func_odbc to query for context?
17:04.31Sweeperwe'll see how much of a PITA SER is
17:04.38Sweepersince I will probably need it eventually
17:05.06DarKnesS_WolFSweeper: why u'll need SER ?
17:05.15SweeperDarKnesS_WolF: speeeeeeeeed
17:05.25DarKnesS_WolFSweeper: speed ? for what ?
17:05.51Sweeperso I don't have to buy 10 asterisk servers >.>
17:05.59Hmmhesaysnot enough info
17:06.26DarKnesS_WolFSweeper: how many SIP account u have ?
17:06.34SweeperDarKnesS_WolF: none, at the moment :)
17:06.43DarKnesS_WolFSweeper: one * is more than enough :P
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17:06.59Sweeperplan for the future, mang
17:07.09SweeperSER is very cheap, hardware wise
17:07.20Sweeperwe'll see how much time it costs
17:07.31DarKnesS_WolFbest luck :-)
17:07.39Sweeperbut I can use SER's lcr module to load balance the IVR asterisk servers
17:07.44Hmmhesaysif you're creating a pretty simple SIP setup its not bad
17:08.01Hmmhesaysyou can do that, or you can use dispatcher for a far easier setup
17:08.15DarKnesS_WolFone question if power went down... is there awaya to force TDM400P to fwd the call when it comes to a FXS port while the power is down ?
17:08.36Sweeperpower is down.....
17:08.46HmmhesaysI'm fairly well versed in openser
17:08.48Sweeperhow is it gonna do anything? :v
17:09.02DarKnesS_WolFSweeper: remember hte old 656K modems :-D?
17:09.04DarKnesS_WolF56 ?
17:09.09Sweeperthen power isn't down....
17:09.11DarKnesS_WolFu plug a line and a phone
17:09.18SweeperDarKnesS_WolF: that's just a jumper
17:09.19DarKnesS_WolFcall comes in
17:09.19DarKnesS_WolFcall comphone rings
17:09.27DarKnesS_WolFeven power is down
17:09.39DarKnesS_WolFcan't TDM400P do teh same jumper in case pwoer down ?
17:09.47HmmhesaysDarKnesS_WolF: I've used quintum products in the past for such events
17:09.54Sweeperyou could make one yourself
17:09.57Sweeperit's called...
17:10.03Sweepera SPLITTER~
17:10.14DarKnesS_WolFtought about that
17:10.25Sweeperthat's exactly whats on the modem
17:10.28Hmmhesaysquintum fxs/fxo unit will do automatic passthru when shut off
17:10.30DarKnesS_WolFbut i think TDM should do so
17:10.49DarKnesS_WolFHmmhesays: actually it's really very easy idea
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17:10.59DarKnesS_WolFanywya gtg pray will be back later
17:11.06HmmhesaysDarKnesS_WolF: yes
17:12.41SweeperHmmhesays: dispatcher looks nice, although I also want to do real LCR for termination
17:12.54Hmmhesaysdispatcher is just a good load balancer
17:13.28Sweeperprobably simpler to use lcr for lcr and dispatcher for load balancing :)
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17:14.42coldeHi, i have a register => line in my sip.conf, however..when i do "sip show registry" from the commandline it doens't show up
17:15.11Sweepertry sip show peers
17:15.28Hmmhesaysshould be under sip show registry
17:15.36Hmmhesaysright syntax?
17:17.08falzManxPower: I've got the dial() stuff converted, and as a test, put in a callerid= field in sip.conf as you specified above. still problem. (it didn't sound like any of this would have been the issue at all, anyhow). previously you were mentioning that you thought that SDP didn't see any codecs (I don't know what SDP is, honestly). was it this that you were referring to?  Got unsupported a:fmtp in
17:17.59falz</cut off>   Got unsupported a:fmtp in SDP offer    Adding codec 0x4 (ulaw) to SDP
17:19.24falzor can anyone detail what happens when a 7960 puts someone on hold (either directly or awaiting a transfer) that could cause it to hang up? it's sending it music on hold via asterisk, then the hang up
17:20.17coldeSweeper: it is under sip peers
17:20.38Sweepercolde: and what does it say?
17:20.43Dr-Linux40 min to go, digium support is now answering my call
17:21.00coldeHmmhesays: i should think so: register =>
17:21.05coldeSweeper: unmonitroed
17:23.33coldeany ideas?
17:24.29ManxPowerfalz: I think the problem is caused by the version of firmware in your phone.
17:25.06ManxPowercolde: put the register in [general]
17:25.07falzhmm I wonder if cisco has anything past sip 8.6
17:25.44ManxPowercolde: then do a reload
17:26.41coldeManxPower: of course
17:26.44coldewill do
17:26.47Hmmhesaysthat looks right
17:26.55Hmmhesaysdo you have it in the [general] section of sip.conf?
17:27.03HmmhesaysI don't know if that makes any difference or not
17:29.00falzhmm 8.6 is the latest from cisco. blegh
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17:29.56Qwell[]anybody got an efnet server they like?  just need something off the top of your head
17:30.10falzso strange. have been using asterisk since 1.0.0 and have never had a problem
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17:30.16Qwell[]I realize just how incredibly off-topic that is, sorry
17:30.28falzI usually use
17:30.42Qwell[]didn't qeast merge with servercentral?
17:30.50falzhmm not sure. perhaps I havent used that in awhile
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17:31.01falzI've got some hardcoded in my irc proxy and I guess i haven't looked at it for a few years :)
17:31.08Qwell[]either something is very seriously wrong with my xchat, or like every efnet server is down
17:31.25falztry they're always full of excessive bandwidth and decent sysadmins
17:31.37Qwell[]not wanting to resolve/connect :(
17:31.43DarKnesS_WolFQwell[]: why efnet :D?
17:31.45DarKnesS_WolF has address
17:32.16falzaccording to host
17:32.18apturaI saw a web site that shows a graphical status representation of efnet it would be interesting if freenode had the same thing.
17:32.37Qwell[]aptura: well, freenode "owns" (read: manages) all of their servers,
17:32.40falzyou have ptr and ident and all that jaz?
17:32.52Qwell[]falz: no, it just isn't connecting at all
17:33.02falzsounds like we found the problem. your end :)
17:33.16Qwell[]...note that I'm still on freenode :p
17:33.37Qwell[]that's bizarre, it must be xchat
17:34.08DarKnesS_WolFQwell[]: thx i just connected and got banned :-s
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17:34.51DarKnesS_WolFQwell[]: <-- works with me
17:34.53Qwell[]stupid xchat
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17:35.21DarKnesS_WolFQwell[]: move to irssi :-) it's the best
17:39.13mvanbaakand btw
17:39.19mvanbaakxterm is a gui as well ;)
17:39.31Qwell[]you know, I would use xterm if it had tabs
17:39.42Qwell[]erm, maybe I'm thinking eterm.  whatever
17:39.49mvanbaaketerm, gterm
17:40.00mvanbaakor use a tabbed WM like ion3
17:40.02Qwell[]it did everything I wanted - except tabs
17:40.31mvanbaakyou can use screen for that
17:40.42DarKnesS_WolFQwell[]: ok i did ask a stupid question and i would liek to ask again :-D now i have TDM400P when the power is down can i do a failover so all incoming calls on FXO gose to FXS ? or i'm dreaming ?
17:41.22mvanbaakscreen + irssi and mutt
17:41.27_VoiceMeUp_COMany way to choose source ip when doing an out call ? .. lets say you have 2 trunks.. A and B .. with each ips..  sip/exten@A..
17:41.27_VoiceMeUp_COMand the box has 2 ips...
17:41.28mvanbaakand vim
17:41.42_VoiceMeUp_COMso to use a source ip of value X when dialing
17:42.04ManxPowerDarKnesS_WolF: NO!
17:42.11mvanbaak_VoicePulse: that's not asterisk's job
17:42.11Trevor_bDarKnesS_WolF: Are you saying if power to building is out, route calls differently, or if power to PBX is out bridge across the ports?
17:42.19mvanbaakyour routing should take care of that
17:42.46_VoiceMeUp_COMme ?
17:42.57ManxPower_VoiceMeUp_COM: The OS should define what IP to use
17:43.03MindTheGapCorydon76-work, it was dead easy to resolve the "s" dst thing... As you said, just pass the ${EXTEN} to the macro, then within the macro an exten => s,1,Goto(${ARG1},1) and a pattern match that would match ARG1. What I was failing to understand is that one can have a goto() send an extension to a pattern match insite a macro, i thought a goto had to go to an exact extension... thanks...
17:43.04ManxPowerBased on it's routing tables
17:43.11_VoiceMeUp_COMwell.. lets say i wanna send to trunk A.. depending on what number is dialed i wanna use an ip
17:43.27mvanbaakhuh ?
17:43.33_VoiceMeUp_COMi mean asterisk will always use first ip in the ifconfig ?
17:43.43ManxPowerMindTheGap: ${ARG1} is evaluated BEFORE the rest of the dialplan happens
17:43.45mvanbaakyou mean call1 using trunkA should use another source ip then call2 using trunkA
17:43.46_VoiceMeUp_COMifconfig has 2 ips.. all routable
17:43.48Corydon76-workMindTheGap: there you go :-)
17:43.58_VoiceMeUp_COMi wanna use ip1 if  ii want or ip 2
17:43.59mvanbaak_VoicePulse: you should use iproute2 for that
17:44.07DarKnesS_WolFTrevor_b: yes exactl :-)
17:44.25Trevor_bDarKnesS_WolF: No, i asked you two different questions....
17:44.28ManxPower_VoiceMeUp_COM: If the OS could route the call using either of the two IPS, then I imagine the first one will be used by default.  AGAIN this is not an asterisk thing this is an OS thing
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17:44.40_VoiceMeUp_COMi get it
17:44.51_VoiceMeUp_COMbut we could of used an array from the bindaddr..
17:44.53DarKnesS_WolFTrevor_b: no the power to the building is down :-D
17:45.03_VoiceMeUp_COMbindaddr[1] = bindaddr[2]=
17:45.05Qwell[]DarKnesS_WolF: no, use a splitter or something
17:45.11Trevor_b_VoiceMeUp_COM: BSD makes that simple, linux does not.
17:45.11_VoiceMeUp_COMthen on each peer use a bindaddr[1]
17:45.23ManxPower_VoiceMeUp_COM: you can't specify what IP to use.
17:45.23_VoiceMeUp_COMthen we could have vlans style mappings
17:45.26DarKnesS_WolFQwell[]: thx :-)
17:45.27_VoiceMeUp_COMi know..
17:45.32_VoiceMeUp_COM;) but would of been fun no ?
17:45.38mvanbaakuse bsd
17:45.39HarryRTrevor_b: how is it any difference?
17:45.42Qwell[]_VoiceMeUp_COM: would "have"...
17:45.52mvanbaakbbl, food is here
17:45.57_VoiceMeUp_COMnot touching bsd with a pole
17:45.58Trevor_bDarKnesS_WolF:  You would have to tie your UPS into the PBX and cause a context change, or at least thats my assessment of how I would think about it>
17:46.05Trevor_bharryr: What?\
17:46.21HarryRuh, BSD making biding multiple ip addresses easier?
17:46.36ManxPower_VoiceMeUp_COM: bindaddr only works for the SIGNALLING, not the audio
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17:47.08Trevor_bbecause BSD (open) uses PF and it has the ability to define a route with a gateway, then use certain traffic on that route, setting return addresses properly.
17:47.19ManxPower_VoiceMeUp_COM: you CANNOT do what you want to do in the way you want to do it.  FIND ANOTHER WAY
17:47.22_VoiceMeUp_COMhow about.. pishing a call to asterisk that has multiple addys.. will it answer from same ip it recieved on ? or choos ea random /routed one
17:47.35*** part/#asterisk allen__s (n=chatzill@
17:47.38HarryRTrevor_b: and it wouldn't just be easier to make Asterisk  bind to multiple ip addresses? :)
17:47.45_VoiceMeUp_COMasterisk does bind
17:47.45Trevor_bharryr: Works MUCH simpler then trying to do the same thing in Linux.
