IRC log for #asterisk on 20070616

00:06.54*** part/#asterisk jtoy_ (
00:08.52Lanni'd need to in that case
00:09.09*** join/#asterisk lee_is_me (
00:09.11Lannone for ambient sound effects, one for people talking and the system's descriptions, one for interface
00:09.12*** part/#asterisk mog (
00:09.49lee_is_meAnyone use the Octware EC?  I just installed it on our system and a customer's system.  Pretty nice.
00:12.14VorondilI see... perhaps you can accomplish that with a MeetMe room.
00:12.41*** join/#asterisk pfn (
00:15.24Teccyok, ive sort of narrowed down my tdm400 dialling issue using ztmonitor
00:15.54Teccyif its in its normal state, i can hear a hum on the line, and i can hear stuff if someone else picks up a receiver on the same line
00:16.19*** part/#asterisk chronomex (
00:16.33Teccyif i dial out, the hum disappears, and i hear the dtmf dialling, but then nothing, it's just a silent line, however i can hear what the person on the asterisk end is saying
00:16.54Teccythough if i pick up that other phone connected to the same pstn line, i just hear a dialtone
00:17.15*** join/#asterisk bcnl (
00:17.25Teccyits as if it's in the 'picked up' state to start with, then hangs up before dialing, if ya get me
00:17.28Teccyany thoughts?
00:21.02*** join/#asterisk MrTelephone (
00:21.25MrTelephonehey I got this adit 600 hooked up to a nortstar CICS and the norstar CICS takes forever to release the channel when a caller hangs up
00:21.32MrTelephoneis that a CICS configuration issue?
00:28.52tzangerMrTelephone: adit600 FXO has CPD, is the CICS configured to detect it?
00:30.37tzangercalled party disconnect
00:30.42tzangerwhen the remote end of the call hangs up
00:30.57tzangerbell canada will either drop battery or reverse battery polarity to signal that the far end has hung up
00:31.03tzangeradit600 fxo cards detect this
00:31.08tzangerand signal it appropriately
00:31.16tzangerI know because I've had working setups use that exact hardware
00:31.19MrTelephoneadit600 fxs modules im using into the cics
00:31.31tzangerdescript your PSTN connection please
00:31.34tzangerer describe
00:31.51MrTelephoneSANGOMA PRI -> ADIT 600 -> FXS -> CICS
00:32.14MrTelephonei can make calls fine but when I call the CICS and the auto attendant picks up it takes a real long time for the line to be released
00:32.20tzangersangoma pri?
00:32.34MrTelephonePRI on my asterisk box
00:32.35tzangeryou mean a sangoma card to telco as PRI, and another T1 to the adit600?
00:32.52tzangerare you using some kind of weird PRI card on the adit 600?
00:33.03tzangeror is it CAS T1 between the Sangoma and Adit600?
00:33.17MrTelephonei think call supervision is turned on, is that a ambiguous with CPD?
00:33.32MrTelephoneits a CAS
00:33.38tzangerMrTelephone: on the CICS, perhaps... I'm a MICS guy, CICS is a little out of my knowledge base
00:33.41tzangerMrTelephone: ok
00:33.51MrTelephoneCAS meaning robbed bit signalling?
00:33.56tzangerso PSTN <PRI> Asterisk <CAS T1> Adit600 <FXS> CICS trunk lines
00:34.00tzangerMrTelephone: yes
00:34.09MrTelephonethats my setup
00:34.24MrTelephoneshould i turne echo off on the CAS t1?
00:34.29tzangerand when the call on the PSTN side hangs up, does Asterisk see the hangup immediately?
00:34.40MrTelephoneim calling from a sip phone to the adit600
00:34.46tzangerok, same question
00:34.46MrTelephoneasterisk says hangup zap/25
00:35.05tzangerwhen the SIP phone hangs up, asterisk sees the hangup and you see the "hangup zap/25" message right at that time?
00:35.21tzangerbut the CICS does not see it?   What about the Adit600, does the FXS port LED turn from amber to green right away?
00:35.44MrTelephonethe cics holds on to the line
00:35.48MrTelephoneit stays orange
00:35.54MrTelephoneit eventually hangs up
00:35.55tzangerthe Adit600 LED turns the LED from amber to green several seconds afterward?
00:36.10tzangerthe CICS isn't in control of that
00:36.16MrTelephoneyeah I can phone it after a long time
00:36.24tzangerwhat channel signaling are you using on the CAS T1, and what is your span config like on the Adit600 T1 port?
00:36.45MrTelephoneb8zs, esf
00:36.48tzangeryou want fxo_ks for asterisk and ... shit what is it on the Adit600, LSCPD I think
00:36.57tzangerno that's the T1 provisioning, I want the robbed bit signaling
00:37.26tzangerchange that to ks
00:37.30tzangeryou are not providing CPD
00:37.44MrTelephoneks is cpd and ls isn't?
00:37.51tzangerLS does not provide CPD, KS (idiotic naming, but that's OSS for you) is LS with CPD
00:37.54MrTelephoneon the adit600 i only have choice of ls
00:38.12tzangerMrTelephone: that may be okay then, I am sure my Adit600 has LSCPD or something like that
00:38.24MrTelephonei'll change it in asterisk first and see
00:39.06tzangerstop asterisk and restart it, and re-run ztcfg again as well (after changing /etc/zapata.conf) -- I am not sure if it was ever changed so reloads actually changed the signaling or not
00:39.25MrTelephoneany zap changes for me required a restart
00:39.29tzangerit used to not be the case, but I've been using asterisk so long now I don't remember if some of hte oldies have been fixed :-)
00:40.09Qwell  that freaking sucks
00:40.23tzangerI'm reading /. too heh
00:40.30*** join/#asterisk A-Data (n=asd@
00:40.46MrTelephonei think sms should be free
00:41.08MrTelephonetell the oil rich arseholes to give them money instead of normal people
00:41.39*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
00:41.53*** join/#asterisk lisandropm (
00:42.17A-DataHello all . What need to be typed in context to run AGI script?
00:43.17tzangerA-Data: a preliminary search on google or would reveal such basic information
00:44.39MrTelephonetzanger, so if it doesn't work I should look for lscpd option in the adit600 config?
00:44.45Nuitari <-- this is a bit worse then paying for sms
00:44.51MrTelephoneim waiting for all the calls to be done so i can restart asterisk
00:45.08tzangerMrTelephone: something along that line yes -- I can't get to my adit600 at this point in time to tell you for sure
00:46.30A-Dataexten => 400,n,AGI(my-agi-script) is this the correct format?
00:47.26_DAWMrTelephone: lscpd is under line configuration ie.. set 1:1 signal lscpd
00:47.44tzanger_DAW: yeah that sounds about right
00:49.05MrTelephonetzanger u probably junk around with call pilots too?
00:49.12tzangerMrTelephone: nope never touched one
00:49.22MrTelephoneI tried to hook up my laptop to the eth port but i couldn't get a link light but it worked with another laptop
00:49.24MrTelephonereally wierd
00:49.32tzangerMrTelephone: try a crossover cable
00:49.46A-Dataexten => 6600,n,AGI('asterisk-perl-0.09/examples/agi-sayani.agi') << give me person not found any clue
00:50.02MrTelephoneyes i guess one netcard might have done an auto crossover
00:50.05MrTelephonenever thought of that
00:50.43A-Dataexten => 6600,n,AGI('asterisk-perl-0.09/examples/agi-sayani.agi') << give me person not found any clue
00:52.51MrTelephonetzanger, have u ever had to play with the gains on the adit600?
00:53.56A-Dataexten => 6600,n,AGI('asterisk-perl-0.09/examples/agi-sayani.agi') << give me person not found any clue
00:55.07tzangerMrTelephone: never had to on fxs
00:55.23*** join/#asterisk Marshall- (
00:55.30*** join/#asterisk Marshall-Laptop (
00:56.52A-Dataexten => 6600,n,AGI('asterisk-perl-0.09/examples/agi-sayani.agi') << give me person not found any clue
00:58.17*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
00:58.28A-Dataexten => 6600,n,AGI('asterisk-perl-0.09/examples/agi-sayani.agi') << give me person not found any clue
00:58.35*** join/#asterisk aksnowman (
00:58.40A-Datawb [TK]D-Fender
00:58.58MrTelephonei get the odd bit of distortion
00:59.11MrTelephoneonce every couple minutes or something
00:59.22MrTelephonesounds like an echo cancel problem actually
01:00.32[TK]D-FenderA-Data, how are we to know what in that magical little agi of yours?  we're not PSYCHIC
01:01.17fileA-Data: repeating your question 5 times is quite... rude
01:01.36A-Data[TK]D-Fender i used the agi example on perl
01:01.41A-Datafile sorry was my script
01:02.13[TK]D-Fenderfile, make that 6... he PM'd me on arrival as well.
01:02.40fileA-Data: do you have that disabled now?
01:02.51A-Datayes file
01:03.44A-Dataany how ... i know i am noob .. but i feel that every one here thinking that noob is a crime i think all of you were noob and all of you asked more questions that i do
01:03.53*** join/#asterisk _charly_ (
01:03.59A-Dataif you don`t welcome me here tell me and i will leave for ever
01:04.34aksnowmanA-Data: the main way to no longer be a "noob" *is* to ask questions
01:04.58aksnowmanthe difference is how politely you ask your questions and who happens to be here when you ask
01:04.59[TK]D-FenderA-Data, there's a difference between being a "n00b" and being obnoxious and repeating yourself to EVERYONE over and over and in PM as well.
01:05.08A-Dataaksnowman that what i was doing asking and they feel me it crime
01:06.25A-Data[TK]D-Fender beacuse i said wb the script paste it for you in pvt
01:06.45[TK]D-FenderA-Data, asking over and over is DAMN annoying.  We heard you the first 5 times.  If we had anything to say we'd have said it.  You are showing any communications skills or attempts to better explain your problem.  You are merely repeating yourself.
01:06.52MrTelephonetzanger, that seemed to solve the problem
01:07.17tzangerMrTelephone: awesome
01:07.45MrTelephoneit says starting simple switch after hangup
01:08.18aksnowmanso, I've got asterisk installed, I can connect to it as can others, but we can't seem to talk to eachother (other than leaving voicemails for eachother), we're using softphones, was wondering if anyone might know why we can't talk to eachother or in a conf extension
01:09.28MrTelephoneaksnowman, use canreinvite=no in your sip.conf for each client
01:10.24aksnowmanthanks, will try
01:10.53tzangerMrTelephone: that's perfectly acceptable
01:10.58tzangerthe CICs likely does not hang up immediately
01:11.21MrTelephoneyeah anything under 60 seconds is good for me
01:12.13*** join/#asterisk Math` (
01:12.49Math`any reason why the 'g' dial option (continue dialplan execution here after call) doesnt work when you Dial() something with chan_local?
01:12.55MrTelephonethe people who designed sip meant to make it so complicated with different ports for rtp tx and rx?
01:13.18NuitariMrTelephone: yes
01:13.30MrTelephonemath try using M() option in Dial
01:13.36MrTelephoneI used M() with success
01:13.51Math`that doesnt do the same thing
01:14.00Math`g keeps executing when the call is over
01:14.06Math`M() calls a macro when the call is established
01:14.21MrTelephoneis an rtp trunk just a link between to sip gateways or does a real sip trunk actually multiplex rtp packets into bigger packets?
01:14.31MrTelephoneoops sorry math
01:14.48fileMath`: perhaps your Local channels are getting optimized out of the way and the place where you did the Dial with g is stopping because of it?
01:15.10Math`I tought Local would isolate that optimization behavior
01:15.32MrTelephoneare you guys speaking english?
01:15.43fileit's a feature of chan_local to optimize itself out of the bridges, you can disable it by adding /n to the end
01:15.54Math`nice, is that documented anywhere?
01:16.02*** join/#asterisk anthm][ (
01:16.10Math`or its a "vim chan_local.c" kinda thing
01:16.45fileI do not know
01:22.14*** part/#asterisk SuperID (
01:23.23Math`the inner Local channel does a Dial() outside too, but its still ignoring my 'g' option
01:23.26Math`even with /n even tought I see more Local/ channel so they are not optimized
01:24.08*** join/#asterisk mog (
01:24.08*** mode/#asterisk [+o mog] by ChanServ
01:25.34MrTelephoneanyone have a web address for the RBS bits
01:27.46aksnowmananyone have any suggestions for softphones to use? (on windows)
01:28.28_DAWXlite is nice
01:29.27Math`try idefisk, it does both SIP and IAX
01:29.39Math`xlite blocks you from doing call transfers if u dont buy their full version
01:29.50*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
01:29.53aksnowmank, thanks guys
01:30.41[TK]D-FenderMath`, Pastbin your dialplan so we can take a look...
01:33.03Math`well its pretty straightforward...
01:33.58Math`and show channel reports the right extension/priority when the Dial(Local/....) is executing
01:34.06*** join/#asterisk dijungal (n=kdaniel@
01:34.56dijungalhello... will a H.323 call show up in the asterisk CLI debug window even if the channel is not configured properly?
01:35.42dijungali ask because i've been trying to configure asterisk to recieve outpulse calls from a Cisco 3661 router with ZERO luck
01:35.53dijungalit's like the calls not even getting to the box
01:36.17Math`when u sniff do u see the packets "trying" to make their way through?
01:37.08dijungalhow do i do that
01:37.11dijungali am on centos
01:37.18dijungali tried netstat but that's no help
01:37.20*** join/#asterisk steve___ (
01:37.34dijungali will try that
01:37.36Math`or tshark (ethereal's new name, console version)
01:37.45Math`its going to actually decode h323 packets so it might be good to have
01:38.25dijungali've been wondering what i can use to see if the traffic is even getting to the box
01:38.42dijungali'll try the tcpdump it looks like it comes with centod
01:40.08*** part/#asterisk MrTelephone (
01:40.54dijungalMath: can i do a dcpdump for a specific addres?
01:41.06Math`tcpdump ip host [address]
01:41.11dijungalin other words i need to see if traffic is coming from a specific address
01:41.13dijungalok thanks
01:41.20Math`you are gonna see traffic to and from that address
01:42.47dijungalahhh it's monitoring the eth0, let me call in now to see what's going on
01:44.21dijungalok just tried to call in... dead air then congestion tone
01:44.29dijungaland still no packets from that address
01:45.17dijungalso i guess the cisco router not getting the packets accross
01:45.23dijungalwell that's one mystery solved
01:45.28dijungalMath: thanks much
01:45.48dijungalnow i get to shout at the network tech guys!! :)
01:46.47dijungali can see the conversation now... "u'r not sending me taffic damit!!"... "no yuh stupid pbx thing... aster..whatever it names is crap.. get a cisco callmanager pbx"...
