IRC log for #asterisk on 20070621

00:00.10dijungali'm beginning to think sp
00:00.38*** join/#asterisk SwK (
00:01.45*** join/#asterisk Infested (n=infested@
00:01.47dijungali just tried "h323 set debug"
00:02.01dijungaland i'm callin in
00:02.20dijungalsame thing asteris just sits there
00:02.37JTi assume you've at least done some packet dumping
00:02.45dijungalyes i have
00:02.57CrashHDis 603 a normal sip return code for a busy line?
00:04.55*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
00:05.47*** join/#asterisk xpander4 (n=gaston@
00:10.45*** join/#asterisk _VoiceMeUp_COM (
00:10.52_VoiceMeUp_COMsorry was disc
00:11.07dijungali've added the tcpdump info
00:11.27JTis asterisk listening on the H.323 port?
00:13.08dijungalbut just to check how would u test to see if it is?
00:13.13JTprobably won't solve your problem, but this is a very bad idea:
00:13.26JTwell almost none of us use H.323
00:13.32dijungalwhat do u suggest?
00:13.44dijungalthat's why it's so hard to get support
00:14.00dijungali know i'm a SIP user myself.. this h.323 is beating me
00:14.15JTbut never use inband dtmf over a compressed codec
00:14.26dijungaland no buying a next cisco router not on my budget
00:14.40dijungali should use rfc2833
00:16.24*** join/#asterisk JerJer (n=PhatJ@pdpc/supporter/bronze/jerjer)
00:16.26JTdijungal: what's the ip of asterisk, and ip of the cisco?
00:17.20dijungalcisco -> asterisk ->
00:17.33*** part/#asterisk Nuitari (n=Nuitari@
00:18.08JTdijungal: i take it you didn't actually READ the tcpdump output
00:18.17JTjust nodded your head at it
00:19.22JTdijungal: it patently obvious at least what your first problem is from the tcpdump output
00:19.35dijungaltell me...
00:19.59dijungal" unreachable" ?
00:20.09JT208.45.130.100 unreachable - admin prohibited filter for IP
00:20.16JTswitch off the damned firewall.
00:20.28dijungalhuh.. firewall.. hmm..
00:20.34dijungalcan't remember having one
00:20.44JTiptables -L
00:21.23dijungalthat's clean
00:21.25dijungalno rules
00:21.34dijungaland i can ping that ip from the asterisk box
00:21.43JTping has no revelance
00:21.46*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
00:21.56JTit's probably a firewall on the cisco then
00:22.03dijungalohooo i thought cause it said "icmp"
00:22.07*** join/#asterisk BadPacket (n=NoCarrie@unaffiliated/badpacket)
00:22.27JTping only shows that pings is being permitted
00:23.06riddleboxcan someone help me I am trying to call another asterisk server from mine, and use its ivr, I cannot press any buttons though, nothing happens? I have dtmfmode=auto set and I can call other places and it works
00:23.23dijungali guess i need to open the 1720 port on the cisco.. actually i think there's an NS25 infront that cisco router.. i'll have to check
00:23.35JTusing what protocol and codec?
00:23.57JTdijungal: so you don't even know what the network setup is.... useful :P
00:24.18dijungallol... i'm not even in the same country
00:24.26dijungalnot even in the same continent .. lol
00:24.40dijungalvery :(
00:24.43*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
00:25.21dijungaloooh and i don't even control the cisco and firewall equipment...
00:25.21dijungalnow i gotta go to the network guy and convince him his cisco needs reconfiguring
00:25.22dijungalor firewall or something
00:25.39dijungali'm just making sure my asterisk end is covered
00:25.53dijungalthanks for the help tho :)
00:26.14*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
00:26.48JTit looks like you are receiving icmp message 36 back
00:26.55JTbut i can't tell what router is giving it
00:27.05JTso there's still a posibility it's on your network
00:28.58*** join/#asterisk breanna_ (
00:32.07diclophis-workhello all
00:32.11diclophis-workhow can i call in and listen to a call?
00:33.19[TK]D-Fenderdiclophis-work,  "show application chanspy"
00:35.26diclophis-workcan i spy on local channels?
00:45.04dijungalTKD-Fenfer: is there some program i can use to scan the ip to see what ports are open?
00:45.08[TK]D-FenderA channel is a channel is a channel
00:45.25[TK]D-Fenderdijungal, "netstat -an"
00:45.41dijungalno i mean scan the cisco router
00:45.46dijungalnot the asterisk
00:45.58[TK]D-Fenderdijungal, "name nmap"
00:46.06dijungalman nmap
00:46.11*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
00:46.39diclophis-workis it possible for an asterisk server to call itself over sip?
00:48.15_VoiceMeUp_COMJerJer you back ?
00:48.22_VoiceMeUp_COMdiclophis-work use LOCAL
00:48.33diclophis-workok cool
00:48.38diclophis-workbut that doesnt work with ChanSpy
00:48.50_VoiceMeUp_COMtought those 2 where bad nayhow
00:48.51diclophis-workthat is, i cant hear anything when i spy on two local channels connected to each other
00:48.54*** join/#asterisk Dert1cK (n=fan@
00:48.57Dert1cKHere there are girls?
00:49.09*** join/#asterisk Avochelm (
00:49.10_VoiceMeUp_COMyou could.. make a virtual meeting with ocnferences and one on mute
00:49.14_VoiceMeUp_COMand trasnfer parties there
00:49.21_VoiceMeUp_COMDert1cK this is not a dating channel ;)
00:49.26JTDert1cK: this is not a pickup channel
00:49.33Strom_Myou want #asstricks
00:49.34_VoiceMeUp_COMJT LOL beat you to it
00:50.08_VoiceMeUp_COMshow application Pickup
00:50.38Strom_M"Hey there...I'm here to punch my tool into your connecting block..."
00:50.39xpander4me /joins #asstricks !
00:51.58Dert1cKi Russian!! sorry ! I here first time
00:52.27Strom_MDert1cK: we talk about TELEPHONES here
00:52.36Strom_Mwhat the hell possessed you to ask about women? :)
00:52.57_VoiceMeUp_COMahahah Strom_M just got the annalogy
00:54.20JT"I'd like to punch that down, hard"
00:54.55Dert1cKStrom_M » And on what channel of the girl?
00:56.14_VoiceMeUp_COMtry #hoes or #girls
00:56.18_VoiceMeUp_COMdpeending on what you seek
00:56.19Strom_MDert1cK: well I suppose you could call the operator and ask her for the correct time
00:56.35Dert1cK_VoiceMeUp_COM » Be not dared over me
00:56.46Strom_M"For a good time, call 555-2368"    "For the correct time, call 0"
00:57.29breanna_Dert1cK: Go in #freenode and ask them... and stop sending me messages
00:58.03[TK]D-FenderStrom_M, .....867-5309 <-
00:59.35JTDert1cK: sad sad little man
01:00.52*** join/#asterisk sid (n=unstable@tor/regular/sid)
01:01.16flendersoh god, that was funny...
01:01.44flenderswhy on earth would someone join a channel called 'asterisk' and ask for girls?
01:01.45JT-!- Dert1cK [n=fan@] has joined #freenode
01:01.54JT< Dert1cK> hi all . Here there are girls?
01:01.59_VoiceMeUp_COMthat jenny's number
01:02.09_VoiceMeUp_COMi heard they blocke dit
01:02.16breanna_flenders: dunno... but he's askign in #freenode now
01:02.24_VoiceMeUp_COMeven people have voice reocrdings saying. hi this is jenny lol
01:02.30flenderswell, better than in here
01:02.35Strom_M_VoiceMeUp_COM: no, you can still get 867-5309 assigned if you're on an 837 exchange :)
01:03.14filewe have an 867 exchange here... but I doubt the telco would assign it
01:03.47Strom_Mfile: you should request the number
01:04.02Strom_Mhell, you know what my home number is, and I got that just by asking :)
01:04.12fileStrom_M: I would, if the SPA3102 could figure out incoming distinctive ring
01:04.31Strom_Mfile: but but but you don't have a tdm card? :D
01:04.55filewell, I do
01:06.13*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
01:06.29_VoiceMeUp_COMgot this
01:06.59*** join/#asterisk antlers (
01:07.16Strom_M_VoiceMeUp_COM: you've got DIDs in that block?
01:08.55_VoiceMeUp_COMgot lots lol
01:09.02Strom_M5309? :)
01:11.21Strom_Myeah, but you don't have 5309 in that prefix
01:11.26Strom_Mso what's the point
01:12.00_VoiceMeUp_COMi know
01:12.04_VoiceMeUp_COMchecked up to 416
01:12.06_VoiceMeUp_COMbut to long
01:12.15_VoiceMeUp_COMi nee da vanity tool for our stuff
01:12.22_VoiceMeUp_COMill get the programmers to write the module
01:12.29*** join/#asterisk CrashSys (
01:13.02*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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01:13.26CrashSysAny cable/telco guys out there used to working in a cloud? Http:// Any recommendations where to start? :D
01:15.25_VoiceMeUp_COMburn it all down
01:15.32CrashSysI like that idea
01:15.36JTdoes it help that my first thought was "that's fucked" ?
01:15.47CrashSysLet the insurance pay me to strip it building and re-run :D
01:15.57*** join/#asterisk phix (
01:16.13CrashSys (Evidently this is an approved wiring hanging method too)
01:16.21macTijnoh shit.
01:16.26CrashSyscheck out bc1.jpg and bc4.jpg for more fun
01:16.32_VoiceMeUp_COMlisten dude , you can pay men 150$ an hour to untangle.. total cost 50k
01:16.35macTijnwhere is that ?
01:16.36_VoiceMeUp_COMor burn the place down
01:16.40*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:17.06macTijnit scares me :(
01:17.09CrashSysA job where the guy has me working up a quote to bring the 200-pairs of demarc to a wiring closet and rewire the building with a kind of mesh-setup...
01:17.19macTijnlooks worse than my cage at level3
01:17.25CrashSysthere's only like 3 tenants in the building at the moment so there's not much active pairs to worry about...
01:17.43macTijnCrashSys: it's the active ones you have to worry about ;)
01:17.48CrashSysThat bc4.jpg box has like 5 25-pair cables terminating inside it... cant even see the binding posts/etc...
01:17.58Strom_Moh, well there's your problem:
01:18.06CrashSysmacTijn: Yeah... be nice to tell them they will be without for a week, and go have a vacation!
01:18.21Strom_MGuaranteed Trouble Everytime
01:18.25Strom_MGet Telephone Elsewhere
01:18.26CrashSysStrom: d00d, GTE hasn't existed in florida for like 6 years... it's verizon now... and that is the ONLY labeled pair in that box :)
01:18.27_VoiceMeUp_COMGT ?
01:18.31Strom_Mthe Great Telephone Experiment
01:18.38_VoiceMeUp_COMbout primus
01:18.43Strom_MCrashSys: it's still GTE, just with a different name :)
01:18.43_VoiceMeUp_COMmake on on theyr ass
01:18.56CrashSysPretty much
01:18.57_VoiceMeUp_COMcoz primus sucks
01:19.06CrashSysBut gives you an idea of how long ago that box was popped...
01:19.16macTijnGoddamned Telephony Engineers.
01:19.42CrashSysThat is obviously verizon's demarc for the building...
01:19.48_VoiceMeUp_COMGood Till Ends
01:19.55macTijnoff to bed with me
01:19.56macTijnnn all
01:19.57CrashSysI cant believe what cable installer ran them that way...
01:20.09CrashSysit's not even OSP cable... regular PVC Cat3
01:20.11*** join/#asterisk lisandropm (
01:21.43*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
01:22.08CrashSysAnyways, that is what happens when low-voltage comm installers are not required to be licensed :D
01:25.20*** join/#asterisk logyati (n=paulo@
01:32.49*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
01:33.35*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
01:38.01*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
01:42.23*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
01:42.47*** join/#asterisk sysreq (
01:42.57flendershey, has anyone here used those polycom conference bridges?
01:43.21flenderslike the soudstation EX?
01:45.38Strom_Mthat's not a conference bridge
01:45.41Strom_Mthat's a conference phone
01:46.02CrashSysLike an IP 4000 or whatever it is
01:50.39flendersStrom_M: and is it any good?
01:51.20Strom_Mpolycom makes the cream of the crop of conference phones :)
01:51.21flendersI don't think I know the difference between conference bridge and phone
01:51.27Strom_Ma phone is a phone
01:51.38Strom_Ma bridge is something within a telephone switch
01:51.42flenderslet me guess, a bridge is a bridge
01:51.50*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
01:57.09*** part/#asterisk sid (n=unstable@tor/regular/sid)
02:00.14CrashHDhow is everyone tonight?
02:03.12*** join/#asterisk CrashHD (n=timf@
02:16.07*** join/#asterisk lisandropm (
02:22.08*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
02:24.06*** join/#asterisk mog (
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02:24.54*** join/#asterisk SuperID (
02:25.19CrashHDdum de dum
02:25.26*** join/#asterisk Kaycut (
02:25.38*** join/#asterisk _DAW (
02:25.47Kaycutsome help is needed
02:26.24Kaycuthello anyone
02:26.34_DAWhi there
02:26.44CrashHDhave to ask a question before anyone can answer it?
02:31.14Kaycuti was outside
02:31.25Strom_Mno no, don't ask a question...let us GUESS what your problem is :)
02:31.49Kaycuti want to make an small enterprice providing voip service to customers
02:31.58Kaycutim in a small city
02:32.30Kaycuti want to give anyone a voip phone and they can make calls togheter
02:32.54Kaycuti dont want to use analog lines, just internet and just ip calls
02:33.07Kaycutcan i make this with asterisk?
02:33.31Kaycutdo i need a voip service provider to do this?
02:33.44[TK]D-FenderKaycut, You just said you wanted to BECOME one...
02:33.46Kaycuti speak spanish, and more or less english
02:33.58[TK]D-Fender(50$ on less)
02:34.07Kaycutof course
02:34.26Kaycuti want to become a voip provider but for free
02:34.27[TK]D-FenderKaycut, no, you do not need any other service providers unless you DESIRE them
02:34.45[TK]D-FenderKaycut, Then certainly you can be the central server for your little community.
02:34.53Kaycutok, i dont want to use terrain lines, do i explain?
02:35.02Kaycutfor example
02:35.23Kaycutyou have a ip phone and my neighbor another ip phne
02:35.25JTland lines
02:35.44Kaycutyou pick ip your phone and call him with a number that i give
02:35.57[TK]D-FenderKaycut, Yes, you can have it so everyone can call each other with them for free.
02:36.07[TK]D-FenderKaycut, exactly
02:36.11Kaycutjust with a internet conection
02:36.16Kaycutcan i do that?
02:36.23[TK]D-FenderKaycut, Yes, easily
02:36.34Kaycutim smiling
02:36.50Kaycutim new in this
02:36.54Kaycutnewbie one
02:36.58ZaVoidanyone use the h323chan for inbound calls?
02:37.04Strom_Mi'd recommend you hire a consultant :)
02:37.06[TK]D-FenderKaycut, here :
02:37.09jboti heard book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
02:37.19[TK]D-FenderKaycut, Start with.. THE BOOK.  Then move on to the WIKI
02:37.23jbotrumour has it, wikis is
02:37.28Kaycutzavoid, i dont understand that
02:37.34[TK]D-FenderStrom_M, He never said he was in a RUSH.
02:37.45Kaycutok wait
02:38.08Kaycutwaht about <ZaVoid> anyone use the h323chan for inbound calls?
02:38.09[TK]D-FenderKaycut, Go downlaod that free PDF book.  that should get you through a lot of the learning process.
02:38.29[TK]D-FenderKaycut, then when you want to learn some more on some specific parts of Asterisk, heck out the WIKI.
02:38.32Kaycuti have the book
02:39.03Kaycuti want to know two thinks
02:39.31Kaycutone: do i really need a land line to make calls betwen my customers using ip phones?
02:39.40Kaycuti guess that no
02:39.59JTno, why would you?
02:40.16ZaVoidor anyone use yate?
02:40.40JTZaVoid: wrong channel perhaps? :)
02:40.53ZaVoidnah :)
02:41.09ZaVoidi'd use yate to convert h.323 to sip and then send to my asterisk boxes i think
02:41.17JTmight work
02:41.24ZaVoidlol maybe
02:41.27JTsince asterisk is hopeless with H.323
02:41.45ZaVoidyeah and i need clients to be able to register via h.323 too :( user/pin blah blah
02:41.59*** join/#asterisk Kaycut (
02:42.44Kaycuti speak spanish and a little bit of ensglish
02:42.54Kaycutthat why im asking you zavoid
02:42.55[TK]D-FenderKaycut, We got that part already...
02:43.09Kaycuti know
02:43.15ZaVoidwhat are you asking me Kaycut ?
02:43.17[TK]D-FenderKaycut, and I don't think he is talking to YOU...
02:43.33ZaVoidi could talk to you
02:43.38ZaVoidhi Kaycut  how ya doing?
02:43.56[TK]D-FenderKaycut, No, you don't need a land-line.  You can just have it so they can call each other.  No special hardware or any lines needed for that.
02:44.11[TK]D-FenderKaycut, Just put an IP phone at each place and add them to your server.
02:44.15Kaycutcan i become a voip service providers without a land line just for ip lines clients
02:44.22[TK]D-FenderKaycut, YES
02:46.18JTKaycut: stop asking the same question over and over, it's really giving us the shits
02:46.29*** part/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
02:46.38*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
02:46.51ZaVoidi'm gonna lose my mind in lrqs.. back in a few
02:48.24*** join/#asterisk ^Rocket^ (
02:49.27*** join/#asterisk Kaycut (
02:49.33Kaycutsorry again
02:49.44Kaycuthow big the server have to be?
02:49.57Kaycuthow fast mi internet connection have to be?
02:50.31JThow about READING THE BOOK?
02:50.35JTand the wiki
02:50.38[TK]D-FenderKaycut, Depends on how many simultaneous calls, what codecs, etc.  You need to stop for a bit and do some reading.
02:50.44Kaycutim going there now
02:50.52^Rocket^[TK]D-Fender Hey
02:51.04Kaycutthanks a lot to everyone
02:52.12CrashHDany documentation available on the new call parking variable?
02:56.46*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
03:01.42^Rocket^How do I set asterisk to listen for SIP on prt 5060? I just installed a fresh server and asterisk, and 5060 doesn't seem to be open?
03:02.06[TK]D-Fender^Rocket^, "netstat -an"
03:02.54russellbum, if chan_sip is loaded, it listens on 5060 by default (UDP only)
03:03.29Strom_Mrussellb: I have a mega-nub question: what is the default password for the aadk again? :)
03:04.16*** join/#asterisk stkn__ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
03:04.34^Rocket^russellb chan_sip shows a 0 in the right most column when I do a "show modules" in the console
03:04.59russellbthat's normal
03:05.00^Rocket^but "load chan_sip" says it already exists
03:05.23^Rocket^so with my fresh install, should I configure a sip device next?
03:05.28russellb0 just means the use count ... you can't unload it when it is non-zero
03:05.40^Rocket^what's the easiest next baby step to take in setting my system up?
03:06.13russellbdepends what you're trying to do :)
03:06.38russellbreading the book or wiki on the topic you're interested in is where most people go
03:06.44jbotit has been said that thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
03:06.57^Rocket^for now, setup a sip phone, I already got a config for connecting to vonage softphone service
03:07.11^Rocket^I have the Oreilly book
03:07.28^Rocket^I reread a chapter the other night
03:07.36^Rocket^pages 50-100
03:08.20[TK]D-Fender^Rocket^, just keep reading. You're nowhere until you've gone through Chapter 5 at least twice :)
03:08.57^Rocket^I had a setup a year ago for a telesip account I had for a few months
03:09.17^Rocket^it's hard to see the big picture
03:09.41*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
03:10.18*** join/#asterisk MrTelephone (
03:11.29MrTelephoneI was having all these overrun issues with my card. Turns out you HAVE to use the telcos t1 timing if you hook up a channel bank to the second port on the dual t1 a102d card
03:11.43[TK]D-Fender^Rocket^, Configure your sip phone so it can connect.  Setup a basic dialplan so you can prove yuo did it right.  Make some extens to dial your phone devices, access VM, etc.  Then add your ITSP.  Make extens to let you dial out and handle calls coming in.
03:11.56MrTelephonefender, do you mess with vlans alot?
03:12.16[TK]D-FenderMrTelephone, nope, not at all
03:12.19MrTelephonecan the computer behind the polycom 501 be on a different vlan?
03:12.25ZaVoidanyone using 1.4.5?
03:12.52MrTelephone1.2.12 is hard enough to get working :P
03:14.52*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
03:15.09[TK]D-FenderMrTelephone, I presume so.
03:18.15*** part/#asterisk mog (
03:19.17*** join/#asterisk SirThomas_Home (
03:22.13ZaVoidmeh everyversion i have crashes
03:22.17ZaVoidunder load
03:27.12*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
03:29.11MrTelephonethe polycom phones don't tag the PC taffic with a vlanid
03:33.19[TK]D-FenderMrTelephone, meaning the PC is left to deal with its OWN LVAN settings
03:33.56MrTelephoneit said the pc will be on the native vlan which is what is configured on the switch
03:34.20MrTelephonebut if you configure port 18 for vlan 3 and u set the phone for vlan 4 traffic.. would the switch overwrite the vlan or disgard the frame?
03:35.01*** join/#asterisk Cabal_ (n=Cabal@unaffiliated/cabal)
03:35.19MrTelephonefrom the frame
03:35.35MrTelephonei have some linksys managed switch so im downloading the manual to find out
03:36.02MrTelephoneI had a problem with vlans earlier where the cable modem was seeing macs on the other side of a swithc with a different vlan
03:36.39JTheh, only a lowend managed switch i guess
03:37.14MrTelephonewell you still think it would work somewhat
03:37.30*** join/#asterisk elGuille (n=guillerm@
03:37.46elGuillehelo, sorry
03:37.56MrTelephoneno making fun jt
03:38.02JThello if you want to be technical :)
03:38.06MrTelephoneits a poe switch that was 700 bucks
03:38.14JTbargain ;)
03:38.17MrTelephoneciscos version was 3 grand
03:38.25JTeverything that does PoE costs heaps at the moment
03:38.39MrTelephone24 port poe is 700
03:38.58MrTelephonei went to a cisco thing and they said the new wireless protocol eats up more juice than poe will allow
03:39.07JTi like procurve but damn it's expensive
03:39.13MrTelephonenever heard of it
03:39.19JThp procurve
03:39.29MrTelephoneoh yeah I like those too
03:39.30JTthe only switches i know of with lifetime warranties
03:39.33MrTelephonehp crap lasts forever
03:41.02MrTelephonethe cisco guy had a webcam feed coming through his 7960
03:41.11MrTelephoneis that just xml to tell the phone to goto a certain webpage?
03:41.34JTeither that or it's a video phone
03:41.40JTi think the 7960 is video
03:42.10*** join/#asterisk bbryant_ (
03:42.37MrTelephonethe cisco guy said they programed it in "XML"
03:42.45MrTelephonei thought XML was just a bunch of settings
03:42.56JTit's a markup language
03:43.01JTsome people using it for settings
03:43.25MrTelephonebut you can only do what the phone will support, as for settings?
03:43.31MrTelephoneunless you make your own firmware too?