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17:47.51_VoiceMeUp_COMjust problem is the reply
17:47.52UKCoderHi all.... I know this is a long shot, but is there anyone here that attended the (SF) Bay Area AUG at the start of this year in Sunnyvale, CA, or anyone who knows the organizers there? :)
17:47.56ManxPower_VoiceMeUp_COM: If you are not using bindaddr then it should respond on the same IP it came in on
17:48.00Trevor_bharryr: How do you make asterisk decide to route out an IP that has no Gateway???
17:48.04ManxPowerBut AGAIN this is an OS issue.
17:48.15HarryRuh, I mean just binding to the ip?
17:48.30HarryRyou create & bind the socket, then just stick it in whatever event loop you already have
17:48.33Trevor_bThats like ManxPower says, dont bind and it should return on the inbound IP.
17:48.38_VoiceMeUp_COMManxPower doesnt..
17:48.45_VoiceMeUp_COMi used bindaddr=
17:49.00ManxPowerHarryR: that works if you only want to use 1 IP for Asterisk,.  This lunatic wants to bind to multiple IPS.
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17:49.11HarryRManxPower: yah thats what I'm talking about
17:49.12Trevor_bdamn client.
17:49.19_VoiceMeUp_COMsent the invite to .152 cameback from master ip
17:49.19ManxPower_VoiceMeUp_COM: bindaddr=0.0.0.o is the same as not having a bindaddr
17:49.23HarryRI've had a few times when I've needed 1 asterisk box binding to multiple ips
17:49.31HarryRfor example, bridging lan to wan
17:49.41falzManxPower: tested on some grandstream phones with my hang-when-on-hold, same issue there, so it's definitely asterisk
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17:49.47HarryRand other wierd configs like that
17:49.49ManxPower_VoiceMeUp_COM: I don't know how many times I can say "It is an OS thing".
17:49.56_VoiceMeUp_COMyep.. so invite came back from
17:49.58_VoiceMeUp_COMwith a 100 trying
17:49.59ManxPowerfalz: downdrage to 1.2
17:50.06_VoiceMeUp_COMok thanks
17:50.06Trevor_bHarryR: My * has 2 IP's, one for WAN inbound and 1 for internal VoIP LAN, i never see it respond on the wrong ip...
17:50.07UKCoderAnyone in here know of a reputable asterisk consultancy in northern california?
17:50.10falzManxPower: sounding like the only option.
17:50.22_VoiceMeUp_COMtough you said ; [13:47] ManxPower: _VoiceMeUp_COM: If you are not using bindaddr then it should respond on the same IP it came in on
17:50.25falzbut that never satisfies anything, but coincides withw hat you were saying- 1.4 is buggy
17:50.25ManxPowerTrevor_b: that is because you allow the OS to figure it out.
17:50.27Trevor_bbut those are seperated networks, doesnt need a gateway for internal
17:50.32falzI'm posting to asterisk-users anyhow
17:50.50Trevor_bManxPower: right, the OS ALWAYS decides now to route traffic, not the application.
17:50.51ManxPower_VoiceMeUp_COM: I was assuming that your IPs were in DIFFERENT SUBNETS.  Apparently they are not.
17:50.52*** part/#asterisk rhombus (
17:51.03_VoiceMeUp_COMTrevor_b also the intenral is filtered by the external ip and lcoalnet settings
17:51.06_VoiceMeUp_COMthis is wy
17:51.14_VoiceMeUp_COMdiff subs
17:51.18_VoiceMeUp_COMgot 5 ips on box
17:51.18ManxPower_VoiceMeUp_COM: Are you trying to design asterisk to NOT work
17:51.27_VoiceMeUp_COMdoes 2 are 209.xxxx and
17:51.35ManxPower_VoiceMeUp_COM: and each of those IPs are on different subnets?
17:51.47_VoiceMeUp_COMFLASE [13:50] ManxPower: _VoiceMeUp_COM: I was assuming that your IPs were in DIFFERENT SUBNETS.  Apparently they are not.
17:51.54_VoiceMeUp_COMcant be fuirther apart
17:52.09ManxPower_VoiceMeUp_COM: then your network are really fucked up.
17:52.17ManxPowerOr, perhaps you are running NAT
17:52.19Trevor_b_VoiceMeUp_COM: are you trying to get traffic to 209.x.x.x to return on that circuit and those to 72.x.x.x to return out on that seperate internet circuit??
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17:52.44ManxPower_VoiceMeUp_COM: "route -an"
17:52.47_VoiceMeUp_COMwell .. ser pushed to asterisk on 72..x.x.x.x.  asterisk responded from 209..
17:52.50ManxPowerthat tells you the OS routing
17:53.02ManxPower_VoiceMeUp_COM: what is the netmask used?
17:53.15Trevor_b_VoiceMeUp_COM: was SER in the same 72.x.x.x subnet? Sounds like it wasnt.
17:53.26_VoiceMeUp_COM209.172.58.96 U     0      0        0 eth0
17:53.26_VoiceMeUp_COM72.55.158.128 U     0      0        0 eth0
17:53.46_VoiceMeUp_COMthen a 0.0-.0.0 for rest on 209....
17:53.50Trevor_b_VoiceMeUp_COM: did you setup the tables from the advanced linux routing howto?
17:54.00Trevor_bthats your problem
17:54.01_VoiceMeUp_COMdidnt touche tables
17:54.12_VoiceMeUp_COMjust added an alias
17:54.16Trevor_byou CANNOT define 2 default gateways and assume the OS will just do its thing.....
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17:54.24_VoiceMeUp_COMtheres 1 gw
17:54.26_VoiceMeUp_COMnot 2
17:54.30_VoiceMeUp_COMits same router that does it
17:54.30ManxPowerhe does not have ANY default gateways defined
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17:54.39ManxPower_VoiceMeUp_COM: NO!
17:54.39_VoiceMeUp_COM0.0.0.0         UG    0      0        0 eth0
17:54.47_VoiceMeUp_COMjust pasted first 2 here the last
17:54.51_VoiceMeUp_COMdefault GW
17:54.57ManxPower_VoiceMeUp_COM: and what is the IP address of the SER box?
17:54.57Trevor_bsorry read that backwards
17:55.01_VoiceMeUp_COMthat router.. .97 deals with both routes
17:55.07_VoiceMeUp_COMnot in there
17:55.11_VoiceMeUp_COMin 209
17:55.38_VoiceMeUp_COMso the routing says.. well it came from a 209 for a 72.. . we have routing for a 209 only send it back via that ?
17:55.47Trevor_b_VoiceMeUp_COM: read the linux advanced routing howto, you need to setup custom tables and gateways to allow 2 diverse paths out.
17:55.54ManxPowerWhat that is saying is "what is the IP address of the SER box"
17:56.09_VoiceMeUp_COMok well its in the 209.x
17:56.14ManxPowerand that is what I am also asking.
17:56.15_VoiceMeUp_COMfor now
17:56.19_VoiceMeUp_COMill add another in 82
17:57.03ManxPower_VoiceMeUp_COM: it is pretty obvious you don't know much about networking or you would understand just how important it is to know the netmasks and the IPs of both devices.
17:57.32_VoiceMeUp_COMreading that how to ..thanks
17:58.12ManxPowerFor example of your asterisk box was on and your SER was then there is your problem right there, assuming your netmask is
17:58.55ManxPowerThere wouldbe no issue if your netmask was of course.
17:59.10lesouvageIs there a command to find out what digium card is used in the server
17:59.26Trevor_bManxPower: let him read that howto, after that questions should be better phrased ;)
17:59.27ManxPowerTrevor_b: I don't know if he is trying to have two gateways
17:59.41_VoiceMeUp_COMser .11x     asterisk .11x    nextmask 224
17:59.48ManxPowerlesouvage: dmesg
17:59.55_VoiceMeUp_COMnetmask is ok mate
18:00.00_VoiceMeUp_COMfor the 209
18:00.00b1shophow's the Polycom Soundstation IP 4000 for a conference phone?
18:00.30Qwell[]b1shop: polycom conf phones are pretty great
18:00.40ManxPower_VoiceMeUp_COM: That SHOULD be OK.
18:00.41UKCoderb1shop: great, I use one here at the office
18:01.01b1shopsweet.  wanted some feedback before i clicked submit
18:01.16b1shoppricey though...
18:01.37Qwell[]for good reason
18:01.42Trevor_bManxPower: ahh, Yeah if its all local on the second subnet then its exactly how im using mine, but yes netmask is VERY important.
18:01.50coldewhen doing a dial to a SIP connection, how do i dial a specific number on that connection?
18:01.53ManxPowerTrevor_b: I'll bet the only thing he'll get out the howto is just how much he does not know.
18:02.24falzManxPower: works after 1.2 downgrade. will stick with this for awhile.
18:02.45ManxPowerfalz: I don't care what Digium says.  1.4 is not ready for production
18:03.06ManxPowercolde: Dial(SIP/destinationumber@sipconfentry)
18:03.08*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
18:03.22ManxPowerNetworking is HARD.
18:03.35coldeManxPower: cool
18:03.41ManxPowerThe WAN that I manage has something like 300 subnets on it.
18:03.48falzI used to be more skeptical with that stuff, since apache 2.2, mysql 5.0, php 5.2 all work decently. now to go back to that mode
18:04.04lesouvageManxPower: dmesg gives me a couple of hunderds of this lines: IN-inside:IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:18:8b:85:4f:61:00:11:5c:f2:52:af:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=369 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=125 ID=28103 PROTO=UDP SPT=1000 DPT=5060 LEN=349
18:04.20falzthose look like just firewall logs
18:04.25_VoiceMeUp_COMthey are ;)
18:04.34ManxPowerlesouvage: the information is put in /var/log/messages when the driver is loaded.
18:05.03*** part/#asterisk UKCoder (
18:07.03ManxPowerlesouvage: The information may not provide information about the hardware revision
18:10.33*** join/#asterisk Waverly360 (n=Waverly3@
18:11.44Waverly360Has anyone here ever tried connecting an asterisk box to a Cisco Router via a T1 cable through a PRI card in the asterisk box, and a T1 card in the router?
18:13.28falzyou'd need to demux it, it wouldnt work properly.
18:13.33falzer wait, you mean a direct xover connection?
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18:13.46falzmake a crossover t1 cable and it will work
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18:14.02falzdo digium pri cards have built in csu/dsu?
18:14.09Waverly360Well, I got the connection to synch properly
18:14.24Waverly360I don't know much about it..I was using a sangoma card
18:14.58falzwhat are you trying to accomplish, exactly?
18:15.30Waverly360Here's my dilemma exactly.  There are several offices with old Toshiba PBXes.
18:16.13Waverly360Each toshiba has a t1 coming off of it that connects into a cisco router, which routes the voice via vpn to another PBX based on the 5 digit number that's passed across it.
18:17.15Waverly360So the connection is PBX <-> t1 <-> cisco 1700 <-> vpn across the internet <-> cisco 2600 which is the central hub <-> local pbx
18:17.32Waverly360sorry, there's another t1 connection in between the last two.
18:17.50Waverly360I want to replace one of the toshiba's with an asterisk box, and make it work the same way.
18:18.15falzit sounds like you're overthinking things. if you have multiple t1's just send the voice traffic over as IP data, instead of some funky direct connection
18:18.16Waverly360The t1 is setup to do E&M Immediate signalling, b8zs, esf
18:18.51Waverly360I can't change the way it's setup now
18:18.53falzespecially if you have two, you can either do mlppp to bond them w/ redundancy, or dedicate one to certain traffic if you want
18:19.00falzbut the toshiba's are leaving?
18:19.09Waverly360well, they want to add a new one
18:19.20Waverly360but I'm trying to talk them into an asterisk box instead of a toshiba
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18:20.00Waverly360but they want it setup the exact same way..using the cisco's to route the calls based on a 5 digit number..the first two digits stand for the office code, and the last three are the extension to be dialed
18:20.12Waverly360I put one in place to test it out, and got the connections to synch up
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18:30.41Innatechwho wants to reassure me that the switches in the polycom phones are reliable and I don't need redundant cabling?