01:48.21*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
01:48.26*** join/#asterisk dlynes_laptop (
01:49.54*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
02:15.00*** join/#asterisk Marshall- (
02:28.03*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
02:31.25Nuitarihey russellb
02:31.46NuitariIs there a way to get a list of devices set by func_devstate ?
02:32.38*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
02:36.09aksnowmanhi, I can reach and talk to myself in a confrence call via softphones on my local network using my external IP, but the other guys I'm trying to get connected show they're connected, but on my asterisk console it shows "User hung up" each time they connect
02:36.50russellbNuitari: yeah ... there is a CLI command
02:36.56russellbNuitari: but ... i don't remember what it is
02:37.23russellbNuitari: "funcdevstate list"
02:37.48Nuitarishould have though about that
02:37.57Nuitarihum, all unknown
02:39.32Nuitariinuse shows up though
02:40.38Nuitarinot_inuse too, but not idle
02:41.29*** join/#asterisk chr05210084 (n=root@
02:48.14aksnowmananyone know why I would be able to connect from local network but external users wouldn't? (softphones, and asterisk box is set up as dmz)
02:49.56*** join/#asterisk mutilator (
02:50.38dijungalwhen is a gatekeeper needed for H.323? If two PBXs are trying to send calls between them and they're both on public IP addresses do they need a gatekeeper?
02:52.08Math`u dont need any in that case u can just do gw to gw
02:53.41dijungalthe cisco router has a public IP and my PBX has a public ip so they should not need a gatekeeper between
02:54.03Math`you  mean the cisco voip gw?
02:54.19Math`cant those do sip anyways?
02:56.36*** join/#asterisk karleeto (
02:57.05karleetocan anyone reccomend a linux based software iax2 phone?
03:03.34*** join/#asterisk stkn__ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
03:05.07*** join/#asterisk PtitGNU (n=ptitgnu@2001:6f8:32c:0:218:f3ff:fe4f:570b)
03:07.18dijungalMath: apparently the 3661 can only do H.323
03:07.20dijungalno sip :(
03:10.30PtitGNUI need to install an asterisk server for production use. (so, it must be stable (really)) Currently, the server is running Gentoo in x86_64 (amd64)... I must make a choice between the 1.2.x or the 1.4.x but the 1.2.x is more mature I think (don't it ?) and I don't know anything about the stability of asterisk on x86_64 arch... What do you think ?
03:10.48*** join/#asterisk grndslm (n=grndslm@
03:10.52QwellPtitGNU: x86_64 is fine
03:11.21karleetoQwell: well, what sources are you using in gentoo? gentoo-sources ?
03:11.37Qwellfor kernel you mean?
03:11.40karleeto<--gentoo dev (being mentored atm)
03:11.44PtitGNUI'm using gentoo-sources... 2.6.21-r3
03:12.02Qwellkarleeto: I don't understand the question
03:12.08karleetoPtitGNU: you may want to use vanilla-sources
03:12.09Qwellor, rather, the reason for the question
03:12.19karleetoQwell: thats cause you are not a gentoo person, obvioisly
03:12.36QwellGentoo Base System release 1.12.9
03:12.39QwellI most certainly am
03:12.52PtitGNUkarleeto: why ? there is a problem with asterisk and dsd patches ?
03:13.27Qwellwhat I'm asking, is why would kernel version matter?  Are there known issues with gentoo-sources and amd64?
03:13.56karleetoPtitGNU: gentoo-sources has all kinds of gentoo patches added to it. if you are experiencing instability, and are concered about it, you might wanna use a kernel that is stable and not patched with preformance patches
03:14.24karleetocause on a stable server you should not be concerned about improved desktop functionality in the kernl
03:14.34karleetoWHATVER. just a suggestion
03:14.38Qwellkarleeto: This is why gentoo needs a server profile :)
03:14.50karleetoQwell: it does
03:14.53karleetoand a
03:15.09Qwellmeh, that's a use flag
03:15.09karleetosystem. at,
03:15.27karleetoalong with the server profile it builds a great secure server
03:15.43karleetoof course they all need their server admin's attention ;)
03:16.25*** join/#asterisk coppice (
03:17.00karleetoanyway, sonsider that PtitGNU
03:17.18karleeto<--- has had some beers
03:17.35PtitGNUperformance patches ? It is essentially some bug fixes and backports from -rc (to fix some bugs too)...
03:18.08karleetowell, good then, you would have the best asterisk box you could hope for if you maintain it correctly
03:18.16karleetoi love gentoo
03:18.24karleetolol. do a whois on me ;_
03:18.41rob0I have a long-running (but low load) * on x86_64.
03:18.55karleetorob0: what OS?
03:19.30rob0Linux, slamd64
03:19.31dlynes_laptopgood morning, coppice
03:19.47dlynes_laptoprob0: how stable is slamd64?
03:19.57dlynes_laptoprob0: is it as stable as the regular slackware?
03:20.45rob0It's more stable than my electric service. :) I get outages which outlast my UPS, otherwise I'd have 2 years' uptime.
03:20.48Qwellkarleeto: Where's your gentoo cloak?
03:20.56QwellYou should get one
03:21.07karleetoQwell: i'm in mentor stage arm
03:21.09karleetoerr atm
03:21.20PtitGNUin fact, I asked this because I have some friends that say x86_64 is useless and it make * less stable... so :)   and for 1.2.x vs 1.4.x ?
03:21.34karleetoQwell: another 2 weeks or so (when my mentor, UberLord) gets back from his honeymoon
03:21.47QwellPtitGNU: 1.4, x86_64 is what I'd do, personally
03:21.49karleetoQwell: i'm gonna be involved in Gentoo FreeBSD
03:22.00dlynes_laptoplord help us
03:22.33rob0x86_64 is the future.
03:22.42karleetorob0: i hope so
03:22.43denonalpha's the future!
03:22.43dlynes_laptoprob0: I was referring ot Gentoo FreeBSD :)
03:22.45Qwellx86_64 is the...present
03:22.52Qwellx86 is the past
03:22.53Qwellmove on
03:23.13dlynes_laptopQwell: UltraSPARC is the present
03:23.14PtitGNUQwell: I think so :)
03:23.15denoneveryone and their dog already has an x86_64 cpu, half of em dont even realize it
03:23.26karleetoi still am using p3's, p4s, xeon's, etc
03:23.31Qwelldlynes_laptop: UltraSPARC is the future :p
03:23.37karleetohardware i can get my hands on
03:23.43dlynes_laptopQwell: The past, the present and the future
03:24.08Qwellsparcs probably have some of the highest uptimes
03:25.08dlynes_laptopQwell: Except for mine....they're collecting dust because I've been too busy doing taxes, moving, and gearing up for a wedding :9
03:25.08QwellI have an old rocks
03:25.08Qwellused it as my router for a good 3 years
03:25.11dlynes_laptopQwell: Yeah...the Netra T1 is one of the nicest machines I've ever used
03:25.25QwellT2000 is my current favorite ;p
03:25.42dlynes_laptopQwell: I've got a Sunfire v250 here that kicks pretty good ass, too
03:25.59dlynes_laptopQwell: Looking at selling it though...need to be debt free before I get married :p
03:26.08Qwellbad idea
03:26.18PtitGNUQwell: well, I have the same question to spyroux (I don't know if you know who is he), and he answered exactly the opposite :D (1.2 on x86)... I'm confused :p
03:26.21dlynes_laptopQwell: The wedding, or the selling of the sparc?
03:26.46QwellIf you sell it now, you'll never get another one...ever :P
03:26.46coppicedlynes_laptop: you'll find it much harder to buy after marriage
03:27.10Qwellbe in AS MUCH DEBT as you can when you get married.  It only gets worse. :p
03:27.10dlynes_laptopWell, I'm hoping things will go differently
03:27.28karleetoLISTEN to Qwell !
03:27.30dlynes_laptopWe've got a number of things on the horizon to make some good coin
03:27.37karleetoi speak of experience
03:27.42dlynes_laptopNone of which include computers
03:27.54PtitGNUmmmh, and I don't have any 1.4.x ebuild on gentoo :/
03:27.56coppicesmart move
03:28.08QwellPtitGNU: don't use the ebuild
03:28.22karleetoPtitGNU: emerge --sync
03:28.25Qwellno offense to the maintainers, but it's very difficult for some reason to get a good package of asterisk
03:28.28dlynes_laptopYeah...real estate and mlm
03:28.29karleetoPtitGNU: you should do that anyway
03:28.36*** join/#asterisk CuriosCat (
03:29.02QwellI don't even want to know what the USE flags would look like for that...
03:29.11dlynes_laptopStill planning on pursuing voip and asterisk though
03:29.26Qwella good deal of the modules depend on other things, all of which would need to be a USE flag
03:29.54karleetoQwell: asterisk stuff will get better real soon in gentoo as well, thats my other group i'm in ;)
03:30.11Nuitarikarleeto: thankfully there is also layman
03:30.19karleetoQwell: as well as aterisk stuff on gentoo freebsd, which has a much stabler kernel than linux
03:31.04dijungalok thats enuff VOIP for me for one day
03:31.04karleetoNuitari: whats layman?
03:31.08dijungalgotta go grap a beer
03:31.33karleetodijungal: i'm already drinking one ;) glad for you to join
03:31.35karleetohave fun
03:31.39Nuitarikarleeto: portage overlays
03:31.51*** part/#asterisk dijungal (n=kdaniel@
03:32.00karleetoNuitari: i know about overlays ;)
03:32.05karleetoNuitari: i see now ;)
03:32.40QwellYou know, there's one thing I've gotta say about gentoo...
03:33.01Qwella lot of people don't like it for some reason or another, but I think everybody can agree that they've got some of the best documentation available
03:33.32karleetoanyone who wants to help, i need to people to get the project off the ground.. already got servers and domain name
03:33.46Nuitaristart a wiki ?
03:33.59karleetowell, put one in place ;)
03:34.27karleetojsut want to build a team, to help me get people involved
03:34.53Nuitarimore up to date info then would help
03:35.01*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
03:35.04Nuitarimost of the examples still use priorityjumping
03:35.06karleetoexactaly what i was thinking
03:35.13rob0Why not just update ?
03:35.17karleetoNuitari: and it would attract people to gentoo as well
03:35.47karleetoNuitari: which IMHO, is the best base for any customized linux server
03:36.00*** join/#asterisk Marshall- (
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03:38.23karleetoanyway, WAYY OT there
03:38.24PtitGNUQwell: so, you advise me to install asterisk by hands rather than the gentoo way... It's not very clean and I don't like it but if it's really really necessary I will do so... just for information:
03:39.01karleetobut, Nuitari if you think at least that my idea would be a good one, advice would be appreciated, and help even more! Let me know
03:39.15*** part/#asterisk SwK (
03:42.14Nuitarikarleeto: of course it's a good idea
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03:47.04*** join/#asterisk samarora (i=minesh@
03:47.15samarorahi there
03:47.27samaroracan anybody help me to define context in extensions.conf
03:47.44[TK]D-FenderNEXT!@@!@!@ (c) BKW
03:48.05samarorai want to restrict users from making outgoing calls but are able to make internal extensions calls..
03:48.19samarorahi TK
03:48.23samarorapl help me
03:50.01rob0Have those users in a context which doesn't include access to the ${TRUNK}, but does include internal extensions?
03:51.02*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
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03:54.53karleetoNuitari: seriously, if there is anything you'd like to contrib, some docs, some advice, etc, i love to talk with you more..
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04:09.17russellbQwell: other systems don't need as much documentation if they are easier and more intuitive to setup and use ...
04:10.36*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
04:12.47*** join/#asterisk clyrrad (
04:13.38clyrradHey.... anyone famaliar with this message or how to get around it? rtp.c:331 process_rfc3389: Comfort noise support incomplete in Asterisk (RFC 3389). Please turn off on client if possible.
04:14.04[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad, Disable CNG in yuor client
04:14.06[TK]D-FenderNEXT!@@!@!@ (c) BKW
04:14.29clyrradTKD: Excellent - do you know if there is such an option on Linksys Sipura?
04:14.37clyrradI have reviewed the configs and did not notice that setting
04:15.05Nuitariclyrrad: yes there is
04:15.27clyrradNuitari: Is it called CNG?
04:15.27[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad, Might be under VAD
04:15.53clyrradOk this should be under the SIP or under the acutal Extension Line Configuartion?  I can check again :)
04:16.04[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad, yes :)
04:16.59clyrradStrange.... I cant locate any item called CNG or VAD......
04:17.23Nuitariclyrrad: look for Silence Supp Enable
04:17.33NuitariUnder the advanced line configurations
04:18.26clyrradNuitari: Thanks checking on that now :)
04:18.55Nuitaritook me a while to find it
04:19.32clyrradNuitari: Ok that is currently set to "No"
04:20.07clyrradBut I still get that message on the CLI....
04:23.40clyrradNuitari: was there any other setting change you needed to make?
04:24.21clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: Could CNG be labeled something other than CNG, VAD or Silence Supp Enable?
04:24.34Juggie[TK]D-Fender, you got a sec?
04:24.42[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad, yes.
04:24.46[TK]D-FenderJuggie, yes.
04:25.33Juggie[TK]D-Fender, i'm having a really weird problem, i shoudnt be stuck on this but none the less, i have a pri->asterisk box->iax2->another asterisk
04:25.35Nuitarinot that I remember
04:25.54Juggie[TK]D-Fender, the second asterisk runs an agi which does a playback, but the audio doesnt go through
04:26.03Juggiethe iax2 connection gets accepted ok, but no audio.
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04:26.29[TK]D-FenderJuggie, Do you gt audio if you playback with the app & not AGI?
04:26.51Juggie[TK]D-Fender, no i added a background into the dialplan of the second * box and no audio
04:27.01Juggiehowever, if i do a background on the first * box, i get audio just fine
04:27.06[TK]D-FenderJuggie, Ok, then that rules out AGI.
04:27.16clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: hrm - any idea what else I may need to change?  I found an article from google that suggested to have the provider disable CNG/VAD/Silence Supression - howerver the Asterisk warning indicates this can be done client side.  I have confirmed the Silence Suppression is set to "No" on the phone - yet I still see this error on the CLI....
04:27.18BSD_Techwhats going on
04:27.19Juggieso i've narrowed it down to iax.
04:27.34Juggiei copied default configs from the 1.4.4 src/configs
04:27.37Juggieand only added my hosts in
04:27.37[TK]D-FenderJuggie, Got any zaptel cards in there?