03:43.49[TK]D-Fender24 Port PoE = $370 USD <-
03:44.00JTobviously you can only do something that the phone is capable of
03:44.17MrTelephonetrue enough
03:44.25MrTelephoneit will only do what it can do@
03:44.45*** join/#asterisk Rakko (
03:46.09MrTelephonelinksys manual download has been broken for days its really starting to piss me off
03:46.15MrTelephonenevemrind it load
03:52.52*** join/#asterisk Bilbolodz (
03:53.30BilbolodzHi all
03:53.58*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (n=leon@
03:54.13BilbolodzI need help with asterisk 1.4 and codec transcoding
03:58.33*** join/#asterisk ghento (
03:58.58_VoiceMeUp_COM7960 not video mate
03:59.01_VoiceMeUp_COM7970 maybe
03:59.32*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
04:03.41BilbolodzMy problem is: Asterisk 1.4.5 when codes conversion is needed (G726-G711a/u) sound is choppy. Asterisk 1.2.19 on the same server with near the same configuration is working properlly
04:05.58*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
04:06.29BilbolodzMore detail in my case:
04:06.34BilbolodzPlease help me
04:07.03^Rocket^[TK]D-Fender so far so, got the zyxel to register and call VM, thanks for your help
04:07.14^Rocket^[TK]D-Fender I'll reread chap 5 tomorrow
04:10.15*** join/#asterisk jetlagmk2 (
04:27.27*** join/#asterisk kn0x (n=pinochle@
04:27.52kn0xanyone have know how to get ztdummy working in a openVZ VPS?
04:30.50kn0xthat doesnt help
04:30.56kn0xis it possible?
04:31.31JTvirtualisation often doesn't play nice with ast
04:31.44kn0xsee i tried to switch to openpbx/callweaver, but then I couldn't use g729 :(
04:32.00kn0xso i have to choose between g729 and meetme
04:32.40*** join/#asterisk hi365_m (
04:32.44JTchoose between them?
04:33.05hi365_mhello. does asterisk 1.4 write queue log's to mysql?
04:33.28kn0xJT- yes
04:33.35kn0xI need meetme AND g729
04:33.58kn0xopenpbx's Nconference was a perfect meetme alternative, but I cant do g729 on opbx
04:34.40kn0xand I can't get ztdummy to work for me so I cant use asterisk w/ meetme
04:35.14JTmust it run in openvz?
04:35.37kn0xyes, my thats my VPS
04:36.10JTwell you have a few options
04:36.25JTeither offload the conferencing (or g.729) elsewhere
04:36.29JTuse app_conference
04:36.34JTor get ztdummy to work
04:40.02kn0xapp_conference doesn't do announcements,kick/mute,ec.
04:40.15kn0xthose r the features I need
04:41.42kn0xJT, does app_conference support those features?
04:41.49*** join/#asterisk Rakko (
04:42.21hi365_mdoes asterisk 1.4 write queue log's to mysql?
04:44.26Strom_Mhahahahaah, this is so cool - I'm finally getting the appliance to do things :)
04:45.37*** join/#asterisk sid (n=unstable@tor/regular/sid)
04:46.04sidI wanted someone from asterisk/involved with asterisk to come to my local GNU/Linux Users Group in New York and talk about asterisk. Where is a good place to ask?
04:46.18sidShould I just hit the mailing list, or call up digium.. or what do you guys recommend?
04:46.39*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
04:47.41JTsid: the best bet would be to find people who use asterisk in new york
04:48.01sidJT I didn't see that listed on
04:49.21JTsee what listed?
04:49.55sidAn asterisk New York user group
04:50.23sido, you mean find people who user asterisk in New York.. that's what I'm doing now.
04:52.04JTright :)
04:52.18JTthere aren't many asterisk user groups around anyway
04:53.00Strom_MI live in Los Angeles, but hell, if you fly me out, I'm happy to talk to you guys :)
04:53.58*** part/#asterisk hi365_m (
04:59.21*** join/#asterisk steliosk (n=Stelios@
05:03.24*** join/#asterisk antlers (
05:04.12russellbsid: /wi9
05:04.24russellbignore that.
05:06.03russellbquick, i need a feature request, i feel like coding ...
05:07.32_VoiceMeUp_COMwas a fast asnwer
05:08.27russellbhow about something i can do in an hour or less :-p
05:08.36russellbor, at all ...
05:09.15jqlyes, count me in for a fax vote
05:09.59russellbgah, you people and your serious requests ...
05:10.14jqlYou wanted something fun?
05:10.16jqlI got that
05:10.39jqlMake the hold music take a [list of] filename[s]
05:10.51russellbinstead of a directory?
05:11.08russellbwhat's wrong with creating a directory and putting symlinks in it?  :)
05:11.21jqland, perhaps even a dynamic program
05:11.34JTmaybe it could regonise .pls files? ;)
05:11.41jqlsox -abcdef file.mystery |
05:12.41jqlI'm mainly cursing the music classes
05:12.53jqlsince I can't actually generate them beforehand
05:13.21JTit should probably also specify the delay before callback
05:13.29_VoiceMeUp_COMand retries
05:13.46_VoiceMeUp_COMczuse the whole call file crap is not to good.. chanllocal is bad and also well system too fast
05:13.51russellbyou can do that with a System() call that echoes a few lines to a call file
05:14.17russellbwhat's wrong with call files?  :)
05:14.25_VoiceMeUp_COMyeah but while your cell for example still sounds the congestion ( not to get biled by telco ) well asterisk is already sedning the call and getting a busy and your VM
05:14.30_VoiceMeUp_COMtoo fast
05:14.45russellbput a Wait in the callback extension before the dial
05:14.49jqlI like call files. They're almost as useful as manager api business
05:14.49_VoiceMeUp_COMapp call back should WAIT for hte current channel to be closed..wait 1 sec then call out and bridge nativelya ro wahtever
05:14.51russellbfor like 5 seconds or whatever
05:14.55_VoiceMeUp_COMbut not using LOCAL as channel
05:15.10_VoiceMeUp_COMi did
05:15.23russellbyou could also write the call file in the 'h' extension
05:15.37russellbsave off the parameters to channel variables to be written from there
05:15.43_VoiceMeUp_COMwait 7
05:15.50jqlyeah, I'd be using the h extension
05:15.53russellbthat would wait until the call is down before doing the callback
05:15.53_VoiceMeUp_COMalso weird stuff happens on chan local i think
05:16.38JTone of the easiest ways to do reliable callback is with system() and a bash script
05:16.50_VoiceMeUp_COMwaht i did
05:17.05_VoiceMeUp_COMcallback makes the file etc
05:17.18_VoiceMeUp_COMouts to callback ocntext.. waits 7 dials SER
05:17.30jqlhave the agi set a variable named CALLBACK_NUM
05:17.36_VoiceMeUp_COMother leg goes to tiemout digit 7 , response 10 , DISA
05:17.47FreezeShey guys
05:17.59FreezeSI've got a big problem with queues
05:18.11FreezeSit adds a line to the CDR for every attempt to dial an agent
05:18.26FreezeSand I only need one line per incomming call
05:18.28jqlFreezeS: Does the CDR have a call duration?
05:18.42jqlbecause you need to ignore CDRs with a 0 duration regardless
05:18.45russellbi mean, they *are* attempted calls.
05:18.49FreezeSjql: sometimes it has 3 seconds
05:18.55jqlokay, that bites
05:18.58_VoiceMeUp_COMah i found why dtmf no go
05:19.13FreezeSbut most of them are with NO ANSWER or BUSY
05:19.16_VoiceMeUp_COMusing sip and instead of context/exten im using app and data ..with a macro
05:19.26FreezeSand it really messes up the CDRs
05:20.04FreezeSthe line it adds for the incomming call is perfect, I get the CLI, the queue and the answering agent
05:20.16_VoiceMeUp_COMmake the call NOCDR or whatever or amaflag(documentation) and act on that
05:20.17FreezeSI just don't need all that garbage in the cdrs
05:20.38_VoiceMeUp_COMshow application NoCDR
05:20.43_VoiceMeUp_COMright before the Queue(
05:20.54FreezeS_VoiceMeUp_COM: I had about 3 NoCDR calls in the dialed context
05:21.00FreezeSand I still got CDRs for it :(
05:21.13_VoiceMeUp_COMsome one should say the inverse would be bad
05:21.16_VoiceMeUp_COMbut in your case
05:21.19FreezeSthen I changed it to dial only sip
05:21.32FreezeSand still getting the same amount of CDRs
05:21.41_VoiceMeUp_COMah you using lcoal in queues ?
05:21.45_VoiceMeUp_COMlocal i mean
05:21.49FreezeSfirst I did that
05:22.00FreezeSnow I'm using sip\user
05:22.08FreezeSthought it will fix it
05:22.19FreezeSalthough I still need local
05:22.29FreezeSI have a setup with 3 boxes
05:22.57_VoiceMeUp_COMyou have no C in the dial options to get there right ?
05:23.27FreezeSwhat do you mean ?
05:23.47_VoiceMeUp_COMnevermind lol waht your AST verison
05:24.05FreezeSbleeding edge technology :)
05:25.09jqlThe bleeding edge is the awesome edge
05:25.55FreezeSand another problem is that on theese CDRs I don't even have a cli
05:26.10FreezeSand I don't know to what queue they actually belong to
05:26.18FreezeSthe cli was there in 1.4.0
05:26.30FreezeSbut when I upgraded, they thought it isn't necesarry
05:35.45_VoiceMeUp_COMa normal ping is 1 sec interval right ?
05:36.59_VoiceMeUp_COMhehe reboot time
05:37.24_VoiceMeUp_COMman some of these boxes up for 60 days.. i guess leakage could be cleaned .. 48 sec reboots is good ..
05:37.51[hC]i should probably reboot some of my main soft switches
05:37.55[hC]theyve been up for ~300 days
05:38.00[hC]i wonder how im doing with memory leaks.
05:38.02_VoiceMeUp_COMtalk about leaks
05:38.09_VoiceMeUp_COMAST 1.2.17 is not leaking at leas
05:38.17[hC]it went from i think.. 1.2.4 up to 1.2.15
05:40.28_VoiceMeUp_COMVIRT 16688 RES 7088 SHR 4236
05:41.24_VoiceMeUp_COMopenpbx 109652 6876
05:41.27_VoiceMeUp_COMlots more
05:41.50_VoiceMeUp_COM25 process of SER's  51472 16096
05:42.00JT[hC]: they run asterisk?
05:42.55[hC]JT: what?
05:43.08JTthe softswitches?
05:43.27[hC]JT: the boxes i use to act as a voice gateway to and from all my clients and the pstn (via pri or sip/iax) yes, run asterisk
05:43.39[hC]as opposed to a cisco or something.
05:43.48_VoiceMeUp_COMand VM and IVR
05:43.54[hC]well no
05:43.57JTsurprised they stay up for 300days
05:44.00[hC]my clients all have their own pbx
05:44.02_VoiceMeUp_COMwe use cisco /yate/freeswitch/opb and asterisk
05:44.02JTwith no asterisk restarts
05:44.08_VoiceMeUp_COMi guess if another one comes out ill find a use for i
05:44.31[hC]the box im talking about runs asterisk and all it does is handoffs to PRI or clients via IAX
05:44.38[hC]or, voip peers for some LD termination via SIP
05:44.50[hC]and nope, no need for asterisk restarts yet.
05:45.04JTlucky :)
05:45.05[hC]the box does nothing but act as a router for all calls.
05:45.12_VoiceMeUp_COMthink zaptel needs a refresh once in a while
05:45.15[hC]actually it does some light ivr too
05:45.17_VoiceMeUp_COMor wanrouter
05:45.23[hC]i use sangoma
05:45.26[hC]havent had to restart it
05:45.32_VoiceMeUp_COMyeah me neither stable
05:45.32[hC]ive upgraded the driver a couple times
05:45.34_VoiceMeUp_COMwhat version ?
05:45.41[hC]lets see what am i running right now
05:45.46_VoiceMeUp_COMWANPIPE Release: 2.3.4-4
05:46.08_VoiceMeUp_COMneed to upgrade its -10 now
05:46.10_VoiceMeUp_COMbut im scared
05:46.12[hC]WANPIPE Release: 2.3.4-4
05:46.18_VoiceMeUp_COMhate to recompile all if all fails
05:46.23[hC]I average 20-25 calls a day via PRI
05:46.28_VoiceMeUp_COMyeah 4-4 isstable for me so no need to upg
05:46.33[hC]not a day
05:46.39JToh, that's very low volume
05:46.40_VoiceMeUp_COMwas like WTh
05:46.41[hC]per day
05:46.50[hC]I usually fill a pri and a half with this box at peak
05:46.55[hC]average channel usage is 10-20 channel range.
05:47.01[hC]thats pri only
05:47.04_VoiceMeUp_COMwaht area you in ?
05:47.09[hC]canada. vancouver.
05:47.24_VoiceMeUp_COMwished you where in sherbrooke QC
05:47.31_VoiceMeUp_COMthat darn 819 is our next stop
05:47.31*** part/#asterisk sid (n=unstable@tor/regular/sid)
05:47.37_VoiceMeUp_COMno one and i mean no one has qual there
05:47.45[hC]looks like i restarted asterisk on this box a week ago
05:47.51[hC]oh thats when i added another pri
05:47.56[hC]wonder what it was before that.. heh!
05:48.03JTdo you use NFAS?
05:48.05[hC]im running
05:48.15[hC]JT: I guess not, I dont know what NFAS is.
05:48.27[hC]maybe i just dont know the acronym
05:48.30JTNon Facility Associated Signalling
05:48.38JTshared D channels amongst PRIs
05:48.41[hC]no i dont
05:48.42[hC]on purpose.
05:48.57[hC]i have 1 dchannel per pri, but the telco rolls over from one to the other for inbound
05:49.01_VoiceMeUp_COMits neat
05:49.09[hC]so in an emergency i can move the second pri to another box
05:49.24_VoiceMeUp_COMits like ss7 live call switching to another free B channel in case one pri goes down
05:49.34_VoiceMeUp_COMAny hard failure causes a switchover to the backup D channel and currently connected calls remain connected.
05:49.45_VoiceMeUp_COMUse of a single D channel to control multiple PRI interfaces can free one B channel on each interface to carry other traffic.
05:49.47[hC]i didnt wawnt to have a restriction where both pri's relied ont he same dchannel and were not separable
05:49.51*** join/#asterisk kaycut (
05:49.59_VoiceMeUp_COMdont think they are
05:50.02JTare you sure it can live switch an active call if a pri fails?
05:50.06_VoiceMeUp_COMthin kthey grou pthe D's in a gorup
05:50.08*** join/#asterisk unfo (
05:50.11_VoiceMeUp_COMand they can talk to eachotehr
05:50.13[hC]maybe i just dont understand it well enough, but it sounded scary.
05:50.18kaycuti need an answer
05:50.23JTyou need a minimum of 2 D channels for NFAS
05:50.27_VoiceMeUp_COMJT check my link
05:50.30[hC]the telco had asked me if i wanted to have both pri's "share a dchannel" or each have their own
05:50.35[hC]i opted for independent
05:50.45JTbut i see the advantage of [hC]'s setup
05:50.54JTespecially if the telco fixes stuff at their end
05:51.01_VoiceMeUp_COMin an NFAS group with a primary D channel and a backup D
05:51.08kaycutin asterisk when a call is stablish it use server bandwith?
05:51.15JT_VoiceMeUp_COM: i doubt asterisk supports live B switching
05:51.19_VoiceMeUp_COMso i guess PRI 1 with D and uses pri 2 channel D  as backup
05:51.20[hC]i dont think i have channel failover on their end, i just have rollover to the second pri's first bchannel if the first pri fills up.
05:51.23_VoiceMeUp_COMand reverse for PRI2 etc
05:51.37_VoiceMeUp_COMwell if its hardware
05:51.40_VoiceMeUp_COMmaybe no ?
05:51.42JT_VoiceMeUp_COM: no, one is primary for the group, the others are backups
05:51.50_VoiceMeUp_COMlike on the zaptel layer or wanpipe ?
05:51.51[hC]I'm a network engineer turned voice guy, so im learning some of this stuff as i go :)
05:52.07_VoiceMeUp_COMah its like instaead of 10 pris
05:52.08JTyou can only start getting more B channels on traffic per PRI at > 2 PRIs
05:52.12_VoiceMeUp_COMyou put 1 big with 230 channels
05:52.18_VoiceMeUp_COMand 10 d's all backed to eachother
05:52.29_VoiceMeUp_COMso if anyone goes down thye reassign to liv eones
05:52.48JTyeah but people often get extra B channels in large groups, instead of unnecessary Ds
05:53.00_VoiceMeUp_COMah true
05:53.06_VoiceMeUp_COMsince its the D that ocntrolls all
05:53.57*** join/#asterisk LooOD (
05:54.05[hC]i need to pick up a book or find a resource online to learn more about the technology behind telco circuits
05:54.09kaycutis there any form to do not use server bandwith in a call?
05:54.18[hC]i understand IP, ethernet, fiber, and routing protocols. :)
05:54.19_VoiceMeUp_COMi think its better to have the caririer hav ehtem failover
05:54.32_VoiceMeUp_COMso.. if pri1 goes down.. they send traffic to other btn
05:54.37[hC]kaycut: i have no idea what you're asking.
05:54.55kaycuti will came back tomorrow
05:54.59kaycutsee yous
05:55.14[hC]... i just meant i didnt understand his english, but okay
05:55.37LooODUsing xlite, when I check voice, it just calls myself and ask me to leave a message. Any ideas what I configured wrong?
05:56.32JT[hC]: i suppose the painful way would be to go to and start reading recommendations (standards) cover to cover ;)
05:56.48[hC]ya.... no thanks :)
05:56.50JTthere's a few good books available
05:58.36*** join/#asterisk breanna_ (
05:58.55JTprobably depends what you want to learn too
05:59.17breanna_What cool things will be in 1.6?
05:59.55*** join/#asterisk RyanW (
06:00.44RyanWHello, i have a few snom 360's that i've setup using http provisioning, when the phones boot up they prompt the users to enter a password. If the user hits OK it will alter the sip password and cause the phone to not register.
06:01.15RyanWHow do i stop my phones prompting the user and just use the sip password as specified in the http provisioning.
06:02.33ltdwkif it is prompting them it's because they didnt correctly receive their line settings
06:03.06ltdwkbut you should also set
06:03.10ltdwklogon_wizard: off
06:03.16ltdwkin your provisinoing config
06:03.41RyanWthanks, mine was set to on.
06:05.34RyanW is the provisioning, i disabled the logon wizard but they're still prompting
06:06.04`Seanwhats was that Area code not listed in NANPA the goverment One
06:06.06`Seani keep frogeting
06:06.07ltdwklike i said
06:06.16ltdwkyour info isnt getting to the phones
06:06.19*** part/#asterisk unfo (
06:06.48RyanWltdwk, i just updated the logon wizard setting through my provisioning and saw it take effect with a refresh of the settings.htm page in my phone
06:06.48ltdwkyou shouldn't have the & inside your config
06:06.51ltdwkor $
06:07.01_VoiceMeUp_COMSean you found a place to hack with forged accounts ?
06:07.31`SeanIM trying to get the US goverment Area code
06:07.33`Seani forgot what it was
06:07.33_VoiceMeUp_COMsoudned like a hacker leet question
06:08.01RyanWltdwk, i just removed the & from my config but its still prompting.
06:08.08Strom_M`Sean: 700
06:08.12Strom_Mer, no
06:08.14Strom_M710 :)
06:08.20_VoiceMeUp_COMpm me
06:08.22ltdwkryanw: the & in the "settings" page indicates the setting was obtained from provisioning, do you see them in your config for the setings in that file ?
06:08.47`Seanthanks steliosk
06:08.52`Seanthanks Strom_M
06:09.47*** join/#asterisk waptaxi (
06:10.17`SeanArea code 710 is the United States area code reserved to the Federal government of the United States. As of December 2006 it has only one working number, 710-NCS-GETS (710-627-4387), which requires a special access code to use.
06:10.45RyanWi read on the snom wiki that ! means reset at boot, & means wont reset at boot and there was another symbol which meant read only.
06:11.35ltdwkryanw: my experience leads me to believe that & indicates the setting was obtained from provisioning
06:12.27RyanWltdwk, I'll go investigate and get back to you, i think if you don't specify either a $ or & in your config file then & will be the default
06:12.57ltdwkryanw: possibly
06:13.16ltdwkryanw: settings obtained from provisioning are read only by default I think
06:14.13ltdwkryanw: either way it's a good way to tell if your settings have actually come from the provisioning config
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06:14.51ltdwki found the only times i ever had the logon wizard pop up were when the phone was not able to obtain its settings from the server
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06:15.11ltdwk(specifically the user line settings)
06:15.30ltdwkas soon as they are set, the logon wizard never pops up
06:17.39RyanWltdwk, i just discovered that one my phones is now working but some others aren't and your suspission was correct, its not updating from the server.
06:18.11ltdwkcheck to make sure you've programmed the MACs correctly into your scripts or file names
06:18.29RyanWltdwk, "Hints for setting files" covers the various symbols
06:19.06ltdwkryanw: yeah... i've read that many times... however, in my experience the only things i set in provisioning are the ones i don't want changed
06:19.48ltdwkand there's no way through the gui to make a setting read only i've seen, so all settings, unless otherwise specified with ! or $, will be made read only from provisioning
06:20.20RyanWmy users are going to be less tech-savy so i'm going to fix some settings and set some others to default but allow the users to change them.
06:25.54ltdwkmine are in no way tech savvy which is why i make everything read only
06:27.37LooODHow are you suppose to check your voicemail?
06:30.12*** join/#asterisk syneus (
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06:43.44BilbolodzMy problem is: Asterisk 1.4.5 when codes conversion is needed (G726-G711a/u) sound is choppy. Asterisk 1.2.19 on the same server with near the same configuration is working properlly, can anynone help me?
06:46.44*** part/#asterisk philippel (
06:53.35*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
06:59.28DarKnesS_WolFi have something in mind .. now let us say that i have one sip phone with one sip accountcode and i want to assgin many passwords for the same phone....
06:59.31DarKnesS_WolFhow to do so ?
06:59.43DarKnesS_WolFcan the sip account has many account codes ?
07:00.27Strom_Mwhy would you want to assign many passwords?
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07:01.49DarKnesS_WolFso many users will use it and then i can track back there calls
07:02.00DarKnesS_WolFthe idea is how i can check this into the CDR...
07:02.25Strom_Myou want to give each user their own account
07:02.42DarKnesS_WolFwhat do u mean ?
07:02.52DarKnesS_WolFi have only one SIP phone with one sip account they will use...
07:03.05_VoiceMeUp_COMuser CDRUSERFIELD
07:03.08_VoiceMeUp_COMi mean user
07:03.10Strom_Mand they're all using the same physical telephone set?
07:03.10_VoiceMeUp_COMi mean use
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07:03.17DarKnesS_WolFStrom_M: yes
07:03.28_VoiceMeUp_COMah no.. hmm
07:03.29DarKnesS_WolF_VoiceMeUp_COM: yes i have this idea but i want to check if there is anyother way ..
07:03.33Strom_Mis this phone in a brothel or something?
07:03.56DarKnesS_WolFStrom_M: in what ?
07:03.59_VoiceMeUp_COMwahts a brothel ?
07:04.15_VoiceMeUp_COMun bordel
07:04.19_VoiceMeUp_COMhoe house ?
07:04.33_VoiceMeUp_COMfirst time i hear htat name
07:04.50Strom_M_VoiceMeUp_COM: where are you?