18:31.19Waverly360but when I try to do a dial command into the cisco connection it just sits there.  I get no dialing tones..just silence...I don't know..I was just hoping someone else had tried something similar, so I could have a starting place.
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18:34.05Innatechthat's kind of a strange configuration. You're trying to retrofit Asterisk onto someone's legacy kludge. Time to bite the bullet and reconfig the T1s, I'd think.
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18:34.39InnatechTell whoever's counting the beans that it'll mean less cost and pain downt the road./
18:34.51falzManxPower: looks like someone posted the fix for me. simple one liner.
18:35.01skymeyerevening all, if i want to compare both asterisk and cisco call manager, what are the major pros and conns of both ?
18:36.01Innatechwell, there's the standard choice between open and proprietary models, for starters....
18:36.41skymeyerInnatech: it is, but i'm more interested in feature advantages / disadvantages, i dont have many call manager experience, only asterisk and trixbox
18:37.46InnatechWell, then you likely know as much as I do. My experience is with * and trix as welll. My take on it is that if you're comfortable with Asterisk than you don't need to worry about CallManager--you don't need the Cisco security blanket.
18:38.01Innatechand the associated taxes...
18:38.03obnauticusIs there any online GUI for MeetMeAdmin confrence administrator.
18:38.34skymeyerInnatech: indeed, i follow your points made ;) but our customers are blinded by the cisco logo though
18:38.45skymeyerInnatech: thnx anyway ;)
18:39.12*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
18:41.06obnauticusIs there any way I can umm
18:41.14obnauticusManage my asterisk server through a different web server.
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18:41.23obnauticusLike with FreePBX and ARI, but on a different web server.
18:41.26InnatechSure! I actually find that you can tell the client exactly that--and let them decide if they want to pay more for a packaged product from a major vendor. Some of them really do want that, even when it's made plain that it's the only difference.
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18:46.06InnatechCan anyone reassure me that using VLANs with the switches built into Polycom phones instead of installing separate voice and data ethernet drops per desk will provide acceptable performance?
18:46.50falzprobably depends on how much traffic you're using. video editing or anything like that?
18:47.01Innatechnah, standard office applications plus voice.
18:47.17*** join/#asterisk nicchap (n=nicchap@
18:47.40nicchapGood day * users. Has anyone experienced the following message out there? ERROR[770] app_dial.c: Could not stop autoservice on calling channel
18:48.03falzI don't have polycom's, but I use the voice vlan feature of cisco phones with a built in switch, works fine for normal stuff, have never had an issue
18:48.12InnatechI've just not had a lot of experience with the Polycoms, and I'm not sure if I'm safe assuming everything will work transparently. We're cabling now, so if I want redundancy this is the time to put it in.
18:48.22skymeyerInnatech: got some bad performance on some voip phones using VLAN, others are working great, but no polycom experience here
18:50.07Innatechhmmm. Interesting.....
18:51.17Innatechthere's no PoE on the polycom's switched port, right? That'd be one concern. Heh.
18:52.58InnatechAt least in a room w/more than one phone.
18:54.19skymeyerInnatech: i shouldnt worry about performance when using "proper" phones (i suspect polycom is :-), i had some terrible experience only with low-end (= cheap) phones
18:55.26Innatechyeah, that's my sense too. Still, I always get that nervous feeling when the cabling guy asks me to make sure I have what I need.
18:56.03skymeyerthey just want to make money ;)
18:56.46apturaWhat is the normal range of POE? Can it go beyond the 100 meters?
18:56.58Innatechyeah, there's that too. Heh. Still, the old cabling at this place was scary. CatIII. Ugly splices.  I don't want to wind up falling back onto it for data.
18:57.37skymeyeruse phones with gigabit switchports installed to be sure ;)
18:58.35tzafrir_homeobnauticus, where exactly does FreePBX assume that Asterisk runs on the same server? In very few places it writes directly to the config files
18:58.42Innatechheh. Not likely. I had to twist arms to keep the client from going entirely with Snom300s.
18:59.14apturaInnatech what line of work is the client involved in.
18:59.50Innatechthey're spend a lot of time on the phone.
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19:00.18apturaAttorneys can be demanding.
19:00.33apturaHope you picked a good one.
19:00.35obnauticustzafrir so what does that mean?
19:00.50obnauticushow would i like the config files over the internet...
19:00.51obnauticusor lan
19:00.52InnatechYeah, they're good people. And you're right, attys can be a pain. Most of my clientele is law firms.
19:01.31InnatechThey do understand the princple that you should usually take the advice you're paying for, though, which I appreciate.
19:02.22InnatechDoctors, on the other hand.....  {runs away}
19:03.00skymeyerInnatech: you all using snom phones ?
19:03.35InnatechWell, for this client I've convinced them to use them only at guest extensions and for auxillary desks/workers.
19:03.58InnatechThe clerical staff will get poly 430s and the attorneys will get 501s.
19:03.59skymeyeraptura: pay attentention with PoE with cables longer than 100 meters
19:04.33skymeyerInnatech: the snoms we have deployed are working great, but we are mostly satisfied with the cisco phones
19:05.53Innatechskymeyer: I'm happy with the snoms I'm using in house, and all of the leaner clients I've set up on snom have been happy. But, those clients had less to work with and haven't been spoiled by Nortel.
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19:09.38Wag3Slav3I have a couple of 800 numbers that never ring, they just auto answer to a voice prompt.  My Asterisk doesn't detect this as a connection, it waits for 30 seconds then opens the native link.  Can someone help me on what is causing this?
19:10.15Wag3Slav3All other numbers work fine, and this is a SIP channel link
19:10.40_VoiceMeUp_COMis that thes section i need to apply to use source ip calling ?
19:12.25MercestesInnatech, Polycoms are great phones, 601s inherently support PoE, the others require a special dongle cable.  My advice, fi you wanna use PoE on a polycom, go with the 601.  As far as the secondary port?  It does not provide PoE.
19:14.37Wag3Slav3Is there a specific term for that never ring instant connect thing that I can google for to get this fixed? I think it's a connection detection problem, but I can't seem to find anything about it.
19:15.12b1shopOT.. but anyone have recommendations for server room environmental monitoring?  We blew our AC unit the other night and almost lost a ton of gear.
19:15.42falza ghetto method is to monitor snmp values from routers and such
19:15.56lilalinuxI'm trying to install 2 hfc cards, 1 in nt-mode, the other in te mode. I always get the error "chan_zap.c:1097 zt_open: Unable to specify channel 1: Invalid argument" and in kernel "ioctl32(asterisk:20267): Unknown cmd fd(17) cmd(40044a26){00} arg(ffe37988) on /dev/zap/channel"
19:16.00falzsimple script to read it and email you if there's an issue, or use something with snmp to graph it
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19:18.48BillieGDJoehi folks
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19:19.29holiday_42b1shop: seen a place using "sensaphone" products for temperature... might be overkill though
19:20.58BillieGDJoewhen I transfer a call to a line, and this is busy, the call is finished. how I make this go back to line who transfer the call ???
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19:21.14Innatechmercestes: could you elaborate on your preference for the 601s over the 501s? The 430 does not require a PoE dongle, AFAIK, however the 501 does.
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19:22.24kombiI'm having this weired problem with meetme. After solving all the zaptel and ztdummy issues, I get no more errors even with verbosity cranked all the way up. But when I call into a conference, CLI says "plaging 'conf-onlyperson'" while nothing can be heard. The call gets stuck in there even after hanging up and asterisk can only forcefully be stopped..
19:22.42b1shopholiday_42: yeah.  that may be overkill
19:23.16MercestesInnatech, more buttons, better voice enhancement software, does not require a PoE dongle, which sounds like the 430's will cover that for you.
19:23.28MercestesInnatech, that dongle is the #1 concern.
19:24.17Mercesteskombi, Is thsi a new install?
19:24.40Innatechmercestes: great, thanks.
19:24.46MercestesInnatech, np.
19:24.48MercestesAnd remember!
19:24.50jboti guess phones is  While personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows:  Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever.
19:24.55kombiMercestes: well, re-installed quite a few times to wrangle zaptel, but appart from that no
19:25.05Mercesteskombi:  Does outbound work ok?
19:25.23kombiso does inbound and moh
19:25.25Mercesteshrm, that *is* weird then
19:25.46MercestesWhat version of * and what type of phones?
19:25.58kombi1.4 and xlite
19:26.18kombi1.4.5 to be precise
19:26.30MercestesI heard 1.4.5 was pretty shitty
19:26.36Mercestesonly a slight improvement over 1.4.4
19:26.47cheshairhi guys! i installed asterisk on my computer, wrote down a few (hopefully correct!) lines in my sip.conf and then i ran asterisk. on the same system i ran twinkle to have some tries. however twinkle tells me "failed to create udp socket on 5060 ... address already in use". may i have this kind of attempts (i mean asterisk and twinkle on the same machine)? i'm afraid i can't... any hints?
19:26.51kombino nat, dedicated ip, everything else went well so far.
19:26.53*** part/#asterisk Simon-- (
19:27.41Mercesteskombi:  Hrm....try a debug 1 and sip debug and see if it gives you anything useful as far as an error or something.
19:27.49Mercesteskombi:  And try allow=gsm in the sip.conf entries as well.
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19:30.51falzcheshair: you already have something listening on udp 5060, such as asterisk is already running.
19:31.10Innatechb1shop: "proliphix IP thermostat" ....looks like an IP addressable thermostat that will do what you want.
19:31.32lesouvageI have a b410p card and for now its only purpose is to provide a hardware timer for Asterisk. I did a succesfull make b410p. How can I check if Asterisk actually is using the card as its timesource.
19:31.52Mercesteslesouvage, try to join a conference.
19:32.04Innatechb1shop: smarthome mostly sells X10 equipment, so I'd try and check it out before ordering the thing to make sure it's worthwhile.
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19:32.27lesouvagemercestes: thanks, I should have thought of this myselve.
19:32.50cheshairfalz: yeah i was afraid i was doing something dirty... :-) any ideas to have some tries? should i better emulate a second os with qemu?
19:33.02MercestesJust be sure ztdummy is not loaded as a module, and there ya go. ;)
19:33.18Mercestescheshair, Um, I would suggest changing the port on one or the other.
19:33.38falznetstat -anp | grep 5060
19:33.55_VoiceMeUp_COMhow bout , hmm
19:33.58kombiMercestes: was that for me?
19:34.02_VoiceMeUp_COMsip is udp right ?
19:34.03falzwill tell you what process is listening on things with '5060' in it
19:34.06_VoiceMeUp_COMsignaling ?
19:34.16_VoiceMeUp_COMso its the sip .stack that i need to look at ?
19:34.57InnatechSo, there's a little ISP in LA here , advertising a 1.5 T1 for $175/mo. Does that seem crazy to anyone else? I was just about to decide on an SDSL provider when I saw that. Seems fishy, no?
19:34.57kombiMercestes: I'll re-compile zaptel with everything unselected but ztdummy..
19:35.05Wag3Slav3I can't connect to numbers that don't give at least one ring.  Can some one help me?  Sip trunk to sip phone.
19:35.19_VoiceMeUp_COMwhis isp ;)
19:35.24alrsInnatech: You think it's a real T1, or "t1 class"?
19:35.28Mercesteskombi:  no
19:35.30falzdoes'nt seem crazy to me. my company gets local loops from telcos for about $100, if we were crazy that extra $75 would be profit if we wanted to give unlimited bandwidth
19:35.32apturaInnatech unless thay want to live on razor thin margins its hard to say
19:35.34Mercesteskombi:  Don't do that.
19:35.43alrsInnatech" There are some fixed-wireless guys in LA that call their service "T"
19:36.04Innatechalrs: they're saying its a real T1. The equipment sounds right. It's not that fixed wireless stuff, I've seent that around.