04:28.13clyrradNuitari: Thanks for your tips.... I still get the warning so must be something else :s - thanks for the info :)
04:28.24Juggie[TK]D-Fender, i know
04:28.31Juggiei have a zaptel card in the 2nd box
04:28.36Juggiew/ no active trunks
04:28.40Juggiehence no timeing
04:28.47Juggieneed to unload the module and load ztdummy
04:28.52Juggieannoying 'gotcha'
04:29.45Juggieah, it works now of course
04:29.49Juggiethanks for talking me though it :)
04:29.51Juggiedumb bug.
04:29.59[TK]D-Fendermy work here is done.
04:30.58*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
04:34.37clyrradGuys I just noticed this warning comes before any dial is even issued to any phone, the warning comes up as soon as your press a KEY on your phone
04:34.43clyrradit looks to be DTMF related
04:34.50clyrradany ideas are apprcaited
04:39.46[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad, Can't be before dial.
04:40.18[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad, Otherwise there'd be no sound to suppress ;)
04:42.48*** part/#asterisk samarora (i=minesh@
04:43.27[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage, I DON'T WANT TO STILL BE UP...
04:43.41blitzrageI'D RATHER JUST....
04:43.44[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage, ! ! !
04:43.54blitzrageyou and me both buddy.... you and me both
04:44.21[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage, tomorrow night I'm putting myself back out on the market and changing my scene
04:45.08blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: oh?
04:45.32[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage, Yup, overdue and I'm working to get back into serious shape and fix up the image.
04:45.40clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: Indeed the warning does appear much before the Dial is executed, that warning appears when you call into the PBX and press a key on your cell phone.  In otherwords, as soon as you send the first DTMF into the system is when that warning message appears, and that happens well before any phone starts ringing.....
04:46.04[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad, then you ARE in a call....
04:46.09blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: always a good thing. I've been biking and running a lot
04:46.10[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad, just in an IVR.
04:46.49[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad, At which point when the phone detects the DTMF you wish to send, it cuts audio for the playback time figuring it'll save on bandwidth
04:47.08[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad, There is an option to disable it somewhere there.
04:47.34clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: my guess is this options is an option for Asterisk?  I cant be in the phone since the Dial to the phone has not even happned yet
04:47.41[TK]D-Fenderbut alas I have to get up early and must be off to get some sleep
04:47.42Nuitariis there a way to execute applications in the cli ?
04:47.49[TK]D-Fenderlater all
04:48.19clyrradNuitari: do you mean like sip reload or soemthing like this?
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04:49.10NuitariI mean like DEVSTATE()
04:50.39NuitariI guess I can just hack the friggin app
04:51.23Nuitariok it has a cli
04:51.25clyrradNuitari: why not just use the Manager Ingerface?
04:51.41NuitariI use the manager interface, but it's something that just isn't in there
04:51.51*** join/#asterisk mindCrime_ (
04:52.15Nuitariand one of my clients wants to pay me to get the program that I work on to get hints between asterisk servers to get it to work on 1.4
04:53.08Nuitariof course if I had an idea of how to get func_devstate working on 1.4, despite russellb saying that it will never be ported to it, it would be easier then messing around bristuff's app_devstate
04:57.02russellbNuitari: how cool would i be if i just ported it for you real quick?
04:57.57Nuitarirussellb: immensely cool!
04:58.10Nuitariit would save me so much trouble
04:58.39russellbooh, you're getting paid for this?
04:58.44russellbguess that means you should share :-p
04:59.05Nuitarinot much I'm afraid
04:59.15russellbi'm just playing ..
04:59.33NuitariI'll release my code under GPL anyways
04:59.49blitzragerussellb: I want it too :D
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04:59.54blitzragecodefreeze: !!!!!
05:00.56russellbblitzrage: heh
05:01.03russellbi don't know where to put it, though ...
05:01.10russellbother backports are on svncommunity ...
05:01.24russellbthat means i have to create a repo for myself on there
05:01.27blitzragejust in an app_devstate dir like func_odbc
05:01.34blitzrageblasted! :)
05:01.40russellband then, set it up to get mirrored ...
05:01.42russellbwhat a pain
05:01.51russellbi'll do that part next week or something . ..
05:03.00Juggierussellb, got 30 seconds?
05:03.17Juggiewant to run a quick problem by u, not for a fix but just curious as to what can be done w/ it.
05:03.35Juggiei'll say it anyways, hopefully you listen :)
05:03.52Juggielets say i have a single span configured on any given zaptel card... and iax setup as a backup outgoing provider.
05:04.13Juggieif the span goes down, i have no timeing source for iax2 because of course ztdummy isnt loaded
05:04.21Juggiehow does one solve this?
05:04.54russellbload ztdummy in addition to the card?
05:05.08russellband zaptel is not required for iax ...
05:05.19russellbiax trunking will just not work
05:05.22russellbbut the calls still will
05:05.25Juggieit is for my setup
05:05.35Juggiewithout ztdummy loaded i get no audio
05:05.50Juggieif i rmmod my driver (wct4xxp) load ztdummy
05:05.51Juggieworks fine
05:05.57russellbcan't have them both loaded?
05:06.17Juggiewell, you can load them, but loading ztdummy after the hardware driver wont work
05:06.33Juggieyou have to rmmod your driver, load ztdummy, then load the hardware driver after
05:06.48Juggiehowever, i dont know if the order will affect the actual hardware working, there are no t1's on it to check atm
05:06.56russellbwell, i guess the important issue is, why is your hardware going down?
05:07.10Juggiebecause there is just a card in there without any t1's.
05:07.23Juggieat this moment, its a test box.
05:07.35Juggiebut in a prod environment you woudnt want to loose iax if your t1 went down
05:07.50codefreezeblitzrage: still there?
05:07.56blitzragecodefreeze: yep
05:07.58Juggieyou say iax2 doesnt need a timer, however which ever way its configured, i get no audio w/o ztdummy
05:08.24russellbwell, it is only used in chan_iax2 for the trunking stuff
05:08.29blitzragecodefreeze: in your CDRfix5 branch... you're creating dialplan functions, and calling them CDRstart(), CDRabort(), etc... right?
05:08.47codefreezeblitzrage: (my turn) yep.
05:09.32blitzragecodefreeze: well.... dialplan functions are always uppercase... so you actually have CDRSTART(), CDRABORT(), etc.... which is kinda hard to read. Is there not a better syntax we can come up with?
05:09.36Juggierussellb, well i can tell you for 100% certain w/o ztdummy loaded, i get NO audio
05:09.43Juggiewith trunk=yes/no
05:09.49Juggieas soon as i load it, it works.
05:10.09codefreezeblitzrage: for you, blitzrage, I can call them anything. What do you prefer?
05:10.38Juggierussellb, i suspect iax2 sees the timeing source (wct4xxp) tries to use it, its broken because there is no t1 up.. and then ends up being broken?
05:10.45blitzragecodefreeze: this is what I was trying to think of in my head......... it feels like it should be like.... CDR(start), CDR(abort), etc.... but we already have CDR()
05:10.45Juggieiax2 does USE timeing if its avail right.
05:11.18blitzrageso I'm trying to abstract the concept and come up with a name for this function.... hrmmmmmmmmmmmmm
05:11.33russellbonnnnnnnnly for trunking
05:11.49codefreezeblitzrage: aye. I had the same internal discussion. Let the creative juices flow!
05:11.55russellbi'm too tired to actually debug something right now
05:12.13Juggierussellb, i'm not delirious, with wct4xxp loaded & a card w/ no active trunks i get no audio... unload the driver and load ztdummy and it works.
05:12.26russellbheh, i don't believe you!
05:12.30blitzrageCDR(<action>|<name>[|options]) ?
05:12.34blitzragedoes this make any sense?
05:12.39russellbnah, i do, but it doesn't make any sense
05:12.46russellband i am too tired to figure out why.
05:12.56jqleven with no timing source, wouldn't asterisk use the incoming iax stream as the "trigger" for its own audio packets? odd
05:13.11Juggierussellb, well, i assume chan_iax2 has its own internal timeing, unless a timeing source exists.
05:13.13codefreezeblitzrage: what would be the <action> for just setting the CDR values?
05:13.18Juggiefor rtp even?
05:13.33Qwellhmm, I recall ManxPower seeing that issue before
05:13.46Qwellsomething with playback(), ztdummy, and another zap module
05:14.01QwellJuggie: You might want to ask him about it tomorrow
05:14.05Juggiei should ask file about it, he's done the most w/ iax
05:14.07blitzragewell... basically, explain to me the points of CDRstart(), CDRstop(), CDRabort() -- this is to control the current CDR ont he channel right? So I can do a bunch of stuff (call setup perhaps), and then I can do like.....
05:14.18Qwellit wasn't channel driver specific
05:14.20Juggiei suspect if i unloaded all the zaptel, iax would use its own internal timeing and be happy.
05:14.45JuggieQwell, i've seen this happen w/ sip and iax.
05:14.57Qwellyeah, ask him tomorrow...  I bet he'll remember the fix
05:15.04Qwelliirc, it was an easy fix
05:15.09codefreezeblitzrage: CDRstart actually returns a handle to an allocated, unattached CDR struct.
05:15.31JuggieQwell, i'm not sure theres a simple 'fix'
05:15.43Qwellif it's the same problem, there is :D
05:15.44Juggie* is simply trying to use a timeing source it thinks exists (loaded module w/ detected hardware)
05:15.48codefreezeblitzrage: it has its start time set to the time you called CDRstart. It is initialized from the current channel.
05:15.55Juggiebut since there are no trunks active, there is no timeing.
05:16.04Qwellshouldn't need any active channels
05:16.12russellbNuitari: blitzrage ...
05:16.26codefreezeblitzrage: CDRanswer takes the handle returned by CDRstart, and sets the answer time to the current time.
05:16.40JuggieQwell, well, it is broken :)
05:16.58tuxd00dblitzrage: why are you awake?
05:17.00Qwellis the card configured?
05:17.04tuxd00dQwell: Hey
05:17.08Qwelltuxd00d: y0
05:17.13codefreezeblitzrage: CDRclose takes that handle also, and sets the end time, and posts the CDR.
05:17.17JuggieQwell, no, atm its just two unconfigured spans.
05:17.19blitzragetuxd00d: yes... just talking to my not-not g/f :)
05:17.22QwellJuggie: that might be it
05:17.28Nuitarirussellb: Thanks!!!
05:17.38russellbNuitari: you're welcome
05:17.38tuxd00dblitzrage: I'm confused
05:17.40blitzragecodefreeze: ok... that makes sense
05:17.42JuggieQwell, i guess thats possible if i configured them (even if they were down)
05:17.45blitzragetuxd00d: it's complicated ;)
05:17.47russellbI didn't test it ... just made it build ... which was a lot harder than i thought it would be
05:17.49QwellJuggie: yeah, try that :D
05:18.00codefreezeblitzrage: the CDR on the channel, is not touched or affected by the 3 funcs previously mentioned.
05:18.03Nuitarirussellb: I'll put it on the server that I'm upgrading to 1.4.5
05:18.05JuggieQwell, will do.
05:18.08blitzragecodefreeze: oh really...
05:18.08Nuitariand if it works :)
05:18.16blitzragecodefreeze: so this is a separate CDR then
05:18.20blitzrageso I could do
05:18.37blitzrageand control my own CDRs?
05:18.38russellbNuitari: you can just tell people how cool of a developer i am :-p
05:18.45russellbNuitari: and ... buy digium stuff.
05:19.04Nuitarirussellb: Will do
05:19.37codefreezeblitzrage: totally. I modded the CDR func to take a handle as the 3rd arg. If you supply one, it allows you set almost any CDR field. Otherwise, the same ol' restrictions apply to the channel-attached CDR(s).
05:19.54blitzragecodefreeze: ok, so that makes sense to me then
05:20.01blitzrage(that's hawt btw)
05:20.06blitzrageso I could control my own logic
05:20.15blitzrageand determine if I wanted a CDR or not, based on a condition
05:20.25blitzrage(is this an Internal call, or external call)
05:21.08codefreezeblitzrage: yes, you could do that.
05:21.23blitzragenow back to how to name this sucker
05:21.24russellbSUCKER() ?
05:21.56blitzrageno, that is wrong
05:22.11blitzragethat seems not ideal....
05:22.26codefreezeblitzrage: I was really tempted to call it CDR_ALLOCATE()
05:22.44blitzragethat almost seems like a good name for CDRstart()
05:23.03jqlgah, those prefix names get to me. NEW_CDR() :)
05:23.05blitzrageCDR_ALLOCATE(), CDR_ANSWER(), CDR_CLOSE() ?
05:23.13russellbNuitari: 404!
05:23.16blitzrageseems like the same problem....
05:23.17jqlnamespaces are for the organized
05:23.29blitzragereally feels like it should be a single function
05:23.41Nuitarithat works
05:23.58blitzragewould you ever really assign a value to this though........
05:24.18codefreezeblitzrage: I was tempted to do that; I just hate underscores... but I'm not overly in hate with them. I could do it so.
05:24.26NuitariI know it's a php program, but I haven't used C/C++ in way too long
05:24.32blitzrageI don't really like it either....
05:24.59Juggierussellb/blitzrage, i added a fake span definition to zaptel.conf so there would be a configured span (even if the pri physically does not exist) and then everything works
05:24.59blitzrageJuggie: can you send me how you did that?
05:25.02blitzragejust a sample config snippet probably
05:25.06Juggieso it seems if you have a t1 card you must configure a span on it, even if you dont have one, or the timeing goes haywire.
05:25.38codefreezeblitzrage: other func names have _ in them, so it's pretty standard practice...
05:25.45Juggieblitzrage, my /etc/zaptel.conf is 3 lines
05:25.47Juggiethat is all
05:25.52Juggieand that fixed the lack of timeing
05:26.00Juggie(after a ztcfg of course)
05:26.41russellbNuitari: lol @ the comment at the top
05:27.18Juggierussellb, so seems simple enough to overcome still kinda lame though, that dropping in a t1 board and restarting your box could cause problems w/ asterisk until you configure a span on the board.
05:27.45russellbNuitari: well cool, thanks for sharing.  i have it saved so that I can try to understand it when i'm more awake :)
05:27.50blitzrageExec(${IF($[${CALL_TYPE} = EXTERNAL]?Set(CDR_CONTROL(start)):NoOp())})
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05:28.12Juggierussellb, i got approved for *-con again...
05:28.14blitzragecodefreeze: I think I like the CDR_CONTROL(start|answer|abort|stop) format....
05:28.21Juggievisit #3 for free :)
05:28.27russellbsame here, hehe
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05:28.46russellbactually, it will be #4, heh
05:28.46blitzragecodefreeze: that kind of dialplan line I wrote is very common in my dialplan
05:28.56russellbfirst time was on adtran ... second two were digium..
05:29.03Juggierussellb, mine is care of the canadian tax payer :)
05:29.15russellbheh, nice
05:29.17codefreezeblitzrage: except, that CDRstart returns a handle. You can create several simultaneously. You address them individually.