07:05.00_VoiceMeUp_COMThe word brothel is from Middle English, and stems from from 'brothen', the past participle of 'brethen', meaning 'to waste away' or 'to go to ruin',
07:05.03_VoiceMeUp_COMlol  Canada
07:05.18_VoiceMeUp_COMi guess that also defines Mariage
07:05.37Strom_Myou know, I should buy you a dictionary or something
07:05.51Strom_Myou don't know the word brothel and you can't spell marriage :)
07:05.54_VoiceMeUp_COMThanks ;) its not my first language
07:05.59Strom_Mah ok
07:06.05_VoiceMeUp_COMyeah i spelled it in french
07:06.32_VoiceMeUp_COMthe point of communication is to get yourself understood.. ;)
07:06.46_VoiceMeUp_COMtehe point of being a teacher is doing it well
07:07.02_VoiceMeUp_COMi could actualy type i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg
07:07.06_VoiceMeUp_COMand you would understand
07:07.52*** part/#asterisk harlequin516 (
07:08.26Strom_Muh yeah, that parses as gibberish
07:10.17*** join/#asterisk achu (n=achu@
07:13.43*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
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07:23.18zeeeshnobody is there ?
07:24.19Strom_Mall dead here
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07:34.26achucan anybody help me to configure the jivetel trunk ?
07:35.05tengulreachu: what's the jivetel? a hardware?
07:35.25achusorry its same as a broadvoice connection
07:35.45achuI mean a telephone line
07:37.36*** join/#asterisk dikdust (
07:37.58tengulreI think people are sleeping!
07:39.30achuDovid told me that jivetel is very good than broadvoice
07:39.39achuso I want to try that
07:40.20*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
07:41.02zeeeshright now if u guys superior than me
07:41.21zeeeshthen will anybody guide about parameter "s"
07:41.52zeeeshcoz i hv a DID .. configured at asterisk-1.4.4
07:42.17achuThe "s" extension is used when there is no known called number in the context used
07:42.23zeeeshi use this way ... for call out ..
07:42.49zeeeshexten => 55555,1,Answer
07:43.12zeeeshexten => _X.,2,WaitExten(15)
07:43.41JTyou always need a 1 priority unless some other context calls a priority specifically
07:44.03zeeeshexten => _x.,3,Dial(sip/${EXTEN}@ibasis)
07:44.12zeeeshworking fine
07:44.24zeeeshhow to replace these with "s"
07:44.28JTyou must have forgotten to paste the priority 1 line then
07:51.40dikdusthi, someone has tried to put italian language in 1.2.x ? For me doesn't work
07:54.48snuffy22hmm.. is it just me or is down? works.. is negative function
07:56.07snuffy22just when i wanted to look at bug ids too :(
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08:18.21*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source Telephony Application Platform -=- Asterisk 1.2.19 and 1.4.5 (June 15, 2007) *-addons 1.2.7 and 1.4.2 (June 18, 2007) -=- Join #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW and Asterisk-GUI info -=- Join #asterisk-commits to monitor svn changes -=- Join #freepbx for freepbx/#trixbox for trixbox support.
08:43.53key2if I have a .ko, how can I tell linux to automatically modprobe it when booting
08:46.05tzafrirkey2, on which distro?
08:46.37tzafrire.g.: on debian, add it to /etc/modules
08:47.39key2tzafrir: thats what I did
08:48.27key2tzafir: mmh centos ?
08:48.50tzafrirwhich module is it?
08:49.08tzafrirI'm not aware of an equivalent
08:49.53key2for BRI
08:49.57key2with bristuff
08:50.11key2so everytime am forced to rmmod all the zaptel, modprobe it
09:01.49*** join/#asterisk berktr (
09:02.02berktrwhat happens if i set nat=yes and use that peer without nat
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09:12.54n3glvanyone here know polycom 500's ?
09:13.37s0cklo n3glv
09:13.52n3glvI got a poly 500
09:13.58s0ckand i don't, mi scuzi
09:14.04n3glvI think I have a dialplan issue
09:14.05s0ckhaving fun with it? :D
09:14.08*** join/#asterisk matsk (n=mk@
09:14.11n3glvcan't dial * prefix on calls
09:14.11*** join/#asterisk mattfletcher (
09:14.24s0ckwhat you use * for
09:14.31n3glvso, if I want features that start with star
09:15.03n3glvor whatever, I can't do them
09:15.03s0ck*79 etc
09:15.03n3glvasterisk 1.4.4
09:15.03n3glvright, *43 etc
09:15.03s0cknot a dtmf issue is it?
09:15.11n3glvgo's into   to:
09:15.18n3glvlike trying to dial sip
09:16.24mattfletcherCan anyone answer this: If I receive a call, and then use the transfer button on my SIP phone (an aastra 480i) to put the call through to another extension, is there any way of retrieving the first call's caller id within the dial plan of the second call?
09:16.38s0cki just hooked a box up to a bri circuit but the number refuses to ring inbound
09:16.50s0ckbt reckon an isdn circuit wont ring unless a handset/pbx is attached
09:17.03s0ckit is attached... so wondering if i got something wrong here
09:17.11s0ckb410p is showing a green light too on the port :s
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09:25.26berktrmattfletcher, tell me if you can figure out how because i was looking for the same
09:25.29JTs0ck: is anything coming up in the cli upon an incomikng call?
09:27.29mattfletcherberktr: i bet a lot of people are. i want my systray cid client to use the true incoming number rather than the receptionist's number. if i don't find a way, i'm thinking of hacking it a bit with DB sets on one call and somehow working out that the next call is made immedaitely after. Or something.
09:27.42s0ckJT: i see nothing for any incoming call
09:27.54s0ckyou dial the number from outside, it doesn't even attempt to ring, just goes to a dead tone
09:28.10s0cki was convinced it was a bt fault but the tech was telling me otherwise...
09:29.55JTi'm betting you are using pile of bugs, i mean misdn :P
09:30.09s0ckfollowing the digium guide
09:30.14s0ckit does indeed say to use misdn
09:30.19s0ckdidn't realise there was an alternative
09:30.26JTnot sure if the digium card works with bristuff or not
09:30.28*** join/#asterisk andyd (
09:30.34s0ckthing is
09:30.34JThaven't heard of anyone trying
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09:30.40s0ckwhen i dial out
09:30.50s0cki get a bt woman voice telling me the call can't be made
09:30.55s0ckdefinitely is not an asterisk voice
09:32.19mattfletcherberktr: running with my idea of storing the number in the DB, if you used a different number to transfer calls to (than making normal calls) you could make it a bit more solid
09:32.59JTs0ck: you might be sending the wrong digits in the dial out case
09:33.34s0ckthat's what i wondered tbh
09:34.34s0ckmisdn/1/${EXTEN} is what i have though
09:34.42berktrwell mattfletcher
09:34.49berktri am now brainstorming on papers here
09:34.50s0cki dont believe it's a feature line although i've sent 9 with the number too
09:35.06snuffy22mm... anyone get a warning when compiling 1.4.5.. somethin about 'vm_delete not being explictly defined'
09:35.46berktreven if you use a db, how are you going to fetch the correct data?
09:36.06berktrby using timestamps right
09:36.16berktrthere is a chance for it to fail somehow
09:36.23mattfletcherreally not sure. you could store the time and see how much time has lagged, not gonna be perfect
09:36.51s0ck'Please hang up and try again'
09:36.59mattfletcheris there perhaps a way of seeing how many calls are in progress to a particular extension?
09:37.11mattfletcherif > 1 then assume a transfer
09:37.16berktrwhat do you mean
09:38.05mattfletcherpresumably if a call comes in and is put on hold then another call is made, there must be some way of asterisk knowing that extension xxx has 2 calls "on the go"
09:38.42s0ckJT: for TE mode, a normal rj45 cable to the isdn2 box?
09:40.08berktrmaybe mattfletcher, i'll think
09:40.15berktranother interesting question
09:40.36berktris it possible to set different music on hold music to different dialing numbers
09:40.54berktrlets say 5173034899 is calling and i want that user to listen to santana when i put him on hold
09:41.07berktrwhen another number calls, i want him to listen to classical ..
09:41.09mattfletcher asks a similar qn to mine. no answers but maybe some inspiration
09:41.56mattfletcheri think you can define which class of music is used within a Dial() command. does this not perpetuate to a hold made after the dial?
09:42.23berktrwell, how am i going to set the moh music according to the caller id
09:44.00mattfletchererm, how many different caller id's would it need to recognise. if only a handful, you could set up different dial commands using GotoIf statements on the caller id
09:44.19berktrlike 3-4 different caller ids
09:44.21berktrnot much
09:44.23*** join/#asterisk CBU[^_^]M`` (n=love@
09:46.27mattfletcheryeah so (pseudocode) gotoif(callerid=123456789,5) gotoif(callerid=987654321,6) then 5 and 6 would call the same extension but with different moh defined
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09:47.40berktri see
09:50.16mattfletcherwith my problem, i wonder if there is any difference between pressing transfer and hanging up. if so, i could delete the DB setting on hangup maybe.
09:53.17s0ckgot it to dial something
09:54.10JTs0ck: correct, normal cable
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09:55.24s0ckJT: misdn/1/${EXTEN} <--- ${EXTEN} being the number i pass to it from the handset/softphone yeh?
09:55.47s0ckif i force the trunk to use misdn/1/07778344344 (my mobile) it dials it
09:59.21DarKnesS_WolFso i can't assgin multy accountcode to a sing SIP account ?
10:03.38s0cksussed it
10:03.44s0ck$OUTNUM$ ftw
10:06.41*** join/#asterisk HarryR (
10:15.32mattfletcheranyone, is it possible to set a db record, dial a number, and then delete the db record when the call hangs up?
10:16.09mattfletcheror after the Dial() is picked up does the dialplan stop taking effect?
10:17.49JTs0ck: are you using asterisk?
10:18.01JT${EXTEN} should've been fine
10:19.09Strom_Mmattfletcher: look at the h extension
10:19.14sergees0ck: are you from Kazahstan? :)
10:21.11*** join/#asterisk dseeb_ (n=dcb@
10:21.34JTmy guess is england
10:29.59CBU[^_^]M``my asterisk wont install on my computer ....
10:31.53dseeb_why not?
10:35.09Strom_Mno; surely we can determine the cause, the solution, and the recipe for your mother's cheesecake from that explanation alone
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10:40.05sergeeJT: there is a cell operator in Kazahstan with code 777
10:43.48*** join/#asterisk Fl1p (n=david@
10:44.27Fl1phi, when using the spool service asterisk said  scan_service: Unable to open permission denied, call file is created with root and asterisk running as root
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10:47.05Fl1pno idea anyone ?
10:47.22Strom_Mclearly the answer is to add more cheesecake
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10:49.27Fl1pIve created a call file which should create a call a number by asterisk, after copy to /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing the CLI says  pbx_spool.c:347 scan_service: Unable to open /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/ Permission denied, deleting
10:49.28Fl1pJun 21 12:46:17 WARNING[13678]: pbx_spool.c:389 scan_thread: Failed to scan service '/var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/'
10:49.49*** part/#asterisk Cybertoy (
10:50.08Fl1ppermission of outgoing directory is 700 the call files are 644
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10:55.56HarryRIs anybody using chan_gtalk or chan_jingle?
10:56.53DarKnesS_WolFHarryR: yes i do
10:57.19DarKnesS_WolFany idea what this is m - Interpret the given path as a file which contains a list of account codes and password hashes delimited with ':', listed one per line in the file. When one of the passwords is matched, the channel will have its account code set to the corresponding account code in the file. in Authenticate cmd ? i can't get the fomrat of the file correctly
10:57.43*** join/#asterisk plantseeker (n=chatzill@
10:58.31HarryRDarKnesS_WolF: having any problems with audio not being recieved or sent?
10:59.38DarKnesS_WolFHarryR: no everything works
11:00.52HarryRah, must just be my computer then
11:02.31DarKnesS_WolFHarryR: getting in errors in the asterisk side ?
11:05.18Strom_Mplz wat.....
11:05.22Strom_MPLZ !!!!!
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11:09.40DarKnesS_WolFStrom_M: what ?
11:10.34*** part/#asterisk Fl1p (n=david@
11:10.52Strom_MPLZ <---
11:11.49Strom_M---> PLZ
11:12.10Strom_M-> PLZ <
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11:19.17yonahw-workhey if ztcfg runs without error and shows all the channels on a pri yet asterisk shows no zap channels is the problem neccesarily in my extensions.conf?
11:19.40Strom_Myonahw-work: or you completely forgot to configure zapata.conf
11:21.13yonahw-worknope zapata.conf is configured, i had it configured for a different pri line and have changed nothing
11:21.49Strom_Mwell if you changed nothing, then asterisk should still know about the channels
11:21.56Strom_Mpastebin zapata and zaptel
11:22.03yonahw-workwell i changed pri's
11:22.08yonahw-workwill do thanks
11:22.37pj_And you haven't got any error when you start asterisk ?
11:22.39yonahw-workdo i need to configure trunks in zapata.conf?
11:22.54yonahw-worki just realized there are no trunks configured there
11:22.56pj_oh yeah you do
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11:37.12yonahw-workok i posted my zaptel and zapata to
11:37.18DarKnesS_WolFanyone got authenticate with option M working correctly ?
11:38.06Strom_Myonahw-work: you dont need to define trunkgroups unless you've got NFAS ISDN PRI T1s
11:38.14Strom_Mand you have a typo in zapata.conf
11:38.38Strom_Mso take that trunkgroup stuff out and fix this line:
11:38.38Strom_Mchannel =>1-15,17=31
11:38.44Strom_Mshould be 17-31
11:38.56yonahw-workoh my bad thanks
11:38.58yonahw-worklet me try that
11:41.57*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
11:42.09JTpeople often seem to play with trunkgroups unnecessarily
11:42.18Strom_Mcome on, man, it doesnt take four minutes to reload :)
11:42.38Strom_MJT: could it be...that....they don't know what they're doing?!!!??
11:42.56yonahw-worki actually did not originally have the trunk group setup i just changed that now
11:43.04yonahw-workyou hit on the buttom
11:43.06JTand when they get advice from others that is bad, like pj_ :P
11:43.18yonahw-workactually that was what made me change it
11:43.23yonahw-workstill does not work though
11:43.34JTdoes not work, not terribly descritive
11:44.03Strom_MFART ON SEX BONER
11:44.15yonahw-worki still get the same error of no channel type registered for zap
11:44.29JTso it's not loading
11:44.37JTwatch for the errors on asterisk startup
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12:00.19yonahw-worki have a bunch of modules which are not registering one of which is i suspect this may be a hint
12:01.42yonahw-workstrom, jt: i appreciate your guys pointing me in the right direction there, I will do a little more homework here and see where i get
12:03.19JTzapscan, doesn't sound like something you need
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12:05.53s0ckJT: yes
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12:15.42yonahw-workhmm wonder what else it could be
12:16.27rob0Weasels have eaten your Zap channels.
12:16.45yonahw-workrob0: I kid you not the thought has crossed my mind
12:17.29*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:17.41cpmthe ice weasels come,
12:17.42cpmplease tell me what to do!
12:17.55[TK]D-Fendercpm : PRAY
12:18.07cpm[TK]D-Fender, noted, thanks
12:18.31[TK]D-Fendercpm: You'll "ferret" out the problem eventually ;)
12:18.39coppicewhere does that thing about the ice weasels originally come from?
12:19.13yonahw-work" did not register itself during load" might this be related?
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12:19.36cpmMatt Groenig I think, pre-simpsons
12:20.06coppicesounds about right for him
12:20.37cpmAhh, here it is!
12:20.44[TK]D-Fendercoppice: For Debian's renaming of Firefox due to philosophical / licensing disagreements....
12:20.49cpmLove is a snowmobile racing across the tundra and then suddenly it flips over, pinning you underneath. At night, the ice weasels come.
12:21.06cpm--Friedrich Nietzsche
12:23.12coppicewell, Nietzche, Groenig, its much the same
12:23.37DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: any idea about the authnteciate command with m option ?
12:24.10DarKnesS_WolFany idea what this is m - Interpret the given path as a file which contains a list of account codes and password hashes delimited with ':', listed one per line in the file. When one of the passwords is matched, the channel will have its account code set to the corresponding account code in the file. in Authenticate cmd ? i can't get the fomrat of the file correctly
12:24.13[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: What about it?  You didn't ask your original question AFTER I arrived.
12:25.37psi0nwhen i recieve a call on one trunk it appears to actually enter thru another trunk, both from the same provider. but the FROM_DID has the correct number. could this be causing any problems?
12:25.37DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: got the idea?
12:25.39[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: I'd have to see your actual file and code, and in your typical mannt, you have provided NEITHER to date.
12:25.51DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: ok 1 min
12:26.10psi0nmore specifically: -- Executing Set("SIP/xxxx2519-091b3af8", "FROM_DID=xxxx2501") in new stack
12:26.35[TK]D-Fenderpsi0n: You're the one who has to say if its causing probelms, and as for how you're configured or what you may have done inappropriately, we're not PSYCHIC.
12:27.28psi0nwell, i am having a problem with setting DTMF to inband on the trunk, i just dont know if this could be related
12:28.18[TK]D-Fenderpsi0n: No, thats DIALPLAN.  Once the call is there your mode is already SET.
12:28.45DarKnesS_WolFthe filename is passwords not password :-) it's typo from me in pasting
12:29.08[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF:  Missing "s" <- and you don't need the "a"
12:29.51DarKnesS_WolFs ?
12:29.55DarKnesS_WolFin the options ?
12:30.07[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: the typo you said was YOU, so nvm...
12:30.25DarKnesS_WolFah okay no forget aout this s in passwords it was mistake but the a ? it said in the voip-info that it will not work unless i have the a option too
12:30.41DarKnesS_WolFbut ok if i did remove the a it still didn't work
12:30.44[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: pastebint he call attempt
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12:33.51DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: i got only auth-incorrect " password incorrect "
12:33.56DarKnesS_WolFbut give me 1 min i'll pastbin it
12:34.47psi0nok then, to my actual problem: cell phones cant use my IVR, so my first guess is the DTMF has to be inband. however, setting it to inband doesnt seem to have any effect.
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12:40.47yonahw-workis not supposed to be in 1.4.5?
12:42.26[TK]D-Fenderyonahw-work: Correct.
12:42.55jbot[TK]D-Fender is the Zen Master of the blatantly obvious.
12:43.09tzangerCaptain obvious to the rescue!
12:43.28*** join/#asterisk waKKu (n=eurulo@unaffiliated/wakku)
12:43.30yonahw-workwhat replaces it?
12:43.35waKKumorning ;)
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12:47.24[TK]D-Fenderyonahw-work: Nothing.  I promise you there is no chan_zap in *1.4.5*
12:47.53baprilAnyone know if I want to record a MeetMe One Sip and One ZIP (Sometimes a second Zap), which is more efficient Monitor on the SIP leg, Monitor on the Zap leg or as an argument to the MeetMe?
12:48.39[TK]D-Fenderfile: i seem to recall that chan_zap being part of some OTHER tarball :)
12:49.12filezaptel itself is distributed as a separate thing, but chan_zap is part of Asterisk
12:49.30[TK]D-Fenderfile: Darn, well doesn't THAT just put a downer on my comedy!
12:49.49fileno comedy allowed
12:49.50[TK]D-Fenderyonahw-work: ok, scratch that.
12:49.52yonahw-worki am now thoroughly confused.
12:49.59yonahw-workoh so it is supposed to be there?
12:50.17nexilusyonahw-work: yes, if you make sure you compile zaptel/zapate BEFORE you compile asterisk
12:50.46yonahw-workwas such, do i have to remove it from anywhere if upgrading from 1.2.x to 1.4.5?
12:51.19JTyonahw-work: did you compile zaptel first?
12:51.23_VoiceMeUp_COMi think you need
12:51.57yonahw-workoh actually come to think of it I may not have
12:52.17yonahw-workcan i just compile zaptel, then compile asterisk or do i have to remove them first?
12:52.25JTthat *may* be a problem
12:52.28*** join/#asterisk Uatec (
12:52.30UatecHello thar
12:52.38flendersJT: I updated the firmware and bootrom and now it doesn't even register
12:52.39JTprobably safe to just recompile
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12:52.48JTflenders: i see, you broke it!
12:52.51Uatechey, has anybody heard when the next version of Asterisk Business Edition might be out?
12:52.55flendersJT: hahaha
12:53.08jbotrumour has it, wikis is
12:53.10flendersJT: at least you can access the menus and stuff
12:53.11yonahw-workthanks for the tips
12:53.41flendersI installed bootrom 3.2.2 and sip 2.0.3
12:53.51JTflenders: well
12:54.02JTflenders: is it not freezing now?
12:54.12JTand it's loading sip?
12:54.13flendersno, not at all
12:54.18flendersyeah, apparently
12:54.27JTso it's just configured wrong, awesome
12:54.34flendersI can setup the lines and stuff, but it's not even trying to hit my asterisk
12:54.40JTit's a bit tricky at first
12:54.46[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: PB  "cat /etc/asterisk/password" and ""ls -l /etc/asterisk/"
12:54.47JTit's not how you'd expect
12:54.57flendersI can see that... and it takes sooo long to boot up
12:55.41flendersany tips?
12:55.48JTyeah, i've heard the newer firmwares boot slower
12:55.52JTso much stuff in it
12:55.58DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: cat for file 110:1234
12:56.07flendersit takes at least 5 minutes to boot up
12:56.11JTflenders: ouch
12:56.17DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: -rw-r--r--   1 root root    18 Jun 21 15:34 password
12:56.23JTflenders: ok, network configuration screen, leave at defaults
12:56.50JTServer 1 under SIP, put the server addess in
12:56.55flendersI'm now using manual ip... manual and dhcp are working btw
12:57.03JTand register=1
12:57.46flenderswhat about transport?
12:58.01JTLines > Line 1 > set Display Name, Address and Auth User ID to your sip user
12:58.10waKKufolks.. have some way to reload configs of still connected peer on CLI ?
12:58.13JTAuth Password to sip password
12:58.16[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: Dunno...
12:58.16flendersoh, web UI
12:58.30JTServer 1, address of SIP server
12:58.45JTthe options are names slightly differently
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13:00.17flenderseverytime I hit submit I have to wait 5 minutes to get on the UI again
13:01.18DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: :-) thx
13:01.45[TK]D-Fenderflenders: Using the Polycom Web-config?
13:02.17flenderssorry mate, first time on the polycoms
13:02.19[TK]D-Fenderflenders: wrong answer!
13:02.52flenderswhat should I do then?
13:02.56[TK]D-Fenderflenders: Get the SIP & BR images and provision them from scratch like you're supposed to.
13:03.19flendersI got sip 2.0.3 and bootrom 3.2.2
13:03.40flendersbut didn't know I was supposed to do it differently
13:03.56flendersshould I edit the conf file?
13:04.11[TK]D-Fenderflenders>I installed bootrom 3.2.2 and sip 2.0.3 <- old
13:04.54[TK]D-Fenderflenders: General stuff goes into sip.cfg , you should have a phone[somenumber].cfg with reg specific (not even server IP in most cases) settings.
13:05.04*** join/#asterisk MindTheGap (
13:05.34flenderswhere can I get the latest firmware?
13:05.43MindTheGapI have this as a macro:
13:05.51jbot[pb] a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or at
13:05.57MindTheGapexten => s,1,Set(CDR(userfield)="FWDU - ${TIPO}")
13:06.00MindTheGapexten => s,2,Dial(sip/fwd/*1${MACRO_EXTEN:4},60,r)
13:06.18MindTheGapbut CDR shows "s" as the dst...
