IRC log for #asterisk on 20070623

00:00.54tzafrir_laptopNightMonkey, the dialtone to the caller is given until someone answers.
00:00.56tzafrir_laptopI'm not exactly sure if with that adapter Asterisk can control when it will answer
00:01.59NightMonkeytzafrir_laptop: What's odd is that I do have context=incoming set up for that FXO's extension, but Asterisk isn't following that dialplan, but just giving a dial tone.
00:02.15tzafrir_laptopSending it to the console is simple, though: it's a sip device for asterisk. So in sip.conf you give it the proper context name (context=target_context)
00:03.02NightMonkeytzafrir_laptop: I think that's what I did. Let me recheck.
00:03.09tzafrir_laptopNightMonkey, is the FXO port reigstered with Asteirsk?
00:03.19NightMonkeytzafrir_laptop: Yep.
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00:03.47tzafrir_laptopin 'sip show users', does it show the right context name?
00:05.43NightMonkeytzafrir_laptop: I broke out the extension into <extension>_peer and <extenrion>_user (with type=peer and type=user, respectively). And, the <extension>_user shows up... but not the <extension>_peer... ah.
00:06.00NightMonkey(in sip.conf)
00:06.37tzafrir_laptopthis is 'sip show users' . IT only shows users, not peers.
00:06.56NightMonkeytzafrir_laptop: Ah, duh.
00:07.10NightMonkeytzafrir_laptop: Thanks. ;)
00:07.31NightMonkeytzafrir_laptop: "sip show peers" shows the peer, too.
00:07.46tzafrir_laptopnext thing to do:
00:07.50tzafrir_laptopset verbose 3
00:07.54tzafrir_laptopand call in
00:08.00tzafrir_laptopdo you see anything?
00:08.13tzafrir_laptopin the asterisk CLI, that is (asterisk -r)
00:08.20NightMonkeytzafrir_laptop: OK, one moment.
00:09.25*** part/#asterisk AndyCap (n=aoy@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/AndyCap)
00:10.20NightMonkeytzafrir_laptop: Ah, no output - I think I have a problem with the gateway - I'll troubleshoot that first.
00:11.21tzafrir_laptopnot necessarily
00:11.30tzafrir_laptopno channel was created
00:12.08NightMonkeytzafrir_laptop: This time, the call just rang and rang, no pickup.
00:12.11tzafrir_laptopone option is still that it has failed to authenticate or something. Though I believe you should have seen a message about that. Not sure
00:12.18tzafrir_laptoptry:   sip debug
00:12.28tzafrir_laptop(warning: very verbose)
00:12.37tzafrir_laptopstopping that:   sip no debug
00:13.23NightMonkeytzafrir_laptop: The device reports that it has registered, both the FXS and FXO. I'll try the debug approach. (thanks for the help, btw)
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00:24.53harlequin516I have my sip fxs device setup.  It can interact locally with my asterisk server and a softphone connected to it, everything works fine.  I have a problem when calling out from the fxs device calling out to the internet.  Everything seems find and the calls connect, but then Asterisk says attempting native bridge and sound does not travel in either direction.
00:26.15harlequin516Does anyone have a solution to make festival play like background instead of like playback
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01:51.23NightMonkeytzafrir_laptop: Ah, success! :) With help from you and .
01:51.56NightMonkeyWell, almost, but got to get my extensions.conf contexts right... But I got a call through to the console.
01:54.52NightMonkeyAnd, now with an "include => default" in the pstn context, we're set. :)
01:55.08NightMonkeyAsterisk rocks!
01:55.55SirThomas_Hometrue statement!
01:58.02NightMonkeyNow, I've got to figure out the basics of what I did to make it work, and document the relevant parts.
02:17.11NightMonkeyOK, where do I find a reference to the subcommands to the dial application? (e.g. Dial(<extension>,<wait>,D(1234))
02:18.18waKKumaybe ?
02:18.37NightMonkeywaKKu: Thanks, I'll check the wiki.
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02:58.18Sweeperok, I have an idea for a voip service I need to bounce off some people
02:58.46Sweeperhows about a hosted pbx...that the client can easily configure via xml (RESTfully)
02:59.11Sweeperbilled per-minute
02:59.44Sweeperand they will also be able to initiate calls via xml requests to the system, so they can instamagically integrate voip into their web applications
03:00.52JTsounds alright
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03:41.32*** join/#asterisk Err (
03:44.57ErrI realize that this is not really within the scope of asterisk, but I'm at a loss as to where I should ask...  Does anyone know why I can't use the * key within the 'dialplan' for a PAP2T?
03:52.14Erraha!  and the answer is: because I'm an idiot.  :-P
03:52.36ErrApparently asterisk doesn't display call attempts to invalid extensions on the console with -vvv?
03:55.03*** join/#asterisk Kaycut (
03:55.17Kaycuti have a question
03:55.32Kaycutwhen i make an asterisk server
03:55.47Kaycutthen two clients call one to the other
03:56.03Kaycutthe bandwith of my conection is use?
03:56.18Kaycutor just their bandwith
03:56.41Kaycutim clear?
03:56.43QwellKaycut: depends on whether reinvite is enabled
03:57.06Qwellsometimes reinvite breaks with NAT, so...not always
03:57.13Kaycutcan i setup the server to use their bandwith instead my own?
03:57.32Qwellif they aren't behind a NAT
03:57.43Kaycutsupose they are behind a nat
03:57.55Qwellthat makes it a bit more difficult
03:57.56Kaycutthere isn't another way_
03:58.10Kaycutcan you explain?
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03:59.30Kaycutqwell are you there?
03:59.50QwellI am, but I don't think I'd be able to explain it right, right now...  I'm pretty tired
04:00.22Kaycutanyone here can do it?
04:00.36Kaycuti need a light explanation
04:00.41Kaycutabout this
04:01.11Kaycuti mount an asterisk server to use ip clients, not land lines, just customers with ipphones
04:02.00Kaycutwhen a call is establish, can i setup my server to use their bandwith instead my bandwith because i have just 256kb
04:05.37Kaycutjust answer me yes or no, its all i need please
04:06.08*** join/#asterisk VxJasonxV (n=jason@xmms2/troll/VxJasonxV)
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04:13.33JTKaycut: the answer is: pretty much no
04:15.01Kaycutthanks i will try
04:15.27JTyou won't be able to make them reliably talk direct to each other
04:15.45JTrunning a service on 256kbit/s of bandwidth... what crack are you on? :P
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04:49.26littleballhello, i am writing a simple script to monitor the asterisk
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04:49.50littleballit is strange to me that if i run the script from Bash console, it works
04:50.07littleballbut if i run as .sh and in background, it stucks
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04:59.23darius_Where can I find documentation that covers iax Registration?
05:12.29QwellThe above is an example of how NOT to write a script to check if a process is running.
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05:47.34littleballi run command $/usr/sbin/asterisk -r -x 'show version'  , it return immediately
05:47.53Qwellyeah, don't do that
05:47.53littleballbut if i put this line in a bash script, and run it in background, it never return
05:47.58Qwellthe script is very bad
05:48.08littleballQwell, how?
05:48.16Qwellthere are *far* better ways to check if asterisk is running.  Look at safe_asterisk
05:48.23littleballi use this script becuase i need to monitor the status of asterisk
05:48.32littleballwhether it is stopped or running
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05:53.57littleballQwell, thanks
05:56.05littleballQwell thanks
06:05.38JThas anyone here run Asterisk on Sun Netra T1s before?
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06:56.43dlynesJT: I've run callweaver on them before, using Solaris 9
06:56.54dlynesJT: I would imagine Asterisk wouldn't be much different
07:10.22*** join/#asterisk rvhi0 (
07:12.11rvhi0how do i register multiple phones with the same extension?
07:12.47rvhi0so if the ext is called, all will ring
07:16.01dlynesJT: erm solaris 8 sorry
07:16.11dlynesJT: Here's the url to the google cached copy:
07:16.27dlynesJT: gotta run...sleepy time
07:24.43JTdlynes: thanks
07:24.49JTnot tried any other OSes?
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09:02.19harlequin516Does the Background command return immediately?  Has this behavior changed?
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09:17.43bcnxHi all, I'd like to throw the following to you if I may: is it absolutely necessary to register SIP phones with asterisk in order to use them?
09:18.18bcnxI'm building a asterisk cluster with heartbeat and if I switch nodes, the phones don't work untill their next registration
09:18.46bcnxbut it seems they don't work at all without registering, even when I set in sip.conf
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09:21.58bcnxmmm, lot's of people, no activity, odd
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09:34.01pj_Hello world
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09:43.06J4k3does anyone know offhand if one can use a 'locked' wm5 wifi-capable pda phone with a sip client?
09:43.18J4k3seems like a cheap&easy way to get a wireless voip handset
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09:49.29k31thguys I have configured an outbound route and setup the iax trunk... i said the dialing pattern tp 9|. when i press 9 then enter the number i get "all circuits are busy now"
09:49.33k31thand ideas?
09:51.01DarKnesS_WolFk31th: paste the full dialing line..
09:51.14DarKnesS_WolFand make sure that iax show registery show that ur registered with ur IAX trunk
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09:53.30k31thDarKnesS_WolF: how can i tell if the iax trunk is registered
09:54.00k31thstatus "unmonitored" ?
09:55.37DarKnesS_WolFk31th: iax2 show registry
09:57.44k31thDarKnesS_WolF: does not look like its registered
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10:01.49k31thDarKnesS_WolF: could this not be registering due to my box being behind a NAT ?