19:36.12cheshairMercestes: is it so easy?? shouldn't they listen on the same port? you mean they don't use 5060 to talk together? (cheshair is a little bit stupid... :-( )
19:36.50kombiMercestes: rather everything on? no digium hardware in this box..
19:37.04Mercesteskombi: ...
19:37.13falzthat's a real t1, they're talking about the local loop and stuff
19:37.13Supaplexhas anyone got a verizon razr to use voicemail attachments from asterisk? file(1) says they're both GSM 6.10 encoded wav files.
19:37.20Mercesteskombi:  You should *know* what to compile in and what you should not because you are familiar with what hardware exists in your box.
19:37.42MercestesKombi: The answer is, compile in what you *need* and nothing you do not *need*   if you have no zaptel hardware then you only need ztdummy
19:37.42Innatechyeah. Seems crazy cheap....but they're close enough that I can drive over there and scream at them if anything bad happens. Tempting.
19:37.59kombiMercestes: I'll try that now..
19:38.11Mercestescheshair:  What does twinkle do?
19:38.14alrsInnatech: I'm in Echo Park, I could be there on my bicycle machine in 10 minutes
19:38.34Innatechalrs: heh, and you've never heard of em, eh? Hmm.
19:38.59Toerkeiumhello !
19:39.05cheshairMercestes: twinkle is a softphone like ekiga and refuses to start cause it can't use 5060
19:39.10alrsInnatech: I've never paid for my own T1, I just shop them every so often
19:39.10InnatechStill, I'd rather pay $175 for a managed 1.5 t1 than $150 for a 768 SDSL.
19:39.21Toerkeiumdoes anyone works with ViciDial?
19:39.23Innatechalrs: ah, OK.
19:39.23*** part/#asterisk Wag3Slav3 (
19:39.48Mercestescheshair, That doesn't sound right.
19:40.02alrsInnatech: I have a feeling that $175 price is with a three-year contract
19:40.19Mercestescheshair, One should be *listening* to 5060 and the other should be authenticating to port 5060, but..then again, I've never tried to run a softphone on my asterisk box
19:40.44Innatechalrs: might very well be. Still, that beats the pants off the competing prices I've seen even  w/contracts.
19:41.52*** join/#asterisk guillote_GNU (
19:41.53cheshairMercestes: how do you have some tests? i have only one computer at the moment...
19:42.57cheshairMercestes: maybe i misconfigured asterisk so that now it is using 5060 both for listening and authenticating?
19:43.39kombiMercestes: can you knock calls off a conference from CLI?
19:43.49[TK]D-Fendercheshair, You can't have a softphone running on 5060 on the same box as *.  They'd fight for listening control over the SIP port.
19:44.21[TK]D-Fendercheshair, You'd have to configure your softphone to use another port like 5061 and set your sip entry to expect that port.
19:46.16cheshair[TK]D-Fender: i see, i'll fix immediately my stupid mistake! thank you!! and thanks to Mercestes too!
19:47.25[TK]D-Fendercheshair, No need to think of it as being stupid and you should try to stop talking aboutself like that.  People may begin to believe you ;)
19:48.43cheshair[TK]D-Fender: no you're wrong... you all guys know i'm so smart! :-)
19:48.51*** join/#asterisk anthm][ (
19:49.03[TK]D-Fendercheshair, Oh yeah, and false bravado will get you caught INSTANTLY.
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19:51.34kombihmm, weiredness continues, as soon a meetme conference is started, Internal RTCP NTP clock skew detected - messages fly in
19:51.45cheshair[TK]D-Fender: kidding aside i'm using * since only few hours, so i'm just learning the very first steps. luckily i found a great deal of help here
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19:53.28MercestesKombi:  Yea, that would be the 1.4.5 shittiness I was referring to earlier that I've seen on other systems.
19:53.41MercestesKombi:  I would unapologeticlly bug report it and hope you get an answer.
19:54.01Mercestesor a reference to another bug report.
19:54.16Mercestesgoogle turned up nothing for me..
19:54.19kombihmm, really? apart from this that release seems ok..
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19:55.55Mercesteskombi:  I agree with your statement.
19:56.09Qwell[]Do you guys have anything strange with your setups?
19:56.15vader--has anyone seen an issue where a ZAP channel will not recognize when a phone is picked up
19:56.17Qwell[]say, in vmware or xen or something silly?
19:56.25vader--we have a digium TDM 2400 card
19:56.39vader--and on thursday our fax machine was able to send faxes and receive them
19:56.40MercestesQwell[]:  on my end it should be RHEL on a Dell PE server.
19:56.48Qwell[]Should be? O.o
19:56.49vader--on friday it stopped sending
19:56.50MercestesQwell[]:  Old co-workers of mine.
19:57.01vader--now with a regular telephone attached it doesn't have a dial tone
19:57.07vader--but when you call the line it rings
19:57.12MercestesQwell[]:  I left their service som etime ago but I'm pretty familiar with their setup.  They wouldn't know to xen or Vmware it.
19:57.22vader--when im in the asterisk console it doesn't show me picking the phone up
19:57.30vader--you guys know of anything i can try?
19:57.36stoffell_wQwell, i'm planning on doing some testing with xensource and asterisk..
19:57.37Qwell[]vader--: sounds like your card isn't configured, or zaptel isn't loaded or something
19:57.46vader--it was working fine for a year now
19:57.50kombiMercestes: how much of a headache would it be to roll back to 1.2?
19:57.53vader--and all our other zap channels are fine
19:58.00vader--no one changed anything on the telephone config
19:58.10Mercesteskombi:  emerge -Ca asterisk and then mask > 1.2 and emerge asterisk
19:58.16MercestesKombi:  Oh yea, your probably not using Gentoo.
19:58.19Qwell[]vader--: it's possible that the module for the tdm2400p isn't being loaded
19:58.45MercestesKombi:  Umm, something like a cd /usr/src/asterisk && make clean && make distclean and a nice cd .. and a rm-dvfr ./asterisk-1.4.shitty and then download and compil enew source.
19:58.59Mercesteskombi:  Are you using Xen or Vmware on your box?
19:59.04kombiMerceses: ;) nay, not any kind of pre packaging
19:59.19kombino Xen or Vmware
19:59.29tzafrir_homemake clean && make distclean?
19:59.31Qwell[]only reason I ask is because those are notoriously bad a timing
19:59.34Mercesteskombi:  Qwell perked his ears btw
19:59.41tzafrir_homenice. Considering distclean calls clean first
19:59.50Qwell[]and that you're removing the dir anyways :p
19:59.54Mercestestzafrir_home, I like to be very clean.
19:59.55cheshair[TK]D-Fender: hmmm i didn't manage to fix the problem: i wrote "bindport=5061" in my sip.conf and restarted *, then i told twinkle to use 5061. now it complains "5061 is already in use"...
20:00.02Mercestesand thorough
20:00.08kombiMercestes: I just fear to loose all the stuff that took me hours to fix..;)
20:00.15[TK]D-Fendercheshair, NO!  Again you are making them fight over the SAME PORT!
20:00.19Mercesteskombi:  Is it under /usr/src/asterisk?
20:00.35[TK]D-Fendercheshair, * should bind to 5060, your softphone to 5061!
20:00.39Mercestes[TK]D-Fender, ROFLMAO
20:00.39tzafrir_homeMercestes, make mrproper, then
20:00.45kombiguess I just roll a new one for the heck of it
20:01.02kombiwith make mrproper
20:01.03cheshair[TK]D-Fender: i see... but then how can my twinkle to talk to my *?
20:01.09[TK]D-Fendercheshair, in that PHONE'S entry in sip.conf add "port=5061"
20:01.19Mercestestzafrir_home:  You are talking to the creator of "emerge -Duanetv world"
20:01.29[TK]D-Fendercheshair, You change what * is expecting for the PHONE, not what * expects to bind to normally.
20:01.43cheshair[TK]D-Fender: ahhh that's the trick...
20:01.50*** part/#asterisk funkmaster (
20:01.52[TK]D-Fendercheshair, Port 5061 can CALL 5060.
20:01.52_VoiceMeUp_COMcan i use mac in zapt ?
20:01.57*** part/#asterisk NoCarrier (n=NoCarrie@unaffiliated/badpacket)
20:01.59[TK]D-Fendercheshair, Try again.
20:02.05cheshair[TK]D-Fender: immediately
20:02.15Mercestes_VoiceMeUp_COM, There are no macintosh builds for zapt.
20:02.35tzafrir_homewhatever happened to it?
20:02.41_VoiceMeUp_COMi mean mac addy lol
20:02.58_VoiceMeUp_COMbasicaly trying to make a zap group use a specific ip
20:03.04tzafrir_homeisn't there even a mac ztdummy?
20:03.13_VoiceMeUp_COMao zap/g1 uses and zap/g2 uses
20:03.22sergeeare there any win32 gui to edit asterisk configs?
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20:04.00_VoiceMeUp_COMbut aint my problem a flaw in the code ?
20:04.21_VoiceMeUp_COMif reposnding to a sip inqueiry it should reply on the ip it was received from.. .anyways
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20:06.09cheshair[TK]D-Fender: ok! that did the work! :-) however now twinkle tells me "user, registration failed: 404 Not Found"... i'll try to fix it and i'll let you know what's happening
20:07.22[TK]D-Fendercheshair, How they're talking and at least disagreeing... good start.
20:07.29[TK]D-Fendercheshair, Now fix your user/pass scenario
20:07.58cheshair[TK]D-Fender: sure, i'm working on it
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20:10.39vader--tdk do you have any ideas as to y im seeing this issue
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20:11.14tzafrir_homesergee, putty :-(
20:11.33tzafrir_homewinscp is a slightly friendlier one
20:12.06_VoiceMeUp_COMwinscp sucks
20:12.14_VoiceMeUp_COMuse that
20:12.19_VoiceMeUp_COMwinscp doesn use keys
20:12.25_VoiceMeUp_COMwell bad ly it does
20:12.44_VoiceMeUp_COMplus winscp freezes as it looks like a java app
20:12.57robl^coreftp is ok
20:12.57tzafrir_homefilezilla also supports sftp . IIRC so does total commander (previously: wincommander)
20:13.44tzafrir_home"_VoiceMeUp_COM> plus winscp freezes as it looks like a java app": care to explain?
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20:16.43sergeetzafrir_home: i have a crazy idea, to build a kind of windows package: asterisk + asterisk-addons + some manager gui + some configuration gui :)
20:17.08sergeetzafrir_home: compiling 1.4.5 right now :)
20:18.09Mercestessergee:  Please, asterisk has enough problems without windows mucking up the waters.
20:18.35cheshair[TK]D-Fender: step by step things get better and better! :-) "user, registration succeeded (expires = 3600 seconds)" what comes next? at the moment i can't make calls: "Line 1: call failed. 404 Not Found" i'll work on it immediately
20:19.07ManxPowercheshair: that message is ALWAYS one of 2 issues.
20:19.10obnauticusHas anyone here setup Festival?
20:19.12[TK]D-Fendercheshair, Now you need to make sure your sip device is pointed to an appropriate context in your dialplan
20:19.25obnauticusfestival with asterisk*
20:19.26ManxPower1) the incoming call not matching a sip.conf section
20:19.53ManxPower2) the context= line does not point to a context with a matching exten => line for the digits you are dialing.
20:20.32cheshairManxPower & [TK]D-Fender: i see...
20:22.01sergeeMercestes: oh my :) i don't force you to use it, right?
20:22.01ManxPoweran easy way to test this is put context=INVALID in sip.conf [general], put the correct context= line for each of the other sip.conf entries, then put in extensions.conf [INVALID] and exten => _.,1,Noop(Unauthenticated call to ${EXTEN})
20:22.01_VoiceMeUp_COMwait !!! cant i use domain= IP to use in sip.conf ?
20:22.01_VoiceMeUp_COMin the peer def
20:22.01_VoiceMeUp_COMthis way it could force it ?