13:06.18Uatecdoes anybody know how i can download an old version of misdn with conary, rather than the latest version? the latest version breaks my system
13:06.36JTUatec: what card?
13:06.51Uatecthe card is irrelevant
13:06.59MindTheGapand i cannot set "dst" manually as it is read-only
13:07.03Uateci just need to download the old misdn-modules
13:07.10MindTheGaphow do I overcome this?
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13:08.06_VoiceMeUp_COMman these rich jerks need more time in jail
13:08.12_VoiceMeUp_COMparis n brandon
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13:08.41JTthey only need more jail if they do something illegal, not because they're rich
13:09.00_VoiceMeUp_COMlook at her leave the scene
13:09.01Uateceven just any way of downloading an old version of anything with conary, rather than the latest
13:09.12_VoiceMeUp_COMReckless Driving plus illegal cut
13:09.21waKKufolks.. when edit something on features.conf ... how can i reload it ?
13:09.24anonymouz666what's the correct behaviour when I call reachs a queue and then you transfer from A to B (both members) but B is busy?
13:09.27_VoiceMeUp_COMhowever you say that in english
13:09.31anonymouz666should the caller listen MOH?
13:09.35_VoiceMeUp_COMEscalation ?
13:10.05DrukenLPYmmmm, my new office fridge works excelent :)
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13:13.14yonahw-workJT: I recompiled and chan_zap is on the list of modules not installed by this version should this concern me?
13:13.32MindTheGapI have this as a macro:
13:13.33JTif it's not installed, it's a problem
13:13.36MindTheGapexten => s,1,Set(CDR(userfield)="FWDU - ${TIPO}")
13:13.37JTMindTheGap: not again
13:13.38MindTheGapexten => s,2,Dial(sip/fwd/*1${MACRO_EXTEN:4},60,r)
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13:13.43JTMindTheGap: saw it the first time
13:13.47JTMindTheGap: repeating is rude
13:14.00hackeronHey, I moved from asterisk 1.2 to 1.4 and understandably everything is broken, lol -- it looks like the variables changed, like ${CALLERIDNUM} no longer works and it now goes to _0.-ANSWER,1 instead of _0.,1 etc etc -- is there like a little guide of configuration differences between the 2 versions?
13:14.15yonahw-workit was installed previously rathen than by this version even though I first compiled zaptel any suggestions?
13:14.35MindTheGapwell JT, maybe you could answer then?
13:14.47JTMindTheGap: maybe you could be less demanding
13:14.52JTwe are all here voluntarily
13:14.55DrukenLPYya notice all the paris people are either hugely fat or trailer trash ugly?
13:15.06kombi_can you run multiple softphones alongside each other on the same computer? (like for testing?) What is the prefered setup?
13:15.29kombi_x-lite, idefisk etc..
13:15.35yonahw-workkombi: yes
13:15.38*** part/#asterisk andyd (
13:15.39yonahw-worki have done it in windows
13:15.52JTi sometimes run xpro, xlite and idefisk all at once
13:16.10JTwell, not quite at once
13:16.14JTbut have them all running
13:16.28JTnot talking on them all simultaneously
13:16.31MindTheGapIm aware of that, and Im not demanding... im asking, could you please answer?
13:16.56JTMindTheGap: have you considered the possibility that the lack of responses may be due to a lack of knowledge of the answer?
13:17.00kombi_I am venturing into conferences today, so I need some kind of test setup..
13:17.06*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
13:17.22JTkombi_: sipp is a tool for load testing, too
13:18.27kombi_JT: have got conferences running on your box?
13:18.31MindTheGapno I didnt... there are 269 ppl here...
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13:18.47JTMindTheGap: and maybe 10 people actually paying attention, great
13:19.01JTMindTheGap: and demanding that *I* answer your question is a bit much
13:19.04JTkombi_: not much
13:19.22mockerGuh, to ask for a Mediatrix for work or to get another SPA.
13:19.39mockerWe already have one Mediatrix..
13:19.54festr__hello, anyone seeing in 1.4 doubled CDR?
13:20.06hackeronHmm, does _0. no longer work in asterisk 1.4? -- my outgoing plan seems to jump straight to _0.-ANSWER,1 --- any ideas?
13:20.46DrukenLPYJT: you da man... hehe
13:20.47MindTheGapas I said , im not demanding, im politely asking for help, not yours anymore by the way...
13:20.53nexilushackeron: have apastebin of the dialplan?
13:22.10[TK]D-Fenderhackeron: the old CALLERID vares are GONE
13:22.48[TK]D-Fenderhackeron: They were deprecated in *1.2* and you never read EITHER of the upgrade.txt's or dozens of articles and code samples that should have tipped you off.
13:22.49hackeronnexilus: sure:
13:23.09[TK]D-FenderBAD : exten => _0.,7,SetCallerID(02070993461)
13:23.40hackeron[TK]D-Fender: hmm, so what do I use instead?
13:24.10[TK]D-Fenderhackeron: "show function CALLERID"
13:24.10hackeron[TK]D-Fender: but thing is it doesn't even show Outgoing call to ... -- it just goes straight to _0.-ANSWER
13:24.57hackeron[TK]D-Fender: The 'show function' command is deprecated and will be removed
13:25.13[TK]D-Fenderhackeron: "core show function CALLERID" I believe now.
13:25.52[TK]D-Fenderhackeron: And I don't think its appropriate for you to put stuff after the "." in your pattern match.
13:26.03hackeronok, so that's CALLERID(num,02070993461) now?
13:26.12[TK]D-Fenderhackeron: Also a little shocked if LookupCIDName still exists
13:26.27hackeron[TK]D-Fender: still there but does show deprecated errors now
13:26.32[TK]D-Fenderhackeron: No.  Go read the instructions, and go read up on "asterisk variables" on the WIKI.
13:26.46[TK]D-Fenderhackeron: yes
13:26.52nexilushackeron: i use Set(CALLERID(num)=sumthn)
13:26.53hackeron[TK]D-Fender: well, that's what I'm reading
13:26.59hackeron[TK]D-Fender: that's where I got all the stuff from
13:27.13[TK]D-FenderWrong style : exten => _0.-ANSWER,1,NoOp(HACKERON: Successful Call)
13:27.30mocker[TK]D-Fender: You ever tried fax on one of those SPA-2102s?
13:27.36s0ckP[ 1] * IND : HANGUP    pid:20 ctx:Intern dad:746235 oad:01554741144 State:EXTCANTMATCH
13:27.45mocker(Fax would be coming from a PRI initially, not IP)
13:27.46s0ckisdn2 (bri)
13:27.55[TK]D-Fender^^^ don't just slap a suffix on that original pattern match, jump to something sane & fixed
13:27.57hackeron[TK]D-Fender: well, what should it be instead? -- that worked with 1.2
13:28.37[TK]D-Fenderhackeron: something like "RESULT-${DIALSTATUS}" with no underscore, etc.
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13:29.28hackeron[TK]D-Fender: errr, but I want to override default falback -- say if the call is cancelled it normally does autofallthrough, but it says on the wiki if I add -CANCEL for example, then I can override
13:30.05[TK]D-Fenderhackeron: What default fallback?!
13:30.49hackeron[TK]D-Fender: ?
13:31.53hackeron[TK]D-Fender: what I don'g get is why does asterisk go to _0.-ANSWER by default?
13:32.29[TK]D-Fenderhackeron: because you have clearly not read the instructions for DIAL.
13:32.40hackeron[TK]D-Fender: all the stuff I have for _0., is completely ignored -- when I try to dial out, the first thing it does is _0.-ANSWER,1,NoOp(HACKERON: Successful Call)
13:33.03flendersalright! polycom now registers!
13:33.17[TK]D-Fenderhackeron: UNDO all those semi-pattern-matched JUMP POINTS, and make them FIXED
13:34.32hackeron[TK]D-Fender: I'm reading the wiki now for the Dial command, all the information there is for asterisk 1.2 -- is there any asterisk 1.4 documentation?
13:34.55[TK]D-Fenderhackeron: "core show application dial" <-
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13:35.49[TK]D-Fenderhackeron:  exten => _0.,5,SetVar(CALLFILENAME=${TIMESTAMP}-OUT-${EXTEN}) <- Setvar... GONE!  Welcome "Set"
13:35.50hackeron[TK]D-Fender: I don't get it, so what do I do if I want to jump to ${DIALSTATUS} ?
13:36.19[TK]D-Fenderhackeron: exten => _0.-ANSWER,1,NoOp(HACKERON: Successful Call) <- bad.
13:36.27hackeron[TK]D-Fender: why?
13:36.29[TK]D-Fenderhackeron: exten => STATUS-ANSWER,1,NoOp(HACKERON: Successful Call) <- better
13:36.44[TK]D-Fenderhackeron: It should not be a pattern match.
13:37.05[TK]D-Fenderhackeron: The mere fact you are doing all of that on a numbered extension in the first place is BAD.
13:37.08*** join/#asterisk _VoicePulse (n=contact@unaffiliated/voicepulse)
13:37.23[TK]D-Fenderhackeron: Thats why these sort of things are done in macros.
13:37.34hackeron[TK]D-Fender: err, I want to cover all outgoing calls
13:38.05hackeron[TK]D-Fender: so I need to change to exten => _0.,9,Goto(OUTGOING-${DIALSTATUS},1) ??
13:38.14[TK]D-Fenderhackeron: thats fine, and irrelevant.  Dump all that in a macro and have _0. call it.
13:38.44[TK]D-Fenderhackeron: Sure, thats much better.  make sure the landing points match.
13:39.19*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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13:40.10deeperrorIs it possible to capture errors when creating .call files from a script?
13:40.15waKKufolks.. need some help with pickupgroups ... i edit features.conf and set key to *2, i put a group of users on the same callgroup and pickupgroup .... but, when i try to pickupgroup with *2 i get message on CLI: Jun 21 10:36:58 NOTICE[4828]: chan_iax2.c:7198 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, request '*2@internacional' does not exist
13:40.48waKKui did reload on features and register users again
13:41.50*** join/#asterisk ELBunce (n=erik@kde/developer/bunce)
13:43.22s0cktherein lies the problem, it seems
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13:44.22hackeron[TK]D-Fender: OK, I replaced setvar with set and the _0.-STUFF with OUTGOING-STUFF -- seems to work now -- I'll go read the changelogs now from the last version I used this config and make more of a sane config
13:44.28hackeron[TK]D-Fender: thanks very much for all your help
13:44.49[TK]D-Fenderhackeron: keep it up!
13:47.21lilalinuxI had 1 hfc card (zaptel) in my system for NT mode and everyting works so far with: "span=1,1,3,ccs,ami ; bchan=1-2 ; dchan=3". Now I have a 2nd hfc card for TE mode, how do I need to change /etc/zaptel.conf?
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13:47.35sevais there a way to adjust gain on a sip channel?
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13:47.48sevaor iax for that matter
13:47.49JTlilalinux: bristuff?
13:47.55lilalinuxJT: yes
13:48.19JTspan=1,0,0, etc
13:48.27JTnot 1,1,3
13:48.31[TK]D-Fenderseva No.
13:48.32JTfor NT
13:48.43lilalinuxJT: k
13:48.46lilalinuxand for TE?
13:48.51JTyou need to add a new span for TE
13:49.17lilalinuxand bchan&dchan?
13:49.33JTthat's simply a matter of counting :)
13:49.38*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
13:49.42JTwhat's after 3?
13:49.51rob0um ... 5?
13:50.13lilalinux,css,ami is ok?
13:50.18tzafrirFeedback welcome:
13:50.41tzafrirlilalinux, for BRI: yes
13:50.52rob0Three is the number to which thou shalt count, and the number that thou shalt count shall be three.
13:50.57tzafrirlilalinux, for zapbri, use an up-to-date genzaptelconf...
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13:51.30JTlilalinux: you need to modify zapata.conf too
13:51.48seva[TK]D-Fender: what are the options if people sounds too quiet?
13:51.48_VoiceMeUp_COMAnyone here know anything about 011880 scams ?
13:51.54tzafriralso feedback for:
13:52.14mosty_VoiceMeUp_COM, is that a toll number prefix?
13:52.16lilalinuxTE mode doesn't need ,ccs,ami?
13:52.22[TK]D-Fenderseva : You need to fix it at the SOURCE.
13:52.26_VoiceMeUp_COMat 6$per minute i doubt
13:52.54seva[TK]D-Fender: any suggestions on how to increase source volume for a headset?
13:52.54mosty_VoiceMeUp_COM, what is it?
13:53.17JTlilalinux: yes it does
13:53.26[TK]D-Fenderseva : Look at whatever its plugged INTO.
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13:54.14_VoiceMeUp_COMnot sure yet
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13:57.14lilalinuxJT: please forgive me, but your answer is ambiguous
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14:01.21JTlilalinux: yes, of course it needs all that stuff
14:01.37JTlilalinux: you know there are sample configs that come with bristuff, right?
14:01.45JTand zaptel.conf is documented
14:01.56grandpapadotHi all.  Suddently, it seems out of nowhere, we're having weird caller id issues with 1.2.18.  Caller ID's are just wrong in some cases and in other cases it seems channels are getting caller id info from other channels.  Any suggestions?
14:02.05lilalinuxJT: sry
14:03.58_VoiceMeUp_COMgrandpapadot that is weird
14:04.14deeperrorhow can i get more debug information from the manager?
14:05.54waKKusomeone there using pickupgroups ? ... need set sth on extensions.conf ?
14:06.03Uatechi, i've got a BRI isdn line coming in to my Asterisk box, with two lines in it, obviously
14:06.09Uateci can receive two incomming calls at a time
14:06.23Uatecand i can make 1 out bound call
14:06.33Uatecbut when i try to make a second concurrent out bound call, i get Congestion!!
14:06.36Uatecwhat's that about?
14:07.16mostyUatec, what's your dial command look like?
14:08.08Uatecmosty Dial(
14:08.12Uatecexten => _9.,n,Dial(mISDN/g:isdn/${EXTEN:1})
14:08.30*** join/#asterisk _DAW_ (
14:08.53UatecwaKKu, you need to set that on a per channel basis. i.e. in sip.conf
14:09.27waKKuUatec i did it.. r u saying about pickupgroup and callgroup, right ?
14:09.40waKKui'm using 3 peers iax
14:09.44mostyUatec, looks ok
14:10.42waKKuUatec hm... i'm using idefisk... maybe a problem ?
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14:12.37Uatecshouldn't make any difference waKKu
14:13.13waKKuyeah.. i think so too ;/... but still have problem
14:13.36festr__anyone seeing in 1.4 doubled CDR records when one call is hangup in ring state?
14:14.09Uatecwhen i try to make a call i get "No free channel in group XXXXXXX!"
14:14.16Uatecwhere XXXXXXX appears to be a completely random number
14:15.00*** join/#asterisk _DAW_ (
14:15.05Uatecusually in the region of 1309115312
14:16.13seele_someone can help me with always-on agent login
14:18.32jkiffseele_: Not until you describe your problem.  ;)
14:18.45MindTheGapI have this as a macro:
14:18.51MindTheGapexten => s,1,Set(CDR(userfield)="FWDU - ${TIPO}")
14:18.58MindTheGapexten => s,2,Dial(sip/fwd/*1${MACRO_EXTEN:4},60,r)
14:19.04MindTheGapCDR shows "s" as the dst and I cand do a Set(CDR(dst)=$MACRO_EXTEN) as the dst var is readonly.
14:19.10MindTheGaphow do I overcome that?
14:19.35Mercestesseele_, Isn't "always-on" and "login" an oxymoron?
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14:20.10Mercestesseele_, queues.conf:   member => SIP/1234            Like that?
14:20.11seele_An always-on agent will sit all day with his headphones on, listening to music, until a
14:20.11seele_call comes in
14:20.31Mercestesand then what happens?
14:20.52seele_Mercestes, how can i make it
14:21.02[TK]D-FenderMercestes: I think they ditched the "tie the agent up on an actual call Queue App"
14:21.08*** part/#asterisk NoCarrier (n=NoCarrie@unaffiliated/badpacket)
14:21.19[TK]D-FenderMercestes: Few people used it.
14:21.23seele_I have this login method exten => 299,1,AgentCallBackLogin(|@from-internal)
14:21.23seele_exten => 298,1,AgentLogin()
14:21.28robl^hrmmm..  should I dare to try SLA in 1.4.x?
14:22.36seele_I have 2 asterisk in different places and I need to register agents from the second asterisk to a queue in the first asterisk
14:22.49[TK]D-Fenderseele_: Hrm... seems to be there still, so 298 should work
14:23.01*** join/#asterisk syneus (n=syneus@
14:23.21seele_because the second asterisk has a sip trunk with the first asterisk
14:23.34seele_and all the calls are routed to other extension
14:23.43[TK]D-Fenderseele_: that makes NO sense.  That app has NOTHING to do with SIP or other servers.
14:23.54seele_when the first make a callback
14:24.14[TK]D-Fenderseele_: AgentLogin has NOTHING to do with AgentCallbackLogin.
14:24.37seele_I'm in the second place and I need to login into a queue in the first place
14:24.47seele_I dial 298
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14:25.45seele_and the first place asterisk answer ...I'm logon but the calls no go to the second place
14:25.54Mercestesseele_, Oh, I think a combination of musiconhold, and SipAddHeader and AUTO_ANSWER and queues.
14:26.53[TK]D-Fenderseele_: 298 asks you to enter your agent # and you just SIT THERE waiting for a beep, not a CALL.
14:27.23[TK]D-Fenderseele_: you don't seem to understand AgentLogin's purpose at all.
14:28.14seele_no, 298 ask my agent number my password an then I hang then the asterisk calls when a queue receives a call
14:28.56seele_[TK]D-Fender, I need the beep one registration
14:29.06seele_no the callback registration
14:29.44[TK]D-Fenderseele_:  NO. You are NOT supoosed to hang up after doing AgentLogin!
14:30.10[TK]D-Fenderseele_: You SIT THERE ON THE CALL and WAIT for the beep.  it does NOT call you back.
14:30.16seele_with the 298 yes .... is callback login method
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14:30.23Uateci get the error,  No free channel in group... but the only thing google brings up about that is it's listing in the source...
14:30.24Uatecwhat use is that?
14:30.26Uatecwhat does it mean
14:30.41JTmaybe your group is setup wrong
14:31.03[TK]D-Fenderseele_>exten => 298,1,AgentLogin()  <-           This. Is. NOT. a. CALLBACK
14:31.13Uatecbut how?
14:31.35JTUatec: so far i've yet to see you pastebin anything like your config
14:31.46JTUatec: you're wasting your time until you do :)
14:31.48[TK]D-Fenderseele_: PUT DOWN THE CRACK-PIPE! (c) JerJer
14:32.43Uatec like that?
14:32.55Nugget  <-- heh
14:33.09Uatecand my dial appears in the CLI as: Dial("SIP/recsdesk-0825a830", "mISDN/g:isdn/123")
14:33.38*** join/#asterisk allen__s (n=chatzill@
14:33.42jkiffseele_: Do a 'show application' for AgentLogin and AgentCallbackLogin on the CLI.
14:34.03jkiffThe wisdom and power will flow through your veins.
14:35.15seele_sorry my error
14:35.21seele_this si my actual app
14:35.21seele_exten=> 451,1,AgentCallbackLogin(||${CALLERIDNUM}@from-internal)
14:35.21seele_exten=> 450,1,AgentCallbackLogin(||l)
14:35.28*** join/#asterisk allen__s (n=chatzill@
14:39.00kombi_Maybe I got this slightly wrong: To be able to invite a third party into a call, do I use meetme()?
14:39.11JTUatec: how many bris do you have?
14:39.41Mercesteskombi_, if memory serves
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14:40.00Uatecjt, just the one
14:40.20JTUatec: seeing the possible problem?:
14:40.39Uatecit should still cycle and use the first available channel
14:40.42JTdialling on non existant channel usually causes problems
14:40.45JTnot true
14:41.02Uatecwhat would it dial one?
14:41.03*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
14:41.07JTdefine ports that exists
14:41.10JTnot ones that don't
14:41.11*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
14:42.10Uatecwell i've set it to use the only port i have plugged in at the moment
14:42.16Uatecit still doesnt' work
14:42.30waKKufolks.. whats more i need to do to use pickups for a group ? 1) i set same pickupgroup and callgroup on iax.conf for 4 peers ... 2) Config features.conf to pickupexten => *5 - reload; iax2 reload .... still doesnt work.. someone can help me ?
14:42.38Uateclike that
14:42.42Uatecit says that port 2 is already in use
14:42.47Uatecbut there are two lines on each port...
14:43.03*** join/#asterisk unixlike (
14:43.22JTnot terribly sure
14:43.27JTpersonally i avoid misdn
14:43.31JTit makes my head hurt
14:43.51Uatecwhat would you use to connect to a BRI instead?
14:44.01unixlikeis it possible to register more than 1 iax account at the same time in iax.conf ?
14:45.25Uatecthey're designed for the junghanns hardware though
14:45.39JTit works fine with plenty of cards
14:45.48Uatecand i'm using a B410P, and using digiums suggested, i.e. misdn
14:45.49JTall the single port hfc-s passive cards too
14:46.09JTyeah i wouldn't buy a bri card from digium
14:46.20JTbut it may be driver compatible with bristuff's qozap
14:46.26Uatecwell i've got it now
14:46.29Uatecand it cost £5000
14:46.37*** join/#asterisk forsaken_ (
14:46.40JT5000 pounds, are you joking?
14:47.03JTa little better
14:47.18forsaken_good morning (for those who lives in the same timezone that me)
14:47.23JTthe junghanns card is cheaper
14:47.27waKKumorning ;)
14:47.34waKKubrazil says
14:47.56Uatecthe b410p has all sorts of things built in, like echo cancellation apparently
14:48.04Uatecmy boss reckons it's a worth while purchase
14:48.17JTand it's designed in a country where you can't even buy eurobri isdn
14:48.21Uatecand he would fire me, before replacing it for any reason other than it's physically broken
14:48.26JTso good luck with support :)
14:48.33Uateci know
14:48.37Uatecsupport is shit for it
14:49.54JTi haven't heard of anyone trying bristuff with it
14:49.56s0cki had an issue with a b410p earlier
14:50.01s0ckexten would not pass calls out
14:50.02JTbut i am interested if it works
14:50.19s0ck$OUTNUM$ worked
14:50.35*** join/#asterisk joetester (n=joeteste@
14:50.35JTmisdn drives me batty, it's alpha quality software
14:50.42s0ckthis is the first one im setting up
14:50.48s0ckstill wrestling with inbound calls not working
14:51.04MercestesJT:  how do you *really* feel about it?
14:51.05Uatecare you using bristuff of misdn?
14:51.13s0ckas per digium docs
14:51.21Uatecwell i've personally never had any problem with incoming calls
14:51.25Uatecafter i got the thing working at all, that is
14:51.26JTbristuff is much closer to the asterisk way doing things, but digium recommend misdn for political reasons i think
14:51.32s0ckwhat kernel you running?
14:51.47Uatec2.6.19 screwed it up completely
14:51.50s0ckanything above .15 allegedly works
14:51.51Uatecbroke misdn and zapata
14:52.08s0ckwhich doesn't help me running .9 :P
14:52.16s0ckrecompiling now.
14:52.25Uatecwhich distro are you using?
14:52.28JTjust a tip, never ever try to run misdn in NT mode
14:53.02s0cknormally use slack
14:53.07*** join/#asterisk lisandropm (
14:53.07forsaken_I would like to know: if I use the same character in the blindxfer and atxfer like #, will it work??