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10:08.05k31thwhere can i find the log so i can troubleshoot this IAX problem?
10:08.53DarKnesS_WolFk31th: dude this command i sent to u will tell u if ur registered on not !
10:08.57DarKnesS_WolFand eys IAX works behind NAT
10:09.00DarKnesS_WolFyes *
10:09.19DarKnesS_WolFk31th: check ur /var/log/asterisk/* logs and check logger.conf to make it using full logeing
10:14.24k31thCAUSE           : No such context/extension
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10:20.13bcnxHi all, I'd like to throw the following to you if I may: is it absolutely necessary to register SIP phones with asterisk in order to use them?
10:20.30bcnxI'm building a asterisk cluster with heartbeat and if I switch nodes, the phones don't work untill their next registration
10:20.45bcnxbut it seems they don't work at all without registering, even when I set in sip.conf
10:31.29DarKnesS_WolFk31th: man
10:31.33DarKnesS_WolFk31th: read the freaking command
10:31.37DarKnesS_WolFiax2 show registry
10:31.41DarKnesS_WolFnot iax2 show peers !
10:31.44k31thDarKnesS_WolF: yeah
10:31.53k31thI tried that does not appear to be registered.
10:31.58DarKnesS_WolFand ti fix this monitor thing u can add qualify=yes in the iax.conf
10:32.11DarKnesS_WolFk31th: what u have in iax.conf ?
10:32.18DarKnesS_WolFu have the context for the peer
10:32.29DarKnesS_WolFand register => username:password@iax_provider ?
10:32.31DarKnesS_WolFor u don'g ?
10:33.09k31thhum this seems top put every thing in sql...
10:33.14k31ththis is a trixbox.
10:33.30DarKnesS_WolFk31th: go ask in trixbox
10:33.42k31thok, ta
10:33.57k31thwhen i did this by hand it took two mins
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10:43.53DarKnesS_WolFk31th: i don't use trixbox sorry
10:44.02DarKnesS_WolFmay be u miss something with the GUI
10:44.22DarKnesS_WolFi think u have to redite the regisrat node from the GUI after u create it
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10:56.08k31thDarKnesS_WolF: no idea, this is my first crack with a gui in a while.
10:56.28k31thtbh addint this info in the config file would be far easier.
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11:15.14toothey folks. i'm just sitting down to write a spec for a client to an asterisk manager proxy. just wondering has anyone documented something similar or?
11:17.56tooti notice most of the pc based apps directly talk to the manager interface - i assume this is undersirable behaviour
11:18.36pj_I'm using TDMOE with a fonebridge box, and keep getting weird "Got S-frame while link down" and the D channel comes up and down all the time (I also get a lot of Q931 "RESTART" message)... Can anyone help me understand why ?
11:19.22stoffelltoot, depends on how many talking they do :-) the manager has improved over time, so it all depends on the load it tends to get...
11:20.00tootare the permissions not an issue? i thought an abstraction that provided more granual access control to be appropriate?
11:20.19tootie a distinct config file/db to say what users can do what eg transfer calls, barge, etc
11:20.42stoffellwell, that depends on 'your' environment .. if you need a lot of users and separate permissions, i'd say: go the proxy way
11:21.50tootare there any mature ones? that allow that level of abstraction?
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11:22.23stoffellno idea, i only know of one, being astproxy ... (if i remember correctly)
11:22.29tootastmanproxy seems to be the most mature but seems to have died a death
11:22.44stoffelloh, that's the one i was talking 'bout :p
11:23.00tootokay, looks like a project that should be picked up on in that case
11:23.23tootyou know off hand what the appropriate mailing list would be to see what peoples thoughts are? :)
11:24.08stoffellasterisk-users? or a totally different moment in this channel, many people are US-based :)
11:24.22toothehe yeah :)
11:35.10shido6hey pj
11:35.20shido6how close are your TDMoE devices?
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11:50.29k31thYou guys got any idea?
12:03.00*** join/#asterisk lisandropm (
12:04.04Errk31th: are you sure that the extension (phone) number you're sending to voiptalk is legit?  That is, are you stripping off the leading 9 that you use internally before sending it off?
12:04.27Err(and for that matter, do they want the leading 0)
12:06.59k31thErr: umm in the outbound routes i have 9|.
12:07.29k31thIf i completely removed this would it just attempt to use the trunks for all calls?
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12:11.40ErrI don't understand your question
12:12.03k31thhow do i strip off the 9 ?
12:12.05Errmy question is, when you send the extension to voiptalk (which is the phone number that you want them to dial for you), are you forwarding on that 9?
12:12.30k31thI hope now
12:12.34k31thnot *
12:12.36Err...because you probably shouldn't.  I don't use voiptalk, so I don't know what extension format they use, but I doubt that they need/want a prefixed 9.
12:12.40k31thas that would mess it up ?
12:13.01k31therr who do u use?
12:13.17ErrI'm currently playing with voicepulse - but I don't think that matters :-)
12:13.19jwhyou shouldn't be sending to voiptalk other than the destination number
12:13.42k31thi can find out wat its sending via the log?
12:13.57jwhset verbose 10 on the console if you're using it
12:14.04jwhthen watch when you dialout
12:14.52ErrI'm running at verbosity=3, and I see the extension number
12:15.03jeanmimiI am trying to use a regexp but I am not getting any result
12:15.10k31thseems to be ok ?
12:15.22k31thI think its a problem with my IAX trunks not registering
12:15.34jeanmimiwhat I am trying to get is the part between sip: and @ (which in my case is a phone number, digits only)
12:15.42jeanmimiso here is my regex:
12:15.45jeanmimiSet(called=$["${SIP_HEADER(TO)}" : "\:([0-9]\+)"])
12:16.21jeanmimiand I have tried much simpler regex, even just "." but it will never match
12:16.29jwhk31th: perhaps
12:16.40jeanmimiI have checked various examples on the net and I seem to be using exactly the same syntax
12:16.51Errk31th: does 'iax2 show registry' show them as registered?
12:17.00k31thjwh: well i did iax2 show registry and they are not registered :(
12:17.14jwhno errors in console as to why?
12:17.18k31thhow do i find out why ?
12:17.33k31thcan i force them to reregister ?
12:17.40jwhif you're attached to console and its erroring, it'll tell you why
12:17.52caio1982jeanmimi: have you tried without the parenthesis? i didnt ever know it accepts regex, butyou could ttry that
12:17.53jwherr, not sure
12:17.55k31thiax2 reload?
12:18.02jwhyeah probably
12:18.22jeanmimicaio1982: no, I will try now
12:18.51k31thhumm not real errors.
12:19.29Errk31th: are you sure that your outgoing extension doesn't have to start with 44?  that's what it looks like, to me, in the example extensions.conf on site
12:20.13k31thErr: how would i test this
12:20.37jeanmimicaio1982: now I am just getting 0 as value
12:21.02jeanmimicaio1982: I have tried with various regex and I always 0 if not using the ()
12:21.34caio1982jeanmimi: no clues then, i really didnt know it could accept regex (IF it really does)
12:21.36Errk31th: for starters, it looks like you don't *have* to register - you can just send username:password in your Dial() call (that is, Dial(IAX2/<Extension>))
12:22.02caio1982but the parenthesis is useless for me on it
12:22.10k31ththat might explain why its not reg atm.
12:22.47jeanmimicaio1982: well the () are normally not useless because they allow you to take just the part you want to keep
12:23.23Errk31th: I don't know anything about dialing in the UK, but I *think* that you need to drop the 0 as well and replace it with a 44; so, if (for instance) you were dialing, on your phone, the number '901225777888', you'd need your extensions.conf to use Dial(IAX2/${EXTEN:2}) to strip off the leading 9 and 0 and replace them with 44
12:23.39k31thErr: wicked got it working
12:23.49k31thI had to do, this
12:24.05caio1982it's not that true for sed, the app that taught me regexs, but i just checked voip-info and dialplan regex will always return 1 or 0 to you, just to let you know if the regex matched or not... kinda stupid, imho
12:24.12k31th44 being my country code.
12:24.24Errright - the rule I just told you would replace the 0 with the 44 ;-)
12:24.33k31thwicked !
12:24.34Err(so you could still dial 90<number> and have it work internally)
12:24.40jeanmimicaio1982: no, I am not using the REGEXP command
12:25.13k31thI guess its good practice to use a 9 ?
12:25.13jeanmimicaio1982: using the the : operator
12:25.13k31thfor an outgoing
12:25.26caio1982jeanmimi: oh, i got it, asterisk regex then
12:25.40Errif you have internal extensions as well, the 9 is 'standard' - at least in the US.  However, you don't need them if you don't ever direct-dial your internal extensions from themselves - it's then just One More Digit that you have to dial.
12:25.44jeanmimicaio1982: whatever you call it :)
12:26.14Errfor instance, I'm using asterisk to route my home phone over VoIP, so I don't use anything like a 9 - because it'd just mean that dialing is more complicated, which would very likely confuse visitors (and my wife).
12:27.06caio1982jeanmimi: the anchoring of the regex at the beginning of the line isnt important for you? you're using : instead =~
12:27.06k31thErr: haha yeah true, i will be using this at work eventually and 9 seems the standard in the UK to.
12:27.17k31thso ill keep that but fix the 44 thing and replace it with a 0
12:27.32jeanmimicaio1982: I have tried with =~ too but it was helpless
12:27.50Erryou could (should) write a slightly more complicated dialplan that allows you to use the 44, and have it be passed directly - or dial 0, and have it be replaced with 44
12:27.56caio1982LOL, that was great... from voip-info (not edition):"THE DOCUMENTATION ABOVE FOR REGULAR EXPRESSIONS IS WOEFULLY INADEQUATE."