05:29.28Juggiewhen blitzrage files his taxes, he pays for my trips hehe
05:29.34Juggiebtw, i should flag him for an audit.
05:30.00Nuitarirussellb: you know how to reach me
05:30.04blitzragecodefreeze: hrmmm.... ok, I gotta read your blog post so I understand better how you are utilizing those functions
05:30.08russellbNuitari: indeed
05:30.24Qwellhmm, I wonder if they already have enough speakers
05:31.29blitzragecodefreeze: aha -- I was using it wrong
05:31.34codefreezeblitzrage: forkCDR() allowed you to "stack" multiple CDRs in a channel. Have to allow multiples, or you lose functionality. My version is IMNASHO, is superior, methinks/mehopes.
05:31.40russellbQwell: don't think there has even been a call for speakers yet ...
05:31.45russellbnot that i have seen, anyway
05:31.55Qwellblitzrage: ^^?
05:31.56russellbi need to figure out what i want to talk about this go around ...
05:32.17blitzragecodefreeze: Exec(${IF($[${CALL_TYPE} = EXTERNAL]?Set(mycdr=${CDR_CONTROL(start)}):NoOp())})
05:32.38QwellI guess I should run it by Kevin first, heh
05:32.58Juggiecodefreeze, you should see the CDR records i work with.. we get like up to 5million seperate records a day from our telco, we have a direct feed for our 1-800 network.
05:33.07blitzrageQwell: ya... sounds like I gotta do a talk :)
05:33.26codefreezeblitzrage: OK, let's see, CDRanswer returns the same handle it got; but CDRclose doesn't, as that handle is dead.
05:33.28Qwellblitzrage: they already accepting speaker requests?
05:33.37Qwellor, stopped accepting for that matter
05:34.04blitzrageNoOp(CDR answer says:  ${CDR_CONTROL(answer|${my_cdr})})
05:34.28russellbQwell: ah, there is a link for speaker stuff on the web site
05:34.38russellbif i don't get to speak i will be sad :(
05:34.51QwellI've never done a topic at a tradeshow
05:34.54Qwellwell, sorta
05:35.04Qwellnot voluntarily, and with notice :P
05:35.07blitzragecodefreeze: that's how I would picture those working
05:35.15blitzragebased on your examples in AEL
05:35.19Qwellwell, more than an hours notice, heh
05:35.34QwellDavid Rowe kinda ambushed me in Dallas :D
05:36.11blitzrageI could do something on clustering
05:36.33QwellI could give a talk on Skinny, and have like 3 people show up
05:36.58blitzrageyou'd probably be surprised... :)
05:37.05Juggiesomeone needs to do a talk on snmp and monitoring
05:37.15Juggiethat would be intreasting
05:37.21blitzrageI wish I had time to work on that
05:37.23Juggieis there still that open snmp mib ticket on the tracker
05:37.29Juggiesomeone was fixing it up
05:37.30blitzrageI did a bunch of SNMP stuff for school
05:37.35Qwelljeffg I think
05:37.36codefreezeblitzrage: I even played with the idea of making CDRanswer and CDRclose apps instead of funcs, as really, they don't need to return anything.
05:37.48Juggieblitzrage, nic has asterisk monitoring setup via cacti
05:38.08Juggieand then he has his own realtime portal written for like a overview of all servers. and just uses cacti for historical
05:38.08blitzragecodefreeze: ya, but you want to be able to make them functions so you can easier embed them in dialplan logic
05:38.20blitzrageJuggie: nice
05:38.25blitzrageI need something like that
05:39.25blitzrageanyways... I gotta go to bed
05:39.26Juggieblitzrage, so far as i know he just use php snmp to hit all our boxes and then display a lil screen w/ stats, active calls, etc.
05:39.32blitzrageneed to catch a train at 7:50am downtown
05:39.41blitzrageJuggie: nice!
05:39.43codefreezeblitzrage: evaluation with side effects embedded in expressions... the world is scheduled to end tomorrow!
05:39.47rob0Yikes, those things are fast and big. Good luck!
05:40.09blitzragecodefreeze: it's too late for me... you've lost me :)
05:40.42codefreezeblitzrage: sweet dreams; we can pick this up later.
05:40.53blitzragecodefreeze: cool, will do!
05:41.03blitzragerussellb: no hung channels thus far :)
05:41.13blitzragenight all!
05:41.20russellbblitzrage: nice
05:42.28Juggieah, his changes got merged into trunk for snmp, nice.
05:44.05Qwellbed time
05:50.18Nuitaricodefreeze: need a repeater?
05:50.32russellb130 feet should be fine by far
05:50.38Nuitariah feet
05:50.42Nuitarithen yeah should be fine
05:51.23codefreezethought ethernet was good for 100 meters, around 300 feet. Very frustrating.
05:51.35russellbcodefreeze: yep, supposed to be ...
05:52.32codefreezethe linksys router 4-port switch blinks on/off slowly, the hubs, 3 diff. kinds, blink likewise. What is this, some kind of standards thing?
05:55.11Nuitariasterisk: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: __dont_use_localtime_r_use_ast_localtime_instead__
05:55.59Nuitaricdr_addon_mysql.c:132: error: too few arguments to function 'ast_localtime'
05:57.02Nuitariwhat should be in const char *zone ?
05:58.17Nuitariok I changed it, passed a null and it's working at least
05:58.25jqlthat's quite a wtf
05:58.26*** join/#asterisk Cabal_ (n=Cabal@unaffiliated/cabal)
05:58.27Nuitarithough probably not a clean wway
05:58.39Nuitariso asterisk-addons 1.4.1 will crash asterisk-1.4.5
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06:04.10Nuitariis Internal RTCP NTP clock skew detected: lsr=4197037742, now=4197037931, dlsr=65500 (0:999ms), diff=65311 something to be worried about ?
06:06.19lucidsmogSo out of curiosity, what does asterisk do with a SIP NOTIFY message from a SIP proxy when Asterisk is registered to said SIP proxy as a UA?  (Specifically, I'm curious about what happens to a Message Waiting NOTIFY)
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06:54.23bintuthello all..
06:55.05bintutis there a major difference with the configuration files inside the /etc/asterisk/ directory between 1.2.13 and 1.4.4 ?
06:55.32bintutcan i make use of my existing asterisk-1.2.13 configs to a new asterisk-1.4.4 setup?
06:55.51Nuitariprobably not
06:56.36Nuitariit might work, it depends on your setup
06:56.49Nuitariare you using gentoo?
06:57.04bintutNuitari: this is my personal home setup with a digium devkit 1fxo and 1fxs
06:57.14bintutNuitari: debian etch i386
06:58.09Nuitarido you use priorityjumping?
06:58.28bintutvery simple setup.. i'm just a newbie
06:58.45Nuitarishouldn't be that hard then
06:58.47bintuti still don't even have any logic on my configs.. :(
06:58.50Nuitarikeep backups just in case
06:58.58bintutyeah, i have backup
06:59.25bintutactually, i'm having a problem with echo
06:59.53*** join/#asterisk Daniel_Tech (
07:00.01bintuti don't know.. i can't figure out already. i followed the FAQs of the digium's kb but the echo still remains.. (
07:03.44NuitariI just use echocancel = yes
07:03.48Nuitariand have it autotrain
07:07.22bintutNuitari: and it's fixed already?
07:07.53bintutNuitari: mine still exist..
07:12.52Nuitariyeah it's fixed for me
07:13.47Daniel_Techcan any1 give me a clue as to how i would go about choosing the right zaptel card for a network? i never used them before
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07:27.44tzafrir_laptopbintut, set opermode? used fxotune?
07:28.34bintuttzafrir_laptop: hello..  what's an opermode?  not yet with fxotune.. kinda afraid.  :(
07:29.20tzafrir_laptopfrom which country are you?
07:30.05tzafrir_laptopanyway, try using fxotune. Should help you much with the FXO echo
07:32.36aksnowmanI've just gotten an asterisk box set up yesterday (softphones only) and can connect from my home network, but nobody outside of my network can actually stay connected. I've got the asterisk box set up as my dmz so it isn't an access problem.  In the console I can see them connecting and whatnot, but then it just says "user hung up".  They never even hear the automated messages. Any help would be appriciated
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08:30.35Shaun2222anybody use the wip330-na phone by linksys?
08:35.19bintutgtg now..
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09:00.31A-DataHello all i put exten => 6666,n,AGI(agi-sayani.agi) in extensions.conf in [context] this is perl AGI when i do reload and try to call the extension it give me the person you have called is unavialable
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09:05.30A-Dataany one have suggestion about this proplem?
09:06.01tsurkowhat is supposed the agi ot do?
09:06.17A-Datatsurko it supposed to say caller ID
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09:07.00A-Databut i have tried other scripts to from the perl example all give beep beep beep the person you have called is unavialbel
09:11.40A-Dataany help :<
09:14.07jbotit has been said that agi is the Asterisk Gateway Interface...  similar to CGI for web applications AGI lets you script call control and access databases using your favorite language.  AGI wrappers are available for Python (pyst), Perl (astperl?) and other languages
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09:23.24A-Dataany one with AGI experince can help me
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09:35.17SargunWhat's the point of a zaptel channel?
09:38.19deeganFrom my experience and knowledge it's for ISDN connections, you get inbound/outbound calls on a isdn then you need zaptel.
09:42.48A-Databut i have tried other scripts to from the perl example all give beep beep beep the person you have called is unavialbel
09:42.55A-DataHello all i put exten => 6666,n,AGI(agi-sayani.agi) in extensions.conf in [context] this is perl AGI when i do reload and try to call the extension it give me the person you have called is unavialable
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10:02.52Sargundeegan, Can I make virtual zaptel channels
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10:03.02SargunLike put them SIP calls over them
10:03.09SargunI mean, I know meetme somehow does it
10:10.24aksnowmanI've just gotten an asterisk box set up yesterday (softphones only) and can connect from my home network, but nobody outside of my network can actually stay connected. I've got the asterisk box set up as my dmz so it isn't an access problem.  In the console I can see them connecting and whatnot, but then it just says "user hung up".  They never even hear the automated messages. Any help would be appriciated
10:14.42Daniel_Techhow do i know what zaptel card i should use????
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10:40.19stoffellDaniel_Tech, what are you trying to connect to?
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10:56.03Daniel_Techwell the system i am using is Trixbox. I normally have the internet connectionc moming into the network via modem/router and then into a switch. i then use the NIC onthe trixbox server to make/take calls. i want to do a simialr thing except have a PSTN failover
10:56.08Daniel_Techif that helps
10:57.12stoffell_hif you want to connect PSTN, you should check out the analogue cards of digium (TDMxxx)..
10:57.59Daniel_Techthanks. one last question, if im setting up the PBX inthe above way, will i need to have more than 1 FXO port??
10:58.21Daniel_Techall the IP phones plug into wall ports connected to the main switch
10:58.23DEac-i think about to try kiax as iax-'client'. my question is: i must type IAX2/User:Password@Host/Ext or it's enough, if i type IAX2/Host ?
10:59.09DEac-ah, i see a mistage. Host is dynamic, so i must use the Extension
10:59.16stoffell_hDaniel_Tech, if you will have only 1 pstn (1 analogue line), only 1 fxo port is needed..
10:59.40Daniel_Techstofell_h, thankyou for the help much appreciated
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11:03.06toothey folks, as a european snom user - what polycom phones do people recommend? :)
11:03.20tootwant to get a couple and test auto provisioning
11:06.11stoffell_htoot, the ip430 is cool, and the 650 should be too (but it's more expensive)
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11:37.01tootthanks stoffell_h - bought a couple of the ip430 :)
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12:55.36Gajoli am in need of some help. i have set up a new asterisk server. but have som problems with getting my calls in. i have no problems calling out. it worked fine when i testet it on trixbox. hope that you can help me
12:56.26Teccyis there anyway to initiate dialling on a zap interface from the console?
13:06.31stoffell_hTeccy, not that I know, but you can use a .call file..
13:07.26Teccyhmm, fair enough, thanks
13:09.49Teccyits certainly a feature that would be useful for testing/setup/debugging
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13:24.31DarKnesS_WolFwb [TK]D-Fender :-)
13:25.30DarKnesS_WolFTeccy: yes u can using the dial command but u need soundcard / headphones and OSS or alsa installed on that server
13:27.15SavageOnemorning folks
13:28.45SavageOnehere's my question:  I've heard tales warning against having more then 1 phone attached to the same port on an analog adapter, be it an internal fxs port on a pxi card or an external ata like a linksys pap2t or something like that, something about the voltage being drawn from the plain old analog headset having the potention to fry the port or something along those lines.  How much truth is there to this?
13:32.46[TK]D-FenderSavageOne, RINGING on and FXO port can fry an FXS port.
13:33.00SavageOnebut where is the ring generated?
13:33.14SavageOneI'm talking about internal phones not fxo for external, because obviously only one could be connected that way
13:33.15[TK]D-FenderSavageOne, Because your FXS port is not designed to ACCEPT voltage, it tried to put its own.
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13:33.29SavageOnebut does the fxs pass the voltage for the ring from the line
13:33.33SavageOnewait, I see what you mean
13:33.41[TK]D-FenderSavageOne, how else do you think and line would RING?  Ever used a phone before? :)
13:34.01SavageOneso asterisk sends the call to the fxs port via zaptel, and then the hardware on the card generates the ring tone voltage and the phone icks and up and ringsp
13:34.44SavageOneso, if there's too many phones, it tries to pull too much voltage from the card and that could fry it right?
13:34.59[TK]D-FenderStill getting it backwards.
13:35.05SavageOneI only ask because I have a dead fxo module on my digium card and everyone is saying it's because I had 2 phones on it
13:35.13TeccySavageOne: if you're using modern phones, especially ones powered from the mains, like dect phones, they have exteremly low RENs
13:35.26Teccyif it's an fxo module, why did you have phones connected to it?
13:35.32SavageOnethese were like 25$ walmart uniden cordless phones
13:35.39SavageOnefxs I mean
13:35.42SavageOnedid I say fxo? my bad
13:35.52SavageOnefxs fxs hehe
13:36.16[TK]D-Fenderif you plug an FXS (which puts out voltage), to your home PHONE LINE (which does the same), and one end decides to try and ring the other, then you are LOADING the cirecuit with too much power.
13:36.48SavageOnethat's not what I mean
13:36.53[TK]D-FenderGTG, back in several hours...
13:36.56SavageOneI'm talking about a regular old asterisk phone system
13:36.59SavageOnenot in a home
13:37.15SavageOnejust a regular phone system with a digium card in it w/ an fxo port so I can have a single analog extension
13:37.29SavageOnebut then I split it to 2 cordless phones via a regular old splitter
13:37.38[TK]D-FenderSavageOne, the only bad thing you can do is plug 2 ports that PUT OUT VOLTAGE INTO EACH OTHER!