20:22.01sergeeMercestes: there is even nothing to use yet :)
20:22.08MindTheGapdo Gotoif() accepts OR? like: exten => *78*,2,Gotoif($[${code} =! "5" OR "21" OR "37"]?true:false)
20:22.52ManxPowerMindTheGap: does "show application gotoif" say that it does?
20:23.13ManxPoweror specifically README.variables with regards to the $[] contruct?
20:24.34MindTheGapManxPower, no, it doesnt... didnt check README.variables though...
20:25.01ManxPowerMindTheGap: It is really an evaluation issue, not a gotoif issue
20:25.05ManxPowerperhaps this will help:
20:25.14_VoiceMeUp_COMfromdomain i mean
20:25.15_VoiceMeUp_COMill try
20:25.16_VoiceMeUp_COMi guess
20:25.27ManxPowerexten => _XXXX,8,GotoIf($["${DIALSTATUS}" = "BUSY" | "${DIALSTATUS}" = "CHANUNAVAIL" | "${DIALSTATUS}" = "CONGESTION"]?12:9)
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20:25.56cheshairdo you think this sip.conf could work?
20:26.53ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I think today is another "ignore everyone's advice day" today.
20:27.03ManxPowercheshair: I'm sorry I cannot help you further
20:27.24MindTheGapManxPower, thanks...
20:27.41cheshairManxPower: doh i guess i did something wrong! sorry!! i'll try to fix it immediately
20:29.02[TK]D-Fendercheshair,  Check. Your. DIALPLAN.
20:29.55ManxPowercheshair: what you didn't do is follow my advice
20:30.15ManxPowercheshair: exten => _XXXX,8,GotoIf($["${DIALSTATUS}" = "BUSY" | "${DIALSTATUS}" = "CHANUNAVAIL" | "${DIALSTATUS}" = "CONGESTION"]?12:9)
20:30.23cheshairsorry guys, the point is i can't always see what you exactly mean with your words
20:30.41*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey)
20:30.42cheshaireg: what's my dialplan? sip.conf?
20:30.42kombibefore I venture into this: to install 1.2 over 1.4: ./configure make mrproper make make install?
20:30.43ManxPowercheshair: I will show you
20:31.08tzafrir_homekombi, there's no 'make mrproper'
20:31.12cheshairManxPower: i'll try to listen as carefully as i can
20:31.18tzafrir_homesorry for misleading you
20:31.28kombitzafrir_home: I believed you!!
20:31.55kombi;), make clean, make real clean make dist clean
20:32.37kombimake terrify clean make petrify clean make stupify clean?
20:33.16kombitrafrir_home: no, seriously, will I shoot myself into open space or might this work? (just so I know..)
20:33.38cheshairManxPower: was i supposed to write all that stuff on my own?! :-) i'll read it carefully, then i'll ask you st.
20:34.00tzafrir_homekombi, there's 'clean' and 'dist-clean'
20:34.07ManxPowerkombi: MANY people downgrade just fine.  In fact make install will even tell you what modules that are installed that are not built by 1.2
20:34.26ManxPowercheshair: if you read my advice, then look at the pastebin, you will see
20:34.28kombiI'll dare doing it hten..
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20:34.43ManxPowerkombi: I assume you are not an a production box.
20:34.49DragoraNis it right to set lowdelay on RTP and highreliability on SIP signaling?
20:34.56tzafrir_homeconsider also saving a backup copy of /etc/asterisk and/or /usr/lib/asterisk/moduels
20:34.59hi365_manyone here with a sangoma a102d?
20:35.08ManxPowerDragoraN: it won't matter at all once your call goes across the internet
20:35.17hi365_mhey tzafrir
20:35.23ManxPowerhi365_m: 2-port Sangome T-1 card, right?
20:35.28DragoraNManxPower: ISP must support it?
20:35.36ManxPowerDragoraN: no ISPs support it
20:35.43DragoraNManxPower: so?
20:35.58lesouvageI have a b410p card installed succesfully. Meetme is working but this is in the cli "Unable to open '/dev/zap/pseudo': No such device or address" and before entering the conference I hear "this is not a valid conference number"  How can I fix this?
20:36.00ManxPowerDragoraN: so it does not matter what you set those options to.
20:36.06kombihaaa.. no configure script in 1.2? really?
20:36.13hi365_mManxPower: yup. have you got one?
20:36.14ManxPowerkombi: correct
20:36.23ManxPowerhi365_m: yes, I have them
20:36.37tzafrir_homelesouvage, get zaptel/ztdummy
20:36.55ManxPowertzafrir_home: why?  He has a real Digium card.
20:37.05kombi..and no make menuselect..
20:37.24Qwell[]ManxPower: Those cards don't use zaptel
20:37.25tzafrir_homeManxPower, people here will start believing you
20:37.34mockerI hate fax machines.
20:37.39ManxPowerkombi: make clean && make install
20:37.48DragoraNManxPower: so how to guarentee site-to-site voip?
20:38.21DragoraNManxPower: ISDN?
20:38.21mocker~ fax
20:38.21jbotWell, apperantly the fax was concieved of by Napoleon Bonaparte. He commissioned a system of devices that could transmit a traced image electrically over telegraph lines to a remote device that would redraw the image identically.
20:38.24ManxPowerDragoraN: you put in your own T-1/E-1/whatever between the two sites and you manage all traffic on those links with routers that support QoS
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20:38.48ManxPowerYou cannot do QoS over the internet.
20:38.56hi365_mManxPower: PM?
20:39.00ManxPowerNot in any sense of the real world.
20:39.00lesouvageQwell: I installed mIsdn with make b410 . Asterisk seem to look for ztdummy before it discovers the b410p.
20:39.06DragoraNManxPower: ok, thx for explain
20:39.13ManxPowerhi365_m: if you want private consulting then you'll pay.  If you want public help then ask on the channel
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20:39.33kombi'/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lssl <-- what is that?
20:39.40hi365_mno prob. was just gett a headace from all the post
20:39.42Qwell[]kombi: install openssl-devel
20:39.46mockerkombi: I'd guess SSL.
20:39.55hi365_mManxPower: what is yout zttest results?
20:40.04ManxPowerhi365_m: I have no idea.
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20:40.38hi365_mManxPower: can i bother you to run a test?
20:40.45ManxPower--- Results after 7 passes ---
20:40.46ManxPowerBest: 100.000000 -- Worst: 99.987793 -- Average: 99.996512
20:40.53tzafrir_homehi365_m, what do you in yours?
20:40.53ManxPowerthis is on a live system
20:41.39hi365_mand alot of choppy audio :{
20:42.11ManxPowerhi365_m: do all the same troubleshooting options for Sangoma as for Digium
20:42.40ManxPowercheck for IRQ conflicts, other things that can cause this is running in graphics mode, onboard ethernet, onboard SATA, etc.
20:43.13hi365_mthats what ive been doing. irq seems fine. no graphics.
20:43.14ManxPoweralso check your timing
20:43.20stoffell_whi365_m, or even iLO on a HP server can cause this ;)
20:43.50ManxPowerhi365_m: SOMETHING in your system is locking interrupts for too long
20:43.56Mercesteshi365_m, or giv eSangoma a call.
20:44.21hi365_msata would cause such issues?
20:45.01stoffell_whi365_m, maybe the sata controller.. is it in raid?
20:45.22stoffell_wwhat type of controller is it?
20:45.23ManxPowerhi365_m: anything that locks interrupts for a long will cause this issue.  SATA interfaces commonly lock interrupts for a very long time to give better performance at the expense of all other interrupt driven devices on the system
20:45.37hi365_mhow can i test if its the sata?
20:45.40ManxPowerSame goes for onboard ethernet
20:45.59stoffell_wManxPower, leading to the conclusion that it's better to use SCSI disks? right?
20:45.59hi365_mstoffell_w: its onboard (intel server board)
20:46.07ManxPowerhi365_m: you cannot "test" this.  you disable the device and see of it fixes the problem
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20:46.38hi365_mif i dissable sata = no hard drives
20:46.42ManxPowerstoffell_w: I've not heard of people with SCSI having these issues, but there is NOTHING about SCSI that would prevent this problem
20:46.45mockerAnyone used the Attractel t.38 fax stuff?
20:46.50ManxPowerhi365_m: then get a PCI SATA card
20:47.15hi365_mproblem is its a 1u server, allready taken by the sangoma card
20:47.25mocker~ t38
20:47.25jbotit has been said that t38 is see for a decent overview of how it all works, no, it's not ready yet, we'll let you know. a really lousy spec. a lightweight fighter, also known as the Talon
20:47.27ManxPowerSCSI does tend to load the host processor less that IDE style things, but the driver could still lock interrupts
20:47.29stoffell_whi365_m, try with an IDE disk maybe, just to see if it works..
20:47.31[TK]D-Fenderhi365_m, SATA is fine, SCSI is fine.  Only Digium cards have problems with these.
20:47.31ManxPowerhi365_m: it sucks to be you.
20:47.51ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: this guy has a Sangoma with poor zttest results
20:48.02holiday_42hm. use livecd?
20:48.19J4k3USB flash!
20:48.26stoffell_wuse livecd, holiday_42 has a good point :-)
20:48.43J4k3but it tends to be on the horribly offensive side
20:48.47J4k3when it comes to I/O overhead
20:48.59ManxPowerand we both know that the same basic issues affect Sangoma as well as Digium.  It's just that Sangoma seems to do less work in it's ISR and so the IRQ latency has to be much worse for Sangoma to have a problem
20:49.00J4k3most CF cards do mode 2 or somesuch... dirty and slow
20:49.27ManxPowerhi365_m: You really need to call Sangoma tech support
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20:49.31J4k3and remember folks, you can always soft-raid flash devices ;)
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20:50.17sci_05nayone got any ideas as to what would cause a call to go silet for a few seconds when in the middle of a call? I am using iax thru a vtun
20:50.37hi365_mi guess well do that tommorow
20:50.40*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
20:51.20syleraid flash devices, what would be point in that
20:51.24Innatechj4k3: OOC, have you done much with softraid on CF? I'm thinking about going that route for some router boxes I need to build.
20:51.28stoffell_whi365_m,or put the card in another box.. i've seen a cheap pc perform better then some 'server' mainboards..
20:51.29J4k3they'll make nice bedroom phones.
20:51.44J4k3Innatech: yep, I've done it with as-expected results.
20:51.46syleanyone good cordless sip phones yet
20:51.59InnatechJ4k3: cool. thanks.
20:52.01J4k3Innatech: you're best off leaving the FS in read-only mode if possible.
20:52.15Innatechj4k3: yes, I figured. ;)
20:52.23cheshairManxPower: hm, i didn't succeed with last sip.conf modifications... i just used your ... i'm still told 404 not found by twinkle... maybe i don't use the proper syntax when i make the call?
20:52.32J4k3yeah...  I have managed to kill a CF card in 2 weeks with writes :)
20:53.13*** join/#asterisk NovceGuru (
20:53.16Innatechheh. Yeah, l can see that happening w/o much effort.
20:53.40[TK]D-Fendercheshair, NEVER use again ok.  Its seriously slow and screwed up.  use from now on.
20:53.47obnauticus[TK]D-Fender can i ask a quick question?
20:53.54obnauticusi'll ask it anyway
20:54.03cheshair[TK]D-Fender: sure
20:54.04Supaplexcheshair: or
20:54.05[TK]D-Fenderobnauticus, You learn quick Padawan
20:54.10obnauticushow do i have caller defined variables
20:54.16*** part/#asterisk hi365_m (
20:54.17obnauticus[TK]D-Fender i usually don't ask to ask
20:54.20obnauticusno idea why i did that.
20:54.30cheshairok, thanx Supaplex
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20:54.42[TK]D-Fenderobnauticus, please clarify what you mean by "caller defined variables"
20:54.52obnauticus"Dial the number of your voicemail"
20:55.30Innatechso, DTMF input.
20:55.37obnauticusya ya
20:55.40[TK]D-Fenderobnauticus, rewind your entire idea, it doesn't make sense.