12:28.35jeanmimiok then, where can I get the proper information then ??
12:28.42Errat least, you should if you can actually do that in the UK - I don't know how your guys' dialing plan works on the traditional phone lines...
12:29.08caio1982jeanmimi: i dont know, i'm just reading the page, not complaining :)
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12:29.37caio1982jeanmimi: have tried without escaping the parenthesis and all ?
12:29.59jeanmimicaio1982: am I escaping the () ??
12:30.13caio1982ops, nevermind, i'm just thinking randomly
12:30.37caio1982forget it, it's too early in brazil and i'm still sleeping
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12:30.59tzafrir_laptophmmm... voip-info could use something like the talk page of wikipedia
12:39.01coppicevoip-info could do with some date stamping
12:41.24*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
12:42.13Errjeanmimi: is it possible that the regex has to include the *entire* body?  That is, that you'd have to prefix it with the equivalent of [^:]*, and suffix it with something like .*?
12:42.53Err(I see on the site a note about 123foo matching their ([0-9]+), but foo123 not - which makes me wonder if there isn't some non-standard rules to these)
12:43.45jeanmimicaio1982: I have figured the problem out
12:43.46Errit actually looks like it has to match the entire *beginning* of the expression - but the examples are sparse, so I'm shooting in the dark
12:44.34jeanmimicaio1982: so I guess both : and =~ make the regex anchored to the starting character
12:44.51jeanmimicaio1982: anyways I now have a normal regex with () and it works as expected
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12:45.22Errman, I'm on a roll - I think I'll quit while I'm ahead
12:46.38*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
12:47.19saftsackhi, if i handle huntgroups this way here i get messages on phones which didnt answer the calls that they missed calls. is there a way to avoid this? exten => 1,1,Dial(SIP/001&SIP/002&SIP/003)
12:48.17k31thIf i am using IAX as inbound route to a nat can i do this via just a port fwd?
12:54.00caio1982jeanmimi: really? both anchoring to ^ isn't wrong?
12:54.22jeanmimionly : is supposed to
12:54.39DrukenLPYsaftsack: yeah... change the settings on the phones to not report unmissed calls
12:54.57DrukenLPYer, missed calls
12:55.18saftsackDrukenLPY: ok i thought that there is maybe a message in the sip protocoll so that the phone can detect if it is an missed call
12:56.41DrukenLPYnope.. the phone did ring did it not?
13:00.24*** join/#asterisk _VoicePulse (n=contact@unaffiliated/voicepulse)
13:01.35saftsackit ringed
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13:05.39DrukenLPYexactly, so it "missed" the call
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13:11.27DrukenLPYanyone from toronto in here?? did paramount sell wonderland? i'm looking over the site... and it's not advertised as paramounts anymore....
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13:25.47k31thhumm my inbound routing goes to voicemail all the time?
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13:32.09DrukenLPYk31th: pastebin the dialplan, and the cli output from an incoming call
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13:36.10k31th DrukenLPY  ^^^
13:40.43pj_Heya, I keep getting Message type: RESTART (70) on my E1, and D channel goes up and down continuously... any idea why ?
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13:41.26pj_(I'm on TDMOE via a fonebridge box)
13:42.38pj_and a bunch of !! Got S-frame while link down
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14:25.34festr__hello, anyone?
14:25.54festr__i need a little help with 1.4.5, i've duplicate CDR when call is NO ANSWER
14:33.58hackeronfestr__: hmm, just tried with my 1.4.5 -- no duplicate CDR for NO ANSWER here so seems like a configuration issue -- not sure what could be causing this though.
14:34.17festr__hackeron: interesting.
14:34.33festr__hackeron: hackeron look at
14:34.44festr__hackeron: these people have the same issue
14:34.57hackeronfestr__: but I override my NO\ ANSWER to retry with a different SIP account
14:35.19festr__hackeron: try to call from sip to sip and hangup during ringing
14:35.47hackeronfestr__: here's what I do:
14:36.23hackeronfestr__: well, I have sip to sip-pstn-gateway
14:36.25hackeronfestr__: let me try
14:36.30festr__hackeron: great
14:37.13hackeronfestr__: oh, I see, yes -- if I hang up during ring, I get 2 NO-ANSWER in my CSV
14:37.40festr__hackeron: yes. and you have in the first cdr "s" extension is it?
14:37.54hackeronfestr__: yes, first s and then the extension
14:38.01festr__so it is the same
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14:38.12hackeronyep, file a bug report :)
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14:38.45festr__there are some thread in dev list and post in forums.digium. it seems no one is interested in this
14:39.17festr__someone could fire the bug :)
14:39.55hackeronfestr__: well, I guess you can always sed -i the cvs if it's a major problem, but if you think about it, if the client hung up, then the sip phone you're dialing hangs up too -- so you can still see who hangs up first
14:40.08falzgood day. is there any setting that can be set in any conf file to enable/disable either specific NOTICE or WARNING messages when in the CLI, or just to specify the level to show?
14:40.22falzjust upgraded to 1.4.x, and now the level of NOTICES are way high, just due to modules that it's loading
14:40.36festr__hackeron: it is complete useless these two cdr
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14:41.05hackeronfalz: /etc/asterisk/logger.conf
14:41.17festr__hackeron: it is a little bit complicated to filter these cdrs
14:41.34falzhackeron: ah hah. thanks! I see it. I suppose the other solution is to not load the modules that throw errors
14:42.03festr__and generally not load modules which you do not need
14:42.55falzseems that the debian package autoloads all. I think I'll just unload modules and leave the console messages to the default warn/notice/err
14:43.00falzseems cleaner (to me)
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14:43.06hackeronfestr__: I agree having 2 lines is useless but why is it causing you that much trouble? -- if you're rading the CVS line by line you still have the unique call number so it's still easy to parse
14:43.28festr__hackeron: imageine thousands cdrs
14:43.33festr__hackeron: and i'm logging to mysql
14:43.56festr__hackeron: this "featur" is new to > 1.4.4
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14:44.54hackeronfestr__: my no answer lines seem to comprise roughly 12% of all lines
14:44.57littleballhello, how can i know the codec used for a specific channel on CLI console
14:45.26hackeronfestr__: but I guess I see your point
14:45.26festr__littleball: show channel name
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14:46.15littleballthanks festr__
14:47.09littleballfestr__, does "    WriteFormat: 8
14:47.33festr__littleball: show translation
14:48.22festr__littleball: i would not fire bug until someone on dev confirms it IS bug
14:49.58littleballfestr__, what does show translation do?
14:50.17littleballthe description from cli console is blur on this
14:50.19hackeronfestr__: #asterisk-dev maybe?
14:50.21festr__littleball: you asked ReadFormat: 8, show translation shows you, what codec is 8
14:50.54festr__hackeron: yes, i've tryed i have to be more patient :)
14:50.55littleballoh, i know 8. show codec 8
14:50.58falzanyone happen to know what "process_zap: Ignoring signalling" would imply? my card(s) don't support the signalling type? everytihng appears to work ok, just got this error as of 1.4.x from 1.2.x
14:51.06festr__littleball: aha then nevermind :)
14:53.49littleballwhat is the difference between safe_asterisk and /usr/sbin/asterisk?
14:53.59littleballi found the former uses much more CPU
14:54.10littleballalthough i know it is a simple bash script
14:55.48shido6respawns asterisk if it dies, littleball
14:55.57*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
14:56.06shido6and plugin ur email addy in the script so it emails you when it dies.
14:56.29shido6then have that email addy send u a text for easy notification without going nagios style
14:56.44littleballshido6, i know. i did modify safe_asterisk because i found that it doesnot work on fedora core 5 (my old system).. But after i change, the cpu usage become higher
14:58.20shido6whats your new system? :)
14:59.46littleballshido6, i just modify the safe_asterisk file and make it simple
14:59.51littleballand work
15:00.12littleballfor this system, only 50 channel use my one cpu
15:00.43littleballdual core cpu, 50 channel use half of the cpu resources
15:02.09shido6u like that dual core, eh?
15:02.48littleballi just feel strange. another system has 20 channel usage, but cpu only use 5%
15:03.04littleballall use 711 codec. no codec translation
15:03.13shido6there are other factors
15:04.06littleballhow to confirm on the system that there is no codec translation happend on the first system?
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15:04.47shido6start with say.... hdparm
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15:05.20shido6cat /proc/interrupts   find out what each card is using
15:05.23shido6dont share interrupts
15:06.09shido6do u have allow=all setup for anything?
15:06.11waKKufolks.. good morning first.. - someone there can say me _with sure_ if pickupgroups works with IAX or not ?
15:06.50shido6etc etc :)
15:07.12littleballshido6, i do not think so (allow=all) is not
15:07.47littleballalso, interrupt is not the reason. because the first system just start to use more cpu after i use safe_asterisk to start asterisk
15:08.03littleballsafe_asterisk is not running asterisk as deamon
15:08.09littleballit is using asterisk -c
15:08.23littleballand piping the input/output to the /dev/null
15:08.40*** join/#asterisk BSD_Tech (
15:09.08[TK]D-Fenderlittleball, However you run safe_asterisk as a daemon ITSELF <-
15:10.00littleballbasically, it cannot . but in the safe_asterisk script, it try to do. Of course, i cannot make it work
15:10.18littleballso, i suspect that -c use more cpu
15:11.02littleballulimit -c unlimited
15:11.16littleballrun_asterisk &
15:11.24littleballthis is the modified version of safe_asterisk
15:12.05*** part/#asterisk BSD_Tech (
15:16.47QwellWhy are you piping input from /dev/null? O.o
15:17.28littleballtty9 is virtual console, right?