14:53.08Uateci'm using PoundKeyLinux
14:53.09s0ckthought i'd try something different
14:53.21mostyforsaken_, only one of them can work
14:53.23Uatecs0ck, what msns are you setup to use?
14:53.33s0ckit has this cool command 'yum upgrade kernel-smp'
14:53.34mostyforsaken_, asterisk can't magically guess which one you want
14:53.41s0ckgreat! i though
14:53.54*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
14:53.55s0ckit updated to some minor revision and would go no further
14:54.05forsaken_mosty, hehehe sorry and tks =P
14:54.07Mercestesforsaken_, load up
14:54.16forsaken_Mercestes u.u`
14:54.46UatecJT, what is NT mode?
14:54.54JTacting as exchange
14:55.04JTconnecting ISDN phones of PABXes to it
14:55.21JTNetwork Terminator
14:55.26JTas opposed to Terminal Equipment
14:56.07s0cki thought it was one or the other
14:56.35*** part/#asterisk deeperror (
14:56.54[TK]D-Fenderkombi_>Maybe I got this slightly wrong: To be able to invite a third party into a call, do I use meetme()? <- no
14:57.06s0ckor not?
14:57.08[TK]D-Fenderkombi_: You use whatever 3-way calling feature your phone aready support.
14:57.16[TK]D-Fenders0ck: Correct
14:57.33*** join/#asterisk [GuS] (n=gdnet@unaffiliated/gus/x-663402)
14:57.43JTs0ck: no
14:57.50JTs0ck: it's as i explained
14:57.58JTNT acts as exchange
14:58.03[GuS]Hi Guys!... i using latest Asterisk server, and i wanted to ask... does support SIMPLE?
14:58.05JTTE acts as terminal
14:58.08[GuS]for chat
14:58.20kombi_[TK]D-Fender: so you mean our beloved * isn't necessarily involved when making a three way call?
14:58.55[TK]D-Fenderkombi_: Sort of.  In the case of your typicaly SIP phone, the phone places the 2nd call and IT does the bridging.
14:59.16[TK]D-Fender[GuS]: * does not support SIP Messaging
14:59.28kombi_..thus making the job easier here, splendid!
14:59.33[GuS]ok, thanks
14:59.46*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
15:00.13[GuS][TK]D-Fender: it is planned on development?
15:00.52[TK]D-Fender~8ball any SIP messaging support on its way?
15:00.52jbotAre you smoking crack?
15:01.24[TK]D-Fender[GuS]: Translation : NO
15:01.37rob0[GuS] is the new SIP messaging development director.
15:01.44[GuS][TK]D-Fender: you always ironic :P
15:02.12[TK]D-Fender[GuS]: Don't you think?
15:02.37[GuS]for sure!
15:02.53MindTheGapI have this as a macro:
15:02.58MindTheGapexten => s,1,Set(CDR(userfield)="FWDU - ${TIPO}")
15:02.58*** join/#asterisk ghento (
15:03.03MindTheGapexten => s,2,Dial(sip/fwd/*1${MACRO_EXTEN:4},60,r)
15:03.09MindTheGapCDR shows "s" as the dst and I cand do a Set(CDR(dst)=$MACRO_EXTEN) as the dst var is readonly.
15:03.15MindTheGaphow do I overcome that?
15:03.42MindTheGapif not using macros, the CDR is ok...
15:03.59JTmaybe you should ask the question a few dozen more times, MindTheGap
15:04.05MindTheGapbut it uses macro s prio as dst... weird...
15:04.55*** join/#asterisk jcmoore (n=jcmoore@unaffiliated/tgrman)
15:05.00*** join/#asterisk phearless (
15:05.46[TK]D-FenderMindTheGap: Pastebin ALL of the diaplan in this call's path from beginning to end, including CLI out, and stop repeating it over & over.  If you don't gen an answer wait a few hours or try asking on the mailing lists.
15:09.57*** join/#asterisk neverblue (n=neverblu@unaffiliated/neverblue)
15:10.23[GuS]seems i found a way :P
15:11.40*** part/#asterisk dcm_ (n=dcm@
15:11.43MindTheGapdamn, would someone please drop in a few beers and a naked woman in this channel? ppl are so stressed today...
15:12.07JTMindTheGap: looks like you're new here
15:12.25[TK]D-Fender[GuS]: "Wed, 17 Aug 2005 09:37:19 -0700" <------------
15:12.32MindTheGapnot exactly JT...
15:12.55JTMindTheGap: i didn't see anything unreasonable in what [TK]D-Fender requested
15:13.05JTvery standard here
15:13.34*** join/#asterisk zeeesh (
15:13.46[GuS]* Last modification by Lukas Oberhuber on Tue 02 of Jan, 2007 [22:01]
15:15.36[TK]D-Fender[GuS]: Ok, if you've found a version that can be adapted to today's code, more power to you.  Keep in mind 1.2 was barely out.  I'd be VERY surprised of it fits in 1.4
15:15.56[GuS]yeah i know
15:16.11*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
15:16.11[GuS]but i least i could see how he done it
15:16.58robl^MindTheGap: (and a few naked men for some of the members) ;-)
15:17.10MindTheGapneither did I, as standard as unessesary comments nobody complains about... it just that today is seems a bit more...
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15:17.34MindTheGapsee what i mean?
15:17.40JTwhat unnecessary comments?
15:17.43JTnot particularly
15:18.02MindTheGapnever mind... peace...
15:19.07MindTheGapand yes, mea culpa, i know repeating anoying...
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15:28.37[jwb]does Read() have some sort of additional sound file format/location restrictions as compared to Playback() ?
15:28.44[jwb](under 1.2)
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15:31.18waKKufolks.. there someone using pickupgroups on asterisk 1.2 with sucess? i cant get this work
15:31.37Mercestesrobl^, Dont need the nakid men, katty doesn't appear to be online today.
15:31.42Mercestesso just nekkid women
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15:34.38[TK]D-Fender[jwb]: Shouldn't
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15:35.28[jwb][TK]D-Fender: hrm, maybe something else is wrong with my syntax then
15:35.40[TK]D-Fender[jwb]: Or the file itself.
15:35.51[jwb]because it plays fine with a Playback() before the Read()
15:36.06[TK]D-Fender[jwb]: Discount what you will, but you've shown us nothing :)
15:36.15blepsoafhi all, is there away to allow meet me to fall through to the next in line thing in the dial plan upon entering an invalid conf #.  IE in this example is they enter an incorrect conf number it will not goto s,6 to play goodbye
15:36.20[jwb]I've seen it with my own eyes! ;)
15:36.45[jwb]I'll poke at it further, wanted to see if anyone knew of a known issue before I do
15:41.02[TK]D-Fender[jwb]: Yes... you have "issues", but I'm not qualified to treat you for them ;)
15:41.17*** join/#asterisk kvit123 (n=kvit123@
15:41.29JTyay the Sangoma A500 is out
15:41.43JTnow to see if they use something horrible like misdn ;)
15:41.50CrashHD[TK]D-Fender: he needs a gift certificate for therapy 'r us
15:42.19[TK]D-Fender[jwb]: exten=>s,3,Read(CONF|'adeptra/IVR-conference/enter_conf_num'|7||5) <--- NO QUOTES
15:43.23mattfletcherdoes anyone have any experience of passing a fax machine thru a tdm card? i've tried spandsp etc to no avail, and i'm hoping that i can do it this way instead
15:44.29Fulkmattfletcher, I've been wondering the same thing
15:44.46*** join/#asterisk allen__s (n=chatzill@
15:45.46[TK]D-Fendermattfletcher: What's to know?
15:46.08*** join/#asterisk kombi_ (n=kombi@
15:46.27[TK]D-FenderSangoma A500 : whee!
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15:46.40Fulksorry, I've been asking about something else
15:46.58FulkFax comes in on PRI card, and I want to run a hardware fax device off an FXS
15:47.10Fulkthat's not possible is it?
15:47.21kombi_any up/downside to connecting your softphone via IAX vs. sip?
15:47.21[TK]D-FenderFulk: Sure
15:47.34Fulk[TK]D-Fender, I thought there were timing issues in having two PCI cards?
15:47.43*** part/#asterisk BSD_Tech (
15:47.52[TK]D-Fenderkombi_: fewer choices for IAX.  IAX is more NAT friendly.
15:47.58mattfletcher[TK]D-Fender: well basically, what are the chances of it working?
15:48.02kombi_thanks Fender!
15:48.03[TK]D-FenderFulk: Nope.
15:48.11coppiceif the FAX machine is on an FXS port on a channel bank attached to the same T1/E1 card as the PRI is should work. if its connected elsewhere, it will be quirky at best
15:48.21[TK]D-FenderFulk: Odds depends on luck, but could be OK.
15:48.30Fulkcoppice, that's what I thought
15:48.37[TK]D-FenderFulk: For a truely business important fax, leave it the hell away from * period.
15:48.38mattfletchersorry i meant a tdm pstn card, not isdn
15:49.06[TK]D-Fendermattfletcher: rather
15:49.10Fulk[TK]D-Fender, that is a shame, COTS PBX's have no problem with fax
15:49.39coppicesomething quirky in * means some people have success with spandsp, and some don't. usually its sending that fails. the same spandsp code in iaxmodem seems to keep most people happy
15:50.26Fulkcoppice, I'm in the UK so I don't think I can use channelbanks
15:51.29Fulkwell, E1 channel banks aren't as readily available or cheap
15:51.43Fulkcheaper prospect is to get another PSTN line in and have the number moved
15:51.54coppicein the UK? get out, man, there is still time
15:52.07mattfletcherso no-one here has had a positive experience with a fax machine work with a pots TDM card?
15:52.24coppiceyeah, E1 channel banks are a very screwed up business
15:52.52FulkI don't think I have any other option
15:53.09Fulkmove line, or buy a siemens highpath PBX instead
15:53.25blepsoaf[TK]D-Fender: hmm i removed the quotes but it still didnt work
15:53.35[TK]D-Fenderblepsoaf: PASTEBIN <-
15:53.41blepsoafdoh ok
15:54.02Fulknothing wrong with the UK, better than most countries
15:54.50coppiceI was lucky. i escaped
15:54.57[TK]D-FenderFulk: Sure thing Mr. Huxley ;)
15:55.33[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Happy Ex-Pat extraordinaire ;)
15:55.50coppicemy name was never Pat
15:56.08*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
15:56.28MercestesWhat's so good about the UK?
15:56.50holiday_42is mr. huxley the bad guy from "elmo in grouchland"?
15:57.50MercestesJapan:  hot asian twins making out on camera.  Denmark:  no public decency laws, hot high school girls stripping on stage in school.  Sweeden:  blondes.  Switzerland:  more blondes.  Russia:, India:  really submissive chicks.
15:57.53Mercesteswhat does the UK give hte world, eh?
15:58.42[TK]D-Fenderholiday_42: as in Aldous Huxley...
15:59.01[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Shirley you jest! ;)
15:59.36*** join/#asterisk matsk (
15:59.44[TK]D-FenderMercestes: So you can act decently in public in Denmark now? :)
16:00.21blepsoaf[TK]D-Fender: is what i have in the DP now
16:00.34cpmme can't act at all
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16:01.08Mercestes[TK]D-Fender, exactly!
16:01.09rob0cpm: Stop acting silly.
16:01.11[TK]D-Fenderblepsoaf: CLI <---------
16:01.24blepsoafok hold
16:01.34cpmgood morn'n rob0
16:01.57cpmOkay, some sell me summa dat co-lo/bandwidth, eh? rob0? got some space in yer server room?
16:02.17rob0Probably could find some.
16:06.51FulkUK gave you LCD's
16:06.56Fulksteam power
16:06.58Fulkelectricity generation
16:06.59*** join/#asterisk cnet2 (n=nada@
16:07.12[TK]D-Fenderblepsoaf: Ah, I see... bad conf# = DOA... see what meetmecount returns...
16:07.26coppiceand don't forget Margaret Thatcher
16:07.39cnet2hi guys.. I have a sip user I don't want him to be able to call forward.  I tried 'cancallforward=no' but it is still forwarding.
16:07.44FulkMargaret T, fixed britain
16:07.57Fulkquite fscked up place in the 70's :-)
16:07.59cnet2.also, can I see on CLI what are the forward status?
16:08.03MercestesFulk:  ...boring...boring...boring...boring...boring....
16:08.11MercestesFulk:  What about chicks?  I saw nothing about chicks.
16:08.14[TK]D-FenderFulk: Add Margaret Thatcher, bubonic plague, and the Spice Girls to that list...
16:08.41Mercestes[TK]D-Fender, and the pip
16:08.42Fulknothing wrong with the plague, helps prune the the poor
16:08.59coppiceanyone that thinks sucking all the oil out of the north sea in no time at all to prop up a bankupt economy is fixing things is kinda twisted
16:09.26Fulksorted out the unions, freed the markets
16:09.42coppicecreated lots of private monopolies
16:10.26Fulkprivate monoplies get created without the help of politicians
16:10.28Fulklook at M$
16:11.18coppiceshe oversaw a government almost as corrupt as GWB
16:12.18MercestesI read the wiki on steam engine...I see nothing about England inventing anything steam engine related.  =/
16:12.39Mercestes"English physicist" showed up once regarding a man building a steam engine from a French physicists designs.
16:12.44coppiceJames Watt made the first practical piston steam engine
16:13.11coppicedoes Watt ring a bell?
16:13.11MercestesThat's hardly "bringing us" steam engines tho
16:13.26blepsoaf[TK]D-Fender: so I have to check the return value?
16:13.42coppicewell, most people think he was signficant enough to name the unit of power after him
16:13.57tzafrirHow does the Sangoma A500 card connect to Asterisk? Through which channel driver?
16:14.20*** join/#asterisk sci_05 (
16:14.42JTthe A500 scales up to 24 BRIs... just in case you ever want to make an ISDN phone pabx ;)
16:14.45MercestesIn 1769 James Watt, another member of the Lunar Society, patented the first significant improvements to the Newcomen type vacuum engine
16:14.50MercestesGainsborough believed that Watt had used his ideas for the invention, but there is no proof of this.[6]
16:16.19MercestesJames Watt (19 January 1736 – 19 August 1819) was a Scottish inventor
16:16.38FulkJT, my old work place had an ISDN phone pabx
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16:16.43Fulk6 ISDN2e channels
16:16.48cpmcoppice, no but Quasimodo does
16:16.58JTFulk: they're very common in Australia
16:17.07Fulkthey're common in the UK, very common
16:17.15FulkISDN2 is probably the most common small business trunk
16:17.16JTFulk: were the phones proprietary?
16:17.18*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (
16:17.19Mercestessilly UK
16:17.28JTbetter than silly POTS
16:17.31Fulkit was an NEC switchboard
16:17.36*** join/#asterisk neverblue (n=neverblu@unaffiliated/neverblue)
16:17.45rob0Watt doesn't ring a bell! That was Pavlov!!
16:17.48Fulkmy point was why they had 12 BRI channels, why didn't they go PRI
16:17.55JTFulk: ok, well what i mean is you can use actual ISDN standard handsets, and asterisk as the PABX
16:17.55Fulk>8 channels it's cheaper
16:18.16JTFulk: here >4 channels is cheaper if you can get Optus PRI :)
16:18.29SuPrSluGhello all
16:18.47Fulkjt, nah proprietary NEC handsets
16:18.57Fulkone of the reasons I like * so much is you're free to choose handsets
16:19.09Fulkthe competition makes them so much cheaper
16:19.18JTFulk: mind you, germany is one of the only places that actually uses isdn handsets
16:19.34cpmrob0,, no that was Quasimodo
16:19.34MercestesYea, don't be like germany
16:19.39FulkNEC display handsets were £200+, $400 each
16:20.03SuPrSluGwhat can cause a delay when outbound calling on a zap channel? I'm having a weird issue w/ the callers voice not being heard for a couple of seconds when I make an outbound call
16:20.30JTFulk: sounds normal
16:20.37Mercesteshey...what's that ...Notre Dam song?  with the chorus that sounds really creepy?
16:21.30Mercestesthat's all in a foreign language and you can't understand them anyways
16:21.34FulkSuPrSluG, what hardware are you using?
16:21.48SuPrSluGx100p clone
16:21.59Fulkbin it, they're crap
16:22.18MercestesSuPrSluG, using clone hardware can cause a delay when outbound dialing on a zap channel
16:22.25kombi_does it make sense to have a softphone with g729?
16:22.47Fulkkombi_, yes - if you're connecting over a low bandwidth connection
16:23.13Fulkafter a look of fucking about I got my x100p clone working "okayish", it's only used for emergency calling
16:23.14MercestesIf your connecting over a low bandwidth connection you shouldn't be using a softphone.
16:23.18SuPrSluGreally? thanx. what would you recommend for 2-3 lines max?
16:23.32FulkMercestes, why not?
16:23.33SuPrSluGhardware that is
16:23.44FulkI use a softphone all the time on low bandwidth
16:24.10kombi_does * support g729?
16:24.22Fulkkombi_, yes but you have to buy a license
16:24.40Fulkor use the hooky free version for non-commercial use
16:25.00Fulkbut I'd suggested buying a license off digium, since they deserve the money
16:25.05kombi_guess I rather go with g711 then, less hussle..
16:25.11CoffeeIVI am trying to use a voicetronix OpenLine 4 with asterix 1.2.19.  Is a particular version of the voicetronix driver required ( 2.*, 3.0, 4.0) ?  I am getting compile errors on chan_vpb.c
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16:25.22JTi think most of the money goes to the patent holder, not digium
16:25.30kombi_Fulk: I agree with you on the latter
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16:25.31sci_05kombi_ less hussle but more bandwidth
16:25.39Fulkkombi_, some softphones support gSM
16:25.45Fulkwhich is quite low bandwidth
16:25.57Fulkit's also license free
16:26.01JTCoffeeIV: i think you'll find almost no-one uses voicetronix stuff here
16:26.05JTalso quite low quality
16:26.06kombi_but cell quality
16:26.09JTg.729 sounds better
16:26.31CoffeeIVJT: hmmm that's too bad, I may have to email voicetronix support
16:26.35coppiceif G.729 sounds significantly better tyou have something broken
16:26.59JTperhaps the version of gsm that asterisk uses is significantly broken then :)
16:27.04Fulkg729/gsm sound about the same to me
16:27.14kombi_I'll do some tests on codecs some time, really intersting issue
16:27.24Fulkthere's a page on covering them
16:27.33coppicethey should do. its just that GSM 06.10 takes 60% more bits to achieve that
16:27.43kombi_run'em over a recording studio monitor and compare
16:28.07JTi'd always rather use g.711 or g.726 :)
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16:28.22kombi_anyways, got to go, cheers everyone!
16:28.29coppicethose will certainly beat G.729 or GSM 06.10
16:28.50JTyou think? ;)
16:29.37coppicenot everyone does. there are endless messages from G.729 fanboys saying you can't tell it from G.711 :-)
16:29.50JTcrazy people
16:29.55Mercestessilly fanboys
16:30.24coppiceI think they listened to too much heavy metal at 11
16:30.36Mercesteswow, why did they wait until they were so old?
16:35.00*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
16:35.20JTi listened to plenty last week, beat that, Mercestes
16:35.26*** join/#asterisk qdk (
16:36.01coppicewe listen to japanese pop every day. tedious stuff for the most part
16:36.22JTdon't you get hk pop there?
16:36.34Mercestesheh, I don't listen to it often makes me feel happy
16:36.48MercestesI dunno if it's the upbeat music....or just knowing it's a bunch of 14 year olds...
16:36.50Mercestesbut, meh, who cares.
16:36.53coppicewe get lots of mandarin, korean and japanese too
16:37.07JTMercestes: i was in japan last week
16:38.03Mercesteslucky bastard
16:38.12coppicethe japanese singers look cute. its just a pity they don't shut up
16:38.32JTi can't believe that stuff, as in food/drink etc, is cheaper than australia
16:39.03coppicehuh? food in japan is damned expensive
16:39.14anonymouz666fish everyday
16:39.35s0ckhaving a blonde moment here
16:39.42s0ckjust redone kernel and zaptel
16:39.52s0ckdo i need to remake * too
16:39.55s0ckor just restart it
16:40.15JTcoppice: it seems cheap compared to here
16:40.22JTwell at least the convenience stores were
16:40.30JTseafood is much cheaper
16:40.33coppicewhere is here?
16:40.34JTas well
16:41.06coppiceI never saw any cheap food or drink in japan.
16:41.19coppiceand people complain like crazy there about its cost
16:41.26Qwell[]FYI, our hardware guys rock.  They have this fake electronic fish tank thing...  somebody recently put a webcam pointed right on it
16:41.28coppiceespecially things like fruit
16:41.33JTit's  all relative
16:41.46JTi didn't go grocery shopping
16:42.45coppiceone of my colleagues loves fruit, and complained the only affordable kind is bananas. interestingly, those are all imports
16:44.07Fulkfriend from Uni was from HK
16:44.12*** join/#asterisk DirtyD (
16:44.22DirtyDmy TDM2400p is driving me bonkers.
16:44.27Fulkcompsci phd
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16:44.41Fulkhad a hobby of writing songs, and one of them got quite popular back home
16:44.42coppicemost of my friends are from HK
16:44.44DirtyDFulk, you have a Phd is compsci?
16:44.56FulkI think he got £100k in royalties
16:45.07Fulkmy friend had a phd in compsci
16:45.15FulkI have a BSc in compsci, haven't got round to the phd yet :-)
16:45.16DirtyDoh, wow.. lot's of math..
16:45.30JTthat's maths, you damned yanks :P
16:45.37Fulkpredicate calculus was a bit of a pain :-)
16:45.52JTcompsci maths is piss easy compared to end
16:45.59JTeng :)
16:46.08DirtyDJT: huh? lol
16:46.12DirtyDoh engineering
16:46.17Fulkmy twin brother has a phd in theorhetical physics
16:46.19DirtyDcoppice, I thought the same thing.
16:46.41denontheatrical physics?
16:46.44FulkI can't get past the first sentence
16:46.47DirtyDhaha theatrical..
16:46.52JTFulk: what is this, boast about everything day?
16:46.55DirtyDThe drama of physics
16:47.20denonwe used to make jokes about the lab guys and their theatrical phyiscs degrees
16:47.22DirtyDHey, what's wrong with this TDM2400p.. it sucks!
16:47.23*** join/#asterisk dlynes_laptop (
16:47.23Fulkcan't speel :-)
16:47.25JTnext your pet dog will have a certificate of atainment
16:47.33Fulkdog no, but my cat does :-)
16:47.54DirtyDFor some reason when I bridge between zap channels the volume is reaaaaaaaaaaaally low.
16:48.18FulkDirtyD, I've got no experience of TDM's - any guys here who can help?
16:48.23Fulkor even gals
16:48.38DirtyDgals are good for only one thing.
16:49.03coppiceDirtyD: you lack imagination
16:49.12EmleyMoorDirtyD: Have you tried tuning the gain?
16:49.42DirtyDEmley: Yeah, no go..  See when I do a sip to zap it's fine.. loud even.
16:50.29DirtyDI think it must be some internal bug with the hardware..
16:50.40EmleyMoorDirtyD: It's just Zap to Zap that's poor?
16:51.21vnhiya, I'm looking for an analog to IAX2 adapter that I could initially use straight on the phone and eventually use it with asterisk later, any suggestion?
16:51.32Waverly360Has anyone here had any experience dealing with long distance carriers requiring an access code?