13:37.41SavageOneand people are telling me that since I did that I fried the port by putting too much load on it
13:37.45[TK]D-FenderSplitting = fine!
13:37.52SavageOnejust verifying
13:38.04[TK]D-Fenderwhat'll happen with overloading REN is your phones won't ring
13:38.20SavageOneso when the phone rings, like on a normal pots line, it's not sending a sound or anything just a certain type of electricity that signals a phone to ring
13:38.21[TK]D-Fenderand I'm not sure about any further degradation....
13:38.29*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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13:38.36[TK]D-FenderSavageOne, Correct
13:38.46SavageOneso this dude is a retard that told me this
13:38.48SavageOneI had a feeling
13:39.01[TK]D-FenderRinging is a higher voltage **AC** signal whereas talking on the line is **DC**
13:39.10SavageOneI've got a few homes also setup w/ papt2s w/ teliax accounts who want an alternative to vonage
13:39.17*** join/#asterisk _VoiceMeUp_COM (
13:39.21SavageOneit's ac? no shit
13:39.25[TK]D-Fenderok, gotta go, best of luck to all.
13:39.25_VoiceMeUp_COMQwell[] u around ?
13:39.34SavageOnethat's probably why I get a jolt when I'm punching a panel down and a goddamn call comes in rofl
13:39.53_VoiceMeUp_COMwondering if chan_mobile is ok on .18
13:40.07_VoiceMeUp_COMcoz for some reason 1.4 doesnt wor k for me.. audio issues
13:40.18_VoiceMeUp_COMguess i should say .19 now
13:40.23Math`talking on the line is dc? audio on dc doesnt makes sense unless you modulate it, which is not the case with pots
13:42.31Corydon76-homeMath`: correct, POTS uses DC current
13:42.44Corydon76-homeexcept for ring voltage, which is AC
13:43.38Corydon76-homeIt's the only circuit that I know of that uses both DC and AC on the same pair of wires
13:45.24_VoiceMeUp_COMthe chan_mobule is on trunk of addons ? or in main
13:47.03_VoiceMeUp_COMyeah i see
13:47.17_VoiceMeUp_COMnot in 1.2.6 so its trunk ?
13:49.08Corydon76-homeRepeat the mantra:  we do not add features to code that has already been released.
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13:49.22_VoiceMeUp_COMtaking to me ?
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13:52.17_VoiceMeUp_COMsvn co asterisk-addons
13:52.19_VoiceMeUp_COMright ?
13:52.44_VoiceMeUp_COMsvn: PROPFIND of '/asterisk-addons/trunk': 405 Method Not Allowed (
13:56.17_VoiceMeUp_COMwhy a 405
13:57.34tzangeruh, 405 is resource not allowed, failing a PROPFIND sounds about right
13:57.55_VoiceMeUp_COMok so im not allowed to get addons trunk ?
13:58.04tzangerno that'd be something else I think
13:58.26_VoiceMeUp_COMok so how we resolve.. im trying to get the trunk for chan_mobile
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13:59.21russellbyou're missing "svn" before ast-addons
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13:59.48tzangerrusselb gets the cookie
13:59.51russellblook at all of the examples all over the internet :-p
13:59.55_VoiceMeUp_COMi guess this mofo is wrong then
14:00.06russellbexcept the wrong info, of course
14:00.08_VoiceMeUp_COMthat where i got the problem in first place lol
14:00.34_VoiceMeUp_COMok so svn co asterisk-addons
14:01.44_VoiceMeUp_COMand i think 1.4 is messed. in terms of compat with 1.2
14:02.04_VoiceMeUp_COMneeds to have all nat=no or else all fails.. but same config on 1.2 works like a charm
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14:27.59DarKnesS_WolFhmm there is no more in asterisk 1.4 ? only chan_gtalk ?
14:28.50DarKnesS_WolFah it's res_japper
14:29.06Qwellwhat is japper?
14:29.32_VoiceMeUp_COMjapper no idea
14:29.57_VoiceMeUp_COMqwell you approves chan_mobile.. can thi work asterisk -addons trunk with 1.2.19 ? or need 1.4.5
14:30.22_VoiceMeUp_COMastersk  trunk ?
14:31.30DarKnesS_WolFQwell: google talk
14:31.35DarKnesS_WolFhmm chan_mobile :D?
14:31.43_VoiceMeUp_COMtrying it out
14:31.45DarKnesS_WolFwhat is that for ?
14:31.48DarKnesS_WolFbluetooth ?
14:31.51_VoiceMeUp_COMgot 10 ericson t68i's
14:31.53Qwell_VoiceMeUp_COM: and, you missed an "svn" in your URL
14:31.55QwellDarKnesS_WolF: yep
14:31.59_VoiceMeUp_COMbut they not supported ;( so im tyring headpeace
14:32.03_VoiceMeUp_COMyeah i know
14:32.10DarKnesS_WolFQwell: i failed with other bluetooth chanels :-s
14:32.12Qwellpretty much any cell should work with it
14:32.16DarKnesS_WolFso i gave up :-)
14:32.18_VoiceMeUp_COMthe 9:59 line has it
14:32.18QwellDarKnesS_WolF: the other bluetooth channels suck :p
14:32.25DarKnesS_WolFQwell: oh ya :P
14:32.30_VoiceMeUp_COMwell i connect to headset but not cell
14:32.34_VoiceMeUp_COMsame pass everything
14:32.36_VoiceMeUp_COMill see
14:32.44DarKnesS_WolFQwell: it was supporting some kind of nokia model and motorola only or something like that ...
14:33.01DarKnesS_WolF_VoiceMeUp_COM: keep me updated please :-)
14:33.05_VoiceMeUp_COMdavid asnwered me
14:33.20DarKnesS_WolFworks ?
14:33.24_VoiceMeUp_COMlet me pastebin
14:33.44DarKnesS_WolF_VoiceMeUp_COM: and a small fast howto to for voip-info :-)
14:34.10_VoiceMeUp_COMwell headpiece doesnt have rtp with 1.4.4 and chan_cellphone
14:34.20_VoiceMeUp_COMso im redoing it with trunks and chan_mobile
14:34.47_VoiceMeUp_COMbasically exten => 1004,2,Dial(CELL/cellphone/15144322343)
14:34.55_VoiceMeUp_COMwould bridge from cell
14:34.58DarKnesS_WolFQwell: works with any bluetook dongol ? or need speciak bluetooth device?
14:35.05_VoiceMeUp_COMany dongle
14:35.05QwellDarKnesS_WolF: any with linux drivers
14:35.15_VoiceMeUp_COMbut needs bluez and libbluetooth
14:35.16DarKnesS_WolFQwell: i have very cheap one works with linux perfectly
14:35.22Qwellthen it'll work fine
14:35.24*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
14:35.29DarKnesS_WolFhmm may be will start to compile asterisk and try again on my laptop
14:35.38DarKnesS_WolFQwell: chan__mobile or chan_cellphone ?
14:35.46_VoiceMeUp_COMactualy the dongle gives me bluescreens in xp pro
14:35.49Qwellchan_mobile is what it was committed as
14:35.51_VoiceMeUp_COMform trunk
14:35.58DarKnesS_WolFwhat is chan_cellphone?
14:36.09_VoiceMeUp_COMcellphone is the prototype from david and well it was integrated and tweaked in as mobile
14:36.23_VoiceMeUp_COMits the granfather of mobile
14:36.34DarKnesS_WolFhaha okay :-)
14:37.20DarKnesS_WolF_VoiceMeUp_COM: so everything works with u ?
14:37.22_VoiceMeUp_COM1.4.5 has improved in terms of noobienest
14:37.29_VoiceMeUp_COMwell no
14:37.32_VoiceMeUp_COMim still compiling
14:37.41_VoiceMeUp_COMthis an old laptop .. p3 1.8
14:38.12DarKnesS_WolF_VoiceMeUp_COM: u patched aganiest 1.4.5 ?
14:38.13_VoiceMeUp_COMactually trying to ee what this laptop cpu
14:38.14DarKnesS_WolFor 1.4.4 ?
14:38.15_VoiceMeUp_COMsaw this
14:38.16_VoiceMeUp_COMhci_scodata_packet: hci0 SCO packet for unknown connection handle 2
14:38.22_VoiceMeUp_COMthat why i had no rtp from headset
14:38.27_VoiceMeUp_COMa motorola hs80
14:38.42_VoiceMeUp_COMno i mean trunk
14:38.46_VoiceMeUp_COMdarn you
14:38.47DarKnesS_WolFah ic
14:38.50_VoiceMeUp_COMgiving me choices lol
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14:40.04_VoiceMeUp_COMthe heck ? codec _zap
14:41.14_VoiceMeUp_COM1,4,5 brewing...
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14:41.58_VoiceMeUp_COMhi jax
14:42.37jaxon_i just install trixbox. i need to configure zaptel.conf to use different channels? can i hand edit this?
14:43.52jaxon_when i run zaptelconf program, it just uses default 24 trunks. it won't prompt me for any conf. in my t1, i have trunk 1-15 for voice
14:44.12Qwell!wtf trixbox?
14:44.15*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
14:44.20jbotTrixbox is a full linux distro that includes , FreePBX, and other 3rd party add-ons. It is these things on top of which make it seriously painful to support and hence you will find little help here for it. Try asking in #trixbox , or their forums & WIKI at
14:44.23Qwellwrong trigger :D
14:44.53logyatiok, i made my asterisk server, i learnd about ivr, everything is working fine, using sip internally and calling to pstn phones... now everything is working fine... now im gonna make another step, i dont want asterisk controlling sip accounts, thats why i made my openser sip server... my question is, when i receive a call from pstn, for example, how to i set asterisk to send the call to openser?
14:47.01lee_is_meIs it me or could the AMI used a bit more structured output...
14:47.15blitzragelee_is_me: oej has a branch that is fixing that
14:47.40lee_is_meblitzrage: really?  any samples of the output?  Parsing the existing stuff is a PIA
14:48.15lee_is_meIts like parsing a page out of a novel ;)
14:48.37blitzragelee_is_me: well, the output isn't gonna change that much, it'll just be more standardized
14:49.14lee_is_mewouldn't be nice to be able to just grab a list of queue names and summary data in xml or tab separated format?
14:49.33lee_is_mebut more standardized is nice too
14:50.06lee_is_methe way the output is now, makes it too easy to break existing code bases
14:50.21lee_is_meby changing a bit here and there in the output
14:50.40lee_is_megood to know, that there is improvement being worked on
14:51.00blitzragelee_is_me: sure, patches are always welcome
14:51.20lee_is_medamn, I knew that was coming ;)
14:51.42*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
14:51.47lee_is_meI know C enough to read it a bit, but mostly from using C# a bit
14:51.57*** join/#asterisk ghento (
14:52.03lee_is_meoops should have been "...dont know c..."
14:54.30*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
14:54.50*** join/#asterisk Marshall-Laptop (
14:55.10Marshall-LaptopWhat are some good IAX2 Providers Besides Vitelity Telix And VoipStreet?
14:55.17`Seanjbot whos your owner
14:55.18*** join/#asterisk Math` (
14:55.35_VoiceMeUp_COMwe got a winner
14:55.48_VoiceMeUp_COMMarshall-Laptop we offer iax
14:56.03_VoiceMeUp_COMjbot who's your daddy
14:56.04jbotYOU are, Mr Sexy Pants!
14:56.16purpletHello, someone who compiled app_odbcexec with asterisk 1.4.2? Can't get it to work :(
14:56.21jbotYOU are, Mr Sexy Pants!
14:56.27_VoiceMeUp_COMyeah ! i like the answer..
14:56.32_VoiceMeUp_COMkarma jbot +++
14:56.37Corydon76-homepurplet: email the author
14:56.47_VoiceMeUp_COMwhy not use 1.4.5 ?
14:56.51Corydon76-homepurplet: or migrate to func_odbc
14:57.39Marshall-Laptopdo you allow outgoing CID spoof?
14:58.18_VoiceMeUp_COMwe call it CID ...
14:58.27_VoiceMeUp_COMspoof sounds.. evil
14:58.33_VoiceMeUp_COMpm me
14:58.33`Sean_VoiceMeUp_COM have you ever had trouble?
14:59.46purpletCorydon76-home: thx, going to check func_odbc
15:03.21*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
15:04.16blitzrageheck ya
15:04.47*** join/#asterisk SuperID (
15:05.32Math`kinds kills a box when a drive switches to PIO during a raid1 resync
15:06.14Corydon76-homeblitzrage: so have you tried mode=multirow yet?
15:07.05blitzrageCorydon76-home: not yet unfortunately, but I ended up upgrading to the latest func_odbc from svncommunity
15:07.11blitzragedoes that have it in there now? or is that only trunk
15:07.24blitzrageI think the upgrade I did was just the Oracle bug you fixed
15:08.51*** join/#asterisk EvilGreen (
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15:13.49Corydon76-homeblitzrage: it's in svncommunity, too, I think
15:15.02Corydon76-homeblitzrage: the Oracle fix may or may not have done anything...
15:15.23_VoiceMeUp_COMwonder hmm yeah i wonder
15:15.38_VoiceMeUp_COMgot this new DB prototype not sure waht it was.. but i got a test account
15:15.43Corydon76-homeThe box I'm using with Oracle still runs out of cursors after 2 weeks
15:15.52_VoiceMeUp_COMits like.. a new way to see tables etc.. supposed to be 500% faster then anything out there
15:16.13*** join/#asterisk littleball (
15:16.40Corydon76-homeblitzrage: I suspect there's a massive memory leak in the Oracle libraries
15:16.42*** join/#asterisk Marshall- (
15:16.44littleballhello, how to make asterisk receive sms from fixed line?
15:17.02Corydon76-homelittleball: you can't, unless you're in the UK
15:17.29Corydon76-homeonly BT circuits support that functionality
15:17.59littleballCorydon76-home, i know my operator support fixed line
15:18.01Math`u can sms to a landline in uk?
15:18.03littleballnot only UK
15:18.12Corydon76-homeMath`: yes
15:18.17Math`if you do here, they text2speech the message lol
15:18.35Corydon76-homelittleball: app_sms is the key.  See the application documentation
15:19.11littleballactualy, my question: in app_sms.c file,  h->opause = 2400;                       /* initial message delay 300ms (for BT) */
15:19.23littleballhow is 300ms calculated?