15:17.37littleballhave no idea what is tty9
15:18.22littleballQwell, just use null to replace normal console name
15:19.38littleballand i thnk maybe it is the reason it use me one cpu core resource. although it works
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15:28.49jeanmichchI am registered a voip ISP and whenever I receive incoming calls, they are always sent to extension "s"
15:28.59jeanmichchand I dont understand why they dont get sent to the actual called number
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15:33.45[TK]D-Fenderjeanmichch, because of your register statement.  "regerist => user:pass@host/ifyoudidn'tfillinthisslashandnumberthenitsgoingtos
15:34.37*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
15:34.50jeanmichchyou mean just the trailing slash ?
15:35.12jeanmichchright now i have register => user:pass@host
15:35.23*** join/#asterisk PioneerVM2 (
15:35.32jeanmichchso you are saying that I basically need to add a / at the end ?
15:35.48PioneerVM2what is the proper way to handle incoming calls on different DIDs -- do you have to use an IF statement?
15:35.56[TK]D-Fenderjeanmichch, /12345677
15:36.07[TK]D-Fenderjeanmichch, * fills in /s if you don't put something
15:36.18PioneerVM2right now I use exten => _XX.,1,Answer -- that takes all calls from all DIDs but i need to have separate sections depending on the DID
15:36.31jeanmichchthe thing is that I have three phone number that when dialed end up into my asterisk
15:36.41[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM2, make a FIXED pattern obviously, and stop useing a cath-all like that
15:36.41jeanmichchso I am not sure which number should go after the slashg then
15:37.04[TK]D-Fenderjeanmichch, Depends how your provider works.
15:37.06PioneerVM2for incoming is the pattern the # that the personcalled in on?
15:37.13PioneerVM2or is it the extension withinthe service
15:37.16PioneerVM2within asterisk
15:37.20[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM2, Yes.  Hence the EXTEN
15:37.22PioneerVM2i thought it was the extension within asterisk
15:37.30PioneerVM2yes, so how do i change based upon the incoming DID
15:37.36[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM2, they dialed your DID.
15:37.43PioneerVM2no i have multiple DIDs
15:37.55PioneerVM2i want to do something different based upon the DID they dialed to reach me
15:38.10PioneerVM2i have a context [incoming]
15:38.19[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM2, the provider may just lump all of them together.  Go test CALLERID() for dnis,dnid, etc.
15:38.29jeanmichch[TK]D-Fender: what exactly do you mean by "depends how your provider works" what info should I check in the sip exchanges ?
15:38.41PioneerVM2ok so that is what i asked, so i need to use an if statement of some sort to check tghe caller ID string
15:38.54PioneerVM2and then goto different areas of code
15:39.12[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM2, maybe, maybe not. you shoulod just look at the values at try.
15:39.20PioneerVM2when the call first comes in what is the default extension # that is started with
15:39.23[TK]D-Fenderjeanmichch, same test for you.
15:39.27PioneerVM2before someone types anything
15:39.46[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM2, DEPENDS.
15:41.21jeanmichchat try ?
15:41.32jeanmichchis that somethign I'll find the sip dialogs ?
15:42.18[TK]D-Fenderjeanmichch, PioneerVM2 : NoOp(dnis = ${callerid(dnis)})
15:42.26[TK]D-Fenderjeanmichch, PioneerVM2 : NoOp(dnid = ${callerid(dnid)})
15:46.31jeanmichchthey both show 0
15:48.57jeanmichchwith callerid (lower case) beyy are both =0
15:48.58*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
15:49.06jeanmichchwith CALLERID they are equal nothing
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15:57.10riddleboxdoes anyone have a grandstream GXP2000, I have one account on it connected to my asterisk server, which works fine, but I set the second account to a friends asterisk server, but it always says not registered, I can connect a soft phone to that one though?
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16:30.25nohopgood evening, ppls
16:30.33waKKuafternoon ;)
16:30.38nohopor that :)
16:31.23nohopdoes anybody know of some quick-start guide or smth to asterisk ? cause i kinda grew out of the reading-for-2-weeks-before-anything-works years ago... :)
16:32.11nohopand is asterisk actually the best choise if i only want to use SIP ?
16:32.11waKKumaybe asterisk handbook can help u
16:32.37waKKuonly sip? i would say OpenSER
16:33.08nohopyeah, i've seen some stuff about that... i'll take a peek into that then :)
16:33.25nohopmaybe later i'll want to add ptsn sometime though...
16:33.42nohopbut from what i've seen so far configuring is like... 10 times as much work as apache was 10 years ago...
16:33.55nohop(asterisk, that is)
16:36.44*** join/#asterisk errr (n=errr@fedora/errr)
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16:37.41tzafrir_laptopI'm trying to build some modules from 1.4 out of th tree (app_skel is a trivial case) and get the error:
16:37.58tzafrir_laptopapp_skel.c:133: error: ‘AST_MODULE’ undeclared here (not in a function)
16:38.20Qwelltzafrir_laptop: Corydon answered basically the same question last night in #asterisk-dev
16:38.30Qwell<Corydon76-home> d3wayne: this does it correctly, if you want to use it for a model:
16:44.37PioneerVM2is there an "if" statement other than GotoIf -- i cant seem to find it
16:44.50PioneerVM2i want to set a variable based upon a situation
16:44.51ManxPowerAll my users are astronomers, all the staff are engineers
16:45.08ManxPowerPioneerVM2: then gotoif to a place that sets a variable
16:45.17PioneerVM2yea i dont like that method
16:45.37ManxPowerPioneerVM2: oh well.
16:46.02PioneerVM2how does it work qwell
16:46.10PioneerVM2the goto if seems to require a static postion #
16:46.11ManxPowerPioneerVM2: there are docs
16:46.19PioneerVM2yea i cant seem to find an IF one im looking
16:46.21ManxPowerPioneerVM2: NO!  IT can use a label
16:46.29PioneerVM2how would that work
16:46.57[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM2, "show function IF"
16:47.06ManxPowerI'll ssh over a 3000 ms latency connection and find an example for you
16:47.24PioneerVM2oh wait i found an if page
16:47.32PioneerVM2i did a search but i think "if" was too general to find what i wanted
16:47.36PioneerVM2it was hitting tons of non cmd pages
16:48.53[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM2, "show application execif"
16:49.38tzafrir_laptopAfter adding -DAST_MODULE=app_skel.c I get a slightly different error: app_skel.c:133: error: ‘app_skel’ undeclared here (not in a function)
16:51.20ManxPowerPioneerVM2: Hewre is another one:
16:53.16PioneerVM2manx thx
16:54.03ManxPowerI will frequently set the variable I want as the priority after the gotoif and then use the gotoif to skip the setvar if needed
16:54.35ManxPowerso the default action is to set the variable, and if the gotoif condition is true skip that setvar
16:56.31*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
16:57.22[TK]D-FenderLONG : exten => o,n,GotoIf($[${LEN(${OPER_DEST})} != 0]?check-message)
16:57.41[TK]D-FenderSHORT : exten => o,n,GotoIf(${LEN(${OPER_DEST})}?:check-message)
16:57.54[TK]D-FenderSHORT : exten => o,n,GotoIf(${LEN(${OPER_DEST})}?check-message)
16:58.04[TK]D-Fender<- Boolean abuser
16:59.21ManxPowerThere's nothing wrong with abusing booleans as long as you do it in private and wash your hands after
16:59.23nohopf: "0031528272772" <sip:0031528272772@>;tag=as26a5cc07
16:59.23nohopt: <>;tag=as22f6c723
16:59.41nohophow do i tell asterisk to direct that call tp sip:nohup@ ?
17:00.02nohopwow, that bot is scary :)
17:00.45ManxPowerof course it would be better if you had a [nohup] section of sip.conf of course
17:00.45nohopyea... but it's the part before that i need... cause in the examples there's only 'numbers' there :)
17:01.07nohopok, well that entry would be easily added, i guess... but..
17:01.08ManxPowernohop: what "part before that"?
17:01.44[TK]D-Fenderexten => fred,1,NoOp(Yay, some schmuck dialed FRED! lolz)
17:02.01nohopi mean exten => somethingsomethin,Dial(nohup) :)
17:02.19nohopthe somethingsomething part :)
17:02.41ManxPowerrather than looking at the sip debug, perhaps you can just tell us what you want to happen.
17:02.46nohopor SIP/nohup... i dunno... i guess i'll have to do a couple of days on reading up on stuff after all...
17:02.57nohophehe, i could
17:03.06ManxPower"A call comes in via SIP for extension "nohup" and I want to send that call to device fred"
17:03.06nohopbut i'm used to ppl only answering with 'rtfm' usually
17:03.10nohopso i tried to avoid that :)
17:03.53ManxPoweror "A call comes into extension 0031528272772 and I want to send it to the device nohup", for example.
17:03.58ManxPowerSo what are you trying to do.
17:04.10nohopi want incomming calls to to be sent to sip:nohup@
17:04.28nohopwhere is my asterix box
17:04.32ManxPowerI assume your asterisk box is
17:04.46nohopand the other one is my workstation, running a softphone thingy
17:04.55ManxPowerexten => nohup,1,Dial(SIP/nohup@
17:05.00ManxPowerthis is not rocket science
17:05.07nohopahh nope
17:05.09nohopthat was pretty easy :)
17:05.38*** part/#asterisk SuperID (
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17:13.46nohopthat did give alot more output, but nothing ringing...