16:52.04DirtyDOther problem I'm having is that when I Dial(Zap/1,???????)  it picks up the pstn, I can hear a dialtone, but doesnt actually dial the number..
16:52.32DirtyDSo, the caller now has full access to an uninhibited dial-tone on my pstn..
16:52.44[TK]D-Fendervn: pretty much all of the IAX2 ATA's out there are kinda cheap (crap).
16:52.47*** join/#asterisk lisandropm (
16:53.05EmleyMoorDirtyD: Hmmm... what kind of dialing?
16:53.10[TK]D-FenderDirtyD: Because the number isn ANOTHER PARAMETER
16:53.19EmleyMoorAh, good point
16:53.30[TK]D-FenderEmleyMoor: Indeed
16:53.40DirtyDI just used ? in place of the number for privacy reasons.
16:53.55EmleyMoorYes... but you used a , where a / was needed
16:54.00[TK]D-FenderDirtyD: Pastebin the ACTUAL line in your dialplan.
16:54.38[TK]D-FenderDirtyD: "," separates parameters, hence your phone number became your TIMEOUT.
16:55.02vn[TK]D-Fender: what would you suggest then? everybody tells me to avoir SIP cuz it's crap with NAT
16:55.17[TK]D-Fendervn: work 99% of the time.
16:55.42vnwhat's the 1%?
16:56.07[TK]D-Fendervn: A few schumks with Cisco PIX's, and a tiny handful of shit D-Link routers
16:56.28vnaw.  I got a cisco 806..
16:56.29[TK]D-Fendervn: Pretty much every other el-cheapo router out there is fine.
16:56.46[TK]D-Fendervn: You may or may not have issues.
16:56.57[TK]D-Fendervn: borrow one for a test.
16:57.11coppicearen't pixies supposed to make trouble? :-\
16:57.16vnuhm yeah
16:57.29vnI guess I'll get nothing by not trying
16:57.37blepsoaf[TK]D-Fender: will i have to wrap the meetme thing into an AGI script? or is this doable from the DP
16:57.43[TK]D-Fendercoppice: That's why I pay "protection" money to the dryads & fae ;)
16:58.05[TK]D-Fenderblepsoaf: maybe.... they sure didn't build that app resilient
16:58.30blepsoaflol ok
16:59.17EmleyMoorWhat's a good economical SIP/IAX2 phone with PoE capability and 3 accounts with different ringtones?
16:59.51*** join/#asterisk flujan (
17:00.16[TK]D-FenderEmleyMoor: IP501 w/ PoE bundled.
17:00.26DirtyDwhen dialing using Dial() how do I do a pause...
17:00.45[TK]D-FenderDirtyD: Dial(zap/1/wwww12345678)
17:01.00[TK]D-FenderDirtyD: "w" = .5s pause
17:01.13vnvoip with asterisk sounds so complicated to me :\
17:01.29vnlike these ringtone in regexp
17:01.40[TK]D-Fendervn: its not *, its CISCO's screwed up NAT implementation.
17:02.16[TK]D-Fendervn: What do you mean ringtones in regexp?
17:02.39EmleyMoor* is fun once you get used to it
17:02.59vnlike that
17:03.20[TK]D-Fendervn: How often do you have to actually MESS with these things, and where is that specific sample from?
17:04.47vnfrom a howto
17:04.58vnguess its not often but still
17:06.33s0ckb410p wont compile now with new kernel :/
17:06.55tzafriris b410p part of latest misdn?
17:07.24[TK]D-Fendervn: which howto, and for what?
17:07.49s0ckit downloads the latest misdn when you try and make it
17:09.20vn[TK]D-Fender: I closed the window, don't remember sorry
17:09.34vnit was to set up the sound of the busy phone I think
17:09.52[TK]D-Fendervn: Which phone?
17:10.01s0ckkernel-devel is the same as extracting a kernel off, yeh?
17:10.49vn[TK]D-Fender: there, look at busy tone
17:11.38[TK]D-Fendervn: that has NOTHING to do with *.
17:11.58vnI'm noob to voip heh
17:12.29[TK]D-Fendervn: Thats like blaming your car stereo for shit music when its the STATION broadcasting it.
17:12.43[TK]D-Fendervn: Or saying your telco sucks because you bought a shitty phone.
17:13.00[TK]D-Fendervn: That an ATA's config.  Get your targets right!
17:16.12vnheh I've got like no idea where to begin
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17:19.33jbotbook is, like, a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
17:19.39[TK]D-Fendervn: THERE
17:20.08[TK]D-Fenderu can has book!
17:20.22s0ck[TK]D-Fender: what distro you use
17:20.36[TK]D-Fenders0ck: CentOS Primarily, Slackware otherwise
17:20.44s0ckkernel-devel is the same as extracting a kernel off, yeh?
17:21.00[TK]D-Fenders0ck: I've never compiled my own before.
17:21.02s0ckthinking along the lines of 'yum install kernel-devel'
17:21.36vnI wonder if we can use asterisk in a VM, there's no mention of virtual machine in that book
17:21.50s0ckthe dir format is different, i think it's why the b410p will no longer compile
17:21.57s0ckutter pain in the ass
17:22.27s0ck[TK]D-Fender: k ;/
17:22.54[TK]D-Fenders0ck: You need the headers to match
17:23.35s0ck/usr/src/zaptel-1.2.18/misdn/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/hfc_multi.c:95:26: linux/config.h: No such file or directory
17:24.31s0ckmake[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/redhat/BUILD/kernel- <-- dunno where it's getting this dir from...
17:25.13LOL-WUTmy asterisk just exploded
17:25.46waKKumaybe have some var like KERNEL_DIR to set.. or --with-include ..
17:25.55s0ckit's getting it from $PWD
17:26.12s0ckcan someone do an echo $PWD, centos preferably
17:26.37s0cki think $PWD should equal the kernel devel/source dir praps
17:27.06MindTheGapAnyone have any clue on CDR "dst" being set to "s" when dialing from a macro? has the dialplan and output...
17:27.12waKKugroo:/etc/asterisk# pwd
17:27.13waKKugroo:/etc/asterisk# echo $PWD
17:27.44waKKui think $PWD must be pwd.. and only it
17:28.12s0ckdunno why the make script uses it then, it's in /usr/src/zaptel* fs
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17:29.24waKKus0ck there is a include/linux.h on current directory ?
17:29.46waKKuif yes.. then do PWD=$(pwd)
17:29.59waKKus0ck maybe on /usr/include/linux.h ?
17:30.16s0ckthe common kernel-devel structure houses the directory
17:30.39waKKuops.. is linux/config.h
17:30.50s0ckcant use yum to update keren past 2.6.9 tho
17:30.55s0ckso i grabbed and compiled manually
17:30.58waKKugroo:/etc/asterisk# locate linux\/config.h
17:31.13tzafrirwaKKu, PWD:=$(shell pwd) is for calling it from a different make
17:31.28s0ckone of the prerequisites of compiling zaptel seems to be 'kernel-devel'
17:31.28tzafrira recusrsive make call and such
17:31.45s0ckwhich i assumed was a simple extract of the current kernel source
17:31.48s0cknot so, it seems
17:32.07vnLOL-WUT: just like...boom?
17:32.18waKKuto create headers u need compile it
17:32.31LOL-WUTjust like *
17:33.45waKKuMindTheGap this really happen
17:34.07waKKuhave some way to go around it.. but, of course, i dont remember
17:34.12waKKui see in a book sometime..
17:34.20Waverly360[TK]D-Fender: Hey man, are you familiar with lines like this in asterisk? "PROGRESS with cause code 31 received"
17:34.49[TK]D-FenderWaverly360: That one's new to me.
17:35.39Waverly360[TK]D-Fender: That's what I get when I try to dial a non-working through Asterisk.
17:35.45s0cki have that file in the normal path waKKu
17:35.50s0cknot sure where it is looking for it tho
17:35.59Waverly360[TK]D-Fender: My sip phone continues to ring when that happens though...
17:36.28[jwb][TK]D-Fender: yep, I can't seem to get Read() to play a sound...  in ael i'm suing this syntax:
17:36.35[jwb]I've tried it with and without the .gsm
17:36.53s0ckif it's any help
17:37.45[TK]D-Fender[jwb]: pastebin your exact code and CLI output (.gsm is bad, NO extensions allowed). and proof that the file is there and accessable
17:38.21waKKus0ck did u compile this kernel ???
17:38.55s0ckplease tell me you can see my glaring error
17:39.13[jwb][TK]D-Fender: as I said before.. the same exact file ..   ie..  Playback(goodbye); works great
17:39.20[jwb]so unless Read() expects its files somewhere else...
17:39.26[TK]D-Fender[jwb]: PASTEBIN..............
17:39.27waKKuit seems like u only untar kernel source, and dont do a make menuconfig .....
17:39.35waKKuto create headers ..
17:39.54waKKus0ck have one file called config.h on zaptel source-dir ?
17:40.53s0ckor do you mean sling one in there
17:41.06s0ckhaven't had to do that for any of the other kernels tho
17:42.02*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
17:42.42vn  <=== is that an ATA?  it doesnt mention it
17:44.13waKKuvn hm.. native IAX .. cool ;)
17:44.45[jwb][TK]D-Fender: :P
17:45.29waKKulooks like an ATA for me.. maybe with a single ATA port ? (TEL / PSTN !?!?!)
17:45.32vnheh, I'm just looking for something in which I plug my ol' phone and in my router and voila, just need to call a voip provider...and that I can use to learn with asterisk later
17:46.08waKKuvn here we use linksys pap2 ... very good and price ;)
17:46.20waKKubut, only supports SIP
17:46.45*** join/#asterisk jaike (n=jaike@
17:47.26[TK]D-Fender[jwb]: -- Executing Read("SIP/C2955-voxel-1-45ca34a8", "acode|yesterday|8|skip|3|4") in new stack
17:47.35[TK]D-Fender[jwb]: -rw-r--r--  1 root root 1485 2006-01-26 13:25 /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/goodbye.gsm
17:47.42[jwb]oh sorry
17:47.46[jwb]ls'd the wrong one for ya
17:47.49[TK]D-Fender[jwb]: Any more apples & oranges you feel like showing me?
17:48.11[jwb]-rw-r--r--  1 root root 1320 2006-01-26 13:25 /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/yesterday.gsm
17:48.15[jwb]better? :P
17:48.17waKKu[TK]D-Fender can u help me with pickupgroups hun ? :)
17:48.30vnwaKKu: yeah but everyone tells me tu avoid SIP
17:48.55waKKuvn yeah.. SIP have yours problems ...
17:48.58vnand there [TK]D-Fender that told me my cisco 806 could be a problem
17:49.01[TK]D-Fendervu : convenient little french bits slipping past the rest as if typos :)
17:49.18waKKubut... this link u send is ONLY IAX ... check if u provider support iax users
17:49.54waKKuo sorry.. version 2.0 have SIP support
17:50.15vnI'm looking forward to go with unlimitel
17:50.19[TK]D-Fendervn: I don't see "skip" as an option in that command...
17:50.30[TK]D-Fendervn: a few of my clients use them and are very happy
17:50.43vnthem being the link I pasted?
17:51.11vnif my understanding is good, fxs = ata?
17:51.11waKKuvn he did confuse ;D
17:51.24vny'all lost me
17:51.33[TK]D-Fenderoption     -- options are 's' , 'i', 'n'  's' to return immediately if the line is not up,  'i' to play  filename as an indication tone from your indications.conf
17:51.55waKKuvn maybe it can help u:
17:52.06vncool, a wiki
17:52.31*** join/#asterisk Jingles (
17:52.33[jwb][TK]D-Fender: show app shows:
17:52.33[TK]D-Fendervn:  "skips" in your call to read is not legal accoring to the instructions, and the "i" in there if breoken down would seem to indicate that it will NOT treat your file as actual AUDIO
17:52.53[TK]D-Fender[jwb]: pastebin your "show application read"
17:53.17vn[TK]D-Fender: are you confusing me with someone else?
17:53.31[jwb]vn: i think he was
17:53.34*** join/#asterisk GlobeTrotter (
17:53.34[TK]D-Fender[jwb]: yes, I'm mixing EVERYBODY up!
17:53.48[TK]D-FenderEverybody : You know which comments are for whom!
17:54.21vnGlobeTrotter: omg, I thought I'd never see a costarican on IRC
17:55.03GlobeTrotterim in costa rica but not costa rican
17:55.14vnok :\
17:55.16[TK]D-Fender[jwb]: ok, skip that param entirely.
17:55.18GlobeTrotterbut thanks :)
17:55.21vnwent two times there hehe
17:55.24[jwb][TK]D-Fender: standby
17:56.04[jwb][TK]D-Fender: asterisk documentation ftw, as usual ;)
17:56.08[jwb][TK]D-Fender: ditching that did the trick
17:56.18*** join/#asterisk Ironhand ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
17:57.43jaikeanyone using nagios to monitor asterisk?
17:58.41jaikecorydon: which plugin you using? can you point me where you got it?
17:59.06Corydon76-homeThe generic one we got from somewhere else, and we wrote the one to monitor PRI spans
17:59.31jaikehmmmm, just need to check if asterisk service is running
17:59.40AvoidingDeadlockCorydon76-home, can you explain the unwarranted hostility?
17:59.43jaikethe one i found was a bit old
17:59.48bkw_is this much better?
18:00.07waKKujaike why dont u use snmp for it ?
18:00.09bkw_oh well you guys can act childish and kick/ban anyone with a differing opinion or view.
18:00.10*** part/#asterisk bkw_ (
18:00.22Corydon76-homejaike: just connecting to the manager port is enough.  But you need to make sure that the manager service is running
18:00.42Corydon76-homeenable = yes in manager.conf
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18:01.15Corydon76-homeor "enabled = yes" rather
18:02.06jaikeyeah the plugin i downloaded tries to connect to manager but cant get it to work.. thanks anyways
18:02.19Corydon76-homejaike: is your manager service running?
18:02.29Corydon76-homejaike: that's usually what people forget
18:02.54jaikewere using manager for a lot of things actually
18:03.05Corydon76-homejaike: any firewall rules?
18:03.31Corydon76-homecheck to ensure the machine running nagios can connect to that port
18:03.42jaiketelnet to the port works fine
18:03.43Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
18:04.09Corydon76-homejaike: and is the login correct?  It's by default set as nagios/nagios
18:04.12jaikethe plugin i got is kinda old, was hoping to find a newer version
18:04.51jaikewere not using default though
18:04.57Corydon76-homeOkay, don't know what to tell you then
18:05.08nnyquick q, i have a script that is run by asterisk to change a conf file. I have moved the system from the asterisknow stuff, to an actual Debian based install. (booo hiss :) it works great overall, but the script is not working when invoked by asterisk. I believe this is permissions issue. as it works when run as root. the error I get is Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?)
18:05.41nnynow i am running the script as an account other than asterisk, as i don't believe asterisk has shell access
18:06.01nnybut when invoked from asterisk directly, it doesn't work as well
18:06.40Corydon76-homenny: check the permissions on /var/run/asterisk and /var/run/asterisk.ctl.  The user you're running the script as will need to have read and execute access to the directory and rw access to the socket
18:07.11Corydon76-homenny: you can set those permissions in /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf
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18:08.56vnsomething I don't an FXO something you plug on an PSTN or a router/modem?
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18:12.27Corydon76-homevn: FXO accepts dialtone.  FXS generates dialtone
18:12.31Waverly360Is there something significantly different about running the Dial command from and AGI script rather than running it within extensions.conf?
18:12.43vnCorydon76-home: yeah but on what kind of link?
18:12.49Waverly360Maybe some environment variable or something that I'm not taking into consideration?
18:13.03Corydon76-homevn: it is its own type of link.
18:13.18Corydon76-homevn: commonly referred to as Loop Start
18:13.57vnuhm...Ju just want to search for something fxs to ethernet line (to plug in my router)
18:14.07vnwhat's the second bit commonly called?
18:14.58anonymouz666where's work?
18:15.13vnso I google for a fxs to ethernet adapter
18:15.23Corydon76-homevn: there is no such thing
18:15.31[TK]D-Fendervn: What is it you want to do?  1) Use an analog phone as a SIP phone, or 2) let * use your analog LINE via a SIP gateway?
18:15.40Corydon76-homeFXS is a channelized protocol.  Ethernet is packet-based
18:15.56Corydon76-homeThey are completely different
18:16.03[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-home: I'm quite sure he wants a boring ATA.  Just playing cat&mouse with him?
18:16.24Corydon76-home[TK]D-Fender: no, trying to inform why it's a nonsensical request
18:17.03Corydon76-homevn: just get an FXO card for your Asterisk machine
18:17.16[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-home: Yes it may not be properly worded, but can be easily and justifiably interpreted as the net effect of an ATA with a few protocols involved but not specifically mentioned.
18:17.42vnwait wait...I want to beign with something plug and play and then playa sterisk later...and what I want is to use my analog phone over the IAX2 protocol
18:18.03Corydon76-home[TK]D-Fender: light a fire for a man, and he'll be warm for an evening; light a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life
18:18.23[TK]D-Fendervn: You just want an ATA then.  Look at the SPA-2102.  Forget IAX2 ATA's for the moment, the quiality of the ones out there currently kinda sucks
18:18.36vnand what about IAX?
18:18.42*** join/#asterisk _VoiceMeUp_COM (
18:18.44[TK]D-Fendervn: IAX = IAX2.
18:18.56[TK]D-Fendervn: the old official IAx1 is LONG dead
18:19.14[TK]D-Fendervn: Whenever you see IAx mentioend, figure that its IAX2.
18:19.18*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
18:19.35vndear god, I'll just give a try with the spa3k
18:19.36mvanbaaknot on my 0.0.1-beta2 asterisk production system
18:19.41[TK]D-Fendervn: so seriously, just test with a SIP ATA and see if it'll do the job.  Where exactly are you located?
18:19.53vn[TK]D-Fender: quebec city, ste-foy
18:19.57[TK]D-Fendervn: SPA-3K is decet, and offers 1 FXS & 1 FXO
18:20.05Corydon76-homemvanbaak: there are still those of us around who remember the release of 0.1.0
18:20.16[TK]D-Fendervn: Ok, not QUITE next door... I'm pretty sure you've got some * nearby though.
18:20.22mvanbaakCorydon76-home :)
18:20.32vnsome friends do
18:20.32waKKuone icecream for these that help me with pickupgroups :D
18:20.37mvanbaakCorydon76-home: I still remember running debian with kernel 0.94
18:20.47vnthey're just plain confusing
18:21.31[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: GOOD MORNING STARSHINE!
18:21.41mvanbaak[TK]D-Fender :) how are you darling ?
18:21.47vnwell thanks for the clarifications
18:21.51[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: Almost friday!
18:22.01mvanbaakthank god !
18:22.05jaikevn: linux user?
18:22.18vnjaike: yeah
18:23.12mvanbaakimportant info: never try to use 2 sangoma A102 cards in a xen domU domain
18:23.19mvanbaakit's not working really ok
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18:29.41logyati_voicemeup_com are u there?
18:30.03Hmmhesaysok I can't find the voicemail map on the wiki
18:32.42watchyanyone got the sip 2.1 for polycoms?
18:34.20*** join/#asterisk magic_hat (
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18:34.50magic_hathey everyone. I need to route an inbound call from a particular number to one of my sip phones. what's the best way to accomplish that?
18:37.11magic_hatwaKKu: where DST is my ext and src is the caller id?
18:37.43Jinglesfrom a particular #? That's fun.
18:38.13magic_hatJingles, why do you say that?
18:38.39rsd99i am using exten =>_1NXX-NXX-XXXX,1,Dial(SIP/(proxy)/${EXTEN}), but when i try to make a call, it says no route to host
18:39.37Jinglesexten => _XXXX,1,Dial(SIP/####)
18:39.50Jingleswhere XXXX is the specific caller ID, and #### is the sip extension.
18:40.16rsd99even for a regular phone number?
18:40.40JinglesI've got a collection of SIP trunks coming in all with full on 10 digit phone #s.
18:40.51Jinglesand each one gets routed to a different bit of the dialplan.
18:41.57rsd99so for 10 didigs i would go exten => _XXXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/##########)
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18:43.08mvanbaakrsd99: yup
18:43.22[TK]D-Fenderrsd99: Dashes are not allowed
18:44.25waKKumagic_hat: yes
18:44.37rsd99do i use ${EXTEN} inplace of the #'s on the SIP/?  i am new to this, and have been racking my brain.  everything else i have setup and working, just making calls to 10 10 digit numbers such as my cell phone
18:45.00mvanbaak${EXTEN} holds the number that matches the _XXXXXXXXX
18:45.09[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: Wherever your accept your incoming call, do a GotoIf on that CallerID and go do whatever you want with it.
18:45.19mvanbaakso if you have a number '0123456789' it will be like this:
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18:45.36mvanbaakexten => _XXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})
18:45.43mvanbaakcall comes in
18:45.47mvanbaakthis line matches
18:45.55[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: NO
18:45.56mvanbaakand it will dial SIP/0123456789
18:46.02mvanbaakoh dammit
18:46.20mvanbaakX is every digit cept 0 right
18:46.26magic_hat[TK]D-Fender. thanks.
18:46.39[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: Getting.  COLDER.
18:46.53mvanbaakno, 0 matches
18:47.05[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: Read what he wants to do again....
18:48.05mvanbaakafter I grabbed another cup'o'coffee
18:48.14blepsoafdoes anyone know for sure before I write an agi script if that meetme can handle mutiple pin attempts.. IE right now if an incorrect pin is entered meetme will hangup and not continue on with the dial plan
18:50.20prashant_joisI have a 4 span card and I want, say, Span 1 to act as a 24 port channel bank.  I configured 1-24 in zaptel.conf as being fxsks and in zapata.conf to be fxs_ks.  However, when the call comes in, I'm not getting any caller ID.  Is this because asterisk is not automatically parsing the caller id after the first ring?
18:50.59[TK]D-Fenderprashant_jois: Depends on your channelbank, and the rest of your settings in zapata.conf.  Pastebin it.
18:51.01jboti guess pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or at
18:51.06blepsoafare you setting your dchan?
18:51.36[TK]D-Fenderblepsoaf: Not applicable, read the big print again :)
18:52.44prashant_jois[TK]D-Fender: there is no channel bank, I want the first span to _act_ as a 24 port channel bank.
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18:53.51magic_hatcan I send someone to a different context with gotoif, or just another priority in the current context?
18:54.08Jingleseither is fine.
18:56.46Dantixhi all, I'm really new to asterisk. I've bought an openvox 1200 card, compiled its driver and modprobed it. The leds on the board are light on. But when I've conenct a phone to the FXS module I cannot ear the dialtone. Questions: is enough to load the module to obtain the dialtone at fxs connectors? or it's needed to asterisk do that work?
18:56.57prashant_jois[TK]D-Fender: zaptel.conf:, zapata.conf:
19:00.51prashant_jois[TK]D-Fender: sorry wrong zapata.conf, here is the right one:
19:01.48[TK]D-Fenderprashant_jois: What signalling coming in from your telco?
19:02.00[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: Either
19:02.58prashant_jois[TK]D-Fender: signalling is actually coming from another asterisk box, but it is fxo.
19:03.15[TK]D-Fenderprashant_jois: Ok, what are you looking to plu INTO that port?
19:04.31DarKnesS_WolFi can't believe it !