15:19.24Qwelloh, speaking of app_sms
15:19.37QwellCorydon76-home: that mkdir patch you posted had a bunch of formatting fixes in app_sms
15:19.42littleballbecause i need to increase the initial message delay
15:19.45Corydon76-homelittleball: because there are 8000 samples per second
15:19.54Corydon76-homeQwell: I know, it was massively bad
15:20.13littleballCorydon76-home, where 8000 samples per second is defined?
15:20.24Corydon76-homelittleball: ITU standard
15:20.35littleballok. sampling what?
15:20.53littleballthanks. this is the point i missing
15:20.56Math`its probably modulating the sms as FSK over voice
15:20.57*** join/#asterisk elg (n=fugalh@
15:21.03Corydon76-home8000 samples per second is the basis for the entire PSTN
15:21.34littleballthanks a lot
15:22.22Corydon76-homeQwell: did you see that localtime() is still being used in app_sms?
15:22.34littleballCorydon76-home, i did get one sms received. but most times, just get SMS[1] TX 92 01 FF 6E ....SMS[70] TX 92 01 FF 6E
15:22.43littleballwhat is your recommendation?
15:22.54elghi, i'm seeing some strange symptoms on this client's asterisk box. TDM400P usually works fine, but from time to time will get in a weird state where the fxs lines are half-dead. they still have a dialtone, but asterisk doesn't recognize the dtmf. they don't ring, though asterisk says it's ringing them
15:22.57Corydon76-homelittleball: No idea; being in the US, I've never used it
15:22.58littleballSMS[0] TX 93 00 6D
15:23.20littleballi try to increase the initial message delay
15:23.21elgreloading the modules fixes it
15:23.41_VoiceMeUp_COMQwell[] ?
15:23.43_VoiceMeUp_COMchan_mobile.c:272: error: `HANDSFREE_AGW_PROFILE_ID' undeclared (first use in this function)
15:23.56Corydon76-homeelg: sounds like a low power situation
15:23.57_VoiceMeUp_COMsome libs have HANDSFREE_PROFILE_ID
15:24.09_VoiceMeUp_COMand not the AGW part  .. FYI.. if you can patch for both
15:24.10Corydon76-homeelg: might want to check into a UPS for that system
15:24.24_VoiceMeUp_COMBTW got 4 ups to sell brand new
15:24.28_VoiceMeUp_COM3500's HP
15:24.29Qwell_VoiceMeUp_COM: You need to upgrade your bluez then
15:24.31elgit's on a ups, so they say
15:24.36elgmaybe needs a beefier PSU?
15:24.43Corydon76-homeelg: I've seen that happen before when voltage dropped momentarily on the electrical circuit
15:24.53_VoiceMeUp_COMQwell on it thanks
15:25.01Corydon76-homeelg: possibly that, too
15:25.09_VoiceMeUp_COMmaybe TRAP that error and say use latest versions
15:25.14elgCorydon76-home: thanks, that gives me something to go on
15:25.16_VoiceMeUp_COMsince you know that thats it
15:25.17gerwininVoiceMeUp_com: starting your own provider ?
15:25.21_VoiceMeUp_COMno ?
15:25.28_VoiceMeUp_COMstarting ?
15:25.39_VoiceMeUp_COMbeen in this biz for 2 years.. 4 hosting and 16 dev
15:25.45_VoiceMeUp_COMwell going on 16
15:25.54gerwininVoiceMeUp: ah okay no visited your website
15:26.25gerwininVoiceMeUp: I used to have a provider as well but sold it 1 year ago
15:26.49_VoiceMeUp_COMactualy mor ehten 2 eyars..  worked witha  competitor and got them off the gorund then got  sharked into going on my own then got bought and partner with new firm
15:27.20_VoiceMeUp_COMand where not talking about texas
15:27.36gerwininVoiceMeUp: I had a pretty big provider we used to do odm for the big telco's here in my country
15:28.02_VoiceMeUp_COMyou in de ?
15:28.15gerwininVoiceMeUp: did pearing , dids  and developed a medium and small sized business pabx
15:28.17littleballhello, how to hangup all channels ?
15:28.20littleballthrough CLI
15:28.26_VoiceMeUp_COMal ?
15:28.33_VoiceMeUp_COMbut soft hangup  <tab>
15:28.39_VoiceMeUp_COMyoull see ones interested in
15:28.49_VoiceMeUp_COMunless a real reload as in restart could
15:28.58_VoiceMeUp_COMto bad you cant * a channel name : No I am NL and business was in NL, DE, France, Austria, Taiwan , china
15:29.05_VoiceMeUp_COMlike soft hangup sip/bob*
15:29.11littleballi want to hangup all calls, but the hangup AGI will be called properly
15:29.12_VoiceMeUp_COMah cool
15:29.14_VoiceMeUp_COMlike nl
15:29.20_VoiceMeUp_COMthey give me rough times on poker tables
15:29.44gerwininVoiceMeUp_com : if you want to have good peering partners make sure you place a gateway at ancotel in germany
15:31.43*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
15:32.43_VoiceMeUp_COMwell our next gw is in 1 wilshire
15:32.52_VoiceMeUp_COMthen we have a few E's in belgium etc
15:33.12gerwininVoiceMeUp_com: cool
15:33.14_VoiceMeUp_COMalso asia in the next month or 2
15:33.20_VoiceMeUp_COMsingapore i think
15:33.24_VoiceMeUp_COMnot sure yet
15:33.35*** join/#asterisk Mez (n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez)
15:33.42gerwininVoiceMeUp_com: you can better go in that case for Taiwan / China
15:34.26gerwininVoiceMeUp_com: singapore = expensive and rates are not so good
15:34.42_VoiceMeUp_COMyeah taiwan
15:34.46_VoiceMeUp_COMthen not sure
15:34.49MezHi there, I'm looking for a way to make it so that I can make calls and have them linked into jackd, so I can broadcast them on air. atm, the only way I can find is to use a sip phone with aoss and linking alsa into jack - but this degrades the quality of the call massively. Does anyone know the best way to do this
15:35.21gerwininVoiceMeUp_com: you need to have minutes for china and indonesia and they are difficult to get in singapore
15:35.31tzangeryou could do it by conferencing the call into a meetme room and having one of the members being a local channel with oss or alsa
15:35.35*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
15:35.53blitzragecodefreeze: w000000000000t!
15:35.55Meztzanger, was that at me
15:36.16tzangerMez: yes
15:36.48Meztzanger - I've no idea how that would work!
15:36.55*** part/#asterisk karleeto (
15:37.14Mezif only there was a jack enabled sip client!
15:40.04elgMez: I've looked into adding jack support to twinkle. shouldn't be too hard, and then it would be closer to working on os x
15:40.23*** join/#asterisk hyphen (
15:40.28Mezelg, jsack support in twinle would be awesome - it's my client of choice
15:40.33Mezelg, do you have anything working ?
15:40.38_VoiceMeUp_COMall i get is Jun 16 11:40:10] DEBUG[28326] chan_mobile.c: rfcomm_write() (frankhead) [
15:40.45elgno, I just reviewed the source to see if it would be doable
15:40.45_VoiceMeUp_COMand no ring in the headset
15:40.53elgthen I had to focus on finals :(
15:40.57*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
15:41.02Mezelg :( is it possible?
15:41.14_VoiceMeUp_COMand  kernel: hci_scodata_packet: hci0 SCO packet for unknown connection handle 1328
15:41.14elgyeah, I didn't see any major obstacles
15:41.17_VoiceMeUp_COMin llogs
15:41.40Mezelg, I'd love to see that, however, I've no damned clue how I'd go about doing it myself :P
15:42.27elgand I'm not sure when I'll get the chance, but it's on my list :)
15:42.52Mezwell, please keep me updated
15:44.02elgthis is what I told the author in an email: "Adding Jack audio should be straightforward, although I might have some questions about buffer sizes for you later."
15:44.15elgi'm a  big help to myself, as you can tell
15:44.52Mezelg, jack support would be uber helpful
15:45.08Mezlol - so I can pipe it into idjc and broadcast incoming/outgoing phone calls to the world :D
15:45.40elgi think more of the things you could do bringin in audio from other apps into the call :)
15:47.15Mezlol, well I work at a couple of online stations, we want to get a phone system setup so that we can take/answer incoming calls
15:47.53MezI'm just trying to learn to work with jack  - by making a "soundboard" to plug into jack (which will also be useful for outgoing calls so I can set up some prank calls to be recorded)
15:50.14*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
15:58.43_VoiceMeUp_COMDarKnesS_WolF ?
16:00.30_VoiceMeUp_COMthink im getting to it
16:03.51*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
16:08.02_VoiceMeUp_COMGot SIP response 603 "Declined (no dialog)" back from
16:08.14_VoiceMeUp_COMthis a bug in the sip  ? or its an options with empty packets
16:08.19_VoiceMeUp_COMlike a ping
16:08.59DarKnesS_WolF_VoiceMeUp_COM: yes ?
16:09.59_VoiceMeUp_COMstill trying to do this bluetooth thing
16:10.03_VoiceMeUp_COMran into a huge prob
16:10.12_VoiceMeUp_COMupgraded alsa-libs and alsa-utils
16:10.17_VoiceMeUp_COMfor the audio
16:10.37_VoiceMeUp_COMBUT.. now i need gtk>208.0
16:10.41_VoiceMeUp_COMim on 2.0
16:10.49_VoiceMeUp_COMi mean 2.4.7
16:13.42DarKnesS_WolFgtk !?
16:13.46DarKnesS_WolFwhat u'll do with GTK !?
16:13.47*** join/#asterisk MindX (
16:13.58_VoiceMeUp_COMno idea it needs glibs
16:14.05_VoiceMeUp_COMso back to sqare one
16:14.14_VoiceMeUp_COMmaybe some core libs for sound
16:14.20DarKnesS_WolFmay be
16:14.22gerwininVoiceMeUp_COM : make a symbolic link to your libs
16:14.29DarKnesS_WolFi'm still fighting to get gtalk running again with 1.4.5
16:14.40_VoiceMeUp_COMnah they barfing with errors
16:14.57_VoiceMeUp_COMconfigure: error: Library requirements (glib-2.0 >= 2.8.0, gthread-2.0 >= 2.8.0, gobject-2.0 >= 2.8.0) not met; consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if your libraries are in a nonstandard prefix so pkg-config can find them.
16:15.02_VoiceMeUp_COMso i need glib.. atk etc
16:15.37_VoiceMeUp_COMfun part is finding out hte order to compile it all
16:16.26DarKnesS_WolF_VoiceMeUp_COM: what is ur distro ?
16:17.08_VoiceMeUp_COMon laptop
16:17.30DarKnesS_WolFbest luck :-D
16:17.31_VoiceMeUp_COMsince my video nuked and AWS on keyboard nuked.. i need a unix flavor on it
16:17.35DarKnesS_WolFi'll try all this tomorrow :D
16:17.49_VoiceMeUp_COMyeah , by thn ill have overcome all problems and can help
16:18.24DarKnesS_WolF_VoiceMeUp_COM: great :-)
16:19.55*** join/#asterisk karleeto (
16:20.14karleetocan anyone reccommend a good software (IAX2) phone for linux?>
16:20.20_VoiceMeUp_COMsjphone ?
16:20.25_VoiceMeUp_COMno idea
16:20.32_VoiceMeUp_COMthink theres one with ubuntu
16:20.46karleetoidefisk works for linux as well, right?
16:21.06DarKnesS_WolFkarleeto: yes
16:21.11*** join/#asterisk _DAW (
16:22.31_VoiceMeUp_COMif anyone has a good source for windows sip let me know
16:22.36_VoiceMeUp_COMall i come into is bogus pos
16:22.41blitzragewindows sip?
16:22.42_VoiceMeUp_COMlike very bad stuff
16:22.45_VoiceMeUp_COMwindows sip client
16:22.58_VoiceMeUp_COMall SDK's i bought.. well companys bellied up
16:23.07codefreezeblitzrage: w0000t?
16:23.08_VoiceMeUp_COMaint that java ?
16:23.16blitzragecodefreeze: your change to CDR_CONTROL() :)
16:23.54codefreezeblitzrage: my pleasure. So little feedback. I try to please.
16:24.01blitzragecodefreeze: nice!
16:24.02_VoiceMeUp_COMah ideafisk
16:24.06_VoiceMeUp_COMyeah they want like 20k
16:24.08_VoiceMeUp_COMyeah right
16:24.29_VoiceMeUp_COMi can hire 300 guys in paki/india for 1 year and get like 50 diff phones for that price..
16:27.28*** join/#asterisk shane2k (
16:27.39shane2khi there
16:31.19*** join/#asterisk TheBigSpark (n=thebigsp@
16:31.26_VoiceMeUp_COMhi shane2k
16:32.03TheBigSparkhello, all.
16:32.13_VoiceMeUp_COMhello back at you
16:33.08TheBigSparkI have a "simple" question.  Any one here familure with setting up zap channels, specificly a quad-fxo card.
16:33.12*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
16:33.26blitzragewhat does chan_features provide?
16:33.37_VoiceMeUp_COMblitzrage was asking myself the same exact thing
16:33.48_VoiceMeUp_COMwill need to scout the .c
16:33.50blitzrageyou'd think I should know this.... :)
16:34.58*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
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16:36.18_VoiceMeUp_COMall this for shitnitz
16:36.25_VoiceMeUp_COMdbus.36 needed and that on centos5
16:36.27_VoiceMeUp_COMi think
16:37.43TheBigSparkany one?  It has been a while (version 1.2) since I set up any zap channels.  I am getting the error "Unable to reconfigure channel '1-4'"  Any ideas.  (btw, I have been using * since 01)
16:40.45*** part/#asterisk shane2k (
16:41.20*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Nothing@
16:42.00Dr-Linuxhuh lumenvox
16:44.28_VoiceMeUp_COMBTW asteirsk is not cutting of the first 15 chars of callerid name sent by   Useragent    : Sipura/SPA942-4.1.10(e)
16:44.35_VoiceMeUp_COMso its like 50 chars lol
16:51.06_VoiceMeUp_COManyone good with pkg_config
16:51.16_VoiceMeUp_COMiots there
16:51.22_VoiceMeUp_COMbut pkg-config dbus cant find it
16:57.17*** part/#asterisk karleeto (
16:57.28*** join/#asterisk perf3kt (
17:00.03_VoiceMeUp_COMbeen compiling stuff so long i dont remmeber what i compiled it for
17:01.05tzafrir_laptopperf3kt, here?
17:02.30perf3kton the cli I get Got SIP response 400 "Bad Request"
17:03.27*** join/#asterisk TheBigSpark (n=thebigsp@
17:03.45tzafrir_laptopthat's an error. Related to anything?