17:15.20jbotpb is probably a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or at
17:15.25nohopoh wait, i'm lying.. i think it's exacly the same output
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17:21.36ccesario_I try pass the variable to other context, but I don't give success  ...
17:22.31ccesario_the variable EXTEN_X is passed to context ura-usuario, but the value is "" :/
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17:23.36[TK]D-Fenderccesario: you must not have any spaces in you SET call.
17:24.36ccesario_[TK]D-Fender exten => _82XX,6,Set(EXTEN_X = ${EXTEN})
17:24.52ccesario_[TK]D-Fender exten => _82XX,6,Set(EXTEN_X=${EXTEN})   this ??
17:25.54ccesario_hmmmm coool
17:26.00ccesario_thanks [TK]D-Fender
17:26.23nohopManxPower: is that all that i should do to make it work ?
17:26.26nohopcause it's not working..
17:26.31[TK]D-Fenderccesario : you need to remove them from here as well : exten => _82XX,3,GoToIf($[${DIALSTATUS} = CHANUNAVAIL]?8)
17:26.36nohopand calling to test stuff all the time is starting to be costy now :)
17:27.14[TK]D-Fendernohop, PASTEBIN your output and dialplan so we can see what's wrong
17:27.16jbothmm... pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or at
17:27.23ccesario_[TK]D-Fender why ?
17:27.39[TK]D-FenderccesarioUsually Whitspace gets counted into the comparison.
17:27.47*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
17:27.50nohop[TK]D-Fender: there's 100s of lines of debug output, not really paste-able
17:27.53[TK]D-Fenderccesario : exten => _82XX,3,GoToIf($["${DIALSTATUS}"="CHANUNAVAIL"]?8) <- better
17:27.58nohopexten => nohup,1,Dial(SIP/nohup@
17:28.04[TK]D-Fendernohop, ****PASTEBIN****
17:28.06jbotwell, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or at
17:28.12nohopi know what paste is
17:28.14nohopand what a bin is
17:28.15ccesario_[TK]D-Fender ohhh thanks
17:28.24nohopbut i never heard them in combination before :)
17:28.32[TK]D-Fendernohop, I've seen people pastebin 300 lines of code.  JUST DO IT.
17:28.38ccesario_[TK]D-Fender I change all in my dial plan
17:28.38nohopfuck this
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17:29.36[TK]D-FenderIdiot at garage : "Whats wrong with my car?!?!?!?!?!?!"
17:29.46[TK]D-FenderMechanic : "Lemme look under the hood"
17:29.55[TK]D-FenderIdiot at garage : "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!"
17:30.05[TK]D-FenderIdiot at garage : (Drives away)
17:30.10ComputerWillIdiot at garage: Use your superpowers to figure it out!
17:30.35[TK]D-FenderTotal &*#@^#$ing retard.  God that kind pisses me right the hell off.
17:33.42ComputerWillDoes anyone here have any experience getting newer Cisco 7971g phones working?  I'm actually trying to get one to work with CallManager 4.1(2), but we're not running in encrypted mode, and the phone seems to want that.  I figured the Asterisk community might have a few pointers.  Is this the right channel for that?
17:34.09ComputerWillI found this, but It's still not registering:
17:41.24[TK]D-FenderComputerWill, So far you're not working with a common protocol, nor is * even involved.....
17:43.21ComputerWillcan't type.  .. true
17:44.20ComputerWillI just thought that similar issues might have been encountered.  My phone was requesting the .tlv file, so I tried some of the regular tricks.  I didn't know if the SIP loads had the same problem.
17:44.46[TK]D-FenderComputerWill, * doesn't even HAVE encrption....
17:45.23ComputerWillI did find a note on Cisco's site which says to issue a null certificate, but our CTLClient isn't runnning (since we didn't buy the $300 USB thingy to create TLV files).  Gotta love Ci$co.
17:45.52PioneerVM2any way to not have the Voice Mail system record or inform you of msgs that are hangups -- it seems to always record 1 second long msgs if the person hangs up during the announcement
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17:47.39[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM2, Sounds like disconnect supervision detection delay.
17:47.46tzafrir_laptophmm... regarding AST_MODULE: I forgot to make AST_MODULE a string. Now it works
17:48.06[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM2, And when in doubt, run an external process to do your e-mailing instead and handle this yourself.
17:48.22PioneerVM2id rather not reinvent the wheel
17:48.30PioneerVM2i also dont want all these empty msgs
17:49.47PioneerVM2is there a way to alter that detection value?
17:50.49[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM2, if its analog CDS, then you'r in TFB-Land.  Otherwise, get coding....
17:52.37PioneerVM2ok so there is nothing easy to play around with
17:53.26dlynesJT: nope
17:54.17dlynesJT: Both of those setups are done by me (Solaris 8 on a Netra T1, and Solaris 10 on an UltraSPARC 5
17:54.32Sweeperfacking centos
17:54.41Sweeperif I was doing this on gentoo, I'd be done already
17:54.48dlynesJT: Qwell has apparently gotten Asterisk up and running on Solaris as well
17:54.57dlynesJT: on a SPARC
17:55.15dlynesJT: But as I understand it, a Sunfire, not a Netra
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18:04.04tzafrir_laptopSweeper, kernel-devel
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18:06.49Sweepertzafrir_laptop: yea, didn't work
18:07.09tzafrir_laptopSweeper, uname -r; rpm -qa | grep kernel
18:07.45Sweepermmm, missing kernel-xen headers
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18:08.32Sweeperbut that doesn't exit!
18:08.54SweeperI've got that already
18:09.15tzafrir_laptopuname -r  ?
18:11.24tzafrir_laptopeither downgrade kernel-xen-devel or boot to the newer kernel
18:11.35Sweepermmm, good point~
18:12.12Sweeperok, so this realtime thing....I want my contexts to be entirely defined in the db
18:12.28Sweepernone of this switch statement stuff
18:14.26Sweeperis that even possible?
18:15.58Sweepertzafrir_laptop: yay that worked
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18:16.24[TK]D-FenderSweeper, For the DB stuf : GET CODING.
18:16.36Sweeper[TK]D-Fender: gah
18:16.41[TK]D-FenderSweeper, real-time = half-assed
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18:16.48Sweeperdamnit all D:
18:16.59SweeperI fork asterisk for database justice \o\
18:17.12Sweepermake it entirely db-based :D
18:17.20[TK]D-FenderSweeper, it SHOULD BE.
18:17.33carrarwith postgres
18:17.37[TK]D-FenderSweeper, SQLite included along with admin toos for it.
18:17.41tzafrir_laptopIt is. Only a database of text files...
18:17.55Sweeperscrew postgres! mysql fo lyfe
18:17.56[TK]D-Fendercarrar, No, generic SQL with embessed license friendly "starter"
18:18.26[TK]D-Fendercarrar, "agnostic" should be key to this.  As to which embedded "starter" to sue, who cares.
18:18.44[TK]D-Fendergo for goal, not the means.
18:18.52Sweepernow to find out if it would be less of a PITA to learn a new, less sopported softpbx, or learn enough C to make asterisk do what I need it to
18:19.14carrarI'd really love * config files to all be in a db
18:19.34[TK]D-FenderSweeper, you still haven't calidated that what you want to do REQUIRES the context system ata all, or a forced record of realtime.
18:19.48[TK]D-FenderSweeper, so its REWIND TIME.  WTF do you WANT TO DO? :)
18:19.57tzafrir_laptopcarrar, the table structure barely works today
18:20.02carrarerr a live db *
18:20.28SweeperI want to define contexts on the fly, without restarting the server every time it happens
18:20.36tzafrir_laptopThere are quite a few things that simply can't be easily done with a separate model.
18:20.56[TK]D-FenderSweeper, No, defining contexts on the fly is again a means to an end... what was this to accomplish for you?
18:21.03tzafrir_laptopBasically it means that Asterisk has no idea what the real config is, and that it could change under its nose
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18:21.24[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop, you say that... as though it were a BAD thing ;)
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18:21.34Sweeperoh. I'm writing a system that will allow high-level dialplan maniupulation via XML POST/GET
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18:21.48tzafrir_laptop[TK]D-Fender, not everything can be changed without Asterisk be aware of it
18:22.06centrexI'm trying to find another way to provide timing to asterisk for meemte(conferences), unfortunately on this vps I have no access to the source the kernel was built with and can't compile ztdummy
18:22.20[TK]D-FenderSweeper, You could pipe all your calls through an AGI if you wanted at which point it could do whatever you wanted.  But that is perhaps extreme.
18:22.33tzafrir_laptopSweeper, yet another one
18:22.34[TK]D-Fendercentrex, You're DOA then.
18:22.53Sweepertzafrir_laptop: eh?
18:22.54centrexThere's no feature to pull timing from like ntp or anything?
18:22.59[TK]D-Fendercentrex, Try "app_conference" instead.  WIKI it up.
18:23.01tzafrir_laptopIt will either end up being too generic to be useful, or some custom system like the ones we have already
18:23.28Sweeper[TK]D-Fender: might work
18:23.29tzafrir_laptopcentrex, no access to the kernel source? what system is that?