19:04.52DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: since this morning i can't get the option "m" for authenticate to work :-s
19:04.57DarKnesS_WolFit's really pain ~
19:06.35prashant_jois[TK]D-Fender: I want to plug in a 24 channel T1 cable, with each channel acting as a simple analog channel.  So one asterisk box is currently calling a real channel bank with 24 channels.  Now I want to move that cable out of the channel bank and into another asterisk box.  This new asterisk box needs to be able to handle 24 separate incoming channels as if it were a channel bank.
19:08.26prashant_jois[TK]D-Fender: The configuration I posted seems to work but the caller id is missing.  I'm thinking that even though I configured the 24 channels as fxsks the caller id is not being automatically handled because it is not a true analog card.  Is this correct?
19:10.41[TK]D-Fenderprashant_jois: Wait.. you effectively want to link 2 * boxes together Via a T1 cable?
19:10.55prashant_jois[TK]D-Fender: yes exactly
19:11.05[TK]D-Fenderprashant_jois: and you missed the line of "callerid=asreceived"
19:11.11[TK]D-Fenderprashant_jois: Why not SIP/IAX?
19:11.48xkevI hav ea channel bank hanging off mine
19:11.51xkevABII ftw
19:12.09[TK]D-Fenderprashant_jois: the minimum you should use if PRI signalling betweent he two.  Analog T1  is a CRAP idea.
19:12.12xkev; channel bank
19:12.23xkevcallerid=Fax Machine <1701>
19:12.23xkevchannel => 97
19:12.36prashant_jois[TK]D-Fender: because I don't have control over the configuration of the first asterisk box, and it's currently signalling to a channel bank.  My preferred method of signalling would be PRI but my hands are tied.
19:12.53prashant_jois[TK]D-Fender: I've tried callerid=asreceived, but it doesn't seem to work
19:13.12[TK]D-Fenderprashant_jois: An unnecessary expense in hardware and now POORLY DEPLOYED.
19:13.39xkevyou using the bank for analog dialtone?
19:13.42prashant_jois[TK]D-Fender: well I can't change that
19:13.49[TK]D-Fenderprashant_jois: Oh wait.... perhaps the other side isn't SETTING CID....
19:14.02[TK]D-Fenderxkev: He's not suing a channel bank.
19:14.07*** join/#asterisk Metfan2007 (
19:14.25[TK]D-Fenderxkev: He's using a T1 CAS to link to * boxes (bleh)
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19:14.55Metfan2007Hi all, I have some problems trying to install the lastest asterisk-addons.1.4, can you help me?
19:14.58prashant_jois[TK]D-Fender: it is, because caller id is getting through to the regular channel bank
19:15.01rantshHi everybody, it's your favorite n00b once more...
19:15.24xkevoh wtf nm
19:16.09rantshcan someone tell me what does slinear mean? is that a codec or is it "raw" media???
19:16.27xkevsigned linear
19:16.46mvanbaakused by asterisk to do internal de/en-coding
19:17.15xkeveffectively "raw"
19:17.29xkevgot gsm, need ulaw?  gsm->slin->ulaw chain
19:17.34Metfan2007cp: cannot stat `.libs/': No such file or directory
19:17.39Metfan2007any clue????
19:17.46rantshoh ok! thanks guys
19:20.00xkevI used some inband cas crap for linking * to legacy pbx, but setup time is ass
19:20.36Metfan2007can you compile *-addons 1.4.2 ok???
19:21.11xkevif two * boxes are to be stupidly trunked together, run pri with one as pri_cpe and one as pri_net
19:21.51*** part/#asterisk Dantix (
19:21.55prashant_joisxkev: Ideally i would do that, but I don't have control over the first box, which is signalling cas, so the other end has to be able to accept cas
19:21.58xkevbut I promise an ethernet switch costs less than two T400Ps
19:22.19mvanbaakIAX ftw
19:22.34xkevyeah, just get the noob running the other one to save himself hardware and do an iax trunk
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19:23.03prashant_joisxkev: again, that side cannot be changed.
19:23.16xkevare you expecting cidname?
19:23.19xkevor just dnis/ani
19:23.33prashant_joisxkev: not necessarily, just number would be fine, but I'm getting nothing
19:24.07prashant_joisxkev: dnis would not get through anyway, I'm trapping it in extension 's'
19:26.50xkevtried debug channel etc?
19:27.03xkeverm well nm
19:27.08xkevthat's active chans
19:27.35xkevall I can say is don't hit the crack pipe too much, and good luck :)
19:29.21prashant_joisxkev: I've never tried debug channel, let me see what happens
19:30.17mvanbaakHeroes on tv
19:31.12xkevyou can debug pri spans and eval the signalling
19:31.22xkevinband though, not sure if zap has a knob for that
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19:35.39prashant_joisxkev: debug channel doesn't seem to have done anything.  I can't use pri debug because it is not signalling pri.
19:35.49prashant_joisthanks for your help anyway
19:36.07xkevI know cas signalling can deliver ani and bellcore caller id
19:36.25xkevbut you have to do the ani/dnis etc with stupid digit stuff, like separate with a star
19:36.56xkevis it delivering like regular pots callerid/name if you plug in a phone to the channel bank?
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19:37.02Cresl1nI've never heard of any kind of CAS protocol that will do ANI + bellcore style CID
19:37.08Cresl1nusually it's DTMF ANI+CID
19:37.20key2Cresl1n: right
19:37.35xkevI run callerid over my channel banks with fxo_ks signal
19:37.38Cresl1nand that's your E&M and Feature Group D type trunk protocols
19:38.01xkevbut actually, that's not doing both
19:38.12xkevno point in e&m for end stations
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19:38.41xkevit's been like 2 years, but yeah.. that's what I did was dtmf e&m shit from the old pbx
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19:41.35watchywhats a command in * i can use to make someone enter a password before they can dialout say Long distance?
19:42.54bkruseagi scripts, or a DTMF read
19:43.05bkrusegotoif(${blah} etc etc
19:43.20watchyi thought there was some type of auth command
19:43.28dioeduhello, i wanna use zapata.conf with realtime static configuration, but i don't know how context of channels work in this case... because with zapata.conf, the configuration is loaded in line... someone knows if is it possible ?
19:43.38clive-watchy use agi....there is a way to do it in the dialplan, but agi is easier
19:43.51clive-Hi jeremy
19:44.07JerJerbut i prefer to use bkruse's method of  read -> lookup in astdb (or other) -> gotoif
19:44.17watchydisa looks rather easy
19:44.17JerJerclive-:  hi
19:44.30bkruseJerJer: yep, agi's for that little of a purpose could get to out of hand
19:44.39DirtyDwhen I pickup one of my FSX lines, it rings and goes immediatly to the demo.. How to I have it provide a dialtone?
19:44.45xkevif you just want a simple password
19:44.48bkrusethere ya go
19:45.03bkrusewould this be the proper place for multiple ways to skin a cat?
19:45.06xkevif you want user management etc, disa/agi/whatever other duct tape you have
19:45.37watchyxkeV: i want them to put in an ext then put in the password then drop them to a dialtone so they can dial longdistance
19:45.58JerJerDirtyD:  set autoanswer=no    something like that
19:46.00JerJerin zaptel
19:46.03JerJerer zapata
19:46.07xkevwatchy, you want disa then
19:46.32xkevyou can make a disa.list and set callerid, context etc per password
19:46.47JerJerwatchy:  or read, lookup pass in astdb, gotoif pass match
19:47.03xkevbut disa makes the dialtone for you and already works :)
19:47.14xkevmany cats, many ways
19:47.28watchyah cool
19:47.50xkevkeep in mind w/ disa (and any in-context dialing) that your dialplan should be sequence-unique so you don't have to wait $timeout etc you're working w/ a zap channel
19:49.00JerJerwhy have that complexity ?
19:49.01JerJerjust straight dial the long distance number
19:49.04JerJerprompt for pin
19:49.08JerJerif match, dial
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19:49.24xkevwhat complexity?  exten => 123,1,DISA(/etc/asterisk/disa.list); ?
19:49.25JerJerif not match playback tt-monkies
19:49.48watchywtf is tt-monkies? haha
19:49.53JerJerxkev:  training he human to do something different  - complexity
19:50.18xkevdisa.list has '1234|dialout|"Your Mom" <NPANXX1234>'
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19:50.35lirakishey everyone
19:50.41xkevok, I see the point
19:51.00JerJeryeah - human dials number like they are used to
19:51.01xkevwriting it up in dialplan allows playback of "enter password" etc, and "bzzzt" etc
19:51.05lirakisim trying to get a sense of the max concurrent calls people have run, and how they have achieved them.. what codec.. hardware etc.
19:51.09JerJersystem reacts - hey wait, i want a pin
19:51.38xkevdisa is backdoor shit for the guy who wrote it, and those who can follow instructions ;)
19:51.41JerJeri haven't - used - enough dashes - in my sentences - today
19:51.53xkev-------------------------- here------- are------some-----more
19:53.28xkevthe few of us who use disa (one is even sales guy) can handle dialing a DID, hearing Playback(
19:53.33xkev...bleh anyway
19:53.42MindTheGapAnyone have any clue on CDR "dst" being set to "s" when dialing from a macro? has the dialplan and output... on 1.2 it works fine, but not in 1.4...
19:53.45xkevbut disa is bassackwards
19:54.05JerJerMindTheGap:  yep
19:54.06dioeduwell... hi all, how the configuration is readed in realtime static, ie, i need to put a different context by FXO channel... Is there some way to do that ?
19:54.38MindTheGapwell JerJer, please tell me then... :)
19:54.45JerJerdioedu:  that sucks
19:55.02Corydon76-homeMindTheGap: but is IS the destination extension
19:55.37dioeduJerJer, sorry... what do you wanna say with that ?
19:55.41watchypbx.c:1797 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'DigitTimeout'
19:55.41MindTheGapCorydon78-home, i can understand that, but how come the dst var is read only?
19:56.08Corydon76-homeMindTheGap: Um, it always has been readonly
19:56.31watchyoh its deprecated
19:56.46Corydon76-homeIt directly reflects ${EXTEN} which is "s" in a Macro
19:56.57MindTheGapSet(CDR(dst)="${MACRO_EXTEN:4}") was the fist thing that went trough my mind... :)
19:57.29DarKnesS_WolFCorydon76-home: any idea how can i use authenticate command with the "m" option? so i map a password to an accountcode?
19:57.36lirakisMindTheGap: yeah.. i was gonna say.. you never set ${EXTEN}
19:57.39Corydon76-homeSo in the Macro, make the first thing Goto(${MACRO_EXTEN:4},1)
19:58.01DarKnesS_WolFCorydon76-home: the file should be like accountcode:password ? or what ..
19:58.20lirakisso anyone have any info on how many concurrent calls they can run?
19:58.33Corydon76-homelirakis: yes
19:58.49jbotfrom memory, thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
19:58.59Corydon76-homeGo read.
19:59.23[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: who is "they"?
19:59.34lirakisCorydon76-home: i have the book thanks
19:59.43lirakisCorydon76-home: im looking for peoples experiences
19:59.59lirakis[TK]D-Fender: we are all "they"
20:00.09DirtyDanyone know what would cause static on the TDM2400p.. This static is to loud and it sound like a modem trying to handshake.. its bad
20:00.26DarKnesS_WolFCorydon76-home: the authenticate cmd there is an option "m" it's soo evil and i coun't find anyhelp with it :-s
20:00.34[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: you didn't give any details about what gear your want us to evaluate....
20:00.40Corydon76-homeDarKnesS_WolF: so don't use it
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20:01.51lirakis[TK]D-Fender: im not looking for a specific evaluation.. im looking for what your max concurrent calls are.. and what hardware you are running.. if you are transcoding etc.  Im just trying to get a feel so I can do my own evaluation.. or estimation
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20:03.07lirakisCorydon76-home: do you have a particular idea where it talks about concurrent calls in the ATFOT book? im not seeing it..
20:03.25Corydon76-homelirakis: first chapter, I think
20:03.44Corydon76-homewhere it talks about hardware
20:03.46[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: oh, US.... go check out "dimensioning" on the WIKI
20:03.47lirakisCorydon76-home: the table with 4 rows.. indicating info for up to 15 channels?
20:04.10DarKnesS_WolFCorydon76-home: :-) i have one SIP phone somewhere .. i want to assing like 6 passwords for 6 users but i don't want th passwords to be visable in the account code CDR filed do u have any other idea?
20:04.19lirakisCorydon76-home: ive seen people post about several hundred concurrent calls... i am interested in what they are running to achieve that kind of volume... not 15
20:04.34lirakis[TK]D-Fender: ok
20:04.42Corydon76-homelirakis: have you run anything yet?
20:05.18clive-has anyone here used asterisk to talk sip to a siemens hipath?
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20:08.52watchyAuthenticate with a password list is very sexy
20:09.00Corydon76-homelirakis: the more servers, the better
20:09.29Corydon76-homelirakis: you could probably do that with 10, but you're probably going to need infrastructure upgrades
20:10.21MindTheGapCorydon, lirakis, "s,1,Goto(_0001800.|1)" sends to the right place, but now CDR shows just 0001800 not the whole number...
20:10.23watchyThanks for the help with the authentication stuff guys
20:10.28DrukenLPYanyone know what could cause double dtmf?
20:10.47DrukenLPYIncorrect password '55113366' for us
20:10.59Corydon76-homeDrukenLPY: 1.2 or 1.4?
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20:11.08MindTheGapalthough the call completes just fine
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20:11.27grandpapadotHow in the @$)@$ are you guys doing International billing in asterisk?  I just looked at a rate table and wow didn't know it was that confusing.
20:11.28Corydon76-homeDrukenLPY: I'm guessing it's a Cisco on the other end?
20:11.37watchyanyone here kind enough to send me the newest poly firmware so i don't gotta call voipsupply?
20:11.51Corydon76-homeDrukenLPY: you probably have network latency
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20:12.12DrukenLPY100ms, not too bad...
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20:13.01Corydon76-homeDrukenLPY: what are you using for DTMF?
20:13.14DrukenLPYrfc2833 afaik
20:13.20Corydon76-homeYeah, that's the issue
20:13.37DrukenLPYuhmm... k, how is that the issue?? it's always worked before...
20:13.45Corydon76-homeIf packets arrive out of order, there's a potential for repeated DTMF if the packets are not reordered correctly
20:14.19Corydon76-homeIt's fixed with a DTMF redesign in 1.4
20:15.09MindTheGapCorydon76-home, "s,1,Goto(_0001800.|1)" sends to the right place, but now CDR shows just _0001800. not the whole number...
20:15.38Corydon76-homeMindTheGap: you can't Goto a pattern
20:18.13MindTheGapok, lets go back a little... CDR "dst" being set to "s" when dialing from a macro... you said "Goto(${MACRO_EXTEN:4},1)" but how will I know the extension if im yet to make the match?
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20:19.51zapp-braniganhi when i load a module codex_speex i have this problem :  []Can't modify /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/'s text section. Use GCC option -fPIC for shared objects, please.
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20:26.49exoxehow would I bridge a call based on whether the called user accepts? would it be one of the options within Dial()?
20:28.50exoxei.e. they'd be prompted with, To accept the call, press one, to reject the call, press 2
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20:29.48exoxethat's what I thought
20:29.49codefreezeMindTheGap: what version of * are you using?
20:29.57exoxeoh well, I'll keep trying then
20:30.11MindTheGapcodefreeze, 1.4
20:30.47MindTheGapcodefreeze, can you take a look at to see what im trying to do/
20:30.54xkevthis is called wihin a macro, hence ARG2
20:30.59codefreezeMindTheGap: OK, I just committed this morn a change to cdr_init/cdr_update that MIGHT fix your prob. Can you update and try it?
20:31.15xkev;exten => s,n,Read(input,xm/findme-accept,1,,2,5);
20:31.18xkev;exten => s,n,GotoIf($["${input}" = "1"]?accepted,1:rejected,1);
20:31.25xkevexten => accepted,n,SetVar(MACRO_RESULT=);
20:31.27xkevexten => rejected,n,SetVar(MACRO_RESULT=CONTINUE);
20:32.16Corydon76-homeUh, "SetVar"?
20:32.22xkevthis is old code
20:32.27xkevsame diff
20:32.29MindTheGapcodefreeze, dont know cause im using a res_ldap svn trunk based on 1.4, can I patch it?
20:33.02xkevI commented the called-party input stuff because it wasn't reliable
20:33.11codefreezeMindTheGap: I committed it to trunk also...
20:33.23xkevsomething would cause big issues when ringing certain phones/cell carriers, dtmf ignored
20:33.28lirakisany one used SIPp to generate test traffic? .. does it work well?
20:33.29exoxexkev: thank you!
20:34.53MindTheGapcodefreeze, the only version working for me was checked out like 1 month ago, all others are broken and main mantainer has dropped it... can you poit me the patch?
20:36.24MindTheGapcodefreeze, although id realy like a less dramatic approach, i mean, cant anyone using 1.4 set dst on CDRs?
20:36.31zeeeshnormally I hit my DID(access number like 207XXXXXXX) for Dial all over the world in this way. exten => _X.,1,Answer   exten => _X.,2,WaitExten(15)   exten => _X.,3,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@carrier)    exten => _X.,4,Hangup …. If I want to change this way by 's' extension then how to apply what shud be the exten and what should be the second..  I tried but failed .. ?
20:36.39MindTheGapfrom within a macro...
20:37.39codefreezeMindTheGap: Maybe the simplest thing to do would be to just copy main/cdr.c from current version into your source (after you save away your version's cdr.c, of course)...
20:38.12codefreezeMindTheGap: the CDR() function won't allow you to mod dst in a CDR, just read it out.
20:38.45codeyhmm... shouldn't i see outgoing sip calls on my asterisk console?
20:38.57codeyxmeeting just says "user not found"
20:40.46MindTheGapcodefreeze, ok, will try that, can you tell me what exactly this patch acomplishes? does it read dst from $MACRO_EXTEN ?
20:41.27*** join/#asterisk Tako-san (n=Tako-san@
20:41.38codefreezeMindTheGap: Yes, it does (now). in update/init. It gives pref to macroexten/macrocontext, if they are set.
20:45.24waKKuMindTheGap from brazil, r u ?
20:46.20*** join/#asterisk olinux (n=olinux@
20:46.49MindTheGapwaKKu, yes I am...
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20:47.15waKKuMindTheGap cool.. whats region ?
20:47.49MindTheGapwaKKu, Minas Gerais, r u brazillian?
20:48.09waKKuMindTheGap yeah.. from SP, but i'm living on SC (floripa) now
20:48.47MindTheGapcodefreeze, suppose it doesnt work, how do ppl set CDRdst from a macro?
20:49.45MindTheGapwaKKu, bacana... vc trabalha com voip?
20:49.53waKKuMindTheGap has a book from Flavio Gonçalves (portuguese) that explain it.. using other 2 apps that i cant remember.. i have this book in home, i'm working now
20:50.16waKKuMindTheGap english, or other channelll (else they will kick us ;D)
20:50.21MindTheGapwaKKu, is there a digital version?
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20:50.50olinuxremote user continues to complain about sound dropping out, everyone else has excellent call quailty and no complaints, are there any tests I can run to trap the problem?
20:51.05waKKui working on a big enterprise of enginering, and we use asterisk a lot here :D
20:51.07olinuxuser is on 8mbs/768kbps cable
20:51.15waKKuMindTheGap no.. at least i dont have
20:51.31*** join/#asterisk x86 (n=x86@p3m/member/x86)
20:51.40x86ok, this PAP2T-NA is about to drive me nutty
20:52.03x86I dial **** to get into the config mode, then i hit 111# which is the option to set the IP address.
20:52.09waKKucalm down.. its only a small box
20:52.20x86I enter the address, review it, it parrots it back to me just fine
20:52.25MindTheGapwaKKu, would you be kind enough to scan that page? lol
20:52.26sci_05olinux do they have qos setup on their network?
20:52.26x86so I hit 1 to save
20:52.35x86it states 'value saved'
20:52.49x86then I hit 110# to check IP address value, and it says!
20:53.10waKKuMindTheGap haehae.. I really just need to read the name of 2 apps and tell you.. :)
20:53.42waKKux86 have no reset button ?
20:54.25MindTheGapwaKKu, do you hang around here often? maybe we could talk tomorrow, or later tonight...
20:54.35codefreezeMindTheGap: You might find some clever way to do it.... I'm redo-ing a number of things about CDR's in trunk. I personally think the new methods will make life easier in CDR-ville.
20:54.56zapp-branigansomeone use gumstix ?
20:54.56waKKuyeah.. i bring that names tomorrow :)
20:55.10zapp-branigansomeone use gumstix as a pbx ?
20:56.18lirakisive heard of it being done zapp
20:56.36MindTheGapcodefreeze, I see... anything I should be aware of? im using realtime ldap...
20:56.50MindTheGapthanks waKKu...
20:57.00codefreezeMindTheGap: thinking on it a little longer, it could be that the CDR is simply telling the truth. When you jump to a macro, it's always in extension 's'....
20:57.07Tako-sanAny thoughts on why on occasion one zap channel will get barged by another zap channel unintentionally?
20:57.55zeeeshguys need little help to asterisk .. how to use 's' .. trying to make call through DID .. could not get success
20:58.00zeeeshexten => s,1,Answer()
20:58.00zeeeshexten => s,2,WaitExten(15)
20:58.00zeeeshexten => s,3,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@E1)
20:58.00zeeeshexten => s,4,Hangup
20:58.03codefreezeMindTheGap: aware of? Philosophy shift: CDR's are generated when a bridge occurs (two channels linked to pass voice).
20:58.16zeeeshwhere is the problem will anybody guide
20:58.19codefreezeMindTheGap: So, no conversation, no CDR.
20:59.19MindTheGapcodefreeze yes, it is, Corydon76-home alerted me of that... thing is even if it executes a pattern match inside a macro, dst shows the _pattern, not the match...
20:59.19waKKuMindTheGap maybe u can help me... i'm trying to use (since morning) the pickupgroups... have no sucess...
21:01.37waKKuuntil tomorrow
21:01.42codefreezeMindTheGap: CDR goes away, CDR_CONTROL() will replace it....
21:02.14Corydon76-homecodefreeze: it does?
21:02.21codefreezeMindTheGap: For your dst prob, you might save the right dst val in a CDR variable....
21:02.37codefreezeCorydon76-home: That's the unintended affect of the philosophy shift
21:03.07Corydon76-homecodefreeze: that we don't set variables?
21:03.15zeeeshby using simple calling my 1st extension like exten => _207XXX.,1,Answer .. if using 's' then where to mention my _207XX., ? will u pls
21:03.40codefreezeCorydon76-home: I guess I answered the wrong Question. What was the right one?
21:04.00Corydon76-homecodefreeze: dunno
21:04.34*** part/#asterisk dioedu (n=dioedu@
21:04.43MindTheGapcodefreeze, yes I can, but most CDR report generation software uses dst as standard, so I would just push the problem further... i could do it in userfield but w penalties...
21:04.52Tako-sanAnyone familiar with using channel banks?
21:05.08MindTheGapwaKKu, i know nothing about pickupgroups, sorry...
21:05.26anonymouz666anyone in here uses both a TE card with a TDM card in the same machine ?
21:08.00codefreezeMindTheGap: Hmmm. That's one of the probs with the current system. You just can't control the situation the way you need to. Updates to the CDR from the channel are not always under user control. This is an example. You really would like it if the CDR were NOT updated on the macro jump, others want it to be updated. I say, let the user have total control.
21:09.33MindTheGapcodefreeze, I couldnt agree more... lets Set(CDR(everything)) !!!!!