17:03.50perf3ktI think I have the registration for my sutom VOIP setup bad
17:04.10perf3ktwell no calls are coming in
17:05.07tzafrir_laptop'sipshow registry' should give you an idea about that
17:05.58TheBigSparkperf3kt: I know this may seem like stupid mistake, but I made it recently, if you can make outgoing calls, but not get incomming, check the context the incommming calls goto.  If it does not exsist, or is otherwise malformed, incomming calls will fail.
17:08.25perf3ktthere are two entries, one of them is registered
17:09.42perf3ktwell, at least that error won't show
17:15.39perf3kti'm trying to enderstad sip client versus server
17:16.36perf3ktin order to setup the correct nat settings
17:21.37*** join/#asterisk bintut (
17:21.37bintutwhy is it that i always hear a "click" sound either on analog phones or sip softphones?
17:21.37TheBigSparkDoes anyone have any ideas about this:
17:21.37TheBigSpark[Jun 16 10:26:07] ERROR[6134]: chan_zap.c:10455 build_channels: Unable to reconfigure channel '1'
17:21.37TheBigSparkI have my zaptel.conf and zapata.conf files set-up correctly.
17:21.37*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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17:26.02*** join/#asterisk GlobeTrotter (n=eric@
17:27.16GlobeTrotterhi all..  i cant get zaptel install on centos 5.. i think that all the compliling goes good,,  but modprobe zaptel gives me this error  FATAL: Module zaptel not found.
17:27.20GlobeTrotterplease help
17:27.23DarKnesS_WolFsometing wrong with gtalk register with asterisk ?
17:27.53DarKnesS_WolFGlobeTrotter: i think the compiling didn't went good may be the kernel name is not the same as teh kernelsource tree
17:30.41GlobeTrotterthanks <DarKnesS_WolF>  how do i verify that
17:35.38*** join/#asterisk nowork (n=jfu2808@
17:36.04_VoiceMeUp_COMcan we disable this ?
17:36.09_VoiceMeUp_COMi get no audio im sure coz of it
17:36.29noworkhi, when I call some 1800 numbers, the IVR of select language didn't bill my cell. can we do this kind of ivr on asterisk? how ?thanks
17:36.52_VoiceMeUp_COMand where my sip debug function ?
17:36.54_VoiceMeUp_COMin trunk
17:38.23_VoiceMeUp_COM<< [ TYPE: Null Frame (5) SUBCLASS: N/A (0) ] [S
17:38.25_VoiceMeUp_COMfoudn why
17:38.49_VoiceMeUp_COMis packet 2 packet trying to bind to an ealier v of ast ?
17:39.06*** join/#asterisk adorah (
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17:45.22_VoiceMeUp_COM[ TYPE: Null Frame (5) SUBCLASS: N/A (0)
17:45.27_VoiceMeUp_COMcan one let  me know wth this is ?
17:45.38GlobeTrotterthanks again'
17:46.39noworkhi, anyone has the answer for my question??
17:48.06*** join/#asterisk antlers (
17:48.33_VoiceMeUp_COMcheck those
17:51.30*** join/#asterisk _DAW (
17:52.38_VoiceMeUp_COMok so anyway to disable packet 2 packet ?
17:55.54_VoiceMeUp_COMok nm
17:58.37_VoiceMeUp_COM1.4.5 also crashes cisco
18:03.31*** join/#asterisk sergee (i=kvirc@
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18:12.16DarKnesS_WolFyaaaaaaaaaay my gtalk works :-)
18:15.26*** join/#asterisk fadey (
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18:26.11GlobeTrotterhey guys..  im trying to compile zaptel..  the instructions say to use make linus26 but i cant get that to work
18:26.46GlobeTrotteri get an error make: *** No rule to make target `linux26'.  Stop.
18:27.02GlobeTrottercan someone please tell me what i am doing wrong
18:27.22fadeywhat version are you using?
18:28.31fadeyI guess ./configure && make && make install will work
18:29.54GlobeTrotterthat looks like it ran ok,,  but i get this error when i try modprobe zaptel
18:29.54GlobeTrotterFATAL: Module zaptel not found.
18:31.33*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
18:32.50DarKnesS_WolFGlobeTrotter: past uname -a output here
18:33.51GlobeTrotterLinux localhost.localdomain 2.6.18-8.el5 #1 SMP Thu Mar 15 19:46:53 EDT 2007 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
18:34.19DarKnesS_WolFok now tell me what is in ur Makefile in ur /usr/src/linux ?
18:35.42GlobeTrotteryou mean this line EXTRAVERSION = 2.6.18-8.el5
18:36.35rob0What zaptel device do you have?
18:36.49GlobeTrotternone..  i want to use ztdummy
18:38.12rob0and "modprobe -v ztdummy" does ... ?
18:38.37GlobeTrotterFATAL: Module ztdummy not found.
18:38.57rob0try "depmod ; modprobe -v ztdummy" now.
18:39.25DarKnesS_WolFGlobeTrotter: check if there is a .version file inside ur kernel tree
18:39.55rob0I would guess the Makefile detects the running kernel version, but I don't know.
18:40.06DarKnesS_WolFrob0: it's kernel issues not the zaptel
18:40.11DarKnesS_WolFi had the same problems with mandriva :-)
18:40.19rob0I also would have guessed the "make install" would do depmod.
18:40.21DarKnesS_WolFwas pain and in mandriva 2007 i find a .version file
18:40.45GlobeTrotteri ran depmod i got no error then i ran modprobe -v ztdummy
18:40.46GlobeTrotter[root@localhost zaptel-1.4.3]# modprobe -v ztdummy
18:40.46GlobeTrotterFATAL: Module ztdummy not found.
18:40.56DarKnesS_WolFGlobeTrotter: did u look for a .version file ?
18:40.57rob0Maybe it needs the kernel source with a good .config file?
18:41.28DarKnesS_WolFrob0: sure it neeed the kernel source and i think he did install it
18:42.11rob0I've only ever installed zaptel on my own custom kernels, so everything works fine. And mine are Slackware / Slamd64.
18:42.24DarKnesS_WolFaww i hate slack :P
18:43.15GlobeTrotteri am looking in the /kernels/2.6.18-8.1.6.el5-x86_64/  there is no file called version in htere
18:43.26GlobeTrotterim i looking for the right thing?
18:44.14fadeydid you install kernel-devel package?
18:45.38GlobeTrotterrpm -q kernel-devel
18:46.18GlobeTrotterwhat ami doing wrong :(
18:46.53*** join/#asterisk Toerkeium (i=oo@
18:47.45GlobeTrotteri want to install ztdummy
18:47.55GlobeTrotteri dont have any hardware
18:53.11perf3ktI can't get anything to hit my * box
18:53.22perf3ktI've been working on these nat settings
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18:57.15_VoiceMeUp_COMsame here
18:57.40_VoiceMeUp_COM1.4.5 no audio.. some audio .. no audio.. reload with 1.2.19 all good..
18:57.58_VoiceMeUp_COMthen 1.4.5 killed my cisco.. had to reboot it.. happened 3 times.. bad sip mess
18:58.14_VoiceMeUp_COMso going back to 0.85
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18:58.37_VoiceMeUp_COMunless one knows the prob
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19:05.36DarKnesS_WolFGlobeTrotter: .version
19:05.38DarKnesS_WolFnot version
19:05.42DarKnesS_WolFit's a hiden file
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19:05.57DarKnesS_WolFGlobeTrotter: no u need kernel-source as i think
19:06.00DarKnesS_WolFand or kernel-headers
19:06.31GlobeTrotterrpm -q kernel-devel
19:06.31GlobeTrotter<GlobeTrotter> kernel-devel-2.6.18-8.1.6.el5
19:09.35GlobeTrotterhow do i see hidden files..  and if its not there were do i get it from?
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19:13.04GlobeTrotterok i run ls -a and i dont see the .version file
19:13.19GlobeTrotterdo i have to copy it from somewhere/
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19:18.58mrdigitalGlobeTrotter: need help?
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19:24.11GlobeTrotteryes i do
19:24.13DarKnesS_WolFGlobeTrotter: don't know i don't use centos :-)
19:24.27GlobeTrotterah ok
19:29.27perf3ktI can't get anythign ringing an extension from outside
19:29.47perf3ktbut I see alot of outside traffic on the box in sip debug
19:31.13GlobeTrottermrdigital  yes i do please
19:31.34tzafrir_laptopGlobeTrotter, the .version file is generated at build time if it's not there
19:32.10tzafrir_laptopif you pulled the source from svn
19:32.31tzafrir_laptopif you got a standard tarball, it should be included
19:32.45*** join/#asterisk jkif1 (n=jkiffmey@unaffiliated/vorondil)
19:32.46tzafrir_laptopunless you copied * or something...
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19:36.07perf3ktfrir I sewe alot of activity with the outside number coming in from sip oroviuder, but no calls dial extensions
19:36.34GlobeTrotterthese are all the .versions files that i have on the system'
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20:13.17cy303Can anyone suggest a way to run something after a meetme conference has ended?  Is it even possible?
20:13.35cy303basically want to do something like this:
20:13.36cy303exten => s,n,MeetMe(${ARG1},rMs)
20:13.43cy303exten => s,n,System(cmd)
20:16.58sergeecy303: i'm using 'h' extension to bill MeetMe users
20:18.32sergeeexten => h,1,DeadAGI(
20:18.38sergeesomething like that
20:18.47`SeanAnyone here know of any toher service such as tollfreegateway
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20:39.32cy303sergee: hmm, interesting
20:39.38cy303thanks dude, I'll have a look at that
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20:56.11Dovidafter applying a patch to asterisk do i need to do make and make install or just make install ?
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21:11.27NuitariWhy would asterisk try to speak with a device in a codec that it can't translate, ie g722 ?
21:13.24Nuitarihum, there is a g722 translation in trunk
21:13.42Nuitariany chance to get it in 1.4 ?
21:14.29ber111is the asterisk box supposed to transcode
21:14.35ber111or is it just passing through the call to another device
21:14.42Nuitaripassthru only on 1.4
21:14.50ber1111.2 does passthru
21:14.59ber111i have done g729 passthru no problem
21:15.00Nuitari1.4 too
21:15.11Nuitaribut the problem is that most devices don't support g722
21:15.14ber111if asterisk isnt terminating the call
21:15.25ber111then it can speak to a device that says g722 supported in the invite
21:15.35ber111and pass it on to wherever its supposed to terminate the call
21:15.43ber111hopefully a device that can talk g722
21:15.46Nuitariyeah that I understand
21:15.49ber111or else the call will get rejected for no codec
21:16.03Nuitaribut if the other device doesn't speak g722, why isn't asterisk trying to use a different codec, instead of failing?
21:16.17ber111whatever is starting the call
21:16.22ber111liek say a soft phone
21:16.28ber111specifies what type of codec it supports
21:16.33ber111so it can list like 4 codecs
21:16.37ber111ulaw, alaw 729, 722
21:16.50ber111teh codec is negotiated with the endpoint
21:16.57ber111and if there is one supported by both it will be chosen
21:17.11*** join/#asterisk Cyber-Dogg (
21:17.14ber111if whatever that far endpoint is doesnt support 722 and the softphone says it only supports 722
21:17.19ber111then the call wont work
21:17.50NuitariI'm checking the trace to see what's happenning
21:18.04ber111yeah you can look at the invite from whatever is starting the call
21:18.11ber111u will see what codecs it says its supporting to asterisk
21:18.20Nuitarig722, ulaw, alaw, g729
21:18.38ber111ok then read the confirm back from the far endpoint
21:18.40ber111saying what it supports
21:18.46ber111it _should_ support ulaw
21:18.47Nuitarinot g722
21:18.53Nuitaribut all the others and a bunch more are there
21:19.08ber111the sip debug will tell u where the error is
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21:19.22ber111if the far end supports ulaw it should be negotiated ulaw
21:19.33ber111just make sure that asterisk has those codecs supproted for yoru sip login
21:19.40ber111when you specify the sip account
21:19.58Nuitariyeah it has
21:19.59Nuitarig722 is the new one that I added cause we have 2 phones that support it
21:21.36Nuitarithough it looks like asterisk first negociates the g722 link, then notices it can't translate when it starts talking to the 2nd device
21:21.58Nuitariinstead of seeing that it can make a passthru
21:23.00aksnowmanlolI've just gotten an asterisk box set up yesterday (softphones only) and can connect from my home network, but nobody outside of my network can actually stay connected. I've got the asterisk box set up as my dmz so it isn't an access problem.  In the console I can see them connecting and whatnot, but then it just says "user hung up".  They never even hear the automated messages. Any help would be appriciated
21:23.12aksnowmanerr, minus "lol"
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21:24.02nextimeanyone using mISDN 1.2.0?
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21:41.46dijungalhi guys....
21:42.12dijungalcan anyone recommend a good soft phone for linux
21:42.16dijungalubuntu to be correct
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21:46.59dijungalthat sucks@
21:48.50GlobeTrotterhi guys,,  are there any special steps that i need to take when installing zaptel with * 1.4 and centos 5 ?
21:49.24mvanbaakGlobeTrotter: install debian first ;)
21:49.29mvanbaaksorry, that was not funny
21:50.27GlobeTrotterim having mucho problems getting ztdummy going on my box
21:50.49Math`mvanbaak: ahahaha it was :P
21:52.22sergeeaksnowman: seems like you have issues with codecs, try to enable 711 everywhere
21:53.06aksnowmanthat would be a codec problem? we're using the same softphones
21:54.14sergeeaksnowman: i don't know what that would be, i just assume
21:54.41aksnowmanlol, ok
21:54.48dijungaldo i have to install the zaptel drivers when installing asterisk if i'm only gonna use it for sip voip traffic
21:55.31sergeeaksnowman: configure SIP (?) peers in asterisk with next: disallow=all allow=ulaw allow=alaw
21:55.50[TK]D-Fenderaksnowman, :
21:55.53jboti guess sipnat is for for more information about configurtion of Asterisk with SIP behind NAT, see
21:55.58sergeedijungal: no you don't
21:56.04*** join/#asterisk adorah (
21:56.18sergeedijungal: however
21:56.22[TK]D-Fenderdijungal, You'll need it if you intend on doing IAX2 trunking or MeetMe conferences.
21:56.36dijungalohooo... then  i should probably put it in
21:56.53dijungalcan i add it after the asterisk has already been installed?
21:56.58sergeedijungal: if you are planing to use conferences, or  MeerMe, you will need ztdummy from zaptel
21:57.23sergeeconferences or IAX trunking :)
21:58.27dijungalthen i need to put in the ztdummy drivers
21:58.38sergeeare you?
21:59.53dijungali guess
22:00.07sergeefrom my experience, i wasn't able to get a good results with MeetMe + ztdummy, qulity of sound was very poor, so i baught digium interface card ...
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22:01.09dijungalso what do u suggest?