18:23.51Sweepertzafrir_laptop: eh? show me somewhere else that allows configuration via xml
18:23.55tzafrir_laptopyou normally don't need full kernel source for that
18:23.55[TK]D-FenderSweeper, Of course it would work, its a question of how complex your processing is, but in AGI at least it puts it entirely in your hands.
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18:24.00centrextzafrir, a colocated virtual private server
18:24.20carrarnice choice for a * box
18:24.21[TK]D-Fendercentrex, Don't worry... we've seen your kind before ;)
18:25.21tzafrir_laptopSweeper, have you looked at the asterisk gui? They technically do that ;-)
18:25.33Sweepertzafrir_laptop: totally not the point mang
18:25.42tzafrir_laptopThough their database is really the asterisk config files
18:25.59SweeperI'm talking about a low cost of entry service that allows easy, fast voip services in web apps
18:26.33SweeperI'll write a few interface libs for some popular frameworks, and am
18:26.46tzafrir_laptopVoiceOne, for instance, is built around real-time asterisk config, IIRC
18:27.17Sweeperyou just do RestVoip.connect("1234567890","1234567890"), and you have google's click ot call on your web page
18:27.56Sweeperit's really more of a web dev tool than anything else
18:28.00tzafrir_laptopSweeper, write a proxy app that communicate with sterisk via the manager interface
18:28.07tzafrir_laptopCustomize the dialplan a bit
18:28.07Sweepertzafrir_laptop: that's part of it
18:28.24Sweeperbut I also want to do things like IVR
18:29.08tzafrir_laptopIVR is just extensions.conf, and this can be used from realtime today
18:29.22Sweeperbut I can't create extensions
18:29.23tzafrir_laptop(you miss some features, but this is an inherent problem of realtime)
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18:34.18tzafrir_laptophmm... is this a limitation of realtme extensions? I have not heard of it before
18:34.37tzafrir_laptopnot that I use realtime in any way
18:35.22Sweeperyou can slap wahtever into the db
18:35.38Sweeperbut you have to have logic in the ext.conf file to deal with new extensions
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18:44.47tzafrir_laptopSweeper, this is a Good Thing: you *can* have both extensions.conf and realtime (or even extensions.ael or whatever)
18:45.18tzafrir_laptopIt would make sense to put macros and other "code" part in a static file. They will actually be readable
18:45.35tzafrir_laptopYou can keep them empty and ue only the DB if that makes you happy
18:45.43Sweeperyou're not picking up what I'm laying down, mang
18:46.20Sweeper <-- according to that, I HAVE to have stuff in extensions.conf
18:47.09Sweeperbasically, I have to define a context and switch for each new context in the db
18:47.15Sweepernow, if this is wrong, yay
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18:59.28[TK]D-FenderSweeper, easy to update your extensions.conf and issue an "extensions reload" you know...
19:00.13[TK]D-FenderSweeper, Can't see why generating on change is an overly difficult uor undesirable thing (hard to validate most other approaches)
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19:03.08carrarany compeling reasons no to upgrade from 1.4.4 to 1.4.5
19:04.56Sweeper[TK]D-Fender: uh, the entire point of using realtime is to AVOID reloads and writing to flatfiles
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19:06.04Sweeperbesides the fact that it would be horrible once I got into clustering
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19:07.04joebob777as7can someone help me? i am trying to connect a wireless sip phone from my office to my house and i'm watching my cli it says registered sip port 52238 and then my phone tells me that it failed
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19:10.13joebob777as7it's an e60 nokia
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19:11.05blitzragejoebob777as7: don't think you can use a password because the phone won't respond to the 407 Proxy Auth
19:11.20lovely2is there a way of creating a channel that isn't connected to a device and just rings out
19:11.48blitzragelovely2: huh?
19:11.59NOT_guruHello   I am on asterisk 1.2.18 and I am looking for my rev number  asterisk -r is not showing my rev on the connect output
19:11.59joebob777as7blitzrage, so what should i change? remove my secret in the extension?
19:12.07NOT_guruis there another way to see your rev #
19:12.28NOT_guruFYI I am trying to go through the chan_unistim install faq
19:12.29blitzragejoebob777as7: ya, you can't authenticate using a secret, so you have to remove it and just filter on the IP address (permit/deny)
19:12.43blitzrageNOT_guru: cd /usr/src/asterisk ; svn info
19:12.44lovely2blitzrage: what i said, eg like a sip or iax or sccp channel that just rings out, without being conntected to a channel
19:13.01blitzragelovely2: everything IS a channel...
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19:13.10blitzragelovely2: do you mean something like a "callfile" ?
19:13.11lovely2does everything provide hint data
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19:13.39lovely2i'm trying to add a new extension to a queue, so that i can light a light on a cisco phone to say people are in the queue
19:13.41Dovidevening ev1
19:13.44NOT_guruThank you blitzrage
19:14.14blitzragelovely2: sounds almost liek you want to check out SLA
19:14.35[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage, NO.
19:14.38lovely2the sla stuff is easy, but i have no way of using it with queue
19:14.53[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage, HE DON'T WANT NO SLA.
19:14.53blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: thanks for your useful input
19:14.56lovely2queue provide no hint data, at least anyway of working
19:14.59blitzrageHE JUST WANT
19:15.01[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage, ! ! !
19:15.19joebob777as7blitzrage, i did that and it gave me the same error... it's an e60 nokia
19:15.30[TK]D-Fenderlovely2, the only way of monitoring Queue usage is with their XML browser.
19:15.51blitzragejoebob777as7: no idea... you have to read the SIP trace to determine what it is doing/not doing
19:16.01lovely2Fender: you have a link ?
19:16.24lovely2i search for a xml service provider script, for that purpose but i couldn't find one.
19:16.29[TK]D-Fenderjoebob777as7, pastebin the failed call attempt's CPI output at verbsoe 210, SIP debug enabled, and provide the [general] section of your sip.con and the phone's entry
19:16.52[TK]D-Fenderlovely2, Do you know at all how to enable the XML broswser on the phone?
19:16.59lovely2yes, have done
19:17.07lovely2i already have a bunch of services
19:17.22lovely2i don't feel like writing a script to do it.
19:17.32lovely2i thought somebody else would of.
19:17.49[TK]D-Fenderlovely2, then make a web script that creates an XML page parseing out the data you want.  Use AMI in your script to connect to * to gt the info or parse the output of "asterisk -rx "show queues"" and so on
19:18.14[TK]D-Fenderlovely2, I wrote one for Polycom's XHTML MicroBrowser.
19:18.28lovely2yeah, i might end up doing that.
19:18.31[TK]D-Fenderlovely2, But don't automatically assume ther is a finished product ready to be shoved into your hands.
19:18.40lovely2i like assumptions
19:18.45lovely2makes my life easier
19:18.57[TK]D-Fenderlovely2, They make an ass out of you and of "umption" ;)
19:19.01lovely2like queues supporting hints
19:19.19lovely2what about assumptions being the mother of all f---- ups
19:19.36[TK]D-Fenderlovely2, Assume * will wire-transfer $1,000,00 on demand as well... if you've going to have delusions, don't be half-assed about it!
19:20.00Sweeperlooks like AGI is the way to go :/
19:20.01[TK]D-Fenderlovely2, INDEED
19:20.06NOT_guruRequest wire-transfer $1,000,00
19:20.16Sweepergah, I hope ruby can run fast enough to make it work
19:20.20NOT_guruoops  dropped a 0
19:20.26NOT_gurubut I would take the grand
19:20.29[TK]D-FenderSweeper, I'd sooner bet that SER is the way to dgo and just use * for termination and as an app server.
19:21.03Sweeper[TK]D-Fender: the apps are what I need to script
19:21.31[TK]D-FenderSweeper, what kind of taks is your system doing?
19:21.59Sweeperivr, voicemail, conf rooms
19:22.58[TK]D-FenderSweeper, ok, well I'm sure you've gained at least a little insight here and will find something more acceptable for your means....
19:23.34Sweeperit's just that I've decdied that AGI is the lesser of two evils, providing I can work out a functional paradigm
19:24.12[TK]D-FenderSweeper, Plenty more evil to look into ;)
19:24.44Sweepereh. yate seems like a PITA, and a poorley documented one at that
19:25.03[TK]D-FenderSweeper, gone indepth with FreeSWITCH yet?
19:25.42[TK]D-FenderSweeper, offers a very promising approach.  I'm awaiting a "ready for public consumption" release personally
19:25.55Sweeperit looks ok
19:26.08Sweeperbut it's not 'production' yet
19:26.49harlequin516This seems rather undocumented to me, but I call Background in my macro, and the dialed extension goes to the context that the Macro was called from.
19:33.20[TK]D-Fenderharlequin516, No, that is VERY documented.
19:33.52[TK]D-Fenderharlequin516, Macro's become effectively merged with the context calling them and for the love of God STOP TRYING TO MAKE IVR'S IN MACROS PEOPLE!
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19:41.22lovely2D-Fedner how did you get around the permission problems.
19:41.31lovely2with your xml script
19:41.39[TK]D-FenderWhat permission problems?
19:41.59lovely2i'm just using exec to call asterisk -rx \"show queues"
19:42.00[TK]D-Fenderlovely2, I use AMI personally, and so should you.
19:42.01lovely2in php
19:42.06lovely2what is ami ?
19:42.09[TK]D-Fenderlovely2, And you COULD jsut runt both as root.
19:42.15jbotami is, like, the Asterisk Manager Interface, a way to control an Asterisk server via a TCP/IP socket. See
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19:49.45harlequin516Alright I have solved my longstanding problem.  apparently I have to answer the call before I can Dial, or the media path wont connect
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19:51.24[TK]D-Fenderharlequin516, It'll connect... it the dial gets ANSWERED.