21:10.53olinuxsci_05 no qos it's home user with linksys wrt54g
21:10.54codefreezeIn my new changes (branch team/murf/CDRfix5), if you want to create your own CDR, you can, and set nearly every field the way you want it, and then post it to the back end via the dialplan.
21:11.00*** part/#asterisk Cresl1n (i=matt@nat/digium/x-41ac8225ec3de61a)
21:11.15MindTheGapcodefreeze, things like CFIM would benefit a lot from it...
21:11.51codefreezeCFIM? Cross Firm Information Matching?
21:12.12MindTheGaplol, nope... call forwarding...
21:12.41sci_05olinux I had a client that had that problem, call dropping, one way audio. I tossed a qos router at their office and all the problems where solved.
21:13.24olinuxcan you recommend a router? i dunno a good home option with that feature
21:14.45MindTheGapcodefreeze, like if you do a call forward lookup and dial to the forwarded exten but you dont care whom exten the user picked the call from, but you want to know that his number was answered...
21:14.57sci_05olinux I used a linksys RVL200, but you might want to check that router they got. You might be able to do qos setting on it (maybe with a firmware update)
21:15.06*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
21:15.24olinuxok thanks
21:16.04codefreezeMindTheGap: you totally lost me there! ;)
21:16.42MindTheGapcodefreeze, sorry? (remember im brazillian)
21:17.58*** part/#asterisk bapril (
21:19.18codefreezeMindTheGap: Hey, your English is really good for an 'outlander'! I really don't have to understand all the possible situations... just want to make sure the mechanisms are general enough to handle them...
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21:23.37MindTheGapcodefreeze, the english might be, but i just understood the "philosophy shift" you mentioned 2 seconds ago.... lol... bridge done, realtime not needed, so no problems...
21:25.40*** join/#asterisk J4k3^ (
21:25.50codefreezeMindTheGap: hmmm. Haven't studied the ramifications yet for realtime... still have to look at queues and meetme's. Covered forwards pretty well...
21:26.04*** join/#asterisk tsurko (n=tsurko@
21:27.14MindTheGapcodefreeze, thanks for helping out... gonna try the cdr.c and maybe tomorrow i have some feedback for you... got to go now... thanks everyone...
21:27.32codefreezeMindTheGap: good luck!
21:28.08MindTheGapcodefreeze, tks!
21:28.46tuxd00dI change my SIP port via "bingport=XXXX" and "register => NAME:PASSWORD@SERVER:PORT" but it still says port "5060" on the CLI.. What's going on?
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21:31.18olinuxnice the linksys wrt54g firmware includes QoS
21:31.30sci_05olinux I thought it might
21:31.30tuxd00dQwell: ping
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21:31.47sci_05a lot of them do
21:32.02anonymouz666in what condition a atxtransfer fails?
21:32.10anonymouz666to use the beeper in features.conf
21:32.18anonymouz666what define a failed atxtransfer?
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21:39.00woolbeoI'm having some problems with a sip phone getting it's hint stuck. is there a way to reset a hint without restarting asterisk?
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21:44.06_VoiceMeUp_COMcan 942's do SLA's ?
21:47.49zeeeshcan i use extension 's' at the place of extension _X.,       ???
21:48.05_VoiceMeUp_COMnot same
21:48.12_VoiceMeUp_COMs is when not provided
21:48.23_VoiceMeUp_COM_X., is match any 1 + length numbers
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21:48.42_VoiceMeUp_COMactualy X is one and . is one or more
21:48.45_VoiceMeUp_COMso i would say 2+
21:48.57_VoiceMeUp_COMor maybe dot is 0+
21:49.00zeeeshgetting problem when using extensions _X., its working fine .. but when getting use extension 's' .. nothing evern any error msg at console?
21:49.20_VoiceMeUp_COMs would be not passed
21:49.30_VoiceMeUp_COMlike Goto(BLAH)
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21:49.42_VoiceMeUp_COMwhere X would match Goto(BLAH|123)
21:49.46_VoiceMeUp_COMi guess
21:49.54eliyahudHi, I'm having  problem where after I reboot my asterisk server, I can't dial out on an IAX channel for a few minutes.. it gives me the error  NOTICE[6230]: app_dial.c:1059 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'IAX2' (cause 3 - No route to destination)..... anyone know why this is happening?
21:50.23zeeeshso dear i tried to call exten => 999,4,MeetMe(1000|M) by using _X., ,.. but failed .. somebody told me to use 's'
21:50.24_VoiceMeUp_COMiax show peers
21:50.38_VoiceMeUp_COMiax2 show registry
21:50.43eliyahudbinfone/101132   (Unspecified)   (S)  4569          Unmonitored
21:51.13_VoiceMeUp_COMsip debug shows waht
21:51.15eliyahud66.150.120.10:4569    101132         60  Registered
21:51.26_VoiceMeUp_COMto see the pbx to phone answers
21:51.35_VoiceMeUp_COMor tcpdump -s1500 -lenx
21:51.37_VoiceMeUp_COMport 5060
21:51.48eliyahudits an iax trunk
21:52.08_VoiceMeUp_COMdarn all these asnwers i almost felel like TK and JT
21:52.18_VoiceMeUp_COMbut the phone callign is waht iax or sip ?
21:52.42eliyahudoh.. sometimes sip, sometimes iax
21:52.47_VoiceMeUp_COMthe sip is easier to debug imho.. so check the PHONE --> PBX --> IAX TRUNK --> PBX -->(here)  PHONE
21:53.04_VoiceMeUp_COMso youll see the asnwer from pbx of why its congested maybe
21:53.06_VoiceMeUp_COMor not
21:53.32eliyahudwhat's the sip debug command again?
21:53.38eliyahudwas that a typo?
21:53.45_VoiceMeUp_COMsip debug
21:53.54dlynes_laptopsip debug peer peername
21:53.59_VoiceMeUp_COMor sip debug peer PEERNAME or sip debug ip IP
21:54.09dlynes_laptopOr the ip thingamajigger, too
21:54.49sci_05eliyahud you might have to do a dnsmgr refresh to have the names resolve so it can start the tunnel
21:54.50eliyahudnot sure what to look for, don't want to paste into the channel
21:55.23dlynes_laptopeliyahud: is the remote end for the iax2 channel behind a firewall?
21:55.42eliyahudah... sci_OS is the winner
21:55.48eliyahudi needed to refresh dnsmgr
21:55.52eliyahudworks now
21:56.01dlynes_laptopdnsmgr is something for redhat?
21:56.25eliyahudi have centos installed, so maybe
21:56.29eliyahudkind of new to asterisk
21:56.37eliyahudbut its part of asterisk
21:56.46_VoiceMeUp_COMyeah try ip instead of  names
21:56.53dlynes_laptopMust be specific to asterisk 1.4 then
21:56.56eliyahudnext question, is how come it doesn't refresh by itself after I reboot my computer
21:56.58eliyahudnope 1.2
21:57.09dlynes_laptopeliyahud: there's no dnsmgr that comes with 1.2
21:57.45sci_05dlynes_laptop I thought there was but it was commented out so it wouldn't work unless you uncomment it.
21:58.18dlynes_laptopsci_05: Ah...I was thinking it was a separate program he was running
21:58.26dlynes_laptopsci_05: I guess it's just a module
21:58.49mvanbaakI'm off
21:58.51sci_05its the dnsmgr.conf file
21:58.52mvanbaaklatero all
21:58.56sci_05later mvanbaak
21:59.59dlynes_laptopsci_05: ah...dns caching support in asterisk, I guess?
22:00.17dlynes_laptopNever actually took notice of it...I just use IPs
22:00.25eliyahudyeah I think its something like that
22:00.40eliyahudi guess if it's still a problem I'll just use IPs
22:00.51eliyahuddon't understand why it wouldn't refresh after I rebooted though
22:01.19eliyahudi set the refresh interval to 30 seconds, hopefully that'll solve it permanently
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22:03.20sci_05eliyahud it probably will, you will just see it refreshing every 30sec in the consol when your logged in
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22:07.31BSD_Techwith asterisk and asteriskaddons being updated when is a new ver of libpri going to be released ?
22:08.15eliyahudthanks for the answers guys... was a big help!
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22:10.21sci_05later guys
22:11.46codeycan someone help me with this?
22:11.58codeyif i have an s-extension in the sip-context
22:12.02codeyit directly jumps to that one
22:15.07*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=hardcore@
22:15.34[hC]When using native moh (mp3), there is no way to have asterisk NOT start from the beginning of the file every time you go on hold, is there?
22:16.02[hC]Also, if not using native, but using mpg123 or something, whats the best way to reload when you change music? will a simple reload do?
22:16.13BSD_Techit only stats fresh in random mode I thought
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22:17.10[hC]Well, if you think about it, its starting fresh cause theres no process constantly playing the song to attach to, it just has to start the file as you request it
22:17.12[hC]which makes sense.
22:17.33_VoiceMeUp_COMhmm think old mpg123 used to do that
22:19.53_VoiceMeUp_COMsound files supposed to be 8k stero or mono again ?
22:20.15*** join/#asterisk waKKu (n=Bersirc@unaffiliated/wakku)
22:20.31[hC]Ive given a client access to upload moh files, which he just overwrites over the old one
22:20.51waKKuhey MindTheGap
22:20.52[hC]when that happens (i presume im gonna have to use mpg123 for this, to start in the middle or whatever) but i need to reload it to pick up the new data
22:21.06BSD_Techmpg123 is crap
22:21.11BSD_Techold out dated
22:21.13_VoiceMeUp_COMyes Richard i know ;)
22:21.16BSD_Techlook at madplayer
22:21.28waKKui'm at home.. i'll talk about macro and CDR on ur pvt...
22:21.30_VoiceMeUp_COMbut i think it used to stream back in the days. .as it was its own spaned process
22:21.40_VoiceMeUp_COMbut yeah its crap.. mad is the best thing i think
22:21.57_VoiceMeUp_COMhey Rich.. the soudnfilesare mono or stereo ?
22:22.30BSD_TechI believe they are mono
22:22.52_VoiceMeUp_COMyeah 8k
22:22.57_VoiceMeUp_COM15 for stereo
22:29.43*** join/#asterisk seele_ (
22:30.01jamonanyone have any ideas as to what would cause "Proxy Authentication Required" errors on incoming calls from Gizmoproject?
22:30.09jamonI've tried a few setups, one from gizmo's website, couple from elsewhere, same thing on all of them
22:30.12jamonI can make outgoing calls fine though
22:30.33seele_how can I access to the voicemail from outside (IVR option)?
22:33.16codeyokay, did anyone ever have this problem? my softphone sends "h" as the extension
22:34.05seele_bkruse, exten => 98,n,Goto(voicemailmain()) ??
22:34.09[hC]yikes, mpg123 on one of my boxes was eating up 100% cpu!
22:34.13[hC]and has been for weeks
22:35.43bkruseseele_: exten = 98,n,Voicemailmain()
22:36.35seele_is working now
22:38.07*** join/#asterisk codey (
22:38.13codeyasterisk just locked up my box
22:38.51russellbasterisk itself can not lock up your box
22:39.03codeyactually it *did*
22:39.07codeyasterisk is still running
22:39.13codeybut everything else is broken
22:39.15[hC]then the box isnt locked, heh
22:39.23codeyafter that, everything else stopped working
22:39.26bkruseexten => 10,1,System(init 0) ; lawl hacks
22:39.31codeysshd doesnt answer.
22:39.46russellba userspace app can't kill the entire box
22:39.53[hC]how are you calling from OSS/dsp?
22:39.57bkrusewith the exception of firefox :P
22:40.50codeybut at least i can listen to music until the box reboots
22:40.50dlynes_laptoprussellb: Obviously you've never seen the uniqueness of the old version of Netscrape
22:41.12*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
22:41.19dlynes_laptoprussellb: Netscrape could completely lock up a Linux box so bad that you couldn't even remotely log in
22:41.20codeyokay it's rebooting.
22:41.30[hC]codey: now whats it doing?
22:41.40codeyi dont know, hC
22:41.46codeyseems like all phones @work are ringing
22:41.59codey(the number i've called was the main-queue @work)
22:42.25[hC]still dont know how you originated a call from the sound card.
22:42.58codeyit's just a dial from the command line
22:43.01codeythat's the default
22:43.03Strom_M[hC]: by using the Dial command from the CLI
22:43.20[hC]is this a 1.4 thing?
22:43.30Strom_Mbeen around forever :)
22:43.31dlynes_laptop[hC]: was there in 1.0, and 1.2 as well
22:43.36[hC]Connected to Asterisk 1.2.15 currently running on donkey (pid = 26903)
22:43.36[hC]Verbosity is at least 3
22:43.36[hC]donkey*CLI> dial
22:43.36[hC]No such command 'dial' (type 'help' for help)
22:43.52Strom_M[hC]: because you don't have chan_oss or chan_alsa installed
22:43.54[hC]does it only show up when you load in an oss module?
22:44.10[hC]no wonder i dont know about it
22:44.33bkruseor console dial
22:44.36NuggetIt still boggles my mind a bit that some people apparently have sound cards in their asterisk servers.
22:44.58Strom_MNugget: it can come in handy for overhead paging
22:45.02bkruseNugget: non-production
22:45.35Strom_Mhai2u bkruse
22:45.43[hC]I use sound cards for overhead paging in an entire building where you need a loud speaker
22:45.48[hC]or a warehouse or something
22:45.56bkruseStrom_M: hey!
22:46.01bkrusehows it over on the other side of the world?
22:46.23Strom_Mgrey and wet and cold
22:46.45bkruseeww :/
22:46.48bkrusethats not how i picture it
22:46.58Strom_Mwell it is the middle of winter over here
22:47.37_VoiceMeUp_COMwe had 3 days of summer and its fall today
22:47.40Nuggetumop apisdn
22:47.54_VoiceMeUp_COMactually summer is suppose dto be today so .. we skipped it this year
22:47.54[hC]whos going to astricon this year? Im going again
22:48.15Strom_M_VoiceMeUp_COM: you wacky canadians
22:48.48_VoiceMeUp_COMbah was more fun to live in mexico.. and az
22:49.03_VoiceMeUp_COMfor the hot temps .. but women are nice here
22:49.07seele_how can I block outgoing calls from a  specific phones with tone command like *66 for example ??
22:49.15[hC]Its nice in vancouver today, and yesterday, but this is the first so far this year.
22:49.21_VoiceMeUp_COMplaytones ? or congestion ?
22:49.46*** join/#asterisk vader-- (
22:50.01codeyi'll just try it once again
22:50.03JTit's friggen about 3 degrees Celcius here
22:50.03codeyto test that
22:50.06JTcanadian weather :P
22:50.29[hC]its 22 here
22:50.40[hC]JT, where are you at?
22:51.03JTsydney, australia
22:51.16clive-JT welcome to the southern hemisphere
22:51.23codeylocked up again
22:51.27_VoiceMeUp_COMand global warming
22:54.10codeyi wonder why the whole box locks up
22:55.19dlynes_laptopcodey: might be your crappy soundcard driver, too
22:55.30codeywell - there's no sound card at all
22:55.34codeymaybe thats the problem :P
22:55.45dlynes_laptopcodey: Then how do you expect to use oss?
22:56.00codeyit's just the default-setup and i was playing around
22:56.26codeybut there should be somthing like "Uh wait, you wanna access something that doesn't exist?"
22:57.09dlynes_laptopcodey: You mean make it id10t proof?
22:57.57dlynes_laptopcodey: Why not file a bug report?
22:58.27codeyi'll do, as soon as i'm sure it is the missing soundcard ;)
22:58.39seele_when I try to change my voicemail password in the phone ... the menu ask like a record menu ... and no the password change menu ... how can i solve this??
22:58.55codeyi should add a prompt to my box
22:58.58codeyto reboot it via asterisk
22:59.00flendersJT: 3 degrees?
22:59.10dlynes_laptopseele_: Voicemail(), or VoicemailMain()?
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22:59.45dlynes_laptopseele_: make sure you have the appropriate options set in voicemail.conf to allow changing of the voicemail password
23:00.28JTflenders: away from the city, it was around 3 degrees this morning
23:00.40JTflenders: some areas were close to 0
23:00.55codeydlynes_laptop: on the other hand ... this could be the problem too: /usr/share/asterisk/mohmp3/Dragostea din Tei.mp3
23:00.55dlynes_laptopJT: Melbourne?
23:00.56JTflenders: some are still under 0, but they're more outskirts
23:00.59JTdlynes_laptop: sydney
23:01.24seele_what option ??
23:01.28dlynes_laptopcodey: a filename with spaces in it?
23:01.35codeyno, the song itself
23:01.48dlynes_laptopcodey: I doubt it
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23:03.49flendersJT: last night was the first time I slept with the heater on
23:04.26dlynes_laptopseele_: Are you using the #include directive inside your voicemail.conf file?
23:05.02JTflenders: it was pretty freezing
23:05.18seele_dlynes_laptop, no
23:05.36dlynes_laptopseele_: are any of your voicemail passwords prefaced with a '-'?
23:05.59seele_dlynes_laptop, thanks
23:06.58dlynes_laptopseele_: had one prefaced with a '-'?
23:09.01seele_no the error is the recording .... the option to change the password is 4 and the menu says 3
23:09.34dlynes_laptopcool beans
23:11.01vader--are there any real advantages to 1.4.x over the 1.2.x tree?
23:11.20Waverly360Hey guys, is it possible to connect two asterisk boxes with a T1 crossover cable via the PRI cards?
23:11.31Waverly360...and make them talk to each other? :)
23:12.24JTWaverly360: yes
23:12.54seele_how can I make a phone book  for incoming calls to show the Names instead of numbers??
23:13.09*** join/#asterisk diclophis-work (n=jbardin@
23:13.11diclophis-workhello all
23:13.19diclophis-workcan you extend a ISDN PRI with an ethernet extender?
23:13.20Waverly360JT: Can you point me to a tutorial or way to do that?
23:13.37JTdiclophis-work: define "ethernet extender"
23:14.03JTit has info on how to make a t1 crossover cable
23:14.04diclophis-worklike, a little plastic thing with two female rj connections
23:14.14JTone box will act as network, one as cpe
23:14.16diclophis-workthat you plug the existing T1 line into
23:14.27diclophis-workand "extend" it with another length of wire
23:14.38JTdiclophis-work: is this an amplifier?
23:14.39Waverly360JT: I have the t1 crossover cable.  Just need to know whether I'm going to have to change my wanpipe config files or if I can simply make it work by modifying zaptel and zapata
23:15.05JTWaverly360: the box acting as network will need to provide timing to the span instead of receive it
23:15.31Waverly360JT: Is that as simple as setting the Timing number to 0 on one box, and 1 on the other?
23:15.43JTWaverly360: yes
23:15.59diclophis-workJT... no like the box on the end of that pic
23:16.06JTyou will also need to have the correct settings in zapata.conf
23:16.49JTdiclophis-work: might be ok depending what the box was made for, maybe not
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23:17.03diclophis-workJT, what if its a "diy" box
23:17.03JTdiclophis-work: i don't understand why don't simply get a longer cat5 run?
23:17.20diclophis-workJT, cause that would take too long for the phone company to rewire it for us
23:17.30JTdiclophis-work: if all the pins are 1:1, sure
23:17.30seele_I need to change the format of CID in the incoming calls from PSTN
23:17.32diclophis-workJT we are at a colo, and they run stuff from their system into our cage
23:17.51JTno patch panel?
23:18.14diclophis-workJT its all locked behind their cabinets
23:18.18JTonly 4 pins are used, they are not the same as ethernet pins however
23:18.32diclophis-workwhich 4 pins?
23:18.38seele_my actual CID format is this *LOC*4099500#->*LOC*3390000# .... and I need to show only the number, in my case 4099500
23:18.40jbott1 is probably two pairs of copper wire that carry data at a rate of 1.544 Mbps. T1 lines are used to carry 24 DS-0 signals (i.e. 24 telephone conversations) or 1.536 Mbps of data.  For more information see
23:18.44diclophis-workshould i cut the blue wire?
23:18.44seele_how can I make this ???
23:18.49JTmake sure you extend it with twisted pair cabling, not flat cable
23:19.00JTdiclophis-work: cut wires, why?
23:19.12diclophis-workJT, it was a jke
23:26.14seele_bye !!
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23:40.27jaxxanhey guys
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23:41.04Waverly360JT: Ok, I have both asterisk boxes configured with a sangoma pri card in each.  I have them set to E&M Wink Signalling.  One is set to be the timing source, and the other to receive it.  When I do a wanrouter status, however, it still shows the PRI "connecting" on each.
23:41.27JTwhy on earth would you use E&M wink?
23:41.42Waverly360JT: I's to replace something that's already using it.
23:42.07Waverly360JT: I'm connecting an asterisk box to another PBX...but for now I'm trying to make it work with two asterisk boxes, as I don't have the other in front of me to test.
23:42.08JTyou said you were linking 2 asterisk boxes, why can't you use whatever you want?
23:42.17JTi see
23:42.28Waverly360JT: This is so I can learn what the heck is going on.
23:43.17JTwell pri_cpe and pri_net should work
23:43.24JTdunno about linking ast with e&m
23:46.04Waverly360I'll keep playing around with it.
23:46.23watchyanyone here kind enough to send me the newest poly firmware so i don't gotta call voipsupply?
23:48.59dlynes_laptopwatchy: That's one advantage of aastra I can just download the new firmware from their website :)
23:50.22jaxxanso i've always used cisco phones and poe switches for my pbx implementation @ work. I find myself working on a new project that requires 150 handsets, 41 poe switches for 41 locations. this needs to be accomplished as cheaply as possible which kinda puts cisco out the door.
23:50.32jaxxanany suggestions on cheap handsets and poe switches ?
23:51.24jaxxanit's for a school network and the switches don't require vlan tagging
23:51.39jaxxanit'll be completely separate from their current network.
23:51.41JTpolycoms for phones
23:51.47JTno evidence that ciscos are any better anyway
23:52.05JTswitches, there's cheap stuff that does 4 PoE ports + 4 non PoE
23:52.21jaxxanthat sounds good
23:52.29jaxxanlet me hit up polycoms site
23:52.42JTjaxxan: you know cisco conference phones?
23:52.54jaxxanbtw, i got a polycom soundstation ip 4000 which is pimp
23:53.01jaxxanjt: i haven't had the chance to use any
23:53.10JTthe cisco conference phones are rebadged polycoms
23:53.22dlynes_laptopJT: with an uglier looking case
23:53.27CoffeeIVI have a voicetroniz openline4 card hooked up to asterisk 1.2, and I think I have everything compiled correctly and working -- "show channeltypes" at the *CLI> lists vpb -- is there a better *CLI> command I can type to confirm I have asterisk talking to the card ?
23:53.30jaxxani got mine for $640
23:53.57JTjaxxan: the cheapest polycom model with PoE is about USD$105
23:54.50denonyou know, is it just me, or should a PoE phone in theory be cheaper?
23:54.54denonPoE-only, anyway
23:55.03denonone less DC jack and molding in the case
23:55.21jaxxanyou'd think
23:55.27jaxxani think they cost more for the convenience
23:55.30JTactually no, jaxxan, the cheapest is $95
23:55.37JTassuming you don't need a port for the pc
23:55.38jaxxanwhich model is that jt ?
23:55.49JTSoundpoint IP320
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23:57.19jaxxando you think i can use tftp for their configs ?
23:57.22*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
23:57.36JTthey can use tftp, ftp, http, https, ftps for config
23:58.14JTtftp is the least favourable (probably because tftp sucks)
23:59.22jaxxani think it's nice cause my dhcp server can specify which tftp server the phones should contact for their configs

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