20:56.08InnatechHe wants to react to arbitrary strings of DTMF tones.
20:56.08obnauticus[TK]D-Fender clients can call in and check their voicemail
20:56.30[TK]D-Fenderobnauticus, is SOUNDS like English, but like Chris Rock said in "Rush Hour" : "Man ain't NOBODY understand the words comin' outta yo mouth!"
20:56.43obnauticusI'm trying to make it simple.
20:56.49obnauticusfor myself lol.
20:57.01[TK]D-Fenderobnauticus, You want them to be able to pick up VM remotely from within an IVR you already made?
20:57.28[TK]D-Fenderobnauticus, Exten => 12345,1,VoiceMailMain() <- There
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20:57.48[TK]D-Fenderobnauticus, Just shove that in your IVR and BAM people hit 123 and can pick up voicemail.
20:57.50mockerAnyone have a decent fix for faxes showing up corrupted sometimes?
20:57.55mostyis there a way to extract a call summary from the asterisk full log, so that i can see how each call was terminated? i have pbx that appears to drop everybodies calls all at once, and i'm trying to figure out why. there are too many calls happening at once to just watch the console
20:57.55mockerUsing rxfax.
20:58.11[TK]D-Fendermocker, Stop using SpanDSM and use a real machine and an entirely seperate line.
20:58.55stoffell_wmocker, or use a digium IAXy or even iaxmodem.. everything is better then rxfax :-)
20:59.40tzafrir_homemocker, which version of spandsp?
21:00.21*** join/#asterisk Rusty1 (
21:00.28tzafrir_homecoppice said that version 0.04 should be better than previous ones
21:01.43mockertzafrir_home: Not sure..
21:01.48kombihrmpf, made and installed 1.2, ditto addons, ztdummy still loaded, no meetme registered..
21:01.51mockertzafrir_home: I'll have to dig around.
21:02.07tzafrir_homeI haven't tested it myself
21:02.51mocker[TK]D-Fender: That solution stinks. :(
21:03.05mockerBut rxfax does seem to suck./
21:03.25stoffell_wpsst mocker... iaxmodem..
21:04.46*** join/#asterisk sandorp (
21:05.17sandorpcan someone recommend a good/cheap IP phone that works well with Asterisk?
21:05.35[TK]D-Fendersandorp, Polycom IP 320 = $95USD
21:05.46cheshairguys i'm keeping on receiving "call failed 404 not found"... i just write on my twinkle call command line: 611 or 100 or sip:611@ or st. similar... here comes my sip.conf: (powered by ManxPower :-))
21:05.57mockerstoffell_w: Really works that much better?
21:06.16DragoraNwhen asterisk fires Dial command, caller is charged?
21:06.19sandorp[TK]D-Defender: thanks
21:06.32stoffell_wmocker, the IAXy is preferred but I've switched several boxes from rxfax to iaxmodem (with hylafax backend), much better!
21:06.47mostyi have a bunch of log messages "app_dial.c: Unable to forward voice", is there any way to figure out why asterisk was unable to do that?
21:06.52kombithe order in which to install: *, zaptel, libpri, addons <-- correct?
21:07.02[TK]D-Fendercheshair, enable sip debug in * CLI and pastebin the failed attempt
21:07.09sandorpkombi: thats the way I do it
21:07.10[TK]D-Fenderkombi, NO.
21:07.12DragoraNwhen asterisk fires Dial command and caller waits for pickup, caller is charged?
21:07.16sandorpactually, libe is first
21:07.21[TK]D-Fenderkombi, libpri, zaptel, *, then addons.
21:08.18[TK]D-FenderDragoraN, that is NOT a complete description, and where does "charge" come in?  What tech is the caller using?  What about the dial itself?  What tech is THAT using?
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21:09.06DragoraN[TK]D-Fender: i dont understand
21:09.32[TK]D-FenderDragoraN, What tesh is the person placing the Ccall using?
21:09.46[TK]D-FenderDragoraN, What tech is the person placing the call using? *
21:09.48DragoraNwhen does charging start for caller? (calling from landline to my voip-ed number)
21:09.49obnauticus[TK]D-Fender do you know of any web-based MeetMeAdmin stuff?
21:09.52Qwell[][TK]D-Fender: I think your c jumped over a few chars...
21:10.02obnauticusbecause umm MeetMe administration is hard all through extensions and stuff
21:10.03[TK]D-Fenderobnauticus, All the GUI's have their own.
21:10.06DragoraNand voiped number is asterisk
21:10.42[TK]D-FenderDragoraN, What kind of "line" is your "landline"?
21:10.48DragoraNnormal PSTN
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21:11.08[TK]D-FenderDragoraN, Normal PSTN (with zaptel) considers the call answered as soon as it is PLACED.
21:11.28[TK]D-FenderDragoraN, If you want better progress detection, then get a digital link to the PSTN
21:11.45DragoraN[TK]D-Fender: yes I understand
21:12.01DragoraNi have SIP connection to PSTN at my ISP
21:12.43DragoraNwhen does my ISP consider incoming call towards me as placed? before ringing phones on my side or after it hangs up
21:12.55[TK]D-FenderDragoraN, Depends on THEM.
21:13.00DragoraNahaa :)
21:13.15[TK]D-FenderDragoraN, Place a call, watch the CLI output and you'll know when its considered "answered"
21:13.25DragoraNiam aware of asking this the PSTN provider at hotline ;)
21:13.31lesouvageWhat does * force to look for a pseudo device while there is a real and working card in the server?  I have the b410 up and running, meetme is working, misdnportinfo looks ok to me, but having a message "thi is not a valid conference number is very annoying. Any suggestion?
21:13.41[TK]D-FenderDragoraN, Some "accept" your call right away, other pass on the PSTN call progress.
21:14.14[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage, Check to see if your meetme.conf is actually SET UP RIGHT.
21:14.19mostylesouvage, does meetme.conf define the conference?
21:14.24[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage, And pastebin all of this proof BEFORE naggin us ;)
21:15.21cheshair[TK]D-Fender: these are the last lines, i hope they'll be enough
21:15.57[TK]D-FenderLooking for 611 in internal (domain
21:15.58[TK]D-Fender<--- Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to --->
21:16.02[TK]D-FenderSIP/2.0 404 Not Found
21:16.10[TK]D-FenderStupid XCHAT
21:16.49[TK]D-Fendercheshair, that tells yout aht your dialplan as loaded does not match
21:17.09[TK]D-FenderLooking for 611 in internal <-----------------------
21:17.15*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
21:17.17robl^[TK]D-Fender: using Pidgin ;-)
21:17.19FuriousGeorgehey all
21:17.42[TK]D-Fenderrobl^, I tried Pidgin (as GAIM) and Esc key would EXIT the chat!
21:17.50[TK]D-Fenderrobl^, Pissed me right off!
21:18.00robl^it does?!!?  never did that to me
21:18.00[TK]D-Fenderrobl^, and I recall not having font control, etc.
21:18.09[TK]D-Fenderrobl^, Did to me.
21:18.27[TK]D-Fenderrobl^, In all fairness I will try again as I use Pidgin as my IM.
21:18.47robl^fonts are normally part of IRC.  it's a nonstandard add on.   but pidgin has a plug-in that enables it
21:19.00robl^er.. are NOT normally
21:19.19cheshair[TK]D-Fender: st wrong in ?
21:19.41[TK]D-Fender"JUST four per cent of US adults are virgins, but a fifth have tried hard drugs such as cocaine and crack, a new study shows. What most alarms researchers is how young they start." _ Yaya for society!
21:19.47*** join/#asterisk DrRighteous (
21:20.01[TK]D-Fendercheshair, And what exactly am I looking at?
21:20.12cheshair[TK]D-Fender: my sip.conf
21:20.12DrRighteousAnyone know if there is a way to set the ptime for sip in asterisk?
21:20.17[TK]D-Fendercheshair, .............
21:20.20[TK]D-Fendercheshair, ..................
21:20.21robl^I use hard drugs..  caffeine, sugar, caffeine, and caffeine
21:20.32[TK]D-Fendercheshair, the 2nd half is supposed to be EXTENSIONS.CONF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
21:21.00*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
21:21.14[TK]D-Fendercheshair, #
21:21.14[TK]D-Fender[internal] onward is your friggen DIALPLAN.  Stop now and go back to reading the book.
21:21.41*** join/#asterisk marchon (
21:21.56[TK]D-Fendercheshair, If you don't know that "exten =>" clearly implies extensions.conf and is your dialplan you are going to induce ulcers in yourself and others.
21:22.16marchonI need to get a timing board for my asterisk. I would like to have it shipped today.
21:22.38marchondoes anyone know what I need - and where I might be able to get it shipped from today for delivery tomorrow?
21:22.47rob0Add Tums to the list of hard drugs.
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21:23.01InnatechOh. It's going to be that kind of day.
21:23.01[TK]D-Fendermarchon, What do you mean by "timing board" and why do you think you need this "board"?
21:23.37[TK]D-Fenderrob0, They can be quite addictive... they're fruit flavoured and go down like Sweet Tarts :|
21:23.50InnatechI'll skip the obvious pun.
21:23.55marchoncan not get ztdummy to compile and install .
21:24.09[TK]D-Fendermarchon, Perhaps we can help with that.
21:24.19[TK]D-Fendermarchon, Why is it so far that you have failed?
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21:24.22marchonand need to have menus - cepstral and such working
21:24.33marchonboss says - buy the right card - get it working tomorrow.
21:24.44marchonplus want meet me bridge.
21:24.46InnatechLast I checked, FedEx won'
21:24.51Innatecht deliver
21:24.54Innatechsame day
21:24.58[TK]D-Fendermarchon, ANY card will do, and ZTDUMMY works fine.
21:25.00Innatechwow. Time for a new keyboard.
21:25.10marchonso I need to know which is the least expensive board.
21:25.18marchonto meet the timing requirement.
21:25.23[TK]D-FenderInnatech, Mine is flakey too since a recent spill.  Angle of attack on the keys is shot.
21:25.35[TK]D-Fendermarchon, X100P would do the job.
21:25.41Innatechmine seems to be firing random spacebar presses. Fun.
21:25.42mrdigitalhey voicemeup?
21:25.44[TK]D-Fendermarchon, 1 port TDM board too
21:26.08marchonand I can get those from digium?
21:26.20cheshair[TK]D-Fender: ok, i'll read the book. see you tomorrow and maaany thank for your help and patience
21:26.25*** part/#asterisk cheshair (
21:27.33Innatech[TK] D-Fender : I've been liking the Enermax Aurora lately, since I can't seem to find decent enough 101 key generic beige boards anymore and can't use 500s near other humans.
21:27.33marchonthank you for the assistance... going to digium site.
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21:28.38Innatech*can't use Model M's, that is.
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21:34.38kombisigh, switched back to 1.2, now I can hear her sey "you are currently the only person in the convo", but after that app_meetme seems to completely phase out..
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21:35.16kombiI'm about to eat you piano..
21:35.57lesouvageI have put all the relevant info about my meetme and  /dev/zap/pseudo that in't there problem on Any clue?
21:37.18kombilesouvage: I just went through that, re-install everything in the order libpri, zaptel, *, addons, make sure zaptel is loaded when you make *
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21:42.40xo8oxguys one of our agents can't log off from her phone... what could be the problem ?
21:42.54xo8oxeverytime we try to log off it keeps saying"that agent is already logged on"
21:43.05Mercestesxo8ox, mandatory overtime.
21:43.22xo8oxwhats that :)
21:43.27xo8oxwhat do i do
21:44.22mostyxo8ox, looks like the agent is trying to log on, not off. have you checked your dialplan?
21:44.25xo8oxand eventhough she is logged in she is not getting calls on her phone from the que
21:44.57xo8oxyesterday she could login and logout
21:45.06xo8oxbut todeay she is logged in and can't log out
21:45.24xo8oxserver config files have not been touched or changed unless they get changed on their own lol
21:47.09mostywhat does the console/logs show?