19:52.13harlequin516I guess there is some realtionship between Dial and Answer, that I was unaware of.
19:52.43[TK]D-Fenderharlequin516, Still barking upt he wrong tree and failing to actually describe what you are trying to accomplish....
19:53.20harlequin516[TK]D-Fender:  I'm just confusing everyone because I have 12 open issues.
19:53.55harlequin516I'd rather commit sepuku
19:54.31harlequin516So when does a call need to be answeed in a dialplan?  I mean should?
19:55.32[TK]D-Fenderharlequin516, wrong approalch.  tell us exactly what you're trying to do and we can comment on HOW.
19:55.32harlequin516tsuba?  Is that to kill me from behind if I fail in attempt?
19:56.07harlequin516I want to call out to broadvoice through asterisk from my sipura fxs.
19:56.12[TK]D-Fenderharlequin516, Tsuba is the handguard on a sword.  Before you draw you push on the tsuba to release the blade.
19:56.39[TK]D-Fenderharlequin516, In priming it I show that I am prepared to draw.
19:57.15harlequin516The calls to braodvoice werent working because at no point in my dialplan (path) was there an Answer to the call from my fxs.
19:57.24[TK]D-Fender<- working of 5th kyu Tenshen Shoden Katori Shinto Ryu
19:58.11harlequin516So bascially I think the lesson for me is:  You must Answer a Call before you Dial?
19:58.21[TK]D-Fenderharlequin516, That does not add up....  if your dialplan immediately dials your ATA and it answers, the call gets bridged, thats it
19:58.56harlequin516Yeah.. hmm  You mean bridged instead of forwarded?
19:58.58[TK]D-Fenderharlequin516, Answer is only mecessary if the time you're spending ringing your ATA exceeds the timeout for the inbound ringing.
19:59.24[TK]D-Fender"fordwarded" in an incorrect term.  * is a B2BUA, not a proxy.
19:59.27Strom_Mor if you need to perform the IVR menu dance
19:59.41harlequin516I guess the right word maybe , bridged instead of native bridged?
19:59.55[TK]D-Fenderharlequin516, that part doesn't factor it.
20:00.19[TK]D-Fenderharlequin516, if a call is allowed to reinvite, it WILL.  Doesnt matter if * does IVR stuff first or not.
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20:02.51harlequin516[TK]D-Fender: I understand you r logic, and I agree.  However my test shows otherwise.  The only way that i get the voice path to connect is by Answer() before Dial(Broadvoice).
20:03.17harlequin516If I do not Answer it appears to connect, but there is no voice in either direction.
20:04.02[TK]D-Fenderharlequin516, then your SIP setup is bad.  add "canreinvite=no" to [general] and all your other entries
20:04.06harlequin516There must be some other implication (than timeout) to Answering a Call.
20:04.32harlequin516[TK]D-Fender: But it works with Answer() ?
20:04.51harlequin516[TK]D-Fender: I understand the canreinvite=no, and I have done this already
20:05.23[TK]D-FenderExten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/broadvoicepeer/${EXTEN}) ; z0mg it werks!?
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20:13.10harlequin516Is it possible that a previous Answer() cmd alters the method of the bridging from a subsequent Dial() cmd?
20:13.40Qwellharlequin516: it's possible, but probably not, no
20:15.29harlequin516OKay back to my previous question..   Is it the right behavious of calling Background() from a macro to jump to the read extension in the context from which the macro was called?
20:16.37harlequin516This question may be trickier than is obvious.
20:17.27harlequin516I thought that a Macro was just an easy way to gosub with parameters.  I think there is more magic than that.
20:17.30waKKufolks.. whats softphone r u using for IAX with linux ?
20:18.01harlequin516SIP softphones all suck.
20:18.07harlequin516I hate SIP
20:18.14harlequin516So damn complex for nothing.
20:18.18waKKuharlequin516: k means kde ?
20:18.19[TK]D-Fenderharlequin516, As I said, Macros merge intot he context calling them and this is well documented
20:18.39harlequin516Yeah, but its not a standard feature of KDE.
20:19.04harlequin516[TK]D-Fender: Oh I must not have seen your reply.
20:19.31harlequin516waKKu: I do recommend kiax.
20:20.29waKKuhm.. i hate kde.. but i'll try it ;)
20:20.38waKKudo u know anoter ?
20:21.15harlequin516[TK]D-Fender: I am looking at the voip-info cmd Macro page, but I do not see where it says that.
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20:22.42harlequin516[TK]D-Fender: Oh I see it in Note 2.
20:23.11harlequin516[TK]D-Fender: Its just not stated formally using the right words like you used.
20:26.11YonahWwhat is the best way to deactivate two modules from a tdm04B? just dont configure in zaptel.conf?
20:26.43YonahWdont use in zapata.conf? separate as another group?
20:26.48harlequin516Gheesh: Macro cmd has a lot of quirks.
20:26.56[TK]D-Fenderharlequin516, Its quite clear and you must not have been in an "open" mood when reading.
20:27.31[TK]D-FenderYonahW, Clarify what you would define as "inactive", and we'll suggest the means.
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20:28.46YonahWno intention of using them nor plugging anything into them for the time being
20:32.01rob0/dev/kid is asking me: what kind of monkeys are tt-monkeys ?
20:34.39sevardrob0: wtf
20:35.47tzafrir_laptopYonahW, basically both are equivalent. I would disable in zapata.conf, so /proc/zaptel sould still give a correct picture
20:36.22[TK]D-FenderYonahW, remove them from any achannel groupings and point them to a null context.  Or jsut remove their channel ddefinition lines.
20:36.46lovely2love php inline, no fuctions just one long main
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20:37.01[TK]D-Fenderrob0, CodeMokeys :
20:39.15YonahWtzafrir, D-Fender : thanks for the advice
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20:44.50rob0haha cute :)
20:47.09*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
20:48.16lovely2Fender: finished :)
20:55.11*** part/#asterisk techie (
20:55.54YonahWi have a te110p and a tdm04b i run ztcfg and get an error that ZT_CHANCONFIG failond channel 29. any ideas? I pasted my configuration and ztcfg verbose at
20:57.07YonahWmodules load successfully
20:57.16[TK]D-Fenderfxsks=32-36 <- 1 channel too many.  Next you need to make sure of which order your cards got initialized in.  check dmesg
20:57.43[TK]D-Fenderand you failed to specify your dchan
20:58.14YonahWdo i need to specify the dchan? i tried it orginally specifying the dchan in between 15 and 17
20:58.42YonahWclearly you are right about 36 being too many channels but why would it fail on 29?
20:58.59[TK]D-FenderYonahW, not sure.  Are yuo getting a APRTIAL PRI?
20:59.14[TK]D-FenderYonahW, It'd crap out of the telco disagrees IIRC
20:59.26YonahWno full pri
21:00.29[TK]D-FenderYonahW, Ok, check the first pile of things then
21:01.53Aces1Upanyone here use adhearsion?
21:02.41waKKu[TK]D-Fender: did u had used pickupgroups ? i'm trying to use on 1.2 and get no success...
21:02.48YonahWD-Fender, thanks
21:03.10[TK]D-FenderwaKKu, nope
21:03.25[TK]D-FenderwaKKu, Although I'm quite sure they work jsut fine.
21:03.49waKKu[TK]D-Fender: hm.. i may do sth wrong..
21:04.03waKKuor the problem is with IAX
21:04.03[TK]D-FenderwaKKu, more than likely
21:04.15[TK]D-Fenderand no, not IAX.
21:09.19YonahWD-Fender: I made the necessary changes and verified that the te110p loads first, any other ideas?
21:12.35[TK]D-FenderYonahW, Ok, this is a brand new TE110P isn't it?
21:12.51YonahWD-Fender, yes
21:12.58[TK]D-FenderYonahW, Ok, that solves it
21:13.25[TK]D-FenderYonahW, by default its set for T1 mode ONLY (24 channels.  that + your TDM04B = 28 channels and says why it dies on 29.
21:13.42[TK]D-FenderYonahW, Shut down your box... theres a JUMPER oyou forgot to set for E1 on it.
21:13.45YonahWI see but the jumper is on
21:13.56YonahWi checked before i put it in the box
21:13.59[TK]D-FenderYonahW, I'd TRIPLE check that if I were you
21:14.03YonahWi can shut down and check again
21:14.16[TK]D-FenderIt screams "jumper error" all over it
21:14.32YonahWgonna do that right now, just because what you are saying definitely makes sense
21:22.42YonahWD-Fender: This is just going to shock you
21:23.11YonahWturns out the jumper was indeed not on properly and after fixing that ztcfg runs smoothly
21:23.35[TK]D-FenderYonahW, Quite welcome
21:23.40YonahWi could have sworn that I checked that jumper
21:23.47YonahWtruly appreciate the assistance
21:24.00[TK]D-FenderYonahW, Maybe you did and it got torqued during installation...
21:24.11[TK]D-Fender"Shit happens"
21:24.17YonahWcould be I installed that card first
21:24.23YonahWand shit definitely does happen
21:24.39[TK]D-Fendervery minor, and not a long time to diagnose & correct.
21:25.20YonahWyeah if this is the entire extent of trouble I have on this setup I will be rather pleased
21:25.29[TK]D-Fender30 mins + IRC delay : physical inspection time (+shutdown/restart & test) = no big deal
21:27.05YonahWtruly not a big deal
21:27.32YonahWi spend more time going through rss feeds on any given day
21:28.49*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
21:37.51Gtwyhow important is it that i run those 2 iptables commands?