22:01.58Math`as far as I can recall MeetMe() only uses zaptel's sound mixing functions so interface card or not... you're using the same libs
22:02.00sergeedijungal: if you wish to use conferencing - buy digium card, or find someone who managed to get good results with ztdummy (i didn't found anybody)
22:02.04[TK]D-Fenderdijungal, that you store that last comment in a dark place until you find that YOU'RE dissatisfied with it or not.
22:02.29tosh|I'm trying to use a trunk towards voipjet but when I add the extensions in extensions.conf, they do not show up in freePBX as being extensions.  trying to call out give me a no route to destination errormsg. any idea on why freePBX doesn't recognize the conf lines as being a valid extension?
22:02.35aksnowmanso my problem is that the outside clients are behind NAT's?
22:02.48[TK]D-Fenderaksnowman, yes
22:02.54aksnowmanahh, k
22:02.57aksnowmanthat makes sense
22:03.09dijungali'll take my bet with the ztdummy
22:03.16sergeeMath`: yes, but are there any non-interface cards from digium which provides timer?
22:03.32`Sean[TK]D-Fender do you know of a serivce provider that provides free tollfree termination like... TollFreeGateway??
22:04.10[TK]D-Fendertosh|, freepbx does not READ your extensions and INTERPRET them.
22:04.29[TK]D-Fenderaksnowman, there are a bunch of settings you'll have to make for this to work.
22:04.56[TK]D-Fendertosh|, and....
22:04.59jbotfreepbx is probably unable to be supported here. It's a complex piece of dialplan and GUI, and can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
22:05.17[TK]D-Fenderaksnowman, its not that big a dea to set up , really
22:05.42aksnowmank, I'm looking into it
22:06.02blitzragerussellb: hiiiiiI!!!!!!!!!
22:06.16tosh|[TK]D-Fender it was my understanding that it was a GUI for editing /etc/asterisk/*.conf
22:06.36[TK]D-Fendertosh|, you are mistaken.
22:06.46Strom_Mtosh|: s/editing/murdering/
22:06.53blitzragerussellb: is chan_mobile supposed to be an option in menuselect in trunk?
22:07.01blitzrageor is it part of chan_features or something... ?
22:07.07`Sean[TK]D-Fender do you know of a serivce provider that provides free tollfree termination like... TollFreeGateway??
22:07.07russellbblitzrage: it's in addons, silly goose
22:07.15blitzragefor some reason I thought it was in trunk
22:07.24russellbwell, trunk of addons
22:07.29russellbfor licensing reasons
22:07.35russellb(uses a GPL lib)
22:07.40[TK]D-Fendertosh|, it is a craptastic flaming pile of ^#%$ that lets you jump through hoops and build *'s configs based on its creator's tunnel-vision view of what a PBX should be.
22:08.02`Sean[TK]D-Fender do you know of a serivce provider that provides free tollfree termination like... TollFreeGateway??
22:08.04russellb[TK]D-Fender: now tell him what you *really* think.
22:08.06`Seanyou going to answer :P?
22:08.27[TK]D-Fender`Sean, I have never heard of them and aside from just repeating yourself like a  broken record... you are now doing so directed at *ME*.
22:08.29russellb`Sean: it is rude to post the same question over and over ...
22:08.40`Seani know russellb
22:08.50`Seantrying to find a provider like that asterlink is being gay YET once again
22:08.52[TK]D-Fenderrussellb, I was too vague... wasn't I? ;)
22:08.57`Seanand dropped support for 18** numbers
22:09.05`Seanso i need to find a provider to make 18** calls
22:09.07sergeeonly 2 buttons works at his kb: up and enter :)
22:09.22russellb`Sean: give nufone a try.
22:09.35`Seani will after i finish up my credit with asterlink
22:09.46`Seanbkw is moron how is someone supposed to terminate all there calls
22:09.48russellbor voicepulse
22:09.54`Seanif they cant even get to dail a 18** number
22:11.28mvanbaakheya russellb
22:12.44mvanbaakhowz u ?
22:13.09blitzragethere isn't an svn repo for addons I guess... ? (apparently I've never, ever used anything from addons :))
22:13.15[TK]D-Fenderok, I'm out for a bit.... later all
22:13.25*** join/#asterisk nephfl (
22:13.59nephflhello, i cant seem to get my custom sounds to play in ivr
22:14.10nephflcan someone tell me where i'm going wrong?
22:14.17blitzrageprobably the wrong format
22:14.18mvanbaaknephfl: what does the CLI say ?
22:14.21nephflit will play with default sounds
22:14.28blitzragemake sure it's 8-bit, 8000Hz, mono
22:15.59*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
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22:16.41nephflit was recorded in windows 16-bit 8khz mono...then i used sox file.wav file.gsm
22:18.54*** join/#asterisk `Sauron (
22:19.14tosh|anyone got any good pointers/tutorials on how to setup asterisk along with the voipjet service?  I'm not getting through
22:19.48blitzragenephfl: you still haven't converted to 8-bit then probably
22:20.36Strom_Mblitzrage: 16-bit 8khz mono wav will work just fine
22:20.41dijungali'm out
22:20.53Strom_Min fact, it's better - ulaw companding sounds better than linear 8-bit
22:21.01dijungaltime to go drink some beers down the road :)
22:21.23dijungaland think about that ztdummy drivers :o)
22:21.29blitzrageStrom_M: strange... I had no idea Asterisk could read 16-bit
22:21.36Strom_Mnephfl: don't convert to GSM unless you're using the GSM codec
22:21.44*** part/#asterisk dijungal (n=kdaniel@
22:21.44Strom_Mblitzrage: well it's all slin internally, right?
22:21.49Strom_Mtherefore, 16-bit 8khz
22:22.04nephfli got was just not set in the dialplan correctly
22:22.10blitzrageI don't pay attention too much to that part since it all "just works" for me :)
22:22.18blitzrageI spend more time on DB integration and such
22:23.05GlobeTrotterhi guys, im having problems compiling libpri.. * 1.4 /centos 5
22:23.09Strom_Mok, time for breakfast
22:23.34mvanbaakI'm writing a chan_covide to interact with our webbased CRM-Groupware app
22:23.38GlobeTrotteri get this error CC=gcc ./mkdep -Wall -Werror -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -g   `ls *.c`
22:23.41mvanbaakwhy? "because I can"
22:24.41blitzragethat doesn't look like an error
22:25.22GlobeTrotterok thanks
22:25.34blitzragewhy do you think you're getting an error?
22:25.43GlobeTrotterso how can i tell if libpri is installed ?
22:26.01GlobeTrotterwell i'm having problems getting zaptel going
22:26.18blitzrageare you using T1/E1's?
22:26.22GlobeTrottermake linux62 will not work for me
22:26.30GlobeTrotterno i want to install ztdummy
22:26.32blitzrageyou don't need to use that
22:26.55GlobeTrotteri can use make && make install ?
22:27.01blitzragewhat version?
22:27.48zeeeshtrying to run perl script at asterisk-1.4.4 getting too many these kind of lines "Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/i386-linux-thread-multi "?
22:28.15blitzragemake sure you run:  ./configure ; make menuselect ; make install
22:28.24nephflwhen using an analog trunk is there a way to reduce the amount of time between dialing an outside number and receiving a ringing tone?
22:29.27tzafrir_laptopzeeesh, apt-get install liblwp-perl ?
22:30.12mvanbaaktzafrir_laptop: you did not have that one?
22:30.13zeeeshlet me check
22:30.20mvanbaakoh wait
22:33.16zeeesh<tzafrir_laptop>: i tried to find by this command "yum search liblwp-perl" as well as "liblwp" but get response  "Reading repository metadata in from local files" "No Matches found"?
22:33.34tzafrir_laptopwhat distro is it?
22:34.26zeeeshredhat enterprise using ...
22:34.48zeeeshusing asterisk-1.4.4 ..
22:34.55tzafrir_laptopso debian package names won't help, I guess  ...
22:34.56blitzrageuse 1.4.5
22:35.21zeeeshbefore that error i was getting msg ... about ... missing ...
22:35.34zeeeshi hv resolved then get this
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22:37.37GlobeTrotterhe guys i am trying to get ztdummy going,, after i install it i run modprobe and get this error
22:37.39GlobeTrottermodprobe zaptel
22:37.39GlobeTrotterFATAL: Module zaptel not found.
22:39.53GlobeTrotterhow can i verify that i have compiled and installed zaptel corectly??
22:40.04cy303sergee: you still around?
22:40.04aksnowmanis SIP p2p in the server to client sense or like client to client to client sense?
22:40.28mvanbaakGlobeTrotter: did you run: depmod -ae
22:40.58GlobeTrotteryes, i just did,,  it ran with no errors
22:45.42aksnowmannevermind, I see what's going on now :/
22:46.14*** join/#asterisk kombi (n=kombi@
22:47.57kombix-lite registers fine but asterisk doesn't (as a sip client for a sip provider) it might be the old "auth" vs. auth but all googlable patches are heavily outdated. Must I now sniff packets and see what the difference realy is?
22:48.35kombiholy crap.. bot!
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22:49.29mazpewhere can do i find the file recordings?
22:49.34kombinobody is here anywhere, I'll go get drunk instead then (or is there?)
22:49.45kombiwhat are the file recordings?
22:50.03GlobeTrotterhi guys,,  can anyone help me with my zap problem?
22:50.22kombidrinking it is..
22:52.18mazpeis there a way to set a setting so that at anytime from any IVR option or even Voicemail i can go back to the main IVR?
22:53.44*** part/#asterisk nextime (n=nextime@unaffiliated/nextime)
22:54.58cy303Can anyone suggest a way to run a command after a meetme conference has ended?
22:55.08aksnowmanis there a way I could set up asterisk to use softphones with a protocol that would work with clients behind NAT's?
22:55.31aksnowmanie not SIP
22:55.50cy303something like this:
22:55.51cy303exten => s,n,MeetmMe($ARG1},rMS)
22:55.51cy303exten => s,n,System(cmd)
22:56.09cy303unfortunately the System application is never called once the meetme conference ends
22:57.06justdavethe stuff after MeetMe() in the same context/extension is only run if the user is kicked from the conference
22:57.17justdave(or if you have that code enabled to allow people to exit manually)
22:58.57justdaveh extension in the same context might get run when the conference ends (since it hangs up on the caller)
23:01.00ber111is there a 180 minute limit somehow hardcoded in meetme
23:02.34cy303justdave: not having any luck :(
23:08.40justdaveber111: doubt it.  I've had people forget to hang up their phones and stay in a meetme room for a couple days before :)
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23:13.48tzafrir_laptopGlobeTrotter, still problems?
23:14.15tzafrir_laptopwhat error have you got?
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23:20.09GlobeTrotterhi tzafrir_laptop
23:20.27GlobeTrotteryes i cant get ztdummy install
23:21.42GlobeTrotterits seems to compile correctly. but when i modprobe i get an error
23:21.43GlobeTrottermodprobe zaptel
23:21.43GlobeTrotterFATAL: Module zaptel not found.
23:25.43*** join/#asterisk elg (n=fugalh@
23:26.11ManxPowerGlobeTrotter: copy it from the directory in /lib/modules that the install script instaled it into and move it to the correct place.
23:26.31tzafrir_laptopfind /lib/modules -name zaptel.ko
23:26.50tzafrir_laptopthat can copy it to the wrong dir
23:27.07tzafrir_laptopbetter insmod it directly...
23:29.07GlobeTrotteri found it here
23:30.03ManxPowerGlobeTrotter: and 'uname -a' is not returning that kernel version.
23:30.37GlobeTrotteruname returns
23:30.39GlobeTrotterLinux localhost.localdomain 2.6.18-8.el5 #1 SMP Thu Mar 15 19:46:53 EDT 2007 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
23:31.11*** join/#asterisk christopherwhull (n=50114830@
23:31.15ManxPowerand I'll bet you have a /lib/modules/2.6.18-8.el5 directory and that is where the module needs to be copied to.
23:31.41ManxPowerunless your kernel source tree does not match your current kernel, but in that case you have much bigger problems.
23:32.21GlobeTrotterhow do i verify if they match?
23:41.40tzafrir_laptopGlobeTrotter, what's the output of 'uname -r'  ?
23:41.55*** join/#asterisk trinary (
23:42.02tzafrir_laptopah.. ok
23:42.30tzafrir_laptopso it has been built for a different kernel
23:43.18tzafrir_laptoprpm -qa | grep kernel
23:46.01GlobeTrotteryou mean that zaptel has been built for a diffrent kernel?
23:47.08aksnowmanthat version of zaptel is built for the latest dev kernel, you're running the latest stable, that's my understanding
23:48.44GlobeTrotteri downloaded this one
23:49.00GlobeTrotterdo i need this one
23:49.25tzafrir_laptopyour kernel-devel and kernel packages do not match
23:49.53tzafrir_laptopNote the "8" vs. the "8.1"
23:50.00tzafrir_laptopin the version number
23:50.14*** join/#asterisk Cyber-Dogg (
23:50.22GlobeTrotterah ok,,  i see,,,  where can i ge the version that i need?
23:50.37Cyber-Doggso... I'm trying to get two servers setup to work togethe riwth IAX
23:50.37tzafrir_laptopThis is part of the "kernel version string", which is also the name of the directory under /lib/modules/
23:50.49tzafrir_laptopModules get loaded automatically from that directory
23:51.04Cyber-Doggare there any good tutorials on how to setup IAX?
23:51.11Cyber-DoggI don't need dynamic capabilites
23:51.17Cyber-DoggI have static addresses on both systems
23:51.32tzafrir_laptopeither downgrade the headers package (possible?) or upgrade the kernel package and reboot
23:51.36GlobeTrotterunder my /lib/modules and have these three directories
23:51.37GlobeTrotter2.  2.6.18-8.1.6.el5  2.6.18-8.el5
23:51.48GlobeTrotteris that incorrect?
23:52.37tzafrir_laptopthe sample config files have examples for that, IIRC
23:52.51tzafrir_laptopCyber-Dogg, google a bit
23:53.01tzafrir_laptoptons of examples
23:53.28Cyber-DoggI found a lot for dynamic... with users... but I need static peers
23:53.54zeeeshcan i make call conference without using zap channel ?
23:54.02tzafrir_laptopadjust a bit
23:54.11Cyber-DoggI don't know enough to do that... yet
23:54.34tzafrir_laptopfor one direction you have to specifiy the address anyway
23:55.15tzafrir_laptopleave it dynamic for starters. That's easier to see when the other side has successfully registered and thu is available
23:56.29Cyber-Doggso... I haven't set anything up yet... extensions or iax...
23:56.42Cyber-DoggI just installed asterisk and setup the zaptel configuration
23:56.57Cyber-Doggdo I only have to configure extensions and iax to get this to work?

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