21:47.20[TK]D-Fenderxo8ox, Your description = useless.  Pastebin the queue status befor the logout attempt and the CLI output of the logout attempt.
21:47.31[TK]D-Fenderxo8ox, at verbose 10.
21:50.41xo8oxthats the CLI
21:51.35NightMonkeyHowdy. I'm considering picking up an IAXy, but the Wikipedia article mentions that "a radio frequency choke must be applied to the telephone cable to prevent RFI." Is that true?
21:51.55NightMonkeyOr did someone just get a lemon IAXy?
21:52.31Qwell[]NightMonkey: I think he's smoking something pretty good...
21:52.34Qwell[]or bad
21:53.08mostymaybe they had a really long/bad cable or something
21:53.18NightMonkeyTime to put a "cite sources" on that sucker. ;)
21:53.24Errheh, there's no reason that RFI would be more or less of an issue with a particular interface, unless there's something *seriously* wrong with its design (like, for instance, it contains zero input filtering)
21:53.35[TK]D-Fenderxo8ox, remove all parms from your agentcallbacklogin
21:53.51Qwell[]s/all parms from your //
21:53.55NightMonkeySo, do any IAXy users here have an RFI choke on their IAXy?
21:54.03xo8oxwhere are those parms
21:54.15Qwell[]NightMonkey: I don't know what an RFI choke even IS, so no.
21:55.03xo8oxother agents can login and out with no problems
21:55.05NightMonkeyQwell[]: Looks like it's a RJ-11 male-male "joiner", from the image in the WP article.
21:55.09xo8oxonly exten 422 has this issue
21:55.13nohopevening, ppls :)
21:56.43Errit's a filter that removes radio frequencies from the line (typically they're just inductor cores that you pass the wires through)
21:57.09blepsoafHello all, I'm having a strange issue with some conferencing ( meetme ).  A few people have been complaining lately that conferencing has been fading in and out.  We currently use polycom phones and a PRI t1 line.  Is there somethign that I can look into that might be causing this issue.. FYI - the polycom phones are on their own separate switch.
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21:57.51blepsoafAlmost if someone is turning the volume up and down on some of the users
21:58.46nohop[TK]D-Fender: what's the advantage of the SPA-3102 over the 3000 ?
21:59.25[TK]D-Fendernohop, Can act as a router, stronger CPU, under WARRANTY.
21:59.52[TK]D-Fendernohop, Better physical design, more indicative lights, etc
22:00.40nohophmm... okay..
22:01.40nohopwell i wouldn't really need the router functionality.. i have iptables for that... but stronger cpu? does that mean the codecs it uses are better aswell ?
22:06.00rob0That reminds me of a related question. I have an SPA-2000. Seems like calls from one extension to the other are fine. Is compression not used on local (physical subnet) calls?
22:06.50rob0I remember reading that it wouldn't work well with simultaneous calls on both FXS ports.
22:07.08k31thany of you guys heard of a qsig trunk ?
22:07.16mostyrob0, how many g729 licences does the device have?
22:07.25NightMonkeyAck, can the IAXy not use FQDNs for configuration of Asterisk upstream servers?
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22:08.33WindBackWhat is the diference betwen asterisk 1.2 and 1.4 (is 1.4 unstable???)
22:08.41rob0I didn't license g729. It only connects to the asterisk on the same subnet.
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22:11.03mostyrob0, with ata's the two things that influence quality when doing simultaneous calls on the device at the codec in use (sometimes the ata only has one g729 licence) and the cpu power of the device
22:11.11mostyin my experience
22:12.52nohop[TK]D-Fender: but.. that 3000 thing is still pretty usable (cause that one's pretty easy to get here)
22:13.29rob0I suppose I could just turn off compression ... asterisk handles everything from outside.
22:13.30[TK]D-Fendernohop, Why are you still considering the SPA-3000?
22:13.54nohopcause it's half the money ? :)
22:14.20[TK]D-Fendernohop, more power to you then.  Go buy it and if you're ahppy, you're ahppy.
22:15.02[TK]D-Fendernohop, I'm not going to spend any more time since you don't care if the 3102 may be superior or not or receive better firmwares,etc.  Sipura is DEAD.
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22:16.08nohop[TK]D-Fender: nah, i dunno which one i'll buy... what would that extra processing power give me ?
22:16.08marchondoes anyone know where I can get an X100P shipped today for delivery tomorrow?
22:16.20marchonthe last hour has been unproductive.
22:16.35[TK]D-Fendernohop, T.38 support, perhaps enough CPU to run G.729 on BOTH interfaces, etc.
22:16.57sandorpany known problems with Polycom Soundpoint 301's reaching asterisk via NAT?  I'm looking at buying a few online so I can't return them if I run into problems
22:16.58[TK]D-Fendernohop, ability to act as a router allowing for more flexible deployment.  Warranty in case fo failure.
22:17.14rob0marchon, it's after COB here, otherwise I'd send you one. :)
22:17.17[TK]D-Fendernohop, I'm not going to waste any more words on this.  choose whatever you will.
22:17.22nohopwarrenty is pretty nice indeed... :)
22:17.31nohopok ok, i'll shut up about it :)
22:17.45[TK]D-Fendersandorp, 301 = OLD, and the IP 320 costs LESS and includes speakerphone, etc.
22:18.03sandorpbut it has only 1 ethernet connection
22:18.24[TK]D-Fendersandorp, If you need a passthrough, IP-330 then
22:18.55mostymarcan, they are no longer produced, and they're terrible quality. do you still want one?
22:19.07mostymarchon, that was for you
22:19.23[TK]D-Fendermosty, he just needs a hardware zaptel timing source.
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22:20.00mostyoh, i know how you feel then
22:20.20rob0Clones are still made, and can be had very cheaply.
22:20.33sandorp[TK]D-Fender: the Polycom 330 uses PoE ... do I need a special type of switch/router to power these things via the network cable?
22:20.58[TK]D-Fendersandorp, either that or buy a power brick for it,.
22:21.15mostysandorp, yes you need a PoE switch, or an injector, and possibly a special cable
22:21.25mostyor what [TK]D-Fender said
22:21.39[TK]D-Fenderno special cable....
22:22.24mostyi've heard reports that some PoE equipment need special cables, i personally have always used regular cables without problems
22:22.48sandorpthe ad I'm reading says they include a special cable
22:23.04sandorpbut I will need the power adapter
22:23.14[TK]D-Fendermosty, the "special" cable for Polycoms was that the IP 30X/50X dod not NATIVELY support PoE, and their "special cable" has the negotiation" circuitry built in-line in a nugget.
22:23.20[TK]D-Fenderspeaking of which....
22:23.42mostyahh, well there you go
22:24.06mostylike one of those injector kits then
22:24.25[TK]D-Fendersandorp, if I were you, FERGET about the power brick and buy a PoE injector.  far more flexible in the long run
22:24.36rob0Nugget says telnet is evil :)
22:24.57[TK]D-Fendermosty, Also the 320/330 takes a STANDARD power brick that you can buy seperately, NOT an injector.
22:25.11[TK]D-FenderNugget - bot doesn't like me so....
22:25.29mosty[TK]D-Fender, i have never seen a device that was purely PoE
22:25.47[TK]D-Fendermosty, You really don't try at all, do you ;)
22:26.11[TK]D-Fendermosty, Aastra 480i = easy sample
22:26.55[TK]D-Fendermosty,  plenty more.  basically IP phone use looks "corporate" and who wants bricks at every desk?  Injectors are getting cheaper, and the phones themselves far more so.
22:26.58mostyi have more interesting hobbies than browsing power requirements of various devices, heh
22:27.20mostyeverything i've seen so far has had the option of both
22:27.33[TK]D-Fendermosty, Me too, but thats a conversation for a more "intimate" environment ;)
22:28.04[TK]D-Fendermosty, However the power requirements of "devices" CAN play a role ;)
22:31.39*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (
22:31.41mostyi am naive, ned ea teenager to explain that to me
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22:37.41awannabewhat package is fxotune part of? i cant find it on freebsd!!
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22:38.40[TK]D-Fenderawannabe, good odds on ZAPTEL.....
22:38.51awannabeyeah its not though...intresting
22:39.28sandorpI believe I've had instances where installing from src did not install fxotune and friends
22:39.41awannabethats what it looks like now
22:40.01sandorpjust copy the exe's to /usr/sbin or something similar
22:40.04awannabebut i dont see anything about fxotune anywhere
22:40.47sandorpawannabe: nope, you won't get the man page either
22:41.24awannabesandorp: did you just download zap sources and gmake them then, and just copied fxotune?
22:41.36sandorpawannabe: yes
22:42.15awannabeahh ok, ill try that
22:44.40*** join/#asterisk anthm_mobile (
22:44.43awannabefxotune has been removed complety from the zaptel-freebsd sources
22:44.55awannabedang this echo cancelation!
22:46.11*** join/#asterisk el_4_jinete (
22:47.34*** part/#asterisk sevard (
22:48.10KDanIs asterisk's Playback() function able to play back mp3s by default?
22:48.17KDanor do you have to do something special to get it to be able to do that?
22:48.36sandorpmp3 support must be compiled in
22:48.47el_4_jineteHi, all
22:49.14KDansandorp: ah, so the default debian package wouldn't have it? :-(
22:49.40el_4_jineteI've a trouble
22:49.48sandorpKDan: just install libmp3 before attempting to compile asterisk
22:49.58[TK]D-FenderKDan, Playback can play any format there is a format_[type].so for.
22:50.05[TK]D-Fendersandorp, incorrect.
22:50.17[TK]D-FenderKDan, go download and install ASTERISk-ADDONS
22:50.19el_4_jineteCli, shows the following error B-channel 0/23 successfully restarted on span 1, what is that?
22:50.20sandorpI'll shut up then
22:50.57KDan[TK]D-Fender: can't see it in the debian apt-cache search
22:51.11[TK]D-FenderKDan, * does not come with MP3 support by default because of LEGAL concerns
22:51.15*** join/#asterisk lisandropm (
22:51.30[TK]D-FenderKDan, Screw packaged *.  Download the source and compile it yourself
22:52.00KDannot if i can avoid it. last thing i need is to have to maintain dependencies and updates manually
22:52.27[TK]D-FenderKDan, *'s dependencies don't really change.
22:52.29*** join/#asterisk neverblue (n=neverblu@unaffiliated/neverblue)
22:52.47[TK]D-FenderKDan, And get over it. the VAST majority have and are leading productive happy lives....
22:53.34KDanif i have to i'll compile
22:56.30*** join/#asterisk kink0 (
22:56.50kink0anyway to reduce bandwidth consuption ? to modify payload or packets ?
22:56.51*** join/#asterisk Braxus (n=bhsieh@
22:57.33[TK]D-Fenderkink0, Change codecs & protocols
22:57.48kink0[TK]D-Fender, I need to use g729 and SIP
22:58.17[TK]D-Fenderkink0, That's like saying "I can't change anything.... so how can I make it DIFFERENT?!?!"
22:58.22kink0[TK]D-Fender, but average is about 28kbps per call, so 20 kbps is consumed in packets head, I think.
22:58.44kink0[TK]D-Fender, no exactly, I read about the consumption due to header
22:58.59kink0but I did not found about how to compress RTP headers in Asterisk
22:59.17[TK]D-Fenderkink0, RTP isn't the problem... UDP is.
22:59.45[TK]D-Fenderkink0, see if you can change the frame size.
22:59.48kink0yes, UDP
23:00.04kink0that is what I pretend, but I Did not found the way
23:00.21[TK]D-Fenderkink0, by default it uses 20ms packets IIRC.  Keep in mind cetain endpoint might not be able to adaptt o your change
23:00.28kink0I used the web bandwidth calculator for asterisk, to try differents values of sizes
23:00.56kink0is not auto-adaptative if the origination uses a different payload ?
23:01.22el_4_jineteAny person that help's me? B-channel 0/23 successfully restarted on span 1, what is that?