21:39.03[TK]D-FenderGtwy, *whatever*
21:39.13[TK]D-FenderToS doesn't exist ont he internet
21:40.08Gtwyokay, because im getting a very open ended error message with iptables that *something* is wrong with both commands, but it doesnt say what.. and i dont know enough about iptables to understand what im typing in there to begin with
21:43.38lovely2can you write an agi script that changes a extensions status ?
21:54.20*** join/#asterisk b1shop (
21:56.32crimethinkerThe USA GDP is $43,866 per person.  wtf are we producing that's worth so much?  don't we import everything from China?
21:57.27*** join/#asterisk magic_hat (
21:58.09magic_hathey everyone. I've seen a whole bunch of stuff re installing * on ubuntu.... anyone done this and know which approach works best?
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22:09.42Aces1Upwith asterisk 1.4 do you need a timer for the meetme function?
22:10.11mikpelhi is it possible to connect ericsson buisnessphones to asterisk? using a channelbank?
22:11.25tzafrir_laptopmagic_hat, apt-get install asterisk
22:11.40tzafrir_laptopfastest way to get it up and running
22:15.09*** join/#asterisk snuff-away (
22:16.46*** join/#asterisk Bryce34 (
22:19.11Bryce34Hello, do you know if the RFC 4040 will be integrated in Asterisk ?
22:20.50*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
22:26.12b1shopanyone know how to get polycom 320 to boot from tftp?
22:26.52__DAWsame way all the other polycoms do I imagine.
22:27.11b1shopi can get to the screen on the phone.  i do not seem to be able to change it.
22:27.23b1shopand the web interface does not have an option for it
22:27.25*** join/#asterisk lisandropm (
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22:30.52__DAWworks great through the phone for me.
22:31.44b1shopmenu, 2, 3, 1... then?
22:33.41__DAW2 is status
22:36.11Bryce34I search a solution to using the direct-call-pickup feature with a thomson ST2030. My BLF already working find.
22:36.38Aces1Upwhat is the typical place i should look at when i dial my DID and in rings for 1 ring then goes to fast busy?
22:38.07b1shoperr.  menu, 2, 1, 3.
22:38.19b1shopstuck on ftp and connot seem to find a way to change to tftp
22:42.35*** part/#asterisk zabin (
22:44.25b1shop__DAW, if you have a 320 can you help me out?
22:46.08__DAWhave your read your manual?  How are you trying to do it?
22:47.35b1shopall it came with is a one page start guide.  i have the admin manual from the site
22:50.23__DAWit would be wise to do some reading up.
22:51.22b1shopno kidding
22:51.42b1shopthe 188 page manual contains 9 occurannence of tftp.  none of which talk about changin it
22:57.19__DAWhave you tried pressing the check key when you are on ftp and then using the left and right arrows to change?
22:58.40*** join/#asterisk fx0 (
22:59.37__DAWthen you may need to call polycom.  works no probs here.
23:00.16__DAWand it is 3,2,1  not 2,1,3  you are looking at the status page..
23:07.07b1shopmenu, 3(settings), 2(advanced) and passwd, 1(Change PW).  only options i have
23:07.44__DAWdid you enter the password
23:07.59b1shopdefault of 123 i think?
23:08.13__DAWyou need to READ.. This is all in the manual!!!
23:08.33__DAWdont search for keywords... READ
23:12.50*** join/#asterisk groogs[h] (
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23:20.47paragoncim working on a voicexml application that dials in via a toll free line - looking to know if anyone knows of a carrier who can price lower than $.015 per min
23:21.15*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
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23:28.33*** join/#asterisk WindBack (
23:29.00WindBack_VoiceMeUp_COM, hello
23:29.54`Seananyone know where i can get that s/correct/correct script that jbot is runing :)?
23:30.45WindBackI always use xlite to connect to my asterisk server (on windows) Now in linux I'm trying to configure ekiga, but the problem that I have is that I can send DTMF
23:30.46Strom_Myou mean a regexp parser? :)
23:30.57WindBackAnybody can helpme
23:31.48WindBackWhen I press any number the asterisk server don't detect it
23:32.14rob0Press some OTHER number instead.
23:32.28rob0NO NOT THAT ONE!!
23:33.14WindBackWhen I press a number the asterisk server don't detect it
23:33.51Strom_MWindBack: let me guess - SIP trunking
23:34.06Strom_Mprobably either one way audio and/or wrong DTMFmode
23:34.17rob0ooooooooooh nice crystal ball!
23:34.32Strom_MI got it on sale at Target
23:34.59Strom_Mit works fine except it keeps telling me about the low low prices I could be paying for consumer goods
23:35.28WindBackStrom_M, I configure on both sides DTMF  RFC2833 but it didn't found
23:36.10WindBackStrom_M, In ekiga RFC2833 is the only option
23:37.23Strom_Malright, so now we turn to NAT issues
23:37.24joebob777as7anyone know why when i try to connect a sip phone from another network outside of my own i get a message saying Registered SIP 210 at <myip> port 52450 expires 3600 in my cli?
23:37.35Strom_Mbecause I'm going to bet $50 you're using a NAT between ekiga and asterisk
23:37.58Strom_Mjoebob777as7: asterisk is behind a NAT, isnt it
23:38.39joebob777as7but i'm trying to connect my e60 nokia out of network... how do i get around this?
23:39.02Strom_Mhave you set externip, localnet, all the appropriate port forwarding, and so on?
23:39.47joebob777as7i believe so... all i could find to set... i set up port 5060 to my box and i am using dyndns
23:39.55WindBackStrom_M, no betwen ekiga and asterisk there isn't nat, both are in the same LAN with similar ips
23:40.13WindBack(with the same network mask)
23:40.34Strom_MWindBack: well then perhaps Ekiga blows dead yaks.  Try a different softphone.
23:41.15joebob777as7Strom_M, any suggestions?
23:41.20Strom_Mjoebob777as7: do calls actually work?
23:41.23WindBackStrom_M, Do you know about any who work fine in gnome??
23:41.36Strom_Mor are you just complaining because something /looks/ wrong on teh screen?
23:41.42joebob777as7Strom_M, no my phone says registration fails
23:41.52Strom_MWindBack: beats me; all softphones blow really
23:42.10joebob777as7windback try x-lite
23:42.23Strom_Mjoebob777as7: well then you probably havent set SIP up correctly on asterisk and all NAT devices involved
23:42.27joebob777as7WindBack, there are plenty of guides
23:42.45joebob777as7Strom_M, ok would you mind helping me do that? :) :)
23:42.47Strom_Monly run SIP behind a NAT if you own stock in a headache pill manufacturer
23:42.55joebob777as7sorry for my extreme newbness
23:43.10jboti guess sipnat is for for more information about configurtion of Asterisk with SIP behind NAT, see
23:43.10joebob777as7I own a pharmacy does that count? lol
23:43.15WindBackjoebob777as7, xlite work fine, but sometimes it sound really bad
23:43.20WindBack(in linux
23:43.21Strom_Mjoebob777as7: your configs
23:43.40WindBackjoebob777as7, but in windows it really work  fine
23:44.03Strom_MWindBack: well then, ekiga really does blow dead yaks
23:45.11Strom_Maww, i hurt his feelings
23:45.45rob0Just think about the poor dead yaks.
23:45.53Strom_Mi know :/
23:51.01*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
23:51.10Strom_Mso are you done flooding me?
23:51.25Strom_Mbecause when I ask you to use pastebin, I don't mean "send me a million PMs"
23:51.27_VoiceMeUp_COMJun 23 19:50:55 WARNING[14968]: format_wav.c:183 check_header: Can only handle 16bits per sample: 1
23:51.39_VoiceMeUp_COMthat means.. 8k stereo ?
23:52.27Strom_M_VoiceMeUp_COM: you should know how ulaw/alaw companding works
23:52.49Strom_Mi mean, you /are/ an ITSP, right? :)
23:53.03Strom_Myou /do/ actually /know/ what you're working with, right?
23:53.20_VoiceMeUp_COMinstead of making fun of me you could help
23:53.24_VoiceMeUp_COMi didnt made the files
23:53.39_VoiceMeUp_COMso i dont know whate they where saved in
23:53.44Strom_Mi'm not making fun of you; i'm trying to ascertain whether you understand telephony
23:53.56_VoiceMeUp_COMand wats does a wav file have to do with this ?
23:54.02_VoiceMeUp_COManyhow nevermind i found out
23:54.13Strom_Mgo read ITU-T G.711
23:54.21Strom_Mmuch to be learned
23:55.39Strom_Mjoebob777as7: ok, so looking at your pastebin, you apparently didn't set externip, or localnet, or anything else you're supposed to set in order to run asterisk as a SIP server behind NAT
23:56.01Strom_Mjoebob777as7: furthermore, it looks like you're using trixbox
23:56.20jbotTrixbox is a full linux distro that includes , FreePBX, and other 3rd party add-ons. It is these things on top of which make it seriously painful to support and hence you will find little help here for it. Try asking in #trixbox , or their forums & WIKI at
23:57.15joebob777as7great since people have modified things to make them simpler there is no support. sweet
23:57.18*** part/#asterisk joebob777as7 (
23:57.44pipwerkno, there is support, just not at #asterisk
23:57.58pipwerkusefull, not :(
23:59.20Strom_Mwelcome to asterisk
23:59.22Strom_Mbrain required

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