23:01.41kink0el_4_jinete, eso es normal, ni caso.
23:03.02*** join/#asterisk SuperID (
23:03.11kink0[TK]D-Fender, ussually you requires to optimize QoS with tc and so ?
23:03.12[TK]D-Fenderkink0, No.
23:03.25kink0( I have prioritized UDP in the cisco gateway router )
23:03.26[TK]D-Fenderkink0, QoS has NOTHING to do with anything.
23:03.48[TK]D-Fenderkink0, Change your voice frame size.  Thats IT.  PERIOD.
23:03.59JTel_4_jinete: that's normal
23:04.01[TK]D-Fenderkink0, And hope that you other devices can comply
23:04.19*** join/#asterisk sharp (
23:04.33kink0[TK]D-Fender, now the newbie question... where to modify the size ? ip or asterisk ?
23:04.39el_4_jineteJT, but when that happend, all the calls were down
23:04.42[TK]D-Fenderel_4_jinete, There is a "resetinterval" parm you can set to prevent the regular resets that * causes
23:04.49[TK]D-Fenderkink0, In the codec.
23:05.09kink0el_4_jinete, then your T1/E1 is wrongs cofigured, may be you got any claim about D-channel ?
23:06.06kink0[TK]D-Fender, hmmmm... not codec.conf ? g729.h and recompile ?  I am mainly ussing the g729 from Digium, due to license , but I have tried also the Intel IPP
23:06.44el_4_jinetekink0, I review the settings any times, and the D-Channel shows HDLS bad FCS
23:07.05*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
23:07.21kink0el_4_jinete, the reset of one channel, must not drop calls on all channels, if that happens, you have a mistake in your zaptel.conf or zapata.conf
23:07.41kink0el_4_jinete, T1/E1 ? what country ?
23:07.47el_4_jinete[TK]D-Fender, what's that parm?
23:07.55KDanThere you go
23:08.15KDanHas the asterisk-mp3 package
23:08.19*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
23:08.22[TK]D-Fenderel_4_jinete, I just TOLD YOU.
23:08.24[TK]D-Fenderresetinterval: sets the time in seconds between restart of unused channels, defaults to
23:08.24[TK]D-Fender3600 minimum 60 seconds. Some PBXs don't like channel restarts. so set the interval to a
23:08.24[TK]D-Fendervery long interval e.g. 100000000 or 'never' to disable *entirely*.
23:08.30el_4_jinetekink0, I'm in Colombia, the signalling is euroisdn
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23:08.53kink0[TK]D-Fender, appears all channels are droped when one is reseted
23:08.55el_4_jinete[TK]D-Fender, sorry... I see
23:08.58sci_05are there jitter setting for sip?
23:09.21kink0el_4_jinete, hmmm I am ussing also euroisdn, I can pass you my zaptel and zapata files , so you can compare with yours
23:09.29el_4_jinete[TK]D-Fender, Yes all channels, and all calls were down
23:09.31kink0I have never experienced that problem
23:09.42kink0well, just if I lost the D, of course
23:09.47[TK]D-Fenderel_4_jinete, set to "never" then
23:09.57el_4_jinetekink0, OK
23:10.53anonymouz666I have Mysql() app doing a SQL count. and that returns a value. let's say 3. then I need to populate this number (3) into another function parameters... func(par1, par2, par3). Anyone has an idea how can I do that through dialplan?
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23:12.15[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666, what does it return it INTO?
23:12.19el_4_jineteBueno, pues yo lo tengo asi
23:13.36kink0el_4_jinete, ojo al CRC , si tu proveedor lo tiene activado, tu necesitas tambien tenerlo
23:14.05anonymouz666[TK]D-Fender: if count() return 3 lines. I need to have 3 vars to store 3 differents values
23:14.19jbotwell, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or at
23:14.23JTel_4_jinete: use pastebin
23:14.33el_4_jineteJT, OK
23:15.10[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666, ok... and?
23:15.16*** join/#asterisk wag3slav3 (
23:15.23el_4_jinetekink0, pues mira. Yo tenia el crc4, pero llamé al provedor y le dije que lo quitara. Y tengo el mismo problema, es más, hasta cambie la TE110p, por otra
23:15.38el_4_jineteY nada...  :(
23:16.00wag3slav3I am having trouble getting asterisk to detect an 800 number that auto-answers with no ring.  Can anyone help with answer detection?
23:16.26*** join/#asterisk lymeca (n=lymeca@unaffiliated/lymeca)
23:16.42[TK]D-Fenderwag3slav3, numbers don't ring, DEVICES DO.  Same goes for ASNWERING.
23:16.51[TK]D-Fenderwag3slav3, DETAILS might help.
23:16.58el_4_jinetekink0, ademas mi zapata.conf esta igualito al tuyo.
23:18.01wag3slav3Outbound sip call to an 800 number.  Whatever device is at the other end auto answers.  My asterisk doesn't detect the active channel because it never gets a ring status.  various sip devices on my end.
23:18.02kink0el_4_jinete, see about the PCI clocking, try to fix it to 66Mhz instead auto, I discover some boards problems with over 66Mhz PCI clocking
23:18.38*** join/#asterisk irule (n=irule@
23:18.57[TK]D-Fenderwag3slav3, So * never thinks the call is actually connected?
23:19.07wag3slav3That's right.
23:19.09wag3slav3It just times out.
23:19.18[TK]D-Fenderwag3slav3, Sounds like your ITSP is BS.  Pick a new one.
23:19.24*** join/#asterisk jetlagmk2 (
23:19.29wag3slav3PSTN T1.
23:19.36el_4_jinetekink0, Listo yo lo hago. Por ahora modifique en zapata.conf resetinterval=never. Tomorrow I will tell us.
23:19.41el_4_jineteThanks all
23:19.43[TK]D-Fenderwag3slav3, that does NOT add up.
23:20.01wag3slav3Fender: I hear you.
23:20.08Daejeo1TK]D-Fender: What does one computer say to an other computer??
23:20.13[TK]D-Fenderwag3slav3,  What does "PSTN T1" have to do with "SIP ITSP"?
23:20.27[TK]D-FenderDaejeo1, Nothing... they just shake hands ;)
23:20.38wag3slav3Fender: Well, my end is a sip device, routed out on a PSTN T1, therefore I do no have an ITSP.
23:20.53Qwell[]7 bit bytes?
23:20.57Daejeo1say 01010101
23:21.10[TK]D-Fenderwag3slav3, You just said "sip call to 800 number".  What the hell am I supposed to think about that?
23:21.21[TK]D-Fenderwag3slav3, Sure SOUNDS like an ITSP to me.
23:21.28[TK]D-Fenderwag3slav3, you need to be more clear.
23:21.51[TK]D-Fenderwag3slav3, Now start over and be PRECISE in your description of EXACTLY what hardware is involved.
23:22.32[TK]D-FenderQwell[], Serial: E71 ;)
23:23.55wag3slav3Fender: Sorry, my device is a sip device, to asterisk, then my T1.  Then the other end doesn't ring.  I have tried it with my ITSP backup trunk, I get the same error.  I have a grandstream 496 routed via sip to asterisk, trunks out via a PSTN T1 hooked to a Audiocodes Mediant 1000 to this destination.
23:24.00wag3slav3Sorry about the vaugness.
23:24.07alrsInnatech: back to the T1 stuff, it looks like AM6 are big in to metro ethernet
23:24.19alrsInnatech: which would explain why their T1 only does data
23:24.31[TK]D-Fenderwag3slav3, So your MEDIANT is not reporting "answer" back to *?
23:24.52wag3slav3Fender: In my testing I have tried several different sip devices, as well as to my backup ITSP, which also doens't report answer back.
23:25.25[TK]D-Fenderwag3slav3, Stop being generic about the tech people are using!
23:25.26*** part/#asterisk woolbeo (
23:25.59JTwag3slav3: my devices and widgets don't work, help!
23:26.03*** join/#asterisk dansmith (
23:26.11[TK]D-Fenderwag3slav3,  Mediant 1000 is not an ITSP, it is a SIP gateway.  And what is this ITSP (you said there WAS NONE before, now you're changing things...) using / doing?
23:26.45Daejeo1JT :)
23:26.55[TK]D-Fenderwag3slav3, enable SIP debug, place a call and SHOW US what the heck is going on.  in a PASTEBIN.
23:26.57jbotmethinks pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or at
23:27.07wag3slav3thank you.
23:27.25anonymouz666[TK]D-Fender: the logic is simple. count returns 3 lines. then I have to store 3 values with MySQL fetchid ${var1} ${var2} ${var3}. for each var1 I will have an gotoif condition.
23:27.32anonymouz666just that
23:28.17*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
23:28.26[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666, APSTEBIN....
23:29.16[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666, prototyepe some code and we'll see what we can do
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23:38.12JTlook like pb was too hard for wag3slav3
23:39.59[TK]D-FenderJT : Feel free to count the tears I am NOT crying...
23:44.07*** join/#asterisk mihinomenest (
23:44.59mihinomenesthow much of a red-herring is variable-length DTMF?
23:45.11darius_Is there a tool that can take a sip and/or iax call packet trace and extract the audio from it?
23:45.55darius_and what would that tool be? :)
23:46.12Qwell[]pretty sure wireshark can do sip/rtp
23:46.16Qwell[]not sure about iax2 though
23:46.30*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
23:46.33darius_but it can extract the audio - to a file?
23:46.55JTon sip/rtp
23:47.45darius_what would be the option to do that?
23:48.05[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666, what is the COUNT returned in
23:48.09JTi dunno, i imagine google could help
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23:49.16darius_fair enough
23:50.12anonymouz666[TK]D-Fender: the time conditions... a user may have one or more conditions
23:50.43[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666, Wrong answer. WHERE is the COUNT returned?
23:51.35[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666, and I am already rather certain that you have several conditions, but I'm not licensed to practice currently.
23:52.15*** join/#asterisk SwK (n=SwK@
23:55.19lymecaI'm trying to gain a basic understanding of how Asterisk can benefit me as an SIP softphone (currently Ekiga) user.  I'm used to just connecting directly to another peer using SIP (hopefully with a ZRTP enabled client) to talk with them.
23:55.45anonymouz666[TK]D-Fender: exten => 10,n,Mysql(Fetch fetchid ${resultid} ${cond_loop})
23:55.54anonymouz666I forgot to include this line
23:56.08lymecaI could put Asterisk on my server with a static global IP address, but how could that change my SIP usage for the better?
23:56.13anonymouz666${cond_loop} has the number of the lines
23:56.15*** join/#asterisk dlucas (
23:56.19anonymouz6663 or 4 or 5...
23:56.24JTwhich'd be great if asterisk could do ZRTP
23:57.39[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666, So what do you do with each record retreived?  Add the line in, give a "1" priority somewhere.....
23:57.41dlucaswondering if someone is able to explain why I get the followin error
23:57.45dlucasInternal RTCP NTP clock skew detected:
23:58.34[TK]D-Fenderlymeca, if all you want to do is talk with someone over a VoIP protocal and they have a client like Ekiga you don't NEED *.
23:58.37anonymouz666each record retreived are stored into a var. (line 3)
23:58.49[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666, New PB please.
23:58.54anonymouz666I am added manually 2 vars. because I know the count will return that
23:59.11anonymouz666exten => 10,n,Mysql(Fetch fetchid ${resultid} condicaotempo app-condicaotempo)
23:59.13anonymouz666this is line 3
23:59.14Qwell[]Where is Syracuse?
23:59.16kombidlucas: I had the same thing about 2 hours ago, downgraded to 1.2 and it is gone but other stuff still isn't working
23:59.19Qwell[](my random question of the day)
23:59.34[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666, I'm not going to repeat myself.
23:59.41*** join/#asterisk coppice (
23:59.48anonymouz666oh nevermind.
23:59.50anonymouz666forget it.
23:59.52dlucasthe error message has only been introduced in 1.4.5
23:59.56dlucas1.4.4 did not have it
23:59.59kombiQwell: you mean the one in Sicilly..

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